HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUMS UNIT R4 LEGAL (2)OGign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 0"" Nr/ €B , f itl l, ll , ..^ r . | , ero;ect ruame: N/tdd /! \r'1 t, ; r -- F i to >[ l', t{ -l ,rb Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone:O -r>u 71"- Motion by: Seconded by: D Approval fl Disapproval VstattRpprovat Conditions: Town Planner oa", l'lc / . 71, , 'i u DRB Fee Pre-paid #- o ct . r.ou-6-1996 L4.29 t. I. A. c. D. t. at. o. 2rtt' rltat^ DrSICt tgylg{ mrrD lMtg3: t(m d vr$,, QorottDo DAIE R'CEIVED: DITE OF XE9IJNC t aaartl a tloJFe! Irrr0rilr?t6: Fnt OF Sgvrln3 t llBB cdr!,nrccroa (t2oo. oo {lJddirion (tso-0o) tlGlL DltCtIPttAl: Lor Subdivirio8 to tbii apgliArrioD. E. ZOIIII{G: lf DropcrBy is describcd by .daasFigt i.on! pl€als provid- o E. ./ mxE oP IPP&rC^I|T; ItFi?-e3*.ryr= r|Altt ot APPI,IC'I''!ON!, JZB" NE DE CoodmlElun lDprovar if eppl Dlt FEA: DRa f.as, ar sbm tine of rub&l sr.l of th. DRB qrplyiag tor . bulldi$g pr v.lu.ri,qr of Lhe Dtope-af . .l are ro be DatG rt cbe lFaBlon. r,.Eer, uheo . pliraso t<lcsei ty !h! .c6r!rte r rorro of rail YlIl .6jurr tl|c oe. ro a!3ure Lhc cgrrcct fac fae rccordiag to Lhe cabla is Deic, 2o, F8E,qcl|lDttt83 50, OO1 t s0.00 f100 - 00 t20o. o0 f.00. oo tso0 - 00 DESrq ltvlln ntD rPDtgvl&lrtnlg 0E trll rt!!E, trrrG rtDrg!9tr. lDE a88 r ntt Dttro rs $!lB!tD. a'.l+'TL .-4r l&lT,t"ifErm (*20 . ogJ o.c.Pttral a.etcr (fol alock AeCt, ald boundg leg.f a tcpatltc sbecB aad rttlch 'Il:l50o' Om'r gltull?r,t le. P.AL LS{ t|rrE or oF!El(8) : 150,00r - | 500, 500,001 - fr.000,Onca 11. O00, Toli- P.@ rl r38Db ato coGrrmllot TOTA. P.A1 frzV ts (D ...--_ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM General Public Community Development Department February 19, 1992 MovableiPortable Hot Tubs and Spas As technology has progressed, a new type of hot tub and spa has been developed. This new iype is esseniiaiiy a seli-contained unit with all piumbing, etc., containecj within the structure oi the unit. The only necessary component for this type of unit is an electrical outlet. For the Town's purposes, these units will be considered moveableiportable hot tubs ano soas. The following information must be submitted, where applicable, with all requests for portable/moveable hot tubs or spas: r0F Hazards - A hazard letter will not be required unless some other structure, as defined in section 1 8.04.31 0 of the Town of Vail Municipal code, is also being added. specific requirements for structures in hazard areas are in Section 18.69 of the Town of Vail zoning code. Maps indicating hazard areas are available in the Community Development Department office. A hot tub may be added to an existing, conforming (legal) deck. Decks may encroach into setbacks, including front, rear, side and creek, either l12the seback distance or 10 feet if within 5 feet of grade, or 1/2 lhe setback distance cr 5 feet if more than 5 feet from grade. Please refer to Section 18.50.050, 18.58.060 and 18.58.300 of the Town of Vail zoning code for the specific regulations. Requests for hot tub/spa encroachments into setbacks further than allowed for decks may be approved by the Design Review Board. Other secticns of the code, which are not cited in this memo, may also be applicable to some installatlons. All completed applications for movable/portable hot tubs will be reviewed by staff. No approval can be given without all the necessary information as listed above. This review program is not applicable to permanenVbuilt-in hot tub/spa units. The Town will not regulate "temporary" hot tubs which are sited for less than a 48-hour period. ^A ,.f ^ ,\UWA ar.ry.t or site plan - The building location, all property lines and the proposed hot tub _-!ttcz- ^ unit should be shown. cut sheeuphotograph of unit - All units must be U.L. listed and must meet the uBc. ndo Association or limited common obtained. - lf a unit is to be located on a element (L.C.E.), condominium general common element (G.C.E.) association written approval must be I *_*ffi_ cAs cADE vrLLreE pnopEiEiEF VAIL. COLOFADO October 30, 1996 To Whom It May Concem: The owner of Penthouse 4 in the Colorado Mountain Condominiums, has indicated his intent to install a hot tub on his private deck. It will be placed on the lower level of his unit, which is a second story level of the building. The hot tub will match those on the decks of Penthouse 2 and Penthouse 3. The CMC Association and the CMC Residential Subassociation have both approved the installation of the hot tub. S lilL Don Maclachlan General Manager 1476 Westhaven Driw Vail, Colorado 81657 . 970{76-6106 . 800-543-4801 . Fax 970-476-4946 int ri i t1 JJ l! tl tl .1 r ll r1 - JJ -P ijl :T =- ft 6 i --'-V';-........'. li ii ;t rlal :. t.t trtr a : 1 -F;=ni.= i! i t{ nrr Fa tr, M rta'ril i: li["' ; l$ rh + {it I $n I li ti ft'1$ it ti L ii'ill iii;r iliii" iliii iilil, ill,, i:iii ii:iii i:!!!i ffi iiili rl ri [tit .liili$ l. r r r ilii iitr ii!ti ii[ I I: ii Irr fii :li ili tii lli 'lt tii riii I "$i tt ill iiii I ilil iii iii llr il ii I a I I I I I i- I |l t J I { t \ lr t I * d ||il li i'I \ I I 1 I I I I I !i I i!F , r'\,l I r.tLt.d 7 /14194 DESIGN REVTEW BOATD APPI,ICATION . TOWN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:********** **********I. A. PRO.IECT TNFOR!!,ATION : DESCRIPT o',?tasmdq-f o P TYPE OF REVTEW: lloddDb t. 194_llew ConsrrucLion ( 9200 . 00)&fr eaait:.on ($so. oo) c. ADDREss , CMe Bdld;na-lzqe br, Review ($20.00) ($0) D.L,,O E.Block ff property is described by descripti.on, Flease provide Lo this application. a meebs and bounds on a separate sheet lega1 and att,ach ZONING: NAME OF Mai.ling APPLICANT: Address: Phone F s NAME MaiJ- o APPLI dress:inpun I. .1 . ilins Addr-ess ; bZV S+ APPIrrcATroNs wrlrL Nor BE pRocEssED wrrilour otrtMER,s srctrATunE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid aE. the t.ime of submitr.al of t.he DRB applilation. l,iter, when applying for a building permit,-plbase identify t.he accuraEe valuation of t.he proposal . The iown of vail witl adjusL t.he fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid $ 50, 001 $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 $ Over $j,,000,000 DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIT EXPTRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAL ISSUED ATiID CONSTRUCTION ..t ' *.j:i:! t6;/ I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision owNER(S) : SIGNATURE: I , I .L]lfr ^ ,5b0 4LLV I I ) TOWN OF VAIL RTCEIPT AO. I DEPANT}IE:fT OF CO}T}IL}iTN' DE\ELOPI\IEIT Pu* t sQfr ?rcse ' ,^rt-J-l-,J-,36' CIIECXS MADE PAYABLE TO TO\TT{ OF TIAIL lAr I ACCOITj\-r:\O. - 0l 00004t540 l zoN s5.00 0l 0000 42.115 UMFORM BUILD]FIdEODE-s54.00 0 I 0000 42415 u s19.00 0 | 0000 4241 5 luNrFoRI4ffi s37.00 0l 0000 .121 I 5 I UNIFORI,ITIRETODE-s36.00 (,1 mOO .124 I 5 NATIONAL E st 7.00 s7.00 s0.25 s5.00 / RE.INSPECTIONS 0t 00004tji2 PLAN RETI-EW_M_.CEEEKTE.E-TSO-PmTR. 0l 0000 .12_132 I oFF ilOURSINSF-E-CTIONTEE'S 0l 000041.t12 lcoNT | 0l 0000.1r113 l_--x--_i;;;""i:'-s s20.00 I Vr rrutru {t4lJ l_--;-i-_-:_^;;-_-:=-':":=-I AUut I IUNAL sluNACE FEE IS L00 pER SO.FT.I I vl UVUIJ {i.+-+U I vtL AKI l,KUJt-C I UONATION I u I l/\rtru r+ I JJ I r^--i-:--;1':LrKt rAlU DLSIUN Kl:VlbW tsOARD FEE 5o.cb 0l ooo0 .{li 7 I I NVESTIGATION FEE I BUIIDIIT.G il oo00.15110 TOV PAR-IiIN'OFUND-- 0l 0000:1027 r ov NEwspApER DIspENsEm r 0t 0000 ll I t2 TAxABIE-6{.sffi r 0t 0000 410t0 r 01 0000 4:i7l BUILD ING I NVESTIC/\TIo-N- u.l HtR PEC T -l I ffid-] 91 0o0o4ll30 |CONDI'TIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 =l 0l 00004t330 EXTERIoRALTm s200.00 0l 0000 4tjiO EXTERIO s500.00 l 0r 0000 lljio SI'ICIAL DEVELOP\lENT D]STRTET-TNEW s 1,)00.00 0l 0000413i0 I ll-m00llll0-]--;T-F 7iF--.-.-5-Fi SPECIAL D s l.000.00 s200.00 U I I'I'UU 4I JJU I --;-i-7a:;;x"':':=':=-l u | \.rl_ruu 4l JJU I --^-i--E-;;--:-:';--:"-+s250.00 !r | \r\Jw .+ I JJU I s250.00 n F'0 t 0000 4l 3_io r(t - zuNlNU s200.00 :+OTHER 1 @ :OMME\TS: CAsEr rr*-'f,7r/o ,M.OL,w