HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 53 COLDSTREAM UNIT 26ta,tcq,clE A(ec\ A Ur\\a4e- C*ers\rec"rY\ bn.\ )b I l/-?a+a4 / e*lrdgt *-/p/'c, .-.-/-- Pald -r,-- cl'N0.-----,-: ttt I Blax - entlw,W CPJnhi-" - f z"o a CHECK REQAEST DATE:PREPARED BY: VENDORNAME: VENDORNUMBER: DEscRIrTION oF EXpENSE: Cmrrw UP DEPoSIT RtrFUND FoRB! !_HIk NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOLINT OF REFIJND;?5Dq DATE APPROVED: ?, APPROVAL SIGNATURE: L- r t TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L34 APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ADAI4S CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 2LL9, EagLe, ADAI'{S CONSTRUCTION P o BOx 2LL9, Eagle, CIIIIJDRESS J DONAIJD - 28OO ONE FIRST I'NION co 81631 co 81631 KI,EIN FRED CENIER' CEARLOTTE Status...: ISSITED Applied..r o4/3o/L996 Iisued. .. I o4'/3o/LgeG E:rpirea. . : Lo'/2?-/L996 Phone: 303-949-1913 Phone: 3O3-g4g-LgL3 DEPARII{ENT oF COMMI NITY DEVEL'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ''OBSITE A1X AIJ-| TIMES Deecription: KITCITEN, BATH REMODEI. VIINDO!{ Occupancy: R1 Tlpe Conetruction: v 1-IIR T1pe OccuPancy: REPIJACED MuLti-FaFily rype V l-Hour NC 2820202L Totaf, c,BLcutated Fe€s-> 1'516.8 93,000 Add Sq Ft: gof ttood/Pat lot:gof Gas Appllances:gof Gas Lq8: FEE SIT}||.|IRY Valuati-on: Fi reptace. Intormatlon: Restri cted: 8ul tdingF-> Ptan Gheck-) InvestigatiotD Ul tt cat [-> 705.6 Restuardlt Ptan R€vielF->45A.A DRE Fee-.-).(Xl Recreatiqr Fee--)5,@ Clean-Up Deposit---) TOTAL FEES-) .(xt lrD.(I) .(x) 250.00 Additionat Fess-> Totat Pernlt f ee->.00 1,516.8 '1,516.25 .qt ADD/ALT MF BUITTD PERMIT Permit *: 896-0077 Job Addree6: Loqation)-.\::' Parcel No..:Project No.: ZToFPT-o8-026 PRJg6-0057 1476 WESTHAVEI-{.COLDSTREAITT #26 ND Ite.4i.g91q0DIIrrJDrNG-DFPARII@UIE-DePt:BUIIJDINGDivigion:O4/3O/L996 DAN Action: APPR i€6fr;r 0saoO-i;i,alvurNg DEFAfl,i'l{irTrT - Depli PLAI'IINING Divieion:-oA7 i6 lfi Ae - plff -'-' --- -AEEi-od : - epFn LAITREN APPRovED - -- -i€refr;r 656do-iiine DEpcRfMENi ----- -.- Dept: FIRE Divlgi-on: 04/30/1996 DAN Action: APPR N/A i€6fi;'65560-'p'tisLrc wtiRES-- Dept: PUB woRK Divigion: 6Lfi6/1990-oelr---- "AC€ion: APPR N/A *******rr*it*ffi****r*tr|trlr*tt****fir****it**t*t**tt*t*ttll*t******lttl*|**r*fl*l*lltttt**lr*t**ft****lltt*l**t*ill*t*t*tt******l**l See page 2 of this Document for any conditiono that nay apply to thiE pertnit. DECI.ARATIO{S t hercby ackrcrtedge that I have read this appllcatim, fttted.out ln ful't th€ inforBatlo requl r€dr coEpteted qn accurate ptot idn, "io-itii" gfrt itt tfi"'inioinairoii p.&id; n rlqrirea-i"-oorrect. r agre€ to oonpty tiltn the lnfornatlon and ptot p[an, to coryty utth att lonn ordlnance8 and stlte laus, €td do buiLd thle etructurCaocordiry_io- th?^T:P::-Pt,ts snd suhdlvlelon codesr'd'estgn revier approved, Unlforu 8ui tdirg Code and other otdlnanceB of ths Tom appticabl'e th€feto. 1,516.8 BTLANCE DUE--) REAUESTS FOR IIIISPECTIONS SHALL EE }IADE IUET'ITY-FOIJR Hq'NS $ ADYANCE BY IELEPHOilE A1 47WE OR AT OI'R send Cteatr.Up DsFosit To: IDAIS ,." - ******!t!t**!*****ra***************************!a******:r***!t**:f:r*****************!'*** ' CONDITIONS permit *z Flg6-O077 as of 04/30/96 Status: ISSI'ED ******!t*!F***!r************************************!r***!r!a***!k!a******************** permit r!pe; ADDr/AI,T MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 9l/,19/,\?26-- -nFpii"ffii; tH!t*;gT;Tlu"'* ro iffHl: itlllti]':'Z Job Address:Location: COI-,DSTREAII +26 ParceL l.lo: 2103-L2L-08-O26 Description: KIECBEN,BATH REMODEI, V'INDOW REPI,ACED Conditione:1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CEECK FOR CODE COMPI.IAI{CE. 2. AIJ, PENETRATIONS IN IfALLS,CEILINGS'AND FIJOORS TO BE SEAIJED WITH A}I APPROVED FIRE MATERIAIJ. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIJ-, BEDROOMS AT'ID EVERY STORY .AS PER S8C.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARIATENT APPROVAT TS REQUIRED BEFORE ANT WORK CAII BE STARTED. TOIVII OF VAII, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DRB fes -_> InvestigEtion> ul lt catt-> DEPARSMENT OF COMMTINITI DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUSE BE POSTED EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: L476 TIESTEAVEN DR Location. .. 3 COI'DSTREA!'I 26 Parcel No.. : 2L03-LZL-0A-026 Project No.: PRJ96-0057 APPI,ICAI{T SITEARON ETECTRIC ' P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHE,ARON EIJECTRIC . P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620. OWNER CHILDRESS J DONALD - KIEIN FFAD 2800 oNE FIRST I'NTON CENTER, CSAR],OTTE NC ON JOBSITE AT ATL TIMES Permit *: 896-0070 StatuE...: ISSITED Apptied.,2 o4/3o/t996 riiued. .. I o4'/30/Lee6 Ex;rires . . z !0/27 /L995 Phone: 3039496456 Phone: 3039496456 2820202L 3 r 0oo.0o Deecription: KITCIIEN, BATH REMODEL VaLuatiou: FEE sIfiilARY Etestricat-> 54.q)57.(p .00 57.(x) 57.00 .0 .q) .(b !.m Totlt cal.:utated Fe€-> AdditionaL Fees-> Tota[ Peroit Fee--_->Papents-.'.#) BS|,.AI,ICE DUF->TOTAL FEES-> 57.m Dept: BUIL,DING Divisionl Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARII{ENT 04/30/1995 DAII Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI, DECLARATIONS t horeby acknorteaga that I have reed this application, fitted out in futt thE lnfornation. requlF.l qq!:!{,an acclnate Ptot p[an, and stgte thst al,l, ths inioruation pro;ided "" riquit"a ia correct. I aEres to - cooPty vith tha inforuation and.p[ot.p[an, il;|d'fi il;-rafi;-"idi-no* and stlte tavs, ano-io'iuitd-thi s structure'accordirq id the Tovn'a zoning and subdivisiotl caaes, aisiga revl eu apprwed, Uniforn Buitding Code and othar ordinanceg of the Tom sPpl'l cabLa thercto. REauEsrs FoR u{spEcrroNs sHALL BE IIADE rtENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADVANcE By TELEpHoNE AT 479-21:t8 oR AT ouB oFFrcE FRotl E:00 Ail 5:dl P TOIIN OF VAII. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAI) VAIL, CO 81657 97Q-479-2].38 DnB Fce ->lnvestlgatlorD ui tt cstt-> TOTAL FEES_> Status...: ISSUED ADDtied..r o4/30/L996 riiued. .. I o4'/30'/L9e6 Errpiree . .. LO/27 /1996 DEPARIII,ENT OF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMII }TUSE BE POSIIED ON JOBSITE AT ALIr TIUES ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Pernit *: 896-0070 ilob Address. t476 I{ESTEAVEN DR Location. .. : COLDSTREAII 26 ParceL No.. : 2103-LZl-08-026 Project No. ! PRJ96-0057 APPLTCANT SHEARON ELECTRIC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SHEARON ELECSRIC P O BOX 43, AVON CO 81620. OWNER CIIII,DRESS J DONAI,D - KTEIN FRED 2800 oNE FrRST UNrON CENTER, CHARTOTTE NC Phone: 3039496456 Phone: 3039496456 282A202L oeecription: KITCIIEN' BATII REMODET Valuation:3, 000 . 00 FEE SI'I|}IARY Elect.ical-> 54.00 57.(n .m 57.00 57.m .00 Dept: BUILDING Division: .m ,00 3.00 57.(x) Totat Cstcutatcd Fcrs-> AdditiqraL Feeg-) Totat Penalt Fee=---_)Paynents--) BALAIICE DUE-> Ite.m: -05000 ELECTRICAL DEPART4ENT 04/3O/L996 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAI. It******t**tt*ti DECLAR.ATTONS r hereby acknoytedge that t have read thig epptication, ffltcd oui'ln futl' the lnforoation. requlg 191:g,an accurate P[ot pf*, "ia eieta thit al,l, the inforuation prvided ae required. i: coract. - t aErea to conply vith th? informtian and -ptot.P[an,i;;rpit uiih aft ro16 oniinances ina-Jtii" tars, md do bui td this otructuro-aocording io thc tom's zoning and gubdiviaiqt ;;;;;e"id.avior "pp.oveC, Unlforu Bui tding cide and othcr ordinancas of the Toun appl'l cabte thersto. REEUEsTS FoR rNspEcTrols SHALL BE rADE TUENTY-FouR HouRs T ADVANCE 8Y TELETHoNE Al 4'll,-ztraoR Ar oun oFFtcE FRon a,m ru stoo pr i:-: TOWN OF VA,IIT 75 S. FRONTAGE'ROAD vArt, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description I DEPARSIIENT OF' NOTE: TITIS PERMIT !{UST PLIJMBING PERMIT COMMT'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIL EIMES Permlt #: P96-0045 SNOW COUNTRY SERVICES PhONE: P o Box 157, AVON co 81620 SNOW COUNTRi SERVICES PhONE: P O BOX 15?, AVON CO 81620 CHILDRESS J DONAI,D - KTEIN F'RED 2800 ONE F'rRST ttNroN CENTER' CHARTJoTTE NC 28202021 KTTCIiEN,BATIi REMODET, valuation: .fob AddreEE: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: 1475 WESTBAVEN DR COI,DSTREA}I 26 2103-121-08:026 PR.t95-0057 .01) 59.8 Status...: ISSIIED Apptied..2 04/30/1996 riiued. ..t 04/30/LeeG Expires,.z t0/27/1996 3039267575 3039267575 3, 000 .00 FEE sufit4ABY Ptwrbi ngF--> Ptan Check-> Inv$tigEtiort It lt cstt-> a5.m 11,8 .m 3.(xt TOTAL Restuarant P lan Revieu->Total catcutated tees:-> AdditionaL Fees--> Total Peruit Fee--)Paynents--) BILAI{CE DUE--> 59.8 .(p 59.25 59.25 .m Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTItrN!- 0413-0/1996 DrlN Action: AFPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI., DECI-,ARATIONS t hsreby ecknouledge that r have rurd this epplicatlon, fltted out ln futl' the infor@tion requiryd. conptated.an p[an, and state that alL the lnforEatlon provlded ". ."qri.J ie cornact. I sgre]e to comtv vlth the lntorDrtlon il;.rpi; uiifi-"if iom ordinances and stite laus, and t'o tui ttl this structuro-accordltq to the Toun'e.zoning Itd ;od;a;;e"id t*io "pprov"a, riniforn sultaiq cide and other otdinanc$ ot the Toun applicabl'e thereto' accur€tc Ptot and ptot pl.an, subdivi eion REAUESTS FOR IT{SPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAI'E TI.IB{TY-FOUR HOURS ItI ADYAIICE Bf TELEP}IOT{E ;;:- o TOWN OF VAII. ?5 S. FRONTAGE. VAIIT, CO 81557 970-479-2t38 . DEPARS}IENT OF' COMMTTNITY ROAD NOEE: TEIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED PI.,I'MBING PERMIT Job Addreea. L476 WESTAAVEN DR Location... : COI,IISTREAII 26 Parcel No.. : 2103-121-08:Q26 Project No. .' PR'J96-0057 Deecription : KITCEENTBATn REMODEL Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPART!@SIE 64/30/L99a oex Action: AFPR DEVELOPMEN[ ON JOBSITE AT AI'I, TIMES Pennit *: P96-0045 StatuE...: ISSIIED Apptied..2 04/30/19e6 ri-sued. . . 2 04-/30/Lge6 E:q)ires , .: La/27 /!996 APPLICANT sNow CoITNTRY SERVICES Phone: 3039267575 P O BOX 157, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR SNOW CoITNTRY sERVrcEg Fhone: 30392675?5 P O BOX 15?, AVON CO 81620 O!{NER CHITDRESS i' DONAT,D - KLEIN FRED 2800oNEl,IRsTt'NIoNCENTER'CIIARI,oTTENc28202021 FEE SWI.IARY p f,uinblngr-> 45.o() RestuErant Plan Revie*-> .OO Totat Catcutated Fee's-> 59'?5 ptan chsck-> 11.25 TOTAL FEES--I 59.25 nlaltionsl Fees--) '00 tnv$tlgatio''.o0TotatPeruitFee--}59.8 gi t I cat r-> 3.m tiytqi.::----l 59'25 eAi-At|ce uuE__> .00 Valuation:3r 0o0.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: ffii CONDITION OF APPROVAI, {rir*r*l*|il#+J't{*}*{*rfl{r**'ffi *|**;#***** 1 **** t**** * * * DECLARATIONS t hereby ackrFuledge thst t h€ve red this apptlcation, filted out ln futt the infomation- requlred, conpteted-8n accurate ptot ptan, and state that "tr ttt"'iniorn"ii* p.oiriu* as riqulred.l.s oorreot. .t agree to -conpty rittn the lntor@aJion 8nd plot pl'an, to coDpty rith a[! rom orlinanieJ ano stlte Laus, and io buitd this structute-according io the Tom'g. zonlng and subdlvision ioOi"IOL"ign reviev approveC, u;iforE Eultding cirde and other ordlnsnce8 of the Tdm appLlcable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE N'ffTT-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE NAOE o *****!r***;*******!a***********!r*******!r*******:r****************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **********************************************************!t**!t** statennt Number: REc-0128 Amount: 57'00 04/30/9-6 L2:18 -p"yt""t Method; CK Notation: *4753 Init: DS Permit No: ParceL No: Site Address: tocation: This Palment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 895-0070 ElrPe: B-ELEC 2to3-L2L-08-026 1476 Y'ESTEAVEN DR cotDsrREAl{ 25 EL,ECERICAIT PERMIT Total Fees: 57.00 TotaL AIJJ Pmts: Balance: EI-,ECTRICAI PERMIT FEES VIILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 57.00 57.00 .00 ****!a**!r**********i********************************************* Description ' Amount ' 54.00 . 3.00 o **************************!r************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, CotORA'DO statetnnt ***************!r*******************!'*****!r******tb*****!r********* TowN oF vArL, cotoRA'DO Statemnt Nu:nber: REC-0129 lmount: Palment Methodl CK Notation: 54753 1,s16 .25 04/30/96 12zL9 nit: Dg o/ In Permit No! 896-0077 Type: A-MF ADD/ALT MF Parcel No: 2103-12L-08-026 Site AddresE: 1476 I|ESTHAVEN DR Location: COL,DSTREAI{ *26 Total FeeE: L '5L6.25 Total AIJJ PntE: Balance: BUII..D PER Thi6 Palment ***********************!r***********************tl****!r*****t.***** L,516.25 t r5L6.25 .00 Anount 705.00 100.00 458,-25 250.00 3.00 Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 DescriPtion . BUII.,DING PERMIT FEES DESIGN RSVTEV' FEES PTAI{ CIIECK FEES CT-,E,ANI'P DEPOSITS WItI, CALI' INSPECTION FEE o *******!t*******************!t*****************!t****************** TOWN OF VAII-,' 9OLORADO Statemnt Staternnt Nunber: REC-0129 Amount!ss.25 04/30/96 L2z2L Init: Ds Payment Method: CK Notation: *4753 o Permit No: Parcel No:. Site Addres6: Location: This PaYment P95-0045 TyPe: B-PLMB PI-,I,!4BING 2103-121-08-026 1476 I{ESTITAVEN DR COLDSTREA}I 26 Total Fees: 59.25 Tota1 ALL Pmts: Balance! PERMIT 59.25 59.25 .00 ***************************************************************!r Account code DescriPtion anount 01 OOOO 41311 PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES 45'OO 01 0oo0 4L3s2 PI,AN CEECK FEES 11'25 01 oo00 4L336 VIILL CAr,t TNSPECTToN FEE 3'00 t , fContact - ragle . County e"""""Q Office Gl r;I:ij 13 ;q:e;i._ il;' p;;:i"il ";'#; oF vArL coNsrRucrrl fpARcEL ll:'&Ja,S t^ro?ACt -pinurr AppLrcAtroN FoRlr lr - oarni -il--s;--Ht PERI'IIT /I -, APPLfCATION I-IUST BE I'II.,LED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT I'fAY NOT BE AcCEpfED u....x*** * ************************* PERHTT rNFoR!,IATJON ************** ***************rl| D4-Eur.rdrng F,4-ptunbing $_Electrical I Job Nane: Cr#/r--.-, *aC Job Ad.dress: b4-Building b4-rlunbing [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Legal Description: Lot_ Blogk_ Filtng surorvrsrorq, oldners Name: 7-..( ,Q",i.- Address: 28a a-/ 2,,^J //,-,.:.- aW.ordners Name: ctr--er-( rf7.<,i, Address: #a:21 ht)J llu,cin &, (7c'q'/ J! - Architect z J/r;,t-, Address: dz=i-7<==-Ph. ,- tr-)n4u. l{ork Class: [ ]-New D4-Alteration t l-Adctitional [ ]_Repair [ ]_other Nunber of Dwelling Units: /Nunber of Acconmodation Units; General Description:7/./'--..-A. ***"4/2,- fi/*)ar.nV . PJ.unbing Contractor: Address: ltechanical Contractor: Address: ,f- 1-"o", of Vail a"g. No. / 77f Phone Nunber: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: ************************* **** * ** FOR oFFICE USE ******* * ***********************BUTLDING PERUIT FEE: PLT'}'BING PERMTT FEE: }IECIIANTCAIJ PERMTT fE8: ELECTRICAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB 8EE: BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PLAN CIIECK FEE:IIIECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION F8E: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'TIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTTRE: ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: eA E "< g-// ? C/t*' 14* - y'y'*,n, /-4 b ap/-.- q' - f;-tc.T / 4"' o1 CI.EATI IIP DEPOSIT BEFI'f,D !O: 'l t' luun TO: EROM: DAIE: su&r8q[: 75 routh trlalrga rcsd rall, colori.lo 81652 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 rn sun'atry, ordinance No. 6 states that r.t is unlawf,ur for any psrson to tritter, track or aep-sli ""i .iirl-rili, sand, debris or nateriar, includfy_11asg-E-r'p=t"r=, portable toilets and workmen vehicres.|pon any streer;-;ie;"il;;ily or pubtic pl?:"_::^any porti-on tl-eieo;:- ih" rishr_of_way on arl rown of iii+. ::.EffH"y$iii"i: :Ed3€il.:$::ilJ;ia,:'i;#*"lii, "" Pubric works oepartnent::il;;rs rouna .riirr"trrri thr.s ordinance witr be siven a 24 hour *ri;i;;';.ri; t;-;;;;;;r="id nateriar.rn the event tJre person so notiffea-aoes-";;;ply with tbe notice witbin *:_:t loui-tine-iiectried, rb,e puiric wor]<s Departnent uiIl remore said nateiiai-;r-th" ;6;se ot person notified' The provi=i"n"-or-Iirl orainance striu. not be applicable to c-onstruction, -r"iii,"tr.nce or repair projects of anv street or a'ev or anv'utirfiiJ""ii G"-;fi;i-"-r.y. To review Ord,i.nance No. 6 J.n full, please stop by the Toldn of :::i.::tl3i%"Eflimt"::"dili" a copv- riani vou ror your 'ottl8o ol communlty deyelopmGnl AI.L COITTRAEIORS CI'RRENTtYL REGISTERED WTTE ItsE TO!{N OF VArL TOt0![ oF vaIL pIrBrJc woRKs/co!,tuuNlTy DEUEISPIIENT IrtaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKNG S UAIE TAL STORAGE ./--.-4__ Read andlacknow Y y'r/o-*,Iedged by: f, (i.e. contractor, orrner) I' a ?5 rqrlh t onlag|g nrad $dl, aolorEdo 8l85[i (wt 479-2L38 or 479-2139 luun olflcg of comnunlty devdopmsnl BUILDING PERHIT ISSUANCE TIfitE FRAmE If thi.s penTlt requlres g Tom of Vait Fire Departnent Approval,Ensi neel s.. (.pggJ I S p*, t "eif"w "no'ipi"iruTl'i' ni ffitff ';"parurcnt revtew'or Health Departnint-revi'ew, ani a_revien ry ttre"Euitoing l:rilffi';:.gl "'.i*ted tinre fr'"'u-ii't r ;;,;i;.-raJ"L[!'as r6ng All commercia|frarge or smail) and ail murfi-fanily permits ,,ilr have t'q folrow ine iuove menii6nlJ niiimum requtrements, Resrdentia,l and snalt proJects shourd taie-i-ieiler amound or iiiriil' Ho'wever, if resldential oi smar'rer.projects-$il;;' the various above meniloned departmmts lYi th resa.rd' to- necisiilv-".ii"*,-;i;;; ffij!"t!' *y also talte the three-week perfod. Every.attenpt wiil be made by thrs department to expedite this .permi't aE sgon as possible. k-l!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Trame. x - 3^- 7e. Comnunity Develooment Departrnent. lD'MEMOBANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOBKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: REI az.€ Please answ arding lhe need for a'pubtic Way permlt : ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemsnts or public propefy? ls any utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls different a@ess nEeded to slte other than exlsting driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or publlc poperty? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenb or public properf to be used for staging, x parking or fenclng? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staglng or fencing ptan require,i Uy c6hmu-nitv K Development? !_y9u- allyere_d yes to any of lhese questions, a'Public Way Permit. must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained d the-Public Work's ofiice or al C-o-ryryu1ttV Development lf you have any questlons ptease call Charfie Darris, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspecior, at.479-219. I harre read and answered allthe above questions. ;d*-..-, eAr YES E &1) 2) D( x. ( 3) 4) 5) 6) dr*' Dale Job Name Contradofs Signdure -3 6 - F{ at PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit aoplication.lf yes was answered.to any of i@public way" is required. You can pick up an application at eiiher community Developmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or PublicWorks, located at tgdg VailVilley.Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utitity companies. All utilities must fietd verify (tocate) respective utilitiesrprior to signing application. Some utility companies ieqlire uf to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controt/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may atso be used.' 'ttris ptan willshbw locations of all traffic cgntrgl devices(slgns, cones, etc..) and th'e work zone, (area of Construcdon, SiEging, etc..). this plan willexpiie on Oct. 15th. and will'need to be resubmitted for approvalthrough the wintei. 4l Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengrth, width- & depth of work)- This may be drawn on the traffic 6ontrot ptan oi a iite plan for the job. 5) Submit completefl application to the public Works's office for review. tf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. tne locates take place in the moming but, may require up to 49 nouis to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction lnspector will ranierr the application and approve or disapprwe the permit. You will be contacted as to the siitus and any thli may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pleas! allow up to one week to process. n As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Gommunity Development allowing the "Building Permif to bi released. Please do not confus6 the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: I lttl-Pg:" process ts for work In a pubfic way onty.* Publlc Way permlts are valld onry uhdl ttoveriOer iSttr.* A new Publlc way permlt ls requlred each year if work.ls not complete. cd,lnray o TOWI,IOFVAIL 75 SouthFronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2138 / 479-2139 FAX 303479-2452 Department of Comnuniry Deve lopment IXFORI'lEllIOtf IIEEDED nHEf, APP.I.CIf,c FOR e UECEAttfCtrt pERMIt HEAT LOSS CALCI'IJATTONS. TO SCAIJE FI.|OOR PLAN OF !.IECHANICAL ROOU 9tI1'H EQIITPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCATE, WIIII PIrYSIC.AL DIMENSTONS AND BTU BATINGS OF ALL EQUIPIIENT IN MECITANICAIJ ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATTON OF COMBUSTTON ArR DUCTS, FLITES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LTNES. NOTE WHETEER ELEVATOR EQUIP}IENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALI.ED IN UECITANICA1 ROOM. FAILURE SO FRO\'IIDE TETS If,FONMilIIOf, T|II.E DEIAT TOI'R FERIdII. 1. 2. 3. 4. o dcsdcdnmmtymopment 758orftfimhgor!a.l ra0,coloidoSlW (36!{,ras Fqr[&a3o NOIICE TO \ CONTRACTORTIIOWNM, BI'IIDERS Effective .7une 2o, LggL, the Town of vair BulJ-ding Department has developed the following procedures te ensure that ierl Lonstructj.on :l::: Jy19 aAeguatety - eltatttshed proper .drainage frorn Uuiiarng sit'es arong and adjaeent to Towrt of vai.L roads oi streets. . - Tbe fona'of vail pubric noahs Delnrtneat rLll be required to rl"pg.t aa$ atrprove drainage aa3acEai to tor"- oc vari'"oacs ""streets aad tbe isstallatiou of toporary or pe:eaaent curvertl ii lcsgso poLnte frm tba road on gtre6t on-to tie eonstnrdtioD gite.such approval mu_st _be olt,lined prior to any reguest for lnspect,ion by the Town of valr Buir-ding Department ror robttngs or C;b;ilt eLectrical or any other inspection. please -cair 47g-2i60 t;reguest an lnspect,ion f30m the public works Department. All0w a mlninum of 24. lropr nottce. A]:o'-.thg T-owq of vait pubLic works Department witt be approving al-L -final drainage and culvert LnstaLiation witlr resuftiig ,Jii pacchiqg'as necessafy-. ' Such'approval nrist be obt,ainea prioi-i6 E'l.na'l Cert,lficat.e of' occup,ancy i'ssuance.. _*fu CASCADE VILLAGE PROP;iTM va rL, coLoRA00 April30, 1996 Town ofVail Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concem: This is to let you know that Adams Construction will be preforming remodel work on Coldstream Untt#26. Please feel free to call me with any questions. Thank you. Regards, Bill Calvin Director of Maintenance BC:mla 1476 Weslhaven Dri'/€ Vail, Colorado 81657 . 970-476-6106 . 800-543-4801 . Fax 970'476-4946 I REPT 1S 1 TOI^JN OF VAIL. trOLORADO PAGE 15 Ie/Ehl96 tl7:13 REEIUESTS FOR INSF,HCTI0N WORK SHEETS FORTLE/ 6/96 AREAr DS Act ivity: tr96-OO45 t'E/ E19f. Type: B-F'Lt'lB Statrls: I55UED Constr: AAtrT Address t t476 WESTHAVEN DR Location: E0LDSTREAH e6 Farce I : El03-l€l-raS-AE6 Descr'ipt ion : KITtrHEN' BATH REMUDEL Flppl icant: Bwner: CHILDRESS J DONALD - KLEIN FRED trhonel Contractor: EAGLE RMR FLUMBINE & HERTING Fhone: 3O339O1897 flcc: Fhone: lJse: Inspeet ion Request Informat ion, . . . . Requestorr CHRIS nDAMs F,hone l 471-1834 Req Time: O8:tZtB Conments! l,lILL CALL TO CE0RDINATE TIIYIE Items r^equested to be Inspected. . . Act ion Comrnen$i Time Exp sefPeo trLmB-Final iyTltz*xda(,L Inspeetion HiEtory.,.,.' Iten: OtlElO trLMB-Underground ----a-./:*-J--/2- { . 96.;/.%,F ' '-/ /' Itenr: rAAegA FLFIS-$ough/D. W, V, Item : BOe30 trLMB-Rough/hlater'' A6/A7196 Inspectort; CF ffctionI AFtrR AFFRBVED Itenr: Otae4ta FLMB-6as triping Iteml 0lzle50 trLMB*FooL/Hot Tub Iten: 0OE6O trLMB-tYlisc.Item: 00e94 trLMB-Final -( REpT131 TOWN 0F VRIL, CoLoRADO te/o6/98 O7:13 REOUESTS FOR INSF,ECTION WORR SHEETS FOR: L?/ blAb trABE EE AREAI EG Activity: E96-OQ7E le/ 6/96 Type: B-ELEC Address t 1476 hIEFTHAVEN DR Locat i on: COLDSTREAI{ e6 Farce I : tlOS-lE1*BB-0E6 Descriptionr KITCHEN, BATH REICIIDEL AppI icant : SHEARON ELECTRIf, Ownerr CHILDRESS J DENALD - KLEIN FRED trontr"actorr SHEffRUN ELECTRIC StatuE: ISSUED Eongtrr AAtrT Occr Use r Fhoner 3O39496455 Fhone: Fhoner 3839496456 Inspect ion Reque st Requestor: CHRIS Req Tine: lZt6:tl$ It ems nequested to 0O190 ELEC-Final Infornation..... flDAFIS/SHEARON ELEE Conrnents: WILL EALL be Inspeeted.., Act Fhone TO COORDINffTE ion Co m ment :47 1-1834 TIMES Time Exp Inspeetion History,,... Iten: AgIIA ELEC-Temp. Fower. Iten r AUtleA ELEC-Ror-rgh q3leL/56 Inspectorr EE Iten l UtA130 ELEC-Conduit It en: CtUtl4A ElEtr-lvli sc. Iten: OO19A ELEC-Final /2^6.7f Action: AFtrR nFPRtrVED