HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT COMMON LEGAL (3)Cos cr^rlL vl waqg Accg" A TcrcaLe- / e,ascas,te tJJb Ia\cr?g. hndsca.pe- 6,tzoa-Wll"4-,Tq"odefL Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB050331 CASCADE VILLAGE SKIER PLAZA IMPROVEMENTS Participants: oWNER L-O VAIL HOLDING INC O7lLrl20O5 .l CIO DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP. 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DENVER co 80202 APPLICANT LONCO,INC. O7lLLl2O05 Phone:303-620-0098 C/O STEVE BANKS 1700 BROADWAY, SUITE 800 DENVER co 80290 ProjectAddress: Location: 1OOO S, FRONTAGE RD Legal Description: Lot: Blockl Subdivision: TERMCE SITE PARCEL Parcel Number: 2103-121-0001-5 Commentsi Project Name: Project Description: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DORWARD DUNNING 4-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/03/2005 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007392 Application f*r Design Review _, Depanrnani of C0nrmijntiy Devetoprnenl 75 Soutn Fn:ntage Road. Vaii, Coloraoo g163l f€l: 37(l.4)S.ll 39 fax: $ZO"4ig-?4S? \,r*b; lvnv"r,vailscv,*0rn Senerel lnfofrnatifll; All pfoJesJs rcqrling ddslgh f*vi8vl. mugt ree*irre epp*lvai priof ts sutrnlttirig a blritding peniit appthatian. pJsase i:?j,lo,ihu $knittat .t!uil?tn*1f tt.rhe particulal apprsvsi lhat i$ requ€sr€d. An afrp$$ation tar D€6i6n Rr$t*w cannol be a0eested unril eit rilquir9d jnfor{}}a1ion js,r.so€iv6d hy &e Cor$unll}, gS*br**nt: Supartr6nf ftre 1'-t1f! TlI" $. twed lo.be tevisw*d by tlre -Iswn courcd-"nll"t tha ftannia! rnc c;i;nrleotal e6amiss6n.uealgn revlew approval l8p3€* u$t€as a boildl*g permil i$ issued and cari$tructi€n commences within S0u ysar of tha apprsrral" Oescription oi the Requ6$t:enrent the ier {:lar* lo dt ths besb roy ementt ,i nc onpfa of $ iln Fhyxical Addrsssr t ir$$f inate'ly 1234 }rleslhaven *rive Parcel Flo":2103- 1?100i5 ,n^n,--r c+^'.. rr^ A^-^*^-.- . --** {Oonta*t Eagte Cc- Assasoor.dt S70-BAg-gS4Cr idr par0ul no,} Ecning:#4 Name{s:} of ,$wnei{s}; llfralllttg,Addr€ss; !a,il " C0 816 0wnsr{rr3 $ign,nture{e}I Hama of Appllcant:It{c e1o Steve &llailing Addr**e: --!7ff9-$u i te B0{) ,u - Oenqer. Cg. 80e90.. ___ phone; E-nail Addre*s: s*Lhks$ lonc-!.1![_*.-_ru*,*(j Dlu- qcn lic F6s $850 $00 $250 6 Minor ntteraiion Tlpe *f Revie$, and Fasl " Sigtrs,. 0$tsept]Jd Re'/lol{ . New eonstruction . Addition .PlU"e $1.flO par *g:.rare f*rt ol total si6n ar€a. For csetlruction of a nrw build:ng or demo/r{rbuild. For an eddhia* /hetq Square .footage, is acliixd t0 eny resirrenlia,, er comnlc|{€l buitding (ineluds$ ?gO add;tjons & int6ri6r isnvgrsjo s'. Fcr min*i- Ctranses to b ildings ard Site imprsycmefil5, sucii S$, rero6Un0; paiftlins; Win{rsw rddiiior}s, la.d$caping, fenees Ar.d, retaiii*g .walk. *tc. $?S For rnj*sr chanse$,tro building$ and sile.il.rrlpfcvsmFn , sucr as, rerc*{1ng, ps;niing, y/inds\r addiXiofls, lanC**pilrg, f*tnc*s and ralain,*g walls, Blc.$?0 For revisbn$ to piar,s alrsady approved by plannifis Staff of thp D€sifin Rsviev,l goefd, No Fee (rn*lt!'isff ily/s0.n m*rsial} Minpr Atterdtion i$ n#(t,lefi i Jv/di.,pis,{} Cirang|es ta Appr:syed Pian$ S€paralldn RAquest *******+fl!t*********+ff.i***l*+t**atfl****+********++*t+ttx******+*a**+++++*t*++:ttt*****+*++++ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statemelt ******'*t*+++**{.{.t*a*!t*+*++*****rt*****++++++*+**a*******+*++***+******!s********++f****l.rir*** Statement Nwdber: R050001036 Anount: 9250.00 07/]-t/2OOSO1 :54 pM Pa)ments Method: Check INC. Init : iIS Notation3 3885?/I,oNCO, Permit No: DRB05O331 TIT)e: DRB-Minor AIt, ConEn,/Multi ParceL No: 2103 - 121- 0001- 5 Site Address : Location: 1000 S. ERO!{TAGE RD Total Fees: $250.00 ThiE Paltment: 9250.00 Total ALIr Pmts: 9250.00 Balance: S0.00 *+tf**********+***++**'i****+******l********************'i****+++******r.*************+******++ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code DescripEion current Pmts ---:-------- 250.00 DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN RS\':TEW FEES 9TE\,EN C, BA\Ks, FE vt -LtAt1 H. ??r.7E.,5.E. I"/AFK A. I-]AMOUZ E ,l\TC), II\C. Civil, Structural, TraneparLaLion & Environmental Coneultinq gervicea Since 1962 July 11,2005 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Subject:Cascade Village Metropolitan Disrrict Proposed Skier Plaza Improvements Request for Design Review Board Final Approval Dear 8i11, We have attached herewith, the required documents for consideration for final approval by the Design Review Board (DRB). We would appreciale being added to the DRB agenda for the August 3, 2005 meeting. We are proposing a number of minor improvements to the "Skier Plaza" at the base of the Cascade Village Lift (Lift 20). We believe the improvements will qualify as a Minor Alteration. The proposed improvements include the following: 1. Pave a portion of the existing gravel Skier Plaza with brick pavers similar to those in place at the Terrace propeny. 2. The following improvements to the existing retaining wall at the edge of the Skier Plaza closest to Gore Creek: r Replace the existing capstones r Install a steel rail:ing on top of the existing retaining wall to bring the height of the wall up to the minimum of 42". The railing will be similar in appearance to the railings used at nearby facilities.. Apply a natural stone facing to the Skier Plaza side of the wall. The stone facing shall be a thin veneer with the river rock pattern to be used as part of the Westhaven Bridge and Skier Bridge Improvement project. The Gore Creek side of the wall will have its existing, deteriorated coating removed and a new stucco coating applied. The land on which the Skier Plaza is Iocated is part of a Public Access Easement between the Cascade Village Metropolitan District and three landowners. These Public Access Easements are currently being revised to permit the proposed improvements. All three revised easements will be executed prior to performing any work. F:\2005\p05116 - cascadc Village\conesgpflp4gp)fiii!.,"'rfnffwaw,W guiLe Boo. Denver. c0 Bo29o Fhone: 3O3.62O.O09B e Fax: 3O3.62O.9397 o E-nail: lonco@lonco.com . Webeite: www.lonco.com Agsoatateg ,ANIEL J. FECHTOLD, PE. uVlLllAM A. P ET<C( ?E. BRENDAN J, KEI]I TE. 3TANLLY H- KCI}AYAgFL, EE, -.} We have attached a DRB application fee ($250) and supporting docurnents for your review. If you have any queqtigns, please feel ftoe to give me a call. Steven C. Banks, P.E. hincipal Attachrnents: cc: Don Machlacblan - Caqcade Village Metlopolitan District Bill Pierce - hitden Pierce Architects F:\2005\F051 16 - Cascade Villagebm€spmderce\Gibeod70805plazadoc LONCO, Inc" fln Brcdeay.1ultc BOq D&van CO W29o Phona AO3.620.OO96 o Fax 5O3,620,9597 ) E-Mail; bnco@lonco.aom . Wabaita wv,tt/.bnco.aom 0 VAIL CASCADE CON DOM IN IU MS July 11,2005 Community Developnent Town ofVail 108 South Frontage Rd West Vail, Colorado 81657 Atft Bill Gibson The Cascade Village Metro District approved the plans for the Skier Plaza improveme,nts as presented in this application package. Please let me know if you have any questions. Don Maclachlan CVMD Board Mernber 1 476 Wesfiaven Dri\re . Vail, Colorado 81 657 970.476.6106 . 800.543.4801 . Fax 970.476.4946 Ftl,f cEpr To: Bill Gibson From: Tom Kassmel Date: July 276,2005 Re: Cascadelmprovements The Cascade Metro District improvements have been received and reviewed by the Town of Vail Public Works Deparfrnent and we have the following comments that shall be resolved prior to issuance a construction permit. Prior to buildins permit approval: L Add Town of Vail General Notes. (Contact Tom Kassmel 479-2235) 2. Add utility sign off block to plans and have signed. (Contact Tom Kassmel) 3. A Town of Vail Storm Water Discharge Permit will be required along with an erosion control plan. 4. A Public ROW permit will be required along with a construction schedule, staging plan, traffic control plan, bikepath detour plan,. 5. Provide existing survey spot elevations that accurately reflect existing conditions within the floodplain that will be used to match to for the post construction survey for both bridges. 6. Provide engineers stamp on all necessary plans. 7. A dewatering permit should be applied for prior to Building permit submittal. 8. Approval from the ACOE, DOW shall be in hand prior to building permit approval. Skier Bridge: l. The existing asphalt path, within the limits of the widening shall be completely removed and replaced with a section of 3" HMA over 6" Class 6 base course OR milled and overlayed. In either case the seams shall be infrared. 2. Show limts of disturbance fence. 3. Provide note that all distwbed areas will be required to be revegetated with an approved seed mix. 4. The longitudinal slope along the bridge is inadequate for drainage, please note on plans where crowned bridge will drain. 5. Confirm with other utilities that additional conduit should not be run beneath bridge for future use. 6. The Demo plan shows wrong linetype for existing water line. I I t I Gascade Village Metropolitan District I T I I ,,0,i.[il#lF?oi""t I I I I I Submittal to: Town of Vail Design Review Board t I I I I I MR*JNg July 11,2d)5 Skier Plaza lmprovements Site Location Plan I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t t t I I t I I I I vtT 4 675 lgillt I €3 PH{SSlr.rg: TfiACT PMSE tr T*, Skier Plaza Location Pl an A!-t r E€EI LFI'I q.EN U Fulj tif,vo' SUBD h N I /f "*;;f '-n POINTE TRACT B Skier Plaza I mprovements Existing Photographs I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I t I Cascade Village Mefropolitan District View of a Portion of the Skier Plaza Near the Ticket Building Skier Plaza Existing Photos I I t I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I Cascade Village Metropolitan District View of the Skier Plaza Looking Towards the Ticket Building Skier Plaza Existing Photos View of the Skier Plaza l-ooking Towards the Stairway and Ticket Building I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I Cascade Village Metropolitan District View of the Skier Plaza and Retaining Wall Inoking East Towards the Gore Creek Trail and the Skier Bridge Skier Plaza Existing Photos View of the Skier Plaza, Retaining Wall and Monument I I I I t I T I Skier Plaza lmprovements I Proposed Materials List and Gut Sheets I t t I I I I t I t I I t t I T T I I I I I I I I T I T I Buildlno Materials Skier Plaza PROPOSED MATERIALSI Tvpe of Materlal Boof Siding OtherWall Materials Fasch Soffrts Windows WndowTrim Doors D@rTrlm Hand orDeckRails Fluee Flashlng Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouseo Retalning Walls E<terior Llghtlng Other Notes: N/A Golor Varies - See Cut Sheet Grey See Cut Sheet Grey N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. N/A River Rock Veneer (Blue River) Stucco N/A N/A N/A N/A Brick Pavers @ Page 6 of lAUlOllM Cascade Village Metropolitan District Proposed Pavers to Match Existing Adjacent Pavers Skier Plaza lmprovements T I I I t I I I I I I I t I t I Thinrock* Natural Stone Rcbinsur Rockfr couples design elegance with installaion simplicity. It is real stone, uniquely cut and packaged as ThinrmklM allowing trc feedom to create magnificent interim and exterior walls without the need for load-bearing foundadons. Ttrerc is nahing quite lila ttre luster and spakle of namral stsre. Choose torn numerous styles, textue1 ard colors, and uust Robinsor Brick Comparly to provide exce6ional vah:e and quality with beautifrrl, nafiral stme. I rropersc** 1'.!,rJr1.,sol €t*t,s v'ete*:t' NoE: Colors shown here arc mead to serve as guides ard do not rcFeserit the full range of colors availabte. Please ask !o sec samples before making your color seledion. Robinsoo Rock is manufacftrEd under strict quality guidelines. Th€ prcduct is made Aom nannal materials and no warranties apply. Product Robinson RoclCv is manufacnued under an ISO 9001 rcgistercd quality systenl which includes testing of the raw materials, and rzerificaim and prcrcdicnr of the nanral stone mw materials to ensu€ manufamring consiserrcy and prediclability. Robirsdl RrclC. Thirnockry averages in thicJsress fuffi,314" tD 1 1/4", and all products weigh less than 15 pcrunds per quare foot as rnndated by LIBC, thus eliminaing 0re requirement fu load-bearing foundations. Prodrcm may be cleaned in fte sanre manner as any nmnal stcare rnasorry poOrct, generatb with a mild derergent Pad<agirry Robinson Rock is packaged in large boxe,s ftat contain either 100 quare feet of flats, or 100 linear feet of corners, and srnall boxes which contain eitlrer 5 squae feet of flats or 5 linear feet of canrers. Calo.rlating tlte amount of Robinson Rock rcqufued for a pojr:ct is easy. First, find tlre total squae fomge by measuring fie wieh and height of tbe areas to be covered. Then, estimate tlre comers required by measudng lhe total lengdr of wall cmers to be covere4 which will equal te number of linear feet of Robinsqr Rock oomen needed Hnally, subnact tbe cmrv square foc calculation tom tlre tml square feet o be covered, whidr will equal tlrc nrmrber of squre fea of Rohinsm t{ock flats needed. Black rillan Aspen Barkn Blue RiveF"AdircndaclCa lmn I|fl 75 south trontago road Yall, colorrdo 81657 (3ql) 47s2r38 (308) 479A39 olflcs ol communlty dwelopmenl ilune 25, 1989 Frank B. Freyer III Vail Ventures LTD. 1OOO South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8L657 ftE: Terrace/Plaza Landscape Improvements Dear Frank, In accordance with the J.nprovement agreement datEd August 5,L988, the developer has subnitted docunentatLon for the cost of the landscape improvements as foll.ows: VENDER INTERISCKING PAVEMENT MIDIJ,NID IJANDS CAPING DESCRIPTION PAVERS - RETAINAGE I,ANDSCAPING AI{OI]NT 1, 0oo. o0 5,000.00 6, OO0. 00 I{e have revlewed the naterials/work elther in process or completed and release an additlonal $ 6,000.00 from the Septenber 20, 1988 Seattle-First National- Bank set asLde conmitnent in the anount of, i 2o7,42L.oo. rncluding thls release, the total released to date is surnmarized as follows: DATE OF REIJEASE oqIoBER 1988 NOVEI,IBER 1988 DECE}IBER 1988 irAltuARY 1989 i'IINE 1989 TOEAIJ REI.,E]ISED A}IOI'NT Lot,050.o0 35, 973 .91 38r677.32 t1,596.86 6, 000. o0 193 r 288. 09 SJ-ncerely, Krh"?#+Krl.stan Pritz'Senior Planner .:,ii' $)LDTO: WtrAUEMENlr Afir 9"oo $pta"fttt P.O. Bor 153 ldaho Sprlngs.OO 80462 (3O3) 82S8enn 9292 Interlockl,ng pavgment rs _q59p999l_ig_tel 15 Bept 88 CUSTOMEB ORDER NO. lfestin Eotel ltall rNvorcE No. 1555 DATE t6 say 89 Vail Yentures Ltil, 1000 S. Frontage Rrl.rtfest Vail, Co. 81557 G ..- tEtr !r ttEf EUa UFO'I FECaPf OF atlvorca. a SEFV|CA C|ARCE tlF lbt tEA mO!|TX yrlLl. tE ADA ON ALL UI{PAIO AALAITGES. PAY LAISTT AMOUNT I'I EALAilEE SOU'!'II > $1000.00 fnlDmlll) ^or.APE coM*^cro.s, tNc. T Htgbpay l3t . Cssbondalc, CO. 81621 o ]lB-945.J|'98 /,,o.-{4* y'a{r-ueas VIif653 lo*: ht Fsrtal /hoT€L DESCFIPTION Oq6tt{4a C?a/fue.T 3 8r {eo, d, oao,?tu6l€ss" r7/tr'/"/+ f#r S ttYl/ate€-o/,r/rr 75 south tronlEgo road uall, colorado 81657 (3qtl 476-7@0 ofllce of Gommunlty developmenl itanuary 20, L989 !Ir. Franl< B. Freyer III Vail Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road WeEt Vail , Colorado 8657 Re: Terrace/Plaza Landscape Improvements Dear Frank: In accordance sith the inprovenent agreement dated Augrust 5, 1988, the developer has subnLtted documentation for the cost of the landscape lmprovements as follows: Vendor G.E. ilohnson New Electric Date of Rel-ease October 1988 NoveEber 1988 Decqnber 1988 January 1999 TotaL Rel-eased Sl-ncerelgr .t/ I ll ,l tftflan{rrR Kristan Pritz Senior.Planner KP:br Amount $ 1O1,O5O.OO 35 r973.9L 38,667 .32 IL,596.86 $ 187,288.09 Ilescription Drainage/Pav5.ng Ltghttng Amount $ 2r881.91 8,7L4.95 $11,596.86 We have revier,red the materlalsr/worlc either in process or cornpJ.eted. and release an additionql $11'596.86 from the Septarnher 20, 1988 Seattle-FLrst National Bank set Aslde conml-tment iir tfre anount of 92O7r42L.oo. Including thls release, the total released to date is summarized as follows: Vsil Ventures, Ltd. 1000 S. Frontoge Rd. W. Suite 200 Voil, Colorodo 81657 303-476{602 From: Subject Datel Tuuo*Z*T 2t65{ 7zv /3 Tz'tzz L7\(L{ LL;Ig t I (r f /l,b*d /Jed{ik-- {I qtss7 e/62,3{ /o 6C i<: 7v3L,7{ 2/ 6{,43 \6+u D,- -a cf - lVlemorondum NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K vArL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949.ir651 r lr,i- .'1,'t,.1l 'lr: l!, lll! r':i r, t.:r-. , ' :' \-i'"-' i.l L,r ! r. '-' L, i . - TO a 07z . DESCRIPTION OFWORK OTHER CHARGES ooe TzaGdo<^ffi-gg CFDEF 'IiET AY 4/F E ilXf'fu^'. rl coNrRAcr E-|Eill"SX:.oaNrre AuxaER ./ t -Woskz? bn/<.a/r'q "/oo dha,e. aia SYza -66 e z''"TV-ff Work ordersd by ggr|8ture I !6tobt aclnortodlls tho ssl€hcrort condototr ot tho aloio do!,!ro€d rcrl F o('tof W lr/ort/ ' i , wtn{x l0 0tys. r E ulpao 8At_tt{cE sHtL[ Dnlg ntEFtsT Ar rHE nAlE rExHi.. 0F th?. p€8 Hotmt. F l ls txuofE F xoT pltD ultEt ouE. 0B $rT N SiOU€HI. flE IEFAUIIIXE PAiI' AGSES M PAr rrl iEA9OUIBU AflOIXITS NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K vArL, coLoRADO 816s8 (303) 94e4651 ,:ii!jiji ii*iii iliiUtliij TO T0i *ry76- 66 a 2 *78F. 7er t @Ern€DaY EaF cusncr8t (mia.tEF m llXii,^. I corrnacr E A?lll"8l3 **Wet/, a ,/-r+ / Da/-<-qa.e /aly';rc 3*?26- ft?f "'Z}ry Frf ,t r-3 /b PRICE I 3 3 Work ordarad by 6 6d ggnsnn6 I n€t€tt acrnod€oea tn€ !€tldlaatoty cerplotl,otr ol lha dml€ dolcilEd rort o rry34q tl'rl :i r.' .Lt j,i:ji:_NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K vAlL coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949r1{i51 Ne 22423 il : DESCBIPTION OF WORK PERFORIIED TO ATY". ;22?t-lr Tai+ry/ f ; - DESGRIPTI_ON OF WORK BEOUESTED Worl ordered by SlgnEtro I n6'€t? @t tort€dgc ttro sttalectory oorngLlo.r ol ora alova d€!.n!€d tort. fof*Z"fV 'l:i il cl i:lil'lj|0 N9 TO NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K vArL. coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949465r $nn 10 D ys. nc uipx0 BtL xct silrtt 08tu nrEEsr al nE nAlE 0F rrr% pE mHru. lF lxts fivoEE B Xot paD rIEX oUE 0r SJn F 88&r0||t, DG oFtuunB prin AcnEES T0 pty Au iEA80I &.f, AU0UxIS & ll|lt nE fivoEE ts DUE utlHn r0 oays. txo F xot pAo ea-7 OF ITORK PEFFORf,|ED',. v /t Work ordarsd by ggnattl'e I h@€!t actnorteoga tho edEtactory catnototbr ot $o alEeo dGcnbd srk NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K VAIL COLORADO 81658 (303) 949-4651 EWV r- i: ji.t: - ::1i-.- Ne 225L8 TO Fiaal m7zfzo OTY. >wl Work otd€red by /" 7, Shnature I hotabt 6ctnost€{tgo tno aatEtsctort cornglstdt ol $€ rDovo d@cnbod rcr|( 0;37J-f STATEMENT ao. Box 2139, COLoRADO SPRINGS.i .lanuary 12. 1988 OFFICE & YARD 3IO S. FOURTEENTH STREET AREA CODE 303 473-532t coLoRADO 80901 GE.!OHNSGN CONSTRUqION COMPAiIY REMIT TO: Vail Ventures 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 200 Vail, C0 RE: WESTIN STORM DRAINAGE.- FINAL BILL GEJCC JOB NO. 9577 CONSTRUCTION COSTS THROUGH DECEMBER 3I' B&B Excavating El Paso Pre-Cast Co. Kemp & Co., Inc. New Pipeline Installation Umbrel la Liabillty (.3%) Contractors Fee (5%) SUBTOTAL General Liablllty 12877.28 x .1609t) TOTAL 1988 $r073. r4 1556.33 67.60 35.00 8.20 137.A2 28772E, 4.63 $zmT3T PLEASE PAY FROM THIS 1STATEMENT IERMSI NFT zoth . OwNqtPlnne NwfiqsArd 479ABE .' 479-2139 lnttn 75 south tronlage lord urll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlca ol conmunlty developmenl Decernber 15, 1989 Frank B. Freyer III VAIIJ VENTURES tTD. LO00 South Frontage Road West VaiI , Colorado 81657 RB: Terrace/Plaza Iandscape Irnprovenents Dear Franl(, In accordance with the fmprovement Agreenent dated August 5,1988, the DeveLoper lrae subnitted docurnentation for the cost of the landscape S.nprovennents as follows: VENDOR B&BExcavating, Inc.G.E. ifohnEon MidLand Iandscaping New Electric DESCRIPTION Drainager/Paving Drainage/Paving IrriglPlanting Ltghting AIIIOIJNT $ 1,237.46 30,896.75 2 r73O.OO 3,803.11 9 38,667.32 process or fron tlre set aside We have revLewed. the naterLals/work either in conpJ.eted and release an addLtional 9381667.32 Septernber 20, 1988 Seattle-Flrst NationaL Bank cornnLtment ln the Anount of 92O7,421.00. SJ-ncerely, r I /lr tr I t/.1 {+,2.1-nn YnT}l)lr)ll/'rl I'ln Kristan priiz Senior Planner r-T ::21 _-_,3 4 l--{ Fs 0 N!il,f EL!'.1!iiJr_', IIJ(1 .[,.rt. [Jr.lx H VAIL Cl'.r 3 r 6,c., o VAI L VE\ITIREI] i Lrtl0 S. Fl?r:rl'l:'AGE RL'lAtt l,J vi\IL, co 81657 REFERENCE :;lIt''ry'r]'l NUMBER V A : ': ,-l j r.r (t'.r PAGE NO. '.'.1 !^7/'.:':r ACCOUNT NUMBER r.lAITr"rlDr:!r To Insure proper credll please check those ltems belng pald ln the "rz" column and relurn thls portlon of lhe slatement with your payment. t0 1l 't2 t3 14 t8 t8 t9 m 2l 22 2g 24 a z7 g,l P - PAYUENT | . rNvotcE 38 coDEs g9 4tr c. C - CF MEMO D. DR MEMO A. DISCOUNT ALLOWED F. FINANCE C}IAFGE 2L627I 21528 1!672 ( 2IC4" | 44r sl 0 1tlrl1/8F tt 1r-t1. 1gP. ,17t-r1 /gA tt1qt41gs \L/?O/s8 741 1'A T L VEI.I?IIRNF VATL VEbITU!iI]S VAII- VETITIII'ITig vAIL VEltTt.rl.t!is lNTEREST !'r_r!{ 1 1./:! 67 2 .,] PBr_r.li l.:75.'t 15nri.4 5:. { c.7:t . ,.,1 !55.1 .F i:t:lf-r.t dFrli.t-!.lr,F'/.{ :l : {.:t : Ji6f f tG-l ;l !64 l T t t; /:r. .]fl g4n..l 7 iri'16.44 \P4a''1 TOTAL 4,1, 31 32 TJ 2S29.63 0.o r_l . (!!.-r. tJl_l NEW ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. Box K vArL, coLoRADo 81658 (303) 949-4651 l/t t */atq TO rmfi{ 10 DAts, It{E uxp^o utltcE s[llL Dttg firEnESr Ar nE BAIE |E'aF: 0F tltt tEt x0im F nE nytlcE |3 fft p||D I||At ouE 0r $rr a 8mrcff,'|c tw uttn6 pAffr AEr€Es m try ru 8$s0xr8u ruour|Is F[8 IIIOBXETS TEi &iirit-nror D coNrnAcr H;E;;r6ni 18 utE wtnn r0 0Ar8, AXD lf iol Plo PRICE 'l'rz ,3d' . ..'DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED . 7.'t.A OTHEF CHABGES AfoultT Work ordsrsd by I IREE DATE I EIPTOYEE lxns. sle[ran|'€ I trgsby dcknor|€dlo lha lsndaaldt coirdsdo|| d thc sbro dg!€tooal Er. rAzrLi -a t '<' L - Fe<p-/ z;1 f-ir',lr . ' i :: r"i -'i:irjii ,i NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949-4651 Ne 2L628 TO ll B roruE0 ErT rxE txu0l8E 6 qjE um{n ro olvs, $o r mr plo IIn|Ir l0 uYs, r E utpAE 0rLAmE $rtt 0tlu nrEnEsT aT ll{E n E rE'|rrf 0F 1%,t Ffi r0ilt. tF lt{s tfy{ntr 6 xlr p D vtEt 0ut. 08 $nr 6 8nnEn, rHE DIFTUL E pmTy mnEEt m p r Au 8EASoXI8IC AU0UmS FON ATMB||E|S FEES. :t--.,. , ',.; ".UAfenfll > 4i'31 u OF WORK REQUESTED TYORK FERFORMED OTT{ER CHARGES AXOUttT orre I ETPLovEE -Jr;lc.rg'r I J gfndur€ atrsagtdy cords|Et o, oa 6!016 dalat6ao iort 74 NEW EIECTRIC,lNr-. P. O. Box K vAlL. coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949-4651 / -7(2 "/4 Ne 2t642 AlIOUNT DESCN|PTIOH OF WORK REOUESTED DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORIIED OTHER CH/TFGES 4 ,a v- c) rElu& 7 //6r? Wort o(d8red ot l'ta dor€ ddantatt F t r.,,sT t t, mln['Rflf,],n''or.^r'r corrr'^cro'S, rr rc 0905 tlighrvay t-11 . CarbonrJnlc, CO. 8162-1 '.101-945-5098 tHvotcE rf r063B /y'(/8',8 JoB: 1/ s't'AJ>F t'ULs7/"J DESCnTPTIOil ds?*rt t z- /I)l z> t'/7 aat'',{ l-I '/st/ va .T'E€E.S- z50. Z,/z {d L.i ' Zeoo,' .J4 ..Pi4 I .t\. I { I F ': V, l'u,\1 4 ; I ll | .vr I ih tttv \.u, i ; t I * ,{ miltmllF r^o*ApE cor.rT.Acrors, rNc. ws We}r'l1fisc o oorbondals, co. E1623 .3{,3-945-r@E D{vorcE f .0.645 p-/t/aa oEgcnrPTrOrl I fi; f R' t{Da trut^/e.u t{oe"t- aa/. t&Et€,&rt a*l sVsT*f Sleetrnt4 alD€z tt*ep fr.T PaeL *eea C"', .+7Te.flPf Ta l-oc.ATEz €lLtsT"^lg Sy-57€.n *T ?eaa /*e<A -eltmf P162,4 - /o 44.5, 24848- Q t{. ) s"aae*F- Eesoous"rr. .*T nAtt. aeeap*szr) rt ta o,a & fee- €tae7z-l€H L T&4/c rl €-r t.ft q//e_ (2 tr-. 6e, de, y'{4 z aQ, 3 3o. .7 r/7 tt,*4 @- /{, 279 CON5rRUCNON COMPANT REMIT TO: STATEMENT BOX 2139, COLORADO SPRINGS, DATE November .|4, ,1988 '.:.iti* OFFICE & YARD 3IO S. FOURTEENIH STREET AREA CODE 303 d73-5321 coLoRADO 80901 U,Jv j.- - Westin Hotel 8.|657 J*- d*'n** Drive (s%l ( l0,285.62 x .1609%) $ 1,33'1.20 942.04 1,007 .28 67.60 4,295.49 662.56 I ,245.59 214.77 29.30 . -7e5T',3 489.79 -nt;28'532' 16.55 -TrfiffuT7 -= PLEASE PAY FROM THIS STATEMENT -/r f RE: 'TIESTIN ST0RM DRAINAGE / L-O-"uit'aac'f"--l GEJCC JoB N0. 9577 r / J CO.I'ISTRUCTION COSTS THROUGH OCTOBER 3I' .l988 Action Rental, Inc. Adams City Manufacturing B & B Excavat'ing El Paso Pre-Cast Company Labor Direct Fringe Appl ied Burden Small Tools (5%) Umbrel la Liabi I ity (.3%) SUBTOTAL Contractorrs Fee SUBTOTAL General L'iabi l ity TOTAL TERMS: N€T 2orh lrinrrerirber-'"1?.' 1?88 \r'i i 1 tr'ent,lrg= Acrt irlcr l&,]4- 1.;i F:e: ule=t i n Patchinq I iilF-l_rT i llv_tr l;=5 g Exc*vffTii.tE. rliE- lJllHlBE il r: ^t =VAIL. I:O BI&58 ?49-47?9 - 9?&-3*111 T NViJ ] {:E lrjesth a'.:-=n *r i. vq: :;4471, Irihe P:.th F:.tch: l-1giiT :44n8 i41:i:? Gas i-i n=: l4,i=.-t :44.:4 ;S,5?7 :ili .ii-iA |€fgEr " i,,la I i': i:'3.E i-i l-- D i++4i,? tITr-r{i f- r +F Fr.rs 5 Lrr: 'l .;:i,--i.i {-} lJr. ii.: t- -! i:1r lJ.,'ei.'I av ;f,Siifi i+4'?*tr ftrf itL ll-iE -li"iI5 Iiir.,'i:llt:E i i'$iD l. {lE .}t r I I -57 } 8 I .1" ':5 7rj. *ii Lhi) " !i{:i ?4, t I43. +{l :rq&,:9 '{rr ii . :5:j, id€l.r id-i nq !'7{jC'" +il !rJtit"b? 376 " ?{r ?rl. tltt :F6,+!i':. t4 :F,! ?rZ r++++++FAY'Ti{i5 ll'i\1EIEE::"i..:,.r'rhlr'5TftTEi'tEitiT lr!iLL-BE sFl\lT **ii{.it++ CONISTRUqION COMFAI{Y REMIT TO: OFFICE & YARD 3IO S. FOURIEENTH STREET AREA CODE 303 4 t-s321 P.O. BOX 2rS, COLORADO SPR|NGS, COTORADO 8090t STATEMENT ;l \',.J\,.--u-4Ll VaiI Ventures l-0gq S. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 200 Vail, C0 81567- WE5TIN STORM DRAINAGE GE,JCC JoB N0. 9577 Aoams City Manufacturing Co., Inc. B&B Excavating, Inc. Gupp's l.lelding & Fabrication Kemp & Co.n Inc. Equipment Distribution Labor . Direct Fringe Applied Burden Small Tools (5%) Umbrella Liabi I lty (.3%'l SUBTOTAL Contractor's Fee (5%) SUBTOTAL General Liability (20,561.49 x .rcag{') TOTAL $ e24.04 634.49 305.r18 6,282.94 4,774.00 4,249.30 893.72 1,232..18 212.47 . 55.75 Te;5g,r3/ 979.12 fr;3,,'6T:4s PLEASE PAY FROM THIS STATEMENT 33.09 lERilS: NET Zhh NEW ELECTRIC, lNi. I P. O. Box K .tA L VAIL, COLORADO 81658 r' Qi " - (303) 949.465L . ,_...._."*_-.Y J rot, tTIoBxEY's fEEs. sliu;ti lj['ji#itii]|ji .r Lusn- TO ts r6[EE0 IHAI lltts nvot€ ls out ulnfi 10 0rys, flr F Nol pAE Enmr t0 !rts, lltE urplo Blt_rtct slrAt L onAy miE8lsr Al nE EAIE 0F ttr% ptn ro[m. lF Tus nv0EE 6 ltot plo lrq| 0u[. 08 sull tsi BNOIEHT, E OEFTULI|IG PAfrIY AGAEES M PIY AU BITSO rl|.E ASOux$ *1>L- >///V#r,+{@qr"Er{F' Ea/"h tsll|rti,^. D coNrnAcr EAEr"ll',"#,: .EE x ra x.!,€ t le 9/atr /4D ZTrVs - qze /t ) /,2,r*.,sPtorE . J>b->///"'Pl7V, carTt owIaSgQ ntL2.; i/-, /q * bo/z /?aaDrl A, .j/o f70)t-. W OTHEF CHARGES l.?sq/n //aa-- /9y i,t/ I)., '4 fvht/€r EuploYrp lfiiqffiHRA gf,""kU"' co'nglrtot ot fia alora 1; t t- | \__{r lmn 75 Boulh frontage rosd Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce of communlly developmenl August 25, 1988 !lr. Frank Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd. t-000 S. Frontage Road W.Vail , CO aL657 , .,\. Re: Landscaping, topsoil for Developmenr Area "fgynU!"f,Dear Franlcs U I am wrl-ting this letter to formally docr:ment that I have lpproved-the expenditure of g4EO for the topsoLl to be used for landscaping foq Devel_opment Area A at Cascade Village.Attached to this letter is an lnvol-ce fron vair Builders for the topsoil. I have indicated ny approval by slgning this Lnvoice. If you need any furthei a6iurnentation 6r ti,e Townrs approval for this e>rpenditure, please let me know. Sincerely, r)\ nl l/. \ \r.\ Xn$fOr. Trrfi-I(ristan Pritir Senior Planner Attachnent KP:Kc 1' a\a VAIL BUILDERS P. O. Box 542 vArL coLoRADO 81658 Phone 476.6091 ro --0otLl-e-,4u Jd OGS', re iin?,tq< €d. N,la,t!-&:--stL,-rs-.IOB NAUE JOB IOCATION DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL gfrt'"ft'%* lnwn 75 south fronlago road yall, colorado flOSz (303) 476-7000 August 10, l-988 Mr. Frank Freyer Vall Ventures, Ltd. 1OOO S. X'rontage Road W.Vail, CO 81657 Re: Landscaplng for Cascade ViIIage otflce of comnunlty developmenl Dear I'rank: I understand that your intentLon Le to complete aE much of the Iandscaping around the Conference Wing, Terrace BuLldtng, and Cascade CIub as is posslble thls f,all . I nould Llke to request that you conplete the landscaping along the north elevatlon of the Cascade club. It would be wonderful if this issue could be resolved as soon as posslble. I aro also requesting that thE landEcapJ.ng along the north elevatlon of ttre Plaza Conference Wing be conpLeted this fal.I.Your landscape plan will add a lot to this side of the building. Please let ne know if you have any problens with the Hlghway Department and perhaps the Town can try to help you out ln finalizing the landscape plan for the Cascade Club. Thanks for your.eooperation on thls matter. I know how much you enJoy workLng with us tree-loving planners on these J.andscape pflns. Good Luckt SJ-ncerely,r) r O.t L/t I lll +r\ TnffdD lrtrP Kristan Pritz'Senior Planner KP:Kc {o u /vmVrxrruRES,* August 8, 1988 Krl.etl.a PtLtz Tovn of Yall, 75 S. Frontsage Rd.Vall, C0 81657 Re:Terrace ULng Plaza I1 LaadscapLng Dear Krtstiu: Per oun coayeraati,on, i.t i.s the l.lteqE of Vai.l Ventureg, Ltd,to proceed wlth the executlon of the landecapLng work ae seE fortb Ln the plans dated August 1, 1988 as prepared by U. Uenk Associates. The t.atended schedule lncludes the laudscapiug by Septeober 30th 1988, of the area betreetr the Terrace Hlng ind- uhe bike path and along the rest face of the 22 roou addLt,lotr. The areaa around the P1aza Gonference Center and to thE aorth of the Terrace tltug caa not be Landseaped untl1 G.E. JohoEou has conpleted corstruction of t,he Conference Cent,en .!.n late October of 1988. Ue ntll attenpt, to eoordl.nate conpletion of the butldlng and the laudecape,work such that es uuch as posstble ts conplete by Novenber Xgt. Any portLon of tbe sork not ilone by Novenber lst, vl.l.l be undsrtaken li the spring of 1989 wlth total conpletion by Juoe 30, 1989. We bave Lncluded. herewith a tnap of Caecade Vtllage rhich Lndl.cates the Luteniled coruplet{on dites f,or each area Sl.ncer Fra Dl.rect,or FBF/tlo / Freyer, III of Developnent 1000 Soulh Frontage Road Wes1 Vait, Cotorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70 f -----l iI I n,tRrusptem I I vnmeE I ll rl L_____l TOWN OF BUS STOP 'ffil}i:T,,rl ;'mrfli OFFICES .nJ ,,|,[gr I flde rENNrs cou€rs _J,1 _ J1 _ _Jj I I THE cLUB I L:"::y::J CASCADE CLUB/PARKING STRUCTURE l'-a-r \ r-l ql ri MILLFACE PHASE III MILLHACE e:'' m 'ffi/# ru /(5 '7.2 'rr_ r/o //< :':o It w t(,1& ffi o hwn 75 soulh lronlage road uall, c6ls66q 81557 (3113) 47S.7000 ofllca of communlty doyelopmsnt Mr. Frank Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd. I-OOO South Frontage Road West VaiI , Colorado A16SZ Re: Vall Bullders Landscape Bill Dear Frank: r.approve the bLrL frorn vail Builders for boulder work at cascad.e virJ-age for ttre amount of g1r5oo.oo. As part of the overall ,rand-scape inprovenents, this bil.I is acceptabie. s5.ncerely, tll ila ,f niuil rfu @? r- 0r@ rb,0lr[. roolc Eoi[ rurnc l o +&{2l.6t€! (|it c!.!6 muar>lronztte en aop" J Typsre ler laDstoDs l+lo.l!|.gao t 1 ; _::l - 2693 ii ft..;l Tr .,"t,'-",,-' l.J U \J V' ,5:-'{l VAIL BUILDERS P. O. Box 542 vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 TO // o^n fub/88,",*". JOB NAME ..-. JOB L('CATION..-,.- TENMS DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT 7 tl lottn Frank B. Freyer III VAIL VENTT'RES IJTD. 1000 gouttr Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 8155? RE: Terrace/Plaza Iandscape Improvements Dear Frank, In aseordance wl.th the Improvement Agreement dated. August 5,1988, the DEveloper has subnl-tted dosumentatlon for the cost of tbe Landscape lmprovenents as follows: 75 ooulh tronlago ?@d Iell. colorado 81857 (8o3) 478-7000 VENDOR vail BuilderE VaiI Builders Baskins BrotherE InterlockLng Pavenent Midland IandscapLng DESCRIPTION TopsoLl Rock work Rock work Pavers Irrig/PIanting otflca of comnunlty dsvolopnent AltottNT I 450.00 1,500.00 200.00 63,9OO. OO I35;0OO.0O $1O1, O5O. 00 Total to Date WE have reviewed tbe materLalsr/work either J-n process or conpleted and release $1011050.00 from the Septenber 20, 19BB Seattle-F'Lrst NatLonal Bank set aside commitment in the amount of $207,42L.OO. Sincerely, KrLstan SenLor Pritz Flanner 'rr ;;VAIL BUILDERS P. O. Box 542 vArL coLoRADO 81658 Phone 476.6091 ft " * -5y'/-s8-*"No. -- JOB NAUE JOA LOGATION DESiCRIFTION AMOUNT ORIGINAL gf*,ft'V*' I r I fyPswriler lab slops tll . -.+Jl niaE{j,! l@l t4-06 r.5, rn.rs0rd,Pto!trdlr'!!I+lo.l2!t€0fl6.4ddn!l+8&l'|.tao VAIL BUILDERS P. O. Box 542 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 TO I Fold st (>! to tlt 7,t DLl.o.vUP Envolops JOB NAI'E JOB LOCATTON ..--- 2693 // ",. fub/88 ,o,n". DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT arr*,(/,"z /irdr4 A, C&ir, Qc'u/r/, t ,,ro/0. -A # sret ? f-1 tl fl tr{l VtXfr ll ir. ":i [1111 57 ?1 BASKINS BROS. P.O. Box 1325 vArL coLoRADO 81658 476:t741 926'q7|8 '.--Uo]$-.-Vfu AiL ORIGINAL Vf,^hQj*rl WtrAIIEMEIUX 9k Qnor" Jiltzeiatirt P.O. Box 153 ldaho Sprlngs, CO 80452 (3m) e2s-5o44 InterlockLng Pavement|s Proposal datecl 1,5 Sept 88 SOLDTO: CUSTOMER ORDER NO; vaLl ventures r,tdt. westin Hoben' Ma]ll . 1000 g. Frontage Rdl. l{eet lNvolcENo. 1531 VaiL. Co. .81657 Attt Frank Fryer DATE I oct 88 00 TEFUST a{gf DUE UFOI{ f,ECElFf OP |NVO|CS. A SENVICE CHAigE OF lla6 PEE I'ONTH.II'ILL BE I'AOE ON ATL UNPA'E BAIIIIICES. OATE OT.|ANTITY CI{ARGES CREDITS Orilinal Contract Am,, $?1000.0C Amt. Conp. thru l0ll4l8g 90E 63900.0C Amount of thi-s InvoLce For LnstallatLon of Road Base, Santl ancl Favers att The Westin gotel Mall 1300 t|esthaven Dr, 963900.00 $63900. PAY LAST AII/IOUNT IN BALANCE COLUMT\|''' tnlDm0f),o*or.Ap' coNrRA(ToRs. rNc. 0905 Highway 133 r Carbordals, CO. 816Zt o 3{t3+l}gp8 lilvotcE, , 0 615 I o/K/ag X)8: tt/ g|SI r^J S r rci DESCRIPTION Lii-^J D S C AP g ? L+d-i- tq *retzt *L e^J s l-F€ I LRt $ /|-.ri o,J fi Ar.EIa-1+L oN s rT--r TEe'.,./ e$ t il q +Nb PrPq /N s-ir+LLe;i-ior..{ f-o r*e t+l rS t nrlo r ce, Z{ooo. 8, o oo, Z oOo, 3, ooo, ':--'1.,'l .,[,; ..; lt..tnor trnnrt'lrrnlci ...:.... . cl!. ' I l'/7 C.tt.ttlr totlntot\\ ,':"':101, '' i:ru i';r;i-. , ,. .' ' . ';l{1' ..ii?-...1o b *ll::'*i:$ig'';\i$\' ^: ':".4;:lt: *::l.. r....'rara',' ..oii. _ *' '.',T,','T-.!!i.;:, iifii*riifia--'rrrnrlto't :.\:\i ' ' .. 'ol[?' *r i 'tE#er-rHnls. .. "li*, , ry ,iT ' qo'" !Hlifl'ii,1i3ffi,,*' ' '*\ ]+-., .|:.i; l.ri:; .:,T.|i..::r{ir..i.v:!::rj .;:i,l . ..: i -^--,'.. .. .a . \ \'- :-" j "" ':' " 'it 1?- iotg i'rD" I rlr' - \3b '' 17 lchlll.a rtltrtoltur rotrl \ r ET'FFtI1IEiEETT' TTTEECL lfREEq" ,;' - ,:ti iniocr'.'i.;:'+.:"r' . '"'f, '' ' -: b.i 'irSm rngrlirnall at'..r!t"..'x..- et ftt9t PurDl' lrttr t llt' lor . H, .' A' , : t{htir ltr t'- tr EgA Jv' l.t.r 'tfrrtbrrI 8t.r'tl - '';!i;i oinoolor,, .: '' . Jl. or 4t^. or_.yr olr.1 , rtr. po,r . :' . ,r. . 1ir:, 1l *" . ot 1b . 3i;:!:"fi::il rruceathaiur n ..' '4 ' nttir .rir ' . tit:' llr Lt l't' ' chrr.utF.l t . f4 .' .; .;'rEtal ..!ootcr - lt. u.b 4h Lrnorr.;3 oor.eprt. a ,la. eor o1 . ..i {A..r:'.... Dougl...ffr : !'- !' tal :" ?r.oP.l. l&c'ol'tr . V prruaoiiugr r.nz!!.tl a?. lfl jn r!,.r.ra a t!a. pot "' 'b :3::11il.:il rcnzrrart t'-;:' laB " (r illi-riur '8su'trtottur'lot'uet rcnzrrtl I !t (l?t ' *rntrt.tlo r 2 l!l'' Por Ap q- lu.trlr3 plnr 6t- 8" lti - orllt'rllll 'rllt't'. (/ itnui nlgr f,r' En 74- d6.lb.llr a ltt. ?or ..'lF :l,l , . ,t',rr.t.rr* , .''r:" *r' LU fiillllltlt"-t-' : .:: ;;i. l- ': tlD.' nt!r' tP lrJ tc.trnat goPPY ' 2 lll' Pol ' -W. Prlrrvar oudlcaula 11 l1 lto w, .a or[. I Olt. a 8Af,. ! 3lL. ! orL. I Otl'. t sAt . ! otL, '! olL. ! olr'. Gory. colt. aort, co t. GOTI, collt. cox?. oom. collt. gol|t. It icP rcp Btt l3 &c a ua' a lll' , rla' , |la' 2llt. ? rlr. a t|r" SarvttoblrrY ,' E.lrncbl.t.!.!toltr Dr.r! Slur irbbl tbrurh Chrt'ao th||n$a iluaaoru' Dntt orr.B ilbbttbtu+ ChrIlo ihalnut n|u..otut colorratc oo6t""C coanua aarlcaa Golor'd3nt' ' ioel 8Ptro.golodl.cul duro3ua . Irtlv. ilnrb.Dts thyaocartu. r€togYnq' llt. lvcrrtt tltltto Fo'tDtt I l' iiiriiiiii t;;tlcc.r rllt ' tvtrttt' lc.rlat tugl.r Panttc'oo Paaltaron barbrtq. thrll D.rl P.nttc.on Elnrt3ron tlaEdtllor' Rocly t{ountrtb Panirtsron -- P.natclon tttlatur Irt le n.a cro.Plnt Phlor Pbtor subulrtr Etuc Grc.Plng Pllor Fblol .rbul.tr afrtrftnr- b. b b qb. (!p u u 4b 14o ' Pr PO ?ot POT POt POt ?ot ?ot 'aol Erooth DHrrt gur|c ' lh[. glrbra cttroDtrna t.llor tloflliln! dsttrnt u, 49 &avlndas CottoB sbtolla. GbrLactD.l s lcarrtr lirtrtur '8lua Pull' Brtloon tlor.r 2 tl" ;i;,i;;;;;-a;nitttlorr'rtarr'lll BItt!' Etrcl-lyad Surrn isaul.ii. tntgtih roold.tlulr Etu. Lobaltr &f,b.t h .rtnua !lu. 3ra.t llyaaur ' Lobularl. r.rltha J.tEnr.. llPlD. lopty ?|trrva! rttabarlru -itbaa aullur ; . . Dr.tt lretls tltll4 . DL lar ,t'i 'P 140 319 -t lnttn 75 south tronlego road vall, coloradlo 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of cqmmunlly dsvelopment Frank B. Freyer III VAIL VENTI'RES LTD. 10OO South Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 8L657 RE: Terrace/Plaza Landscape Improvments Dear Frank, In accordance with the Inprovenent Agreenent dated August 5' 1988, the Developer has subnltted docunentation for the cost of the landscape Lmprovenents as folloss: VENDOR Interlocking Pavement Midland L,andscaping New Electrlc DESCRII{TION Pavers Irrig/Planting Lighting A}TOI'NT $ 8,990.00 23,500.00 3,493.9L $ 35,973.9L We have reviened the naterials/work either in process or completed and release an additional $35r973.9L from the September 20, 1988 Seattle-FirEt National Bank set aside conmitment in the anount of 9207,42L.oo. Sincerely,,r r nl l./,, I llrJ-,lR{l€f^:r A {l t l-l- I lllr pvl lr I \ L-Kristan Pritz Senior Planner WEAUEMENI Dfr" finr", Sl,eointitt P.O. Box | 53 ldaho SPrlngs, CO 80452 (3O3) 62s-5fi0d 9292 Interlocking Pavement I s Proposal dlatetl 15 Sept. CUSTOMER ORDER NO. 88 SOLD TO: VaLl Ventures Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage Rd, West Vaill Co. 81657 Att; Frank Fryer West.ln Hotel MaLl INVOICE NO. DATE 1536 7 Nov 88 TERM3T NEt DUE UPON RECEIPI OF INVOICE.i:;;ii;;;i.A n-oE oF i'av' eii ibr'rrx wiut- ee mADE oN ALL UNPAID EALANGES' " 1 f.$ '':t ' ,,ii o:$$ffi i, . ! r', 'r ",'i iil {1'.' ;ri; i. OATE qUANTITY OESCRIPTION CHAF6ES cFEOlrS BALANCE originaL Contract Amt. $71000.001 Amt. Comp. to date 71000.00'Ant. prev. billett 63900.00 Adjusted Amt. 7100.00 Amt. this Invoice 1"6/)For Installation of Road Ease, SandrPavers and Re<lwood Etlge at; The westin Hotel Mall 1300 Westhaven Dr.Vail, Co. $7100.00 ,zK/oaa D N() Az /-r19BB s7 r.00.00 (lraa ou L.v(4aca /uo*(i\t\.r, \ &r(oD wffi NTURE$, LTI"' PAY LAI IT AMOUNT IN BALANCE CSLUMN t.! i iti .rt li:j 1NIER|.OG|ONG trAUEMENT J fr" f.rrr,r, Slre.hrtiil P.O. Box | 53 ldaho Springs, CO 80452 (3o3) 62e-[qd(* 9292 Vail Ventures Ltd. 1000 S. Frontage RdI. rWest VaiI-, Co.81657 Atti Frank Fryer SOLD TO:CUSTOMEF ORDER NO, WestLn Hotel Mall lNvolcE NO.t537 DATE 7 Nov 88 TERMgt NET DUE UPON FECEIPT OF INVOICE. I -ciiniiE i fn ia i oF i yr.z pei uoNrx wrr-L se MADE oN ALL UNPAID BALANGES. .l .'4 l;l{t:ti t;ffr t..st'!,s t' .l r .i 5ta Tir',s ir.' : ', ',lt t'. i.1 OATE OUANTITY DESCRIPTION CHAFGES CFEDITS BALANCE Addltional gtork to Orlg. contract 1)fear-out & Relay 1.020 sq. ft. 72 M.Hrs. x $32.00 Relay Rol-Lock around New Curb 8 M.Hrs. x $32.00 2l 3) Tear-out & relay exslsting pavers to adjust their eLev'to proper hgt. 10 M. Hrs. x $32.00 s2304.00 255.00 320.00 '.: '. hi ..:-' e*-( tfi $2880.00 PAY LAST AMOUNT IN BA -ANCE COLUMN > .: ,.i ' $Tlll][RnD LA*oscApE ccNIRAcroRs.,Nc. 09{15 Highway lJ3 . Clrbondal€. CO. El5Zl . l$-9aJ-509E -ys, y'4 tt t/atrucas JO8: rNvolcE n 0539 /ft)7€1-hlFsrr'J rr/z"k OESCHIPTION L Qrt/DSctt?€ /r{A tFEt 4 lt'ta J €z.t Tetq LFSS Pt4ta r-a LE-SS; l,{te*tetETe 4s aF "/="/ea ) t* S-n+ti- 6eae{ce;-{--r-;P;Jegr)rJ r';LS a) lep ra*no^l i+€Abs A^J> dc*.Y4er t lLS 3) s"u tua(b +) *"t^r' 0.* L €l.Att€" s zlP-tcA >'"'r€ Zooa. 6 ooa. / 5oo.fao 73,.daa- 3{,ooa- /.o, oae 'TUnu-i-Fl-rs ,il ve rc-r ,4/te. ,* /"4 7(ah"''z'* aff /;'*h n+ !erc- ----f /3, soD :===- I t?' -.1 ,. J 4 -: : t I /t-rg/Lltl nccouhtr Huri,leeR \tl1f rl l ryq'1 PAGE NO. r I /09/8rl ACCOUNT NUMBER '...'l lTO t0P9 t0 tl t2 t,tEt't ELErjTRIrl , ltl(-. t, . o. B(lx ll VAIL c{r '1 1658 VAI L VE}ITTIRES 1OOO S. FRONTAGE ROAD I.{ vnrL, c(J Q1657 To Insure Proper credll olease check those ltems belno Pald In lhe "'2" coluinir and return lhls porllon ol lhe stalement wlth your paymenl.t3 ld tg t8 17' ta t9 m zl zz AMOUNT { DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALAN CE REFERENCE 23 24 a a 27 2A a ,' 33 3tl ; 36 a REFERENCE 19 .'J 3 !1li . (l 14q1.:! J ' 2D5t]| !16: 2 | f:'l ----?tFl I I I t. ') . ?.'l 176.80 ?ilq1.84 *TT1;oa 2ilct1llL ? n5eo 21625 2167 4 1OlO1/88 LO/2r/BB Lo/05/88 I I I vn I L vElll'ttREs vtIL VBltTrJnEs vAI t, vnNTunEb' l9 I t6 l1-19 7 F -l-rf7flt5zrj t(VAI L lErq:rttm+s---1 PAY 4,?,1 0.';!ToTAL -la.Z**,I coDEs S:8[MEMB l:l,il#E[' ^'litBt"'l$ ''E"lllil8F ,;l 30 DAYs I-- 60 DA\4s I go oavs 1AI DAYS 4t. 12 3864. rll o.uo n.0("r r.l . fllt NEW ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. Box K vArL, coLoSADO 81658 t303) 9494651 /L4? l:il i, l;. ... .,:,]:tr-ri{ ., i.-i '- - ..-r t-: r" ffrHr 10 orYs. IltE upllD Slurc snlu 0itw ntEiESr tt IfiE irlE 0F I ?r7. PA Hollll. lt ]l{E llVoEE 15 ll0T P O tilAl oue 0i SUII lS 8ioUEfT. nE 0tfTlJLl|XE Pmn ACnEES m P l Atl lElsolllElt AtEUlllS a r'/ la oo9. ko ,t',ht h0( - ho,' / fn P r 6 TGnEED I I n|ts fiU0tE Il olE ffnn 10 otts. ttD rF xot PAt0 '*ry7/---7/ / | l*QTt--sS' @r^rEisY I t ,l-E4/ h ,ffiX".l'o,. ! cor.rrnrcr EiEillST,t "*ffi.-44/zvr 4,4/ Zffi Vst-r.*o /;a p/*^' 3Yrz6-z/t "'v-v?*f,fr 17q7 Foi rrro8iErs FEES. iIATEBIAL n, -s{ .'DESCRIPTION OF WOBK PERFOFMED OTHER CHARGES AHOUXT DArE I Ef,PLoYEE l'iidliliii Wor|t ordo?6d by I ht.t|tt scrttda6t! im ldr actoty cotidlt o't o! tna lea d€s6.o 5r NEW ELECTRIC,INC. P. O. Box K vArL COLORADO 81558 (303) 949-46s1 TO T"z6-66a2 w6-?-cncsr rENBy fuF d{l|".i'^,- n coNrRAcr ETEffi llfha-b ..oa F|d{E a trqa:-a?nul nu| NY0EE ts otJE ulll{x t0 olts, ar|0 F [0t pto rmfi t0 Etts, mE utoto S Ltic€ srt|.L onru fit[lEsr al n€ nAIE 0F rh% fEi rlrnl F llflti nv@E B [0I Fmt flrE| lue 0n sur B 8i0uEHI,llr€ 0EF&Lnr6 paFn AcSEES m pry at ! SEtsox al a 0uirs FOi ITTON||ETS FEES, Wor|r ordsred by PRICE IAM ESCRIPTION OF WORK REOUESTED DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED OTHER CHARGES I lqaot ac|.ro$a(|a rna ltlt!3|aetory cqrllotros ol ||la dlow qlldrlqt €r TOTAL LABOF fr'9t: NEW ELECTRIC, INC. P. O. Box K vArL, coLoRADo 81658 (303) s4e.46sr TO '* rt?/',^At|f?*76-T,,'f{o@rx@.br E-/h qrglo.eFg o@ {r@ E llff.l,^. I cor.rrnrcr E A?illig['.o**]/+ro-,1. n //aLet "'**1fu,r./4/gt z/<.a r)V, h& rU "Tlt-'fr%*T#+-/4 r B A68EED IH|I tltE r,|voEt tS qE S[I|{H t0 oAtS. tro F l0l pAo gmgi r0 0tys, lH€ Utpi{l Srurc s ttt 0ttr nt6Eir ar ru nrn 0r t!t?. P€t u0rll. n It03 rly0E€ 6 xol pto wxEi Ele 08 sutt t3 8rflen, IHE 0EFtutIxS Pmrr AGIEES m P t Att n$sul8u Af,0utts FOi ATTOSXEY'S FEEs. IIATERIAL - F-fr AIIOUTITT DESCRIPTI N OFWOFK REOUESTED t oP DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORiIED 'o- €a OTHER CHARGES Wort ordsr€d by f IMPROVEMENT AGREEI'{ENT ,/lt ( )t/and entered into this I / day of This Agreement made 1988. by and between Partnership (hereinafter (hereinafter the |tTowntr) WITNESSETH: VaiI Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado called the trDevelopertr) , and the Town \ WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition of receiving a temporary certificate of occupancy wishes to enter into an Improvement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or ,:ollateral sufficient in tlre judgnnent of the Town to make reasonable pi:ovisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in approvals on file with the Town; and hI{EREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of the Agreement, including construction of the above r:eferenced improvements by means of a set aside commitrnent. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following rnutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment, material and labor necessary to perform and complete, on or before June 30, 1989, in a good workmanlike manner,aII inprovements as shown on the attached Exhibit llArt in confornance wit-h the plans and specifications approved by the Design Revir:v Board of the Town of Vail for the completion of landscaping and other improvements according to such plans. A1I such work shall be done under the inspection of and to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department of the Town and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as compl-eted by the Town. 2. The estirnated cost of such work and improvements is S2o7 ,421. oo. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer has provided security and collateral in the form of a set aside commitment from Seattle-First National Bank,dated Augu.st 5, 1988, in the amount of $2O?,42L.00 on a form acceptable to the Town Attorney. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute its collateral origirrally deposited with the Town for another forn of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful cornpletion of those of VaiI / improvements referred to here and its perfornance of the terms of this Agreement. 4. As improvements are conpleted, the Developer may apply to the Torrrn for a release of part or all of the collateral deposited with the Town, and upon inspection and approval, the Town shall release such collateral by executing a letter stating itrs approval of the work completed and the amount of collateral which is released. If the Town determines that any of such improvements are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications, it shall furnish the Developer a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to ensure compliance. If the improvernents are not conpleted according to the plans and specifications by the courpletion date, the Town may withdraw and ernploy from the deposit of collateral such funds as rnay be necessary to construct the improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications. 5. The Town shall not, nor shal1 any office or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement unless the Town contracts to do the work pursuant to Paragraph 4 above, nor shall the Town, or any officer or enployee thereof, be liab1e for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shal-I and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby aglrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, claims, darnages, or liabilities to which the Town or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claj-ms, darnages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder, except as specified above, and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indernnity provisions shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 6. The parties rnutually agree that anended frorn time to time, provided that such and signed by all parties hereto. ATTEST: this Agreement may be amendments be in writing -'"'-\/J11 E,T "+ DEVEIOPER: vAIrJ vEilruREs, LTD.,a Colorado Linl-ted Partnershl.p by UANSFIT.nD, LTD.,its General gartner, by !IoNEA!{E CORPORATTON,the llinit* ceneral Partner of tlansfl-el-d, Ltd. Cr^ C t-a Andrew D. WorrLs IfI, PreELdent By: -Hffi:;u":" EXHIBIT rArl of the Improvement Agreement dated 1988, between VaiI- Ventures, Ltd. and the the Town of Vail) Willian wenk AssocLates Plans and SpecLficatione dated August 1988 as attached hereto and marked Exhibit nAx. Plan theetE 1 through 19 excLudl-ng the add alternate area. 1, part \AITVrxruRES,,, October 20, 1988 Kristin Pritz Office of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Set Aside Agreement Dear Kristin: Enclosed for your records Bank's September 20, 1988, set reflects your requested changes commitment dated August 5th. commitment contained in our August 5, 1988, now refer to */ Frank B. Freyer, III Director of Development Enclosure is a copy of Seattle-First National aside commitment. This document and replaces the previous The references to the set aside Improvement Agreement dated the attached September 20th document. ly, '1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6602 1.t Srptrmbrr 2Q, t9AA S.enmcr Town of Voll ?5 S. Frontogr Rord Ycll. C0 0lCl? 6rntlrmm: Thls lr t0 srrlltg thot Srattle'Flret llotl0n0l tmlt hlr rat rrlde 1207,421.00 for the |Jso 0r cndlt ol Vall Ventug, Ltd., c Colortdo tlmltad partnrrrhlp, to fund thg complrtlsn of landgc$a lmgruYlmant* rulcttng t0 tlr t{rflln Hotel TBtrtce Yllng and Plrzr Confrnncl Crnter cddltlone. Such l6ndrc$t lmProvrmfits ara Indlcotrrt In t|13 glfis ffd spsclflcatlonr bg wflllrm urnk Amoelitm d.trd AuEurt l, lgEt, rnd wlll tr eomplrtrd In Confonnancs wlth thr fmgrovomant Agrrmmt batif6rn Yrll Vanturrt cnd tht Town of Yoll datrd August 5, l9EA, Slnuld guch lrndscapr lmgroysmsnts not br corn0lgted bg Yoll vmturut bg Juna 30, 1989, thr furule or thg rtmdnlng balrncr of thg tundt ngt rl6rdg exPsndsd f0r 1;6dtclpi lmgruvtmrnts wlll bs mldt 096llabl3 dlructlU to tJ13 Tgytn 0t Vall 13 rcqursttd for eomglatlon ol thr wort' Rsqusrtr fron tmTown of Voll mmt bB accomplnhd bg thr followlng: l. Evldrnsr thit vrll vrnturtt, Ltrl. har brrn dulg nottffrd 0f th3 Torvn of Vall'r Intsnt to lrrur mld wrlttan dtmind. 2. A ilil3mrnt rlgnrd bg the mtntgNr 0f tht T$I'n 0f Yalt stltlng that Vall Ventunl, Ltd. her not comolttrd thl landacapg lmpruvamantr purguont to ths plans dotrd Augurt l, 19t8 rnd tha lmproyement Agrrrmrrrt tlttsd August 5, t980, 0n 0r b3fois Juns 50, 1949. 5. Tho amount rsquaated to somplrtc tha lmpruvamentl. 4. Approprtotr loborand motrrlcl Informatlon or Involsls t0 supFort thr requrctad lmount. t{o fund3 wlll br mleaeed wtthout wrltten Instmctlon fnDm thO mcnagsr of thg Town of Vall' terllnt irr| lr[t. ctguF co|umo|a 6retilrt Cantet/70l-Fihi Av6nUc/sggn||, w.r.hington 98104 Tele-FhonB 1?0E) 3s8.3560 --Ucriiig ld'itiea: PoEt Oltlcr Box 34103/S' llr' Warhlngron 98121'1t03 1=U ISUll U35 SE:ST 88, EZ d35 34fl|7'-'\ $aptrmbrr20, lgtE Pagr Two Thla eommltmrnt shrll sxFlru 0n ttu datg whsn tln Town of Voll lccfptf tha larulgcaF lmprovtmrnta ag eomplstl, 0r Saaflrst has fundrd thr rntltl rum to Ylll Vmtutlr, Ltd. rnd/or tm T0!vn ol Vafl for complfllon 0f m9 lon0reip3 Inprovrmsntr. In ns rvrnt shEll thls commltmmt rrtfid bagond lfovrmbrr l, 1969. Stittlt-tlrut ilrtlonal Ecnk hsrBbu subtnltr to thr JurfFdlBtlofl of tha stata of colorcdo and rgnar th0t pr0grr vanus ls the E6glr Eountg Dfatrlct court for iry dlsFuttr rrlrlng from thls Agruemrnt. Thlt ett aeldr eancrfr md aupgrurdr rold rut-orldt ltttsr &ted Augurt 5, lgt8 whlch lr m longer In forcc. SEATTLE-FIR T ilATIOIIAL lAilT, I t{atlonal lcttkf ng Armsldlon Yld l5dLl UJb 5t:!i |J'dt W4 dJ:r .i \AITVNIruRES,,. Auguet 11, 1988 Krlstin Prl,tz Tova of VaLl 75 S. Frontage Road Ya11, C0 81657 Ret Terracc lJiag Plaza Landecaplng Dear fristlnr - Ae reqaested, enclosed ls a copy of the landecape brdgat for the above refereoced butldlnge at Cascede Village. Encloaureg r FBF/tln Siocere \-.?q'-Frank B. Freyer, fII Director of Developnent Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 r 303/4764602 ,ri*; I I I I t; I ! ; t. ir' ll l I i I I I i I ll I a I I i i t I h I I i togt pno.rgcrror TESITN HOTEL COURTYARD GloDESrGX/lrElrK ASSOC. COrStR. AUDGET:9204,OOO PI||A[ COTSTRUCTI O|| DoctruEltts TTE QOAX A. PAVIIIG/COXCREIB l. tlnl.h crrdr 2. 12" conc. band 9. Onlt Pavcrg a . Thbar Hladca 5. Plegctona ott Sand 6. Concrete Culblng a. Conc. I lr. Ottl. 9, 10. I. UTILITIES l. lranch DralD 2. Dr.ln fnlcta 3. Draln Llne (6') 4,; D!'aln Lln. ( l2r' l 5. frnhofe3 6. 7. c. LrGEfrtf(' L OD Llghtg PSASE 1l oa /09 /a6 UIIT cogT cogr o. 06 ?. oo 5, 25 2,OO LOO lo. oo 60,0o o,oo o. oo 30, 0o aoo . oo 10,00 18. OO ztoo,00 0.00 o. 00 orrt itltARf,s 41900 sP {o? Lt 1a€6r 5r 31a ft 7?7 SE 70 t,t6 El 3UB?OTAL suBtdriAL 30Bror.tL 2095.OO 26a9 . OO ?69?0. 25 628.OO 3loB.oo 700, oo ?50, oo o.oo 0.oo 8?100.26 420. oo 5200. oo 200, oo 8550 , OO 7500, 00 o. 00 o. 00 2t€70.o0 5950,OO 2ooo. oo lo50 . oo 0. oo 0,oo 0,oo 3050 . oo 6t98, 50 ?2gt ,50 t30,00 600, oo laaao. oo T' IJT 13 8A 20 tt a?5 r.t 3Et zt Et IO EA 200.oo 6200. oo 75.OO 750. OO o. oo o. o0 o. oo o. o0 2. ll.c. Outl.tr 3. a. 8. Sltt FnR rTuit L Erncbas 2. Traa €rataa g. a. 5 t. tRSrcArtor l. Plantr!2. Op.n 3. DrlP a. illrc. DlIp aEt 3EA o o 600. oo tto . oo 0.oo 0.oo o,76 o, to 50. oo too . o0 3UBIOITAE t?ta st 1a603 3t ll lrreg tL9 SUErotlt I !f ii l. : I t ti T]li .l I I .;( , €. EAtIDgcAPE 1. 6!..n Alh (a"cal'2. 13 t/2(9. l.p.n (a")| {. t rS i/?"1 s. tr (3n) | 6. " 12 r/2,.1 | 7, " t2" l I E. ERgl.!.nn spruce 9,' to. 11. glhtta Plr t2,13. Dougl.s tLr ' 1,a.lt. lBatrlan Flnc t6. 17. Shruba 450.00 1950. oo {oo. 00 2so0 , oo 325. OO r300. OO 275.OO aaOO. OO 225.OO t?25. OO 130. OO aO50. OO 100.oo 3600. oo 2?5.OO 55O.Oo (6'-€.) 125.OO 2r25. OO (8'-10' I sso. oo 11oo. oo (10,-12,) 2?5, OO 11OO.OO (5'-8' )55O.OO rlOO.OO (1O'-r.2| )27s.OO 22Oo.OO (6'-8' )a25.OO 2126.OO l8 ' -1O" )2?5.OO sso.OO (6'-8') a25,OO a25.OO (8'i-1O'l 22.OO 5302, OO 2,OO 5?.{6. O0 2 L/at' pots o. 20 {920. oo o,26 3625. OO o.50 a360. oo to.oo 80()0. oo 2.50 925. OO 2,OO ?56. OO o. 08 I lo. ao 30.oo 450. oo 3.OO 2925.00 over lllter fabrlc ?06l9. ao 6. OO 900. OO ?50.0o 1500. oo ? . oo 28?. oo 7S.OO ?6.00 aoo.00 aoo. oo 2,OO g. OO ?5.oo 15oO,oO ivc. ez. l/2 CY l5?o. oo TOTAL 208099.66 t8. GEound Covera/ 2e71 EA Vln6a/Prrcnnlalg 19. Soll Alrndnant 2a6oo sF 3EA 7EA 4EA 16 EA 2I EA 27 EA 36 EA 2BA 5tA 2EA {tt 2AA aEt 5EA 2eA lEA 241 EA 1a500 sF 8?20 SF 200 ?or 3?O EA 37A Lt 1380 sP 15 EA 9?5 St 2EA {t Ll IEA 20. sod . 21. [ulchlng i 22. EouldrF 23. Annualg 2a. Edglng 19. lfatlv! Seed 19. St€pplng Stone!20. CobbLsa ( 6-6rr) 2. Brnch..3. Conc. Edger {. llrs. Outleta SUBTOTAE H. SPA ARAA 1. llagaton on Conc 15O SP 5. Spr Control/Phon€ 1 EA 6. Up-Llghtg ?. Bouldrrs {EA 20 TOtf soBtotr! T P f: |{ 1i Julv 11 . 19BB Mr, Gary Murra in Chief Building Officer Town of Va i I 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Murrain: Th i 5 letter perta i ns to the appl icat j on of Va i I Ventures Ltd for a certificate of occupancy on the Westin Hotel Terrdce Wing and Plaza Building conference center. In our opinion.the landscape construction budget of eAtS,OOO appears to be adegudte to complete the landscape plans as shor./n in the EO-sheet set of dravings dated.July 5, ,l 9BB. Please don't hes itate to contact me if you have dnv f Lirther guestions on the landscape architecture for this project. 5i vard cc! Frank Frever. Vail Ventures Ltd ncerely She r ry lilrcrrv [)tlrwatf'l r,rrvr.., ,1yu ;rr, r,,1" ra,,r;l 16fi5 grarrl slreet denvercoloradoS0203 303863028/ \AITVrxruRES,,, July 29, 1988 f,rlstln Pritz Tovn of Yall 75 S. Froatage Rd.Yail, C0 81657 Re: Cagcade Vl11age Bike Path Dear KristLo: Confirnlng our conversation, the Yillage is nal.rtaiaed by the Caecade blke path uithln Caaeade Yillage Aesociatioa ard aot Slnc Fraok B. Director FR? /tLn the Toyn of Yal1. I pnent r eter ,f Devel F o 1000 south Frontage Road west, vail, colorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 75 south trontago road vall, colorado 8'l 657 (3O3) 476-7000 July 2l-, 1988 Mr. Frank Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd. L000 S. Frontage Road vail , co aL657 Re: Revision to Terrace Wing Landscape plan Dear Frank: On July 20, 1988, the Design Review Board qave final approval to your amended Terrace wing r,andscape prai with the fbirowinq conditions: L. A seven foot open radius wilL be maintained. around all fire.hydrants. This means that some of your landscaping will need to be pulled back to rnlintain this seven foot open area. 2. Per Mike McGeers request, nraintain three feet of clearance around alt fire departnent connections. 3. Add two eight-foot spruce, three ten-foot spruce, and two 12-foot spruce in the green plaza area to the north of the Terrace Wing. 4. The chain link fence protecting the Cornerstone site will be covered with I darf green windscreen to ninirnize the visual irnpact of the fence. This fence is only approved until May 1, j_989. 5. A landscape plan must be submitted by May l_, 1989 to the Design Review Board if a buildinq peimit for the Cornerstone project has not been obtained by May 1,1989. The prinary point is that by May L, 1989-you should plan to cornnunicate with the staff and the Design Review Board on whether or not the Cornerstone bullding will be built during the sumner of 1989 or if landscaping wlll be planted on the CornerEtone site due to the construction not proeeedl.ng. If you have any further queetLons, please feel free to call De. Sincerely, r .,1. I C\'l 'ftfilontifr Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:kc ' r. -- .,' u. Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing Block Zqre Comments: Design Review Board I n Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3O3) 47&7OOO July 21, t98g I{r. Frank Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd. L0O0 S. Frontage Road Vail , Co 8L657 Re: RevLsion to Terrace Wing Landscape plan Dear Frank: On Jul11 20, L-989, the Design Review Board gave final. approval to your amended Terrace wing randgcape pLai with trre r-oirowing conditions: l-. A seven foot open radius wlll be naintained around all_fire.hydrants. This neans that sone of your land.scaping wJ.l1 need to be puJ_l_ed back to rniintain this seven foot open area. 2. Per Mike Mcceers request, malntain three feet of cLearance around all fire department connections. 3. |dd tlro_eJ.ght-foot spruce, three ten-foot spruce, and two l2-foot spruce in the ltreen pJ.aza area Lo the north of the Terrace l{ing. 4. Tbe chain link fence protecting the Cornerstone site will be covered with i dark green windscreen to minimize the visual impact oi tne fence. This fense is onJ-y approved until-uay 1, l_989. 5. A- landscape pLan must ba submitted by May L, 1989 to the Design Review Board if a building pemii for the Cornerstone project has not been obtained by May L,1989- _ T!r" prinary pol_nt is that by May r, rseO-you should plan to communLcate with ttre stlff-and the Design Review Board on whether or not the Cornerstone a' building wil.l be bultt during the sunmer of t9B9 or if landscaping will be planted on the Cornerstone site due to the construction not proceeding. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, r,l I n'l {.,<t'tn Uit+l\tJ\i \lrr\[ Kristan PrLtz Senior Planner KP:kc PROJECT: DATE SUSMITTEO: C0I""'ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC I,JORKS Reviewed by:Date Conments: POLICE DEPARTHENT t-. I Revi er,ied by: Co*nerrts: Reviewed.by: Co;;ents: RECiEATiOII DEPARTI,IENT Date \(LOra fu^" L? l^i i rtr HEARI NG PUBL IC . FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Date 'lt i ,i rl r- r ' '.1 -' Jt .if,dirioo iixr-. -1 !:.i ;' ' . - . ; ,";tl '#t ".!S*xr*Lf+ '1]:,1;,]1,' ' i 'r1" ;,'' f :i,,qq*.' itnt*ffi.ry'* ii i ii#ti,,'.rli'1.'* i t'' i 01 ili;H#*".e"ri-'ilr-i, ii;f .f'{i itr,o..,.'H ',:$g3 u-.-.";-,i ': |i t1' N{FPITI TpJEI.,I -I-i--- "i'l'!t; r$ r,il rt1 ,'ii :J ,4 tid jji: '.,...! / 6 3 5 6 6 . lr,.;,- :r:- llllLLlP! ''.'-i'.;:'1. ircltl:;r't'l tirJUIL A.LL UEN BY TITESE PRESEMS: $,1.{r.1i r[--^-.-"J 5ip l$I or Pll'Bl TIIAT CASCADE IoDGE JOII.IT VENTURE, a Colorado Jolnt Vencure (herelnafter referred co as ltGrantortt), by VaiL Venturee, Ltd., a CoLorado Llnlced Partuership, by Mansfleld, Ltd., a Colorado Llnleed Partnelship, LEs General Partner, by .r{oncane Corporacion, a Colorado Corporation, Andrec D. Norris, President, and by ConAn Vall Mvisors, Inc., a Callfornta Corporatlon, by Herbert A. Ueiecrlch, Presidentr and by Caecade Lodge Fotel Corporaelon, a Delawaee.Corporation, for TEN D0LIARS ($10.00) and ochef, good and valuabte conslderaEl.on, the-,recelpt of whlch ls hereby ackoowledged 'hereby sells and conveys and warranls the tltle Eo the sane, sublect to all Lnstrurents of record, unto che IIPPER EAGLE VATLEY CONSOTIDAIED SANITATION a quasi-uuniclpal corporaEioo of the State of Colorado, whose 1eFal addrese Foiest Road, Vall, Colorado, 81657, (hereinafter ref,erred to as fGranteert), fotloutng real property sltuate ln Ehe County of Eagle, State of Colorado' A permanen! easement ' together wtEh the rlght of ingress atrd egressr to conecruct, recongEruct, oPerater repalr and uaintaln a Eltenty foot (20') sLde sewer llne easemenC and related sppurienances, tn, onr Overt under and through that cract of land nore parclcularly descrlbed Ln 'rExhlbl't Atr, whlch exhiblt ls attached hereto end LneorporaBed heretn by chle refereoce. DISTRI,CT, ts 846 the to-uit ! Eaglc Countv tQte nes. pi, @ l/i; CI: GranEor, iEs helre, Successors, fransfereee, and assLgns, shall not erecc nOr place Any perDaoenC bulldlng, structure, !.mprovenenE t fence or tree on the abovlqlescribed easeuenc, and Crantee shatl noc be ltable f,or Eheli reuoval if they are ao placed. It ls speciflcally agreed betseen Ehe parties thst the'Grantor shall take no acclon tha! wou!.d lnpair the earch cover over or the lateral or subJacent suPport for any lloe and appurtenances wlthin the ea$eEenc r. provided, hovever, thac upon obtalnlng the specLfic lrrLtten permlsslon of the GraDtee r Ehe earth cover over any line nay be nodifted, but nornally perni.seion rlLl not be gratrEed for a nodiflcatlon Lnvolv{ng a cover of less thao four feet nor greater Ehan tetr feet ueagured vertlcally frou the top of any llne and any nodlflcation uoderuaken by Che Grantor would be upon terDs ehat would provide for retuburse[edE Co che graneee of, tbe cost of any alteratlons eo any facllLty rlade neceseary by the change. Acceptance of Ehls Easement by Grantee ehall constLtute its agreement and consent as followe: 1. At such tLne and ln Ehe event thaE Ehe easenenc described herelo shall be abandoned, Grintee-s real property intereet ltr the easeuent shall lnnedlately revert to and be thereafter oerged with the servlent esEate. 2. fhe faclllcles lnstalled in che above-described easement shall be Lnstalled, rnaltrtaLned, and operated so as Eo pernit maxinum use and enl oynenc of the surface by Grantor, lie helrs, nuccesaotrs, transferees, and assigns. In Ehe evenc lc Ls necegsary to repalr or replace the facllltles, Granlee shaLl resEore the surface of the land as nearly aa nay be practl.cable to Ehe sane condl.tion it was prlor to such repaLr or replacernent, provlded no pernalene buildlngr strucEure, lnprovemenE 'fence or tree shaLL be placed lhereon by Grancor. -^r;*..rad DEED ,^ur,. 317- , \l /oo3L thls Easenenc Blke Pauh and ls neceseary Ehe Blke Path, prLor to such the Blke PaEh 3. Notrdthstandtng the provisl.ons of paragraph 2, Graneee acknowledges that, nay also be, Ln whoLe or tn part, the Easeuett for the pede€trlan and Skier Accese (herelnafter referred to aB ttBllce Pathf). In the eveoc lt Eo repalr or replace the faciLltles, and in so doing Grantee dlsturbs Granlee shall rescore the surface to the sane condillon as [t r'as repair or replaceroent,. Graocee w111 not perforo rouE,Lne nalntenance of resulttng fron norrqal wear and tear. SICI{ED AND DELLVERED chis _ day of Augusr, 1987. GRANTOR: CASCADE LODGE JOINT VENTTIRE 3y: VAII VSNTURES, LTD. By: ConAo Vat^l Advlsors, Inc. Bv: 4"erfl0*6rL AI{D By: l{anefield, Led. By: llonBane Corporaclpn,, Its General Partner Bv: fr '"/ -Its PresidenE AND By:(a n ci Norris Its General ParE[erg A}ID By: By: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ae-;ten.nl!e foregoing EASEI{ENT DEED iras acknowlerlged before ne tnfeft[ day of *@,'-1987 by HERBERT A. MELSTRI,CE, as Preeldent of ConAn Vall Advlsors, Inc., a General partner of Vall Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado ttntted Partnershlp, a JoLnE Venturer of Cascade Lodge Joint VentureI a Colorado JolnE VenEure. t{Ltness ny hand and offlclal seal. CHAR CHTLDRESS i l,lotaryPubhc.Calrtomra I ttincrpll Otice In : San Drsmccuntv t My Comm. Erp. Mar.2S. 19891 ooai+rtaa a.ait'+ te aaaaaa aa. aa''aa t' a )) es. ) 'n'p, JJ #'t It,s Pres ldenc B LII, IEs Ceneral ParEner Dty eomlsslon explres: {\^.a\r.. lf Lqg? -n ,, r\t l= nA l'-...!'.}..tsrHa€i}lrtsr'aa a-a+aa -aa rFa I /dE\. oFFrclALsEAL ! \ \.Lrln \--Vn"\iAlnon-^ NoEary Public STATE OF I'ASRINGTON COUNfi OF KING WlEness ny ss. my hand and official seal. expires: ) ) ) before me this ilfr,d"" Cascade Lodge Hotel of Cascade Lodge Jolnt DEED was acknowledged before Ee Ehls 3 / day of. , III, as General Partner of }taosf ield-Lt,d. and as a General Partner of Mansfield, Ltd., a General JolnE Vedturer of Cascade Lodge Joint Vencure, a of uy (SEAL) STATE OF COLORADO COINTTY OF EACLE Byl acknowledged before ne thrs Sgfday oF August, 1987,by ACCEPTED BY TBE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITAIION DISTRIGT THIS2gg DAY OF AUGUST, 1987. UPPER EAGTE stATE 0F C0L0RAD0 )) se. COUN?Y OF EAGLE ) The foregoing lras of Upper Eagle Valley Consoll,laced Sanitation District. Wltness Ey hand and qfflctal seal. ' My commLsslon expires:rl4l,qe ( r-<-\,e,. \. \A\ (r-.,* Notary Pub1lc !l ': t.t (s EA \ EXHIBIT A l,.r:::::! lcnd_ly1:rg_in che JiJl/i ..iEt/i oi Secrron !3. To.-.ieh te 5 Sourh, Rnare or resE or rhe s!.rrt p"l:rcl?sl ltcrl,disn. ror--oi-v.r.i, -cororrJol ..iJ-".1r"-...- ::l::rilr::". vide and r:/rqs ro ieer on each uij"'oi-.1,," foilc$ins d.scrib.d *t*llt: aG a poinE *hence-on_tron pin ?tth plJsric c3p aarkt:l3 Ehe cenEer ;:;:'1^:::.1:" u !"::^".!.9i.:3:,rr-',,r';ei.je.lili'ii"."n., rhence:r 5s.16,!q. E .r.us reecl thence :,t 73.i.,13. E 6l.OO fcec; rt.r,"":l ff.fi,lC. i-Si.O0 i;.i]ll":::T 58's6.'s." E 8.oo ieer: crr.n". n-iiirii'iii-e".oz.g; reec co Eh. poinc ll.l"ffll]i;.,hencE sald cencer oi "uia s.i.iJ"-iz i..i.ri si;ii,ii--i:r6ii,jio Itre side llncs of che sGriD arc short€ned or lengchanad to teralnlEe at proDcrcy iil.i: Basis of Berrinss: r.;esc lrie.r .i. s-ii7e'ii secrion ta rs N 00.38, . PLAZA SIIE strE coLoRA OO urR. coL!86 € n{ ci io"t TO tx€ C t/. s€C?tor{ t? , Its, P 8rd.6fHPrr. .--j/'l x 3r!:t-'s'€ ';.<-tN ri"it 's"e. sl oo' V..o 8 \ r soo56'5.''E . a. oo' coscRrFF pARcEL E /ri\ Ri'l '- \J I ro sctt'E !,[lrt r, ,_/r' 3o"i.u-ru .^/)./'r'-' ' ,uor-!b,i- U '| ,no V3 i 'rffi* '::i'li;i:-'Jl'.,*tl I KNOW AtL MEN BY fHESE PRESEMS:j,'( S.r l,l l0 sa AH'B.I "'.) TnAT VAIL VENTURES, LTD., a Colorado Ltoiced partnershlp (hereiuafter ' referred to as rGra[tortt), by Mansfleld, Ltd., a Colorado Llnited plrunershtp, lts General Partner, by Montane Corp., a Colorado corporation, Andrew D. Norrl.e, LII,Presldent r and by ConAo vatl Mvisors, Inc., a caiifornia corporaElon, its Geueral Partner, by Herberc A. I,telstrlch, preeldent, for TEN DOLLARS (SfO.OOl and. orher good and valuable coosLderaBion' the recerpt of whtch le hereby acknowledged, hereby stlJ.s and couveys and warranEs the tltle to the same, subJect to all lnstruments of record,unto the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY coNsoLIDAtED siufmrfor DISTRICT, a quast-uuntclpal corporation of the State of Colo'rado, whose 1egal addrese fs 84ti Forest Road, Vail,Colorado, 81657r (herelnafter referred to as ttciantee'!), the follostng real property sl.tuate in the County of Eagle, SCate of Colorado, Eo-rr{t: :E A pe ruaoenE eaaeDeu,t, togelher wlth the rlght of lngress and egrega, Eo construct, aecongtruct, operate, repalr and Eaintaln a Erreoty foot (20-) nl.de sewer line easenent and related appurtenances, lu, on, over, under and through chaE tract of land nore partlcularly <lescribed Ln rrExhlbLc Air,whlch erhlblt is atiached hereco and incorporaEed hereln by this reference. Grantor, lts helrs, successors, Eransferees, and assLgns,nor pl.esg -aoy pernanent buildlng, 6tructure, J.mproveneot, fence above-described easenent, and Granlee shall not be Liable for thelr are so placed. shall noc erect or tree on rhe rerooval iE thev It ls speciftcally agreed betlreen Ehe parEles EhaE the Grantor sha11 take no actiotr that rtould inpair the earth cover over or the lateral or subJacent supporg for any llne and appurtenances withln the easenen!, provided, however, t'hat upon obBainl'ng the specl'fic written perol.ssl.on of the Grantee, lhe earth cover over any lLne nay be nddified, but nornatly pernisslon sll1 not be granced Eor a nodificaclon lnvolvlng a cover of less than four Eeet nor greacer chan Een feet, neaeured vertically fron Ehe top oE any llne and any Dodlflcatton undertaken by the Grancor would be uPon certrs that woutd. provide for relrnbursenent to Ehe grantel of che cosc,of any alleraclons to any facility oade necessary by the change. Accepcance of thts Easenent by Grantee shall conscitute t.ts agreeEent and consent as follons: 1. Ac 'such clme and ln the event thaE Ehe easement descrlbed herein shall be abandoned, Grantee's real property lrrterest ln rhe easer1ent shall iune6iaEelv revert to and be thereafter rnerged wlth the servLent e8!aEe. 2. The facl1l!les lnstaLled 1n the above-descrLbed easenent ehall be Lnstalled' EaLntalnedr and operated so as co perolt maxlnun uge and enjoytrenE of the surface by Grantor, lts helrs r ouccesaors, transferees, and assLgns. In clre event 1t ts necessary to repair or replace the factltttes, crancee shati resEore Ehe surEace of the land as nearly as tray be pracctcabl.e E,o lhe same condit{on tt was prior Eo such repair or replacenentr provlded no perroanent bullding, strrrcture, Lmprtvenoenc,fence or tree shatl be placed Ehereon by Crancor. V tnnzt 3. Notwithstanding the provislons of paragraph 2, GranEee acknowledges thac.thls Easenenc nay also be, in whole or ln part, the Easenent for Ehe PedesErian and Bike Path and Skier Access (hereinafter referred Eo as 'rBike paf,h"). In lhe event iE is necessary Eo repalr or replace Ehe facillties, and ln so dolng GranEee discurbs Ehe Bike Pach, Grancee shal1 resEore uhe surface t.o the sarde condlElon as 1c was prior to such repair or replacenen!. GranEee will nor perforn rouEine naincenance of the Blke Path resulting from nornal wear and !ear. SIGNED AND DELMRED tnis j4 day of August , 1987. GRANTOR: VAIL VENTURES, LTD. By: ConAn Vatlr- By: 4e AND By: l"tansf ield, Ltd. By: l.lonEane Corporac By: ./1 n, Its General ParEner STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNIY OF SAN DIECO S.cefe*..\ e Jhe foregoing a+dg{r€E, 1987 by HERBERT General Partner of Vail i'lv commisslon expires : (SEAL) ) ) ss, IEs Pres ident IEs Presiden! .+P AND N./t /t/lf ./By: (t' 'ry'La4/'-a Andrew D. Norris [Il, IEs General Partner IEs General Partners EASEMENT DEED rras acknowledged before De this SYfr a.y of A. MEISTRICII, as PresidenE of ConAn Vall Advlsors, Inc., a VenEures, Ltd., a Colorado Linited Partnership. I{iEness rny hand and otficial seal. \ t', r c}- ,q t'Cl W'.,f'n - ,/-'r oO,\ \'^ r-"'r I tt- r'A ""' ^ - NoEarv Publ i c its>++a-. r>rt !,'. +a +... a a +a+a a a a a aFt' a | ,,r,8\ oFFlclAL sg\L i i,{.'i-, , :\ CH^R CHILDaESS i . | ' ..: I i t.ll.,, P||:!rc C.itrh)rnra a i '.,.-'\ : . I tlrr,rct,).-:l Cl,ce rn I . \ . .. ',/ ::. ["('ro Countv t | -.-'.-.,"r"r' f lv Cornrn. Exo. l,lar 28, 19891 }-rt--+.r;.*a-. a . a.. a.. r.-......a STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE \' ) ss. ) The foregoing EASEIIENT DEED was acknowledged before me Ehis !! d,ay of. August' 1987 by ANDREII D. NORRIS, III, as General Parcner of Mansfleld, LEd. and as President of Montane Corporacion, a General Partner of Mansfield, Ltd., a General Partner of Vail Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado Llolted Partnership. UPPER EAGL By: STATE 0F C0L0RAD0 ) ) ss. COUNfi OF EAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowledged before llitnesg rny hand and officlal sea1. ne this ;glFa.y oe August , 1987 ,by , aS (-t. I L!.Distrlct. . | , t.^^ I Lt_=trs J \Jt\F r,_ Notary public F C\1e'i of Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanieation \ EXHIBIT A f"iillr',Lll".ltlff lill'-:ll'/A NEr/a or secrron r2,--ro'r*hlp i souch, colorrdo, aard srEtp u"ro"nrlt1lllo"l .Metdta'. torar of -vall, i;il ;il.ji,lorloelns a"l".ji.j".""ilitil.l"tt t'ide and lvlng ro fc* ercb irac ot iil EeSlnnlug at a poinE shence en {rar ni- .,r-r -.or_said iectlon'iiu".,"'i':ll.lTil"',l"dli:.BT::f :;:,-.$t:i.;F.i,:":",105.41 feer; Ehence N 49o 36'14. -E -52. zz -i""ii-.iliil il 20.31,11, E lZr.el fi:::..$T:,f,il;1'l;:J as.rz e"..;-.ii.l i'iFilqz" .; rii.si i"".i- u..30.:s'rri i-zio.ei i:;;'.:":;:.;::i;":! lili;!3",: lft.l,in;1,::"*:""..sIJl/4 NE1/4 !.haace ssid center of said s*ii"i-iii.Ls s 40c18,3g.,.r 1E27.5? The side Line3 of prop€rcy lines. N 00"38'56" E. .the sBrlp ere shortened or lengthenrd to cerDtntEG aE tsasls of B€erinss ! ,.rese rlne of NEI/4 "f sJiiriilii ij Dare! s// bl ._-/-+----- *"".- --1c ./t -^".-' ,/ \ CASCAD€ CLUA COrr0OMt{tur. q Caloladd P.L.S. rroRrH Ltr.E s\f,tl4r{8tr'4 sECflCJ t2 +o. d ! c (, '/.rt o9' /'r{) ,rr"ro, ,ooo, /J0|r{ r r,/ E x ruEE_...,/60 ro rHE C t/4 sEc f tO ,, ./'/'o'' '::$.4n ./'.."-,"''' + $ /i\ N.] I !ro s3.rr€ 7 |'. { LISI OP DETATIJS 1. Concrete Curbing 2. Concrete Banding 3. Concrete Unlt Pavere 4, Unlt Pavere at Exletlng Structures 5. Pavlng Treatnent at Existlng Structuree 6. Tree Grates 7, Draln fnlet 8. Trench Dratn 9. 9wale at Baee of Slope 10. Tinber Edger 11. Flagdtone Pavl.ng with Sand Base 12. Flagetone Pavlng at Spa Deck 19. Boulder Edge at Bike Path 1{. Plants in Rock !{all 15. Deciduous Treee 16. Evergreen Treea 17. Shrube 18. Ground Covera & Perennials 19, Benchee at Spa 20. Stone Benches Plaza Bullding EntrY 21. 9pa Section 21. 9pa Section \ (\-\\-22. Paving at Skt Llft Fick-up \a- *-,.-\ L,-aS \ '- - --.,t-)'-' -a..r.-q-i-'-- _-. ) ir \.<-, -O-U / -\<- ^ \--t-)- 'r-\* -1=S>L ---\ c \\ S--.._,-*---:- - \-*=l' \--->_'I ( -\-- I i'\*v \ -. .' I I --t 1 ,l t o [? PLAN -?AvsF5 @ (!Ne cu?+ 3@57lt=|4s cowFg(b Ui'Jff ?Avw€ D*+FVW1 covr. g#ss IVTE: l'lz Q tUtVoNq NO *Wvt$d,qs TuPNi fr1i6sTI4yg =l/t=l/l= Exsr a? (pu\T cavoF$f| uNf nevErs bxwrwffi @u?w AJTOCITTIT 'tANNEIS T TA NDSCA'E AiCHITECTS W-Fe?- Ta PI-AN fe cA?.E W? tN aqgguq. ffi?W,FIl?r A!..W_l_e quq .?aws ffi Wautw ?o? tr?t^t atrffiig tffirvffilffi H"tr'#rui&iffi L1'rft frW,W^W^'ffi WESTIN HO MALL (PW?$fr FA.ID .TrcNW FINI5H ilWAO? veq4ww?\ \ , alc?+ .\\eo " \ WTVEJ?9 PLAN1flpq W'A yllltrilu=ll 3e6to\ aclLvt ltizr zlt-o' =llll n;ilrfnNq h?m W?, rryrr,vt}zflPallaail JOINT N I/AY. WI INTHAY6;g AND AT t ApgACe$t d?/{lcfaw?; htl? g{o?+ JAUtt AT MAX. E' 5?p'.II,J6-?7, FLAI$0. :c NCRETE BANDNq ttS0ctATlS PTANNE iT I LANDSCA'E ARCHITECTS WESTIN HOTEL MALL o o 5E8 ?AIJ FO? 3.[YLE A$D ,OO g/ ?G q=&- tO G6an?eft? sub4ww Fs -s =illt=lt t=tl t=l ll==|/Ellil=='- I GONCRET UNIT PAVERS AtS0clA?tt PtANNEIS I IANDICA FE A RCHITECTS gl?&,?L,alv W- FlNlgr+ED qP/lDts -oa\(xEfa uuf rA\,8F6 wv?u\q(4?8? 4mso @qnv WESTIN HOTEL MALL NfrTo whvb PL.AN gAL?' lr"lr-@tt LzY$ae fil/= vx$fiw g/rct)oluw . IIALL . ^U?+.tN,q , @N6. PFAIN PAN .IeffiiA ?t?? uLaw 6ot)?8v- 9!AWAE? WCfAwU-+?dv?re 141tW? ?AVWa vxtelT. ,DJN-A{r gTFtvruw a1$!DAW ?AU?& I..|N,IT PAVERS AT EXIST. STRUCTURES Attoc|lrlf. - ttANl{tll I tANOtCAtl ArcHt?tc?t 5CAL9: lrclt-On o qNrr KYIJA\E ?ow79 EX5T IJIILIT\ (A? 'I,IANHOLE9 " ,6LEAN OUl6 . VALVES .INLgT6 (pwwrv bAl.D ALI6N aw?71? ?A?QLIE)- TO IAW q ?Aw?s cotJc. ( PAWF 4,LFA @t4?A01?D suw{lFpDts e? ?L,iJFa'-.I'Y?? AlJo' t 06frto\ 0? $1urf ry3!trANNtll r [AHOTCA?E AICHITICTS n= =llt illl= il Itt= =fitl 3l71'flou WAE: pr:l'-O" PAVING TREATMENT AT EXIST. UTILITIES 54A,Er lns lr,ar WESTIN HOTEL MALL o Not"t l4^rctrTffi qValp ap 3(e hU 4'fi WV 7z-(seHe nuJuFALTt)??F *5Wb?@goo tEl-tqn+ elvtl u.*ro ilt=lil=ut= foF+t IED4? lN ,- H?ADZF ^oTtr G ^frrv pillloT/P 0?wMaFggrwl wwnHol+vm .see n,i\Jntq DErAL 3,ecT,0N F-F'rw-z uVr ?Avffr (3!-0r) An (g-ao) =i['.|=lilt=fill=lltt= ;4$tr ?Awre-sLfri+ 6,v6 7lPlt@? HYApp- . 'l fl-?-L: oqfLvft %9 ?.\-Et',7W u? (qr tltlo w^wL fo ^rvptrqF6e uruquf-€f;evL?'c,n-At.l rW?qwre A\*6'?W/JOOO A?.ADV? @NC. UN( tll=we !OttL$; {6lay'Qt ?^W?s @ -o-,'ww l,w? 4illi t4u|-,lll- f,wffi,vvn filLa,?M*p auw*' - e lt -6n ( 3' F qwe dUWLED BY ANNSF-) ASlOGlaTlt -- PtAN-Htrt r !AHOSCA?I AicHtttcT3 HOTEL MALL d)m|-/,? Wffi6WW&' ' ,o*4a'aoir Z |t=lill=llll4ltlt==iiitETIElil +lwbh?@lzto,c w,MY h&rN-sllpltll4 c?ottT l?,t?vc abow \f '-?F:?|AFFAF , lNvppl E*E,vff;toll a2-R- *4 WhF @ Vn o.c. ?A.IAA'( ITANNETT I tAIIDtCA'I AlcHrf tcTt l.r aN - 6|+F]NF- q?aqr- 4o. V'rytc /llt gECT|aN .- RAIN INL WESTF-I HOTEL PFflN lu5r- 7p-9-ca5 & ca$'N'FLee 6,aN(WT? I l- qw wtfovt ro zFe$J uG|Itilwar AITOCIATT'b gcAl,* MALL Nor ro gftzqw) ,ulPn ?ovuft (9 uaAl r2drt T?Ek* &^18 |V+W - FlEFFlAtl ?'Afr.P w1T'l(c' 1' 4PF|T' ffii$(6. wlrr++/te pbl? ?lww.@n FahtFl' ffi?, 7ail.|f, ffie Ato Y?t+te al\Cv, Aofr?la{-iq1r Q- o,zrL141g lot J^W ?Fl${ t) We flre- ++:?to"l.s ?ap la-huutalloFl ar F*^qFl 414'ftY1 --C,tW"ne -n "1.|rtilqJ qffi+^ TRENCH DRAIN eWE, yP.r=l-Ol 1ale,Pailurd<1 @ ^ttoclaltl.€trANdctt r IANOSCA't AiCHITCCIT q s llr-z >ll-s rU *;lj'il3ll i:' j,I,r,.'i'.'i.{i lif; HOTEL MALL $Jt mrtppS *--,il | fll lll= Flrr SWALE AT BASE OF SLOPE N$bW VD qE" hEY^JD DFAIN INL T VAFIES 3gg PLAN 313. ttArNttl r tAt|OSCAtl AICHITTCTT WWuoptzz DLEI\P W q ?xtg.5Lq? tlJra dJAft WES HOTEL MALL gCALe, lfott.lt_O" wYwwT^wre L,6?Wlo@ W4W .(l^t3f?rurlou qVW) R.,ANnNq Ap46 @tvwv uNr-avEFa "€q g au=lil=il,t=ul <- 6?,LTlOt) 3(ALV I'Ft'l''Ou 2, 2' tlT'l.J&D €)TAt+' AlTN'l+ To e?qa+ Al Al lir ?'laF qhrvAutzeP LAq qbw)lb 5[AHN4 Af tNspe ' 4W sTqrlN4 N 0t[AW A?tsw TIMBER EDGER AES9cTATES FLANNERS 3 tAND'CAFE AiCHITEC TS re'ilow TAvws WE TIN HOTEL MALL o Pf-AtJf tN4 A?H^ o Nor10 s^dLe' FLA6{OI,E, PAVII.|4 %|Jfun gzp 4 MW: t2" MrN. PlM. f4Ay |qAr gEltA??lJ sraNee. |$9: @Y1?o$1 Ul vbwrof cot4?P60? qffi? I Neifd;-ATJ 4 or nHFta,rc. rsvE2 v44lw rtb?4r,: 3137 5W5. FLL vaps h/ sAuD coWD{'lVV SAND W vlSrvotvs w *vp FLAGSTONE PAVING , IW/ $AND BA l!!toc|rT!!ttANHttS r IANOICA ?E -AtcHtTlcTt WESTF.I HOTEL MALL e a*l 'h*rz.a 6Wff-Ab VrbatF- blyl'P", nA$ffi?tt2 W wrJmWl@;@- n*Yfirlr)pw,A-^(r'fu,\e?aVt|'Jyai 4tutvl?ffite J 4a,blAU-@r4(ffi> 4ffiQ4,4/4'el'-Ol' \ii*^ airerJB^-,,4 ,w @ FLAGSTONE PAVING AT SPA DEGK !!!gg!!M,ttANxlrl r tANOt€AtE ATCHITTC?3 TEL ITAL wuNwD Pwb? wJt-v#(pLLeOlw F?gn 1ffe wAu naN9'l'a'MlN. 10' 4't1A)L AMeU6k2N 3. WrFLI'ro DU?'( A??rcX,lls'lz 4 WU\-DFZ. EI/trNn_ &vDVn. zW?- 16" hlN wlql/lft 6' lnlAx. HAqn: wbrwt'r (.rr** SUDqHD? avipltvw gow dW Wu,DEFo eND frZW ?LDLVIAWT ?,}hw w Awrcvw bY ftv owvw tN TtlE FteLO. LDER EDGE@ BIKE PATH I'OCIATIt,'_ttANl,ltfl f rAxDtcA?t. ATCHITECTT WESTIN HOTEL MALL I..U|- To alAr? L@hllolJa,r1}IAU Loc$totb A?ww bY O]^INEft a ext€:r, 6o\.tc7413 I^ALL lvrcw? B,p,.KFILV *r. n ANlNq zwo6, FTLTEF ptrH''ffiqwq :\rct{Pl1QN UNE,' 3rea . lFrE{qAIlaN P.t-At!g sl.lFub 4puaw6 [,.] PLANr ?u)q;rs AvAt hu-,b, lN Exl6f. w'( wuv,g"e ?m,ts ?a7 ^WpX. r. r t ltl fli gxlgl rcOF vlAu,- NOt To OCAVZ A880ClArt,8 PTAHNEIT T IANDSCA'5 ATCHITECTS WE TIN HOTEL MALL 2lur*bz -fi,"6w ulha ,?E 4$J-, 4 Crt)1 l/d|tl9, +\ a' a$w WTo. wr hLL. Psd lla;n.i.*F bt DECIDUOUS TREES $6f 10 60AVt, asgocrATlS PLANNERS I TANDSCAIE A RCHITECTS I*w ar*.Cu. wrbf W4 4fl.;il)a tW4E rilmW.YEF4*Y* ffq *D{W, -rtw,lJ}luF W#Wffi'frfflr#WWffiTW\"wrplo-gTFr+f wwfil HHw # 'la" 4 Fcgltf,5tttt'fe vBfutl FrtJEf{ ffiw -latrffit( h*gF'.tfffO;P ?#31 q@ ltJ6tA/.-tdTl4J Vb+flwr*?;t}lrffT':fu%,daIPALIzcnc qeAp l"{N, FPff,' ?qaw. 4 aw utFgi.,tQ' aa, u# WESTIN HOTEL MALL o @tvTvilre#FF{NE, :1-FAPEf\, FF\,NB gbfivttA€F{> oFEEAD W l$'MP4ltfre+V FHq< T2 rPf.tutlF I ? a)Y.IllttrgF lqdoa, (be urgu+k,[@iF aAFiFr sflFlr€Nr TW, Ft/ffi\t@ d atlt l^Ie ?^tW-A Hh, FfraJNP 1nlNr,1p w?F@vu,efrFuL Wr 4t 7D 4u Mle FrNl€tf W wF FINEF_- (l/AtUt+ fiNlE}t OfrE'r*4Wi l,@7ffitacarafi?' ' I 0-,.tr1EF'FLriltr 3 qzr rr{ Fu+InhlF__tWe ; Fafan A* ttr t pffiL.r ltllFg AnlD Pll7 w# aJF{.AF'ti , @Fe wtwL * nr v/A|w9.* ri,TvAlt=,n- TvhdbHi* e.nn? aF f,'qNT?Ne, 1"ffi$Qir ,,,1.11a- w t*tr. ?Ftttvt 1ffipw.trrr7Mrvr,u-. 4W ,Fxauqp. n*Ynf W ()'' cot4Tel 4q)Epc(+4L Wfo F{afaq.iglql ASIOCIATEg PtANNERS I TANDSCAPE ARCI{ITEC?S EVERGREEN TREES tv 10 ccAl,v WESTIN HOTEL MALL o o Vffi b&ffiiLWL nr+lTflr I ?!. d+-+ttLqo6L b?o 4Fo1* vrnl, ft#f F{*qv nAhfiT ry-4*trsqb ?A4fiiLH#T6 lffia.!-lq1q1, c"?f F.I+JT ttt FWvE, Wf{. Wtl+l slt Pp4z1p ft qfrVtw. afr.Far tuv +1ry,wa ault6t/+" p 7.4w)w18. wlJEHteA Erla v*gsv. * d4lilAw1 \ <,rw?,"e'-;Etr,r \ w,ffitWkLt' Af n+lhttttr. ?lA1dAbAt 4luehflz -\-a?4w:r AnEA e{AFIU+htV I vt-totatupvw Hqpae \- A;H=:Fd-b&1idffi#n W+HrI ef ppJN?+JT @tv.tbfrat 1, Vry"_1.&a+( ?r^tr+ y4 *ar 'frfrx-ata 2. ?HNa *L arlq€$'wtPe, WlPts, WzyZTA,WMOelJ. #Ttr, ?fb q tirw? Trrruz I wtqWfel bbw. aW+. SHRUBS A580ClAT18 PLANNERS T TANDSCAPE A RCH ITECTS WESTIN HOTEL MALL o f'fu1;4{rafrfub, ffiffiw, , GROUND COVERS & PERENNIALS AtS0clATts PIANNEiS I LANDsCAPE A RCHITECTS WESTIN HO ALL H4 1o 1od,e i, FEfuJA?T4 ALA.' AEI\P-',"i'ffiw+ o)t xYz,' Af.q,4firtWtr+ ' TsvT- | F*,e*efr .rPTO ffim,* llSOGlAlllr Pt Arr{ll8 r tANOtcAtt ATCHITICTS tAV:fftl TEL IIALL V2;tt=f-orr ;- lt-12tt H)#4 ,@laVS5 WWeEp *+gg* l+6 STONE BENCHES MALL IANOICA'E Aicr{rTECTS 'd $3 T {-tr -p f s $N t\ $N 'z- l$g< +tr ils $$pF $$ $ s o N K $ * R b + $ $ u te *$ $$ ; $+ $s Attoctttllt - ttANHllt I tANOtCAtS ATCHITECTS -.- -v.- -,}-'l RI d .E C)ul b ht: ' n s; O! .:l nt d, "t ti J .( rr fiffiffi iliti ilil: J J =J lrJ F o T z -F ct,lu 3 o-3 I v I o- F II =I v CD l- o z I o- dl t,i a (. I I $ ti f !n {l s 1 t: il $ d J 'r! lr I I t I ,:-l I I I '' I o o I t I Gasca& hn Vail, Colorado i Proposed Landscaplng and: Exterior Building trlaterials Manafleld Ltd., DevobF ?s ROMA Architecte anit Urban Obigncrr CHNMB Landscape Arghllmtt :l 'l t I I I I t I I I .q_1* \sKo OO C.arter Hull Nishita McCulley Rsso&1ss //fl Urban Desrgn Landscane Archrleclure Plannrng \ \ 2789 ?5th Strrpl, San Francsco. (;rhlornra 941 l0 t4l5) 821-35t[ \=7 HNN4B ,* nto*oru cIOA?-NflV Y lL\LQftpARED BY- - J.= Wdel ?L N-L N 4 W,\TEIZfAL L G@st e$nnnete JoB #/pRoJEcrf .A4OLD--'- \/\:L{'"EbARED BY- fuTE_ tuWAE)zVIQ= c@st c$nnnete 7o llqn I I ANf VI ( I?\RIAt) CAUreF Z-4rr 161- (ngu*ut, l ffIF-My?la Fwrre;urA THKFAeLE FF atw 1 PtNUz;. rtNWo nJ^AtLtz truirrtb ?lNE -' r' - ygTFNTTLpA F"U\T@4A huh\CrNcrrteFolL _-:*-KHt)h TKIW%NTN ' 3th74 AUKEUA^ __ _ qoLpEN CU?VJI$T : oyM%orzt cl\4w) t\Ltttwu A Eya 4HalNe,EK?y mo ooveYza {4 re.KENN tAt-b : - \ vo-LttA>u (MttuaE Hr,) o o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o LIGHT BRONZE 311 (A42) Metal Roof Metal Storefront Stucco: Color Only t T I I I I I t t I I I I I I I t t I Stucco: Texture Only