HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT GENERAL 6 LEGAL �� ���� � �,� c �� , ,���o, � �� � �,��° � � � r LI�I� ,4T BOTTON OF �XISTIh1G-I�INDOW�-WA�k�.-- -- ---------- -- - ---- - _EXISTIHG STUGGO �,4Y � WI�IDOW ABOVE. Pi�.TGH ti WFI�R� hE�DED APTER � � ROOF II�STA�L.A710N. � EXISTIh�6 STUGGO 1@�VEf�L �- °N�W LEAN-TO STANDIN6 ___ BUTTOM OP °:' 5�,4M RODF 1�ND FASGIA S��OND LE/E4 WGhIDOW � D�TA I L TO MA7GH W I TH �A� EX15T1N6 Af30VE. PITGN OF � ROOF TD MATG+i EX�ST. L6NE A7' V�NT 5�t,4FT � � @OTTOM TO ALIGN WIT'ti BUIt�-OUT. "' �XlST. 5?LiGGO R�V�AL, � -�X�RIOR �TlrGGO T� MATG+� � TH� EXIST!1�G BUII�DINC�. '� � 0 - EX15T. tiAHDRAIL TO BE GUT ° BAGK TO AGGOA�IIDAT� h1�Vrl G4NSTRUGTION. RAIL NC7T SHOW!�. � ALIGN NEW LOLJ`J�RS ON � i G�N'i�E2 L!t�CE WITH TOP OF a �IRST LF\(�:. Br4LGONY � EX15TiNG LOWERS. �' 60TOM OF � - DEGK TO SE GU7-OI�T TO PIRST !�VEL BALGONY Z — - � ,4GGOMID,4"f� N�W SHA�T. - -- � w 5`RI�GTJRALLY R�VIS� AS r REQUI'RED �OR MAXIMUM EXISTINC� Y�NT TO � � �AFET`�f. PATGN AF��GTED REM(AIN. GONSTRUGT AREAS TO MATGH EXISTfN6. WALL A±.CJUND TH� V�NT. -I��W MEGH. RM. 5'W x 7`H. AGG�55 DOOR 6 FRf�,M'� PIN15�1 � LOGKIH6 SYST�M TO MATGH �XIST. PROPERTI'. TOp O� LOr^l�R L�V�L BALGONY - �X15""INC� 5TUGG0 R�V�AL MATGH �Xi5TING STUGGO EXISTCh1G OPEN 6UTTER BASE DETP+I�ON NEW TO S� �XTEh1D�D TD 1�lA�.L WITF4 TH� DEGK 6R�U�lD ��VEL hIIT#� DRA1�1 RUNNINC-� THROUGH. . GUT-OUT IN �A�� STUGGO �1O�rH ��.��1� � I aN Fo� ��,��. 2 - QD ?�OT SGAL� � N , 09/24/89 15:33 �j`312 226 2500 AN�ER50N/MILIJs[: �001 e �i I � � I � �'ax Transmittal I � Ii to; Allison Ochs � �rom: Zara� (}rlVic—AML cc: File � re: Vail Cascade Exterior Venting � date: 5epterraber 241h, 1999 `� pages: 3 , including this page I AML#: 93026 Allison, I � Per our meeting at Vail Cascade on Wednesday the 22�d, here is the best solution in elevation. � The shaft has to skay where we've had it prior, but a large improvemnet was made extending the new ; build-out and smaU raof at the bay window abave—restaurant level. It will look more complete and exisiing � with this solution. ` Please call me with your comments. Thank you, Zr�ran Oriic Anderso� Miller Ltd. � 312-22fi-2500 i � i AndersanlMiller,Ltd. 329v W.18'^St.,Suite 6U0 Chicago,1L 60616 (312)226-2500 phone amltd aol.COrn {312)226-2555 fax � o � T � I � � ^ � HOUR ENGLO� E FGiZ EXHUAST- -� � ' :I � O CJ J HOD[7. FROM 50770M OF FfOOt� 70 �` � �I � � �� � DEGKIN6 ,4BOYE AS R�QUIRED. � � j j �� � ,� ��s-r�v _ ; 1i _ � ! !� i R. I I I I a n _ CJ� H I l j l �i i � � G7Ci��i. �e i � O I I I � � �N — � tdEW LOUVER AND t'LENUM. I ' I �� ! � � �> (5EE I�GH. PLAN F4R ADDITIONP�L � I I il �� , � i � INFOJ PAINT LOUVERS TO M�4TGH � �+ -� I` ; p op L� MEGH exisr�wc. � � i i� !; � I i i� �" EQU I P. s►�A�r��osurz� �x,��o� ro � \ i i o� i; ; MATGH F�CIS�. BUILD W4LL5 TO EXT�ND ; ; TO UNN�i�R51t7E �F 17EGK. � { I� I u — I I � �� I I I I _ _— i � MEW EhlGL05ED RJLL HCI6FIT MEGHANIGf+iL. I �i � 0 � R,OaM. REN40V� PORTI�N OF �XIST. PAVER ` -- � Q ± i2EQ. FUR NEW GUNST. REIHSTALL TO MATGH +� � � � 3'-O° �XIST. O J � � � 44W x 44D SHAFT �EC3UIRED � � I J m NEW NfEGH. �+E� 3" AIRSPAG� THF.OUGHOUT SHA�T. SK-� ! 6L 0 ��-IQ WITH GOh1G. P,4R AS REGtUIRED I R�• SY MANUFAGTUi�R. GC�I+ESULT. N1�GH. U I 4'-10"± m � 4'-b I "+ 8'-4 VS"+ PLANS FOR AI7t71TION.r�L. INFO. �i � 2 DEGK TO BE GUT-OUT �f0 AGGOMIDATE � J � � -2 NEW SHAFT. 5?RLGTUR,�,�iLLY �VISE A5 Q -- REQUI4�ED �OR MAXIMIIlVi SAFETY. I PA7GH AFFEG7ED AREAS 70 MA7GH I,I � � EXI5TIN6. u� 16N ` F�EW MEGH. RM. AGGES� DOOR � '� ' I i� 3� x ��H W I � 0 13'-3 I "+ EXI57. HANDRAIL TO EE GU7 Q BAGK TO AGGOMIDAT� NEW � ( r GONSTRUGTION. U � I EXISTING DEGK. Dn. Q Q �y{ �XISTING GOLUNIN - AFP�Y NEW � Uw I STUGGO FIh115H TO MA"G�i EX95T. � J O I� ; J Wl�LL TYPES I OI METAL STUD AhID 17RYWAL.L I GON5TRllGTION WITH STUGGO TO MATG1-I I EXI5TIK6 � GONGRETE BLOGK GONSTRUGT�ON WfTH I REQUIRED �'iJRRINF� FOR AGOUSTIGAI^ I ABSORBTION WITH ST'UGGO TO MATGH � � ,`( � EXISTIN6, ON �OUNDATIOi� ,4ND � � � N � �OOTIN65 A5 EXI��TIN6 BUlLDIhIG � � w p �o � coru�irioH. � c� N U I w �' tnMJ � � v' O � �Q � ` F J Q � Z 0° � � � N � � W O N F LOWER LEZr'EL fi�L.�N �EST.�Ui��4NT LE`�r`�L PLr�N W 3 � N � I DO NOT SGftiLE � DO NOT SGALE � d, � � � Q M U � Q . � N . o � � z � � � � � � � o � �� -� o-� � ���� � � , .o �, ,� ,� EXI5T11�kG STUGGO BAY p � � WINDOW AE30VE. PATGH 0 � � WH�RE N��D�D AF7ER ROOF 1NSTAl_L,4TION. N�W LE�N—T4 STANDING TOP OF SEANf ROOF ,4ND �ASGIA SEGOND L�VEL BALGONY D�TAIL 7C MATGH WITH �/y Q � EXISTING ABOV'E. f'lTGH BOTTOM OF I J r Q O� RC.�OF 70 MATGH S�GOND L�VEL B,4LGONY � z VE Q EX I ST. �� � � I , � 0 i EXl"ERIOR STUGGO TO ATC.H � — � T�+E �XISTING �111�D G. O � �X HAND� TC? B� GUT � U � - - - BAGK GOMIDAT� 1V�1^t > i GON57RU� . RAIL NOT � J W SFiOWI�.�' � : QJ T�� xew �ouv�� > W i �NTER Llµ� WITH TOP OF � EXISTING 1.DWERS. FIRST LF`,/�L BALGDh1Y . � BOTTOM OP Q LL �� I i DEGK TO �3E GUT—OUT TO _ FIRST LEV�L Bi�LGONY � Q Q ��_ _ _— AGGOMI��TE NEW SHAFT. �' � � STFZIJGTURr�L�Y REV 15E P�S � U — REQUIRED FOR M,4XIMUM � � RELOGPrTED NfEGH. EQUIP. � � � ,��� � � 5f���TY. PATGH A��EG7ED Q , AREAS TO MATGH EXISTIN�. RM. DOOR. PRDVIDE hI�W U W THRESHOLD. R��INISH ; � � �� NEW MEGH. RM. 5'W x �'H. +� DOOR TO MArGN EXlST. � � AGGE55 CiOOR d FRANfE _ X �aNISH � LOGKIhIG 5Y5TEM TO Q i MATGH EXIST. PROf��RTY. � � W 74P OF LOINER LEY�L B,4LGONY EXISTING GOLUMN — APPLY 5�}AF� ENGL��IJFZ� EXTERIUR T N�W STUGC.O FINISl� TD MATGH EXIST. BIJILD. WALLS TO Mf�TGH EXI�T. EX7END TO UN17�R51DE OF DEG. � LOV�I�R L���L �LEVATIOh� _ 2 �LC�o���L��'�L EL�'�,�TIDN � o � � � DO NOT SGALE � co N � `� � w � � U � cO N � � N • � `" u� �, J O � � � Z � Q \ r � o �� o0 0 O NQ � H O �o � w � N � Q 3 � N J rn � L Z N 2 Q r� U f- � . . � � KEYNOTES Q lO DEMO EXIS�INC� C-�REASE EXHAUST DUGT BAGK TO RIS�R. 4 2 DEMO EXISTING GREASE EXHAi15T HOOD. GOORDINATE WI7H FIRE PROTEGTION GO�iTRAG70R. Q3 DEMO GREASE �XHAUST DUGT BAGK TO RISER. PATGH HOLE IN RISER. 4O DEMD SUPPLY GRI�LE RUNOUTS 1NGLUDING SPIN-IHS, FLEX AND DIFFU5ER5. PATGH HOLE. TYPIGAL. O DEMO GREAS� EXHA�JST pUGT BAGK 7U RISER. GONN�GT NEW TRANSITI�FI TO RISER. SEE SHEET MI FOR NEW WORK. O DEMO EXISTING SUPPLY AIR DUGTWORK BAGK TO (AND INGLUDING) EL@OW. GONNEGT NEW E�HOW. S�E SH T MI FOR N�W WORK. ?� EXISTING GREAS� EXHAUST DUGT RISER. ABANDON IN PLAGE. � 8 EXISYINC� DIF�USER TO REMAIh1. REGONNEGT A5 SHOWN ON SHFET MI. � •'lEII►' . MEGHANIGA'� R�VI510N �I oate: �S�b�q sHEET: ..,. �����''; RE: MID ... � . _ s�a��: �,�1��,� ; � ��4� = ��-�• M5K-I `�"'"`T""'• i"°- ALFREDO"5 RESTAURANT sY � 112] AURARIA PARKWAY, M400 VAIL GASGADE �EIVVER, COL�RADO 80204 JoD No: 303-623-620D FAX 623-B435 - Iqqq-0�9-� • � � ,/ i v � � � V—� L 12"� , � � 0 ; � I Q 22x1 � i I ---�— ,_�_, � � � \ � ' ' I I \ � � � � � I ' � � � � � 8 � � � �- -�-o--�- L_J Q I I I I iz ;� C� �� i %,, �3400) ! � r � I � I ,,,, � � `—,' � `` I i � � ; ', �� � � r� � � i i � I � � � i -- O I i � I I � � 2 (IlOOf � � o I � ( � � � , � � 5 � � , I � � �o � � � i � ii � I � , � , � i � f � ' 'O ' i I i i I �2xf2 � ii i � � i � (3400) f � � � I I � � � � � � � � �2 � `� � ; , , Q 22x� I � � l � � — L J / � ���V//� I I� \� I �1 I 3bx14 8 � ___ � � � � _ � � 6 — — � � � �� Q (6800) 10 (6800) I I � •`���.• �..._��., MEGHANIGAL REVISIDN #I DQte O�/�b/Qq SHEET �E- �i: ' RE: MI ... � '. 4, � _ s�a�e: ii�. = i°-o. ��� � ��N•"`•~~•g �'=�i'-�i; ,•,� A�LFREDO'S RESTAllRANT ey: M�K�2 117J AURARIA PARKWAY, �400 `��� DENVER, COLORADO 80204 VAIL GA�GADE Job Na: 303-b23-6200 FpX 623�8435 - �qqq_Q-�q_� . � • i � �i � - - - - - -� � � � � 11 � � _ � �� � 54x12 � � ` \ � I I I /� I(14, � � I I � - - -� \ L - - - - - � \ I I I I — �� I I � o ._ _ _ _ � 1 1 / ! / / — — — — — �- � / \ �� � �, � � r - - - - _ � � � , �� , � � � � � � � � � � -s 4 (i i�oo) �� �,,,' y � 1'j� 54x24 /� � � ,-� � � � �` �l�/ ���laoo) � � � � ///�'` �I I I � \ IIII � �� � — � � � — � � I I C I `\ �— — — -- — _ — I I � „� . O � � � r�oo) � - - � , — — - - - - � � � a r5oo)(� � � i7°� �_, o a � � � � � ' � � ���o ��' � � � � °� ° ° � L - -� � � � � -� 12°� � � � � � � ; ; � � - - -,— - - - - - - - - - — - - - - ��x� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � - � � � � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- - - - - - � — C� L-� � - �� � Q C� � •'l�II�• �,,,��,t� MEGwfA�IIGAL REVI560N �I D°�e' �$��b�q sH�E�; �t���- ' RE: MI ��� i�,, ' _ ScaEe: ��� � . ��4• = ��-�' M5K-3 C O M S U L T A N T 0 If,lS•'�'� ,� � - � • ALFREDIa'S RESTAURANT ey� .�nnw 112.3 AWRARIA PAF2KWAY, yaoo VAIL GASGADE DENVER, COLOR4�a 80204 Job No: �03-623-6240 FA% 623-8435 - �qqq-Q')[{_(()() - � • i kEYNOTES Q lO 6REASE EXNAUST DUGT DOWN TO NEW HOO'D GONNEGT10N. Q MAKE-UP AIR SUPPLY l�GT DOW�I TO I�EW HOOD GONI�EGTION. Q REBALA�IGE DIFFUSER TO GFM L15�ED. TYPIGA�. a PROVID� NEW 6U NP MOTOR FOR AHU-6. BALANGE ANU-b TO GFM L15T�D. 5O NFW K17GHEN EXHUAST HOOD PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY KI7GHEN GONSULTANT. SEE KITGHEN GONSULTANT DRAWINGS R MORE II�FORMATi�N. bO N�W GREASE �XHAU5T DUGT ABOVE AND BELOW. PROVIDE G�EANOUTS AT EALH TURN AI�D �v'Ef�Y 12' IN STRAIGHT RUNS. L4WER DUG7 {G01�N�GTED TO FfOOD) TO ROUT� OYER AND DOIA(H IN GF�'ASE. UpPER DUGT TO ROUTE FROM GHASE TO D15GHARGE LDUYERS 1�1 WALL. SIZES SHOWN ARE TY�IGNL FOR BOTH DUGTS. � � ALTER�IATE: b"m FIREPLAGE FLUE. RUl�TE UP THROUGH 2ND-4TH FLODRS AND OUT ROOF. VERIFY ROUTING WITH ARGHITEGT AND MEGHANIGAL EN611�E�R BEFOR� INSTP+LLA�TIpN. PRIGE TH15 AS Ahl ALTERNATE. � 8 6.G. T PR VID� 2 HR. RATE ENGLOSURE FROM OP F WDOD O U ER5 DE OF SLAB ABOVE, ON 2 SIDES SF�OWH. EXTEND ENGL05URE A5 NEGE55ARY TO GOVER Di1GT ROUTED Ti0 FARTHEST LOUVER. SEE ARGH, DRAt�IN65. � 3b x 14 EXH,AUST DUGT DOWN FROM HOODS. ID 3b x 14 EXHAUST DUGT �P FROM NEW EF-I0. � II 2 HR. RATED SHAFT. 5EE ARGH. DRAWIN65. I� 18 x 14 GODSENEGK WITH BIRDSGREEN AT OUTLET. TYP. OF 2. PITGH A�L DUGTL�ORK DC}WN TOWARDS OUTLET �OR DRAINAGE. DUTLET TO BE AT 45 DE REE FR�M HQRIZON7A . � � � _—'-- �\ i i i MEGHANIG�LL REVf510N #I oa�e: sHEEr: •�4�i� ._,,, OS/Ib/99 ``' '"�'� RE: MI �;�;_: ��� y, � � Sca�e: s., 'ti - � ,�. ��4• = ��-�• M�fG^4 -���,.��. .,., c o N s u�r�N T e :N�� . ALFRERO'S RESTAURANT e � y y JAW 1123 AURARIA PARKWAY, �4p0 �,rAIL GASGAD� DENVER, COLORADO 80204 Job Mo: 303-623-b200 FAX 623-84�5 - �qqq-Q��j-QQ � ! ! , � � . NEW MEGH�4NIGAL RD�M, 36xi4 GREASE EXHAUST DUGT SEE ARGW. DRAWIIVC�S DOWN FROM KITGHE�I H40D5. ELBOW AND TRAT�STIQN TO 30"� AND ROUTE TO INLET C?F EF-10. 36x14 � � ~ „� GR�ASE E�CHAUST DUGT UP FROM EF—f0. TRANSITIOT� T4 36x14 ANQ ROUTE OVER AND UP IN S�HAR7. i � PARTI AL FLDOi� PLr�1� C� 6ROU�1 -LEVEL ALFR�DO'S i�8° = i�-o° R�STAURP�NT � M�GI�A �rN MEGHANIGAL REVISION �I oate: sHEEr: ���j'.a• _-•,. 08/Ib/99 :�E:r ,,i ��° •, RE: M2 �� �� . .., s�a�e ��l ��. ' ��8� " �-�Y ����� •��G�,�;ti .. '' `°" '"`T ""T ° �"`- ,' ALFR�DD'S RESTAURANT eY JAW 1123 AUftARIA PARKWAY, f�400 �/AIL GASGADE DENVER, COL(JRADO B02Q4 Job No: 303-623-620D FA}c b23-84}5 - IQ9q-���-� � • i 12X18 UP THRDUGH Q 32X32' UP GHIMNEY THROUGH TI NG) GH I M1�EY `� • (EXISTINC-�) �� ` EF- DISPLAY KIT HEN FAN E�--II MAIN (DI ONI�EGT POWE� AN� KITGHEM !�B DON 1N PLaGE) EXHAUST �� (REPLAGE MOTOR ` ' ANI7 BALANGE) ' � 2�X32 LA�JNDRY EXHAUST [ ( � �EX15T1NG) 2�X34 KlTGHEN I GREASE �XHAUST I (EXIS�ING� � _ J PAi�TIAL FLOOR PLAN C ATTlG-LE�'EL AL�R�EDO'� I �18�� = ��-�� �ESTAU�'A�1T - MEGH�NIG�L DEMO pLA�I •��,#.• _.,..,.,,, MEGHANIGAL REVI510N #I °ote s"�FT � �:;► ,;. 08/16/99 RE: M2 ... �+�,' , � _ ,` scale: _ ��8� - ��-�� .�:.,4��.�, �5�—� °°"°"`T""T' ;"�-, „ r ALFREDO'S RESTAUR,4NT gy� .�w 1123 AURARIA PARKWAY, �(40fl �/AIL GASGAQE DENWER, COLORADO 80204 Job Na: 303-623-6200 Froc 5z.�—ea35 — 1999—019-00 . � ! � EXHAUST FAN TD BE ABANRONED. 12EMOVE ALL GURRENT GARIN6 GONDUGTORS FEEDIN6,EXHA1/5T FAN 10,BAGK TO PANEL. MAfN7AIN INTESRITY OF 6ROUND WIRE. b REUSE EXf571N6 GIRGUIT Fc7R NEW EXHAUST FAN ID LOGATEP ON TH� IST FLOOR. I ��-� � n I � � l� � � PARTIAL FL4DR �'LAN � ATTIG- POWER PLAN I/8`=I'-0' RE� SHEET E5 [)ate: CHE�1: �+��£,° -_. _ EL�GTRIGAL REV151�N #I ��>/[�/a� .-`�� `�.t * ` RE: ABANpON EXISTINC� EF-10 .� . i.s � , ' _ scaie: � r,,� ._ I/8" = I'-C�,� C O N&U L T A N T 8 I#N��C'}i'.`� f �y: ESK-1 A�FR�DO'S R�S1URAi�T MAG 1123 AURARIA PARItWAY, �f40� v'A��. �,ACJGA�� DENVER, CO�ORADO �0204 Job No 303-623-6200 FAX 623-8435 - 19GG-Ol9-O(J s s � a _,� EXHAIIST FAN 10�OGATION. � e ��� I - - II i i I � PARTIAL FLOOR PLAN � GROUND FLO�R POh1ER PLAN va•=r-0• RE� SH�ET E5 :i����;{ �,..._�. ELEGTRIGAL REV1590N #I ��te sh�:T. - 08/I6/qU ... :t�- RE: NEW EF-10 �LOGATE� ON 6ROUNU �LOOR Scole: ��'i;� - I/6" - I, G, a#�:�.;.. j : ESK-2 C O N 8 U L T��.. ���-;,.� ALFREDO'S R�STURANT °y� M,4G 1123 AURARIA PARKWAY, �'400 vA�L G�C�GADE DENVER, COLORADO 80204 �ob No: 303-fi23-6200 FAZ 623-8435 - IG99-0�q-0O � N Q r � � O �� C � D �^w CM16TM6 aRYL.G 64Y o I o hNGp1 AiW�.TATiGH o m� �"���1!�A1'ILII lroC�M6'T/�.LAT5011 I�dl LC/1PETd S'TH01119 TOf Or eerw�oo�i+o rr,acu�. e �re V�n�r.►1 rr of �I1 �� � 01�POiOr TG lMTLH I+r (Z �i . GQbT. �� � ! I ��To�„�, Z o- , , ���, � oF ' ��'��� �> � , ��,.��+.�,�,a� — aW � Kier�re+,.arieas oK � j J I 1 GCHTLR LN'!WTM � W �XID11N9 LOVWGlU. WM �----�---� i DEGIC To D�tUT-GIJT Tr� RST A LL � ���� s e��L��vr��a j � U� � . � imr,��roK rr►�aw� ir�.aan,�c rocH.aa�. W Q� � � sw�tsY.r�na+Nrre�r[v iw.vooR�oviDE te++ � U W � 1 I .��,s 7o rw7c�+exrSTR�. 'i}�HOLp_RB�NM�H ' AGC�S6 DGOR IW�F1rIi►�! DOOII TD W1TGH GrtlST. J F 1 \ . � �. �INF5i1�L�Or•KIN6 YY6T�f TO �X , �; �r���.�. W ;� : - � e�sm+.cou.�«-�rr�,- ar►�rr ar�owe��,e�,c� ►�ar sn�cco n�s�+ro rt�lr�t nasr.ew.n_�w.�s Tv w.na+exisv. e�cmo To u�oees�ar L�WER LEtilFL �L.E1/ATlDN -W�.ST'Fl�sCA�pE LOWEF; L�1/EL EL�YATIoN- � � ao 2 0o nor xxe �� F $� � �. ���U OC � N { N�J 0 � �Z�� 1 ��3 0 D Q{�j � W 3 U S 7 � n G . . �S ��U�.(.T •�— D � ',' �IbUR�if4Gd1�!Fl4!lqtM.n—�1 T� �' Y� NOL1D.I'11o1+1 OCRGM cr NooD TiD �` j � � � ����. i � ; ;� ��, ���,�� s ������ i 1 � � � �,�.a�,..,�►o+�w, r � ;) �a Iws r�tc►�ruw�,.avrrnw� � � �� o►�„!+ � �fll1�4�oN�O1�1RJ MMCM � i�I C m.p�c � ��•R�RD FNLlS 7D Cf7po + l� � !� ^ro uoeee+oe Q wcK f i i� �r.�tfs��r.�ooK � j � i��. , � I ; , �..�►�,,,..�D, ; ;� Z °'W !61�►,.L�..R►!G„y,Ull _ I�BGlS.1�'bN�IY7RTIf:M Q�T.►A'YOl Q � � 1!�POR!bl C�01rT.1�'M�Ll 7b l��N1GM � � l�T. �y� �� MH a 41P MiYi I�al�� � I Q�/ urC]_L.�L. WTN!AlI�Aa f1AO4M�R�YYT.� J � 1 ������ a o� ♦�a a�.� �'►M►.��wsa ow.�T.►r.►� U 1 a n'"''�r°".�oort"�K°. saac�n�an�vr ro�crc�� io+s+rrr.ww�Gnl�t,r�ea�e N � J�J �a+ll�1aa►wf,ry�ysrr. M+an Nrnctm�s To rv�7ew Q� �` rwns. � > � ia reu�w��r.c�000� . r,TM � �� °�° oarr.wwsww�v ae wr � � I� o stw cn�ai��"��,b• I e,a.,a+.c�ea�c vn, � N m • sxrsrw co1u�-�tr� � �� si►tco n�ro rv�xx�ewsr. � J�J wui �€s � �J I �►�rK.,�o�w aarwai l ��na� ►�wM sn+cra�w,�µ � � �+m���,c�yr� � �ai r�o A��'G" 8■ � r+ovnnr�e o�rau atip�r O � �� ��+�0 � � rnJ � ��`� . Z�3�r ,, � a�`o��R '4N r,��5T�4UR}s�NT LEYE� PLAN� w ��n� —— `/ao�v.�cxe o � � ��+�,.( . - � i • ��:�:���:���r�-- Design Review Action Form ;� i` TOWl`J OF VAIL Taii:�1`01�bt1(L � ProFcct Namc: Cas�adc f-Iotel Pool Dcck lmpi•ovcmentti Praject I)escl�iption: Pool Dcck Im�rovements. Ownet-, Address and Phonc: L-�Vail Hotcl, lnc. � Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Design VVorkshop, 953 South Frontage Raad, Ste. 102, Vail, CO. 8165� Project 5treet Addz�ess: ]300 Wcsthaven drive Legad Description: Cascade Villa�c Develo�n�ent ��ea A Parcel Number: Building Name: Vail Ca�+cade Club & �-Iotel Comrncnts: Pro�ect#: Board / Staff Ac�ian IVlotion by: Action: Appraveci Seconded by: Vote: Canditions. Approved per plans dated 6/16/99 Town Planne�-: Geor�c Ruther i - � • i Project Name: Cascadc Hotel Pool Dcck Improvcments Date: 6/lfi/99 DR.B Fce Pcc-Paid: �ZO.OQ F:`,GVF.RI'O�lC DRB�r1�'PROVAL197'19�RfiAPPR.FR�1 �E;L;tiL�'U ��UII-�� �1�� }[-{�J�III IfUdl �Y�`�/y�'I�)c� � �VC:�lUh '�5�11'.rl.�IlUI 1%..�yc' � ,7Ut�l-07 -ti9 1��6C9 FROM:TC�i-�,r=,t�:-f>F.V-C��PT. 7C -5?C.G792+:�5? PACE 2i'7 . ;�;-,�<< ,,-,�,:�} ! � -. .� ,i: �.:� :��:..... .,,� _:�.. ..: - .-_ _- :y ���-- a ��� j� a.�►FZ,�c��rt��r �a� ��s�c:�' REVIE�V A��ROV�� 1`'JWi��1F�A�, � ����,�, �r�aR�t�T�oy _ �'hi.t a�lica�o�is£or arry project rcquiring Dcsig�i Rcvictv a}��ravat. .�rzy pro�cci rc�uiriag dcsign reviow mu,��t rcrcivc D�si�n Revirw approvai pcior to s�ba7itting for a bcd�ding permi� Far spccific infom�ariors,�the y�tcbr,�tta,i rcquircm�ntt for thc�articular ap{�roval that�,S requcst�d. Thc�pp!ication�aruiot bc acceptcd unti3 a1I[hc requircd Tnfornzation is sub�uttcd, The projccr ttsay�Iso nccd tca bc r�vic.wvcd by thc Town Councif and/or thc Pi�znin�an� �n��irottme�ztrtl Cotn�sx,cso4r�. Da�i�n F��vfew Baard zpproval e�pires vae ycar aftCr fi�x3] Approv�l uaips a bu�'Idfntr permic i�issaed amd coasrruC�io�is st�rtcd. A. D�SC17.iPTION OF i�-i�REQUEST: ���„��(- - _ �,_ , -� c�-r��� il,�,�_,�_c,r r_ �L��`'J��1\.Fi 11�'_L_c F'1 ���C y' t-�i t• �_�1 f]i n'�(- � t�% - - �hT c7c.� ' 1� jLAr� iL�c t� ��� �...fl `-1'! lr' �.�.� B. LUCATFpN OF PRpPdSA�: LQT: BL4CK:,,_ _ �FILINC: PHYSICAI.AI3Di2ESS: � 3� � `.'��a ������ ��-� r�,:,,-. C- C'ARCEL T: {Cat�t�ct Eagic C4..°�ss�so�s o�ZCC at 974-328-8E�0 for parce3 �i D_ ZOTtlNG: E_ NAM���'OWNE�i(S): " �� �L'«-;t ��t_�I��-� ��., �_ '.}° Ir�r�1�����5.�: I � � � � ��c`�Ir T�f'- �.j rE k 4- ,l __..1-� z-1 1 [���...vr 4 C;: c� ;� i.. ;%1-1-Tn�- `��,�vL; 5�:,,��,.r_�:-.,,��.ti- PH�JNE: �3�.3) 1FY. � �,F��� �. t�w',t�[ER(�)S�GN�TU�(S): G. 1'�.4I�OFAPPLICAI�IT: ��'����;�, � ,-, �<.,4 �,, � � A�4�11L111'�ll.L/Lf[�l..�J. ��� J ��c;i�r� ��=ti.,�.,Ai��C I�� s.��) '��--c- 1 C c v'a��_ C c� �'f��� � -- - pHC3I`IE: �`'��,� `'l �'L � "�4 t� H. TYT'E Q�REV1�W AND��E: �II lfcw Constructioa-52[� Co��ctton ofa aew buiidizt�. � Q Additiaa� S5� Inctudcs an�adcfitiqr�whcre square fpoc�c is a�d�d tb eny r�dentzal or c�mmcxciaf buitdzir,,,,n. �Ci Miuor Alteratio�- S�Q Inciudcs miz�or chas��es to buildina,,s anQ Site improv�men�,s,su�h as, reraofrrt�,painlaag,window additiens.landSC�p�ng.�cn�cs and retaining vsralls,etc. I.�RB fc:s are!o bc gaid at the dznc of submittal. Latcr,wf�cn app[ying for a bviEdin�pe:ruit,plea5c ideszEify t�c accttratc vstustion of rhe proi�t, 'I'hC'I'owz�of Vaii wii!ad�ust the fec a�coi'ci�.n�to t!!e pro3ect v�iaation. Y'.[.EA�E S€J$MTT'�HIS AF1'LICATZ4N,ALL S�1SMt'�"X'AL R�(�U'�gEi�E�TS A.YD'�"HE FE�TO TH� DEPAYtT1��T o�Co�u�tLlvrn���vEL4etvt��rT.7S SOL?H�O�I'F:4GE RQ;#,D, �,- v.���,,cor.o�,sz�o s��:�. �� �.� C.�,�."".-� �iLy1--s-������'�QiY ` 1 .� tt �� � 9 , .- ' ,,f ` . . . ���� � ..., 1 � `. ,� `J� _; � , . �d c� � { . p � � � � 5 - h 4 E t. .'Y� N!� � �`M', .� `� .9"�j '$�lFK �W - �GPi 3I p�.��" :�i}* w�..o J .w �`�`�y,,,,� P ,� �„' *. „!`w � y. iu...-�'A`''_ �' '�' a£o r ,,,�, i . <yi F �s�-.^�....�f �'i'. � e r 7 '�. �' V � ,. � p .+° "ti �<` 4 .c e : k '� .4�'��tCahan�ata��;�. � N, ��7R.B�;�I�a'.,L�at�._ ��'.'' a� ;�� r �C'e�►�11 `�����'.fx3.��utC, r�,'. ''�Nt ���� .�w`� ,.r ('�% 5.�:�' !,r ,�' �d .+.c� ,,,�.�� '��.��`+++FN` �,y f� ���;;� .,,*. ���. .� .:r�� k^'.2�+�.'."'� :`w;�kyJ�jc..�jr ri ��' ,-`'f �'('Ce I VQd �Uli Fj 1 . . I.:�k3.i�11I1 I f Ulfl `.S!�i i `f�- 1:�,' ' U�S1UN V��;i'�r'..,liilt Na4i; J ,.)tJhl-01 -59 1¢+ -1�:G? F4?OD^: `oV-COt4-DEV-DEPT. iD�970A^�2�:�.1 �G+�E �, , " � � T 'T !2 �* D � 'BGiLD�N� MA�'ERlA�.S: ��Q�'?y(A1"�€t1AL: � LOR:• . Raof Siding . Othcr Wail M[htrriafs � Fascia � � • Soffits W i ndows Win�f�w Trini Doo� Do4r i rim , Hatici ar Dccic R3i�s �� , � , Ptucs FI�.Sh#ngs �hitnnoys ' . Tra.Sh Enclosur:s - Gc�eaahauscs �Ct1f171fi�V1�31�5 r�AN�;C,�P(r �v�����r,5 r`"����1"<r r C , �y 7 ii�.;r.. ' �xterior Lighting�'" (?r?cfte: ' . . "`P1ca5C specify t�e ma�ufacturer'S colar;numbcr and attach a src;all cvlpr chip "`*Alt cat,tctior iighting cu�st:ne-.t tf�e To�sm'S`Ligi�ting�rdi�ancc�$_54,050(�). if e�ctet'ior lightiag is�rogase�., plcasc indicate t�c nuny$c:of�ixteuc�attd lac�tions on a srf3aratc lighting�iari. Tdeatify ca�h fixture type aad prav�de the h�i�ht abovc grsd�,luxucr�s outp�t,]ctn�incaus arca,arEd ai�c�a cut sh�ot o�f the lighting#�zt�nes. - - _...__. . ,r � � . � ... Z �• • �_4F)(�:11P/'�l�fQ� Fiece i ved Juri-�1-�9 12:03Pm t r�m 91�!I i'914:.�t - O� ��Uti �^r�:�,r�:;H(7�' P�i��e JUN-C31-9° �m �40 FROM: TO[7-�I�l-UE'��-C�EPT. l�i - O_7G��+`�F1 P�.GF G:�. , ��C'r3��a�fW.,,�tii ������,,��` . . � staa+lJJ�LX �7C* PROP05EDTREES `�L� t�Ar•:��y t� t��•qn,1 - q I ,,�� ;� L _ i L AND SFtRIJ$S: • -- , _-..�_ , ---�— -_-._-- �� —,._._: �XI.STING TREFS TQ �,t,r.,'E . 8E REMC7VE�: ""`�`— �, *Mioin�mn c�equircmc:it�{ar�cLscstpiz�g: dccidvaus tr�-2 frich Cat�� ronifcro�ss trc:s-6 fcGt in hcight shrvbs -S�itons . Ixu� . , cRavrr�cc�vER SOD ' . ` . . SE�d � �RRICA'T1dN . � . 'i'Y'PE C?R METHQD OF , EF,OSI(3N GC}N'7"RQL • OTH�R.L.AIYDSGAFE FE�,'Y`URES•(resai�in�walf�,�ifencrs,ewi�nttting poo1�,etc.) FIe$se specify.InciiC�se Eap and uo�om elovations o�f r�taining walts. M�tiir�um height of walts witfiin thc frvs,t s�bdc3c is 3 ftat. 11�€a�cimum hvtig}�af -�aits eis�w�tcrc or�thc�tvperty is o f� � _ . . , , ' � �� • .. , : . � - • � at. � , . , . � . .� . , J �. t t...�ar..,i<xi� • • • l)��si�;n Workwh��qi. In��, Lai�dscape Ar��.k�iicrturc Ltind Planning t�r6ari Desi�M , "li�urism Plannr«� To: Town of Vail Dcsign Review Board South Prontabe Road West Vail, Ct7 81657 RE: DRI3 submittal for Vail Caseade Hotel pool and spa tiin��• o �.��I � Vail.Junc l, 1949 c�l t�.-,— "I��I,•��h Dear Madam or Sir, �rci� The Vail Cascade Hotel intends to up�rade their swimmin�pool and spa facilities in order tu ' I�iir,iri� � meef the bui�diri;eode: currently, there is no adequate fence or Qate between the��ublicly "-"�- �� '"�" accessible area behind tl�e hotel(bike path}�nd the pools. The Hc�ce] w�ants tn ma3�e this fence disappear visi�aily, bec�use o1�the�7atural character of the , i,. �� pool area clase to G�re Cxeek. ��''�"'�"'�"'�"� We decided to remave the poor existing railin�around the pool deck a►ad instead, install I)���n� �� landscape houlders arounci the edge. These boulders, varying in hei�ht, and nativc planiing will .I.��•I.,���� I I �rovide a more natural edee and blend better into the surroundin�� landscap�. W�rking with the PI����•���� grade. �ve lacateci tlie fence 3' ]ower than the pool cieck �rade. nense plantin�will grow throughout the railing and soften its visual impact. The tcnce rvill be a hasic �netal fn�ame,4' ti�����:� i hiah, coated wiCh tl�e same dark br�wn color as the fences of thc buildin� itself. �'��� I� . The grass southwesi c�f the deck will be use�l as a quiet seatin�or reading area, accessed by a wooden stair from ti�e po�l deck. n?0` sewer easement prohibits any constru,ction. Part of the ezisting;rass east of thc poal will be used as an overflow for the existing patio tor special occasions. It will Lie��aved +.vith the same concrete�avers as the existin�patio. Initialiy, this area will be accessed ovcr the pr�ul deck,descending a few stairs. [n a later stage, stairs will be built to access this area directly trom the patio. The linish of thesc stairs will match th�;�xisting wall (riv�r rock veneer, cip co��erete trcads and �va11 cap). The spa area will not be changed considcrably. The fence�vill be placed�round the area. Dense planting wil� make t�e fence visually less abtr�isive and cr�ate a n�ore private chai�acter. A cust�n7 built gate will match the existin�railing arow�d zhe building. Thank you for reviewing these pro�osed improvements. Please fcel free to ask us any�questions ' yc�u rnay have. Sincere9y, � Phili�pe Troukens L�ndscape Architecl D E�I G N WORKSH4P -- � � � ����},;����-� Design Review Action Form .' �.a/'hl4 . row,�a��nr� '� T�W� �F VAIL Pr�ject Name: Cascat�e Hotcl Farking Shvcture Stairs f�rojcct C)esc�-i��tion: Add �nowmclt to �tair;� Owncr, Address and Pl7onc: ['ascade Hotel 13001�Vestf�aven Drive 476-71 I I Arc�iitcct/C'ontact. Addres� and Phonc: 1�1e��er [3oiier Companr� P� Box 1573, Glenrvood Springs 8�6f#2 944-83�� I're�jcct Str�:ct Addre;�ti; 1295 VVcsthaven Drive Lc�al �cscri�tian: Cascacle �'ill��ge f'arccl Number: 13uiiding Na�lic: Cascade Farkin� Structure C`ommcnts: Board / Staff Aetian Motion by: n/a Actioil: Slaf1'A�proval Sccc�ndcd bv: Votc: Cc�nc�itions: Bui�er is to be screened with picket fence Tawn Planncr: Christie Bart��y Datc: S/l4/98 DRE3 f�cc Pi•c-f'aid: �20,00 1:',I�VI[Ry'O1V1�1hRB1APE'ROVAL1��R11nR13APPR.FRM � � i . . ,_ . . . , ,�1 (��u�st��ns': CuVi th� t'i:.:�.ni�ti,Sta.�r��'�-�,��-_:�S �`�,��� yil ' �'� A�PPLICATIOi� FOR DESIGN RE�'[E�V AP�'ROVAL TaWN OF YA,tL � GEN�RAL fNFQRMATIpN This a�plication is for a�iy�rojcct requirinb Design Ctcvie�v a�proval. Any project rcquiring desigi review n�usk rcccivc D�sign Rcvic�v ap�roval prior to submitting f�ar a buildi��p pern�it. For sPecitic info�i�ation,sce thc subnuttaf rcquircmcnts for thc ���r�icular ap�rova! that is rcqucstcd. Thc a�pli�ation cannot bc accc�tcd until all thc rcquircd i�formztion is submittcd. The projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Tow-n C�uncil and/or thc Pl�li�inn�and Environmcntal Coi�7mission. Dtsi;n Rcvic��' Board approval capires �nc ycar aftcr fina! appr�val unless a buildin�permit is issucd and construction is started. A. DESCR[PTION OF THE REQUEST: ���It3f.�/•:. �"��f;f� - - _ - ���-�j� C.�'�t*� �" 1�' /' ' �"" I .r �?' � ,+F`r�yt./ti-P, , ,��,, � '�_� ` ��¢,. Ir � � �V�� IL�Cr Lt.d � l'c C i c'- �� �l � � N�/��� E3. LOGATION OF PR�F'OSAL: LO�': BLOC[ti: FILING: ������e��� � '� - ;-� �/` ��Gl�h ! PHYSICAL ADDRESS:��� U������'`����� �'� — C. PARCEL#: (Contact Ea�le Ca. Asscssors Oftice at 970-328-86�0 for parccI #) p. �QNiNG: E. NAME OF �bVNER{S): ',t�: `; . ��.. ,:=�- � - �- � Mr�.ILING ADDRESS: PHdNE: F. pWNER(S) S[GNATURE(S): G. NA1�1E OF APPI.IGANT: �'`�•,1;� �;`,` � �� < � MAILING ADDRESS: f� ,��" _ -� �D � �' � PHON�: ,'"` H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: ❑ Nc�v Constructio� -SZaO Constnictiol�of a new buildin�. ❑ Addition- $50 I�icludes any addition whcre square footagc is added to any residential oc ��--� coRUncrcia[buildin�. 1��Linor Altcration - S20 Includcs minor chan�es to buildin�s and site in��rovcmcnts,such as. rcraofin�,paintinb,windo�v ac�ditions,landscapine.fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. ' DRB fccs arc ro be paid at the timc of subnlittal. Latcr,�vhcn a�plyins far a buildin�pennit,plea.tic identify thc accEiratc valuation of the project. The To���n of�✓ail witl adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT T�IIS API'LICATION,ALF,SUBi�1[TTAL REQUiREi�1ENTS AND Z'HE FEE TO THE 17EPARTI�tENT OF COi�i�IUNITY DE1'ELOPNI�:NT, 75 SOUTH FRONT�GE ROAU, �'AIL, COLOl2.4D0 $1657. For Offcc Usc �nl,L �'�g�� "� Jf, , � Fee Pai d: �-f.' � �;C,- CK#: `"� : -�-� �y' %I': � L Appl�cation Datc: `- � "�`� '"�� :�� DRB Meetin�Date; � Pre-Applicatiora Mecting Datc: r . , , • � LiST O�' PROrOSED 1�TATERiAE.S ILDfN � ATERf L : TYf'E OF MAT�RIAL: C<OLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr�Vall M�tcrials Fascia Softits Windows � 1Vindo�v Triiai Doors Doar Trir» fiaoid or Dcck R�ils f=lucs Fl:ishii��s Chi��lncys ' P�;-- � l �.. . `I'r�sh Enclvsures � Grecnhous�s Rctaining WalEs Extcrior Lighting** Other � * PCca�c s�ccif}�thc tii�nufacturer's color,mimber and attach a sinall color chip ** Al! extcrior lightin�must meet the 7"own's Lighking Ordinanec 18.54,OSO�J). Jf exterior li�hting is proposed, �Icase indicatc thc t�lu��ber of fixtrires a��d locations on�sc�aratc lightin��lan. Identify each fixture type a�zd provide the hcight above gradc, ltui�ens outpiat, luniinous arca,and attach a cut she�t of the lighting fixtures. 2 Updated 6/97 � � � • IJT[L1TY LOCAT[ON VERIFICATIQN This forrn is to vcrify scrvicc availabiliry�nd location for ncw construction and should bc uscd in conjunction with �rc�<�u�ing your utiliry�lan and schcdulii�g installatior�s. Thc locat�on and availability ofutilitics,whcthcr ti7cy be main trunk lincs or pro�oscd lincs, must bc a�a�rovcd and vcrificd by thc follo�vin�utiLidcs for thc i1CCUl11�'lAflyilla^ sitc plan. A11fh0[l7C(� sl BIUfC nate U.S. Wcst Cammunic:atians I-RO(1-9?2-1957 4E�R-G$fi0 or 9�9-4�3(} Puhlic Scrvice Co►tipany . � 9�9-57fiI Gary Hall /. [-foly Cross �Icctric Assoc. , �-�. 949-5�9? � � �' Tcd Husky/Jolin [3oyd �� "d r , . �, . T.C.I. � � 949-55�0 Floycl Sala��ir Eablc Rivcr 4Vatcr �, Sanitation District * 47C�-74K0 f'rccl F-la�icc * f'Icasc brin�;� sitc �l�►n, floor �rl�r�, and cicvakions whcn obtainin,� U��cr£aglc Valicy Watcr& Sanitation tiibnattu'c�. Firc tlu�v nccd5 r�tust �+c adciresscc�. NOTES: . l. If thc i�tility�crification fQrm has signatures from each of thc utility companics,aitd no commcnts arc madc directly ori thc foret�, thc To�vn will �resumc that thcrc are flo prablcri�s and the dcvclo�nicnt can �raccccl. 2. If a utility company h�s cnnccrns with thc�roposcd constn�c�ion, thc uti�ity rcprescntativc shall notc direckly on the utility vcrifcation fonn that thcre is a pro6lcm �vhich nccds to be resolved. The issuc should then bc dctailed in an attached tctter to thc Town of Vail. However,please kccr in mind khat 'st is thc responsibi�ity of the utility company and the applicant to resolvc idcntificd problerc�s. 3. Thesc vcnficatioi�s do�ot rclicvc the cot�tractor of thc res�onsibility to obtain a Public W�y Pen��it �roni thc Drpartmcnt of Pub�ic Works at the Town of Vail. tility locations must be oE�tai��cci bcf�c�rc di��a in any public right-of-�vay or cascmcnt��ithin thc'Town pf Vail. A buildin entut is not a � li W� rmit an musk c o in e �r tel , 4 Updated b/97 - � � V. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may revicw and approve Design Rcview appiications, approve tivith certain modifieations, deny the application, or n�ay rcfer the applicatic�n to the Design Review Board for decision. Alf staff ap�rovals are subject to final aPpro�•al by the DRB. The following types of Desip� Review applic�tions may bc staff ap�rovec�: A. Any applicanon for an addition to an existin� building that is consistcnt with thc architcc:tural dcsign, ' mater�als and colors of the building,and approval has t�een received by a��authonzed mcmber of a condominium associadon,if applieablc; ' B. Any ap�rlicaric�n to ii�odify an existin�building that does not significant�y change the existing planes of the huilciing and is generally ronsistent with thc architectural dcsigi, materials and colars of the htiilding, inc�u�in�,hut nat limitcd to exteri�r builci�ng fini:�h n�aterials(e.g. stonework, sidiR�,roof inatc�ials, paint or stain,), cxterior lighting, ca��o�ics or a4�nin�s, fenccs,antennas,satellite dishcs, � �vindo�vs, s}.yli��hts,sicling, niinor co�nmcrciaf facadc improvcments,and othcr similar tnodifications; C. Anv application f�r site ini�rovements or moclifications i�icludin�;,but not lirr�ited ro, driveway mo�ifications, site gradin�,site�valls,rcmoval or modifications ta existing landscaping, installation of acccssorv structurc,s or rccreational facilities. VL ADUITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If'this a�plicatio�l requires a separatc review b_y any local,state or Fedcral agcney other than thc T�o�vt� of Vail, thc ap�lication fee shall be increased by �200.1�0. Examplcs of such revicw, may 111CILIdC, but are not lir��itcd to: Colc�radu Dcpartmcnt of High�vay Acccss Pcrnuts, Army Corps of �nL*iiicers 404. ctc,. B. The ap�licant shall be responsiblc for�ayiii�any�ublishing fecs�vhich are in excess af 50%of the ���lication fec. If,at the a��licant's rcquest, �ny mattcr iti�ostpaned fon c�aring, causin�the matter tc7 be rc-published,then thc entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by thc app�icaa�t. C. Ap�liGatic�ns dcemcd bw the Cc�mmunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcn�to have design, land use or oiher issucs which may have a si�mificant impact oiZ the coiru��uni�+ may re+quire review by cansultants i�i addition to Tow�n staff. Shauld a detcrminarion be made bv thc Town staff tt�at an outside consuttant is nccdcd,thc Community Dcvclopment Dcpartmcnk may hire the consultant. The Department shal! cstiniate ttre amount of moncy necessary to pay the cansultlnt and this amount shall be forwarded to the To�vn b�� the applicant at the time of filin�an application. Expenses incu�red by the Tocvn in cx��ss of thc amount forwarded by thc application shall be paid to thc 7own by thc app�icant w�+thin 3() days of nc�tificatic�a�by thc To�vn. Any excess funds will be retume�to thc applicant upon rcvicw cc�m�letion. 6 Updated 6197 � i i ,,, Design R�view Ac�ion Farm ,. � T0�4NUFVAIL �y T�WN OF VAIL Project Name: Vail Cascade Hotel & Club Projcct DcSCription: Up�rade all exterior railings--add ncw pickets betwecn existing pickets. Owner, Address and Phone: Randv Linberg, owner's rep-c/o Vail Cascade Hotel & Club 1300'VVesthaven Drive Vai�, CO d79-7009 Archite�ct/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Strcct Address: 1300 Westhar��en Drive Le�;al Description: Metes a�d bounds description onh� �arc�l Numbcr: 2103-121-00-012 Building Name: Vail Cascade Hotel & Club Comments: Staff Action Motior� by: n/a Action: Staff Approved Seconded by: n/a Vote: nl� Conditions: Approved as requested--all new pickets will match existing. Town Planner: Mike Mollica Date: 4/17/9$ DRB Fee Pro-Paid: 520.00 P:\MISC[? M��YPFILP.S\VAILCASC.417 - � i • �.. . _ , _ -. �� ,�� . ; _ r � ,�, _ _ -�,�-�����-� 7)'' D �` >'�� 'r��is-�+" �� . _ y, ' y a .-!J � Qucstions?•I tl�c P[.�;�►1i���Stat;�,it���-.:.1`S � � � ��t APPLI�CATION FOR DE5ICN REVIEW APPROVAL ` TOWN��Y�IL GENERAL INFORMATION This ap��icakion is for any pr�jcct rcquiring Dc,sigi Rcvie�v a��roval. Any�rojcct rcquiring dcsign revicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval �rior to submitting for a buildin�permit. For specific information,sce thc subiivttal rcquircmcnts for thc�artica�lar approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc ap�lication cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd iraforniation is submittcd. Thc�rojcct may alsa nccd to bc rcvicwed by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environ�zicntal Coizunission. Design Rcview Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final appraval unfcss a buildin�permit is issucd and construction is startcd. • . A. DESCRIPTiON OF TFiE REQUEST: C C �--� Me 5 p��r B. LOCATf�N OF PROP4SAL: LOT: BLOCK: FIL[NG: n PHYSiCAL ADDRESS: ��{���� 5 ,��-P!�, Qd�U'l I �'i � f? C. PARCEL#. ?1�3- 1 z� -c��- o t 2 {Contact E�glc Co. Asscssors aff ce at 970-328-864d for pareel #) D. ZONING: � I E. NAME OF OWN�f�(S): �( ►�L Y�Se3 MAILING ADDRESS: % PHONE: F. OWNER(S)SIGNATURE(S : � G. NAIV[E OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADD[ZESS: � � � � � PHONE: ��—�Z�C'� � H. TYPE OF REV[EW AND FEE: ❑ New Construetion-5200 Canstruction of a ncw bu�ilding. ❑ Addition- $50 Includcs any addition whcre squarc footagc is addcd to any residcutial or ��, commcrcial buildin�. � A'Iinor Alteration -/ $20 }Includcs minor chan�es to buildings and sztc ii��provemcnts,such as, �--��rcraofin�,paintin�,window additions,landscapin�,fenccs and retaining walls,etc, r QRB fces are to bc paid at thc time of submittal. Latcr,�vhcn ap�lying for a bublding pennit,plcasc identify the accuratc valuation of the�rojcct, The Town of Vail�vill adj�st the fee according tb th��rojcct valuation. � ['LEASE SUBi47i'I TH[S APPL[CATION,ALL SUBM[TTAL REQUIREMEIVTS AND I'HE FEE TO THE DEPA92TMENT OF COMIVIUNITY DEVELOi'1�IENT, 75 SOUTEi FRONTAGE ROAD, VAfL,COLORADO 81657. For Offecc Use Onl� ' Fcc Paid:���'� �� CK#:•.7�5�4 gy; �' ,�� !� , Application Datc: ~`*� �";� 9 �' DRB Ntceting Daie: ���-�� l�vie� Pre-Applicaiion Mceting Datc: rv,�''ra� , � � A � � 1 � RECEIPT — The Tow of Vail I I �T � DATE , 1 1\� 48696 j RECEIVED FROM , `� � ADDRESS I I I I � ��`� .�� !� I QOLLARS S � =� I � -- i I °—� I I ► Perrnit 1Vumbers Police Recei Numbers I � � H01N PAID— Cash Chec –5-35� By i � � r t r . � � [_,. - � f�.: . __ . ,� .�.}'✓, � �„!i' . . �.�.� F ��� ��p'PY 2. A request for a worksession ta discuss a major amendment to SDD #4, to a11ow for a fractional fee club, located at 1325 Weskhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson Planner: George Ruther Gerry Wurhman, the managing partner of LLC� said �here was a misinterpretation of what the application was about. He said the 15 AU's shauld be 15,000 sq. ft. in total GRFA. George Ruther explained that there should be 15 AU's camprising approximately 12,000 sq. ft. Jerry Wurhman said that as designed, the proposeci AU's are cfassified a� lock-aff units by the Municipal Code, but they could remove the lock-off door and access the AU's from the hallway. George Ruther said the plans could be redrawn without adjoining doors. Gerry Wurhm�n s�id the application �nras in conformance with the definition pf a Fractional Fee Club since they would be having 10-12 club owners. He said that Destination Hotel Resorts would manage the projeCt with 24-hr. per day on-site managemenf. He said that since the Vail Cascade Hotel group would manage the property, their members could use the facilit�es and that the ap�lication also conformed with having shaps in the vicinity. Qiscussion issue #1: Gene Uselton asked George about the lock-aff being a tradeoff. George Ruther said a 3-bedraonn unit could be sold with a lock-off. He said the Town Council believed that a 6ocl�-off was not that s�ccessful in the Tawn of Vail and so they were not willing to grant density considerations for lock-offs in exchange for AU's. John Schofield asked about the management arrangement. Gerry Wurhman explainetl there would be a front desk in the entryway with a telephone to call over to the Cascade Club Hotel to register. John Scho#ield said t�e inter�t was to have a warm body at t#�e front deslc. George Ruther said a hatel guest typically expects an on-site manager, but the proximity of the Cascade Hotel Iabby to this building could constitute an on-site manager. John Schofield said to his recollection, he was not sure that the location would ta�Ce care of the intent as being on-site. Plauning and I:nvironmcnlal C;ommission Ivlitluies March 9, 1998 2 . � • Greg Amsden asked about the ramifications af an SDD amendment, when yau have other residential sites in the area. George Ruther said places such as Co4dstream cnuld c�ome in and do khis same th�ng by applying. However, this amendment request was only appiicable to the Westhaven condominium site. Mike Molli�a stated there was na �nderlying zoning in the Cascade Village SDD, Greg Amsden said ihere was a lot of usage of the Cascade faciiity and he could see more usage with more time-shares within this SDD. Galen Aasland stated the arrangement with the Cascade Club was an acceptable cantract�al agreement for the short term, but if the contract was up woufd there be a cvntinuing arrangement so it would not be abandoned in 5 years. Ann Bishop shared Galen's, Greg's and John's comments and asked if the number of EHU's had changed. George Ruther said, yes. He� said there were 20 EHU's. Greg Amsden suggestec� redesigning to house employees within the building. Ann Bishop felt it was important for an on-site manager to be in the building. Greg Moffet gave similar examples of the Wigwam and Braadmoor having long walks to the frant desk, being as long as €rom this building to the Cascade Hotel'. He said the ordinance left room ta have an aperating, unmanned front desk. He said as proposed, he was comfortable with the proposal. Diane Golden asked if the management agreement would always be there. Gerry Wurhman said if the agreernent v►ras terminated in the futu�e, then the obligatian to have staff full time would have ta be addressed by him. Discuss+on issue#2: Greg Moffet asked how FFU's would mix with employee housing. George Ruther stated with the Austria Haus, all AU's were overlookkng the parking structure and staff was concerned that all the AU's wnuld be in the least desirable location. George said that staff was not suggesting that EHU's would not be appropriate in this building, but there needed to be a disc�ssion of the different types of uses, as the lifestyles of sameone on vacation ar�d someane living year-round were very different. Gerry Wurhman mentioned that there was acceptance of the mix in Aspen, but acceptance in Vail was not successful. He said they waited until after the Austria Haus went through to se� that everything was put an place. He said that AU's were immediately ad�acent to club units as there was a benefit of tying the two together if additional space was needed. He said there Planning xnci l:nvironmental C�nuryission Nlinutcs n�a«�,v, �yys 3 . • • would be no conflict because they wauld be ma�aged by the sam� company and the EHU's would be ski- in, ski-out uniks commanding an upper level of rental people. He said the extra 4 EHU's are accessed by their own stainvays and the AU's and club units were accessed by the elevator. Galen Aasland and Ann Bishop were satisfied by Mr. Wurhman's explanation. Diane Golden asked if the EHU's had parking spaces. Jerry Wurhman said, yes. G�ne Useltan asked if they would be selling the EHU's. Mike Mollica stated the whole block of employee housing could be sold. Jahn Schofield said the proposal was great in theory, but it would be a management nightmare. He said he would not vuant to buy a unit with the employee housing perception that exists. Jerry Wurhman said integration would not be easy. Greg Amsden was concerned about timeshares being difficult to finance. He was concerned about realisticaily putting this project together. Greg Moffet said this was coherent in the location and advised to go for employee housing. Discussion issue #3 Mike Moflica asked the PEC to provide any additio�al informatifln to be inc9uded in the appl+cation so the applicant could move forward. Jerry Wurhman said the 1995 submittal was not being changed; only the use ac�d interior configuration was different. Gene Uselton asked if staff had come up with the parking requirement. George Ruther said, no. Gene Uselton asked where all the cars would be parked. Jerry Wurhman stated there were 4fi spaces available on the approved site plan, providir�g for one space for each of the 11 club units, one far each Al� and one for each EHU. He said in talking with tt�e Cascade Hotel, only 50% of the guests that arrive do so in cars. George Ruther said .7 or .8 parking sp�ces would be needed per AU. John Schafield asked if the front desk area could be addressed. Greg Amsden said parking would be slightly higher. Pl:�nning and I;nvieoiin�cnldl C�iruiiissiat� hvlintuc:; h1arclti y, lyyM 4 � � • Greg Moffet, Galen Aasland, Ann Bishop and Diane Golden agreed. Discussiot� issue #4 Jerry Wurhman explained the walkway system from the building towards the parking structure. George Ruthe� asked if the PEC would like a pedestrian overpass to the Cascade Hotel. The PEC said, yes. Discussion issue #5 Gene Usefton had no comments. John Schofield had no comments. Greg Amsden had no comments. Galen Aasland would like the "ruins" capp�d over, rather than torn down. Ann Bishop asked about a time table and if it would be built in 1998. Jerry Wurhman said, no. Diane Golden arad Greg Moffet had no comments. N�ike Mollica asked if the PEC was comfortable with the major SDD process or with a conditional use for the fractional fee as an option. He said staff was proceeding with the major SDD amendment. John Schofield asked if a canditior�al use was allowed in the PA Zone District and to check with Tom Moorhead. Greg Moffet said Council had the ability to call it up and that the major SDD amendrnent was the only way to go. Jim Lamont asked if the area was aflowed to have FFU's with an SDD ov�rlay and we would prefer ta make this consistent community-wide. �ie said that the Cauncil turned down the Austria Haus request for the front desk located at#he Bavaria Haus. He said he suspected that Council was looki�g far consistency of treatment and also if the management contract became null and vaid, it should fall back to the owners as a stand-alone lodge. Galen Aasland said this proposal needed to have a back-up plan, if the management fell through,. this could stand alone. The rest of the PEC agreed. Planning and linvironmental Coiimnissic�n 9�9inutcs March 9, 199R 5 � � +��� ��'S.`�'�'`+:�;•�,e �,. ���',-��', 'ti �, ������ !�"°� �'i�� , lti I�..� �� �� � .��-�.-,� : TOWN OF YAIL � ` �,! �, � � Depardnent of Communiry Development `� , 75 South Frontage Road ,,. F�ail, Colorado 81657 974-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 „" February 13, 1998 Chris Hanen, Managing Director Vail Cascade Ciub & Hotel 1300 Westhaven Drive ��.�'AG �,J���►4qE f� �, Vail, Colorado 81657 �e: Requirem�nts for upgrading the tennis coutrt area to a multi-purpose facility. Dear Chris, Thar�Yc you for taking the time to meet with the Town staffon Thursday, February 5, to disc�ss potential solutions to upgrading the use and occupancy of the tennis courk area at the Cascade Club. We want you to know we will do aIl we can to accommodate you in using the tennis court area for television broadcasting durin� the `99 World Alpine Ski Championships. Howeuer, vve need to insure that basic life safety issues are addressed. You need to meet the following requirements before we can apprave the use of the tennis court area for television broadcasting during the `9'9 World Alpine Ski Championships: 1. Either a fire sprit�kler system needs to be installed in the tennis court area or an acceptable "fire watch" pla�n needs to be impI�rrt�nted for this one-time special event. The Fire Department has offered to assist }�ou r�vith the fire protection plan �nd desfgn in order to minimize costs while still providing an acceptable level of protection. 2. An emergency lighti�g system needs to be installed. The emergency lighting system is intended to provide back-up lighting in the event the sodium halide li�hts go out, as this type of lighting takes quite some time to warm up before relighting. 3. As an alternate ta cons�ructing an all-weather walkway on the northside of the building, �ou may cammit to maintaining the exits on the northside of the building clear of snow and ice. �'e also su�gest that a walkway be maintained along the entire north side of the building and the snaw and ice be removed to allaw for acc�ss to the east and west ends of the building. ��H�CY��EUNANEK • ! 4. ADA approved access needs to be provided to the tennis court area. I suggest yau contact Judy Anderson-Wri�ht, with the Vai� Associates Accessibilbty Program, as she is an excellent re�ource for ADA access issues. Parr� has already contacced Judy to let her know you mi�ht be calling. You can reach Judy by teleplzone at 479-3072 5. The area needs to be in compliance with the iJ.�.C. standards for building occupancy, ventilation, egress, etc., and have some sort af reasonable provisians for additional restroom facilities. For que5tions regarding the U.B,C., you can contact Gary Goodell, �'own of Vail Chief Building �fficial, at 479-2321. 6. An amendment to the existing SDD ardinance needs to be approved. Again, thank you for meeting with the Town staff to discuss upgrades to the tennis court area at the Cascade Club. I am confident that we can wark together to resolve these issues. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. `�o� can reach me by telephone at 479-2145. Sincerely, �-g-�- ��.�.�..� George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner xc: Pam Brandmeyer, Asst. Towr�Mana�er Larry Grafel, Director of Public Warks Dick Duran, Fire Chief Gary Goodell, �uilding Of�icial Tom Moorhead, Totivn Attorney Mike McGee, Fire Marsha�l Greg Hall, Town Engineer Printed by George Ruther 1/29/98 10 : 50am From: Pam Brandmeyer To: Dick Duran, Gary Goodell, George Ruther, Greg Ha11, Larry Grafel, Mike Mcg�e, Tam Moorhead Subject: CASCADE CLUB/HOTEL - TENNTS COURTS ISSUE --------------------------------------- =mm-NOTE===----=-======1/28/58==5: 45Pm== CC: Anne Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANNE: Please set a meeting w/the above TOV staff, as well as Chris Hanen (Cascade Club) and me. Chris is in Denver Tuesday and Wednesday; therefdre, what follows is MY SCHEDULE to start. Please contact ANNE NOW w/possible schedule openings . ThanK you. Manday, 2/2/98 ANX TIME up to 3 Thursday, 2/5/98 ANY TIME aftar staff - 1et' s say 1Os00 A.M. Friday, 2/6/98 ANY TIME To be ready for this meeting, staff should be prepared to: 1) Review Randy Stouder' s file, w/last appZication/review occurrzng January • 96 (approximately) . 2) Fire Department needs to discuss capability of ^fire watcYi" situation for the two week period o� time, January 31-Feb=uary 14, 1999, 24/hrs/day. Greg figured approximate cost of suc11 24 hour covezage would be about $17, 000 +. We also naed to concentrate on TWO goals, short term: 99' s and Yiosting the European Soardcasters in the tennis courts so they are adjacent to the general press, all of whom are housed at the Cascade Club. Long term: after everything is said and done, e.g. , Chris agrees to spend S60, d00-80, 000- 30, 000 WHATEVER on sprinkl�rs, do we live up �o our end of the bargain by compromising on restrooms, exits, etc. ? That' s d2finitely TOO MUCH $ fo= a one time fix. Please think about it and get back w/ANNE ASAP re: your avaiZability! Thanks so much for all your continuing help! Page : 1 . , � w • • ' � PY y" ��� �� � 1� ro c�v oF vAr� 75 Sot�th Fro��to,ge Rooct Depart►ne��t of Comm�uiity Develop�neizt 1/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-�452 April l9, 1996 Chris Hanen,Man2�ing Director Vail Cascadc Club and Hatcl 1300�'�'cstha��cn Drive Vail, Colarado 87657 Dcar Chris: T'�is lettcr�s a follow-up to a meecing held on April�4, 1996,cvith Dan Stanck,�+riike McGee and Randy Stoudce. At that mcccin�,your proposal to usc the indoor tcnnis courts at the Cascadc Club as a conventron support facility «�as discusscd. �Ve support thc concept af using thc tcnnis coucYS as a convcndon sunnort facilitv,_but would not support the use of t3�c courts as a �nm m_e�eting or convcn�tion�facili�Y, The siistinction behveen a primary com�entivs� facility and a conven#�on su— p�ac� �ty�s•� As I understand your proposal,the tcnnis courts �;�ould bc uscd for�urpcascs such as an exhibit ha 1,�4zt� �rimary cor�vcntian functions such as nlcctings and t�anqucts occurring at thc`Jai! Casc�dc Hotcl. Undcr this scenario,thc To���n wou9d gladly support the tcm , and intcrmirtcnt use af the tcnnis courts, I-Io«�e��cr,therc arc ccrtain physical improvcmcnts that need to oecur, ot i insi c an ou si e o t 7c buildinC,ta meet bui[din�and fir�code rcquirenicnts rclatcd to obtaining a higher occupancy ratin�for the buildin�. '1'�'e ha�-e attaclied a list of the physical impra��cments that are necessary to upgrade the occupancy radng far the building. Somc of thc roquired i►iiprovements may bc addressed throu�h the provisron of tcmporary facilitics,until such timc as perr�ia�zcnt irnprovcmcnt�s can bc implcmcnted. As you I.�oti��,somc problcros have occurrcd in the past�vhen large groups have utilized the tennis courts for it�cctings ar�d othcr aetivitics. Problems that ha��c accurrcd includc: inadcquatc parkin�;and drop-off arcas,traffic cangestiot�a��d o�•erflow Parking on Westl�ati�cn Drive a��d the FronC��ne Road,and�maut}�orizcd loading and unloading on �Vcstha�•cn Driv�. All of thcsc circui»stanccs crcatcd a situation tivhcre thc provision of cmcrgcncy sc�-iccs to thc Cascadc Vi;lasc arca a►�d thc Glcrt L,•on 5ubdil•ision could ha��c becn scriously impcdcd. This sih�ation must be avoidcd in thc fuhure. We ask that you contact the�'o«�n Clcr�:priar to booking a lar�c group, conventian or cvcnt that tvili rcquirc utili�.arion of thc tcnnis courts as a 5upport facility. You����1 bc askcd to com�lete a S cCia! �ve�tit PCnnit applicatipn. 1��'C will evaluatc your application,asscss potential irnpacts to public right-of-tit�ays tra c an ,conrc�orl),p�iblic infrastructure, and our ability to providc cit�crgcncy scrviccs. ti�, wi11�vark�ti�th}�ou ko devclo stratcgics Co miti ate an roblc�ils that the cvcnt��a �crcate. If thc i a �� e�iu � a �� �t a ro��e the cvent rc ucst. �Ve rescn�e thc right to deny approval of tennis court use for cvents t at���11 causc significant problems or result in an unsafe situation. ?he folla�ving rcq�irements must be addresscd befarc��°e can authorizc the use of the tennis courts as an cxhibit hall foc yoi�r Scptember, 1996 confercnce: a Complete a Specia] E��ent Perniit application form a��d retum it to the To���n C3erk a5 soon as possiblc. � A fire sprin�:lcr systen��vill ha��e to be installcd in tkre tcnnis cotuts,subject to review and approval by the `�own af Vail Fire Dcpartmcnt. � Temporary or perrnanent emergcncy lighting«rill necd to be installed or positioned at all the exits. M A temporary or a permanent���alkway will need ta be set-up along the nor�h side of the building,to allow peo�le#o exit out the north doors,walk alon�the north side of thc buildin,;, and get to the patio area on the east stde of the cIub in thc event of an emcrgency. ��RE:CI CL�O PAf'EX A � �� � ,.. ����� 1 �� � Depending on ttac requested occupancy numbcrs,yau may need to provide temporary bathroom facilihes. • The hanging mats that scparato the tennis courts would havc to be rcrnoved during the evenk To upgrade the occupancy rating of the facility frorn a B2 tennis court use to a A2.1 assembly usc,tbe following physical improvements must be made to the building. Implementing#hese improvements would allow for re- occiu-ring use of the tennis courts,on a temporary,infernuttent basis,as a convention support facijity. However,a Special Event Perrnit would have to be obtained prior each event or use. • Uniform Build.ing Code(UBC}exiting requirements would have to be met. Exits would have to be added so that a mini�num of four exits from the tennis courts are provided,with a total of 301inear feet of opening. One main exit would have to be provided with a minimum of 15 linear feet of opening. • p permanent walkway would have to be installed fram the e�ts along the north side of the building,so that people could exit out of the north side doors onto a sidewalk and walk along that sidewalk down to the patio area on the e�t side of the buil�ng in the event of an emergency. This walkway would have to be kept clear of snow during any event, � • Additional bathcoom facilities need to be providec�. The number of bafhroom facilities to be provided would be adjusted to proposed/approved occupant loads,hut tt�e ma�cimum occupancy laad for thc structure(�,826 people)would require nine toilets and seven lavatories in both the men's bathroom and in tlie women's bathroom. All bathroom facilities would need ta be A.DA accessible. � The exisdng vendlation capacity of the tennis coucts would ha�e to be evaluated and may need to be upgraded. � • Permanent emergency lighting and exterior lighting would have to be added or upgraded at all exits. � An ADA accessibility study wi�l be required to detennine the nced for sidcwalks and access to the tennis court area. This study will most likely result in a rcquest to improve ADA accessibility and the pedeslrian circulation network at Cascade Vil�age. • ' Loading and deli�ery facilities,parldng ar►d traffic control,and drop-off areas would all need to be estabiisbed. If you have any questions rcgarding this mat#er,please feel frce to contact Mike Mollica at 479-2144. . Sincerely, �G / - Randy Stouder . . Town Planner � ec: M�ce Mollica ' Dick Duran Dan Stanek I,asy Grafel HoAy McGLtcheon Pem Bandmeyer ---- F.�evetyone4andyUeaers�hanm�l9 � � � � , • � C'ascacle Club TenRis Cotirt Usc as Confcrence F1�ty�ppvrt 1sci�cs/Questior�s: ' 1. Do wc havc a prablcm with thc usc of thc tcnnis caurks by confcrcncc cxhibitors if alt exhibitors and cvcnt particip�nts arc lod�cd �t thc Cascadc E-Iotcl? Could thc applicant usc thc caurts for mectings in addition to thc usc as an cxhibit hall? 2. Is the�edestrian circulation system adequate to get gucsts from the hotcl to the couris safely? ls thcrc a nccci for additional wa�kways or crossw�lks? • 3. What is �n ap�ropriatc lcvcl or intcnsity of usc if wc dccicic that thc use itsclf is ak? is onc cvcnt per mont'� too much? �4. J-low do wc rcvicw ar control impact5 <lssociatcc! with ihc usc of thc courts as confcrcncc support? Would it bc appropriatc to rcvicw this as a spccial cvcnt through thc spcciat cvcnt perrnit proccss? 5. What about cxhibitor sct-up rcquircrt�cnts, i.c. loadinb ancl unloaciing conccrns? 6. What abo�t cvcnts that are so bis that thcy rc�uirc addition�l ladging spacc elscwhcrc? This may havc im�acts rclalcd to parking slructurc uscfadec}�acy. ' 7. What arc thc appropri�tc capacity loads for usc oFthc structurc? 8. W111t physical irnprovcmcnts arc ncccssary to cnsurc that thc courts are safc for thc conFcrencc typc usc (c.g. sprinklcr systcm, exiting rcquircmcnts, ctc.) ? � '� ��` . �') . ; ! �_ � . _.. ._ ...._.. . _ _ ------_--_ , ,� ,, �'�}1s�r.�.. L�s�_P"U�c� 4.►-t_ rt��v wL� . P��+a-Fs ? Cv.�cc�s � C 1�,�� ,�����.�:� �� _ z�s _ . C'� �G, / k.�..�' �l s �5 �G� 'C r�G-, D!-�t_.'Y,1—� _ �s-_.._.l�r - � Vw,,.... �.�•: s ` ' -- --- S�-��1--�-S—��C;[�1 C.�.-��v��if� "'fr4 S _ — 1- �J{�d7�--- -- - r , �� rG�s �~ �����LrL .I�����e!� ^�- � ��� — � �If��"�, ^ � _ ' ��� P J �— �' 7� � �� �''P� � U� —�+1a��:[ -�S � �L� � ����y l �Q(1�1��GV f?L�___--- 1 n � YY� V- �t/d `' '/�'r • �. � � �J O 3-f' �/c.�. r/ �`J��-¢�h-rc l 1 r� �I� r � � � {ys I ������Ta_ �%j���,� c �OS�3'Y4�-rh �S' 4�-� � ✓,`u-�9 c.�i �tn.-�: �- tJ�-G S �' d'r^v � �w�7 - _ _ � . ' � � Community Dcvclopr�icnt Plan Routinb For�u �to��cd Ta: Grcg Hall, Public Works Terri Martincz, Public Works 'Todd Oppenhcimcr, Public bVorks Mike McGee, Fire Rctum To: R�iNDYST�UD�'R, Community Dcvclopmcnt Datc Routcd: 3l27/9b Rcturn Sy: 4/3/96 DRT Mccting Projcct 1r`amc: Vail Cascadc CIub/Convcniion Support Facility(Expo) ProjccE Address: 1295 Wcslhavcn Drivo-G�scadc Club Tcnnis Cauets Projcct Lcgal: 5DD#4 Projcct Dcscription: Thc mana�cmcnt of thc Vaii Cascadc Club and�lotcl arc intcrestcd in using thc cxistins tcnnis courts as a support area for larga confcrcnccs bookcd into thc hotcl. Thcy w�sh to usc thc cowts on a tcmporary,intcrmittcnt basis,as an exhibit hatl and possibly,for an occaisional mcetin�. I havc attachcd a copy of a Icttcr from thc Cascadc Club managcment. Thc usc pro�oscd will not permancntly displacc thc usc of thc cottrts for t�rmis purposcs. I havc also attachcd a preliminary list of qucstions/issucs. Plcasc add to this list with qucstions/issucs of your own. 1 �vilf address thosc isscs �vith thc Cascadc C1uh mana cmcnt. Approvcd Denied (cite deEailed reasons) Ap�roved tivith conditions . >. . . , , , ,,.. : ; _ ; . C��SM,�i�I`I�S � �c� Lo,�,r = /��� z �TS ,� �' ) /'a�.�L ,t�r� = �a�' �9�.� 7' r �a Occ ,�� �o �-uc ��/`� �.� sM,�,. p y'-/�CL� //� 14 �o�L � �� o T S� �` Ac'�e5 u t= S" f� C p , cc-xvis.Q w � r.�t1ti �7`C� A N�� I`l'� nJ.S �i Lz.� �i n�.� '` �l `�SS � VtN �.0 T v �L-' i1c- /�'� �'� G �F //� C/ ,2�, G� /,�' E,��T � l�,r�.P��'S .� �;��.�',,� s � Pn d il��'So Dakc rcccived: q Rcvicwcd by: Datc rcvicwcd: � r��„��m�„��r� i- � . � � . March 25, 199b Ms. Lauren Waterton Town of Vail Community Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 51657 RE: Major Amendment - Cascade Village Tennis Courts Dear Lauren: As we have been discussing, the Vail Cascade Hotel & Club is interested in expanding the use of the Cascade Club indoor tennis courts to include nat only teranis, but to alsa accommadate conference exhibits and meetings on occasion. This space is approximately 27,400 square feet. You have indicated that based upon your research, a major amendment to the Special Development District (SDD) wou�d be required due to the change in use of the facility. This letter is intended to begin the amendment process. After havang discussions with both the planning department and the Town of Vail Fire De�artment, it appears that the two primary concerns of making such a change ace 1) the impact upon parking in Cascade Village, and 2} fire protection within the teru�is court area. It would not be our intent to negativeXy impact parking by increasing parking demand. Parking would not ir�crease simply because the facility would be utilized by groups housed in our hotel, as is the case now. This change in use would mean only that we utilize our facilities differently on occasion and tl�at we expand the base of specific meetings to whom we market our facilities and which r�ve can accommodate. Such meetings not only stirnulate our intemal business, but also stimulate business thxoughout the tawn from an economic standpoint. To demonstrate this inten�., we would be happy to apply for a special permit in those specific cases where use of the tennis facility would likely cause incremental parking demand. 'The fire deparmnent has provided direction as to those upgrades to the fire protection system and exiting systezn which would be required for such usage. As we understand those requirements at this tirrze, our intent is to fully comply with suggested upgrades. 130a Westhaven Dri�e • Vail, Colorado 81657 • 97Q.479J1 7� Fax 970.479J025 . � � Ms. Lauren Waierton March 25, 1996 Page 2 Attached are 1) our eompleted application, 2) plans and elevations for the tennis facility, and 3) a $1,000 check reguired for the major amendment process. ic �vould be our hope to have this submitted to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) far review on April 22, 1996 with the hope that it could be read at the M�y 7 and 21 Town Cauncil meetings. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything else which you need to facilitate this �?racess. Sinc , Chris a n ManG�ging Director CH:tmd � � • r-. . ,_°-m;' ;��. �_ i,; S 4 f !` i' ` �, . revised 10/5/92 k �� � � ' - � �. DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED _ , r ���� ��' i�s�li �'� � �,,.,� APPLICATION FORM F�R SPECIAL DEVELOPt��T. � : ti ¢� DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PI.�N �i��;���' � �,��������, ���� �� � I . This procedure is required for any groject that would go through the Special Development District procedure . The application will no� be accepted until all information is submitted. {please print or type) A. APPLICAN�' L-0 Vail Hotel, Inc. MAILTNG ADDRESS 13�00 Westhaven Dr. Vail, CO 81657 p���E (970) 476-7111 B . APPLICANT' S KEPRESENTATIVE Chrisropher I�i. Hanen ADDRESS 1300 Westhaven Dr. , Va' 8165 pgpNE (970) 476-7111 C . PROPERTY 4WNER (S) L-0 Ro mon t te , Inc. � OWNER{S) S I GNATIIRE (S) �f MAILING ADDRESS 11777 San V 'cente Blvd. , �fRO Los Angeles, C?, 90049 p�pNg (310) $20-6661 D . LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS : 1295 Westhaven Dr. , Vail, CO 81657 . TX�:�XXXXX$$�XXXX Unit 4, Cascade Club Condominiums E . STAMPED, ADDRESSED ENVELQPES C?E` THE IVANIES OF OVJI�IERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PR�PERTY AND A LZST OF THEIR NAMES AND MAILING ADDRESSES . F . A TITLE REPORT TO VERIFY OWNEI�SI-IIP ANp EASENIENTS . II . Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: - A. Detailed written/graphic descriptian c�f proposal; y(.0� B . Arf envi.ronmental impact report shal.� be submitted to the zoning administrator in accordance with Chapter 18 .56 h�reof unless waived by Section 18 .56 . 03Q, exemp� projects; � C . An open spa�ce and recreational plan suffic�ent ta meet the demands generated by the development w�t�out undue burden on avai�able or propased public facilities; , n� D , Existing contours having contour intervals of not more � than five feet if the average sZope of the site is twenty percent or less, or witih contour zntervals of not mare than ten feet if the averacr@ slope of the site is greater than twenty percent . �,� E . A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than ane inch equals f�fty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensians af all buildings and structur�s, uses �hexe�.n, and all principal site developmen�. features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways, and off-street j pa�king and loading areas wi�h praposed contours after � grading and site development; 1 �� ��� `� - ��Z��� � {' C�� �P���� -�-� I�CSfi�► ����`f' ���� � � , ` 'y J ...��. �Ot F. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller � than one inch equals fifty f�et, showing existing landscape _features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features,' such as outdoor recreationaZ facilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and o�her elements; . f G.) Preliminary bui�ding eZevatians, sections, and floor � plans, at a scale not smaller �han one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detaii to de�ermine floor area, gross res�.dential floor area, interior circula�ion, locata.ons of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed dev�lopment . � III . TIME REQUIREMENTS A. The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An appli.cation with the necessazy accompanying material must be submitted � four weeks p�ior ta the da�e of the meeting. B . The developer must begin initial canstruction of the special development district within three years �rom the time of its final appraval, and continue diligently toward the completian of the project . If the special. � development d:istrict is to be developed in phases, the . deveioper mus� begin construction of subsequent phases within one year of the completion of �he previous phase . . NOTE: It is recommended that be�'ore a Special � Development Dis�rict application is submitted, a pre-application meeting shou�d be set up with a member of the Department of CoFt�munity Development . � E IV. FEES Application Fees are as fal�aws : a . EStablishment of SDD : $I, 500 . 00 ' b. Majar Amendments : $1, 000 . 00 c . Minor Amendznents : $ 200 . 00 Application fee paid: $ Date Check # V. A. If this appZication requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of vail, �he application fee shall be increased by $200 . 00 . Examples of such review, may include, but are not� Z�.mited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc . B. The applicant shall be responsible for payi.ng any publishing fees which are in excess of 5po of the application fee . If, at �he applicant' s request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causinq the matter t.� be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant . C . App�ications deemed by the Community Development Depa�tment to have significant design, Zand use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the communa�ty may require review by consultants other that towr, s��.ff. Should a determination b� made by the town � staff �hat an outside consultant is n�eded to review � any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shal.l estimate the amount af _ 2 . � � � money necessary to pay him �r her and this amount shall be torwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department . Upon campletian o� the review of the application by the consultan�, any of �he funds _ �orwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consu].tant shall be returned to the applicant . Expenses incurred . by the Town zn excess of the amaunt farwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the. applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. � ' � ; ;� ! - ; � � , . i ; � � , � -i ' � ; � 3 � �,�5 � � � � : �3,�) /h� �� � �� � �.� x �. . a �� . � � v�� ��� • -�cx.r��1 � t�ras�,ca oJ oC�.�a�re� . rl s Y f�s� ���c�rs-r op�.��;o�l, !b 5�u�i o�s � ���"��s +2 v�QEm6�� �a �Cc�ss �'1 • �-� 7'6e,�r� 'S�lurio�cs. • �e�,..�I�l[�,�, sYs7r�rr . �,}.� ��� � lo�;� . .F,��. � ��r� . �'"��..,�,,� �c,�� �� �f Go�. � v�,�.��. t2� ' u'Q�''�.e�s. . �� � ���;� ��� . �,,,,s�e�c���,,� t rc�,r;,.� • v.lc4llLv.1� � �4��4 d�cc�b�'���► . • �ar'�j`� 1 n�lr�c� . • l..l 8C �r�+,it�,¢o,s . • SDD ►4mEupm�'. I , ' � � ' ��'= �� �i� �y � �� � '�" TOI�V OF Y'AIL 75 South Fronta�e Road Departrnertt of Coa�imunity Development �/ail, Colorado &1 b57 970-479'-2118/479-213 9 FA�970-479-2452 April 19, 1996 Chris Hanen,�vfanaging Director Vail Cascade C1ub and Hotel 1300 Wcsthavcn Dri��e Vail, Colora�o 81657 Dear Chris: This letter is a follaw-up to a meeting�eld on April 4, 1496,�vitt►Dan Stanck,Mike McGee and Randy Stouder. At that meeting,your proposal to ase thc indoor tcnnis courts at thc Cascade Club as a cor�vent�on support facility was discussed. We support thc cdnCept of using the tennis courts as a canven�on su�port faciSity,but would not support the use of the courts as a pzimary �neering or convention faciliry. The disrinct�on beh.veen a primary convention facility and a con��ention support facility is key. As I understand your proposal,the tenaus eourts would be used for purposes such as an eahibit hall,vvith primary convention functions such as rneetings and banquets occurring at the Vail Cascade Hatel. Undcr zhis scenario,thc To�vn«�ould gladly support the temporary, and intermittent us�of the tcnnis courts. Ho�;-e��er,th�re are certain physical improvcments that need to occt.tr, both inside and outsdde of the building,to meet building and fire code requ�rements related to obtaining a hi.�.,�er occupancy raring for the building. Vti'e have attaehc�a list of the physical improvements that are necessary to upgrade the occupancy raring for the buildir�g. Son7e of the required impro�-ements may be addressed through the provision of tcmporary facilitics,untiI such tirne as permanent improvements can be implemented. As}�ou know,sorr,c problems have oceurred in the past when lar;e groups have utiliud the tennis courts for meetings ar,d other activiries. Prab�ems that ha��c occurred include: inadaquate parl.�ng and drop-offareas,tra�c congestion and o��erfio�v parkin�on�Vestha�•en Drive and the Frontage Road,and unauthonz�loading and unloading on �'Vcstha��en Drive. All of these circumstances crcated a situation�r�here the provision of emergency serviees to the Cascade Villa�e area and the Glen L}�on Subdi��sion could hati�e been seriously impeded. This situation Fnust be avoided in#he future. We ask that you contact th�Town Clerk prior to baoking a large goup, convention or eti�ent that will require utilization of the tennis courts as a support faciliry. You«�ilZ be asked to complete a Spccial Event Permit application. �'4'e will evaluate your application,assess potential impacts to public right-of-u=ay�s(traffic and con�estian},pubIic infrastructure,and our abi�iry to provide emergency se��ices. �Ve will tivark«�th yau to deti�elop s�ategcs to rautigate any problems that the eve�t may create. If tbc impacts are minim�l or can be nutigated,«�e will approre the event request. ��'e reserve tkie right to de�y approval of tecmis court use for cvents that will cause significant problems or result in an unsafe situation. The following requirements�nust be addressed before we can authorize thc use of the cennis courts as an exhibit hall for your September, 1996 conference: a Compl�e a Special E�•ent Pemut applicati on forn� and return ik to the Town Clerk as soan as passible. • A fire sprinklcr system«71I have to be installed in the tennis courts,subjcet to review and approval by the Tavvn of Vail Fire Dcpartment. • Temporary or permanent crnergency lighting�Erill necd to be installed or positioned�t all the exits. • A tempara�y or a permanent walicway will nced to be set-up a�ong the north side of the buiZding,to allaw people to exit out the north doors,walk along the north side of thc building,and get to the patio area on the east side of the club in th�,event of an cmer�ency. � ♦ RE r1'['LFD PAPER .. �� � � " • • Depending on the requested occupancy numbers,you may need to pro�zde temporary bathroom faeilities. � 7he hanging mats thati separate the teruus courts would have to�e removed during the even� To upgade the occupancy rating of the faciliry from a B2 tennis court use to a A2.1 assembly use,the fallowing physical impro�'ements must be made to the building. Implementing these improvements ti�ould allow for re- oecumng use af the tennis courts, on a temporary,intermittent basis,as a convention suppact facility. However,a Special Evertt Peaznit would have ko be obtained prior each event or use. • Uniform Building Code (UBC)exiting requirements would have to be met. Eacits would ba��e to be added so that a minimum af four exits from the tennis courts are pro��ided,tivit�a total of 301inear feet of opening. One main exit u�ould have to be pro�nded wlth a mir�imwn of 151inear feE;tt of apenir�g. • A�ernianent waIku��ay would have to be installed from the e?cits along the north side of the bui3ding, so that people could exit out of the north side dflors onto a side�valk and walk along that sidewalk down to the patio area on the easz side of the building in t�e e4�ent of an emergency. This rvalkti��ay«�ould have to be kepk clear of sno�v during any event. • Additionai bathroom faciiities need to be pro��ided. The number of bathroom facilities to be provided would be adjusted to proposedlapproved occupant loads,but tfie maximum occupancy]aad for the . structure(1,826 people)would require nine tvilcts and seven lavatories in both the men's bathroom and in the womzn's bathroom. All bathroam facilities would need to be A.DA.accessible. • The exisring 4�entilarian capacity of the ten�is courts would have to be evaluated and may need to be upg�aded. • Perrnanent zmergency liehting and exterior lighting would have to be added or upgraded at all exits. • An ADA accessibility study�vill be required to deterznine the need for sidewalks and access to the tennis court area. This study will most likely result in a request to improve ADA accessibility and the pedestrian circulaaon network at Cascade Village. • Loading and deli��ery facilities,parking and traffic controi,and drop-off areas would all need to be establis'hed. If you ha��e any q�esrions re�ardin�this matter,please feel free to contac�Mike�vloliica at 474-214�. . S�ncereIy, i��--� �� Randy Stouder Town Planr�er cc; M�7ce Vlallica Dick Divan Dan Stariek L,arry Grafel Iiolly:�ScCutchean Pam Bandmeyer f:b v eryonel�an dy V ettersl6an ea 419 , # � � ' � �ascade Club Tennis Court Use as�nference FacilEty�pp�rt iscueslQuestions: ' 1. Do we havc a probtem with the use of tnc tennis courts by confcrcncc cxhibitors if ail exhibitars and event participants are iodged at the Cascade Hotel? Could the applicant use the eourts for meetings in addition ta t�e use as an exhibit hall? 2. Is thc pcdestrian circulation system adequatc to get gucsts from thc hotel to the courts safely? Is there a need for additional walkways or crosswalks? • 3. What is an appropriate level or intensity of use if we decide that the use itself is ok? Is one event per rnonth too much? 4, How do vvc rcvicw or control impacis associatcd with thc usc of thc courts as confcrcncc support? Would it be appropriate to revicw this as a special event through the special event permit pracess? � 5. What about exhibitor sct-up rcquircrncnts, i.c. loading and unlaading conccrna`� 6, What about events that are sa big that thcy rcquire additional lodging space elscwhere? This rnay have impacts relatcd to parking structure use/adequacy. ' 7. What arc thc ap�ropriate capacity loads for use of the structurc? 8, What physical improvements are nccessacy to ensure�hat the courts are safe for the confercnee type usc (e.g. sprinkler system, exiting requiremcnts, etc.)? , ; , ':� — ---- -- � ---- -- i � .. 1 -- - - —----- ;� ' � __ _- T -- --- - — — -—_ �-__�___ _���i.j��T` !!�3 4r'L _s��--��-� . 7�' � I _L. ✓ �+G-�5 CU�!C���S � __t,.r I�1_�3—.�1�T7�✓3_,� ��c�1 '� - . A �!% �s e��. �° `t�r���_�rzc.�-�u���=� �r.--_r��V�- _ � _.��<..��s r 1������1��� a.Gi.1��-e Vrs�._ �.,.-•: s ' ��lu�s--����C�7--�-'��Y�Y��'�r��.� - ��c.�> � -'L�r-�-�,c�-3—�- �d d�s�___.�r��n r e v;��.�-�_—t�± co.rr;�c�.,;� �� S �L���'� " � rya���� �-�- ��nl� J 7� r � / l^'r µ� '� �,_-t-Q_�L--iJ V�. .�-7-��_��-���5 — ��� k �°�� IS ��—_��� O `� - � ^ -i— �'�``i �- ^.�� � � � �/r rr �JP.t�t `" �, • [.• ' � �tLS��LC� t �vi? ott' �%c.� v J Cc✓��,� `j f✓!-•�� ��r r . l � � �� �— -_ ��`�'�.�c.�S-2�—��'ac-�*.�_L�?w-�S �ot � �' �—_,� ��'i"r�cr^i'4 ��_�v �t�.-��� r.;�J-�C s �d'0�'�`�l a'^,c7 U� s i�K � ,,�:,^;.1. > . . � � � � Comrnunity Development Plan Routing Form Routed 7'0: Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Qppenheimer, Public Warks Mike 1'�IcGee, Fire Rcturn To: RAlO,rDYSTC7UI�ER, Community Devclopmcnt Datc Routed: 3/27/96 Return By: �/3/46 DRT 14'feetin� Pro�ect Narne: Vail Cascadc Club/Convention Support Facitity (Expo} f'rojcct Address: 1295 Wcsthavcn Drivc-Gascacic Club Tennis Courts Projcct Lcgal: SDD #4 Froject Descnption: The management ofthe Vail Cascade Club and Hotel are interestcd in usin�the cxisting tennis eaurts as a support area for large confercnces booked into the hotel. They wish to use thc courts on a temporary, intcrmittent basis, a�an e�ibit hall and possibly, for an occaisional rneeting. I haue attached a copy of a letter frarn the Cascade Club management. The usc praposed wiil not perrnanently ciisplace the use of thc courts for tcnnis purposes. 6 have alsc�attached a prcliminary list of questions/issue5. Plcase add to this list with questions/i5sues of your awn. 1 �vill address thosc isses with thc Cascadc Club mana crricnt. Approved Der►ied (cite detailed reasons) Approved. with conditions � '� :; :. . ��1N�Ni�N�r� ' ' � o�� La�,� _ /��� z ,7-�s ,P _ � 3 f a��� �G`r.� = �7�,� � .� �9�.v , T' � /a �cc � �, o�s u�i. �6`/c �'r� �"�r.� ¢-�.eC'L�' ��3 �8 � .� .� o2r � �� - �f ,r5 ���rL��, ; �,�� �= s� rr - c -r�� ��.-� t�- / � B�rl� 1� �� �- N�� ��r�3 � ��i Le/�_ � �• /��'C'�=SS � . < < �� M e � 'L=SS " S -� �t.CNJ�L T�� ° �C�` k'c�� .EC� � �'�v' .S�'�- ���— %�r �l k'�' � .�i'`l,lX�r�t�,/'— ' �.�.P�''S'�' ' -�N � .C:�-li• �.�/ .s" �� , � 1 � 3� PC-�� /l�A�So � � 4 Datc reccived: � Reviewed by: Datc reviewc;d: , f''�cvrrvnnc`doni�mutinrm . . � • _ -- -'-� l __�_` —� March 25, 149�r Ms. Lauren Waterton Town of Vail Community Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Major Amendment - Cascade Villabe Tennis Courts Dear Laur�n: As we have been discussing, ahe Vaal Cascade Hotel & Club is interested in expanding the use of the Cascade Club indoar tennis courts ta include not only tennis, but to also accoinmodate cc�nference exhibits and meetings on occasion. This space is approximately 27,4[1Q square feet. You have indicated that based upon your research, a major amendment to the Special Development District (SDD) would be required due to the change in use of the facility. This letter is intended to begin the amendment process. After having discussions with both the planning department and the Town of Vail Fire Department, it appears that the twfl primary concerns of making such a change are 1� the impact upon parking in Cascade Vil�age, and 2) tire protectian within the tennis court area. It would nat be our intent to negatively impact parking by increasin� �arking demand. Parking would not increase simply because the facility would be utilized by groups housed in our hotel, as is the case now. This change in use would mean only that vue utilize our facilities differently on oecasion and that we expand the base of specific meetings ta wham we market our facilities and which we can accommc�date. Sueh meetings not only stimulate aur internal business, but alsa stimulate business throughout the to�,Frn from an economic st�nc�point. To demar�strate this intent, we would be happy to apply for a special permit in those s�ec�fic cases where use of the tennis faeiliry wo�ald likely cause incremental parking demand. The fire department has provided directic�n as to those up�rades to the fire protection system and exiting system which would be required for such usage. As we understand those requirements at this time, our intent is to fully c�mply with suggested upgrades. 130v Westhavc�n Drive � Vail, Coloracdci �31 F,57 • 97�?.�47'J.71 1 1 Fax �)70.47�.7025 � � Ms. Lauren Waterton March 25, 1996 Page 2 Attached are 1) our completed applicacion, 2) plans and elevations for the tennis facility, and 3) a $1,000 check required for the major amendment process. It would be our hope to have this submitted to the Plannin� and Environmental Commission (PECj for review on April 22, 1996 with the hope that it cauld be read at the May 7 and 21 Tc�wn Council meetings. Pl�ase do not hesitate t� contact me if there is anything else which you need to facilitate this process. Sinc , Chris a n Managing Director CH:tmd • s . . . . . _ _ � � .. \ a ;'i°I g"7 fi��,�` ;i 6�'i, I 1�. 5 ! {^ 4. �. �. `` �.h !�: � ' �v � . . � �� �\ � � � . �1 � � � March 25, 1996 �•� � � � "�� .. � ��r�4 h `�.n .1 4 , j M5. Latzren W��tert�n � ��� Town c�f Vail `�.- Cornmunity I3evelo�i�nent Dcpt. , 75 S. rront��e Rd. �,�� v���, co g i 6s� �. �'�2�°,� . � �o� �� R�: 1'Vlajor Amcnclmcnt - Cascade Villa�e '1'ennis Cotu•ts � ��� Dear Lauren: � `7�1� , As we I�ave been clisctissin�, the Wail Cascade IIotel & Club is interested is� exPanding the use of �s tlie Cascadc Club in�oor ter�nis courts to include not c�nly tennis, but to also accommocls�te ��r �y'� ck conference exhibits and meetin�s on oce�isic�n. Tliis sp�ce is approximately 27,400 square feet. � �° �x�,p� You have indicated that hased upon you►• research, a major a�nen�ment to the Speci�il �1� I�ewelc�pment District (SDD) wc�ulci bc required due to the change in use of tlle f��ei�ity. Tliis ]cttcr is int�ende�i to begin the amendment process. Aft�r having cliscussions with both the planning department and the T�wn of Vail Pire Department, it apPears that thc two nriin��ry con�cerns o1' making such a change are 1) the imnact u�on parkin�� in C�scade Villa�e, and 2) fre protection within the tennis court area. It ��vould nc�C t�e our intent to ne���tively imract �arkin� hy increasiz�� �arkinc� dem��ncl. I'arkin� waulcl riot increase simply because die facility woul�l be utilizee� by groups housed in our hotel, as is �t�e case now. This chln�e in tise w�i�ld mean only th�3t �.��c utili7c ��ur t�ttcilities dit'(crently on c�ccasi��n and that we exnnnc� the h,�se of s�ecil�ic meetings tc� wliom w� market c�ui� facilities ancl whict� we can ��ccc�mmc�clate. Such ineelings nc�l only slimulalc our inlern�ll t1U51I1CS5, hui als� stimul�ilc husincss thrc�ughout tl�e town from an ecanomic standroint. Te� clemonstrate tl�is irrtent, we woulc� be l�ap�y t� �tPPly for <i tiPecial �ermit in the�sc s�ecil�ic cases where usei�f the tennis i�cility wc�ulcl lilccly cau;�e incremental Parkii��► clemancl. '1��1L' III"C C'C(2arin�cnl I�as nroviciccl clir'cclic��� �is lc� Ihc>sc; ii��;racics lc� lltc I�irc nrt�lcctic�n systcin ancl exiting systcm which would be rcquired fo�� such u�a�e. /15 we und�rstancl those requiremcnts �it t��is time, our intent is to fully com�ly with sug�ested upgrades. 7300 W�^��h:ivc�n f�rivc� � V��il, (���lur,ul�� �S I(��7 • �3711,-}79.71 �I I fax '17�(�.47r).7[)2 i � � .� � �� r ,� " r • � ' � � �- ..:.,..� , Ms, Lauren Waterton March 25, 199b . � Page 2 Attached are 1) aur completed application, 2) pl�ns and elevations fo,� the tennis facility, and 3) a $1,000 check required for the majnr amendment process. It would'be our hage to have this submitted to the Pianning anc� �nvironrrienta[ Cammission (PEC) for review on April 22, 199G with the hope that it could be read at the May 7 and 21 Town Caun�ii meetings. Please do not hesitate to contact m� if there is anything else which yau �e�d to fa�ili�ate t�is process. Sinc , Chris -�a n Managing Director , CH:tmd � � ! � .i .� � • _,�� �����}� :�'� ' re�vised 10/5/92 � ' � ' -; ,.��� DAT� APPLICATION RECEIVED � ��� ,; , �� APFLICA D STRICT�DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOPMENT „. ,+�,i.,; ,� ,�,�. `����• '�,��1lJ�:� � 1� I . This procedure is required for any pro�ect that would go through the Special Development District procedure . The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. Cplease print or typ�) A. APP�,ICANT L-0 Vail Hatel, Inc. MAILING ADDRESS 1300 Westtraven Dr. Vail, Cfl 81657 PHONE �970) 476-7111 B. APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Christopher M. Hanen ADDRESS 1300 Westhaven Dr. , Va' 8165 PHONE �97d) 476-7111 C . PROPERTY OW�1ER (S) L-0 Ro mont te , Inc. � OWNER(S} S I GNATURE (S) /U/ MAILING ADDRESS 11777 San V'cente Blvd. , ��90 I,os An eles CA 90049 PHONE '�310) 820°6661 D . LOCATION OF PROPQSAL: STREET ADDRESS : 1295 Westhaven Dr. , Vail, CO 81657 IK�.��XXXXp$$X�XXXKX$��t�� Unit 4, Cascade Club Condominiums E . STAMPED, ADI7RESSED ENVELOPES OF THE NA.MES OF OWNERS OF ALL PRaPERTY ADJACEN�' TO THE SUBJECT PR�PERTY AND A LIST QF THEIR [�AMES AND MLAILING ADDRESSES . F. A TITLE REPORT TO VERI�'Y OWNERS�3IF AND EASEMENTS . II . Four (9) copies of the follawing information must be submitted: A. Detailed wr�tten/graphic descr�ption of proposal; y1� B. An environmental impac� report sh�ll be sub�uitted to the zoning acimznistratar in acco�dance with Chapter 18 . 56 hereof un�ess waived by Section 18 . 56 . G30, exempt projects; �� C . An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development withaut undue burden on available or proposed public facilities; �p` D . Existing contours having contour �ntervals of not more than five feet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent or less, or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the averacre slope of the site is greater than twenty percent . �� E. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all build�ngs and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contours after �radang and site dev�lopment; I �M ��C� `� � ��Z-`�t��o * ��-� ��,c�,�- -�-1 �s�h� ��b� � � . ' . , ' �'+,��, F . A preliminary landscape p�an, at a scale not smaller t than one inch equals fifty feet, shnwing e�isting landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as o�tdoor recreational facilities, bicycle paths, trai�s, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elements; ,� Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor � plans, at a scale not smaller tr3n one-eighth equals one foflt, in sufficient deta�l to determine flaor area, gross residential floor area, in�erior circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development . III . TIME REQUIREMENTS A. The P].anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 9th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary a�ccompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting . B . The developer must begin initial construction of the special develapment district within three years from the time of its final appraval, and continue diligently toward the completion of th� project . If the special developr�ent distrzct is to }ae developed in phases, �he , developer mvst begin construction of subsequent phases within one year of the co�npletion of the previous phase . NO'�E : It is recommended that before a Special Development District application is subrnitted, a pre-application meeting should be set u� with a member of the Department of Community Development . IV. FEES Application Fees are as follows : a . Establishment of SDD : $1, 500 . 00 b. Major Amendm�nts : 51, 000 . 00 c . Minor Amendmen�s : $ 200 . 00 Application fee paid: $ Date Check # V. A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, Sta�e or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 5200 . 00 . Examples of such revzew, may inelude, hut are not limited to : Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc . B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50a of the application fee . If, at the applicant' s request, any matter is postponed �or hearinq, causincr the matter rn be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shal�. be paid by the applivant . C . Applications d�emed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by cansultants other that town staff . Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needec3 ta review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of 2 . ' , � � . ti � � money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fqrwarded to the �own by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of �he funds forwarded by the applicant for payment 4f the consultant which have no� been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant . Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. � 3 � - - � � _ PLAI NING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM[SSION May 9, 1994 MINUTES NCEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Greg Amsden Allison Lassoe Kristan Pritz Bill Anderson Andy Knt�dtsen Bob Armour George Ruther Jeff Bawen Randy Stou�ier Kathy Langenwalter Ken Hughey Dalton Williams Mike McGee 1. A request for a wall height variance to allaw for a single family residence to be constructed at 2840 �asingdalelLot 4, Block �, Intermountain Subdivision. Applican�: Dan Frederick Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff was recommending approval ot the requested wall height variance with the three conciitions outlir�ed on Page 3 of the staff inemo. Jeff Bowen mad� a motion to approue this request for a wall height variance with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote approved this request. 2. A request for a minor SDD amendment to allow for a modification to the porte cochere at the Westin Resart located at 1300 Westhaven Drive/further described below: CASCADE LODGE JOINT VENTURE (Westin Hote�j Thet part of the SW 1l4 NE 1/4,Section 12.Tawnship 5 South,Range 87 West oi the Sixth�'rincipal Maridan,Town o1 Vail,E�glo Gounty,Colorado,describad as tolRows: Beginning et e point on the southerly boundary ol the par�el ai I�nd shown on the Condominium Map for the Cobrado Mountain Condominiums recorded in Book 387 at Page 620 in the office o1 the Eagle Couniy,Golorado,Clerk ar�d Recordar,whenee the most southedy comer oi said parcel bears S 52°50'29"W 14.16 ieet distant;ti�ertce ihe IoFlowing nlne courses alang the southeriy boundary ol said parcel:(1)N 52°50'29"E 49.16 feet;(2)N 37°12'45"W 12.34 teet;(3J N 52°47'15"E 1.00 ieet;(4)N 37°12'4S'W 1.30 te�r(5)M 52°47'15'42.60 1eet;(6)N 37°12'45"W 8.70 1est;(7)N 52°47'15"E 15.00 feet;l8)5 37°12'a5"E 22.a0 feat;C9}N 52°50'29"E 35.281eet;thence departmg said southerly 6oundary N 52°50'29'feet;thence S 37°�9'31"E 45.34 ieet Ihenoe N 52°50'29"E 48.74 ieet;ihence S 37°09'31" E 9.60 teat;ihance N 52°50'29'E 80.00 ieot:thence S 97�9'31"E 220.02 Taet ao Gore Creek;ihence the foliowing tour �urses along Gore Creek:(1)S 49°26'36"W 76.45 teet;(2)5 22°31'36"VJ 124.47 iest;(3)S 53°37'3S'W 1 t9.34 leet; (4)S 65°31'3fi"W 14.58 feet;thence N 37°09'31"W 116.451eet to the point o1 beginning corttain3ng t t0,200 square teet or 2.49 ecxes,more or less. PLA7A SUI7E That pan oi d�e 5W 11A NE t14,Seqion 12,Township 5 South,Range 81 Wesi oi the Sinth Pnncipel Meridian,Town oi Vail, Goloreda,deaCribed as follows: Plenning and Environmental Commission AAinutes May 9,1994 1 � • i Beginning at the mosl northarly comer ot Condominium Map oi Colorado Mountain Gondominiums according to the map zhereof recorded i�6aok 387 at Page 620 in the ottice of Eagie County,Golorado,Clerk snd Racorder,whenca an oron pin with plastic cep marking the center o1 said Section 12 bears 5 34°56'S8"W 964.37 feet;thence N 5&°48'44'E 106.67 feez;thenca 79.97 ieet alang the arc of a curve ta the lek having a radius o1 1121.i2 ieei;a central ang3e o1 04°OS'04',and a chord that bears N 54°46'13"e 79.451eeC thenee N 52°43'41"E 28.821eet;thence S 37°09'31'E 145.76 leet;thence 5 52°50'29`W 25.00 teet;thence S 37°09'31"W 25.�D laet;thence S 52°50'29'E$O.00 feet;ihence S 52°54'29'W 15.001eet;[hence 5 37°09'31'�16.78Teet;thance S 52°50'29'W 21.3Ufaet;thence S 37°09'31'E 9.60 feei;thence S S2°50'29"W 8(1.00 feet;Yhence N 37°09'31'W 9.601eer,then�e S 52°50'29'W 48.7Q feet;thence N 37°09'31'W 45.34 1eet;thence S 52°50'29'W 56.96 feet to the naRheasterly line a}s�id+Condominium Map ot Colarado Mountain Condominiums;thence tl5e lollowing three caurses alonq said rtorthaasterly 6ine:(1)N 37°OJ'31"W 55.00}eeT, i2j N 07°50'23"E 45.00 teei;(3)N 37°09'31"W 8Q.401eet to tha point of beginning,canteining 7.(lOQ ecres,more or less. Applicant: Chris Hansen, representing the Westin Resart Planner: George Ruther George Ruther made a presentation per the staff memo. Jeff E3owen made a �notion to approve this request for a minor SDD amendrnent to alfow for a modification to the porte cochere with Da�ton Williams secor�ding the motion. A 6-0 vote appraved this request. 3, A request for a conditional use permit to allaw for an outdoor dining d�ck t� be lacated at Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Dri�e/a part of Lot P, Block 5-D, Uail Village 1st Filing. P,pplicant: Dave Garton Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentati4n per the staff inemo and stated that staff was recommending appraval of this item with the eight conditions on Pages 8 through 10 af the staff inemo. Dave Garton stated t?aat the main issue with this requ�st was the noise and that they would be ur�dertaking new measures this surnmer in order to avoid the noise complaints which they received last summer. He said that he was in agreement w�th the cor�ditions outlinec# in the staff memo. Kristan Pritz stated that staff was coneerned with tf�e issue of serving food and alcohol up to 10:00 p.m. each night. Dave Garton said that he did not agree with staf#'s position concerning the closing time of the outdoor dining deck. Ann Louthan, President of the Village Center Condominium Association, fel# that the noise was a problem or� other nights besides Friday. Audrey McLean, an adjacent property owner, stated that the no6se from Garton's dining deck last year was not limited to just Friday nights and that her sleep was affected three solid months last summer. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes May 9, 1994 2 4� � � �' , �,; �' � 1;�� f r��� I � I IJ i PLANNING AND ENVlRONMENTAL COMNlISSION May 9, 1994 MINUTES NCEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Greg Amsden Allison Lassae Kristan Pritz Bill Ar�dersan Andy Knudtsen Bob Armaur George Ruther Jeff Bowen Randy Stouder Kathy Langenwalker Ken Hughey Dalton Wif4iams Mike McGee 1. A request for a wall height variance to allow for a single family res4dence to be constructed at 2840 Basingdale/Lot 4, Block 9, Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant. Dan Frederick Planner: Ar�dy �(nudtsen Andy Kn�dtsen made a presentation per the staff inemo and stated that staff was recommending approval of the requested wall height vaeiance with the three conditians outlined on Page 3 of the staff inemo. Jeff 8owen made a motion to approve this request for a wall height variance with Daltan Williams seconding the motion. A 6-0 vote approved this request. 2. A request for a minor �DD amendment tQ affow for a modifica#ivn to the porte cochere at the Westin Resart located at 13�0 Westk�aven Drive/further described below: CASCADE LODGE JOINT VENTURE (Weslin Hateq �hat part ot the SW li4 NE 1l4,Section 12,Township 5 South,Range 81 West of the Sixth Principa4 Meridiar.Town ot Vail,Eagle County,Golorado,descrihed as lollows: Begfnning at a point on che southerly�undary oi the parcel of land shown on the Condominium Map tor the Goloradn Mountain Gandominiums recorded in Book 387 at Page 620 in the otfice ot the Eagle Counry,Colorado,Clerk and Fiecorder,whence the mas�southerly comer ot said parcel bears S 52°50'29"W 14.i6 ieet distant;thence the iollowing nine courses along the southerly boundary ot said parcel:(1)N 52°50'29"E 49.16 teet;(2)N 3�°12'45"W 12.341eet;(3) N 52"47'15"E 1.00 teet:(4�N 3�°12'45"W 1.3D leet;{5)N 52°47'a 5'42.60 teet;{6}N 37°12'45"W BJO feet;(7J N 52°47'15"E 15.9fl ieet;(8} S 37°12'45"E 22.40 ieet:(9)N 52°50'29"E 3529 tee4;thence departing said sou�herly boundary N 52°50'29"teet:thence S 37°a9'31"E 45.34 feet thence N 52°50'29°E 48.70 feet;thence S 37°09'31" E 9.fi0 feer,thence N 82�'S0'29"E 80.OD feet ahence S 37°09'31"'�22(}.fl2 feet ta Gore Creek:thence the iollowing tour courses along Gore Creek:(�j S 49"26`36"W 76.45 feeC(2}S 22°�31'3C'"W 124.4�feet;(3)S 53°37'36"W 119.34 teet: (4j S 65°31'36"W 14.5B feer,thence N 37°�9'31"W t t6.45 teet to the point ot beginning containmg 110.200 square ieet or 2.49 acres,more nr less. PLAZA SUITE Thal part ot the SW 114 NE 1!4.Section 12,Township 5 Sou[h,Range 81 West oT the Sisth Principal Meridian.Town ot Vail, Coloradq described as follows: Planning and Envirvnmental Commission Minutes May 9. 1994 � � . � � � Beginning at the most norihe�ly comar oi Condominium Map oi Golorado Mountain Condominiums according lo tha map thereol recorded in Book 387 at Page 620 in the oiiice ot Eagle County,Colorado,Cierk and Recorder,whence an iron pin with plasFic cap marking�he center of said Sec[ion 12 bear,S 34°50'58"W 964.37 Seet;thence N 56°48'44"E 1(}6.67 ieet,thenca 7J.97 fee:a}ong Ifie arc ol�curve to the left having a radius oi 1121.72 teer a central angle o1 04°05'04',and a chord that bears N 54°46'13'e 79.95 ieel;thence N 52°43'41"E 28.82 teet;thence S 37°Q9'31"E tO5761eet,thence S 52°50'29'W 25.00 feet;ihencs S 37°09'31"W 25.00 1eet;ihence 5 52°50'29'E BO.QO 1eet;thence S 52°5D'29"W 75.OU feet;thence S 37°D9'31"E 16.78 lest Ihance S 52°5(?'29"W 21.30 teet,thenw S 37°0991'E 9.60 feet;thence S 5�5�'29"W 80.00 leet;thertce N 37°09'31'W 9.5d feet:ihence 5 52°50`29"W a8.70 feet;thence N 37°09'31'W 45.34 1eet;thence S 52°50'29"YJ 5fi.96 leei Co ihe northeasteriy line oi said Condominrum Map o1 Coiorado Mountain Candominiums;ihence tha 1oUowing thrae courses along said nonheasterly line:(1)N 37°09'31"W 55.00 teat; {2)N O7°5�'29"E 45.DD feet;(3)N 37°0931"W 80.40 teet lo the point of beginning,cantaining 1.000 acres,more or less. Applicant: Chris Hansen, representing t�e Westin Resort Planner: George Ruther George Ruther made a presentation per the staff inemo. Jeff Bvwen made a motion to apprave this request for a minor SDD amendment to allow for a modification to the porte cachere with Dalton Williams seear�ding the motion. A 6-0 vote approved this request. � 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck to be located at Garton's Saloon �ocated at 143 East Meadow Drive/a part of Lot P, Blocic 5-D, Vail Village 1 st Filing. Applicant: Dave Garto� Pianner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder made a presentation per the staff inerno and stated that staff was recommending approval of this ftem with the eight conditions on Pages S thraugh 1p af the staff m�mo. Dave Garton s�ated that the main issus with this request was the noise and that they would be undertaking new measur�s this summer in order to avoid the noise complaints which they received last summer. He said that he was in agreement with the conditions outlined in the staff inemo. Kristan Pritz stated tha# staff was cancerned with the issue of serving food and alcohal up to 10:00 p.m. each night. Dave Garton said that he did not agree with staff's �ositian concerning the closing time of the outdovr dining deck. Ann Louthan, President of the Village Center Condominium Association, felt that the noise was a probiem on other nights besides Friday. A�drey McLean, an adjacent property awner, stated that the naise from Garton's dining cfeck last year was not limited to just �riday nights and that her sleep was affected three solid months last summer. Planning and Environmental Gommission Minutes May 9, 1944 2 N � . � � ��� e� ����,�� . � � �, �revised 10/5/92 � � -:� DATE AL'PLICATION RECEIV�D APPLIGATION FORM FQR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT . t�R? DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLAN ��� �:,� ��"� � � L.�,,,.�,f. , • �� � , , Z , This procedure is required f'or any pro�ec� that would go through the Special Development District grocedure . The appl�cation will not be accepted until aIl information is submitted. (please print or type) XA. P,PPLICANT Vai 1 Anci 11 ary Trust, dba The Westi n Resort Vai 1 � MAILING ADDRESS 1300 Westhaven Dr. , Uaa 1 , CO 81657 pxoNE 479-7058 ?'tB. APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIV� Chri s Hanen ADDRESS The Westin Resor Vai 1 , HONE 479-7058 1300 �Jesthaven Va 1 � ldba The Westin Resort Vail � C. PROPERTX OWNER (S) Vail a ci�la rSis , OWNER(S) S I GNATURE (S) �``' MAILING ADDRESS 1300 Westhaven Dr. �Vail , CO $1b57 P HdNE 479-705$ � D, LOCATION flF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS : 1300 Westhaven Dr. , Vai 1 , CQ 81657 LO`i' BLOCK S�JBDIVISION �E . STAMPED, ADDRESSED ENVEI.,QPES OI' THE NAMES OF OWNERS �F ALL PROP�RTX ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND A LIST OF THEIR NAMES AND MAILING ADDRESSES . F . A TITLE REPORT TO VERIFY �WI+tERSHIP AND EA5EMENTS . N�.T, ��'!<'1 - II . Four (4) copies of the fol7.owing information must be submitted: �A. Detailed wra.�ten/graphic descziption of praposal; B. An environmental impact report shall be submztted to the zoning administratar in accordance with Chapter 18 .56 hereof unless wa�.v�d by Section 18 .56 . Q30, exempt projects; C . An open space and recrea�.ional p�.an sufficient to me�t the demands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed �ublic facilities; D . Existing contours having cflntour intervals af na� more than tive feet if the average slope of the site is twent� percent or less, or with contour intervals of not more than �en feet if the average slope of the site is greater �han twenty percent . �u-c�L�I �`E . Z oposed si�e pl n, a� a scale not smaller than one inch equa�.s fifty fee�, showing th� approximate locations and da.mensions af all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site developmen� features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas and wa�.kways, service entries, driveways, and of�-street parking anc� loading areas with propo5ed contours after grading and si�e develapment; 1 � � � • � y F . A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller � than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and �andscaped site development features, such as outdaor recreational facilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, wa�er features and other elements; � G, ��rPi�m; na_rv building elevation , sections, and floor plans, at a scale no-�-�smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circula�ion, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development . III . TIME REQUIREMENTS A. The Planning and Environmental Cammission meets on the 2nd and �4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanying matera.al must be submitted four weeks prior to �he date of the me�ting. B. The develaper must begin initiaJ. construction of the special development district wa.tha.n three years from the time of its final approval, and continue diligently toward the completion of the project . If the special development district is to be developed a.n phases, the developer must begin construc�ion at 5ubsequ�nt phases within one year o� the comp�e�zon of the previovs phase . NOTE: It is recommended that befare a 5pecial Development District applicatian is submitted, a pre-application meeting should be set up with a member of the Department of Community Developrrtent . IV. FEES Application Fees are as follows : a. Establishmen� vf SDD : $1, 5d0 .Q0 b. Major Amendments : $1, pd0 . 00 c c�..._.�nor Amendmen�s ;___� $ 20Q . 0 __ _ / � ! �Appl.ication fee paa.d: $��_ Date Check # .-���-a_� V. A. If this appl.ication requiras a separa�e review by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai1, the application fee shall be increased by $200 . �0 . Examples of such review, may include, but are not lima.ted to : Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc . B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 500 0� the applicatian fee. If, at the applicant' s request, any matter is postponed far hearing, causing �he �natter to be re-published, then, �he entir� fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant . ., C. Applicatzons deemed by the Community Develop�nent Department ta have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on �he community may requzre revi.ew by consultants other that town staff. Shoul.d a d�termination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any applicat�.on,� Community Developm�nt may hire an ou�side consultant, it shall estimate the amourit of 2 . � � � money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by �he appl.�cant at the time he files his apglication with the Community Development Department . Upon completion of the review of the applica�ion by the consultan�, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applfcant . Expenses incurred by �he Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the app�icant sha11 be paid to the Town by the applicant with�.n 30 days of natification by the Town. ,� 3 � • � a 14�EMORANDUM p � Vf � tr�' '�5� � � TQ: Planning and Enuironmer�tal Commission t � _ , � �,. FROM: Cammunity Development Department DATE: May 9, 1994 SUB.IECT: A re�quest for a minor SDD amendment ta allow for a modification to the porte cocnere at the Westin Resort.located at 1300 Westhaven Drivelfurther described below: • CASCADE LODGE JOINT VENTIJRE (YfaWn HoiiF) That prt ol h�SW t:l NE t��.5�c�im 12.7o.�wh,p S Sanh.Rarp�!1 W�p d M 9iafi Plnopal iu4ridW+.Town ol V�I.E��Ca+nty.Gola�do.0ac�7�t Idlowa: B�q7nnnp at a ponl m fia swnhrAy bwaduy ol ih�prc�Y o7 I�nd�hwai m Ci�Carda+oinum Map 1u 1fa Cdorado Man�rn Cok'1n+tinMxm nead�d n Book 3g7�t Pp�6Z0 h tl�d6a d IM E�e CauMy,Gofardo,Gwk W FiKOrd�w,vfi�na IM mou rari�r4y mm�r d wd prc�Ewrm 5 52'S0'2T W t�.t61r�dav+.Nenc�tn�Idawp nin�cpra�M dpq f��wonn�nY bc�xdary d said pvnl(tl M`.�2'S0'29'E�D.161set:f2 N 9]•1F`5'W 12341wI:13) N 52'/T75 E 1.00 Iwt;{I)N 3T12Y5'W 1.301Nt:(5)N SY�TlS'4260/M:f61 N 9TT7�3'W 8.701M1:(Ti N 52'�TtS'E�S.00��:i8f 5 sr�7.s E 72.W�IMI:4G9 N 5750"ZP E 35.�lwl:N�na daprBrq wd swMrly�wid�ry N 5250'24'IM:tl�ncr S 3T04'3t'E 15.31 1w�tlr+r:�H S2'S0'20"E �8.7p Iwt:wano�S 37'093�' E 9.601M:Mnc�N 5250'2B'E BO.QO 1M:tninc�5 37'�OC3i'E?20.02 fw��o?'.a�Crsde:M�nee fw Idbwrp taur ea+co�Naq Ga�GNk:C�4 5 a9"2G36'W 76151�M:IT S 223s'36'W t2a.tl I+w�,(3�5 53'3T36'W 1103�IM[14p S 63'31'36`W 1�.SB fMC ti�ne�N 37°0931'W 116.�5 Iwt b tM pdn�ol bgnryrq conWnrq 110200 pu�n I«I a 2.�9 wr,mu�a Na PU1ZA SURE Tha�put ot M SW i;�NE i a,Sxron t 2.Tm.wr�.p 5 Sanh.R�8�Waa ot M 5r�h Ph�dpal AAafdian.To.n oi Vrl.Colaado.do.nbd.s�aiwvc Bagixinp N th�r�nutliwly oortw el Cadaw�m M�p eY Cdondo MouMan CadmanY�rs�coadnq lo fi�m�V»riol r�cord�E In BoaM 387�a P�p� 620 in M dlws ol Erpl�Cany.Cdortilo,Cirti rd Fiacads,whenv n kcn pin wMh plrYC cap mNdrq th�c�nNr o1 srd 5ec�on t Z bpvs S 3P50'56' W BW.3'l Is�L h�nc�N SB'18'M'E 106.67 fwt�h�ne�7D.V7 tost�4orp F�rc d�wv�lo YM 1►H Mt�rq�rWUS ol�127 Tl lwt,�wnt�l�rgl�d QI'OSO/'.�nd a d�ord hat bara N SS'a6'73�7D.G5 tM:Ihwx�N 52"13�41'E YS.B,3 NN;tl�rnc�S 37'00'3t'�f 05.76 Iwl M+�ao S 52'S0'2Q W?5.00 lart�,M�anoa 5 37•4C31'W 25.00�t,fwner 5 5?'SG�2Y E 50.001�:tMnc�5 57 50'2ff W t5 OO lw�;d+one�5 37'OP3t'E 76 78 IwL Fvwc 5 52`502iY W 21.30 My�.tlw�n S 37`DO'3!'E D.60 Iwt:ri�no�5 52'S�YP W 80.00 Iw�:Mw�a N 37'0431'W 9.60 fNt�h�nn 5 52`502G`W t8.70 t�M',p��N 3T'09'3t'W 15.3�Isal;fMnc�S 52"5�'F W 56.G6 INi�o Ih•naAhwwAy N»ot saM Cmdon+dum AA.p d Cobrado Mwnwn Cadonnniumc;tMne�N� lailov.inq Ur�o ewrara dorq srd nathws7�rly ine(!}N 37"OC31'W�55.00 M�t;(ZI N OT50'27 E I5,00 Iwl:(3)N 97'0937'W BD.YJ Ioal l0/M po��M ol bgnnnp.oonw+rrq 1.000�v«.ma�a 1.�. Applicant: Chris Hans�n, repr�sentong the Westin Vail Resort Planner: George Ruther ,>,�:.: ;::w:= ...�....: . ...».::.::...,....,. .:,:.:::.>.::.:... ..... ...:. .:... . ...,...:.,..,.:.., , .... �„ � .. . . . . .�;.•x..,.;• ♦ ti� :R�$`�:;�:�;:�i�:i�::;: I. DESCRIPTION OF TH� REClU�ST �he Wes#in Resart Hotel has submi#ted plans far the renovation to the entry porte cochere at the Westin Resort Hote[ located in the Gascade Village development. Stai# understands that the goal of ti�e praposed porte cochere renovation will be ta improve the entry appearance and experience for the ho#el guests. Currently, the existing porte cachere has a plexig�ass awning and stucco support columns. The renovation maintains the �xisting structure but creates a more integrat�d appearance with the main building by adding arches to match the [ower buildin� breeze way arches, a horizontal layered fascia, and more substantial appearing column supports. The new entry structure wif� have a!E surfaces treated with stucco 4o match the Existing exterior material of the Westin Resort HoteE. A new iighting plan is also proposed wfth this request. The lighting plan includes faur surface scances on the two outer col�mns of the entry feature and a circular chandelier placed o� the under roof of the entryway. The detailed specifications for lighting are to be determined and will be submitted for approval and will be in compliance with Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1 J93. 1 � � , ; II. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Section 18,40.100 (Amendment Procedures) of the M�nicipal CocSe stipulat�s t�e followir�g for minor amendments to Special Developmertt Districts: "Minor Amendments: Minor modificat�ons consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.D20B may be approved by the Departme�t o# Cammunity Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the IDepartment of Community Developr�ent." In ac�clition, the Municipal Code also stipulates that the Comrrzunity Development staff shall inform tl�e Planning and Environmental Gommission {PEC) of the staff aetion on the request for a minor SDa amendment. III. STAFF ACTI�M The Community Development Department staff believes that the applicant"s proposed modification ta the entry porte cochere of the Westin Resort Hotel, as described above, is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 18.40.020(B) and has approved the applicant's re�uest to renavate the entry porte cochere of the WestEr� Resort Hatel as described. We believe that the proposed parte cochere renovation will sigc�ificantly improve the entry appearance of the Westin as well as a�d aesthe�icalfy to the Cascade Village Devefoprrtent. In addition, the applicants have scheduled the renovation of the porte cochere in conjunction with the landscaps improvements tha# are currently �r�derway in the Westir� Resort Hote{ caurtyard. In conclusion, the s#a�f believes that the applicanYs request wo�ald not alter t�e intent of the SDD nor would it have any negative impacts on adjacent property owners. c'�peclme moslwe stin.509 � -_----- -- --- __ __- _- ----- � � ^ �� _ _� - - -- - - --- - � . � � ; � ' , ; . � --- -i - �- -- � -- -- -- . . _. _------- - - -- _ -----_ '� -- — —_____ - :,� - �----�- - � � I �. �� i ; .i ,; �i -� I � __ - ----- � � �. . �r--- - ---- - ---- - ---� ----- �; � � I � , '� �; I � �� �, --� , -�� ; I I i I � �� i I ' � � � �� � � , ' i --�;_ - - -------- --- � - - -- --- L----- -- - � --- -.� � � i - ----�`` � ---� _ _w I � I � _ �l?"� �-L�VATIQN @ PO TE �Q+CHER� S�CALE: 1/e'��'-0' ~ � • ��. • ��� �M - ��l ,� �. �- �� Y. '{ �� aP�, � � t��� THE VNESTIN RESOftT �(�1��..�,��,.����,�I���' Vail April 23, 1994 Town of Vai� Of�ice of Community Development Planning and Environm�ental Cammission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Calorado 81657 RE: PEC Application for The Westin Resort Entry Porte Cochere Renovation Dear PEC 1Wlember: We are very pleased to submit the attached plans for th� renavation improvements to the entry Porte Cochere at The Westin Resort Hotel located in the Cascade Village development. We believe that the proposed Porte Cochere renovation wi(1 improve the er►trance appearance and �xperience for the hotel guests. In orde� to facilitate your review of the attached material we have prepared the following sumrnar�r of the proposed plan. Current�y, the existing Porte Cochere has a very urban appearance without a praper visual connection to the hotel. The new plans submitted keeps the existing structure but creates a more integrated appearance with the main building by adding arches to match the lower building breezeway arches, a horizontal layered facia, and more substantial appearing column supports. We�nrill be treating all surfaces with matching stucco with a slightly darker harmonious color on the facia and column bans as noted. The proposed added lighting will include four(4) surface sconces on the two columns and a circular chandelier a�the�nder roof ceiling. The detai�ed specifications for lighting are to be determined and wi�) be submitted for approval and will be in cornpliance to Ordinanc€#9 Series of 1993. This Porte Cochere renovation is planned to be done in connection with the arrival courtyard landscape renovations this Spring. 13�0 Westhaven Drive, Vail. Calorada 81657, �303) a76-7111, Fax i,303) 4;5-i025 � � Apri123, 1994 Page 2 We look forward to our meeting with you and the opportunity to discuss the proposed plans with you. ince l�, C s Hanen General Manager The Westin Resort Vail CH:tmd cc: Skip Behrhorst David Oswald � � � r � ��� � �� 4��I� �� � � ' � � , �, � ' * ( ,A���������� ,� , �.. � � � � '`���al�� r ��. - �� : ���� � _ .�� �� '!,p�� _� _ � �� ` � � � � � . ��_ �-----., �j� ! _ 1 �' d r 1� � -.e,, � �� � � � �� �r� .� � � �� —• r� ' ' x __ '-,.,., ,. � . - - . t.r�s_.- -s - . ,- - � � . . �.� -_ - - x � -- �- , � � ,: ��i ,�� . � .; ;��:: ♦ ��� � ��: �,:�.� , � � .�� ..;,.; „�,. •• � � �•,, ��+ . � � � �i�' JV-1, " `� - �;,�"�� '�_�---- t .:-r. �___ _ — � �. ;,�t! 9,� x_ 'iY ,�'� �" t 7 �+*r� ' • I ---_ .�� '� � r...� � . ! . .. �Q �� ��� r !� __1"i.d:�'.! �, _ _.' -- �-;� ����� •.-M r.ir.+,w _ . ._'. .!� . �s'1 � 1 � _ � � � �L- ~ ��Tl� ��t� cac� � u � � ' � ❑ — � � — —-— —— — � ; � . . � I — - - - -- - - - ! � � - - -, , ' �� � . � � — � v . . � � �..r:—:.�,,- � � � ° � � . � �-; _ ; �. �E :. - - � � , _ � � .-- -- - - -�- � . � ' . �_.. _ ± ■ , � � a Q � � . f� , ❑� 7� � DO " , I I I I � ! � , ' ` • n I� { i { �� ' � � � n � � ; � � i ` � ` c al� 0 ! � � a '1 ��� T :, �i i / - -_� �� � �� o . y i � �� ~� � � ' 0 ; u j � ° p� :�■ ; � ( ; � � n ! � � z � . � � , i � ;_ � � . , w� � ��° � l _ . - �—� ; � � � ° ' �' I . 0 1_ � N�0• . r- - - - _ _ _ , i - � . � c � � � u� f'G�l� o o. � v. ���� � O�, r ��e1) � � ~ l.,r.� eT7 c, � ����} — � � a Cl 1 `t • � O d O � �" � w � }1 /� /] /� l �� -(r.`� H I y . . � � . � • � �1 _ � . �q�T� $�r^ . . .�,� _ � � . 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I ( � R � � � O� � - ; . r/ _ �_ _ � / � {V . � i S'� � � I � � � . _ -- r�v. �t�.cfic-v� � • ���iVO .,� 9 � 4 � P. 01 11 O E ��� - � �* � ,:, v 0 � a e000 � ao d � '� °o 0 0 o n � 4 a � 6 O � � �� o �?�l��-{�. � V � � �: . , �L. {� , , � .�, ,C� l� �+E �(ES7��� B�Rt� � Vo+w�D �`<� � `__ _ _,� A1�['� -�-{�� �"" c�-�+. z c.�' � _ � . �' u.a�u t£ t.d�A Act bz'• be�1�l '� ����" 1Ao�s , t�i�w �i,.f47' c-L-�,.,.f P�c Hr �t � , � n � Tf.1� S�'�Q��l��`C.A� i , N N � I � , I ____ _._ - � �_ ___ .v_ _�_ � I I�__�- _ �' _ -__._' �_ I ° ZZ-Od ; :, I I � ' �i , t - ---- - --- - 1 �� ,.- ---------- - - -- . . - ---�, _ . — -- —� ---- - - --- ��� �2.N�A/►i�rJ �OD �C ���o � —j ` i !` il - -f �r- ! ;j i; :� t-�o �e1�,rc�-E �X'ism.lci '�-�r - - --- � --- -- ;" --- - �--i - ----- � � — - �' -- �1i�4x � � -� --�. �- --� --�I . � � II : i � I , . + �� �' � . I� ' f ___-T. 1 ; j� 9 i , j �I I � S '� I 1 I i� i ' I ' I j� i � �4_.-�,.'_ '_���. . �- _ _ . : _-. _ ' �_.__" � � 1 • ___ _ _ .a __ _ ___ E � � � i I � - - ' ,r� I , � � �- ' � �-�,�- �oaQ� � E-�..�VATl�N � P4 TE C4CHERE E�v� �r- 98S SCA L E: 1/8 =1'-0' `1�.t� �.y�r'�.-� �►+L�-- �( - z� -9`�- Act�'�r cr�a� � � - � ' - � , �,� • . �{� �}ames S. White Gene & Terri Yerant Stanley & Bonnie Beard 631 Voltz 12 Glen Meadow Gourt 2121 N. Frontage Rd., #210 �lorthbroo4�, IL 6�0�2 Dallas, �X 7'52�5 Vail, CO 81657 Carol S. Schmidt K2D2, Inc. Cascades on Gore Creek Assoc 55 Me�d Lane 109 Lukens Drive 1476 Westhaven Drive Englewood, CO 80110 Newcastle, DE 19724 Vail, CO 81657 L-O Westhaven, Inc. Millrace Condo Assoc, Inc. Cascade Club Partners, Ltd. 13Q0 1Nesthaven Drive 1476 Westhave Drive 1964 San Diego Ave Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81fi57 San Diego, CA 92110 �,. MECM 616 Lionshead Mall, Suite 103 Vail, CO 81657 - :� C � C C���-�C� Z�C� ��.� f `.� � � � v 14 ��� �2 G'�C-�S ��� C� � I f � • � � � ��� ,� �� �i TOWN OF �A�L 75 Sat�t/t Frnntage Rorld Departr�ae»t of Cc�m�riu�tity Developnie►it Vail, Calorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 April 29, 1994 The Town of Vail Community Developmer�t Department has staff approved a minor special development district (SDQI ara-ieradment request made by the Westin Vair Resort Hotel Ivcated in Cascade Village to renovate the entry porte coehere of the hotel. The staff approval will be revie►nred by tfi�e Planning and Envira�mental Commission at their May 9th �rneeting. We believe the proposed renovation will irn�rove the entry appe�rance of the �Nestin as well as add aesthetically to the Cascade Village development. if you #�ave any questio�s or co�cerns regarding this matter please make plans to attend the May 9th, �'lanning and Environmental Commission meeting or cor�tact the Town of Vail Commu�ity Development Departmer�t during office hours. i �NNING AND EMVIRONMENTAL C�ISSION ' May 9, 1994 AGENDA Prolect Orientation/Lunch 11:45 a.m. Site Visits 12:45 p.m. 1. Szpiech 2. I�redi�t Drivers: Andy and Randy Update on Environmental Pragram by Russ Forrest and Paul Reeues. 1:15 p.m. Public Flearinq 2:00 p.m. 1. A reques# for a wall height variance to allow for a single family residence to be constructed at 2840 Basingdale/Lot 4, 61ock 9, lntermoun#ain Subdivision. Applicant: Dan �rederick PVanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a minor SDD amendment to allaw for a madification to the porte cochere at the Westin Resort located at 1300 Westhaven Qrive/further described below: CASCADE LODGE JOINT VENTURE (Westin Hotel� That pert of the SW 114 NE 1l4,Section 12.Township 5 South.Range S1 West nf the Sixth Principal Merld'ian,Town ot Vail,Eagle Counry.Colorado.descnbed as iolfaws: Beginning at a pdint on the southerly boundary of the parcel of land shown oR Ihe Condominium Map far the Colorzdo Mountain Condaminiums recorded in Book 3B7 at Page 620 in the office oi the Eagle Counry,Colorado.Ckerk and SiecorcJer,when�e the most southarly corner of said parcel�ears S 52"5fl'29"`W 14.16 feet distant;thertce ihe following nine wurses along the southerly hpur�dary oi said parceC:(1)N 52°5a'29"E 49.16 ieet(2)N 37^12'4S"W 12.34 ieet;(3) N 52°47'15"E 1.00 ieet:(41 N 37°12'45"W 1.30 feet;(5)N 52°47'15"42.601eet:(6)N 37°t2'd5"W 870 feet;(7)N 52°47'15"E 15.(}O ieet;(8)5 37°12'4S"E 22.40 1eet;(9)N 52°50'29"F 35,28 1eet;thence departing said sou[herly boundary N 52°5�'29'"feer.thence S 37^d9'31"E 45.34 feat thence N 52"50'29"E 4&JO feat;thence S 37°09'31" E 9.60 teer.thence N 52°50'29"E 80.00 1eeC rhence S 37°09'31"'E 220.02 feet to Gore Creek;thence the follawing iour courses along Gore Greek(t)S 49'26"36"W 76.45 feet;(2�5 22°31'36"W 124.47 1eet;�3)S 53°37'36"W 119.34 teet; (4}S S5°37'36"W 14.58 feet;thence N 37°09'91"W 116.45 teet to the point of beginning crontaining 110,200 square feet or 2.49 acres,more or less. PLAZA SU1TE That part af the SW 1/4 NE 1/4,Sectian 72,Township 5 South,Range 81 West ot the Sixth Principal MerYdian,Town ot Veil, Colorado,descnbed as Eollows: Beginning at the most northerly carner oi Condominium Map ot Coloredo Mauntain Condominiums accordirtg to the m�p thereoi recorded in Book 387 at Page 62(J in the atfice oi Eagle Gounry,Colorado,Clerk and Recnrder,whence an iron pin with plastic cap marking It�e center s�f said Section 12 bears S 34°50'S8"W 964.37 test;thence N 56°48'44"E 106.67 feer,thance 79.97 feet along the zrc ot a curve to the left heving a radius of 112t72 teeG;a central angle oi 04°05'04",and a chord ihat bears N 54"46'13"e 79.95 fee[;thence N 52°43'4i"E 28.82 teet;thence S 37°Q9'31"E 105.76 feet;thence S 52°50'29"W 25.00 teet;then�e S 37°09'31"W 25.00 ieet;thence S 52"50'29"E 80.04 feat;Ihence 5 52°5d'29"4V 15.00 ieet;thence S 37°p9'31"E 16.7�teet;thence S 52°50'29"W 21.30 feet thanee S 37°49'3t"E 9.60 teet;tF�erece S 52°50"29"W 80.00 teet;thence M 37°C19'31"W 9.60 feet;thence S 52°50'29"W 48J0 feet;thence N 37°09'91"W 45.34 feet;thence S 52"50'29"W 5fi.96 teet ro the northeasteriy line oi said Condominium Mep of Golorado Mountain Gondominiums;thence the lolkowfng Ihree coursas aiong said northeasterly lina:(1)N 37°09'31"W 55.00 feer (2)N d7°50'29"E 4b.00 ieet;(3)N 37°09'31"1N 80.40 feet to the point ot beginning,containing 1.000 acres,more or less. Appficant: Chris Hansen, representing fhe Westin Resort Planner: George Ruther 1 • • � 3. A request fior a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining dec�c to be located at Garton's Saloon located at 143 East Meadow Drive/a part of Lot P, B�ock 5-D, Vail Vill�ge 1 st Filing. Applicant: Dave Gartor� P�anner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a wall height variance and private road slope variance to allouv for a driveway to exceed 10% lo�ated at 2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schvne 2nd Filing. Applican�: Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Pfanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a worksession for a fron# setback and wall height variances to allow for additions to an existing Primary/Secondary residence located a# 226 Forest Roaci/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Ap�licant: John Krediet Planner: Randy Stouder 6. A PEG update on revisions to previously approved setback and site coverage variances, 6flcated at 2409 Chamanix Lane/Lot 19, Block A, Vail Das Schone 1 st Filing. Applicant: Anneliese Taylor Planner: Mike Mollica 7. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type 61 Employee Housing Unit to �e located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st �iling. Applicant: Ron Byrne Plann�r: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 8. A request for variances for locating GRFA in the front setback and for a wai6 height I� vareance to allow for a primary residence with a Type I EH4J, to be constructed at 1828 Ai�ine Drive/Lot 16, Vail Village West 1 st Filing. Applicant: Peter and Susanne ApostollMichael Sanner Planner. Mike Mollica TABLED TO MAY 23, 1994 9. A request for a worksession to discuss revisions to the Zoning Gode ta allow for common area to be used fior employee housing. Applicant: Jay Peterson Ptanner: Andy Knudtsen TARLED TO MAY 23, 1994 2 . �► i 10. A req�est for a variance to allow for GRFA and a garage to be located in the front setback and a wall height varFance to allow for a Primary residence with a Type I Employee Hausing Unit to be constructed at 1799 Sierra TraiULot 17, Vail Village West 1 st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec, represented by Erich Hill Planner: Mike Mollica TABLED INDEFINIT�LY 11. A request for a worksession for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the masier plan to allow for the expansion of the Gien Lyon Office Buil�ir�g lacated at 1000 South �rontage Road West/Area D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtser� TABLED I�NDEFINITELY 12. Approve minutes from April 25, 1994 PEC rneeting. 13. Councii Update: i 3 . , .,,, - ��� �' TOWN OFVAIL Ft1:;CElPTNO. , DEPAR7MENT OI�CUMMUNITY DEVEI.QPM�NT � ` � — = �` �. 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ADDR�:.�S i DATE � /_�! YROI}3CC � . -�� ��'�� � � � �� ��,.�. i CHF.CKS MADE PAYARS.F'CY)7Y}WN(lF VAR. ACCOIJPI'1'NO_ I'I'F:M NO_ TAX COSC EA. "roTAC. ; O1 04QQ 4154C1 I ZONING �I�'D ADDRESS:1�iAPS � i �5.00 * : 01 OOOfl 4241j � UNIFORM BLiLD1I�G CO]�E --- - �5�.� * O1 flQC10-12415 LJNIfiORM PLU'kiBll�G COD� I ��6.�U � � O1 (}000�3241� UNIFORM'��IECI�NI�.�L CODE � �-�?•�1�* ': O1 0000 42�115 U�IFORM FIRE COIDE ' ' ���.�U * :: O1 00�(}�?4��J NATI�N�L.ELECTRICAL C�DE ' �30,00 * '": Ol OOOQ�?4Z 5 �OTHER CODE,BOOKS � - � * ; Q7 (1000 41��8 BLUE PR1tiTS�:1�YLA� � � ' $7.00 * ::: O1 n000 42412 X�.ROX COPIES _ �0.25'* al (�000 4?41? __ST[,?DIES --- --- -- � �* <: Ol (3000-1?�1� TtOVFEES C0:�4PUTER FROGRAYvI _� i �5.00�� :� Q1 OC1C}0�t2�71 �P�I�'ALT`Y FEES. R�-1I�SPEC1"�ONS :'.'. O1 0000 413�Z PLAN RE�•3EW'RE-CHECK�EE �S�o PER HR. � '� > O1 (}000�?��2 OFF HOL'RS I15PECTIC��v FEES__ , > O1 d000�ll-�1� CONTR��CTOF�.S LZCENSES FEE5 _� ._ ' �,: �: 010000-�1413 ', S1G1*IAPPLIC�TIONFEE ��Z(7•�a =;, '`` O1 OOQO41�13 ADDITIO'�'.�.SIGNAGE�EE �1.00 PER SQ.FT. ' 1——-- _e-�_. __.- - �: O1 (?OOQ-1?-a-�{� VTC,�RT PROJ�CT DO;�'ATION - � �� :? O1 OOa PRF PAID DCSlGy RE��'IEw BOARD FEE ', __ i L� '� _ _ - O1 OQQO �_il 11�IV�STIG.�.TIO'� FEE�BUILDIhCs) __ > 31 0(1p04�110 TOV PARKi'�G FIJ:vD '� ' ;� O1 00(�02?t327 �TOV NE��'SP?.F'ER D15PENS��ZFUIvD � ' � - - - ------ --- ---- r : * O1 Q(lQ0 21112 �TAXABLE � ��z �STA'FE�' I ' �-__ " > ' * O1 OOOO�la1Cl ,TAXABLE � ��� (TC7��JN)__ : O1 000042371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION _ __`_ �'.OTH�R - -- -------- -- ... �:: FEC APPLICATI�N FEES �' .:: <::.: - - __.�_-. -- -__ :::< <� OI OEIOfl 41�30 ADDITIO:�r�l.GRFA "?�0"' I � $?tya.W'�� ::: 010000�31330 CONDITIO'��L.�'SE PERMIT ' ! �?���' >: . ": O1 Q000d1330 fEXTERIOR ALTERATION �LESSTHAN ]00SQ.F?.]_ '� �3()O.aCI� '.' > O1 00�0�1330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION_1MORE THAN lOQ SQ.�Tl_ _ �SOO.QO' � 01 0000 4133�} �SP�C[AL DEV�LOPIVIFNT DISTRICT �NE�_ _ �1,500•UO' < 0100004133Q �SPECIALDEVELpPMENTDISTRICT {MAJ�R AMEND] _ �1,000.(10 ": O1 0[�00 4l�30 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT D1STRICT LMjN�R AMEND i 520�•d0 '`: O1 000041330 'SUBDNISION �� � __ _ _ :: 01000041330 �VARIAIvCE I �25(3.170� __ : Oi 000041�30 ZON�NG C�DEAMENDMENTS ; 5250.00� _ '': O1 0000 41330 'RE - ZONI'.`�G -- - I S200.00� �OTHER --- _.__�__ � OTHER y�J ,_ _ _. -- TOTAL: � �>:CdMME!�TS: MO_#� �C[t.#����� � DA'I'8:�1���� REC, � ''''�_ � � ",�- � - � 1 ^ 1 � T�L•!�F-I �F =-��1 I L Mi�c�llar�e����s Cash LWia--�:'�_;--'_��� ��i�':ct°:��_ _..._..,�.4.�....�----_�___�___._� .T------�- I �:e���.�i.�'t. # 1`1�r''=�''_ ��s��;�hi_Ef i t. � I�:��:. � r�r,;:��} 1°H� i�.IE��TIt� F:E='a�9_i�:T �.C�F�'E; F�EE �rm-��_�r�a: t.�_�r,d,�..r,:,.J ���,►_��_� It-cr�� ��id Amvur�t pai�i 1,�11 6�1Gil:l€_i�}j��i t_iE jEWI °iG_t. G_iGi i _`1JiP�`:r ,__.:.i_'�-�1='l� . '�-�•F����j T H h�l--i k� '`r�U _ _; ��.�e,�'r;i�r- F'E�I`fHN . � � U��'� � . i M ,�� �- � TOWN OF VA�L DEPARTMENT OF C�MMUNI'�'Y DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97�-479-2�38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUS'�' BE PflSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDfALT COMM SUILD FERMT PeYmit # : B99-OQOI Job Address : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : VAIL f'ASADE CLUB TENNIS CApplied. . : Ol/04/1999 Parcel Na. . : 2103-121-00-012 Issued. . . : Ol/04/1999 Project Na. : '����'�.aop � Expires . . : 07/03/1999 APPLICANrI' VAIL VALLEY FOTJNDATION Phone: 970-949-1999 P O B�X 309 , VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACT�R V�IL VALLEY F�iJNDATION Phone : 970-949-1999 P O BOX 309, VAIL CO 81658 OWNER �-0 VAIL HOLDING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL C0 81657 -�p���omm. �eV, Descrip�ion: C�@�P1-up Deposit Refund INSTALL BROADCAST BOOTHS FOR V99 approved } � ' Occupancy: A2 . 1 A2 . 1 ����nt Type Constructipn: II FR Type II Fire Resist Type Occupancy: ��t� � �� Valuation: 300 , 000 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Informationc Restricted� #Of Gae A}�pliances: #Of Gas Log�}� #Of We�od/Pallet: aa�a..wWw......ww.awvr.r...•....aLrrrWwrwrr..r...a+ay+wrrr� FEE SEIMMARY •a+.r.rr..a..�a.aa,�+.r..rrr.+fa�a+�arr•rrr�.art�.�+aa�r+.. Building-----> 1,546.00 Restuarant PTan Review--> .DO Total Calculated Feee---�• "�,U44.00 Plan Check---> 1,001.06 ORS Fee-----------------> .00 Additional Feea---°-----> -3,044.nc7 InVes�ig�tion> .q0 Re�reation Fee—---� ----> .00 Total Permit F=e--------: .00 will call---- „3 lean-t1p Depo�it--------� 5oo.00 Paymente-------—�------r .no �} � /�7 a•www✓�+�.4r6�wV•� �J 44w a«r..+ TpTAi� FEES------ ------> 3.044.00 6ALANCE DUE-------------= .00 �. •r + w wyw.r+xwww���rrrrr+rwww��w���ray��t�r�rrrr�wwwe.�tw�ar�rrrrrrvr.ar+aratrwwa,rWrrrrrrrrr+a�itr�rWrrwrr+ � Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De t : BUZLDING Division: Ol/04/1999 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHP,RLIE SEE �ONDITONS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLANNING Division: 0�/04/1999 CHARLIE Actian: APFR N/A Item: 05600 FIRE DEP�RTMENT Dept : FIRE Di�rision: O1/04/1999 CHARLIE Action: APPR SE� CONDITIDNS Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WOR� Division: Ol/04f1999 CHARLIE Action: APFR N/A ♦i�Jaila�i+�ai+aiaafFiYit�Ft+l�is4�i�laaiit+#i+6riiiiriif+itiiiiiWrviii;rii+YY�aiiiwrt!t�k+'�Yrtta��iiiatiyhY�f�Rwwfrd�Ilra�Rlr#'bi�ttWVttt�Y�F�FYbV♦ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply ta this permit . DECLAR.ATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have s�a3 t},in application, fille� out in fu11 �_Ihe information required, completed an accurar_e plot plan, and �tate that all the information provided as required is carrect. I agree to comply with the informatian and plc�t plan, ta comply with a1F Town ordinances and etate lawe, and to build thie etructure according to tha Town'a zoning and subdivioion codes, deoign x•eview approved, Uniform Suildirsg Coc�e snd other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR I3V9PECTI6NS SHALL eE NFADE TWEI3TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 6Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT bUR OFFICE FR4M 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up peposit To� VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATION SIGNATT]RE OF Ow7NEl2 OR CON'TRACTOR F6R HIMSELF AND �WNF.R ` i - • TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONII�ITJNITY DEVELOPM�NT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 *******t**************************,t****************,r*,�*******************�t* CONDITIONS Pe�mit #B99-0001 as of Ol/b4/99 Status : ISSUED **************�**********************�*****************************,r�****** Permit Type : ADD/AI,T C4nM�f BUILD PERM'I' Applied: O1/04/1999 Applicant : VAIL VALLEY FOUNDATION Issued: Ol/04f1999 97p-949-1999 To Expire : 07/Q3/1999 Job Address : 130d WESTHAV�N DR Location: VAIL CASADE CLUB TENN�S CQUR.TS Pareel No: 2103-121-00-012 Description: INSTALL BROADCAST BOdTHS FOR V99 Conditions : 1 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK Fd1Z CODE COMPLIANCE . 3 . INSPECTION LINE 479-2149 FIRE DEPT 479-2135 ALL INSPECTIONS AND APPROVALS ARB R.EQUIRED PRIOR TO OGCUPANCY � _.V�.. •,l s.a��.,_:.��., ...�1�� . ���at 97Q-3 8-8b�'�Ovfor Parcci �: � PA;.CcL f::� IU� -�, r �C.�_^�, �� =0'r'N OF Vr'�IL CO2�i5TPJC1�G:' . � � PtF.`Iil „ ,.,t ,---r• �- _ �??•iiT t1PPLZC�,T?"�N ?O?,, � � D�,T:• �:PPLICATI�27 t:�J�T Br, r�Li.=.rJ d'JT D�M?'L:TEL'i �;? _'"; ':.._ rj0i �� �-.CC:.PT='D t �k�F�ir�k: ic�k�:�k�F�kSk�E�Je�4i�r�k�Ex�4�r�k�k�k*�k�c�:f: � 7 Tm - £LZ•��- �r;��b.i�.�i`���:i ir�r�Eicx�x�cic*�c;4xic�F�kyti�ir�c�e�ic�i�x4;�*,'r� [t/? --�ui?dir.g [ j -plur.�ir.� [ ] -,�3ectr�.ca? C ) -�iecnanic�l [ 1-Othez �ob :�ane: ..1��G �ni; �fiuwRz ga��cc�t��v�Tob Ad�ress: ►�CY�rS, "� �1�. �� Legel ��scrspticn: Lot IIlock Fi?in , �•r .., 1 SCBDT _sio... owners rdane: ��_- -�,g�c ���� Y j" ;,� �ddress: `,U � r� � 2 ?�n.q�:-- �ri Arc:i�tect: Addz-ess: � Ph. Gene�a� DESCr:.p�ion: �3�;���15� �c[��f-�-(S � � c:�►.� l�►.s;.�r� C'_c���� r`h" �RSc:..A ' (�;�,�,� Sti'ork Class :_ [ ] -New [ � -Altera�ion [ )-Additional. y Re aiz [ 7 -- P L�'_f-Other 7�wtP��?���; P7u�er ot D-.ael �in3 Units : �7um�er of Accomrtodation Uni.ts: N mhe�- and Type of r 5 replac�s; Gas �:ppliances Gas Logs S•�ood/Pe?le� • ���Tx*x*���*****,�"*",�*�*�,***,�,�*** VALUATIO�,'$ �ac�c�>_�k54�kr�*�'sk�t�i.�k�}9c��k�r�k�c�k�t�k3��kic�kaF�4x�k EU�LDING: $ 3iaC� �-t'�� r� m � E�...C_P,ICA7,: $ OTiiE?;: $ PLtJ1��ING: $ MECii?yN2CAL: $ �� 2'OTAL: $ _ ���}��X� "`�`*��`***'���"****** CONTRACT�JR It1FOr"t2�iATZON �, �r*�t*�*�**�**�*�*�*�**x*��** - ener;l Contractor: � �A+L - . . Addre,s :'�; _�C> >,; ,� , - ��, ��„ � Towr► of Va�1 �;eg. NO. 5 .� - Phane ?1umb��: E' ectri.cal Con�ractor: +✓� -�� � Ac dress : Town a£ ��ail Reg. No. Phone Nunbe{: Plurlbing Contractor: t:c3ze�s: iown of C,'ail 4eg. h'C Phone ?`unber: � Mecha: .ical Con��ac�ox-.: Town of Vail Reg. Np, hC�GT�� S: Phone 21ur�be�: � �ic 'r.x�r �kiric�F�}�c��k�k�c�4�r**�k�%�'c7c�:ir�Ficic�E7Fic X' —. OR OFFICt, U5E *X**��*��,��:X�,�,�x*�*,�,�,�*,�*XT**�f 3UILD' 2�G FEP.I�SIT `";E: ' BUZLDING FLAN CHECK F�E: � pL''r1B ?�G PER2�IT FEE: pI'TJMBING PL.A_N CHECK ,�E�: ' ?'IE =iiA.1 I CAL PERMIT F:°E: � MECHANICAL �L•AN CHECf: �Ey; :'�.;CTt �CAL FEE: P.ECREATIO� FEE• OT.f�R ��'PE OF FE�: CLEAN-UP DEPOSZT= �p� F��: T�TAL P�P,MIT FEES : myp� ' GRC3UI : Q. �T. VALUATION $UILDsP�G: � SIGNATtiF.E: � - I --� Z C NIt�G: ' . s z GrrA�P,�: _or.ments: . �� T?.�'05T_" _ .-�'iT='p �`�- � � —.- !ti'1`�u� �r�5 � t�icc��a 1Ur: ls:2s F,�.Y G32 8 r Q f103 WILLIS CpkR00N �� --0,�_�I�'' � �._.. �Q02 , � F�� � '!� ^�.� r� .� ��y�r,r,T.. i.� h �FTe"I•` ;M •k'° ♦ '���~��-L�—.�u.��_� �.-�, � ;y��' �:�°��, r� L- •✓,, '. .,,�•. r -- . 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J J \�1 �S A NAMED lN9VREp UMDER TME � �' �� '�•� �• � FOLLOWING CpVERAGE.�',n�vo Pouei�9; HAT THE FOLLOwlN[i CQVE���S.�NO vouC�E�4R� � _.w•- -� MAtNTAINE�Bt TkE NAMEO INSUFIED: � ` ,_>, .';�_, • ( � �.%� COVEAAG� COMPANY PflLl C Y N U M S E R EXPlRAT10[11 cONgrNEDSWG L: 4 �� I QATE ��Mr''cF uAe��rrr ,� - . �^ CbM�AEACIaL QE'YEAAL LU,9xU7Y � . ` �1�X I '- lNCWO�NG y;. •� , ��� \ St �aul�ire& CKq�1Q7�56 � :,�:'rf ,�; rAOou�,-s 6 c�MVt�o o��onoNS 07�119'9 51,�00 000 �`'4�' �Aariae Insurence ' y/'� \ t21 BlJ1�vKET CONTA,�7UAL ' t- ,'�, ` ��i pe�so�va�rNx,�v Contpany Smndard � , C ,. . � =�, � ��i 7988190 `� �y : �'�i �94�� i �m,� C ; �� l � �� ; �\ caMMFac���uro u.or�m t+ ! iNGLlJO1NG: .7�.�FI�A S GKOv4y/G� J'-:f ��, ;l,�� :; 1�1 OWNED YEHICLES Marine Ihaurence GAGOZ00196 '��.�%;` ' t �i ��) NOtI QWNEy���HICLE9 �m�nr ��'Mi�+3903 �7f�'�/� �1,OQ0,01�0 � . C; �w (�) 4iqE�vELIICt:S � � .-�:; M+Ol�K.Ea°caMrervsxnor� Lt1�9nY 1NA26$D004Q68098 07l31149 S�ATiJTORY ���:� ^ � � `r-:�i IIVClU014G• MUtuat WC29610adc)@8378 � eF:,��=,�� I ' ! f1) EMDLur�R'S LIA6ILR1' S'1.C�!.� � � . � � , ` ELC�$S L�A9ILIT'1' --. � .� �' Genesal Star IUG359t95 " �. ` inaemnhy,Feaerei ss79719387& 0713�r99 $2,aoa,aoo ;��,; . p �nsurancs�vanous Various J k � � �. . :',",*i-�Y;' �ll R95K REAI ANd PER3pNw� i>4'�.`r.� . - PCotect�an 780409-96& 01/'i5199 Replatement �� -,� •� PROPE,�C'r�NSUoa+uCG � � ' Muh,�18 Various cest �r � yS Various � � �t,. � {7� ��f.:�'{i S�EC��aI✓RS7WISIONS: �� I �_;-',c�-�,;�� .. �>Y..:. � :' �- GEM. CUSTOM,HVAC ELbCTR1C � �;=„�, ,,�, .:,- , Ai.,CoMPUTERS, CAR�ET, FUiZNITURE I � �� WORLb AC.PIN'�SKl�NG ChiA1+APIOhISHIPS �' �aL, Colvwu�0 � . �, ot10�19s-02211�Ja , >�,,� -�� CeRifrcate Ffo�der��ercDy��med as LCS9 Payee�ttteir intBr�t enay app�ar. �1;��� I � ° I \ t",,'�� I ` � S�E R�VERSE SIDE FOR ADbfT10�N.4�ENSUREC�. ) . , � ` � - ti "'n15 CEA?I�ICATE IS NQT A POLICY t7R INgIJqpNCS. IT rJEI"rHER saFFlqkTqT{yE�Y NCFl NFG�iTfVELY qMENdS �'tyAh =x'�NCS, NOR pirERS THE Cov,RaGe aR LIMiTS oF LlaRltl�'Y" AF:apo�n oY p.»Y or TnE PpUCiES DESIG- l �` ��`. " � �vn'r=0 MEREIN, Tt�E CQVERAGES INpICATED {�N Ti�15 CERTIFICATE aPPl.r TO aLL l,OoqT'ON5 AND OPEFa i IONS � � ''+' � � cr TH.=_ r�SUREp UiVLE$5 oTHERwtS� NpTEp. IN TNE EVENT OF Ca,�r�CELLA71oN OR A4aT�R�qL �N,�;yG�, Yy_ r , „ = cr^�p•�ur WiL�PnOv�DE TI-taR�Y c�o� o.wrS rvoriCE TO rHE CEqYiF�Cq7� HO�p�q, ;�i ; , • , ?y� ,,y, ���;t� `' � ��� YE:�[� CortP ���;� � � � ' �[ r , ������ i :�� ' Ca:e 1?J21/98 "-"• • r� , .,� �. � ti C �J � � _ `� e� • . / i: .��`�, �!F .��� �y ✓ T �s cc�tit cec �ne vr rrp;aces ene EortiYe� B P�e�iaus�y ����d, f,� ',�y� �., -''r� ,��� :5.�i j� .'r. ' �� .sF �. � tiF- � � r�i..,��,�. _ L�'^;'. I d .i��.. r .ri�1't f 'k .K... .�{ :��...�1 ,�+�y!ti ��l,t�✓"�, ; {.�F �_a'�� ���' � 4�.h. '�.._ , .,. ��.� , �.�,k1�. c�11 l�4•+k cn i�n �a [l�i;4�0 (1�M F�6-�7-��a .. 12/2�/98 T'i1F. fi.3:29 FAX 602 � 6103 wILLxS COR�OON f�OQ3 �' - • � A?TACH�,]7 TQ pN�lwlAT�E P.4,RT flF CE,RTIFICA7,^E O�INSU}�NCE DATED, December 2 i, 1998 A.�DI7`IDN �.NSUR�D 1. Eura B c.�sben IInion its membera Direc�or�a em l4 eq a p� v tot�trgtter� ain,d tbe yail V,�IIe Fo�t�datioa �nd em lo e� Xg (g� n�e_ �s addition�j �s� s , o y to e exEe��pyl � ' e� ��y�,��sions con�aed in the ccrt:a��a con�ract�r lease e�ttered intn be.�reea the part�es which requires the p�tty to be named as an addiiional instved. 2. The additionial iasured cov age i.� further limited td ciaim5 �rising ow.t of the insured's negligessce and specific�a,lly eacCludeS cover�ge far the additianal i.n�urc�'s negligcnce. 3. The add�tional insu�ed cover�ge st�ll not apply witi� regar d to c�aims made by an insured or additivnal insnred utider t�is policy agaiust any other insured o.r add�tional insured under this pcli.cy. I i rn irn � i 1 G�Afl (I�M AR-F�-'la(1 � ' � � � i 'i ��1!i 4 i 199�� �8:�:=,' REG?UESTS -- I IVSF�f�C'fN dJCl�tli SHEN TS FCI�C: 1/14/1999 AI�L_A: �;D I .__.__._._ _._.__.._____.___�--,.._._s.__..__�,.___,�---�___ __..._----�„=s===�,�__��„��__�:.:����,:__��-.__.�_--_.��... � _____---------------- ---- -- '-- --�----__ _....__._.��. iH��fiivi.�;ys Pt� .9-��Za��2 1/14/ 1�3 Typen A-CqMi�t Status: ISSL►ED Constr: ACOM i � A�idr°es�: 1:�iZ+�Zi WESTI�iFIVLh�I LR I I L.{,c.-��t i a n : Vf=1 I� G�I�AU� CLU� TEiVN i S COUl�T� I I r��� �e.l : :1+Z�:s-1�i,-�o��-01�; Clcc: Use : II FR I I Ue sc:r .i Nt i on a Ii�ia��fi�LL_ PC�C��IDGAST HOD-�H5 �t�R V99 I I F�p�licant : VAIL.. VAl_.L�Y F=(]IJNDATIGN F'horie : 97�-949--�999 i I Gwner: L-CI �JHT.I_ !-t�LS�If�IV INC F'�"�une : ; I �::{.�, k:rL��t�.�r�: UAIL. t;'ALL_�Y F'VUfJUATIOtJ ��i�ane : 974�•-949--1��9 ; I , ,� - ' �_�-Lic;��_ FtEy�.res�: .ir�foru�ation. ___....__�___�__.____._;__..__�.___.__.__.__.______-----_____.....__ I IF . . . . . i I n�:yttesi.oi�� TI�A�.Y Fhone : 477-?�c�4� I R��q 7 ime: i�1 :+Z�e�C� Cor�iments . I£+G i I , r ;,�-� r�eq�a�5t�d t;�� t�� [ns�ec:teci. . . "ctic�n LummErita Time Exp � i I ,,;.;��;�k� �Lt�G-Tpmp. �.:�u L,� � ._ - ---- --_.—_�._ I _ _ _ _. I . . � � 1 k[W � F�M�'. C/Q _ .. _ r��� I , ,., ,,, - _. _.. __.� � ( .._ �1�__..(_.�!Q1��� - �� _ C __ � � _ _ _ ._ -------- --- -- �� _._ . ___ ___.. _�_.. � ..t�Zc� /_.LQ � �,. .,�._ -- -- � _- - - ____ _ � . .._ _. _ --...__. _--- t_ _. �����.--.f�"I�L----�U�r�--��- ------�---- I � _-..__--_. - ----- -------.. _.- ---..__ ���...t�.�`__..___...._.__.__..____ ____.�_ ; �_.__ __�_�._.�__�._.�______------------.__ ___.-- ----. _______-- _ . ___._._._ ___---_.._.__._ . .._. . - -- - � Wl�C N' - ....___ � I Ir��pe�t ior� Histar�y, a . . . �C�C .._ _�_�,� 1 �,�.�,.._.I. I M i !.i:e m : �7���+3u� PLTYG-�'r�am i n g � � � �r¢'J�Uy�,( � I I t e m : �Z���7� E+LDG-hM i s c, 1 I I Z t r m : ki��+�9+�� BL�G°"F 1 T'i ci 1 / � � It,em ; �Z��;;.�� �LllC7-Tem�. C/Q i ; il r? f . ' f _ -- ;�� � I�e rn : �+Z��31 F I RE-T�h1F�. C/Q ,��..,-• --y:.- -. - _ _,----- --___ � � It em : ���38 i=IRE--f�IhJHL C/0 � I � .�n „ �;7, i�-,�: . _ ,_ _ . _ � _ ._ +;;,• �_�1..,_�!:�- 1= � i t ci I I�,' l s � � � � � � ( � � I � ( � � � � � I � � � � � I li � . . L r�c_c�c��\c)\�� I � ����� ����u � I RFPT��i TOWN ClF VAIL, CQLQRAIaC� ��llu�" c3 �Sl�6/98 �B:�y REG�IJES"f� FOR IN�F'CCTIDN WOI�K SHEETS FOF2: �/�E�I98 AR�a: IMM I - -�����-�_����=__====���=========-==--===----==-==========-===��.-�_��___��_�__� I Ac�ivity : 898-004� �!`E/9l3 Type : A-COMIH 5ta���s : I�SUED Constr: ACOM I Addr•e�� : 1�0►� WESTMAVEhI DR Locat i on : 1.:,�� WESTHAVEiV DR (CASCADE HOTEL) I F'arcel : �1�0�-1�1-��-�ic Occ: Use: II 1-HR I C����criptions INTERI(]R TFIVANT REMODEL I Applicant : ADaRN CONSTRUCTIOIV F'hone; � I Owner^: L--O VAIL HOLI�ING INC F�hone : � �,c,ntr•�ctor°: �1DORN GOIVSTRUCTION F'hone : 714-6��-0411 I -----------------------------------a_______��__�.____.�______________�____�.____.�.�_.. Znspection '�ey�aest Information. . . . . Req�.iestor�: RAY - ADORN Rhone : 476-7111 ' I Req Time : �1 :�� Commer��s : EXEG. OFFICE (CHECw Al' �RONT D�SK) I ttems r,eq�_�ested to t�e Inspected. . . Acti.on Com�ents Time Exd I �il►�9� B�.DG-Final .` .__ I -1 � _ -- I ----- _ I ------ ---.__.. , � . __--- - . a � _ .�_��..._.._._ _ � _ __ _ ___________�.___------------------------.�. _ __..._. ._ ...___._. . ..____ ..._ __.._ _ _ __.___ _..__._._.._.- -.--.__ ...____._ Inspection Hi.story. . . . . ' Item : ���1� driveway grade fir��:: l Item : ���1@ PLDG-Fnatings/Steel Itptt� : �+�0�:'Q� HL.DG-Fc��_ind�tion/,t;��e � • Item : 1�+�5�� F�LAf�-ILC Site G1��� ' I t e r�i : ���3� BLDG-Fr,a m i n g �+��Q�c:/98 Inspectnr: GRC�� AcLior� : i=�F�PF° F�HMIr�IG & CtILI�J�-� �-��11:� 05/13/98 Inspector: GRG Actian : �F�RR 1-Hf2, OK � Items Q���4� � �- IVot Qn File * * , Item : ��+�+5� PLDG-Ins�_�1�tion / //'D J,/� ,v . , ; Item : ���E� R�DG-Sheetrock f��i1� ��� �Gl�` �v� / C "�' I,5�i' L�r'v� � Item : ��+�t3Q� � � IVo�t E3n File * � �,r ]l� �/� �1 / Y / � Item : ��►��Q► RLDG-Misc. w►� 1�� I , "� r� �/� �1�y Item : ���9� BLbG-Final �1 / ��!/����1 Item : ��v�� RLL)G-Tem C!0 � J � � p• �f - l 5 l�/15�G�� �� qv'1� I I t e in : 0��31. F I RF—TEMF'. C/Cl � / � It em : 0��,?�c F'W—T�MF'. C/Q �(� � P(�� I S CD��('��� � � it em : �Q�533 F�LAN—TEM��. C/0 � � � I Item : �0��7 F'LAN—FINAL Cl0 �� � Item : �0536 FI#�E—FINAL CIO It�rn ��Zs`.� •�� F'W F7NRL C/Q � � i �''i?�` -�f;� � 1 .i:;.._�-t r, , 1 ( : %i l _: _ . �,�, ��,��f Q I � I I J � RE�T 1�.,1 TDWP! 0� V A I L, COLOR�D�1 F'AGE: t�,�,/�6l98 ►��e:9 REG�UESTS F'OR INS�'ECTIOIV WORK ShIEETS FOR: 5/�6/98 AREA: GD ! Activity : �98-��49��Md�/`6/98WTyQe : P-��LML�iY�Stat�as : ISSUED=-=Constr:�ACDM �� Address : 1�,�� WESTHAVEN DR L.ocat i on : 13�Q� WES�`HAVEN DR F'ar^cel ; �10?,-1�1-�0-�t1�' C�cc�: Use : Description : ADD 1 �AR SINK App2ic�nt : �INA F�I�IJM�ING !� HEA7ING F�hone: 97�/47E-8:'�b8 Owner: L--O VAIL HOLDINr IfVC F'hone : Contractor: ZI�:A F'LUMPING R• HEATING -__Y�_____F'hone� 97'Q�/476-Ei�i718 _____________...___�._...____...._---___----- ---------------------------� Inspect i on Req�_ies'� Infor�mat i an. . . . . Req�.ies�or: RAY - f��ORIV F'hone : 476-7111 � Req Time : �1 :�� Con�ments : EXEG. OFFIGE tCHEC�'. AT FROI`dT DESN.) Items req�_iested to be Inspected. . . Action Gomments Tine Ex� ����3�Z1 �iL..MP-Fi���l __ ____.� - -�- - -.. �.._._. � � _ _ _—~___�I . —._�_- --------�� — ___—_...__ _�_._.---- Ins�ectin� Histor�y� . . . . Item : �0�].� F��MH-Under�gr,a�_�nd ��,f-- Item : ����Q� F'LMB-Ra�_�gh/D. W, V. �,�' I�e m: �Q�cc� F I RE-SF'R I NKL.E R RQUGH / Item : �Q�c,sQ� F��ME�-Ro�_�gh/WaterY `�/�f -f �' I t e m: �0�4�+ F'�MB-Ga 5 �''.i r�i f-�n %� (���r. C._� I t e in : ��+`S� F'LMB-�o 01 i � � , . Itert�: Q���6�i F'�.MP-MiS�c. �5/ic/98 Insp�ct �_ . .; F a, � , � , :. , � ; ; _ , ! , � , Item : Q�+Ziv90 F'LMB--Fin�l Tt �•rn : !�i,`r;�--,F; FT �:F'-F7C�.1�-11_. r .��.", �� , , . . ' REF�T 131 `�qWN 0�' VA I L, CO�RRADC] F'�1GE � � ��/1�f 98 Q�8:Q�.3 REQUESTS FF3f� I NS�'ECT I�N WORK SHEE�'S FOf�: I �/ I2/98 AI�EA: CP I � ______________---------------_---____-_--_----_-,___�__�_-�_-_�-_��._�_������-_��--� I � Act i v it y :^1�79&-��68^��`�/1L/98 l"ype :��-�'lECH� ^Stat�_t� : ISSVJED � �onstr,: ACUM Adcfress : 1���+ WESTHAUEiV DR Lacat i on : 1��Q� �1�5THAVF_�V DR I P�rcel : �1�3--1�1-��-�1� O�ca L.1sF ; I Descr,iption: MDVSNG EXI51'ING DUCTS I I Appl ic�nt : R R H MEGHAIVICR� LLC F�hone : 3+Z�3--543-98y4 - Clwner�s L-O U�IL HQL_DII�iG II`dC F'h�ne : � �ontr�actor: R R H MECHAI�lICFIL LLC ��hon� : 3+Z►3--�43-9�94 i -----------------------------------__________.__._._____�__.��___..___________------_-------� I :�r7spectian Req�_�est Information. . . . . I Rey�_iestor: DAVID F�hone : ,�►��-54,�-9894 Fteq Time : Q�1 :0� Comments : IN�F'ECT DUCT WORF; - CASCADE HOTEL I IItems req�.iested to �ie Inspected. . . Action Cam�nents Time Ex ��.a9iZt MEGH-F i na 1 , . . �" � � _.__.�. _.�_.� _... I _ .- - ._....._.o � _ �_._._ _�_.. ---....� _ � ------------------------------------------- .....�. -------------------------�----- - -- Insppction Histor�y. . . . . _ ' item : ���:�� MECF6-Ro�.igh f - �II I t e m : Q����� F I RE-SF'R I Ni',LE R ROUGI�i � � ' ��`e / � !J�"l' ���� '�- � � �� ' ��, � Item : �►��4Q� F�LME�-Gas F'iping , �;'� ' /( � ., I Item : ��31� MECH-Heating �Yi` r ,� � �;j�� , ! _ � (,��I''_ ; Itern : 0�3�'� MECH-Exha�.tst F-loods �� � Item : ��3.3� MECH-S�-ipP1y Air /� /1 `� � /� , .�/' /�°�� / I I t e m e �Q�,�40 MECH-M i s c. / v I C 1�•.� �� � `,"''' , 1 � � I t e m : �Q��9� MEGN-F i�r�1 p �/,!�'% ,�' _� � /� `,� /Q� � Ttema ��G.?R �IRF--FIN4L C'/�t �'t' l�� t� KKfi�l �' . - . ' `t% 1 !' ld� /�/ I � o� -� l�c r� ' � �y� J� ;, � ���G��: -� � a f � ����� `� � I '-, � r��l,�`�'✓��' i� , c��� �� . - ; � ���1� l/� j/1 ��� : � ,'�� � : /f�,���-, � , ,� _ -'�= �=v �� �`� "�i�: ,��- . 9 � � �-�-"/���^ �'a ,�����i'�� ���,���/"���� �''�-��; � ; � , � _ .� ,.-==���� � � � �j � � � � � � , �/�, ��� � ; 6 ���� i 1 •-�- I I 1 ' REPT1:�,1 TdW�I C1F VAIL, COLO�?ADC3 ��AGE � �Cl�E/98 +ZiB:`9 REC?UE�TS FOR IPJSF'ECTION WDRIi �HEETS ��R: 5/��19�3 AREA: CD Activity : M98-�0�8 �/�E/9@ Ty�ae: P-MEGH Statt�s : ISSU�D �onstr: AGOI� �Addre s s: 1���1 GJE�TFif1VEN DR ; Locat a on: 1.��� WESTHAUEN DF� �I F�'arcel : �'i�3--1�:1-���-�f� Clcc: Use : I I7escriptaon : MOVIkVC� EXISTING DUCTS I Applicant : �2 & H MECHANIGAL LLC F'hane : 303-�4.�,�-9894 Qwner°: L--O VAIL NOLDING ING F'hane : � Con�r�ctor-�: R R� H MECHAI�lICAL LLC-_____a______�F�han�_ �Q��-543-9694 I --.--______�._____.�___---____.�_�_____ --------------------------� I Inspection Req�aest Infor�mation. . . . . Req�.ies�or: I�AY - R�E1Rh4 RO�1M 169 Ghane : 47E�-71 ] 1 � Req Tir�e : �� :1�0 Comments : EXEG. QFF�CE T/I (CHEGK AT FRONT DESN,) IItems req�_«sted to be Inspected. , . A�tion Comrnen�s Time Exd �@�9�Z+ MECH-F i na i ____�_ �� I � I _ : � M� ___.-- ---. __.______.. -- ----- --------------------------------------------------------�_-�--__�-------- ---------- -- ', Inspection Nistory. . . . , ' 7 ' Item: �►tZic'�Q� MEGH-Ro�_�gh � /� Item : Z+�;��� FIR�-SPRINKLER ROU6H �� v � � - Item : �+Z�:'4�+ F'LhlP---Gas Gipinq �� �-,. _ � n �C-=' It�m : �+��s1Q� M�CN Hesti g ', �S/14/9A Ins�ector: CI? �r_t ; ��;, � ��,�,i..,�, ,..,�jr-,- G�i�'�R�:. It em : 0�.s�'� MECH-�xh��_�=.t Ho�,�� I t e m : �►�v.�0 MECH-S�_iPP 1 �-' ; . I I�e+� : 0�34� MEC�i-M i sc. ` �J�1��7� 1��✓ ec�tfi}-. �. I,.-.�j`'�"t F:..i�•`•6:. .. r,:i'i _ 1-ii���'�: �'F I, ITll �r-� � F-ii Ti I .,.,._. �.i�.'_ � ._. .. ., C P . ._ - -- . . _ �.��7 _. . . .... Item : ��39� MEGH-Final � Item : ��5�8 �'IRE-FII�G�L C/0 II l � f i � � �� �, � C�� ��� �,1�'�« � C_�.�c�� ��.�� TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONiNIUNITY DEVELOPMEN'I' � l 7 5 S . FRONTAGE ROAD �J``��� VAIL, CO 816 5 7 ���a �D�.�. 9?Q-479-2138 NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTET� ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTI�ICAL PERMIT Permit # : E98-0099 Job 1�ddress : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : ]�300 WESTHAVEN DR (C'ASC��DApplied. . : 05/12/1998 Parce� No. . : 2103-121-00-01� Issued. . . : 05/12/1998 Project No. : PRJ98-0069 Expires , . : 11/OS/1998 APPLIC�N'T SILVER CREEK ELECTRIC INC. Phone: 303-232-2500 P. 0. BOX 121$ , 32509 ROSINSON HIN ROAD, GOLDEN, CQ 80403 C4NTRACTOR SILVER CREEK ELECTRIC INC. Phone : 303-232-2500 P. O. BOX 1218 , 32509 ROBINSON H�N ROAD, GOLDEN, CO �0403 OWNER L-O VAIL HOLDIIJG INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 8�657 Description: �LE�'I'RICAL FOR TENANT' REMODEL Valuation: 9, 500 . 00 raraar.rtar�.r��rr�.rr.rraa�rrWa.ia.r�aarwv�errrrtr.rrr�.ww• FEE SUMMARY *•raa+rrrrarrr�rtrrrrrrrry.�«s,rr.raarrr.aa.r�arre.r.ar�e.� Eleccrica3---> 180.00 Total Calculated Fees---� 193.00 DRH Fee ---> .00 Additional Fees--—-----� .00 InveStigation> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 193.OQ ` Wil]. Ca�l----� 3.00 Paytnents-----°--------> 183.U0 TOTAL FEES---> 183.00 BALANCE DCIE-------------> .00 .a����rarar...�..s..rr:�w�aair�as+rrr�rtrrr•trtr�.+arr.wR.a�w•a....�+ase..aa�sevti+rr.rrev��r.�r�rwxaa.r�t.ar.raa�rrrrr��rr�+�e�•r.r Item: 0600Q ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: 05/12/1998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JR.I+"� Item: 056Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: 05/12/199� JRM Aetion: APPR N/A .,.,.«......................................���.....y..........,..,...�........�..�.,...........................�.......,......... CONDITION OF AP�ROVAL 1 . FIELD XNSPECTIONS ARE R�QUIRED TO CHECK FOF2 CODE GOMPLIANCE. 2 . FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE 11NY 4V�ORK GAN BE STARTED. ♦�rrr�raisr+ariai+ra�trafrrrr�taaafrat+aaaarsarraraie►rrsrir�+ti.rawraaar�ara�raaaarr�r�rra�rases�i�a�rraaaa+r+aarratree���ar�+r+rra DECLARATIONS Z hereby acknowledge khat I hawe read thie application, filled out in full khe information required, complated an accurate ploc p1an, and atata [laat all tha information pravided ae raquired ie correct. I agree to comply r�ith Che informatian xnd glot plan., to comply with all Town ordinancea and state lave, and to build this structure accozding to the 'Lown'a zoning and eubdivieion codee, deeign raview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicabl� thereto. itEQUESTS FOR INSPEGTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FDUR NDURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOME AT 479-2138 �R AT OUR �FFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM � . �r -l` ` SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACT�OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � ItrrMSars+ria+rr�aii�rr�arf��srerr�►rrrtM1�afiRrrrraarrraaa�:rraa TOWN OF VAIL, cqLORADO Statecant r+.+etr.��aaaa�s�ra�:r...+r.•...�..+aarr�rtaarf+ar++sr.ar+++.a+r . 9tatemnt Number: REC-040o Amount: 183.00 OSf12/98 14:29 Payment Method: CFiECK Noca�ion: 908 Init: PHM Permit No: E98-0099 TYpe: 9-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21o3-1Z1-o0-012 SiCe Addreee: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR T,ocation: 130o WESTHAVfiA1 �R (CASCADE) Total Fece: 1B3.Q0 Ttrie Payment 183.00 ToCa2 ALL Pmte: 1B3.Q0 Balance: .00 ♦trreirrfrr*arr►atafrrevrfrrraiit�4at�tlarr�f�rrrrftrtYaryrtr4rt• Aceounc Cod� Deecription Amovnc EP Q01000031114U6 ELEC'�RICAL PERMiT FEES 180.00 WC 0�100003112800 WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ---'—--------`-'--'----------------——-'---"------------------ � , . � -rl'�! ody�d �a �t � {�,�.r 9�-�d � I �ontact £�glc County tlssessors Office . at 970-328-864p for Parcel 0 . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO } �'�,/�F�' IIT l' ��R EL IJ :_,.?/U .� �/�/ - G U�/-� PERMIT AP�LZCATTON ��R� R�C�I Y�i4� ---- DATE: � �,� 0 6 �996 � t APPLICATION MUST �3� FILL�:D OUT COMPLETELY OR xT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED k***�*******�****�***��*�t**�** PERMIT II�FORMATION *��t�**�*�*,�*����**�*�***����� � [ ] �Bu�lding [ � --Plumbi.ng [;, j-ElectricaZ [ ] -Mech�.nical [ j --Other � ,. `�I�a � �`— 7ob Name: � �,a. � � � t'- . Job Address: ��crZ�-l.�c� �� e� _ ' �'-�?��-.�L 5;� i�>.�_�.-.�.,,�i�- ;� r�:,,�z.c_ 1.^�c. - t,�� �egal Descripti,on : La�1+r �,�_ S-�C.k_f' 2 F�ing,�� 1. sr'�t�-B i-�s�v: ��/ ]wners Name: � �G n; � , C - , . Address: �� � ., y�� .� �" i�% t �: Ph. ;��>°�_����: `� 3� � tirchitect: ,�� ;;.-.�..�_ Address: �f°c. � - Ph. ;Y--S�:i �, �eneral Descriptior�: -�: �' �._ _ ` "� ,t; + r � i �7ork Class : [ � -New ['�c] -filtera�ion [ ) �Addi�ional [ ] -Repair [ ] -Other �umber of D�elling [Tnits : � Number o� Accommodatian Units : r}�mber and Type of Fixeplaces : Gas Appliances C� Gas Logs <_: Woad/Fe�l.et � � � <*�*�����*�*,��**��**�,�*�*��*���x*�,� VALUATZONS �**�*�*��*�**�����*������*��**�*� �UIL�ZNG: $ ET,ECTRICAL: $ < " �UMB�NG: $ MECHANYCAL: �—G�4�-_ OTHER: � , I � TaTnL: � ��������,******x����:����**��* CONTR.ACTOFt Ii�FnFtMA�'zON *�*�k***�*�*��*�*���*���*x�� ,eneral Contrac�or: Tawn o� Vail Reg. NO. "�ddxess: Fhane Nux;,bpr: �-� g..�.p.b/�e�fv F I :lectrical Contr�actar: ��,- ��. :/L, <�,t,., ,�:; f,;_ ,.,��, < Town o� vail �2e NO. ,ddress : i�• c� !,� �. x i Z r S� ; ���lrl,L .�.. �pP�h_�on�e Nunber• a?3� --?S44 �Zumbirl cantractor: � °�'`'�7�OC� �.3°3, � Town of vai.3. Re'. NO. �ddress: ' Phor►e Number: iechanica7. Contractor: Town ot' Vaz1 R�g. No. ,ddres�: Phone Number: -�*���*****��*������*��*�*�t**��* �'OR OFFICE U5� ������**����*���*�������*��*��x ;UIL�ING ]PERhSYT JE'E�: BUILDING ��,P,N CHECFC FEE: �LUMBING PERMZ'I' FEE: PLLFMBING �LAN �HEGK ,�'E�; SECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PLAI�I CHECK FEE: :LECTR�CAL FEE: .RECR�ATIOI� FEE: ITHER TYPE OF FEE : ' CLEAN-UP DEPaSXT: )RB FEE: � TOTAL PERMI'Z' FEES : '�YPE GR�i3� SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNAT[3RE: ZONING: SzGNATURE: :omments: f � CLEAN UP D�.P.OSIT REFIIND T0: , C��.��.� � ������ r A . .. C�J�--b Cc� I�-�� TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONIl�'I[TNITY DEVELQPMENT �� 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIa, CO 81657 ��',� 970-479-2138 NOT'E : THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOST�D ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES MECH�TICAL PERI�IT Permit # : M98-�073 Job Address . . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . . . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCADE) Applied. . : 05/15/1998 Parcel No . . . . . : 2103-121-00-012 Issued. . . : 05/26/1998 Project Number: Expires . . : �.1/22/1998 APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES Phone: 3039289163 0151 PONDER05A DR, GL�NWQOD SPRINGS, CO $1601 CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER �ERVICES PYtane: 3439289163 0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENW'�OD SPRINGS, CO 81601 OV�JATER L-O VAIL HOLUING TNC inTESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 Description: Valuation: 11 , 000 . 00 INSTALL BA�K FL�V� PRE�IENTOR C}N FIRE SPRINItLER SYS Fireplace InEermation; Reatricted: #Of t3aa Appliances: NOf Gas Logs: #Of Woed/PaJ,1el: �.raa+raaaaaawaaatarrrra+arr�r�oerw+tarrw�+++.+�ra�+t��a+ir FEE SlJh1MA.kY +aa.ar�a�rra�rarWrtarrr«xwr,r«raWrr+.ri��rr..aakrr.•+rrwwaR.. Mechanir.al---> 22.0.00 Reatuarant Plan Reviaw--� .00 Tokal Calculated Fees---� 2�R-�� Plan. Chectc---> 55.00 DRB Fee-------------� .00 Additional NPea--------- •�� InvesLigaCi�n.� .00 TOTAL FEES-------- ---—� 2T8.OQ Total Pei-mit Fee------—� 278.U0 Wi.11 []all.____, 3.00 PaymenCa________________> 27H.On BALANCE DUE-------------� .nn a�a.aar�r++a��+aaa�tir+re+tr�rrrrrr«rWiww�w+�r+++rarratariwrrayrrw.r.�srr•,rrr�.ar+araarrawaarr.r«rr.wrrr+rr++trr..arrrvrr++r�«.rr•w Item: OS100 BU�LDING D�PARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: 45/26/1996 JRM Action: APPR APPRO�IED Jl� Item: 05600 FIR� DEPARTMEIW'T' Dept : FIRE Division: 05/15/1996 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TC? �IRE 05/21/1998 JEFF A Action: APPR fire dept approves 05/21�199� JEFF�A Action: APPR fd ok w�.th conditions CONDITION OF APPRO'VAL 1 . FIELD INSPECTIdNS ARE RE UIRED TO CHECK FOR C4DE CQMPLIANCE. 2 . COM$USTION AIR IS REQUIR�I} PER SEC. 607 QF THE 1991 LTMC. 3 . INSTALLATiON MUST CONFORM TO �UF�CTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPEND�X CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4 . GAS APPLIANCES SI-�LL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALU TERM�NATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC. 906 QF' THE 1991 UMC. 5 . ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC. 505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 iJMC. 6 . BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF N�I�TCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FO�Z I+�OUNTING ON COMBTJSTIBLE FLO�RII�TG. 7 , P�l?MIT, PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUS'i' BE PO�TEL7 IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIQ INSP�CTIQN RE UEST, 8 . I�RAINAGE OF MECHANICAL R�OOMS C NTAINING HEATING OR HQT-WATER SUPPLY F�30ILERS SHALL BE EQUZPPED 6�ITH A FLOOR DR.AIN PER SEC. 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC. 9 . tampers required on os&y vavles & tied into fire a�ann systm �*****�*******,r*************�*****�r****a�******�***********************�********* � , #******w********twwt�********���**�*****�*****t***************t* TOWN OF VA�L, COLORADO Statemnt ***�**********��******,�****�**,�************�*****,�****�r********* Statemnt Number: REC-�406 Amount: 278 . 00 05/26/96 10 :25 Paymen� Method: CK Notatiam: #2975 Init : JRM --- - - --------------------- s �ertt�it No: M98-0073 Type : B-MECH M�CHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-00--012 Site Address : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR LoCation: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCADEI Total Fees : 2'1g • QD This Payment 27B . 00 Total ALL Pm�s : 276 . 00 Halance : . 00 ***+*�*****************,r�r,r******,r**+**�*******************�*,�*** Accaunt Code Description Amounr. MP 00100003111300 M$CHANICAL PERMIT FEES 220 . 00 PF 00�.00003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 55 . 00 WC OO1000Q3112800 WILI.� CALL INSPBCTION FBE 3 . 00 DECLAR.AT I iONS I hereby acknowledge that I have rend thie application, filled out in full the information requirad, c�mplete3 an aecurate plut plan, and et,ate that all the information provlded as required is correct. I agree Co comply infonnation and plot plan, to r_omply with all "I'own ��rdinanaea and state law�, and to huil�d thie �kructure accordin o the T- n'� zotting attd su�divinion code�, deeigi3 review approved, UniEorm Building Code and other or 'nancee of the T pplica'�l thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STiAI.L BE MADE 'IWE[SI'Y-FOC7R ELOUR� IN � c TF.LEPHONE 9-2 oR AT oUR �FE'ICC FRC�M B:un !iM S�:t�u YM ' SIGNAI'L9RE QF OWNER OR CONITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND PWN�R - i � ;/'✓ ` � � � I � .�, ��_ �:,.���._., � i ,. . ��/�:: ; i=�.�i< ��Ia�ECTIQIV WQ�ir �_A: �•! �! I �. R�:tivity : �98-��4� �/�::9/98 T��pee A-Ci_�'�',r�' ,. - : ,-_, , F?�ldress : 1��� WES7HAVEN L7R ',�`� �Q� /� i_.ccation : i��t� WES7'HAVEN 7,,�� ;- , ,r, � (Isr"''— -`` � i Rar�cel : �:15�3-1�'1-�Q�-�1,- � , , � ; _r-��• . I L�escription : INTE�tIOf� TENAN� , 'j Appl ir_ant : ADQR�I Cq�ISTRL1GTIuiv F�han� : � (]wner: L-Q VAIL HOLDING ZNC F�hone. � C;ontractnr: ADORN CONSTRUCTION F�hone : 714-63�-'-��41 , � ------�-----_._---------____------- -------�--------...---------- __ ___._._. ._ .-----__ ___ -------------------- , � .,�,ect i an Req��est Inf orma�i on. n . � - � ',='c y�_t e s t�r^: R a y E=''i-�r.,,-,� � �+ f t,--, � .I. i_ I f::eq Time : �Fs:@� Commen�s : t�^einspect i f'r unt de�k -- r���iadel exec af � :;:�ms req�_iest�d �o be I�spected. . . Actian Camments T��nr �:x ?�!h�9� PLDG-Final � � -...._. ---- ----------••_-- - - -� .__�___ _ ����-�T_ �_ � -- _ _.._ _ ___ -----�----- -- ----------__--_---___---__.�__________._.a�. \�._ _,___ - - � i----- - -.._ _ i �_� � Inspection Nistor�y. . . . . , Item : �051�+ driveway grade final �_ ! � item: ���+1Q� PI..DG--Footings/Steel ^ � � Item : ►I.���c� BLDG-Fo�_tndatiani'- i 'I Item : �+���+� ��LAN-ILC Site ��] ; I t e m : ����0 BLL7G-Fr,am i n g I �I �fi5/0�/98 Inspector,: GR... +�5/13/98 Inspector: GRG I I t e m: ���4� -� � Not On �'i 1 e � I Item : +�Q��S� BLDG-Ins�ala� ion Item : ��Q�6� BLDG--ShPw!+:r-nr,k N=r I It�m: i�Q��82+ * � No� I � I t e m : ���7Q+ RLDG�-•M i - I i t e m: Q���9� PLDG-F i : �+�/�7/98 Insp�-,_: ,. ;,: � i It em : ���:�� PLDG-Temp. C/i�; i I I ,`e m e �t�5.?,f F I RE-7EMG. CJ C:: � � I t e n : �t�53�: ��W-T�I�R. G/O i it�m : ����.?, G�AN-TEMF'. C/6:` i I i t e� : ��t537 �1_AN-F T IVAL C'I r, I I t e m : t���,:,� F I RE-F I NAL E I t e m : Q���39 RW-F I�lAL C/[; � T �' r-'•1TI �. r�l L'I r:Li,4� K)�i j�r.,_..�"� r y � . , . � . I I � � � � I I I I I I I � i � � � � � TQWN OF' VAIL DEPARTMENT OF C�d'�A'�lUNITY DEVELOPMEN'T 75 S . FRONT.�GE FZOAD VA1�, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE. 'I`HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED �N JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM B�JILD PERMT Permit # : B98ap040 � Job Address: T300 WESTHAVEN DR Sta�us . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : 1300 WESTHA"VEN DR (CASG�DApplied. . : 03/31/1998 Parcel No. . : 2103-121-00-012 Issued. . . : 04/30/1998 Project No. : PRJ98-0031 Expires . . : 10/27/1998 f �``�. ��1�'r t II'�.U C)WNER 'L-O VAIL HqLDING INC �l � WES�'�N`�TE�1 , L �0 81657 CONTRACTOR ADQRN CQNS'�RUCTION Phone : 714-G32-0411 31�0 E. LA PALMA, AVENUE, SLTTTE "A°' , ANAHEIM, CA 92�06 APPLICANT ADORN CQNSTRUCTIO�F � — --� , .F .- �V/CO . �eV. Descripti.on: ' INTERIOR TENANT REMOD L CLx`'�� ��� � CI@ r1' Qp S� R C� L- C'_;, l. J}-,,�- t fz�.C)i I�t::: r/u / �`� Occupanc�r: B2 B2 ap OV, d J Type Cons�.ruction: II 1-HR �_II 1=HQU�--�-p°��n� ���,(�,+' , � v Type Occupancy: t � _ c�ate `�-,,.�_ : :; Valuation: 46 , �00 Add Sq Ft : Firenlace Information� Reekricred: itof Gaca Appliances: qof cae Logq� MOf wood/Pa11et: w.++�rer.arr�v�rrrrr�aat�rwraara�aatiarrkraw�www�r.W+rrrr.e• FEE 5(7MMARY vrra..rr�ryaaa�+rraraaaarrar�raaaa+�r�a�ra�+.�w.�.asr�r»wr� Building----> 4G2.o0 Restuarant Plan Review--� .00 Total Ca2culated Fees---> 1,065.30 Plan Check-�--> ]00.30 DRB Fee�-----------��-----> 50.6� Additional Fees-------- -� .0p Inveotigation� .00 RecleaCion Fee----------s .00 Total PeYmit Fee-------3 1,065.3o Will Ca11----� 3.D0 Clean-U[7 Depoult-------> Z50.09 Paymenta----------------n 1,�65.30 TOTAL FEE3--------------� 1,Q65.30 H11i,ANCE DUE------------> .na .aa....a�..,.a....aaa�rrw...ww......a.r.r....ar.r.a.aa•�..a....a......�..a«..........•....rr..r.rraW.W........r.•..a..:....r...r•.a Ite;n. 051.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: 03/31/1998 JRNI �ctian: NOTE PLANS TO GARY 04/2z/1998 GGaODELL Action: APPR �tem: 05�dd PLANNING DEPARTM�NT Dept : PLANNING Division: 03/31/1998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS T� PL,ANNER Q4/22/1998 GEQR�GE Actior� : APPR Item: 0,5&00 FI�tE DEPAR'�'MENT Dep t : FIRE Division: Q3/31/1996 JRM A�tiorr: NOT� PT.�ANS TO FIRE � 03/31/1998 N�IK� M Action: APPR Approved as noted }�y �60 Item: a5500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WORK Division: 04/20/1998 CHARLTE Action: AFPR N/A ..........................................................................................�.........................»....,......«. See Page 2 0� this Documen� for any conditions that may apply to this p��mit . DECLARATIaNS I hareby aoknou�ledye that Z have read thie application, filled out ir� full the information required, completed an accuraCe plot plan, a,nd etatc that all the information provided ae required ie correcr. a agree to comply with the infoi�nation an�i plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancea and etate lawa, and to 6uild thin etructura accordinq to the Toan'n zoning and oubdivieion codea, deezgn review approved, UnifoL-m Building Code and other ordinances af the Tovn applicable thereto. REQUE.9TS FOR INSPCCT'ION9 SHALL BE MAD£ TWEMTY-FOUR EIQURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 aR AT 6UR OFFICE FROM 0:09 AM 5:00 PM -__.� � - • �5er7d Cledn-Up DepO�it TO: J.L. VIF• , SIGNATLIRE or CIWNESt OR CONTR.AC"SOR POR HIb73ELP TND OWNER �FiF�k**�k**-ki4r'k�lr7lr*iFirilriktk�r�lr�F�lr**�lricilc'kiF�k***irir****'k*ilr*tF�M'k*�k"ktk-k�t***icir*♦c�lctkifr�F*ikil'tttk*�t�k�4******�lr CONDITIONS Permit # : 598-0040 as of 05/04/98 Status : ISSUED *************�*****�*******++****�*,r**,�*********************�*�**,�+**�*******,r** Pennit Type : ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Appl,ied: 03/31/�998 Applicant : L-O VAIL HOLDING TNC Issued: d4/3Q/1998 To Expire : 10/27/�,g98 Job Address : L�ocation: 1300 G�ESTHAVEN DR (CASCADE HOTEL) P�rcel No : 2iO3-121-00-012 Description: INTERIC7R 'E'ENANT REMODEL , Conditions : 1 . FIRE bEPARTMENT APPRO�TAL IS REQUIRED 8'EFORE �1NY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FZELD �NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F012 CODE COMPLIANCE. 3 . Fi�e alarm and fire sprinkler plans need to be submitted :Eire dept . review & approval priar to relocation. 4 . Door & frame assembly for doors to corriflors Co be approved, self-closing & latching, tight fit�ing 20-min. smoke- & draft-control assemblies . 5 . All gypsum walZboard to be Zisted fire-resistive type . 6 . Safety gla�ing t� be installed wher� required by Sec . 5406 , 1991 UBC. 7 . 36" working clearanc� required ta be mai.n�.ainecl in front of �lectrical panel . � � � i TOWN OF �1'AIL DEPARTMEsNT OF CONIlNUNIfiY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . �'RONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS P�RMIT MUST SE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIM�S ADD/ALT COMM BUILD gERMT Permit # : B9$-0040 1 Job Address : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Loeation. . . : 13d0 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCADApplied. . : 03/31/1998 Parcel Na. . : 2103-121-00-012 Issued. . . : 04/30/1998 Project NQ. : PRJ98-0031 �xpires . . : 10/27/1.998 OWNER L,O VAIL HOLDING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 8165'7 CONTRACTOR ADORN CONSTRUCTION Phane: 714-632-0411 316Q E. LA PALMA AVENUE, SUITE "A° , AF�TAHEIM, CA 92806 APPLICAN'I' ADORN CONSTRUCTION Descrip�ian: INTERIOR TENANT REMODE� Occupancy: S2 S2 Type Constreaction; II 1-HR `�ype II 1-Hour Type Occupancy. Valuation: 46 , 000 Add Sq Ft : E'irei_�]aro Informatflon: Rest-.ricted: #OE �ae APFoliancee: qOf Gan Loge; ttof woo�/P�11et: r�+...rvrrwrarrrrWaaaairr.�raa�r�w�a��+trtt+�+rrr�k++.w�.w. �g'E S(1MMARY •��'�r.w�«er��eaaae.wwrrrwM�rwrrrtrr�wrrrw�ww•rrrwry+�rwww Buildinq-----� 962.0o Reetuarant Plan Review--> .60 Total Calculated Feea---> 1,[�65,30 Plen check---� 300.3o DRB Fee----------------., 5a.00 Addicional �'ees------ ---� .oa 7nveatzgation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .fF❑ Total Permit Fea--------�• 1,o65.3tf Will Cali----a 3.0o Claan-Up Depoait--------� 25U.ao PaymenCo--------------� 1,Oe5.30 TOTAL FF.ES-------- ------: I,069.30 BALRNCE D[]E-------------� .f70 �aa.wraaar�aaaaartaaa�aar.rw+rawvwww��arrra.�rrrrar+aaar�.e•.rWrr.raaar��.vaiirrvaairararaaawrrrrafrrrara.rirrraraiaaaa�r.�,�aatr+� Item. 05T00 BUIi,DING DEPARTMENT Dept : SUILDING Division: 03/31/199$ JRM ACtion: NOTE PLANS TO GARY 04/21/1998 GGOODELL ACta.on� APPR Itern: 0540� PLANNING DEPARTMENT �ept : PLANNING Division: 03,/31/1998 JRM Action: NOTE QI,ANS TO PLRNNER 04/22/1998 GEORGE Ac�ion: APPR Item: 0�6Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: 03/31/1.998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO FI1�E 03/31/1998 MIKE M Action: AP�R Approved as noted l�y 46� Item• 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WORK Division: 04/20/1998 CIKARLIE Action: APPR N/A ativ4�a�Yt��r��ar�M��tr�rtl�vw�4i47VtvVf�FYY1vtYWYW��YY�k�YtfWkaa{�fwkiti�Y+Yt��YiY��YfYtttifYi�yYY�vYW�iit'�fv�ti�iY4fttfffvtr�fYYVY�1ri�YeVVY♦ See Page 2 of this Docun�ent for any conditions �hat may apply ro this permit . D�CLARATIQNS I hereby acknowledge that i hava xead khi4 application, filled aut in full the information required, completed �n accuiake p1oL plan, and etate th3t all the information provided as required ie correct. I agree to comply wiCh the infoi'tnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordi.nancoe and atate lave, and to build this utructure according to the Town'o xoning and aubdivieion codea, deeign review approved, UaiEonn Buildinq Code and other ordinancea of the Town apPlicable thereto. REQUE5T5 FOR IN9PECTION9 SHALL BE MADE TWEtdTY-�'OUR HOURS IN R[IVANCE HY TELEPHONE AT 474-2138 OR A'T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:�0 AM Se0(7 PM L 7/ �' � � .,end Cleacl-Up Depoait To: J.L. VIELE S�GNATVR�' CF OWNGR OR CONTRAC7TQR FOR HIM3�LF AND OFTNFR iA'tktit'k*'*�1t*******'k7ttt*7t*1�1►�*****�h****i1"k***iR'*'k'k**`]F*7k7h7tttr'k*7k7kktk'k�kik�l �If7k*'k*�t**�Ir�r'k'Ik*�A"k****lYilr CC►I�iD I'�I ONS Permit ## : B�8-0040 as of 05/04/98 Status : ISSUED *****+****,t*****,r**��*********#****�************�******�****************�******* Pennit Type: ADD/ALT CdMNI BUILD PERMT Applied: 03/31,/1998 Applican� : L-O VAIL HOLDING TNC Issued: �4/3a/1998 To Expire : ld/�7/1998 Job Address : Location: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR iCASCADE HOTEL) Parcel No: 2103-121-00-012 Description: INTERIOR TENANP Fz�M�DEL Conditions : 1 . FIRE DEPARTM�NT APPROVAL IS REQUiRED BEFORE ANY W4RK CAN BE STAFt'�'ED. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F�R CODE COMPLIANCE. 3 . Fire alarm and fire �prinkler plans need to be submitted fire dept . r�view & approval prior ta relocation. 4 . Door & f�ame assembl.y for daors to corridors to be approved, se3.f-closing & latching, tig��t fitting 20-min. smok�- � draft-control assembl.ies . ; 5 . A�l gypsum wallboard to be lis�ed fire-resistive type . 6 . Safety glazing to be installed where required by Sec. 5406 , � 19�1 UBC. 7 . 36" working clearance required to be maintained in front of eiectrical panel . � . . �' � � �********�**************�**************************�************ 'I'OWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemr�t **************�*****************�***,r*,�************�************ Statemnt Number; R�C-039� Amount : 1, �65 . 30 05/04/98 13 :47 Payment Method: CK Notation: #444 Init : JRM Pearmit N�: B98-0040 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT CONJM BUILD P Parcel No : 2103-I21-00-012 Site Addre�s : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Location: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCAD� HOT�L1 Total Fees : 1, 065 . 30 This Payment 1, 065 . 30 Tota� ALL �nts . 1, 065 . 30 Balance: . 00 ********,r�******+**�r,�*******,�******,�***�**,r**,r*****�r*****�,�,r**** Account Code Description Amount BP OOI000031111.00 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 4G2 . 00 DR OOi00003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FE�S 50 . 00 PF �0100003112300 PLA.N CHECK F'EES 300 . 30 AD OO1000d2403100 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 250 . 00 WC 0010000311280Q WILL CALL INSPECTIOI'�T FEE 3 . 00 'I ------------------ ---------------------------------tl-----_ __---- I MAit- 3-�tj Id9 � ".�1 FI20M� TUV-G:UM-UtV-iJtt''1'. LL� ' i0■i"I��4: rna.L ci c `�4ant .�. Eag�� Gou:1Ly A Sors 4tfiCe . p,�z 970�3a8-��O �or pa� �. TOWN OF VAIL COI15T�tU �1tG' eCG'�V��T ��� � � i ��� �� PERMIT APPLXCATION FORM � 2 7 �998 DATE: 3 2 pp ? � . .Ojr � �r AFPLICATIaN MQS�T BE FILLED QV'F CGMPI�'i'ELY �91'� ZT�MAY NOT BE ACCEpTEB --_—�••.u�rr�,s,, � �t*�t*t**�t�ft*tt�t�*t���*����� PERMIT IN�`GRIK�►TION *�,�,��*���f**�,s�r*���r�tt�*�,��*� ' j�'J-Buildinq L �-Plttmbing [ 3-Electrical [ ]Mer.hanical [ ]-Oth�r i� V�l tf �,�,�q.C�E N'O��L��w'� Job Na�e: �� , -� �� �ob ABdress: i3�C� I�ESYtt��� R�r✓E �,41�.���Il�'� T�.r� sa-f - �/D�' l � �oL�'1�-�( '��kl�C Legal Description:.3�� �G7f�. �ck -��ng- �j` 8 � � owners Name: ��'(� �/�'�L- }'f"b�(,_ /�U�A�ddress: ��i0 �lJ'��,]-�,91,�iV .C�2 Ph.y 7d 7�' ,��� I Architect: �--���,ti �N���.sKt Aa�ress: ,`�50 �of��l �T.. D�►�v��ph. b�'3��59 ceneral pescription: ��� 5 F- Q�= �`����T� �I 1�1� �.�t��tj�,� _ . _ work Class: [ j-xew [�3 A1te:ration 4 I �-Additicnal [ ]-Repair [ }-other Number of Dvellinq IInits: � Number of Accommo�ation Units: C% 4.� er and Type of Firepiaces: Gas Appliances` Gas Loqs C� Waod/Pellet� ��s��tt�**�r����rt�**�r*�**�����t�t*�� yA7�3ATIONS *t##*����t*�k�,�*,�t�**����t*�**�r�* BUILDING: � ELECTRICAL: i �`iH�R: # PL�Ti�BING: � MEC�ANICAL: � TOTAL: �-/'r,. � --�--� ��**�**�tt#�r�ra��r*��*���r��c�#f Cp� Q�� TION �r��rtft�*�*tt**�t�*�*�r**f�� eral Contractor: c� —UC4�0 To�m at Vai�. Req. NO.�� Address: Phcne N�uab�r: . �. ElectricaZ Can�cr�actor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Addres�: _ Phone ?�Tumber: ��. �P1.umbinq �Cantractors Town of v�,il Reg. NO. Address: _!� � Phone ist�mber: �� Mechariical Contractor: , � Towta o� .�ail � HO. � ��. :. ,, . .Adc3ress: ti �" �<�'\�� Phan� N'umber: �' -------- -:��:,;'.;� �'.�_._..;. - �*�,�#*��*��**tt�t�*�r�t�������ff. �'OYt °QFFICE IISE *f*t,�****trr�,���**a�*f*�**��*�tf� BL�ILDING PERMIT F'EE;.-��'�: .y'�.;-' '�'� e;;���'. �BUILUING PLAN CCHEECK FEE• p�iJMBING PERMIT K,�� U PIAI�ING PLAN Cf�CK ,�'EE: MEC�iANICAL PERMrT � i�CHANICAL PLAN C�ECK : E�ECTRICAL FE�: o .RECREATIoIrT FEE: OTHER 'TYPE CF FE£: � CLEAI�i--UP DEPOSIT: I�RS 1�'EE: �" p TOTAL PEF�MIT FEES: .�« 'TYP� GROtIP SQ.FT. VALUATYoN BV7I,A71"Nt�o � � �� `� Si�7i�i7i ViSi7 s y �— �,..� .�_ ZONINGs � � , SIGNA�: / Comments: cr,�r �re ngeasz� �rrm ro: Gc��'�(��'c�� : �' (�� �� Ovr D � � TOGdI�T QF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONlr'IUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7 5 S . FROIa'I'AGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS P�RMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES I+fiECFL�NICAL PERMIT Permit # : M9$-0070 Job Address . . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSi.TED Location. . . . . . : 13Q0 WESTHAVEN DR (CASCADE CLUApplied, . : 05/12/199$ Parcel No, . . . . : 2103-121-00-012 " �ssued. . . : 05/28/1998 Project Number; PRJ98-0031 Exp�res . . : 11/24/1998 APPLICANr �LLIAN'CE MECHANTCAL Phone : 970-524-7401 PO SQX 1207, GYPSLTM CO 81�37 CONTRACT�R ALLIANCE MECHANICAL �hone: 970-524-7401 PO BOX 1207, GYPSUM CQ 81637 OW1�TE� L-0 VAIL HOLDING INC WE,�TIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 Description: 'Jaluation: 4 , 500 . 00 MOVE FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS TO CENTER TILES Fireplace Information: Reatricted: #Of Gae Appliancea: #of Gas Log�: #Of Wood/Pwllet: aa�srrrasariraraarr�ir�rr�rra�wary�e►�i�y+re�r���rr�r��<r�ra FEE S[SMMARY ++rasar�aa.erwr��,��+�r.errw�rrt.srrre�rrrr�raw��aartararr+ i Mechanical---> 100.00 Restuarant plan KevieW--> .a0 Total Calculated Fees---> 120.00 I Plan Check---> 25.Oo bRH Fee----------------� .00 Additional Feee---------> .00 Inveetiqation> .00 TOTAL F�ES-----------> I28.o0 Total Permit Fee-------y 128.00 Will Call----> 3.00 paymente---------------> 12e.00 BALANCa �aE-------------> .ao •rrrr�rrrrW►raaaar�ra�a�+aaiaa+aaaaiar+ra�+kasartrwwiwraar�.re�a�.�rrrra�M�raraarr���aaarrrr�iraaaaaisrrar�aaa+r�wr��a�er��r+�ra�e Item: Q5100 BUILDIIVG DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: Q5/12/1998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE 05/28/1998 MWOODS Action: APPR APPROVED JRM Ttem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN'I' Dept : F'I�E Division: 05/12f1998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE 05/28/1598 JEFF_A Action: APPR fire dept . approves CONDITION OF APPROVAL Z . FI�LD INSPEC'I"IONS ARE RE4UIRED T�0 CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2 . COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED P�R SEC. 607 OF TI�E 1991 UMC. 3 . INSTALL�ATION MUST COI�FORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. I 4 . GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENT�D ACCOR.DING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHp,LL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5 . ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC. 505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 TJI�1C. 6 . BOILERS SHALL B� MOTJNr�'ED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUS'FISLE CdNST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOLTNTING ON C�MBUSTIBLE �L�ORING. 7 . PERMIT PLA.NS AND �ODE AN.ALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHAN�CAL ROOM P�2IOR TO A1V INSPECTION REo UEST. 8 . DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS C(�NTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOQR DRAIN PER SEC. 2119 OF THE Z991 UMC. *�***********�t***********�t**,r************rr**t*********************************** /�l � � � v . � � DECLARATIONS I hereby aeknowiedge that Z have read thie application, filled vut in full the information reguired, campleted an accurate plot plan, and etate that all the iaformation provided a� required ie cbrrect. I agree to comply with tha informatian and plot glan, to comply with all Town ordinancea and eta[e lawa, and to build thia etructure aceording to tha Town's zoning and eubdivieion codee, deaign review approved, oniEoz-m Building Code ansl other ordinancas of the Town apglicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TSY3PECi'IONS SFiP.LL BE h[ADE TWENTY-FOUR HO[7RS IN AD CE ELEFHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 pM SIGNATURE OF OWNER QR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � I I . � � •rr���rra�aa�r�es�rry»rsr�rr�r�rs�err�wraara�re�rar�yr��er��t� TOWP7 OF VAIL, GOLORADQ s�acemnt r�e�artr+as*�����rrfr�yatrsrrraassr��rr�rrra�a�er�►Wtart��s�r�a+ 3tate�t Number:� REC-0467 Aonottnt: 126.00 OS/28/98 12;Iq Payment Method; Ctf NoCation: 1596 Init: NfAW Permit No: M98-007o Type: B-MECH M�CH]4NI�pI, pERMIT Pazcel No: 2103-121-OQ-012 Site Addreee: 1300 W�STHAVEN DR Location: 1300 WESTHAVEN AR (CASCADE CGUH) Total Fees: 128.00 Thie Payment i28.DO Total ALL Pmte: �zg,pp Balance: .00 k'Yi#iit1�}iittit�iit!*iiii►r�rYWit4y�w¢�}itriYYffii/�iiliiii�F4YYYtii Account Code De�criptiors Amount MP 00100003111�00 MECHANICAL PERMIT FE�S 100.6(f PF 00100003I12300 Pi.Atv CHECK FEES 25.ao WC 00100003112800 WZLL CALL ZN9PE�C1'ION FEE 3.�0 ------------------------------------------------------------°-- � • TOWN OF VATL D�PARTMENT OF" COMMUN�TY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97d-479-213$ NOTE ; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �LUMBING FERMIT Permit # : F98-�049 Job Address : 1300 WESTI-�P�VEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : 1300 WESTHA.VEN DR Applied. . : 05/48/1998 Parcel No. . : 2103-121-Od-Oi2 Issued. . . : 05/fl8/1998 Project No. : PRJ98-0031 Expires . . : 11/04/1998 APPLICANT ZIKA PLUMBING & HEATING Phane: 974/476-82d8 P.Q. HOX 6013 , VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR ZIKA PLUNiSING & HEATING Phone : 97Q/476-8208 P.O. BOX 60�3 , VAIL CO 81657 OWNF�R L-O VAIL HOLI3ING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, Vt�IL CO 81657 DesCription: ADD i BAR SINI{ Valuation: 1, 500 . Od ♦aaattawr�+rra�r�rraaa+r�a�takaa.w+rrr�aararrrrr�aerr����w• �F.E SUMIMARY ++aaa+aawwraar�rraaararrrrrartrr��tawrr,rf+araar.arrwaa�a++r Plumbing-----± 30.00 Neetuarant Plan Review--> .00 Tc.tal Calci.�latad Peee---�- 4c7.50 P1an Check--- 7.50 TOTAL PEL9--------------�• 9tl.S0 Addit.ional Feee---------�• ����� Inveetigation� .00 Total Pernut Fee-------� > 4e�.50 Will Call----� 3.0o Paymente----------- ---� 40.5u 6AL�AAFCB ❑U£--------'-- -� .00 at.rr+w�aaarrr�a��r��ree��rr�r�r�r���.r���e�.rw4.wrrtrw•�arr*r.r++.++r�aa�aa�yrr�r�W�rea�»ar�rw�+arrr��sarrtriari�rrarwrrraarawar�a Item: 05100 SUILDING DEPAR`I'MENT Dept : BUILDING Division: 05/08/�998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVEp JF.�1- Item: 05600 FZR� DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: 05/OS/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A ..................y.....................w,,......,..,.,..........�......�..t..W....�...............«..«.........«.�..r............ CONI�ITION OF ApPROVAL •a•rr��re.rrM+w��rvwRw��.+�arxwrwkaaaiar.�iaaar�a�rraatar+r�aaas.ire•rWrrvwo+�w«rw++4+a+rrr.raaaararrri+rrr��rr��wrwiaarr•raaarit+r DECL,ARATI ONS i I hereby acknowledge that I have read thie epplication, Eilled eur_ in full the information required, completed an accurate plut plan, anc3 etate thac a1S the infoiznation provided as required ie corLect. I agree to comply with the inEormation an�j plot �rlan, to comply with all Town ordinaneee and atate las+e, and to build thaa etructure accordiclg to the To zoning and eubdivieion codeo, deeign review approved, Uni£orm Building code and other ordinancee of the T�wn applicable er to. EtEQUE9TS FOR INBPECTIONS BHALL BB MADE TWENTY-FOUR H�UR� IN ADVANCE BY TBLEPHONC�AA �k,79- 138 O A OPFICE FROM B:00 AM 5:00 PM V`I/ � 3 ONAT[SR.$ OF dMINER OR COIUTRACTOR FOR HIM9ELP AND OWPIER � � ******�**�**********�****��,�*�*******************�*****,�****�r**� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ****************************************�r**,t*******�r*****,r****** Statemnt Nu�nber: REC-Q398 Amount : 40 . 50 05/08/98 11 : 38 Payment Method: CK Notation: 2287 Init : JRM Penttit No: P98-0049 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-�.21-00-012 Site Address : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR LoCation: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR T"otal Fees : 40 . 50 '�'his Payment 40 . 50 Total ALL Pmts : 40 . 50 Balance: , 00 *********************�*�*******w*****t��****f*****************�** P,�ccount Code Description Amount PP 00100003111200 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 30 . 00 PF 00100003112340 PLAN CH�CK FEES 7 • 5Q Vr1C 001000031128OQ WILL CALL INSPECTION F�E 3 . 00 � � ****t*******+*****,�***************��*�**,�*****f***************** TOWN OF VAIL, CQLORADO Statemnt **********�r******************+***************�****,�*******,r***** Statemnt Number: REC-0398 Amaunt : 40 . 50 05/08/98 11 : 38 Payment Method: CK Notation: 2287 Init : JRM Permit No: P98-�049 Type : B-PLMB PLLIMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-12�.-OQ-Q12 Site Address : �300 WESTHAVEN DR Locat%oz�� 13p0 WESTHAVEN DR Total Fees : 40 . 50 Thi9 Payment 40 . 50 Total ALL Pmts : 40 . 50 Balance: - oQ **************,�*********+*******r�*��****************,�*********** Account Code Description Amount PP 00�00003111200 PLUM�ING PERMIT FEES 30 . 00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 7 • 5Q WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTTON F�E 3 . 00 . ' • � � � ;ontact Eaglc County Assessors Office ,t 970-328-8640 for Parce], li. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PEFt,`IIT l��j`��'-A�'�fC7 �EL 11 : ��RMIT APPT_,ICATIOAI FORM ~ DATE: f APPLICAT�4N MUST BE FILL�D OUT COMPLETELY OR YT MAY NOT �E ACCEPTED :***�**�*�****��**�t*��***�**** PERMrT YNFOF2MATION **��***�,t**�*��*��********��� 1 � [ ] -Building [� --Plumbing [ � -Electra.cal [ ] -Mech�ni�cal [ ] -other L -ob Name: VJ`�-�L �'��a� �'V�!l �ob Acldress: .egal Descr�ption: Lo� Block` Fili�g SUBDiE�r5I0N: �wners Name: Address: �h. �rchitec�: � Address: ph. eneral Description: /{�� { �G? ( JI' .� k/ �(I[il,� 'ork C�.ass: [�j -N�w [ ] -Altezation [ ] -�Additional [ )�-Repair [ ] -Other umber of Dwelling Uni.t� : Number of Accommodation Un�ts: �rntaer and Type o� Fireglac�s; Gas Appl.i.ances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet **��**�����*��*�*�����*�********** VAT.UATIONS ����****���***�***�***���*�*�*�** UTLDING: � EL�ECTRZCAL: � OTHER: � LUM$�NG: $ 1 .��bo, � MECI-iANICAL: � �'------ T�TA�: � *****•�'�•*******'�**�•**���*��* CONTRACTOR INFORMA7.'IOI�T ***•k*��****�*���*�,��,�*,�***,� eneral Contractor: Town o� Vail R�g. N0. ddress: Phone Mur�ber: ]�ectri.ca� Contractor: Town o� Vail Reg. NO. ddress : � _, Phone Number: lumbing Contractor: Zt� � � E-�t�lk�flti-�� ,� `-�t�, Town of Vail Reg. NO.�� �dress: - � . OX (,Ot� V� IL � ((, _ Phone Number:�GjZo) �,0�{- poR [ � echanical C�ntractor: r �'L''� ( Town of Vail Reg, NC7. �dress: _ Phone N r`- ��****�*��x*�����r�**��*�*�*�-��,�� FO� OFFI��. T.JSE �t��a���*�� *���� �����x��*����-�� JZLDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDXNG PLAN CHECK FEE: LUMBING PERMI'r F�E: PLUM�ING PLAN CHECii �'EE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FFE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: R�CREATION FEE: THER TYPE OF F�E: CLEAN-UP D��OSIT: �B FEE: TOTAL PERMZT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUAmrON BUII.DYNG: SXGNATURE: ZONTHG: SIGHATURE: �mments• LEAN IIP �EP.OSXT REFIIND T0: � , � �ontact Eagle County Assessars OEEice . �c 970-328-864� for ParceJ. !i. TQW'N OF VAZL COI�ISTRUCTZON PEfL�IIT l� ���L � : PERMIT APPLICATION FORM , � DATE• ���i� - �;)��,' t APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR xT I�iY N'OT B� ACCEPTED k�***��*********��*****���***� PERM�T INF0�2.MATIQN *�*�****�*�*�*��**�*���*��*�; � . [ �-Building [ ] -Plumbi.ng E ]--ElectxicaZ �-Mech�n 'ical [ ] -Other ��� 7ob Name: :<-, � f�� r�� Job Address : ,����,'��� C,..J ��t t �1 L; � 1� - =� =a2 I �,egal Descz�.pta.on: Lat B].ock_ Fi1.�.ng SUBDII'ISI�V: �wnezs 2Jame:C�� `�. / CafGar,��r fTd fr`� Address: / �G� o - � �r Ph. �rchitect: Address: tf " � `�L ` � � b S 7 — Ph. ;enexal bescription: fi1�1 � �� r r���1�-�_`_���r.���f I,�' � � f"� � L` Jork C1.ass ; [ ] -New ��,ltera�ion [ ] �-Addit�.onal [ � -Repa�.r [ ] -0ther �umber of Dwelling Units : Number of Accommodation Units : r�mb�r and Type of Fizeplaces : Gas Apg7.iances_ Gas Logs Wood/PelZet 1 ��**����*�*****��*��*���*�*******� VALUAT�ONS ***�*����*�*�******�*�*����*�*�*r � 3EISLDII�IG: $ EI��CTRICAL: $ OTHER: � �LUMBTNG: � M£CHAN�CAL: �—� .1.v,; -- TOTA�: � �*��**���+,����*��*���*��*���* CONTR.ACTOR IN:f�nFtMA2'ION *�:*•k��*���������*���*�**��* rene�al. Con�ractor: Town of Vai7. Reg, I�O. ',cldress: Phone Nunber: :lectr�cal Contxactor: _ Town of Vail Reg. N�o. �ddress: Phone Nurrber: 'lumba.ng Con�xac�o�-: Town of Va�.l Reg. NO. �ddress : Phone Number: L��f% ,',:��:'J techana.cal Cc�ntzactor: ,�t, �"� /�aLl. �` � � F Town o� Vail Reg. NO.�� �ddress: � � �: "� , � � ��f�- �t,^ r���� � ��� _ Phone Nunber: <x��*��x����������**���*������t�� FOR OFFICE USE *�**�������x*���x*��*����������x 3UZLi�zNG J?ERM�T FEE: BUILDII�IG P7,AN CH�CK �'�E: 'LUMBZNG PERMZT FEE: PLUt�SBING PLAN CHECK ,�'EE: iECHANICAL PERMIT FFE: MECHANZCAL PLA1�7 CHECK FEE: :LECTRICAL F�E: .RECREATION FEE: �THER TYPE �F FEE: ' CLEAN-UP DEPOSZT: }RB FEE: TOTAL PERMIT FEES : TYPE GROUP �Q. F�. VALUATION BUILDING: � SIGNATt3R�: ZON�NG: SzGNATURE: :omrnen�s: ^ - "' ) CT.�AZi UF D�POSIT AEFIIN�D T0: i. . _ � ` � - ��� . ��y� �nw� �t �a� ��, 75 soulh Iranlage roa� . vail, Colorado B165i (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 off�ce ol community development TO: ALL CONTRACT�RS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOSvN Ofi VAIL FROri: '�°06�TN OF VAIL PUBL�C WORKS/CO,��fUNITX DEVEI,OPriENT D�1T�: �fARCH J�6, 19 8 6 � SUB.7ECT: CQNSTRUCTZON PARKIt�G & NIATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordznance No. 6 states that it is unlawful �or any person ta 1a.ttez, traG� or depos�t any soi�. , rock, sand, debri,s or mat�ziaZ, including trash dumpsters, portable tailets and wor�:men vehicles upon any s�ree�, sidewaZk, alley or public i pZace o� any port�an tl�ereo;E. The right-of-way on al� Town ot V�i1. stre�ts and zr�ads is appzoximately 5 f�.. off pavement, This orc3inance wi�J� be strictly enforced by the Town oi' Va�1 Public Works bepartmer�t. Persons �ound v�olating this ordinance wi.11 be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material . �n the event the person so notified daes not compZy wi�.h the notice within th� 24 houz time specit�.ed, the Public F]orks Departr;icnt Fri.1,z xemove sai.d matezial at the expense of person notifi�d. `�`he provi.sions af this ordin�r�ce shall not be ap�Zicable to constzuction, maintenance or repair projects ot � any stx-eet or a��ey or any utilities in the x-ignt-a-way. To zeview Ordinance No. fi in �'ull , please stop by the Town of VaiJ� Buildit-ig Depax-tment to obtain a copy, Thank you for your � cooperatzan on this matter. Rea�l and acknowledge y: X � �� �os.ition/Rela�.iQnshi to Pro ' P 7 ect (�,. e, contractar, owner) �_ ` f �a �Date ' � � � � - ��i� �� taw� o� ��i � _ . _ 75 soulh lrontage raad vell, color�do 61657 ' (303) 479--2138 ar 479-2139 olf�ce of community devalopme��t BUILDING p�RP�iIT iSSl1A��CE TIME FRA�1E . If� thi.s permi.t reguire5 a 7o�rn of Vai] F�re Department F�pproval , " Engi neer'�s (.Publ i� Works) rey�ew and approval , a Pl anni ng Depar�ent review or H�alth Depar�tment review, and a review by the Building Department, t�e estimated t7me for a total review may ta6ce as long as ttiree weeks , Ail comm�rcial (�large or small ) and ail multi-far�i]y permits wil� have to fo� iow th� above rnentianed maximum requirements . Residentia� and sma� 1 projects shouid take a lesser amount af time. However, if residential or s�ia� ler projects impact the various �bove mentioned departments ti•r�;th regard ta necessary review, these pro�ects may aiso take tF�e three week period . � Every attempt wi'I1 be rr�ade by this departn�ent to expedite tf�is perm�.t as, s,00n as possible. ' I , the un�ersigned, understand the plan check �rocedure and time frame.. ���� � � � � - �� � � A r� • g ..e to y �Project Name • � I ( - !'(/ . • Date work Sheet was turned into t e Cornmunity pevelonmcnt �epar�tment. �, , � . � MEMORANDUM T�: ALLCQNTRACTORS FR�M: T�WP� OF VAiL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE; MAY 9, y994 . �E� WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI7" IS REQUIREfl � , � J a� N am e: �✓r �c .' �°,�. ; � .. /' �o�� ,r'`,� �� • Date: " Please answer the foilowing questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit"; YES ;�p �) Is ihis a new resiclence? � ' L� 2} Is demofitFOn work being performed � that r�quires the use of the right . " o( way, �asements or public property? � � 3) Is any �utility wo�c r�eeded? � " 4} ls ihe drive�vay being repaved? �.-� 5) !s different access needed 10 site ; other than existing driveway? �-� � I . i 6) Is any drainage wark being done � afiecli�ng the right of way, easemen4s, . �' i or public pro�erty? 7) Is a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" 1 � required? . 8) A. Is the rigF�t oi way, easements or �./ public property to be used for staging, par�cing or fiencing? , B. ff no to 8A, is a park'rng, staging `�' or iencing plan required by Community � : Development? . If you answered yes to a�y of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Peemit" applications may �� abtained at t�e Public Work's oifice or at Communiry Development. If you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ' of Vaif Construction Inspecior, at �#79-2158. � I have read and answered a�l the above questions. � ! � � s�,-�r- �=-y� �� . Job Name Contractor's Sig ure Date . t ' � � TQWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUI�TITY DEVELOPM�NT 75 S . FRONTAGE fiOAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POS°I'ED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAN�CAL PERMIT Permit # : M9$-On68 Job Address . . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Locatiota. . . . . . : Z300 WESTHAVEN DR Applied. . : 05/11/1998 Parcel No. . . . . : 21Q3-121-00-012 Issued. . . : 05/11/1998 Project Number: PRJ98-0031 Expires , . : 11/07/1998 APPLICANT R & H MEC�IANICA.L ]GLC Phone : 3 43-�43-9894 1047 CHERRYVALE ROAD, B�ULDER, CO 80303 CON'�RACTOR R & H MECHANICAL LLC Phone : 303-543-9894 1�47 CHERRYVA�,E ROAD, BOULDER, CO 803fl3 OW�ER L-0 VATL HOL,DING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 Descrip�ion: Valuation: 3 , 200 . 00 MOVING EXTSTING DTJC'T'S , Fiieplace Information: ReetLicceB: ltuf Ga� appYianceg: Uof Ga3 r,cgo: #ot wood/Pallec: �w�.+aarfraraaaairaaaaaararaatatraarrr+or�rrr���+�sa*xraaaaa FEE SUMMARY r��rerfa�rr�rirarrrw�r��aee�a��rrar��aaaay�r�rrrra�r«raaaa Mechanical---a 80.00 Restuarant Plan Aeview--> .oD Total CalculaL-ed Peee--7 103.au Plan Check---� 26.06 DRB Fee---------------� ,00 Ad3icional Feee-------°-> •��� lllveskitJ6tlon> .fl0 T4TAL FE�S-°----� ----'-� 143.00 Totai PB1"M1tiit Fee--------> 1f13.00 wi7,1 Call----� a.c�u Paymente----------------> lo�.Ui� BALJ�NCE OUE------ --> .00 s�riaErriarrrvey�r��ewrre�arr�r����kra•+a��ra+�r+arraWrWrryrer�w�«wk.+r+�arra��ararrerre�w�ewr.+�a�ra++�++arrsrw�r�rww�raararr+r��iati+s Item: 0510d BUILDING DEPARTMENT De�pt : BUILDING Division: � 05/11/1998 JRM Actian: APL�R APPROV�D JRNr Item: 056�0 FIR� DEPARTMEN'I' Dept : FIRE Division: 05/11/199� JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FI�LD INSPECTION� ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 . COMBLTSTION AIR �S REpU�RED PER SEC. 607 QF THE 1,991 UMC. 3 . INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO M1�NUFAC'I'URES �NSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4 . GAS A�PLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORT]ING '�'d CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 905 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5 . ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH �EC. 505 AND 703 OF THE 1991� LIMC. 6 . BOILERS SHALL BE MOLINTPED �N FLOORS OF I�ONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. FJNLESS LISTED FOR MOL]N'I'ING OI�T CONlSUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7 . �ERMIT PLANS �1VD CQDE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POST�D IN MECHANICAL ROOM P�2IOR TO AN INSPECTION REqUEST. 8 . DRAINAGE OF MECI-IANICAL ROOMS C�SNTAINING HEATIN� OR I-��T-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQiFIPPED WITH A F�ODR DRAIN PER SEC. 2119 flF THE 1991 UMC. **�****************,�****�**********+*********�*********�****�******************* DECLAR.ATIONS + � • I heieby acknowledge thet I hava read thie applieation, filled o�t in fuli the inEui-mation requi.red, completed an ar.curate plot plan, and etate Chat all the intormetio� pruvided ae ieq��iied ie coriec�. I agree to comply with the infoi�tation and plot plan, to co�ply with a12 Town ordinancee ana state 7aws, an3 to build thia stx-ucLure according to the Town'e zonin snd aubdiwisi.on codes, deaign revieM approved, Uniform 6uilding Code and other ordinancea of the Tow�, applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL HE MADE TWEN'FY-FOUR HOURS IN AD CEIrYBY TELEFHONH AT 479-3138 OR AT OU FFICE FROM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM � P.NP OWNER V �/ SIGNATURG OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF •:�—�!- - � I I , � � • **�***********�********��******************�*******�******�*�*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLQRADO Statemn� ****�***�*****t���******************,r+*�+*********************** Statemnt Number: REC-0399 Amaunt : 103 . 00 05/11/98 11 : 14 Qayment Method: CK Notation: #126 Init : JRM -------------------- --�-- Permit No: M98-0068 Type : B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT P�rce� No: 2103-121-00-012 Site Address : 1300 WESTHA�,IEN DR Loca�ion: 1300 WESTHAVEN �R 'Total Fees : �a� . �� This Payment 103 . 00 Total A,L� Fmts : 103 . 00 Balance: . 00 ********�r*******************,�****�*********************+****�*** Account Cade Description Amouz�t MP OOlOQ00311.1300 MECHANICAL FERMIT FEES 80 . 00 PF OO1000Q3112300 1?LAN CHECK FEES �� • '�� WC OOl00aQ3112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . f}b '�,�..�J.�C,C't.L� tJ l`�GC ' C �c�-�� TOWN OF VAIL DEFARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �� ���� 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8].657 ��o-4�g-z�3g NOTE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOV/Cor�m. ��v. ADDrALT COMN! BUILD PERMT Permit # : B97-0268 �lean-up Depasit Refun� �ppr�ved � �mount �(,�.��'n �ddress : 1300 WESTFiAVEN DR S�atus . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : VAIL CASCADE HOTEL�1300 WApp].ied. . :R08�19r1997 l,� , ���� Paarce]. No . . : 2103-121-00-012 Issued . . . : 08,/21,/1997 u���' ' -�oject No. : PRJ97-0147 Expires . . ; 02/'17�1998 APPLICANT LOWE ENTERPRISES�WESTIN RESORT Phone : 970-479-7009 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, CO 6].657 CONTRACTt]R LOWE EN`PERPRISESfWESTIN RESORT Phone : 970-479-7009 1300 Westhaven Driv�, Vail, CO 81657 OWNER L-O VAIL HOUi]ING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 � Description : ' BUILD FARTITIaN WALLS & MOVE SPRINKLERS � ��� Occupancy: B2 II2 � ��� Type Construction : I �'R Ty�� I Fire-Resistive Type Occupancy: �V Valuation : 3 , 500 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Information: Restricted: NOf Gas Appliances: NOf Gas Logs: qOf Woo�l�Pallet: *#*�*iric�***iric*�k**rt*,t�;t;t**ic*:k1t**i�*�****,t**ic*ic*:t*i;t�**kic*iric*�* FEE SUMMAftY ic*1ric:kicir****�*�,tic�*****iririr*fi**ir*,tir**ic**ic**�****ir*****��ir��* Building-----> $5.00 Restuarant Plan Review—> .00 Total Calculated Fees---> 263.25 Plan Cheek---> 55.25 DRB fee----------------> 20_9D^ Additional Fees---------> ,pp Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee---------7 : ,00 �� Yotal PermiY Fee-----> 263.25 Wil6 Call----> 3.00 Clean–Up Deposit------3 ��100.00/ Payments----------------> z63.25 TOTAL FEES--------------> �~Pfr-3:2Y BALANCE DUE----°--------> .00 **********tk*�1e********it*ic#**ir********ir**ie*ir*ir*1e*******1e*ic**��****ie*ie**�*ik#****#*1r*ic*�****ie***1r1c�ic�***icie*****1r*ir*********ie********* Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPAR`I'MEI�T Dept : �UTLDING Division: 08/19�1997 CHA�ZLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE 08�21��.997 CHARLIE Action : APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 054a0 PLANI�TNG DEPARTMEN`� Dept : PLRNNING Divi.sion: 08�19�1997 CHA�tLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 05600 �'IRE bEPARTMENT �; �ept : FIRE Da.vision : 08�19�1997 CHARLIE Action: NdT� PLANS ROUTED TO FIRE DE 08�21�1997 CHARLIE Actian: APPR MECH PLANS COMII�G Item: 05500 PUaLIC WORKS Dept : PUB WORK Division: 0��19,/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A . �a *************�***********�*******************�*****�*****************,t*�********�**�x*****************************************�**** See Page 2 of this Dacument foz any conditions� that may apply to this permit . DECLARATIONS 1 here6y acknowledge that I have read this epplication, filled out in full the informatian required, com�pleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infermation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply uith the information and plot plan, to eomply with all Toun ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's toning and subc�ivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Building Code and otheT ordinances af the Town appl� able thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-fOUR HOURS IN kDVANCE 6Y TELEPiidNE qT 419"2 8 OfFICE FROM 8;00 AM S:Oa Pt1 :i` - � �� " Send Clean-Up Dep4sit To: LOWE VAIL HOLDINGS SIGN'ATURE OF OuN€R OR CONTRAtT4R FOR HIMSEIF RNO O�NER �***�����**�******�***���*��**********��*�**�*************��**************�***�* CONDITI�NS P�rm�t # : B97-0268 as of 08/27�97 S�atus : ZSSUED *****�**************�*****************�*�***�***�*********��*�************��*��� Permit Type: ApD�ALT CONJM BUILD P�RMT Applied: �8�19�1997 App�icant : LOWE ENTERPRISES�W�STI� RESORT Issued: 08�21�1997 970-479-7009 To Expire: 02�17�1998 Job Address : Locatian : VATL CASCADE HOTEL�1300 WESTHAV�N DRIV� Parcel No : 2103-121-00-012 Description: BUILD PARTITION WALLS & MOVE SPRINKLERS Condit�ons : 1 . FIRE DEPARTME�T APPROVAL IS REQUIRED B�FORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELn INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR�D TO CHECK FpR CODE COMPLIANCE . 3 . ALARM AND SPRINKLER SHOP DRAWINGS REQUIRED. LACK OF INFO UNP.BLE Ta PERFOR2� ADEQUATE PLAN REVIEW. � � �! � �*******************��******�*�********************�**�*�******� TOWK OF VAIL, COLORAD� Statemnt �***�******�******************�*�********�*********���*�*�****�� Statemnt Number: REC-0319 Am4unt : 263 . 25 08�27�97 08 : 47 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #Q96749 3nit : CD Permit No: g97^0268 Type : A-COMM ADD�ALT COMM BUILD P Parcel No : 2103-121-00-012 Site Address : 13�0 �ESTHAVEN DR Location: VAIL CASCADE HOTEL�1300 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Total Fees : 263 . 25 This Payment 263 . 25 Total ALL Pmts : 2b3 . 25 Balance: , 00 **************�*����**�*********�*�*�***�**��***�*********��**** Account Code Description Amount Ol �000 41310 BUILDING PERMI� FEES 85 . 00 O1 0000 41331 DESIG� REVIEW FEES 20 . 00 O1 OOOQ 41332 P�A� CH�CK FEES 55 . 25 O1 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 100 . 00 O1 OOaO 4133b WILL CA�� INSPECTION FEE 3 . 00 ------------------��_�_________--------------------------------- �`; �. - � PREPAREQ 4/O8/04, i5:42:24 DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT-UPDRTE PAGE 1 PROGRAM MR415U Town of Vail CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAME TYP$ CHARGE DEP03IT DEP03IT-fiDJ AD3iTSTMENT AFTBR-REFUND CODS �SSCRIFTION TX-�ATS AS-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 769 &97-D268 Lowe Enterprises D2 DEP08 Dep-Cleariup 1/11/98 4/09/G4 100.00 100.00 lOQ.00- .00 TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE: ❑2 100.00 100.00 100.0�- .�0 ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- _ __ _--- ----------- --- ' --' GRAND TOTAL: 10�.U0 100.00 I00.00- .00 DEPOSIT C4UNT: 1 G/L BATCH CREATEA: BATCH-Oi036 20Q4/04 USERID-MKOTWICA AP HELD COUI3T- 1.00 AM4UNT- ].00,60 lkCo�C�act Eag�e County Assessors Office oc- 970-�28-8640 for Parcel 4E. TOWN OF VAIL CONS'TRUCI'ION PER1�lIT �1 PAI�CEL �i: �--�l��' �'j��'UL "� �PERMrT APPLICATION FQRM P —�� �T DATE: . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT CQMPLETELY O�t ZT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED �*�*�r*****�************���*�** PERMIT INFORMATION ����*******���*************** Q -Building [�'i� PJ.umbing [ ]-Electrical Mechanical ,� y y - [ ]-- [�-Other � +� Job Nam�: �'--I; �,�' ��HSC`��,� fY��' l Job Address: /,_'r'� , �, . . �c-`- �_ L��_ �n�� ��;i� ,�� Legal Description: Lat Block Filing SUBDI'VISIOI�: Oca�ners Name: �� i �� �� _ _ - °�- �nc��- �,� Address: 1 '� � vr- :� �`�- ���n Ph.i1';'�',��.• _,�� �y_,G Architect: rr� ��°�=��;E-! �� - �' Address• ph.� � , Genezal Description: �'�,�_ , 1c{�;��7� !r j/��(i 'r �;�r';� w' t�>�v� -� �-, � �, � � T �l� l .- � `���� Y� + ff � Work Class: [ ] -New i �]-Alteration [ ] -�Additional [ � �Repair [ � -Other Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Accommodation Units: N mb�r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas A pliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ���� ?-C� i y i *****�*******��***�*****�**���*** VALUATIONS *�**********��***�***��*****�**�* ��� r� BUILDIi7G: �,� ���'� Er,ECTRICAL; � OTHER: � PLUMBING: �/�;rJ�-� --�- MECHANICAL: �_ �' ��_ .t"� TOTAL: � " a =- �-- 3� ��. , ,��****���**t**�**��*�*�;� COi+iTRACT INF?RMA�'ION ***;;��*******���***�r** *:�* eneral Contractor'. �'�,-y<< <��,+ --���,t� --j" ^��'� 1.�,���i�awn of Vail Reg. NO. � r3 - Address: /� .�� � , >; � , � , Phone Number: � ;�%f- ��F� ����%` - ,�_� Electrical Con�.ractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: 4�7 � , Plumbing Cont�ctor: � :� ` �%�-, ., � ,.-�r �,� �,�,�y? Town of Vail Reg. NO. � �lddres�. � �� ,�� _�� - R;�- -I�,�hu«� � .��s ��C, Ph .��-. -� .. � one Number: ; c- -�r �,-�� ,�. , �,�� t , Mechanical Cantractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Numbez: *�*,�****************�*�*****�*,t* F�R OFFICE USE ****��t*********�****�**�t**�t*�** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDSNG PLAN CHECK FEE: � PLUM��NG PERNI�T FEE: P�UMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT PF'E: MECHANICAL PLAN CYIECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATIUN FEE: OTH�R TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UF DEP�SIT: DRB FEE: TQTAL PERMIT FEESt , TXPE GROUP SQ, FT. VALUATION BUILDING: - SIGNATURE: ZQNYNG: SIGNATURE: Comments• - CLEAN IIP D�.OSIT REPOND TO: � . _ . � i . 'z'OWN OF VAIL DLi ARTi���iv 1 (?`r' CG:������ii11`�'Y llLV:h�'LOPM�i7'I' 75 S . P'RONTAGr ROAD ti,'A7L, CO 8_1G57 ' 97U--479-2I38 NU`1'� : 'PHIS i�ERt�il`� ?�iiTST II� P�STE1� ON �70�SITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Perm.i� ;� : E96-07.24 I Job Adc�ress : 1300 ��1�57.'HAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSU�D Location . . . : WLSTIN I-�OT�L APPlier�. . : 09�1?.�1996 Parcel Na . . : � ]-03-12]�--00-01? ��suec?. . . : 09/16/199� Pr_oject No . : r�RJ�6-0135 Expires . . : 03�15�1997 APPLICAI�T POND��ROSA E��CTRIC, INC • Fhonc: 71+�-?53-3100 �'7155 V�N KART�`_A1� AVL; . , #101 , IRVINE, CA 9261� CON�'RACTOR P�ND�RC�S�: ETrCTRIC, I?�C. �'hone: 7�.4-253-3100 i ��.55 VON KARI�IF�N AVE. , L101 , IR�JTN�, CA 92+�].4 QWNr,R L,-O VAIL ��ULDII�G INC S•a�STIN HO`�.'%L `PH�:, VAIL CC7 81657 DescripLion: �LEC`PRICAL REi•40DEL OT LOl3B�:' AI`D �IRST L�Valuatio,l : 9l , 96L . 00 **ic:t***ic�icic***-kfc****t*t�;irnxxxt*�:t�:4i:*k*ic:F*ic�tir:t�:ticr*�F**ir**�x F�C SUI',MARY **x*:hz:k*±',tir**ir***:kt:4*i�ic*�:t*ict**;rtxzx*;hi:�***��*�*#�l:�x**�i:** Electrical--> 1,b21.00 Tptal Calculated Fees---> 1,624.00 � DR� Fee ---> .00 Additional i'ecs�-------°> .00 InvestigatioN 00 Ta:al Permit ree----°----> 1,624.(i0 uill Call----y 3.0'J Payments----__-----°----> i,624.C�) TL�TAL FEES--°7 1,624.0� EiALI.MCE DU�-------____--> r;,) tk.k�A'#f k�4•kt***ic;k#*******iF**x'��xx�******�k**z�i*#:k***kar*�k*;t********4�1;*�F***k*tk*******�F��F*****icic***ir******�,***x�-kz*t,**#i;;zxr�S*�cx r '-:�;.r�•.z Tte�n: �7�O�17 ELFC:TRICAI� D�.'PI�R"I'i•��?�'I' llept : �U� LI�ING Bi_vi�i��n : ' 09�J.3 j 1996 DI?I� a'�ct.i_on: t�Pa�t :t�**�t**:k******�t**ict:tx*i:**r::k**ic*;k��****4*t*:Frtkic*k*�>.*:t***#*1:*;F*rtx*#*:k**********:t�k*�k*ici�-**irxt�y*:k***t**'kR*ir**-kic*t;h****�4*t!**�:`t#�x**ttr�; i coNDZ�rzo� o� ag�}zovaz #**�r**k****#ir*rk********�:**#�l�Fic*k**:k*�A******ir�*x*****�*#*********��c****�*ic-kicir�ic**********ir�x*#*k#*k**ic***ic*iri**ic�*�ci�:k**k*;*-t**�icic** 1�ECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information reyuired, completed an accurate ptot plan, and state that att the inr`ormation provided as required is correct. I agrce to conply with the in#errcation and plot plan, to comply with all Toun ordinances and state �31J5r and to build this structure ar.cording to the 7own's �oning and sul�division codes, design review approved, Uniform E�uilding Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicable theretc. R�(:UESYS FOR IFISPECTIOhS StiALL E�E HADE T6'eNTY-fGllR HOURS IPI ADVRNCE RY TELEPfiCNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OL�R OFF?CE Fit0�1 8:Q0 AM 5:Q0 P!1 �? ��:,�� ��Y'�:�� SiGF;ATi14iF CF �L'�':;E=ft OR CCfJTRk�'GR fO�R H?I'.SELF ltJD n'„'f�ER � w � • , :�'�C Y::°::�::}::�?�.''X.Y".{7{'Y,'Y Y�'IC:S::�;R�;'. 'Y''Y L,--.K:�";:?'.<:a:i'.K:! n X'Y X�X�f'.�C'��C�C'*�G-.t'.�T 7C ti...4'T'�.S:!>C�'+"n'k'X�:C %:� '. { }.. {.. �l�F_�l��.�n hJ 7�ow�r oz� vazz,, ca�..o��c� *:F�F�k*^Y4r�k�,kic�r�k�eic�k*7kx***�r*�1r�c*��cic**�k�c;k**�k:k�c�kk;k�cic*:k{r*�k**k�k**�k�F•k:t;F:k:kx Statemnt Number : I�EC--Q200 Air�ount : 1 , 624 . 00 a9/'16�96 16 : 17 i�ayment M�1:hod: CH�CIC Notat t��l : �n E�H _I21't. : ALM T - ---T-J�Permit No : E9G-0224 + `�ype: �-�LEC �LECTRrCAL L'ERMI"T Parcel i�'o : 21d3-12i--UO-01?. Site Address : 1300 ��w1�.S'�I31�V�,I3 D�Z L�ocation: ��dES`1'IN I�OtEL 'Potal Fee� : 1 , 6?4 . O(3 Thi.s Payment 1, 624 • �0 Total ALL Pmts : 1 , 624 . 00 B�lanc� : � �� �* x:����*��*****�**���*xx���*��**��r*�*�*x****�*�**�**:�x�,�*�cx�*�*** Accaunt Code l�escription Anlvurli� �1 0000 41313 ELECTRIGAL FERMI`I' FEES 1 , 621 . 00 p1 �fl00 41336 V7:CLL CALIa INSPEC°TION FEE 3 . 00 I � , t � � • TOWi� OF '�IATL D�PARTPI�,I�T 0� Cfl.��I�TU2�l�'Y vUVi'LQr'2�1LN'i' 75 5 . FRONTAGE RQAD VAIL, CO 81657 9711-479-�138 NOTE : THIS PERi�iIT MUS`r BE FOSTED ON JOBST'�F �T 11LL TIMES �LECTRICAL PEPMI`P �ermii: # : E96-022�� Joi� Acidtess : 1300 VJESTHAVEN DR Status . . . ; zSSUED Locatioi� . . . : P7ES'rIN IiOTEL A�Plieci. . : 09r12�1996 Parcel �;c� . . : 27.03-�.21-00--012 7ssuec�i. . . : 09/1�i�199�i Projeet No . : P`ZJ96-C�135 E:�pires . . : CJ3�15�1997 APIPLIC�N`T PONDEROSA ELFCTRIC, INC . Phon�: 714-253-3I00 1.7155 VON KARI�,AN AVE . , #101 , IRVINE, C?� 92614 CONTR..�CTflR P�NDFitOSA ELEG"�RIC, II�TC , Phane: 714-753-310� 171.55 VOI� RARI�iAN AV�+ . , r�rl�l , J::ZVII�E, CA 92614 OL�TNER L-O VAl'L HOLDiNG INC �•:%STII�1 HO`l'EL THL, VAIL CO 81G5"1 Descr9.ptioil: :;L�CTRICAL REMOD�L OF LOBI3Y AND FIRS`� FValuation : 91 , 962 . 00 ***1;*�ri;A-itic�-ki�*ir*****�ktirx;s�k***ic***i;*�,t-ic*ir-k**:k*;kit***�tA�***ic FEE SUI'1MARY **tiric*;t-,1��*:5-k***�t***irieie*#**i:****:t***:k7F*�t*#**ie*,k-�t*inhie***#�ir* Clectrical---> 1,621.bU Totat Calculated Fees---> 1,624.00 � t?REi Fee ----> .00 Ac�ditional Fees-------�> .0� Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee--°----> 1,be4.00 Uill Call----> 3.00 Payments--------------> 1,6Z4.00 T�JT�L FEES--�-> 1,6�4.DJ EkLANCE D�"E---__�_----> _0�� �l*********ic******x�*****�****ici*x**i**'k***t*#**ic*******�*:k�tirk************xk�-k*'k*�*****it t***ic*ieit***i**;t********�*�Sxk#i�*tnie�7*�*xF�:; It�m.: 06afla Er1�clKZC:�� D�PAR'rM�Td`1' IJepi�: �vlLnli�G lli_vision : rJ9�13�1996 llAN �ction : APp� *iei:i.:t******irir*:4*xie****#i�#*****:t�*****�t**ir,t sk***�1:*****1;*ie i�,t ic*�t*#*k*****�****:F*ic*�k*ic�*�x,F,t�:F*****ic A-**ie ir#*�#:t*ir#�F******:k**#*#*�I;�:P**ir* C0�IDITI�N O� APPROVAL *���**���*�*********�*���x****�*******x**��*�***��r*��******��*�*�*�**x**�***��*��*��****���**�,r***��******�**�*�** DECLA�AT�ONS I hereby acknouledge that I ha�e read this epplication, filled out in fiull the infornation required, completed a� aceurate plot , plan, and state that all the information prouided as required is r.orre�t. I agree to comply �ith :he irtformation and plo� plan, to comply uith all Toan ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accarding to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, dessgn review epproved, Uniform Bui�ding Code and other oroinances of the Toun applicable thereYo. _ 5:00 PM RE4UEST5 FOR INSPEC710N5 SHALI BE MADE TuEtJTY—FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE dY TELEPhiO��E AT 479 2139 OR AT OUR OfFICE FROM 8.� ��1 �,�KI-�v�a�,Q�,,,.�,�i SIGNATIIRE 4F OuNER OR COt�TRACTGR FdA HIMSELf AND OWNER � , L , • � • 7t a�k''r:i� .'^c-ic:k;�c ir;F rr:k ir i;:k�•k x��.k;L r:-.K;: ^c .. .. .. .. ., �'r:4•k�r��.k*�k;k•k�r:k�ie ic x ic ir 7e x�r'x*:r:c�r:.•�.'s:k r.-�.k-�:�k k�4 TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR�v(� :�tate�n� **x**�,�:t*******:t�x;t*x��***�*�:�*;�*�x**��**�r�***:��***�*�:�****Y��r�:t* Sta�emn�: I�umber : REC-0200 Ar,louril�: l, 62� . 40 09 f 1G�9& 1G : 17 ' Payment Me�h�d: CHECK Natation: 2.085 Ynit: ALI�1 -------------� ------JPerm.it Na: E96-0224 `�ype: 33-EUEC ELEG`i'Rl"CAL PERI�IIT ParceJ, i�o : ?.1a3-�21-00-012 Site Addr�ss : 1:3f3U ��'�.STHPV�N D2 Locat�on : �vLSTIN }iQTEL Total Fec:s : 1, 62� . 00 This Payrnent 1 , 624 . 00 '1�'o1�a1 ALL Pl��ts : 1, 624 . �0 I3alanc� : *��,F,F*:t*******�r:��lcx*xx:k:k�r�cx:t*�*��:k�r*��c ir*ic�lr****k�r*��Y�***�x***!:*�l;t*# Account Cade ne�crigtion �°�n� O1 0000 4I3I3 ELEC�i'RICAL PERI�IIT F�ES 1, 621 . QO Ol OOOd �1336 W�I�� C�LL �NSi�EC'I'I�N F�E 3 . (}0 � � � TOWN OF VAIL DEPART3�IENT OF CQMMUNITY DEVEL�PMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NC}�E : 'THIS PERMIT MUST BE PQSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL '�IMES ELECTRICAL PERI�fiIT Permit # : E96-�224 Job Address : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : APPROVEI� Loca�ion. . . : WESTIN HOTEL Applied. . ; 09/12�1996 Parcel No. . : 2T03-121-�0-012 Issued. . . : 09�13/1996 Project No. : PRJ96-0135 Expires . . : 03/12/1997 APPLICANT PONDERflSA ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 714-253-3100 171�5 VON KARMAN AVE . , #101 , IRVINE, CA 92614 CONTRACTOR PONDEROSA ELECT�IC, INC . Phone: 714-253-3100 17155 VON KARMAN AVE . , #lbl , �RVINE, CA 92614 OWNER L-O VAIL HOLDING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO $1657' Deacription: ELECTRICAL REMODEL OF LOBBY AND F�RST FValuation: 91 , 962 , 00 **int*****ir***�t�k******�tic*********:k:�*ir***ic*****ic,tic:t******ic*#* FEE SUMMARY ic*ic**lcdc*************ir*******�F*ir##*ir*,t#*******ic***ic�tic**icic** I Electrical---> 1,621.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 1,b24.00 pRB Fee ---> .00 Additional Fees---------> .f}Q Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 1,624.00 Will Call----> 3.OQ Payments---------------> .00 TOTAL FEES---> 1�624.Q0 BALAN[E DUE-------------> 9,624.00 �k�t****ic ir*�t*i c***ic 1c ir**�t*�k***i r i r****ic it**i rk*i nF***�r******�******,F**ic**at ir#****i r*********�F i r*�ht i c*ic*******t k�t�t**t****i t*�t**********i r***ic**i r i r** Item• 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEN`I' Dept : BUILDING Divis�.on: 09/13�199�i DAN Actian: APPR � ***�***********��*,r**,r*�******�*****�****�,r*�****************************�,r�x***,r****,r�*****�****,r**********�***********�**,r* COPIL7ITION OF APPRaVAL ***,r***********************�r*,r*****�,r****,r*******�*************�*****,t****,t*,r***,r**********,r*********,r*�;*******�************* DECI,P.�ATIONS i hereby aeknowtedge that I have read this application, filled out in full the i�rformation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinarrces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the ToWn's zoning and subdiv�sion codes, design revieu approved, Uniform euilding Code and other ordinances of the 7oun applica6le there#o_ RE�UESTS FOR I�fSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-F�UR HOURS IN ADVANLE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:(}0 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *�Ccnt�ct 'Eagle County Assess�Office � � at 970-328-�640 for Parce� ?;. TOWN OF VAIL CQNSTRUCTIQN P�R�;I': � :ARCEL �t. �--, G? � I� /L`Z�'f � PERMIT AppLICATI�N FORM DATE: � �� � AFPLICATION �'IiJST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY Iv`OT BE ACCEPTED *********���e�*�*************** PERMIT` INFORMATI�N t�****************����*�**�** ,[ }-Building [ ]-PJ.umbing [�]-Electrical [ �,Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: f/��/ ��, ����, ,�(1�,�,�GJ� �ab Address: ,jDZ� � �� Legal Description: Lot Hlock Filing su��IVISIOt��: owners Name: �'a l�t�'� f✓*..T�, -1-"`��Address: -30� % Ph.�. Architect: l-.,a�,�,��- 1'�, ! 7►,� ;� Address: l� v � Csi�;',y�r� 3L i Ph. ���Z--c��G_�� Genezal Description: �cl���� k�i,r ;.�'F Yy,� /d% .Lr> 6 /' '�� ��,,L i Work Class: [ ]-New [}c-]-Alteration [ �-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of owelling Units: Number of Accommodation Units: N mber and Typ� af Fireplaces: Gas Appliances. Gas Logs Wood/Pe1.�.et *�*�*****�*********************** VALUATIONS *******�t��r*�t*��*��t�*****,t*��t****� BUILDING: $ EI,ECTRICAL: $� «/, jL, dTHER: � FLTJMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ � TOTAL: � �***�******�**�************ CONTRACTOR IN�'�RMAZ'ION ********�***��**�****�t**�** eneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NQ. Address: _ Phone Number: ,�� ��`�,`, ,`. Electrical Contractor: ,� �' " �,- �,Y� �own of Vail Reg. NO. �� Address: ��i��- J/�,,,., ���„y„�K; �,�,� � /G? / Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor� �� �/c� Town af Vail Reg. NO. Address: _ Phone Numher: Mechanical Contractar: Town of Vai]. Reg. 1�10. Address: _ Phone IVumber: �*��****��***�*******��t*****�*,t,t F�R OFFICE USE **�*�*******�*********�*******� BUTLI7ING PERMIT �EE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: �LUMBING P�RMIT F£E: PLiJMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER T'��� OF F�E: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUILDING: � � ,fl ; �, _��1 f�- SIGNATURE: Z�NING: SIGNATURE: Comments: CI.EAN i1P AF.POSIT REF[TND TU: I . - � � 1 • , , '�Y tawn Of ua� _ TS south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I3$ or 479-2139 office af cornmunity development TO: ALL CONTR.ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL FR�M: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WQRKS/COMM[7NITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: NLARCH 16, 1988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any sail, roc}c, sand, debri� or materzal, including trash dumpsters, portable toi�ets and warkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewa�k, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of--way on all Town of Vail str�ets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement. This orc3inance will be strictly enforced by the Tawn of Vail Public Works Department. Persons found �iolating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materia]. . In the event the persan so notified does not compZy with the notice within the z4 hour time specified, the Fublic Works Department wi�l remove said material at the expense of person notified. The pro�risions of t�iis ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, mair►tenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the r�ght-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town Qf Vail Building nepartment to obtain a capy. Thank you far your cooperation on this matter. Read arrd acknowl�dged by: � � � �� �: �c�si�.ion Rela } / ionship to Projec� (i.e. contractor, owner) �/.� �Date . � � - ��,/� tow� of uai i � _ 75 south frontage road vail, coiorado Bf657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 c}flce of cornmunity developrnent BUILDING PERF�IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAh1E If th�_s permi,t requires a Town of Va�l F�re Deparixnent Appraval , �ngineer'•s (Pu�blic Works) reyiew and approval , a Planroi�g aepartmeRt review or Health Department revi�w, and a review by the B���ding Department, the estimated time for a tota7 review may take as lang as three weeks , All commercial {�arge or sma1T ) and a2I multi-family permits wiil have �o follow t�e a�ove mentaoned maximum requ�rements . Resadential and sma1� projects shouid take a lesser amount of time. However, if resident�al or smaller projects impact t�he vario�s above r�entioned departments with rega rd to necessary review, these projects may a�so take th� three ►veek period. Every a�tempt wi11 be made by this departmer,� to expedi�e this permft as soon as possi b7 e. I, the undersigned, understaRd the pian check procedure and time frame. �� �� � - - - , Agr�ed t ��, � �'r � `" 7`_ ��i ec t Name n �� Gate 4�0� S eet wa5 t�rned into the Commun�ty p�ve1 n�m�.��, Department. � ' . '� MEMORANDUM . . . T0: ALL CONTF�AC7'QaS FROM: TOWN OF VAfL PUBLIC WORKS �EPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9, 1 g94 RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMlT' !S REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the fallowing ��estionnaire regarding the r�eed for a "P�blic Way Permit": YES h1Q 1} Is tfi�is a new residence? ��`� 2) Is demolitior� work being performed that rsquires tt�e �se ofi ths right �r"� of way, easements ar p�,blic property? 3) !s any utility work need'ed? � � 4} Is the dr;veway being repaved? �� 5) Is differen# access needed to site �� � other t?�an existing driveway? 6) Is any drainage work being done a#fecting the right ofi way, easem�nts, y-'� or public property? 7) Is a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" ��� required? 8) A. Is the right of way, easeme�ts or y� publ;c property to be used for staging, park�ng or fencingr� . B. li no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community �� Developmer�t? li you answered yes ta any of ihese questions, a "Public Way Pe�mii" must b� obiained. "Public Way Petmit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. If yvu have any questions please cal! Charlie Davis, ihe �own � of Vail Construction Ins�ec#or, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all the above q�estior�s. Job Name Cantracior's Signature Date - � . ! • , _ PUBLIC WORKS PEAMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1} Filf out our check list pravided with a buiidinq permit application. If yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "P�bGc Way" is required. You can pick up an app�ica#ion at either Community Deuedopment, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, �ocated at 13Q9 Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (Iocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice ta schedule a locate.. 3) A constr�ction traffic controi/stagir�g pfa� must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. �his plan wi�l show locativns of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Constru�ction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expir� on Oct. 15th. and wil� need ta be resubmitt�d for approval throug�h ihe winter. 4) Sketch of work being pertarmed must be su�mitted indicating dime�sions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the jab. 5} �ubmit comp�eted application to the Public Works's office for review. If required, lacates will be scheduled for the Town of Vai� Electricians and Irrigatian crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. 6) The Pu�lic Work's Canstruction Inspector will review the appiication ana approve or disap�rove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 haurs of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a capy will be faxed to Community �evelopment allawing the "Building PermiY" to be released. Please do not canf�se the "Public Way PermiY' with a "Building Permit° to do work an a project itself. NOTE: * The ab�ave prvc�ss is for work in a public way only. * Public Way Permits a�e valid oniy until November 15th. � A new Put�lic Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. ca,pway . ' � � • � .,,.-^ ' - � � `. h'� �3 TOU'.'1'OF �'AIL �5 Snuth Frnnta�e Rnad Departme►�X nf Cnnrr�tunin� D�ti'PI0�71)1('!iT Vail, Colorado 81657 � 303-479-2138/479-2139 - FAX 303-479-2452 INFORMATION �TEEDED WIiEN APPI�YING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT 1 . HE1�T LOSS CALCULATIONS. 2 . TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DR�AWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS �F AL� EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3 . SHOW SIZE AND LOCATI�N C�F COMBUSTTON AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES . 4 . NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQt?IPMENT WILL ALSO SE INSTALLED IN NSECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TCY PROVIDE T*.�iIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. , _ - _ . ! • _�- ,�,� tOW� Of V�I �'� 75 south irontage road oYfice of community development vali,cdorado 81657 {303)47�213$ (303)479-2139 NOTICE TO CONT�tACTC?RS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of Vail Building Department has dev�loped the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites haUe aciequately established proper dr�inage frosn building sites along and adjacent ta Town of Vail roads or streets . The Town of Vail public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town af Vail roads or streets and the installation o� tempozary or perxnanent culverts at a�cess points from the road or street on to the construction site. :�.:�'. approval must be obtained prior ta any request for inspectian by �hP Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary el�c`rical or any other inspection . Please call 47�-21b0 �c requ��t an inspection from the Public Wori�� De�artment . Ailow a m,a�nimum of 24 hour notz�e . rlso, the Towr: of Vai� ?ubli� t�lori:s Department will be approvir.g - all finai drainaqe anG culvert instal.lation with resu].tina road pa�ching as necessary . 5u�ch approval must be obtainea p�ior to F� nal Certificate of Occup�ncy issuance . �. . , CcA�c c��t--� �✓� �`��� _ � ���.L c_��� �=-e-1X�� TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7� S , FROI3TAG� ROAD � ���t���` VA�L, CO 81657 970-479--2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED �N JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOV/Comm. �°v� ADD�AL�' COMM BUILD P�RMT Permit # : $9�-0226 Clean-up Deposit Re�un� approved .�- � o 'Address : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED afTld U n� L. WESTIN HOTEL Applied. . : 08f�9�1996 cation. � . : Issued. . . : 08�21��996 da�te +- G (,l Parcel No . . : 2103-J.21-00-012 E� gres . . : 02��7�1997 -Froject No. : PR396-0�35 P APPLICANT LOWE ENTERP�ISES�WESTIN RESORT Phone: 970-479-7009 1300 Wes�haven �rive, Vai�, CO 81657 phone: 970-479,7009 CONTRACTOR LOV�TE ENTERPRISES�WESTIN RESOftT 130(} Westhaven Driv�, Vail, CO 81657 pVJNER L-� VAIL HOLDING INC � WES`PIN HOmEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 �J � ,�./� '� � Description: � REMODEL HOTEL AND RESTROC]MS FOft ADA COMPLIANCE �U�' � Occupancy: A3 A3 Type Construction: 1 FR Not in table? � T�pe Occupancy: � 1 Add S Ft: ' � Q' Valua�ion: 600, 000 q F�} - �Of Gas Lo s: U #Of 4Pood�Pallet: Fireplace Information: Restricted: �Of Gas Appltiences: 9 4 **icic*�-kint**lrkkic�k*�cic'k�** FEE SUMMRRY *'�'******#��**�`*�'�"H` � .pp Toxat CaOculated Fees---> 5,674.0�0 Building----> 2,740.40 Restuarent Plan Revieu-°> �� � Additional Fees--------> •� Plan Check---> 1,781.00 DRB Fee---------`-------> — 7otaC Permit Fee---°---> 5,674.00 - -•�- Investigation> .0O Retreation Fee----------> i • Clean-U De osit°-------> ; 770.00 Payments----------�--> 5,674.� Will [all----> 3.00 p R 5,674.�' 6IILANCE DUE-------------> - TOTAL FEES-----'-"�-'�-� **irir�t�c****i�'* �t*ic**�*#**�*�:iriric-k�Hc:k-k***i�-icf�'��r*irti��Jc�X#**icir:tir#*ic*ir****irir**�k#**�*�*�����'tit Item; 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 08/09�1996 DAN Action: N�TE DAN PLANS EXANIINER p8��9�1996 CHUCK Action: �PPR Dept: PLANNING Division• Item: 05400 P�ANNING DEPARTMENT 0$�09�1996 DAN Action: NOTE LAUR�N PLANNER 08�13,/1996 LAUREN Action: APPR �e t• FIRE Division: Ttem• 05600 FIR� DEPARTMENT P • OS/09,/1996 DAN Ac�ion: NQTE MIKE M FIRE OS/20�1996 JEFF A Action: APPR FD ok with�eo�diP,�i�BnWO�tK Division• Item: 05500 PUBLIC Y�O�tKS p . p8�09�1996 DAN Action: NOTE LARRY P PW• 08�14�199fi LARRY_P Action: APPR LARRY PARDEE ��*������**�* See Page 2 af this Documen� for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLAR.ATIOI+TS 1 hereby acknoWledge tfiat I have �ead this aPplication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required tis correct. I agree to eomp�y uith the information and plot plan, to comply with all ToWn ordtinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the 7own's zoning and subdivision cades, design revieu approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of tfie Toun appliceble thereto. REQUE57S FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TuENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE PH`NE AT G79-2138 OR AT OUR OEFTCE FRdM 8:00 AM 5.00 PM Send Clean-Up DepoSit To: L-0 VpIL HOTEL SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR TRAC70R FOR HIMSELF AND OwNER *�*�*******��*�**�*��****�***********�****��***��********�**��****�*�*******�*** CONDITI�NS a� �� �g�2��96 Status : ISSUED Permit # : B96-0226 ��***�*****��*******************�**�*�**�*�**�************�*******�*��*��**�**** Permit Type: ADD�ALT COMM BUTLB PERMT Applied: 08�09�1996 Issued: 08 21 1996 Apglicant: LOWE ENTERPRISES�WESTIN RESO�T To Expire• 02�17�1997 97fl-479-7009 ` Job Address : LocatiQn: WESTIN HQTEL Parcel No: 2103-121-OQ-012 Description: REMODEL HOTEL AND RESTROOMS FOR ADA COMPLIANCE Conditions : 1 . FIRE DEPARTM�NT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 , FIELD INSPEC�ZONS ARE �EQUI�ED TO CHECK FOR C�DE COMPLIANCE . 3 . NO STAGING IN THE TQWN OF VAIL RIGHT OF WAY. 4 . a structural engineer may be required to approve any structu ral changes . 5 . ada up grades must comply to the 1994 ubc and ansi a117 . �-19 92 I �********* **���**�*�***�******��****�*�***��**********�*State��t I`OWN UF VAIL, COLORAD� 3, 894 .00 Q8�22�96 08 : 14 ************�***���****�*****���**********�****�*****�**���x*** Statemnt Nttmber: REC-0188 Amount: Init• R�M! Payment Method: _CHECK_`Notation`_q90746_---"_AL�,���$�ILD P ------- ---! gq6-d226 '�YP�: A-COI�I ADD� permit No: Parce.� No. 2103-121-00-�12 Site Address : 1300 WESTHAV�N DR 5� ��4 .0� Location: WES'�IN HOTEL Total Fees : 5, 674 . 00 This Payment 3,894 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : .00 Balance: *****���;**********,�*****��*�***,�*�x****�r*�**��***�*******�ount,t* Descrip�ion 2 ,740 . 00 Account Code �QO , �a O1 0000 41310 BUILDING PER�IIT FEES p1 0000 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 1 , 00 41 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK ��ES 75p . p0 Oi 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 3 . 00 ---WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ,_____ O1 0000 4�336 --------------�--`-_" � 0 w o � r1 0 a � (� F ,Z.z. o o O �.7 O � O � o �� . . . � � e Fk a � m � � H � Y Qi � N H � H z z � o � o � 0 2 w,'J o 0 0 ;7 E O � O F$ O � O � o £ u]C, va i in i �n a � r i [- � [� h Ca a o 0 r i i � i h N p� o 0 0 sS o i o � o FO £ o 0 0 H�C� Ifl �fl lll . in I� I I� 1 h O � 0. W I Q F � � � I Q � � ! L1 E+ F F� o � z � o � o � o z I vf b � o i o i o 7 E � O O � O P: F4 £ o � o + o U O fr7 iQ �rl i ul i �r1 . w ❑ r � n � r , � � i C� � � � , a w � w w � w w � F o � a � H o m H O VI t] � O A'. i 4 s� �+ U W ri f-� 3 � � F F-� � O � � x Q .� ^y ti X i q F � ra w n: a N w a� A � E � i c u o � � H c 0 O� o � N I •'1 ro .� � o M � x � x a, o O � 3 �v � M r-V C (a O m F �.i N v, a � ro v z � �� u �-+ � W PG � U H v � S U i p Iw ti , S �n � � c� a m u, � z m � av N � ❑ � f] E M' w W t� C a' � £ W N eo W CI v� � O {7 47 � o o � W O 111 i ..7 �OU � m Ll N F W -�.+� � V V [Q ,7 •• z R: a� a-.� � U .] p V S> > C1 o a F oU S � EQ w i � vrn � O U a 2 O � F F N F � v1 .1 vl m �a D � v O � m � W W F � � F U' ❑ U' �Contact Eagle County Assessors Offiee at. 970-32�1031Z108(J�11 a�ce1 4�. TOWN c:F VAIL CC.i�NSTRUCTION P�R�IIT �t AR�F.L �P: ' PERMIT APPLICATION FORM � DATE: $�`��96 APPLZCATION MUST BE FILLED OjIT COMPLETELY OR �T MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED *******��*�*�**************�** PERMIT INFORMATION ***********��**�*�**�******** [X ]-Building [X]-P3.umbing [�]-Eleetracal [x ]--Mechan'ical � ]--�ther Job Ndm�: Vail Cascade Hotel & Club Job Address: 1300 Westhaven Drive Legal Description: Lot Block Filing SUB�rvlslt�tv: owners l�t�me: L-0 Vail Hotel, Ine Adc.'re��• 1300 Westhaven Drive p�.1�476-7ll1 Ar�hitect: Laurie Miller Address• 1400 N Dayton, Chicago, IL Ph���l/642-0803 General DesCriptiori: Remodel of various public areas in main 1o�by, front desk, lst floor leve �...�.--.�.. . i wark Class: [ ]-New [ x�-Ag��;��a��_�� � J•-AdcYitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number af DweZling Units: M Number of Accommodation Units: ; N mber and Type �f Fireglaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs X WoodjPellet *�******��**�******�*�********��� VALUATIONS ,t********�******�**************** �q� --o �.3 � BUILDING: � �Q�,000= � �, ,•� � I10,5b6 141,503 x..l�':�..CxZ�.s�.l�,s � OTHER: $ PLUMBING: �� -�6�2"_ .. iK!''�'��,���AY.,e 4 2�;�3Y1'� TOTAL• � 60�,-��lb �*******�*** *�F ****�*,t��***** f,"�NT14AC`!'OR INE't�RE+iA'I'IQN ****�********�*�*********** eneral Contra�tor: Lowe Enter rises/vail Cascade Hote] Tawn of Vail Reg. NO. 513-8 Address: 1300 WesChaven Drive, ai , hone Number: 9T0-479-7'OTJtiT" License4� B96-0226 / _���'� Electrical Contractor: (p Town of Vaa.l Reg. NO.� .���•�ress: Phone Number: ' �/ �,�f� � � � o►�S i lumbing Contractor: � �� ir�r F� ,, 1"rc Town of Vail Reg. NQ.� .Address: �; ' __ ,,.. ,._,-� -- _�Y�� ?1 7J _ F..crt� ��.�.�,..�_ ; � . Mechanical Contractor: Town af Vail Reg. N�. Address: Phone Number: I **�t***********�*******�t�****,t,t,t� F�R OFFICE US�, ******�***����t�******���t*�t***** BUILDING PE�MIT FEEt BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: �LUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMSING PIaAN CHECK ,�'EE: MECHANICAL PF.RMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAL r�EE: i REGREATION FEE: �THER TYPE �F FEE: a �� CLEAN-LTp DEPOSIT: DR�3 FEE: � TOTAL P�RMIT FEE : ' TYPE GROUF SQ.FT. VALUATION BUTLDING: 11 �J�� S YGNATURE: ��- ZONYNG: S I��YATURE: Comments• r"` CI.EAAi iTP DEP.OSIT REPUND T0: August 16, 1996 Mr. Chuck Feldmann Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO 81657 Re: Renovation Plans for the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club Dear Chuck, Many thanks for taking the time ta meet with Stcip Belu•hor�t and Laurie Miller yesterday. As you are aware, Skip represents our �otel ownership relative to renovation projccts while Laurie and her partner Pam Anderson are our interior architects for the upcoming public area ren�vation � projects. i Witlz regard to your concems over ADA improvements, please be assured �hat �ver the last three � years while we have implemented our phased master renovation plan, we have consistently incarporated ADA upgrades to the Hotel and Athletic Club. We will continue to c�o so throughaut the current and fe�tiure years. To date our ADA improvements include: Terrace Wir�g Guestroom and Suites (inclusive c�f guest bathrooms with reyuirecl number of roll--in showers), Accessible Frorrt Entry Drive, Parking, Pedestria�► Walkways and Porte Cochere (including ramping and snow melt), Cascade Athletic Club �1lerobics Ro�m, Accessible Showers, Steam Rooms, and Whirlpc�ols. In 1996, our fall renavation projects wi�l incorparate ADA r�pgrades inclusive af the Front Entry Door System (power assist entry door and spatially compliant front entry vestibule), Accessible Guest Check-in Area ine�rporated into the ConciergeJGuest Services Desk (see enclo:�ed sketch}, Cc�mpliant handrail detailing a� the Grand Stair, Telephone locations at free stanc�ing on furniture v✓ithin accessible reach ranges at Registration Lobby Seating Area (we are omitting the teleph�ne alcove previously groposed in favor �f these accessible locations for all guests--see enciosed sketch) and fully compliant Public Area Restrooms on the Lobby Level. Within the existing Lobby I�unge Area tl�ere will t�e two accessible seat locations at the new bar on th�e upper l�vel, and cocktail service via wait staff will be provided in the Front �ntry Lobby and new Lobby Registration Seating �4,reas. �3110�Nestl��ven Drive • Vail, Colc�rado 81657 • 97U.47h.7111 Pax 970.479.7(�?5 * Inte,rnet http://v�il.neVcascadehotel Please be assured that our l�ng range capital improvement goals incorparate further AD�4 impr�vements to the Hotel and Athletic Club, includin� perrnanent ramping fram the Lobby Lounge to the Lobby I.�evel via the Regi�tration �,obby Seating Arza f�lease see encloseci sketch of t�is area as reviewed yesterday with Skip and Laurie). Additionally, the Lobby Terrace Meetin� Room is being re�uced to 3/5 of its existin� size located on an existin� raised stpuctura2 slab. Beyond the new wall enclosure for this space incorporating a camp�iant stair, handrail and entry cioor system, only wallcovering an� paint are intended for 1996. At this point in time, the long term usage af this space is undetermined based on the raised st►�ctural slab condition. Further ADA improvernents will be incorporated to access the interior c�f this space when it is fully renovated in the future. I tru�t that this helps t� clarify all concerns that were previously raised and will aic� in expediting our permit pr4cess with the Town of Vai�. Thank you again ft�r your attention to this rraatter. Si�� rely, I � � � is Ha e ; anaging Director '' Vail Cascade otel & Club cc: Daniel Stanik Skip Behrharst Laurie Milier David Oswald AUG-27-96 12 : 16 FR�M:CRUMMAN/�UTKUS ASSOC ID�89732�45�0 PAGE 2/2 .�`!; Grumrnart/8uticus Assoeia#es 84%328-3555 8�i7 328.�550 Fax , ' ' �� s � Energy Cons��tants anc� besigr. Engineer$ � � � � 500 Davi�Gt, $ie�00 � Evdn5t4n, 1L E�J201_4fi2t Fv�nstc�n, fL and bti`��•�tpsa,1'4'i � °.ugust 27, 1996 Err�st Glatzle E[ectriea( 1r�spector Comrrsunity De�elapme�t-Building i�epartment Town of b`aif 78 Souifi Frontage Road V�if, CQ 8�1657 R�: ti'ail GascadE H4t�l and Cfub Lob�y Lev�l Remt�delling G/�A #96097 Dear M�. Glatzl�: Ele�trical work dn ihe IQty�iy [evel remodelling proje�ct wifl in�lude I04V-EQv�� �exit s;gns irt C�mplianCe w�ith Uniforrrt Building Code Section 3314(e) and t:fl_ 3his informatit�n updates that shown an pr�je�t prarnrin�s E�l thraugh E-4. Lotiw-ievel sigr�s will b� Iocated 6-8 inehes above floor Ievzl in app�oximately the same �zla�e as the ov�rhe�d exit signs. �I�ase let me know if yau h�ve an;qt�estions re�arding aur proposed p@ans. Thanlc you for ydur dSSES���]C�. �'ery trulti� ours, e ja n B. La , P.E. E1eCtriCal Project Manager bbl:''�rojects196097vch`�wp0exitlts . C: P8t Straughan Laurie Miller David C�sw�6d )on Gehrt E , TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT �F COMMUNITY ��VELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO �1657 970-479-2138 I�;OTE : THIS FERP�IT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALF� TIMES MECHANTCAL PERM�T Permit # : M95-0134 Job Address . . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . : ISSUED Locat�on. . . . . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Applied. . : 08�26�1996 Parce�. Na . . . . . : 2�03-121--00--012 Issued. . . : 09�11�1996 Project Number: PRJ96-0135 Expires . . : 03�1(3��997 APPLICANT AUTOI�IATIC FIRE GROUP INC Phone: 303�425-0464 4$94 VAN GORDON STREET, SUITE # 304, WHEATRIDGE, CO 80033 CONTRACTOR AUTOi�lATIC FIRE GRDUP INC Phone: 303-425-0464 4894 VAN GORDON STREET, SUITE # 3{�4 , WHEATFZIDGE, CO 80033 OWNER L-0 VAIL HOLDING INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 Descrigtion : Valuation: 10 � 962 . 00 FIRE PROTECTI�N FOR VAIL CASCAD� HOTEL Firepface Information: Restricted: �Of Gas App4iances: "Of Gas Logs: q0# lJood/Pallet: ****icic***ic**ic*:kic�*******i;***;t�F**ic;k�t;F*ic*xxic*�tic*ic�F**�*****i** fcE SU�i19ARY x**;t*;F*********ic**:t**iciriric****iriric**ir*iric*ic*icak**�htiric***i:***** MechanieaL---> 220.00 Restuarant Plan R�vie�,�--> .00 Total CalcuLated Fees--? z78.00 Plan Check---> 55.00 DRe Fee------------------> .00 Additional Fees---------> 40.00 InvestigatioN .00 TOTAL FEES----°--------> 278.00 Total Permit Fee------> 31$.00 uill Call---°> 3.00 Payments----------------> 318.00 BALANCE DUE--°---------> .04 ****ic**irk****ir**:t**�t*:k-k*****#:Y-k******it****-*ic**:t�F�lr**k*ic**k*-k*#******�:**#*****�t***�k********irk*************************�k*�k*******7E'*** Item• 05100 BUILDING DEPART��IENT Degt : BUTLDIlv'G Divisian: 08,/26�1996 CHARLI� Action : APPR N1A Item• 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division : �$/26�199fi CHARLI� Action: NOTE ALL PLANS TO FIRE DEPT 09�11/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER MIKE rSCGEE CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELn ZI�SPECTIONS ARE REQUIREA TO CH�CK FOR CODE CQMPLIANCE . 2 . A FINAL I3dSPECTION IS REQ"D B'Y THE FIRE DEPT *****�r*�****,�*��****�***�;**************�*****��**�*********:�*******�,�*********** DECLARATIONS I here6y acknoNledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informataon required, completed an accurate piot p[an, and state that all the information provided as required is cvrrect. I agree to comply with the i�formation and plot plan, to camply uith aLl 7oun ordinances and state laws, arrd to build this structure according to the 7oun's zoning and subdiviaion codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the 7own applicable thereto. REDUESTS FOR INSPEC730NS SHALL BE MADE 7l1ENTY-FOUR H04JR5 CE TELEPl10lJE A7 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIG�CATURE Of 04JNER OR CON7RACTOR F4R HIMS�LF ANA OWNER r✓'{`�'~ ;� C� £S'� ��,�� + . , . �i��k9t7Y**�c*�ei�#�k*�kic�rk�Y�Y*�:�F#c�Fdcsk*�r*�c**�r9r*�c�c:kie�/c�c�kic�rSk�Yici��+r�4irrY�kskk�k�Ir,Y�Y�t*�c* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *,���x***,�**�****,��****�**�***�*�****�******�******��************* Statemnt Number: REC-41.99 Amount: 40 . 95 Q9�11�96 14 : 22 Payment Method: CK Notation : #1437 init: CD --------- J Permit Na: M96-0134 Type : B-MECH MECHANICAL PER'MI`� Parcel Na: 2103-121--0�-012 Site Address : 13a0 WESTHAVEN DR I,ocdtion: 130b WESTHAVEN DR Total Fees : 318 . 00 This Payment 40 . 95 Total ALL Pmts : 318 . 00 Balance: . 00 �*�***�*�*******�*****�****�***�**�**�*****�**********��*****��,� Account Code Descriptian Amoun� Q1 0000 41332 PLAN CH�CK FEES 37 • gs Q1 0000 41336 WTLL CALL INSPECTIqN FEE 3 . Od -----------------------�---------------------------------------� _ SEP-�0-19�6 11�43 VRIL FIRE DEPT. 97@ 4�9 2176 P.�2 � � I M TOWN'OF V' 42 West Meadaw Drtv� � Yail Fire Department Vatil, Colarado 8�dS7 970-�74-.Z1S0 September b, 19�G ,l�cl�ard Jefferi�s AFG/Mesa Fire Systents, Inc 4B94 Van Gordon Strset�304 Whcat Ridge, C�larado 80U33 Re: Vaid Casc�arle,F�Tatel, T'(�1 V Permit#M96-Li1,34 I 17ear Mr. Jefferies: �' (�e Itrrve reviewed the plans sub�tted for the f�r�e sprirtkler work at the above projecx Due to inforr�ation that wus�nclear on the plans, we alsv cr�nducte�d a walk thrQUgh of the site a�d met witl��fyle H�isixg, Praj�ct Sr�perinte�ed�nt far R D. (7lson. The r�sults af the revi�v are a.s fallrsws: 1. We are reviewing tit�chang�s to the I994/I995 Laws and Rules af the Bnard of Registrativn for Fr�nfessional Engineerx. A'e l�ave kistorically onl�recc►gnize v�ig=narl stacr�sps and siga�atures. Carl Utt's signature appears to be originael'but th�N1'��'T"'starnp a�Fears to be phntnc�api�d Pursuant ro th� �oiorado lg€vised S'tatut�s, Car�� in t�ee absenc�nf a stat�merct of IimitatYnns, is assumed to the vriginator vf these pfans (See Cv�radn Rev�sed Statutes 12-25-117). If this is nat the case,�lease sa indicat� l, The,Ctrtles and Regulatians of the Colaradn Division af Fire safety require ihe cor�tracctor's registradon number b�on tl�title bloek No registr4tiar� number was found on the plan� (13 �'R 12, 1�-90, Rule,�- �"nlnrado l)ivisian �f Fire Safety Fire Suppressio�Progr'am, 8 C'Cl�150711) 3. The Tor►rn nf�ail Fire Departm�ent, being tlee Authr�ri#y X�'aving Jurisdietia�n, hus ddern�ined life saf�tty issues rire nnt gr�a►�dfalhered dr�ring remadel work involving,jre sprinkler sys�ejns The Pxisting system will require aaidttfanal Iiangers ta rr�et minrmuln code requirQm�nts. {NFPA i3, I-3) 4. The project archite�� awner's representatev�, chief building en�ineer, and I met lasf week ta discuss th�scope and sequerte� Tssues relat�d to the remad�l include but are not�emited�ta the smoks cantrod�yst�m a�d the a�iurrc We agr�d Quick response,fre sprinkler heards wauld be installed througlivut, as required by the L'13C aMd L'FC f�r reside�tiul accupancfes The heads prop�,s�d for the praject are nat quick respc�nse. ����s�ol.(a},�, ugC s�a►����3, z-d s� S�P—�0—S99E 11�44 �.eAIL FIRE UEPT. 970 479 2176 P.03 T�iri�,Cascad'e Hotel, T'OYPer»�it#M9b-013d _ Page Z S, Beam depths arc nat sho�vn on the ptans Cvm,pliancc witk 1YFPt4.S'tandard 13-1994 eclition, is required Catetia�e should be used to avoid bincked sprinkle�'head� �N'�'PA �,�, 4-, �r4.3.�, and 6-l.l.Y t� 6. The ceiling in franut of the rnarin etevatnr ba►t�c is Idcated 21 inches abave a 1�"x 21"soffit Th�three � elevatars share a common hoistw�y thraughout he,fitl!height o,f the siructur� The e�stir�g hearlx aare xov far apurt ta funct�`vn as a water curtain. Fir�sprinkler coverage shvuld be provideJ an the high purr of tlee ceiling. Use of an extended cov�rage st'defvall head nury be p�rmiss�hl� (NFPA Y3, �1.3.Y.3). T. Ceili�eg elevatio►rs�r�not shown far all mo►ns or por�ions thereojttor are chang�s in elevatic��nr indi�a�ed Ce�ting eievar�ians are a required element in submittals. Cnverage shvuld be bQSed on pr�p�r dasign to address cha�ges in ceiling�levutaions. (NFPA 13, ��Y.4:1) & R�ems immed�aiely adjarent ta ar within tke perinteter af ihe work maust b�included in the scope of th�,fire sprinkler eliareges, carrecbons�rad mocli�catiorrs, spect`fically the�oat room and the eluset rr� the labby hnr area. 9. No suhmittals for equipmer�t were enclos�d other�han a nat�vn the plares i.�rlicart�n�the intent to use a C�ntra�Moe3el H sprinkler hea,a� Any ather use or chang�in materials, i►ieluding PiPe,f tt�ngs, cantral vatves, etc., must be include� (NFPA �1.1.�) r0. Any area where the fire sprinkler�ipe is exposed or th� ceiling has l�een renwved, is subject to curre►it rod�e rer�uir�eme►us, iacludireg llriang�r loeations (.�VFFA 13, 2-6.). �e wiA release the permst on a fast lrack basis, noting Q.xtra Rme require�i hy the Fit�e Department frar additional�lan review, ad�iiiipnal�i�ld ir�spectivns #o Cvn,�rm cicanges and differenc�s bet►,wee�e sabmitted plans and actual c�nditto�ts, �nd reinsp�ctivns du�to nore-compliance, muy result in a.ddition�l charg�s tv the permit fe� Please call us ifYou hav�additian+al questiores. Sinc�rely, �1�'�.•-'",,,� ' � � ,M�iChQE`MCC'CiCC FiTE��7'S�IQl F'S,SI OD6 � cc: Chi¢f Dr�ran Deax.5'mith, Div�ian of�re SafdY ��� � . 20WN OF VATL DEPARTMENT OF COI✓1MUNITY DEVELOPMEN� ?5 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VA�L, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE : THIS PERMI� MUS� BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL �IMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit # : P96-0145 Job Address : 1300 WESTHAV�N DR Status . . . ; ISSUED Location. . . : 1300 WESTHAVEN DR Applied, . : 49/05/1996 Farcel �o. . : 2103-121-00-012 Issued. . . : 09�fl5�1996 Project �o. : PRJ96-0135 Expires . . : 03/Q4/1997 APPLICAN� VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING Phonec 3�39497771 P 0 BOX 2048, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VAIL VALLEY PUUMBING & HEATING Fhone : 3039497771 P 0 BOX 2048 , �VON Ca 81620 OWNER L-0 VAIL HO�➢I�G XNC W�STIN HOTEL TH�, VAIL CO 81657 Description; P�UMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation: 20, 000 . 0� **ic****irintick***�kic:kicirir*rt7t*ir*�c*ic:tisirir**itrt*�-*�*****irk�k*ir*ir*k*ir** FEE SUMMARY tic*i:*�t�t*ic*ir�F********�t****�t*******icic*at�rir***icicir�c�**�-ie,l;t**,ticir Plumbing-----> 340.00 Restuarant Plan Review—> .00 7otal Calculated fees---> 37$.40 Plan [heck----> 75.OD TOTAL FEES--------------> 378.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 InvestigatioN .04 7otal Permit Fee--------> 378.00 Will [all----> 3.00 Payments----------------> 37$.00 BALANCE DUE-------------> .00 ***ic*********il—k****#*�kk***ir*rt***-k*****irk**/rk*************1r*!c*�*iri:****�k***ic*�t*x*#****#**kir******irir****Yrink*ic�A�**�r****************ic#i: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEriFT Dept: BUILD�NG Division : 09/05�1996 CHARLIE Action; APPR *********���***�**��x******��*�***:���**�***�****�x�*****�***�*�*****�x�*�***�****�:��***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL l . FIE�D INPSECTIONS ARE REQ'D '�0 CHECK FOR CQ3JE CdMPLIANCE �***�**�r���x****;�x****�*****�*�******�**�r***�x�t��**�*�*�*�,r***�***�x*�r*,��*����***,��***�r***** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, iilled out in full the informat9on required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply uith the information and plot plan, to comply uith all 7own ordinances and state laws, and xo build this structure according to the Taun's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVkNCE BY TE PHONE AT 479 2138 AT UR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM S:OIJ PM SIGNATURE ER OR ONTRACTOR FOR H MSeLF ANQ OWNER . ^ � ' *�******��***********�**�***,�******,�***�*�*�**��x�x*******Statemnt TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ��x,�***�,�**�***��***�**********,�********�*****��***�**********�*� 378 . 00 09 05 96 15 : 39 Statemnt Number. ����AS��o ation: #13703 AND 14 . 10 /_I�it__C�7 Payment Me�hod --� ` _^+--Permit No:JP96-0145l� Type: 8-PLMB � PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-121-00-012 Site Address : 1300 W�STHAVEN DR Location; 1300 WESTHAV�N D� ,�otal Fees : 378 . 00 378 . d0 Total ALL Pmts : 378 . 00 This Payment galance: • �� **���****��*�*�***�x*****�**�**�*���***�*****�***��*��**��ount** Account Code Description 300 . 00 O1 0000 41311 PLUMBING PEFMIT FEES 75 , OQ O1 OQ00 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 3 , �0 O1 Q000 41336 WILL CALL INSP�CTION FEE . �/;� �y�� . . � • • . �++ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MiJST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TYMES �� TOi�'�V OF YAIL 75 South Fro�itage Road Department of Community Develap►nent Yail, Colorado 81657 TOT�D1 �F VAIL 970-479-2i38f479-2139 ELECTRICAL FERM�T Permit # : E96-0008 FAX 970-479-2452 � ,Y � � `�, Job Address : ;:��r�G` 1�.��5'��f�l�rN l�J�'• Status . . . ISSUED Location. . . : CASCADE-W�STIN Applied. . : 01�19�1996 Pareel No. . : 2103-121-QO-015 Issued. . . : 02�06,/1996 Project No. : Expires . . : 08�04/199b APPLICANT PRIDE ELECTRIC CO1vIPANY Phone: 3034331494 4335 CHEROKEE, DFNVER CO 80216 CONTRACTOR PRIDE ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone: 3034331494 4335 CHEROKEE, DENVER CO B0216 OWNER COLORADO NATIONAL BANK-ANCILLARY C�O JAN�T BONESTROO, PO BOX 5168, DENVE�t CO 80217 Description: 16 RECEFTICLES FROM TaALL TO FLOOR Valua�ion: 4, 800 . 00 � �� FEE SUMMARY � **��t*�t* Eleetrical---> 90.00 Total calculated Fees---> 93,�0 PRB Fee ---> .00 Additional Fees---------> .00 Investigation> �00 Total ?ermit Fe�--------> 93.00 41i11 tall----> 3_00 Payments-----------------> 93.00 70TAL FEES°-> 43.0� BALANCE o��-------------> .00 *�**�*�*�** *,t**,r***�;r-�x��r�******�r�* *��*** . �t Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Degt: BUILDInTG Division: 01�19�1996 DA,N Action: APPR ****�r���****�* , ****��x�***��r* �*,� �r�x�***** C�NDITIO� OF APPROVAL �;����**,r�r���r,t�********,�r�x*����****�**********���*�x�,r�;*,r*****t�**�*���c DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoWledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informa2ion provided as required is correct. T agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply uith all Tawn ordinances and state leus, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zoning a�d subd�vision codes, design reuieu approved, Uniform euilding Cade and other ordinances of the Town applicab�e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC7IONS SHALL BE MAQE TIJENTY-fOt1R HOURS IN pDVANCE 6Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:D0 PM / � - ., ATIiRE 0� OWNER R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER �+ h er�rc�.f:n r.a,Pex M � � � ' . **�***�*�**********��***********�*******�**�**�**********�****** � TOWN OF VAIL, COL�RADO Statemnt �****�***�*******�r�*****************************************�*** • Statemnt Number: REC-0114 Amount: 93. 00 02/06/96 16 : 17 Payment M�thod: CHECK Notation: 9931 . Yni.t: LRD ____------- Permit No: E96-0�08 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL FERMIT Parcel No: 2103--121-00-015 Location: CASCADE-WESTIN Tota�, Fees: 93 .04 This Paymant 93 .Q0 Total ALL Pmts: 93 . 00 Halance: . 04 ***********���**�*****,x****��*****�**�***,�***********��,�*****�** Account Code Description Amount O1 0000 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 9fl • �p O1 OQ00 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . 00 FR�M : .PR1pE CT?1C �0. PHONE N0, : +�3� 1?81 :�r. 18 lqgb @4:27PM P�2 +� �Cnntpct'' r:o�$1� �uur.�y ,��Beaeora ��-�e VAxT� CONS�VC"i`�ON � �ERl�IT Q� ��t 910�328�-8b4�? �a� P�rce� '�• ��L"RMQT A�F�+ ATx N F�RM , �rp�tC��. �9:� DAT�t Al��Lx�A'Y'�aN M�BT �E �'Y��I? OLT7C �O�MPLET�T�Y �Y� XT MAY NdT 9E ACC�pT�'� *�����*�r�r�r,�*��arr,�r��*�r*r�,�*,�**,r� P�RM'tT ��3Fp�Ml►T�ClN �*�r��r,�,����*��,���*�►+��,�,�w+�rr**�,t W Flumb�.nq �ie� ica�. [ J-Meaha»i�e►1 [ Z�Cth�r �,�_- • � ��gui],dir�9� � ��'l` �ob N�rna: �dG� _ �70 �►dares': ,�, l�C7 »-� L�qel t�aa�cr�.p�lon: La�� Bloc�_,,,...,�„ Fl�.�.n�g ' � � �Addr���t oC� �.���c'��� �t�� �'9-7a�.�` Awriarg Ma�e s !x � ' �r�h�.ta�its �.�.___^___,��- ---�--� `� Ad�z�s a s �Yt..,,,_..,�,.,.� ,�,,/ � � � .S /'Q�+' �!� - G�r,era� De�cr�p'�id91 t /'i Otl� I` o �� work cxa�e: E 3�New �)-Alter�a��on .[ ��Addi�i.Gnai � ��R�p�►i.r [ �-o�t�ar --- - r�umbor o� aw�i�.�riq unitg: ,��,,. NuYabs� ot �►aoommodation Vnit�: - - mba�� �ett� Typ� c��' FS.re�p���a�a �ia� �►p�l,i�n�c�s� G�� Lt�y�.,r--- Woc�d/Pe11e��.- - ����*,+�����rr.����r*�,r,r,����r*���r�**�r� VA�tlATiQ�TS �+��,kar��*�,��r��r,�*r�r�.��,��r�,�*rr*�,r�+���r� E�CTRI�AL: t �" t��H�:Rt � pvlLbxNt�t -�-�-�-..-- M;�CItANI�hLt i_ TOTAS�: i+�SM���'iG t �...�...�,_..r.. ---— ,������,����rk����*�r�r*r►*�a��,�rr CdI��'RACTC�t �NF�i�t?►�`IdN �,rvr,��+�r���a,r+��,��,t,k*r�,��*,r+�+�*� ,II ez��re�l cofi��r.c�o�: ,�,,, ,,,_,_ Tnwn n� va�.l �tep. N4.� , Phc�n� �umb�r: Add�e�s t ,,.._� • �-. ;-. -�,-,��, ` ° � ( � �'�wn 0� t1ei� Dt�q. �0.��,. �l�a�rio�1 �flntxe��� �: as� � �har,e �umber: ,�,n��.::'�.s?:1�� Addlr��s t �� .PlUm�;l11q Cor.��'a���ar: �owr► t+f V��� RQg� �'O._,_,.,,,,,^, Addr#e��: ..... ......�- Plnaa�e Numbax: M���br��iaa�. C�ant�e��tio�: Town t�i Vail Itog. NO�� Addraaat � Phona �umberc '. ry�ry�A Y �4�r**�t�r�k�ir��c����r#�vr+���r���r,�r��*rrw+k+c FbR C��'F�C� �1�� �����*���*��*�*��a�a�,���r�*��r�,�� st���r���c �Er�x� F��: � Bv�L�rHG ��t� ct��cx F��: PI�U��IK� �RRM�T �'��: BLUM�iI�G ��°►l�t cH�CK ,�'��o �, M�Ct3�►N�GA� P3�RM�T FE�: M�CHANICAL P�A1�T CN�CK F�L�: LLECTRICA�+ F��: .�KCRLRT�ON FEEt UT��R_TYpE ��' �'��: _,�„_�,.. �I�AN-'lJP �EPQ$�T: i'�R�A FL�L; T�TAL PFAMIT FE�s: � - - - - '._.,.'..�.. S .FT. LL1ATId�i 9Ux Lfl�NG: � .: �,L��l�,�`'` v ��r ;�L`'..Y..--- xXP� GR4U�' � S�tiNA'�'URE i _,.,,,r,,.,,_� ..----�-- -�------- �--'°.��'.. �ONx�iG: � .�.r..,.���._.l--�- �-�---T-�..,.�.� S x�NA�RE t -- ._._....�...- CO4CIrnt�C��.l�. ..._« .r..�..-- � �� �' ���� ��.�c��' " .t�' ��-� 6'G'-�'� Clr�!►k U� �'�►05x�' B�� �t �/�.�- � ���� FROM : PR1�E �TRIC C0. . PHONE N0, : +433 1281 � �a.n. 18 1�96 Q4:27FP1 P�� ,4 , • �'i+ ,• ta w� o �� . T3�oulh Ironlr�t rp�d , rall, polor�dn t��5r . (�W! 4�J�21,38 0� w79•2199� aillo. Qf eommunlly d�vela�m�n1 �'�: ��L CCN�It1�CT�RS CL1��'LYL R�G�S�'EREb �TYTH TN� Tawrt aF VAxL FRC�M: ToWi� oF V1►�L F�BL�� wc�xxs��o.�svN���c b�vEt�apM�rrr QATE. �tC'H 16,. �.�88 SUHJECT t �DNS'�RUCTxp� FARXTNq L �ATE�XAL sTQ,S�►G� In g�tmsnarY. ardl.�nno� No. 6 �ta�fm� thati i� f,s u�l,pw�ui �a� �ny p�rsan ta 1itt�er, trelcR ar dllpos�� b�yY sQil,, �oGk, �t��d, d�b�i� n� m�ter�,�l, i�clud,�n� tz�a�h dum�gtars, pnrtab�,e to��,��� anc� vw�rx,�,�rs v�hic�ea upan dny s�raar, s�d�wr�ak� �ll�y ar pu�1�,e �ii�*treet� �nd�rcadshissa#�r�Th� ri�ht-of-way on d�l Town �� � ; T���.� o�rdirianr�� w�].� ba� �trivClyx�n�or�adgb��tha�f Pavernant. ; �ubxia Wo�k� t�epnrtrne�t. �srscns found vialatingpth�,��ora�nur,ce ; will h�i given � �4 haur wr_ittor natic� ta remav+� se�.d tadt�r��Z. rr� th� eu��t th� perao�t sa r�o�fl��d d4e� nat onr�p�,y with t}�o nvti�s w�thin t1�e 2a haur ��,m� ��aci�i,ed, t�,a p�blie r�orx�c � n�p��tmen� wilZ re�tOVl� q�id mdter�.�1 at �he etX�er�sa bf persnn � ne�ftied. The Drovisi�n� o� t.h1s azd�nar�ce et��eZX no� b� ���licabl� to conetruv�inn, ma�.nt$�dn�a ax repa�r pro��ot� o� Ariy �txes� d� �II�y or eriy tt�ilitfees l.r� �rie right�a-w�y. To revfew Ordin�noe No. 6 i� luii, pians� sto va�.�, �t�ilding �ppa7�'tm�r'l� �b A�t��ri � ,�o F by the Tdwn of Cv�pexa��,on an �his �attsr. PY• Tht�r�k you for �aur R�g� and aak�osrl cl �c! by= !w - �as � R��a ar,s � � � p ta Pro �Gt (i.e. �ont�ecta�, owntr) 1� "/ � .�"' �� � , . FP.Ohi : PR]DE GTR I C �0. � PHONE I�IO. : +.:;33 1281 � �an. 1� 1�96 34:2�F^1 P��l �;�1+ . ►ti tow� a ya� � . . . , r�iouth i�an�ap�ra�d wN, aoiarida�1Q!> ' t�Da� 479�21�8 or �79�-�139 oN1a� o� aQn�r�unitX d�r�IQpmri�t ,. B�JII.DIl�� p�RF4I"f IS�UAI�CE 7JME ��h1� � � If th�s �c�rmtt requi,res a� rown af V�i] Fire D�R�rtmant Ap�rava�l � �'r�ginaat� �s tPc,bllc Wo�ks� f^eV�ew and �pprovel � � P1ann9ng D�partm�r�t revi�aw� pr }�ea]th Department rev��w, and a r�v�ew by t�,e Butlding Dep�rtrneRt, the esxlmated time for � tiotei rev�ew m�y take as �ang �s th�r�e week�, A11 commerciet ('�arge ar smr,1� � ar�d a11 mu1�1�f�►mi�y perfiits will haYe to fo2low tt�e above ment�oned m�ximum f�equirements , R�sidentia� �and sr�n]7 pro,jects shou�d t�ke d yessrr nm�ur�ti �f �im�. How�verr �f r�sldenti��1 or sm�ller� pr��eCts ir�gact th� vdrious dbove mentlarrpd deP�rt�nents w�t1t, ra$ard �o nec�ss�ry rcview, thes� prn�tcts ma�y alsa ��k� ttte t�lr�ee w�ek pertod, �ver,y e�ttc�►pt w�11 be mx,dg by �hts departmer�t �o expedit� this � p���m�'t e�s soon as �sslbte. � 1, thD undersipnad. und�rx��nd �h� p1�n Ch�ck prpcedt�r� and �1tr��A fr�me, � � , � - , � Q o . ,� ' � T I� ���14 - .�.� .� .�� roaec eme � �, .c� r�G.,�..�• '�..,,�. ,��L. ,�2.�-�-t� ate or ee was turne n a e Camrnunity pewelnpm�nt De�artment. � � I f ROhi : P�i DE CTR F C C0. PHOrJE h#0. : -�a33 1281 �ar�. 18 1996 �4:�9PM P05 ,� ' � � .������}U� � � Ta: a�.�. �o�Ta���o�s FROM'; TQWN �F VAif. P�BLI� WC�I�KS d�PAi�TlV��N7' ' pATE► MAY 9� �9�4 A�: V�HEN A `"P�JQ�.1� WAY PERM17" IS� R�aUPR�D . , .� � �� ►��b Nam�; , Dete� �I���a anewar the �o1��w�np que�t�onna�r� r�perdrnp�he �eed�or a wPublic 1Nay �erm�t"; � � , 1� Is this � new re��d�nce? ' ��- 2) !s d��mflfltlon work baln$ pe�torrnvd �h�t requlr�s the u�e a� the�� r��ht . �-�'. D� WaY, easerne�t� or put��o�ra�erty? . �) Is �r�y vt�rlty woric nee�ad^ '� ' � � i �} i� 1he drfvew�y Ceinp r�p�v�d? c-�-� � � I 8) !a d�f�ar�ni aoc�ss ne�ded 1e ,��t� � � other th��n �xlstln� drlv�wa�+? ; � . , 6� ls any dr�nagv wot� �ainQ d4n� ' gt�eCtitlp th4 naht c�f w�y� A��8men46, . �- � ot Aubiic prap�rty? + � � 7) iv c� "RQVacab�s �tlak�4 CSt 1�It�y P�rtr►ii" -��''" ' requlrRd� � 8) A. 19 tf�e ri�ht of way, eesemenlo �r ,,�-� Rublic p�t�p�r�y fa be used fflr ste�inp, p��fcinQ or �e�cinp? , B. fi n010 8A� �s n p�t�kinp, s#�pin� ��� or tenclnp plan req�[red by G�mmunity pevelopmont7 � 14 you s�t��wered ye� t� Arry of ih��e qu��tio�s, a "�ub�lc Way Perrnit" must bg ab±�insd. � "Pubila Way Perrnii" ��pflC�tia�t�� ��y be obta�n�d �t the �u�fi� Work's oftl�� br at �I Gflrnmun#ty Dov��opm�ont. !f yot� h�Vb �r�y qu+e�tlons�p��as� �aJr Chartfe �avts, ft�� Tvwr� � � at Va�� Construction Irrsp�ctor, at �79-2158. 1 ha�re ���d and ansrver�d a�! the ab�ve questlo�s. � ; � ..v J�;/.,��y� ,:;. ob Na;rne Gon re�o�s �tgr,�tur� ate f � . (,��.5��� .� �� . • � • ,_- ,� _� ., �jy NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUS�' BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �1 1 ��1'�Y �F YAIL � ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit # : E95-0072 75 South 1�rnntage R�ud Depart»te�it of Coritnruniry Devel�pmerit Yail, Colorado 81657 303-4?9-2138/479-2139 Job Address : 1300 WESTH VEN D S�atus . . . : APPROVED FAX303-479-2452 Loca�ion. . . : EN�'RY ���`��� Applierl. . • 04�25/1995 Parcel No. . : 2�03-121-00-012 Issued. . . : 04�2$�1995 P�oject No. : PRJ95-0043 Expires . . : 10�25�I995 , APPLICANT RE50RT SERVICES Phone: 3039496073 P 0 BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES Phone: 3039496013 P 0 BOX 1079 , AVON CO 81620 OVdNER COLORADO NATIONAL BANK-ANCILLARY C�O JANET BO�TESTRO�, PO BOX 51b8, DENVER CO 80217 Description: Valuation. 1 , 800 . 0(3 change wi�ing for lighting **Nr**ink**irinht*ir*ir*****�t�F�k*�k*******�tic*tt*�t***:ihHc*ir*�k�t****�hF** FEE SUMMARY **�'k***�tat*#****�c�t:kis*ir**rt*it****#*inFk�t�4*ic#ir�tir**ir***iriht*,t FlectricaC---> 50_00 Total Calculated Fees---> 53,pp Plan Check---> Additional Fees---------> .pp Investigation> .QO Total Pecmit Fee--------> 53.Op will CaIC----> 3.00 Fayments---------- > ------ TOTAL FEES---> 53.�0 BALANCE DU�-------------> 5�.00 1r*ir*#�kic***1;�tir�t�t***#ic******�k******�t***k*******krt**ir**�t*****;k**********#*********�r/c*�t*ic********ir/c9rir*�t***�t*�Hc***ic�t*�F*�l-�t**rt*********ir Item• 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Di.vision: Q4�28�1995 GARX Act.ion: APPR �x** ���nr�*�**�r�r�r��r�*****��r*�*+��r*�r********�-x***�*����r�,�*****�*�*�x�**�***�-x�**�r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL �**�r*�x�**�,r�r�r;�:��x�:�**�x�x*�******�*�*****�**��****�***,�*�r****�*���x**�**�x***�r�***�*�***** DECLARATI�NS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this appEication, filled out in full the iniormation required, completed an accurate plot I plan, and state that all the informattion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to camply aith all Toun ordinances and state Laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review a,pproved, Uniform euilding Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicabte thereto. REQUESTS FQR INSP�CTIONS SHALL 9E MADE TWEMTY-FO�1R NO�RS IN ADVANCE BY 7ELEPH AT 479-2138 OR A7 OUR OFFICE FROM $:00 AM 5:00 PM i� SIGNATU 0 NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR IHIMSELF AND ONNER 1.�� ���� ���� ,�{ �-Z� �S ����c' � �,r'����? . � �TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION• PERr1IT �f PERMIT APPZ, C TION FORM ���'�--���� DATE: ;�S--�S ' APPLICATION MUST �E FILLED oUT eoMPLETELY OF2 IT MAY NOT BE ACC£PTED *�t****�*�****,t****�**,t**��**** PERMIT INFOFtMATION *�**��*�****�**********��**** [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing �Electrical j ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other , `,� -7 1 Job Name: �5 � t' -�( Job Address: � �J� �U� S�f��u�j�ii �,�, Legal Description: La� Block �'iling SUSDIVISION: Owners Name: �+���`�"�y� �`�-a Le�.. Address: � �C`�� L���,-� !k '�.i ', Ph, r ` ' � / ���Ph�.�1� C�� �`!' Architect: n � � Gn ��` �y Address: .� ,,, � Genera3 bescription: C � � , L1'�' ti�� � y" c� e:.,���� ���c� �, `' , ,� �. _� � . Worl� Class: [ ]-New �-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ a -Repair [ )-other � hiumber of Dwelling Units: �_ Numbe� of Accommodatian Units: �� � � , N mber and Type o€ Fa.replaces. Gas F�ppliances � Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ***�*�t****,t**�*****�***�********* VALi3ATI0NS *�r** ***,t��t********�r�t**�********* �9,�`-00� � BUILDING: # ELECTRICAL: ; � ;�� '. OTHER: � PLUMBIIvTG: ; MECHANICAL: � TOTAL: $ ********************,t**�**� CONTRACTC} INFORMATION ******�*********�**�**�,t**,t eneral Cantractor: �J� {�r,�����y'c,i,� C c�� S �� Town of Vail Re . N0. Address: Phone 2�umber: -�` �- �� Ele�trical Contrac�orr C'_ ;c�r �' � 'j;C�� Town of Vail Reg. N0. � ti -� Address: � ��• �' -�?c L � � / -, _ C Phone Number: q�(�-- �',c- t-�� Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. N0. Address: Pnone Number: MechanicaZ Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. N0. Address: Phone Number: *******�*****�*�***�***�t�,t*�**** FOR OFFICE USE **�***�****�*��**�r******�*****� � BUILDING PERMTT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CH£CK FEE: �I PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUASBING PLAN CHECK FEE: j MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: I�ECHANICAL PLAId �CHECK FE�: � ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATIQN FEE: ' �THER TYPE OF FE£: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: DRB FEE: TOTAL PERM�T FEE TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION SUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: ' S I GNATU�tE: Comments• . CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT R,EFIIND T0: I �ign Review Acti�n F� T01NN UF VAIL Categary Number Date i Project Name: � � � � F�1c. _. Building Name: Project Description: , ' . _ ; ,1% , � � Owner, Address and Phone:� %: �`" f'� i r Architect/Gontact, Address and Phone: '" �� Lega! Description: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District , Project Street A�dress: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by, Vate: _ Secanded by: � Approval ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Condstions: � . -�r� ��i �r�- _ ,, - ,� , �` �' 7own Planner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid _ � • � � � ` r'' � . �:l; � , � � t�, :�� �,°- �� � r ��� �y TO WN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Depart�r�ent of Communiry Development Yail, Colorado &1657 9 7P-4 79-213 8/4 79-213 9 FAX 970-479-2452 July 31, 1995 Mr. Skip Behrhorst 1235 Riverside Drive Aspen, Colorado 8�611 RE; The Cascade C1ub DRB approval. Dear Skip: AttaG�ed ta this letter is a DRB staff approval af the requested change to the Cascade Club addition. Sta€f evaivated your request construct the propased aerobics room with a fu�l ceiling height for the length of the room, wt�ich will require a jog to the exterior roof iine. Previously, the DRB and PEC reviewed drawings showing a roof Eine that blended in v��ith the existing roof line. Staff believes that your req�est ta extend the ceiling of tl�e aerobics room to full head-height, resulting in the jog, does I not negatirrely impact the exterior a�pearance of the building. The drawing attached tv the DRB form indicates the final design approval as of July 30, 1995. i The Town loo�s forward io yo�r continuing e�forts ta improve the Cascade Village a�ea. Frorn conversations with you in the recent past, I understand that tt�e Wes�in Hotel will be proposing landscap�r�g to the north side of the Cascada Club. Obviously, due to t�e high visibility of this portion o#your development, the Town is ve�y interested in improving the appearance af it. There are no canditions associate� with this sta�f level DRB approval; however, we do laok forward to your recommendaiions in the near future. Thank you €or your cooperation in the approva! pracess. Sincerely, � A� y nudt e Senior Planner Ene. AKtr cc: Bill PierGe �� REC}'CLL°'(�PAI'ER • � MEMORANDUM TO: The Cascade Village SDD File FROM: Andy Knudts�n pATE: June 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Staff approval of minor S[7D amendments fa�the Cascade Club renovat�or�. �n Aprif 24, 1995, the Plar�r�ing and Environmental Commission affirmed a staf�decision to approve a minor SDD amendment to allow for the e�ansion of the David Honda CCinic and an aerobics room in the Gascade Club building, in the Casca�e Village SDD. The baseli�e numbers far this approval were determined by calculating the flaor area af the Cascade Club buiEding. Since that approval on April 24, the applicant has requ�sieti a greater square footage for the expansion. Staff discussed the request and ultimately agreed with the applicant that the baseline numbers should include all o(tk�e commercial f[oor area in "Area A°of the SDD, Previously, Staff had used only the floor area of the building. 7he calculations for the commercial floor area af"Area A"are as follows: The Cascade Club- 63,321 Terrace Wing Retail- 5,856 Plaza One Retail- 1,099 Plaza Two Retail- 925 Plaza Two Conference- 8,400 CMC �uilding Clancy's- i,600 Theaier- 4,220 2nd Theater- t,387 CMC Of�ice- 828 Total Area A n�n-residential 87,636 sq. #t. The requested floor area as of June 13, 1995 is 3,573 square feet. �n April 24, 1995 the requested floor ar�a w�s 3,168 sq.ft. The maucimum square faotage that staff can approve via a minor S�D amendment, is 4,382 sq. ft., (wh3ch is 5%of the total). Based on this analysis, staff is hereby approuing the expanded fenovation with a square fcx�tage of 3,573 sq. ft. No DRB approval of this expansion is necessary, as aEl the floor area changes will be made internally. There will be no exterivr rv�odif[catians from the elevations reviewed and approved by P�C or� April 25th, or DRB on May 3, 1995. �Concerning parking, the 5DD has allocated 22.5 parking spaces with�ng the structure#or additions to the Cascade Club. The previous floor area a�proved t3,168 sq. ft.) was 70%of the total allowec4 far the SDQ {4,500 sq. ft.). The parking required by the PEC was 70%of the 22.5 remaining spaces allocated for the club. The current request af 3,573 sq. ft. is 77%of the avaiCable floor area. Thus, staff has determined that 77°/p, or 17.8 spaces, ot the available parking will be cQnsidered used. This leaves 4.7 spaces for fu#ure developmeni. F;levaryonelandylrnemo cicascade.sdd 'f_ � .� __ _ � . . . _ __ . _'. _ _ T�_ ._ _. ._� - "� _ ___. - � N ■ � Design Rev�ew Action Form � TOWN OF VAIL ` Category �lurnber � � Date ��.�� � '�1� � - Project Name: l '�"L-.���c c,�.� � �c�. {- �t �� �=�,c � F-��"7����� ��Ct v . r.� Btiilding Name:����'�'�� �ac !/, /��'�;� �jrc� � ,/�J>� r��-c. �1 �r •-1 7 . _, � _� Project Descripiion: �� t �> 1 �_� r �l, � ,�- �, �^ c--�� c� �• ���- �a � c f ��a t �� �r j ���� j ��,� / {i�I' I 1 S-� ,r r Y / ��c_r« /7�'r•. , � ,J;y ;C,� ;.r ;, t" i �+ r �i C-'1 Cf. �l �l'r /' •a1_C C �/( .T��.),. , `� f � � C3wner, Address and Phane: �- � � ,��� -� �f ��•� f., , .. !s � �� :� /�� ,J /}�-��' �/'f�?r• ! � � ��.�' � /�. --r. C -�l� �C� '[ rArch[tect/Contact, Address and Phone: �'� ���r-'' � (� ��' lr /f � ---- ,�� ;�, /.� �'-�i j`f C . c Legal Description: Lo# Blacic Sub/division Zone District _ �-r-�c �' . ,r� r �� ; .-, cJ t t1', ����' "% . � e.�i i ='� c P'roject Street�Address: � � J j � -• �: 1 Commen#s:L� �� f`� i'. i_r f li � -c . *' ) :-{ Board / Staff Action Motion by: � ~ Vote: Secanded by: < < p Approval Q �isapproval • \ 'Sta�t Appraval Canciitions: � c c _`,'�,� �r ;f�.r r,I� a��- �!� ?�3 f�t�' f-- _ � ---- ; f / �- � �.-;�� �r---�__-�_��°" ! ��., _c v �"�,� �,� ;,. � � � 1'/ e { r ; ; �� _�- /. ,!r „� ��, i, -� /` � , � �7 - - - r �i !1'` .t 7'! °� � f � . � /���/) J 1 / 1 7 / � !L C.i � i 'r"� -� . Town Planner Date: _�;� ��: ,��� �- DRB Fee Pre�paid ''� ��t . . i • ,�'. , ;� � , �'' � �;' �- � . , N,�f � � . _, � - � ►d'� ,,';,,� {' �;:�f s e' :�,. � . a�1V���� Ya/��� �' t `�j.� f o. - '� r �� - - - . ..-- _.. . . � �� �fj�� ' -} ��_�� Y �an��;�.�a�%�sd��. � . � , •s'-;r•.,�� ;. � ' `i'r . .j . .. . i�.• . . . yr � , . . , . - - . . . .. . .. • . . . . !�' � .i '! .- � , . ... ' • � .� . . . _ - . �� . . . ' � ' . ' - � � _.. . . . . . . �.`+.�-- -. , � � - � - - . . � ' _ - ' � � ' . . , � . � . t' .. � ' ' '. . ' . . � . � ' . - �. . , . � . . . . ' ': . . " ' . .. . . �, . . • _ . . ' �.. " - , , � .�. _ . � _ . � . . . ' . , . , , . I. �. -.,: ;` ' . � � �� �. r �, . '. . .. � ' � � . .� ,�� . . � _ .� - , . - � �' ` . .� ;� . � � . . , , , . - � i � � � , . f � ' � • , , � �" � . .._.._---�TrT—`---i. . .� ' '=',t �i• . - ., � �' :� .; � � . - � , �''. ' . . . ., i . . . � � � � � . . . . . „ . �, � �� � - . . 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Legal Description: Lc,t Block Subdivision Zone �istrict � `� Project Street Address: ! 2�(� l.�-r-a't"��� '�'�— Comments: Board / Staff Action ' Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: �Approval ❑ Disapproval p Staff Approval Conditions: _ � � Town Planner Qat�: ��3� 4� DRB Fee Pre-pai� � �� � � �' _ ----�--� -- ' -�~� � "'° ' `t '� ,'a'�"�+�-_, '-�'' _ - ;«<°+v�`:,. . ,i��1�����'� " �A�i�.�_.,,�_,'�_"_^_,��.► - . - . _�„�w. �� 7 �t_� s-, -+:: ., . _j � _�.�. '� ' _-� .. ,.�►=��...ie"�.•' ����`��,��= w� !';�°`,�•�-� 1.. � _ � `� �:_ _ ��' : r �:.!` �rN+. ,Y a�,a" ""�.:�. �.nl� t �r'�s,q��.��?+�`,F-.. r,s e �- s : � "" .�+d''��:Y,sn3�p . , __�� . .,..'.. -;r,. .s •'d..r'f .s�-t' -:.�':' .�'" •----�—_ ..� .� ° , _e. __ �. �;;�ir�.- .� „� .. .. w• ■■ , „ ^ �� �-n m� - --_- �i111►;���i. �� �iiii i� ifl' M�� 1��1 �:. � i ��.� li ~., � •�— � , _ ;� R.� X��'Y�°# f � �.. 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' Lionsquare Lodge Mike Mollica explained that the PEC approved this proposal weeks ago a�ad the Town Council calMed it up, This propasal was also approved by DRB. Basically, there were minor changes to the approved plan. Mike Mo!lica expressed that he wanted to clarify an issue in regard to the Village Centerl�Fred Hib�erd proposal approved in this meeting. He st�ted that when the PEC adds a condition with an "if possiale" attaehed, that it creates problems for the staff because it can be dif�icult to require the applicant to conform and follow thro�gh with this conditian. Jeff Bowen assumed the applicant would, in fact, move the stand pipe, based on Fire Dept. approval. Mike Mollica explained that the �ire Dept. wihl probably apprav� it with the conditions stated above, Mike also explained that Pam Hapkins was r�ot at the last meeting and she was taking a shot at say�ng the applicant will move the stand pipe but he felt that th� appficant, in the past meeting, was not interested in moving it. Generad discussion ensued regarding stand pipe issues and DRB approvals. Greg Amsden asked if the Fire Dept. i� subject to DRB approvals. He expr�ssed that the stand pipes were very unsightly and could be placed in better areas. How can they just put it anywhere? There was furth�er diseussion on the stand pipe issue. Kevin asked if the PEC can send a letter to the DRB regarding stand pipe issues. Mike Mollica said that was okay. Jeff Bawen made a motior� to adjourn the meeting. Bob Armaur seconded the motion. Unanimous approval woth a vote of 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. Plarining and Envkronmental Gommission Apri4 i0,1995 �Ainutes 9 i • � �- � � � ��� � � � � � . u .. . � . " � � � �/� � �� ��, � ��� �/J Z t � i � �<<�t �—� L�--t.L..,.�,� �,—�,r J,_.c�f<<,Z--c �; �,���r e-�.�� � �. �J12' �� -� � `� '� � - , � `� �Y i�--'�' '� . 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'`!`° � �� ''-F-�1(c��t,i � � � <�7Yi'}`. ,� �p � I o �-`'h �Yh1 `,S V�� =t��C�'I� �L ZN .� f/ �'c� �E; �� /S, � �yD��C� /. / J _. •. �� � � 1 ,(� ! / i :�, � J n 2('/' � �"C7�-9/fr^C�� ry f¢c:•��.;,t �L u�'ix `i�ff y�c.]�'_rt 4�r f_,„�.��.:- ., ��_:��� �,t. 1`�"" a� ��---� /�p(�.�i`���w� s ��-�E' /���� �s �_� � _ �d.�ti� ��--,.f z! � • • F . � . (`� ` } �� L� t MEMORAIVDUM ,�� � TO: Planning and Environmental Commissian FROM: Community Dcvelopment Department DATE: Apri124, 1995 SLJBJECT: A request for a minor SDD aanendment to allow for the expansion of the Cascade Club located in Area A of the C�scade ViPlage SDD (SDD#4) 1295 Westhaven Drivc. Applicant: Skip Bcrhhorst, representing L-0 Partnership Planner: A,ndy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF TI-�E REQUEST The agplicant is proposing to construct an addition to the Cascade C�ub above the parkin� structure in Area A of the Cacade Villa�e SDD. The addition will be cated between the existing athlctic ciub and thc tennis courts. The tatal area of the addition is 168 square feet. The first levcl of the addition will accommodate an expansion to the David I-�on a S�orts Medicine Clinic, which represents 489 square fcct of thc total area. The s�cond t7aor portion will be an 14?8 square foot aerobics room that will be attached to thc upper level of the existing Cascade C�ub. The balance of the floor area, 751 square fe�t, wil] be a starage area and a hallway. Please scc. the development statistics below for additional detaiL � II. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE Section 18.4Q.100 (Amendmcnt Proceduresl of the Municipal Godc stipulates the followin� for minor arnendments ta Special I7evclopmcnt Districts: "Minor Amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.020B may be approved thc Department of Community Development. All rninor modifications shall bc indicatcd on � completely revised devcloprnent plan. Approved changes shall b� notcd, signcd, dated and fileci by the Department of Cornrnunity Dcvelopment." 1�linor Amendments are further defincd in Scction 1$.40.G20B with the followi�g standards: "Minor Amendments (staff rcview) shall mcan modifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter thc basic intent and character of the approved Special Developrnent District, and are eonsistcnt with the decision critenia ofthis chaptcr. Minor Arnendments may include, but not be limrted to, 1 • � • variations of not mare than � fect to approveci setbacks andlar building foatprints; � changes to landscape ar sitc plans that do not adversely impact pe�iestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the Special Development Dist�ict; • or changes ta gross floor area {excluding residential uses), of nat morc thar� 5°,/0 of the approvcd square footage af retail, officc, comrnercial cornrnon arcas and other no�a-resic�ential floor area." Since thc proposed request involves lcss tha�n 5°/a of the gross floor area of the building, staff has determined that the proposal can be approved through the minor modi�cation procedure. The Municipal Code stipulatcs the Comanunity Development staff shall inform thc Planning and Environmental commissian of thc staff action on the application. ill. DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS Total floor area Qf Cascade Club: 63,371.5 square feet 5% of total floor arca: 316�.6 square feet Froposed floor area: 3168.0 square feet FUTURE ADDITIONS PROPOSED 4/24/95 REIVIAINING ALLOWED BY SDU UEVELQPMENT FOR THE C,4SCADE POTEPdTIAL CLUB Floor Arca 4,500 sq. ft. 458 storage I332 sq. ft. 9$9 clinic 142R aerobics room �90 hall�vay 316$ Total sq. ft, Parkin�* 22.5 spaccs alrcady 0 storage 6.8 spaces provicicd in structurc fc�r Q.9 elinic futurc ar�ditian. /J. ` � acrobics room 0 halbway 15.7 Tota1 Spaces *5ee section bclow for discussion of parking requirerncnt. IV. CRITERIA ANALYSIS Thc Community Devclopment Departmcnt staff bclieves that there are two kcy criteria listed in the de�nition vf Minor Amendment which apply to this request. These includc: 2 � � A. That the praposal daes "not alter thc basic intent and character of the approved SDD." B. That the request is consistent with the design cz�teria of this chapter. A. Basic lntent and Character of thc AR�rovcd SDD Conccrning the first criteria, staff believe�that the addition does not altcr the basic intent and cl�aracter of ti�e SDD. The infill between th�two exist�ng portio�s of the building is designed in� such a way to not inerease mass and bulk. Wi�h the use of a flat roof, the architect has designed the addition so that it wili nat complctcly fill in thc gap separating the two partians of the buildin�. Staff believes the gap in the building helps brcak up an otherwise mor�olithic structure. For a bettcr understanding of the changes to the mass and bulk, please see the attachments at the end of thc memo. B. SDD Design Criteria 1. Des�gn compatibility and sensitiv��� to the immediate environment common neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, '�ulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual i�tegrity and an orientation. Staff belicves the praposed dcsign is compatible to the immediate environment. As previously discu�sed, the architectural design of the addirion is compatible with the existing building. It has been designed in such a way to minimize the changes to the appcarance of the building, The materials to be used arc also compa�ible with adjacent buildings in the vicinity. 2. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relatianship with surrounding uses and activity. Thc uses will not chan�e with the proposal. 3. Compliance with parking and loading requirernents is outlined in Ci�apter 18.52. Conceming parkin�, there are four different c�mponents of the addition -- a storage area, thc phy�ical therapy space, an acrobics room, and a hallway. Hallways and storage areas cio nat require parking. Staff belicves that the physical therapy space should be assessed at the parking ratio required for mcdical officcs, as defined in thc parking requirements of the zaning code. The 9�39 square foot clinic would require 4.9 spaces. The aerobics room does not have a speci�ed parking requirement. As a result, it falls into a category which calls for the PEC to determine the specific parking rcquirement. Staff recornmends that the parking requirernent be 10.8 spaces for the aerobics roorn. This rational is baseci on the fact that t�e SD� anticipated a 4500 sq. ft. addition for the 3 . � Cascade Club and provided 22.5 parking spaces in the structure for the addition. The proposed addition, at 3,168 sq. ft., uses 70% of the available square footage. Staff be�ieves that the same percentage, 70%, should be applied to the parking supply. As a result, of the 22.5 spaces provided, 15.8 would be considered"used" with this addition. The resulting requirement for the aerobics room is 10.8 spaces, leaving 6.7 spaces for future additions, It is important to note that the first two levels of the parking structure are under different ownership than the third level. Staff understands that the Westin,which owns the first two levels, has a lease for the use of the third level and is curre�tly working on extending this lease. 4. Conformity with appiicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and other design plans. Policy 1.12 of the Land Use Plan states that"Vail should accommodate most af the additional �rowth in existing development areas(infill areas)." Staff believes that the proposal is consistent with this policy. 5. Identificatian and mitigation of natural and/or gealogic hazards that affect the property in which the Special Develapment District has proposed. The proposal is outside all hazard areas. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development respo�esive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality to community, There will be no change to the site plan. 7. The circuiation system designed for both vet►icles a�c� pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation. Staff has requested that the applicant provide a link to the sidewalk system adjacent to Westhaven Drive. In April of 1995, the Town required the developer of"The Ruins"to provide a sidewalk connccting the bike path at the bottom of Westhaven Drive to the entrance to the Cascade Club. Staff has requestcd this applicant to extend the sidewallc fram the entrance of the Cascade Club to the east. Staff discussed the possibility of extending the walk ta the eastern most automobile entrance to the parking garage. The Public Works Department has requested that the walk extend past the garage entrance to a Iocation closer to the existing bus shelter. There is an existing eoncrete pad across from the bus shelter that wauid he a logical terminus of the walk, if it is to be continued past the garage entrance. 4 . � � A conditian of approval is provided at the end of this memo pertainin�t4 the sidewalk. It is currcn�ly written ta reflect the more extensivc improvement. After canducting a site visit, the P�C will need to determine the extent of improvements required of the developer and amend the condirion if necessary. Staff believes that the construction of the sidewalks by the developers of these two projects will create a significant improvement to the pedest�an access along Westhaven Drive. We also think it is critical far each c�eveloper to "do thcir fair share"in improving the right-af-way adjacent to each project. 8. FunctionaE and aesthetic landscaping in an open space in order to apdmize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and (unction. Staff docs not believe additional landscaping should be required as part of this project. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that wi11 maintain a workable, fu�ctional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the Special Development District. Not applicable. VI. STAFF ACTI()N The Community Development De�artrnent staff bclieves that the applicant's req�est for an addition to the Cascade Club is consistent with the critcria as discussed above. Therefore staff has approved the applicant's reques� to build the addition to the Cascade Club, with the following condition: Prior to issuance of temporary certificate of oceupaney for the addition, the applicant shall construct a sidewalk from the entrancc of thc Cascade Club to the existin� conerete pad located at thc tap of Westhaven Drivc, across from the existin�bus shelter. The side walk construction plans shall be subrnitted to thc TOV Public Works Department for review and approval, prior to isSUanc�; c�f a building perrnit for the addition. C����, - f:�everyone�pec\memo\caseade.424 5 . . � �, p�oR���b� rt4vv�T-ro,�/ _ ._h.. � . . � 5.1 � � ��� � � i � , , i , , : i i , , '' , � � ! � ' . . � � � � . � i � . I ' , I � , � I i j � I I i ; � � t I • � j � � ; i E i I i I � � ; I i i I I 1 • ' . � 1 i � I ; ! � � � i I �i , � , + ; � I °-�-y,Cta, Ta!�-fi�7�y Ex.sTy"-� --,--.- � ' ; ; ; ! ; , ! ' i � f � � ' t i � f � .. Ro�^'rr,ES '� ; ; 4 ! . 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S TENNI� LEVEL 28045.44 SQUARE FEET � ��"�� ��.M_�.�� ' F7 %4 3 EXERCISE LEVEL E 10693.57 S�UARE FEET .�� �� }' ��.�4m 71034.22 SQUARE FEET � - i � � z CLINIC = 1774.88 SQUARE FEET � �, �Z� V / , ���� 71034.22 SQUARE FEET � � � i � x .QS PERCENT �� �� , 2 Z 'a�°`�' '''- ' ----------- . - � 35 31 . �� i 3552.7 � _, t � � ' = � �k � � ' -.� � � r �-,� ���t� . �L� -� �, �Q L 2 ��c a r �U c� �-- rr� � '� Z 5`�L`. � ��2 � � �1� �. � � � � . � --� .1 "3L1. . � � •��. �c/7uC-i[S � "/. 3 ►��. (.� � � � �-s � �� �. �, :/ 1 rL � � �6 1 �.d v�� e�v' `-T ..��� � - ` �L� ��.\ {I e.+a.� ��f-��j � �-,�� � �, -�� � S' rVrl�rz�� �Gl�' 1 � _�i POST OFFICE BOX 57 1�00 LIONSRIDGE LOOP SUITE 1- . ADQ R16Sg 303-47h-6342 FAX 303-476-49111 ru;ucr.r�enii i n iNC rmn rerrri ir rirxcr.nui�vru L:19507�AREACAL.W PD � �`~_ ° � � � � THE W�ST[N RES�RT V�il March 27, 1995 Mr. Andy Knudtsen '1'own of Vail Community Developntent 7� S. �'rontage Rd. Vafll, CO 8I657' 2C: Expansion e�f Space at Cascade Club Dear Andy: Pursuant to the SDI� N[inor Amcndn�cnt application for expansic�n of space at tk�e Cascade Club athletic facility, the following confirms current usage of spaces set forth under "�ascac�e Club" in Ordinance�io. 7, Series of 1993, Chart l, page 8: Actual Current Chart 1 : Area A Camnzercial/ Cyrdinan�;e No. 7 Cascade Club Retail Sc�. �'t. �eries of 1993 Retail 310 / 300 ; Bar and Restaur�nt < , 373 / 252 � Oftice in CMC , 823 ` / � ' 828 Wcllness Center -1, ( 1,428 /`z:- 1,�86 Officc in Club 383 / ; � 420 -� � , . � S' ce el�, � ,� I °�'? � � � r' -� . � ; Chris Hanen Managing Director CH:tmd cc: Skip Behrl�ors� Willian� Pierce I�U� 4 ..��1�t��� i R...)fl'�Ji:, �w�l�� L.lii - d 7���-�iC-:�7 "�Cf f-��- 7rllt� :�.L'1 If18�'J-J. Uf�,2�flrUa y i303)476-7111 •Fax(3D3)479-7025 1-800-228-3000 � =..- � � . y LF,GAL OWNF,RS �ND ADDRF,SSES OF PRQPERTIES SURROUNDING '�'HE CASCADE CLUB Westhaven Parcel: Westhaven Cascade LLC e/o Jerry Mullikin 230 13ridge St. Vail, C4 81657 Conaominium Associatian for Millrace Phase 2: 1Vlillrace Condominium Assaciation, Inc. 1476 Westhaven Dr. Vail, C4 81657 Cornerstone; L-O Westhaven, Inc. c/o 13�� Westhaven llr. Vail, CO 81657 Liftsicle: M�C.'.M L;nterprises c/o Fred ()tto P.O. Box �149 Vail, CO 81658 Colorado Mountain Condominium Assaciatir�n: Kay Saulsberry, Yresident 1310 Westhaven Dr. Vail, t:0 81657 Westin �esort. Vail: Colorado National L3ank, as ancillary trus�ee c/o 1300 Westhawen Ur. Vail, CO 81657 Cascade Club Condo�niniurns, Units 1 anc� 2: Colorado Natianal I3ank, as ancillary trustee c/o 1300 Westhavet� I�r. Vail, CO 81b57 Cas�cade Club Condominiums, Unit 3: Emerald ,4cres LLC. c/o 1�red Otto Y.U. �3ox 3149 Vail, CO 81658 � • � DAVID G. BEHRHORST � � � 1235 RIVERSIDE mRIVE \ ASPEN,COLORAD�O 81611 < <' � � 970-925-4497 C��� April lflth, 1995 �� Andy Knudtsen, Senior Planner Tow� of Vail - Community Development 75 Sauth Frontage Road Vail, CD $1b57 Re: The Cascade Club SDD #4 Minor Amendraient Application Farking Allocation Srammary Dear Andy, Per your request, the following summarizes the parking spaces currently allocated and unalloca�ed for atl three levels of the parking structure of the Cascade Club. This information is pravided as a supplement to the March 27, 1995 application for a minor amendment of the Special Development District No.4 for the Cascade Club. The total number af actual parking spaces in the Cascade Club Condomimium parking structure is as follows: Leve1 #1 - l 29 Level #2 - 145 Level #3 - 147 Total 421 Parking Spaces The allocated and una➢located parkin� spaces for the Cascade Club parkin� structure, in accordance with Ordinance No.7, Series of 1993, SDD No.4 for completed projects, are as follaws: Parking Level No. � & 2 (274 actual s�acesl Allocated Unallocated Cascade Wing Condominiums (8DU, 15,870 GRFA) 16 Westin Hatel-Main Bldg. Rms. (148 A.U., 55,457 GRFA) 115 Terrace Wing Rooms (120A.U., 58,069 GRFA} 105 T�rrace Wing Retail (5,$$56 S.F.) 20 Plaza I Raoms (20A.U., 7,205 GRFA) 16 Plaza I Retail (1,099 S.F.) 4 Plaza Il Conference {8,4C}� S.F.) 35 Plaza II Retail (925 S.F.) 3 Gross No. Parking Spaces Required 314 Mixed Use Credit - 17.5% 55 Total Allocated/Unallocated Space�(- Mixed Use Credit) 259 15 � � � � � Parking Level No. 3 (147 Actual Spacesl Allocated Unallocated CMC �uilding. Clancys (I,6{�{l S.F.) 13,3 Cascade�heatre (4,220 S.F.} 28.0 College Classrooms 40.0 College Offiee 4.0 The�tre/Meeting Room 2J (1,387 S,F.) 11.5 Cascade Club: Retail (300 S.F.) 1.0 Bar & Restaurant (252 S.F.) 3.5 Office in CMC Bldg. (82$ S.F.) 3.0 Wellness Center(�,386 S.F.) 7.0 Office an Clu6 (420 S.F.) 1_4 Gross No. Parking Spaces Required 1 l 2.7 Mixed Use Credit - 17.5"/0 1l 9.7� Total AllacatedlUnallocated Spaces (-Mixed Use Credit) 93.0 54 Summary Parking Level l,2 & 3 Allocated Spaces less Mixed [Jse Creciit 352 Unallocated Spaces for Future Projects 69 Total Actual Spaces 421 Andy, I hape this information is helpful in understanding the Cascade Parking structrare. Sincerely, , _ � , C)'�- �j�i f��/,1,'� .1/c,;-U�_ David G. Behrhorst Consultant for L-O Westhaven, Inc. (Owner of Cascade Club) DGBldf cc: Bill Pierce Chris Hanen Ron Silva Dawid Oswald 2 ����� K�'x�. . � , '1. � � �.' ! , , � 1 1 � I i �l , �� p��� � � f� �q qs � � �� ,`� - C ��� � �v .�;U1r��� �y , �: : � . � ti. �� � �2�� , _ �:'.: � � � �' ��' ,� - _��'.� ` � , -�� � � Z C��7 i����"`�? 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[3RIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI-!C Pf�OPOS/�L: . .���t--�-d b��� �, ��. �'f�,,� ,.1� �_c'� ,� �� � �t1"-`— `�-�1� �Z— C. f:c..z.�i _ . Engineering: f�eviewed t�y: Dale: Comments: . ` , . Lnndscaping: . Re�iewed bY: Dale: � Commen�s: 1=ire Dept.: � 'r �/ �-c'-� �•/�5 �� Reviewed k� � Y• D11c: , ���i�r �. �� �u� Comments: /�i�n.�==�.�=' ; � r;� �1,'�', � �,T��� � �"''�'L . , �j �., � c -� C'�a�"�� <ir✓'/! � � ��,�-,'J�'c.% c�' /J�-r.r/ .. ���,v,✓`' ,0'�U/d�-��Y2 �,��, / � • � � 3 oN ,� .� dG� G�t`.��j-v� GO•.�/J'Sl`1�14%�C>✓�/ �, /�a��� f s� %��ji/O���s'�2�'.lfi�'�/1� / � � . v/ ,���/,:%-� ✓ /� / : �� '�cic¢./2 /2-c�n�- '✓�'�� �,��r�� C%n- T/L �,it� / � / � c-ip^//r%411� ��3-� C j/ .. �/ .f�L<G'�C/ � �/A^/C'�,.Sc r�/CJ�r f� . �u �J �� �lv"��C���• ,J ✓ � ✓ l n/ _ • � � , C�!� _s L,..�2/ ' �Q� /.� ,r ��'i'Z;�G"c�'=j0�'✓� . 3��/�/ /.r'�!. � Dislrib�te� lo lhe Fire De�arlment, !'�rblic W'orl��, and Landsc�ping on��� - ���, v�r� �' "'� � � .l��li't1 � . � T�J: �,�IlKE McGCC G�EC t-{ALL TODa Of'PEN!-IE�MER , � f��xum to �ncf�Knucilscn Town f'I�nner iN�rr_�-o��n��rM�NT�� ��ui�w :' F'fi�OJ�CT: �Z� �.��.� �.�: � �-c{ t T'��r✓� � DATE SU�3MITTCD:�_ DATE OF PUl3 _1C H�ARIP�G , COMMENTS I��EDCD GY: �.I� � [3RIE� D�SCf�lf'TiON O�' Ti-I� Ff�C}POSAL: . r, , f 1 � . '��j�-� �.�.�c_..� , c,L 1<,�, vE �.l ,�,(' . � � �!.� ,C � � ""' �".'t`�- (t �t-L C �.tz.. �� . Enginccring: Reviewedby: G��:�����, _ Da�e: �t���,. ,� .;�.1 � ���:,-� .v�;,.:�r,., �_ � Commeni�: ! � ,JI, {, A �(\{—y �� { Ii:V� � � i `���.CJ�.c��� � {�l_ �{,�......�.4 I l��'� W � L',/`ti S ' ��L�{�t l.r"1 L� j � 1 (�✓L , �U VJ !1 y� 1'�e^ �i�v�+� [) � // �f .� 6•�L`7 �..�-L c.1 ��'�� � f G��. �_� �,�,"� �✓,e l l�'�C. 1 v dc. � i'^ � �-� � ( �•. ,�i, ��� i : , : , �andsc��ing: . Reviewed by: D�le: Comment�: i=ire Dept.: Revicwcd t�y: D11c: . , Commenis: � Dislrik�ulcd lo lhe Firc Deparlmcnt, �'ublic Worlcs, and �.�ndsc�ping an��— � ` � . � � TO: M(KE Nic�GEE Gf��G HALL TODD OPPENHElMER � f�elum lo llnd Knudtsen �Town Pl�nncr INTCR-D�PI�RTMENTAL REVlE1N . PROJECT: �� � - , /`�c_� �, 7�-�,,,� DATE SUBMITTCD: �� DATE OF PUE3LIC HEARING � � C4MMENTS N�EDED BY: � �i�� SR�EF D�SGR�PTION OF THE PROPOSA�: �n�L�� �!����: . �l �.,��,� �_ �. �-, ti ,�, ,.� ��, '� �� `� ,� �L C �� �� Enc�ineering: Reviewed by: Dale: Comments: . y . Landsca�ing: Reviewed by: Date: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Datc: . Camments: . Distributed lo the Fire Departmenl, Public UVor{cs, and Landscaping an ��f_ ' y� , Fritzlan Pierc� 8rin�r 363�7649a1 P. 01 ' 1 I � � � i . � ! i ) �!I { y , , ' � i, i . ;i � � , � ; � ; . �, ; ; t � . . . � � . ��� � �� F�ttz�en �'le�ce .�3��ne� � : � �,; � , . �� , � _ . ;' 1000 Lionsridge Loop�1 D, P,O. Box 37 � ;� ; :�; � . I Vazd; Cnlnrad� 81657 � � �: ; � , . � �; 970-�76-6342 � �'�;'� � Fax: 9T0-47+5-4941 � . ` �' ' i � : ' ' ' � �'AX TRAN5M�55ION COV�R SHEET j � ';j . � � � , '� �� � � � �� ��. , !,ii � ; Aate. March 31, 1995 , � � , ; , � , '�'�,� � : : To: ��dy Krrudtsnn : � � �, � ' Fax: 3�3-47.9-2452 � I '� l 1 � ' � E . !,I'i� I� !' Re: Cnsc.ade. Club F,�pernston � � , y � � �,� ! � (rl�inor�merrdrrrent to�SDD�e�. �� � , ; i , � , . . '�� �'ender: �3iI1 Pierce ' ' � �. �i{ � � , : . .. ��� i . i E1 � � YOU SHd ULD RECE'IYE i PAGF(S), INCL IIDING THIS C4V.�R SHEET. IF l'4�i`DQ?�'CJT � ` , ' �i, I � RECE.IVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEr1S�'CAL�, 97�-476-6342, � ' ' � ' '!�' � � . �' , i � ;'� ', Andy, ;, � , . . ;;� ' ' ; ; During rny recent revi��v�f Ordi�n�nce �, Series nf 1993, and� nrdinance 7, Seri�s ai � , ��' '' ; 1993,I find that the sidewalk we discusse4i(west frum the Cascade C.lub entrance to the � � ' � ' � ��i i = ;,� ; West haven Site) is a d c lresse d in Seetion I R.4 6.2,1 0.C.2. � ; � ,, i ;; It seems clear that CQnstrtE�tior� of this sidewa�k is clea�-ly �n abligatioti of the Develc►per � . : ,� ��i� ; �f the Wcst�rav�n Condominiums. It is tny understanding that the Developer of�the Westhaven � C ndotniniums was informed of the re uirement l�efare he t�rcha5c�ci th�; Westhaven Site. � , " '�_ ; +, ��� j ° � , � : � a ; ��� 1 Please call ine if you hawe any additi�-►nal c{�mnients ari this mat�er. � ;; � ; �;� � � � ; : ;�l . 1 ; ;:' j ; � > 'i i; �! • � �' I II I . . I;i ` � illiatt� .Picrce ��,�� ' ' �'fC�'L1teCt ; : ; , ',I` � , � , ; , ',I � : '; ec: Skip Behrhurst 245-3076 '� � : � {� ; , � �s , , , I 3 • L:USG7`.SU?FAX.WPA ? � ;I� ':i� � � ..� � � � THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY •'�� PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEIV that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public he�ring in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of t�e Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 24, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Bu�ilding. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major SDD amendment to allaw for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road West/Area #4, SDD #4, Cascade Village. Applicant: Glen Lyon Partners Planner: Randy Stouder 2. A request for a parking variance and a condi#ianal use perrriit to allow for a temporary building to house a laboratory for the Uail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village Second Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Uan FeenEy Planner: Randy Sto��er 3. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of a building envelope, locatec! at 1139 Sandstone Drive/Lot 3, Block A, Lionsridge, Filing #1/lndian Creek Townhomes. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach Planner: Jim Curr�utt� 4. A request for a rninor exterior alteration in the CCII zone d'ostrict and a landscape variance to allow for the additian of handicap access located at the Lifthouse Lodge/549 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicani: Robert Lazier Planner: Jim Curnutte 5. A request for a worksession for a major 5pecial Development District amendment to � allow for the expansion of the Cascade Club located in Area A af the Cascade Village S�D (SDD#4)/1295 Westhaven Drive. Applicant: L-O Westhaven, Inc. re�resented by Bill Pierce Planner: Andy I�nudtsen 6. A requ�st ta amend �he Uail Land Use Plan for 1 fi properties thro�ghout the Town of Vail. Fifteen properties are proposed ta be changed from their current designation to open space and one property wauld be changed to the public semi public designation. See the attache� Exhibit A for legal descriptions. Applicant: Town of Vail Planners: Jim Curnutte and Russell Forrest _ ;- f �' _ - �� � � � C � -� � �!y'�-� ��' t , .� � � � � _- � - , � � � Fritzlen Pierce Briner I{1O0 I.ir�nsridge I_.����h��1t). P.O. Rc�x�? VaiG Coloraclt� R1657 97O-47(r-(ii42 1'ax:470-476-49DI March 27, 1995 SUPPORTING DATA POR EXPAI�➢SIC)N OF THE VAIL CASCADE CLUB SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT I�ISTRICT Na. 4 INTRODUCTION The Cascade Atl�letic Cluh and its owner L-O Westhaven, Inc., hereby submits a minor amendtnent to SDD #4 Cascade Village for exp�nsion Unit #� c�f the Cascade C�ub Condominiums. This submittal is being done under protest in the belief that the comm�rcial square footage expansion we are req�esting has been previously a�proved by ordinance and that no minor amendr�ient to the SDD is legally requireci. DESCRIPTION This praposal is to expand thz Cascade Club o� levels D and E bet���een Gridline 5 and 6 per the attached documents (Sheets A1, A2 dated 3/27/95). The current facility contains 421 parking spaces an 3 levels, and Atllletic Club {Cascade Club) c�n 3 levels, a Sports Medicine Clinic, plus accessory and meclianical equipinent areas. The o��erall existing space (heated interior space, measured to the inside surface of exterior walls) is 7103�L square feet. The Applicant is proposin� a Minor Amendment to SDD #4 in that the proposed expansion contains approximateIy 352� square feet (based on khe preliminary plans) which is less than five percent (3552 square feet) of the e;�isting space of 71, 034 square feet. Tl�e proposed eapansion would add 1050 square feet to the Sports Medicine Clinic which is located on Level D, bet���een Gridlines 5 and C, which cunently contains 1428 square feet. A reguired exit corridor (290 squai-e feet} anc� stora�e space (4�0 square fs;et) would also be incorporated on this Le��el. �n Level E an Aer�bics St�adio, containing 1735 square feet would be added to the existing Athletic C'lub. L:1950715U1'PORT.WPD ,� � � Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993 (the most r�cent a�mendment to SDU �4, Cascade Village) anticipated this proposed expansion, `1'his is evic�enced by; A. Chart 2, on Page 9, lists "Scenaria 1 - Wellness Center" far an expansion of 4,5OQ commercial square feet. The original architectural / structural plans provided far structural columns and tloor to support the proposed expansion. These colur�ns and floor currently exist in the buildin�. B. Chart 3, on Page 9, of the same Ordinance provides far 22.5 parking spaces for this proposed e�pansion which are part of the actua1421 spaces ���ithin the existing parking structure. These are an additiona127.3 parkin� spaces included in the �21 space total currently �inallocated as shown on Chart 3. These 22.5 spaees originally reserved For tl�e "Wellness Center" exceed the parking requirement in the opinion of the Applicant in that the Clituc expansion wou]d only require 4.2 spaces (l space per 250 square feet per tlie Zoning Ordinance Standard) and the Athlezic Club aerobics studio expansion is intended to enhance the quality of the existir�g Club rather than expand membership. The proposed expansion "in-fills° tlie spacc between the Club and its Tennis Courts and at 40 feet in h�ight is well below the permitted 71 f'eet (Ordinance 7, 1993). In fact the expansion is barely visii�le from tl�e Narth and South sides of the building and is not visi�le trom the East or West. Site covera�e is nat increased by the expansion. The expansion does not alter the approved drainage plan. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REP�RT The expansion does not require an Environmental Impact Report. IMPACT ON RECREATIOI�AL NEEDS The expansion w�ill enhance the recreaticrnal e�pportunities w�thin the Town of Vail. L:195071SUPPOnT.1NPD / � � SURVEY A copy af the lnl�rovement Location Certiticate is submitted in support of this �lpplication and a copy of the �riginal Site Plan is attachec� to calculate height. Please note that elevation 45'-5" is equal to relative elevation 0'-0" on the Architectural Plans. LA,NDSCA�'ING During March of 1994 the Applicant prepared a new Landscape Plan (ai�d �ained approval from the Vail Design Review Board of that plan) for Landscapin� improvemenis to the WcstiiZ 1-Iotel s�te as well as substantial landscape improvements along Westhati�en Drive. Those improvemen�s were executed and, in fact, e�lhanced �y�ith of four additional 10 foot plus spruce trees and 17 ne�v�or relocated deciduous trees wl�ich are in additic�n to the attached Landscape Plan approved. Due to the low profilc and impact of the proposed txpansion the Applicant considers his previous volur�tary efforts apprc�priate landscape enhancement tor this Project. �.:���;n��,stai�rorz�r.wr� � T i�ia�i--� i-�� �ti�.=-1 Z f� 1 � �'11��=ell�rse��o6_ ;_ns�'F ' �' _ �'1� .C'e,_-u ....... �I �s...__�.....�_�.....^--�_��__"".��.__'�...._.__.._ I � 1����� �'eceiF�i- #� 1 t' ��._� i F{i_<_t_�1_t9"It. �� �mf�, � f'1 i'iF'� _. i'�.i'A i� (�IE'S?t� �'Er�41G;T' C�F'E' F'EE' _F'��m I�L C?E�..+ELE�F'C1Eta � � T I�, �-�(I'li�i_i{"it. t.�('�i i���-%�r� . ���.F_1,�iL�1 I t�C�ti �S�ZL� ��tll3l�rSt- �ld�4� I 1_t t��t C_i ki L_7�1•'_'+_.�E_1 t_#t_i �F_i,lT16�! !_i�F�'!E_F_14_i��_•'_'•�14_i�4ll ::����:.1,F�!4_4 ,, , _;I 41,�_i G�i i °,'�':- :+;':J ' _, -- .._ .. . T H 1=1 E�i E�� '�'�L! . '•;'r_��;t- :=.�_hier F'EHsNH � _..__....—_.�.__.._._—r._—_—..�—._._— I� � a�� 7� � 1300 Westhaven Drive,Uail,�Colorado 81657 �111E:V1�'ESl l V RIiSO�ZI (970)476-7111 FAX:{970)479-7025 �.,�� DATE REF./C�C.# DESCRIPTIQN AMOUNT 3r23/95 Ck req- SDD Appl�cation *$200.00*** RECEIi . — The Town of Vail DATE � 1� E2ECENED FROM ADDRESS � DOLLARS $ � � � — Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers HOW PAII�Cash Ct►eck By RECEIPT— T`he Town of Vail DATE , 19 �: ; ��."�� � �'4 � RECEIVED �ROM ADDRESS � _ DOLLARS � —� 'r /�'" I ` _ Permit Numbers Folice Receipt Numbers HOW PAID--Cash Check By 1300 Westhaven Drive,Vail,Colorado 81657 0 71716 T��E W E5"E'INE�'ESOF2I� (570}476-7111 FAX: (970)479-7025 1s��� DATE R�F.!CK.# DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3/23/95 Ck req— DRB Application ***$50.00*** � � �.�.s. - -- - _ --- -� ___. - _- -- _- - _ -_- - - - �_. ,�_�..�>�_ ;..r - _� _. .__. _. .___...__.._._. : ;_ _ �_ - - _ e_ , � �� ��� _ ' T(�1ti'�d UF VAIL At�cetrr�;o._� - , - DEP.aR"1��11E\T OF C011�iC1I71'UE�'F.I.UP�iE\'T r!��'� �'� (� • i a1 ' \:1t1E ,�,_ /C/1�l�' �/��i�L ' _ -- � � (_ , Y`_ .1llDRF.55_�_ � " � ;D.4TE��.L1�1� ;: �.. �, � � _� �� , � � � � �i ,.- -.�� PHOJFCT----f Y -�.�_� L/(.< ,�r��,�LL<=�-��--=-€ -i� C. .' ; -..: , �.% ..: _. -,� � C'fiF,f'IiS RtADE PAYABI.E Tp T0�5`!�OF�'AII. .�, .�CCOU1'f 1'Q. 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I � � � ' � � � i 1� ' . I +ktt�FtM�ik*+ff• i . I� I . PROJEG�' ZN�ORMATIbI�; ' ! � � � ' � ; I ` � �' ' , i � : 11. D�S�EtZ 1�T�ON: ��1� _ ����L°����(.L�-U� � � f � !��lI v.r� ,� �''—"""1_`i : i 4 _��s�l �vkk�i � � �r�7 C� �_I ' � �� ! � ,.__-_-��.f.__� 1 ! � � ,; �" _.�:—. � � � , � �. TYPE OF REVI�W; ! � � � ' � � � I � � Naw ConsC�r�ction (,$200.00) _.,_.,_.�Iinor l�lterati.on G�20. 00) � � � ` �Additian • {��0. 00� Cqnceptual kcview (�p) � • J1 � : ' C. At�t�)tr:SS: /�,A "Jr I�E�b��l-A`1�,�1 �• � � i � . __.. . � � , � • ' D. LEGAL D�SCCt L PT1.ON: -�r�ft- !S� (J/�l 1 T � � � ` �. i : � Subdivlsian /�v ' � � , k • �� . - - - - ' ' � � � � I If propQrty is desc;�ibed l�y d meflts and bounds �Cq�1 , ` ' ' � ! ' de�cri. ti.on, 1eas� ' � � p p p�ovid� an � separate she$t and attach • ' � � . [.o this appiic�kiorz . � `, • � � � !:. "LONI NC;: ��� �� � � • � d . 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The T4wn r,� Vai.1 wiZ1 3c3just th� �acs acce�rc3i.ng tv the tah1� below, to ensure the eorreet fQe i . ; � i ,' is paid . , � � ' � � ;c, , I. � . �• • � i` FEE k�AID: � '�, ^� CHECK ; DATF; ' $Y�: i�f � I j . . I � ' � -- ' 1 ! � Ff;E SCNEDULF: ; I ' ' � ° I` , ' ' � ` . vnr.,vr�TZON H�� � � ' a . w � � �.v, GOG .p 4� . u'v � I . : ; i , j $ 1�. 0�1 - $ 5�. Ofl0 � 50 . OD ', � ' � � � � 50, UUZ - � ].50, 000 $100 . [1a � � � I � �l�a, onz - $ 5oo. 00a $?ou . c�;� ' ' � i � , 'a x5oa, c�o� - �� , ooa, ooa �aoo . oo ; � .' 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Fascia �T,q� �� soffits p�� � wi ndows �� ,�,� n Window Trim �(�j�,�� Doors �'�� Door Trim _�/�„1� � � , , �iand or Deck Ra i 1 s _�Q�l�' Flues ��,�,� � ' Flashings �j,�, �l/�/�p 11 Chimneys � ,�/� Trash Enclosures _��p,/� Greenhouses Np�� Retaininq walls ,� Exterior Laghting ���.AI�- Other B . LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner: Phone: 7 � ��� MAk2-24-95 14 = 14 FROM: LDWE E,�PRI5ESY5F' Y L, « II3: 4168�75 PAGE 3 '�l , '. i ' � , � � I I � I � � � � Iy`� _ � ��� � � , R��" �, ti'`'`�+'I` � , � � , ; � rav�ia�d �Q/5/9� ! ; , ' � DATE AP�LIGATI4N RECE�VED , � ' ! I � i i � � �.Ppi,xC71TY0�1 �'4RM TQ�I 8P1�C�AL p��Al'D�NT , • , "' bISTIt�CT D�V'IiLO�bd�NT Pf�1 I � ; � � i ; ` . Z , rh�.s proceduxe is �'$quired toX any pro3�ct �hat would go � i ' i ' ' thrvugh the Sp�c ia l Dev�l a p m�n� Da.s�tr�.c�. proc�dure . ; ; ` ' � ! � The application w111 r,�it be ACGlap�,CCJ untii all is►�orm�t�lon� � : � � ' � i ' � � � is 8ubmitt�d. I i j F , (pl�a�e pri.n� or tYPe? 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M � �. i t , �. 5'r�Y��. �AI)'DIi�SSED �t�tv��o�Es �r z�r�� N��s oc own�cns b�'1 . � r , 11LL PROE��F2�'Y� ADJAC�NT TO �'}?��, :'�IJN,�TECT PROk'�,RTX ANU A , , . � � ; LIST OE' '�HEZR �I7�MES i�P�D M,11LL1r1;.: :LllDx�iSSl:`�. .i I ' � ' ' � r � . � � 1 . F . A TI�'L� �tEP�RT TO VERIFY �WNERSHIP ANC� EA5EME��1T�a , � , . � { � � ,���� - t � II . Fc�ur (41 copies a� the �olZow�ng �.ntormat�an m�st k�e a ���+'� �� ' ' � submi�.tesi: � � �; � ; � �� � .' p. Dereiled written/ r� hiC desoript�.on af propos�l.; ' � . d;. � �, � P i . , � � � �a � :/ ' H. A n environm e n t a�. im p�CG re port sr►a11 he submitted tv� ; , '�' � U�r'S the zoning admin�stratvr ira accobdan�.� ,ait h Ghapter I � ,�, ;" `� ( ; ; � �8 .56 t�ereo� unlass w��,ved bx Sec�ion 18.56 , 030, exe�p� ' � � projects; ; ! � , � C, p,n open �pace and r�cre�tiona� plan suf.fic�ent t0 m��tt � � ! the demanc�s qenerated by th� d�v�lopsnent w�.thput und�ae� , ; ' t�urde� an availablc or prop08ed pub.l�.c Xa�ilities; , � � � � l �, � � ; � . � i n, Exi�tiny cUiil:r�urs having �ont��«r ��tre'rval� of nbt mo�e ; ;, ;• , w , thr,n �ive feet �f C.he av�rag�s alap� a� �he site f� � ' i j ', I, � twen�y p���e�iC cz' les�� o� with con�our in�erval.a of� ,' I � ; !' � riak. more �h�ar, ten fe�t if the averag� �iope of �tie s�.t� ' � ' : I! , , ie grea�ter than twent y p�rcent . i ; � � j i i i; , � � , , j; E. A pxopos�d si.te pZanr at a scal� not sma7.l er thart �n� , '. � i � �; inch equals �ifty feet, ehow:itzg the approximate ' i• � .. , locatxons an� dimensions o� a1J� bui�dings and , � � 1 i �� 11 in i al 3�tP. � � � , stxuctur�s, uaes there�.r►, and a pr c p � , �i � development features, �uck� as landscaped areas, � . : ; �'� � , rPCr.eational faci�ities, pede��r�.an p�azds and ; ; Y ' � : . walkway�, �e�vice �+ntric��, �ir�.v�way�� and pff�street' , , • i ; . parking and ].oading areas sa��.h proposed contQUr� aft�r; � , ' gradina anti site deve�Opm�nC; � { i � ; 1 ' ; . � , � � , • � ; . ; . ' �� � i . .� � � � _ �, - �_ _ _ _ ___ -- � - - - I � , ���` y,'r�� ,�,��� �; �I r.� � vr�.� ,�� �L�-z_�- � ,��Z �-� /�. ��P�� � , .� � � � , C.��' ��""` LJ 4��C /W2 2 C �-� � ��urc - �'�c�,J' ,su-�c C d� '�'`_ce� t'Yt Sjr �l,l/�/� 2 J ��� /� n��L! � � IG��dz cse - - 6��/h.i Nc-�-< < � , � C � ��� . �/r('/S 1(yn� �k ¢t� / � �� � �..�'� �a�`��c-t �Y�L � . 4 J �i cr � s f 3 S }�''� -�e�qi'� -F� � i � � � � ! . L A N D T T T L E G U A R A N T E E C � M P A N Y OWNERSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCE REPORT Order No. OE02349 This report is based on a search made o� documents affecting �he record title to the property described hereinafter, searched by legal description and not by the names of grantor or grantee . Consequently, the infarma�ion as �o record owner is taken from the mast recent reco�ded Vesting Deed, and the in�ormation as to existing encumbrances reflects only �hose documents of record which specifically descra�be the subject property by �.egal descrip�ion. Encumbrances not included are those of record wh�eh refer to th� owner of the property or any ather person having an interest tk�erein which are filed by name anly and do not include the legal description of the property. No information is furnished relative to easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions . -- Charges -- Written. Q & E $75 . Q0 This Certificate is dated : March 10, 1995 at 5 : 00 A.M. Address : ` Record Owner: L-0 WESTHAVEN, INC. , A COLORADO CORPORATI�N Recorded date of deed in to above owner: April O8, 1994 Documentary Fee on above deed: $217 . 50 Legal Descript�on: CONDOMINTLTM UNIT 4, CASCADE CLUB CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING TO THE CQNDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CASCADE CLUB CONDOMINIUMS RECORD�D JUNE 23, 1987 IN BOOK �64 AT PAGE 886 A1�D AS DESCRIBED IN CC7NDOMINILTM MAP F(JR CASCADE CLLJB CONDOMIINIUMS FtADIUS JUN� 23, 1987 IN BOOK 454 AT PAGE �$7, COUNT�.' OF EAGLE, STATE OF COL�FLADO. We �ind Che following documents of record affec�ing subject property: NONE This report does not inc�ude the results of any search under the names of the groperty owner(s) or the General Index. Should such a search be desired please contact us for a separate general Index repo�t . Liability o� Land Ta.tle Guarantee Company under this Owner and Encumbrance report is lim�.ted to the fee received. ✓/�.^�'`t/�! � "'r '�/"�✓ By: Authorized Officer or Agent PAGE 1 r ; �y��}+'yrl�R�'�'«' qi���t�`.�p�CvxM�x+'�vyH+ r*l+r+�`�,�$�'•��'j�,�",,� �� _ �j �ltti���pSr,�!p^����{i� , '�y� �+.��. `�" ,�"•�,`,r1�r �, �',:� ri e ,� 4' Y '' ,y . �r.'i�,t„9���1Y�"�" 1 Y� �0�.i..� i 4��,� .'x�}$ � "�*'�� � �e : �}G"�i ti7+?4�r�'�icf.t�p u! � �♦ ,i,},` ,y 1 � '-�� � :i pt t }t e�"• ... .� ��'��`)fl y .. � 1 � f " � `�1! `r���>�C3{+[�'+ �' r'` ..: � ;� .. � .M '-.! �. � �i. � 6 ti �f�.. � , �., a � '. � �, J � r � . trI �, ,.t t �A:.�.� m�i"�'�p,'�; �� ���a � ,.?�"' ST''1.�� ,.r . 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J {-� . . � +��i�a�':��`a.� '� {t �.i e„iap ,'.�• �'c P.s;' � On thi• �dry cf Icarob, 1944, E�lor• ��, th• und�r�l.qn . , � � . ��. � >�' }''� � '`��„`H�'�� �'� 'F1 ' a No[ary Publla in �nd !or rrld �tat�. p�r�onwl�y app�ar�d `,,�r�����,�,• �'�Z�'���+�t:��� ` Y � { - r ' t ��n��l � [ �l-��i� Px�ridsnt of GiC!►DR CL07 �� r s,. ,� r `I ' "y'S F +� ]t��:�,,' � s, y ,. �+� CpRPOAJ►TZON, th• q�a�r�l p�rta�r of Caacad• Clu� Partn�r�. Ltd. a ���i 4r;a� ¢-y�t'}� p,r�, � r�"°�`�� y �x� ��. �3��t°�';�,y ,t^�#t�� :Y-rr .�' s �#�'.. C�11lomia Liait�d Partn�r�hip. Rnd p�rroa�lly lcno�rn to a� to b� �' � �,���'`���`*���� tt��;��3�+ •r ,!P�7�f, :� +ll��^�`+'�.FP��";`�{���'N �.t���4 T' ~'��p' th• •r�on xho�• pam� i■ •ubscrib�d to t�• riChin in�tr�aaat, �ad �,,+"F � x �.-,��-y�� � �.+)" 1'Rs � � `gy�� aoknovl�dy�d that ha •x�a�t�d it oa b�hal[ ot said oorporation aaid � � ����3� � '�'i,y�.°'`�,�;, ,�;�,. +.�„" ` ���,���+3+5 p,� ���;�"`�,��1�s�, �k� . �.,il' •aid pastn�r�hiy. �... _ .....r._o ��'�.. 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F y.{�S'}, , .i-.T �,�.. ��_�.7°.'?"$i'r'� �'' . F�� �-... 1� .�., , ��, . , . . F,.y,. �^ t 4. � . - '- � ���� � � T�-lE WEST[N R.IES�RT Vai I April 17, 1995 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail - Communi� Development 75 S. Fronta�;e Rd. Vail, C� 81657 RE: The Cascade Club SDI� #4 Mina�-Amendment Application Deaar Andy: During c�ur meeting this mornin�, you commentea that you did not need the Gascade Club Condaminium Association Declaration relative to the above project. However,just in case you havE any c�uestions, � have taken the liberty of enclosing one copy each of the Associatian By-Laws and the condominium declaration. Yqu also indicated that y�ou currently had all the materia�s which you needed tfl review this project, however, don't hesitate ta contact Skip Behrhorst or myself if there is anything additiona� which you need. � Sincerely, ,N ,/� ��7 fi � � � Chris Hanen Managin� Director CH:tmd 130G Vi(esthaven Dr�ve,Vad,Colorado B1657 Fcr Reservalioris in the U.S. or Candda "� (343)476-7111 •Fax(303}479-7025 1-SOD-�28-300� �.�.:�<<.:,�:�.�:.:;;� � � �/� ��' ��,�� � r �� �� � � � � ��, �� j � - �� � ✓ " i , f . .1 /�. C' � �,�''�� ��-c �'�r�G��' , � �� f i , �-�v �7�'���3� _ � . �� a , -, � , • � ,. , , � "� � � � I � `1�. _ �� ; 1_.I.; ,/ ,. r�,r__CeZ. Pa C E...»,�� . CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION J�Eihr�L i (;; r�if�!I+ ;; j� EAGLE CTY. R�CQi2C�ci� :� �� Fp��' � CASCADE CLUB CdNDOMINiUMS � �' �� � Y� P� �E�� THIS C�NDOMINIUM DECLAF2ATION FOR CASCADE CLUB CONDOMINIUMS (this pDeclarata.onp) is made as of the 'Ca� day of V1. , 1987 by VAIL VENTURES, LTD. , a Colox�ado limited partner�hip (yDeclarant"} . RECITALS Declarant is the'owner of the real property situated in the County of Eag�e, state of Colarado, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof {the "Real Propertyy) and is entitled to grant or assign the easements described in Exhibit A; (colZectively, the "Easementy ; the Real Praperty and the Easement are hereinafter col�ectively referred to as the °Propextyn) . The 0 Property is part of and integrated with a certain project � known as Cascade Villa e as more y �1 q , particularl desczibed in .r, the Declaration Creating Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions = and Easements for Cascade Vi�laqe recorded Ju�y 17, 1983 in - Book 326 at Page 255 of the �eal property records of Eagle County, Colorado (the �'protective Covenants") . Declarant desires to establish a condominium project under the Condominium Ownership Act o� Calorado (the pAC4N) to be known as "Cascade C�ub Condominiumsn and to define the character, duratian, rights, obligations and limitations of condominium ownership. Declarant has constructed a building - on the Property, wh�ch shall cansist of separately designated condominium units. A condominium map will be fa.led showing the location of the condami�ium units constructed by Declarant on the Property. Declarant intends to establish by this Declaration a plan for the ownership af real preperty estates in fee simple consisting of the air space contained in each of the condom- inium units in the bui],ding and the co-ownership, by the individual and separate owners thereof, as tenants in common, o� certain porti.ans of the remainder of the proparty which are made appt�rtenant to such condominium units by the terms of this Declaration. 'f��.••` . 1,.�� ,.• � . �f.:i;:���'i � � �//a03�. ! . 7 r � � Declarant does hereby subject the Property to this Declaration and publish and declare that the fol�owing terms, - covenants, condztions, easements, restrictions, uses, reserva- tions, limitaticns and obligations shal], be deemed to run with the land, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, its successors and assigns and any person acquiring or awning an interest in the Property and improvements built thereon, their grantees, successors, heirs, personal representatives, devisees or assigns. 1. Definitions. As used in this Declaration, unless otherwise expressly provided: (a) "Articles" means the articles of zncorporativn of the Association in effect at any time. (b) "Associatian" means Cascade Club Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation. � (c) "Board of Directors" or "Board° means the *„� governing body o£ the Association. .. � + (d) "Bui].ding" means the five-level concrete structure located an the PropErty. - (e) "Bylaws" means the bylaws of the _ Associatian in effect at any time. {f) "Cascade Club Condominiums" means the Condominium Units subject to this Declaration. (g) "Cascade Village Assocaati.on"' means Cascade Village Association, Inc. , a Colorado nonprofit corporation. (h) nCascade Village Facilities"' means all the rea� property subject to the Protective Covenants and all impravements and amenities thereon, which are now or hereafter owned by Cascade Villag� Association or which the menibers of Cascade Village Association otherwise have the right to use. (i) "Common Expenses" means: (i) all expenses expressly declared to be Cammon Expenses by this Declaration or by the Bylaws; (ii} all other expenses of adma.nistering, servicing, conserving, managing, maintaining, regairing or replacing the General Common Elements {including the Limited Common Elements) in accordance with the provisions ot this Declaration ar the Bylaws; {iii) insurance premiums for the insurance carried by the Association pursuant to the provi- sa.ons of Sect�on 11 hereof; {iv) assessments of Cascade Vi3lage Association made pursuant ta the provisions of the Protective Covenants ar th� artic�es of incorporation or -2- 1 , , . � . • � � bylaws of Cascade Village Association; and (v} all other expenses 3awfully determined to be Common Expenses by the Board of Directors. {j ) "Condominium Unit" means a Unit together with the undivided interest in the General Common Elements appurtenant thereto and the riqht to exclusive or nanexclusive use of Limit�d Common Elements associated therewith. (k) �Declarationn means this instrument and all amendments or supplements thereto hereafter recarded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. (1) yFirst Lienorn means the holder of an indebtedness, payment of which is secured by a Mortgage which has priority over all other Mortgages encumbering tha same Condominium Unit. � (m) pGeneral Common Ele�ents" means (i) the land included in the real pxoperty which at any time is � sub�ect to this �eclaration; (ii) the foundations, columns, � irders beams su orts erimeter and su ortin walls � 5 , . PP , P Pp 5 , ` elevators, roofs, ba3.conies, haZls, corridars, lobbies, = stairs, stairways, fire escapes, entrances and exits of the Bui�ding; (iii) the installations, equipment and materials makinq up the central serva.ces af the Building, such as power, . light, gas, h�t and cold water, heating, refrigeration and air conditioning and incinerating; (iv) the tanks, pumps, mators, fans, compressors, ducts, and in genera], all apparatus and installations existing for common use of the Building; (v) any portian af the Property designated as a General Cominon Element or "'GCE" on the Map, including without limitation the West- haven Pedestrian Bridge; and (vi) all other parts of the Property which are nat part of a Una.t, including without limi- tation all landscaping, walks, gutters, curbs, paving, drives and irrigation systems. The Genera�. Common Elements shall inc�ude the Limited Common Elements. (n) nImprovements" means the Building, and any other improvements located on the Property. {o) nLimited Common Elements"' �neans those portions of the General Cominon Elements designated on the Map or on �xh�bit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof for the exclusive or nonexclusive use and enjoy- rnent of the Owner of one vr more, but less than all, of the Units. (p} �Map� means the or�.ginal condaminium map required to be recorded hereunder and all amencintents or __� -3- • • supplements thereto thereafter recorded ir� the real praperty records of Eagle County, Calorado. �q) "Mortgage" means a mortgage or deed of trust encumbezing an interest in a Cor�dominium Unit and ��'t`Sart9agee" means t�e holder of an indebtedness secured by a M°rt9aqe. including a First Lienor, (whether for �r� y��ery �reans any individual, corporation prafzt or nonprofit) , partnership, association, district or quasi-goveznmental corporation created under the Zaws of the State of Colcrrado, trust oz other legal entity, or any co�nbination of individua�s or legal entitz�s� which, according to the real property records of Eagle Caunty, Colorado, owns or own the entire undivided fee siraple interest in one or more Cando�ninium Units. (S) "Permittee" shalZ mean any officer, director, �znployee, agent, contractor, customer, guest, visitor, invitee, licensee, assignee, tenant or concessionaire of an Owner. (t) "Sharinq Ratio" of an Owr�er is such Own�r's percentage interes� in the Genera]. Common Elements as se� fozth .zn Exhi.bit C attached hereto and by this reference made a par� hereof. . �u) "Unit^' means the i�dividual air space contained within the perimeter �wa1�s� floors, ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in the Building as shown and described in the Map, togethez with improvements therein; f�) all fixtures and surfaces of such unitrsii) the inner decorated or finished {iii) the doors and windowslofttheWUnit; andors and ceiling; nonsupporting walls within the unit. The tez-m�doeshnotnterior include, however, the und�corated or unfinished surfaces of the perimeter wa1�s, flaors or ceilings of a unit, any utiiities running through the unit which serve more than one unit, or any other General Com�mon Element or part thereof located within the unit. In the event of any conflict between the definition af space in this Decl.aration and its designa-- tion on the Map, the Map sha3;i cantral , (�) "Westhaven Pedestr.ian Bridgen means the pedestri.an walkway constructed over the Easement, � - Division of Pro ert into Estates • Use and OCCU anc of Candominium Units. (a) The Property is hereby divided into four Car�dominiurn Units designated respectively as Condaminium Units -4-- • I � � 1, 2, 3 , and 4 , each consistinq of a Unit, an undivided interest in the General Common �1em�nts appurtenant to such Unit, which interest is set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto, and the exclusive or nonexc�usive right to use and enjoy Limited Common Elements, as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto. Declarant hereby assigns or, as appropriate, creates and grants and conveys, to Declarant the separate easements comprising the Easement for so long as Declarant is an Owner of a Condominium Unit and to each other Owner for the benefit of Declarant's and such other Owner's Condo�inium Unit, subject to the provisions of this Declaration. (b) Each unit shall be inseparab�e from its appurtenant interest in the General Common EZements and the appurtenant right to use certain Limited Cominon Elements and sha31 comprise one Condominium Unit. A Condominium Unit shall always be conveyed, leased, devised, encumbered or otherw�se affected only as a complete Condominium Unit. Every convey- ,� ance, transfer, gift, devise, bequest, encumbrance, or other � disposi�ion of a Condominium Unit or any part thereof shall be _ presumed to be a conveyance, transfer, gift, devise, bequest, — encumbrance, or other disposition, as the case may be, of the � entire Condominium Unit, together wi�h all appurtenant rights and interests created by law or by this Declaration, even though any particular portion of or int�rest in any Condo- minium Unit is not expressly mentiQned dr described in the subject document. Title to a Condominium Unit may be held ind�vidually or in any form of concurrent ownership recogniz�d in Coloradc. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shal� be jointly and severally liable for performance and observance of all the dtities and rESponsibilities of an Owner with respect to the Condaminium Unit in which such co- owner owns an interest. (c} Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust, mortgage, will or other ins�rument affecting a Condo- minium Unit may describe it as follows (with appropriate information inserted) : "Condominium Unit , CASCADE CLUB CONDOMINIUMS, according to the Condomini� Declaration �or Cascade Club Condominiums recorded , 1987 in Book at page of the real property records of Eagle Caunty, Colorado and the Condominium Map for Cascade Club Condominiums recorded , �987 in Book at page of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado." Every such description shall be gaod and suffi,cient for all � purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber, lease or other- _�_ . � � � wise affect not anly the Unit, but also the interest in the Genera� Common Elements and Limited Common Elements appurtenant to such Unit and the other easements, abligations, �imitations, zTC�hts, encumbrances, covenants, canditions and restrictions created in this Declaration. The reference to the Map and Declaration in any instrument shall be deemed to include any supplements or amendments to the Map or Declara- tion, without specific reference thereto. In this Declara- tion, a Condominium Lnit may be d�scribed simpZy by its Unit number, such as, for example, "Unit 1. " (d) Declarant shall gi,ve written notice to the assessor of Eagle County, Coiorado, in the manner provided in the Act, so that each, Condominium Un�t will be separately assessed and ta�ed. (e) Each �wner shall have the right to lease or enter into agreements regarding the use by others of such �wner's Condominium Unit upon such terms and canditions as l.� such owner may deem advisable; provided, however, that (i) any � such lease shall be in writing and shall provide that the � lease is subject to the terms of this Declaration, and (ii) � any failure of a lessee ta comply with the terms of this Dec�aration or the Artic2es, Bylaws or rules and regulatians of the Association shall entitle the Association to pursue aZZ remedies against the lessee or the respective Owner as set forth in Section 6 hereo�. 3 . CQndominium Map. Upon substantial campletion of the Improvements, and prior to any conveyance by DacZarant Qf a Condom.in�.um Unit, Declarant sha11 cause to be filed for record in Eagle County, Colorado, the Map, which shall cpntain the follow�ng; (a) the legal description of the sur�'ace of the Real Property and the real property over which the Ease- ment crosses; (b) the �inear measurements and location, with reference to the exterior baundaries of the Real Property and the real property over which the Easement erpsses, of the Impr4vements; (c) the floor pians and linear dimensions of the interior of the Building, including the Units, the General C4mmon Elements which are not located within any Unit and the Limited Common Elen�ents; (d) the designation by number of each Unit; (e) the elevation plans of the Building; and (f} the elevation of the unfinished interior surface of the floors and ceiZings of the Building, including �he Units, as established from a datum plane, the distances between floors and c�ilings, and the linear measurements showing the thickness vf the peri- meter walls of the Bui�ding. The Map shall also contain the 5tatement of Declarant submitting the Property to the provi- sions of this Declaration and the statement of an enqineer or a registered land surveyor certifying that the Map fully and accurately depicts the layout, measurement, loeation and -5- . � � elevatians of the Bui�ding and the Westhaven Pedestrian Bridge, the Unit designations and the dim�nsions of s�ch Units. Declarant reserves far a period not ta exceed seven years f�om the in�tial recarding o£ the Map, the right to amend the Map from time to time to conform it to the actual Zocation of any Improvement. 4 . General Gommon Elements • Encroachments . (a) The General Co�nmon Elements shall be owned in common by all the Owners and shal� remain undivided. No �wner shall assert any right of partition with respect to �he General Common Elements. �ach Owner waives any a�d all rights to institute or maintain a partition action or any other cause of action seeking a physical division of the General Common Elements which such Owner_ may hold by virtue of such Owner's ownership of an undivided interes� in the General Common Elements as a tenant in coznmon with the other Owners. This Section may be pleaded as a bar to the maintenance of such an `� action. In addition, any Owner who shal� institute or main- � tain such an action shall be liable to the Association and t-� = hereby agrees to reimburse the Association for the Associa- - tion's costs, expenses and r�asonable attorneys' fee� in defending any such action. This Section shalZ not, hawever, limit or restrict the right of the co-owners o;E a particular Condominium Unit to bring a part�.tion action pursuant to the provisions af Section 38-28-1OZ et seq, of Colorado Revised 5tatutes reguesting the sale of such Condominium Unit and the division af the sale proceeds among the co-owners; provided that no physical division of a Candominium Unit shall be permitted and no such action shal]. affect any other Condoz�inium Unit. (b) Each Owner and such Owner's Permittees shall be entitled to use the General Comrnon Elements in accordance with th�e purpose for which they are intended, without hindering, impeding or imposing upon the rights of the other Owners and in accordance with the rules and regulations duly established from time to time by the Association, and subjeet to the provisions of S�ction 23 hereof. (c) There is hereby created an easement upon, across, over and under all of the General Common El.ements for ingress and egress, installation, replacement, repaiz and maintenance o� a�l uti�ities, including but not limited to water, sewers, gas, telephones and electricity. An easement is further granted to all pol�ce, fire protection and ambulance personnel, and all similar persons to enter upon the General Common Elements and Units in the performance of their duties. Further, subject to the provisions of Section ? (b) hereof, an easement is hereby granted to the Association to -7- � i enter in, onta, above across or under the General Common Elements and any Unit to perform any duties of maintenance and repair to any Unit or the General Common Elements. Notwith- standing anything to the cont�ary contained in this Section, no sewers, electrical �.ines, water ].ines or other utilities may be installed or relocated on the General Coznznon �lements except as approved by the Association, and any utility or company in the use of the utility easement g�anted herein shall be responsible for any damage ta any General Common Elements ar cost incurred by the Association as a result of such damage and sta,all be required to promptly restore any of the Genezal Common Elements dis�.urbed or damaged by such utility or company �n the exercise of any of their rights under the utility easement granted hezein. Should any utility or company furnishing a service covered by this easemen� herein request a specific _easement, including a vehicular easement, the Association may grant such an easement through � the General Common Elements by a separate recorded instrument � without conflicting with the terms hereof and without consant ri af the �wners being required. The easements provicled for in � this Sectian shall in no way affect any other recorded ease- ` ment through the General Common Elements. (d) If any portion of the General Cor.tmon Elements now encroaches upon any Irtprovement, or if any �mprovement now encroaches ugon any other Improvement or upon � any portion of the General Common Elements, as a result of the constructi.pn of any Improvement, ar if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a �esul,t af settling or shift�,ng of any Improvement, a valid easement for the encroachnent and for the maintenance of the same so long as the Improve�r,ent stands, shall exist. In the event any Improvement, any adjoining Improvement, or any adjoining General Common Element, shall be partially vr totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, and then rebuilt substantia�ly according to the Map, encroachments Qf parts of the Genera�. Common Elements upon any Irnprovement or of any Improvement upon any other Improyement or upon any portion of the General Cor,unon Elements, due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so lor►g as the Improvement sha}.1 stand. 5 . Mechanic's L�ens; Indemnificat�on. (a) If any Owner shall cause any material to b� furnished to such Owner's Unit or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, no Owner of any other Candominium LTnit shall under any circur.stance be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished. Al1 such work shall be at the expense of the Owner -8- � " � � causing it to be done, and such Owner shall be soZely respon- sible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persans furnishing labor or materials to such owner's Unit or any improvements therein. Nothing herein containQd sha�l author- ize any Owner or any person dealing through, with or under any Owner to charge the Genera� Cominon E�ements or any Condom�nium Unit other than that of such Owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever. On the contrary (and notice is hereby given) , the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the General Common EZements or against any �wner or any �wner's Condominium Unit for work done or materials furnished ta any other Owner's Unit is hereby expressly denied. {b) If, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanic's or other Zien or arder for the payment of money shall be filed aga�nst the Genera� Common Elements or � against any other Owner's Condominium Unit or any improvements M therein, or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien 4. or arder is valid or enforceable as such) , the Owner whose act = or omissian torms the basis for such lien or order sha�� at such Owner's own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonabiy acceptdble to the assaciation, or ta such other Owner or Owners, within 20 days after the date of filing thereof, and further shal� indemnify and save all the other Owners and the Association harmless from and against any and all cos�s, expenses, clai�s, lasses or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees rssu3tinq therefrom. (c) Labar performed or materia�s furnished for the General Common Elemen�s, if d�ly authorized by the Asso- ciation in accordance with this Dec�aration or the Bylaws, shall be deemed to be performed or furnished with the express consent of each Owner and shall be the basis for the fi�ing of a lien pursuant to law against each of the Condominium Un�ts, Sn the event a 1�En is effected against two or more Condo- manium Units, the Owners of the separate Condominium Units may ramove their Condominium Units from the lien by payment of the fractional or proportional amount attributable to each of the Condomini�un Units affected. Individual payment shal3 be computed by reference to the Shari�g Ratios. Subsequent to payment, discharge or other satis£action, the Condominium Unit shall be released from the �ien and as to such Condominium Unit the lien shall be conszdered and deemed to be paid, sat�sfied or discharged. Partial payment, satisfaction or discharge shall not prevent the lienor from proc�eding to enforce such lienor's rights against any Condominium Unit not so released or discharged. _g_ „ � � 6. Administ ation and Mana emen�. (a) Cascade Club Condo�iniums sha31 be administered and manag�d pursuant to this Declaratian and the Articles and By3aws. Each Owner shall be a member of the Association and shall remain a member until such Own�r ceases to be an Owner, As members of the Association, all of the Owners collectively are entitled to a total of 10, 000 votes in elections ot members of the Board af Directors; each Owner is en�itled to the number of votes equal to such Owner�s Sharing Ratio muZtiplied by 10, 000. Each member shall comply strictly with the provisions of this Declaration and of the Azticles and By�aws. The Assoczation shall have the right to promul- gate and enforce rules governing the use, maintenance and appearance of the General Common Elements. Each meinber shall be bound by and shall comply with the rules, resfllutions and decisions of the Association duly made �r adopted in the manner set forth in this Declaration or in the Articles or � Bylaws. Failure of a member to comply with s�ch rules, reso- � lutions or dec�sions shall be grounds for an actian to recouer _ damages ar to obtain injunctive relief� or both, maintainable ` by the Assoc�ation an behalf of the other �wners or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved Owner. In additian, the Bylaws may authorize the Association, during the period of any delin- quency, (i) to revoke a delinquenti owner's right ta use the Cascade Village Facilities or General Common Elements, except for access to and from such Owner's Candaminium Unit, and (ii) to suspend a member's voting privileges; however, no such suspension shal� affect the rights of a First Lienor. (b) The Association may employ or contract for thE services of a manager, pzovided that such employment shall be by cantract having a term of no more than three years and each such contraet shall be subject to cancellation by the Association on 90 days' notice. The Board may not delegate ta a manager the authority to make expenditures for capital addi- tions ar improvements chargeab�e against the maintenance fund. The members of the Board shall no� be liable �or any omission or improper exercise by a manager of any such duty, power, or function so delegated by written instru�ent executed by a majority of the Board. (c) The Association shall have all of the pawers necessary to administer and manage Cascade Club Condo- miniums and to perfarn� a�l of the duties required ta be pertormed by the Association pursuant to this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws. Notwithstanding such powers, unZess all of the First Lienors have given their prior written approval, the Ass�ciation sha�l nat be entitled to: �; -10- � � (i) by act ar omission, seek to abandon the pZan of condominium awnership czeated hereby; (ii) partition or subdivide any Condominium Uni�; or (iii) by act or omission, seek to abandon, partition, subdivide, encumber, hypothecate, pledge, alienate, sell or transfer the Cammon Elements. 7 . Maint�nance and Repairs. (a) Each Owner shall be responsible for maintenance and repair af such Owner's Unit, including fixtures and i�provements and all utilzty lines and equigment located therein and serving such Unit on1y. In performing � such maintenance ar repair, or in imprvving or alterzng such �,,,� Owner's Unit, n� Owner shall do any act or work which impairs � the structural soundness of the Bui�ding or which interferes � with any easement. (b} Th� General Conanon Elements shall be administered, conserved, ma�aged, maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association, which may have access to any �nit and the Limited Com�,on Elements appurtenant thereto from time ta time during reasonable hours fflr s�ch purposes, or at any time for the purpose of making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage ta the General Comman Elements or to another Unit ar Units. The casts of repairing any damage to a Unit resulting frorn entry therein for any such purpose shall be a Common Expense. Hawever, if the need to make such entry results fzom th� negligence or intentional act af any Owner, or such Owner's Permittees, such Owner shall reimburse the Association for al� the costs of repairing such damage and shall be liabl� to the other �wners for all additional losses or damages s�ff�red, �ncluding reasonable attorney's fees. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) each Owner having an interest in Limited Common E�ements shall pay the proportion of the costs and expenses of maintaining, repairing and replacing any Limited Cor,Lmon Elements of which such Owner has any right to the use and enjoyment, the nume�ator of which proportion is such owner's Sharing Ratio and the denominator of which is the total Sharing Ratio of all owners having any right to the use and enjoyment Qf the respective Limited Co�;�mon Element, and (ii) each Owner shall pay alI casts of repairing any damage to the General Cammon Elements, or to any Unit other than such owner's Unit, result- ing from the intentianal act or negligence of such Owner, or such Owner's Permittees. -11- � � 8 . Cascade Villa e Associatian. The Association sha�l be a member of Cascade v�l�age Assaciation. Each Owner, so �ong as such Owner is a meinber of the Association, shall be entitled to use the eascade Villag� Facilities as specifically pe�nitted in the Protective Covenants a�d the articles of incorporation and bylaws of Cascade Village Association. The A�sociation and each owner shall comply strictly with the provisions of the Protective Cavenants and the a�ticles of incorporatian and bylaws of Cascade Village Associ.ation. The Association and each Owner shaT1 be bound by and shall comply with rules, resolutions and decisions of Cascade Village Asso- ciation duly made or adopted in the manner se� forth in the Pratective Covenants and the articles of incorporation or bylaws of Cascade Va.11age Association. Failure of the Asso- ciation or an Owner ta comply with such rules, resalutir�ns or decisions shall sub3ect the Associatian or such Owner �o the remedies provided for in the Protectiva Covenants and the bylaws af Cascade Village Association. *i � 9 . Membershi on Board of Directors of Cascade � Villa e Association. If under the provisians of the Protec- _, tive Covenants or the articles of incerporation or bylaws of �ascade Village Association, the Association is entitled to designate one or mare merlbers of the Board of Directors of Gascad� Village Associatian, such designation shall be made by the �oard. 10. Assessments for Common Expenses. (a) Except as set forth in Section 7 (c) hereof, each Owner sha�l pay such Owner's pro rata share o� the Common Expenses, based upon such �wner's Sharing Ratio in effect on the date such Common Expenses are assessed. (b) The Board shall fix, determine, �evy and collect annual and special, assessments to be paid by each of the Owners to meet the Common Expenses and to ereate a contin- gency reserve therefor. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year of the Association, the Board shaJ.l adopt a budget for that year. The budget shall include, but shall not be limited to, an estimate ot the costs of maintenance, repair, renova- tion and replacement of the Generai Cornmon Elements, the cost of utilities and ather services to be pxovided by the Assacia- t�.on, the cost of insurance to be provided by the Association as required by Section 11 hereof, proposed capital expenditures and the assessments to be made by the CasGade Village Association. The budget sha3.1 inc�.ude an adequate reserve fund for the maintenance, repairs, renovation and replacement of those General Common Elements that must be replaced on a periodic basis in order that maintenance, repair and replacement may be paid for through regular installments -12- � • rather than by a special assessment. For the Association's first fiscal year, the Board shall adopt the budget at the first meeting of the Board and designate the date of commence- ment of the first annual assessment, with the costs for main- tenance, repair and replacement of the Genera� Common Elements and any reser✓e fund ne�ded therefor based on a good faith estimate of those costs; said estimate may be based on the eosts incurred by similar associations in the general locale. Thereafter, the cast af maintenance, re�air and replacement and any reserve fund needed therefor sha�l be on the basis of the previous year's costs with such adjustments as the Bvard considers appropriate. The budget shall also inclu�ie the annua� ass�ssment for each Condominium Unit. Special assess- ments may be levied whenever in the opinion af the Board it zs necessary or advisable to do so {i) to meet increased operat- ing or maintenance expenses ar costs, (ii) to provide for � additional capital expenses, or (iii) because of emergencies; � however, if the propased add�.tional capital expenses at any _ given time are or would be in excess of $10, 00o in the aggre- _ gate for any calendaz year, sueh expenses may be incurred only atter the Owners, by vote or written consent af the Owners having an aggregate Sharing Ratio of at least 60�, apprave such expenses. A11 annual assessments shall be based upon an approved budget; all other assessments shall be in itemized statement fonn and shall set farth the detail af the various expenses for which tt�e assessznents are being made. (c) The Board shall prepare and provide to each Owner a stateznent for th� annual assessment. The anr�ual assessment shall be paid in quarterly installments, each such install�nent due and payable in advance on the first day of each calendar quarter, or more freqtient insta�Iments as may be determined by the Board. Special assessments shall be due and payable as specifi.ed in the written notice of such assessments provided to each owner by the Board, (d) The Baard shall have the right to add to an Owner's assessment as provided in this Section those amounts expended by the Association for the benefit of such Owner and such Owner's individual Condominium Unit, including, but not limited to, fines (pursuant to rules adopted by the Asso�ia- tion) , repairs and replacements (to any Condominium Unit or the General Common Elements} caused hy the negligent or will- ful acts of such Owner, or such Owne�'s Permittees ; and all other expenditures or charges provided for by this Dec].aaration or the Bylaws. (e) If any assessment shall rer�ain unpaid ten days after the due date thereof, the Board may impose a late charge on such defaulting ��rner in an amount equal to 2$ of such assessment. Li�Cewi.se, a late charge equal to 2$ of the -].3- � � unpaid assessment may be impased on the first day of each calendar mnnth therea�ter so lang as such assessment shall be unpa�d. Failure to make payment within 30 days after the due date thereof also shall cause the fu11 amount af such Owner's regular quarterly installments for the remainder of that year to become due and payable at once, at the option of the Board. In the event it shall become necessary for the Board to calZect any delinqu�nt assessments or fees, whether by fore- closure of a lien hereinafter created, by cammencing of a court actior► or otherwise, the delinquent Owner shall pay, in addition to the assessment and late cha�ge herein provided, all costs of collection, including a reasonable attarney's f'ee arid costs incurred by the Soard in enfarcing payment. (f) All sums assess�d but unpaid for the share af Common Expenses assessed to any Condominium Unit shall constitute a lien on such� Condominium Unit �n favor of the Association prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for general, property taxes and special assessments; ,,,,� and (ii} the lien oP the Mortgage af a First Li.enar. The � Association's lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid r1 assessment shall }aecome due and may be foreclosed by the � Associati.on in like r�anner as a mortgage on real property upon " the recording of a notiee or a claim thereof executed by the Association setting farth the amount af the unpaid indebted- ness, the name of the Owner of the Condominium Unit, and a descript�.on of the Condominium Unit. Tf any such lien is recorded by the �ssociation, the Owner shall be required to pay �he costs and expenses of the preparation and recording of the Association's lien, including reasonable attorney's fees. rn any foreclasu�e of the Association's lien, the Owner shall be required to pay the cost� and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonab�e attorney's fees. During the perioc3 of foreclosure the Owner of the Condominium Unit subject to such action shall be required to pay a reasonable rental to the Association, and the Association shall attempt to mitigate its damages. The Association shall be entitled to purchase the Condominium Unit at the foreclosure sale, and to acquire, hold, Iease, mortgage or convey the same. Each �wner, by accepting a deed to a Condominium Unit waives any applicable homestead exemption as to the assessment l.ian. (g) No Oraner shall exempt such Owner fram liability for gayment of such Owner's share of the Common Expenses either by waiver of the use or enjoyznent of any of the General Common Elements or by abandonment of such Owner's Condominium Unit. If a Condominic�m Unit is owned by co- owners, each of such co-ownezs shall be jointly and sevezally liable for the portion of the sums assessed for Comrnon Expenses with respect to s�ch Condominium Unit, --14- � � � (hj In case af sale or other transfer cf a Condominium Unit with respect to which sums assessed for Common Expenses shall be unpaid, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such Condominium Unit shall be jointly and severally liabxe with the se].ler or transferor thereof foz such uhpaid assessments. Notwithstand�ng the above, any First Li�nor who obtains title to a Condominium Unit p�xrsuant to foreclasure of the Mortgage or conveyance in lieu thereqf will not be liable for such Condominicxm Unit's unpaid dues or charges which accrue prior to the acquisition of title ta such Unit by the First Lienor. (i) Upon written request of any Owner, Martqagee, prospective Mortgagee, purchaser or ather prospec- tive transferee of a Condominium Unit, the Association sha11 issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid Common Expenses, i� any, with respect to such Condo-- mir►ium Unit, any other chargas or costs imposed agaxnst such �„ Condominium Unit, the amount of the current quarterZy assess-- � �aent, the date on whxch such assessment became or shall become e�i due and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses. Such � statement, for which a reasonable fee may be charged, is bind- ing upon the Assoczation in favor �f any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request far such statement sha31 be complied with within ten days after receipt thereof, all unpaid Cammon Expenses which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or � other interest of the person requesting svch statement. (j } Any party in favar af whom a lien on a Condaminium Unit has been created may but shall not be required to pay any unpaid assessment with respect to such Condominium Unit, and upon such payment such party shall have a lien on such Condomznium Unit for the amount so paid of the same rank as the lien theretofore existing. (k) First Lienors shall be given written notice by the Associata.on of an� default by an Owner in the payment of any assessment hereunder, which default has remained uncured for 60 days. 11. Insurance. (a) Each Owner shall, with respect to such Owner's Unit, keep all improvements and all fixtures located in such Owner's Unit but not including furniture, furnishings or other personal property supplied or installed by such Owner, insured against loss ar damage by fire or other casualty, with extended coverage (including insurance against or damage by vandalism or malicious mischief) , in at least the amount of �he maximuza replacement value thereof, determined in . - -15- � � accordance with Section 11 (c) hereof. The Association shall, on behalf of the �wnersc (�) Keep all improvements and al� fixtures located in the General C�mmon Elements, but not including furniture, furnishings or other personal praperty supplied or installed by the Association, insured against loss or damage by fire or other casualty, with extended coverage (including insurance aga�nst ar damage by vandalism or �alic�ous m�schief) , in at least th� amount of the maxi�um replac�ment value thereof, determined in accordance with Section ��(c) hereof; (ii) Provide and keep in force, far the protection of the �ssociation, its officers and directors, and ail the Owners and First Lienors, general public liability and property damage insurance against Glaims for bodily injury or �� death or property da�age occurring upon or in the General � Common Elements, in limits of not less than $�, 000 , 000 for a ,r..� hodily injury or death to any number of persons arising aut of � one accident or disaster, or for damage to pragerty, and if ! higher limits shall at any time be customary or advisable to protect against possible tort liability, such higher limits shall �e carried; (iii) Carry insurance in such amounts as the Association may cons�der necessary or advisable against such other insurable hazards as may from ti�e to time be commonly insured against in the case of si�ilar property in similar locations elsewhere; and (iv) Carry directors and officers liability insurance in such amounts as the Association may consider necessary or advisa�le. (b) All insurance required to be carried under this Section sha�l be carried in favor of the Association, the Owner� and all First Lienors, as their respective intarests may appear. Each policy of casualty insurance s�al� contain a standard mortgagee clause in favor of each First Lienor which shall pravide that the loss, if any, thereunder shall be payable to such F�rst Lienor, as its interest may appear, subject, however, to the lass payment provisions in favor of the Assaciation hereinafter set forth. All palici�s of casualty insurance shall provide that lasses shall be payable to and adjusted with the Association, as attorney-in-fact for the �wners. The Association shall hold and apply the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in this D�claration. Each insurance po�icy shall provide that na cancellatian thereof may be made by the insurance carrier without having first given 30 days' prior written notice thereof to the Associa- -16- � � tion, the �umers and a}.1 First Lienors. Each insurance policy shall also contain a "severability of interest^ endorsement, that providas, in case af vialation af any provision thereof by the Association or one or more (but Zess than all) of the Owners, that coverage of such poZicy shall be suspended or invalidated on�y as to the interest of the Association or the Owner ar Owners committing the violation and not as to the interest of any other Owner. A�1 golicies of casuaZty insur- ance shall contain waivers of subrogation and of any defense based on co-insurance. Copies o� all policies of casualty insurance and of all renewals thereof, together with proof of payment of the premiums, shall be delivered to all First Lienors upon request. Upon any conveyance of a Condominium Unit, the transferee of the Condominium Unit shall provide the Assaciatian with, at the Association's optivn, either a certi- ficate of insurance or copy of insurance policy evidencing comgliance with subparagraph (a) above. Further, prior to 10 ,� days before the expiration of any such insurance policy, the � Owner shall provide to the Association evidence, in form si reasonab].y satisfactory to the Association, of renewal of st�ch � insurance policy. .r (c) The maximum replacement value of the Improvements (which shall indicate the maximum replace�nent value of each Unit contained therein) , w�thout deduction for depreciation, shall be detern�i.ned by the Assaciation upon request af any �owner but in any event prior to the Association obtaining any policy of fire and casualty insurance or any renewa� thereof, by means of one or more written appraisals made by competent, disinterested insurance appraisers; how- ever, appraisals need not be obtained more frequent].y than at one-year intervals. Copies of sucYa apprazsals shall be furn�shed to each Owner and each First Lienor upon request. (d) Each Owner shall be responsible for a11 insu�ance covering loss or damage to personal property in such Owner's Unit and liability for injury, death or damage occurring inside such Owner's Condominium Unit. Any such policy shall contain waivers of su�arogation and shall be so written that the liability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by the Association shall not be affected or diminished thereby. 12 . A�pointment af Attornev-�n-k'act. Each Owner by such �wner's acceptance of the deed or other conveyance vesting in such Owner an interest in a Condominium Uni.t does irrevocably constit�te and appoint the Assoeiation with full power of substitution as such Owner's true and lawful attorney-in-fact in such Own�r`s narne, place and stead to deal with such interest upon damage to or destruction, obsoles- cence, or condemnation of the Cascade Club Cond�miniums as -17- • • hereinafter provided, and Declarant with full power of substi- tution as such Owner's true and lawful attorney-in-fact in such Owner's name, place, and stead to deal with such interest a.n order to effectuate the reservations contained in Sections 3 and 21 hereof, each with full power, right and authorization to execute, acknowledge, and deliver any eontract, deed, proor of loss, releasa or other instrument affecting the znterest of such Owner, and to take any other aetion, which the Association or Declarant may consider necessary or advisable to gi�e effect to the provisions of this Declaration. If requested to do so by the Association or Declarant, each Owner shall execute and de].iver a written instrument confirming such appointment. The action of the Association in settling a�y damaqe or condemnation claim shall be final and binding on all Owners. Na Owner shall have any rights agains� the Assoeiation or any of its o�ficers or directors with respect ther�to except in case of fraud ar gross negligence. � � 13 . Dama e or Destr�ction. Ir case of damage or ~ destruction of the Improvements or any part thereof by any � � cause whatsoever: (a) �f in the reasonable judgment of the Association, the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to pay all the costs of repairing and restoring the Improvements, the Association (as attorney-in-fact :Eor the Owners) shall cause the Improvements to be repaired afld restored, applying the p�oceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If in the reasonable jud�ment of the Association, the groceeds of insurance are nat sufficient to gay the costs of repairing and restoring the Tmprovements, and if the excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds, are less than 10� of the minimum replacement value last determined under Section 11 (c) he��of, then the Associa- tion (as attorney-in-fact for the �wners) shall promptly cause the Irnpz-ovements to be repaired and restored, and the diffez- ence b�tween the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoratior► shall be a Common Expense to be assessed and paid as provided in Section 10 hereof. {c) If in the reasonable judgment of the Associata.on, the anticipated procee�is of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the Improvements, and if the excess of such costs are ZO$ o� more of the maximum rep�acement value last deterr�ined under Section 11(c) hereof, then the Association shall promptly submit to all Owners and First Lienors a plan for the repairing and restoring the dan�aged Improvements. If within 100 days after the date of such damage or destruction the plan for repair�ng -1.8- . � and restoring the Improvements so submitted shall be disapproved and a sale of such Improvements is appraved by the Owners having an aggregate Sharing Ratia of 75$ and all First Lienors, the Assoczation (as attorney-in-fact for the Owners) shall execute and record in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorada, a notice of such facts, and thereafter shall sell the Property {including the Improvements} free and clear of the prov�sions of this Declaration and the Map, which shall wholly terminate and expire with respect to the Property upon the closing of such sale. The preceeds of insurance and the proceeds of such sale shall be callected by the Association, app�ied first to the pay7nent of expenses of the sale, and then divided among the Owners and paid into separate accounts, each representing one Condaminium Unit. The insurance proceeds from a casualty insurance policy maintained by a particular Owner shall be paid ta that Owner, the insurance proceeds from a casualty insurance policy maintained by the Association sha�l be divided according to the Owners' respective Sharing Ratios, and the proceeds of sale shall be divided according ta � the Owners' respective Sharing Ratios. The funds in each � account (withaut cantribution from one account to another) = shall be applied by the Association for the fallcwing purposes ! in the o�der indicated: (i) for payment of taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessing entity; {ii) for payment of the balance of the indebtedness held by a First Lienor; (iii) for payment of unpaid Common Expenses; (iv) for - payment of indebtedness secured by junior Iiens and encum- brances in the order af and to the extent Qf their priority and (v) the balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to the Owner. The prov�sions of this Section shall not be construed as limiti�g in any way the right of a First Lienor (in case the proceeds allocated under (ii) above shall be insufficient to pay the indebtedness held by such First Lienor) to assert and �nforce the personal liability for such deficiency of the person or persons responsible for paym�nt af such indebted- ness. If within 1�0 days after the date of such damage or destruction the pZan for repair�ng and restoring the damaged or destroyed Improvements submztted by the Association is not disapproved pursuant to this Section 13 (c) , the Association (as attorney-in-fact far such Owners) shall promptly cause such repairs and restoration to be made according to such plan. All Owners shall be bound by the terms of such plan, and the difference, if any, between the amount of the insur- ance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoratian shall be a Cammon Expense to be assessed and paid as provided in Section 10 hereof. (d) Nathing contained in this Section sha31 be construed as imposing any liability whatever on any F�rst L�enor to pay all or part af the costs of repair ar restora- tion. -19- � � 34. Obsolescence. {a) If at any time Owners having an aggregate Sharing Ratio of 60� or more and all First Lienors shall agree that the Building has became obso�.ete and shall approve a plan for its renovatian or restoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the Owners) shall promptly cause such renovation or restoration ta be made according to such plan. A11 Owners shall. be bound by the terms of such plan, and the costs of the work shall be a Common Expense, to be assessed and paid as provided in Section 10 hereof. (b) If at any time Owners having an aggregate Sharing Ratio of 60� or more and all First Lienors shall agree that any of the Improvements constituting General Common E3.ements have become obsolete and shall approve a plan for their renovation or restaration, the Association (as attorney- � in-fact for the Owners) shall promptly cause such renovation � or restoration to be made accord�ng to such plan. All Owners e�i shaZl be bound by the terms af such pl.an, and the costs of the ^ work shall be a Common Expense, to be assessed and paid as � provided in Section 10 hereof. (c) If at any time Owners having an aggregate Sharing Ratio of 6og or more and all First Lienors shall agree that Cascade C�ub Candominiums have become obsolete and should be sold, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the Owners) shall promptly record in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, a notice of such facts, and shall s�ll the Property, including all Improvements, free and clear of this Declaration and the Map, which shall who�.3.y termznate and expire upon the closing vf such sale. The praceeds of such sale shall be co].lected, applied and divided among the Owners by the Association in the manner provided in Section 13 (c) hereaf. 15. Condemna�ion. {a) If the entire Property shall be taken foz any public or quasi-public use, under any statute, by right of eminent domain, or by purchase in liau thereof, or if any part of the Improvements shall. be so taken, or if any part of the Real Property shall be so taken and the part remaining sha11 be insuff�cient for purpases of Cascade Club Condominiums, the , Association (as attorney-in-fact for the Owners) shall collect the award �ade in such taking and shall sell the part of the Property, inc].uding the Ympravements, remaining after the taking, if any, free and clear af this Declaration and the Map, which shall wholly ter�inate and expire upon the record- ing of a natice by the. Association setting forth alI of such ..2p_ .��, .. . . � � facts. The award and the proceeds of such sale, if any, shall be collected, appJ.ied and divided among the �wners by the Association in the manner provided in Section 13 (c) hereof. (b) �£ such taking shall be partial only, and if the remaining part of the Property shall be suff�cient for the purposes of the Cascade Club Condominiu�ns, the condominium ownership hereunder shall not terminate. Each Owner shali be entitled to a share of the condemnation award to be detern�ined under the fo�lowing provisions: (i) The total amount allocated to taking ot or injury to the General Common Elements shall be appor- tioned amang the Owners on the basis of each Owner's respec- tive Sharing Ratio; (ii) The total amount allocated to p severance damages shall b� apportioned to each Owner of those ^ Condominium Units which were r►at taken or condemned on the C2 bas�,s of each such Owner's respective Sharing Ratio; v � � (iii) The respective amounts a�located ta the taking of vr injury to a particular Unit or to improve- ments an Own�r has made within such Owner's own Unit shaZi be appertioned to the Owner of that particu�.ar Condaminium Unit involved; and, (iv) The total amount al�ocatad to conse- quential damages and any other taking or injuri�s sha1l be apportioned among the Owners in proportion to their respective Sharing Ratios. If an allocation of the award is a].ready established in negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the award the Association shall employ such allocation. Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payable jointly to the respective owners and the�r respective First Lienors. (c) In the event a partial taking results in the taking of a Unit, the Owner thereof shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association, and such Owner's ownership interest in the General Common Elements shall terminate and vest in the Owners of the remaining Condominium Units. Thereafter, the Association shall realZocate the ownership and assessment ratios determined in accordance with this Declaration according to the re�ative square footage of each Unit (the same principles empJ.oyed in this Declaration at its ineeption) , and shall record in th� real prap�rty records of Eagle County, Colorada an amendment to this D�claration setting forth such reallocations. -21- � � (d) In the event that any portion af the Cascade Club Condominiums sha11 be �ade the subject matter of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise songht to be acquired by a condemnir�g authority, then timely written notice of such condeznnation shail be given by the Association to each Owner and First Lienor upon the Assacia- tion learning of such facts. 16. ualit of work. Any repairs, renovatian or restaration undertaken by the Association as attorney-in-fact for the Owners pursuant to the provisions of tha.s Declaration shall be done in such mann�r as to make the real property or the improvements so repair�d, renavated or restored at �.east as valuable after such work as it was immediately before the occurrence requiring the work to be done. 17. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amended upon the written approval in recordable form of the owners having an aggregate Sharing Rat�a of 60� or more and ^I a11 First Lienors, except: (a) the pzovisians of this Section �� �7 {other than Section 17 (b) below) and the provisions o� ^, Sections 2 {a} , 2 (b) and 10 (aj hezeaf and E�ibits B and C = relating to interests in the Gerieral Common Elements and the Limited Common EZements may be amended onZy upon the written approval in recordable form of all Owners and First Lienors, i:: ��:� and (b) the provisions of this Section �.7 (b} and Section 23 (g) ��• may be modified only upan the written approval in recordable for�¢ of the Owner of Unit 3, the First Lienor with respect to Unit 3, the Town of Vail, Colorado (the "Tawn") , Vail Assaciates, Inc. , a Colorado corparation (�'VAZ°) and Cascade Village Metropolitan District, a Colarado quasi-municipal corporation (the NDistrictn) . Th�s Declaration may be revoked upon the written approval in recordable form of a31 Owners and First Lienors, except that if the provisions of Section 23 {g} are still in effect as of the date of such revocation, the written approval of the Town, VAI and the District shall also be required far any such revocation. This Declaration sha13 also be revoked zn whole or in part upon sale of a�l or part of the real, property pursuant to Sections �.3 (c) , 7.4 (c) ar 15(a) hereof. 18. Reaistration bv Owner of Mailina Address. Each Owner shall register such owner's mailing address with the Association. A11 notices, demands or other written informa- tion intended to be served upon an Owner shall be sent by either registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addzessed in the name of the Owner at such zegistered mailing address. All notices, demands or other notices intended to be served upon the Association sha].l� be sent certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address of the Association as desig- nated in the Bylaws. ..22_ � � 19 . Duration of Condaminium Ownershib. The separate estates created by this Declaratian and the Map shall cantinue untiZ this Declaration shall be revoked or until its grovi- sions shall terminate as prova.ded herein. 20. Arch�tecturaZ Control . No building, fence, wall or other structure sha11 be ca�enced or erected upon the Property, nor shall any exterior adr3ition to or change or alteration tharein be made until the pla�s and specifications showing the nature, kind, shage, he�.ght, color, material and locatipn of tha same shall have been subr�itted to and approved in writing as to harmany of external design and location in relation to surrvunding structures and tapagraphy by the Board or by an architectural committee composed of three or more representatives appointed .by the Board. In the event the Board, or its designated cominittee, fails to approve ar dis- approve sttch design and location within thirty days after such plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval � will not be required and this Section will be deemed to have : been fully complied with. C2 ,. _ 21. General Reservatzons. (a) Declarant reserves to it for a �eriod of seven years fram the date this Declaration is initially recorded, and thereafter perpetually to the Association, (i) the right to dedicate any access roads and streets serving the Cascade Club Condominiums for and to public use ; to establish easeznents, reservations, exceptians and exclusions consistent with the candominium ownership of the Cascade Club Condomin- iums and the best interest of the awners, the Association and the Cascade Vi�lage Associatior�, and {ii) an easement over, undez and through improved and unimproved parts of the General Comrton Elements, to the extent necessary for cor�struction of additional improvements on the real property subject to the Protective Covenants, and to install, maintain and remove pl�mbing, ducting, venting and othar apparatus or utilities to acco�nmodate any Owner in the design and operation of such Owner's Unit or th� business conducted there�in; provided that the actual location of such ease�aent must be reasonable. Such improvements, to the extent they shall exist for comrc�on use, may become Genera� Common Elements, and the operating expenses of such General Coinmon Elements will be Common Expenses. (b) Declarant reserves and excepts fvr itself and its successors, assigns and invitees fro� all grants, conveyances, dedica�ions and grovisions under this l��claratian and the Map, a perpetual nonexclusive easement and right of way under, over, across and through the Property for the purpose of constructing, installing, maintaining, repairing, _2 3.. � � enlarging, reconstructing and replacing facilities providing or supplya.�g utility service of all kinds to the real property subject ta the Protective Covenants including, but nat limitad to, water, sewer, eZectricity, natural gas, cable televis�on and telephone services; provided that the actual Tocation of such easemez�t and right of way mus� be reasonable. Declarant's rights under �hzs reser✓ation and exception may be assigned by Declarant ta any utility company, governmental or quasi-governa�ental authority providing any of the utility services described a�iove. Declarant by this reservatian and exception shall have r�o obligation to construct or maintain any utility serv�ce on the real property subject ta the Pra- tective Covenants. The easement and right a� way hereby resarved and excepted shall run with the land and shall be appurtenant to the real property subject to the Protective Covenants, such that a transfer of legal title to all dr any portion of the real property subject to the Protective Covenants shal� automatically transfer a proportionate interest in the easernent and right of way resex-ved and ;-� excepted herein. C? 22 . Eas�ment Lease License and lise of General � _ Common Elements. The Association shall have the �zght to lease, licens�, or permit the use of, by less than all Owners or by nonowners and with or without ch�rge as the Association may deem desizable, any portion of the General Cominon Elements. The rights granted to the Assaciatian in this Section 22 shall on�y be exereised on a temporary, nandiscrim- inatory, noncontinuous basis in the promotion of the collec- ti�ae best interest of the ownera. 23 . Restrictive Cov�nants and ObliQati.ans. (a) No Imperiling of, Insurance. No Owner nor any Permittee of an Owner shall do anything or cause anything to be kept in or on the Cascade Club Condominiums which might result in an increase in the premiums of insurance obtained for the Cascade Club Candominiums or wh�ch might cause cancel- lation of such insurance. (b) No Violation of Law. �Io Owner nor any Permz.ttee of any owner shall do anything or keep anything in or on the Cascade Club Condominiums which would be immoral, improper, offensi.ve or in violation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, permit or other validly imposed requirement of any governmental body. (c� No Noxiaus, �fferrsiv� Hazardous or Annoyinq Ac�ivities. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any part ot the Cascade Club Condominiums nor shall anything be done or placed on or in part of the _24_ ' • � �XHYBIT E (Attached to and forming a part of Condominium Declaration for Cascade Club Condominiums, Dated �aY b , 1987) RECORDED EASEMENTS AND LICENSES 1. Rights of way for ditches or canals as reserved in United States Patent recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at page 542 of the real property records of Eaqle County, Colorada. 2 . Easement for ingress and egress as granted by document recorded January 24 , 1978 in Book 265 at page 903 of the real property zecords of Eagle County, Colorado and as relocated by document recorded January 7, 1985 in Book 404 at page 228 of the rsal property records of Eagle County, Colorado. � 3 . Undergzound right-of-way easement as granted by eCia document recorded August 30, 1982 in Book 344 at page 923 of .� the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado and '`�.� November 12, 1982 in Book 348 at page 664 of the rea� property -� records of Eagle County, Colorado. 4. Easement granted by document recorded January 24, 1985 i.n Boak 405 at page 524 of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. 5. Declaratian and Grant of Easement as set forth in document recorded August 6, 1985 in Book 421 at page 651 of the real property records of Eag].e County, CoZorado. 6. Al1 easements conveyed by or te Declarant pursuant to that cer in Declaration bf Reciprocal Easements, dated `� �� !�, 1987, among Declarant, Cascade Lodge Joint Venture, a Colorado �oint venture, CMC Condaminiums, I,td. , a Colorado limited partnership, and Calorado Mountain College Foundation, a Co3oradn aorporation, recorded on ��3-�� , 1987 at Hook��, pagesB��f the real property racords of Eag3.e County, Colorado. ,r�� ��S �' A�d Cr�„�.��;�.� �� s-a�-�7 � E-1 FLFDIAYI � � Cascade Club Condominiums which is or may become a nuisance or cause embarrassment, disturbance or annoyance to others. A�3. Owners agree that as to d�.sputes between Owners or between the Baard and Owners, the Baard alone shall determine if a nuisanca exists, and no party sha17. be entit].ed to insist an a judicial determination of nuisance prior ta comp�iance with an order from the Board to abate a nuisance. No activity shall be conducted on any part of the Cascade Club Condominiums and no improvements shall be made or constructed on any part of the Cascade Club Condominiums which are or might be unsaFe or hazardous to any person or property. No sound shall be emitted on any part of the Cascade Club Condominiu,�ns which is � unreasonab3y loud or annoying. No odor shall be emitted on any part of the Cascade Club Condaminiurns which is noxious or of�ensive ta others. Na light shall be emitted from any parts ot the Cascade Club Condominiums which is unreasonab�y bright or causes unr�asonable glare. (d) No Unsi htliness. No unsightliness shall � be permitted on or in any part of the Cascade Club Condo- � miniums. Without limiting the generala.ty af the foregoi.ng, C? nothing shall be kept or stored on or a.n any of the General ^ Cominon EZements; nothing shall be hung ar piaeed upon any of ' the General Common Elements; and nothing shall be placed on or in windows or doors of the Cascade Club Condominiums, which would or might create an unsightly appearance. {e) Restrict 'on on Animal.s. No animals, live- stock, horses or poultry af any kind shall be kept, raised or bred within any Condominium Unit or within the General Common Elements. (f) Trash and Unsightiv Uses. Unsightly objects and materials shall not be placed upon the General Comman Elements and nc part of the General Common Elements may be used as a dumping graund far garbage, trash or oth�r waste, and the same sha11 be disposed of in a sanitaxy manner. The Association shall have the right to enter upon any General Common Elements and to remove such refuse piles or other unsightly objects and material at the expense of the Owner - causing the same, and such entry sha11 nat be deemed a trespass. (g} Unit 3 Us� Restrictions. Between the - hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on each day that Vai1 Mountain is open for skiing by the general public, at least 125 parking spac�s located on Unit 3 shall be reserved for use by the public for vehicular pa�rking on such terms and conditions as the Owner of Unit 3 may impose provided that the fees �harged for suc?�. parking shall riot exceed the parking fees charged from time to �ime by the Town -25- � � � for municipally-owned covered park�ng spaces. The provisa.ons of this Sectian 23 (g) may be amended only by the written approval in recordable form of the Owner of Unit 3 , the First Lienor with respect to Unit 3 , the Town� VAI and the District, as set forth in Section 17 (b) . The provisions of this Section 23 (g} shall be enforceable only by the Town, VAY and the Distric�, as set forth in Section 27. (h) Unifis Z 2 and 3_Use Restrictions. Units 1, 2 and 3 sha11 be used and occupied solely for purposes of motor vehicle parking, vendor del�.veries and refuse removal. (i) Unit � Use Restriction. Unit 4 shall be used and occupied solely for purposes of a full servzce health and racquets club including restaurant, lounge, retail facili- ties, admi�istration offiees and medical faci�ities. ^� (jj No Violation of Rules. No Owner and no C2 Owner's Permi�tees shall violate the rules and regulat3ons W adopted fro�n time to time by the Association, whsther relating � to the use Qf Units, the use of General Common Elements, or otherwa.se. 24. Pedestrian Access Easement. _ (a) There �s hereby created and granted to the . Owner of Unit 1 and the Owner of Unit 2 a perpetual nonexc�.u- sive access easement and right-of-way (the "Unit 4 Easement"} for the benefit of Units 1 and 2 from the elevator and adjacent stairwell located in the lobby of Unit 4 through such lobby to the walkway leading to the Westhaven Pedestrian Bridge, as shown by cross-hatching on Exhibit D attached here- to and by this reference made a part hereof (which contains a copy of a portion of the Map showing that portion o� Unit 4 that is located on Level 3 of the Building) . The Unit 4 Ease- ment shall be a burden on Unit 4. The Owner of Unit � and the Owner of Unit 2 shal], be ent�tled to make the Unit 4 �asement available for use by the Permittees af such owners an such terms and oonditions as may be imposed by such Owners. Any damage or destruction to the "Unit 4 Easament Areas" (as such term is defined in Section 24 (b) ) caused by either the Owner of Unit 1 or the Owner of Unit 2 or such Owners' respective Permittees shal3 be repaired at the soZe expense of such Owner. (b) The Owner of Unit 4 shall be responsible for the operation, maintenarice and repair oF the areas over which the Unit 4 Easement is created (the "Unit 4 Easement Areas") and shall maintain the Unit 4 Easement Areas in a clean, safe and attractive condition. -26- • � (c) The Unit 4 Easement is subject to such reasonable rules and regulations (of qeneral applicatian to those persons entitled to use the Unit 4 Easement Areas) regardinq the use of the Unit 4 Ease�aent Areas as the Owner of Unit 4 may i�pose from time to time; provided, hawever, that the Unit 4 Easement Areas shall be open duri.ng suGh times as Unit 4 is open �or business. {d) The Owner of Unzt 4 shall not be liable for any damages that may be suffered by the Owner of Unit 1 or the �wner of Unit 2 or their respective Permittees resulting from the acts of any third parties, other than the Permittees of the Owner of Unit 4 , relating to use of the Unit 4 Easement Areas. 25. Ve icular Access Easement. (a) There is hereby created and granted to the � Owner of Unit 1 a p�rpetual nanexclusive access easement and �� right-af-way (the nUna.t 2 Easement") for the benefit of Unit �. : over, across, on and through the parking entrance and the � driveway and roadway areas located an Unit 2 for the purpose of vehicular ingress and egress from Westhave� Drive to the ramp leading fram and to Unit 1. The Unit 2 Easement shall be a burden on Unit 2 . The Owner of Una.t 1 shall be entitled to � make the Unit 2 Easement available for use by the Permittees of such Owner on such terms and condi�ions as may be imposed by such Owner. Any damage or destruction to the "Unit 2 Ease- ment Areasy (as such term is defined in Secti,on 25 (b) ) caused by the Owner of Unit 1 or such Owner's Permittees sha11 be repaired at the sole expense of such Owner. (by The Owner of Unit 2 shall be responszble for the operation, maintenance and repair of the areas over which the Unit 2 Easement a.s created (the "Unit 2 Easement Areas") and sha�.� maintain the Unit 2 Easement Areas in a c].ean, safe and attractive condition. (c� The Unit 2 Easement is subject to such reasonable rules and regulations (of general application to those persons entitled to use the Unit 2 Easement Areas) regarding the use of the Unit 2 Easement Areas as the Owner of Unit 2 may impose €rom time to time; prov�ded, hawever, that the Unit 2 Easement Areas shall be apen from 7: fl0 a.�n. through 11: 00 p.m. every day of each calendar year. (d) The Owner of IInit 2 shall not be ].iable for any damages that may be suffered by the Owner of Unit 1 or such Owner's Penaittees resulting from the acts of any tha.rd parties, other than the Perniittees of the Owner of Unit 2, relating to use of the Unit 2 Easement Areas. -27- _ " • � 26. Effect of Provisions af Declaration. Each -. -_....,,,_,,.., . - � provision af this Declaration: (i) sha3.1 be deemed incorpo- rated in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any Condominium Unit is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or ather instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any Condominium Unit by an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a persanal covenant of such Owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be bindinq on such Owner and such Owner's heirs, person-- al representatives, successors and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of the Associatian and of each Owner; and, (iii) sha�1 be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and a�so an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every Ccndominium Unit. �^ 27 . Enforcement and Remedies. The provisions of ... C2 5ection 23 {g) shall be enforceable only by the Town, VAI and A the Dis�rict. Each pravision of this Declaration other than � Section 23 (g) sha11 be enforceable by the Association or by any Owner. This Declaration shall be enForceable by a proceeding for a prahibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit ar action ta recover damages or both. If court proceed- , ings are instituted in connection with the rights nf enforce- ment and remedies provided in their Declaration, the prevail- ing party shall be entitled to recaver such party's costs and expenses zn connection therewa.th, including reasonable attarneys' fees. Failure by the Town, VAI or the District to enfarce the provisions o�' Section 23 (g) or fai3.ure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any of the provisions, covenants or restrictions herein contained other than Seetion 23 (g) , shall in no event be deemed a waivez of the right to do so thereafter. 28 . General. (a} Any portion of the General Common Elements may be eonveyed by the owners to any person or entity other than the Owners by a written document duly executed by all of the Owners and First Lienors. (b) As of the date of this Declaration, it is not contemplated that any of the Ganeral Common Elements will be allocated subsequently as Limited Common Elements or that Declarant wi31 create any additional Condominium Units by subdivision or conversion of multiple-unit dweZlings owned by Declarant. -28- � , ,�..,:: � � (c) Listed on Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof are aI� recorded easements and licenses, in additicn ta the Easements, appurtenant to, or included in, the Property or to wh�.ch any portion of the Property is subject as of the date of this Deciaration. (d) If any of the provisions of this Declara- tion or any Section, sentence, clause, phrase or word, ar the application thereof in any circumstance be invalidated, such i,nvalidity shall nat affect the validity o� the remainder of this Declaratian, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentenc�, clause, phrase or word in any other circumstances sha�l not be affected thereby. � (e) The provisions af this Declaration shall be in addition and supplemen�al to the Act and ta al}. other provisions of ].aw. � C (f) whenever used herein, unless the context �1 shall otherwise provide, the singular number shall include the � plural, the p�ural the singular, and the use of any gender ` shall include a11 genders. EXECUTED as of the � day of �� , 1987. Vail Ventuzes, Ltd« , a Colorado LiYaited partnership . � . >'�.. . , - By: Mansfield, Ltd. , a Colorado ,- -_ ' � Limited partnership, General � Partner .. - � _ fJ By: Mantane Corporation, a : (�ORPC:R�.•�'� SEALj Colorado corporation, - � �'- ,":;;, General Partner By: �t,•..� �� Pr sident -�-=�(�O�RPORATE SEAL) By: ConAm Vaz]. Advisars, Inc. , a '.. - . - California corporation, _ - :. -. � . : � _ ,;,- .- - � � -� : = BY: -G c�'�-GC� �. • -- . :.;' President , . L�2;`.�=Vf rtf����_{,�h.• -29- _ c r � � STATE OF i� � ) ) ss. � �� �,�1 COUNTY OF i����Q,� The fare og ,ing instrument was acknowledged before me this � day of ML;�A , 1987, by �^ �� , as Presiden�of Montane Corporation, a Colorado corgoration, managing general partner of Mansfield, Ltd. , a Colorado limited partnership, as general partner of Vai1 Ventures, Ltd. , a Colorado limited partnership, on beha�f of 5llC�'1 limited partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. .. - My commission expires: �o�301Qt`� - _ ,. -y��; . :' , � '� ,e� �,e: �� `��'�F:�.�NC'TA..�2��L SEAL} � ���,.:�t�t-��-; ; � _ ��F�'�ti�'�'. ` � �i� l .fVl�1��\�� f t� /v F��1�sl� ;` ,_ ,'�" - _ Notary Public `.ccr" ;'`. '��T.ATi OF ��^(' � ) � ) ss. `- � ;�� Y��. COUNT OF } = �� � ��r��e1` � = " The fore oing i�strument was acknawledged b fore me this �� day of �, '�� . 1987, by �4�k;Qt�� -�.. }��.����`tc� , as Pres�dent-1of ConAm Vail Advisors, Inc. , a California corporation, as general partner of Vail Ventures, Ltd. , a Colorado Iimited partnership, on behalf of such �imited partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: � l��� . t::,. ._ . rosa�_�� _•,' .. ..�s�° .e - ' ' ��'4=' (N.07'?�YAL SEAL) � A � •�+'a�,A"���Y.:\ � '� - :1 / \ ��'��\ - t. _ ° -��,�,-�' _ Notary Pub3ic . 5 laa _ • ���.. Li.t• , - - _ i'?r�V`u�-'` ... � . -30- . . � � JOINDER BY LIENORS The und�rsigned, as ho�der of indeb�edness secured by a deed af trust upon the praperty covered by th�s Declaration, hereby consents to the provisions of this Declaration and subordinates zts interest in such property to the provisions Qf this Declaration in accordance w�th such provisions. 'e'���}r''?��� �� The Em ire Savin s Buildia - '_`. " � , Q P g , �J _ :�Re, �..�-:. '-: '�.;4�,�° =�_"=- , �� and Laaa Association, a _ ��4� '" ri';° �� �` � Colarado corpor ion ! _ � r��,-��G� -` - .. � �ti _f�ic . a - '�'",{Sr�L�� _ ti� By. `� � ` T�,t�.e: ' ``��.�e��.,e"� ... . ��r{�.'F.�+, �� '' . �:'-: STATE OF C,(3��C�1� ) ) ss. ` COUNTY OF ti1� ,r ) V The foregoi.n i.nstrument was acknowl.edq�ed efore �e � this day of , 1987 by � � ' ' , as ` � r ' .� of The E ire Savings, Bua.].ding and Loan `=:? Association, a Colorado corporata.on, on b�half of such entity. ;�^ — Witness my hand and official seal. (NOTARIAL SEAL} _ �. � � C�� �,� Notar� Public ' My commissior� expires: h�3o��7 Far West Savings and Loan Association, a California corporation (SEAL) ^ BY� ' ��' -��./�l�-�_� �Title: '. //, cP-t��,a�.,n�� -31- � � ., . • � � STATE OF ���,�rc/���7 ) j Ss. � ' COUNTY OF a � ,�p,e ) , The foregoin ins�rum�nt was acknowl ged, re me this � day of �, , 1987 by / � ,����-sas ' ;P�' ,r1T' of Far st Savings and Laan sociation, a . California corporation, on behalf of such entity. - ;�'�':� :;:.1 ����'�{ F�� �`••.;� Witness my hand and official seal. �Q....o� � :l.y���� ��m�Z :i 7_ � (NO �� � AL SEAL) � �� �o - �``� ��f������a. o ", � , .� , C c � o . ' Public o ���i�� � Not� .� � � .��'{��•...�,,,,���"� My commission expires: f;��� Co:��:ssian E�t'�;resJa�.19,15� _ •.�Qy C�'i3„�. •: � -: _. , . Dq►-�er. Ca�,^.radc 8�.?� Beverly Hills gavings, a federal savings and loan � association H �[^-f (SEAL) �� T� By: f ^ Title: ��%. c�<<<- ,�'��s..�c�T v .. STATE oF ,� ,D � ) ss. � COUNTY �F n (���, ) he fozegoin instrument was k wled d before me this day o� , 1987 by �� �iC, as of B erly Hills Savings, a fed al savings and Zoan association, o behalf of such entity. `:�`.Y,`.�.:��y.�=-., - - � -.,. �,,, Witness my hand and official seal. _ . ,(:.0'F�1F�AL SEAL) 0 �; ��; - -- - . ,.= -_ • �-� =��,���� ; ary Publi ,. _ �� � ��G_ ' �:. - ^F���'�"��F-;�Y*,,,�Iy commission expires: / a ,;,�: ���- _ .,,3z_ . . .. � � � � EXHIBIT A (Attached to and forming a part of Condominium Declaration for Cascade Club Condominiums, Dated 5/6 , lgg�) LEGAL DESCRIPTTON OF THE REAL PROPERTY A part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 , Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Tawn of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a paint on the southerly z�.ght-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 7o whence an iron pin with plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S 19° 34 '08" W 887 .79 feet distant; thence departing said southerly right-of- way �ine S 37°09' 31" E 125. 96 feet; thence N 56°48 '45" E 285. 42 feet to a point on curve; thence 76.40 feet along the � arc of a 1071. 72 foot radius curve ta the left, having a � centra3 angle of 04 °05'04� and a chord that bears ^ N 54 ° 46'13" E 76. 39 feet; thence N 52°43 '41" E 1fi9. 55 feet; = thence N 37 ° 16'19^' W 148. 95 feet to a point on said southerly right--of-way line of �nterstate Highway No. 70; thence along ,� - said southerly right-of-way line S 52°50'29" W 530. 34 feet ta ' ,�.. the point of beginning. DESCRIPTxON OF THE EASEMENT The Easement shall be comprised af the �ollowing: (a) A perpetual, nonexclusive easement for the purpose of construction, installation and replacement of a pedestrian bridge extending over Westhaven Drive and connecting the so�theast exterior wall of the main portion of the Building at the third above-ground level with the no�thwest exterior wall of the main building of Colorado Mountain Condominiums at the second above-grour�d level, as shown on the Map, affecting the following described real pzoperty: A 7 foot wide strip �f land lying in a non-excZusive easement for ingress and egress, knawn as Westhaven Drive, recorded in Book 42�, at Page 653 in the office Qf the Eagle County, Col.ozado, CJ.erk and Recorder, lying in A-1 .. � � � � � the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Merida,an, Tawn of Vail, Eag�e Caunty, Colorado, lyinq 3 . 5 feet each side of the following described center�ine: Beginning at a paint on the southerly lirie of said Westhaven DrivE whence the most northerly corner of Condominium Map o� Col.orado Mountain Condominiums accordinq to the map thereof recorded in Baok 387 at Page 620 of the records of the Eagle County, Calarado, Clerk and Recarder bears N 5b°48'46° E 50.70 feet; thence N 37°09'31" W 50. 12 feet to the point of terminus on the narther�y line of said Westhaven Drive whence said mast northerly corner ot Condominium Map of Coiorado Mountain Condominiums bears S 80°28'49"' E 73 .72 f eet. The side lines of the strip are to be shortened or lengthened to terminate at said Westhaven Drive right- of-way lines. C'� � (b) An easement for encr4achment of certain partions �� of the Improvements, includzng without limitation a stairweil � and an overhang, onto Westhaven Drive along the northwest boundary of Westhaven Drive, as shown on the Map, and affecting the following described real property: That poartion of a non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress, known as Westhaven Drive, recorded in Book 421 at Page 651 in the office of the Eagle County, Colarado, Clerk and Recorder, lying in the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section Z2, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth PrincipaZ Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly ].ine af said Westhaven Drive whence an iron pin with p3astic cap marking the Center of said Section 12 bears S 30°53 '43" W 939. 53 feet; thence along said northerly line N 56•48�45" E 46.39 feet; thence departing said northerly Iine S 37°Q9'31^ E 10.79 f�et; thence S 52°50'29" W 46. 28 feet; thence N 37 ° 09'3�." W 14.00 feet ta the point of beginning, containing 574 square feet, more or less. (c) All of Declarant's rights in the Westhaven Construction and Support Easement, as created pursuant to Sectio» 2 . 01 of that certain D�claration of Reciprocal Easements, dated ,�6¢�11J5/1� 1987 ,* among Declarant, Cascade Lodge Joint Ventur�, a Colorado joint venture, CMC *and caur�terpart dated May 20, 1987 A-2 � ...,� , �, � � � Condoma.niums, Ltd. , a Colorado limited partnership, and Colorado Moun ain College Foundatian, a Colorado cor ation,�, recorded on - -r$ , 19g7 at Book page,S�f the � � real property records of Eagle County, Co orado. � ri t'? � .� � v ��:;�' �\...�.--� A-3 � _ .. . - � � EXHIBIT B , (Attached to and forming a part of Condaminium Declaration for Cascade Club Condominiums, Dated May 6 , �gg�) �SIGNATTON OF LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS An Owner shall have the right to the exclusive ar non-exclusive use in common with fewer than all Owners of any ather improvement or property which shall be designated on the Map as "Limited Common Element" or "'L.C.E.° followed by the Unit designation of one or more Owr�ers. For example, the Owner of Unit 1 shall have the right to the excZusive use of a Limited Comman Element designated as "'L.C.E. Unit 1" on the Map and the Owners of Unit 1 and Unit 2 shall have the right to the non-exclusive use in common of a Limited Co�nmon Element designated as nL.C.E. Units 1 & 2" on the Map. L'� r'1 C2 .. v : ^. � � ' .\ . B�1 � � - • .��r �`� � `y�.•� ° 4� � , - . . ,. /f ' r� : ` . �.� . �' *�� - ..�.'�7. rf� '` •":� •- t, - - ' � - r _ r '��c r ' . . ... J� . � . � ��. , ' . - ' - . .., , ^��.�� - •,t .:j% 1 - _- �-�1 � �P ��� : A. � s .i . _ �. � . � «.�:*�. •. - sl. • �'+�. 1M \ �\� � •r�v�� �r� \� ' �t . �1-� � t � • � � 1 .� '`d" �_�-" .-':`'4� :�- ;�, , • .-A.-�; �;� s{._ ' ��_✓� :"!: .:���j' �Z•�,�; • ������ • .7��'� .F� . ��..Y�+',. _��.;i J:.S. _ '.�1.'�.. _ a���.�T�. iJ�i ' .,��: �y.'♦ __ . . �:1:ri" _ - -1a+' _ .J.� — ..�:�' `���Y�� - .S.'SlnY:. _ r 4'. .� _�y k:,, ; t" ;:� �`., �, _ :��. ,;•i3: i'. 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In addition to the terms defined herea.n, the following terms shall have the same meaning herein as such terms have in the Condo�inium Declaration For Cascade Club Cvndomina.tuns (the ^'Declaration") : "Cascade Club Condominiums,° "Coaunon Expenses," "'Condominium Unit," "Fizst Lienors," "General Common Elements," "Mortgagee," "Owner," "Property" and ^Sharing Ratio". ARTICLE TW� OFFICES The corparation (which may also be referred ta hErein as the "Association"') is a Colorado nonprofit corporation, with its principal office located at 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Coiorada 81657. The Association may also have _ offa�ces and may carry on its purposes at such other places within and outside the State of Colorado as the Baard o� Directors of the Assoaiation (the °Board") may from time to time determine. . ARTICLE THREE MEMBERSHIP, VOTING, QUORUM AND PROXIES ' 3 . a1 Membershi�. The members of the Association shal� be as set torth in the articles of incorporation of the Association (the "Articles") fram tizne ta time. 3 .02 Votinq Ricthts. The voting rights of the members shall be as set forth in the ArticZes from time to time. 3 . 03 uorum. Except as otherwise required by the laws of Colorado or the Articles, the presence in perscn ar by proxy of inembers entit�ed to vote more than 60 percent of the total votes of th� members shall constitute a quorutn. �_.: . _ � � . 3. 04 Proxies. Vot�s may be cast in person or by proxy. Every proxy must be executed in writing by the member or his duly authorized attorney-in-fact. Such proxy sha11 be filed with the secretary af the Association before or at the time af the meeting. No proxy shall be val3.d after the expiration of eleven months from the date of its execution un3.ess otherwise provided in the proxy. 3.05 Matority Vote. At any meeting of inembers, if a quarum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority at the ' votes represented at the meeting, in person ar by praxy, shal]. be the act of the members, unless the vote o� a greater numbex is required by law, the Articles, the Declaration or these bylaws. ARTICLE FQUR ADMINISTRATION 4.01 Annual Meetina. The annual meeting of the members sha11 be held at a time designated by the Board on the second Friday in the month of October in each year, beginning with the year 1987, for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may came before the mesting. "-� � 4. 02 Stieeial Meetings. Special meetings of the �=��- mea�bers, for any purpose, unless otherwise prescribed by statut�, may be calZed by the president or by the Board, and shall be cailed by the president at the request af the members entitled to vote 50 percent or more of the total votes of the members. . 4 .03 . P3.ace of Meetinq. The Board may designate any " place, either within or outside Colorado, as the place for any annual meetzng ar for any special meeti.ng called by the Board. A waiver of notice signed by all members �nta.tled to vote at a meeting may desi.gnate any place, either within ar outside Colorado, as the place for such meeting. If no desi.gnation is made, or if a special meeting shall be called otherwise than by the Board, the place of ineeting shall be the pr�.ncipal office vf the corporation. 4. 04 Notice of Meetina. Wzitten or printed notice of any meeti.ng of the members, stating the p�ace, day and hour of the meeting, and the p�rpose or purposas for which the meeting is called, shal� be delivered personally or by mail to each member entit3ed to vote at such meeting not less than �0 nor more than 50 days befare the date of the meeta.ng. If mailed, �� �� _2_ 1 ' � � -- such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when depvsited in the United States mail, addressed to the member at his address � as it appears in the office of the Association, with postage thereon prepaid. For the purpose af determining members entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of inembers, the Board may set a record date for such determination of mexabers, in accordance with the laws of Colorado. If requested by the person or persons 3awfully calling such meeting, the secretary shall give notice thereof at the expense of the Association. � 4 . 05 Informal Act�on by Mem�s. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the �e�bers may be taken without a meeting i� a cansent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the membezs entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the members, and may be stated as such in any articles or dacument fi�ed with the Secretary of State of Colorado. 4 .06 VotinQ. In the election o� directors each member 5ha1� have the right to vote the n�mber of vot�s to which he is entitled for as many persons as there are direct�rs to be eleeted, and for whase election he is entitled to vote. Cumulative voting shall not be allowed. -- ARTICLE FYVE BOARD �F DIRECTORS 5.01 Number Tenure and ualificat'ons. The business and affairs of the Association shall be managed by a baard of • directors consisting of faur directors, each of whom shall be � an individual member, or a partner, trustee, officer, director or twenty-five percent shareho�der of an organixational member, or one of the initial directors named �.n the Articles. A person other than an initial director sha3.� automatically cease to be a director at such time as he ceases to be an individuaZ member or a partner, trustee, offa.cer, director oar twenty-five percent sharehalder of an organizational member. Each initial director shall serve until the �irst annnal meeting of the members of the Associatian; otherwise directors shall serve far one-year terms, and sha�l be e7.ected annually by the members at the annual �eeting. Each director shall hold affice until the election and qualification af his successor or until his earlier death, resignation or removal. The number of directors may be changed by amendment a� these bylaws i.n the manner set forth herein. _3- 1 ' � � � 5.02 Resi nations• Vacancies. Any director may resign at any time by giving written natice to the president or to the secretary of the Associatian. Such resignata.on shall take effect at the time specified therein; and unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation sha11 not be necessary to make it effective. Any vacancy occurring in the Board (by reason of resignation, death or an increase in the number of directorsj or any newly created directorshS.p resulting from any increase in the ' authorized number of directors may be filled by the • af�a.rmative vote of a majority of the directors then in office though less than a quarum. A director elected to fill a vacancy or newly created directorship shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the members and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. 5. 03 General Powe�s. The Board shall have and may exercise a13 the powers af the Association exc�pt such as are expressly conferred upon the merabers, either in their capacity as meml�ers of the Association or as Owners of Condomin�.um Una.ts by law, or by the Articles, the Declaration or these bylaws. _ 5.04 Additional Powers and Res onsib�lities. In addit�on to its general powers, the Board shall have the authority and the responsibi].ity, acting through the � Assoc�ation's officers: .;_,, (a) To administer and enforce the covenants, conditions, restrictions, ease�nents, uses, limitatians, obligations and all other grov5.sions set forth in the Declaration submitting the Property to the prav�sions of the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Colcarado (Section • 38-33-101, et seq. , Colorado Revised Statutes, 7.973 , as a�nended} . (b) To establish, make, amend and enforce compliance with such reasonable r�les and regul.ations as may be necessary or advisable for the operation and use of the Condaminium Units and the General Common Elements. Such rules and regu].ations may be adopted and amended by a majority of the directars in attendance at any meeting where a quorum of the Board is present. (c) To maintain in good order, condition and repair a11 of the General Common Elements and all items of personal property owned by the Assaciation. ` -4- , . ' � � - (d) To obtaxn and maintain insurance in connection with the Condominium Units, the Owners, the Association and the Fixst Lienors which is reqcaired by the Declaration to be provided by the Assoc�ation. (e) {i) To fix, determine, �evy and collect periodi.c and special assessments {as more specifi.cally described in the Declaration) to be paid by each of the Owners to meet the Coa�on Expenses, and to create a contingency reserve therefor. {ii) At the first meeting of the Board after the beg�.nning �f the Association's fiscal year, the Board shall adopt an estimated budget for that year. The estimated budget shall include, but shall not be Zimited ta, an estimate of the costs of maintenance and regair of the General Common Elements, the cost of utilities and other services to be provided by"the Association, the cost of insurance required by the Declaratinn to be pravided by the Association, and the proposed capital e�spenditures. For the Association's first fiscal year, estimates of the costs for repair and maintenance of the General Common Elements shall be based on a- good faith estimate af those costs and may be based on the costs incurred by similar associations in the generai l.ocale of Casaade Club Condominitzms. Thereafter, the cost of maintenance and repair shall be estimated on the basis of the previaus year's costs with such adjustments as the Baard considers appropriate. The budget sha7.1 also include an � estxatate, based on such estimates, of the annual assessment for each Candominium Unit. (iia.) The Board may adjust the periodic assessment from time ta time as may, in the discretion of the Board, be deemed necessaz-y or advisable. Special assessments • may be ievied whenever in the opinion of the Board it is � necessary or advisab�e to da so (A) to meet increased operating or maintenance �xpenses or costs, (B) to provi.de for additional. capitaZ expenses� or (C) because of emergenaies; however, proposed additional capital expenses are subject to the limitations set �orth in Sectian 10(b) of the Deckaration. (�.v} All periodic ar specia� assessments shall be in itemized statement form and sha1.� set forth in � detail the various expenses far which the assessments are being made. (v) This Section 5. 04 �e} may not be altered, amended or repealed except by the vote of the holders of at least 60 percent of the vates af the members. , _5_ . � � - (f} To callect promptZy all deZinquent assessments by suit or otherwise and to enjoin or seek damages from an owner as is provided in the Declaratian and these by].aws. (g} To protect and defend the Genezal Common Elements from loss and damage by suit or otherwise. (h) To borrow funds in order to pay for any � expenditure or outlay authorized by these bylaws and the ' Declaration, to execute all such instruments evidencing such indebtedness as the Board may deem necessary or advisable. (i) To enter into eontracts within the scape of their duties and powers. � (j) To establish a bank account far the common treasury and for all separate funds which are requa.red or may be deemed advisable by the Board. (k) . To maintain full and accurate books and records showing all af tha receipts, expenses or disbursements of the Association. Any meznber or Mortgagee may inspect such records at convenient weekday hours. Upon 7.0 days' prior written notice ta the manager, managing agent ar Board and payment of a reasanable fee, any Owner, MoTtg�9ee� prospect3ve Mvrtgagee, prospective purchaser or other transFeree of a Condominium Unit shall be furnished a written statement - setting forth the amaunt of any unpaid Common Expenses, if any, with respect to the applicable Condominicim Unit, the amaunt af the current periodic assessment, the date on which such assessment became or shall become due, the amount of unpaid periodic or special assessments, if any, and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses. � (1) To prepare and deliver annual].y to each meinber a statement shawing a11 recei.pts, expenses or disbursements since the last such statement. ' (m) To designate and remove personnel necessary �or the duties of the Association with respect to the op�ration, maintenance, repair and replacement of Cascade Club Condominiums. 5.05 Managinct Aaent. The Baard may employ a manager ar managing agent, or bdth, for the Association at a coinpensation established by the Board to perform such duties z�nd services as the Board shalJ. authorize including, but not limited to, the duties listed in Section 5.04 above. Any such delegation, how�ver, sha11 nat rel.ieve the Board oF its responsibility under the Declaration. -6- -` , � � 5. 06 Recrular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board may be held without call ar forznal notice at such places within the State of Calorado, and at such times as the Board fram time to time by vote may determine. Any business may be transacted at a regu�ar meeting. The regular meeti.ng of the Board �or the election of officers and for such ather business as may came before the meeting may be held without ca31 or formal notice immediately after, and at the same p�ace as, the annual meeting of inembers, or any special meeting of inembers ' at which a Board is elected. � 5. 07 Sgeci.a3 Meetinas. Special meetings of the Board may be held at any place within the State of Colorada at any time when called by the p�esi.dent, ar by twa ar more directars, upon the giving o� at least three days' prior notice of the time and place thereof to each director by leaving such notice with him or at his residence or usual place of business, or by mailing or telegraphzng it prepaid, and addressed to him at his post office address as it appears on the books af the Association, or by telephone. Notices need not state the purposes of the meeting. No notice of any adjourned meeting of the directors shall be required. 5. 08 uorum. A majority of the number a� d�rectors fixed by these bylaws, as amended fzom time t� tzme, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of bu�iness, but a ` lesser number may adjourn any meeting from time to time. When � a quorum is present at any meeting, a majority of the directors in attendance shal�, except where a larger number is required by law, by the Articles or by these bylaws, decide any question bror�ght before such meeting. 5.09 Wa�ver of Notice. Before, at ar after any . meeting of the Board, any director may, in writing, waive � notica �of such meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giv�.ng of such notice. Attendance by a director at any meeting of the Board shall be a waiver of notice by him except when such director attends the meeting �or the exgress purpose of abjecting to the transaction of business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened. 5. 10 Informal Action bv Directors. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the directors may be taken without ' a meeting if a consent in writing, setting �orth the actien so taken, shai3 be signed by all of the directors entitled to vote with respect to the sub�ect matter thereof. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the directors. ;\ -7_ � � 5.11 Compensation of Directors. The Board is authorized to make provisa,an for reasonable campensation to its members. ARTICLE SIX OFFICERS AND AGENTS ' S. O� Ganeral. The officers of the Association shall be a president (who shall be chosen from among the members of the Board} , one or more vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. The officers shall be appointed by an affi.rmative vote af a majority of the members of the Board. The Board inay appoint such other officers, assistant officers, committees and agents, including assistant secretaries and asszstant treasurers, as they �aay corisider necessary or advisable, who shall be chosen in such manner and hold their cffices for such terms and have such authority and duties as from time to time may be determined by the Board. One persan may hold any two offices, except that no person may simultaneously hold the offices of president and secretary. �n all cases where the duties o£ any afficer, agent or employee are not prescribed by the bylaws or by the Board, such afficer, agent or employee shall follow the orders and instructians af the president. . 6.02 Removal of Officers. Upon an affirmative vote � of a majority of the members of the Board, any otficer may be removed, either with or without cause, and his successor elected at any regular meeting af the Board, or at any special meetinq of the Board ealled for such purpose. 6.03 Vacancies. A vacancy in any office, however . occurring, may be filled by an affi.rmative vote of a majority " of the members af the Board for the unexpired portion of the term. 6.04 President. The president shall be the chie� executive officer ot the Association. He shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board. He shall have the general and active control of the affairs and business of the Association and general supervision of its officers, agents and employees. 6. 05 Vice Presidents. The vice presidents shall assist the president and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the president or by the Board. In the absence of the president, the vice president designated by the Board or (if there be no such designation) designated in � -8- . # � writing by the president shall have the powers and perform the duties of the president. �f no such designation shall be made. a11 vice presidents may exercise such powers and perform such duties. 6. 06 Secretarv. The secretary shall: {a) Keep the minutes of the proceedings of the members, executive caminittee and the Board; ' (b) See that a�i notices are du�y given in • accordance with the provisions of these by].aws, the Declaration and as required by law; (c} Be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the Association and affix the seal to all do�uments when authorized by the Board; (d) Keep at �ts registered affice or principal place of business within or outside Calorado a record containing the names and registered addzesses of al1 members, the designation of the Condominium Unit �wned by each memher, and, if such Condaminium Unit is mortgaged, the name and address of each Mortgagea; and (e) In general, perform all duties incident ta the office of secretary and such other duties as from time to '���"~� time may be assigned to him by the president or by the Board. - Assistant secretaries, if any, shall have the same duties and pawers, subject ta supervision by the secretary. 6. 07 Treasurer. The treasurer sha11 be the principal financial officer af the Association and sha].1 have the care and custody of al� funds, securities, evidences of . indebtedness and other personal property of the Association � and shall deposa.t the same in accordance with the instructions of the Baard. He shall receive and give receipts and acquittances for moneys paid in on account of the Association, ' and sha3i pay out of the funds on hand all bi�.ls, payrolls and other just debts of the Association of whatever nature ttpon maturity. He shall perfarm a�3 ather duties incident to the ofFice of the treasurer and, upon request of the Baard, shal� make such reports to it as iaay be zequired at any time. He shall, if required by the Board, give the Association a bond in such sums and with such sureta.es as shall be satisfactory to the Board, canditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties and for the restoration ta the Association of all books, papers, vouchers, money and ather property o£ whatever kind in his possession or under his control belonga�ng to the Association. He shall have such other powers and perform such � -9- . . � � ather duties as may be from time to time prescribed by the Board or the president. The assistant treasurers, if any, shall have the same powexs and duties, subject to the supervision of the treasurer. ART�CLE SEVEN OBLIGATI4NS OF THE MEMBERS ' ?.al Assess�ents. Each Owner sha13 pay his share of � all assessments imposed by the Association to meet the Comman Expenses. Unless atherwise set o�t in the Declaration, each assessa�ent for Cominon Expenses shall be allocated among the Owners a.n accordance with their respecti.ve Sharing Ratias. It a Condominium Unit is owned by twa or more Owners, each of such co-Owners shall be jointly and severally liable for the portion of a�1 assessments attributab�e to such Candominium Unit. Assessments shall be made annually and shall be due and payable quarterly on the dates specified in the assessinent notice. A1.1 unpaid assessments shall. bear interest at a rate determined by the Board and shall be secured by a lien on the Condaminium Unit awned by the defaulting Owner, in accordance with the prav3.sions of the Declaration. 7.02 Maintenance and Repair. (a) Every 4wner shall ��.� perform or cause to be perfarmed at his own expense all E:::.'�;:;� maintenance and repair work within such Owner's part�.cular "��'' Condominium Unit necessary to maintain the same in a good and habitab3e state of repair. (b) All repaa.rs of internal installations within a particular Condaminium Unit such as water, ].ight, gas, power, sewage, telephones, air conditioners, sanitary • installations, doors, �rindows, electrical fixtures and all other accessories, equipment and fixtures belonging to such Condominium Unit sha7.1 be at the Owner's expense. (c) Each Owner shall reimburse the Associatian promptly upon rece�.pt of its statement for any expenditures incurred by it in repairing or replacing any General Co�nmon Element damaged by the neg].igence or intentional acts of such Owner or such Owner's family, , lessee, emp�oyee, agent or invitee. 7. 03 Com liance With Declaration Articles B laws and Rnles. Each member shall comply with a11� of the provisions o� the Declaration, the Articles and these bylaws and any rules and regulations issued }ay the Board. �f a member fails to comply, the Association shall have the power, '�� :: -10- �, � � � during the per�.od af such delinquency, ta suspend the delinquent member's voting privileges, and to impose appropriate fines, as determined by the Board, against the delinqueht member. In the event o� the exercise of any such paw�rs, the Association shall notify the delinquent member's First Lienor of the delinquency and the action taken. ARTICLE EIGHT � EVIDENCE �F OWNERSHIP, REGISTRATION OF • MAILING ADDRESS AND LIEN HOLDERS 8. 01 Proof of Ownersh�.n. Any person on becoming an owner of a Candominium Unit sha7.� �urnish to the Association a photocopy or a certified copy of the recorded instrument vesting that person with an ownership i,nterest in such Condominium Unit. Such copy shall remain in the files of the Assaciation. A member shalZ not be deemed to be in good standing and shall not be entitled to vote at any annua3 or special meeting of inembers un].ess this requirement is first satisfied. The Associatzon may issue membership certificates to its members; however, suoh o�rtificates shall not be deemed to be shares of stoak in the Assaciation. 8.02 Reaistration of Mai�.ina Address. If a Candominium Unit is awned by two or more Owners, such co- �����.,�` Owners shall designate one address as the registered address required by the Declarat�.on. The registered address of an Owner shall be furnished to the secretary within five days after transfer of title, or after a change of address, and such registration sha11 be in writing and signed by each Owner or co-Owner or by such persons as are authorized to sign on beha].f of each Owner or co-Owner. � 8.03 iens. Any Owner who mortgages or grants a deed of trust covering such Owner's Condominicun Unit shall n�tify � the Board of the name and address of the Mortgagee and shall file con�ormed copies of the note and security instrument with the Board. The Board shall maintain such in�ormat�on in a book entitled "Liens on Units.° The Board, when giving notice to an Owner of default in paying an assessment or other default, shall send a copy of such notice to eaeh Mortgagee with an interest in such Owner's Condominium Unit, whose name and address has theretofore been furnished to the Board. 8.04 Address of the Association. The address of the Association sha�.]. be 1400 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81657. Such address may be changed from time to t�.me upon written notice to all members and a�.1 Mortgagees listed in Liens on Uni.ts. • -3Z- • � � ARTICLE NINE PROXY TO MdRTGAGEE Each Owner shall. have the right irrevocably to constitute and appoint a Mortgagee their true and lawful attorney-in--fact to vot� on behalf of such Owner at any and all meetings of the Associatiort and to v�st in the Mortgagee ' any and aIl rights, privileges and powers that such Ownez may • have as an Owner under the Articles and these bylaws or by virtue of the Decl.aration. Such proxy shall become effective upon the �a.ling af a copy of the proxy with the secretary of the Association and upon satisfaction of the conditions (if any) set forth in such proxy. A release af the mortgage or deed of trust encumbering the interest of the �wner giving such proxy shall operate to revoke such proxy. Nothing herein contained sha11 be construed to relieve the �wners of their duties and obligations as Owners or to impose upon the Mortgagee the duties and ob7.igations af an Owner. ART�CLE TEN AMENDMENTS 10.01 Bv Directors. Except as limited by law, the Articles, the Declaration or these byiaws, or committed to action by the members, the Board shali have power to make, amend and repeal the bylaws of the Associativn at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special meeting called for that purpose at which a quorum is represented. If, however, the members shall make, amend and repeal any bylaw the directors • shall not thereafter amend the same in such manner as to � defeat or impair the object of the members in taking such action. 10.�2 Members. The ntembers may, by the vote of the holders of at least 60 percent of the votes of the members, unless a greater percentage is expressly required by law, the Articles, the Dec].aration or these bylaws, make, alter, amend and repeal these bylaws at any annual meeting ar at any special meeting ca1].ed for that purpose at which a guorum shall be represented. I0.03 Limitatian. Natwithstanding the foregoing, amendment af these bylaws is specifically subject to the requirements of Section 38-33-106 of Calorado Revised 5tatutes, 1973, as amended. k -Z z- 4 � � � ` �TZC� Er�vEN MISCELLANEOUS 11. 01 Sea�. The corporate seal of the Associatian sha].]. be circular a,n form and shall contain the name of the carparatian, the year of its �.ncarporat�on and the words °Sea1, Calorado". - 11.02 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Assaciation shall be such as �aay from time to ti.me be established by the Board. 11.03 Services. Attached hereto as Attachment A is a list af services to be provided by the Association and paid for out of the regular periodxc a�sess7nents. 1�.04 Sale or _Lease__of Condominium Unit,s. These byiaws, the Articles and the Declaration cvntain no restrictions on or requirements conce�ning the sale or lease of a Condominium Unit or any other restraints on the free alienability of a Condominium Unit. - 11. 05 Recreational Facilities. No major recreational facilities are presently planned as part of the General Common ��' Elements. �-:�' 11. 06 New Additions flf General Co�mon �lements. No new additions to the Genera� Common Elements are planned. 11. 07 Construction with Other_Doeuments. The Declaration� as it may be amended or supplemented from time to . time, and the Articles, filed wa.th the Col.arado Secretary of ' State, as they�may be amended from time to time, are hereby 3.ncarporated herein. The provisions of such instruments shaZl control in the event of an irreconcilable conflict with the provisions ot these bylaws, unless otherwise required by Section 38-33-�106 of Colozado Revised Statutes, 1973, as amended. Simi�.arly the rules and regulations issued by the Board, as they may ba amended or supplemented from time ta time, are hereby incorporated herein; and toqether with the � Declaration and these bylaws shall contrai each Owner�s use � and maintenance abligations with respect to the Candominium Units and G�eneral Common Elements. (END) � -13- I '1 . � � - ATTACHMENT A (Attached to and farming a part of the By�.aws of Cascade Club Association} Services Pravided b the Association and Paid fo aut a the Re 1 r Assessment i. Water and sewer removal. � 2. Trash removal. 3. Snow removal from roads, sidewalks and stairwells within the General Common Elements. 4. �- Insurance, more fully described in A�ticl.e 11 of the Dec�.aration. ' 5. Normal repair and maintenance of the General Common Elements. � 6. Heating and utility services for the General Common Elements. . 7. Maintenance of all landscaping contained withir� the General Common Elements. � � 8. Administration, bookkeepa.ng, legal and audit services tor the Association. � : t ._' A-1 �.�