HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS GENERAL LEGAL (2)Cr.S cap\q \i\\ctq< Aftsrc,\e- Ar> J I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 w0-479-2138 NOTE: Building--- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > Will CalF-- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT mof-oow{ DR VAIL A-72 R-2 I-B 't'l $1,004.95 Res araft Plan Review--> S5s3.22 DRB Fee------------- > $0.00 RecreationFee--.---..---> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit------>. TOTAL FEES| Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliarcas: 0 566 # of Gss Logs: 0 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees---- > Toial Ferirdt F€e--_-> $0.00 $0.00 $t41.50 $0 .00 $1,802. 6? O-A,-*-L \l 't\':1- t-{-t>",A'- c<-:r^Ao>u THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES " + .I - f 4 ADDiALT MF B{/ILD PERMIT Permit #: 805{&11 Job Address.: 1234 WESTHAVEN Location.,....: LIFTSIDECONDOS ParcelNo....: 210312122N6 project No...: ftt aE- aaC {vlOII'NER IA NECEDAD I,I,C C/O .TIM DOI'R,AS PO BOX 8s49 AVON co 81620 APPIJICAI\M I'OODSTOIilE HOMESI INC. P.O, BOX 3939 VATIJco 816s8 License: 148-A COMTR.ECTOR WOODSTONE TIOMES, TNC. P.O. BOX 3939 VATIJ co 81658 License:148-A Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Information: $101,500.00 ResticEd: Y Desciption: REMODEL AND ADDITION OF MASTER BEDROOM +tiQt'lr*+i!**{.r.**:r*+++***+{.*+***r.****d<r.:B:F*'}***tr**ar*rrra*********r.:*:a:f :rrtt++* FEE SUMMARY 03 / 24/ 2OOs 03/24/2005 Phone; 970-84s-9698 03 /24/2005 Phone: 970-845-9698 ISSUED 03tut?ffis a/22t200s lot19t200.5 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ir,8o2 .67 $0.00 SL | 9O2:67 Approvals: ILEM: O51OO BUTI;DING DEPARTMEI{T 04/oe/zoos cgunion 04/22/2oos cAnrnionto be code compliant with ftem3 O54O0 PITANNING DEPARIT'{EMI 03/25/2oos warren IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT o4/22/2oos rnvaughan Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS Rtl .A]\lcE DUE--- > see notice for info 1) spiral stairwayprior to tco. Action: Dl[ Action: COND rhe 2003 IBC Actlon: AP Action: AP :r,a,Frt&f t++**t*'t**********:a ji*+*t+!t++++++**t**+***rt see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, conrpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I 4gree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, disign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable tlrereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE hT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:0O AM - 4 OFOWNEROR CONTMCTOR FOR HIMSELF PAGE 2**!*tF***'**{'***'t!*{t**:N.***d.*************:************!**,t****,t*,***********{.!F*,*{.**4.tr.*****{.****:F{.:t:&***rtc{.*rtt *{.*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0041 as of 04-25-2005 Starrs: ISSUED:r********rt*:s:t;t****:$:srt18:&*************r************{.***{.*'*r!*****'********rt**:}:F!t:*+***{.is*{r:r:&:!*{.d.**'tG**:k:t!k****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applied: 03t24t2ffi5 Applicanr: wooDsToNE HoMEs, INc. Issuedr Ml2zl2ffis970-845-9698 To Expire: lollgtzws Job Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: LIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 ParcelNo: 210312122W Description: REMODEL AND ADDITION OF MASTER BEDROOM Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQURED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 199? UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S,FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: TTtrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMFS ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0041 Job Address.: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status.....: ISSIJEDIocation......: LIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 Applied...: Mt}4t}ffis Parcel No....r 2rc3D122M Issued ...: 04/2212005 project No...: Expires...: l}llglzffis OI{NER I.,A }IECEDAD I,IJC O3/24/2OO5_ c /o iJrMt DoItRAs PO BOX 8549 AVON co 81620 APPL,ICAIim WOODSTOIIE HOMES, INC. 03/24/2005 phone: 9?0-845-9598 P.O. BOX 3939 VAIL co 816s8 I",icense:148-A coNtRAcToR WOODSTONE HOMES, rNC. O3/24/2OO5 phone: 970-845-9698 P.O. BOX 3939 VAIIJco 81658 Licenser 148-A Desciption: REMODEL AND ADDITION OF MASTER BEDROOM Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: I-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $101.500.00 AddSqFf s66 p Fireplace hfonnation: Resricted: Y i!***:t:r:**:1.!t++r*'l**'ts*:lrlr*d('t*{.*:B:tr*x*l***a+**+**********r.)&:a:*:*'fi.)*:}:a++++t *** FEE SLJMMARY *+++i.tol.*********r.;hrl|f +*+*a*+{*******:t*1.,t***:*{r:f 'F+t:r+l++{.***** Buildiry---- > $1, 004 .95 RestBrant Phn Review- > Plan Check-- > $6s3 .22 DRB F€o------------ > go . 00 Total Calculatcd Fees--> *2,227 .17 go . oo Additional Fees------ >$0. 00 Investigadon- > Wilt calt--- > So.oO Recreation Fee-------- > -'5566.00 Total PotDit Fee------- > 52,227 -L1 $3.00 Clern-upDeposit------> TOTAL FEES--------- > 52,227 .!'t BALANCE DUE-----> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/08/2oos carunion Action: DN see notice for info o4/22/2oo5 cg'union Action: coI{D 1) spiral stairway to be code compliant with the 2003 IBC prior to tco. Ibem: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTII{ENT o3/25/2oo5 vlarren Action: AP rTeM: O55OO FTRE DEPARIT.,ENT a4/22/2oos mvaughan Aetion: AP Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS {d # of Gas Apptiances: 0 # of Gas logs: O # oI Wood PeUe[ 0 $0 . oo Paymenh---------> $2,221 .1"1 $0. oo i PAGE 2***************{.:F:8!****:t*******:t*******lk***********t *********,t:t*{g+*{s*****r****rt***:t***rtt *tc***rt(:t**rt******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8054041 as of M-22-2005 Status: ISSUED*:********{.{.*:ts:***rr*{.***d.***{.*d(***rt *****************,tr*;t+*.********lNr********d.**rF*****r.{.xr*************:*****r(d, Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O3t4t\ffis Applicant wooDsroNE HOMES,INC. Iszued: o4tzztzoos970-845-9698 To Expire: rongn|fls Job Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: LIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 Parcel No: 21031212206 Description: REMODEL AND ADDITION OF MASTER BEDROOM Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 i (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS T0 BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.IIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cord: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 'i *+*{.++*'}+'t*t***:it see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttnt I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to cornply with the information a{d plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinance$ and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdiriiiott codes, diiigrr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of own REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI,'R IIOTJRS IN PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OmcE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ******+:t****++++++++*+++++*+**********************,r****,!*,t**,******************:*++,t**,**,*,t *,**:s TOWNOFVAIL. COI,ORADO Stat€mert*****'i*+**!*!***+*i***********************+************,*,*,****'*,F,s***+****+**********,t****jf*ff*** Statement Number: R0500004d0 Amount: 52,227-!7 04/22/2OO'O4:11 pM Payment Method: Cash IniE.: I_rT Notation: Woodstone Homes / ck L4495 Permit, No: 805- 0041 qZPE: ADD/ALT MF BUII.iD PERMITParcel Nor 2L03-!2L-2200-6 Site Address: 1234 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIL Location s IJIFTSIDE CONDOS A-?2 This Pa].ment:$2 , 227 .17 *'****:t*++**!t!t**+'t***'*************************:$******++**+*tt***r****************+************'t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Totsal Fees: ?otal AIJL Pmts j Balance : s2,227 .L7 $2,227 .L7 $0.00 eurrent Pnts 1, 004 . 95 553.22 s65.00 3.00 BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 RF 111000 03 7,).27 00 wc 00100003112800 BUII,DING PERMTT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES RECREATTON FEES WIITIJ CALL INSPECTION 9EE ,i PAGE 2{.*************************:t****:F!t *'*************:*{c*rF**!****.**********:**:e+*:t,t***:t t,tr*!********:}**:F:f *:t:*:f ****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 805-0042 asofcd.-Z}-Zffi1i Status: ISSUED +*******!F;&***'k***************4.**rt*********:F*r.**************!t*****************{.***,|!{cl***{.*{<,tc{.t!{crF*,8*:******* Permit TWe; ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O3f/'t2ffis Applicant: wooDsToNE HOMES, INC. Issued: Mt22l2w5970-845-9698 To Expire: toftgt?ffis Job Address: 1234,WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: LIFTSIDE CONDOS, UNIT B-52 Parcel No: 2I03l2l220t7 Description: REMODEL AND ADDITION TO MASTER BEDROOM, UNIT B-52 Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIJIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC,310.9.1 OF THE 1997I.JBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]IRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTSD. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to tlris permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, eompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree io comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, Gsign review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADB TWENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OLiR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET *+++++******{.*'t{.{r{r*!t+******************++*********+******'}******++*+*************+*****+{r*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Permie No: 805-0042 TYPC: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMITParcel No: 21,03 -12!-22OI-7 Si-te Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIIJLocation: IJIFTSIDE COIIDOS, I]NIT B-52 This Palment :sr,377.s2 ++++*+*+**{.***:t {.**:t*********+***********:**********+++++++*+**********,}**********,}+,t,********* ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account code Description Current Pmta Total Fees: ToIaI ALL Pmt.s : Balance: $1t377.52 i!,377.s2 $0.00 BP 001000031r.1100 PF 00L000031123 00 RF 11100003!r2700 wc 00100003112800 BUf I.,DING PERMTT FEBS PIJATiI CHECK FEES RECREJAT IOTI FEES WILI, CAIJI' INSPEETION FEE 533.6s 4LL.87 329.00 3 .00 Buildinq Permit #: rcWnapw:IL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 quired CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PE For Parcel # Contact Eaqle C 4ss ( ***'r*'t********************************FO R OFflCe USE O N Ly************************************** ,/ A,PPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #:as-40e.6 ON ical, et{.! lr' ' . '.,,t'lYlirra(j_JJ 1r-;. -;"-r:.t,t?EV Gerreral Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: Emait addresst Wt l/0/4E Contractoy$igngfure; RMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ 3 Z, OO 0 ELECTRICAL: $ !>: t" 0 0 T]q/;d*i,';fT* PLUMBING:$ l,Lt}0 I/ECHANTCAL: $ T,000 rorAl:$ Ll(,f00 ontact Lagte county Assessors office at 970-329-9640 orvisit www.eaqle-countv. Pn.lcef ,f 2ic=lZtzzof Job Name: U A tf E* 5 ?Li Fr </2E ( 0A//0 /il/,1/r //ru 4 Job Address: / 73 4 wFrr H,q/F-/t/ DR. Legal Description ll Lot: ll atocr<: ll riting,S u bd ivision: owners Name: ,U n 0 E ,< n Address:Phone: Arch ltect/Desio ner: ARLft lfa/7il n At bERill/tr"-s]ff'tt^ z.Qr trDv/Af,y',. r/).g/.Phone:3n 42/n --ztO r Engineer: iy4 Address:Phone: Detailed description oi * Workclass: New() AdditionpQ Remoder (r{ Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: lnterior (/) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Ves (,.\) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Twojamily ( ) Multi{amity (,,{ commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding: l/tl No. of Accommodation Units in this burlding ///U No/Type of Firepl?g ptiances (x) Gas Logsl ) {ood/peltet ( ) wood Burninq ( VType of qrgplaces s Apptiances ( ) Orr Lonil ) ,".*"*t ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALm Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes ({ Nol-l Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ()fl No ( FlUsers\JSUtheAnewBLDGPERM.DOC 1lr,,A \ 6t1,5L 07 t28t20a4 sent Eyr Anchitectunal services p.c.; s70s26761 0; Man-24-05 12:05pM; page 3/3 wFftDE JmurylE,2{X}5 To: Towrr ofVail From: Li{tside Fq6rd ofDiroctor* Drvid Sra4jond, Frcride$l Rq A-72 Expulsio'n Ptang lb lYhom Il May Conccrn: The Borrd of Directorr at Uftsid€ Condonniniums has rcpicwod rnd approvcd drc exparnsion plans tlmcrl l2-1ffi4 for unit A.72. Thc cxpnnrion ir within ths existing Limilrd Columon ElemEnt; 4pwtcnani te unit A-7?- If 1ou hrre wry qucnions. FleEs€ cocrtact r$e buildiog manags. Thl AJbrcohr at *79- 9r00. David Stru{ord, Prceidcnt Fa-v;fr'a Liltsiilo Coudo,uriniors Arsociuion :*-;.;;+;.'.' .;,L.j- | io'q 1 (!() . t:.rr oro -r7,1 +oHol.Ilflfia.r'., ^ . , FEBtaS.eEBs t?: ffi'l N0.786 P.t/? Design Reviqry Boad ACTION FrORl,l Depabnent of ommunity Dadqfi€nt 75 so'rtrt Fontaoe Road, VeiL erba& 8165/ tel: 970.479.2139 tdrq 970.479.2452 !t/eb: www.cl,vijleo.us Projact Namel MADERO REs. ADDIIoN DRB ?{rrrfi€n DRE05m36 RoFctDescdpilor: GRFA ADDMONTIIROUGH TI{E USE OFT}IE INTERTOR COfiN'ERSION PROI/ISIONS OFTHE @DE-INCREASES MASTER EEDROOM SIZE AND CIOSET SpACE AV sZS SUARE reer. ooes NOT INAJDE ANY DfiERIOR CIIANGES TO THE STRUCTURE. Partidpants: OWNER UFISIDE BSt tNC 0?03/2005 Fhone: 1234WESTHAVEI{ DR VAIL co 8169 U@nse: APFUCANT UFTSIDEBS2INC OUO3/2005 Phone: 1234 WESNTA\EN DR MIGUEL MADERO VAIL @ 816s7 liense: . __ lryj!$ Address: 1234 tilEsfttAvEir DR VAIL Lo€aron:UFISIDE CONDOS, UNIT B-52 l€sal Descrlptonl Lotl Blodc grbdlvision: cascde conmenta: sEE coNDmoNs BOAnD/SIAFACnOn llotionBy: Acuon: STAFFApRS€Gond Bnrtoh: DafteofAppurah 02i09/200s Gondltione: cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be rnade wiftout ttn rruriten consent of Torrn ofVail sEff and/or ure appropridte rcvleni commitee(sj. Cord:0 (Plil'l): DRB appltrnl does not oiltsfitu& a pemlt for buildirg. please orcuft widrTov,n of Vail BuiHfrE personnel prtor b consUuflon aAiviUesl Cond: ?01 lne.aqqryvat snafi not beome valid Sr Z0 daye fofiowtrg the &@ d appmvEl.Cond: 202 Approwl of tr's Foiect shail bpse and beoome rord one (1) year milowirng the dab , FEB.,a,3.?AW 1e:43PN Fto.7E6 P.?/? 9lTrl39p|o.,al, untess a buifdlng pennit ts Lssued ard orEtuIctto{l b qilmer@d 1o i $ltSenr|pursrd owad iinprEtonCond: CCN0m69t7 There sha' be rF erGrbr modituthns onstruded a5 a part d hh appricatbn. Plannsr; Warren Camp0ell DnB Fee Fait : $Boo.OO Foathills Environmental, lnc, l|rdr{tttisl Hy,!*an€, Safett & €nvirotrmentsl 9eivkes March 18, ?005 Architectural Services, P.C. Attn: Danny Swertfeger 210 Edwards Village Boulevard Edwards, CO 81632 Re; Asbestos lnspection at Liftside Condomirrirun, Unit B-52 Dear Danny, At your request Foothills EnvironrnentaL collected asbestos bulk sarnples of suryect materials at condo B-52 at the Liftside Condominium complex in Vail, C.olorado. In particular, samples wEre oollectod to facilitate renovalion activities that would impaci suspect asbestos containing materials inside the condominium. An a$eetos inspectnr oertified by the colorrdo Department of Public Health & Envircrnmert conducted the asbestos inspection. T.he following table summrizes tfie sample reults of the drywall material and spray-on texture collected for this project: The drywall sanrples and fireproofing spray-on texture collected did not contain asbestos and are considered asbestos-free. It is recommended that if additional renovation aetivities are plarmed that may impact other suspect asbesbs ccntaining materials beyond the scope ofthis inspectiog then additional sanrples be coilected t{} ensure all materials are pmperly characterized prior to disturbance. A copy of the arrall'tical report is attache.d for your reference. .. Ssit? rU2, G€ld*n,Colarado BO4OI Fhon€: {3031 132-2554 Fax: {3O3) 2}l+96S : :&ssb Mruibs lF-l-1 Wall texture & drywall; Bedroom lo{t, north wall None Detected LF-l-2 Wal[ texture & drylvall; Bedroom loff, east wall Ij'-1-3 Wall texture & dr5nvall; Bedroom loft, east w.all None De{ccted Wall texture & drywall; Loll hallway, north wall Wall texture & drywall; Bedroom loft, northeast wall LF-2-t Spray-on bearn fireproofing; Wall void None Detected LF-2-2 Spray-on beam fireproo{ing; Wall void None Detected If'-2-3 Sprey-on beam fireproofinq; Wall void None Detected Ox :ras f,+a f,trgF*39e"c x zr 6Q gfi *:!. -l (l afr *ai B3m383+rllom =9,9,i{m'g-zQ q gIP; FFA H aBs = GE.<tn gEx REOrpzli =E*m4;2a:-l-H>r-* =rr Ea$gE$r"r " pBF Hct.p Fgt,az ,88.' Ft s8!E E iF$;Fl o { ol t.{ 6 e. q c P : (t,f llaoo N' l\) st ,.1-' €t \ 'lt € t-rT} t)5 FT ttr l-rrFrrPT F ?|\}i,ht-t.l(,r ir i. & A. zsc,et= B*g ggg g g P g g ro <o @ .(() a(t ao (o @(n (rr (n (n gr (|.r (n (n -a(, <t </t (rt 1n Gt Cal (,t.DaDaGotp0o@@roo{@a-tri}.oo\t EF :!: Itq 3C'F > > > rb> {D> rE> |n> rD> ,E E 6 dg 45 E'g Eg Eg ggsagFEFEEgEEF B e Sq'$q € C F E E3 E3 Es Es E1; ; d -3 -+ -1 =5 =3ggg e -6 tr 6 d;;; g E g E g |!oo co (rr ro or @{Jr ro &J !o s,eOO-{'{-^l-.t{oo(t tm<>r .= -O Otsg.5 F.qz s.EgF'ae, z z, 2 zz, z, z. z,z 2,2 z.zo o E ctE c'E' ct ct E E E s E e t|l* :|3<.r r(- r-r -{ iJ --t -{N Ar r{ (:U oE c,tr 6F <3io o *a.r$u qr s 6 (o l> (Do (Do roo (ooc! c! d 6cr .50 crcl a5 e! o6 (tofEr ceEf Flease do not hesitate to contact me ar (303) 232-2660 if you have any questiom regarding this report. Best regards, m""*ffi*,F-r# '3 i i. J; ffi; 3 &', w$ ,i.rysry'4f Amc mrrucr"trLrlRA r Snmvt cus lp d- 210 Ddn'ards Village Blvd. . C-202. PO. Box 3B5 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Phone: 970.926.7605 . Fax: 970.926.7 670 April20, 2005 Chris Gunion Town of Vail, Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Unit B-52 Liftside Condominiums (Madero Residence) Permit No. 805-0042 Existing Spiral Stair Code Compliance Dear Chris: I have discussed the above referenced issue with Mr. Madero and he has directed me to have the Contractor provide a railing at the interior of the stair to create a tread width that will comply with the Building Code. We discussed this idea and you seemed to be receptive to it. I also asked -Chadie Davis if it would be acceptable to him, and he indicated that it would be, but the balusters would also have e to comply I hope this will allow you to release the Building Permit for this project as soon as possible. I have to be out of town for the next few days due to an illness in my famity and will not be in my office until Wednesday 4-27-O5. Please call if you have any questions, I can be reached on my cell phone at (970) 376-32s6. John Clouatre, Woodstone Homes {# # Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL S Copy To: Miguel nny TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 nu479-2t35 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : ALARM PERMIT 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL LIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 210312122006 ?&s6-oa3 t/ FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee-------- > Paymcnts---------- > BALANCE Dl'E..--.-- > 405-0039 ISSUED Mt02t2w5 06/15/2005 t2n2t20[,5 s281.31 $o .00 $281 .31 $281 .31 $0. 00 OWNER APPIJICAI{I CONTR,ACTOR Desciption: Valuation: Electrical------ > DRB Fee------- > Investigation--- > Will Call---:: > TOTAL FEBS-- > Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI!{EI{I 06/04/2005 mcgiee 06/02/z}os OF 06/02/2005 Phone:97 0- 51_3 - 7100 o5/02/zoos Phone:970- 513 - 71_00 LA I{ECEDAD IJIIC c/o JrM DonRA.€i PO BOX 8s49 AVON co 81520 COMMERCIAIJ SPECIALISTS WESTERN COI,ORADO, IJIJC P.O. BOX 1572 SIIJVERTHORNE co 80498 License: l-51--S COMMERCIAI, SPECIAIISTS WESTERN COI,ORADO, I.LC P.O. BOX 1572 SIIJVERTHORNE co 80498 ticense: 151-S ADD 2 SINGLE STATION SMOKE AND 1 SPEAKER $1.235.00 $0. 00 $0.00 $0.00 93.00 $281.31 Act,ion: AP '.*t*{.***il*dl***!t*******'!****t*i.il*d<i:*t!*{.t{.***********:.lt*:t*{.*a+*+1i*ttt+*+|*+t*+|'l*:|'|**CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL *****,!*'****+***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RDQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR IIOIJRS IN ADVANCn BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM E:00 AM - s PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **++*******+*****c.*******1.*:**!*******************+****f,,******************:****,r*r*,r**:F++****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-15-2005 rt t2t40:45 06tr5/200s Statement r'd'r'**,i't l *,1*r,**********+***,F't*********:t!t******,t ******++***********+****,!***,t*+*+***,$,r**,;t**++ Statement Nrrniber: ROSOOOO8 9 Amount: Payment Method: Check Specialists / ck L0404 $281.31 05 / Ls I zoosr2 :37 ptt! Init: LTNotation: Conunereial Pern|.it No: Parcel No: Sit,e Address: Location : ThiE Payment: BP 0 0 L0 00031L110 0 PF 001000031123 0 0 wc 00100003112800 A05- 0 03 9 Tltpe ! AJ,ARM PERMIT 2LO3-L2L-2200-6 1234 WESTHA\IEN DR VAIL IJIFTSIDE COIIDOS A- 72 s281.31 Tola.l Fees ! Total- AIIJ Pmts : Balance : $281 . 31 $281- . 31 $o. oo***'t**+*+********+++****'t***+******+***++**'i**,!***,*******:*****************************{.{.'t *** ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Current Pmta FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES PIJAN CIIECK FEES W]LI, CALI, INSPECTTON FEE 46.31 232.OO 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: Iocation.....: Parcel No...: Project No : DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEYEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 8054063 6a"g-oo4 t 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL LIFTSIDECONDOS A-72 2IQ3I2I22N6 /t) , tfr1 ogt -oo 3f ISSUED o4t27t2ffi5 05to2t2w5 rot29t2ffi5 OWNER I,A NECEDAD I,I,Cc/o JrM DoItRAs PO BOX 8549 AVON co 81620 APPI,ICANT DANICI EIJECTRIC PO B,OX 7246 ERECKEI{RTDGE co 40424 License: 114 -E CONTRACTOR DA}IICI EI-,ECTRIC PO BOX 7246 BRECKENRIDGE co ao424 License:1L4-E 04/27 /2oos 04/27 /2oos Phone: 970-390-1173 04/27 /2oo5 Ptrone: 97O-39O-LL73 Desciptionl Valuation: MOVEAND ADD ELECTRICAL IN UPPER LEVEL $8,000.00 Electrical---- > DRB Fee----- > lnvestigation- 2 Will Call------ > TOTAL FEES* > $sl.7s $0.00 50.00 $3.00 $54.7s s54 .75 $0.00 $s4 .7s s54 .75 s0. 00 FEE STJMMARY Totrl Calculated Fees-> Additioml Fees-----> Toral Permit Fee----) BAI*ANCE DUE----.-> Approvals: ITCM: OSOOO EIJECTRICAT DEPARII{ENT 04/27lz00s Jg Action: AP ITem: O55OO FIRE DEPART!,IENf *,t +*+f*********!ti. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODF COMPLIAITCE **+*{.a+{.*+1.+++!.++*++++tr+++l++*!i+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in ftrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wiO al Town ordirunces and sate laws, and to build this strueture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TET EPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM, **:*****+++*+++++*++********************+*f +++*+***'r,i**'*'**'i****'r'***:*:*'*'i.i'*rt ,t,i*,*,f ,f *,*,**********'f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatcnEllt+++*++*+++*+++++++*****+*********************+*,t,**,1***r***,**:s**,t*,t********,t:t*rt**+*********** Statement Nuniber: R050000520 ;qmount: iS4-75 OS/02/2OOSO3:45 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: DaliciElectric a024 Fermit No: 805-0063 l\rtr>e: ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2103 -r21-2200- GSite Addres6: 1234 TIESTHAVEN DR VAIIJ IJOCAtiON: IJIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 Tota1 Fees: $54.75This Payment 3 $54,75 Total AIrIJ Pmtss: 954,25Balance: $0,00***'t*********'*r*'*******,*'***** *'*'**'f ******************!t*+*+**:t*****{.************,r,},*,t****{.:f,'r!rrt** ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: AccounE, Code Deecription Current pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJI' CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE 51.75 3 - 00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR TOWNOPYATL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION -($3V Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #; 9V O- 47 9 - 2149 (I nspections) Electrical Contractor: Alatcr $thar4c r-p<- Town of Vail Reg. No.: il+- E Contact and Phone #'s: 9to-zqo ^tl-13 E-Mail Address: c-ontractor t'*b-.- " C4r _- COMPLETE SQ, FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR AtL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMoUNToF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE: @ XOOfuA ELECTRTCAL VALUATTON: $ (,ooo Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel# Z\AT l2_l zzao/z Job Name: UN lT A -12 Lt trT 3 /06 toPjor'\ P t vrr\9 rob Address: ru3+ w Eg4hf7l 0R. Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Namei 1r\ft(aT1p67 ll Address:Phone; Ensineer: 'rlv<-2\zsEg ll Adffo"rfiox 3y< g0"4p09 .o ll phone: 1z t _z t ry description of work: NOW rtpo ft00 Qcecfnlm fr{S0 tN ufPg( WorkClass: New() Addition(yQ Remodel (X) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ($ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes $( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family Q! Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ruo (A) l-doesfsprinkler System Exist: Yes (K) No ( ) 5v \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPER]Vl.DOC TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKLER PERMIT 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL LIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 2103t2122N6 Q6'tro?oo3Y oWNER I,A NECEDAD LI,c 05,/05/2005 C/O JIM DOT]RAS PO BOX 8549 AVON co 81520 APPLTCAIiF EXCET, FrRE PROTECTTON, rNq 05/05/2005 phone 970-434-4A03 s35-31 1/2 ROAD #B GRAND .'TJNCTION co 81504 License: 544 -S coNrRAeroR ExcErr FIRE pRoTEcrroN, rNc 0s/os/2005 phone: 970-434-4803 s36-31 1/2 RoAD #B GRAND JT'NCTION co 8L504 License:544-S Descipionr ADD SPRINKLER HEADS TO EKSTING SYSTEM Valuation: $3,893.00 FEE SIIMMARY Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : S0.00 Reshrsralt Plan Review-> $3 50 .00 DRB F€€..__------..- > 90. o0 TOTAL FEES-------> s3.00 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: F05-0022 go . oo Total Calcu.lat€d Fees-- > $0.00 AdditionalFe€s------> 3518 .45 Total Permit Fe€*-------- > ISSUED 05/05/200s 06/22/2W5 Mechanical-- > Plar Check-- > InYestigation- > Will Call----> $s18.45($3.00) $s15 .45 $518.45($3.00)BALANCE DUE------ > ******:|.+++t****+*t*,.+++******l.'}+*:.$a**********:r*:.****:td.'**+:*?!F**dr***t|+++:t$l.,t.**'.*:l**'t* Itemt 05100 BUIL,DING DEPART|4ENT It.em: 05600 FIRE DEPART|jENT 06/02/2005 mvaugtran Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 .1."*?.?;J.;..1---t'1.*.IJ,.t,..T-".I.T.o-TS-.H..-TffJ.1l.t.3-J.9-.:llF.9*.-T**.S.oP.1..9.o.y:**tH*"f;n*n***{.:r+{.ir**,i'F*,i**d!*r{.:i**{.:,r* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap'plication, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot ptan, and state that atl the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAI)E TWENTY-ITOURS IN ADVAI{CE}Y TELEPHONE AT 47S.2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. ATUREOF CTOR FOR AND OWNEF ************** *** + * * * * * * * + * * * * * * + * *:*****+************************+******+*++**+**#**++****** TowN oF VAIL, coloRADocopy Reprinted on e6-22-2a0s sr t3:03:49 a6t2a2oa5 Statement +***+***+******+*******++*****+*******+**'$**'t**********!+*************:t *+********{.**+****t *** StaLement Number; R050000537 Amount: gS1g.45 OS/OS/2OOSO2:41 pM Payment Method: Check Init; JSlilotation: 62975/F.XCEL FTRE PROTECTTON Permit Noi FO5-0O22 q4)e: SPRINKLER PERMITParcel No: 2L03-72L-22O0-6gice Address: 1234 WESTHAVEII DR VAfLIrocalion: TIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 Total Fees: 5515.45?his Payment: $518.45 Total Alrrr pmts:. $518.45Balance: ($3,00)!t:t*:*'**'3.t't+!t+*:&**************:!{r******+********************f***++*++******++**+*****+++*+***** ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: Aqcount code Description eurrent pmts BP OO1OOOO31.111OO SPRINKLER PERMTT FEES 165.45 PF 00100003LL2300 pl,AN CHECK FEES 3s0.O0 wc 00100003112800 WILL CArt INSPECTTON FEE 3.00 APPLICATIO}I WLI. i{OT 8E ACCEPTED IF iNCSMPLETE OR U Froject #: -ssY <-<- 'TWWNWYAIL 75 S. Fronta Vail, Cot r Flans rnust be submifted by a Registered Fire Frotection Contractor. Fire Sprinkler: $ lt***1r****+*Jr*****rr**f ******ik**'*er******rNFoR oFFlcE usE oNLy*********tr******************r!i!**1r**** Br.rilding Fermit #: Fire $prinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit iubmittal and CONTRACTOR IhIFOR.MATION COMPL$TE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materiatsl Town of Vail Reo. No.:ntact and Phone #'s: ho Contact Assessors Office at 970.328-8640 or for Farcel #P"'""t* .f ldSrAte}l Job Name: F?s $e cNJ ao4-i'.1 i }t/t.?er,|-6oa,-JobAddress: lLeq Ugv44val WZlttE - ht:tr A-Vz- Lesal Descriprion ll r-ot: il Btoct<: ll Fling:Subdivision: Owners Name: lrt +n_n-nt gZ_Address: €wm rhontrffiw EiEk**'a'.-o'*u'u;tihu7=""'oitg{1w Deiailed Location of work: l4Nrr A-yl-(i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) ueraleo oescflptton ol worl(: I ,_, . fup S/g*ta- /@Ps p Aryf y9 €yn*" workolass: New() Addftigl!4_R"Tlg9f@Reoair( ) Retro-fit( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-famiiy ( ) Two-famity ( ) Multi-famity!& Commerciat ( ) Restaurani ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwetting Units in this build,lg: Nlp No. of Accommodaiion Units in this buildinO: 61f4, Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yesffi No 1 I Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (;Q No ( ) \\Vail\dotdcdev\FORlvtS\PERMjTSLSPRKpERM_DOC 07l24naa2 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 97U47y2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT PErMit #: MO5-OO64 Job Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: LIFTSIDECONDOS A-72 ParcelNo...: 210312122M ProjectNo , p11 ,f-Doa+ a4/&/2oa5 Ba{-oo4 t Stahrs...: ISSUED Applied. . : M11912ffi5 Iszued. . : 04125/?&5 Expires. .: l0lz2lzffis OWNER LA I{ECEDAD IJLC c,/o .TrM DouRAs PO BOX 8549 AVON co 8L520 APPIJICA}IIT MEADOW MOIIIiITAIN PIJJMBING,/IIEO /I9/2OO5 PhONC: 970-479.298L P.O. Box 4554 VaiI co 81653 ticense: 241-M CoNTRACTOR MEADOW MOTINTAIN pr,UMBrNc/HEO4/3-9/2005 phone: 970-479-2981 P.O. Box 4564 Vail co 816s8 License: 247--Yl Descipion: REWORK EXISTING DUCTWORK TO OBTAIN MORE SPACE, ADD DUCT TO NEW SPACES Valuation: $14,000.00 Fireplace Infomation: Restrictcd: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 f of Wood Pellet 0 *+*:t ++1.**r*****r*+*+*,*****:|*:|:t{.*****t+***'tr****t *++*+***,td.+*+t*:*****'i*+i FEE suMMARy i.**i(i.'ts'**+*t***r!*i(*tri*!F*****d.'**1..t:*1.***t:a+:a*ra:F*lr*+t**,r1,i't *:|*** Mechanical--> $280.00 Restuara Plan R6view--> 90.00 Total Calculaed F€ea-- > $353.00 Plar Check--> $'to.oo DRB Fee-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees------> $0.00 Investigation- > 90,00 TOTAL FEES--> $3s3.00 Total Permit Fe+-----> $353,00 Will Call-----> $3 . oo Payrnerlts-.*---..----] 9353 , 00 BALANCE DUF____-> i0 .00 **!t|i.++********ir* IIeM: O5]-OO EUILDI}IG DEPARTMEMf O4/22/2Oos carulion Actlon; AP Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARTI,IEIII CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTToNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COII{PL,IAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONArR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 VMC' OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAITLATION MUST COIIFORM To MANUFACTIIRES IIISTRUCTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 T]MC. CITAPTER ].0 OT TI{E 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BT,DG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SIIAITL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER I AIID SHAt-,Ir TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED III SEC.8O5 Or THE 199? U!{tC, oR CHAFTER I OF TIIE 1997 rMC. eond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO I{EATrNG EOUIPMENT MUST COMptry WrTH CIIAPTER 3 A}ID SEC.].ot-? ot' THE 199? t]MC AND CITAPTER 3 OF THE 1-997 rMC.Cond: 31 (BLDG' ) : BOILERS SHATJIJ BE MOUNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBIISTIBLE COITST- UIIIJESsLISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON COMBUSTTBLE FI-,OORING. Cond! 32 (BI.DG.): PERMIT,PIANS AND CODE AI{AIJYSTS MUS? BE POSTED TN MECHANICAIJ R,OOI4 PRIoR TO A}T TNSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond3 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI, ROOMS CONIAINING HEATINc OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BO]IJERS SHAIJL, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIII PER gEC. lA22 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR sEcTIOlr 1004.6 0F TI{E 1997 IMC. *i.+****d!*:lr***'t *+* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the infonnation r€quired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchrre according to tlrc towits zoniqg ard zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinarrces of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR M OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. :t**'*****'*:********'f**'+++******+******+**'*t!*'*****,r***********!r+********+*****!r*,***********+!**!* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StaGment**+*****************,r.*:**+**********{.***:}*******+f*******t*********+*tt *****++*.t'***'t!*+**{!*{,*** Statement Number: R0500004?1 Anount: Pa)rment Method: Check H 't347 $11s.50 04/2s/2OO5O1 :13 PMfnit: DDG Notagion: Meadow Mtn, P & Permi t No: Parcel No: site Address : IJocation: This Payment: PF 00100003LL2300 PP 001000031-1-1100 wc 00100003112I00 P05-0037 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT 2LO3-L2t-2200-6 1234 WESTHAVETiI DR VJIII, LIFTSIDE COI{DOS A.72 $l1s. s0 Total Fees: Total AIrIJ Pmts ! Balance: $lXs. s0 . $11s.s0 $0.00**************++******+***************++++*******+**{r******:}*'*******++,t,r!r*.s!t'*!*'**:**!*'}****'r!tt'} ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Currertt Pmts PIAN CFIECK FEES PIJT]MBING PERMTT FEES WI],L EAI,I, INSPEC?ION FEE 22.50 90.00 3.00 *'l"F*****'i****+***+***+*++*****dr**+********+++*********+++***,f't!*****+*****,******'*+***'******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemexrt**+**!*:***{.***+******************++****,}********:t**r}****+++**+**+*t**+++*****+*****+*******!r* Statement Nunber: R050000470 Amount: Payment Method: check 7347 9353.00 o4/25/20O5O1 :12 P[rl Init r DDG lilotation: Meadow MUn P & H Pernl.it No: M05-0064 T!4)e: MECHANICAIT PERMITParcel llo: 2103-121-2200-6 SJ"TC AddrCES: ].234 WESTHAI/EN DR VAII, Locatsion: ITIFTSIDE COI{DOS A-72 Tota!. Feee:This Palment:$3s3.00 Total AIJ., Pmts i Balance: 9353.00 $353.00 $0.00***'***+*******'**+++****f,*******{.****'t**++**+****'r***+**********************************,}'**** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descripeion Current F,tntss MP PF wc 00100003111100 001000 031L23 00 00100003112800 },IECI{ANT Ca,JJ PERMTT FEES PI,AIiI CHECK FEES WIIrL CAITIT IIISPECTION FEE 280.00 70.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRCI\TTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 w0479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P054037 BaC- oa4 ( Job Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Shars . . . : ISSUED Location.....: LIF-TSIDE CONDOS A-72 Applied. . : Mfi9tAffisPatcelNo...: 2IA3t7l22CfJ6 Issued. .: MIZSIZWS ProjectNo | ?itnE.-nn-,t, Expires. .: L0l22l2Ws- ' ?1oq-ooazf owNER r_,A NECEDAD lJrrc o4/19/2oos CilO iTIM DOI]RAS PO BOX 8549 AVON co 81620 APPLTCAIIT MEADOW MOrrNrArN pIJUMBINc/rrEo4/tgl2OOs phorre: 97O-479-298t P.O. Box 4554 Vail co 81558 Lieense:241-M COIITRACTOR MEADOW MOUNTATN PIJUMBING/HEAOA/t9/2OOS phone: 970-479*298L P.O. Box 4564 VaiI co 8L658 Lricense: 288-P Desciption: MOVE ONE E)(ISTING PIPE INTO WALL AND ADD A SHOWER, WATER CLOSET AND LAVATORY IN NEW BATHROOM Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplace Information: R€striced: ?? # of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? :f*x:;:*:*'**d!:i****dr***,i'a:******L*****'**{.+:i!t*:*:t:t**:!:l***:t *'}**:t*,a**d.rt*+****** FEE suM![.ARY +:t:t 'i++:a+t:t:t***{.*:t****'t*r}+!*+**r*:t **:1.***i.*!.r}+:F*t******:i****rt rt't* Plumbing--- > $90.00 Reshrarant Plan Review- ) S0.00 To{rl Calculated Fees--> S11s.5o Plan Check-- > $22. s0 DRB Fee----------- > $o . 0o Additional Fe€s------> $0. 00 Investigation- > $0 . oo TOTAL FEES-----> 5115 , 50 Toal Pemit Fee------> $115 . 50 \ryi[ Call----> $3. oo Payrenb BALANCE DUE__-_--> 50.00tt+**t**:F,F1i.***i***+**tt**tt*i{.** Item: 051"00 BUIITDING DEPARTI{EIfI O4/22/2OOS cgunion Aetion: AP rtem: 05500 FIRE DEPARmtErflf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FfELD INSPECTfONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply wi0r the inforrnation ad plot plan, to comply witfr aU Town ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinarrces of the Town applicable thereto. REQT]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWBMY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OI,'R OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM . 4 PM, APPIICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR oJ'- rumv0F Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #r COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING pERMIT (Labor & Materials) Offtce at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel .# Par t # TlDJ!ZJl2-o0/ too*u '' /.'fi"'"l, l,r,lr', )-ryt JobAddress: /BLl ln/rdL*^ L, Legal Description ll l-ot: ll eOck: ll riling:Subdivision: Owners Name:, I I c- Jl/4.a l.I lt(l Address: MTllPhone: Enqineer: I t l '''a'h' tcofi&l' /l{#W Jis^r,icar Address: /.O- fl* *= d.J6ll Phone: f2/- ?rcr Detaihd description of work: r4"r+ t4 1.u.1r" L n.--.- J, A-*,, G". H* | \JWorkClass: New() Additiong{ Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamity (X ) Commercial ( ) Resraurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (y/) Contact *rr****************+*:t******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******r.********!t***r.**********'t*rttr*** \\VAihdAtA\CdEV\FORMSWE RMITS \PLMBPE RM. DOC lr9* 07t26120m APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR o.J'- oCI? mtr'ry0F 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (LaboT & MateTia|s) PLUMBING: $ Conbct Assessorc office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcet # 1lf ?l!llZ'7K JobAddress: /B('l ln/rr/L*^ L, LesalDescription ll Lou ll atock ll ritins:Subdivision: oraners *ut"7. a*.l) I t (Address: MTllehone: Enqineer: l t 1*4'kffi)l- /lSSeeHte+ .(rzryic.c r Address: /.O- fl* *_s d.J6ll phone: fZ/- ZtAr Detailed description of worl.*/ /.&-,)^ ).-1"ftt: New( )Addition ($ Alteration ( )Work Class:Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multj-family (y ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (1) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************************rr******** \\Vail\dala\cdev\f ORMSWERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC lr{Y- 0712612002 lH1-2005 Inspecflq! Requ$t R8[ror0ng PasB 17 Requested Insp€ct Drte: Tuesdry, August 02, 2005' tnspcc{on Ar6a: Ca Slb Address: 123f UESIHA\GN DR VAIL UFTS|OE CONDOS 4.72 ArPrD lnlbrmallon Acfirltn: Consil TVtr5:onihrApdlcant lllCOG Cohbactor: V1EoOS It€m: R€qu$ior: Commarli: Asdgned To:A.lbn: Co|n||qlt T\rp€: A-ltlF Occupa-ncy: HX'{XX1 fl.fc. ll.lG. ASa. Pil. sdn can It cDAVtg TLm Exffit[ulED cl-tAtscAlco| SubTVoe: AMF Sbtrs:[he: l€ hspArea: Phorn: 97S84$9SB PlDm: 97G8il+!EE Acdon: APAPPROVED R{EY CC}T{FIRTGOT|.IAT RequesbdTlme: 10:00 At' Phofr: 91,{6045 Er&rad By: OGCTLDEN K PHOTTE TI-EY COiF|RT,ED lllAT hISPECTION llAD ISSIJED CG Comment atchabcl b provlde ft or__crmmitnenl to repbce pfral sull pfbr b tssuanc€ of p.mlt - CGthltON Conm€|t: spdnller ar*l abrm modncatbrE refl[orl. - m/AfJGl-lAN Comnl€fit Fbm tpprotod wlth conrf0on of frrlrig the sFir€l rtrlrrry per codo ss ditrl€d by th€ trchhcl. - OGt illotl Rcoucsbd lnrDccdon(3! R€lrlOOEL OF IIIASTER BEOROO}, ROIJIED TO CHRIS GUNIO[{. WARR€N CAfIIPBELL A}.ID RRE - JSUTHER 00 BU)Gflnal YrooIlsToNE t'€t|Es, t|rc. BEENCAI.ICELED lnso€c{on Hlsbrv Coiiln nt hem: 80 BLDGSheofock l,lall - Apyroved * lbm: 226bm: lOlbm: 20 Item: 30 FIRE DEPT. 'IOnFICAIION8lD&Foolhro-S-leel BLDGFoun&ton/S-belBLDSFranhq - ADorov€d * 6/13/05 -lnsoector: GCC! ' Actlon: DN DEI{ED COmtrrnT I,FIRE DEPT PERTiIITS IN APPROVED STATUS. 2.IECH RET'I,,G REOD.(8,16/05 lnsDector: GCD Actlon' APAPFROVED Comment frem: fl) BlDe,hs|lblbn "Ao9rov€d* _0dld05 Inspeclor: GCD' (b/:xv(,6 Cofiumol(EEt/06 Commentilr BLDeMbc.S BLDG'FImI o7l29(F Cormant: tn Deciofi GcD '- Action: APAPPROVED ADD 5/8 TYPE X TO CORE BOARD AT SIIAFT IN CTOSETADD A8 TYPE X TO CORE BOARD AT S}AFT IN CIOSET, BAT}I I\rc)T TT,J}.IG. lnspector: @D Acfion: APAPPRdGD TAYER ADOED TO CORE BOARD tbm: lbm: u?^btItem: 53{ PLAN - FIt.lAL cJO * AtprovEd - REPT131 .la CANCELED Run Id: 3469 OC0t-2005 --tnspection nequest neporilng4',24om vrtt nfa- ct+n rt+ REPT131 Run Id: 3469 T'oe, a a i,'",|t'a lJ r"."i ' t Doar.- 7#' r D) C t' -cr''.,. t-.. L "(..4 u" L(/ L t, .' r- ?/L/- to{r J c A .; o'f wuaot"ln-. thn,'t - v/sl'rrtrs' Lt#Ho* **rys,1F:F,il3r*nn t"*to Requested Inspect Date: Frldav. Ju|v22,2005' hspeduonArea: JRM' - Slb Address: 1234 Yt ESTHAI/EN DR VAIL UFTSIDE CONDOS 4.72 A/P/D lnfiormadon ActMty: Eo$m€il Tvpe: $ELEC Cotrsi TyfE: Occupsitv:O'N€]: LA I.IECEDAD LLCArelhrnt DANICI ELECTRICCohbaoor DAMCI ELECTRIC Descrlptlon: [rO/E AND ADO ELECIRICAT lN UPPER LEVEL ?ep rrQ 51ft///lazf o{ StrtJs: lnsp Area: ISSUED JRM Phone: 97S39$1173 Phon : 97SGn-1173 Reouested Inspecfon{sl lbm: t90 ELEC-FlnalReqrcsbr: DANICIELECTRIC Corirmnt$; AM. wlll call 3g)-1173 Asshned To: EGI-AIZLE- A€lbn: Requested Tlme: 09:00 All- Phone: 97CSII1173 Er{Ersd By: DGOLOEN K Thil6 Exp: 7E,ou rr2? lt/ (pg ftae F4-, Ll Ft-d/€'''/- Z. *"o"1 -/ Ee'/Loo'v' @) Ins9€cion HlstorY Item: 1t0 ELEC-Temp. Porver hem: 12t) ELEC*ouah * ADDroved * 0fl24r05 tnsp€clor: LFy' " Comment: add notch plat3 hall wEy at€6lbm: lgl ELEC€ondun It6m: 140 ElEc-iillsc. Item: 19O ELEC-Fhal Ac0on: APAPPROVED RE9T131 Run Id: 3439 Inspectlon Request Requesbd lnspect Dab: Tuesday, July 28,2005- lnspec'don Area: JRIT Slte Address: 1234 YESTHAVEN OR VAIL LIFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 A/FID Informa0on ActMty: E0$ffi63 Trnre: &ELEC Const Tyri: Occupaity:otrrier: LA NECEDAD LLC Appllcant DANEI ELECIRIC Co'nbaclor: DANICI ELECIRIC Descdpdon: lrct\rE AND ADD ELECTRICAL lN UPP€R LEVEL Requecbd Insoec{on(s IW'ffiEC*ouqh Reqtnrlor: DANICI ELECTRIC Comrnonts: AM AssktnedTo: EGLA1ZLE- Acflon: Tlme Exo: commaril: dfnoE5-ffiE-Bll rvay area cl fln Item: 110lbm: 12O llem: 13{) Item: 14Ottsm: 19O lnspecdon Hlsbry ELEC-Temp. Porv€rELEC-RoWh " Arlproved * 051241ffi l'lspector: LPV " Actbn: APAPPROVED _ggFqrant .dd mtch phte h.ll way area ELEC€ondult ELEC-MbG. ELEC-Fhsl O7t22l6 Inspactor: SFiAHN Acdon: DNDEMEDComm€nI PROVIDE ARC FAULT PROTECTION FOR NEW BEDROOiiI. Ptrone: 970.3€X!1173 Phone: 97$3gxl-t 173 Reguested Tlme: 08:30 Afl- Pftone: 97G:EDi173 Ent€rsd By: LCAITPBELI K : AMF Strtus: ISSUED: lnspAr€a: .rRM REPTl31 Run Id: 3443 4:24 pm valt, co - cltlr C}f Reouested lnsoect Date: Tuesday, August 02, 2l)05' lnsoec'ton Area: Cb SlteAddress: ln4 r'lFsTHAl/EN DR VAIL UFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 ArPrD lnlbrmltl,on - A{vlty: Mfft{Xt64 Type: $IiECH Sub UJx: AMF Lrlr€: Phon€: 97o,&9?3{l1 Phone: 97S4792981 Cons!Tpe: Appgcant {Tytte: Orxq6n'cy: Owriet: l-A I.IECEDAD LLC oscar{: IEADO$' llctt trTAlN PLuMBll. Dascdptbn: REUfrtRK EXISIIIIG DUCTYrcRK TO OBTAIN ltiO,RE SPACE. AOD DIJeT TO NEW SPACES R€ou€H lnsoacflon(sl RequesFd Tlme: ll:00 At' Phon€: 9145045 Exo: EnleredBy: DGOLD€N K cciNTffiCtf BY PHOIIE THEY COI.|FIRMED Tl-l,AT INSPECIIOI.I llAS BEEN qr lnsoecflon Hlrtory fbm: 2(X) fuEctt-Rouoh - ADorored " Ogf eD6" lnsDacbr: GCD' ' Aclion: CR CORRECTIOT{ REOI{RED Comrrnt FEATAhID CHILLER LlltES l.lOT COilPI-ETE.(Big05 Insoector: GCD Ac{on' AP APPROTVED comm€nt HEAT At{D CHILL LINES UNO€R SYSTEM PRESSURE 15 AND 17 p8l. Item: liom: llem: It6m: ]tem: lbm: 3r0 l|Ecl+l.leatho 31S PLM&GasPlplm 32O lrECFlE xhrLrst Floods itiD ilECl-SSupply Air 340 MECF|-tSia. 3g) UECI-l-Fh.l " Agproled " O?i25ltt5 ln6o€dor: Art ' ' Actton: t{Cl t'lOTlFlED COM'Ndt[l IMiPECTION CAI'ICELED BY CONTRACTOR 07/2906 Insp€clot: AIt A4on: APAPPROVED cofi{n€nt cchifacwo corrrnncToR BY PFKTNE THEY Col.lFtmffiD THAT INSPECTIoN FtAs SEEN CAT{CELED Stdrs ll|spAre€ : ISS1JED:CG N PLUMBII.ICi'HEANNG Cofiadof: MEADOTIY IFUNTAN PLUIIBF{GIHEANNG Itern: 390 iIECH+lnal REPT131 Run Id: 3469 0&01-2tm RequesE<l Ins p€ct Drte: Inspecdon Area: Slte Address: A/P'D lnlbrmaflon Acltulty: P06,0O37 Trne: BPLMB Const TtD6: Occupeii'y:Or'H: LA}.IECEDADLLC Appllcant t,GADot,l, llot lT lN PtuMgtlc/l-€ATlhre Con&ldor: fEAmuV liloul.fTAlN Pl-UllBltlc/tlEArli.lG Descdpdon: ilCwE OttE EXlSTlt{G PIPE lhtTo WALL AhtD ADO A Sl-|otfiER, In AIER eLOSET AtG tlVArOnY ru NEWBATFROOiI Reou.sH lnsoecfron(sl subrlH: AnF Tue€day, August 02, 2005 '234 YI'ESTHA\IEN DR VAIL UFTS|DE COi|OCTS At2 Sttls: ISSI EDInspAne: CG I I I I l I Phone: 970"47$2*ti Pione: 97O.fi$2S1 Requested Tlme:' PhorE: 1l :30 Alf 914-${5 OGOLDEN K lbm: 290 PltBflnalRcq.ra$r: John - ll\loodstonConinrrF: A52. wlll cs[ 9t+5045. Pit lnsp€cdon Hlsbrv hEnr: 210 PlM&Untlcrqroundlbm: ?a) PLMFRougND.W.V. * Appfovad " OEO2/IF lmDoclor: cdaYlsComrnnt Uiller alr tasi tbm: 23P Plil&Rougwt ht r " Approv€d " og@/t)5 lnrDec0ol: cd.vlg Coffinont Ur*ter Steet Pressure lbm: lbm: l&tm: Asslgned To: CDAVIS Enbred Q:- Acilon: Tbrr ExD: Com'mnt CAIIEFffiT$CTOR AND CONFIRfiIEFItrSPECION WAS C'AI.ICELED. eornr€r*: ll.fSPECIlOf.l CAI.ICELEO BY CO}TTRACTOR Indrl lsolsbrs wh€re waler dplng ts In contlc{ nffi cast kon rrasle plpe. Coflplele tuttgat Mlaton (be ISng wlrc not aci:eFrbh)2& 250 280 _ ffiflaton (bal$ng wlre not acirpfabb) PLll&Gas PblnsP|-ft&Poolitlbt Tub PLMBMhc. Od05/(}5 lrEe€ciol: GCD Acll A€ilon: APAPPRq,ED Acllon: APAPPROVED NOr{OnRED0d05/O5 Inspectot: GCD Ac{lon: Comment OISCUSSEO WASTE At€ VENT.lbm: zgt PLU&Flnal 0785/05 lnspector Arl Actbn: tlO tlO'llFlED ComToNt INSPECTION CANCELED BY CONTRACTOR 0789/05 Inspector: Att Ac{on: l,lo NOTIFIEDcomnert cALLEo coilTRAcToR AND CONRRT'trD lNSPECllOf.l WAS CAT.ICELED. REPTI31 Run.Id: 3{69 6r*eVru7' L-flztu-fuolas Design Review Board un* /4 7 )- ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: rvww.ci.vail.co. us Prcied Name: NECEDAD RES. ADDmON DRB Number: DRBO5OO5o Proiect Description; INTERIOR CONVERSION OF ATTrC SPACE TO CREAT 565 SQUARE FEET OF ADDmONAL GRFA. INCLUDES THE ADDITION OF A NEW EAST FACING WINDOW WHICH WILL MATCH EXISITNG. WINDOWS ON THE SIRUCTURE. Participants: OWNER LA NECEDAD LLC 02/11/2005 Phone: C/O JIM DOURAS PO BOX 8s49 AVON co 81620 License: APPUCANT ARCHITECTUAL SERWCES, P.C. 02/11/2005 Phone: 970-926-7505 DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS co 81532 License: ARCHfiECT ARCHffiCTAL SERVICES, P.C. 021 IL 12005 Phone: 970-926-7605 DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS co 81532 License: C000001800 Proiect Addr€ss: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL location: UFTSIDE CONDOS A-72 t€gnl D€rcription: loE Blodr: Subdivision: LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS arccd l{umbcr: 210312122006 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalt O41712O05 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condl 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond; 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 daW following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 9300.00 f-".. 09/02 '05 IIE t0:49 FAX 82s1474 E yr; ,At'qiar L ec L ur.ar Der.v.Lces r,tr'.;DIR. GRAL, GPO. FINANC.vruvzbrotu; JBn-t l -u5 ,t=z6lJui @ ooePage 415 FtB 1 0 2tu5 Additions- Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review __ Department of Cornmunlty Devetopment 75 South Fronbgc Ror4 Wit, Colorado g1657 rP]l: 97 O.479,7L39 fa\: 970.479.2452 web: yt/ww.yailgorr,cDm #!ffi*S1:::lg5]rj fyy TgrL'"Five aeprorat prior b submiirins a butHine perinirthe SUbfnlttal requiremArG f IY o vvrurtrv l'rEr rurt ed.lr6rErr,,r'r ,,, _,,;._,,_,AT^ff1i"ular 3pp1pvq1 that is requested, An appttcatton for ta,5i,fl ::"1'"H+*IlTg":f ,:.jy,f, jf ,IiAi;,;ii;_il;p#;r*DHffi Jtffi ruHli:rTff HflfJ..:'i11:ilj^y-py.f::.ff,g?,I.F"nirns "ti."r-i;ffii6#tfffr'i.*["'j:",#iHiH:ffiffiunless a buirdtnE permh is issueo aird .Jist*"td-i*mmences within orr. y*, ot'iil'l;ffii Descrlption of the Re.luest: I0tliiv General fnfurmation: Location of tfie P:opasal: LotllqA 8,l*L, c/q . Sr.rMivision: Phfsiel Addrcsr:qrll? A-?l L!gf!|oe Eonootttt{(stqt rZXl U€ttH{rtEt{ DErv€ Parr(.i No.:,21031 21 7 Z- o {Corriact Eagle Co, Assecrr !! 970 g:8.864C1 ftr pai-ceJ n;.) Zoning:tAtt l.l* tF Name(s) orowner{s): Ln UerednJ-Ll='C*_ l.tailingAddress: Ll*lT l-?r ltF.-rrrO <rrslo't|lilluF1i le3t hFtTFA{g}llu€ vArL. cc, 8tc6a =__ftle}_lJ1:Lgl? Owner(s) SiEnatbre(s); _. . __ tlame of Applicant: .iL$ll -c. - DAlrlr\ SurSmf€CreR,. r.lsilins Address: -e-o._!9!|q 8J E-mall Acldraes: TyPe of Review and Fee:E Signs O Concephlal Ra4ew O - New Construcclon!/ wdrtion Cl Hinor AlteFtion (mdb-fi m ilyleomfi erci.l) O Minor nkcration (sngtc-f amily/d uplex) CI chehges to Approved plans E Separouon Requ€st ('(' arG3a $50 EIUE f1,00 per square foot of tolat stga area. No Fee $650 For construdjon ofa new bulldlng or derno/rebuild, $30O For an addition where sqlare footage ts added t6 any residential commer(lal bulldirg (indudes 2so addlrons B tfilqdor cDn\crsiDns), $25O For minor chang€s to buildirrgs and site improvemenb, such as, wEllt etc. $20 For fiinor chrnges t9 buildlngs and site inrprovem€nt, such as, reroofing, tr?tnting, window additionE tandscaping, fence$ and rebining walls. etE, $20 For _ relniions to plans alrearJy apprcved by plafining Stoff or the Dedgn Review Board- No Fee os'oo3 PEge 1 of filA lZ9lM 7tu) Apolication for Desisn Review Description of the request Address - Unit A-72 Liftside Condominiums (Martinez Residence) 1234 West haven Drive Parcel No. -210312'|22-006 Zoning - SDD No. 4 Area ,A'Waterford The following is the description of the request. Utilizing the existing void spaces adjacent to the Loft Level of their Vail home, my clients wouldfike to increase the size of their Master Bedroom by 4F.7 s.F. and add a s20.g s.F. space consisting of-a family room, bath, closet and storage space for a total of 566.5 S.F. oi addedGRFA. All of the added floor area occurs below th! existing roof and extent of the existingextefior walls. The only change to the exterior of the buildin-g is the addition oI a +l- 5' wide and+f4' high window on the east side of the central tower of the multi tower building. The addedwindow will match the existing windows in the building with the exterior stucco terminating at thewindow in the same way it does at the existing ones. bue to its location and the surroundlngexisting construction the added window will not Oe nigftty visible. TOI4'NM ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** {;Alt pages of Apllication is cornplete . Ef Checklist is completed and signedU/e Q Stamped Topogiaphic Surveyl U/A tr Site and Gradino Plan* H/A tr Landscaps p13ni ff Architectural Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elevations) (fer OrtccrPttoF. .'f pEO tfET)hl/A El Exterior color and materiai samples and.specifications. lirrntcU Etrbar1.16) ' 9/ Architectural Floor Plansx (1 set of Redlined floor plansf . U/A D- Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Ef Tifle report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership ahd Easements* . l{rA tr Photos ofthe existing siteand adjacent structures, where applicable. Ef Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if - aDDlicableLUin Siie-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply witfl Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three {3) copies af the ms,terials noted teith an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chances, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoq and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above submittal requirements: Project xsms; Ll tJlT A'?Z M AFq4ITECT €ea*raetetlSignature Date Signed J-- le'o ?.2 FICE TOI4'NM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of L2/04128/04 PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material w/* Color .l::.. wrKTcH E\lbrlr\rL t. MrAfcr-t ETr?{lN(, Notes: Please specifli the manufacturer's name, the color name and nurnber and attach a color chip.'( $/A Page 6 of l2l04l?8l}4 pRoposED LANDscAprN. fu /T \*-/ Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREE5 TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" C-aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in heiqht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifiT other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences. swimming pools, etc.) PageT of I2/o4l29l04 *+*+*****************+*******************+****'t******:t,'***{.**'F*+********+**++**+*{.********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StAt€MENt*******,****:!*++********f*****f********+****++****f****+***+***********'t't*****+*****'**'&****,&* Statement Number: R050000128 Amount: $300.00 02/7J-/20os18:49 AM Payment Method; Check Init: ,tS Notation: # 1 0 0 7 /ARCHITECTUAL SERVICES Permit No: DR8050050 T)4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFAParcel- No: 2L03LZI22OO6 Site Address: 1234 WESTIIAVSN DR VAIIrIrocation: LIFTSIDE CONDOS A- 72 Total Feee: $300.00This Payment: $300.00 ToLa] AL,L PmLs: $300.00Balance: S0.00*+**+*+*+*******************************:l*****r.***!F{.4.***********+*+*++*********+********+**+ ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Currents Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEV' FEES 300.00 Sent iBy! Ancfitectural I S€rvice$ P.C.; S70926761 0;Feh-15-05 12:02PM;Page 2/2 I l(l lilthvarrh Villrgr: Rlvd. . (:-?02 . l'.O. lSox ,llJs lidwrrrls, Orrlur+rdr'r lJ I (rli3 I'hrrrtrr: 970.9!(i.76(l-\ . l'$x: 97(1.996. 70 10 February 10, 2005 Unit A.72 Liftside Condominiums (Martinez Residence) Parcel No. - 2103121224A6 Attached pfease find our clients submittal for the above referenced proiect. We discussed this project late this past summerwhen you met with me at the site to rcvicwwhat our cllent was inGrested in doing. lt should be noted that we are adding GRFA, which we are reguesting as an Interior Cohverslon. We are also added a window to the east side of the Exieting unit, which will not be highly visible from lhe frontage road and virtually not at all, from the site, I believe that the attached c9pies of existing plans and the photos of the existing building will support osr opinion on the visibili{ of the added windo,rr. We are hopefut that the Staff will be able to approve the changes we are propooing. l Please calllif you have any questions or require additional information. January 28, 2005 To: Towrt of Vail From: Liftside Board of Directors David Sranjord, PrEsidenl Re: A-72 Expansion Plans To \Mhom lt May Conoern: Thc Board of Directors at Liftside Condominiurns has reviewed and approved the expansioil plans dated 12-16-04 for unit A-72. Thc cxpaosior is within the existing Limited Common Eleln€nts appurtenant to unit A-72. If you have any qucstiona, please conlact thc building m4nagcr, Tim Albrecht at 479- 9r00. David Suanjord, Prcsident Li ft side Condominiums Aesociation 1234 Westhaven Drive . Vail. ld hlcgl:Zg SEBZ gZ 'tryf Colorado 8165 7 r?ts66ttET5: . 970-479-9r00.ON XUJ . Fax 970-47 6-'1 980 . OUotOr.UUlS: t^t0Bl 0S/02 '05 UIE 10:S0 FAX 625C414 UIK' qr{gl-. 'Jru ' r-rr*tv! Land Title Guarantee ComPanY Date: November06' 2003 I^A NECEDAD, LLC C/O IIM DOU8AS PO BOX 8549 AvoN, CO 81620 Enclosed please frnrt the title insurance policv tbr-ItYl ryo?e'tv:' ..;:-'- t,ra; rrrccrs l\rFN DRTVE #A-72 VAIL CO Ilocated at *u ;o119wing endorsemeuts are included in this poliey: Delctio$ of ExcEltions l-3 Deletion of General ExcerPtion 4 Pleagerevievthispolicyinitsentircty.[nthccverrtthatyoufindanydiscrepancy,orifyouhaveanyquesriom r.e;ahg yout fiilI title polioy, you rn y conact Title Departmen! - Phone:9?0-4?6-2251 Fax:97A476-4732 pteUe refer ro our Orrder No.v50002869 shoulit you ilecide !o sell the property descdb* in this policy, or ifyou are^requirld.l Purchase a ncw title cosunitnrent for rnongage pwloses, you llay be enridcd ro a credit towaro luture title insuralce prenriunu' LarldTideGuaranteecoFpanywillretainacoPyofthispolicysowewillbeabletoprovidefuiurcp$ihlct$ and services to you quicldy aud efficiently' Thank you for giving us the oppormlity to serve you ' SincerelY, Land Thle Gusrsnrc€ ComPmY AMERICNT I-A1,1 D TITLE ASSOCI ATTON OWNER'S POUCY (10-17-92) Policy No. 72106- 4S4126 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSTONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTTONS FROM COVERAGECONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, CHICAGO TITLEINSURANCE CoMPANY, a Missouri corporadon. hercin called the Company" insurcrr, as of Dare of solioy shownin Schedule A- againg loss or damage, not ercceding rhe Amount of Insurancc stacd in Schedule A. susoined orincurrcd b,y the insured by reason of: I. Title ro the esErc or interest described in Schcdule A bei"g vested other than as $aEd Oerein:2. Any dcfect in or lien or cncumbnancc on the tirle,i 3. Unmarketabiliry of the title; 4, lack ofa right of access to and f-rom the land, The Company will also pay the. costs. tttorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defcnse of the titlc, as insured, butonly to the extent provided in thc Conditions and Stipulations. Inwitnex whermf, cHIcAGoTITLEINSURANCECOMPANY has caused thispoticy ro be signed anrlseated asof Dar ofPoticy shown in Schedule A, the policy to beronre valid when counrersigned by sn errthorized signanry. CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMpAT\ry &t!(r z4a U'l C s*,'ltl rv r !rv l-Jalt r,l.'rJ.l I t u ll(, trKArJ. UFf,I; EXCLUSIONS FROITI COVERAGE The iollowinE maner: ale erp.E3rly erclud€d trDm the cor€r|ge ot truF policy End tho Comparry wl not pay 1066 o,damroe, co€lsr rttomays' td€ or irponsrs wtrlcn arise ty-nriion ol, r' {a} Any lerr, ordlnance or gow'nmen|al .egulatlon llncluding..but not llmltcd lo bdlding and zodng lswe, iffi ff *"ir'?uill"dii'iffi lmf !#i#iii"*'H*"Tl;$#,ll#"tr*r,'*';,igiii.Ect€dontfte.lqM;0ii).i.ieeara{oninoinircrtfoiicrr'uft-inii'"-ii#"H;:;'#;orthetindo. ryperccl ol whlch the |and^]e 6i uet a Fart or 04dnumnmerfrt pntecuor, di iii iifLi ol any vtotation sftha$ ||w'' oldlnance€ ot-got.Emmciret regrilaiions, ercapa to the ertenl that r notlce of the Gntomenrer|tlheGotot. notlcr of 5 dstact lien orencuibrance nsurrrhg_iom-i"i;ilffibi iiiJg-Ja;bjiri; ardi;6tie lsnd hsi !€cn |Eco.dod in the pubtic rrcoda at UaG of pottcy. (b) Any gsrr?dnttonfd Fdtlc. -porer not erdudcd by (r) ebovc, 5rc.pr to fie exlent thc e n6ttce of tfie or.rElr.ttElgor or a mtice irt a aerbct, uen or errurmre-ricie 'nlutii;;-fioni I ;oiai; ii iffi i,toi"u"n atrec.ting rhchrd has b..ft Gcorded in tfii pubilc ,€corug m ooreli'fouoy. 2. Riglrt3 of emaneot dom.in unLla nogce of the olerclse theect hrs b6.n Ecorded in the public .€cord, ,t Drts alPollcy, bul not exduding ftr}rn courra.lre aiy trting wnlci lric ocqunec pdar to oEte of poticy whtctr wootd b€blndlng 6n rhe rlglrto of a purchaor lir ratire wittr-ouf knowledgc. 3. t ataet!, l:enE, €ncumb?rncor, rduora clqims or othrr matte€: (a) cr.raned. s.rtte|Ed, agsume|| or agEad ro by the iffior€d clrlmanh {b) nor knosn lo the Company.,.nor lccord6d In the public r€cords .t o€te ot policy, but kno{n !o the lnsu6dct€imant sn t nor dtEc{osed in w,iting b rhe coripany ly irre in"uiic criini-riiiiio-ii" rir-" o"re tt . in*r"aclrimant becqnte en insu|Ed und€a this poticy; ' ' (c) |lsuldng in m lanr or clomagc ra $c lncured ctoimanti {d} dtactdng or creend suboequmt to Dat! of Folicy: o, (e) t€iurt-ng l|r loss or damagg trfiich uould not h6ve been sust' n€tl It tfie imuGd clalment had peid vdur lorlhe esblo or lntcEtt Ingu6{ lyr this psl;6y. '1. Any d{,m, which .rle.s out ot the frrr|*tion rr!6tlng in the lnsutEd th. !ri$e or inteEst insu|cd by thiE pollcy, W!E son ol lte operatin of fcd*al tnnkrup'tca, rmto insotvency, or similar crediio,€;rigtil ,8u;, flirr fr fiase{i bni o tho_r.an5.ctlon ctlegting the eslile of lnbleSt ingured by this pollcy being coemed e ttEudu|ent conr,lyrnceol traudulent tttt|stet; or (tl) [e^1q1qq1'-on crc{ttlE tE ?trale or iFtele$ lrturud by thie Folicy bet rg deened s Freg1qn$ir r1.6nste,erarpl whrl! lh. prelee[tal traniror resute trom the filluru:' (a) to Umely ncord the inetrum€nt of trrn€te4 or p) of auch ecordation to lmF6n no$oe to o purcha6e( for v6lue o, a Judgment O, lien crDdllor_ '(" 09/.02 'od l[IE 10:51 FAX 6t0,3474 DIR. GRAL. cp0, FrNaNC. CONEITIONS AND STIPULANOilS @ ooo .1. OEFIIilTIONoFTERilS The lollol,{ing Ermg $hen used in fti$ polioy m€an: (a)-"insur€d": tho lnsured named in Schedu-te A, and, subiect to any ,tghg :llclrys€ tf9 Corparry woutd have nad agarnsr'rhi ;ameiinireu, rno""yT.^1u9T€q -to rhe Interegt ot the named insur8d by opeHdon ot law as :,:11fl5"4_pt_purchase induding, bnt nd rimibd io, hettg, disriburees,qe\4s€es, sumvort, p€ttonal teprpsonrariyss, n€xl Ol kin, or corporare orlldrrciary success6r6. O) "insur€d c|3imar ": an insurgd ctalrnlng lose or damagc. .(c) "knoqdsdge" or .'knonn": ecrual kno$dgdge, not oorforudivg loowF 9-1s-9E 1gle "hich mEy be hpured to an insuieo [ ,""*n oiiire puori"recofds.as deftned in thls pollsy or any other reoords rifrich Impin Construc-live notic€ ot mrtteF affecting iho land. _.111^"1T9_ i 19 ]"t'd d€scfib€d or rete,red ro in Sctreduts A, end irnprove.menls afiixed therEto which by ldw constitrrtE real pmpeny. The lerm .,land,, ::,T n9l 'rlcrldi e.4{ pbpedy be}rond lhe linee of lhs a€a deeoribed ofreren€o lo n schedute A, nor any right" tide, intafe$, sgate or easeDren tn PuPlq. $r.e*' ,oad6, avenues, allgys, lanes, ways or waierways, but norh-rng nEtotn grta rmdity or lim lhe enenl lo ryhich ahg of accasi t6 and lromme |end E imured by rhir pol€y. ,_31..^!9JtgrSu", mongage, de€d of trust, trust dee.t, or oihe, secunryln8irument. - ll':9ub!" recodg': r€cords estEbtbhed undef stare. Eldurr6 Fl Oate ot f]l?]g_qf-!"rp.T of tmpading constructive norice of man6|8 ftrlating tor€a prgperty u, purctBs€F lor value and without knowlsdge. Wlrh respeCt toS6crion 1(d{iv) of the Erctusiors Frcm CoveragE, ;.public il*rO";,'sha at"o i?glrd_6^ejMrollne4at proroction tiens tteo initri [corAs oiiie}irr or t eunn€o 51ate5 disriicr coun for the oistrlct in wnioh the land k locatarl. ..Jql;llT?rk"trbjtity of $9 riuo,: an aileged or apparent mare, affecungIne.tlle lo lhe land, not Bxcluded or exoepteO ftoni ioverage, which wor,rlientitlo a. purch.aser oJ ttre Estete or intereit described in SineOute I ro Uarg|gag€d from lhe obligadon to purDhas by virtue of a conttac|ual condilionrequtnng the detiveTy of mark€tebF.lifle. 2. CONTINU/TNON OF INSURAI{CE AFTER CONVEYA]ICE OF TITLE ,'I"-.TfgC" "J thi3 poticy shalt conrlnug In ,orc€ as of Dde of tuticy inravor oran rtgureC onty so long as rhe lnsur€d Etains rn eEtate or intorait intne lano. or holds an indebtednaqg s€curdd by a purcha6e monev mongErgsgiuen.ly .g purchaser trom the insured, or oniy sb bnE ae ttrJ lntureO strattnave rrabi[ty by ntsaon o( aoyenants ol wanenty mads-by the ingured in anylrafi€il€r or conveyanc€ of lhe estdte or intere*. nis pot.dy smtt noi corrtinue In. rorce In tat/or ot any purchaser t/Om the insuted ot eithor (i) aD estrte orrnrErog m the land, or (li) ari indebtedness secured by a puiihase moneymongage gtuen lo th6 Inrlrd, 3. l'lOTtcE OF CLAtl| TO BE GWEI| B.\f lNaUnED cLAlxAritT .,,I9-,]|:t,el $lllnot- y the Company promprly h wrltinE 0) in cari€ or anyurgarron as set |o 1 in SEction 4(a) betovu, (i) i n g{se knwt edije sha come loan Insureat hercunder ol arry clelm Of litle Or inte€Gt which is advorse to the ufle to lno egale or imerest, as Ingutld, and whioh mighl cause loss o, da]n_ ;aS9 tol Yhic! the Compaqt may be tbbte by virtug elthis poticy, or (iti) [ iitl€ torne ssG e or inlerest, 4f inaulsd, i6 reFcled as unmarftedDb. af prohh nolice fl:1]lT.n.git" b rh€ e.'ompany,.then ds to the insurEd afl itab[iiy ot lhe "tTP,l|lllall lT.inare wi$ regafd to lho manor or matteF tor which prompr IIF-T jlqytfdi.provided, ho$,€va4 rh taitur€ to norify the C,ompaiy shilln no ca,sg pqiqdiDe the righrs ot eny heuGd under ttiis poticy untdq theuompeny 6ha be prejudiced by th€ hilurs End then onty m rhe inont ot theprEjudEe, 1. qFfEtlsE AND PBoSBCUTTON oF Acrror{sri ouw oF tilSUaEDCLAMAilTTO OOOPERATE .(a) Upon wrlnen /eguest by rhs inrur€d afid gubieci lo the oDtiom con-rgrled In S€ction 6 ot these Conditions and Stipula,tiins, ttre Coniparry, at itsqwn ao6t and withour unroasonabte d€{ay. shat prwide br the deiEna'e ot annsur€o in Inigaton in whlctr eny third pdrty asserts a ctalm advor66 to the ll e :119H u= il9lmd' but or{v as lo lho3e stat€d causes ot aclbn alleging aoar€c], hen or encumbhmce or other malter insured againet by thls polic-y. Thecompny shalt heve the dgrrt to seteor oouasett i6 ;66; iJuf,iJit ,o rn"ngn Ol lhe in$r€d to obleot lor rEnsonebls cau6e) to rgplsgonlihe insured e€lo mose slar€d cau6et ol action and shall not bE tiable br and will not pay thefe6s of any orher qruns€t. The Company wllt not iat inv -fuir, "*r" o,exPsrEes incuttod by lhe insur€d In the datange of th6Se iauses of actionwnich s egB maflerg not insured sgEjngt by thie policy, (bf The compeiy ghall f|al,e th6 .lghl, el its own co3t, to irFtiture anoplos€c-ute any action or prsceeding or to do any other ad whlch in ilg opinion l:y ie_ nec9€8afy or desirable to eaiEbllsh rhg tl 9 to the erlate orinErest, r3Insutedt or to prswn Or teduce loss or darnegg to rha ioaufad, The CoBpany I8.y E'!(6 lru€pproprl.ng €ction under rhe lerms of thts Folicy, whother or norI sna be flebte. heEunder, and :ha not theGby concsde ability or rvaive anyprorFlon ofrhrs policy. lf lh€ Company shall-exefcise its rigtiti under thisparagrapn. it sha do $o dlligent|y, _-(c) Whenwer. rhe Compery shal have broughr an acrion or lhlerpo6ed g ooJense Bs required or p€rmltw by lhe provisions of lhis policy, rhe Company mey pursus any lhlgatlon to nnal determlnation by a courr ot dimp*ent jurii, diction and exp,b66ly r$eryes rhe .ighl, in lr9 Sol'e drsCrelion, to appeal-lrom any advar8e judgme or Ordgr. ld) |n all cAses wiere Ulis policy p€rmils or requires the Company to pross.qrle or provide brfis dsfenso ot any edion or proceeding, thd insitrei shatl seCu|e to tne Company lh€ rigtrt lo so progec|,te or provide detenge in ihe adion or.proce€ding, and a appesls therein, and pe.mit rhe Company louse, al lls oplion, lhe ndme of the in3urod io. thls purpose. $trenlver requ€stod by theCompany, thB insured, ar rhe Company,i eipense. sholt give tne.compeny all reasonable aid (l) in any actron or prooeeding. securing evidenca, obtaining ryitnesses, proiecutlng or defend'ing lhe act-ion or pro. ceedrhg, o. etfecling sehlemenl and (il) ia any olher (qtarful sct vshich in the ophion ot lhe Company mey be noaesgary or desirable to e$ablish rhe lide rolie eetate or interosr as lnsurcd. It the company i5 prejudiccd by lhs tailure ol the insured io lurnish rhe (€quired cooperailon , tne C6mpany's'obllqations tothe insuftrd undsr the policy sha[ terminare, including any dability 6r obtiga- $on rc o6tend, p@seode. or continuB any lirigallon, w'fh iegard lo the matter or matter6 tdquiring such cooperaton. s. pFooF oF Loss oH DAlt/tcE ln sddition to End after rhe no$cEs required under Section 3 ol these Condi- llong and Slipulalion$ hev6 be€n povided the Company, a proof of lo6s or damage signed and swom to by lhe insured claimgnt shaitbe iumishedto the Gompany wilhin 90 days efter lhe Inswed clain8nl EhaI ascertain thc tacb giving ri6e to lhe loss or damage. Ths proof of toss ordamege shall describe the d€leot in, or lien 07 encumb|Bncg 0n the litle, or othgr matter insured against by thi€ polioy wlich comdlutes ths basis ot bss or damage and shall slat@, 1o the erlenl possible. the b6sis ot celcuktlnq the amounr ol the bl5 or damege. It lhe company is prcjudic€d by ths failure otrh€ Insursd ctaimant toprovids the required proof ol loqs or damag6, th. company'6 obligations to the ingured under the policy sha tErmina|€, Including any tiability or obligE- t|on to delend, progecute, or c-ondnue any lltlgation, wilh regard lo lhe ma er or mBller3 requidng such pfoof of loEs or dernage. In addition, the insured clalmant may reasonably be required lo submit to €xarninBlion under oat}l by.any auhorlzEd rEpr€ger'rtar{ve Ol the Company and gh€ll produce tor exemlaedon, lnsp€,clion and copying, at such reason- able limes and pl8oes as may be designared by aIry authorizod reDresenlative ot lhe Company, all recofd6, bmks, l€dgers, chicks, corraeFo;dorio€ and memoranda, whelher bedring I dare before or after Dgle ot Follcy, which rea.$onably pertiain lo the loss or damage. Funher, if requested by anf aurho-'rized represontalive af the compary, rhe insur€d e{aimanr shalt dfarn iG permbsion, ln h"ltiog, ,or arry authorized aepresentative of the Conipany to examine. inspect end oopy all reccjrds. books, tedgers, checks, correcpon. dence and mefiofgndB in lhe cuslody or con$ol ol athird p?rny, whlch rgeson- ably psnain to the loss or damage. All inlormarion designared as contidEntial by the insur€d claimant pro,vided b the Company pursuant to thls Secrlon shall nd be disclo€ed to others unle$, in rhe rffisonable iudanenl ot the Compeny, it is neoessary in the edministration of the claim. Fa ure of the insurod cldmAnt lo submlt lor examination unater oeth, prpduce other rea9oft ably requested informalion or g|"nt psrmlsslon lo securg rea6onably neces- sary information from third prrrier as raquirsd ln IhiE paragraph shi termi- nete any liEbility o he compiny und6f thls pollcy as lo rhat cbim, 0. OPTloNs TO PAY OR oTIIERWISE SETTLE CLAtms; TEn tltATtoil OF LIABILTTY .ln ceso of a claim under this policy, rhB Comparry shafl have lhe foltowing addl onal options: (.) lb pay or Tender PEy,rnrnt of thr /funount ol lnglrrsrce. To.pay or tender paymenl of ths amount Ol intulance under this policy logglhtr wittt 6ny costs, anorneys' fgss and expenses incured by th6 iniurea chifiant. whhh wcre aLrihorized b,y th,e Comparry. up to the time of paymed or tender of paymenr and which the Company b obligated lo pBy. ..Uponlheerprcis€bytheCompanyofthisoption,allliabililyandobligalionstolhe insured und6rlhis policlr, otherthan to maks thepayment r€quired, shall terminate, including any liability or obligsflon ro datend, prosecute, of con. Dnue any litigahon, and lhe polica shall b€ surrend6r6d lo the Cgmpany lor cancollallon. (b) To ;by or Olhcrtsc Sr lc tfith Parties Othe/ tben lhe InsurGd ol With tftc Insurrd Clrlmmr. . (i) to psy or othernisA sottl€ with other parties lor or in the name of an hsured olaimanrenyclaim InEured Eg6in$ under this policy, together with afry cost6, attorneys' fss End €rF€nEo6 inouned by the insured claimanr whlch wars authorized by the company up ro ths timg ol paymenl 8nd which the Cofipany b obligarad to pay; or {ii) lo psy or othsrwlse gdtle with the insured elaimanl th@ loss or damsg'e prE\rided br under rhis policy, logether with any oosts. anorneys'fees end grp€nge!' incunsd by ths insufd claimant tvhich werB aurhorizcd by lh6 Company up ro the tlins of payhsr and whioh the Company is obligarGd ro pay. 0S/02 '06 IIE 10:52 FAI 629g474 DIR. GRAL, GPO. FINANC.@oot _ Upon the exercis€ by the CompEny of eJrhor of the options provided ,o, In' paragmphe (b)(i) o. (ii), the Comianyt oOligatton" ro irid'"ir-r"g under rhi$policy loflh€ctaimed tosrey 6363ge, otherihan the paymJnii re'quirea roOemade. sha{.tormtnan, inctuding any tiaOfnry or oUifar'iJn ro-OLGno, pro"+cute oi codjnue any litigation, 7. DETEBTIHATIOII, EXTEi'T OF LIAEIUTY AI{D COINSUNANCE Thle policy is a contracr of lndemniv against acrrar mondJJ bss or dam.age su$alnec or incuned by ltre insr;reO-ctaimaifG.i -nuiiurfdeo ro", o,darnage by.reason or marreis insuno iqainir b; ihi;;id;;;;nry ro ft.extent herein d€ecrlbed, - (a) The liebility of the Comparry und€r lhispolicy shall not exceed rh€ l€astof: c) lhe Anrounl of lnsurancs sraled in sch8duls A; ori. (til rhe ditferencs between the vatut of thiin"uilj'b"tnr" o, inrerasr esmsured and rhe valus ot the insuled_ gstatg or interestiuujeci 6 ii," o"roct,lien or encumbrance insured ag3ing bry this oolicv. _ {o) |n the event theAmotJnt of Insura;ce stjtea ii Schedule A at the Dare ofFolipy.is lass than 80 perce ol the value ol rhe insurert esieie ii interest orfie full consjde?adon paid for the lanO, wtrichwer is tess.-diit iu'Oi"qurnr ,olhe oate oi toticy an tmpovement ts eie"ra o" tt ii"-ii'iriiicl-i-nilases rnevalue ol the insureclestate or inrerost by at leaS eO percenr ouei inJ emot, nr ofInsurance $ared in Sohedute A. rhen itr*.eoitcyiJsloieiiidir,"-rono*ing, . (i) x/here no subsequent improwment nas 6een miae,'ar'io .ny p.niar :y^:.,1j^9,"j.ry'y shal^onty qil rhe rots pro ,ai" in rtrJp,ilo,r-fin rnat *,earDouN ot Insurance al Dele ol Policy b6a|5 to the tolal vilue of the lnsureOsslate or lnrcre$ at Date of Foticy; or . (ii) wh^e/s a subseque improyEmErrt has bGen .nade, as to any parfial l11.-tL" 9:.lq^y shEl.onty pay rrre loss Fo rara in tnJiioioii-ioln tnar reoperc€nt ot the Amoqfi of Ingurancg_Stated in scheou|e a bea.rs to th€ sum o1tho Amounl of lmwanc€ srafed In Schedule A and lhe amo;ifrp"noeO ro,the improvement, The provisions of thF oaredraph shall not apply lo cost!, attorneys, tees ill3lffl^":_"j:r,glh rne.co-mpany is riabre uiild, rhis poii;ylaid .s.nal onryapprytothat podDn ofany losswhioh exceeds, in the aggregaie, t0 percent ojrhe Amount ot Insurarca sFted in schedule A. ,-l?lF*c^":ryy-:11 p€y anty rhose cosls, attorneys' re€s and expensesInqurfeo In accordanco with Section 4 of these Conditions and SriFulations. O. APPORTIOiII,|ENT It th6 tand describgd in Schedute A consists of lwo or more paacets whichare not use . as a singl€ site, and a toss is established affectinl 6ne or more ofrh6 parceta bur no[ alt. rh€ toss shalt b€ cofiputed and ;rt6d ; a pro ratabasis aa illhe amoumol insu.ance under this boticy wa6 dlniOi-O lroLla as torh€ yatue on Oat€ of poticy ot Each sep€rate parcei Io the wfroliieicrusive ofany rmprovemen|s made subsgouenl to Date of Folioy, unless a tiabifiti oivelue has Otherwise been agreed upon a: to each parcei by the Company anOlhg insured at the timE ot thi tssuqnce olrhis policyanU rtiovn ly i ie*pre"s$aleme or by an sndoFement attachEd to this 'poticy. S- IJ'ITATIOIIT OF UABILITY , (a) ff tha company a$abtishes the_drh, or rem$rffi the allegsd flete6t, lienor encumbrance, or cules the lack ot e rlghr ot E6gss 19 sr fr6m rtrl lanO. oreu^res the claim of unmsrketabiliry of titl-s, afl as insured. in a ieisonaorydiligent mannff by a|ty method. iniluding tiiigation and-tho mmpfeion of anyap?eqF fteretrom. il sha hare fuFy pertirmiA i6 6511g3tions dlh iespecr rolnTHH:::_:1f lolle t,.ebb jor.aly ross or ctamise causod lhereby. ." to, In tne ev.e otany titigation, inctuding litigation by ahe company or wittrtne gompErry's conr€nt, the Company 6hdt have no li;biliry for tbis or dam-age unUtmere nas been e finaldetcrminarion bya ooun otcompotentjudsdic_tion,.and djsposltlon o{ all appE5ls ttrg;srror,'iO"irs;'to ril'iii6ls'tn"rr"c. .. {cr_ | necomp.eny Shalt not be liabla for. loss or damagis ro any insured forliabi{ty votuntsrily assumed by the insurod in Setfling any-claim oi suit wittroutme pnoa wflton coflsent ot the Company. 10. HEDUCTIOI{ OF |NSURAI{CE; ReDUCI|Olrr OH TEFr||NAIOH OFLnatuw .-llfyryg: y!€r. t his pot icy, a(cept payments made ior coate, altomeys,tees ano expsnses, sha fEduc€ th€ amounl of the ingufance Dto tanlo. 1 r. LTABIL|TY t{Ot{cutulATtvE . ll js expfessly.undstslood lher the amount of insuranoe und€r this poticyshall.be reduced by arry amounr the Company lnuv piv *ial "n" *ri*rNrunnga mongage b wnich orceprbn is takon in Schedute B orro whGrr tn6nsules_ nalB aglt€ed, e$8umed, or taken subjeot, or which is hEreafEr er-eculed by en insur€d and which is a charge 6r lien on ilte ertutJ iitnr"reutd€scribed oi rE errcd 10 In Schsdute A. ind ths amouni io'patO snalt tedgemed a pdymsot under this poncl/ b the Inouied ownef. 12. FAYTEI{T OF LOSS (a) N9 paym€nt shall be made rvithout productng this poliry for eodorEa1T gJ_!: q?.y-"nr untoss rh6 poficy nai ue€n dd or desrniy"J, in *r,cncase ptEot ot ross of de3trucdon drall be fumlstted to tha serisiactOn of rheCompeny'. . (b) Wh€n tiabitilyand the €xlent ot loss or damage has been derinirety fixedin accordance rvith ihese Conditions ana Sripuailoris. lrriioii'or demageshall be peyabF within gO dayg thereafier. '3, SUABOGATION UPON PAYIIENT OR SETTLEIIEITIT (al Th. ComFany,i Btghr af Sqbrogafion_ -,}v-h.lFyq lt g Comparry sha$ havs s€nled and paid a cEim under thispo cy,.a[ ngnt ot subrogalion shallvegt In the cornpany undttecred by anyaerof lhe insursd clalmant. - lH,gTp_Tty-r_h.1 be subrogarsd ro and be en lt€d ro a[ righrs anctremgo|€s whroh the insurBd otaimant v{ould have had againgl any person orptopeny in resped to tho claimhadthjs pallcy notbeen isiueU-,-ft reiuesteO Oytho.Compary. rhe insurcd chimanr shirr trinstei io rte boiiriani al ,idni6 fl_d j,:lET -"9j_nl,gnfpgpon o/.propeny nscessaryin oide, to perfecrtnls rlgnl ol subfogation. The lnsured claimafi Shs.lt permit ths Company tosue, compromise or sonle In the name ot the insured claimant and to iJseihenams of lhe insur€d clairnant in any ransection or litlgetion invoiving rheserights or remedies- lf a paymanr on acoount of a clalm does not fulty cover th€ logs of theinsured claimant, lhe Company shal be subrogared tdthesi rigitisanu ,eme_ores In tn€ proportion which lhe Company's payment bears to the whotsamount ot the lo6s. *]1lg: rj_q:r,.d rJ"r_r1r, from any act of rhe in-6ufed ctairnant, a3 staled sbove,mar act sna not.votd lhis pojicy. bul the company. in thqt event. thdtt berequl160 tO payonlylhal pad otanylosses ln_sr-rr96 596lngtby thF poliry whtch l11rj::.1d.!!" SJtolJnl, ilany,.rosr ro rne Csmpani ty rei'son oiir,e'impri,.ment Dy rhe insured clalmant ot the Compeny,s righf ol subrogation. {b) T}re Cornpenyb fiighis AErlnsr iron.insuJed Obtrgors. _._,ry_gT*ry9 rignt of subrogarion againsr non_insured obligors shatlexl$ ano snall tnClude. wilhoul llmilation. the rights ofthe insurgd-O indem_nhies, guarantes, other policl€g of insurance or-bonds, notwilhslanding anyterms or condilions conlainad in lhose instrum6nrg which provide tor suoroga.tion rights by reqson ot this policy- 14. ARB|TRATIOITI ._1ilj.:_?1".1?lr-.-d by ap,pticabte taw, either rho Companyorrhe insureo may6emaf|o arDrtftr od pursuanl lo the Titte lmuranc€ Arbiaretion Rul€s of th;Anencan A,bitratron A'3ociation. Arbit/able mafiors may include, bur are notlimrtod to, any controvgrsy or cl€im borwsen trre comphnv ano ih-a rnsuredansrngour or or retetAg ta this policy, any service of the companv in connec-I|on wt3h its issusnceor the breEch of apollcy provisron orotrr6r obtigadon. Allsrbltrable matters when the Amounr oftnsurince is St,000,OqO oi"tess snnlbe efbltrated 6t rheoption ol either the Company orrne inirieo. eliaronraorefi nt€r6 when rhe Amount oi Insurance is in eicess of S.t.000,000 sha( hearbitraled only whsn agfeed 1o by bolh rhe company and lhe insured- Arbitra_uon puEuant lo tnts policy and under lhe Flules in elfect on lhe date lheoemand tor arbttralion is mad8 o( at the option ol lhe insufed. th€ Rr.rles in ,"19.:l-"t*D-1t:^".l,Flicy shafl bs.binding.upon the parties. irrb awara -ayrncruoe aRornsys rees only illhe lev/s ot the stalo in which the land is locate; Permil a c-oun 10 award attorn€ys' f€e8. to a prevailing pany. Judgmenl Upon lh9 u:qld renderdd by the Arbitraro(s) may be cnre-red tn any 6un ha"ing iurisdiction thersof. The law of rhe gitus ol the land shall apply ro an arbitration undef Lhe TirteInsurance Arbilfation Rulas. A copy of lhe Rules may be obtained from the Company upon reeuost. t5. LIABILITY LlillTEo TO THiS pOUCyi pOLtCy ElrTtFE COI{TRACT ^ ^(:)_lli?p^q lil t"sethorwilh a[ endorsemcnls, it any. atrachsd hereto by rh€Uotnpeny rs the enlire po cy end cor ract betureen ihe insured and the dom-pany. |n Inrerpreting Eny provlslon ol this policy, thrs pe1;6,,11"u ta codsrfuedas a whol€. . (b) Any claim ot losE or dsmaga, whether or not based on negligence, anowntch aflses out ot lhe status 0l the tifle b the eslate or intsreg cowreohereby or by any adtion asse(ing Suoh claim, shall be resrict€d lo this policy. (c) No amoodm€al of or endorsement to this policy ran be mads o,(cept by a.writing endorsgd nereon ofattsched h ereto signsd-by eitherrhe presiddnt. ivic€ Presiderl, lhe Secretary. an Assistant Soirei.ry, o, *rijirins-"m"e. o,authorized signatory of the Company. I8. SEVERABIUTY ln tie evenl any provision of th6 pOticy is held invalid or unefilorEeableur|der aFpl-rcabls law, the policy shell be deemed nor lo include thar provistcn ano a o ar provisions shall rernain in iull torca and effed. 17. NOTICES, WHERES€NT -- lll iqti90-6 ryCuired lo.be gilren the Company and any statemem in writing 9-1,L€9..P b" tq"ishe616s_ 66jlrps.y shall include thehumber of rhrs potici and snar be addross€d lo the Company ai the issuirlg oftco or to: thicago Tlrle hswance Company Clalms OeDartnrEntl7l Nonh Ctart StGer Form AO/CHI LlGPolicyNo. gfAr50002869 Our Order No. V5$02869 $chedule A Amount $1,600,000-00 Property Addrcs: 1234 WESTHAyEN DRWE #A.72 VAIL CO 81dj7 t. ) PolicyDate: Ocmbert4,Z0O3ar5:00p.M, Name of Insured: LA NECBDAD, Lrc, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITV COMPANY 3.The estate or internest in the land describcd or referred to in this $chedule uod which is covered by thts policy is: A Fee Simple Title to the esfstG or inter€st covered lly this policy at thc date hcreof is vested iu LA NECEDAD, LLC, A COLORADO LMITBD LIABILITY COMPA}.IY 4. 5. The land reFerred to in this policy is dcscribed ss follows: CONDOMINruM UNTTA-7z, LIFTSIDE CONDOMINTUMS, ACCORDINC TO THE CONDOMINruM DECLARATION OF LIFTSIDE CONDOMINruMS RECORDED DECEMtsER 22,II}4IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE EO9 AND T}IE CONDOMINI{JM MAP OF UFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED DECEMBER 22. 1994 IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 810, COUNTV OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. Thls Policy valid only il Schedule B is flttsched. Land Titlc Guarantee Coruparry Represeoting Cbicsgo Tltle Insurance Company 09/02 '05 UIE 10:53 FAI 02St474 DIR, GRAL, GPO. FINANC,@ oos Form AO/CIff LTG Policy No. CTAI50002869 Our Order No. V50002869 L ,, 3. Schedule B 'lhis policy does not insure against loss or darDage (and the Company will not pay co$s, afforaeys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: General Etceptious: Rights or claius of parries in possession not shown by the public records. Easernents, or claims of easements, not shown by ttre public records. Discrepmcies, conflicts in boudary lines, shonage in rrea, encmacbments, asd any facrs whicb a corect survcy and inspection of the premises would disclose rnd which are not sbown by the public records. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material hereroforo or hereafter I'urnished, irnpo.rc(t by law and not sbown by rhe public records. 2OO8 TAXES AND ASSESSMBNTS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. RIGHT OF PSOPRMTOR OF A Vts,IN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE II{EREFROM SHOULD TI{B SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TTIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITBD .STATES IIATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGB542- RICHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITT OP TI{E UNII'BD STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1909, IN BOOK48 AT PAGE 542. RBSTRISNVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRISTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RBLICION, SEX, I"IANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLBSS AND ONLY TO THE BXTENT TTIAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS H(BMPT UNDER CI,IAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TIIE UMTED STATE$ CODE OR (B) RELATES TO I{ANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAIN ED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 17, I98I, TN BOOK 325 AT PAGE 255, TBRMS, CONDTNONS AND FROVISIONS OF UNDERGROUND RICITT OF WAY EASEMENT AS CRANTED TO T{OLY CROSS ELESIRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RDCORDED AUGUST 30, 1962 I}J BOOK 344 AT PAGE 923. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF SKI UIYf EASEMBNT IN INSTRUMEI.IT RECORDED JANUARY N, $87IN BOOK 464 AT PAGE 937. 4 8. 9. 10. LTG Policy No. C'TA!50002869 Form AO/CHI Our ffier No. V50002869 u. Schedule B TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROYI$ONS OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS RECORDED JIJNE 23, 1987 IN BOOK 464 AT PAGB 898, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF COIWEYANCE OF PUELIC ACCESS EASBMENT FOR PEDESTRIANS RECORDED JUNE 23, 1987IN BOOK 464 AT PACB 94I. RIGIIT OF WAY EASBMENT AS ORANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELEC]3'IC ASSOCIATION. INC. IN INSTRUMEI..{T RECORDBD MARCH 24, 1988 IN BOOK 48I AT PAGB IO7. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RF,STRICTIONS AS SFIOWN OR RESERVBD ON TIIE PLA'I' OF UFTSIDE/CORNERSTONE RECORDED NOVEMEBR 30. 1994 IN BOOK 656 AT PAGE 197, EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SI{OWN OR RBSERVED ON TI{B CONDOMIMUM MAP FOR LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED DECEMBER 22, 1994 IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE ElO. TIIOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICII ARB A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM T.INIT DESCRIBED IN SCI{DDIJLE A. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENAM OR RBSTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HA}IDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NA?IONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TIIE EXTENT TITAT SAID COVENAI.{T (A) IS EXEMTIT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATBS CODB OR (E) RELATES TO I.IANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST TIANDICAPPED PERSONS AS CONTAINED IN INS'IRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 22, L994,IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 809 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 29, 1999, UNDER RECEPTION NO, 713331, TERMS, CONDITIONE AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RBCORDED OCTOBER 03, 2000 AT RECEPTION NO, 740754. DEED OF TRUST DA'fED OCTOBER 09, 2003, FROM LA NECEDAD, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF BANK OF AMERICA, N.A, TO SHCURE THE SUM OF $1,O4O,OOO.OO RECORDED OCTOBER 14, 2003, UNDPR RECEPTION NO, 853526. ITEMS I THROUGH 3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS UNDER SCITBDULEB.l ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF TI{E GENERAL EXCEMONS IS DELETED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIENS 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 09/02 '05 ilIE 10:53 FaX 62934?4 DIR. cML. cp0. FINANC.@ orr FormAO/CEI LTG Policy No, CTAL50002869 Our OrderNo. V50002E69 Schedule B RFSULTINo FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNTSITED AT rHE REQUESTOF LA NECEDAD, LLC, A COLORA.DO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. A WINDOW IS TO BE ADDED TO THIS LOCATION REFER TO SECTION -A MARTINEZ RESIDENCE REMODEL UNIT A-72 - LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS A WINDOW IS TO BE ADDED TO THIS LOCATION REFER TO SECTION -A MARTINEZ RESIDENGE REMODEL UNIT A.72 - LIFTSIDE GONDOMINIUMS TH]S PHOTO REFLECTS A TYPICAL WINDOW, FOR COLOR AND INSTALLATION MARTINEZ UNIT A.72 - RESIDENCE REMODEL LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS CoAc*!d- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: B02-0346 Job Address.: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 1234 W haven DTIJNIT # C-51 Applied...: 1011412002 Parcel No....: 210312122026 Issued ...: 1013012002 Project No...: Expires...: 04/2812003 olitNER r,rFTSrDE C-51 CO r.TD LO/L4/2O02 phone: 479-L9O2 ].234 WESTIIAVEN DR. VAIL CO ilaime And Yolanda Chico 81G5? License: CoNTRACTOR R.A. ITEITSON & ASSOCIATES, IN10/L4/2O02 phone: 97O-949-5L52 P. O. DRAI{ER 54OO AVON, CO 8L520 License:1"70-A APPITICANT R.A. IIETSON & ASSOCIATES, IN10/14/2002 Phone: 97O-949-5L52 P. O. DRAWER 54OO AVON, CO 8152 0 Lricense: 170-A Desciption: general remdoel work remove/replace walls and doors In Unit # c-51 Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? rcJ/N CF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: 526,000.00 Fireplace Informdion: Rostricted: Y Investigation-> Will Cau----> # ofGas Appliances: 0 $0 . 00 Recrestion Fee-------> $3 .00 Clean-up DeFxit-------> AddSqFt: 282 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellef 0 $70. 50 Tol&l Permil Fee*---> 9504 ,80 $O.OO P&]ments---------> $504.80 Lt{*A- :}+t*ls+;}++,.++*+tt*.:|*.l'*'**''|'l''*i:t+'i*+'*+*****'t.ti***i**.|'}*{i***:t:t**,l*:*1.*FEEsI-,\4MARY*||*.t*|}:*lr******* Building---'; $322.00 Restuarant Plsn Review-> Plan Che.ck-> S209.30 DRB Fee----------> S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $504 .80 90. oo Additional Fees----->$0.00 $0-oo Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT ao/3o/2oo2 ecD Action: AP Item: 05400 PITANNII'IG DEPARTMENT Lo/15/2oo2 ao Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PtIBLIC WORKS TOTAL FEES---------j' $504 . 80 BALANCE DUE----> r*rf*at r*+*++*+++++l +l+ +** 'it+ + t* *+** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNEROR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF i- 1 PAGE 2*'l'***********+*+*+,t*********:t**,************'F******!t,F!t,r(****{.************!r.*!t!i.'t**!ir}****:}*'F**,}{.r&*,r*{.,!{.!t{r***!r CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0346 as of 10-30-2002 Status: ISSUED++*+{"F+*+*+***{.****!*********!**************'N**:**{.****!*,{.**,t t * !t****rr*******:t:tr**:f,*********'F******r**:t ,t ****:tr{.,F Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: t0/t4t2002 Applicanf R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INc Issued: t0/30/2002970-949-5152 To Expire: 04/28/2003 Job Address: 1234 WESTHA\IEN DR VAIL Location: 1234 W haven DTUNIT # C-51 ParcelNo: 210312122026 Description: general remdoel work remove/replace walls and doors tn Unit # c-51 Conditions: Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 @LDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVEDFIREMATERL{L. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC, Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 'i++***++***+**********,******'S**********,t*{.:t 'a*****'}'}***'t *'}+************,f**********+**:t+***++!t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StaGment * * + + **+ * * * * +** *+ + * * * **,*** ** * * * * * * * + ****,* * {. * *,} * *,1. * 'N *'} * +* +'} *.1.** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * + * {.* * +** + + * *** ** Sta.ternent Number: R00000335? Amount: gG04.BO L0/30/2OOZO3:15 pM Palment Method: Check Tnit: DDG Notation: RA Nel-son L5673 Permit No: 802-0346 T14rc: ADD/ALT MF BUIL,D PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3L2L22O26 Siee Address: 1.234 WESTHAVEN DR VAfL Location: 1234 W haven DTUNfT # C-5J. Total- Fees: 5504.80 This Payment: $604.80 Total- ALL Pmts: $604.80 Balance: $0.00 * * *** * * * *** * ** * * * *** * * ** * *:l.t** *d.*** *:t *,t,! * * * 'l ** * * * {. *'} ** * * * ** * ** ***** + +*** *** * * * ** 'l * **** * * * 'l **,1. ACCOI-INTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1()O(](]31111()O BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FTES l/IC OO1OOOO3112BOO W]LL CALL INSPTCTION FET 322.00 209.30 70.50 3.00 tto{.f,3.^,"tl TOVIIOFVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 coM PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (taboT & MateTials ELECTRTCAL: $ 3,5CD.CD OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ {i|/*rorAl:$ .2d Ct.Yi. r.d For Parel # Conact Assessots Office at 970-328-8640 orvisit Job Name: Ch;c.:Job Address: LilJ s,i,LcL ea>rcca C-5/-"*]Ii:d c,sa':]h*vau( 7,r-, t/4i I L€gal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners N"m"'i'A; -;- o\r,co ooo'",7at.J,rtnJh,r, nr, Dc, - C--{ l Phone: ffiiqffi;PliFat ss Eu'$ as-ooo'ffi't-l g€{ d^Ar-zl.tLS eD.$lgz.]/-'non"?2b-76o{ Engineer: N /*Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: /.'laI€irusat e'az.tAa\ITDLL Vevuatr.t.Zn o{,cear- k?,c((! e. ?agQ t'' WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel($ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Typei Interior (y) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No K) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family $0 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burnilgli No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas ADDliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YS$),_-sj **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************************** @ffiffi F;/everyone/forms/bldgperm Prbt Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Comm unity Development Project Name: ProjectAddress: /P34 /r" '" .u7r{ fu.fl- rt / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildina Permit application is arcpted. g,- All pages of application is complete {Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o/-Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex qa'Complete site plan submitted #lublicway Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) rr-Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parking or material storaoe n Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring ( UzArchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) n--Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) n Window and door schedule ry- Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o Stiuctural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) tr Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection E Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated I Smoke detectors shown on Dlans o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown ApplicanYs Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DIDWE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Forrest, Director, (970)479-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnen(s)did you conhcf Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ AdminPlanning DRB PEC 2. Was your inilial conhct witr our stafi imrnediate no one available ? lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project revieured on a timely basis? yes / No lf no, why nof; Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ ttUA Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:5/t321Name: {knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of he Front Service Counter. f ,l 3 z What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any cornments you have which would allow us b beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking tre lime to complete this survey. We are commitFd b improving our service. t. n I t' WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": D Is this a new residence? YES tr Does demolition work being performed req r'rfij9r" "the Right-of-Way, easements or public propefi? YES Is any utility work needed? YES Noi- Is the driveway being repaved?YES No-d- No{- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements,YES_ NO_I_ YES- NOJ_ or public property? Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES Nox Is the Right-of-Wayr easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO F If answer is NO, is EparkinS, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YEs_ NO_l__ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained; "Public Way Permif'applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-ZL9B. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Company Name F : /everyone/f orms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildino Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controllstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter, Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction, Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. P The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the '-Building Permit" to be released, Please do not confuse the "Public Way permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above pr,ocess is for work in a public way ONLy. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F : /everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed l-t If this permit requires a Town review and approval, a Planning by the Building Depaftment, the weeks. BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) Department review or Health Department review, and a review estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible, I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: oare: f 0- 10' O2-' F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PEFMIT 19 pw*:Ir-IIn[ ,] jr Parcer#:InIf -If, n-nI-III dh Brds.Permit#,EIr-nIIn - H"/ TOWNOFVAILW Job Nam6 Street Address nnn-[l (lfunknowncsll t-_l L_l LJ I | 479-2138ext.0) Excavsting Contractor Name Meillng Address TOv Contractor's License Numb€r REQUIREO (, zipCity Phone # Stad Date Work is for (circle one) Other Complstion Dale (Permit Expiration Date) 4.Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone cAw Landscaping Temp. Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT. AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces underneath the L A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all uulity company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Company (1 Pubtic Service Natural Gas Group {1-800-922-1987) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) 9. 10. 11. 12. TCI Cablevision.of the Rockies (1 -800-922-1 987) Eagle River Waler & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, elt. 114) Holy Cross Electric Gompany (1.800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Publlc Works Construclion Inspector (970-479-2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permitlee must contact Public Works Deoartment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencino of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection lee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Gode and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Slgnature ot Agreement Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCNON TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASII LINES FOR CUT. Date of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor t' DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: st.'The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. flne Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department, Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. V,/Xso, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: drainage approval F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 |, TVWNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS OFI PUBIIC WAYS PROHIBITED -ay' Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or depositr or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. E,/Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifi and require any person who violates or- causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Work, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Fz Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. pr4lotice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-T AND 7.3A-3I PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED F,,.No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such aL'/ manner or under Such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) /!y' Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a'/ street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be remwed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: /2-/O- O>- F : /everyone/formVbldperm? the mj mueller co., inc. l-6 Decenber 2OO2 Ur. Danny Swertfegger ARCHTTECTT RAL SERVICES, PC PO Box 385 Edwards, CO 8L632 Subject: Slab Uodification CHICO RESIDENCE VaiJ-, Colorado Dear Danny: The purpose of this letter, is to confirm that this office hasreviewed the following rrcontractors option[. See structural pl_ans and specifications by this office dated t-8 October 2OOZ. Note thefollowing rrcontractor optionr! : a) SLAB REfNFORCE!,IENI-The previously mentioned plans specify thatthe slab be reinforced with #4 bars at 8rr on center both rrays.The reinforcement was mentioned to match the details used inthe balance of the building. The slab was not reinforced during the construction proceerc. The span of the 1.sVL metal deck for the renodel is 24r. Thedesigm span of the same metal deck for the balance of tlrebuilding, is 7'-Ott. The deck as installed for the closetaddition, is not a integral part of the diaphragm componentof the structural system for the balance of the building. thestructural steel and netal decking as installed beneath theunreinforced sIab, is capable of absorbing the described liveloads, without the referenced slab reinforcement. If you havethe project, below. any questions regarding this retrrort, or the balance ofat the phone nunber shownplease contact this of Sincerely yours, THE U ir MUEIJJER CO., rNC. Mark J. Mueller, PE President cc: I'lr. I€e Dorothy-R A NEI-,SON FTNE BUILDERS civif architecturaf and structural engineering o p.o. box 2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2621 4762637 IFAXI $ent By;Architectural Services i P.C.; S70S267610;oct - g- 02 4 r44Plr; C' Pege 2 Fd.ctl|ffir t'rots tDElldonl hrU4rt: Pndcdfd|[lrs lrg.l Dccdldon: htlll|unh Conun*l Chb Rrtidcnce InH|rentedon DRlxrmrbcr: DnEffiEE Dmlgn R€view Eoard ACTIOI{ FORTI Dcnrtrgrtof C.crnufiU DEdsp|IElt -zs s,ltr Htnhsf,Ed, vLl @trd 8165/- teil 9il.479.t13!l thr 970.47L?{52. r|Eb utsrYcldlotP OwtfB uFISilDEc-slOLrD Wnfll!fr?Phort:47919(tr Uil|4WESTHAVET{ DR. YATL@ SlnAndYSrSCldF 8165.t llcrsa; APrucAilT Antrftrcilralsen&er 0trr6/20u Phonq926'7605 Dailry $mrtlEgir Foa 385 Elugd+S Er63z lJogt*: ret4 WESttlAl/El{ DRVAIL tecdiml ls llodc *rbdhHon: uFlslDEffimilIilrul'ls uGur:rul26 tnhrbrCsr. of 2&l rq. E ftdonrygondry rftEt CondlUon* EornD/fit rFAgrroil lcdon: SIAFF PR Dtt dADnfwd: G/23@2 tur* E fnfnt, ilo dnngps b ttreet phru nrry be madc nitoLlt $e w&r drent dTbnn d vil| tttfiand/$ the apptotrl*e lwlcw omml@G(t).ffi:o o*n): oRB awprnl do€s mt tgrseuE a pcndt for hllldbE PltEe cmflt vtill iown !r v* stildtng pcrsnnd prhr b onsbrJctlal ach'mes' @nd: €iloodtil7 1{o €lthfF dlEnge permithd. Plailrrrl Af,son'od$ DnBhffi: ffilo@ $ent By.: Anchitectunal services P.C.1 970s267610; oct'g'02 4:44FM; Page 3 rrruF*4m Tor lbTo*ndlhll frc lbl.ilffEordefDilecs+' hdiDurM.fndffi Ss C|tl rd8.t2',Iffiry*r ToShftItilryMa Tb Bild ofDirs * r,iftdc cndoditriw hr 4!d ttscq# ds ft-th"dr'* Tb.F;rffit-r+tod!- tdU.infr:*qrEHFrb fu**fll#r;, ffre"+ cut-.-'tt- Arc-rin tfrrrhrrryqu*k,e'os#trhitshs'ilgtf'thAftgct-{?9- 9t00. 'ldf ltEnb+lrlldd!' ,.'..- -.', lzf,t wrrrh*ycn orlvr' Yrll, colorrdo*iiI?' "o'+zc'cr00' Frr 970'+?6'+960 0s108/03 12:10 lx/ru( N)'9101 F'001 I Bi$ ELwr€ ji= ='Mz;fl I .,. I :91s.t-(lct};rxuf* .?ft3-l ffi T MI 4;)>. wl +"cacrc-re o(&, cue Aibth(M N Wlluut Uwn a WAt4a4d,m,thlN/ +te?ilf* (^t6, U,v*Pz NIa,a-ts w(p tsvL r26M,,}4erewL ltt6.@to wteTt$b4Ag NWWtcttto Vr.${blb WVtlLL $Yw,leatw vwlele ffih',ttoM*t+g,cs ' - 8 O' a c, Wt+ ,df|Y+- vriL rgro 41st, !tAe.. |M@L@ H|t€Oof:g-ffiL. CWnaa o{ac.u/urxaze*. 60ufrLfrtpwWt#. l.E ^"-:f; CLOffAPIiTW,I u+Kn ?g#$e, Utrtqae co^lm^4,^JtdM( ufrf c-61 Uhlv,Abe+(n' lbwtz'lfrLLt-l,.att frares'ro*b wu4t@sFW Wto pt/ixbnx6"wflla# {*ff*," EP) fred fufla,1 Wvtefl)@ IYlLa" tFl ll c!5t Ln plrc€ conereEe nust be $rde |'.lth portland c€ientlnd att5ln rlnlru. corpr€sslvs rtrength of 3OOO pBt .fter 2ltd.ys. D..lgn b!3od upon BUfIDING CODE RAQUfRE}|EltTa FORREI ?OnCBD COIICRBTB (lCI tl8l, 1995. Concrete placB||lent toconlorr ylth .Conatructlon Roqulr6rGntar Aa d€fLn€d ln Ar|erLcanConcrot. ftrrtltuta Code nontlonod 6bova. R.Iaforclng at.al la AgTlt 6rrd6 ao. n lnforco[€nt placaD.nt.hall conloFr ylth }lAl{Uttr OA STttlDlRD tR TCIICE. 20Ot 6.pr.parad by cRaf. rll l6p .pllc.r to b6 rlnluun 3G bardla.atara. hlnlrur ralnforcaaant protactslon! -concrata ltour.<l ln forb3 2r -glab. lilll lnt.rlor vall! to bs frar.d t.lth retal studs to iatchar.i3tlng condltlon3.gtruatural !t6el 6h6ll b€ Aglll 115 or bctt€r. All rtructurrt!ta.l l. to be d.t!l.l6d, fabrlclt d rnd (lrected ln accordanceelth lIsC aPECltICATlOllE, 199, lnd CODI of et^llDARD PRtelIcE.,\l1 u.ldlng to b. p6rlorrr6d by e certifl.d rrqld€r end confornnlth lfBC |'nd AWd STnUdn nAL ffltDlNC CODB, 2O0O, .ll .l.ctrod€sto ba EE-?oxX.ll€tll drck to b. 1,5 VI' 22 gag. lDlt.llad ln accordanca rlthnanuflsturerr detella rnal ap€ciflcatlons, to ratch axl.tlngh.tal d.cklnq. AII rubstllut€r to b. r.vl.r!d rnd .pproved byth..nglncar. LIv. load, uaed lor deBlgn- -Roof-to Paf anoi. -Floor-{O p.f r.sldentlat. -1O0 prt corrldorB lnd publls sp6q€r. -125 prl atorag€. -frqcl-loo p6f. -Wind-2s p3f- -E.rthqutke-Zone I UBC. ?) Al1 constructlon .ust col|tply !'ith the 1997 rrnlforn Bulldlng cods ae ndopted by th6 Toen of v.ll Bulldlng Depdrtnent and tbetrceneraL condltl.onr ol the Contract for eonstructlont IAIA Dosun€nt l2of), fll conatluotlon nuet be cohpleted elthln ths toler6noes descrlb€al ln bhe nResldentlal conatructlon Pertornance culdellnesi .a propared by Che IAIIO AI, ASSOCIATIOfl OF HOIIE BUII'GfuS. E) Atl thructural a€rb€Es ar6 Bhorrn ln tholr flnal FoBltionBpropGrly lrraced ahd rupportcd, dur-ltrg constructlon IC h6y bc narcedeary to ahore porelonr of tbe stractur€ lrhile otherportlons ar€ belng oonatructed. contact th6 atructuralenglneer for aonrultrtlon aB roqulr€d. 9l contraobor .la roaponlLble for sr.l non-apselflsd conn€ctlond, eontact structoral anElne.r for dctalla es r€qulrsd- Snglhear to lpprove all ltruotural aubEtitutiols, lo) contEactor k to coordlndte all dlaphrrgr pen6trltions (i€, chhn6ya, . plurblnq r.r.r., €tso.) through tlogra. root3 and foundatton valla elth approprllt. lub-contr.qtore. c€neralContrGctor lr r.rponslble for |[san!. .6thodr, technlquca, s€quenea6. procedurae, norklanrhlp ard Job-rlta rafctyasBoclatGd r'lth thts proJeot. c6nar!1 contrrotor to varlf,y alldln.nalon. lnd .l.vatloD! wlth lrchltectur.l draelngB. ltotlfy onglnoGr oa all oonfllota or oDlssiona batue€n varlouB slenentgol ths rortlng draralnga rnd th€ exlstlng condltlonB b€foEs co!|tr€nclng ylth thrt porllon of the proJact. cenenlcontr.ctor to lnapeot rcmodel projaotB t$d varlfy trtlor u6a andpropar dlapo36l ot .xlrtlng rrtortals (1.o. asbeato8. otc., as rsqulr.d by cod.. fd.ntlty of rll etriating blddeD struetDral elerehtB ba.od upon plenr by GgAnI EI-pRATT-acnULTz dated l1ituly 1993. 11) AII .eterlale sxpossd to .xtorlor 6nd/or Doldtur6 condltiondshall b. trratsad tor th..c condltlonE (io, chorlc.l tr€atront,gtlrlnlng, palntlng, da.prooflng, rrerbran€s, fl.Bhlng. ete.) aar€qulr.al by coda. Alt rrt€rlrl! to tre trsat d tor flr6 2l 3) 1' s) 6l rerldtanca aB by oode. ^t--{ lto*T A.DPlnaN ^lttoeffi.leurr+aE 6O|1@M.1Nu.JM5 UNt( C'61Vm?@to?aoo Wry4:%az' rwqz TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTINITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #: 802-0257 @?431rp Job Address: 1234 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT # C-51 LIFTSIDE Applied . . : 1l/18/2002 ParcelNo...: 210312122026 Issued. .: llll8/2002 ProjectNo , YRg[dgC Expires. .: 05/17/2003 owNER ITTFTSTDE C-s1 CO Lm Lt/ae/2002 phone: 479-t9O2 1234 WESTHAVEN DR. VAIIJ CO ilaime And Yolanda Chico AL657 I_,icense: coNrRAcToR TRI PTTASE EIJECIR.IC L!/t8/2O02 phone: 970-524-7L35 0325 IARDSCRABBLE ROAD GYPSI'M CO 84637 License:118-E APPITICAIIII gRI PIIASE EITECTRIC tt/L8/2OO2 Phone: 97O-524-7L35 0325 TIARDSCRABBIJE ROAD GYPST'M CO 8 r"53 7 Licenge:1l-8-E Desciption: RELOCATION OF EXISTING LIGTIIING AND POWER OUTLETS Valuation: $5.000.00 '*i!*******'l**,i****:***:t**:l**:t***t**tElectrical------> 990. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $93 . 00 DRB Fee-----> 90.00 Additional Fees-----> $0,00 lnvestigation--> $0. 00 Total Permit Fee---> $93 , 00. Will Call----; 93 . 00 Palrnents--------> $93 . 00 TOTALFEES-; $93.00 BALANCE DUE-----> $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05000 EIJECTRICAIT DEPARTMEMI IL/L8/2OO2 DF Acrion: AP ItCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towfls zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto * * * * * **!$ * ** ** *** * * 't * * * ** * ** ***** +:f *'! * + * * * * * * ** * * * **** * * d' ** * * **** +**** ***** ** * * * **,r,$ ***** !S * *,r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ************f * * * ** *:t,i 't * * * * !i**** *+*******rf ****!*******{.****r.***t '}* * * ** * * * * * * ** * *,} *'}** * 'N.:1. '},t **** Statement Number: R000003467 Amount: 993.00 !t/$/ZOO?O3:43 pM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notationr Tri-Pha6e 1464s Permit No: EO2-0257 q'pe: ELECTRICAIT PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3]-2L22026 Site Address: 1234 I,VESTHAVEN DR VAIL tocation: ITNIT # C-5L ITIFTSIDE Total Fees! 593.00 This Pa)ment: 993.00 Total Arrrr pmts I 993 .00 Ba.l-ance: $0.00+*{.{.**+******'t****+**+*+*++*+*****************t******'***********'}+****+****+****++!t *+***+**d. ACCOIjNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Cur^rent Pmts EP 00100003111400 TIMPOMRY POI,,JER PERI'1ITS I,'JC OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 90.00 3.00 REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY+OUR HOURS IN 149 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF qt APPLICATION IF INCOMPLETE OR Electrical Permit #: 97 O -479 -2149 (Inspections) TptrI',I(NVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 +FollgFrr FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION:Y, \ OOO at 97o-328-864tor : 2/o3/z/ 2Lo Job Address: lzSY CJe,rf+te*"* ltJ. Z -s t L)JIs,J.- & Owners Name: 4/1 , q__ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel () Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ff) E*erior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ({j Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: it for a hot tub: Yes Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (Y) No ( Coun Assessorc for Parcel # ******************************?t*****t **FOR OFFICE USE \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC o7 /2612002 TOWNDFVAIL FIREDEPARTMENT VAILFIREDEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> hlvestigation-> Will Call---> S40. O0 Rertuaxant Plan Review-> $10 . oo DRB Fee------> $0.00 ToTALFEES------------> $3.00 $0 .00 Total Calcllated Fees--> $o. oo Additional Fees-----> S53 . 00 Total Peflnit Fee-> PaYments-----> BAIANCEDUE-> Cl/:La NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ;PRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F02-0074 Job Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Starus . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 1234 W HAVEN DR #4C Applied . . : 71,/78/2002 ParcelNo...: 270312122026 Issued. .: 11./26/2002 Project No : ( W-fbz-o Z*O Expires . .: a5/25/2003 ovvNER LIFTSIDE C-51 CO r.,TD LL/L8/2OO2 phone: 479-L9O2 1234 WESTIIAVEN DR. VA]IJ CO ilaime And Yolanda Chico AL657 I-,icense : CoNTRACTOR AITITTANCE MEeIANICAIT LL/L8/2O02 phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BOX 18ss EAGIJE, CO 8L631 Li.cense : 552 -S APPLICASTT AIJLIANCE MECI{ANICAIT LL/L8/2O02 Phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BOX 1855 EAGLE, CO 81631 License: 552 -S Desciption: ADD SPRINKLER HEADS IN UNIT 4C Valuation: $1,200.00 **F** FEE SUMMARY $53.00 $0. 00 953.00 953.00 s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIITDII{IG DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI LL/25/2OO2 mvaughan Action: AP per converstation with ilohn Elbert, cut sh, reflect change of pipe size lo account for change to LFII sprinkler heads. CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requfued, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the in-formation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELFAND OWNEF +{.**'}+*****:}***************************{.****{.,r*****,t ** * ** * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,} * '} +** * * {. * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * +* * * *{. {. ** * * ** ** * * * {.:}:t,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * {. {. * ** +*** * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ***'t * * {. + Statement Number: R000003499 Amount: $53.00 1_1_/26/ZOOZOS:44 AIvl Payment Method: Check Init: rfRM Notation: Permit. No: F02-OO74 Parcel No: 2!O3!2L22O25 TIT)e: SPRINKIJER PERMfT Site Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: L234 W IIAVEIiI DR #4C This Pa).ment:$53 .00 TotsaI Fees: $53.00 ToE.al AIIJ PmLs: $53 .00 Balance:$0. o0 * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *. * * * * * f* + +**** * * * *+ + * * * * * {.{..f* * * * * * * * * * *1. N.r' ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts IilP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 4O.OO PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES IO.OO WC 00100003112800 t'iILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 Descri pti on TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Permit #: P02-A$2 W7. as\e Job Address: 1234 WESTTIAVEN DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: Applied..: ll/14/2002 ParcelNo...: 210312122026 Issued. . : llll9/2002 ProjectNo , ?RSO?O2& Expires. .: 05/lE/2003 owNER TJTFTSIDE C-51 eO IJTD Lt/t4/2OO2 phone z 479-3_902 1234 WESTHAVEN DR. VAIIJ CO ilaime And Yolanda Chico 8L657 License; coNrRAcToR AITIJIAIICE MECHANICAL LA/14/2OO2 phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BOX 1855 EAGIJE' CO 81631 Licenge: L47 -P APPITTCAIIT AJ.LrAlrCE MECHAI.IICAT LL/L4/2OO2 phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BOX 1855 E.JAGTJE, CO 81531 L,icense : 147 -P Desciption: reroute 2" vent pipe into different wall Valuation: $400.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of0as Appliances: ??# of Gas f..oEs: '11 # of Wood Palter: ?? :a**ra*t*t'l***,1*attl*at**t*'tl'|+r'.*+tt+at+'t++:a,!*r'|**'**,r**:*,|*+***+t++*:i:a* FEE suMMARy Plumbing---> Plan Check---> Investigation-> w'll Call---"> $15 . O0 Restuarant Plan R€view-> $3 .75 DRB F€e----------> $0. 00 ToTAI FEES----.---.--> $3 .00 g0 . o0 Total Calculated Fees--> go. oo Additional Fees----> 921. ?5 Total Permit Fee----> Pat'rnenB----'----> BALANCE DUE-.._-> 9?1. 75 $s5. 00 976,15 $76,75 $0, 00 ItEM: O5]-OO BUII,DTNG DEPARTMENT tL/L4/2oo2 df Acuion: Ap rtEM: 056O0 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IIiISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI-"qRATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accolding to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *+:t*f ** + * + *!t ** * * * * ***:$ * * * * * * * 'r(** 't{.,8 *,} * * * *,F * * * !t ****{rd.****!t +*,t{.!t * * *:}:},tr * + *,} + * * * * * ***** * * * * *:i*,t * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement*****+*******,********'t****************++,t*++,t ,!**+*,!**++:t**++*{.!f++++*+**!********************* Statement Nurnber: R000003471 Amount: 576,75 73./ t9 / 200209 :24 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Al-liance Mechanical 5583 Permit No: P02-0152 Tlrpe: PITITMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2\O3L2L22O26 Site Address: 1234 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIL Location: Tolal Fees: 576.75This Payment: $76.?5 Tohal ALL pmee: $76.75 Balance: $0.00 * * + * '** {..} 'l * *:l' '1.* * * * 't* + *'* '} * * * ** **:t:F* *i.* *+ * * {. * * + * *,t * * * * * * * * * *!* * * {. {.,* * * * '*'t'} *,1. *** *** '} ** * 't* *** * ***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cur"rent Pmts cL 00100003123000 CONTMCT0R LTCENSES 5s.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15.00 t^jc OO1OO()()3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FIE 3.OO