HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUMS DECLARATION LEGALdtq I eltqt. 3s2 | ,el. 387- .r'v'.kJ ? JOTI'IIIE TIE PHILLIPS €ACtt cTY. 'l5C0R0ER '28 CONDOUINIU{ DECIAnATION ) FOR coLoMDo Mot NTAIN CONDoMINTI'IIq !'r 15 4 sr Pl '8{ I RECITAI,S MAIISFIELD, LTD., a Colorado llsrlted partnershlp .("Declarant"), ls thc otner of che renl prop-erly-sittta|e ln the Cou"ii of nagfe, State of Colorado, -deicrlbcd- 1n Exhlblc A artacfred here'to and nade a part hereof. Such real property te part of and lntegrated wlth- a certaln proJect known as Caacade Vtltage as nore partlcularly de,acrtbed in the D-ecleretton- Creating Covenangi, Condltloira, Restrlctlona and Eaaementn for C"""aa""V111age (th€ I'Protectlve Covcnanta") recorded July-f7' l98t tn Book 526 aE Page 255 of. the Cterx and Recorder'g offtce for Eagle County, Colorado. Declarant deelree to establlsh a condomtnium proJect under the Condontntuur Ownerchip Act of Colorado (thc "Act") and to deflne the character, duritlon, rlghtr, obllgatlonu and llnltaClona of condorntnlum ownerehlp. Declarant haa axecuted Dlann for che conetructlon of a bullding on thc Propercy hescrtbed ln Exhlbtt A, whlch butldlng when completed rhall conglst of aeparately dcslgnated condomtnlum undt;. A condomlnluur rnai wtll be ftlad ahowlng thc loeatlon of rald brrtldtng on th; property, whtch te heieby made subJcet to thte Dec lara tlon. Dcctarant doer hercby eetnbllsh a plan for the ownershlp of real property estatat^ln fe-e 9l'mpl..c conalsglqg of che alr sprec confained {n eech of thc Unlte ln tha butlding and the cb-ownershlp, by the lndlvtdual-and teParate oltnert thereof, ae tenants'tn tormon, of all of thc reuratntng roal ProPerty. II DECI.ARATION DeclaranE does hercby tubJect Ehe rcel proPcrty descrlbed ln Exhlblt A to thlg Dcclarctton and publlch and declare that the followtng ternt, coventntt, condttiona, easemenlg, restrtetlons, UBG!r regervttl.ona, llnlEatlono and obllsatlons ehall be deencd to run wtth euch land. shall be a burdEn and a bcnefit to Dcclarant, ltr ruccettori and asstgna end eny person acqulring or ownlng rn luterest ln the real properiy -'..hlch la or becornea eubJcct to thk Declsratton and iuprovements bullt thercon, thelr granteet, aucceasora, helre, perconal rq,presentatlvea, devlseer or acrigna. .) \.t ) ") l. Def lnltlons. As used ln chts DeclereEl.cn 'unle gs othernl s@trTf] provlded : (a) "Unlt" Ecans an lndlvldual elr tprco unlt' contalned wlchln the pertnecer wellr, floora, calllngb, rtndorr and doora of a unit Ln a brrlldlng conttructcd on thc rcal propercy rhtch tc eubJecr to the provlrtonr of thtt Declaratlon, and aa ahorn and deecrlbed ln t condontnluo nrp recorded ln the real property rccorde of Eaglc County, Colorado. toteEher wirh (1) all flxturer and lnprovcnentl therelnl (tt)- che tnner decorated or flnlehed rurfaces of ruch rrnlt's perl.meter watle, floore and celltngtl (111) the doors and wlndows of the unltr and (1v) the tntarlor nonguPPortlng walls wlthin the unlt. The ter:m does not lnclude. howcvcr, the undecorated or unflntehed eurfacea of thc perlmeter wallr,floors or celllngs of a unlt, atrI utllttlcs runnlng through_tha unlt whlch rerve uore than onc untt, or eny othcr gencral couron elenent or parc thereof locatcd withln thc unlt. (b) "Condontntun unlt" nuns a unlt to8ether wlth the undtvlded tncerest tn thc .qeneral coruon ele'nentr appurc€nant thereto and the rtght Co Exclurl.vc or non-cxslualve use of ltulced couron elenents osroclatrd thercwlth. (c) r'Otrner" meanr rny lndtvldual, corporrtLon,(whether for proflt or nonpsofit) partncrahLp, aaeoctaElon,dlstrlct or quael-dietrlet created undor tlre lewr of the Stetc of Colorado, trust or other legal enttty, or coubtnetlon of lcgal entltlea, whlch lc the record otrncr of an undtvtded fea slnple lnterest ln ,--,nc or morc condontnlum unlta. (d) "General cor[non elcncn!trr neano (f) the lanC t:rciuded ln thr real property whtch at sny tlne tr aubJect to thl3 C:rdonlnlun Declarattonl (11) thc foundatlonr, colunn!.gtrderr beans, rulrDortr, perlmeEcr and supFortlng ralla,elcvacor. roofg, brlconleg, halls, corrldora, lobbtsa, atalr!r'strtnrayr, flrc arcapes, cncrancer rnd trtts of thc bulldtngi (ttt) thc yarde, gardenr, automobllc parklng, arer! end atorago spaccrl (lv) the lnatallatlont, aqulpnent and natcrlels naklng up the central cervl.can ruch as pouer, ltght, g!!, hot and cold uP Ene cenEral tervr.c?f tucn at Por,err lttnE, Errf noE ang rater, heattng, refrlgeratlon and etr condttlonlng and t., tnctncratlngl (v) rhe tanke, punpr, notors, fane, comptettorr,ducte, and ln gencral ell appsretur and lnrtallatlonr exletlng for comrpn ur?; and (rl) all other parts of the property rhlch ta not part of r unlt (e) "Llnl,Ded conmon clenenlr" treana thc part of the gcneral coruDon clenentc rrstgned on Exhlbtt B rtt.ched hereto and lncorporated hcretn for the excluslvc or non-erclurive troc and enJoynent of the otnrer or o$nerr of cnc or Dore, but lcas than alt, of the unlta (f) "Con:non expcnsla" mctnt: (1) all cxpcneeo exprearly declared to be coranon erpent3c by thtc Decleratlon or ri, .j. .' by the bylaws of the Associr.rlonl ttl) all other expenaea of adnlntgterlng, servLcing, "oor"Jqd"*"tgi"g' naf'ntalning' i"prf ifne or-'rep-1-a'c-inf -.it "- general- co4ton- eilmente r ( ltt ) lnsurance prenlume ior''the rniucance cairred undcr- -P1t-1Fi:f'1. ll ;;-A;ti"le' rI hereof I and (1v) all other ex-Pen€es lawrurty detesel.ned to be cotooon expenses Uy atl ooer.i of dlrectors of the Aseoclatton. (g) r'Fl-rct I Lenor'f meant tlre holder of a pronlssory note fi"ytottt of wlrlch ts secured by tt flret nortgage ;;-1;r;;t itcc<t cf'-Ilir"f -u""urbertng arr lnterec-t tn a condomlntuo iiril---"H;t;g;;e';--ttt"ti lnclu<te- a deed of trust, - and ;r"iigng.e;' "tr.,oii fnciuae the beneflclery of a decd of trusE. (h) "Assocl'atl'on'r rne'ns Col orado Mountaln Condoninlum Assoilatt"n, fnc. , a Colorado ncnprnllt corporaclon. (1) "Butldlng" Eeana the bu-tldlng-tnprovenontr contaj-ntng cendomlnlum uliCi located cn the reol ProPerE!';L-i;;t- i'. rhls Declaratlorr, and all other lnProvernents "oniituct".,l on the p:operty subJect to thle Decloracton' (i) Thc condomintum unite eubJe,ct to thls DeclaraClon shaii-be knorrt as Colorado MounteLtl Condomlnlums' (l'.) "Declaratlon" meane this lnstrument and all or Suppienents chereto hereefter recorded ln the Eagle County, Colorado. (1) "Sharin; RaEio" cf an owne: ls hts irrt,eresE ln the ftencral coannon elenents aPPu:tenant , as set forth ln Exhibft D attached hereto. (rn) "MaD" ne{in8 orlglrral condomlnlum MaP requlred to be reeorded hereunder ancl all Arnendmenls or ifi;i;;"t"-tterero hercafter lecorded tn the recordc of Eagle County, Colorado. . (n) "Cascade V'.! lage Aseoclatlonrr meatls Caacade Vtllage Aesociailon, fnc., a ColoriCo nonprofll corporatlon. (o) "Cascade Vtllage faellltled" means all the real Dropertv subject to the Profect!.vo Covenante cnd all irpiori"*int-s'and ajnenttlee thereon, whtch .:.re nos or hereaf ter osrired by the Cascade Vlllage AssocLatlon. (p) "Ceecade V111a.;e Comron Expeneesl' meena s (t) all exoen"ei'e*pregely declarei to be cosnbn expeneea by ri,i art,lclin of lncbrporaEton or the bylaws of the Caecade Viif"gu Aseoclettonl (ft) att- other etp6nees of adnln{,nterlng, cenrtilng, conserving. neqeglng , ma-lntal'nLng, .repai-r-lng- -or iepfacinE' ttre Cescaile Vlllige- Factlltlest rind (111) all Amcndnlents records o! percenraFc rrr his unlt: 3 expenrc! lawfu1ly deternlned to be co@on cxPen3et by thc of- dLrectorr of the Caacede Vtllage Assoclatlon. (q) "CotmercLat Unltl ehe1l urean thc unt't or unlts on the Map -rhlch tr preceded by "C". (r) "ColLegc Unlt[ ehall nean the unlt or unLtl on Ehe Map whtch le preceded by "S". (a) "Resldentlal UnLt" ehal1 mean the untt or unltg on the Map whlch le pteceded by "R". (t) r'Loadlng Dock Unlt" ahall nean the unlt or unLts on the Map whlch ls pieceded by "D". In the event of any confllct between the deflnltton of space ln thls Declaratlon and tts deelgnatlon on the Uap' the ltap shatl zontrol. board .-'. 2.Dlvl.aton of Real ProDertv lnto Estatesr Uae and Oecupancv of Coi'ffi (a) Ttre real property lo hereby dtvlded lnto 18 condomlnlurq unlts deelgnated respeccLvely C-001' C-101, C-201, c-202, c-203, D-001, R--1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, R-7, R-8, S-001, 5-002, S-l0l and 5-401, each conslatLng of a unlt, an undlvlded lnterest ln rhe general eosrton elenents ePPurtenent to such unit, whlch Lnterest ls set forth ln Exhlblt B attached hereto and nade a part hereof, and the exclueLve or nonexcluslve rlght Eo use and enJov llnlted con""ort elements, ae set forth ln ExhtbLt B. (b) Eaeh condomlntuut unlt ehatl be lneeparable and may be conv'eyed, leased, devlsed or encumbered only-ag -a condominluur unlc. Tlcle to a condominltm unlt uray be held lndl'rtdual!.y or ln any forn of concurrent onnerghlp -recognlz-ed ln Colorado. In casi of any such concurrent ownershlp, each co-orrner shall be Jolntly and severally liab1e for performance and obeereance of -a11 tlre dutles and responslbllltles of an "onner" wlth respect to the condornlnluu unlt ln whlch he owns an lnterest. (c) Any conc::act of sale, deed, lease, deed of tru8t, mortgage, wlli or othcr instrument affecllng - a condoirlnlun lnlt may descrlbe tt by Lts unlt letter as shown on the Hap, followed b;r the name of the condonlnlum units and reference to thls Declaratlon and to the t/tap. . (d) Declarant shall glve written notice to the aasessor of Eagle County, Colorado, ln the ,m€nner provlded. ln the AcE, 8o tf,at each-condonlnlum unlt wlll be eeparately agsessed and taxedr ,) i -a ..||:: a' (e) The Comrerclal Unlt ahall be ueed and oceupled srlely ..or purpoges of neetlng rooms, educatlon or lnslructLonal facllltles and all other conmercl.al uses lncludlng but not linited to theaEe:'c, regtauralrts, offl.cer and retail shops. (f ) The Coll.ege Unlt ghall be used .rnd -cccupled solely for purposes of neetinE rooma, scudicc a-nd all formg of educattorr dr'Jnstructl.onat factltcies and adrnlnlscratlve offtces relating thereto. (g) The Restdentia! Untt shal1 be used'atrd occupled sclely for purposes of dwelLlng, lodglng or residontial use.s , and eccess chereto. (h) Ttre l.oadtng, Dock Unit shall be used and occupled solely for purposes as nn area for loadlng and unloadtng nf n1l matertals and suppll.es nccesaary or r:onvenlent for t,tre operetlon of al l lnprovements located on the rcal propcrty subJect to the Protcctlvc Covenant,s, storage of non-_ hazardous nraterLals and suppllee, lnstalLatlon and placement of all iyFes of mechantcal eqtripnent necesnnr:t for the operailnn of the rrses allowed for the Condontnlum Unlta lncludlng but not I!.ntted to etectrl,cal transformers, refuse, rubbtsh and waste collectlon and dlsposal and all o:her uaes neceasarv or convenient to Ehat of a "loadtng dockr'. (i) An owner shall have the rlght to lease or cnter lnto egreements regardtng the use by othere (collectlvely "Leaoc"), of hig condomlnlum unlt upon guch cerms and conditlons as the owner may deen advisablel provided, however,that (1) any such lease shall be tn writlng and shall provlde Lhac the Lease ts subjecc to the terns of thla Declaratlon,(tf) b eondoulnlun unlt, may be leased only for the uses provided herelnabove, and (ttl) any fallure of a leesee to courply wtth the terrn8 of thls Declaratlon, Arttcles of Incorporatl-on, Bylaws of the Assoclatlon, or the rules of the Associatfu:n shall he a default uirder the lease enforceable by the Associatton. (J ) The Associatlon shall have the rtght to charge reasonable admlss!.on and other fees for the use of recreetional faclllties, lf any, ettuate upon or whlch ls a part of the general conunon elenente. 3. Cendsl4ln:lun Map. Upon substantial compl,rtLon of the bulldlng, a;ifpFlor-Eo-any coirveyence by Declardn; of a condominium unit thereln, Declarant shal1 iauee to be fi.led for record Ln Eagle County, Colcrado, the Hap, which shall conraln:(a) the legal tiescrlption of the eurface of the landr (b) the llnear neaeurements and loeation, wlth reference to tbe ev.terLor boundaries of the land, of the bulldlne and all other improvements bullt or to be butlt'on t'.e landl -(c) the floor plans and llnear dirnenslons of the Lnterlor of the bulldtng lncludlng- the untts, the generat cornon elenenta whlch are not g part.of any unlt, and t-he linrtted cormon elementsl (d) thc destgnatton-by number or oEher syubol of each unlti (e) the elevatlon plans of uhe buildtngl and (f) the elevation of che unfl.nlshed lnterlor eurfaces of the floors and celllnge of the bullding, lncludlng the units, as eetabllehed from i daturn plane, the distanc-es beBween floore and eel.linge, and the llnear meesurenents ehowing the thlckness of tFe - pertureter walla of the buttdlng. Decllarant reserves for a peirod not to exceed seven year.t fiorr the inltlal recording of ihe l.tap, the right to amend the Map from tfune to tlne to -conform tt t6 the actuel locatlon of any bulldtng (includlng all parta thereof)and to eetabllsh_, vac-at,e and ielocate easements, accese road ea-cements and off slte parklng areas. 4. (a) Ttre general connnon elements shall be owned in cosmon by all the owners and shall remaln undlvtded. No ouner shall asserr any rlght of parttiron wittr-ie"pC"i-io ltr"general connon elements. -Each o*ner walvee any and alr rlehte or -prrtltlon he may hold by virtue of hle owirershlp of a"n un,llvided Lnterest ln the general conmon elementg eB a tenanc in cornnon wlth the other owners. Ttrls paragraph shall not,however, linlt or reetrlct rhe rlght of partltibn of a slngie condootnium unit emong the owners-thereof, whereby the ownErs perltion the courE to sett the condominium unir and to allocate the sole proceeds amcng the oriners, but such rlght of partitlon shall not be construed to mean a physlcal dlvjelon or lartltLon of a condominLum-unir, nor shall iuth right of partlttbn effect any other conComlniun unit. (h) Each owner shall be enEitled to use the ggneral - cownon elements in accordance wlth the purpose for whlch. they are- intended, wlthout hindering, inpeding or imposing upon the rlghcs of the other ownerJ'and in acEordance wlth the rules and regulations duly established fron tlne to Elne by -the. Assoclarlbn, and subjict to the provlslona of paragraph 23. (c) There ls hereby created en easement, upon.acrossr over and under all 0f the-gene:al coumon elenen'ta'for lngress and egre,s_s, installatlon, replacehent, repalr and naLntenance of all uttlltl.es, lncludlhg but ndt linrtted to erater' seirers, ges, t-elephones and electrlcity. An easeuent ts further granted !9 all pollce, fire protecti-on and embulance personnel, and all slnllar Dersone t6 enter upon the general coflnon elenencs and unlte fti the perforuancc df thetr ?utlea.Further, an easeme-nt ls hereby granted to the Assoclatlon to enter ln, onto, above, acrori or under the Reneral comton elements and any untt to perforu any dutier of rnalntenance and repatr qo 8ny unlt- or the general eonmon eletrents, ee heretn provlded. llonrl.rhstandtng anythtng to the conrreiy contalned ln thla paragraph. no Belreis, electilcat llnes, yrtir llnca or other utl.lltlee nay be lnstalled or relocated on. lttt g:l?tl]-- cormlon elemente exiept as aPProved by the Assoclatlon' end eny utlllty or "',rp".y-fh-tt" tiie of thd utlllty easenent Srented hereln'ghall be ieeponsible for any damage -to-any generar.. cornnon element or co-st lncurred by ::he Assocle-tlon a8 e regurE of euch damage and shall be requ{ied- tg protnPCly reatore any of i[.-i"r"-t-"f""oo-o.,- eteoents dl.sturb-ed br daniged bv euch urilir:r or "orprrii--f" -rt* "i"t"t"l-o?-""i-"f-itre-f1 rl,Ehta under the utillty eisenient granted hereLn. . Sho-uld any utlll-ty o-r .oro"n" fuiniehlne e iervlce covered by thle eagement hereLn ;;ane;t a specl-fi-c easement, includlng a vehtcular eagement' ;;"'-il;r;r"[r-o"-t"y-liu"t such an ealement to thg g?IrFral cosEton elements bf. a Separate -eCorded Lnetrunent lJlthouc ;;"di-i"tf"g-;irh t'he-teris hereof and wlthout consenc of the owners bel-ns rcquired. The easenentg provided for ln thts paragraph sfall in no way affect eny other recorded easement to the general cormnon elements. (d) If 'any Portion of the -g-eneral comon etencnts now encroaches tipon any unit, or if any unlt now encroaches upon any other unl.t or- uPo-n 3ny Portlon ot Cne ien"r"f com6n eledenre, es a result bf the- construction- of any f,uitair,g, or l-r any such encroachmeng shall occur hereafter as a resuil' of aettling or shlfting of any buildtng ' a va-Ll{ eagement for the encroachment and for Ehe nalntenance ot'Che same so long as the bullding stands, shall exist. In the event any buildin!, any unit, ant adjolntng gr-rtt' or eny- adjol.nlng. ceheral courfron eiement, shall bL parti.ally or UoCally destroyed is a result of flre or oEher casualty dr as a result of condemnatLon or eminent domaLn preceedlngs, and then rebullt substantLal?.y accordlng to che liap, encroachmentg of Parts of the general connon eleients upon iny unit- or of any unlt upon any -other unlt or uPon any portion -o-f - the general . cormon etlrnents, due to sucli rebuilding, shall be peruriCted, and *t*lid easements for such encroachmendi and the rrainfenance Ehereof shall er.l.st so long as the butldlng ehall stand. (a) If any orrner ahall cause any matertal to be furniehed to hls unlt or -any labor to be perforrned thereln or thereon, no ohtner of any Other condomlnlum unit shall under any ctrcumsianceg be ltabte- for the payment of any exPense lncurred or for rhc value o.€ any work done or materlal furnlehed. All euch work shall be at fhe expense of the onner cauel-ng lt to be done. and guch ouner shall bc eolely responslble to con3ractors, laborers, rnateriahnen and other Person€ furnishlng labor or materlats to hlg unlt or a.ny lurprovemenct thereln' Nothtng hereln contttned shall eutiorlze any ouner -or eny- pergon*dealtng through, rlth or underuny orner t-o charge the ieneral corunon eleucntr or ent unlt othcr Ehrn thet of such 6wncr wtth any nechanlc'r l1eh or other '-ten or eneunbrance rhatever. On- the contrery (and notlca lc hereby glven) the rlght and p)r"r to chargc-any ltcn or encurnbrrnce of any ktnd 5. : :1. owner or sny to eny othca alalnst the S,eneral cowron eleDrenEs or agitns.t.any oiner's unlt-for work done or mater|.els lurnlsneo ;d;;'a unit ls hereby expresely denlcd' (b) lf , becauee of any ac-t or- oolsslon of any- ' ' o$ner, anr r""t,"ii",i^6r"Jif;Ji-ri.";i o.a"r for l-tr-JPey'ent ot' , ','- ;;;;;'"t"ir te rireJ ai.i""i che general counon. elementg or .' ' ' U;ii";T;i ;4";';"'" q i'"lt ;; '"-;l-i;P--'.?I"i:i:":n":'*' iJ ' ' ;E;il: ; ili ;;ii.;. ffi ;; i*il;h.;- l; -yl-i.::l- Jt-"1'' % ":i,':'*valLd or enforc"iuii'I i.i"ti,-itt"-o'tr"t whose act or omlsgLon 'l fo::urg the basis lor """tt li-en or order shall at hle own cost and e:rpen". ""r"l"tn!-iir.-i; G """""ttta-and dlscharged o.f il;r;;';;-;"il;; by a surery co'pany reasonabLy acceprable _l_o the associattoa, oi in-sucii oCter owner or oeners-, tilthtn.20 clavs after rhe a"i. -of-iiif"i thereof, and ftrrther ehall ili.#lf"'"ii- ";;;- ,f f -tt " 6ther urrlt onners and the i'J;#i;;io"-'i"rill.s" -iion ana agatner _any. *od all costs, exDenses, clatnsl--;";;; oi-fuf"1"", tnciudlng reasonable actorney's fees resultlng Eherefrom' (c) Latror perfor:ured or maEerLals furnlshed for the general "o"iott .f "-t",it", lf- -duly authorlzed bv the Associatlon, ln ,""o"a"""e wlih ihrs oectaratlon or ite bylare, ;;ri-b;-e;;';e ;;1;t";frtrned or furnlshed wit'h the express consenc of eachjfr;;;;;-;i;11 u. it. ursis for rhe. fllin-g of a 1len pursuanr ;;'G;;;tf:tit each 'f the corrdominlum unlte' ;"';;; ['l"ii "-ri""To ef"fected agalnst qttg or mc're condoruintum ""fiJ, the oor,'.ri-of tUe s_eparatJcondonlntum unlts ma_y Temove their condomlnl;;i;; i;;t the llen- bv -paynenc of the fractlonaf or propoiitona1 amount attribuiaUte to each of the ;;;;;;i;l"t--""rt!'-iii"ii"a. Ioar"tdual pavnenE sha11 oe ;;;;;;;-;';;i;;.''-..coEhe.Slra!lng.P.n.tios.Subsequent eayment . dischar-g-e-'ti "tt "i_- satlsfacilon, the- condomln"un unit :ilii"il ;;1;;;;e-fior-tt"-Ii.en and as to such ccud'rmlnium unit iii"-if!" ;tr;lt Ue -consrilrea and deerned-to be pald,- sattefled Jl:- ai""tt"tCla. - n"rtf."1 - peyment, setisfectlon- or dl'scharge shall not pt".r..i-tto-frti"6r fron proceeding to enforce hle ;i:;h;r ",i"i""r-'"-n/""o"-Jorf"f"r unit not so releaeed or dlseharged. 6. AdnlntstretLon and Ug!3ggrcnt' (a) Colorado Mountatn c-o"ao. and manased Dursuanc co rhls ii"il-ut"iro", ittg;;iG[tof ln"otporatlon and the bylaws of the i;;;l;;io". e"ch-ot"cr elrall-be'a uember of rhe Assoctetlon i"J-"["ii-ier:atn a-neurber unt-l-l he ceaaea to be an ouner. es nenL=er;- Jf ttr" Associatl-on-' -qll-of the oener' collectlvely are'-e-n-ifttea to- 8 t;-t;I of L,000-,000 voteet each osner ls entltl"d;;-;h;-.r,-b"r of-.'1t"" equat tf' the total of the perccnrage ,*;;"hit tul thg general co@on elenentt eFFurt- ;;;"'r-;;--irra- ur,ii.;i'-"[t-ioiitr -in Erhlblt D attechcd hnrcto ;i;;; ilooo,oorj. - ;-"h;"uei snru cornply er.rlcrly ilc,t t6e ;;;;i"i;;;-;i itrr-D""reratlon end of ttie-artictce of lncorpo- [;;i;-;;i []r"ni- "-f-ln. -r'-""ociac1on. Ttre Ascoctetlon rhrll ii|l-in.--irihi-ti l-t"tiiigii--a1A -enforce nrlec govcrnlng thc user'Detntenance and aPPearance of the generel coEmon cleEent8 and ghall trave thl rtght Lo asstgn any-parklng speces 1n the qeneral counon elemenie. Each menber ghall be bound by end Etratt eomply wlth rules, resolutLcne and declslone of the l""JcfaCf,in'duly nade or adopted ln the nanner set forth-1n thle Deelaratloi or Ln the aritclec of tncorporatlon or by-Iawe. Fallure of the menber to cooply wlth such provlal-ong'_rule3' resoluttcne or declslons shail- be grounds tor an actLon to iJco".i-aamages oi to obtaln lnJuictlve- relLef , o-r both' uaLntalnable ay the Association on behaff of the other oitnela ' o!, Ln a propei ca"e,-Ui-t" aggrleve4 osner.- In addltLon, tFe e"ioJi"if5nti Uvfars'*i auth|ilze the Aseocletlon, durlng the perioo of eny delinqueniy, (a) to revoke a dellnquent owner'8 lfghC Eo use generai cor'rnon eleuerrts except f-or access to and fr;ur guch Own-er'e condomtnlum unLts or the Cascade VlLlage Facilities and (b) to suspend a oeober's voting prlvileg-e.se ,however, nc. such euspensioh shatl affect the rlghts of a flrst lienor. (b) Ttre Asscci.ation may enploy or contrEcc for rhc servLees of a rnsnager prc.vided ttrdt srich -enployoent shall be by contract having a tern of no more than three ye-ars and each'such contract s-hall be subJe-ct to cancellatton by the Assoclatlon on ninety, dayc notice. Ttre Boerd may -noE del-egate to e manager the auihority to make_ expenditure-s for- capltal addLtLons -or lmprovenent6 - chargeable agalnst the maintenance fund. The urenbdrs of the bosrd- of dlrectors (the "Board") of the Associatlon shall not be liable for any onl'sslon or lnproper exercise by a manager of any such duc;r' Poeter' o! functlon so delegated by written lnstrtment executed by a nraJority of the Board. 7 . l'lalntenance and 8.epalrg. ," t*t "-t.t ehall be responsLble for Draintenance and repalr of hls ':nlt, lncluding flxtures and tmprovemente and ill uctllty llncs and equtpoent, located. thlretn and acrvlng guch untt only. In perforutng eueh rnaintenance or repair, or ln lrrgrovlng or alterlng hLa unlt, no owner shall do any ecc or uork rrhlch tnpalrs the atructural goundncas of any - bulldlng or whtcb lnterferes wlth tn:t eagemenE. (b) Tlrc Fcneral cmon eleuentr (lncludlng the llnlted c)Eoon eleuentel ehall bc adnlnktered, conaetrred, naneged, nalntained, rcpalrcd end replaccd by che Areoctation' rhtcf, rnay ha're eccesa Co eny untt fron tlDe 3o tlnc durlng rcaronablc houre for such putPoretf or tt tny tlnc for the purporc of uaktng coergcncy repalre thcrcln necatlrt? to irreVcnt danaga to the generel corton elaacntr or to rnothcr irnlt or unltr. The coite of rcpalrlng any daoagc to r unlt renulttng from cntr-v thcrcln for rny euch pulporc rhall bc r eorllon cxpcnaa of ell :hc orncrr. Hortver. lf thc nccd to ankc luch ontrl rcrultc fro"n thc ncgll3cnc? or tntGntlonel rct of 9 t; t' any owner, hle fanlly, agentr or lnvitccr, ruch owncr rhrll reinburse-Ehe AEeocldtlon-for e11 the corci of rcpelrlng'eueh danare and shall be ltablc to the ochcr omerf for r1l addtElonal loseea or danagee auffcrcd, lneludtng reeronrbla "attorney'8 fees - (e) Notwlthgtandlng thc foregotng' (1) -oech owner havlng an Lntereat ln ltnlted eomnon cLeucnts ehell gey che proportion of the coste and ezpcntct of ttalntrtnlngr repnirlrig and replaclng any llrnltcd conlnotl clcuentr of whlch suth owner has ari;r use and -enJoprent, the nunerator of rhlch 1r hta percentege LriteresL ln general comron elementJ and the denomLnator of whlch ls the total percentage lntereet ln general com:ron elements of all peraons havlhg any use end -inJoyrnent thereof , and (11) each orrnlr ahall p=ay ifl coEta of repa-irlng any darrage to the general conurcn elementg (lncludlng, the llnlted cowron elernent.s), or to any unlt other than hls own, resultlng from the lncentlonal acd or negllgcnce of sueh orrrner, hle fanlly, agentB o:: Lnviteee. 8. Caecade Vlllare AgsocLatloa. Ttre Aeaoclatlon shall be a rnen ssociatloi. Each onner so lona as he ls a uember of the-Aseociatlon chall be entltled to rise che Cascade Villrrge Faellltles ae spectflcally permlcted ln the artlcLes of lncorporatlon and bylawe_ of the Caecade Village AssocLetlon. Ttre Aeaoclatlcn and each olrztet shall cornply itrlctly wlth the provialons of the artlcles of incorporailon and bylaws of the Cascade Vlllage- Aaeociatlon. The Assoctatlon and- each owner shall be bound by and ahall cornply with rules, reeolutlone and dr:cisLone of the Caecade Vtllage Assoclatlon duly made or adopted ln the manner seE forth-ln the ertlcles of incorporatiori or bylaws of the Caeeade Vlllaee Ageociatlon. Fallure of the Assoclatlon or en owner to conpl! with such provislons, rules, regoluttong or decLsr.ons shail- be grounds for an actlon c'o =ecover darnagea or to obtain inJunctlv- rellef, or both, matntalnable by the Cascade Vlllage Asaoclatlon on behalf of lte other membere ot, ln a proper case, by en aggrleved member of the Caecade Vlllage AeeoclaClon. In- addltlon, the Caecade Vtllage Assoclatl.cn'e bylaws may authorlze the CascaJe Vtllage Assoclatlon, during the perir..d of any dellnquency, (f) to revoke any or aII owners'rlghtr to use the Cascade Vlllage Facllltles, and (t!-) to suipend the Aasocletlon'B vottng prl.vtlegee. 9. Dteubershlp on Board of DirectorE of Gaseadq Vlllare Acsocl ffiara 6f Cascadc Vlllage Aaaoctatton, the Associetlon la entitled to dcaignate one ntenber of thc Board of Dlraetorr of Geecedc Vlllagc Acaoclatlon. Ttre owner of condo- ntnlr:n unlts 5-001, 5-002'-S-l0I and 3-401 ls hereby authcrlzed end emporered Eo dcclgnate thc- A.a-rocl.atlon'r nenber of the Borrd 6f Dlrectorg of-Cercadc \tlllagc Aegoclatton. If such owncr(r) ero unablc to Drkc such dertgnetton slthln l0 daye lftcr le ls dirccted to do lo ln wrttlnS by che Asloelatlon'r t0 | .'ta.l- f.t ir':. , ': '!- loard of Dlrrctora, thc ncrnbcr of tha Board of Dlrcctorr of Cercada Vllhge Aeroetatlon shell . bc relectcd b'1 thc Aeroclattontl Boerd of Dl,rcctorr, Any gelectton or dertgnrtlon chall be for the tcrtr of offtce allowcd undcr the governlng docunents of Cuacede Vlllage Aaaoclatlon. lo. @g!--Eu9rua,g. (a ) Exeept as set forth ln aubparegraph 7 Gl herelrr, eaeh ouner shatl pay hls pro rrtf, rhare nf the cotrnon exp.lnses, whtch proracJ.on shlll bc nade on the bnnle of the liharlng Ratlop ln effect on the date auch eonuuon -xpenae le anseaseC. (hi Ttre boar'tl of dlreetors (the "Boardrr) of the Assoctation shall fLr, determlne, lavy and collect annual and speclal o$scssmenLs to be patd by each of the owners to neet the cot:rpon expenses and to create a conttngency reBerve thcrcfor. PrLor ro the beglnnlng of eaeh flscal year of the Associatton, the Board shall ndopt a budget for chat yetrt, Ttre budget shall include, but sha}l not be linlted to, rn estlmate of the costg of malntenance, :.'epalr, renovatton end replaceurent of the g,eneral conmon elementrr, the coet of utllltles and other services to be provlded by the Aseoclatlon, the cost of lnsurancc required by Paragraph 11 hereln, proposed caplCal expenditrrres and the cost of the AusoclaclonfB prc rata ehare of rhe Cascade Vtllage Cornrnon Expenses, whlch ehhll be a cosrspn eapense hereunder. ?he budget shal1 lnclude an adequatc re.serve fund for the inaintenance, repalrs , renovatlon and replacemtrnt ot chose general conmon Clements that must be replaceC on a perl-odlc basis ln order that naintenance, repalre and- replaeement uray be paid for through regular lnstalhnCnts rather thar by special assessment. For the Assoclatiorr's flrst fiscal ye?r, the Board shall adopt the budget at the first Eeeting of the Board and designate the date of colmencef,tent of the first annual assessmenE, with the costs for nalnEenance,repair ald replagenen! of the general common el.enenEs and any reserve fund needed therefcr based on a qood fe.lth estimate df those costsl said estLtnate may be based -on the costs Lncurred by elaiJ.ar assoclations ln the general locale. ThereafEer, the cost of nalntenance, rgpqlr and replacenent and any reserve fund needed therefor shall be on the baelg of the -prevtous year's cost,s nith such adjustnents therefrom as tha Eoard consLdr'rs approprLate. The budget shall also tnclurle the annual assessment for each condorrlnLum unir. Speclal sfsess&ents uay be levled whenever ln the oplnlon of the Board lt Ls necessary or advlsable to do so (1) eo meet lncreased operatlng-or malntenanee erpendes or costs, (tt) to provlde for addttional. _capltal. expen_aes-,- or (tl) bec.ruae of t.lirgenclesl aqs1E:-Onar _CaPl.EaJ. expen_Aes-r- or (11) DeC{U8e Of eriefgenCle8i however. lf the propcsed addltlonal capltal expenses at any given Elme arc er would be ln exceas of S5.000.C0 Ln rhe-given Elme are er would be ln exceaa of 95,ln the sggrega_te fol any calendar year, such expenrea nay be tncurred only after the own?rs, by vote or wrtttln eonaerit. of the after the owners, by-vote or wrlttln eoneetit, of the r of at least 75 percent of the qeneral eonnon elenenl owners of at least 75 pefcent of general connon etementB approve such erp.nrea. All an.rr|| 1 asscssEents ghall be bared upon an approved-'b'"Jg-"t i-lf f_ otner esseat'cn-t8 ehall be 1n Irentzed steterneni?;%-L"a-etuii- iet forth the detall of tha varloug Gtp€rrse' ioi rtt"t thl "c""ssE€ntt ere bel'ng nedc. (c) The Board shall PreParc and provldc co each o!,ner a steteme"i'foi itl-annuol aeslgeincnt end anv as8€clucnct for the budg.cted comron cxpens-e.-;h;1i-b'--pald .tn querterly inetallnenta, """ti-*"t' fnicgrlno"C a"i lnd'payable in edvancc ;;-;-h;-'il;;i' d"y';i;;"[ a;ien<lar quarter' or more frequenE lnsBallnente as nl"v u" -a"cermr"ua 'uy the' Boerd-. - s-pectal ;;;;;;;;is- strari"'i" -J,'" -"na favab16 as. spectfled tn the written notlce of such asscssmenf pi""La"a t'o each o$ner by rhe loard. (d) The Board shall have the right to edd to an owner,6 assessm"ni ."'-pto"ia.a in thts Pa-ragraph those amount': expended by rhe 'i'r"l"r'"iil-" ?"i tn.. benef 1i'of' such owner and hJs tndlvldual coria-o-r-f-nfut unit, lncl'udlng, b,t9 noc llnlted to' ftnes (purauanr 1;-;r1;;'radpt"..t Ui ttre IisoclatLon), repalrs ""J-i"di"ce'rents--ia;-1"y contomfnium unlt or the eeneral cogrnon elemenrs) caused .;i ;i;a neglige;;-oi rrifff.tf acle of eaid ;;;;;-his fanily,' guesEs, -emfloyees, I{celsees-' leesees or i;;i;;";;-u"J "rr other exPendicuies or: charges provtded for by thls Declaration oi rhe bYlaws. (e) If any assessment shaLl rernain unpald -ten days after the due date ihert'sf , Ehc Board nay lmpos1-" ,ttt" "tiig" o" such defaultlng oaTg5 ln an amount equal Eo r') i"ilE". "f -*;ir assessmenc. r.rr*rri"". a lat,e chirge- equa-l. ro i.3-;;;";-"t- "?' tne unp"ia asaea,snenr may be lmposed on the ii;-i'e;;"ir--""ctr calindar monrh rhereafter so -lons as such assessnenr shali;" ";;;id. -'faliuie to makc paymenE withtn 30 ;;;;-;i fhe due'aaie-iheieof also shall cause the fulI amount J?';";; iii"r;" ."g"t"i-rontnfy assessmencs for the remainder of that year to UJ8"tt,.-at" a"J-ot1|ng at once' at the opElon of the Board. In it"-""""i it shall lecome necessarv for the Board to collect any clelinquent ..*""""Ltti" o" feee, whefher by foreclosure of I fi"" -tt"iein-aftei createdl by conmenclng of .a court ectLon ot-ott"..rir", -tt9 -delinquent owner slalt -p-ay.' in. addlcton Lo rhe ;;;;;;;;;d ""a lage charge hereln prorrld-trd' tll costs of collecti;;;-i;;iraini a- reasona6le atcorney'e fee and ;;;i; incurred by the Board in enforclng paymcnc' (f) A11 suns assessed buc unpatd for the ghare of cotEton "*p"n""" """"ised to any condomlirllrur untt ahall ;;""tf"i" "'ff""-o" -J""tt-untt ln'favor of the Associatton ;;'i;;- io- .f i otier -i-f ""t anc! encunbrancea , ercePt : ( i )- ll'-en-s r;;-;";;r;i-p;6iiti-i"i"" and spccrrt eseessnchtsr and (tl) the llen of any ftrst $.)rtgage oi'flr"t deed of trust ot' record encumberl*g "r.r"ti unf t. -Tf,e-lssocl.atton'a llen sholl pttech froa rhe a"t" Ji"i";il d;;ld assesenent ehn-Il becone due end iii-U-"--1oiecfos-ed by the'Asroclatlon 1n llke manner rs t norctrte o.r t"J pt.ip"ity uPon Ehe rr:cordlng' of a notice or t l2 J : .l'. ' I ). claln thereof executed by the Aeeoclatlon settlng forth th9.anount of the unpald lnde-btedness, tbc -ne{ne of t-he o$ner of the condonlnlum uriif, and a deecrlptlon of the condomlnir.rn untt. If any ruch llen is recorded 5y the Aseociatlon, the owner shall - be required to pay the costa and erPen-ee.q of the preparaElon dnd recordlhg of the Aseoclatlonrs lien, -lncludlng iea-gonablG ittor' lev'8 fEes . rn any t'oreclosure of the AsaoctationtE llen, the oldner ehall-be requlred to P8y t!t: costs and erpenses of such proceedlngs, lncluding reasonabre -attorney's fees. Dtrrlng the pertod of foreClosure the 4ttner ot the con-dotrtniun unit suiJect'to euch actlon shall be -requlred to pay a reasonable rental to the Asaoclation, and the Asedciatlon shall attempt to nl.tlgate lcq damages r , ft" Association shel1 be ent-itled to purchaee the condominiuo unlt at the foreclosure sale, and to acquLre, ho1d, lease' nortgage or convey the sarre. Each oarrer, by acceptlng e deed to a unlt waives a'ny applicable homestead ex-ernptloh as to the assessmenc 1i.en. (g) lfo owner shall exemPt hlrnself fron ltability for pa;'ment of his share of the colmon exPenses elther by walver'of the use or enjoynenE of any of thi general cof,trnon elements or by abandonment of his condonlnluur unlt. (h) In case of gale or other transfer of a condoninlun unit with respect to whlch sums assessed for conmon expenses shall be unpaid, the purchaser or other transferee of an lncerest ln such unit sha1l be jointly and severally 1lable wtth the seller or transferor thereof for such unpaid easesaments. llotvithstanding the above, atry flrst ltenor who obialns tltle to a condomlnium untt pursuant to the remedles provided ln the nortgage or foreclosure of the nortgage wlll not be lJable for such unit'e unpald dues or charges whl.ch accrue prlor to the acquisltion of tttle to such unit for the flrst lLenor. (f) Upon rrriecen request of any owner,nortgegee, prospt'cttve nortgagee, purchaeer or othar prospcctlve tranrfctee of a condoolnlun unlt, the Assoclatlon shull larue a vrltterr Btetement rettlnq, forth the anount of th Btetement rettlng forth the anount of the rs. lf any. nlth resDeet Eo such unpald conrion expenscs, lf anyr wlth respeet co such condonlnluu untt, atry othet charges or coats lmpoeed c6;lnet such unLt, the amount of the current Donthly eaaessment, the date on whlch such aasecgnent beecme or rhall become due and the anount of any credlt for prepeld expcnres. Such atate&ent.for uhlch r rea8onablc fee nay be cherged, ta blndtng uFon the Aesoclatton tn favor of er.y peraon rho nay rely thereon ln good felth. Unlese r r"guest tor ruch rtrtrnent ahall be coapllcd wtth wtthln tcn dayr aftcs recelpt thereof , all unpald comon erpenner whl,cb hecane duc prlor to thc date of osklng cuch request rhell be subordlneted to tha llen or othes tntereeB of the pcrron requcrtlng arrch tt.tc$nt. ., (.1 ) Any party in favor of whom a llen ou a condomtnl,'. unlt its Uleti cr6ated may but ehall not bc requlred" to nay any unpald cosuOn exPense wlCh respect -to such unlE, 8Oo "i"i,-]"""ii p"fi""r_- """tt prity ehall havi a. llen on euch condominlum untt for the amount so Pal.d of the sane rank aE the i 1i;;l[;;uloior. exlstlng. (k)Flrstllenorsehall.beglvenwrI'ttennotice bv the Associarl;; ;f -;"y defsult in the -plrformance of- any 16riiiri'rli--u-"-a"i-- this--6eclarEtlon or ttie Artlcles of rncorporatlon or the- Bylaws of the Aesoclatlo-n-by. an ormer ln ;il;-;;yt;ni--of any ts!"ssment hereunder, whlch defaurt hae remained uncured for 60 daYs. '; 11. Insurance. (a) The Associatlon shall, on behalf of the otfne I s : (f ) keep all .rulldtngc (lncludlng- all of the unigs ani a1I 6lxtures there-in, but not lncludtng furnlture, furnishings or other perso-nal ProPerty supplied or insralted'by unlC ownCrs) lnsured against i;;'r-;; at".ge by fir6-or other casualty., witj extended covera8e (including, in-suranc9 qg.a:lsE .ross o:: danage by vaiidallsrn or millclous nlschief ), l-n at Least t'tie inount of the naxfuu;um repl'tcement value It"i."f, determined Ln ;ccordance w-lth sub7aragraph 11(c) herein; (i t ) prorriCe anC keep in forc-e , for the procectLo,i of tf.. Assoclationl lcs offLcerg and hli."toto, and all the olrners and f lr'st lienors 'eenerat publtc liability and proPerty damage i"r"r."""'tliitt"t clains 'fo--' bcdily- lnJirry or death "i-piopu.ty''damaSe occu::ring up-cn br ln the general ""*io"' et dsrencs.' i.n lturiti of not lee'l thaa 5l;o0it,obo -roi ubdily lnj-urv or death to env nunber oi'perions nrlslng *rut cT one- a-ccidenc or dlsaster' or ior dnnase to-p"roperty, and lf higher ltnits shall a: nnv tine- be cirst-onrar-v or aCvlsable to Pro-t€ct ocoi,ilt posstble tort 11ahl11ty, strch htgher linlte shai.l be'carrledl (!.11) carry lnsurance tn such emounEi es the Asaoctation Dey ccrhclder ne( essar-t or aclvlaable i"ii."c such ofhcr lnsurable hazarcs "3 n{ry from tlme ;;-;i"" bJ cosoonfy lnsured agelnst 1n the ceac of ilsrl.l,ar proPert:t fui stntler locattons clsewhere. (lv.l cnrry dlrcctora end ot'flcarr ltablltty lnsuralee Ln ruch ;ltounEs as thc Anaocletlon trit considr'r rrecutlory or advlsnbla. la (b) A11 I'neurance requlred to be carrled u:rder thls paragraph ti',Lrf'u" ;;;trcd -tn-Cavor of the Assoclation' the or*ers and "ir riirt rr.enors, as their--respectLve lnterest' r'ay appeer.- st"i-oatt;t ;f-il-":;"""t -it'ttt coht"in a gtandard *i:;iii:;;'"1'"",1'T;#Ii:?[;".'"h'ul"ltl]illiil&!""g::-Iiiiir t;-;"t;bi; i;-;;;[ ii""r ltenor, as lta Lnterest mav appear', subject, rtJt""-.i'- ;-ttt" -iiiJ'PalTeq! provlelone ln fbvor of rhe Assoclation hereln"-fc"i ".!'forth.' At'l pollcleg of lnsurance against deq?c9 t" "iyT-irai"g--t"-d- flxtuiee shall provtde that rosl.;t-"t"Ii"ut pty"br;l;-q"? adJusted wtth the Associatlon, ""'";;;;;y-r"-'r"ti- -rot the- crnere ' The Association shait t"fa "-tia aPPly Ehe- proceede 1f euch Lneurence as set forth i' rhis Declaratlorr.---i.'"tt lnsurance-poltcy.ehall Frovide that no -cancellation tttlt"oi may be qadd by the insurance carrier rrithout travrnl-ti:st given 30 daYe' prtor wrJ.tten noticc thereof to Ehe Ai'sociatloir, the-owneie aird alt firstlienore.-Eachinsuraneepolicyshallalsoeontalna ,,severability of-i"ilr"it" endoriement, rhat provldes ln case "i-;i;1;;fon'.,f-"riy prJ"isi"" _thereof by the. Associatlon or one or rnorc (but less than alt) ot ti;;-;t'neis, the- coverage of such nolicv sha1l tr"' """p1"?"a ot 'J'nvalldated only es to the iii.ri"."'"fin" Aseoi:Lation or the owner or o$ner8 comittlng rhe r,iotarion anJ ;;t;t io the lnterest of -a9f other owner' ;ii ilfi;i;;-;f ;ht;i""l dana-se insurence shall contaln nal-vers oi- "'.rt-gatton i"i of any- -dEfense based on co-in turance. prpir""t"- ortginais "ir p,irr"les oJ physi.cal damaqe lnsurance and of aII tenewals thereof , coi.ituf 6ittr-proot o-i payrnent-of il;ri;r;;-rili-i'[;-aeli.vered to-ali f irst lienors at least ten days prio. to "*pit"iiott of rhe then current policles' (c) The rnaximum;cplacement value of the buildlngs (which shali tndtcate the'naxlutu"' rePlacement value of each conOorntnl"r-".fi contalned thereln), without deductlon io=-a"ir..i"rfo"lln"If U" a"termlned by t-h9 Assoclation prior l"-ut.-'"fning any pollcy of-flre and casual-ty insurance or any renewal thereof by means ol one oi o'ot" wrtdten ePPrli:-11:-T:du bv coEperen:r dt6interested qppraisersS however' aPPraj'sel8 ;4.;-;;' U"' "Ulrln"a lnore fiLquently than at _one-y-ear lnrervals. Cop-Lls of s""tr aporatsals'shall be furnlehed to ;;;h-u;"r and'"""t flrst lleiror of a condoninlum unlc. (d) Each lnsurance covering loss onner shall be responslble fo! tll or damage to Personal properll tn hie ir"t". d"eath oi darnage bc:urrlng insld damage bc:urrt18 inslde $ -t',.:?1 t' lll t l,iJrf 31, tll":il; I i' : :1.:i"T}lg:':' ;;' :iffi ";:i i;;hLs unlt. AnY such PolicY-s ;;; :i;ii rro''*" -#r[i"n-'rn"t the llabtllty. of the carrlers t^issulng lnsurance--oU1oi""a L" -tttu Associaiion shall not be "iiil'ila or ar-"r"rshed thereby. (e) The Board shall obcain date froo the tnsutance cnrrlli' rega:dlng- the emou,n-t of the. Prenlum for hazard lngurance-"" itt" grlildlng ae lf the Re'al'iientlal Unlta are used for. resldentlal purposes and as lf the JoLleg-e Unlt and Gonmercia'l Unics are rised for offlce purpoges. Ttrls data shall be conpi'rcd wlrh the actual prerniur' arid the Cosnerclal Un{ts and Coilege Unlte wt11 each bear the lncrease- ln-prenium' lf anv. as a relult of thelr use. The amounc of. the lncrease will b6 paid to che Assoclatlon on 3g-days' notice whlch notlce sh:Il lnelude the data from the irisurance carrter used to compute the incrcase Ln premium and shall be collecttble aa lf it i.rere arr asses!ment Pursuen.. to paragra;h 10. l?. AppolnEmeitE of Attorney-ln-Fact. Each owner by his ecceptance ffi6il@ ve.sting ln hln an interest in a c'lndorlntum unit does lrrevocahlv constttute anc! appclnt (a) thc Associ.atlon with full Po$er of subst!'utlon rrs hls'f:rue and la'rful accorney in hts rame, place and stcad to deal rslth such inc,erer:i upon damage Uo or destructton, rrbsclescerrse. or condcnnation of arry bullding or real pronerty as herelnafrer prr:vJ-cl,cJ, a:r.l (h) Declerant with full power of substi:rrtlon Fs his true and lawtul attorney Jn hls lrame,place, and stead to deal wlth such lnterest ln order to cffecEuate Ehe rcrservaLions contained ln Paragraphs i, 4 aud 22 hereln, cach with full power, rlghr and ar':horizatton to execuE,e, acknowledge and dellver any codtractr deed, proof of loss, releasc or-' other lnsErument affecttng the lnEerest of such owner, anC to take any oEher actlon, which the Associatlon or Declarant ma/ conslder neces6ary or advlsable to give effect to the provisions of this Declaration. If requeeted to do so bj' thc Assocla;ion or DecraranE, each orrner shall execute and dell-ver a wriEten instrument confirming suci. appol.ntuent. The actlon of the Association ln settling any damage or ccndemnation clai-m shal!- be flnal and btndtng on all owners.llo owner shal-i have any ri-ghts agalnst the AssoeLation or eny of l-ts officers or dL::ectore wrrlr respecc tirerero except in case of fraud or qross negllgence. 'Damage or DeslfUglion. In case of damage or of ffiort theteof by any cause .1 (a ) If in the reasonable Judgrnenc of the ,:, the proceeds of lnsurance shall be sufflclent to '.. costs of repaLritrg and restorlng Ehe bulldlng, the (as attorney-in-fact f:or the crsners) shall cause to be. rcpaired and restored, applytng the proceede tor thaE purPose. (tr) If i:r- the reasonable Judgrnent of the AssociaElon the antlcipatid prcceeds of Lnsurrance are not suffielent to pay the costs ot repatrlng and restorLng the bulLdirrg, and tf the e:(cess of such cests over the anticipated insurenee proceeds, are lees than 20!' of the nLnimun re.;iacement velue iast dete:rolned under subparagreph t1(c)heieln, ther. the AssoclatLon (ae attorney-iir-fait'for the 13. dcsCrtrcClon whatsoever: Assoclation, pay all the AssocJ a tlon the buildlng of insurance A s s o c I a r 1 o n, r,.( "l n . Iir pir? " dt h;,.'.T&T'3 I " ti ;,fff;l"t i* tJr'. sufftc{.ent to pay the -costs bf repairl.ng and reetorlnc rhe bulldlng, and tf-the excess of guch "oatE are 201 or urEre or thJ naxlnum replacement vaLue laet detenulned under subparagraph_ ll(c_) herein, then the Assoclatlon a;; -attorney- [n-f act f or t,he owners ) shall promptly cause the bulrdlng -to be repal-red and reeEored, shd ttre- aifference betwecn the insurance proceeds and the costs. of repal.r and resEoration shall be asses_sed and paid ae herelnafcei providedl provlded, however, rhar if wtrhtn'100 days aftc; ih; ?;rt.f':trch dana8e or desErucEton a plan for reiairinq and restorLnc the bui lding- shall be disapprbved and a iale oZ ru"tr-UuiiatiiE ir .'pl.l. -'" by lle ch'.lere o-wnlng 75I or uc:;i: r;f che ;;;;;;1"conmon elenrenrs and by 757 of all f-rst lienora, -the AssociatLon (as attorney-in-fact for the owners of cbnaoalnl.um unlrs) shall execute and record ln the Eagle county, coloiado,real estate records a notice of such faits, and-'t6.t."it.r shalL sell che enrire real.pl.gpe:ry on whlch such tulrdr;tls located (lncludlng rhe buiidtirg) together r'lth reasoneure easemencs.for lngress and-egfeai, lf iequlred, as deetgnated by the Associarion,- free and ilear cf rhd provieions of--itrr"Declararlon and the lrap, whlch eharr wn6:ly ternrnaie-.na e:iplre wLth respecE Lo iuch propert:r upon rhe closln!--f-euch sale. This Declaratton alrd the'Map, hbwever, cfiatl ?.r"tn rn ft.ll force and effect wiEh respect' to all ot'her proplr-i.v ana bur !.dlngs, and the percent_age ' interests in go.re'raf ..o6o,or,erements appu_rtenant co all untts renalning eubJect to thls Decla';atlon shall automatrcally be lncrease'd bv itre anount of the pe-reentage ttrtereata tn general comr'ron eledenta oppuit"nrr,t to al.l trnLta ln the bulldtng soLd free and clear o? tt*s Declarotlon, such lncrease to be arrocated emong untte in accordane.: to each unit'B respectl.ve appurtenant-tnteiest rn general couuon elenente appurdenanc to -rinlts fn the U"ifOfn." 'not. belng co-Ld.- The prociids of lnsurance and che proc;- ts-?e sucn sare of thg rea! propercy shall be collected b'- .he ' , Assoclatl-ori, appl,ied flist-to the payoenE of expeneee' .f-the -sale,-- and then dlvtded among the brirerg .of ,units ln _such : lllldlng and paid lnto separale accowrts, -ea-c!r rupre"unt-tn!-one : unlt. ltre lnsuranee proceede ehall be dlvlded iccordinl to slJch -ornera' reepectl.v-e percentege lntereot ther"in- ra- "E""rn-Uv the_.tnsurance pcrlfr:te8, -rf so ehotrn, othend.ce accoidrrn [o-i] :suchorner.'er-esp.ectlvetnteregtl'n-genera1eonon-.r"'Enti.". 911:If) .shall p.ronptly cause -the bulldlng to be repaired and resEored. and the dlfference betueen the -Lneurancg. froceeds and the- costs of repalr and restoratlon shall u.-" "o"-on exDense to be p.;sessed and pald ae provLded tn paragraph r0 hereLir. eppurtenant ro uritte tn ttr.-uuuaiil ;;';;ia-, ;;ilir"=-p=Jiil'.?" ,;'of .sale shall be dlvlded accordlnc 1o such osnertr r.Jo.otr;;:,:,o-f- sale ehall be dlvlded accordln-g io su;h -o*dit-'e -r.Jp.-"-t-fil:,,,, ,' ' , ,. !!{f.'tf{cd .liitcregq"..lt the gene-ral= cgmon elenerrtJ ali-.irtenao! .: ..."'i . 'i'_':f :l'::er. ..'rLErEor'o rl' LIls E€Ire_rar cclr't'noll elelleltE8 gFpUfEenAOt .: ...:,::: (w'-thout contrlbutlon. from one account to another) chall be ,,.. :,., : :r .. -: ..i I ':'.i'l:'. I . ,,tt ''- .-l,l . - '; | .,.', o,t"';.,'..; .,' eDDlled hy the Agroclatlon for the folloslng purpoee-a I'n- the -oiier lndicated: (1) for payuent of the bal'ance of Ehe Ilen ot ."i-ltilit-r"iig.g" or a..d 6f trust on the condonlnluo r.rnl'tl (11) for ptv-"ttf"& t"r"i and rpcctal aeselsnent llenc in favor ;i-;"v ;ite't;tns encltvr (111)'for pa5rnent of unpal-d c^tnron expenies; (rv) for payient of Junlor llens and encugbtilv€t 1o iil[-;;d;; ;i-;"d td ehe exgent- of thelr prlorltv and (v) the balance remalninP, Lf any, ahall be patd to the o$ner' fhe pio"-i"io"J oe tnEi p.rrii.btr shall noi be conetrued ae llniting fi-;"";;-ttr"-irefri-;T dlt"t lienor (ln case the proceede allocited'under (1-) above shall be lnsufflcLent to-Pei the lndebtedneee eecured by irta l!en) to agsert end entorce Ene Dereonal llablllty for -such deflclency of the Person or persons Mriilitii-?o-i-o'u;;;-"f ;;h inaebtedneas- rf wlthl'n 100 a;;;-;i;;i- t[. dlt6 of guch danase or deetruetton -a plan for relalring and restoring a danaged or destroyed-bu11d1n8. 18 not diiapproied pursuant -to thlt aubparagraph 13(c)' !he--Aesotiatlon tag attorney-1n-fact for iuch owners) ghall. oromotlv cauae such rep'al-rs and restoration to be made l""olaii,g ro such plan.' All ordners of unlts tn su-ch br.rlldtng i;;--il;therst shitl be bound by the cerms of such-plan, and fito difference, lf any, betreen-the amount of the lnsurance proeeeds and the cost;-of repalr and restoratlon ghal!. be an lip"r,si of eucir owners only ind shall be aeeesged and patd by suth owners ln the proportions of thelr respectlve lnEeregts in general corEron elenienfe appurEenant to unlts in the damaged bullding (d) llothing contalned ln thls paragraph .shall be conscrued as J.mposlng any llabt1icy whatever- on any flrat lLenor to pay all -or any part of. the costs of repa!.r or restora.tion. (a) If at eny tlue the owners of 75I or more of .-'t*.the Fencral coruron elements aPpurtenant to unl-ts -!n -any ' ,. li.ti" build*Lnq covered by thls Declaratlon and 757 of all first ':"ri -llenors-wlth tnter6sts ln auch bullding ahall agree that such ''' Uuiiatng has becone obsolete and shall-approve i plan fori:tte- renovatlon or rentoretlon, the Aesoclatlon (es attorney-tn''faCt . for the owners wlth interescs ln such bulldtng) ahall proqtly cauae euch renovatlon or restoratLon to be made accordlng to such plan. All uwners _of unlts ln uuch bul|dlpg shall be-bound bv tht terns of such plan, and the costs of thC work shall be rir exp.nse of such onirera only and shall be aacesaed and paid by euth ownera in the proportlong of thelr respecBlve iuceresta fir ceneral cornmon elirnerite apgurtenant ,to uirlta ln auch butlilng. No onner of a unlt- in any _other bulldlng- shal1 be '. requlreii to pay any oi the -costs of auch renovatl'on or 14. Obsolescence. restoraclon on account of such ownerahlp. . ..,, ,,,--],.r ; .:. _. r t ::'l:i; .,,, -:- : (b) Ir' et en7 tlDe tbc irmers of 751 or oorG -o-f. : .'j -thc general comon clenent! ind 75I of all flrat llcnora shrll'' agreE thrt any of the tnprovencnct conatltutlng gener_rl co@on erencntehave-becoocobsb1ctcendghe11epproie-ap1rnfor thclr renovation or restorttlon' th-c Aeeocle tl'on (rt ' attorncv-1n-fa'ct fo: thc orncre) shalI prouptly clutc cuch i"""".iion--"iilrloi"tio., to ue nade aecbrdlhg -to such plen. A11 owners s:.ra]! be bognd by thc :e1'6a of euch -plen, tnd -thc costa of the rrork strall be C co@n exPense, to be arregrcd enrl pald as provlded ln Paragraph 10 hereln. . (c) If at any tlue the orners of 75I or norc oJ the q,eneral couqron elemenca'ar,rcl 757 of all flret llcnors shall agreE that the butldlngs have become obsolcte and chould be s51'1 , the Aaeoclatlon -(ae atEorney-tn-fact for the onerg) ehali ormotly record Ln the real estatc rccordg of Eagle county, Colorido, a notlce of such tactt, and ehall gell the enttra real propirEv, free and ctear of the provlstone of thls Declaratiott Lnd thd-ltap, whlch ahall wholly terrninace and lioiie-upo" che closlnd'of guch sale. Ttrc -proceeda of such eaie sheil be collecred-, applled and dlvldcd among thc ornere- by the Associ_erlon ln the dinner provlded ln subparagraph l3(c) herein. 15. Condemnatlon. (a) If the entLre real property rhall be talcen for any publtc or quaal-publlc user-undir iny itatutc, b^y- rtghc of en!.-ne-nt donaLn,-or bf purchaee tn ltcu thereof , or tf any pe.rt of any bulldlng coveled by thla Declaratlon shell be so taken, or if any pait of the llnd shall be ao taken and thc part iemalning iniff be lnrufftclent for purpoeer of Colorado ilountaln condinintums, the ArsoclatLon (ee attorney-ln-fact for the owners) ahall collect the arerd nade ln euch takLng and shall eell the part of thc land rernelnin_g qf-ter- Eh-e takLng' l-f an?. free and ctear of thc provLeiont of thll Dc':leratton and thi-Hap. Such provlalone shall uholly terolnate and explre uDon tie recordlhg of a notlce by the Asroclatlon setttng forth.. ail of such fectal Ttrc arrerd anil thc procaedr of such.sale' lf dnyr shall be collected, appltcd and iilvlded anong the osnere Uy- ihe Associarlon tn the dinner provlded tn cubparagraph 13(cI ' ,'1 ,(b) If ru:h taklng ahall be parclal only' and tf the reuralnlng part of'the land shall be sufftclent fbr the '' ""rroi""-oi Cofbrado tlounteln Condoulnltna, the condonlnlurn ;. brmlrshlp hereundcr chel1 not tcrmlnate. Each ontrer ahall be i tv ;;iiiiil'r;-;-;ii;;e oi-i[. ionaecrition awarrl to te -aCt-:mrnea , ,i': i: under the followlng Provlatonct (f) the total arnount allocated to taking .:.:i:'.,'of or LnJury to tha general co@on elementa ehalL be, '"' ' apportlo;ed-anong owrierr of the bagfu of each ownertel,.' . . ',. . .., .1 .. ...: ,i, . ,1 '19..i' .: reEPeCEr,ve pcrcentage lntererC elementS r (11) The total emount allocated to aeverance <iamages shall be apportloned to the ouners of those unite which were not taken or condeuned on the basis of each guch ownere' respective percentege lnterest ln the general coumon elements (ltt) The respectl.ve amountc ellocated to the taklng of or tnjury Eo a partlcula' unit or to lmprovements an owner has naCe wlthln rrLs own unit shall be apportioned to che o$ner of that particular untt Lnvolvedl and, (iv) The tocal amount, ellocated to conseqrrential dauragee and any other taking or lnjuries ghall be apportloned auong the ownere Ln proportlon to thetr respecttve percentagF Lntereets in the general comtnon eLements. If an al.locatlon of the award Ls already establlehed in negotlaElon,judtctal decree, or oEhenrlee, then ln allocatlng the award the Assoclaclon shall enplcy such allocatlon.Distrlbutlon-of apportioned proceede ehall be urade by checks payable Jolntly to the respectl.ve owners and-thelr respecuiue firet llenors (c) In the event a part,lal taklng regults in the taking of an unlt, the- owner uhereof ehall a-i:tomaclcally cease to be a menber of the Asso-clatlon, and hl,a ownerehlp-interest in the general conmon elenente ehall termLnate add veat in the 3wners of the remalnl-ng condonlnlum unlts.Thereafter, the Associatlon shall reaflocate the ownership and asaegsment ratlos detersrlned ln accordance wlth Ehle'Declaration accordirrg to the same prlnciples employed ln thla Declaration at lte lnceptlon, and shitl eubntf such reallocatlon to the ownerc of the remal.nlng unlts for the amendment of thls Declaratlon. (d) In the event that any Dortl.on of Colorado llountain CondonlnLtnns shall be nade the iubJect Batter of any condemnatlon or eorlnont domaln proceedine br ia othenrise sought to be acqu!.red by a condeurlnr aut-hority. then tinel sought to be acqulred by a conde-urlng aut-hority, then timet!'wrLtten notice of such condeflmatlon ghall be tlven bv rl.re -wrLEten notice of such -condennarlon--gha11 be iiven by ihe' .: ln the general codnon ;... ir -.j ,:, a :i 'I n i .\ Aeaoclation to eech ovrner and fl.rr: .ll.enor. 16. QUalttv of Work. Any repalre, renovetlon or.resEoratlon of TEE-=ETj-roF-rty or any' bulliinl covered bv ' .thls Declaratlon by rhe A-ggoclation a8 ittorney-ri-fact for ihe o$ners sha1l be done Ln such manner as to dake the real , property or the_butldlng_at legst as valuable after such work ,aa lt wae lsnedlately bifore the occurrence requlrtng uhe work to be done. t. ir A 17. Anendment or RevgsetloL. Trric Dccraratlon Eay be anendee or rffiat any ttne prlor to the ftllng .o-f the M"p-, a"b 'tui rp;" -rh; iiriii"-ipprovar rn recordable form oi rhe owners'of ;sf oi-rooii-oi'ite-!"""i.r comron elemenre and 752 of all !!rat-rrlnoii, "*."pi Errii-ttre provlslonr of thls paragrapb 17 and tttt--drorrreione of eubparagraphs 2(a) . 2tbli aha ior"l- t.iir"'"ii sxtriuri-.r T9r?:ulg to lnte_rescs in the general comon elemenrs and the rlmlEed connon e_lenenta nay be anend-ed only upgn such approval of the ormers of_1002 of fne gineral comron elemente anc'. -tl firat llenors. Ttrts peclaraii6n strrit-;1";--b;;voked tn ..,hole g1 il part upon sate of all or -p.afr- .f -i{- .e"f -irr.p"rry" -- pureuant to subparagraphs 13(c), i4{c) or 15tr) irere-tn.' 18. ProlSrlffof Coruron Urc Ttre A,ooclat: .,n na.acquire and holffirt "i-r-t'r owners, :,i1 property' as l-ong as such real. property re puicha".a Lt- e - foreclosure sale -or rf sgch proleriy ft to be usea e. e maneger's--unlt, enj tanglble ina' rniingtut"- plieona:- :lrplrto ."T!_ggy, dlepo-se of the-same by sale or othenlse, and thc oenerlclar lnrerest ln any- such pr-operty shall be 6wned by thc owners ln the same proporlion es'thilr i.""pl"ir"e tntcreeta--in the gcneral co'fq'on' elinente anA atraif -ili-il-tranete-r-"Ut --- except-wlth a t,ransfer of a condosrinlur unit.-- e translli o? a condomtnlun unlt shall transfer to the tt"nricr.e -nneritrtp-or the transferor'e beneflctar tnieresi in-"u"t lropercy krlthout any reference thereto. Each ouner- g"y_ uee sich property tn accordance wLth rhe purpoae for-whlctr it- t" rnr_enhea, -rlttrJiic hlnderlng_or e.-rcroachtn! upon- rhe t"rrui ;lgil;-of rhe orher owners. The tranefer oT dltle to a condomintun unlt under forecloeure shall entrtle to purchaaer E.-i[;ue""]rcirr-lnteresr in irrch property assbcfaiia-"titr ;fi; f;;;;i;;;e condoml.nlum uniE. ?yTet :Fl?''" i".Iff:Arr noElcFs, deEands 0r ocher written lnformation rntended to l:_:,"y:d:p,ol .n ornirer ehall be sent Uy-iii[.i-regi;;;;;d ;;ce_rE1rlcd trr8lr, postage-prep-ald, addreaied ln the iarne of the ouner-at such regl8t€red nalling addreas. All notlceg, aeurande or other notlcei Lntended to bE served "pon ln. Aesoelatlon shall be sent certlfi.ed gail, poctege pre'pald, -to the "dai"r"of the Assocletion as aesrjndtea -in 'ttt-"'-[ii"r" of the AssociatLon. ]t1-^ . Ttre separaEe egtetes ";;;..EUL.rLss cEeaEes py En1s -uecraratlon _and the I{a[ ghall continue until thts DeclaritLon shalr be revoked ; dlTl -lts or?ovteronr lta provl.slo1s shall termlnate a- provlded hereln. 21. Archltec_lgfql Cont:o1. No butlding, fence, wall j or other structffid, ;r;;;;;-;?'narn-tain;d - upon the properties, nor shall anf eiterroi aaarti;'l;-;;- ,2I change or alteratl.on thereln be made untlL the plane and speciflcatlons showlng the nature,klnd, ehape, - height.color,materlals, and Iocatlon of Ehe same ghill have-been subrnitted to and approved in writlng as to harmony of external dealgn and locatlon in relatlon to surroundlng structuree and topography by the Board or by an archltectural coml.ttee composed of three or more representatlve,s appointed by the Boatd. In the event Ehe Board, or its desldriated corriltteer.falls to approve or dl-sapprove such dealgn and locatlon wtthtn thtrty days af:er said ptans and speclflcatLons have been suburlt.ted to lt, approval w111 not- be requlred and this paragraph will bi: diirned to hove been fully'conpllcd wtrh. 22, General Reservetlons. (a) Deciarant regerrrea to tt for a periodl-o@ the dare thls Declaratlon ls in-lti€ily recolded, and thereafter perpetually Co the Assoclatlon, (a) che rlght co dedlcate iny'acceas roads and Btreets- gglving thLs condoml.nlum proJect for and to publlc uee;to establlsh easementa, reeervatibns, exceptlons and- exclusrong consistent ntth the condonlnlum ownershLp- of the 'condomlntum project and the best intereets of the'ownere and the Association and the Cascade ViLlage Aesoclation, and (b) an easement, over, trnder and- through tmpr-oved and unlnproved parts oi the general cosmon elencnts-, to-the extent neclssary'for construction of eddltlonal lmprovements on che real pr6oerty subject. to-the Protectlve C6venants, whtch mey lntluie recreatlonal facllltles and to lngtal1, naLntatri and renove plunbing, dtrcttng. ventlng and oEher apparatus or utllltles to accosmodagu gny uni.c ownei tn the destfrr and operation of hls unit or the business conducted therein.- strch improveuenEs. to the extcnc they shsll exlst for comnon use, utay become general conmon ergments, aJrd - the operating expen8es o-f auch gdneral conmon elements rvlll be eonmon expenses. Declarant re6ervee in perpetulty-a11 air space aborre th-e Buildtng, and the escluslve right to place, operaEe and pemit the pla:ciurent and operation ot cotrnunics.tlons antenna and couuunLcatlon dlshes on tha roof of the Bullding, together wlth easements thereto and therefiou through the conoron elenents and the rtght to lnsEall and na!.ntain separate utllteles therefor. and r rs ",,""."J3J" , o::}il:l' "Ii"".1".,?;to f*Tojir t::"*l:itt conveyances, dedlcatlone ind provlsions under thle De-claretion - and the map, a perpetual non-exclualve easeEent anrl rleht of 1ey_u1{9r' over' acrosa and through t-he r.eal property dJscrlbed ln Exhtbit A atrached hereto and-made a pard hdreof f;;-i[;--'purpose of conetrrrctlng, lnetalltng, nairitalning, repalrlng.enrarging, recongtructlng and repLa-ing factlitlds provldlna- or supplylng utlllty servlcis of ail klnile to the rea'l pr-on"r'tv - subJect to the Protectlve Covenanta lncluding, but no! tinttla to-water' sener, electrl.clty, natural g,as, caa-le televreron ln?telepho-ne gervlcoF,- and f,6t the purpibse of cooil-rn.1-inc. -':-tt": malntalnlng, repalrlng, enlarglng,ind-reconstructtng a ioEir"y 22 : agree that as to dlsputeg between ornerr or betsecn tlre Board and owtere , the Board alone shall determ{nc lf a oul.sance exlaua, and no party shall be entltled to lnslst on a Judlclel dctctminatlon of nulsence prlor to corupllance wlth an order fron the Boartl to abate a- nulsance. No actlvlt)' shail be conducted on eny part of the condoml.nlum proJect and no lnprovementa shalL be made or constructed on eny parc of the condonlnltrm proJect whlch are or nlght be unsafe or hazardotts to any person or property. No sound shall bc enitted on any part of the condourinlum project whlch ls .unreasonably loud or annoylng. lfo odor shall be esrltted on any part of the condomlnlurn proJect which ls noxtous or offenslve to others.llo Llght shall be enltted fron any part of the condomlntun project which ls unreasonably bright or causes unreasoneble glare. Ccumerclal Unlts may Lnvolve noise, stroke and odor.the operatlon of the College Unlts nay lnvolve nol.ee. For example, a !€stauranE will typically have associated snoke end odor, nnd there may be noige fron varlous nachlnes snd compressors and fron live bands or fron reproduction of muglc. There nay be noLse from classrooms or the auditoriuu. The users of the Coumerclal Unlt and College Units are also on noclce that there are residentlal uses wlthln the butldingss and accordtngly no unreaaonable nol.se, smohe or odor shalfbe enLtted from the Corrrercial Units or Cotlege UnlEs. Reaeonable nci,ge, smoke o-r odor during hours penrltted by the Town of Vail, or -by ^rules aud regulat-lons adopted frour tlne to ttrne by ':he,Board wlll not be ttre subJect of courplalnt by any ouner.The buslness conducted ln rhe- cornrerclal' unitg itrati cocrDly wlth all. appllcable lau, and there shall be no iewd oi salacLous aetlvlcy permitted thereln (d) No Unslghtllness. No unslghrllness shall !:c .pernitlui .on or fi-68ffi8-6-f-che condoni-nlun proJecr.ttithout llmiting the geneiailty of the foregolng, nodhtri'g atrall be kept or stored on or ln any of the general conuxln elemenBer nothlng shall be hung or placed rrpon any of the general comon element,s; and noEhlng shall be placed on or i.n wlndows or doort of the condoninlum proJect, whlclr rould or mtght create an . ;:unslghtly appcarnnce. ., (e) Restrlc:lon on fnfunqls. llo anlnals j llvesto-ck,. holses or@rl be kept, raised.or bred withln any cbndornihiu1n unlt or wlthln the 'general "cotrnon elemenEs, except that doga, cets or other donEsticated ,housahold antnale not to exceed -cwo ln ntunber s.ay be kept by an 'owner es houeehol.d pcte ao long ae such pets are rrot s irulsince .'.t9 .aTy other owner. Pedest=lans sccompairtea by a hougehold pec:withln.che general eorurorr elenenEs Euit have -said pet undei- -': therr dlrect control by use of a leash nou to exceei ten feet ln length. No anlnals shall be ellowed to remain tted oi ,chalned to 8ny decke, balconl.en, patlos or othcr parta of ihe . ,condonlntum pro-Jeet-, ani any auch-anlnal(e) so tldd or chatned .: may be renoved by the Assocletlon or lts 8gento. ?.4 (.f , Trash anc! Unskhtly Uceg. Untkhtlv obJects and narerlsrmn ttrJ-cEnir;r counon elerrentg and no part of the gincral co'rrnon elcilenta uay be -ttscrl a a dump!.ng groirnd for garbigc. traah or other veaEc,'and th3 same ehall bc diepoced of Ln a senltrry Drnnca. Thc rlssocir:ton shall have tha rlght to enter upori any general couuron elenrents and to remcve such refuac itlee 6r -other unsf.ghtly obJeets and materlal at che expenie of the .owner causing the sante, and such entry ehall -not be deenrd a trespass. le, IerE&g--ar9as. No vehLcle of any type nay be parked on ttre- geiffiTffi?F elernenes ercept tn'paii<tng - sPige! cieslgnated by thc A-esoclat-lon. No comn-erctal - type of vehlcle and n<, recreotlonal. r'ehtcles shall be stored or-barked on the gcneral conrnon elements except tn arcas dertgnarid by the Asuoclatlon, if an:r. A recreational veirlcle shall lncluile for purposes of thls Declaracion, motor hones, motor coaches,buecs. pi.ckup trucks riltr canper topc or s:.nilar accesEorlea.boats , canplng trailers or tra j-ler.g of eFy Eype. parklnf. speees shall be uscd only for parking aucoiohllea and - notorcycles ancf not for an:7 ocher storar:e purposes. Moto-rcycles shal l n(rr: be scdred on paclos. bilcdnter or po:ches. (hl llo !'iolatlon of Rules. No orrner and no ovmgr's lnt'tgees shilT-ffiTiEE adopfed frcn tLnre ro tlnr: b; the to the use c.f unlte. the ui;n of othenllce. the fuIas and regulatlons As.goclat [on, rrhcther retat1ng penerel cDn:f,l(rn eLements. or -- r =-.-l-provision cf. thrs De:laiationt@, covcnnnt and undar;uklng to conply wlrh ealh provllior. of-thlg and- undp.riuklng- to conply wlrh ealh provllior. of thl,s Declarat_jrrn, and ar! necessary er:cepti;: or relerveElon or eranc of tlilcr- estqlce,- right- or trioruac to effectuate any De.ternlnaclon ri rtr aq.epect io rlrether or :lot it parcicrrtar acrl.,'1cy or occurrence shal I corrstlcute a 'rlolatlon o-i cb{s Paratraph 2a shall he ni,Ce by rhe Board and.rlrall he flna1 25.' Ef f,ec_r. of Provl.slon; ot Declarar-Lon. Each provl.slon cf thts Declaratt<n:(J i r;ha [1 bc deencd lncorporai-ed ln each deed or othcr lrstrunent by vhlch any Ifglt, .tltte or inEcresc in .ln1 ecndontnluo unlr ls grante?,devlsed or convcyed, whetbet o-;rct r.et forth or rcfcircd tc.in such deed or or,her lnct,nrner!.1 (if ) shell. by vlrtue. of acceptence of ar.y {rghg, tilre or Ln'-ercrt tn iny condoihfina urrLt by en ouner, be deeoec accapted, ratlfj.ed. -ado9r364 6n6 d+elared ns e p?rtonel covenant of such ovnqr tnd, ,t 6 perronal cov€rranir ehall bc btndl,ng on ruch cryncr rnd hir hSlI? r . pGr.ronrl- reprercnEatiyer, ruccrlrrorr end e.rrignrs end.shall be deeoed a perrunrt covenant to, ylch errd"f6r..thc beneflt of the Asaoitetton and of ,eech fi.n?r of ei,y conoocrnrqra 25 unlti and, (111) ahalt be Ceenect a real covennnt by Dccl-aranCt ior lceclf, lce euccessors end an.slgns. end clso-rn cquttatrle reyrltu<ie, runnlng. tn eech ca6ei as a hurden wtth onri Upon the title uo eaeh anC avery condoailnlun unlt 26. F.nforcencnt anc Remedlgs. Exeept sa uray Qe J!nt:e,r herclrr, Declaraclon shall be enforceable by -the ,tsirrclatlon or b;r 8ny o$ner !y " proceedLng. Ior a prohlbiclve or mariCatory lnj-unc-tlon or by a gttl: or acElr)rr lJ recover dam.rges or 6oth. If court proceedln8s are innrl:uteC !.n co'rnect jon lt1Eh the rights of enforcenent and rer,edie:: pro.rLded tn this DeclaraEton, the prevaillng P.erty shall be'crrtitLed Lo rcccver hls eosEs and expenses ln ct'nf,rsctlon therewlth, lncludtng reasonable attorne-ys' fees. Fni.!.urc l'.y tlre Aneociatlon or ty eny otfirer co enioree any !):'r-r';isien, covenant or rL'stricLlon heretn contalned ln no event i.hatt be deen:eC a walve:'of the rtght to do so thereafter. 37. Special Anendnents. DcclaranL hereby reserves anC is grancedffiwer to recorr! I sPecial acrc::imeni (a "Spe:clal inendnentf') to this Declaratl6n at any tl"ne and fron time to t{ne uhtch aner;ds thls Declaratlon (l) to c.o:rolv wicl' the rcquirenents of the Federal tlatLonal Hor,:gage .\ssbcietiorr, che Governrnental liatlonal liortgage Assocl.rtibn, :l'ie iioitga6e Ccrporation, the Deparcment of ilouslng and Urban Develc,pncnt. or an.' other public. quaslpubll: or prLvete entft;r rlrlch eslforr.:! (o:- ua7 perform ln the future) f'.inctions sl.t"tlar to those currerrL::r perforned by such enEitles, and/or (1rr Eo lndusc any ol such agcncles 'or etrtl.tteg to taake, ptrrchastri .- sell, lnsure, ,r guarantee e nortgage covering the condoniniur '-:r':itc. ln f:rrthcrance of the foregoirrg, a poeer cottpled wlth arr in3.ere.si, !s hereby rescrved and granted co Declarant to make ( r co.ls(l:rt to n Spectal r\nendnenE on behalf of each osner. i.ach deed, r'ortgage, trust deed, othcr evidence of obllgation (rr rth.:r instrument affectlng a condomtnltrm urrit end the ?c'.:.!ptance thcreof ahal l be deemed to be a grent and acl..nowle<lgeoent of , ar.d a eonsent to the rescrvatlon of, che l.o.e-ct of !eclarant to make, execute and record a Special ,r'endnien:. lir' Speclal Arnendment rnade by Dectarant shall affect or lnpn!: a m$rtBsgc upon a eondominlun unit or any warrantlee narte by a!! orrnlr:: or nortgagee ln order to induce any of the abc,.,'r ag,encics of entir!cs Lo make, purchase, Lnsure, or Er'aran'jccihenortga8eonsuchowner'gcondonlnl.ununtE,.\ ?8. Reservacion of Rlsht to Convert. Declarant \hereb:' reservef leare from tlre da!:e cit recordirtg thlc Declararlon to convert all or any num'rer of, the in-eslden:ial [:nit.s to a Com,ercl.al Unlt or Consrbrclal-t'n!ts, anC to convert all or any portlon of the Comerct.rrl tlnlts to a P.esidentlni Unlt or R.dsiientlal Units. Ttre 26 ri.rffi-.rfrnbr. -': ' c(|nvers jon ui I i 5t :'1er..,!'r!r i i.rhrrtt bv the raeordl:rg of e Supp!pncnrri irt'clarnlii,:'irlr:fl11:'rtn;q the xntt trl rrnl:s to bo coi.vurt.pC .'rnt! ..he t'c'stt'i ''i::i, utti !,. or itnlis creaieC. The Sharlttg ft.1qi.r r.i "ire ris,:I.:lnr rrli t shol. I equal chc SharInB Rlclrr c'f- ..hr :on..+rcc(: uni g.:. f)r.cl.rr:tnt shrtll elso jf le a sttpplemenEal ri.:r Ccpi.c:lrrg tl-.': ccri'er-(',j flrd resttltilS r-11-l-ts-. ?he owner of ,, !1,." idcr:: J.a'j' l';'lu or Cirr:ne:'ci.s I t'ni r wlro acaui:'etl clrle fron !;e.c'1;ri;'rr"':- sl.rI! :'lot stlcrc'ed Eo rhe ri qh:s of lleclsranr te r-r.,::.;crt rrnl CS.r ileciarar:t Spt Cif ic'ai!.'. frr:S l!'!nOd Srrch rtShf S in : h i. rl t' , t - ,-: I t.' ,- !- r'rr.:i .l :' . -"t . ':::Jl-g i-...' {ir) 't-l ,r1'.' t:l t!"e p:'ot'is-lon; t'!' lhis ir-,;.lt,if i.rn r.' .'r:.' D..r:ji!:::.,irl:. canFe: 'r.'. cliiuse, -J:h:ttse or r^'ord, ..rf litr' a;:'i!c;:ci,1r: ::llcrt'(ri ilr .t-.'.' ( ireuns:.tt:ce be invaliCated. :uclr inv'i i i tli :'.' :--ll;r ! ! :.oi i !f ,:cr L::c' v;rlitli-rv .ri tt.e renlainde:t .t t!ris [l,,.c1urtl:f.on. .'t:'.<i r-h,: i:rr!'.c-nLi';n rf an'.' sttlh provis[<'n. :',1:at:,rph, !'-t:1.:oc€. cl.1t:3{f ,- - pl'-r asc cr :',7r)Ed in ;rn'; othef circui'!liui':c:s qhai! ri,.t b;' i;-l-t'c:ccl ther'.:!r1.'. i n a'ic I, t :r,':, .:l(l :,j r:! ,:. l.ii:.tttlrt ..ri 'rns oi thi.:; Declaratiot'! shall be . titrr'ionci,-rnini.un &nte.rship AcE '. i. .r l- I n:her oro'/is ions o.l I ;iw. (c't i..thetltver uiir'ri hc;ein, rtnler s the contE:'r shal. (li:1 -r'.tjst'prr;'.'ide', Lh,' ::!ni3u'Lar ntrnrber sfr.rll incluCe thc piur iL. thc pl.u::al. ulre !iilrrr,rt[5;' and t-hc' use of any EenCer rrha I I irrc Ir:dc tt I I ge:rJc ri . :t: 1:!TliE.is':,,lilr!'.!'.()!", t:his Dcr:iarar:ir:n rt:is .]!rt cl.':" : l.iont.rne Corporati.ort, a (iolirraCo (:orporation, its i'cc Larii t icrn h;rs ,lttl'" executeC n i !la:r. 198[ . tL\::iFlULD, L'fD. a Crrtorado Iinireci'partnershtp ItY: 'o^n"^ffi,)Tm --..--'-F-rre s l-ccn c ( IlEriI. ) :I i! F-f: qes t ?7 'L. ' .: .at The undersl.gned as beneflclal holder :f tro deed.a of trusc upon rhe piopeiti-covered uy Ctr" Declaratl-on !".r"-by--,congents to and 'ratiftei the prozlilons of thls Declaratlon-al! subordinatee its interesc ln iuch Propcrty to the provlslons or ::hts Declaratlon. STATE OF COI.OR.ADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ST^TE 09 CITI rilitt cot oP.ADC EIIPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDINC AND LOAI ASSOCIATIOTI Carv BARBARA A. STEPHENSON P. O. BOX 3ltl9 vArL @ 81658 ) ) ) ss. The foregolng instrunent was ackn..wledged before ne Ehis 3lst dav of l{ay, 198L, by Andrew D. Ncrris, III, as '. i,r i':,; President anil Frederlck S. Otto as Secretary of I'lontane :..:"""""-:qorporatlon, a Colorado corporai:ion, nanaglng-general Partner i.di,',41,b.f llensfleld, I td., a Colorado ltnited partnershl.p. a .:, _-2.-rr. : .,,.: - ; ' - Wltness my hand and offlcial seal..4.. Pll'jL\ti .., 'rrr-'ls'-!r r'rt 'rcrl , ;l;j.').'];.ri;' t' lry ccrrrnrssron exprres: _!- tl- gC . r'i..-...'- rI-- ,:!rt" 3*1 o: "-' -??ft ;"' ?'11 r'?'""F9##rravinss, :OL|I!TY OT DEIF/FR) foregc_ing insLrumeni wa: acknowledge4 before ne on. l{l tnr':rr. r.:r haitd r'nt! of f lctal :real. )) ss . liz cclnt-c*ion,:r.pircs: ?-at t 5 tL.$ 9 ('o..1 -.ja-- -.---.-(-V <.ij:----... ., (.2'Lt t c.-tc'.r Thc gt. -tr-l-*JO,1h IB ot.'rfji I'U ,l E,Y}IIBiT A (/ttached to and ruade a pa:E of CondonlnJ.um Deciaration for Colorado }tountaln Condoml.nluns. ) I..EGAL DESCRIPTIOTI A ;rirrt o{ the Sttli n ilEI/!1 , Seetlon 12, Township 5 Sotrih, Range 81 ,rcst of the.JixrL PrincLpai lleridiarr, Tcwn of Vail., Eagle Crlrtinty, [olorado, being Elore parEicrrLarrly describr:d as fo1lc.ws s Br:gir,ring ac a l.rtn ! lrhence an iron pln wlth plastic caF maiklrg the center el sato Secli;; l? bears S-29"2h'11"'E 783.ht feet distant; thence S 37'09'31" L :93.39 fiec; thence N 5?"5'l'29" E 9.30 fcet; thence S 37o09'31" E 18.70 feet; tlrencc !{ 52" 50'29" E 63.32 feet; Ehence l.l 37o12'45" I{ l?,34 feetr Ehen..'r ll 52"47'!5" E 1.00 feet; Lhence l.l 37o12'45" W 1.30 ,'.eet; then:e ll 52"47'15" 8 42.60 feeE; thcnce N 37o12'(5" W 8.7C feec; Ehence ti 52"47'15" E 15.00 feet; chence S 37"12'45"E 22..i0 feeE; th(:nce N 52'50'29" E 35.28 fceti thence tf 37"09'31" W 55.00 fceu; thence 07"50'29" E 45.00 feeE; thence N 37'09'31" W 60.40 feet; thence S 56'48'45" $l 198.80 feet Eo the 'point of b.:girrning, confainl.ng 0.776 acres, more or tess. .O t....J '1 -'! :- ':rtr i 'f fib ,h;,.i:..J'-.- t ..-. a..!so .r ct -. .Ji EXHIBIT B (l.ttached Eo and made a Psrt af CondomLtrlum -peciaiutiotr f or Coloradb l'fountatn CondosrLnlums ' ) fnterests ln General Common Eleoents Percentage OwnershiP tn General Cosmon Elements Appurtenant Eo the Unit Ltnit c-001 c-l0l c-201 c-2c2 c-203 D-001 R-l R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 s-00 L s-002 s-101 s-4rr1 TOTAI. I .6700 s.1200 3. 1300 1. 9000 10.4500 8. 7900 4 .4225 4 .4225 4 .4225 4.4225 4.5225 4.5225 4.5225 4.5225 1l . 0000 2. 3900 1l . 2700 8. 5000 100.00002 The owner of each condominium unit shall have the excLusive right .to use any fireplace arrd flreplace fLue wlthin such unic and designated as a llurited conmon element on. the l'iap. The owner of a partlcular condominlum unl.t shaLl have the exclusive rlght to use any porch, balcony, deck or patio rlesl.gnated on the map as a llnlted connon e!-ement for such condominium unit, or urrits. The owners of condomlniun unLts R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 shall. have the exclusLve rlght to use che "Hall.way L.C.E. Unitg R-l thru R-4" adjacent to such resldential units and 60 .deeignated as a llntted connon element on the Mep. The onners of condomlnlum unlts R-5, R-6, R-7 end R-8 shall have the exclusLvc right to use the rHall:ray L.C.E. Unlts R-5 thru R-S" adJacenc to such, reeidentlal unite end so deslgnated as a ltmtted cormon element on the Map. b(r6 irr ?B25og u3&- cr-3ofr,- ' Joilxr$rE ?ntutt EICLE CTY. RECOTNB cc$srRucrror{ ANo sArss Acns tln lrl 9 n lll'8,1 - _ AGlLtEt{E}|T datcd t,hi! ^2grh day of Juty 19g1, betsecN $Ml!!D-. LrD., e colorado irr/'lr:d p.;a;e-;[i;'t;iJiiIi:.1, ."a coI.om"m liouurAtn JuNroR colLEgE orsinicil-, srarutory JunJ.or college disrrlcr duly organtzea ena-.iiciini under ctrl iawr-of the ScaLc of Colorad6 (,,Furchaaer.,) l. PROPERTY. Selle:: agrerr to _cell and convcy and Purch.icr iib?;;r-ro purclia-o i.i -pai - roi -ipirorrnra rc ty tc,lzo square fect of bur.l.ding lpace rttiratc tn rirl Countl-;i a;ii:;sLate of colorado, nor- firtly a.gciib.J-aJ"io.rorr, The.Coll_-ge Unlt accordlng to the condcntnlurn d(. crarat.lon fcr COIORADO t,|ot NTAIN CONDOUINIII{S to bc recorded in the real propercy recorda of Eagle County {rhe '.Declerationr'j, irnd tti-cona"-mtntum_nap (the "[ap") to be fried io"-i."oiJ-fn EaBle CounEy by Se liei. 'lhe College Unit, rrhich includee the appurtenant tnterest ln genersl conmon elements f,nd I rmr tid -coffion -iir".ntr 1n the CoIorado-ttouncaln condoninluors ar n i-U.-ii"t'forlt -tn"ti.- DeclaraELon, ie herelnafter ref.ircJ' to-", -it " condomtnlun Uni.t. or the Premtsee. eff topiJveu"uiJ aleiin"o to be butlt or thc pr,.percy sub1ecc.ro th; oecfaiiiron-e;e-;";[ ;;d.-;;;,arc herein.rfrer referred to aB the CllC -n"l-fUlrg. Th:: 9tr9 Buttding. wtll, forrn parr-of and be tr.tegrared wtrh rhe dcveropmenr of the adJacent reel prop"r-*.- ihlch ere known--is Cascade Village, s uc h- deve lopm", t' i"'i. -iiieineo uy Speclal Develot,nenr Disrrict 4-ae coirtalnea rn-tf,"-ioning arainencie for the Towrr of Vstl, Golored;;---- The Premlgeg are sold and shall be conveyed rubject to thole ruErers eer forrh rn rtrir-iilild;";:"'- 2, FURCHASE PRIC-LE. The purch.re.price ("purchaec pttce.,)for che preinii e s--ehaTf lia eE e rtaU f finea- tn -iaragraprr 3. payablc ea followa: (a) $2,000.00-patd herewtth as an errnelt noncv deposlt to be hetd bv seriii .;a-;;ilI";i.;"ril;";;; ilil:i rurrda of selter but ;hrc[-;h!ll-ui-iiliiliilla-ror [iil iiiJic bcncftt of rhc rlcvelopannt oi-ltr--cuc-iu-iiiine; "nc (b) $2,498-,OO0.OC_ to br avatlebk ae rddtrtonal rrrnc6t. noncy undcr the provlrionr of psiiii.efi iil-iii"iiry tf Purchercr.hrr obralnad_rtri- coni tiucii;;";! pcrrn n;nr flnarrcing referred to tn p.rr8;;il -i;: ---" -"' 3. -cg!qArr!!._oF_puRcnAsB l!lc. :: l,l::, : :f: i..l}:iitH!.:i:lii.1i,1i;. *rti!i..sl,, ti" a ror _c rie.bine ii. -i r - i[" "EiE, iirii!:iili.*i ";il.iitilii ."; ;;y;il: jtr :;'ii:rr:iiffe"r.i-fiJietn.-ii"Iilirn.d) end rherl (f) 9f90,OOO.OO r.Fr"lcnrlng thr vrluc of the lrnd. (1t) 33.05I of..thc Non-Con! cruct lon Corrr.The EerE "Non_C, ;;*i''.r"i,"lt*i.i";i;t#iii*$r q uaa t -BovsrntDcnrr I cnrfr,r), fiiii.i"Ji drchLrcctura. rn nagen"ni, i;";;"i;;i.recr, c{vll rnrtnc-rtng-ena-j.irili-iorc,bur.does not ticludc aiy tnriiciil --- ;ff 13:il.:["3[*'.i:$i:t;.i:19s. . iiil:iff ii.rr.$ijl.i;ilri;t i: t"."'(rhe "prrlrrtneiy Corr ruite[;i--^. - (ttt) 31.051 of thc Strc -Dcvclopocnt co.tr rrhrch rrc ellocatad.to ttrl-iiid iiiiirnr.snd tncludc cxcavetlor,, utf f fitle-----..t (rrunk lnd aorvrci)--iiri..-.'iiiili"pt"e and charger for ,eatrrnetcE-io-;irir'iiEtBil6. BE"::":ll rorrh 1n thr prrltrnine;i-cjii-sJislil (tv) Sl,669,9OJ.OO rcprcrrnrtn8 lha tor.l of rh. _crrturri.t'.dirrcc "iin"rru"iioi colt of tha bul lc uy nuicrri"Jr-;ij'lilull"ii lfl.tlril!i,'.0 constructlon cott of rpproxtna tc lv 1094Q 3qusra rc.t uirril"i^iri-[iiraine t6rvlca!. (v) $6,000.00 for each.covcred parktng rpr.c. loc.t.t rlth(n en un.lirlrrouil,,partrtn3 . rruc r urr t',piif ti-i-sliic-t i, r,,, I to b. conlrructod rt Sc t frr , r -.iii ". ' , I?t! !n9 Gnpont.. puicr,ii.r-"f,iii noc Dc rcqutr.d- ro purchUr tt.-riir,ii ii-:f:-^!.1 prrktas- rprcc and rherl bi -- crlored to purchar. thc rl,ghr io-irr a mrrtnutn oi trn perktng iii".i. -iE purchrser rcqutrri p.rrin[.-iiiir, -. I a -2- purchaeor ehall bc rleponstblG for p.rtodtc eBaerroent, t6 fund its Bhare or cotlron cxpenlc! esroclated rith che parktng Structur.. (vi) All-:orte of flnarrctng lncurred by Selk,r attrlbutable t5 ttrc congt,iirc-Iton rnd holdlng of the prenLrei unLc8r purchaaer obtelne and utll{zes . thc flnrnclng referred to ln riiatiafrr lr.. (b) Thc ccs-ta anuoerared tn Subparagraphs 3(a) (ii)(iil) (tv) and (v) e'rove l:c eBrlnetes only and ahall be adjusred_ro reflecr actual coJiJ.--6;n-;;;..J-s.-if"i Jt"ff provide Purchager.r-rth cop:er of ati'invo=iflc or othur evldence or Irs cosr. purchaaer "haii [ivo-ir,;";i;;; on denand ro tnst)ecE and audir rll regorJi ira-tni".ilEiJn of Seller conccrning such c< scs.,Norr.,trharr;ai;;-;;i;frtng fririii to thc contrary, pur:heaer'a -!t rlregat! coit uirder itenre (f),-(it), (iii) and (iv) tn sub;.i;;E;;pn-iiil-"t"rr nor exceed 92 , 9C0.000. 00 4. c.q!.sf,t_u!!I!N -oL_!l$_ rcglsqs-. (a) Seller agrecs to supervls€ and dl.rect the consrrucrl-on ,rf rhe preiriises o" r[L-pi"pi.ii to ue-Jes;ituea in rhe Dccrarurron aurstanii.riy .ii"Iiiiii'io th" a"srgn dcvelrroenr rlann nnd specriiciiioiJ-"i-ii"i"."o by the officcs of biiner/sc".t,-ii"[ii.,i!J-<lfr.'iillnrrecr,,), all .s scr forrn on f,xhiblt s attaGhii riieio."'irauance of a tenpr)-.,ry or condltionaL certl.f-l:atc "f -occuian"y' i[or."J"denominared) or slmllar_notrcc bj, - tie - apiiipit.t " governmenral :l':lo:ltI coverrng.rhe condonr.niirn-ij.ii.Iiiii be dcened to ncan that the premfsgs.are Icubgrantiiity coirp f " c.a; .'-"" - If,. t trru i,a heretnsfter rercrEcc co. _ (b) Seller conternplrte! ent.rlnpJ lnto vrrtou!conatrucrton acrccnenta undr l. yh{ch-iti"-iil_i""a .rG to tic subsranrlnlty cuwlctrd end rcedy - ioi--"" "ri.i"y on or bcforc January l, t983. 'sclter "treii-"i"-Ii"-i"i'i'Lror." to c.ua.thc Prentses to be iubs raniii iti-"",i ii.M'ti "r,"n a"c";.howevcr, rtr.! clas. bv whtch.tt," iromii"J-lii"i.i uo eubersntteltv con,p.tered shau -bc i.*t""oia-iir' ;itiii"u"iliJe of rrearhcr l!r_flt::t nggr.of God, war, aggreert"i, aeitiii"tron, conrrlcror!or Fulrco,Lractors brcnchca on-contraci or court o"'iriii -ii- --' - :I9::".oT arry urher_ occrrrrencG or condftton belron<l Sellrr,e conrrol (coUccrtvcle '.lorcr. !lrJ-sui.;;y;--ii fha prcnltrl rrr not RubBtnnrtlrl ly coiro I r.te,l ty JinuJr!, ' f , 'isir , or.r cxt.n(lod lry Ft'rce MaJerrrt-, seLior aheil Ui"ii'i"r:,iuii-rnd purchaccr -3- shall hrve rhe rlfht to th. renedtcr pto\rldtd tn ptrrgreph l?P"l*. seller sh;ll uce aue atfit.icl-ii-ih"c rhr Forco l.ta1eure as qutckly ae. poeslbrc. 5.riir;i iSiieiti6n"-Iiiir he_susperderl durlng the contl'us'c€ or, ena-Jtritt uc cilinica ror.no lnnger thln rhe pertod of rhs F6rcc tt": iui.l- i;ii;;=-sna!t. utEhtn l0 davs nitcr rt oUrifnc-in&flii",-iotiii--'Purcnacer of any oclurrence "i F;;;;'H"il;;;:' (c) Sellr:r slrall be aolcly rcrpongtble (t) for alI consii-ucrten mcnns, methode, -a;;h"fq":;-.nd procedrE.a and (it) for the ac:r and_omtsrionJ-oi-iri'"F"i.I'Itiiill.and all.other peraonr perforntn!- any- r.uoi Jr "uppiyini, --- materirle for the prenriaea. puictrei er'-una.i" trnli ind-rgrcea that during conatrucrion of ttc pitnfa., -6i-any othcr conatruc-t ion ul^thtn Cascade Vl l lage , due co heiiraour ionaf r{d;- ;e-!:::I:1": and securt!I re{uirenenEe, ""iitiii' purctriiii- nor--rcr representatives shall Ro upon che congtructton alte eic";; i;;prcerren6cd. tnspccttons_and. rourn c"naucC"J-ui ilii";^il;iJ-'norrnar uorking hours. purchaeer .ariiJ-ifiet-irr"ciion-ini"'supcrvr6lon of consrrrctron perronicl r.Jic-.ici"iiiliy-Jirt,Scller, and p..rcheser shall lrot rJs;; ;;t-L;rrscrlon ro or oLhervite lnscrfcre ',r1th the "onrcructfJi p=.ieonncf , tncludtnn aubconrracrorg. purchacer "trati "oi-ionirlii ri,J-i,iai;i;;i"'rork. wi!h Seller,a contractora unttl tttii ii transferrcd to Purchaser cxccpt for ,,!enant frnprov.rn."ie; if,lch purchaser dcatres to mnke. I'rrrchaner tr.rlby agreci tiiat no work wtil be pernttterl on or ln thc.premtsei Ui-inioi.-otncr then Seller ,nttl :rrle ra ?.:'anaf(.rred, excr:pt i6r'liiii-,'t.oanr tnrprov-ment a,, .The provisiorrs of rhtn subiaragiifh-ti"i-ii. subJect "i,a riUiiiinl Dtt' to D"rchescr,F rtthl,s to tikc'control oi congtructlon of thc prentrres, upon sellerrs defp,..it,-r" ijio"ia"a tn t;;il;;;ii li.-.* (d). ln lteu of all _warrentlee lrnplltd by law or othcrvlse,. Selter warra'E.-snd "rqr.." ih"i-"il wtll,cauec-lo ba :frydl.g, by repatr or replacencnt,-"ni"Jif.ire fn tnc-ireitii that-apperr wtthin one.yeir of the'cloirng aite. whtch arc the-rcsult of f aulty marc'tal or worknarretrrp.'"piovti"a irrot-#tiiin nortce of any ruch defect is B{ven to slitli-riif,tn-jO-aiii-ii"dtrcovcry of thc defecc by.puichaser._ ieiier rrrari ;;il;i; ;;pronptlv ar practrcablc, irI rtrmc oi r-iiunctr r.tii',-ii-ii,iciitca by elther party lrereto. (c) At purchricr'r optlon. to bc rterclccd by no latar thrn.Au8usr 6' t9Bl .nd e!. purchaiii'e-coitl"conrtru"rron of rh.Prt mlscr r.n accordance wirh Extri[li-r-"t iii'ui-ro.i"J-ii".iiri"i.nt corporare eureEy for tho beneftL of purchecer rn tho r trin oF iooi--'-.f ^thc Purchaee'prtcc, !l-1o leter ttrin iuiu"t lr, icsl;'iuci-[ina ro. bc corrdtrtoncd upon scr !er'r ruri 'an,r'-l3rtir"i'pii,i"-it-o-i""ii"- lebor erd m,rcerr.alr._perfornunce ^uy-s"il ri-oi rri iii, ititiitiii.tn conitrucrlng thc Premtres, end Scllcr'r ttncty corpie;ffi-;i--the Prenrtrca on or boforc .tenueiy i,-iial-oi-.r ixt-ni-a -[y-'r6icr l{.J .ure . I i; .'i ::r, (f) 8y no hrcr than July 31..19g1, Seller ehall furntoh Purchlaer vlth dirpltcatr Lnsursnc. ioffiter or c.rttflc.t.! of tngurance cvtdcncing rha3 s.llrr criii'i-iir b.;;iii-;f-ilirii ena Purchrecr rr rhrtr tnrcrcir luy_npp..r tn c,rriili-vifiia.,-i"ifil-ll.rbtltty end conprohrnrtvr UuitJli;i- rirf-in"ur.nc, eoverrg.,rr purctrnrrr,r Loirdor rnef f rriior,iliy-iliiuift. ,. q!r.LH. (e) At. I'urch.r.rrr rrqrrert, Srlhr rtrll r|rltvrr ro Prrrchr.rr.a prr[(nr.nnry tttrr'tnruienii-ionnrrtarnc trruod L,y r.rrlrut.bl.r Lttlr tnr.uirn.cc cofipiny rrircicA Uy Sifiri---cornnitrlnB ro lrrsurc nnrkctrblr rt!tr' ro-itri prririrlr-ii-Purchrrrr.ln rh( ,rm(,unr ,qu,i -o tti-- r, iii"rrli, Frtco, nnd ir Prrrchar'r'e e lrcr lon, p,rinarui-rl,iit' r,;,i"ir,, Fii;i ;;;ri;rn rt ctostnp, enrl caurr. a tlrlc tnrurincc'p6rf ili ;o h'firu,rJ-"lnrncdtarcly fol towtnr. cIoatn6. Th; ;;n "t;;;it-inJ-pJiiii-nlralI lnnrrrr,rpllnor'rhc aiaiidard prinloa'cicoptlon, appeorlnt h t t r r.o. cordnr'Cmr.n t n t r ruoo uy-iitli- iiiiii.il' ti,c iuJln;.. --""^ nr.chentc'n dnd o:hr.r ltanr, ricroechncnfi, -iu."o"rory rtrhlr or crrrmr rf or.rrcrrr rr'r,trr,.rrir-J-by'-iii;-;;;;"li;, ina oirirniiiiii oi clrlr*.I srflr,nh.rrr.f, elr. rroc rhoh, by t',i irc,ir<iJ. -iiIl]"irruii t"rubJr.r:L t.o rhe rnatterir referrcd io ii iti"'iirGorn.nt !nd to !hr f ol lurelng: (t) l.he Dl.claratton and tha llap; (ii) Roal proper!y, tarrr and arrorrmentr for t lrf yc6r tn yhtch lhc clortn8 takee Pl r,r'u ; U tt) I'rotucttva Covcnlntt of Record for Clr I c adr. VtIlrgc Atroclrttonl (l.v) trnt!.rd $t.t.r p.trnt Rer.rvrtlonrs rnd (v) i:orc,rent, and Rtgher of lfay of record or r. cont.lnod tn thr Dacirratton. (b) If prrrcharr.r ericrtr tho cxlrtener of eny oncul-brarcc., *cro^ctrnrarr , dofccr l;;-;; ;i;jr;;iii'to, rttl. orhir than t horr, rcL forrtr'tn.prrap.rili6-3 i;i-;i;;i; ronrtorr rtrl. Lo ,rny portlor.of Lhr I'rorolr..". ij,rmi rki t ib i r "ir,i"r,tr tctr - irurcfriiir - -(rodr nur watvr, (au or ,hlch ei;-liii!,,-oiilc;;-;i trai;i;-.Purehnrrr.r'hatI stuc wrtrron noiriJ-ni-.irir-;;i.;ir-;i-;i;1"to Sr.l tcr ut rhtrr l0 ,tuyn af frr-,tritrriy 'Ji"riil rlrls corml.t_Dcnr.. o!herwt.3 .rt,:h dlfcct. of-rttl. if,iif-6i drrn:d wnivrd bv Purchaarr. Afrcr rhc rociipt-or-iui[ iiiiii.'.,'s.ii;;-.fr;ii-- -, proct.r'd to rsnovr (rr crrr. eirch dcfycfr";;-i;; Grp.nr. trnd SoIlsr rhrll br rntttlcrt to i" iOj""i"r."t'ii rh. ctorrnt of t ttk for r pcrtorr of J0 davr tn-ii,rlii"'ili- r.il". o,, cur! ,uch -5- : liifft:i.t3"ll:i,:l:lt-l-:-cntrtrrd to obtern (a! r* rorr eucrr- cov"ias!-IJi;";;f lii'iilir'il!iilit.j"f:d:"::j-uiJi-ooterohg retlovld. If Sellrr -tl_untll. to i.ilii ii ",rr. rurh defccr.li":::i: ;*:*:":g $:1" .rt., airiili-.i'r,urchr.er,. norrc.to,r r vc, .;;h- ;; i;" $l ?j, i.i9.ill""l.i.r[nj:*.;i;j."iii"'t,crrod! of rtne wtthtn_rhich s.If ii-"ii"iliur. o, rcnovc rhe "'#ffl:'o:lo(litl"ii.l'5'tnete thle &;;;;'9 and havc arr ix;iii:..:: ^;r!",iij'3[ l;i"il9.:J*'Fl;j..:l;;,:lj:;::;'- - 6. cLoslNC ANI :t r I, l, . ri.-ii' lii;ili.liirirfiii:iFli Jpi,', ",: l, Il". ;l oll:*,..,rrrc Eubcrrnttally completld or: i-Ji.i-"ijr".r o rine nnd i:il::liiilitr,i';:iiti; :: ;l;"1;iiji.ij "li-,r".ci.,iis.,;,,nera r u.rrart v 0""J":g. rh" pr*,,,ii"s ;bj::i"ff l.r.lj ;;:l:rt"or.o Tl;.;:1.,:;l ;?'ll,ll peJaxraprr : iii-"i-iilil Asteencnr end ;*;;f i li1;:li.,:i iu:lriir,iil;ji. lii "l ;;:i:#:{"ii, !iitn.'.;lj:il1;i'; ;:l:l i;;lj"l,lllerr, ri.cuti-an,r-o.iiJ", euch othcr crrry ('1:'- ,t,*.ri"iii,ri"',11, ('th!r rctlons r! orry Ur nii.rilly to jl::!..". r rrni i",r i;i.l,ll"ill. i:::..:ll:, *:.il.l:,jfjjliill'-ru:cnasr.r eZl.,,t,r to oey the. O""utt"nl"iy-.iie (i,f rny) on the dacd :::;:iituil:.,:l'1,1:":"i':11 tt''-i".'-!"1'i""Jla,,'g ,ar.d deerr anrt be corri"y,,d rif ,,i,ri";r,ilral-t'xrs (tf anv) on thc !rr.rro'aitlt Anv r rans rer f ,i..r,, ii"r. I ", i:";l;|,,;j lll l, Il..,Fl#i;:i..1. * r. . pon:rcrxron(lll .l;:';*;::.:hl1l P' entttl..'r to ent"r rnro as ,..rldonce(t by rne l{rsrr'r on the datt of rubatantiai"cJnplcttcn providurJ iu;";;";;=r;;sunnc? or r crrr tflenre corrr ro r of c.on6rruc.. 1;.. *?lni.r .nt", i,,io'ioJi.3l,3i"i3tljil; purruarrt ;r-i;;;;;;p;vn7ot th" Pren(rua ui'on s"t i.,i' s'-,:"ilil. 7. ADJ-u_s.rgqq. (e) 1he fol lft:, (cens shatI be adJurterl rr of th'f dat of crorln,i: 1r; r;11 pr.rpriLi.',ir"r' rn,t g"ncral ,r.J rpucrsl. ,r?rr.rsnrerr.-tor thr. y"ii- ni ;i;:i.r rrf rlrle.F,rv.btr. ln the folloytn:_I.lI, "itf,-"r"r,-iiior.rorrr.nt to b.Dlsdd on the trrc, nnd antcarrlr.nt" cloraci[i" nef,tnrt t]r€;:::l ?ilff"il":ffi';li1.l.' thc.o..cteirtili"-i". .r,' precedrns ,.n,rer r;'. R. s l- ]s'ji- ib i j iio" lii l, ii' l;; I lii,'l;:"j:li; -;i iil:d AFsc-t rment charga fcr t .thr. prenirec, "t ""i' r"lin"ffiii,.illl:;:,i*'::i.i:i;n:"uy l oer of thc cttc Brrt lr[.r1; ilrroc rattoi -iitio-l,Arrocrut too,,). -6- tn addltton, Purchaser nay be requlrcd ro pey rt cloelng a prorated enount to the Caacade VLllegc Aalocilttln, a n;n-proftt Colorado corporltton to b. foirned for the bineflt of the other ownerr 1rr Caacadc Vtllege. cqual to 3 nontha,GFttnrt{d aii€.imenta for cormon -xpcnden. (b) Provldud Scl ler lt not ln dr.fnult end tf, ar th(r requr.st (rf Purch.rser, ett el!€nslon 1r trantcd euch itrai tho closlng of tillr' 1r held et !n)' date lacer than the dace origtnally-crtablLahed for the cloitnl of Cj.tlc pur!urnt to l-;rr&graph,6 hereof, rhe adJuatnentr tit forth abbvc shall bc lnrde- as of- the oriqlnal clottng date. In no ovcnc ehall l'rlrcha|i(^r b,. enCttled to eXCend the clonln6 detc roore than 9() (ll'yB afr.er the tlare orlglnelly ertablte'hed for cloeing of rirle I'uriurrnt t(, Pnregreph 6 hoieof. Thtr perngreph 7(5) .hell lr{rt L}r, al}l'r rtable to adJournncnt of clotlnp purrurnt to l'ar.r1'.raph 1tlrr. t4. l{l l;li O}' l.Ol;S. Al I rlrrk of loss to the premtsea shall l),. r,orn(. hv sc.ller rrirlll the clr)rlnl, oi ttii.; rhereafter afi Juch 'ir:la of loss r:haIl r,e borne by purcliaser, rn'tbe .".ni-6r-i".iiii,t,.r f r r.. (rr .)rtrer.r- j.sr- guch thal norr than tsi. oi -it. - ci,ii irtiii#'-, ]:.!":trov..d. sucl, pcrccnr6Fe r.o be certified by the A."hi;;;;;:trrra Arjr.,errcnt, at SeIIer's sole opLlon ahall either (t) termlnite .r rli) r,.'ni.irr trr full force and eifect. rn the event irr - i "rrninai ron :,.11 ::"Il**, ,nruley. drposlt s sha.ll lc returned to pi,dcha6er, "ith;;;-'l.fertst-a.(t.,('ith''r l,.rty nhnll have Jlny fLlrEhcr obligation to the (" lrr:r. Irr Lhe evcnt Sel l(,r elcc!s to continue thte Agieenent;- --'-tlrl dai.r' for sube t;rrrr ial coq.letton nhall be eutonatllally exiended r e I 'r;rr t i's cxcr*ii v*lv dr.Li:rmincc bv ser lr.r, provtded s!ttri-iir,.ir I'ronrr't lv r.,consr.r.c! thi. deet'oyed poirtorr or'th" cHc-srli;i;;.-"--- 9.OTHER AGMUI,IIIN'Ts . . (',) Ar cl(,Atnn rrf rltle {f mutually agreeable purchaeer . rrd 5r'li.r nroy I'nrt,r into. rn-agreeo,,,,t (itr" ;fua ""igi,irn"n l;t -"-- -' rovernlrl'. rhe uc.. rf the ballr6nn end eudttoriu r (Eollecliv!rv. r lrr. "FaciIirtee") to be conetructea t'trhin-ihe-dti-;;ii;i;;--,'an(! 1'lv. rni.11. thac portron of th; premlees declgnated ;ci"i"roonr,' ,\non,. r,rtr.,r rh1ngB. thc t8e Agrcensnt ehatl proirlde: (1) Thar Scller (or ltr guc6tr, tnvlrlren,?rss.-tr,rrcor or dcat4necr) rhrl I have thc r ttint to uttltze thrr Cleneroorna on an "ar, rvallablc baalr', on auclr terraa and c(rndlf.l.(rn! aa arL. rcarOnflbly dcCernlned lry purdhrr!r i rnd ( i 1) l,rrrctrrBcr (or _tta guerta, invtteer,tsFifncea or dcttp,nertl thell hevc thr rlp,lrt to uttltz! thr Fact lttlcr on an "ar rvallabh baalt" or. auch t.nDr and r.onditlonr or lrr rtr.sonebly dcccrrotnid by Seller. -7- F - (b) At closl.ug of t-tle ond ae a condltton of clorl,nr cf.tirle, Purcl,ascr shall qrnnr tn wrtctcn r.coiaiui. i;ri;-;;''Seller. tlre rl6hL l"Rfght) tor SeiIer (or ttr aaetgnecr)-io' -- rc'acqutre rtrc Premtsea lf the use (for eny portlo; oi itri- irA!"::t ch.rr:1'.ue. f rorn other rhan cducatl6nil pu.porrr. -tht tcrDrl ol Buclr Rlg,ht are aa follo16: (t) Thr. Furchri" prler rlrell bG tha frtr $nrkrrt Valuc of lhe Prcnigce ea cetabltrhcd by nn Appraircr ac if tha prsolari rarr '.rsed-solely.es an rrcducatLonat and tcrrning facilt:y" sl,th no other allereblc uecs.l'or purposes herein, thc terra "cducaltonal and learrrlng factltty', ahall nean thc urcr raflectcd on the p1.n3 referrrd to tn [xhlb{t ll and lhleh err iunmartr?d on suth Exhlblt B, In no ?vrrnt ehell ruch vnlue bt less Lhen tho larr. er of (i) en x'trnt equAl io thc prlncl.nnl belanco of rhc flnanclnx to be provldld pursunnt to Pnrngrapn 14 o'ltstending nnd irnpatd er of the dace ol cloatng of tltlc'undcr thl.s Subpareq,raph 9(b), or (ll) rhc purchr!.Prtce. The Appra..rer rhrll be rrututliy eccl'pcaLle Eo Purcharcr and Seller.shall be q menber of the Amcrlcan In.tLtuEe of Re.al Estate Lpprelters (or any Bucc.rror nss()ciatlon of body of comprrablc Btandin8 lf such lnrtj.tut. lr not tlren ln extrtencii)lrrtl uhaII havtr becn acttvr ly eng,agcd tn Lhe apprnlsal ,rf real r te:i tn Eireh County, Coloredo for a pertod of not lcss than fl-ve years imnedtately prccadtng his 'ppotnr.ment. lf thc pqrtteh iannot rnu: uall$ ep,rec upon such Appral8cr, "itlrcr prtrty nly npply to the DirErtct Co,rrt of Eagle County, rdlth at lueaE ten (lO1 4.t" nocicc to thu othcr party, for al)polncrncnc of ruch r\ppratrcr, (tf) Ck'ntnj, of tlrlr nhall be ,rt I ttme nnrl plnce mubuolly agrrllblt to thc prr.'tes not. l.ter than 120 d yi afLar the lurchanc l rtcc ls .!tabltihcd pur6unrlr to (1) sbove. At clojtnn of ticlr' thc Purchare Prtce ehall.'be per.d r{tr h a eashtcr'e cheek or by cerLlfted frrnds. Purchrsrr rhel l corrvfy r:ha Pren,lrer by Gr,nrre! trrrrnty Dr.r.rl froo !n(l cl,rnr of ltcnr. orlcum-hfanccr tf oth6f fldvorto ctrlmi arrcr.Dt for thc nrltttr.rr r..f..rencc(l to tn Prrirrrrrh 5 '.a) and rubJcct to dny rlthtr thcn - ;ii' ;d] .E- \.1. (rrr.) ( tv) l,< :Ii:!ll8 i1 any.p3rlon or cr:rtJr crerr"d rn connccllon rlth purchslr-r iinrncin"-obtelned undcr prrrgrepti-i+. - iii,-.ii,fur"n".requtr€d to b. prtd Ery bc peld ic-t.t.--'-'.- iillr!irilill'9,"f,:*.k,,:n :':"*i::.0"seltcr.shetl be rrsponri.6t.-iii iii---.recorgtnB chrEger end doct'ocntlry fcee and ghall pey ihe prentrn foi-ii'lri---rnsutancc_l,n In a ru5! equul to thc aurchrFo pfic". Srllcr ;haif -;et--Fcr thc Tdn of VeiI crane upon clorr,ng, seller ;f;iirtil'.lfr'lPltcrblc' . l:_l::r::"lon of . prenl,eer fr.c-iid-iiy reaact or tr'nenclct. The Rlght_thell bc cxcrcicablc only oncc end upon. fatlyrc of Sellcr (or tte.aalicnccs)Bo €r(crclre rhc Rt8hr. tue nitrrl-rtiii'ffii;:. Th;-Right grantcd hercln rhall cxptre 20 yeara.!ft.:: tbe dcaBh or t,he ourvtvor of ll;, ll;i"Hr"Fl:3i::"I"il:,!q:. ai!:,i:.' (c) Ar clostng of tltl., and !. a condltlon of closing, Purchaser "hrl,r,gT1la,to Caacado todge, e Colorado .l otnt VenCurc ( "Cn ccrr de i."oi.r"r, rJ -io;, ;'ii;;;'"i"Frll! i:ilgli:"":;r;Iliffl (i) Should. purchrccr (,,Owrrer,.) oeetrc to s.r I .r,.^pi.'*rlLTI l"if;rlj il;,;i.g;; ." nu8l.81ve to Caecade a ti,rri! ' (i0t-a.y opLton_etthln shlch Crrcrdc irry pirrchirr euch lnt.rr8E-l,n th. premllrr in.tha BaFe. Ecrmr-rnd condlliona er thoac _on . rht ch thc omer te riiil-nx !o D.k. ruch sete er. cvtdenccd by-i-[,ii.-ira"--irlJi..fron-a rhtrd p.rry,, ilji noruy caacatrl in.,,iiiii-"inilloollHjtt and s6n{1g166r of tbe-Uof,r_ita._Jfiii*wht.ch the orncr har i""rli.a iior-iiir,thtrd. prrry. che rdcnilti'oi "iiii-Jih argo be tntluded fn ftre -iottcc. _ _if__.- _ _ caagalg cleerr ro .r.r"t,Ji ttr,corlon as to :y:! 119:T.qt rn _rhe_iienreei;___--::.:;;"":*},f:,1: li,i;!li;.j;,:el.*g ff :i;i4lg .:1..f; :Ttir":F:i-*::,ii:i:,i rn gl:Ilo-"d sprrqsr.-Coi6riao-"iiliiilnt rrtrh rh. r"rni of-iierr-;6i;d-p;;U----... -9. ..;.,{9i: f: lJ.',, riiii*,l5;rj:ii,jrl!ili.ll,l"t,!il.,sg.- ",i,fr (tt) ifiii;lllillil|.olt,iii'ixln,l:ll1:'. ' .":?1.,11-b:..d!!':6 i-iiiiiriT; ;;;lH:.. . ll-l* :l.ll- cmcrdr-ii.ur.r cr r. ,X ffit**i*'fiffi*n,'1i fttffi*'ii;if#iii**;li'-ffi' :i l*.X*:-.1^;1"-Fii"ii.i"inlii'I"1u.,. 1 ' i::-y:t,!o ,i.ubrltB shr rrtr of ,---- .l *,.:: ":t _, I _ t.e J -p-ilii. iiilr!.d!. lja.il:::I-cL.ltT..c.r$.. .na nio"iiii.-l .,hcrrln provid-"c-ii-'ilil's:;;ilfi.?:i..' I (ttt)}I'].tl:.!':I!'9.!!f.11rhalloxplrr20 If,i';,:fj:i-Ig;,gii-ii ;il-..dfiil;:l ,.jl.rlllli!"li*jliii jir*"!n!'iIl't.lj"o ::,(tv) Thr provtrton. of rh{, D.,-ir-_L ^,_r nos rpply tfr thtn PrrrSrrph 9(c) rhrll ""'i p.'Hiii'Jiii I ril, til" I I fi l'8" :;;;.'t i;r (ot) I$:l#:: yf-ll[g .DGrr rnto r L*t yi , lfi;.,D.nr rrrei.ri.t ;;.i;..t;;ri.::;.. i,i ("') lll;l:::'o;*ffli'lltt pur.chr'.. th. $ii1,:Tl i lt:. lii* liiFi: li "E;'ln i';0.,, ffild#';'f;$$ftH#fftrffiffi .10. i rni.tn thg provirtonr of rubp.r.lr.ph, 9(b)(tt) rbovo rnd thr lol lortnl Fr6vt r i,ono r jr!. ,.F (t) Thc. purcher prlcr rhell br thr Frtr t{arhet vrlur 6f chr prrotiir-ii .iiiUftrnrC by an Apprrlrrr rr. tf [trJ iiriri.i] ,.rr urrd lolelv.rr rn ,,riueet.lonrf -iia lriinf,ng f rcrtty,, lr*r no-. oi[.i-iiiiiiuil'u"ro .ror purporaa haraln. th. t.!|l "educetlonrl rind Larrnl,ng f.rcllt ty,, rhrll nren thr u.t.rcf kcrrd on-rhr oiiirr iiiiirii"io rn Erhrbtr B .nd-r|rich err-irnrnrilzJl "n .uch Exhtbtr t._ tn no rvini-lfiiil ructr ve lua br hrr -rhen en r_rourii ii-_i co rhc. prtnclprl _belrncr of-iiiJ iinaicrn"ro Dr provlrl.d .pur.rirnt to prrrgrlph 14 oui;rrndtlt end- unpatd er of t[!-Jitr of crortnS or tltI..undcr. thtr gubperegreph e(d). rhr Apprerrr rnerl-uiilil;iit.'-rcccptrbl. G6- purchrrrr ina S.ttii,Fnnrl b.. nctrtbcr of th. An.rtcen inrcltulc of Rcel E.t.rr Apgrrtr_-il Gi-iii ruccesror a8roctltlon 9: loq of conferebli iranalni-lt ..uch Inor-icutc lt nor thin-f"-.itr t.nc3l ill il;liJ:r,?.;1.i"::;ali-iF;iii:i;'-'counry, colorrdo ror r-pJiiJc-Jr-ilc rrrr rnrn t1v.. yarrr lrnrdtrtrly pr.c.,ttng hlr rpgorntrncntl ii rh;-il;;i;i [ion"c muc.urrly agrlr upon rueh Appre(tcr.eltncr plrty-ney epply to thc Dlrri.!.ct courr ot Eelte eoui:t: ,itti"ic-ililc c"n (10). dry. n6tics to-,tlic 'diii.i-piiii. ro"rppotnrn nt of ruch ,tpprrf-ii. . -' -, !aP.!4IL!Eg.10. "" folto,, l")Purchlrcr end ltr rtgnatorlaa t.rrrnt tnd trprcrcnt (f) Purchaeer and lcr rtgnetory offlccrr arr duly tuthorlzcd to citcr firto t[ir-- --- Agreebenc and thc trrn-lrctton.-lJitrnptrtra hereundcr .nd rhrr lt hrr rurho;id-t6--'prrfom rhtr Atrcln nc dcho;;-i;;, -- con.rnC of.ny thLrd ptrty or ordtr of cour!. Should ruch- cblrrit or'oiiir-61 Fil:f; .:::.:fl :ii.lLP;,f EHrio!i,l;.f :i;..",lt! rol,. .rpana., .'t.?2 '.:,'.'':' lii \ i :I n ll ,': i (rr) p,::"|::.r. rhell urr rhe pr.at..r rolelr for-cd_ucettonrt ture6l-r. ri-sliJi;i,;i.i:!i$i!i.;i"1".;;:'il::.Ji:!iai *,11-_l:r.gT.ph 6, . by iac.irno.ni-i.iiiriirv.l3I'[illi;'%']*l;:.3**nir -iriir- -- -' (ttr) pur.:!!"!: ehell not ellor rhc Lnlrrtlrtlon or.y:._ gI..gurpmnr end ".t.rril_i _oi_iii-" orncr ecttvtt, r,htch routc crcrcq orcrlll,vr .ol:?, ltr polluclon or noltoul tra;.__---:l::ln!:#!::.tr";.naii-*i!*;:s:;.. . rucD provt!Lonr. (b) S:ller and, ltr .l,gn.torlGr vlrrrnt lnd rcpra!.nt thar rhey are dulv eurhortzcd co'.riii"-iiti-inr. tgr..r.nr rnd ch.r ranaac t 10nr con tenp lat_c-d^hera.ndii -ina -iilt'at hra authorr. cv to lilllTr.gji.lg'"SilXli."1.thouc thr cin".il-,lr eny rhrrd pert! or * ;:;.Tj.:i.;:' ".:::,"$,:"Sh ill'lf, l, i'rllff;I,lf ' 3B::ili:;i!.i* "88$88+ryS#ru (a) prtor to_ conv.y.ncG of .thr prantrcr, Sellcr rhell rrra cnc condoutntrn nep tn t[rc .."iiaJ"io"'E.t r. counEy, Golorrdo. f|r't !t,t.L.r - lrJ --(b) rJtthln lh*.:ll.!lol de7r. frou_drt. of rhtr Atlrc.Dcn! :.. serler shell furnlrh to-purbharci ec.ttrJ-6Ffica or tt. pr.sLd.nE il".f:T:*:l$J;"Hiil?n, arttctJ..-oi iiii,po'.tron and By.rerr uocuacnr! rhatl odnr.r-.:::.L:,lI_!h:-.,ClG_Docuncnrt,,). Thc_hld__ .,: or cb. Asroclerrun (crltcc!_i-l,clt-ih;-.,clc-ilffi;;;li: "ii..oei8r.,: :ff fr:l::..lil,l :f,:.:1;, ?rovrr i6n--(t ni;siiiin,o"; ) . irr -ii.i. i,"rnd r.rid.nEr.r .^-,r_rl.rg docqcnr.rton for eonbtncj_iofriiciii ;:i:i:iiis":i:i{:iifiiii*i'ftl'ii:lii;j1,,3:i3rili,,Hr*'.', I i?:$;llti,:t..flt:*iiti;.1!-*q,!$!ii"i"ifl.'l*i-iii*l';", . :Propcrty tuc' lh-rron :ll.:*ii;{i..i;;'ilil;:il^illltpi}161",to s.Ltcr or ttr efftlteto rtchcut Euili iiiii con..nr), rnd (ttt)Gxcrpr rlrh un.ntnour conronr, ifiic-Ii. rllili.gron_yiii il; ti:__, . , .:l Ililllllbl:-jo, ::I_::?!!.r.c6rii-6r-iii,"-i[In e5.000 rn env , .calinc'ar';.;;-P;";:Iii-i$ii.il;ilfiii.}"?iqi'i399lLfI...',r€cctpt of rhc cllc D,Jcto?1!r_or. 30 drye fr6o -ttrr drtr of thlr r:,.t:lpl!!!nt t -lrhlch:vcr lr lerrr. to revi.u-iia ia re.,r r- a-rr__ ^r ___,. i..,:pl::D.nr,.rhtchovcr rr iiiiirl-tJ-r;;il.il; so! s.Et ot thlr :!$iliti{ii;3ilHi}i:,$rui:i:rilriryffii$1ffir;;'-i"r,non-sc.nd.ld chenrrr. "I1ijlol*Ifg"_l:I_"!..:! concrrnrla .ny_iiiU, rj ;illii:fri!.:t.rn:ii ::l*i.jfiijrti#! fi:i:i}giliih:ff1,:gi :ffi::ff::1.:;o Il ill.:i:nt_crrr frir.rt;-;;:'.5i.-;;-iJloiiil cu.t, g D. ruDJ.c! so thc or6vrl.llSn lnl*luFilo$l-gj!:^Purcheiit-i[rii-ii.n ;ls ll. br rubJ ree so ttrc -piSvrJrJf,i"oi"iri'te"ff:ffil.!'i;lii:l;n.tt .t.n, .l eutonuttcally becomLn8 a.nembcr of .thc Aeeocrrtton and agreetng to be_gcv.rn.d by chc Asioctaclon,s Arttclei ot .ncorporation and Bylrue. If thc parrtee arc unablc ;-i;;-n;;t6 eqree ro- sucb' rion-standerd eheng*-rrrh.*'i6'::;3 li.3l"$rflill;.nottftcr scl ler of auch _proporcd n6n-strndira-ir,i"if.l-iii"i;;il-.rhrll hrve rhe rrehr crrictivi-upJ"-'a.iii;lii ot rrrrt.n norrcc to .S-.ltrr !o tcrmtrrrt. eud cenccl ;haa A;;;;;i,c-inU-it"i.up;;-;;.ii b* crrt ltled to a rrfund_of_eny ina -r ii- iii:no" r nontrt Ehcrctoforc peld rl chout tnrerer r. . rr rui6trar"r-;;";";;; d,rii;;;-r;;i-;;i;;:;notLca rrtthrn euch 30 dayr purcheu-" rt"ri-i. aecrncd io-iia;;--.."uithdrawn itr objecttons'and epprov.a- l[, -Cic DocLmcnts .,oristnrrrv tcndeie.r to purc[rJli-uj-i.iil".''-riiIr-"iiiioiil. s"lr.,rhell not arrer. aoend or change .iry oi-itri *rc rioc'fi!nii-;i";;;'-as provlded thcrein. (c) t{lthin thtrry' (30; 6.tr fron detc of rhk Agrccncnr,serlrr shall furnleh to purlhriii ii'itt"'iirr"e ot trs prerldcnt.Articlcs of tncorporatfon, nyfaw" iia-i;ioiiiti"c covenanra .(collecrively rhe'.'CvA Doiumi"-iJ;l-iipiiJiii" .o rhe Gaecade vtllage Aaeoltatlon. tt," Cii' oocinollii']r,Iit conrrtn provtston.(thc "sre-.dardg" ) a l loeair.g -t"-th.-dff iiiii;r.i"ii-lc[i;;i:*"PoEtton of thc corre of -f nr[rins,-;lil"i;i;F, .owntnS and opcrartng the common facllltree or diJiiJE'virilil'iil^"qlng rnc wer.rcourr..wulkwaye, ekrtlnr oarks arrd.open lpace arlas. purchager shall have rhtrrv (30) -dirvs fronr. date of';;;.{;;-;f rhc cvA Docu'.nr! or 30 rtavs from chi' daie of. trrt--ngi..ilii]'rni"n""", r! rerer, co iitlir"iii ::,:*l;; :f;t';:.:5;;aii;|l*;i" jfli!_::!".i;n:$:r".0" tn the cvA rrocumenci. upon i.".iii ;F';i;;;. lnfornarron fro.o purchascr c(,,rce* irc "nI _ :lgh "r,.igoi l s;ii;;'-"h;ii-iliiii.. ii-r.".wlth purchas(.r artd Ehe parttur rtrrlf rici"iiei. I.n "n rrtlmpt !o rciorve anv.dteag,rcencntr, tn i iic -Ir"iE-ifrl' part rcr ara abro ro resolvt thetr dtlfcrenco! and to igice--"pin-uny ruch chanlee.Purchaser sharl rhen be eubJrct to-the pi'ovtilone of thcsi docr.ocncr iililli:l:illiii!3'!:.!i*::iijll':i,id;i'lilii:ii:.tii:'nif;"':iffi "t'gt:*ii'iB il,g":!,:;'Fli"f;:::Eti. *,!:rl"iil;'iF:lil""' ?:gpg::d non-Srandari chenscr,-il;[;;";-;f,iir nur. rh. rtRhr etrecttve upon deltvcrv of rrrirten nottcr [o-sc-ii;;,-;; iiiniin.t"arrd cancel rhr.rr Anreeni:nc rna -irt.i.upJi'irtii r b! Gnrrtl.d ro,.refund of arry tnd-all ..rne.t nonhr' tfi.i.loior. prtd, t tthout lnrcrc*t. lf l,urcheecr aoct noi J.ft;;;-;;; rrttts' notLcc ul.rhtn ruch 30 daye, purcheeer ehrtt.-br j"iiii-ti-ilvc utrhdrrwn ti.objccrton. s^d aourove.r ttri -cvr-oocililn-t i-e e'orrgrne I ly tendarcd to Purcuaaer.bv solitr. s.ttir-"'teli-ill'i"iitll, seond or chrnrc anv or rh€ cvA Docunrn.r cxclpr .r- provtaia-irioilrn. ---ir,"-rlliJltitili rlrl br r rncobcr of cv^ r;d rrt-tl di_.ririili-to arrt3norc onc 'rcmbrr or rh! 'n'ad of Drrectorr of-tvA. -_-silili-iirrl tncorp,rrr. rn !h.Declrrrrton. rhrr rh! omcr of tl,i piiiill.-]f,, ;ilaa:;,i:';iili r "li !i. e. io" ii rr;;-.-il; ;:;;il,n3i..f; :.t':E:."l" - 13- t4. ry!.c_rNg. utron purchi') Purchercrtl obltratlonr- hcrrunder rr. c!,nttng.nc i Airgusr r, i;;l_i.:o::l::lg";d**";::,1r.::-i**"*F""."he prenlsea.ln arr amounc i,i-niit-t."" chan l00l of th._::;:nl::.:i1"" *,,a i.iilJd-;o;;; pru! eny ceprterracd rn .,noin1;;y; -,,fi:.ii^:llilf;mi:ffl.mr'lkij;:f#i.i..:, colt lncrudrnS relntcd-coit"-iiil-i"rnrr no! to cxcecd 127 pcr annun and provtde for rcpayneit rn not - lqir -ii;;-t;,yeare fron deri of conpf"clofi-lnj'."""pc"n". by the purchar.r.lf purchaeer .doc6. nor bUcii"'."iii rr'nlnclng and vtsher to il::[;":l."frovrsrons "a-;h; io-iir,,g.n"y c6nc"rn"a_iieiein, . r,.r,d;;h;;;;, ; "i*iuiiili. ll gi;:,;"ii:l n**:l;riii.;iil -" "",^, tr*lt,r$:*il:ii:l'; !!i;-ii';i"sr,;-;il.ii. rcrmrnare. upon iuJrr- ?*;.-,..,j1i:iii;iri.:ii:qii:::!!i:,::d.lilf,i,i.,,lf!,!!i:'t"ii":lln",]g.r\1.tr"q"rty shL[1 tt"".-.uv'iuiiill'Jiii"-"aouc rrrEerett' and nalther It'- .r.' docs not 30 ;N- frtgii*'r+fi[n*#rll#lil+**trit*ry {nfornatton to any iinJEr-l.a"iif.,"i runa.i-in-.:rpedrring rhe loan o*riilii.iSlo;l;::rj:ttr ritt' iuctr _.1,. p""ur.fll"ii,:lF:nlf, :'dli"fll.,f 1.".i" lllg i:"".":fl:ii";: "..n 1,1:f;"t'*,11":l::T-:::-i:i:!-i$p- iliteb-^r r0, 1e81. porcronr or . n. i 3 ;', " S;'*$i-hf;i#,!tlfFill9:., lL :1' :-u" - p r -1 c r - o''r e rr b lp ot ilH;"1,1e.fl : illrliliii, con,on.- r l.iliii ." i-u,l -cfic- iii iitig .. t trrc drte or-t[;-;i;;i;;";lll[i:.!;l_tllT:"::.!: *::!;ji !;:"'i:trt^itHT:.i.;t"i:: jF'i*.lto:l:;nii:ii;lii.i*"ii'tf,t'"' .-.. ll' rr"[*.'rf;*j-' ""$":f ..?:'!I-rcpr.r.nt. . to t hc orher rhrr no r.. l ..""it "i-lii"..;;.;Ii";*"Ln tor cornpcnlet,ton or crpcnre! .. I ocncr rSitn!r any ruch'lilailo lrch prrty hcrcby tirdtmntfto-thr nuch *rrancrr,s pro-icJ--li"ii-t.."iliililii. iii :#i;d"i"::.:lir:r Elonel carn€Bt, nonee deporlE|ytqh-irli.i-irrtt"n "*y be cradttrd ..to scller,r conrtruitloir i;;;,-i;-.;;i';; j;;i rrque.rr for rc(mburaenent of rhr corrr-_cgrr,prtrini'tfii i"ilfr"". price of Ghr lll"lyllll:l :I:,lnf!.I.g ana ipfioiilo-ii,'p-"),n nr. such : .; 12 . GIiNEIIAL coMtnN Fr FrrF.'r. drrburecrnenc rhall bi-ouirui"=t-i5'I'iitiliri"illlliurlullp.r... :- conr truc t ton dfu b ur.r rnin r egr..ru.nC. -lin-i'ii"!". lenrrtntn8 - l4- trr crcrcu follouinr dt.bur3cnenB for ell coaG,r co[prtrtnt the Purchreo ?rtcc-for vtrcrr iiric[il.i-ir-i..ponrtbl.,rhell br rccurncd to nurcfi-rr uidi-iLii.i.r.r dcurnd. lt. OTICIS . A.l I nortc.. or- d.llvrrkc tcqutrcd rndcr tht a ASrcciehF-eiia l l bc atv.n- io - itr-=-iuiiiir".a rrprcrcnt.r rv.of .trh.r prrty d(.stnn.tlq Urfjr i-iinlr--ili'p.rron.t d.ltvery,or by rcgt-ccrid or l.rtriria-ilri-iiii"ila,ro rh. .ddrrr!"r 3tven bclorr: Scllcr, g aut.horl.::d reprGrcnttvG : Arrdrcy D. norrta III lC00 South Frontt!" Rotd lJrrt Vatl, Colorrdo 6[65 7 ui th copy to: Fredertck S. Ot to post Offtce Box 3149 Vetl, Colorrrlo alOjg purchagerrs luthortz.d r€prGsantatlv.: F. Dcln L-lllic, prcrld.nt Colorado ltounriln C;il;;;poet Offtce Bo:< lo00l ---- Glenwood Sprlnga. Coiorado E 1602 xlth copy to: Jsrnce H. Lar*on. Eaqutrc port offtce Box'4i6.---- Glenrdood Sprlngr, Coloredo g1602 All noticea so givcn ahall be conatdercd offectlvc only rhcn rccerved, Etthr.r party,-uy noitc.-io. ii"li.'*r ch.ng. rhc nrn li.ll:""1i:ii.;:0":;?:.".ncartvc o! trri-aaJiur co rrricrr iutuio_ .nt"tfu,..*litg}tf{!-ltY'. Netther p'rcv Irv errtsn.t* rtshta undrr yrrrcS Eoir"n;-y, -i;:-i, lil[:lillirTl;.::.:*:1l.jf.![".i:Fi;,,.,'ncreDy Srenti Purchrrr.r thc r:ghi ;;,.;;fi;-i xuntcipir L;a"l;;-d;il;rerron,.-r Dii.iiii"Jr-lli*fi:.Sl;.::.[:::. *,dl':::i-lti!'F't:3rlff Xf{i+i'p.llf l;.ol-In:!t'!nc.hor;or.i[51"1i.il]$:; jiii.lrr:.mont rnir -uiiri i;;.i!l'5r,lii'LTlil,li. $iri.i:lil"liij:i:t*t:ii iiii3iiil#:.di :jiiitlil,;iiiili...tlon by -s;ir;;-;:"fi":,ol.illiiilririT.;r"li.:T.iLltl -li#;.-- .rr ..rncrr t'on.t dcposrrr rr rrquiiel.i-iiiil... rn chr rvcnt of t.\ t!-- f -lt- .. i{Yts.I l:l!r:_ll drf.ulc, purcherrr .h.tl. .G irr oor .'*Jii{ i$!ii;iirflii:iiii+{'ii:;ii:'r:iu[:i:i#]iliiiiii: i i trki. contror';i' .;;-;;"1!,!i!iii.il.!dT::jl:.FiFHi:;Fd:;ff ."" i con'trucrton. should eny.rctron bi 6iJ,riii-..i.in;:r:n:.!:,-*^_.:lli.tgi.:I.ll"ili-*l:.i.rrn{ B,re, r" ;,i"r,-io!lj:':;.ii ll..'*..',rnd "rp'n.'r, i"iiiaiil'-Il:--d:I:91!118 prrty r1l rrrjoniuii "ortr ttrc prliiriiie'i;Iiii'iiffi;"l:!il,,:ttornrvr' hr, tncuiir;5t---'t ;*.iijl;i:ffrii:fi*:ifH:fiHr,iii::,::r rg il:r!riir!,;,1$. I wh r ch rnake i ;;i;;;; ;: ii, li!illiii&'l;"i" (;! !:J$:Iiii, il"iti, r ffi ffi:;.:if.ll".li.i:.I_proprity.rcci,rii ii_r.gr. countr, coioredo,. . r ir*ili:iliiirirff i'dqli, ir.;#liil,ffliilr*:;"iiFi;;:' i![il""l"lrir,'3::u;:;:""$ .rprnrc, rnair-lfrrdtrtry. ciccu6 end :rcord{ng-ir r;-il;e;;J':i]irl!:iii3 :i;j:ii*il.l,iiii$j1."", i othcr rear prop€rry, or to rllon ;rin-l"iiiiiirlon r1n!nc1.r8. . l 19. uscE_r{4!_E-oug. ,l . (a) ExceDt as_otherstee.rpecifled heretn, thte ABrc€nenr rhall be btndlng, upon and i;;;;-;; th€ blnrftt of :11..:h":"r end Srllcr and rt,.i, r.Jf."i.i;;;;",tubJ rcr ro rc! crrcr aon- on err rtn;6ii i;i-r:;. ;;:i;ri""l:r:!il$;.;. (b) Thto Aqrccmont. to86th.r ttth lny docuDGnti rrftrrtd to or euppltud purruarit-ro *,i. tifii"Ji ifriJ ^sr."ron!, conrrtnr En. "nttro rgr.crnnr b1.y:"1, tt. piiti.r-lii *y no. bs nodlftrd ;ltill"l-"tt erccpt bv en tnrtruncni-ii ili.'..s rrsncd by erl (c) The oaregreph hcadlngr !r€ tnscrrld only for lllJ!""'i"i,,ilt;;:::ffi[i a; ";;-;;;i;.]' iriil' ", prercirbc rhr vt.tonr ,r(Slrrllll Ap,r..nrnr rhrlJ br conrrrunrJ undrr thr pro- , i ob".r""n.,,(il ot'Jf"H::l:t:nr-of thtr Aflrcan€nr vhrch-rpqurs! iiriirF.i:";:iI,i#,ji;r;ti:ii:ii:iiii^.ffj.r?ixij$"iru r,i Er(ECUTSD rr of th. drtr ftrtt rbovr nr{tcrn. - r6- L!_1, ;rrt lr.rr .,t lxl lt,t A -0*eao_r1,r | .. ,r_tr-ll. fr l{!.1,,,L rJtryg,rr- E_l.,..qrLr r o 'l;t;r I l:,1r< r ,...!1 -1. I t6,t6!r I t,18., th,t,ht l-q,9{.q t9.81'5 I.'t'( t.trt 21 ,01 i0. rr )h, | | - l3-,-?a I 00. 00 Al i rrrrl lort ol 8.u.t l.r I I ng_ !i.-tlr v | _s. g 1t.05 l7.It 29,77 -0- | 00.00 l.r',11l||1,t.,t i .r.ll ,,i1,, r l..rn,l li, r r r' ,t r ,tr r l ?t (j.rril tl /rtr ltilr., ttr',, !rl,l ,r rt , ir l,tlr,(.t1r. tt. | .t,t,l I'r.r,.,ltF !t| ,tt',trt. l'r',l,rt I . ltr, . (rl r. -,,,. r,0nliL.,,l. r'rl .r',' A, r,,,n11 i111, rrr.l t1r',n, . I ; ll.tl,.rJt, ' .rl,,l t. n,. iri,.,.r I n,l I l.'r1t.lrt l', rlornl.ttr!r. lt,rtr,l :' 'r.(' t,, I rl,lt..rtlr, rt., Itrrl'rllrrg 'l or a I N/A cnc _ru,9.!i I tt ,)00 92 ''40 4,tt0 46,270 5,9t0 N/A 5,610 I 5 ,865 6,610 3 7 ,000 N/A 3 2l4,9tt l(r r5Z5 9.91 5 9,265 4 ,955 6,610 - 3rlo-l I 4e,175 l,3lg,694 I 3il,209 t s2,124,tt3 ?R0 ,000 l,t,:''l(l I h|.t tool I d ,00fi t1,000 ;! l, . (r0o /,t .000 t(r,000 .r /,000 Lo-r-qo..q lii,,. ltr.,r': ' ir t . l' ,,.. i n 1; !l.rt rrrl Iritc I j ,'l'trtt I Fr,! ,r irl l,rt. ! I r I ! ,,r;,1 ,'t,rr I ,, .' ; l1t ,i '' ;||r i lr rlr.,, l|t:r , ltrll. .,rrrl 1 ,r :;t.tlt r, v ,rtr,500 lt,,000 )o ' Qgg 'i \ ,701t t5,000 )0.0u0 - *1,1'-r-0.9q 3 .t h5,000 Ui r' t t:, , : , r | , , r I , ,t ,Ail ,r-.rr r,,n , I hul I t:rt*t 4l(,iii T(J | /,t, ';'1 111.1 r| ..tln!fOCt)ll ||g I;(,rvIca st,0,.6,?66 i:iijll'"', t,,;,,i,,";rr't 1,,..{t,,,rr rrcv,.l,,t,m.,n! trrrdrlo r surmrry, { ,'hl rlltrtrr .l wir h ;rrllnr r,tti bul tdtr}r: -.+:;-.:.--J-, a DEStCN. DEVELoIHE}II DR^I,INGs t No. Contentr DrBad ARCIIITECTURJ\L A-! Cffiffi-Vfff-.se Strc pten f-lt-Ol A-2 Leernlng Gentii Sltr Plan .l A-3 Basemeni Plen ' r A-4 Flrst Level plan r, 'A-5 Second Level Plen rl A-6 Thl,rd Lovcl Plen . r 'A-7 Fourth Levcl Plrn .l A-8 Roof Plan .i A-? Bullding Sectlon/Roof Detell t ..r-19 Butljtng Section/Skyllsht De Brll ,'A-II 6ullding Sectlon/ColunrrFlrrprooflng Dctallr . .i 1-11 Buildtng Sectltrn/tlell Arrcubly'Drrellr ,. .6-rJ KAnp 5eCElOn rt A-14 lfall sectlonr l A-15 l.lall Secclont '.A-tq Wall Sec tlon /Grrenhouro Detrllr . .r A-17 East Elevetion ri A-lq South Elcvaclon/Srelr Sac3l,on ,l A-19 West Elevatlon ,,A-20 North Elevatlon ' .,A-21 Roon Finlsh Schedulc ,.A-22 l/4r. ct'tC Arce/Lobby plan rr A'23 l/3" Condominlum Pienr ri ' A-?4 Gondonlntum tntcrlor Elcvrtlont ',A-25 Dance Studlo Elcvatlonr r.A-?q Fourth Lcvel Clacgroon Elev.clont ,,A-27 P.anp, El.veclanr rl STRUCTI'R,/|L s-l Fi-rn-fi!-Ffan r-16-81 s-2 S-3 tr r. S-4 r, rl S-5 Roof Franlng Plan .l luEclt NtcAL lt-l E;;GAiifRvAC 'lan r-23-Bt H-: Flrst Floor IIVAC plan Il-3 Second Floor HVAC Plrn r ll-4 Thlrd Floor ttVAC Plan ' rl H-5 Foucth Ftoor HVAC Plan ,r ELECTRICAL E-l E'i-cmtiE-f,tghtrng plan r-23-81 E-Z 8a tcrnen C Porrer lfrn rl E-3 r Ftrrt floor LlBhttn!, plrn rl E-( I Flrst Floor Porre r pfan r E-5 I Second Floor Llghtlng plan ..E-6 Socond Floor Poicr pinn -'- ..E-l Third Floor Llghtlng plrn .l E-B Third Floor Powea pf6n .l E-9 FourLh Floor Llghttng plrn .l E-10 Fourth Floor Poucr plan ' ..E-ll Eloctrlcal Onc Dfogrin r. E- 12 Schcdulor - ,. ;iiig?:,ffi i'!ff t: iltt :;i: 1T"a1"i".,".9.ii15;gl i38::l!r *rl, ",,'. 'i. + .., tfiili * Ate I or 6 sqr o, ,^"".rT.1f,oi a.trtrad to ra .t l[tt?|Lsr . 3 Daclr ru lorlng f.ctr rnd l A. D.cl . thls Drct.rttlon ., locrtrd rn tlt, Co dar-cr lb.d ln lrhl tcfaaancc !hor. t.' I i l, 1'fri.'."'off.'""i lll'T.i,". t"'J:i?t" r ProPerty (rnd oth,rcaldanti.l and cr tIc!, r qaldentlrt , rartional |ncnltll rlehr ro i;".lTT ProPGltt troi tlE . il:lffi.ll $.*':. r.tl.r ol rcltrici . ttar o! th. Drop"ri ;:ll'..?.u :o Pr.6 r., .i liltlfoRg, brclrr.l l.-, Dorrl -. (r) . rerl propcrty a provbt,one h-rc 'i.,i I v I I ! !, t,, i I i t' it t, L: lbr. 'Annsrl.$r.,. ghal! near. thl Bgi"'iot83:,:!F"39-Eff$.r1'"ili.r"?;"fi "#"""8;:.:;=f .|J..'f l?! ruonr to ej:l"r"3hrrfs:$lt"e'- shall nniln risrctncnt! lcvtod pur- ",toi "i*f,-ili;i;;:"1"::"lr:.^::::i:1,:;:o" "'".t -iii-o[[i- a"aocr"tioll' ,,,"$gi*!Fl:. thlll r0ean the cascade vtllaee ;:.""'iT; :;;i sH' J i it, " ll !' ?t'r" "T'Il 5 " lt l'l; ;;r.lg i:F n : : ; Assocrarro;:'uri, "r***,il1* l"-ll the Board of Directors or the r n c o. p" i i I i 6 n, -;i r ]iX!ffi Tn", """j.tli.?li"rlT.. t o I ts ar t rcr es -oi locared ,tl,ll iffi.' shall nean all of lhe inpievEmenrs :l i :t -: t: l3i "", ffi ffii 1?:'.-":T ? r".' t n !. 3'." fi i I o: : :". ; !enf oyrncnr of arr of the- t-enbc ri-.-'-s;; .i;.;l "s r r,ay incJ.ude,:1.::::.l,ig:atron, estatea in fee, ;;i;ia-;.;;; a tern of yearE, *rrhrn ! rill"".lT::t:+ff' rhrll mcan ! condonrn.rrrn l;,rsnsn61. l, r opor r r ona t" ln aur"u r't1lngJ- vl tlou-t I ln tto t 1on, trt" rii i,' ifri tritc!ccta rppurtcnont at,^,lr.lat tJ "t t cot:non Arr-'a, "n,l r rt.l ottrf, r.-. e ro rmed' i 1,,. " rlff**:*:!t+.t+++t""' ghat I n€an rhe conft i r..an.i functi.,ir.; ;;;;;"[;drylaqraPh 13 -hcraof to perroin -ln-"';;Ti;; arrd ?lrcyhcle h;;;i;:.. and a:;El,tncd ro lt Jn _Paraa:ophs If, tt, ""ooo"oon. jr.i..riffig+*-Iuld, neans :he fun<i crearctj b.r *" !:;ii$,:3j" *ij:: j,":,::'''iil:";:r:,: ;: J,'fi ,:r,."",";ii:carly ( ut its dutiFs n"tl-ffill]t't it is iequjred to purchasi io :s::ri: rl,,tii#iryHl;i,ii*Fu'i*f#i:i:.i ii,ri,ors ,.,r,,nror., io (li r;mr.:.r:lill. ru,n rny [.lerson u! entity hold 1ns xh lch ?.pul- -l'i ! py'- ler;r r- t. li".ro e83of for,t h :ti, ,: ' .,,' F:',thu 3' gar of r li.I retrts ' r'i?jv.'.i" I and .ude, !arE,tt' rreEt , thc th€r ,,n e :' nr& treE i 13; , i .i. ,: . tion :!it-!tg lrr:;fof liug v i, t' i 4 t'. t. F. .i i't 1 .!i u r.,.,9o9"1t) 'llortoage' Ehrll Ean a decd of trurt !r rall .. (n) iltortorof.et. lhall ltaln e baneflclrrt, undar or rrotder o[ a deed of gru6t or noiilig-c -a-J ,ur, .. r nrnGd nor tg.r9c e. (o) .*""r1_:l:f.f ,ne!n thc_ r€cotd oyncr, r'|cutcr onG or ncre persons or entrties of a fee --iipfe titiJ-i-o- inT uonc.Jminiun oE a portion cf tne-iripii (p) rfro{ccrr rha:,I nean any of the tollovtngt tron of an" nr.Jilari condoninlun proJect cr.rt.d upon a F,or- or tn. rroperty.(z) a hotcl or lodge conatructcd upon : portJon (3) a resldentlal rental bullding or butldlnga ( 'nsrruct.(l upon a portion of the pi"p"i:fl-. t1('n of ,.oou..il' a parklng r'tructure conatructed upon r por- rrortiori "f rh" J:lp.:af,ltt.."r"1 structure concrructed upon a (q) " f.jjil:c.L .a^E.feij.a&e[! r 8hal I neln lsscsarnenta ie\!red pussuant to the rroioiT-Glir"ilin] " ( r ) " pjl)_re-e|l!.sacj.qt:l-a.o. ahal. I nean the . gove rnlng ljl:J;t" ,; t, t",t l' Pr o ject crear-dlur"u."t"'iu aach proJecr i, i, 3 i :. I " i: i,, ; :tf.,i;-,1ffi tf ff . r:"iil i: !{ ili#ii",,Tn;l P r ope r iy, ;;; i ; . ;":.ii"lXT"t,irtrr".53ndo jniun or- portion- oi' tlre (t) 'gr-eiac L_++S+.tr+io.o. shall. nean, rf applicrble,rh( Jecraratiarr Esrabti.shin_9 a.TIEi- oi-'Ioia"ilin.urn ctrnereh lp or Dec.ta ratiorr or covenanta, cin.litlGnJ,- iii jli"'j.. i.t ions to be [^i.],'1-:i,a-h r (,sp€.ct to a proiect, and ahall lncl,ude the ;::jiit:^t^ providins rt:r p61n., or incrernenig, rf rny, rn the "-^.., . 1 l ] i^+:"cf3r.cg. sharl nean rhe porrion of the il:!':1.:);,,:u"" vh,.'h a Frojecr is tocated an.r' is'oeaienaila-j| {v: . prplcrl,:r. snall tnclude the proporty plu6 por_f;:l! 1""5,:lfi.ltot:'3f, ""';::;f ;:'rf:3i,:if i";".i*;11,5'iirfili 2. An rre tr | | on. (a) Rrdhr rl+1{ya+tlq4. Fron rilne to rine, and ulthout requirenent of consent fy ttre Owneis, f{enbers, or the Asaociarion, Declarrnt_.nay "nn.r,"ii-oi-*iiron" of additional ProFerty .rhich have T:l dl .?r". in-lnl Lu'.-s.e. ot being devetoped 6urcranrially in hrrnony eith rhen "ii"ii"-i-i.ffi I : : " i i : l r * " : I i ;"" o ;. ! t i r " s " " i y';.:; ;'i,i "; j.;S i* " iT,.""'* ; j.;'"".'.y :, " : t i l",l"i" :l{ : j i iilj ;i lii": lx ;i : f * j }: i, iii : : i vlsien hereof . rbrrgation shall be inferred i.;;;;,-;;; An^.*utroJbln"W. The Decrararicn of Recorder.iiiiii'c'ou"niy':"r.'r"^:","t",_11..ltt?.rl:*::;l;.i;I: (ll describe the prcperty to De annexed;(2, O":f::: that th€ properry 80 deEcribed is annex€(t pursuJnb to the provtard^"- r,.i"JFi.., (3) 0.1jl-1,. _thrt the property so Cescr ibed has b(.n o( i6 beinq dc.vrl,o^p.c .d.auUetanrf e.itf 'l.n-rhor.ony wlth the Ltren exiating or proFosec i ipro.r.""i.rl-J -ri t.fri. caacade vitlage, arin( x(,d lrrp.,rar:l) p!ovide an as6essnent arlocation for the r ql a,ld aI tL,catlon. tli .?"il-tu_._,for othe r reat(ictions, condtt ions,p(ov isionJ-iior-"or ^:':t"'.1":, ben€fits not inconaistcnt with rh!specif jcally, i,iii,idl.."e,cla tant nay deen ap_piopLtare.ine, t h e a" i, i ", t : oi' ji;l: .,"'ST; ";";Tr1:.";'"? r.r dr' rhr: ?;;ee; .""t.t"tion", ",ll) for the c'ea!lon of specia.L riqhrs, :::*ii;* j,t."i*,,5"r:i{i:{"":::.jriil:iT*"i::"m,"t"rru; estabrichnent ot u:t-_oih9t i-ntegrating featrrres and thc tr'e aaJilici,r-i,iii?1"'ll'::;ilf:' us6 bv thc o,ners-oi for vchjcul.a. lt"f -^1"^l -::t-'procnl, nonexclusive eiaenents a(: ce s s r o ". i : i., " "n".""".lt,t il:.t it t"."T .i :1, ":: :;:r:;l *J - 1- utlllty crllrlantl and rh: ;aciiilTir"3lfi3rtf."toJ*.. r!!!l!: rh. proD.rt, tit':uj$rn :_:;^..,, "":r-r De !t4)l lc r*"ei* ff:-rl.k! ,iii"{i!'li:.:l::"'; 1 Itenbe r of ification (a) the for *ffiS'ffi' ;" "1," ?il,*ri"[,i i."ll ff*: rtrnlJriT,iii::rt.r for assegane .,1*lri*i:*n-Triffi l*",4T,,*frk',"l,Tli riit*F":iiii, sireltr':,:";l:i*-"'[,:*ril j:.1]!]ltT*lrr";:iii'.""1;'{; ; i : I i . ''. ;:: :i I : I - I il.a",..ri j::: : : i" .;itrl *t {::ffi , -5- by the rdrainder o.r -.: th_1_1en!-e rB .of .the Board and to give the rlght to otner condonlniun aeaociali-onil.- (r.) uoa ",u.,- _ ThGre shrl l be no voEes of t{enbe16.ernbcrs shall be "TJl!l.o. a;-r"-;;-;ri;tior, rn rh" Associatton only through thc rl by tt! Eroje., *"fElu"untatlve if anv on the ao.ta du"i;;"i; l. Duttcs or-lBEEegil!.io!. Tte Association, for the bene_ftt of rhc uer,6;;-;frt]r-p;;m;;, i.L,i'u*.n" foliouins:(al Edl|rg: ,trater, sercr, electrical, telephone,9.d and oEhe! utlllty aervice, ii"J -"i ii.,t"r"nce, s,r orr iemovll and rree maintenancel rru sranc iy, -iia" iinig"r"n r fcr rhe connon Area for rh€ beneflr of thc Oriiri (b) carbaoe_itnd. trash Renovsr. carbage and irash rernovaJ. service and_-cable t ef EvlEl6?T6i rr,e property to the extent t.:ar such se1yj9_eo "r.-.nol pioui-a"O oV publtc rcenclec,public uttllty conrranles. or other "i*f rlu- -q*pnlea through con_rracts uith ilre R'roject ee"""iltGni-ir'oene.*lse, and auch other servtceu "nd Tiigji".t" oi-i-iuijri'uririty nature as are not provided by a p i:ervice conpany rr; Til" r"rt"ilt?i. Pt'bLic agencv' or other public ., -- ,---._.(t) eloDJerty r4sq"anc.. A poltcy cr pollcies o! i, i !"r.iT Tifi ; i l.,i i.ri ex_t_en,re_d i6iE? o g.' "-nl o, " "re n t, i nc I ud i ngl T : i i, I 9e y ; i ; ; ;1 " r, "r :';' !i'..?.,i r" n ll ilff .,r.l,i "I lfi.liJ t "Sh" lf any r npr ov enenrs on . t he co"oro n- i,r jil -il":-;"i,;; (,f,il." - r ii"=-"ii shruba on connon Area,,ano.au.r, oit!.-i'i# uno caaualty insur_ance a6 thc Board shall de terrdin u -gi u"l - -";rb6 tan tial ly egual or 9reate! Frotectlon; . (d) Lt ab i ' ilv f nrur Fnce. \ pol icy or pol Ic r es rnsurtng the Board,_ tne eeiliGlion, 'tfo embers, an€t rho AEsociarion,s enplovec-s. again6t l-"v ijluii,ity to rhe plt,ric or to rhe HenbeEs, incident, io ttrc orne i*tip- inn u"" of the Conrrbn Area and rny other .p.rope.rty ;;--i;t'";."r oened by the ffi :T:ffi ::',ili l::i? 9 l"?' tr'"-'p" i*nii -iiuu r r i t y "ipo"-u', "' ii under auch 1n"uron."Tll. :o--ty"lt proP€rt/. r,^inrrti ot'riauiiiiy on e- p.e r s o n i n i u, oa,.'! i I i r!.,! f9" i;?" "."1" ^. ;.:, :ir"i%11 "i:; "l;l s500,000 for piorrc r ty^.-d_.Tu!g iu"i, oi"ur-ittnce (such lln,its and c(..'i. rage to be r"uT_1:g _at reasL ;",;,;"i.iy by rhe Bodlct and ir creased in t:s Ciscretion)_.. s"i; ;;;;;y:r poticies shall be :ssrred on a conprchensr"e r iaiifitf"iili J ."o sha:t provide crosB-liabrlity (.ndorsenent uhele.n ti"-.ffi" of naneC insureds uncer th(, Doli(.v or pol icies ,nJ i "^i.ir u".iJel uoiccrt aF reat)ects his' her, t-rr thei r rctlon a9;,insi iii tl," r"rioru,, !nsured with a -6- !i.T t1t ?"t".:"11r1."r.iir'l. tt t.n notlc" pr ro r t o tDe {,r G€ct !r. rnsurance J;'*@1ifi , ;ry.fi*iil sff** *nri*#sffi;gf iH$jl'*q;$ "'llf -' jr;".-ii*="ffi i::i**,[.},r.*;tl.:1,"i r ; : :" : :. i i i] * Sffi hT***?rr# ,ff:s...,ffr.j; **;s***;ff#5$gj,4ffi ii*,'*,,*4ffi i:ry*til,l,l,.ffi ""*i,"#hu sb., nd' v i : l"' Ht:;Tf.Him, ff", i1,T i"i#ll,J"n i " "u jiii,:.:,",i1".i*tj_ffi ii:F:l*i:I Bil:,3Jie &[' .t""."rTSron rs'requli;'1-J "."u,"-or pay ror 'n_ the d rsc r e-i i" i-ii "tfil^il:ff lf:ii r;; r;$":l?r".r*;:*i!l aPproprtate, or prop€s f9: lr.. "i"iltii""ii.rhe enrorcenenr or theae Restrlctloner Dtovldga., noi"".., liui'.. "n" such rnaterl_arE, auppl iea, furntiu_re,, rador, "",irt"",-Lrna*"n"., repairs,atructural artpratlona, _lns u r.ance r- 'tl*-i! ,*o, assessmentg are !;:J"'"?'"rt"i i Bj ."."1,r."1t_: : -. oor t r o n' o i - ii-e' r r o pe r t y, rh e c o s t tion oi ril;-;rA*;ff;rarrv as8€aaed to the orn-ers 6i siil-rr ioi: (n) fu.,..^Il:- Aa-8oc t ari on sharl also pay rhe E:';il".""i?"":u:r, T"gtl*.uree any tien or-on"un.,.*"" upoh rhe *i:i*.",".1,.in1:r{:i:i"i:,n.;S"".'#",."'.::;"i::;1"::,tl:riable for i;.-;r'"'."i',-1t:v thall be jointri rri i"uui.iiv ctre associaiiin-[i'rIt olacharging it and anv.'o"t" i#rri-.E'ii cia:t) a6sess"u .; ""i5olJ:r:"to rien or liens shall be spql 5. Asstsistiqr_plle.r.a. B:: j,r j,:jrr*ro?ff ffi ?.ff :;1".":r""..ij,.."";1r."?:HT.i;parauraph 4 shall be exctuai.vetr n iriii,"J f,y.rhe Board, and anv l=:li#ii."'"ffi !i+{:;fi,$i.H"iih:i."i#.,,J:fli fi:J.f.'" "r'n"t #:;"iid"";lly_J r.t ho u t u,. " i i til n con E e.r r of rhl gagron t,o contract fo.n 9ntt havc the erclualve r19ht and obli-rnenr for r;l;i' j;'.;l_"1.-.9oo.9s, services, ""a i"iiii""lil-iii- as s o c i a t i on-,', ii i i"ii"T"li. jifil" :.:,lii;".:::,:;ri-:::;, ?l:;:i;::3;: t=J."i:rl:i;.1. reas-onabre ;G;;; enrry upon rhe w i t h -a n d,'",;;-.^";'i;'" ;:"rr"i"": -:,:. ;?t i ; r l d d e t e rrn i n e t orni r i a n. i rtsht ro "jilr"lf^*f"l*:*+*'.. rhe Board shatl haee .-hc :: ;"_l:".n. to u" -pi"JialJ'ilti. tf, j. jff."T?',';t :" or "ny eooa" - oi :; " ii tj"';."rt l l i . L :rTta,_r, a na =-,1 r, - c ";;;: "Tv. :" :t',".,ir:'* j:l obl igation rri[i'.';;:;tt"nce on the part of the Eoard ,6r it-i t i ne a s *,. "oni.'oi-t':T j; """,r:T"r,,i*; : :. ;: ;: l:" I -, ii i i' " "i i has an "u'iln"H-t**f*tucr'|s-Defrrulr!.. where .rn)' o{ner p r u s .' v a r.l -o n I - "' o' n"i'.,'"o" ti I, I I' j I. "".11, ; ; : : ,' 1".r,""r:; :l;i : j -8- Condonlntun or thc portlon ot th. proDarty hr *nr or rlth -qg:pe9t- Fg rnl iDp?ovenent! theraon, end lrll.r to Frlorr ructl rorf, rlEhln to dal,! .ftes notlce to tha orn.! rnd iba ?ro.l.ct Assochtlon, lf appllcrble r of thc :uad to prrfoa, tha- rtrl" an r.r.rand ro! such parfor!*ncr fror! th. Araoci.tlon (Dr laatr to i:njrnln_1- rq parforr! .uch rork l'|(l dlugc|ttly prooalal to copft--une sane ehere conplctlon cannot bc rccongltrhrd vltbln trld lg^gry-pclloqr,. th.n th. A$ochtlon rhall tiavr r rlght to rnCir H:",::; ::1"!il:'::I"ff . ".Tn.f;l'!lii#.".1.o*:r'%i%r:':s ?rpenaea incu! r.d ln conncctton thdralth ahalf bi ri-;r;a rgarnst the d.l inguent orrn€ r rs ! rrpechl usccnart lcrtundir. 6.. Ig,;L[lqnance Fundt ^!!4.8!8!f. At lrrrt 30 devr prior to the beglnning of each alscrt ya.r tt. !oa;a drrff t-ltGiti Ene-neL charges to be p.ld durlng ouch yc.t by th. Asaetatton ln the perfornance or irs durres ( incruding a- rcaeoirabic piniiiion-ioi-eiii:tingencies, replac€ments, prlor yc-ari J aeiicfcncla, -ena tii -inv expected.incone and any aurpluo fld EhG prtor yeiiia iimjll- -SaIl esErnaEec casn reguirernent shall be aegegeed lnd al locat.d to DOr-trons-of the Property purauant to thc achcdula lttrctrd Xreo-ina narked Exhrt'it B. Decrarart reservea lhc Gr.luainc rlght uhtcb rlqht Declaranr r.ray asslgn to the Board, to .rnend Erhlblti tro tfr--Co Elne to reftcct tt,c allocatlon of aaaeaaEentg !o portlons of thc Property. If said sum prov€a inadequatc for rny ..-crem. ttrJ -Sorid nny at any time levy a further asaegBrent yhlch sirll Uc isgcseca fn Like proportiona and nanner, unlera otherrrse prorldcd tretcfn. - gr;h l{c,mber shalI pay assesanents so-levied agalnsl !,tg Condoalntuu or f : I.t_1,o,1 ._{ -the prope_rty ro rh'e Aasoclitlon ln equal quiiicrii lnacatrrnents on or befole the flrst dry of crh calendar quirttr, oi ln such other reasonable nanner ag thl Soard thalf Jerig';ia;-'tt,;g?ifd :!!I1-ha!e rhe. pone r to change fron ttm to tira ttri -unncr and r_loll:n:I ff eaytnent.. -AsEesstnen!6 on Condcmlniuns rnay bc col lcctcd as oue Dy the applicable project As6ociation, and rciltted to the Association. the Board -shall have the po$.r to levy epccr.U *"ii:ments at any time should. the regular aiseeancn! lc'rniaequ..tr oi tn :l: :::l!_t"l!1_119 recuired foi_some purpose nor anricirrtld vhcn :ne regul,ar asse6snent rras calculated. _ 7. D1t,jeAqr t ln PaylnFnt of Asaessrrr€ntr. Elch l3aeaanant and each special assessrent shau b€ sepa.lfi-Elstinci, ani p.r"oi-f debts and obli.grtionli of- the H'rber againet rtnee conooirrnt,n'oi poi:tion _of the- proper the saEe are-asse8sed. In the event of a default or defaults ,n palln|ent of any such asleg enent or a6leEsrEnta and.in addition t(r .,nJ, ciher r6redie; nerein oi by la, pr;etded, rhe entire annual asilcLri. nc -ray h acceleroted and giral r. uicoue dui and payab,.e at oncc- 'ri Aas.'crrtion nay enforce each auch a68€sEient obligationasfla : rJ ?- l t' .t_ ..r - o- t.t .8$l.Lr.t_Lar. Ry rult .r tlr !9y.hc tuthor riii-i,y _r n.Jor itv ot t-t,o -;;ird.E",,l^i..jlfr*.lli rcnderc(t tn ony ;u<.n--e"t toi-iriii r-inliiail.undGr any rar, i run Eor r.lron.blc atrorncylfar"cPrrnlss!bl. (bl Lian. 1ti_thin 90 dayr ottcr thc occurrence of rny Buch dct,rul._, th..?9oId ,oV gi"i-"-;oa=i"u .o the dcflutr,ln(r r-ryn. ( an.l th. lppl tcable. nroleit,ir o;i;rr;", ,rlrlng the d!tc.ot- thc dctln.lucncy ong,rhf. :iount oi-iii'ilirnquon.y. tf such ff i i::;"ff I ;:" l;i,ff rj,,"-r t-rr1ri . iri Jivi-'irill _o.r lvc.ry or a uch or !u(.h do; j nqu!.nr 'c t llc t nottcc of tltn ry-a.rrot tf; f ,''c,iiiv ., ] l. ! h s,til,', i'i ri ll .?,ji! y :"i1"i"i.:1"A,.'. i :::. i#,iJ aFtf; :t rolr€rty againat rhich_clitn "r rf"i,fi-iri., arro (3, that rhe cl3lrn ot licn 16 n.xtc by cha-Bo!rd pur-"-uii1-io thl6 Declaration ln an arnount equal ro tl* o"t r"e";niy'!i"''a'li'," the clain. Ttre r r€n so clair,.d 6hrll -lnm{dirtetf- "tti"trJ-"i ot tt. duc oa:e of cne asEesstnc;.r, aubiect.lo p. if..iioiiy--r ec oroa ti on of the ii;,11. .#n"nol#r"t.--srarr cineiiiufJ'."-i"ior.rc brsII for rr 1 1 i ry s t i -, .,' .' : i' i n i' " ''ir"'lj' T." i #"i" $ T,S.l"l"Al,"mi- i l!:ffi:;Tl, "l,lil.r"iil.;ucb rien,,v-u.-ioili5eef rry approprrate :::"_::. : i;;i;,s;. "';"'l::;.,!l?:l:.1.9.#t ror' thi' roii6ro- .rnd coata or ttre-L:,,:ocratron Bhal r ue rrr.,vcil lttorncys' fces . (c ) IO-Ur r**. Anv^-auch del ir;gu( nt ass€EEmenl_a shal I Drar rntr r csr ...r i tt_, rair-q ?f,it p.t ;;6;;';.y porrlon rhereof ;l.j' ;n:"X jl:".i .j;, i*-lg"au i e ri -i a,,',i ii,.'i". rs rhe rea3er,p.lid i1 r,,r i, J""i,';#::l^i:.;:. jl.#-.S"..; :m;m",t*:,U 3il.;X:r. ,r, <,t th,.: r rghtr_ ger-icitfr-j".i"r."q'r.;phF 7(8) and e(b) f,1t p"ro.rrnpr,,'"i ":s.-ltitri:9'"r!i14il*.. Por the purpo'eE or this boara sniti ;.'-;;;i;",".:j .:l:":t"tJ bv anv tro ne'ot'ers or the the clvne!s tr-rii.r-"i'I:..upotl tf'9 Bcatd, the associEtion, inJ go.'j f alth ;; i;';t,.";, atj'j' rnd al L persons 'rho rcry trt.ii rnfn* rrh.,!:. be rntill€<t ,o ".:':,tu:* t19:?in contain?d' t^i ;";-;;;;o-t )t)y oue -ani" .';r;i"i I ' rtlflcnte settinq torth the- anrouni :: l;l:;ili: :i]: ii ::, i, ",,t." i?,Tp?.,;, ?"'J i ; : - :$J..,:i :-,i; t I i : ;. i :1,, il r.T".",l,, f 1'''i,,i, ; i.i i;";n"" r.""" I i,lil j,i;i,' iiHi: ' -10- t, I ; 4f tl: ! i t. il pro"tsronS h.r"*#**trotrlth.tlndllg rll other li],"$tfffil*H._..p"^lr!! rh.rcb rey bc ::::".:"jilioi_'sifrr::f l'"a'l.L1,"lo.r1'"Ht:ii#"*:'*:li fi { {. i{"-!iJ.si :;;, : :".: ;:: j ili " t" 5:h"1.., js:F:&ffi lii: li:1:li!1f"it,+^:ni:,:",._lt$*il"ffi if ,:"f..*(lrGr|lng - a Ertqroe pon r|lch rntcf€it hoerrrr that rftcr thc forcclosurc cf env ;"ir,'i6iiiri,iT'ff:; ff.9"r, that dtcr :::1.-.o parasrlpr 7 ic.cor on lho rnrar.i, ^rJ.I !Lll!! p,rr:I:::l!_fr-tn ni"ili.t suCh f(,reclooure salc t____ -., r..r. rrrEcr?lE or tha lrurchalar at qe( ro such rrurch.reor --o -"T:j:_.U. aelc8&ntr rercircd ,rc;;d:der to auch pJiiniili aLv -rr't€ 'rr tltcslhntr .trcalcd hcreun-sure sate; a ' o'ncr !ft.r thc dat? of ...i-roi.iio-sure sale; I:'ll:r::-jll""ffi'---tn .th. .ecnr r of thc Pr,)perty of inv-iJn.';';'.:i:,i:_t-_._o.1o*|lrf or portlon ;i::!l;" jrlii3;:,';:iii.:]l-i:1'ilil'.','ituT.,,..#%T?"{tr.:; orne(. __-.. nortgrgee€ Bhall erreeed t. i.L_iigLiii ;;:; ; 1.1 1 1., 1", 1 "'f i .l**?ffi ' .nt" nTr"jfl* -o-r th t!. pa ras r aph ; ;i;,1"" o. f". :"_." * ;:: iiil:it ;; I ;: ; " L : ;uill. "l f;l l::.*; :; contract l;, ,,X^t"-"H*:*+*+*io*' rhe As8( r:,:.,"i j:i,"..:1,"""11.il_-Tff S!"rff :F;-mft :I"ff Fffi Asr:r!lat:cn on nrnctv ctj:.T r 9: subiect to csncell!tion'-uil t-i I lta.rascr .t'" ."rn.r'iiJ ilY-"-l"ticc' -?:re Doard nav not o.r"f.iJ ti'i lni;;i:ll;iS" li;l1.*X'idili, :iFE*ff:"::'-r?*{ d;iii;;-.; ov..r ndnaaer or ony "u.li.tb'le foE ;;t";;;il;;"':fi#r*mh:: e r j l- ten i n s I'ui.,it' oi;:|. :;' il; !"Hl j;. i [r tll"t i"".ii ali "ei-iJ ui o". n.oon I 3',, rij."rf?iffH*f'ff;.. ilirfltT" Area ahar r b€ uscd ln structed, ;il""o,*-l*rffll^eur rothine ahall be rtrercd, 6s1- c, i r ec t r o n :il ;;,i, ; : f i:llttri, .:l ",i"lf,:.i"lH ":nf U"liF :i3lr"t"' ,?I il',tl"l','l: .:,f. .tl: c.'Jr'o-n' iii"^"r'orr -ba rradc rhtih :l'-ili"l;i:'l li'ii':; l;;i,:,i'1".'nl,,::n:r$;.:;.":1.j"*'J;Jl:ji,iii -Il- lfT"ft.f i*ii;*rd.ffi ffi t*#i"i#,:+",*,'"jiii trlned or utiitred ln r ii,irJi t [' "ij' i "^iii" ilo "in.J, f f i" r.Tl"lnl,3j. ll". ll* ji n*l : ll. coJE!-rrrcglo-n__eu er(crvarion. r,,,ro^--i j3**pF. . t{o. eork of irprovenent g[:!i"g!:*::i:I:lT;,1d".""yffi ff F::nil_,T..:":f " j,BITEfi Elli prior I T'X,lY "L.:.t_1"i _9 . I t " e. "p. r ty'-*. iii, "." ii.il l i j . 3g' ; ; " l" l: " [ : " il ;' ;l] *'"X ".:li, ] i^i!-l !iq;' I" -,,'.',l''iliu' ! fi rv'st.qy.r rJ nereot. All plans and speclficati p.l,vrut's rn or-lnprovenents "tiiso.""r to be .r...i-.r ^. ^- ol" --f,ot €ny Btructure :". * :::*1.o1 o-.- r,J-r;; ;,..;"-.;;;Portion or tnc propeii.,:--' "" es EreqEC'I on or novad uPon or to ani pe.rtion ;i ii;.: ;;;il;li; iil: :*"|:fni:: l::::l:l-'li,;;i;;;i PQrtion of thc' Proieit'" ::'-. L'!s l'!uPUiJq rocatlon thereof on any ex r cr i or cor " i iiifi li,r, " :.1", _"-ol_"r_luc t lon na rer t al, rhe -;;"i; ;;6 extcriot coror sctrLnes:' -"' --""ru.rton naEet.lalr the roofs ani appr ovar rhe re or, "na ",,,.."Tv-lilil -lhlry- gr aoai tioirg -ii..r- Lj.i"i :9BI9y"l thereot, and an1. ;'*.d;ijr;;-;l[n![.i1"'.'ona arter initial l99i!:"1: thereto on any portron of rhe o,^,-,...1t3I:, al.telations, or ;;;' ;; ;i; ;:i;: i;: :1"":I"::'":1"n, .or .tre. er orciii -Jiri ilT^ ;;;$i ;;gr,e .rrcrJ. requrre .n. u3L::-::l-.in,rriring ber,6.".iy ;";*J.T; ;:i:ly::::.,::^.n.*"r.a-I:o:iey connrttee,-"," -t-r* sanne rs froll, iin- !^:?.tlre.s:ne is fron LiltE to ti:ne ccnptrsed. rfre f-orr-'-: 's tne-sane is fron tiIrE to ins tl,e inii.iar ;;'",,'.;"':."iX, lTl'^"l$:-:!+l not be '"qui'"J ;;;J:ine tl,e initj.al ";;rt.;:il; ;"r;1:"Sr".:lL 12. Restr ictions cn ljse. (a) *. .l1_.lrop€-rty 6hall be used only for the t;5 3:" ;:" :";" i; I.tl " j'- eppr i c.rbr c'"o;;;;i ;. ".'rec ra;a r.i.ons, and jl i i, I i[ i:*il'll'1"' "lni"ljiiiJ';;."1# ::';:a;:;, ai:;"ffi ;ii .r,,"":. .,.n1!]"":1*l-*g=+.. No tru:k,i, trerl birui, recrea-ers, r r aile rs, boar:; I- ":T!:' . notorccaches, sr:ounobtlla, -J.tip-, f; I i ;,, ffi ;":; ;::fl [;"1 I ;!:ijil:l :,1""*1, ";'::i::, :;'l; :15: li:Fii:il,t, it',H.,*.*" li"iF,i::tiiliJl:_*:;ii t+*::ii ttonaI vohicle porrr":..!y :n i"i"inii'"oii,ul.ron enalne may l.,e ot.,'r8t.'c H: th in rh(, nSorirtv :,I""pr -i";;r.ii*" o, ingreris lnd ;'i i :1' ; #", :.' i :i, :ft,.:'J, "T,ll _qjf . " ! n : ,' ;i ;ffii;1 j.il;:courcc or busrncas, f ron_nahirrg-d;iiiri-ii." "", _otheryrse provld_ ,11., jljlii., t: :*"1:3i;,:.:, ri; :ij"!f . i;i il:, "onstruci ion _f,y r1:irrr;qff #$;*.ri:*$;*1;lii"-,;;il;.[;",i,,,"$, -t2- ! :l I I i I I i ,t j (J) g ! j :1. :' r : :"j, " $ffi ,n ;.,"" r1": :l'G .P lo1us! ren^ or or : jl.;"n-r:il"'"o1.31""!!1oi?::'l;i.,r,";l*:iiilfiii'#;1,.,'".n i::r;'.'*'l;*:":i+tt"'Jiiiiif pi::l'ij";_l;:i;ii;:*;ilT; r fr : ii T' ruiI ;i"!nl:+ ifi iit"il. U..rHiI ":j ii:l::rs:iiii:;r"li5iii=;lhff ::;iIlll j::!ff ,$Tl;niri,di i::y::ffi :f i;.F:itl;:i.l'miii,":':t;i,i;*i::f ;f iiiT'"*BIfrT?l g :'r r r "g o. i i il oiillijj'.1'sailiJ:f .g: lF, ilTi "f! ;f iirih':;:ruffi .n",'r,,'ilt"ft *"*r,riitif':ff #s*:n*-r*ffi i'*:i;3Fj*.ti'**fr ffifitrgiffig#$$fi,ff**$g cDanqG dr ! l nagc ili+*} i;* t!ffiffi *?Hi+:, +iii" ;.-ff ill i iiu!, ri"i .i*. r ir,i ";;i " liJ: :"*l *, . rl,"T"=' *it$:,r"*l # t$$Iil:*l*,;ffi#iiffi -r3- rt:i' ,^-_,- .:Jl !.o_-.?_€n-l_c_-9-r_.Qu!!'lrlld-tng!. lto notrtle homc ifiii:;g':i:i l:tt, ii,t:!;i".!fi.il;, l:t. ;"i ;:i 1,,:1"";T',,t;any ttr€"t ,lthln thF-pr,rt*rty ercept ln conncctton iitn rorir oi conrtructl0n drtrgantry ':rrrcuad. 'No rrrn!'""t or othcr l!rqc_ltcale r ccr"atlonll c.rulpnont !h.ll ue nariitaineo ;"-;;'d;iil;:! .lh:, t,roporty unleae approve.l by the f)cslgn Revtee Crrnnirtee 1n lftltln4, . - (t) . suLjecr to the rlghts of r.ra6onable ccntest, each Crwnei rtatl pic"6iiy conply yittr-tii provlcion6 of all applicrble sbrtut;"',-".iiion""", adninlstra_ttvc, rullg99., or rr9\rlrtions p€rtaln1i9 io-ltg conaornlntum os port lon of th4 prop;r..y. - ( ]t Xn_-O!iei-d.+_q+$hs!l-i-o8r. No laundry or waah 6hall be drie<j or nung oriiE?e-ifTTifrinq.' . (I) Parking and Autc :r.Dai'. No auto'oblles shall be parked in any streer or upon-i'i!-po. iion or tt,!-iropJiii ezccFt-eithin garages, carporbi, or t.lignJ'parking areaa. No cork of autonobj.le reoair ihal.I Oe pe r f oilnel on any portion of the prop€.r t y or on cr.,i conr"n-ar;; ;;;;;;-;; 3rnergenc). ea6e6. . (nl /r&Lc?rnae. o ereerlor antennae or dloh ehall be permtr.rc(t uir l,out thc_pr.lor r'r i.ften-ippi*"f. .f -tn. -b""fsi Revl..n col,nlt toe. No actlvlly shall te c6riJuttc., on any portlon of tlr.i t,rop(.t iy wh.lch rr,tcrr.a'rcg'nlih-i*i;;i;i;" or tadto r((,.r.r_! r,,r' L,n ,rnv r Lr,..r r,orr jon ot t.he propiili ",i.,"pi-rJi;;n;i;;!_tl(n, n6lht, n,rrrr'r, anrl !cpalr of irpi,.,u."ontc rttllrn the P | ()1, rl\.. (9) h,. rJtJI,tGAr , p+ .Es,t cr:sr- AgDo.rr gss3. lro rrork r;l.nJ I b. rrr(l..ttakon (ot.hng ghm routfnn 6cliiinnncc dnd r.,porr,vtri( t, 'triry ruculL ln cl,6ng.n.tn ttro-iiiciiiri'-ip1ou.on"o of an,,.Ru i l d i ns ( I nc l ud lrrq, r,ur ylthout-ilrf lit f on-,' e;;ir 6;-;? f;";;i plant inq or rthrubs; or ln-sr.rl I;r;,i'.i'"i'i,Jliri,i or c*rer cement tlotrork) slLlrout the Drio tlttcn c"n,,r,-nt -oi. tne Oceign nevier Conmlttee. wlnclor' hanr , u,r, i o, - " r r' ;;; ;, i"':' t::! "; "l[ ""ii l'f iJ, r"rx" rriH, "lf, !. ii:. Hil;;:";.if .t;:?[; :I.6har I be or a ..,,r"i-ii-pi","o !.,y the Desren (p) O.u!-E1de_-Eulnjgg. . Therc chall r.r.r no cxtertor I r tr,6, c.rcel,t tarl)coue. outstd.f ireli"i_","t?'*i, rs, and incin .,,r,rror t irec corrt.ai;ed'.rlith_in ru.:jiiilfi,oi.r-ecr.-.acler ar.ct in ., lfl!,1': arcaE-dcslsnared for t";h -i;;;s_' r;r e1,16 I s;111 F,..rml: any corldit jon on lts portJon. "i'if,o'irofn rr., (,( r|hlch il,i,if"t."t,ri,"ltrc hrzard or 1a ln t rul.tii"i'-oi'ti,e frr,rv..ntinn -l {- (q) Prc se rv.1g!9gi1l15i3g_1nd as\rubr. t|o t?.ao o?shrJbs shall be-ici?ilcd {rde-..n), portl-eiiiTf,c protrsry ,lurut Bne prlor fritten conlrnr oC ttflc-oiiigi iill ii_ corrttt... - (r) [a.,]l n r rhlncq3l nut rdtrg. Erch r)yna ! of aacb port,ion of the pro?ert' lnEl-rainliii-iiri nu'iiai"g or Butldtnos upcn rhe porrton of the property -oncd uy auit -o,ici, i"a;ifi;rralkyays and prvinq, tn gooa co-ndtt ionr'.ra-t]irg eU 4ri;;;lei;I:l?l!E and r epta:Ementg ar oftcn ai [ni -aanc lhall becorn.ne(es6ary. In the case .of- _a. nroiccl oi i portf otr of t.b.Proper!y'_ the obttgsrlon ehaf l Ul- idJ J,,d; rlo ecvnret obtlqe-t r on of al r o.ners -r I rhrn tha irojecl-"ii ]'ir'iri.ii. i;; ;;;Li Associarion, Bhat.i b! J,crforned bt fb; iioj."t Asrocl.tlon. -(s). [!,l!'tenlo,c e. pf _t .ad.crErrg. tbc orn€r of cacb portlon of the prcDerry !h-fi;EElfi-rh-c raniljiepi^iTi approved by the Desion nlvter cornrl-iii'ilpo?'tn.i ! porrton of the. prop€rty parcer in gooa condr o;. - ffi; oync r .hall dilr-gently naint6ln, cu:.tlv;te, t,uOinO. _n.o[ii, !r,td prcrewr thc shr,rbs and trees uDon euctr portton or-ini-ii6pcrty- jn".rujiiil bur rrlLhou! I imita-tjon, rarn6val of acJ-Urrnih.r, d.ad btuah,'rnd perforhance of cthrr_ taara catcuiitcd -to*iclp'c or arhln t.nateria.l, rhlch cona.:Ituteis or crcatE-i ii r-e- nazera. In the case of a proiect on e poltion o1 ltri piolpliiy, th" obllgrtlon sh..l.l be the joinr and -aev.e-iii _outti'itioiai arl onrrrg rirhtn ihe projecr and. ir rher€ i.s " _p-j.ii-eJJoc'rirtoi,-;il-.biiii:f tions nay be pe rf crred by ttre eiojric[ l-i"-iTJ.ro". (t). lll5urrnce.. .ill Ornere !h!ll lrlntaln lngurancc vrrn respcct to theiE portton.of tte er-p"ity'arn irr-reiilil mcnta thereon in anounts and lnaurlng ag"'tnei rl|k! ard fririiae rn accoEdance eith insusr.ncc sC.rnAade -iiei-tll ro tlc lstrb_I r:.;hed by the Borrd nltb notlce to tne Oniie.- In the caac of !Prcject, rhe_obligarion shalt be rn"- i"ini-."A "*"i"i-"ifii":tron of all orr.ers vithin thc Project u'na.'le-itr. ts a projcct l;:::i::i:l: such obrrsario"" ,oii-r,e p;;; by rhc prorccr (u) Xc.lEe. No. exterior horns, lhistlaa, bell!, or other sour)d devlces erc.epl. se-cur ity a."fl" "l.a-.iir"Jf"lii ii ry_o-t_u:i t h.e Eecurtty of thc prop€itf oi-p"rt-ions rhareof anat rmprovenents located thereon anafi Oc' pficii- oi- uEeO ;; .ny p;;:ti.on of the prop€rty. .__^-,,., (rt edtsidc_ r_tohtinl.. All orrertor liqhtlno rnsra.r red or ,0drntaincd.on any i;6identlal u"lfairiq -";'.i i -;: :::ri::"ii;:provat hy tl,e oosien nevie- cornmiitee ai to aesren l5- (u) N9- obr !.(l1gUlalt._ ?h.rc ,h!ll bo no ob6Lructlon !'f th. prdost rlan ralkvay?'rocatl<t |.ii"n ony porrton of the t:rop.rry tor purnoses of ,circuir,lion-ii"fiot trafflc or anv tn.tc-rf.rence ylth (rce.us" thrr.of ;;;epi 'eicn oUrtructton a!.TI,.:: 1"t"g:rably reguir.d ln connec t ioir -ri [,n repoira of auch u.rltYayt. The CvnF!!, thair t.nnntr, iii6i.,-oi1, lnd gu.rtB arc 9rantrd noncrcluElv. a.srncnta to urG alt o! lhc pc,J ltrlan ualhraya utthln thc propcrty. u*c of "fi-tic raltralij lliii-6i r.rDtacr to scaulartoni .u,1' ru.tc.r- ;j";Lj"i". erltJng by tha Anroctacton. Tlrr: Arroclatllon shall ;;#;tj; r'"*. "u"n actlon !B r.ry ba n.'(:(,1rriar? to ab-!te,or enlorri-in!-i,nt-errnrence ylth o!obstructlon o{ Lhe D.oeatrtan rai t waya-'."oni io,y :o th. provl-alonrj hereof and sn-atl have a rtght.ot -eniiy for purposes of renoving the sone, and. any "o"t"- i*uii"a-'{ rtt. Association ln connection rrirh such aOataent, tnt;;;tI-o; or correctlve flork 6hrll be speciall\ .rsseaaed t-o'the'od;;-ol brn"r" reeponslbLe the!cfor, Frce u.ce of rh; p€d;srri;;ii;;". and free clrcula_tion of root traffrc a.re esient,l-ii-.r "-o"il'J'or cascade village and, tn a(tdition tc art o$,ei- i;;r* ]i-il"v iave ar lay anct tn eguity, thc Arsoci:tion n9!. enigrn oi jicl-,uy' appropr iate legal action any inrerfcrcnce u,.r#iiii ii io-" t=ru"it i.n the!eof . I I : ?, s l, or,' I l, ffl #f ;iltF't*! #;.,, l",;;tp i ls, l"', "o',i"l 1 ! :nat*rt fcr suctr purpoac. rhe Board iii-in-jil.Af;;r;ii;; il;It 'runr lt. a:r:cnrf,Iagco and rallte. ,iIrrii tii. .rrlporty. :l:I1-h, ,,,iil,1,,*f*t*j*.?t e, j:.", -:i;,J:l "T ;'j""j",,.0:":;I :pll-i,.u, r.ns fo! $uch dpprovri "taii";;;;e tavored tn the aoecnce uI ert rFme hardsh-lp or ,.jxtraordlnary clrcwstances; pro_-yig.,j ,. hc-ever, th.!r the r6.e9oine'Jtr-iii';;i ;". dee,ned ro dt;fa_::: r"c. trne ad jiJ:tncnts.yhici C6 i'"t i"lrri-in an lncreage tn r,he :1unbc r ot nuildino 6i..tes. and rtriirr-iie-rnace to rccqtmodatc ?lj]9-rl_, pran:: apl.ror-eo oy ilro b"iis;;' ii_;il;' connittee. rhe rotegorng rer:rr iction a!1it nog."ppili ri-i -nil1..t on a porri4n of the prc,psgty rhich n]p{ b*_ aOaiviOia [o-.i.ly out any plan ot lnprov('nent establjshed by nectarant.- -- -er!.i 13. oec t g[_&11.rg11lnrrreittaa. . (:l Corcodtt^ aa_ofJcr1sn_& !Ll3r_-qoeu! !re. ahrec Irrsons si al I br appoinf--ed to ac_t iE-a-oE ili ntvi,v Co rittoq and tt. rtc r n rl,e flnct lonr. $et f orth h;;"-d:' se lon? rs and 'i.:rin.j a'.rctr per iod ac Declarant l: ttre Osn-ei' Ior th4 purporcs 'lcrc'(), of l0t or rnore of thc biol,"rayr- j"Jii'r r',a shall .,rar,.e thc ::,1:..1 j:h! to. ri'point, ret.tace, and rimcvc na.f-nrs cr :.h1 ppsion K.iv'h c!,r. r':itt(... Fr,,:'' ..n,i after the ,.o;ii;;'.,a il"-i;.;;i.il;il-n,r-r-u.,:o ry or - th r5 catc-of -the riecf ara ji",,, an" di,t_: whcn uFcl.r r.rnr uwr,rj lr's5 tlran l0r,r of th6' p;A;ri;"',1' f i01 :h( dat,r -r-5- Decta r!nt reltnqr.l!1r..!^!1. _tjl_Sfit.to .Fpotnt_thc ,cnba E! bv !':,tterr notice to th.,Bo!sdr. apporr.trncnti' to th. Ue;l6 -fLif-ef r_onrnrrree shall bc aadc-by. itri.EoiiJ"iii-tie appornte.r. lhcll serve at the plerJure of thc gorrd. rne addreu(f;'.r ;address 9f thc prtnclpal offree of thc Asioctltlon. rrrJ cuiriiii record of rhe nince aid bustness iaai*i", ? thr lcnrbcr! of the D€slgn Revlev connrtt€c 6hall bc fcpt lneril rh. Irectgn Rarlev Lornmrt tee Ehar l rneet rt thc conveniiircJ--oi-tn. Derbo ra thcrcof and_ a_s often aa necea!!ry to tran!!-t t te-ou rrnce a, - lltlil-Ji lne concur rence, of_ tyo olt of ih-Je-ncnuc tbareof .ApFllcantc for Dealsn Rey i.., CdElitG. iiii-on ,n!y, but tt€cd not,b( .9. i v:l an opportuntty t"-i.- iEi.l- i;" !.:rppor r of th.tr apl:Iic,\Lion. (c, AE pf t cA El-e.Ogr._-S r 1lf a ,d : o f Rev{eu L:qslgn Reviee c ep[r i.ilri'ii?or Desrgn Rcvlcr,ionmit,tee approvat, the-.stanaiida by ";l;h such appllclttone slarl be revierred, and thc proccdrrria ioi--rcvtcv ifiaff -Ue .r adopred rnd amended f roru -it-ne to iirn.-rry-if,J-o."Igr-niifEi conmttree. rbe standarda of oeJig;r- ei-jii fiOuoe type of bulld_rng naterials, erterior texture, -coloi,- roli pitci,-inA-d;;ifi,atI cal.culaLed ro ha_inra-i, t;;"..y;d il-'"on"t.u.tlon yith :I1"!inq or proposrd auilding! ,iU,in-tadiide vrlt.rg.. A trua ano cor.recr copr. of any such-rulea ina -"tin-J",d- t#;;f - dJi be nainlaj.ned at all tine? at -the offlce of th. Arloclatlon, ltld ,ach owner shalI be ..n-i!.1"d_ to i-"opY-if,.reof upon rrltt.n EeqlrcsL and payment of the copylns cogt-s. _ (dl lia- pe s '-cJr._Be_s.palrEl,b.i,li.ty Nelrher the Deslqn Rev i eu Comn,itree nor _ ary;rchite;-or "i"n t"i-fr.i i of;;;;:::1:.i:t-i.r any of i.r6 -partne:s, .op.'.oy"e ,' ogenBa, or conrul_tant: shatl be re.Donsibte t.n any ,iy ior iny oeflcii G-iiy plarr:: or c1:eci fic rtions suhniti:ed,' r.ui"!o, or approvcd ln accordance rlth thr- foregolng pi*-i"i!,,"i -no-i for lny structur.l or oLi,er derocLs tn any ioif d';;;-;;;;;'di;; to such pt.an8 and sl-r: i f ica t io r:s . (e) t.rniL+llOE. . Notrrithstandlng. anythlng to the cor.riary hrrein contained,.any "9ri 'F.;;;;;;i upon any portion of '.t.e prr,pcitl. rhich ,*e1ulI:: tr," piioi "'p'iiovat of the Destgn Ilevic.w CorrflittFc slrall,oe oceneJ approved unless an actton haa t,ecn e onrnr:ncr:d to en,i ,in. or abate ih"-ii^.-"itrrin lzo daye of thrr rJt . i hich the 'Dcslgn n"u i o" 'Eo,ir-i It JJ ".qu:r.s acrual xnLwi f( r. (r notice of thc comnr]nccmert .,i prerforrnance of such .: : ,.i,,,. , rl,' .q..tn nloti,,a EQgllrgcal t'rrncnl,'' - ql:!!.rrt- J:.rrvcs thc llght to ;i-;i;;;;;;:;[ii{iii!"::iif _,fi .,.,."-"!i:;H:,gili,:";:#l*:::' trlr.n tngrc., or agrra.r'rotirr-lvl, .no utttltr.r., 75 ! r e h r r o . ",., l*.,i'*Htl,# ir"liil llill,%I, ;;,:,#l?,.,#l f no( o.t tGeuttc,a lo o*Ji6i-iiii i.r#i"ro n ttaroo.t. 16. U.O!!r.oa iO-o, n.|ltructt6n gJ qlltldl:Lq!. Sff :?1.:..j:i,,f f iitlT.#";,,.]iirlJ|",.:Iii..T",l:H"n".i: a i i " ",." i i il " : ; " " I : " ::.i t; .:l' r"i i ri"i,",i:; *['"".i* .ii"", " .lf;f : 'c,:or,r.rnc.. ,r.n tli. gjl;;;"il::J";:'n'"'rce to rcbui rd thc ganc ln pr(.,p(.t Lt, ,u""J1'"" ""1i.,;"::,1"1 '.y?r. the porrlon or ihe t,uifoinq' l.' ;;;;ii;:."i;.::::::e-"-', debris' and renarns of the .tnan "nnclr?i,l]otn'" Lhcrcr!c' ind lcr'1n9 tr,. a"r"'-tn 'o 'reu"r , i,l,ll,l, !i;,,,lil11ii#",.f*,,,,i?"i,,'lill?illill,?l;n'li. i,li,,1lll ? h a t c,, t,'' ; l'l -,i ii ii : i',,i',;,ll: I : ; :;;, 1,.; B;l iijl: ;, iril* *l coloi r,r ror l:..r:!."-t, aii,;',1i' .,,,1, frlt r,.ct ton. . rrots I thr tanj ing qrc ; !J "",1 lj,l,Xi .;;, " ;;1",, ; I ;; "H.; i; ;_r- s u c h danas ;j _iiu iiirfieo, ov tl : ?;" " ;l:, i :i;l;*: I i :l : ":ffi ;f. T f, :",'X? ;l'l :.:" g, "i'l*;! t?. ,*:td+*l+. ?nc lrovtntonl :l -il,lr rraclaratlon nay bc i!..1!11.:li{ if til"Ti;'tH;; ll"liii* ereneo and.aciiJiiL"ol.o uv to and sh!: I t!r he r c c r, n . r'.,,' 1.. .:r^1o'' t iit., _opir*"':i :il f li:"og:!oHx..::":}!ii:i Colorajo. _.,._ vrr rcc. of u,,: clerk end no.".o"i ol _i"_sil..i.._"nay, 18. Attcrneys,lLri. In any.rction brought to enforce the :;gl i ";:^:"li;;3r,- ;ie *;ii iui. I i ?qu itobl", tr,; pre,,a j i ing _ pony rs f irr.d ty t n"Fc,Ju", Jccov' r its reijconall:r att.,rncyni'ice-i'",ii lor." -18- r f .i tl 'l ri il jff-flii,::e,i ff#i{Hiffi'ffi'*Tfrt*tT##$ffiT : il;"*tHyr'"tt#;n.ll'ox,ng,f; ,:r.l:::?L.ldr.!r'br- :ii:,.Jfl{fl ij#ff"ffi '.'#,#{,'f jii;iiii&rU!:;tn iurit;^#;{+ii::"}. jii,i"r'L,tiiiit'Aq; ji:Fd?fi :?it'.'",rr"r;:::;':,i,].i;:ii{iif }:i:!ti..i-,-,n'i':.;i:ltit#t t e h t t i i nr::,: lt: tTt3i'""i1'j ;:ufi;ilit,fl h,,i; li!i.:ii 22. ili;#{;ti:f+:;:"rini"lir"rii's'::'{il'*ltiiH?.'.*l#ii:d:iT.-Jrlryril:*j#:}fl :":::**":i"_::j"::,F.*: jft tr #i!.i':"1".:f irl*1ffi ;*y.:'i:;gr"i*"*#ff#"i,il ir,',.,::;l,li:.-"'"Ji:f t#iii":l.t1""la{1ii;;"ll,i.HF;iF#ir; ;ir ;:,;llsl*=', irtr:!* 1i..'r:ii -q'*ifiTi','f,"ff!!i;i"t** ji'::irF$iii:l'H{r:"ff tilil'iT:*lf liii'l{: i ;t Ji i j i : : ; ; lii i : I ; "' ! I " ;H,'i'j"% triilifi r i'iii"'i ":i'L'"#*!!6isn8 ervins ai ;i'"ir.ifi=.flilijl .l -] 9- ,n"..u'.nl".f iI2A'T:1"!['r"tl;, T;!lt :" hG! eto havr er4cut.cd thr. .DEcTARATinI l-tfNgirFD, Lm.' ! Colorado lrnlred partne E 6h lp 6TATE OF COT,ONAbO COUNTT OF EAGLS #Ii . g : Il i " "r'"Ti' I ? rt' "o'r"ffi 3 : .1" i :",i I :: l""u 1T I : : : i: "11 .j; :Frederick S. Otto -as Secr.,ta-ry of llontane -iJr-poration, a Colorado corporation, manaqlnc oener at 'parlnei-'if "i"rr-Jfj"f a r Ltd., a Colorado I tnit ed partnership. - ' wITNEss my ha,rd rnd offtc 1!l /., seal . liy connission erFires \ I /l ,tall-t -' ..--Li r. L1.1, .- _Notary publ ic AtteBt r.,. -20- t- l I It I I { i ''i I EXIIIBIT A (Attrchld to lt.drn-lr r pert of a D.clrr.tlorl Crcer ln1; Covanlb?r r Conittlonr. -f;i;i;;;;l rnd E.serohrr for Crecedc vtiiig;li---tl-sr-, Exc.jptlng and reservi:rg therefroo thc folloHlng tlcscr ilred 1 ;rr ceL crsclDE Vrlttc! Il, r' pett ol tl'e Sl| t//" tiL llt, S"ctton 1.2, Towrrrhtp t S rth, bnta !l grrt of th.Stxrtr I'r !nrrp.,t nertdt,rrr tytr,g rr uth of rh. I.!r.r.t;r. rfthif Io] lO-rrrO-i"Iif,,of crJrr crr,r.hr vtrt,:h lr nlr,r. prrt lcrrtrrty dercrlbrd rr iollolrrr ;rr.t'l.rilrr' !t r p.,lnt .'n rhc N,)rr'-sorrth ccntrrlrna of ratd s:cttor t2, rlrcnce rn ir',n ptn elrh l,t.rsrt(. ,:a; narlrn;1 the ccnter of reld 3cctlon il l.r;;'S-;;fi;;l lJ 455.of feet dl:tant: thencr .lorr; sald cc.rrtorltn. lt 0.3E.56; a iii.ai;; ;;ure rurrrhr,rltf rtBhr_of_ve!, llne.of Int€rirlt! ,[lherr. Xo. 70. thcncr ifr.-i"if"rf.3 four cc,.,sr.s ; t,,ns nard -i-,,r-.'f eay ltn.: trl -i i6.st,zs;'l-lilii il].].iil."4f'llf50" E 20\..)O fc€t; (Jr N 52.;O.29. r iO6O.OO'i...; (a) r ,4.!!.1t, E t5O.rO lccr to th" ncrrth llne or . rtd.u,^' l/4 rlE l/4; thencc lr_on!'rild _.ti-rii. i ii:lr.57" E t.t8.?i ferrt ro cor( , ,:el,i-:hel'':,!f.-(rif"rii3 ter,-co,rrrcr' riota-i"r. il..r,(l) s 40'15'l{" t e4.3) t,cri (2, s ls.rEij6. u tr,:o! falr: (r) -;-i;ti;il";' 20t.o2 t.'er: ,.) s l2.or' 'r," r,tt0.2q-f,e.tt (5) S 26.2t,3a; i-ilZi,ge il.ii til s 5'26'5'," r- r^/r.10 fc.l; (,') :, t9.26't6', i iS..O-f..t; (8) S 22.31,t5,, I tza.1r fcetr (9) s.51"17'16" l,r I re.l4..rcct; (ro) s 6i.1r,36,.'u ti.fC i..ii ;;n;"---'Jcparti.r'r: Corc Cr,.t N 3"'?,',rJO., U 14t.4t f"ct; thcnir x 5t"2r,30,r |, 169.46 fcct.tir.nce !l 85'41't(" ;i 8l.F; t''eti thor,(.e S ZZ-ZI'96. i ftg.Of f..t ao Co.. ir..i.'thenco rtre f,.lj.,ein,,. stx (,irr:tei .lont (i,rc cr!,.l3 it) s or.or,rc,,,, fi.ii-i.lt:(2t S 35"2J',.," l{ 6tt.Er t,,.r: (r) N 89.50.35', u 2r,71 teetj 1r1 15g;!i;!r;-g 199.r'r ..r; (5) ii )8'\2' ." r{ ''}9.o9 !aet; (6) g 7g.1g'32". ri iorlri-r...-i" }r.polIlL of r'ctlnnlnB, c.ntirining 716,700 s.lrrerc tnet. or 16,91 rcrcr, ""." ", iari. (;.r:r ,l I i'lj t.4lR(:tt. A pirrl ot th., Su l/n \g l/t, S{,cr r. I :2. i.l"rshjF 5 South, pen6c gl tl..i, ot tha lixth t'! rnr.lpal HorJdr.rr:. l, :nq |' r! ferrl(..rlrrly dcrcrrbcd ae follan: B{j;ltt},rlnF ,rt n l,.rlrt rlrrrrrr,. rr.r iIr , 1;1 ut th pl.rsr lr crp ,nirllnl thc crnter of ir;,1(l Seci !r.n l2 I'r-arr- .\ L: ')tt .,t' ,. (,i\.-, t.;t disr,r't: tirrlnc? S Er.artlah E 4t,8t (et 3; 'lrerr, e : r" )'rr," t. . .. !) !,.rt; t1p:r... S !2.,,1)'J(i'fi'itf.ai'f..a;tlrr'nca S 05"11'i)" !, ,, {'; t,,,ri .i. ,!.: r,9.01.3/,,, t{ l0l.0Z f..ct; -hcncc lt 2i;,ai,Ug., ll Jl,).r)9 ,, (.r: t., tt.. , io, ,,1 t,r,v:rr.jnF. contrintng 45.500 tquarc fect.gr I.0(5 airr'!i. rncr'. <.r l, r:s. r-t-'i cttt'?i *qn ,vrstt ltP t @\t -i:;.;..=:-:.-.. t.::.: . - ii'i'-1-'ili :l:::i',:.1 :'.." " - tiit.!.l. -"rr.. _ '-'!_",-..-'',"F'E -g.trj?E;--J+-s-E{F-E3€sL=-+EEE #"ry fr-w ;';-6?j,:-:.;.:;' L.. r r;..'?.. ' ':'' '-'.: .-..r..1....rF ffiill*:$T::; "--'.'-',ili,:'' r-er..r,d at.[241 ' t't'ttfJ .r$.rrt 1r,. .:-r-- r.! artr9 ..nD:!ar . b.r. -.{ t.rd .-it.n4.!-d t.rl. .1,1r- ar.r: b' g!i4..4 -.D.r -. F- -':'1'..':- :": ,rhf arftsn .-4 c u*arr&, ffi *Eili#il;",E€:i#"11*i'*41 t|li tt.E! Frtr'lF. r'l lls ffi rlfft--r-'d!-rtit'F .=.4:=:gl EHlffiHiE::..'*:'.5 rtL sr-r -u{ -ttt '*l''l' -E=;=ttttt-!ta-t_. gtt t aGa t ffiffi#* rr*aea'- lt** 't#"i I F,(!JT Jtatlt tEPJeNfi& r"aP to ' " -irazpe at\re'4tNLt,l€' gEE -ljrt-- tr- r aSa(' rad^ LOC trra' '6r.a|dr|l..C ,ttR-^77@ ^t t'ta:'t #. l-rtrr,.--'ss- rrt* a Ddr t$trt 11rtt t\ srt m*iffi -*,aa.tflf -I J at--tttar-B iJ.E;:-+*'a4:= &Q& ctrt'ag'li,la.rra FAF dr t{E,.t+t? , N €ArOOlt rN, Uiv'lt' -J. .f .l 1 1 1 -tD.'i+4.- ta--, I -trt.--a -Jr -J. i I I .! i i I i I ! I I I : I t'|.t{tr tfa acL . ffi'.- .--ira l!-tai-r" ll - a-- aaa-t .) .t i .: '? ! _J, -J. -l''l- .l t5--F.lb ---Ei- | --E-rtat -_Jl -7-A .3- J--;:--- J E,,(,€/t'rer|J:r %r O.--r--C---.,,,. r. I*b--t.-. -f3tl--. -t &,,O4'ar/'NtUF I'Up d co,,ot?a@ T',O.'N TA' N CONOo.'.' INI UP,S a 1 .l t-,l 1 1 I I I -J. )*/ Ca,.t.U - aca. I -l=sj, ,l_-1... -J. I ) ,./) ,{_-_ I s€ o^ @1._ a.-.- -..t-'-,.-. . ... |- H, O-.-6 lr- -..--, ?a t ?3 a I r.,c J t I J ,-t I i-. J-*-,--J r&fl!w r! ll IIII tt!li .1.; J .J tt\ttT .-a rt .rtsa- ,.{p{At*tC -ea. UNIT F+t--i'i THaa R4- $rT i.t L:- Urtt-aOl r--E-'lf-t- r---; | /.G--r t, t,t--Jrc-- UXIT t-tlC : f3t _ tc3rtt- d -l ti:J l.L T-Jr-a lrd rh .l ,IJ a{egfr.tt121a p1t a @tnAn t:r€tlNTArN @A/aOPt tN t UrvrJ -J. fa3 r ttt I a.c u{Y n.? . UTIT R.I urr e-t i. : rfll R.{ gtnLDllvci *Ttc,Ng,. *ET 1e7 @tfrA@ t 1OU^!TAiN eONDanwrtNtIJI4e, JC a. o.o 6.earr E.E 3-;l;11'3i-i i3 ':.: : :.:. : !:i-;:1:;.; .1 I I F tl J. faF-F*s'.-l rjh J.s { r.qr::r:lm t u? c-a -l- ,zl 4l l.ar: /. ,,. uNlT R-8 J- [a=Ti', ^'-;ll -?di ar-- ; uNtr R-.1 ltvlt s-rot : I u,ttr s-et t - -_-iF{'Fa1=-l F tc. QP'aEz tl tl ta9!l!>aro.-a lJAttT C'@ -t!r|l !.a 3 lal. ir lrr, >' tt{tT DtttLDnvct g€gTto|€t,.- ltttc€,T 3 e7 erMa,ctvit tt,*a Ir4. * eoLaRALDO 1',10t1{'rAt N Cortec"ut'Ntulv's ,1.H ailatNo sETpVg- . #gT 3e7 L3 lia aa !r- a{ uNtT c-Et aaa !r! !. E L ll r-rl I I urr n-s {F uxrr s-ror 1 6-e -u-t 13 a- sltt a-l ,.. ul T i-6 E.Z E.r< EltlLDttqi #Ttot\E . S;IEET 7a?