HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT TERRACE WING PLAZA WING PHASE 1 & 2 COMMON LEGALCascade Accct A ?\a?J.L.tinq Q>rnrnon ?uc.sc- E 11a Vr\\aqs o TO; Wbom It May Concern FROM: Kristan Pritz, Gary Murrain DATE: Augiust 27, L987 SUBJECT: FLaza Conference Center, review of building pernit plans and title report and associated sunrey BiLl Andrews reviewed the plans and said we could go ahead with issuing the building pemJ.t Q-.*-S*-U ,/ln-- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE * COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE August 20, 1987 OUT Sept. 4, L987 DATE tnru il tiillZ deperanent of community dwelopment r. wPE oF CoNSTRUCT|ON I rl m lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I R M DIVISfON r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : NE}.l EONSTRUETION MEETING FAEILITY PERMIT NO. z o F J BUILDING 1,710,000 .00 ELECTRICAL 260 ,000 .00 TO EE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PIlIOH I O IS|iUAI\I(;E(JF I'tsTiMI I TYPE OF PERMIT fll aurLorNo El pluMetNe fll rlrctntcnL n FoUNDATtoN n MECHANICAL n ffOO Westhaven Dr. PLUMBING 130.000.00 MECHANICAL 200,000.00 IUIAL $ z TJUU,UUU.UU TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES t s I lecal llor gLK DESc. lrrlrnre ilR UNPLATTED T T tht"a2 ,1 166nn BUILDING PERMIT 6- 140 nn R a U \ N$ Nq -\:F. Ss- PLAN CHECK 3 ^SC 1- 00 loe Nenre,PLMA PHASE II ELFCTRICAL 3,728.00 OWNER NAME va] I ven=tules !19.NEW(XX ALTERATION ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR PLUMBING xxfifll .300.00 l00e 5 Front Rd. MAIL ADDRESS DWELLINO UNITS _- ACCOMMODATION UNITS- HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICA!3,000.00 crw Vai 1 pH.6-6602 RECREATION FEE n A2'l -nn ARCHITECT FIRM Roma INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 300. 00 MATLADDRE.. 1420 Sutter st.CLEAN-UP DEFOSIT I ,UUU. UU rc CfW Qrn Fv.:n'-i ca,rPH.-|1E -L"aq EXT. WALLS lsnrr I o' I n-ts USE TAX 11, 500.00 ROOF l-BITr T12- [ n-eo GENERAL CONTRACTOR FI EI'G.E. JOHNSON TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES $35.377.00 rELE 476'5321 GARY MURRAIN\,\- SCPI. 4, 1987 ir-o-rnFoFrc-nr-- trAE - ]'-."r*,.u'- CONTRACTOR FIRM ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT lx I TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.NING ADMINTSTRATOR DATE rNrr\lt 4 Etl l nlNat NnTFs. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. \ t horeby acknowledge that I have read this appllcation, filled out in fult the information required, \ compleied an accurdte ptot plan, and state that atl the information provided as requlred is correci' I f'*.'.:big-,"grpr.{yll,T:.T1".*ti'^T:1^gr?lpJfl'+:.::,THi:l'g'"t":tr[1ii:*ff":"'"tf,t:laAs, and to buitO lhis structure accordlng to the TownlL'4Dingjld gJb'dryislon codes, design review approved, Uniform Bullding Code and other orlifandes @m4femZpplica/le thereto- laws, and to build lhis structure accordlng to the Townj cLEArf gp rc,UhL/e,,no SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OF CO MECHANICA! CONTRACTOR ,,oFor\\*.***or\N.\or\ rowN oFvArL REG. No. \\-\ =N OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. tho prlnlery/vail nn3nhti TOI,JN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 8L657 PROJECT ID: PLMA PHASE II ADDRESS: 1300 Westhaven Efive .ARCHITECT: 0CCUPANCY: 82 - A2.l Richard l,leingardt for thr DATE:Septenber 3, 1987 ==============================:==:===:=-==:========= PERI,IIT ISSUAT{CE ?31'llt:*l--If !Ii19ing"?rli:|"1 mav issue a permit ror the construction or part or lllllllg..l.:l'i:*.:,.*l:r,;t :!ii;; ;i;,;";il ;piliii;";;;";";o;"li;'ilFjil"olirlil; il "structure have been submitted or approvei, proviaea-id;il;i; information and detailed Rora statements have been filed complyiirb with'a!t-;".ain;;i-ilqiir"r"nts of the code. The hotder of such permit shall proceed al itreir own rlsk'wlthaut o.",1r",,.o rhrl *ha ragx;{.rnit shall proceed ai lheir own risk ance that APPLICATIOII PROCEDURE (1) requi red.gn UI'ITIL eoffia own LL 'r ss IS ew nat approvats as from Community Development Staff.reports, letters of credit, bonds, etc. must accompany (Z) planning/Zoning flnal approval _- [r, Alt records, agreements, title your application. REQ N N M N & N N NO YES L/- fX A site plan? rr D N Foundatjon plan? D /X A soit tesr? D N Stamped structurat? D N Floor plans?. D &nl elevations? N D Amechanjcal plan? *Must inc'lude a L/- D L/- D D /3 NO AV N N lE /4- & REQ. & N & & & N F YES An electrical plan? Fire proofing? Sprinkler shops? Fire alarm shops? Finish schedule? Speci fi cati ons? F n orher? U^*--7U* Town of VaiL 75 S. Frontage Road Yall, Colorado 81657 PIan analysLs based on 1986 Untforn BulldLng Code t'he ProJect Id: PLAZA PHASE II Address: 1300 WESTHAYEN DR. OccuBancyt 92,A2.t Type of Const: II-1HR Date: Septenber 4, 1987 Contraotor: G.E. JOENSON Archltect: ROIiIA EngLneer: RICHARD I'IEINGARDT Pl-ans ErarnLner: CiARY MURRAIN NorE:The code Ltems llsted in thJ.s report are not intended listlng of all possible code reguLrenints ln the 1995 UBC.sel.ected sectl-ons of the codE. to be a complete It ls a Euide to = = ========== ====== = ==== = ===== == = = ================= = == = === === = = = = = ====== = = === = = =TY?E OF CONSTRUCTION: II-1HR Sprlnkler, for thr substitution SEPAMTION DIRECTION BOUNDARY .AAEA INCRSASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Publtc Way 51.0 Feet 26.0 Eeet EAST Butldlng gE.O Feet 60.0 I'eet SOUTH Bulldtng 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet IIIEST Butlding 66.0 Feet 40.0 Feet Area increased 77.5 % for open area on 3 sLdes. FL NAI{E occ AREA ALI,OIIED A/A ACC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH ;;il;- ;;-----;;-----;i;;;-;;;----;--------l-------;t;*-T0TAL ltT s19s0 0.02 6( 6) z O.tZ( 0.12)2 Stock Roon BZ 2560 g19SO O.OB 9 1 0.1?2 Conference Rn Az.t 1336? 23969 0.66 891 g tT.gz TOTAT L592t 24966 0.64 900( 903) s LT.99( 18.06)1 Mech EeulB RD BZ 1785 91950 0.06 6 1 O.tZ't Stock Boon BZ 3220 31950 O.1O 11 1 0.21 1 Retatl SaLes Rn B2 1020 31950 0.09 A4 1 0.68 1 Conference Rn A2.1 11060 23983 0.46 7gT S 14,78 TOTAL 17085 26279 A.65 78S(1239) 3 15.76( 24.79)B Mech Equlp Rn 92 1733 91950 O.OE 6 1 0.12 TOTAL 1733 31950 0.05 6(1239) Z O'.Lz( 24.79)BUILDING TOTAI., 33629 5L444 0.65 1694 t( NOTE: fndicates that thls occupancy is not al-Lowed on this floor-Table 5-D # NOTE: IndLcates that this occupancy Ls an accessory area-Sec. 3302. (a) exc. REQUIRED OCCI'PANCY SEPARATIONS 9.2-42.1 t hr A11 glazing Ln hazardous locatl-ons (see seotLon b406.(d)) Ls requLred to be of safety glazlng materLal.. -- Sec. 5406. ExrERroR f,r, rrnn RATrNcs AND opENrfrnorumron EJAST SOUTH !{EST NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRC OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL PROT WAtt I{ALL PBOT I'ALL WAtr. PROT Ohr None thr thr NOP thr Ohr None 42.1 thr thr None thr thr None thr thr NOp thr thr None exterior wa'1.ls are reguired to be of NoNcollBusrrBIJE materl_al.-- {o fLre protectLon requirenent,s for openfnss.--- Qggnlngg ar€ to be proteoted wtth 3rl4 hr ff"e "".eublies.50% of the area of the rlall naxlmuu. SEc 504. (b)-- Openings are not permLtted Ln thls wal_l.-- These walLs may be requlred to have a parapet wall B0 Lnches above the roofing. The Barapet waLl is ree;llred to have the same flre rating as the naLl. See sectlon 1?0g.- ior aetaifs and-eiceptlons. ELEMENT NORTH OCC BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG WALt WALL PROT !{AtI BZ thr Oht None thr InterLor Bearlng wall NONCOMBUSTIBTE Interiornonbrgwall NONCOI{BUSTIBLE Structural !'rame NONCOMBUSTIBLE Exterior Struct Frame Shaft Enclosure NONCOMBUSTIBTE l'Ioor,/Cel ling Assenbly IIONCOMBIISTIBLE Roof/Ceiling Assembly NONCOI'IBUSTIBLE Stairs NONCOMBUSTIBLE F@TNOTES:1) Minl-uun oa exterior sLde also based on exterJ-or brg. walL requirements.ProvLde a thr celllag ln the basement. -- Sec. 1209. Based on sectLon 3202. (b) The roofiag on this bultdiag ls to be fire retardant.sse section 3203. (e) and rcBo research reports for requl.rements. EXIT NOTES: Stairways connectlng 3 or more floors are reguJ.red to be Ln exit enclosures The waLls of the enclosure are regui-red to be t hr f,ire assemblles.The openJ.ngs 3-nto the exlt enelosure are requLred to be t hr assemblLes.A sonnection to the exterior Ls requLred wlth the same fire protectlon as the exLt enclosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) A barrler is reguired at grade level . -- Sec. 3309. (e)The space under the stalrs (enclosed or not) nay aot be used for any purBoso.-- Sec. 3309. (f) See Eection 3309. for addltlonal Lnformatlon. The marimum rlse of a step 1s 7 inches and the nLnfunum run ts 11 lnches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The ninlnum wtdth of a staLrway La 86 inches, 44 iaches lf the occupant load ls greater than 50. -- sec. 9906. (b) see section 3303. (b) when occupant load ls greater than 193.Provide a guard raLr where drop off is great€r thaa B0 inches.Minlnun height=4Z Lnches, maxLmum opEnlng srze=6 inches. -- sec.1711. Tlre mininum headroom lE 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Seo. 3906.(B)Provlde a se]-f-closing, L 3/4 inch thLck, soLld core or- - noncombusttbl.e door between baeement and lst stoqtr. -- sec. 1zo3.Provide a Landlng wlthln 1 tnch (t/2 Lnch at doorl wtth handlcap The None Prot NOP lc OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 1?-A MATERIAL FIRE BATING hr.hr.h. t hr.t hr.t hr. NONE NOTES AND EXCEPTIONS Sec. 1705. (b)1. See footnote #1 1 1 1 srze ""eor""ilfrr;;:"-:^* e.,\..'r' \..'' \,.1 !'.,w'r' \!rr' r't ' ' ffir:rui'd ;;;;;i fr*"." tn rhts buirdtne rsJoo feet. -- sec. 'ADDrrroNAt REeurREMEurs ]en oN occupANcy E'or 82 occupancy rn all areas gustouarily occupLed by humans, BrovLde natural or artifical lteht and ventiLation. --'Sec. ZO5.-Floor-lst Occupancy-Betall Sales Rn corrldors servlng an occupant road of i0 or more are required to have thr constructLon and rated openlngs -- Sec, gg06,tei&tLl X'or A2.1 occupancy Aa automatic fire-extlnguishing system is reguired ln the basenent.-- Sec.3802. (c)2. An autouatic sBrinkler systen Ls required ln eaclosed usable Epace below or over a stairway. -- Sec. ggb2.(c)4.FLoor-lst Occupancy-Conference Rn Exlt signs are required from all areas serving an ocsupFnt Load of E0 or more. -- Sec. 3314. (a) corrLdors serv!.ng an occupant load of B0 or Dore a:re regur.red to have thr constructioa r"d rated openings -- sec. ago5. rg)&thl Doors are reguired to swing Ln the dLreation of exlt fron this a!ea.-- Sec. 3304. (b) Exl-t doors atre requlred to have panl-c hardware. see exceptlon for main door. -- Sec. 3318. (a)If thts area Ls used for entertaLning oceupants, an automatLc fire-extingulshing system ls requLred in tlls area. -- Sec.3802. (c)1. The-capaclty of this area 5.s requlred to be posted at T3? occupants.-- Sec. 3302. (c)Floor-Znd Occupancy-Conference Rn Exit slgns are reguJ.red frou aLl areas servi.ng an occupant load of 50 or more. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Corrldors serving an occupant load of 30 or Dore are required to have thr constructLon and rated oBenLngs -- Sec. 3905. (g)A(h) - Doors are requJ-red to swlng ln the dlrectLon of exlt frou this area.-- Sec. 3304. (b)Exit doors are reguired to have panic hardware. see exoeBtlon for main door. -- Sec. 3318. (a)ff thls area is used for entertaLnlng occupants, an automatic fire-extLngulshlng system Ls requlred in thls area. -- Sec.3802. (c) 1 . The capaclty of thlg area Ls required to be Bosted at Bg1 occupants.-- Sec. 3302. (c) HA}IDICAP REQUIREMENTS : Handicap access Ls_requLred to thts buiLdLng. -- Sec. 3801.(a) and Tabl_e 33_A rf a ranp ls used for handlcap access, the tax srope ts 1:12. -- sec ggoz.(c)ff water fountalns are providld, one must have a spout, withln 33 lnches of -!!g-$ggq-9!q uP-front controls. -- sec. 511. (cj TOITET FACITTTIES:1. All doorways Leadlng to a tollet room for handicaBBed are regulred. to Brovlde 32 lnches clear wldth. -- Sec. b11.(a)2. Frovide 44 lnches clear on each side of doorways. -- sec. 611.(a) 1.3. Provide a 60 inch dlaneter crear area wlthln tire toLlet roon(si.'-- Sec.511. (a)2.4. Provlde a cLear area 42 inches wlde and 4g Ieast one r*ater closet. If ln a compartment provide a cLear access wtdth of 84 Lnches.clear area. -- Sec. 811. (a)3.5. A 48 lnch access wLdth Ls requLred to the -- Sec. 511. (a)3.6. Grab bars are requl-red behlnd and, on one sLde or on both sldes of handlcap water closet. Slde bar ie requLred to be 42 inches long (uln) and extend 24 lnches ln front of water closet. Rear bar ls to be Z4-tnahei loug in a room or 36 inches long in a compartment. Bars are to be 33 Lnches to 36 Lnches above the floor..-- Sea. S11.(a)4.7. Provlde a clear area under at leaEt onE lavatory. -30 lnches wide X 29 _ lpches hteh X 17 lnches deep ninimum. -- Sec. bil.(b)1.8. The bottom of one mirror, opening of a towel fixture, ana disposal flxture Ls requLred to be withln 40 inches of the floor. -- sec. s11.ib)2.&9. inches long Ln front of at atrd door l-s on the slde, Door may not encroach into handicap compartment. Town of YalI 75 S. Froutage Road Vail, Colorado 81OS? Plan correctlon basEd on the 1985 Ualforn BuiLding Code ProJect Id. PLAZA PEASE II Address: 1300 I|ESTEAVEN DR. Date: September 3, lgg?Contractor: G.E. JOHNSON Qccupancyt F.2,A2.1 .- Arohltect: ROMA Type of ConEtr II-IHB EngLneer: RICEARD ITEINGAADT Plans ExanLner: GARY MURRAIN * SEEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED --------------.-====-==============================================1 AII ArchLture AII sheets to be stamped. and signed by an Archltect or Engineer registEred Ln thls state. 2 A3'3 Attlc Provlde att'14 ventllation that conplLes with sectLon 3205. (c) 3 A9.1 In all meetl.ng rooms Provide panlc hardware on the door(s)lndlcated. -- 9eo. 331S. (a) 4 A2.3 Ballroon The plans shoui.d indl-oate that a maxLmum occcuBant Load of 160 ls to be posted ln thlE area. Sec. 3302. (o) 5 42.3 MeetlnE; roon 201 The plane should indLcate that a naxLmum occcupant load of 66 ie to be posted la thls area.Sec. 3302. (c) 6- A2.3 Meeting room 2O2 The plans shouLd tndtcate that a maxl-mum occcupant load of 66 ls to be posted ln thls area.Sec. 3302. (c) 7 A2.3 Meeting rooms,203,zo4,zo5 The plans should lndicate that a Daximum occcupant, load of 41 ls to be posted ln thls area. Sec. 3302. (c) A 42.2 MeetLng roons,I,Z,3 & 4 The plans Ehould indicate that, a maximum occcuBant load of 34 ls to be postEd in thls area.Sec. 3302. (c) I A2.1 Door 106 This is required to bo a t hour assembLy since lt is ln an occupAncy separatLon wall_. -- Sec. b03, (c) LO A,2.2 Trash roou door 102 Thls i.s reguJ.red to be a t hour assembLy sineE it is iu an occupancy separatlon waII. -- Sec, 503. (c) 11 A2.3 tleetlng roon 201 Provlde 2 exit(s) fron thls area. -- Table 33-A & Sea. 3303. (a) LZ A2.3 Ballroom 210 Provlde 2 exlt(s) fron this area. -- Table 33-A &Seo. 3303. (a) tnlnor".a correctioo" ro"l ProJect Id. : p1,11211 PHASE II Address: 1300 I|ESTEAVEN DR. f"*a S StrRET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED =;-=================== ============= ==========:======== ============== 13 42.2&3 No hardware sehedule note Note: Manually operated, edge or surface-mounted fLush bolts are prohiblted, -- Sec. 3304. (c) t4 A2-2 Llne 24 to 20 on R.5 Thts corrldor has an area greater than 20 ft. that does not have access to an exit tn both dirEcttons. -- Sec. 3306. (e) 15 A7.3 DetalL *4 The maxlmun slze of an opening ln the ralllng at the stai:rway is 6 lnches. -- Sec. 9406.(J) A 1211. 16 42.2 Staj.r #2 Provlde a banler at the ground floor ln the exlt encLosure. -- 8ec. 3309. (e) L7 42,2 Extt wtdth Provide a totel erlt wldth of 24.29 ft. you onty have 22.00 ft. at 1 st. floor.--Sec. 3303. (b) Th{s ls a fast track Bernit, see applLaatLon procedure, 18 O ,rrrruL rNspEcrrolrs REQuEsr O sJECr rD:PLMA PHASE II ADDRESS:1300 Westhaven Drive OqIPANCY:82 - M.I w/sprinkl er s ubstitution (_ ..t-_ |ttt '.J QI{IRACIcR:G. E. rlohnson NRCIITECT:Roma llVGrr[ER':Richard l{eingardt ([o{R' MME:Vail Ventures L.T.D. for Lhr. fn addltlon to the ilspections requJ.red, the owner shall lr=B;ii?t inspecror dulins "o"=Eni"[i;;' ";A]"iJiro"i's 1. CONCRETE: During the taking of test specinens pracing of all reinforced c-oncrete. 2' prestressed .. conerete. enpLoy tlpes and B. During placing of reinforcing steel , placing of tendons and piestressing =ieer for arr concrete required to have speciai enspectio" bt i;;-N"..1. Ex9ry{t- .Ttre special. inspector need. not be present during. engire reinf-orci"g =4."r_-i"i-prestressincr steel-placing op"ra€ion", -p"orrfa"a he has insp6cted toi coniS*lrr"" with the |ppro-vgg plans, prior to ttre cfosfnq- oi--io*= o,the delivery oi ioncrete to tfre iolJiie. WELDING:A. Ductile moment-resisting steel franes. As reguired by section 272i (tl. B. ALJ- strrrctura] weld,ing, including weLding of reinforcing steel ., 9xS:EP,IrgNq:. (1)' when welding is done in an approved fabricatorrs shop. izt . lgtren-approvea by the buttding offictat, sinjr6_pa=" iiiiEi'welds when stressed to liss ttian tso p"i""ni-or allosable stresses and f.Loor and roof deck ygfdlng and weldea stuas-wfrEn used for structural diaphragm or,composite syi[ens may nave pertoaic inspections l_n alcordanci with seltion gbo-?el.F_or periodic. insgection, th;-i;;;;"I"i: rniri:check qual.ificat-ions of'wefaers at the start of,work and then make flnal inspection of alt welds for cornpliance prior to conlietion ot-w"iafrig. Page 1 of 4 t. UF 1.IIIGII-$IEENGTH Bor,TfNG: During all bolt installatlons @ns. not 10 a EXCEPTIONS: (1). The special inspector need be present during the entire LnstallatLon and tightening operation, provided he has: A. Inspected the surfaces and boJ.t tlpe for confornance to plans and specifications prior start of bolting. B. _And will, upon completion of alL bolting,verify.the minimun specified bolt tension foi percent of the bolts for each connection with minimum of two bolts per connection. (21 . fn bearing-t)De connections when thread.s are not reguired by desigm to be excluded fron the shear-plane, inspection prior to or during i.nstallation will not be requi_red. 5.sfFgcruBAr. uAsoravi During preparation of masonry wall prJ-sms, sampllng and placLng of aLl masonry to units, placement of reinfoicement, inspection oi grout spage, lnnediateLy prior to closing of cleanouts, and during all grouting operations. 7. 6. rNSI'I,ATING CONCRETE insulaElng concrete fil-l when used as system. applLcation of part of a 8. 9. structural drilled piLes oi caissons. see concrete and reinforcing steel to satisfy reguirements of Chapter 29 and (Appendix). REINFORCED GYPStru C9NCRETE: Iilhen cast-in-place Class B gypsum concrete is being roixed and placed. FILL: DurLng the EXCEPIION: llhe special inspections nay be 'ffi:IEAE an Lnillal inspeLtion to chick the deck surface and, placement of reinforcing. The special 5.nspector shall superrrJ-se the preparation of compression test specimens during this initial inspection. SFRAY-APPLfED FfREPROOI'ING: As reguired by U.B.C.Standard No. 43-8. PIIi'ING, D.RTLLED PfERS At{D CATSSONS3 During driving and testing of pLJ-es and construction of cast-in-place SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVArfON AND FITLING: During excavations, grading and ElUing operations J.nspection Chapter 70 Items Nos. t and 3 for Lnspection. 10. Page 2 of 4 I A.SPECIAIJ fNSpEqIOX,. Ttre special inspector shall be a qualified pers-on qrho shaLl demonstrate his compelence, to the satLsfactLon of_ the-buLl_dtirg otei-ia1, for inspection of the particulai t119e of construction or operation requiiing speci.al inspection. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITTES OF lrEE SPECfAIJ rNspEeIOR. (1). The special inspector shall obsenri trre woii< assigned for confornance w1!! th9 approved aesign drawings and specif ication-s-. fZl. The special Lnspector shalL furnish r.nspection reports to the building official , the engineer or architest of record, and other desJ_gnated persons. A1l discrepancies shall be-brouqhl to the Lnnediate attention of the Eontractor for correction, if uncorrected, to ttre prolei d::ieT authority and to th; buildin;official. (?).- fT" specJ.al J-nspector shall subrnit a rrnar siltned report stating whether the :r.ork- reguirS.ng special inspection was, to the best of his knowledger-in.conformance ri!h.the approved plans aird speciticaiions 31-d the applJ.cable worknanshi! provision like manor. PERfODIC SPECIAIJ INSPECIION. Some lnspectLons may be made on . p.rioaic basis and satisfy the reguirements if continuous inspection, provided this periodic scheduled inspection is performed as outlined in the project plans and . specificatlons ana ipprovedl by the building official. .APPRO\IED I'ABRfCATORS. special J.nspections shall- not be reguired where ttre woik is done on the preuises of a fabricator reglstered and approved by the buiLding offlcial to perforr such work without - special- inspection. The certificate of registratlon shal.l be subject to revocation by the buiLding officiat -ie ft is found !ha! any work done pursuant to the approval is ln vl.olation. The approved farrtliior--shall subnlt a cefrificile ot Compliance that the work was perfomed in accordance witlr the approved ptans and specl_fl_cations B. c. D. Page 3 of 4 - di',."; to the building official and to the engineer or architect of record. llhe _approved fabricatorrs gualLficatLons shall le_contingent on compliance with the foLloring. (X). Tlre fabricator has developed, and,subnitted a detailed fabrLcatJ.on proced,ural manual- refLecting key quallty conlrol procedures which wlll provide a basis for lngnectlon control of irortmanship anA ine fabricator plant. (2r. Verification of the fabricatorrs quality control capabilitles, plant and personnel as outlined in the fibrication procedural manual shaLl be by an approved l-nspection or guality controi agency. (3). Periodic plant inspections Ehall be conducted by an approved-inspection or quality control agency to noiritor ttre effectiveness of the qualtty control program. (4). It shalL be the responsibitity of the inspecti-on or quality conirol agenc! to notify tJre approving authority in writing of any change to the proceduril manual_.Any fabricator approvil nay be revoked, for Just cause, neapproval of-the fabricator-slraLl be contingent on conpLiance with - quality control procedures-during the past ( vear.ffi Chief Buildlng 0fflcial Town of Vail Page 4 df 4 42 wst meadow drlE tEll, colotado 81657 Fqr){78-am PRELIITIINARY PLAN RE['IE!T WEStrIN PLAZA - PNASE II AUGUST 12, 19gZ Ouestlon: Trash room 102 - ftre rating, moke doors t 1031 . COMMENf Note: P1ans "not f,or onetruction;rr conetruction. Provlde astragal.s for moke gasketlng doors column lines v &.26.9 - Ze . No storage alLowed ln servLce tunnel Questlon: Directlon of the door swing 101 t1021 llhe LocatLon of fl-re ornmand enter acceptable; cbange Locatlon and/or 10.301 (el; 4' x 8r is too rBrrow -wtth storage room at R/30.6. QuestLon: ti[:agmetic hold,ers on 127, 130, 132t 143. Questlon: MagnetJ.c holders on 216, 219, 2A8, 209, 222, 221, Question: The astragal on the 225. the doors of Units 124, the doors of Units 21 3,220. doors of Unlts 2OS, 227, lnwn SHEET A 0.1 E 2.1 A 2.2 A 2.3 A 2.4 Question: llhe need for a second exit. GENffi'aI,: Fire aLar:m and flre sprJ.nk!.er plans to be subrnitted for review. 105 ls not door swifras per UFC possibly switch space frre depariment eubmLt plans for at three hour 001 . Ln electrical room i.. I O Pun* urrruG ?Hf\se T (rtdFEz€Nrd G^JTER sEcTIoN 02200 EXCAVATION, GMDINC, AND BACKFILLINC PART 1 , GENERAL I.OI tdORK INCLUDED A. Foundation e1:ly:il.o1, gradtng and backfill, tnctuding but not necessarily I irnited to: l. Excavafion-for footings, grade beams, and walls.2. Fill, backflll and cornpaclion.3. Draln rock under s'labs'_on_qrade.4. Drain rock behind retalnini walls.5. Al'l necessary bracrng ano itroring of work specified in this Section.6. Disposa'l of excess materia.ls. I.O2 RELATED HORK A. section 07712.- l,taterproofing: Membrane.waterproofing at retainrng walls and drain line it watti Uetow grade. B. Section 03100 - Concrete Fornnrork. C. Sectlon 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement. D. Section 03300 - Cast-ln-place Goncrete. E. section 07?la - Building Insuration: perimeter insuration. F' Excavatlon and backfl'll for mechanical/electrical work: See Hechanical and Electrical Divisions. I.O3 REFERENCES A. soi'l and Foundation Investigation. by_chen and Associates, lnc., Denver,colorado. The.c.gntractor sfiiii iamitiiiize fiii,iieii "ith the re87 report and with the soil conditions:of thi-siie,-*t"tt"i ioverla'jn the lnvestigation report or not. I.O4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit to Soils^Eng]Fer for approva], sources and adequate samples of any imported materials proposet' for bickfiliing-iurposes. 1.05 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. In accord wrth rests and Inspections Section requirements. May 1987 02200-t 63l0II PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIATS A- Fill Material: soil or soi'r-rock mixture free from organic natter and other deleterious. substances,-iir1t oi iirih'c,fqtili"il,it .tt will compact thoroughly without presenii-6r-eicessive volds. Material shall not contain rocks or-luitps over 6; in greatest aimension-anJ nol irore-irran 15% larger than z-r/.2'- in greateit-iinreniion."'-Eiiiiiated on-srte materiat nay be used wheneier posituie.'--uit-onTv-iiii-ino"tiiiiirr materlals approved by the Soili Engineer.- - B- Rock Base under sl-abs-0n-Grade: clean, free-draining gravel or crushed rock, free from adobe, vegetable-matt6r, toam,-viiilinic tuff, ani-oi[e"deleterrous substancei. fraximum irioriirin 6i ;;i;;"i; a"v'ionilitiiii-'to be 3 percent^of.oven dry weigtrt. ltb ciruonaie-ricfs irriri-6e'iiej as aggregate. Grading must conforn to the foitowing-requiremenisl--- SIEVE SIZE 2" 3/4" 3/8', No. 4 l* No. 8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GRADING AND EXCAVATION A. Grading: l. Excavate the building construction. Clean area to the level requlred for the new any excavations requlring backfllling of .PERCENTAGE PASSING SIEVE 100 100 100 70 30 5 PERCENTAGE PASSING SIEVE SIEVE SIZE* 2t t-t/2"l" 3/4" 3/8', No. 4 *MsHg No. 467 aggregate. Alternate gradations sha'l'l be subnitted to the Soits Engin66r For approvit.--- -' Fi'lter Material (Drain Rock) Behind RetElning Halls and Around - Subsurface Footirig orains i tteifil'-ioaffsani Eiiifgrivet"or crushed stone conforming io ttre iitiiwiiig griii"g requirements: 95- 90-35-t0-0- 100 90 - 100 40 - 100 ?5- 40 18- 33 5- t5 0- 7 l- 3 lilay 1987 '' :..r':- F ,#:-:i".;.:: 02200-2 63l0II I I' I loose soi1,11d-dgbr.!s-prlor to backfilling. Remove troml the stte any excavated material not meefing the reluirements spec[fied- -- herein.2. After the ground surface is excavated, scarjfy the exposid soll in those areai that receive iomoqctea iiit or in'*iiirr-l5rirdt.-ti.ui and pavements wn't be consTFiiieo ti i aeitfi"oi"o;-'and";ffiil';i-a moisture content that wilr permit piopei iomiaition asi ' -- -- hereinafter specrfied ror ensine;rio"iiii. -oilil;;aii ana backfi't'r anv loft or weak zotes, wiitriri irre burieffi';;i{-lia ,t least five.fggt beyond in plin,'wtriiii'in-[[.-6riinion of the Soils Engineer mtght prevent proler iompacuon, wittr-i'-iurri.i6lii --''- thickness of apiroved iirpoit matii-iar io'piiviae ;-;ilti;";.d firm base for constiircrion eqiripment, Before iiiicins iiii,-i6tai; iil" l:i l:.,.,slgi neer, s approvdl bf the- site_prebaiiii6n - in' itr"li"ii, -i" De rr ileo. rne requlrements of this secfion may be omitted on.lv ^ Ih"q approved tn wriilng by the Sotts enginijei.' -- -dr'-'Y5 vr"'' r. urace Eo elevatlons shown on Drawings. Grade surfaces properly to provide good drainage durlng constr[ction and pieveni-p6iiaini'""r--water. B. Excavations for Grade Beams and Spread Fooilngs: ] , ^lAqn-=+l- gJllpJt excavations on mediun dense to dense granu'lar soils at "rlrr*- l:l:l_tl.ffitiql:_:!gq.on Drawinss {!{ _.t teast.i i..i-n.iou ,i,Ln i:ii:rt:oiliX:-': "' s hown on Drawi nqs s{q!--l ea{ tt"**] ft "lnlot ^ Ens i n ee;*6il; ;fij*Etill.''l{ttn:l,giii;;T"Ti"il:mig:.bpest .2. Excavate trenches accurately to dimensions strown on orawinli.-'lr soi'l or weather conditions iliil not permit iiiting'co;riltE-- ?ffiI1;lr:*th banks, excavate wide eiroush foi fu]i iormtnp-or 3. After Excavations are completed, notify soils Englneer rof proper inspection !o assure that'foofings are founded-ii miilriii ;i-'-' :l[|};;;:, bearins capacity, prt6r to plactns reinioriirigf steer or 4. Keep exiavations dry-until_concrete is belng placed. Dewater as necessary from outslde of footing excavat.loi.' no pumps slriii Ue praced rnstde of excavafion without prior approval of'Solls Engineer. Excavate materrar that hai beconi'sotienea ouiTio Igi:tyf9 and.replace with lean concrete or srructurii iiit-is _ approved by+,the Solls Engineer.5- Fill overexcavations bel6w grades specif.led with lean concrete or structural flll as approved-by the Soils Engineer. I - -' c. Excavations !ilithin Buildlng Areas for {gglanical or Electrical iwork: May 1987 02200-3 63r0II 3.02 BACKFILL AGAINST FOOTINGS AND GRADE BEAMS A. General: 3.04 BRACING, SHORINq., UNDERPINNING t. fpJust molsture content of structural fill at time of p[acement to that required for proper compaction it'ii".Ii.i'[i ii,."ioir, Slglr::l:_ Aerate.iratiriai-IFli'ii ioe wei; -iprii iiii ffiateriar with water rf it.is tqo diy.' ifroroud[iv"iii "Ii,t'rrft before compacfion to untformly diitrioute witei contenil 'At-tte'iime of compaction, brrng the moisture contenr ot soiii-io ;itii; tti;"f'optimum moisture.?. Place and cggrpact backfill ln 8n naximum lifts.1. carri oii! iiiiiil ai-i"..rtiliuius operauon. I 4- compact fiil by frechanical meins to'oeniiiiis as drrectld by Soils Engineer wrth a minimum compacilon oi gsz"-ii-aelerrir Test Designation D 1557-70. lon or 957o itS determined by ASTM 5. Do not puddle fill to conso'lidate. B. Trenches for Mechanlcal or Electrical [ork (Bui'lding Areas Onlly): 1' ffiftlil":lo:;o"lld[.11fl"!llt.n, conduit or equipment afrd compact 2. Backfill by hand.with shovel, rislng evenly on both stdel of rY I r.|l sfluve I anq I I qnf, f,amDgr.2. Backfill bV hand_with shovel, ristng_evenly on both sldeg of piping or conduit, to 6n above top 6r nlnjo"-.onJiiii.--i.ri _ continuousty while placing backfiit in'8r miximil-iiiir.r. Lonrorm ro regulrements of paragraph 3.02A above. r his on A. Genera'l: The contractor is solely responsible for the desiqn.installation, safety and adequacir of all temporiry-6r""inq"iid shorins required. to complete the work property. The'conti.ait;r ii iiiieiv-' "'" respons'ibte tbr the design, installation, safety and adequacy ot'anv underpinning of adjacent-structures as fierd ioiuiiioni-ini7"or-' -"' appricable codes and ordinances-may requlre. The soils Engineer does *t"l:l lll^yll a::ry9_T:ponsibitliv.r,ir the design, iareti oi-Luequicv 9f anv bracile, shorins,oi underpini,ing. i[.-cili;id;-i; iorEii'*"responsible for safe and completb remoial of a'll iemporirv-rraclini and shorlng when no longer requii"ed. -'! t-rrrv'.'J v May 1987 i .' -j: 1: - "!:'.":i, . ': .i-.tl---' - 02200-4 6310II B. Bracing and Shoring: Prlor to_commencing excavation, make all necessary provijsions to shore.and brace safeli ano ialquiifiy-iir eiiaiil; ;Aj;;ffi' (L \\2. ( r. ) structures or earth binti.Exercise extrene cauilon'whire performing any work adJacbnt to g!:l!ng. buildinss or streets sb as ioi.'["-iiioii{oini-ii;F";"remove thelr lateral support.Provide full lateral ,suiiort to- soils under adjacent property durins excavation ana uhl.rr suirr-[iri,,e ;;-i;d;iliiiii Fi"fii,i, PI9i"!! 3nd anv required underpinni;g ;i ilj;;;;i-;;opi"tv"r,.t been cast. 6310d/02200rr **END OF SECTION** 6310I I 02200-5 sEcTIoN 03100 CONCRFTE FORMI,,ORK PART 1 - GENEML r.O1 I,IORK INCTUDED A' Forms for cast-in-place concrete, includlng shoring and fonn supports. B. Installation of miscel'laneous ltems to be embedded in cast-ln-place concrete. I.O2 RELATED }|ORK A. Sectlon 02200 - Excavating, Grading, and Backfill.ing. B. Sectlon 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement. C. Section 03300 - Cast-in-place Concrete. D. Miscellaneous.items, anchor bo'lts, etc., See other Sections. E. Section 06100 - Rough Carpentry. I.O3 CODES AND STANDARDS to be embedded ln cgncrete: form for A. }lhen conditions are encountered which are not covered by these speciflcatlons, then llre appl icable requiremenis or-[ne"nmeriian -concrete Institute's_ (AcI Standard)'RdComnenaeo Fraitice for doncrete Formv{orkn,. Acl 347., ldlplt edition, shail govein ttre-wirtl ani iid-'---hereby nade a part of this specifiiation t6 ue exient--riquiitu.'- I.O4 SUBMITTALS A- submit'.accordlng to section 01300, samples or product data cold Jolnt.on PART 2.01 A. 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS Fonn Lumber: l. ElposeA fl.at-nsmooth" concrete surfaces: plywood, B-B plyform, Class I EXT-APA Grade, E/8n thick, exteriot'glue, eactr-oinei-'grade-marked by Arnerlcan plywood Association] or'lx surhaced uougtas-flr, adequate to achieve finished shape and surface acceptable to Architect.2. unexposed-concrete: 0f sufflclent strength to hold concrete properly In place and alignment; plywood or surfaced Dougias flr. -r' i:.:,-. * .... l,lay 1987 m100-r 63t0II I 3. Framing: Douglas flr, WCLIB nstandardn grade or better. Form Ties: Prefabricated rod,. flat bandr.or.wlre type,. or thrjeaded ilEyll,disconnectins type ftrat peimii'tigr,i"ning" lni ip".iorns o itlfit':l,'i :ff tx';ti.l'!i"ilt,;fl :Fii' lHli:llli"i! ;iflEii;.ll 'LEr'rEr qrsconnectrrng Jvp! that permit tightenlng and spreadlng of I:T:^l:9. t:11:-lo., pi11,t1 giir, th;t'-i : ifi ; -;il";;... - Fii'li.s ti sht !:-pr::ll mortar leakage at_hores-in_-forms. coat removanrd'ii.i'il'iir, lgn:llllt]lq !gn.l break6r.. protect ail ties r"o'-ririling-ii liii-ti;i!.No wire tiei or wood.spreaders wli ue'permiti.al' 'cuiiiis'iiir'uilii from concrete face wili not be oermiiie;- 'ii;;-i""-IJi".l;'.;;^;;-"from con*ete face wiri. not-be. permiiiei. -' iiei-io"-IiiilEu"iii"if,surface concrete shall be ptastic Cone-inap ties. Form Coatlng: -Non-stainlng and non-grain.ralsing type. Coatlhg must lgt^Jil:",13 :lff :.gllce-of concrele wrr r crr wi ii itiers"iv-iinE"C-ujno B. c. or. other finishes or consrrucuon. coatiniit--i6.tiirii,i-iinl.ili-iiil"i" 9!!gI lln:aryins ingredients will noi-ue E"riil;d:"'iE.liiiliur"proouct,s lnclude "Nox Crete fgrm lgqtingo, oArcol_gO', nsynthpxn, or accepted substitute, see Secfion OlO00.- -'"-"1- ' '' D. Form for cold Joints: Removable, standard, metal or plastic kbyed dJvlders for cotd joints, or keyed rorm ioniiiuit.l 5i-louno"aiJ-tiqnt construction lumber, minimum noirina] 2" thick, wittr ueveiea ffid li;i'-attached thereto, subJect to approval of the Aritri[eii.--o"iil-toie"s for dowels as required. suppoils ror t<eyed-roirni'iver'va;;" 6.;;i;;,shal] be of a crddre, p.d, bi^ uase type irhictr *iit-noi;il;id;'ii;'-membrane. StaBins ttrn!1ush tryl_gi.ri wiir ili il-pir;ii;F.-"- 3 . EXECUTION GENERAL I comply with all applicable requirements of ACI-347 unless othArwise shown or spec'lfied. I Form all concrete accurately to detalls, dimensions, and allgnments shorm on Drawings. Do not -exceed to'rerinces specirieu tr.;;.i;;--"-- Instal'l all accessories to be embedded ln concrete and provide openlnq in conciete as required to receive or adjoin woii-oi-otfiir-i"ao.!]""'"Various trades 4re responsible to furnisi their iciessiiiis-;td--- openi ngs. FABRICATION construct fonnvrork straight and rigld. Design forms to withstand full pressures of_each concrete placement. Brace-and strore-in place to -'- support safel.y al'l reinforcing, concrete, men, equipmeni"af,u-{nv-ittrer loads imposed. - i- set all reveals,- grooves,_detall shapes, and score strlps as $hown on the Drawings. chamfer a'|] verilcar bnd'horizoniai ;;ffi;r.- r"-"" -" Back Joints to hold surface allgnments flush. Butt Joints ttdrt to prevent leakage of nortar. -l--- -- 987 03100-2 6310II ,r..-{n?,!d.,.. l;;;;,. ] PART 3.01 A. B. c. 3.02 A. B. c. May I D. Ali.gn_form ties and plywood Joints horlzontally orderly pattern wherb -finishid concrete will b! 3.03 TOLERANCES A- Deflection of-formwork or misalignment of any member sha'lI l19""f"gg position shown on Orawings, or rlei i'n 'iO'feet. and "out" varration sha'll not occui within z0 feet of each B. llake all vertical surfaces, llnes, and joints olunb. flake horizontal surfaces, llnes, and J6ints ievdi. c. Any dl.splacement of fornmork during placing of concrete shall be considered just cause for remova'l 6t'ttre oisplaced-forrmoii and of concrete cast therein. Hork must be rebui'lt'to correct tine inu detail. contractor shall bear ail costs of suitr-riirivat ano - - reconstruction. 3.04 FOUNDATION F0RI'MORK A. Grade Beans and Footlngs: Cast in neat excavations, but with side forms . fg" vertical .surfaces that remarn exposed. tr eiiivitions wiit not--"--stand'_provide fonnwork for sides of'footings to depih rtquirii io-control caving. 3.05 FORM REUSE A. All forms must be new at beginning of constructjon.reused if thorough'ly cleaned and ionforming to all requirements at tjme of each reuse. A. Apply any form coating before placing, reinforcing stee'|. and vertlcal1y ln neat exposed. not exceed Maxlmum ninn olher. aIl Forms nay be other specified Exercise maring 3.05 FORI4 COATING 3.07 FORM REHOVAL A. Remove all fonnvlork canefully so as not to damage concrete.particular care where concrete will remain expoied to avoid corners and fini,g-.hed concrete surfaces. B. Mlnimum tlme for removal of forrmrork ls as follows: .,+oSide foms of colunns and walls 7 days -}retsewhere, unless othersise noted 3 dals c. Do not load any concrete untit the concrete has attained its fu'l'l desjSn.strength unless lt ls thorough'ly shored to prevent any deflectlon or damage to the llork. May 1987 03100-3 63l0II D. Proyide.tgryrpgrary bracjng as required for retaining wal'ls to assure lflLrtlli'litv until suih ume'as the con.reie-r'ii icr'itvea iii-le-o.v oesrgn strength q do not backfill until such tjme. **END OF SECTION** 6310d/031001r 03100-4 63t0II sEcTIoN 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART I . GENERAL 1.01 tloRK INCLUDED A. Concrete reinforcement. I.O2 RELATED I,'ORK A. Sectlon 03f00 - Concrete Formwork. B, Sectlon 03300 - Cast-in-place Concrete. c. Sectlon 05300 - Metal Decklng: t,|lth relnforced concrete flll. I.O3 REFERENCES A. ACI 315 - American Concrete Institute, 'rManual of Standard Pracffce for Detail ing Reinforced Concrete Structuiesn. B. ACI 318 - American Concrete Institute, nBuilding Code Requlrements for Relnforced concreteo, as adopted and imended by-the Unifdrm suiidini-- Code. c. ANsI/AsrM A82 - cold Drawn steel l,lire for concrete Reinforcement. D. ANSI/ASTM A185 - Welded Steel Uire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcenent. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawlngs accordlng to Secilon 01300. B. Shop-Drawings: At least four weeks prior to fabrication, submlt ful'ly detailed shop drawings, including bbnding schedules and'bending diagrams. _Shop drawings sha11 show placing details and size aid location of all .peinfoicing steel. C. Mill Test Reports: Submitlgoples of certified Mill Test Reports for all relnforclng bars used on thi! project. 1.05 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. In accord with Section 01400. 1.05 PRODUCT STORAGE A. -s!o1e sg-as to prevent rusting or fouling with grease or any coating that wil'l interfere with bond. Segregate so as-to maintain-identification after bundles are bioken. Do not use damaged, reworked,or deteriorated materlals. l,lay 1987 03200-t O3I0II PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: Deformed bi]]et steel bars, ASTM AEls, Grade 60. new.unused' clean, each bundle acconpanled fron mil'l by ceriified mili report lncluding heat number. B. Spiral Reinforcing: ASll,l A82. C. Welded t{ire Fabric: ASIfi 4185. D. Tie Uire: B1ack, annealed, ASTI'I AgZ. E. Supports for Reinforcing: l. General: 0f sufficient size and strength to support bars rigidly and accurately in place.2. Steel Chairs: Hot-dipped ga]vanized, stainless steel, or pVC coated. stainless steel only, at exterior and where-exposed to view ln the f'lnished work. Per waterproof membrane manlfacturer,s written recomnendations at waterproofing. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Comply with all appllcable requirements of ACI A3l5 unless otherwise shown or specified. B. Bend reinforcing bars by methods that will not inJure materials. c. Keep reinforcing free from rust sca'le, loose mill scale, or any coating that ui'|1 reduce bond between reinforijng and concrete. D. Do not use reinforcing with bends or kinks not shown on Drawings. E. Heatlng of reinforclng to facilitate bending ls prohibited. F. Bundle and tag reinforcing with suitable ldentlfication to facilitate pl acing. G. Any and all reiniorcing not specifically shourn or specified shatl still conform to aI'l requirements oi these Specifications. PART 3 . EXECTTTION 3.OI GENERAL A. Accurately place a1l reinforcing as shown and specifledn and ile securely in position B. Tle all bar intersectlons and laps wlth tie wire. $TOII l'lay 1987 03200-2 c. Maintain proper dlstance and clearance between paralle'l bars and from torms. D. support relnforcing at -proper height on concrete dobies, steel chairs,or fron hangers. use aboibs oniy-to support reinroiiin! i"iil'.iiii."' E. secure reinforcing-in position before placing any concrete. placinq or adJustins reinforiins iurrns praETng oi'iorilieii ii-trirri[it.l F. coverage of reinforcing, unless othenrise shown, shall be as follows: Single curtain walls: Slabs on grade: Footings and grade beams: Double curtaln walls; Col umns: At center of wa]] At mid-depth of slab 3" at bottoms 2" at sides if formed 3" at sldes lf cast against earth l-l/2" at exterior ln at interior L-l/z" to ties 2o to main longitudinal bars G. Lap bars at sp'lices 36 bar diameters minimum unless otherwise shown. H. Minimize spllces wherever possible. I. Stagger splices in adJacent bars un'less otherwise shovm. J. Welding of reinforcing is prohibited. K. If.any conduit, jnsert, llqevgr etc.-, interferes with placing of reinforcing as shown, notJfy the Architect and seiure [is written tnstruct,lons before placlng any concrete or movlng any reinforcing. L- Notlfy the Archltect _lf, after concrete is cast, any reinforcing is !9y1{ to.ue misptaced. Do nor artempt to remeai ili ;i$i;;i"- '- reinforclng with.out the Architect,s irritten Jnsiruciions. Do not bend or kink.mispl?g_ed bqrs. Do not bend or straighien-riiniorcing i; ;-'-manner that will 'injure^reinforcing or surrouiding conCrete. -cost of any alteration, correction, redesr!n, or rep'lacemEni-oi- retnforcinq-or concrete required due to misplaced-bars shail be borne by the Contractor. 6310d/03200II *END OF SECTIONH May 1987 03200-3 63IOII sEcTIoN 03300 CAST- IN-PLACE CONCRETE PART I - GENERAL I.OI }IORK INCLUDED A. Cast-in-place concrete. B. Curing of cast-in-place concrete. c. coordlnation with all trades with-regard to requirements for special bases, sleeves, chases, inserts, finishes, or pioiilio;a oi an!-niiure. D. Drypacking, E. Concrete fil'l at floors and stair and landing pans. I.O2 RELATED WORK A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formuork. B. Section 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement. C. Section 02200 - Excavatlonn Gradlng, and Backfilling. D. Sectjon 07112 - llaterproofing. E. Section 05300 - liletal Decking. F. Section 05120 - Structural Stee'|. G. sectlon 05500 - Metal Fabricailons: Stairs and landlngs requiring concrete fill - H. Section 07210 - Bullding Insulation: perimeter lnsulation. I.O3 REFERENCES A. ACI 301 - Specificatlons of Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ACI 305 - Recommended Practices for Cold l,leather Concrete. C. ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggregates. D. ASTM C94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. E. ASTM Cl50 - Port'land Cement. F. ASTM D994 - Preformed Expanslon Joint Flller for Concrete (Bltumlnous Type). 6310Ir . : May 1987 03300-t 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perfonn work in accordance with ACI 301. B. Maintain copy of ACI 301 on site. I.O5 TESTING AND INSPECTION A. In accord with Section 01400. I.06 SUBMITTALS A. Records: Keep records of contents, time of adding waten, ilme of departure from plant' tirne and locatjon of p'lacefrent in-the structure for each mtxer dispatched. submit copies oh Coniieie batah ra6;d;-io the Architect and Owner. B. concrete Mix Designs: At least 35 days prior to placlng concrete,supp]y Testing Laboratory with propoied'mix desilns an[ wtttr ade{uate samples of a]l materials proposbd in use thereinl At 'least l4-Aiti - prior to use, submit to Testing Laboratory mix designs and miteriii samp'les proposed for repairs of concrete.- PART 2 . PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Cement: ASTH C150, Type I. Use one brand throughout. B. water: clean, potable, free from substances harmful to concrete. C. 9glglgtq fSgregates for Structural Concrete: ASTM C33 except as modified herein, -mininum speciflc aravity of 2. 55, minimum' cleanl iness value of-75,. minimum sand bquivateit ot 7s, eraoi as requirea-iii --- proper nix design. D. Admlxtures: unless otherwise specifled, use no admjxture without prior written-approva'l of Architect. Use of-ca'lcium ch]oride ln concreie ii prohiblteil. E. Drypacki.ng: olnbscou gr9gt, nSJ@enn grout, nl,tegdows V-ln grout, or approved equa1. Mix we]l. per-manufacturer's instrucilons wltfr onli enough water to cause hydratlon. Hake conslstency of m'ixture such'that a.bal'l of drypacking compressed in the hand will inaintain strape showing flnger marks but not surface water. F. Grout for Misce'l'laneous Recesses and Under Sill Plates: Same proportion of cenent to fine-aggfggate as used in the regular concrete mix icoarse aggregate only om'itted). Mix we]l with only enough water to produce a thick consistency. G. Expansion Jolnt Fillers: A51l'l D gg4-71, asphalfic compound strips, l/4'thick unless otherwise noted, precut to prbper size. May 1987 03300-2 63t0II H. €t. 2.02 A. l,laterseals: Corps of Engineers Spec. CRD C572, polyvinyl-chloride,ribbed and bu]b' type, size as-nolea-on"itrawinisl- .I]ool Hardener: sonneborn Gray Kure-N-seal as manufactured by Reknord chemical Products, Inc. or an-accepted suusiituTi, iee-ieition 01600. CONCRETE MIXES Contractor is responslble requi rements: Maximum aggregate size: B. c. Maximum s'lump: 4n Minimum 28-day compressive strength: 3,000 'lbs./sq. in. except as noted 9gti9Tr mixes to produce dense, uniform concrete, free fron rock pocKets' honeycomb and other imegularities and'of consistency permitting easy placement lnto arl contours of fonmro;i ila aiound all rei nforci ng. Include water contalned in the aggregate for determination of amount of water to be added to batch. D- Design qix f,qq repairlng surface defects as above except omrt coarse aggregate. lJhere exposed,. texture of patching mix musi nratch teiture . of.adjacent concrete'when'both patch aha aaitieni--coniiete are cured and dry. E. !{ake color, texture, and consistency of all exposed concrete unlform throughout the Job. -Take maximum piecautions in mix-aeiisn-ani ;iii;g and curlng of concrete to achieve irnlfoimiiv. F. Any.change in materials.or mix designs from those originally tested must be approved,, in wrlting by the ArchtteCt. c. 1ll,::":f:!e-exposed to weather or exterior condifions, including during ttme,of construcilon, to have 3-5% entrained aii. use an-appropriate air entralning admixture. to design mix to conforn to the following l-l/2" at foundations 3,/4" el sewhere Per stair fabricator,s engineer: At stair treads and landings 03300-3 63r0II PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 PLACING CONCRETE A. Before dlpg:illlg:oncrete,. completely remove_a1l wood chips, shav.ings,and other debris from trenihes ind interior or formi-ana riiit-i"iiiirg or pans to receive concrete. clean reinforcing, lf necessary, prior-to placing concrete. Remove freestanding ind oivErt iriiunJ-oiiii' Fffi'forms and excavailons. Do not a'llow ilater to stand in trdah;s:'-"' B. Give notice to Architect five working days ln advance of each concrete placement. Place no concrete prior io ni.cniiect,i ouserviii6n,-lini"tt prior written waiver of sane ii obtained from the Architect. C. Transit-Mix Concrete: Conform to ASTI'I C94. Add no uater after translt mixer leaves batching plant. D. Handle concrete from mixer to place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which pievent separation'or 'loss of ingledients. E. Place concrete in a continuous operation until section of approved size and shape is completed. F. Thoroughly compact.concrete (except slabs-on-grade) by puddltng with sultable too'ls.duri!9 placinj. Iir addition t6 maniral-siading ina tamping, vibrate all cdncrete internal'ly wtth high-speei meCfianiiat vibrators, operated under experienced s-upervlsioi. G. slabs-on-Grade: Do_not p!{dle. -Dampen gravel immediately before P-laclng concrete slab. Place.slabs'to iemporary screeds-set at proper elevations and a true horizontar prane, or'to siopes indicated oh -'- Drawings. _compact and tarnp so thht coirse aggregite is pusned betow surface. -Screed surfaces to final elevationil ilood floit surficei as soon as they are workable, bringing slabs to proper elevations. -- - 3(.02 C0NSTRUCTIoN JoTNTS A. Locate construction Joints as-shown or as required. Provide keys and place dowels or continuous reinforcing across Joints as deiailef, on--itre Drawings. , $gugh.en surface of construition joiits by wlre biushing concrete while. green _or bJ sandblasting to ixpose sbund coarse - aggregate in the hardened concrete. 3.03 CONCRETE FINISHES A. Concrete to Receive Membrane Waterproofing: Finish surfaces accordinq to the written requirements of the waterpioofing nanufacturer. - B. Iypical Floor Slab Finish Except at Areas to Receive Carpeting or Pavers: Steel trowel with fine broom finish. F'loat finiih slib then steel trowel by.machine or-hand. Additional trowellngs shall be done by land after the surface has hardened sufficiently. -Fina1 finish surface shall be free of travel marks, unlform in iexture, and appearance. Flnlsh to flne broom texture. At areas to reieive l'lay 1987 03300-4 6310II carpeting' omit broom flnish. At areas to receive concrete pavers, lTll t$l_trowel and.broom-ftntsh. aBpU qrg" trarAlner wh_erc-no are- sEhe<!u-Ted. 3.04 SI.AB TOLEMNCE A. Achieve true plane to required elevation and s'lope within l/4" in l0 feet. 3.05 CURING (F0RI,1ED CoNCRFTE) A' Keep forns sufficienily wet to prevent drying out of concrete. B. Keep formed concrete surfaces, including footings, wet for at least seven days after concrete is deposited.- Provid6 ior such curJnq aurinq weekends and holldays. Use of bn acceptab'le curing compouna iii-ti"i,'6i water curing is subJect to Architect,s'revien. 3.06 TEMPERATURE CONTROL A. If alr temperature at batch plant gr at project site exceeds 900 F., or 1r concrete temperature exceeds 75u F. when delivered, nake prov.isions for cooling concrete. shade materrars and forns. spiai iorhs ario - - reinforcing with fresh cool water to reduce temperatlre. B. If.mean_flaily alr temperature at batch plant or at proJect site is below 45'F., prevent damage to concrete from cold.' C6nform to requirements and precautions of ACI 306 R-78, nReconmended Practice for Cold lrleather Concietingn. 3.07 DRYPACKING A. -Install drypack by ramrning in thln layens with several blows for each layer t0 compact mixture. llhen completed, drypack shall show light moisture. Place forms around so thit backing irill be provided aiiinst which to drypack. B. seal.all exposed.surfaces of drypack with burlap lmrnediately after packing and keeping moist for thi.ee days. c. Do not tension bolts or inserts which have been drypacked in place sooner than seven days after packing. 3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. General: Testing-will be conducted by an approved testing laboratory. See Section 01400. B. Test Prlority: control tests shall be used to determlne the concrete quality throughout the_project; however, speclal tests shall have precedence over control tests, and core'teits shall have precedence over a'll previous tests. May 1987 '-,rrl*o,+* . l;*"- 03300-5 63l0II c- Tests: cooperate fully.with those making tests. The folrowing tests and procedlres are_su-bieci to-ifiinde auiing ionstructiin at the discretion of the Archite;ta- l. Test Reports: In accordance with Section 01400.z, stump Tests:-provide necessary equipment and make tests in confonnity with ASTI'| ct43-78 ls freiuenilv is aireiteo-uy'tne Archltect. The tests shall be made-by q -perion'ihoroug[iy-"- famit iar with the requirements lnecriieJ.--it oiitd"irre-iiuilp exceed the limlts stated coricrete Mix Types tn pari"i,'ine tatctr irriii-te reJected. Keep an_accurate recolt of the ttme, iiiiation in {tre -- work, and the results of slump tests whiih iniit'ue available ior _ inspection by the 0wner and the nrchlieci.3- control rests: control tests of concrete work shall be made on every b0 cubic yards or fraction thereof or coniieie-ptiiea i,ia,!n lny.case, a minimum of once during each O1y;l-pi"..r.nt. Each test sharl consist of four standard 6' teit-ivtinl;;;-;;;;'.nu--"cured ln accordance with ASTM c3r-84 and asTl,t-c1ii-sz. One - cylinder sha'l'l be-broken at the end oi ieven-'Uivi-after placinq.two cvlinders shalr be broken at the end of 2a-livi'iii"i'oi;;i;".and the remainins. cyrinder.shan be stoiea uniiilisiiipoli;i;;"'is detenning9 FV lne Architect. In.generil, ilie rematnihg - cvlinder witl !9 broken onrv when th6 previ6ui ieii'reporis lndicated unsatisfactory 1e!ylts. Tesfs on-itr"-iemaining iylinder shall be at the expense-of the contractor. ine nilrritec[ rEseives the.right to stop iuture concrete work when tha i or zg day iesti-indicate unsatisiactory resurts unti1, in trii-opinion, proper corrective measures have been taken t6 insure qirality-cbnciete in future work and corrections deemed necesiiii-tlive'u""n made. . Tests shall be nade at the time conirot tesis aie iit<en ino so stated in the reports to determine the s'lump, itr iont"nt, unit weight and tempeiature of the concrete. nii'tests-iha'l'l 6,e-mide - in accordance with ASIII Cl3g-gl or ASTM CZgl_8,.-- ' 4. lp"gll! Tests: Shoutd the Contractor desire-conirot tests to facilitate the early removal or forms,-ih;t ;ilii-be made in additJon to those specified for contr6l te;ts ;nd itrait re .- gggp]qtetv site-curbd- .The expense ror miitng-iuailionat test cytrnoers, testlng, curing and protection shall be the Contractor, s.5. core Tests: fft.at any time, the concrete contror test specrmens show. a compressive stiength-at 28 days or ieii itrai-inai'r.iiiii.a ln f,ne uenera.l Notes on the Structural Drawings, or if the concrete has been frozen before it has taken [h6 iina'l sei, so severel.y that, in the opinion^of. the Architect, -iii' itrengfh-has been adversely- affected, the contractor-striii,'ai-[is own expense,have sufficient core teits taken, the num6er-ino-toiation to'be -' accepted bv lhe Architect on such portions of the woil ii miy-fiave been affected to determine the actiral condiiioni-oi-ttre coniie{e.- Ilg..rqqqrll9r pfeparing and tesilng shail be in-aiiorOanie wiifr-- ASTM c42-84a. shou'ld ihe tests reieal that the ionirete does not !:"!,!h9 requirements of thrs. Specrfrcailon, the contraitJi itriii,. aE nts own expense, replace the enfire section Involved or make corrections deened necessary by the Architect. 03300-6 63t0Ir 6. Load. Tests: should the core tests as previously outllned be deemed by the contractor to. be inadequate-or'insuiiiiieni,'rri-iay ar his own.expense when authorized by the Architect, perfirrn toai iesli-on the areas tn question. Arias selected foi iestins irrarr le--accepted Uv !lr9 Archltect, and the test results shalT be made in accordance with ACI 3lg. 6310d/03300rI *END OF SECTION* 63l0II 03300-7 sEcTIoN 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS PART I - GENERAL 1.OI !{ORK INCLUDED A. Shop fabrlcated ferrous netal items, galvanlzed and prine painted. B. See Schedule at the end of this Section. I.O2 I.|ORK FURNISHED BUT TNSTALLED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS A. Furnlsh metal fabrlcations to be cast in concrete to section 03300 - Cast- In-Pl ace Concrete. I.O3 RELATED I,'ORK A. section 03300 - cast-in-P'lace concrete: concrete fill for stalr pans and landings. B. Sectlon 05120 - Structural Steel. C. Section A5?02 - 0pen $leb Steel Joists. D. Section 05300 - Metal Decking. E. Section 05400 - Light-Gauge Metal Framing. F. Sectlon 05720 - 0rnamental Handrails and Railings. G. Sectlon 09900 - Painting: paint finlsh. H. Section 10260 - Wall and Corner Guards: Stainless stee'l corner guards. I.04 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NAAMM A20Z.L - Hetal Bar Grafing Manual B. ANSI/AST$ 421 - Zlnc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated fron Rolled, Pressed, ind Forged steei Shapesl plates, Bars, ino iirip. C. ASTT'I A36 - Structural Steel. D. AsrM A53 - Hot-Dipped, Zinc-coated }le]ded and seanless steel pipe. E. ASTM A307 - Low-Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners. F. ASTl,l A325 - High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Jolnts. c. ASTM 4386 - Zinc-Coatlng (Hot-Dtp) on Assembled Steel products. l'lay 1987 05500-1 6310II H. ASII4 A446 - Steel !!get, Zinc Coated (Gatvanized) by the Hot_Dip Process, physical (struitural) Qualiti.- I. ASTt'l A500 - Cold-formed Welded and Seanless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes. J. At.|S 01.1 - Structural l.lelding Code. K. FS TT-P-31 - Paint, Oil: Iron 0xide, Ready Mlx, Red and Brown. I.05 STRUCTURAL REQUIREI,IENTS A. Fabricate sta.ir.assemb'ly to support'live load of 100 lbs/sq ft with def'lection of. stringer not to blceed r/r80 of span. tnd.ividual stiir treads shall be.designed-to support a 300 rb cohcentrated load plaied in a position which would causb-maxjmum stress. B. Railing assembly, wall rails, and attachments to resist lateral force of 50 lbs at any point without damage or permanent set. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Ladders shall conform to 0SHA requirements. I.O7 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawlngs under provisions of Section 01300. B, Indicate proflles, .sizes, connection attachments, reinforcing, anchorage, size and type of fasteners, and accesiories. c. Include erection drawings, elevatlons, and details where applicab'le. D. Indicate welded connecilons using standard AWS welding symbols.Indicate net weld lengths. E. Prepare shop drawings for stairs under seal of a professlona'l Structural Engineer reglstered in the State of Colorado. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT MATERIALS A. Steel Sections: ASTM A3G. B. Steel Tubing: ASTt'l A500, Grade B or ASTI4 A53, Grade B, Schedu'le 40. C. Sheet Steel: ASTH A446, Grade B, structural quality with 0.25 oz/sq ft ga'lvanized coating. D. Gratings: ANSI A202.1. May 1987 '-., ,..+'*J!it. - - ",r,*"*ig;;',.- 63l0II 05500-2 E' stair Nosinq (Exterior concrete steps):.4n wide r,looster Type l0l cast class 20 rron'wiirr i;i.il;ii;:l.ii"irfiinrr"i[rriiu.-irit and conceared i ntesral anchors as.,nanIfaci"rr.J-dr-gi9;;;; pil;;i!, "iooo spruce street, wooster,-0hi;i_i4gii; ieooj.szr:,igio, i"-iiiioieo equar. size nosings to terminate not mor6 dhan'4" from ends of'lteps unress othenrise indrcared on ir,e-br.*iiii.. ihil ;;;;r-rtiiil.a brack. F' Bolts, Nuts. and llashers: AsTr'r A307 or A325 as determined by fabricator,s struc[urii -;n;i;;";:-' G' t'lelding Materiars: Ar,rs Dl.l; type required for materrars being werded.H' Primer: Fs rr-p-3r, red; for shop application and fierd touch-up. I. Touch-up Primer for Ga'lvanrzed Surfaces: see section 09900 - parnt for primer for galvanizea suiiace;.-- '- J' Exposed l'lechanical-Fastenings: Flush countersunk screws or bolts;unobtrusive'ty located; coniiiieni-*iu, atiiin-Ji iii.iiiu"". site prior to shop fabricatjon. Joints tightly fitted and secured. in largest practical sections, for de.livery D. Grind exposed werds-frush-and smooth with adjacent finished surface.Ease exposed edges to imiti"unilorm radius. E- Exposed MechanJcar F_astenrngs: Frush.countersunk screws or borts;. unobrrusivelv locateo; coniisieiri-*itr-Jli;iil;f iiru.tur., except where speciricaiii-noid-olfirii;". F. Make exposed Jolnts butt tight, flush, and hairllne. G' Supply gomponpl!:.,required-for.anchorage of metar fabricafions.Fabricate anchorale dnc retaiea-componEnts oi-iir.'iliterial and. finish as metat fabrication, except wtreie ipeiiii"iirv-nited othenrise. H' Accurately form components required. for anchorage of metal fabnlcations to each other and tb buttUtng-Jirucrure. 2.03 FABRICATION . PAN STAIRS AND LANDINGS A. Fabricate stairs with closed rlsers and treads of pan construction to . recelve concrete. B- Reinforce underside of randings to attarn design load requirenents. C. Prime paint components. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Verify dlmensions on B. Fabrlcate items with C. Fit and shop assemble site.to May 1987 05500-3 63t0II 2.04 FINISH A' clean surfaces of rustn scare, grease, and foreign matter prior to fi ni shi ng. B. ?g lqt plime surfaces in direct contact bond wlth concrete or where field welding is requireO. --- C. Prime paint items scheduled wlth one coat. D- Ga'lvanize ltems to mlnimum l.zs oz/sq ft zinc coating in accordance wjth ASTl,t A38E or ANSI/ASTM AiZ3. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PREPAMTION A. 0btain Architect_approval prior to site cutting or making adjustnents not schedured. Do irot fieid cut or alter stiii lnem'uers. B. clean and strrp.site primed stee'l items to bare metal where srte weldlng is schddu'led.' c. l'lake provision for erection 'loads with temporary bracing. Keep work in al ignment. D- luppty items.required to be cast into concrete with setting templates,to appropriate Sections. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install items.plumb.and level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects detrimental to appiarance or [erfJimiici. B. Perforn field welding in accordance wlth AbrS Dl.l. C. Verify alignment with adJacent constructlon. Coordinate related work. D. Fie]d bolt and weld to natch standard of shop boltins and weldinq Hide bolts and sdrews whenever possible. wtrEre-noi' fiioJen,-uii"Fiusrr countersUnk fasteni ngs. E. Mechanically fasten Joints butted tight, flush, and hairline. Grind welds snooth and f'lush. F. After installat'lon,. touch-up fie'ld welds, scratched or damaged surfaces with primer or touch-up priiner for galvanized suifices. 3.03 SCHEDULE A- Provide and install items llsted ln Schedu'le and shown on Drawlngs with anchorage and attachnents necessary for tnstaliition. May 1987 05s00-4 63t0II B. The schedule.is a rist of principa'r items_onry. Refer to Drawing details for items not speciiiciiiv scteauf"j." c' Steel stair structure with treads and landlng pans to recelve concrete flll. prlme paint finish. D. Ba'luster and handrai'lings at steel stairs and concrete steps. Balcony railings. Galvanlze foi exteiior, priiri-pii"t-ifr' interjor tocations. E. Ladders for access to elevator pit, projection room, attic, roof and roof ridse; pliltg,plint tvpicariv,'sirvinizea riniii at eievaior pit and exterior locations F. Eptry.grating, grating over nechanical shaft, and catwalks including structural supports; galvanized finish. G. Miscellaneous steel including planter box support framework. lavatorv counter support. brackets,-stiult-urar steel iblner siriidi, ;;"*i;;;;;and eye_bo'lts at roof; galvanized finish. steei .fisi" at elevator d6or threshold and at corner-guards where inaicaieo,'prif,e painted. H. Metal gates; galvanized finish. **END OF SECTION** 6310d/05500I I May 1987 05500-5 6310I I NorE_copyoFpERMrrro IlllE l:lllyrfg ls-i{EEDEU rOn ilLilfG f,Enr{tr x, *, aii'iA"iii' " .' ll iTii iifi '[tr ii t t :il, i i i' l',iu i il'l',I i. r l:':lllpt, trvo' con,pIeti'i'f ir,ljiiil,ot l{ork.dcpar|mont ol conrmunity rlevcloirnron t PtE/ruuilEnt TffE ,,I,, l{AnKs AREI I . ou|l.o|llr: 6-r'rrilEeo-ilinEinFon- 2loo 2oorocto fuo z o F .t I J { ( ( tl E'aiE - - - DA]E _ rvpeorFEnrurF-- Hlg.u:lgue Kpr.u"o,rn frl,Eiliiif^'. tro{ :_1",:1no" JOB NAME: GENENAL CONTRACTOR rowN oF vAlL RFn Nn , " C _.A_ trr.r €1-5SZ ,,rarr,ao,- lttot PTUMBING CONINACIOR "ratnn,aorlFrRftl IOWN Lor er-r]-- t. TYPE oF cof{slnUciloN a. occurnHcy cnoui . o,r,r,o* (Dn w v //r' AOEItnM l22ag1 oFWORK r NECNEATION F€E oEstcN REVTEW 00Ano CTEAN.UP DEPOSIT To rAL pEry[dnFEEs X PENMTT FEES ':2)3y'yy2:,:: -'{', IE- ifr '!,ii:3"fl__ _: Xl:i ;,tilffi u o,n," [tJ::Jlr"il'i'J,,['lX,lis,Ptqrtnarion "d ;i;';f;:'e Inro]marron provitred u".:t:l'99_il.;;;;i. i [f,:""1'",H,:11'ul',]:;l'ffi',;i-,;trfr[iid#;iff;!:ly"]l'J',1ii',1p,:,:'*a":11ana irnie ryw t NEUU ELECTR|C, tNC. P.O. BOX K vAlt-, coLoRADo 81658 (30:l) 9494651 July 5, 19AA Vall Flne DepaFtment Attentlon: Miohael McGlee 42 Weet Meadow Onlve Vell' trO 91657 HEr Lrtt@F dtsted Juho aar lgEB FForfl the VetI Flno Oepa'.t|nsnt to Nsw Elec'trlo, Ino. 8,in, In e|nrsrE r- to #'l of youn l6tt€n. treta s type oF Oeteotor- baeee bel,ng lnetelled tn th\ r:'.re= If one would look on the btck tI dats sheet oF on tha Ee.tond ehset of th6 mimeo rtondant,ng :[nfonmatlon?r orre woutd FInd the 277 and Z77F modele Xtd to lhdloate what devlct wse belng pFeEented fon appnovel. Thene wlll bo no :lon dsteoto|{6 uesd on thle pnojeEt duE to i'on tyFE deteotore not wonklng propenly over t length uf ttme Et thle altltuds. Xn altewer. to #e oF youp letter. On Dete theer: B-IOO deallng w:!.th non-croded menuetr pulI Etatlone. ff one lvould took on the baokelde of the onS.glnel dete eh€et oF on the eeoond aheet of the mlmeognaph oop!,ee undeF trondening !,nFonmqtl'on , one would noti.oe model #M46-28 htgh llghted along wlth an anrow polntlng to Lt that eaye trwith double actlon lever. tt Thie type of pull- Btatl.on hes been used Fot' ovEF a yean Ln thLe Fire trLetnlct and no Fepor.ts have been made to us to lndioate any pnobleme rvLth trhon-emeFgency activationrr wl,th thle devioe. In Ensrwet- to #3 oF youn letten. Data sheet 4O7O Ls the Faetony cutsheet end Lt does not indicgte the FlTt e eensltivlty whloh le ?.A%. Thts informatl.on is Etamped on each Fl7 head. I have conveneed with the factory and have asked them to pFl.nt thie Lnfonmatl.on on the data eheet et the next Printing, In anewen to #4 of youn letter, Data sheet 4OeO ie 4 pagae long pnerentlng many dlffenent typeE oF theFmal detetrtol'B. The etangard le on pege 3 and heg no manklngs by tt to lndl-cate wErntlng appnoval oF thLs type oF detectoF. On page ? one would notlce 4 Xre lndlcating the Four typeB oF thsFmaJ.s that are beJ.ng pFsesnted Fon appnoval For the Pheee II HestLn Pnoject. f the onLglnel fn neepone€ to #5 of youn letter. Speor a 4.3.?14. on page FA-Z Soee hot apply to ttie lJestln Fliaee II FnoJect. Pleaee ilelete ttile openetlon from the panel functlons. fn nesponee to #6 oF youn letten. t'llrE noutlng le done aFten the etnuotune ie up, and preFenably aFten the mechanlcal and Fptrlnkler rub-contFactot-E have Lnetalled thein wtneB. I oEnnot Foneeee whEt t-outee wlll be oFen oF cloeed for me untll th€n. In ny op!.nion the vrlre Fout!.hg should be ehown on the red l'!ne prLnte et the end of the iobr if one wsnte en €oouF€te Foutlng' P€th. a) Typea of conduLtr w.Lne on cable thst le EPPnovBd a!'e llsted ln the epeetFlcetlone dlviel'on 16000r elong wlth oonFrepondenoe dealJ.ng wlr:h theos mEtteFB. All thla lnfonmetlon ils on r.eoond at th6 VEtl Bttlldlng trepantmentt end wae nevlewed by aJ.I afFected by the plan ohecke. b) Type oF wlnlng !.e #{OAHB FAPL oable UL llatad 6t 3OOV 'lOS C E66391 por€F llmlt@d Flne pnoteot.lve elgnallng oinoult oeble. Thle te aleo ahown on th6 nev!.ead one llne dlegnam. oJ The numbsF of wlreE nequLned between any end ell devleEe ana dl.nEotly reletEd to th6 devloe wlnlng on FA.'t. Any Fteld penaonnel. eppnoved to do thle type of wonk Ehould hav6 ns pnablem. I qm snnloalng a ona ltn'g d,Legnem that mi,ght mqke Lt saelen fon thcree not ageooleted w!,th lnrtalletton of the elyatem. fn neeponss to ti7 of youF IstteFr a) The location oF panlphenal devleee ans ehown on the dnewlnge - you mry oount them at youn lelsure. bl The eymbol ffi ae indioeted on the legend Indlcste epeakene belng Lnetalled. only €t .tu,o stoFy buildlng ell epeakere upon an alerm. The two speaker. clncul.te the revl.eed one llne dl.agnem. If we can be of any Funthen essLstance pleaee notify ue. Sinoenelyr ' oc,/Gany MunnaLn, FiIe plane and the SLnce thLe ie wlII be aetlvatsd betng used ane on Edson LY Fl New Eleatnl. ChleF Butldtng OFFtclal FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C of 0 /a FINAL PLUMBING EL ECT RI CAL DATE: 75 soulh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47&7Gt0 offlce of communlty developrnenl APRIL 20, L988 Frank Fryer l-000 Frontage Road VaiJ., CoLorado aL657 Dear Frank, I have coupleted the plan check of addendum III pl-ans' and have found that-the corrections to the previous plan check are addressed and approved. In addition, the changes to the original plans in addendun III plans trave also been reviewed and approved. This is confirmation that fulJ- approvaL for the construction of -pGZ" Nfnq-pn.-t"i_1-has been grairted. The following itens still imus€ be'-addressed-prior to their installation. A shop drawing needs to be submitted and approved by the Town of Vail for: L. Sprinkl-er sYstem 2. Fire Alarm system As always, it has been a pleasure working with you, and I am looking forward to seeing our ner/rt conference center' Sincerely, -.-- -.-,/ ' ./-,lffi24 ---.-E Gary Muriain chief Building official o FRANI( FFYER 1OOO FRENTAEE RD.VAIL, CO 81697 Deer Fnankr I heve completed the plan check of adendurn III plane, and have found that thE carreetionE to the pravloue plen Ehatrk ane addreEeed and appneved. Xn addlttonl the changea to the ortglnel plans Ln adendun lll ptane have alEo bean nEvlewed and approved. Thts le csnflnmetlon that full appnovel for the conEtructlon sf Plaze tding phaee lI heE been gnanted. The followlng ltemE etlll nuet be addreEsed prlor to thetr inEtEl latlon. A ehop dnawlng needs to be eubmltted and appravad by the Tgwn of Vall forl t, EFrlnkler eyatem. 2. Fine Alarm eyetem. Ae alwayor l,t hee bpen a plaaoune nnrklng nlth you, and I'm looktng ferwsnd to aeelng Eur neuf cnnfarenca center. til neenel y, Eary Murratn Ehtef Butldtng O{fictEl To f-.. Job No. 4 196 87 Dare 10-23-87 Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, West Vall, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consullhg Gsolechnlcal Englneers Daily Report No. 57 Sheet ofl SubJect: Fill Observatlon and Testlng Additlons to the Westin Hotel Vall, CO BG=Below o ade BFG-Below footlng grade Hlke Evans PROGRESSREPORT After lnstalllng footing rdraln contrac-tor began to backftll east side of tunnel. Test #185--952 compactlon speclf lcatlon Test #186--100? compactlon specl flcatlon Plala ll, Tunnel Backfi I I E side of tunnel. 50' NE of W-24.Sllty sandy gravel rr |' 2gr NE of rl 6I BFG ll ll SPECIFICATION COMPACIION A MATERTAL 952 standard Proctor denslty below slab area 100% standard Proctor denslty below footlng area TYPE AND NUMBER oF EABTH MOvtNG UtilTS Unl loader TYPE AND NUMBEF OF COMPACTTON UNITS Vlbratory drum NUMBEF OF PASSES As req. THICKNESS OF L;FT gl-16rr METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE Nnna rrtrtarl rtt3 "r'of F?Eon|3 @lnlotr! btnod ri e tsgun ol out dlortatbn d m plrcrmsrt. Wo har6 rettsd oo tha contrsCof to crnttnrr;:"pyPj:j1A::Y*^Y,ieIY :Ig 31td nrl{y|! F rtr!_nn dr,rrnr tr,n8! ,tcn ou, ob6qt g, b nqr obsrdrili o9d:tbnr talts ar? 'n€dE d rh! fir' on'r 6 bonand nac€sury m canrgia orii*eryiiii jirog's.,,!n. iiln i';ro'ii;fr ffi'frt b8!b Lt otnnlohr on rfielh€t ths tF F€tt! tEac,lhq[qe E FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, Y|"IIL I Lr r ! r'/ri N FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE FEMOVED OR REWORKED, UI CONTFACTOR ADVISED T] FULL TIME OBSERVATION E PART TIME OBSERVATION coFrEs G. E. Johnson const.: slp Architects: FIELD OBSERVER Steven L. Pawlak To Vail Yentures, LTD l0cl0 S. Frontage Road, lfest Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer ffi s"T"rfl*#"rsrs.":: 87 58 Job No. 4 186 Oaily Report No. 1o-24-87 lorl Dale Sheet Subjsct: Flll Observatlon and Tssting Atlditlons to the lfestln llotel Vail, CO SPECIF|cATloN COMPACTION l00Z standard Proctor L08A]t0tl & MATERIAL denslty below footlng area THTCKNESS OF LIFT 8il- l0rl TYPE AND NUMSEF oF EARTH MoVING UNITS UnI |oadeT TYPE AND NUMBER oF COMPACTTON UNTTS Vlbratory drum NUMBEFOFPASSES As req. METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE !h$ D..trt ltrs.ntr otintrn" eFlyir.q ll. rFc|tFh4.rded mmpncttyo Oflo't{vt3 r.c!3 ,,! a&r. ., "" "" *,_ - *.-:-y.* I ll;ry| 9lry g* "len nn ob8Entr b ||ot oun'*tg-d;r&t".3 t.cri a'F'".t. o'r'c nr ohr, dr r.lt6;d noco;;; ii aid;;ff#;['iffi:,ii#ffit"i?tr#,:ba38 14. cf,nlrrr 'rt *hether tho fin '.a.8 lfEcltlcAtlon& aza .t I, lunnel Bac '.t{Eiof qrld W-24.Sllty sandy qravel l6r NE'of qrld W-24.rr ti tl ll || tl Retest f188 IX FILL TESTED MEETS SPECTFICATIONS. I-] FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOTCATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR FEVVORKED. {X CONTFACTOH ADVISED tI FULL TIME OBSERVATION UI PART TIME OBSEHVATTON Johnson Const.:SLP Architects: PROGRESSREPORT Laborers were advlsed to compact full wldth of llft and to not exceed about l0r'llft thlckness. Hike Evans Steven L. Pawlak FIELD APPROVED BY . :!:-.. a, -: -. ',.i:!'.r To Vai l ttcntrrres, LTD Itt96 t. I:rontage Road, West Vail, C0 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consulling Geotechnlcal Englneefg Job No. 4 186 87 Dalty Report No. 66 Dare 11-11-87 sheet I Ot I Sublecll Flll Observatlon and Tsstlng Additions to the Westln llotel Vail, CO BFG-BeLow footlng grade LOCATION PLaza II tunnaL backflll 6r N, 2r W of Q.6-2g.1 l0r N. 2t E of Q-29.1 6' I{ of O-29.I 15' sI"I of Q.6-29.1 SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATERTAL IOOZ slandard Proct.or denslty beLos footlnB areasr 957" standard Proctor denslty below s1"ab areas TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVTNO UNITS Uniloader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPAGT|oN UNITS 2 wacKers NUMBER OF PASSES As req. THTCKNESS OF LIFT l0tl METHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE Iles rd.Ynl l.eF.Ft. dthid|3 lormed as ! r9s{lt ot ourdssry€lhr cd m dassnsd. Wg ataea Gtt€d on tir co ra.ror lo codhuo at'p\'nq lhc r.rornhrnded cojnpacd€ €lhrl 8nd mo&ftJre b Us tt[ dudro 0nsg rhm q|r ob8orE b nC O3srdrg @gr8.d|E!r'nq rFF rerormaruso compEtltYs €no'l 6n{ rto!}tlre b ua [[ during 0ngg ihm q|,' ob8orE b nol oD3grdrg oFErB.It!n$ T'ttr ate Fade ol lhs lu ctrry ss bolsvEd necasss.y u, ca&roro o!r- obrarv€r's ludg8rtsnt f€st datq 8rg not -ttri ooto bss's 1(i. ottnr('|tt ct Fh9thor th€ t'! tnegb egEt&lltoir. a o F t1 FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATTONS. FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDTCATED BY TEST NO.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. CONTBACTOR ADVISED FULL T]ME OBSEFVATION F PAFT TIME OBSERVATION PBOGRESS REPORT ConEractor was requested to conpact. along edges of Excavac{on. Tests 200 & 203--f002 compactlon speclficatlon Teete 201 e 2O2-- 951t rr rt SLP Architects: T^Vail Ventures, LTD l(100 S. Frontage Road, West t'ail, C0 8165?Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Consullirq Gsol€cfinhal Englnesrs Job No. 4 186 87 Dally Repon No. 64 Date 11-9-87 Sheet I Ol I SG=Subgrade BFG-Below footing grade Subiecu Flll Obssrvailon and Tesfing Additlons to the Westin Hotel Vall, CO grade BG=Bel-ow 195 196 197 4t W of P.6-29.4 SlLty sandy gravel 4f E of P,4-17 L3lYul I RES, LTi LocAtloN o spEctFrcATroN cgMp;airo;fE, MATERIr y)/" standard procEor denslty below 1002 sLandard Proctor denelty below slab areas footlDg areas IYPE AND NUMBER oF EARTH MovING UNITS LoadeT TYPE AND NUMBER oF coMPAcTIoN uNITs 2 waclcers NUMBER OF PASSES As req. THICKNESS OF gFT grf-10r1 .lyE]HgP 9f jgqtNc MotsruFF None added.lh's r',xq Irelrots opin.o* loroed!aErsrullot.*,*"ur""ffoJraffi iffl'i?lif#ffi;lT"TflgflAg,"*::tjg*:P,90ffi"ilil'#ii;-oD'o'verreooro'r€'vrmoile6.l::: .l:.:: 1: .".r" g rt e rrr .,ry as D€rb,;d-.fr;E; ; dlilili,',il1iii#.;i"&;IHT$ ff"HHP*3Tf;oasls lor ofryhols 6r Fhothor tho fr[ fiGotg $€alfE€lhni. E FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.D FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFTCATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOUI.D BE FEMOVED OR REWORKED. M CONTRACTOR ADVTSED O FULL TIME OBSERVATION E PART TIME OBSEFVATION [. Johnson Const.:StP Architects: ftll vrlth lnsulated blanket ar soll from freezlng, Tests I95 & 196--1002 compactlon spectflcatibn Teet 197--95% coupactlon speclflcarlon PROGFESS FEPORT Contractor rras reguested to cover back- end of shlft to preveot ffi To Consulfing Geolechnical EnginaE s BFG=Below footlng grade Chen&Associates llail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 r\ttn: Frank Freyer Job No. 4 186 87 Dat€ 11-10-87 Dalty Feport No. 65 Sheel I Of 1 SubJoct Flll Obaervatlon and Te6llng Additions to the Westin Hotel Vall, CO Plaza II t.unneL SrNof 29.L lII FILL TESTED MEETS SPEQIFICATIONS., E FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REVIIORKED. W CONTRACTORADVISED t-I FULL TIME OBSERVATION E PART TIME OBSERVATION PROGRESS REPORT Mike Evans Steven L. Pawlak- SPECIFICATION COMPACTION A MATERIAL lO0Z st.andard ProcEor denslty below footlng areas TYPE AND NUMtsER OF EARTH MOVINO UNITS UNI.].OAdET TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS WACKETS NUMBER OF PASSES As req, THICKNESS OF LIFT l0'r-12'r li,,lETHOD OF ADDING MOISTURE None added. Th,! reoort oreient! ogh'on! totrned !! ! rgsutl ot o{r obggwgthn d n[ glacoment. Wo hsvo .etbd dl tha canttsclol lo cominug apot!,ng tho reco,nmefit€d comprEti.g Eisrt snd molsluro to h€ fi[ dldng llt!8r |th€n ('lr obsatra b nol639wlng opstS' to"s t-egts e.e rnad€ ot tho i[ ;ry .5 bolisv8d ,eosrsty to o8lbtato glt ob8€Nst't ludggttlstl T€d dda Bto nC tlts 8do bo!6 ldr opmr@|s on rhethsr llre i! ligotg egScficathfa, E . .Iohn son SLP Architects:FlFr n onsFnrfFR APPROVED BY l-*:]l&.. Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, liest vail, C0 81657 At tn: Frank Freyer To Chen&Associates Consulting Geolschnical Enginesrg JobNo. 4 186 87 P116 11-4-87 Daily Roport No. 63 Sheel I Ot I Subjact: Construction Activities Report Addltlons to the Westln Hotel Vall, C0 THER CONDTTIONS AND TEMPEFATURE CONTFACTORS EQUIPMENT CONSTHUCTTON ACTMTIES The excavatLon for foundatlons bounded by grld 1lnes S Eo Vt 29-32 wqs observed to have exposed undisturbed sLlty sandy gravel typlcaL to slte. Portlons of foundatlon on S Llne are near the edge of lover tunnel ercavatlon and backfllL of tunnel 1lne should be cornpacted to provlde support for proposed foundatious. VEFBAL COMMUNICATION WTH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT. OWNEB Mlke Evane FIELO OBSERVEF Johnson Cons t . : | "o'n' G' E'SLP Arch I tects: . :J--,, - "r:"Ji6!1.r; ,' ,,.i,i,! .,"L;::., i:i:::;,,.;, r:l,i,ii*lfJ,iltdi,ll,i'..*:';;i;li ' ;i;,:;1.. ;:: ,'i,; . ,,- ' , ,. Job No.4 186 87 Chen&Associates Daily Report No. 62 Consultlng Geotechnical EnginBers To 9616 11-3-87 sheer I ot Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 5. Frontage Road, West Vail, c0 81657 At tn: Frank F reye r I THEF CONDITIONS AND TEMPERATURE COT{TRACTOBS EOUIPMENT CONSTBUCTION ACTIVITIES As requested, technlclan observed excavation for foundation footLngs aE Ehe followlng Locatlona: Colunm footings at grtd lines R & 26.8, R & 24.5, R & 22.4, spread footlngs on grid llne 21.2 from Llne R to 1lne S and ll-ne S from Ltne 2L.2 to line Sublect Construclion Activities Roprt Addltlons to the Westln Hotel Uall, C0 f Plaza AddiElon and and conttnuous 24. Accordlng Eo Chuck llughl-eEt of G. E. Johnson, elevatlon of excavatlon lras approx. 5tt below deslgn grade due to removal of prevlousl-y pLacecl ftl1. Ohuck ltughlett stated that Ehey woul,d not backflll this area but Loser. the bearlug Level , Bearlng soll-s at thls elevat.lon conslsted predonlnately of elLty eands and gravels wlth cobbles and boulders. contractor was advlsed rha! materlal- loosened ty tle excavation needed to be renoved or consoltdared by cobrgactlrif,' ' A small secrlon consisted of coupacred structural f1L1 along the slde of coDst,ructed tunnel. ContracEor wae advlsed to compact the exposed grade ln Ehls area. VERBAL COMMUNICATION WITH CONTRACTOR, ENGINEER, AFCH]TECT. OWNER t{ov 1 J 198/ coPlEs G .Steven L. Pawlak E.SLP Arch I tects: VAIL VENTURES, TD. t55 Sodn N8t€p DEr|!/st Cdarado 80223 303 698 1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBER (:-o: --o--a_t F. Norilr:rd FIEI.o oBSEFYATIoN nEPoFT PRO'ECT NAME OT HR orrre LLl3/87 coNT st/c xtH svc coDE * x ) Pedoned vii,ral lnspection of rebar placed at tie leations: 1) Footirg and pilasters at Lirtes! No rejectabLe deficiencies areas of inspection. were noted at, ttre aipne ruentioned wPE oF tNsPEcrloN ' ,,ruoa X , MAGNETTC pARTtcLE -.._-_ uLTFAsoNtc wELDMENT -' ULTFASONIC.----.-.--.- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICALI----. BOLTTENSIoN FIREPROOFTNG WERE TTEMS EELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES --- NO -ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCA?ION o o n !{ :0 m C.tn o { foLlorirg 20.3 2') 3) 19 - P.5 to N.4 inclrdirg fmtirq pad ar tiDe lg N.4 to !{ Pilaster at L,ires ll - 16.4 ErtF;.ior Foudation !{a11, grorrd to lst flmr Ldvel (elerration ]1]r-4) at llnes: 31. - P.2 to Q.6 ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. o efig b/ r55 South Navap Oe'n€r Cdorado 8Oa?3 303 698 rO50 CTC PROJECT NUMBER tr I J L4- -O _.a: ) '/..1 FIELB oBgEFyATlox neionr PUNCH LIST 'TEM - TO oAtE 't1 /6,/87 'R*,ECTNAM' .Westin Hotel phase II TEcHNTcTAN 3r *H 4.00 Page 1ctr 2 xIH SVC coDE *OT HF coNrwc x P.Nordl:nd TYPE OF TNSPECTTON . VISUTI X , MAGNETIC PARNCLE ULTRASONIC WELDMENT ULTRASONIC- SHEARCONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICALI BOLTTENSION FIFEPROOFING WERE lrEMs BELow rHE MlNlMuM PRoJEcr sPEclFtcATtoNs NorED? yEs - No ITEM NUMBER DESCR|MON/LOCATION Perfomed visrrat ir:spectnon of rebar placed at ttre foucr,rtrg locati.ons: 1) Footirg (Grade Bean) at Lirres: S - 17 to 9' east of tirle Z0 irehding pilaster at.lines 20 - S to T.4, S to T - 20 tD L7.z Footfurg rras npdif:ied 5nr Ridtard Weiryardt Ergineers, Detail File #2296-3 dared 10-20-87. No rejectable deficiensies were roted.. Z) Eiterior Founrlation Wal]. at tlre tunneJ- area,g:rcurd to lst floor level, at lines: 31 - Q.S to Q.7 Q.6 - 30 to 31 inc1u4irg adjoinirq south tunnel wal1 at lines 30 - Q.6 to Q.7 No rejectable deficiencies were noted. ACTION IAKEN FEGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. o 155 South Na.ato Osn€r Colorado 80223 Etit 698 1050 ITEM NUMBER PROJECT* DATE PAGE *T 704043 E/6/s7 2of2 >!iiI mm !o 3) Pileclsrg at lires: u-20 u-20.6 rJ-22.2 No rejectable deficiencies were rDteil. L ACTION TAKEN REGAROING ABOVE ITEMS. o . l.l E; orllloo of conrmunlty der3loprnont for fLre ttun TO: E:ROI{: DATE: ST'[|;IESB' smEE # u 2.1 !t 5.2 u 5.3 E 2.X [t ?6soulh trcnlage rcd uall, ooloradir 81657 (3a,47C?m CO!{MENTS Franlr Freyer Gatlr ilurra1n Febmarli L2, 1988 u 5.x February L2, 1998 Page 2 E 4.r. E 4.2 A 1.1 A 2.2 A 3.3 A 4.2 A 9.2 A 9.3 A 9.4 Elevator nust have AI{SI phase II recall_. Provide llghting for catwalk in attic on m[ power panel . Provide clearance to fire hydrant at north west corner. Door schedule poses Eome concern. fn specl_fic, door Number 4Ol to the attic does not sholr to be rated, Recornrnend smoke gaskets to the door to the trash room (L03), to the nechanical roon (104), to the electrical room (1O1 and LO2l . Doors to the storage closet in the conference roons (ZL7) do not appear to be rated. Fire command roon door to be consistent wlth 2-hour rated assenbly. FLre connand roon nust be 2-hour rated. Doors to ttre conference roons and retail spaces should have magnetic holders provided (2L3, 2L6, L3S, LZL,etc. ) . PLenum at Section Ba above restrooms to be sprJ_nklered in accordance with N.F.P.A. 13, L9g5 Edition. Provide specs on movable partLtJ-ons. Finlsh scheduLe for Notes U, B, N, nust be Class A flame spread. It appears Room Finish Schedule, ftems L27 and lLO for vestlbul-e must have C1ass II caryet. QueEtion fLush boLts in door detaS-J-, Iower right hand corner of page nr:mber 206 and zOZt A 2.3. Fire Department wlshes to errpress concern on flamnable mastic possi3ly being used to attaoh acousticaL ceillng tLle to suspend.ed clpsum board ceJ.ling, ab indicated in upper rtght hand corner. Case studies have shown fl-amrnable mastic on a seiling fJ-nish nay propagate rapid fl-ame over and excessive fl-re spread,. Reconmend alternate method to attach ceiJ.ing tl-Ies.If altErnate method is not aval-l-able, use nastic with flame spread not to exceed 5, snoke development O or silicone.. Fire command center must have a 2 hour rating and a one and a half hour door. A 2.2 GENERATJ NOTES: Fire Ala:::n and fl-re sprinkler shop drawings must be subnitted for review. -Sbop drawings shalL bear a starnp or seal by a Col-orado Registered Engineer. *rb*Addltlonal plan revl-es requLred by changes, add,l_tions or revlsLtions to approved p1ans, a fee of g3o.oo per hour sith a ninimun charge of one half hour will be chaiged. February 12, 1988 Page 3 Gary Chief Building Official F*--Zrn--*--'- Michael l,iccee FLre Marshal ..f futr*o Ca rf plan check coments: Doors 101, 102, 103 and 104 shovrn ln schedule. ROMA February 24, 1988 Frank Freyer Vall Ventures, Ltd. 1000 South Frontage Road lJest Suite 200 Yail, Colorado 81657 RE: Town of Vall Conments Letter of February 12, 1988 ROM ProJect No. 6310.00 Dear Frank, Enclosed are our responses to the Town of Vall Sheet Number R0MA Comment Al.l ROMA wllt relocate hydrant, A2.2 Door 401 does not need to be rated. already have weatherstrip material 43.3 l,lechanlcal item; 44.2 G. E. Johnson to provide revlsed partltion 0 FEB 2 e tg88 REs. LTD. The storage doors off of the Ballroom, i.e., ?17, do not need to be rated, Corrldor l-hour wall is 5'-0"+ away. RO$U[ witl make Fire Conrnand a Room Z-hour rated assembly with l-1l2 hour door. The doors to meeting roons and Ballroom have magnetic hold open devices, but doors 135 (retail) and 121 (dish-up) do not require hold opens. Rona Duign Grm.p . t4zo Sttttff S*eet . SanFrancisco,Calfomiag4tog . (+tiZZS-+SSo t, ROMA Frank Freyer February 24, 1988 Page-2- Sheet Number R0MA Corment A9.2 These are all Interjor Finish ltems and must meet flame spread called for. Note vlnyl wall covering speclfication so lndicates. Forma should take care of acoustical wall naterial and carpet walk-off mat at vestibule. A9.3 Towrr of Vail corrnent is unclear, we cannot respond. A9.4 Acoustlcal sealant neets flame spread and smoke development requirements, and G. E. Johnson is determining flame spread, etc. for mastic for tiles. ;H:"fithat the rown of vai'l ls informed of our resPonses. Tb,&, Jemy Manifold, AIA, CSI ProJect Manager JM/dnk tenpl/L224FF cc: Yoder l,le'ingardt G. E. Johnson a \ATVrxruRES,." February 25, 1988 Gary Murrain Town of Vall 75 S. Frontage Rd.Val1, C0 8L657 Re: PW II Dear Gary: Encloeed are movable partition Cent-ei) 1at Cascade Sincere {-t--" copies of syetens io Vl1Lage. the specifications for the Hufcor the-Pta-za glng Ph-a-se- II (Sqferaa-cs Director EncLoeure: FBF/r1n Freyer, fII of Developnent 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 .3031476-6602 Partftiom .) Top Supported Manually Operated Mechanical Seals Top andBottom Omni Directional 3Ll2'KickPlate Acoustical Class G Maximum Height 18' 3Ll2'Kiek Plate =l'4' E:pading JaEb Horizontal Section 3o-1'-0o Llt r,EF'F".n m'[.J'[--\*.k4'[I- THE PARTITION PEOPIT <'-Ery Jar [*" ob r s'h" I T-2'6' 'f L-"r 1,, '1 r.. ol I"...I SHALT BOARD OBTACK BOARD Elevation PIanView I E - .General ectu-lra1 Specifi ons/9652 ' 1-1.a-F - ia r .:- -- ,,-.- ; J k=-e:{- ll:.r'.:: l:s 1. Fumish and Install steel faced operable partitions, as indi. cated on drawlngs. 2. Manufacturers wishing to bld products other than the pro duct speoified hearin, shall submil to the archlt€ct 10 d'avs prlor to bidding a list ol three (3) past instailations -of products similar to those listed. Complete cataloo data a. long wllh deviations from the produit specif ieO thall be notecl In the submlttal to the archltect. The supoller ouaran- tees the proposed subslltuted product to corriplv w-lth the product speclfled and as detalled on the drawin6s, unless the devlations are so noted In the submlttal for apbroval, 3, Complete shop drawlngs shall be provided prior to fabrlca- tlon indicating construction and installation detalls. ShoD drawings shall be submitted within 60 days after receipt df signed contract 4. Related wgrk by General Contractor (and/or specified in other sections) (a) Paint or otheruvise finishing all trim and othsr materials adjoining hoad and Jamb of operable walls. See secflon (b) All header, blocking, support structure, jambs, track en- closures, surrounding insulatlon, sound baffles, and trim as required tor installation of the operable walls. See section _.(c) Prepunchlng ol support structure in accordance wlth approved shop drawings. (d) Prepare the opening to dimensions specified, plumb and level. Frod.r.tct 1. Product shall be Hufcor Sories 9652 as manufactured by Hough Manufacturing Corporation and fumished and In- stalled by an authorized Hulcor distributor. 2. Operatlon: Partltions shall be top-supported, manually operated individual panels not to exceed 4,-112". Each panel shall be supported by lwo canlers. Each carrler shall consist of counter rotaling, dual horlzontal, ball bearing molded plastlc wheels operatlng ssparately In dual stage lrack raoes. Carriers shall be capable of negotlating 90" tums through "X", "T' or "L" trdck Interseciions wtihout the use of switching devlces. Panels shall b€ moved indivi- dually to and lrom stacldstorage/sorting areas. 3. Panel Constructlon sllall be $5/8" thick, equal ln width, not to exceed 4'.1/2" consisting of 20 gauge steel faces, lami. nated to appropriale structural and acoustical backing, mountsd in tull perimetgr protective frames of stesl- reiniorced anodized alumlnum. Frames shall lully enclose all edges of the surlace material and shall provide a 3 1/2"klck plate al tho bottom of each panel. Top channel assembly shall be reinforced to support the suspenslon components. Panel facss shall be removable and reolace. able. 4. Panel Flnleh shall be factory applied wlth (select one) Hufcor standard vinyl fabric Hulcor standard carpet (Class A llame spread rated absorption .20..30 N.R.C.) Frames shall b€ in medium b'ronze finish. 5. Welght of the panels shall be 8.5-10 lbs/sq. ft. based on pansl slze and options Belected, l- z:-I.i-],31s 6. Sound Seals shall be as follows: Vsrtlcal Seals between panels shall be longue and groove conflguration, consist- ing of extruded aluminum aglragals incorporaling vinyl aooustical seals. Boih top and bottom horizonlal seals shall be slmultan- eously operated by a r€movable handle located approxi- mstoly 30'lrom the floor al the end of each panel edge. The seals shall not contact the floor or track during move ment of the panels. Operatlon of seals shall require no more than 190'tum of handle. Horizontal tloor seals shall provide 2' nomlnal operating clearance and exert down- ward stabilizing pressure when extended. Horizontal top seals whsn retracted shall provide 1/2' operating clearance betweon top on panel and track tor friction lree operation. 7. Jambs: To provlde a posltlve vertlcal seal between the partition and the bullding struciure, the panel at the stack- ing end of each opening shall be provlded with an expandlng jamb operated by a removable handle. 8. Hlnges on inset pass doors shall be recessgd and shall pro lect no more l.}].an il4' beyond panel faces. Footbolts and stqbllizing mechanisms shall be internal wlth no protru- slons on panel faces. 9. Suspenslon System shall conslst of heavy extruded alumF num track supported by adjustable steel hanger brackets connected to the siructural support by two threaded rods p€r brack€t. The panol shall be supported by trollsy assemblies consisling ot steel ball bearlng wheels with nylon tires. 10. Plenum Closurp: Factory supplied track and trim shall be designed lo permlt complete closure and sound insulation of the plenum wlthout interference by the trolley assemblles. 11. lrboratory Acoustlcal Perlormance shall have been tested by an independent acouslical laboratory in accordance wlth ASTM 9075 Test Procedure and shall have obtained an STG of no less than 49. Written tesl reporl by the tost faclllty shall be available upon requ€st. 12. F,ellt Sound Perlormanao shall have been tested on an actual fleld installalion by an independent cartified acous- tical consultant in accordance with ASTME 33G76 and shall have obtain€d no less than 40. Written test report by the independeni consultant shall be furnished upon rsouest. 1. Preparation ot opsning shall be by General Contractor, Any deviation or sile condiditions conirary to approved shop drawings shall be callod to th6 attention of the architect. 2 Delivery to the job site shall bo coordinated by General Contractor. Proper slorage of doors bgfore installation and continued protection during and afler lnstallation shall be the responsibility of the General Coniractor, 3. Installatlon shall be by a local Hufcor authorized factory trained installer. Installation shall bo In accordance wilh approved shop drawlngs and in accordance with ASTM E 557-77. 4. Installation shall be guaranleed lor two (2) years agalnst delects In material and workmanship. HOU6H VT'E FILEII,i,IEIE Janosville, Wisconsin 53545 F-3337 Individual Panel Partitions.'Omni-Directional 10650/HUF Buyline 32@ FIEIGT{TS TO 35' 9fs,2 ,53 96s*K49 9632 46 9672 38 E6s2 48 'c632 43 ffi72 38 8651 4E 8531 43 !3',2' 7L.4 LE'z' E.5 \8'2" 6.8 7E',2" 6.5 7E'2'1 E.6 18',2'l 6.6 ].8'2',1 6.0 78'Z'I 8.6 r8'2'I 6.6 8611 3E Lg'Z'I 6.0 ffi 53 L4'2' 10.6 6650 50 78'2', 8.7 5630 43 t4'2't 7.5 s610 41 L4'2'I 5.7 5600 38 14',2'l s.3 s230 43 L2'2.1 7.5 5210 tL 72'2'1 5.7 5200 38 12',2'1 s.3 Series 56ffi 3" Parel dricloes Mechanical bottom seals Opdonal vsdcal edge htm Bronze finigh - metal par8 Series 5200 3" Panel thickness Mechardcal top & bosorn seab Opdonal verdcal edge Ulut Eronze flrdsh - metal parb Chart A Acoustical Ratings - Panel Weighe 'Substrate affects STC rating. Rating shown is minimurir for this serieg. Variable substrate can increase rating listed. '"TaIe heighE ruy require Type ffiZ or frLO tsack and switches - see page L tTaler heights not available. Specifications 1. Product shall be Hufcor Series (insert nunber from Chart A) as manufactured by Hulcor lnc., fumished and irualled by an authorized Hufcor dis tribu tor- 2. Operadon: Partition shall be top supported, manually operated inAvidual panels, each eouipped with f duai horizontal-whhl ball bearing trolleys. (Select oireii Panels shall be capable of 90" tums ttuough 'X, T, or L' tsack inters€ctions without slvitching del,ices. Paneli shall be capable of negotiating 906 turn on decrically operated switches (s€e Paragraph 12). 3. Panel Construcdon - (Series 9@2, E&2, ffi7') shall be 3'5lE' thtck, &1./2' (max,, width consisting of (select one) Z gauge (min.) steel (or) particle board (or) tackable base, laminated to aPproPriate struc- tural acoustical backing, mounted in hrll pericreter protectire frame of gteel reinforced alumii'un. Frane shall -fully endose and pmtect all edces of the surface material. Panel faces shall be rernovable and rei'laceable on the iob. (Series 6600) shall be l1l2' thick and @' (n'ominal) max. wid[h, of a[ steel constsuction. Panel sldns shal be 24 sause (min.) steei assembled to a 16 gauge (mln.) welded steel ftame' Sutce rnaterial shall wrap around ihe vertical panel edges with no vertical face bim. (Stries 56@, 52@) shall be 3' thick and t1&1/2' (max.) wid:tb. ?anel ikfns shdl be of Oae! 'A' rated material laminatd to welded steel foasre. Trlm shall protect atl edce of the surface material. (Optional): Surface matsial slall wrap amund the vertical panel edger with no vertical face trim. 4. Pard Hrlsh a. Surface rnaterial ehail be factory applied (select one) Hufcor stan&rd vlnyl fabdc (or) Hufcsr standard carP€t (or) cuatomer supplied (vinvl) or (carpet). b. M;6I finish ;ha[ be (06{12 ssleg: bronze anodlzed) (8602, 8@1 seriesr natutal anodized) (6600, 5600 & 52@ s€rie8: bronze finlsh)' 5. W€ight of the panels shall be - per sq. ft. (Refer to Grart A this page ior model setected). 5. V€rdcal Seab between pands (Series 9602, 66@, 56d), 5200) shall con- sist of tonaue and gro6ve astragals creating an acsustical interlock. (Ssies S602, 8601): strall corsist of anodized aluminrrm astragals incor porating two resilient gagkeb. 7. Hortzontal Seals (h€s 9602, 8602, 6600, 5200) shall coruist of top and bbttom arechanical seals simulaneously operated by a nrrovable han- dle logted approdmately 42' from the floor or track dudng mov€- ment of panels. (Series E601): Top horizontal seals shall be of twin-fhepr continuous iontact lype. Meihanical bottom seals shall be aciiYated fron edge of panel with built-in tab operator. (Serieg 56@):Top horizontal seals shall be of trrin-ffngc continuoug iontact tvpe. Mi'chanical floor seals shall be operated by removable handle lorclted approxinrately 30' from the flool in panel edge. 8. Parddon Clo$re shall be an expandlng iamb mgrber incorPoracd in the finai oanel of each oartition mn, opsated fiom either face bv a removabfe handle. Pandl shall be capable of compensating for out-of- plumb conditions or urinor wall irregdarities, providing positive ver- iical seal between partition and building structuts. 9. Sugpeuglon System shall coruist of heavy exeuded aluminum or steel tra& connected to the structural support by threaded rods. 10. Plenrm Ctoeure (opdon l): Factory supplied track and irim ehall be desimed to permit complete endosurC and sound insulation or the plenin withiut interferdnce of the trolley asemblies. 11. i.aboratorv Acousdcal Perlormanaq Operable walls shall have been tested in iccordarce with ASTM E90-75 by a laboratory cstified by the U.S. Bureau of Standards and shal have attained a raling of no less than (insert from Chart A). Writtett test rcport by independent certified acoustical consultant shall be furnished uPon requBt. 12. Elec,trttally Swltched hterectiongr Where shown on plans electric in- brsection switches shall: (a) Permit 4 (or less) partitions to meet at a point dlrecdy below centerDoint of switch. (b) Permif panels to move straight through or ttrm 90' as decired. i.i p"t-it i, z * g of the intErsecting -partitions to move through switch without disturbing the remaining intenecdne partitions. ElecFic track switchs shalt Ee conuolled Fy an operating swilch as shown on plans. lit. hglalladon shall be guaranteed for 2 yeart agirst defects tn material and workmanship (1 year on models without protective dgE trim). (More Omni on nett page.) Typtrl Pard loht Typbl Pancl loict Fire Rated Operable Walls 106s0/HUF Buyline 32(F HEIGFTTS TO U' 1 I ; Hufcor Fire Rated ParHdons r Underwriterg Laboratories Llstad One-Hour Spe;el Purpose Fire Door Aesembly, teeted under uL 108 and ASTM E152-84. r Avail,able as rtngle or paired panels. . .fufuSg-exdustve. - available with factory installed gtandard vinyl or carpet. r Available wtth a ul-Listed lnset pass door panel. Series 6800 3-1l? Pand tldckness Mechanical tcp & bottorr seals No verdcal edge Hrr Bronze 6nbh - netal parE r Wlth the Muldple Meetlng Post opdoo, Hufcor offers interoectitrg corrldors or angled walls. . Panels can be butlt up to 6)' wtde and Inay incor- porate pass doors as wide as *1/2'. r Sound tranBmisslon radng o{ 50 sTC. r Mechanical top and bottom sealg easily operated with 190 degree handle tura for miniurum movement fr:lcdon and op6nurn acousdc '.d fflre barrter. Specifications Product shall be Hufcor Series 6E00 as manuJactured by HuIcor Inc,, furnished and Lrstall€d by an authorized Hufcor Dis- [ibutor, Operadon: Partitions ahall be top supported, manually oper- ated (select one) paircd or individual panels. Panel Coastnrcdon shall be 3-112' thick, 0o' (nominal) maximum width constructed ag liged by Undenvriters Laboratori$. Sr.aface maErial shall wrap around the vertical panel edgss with no visible vertical face trim, Pan€t Rnish Surface maerial sluli be factory applied (select one): Hufcor sbndard vinyl fabric (or) Hufcor standard car?et (or) Unfinished Wcight_of the panels shall be between 8.0 and 9.0 pounds per gquate foot. Vefical Seals between panels shall coruist of rolled steel asraga.ls incorporating fiie resistant labyrinth seals: Horlzontal Seals shall consist of top and bottom mechanical s€als simultaneouslv operaed bv rernovable handle located ap- pro<iurately rl2' fron the. flooi in panel +C". S...1" shall not contact tloor or track dunng movement ot pane6. Pardtion Clogure shall be by Lever Closure Panel incorporating an ocoandine iamb member operated from either face by resrovable hihdle. Panels shall b-e capable of corrpensating for out-of-plumb conditiong or minor wall irregularities, providing positivi vertical seal between partition and building sFuctrre. Both ends of partition shall insert into Hufcor ianb or iamb recess€s of at least 1-5/16', 9. Suspendon System shall consist of heavy du$ alurninum or sEel track connected to the stsuctural $pport by threaded rods. Rquircd Plerr'rn Clorsue: Factory supplied track and hdm shan be desimd to permit complete dosure and sound and fue in$ll'tion d the plinum without interference by the Eolley assemblies, Plenum closure shall be UL two-hour rated con- struction, desiened and built by others. Laboratorv AcousHcal Performancel Operable w"ll" shall have been testei in accordance with ASTM E90-83 by a nationaliy accredited laboratory and shall have aitained a rathg of no less than 50 STC. Writien test report by indepmdent acoustical consarltant shall be furnished uPon request. Flre Paformance shall have been tested in a recognized in- dependent test facilitv per standard LILIOB' ASTM E152 or NFPA Standard 252. fhi partition shall have received a one (L) hour (B) raHng.' UL label shall be shown on each panel for partitions under L3'6' in width and 7t'I0-7/2'in height. UL Oversize Cer- tiflcate shall accompany larger Partitlons' AII elements of Parti- tion, induding tracks, panels, pass doors, ,intersecdons' and end conditions, shall be covered bv LJL labef. Instaltadon shall be guaranteed for one year against defects in mabrrals and workmanship. 2. 3. t- 6. )e 13. Typlcd Pr.lel toint 14. o a?@o lI ili :t_-rf.fArril- Fp.afi-- .t cz -I IHR, 'wrri vffi eLV--f (revz+) tg (IROLND FIN,FL T/-tV 161'-u' rl,/w Vnb klr4HE$' t\ .,*'j:'= . ..r- = i:-..rt-;r',:;-ir-ntr-r,::i.,,,,j.,j:rd{$. - -nr!ir.'.i*:.- (rr&k n .RUl- dlZll2?9L3 til F,I*h?Ig weingardt Gonsgttg#S p.i"a -!.lqze-!ujldi nq PhqseJI Loo"16n Vail, Colorado _ Obgorvaton Report tusonspresont -J-o-hn Malcolm (RWC Abcgk lttg.[19!!.--!iq- [flght and Mike l,tclntyre -G.f'-g!ag Dan Dickmever (crc-Geotek) rrank Freyer (vait ventures)Ernie Pyle (sLp) --_ _**_: -'-__ obs€n'atln Jhe-padJootlng-at-LlinelZ*tol0 was.pouned._-Reinforcernenl_for-.- tl1e grade iearn, ineludirg-2 #5 bap5-at--abouu.'-0.-or-center dnlr_red_into-- tfie footi ngo-Jppearedlcceptabl e - nswelslor-the gi,laster--at.ltris looting _ ap pea red to h g--i[g--!nrs -at-about r.6 - inches ln=center.*--_ Fooiings and+ilasters-_were_poured_at_nostlocattons on l7--.Une._ Rgi,.n:__ forcement -warJ.n-placg.for pilasters_at_U_and.N.9*-_15_-l-i_ne,_qnd J.g-_:_U.aine_._ Llappeared. a ccgEtah lg -€rcavadsn for the fnntlngln-Jhe*north_wall, which is-lo.extend Afoot_ belosjnterjor-grades to -brace-Jhe,iottom- of the -wall. .:then, exterior_-backfill-_ is placed, had begun_s_outh_o120.,._3.1_ine. _l.Je no_ted-_that_this .SpeqiaJ fqqlinS_ is only-required-lorth_ofjA-3llrre. _Exqavation llad_nq_t begu_n north 9f_20,3 _ I 'l ne. ---.l'Je-inf-ormed-contractorjhat the specia'l 4 f-oct_deep footinqs_need- not_b9 supplied on the east wall_Jf-backfilling takes place after interior slab-on-grade are p'lace. percsrncompt€b. .. ?9 = 30% Foundation _Ebqrh€, .Sunny !0'Chuck-Hughlett, phi'l Harris (G.E. Johnson) copissro Dan Dickmeyer (CTC-Geotek) Ernie py'le (SLp) Frank F (Continued) DarA to/27 /87 699 Eh^'F N1116 a a /b1c t.., iql I1 .':l -i ii- : ii Plaza Building phase II Rr{c #601/2296:3 27 0ctober 1987 Page 2 Footings were formed with reinforcement in place line. Grade beam relnforcement lvas being placed. The poured. tde lnstructed Mike Mclntyre to drill 6 - #5,s 19 - Q.9 for. grade beam dowels. The tunner srab and wark were poured to just north of R rine. The tunner step was in place diagonal to the tunnel warls at u line. Dowels from the tunnel slab to the slab-on-grade were not praced as shown on the reinforcing bar shop drawings for the tunnel. Reinforcement was in prace for the erevator service tunner wafiiat zg.r - Q to q'6, at 29-4 - p.3 to Q and at p.3 line. verticar bars appeared to be #7 at about 16" and #5 horizontal bars were placed at about l.z inches on center. At Q ,7 the 6 foot wide pad was poured. pirasters at each corumn had reinforcing in p'lace. vertical bars appeared to be #9 bars at 16 inches on center' The pilaster stee'l appeared to be acceptab'le. Hooked dowels from the pi'laster at 30 - Q.7 to the tunne'l wall still need to be placed. The contractor noted that embed prates per 15/s6 had many of the bent reinforcing bars broken off when derivered to the site; These bars appeared to have been heated for bending. Alr reinforcing bars shourd be removed from all embed plates. Six #5 40 grade bars or four 60 grade we'tdable bars should be welded to the plate as shown on 15156. At P.3 to p.6 contractor should use 6 x 6 xr/4 or 4 x gxu4 plates i'lith 2 - 3/4 diarneter. HAS ln pockets for joist bearing. It',s acceptabre to dower pirasters at x line to the phase II A 4" void shourd be supplied berow prlasters extending ress than grade. It is acceptabre to provrde a cord Joint in the piraster at to 20 line at top of grade beam .level. lfl at 19 - Q.3, Q.2, p.4 footingatQg-19was into the footing at building. 4 feet below S - and 17.3 7a(/qrrp ,\# To Vall Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, lfest Vail, CO 81Q57 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Associates Coneulllng Gaolechnlcal Engheerg Job No. 4 186 87 Date 10-8-87 Dally Beport No" Sg Shect 1 Of 1 SubJ€ct Flll Observatlon and Testlng Addltlons to the l{estl-n Hotel Vall, CO SPECIFICATION COMPACTION A MATERTAL 1002 standard Proctor denslty under footings TYPE AND NUMBER OF EP.RTH MOVTNCI UNITS ljnlloader TYPE AND NUMBER OF COMPACTION UNITS Large vi.brarory plate NUMBER OF PASSESAs req.T|{CKNESS OF LtFr 8', I I't tnortt o'P.rnt. ophtotrt to|nd t! | Elirtt ot our ob$rvslhn Dl tlf ptacrfisnl. Wo lllvt tofiod 0o tho codraslor b oo{$nuo lrErly'ng lhe recom'nerded cotnpeortus engd rrd ntolrturr to $s ltr dudng nE! rhrn oN'' oblorwl lr not Oserctrr oDs;.dtt!,'yr^g rp rE@mEno?o coFpacrNB €nan ofit nxtr$url lo ug tlt! du'lnll Umo! tfEn qI' otr!6,ryor b nol obgerilrrc oDgta-106! resl3 f,'f nrde ot ttt€ ri{ o-v et b€narod rEc?3sar? b csrbtatg qr obs€^.!r'! ludggn@* Tgst date 616 ,u -nC goie ttalb lo optoio.rs en rhafter ft€ n! F!!b lD€cmcet&t' B] FILL TESTED MEEIS SPECIFICATIONS. E FILL TESTED DOES T'loT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR HEWOBKED. E CONTRACTOR ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSEFVATION B] PABT TI[{E OBSERVATION PFOGRESS FEPORT Contractor subexcavated exlstlng ftl!- approx. 10t N & S of grld line R.5-16 and began placing structuraL backfllL for foundatLon support. To Vall Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, l{est Vail, C0 81Q57 Attn: Frank Freyer Job No. 4 t86 87 Dally Report No. 60 Oafs LA-26-87 Sheet I Of t SublEc[ Flll Obssrvatlon and Tesllng Addittons to the l{estln Hotel Vatl, CO Chen&Associates Con$ltlng Oeolechnbal Englneers BG=Below grade FG=Footl.ng grade Itst fi0.tocATt0ll DEPfi OR EUVAn0l{ rEFr) IABORAIORY FIELO PEMilT COMPACNON SOIL TYPE MA)OMUM DBY OENSITY lmn OPIIMUM MOISTURE CONIENT lihl DRY OENSIIY (psf) MOISIURE CONTENT M) 190 Etaza LI Tunnel backftll 35f NE grtd W-24.5 FC 132.9 7,3 t25,'9.2 94 Sllty sandy gravel l9l 20f SE || rr 2' BG ll tl 126.t 8.6 95 fl 1l 190A Retest #190 FG tl 132. B 8.9 100 'l tl SPECIFICATION COMPACTION & MATEFIAT l00Z s|andard Proctor denslty below foollngs 95% standard Proctor denslty below slabs TYPE AND NUMBEF OF EARTH MovING UNITS Unl loadeT TYPE AND NUMBEF OF COMPACTTON UNITS Vlbracory drurn NUMBER OF PASSES As req. METHOD OF ADDING MOISIT'RE THICKNESS OF LIFT 8N-10'I None added a u E tr FILL TESTED MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECTFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST No.(s) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OR REWORKED. CONTFACTOF ADVISED FUL! T|ME OBSERVATTON Et PART T|ME OSSEFVATTON PROGRESS REPORT Contractor continues pf"ci"gjt"kfil.1-at E slde of tunnel. Test 190A--1002 compaction speclfl catJ.on; Test il191--952 cornpactlon speclficatlon. lhig teltrl ltesea|! ooirlion3 lcttned s! t iesult ot ou. qb!€|valtm at fil plolan8nl wg havg aqlled or! thg co raclor to conttrue :!pL"19lll lT-'T€"ged cornFacfi€ eflort snd nolstur€ to ho m dtrhe fn€r rhm qjr nbssr,€r b nol otsstm oD€r&ru LU,,,pss,,rg EtrEm Eno mo€rurE [o |ng ru oufi0 nm€! Wn€n qJ, Obggrr€r b nol Obsglvlno @€re.I'cns r t3l3 :m made ot the [r only t! bon€vod nactssSry lo callbrst! dr oosa'trr'! ludgenent. Ted dala ate nA -tli aots b8sa tor op,niorB on whefher thO liI 6e€t! 6D€cfrlallor!!' Vail Ventures, LTD 1000 S. Frontage Road, West Vall, CO 81657 Attn: Frank Freyer Chen&Assoc;ates Consulling Geolechnlcel Enginaen Job No. 4 tBG 87 Dalty Report No. 6l Subjssl: Flll Obsoryatlon and Testlng Additlons to the lfestin Hotel Vall, CO l0-28-87 I otl BFG=Below footing grade PERC€tn COMPACNON SOIL TYPE totATt0N Plaza Il W slale tunnel backf r S erld u- BG=Belou SPECIFICATION COMPACTION E MATERIAL l00Z standard Proctor denslty below fooElngs 95% standard Proctor denslty bel.ow slabe TYPE AND NUMBER OF EARTH MOVING UNITS Unl IOAdET ; TYPE AND NUMBEB OF CoMPACnON UNITS Vlbratory drun NUMBER OF PASSES As req. THICKNESS OF LIFT METHOD OF ADDING MOISTUBE None added. El FILL TESTED MEETs spEcrFtcATtoNs. tr FILL TESTED DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY TEST NO.(S) AND SHOULD BE REMOVED OB REWORKED. M CONTFACTOR ADVISED tr FULL TIME OBSERVATION KI PART T]ME OBSERVATION PROGRESS REPORT Above tests represent backflll placed on W side of tunnel. Tests 192 & 194--95"1 compactl-on speciflcatlon; Eest Lg3--LOO1l compacELon speclfLcatLon. MLke Evans Steven L. Pawlak The repr.n presenle oDlnl!,is lormed !9 a reaull ol qw obronEtbn d nn pbcqrngnl. Wo haw rollEd on tho clnftddcF lq rordlnug aFply'ng lhe recsir"ended cg|npactlrg Engrl 6nd ntotslur, lo ltt l durlr{ llm03 rhon osr ob3sRrr b nol obsslvlng oF€rr. lio'l! T6t! Bt€ made d lhe 0[ oF E! b.f€vEd n€cossart to clfibal! o|' 6r'rE 't ludlarcnl. Tost dala E e not fi8 tslo basb lsr oplnton! on rMhar lhe fF riesl5 lD€clnodlonS. G. E. Johnson SLP Architects:FIELD OBSERVER APPBOVED BY (3Q!tIq6-200 "-t--" 1..-\.,. wesrnl pl,aza pnase -, t \ ii-nn-Yi-hi_i- /' ,l lnwn 42 sesl mGadow drlvo v8ll, colorado 81857 llre departmenl ,tItNE 28 , 19gg TTIE IOI.,tOWING @MMENTS REFIJECT 1XIE RESULTS OF ITIE FIRE DEpARTMENT'S RE'trrEw or rnE praNs suBMrrrED By NEw EtEcERrc FoR A PROPOSD FIRE AEARM SYSTEM. 1, EQUIPMENT CTIT ffiEETS DO I{OT SPECIT'Y TIIE SENSITIVIgg OF' T}TE ION SIOKE DETECTORS # 4052. 2. ITIE NON-CODED MANUAI. PULL STATIONS M NOT APPEAR TO BE MUBT.,E ACTTON. XIIE STATIONS V[II-,IJ BE APPRO\TED ON A CONDITIONAI-. BASIS PROVIDING TIIAT tBE @NTRASIG. SUPPLY A MINIMUM OF EIGHT (8) ALLEN WRENCHffi, AND PROVIDED THAT THE MANUAIJ SIATIONS Do NOT APPEAR TO BE SUE ECT TO NON-EMERGENCY ACTI\/ATION TOR A PERIOD OF' 1 EAR. 3. EQUIPMENT CTII| SHEETS DO NOT SPECIFY EIIE SENSITIVITY OF TITE PEOTGELECTRIC SI.IOKE DETECTORS # 4070, 4. STARGARD FIRE DETECTORS # 48559 TTA\IE BMN FOI'ND TO BE UNREI,IABLE AND SU&TECT TO NON-EMERGENCY ACTI\IATION. I RECOMMEND AN ALXtsRNATIVE BE USED. 5. PROGRAI4{ABIJE SIME (T1) }IAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISH@ AS PER SPECTFTCATION 4.3.2,4, PAGE tA-2. 6. WIRE DIAGRAMS STBMI TED INDIEATE IYPIEAIJ WIRING FOR EACH TTPE oF DEltrcE ONLY. I{IRE ROUTING' coNDUrT, LINE rJo$s, TYPE AND NUMBER OF I{IRES ARE NOB INDIEA:TED. 7. DEVICE @UNTS ARE NOT GIVEN. SIGAIAL CIRCUITS ARE NOT SHOWN. DETECTION CIRCTIITS ARE NOB INDICATED D(CEPT BY NA$E. RESITBMIT VCITH CORRECIIONS AS I',IOTED. .@--a*-ZZZz-*' MICEAEIJ MCGEE FIRE MARSHAL .,CC: GARY T4URRAIN, GTE.G'E,E)FEJ< ETVGiNEEF|NG IEST/NG /NSPECI/ON 0ctober,l. 19t6 Yail Veatures. Ltd. Motrtaoe Corporation 1000 South Fronta*e Road gest Suits 200 Vail. Colorzdo 31557 Atlsalion: Mr. Fraat Freyer III Reference; Orner's Quality Assurance Ssrices for Coostructioa -!&reriallbsti! I an-dlstpe crion -Ttaza0!€aodTJo: TerEieVil Tei;tin Eotel Vail, Colorado CIC-Geotek Job s70j039 aod 'm40.13 Geotlener; In fulfilliog our coltract vilh tle ovner, ve have nade periodic tests oo-sile aod itr the laboratory during the coastruction of this projoct, this rras dooe as a check on the guality perfornaoce of the contractor, Our randonly perforned lests_aod inspections included structural steel, f€hforciog iaspectioa, consistency of deliverod coacrete mires and firoproofng. To the besr of our kaovledge aod belief and psr our laborarory testiag aod obserations during our fieldvisib. atthe random areas inspected by Cf0-oeotrt (as reflected ia our daily iaspectioa reports), the buildiag v.ls corstructsd i! substantial conpliance !o the contract specificatioos as theylelal€ to our sorvices. Items of oon-compliance vere brought t0 lhe all€rtioa of the ovaer, cos,tfirctor, and elgiaeer vho then either rcsolved the deficiencT or a€repted it ia the as-built coodition. Respectfully submit0ed, RMR/tdv \ATVTxTURES - AprtJ. 17, L987 Tosn of Vail Chlef BuLlding OfflctaL 75 S. Frontage Road VaLl, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary: Per our discusslon today, durtng the iaitlal 30 days of cotrstructloo of the Pl-aza l{ing Phase I, ve w111 rrclose downrr all floors east uing of the exLsting tJestln Hotel with tenporary construction barriers located wlthtn 20 feet of the aearest stalruell as shonn on t,he attached floor plans. Iturlog thls 30 day period, G. E. Johnsou will erect the tenporary stalr/exit in the fountaLn courtyard and nodlfy the ground and lst floors ln accordance vtth the plans and opecifl.catLons whlch have been approved by your offlce. G.E. rrtlL also denollsh the exlstlag statrvay on the north end of the east wtng of the ertsttng Hotel. We understaad t,hat, the above nentloned tenporary barriers nust renaln tn pLaee and the that nclose dosnn of the east wing will contLaue unttl- euch tLme as the tenporary stair/exit nay structure Ls conplete per plans and specifLcatlons and avallable for uee by occupants. At euch tiner the barrlers w111 be renoved and floors L, 2 and 3 can return to norrnal use. As ve have agreed, the use of the 4th floor ni11 be reetrtcted ln accordance with the conditlons out-Linetl in the attached correspondence fron Jack Sklnner dated Aprll 9, L987. The refereoced 4th floor roons w111.ouly be rented when ao other rooms in the Eotel are avall-- abLe aod we shalL provlde advance notlce to the Town of Vail Fire ltepartnent should euch a situation arise. MONTANE CORPORATION cc: E. J. Skinner FBF/nc re: -Pldza Wl.ng ., reyer 1000 South Frontage Road Wes[ Vail, Colorado 81657 o 303/476-6602 \ATVrXruRES,, Aprtl. 17, 1987 Tovo of Vail. ATTN: Gary Murrain 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 re: Plaza Wlng Phaee I Dear Gary: Per your request, I have verifled vith the AIA offlce in Ifenver (866-2271) that Robert A. Odernatt ls regletered ln CoLorado and that hle llcenee is # c - 1984. MOUTANE CORPORATION FBF/nc Frank B. Freyer III - 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 t .Z^ar,\ (tsil/) lt'-.t7 t t\. ! .t WrmxI Valt April. 9, 1987 lE. lbank l"e!/er !,Iansfield L,td. 1000 S. F?ontage Road.vail, Colorado 81557 Dear ltank: Encloseil is t}re dli:receio given to or lhnt, Offi€ staff reLative to use of t}te East Wing 4-th tr'lor rm fior ttre strer. Hodutlal.lyr ve rrrill'ccntact, 1or:r office prior to any anUfcipatedl occrparlcr/ and 1ou, fut tlun, 'aan ontast, the poper anthorities. fhanlr 1ou. E. Jari<sn Skirner General- !.larnger E SIorIy Enclosure AFR t$ ffiffi MAjVST=iEE Sincerelv,W'4;ls U '1300 Weslhavan Drive,Vail,Colorado 81652 1303) 476"711t D.r€ eFfif 9" 19lt? s16i€ct Erli€nfigrglElaEeoerf qf!G hrafe slrsrt To Fro.n ifadr ' lfu eFsh F@s {o4 r il05 r 406 r 407 r 40g r r[I0 "4I1 r igutd&3r*f*, $116 ae not S'be gold nltfuut ry FEiG 4t@I. ' PlGa* A1N|ti€rt qrr .Aagii€tmt hFrc tg s*faipcg ttcs! r€dt *, tb Eali€t Boesilte t* as trrim:tfis lliil ef,rcfipsmt luijlL be reqrrircd, SISnqy o hwn 75 south trontago road crll, cotorado 8165z (3O:r) 47t-700o ApriL E, t987 I'fr. Franl< Freyer Vail Ventures Ll.nited 10OO Soutb Frontage Road l{est Vail , Colorado 8165? Re: Plaza !{ing ConfereDce Center Dear Frank: On ApriL L, L987 the DesLgn Revl-ew Board gave prelLninary approval to the Plaza Wing Conference Center. In general , the Design Review Board feLt tnat the revised drawings lrere well done and nenbers were pLeased with the project. A motion was made. for prelimLnary approval by Ned Cw-tluney and, seconded by Grant Riva. lltre vote was 5-0. Your submittal for fLnaL approval should iddr""s landscaping for the proJect. Menbers asked that you Look at tbe north alea-of the site along Westhaven DrLve, pirticutarty in ttre loadJ-ng zone. The Board, felt that the landscapingr. wallcuay, and snow sbedding shouLd be addressed in a conpiehensive uaxrner, Congratulations on a well done project.the drawings lrere very lreLI recel_ved. Sincerely,.r \ n'l l(r,*onYr,tt Kristan Fritz Town PLanner olnce ol communlty dovelopnonl From what Rick told ne, til:.ttj ()t: t,l.:i).iucL. !ilESTIN PIfl[ BUILDING -/ufiV D!:!;,.:!{lt''l'lori: t,01' l.il,ocK ryAqE_s_I_4Il_L_ t:jt.t1c A PortLo:r o-{..Af_ea '!_r_gq{___t ",.'.."ll|isc|tJt,1.l.0:ioFr,lojl,r:r-j99].l.tysuites&.].200-s.F.'L;'netatL to existlng }Iotal=*r 6000 S.F. BaLlroom and Conf. Centser with Kitc'hen +d-+r*ftftse{€n-i Thc fotlor,.ing infornation ls rcqrrircd for subnittal by thc upplicant to ttre Dcsign Rcvicrr, Board bcfore a final'approval cun be givcn: A. DLflLIttl,l(: ItqTERIALS Type of l.ftqcrial Color Roof Siding Othcr l{all Naterials Fascia Sof,fits llindovs lfindoru Trin Doors Door 'l'rin Hand or Deck Rails Flu€s Flashings Chiraneys Trash Enelosures Grecnhotrses 0lher Stucco Off -Wtrtte Standing Seam Dark Bror.n Aluminum Bronze ALuminum/Gl-ass Bionze w Alunlnur Bronze MetaL Dark Green Metal Dark Brown Metal Dark Brown Metal Dark Brown : .:-7 B. LANDsCAPING' Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Quanti ty q+ /D to I(IJ IL A ArffiAal/) Si ze a Eal t u' Corrnon Name fqo! ry^t o I. 2. 3. 4. 5. \ATVnxruRES, - March 19, L987 l{s. Kristan Prlt,z Torrn of Val1 75 S. FroDtage Road VaiL, C0 81657 Ilear Krlstan, In reepoase to Terrace Wl.ng your letter of 3lL7l87t L' N/A 2. N/A 3. The hetght analyeis for the butldLng ls exactly as presented to you ln the sprlng of L986. The roof heights are less tban 71 feet. I belleve you are Ln possession of the elevatione on r.htch the helght analysis vas provtded. 4. The detalLlng of the loggl-a bases ls provided 1o the Detall book as Detail 3.12 aad 3.13 rhlch Le the eame detall as waa subnl.tted and approved by DRB last fall. 5. HiLL be gubnltted shortly (Septenber 19' 1985 plan). 6. N/A Plaza lfing The snalL doruer uiodons are for ventLlatLon and natcb the snaLL dorner wLndows ln the erLstLng hotel butldtng. t{ill be subnltted ehort,ly. The hoepLtaltty rootlo are not intended to be used as llvilg units. The foLd donn beds are being deleted fron the plane and specifl.cations by the archLtect. l{il1 be subnltted ehortly. N/A FBF/sb cc: Gary Murraln Peter Patteo : Terrace VtrglPlaza Wlng BPORATION 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 8'l657 . 303/476-6602 \ATVrrrruRES,,. March 19, L987 Ms. Krlstan Pritz Tovn of VaLl 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 RB: Terrace Nttg/PLaza Wing I Dear Kristan, In responae to your lettet of 3/17/872 Terrace Wlng 1. N/A 2. N/A 3. The helght analysls for the butlding is exactly as presented to you in the spring of 1986. The roof helghts are less than 71 feet. I believe you are ln posseseion of the el-evatione on uhich the height analysis was provided. 4. The detaiLing of the loggla bases le provided in the Itetail book as Detail 3.12 and 3.13 whlch is the sane detail aa nas submitted and approved by IIRB last faI1.5. Will be subnltted short.ly (Septenber 19, 1985 plan).6. N/A Plaza Wins l.The smal1 dormer nlndows are for ventilation and natch the sna11 dorner nindows in the exlsting hotel bullding.Will be subnltted shortly. The hoepitaLity roons are not Lntended to be used as living units. The fold down beds are betng deleted fron the plans and speciflcations by the archltect.llilL be subnitted shortLy. N/A 2. 3. 4. 5. FBF/sb cc: Gary Murraln Peter Patten RPORATION 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 \AITVrxruRES,,." March 19, L987 Ms. Kristar. PrLEz Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Cascade Village Dear Kristan, Per your request please find enclosed a copy of the required Utility Location Verification form fully executed by the various utility companies.Please note that the form relaLes to the Terrace Wing, the Plaza Wing Phase I and Phase II. Although we are not currently applying for a building permit for PLaza Wing Phase II, the completion of the enclosed form fulfills this future requirement for Phase II. Please let me know if you have any quesLions or eormlenEs . MONTANE CORPORATION D Itkc'-''c'-' Frank B. Freyer III FBF/ sb cc: Gary Murrain - Town of Vail G. Eric Pucher - Seafirst Enclosures 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 M r-i I C. i .l ____- PROPOSED 8LDG. C UEST \EXI J I \ ) ) STIN BUIL NG NG LDI a:iii --E-- | I )-j-- /t/'-."'il ?loas=s NE;w CcNst?q.flotJ FOR GRAOE5 ^ROUIIO PERII1ETER OF HOTEL EXIENSION SEE SHT. A2.I FIRSI FLOOR PLAN SCALE l'=a0' z---),'.{l/ I ttst parc of. che S.r u4 NE 1r'4, secrl.tir 12, Tanrahlp 5 sourh, Range 91 lresr of the -Sl.zcli Prlnclpal lterldlan, Iryn ef Vatl,:Coloiado, desclbed as !oll.o!rs:' 1,. . BegLncin'g ac a point 'rheo,ce !n lron prir nrrtn'plaaclc cap oarklng ihe ceace!of gal'd secelou 12'besrs s48"zz'371'lJ tog5.5g ieec; rbeuce N37"otf 31r',u 16.;E feee; thence l{5?"50t29'tE 15.00 feec; ihence N37o09'31n't go.0o f,eecl chence 452"50t29"9 23S.66 feecl ebenee s40"17r06"E 187.05 feet; lherce s2g"29'36"'J 208.48 feec; cheace S05"?6r51'JE.foc.50.EeeE; thence S49o26'36',it 19.05 feer;thence N37"09'3L'wJ Zd6.OZ feei ro rhe golnt of beglnnl.ng, concalni,ng 1.510 4c!e! r aolg or lesa. J$ID TERSACE, SITE Tlac porclon of cb,e SliU4 NEU4 of, Sectloa l2n tom,shlp 5 Souci, Lange El tlesc oi th,e St<rh P:1aclpal. XerCl'ac,n losa oi Vall,, Eagle Couory, Coloraio,desc::led as follovs; Begieo,Leg at a goiac zheece aa Lroo, pi= w'ich plasrlc cep aarklag ihe CaBEsr of Seeslou !3 bears 548'31 '37tt1l 1095.58 !eec; Ebeeee S37o09t31"E 46.C0 iaer; thec,ce 552"50?29"'J 21.30 ieec; rbea,ce 1137"09t31n'[ 46.00 iaee; rhe=.ce n5Z"50'29":21.30 fEec Eo cbe poir.c oi bagfuaJ.ug g6aga{nir'g 980 square !eec, ooEe or less. PI,AZ.A SI]E ttrat pntt of the $rf l/rr NE U'r, Sectton 12, Torrnshlp 5 South, Range 81 llest of the slrth PrlnclP"L Merl.dl'rn, Totrn of vsll, colorado, descrtbed sg f,ollooe: BeglnnlnR et the F^nt northerty corner of Condoml.n{uo t{ap of Colorado Houncatn Condomln r-urea 6qg6,vi{ns to the nag thereof recordd ln Book 387 at Page 620 1n the offlee of the E"q!e County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, rhenee an lron pln rith plartLc c:'f Filrtklng the eenter of gald Sectiqn 12 bears 534"50'58"t{ 964.27 fFet; theoce lli6o.t8r45"E 106.67 feeri rhence 79.97 feet along rhe arc of .a sur:e !o the l.f t ha.rl.ng a. radius oE L!,2!,.72 feec, a central angle of O4op5rpr,", .'rnd a ehnr,4 that bclarg [54o46t13"8 79.95 feel; thence N52o43t4l'E 28.82 fe.rr; thence S'!7o09r31"9 105.76 feerl lheuce S52o50'29"1J 25.00 feet; thence s17"09t3l*E pn,0o feer; thence S52n50t29'w 15.00 feeii thence 537"09t 31"8 16.78 fee.ti thnr^e s52"50r29'r1t 150.00 feet; thencs N37"09r31"t{ 45.34 feet; thonce 552"50'gq"tl 56.96 fe€t to the nortbeesterly ltne bf, satd Condo- u{nlnrn xrp of Color..r.' ltnlgnl-;. Condoninluns; thence the followl.ng three courses along sald F.rrtheasterly Ltnel (l) N37o09r31t'B 55.00 feet; (2) N07o 50'29"E /15,00 feet; (l) lt37"09r31tg 80.40 f,eet to rhe poitrt of beglnulng, cootahl.ng 0.982 itc?oa, [!ore or lege. A}TD that portl.oE oi the ssIU4 Ngt/4 of SecEl'J! 12' ior.asblp 5 South' Bange 81 !{esc of tbe Sl,:ctb PrJ.a,ei.gal.'l{erdia,a, tqlrd of Vail.' Eagle CouBEyr Colorado' desc=lbed as fol.]'sirs: Beg{'ro{'g ac a poLu,c lifteo,cE o'. !troo, pto rlth plastte cap narkiag tbe Cencer of Sec,tioo 12 bears S48"17rt9"tt 1074.34 feec; therce S37"09t31"E 9.60 feec; thegce S52"50'29"'J 80.00 f,eec; tbesce N37"09r31'1{ 9.50 feec; tbeoce l!52" 5Ot29xE 80.00 feec Eo the polnE of beginoiag coatalabg 768.square teet uore or lesg. UTILITY LOCATION VERIF ICATION SUBDIVISION BTOCK FILING . N)DRESS *ltac,"ctr The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, mrst be approved and verified by the fotlowing ut,ilities foi the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Signature Da te n 2U-"2,(-" N JOB toT IiIAME U;l,tag. l4ountai n Bel I 1- ?44-Et5!g -/s-8? lrlestern Slope Gas r*+t"?ffi Public Servlce Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. +ff_ H! ghgs .. ;949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley l,later and Sanitation Dlscrict David Krenek (Please bring a site plan when obta'lni ng UEVI'ISD s i gnatures ) * For new cons please fill ou attached sheet 7- /J-37 lt/rr(- dU 42zr(*-^."*i ry -4.uhzeZ NOTE: Ttrese verifications do not relleve the contractor of his ' responsibility to obtain a street cut perxdt fron the Tovrn of Vail, Departnent of Publlc Works and to obtaln utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tovn of Vail. A building pennit ' Ls not e street cut pemit. A street sut pernit uust be obtalned sep:Eately. ,Tttis forn Is'to verlfy service availablity and location. Tttis should be used in conJunctlon with preparing your utitlty plan and scheduling lnstallatlons. *,; o lnltn 75 3oulh frontage road ua , colorado g1657 (303) 476-7000 March L7, L987 olflct of communlty dev€lopmont llr. Frank I'reyer Vail Ventures Linited 1O0O South Frontage Road VaiI , Colorado 8L652 Re: BuiLdJ.ng PernLt l-nformation for pLaza wing phase r and the Terrace BuiJ_ding Dear Frank: The following cornrnents rerate to finaL building perait approval for the Plaza and Terrace Wing permits: Terrace Wincr 1. Tle Town Engineer wiLl need to revLew the drainage plan, titLe report and bike path adjustnent. silf Andrelrs is out of town for a month. Therefore, the permit approvaL will need to be contingent upon tris revLew. 2. I have calculated that the Terrace Wing has 831600 square feet of gross floor area. The recreation fee per square foot is 25 cents for this project. This computes to a total recreation fee of S2O,9OO. please note that once you have paid this amount, the Tordn wilL refund 5oA of g2orgoo due to the existing recreational facilities in the project. 3. A height analysis should be presented for the Terrace Wing. l{e had discussed this and you had saLd that the hefshls are exactJ.y as the original OnS plans. ff this is stl-lL the case, I would appreciale a letter merely cal.ling out the roof ridge elevations and base el-evations that indicate that the maximun roof height is 7l- feet. o 4. What is the detailing on the 1oggia? Fron the drawings r am not ceitain if it-I; ""."iii wiiat was approved at Design Review Board. The approved landscape plan the bul-lding perrnit r^'tU be I have asked Dave Krenek to that the easement situation resolved and that he has no releasing a bullding permit.subnitted to our department is released. 5. 6. must be subnitted before released. write a letter stating is in the process of 6ein9 problem with the Tolan f,his letter shoul-d be before the buildingr pernit P1aza Phase I 1. on the elevatlons, smarl wind.oss are indicated in the dormers. This is a minor change fron what was approved, at DRB, but f am interested in knowing why these windows are necessary. Z. The approved landscape plan shoutd be subnitted to staff before the bullding per:mit is released. 3. ft is our- understanding that the hospitality rooms will not be used as rentable r.iving irnits. please r.et me know in a letter how these rooni wll_l be used. as I noticed that fold down beds are included for each sul_te. 4. The elevatl_ons and, floorpLans for the tenporary stair should be subnitted with-your pentrit applicati6n. 5. The recreation fee for the proposal is based on the total grosrs floor area of tSrZaO square feet x .25 which eguals 931435. please note tlhat once again, soa of this totar nunber r,glrl be refunded to you irtei trre pernit is issued. ff y-ou h1y? any questions about this information, I wil_t be back i-n the offLce on April Z. I have aLso enclosed iy square footage sheets for the plaza r and rerrace. Thank3 f6r your help on getting the square footage information together. |Q.r tr/r^e^ _l rt tl-AI It I .t, I tt -a tt rt-arlr^--,P^a <2F1.- E .L L,ltzr Town PLanner KP:br cc: cary llurrain, peter patten Unit Type A A1 A2 B B1 EI E2 E3 E4 s., T Manch GRFA per Unit 351 351 459 341 341 348 348 348 355 293 423 1987 check GRFA Total 1404 2106 918 682 682 348 348 348 355 293 423 PLAZA l.lING PHASE I Basis is R0ltll[ p]ans of 313/87 4th Total 13' lst 4 I 2 I 2 2' Znd 3 4 1 4 6 2 2 2 I 1 1 I L 1 7907 Hospi tal i ty Sheet A4.2 Retal'l Sheet A2.l 1099 sf Total Gross Floor Area: 131740 sf 2097 sf |- TERRACE I.IING " 3/13/87 Area Calculations based on SLP drawlngs ZlZSlgl Unit TYPe I std I handicap 2 std 2 wllevel change Aexpanded Ystd 3 w/level change 4 5 std 5 expanded 5 special Ground lst GRFA per Unl t 397 397 430.75 430.75 697 471.25 471.25 469.25 496.75 696 642 464.5 572.5 977 tt37 4th Total GRFA Total 9528 794 3446 t292 2091 L6022 2356 .6100 1490 1392 642 2787 8015 977 1137 Znd 11 2 3 I 13 'l "1 2 3rd 13 13 I 5 24 2 8 3 3 34 5 13 3 2 I 6 t4 1 1 13 I I 2 T4 'l 6 7 Suite 388, Suite 483 o Retai 1 Sheet A2.2 42.4 Total 120 1.9 33 L7 t7 34 Buildinq Gross Area:(st,ooo st) 58069 693 5163 5856 ) PLAZA I.IING PHASE I is R0l'lA plans of 313187 March 13, 1987 check 'lst Basis 4rh Unit Type A A1 A2 B B1 E1 E2 E3 E4 s, T Tota'l 4 6 2 2 2 1 1 L 1 1 1 GRFA per Unit 351 s5t 459 341 341 348 348 348 355 293 423 GRFA Total 1404 27A6 918 682 682 348 348 348 355 293 423 2nd 3 4 I 3rd 'l 2 1 2 2 7907 - 702 GRFA GRFA (2 eltsting GRFA rooms that were remodeled) Hospltal ity Sheet 44.2 Retai I Sheet A2.l 2097 sf 1099 sf Total Gross Floor Area: 13,740 sf 'l '.,i Unit Type A A1 A2 B B1 E1 E2 E3 E4 s, T GRFA per Unit 351 351 459 341 341 3rt8 3,'t8 348 355 293 423 lst PLAZA [,|ING PHASE I Basis is R0ltlA plans of 313187 4th Tota'l 'l 1 I I 1 I 3rd 1 2 I 2 2 2nd 3 4 I March 13' 1987 check GRFA Tota'l 1404 2t06 918 682 . 6:82 348 348 348 355 293 423 7907 GRFA - 7A2 GRFA 7205 GRFA (2 existing rooms that were remodeled) Hospltality Sheet A4.2 Retail Sheet A2.l 2097 sf 1099 sf Total Gross Floor Area: 13,740 sf Proiect Eeserlpilon: ' Owner, Addre$ and Phonei L€gal Dscrlptlon: Lot.- Block Motlor by: Socondedtry: lnwn Uni t Lower Level Unit I ?5 south frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 478-7(XD March 3, 1987 Mr. Andy Nomis 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Re: Resu'lts of the meeting on the Cascade C'lub condominiurn plat January 26, 1987 (Note: Revjsed letter dated February 9, 1987) Dear Andy: Below is a summary of our comments on the Cascade Club condominium plat. I. ITEM: An explanatjon of how the parkjng structure will be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff wou'ld like to have a statement expla'lning the number of new owners and associated parklng spaces and how this affects the number of spaces that are a'l located per use through the Special Development District. RESPONSE: Grd Leve'l Unit 2 Cascade Lodge Joint 150 Ventures (the owner- ship is djvjded Vail Ventures Ltd 55% Hestin Hote'l 45%) Unit 3 (lst right Vall Ventures, Ltd 149 off Westhaven Dr.) Portion of Levels Cascade Club Ltd NA 3, 4 & 5, Unit 4 General Partner is Vail Ventures, Ltd ottlco of communlty devdopment No. of Spaces Access I22 Shared access with Unit 2 Shared access with Unit I Separate ingress and egress from Units 1 and 2 NA 0wnership - Vail Ventures, Ltd Managsm€nt Level l: The westin Hotel will manage this level. This level satisfies the parking requirement for the CMClCascade l{ing, Terrace and Plaza (guest rooms' conference and retai'l ). Vail Ventures Limjted will own this 'level. Level 2: The access will be managed by the Westin Hotel. This leve'l wlll be for hotel guests and anybody else who wishes to park on this level. However, validatlon privlleges will only be avallable for hotel guests. 0thers will pay full price for parking. 0q/r-ner is Cascade Lodge Jolnt Ventures of whlch Vail Ventures Limited o*ns 55%. Level 3: Thls level is managed by Vail Ventures and is to be used by the general public, lncluding day skiers. Validation will be avallable. Parking Allocation Unlt l: Unit 2: (122 spaces) (150 spaces) * * * * * * Cascade Hing (8 d.u.) t6 l{estin Hotel 115 Terrace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,708) 702 Terrace (Retail 6,088) 20 Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf) 35 Plaza (Retai'l {,100 sf phase I) 4 Plaza (20 a.u.) 16 Plaza (Conf.retail 1,140 sf Phase II) 4 Gross No. parking spaces req'd 312 spaces Unit 3: CMC: (149 spaces) CIancy's (134 seats) Cascade Theatre College Classrooms College 0ffice (954 sf) Cascade Club:Retail 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf)0fflce in CMC (828 sf)**l{el I ness Center Gross No. spaces Total Spaces in structure 421 Total A'llocated 422 372 110 m. Tota'l allocated spaces with 10% reduction for mixed use Total unallocated spaces t7 28 40 4 1 I 3 9 110 380 41 * Uses that bul lding ** Assumed 9 have an asterisk will need to be verified at the time a permit is released to get the exact parking requirement spaces for the l{ellness Center (not existing) Note "Westin addltions" are excluded which were listed on the original SDD zoning sheet, 18.46.089. Please review this parking breakdonn. I come up with a different total from what we discussed in the meeting although you still have 41 una'l located spaces. Please let me know if you have any corrections to these numbers. ITEM: Staff will require a written stipulation on the condominium map that ensures that the parking required by the specia'l development distrlct for the various uses in the project will be available to users. The staff is suggesting the fo] lowing wording: RESPONSE: This condomlnlumization is for ownership purposes only and sha'l I not effect the zoning and use of the parking spaces which is set forth by Special Developrnint District 4 estab]ished by Qrdinance No. 20, Series of 1984, as anended by the Town of Val]. ITETII: From your condominium dec'larations, I am unable to determjne if landsc?PjnS, drainlge and sidewalks are included as genera'l common e'lements which will maintained by the condom'inium assocjation. I would'l ike a final copy of the condominium documents to assure there are maintenance provlsions included for a'l 'l commonly owned areas which shou'ld lnc] ude landscaping, drainage and si dewal ks. RESPONSE: At our meetlng, you agreed that a maintenance provision wou]d be i nc]uded I n the dec'l arati ons. ITEM: The pedestrian brldge connecting CMC to the Cascade Village parking structure is not mentioned in the condominium declarations or shown on the condominium map. The bridge shou'ld be indicated on the map by a dotted'line- At one time, there wai discussion of an air easement for the bridge's encroachment over the access and ut'i Iity easement on l{esthaven Drlve. I don't remember this easement ever bejng comp'leted- I wi'l 'l search through the Cascade Vi'l ]age files to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never conp'leted, the air easement should be finalized at this time. 2- 3. 4. o RESPONSE: You stated that you would provide a separate drawing for the pedestrian bridge and an air easement. lde decjded that Westhaven Road would be dedicated when Cascade Vil'lage is completed. 5. ITEM: Staff would like an explanatlon of how the condominlum effects the U.S. Forest ServJce's requirement that you provide L25 spaces for day skiers. He were unaware of thls requirenent until just this morning when we received a memo from the Forest Service updating the staff on ski area inprovements. RESPONSE: You agreed to provjde a deed restrjctjon that Level 3 wou'ld be used as pub'l ic parking and could not be used for any residential parking requirements. 6. ITEM: A copy of the completed condoninium declarations for the project is necessary. RESPONSE: ldil'l be submitted. 7 . ITEM: A completed for $100 to subni tted. RESPONSE: Hi l1 be submltted. 8. ITEM: Three copies, two of which must be mylars, should be submitted. RESPONSE: ldill be submitted. Please let me know jf any of thjs information is inaccurate and I can revise the sumnary, I will wajt to rewrite the zoning sheet for SDD4 untll you resubmit with the amendments for the entlre SDD this sunmer. Thanks again for meeting wjth us to clear up some of these questions. applicat'ion form signed by the appropriate owner and a check cover the costs of reviewing the condominlum plat should be 75 oouth troniags road vall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 L987 otflce of eommunlty developmenl February 6, Mr. Frank Freyer Val1 Ventures, Ltd 1000 South Frontage Road Vai'l , Co'lorado 81657 Re: Staff and DRB comments on the P'laza l.|ing addition and p'laza conference center. Dear Frank: Below.is a surnmary of comments from the Des'ign Review Board as well as the Town of Vail staff. Design Review Board's comments, February 4, IggT conceptual Review: Plaza lrJing Addltion: The Deslgn Revlew Board had no problern with the addjtion. It was suggested that you bring in final-drawing! a! soon as possible wiih a revised iindscipe plan to shour how this wing wouid affect the ipprovea ianascape plan fJr tfri!-entire area (see approved landscape p'ran, seplimber 19, 19g5, diawn by Berridge Associates). The staff ieqirestia that you pr6vide i north eievation for this additlon which will show hdw the buildiig witi ioot if uv crranie-ifre P'laza conference center is not constructed Plaza Conference CentEr: 1. The detai'llng of the building's facades are not articulated enough. It was recommended that there be more of a discipline or order to t[e detailing. _As an_example, one member felt thit the three wjndowi-on the east elevation reflected a random approach to the building's aelaiiinq.-The elevations need to have more of.an order and should p6rtrafs r"fj"ii nore of the approach the l{estln Hote'l ref'lects in its detai]il,s. - ---- 2- The buildlng does not have a clear style. The building's overall desiqn should either be compatibre and simirir to one of the Existins-buii;i;;;or it should have.its own,design style which is clearly Uiiterenl'f;;"-the other surrounding buildings. 3. The board understands that it is difflcult to allow for a service area on this slte, as al] four sides of the bui]dins will be visible to the i. public. However, it was emphasized that the north elevation of the bullding is the main entrance into the westin and residential areas. For this reason, the board fe'lt that more work is needed on the north elevation to conceal the servjce areas as much as possible. The board reconmended that, perhaps sone gable or dormer forms could be used,particularly on this elevation. It was also suggested that a landscape buffer could soften this side of the building. If a landscape buffer' was addedn jt wou'ld be important to design with snow shedding in mind. The board was concerned about snow shedding from the roof onto the wa'lkway along Westhaven Drive as wE1 I as snoh, shedding into llesthaven Drive. It was felt that the walkway along the north e'levatjon of the building was rea11y necessary and perhaps should be a Jittle wider with associated 1 andscapi ng. It was suggested that perhaps the loggia treatment a'long the Terrace and l{estjn could also be extended along the north elevation of the Plaza conference wing. This approach would offer pedestrians protection from snow shedding and also hjde sone of the service area. 7. Most members fe'lt that tower on the northwest corner of the buildjng seemed unrelated to the building as a whole. It was pointed out that there was a dlscrepancy between the north and east elevations concerning the service area. You said that the north e'levatjon was correct, The drawings should be corrected. In respect to landscaping, the board would like to see more green space in the overa'l I plan. It was suggested that a grass buffer could be added a'long the water feature to the west of the P'laza wing addition instead of having only pavers in this area. Another suggestion was to locate a planting buffer between the loggia and main plaza where the ice rink is proposed. This buffer cou'ld also help to prevent pedestrians from walking on the outside of thelogglawhere snow shedding can create a dangerous situatlon. 10. The board fee'ls that the Plaza conference center wil I be a great addition to the Townn as it provides an important function for the communi ty. Staff comments: The following lnformation should be submitted before Review Board: 1. A landscape p'lan that shows clearly areas of sidewa'l k details, and number/'location/size of 2. A roof plan superimposed on a survey to document the heights of the addi ti ons. 3. A drainage plan that indicates culvert size. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. final review at Design pavement, green space, vegetation, 4. A completed utility verification form. ' 5. Any 'lighting detajls 6. A title report, Schedule B to show any easements 7. Englneered framing and foundations wi'l 'l be required at the time of building permit. 8. A soi'ls report will be reguired at the time of building permit. 9. Detajls on the entry canopy on the west side of the conference center shou'ld be submitted. 0ther concerns are that: l. Fire access shou'ld be worked out as soon as possible to avoid having to come back to Design Revlew Board if the fire access necessitate a change jn the exterior of the buildins. 2. Staff does not want to see the area to the west of the Plaza llling addition used as a drop-off area. The traffic should be prohibited from this area. 3.' The staff would llke an exp'lanation on how loading and service for the building wil'l be hand'led. It ls our understanding that the main loading dock at the CMC Building will be used for the P'laza conference center. Sma'l ler vehicles will access the load'ing dock on the northeast corner of the Plaza conference center. No large vehjcles will be using the conference centerrs loading dock. 4. It may be reasonab'le to allow for service vehicle access under the pedestrian bridge. 5. The staff ls concerned about the encroachment of the P'laza conference center onto Westhaven Drive. It is our opinion that the building should be pulled back from thJs area to allow for a wider sldewalk and landscape buffer between the north edge of the conference center and Westhaven Drlve. Also Bi'l I Andrews will want to make sure that the appropriate right-of-way ls maintained for Westhaven Drive when thjs road is eventually dedicated to the Town of Vaj1. More detaj'led information ls needed ln this area to neal'ly determine what the impacts are on Westhaven Drive. A drawing showing the north sidE of the project and its re'lationship to the parking- structure would be helpful. Terrace Bui'lding: 'l . lrfhat ls the status of the sewer re-alignment along the south side of the Terrace Building? L .'a \ I hope these comments wi] 1 be helpful to you in preparing for the fina'l Design Review Board meeting. If you have any questions about these comnents, pleasl feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext. lll. Sincerely,1/t 0l i$r?'\ Tr(t Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br l' ., t'-' 75 soulh frontage road uall, colorado Btotit (303) 4767000 February 6, 1997 offlce of communlly deyelopmonl Mr. Frank Freyer Vail Ventures, Ltd 1000 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Staff and DRB conrnents on the P'laza WJng addition and plaza conference center. Dear Frank: Below.is 1 lqmmary of comments from the Design Review Board as well as the Town of Vail staff. Design Review Board's comments, February 4, 'lgg7 conceptual Review: Plaza lling Addition: The Deslgn Review Board had no problem with the addition. It was suggested !11! Ig" PlJng in.fina'l.drawing! a!-soon as possible wiitr " reviiea-iinai.ip"plan to show how this wing_would affect the ipproved landscape plan for thii-:llj19_1:. (see.approved-landscape plan, Septbmber 19, l9g5: di.awn by Eerrloge Associates). _The staff requested that you provide a north elevation for this additjon which wi'll show trdw ttre luiiaiis-wiii-jook if uv cnaniJ-irrl Plaza conference center ls not conitructea Plaza Cbnference Center: 1. The detailing gf.the building's facades are not articu'lated enough. It was recommended that there be more of a discipline or order to tFe detailing. -As an-example, one member felt thit the three windows-on the east elevatlon reflected i random approach to the buildinsis a"liiiinil-The elevations need to have more of'an order ana st,ouia;;r[d;-;;ii;;i nore of the approach the Westin Hotet reflects in iti d"Hiiil;. The building does not have a cl.ear glvle, The building,s overall design shou'ld either be compafibte and similir !9 one of the Exi"iins uuriaingi or lt should have its own_design style whlch is clearly diiierent rrom the other surrounding buildlngs. The board understands that lt is difficult to allow for a servfce area on thls site, as all four sides of the building wlit r" riiiot" to the 2. 3. public. However, it was emphasized that the north elevation of the building ls the main entrance into the hlestin and residentja'l areas. For this reason, the board felt that more work is needed on the north elevation to conceal the service areas as much as possible. The board recommended that, perhaps some gab'le or dormer forms could be used,particularly on this elevation. It was also suggested that a landscape buffer cou1d soften th'is side of the bujlding. If a landscape buffer was added, it would be important to design with snow shedding in mind. 4. 5. 6. The board was concerned about wa1 kway along Westhaven Drive Drive. snow sheddlng from the roof onto the as well as snow shedding into Westhaven It was felt that the walkway along the north elevatjon of the bujlding was real'ly necessary and perhaps should be a little wider with associated landscaping. It was suggested that perhaps the loggia treatment along the Terrace and lJestin could also be extended along the north elevation of the P'laza conference wing. This approach would offer pedestrians protection from snow shedding and a'lso hjde some of the service area. 7. Most members felt that tower on the northwest corner of the bui'l ding seemed unrelated to the building as a whole. It was pointed out that there was a discrepancy between the north and east elevations concerning the service area. You sajd that the north elevatjon was correct. The drawings should be corrected. In respect to landscapingn the board would like to see more green space 'in the overall plan. It was suggested that a grass buffer could be added along the water feature to the west of the Plaza wing addjtjon lnstead of having only pavers in this area. Another suggestion was to locate a planting buffer between the loggia and main plaza where the ice rlnk is proposed. This buffer could a'l so help to prevent pedestrians from wa1 king on the outside of theloggiawhere snow shedding can create a dangerous situatlon. 10. The board fee'ls that the addjtion to the Town, as comnun'ity. Staff conments: The fo'llowing information should be submitted before final review at Design Review Board: l. A landscape plan that shows clearly areas of pavement, green space, sldewalk details, and number/locatlon/size of vegetatlon. A roof plan superimposed on a survey to document the heights of the addi tl ons. A drainage plan that indicates cu]vert size. 8. 9. Plaza conference center will be a great it provides an important function for the 2. 3. 4. A completed utl'lity verjflcation form. ' 5. Any lighting details 6. A title report, Schedule B to show any easements 7- Engineered framing and foundations will be required at the time of building permit. 8. A soi'ls report will be required at the time of building permit. 9, Details on the entry canopy on the west side of the conference center should be submitted. 0ther concerns are that: l. Fire access shou'ld be worked out as soon as possible to avoid having to come back to Design Review Eoard if the fire access necessitate a change in the exterior of the buj'lding. 2. Staff does not want to see the area to the west of the plaza |lllng addition used as a drop-off area. The traffic should be prohibited from this area. 3.' The staff wou'ld like an explanation on how'l oading and service for the building wil'l be handled. It is our understanding that the main loading dock at the CMC Building will be used for the Plaza conference center. Smaller vehicles will access the loading dock on the northeast corner of the Plaza conference center. No large vEhicl-es will be using the conference center's loading dock. 4. It may be reasonable to allow for service vehicle access under the pedestrian bridge. 5. The staff ls concErned about the encroachment of the Plaza conference center onto Westhaven Drive. It is our opinion that the building should be pulled back from this area to allow for a wider sjdewalk and Iandscape buffer between the north edge of the conference center and hlesthaven Drive, A'lso Bill Andrews will want to make sure that the approprlate right-of-way is maintained for Westhaven Drive when this road ls eventually dedicated to the Town of Vail. More detailed information'is needed in this area to really determine what the impacts are on Westhaven Drive. A drawing showing the north side of the project and its relationshlp to the parking structure wou'l d be helpful . Terrace Bui'lding: l. What is the status of the sewer re-alignment along the south side of the Terrace Building? I hope these comrnents will be helpful to you in preparing for the final Design Review Board meeting. If you have any guestions about these comnents, p1 ease feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext. ll'1. KP:br Sincerely,vt 0l inrhn Tt(t Kristan Pritz Town Planner 75 south lroniags road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7ooo otflce of communlly development February 9, 1987 Mr. Andy Norris 1000 South Frontage Road West Vai'l , Co] orado 81657 Re: Resu'lts of the meeting on the Cascade Club Dear Andy: condomlnium plat January 26, 1987 Be] ow Js a summary of our comments on the Cascade C'l ub condominium plat. I. ITEM: An explanatlon of how the parking structure wil'l be controlled and managed is necessary. The staff would like to have a statement explaining the number of new owners and assoclated parking spaces and how thJs affects the number of spaces that are allocated per use through the Special Deve'lopment District. RESPONSE: Uni t Lower Level Un'it I Grd Level Unit 2 OwnershJp Vai'l Ventures, Ltd No. of Spaces Access L22 Shared access wlth Unit 2 Shared access with Uni t 'l Separate ingress and egress frqm Unjts 'l and 2 NA Cascade Lodge Joint X50 Ventures (the owner- shlp is divided Vai'l Ventures Ltd 55% Westin Hotel 45%) Unit 3 ('lst right Vail Ventures, Ltd L49 off Westhaven Dr.) Portion of Levels Cascade Club Ltd NA 3, 4 & 5, Unit 4 General Partner js Vai'l VenturEs, Ltd 55% ownership Management Vail Ventures, Ltd. will nanage this level. A lease will be arranged between Vall Ventures and the lessees. No ownership change w.ill occur. ThislevE1 satlsfies the parking requ.irement for the CMClCascade lding, Terrace and plaia. The access wil] be managed by the westin Hotel. This level wili be for hotel guests and anybody e'lse who wishes to park on this level . However, no validation privileges wjll be avaj1able (i.e. fu'l I pr.ice will be paid for parking). Thjs leve1 ls managed by Vail Ventures and is to be used by the general public, lncluding day skiers. Validation will be available. (122 spaces) (150 spaces) Parking A'l'location Unlt l: Unlt 2: Cascade Wins (8 d.u.) 16 llesti n Hote] 115 * Terrace (120 a.u., GRFA 59,708) LOz x Terrace (Retail 6,088) ZO * Plaza (Conf. 8,400 sf) 35 * Plaza (Retail ],100 sf Phase I) 4 * P'laza (20 a.u.) t6 * Plaza (Conf.retail '1,140 sf Phase II) 4 Gross No. parking spaces req'd 312 spaces Unit 3: CMC: CIancy's (134 seats) Cascade Theatre Col'l ege C'l assrooms College 0fflce (954 sf) Cascade Club:Retai'l 300 sf Bar & Restaurant (985 sf) Office ln CMC (828 sf)**l,lellness Center Gross No, spaces Total Spaces ln structure Tota'l Al'located 3L2 110 w. Total a'l 'l ocated spaces with 10% reduction for mixed use Total unallocated spaces Level 'l : Level 2: Level 3: (149 spaces) t7 28 40 4 .t I I 3 9 110 42L 422 380 4L Uses that have an asterlsk will need to be verified at the time a building perm'lt is re'leased to get the exact parking requirement Assumed 9 spaces for the lJel'lness Center (not exlsting) Note "Westin addltions" are excluded which were listed on the origina'l SDD zon'lng sheet, 'l8.46.089. P'lease review th'is parklng breakdown. I come up with a different total from what we discussed in the meeting a'lthough you still'have 41 unallocated spaces. Please'let me know if you have any corrections to these numbers. 2-ITEM: Staff wlll require a written stipulation that the parking requlred by the special uses in the project will be avallable to fo1'lowlng wording: RESPONSE: on the condomjnium map that ensures development district for the various users. The staff is suggesting the 3. This condominiumjzation is for ownership purposes only and shall not effect the zonlng and use of the parking spaces whlch ls set forth by Special Development District 4 establjshed by Ordlnance No. 20, Series of 1984, as amended by the Town of Vail. ITEM: From your condomlnium declarations, I am unable to determine if 'l andscaping, drainage and sidewalks are included as general common elements which wl 11 be maintained by the condominium association. I would llke a final copy of the condominjum documents to assure there are maintenance provisions included for al 1 corunon'ly owned areas whlch should include landscaping, drainage and si dewal ks. RESPONSE: At our meeting, you agreed that a maintenance provision wou'ld be included in the declarations. 4. ITEM: The pedestrian bridge connecting CMC to the Cascade Village parking structure is not mentioned in the condomlnium declaratlons or shown on the condominium map. The bridgE shou'ld be indicated on the map by a dotted llne. At one time, there was discusslon of an air easement for the bridge's encroachment over the access and utllity easement on Westhaven Drive. I don't remEmber this easement ever being completed. I wlll search through the Cascade Vl'l lage files to make sure that we do not have a copy of the agreement. If the agreement was never completed, the air easenent should be fina'l ized at this time. t. RESPONSE: You statad that you uould provide a separate drawlng for the pedestrlan lrl{oe and an alr easement. uE decldsd that ltesthaien Road wbuld be dedicated when Cascade Village ls completed. tTEt'l: staff would llke an explanafion of how the: condonlnlum effects the u.s.Forest service's regulrement that you proulde 125 spaces for day sklers.l{e were unaware of thls regulrement untll Just thls mornlng r*hen we necelved a memo from the Forest service upiating the stifi-on skl area lmprovements. You agreed to provlde a used as pub'llc parklng parklng requlrements. deed restrictlon that Level 3 would bE and could not bE used for any residential 6.ITEM: A copy of the necessary. RESPONSE: Hll] be submittad. 7. ITEM; Three coples, REIPONSE: completed condomlnlum declaratlons for tha proJect ls A completed appllcatlon fonn signed by the appropriate owner and a check for $100_to cover the costs of reviewlng the condominium plat should be submitted. FESPONSE: |/l'll be submltted. 8. ITHrI: To of which pust be mylars, shou'td be submltted. l{ll1 be submttted. P'lease let me know lf any of thls lnformatlon ls lnaccurate and t can revlse the sununary. I.wlll walt to rewrlte the zonlng sheet fpr sDDr[ until you resubmlt with the amendroEnts for the entlre SDD thls srunner. Thants igaln for meating with us to clean up some of these questions. $ilffih Torm Planner lnwn 75 south trontago road uall, colorado 81657 (308) 476-7000 February 6, 1987 Mr. Frank Freyer Vai'l Ventures, Ltd 1000 South Frontage Road Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Re: Staff and DRB conments on center. offlce ol communlty deyolopment the P'laza l{ing additlon and Plaza conference Dear Frank: Below is a summary of conments from the Design Review Board as wel'l as the Town of Vai'l staff. Design Rev'lew Board's Comnents, February 4, lggT Conceptual Review: Plaza lJing Addition: The Design Review Board had no problem with the addition. It was suggested that you bring in final drawjngs as soon as possible wlth a revised iindscape plan to show how this wing would affect the approved landscape plan for thii entire area (see approved landscape plan, September 19, 1985, diawn by Berridge Associates). The staff requested that you privide a north elevation for this addition which will show how the building wil'l look lf by chance the Plaza conference center is not constructed Plaza Conference Center: 1. The detajling of the bui'ldlng's facades are not articulated enough. It was recommended that there be more of a discipline or order to the detajling. As an example, one member fe'lt that the three windows on the east elevatlon reflected a random approach to the building's detailing. The elevations need to have more of an order and shou'ld perhaps refleit more of the approach the ldestin Hotel reflects in its detailing. 2. The building does not have a clear sty'le. The building's overall design should either be compatible and simi'lir to one of the existing buildtnls or it should have its own deslgn style which is clearly diffeient from-the other surrounding buildings. 3. The board understands that it is difficult to allow for a service area on this site, as al'l four sldes of the building will be visible to the public. However, it was emphasized that the north elevation of the building is the main entrance lnto the Westin and resjdential areas. For this reason, the board felt that more work is needed on the north elevatjon to conceal the service areas as much as possible. The board recommended that, perhaps some gab'le or dormer forms could be used,particularly on this elevation. It was also suggested that a lands'cape buffer could soften thjs side of the build'ing. If a landscape buffer was added, it would be important to design with snow shedding in mind. 4. The board was concerned about walkway along Westhaven Drive Drive. snow shedding from the roof onto the as well as snow sheddlng into Westhaven 5. It was fe'lt that the walkway along the north e'levation of the bui'lding was rea'l ly necessary and perhaps should be a little wider with associ ated landscaping. 6. It was suggested that perhaps the 'l oggia treatment a1 ong the Terrace and Westin could also be extended along the north e'levation of the Plaza conference wing. This approach would offer pedestrians protection from snow sheddlng and also hide some of the service area. 7. Most members felt that tower on the northwest corner of the building seemed unrelated to the buildlng as a whole. 8. It was pointed out that there was a discrepancy between the north and east elevations concernjng the servlce area. You said that the north elevation was correct. The drawings should be corrected. 9. In respect to landscaping, the board wou'ld like to see more green space in the overall plan. It was suggested that a grass buffer could be added along the water feature to the west of the P'laza wing addit'ion instead of having only pavers in this area. Another suggestion was to 'locate a plantlng buffer between the loggia and majn plaza where the ice rink is proposed. This buffer could also help to prevent pedestrians from walking on the outside of thelogglawhere snow shedding can create a dangerous sJtuatjon. 10. The board fee'ls that the addition to the Town, as comrunity. Staff corunents: The fo1lowing information should be submitted before final review at Design Review Board: 1. A'landscape p'l an that shows clearly areas of pavement, green space, sjdewa'l k detai'ls, and number/location/size of vegetatjon. 2. A roof plan superimposed on a survey to document the heights of the two addi ti ons. 3. A drainage plan that jndicates cu'lvert size. Plaza conference center will be a great it provides an important function for the 4. 3. 8. 9. A completed utility verificatjon form. Any lighting details 6. A title report, Schedule B to show any easements 7. Engineered framing and foundatj.ons wi1 'l be reguired at the t'ime of bui'ldlng permit. A soils report wil'l be required at the time of building permjt. Details on the entry canopy on the west side of the conference center should be submitted. concerns are that: Fire access should be worked out as soon as possible to avoid having to come back to Design Review Board if the fire access necessjtate a change in the exterlor of the building. Staff does not want to see the area to the west of the Plaza Wing addition used as a drop-off area. The traffic should be prohibited from this area. Other 't. 2. 3. The staff wou1d like an explanation on how loading and service for the building will be handled. It is our understanding that the main loading dock at the CMC Building wil1 be used for the Plaza conference center. Sma'l ler vehicles wilI access the loading dock on the northeast corner of the Plaza conference center. No 'large vehic;les wi'l 'l be using the conference center's loading dock. 4. It may be reasonab'le to allow for service vehicle access under the pedestrian bridge. 5. The staff is concerned about the encroachment of the P'laza conference center onto Westhaven Drive. It is our opinion that the buildjng should be pulled back from this area to allow for a wider sidewa'l k and landscape buffer between the north edge of the conference center and I'lesthaven Drive. Also Bill Andrews will want to make sure that the appropriate right-of-way is maintained for ldesthaven Drive when this road is eventually dedicated to the Town of Vail. More detajled information is needed in this area to realIy determine what the impacts are on Westhaven Drive. A drawing showing the north side of the project and its relationship to the parking structure would be helpfu'|. Terrace Bui'lding: l. What is the status of the sewer re-a'l ignment along the south slde of the Terrace Buildjng? I hope these comments wl] I be helpfu'l to you in preparing for the final Design Review Board meeting. If you have any questions about these commentsn please feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext. 'lll. Sincerely,r/ I nl trnfu'\kW Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br luttn 75 Boulh fronlage road vrllr colorsdo 81857 (303) 476-7000 January 16, 1987 olllca ol eommunllt/ davelopmenl Mr. Frank Freyer 1000 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Plaza lrling Dear Frank: Before I wil'l be ab1 e to answer your questlons concerning the revlew process for the Plaza l{ing, I will need some additional information. Please submit the fo'llowing items so that the staff will be ab'le to determine lf the Plaza t{lng will need to be reviewed by the Planning conmission/Town councll, planning Commission, or just the Deslgn Review Board: 1. A letter that compares the proposed Plaza Uing to the previously approved Plaza Wing. The letter shou'ld include a brief summary of the dlfferences, proposed uses and square footages, parking requirements as well as phasing. 2. A site plan for the building that shows the bui'ldjng footprint in re'lation to the Westin Hotel/Terrace Wing, etc. The site p'lan should be similar to the approved master p1 an that you reviewed in our office. 3. General elevations of the bullding if posslble. Please submjt this information as soon as possible so that the staff will be able to 1et you know about the appropriate review steps. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext. 101. Si ncere'ly, l,/ \ n,\{'..c}an I/#r tNtJll/lll{rrIh .tr'-t-'r rr | |Kristan Pritz t Town Planner KP: br