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� � 1�� � p A H �- � 1E � \ ti o �. � � apena6le fixed doseci Ch' � � � � — � � �o I I o— 1 � "�1 � $ � � � � � —o-�Q �� .�4�� �V =VENT TERIWII�IAL � =a�R SUPpLY`IINLET � =AREAYY�3ERE TERN9INAL IS N�JT PERMITTED A = 12" .--- . .... . clearaneesab�ovegrade,veran- i = 3 ft. (U.�.A ) c3a, pcsrch,d�ck or b�lcony �ft.{Car�adaJ..... �learance to ser�ice regu- IaiQr venti�utlet. B = 12" ......... ......... clearances t�wir�daw�r doar that may be open�d J = 9"' (U.S.A.) 1�"�Ganad��.---- c�earance ta�on-mechas�- C = 9" {IP.S.A.} ical air supply anl�t tc� �2"{Canada}..., clearance to permanently building orthe combustir�n closed winci�+w. �ir inlet to any ❑ther ap- pliance D = 24" .......... ......... vert+cal cl�arance to veratilated �offit located above the termz- � _ ��. �U,S.A.] n�l vwithin a horizont�k dlskance 6ft (C�n�daJ -.... clear�nce ta a mechan�cal of 2 feet(�60 crn}frarn#he cen- air sWpply inlet ter-lin�e af the terminal ''`L = 7 ft. ................. caearance �bo�e paved "E = 24"' -------------------- clearance te�vn�entifat�d soffit sid�walk or a paW�d�riv�- way loeated Qn public F = 9" ..................... clearas�c�ta outside corner ��'�P��Y G = 6" ....................,. clearance to insid�corner .."�V1 = 24" .................... cVearan�e under veranda, porch, deck or Y�aicc�ny H = 3 ft.{Canada} .... not to be inst��led above a gas rneteNreg�iator assem bfy with- in 3 f�et(9�cm]horr�ontallyfram the cen#er-Ilne of th�regulatoe ' 5 F�e#{60") minimum far vinyl clad ��►ffits. " �vent shall not terminate derectly abowe a s�dewalk ar paved driv�waywhich is Iqcated betw�en twa singYe family dwellings and serves�oth dw�llin�s. "' anly permitted if+�erancSa, porch,dec4�ar b�lc�ny is fulky apen on a minim�tm o'f 2 sides beneath the flocsr.. AIC]TE �a�al�ades vr regukations rrt�y require dififeren#cl��rances. Figure 27. Vent Termin�atian Minimum Clearances CAUTIDN: 1�F E�('�'ERlQI; U4'ALLS A14,iE FlNISH�C7 WlTM �'1NYi SI�]�NG, !T!S I+J,ECESS,4RY TO fNSTALL TFIE VINYL PR�TFCTDR fClT T�D 7NE TOP QF TNE�XTE1?IC7R FIREST�P(FUf:�ILL RCDUND T�RMIN'ATlON'CAPS). 3'l � , � � Far Verticai Terminations-70 locate the vent and instalf To s�al the raof hole,and to divert rain and snow fram the the vent sections: vent system: � Locate and rnark the vent centerpoint on the underside • Attach a flas#�+ng to the roof using nails, and use a non- . of the roof, and drive a nail through the centerpoint. hardening mast+c around the edges of the fiashing base where it meets the roof. • Make the outline of the roof hofe around the centerpoint nai1. • A�tach a storm collar over the flashing joint to form a water-tight seal. Place non-hardening mastic aroun�the • The size of the roof hole framing dimensions depend or�the joint, between the storm collar and the vertical pipe. pitch of the�oof.There MUST BE a 1-inch(25.4mm)c�ear- . �lide the termination cap over the end af the ver�t pipe ance fTOm the vertical veni pipe to corr+bustible ma#erials. �nd rotate t�e pipe clockwise 1/4 turn. • Mark the roof hoie accordEngly. • Cover the opening of the instaifed vent pipes. ov�R�aH� • Cut and frame fhe rpof F�ole. 2� 2�'�N' VERTICAL • Use framing lumber the same size as the roof rafters "'�"� wA�� and instai�the frame secureiy. Flashing anchored to the o GMAHGE frame must withstand heavy winds. oaEN�Nc TERM1NA710N CqP • Con#inue to+nstall concentric vent sections up through the roof ho�e(for inside vent installatians�or up past the x roof fine untii you reach the appropriate distance above �z the roof(for ou#side terminat�ons}. �ROOF PITCii I$ X712 � WARNING: �A��R LIoS.SIJIL:DIMG G�I��S i H(MIN.j-MINIMUM NEIGHT FROM ROOF TO LOWEST DISCHARGE OPENING SP;ECIFY MINIMUM :CHIMNEY AN�/OR ui UENT HE1GH7 ABOVE THE RCfUF TC�.P,THESE MIN'- `: lM[1M HElGHTS ARF�+1ECESS�4RY!N TfiE�N'fER- N ES'f�F SA�ETf,'SEETHE.�!DL�.DWING DfAGRA1Vl.; FDR�VIiMIMUM HEI��ITS,�PRiJUI�EOTHE:TERME- °' R of � ch Fi (min.)ft. NATION CAP fS A"'�'L��1ST"filil0{2j FEET f�i�M�!i ffat to 6/�2 1.� Y��T�GA�WAL�AMfl�-���T gELQW A�HOR�ZQN:- - �'A�t�UERHAN�'s , �/12 to 7/12 '1.25 _ :_ - . �� . . _ . over 7112 tfl 8/12 1.5 NOTE: This also pertains to vertical vent systems in- over 8112 ta 9112 2.p sta!le0�on the outside of the building. over 9/12 to 1 Q/12 2.5 over 10/12 to 11/12 3.25 over 1i/12 to 12/92 4.0 over 12l12 to 14/�2 5.0 over 14/12 to 16/12 6.0 over 16/12 to 1 S/12 7.0 over 18112 to 20f12 7.5 aver 20112 to 21/'f 2 8.0 Figure Z8. Minimum Fleight from Roof to � Lowest Discharge Opening 32 �. � � � Step 4. Positivning, Le�eling, and Step 5. The Gas Cantrol Systern 5ecuring the F�replace T�fe di�gram t�elow shows h�sw to properly ppsition, level, 1' WARNINC3: THIS LlNIT 1S NQT F�R USE Wi`�H and secu�e fhe fireplace. S��NQ F��L. �wo types o#gas contral systems are used with these motS- els: Sfar�cling Prlof l�nrtron and+�ire�f Spark lg,ni[ion(D5!]. Standing F'ilot 6gnition System This systern wnciudes miilivolt control vatve, standing pilat, thermopileltherme,eauple flame sensQr. and ��ezc�igr�itor. � WARNING:I1Q-'i2U VAC MLJ��'�JEVER BE CQN- '� / J�, NECTE[�TCl A GbN1�ROL VALVE�N A MILl..NQ�,T � SYSTEM. _�` �; � airect Spark Igniti�n System � � �' �his system inclutfes a 12fl VAC contral valve, eiectrarsic �- madvle and spark ignitc�rfflame sensor �� WARIVINC: GC?MTINUOUS '�14-�1�0 VA� SER- VICE MUST B�WIRED DIRECTLYT�THE FIRE- NAILING TABS PLAC�JUIVCTIC}N �QX IN A D515Y5T�EVI. Figure 29. Proper Pasitioning, L��eling, ar�d � �ARNIkdG:�1#�ECT V�NT E'�tflPAF�IE M�QDELS Securing of a FirepVace � WITH OSf CflNTEtC3L SYST�1VfS CANh1C7fi BE USEb lN CANADA. � Place the fireplace into positic�n. - Le�vel t�e tireplace fr�m side to side and �rorr� front tQ bac#� �T�I�l�,.G 1LC3T ��_ • Shirn the fireplace with non-cc�mbustible materi�l, sueh '`�;��= as sheet metal, as nec�ssary � -. � S�cure the fire�lace ta the fr�m�ng by nailing err screwing. ' .—�'' 3!8"{10�mm� � /�� r �"4~.`i.. I;�� ���� �i ' o � � ����� �'•° � Lt � Ghl170R � �Omm) CEFlAM1�C iNSULAYOR 0 0 0 1�4'{brnrrt} 0 ca > � � Fig�rre 3�. Gas Control Sys#+�ms 33 • � • � Step 6. The Gas Supply Line Step 7. Gas Pressure Requirements - NOTE: Have the gas supply line installed in accordance Pressure requirements for Heat-N-Glo gas fireplaces with local buiiding cades by a quaiified instaHer are shown in the table below. � approved andlor licensed as required by the locality. NOTE: Before the first firing of the fireplace, the gas pressure Natural Gas Pfo ane supply fine should be purged of any trapped air. NOTE: Consult local buiiding codes to properly size Minimum 5.0 inches �1.0 inches the gas supply 1lne leading to the 112 inch lnlet Pressure w.c. w.c. �13 mm) hook-up at the unit. Maximum Inlet 14.0 inches �4.0 i�ches Gas Pressure w.c. w.c. This gas fireplace +s desig�ed to accept a 1f2 inch (13 mm)gas supply line. Manifold 3.5 inches 10.0 inches 7o install the gas supply line: Pressure w.c. w.c. • A listed(anr�State of Massachusetts approved) 1/2 inch A one-eighth (1/8) inch (3 mm) N.P.T. plugged tapping is (13mm) tee-handle manual shut-off valve and a listed provided on the inlet and outlet side of the gas control for a fVexible ga5 connectdr are cor�nected to the 112 inch test gauge connection to measure the rnanifold pressure. (13mm) inlet of the control valve.NOTE: ff substituting for these components, �lease consuf# lacal codes for The fireplace and its individual shut-off valve must be compliance. disconnected from the gas supp�y piping system during • Locate the gas line access hole in the outer casing of any pressure festing of the system at test pressures in the fire}�lace. excess ofi one-half(1/2} psig (3.5 kPa). • The gas line may be run from either side of the fireplace The fireplace must be isolated from the gas supply piping provided the hole in the outerwrap does notexceed 2"in system by ciosing its ir�dividual shut-off val�e during any �iameter and it does not penetrate the aCtual firebox. pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test � Open the fire�lace lower grille, insert the gas supply line pressures e��al to or less than one-half(1/2)psig(3.5 kPa). through the gas line hole, and connect it to the shut-off vafve. • When attaching the pipe,support t4�e cantrol so that the lines are not bent nr torn. • After the gas line instaElation is complete, use a soap solution to carefully check all gas connections for leaks. � �IIIARNIN�G; DC� NOT U�E AN QPEN�LAME : Tfl.Cl-iEC#�FQR GAS`LEAKS.. ', • Insert insulatian fram the outside of the fireplace and pack the insulation tightly to totally seal between the pipe and the outer casing. • At the gas line access hole the gap between the supply piping and gas access hole can be pfugged with non- combustible insulation to prevent cold air infiltratian. US E A W RENC H ON SHUT-0FF VALVE WHEN 71GHTENING GAS LINE. � MANUp SHUT-0F� VALVE F�Ex cor�nrecTOr GAS VALVE I GAS LME ACCESS CONTROL VALVE Figure 31. Gas Supply Line 34 �'m'� K REMOTf SWfLCH 31Y6"PIGCaVBACK CONMECTOR� RI[i7AIL OM � � y � r-Aq � OFF � - .'_'� i- tvi �WQFF SWITGi1 GpS VALUE �� - TF{ER�FQPILE Tki�RMOCOR3PL€ SLACK 31 g��Na�'�ALL SWIFCH. Figure 3�. Standin� Pilot �gnition Wiring aiagram TkEiiM[)STA4ARR€MQTE 5#ep 8. Wiri�g the Fireplace N+D7E: Electrieal wiring must be in�ta�led by a licensed �ptional aceessnri�s electrician. Qptional fan and r�mote control kits require ihat 110-12�1 �CAUTION':DfSCONNEC7REMO7ECt?N714Dt�IFAB- '��'''� �� �+'6re� ta fhe factary insCalfet�junction box before �'ENT FOR EXTEN+DED TlME PE+�rCiDS. TH�S WILL PRE �h�fireplaee is permanently installed. VEN7ACCfL�EN7AL FJI�FFLACE C?PEF�AT1aN. Remote Wall Swit�h Far�t�ndirag Riaot Ignitian Wiring Pe�siti�n the remot�wall switch in the desired positian an a wall. Run a maximum of 25 fe�t(7.$m�or l�ss length of 18 Appltance Requirements A.W.G, minirrrurn wire and cannect it tn the firep'tlace OIVI •This�pplian�e DOES C�OT require 110-12�1 V;4C to oper��e C)FF switch pogtail5. ,/r�,, YVAftNING: D+D NtJT CQNNECT 11ID-'120 VAC CAtIT�GNo LABEL ALL WJRES P,RJUR TC7 DISCUNN�C- '� � TO TN� GAS C4N7"R+DL VALVE UR REMQT� r1�NWHEIV S�ERU'fClNG CDlV7RQL5. WfR11VGERRQRS WALLSY4I�TCFi ORTHEAPF�LIAhiCE WIL�MAt- CAIV CAUSEfMPROPERANLIl7LlNGFR�US C7P�f�ATIt�N. V�RfF!` PRQPL�R OPERATl�N AFTFR S,ERIIIGl1'+fG. FUI�CTIQN AMD �HE VALV� WlLL BE D�- STRQY�D, VpiilEl6LE SPE�ID GflMTiipL N{3TE:IF ANY OF THE ORIGINAL WiRE AS SU3�PI�IE[?W�TH TFEE APPLIANGE M415T E�E fiEPLACE4,ET ML15T 6E BLK �L� REF*LACE[]Wi7H 7YPE 1[TSS�RATEQ WIRE. ��1 JUNCTtDN BQX �LK 8LK BLQWER REGEPTACLE �LK s��c �6 0 BLK �Ct Q � W HT W HT BLK GROUND TEN6PERkTU�IE SENSOR SVJITCH BL[}WER GwN BLK WHT JUNCTi�DdH�D%. YEMPERATUA€ -- SEHSCMR SW#TCli i�4120 VAC FAN � SPEEO COMTROL F�gure 33, Fan W�rin� Qi�gram {RHEOSTAT] �� � • � � , For Direct S�ark Ignition {DSI)Wiring Appiiance Requirements Remote 1Nall Switch This appliance reqUires that 110-�20 VAC be wired to the Position the remote wal�sw�tch in the desired positivn on a wal�. ' factory installed}unction bnx. Mai�tain corr2ct p�farity when Run a maximum of25 feet(7.8 m}orless af 16AW.G�minimum wiring the ju nction box. wire and connect it to the ftreplace ON/OFF switch pigtail5. 4ptional Accessaries CAUTIaN:LABEL ALL WIRFS PRIDR TO DISCONNEC- TION WHEN SERVICING CONTROLS, WIRING ERRORS Optiona� fan and remote cantrol ki#s require that 110-120 CANCAEISEfMPROPERANDDANGERQUS�PERATlON. VAC be wired to the fiireplace junction box. VERIFYPROPER O�PERAT►QNAFTFR SERVlCING � DSI CONTROL VALVE L2 OPTlONAL REMOTE,WALL SWITCH {NEUI'RAL) �R 7HERMOSTA7 O O (ON CERTIFIED UNl7S QNLY) L1 2 3 r-°----� (HOT� I I �u BOx��� OPTiONAL FAN � �o ' ' SWITCHES L-- -J 120 VAC �---°-j � ' BLACK �� IGNITOR � M� p WO FF L____..� WHITE o REM FAN BLUE � � � �t,�i GROUND Q o� N� DSI �3 a0 MODULF I YE �OW CROUND GREEN ' TO FIREPLACE BLUE FLAME SEI�SOW CHASS�S 5PA RKEF� W H�T� BLACK ' pwoFF SwrTCH IGNITIQ GAS MODUL VALVE II REMOTE OUTLET FAN OU7LET CONNEC'fORS NEUTRAL ��{pUND HOT Figure 34. Direct Spark lgnition (DSI)Wiring Diagram 36 � � � �CA[lTIC7111:fF JDl,�V7'S SE7Wi�E'lIf TN,�Fl1Vl5HEl�WALLS Step 9. Finish�ng AND ThfE FJREPLACE SURRQUlVf� (T`DP ANCi�Jl3E'S) Figure 35 shows th�minimum vert+cal and correspanding ,qR� SEAL�L?, A 3�0�F. M!!+dlN1LlM S�ALANr MATE- maximum h�razontal dimensian�of fireplaee r�antels�rother RIAL MUS'�BE U"SED. TNESE JDfNTS ARF NC7T RE- c�rnbustible projectians abav�� the tap front edge of the G�UlRED TO B�SEALF�. aNLY N�N-C�NJBUSTIBL� f�rcplace.See Figures 4 and 5 forvttrer�rep�ace clearances. M,qTER1AL {'US1NG 3+D0° F. A��NIMUM ADHESlV�, IF Only non-carr�l�ustibde materiaks m�y tre used t�a��ver the IV�E��E[?)CAN BEAPPLlED AS�l�CJNG Tta THL FlRE- black fire�la�e frant. PLACE SURROU1rV�A.SEE THE DlAGF2AM BELC7W. WARNING:WF�EN FIN[SEiING TH�FIREPLACE, �QTE: 5heetr�Gk can be placed on the top etige caf � th� firepl�ce. A 1f2-ir�ch gap alar�g th� sid� must be N�VER OB�TF�UCT�1R MOC}IFY THE AIR IN- maintained. LETII'�lJ7LE7��iILLES li�ANY MAFJNER. ST=TRC C�ILING so��ocE 51 E�6GE 31„ 12" 11`2" ,� 1/2"GAP � PI�Ff-'CRC&C�RNER-TRC 7QP EDGE TOP EDGE QF FIREPLAGE si°�€oG£ Figure 3�. Minirnum Vertical and Maximum �lorizontal oimensions vf Combustibles abvve Fireplace _ 1IZ"GAP Figure 36. 5ealant Material Hearth�xtensir�ns A h�arth exterrsion may be desirabie for aesthetic reasons. Hawev�er,AN51 vrCAN1GGAt�sUng standa�t�sdo nat require hearth ex#ensions#vr gas fireplac�appli�nces. 37 � • � Step '!Q. Installin� Trim, Logs, GEASS SPECIFICATIONS: �nd Emt�Br M�t�fi�� Large 5mall Giass Mo�e1 Glass !�ass Ty�g 4nstalfiRg the Trim PIER�RC 34"x 20" 20"x 20° TEMPER�D Combustit�le materials may be bfought up to the speci�ied �7RC 34"x 20" fV/A T�Mf�ER�D clEarances on tf�e side and top front edges of tt�e fireplace, CORN�R-7RCS 34"x 20" 2�"x 20" T�Mi'ER�Q but MUST N�VER overlap anto the fro�t face, The�oints between the f+nist�ed wall and the firE�lace top an� sides can only be sealed witt�a 3p0°F. (i49°C)minimum seaiant. Placing the �mber Materiat � �11/AR�fINC�:�WH€N�F1t�ESMtI�C�Tf���IRE#*E.�10E ���� Ember material is shipped with this gas�irep�ace. The bag ��� r ' lat�eled Gotden Embe� G�-93 �s flame calorant materiai. I �� � 'I M�1�ERDBSTI'�L��T+QR111'lDDI�'�f'��I�AIF��ML�T� _ � )� � 4UTLET fiR}�:LES�t�i i41�fY�VI,4N#�E�. � � The bag labeled Glowing Ember(050-721)is standard glow- '�� � " �� �� � �� � ing ember material. I Ins#a!I optional marbte and b�ass trim s�Tround kits as II �esired. Marble, brass, brick,tile,or other non-cvmbustibie To p�ace the ember material: � materiaEs can be used to cover up the gap betwee�n thE Remave the wing n�ts and giass clips ar tension springs sheet rock and the fireplace. � around the gaass door. Do not obstruct or mod�fy the air inEet/out{et griiles. When vve�lapp+ng on both sicies, I�ave enough space sa th�t�the • Remove the gias5 doorfrom the unit. bottorri gr+lle can be lowered an�the trim daor removed. . Pface dime size pieces of ember materiaa about 1{2 ineh Positioning the Logs apart near part holes in b�rner top. I]o NQT press em- bers into burner ports.Cover the top of the burr�er wit�a if the gas logs have been factory installed they should not sing�e layer of ember material. For best perFormar�ce do need to be positioned. If the iogs have been packaged NOT place embers an the ports at the rear of the burner. separately, refer to the instructions that accompany the logs. Save the Eog insiructions with t�is manuaE, � • Save the remaining ember materials for use duri�g fire- If sooting occurs, the logs rr�ig�t need to be repositioned pEace servicing.�"he bag of embers pravidec#is su�icient sl+ghtly to avoid excessive fi�ame impingement. far 3 to 5 appEications. I • Repkace the w+ng nut, giass clips, a�d sc�ews. �', • Repiace the giass door and a front trim door on#he unit. �� • hiand tighten the uving nut. CAUTION: fT iS STf?ONGLY RECOMMEAfD�D THRT ?'R1M DOORS WiTH OPTiQNAL MESH SCREENS BE 111TS7A�.LED ON PROPANE MODE4S. '.�. a �; � z+; .�y��.:::. .:�:. x �;x. �t:,. �. v: ° E,�� `X".'�s , e '�:v; �w , ,�� ' �.,� �� �" • �,.' .:,� �� � d ���� �� t 4 � `��.�s �,'''�`' `� r�3' � Figure 37. Placement of tfi�e Ember Material 38 . � � � , S#ep 91. Before Lighting the Fir�place Step '12. l.ightinc� #he Firep�aee B�fvre lightia�g the fireplac�, be sur�t�do the faCiowing: Yau"ve revrewed all safety warnirsgs, y�u'�ve checkec� the Remnve a11 paperw�rk from underneath the fireplace. fdrepiace fpr gas Veaks, yflu kr�ow the vent s}rstern is unohstiruc��d,and you've checked fpr fau9ty cQmponents. Rerriew safiety warni�gs and �autians ��w you°re ready 4Q lig�t the fireplace. • Read the Safe#y and Warning Information sec#iQn a8 the beginniE�g of this lnstaflers Garrd� � WAFi�ING: PL�ASE REFER'TQ TH�U�ER'S Doubie-eheck for gas feaks � IWIAlVUAL FORRL�,CAUTIUhJS,SAFETY, AAC[l • Befare lighting the firepl�ce, double-check the unii for WARNING 1NFflRMATIC?N PERTAIhfl�G TO T�iE passible gas leaks. LIGH'CING ANi]C7RERATdDN�F TFiE FIREPLACE. Double-�heck vent terminations and front grilles far abstructions. AftertF�e �ns��lia#ion • B�fflre lighting the fireplaee. doubie-check the unat for passibRe obstru�tic�ns that could b��Eockir�g the vent ter- � L�AVE TiiIS INSTALLA7ION MAN�IA�WITH min�tians or thte front grifles ' '` THE AP�'LiAi�CE F+L�R FUTURE FtEFERENCE. Doubl+e-�heck forfau�ty compoa�ents • Any campc�nent that is fc�und ta be 6a�lty MU5T BE re- placed with an ap�raved campar�ent Tamper�r�g with the firepla�e componenfs ss�ANG�RQIIS ancf voads�RI war- rant�es. A small ame�unt af air will b�in the gas supp9y Iines. Vllhen first I�ghting the flreplac�, it wilN kake a tew min�ates for the lines ta purge themselves of this a�r. dnce the purging is complete, the fireplace wiGl [ight and will r�perate narmaliy. Subsequent lighfings of the fireplace will rtot require this purging of a�r frgrn the gas supply lir��s, urtless the gas uafVe has Ereen turn�d to the DFF pasition, in which case the air would have to be purged, NOT�:The fireplace should be�un f�r 8 hours on the mitial start-up. This wiN help to �ure the ch�micals used i�e th� paint anc�logs. 39 • • i . Maintaining and Servicing Your Fireplace Fireplace Maintenance Although the frequencyof yourfireplace servicing and main- tenanc�wifl depend on use and the type of installation,you should have a qualified service technician pertorm an appli- ance check-up at the begin�ing of each heating season. ,- � � _ See the table below for specific guidelines regarding each ' fireplace maintenance task. � �� :•: IMPORTANT:TURN OFF THE GAS BEFQRE SERVlCING � d YOUR FIREPLACE. •.� « ..�. Renla�ing o.ld emb�r material • Frequency:Once annually, during the chec�CUp. , By:Qualified senriCe technician. MAKE SURE TKE FLAMES Task: Brush away loose ember materiaf near the burner. ARE STEADY—NOT �IFTING OR FLOATING. Replace old ember material with new dime-size and shape pieces of Golden Ember�D�-93)and Glawing Fmber(050- . 721�. New ember material should be placed alternately on Figure 38. Burner Flame Patterns top of the burner - a layer of Golden Ember, a layer of Glowing Ember, and so on. Save the remaining ember rnateria{and repeat this procedure at your next servicing. Check�na Vent System For more informa#ion, see Placing Ember MateriaL Frequency: Before initial use and at ieast annually thereafter, more frequently if possible. Cleanina Burnet and Controls By:Qualified service technician/Home owner. Frequ�ncy:Once annually. Task: Inspect tt�e exter�al vent cap on a regular basis ta By: Qualified service technician. ensure that no debris is intertering with the flowof air.Inspect Task:Brush orvacuum the control compartment,fiireplace entire vent system for proper function. logs and burner area�surrounding the logs. Ci�a�nc,�Glass Door Checking Flame Patterns. Fiame Hei4ht Frequency: As necessary Frequency: PeriodicalEy. By:Home owner. By:Qualified service technician/Home owner. Task;Clean asnecessary,part+cula�ly aft�r adding new ember Task:Make a visual check ofyourfireplace's flame�atterns. (flame colorant)material. Film deposits on the inside of the Make sure the flames are steaciy - not lifting or floating. glass door should be cleaned off using a household glass See Figure 38. The flame sensor (DSl) or thermapile! cteaner. NOT�.: DO NOT handte or attempt to clean the thermocouple (standing pilot)tips shauld be covered with doar when it is hat and DO N07 use abrasive cleaners. flame. See Figure 30. � i 40 � � � ,'�. Tt7WiV C)F VAIL QEC',a€�TM�NTC]FCC7h�iN1Ui�1iTY DEV�LC}PM��fT 75 S. F1�QI�ITAGF F�C��ID VAI L,C+L� �3t 657 47p-479-2�!3$ i'^dC)TE: T1-�[S PERI"vI[T MiJ�T SE F'O�TED O�I .�L�BSI`I'E AT ,�LI_TIi�iF� PLUM�31I`�iG 1'��MIT Permit #: P{]1-0p38 Job Acittress: 1C1(305 FI��NTAGE !�D WEST VAl1. Status . . . : iS�LJED Zo�atton.....: .a�r�r�ie�l . . : �}5/15/2pa7 Parcel NQ..._ 2"1Q312175U01 Issued . . : 05,/16/20(}1 P�'�ject dVQ : ��`'j��' ,� � � — �_�t!��'�j�1 Ex�irc=� . .: 1i/12/2{�1 1 �WNER I�-0 VAIL HQLI7ING INC 0�/15/2a01 Phone: GVESTIN HOTEL 13 f]0 YJ'�SfiHAVE.N L7R V'AIL �C1 81538 Lieense: CC7N�°RACTQI� TQTAL PLUMB ING U 5/15/2€l O 1 Phone: 3{l3-3 9 3-7 2 71 4 7�1 N. CO�,URAD4 �3LVT3 D�NVER, CC} sozi� Lieense: 110-F AP�LxC�3'T TC}TAL PLUM$ING 05/15/2{}C}1 Ph�xxe: 3[}3-393°7271 4 7 fl 1 N. CUL,ORADO BLVi? Y?ENV�R, CC3 8D216 License: 110-P L�es�ipticsn: �'onr�ert existing ind�t�r tennis c�aurt to s�a Valuatit�n: $741,�25.�[)0 Fire{rla�c•lttfi�rzu�ticrn: IZeslriitPd: ?? #nf C:as ApFlianc e�w: ?? N E>l`C;as l.u�s: ?? ,#uf t�1r'c�ud i'alIet: �?....+..�...�.....,..,,.,.r.....................�...............�,..... FEL�iUi�iMARY ......,...........,....,,...,..,.........,......�.......,,.. fli�mEqui�--� $2,130,r�o fZrctts�ar�nsl�'k�n RE�vic•cv--� SG.ac� Ic�tal t�al�-ui��leci Fees--} S2,G65.54 Plan Cheik--� 553�.5fl f�RI3 F€�--_..-------------� Su.�o AsCditinn�rl Fe«�:�:�----____� f SiD.791 Investi�ativc�-> fio-.aD 'l'(?"fr�L Fi•:F.S�-------' $2,665.SQ Tc�[�1 I'�rmit FcF � $2,£S4=71 lNill C.�ll-----> $3.�o !'ati'mcmt�s----- > $2,654.'71 RAI.ARiC`F T][JN' ..___---a S0.o0 !flYkiff-k#MtYN�.A'kial�lrftrf��+ii�+����Hi�fi+4li���Yli�k/!!��/i�fiR�1w�..��+�a���awi�ilfrftiY}��r������t�}4l��iH��f�1�i!#�f�i1.Hkl�id�iti�iiil��i#iii�4LfiiJH�uYi-klii atem: a��aa BurLn�rrG m�AART�i��r o5/��Izoa�, �� �c��o�: ,�P Item: Q5600 FIRE DEPAFtTI�ENT CC7NT�ITI[.7N C7F API'R01JAL Cond: 1� (BLDG. ) : FIEL,D INSF'�CTIflNS ARE REQUIRED �'O C�iECK FQR COD� CC}N1PLIr�NCE. ...,..,..,....................................................,,,.................._..,,.......,..........,..,...�.............�.......e.......... 17EClLf1�A:I'IONS I hereby arkna�+�ledge that [ hav�� reacl t�tis a��plication,Fi�1�d aut ir� Full the infornaa��r�an rec�uirec�,eam�lete� an accurat� �lat plan,anc� state that all the inFarmation as ►•eq�ire�i is earrec#. 1 agr�e to cvmply wi#h thc inf�rrnatic�n anc� plot pCan, � �J � to con�p��,F �viih all�wn �rdinanrc�s �an�1 �tate La«Fs, an�i ta��iuryl�� ttzis structure a�rorctin�;t�th�t�}►�vns zonin�and subdivision cod�s,desigra review a��rc��c•d, Unifarnz Building C�s�ie ant#' vther ordinances of the Town ap�lica�le th�refo. RF.�LIF51:5 FC?l�INS['��4"1C71V 5HALL B�;MAL7t TWI�:NTY Ft�LfR HL�?U€ZS IN ADVAfVC�Fi1�r�t.F.�Ha��IF.AT�37�_2��t�[�r' T��utt c�Hrt���rK��avr n.txr,an�-s !'M. _ �' �� Y .� _ _ -- - -- ' -.__ _.,;,�. . t. SIGiVATC1�EQF W1�1 COI'�!'�'F�ACT+a� FOR HtMSELF ANC�C7W1�3F � **��*����***���********�*�**��*******�*��**********ws****���*��*�*�t*�+*��****�� "I'[]►,�r'N{l1= V:111.. C`(ll.()Rr'�Df}C�>�� Re@rinted on il5_1[�-�fIU1 at l�:1i1:23 [1�IIG12(I�)i Stetem�:nt ��*��*�*#**�**�***�***�**�**�***�*�*��*�**��*��**�***�*�*****�**��**�w****�******�*******�** Statsment IVurr�ar: ROQ[7400772 Amr�unt: $2, 654.71 05/16/�[]{1102:1[] PAi Paym�r�t Method: Castr Init: DF` Nc�tation: ch�s:k #1�3a Permit No: PO1-OC13$ 'S'ype: F'LIJ@�1BING PER1�fiIfi Pareel Nr�: 21D312I15001 Site Addr�Ba: �17U� S FRi'�iV'FAGF° FtD WEST VAIL� �,acat ion: '�'at.�� Fees: $2, 6��.71 T`his Fayment: $2, 659.71 Total ALL Pmk�: $2, f54.71 Salar��e_ $c�.D(� *�*��***�v��*******�**�******�*�*******�***�*�**�***�***�►***s��s*********��************�***�� A[:Ct�i1N�'I'l`�:M I.jST. A�c+�unt Cr�d� �escriptia� Current Pmts ---- ---------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF U010{1{1631123[10 PLAN CHECK FEES 524.71 P� (��1000�311120� PLlJ1�BING PER�IT FEES 2.13b.{lfl , � �t ` �APIPI.ICATF�N W��T�E A�CCE F INCOMPI�ETE OR UNSI � _ �'ro;ect #. "��k � � 6uiiding Permit#: l'�; 1 - ': -`�� 1 Pl�rmbing Perr�ttt#: - � 97�-479-Z149 (Iaspe�ians) �����` T�WN O� VAIL P�,UM��N �MIT APPLICAT�+[] 75 S. FrQC�tage Rd. Vail, Calarado $T+557 — +� ,.' Cont.r�ct Ea !�C'crun Asse�sors C7ffice af 97U-3��-�6�0 t� isit www.ea le-caurr .cam far Parcel� Parc�l # (Required if�ra bidg. �e it # is pr+��id V�:) �j a�,�) tl '�_' ,��r� -�,�` r,f� ao�s Name: ���L i�fi�S�Q�, �I�I�' '� �Lc�'►� �ob Address: '�; , ' _ - ��f-�t C.� �-E- � , .� ��' Lega�l [3�scriptivn Lat: 81ock: Fal�ng: S�abdiv�siQn: C}wr�ers Narr�e,�•p c�''rYrL ,+���r�;..•; Addr�ss: f�,>a r_`��,�,�� L;, Pha�e: , �,��,�.� Enyineer, 4 � ,� . �__ Address: �;��.�'� f�har�e: f'�r��� ��-��� Detaileci deseriptFC�n af work: - C'� �-� ;;,�',_<� �..'y'�..-�%u-� rr'e-r:�.�-�` ,��� ,q;;��•. ~fr������__ ..f =� ,.,,�� -�,d� Nloric �lass: New S } Rddition ( ) Aiteratian ( �-}! �tepair ( ) Other ( ) Type v1f Bldg.: Single-fa;ni�y ( J [3uplex ( ) �1u�ti-family( } Cornmercial {� Res�urant( ) (�ther( ) hio. of Existing Dwei{ing lJnits in this �ui€di�g: Nc�. af Aecamm�ar�atian �inits in thi:� buifding: Is this a cc�raversi�n frc�rr� a w�[rd t�urning fireplace tc� �n E�A Phc�se II derrice? Yes ( } No �v�" C[7MPLET�VALUATIt]�1 FClR PLllMBYNG PERMIT (Lal7or& Materials� PLUMBING: $ ���,��. - -- - C�NTRACT�DR I�►IIFORMATIQN -. �- � �� r � C� Plumbing Corttractar: Town af Vail . N�.: Contact and Pharse #'s: ��^�"-�'d��. �bri5iL I�CVr=r�f,v+�,' l�JCrG. ! �] ' fsll�f�� .�7�/�"�G2, dt.�'lt-,�- - LE F�iC C4ntr�CtC�r Sign7ttlre: � , *�*���**#�****,�*{�*����***t��*�*�****F�R+QFgIC€ USE C7MLY:���*:«��*��������:��,�***��****t*�,��**** QEh�r�� - - Date i�.eaenrecl:� - ."� --.� __ .�.: QR8 Fees. ; �4c_cepted 8y ' � _ .�.�_ -- - Planner.S_ic�n-nff:�. i _ _.. - .---- ___..._..,_.� �������� FJev�ryQneffflrrr�sJplmb}�erm ��� ,� Q �aQ} �0�-'�:��.Q€V. �-- -- —- �,._ _.�...��_ � ,�_?�}..?p{�1 f'�,���t�^iM ���t��t �+�.��7r+���►� _ .-_ ___�.s____����.s ��� �r� :����,'► ��;�:"�[�!� _ tt���7A�E33 f�-�,irf�c:.°y�� ------�----�- --.�_...---��..__._�_J— l��t: 9�! ���'r►=cra�! ;; ��. 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N�. . : 21Q3-�,21-OQ--D12 Issued. , . : O�IQ�/20�0 Project No. : P�tJ00-0215 Expires . . : 01/29/2(}D1 APPLTCAN'I' ZERR ENT�RPRISES, I13C, Phone: 3�3-758-7776 5�5 4 EAS'I' EVANS - SL7T TE 1�.4 F DEN[TER, C� 8 q 2 2 2 C{7NT1dAC'a"�R ZERR ENTERPRIS�S, TNC. Phane: 3Q3-758-7776 5 6 5 Q EAST EVAI�TS - SUITE 11(}, IJENVER� C{7 S(�2�� f7WNER / L-O VAIL HC]LDING INC ���,�,ff� WESTII+T HO'i'EL THE, VAIL CC� $1657 ►7�-� D�S�z'i�]t10i1: i ��1 L..�'�'1�1. ���• INT�RIOR BALL��'JC}M �NOV��rzc�r� �IP�n-up De�osit Refund - Occ�pancy: ���J1'QMJ�'C� .�`��Ut�'``'� Typ� Cc�nstxuction: II FR Tlrpe II Fire R��ist�i e �� ,Cj � Type occupancy: �rT'1;7'�t°�'� Valu��tican: 250, 1(}6 Add S� F'���� �� �� ��` Fiteplx��+ Infarmatian: RenGri�ted: #OF Gao Appliancee: q4f c�as Laga: t#of waod/Pellet: arisr�►ra..*errrM►r��si►yraa�ei��rrr�t+r.+r�rrR��++raarr��i�r F�� Si7Mb1AF2Y aaaaart�aatsa.r�r�er»���aa�r�rvrrrr�tarwi�rr�w��t+rrr*rw►rM• Builriing-----3 1,3qp.p0 ReetuaranL Ylaux Revir_w--� .Q4 Tatal Calculated Feea---� 2�72f3.60 Plan check---� 977.6[7 DRS Pae-- a .a4 Add.iLional Fees----�-----> .Bfl Inveatigatlona .0❑ Rec7Ceat},on Pee---°------� .(1ro Tctal Ferm3t Fee-------°� 2,72D.6A Wi.11 Call"'_a 3.06 Clean-U'{i DGpvttiC""____� S[5d.06 Paymenta"'_'_'_`_""_'> 2,720.b0 TOTAL PEES------��-------7 2,720.G{1 HAF.SkNCE �7lIP°------------� .Qf1 �R�FY'��'i��tVWrffAli�tiTtww►►ii�iVt11V�Aii'`��l�r�lr�iwi�iawir�4+MiiiW�Yt��lrttl�ififlrflfe��Y�4vr�'SwY'fli��arrY�le��+li�saYY�Y�rir►irri�wtf►�y�Y• I��rt�: �51017 BUILL7x�+1G T�EPARTMENT lle t . BLTILT]ING Division: 07 f 24/2(}(7� CHAR�,IE Action: Ni0"i"E PLANS TO CHA�LIE Q7/2�/2Q041 CHARLIE Ac�ion: A�'PR CHARL3E DAV�S It�m- 054€�0 PLANNING D�PARTMENT i3epta PLANNIIH'G Divi�ian. 1�7/24/2�1U{} CHA.RLI� Action: AFPR PLAN� fiQ JT�"DY FdR ASSIGN 07/25/200fi� A�DCHS Action: APPR all interiflr work Item: f]560D �IRE DEFARTMENT Dep t : FTR� Division. CJ"7/24/2U{l� CF-iAF�LIE Actiozl: NC?TE PLA�i� '3'i7 FIRE �7/25/2fl{}0 MTK� �' Action: APPR APPR WITH CC7NDITIC7NS Item; 055L�0 PUBLIC WORI�S Dept: PUB WC�1�K Di.v�sivz� : fl7/24/2DC}0 CHAR.LIE Actian: APPR N/A rt+rrwrsraaaa++ra.ra�asa����ri����r.s»��:�����ryrxrfi�w+rw+m.sx�rrwrxrr.+��..r��e��y+r:serrre►�9yerrrMrya�rr��►ri���rrr�rr�arr�rrRrrr►r See Page 2 of this L�vcument for any conditi�ns that may apply to this permit . LlE CLARAT I ON5 I hereby acknc�xledge that I have s`ead this application, filZed aut in fu33 the in€ormativn requared, tatcc�ileted an accuzirte plot plan, anc� �tate that all the inf�rmation grovided e€� requfred ie ca�xect. i agrea co comply with the inf��at3an and plat glar+, to coffiply xfth all Tawn ordinances as�d atate 3awe, and to build this atructure aecording tp the Town'e zoning and eubdivic�i�n cadee, deaign revier� approved, Uniform 8uihding �'Qde and c>ther ord�.nxncas of the Tomn epplirable therrto. REQS1E9T9 FOR IN9?EGTIUNS 53iAL& B6 MAIIE 7'WEI�kRT'Y-FOUit HOt]RS IN ADVANCE EY TEL6P}ipHE AT 479-2138 OSL AT OUR QFFiCE FROM 8:041 AD�t Sc00 YM , T£}WN {]F 'IIAIL []E�ARTME7`�IT DF C�MMUIVITY I�F.VELQPILL��E�iT 7� 5. �RQN1`AGE R�AD VAIL., �'(] 81 Ci57 97Q-479-2138 **�**�*************************��«�**�**�*�*��*:�*�������*�#�*���*��**�*��*�*�******�*��***����� CQNDlTfONS Permit# B(](�-(117� �s of I i-��I-2UU[1 5tatus: ISSUEI] *��*�*�**�*�*��*�**���**��*�*��***�*��**�*�����****�**********�**�*$**#�*�****��***���*��***��* Pern�it T���e: AQDIALT C�3MM E�UIE.D PERNtT Applied: f1712�/2(l[]() Applicant: ZERR �NTEE�P�15�:5. INC. I�;suc�: t]SI()2I2�10[) 3i13-7�H-?776 `I'o�,�pirc: �af2�l�f]fll Job.Ac�dress: 13[1[1 WCS�'F{Fl,VEN UR VA1L Lncatio�i: 1��][7 Wt5"i�HAVEN DR CASCADE f-�(}TCL �ALLROC)M ['arcc�Ncr� �1{)3 E Z t t7U(l 1? I]escri,p tion: INTEI�Yd� BALLRdOM RENdVA.TIQIV� Cc�ncfitions: Cond: CO�TOQQQ�2� SPRINKLER A.ND FII2E ALARM DRAWII`TGS WITH CALCS, AND ASSOCIAT�UPERMI'�S W�LL BE REQ[TIREI] ]FUR '�HTS p�a�r�cT. Cand: COND(14D22� �' / MAKE Nf,7TE C?F CORRECTI{]NS REI]LINED ON FIELD APPRaVED DRAWINGS Cond: 1 FIRE DEPARTME1ViT APPRC]VAL IS REQCTIRED BEFCJRE ANX W'QRT� C�1� BE STARTED� Cond: 12 �"IELI7 INSPEC°1`IONS ARE REC,�UIREL7 T[? CHECK FOR C�JDE C(7MPL�ANCE_ � �� � � .� S9nd Clse�-Up De,posit To; ZERR LNTERPRIZE3 Sd9NA. OWK4R QR O HIMS�LF ATfD dWd3ER ***�'******t1'*****ik*�Ik****ilr�k�l'r**�r71r*�Nrak�k*�Irdr°ktrr�lr�iryktlrtk'k'k'ktktklrirArit*kyh�lr�r�t�r�cktkyk*'k�*tF�ir#**�r**�ksk�ir�i4 �����T Q�.i^] Perrnit # : aoc�-ai�3 �s �f �a/��/aQ s�.atus : zssrr�� �*�*******�*�**���***��*�**����***�*******��**�****�*�*�����***�**�,����*�**��*�* Permat Type: ADD/ALT �COMNi BUILD FERl�IT Appl.ied: 07/24/24�0 Applicant : ZERR ENTERPRISES, INC. Issued: {}8/02/2�D0 343-758-7776 T� E�cpire: U1/29/2�f1�. Jab Address : LQCation: 134(} WESTHAVEN DR CASCADE H�TT�L BALLF�QQM Parce� Na: 2�03-].21-{70-�1� Descriptir�n: INTERI OR BALLRaC3M RENOVA'I"I QN Conditians: 1 . FIRE DEPARTM�I��T Ai�PRC7VAL IS REQUIRED BEF4F�E ANY WQRIC CAN BF START�SD. � . FIELi3 II�SPECTI{3N� ARE RPQUIR�I� Tq C_'HE�K FpR CODE Ct�MPLIAN�E_ 3 . SPRINKLEF� AND FIRE ALARM I]RAWINGS WITH CA�GS, AND ASSOCIAT�D PERMITS WILL HE REQUIREl3 FOR 'I'HIS PRQJECT. 4 . MAKE 1�QTE OF CORREC�°IONS REDL,�NEI] dN �"I�LD APPRp"G'ED DRAWINGS i#tii#t*}}***i**i*ff*�Ir#********i**fti#�r��if�t#t�tli!*w*iYY�twit T4WN C?F VAIL, COIARADC7 State[suat �e+.*,rr.rrtwf.+.tr*,r�t,r*t*�**tr***a++s.�+a�+a�.#,rw,r**�+�r*.r****,rt 5tatemnt Number: RSC-4560 Amotlmzt: 2,720.G0 08/42/04 12:Q5 Payment Methot�: �CK N�r�atian: #1064/ ZERR Init: LC �e�tnit No. B�0-{}173 Type: A•-C[5MM ADD/ALT C(7ZNM F3UILD P F'arcel No; 2103-121 �i7�7 C}12 Site Addresa: 130❑ WES'THAVBN LtR Irvice7tio11: 13L10 WESfi!-TIiVE�l L3R C_ASCAC3f3 I[O'I'�l� HALLRQOM �'vLal Feea: 2,720.60 Th.as �ayment 2,72Q.6{} Tota1 ALT, Pmta� �,72D,50 I3alance� _{3❑ ��ka*,wk*.���.a+,�a*��+**ra*aa.�aar*k�a��e�a,w**�*aa�+a+r�a+,ta++*a+r+r Accaunt Code ]Jescri.gtion Amaunt $P 0(71q0�p3111140 �IJILC]ING P�&2P+II'i' i�f�8� 1,344�Oa PF OOA00�0��.�,�300 PL�f C3{SC'K FEBS 873.6a AI7 D2-DF'FD$ CI.6�NLiP DLP�SITS 504.Of} WC QO10{�00311280a WILL CALI, INSFECPI�N 4�E� 3.0{? FEB-15-$@ 12 � 1� F��M• 7dV-G�M-�EV-aEP:. ID•9fi�4792�52 PAGE lt7 � - � TO�Vllhl QF VAiL CQNST�UCTIt3N �ERMIT J�PP�.I�ATIC3N FC7RM �NF4R.hi.4'!'�UN�IC:ST BE CQN�LETE aR'�E �i.PPLICATICIN W'ILL BE AE.TECTEIl �3 ��-�_ ��.� � Cc�rrtact t�e Eagle Coeenty Asses�c�,^�[�tf�e at�7�-328�4640 far�ar�1# Przrcel� 2103-121-(J0- 12 ���� ��`7t � LJ�tc� 7/21/(3 Q Pest�it+� �C��;Q 1�� I� Jab�tiarae. Vail C�scade Hatel 1c�Jb.�ddress: 130Q Westhaver� D�ive �uilding{X} Flrsmbin�� � �te�-tc�¢C?y� �techarur.al( } C)ther( 5 Le�al�cripurxn� l.,qt Bio�k Fili,'�� Su�c3i�7sion In�c. 10333 l]r� �C0��801�1 ' �u�e�4303-79�-3830 Eh►�c:rsN�►c: L-� Vai1 Holdinq ,:�cidrss: En 1�wcsv � Arctu�tect: Andersvn-Mi11er LT1]A:ddress: 329 hT. 18th Street � SuitQ�o�iz� 312-225-25(70 �hicagc�, _ IL 6fl616 De�c�tpti��f Ja�. E a 11�c�c�m R e n c�v a t i o n lhork Class: hFe�• i i �ItCtaisan{� i �►ddzttonal t ! Repa�r( ) C7ther i } Nur�ber v�'�h��elling Units: N/A NnmbcrvfAc��nmodation Units'--- N/A ti�tsnbex�d T;vpe vf�irepl�ces� Cras A�pii��s N/A Gas L�gs N/A 4�"aad/Pe?lc-t N/A VA' A hi� BU�I..T3IIVG. S 18�, 1{l� . �d ELEC�`RIC.�.L S 6 5. 0 0 fi . 0 0 pTF£ER: � ���' PL�;'��Ilv� � 'v1EC�?A;�r,C,�.S l� A TOT.�3',. 5 2 5 0, 1 C��i .0 0 _� CDNT CT R IAIFQRMAFION �enver, CO 8rJ222 Cenr�-alCoatrac€or� Z�rr Enterprises. Tr,��ess: 5�54 E. Evans Atre. r Suite lIfl T�ax��fl'sulR:egzs��oa,`�Q. 182-5 k'hone� 03-758-7776 FAX: 3�3-758-77�� �l��i-ical+Co�tractor- P r� r e s s i'�e �1 e c t r i �n c . T K i c�w a , C O �`�_ �,�dr�ss 15 5 5� .�w F3� , To�.-n vr t'ar I Itegzs�ar�zvn�v. r horse � 3 q 3�2 8 l. —1 6 6 8 ( F a t L a�d r v�, P'Iumbiag Car�tracto�r _ N/A .�ddres3. Tt�t1'Il9f'�'311 RP�g',SSt�d310Pit!'�s4 Fht]fiL 4 +�chaaisea!�Contr�ttar� �VIA .�ddress; T,7v�'II QI�'a1E RC�1SI1"'dTlQA:�4. �httiR�� v ���� i Faa aF�c�us� � J U� `? � ��0� � � TY'PE GF�C?�� SG�. FT. VALUAi'�dh1 BC7rL�7ING. 'tl- A.�;�'.`_ ? Sl�NA�L1FtE ` -�- - - — — ,�C�Iti f{�kG: ,,; SIGN,4TURE ;; �-_ -'�.� C'LEAP� UP OEP�S�T REFUNd TO: ' - *'`*C�l�� ��+O�KS ?��E �V��'LABLE F�R PURC�SE L'F�J� �E��.:ES?*�* R�CE� �'EL� J�JL 2 1 2t� FEB-3 5-20 1 2 � 14 FROR'!-TOV-Ct7N1-D�Al-DEFT. I D=9�@t3792452 F'AGE 3;; F � � Z . � . 1► xi �����l1J�. Deparrrmmera� o,�`�'omx�r�rzrt}� Develvp•nr�nr � � � 7� 5vuih Franrage Rcrad Yaii, Codorr�d4 8�'657 $7�+-�74-�13� �'.�tX 97+D-479-Z4S? TM B'UIl,D1.�iG PER�fIT L5S�iAI�CE�FR.4.'1LE I��kais�rm.it requises a Tov��n vf'4'aii Fire I)�artmenA Appro�'al. �n�ineer's(P�blrc t�'orks) rev�c�Y+�arxd approv�.i,a FIa�ming I?cpam:�ent r�vsc��of H�'th Dep�atrne�rt r�ie��-, and a re��x�° b4�#he Building Departrnent,th�e,stimated time 1Ec�r a total revie�ti may Fa.�;e ac lors�as tfiree(�) ��:ccks. �I ccaxnmerci�I i.lar��or srxaak�)and a!1 muCti-farniis'p�rmits�r111�va t�a�oilow the ab�re m�ntiened ma�imum rec{�e!rerne�tts. RCSrdcnti�i arrd sanai!prc�jeac#s$houf�t�.4cC a 1CSS�r aanount Qf tim€ Ho«-�.�fer, ii rest��t�31 [�r>;n�11Gr;�rc�j��.ts irnpact th�.�arious abQV;,r;�entzont:d dcpartmen*.s��ith r�gard te�nec.essarv ret�ie�ti°, nc�sc gsv�ects tt�a�•�so t,�l:c the t�xGc;(3)�i'e�fc �� EVery arte�npt t.�ill t�e macie b�ths�c��;�ya�pm�ent to cxp�#ite tliis p�rmic as se�n as p�ssible �,tt�c undersi��n�,und�rstand tha�Ean Chew:,k pr��.durc aFtd Cirr��fr�me. 1 a7sa�ur�d�rs'.and that ir' 'ti'se pCtmft Afi�oi pxCked up by tttc cxgir2�tsc�et dal�.that � m�5'�Still,�ay the P[�C`heck FeG ai.txd ��at if T £ai9 tfl do s�it ma}�ai�'ect fut��pCrn,�ts tB�a� 1 appl�•:or. � Agerd tv b��: `-' f ' / �� / �J � ps�t,ja.-t�;arsee� ���� � Cl-�'S�c�r1� lyo�iC/ �- ��e,� �Ybc.�,.. C.��^c-�_.�+�`,l't Date: �_�.� 1�' War1�S�caet w�,t�rne�»niv rhe C'oziu��it}�D��vlopmcnt Dept. `��cses�cz.sn��� T�WN [�F VA�1. DEPA�TMENT+��'Cf��"vi�UNITY DEVELOPMENT 7� S. PRONTAGF R(7AD VA1L.C4 81657 47[l-�7�-?1�� E�(7"CE: THIS PEFtMIT NIUST BE POSTEI)�N �(�BSIT�A'F AI.L TIMES M�CHAN1GAl.P�RM[T Pcmiit #� MUU-�71�7 Job�1�1�lress� i3{l()WES"1'1iAVEN �3R VA[L Status . . . : ISS[�ED Lacati4tt,,...: 13Q WF�TH.AVEN I�R(L3ALL�Ot)M) ApPlied , . : 1[]12^�IZOOfJ F'arccl Nc,.--: 2I(l s I21(lf f[}I? lssued . . : l UI;C�/2fJ00 Fraject�lo : �"'��5��1� - �-�2- �; Expires . .� U�1?8/2[1�U] JWNER L-4 VAIL HULDING INC �(}/�5/2L10{� Fhone: �+�1��'�IP3 HO�EL '�HE VAIL CO �1657 CONTRACTOR ENVIRONMEN'i'AL H�,TIN� & A�R I�,�25/20�0 Phane: 719-637-$453 293� N�VERMIItiT�➢ LAN� CUL�RADf7 SPRINGS, �CO 8Q9T7 License: 13C1-i� APFLICANT ENVIROi�IMENTAL HF��'ING & AIR T(�/25/2a0Cf Phone: 719°537-$453 �93� NEVERMIND r,nr�r� COLORADi7 SPRTIITGS, C� �a�i� Desci}�tivn: Rcmoi�c c� rcpla�u diffusers. add firc dampers.ballroom& ctarridm��'. 11�Iuatio�: $1,t�5[l.f]O Fire�la�G InfnnciatiaK�:R�stnct«d: F�f'G:�a��+plix�}��s: 0 -of Cias Lc*�: fl "nf 14'nc�c�E'cdlet: 0 Yl4�ktl3��.Eit• eif�Fa!!!Y!t!!1�ls�Rt���aiEaM.illlttwtivatiYildkli#4i�*�FR• j:�E SC'�I1'r:�Y ��asRl�i���ia��s�f1���t��ti�ftti�t��s�s�#f#�k#lyti#�F#YS��i►��i 1,S�ch�nr�al-- $40.GG Rw�.'[uarvu f'lan I�er,•ic�v-- $0.00 Total{'�Icu�at�d Fcc�--•? $53.Q4 Nl�sn i'hzLk--- S�a.�:,o i]R131•`r��------__�--.--------. $0.C10 r�eldiTi4�nal I�ce:c• . $6.QD Pn�•estipa�iun- $v.C��? 7'O'T�ll,l�l�:l?S»- $53.nc5 �'9ial I'ernait Fcc S53.oQ 11'ill['aV'I-----> $3.�o Pa}�n��nts - 553.b0 B,1I_:�tiCF 17L'E So.o0 !4#t�Rfkl�i!!!R!t!!Y!t!#�M�A#t�lEYl4#kYE.#�F►ttiiTRM1�IdR#iTfAR�RtRY!lytttli!li��l�F��itF148Ra��{i'�3ERliit4K�Ti3titiiiliiiii�li#ikt#R������f4�itlif#di�3 Item� 451QQ BUYLi?IN� DEPAR'FM� ].(}/25�2��0 GRG P,ctivn: A.F Charlie Davis r��iewed c�amper specs. Item: 45�6D� �`IRE DEPAl��i'�fiENT cc��o�T�ro� o� ���.o�a�t., �and: 12 �'IELL? Il'TSPECTIONS ARE F�EQUIRED 'I'0 CHECK F�]R Cf]DE CfJMPLIAN�E. Cond: 22 C(�MBCJS�'IQN AIR IS f2EQUIRED PER S�C. 7�11 OF' THE �997 L7MC, CtR SEC"I"ION 701 C�F THE 1997 IMC. �ond: 23 INSTALLA'TI�N MC]ST CONF'�RM '�'0 MAN�TFACTURES Il'�TS'I'RUCTI�NS �Tfl TC� CHAPTER 1D OF' THE 1997 �JJNiC, CHA�''T�R 10 �F THE 1957 INiC. Ccand: 2 5 GAS A�'PLIANCES SHALL BE V'�iTED ACCJRI)ING TO CHAPTER 8 AN� SHALL TERMII�iATE A� SPECIFIE� I� SE�.806 OF TI�:E 19�7 UM�, OR C�APTE� 8 OF THE 19�7 IMC. Cond: �9 ACCE55 TO HEATING EQUYPMEIJT MUST C�MPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 �ND SEC.�0�7 4F THE 1997 UMC ANU CHA���R 3 �F THE 1�97 IMC. Cond; �1 HOILERS �HALL BE MQU�TED dN FLaQRS �F N�NC�MBUSTIBLE CONST. TJNLESS LIS�ED FQR M�'C]hiTING ON C�MBU�TIB�E FLaORIN�. Cc�nd: 3 2 PER�+'fIT,PLAN� AN17 CODE ANALYSIS MU�T BE P{)STEl7 IAI MECHAIdICAT.� RO{3M PRiU� Tt� AN I1+iSPECTION REQ[IEES'F'. Cond: 30 DRAI�AGE OF MECHANICAL RflQMS CCYNTAIF�ING HEATI�G QR HDT-WATER SL7PPLY B�ILERS SHP,LL �3E EQT7IFPED W�'I"H A �'�OUR I7RAII3 PER SEC. �02� C3F THE 1997 [7MC, OR SECT�CIN 1�0(J4.6 C}F THE Z997 IMC. •►.�a��f14tili�4tfifslaf*4#���t�t�t�i3as�srytflsi«a�i�s��#►ai/�swseaa�ns<�ittM�iNlaset4i�#4i�lR►i*i#f#t#k4�14lV��►M!R}4�#flVktT�E4i�slFtRfk#�ttP�YiRtMF�X�ti �E�LP'►E�P'1 d 1�.19 V� ! tlereb� acknor,wled��,thal I iia��e read this applicatian, filled aut iii full t�ie inforn�ation re�uirc+�,comp�ercd an accurat�plot plan. and stat�,t�tat all thc ir�farmatiar� �s rec�uircd is cnrreck. I a�c��U coi�Ypl��4�ith lhe u�fQrniation and plc,t�lau�, to c�rmpl!��t+��ith till To«n ordinances art�state la«�s, and tca build this�tructure aecordin�ta the tar��ns -r_c�ning and subdi��ision cades. desi��rc��ie�� appro��d.. Uni�€�rm �3�ildin�Ccrrfc ai�d nther ordinan�ey af tlte To��n a��lic�ble thcrctv. REQC�ES'l ti I=(7R Y`�SPk;C'"]'1[lti 54i.U,L 137;IS.�1}F.�'1�ti�`�I1`—FUi'R H(.)l'R�[\:1.D'4':L`�'C'��'TEI.FPI Ec 1tif:.�.T�79-213k S�Ft AT C7f'R t]i�F�10E�.FR[)A'I k:[l(1.4'�4•i P?�i. � �_ � � �'7.�7 �. L� ' :�ILiI� - 'c7W1��R 4) (7hITRI1 '" €i1M5EL�f1NL7[?WNF�. ***�*��+�*�***�*���*�**���*****t**�********�**********��*�****�***�*�**�***��***�**���*�***� 'I'[)WN c)F VAIL, Ci)I.()R.II�[? Sialeu��:ut ��*m**�*�x***�*****�****:�*******�**�:*�*�*���***�***��**��****�*******�**�r************�***�*�* stat�ment rrumtae�: �oa�onqa.z3 �,Q,�flt: Ss3.�a �a/3�/2oaoc�s:i7 tu�t t��yment Method: Check Init: LC I�otati,on: #�Q64; ��:1-7 Pex�mit No: Mb0-4127 `t'ype: MECHANICAL PERMIT �arcel Nos 21031�1DD(112 Site Adriress. 130U W�;�THAV�N DR VAIL Lo��tion: 13� W�STHAVEN DR �BALd�RD�M} Total Fees: $S3.fl0 T'his Paym�nt: $53.Op Tatal AI,L Prnts: $53.00 Balarace: $0 .o� �****t*�**x�***********�*********�****�*�**�************�******�*�****+�*�**�**t**��***�****�* ACC'c7Ui�1'1'ITf;M LI�'C= Acc�unt Cade flescriptivn Curr�nt Pmts MP �QI(3UD(13�1T30U M�CWANI�CAI_ PCRMiI F�ES 4�J.00 �F 0{}1a�b031123�}Q �LAN CHECK FE�S 10.(}4 WC fl(]1DOQ03112804 WILL CA�L INSPECTFON FEE 3.bl� ` L4PPLTCATIOM WILL Nf3T B� A£C�l�TEi] IF INCOMPLETE O� l7f�SiG ? ' Pr[�ject #: (� "t'�i�,� B�uilding Perr�tit#:�� _�'-���� � � •� Mechan�cal P�rmf# # °; , ;� 97(]-473-��.49 (InspecL�iarls}- ���uo���� T�owru vF �az� r�E�c��►��ca� ���r��T �����eaT�+��v 75 S. �rantag� Rd. Perm�t wil! ne�t b� arc�pte�! w�thaut th� �o�Powin�; Vaii, Ccai�rado $1557 Prnr►ide Mechanical Rac�m Lay�aut dravun to scaie t� include. Mechanical �too�n D�me�sions Camhustion Air Duct Size an+d L.ocatio�n F1ue, Vet�t and ��s Lin�Size an�1 Locatian �ieat Loss Calcs. � E[#fIE�7l1171�lZ��Lt�'S�]�C S�t�@�5 Cantact Ea /e Caun Assessors O�ce at 9�'U-3�8-8640 or visit ww�v.ea le-c�un .c:om for�arce/# - __ --- Par�eel # �(Ret�uired if rto t�tdg. perr�it �# is prc��vided abo�re) � �-�'�? `-�7,,�''i'C�—' � �_ i i ,� f Job Address: �S�v c� �+ rv�+� �r�� Na�e: V� r � � . � J �`��.,L C.�� + � �' ' ��''.�y l�'/' L�yal Des�ri�tion Lot: 61ock: Fi�ing: Suhdivision_ �wners Nam�:I� . , - a� �� ;� Addr�ss: Phorie: __ ---_�_ _ � Engrn�er: A�lc�ress: Phanc: C�et3iled �cription t�f wvarfr: � � � ' � r `�' � �' 4 t �� C�-,� �'�' ��� �,�, f, Work CEass; New { ) Adtfition ( ) A�t�r�tio� � } Repair( ) d�hcr( ) �Qifer L+a�atian: Interic�r ( ) Exterirr( } (�ther ( ) aoe�an EHU exist at thrs !�cut�an: Yes ( ) i�o { � 1"ype a�Bade�: Single-familY( ) [3uplex( � Mufti-famiEy( } Contii�zercidl ( f��staurant( ) Otd�er ( ) No. +af Exist�ng awe!ling Units in thi� tauilding: N�, vf Accommc�datian Units ir� this t�ut��ir�g: IVn/T e of FErec�i�ces Exist�n : Gas Rp Iianees ( Gas Lo s ; Ws�odi'�el9eE �JUood �urnin � No1TYP� vf Fir��a�Ces Propc�se�: Gas Appliances ( } G�s Loc�s ( } Wos�d,�PuE�et� ) Wvad 8urning (NQT AL1�dW�D� Is th�s a conversi�n from a wood l�urneng fireplace to an ��A �hase II de�vice? Yes ( } N�s ( } ._� C(7lMP'��ZE VAlUATION F()R IMECHAN��AL PERM�' (L�bor & M�t�eri�ls) .=r���Halu�Ca�: � �,�y ."� �.,/,�:.. ✓ '-���-� .°� c���.s',`�__ I CONTRACTdR INFQRMATIQN Mect��nica§ C�ntractar: Town af Vail Reg. No.: Cantact�nd P��ne �'s: - v 4�r!`�I�, .�--" G!'� - I� �✓ � (°�} � ,f V'� .,��,)�r:� �S..t-'�'� � � 1 1•t� �'� Cdntractor S+gnatur�: �"" ����*��x��*�****���*�*��x�Ft)R QFFICE US� ON�.Y���*���**�*���.*�*���*****��** �t�e� Fees: Planner Si ra-ofF: Aece ted S bRB Fe�s: - - --- - �ate Recei�ed: — ----- ' ,. �� — - F:/ever-ynne f fnrms f m�[hperm � i�k+G�l3 O�T � 3 �D(�0 T[3WN [7�"V:�IL C?�:PART�iEi�T(�F C(]�Il'�U�IITY D�,VE�C]Ph�TFNT 7? :5. FR(�i�wTA(a� �C7i1B V:�IL, C:C� t�1(��7 �7TCl--#7�-�1�� ?��'FE: �HIS A��ti��l"1' �tL!5�T I3F. F{�STED QN JQB5I1'�.aT.�LL"TIIvt�S EL�C'C'RlC.�L P�R:It11'1` Y�rniit �: E[][]-(?1�}1 lc�b r�ddress� l.�()[l �i�:5Tl�.�,1%f�N DR V.��IL Status . . . : ISSUCi� Loc�t�ic�n.....: {',�,Sf'.1[]�� �3��.L�i)f311-I Ap}�ii�d . . : f�71?�12f]d3U Farccl d*Iu.... ?[f].i I?1�)Uf?I� isszrc�i . . : 1011 t�12UU(� T'rQ�ect ."tio : �,��`��j —�'�,/� Et�ires . .: D�I1712(l01 A_�c�LiC�,N'T 2ERR ENTERPFZ�3ZES il7/24/2QQ� PfiQne: �iCense: QW'1�Ek L-Q VAIL Hf7LDING IIrTC 07/24 f�Qt?0 Phc�ne: WES�`TkV HC+T�L 'THE VAIL CQ 81657 L�cense: CC?NTRACT�JR FRCGI2ESSIVE �LEC'Z'R.IC SERV�CEa7�2��200iJ Phone: 3(�3-521-�5�0 F.O. BOX 555 KIQWR, C� 8Q117 i.�iCense: 109-E . dcsciptic�n: ELECTRICAL E�OR I3��,1.R��'vf R�NC�VrITif]NS Valu�tian: �(�;.(}U6.U[1 lYitiyR#X'.4iR;lt#;l�tf+Ity�'!t*TF�T!#f�fT#l�ti*l�![R�*i�ktl;W►i�t�iR��i! �};�.�`�:`'i'y`'§.�'�',- !►!I�i►atM.+Fi�l�tiF##+6#fiiR#RitFifiR+F+Yi�YiLiiiylFiliryKa�*#.i�iif I;ie*�:tncal--------- $1,179.iso '1"�a[al Cal vlatrsl Eec��-- $Y,1.82.00 i][ti3 f�ec=--�----- $o.c7 e rL��iliuna!1^��- $0.0 0 ln��essigar�ian— Sa.ao 'ruu�l I'vmiia Fez - S1,iB�,Q o �l'illCatl--. $3.aQ Pa��n��n4s = S1,?8�.fl0 T+D'r:lL�=E£S-- Sl,�sa.�c B:U.::�+CE k)�`F-------� Sa.ao �t��as+rw�rt+ittttatat*s*arrrrs�attti*s«a���iss�rr��ra�sa�rassasa�sf*f�trs�.sse�aRS�aars�a�arr��►�ayaa�rsasE,rsasas:sa.sas..��..rr�.rsssr.�.a.r.rrass.r.s ��pro�als: I t er[a: �6 i]fl 0 'ELECTR2 CP�L D�,"PAF2�'M�N"� �c�rz9/��oc� ��.c Actic�n: A� s� p��sz� rrt�w zssr�n�D. Item: q56(}0 FIRE I]EPARTMENT e•+>.a+r+Y�Maa�aaiys.ska�►Y��araa�r�*1r�+st�.•�.�rssssrst*.r;t•st�sstls�FMSStes;ai�tssfalsst�f�srs;RSs#sMti+�t�3�Ft�sltt:sa:Riertisaes�=WS�ssrrs;rsr�srs CC}�IDITI�UI`�fS OF AFPEiOVAI. con�': 12 FIEi..,D �NSPECfiIONS ARE RE�7L7IREI) TD C'I�CFC FQk CQI7E C�MPLIANCE. .:aas•>cs.a.r.,�s�sRSS.:.s�ss:.w:awa.e.a�s.es.......ea..a.a�a.r:rs��ra.saw�.a�.nea.r.a..a..r.arew�•.r.�,...�rw�.s�.:.�s:RSR�rwsas.sw�e�.�saes+ars+sss.ssrtsass*fa QECL�IR,�TIUNS I hcr�;b� ae�.nn�wlcd�c Lhat [ t�a��e r�ad ltvs;�p�lica�i�n, lill�d a�t 3n i'ull �he iniorma�ican r�quared,compieted;3n accurate;�Eot plan_ �rtd statc tlia� �Ll thc uifs�rrnatis�n as re�uirc�i is cQrra;ci. [ a�rcr�ta compl�� 4vith tht in£arrt�at9ors and plrat plan, to comply��vith all T4tiw� ordinai�c;.s and statc 1��►s. a�id tcs build tliis structurc accorciiik�ta tlze ta►►ns caning and subdi��isic�n co�ics_ design re��iewv appra�ed. Umf��r�t Building Codc a»d other orclin�nces af the T��tin applicab�c tlicrclo. l21�(1l f�:S i'S I�(lSt IVSPI:CTi[?;4 SH.V.[.F3F.\(;1I7�7"44'FVT7'-FC3L13 It(][:�ti 1� ll)l',Y�4CF?F3l"TE1,TPif[�tiE.1"I'479..13N{)H 1'f"OL'R f]F3'ICE FR(?i�4 8:40:1Ai_i E"11. � � ��> . � - �� �r �-.i .r� . _ .- - � - sic�i�� lr�..������F�� cc�rr�,��c�r� rna t�i:��:L�=��uv r�wr�r' **��W����**��**��*��*����*�*���������***�**��***#*****��*���****��**�*****�*��*���***�****** T(]W'V c7F V�1It._ C'[l1.[)lt�1f]{) titat�it��:nt �+**�����r��**+�****�����***,���+���*�������*�***#*�*�***��*���**�***���«���*+****�*�*�����*.�� Statemez�t Nurs�eY : �2(��0400tJ88 Amczunt: $i, 182.�0 I�/],9/2C1D012: 16 A�1 �'ay►�ent I�Iz*hod: Ch��k Init: JMN Natation: ZERR ENTERPRYSES Percnit No: E06-614I 'i'ype: EL£�CTl�TCA�, P43RMIT F�arr_el IVn: �tl}31�1{10(7l7 Site addres�: 13Ct�] WFS°C"1fiAVE;N �7R VAIL� Ln�:�r inn: �.S�CADE BAI,LRtSOt�f T4ta1 Fee�: $1, 192.40 This Fayment: $I,182.00 'Tata�. ALL E�mt�: $Z, 18�.Of] i3dlarice. $p.qp *�*�*a+�**�*�*****����***�***��**�*�**��*�+�*�#*****���*����*****s**�*�*��*�****�***���*m�*�� f�cc���c,r��r�rr�:�i r.is�r. Aec�unt CUde Q�seriptiar� �.urrant Pmts E� 0��(}QOQ3�?1��1Q TENlP{�RARY PQ�iER P'ERMITS 1.17�.{10 �!C (��10�i�Q311���}{� �lILL CAL� iNSP�CTIC]N FEE 3.{}0 � ` 'I13�1'1�14�-A�]l ��� � �.���-�� �1fl42 9 "� 1-�� ��� ��,a�v�-�o;�-r ��'����`� � �' GR�F�l�f���i �' CE�L�N+� RA�IAT�C�I� QA�IIPER , �U,a��R�a,vD�.owE�rs �,., �, , , ���— c`"`�`� ?' Ro�nd Appliaativr� �r�a a��t�n ;�: ,� [� � ?��c�*-��� ���c�M ,���°���'�x .'�'� '["t�te CR17-�has laeen l.jL'b�s#�d and kahol�►d far protectlon oi e�al�ng apQnin��'o�fu�e rated T�oorlc�iting a�f�ml�[�e9 with fir� resistar��e rF3tf�rg5 v#3 itaur3 or lesa.This qr�wderCt can also ba�p��rd to s:eel lay-irr aty��celiln�ditftise�s up to 2�"x 24" i mswmum s�ze w�en fn�#aitPCi��rft.�s aae apprcrve�l therrs'at blanket. 'Starldard Cc�ns#ructian Ftame/Bl�dos: Galvanizte steaq�In g�i�es requEred �'���, by UL[iesting�R-13�►8}. :�.�°�+ ���r' . Fu�#b9A llnlc: Replracgable 76�:°F UL fiatad �� ,�, ;,\\ linis is standand.212°�+��o�naR, T�,.-�` ��'_:r��J � , .-=,�'';` 1 2° Flrt4sh: �utill�aNau�ixed. � � / '��`l �� � !?� J � r �r-'' �. ��adB�q.�y�H�411s �[7C7"3�b�+E7$��C�I��. ` . "'\* '.� '(�' k t i_.. �f,- ,_� �� �!� ,r! Siz� L�t�Etat�ona a. `� f` ,r.%� :�.� Minimurra 51xe: �' Diemeter ..�� `-J° . �-ti --4-.-� Maxlmurn Panel 3�se: tS"Dtar7l�e�ter � �A 'd�n'anAtQR i6 3eliJ��Q.O.nf dampW.$.p�(�.t+y�'saii#!1 �1���.` ��tFal�$ i!!4'iddornpFr�b'94'��taMld rta�,i�rt StA�CI c�tl..."iS. -------'--•_°- --- �aM�arM ���+s � , -,-� � �ampef C�ar�el ! D A B a E � '� i I�L7-2 �B►�d�3 �ma 5"•1fi' 3rle �A h1,4 NA � � � CRL7-2B�tt nsion 5"°�5" hIA 5�t NA, NA � ' � -� c CAp-?T Tap�cTans�or 5°-11 ia"� NA hW �' F�A — _-- `•i_�� °� �y�;&�•-�a° TVA Na � n�4 �� -------� ' „ I CFiL!-�9T Bc7ttorn arld fi��xt. "-�1'f,° k�1 �A !9A �?i , ;, i � 11'/�"-"FS" NA NA h1A 117� , �` -- ��--- ---- ---..n---....__.___ �- — � �Joiurne Contr�l�er dptlan __.�_, c�FM ca�lian,ia,�x,�te Fira Me�s�ha� � A Vol�trr►�ce�n4�'+aUAr is u�e+�ta �re[7a^nper L:�+'�g 1�3226-D&81:�11) menualty�f he�Isrtes zt a given ' angle t�rs��te the eiT#!G►+F- a ,.,.,, .:Fr. UL CLAS�#fifED�e ctl�llplete ens�rkEnp on L p' ,,r ca Ada�uting t�e knob wfll op�r+and , �u��� `' kk�se tt+a b1a��es. "U�CLASSI�9�i7 tc�Can�adisn saf�tt�r ataneimrGr� �`�� �` (see cvrnplei�r�tarkiag vn ps�0u�t�n 5tand��555{t�stlrp#R13a�8� Fusible �'�;�a 4 Q�e�tfty — � 4ar�k 7emp. p��m,�ter F t _ .. . ----- � i -� � __ � !� - - � � Prv�ec[ �.v�'�e� I �r�tr�c�cr Ct��}�Spec�i�r i _—. _ ��J cn�-i as-sr �����'� �58bTLt�6�1. 3�Ii ����P�k±CJ 3k�::1 [�E��,�--3�–�;r] ?���. 7�_�j � INSTALLA7IUN I�ItSTRUGTlC�HS far ��.c� ��er,�� GREENHE�K ,'� �Fn�t]FRna�r�cr.� t�"� Ceilin� R�diativn Darnper� _ �Y , -- � -;! y '� ,: � _. � P� e � _ �— �esi�r� Radi�U��C1arn�pe�A�pi�caUcts � � ;;.; Dampv���pp�rted By 14 Ceifing Gn�Systgrn 3 -. L.�ay.in aiRt,mswr 3 . . Lay-�n[7itFuser Wth 5tee6 E?uct�rnp a � Ursdutt�d C�ea7iz�y Pl�um g . � pam�pers�upy�arced From Ductwarit�1bv�+e � ' S�xfece Mo�ted I�ir o�a►nccc g • Raress N�our�teC ik►�7av�ce� 7 '� D�arnpes�Su�pa�ted Di�'e+dtl�Frvr�n Str�tv��sr� 7 „ C�u�e Surface Maint�i Air[�e+ric�ss 8 � CJucied Re�Mat�rnt�c�Air Qewic�s 8 un��,r�ea��r�naoumed,a�r��Y��es s . tlne,icurci Rexss MUfa�nked,au-[��+ncQS 9 � . _ '' �ampers 1�stalle�ii1 4ypboard Cell1[1g t�-�i W�rnc�ck Fi+��sey � �ra��e���e�y���a�re�,����a�sa��� . � +� � � 4 � L � co P'�+'t Hc.4576'll �T<.���'e :'SSbT�.,b6T�, 3�:.� �I•Jdct4J �_ =l �L�1�—s�—i�Ci � � . � • ! � 1 ` 1 � l / � — -- � Expa�e�i'Te���r cerfing�rsd sy�tems chers u9e°L�y Ir+"sryle pir inlets and rxr,�CiS L�'Pth dr[8nit��L3 thc fa���nnn� -� ,-equiremsnts.x?�w criling�rrd system provides ai1 r�qLtred sLppcu^t'or�nsrar�atfan o"Lay�n'sr}In cei!!na d�mp�r:�nd rfr , �nlets�1r�dlar eruUets. � C�ling op�rsin�c�p cb a?���x 2#"'��76 sq.6n.)maxim�m are al�owat�fe.M�l3L]R1CFs-f 3�i��tRSILS 7T�3G'S I �ESl��iq:raf t�1mg damp�r r��del rr�ust be vl7serve�. - 'I`he fauf egm�ers af tne r�rsd rnoBU�e conuiir.�rg the air devi�e{ar th�midp�,nt s�the a�ija�er�t cr�a:�-tees}sha![t�e difec.rJy s�p�o���rrc�m cr,e suuczur�F memt�e�s ar�r,e sacwr or rocr�y�z sLN�minirmum ue�rtleat harx��wir�.Vlh�n ttiw duct axt�r�s ever th�;rrt�r5ec�er,�o�tl,e grid rnemb�s,1�ga.x 1�I�' ste:�ch�nnels with ghs"mir�imurta fl�nqc:.sha�l hc�r�ta�r�e,�e ti�s� the�nid is suppa�ted from structura;merib�s by 12 a'WG rnir,irrjs�ri har7gerw�es. �!I UL�'.�ss��d c�xi�iry as.�:er,�h�ies req�:ire �ay.in ce+.linc�psrsels 6c c�rt ta fl4 thP remvf�der pf hq;e vperings larger:ha�r 2a'x 2R°�Ad�h36f�rs5vid�� mrr.�mun Cf�.h` txearing 9n thv Ca�Gn�gRd i'r'EARib�@f'S. � Lay-In �i�'fusQr Appiicat�o�s � .� • txy-irs diff�.s+e.�instzl�s�frecily'rnta zxpasecl T�s bar grid sv�rn. • Gedin�d�rr�per�1'Taches tc�si'tf�i:��n�k[See?age P,��ragraPh 4�- • Tr,y�elil B��t+ltot�wquif9�d(�6 P�[�9 7,Aet�i'�ph 3"a, • II'fl�xibie duci Es us�d{Seer P�ge 7,�PQregrsph�, i�ShlAil��fas�ened t�lftr di!°�uacr ne�cic wi#h a stee4�lztmp vr?�15 SrN'G rrnrarnum�rire, lJ4TE:(7j Tlt�fiexiblP sir duc;shaid n�a rest p�t L`�e ba�k su�a�af the c�ills�g g�fd r���ne�s�pr�rrla a rnir�€rsruen vf 4�" � clr.arenc�).(21 Tt��fl�x�hit anr du�t s�aff r��:,t inie�ere wi',�s th�e c3o:�rg c��'he�c�it�ng d:��per. !�lod�is CRD-1,CRt1-2,ar��i C�D-Ba+�ay be ins:atled a�sho+nm in Figure � (lVlvdsi C�D-�".�fu:�a:a[ed3- , � 1'�� haru�es`wis�s �+ 5 C!'itZSt b+��C� (17�Dt 5���i � C�ili�g 4a�cfiatic�n --. ' . � . . t]�mper �t�em�aal �, I • B�anket r. � - �;— � I � . . .�f � -� � . �!. . �i'�-., ;.� . ..`''�, 3�ls" Max. �. , � .�� . . .. :� � , , _ � Lay-in �liffuser-�� T� Bar---�' � ,�. � . � W 3T,���'C :!.�B�Tv�e.T�', 3�lIt GtITc�➢ 7T: _� ����--:��-1��1i � - f . � • r � t • M : � . � 4 Lav-in Ctifivser WFt� Steel D_�t Cfnp�l , • Layin d€ffu�et wRfi s=eel ducL drop ir�stalls dire�y irtta�dxp�saici TQa ia�r yr3d system. . �'hermal$PankeL r�quired[5ee Fa�c f,f'aregraph Sj . • Corma�tion of ce�lrn�rad`avon rirm�s,di#fuse�r rse�k.ar+�saee!d�stt droF(S�e fi�ae i,lPSregrsph�r+��y�s�tisfWd an turv ways: �1} Ceiiinfl�ad�;�vn c���r�snd eii'f(�.r�r+yedc may b�C�7cti��d diTacify tG th�dc�Ct dr[sp{aee�tii,+�, Fi�ylat�21 OR (�J Geiting r�diation d��sr�er may Dv s.annr�d dire�LSy to ch�+OtrTUSes neck�n�!then th�d�ct rlrop cx�nr.ect�d ta tne damper tSee Detzil 6, �gure 2). Mbd�fs CREf•'{,GR�3-2.and GR!�-6a rr�y be ins;alled as shovm in figeire 2(11Aodel CRl7•7 Illustsatecll. � � �_ — �,�'������� �� € � tRR1SE.�1►ef#�:a1 + f Cat�i°LS '� 5t@Q{C�IMGL� ��Fdt.'i��SyC'd�� R . � �4 I f' � � f. ! - t ����� 1 ,�' � �� � r' i �tMaI�q�• �$�eBI dclCt ^•-� � ' f , �� iC � � ' ; � � rv81��f1ii� �4 � r� ` o �� Radi�tivn �herrrsal — ' -- {� �„�'° Damper Blsr�ket , �;.f'' * f, ---- �---+r— f � � ti.. ��" � . `�� '�� 3�.'r" Niax_ � .'� �'�. �"`� ~'°°,� Lay-In i]l�ra�er�'/ Tee 6ar— � _. 4 dT���'c ,:SSb�Lt'6T�. 3�I1 Dh:i ek�[•1 �ii.-i ���3��-s�-lva� � � . f ' � � �, • � � � � a 1� R �' L�nducted �eiiing Plenurt Return Air ApRiic�t��ns ���r M[�de1s CRi� 1. CF,�Q�8 CR�]� - Ce�7ing r$daatfon d�rs�per is th�e smm�si=a as the seilfny operauta ar�d ins�sfs dlrectly ir.tt�th�expased Saa b�r gnc� syStertl G��irig. • �gm�r ls 9u�p�rted directiy by tl�e+�a��e�m snd may lay an Lap o�gvr�csrared rn�taaf(a�sirnirar)grilft cans rnatg�iel. MOtleis CRD-1.CRp-3.and CR�1-&0 may be�rrstalled as ahvwn in F�+g�re$fMvde#�CRU-3`ilusua�ecfj. � � �'� �,� ��� � � � ���� \ ,, -�._ ;�� ,� pZ�l�LtiirYE�1 �� � �sg!�Y�s�l� ti� �''.,'••� + � � �� � ` �',� � C:�hing Rediatinn----., -- '� • l�amper �, f ♦i � � r C3ptianol�arlcsrac+ed h+�#ral Ge1�le � '�ee Bar_; [SuFPr'�e 2Y[hh�) �,flr hli��t�����Q-g�� • ��l�ing radiatina�r��rn��r Is the sarr+e size s�Che c�i�ng a�peraing and instslfs Oirectiy�ntp tn�sxc�nsed 7e�b�r c��id system oPs��^±�- � Damper rs suppe�e��tlre+csi�y ksy�grsd sysc�m and may!ay nn cop r�t perio�a�ec�metal#or�imi#e�}c�;1s C�+'8�stcrial. • 5k'sr rr�tiviai rs7ust ave�++ang�#te 7ee bars arou�sd perirr�eter of th��rr�a�r. I�otlels GRE�-5{FX may t�e�rs,sLakl�as StlovYn in F€gaure#. � J}� tl��b�rr.�d�� � ' �nc s�er�e�1G �.� I � i C�eiUeag Radiat9ari—.� Da�'np� —S�rt M��rial � i � Must Ov�r3 � ' � ' , "e3m Tee Etars O,���7�eesl Perfcrate4 MiMC�I C�[It �' T�Har...•: l�W'P1�Utd 8��3tlEeT5) 3 �I:�t�7'd :.�Bb�Lb6i.'. 3�T1 +]haI?+?:i-; TT:'T k�ti�t:-�c-„��+L� � 1 . r - � � � � r � ! � + ■ a . �" A NDt� Rbout Sauppar[ � W'ttel�m��n ducts are su����ed�y 16 gm,x Z�!t" �ee6 chsnn_eks{vvith�/�c"mi�jmu�rt !��ngi�s) iv�[esi 1" t�3" ftortro ,�nd of�bc�th sides gt'a steel GuCL drap 2nd these chann�s are susp�ttded by #i� 5WG wire fra,'n structure abo�ve, ti�e st��!duct c#rop provides al9 required suppC�'t for�eilirrg d�mper arsd�r il�lct o�o4+Get d��icr�s,AIF`�eYIC@ ��R�� mr�st overiap tF�e cei�ing membrane by�minQnurn af cne tne�. Fc1Eow guideHnes in Par�graphs 3 8 4.Page 1 wh�rt preparir�g openir�g�n ttle�ailirsg rr��mfar�rl��n0 making ccnnectivnx. �' S��1'ac� Mvu�ted A�r ln�at 1�r autl�:t Q�rr�ce$ • Maxirrs�m sizc of pc�mkl�ep�tning aquafs maiximum�i�e�sf s�ailab�Itstod C��I�r�g rz�i�t�nra�am�rs. • Opcnsrrg i�n tei#�a�membrane(Sea Fage f,Peragrep�r 3}may bc un ro ane in���rger thar jlhe ncae�*inal srze vf t.he t��l9riq,rad�ad+vn d��pPr(.�.a 12"x 12"(nom#na�ca�ling rad�adon dsmper ccsu9d 5ave a mdxirrsurn��iiu�g mesn�irane �pening f��3"k 13"]. � G+vnnection af cM'ling radiatiGa��3entper,eir d�vic�e�ck,ard stee�d,�t drop(Se��agc T.Paray��h dl may tse s�tisfied!rs tw+o wavs: • ��) Cail�ng rad,'�nucn clam�a�+d air dev�ce n�ccic rr�a�,r be�on�ncrtaa directr�tn the�ucz r.rop r5oe��t.���l. Figuro�. GFt (Zy C�dinq f#4�GG�damp�r may l7e CDru'18c[Bd directl�L�[h�21fi da�lee netk and!hen the d�aet�rop conneci��tcr th+��arnper{See Eletail B, Figure b�. Modais CF�a-7, CR��-�,�r1d Ci2D•60 rri�y�e�I7sL�6le[3�5 Sh�DU,m#�S�isure 5{Mncit�l CR�-1 iilt�5tf�tedl. � � , J�� _ . I' A�1 h�re�er wRr+�s must b�.vHtir.at Ste+?I CJvct�,� �r�:�#����l.:: 4\ f 1 �r �� �` Qetai16 �, 1FI �1. lC '��a�2" ���Bf � � Ch��1i7�I5(V�II`i#'i 4f16" ��, � f1iIC11�T4U[r'1�E8C5(�95�/ '-'�� *_.._.....� /! '���� ❑UGt�, ; � ����y Drap ' ,,f� ''f � ,' c���,� Ceilirtig --- � 1 A h � �t7d�2tit�� �`,, " o� ��--' ----! Dan°�per -�— \�".....�' �' ._........::.......aw._.,..__..�.� .._..�.. --�-^�- •,,-4 '',, - �� 3�la'•N?ax. � . � � Air��nlei ar '' Ourle#� d�vi�e fi ��.rp�[1'e c'S86ILt+�TL ��i�J, 0!`IIt��4.! �Z:'T ���7�-�?-lJ(J � 1 � � � � • � � � � � t � + � Rec��s Mvunted Air ir���t []r Dut��t �er��ces - ��ning in ceiling ma�br�ne(�e Page'.�'�ragr�p��J�mars�han one rnch iart�er tha��ncmir.zl sii��f se��rtg de�per f�.e. if the radmtian�iamper is 7�"x 92"{na�nir�a])�th�c��irig mr�mbrane ap��Cng ks Rarge►than 13'"x??'i. • Therrr+sl hiRnkef is required,{See P��e 7,Par�c���h S}, • Gann4ction vl'ceiting radiauvn+d$m;�,a!r devl^e n�ck and st�a[duct drop[5ee Pe�a 7,P�ir-a�reprr f,�rray bc sttisl'f�d in twa ways: ('t� Geuinr�r�dlstbn dampe�and air der�cs nGCk may Ce canrr�cted di:�ttly ta the duct drep I5+��aa�t A, Fi,�re 6;. OR [�1 C�i�ng rediatitan d�nrn�r��ay bQ crn�sd d�ractiv ta th��P�7�skc2 necyc snc�en t9�e duc:�res�aorErti�ctad t4 the damp�r{�e�4]et�it S� Fiqtr�51. Mcsdeis�R�-1, CRD-2,snri CRD-6D may be i+��iad ss s[��awn in Gi��(Madei C�t�3.t �tlu�trat�). � �'��� � �' 1 a A!1_�assger tiri� � r�a s � � tr�ust be vert�ai ; � 1 stee� �uct^.,� :tri�.�a���`•� : C � /: � � � � , 1 � � ��� ' � �s c�a. x �i!z`� Sc�e� f � � �, ' Chann��s (wich�li�" � . , � r titi rra�n�murn #]ang�s) '�� '� f. r�ii� ��� Sttel R�� •., ' �" C]rap ,�'' � f .., � � ��I�lTlt� /'f �.-�/��� � !` RBdiafion Therr�sl --, � �,s� �- -.' Qam�6�' �}I�nkat '� ' �` � f P ��°' ,�� f� I f � '`t. , 3�''c''114�z• �`;°3: �� �� .: f . _ ..... �. � r Air p�let ar — autleei) Devi�e � . f • � w � • � i � - � A Nvt�e Abvu� Supp�rt Geil�ing racSsat��fn dam�ers anG at tniet nr autlet d�ices rrray alsv 6e s��art�d direc�ay frarri t��sut;c�,ur�a5c�vv� using one or mere caf'Lhe�r1�xFtvdS describ+eci e�t Fi9ur� 7, 8, 9,�1i3.Wh+en ch��sn�s����r b�us�d�s support tty�y musi t�'16 ga.x 1'la" st�el ci�$nrt�ls w+tts�hei PT9�11If11L#Ti'�a�1��5(�r�?c�ui�E�i �E!C��Fnp�[[7�?8�3p�SitE 3{dP.��. f1�r � daviee flang�must ave�tap the;.Q°s1ir�m�rnbrar�by a m�nirnurt'i�f arte Inch. • ._ Fc�3i�w guid�efir��in P�r���aplss 3&4, Pag+� �whett prep�c[ng op�wir�g ir�ihe ceii�ng rnembr��e r�+�d rrraking cvnnec�lon� 7 ��fsa�a �s�6r�.rsr�. ��r�. arEaa�.� ��:;< <����-��-1� � � . � � r � - � ! � � �'` DWCt�d Surface Mounted lAir lnlet C]� �utf�et CJ�vic�s �ti • M�clrrsun slze of pern�ritted cperiing ec}}��Es mvrimusn siz�,�f tsvail�ble 1'rbtcd c�Eing r�C�atian dan-psr�. • �}pening m cai5ng marbr�ng{See Faga �.Pamgmnh 3;�rnay tre�inch fa�y-er than the�4rrwnei s:ze af the er�lir���adiaUvn dam�sr�:.�.a 72"x'��'(nm�tina$eeling rad+aiian d�mpvr cvuu]ra►���r�taxien'am e�t°,,Rr rr,em�rr�e apar3ng of 13"x 13"}. • SLee1�ttnnr►e�is cann+�c'�du¢c�y t�ce�!?r1��3d'IdtiOfl d7i71�2f(Su�P8� 1. ?dfaQl`dph�4')• • Cvr�n�stian vf ceilan���fat�vn�mPet,��device�t��k.�nd staeN duct dr�p 45�v Page ', ,Pgra,�t ap,h Q)rnay be sst!�il�d tn tw�a waiys: (1) Cv��ng rsdi�t�vrr damp�and air d�v�ce nAr;k rnAy be rcrnr�ect�d di�ectly�Ihe duct�cpp i5ee Oer�i!A,F�gure T�. OR R1 Ce�Eing ra�`�atian dampe�may be c�nnecir�d dlre�tly to tl+�a+r derric�neek and then t!-r�ckuCi dro��orn�ct4d tn td�e�am�er(�Deeeail B,�igure 7]. Made�s CR�-1.GRA-2,�nd CRD-dt7 rriy�g'rr�st,all��as st+awr��Figu�re 7(Nlodel C�D-'� 11k�Ta4edy. � r�� '� r \ SC�I DuCi � ,+ �� .�ra�er�� f �� � Deta�B ' L;Ell1Q1S,� - • _ .. _.��. , - ` !' RadiatiOn � r r �t Darr�per `'• �,, �� r�' `� , ,° , i 6 g�.x t�/a" St�el — � '� �{�^ y/'l�� I '.J �y 11lY���I�11�!'�+�6„ 441 � � � 1� .� . 4.�C'��►y' CiIIT'�lfRLftT� f�i'31'lC���} �' • � � � ----� '� � � Ai�{lnfet ar ^, ��` � ! �.r.... dll�°I} �PV1CP_ � _._._.................._-. �.�._...... � "� 3�;. NfeX. - • !� i3ucted 6���e�� IMr�unt�� Air lnlet C)r Qut��t De�ic�� • C�er►in J in c:allh�g mettsbrarso�s rrore rhan an�Ir�ch l$rs�gr than nnmiraat shs c�f ceilifiiy damper(i.�if the r:til�sg r�d�atian damp�r i9 12"x 12"+non�'u�17.the c�iling membrars�oparxrrrg is largtr tr�r t3"x�3"�. � Ma�dmum slze af�peraing i$24^x Z4"�578 sc�.1n.}. • Tr�rn�ai ri[ar�ket�s require�.(S�a r'ag�7,Para�r�pCi 5). - Canne�tir+i�f ccsing radlatian da�P�",air de�ice r�ck.�nd s�tesl duct drap tSe�Page 7,PaPa�Tt"d;�tr 4)msty AP. �r�lsfi9d in tuW W8�1S: [1� Cesii�;red'�et�on r�r�per and atr d�vlte r��k msy�corzner:ted tiiracthl ta t�du�s drop(Se�Det��[A Fit�urw 81- ❑R ' [�) Ceflir�g r�dfauon+qarttp�r rnaX ba cnnrrected dlrec[ly!v the air deva�e neck snd tl�en�he Qu�drvp connecte�t�n ehe d�nper�S�c bet�sil�.fii9ura�3. �Mc�fexs CRD•'�,CRL� 2.and CRCS-60 rriay!�c i^ut�arMi as shc+wn in Fs�sr�S(MaCel CRD-� t�us;ratlG'}. S��el �U�t� � °•.�: prQp �,�'� ' �� CeEling � 4►wt x�r.�! � ;� �; F2acfistt�rl�'`, � �, ,•,, �� Damp�r ,'-���✓,' /r i � ifi ga.X'I�I2" St�el �, Y.i _ r fr C���r�nals (w�ith �Isa�, ,1 � ,,��� �_,. �-'`-rll � mfnfrr�um tlartg�5? —�_ � Therra^�a,l Sla�ket -� �. �.�� � � ..v� 3�1�^ M,�x. �: -� A1r{�r.let bf �" �'Juttet}f}ev4ce � :�oT.-�=+'� ?.���i:'h6T1.. 3�:1 17�tiv�llJ �. _ .i uF]'?" __-1�� C"a;; � 1 . � - r � � - a � � r i� �nducted �urface Mounte�i Air inlet Or Outlet ��►�ices • Ntaxir�rum s'rz�of�e�rriCteci ape:�ing��uals tt�iwrrlurn sizs c�f arailablC���tW ceilir.a radi2t[un Carn�,ers. • []pening�n ceifing rnembrane r+��y�e����ae�e frx�iar4ar ctsan't,9�c ncmiruai s�z�of tt:e ce�irg r�diation dflrnper�;.�.a 12"x �2"{o�brrilnd�Ce9lin�tadt�t�o�d�m�At�CWd have�mcxim:.�rti eeiling rr�e��r�ne 7pettox�g oi�3"`x T�'j. • Carrn�va c�f cei�ing ra�fienan rlsm�er and a�d�aica nack{c��ag�7�Paragra�+h 4f rn�y�a��c��tled ir�threc•�ys: [�1 G�if[�rg r$di�tit,r,damper rra��c carxt�ci�d d1�ctly tn t1�e a'u de�ir�cta�r.lc an�aup{.scart��by st,2�ef c�ta�tr,�a�Spw C1p�tl,4� Figl�'e 9}. QR i2) Gei!'ueg ra��aUon dam�er may t�e corxiect..ati du�Lly to tha��r d�vlce r�eck end s+.upp�r�ed by tranger�raps{Sae ��Lail B,Figure 4�, i�f� [3} Caling rad;at,on damper msy b�crr�r��t��ect r�irectly tc the air device rro�;k ar��supQor[e�tyy�irecz saspension �+v±r,h Wir�9 lp+7ped tl-resugh ha!es�n tr�e d8�spt�r T�am4 oefare Equ��(5ee De[an C`, F'�ur�9;. MvdElS CRO•1,+�RD-�.snd CFtD-b1 rsay be insta�{�d ss s�'cwrt In F�gure 9(Mv�e�ti-R�-1 3pusua[ec;}. �3 ,, ,,.� �� � � —.r ,' � ir , A�1'F�rpptr� i�7 'i i� � rrn.rt bw� t � ti � G'wot spla��: �� 6eta'.E C/+ 1 f]eGS���� o � ; ' '� `'ti. I � • f� � 7 f7 t��. % 1 11�2�� �.B��Iftg--� ` � �J� � \ '�i�F��� Radi�fipn \ �'" � /'v r�a�u+�t,, C?�a�ne�s Qarr�per � ' �wit11 �I,s" . , , , - � � � � `` ;' rn�nemurn � Air �ln�et nr —. - � i� � fl3rr�esj , --__...............__m_.��.........e_..._ --� . C3�let) [}evi��'� 3�I+" Max. -�--�` k �"' Unducted Rec��s M�unted A�r Ini�t Qr Qutlet D��ri�es ' C�F�a�uR9 in cailMg membrane cs T r � Fnct�lerger�an narn,r2i s�es r�f�;iin�damper[.e.it:hc c�+6n� r�di�tivn cfarnper is 1�"x 17"{norttinai7.�Gtie cei�ing rnQmt�r�rw oQr►ning is��r�er�r�n �3..x i3";. • fu�ximum=�ct+�i oaeni�q is 24"x 2i"(S75 sq.in.]. - 7't~erm�l blankt�t;S r+t[�ufred.{.5ee Paga r, Psragrs�h,57. � Cann�ction csf ccifing radsatian�amp�r�nC air d��ce n�k may Lw satls"le�#n tt,rer wrays: {�} C�illn�radiatio►a ds+n�e,�m�y ba connscted dsr�tFy tc�ti,e a4r devac�ner.fc an�suppe�rie+i by���f�:san�e' �e Detali A, Fir,�ure 14',. �3R �2} ��lllrag radlatiral�arnper sna�p�e car,nected directty ta,th�e�ir d�v��n�cSr and sup}��?.edd by tringar sG�ps(�ee C1�#o�i B,�gttra 1�3�. • a� (3j Ciilk��diaGOn dnftlpe!^rnay Ce r�nr�ted di;ec•.y tb the air devis�e ne�k and�r��pcxted Gy�Irc�r sc�trperrsian WiLh rwritC9 I�C�f1�7C��'1TLaU�P1 hC11�5 I�t 1h�lf3RF�i@f f�R19 b41Qrg t}ryn�(58@ D't31i C,Ff�ure 1Q)- M�de�ls���1,CR�3-2,a2d CF�7-sa rrnxY!sC irstai�ed as Ehcwn��a�i�a�r 7a[Mt7slei Cr�O-� iil�r.t�-�re�. . � __""�, ,;' �`� 1 ; �� � ', a ' � ��!1lV�'RTi ' ���DW�F�! 11'!�lS��13 If�l�[Gr.�J� * d De4pC / �,r..r° ������. �. f ������`y / / 'a.n7iVR`� 1�gS.�C 1�/.^" �tetel �. �� r , �i�ing � � � C�Sarir�eis f+r�itt`s�h�' Ra�iiat�an ',` ��� ? minir^c�rh#�arg�? DaT;s�er •...�' ',.i �, •e,"f-� . � - Thermal�i8nk�t �:�__.._ .. ,. - .e,...,,....,,..,.....�� - � '� �� �3,fa" ��i, 1r"� ... �.� �,'�. Aif Rltlie;t3f ---' C3s�tl�fi�Cyevice � ����.�•d tSBbTLt�5L` 3`�Il 0�•lI�t�J �i:�? u�.��-��-���e � 1 . . • ' ■ �. i � . . r � Wt�ad TrusS 111�t1� Gypb4�trd Cei�ing f- . • M�xsrnc�rr�sizp of pe�mimed apeni+�g vqwis msxirnurr�siz�ot av�il�btelisted ceiring rAC��stihn rL�mr,�. • ❑prning ira ac�fin�nemtr�arss ma��ic ue to c�n�e inc�s I�rger Ch�n thc n��nlrsal siYe of ctt�ce��r,g rad;a�cn aarr,Q,�r(i.o. a'E 2"�c S2'"(rx�min�!}r.�:�Flru�radia�3o�damper�t�uld harie e rnaxi*t3um�eiiing mt�nhrenC cpenarg Df 13"x 13"1• • C4rartt�tion�:C!]ortq radiaticrn C�uttp�r- "] M�asure the a�##sal apaein�#�etw�n the rv�od�'ramirag mcrrih�rs and cut t�re ve-t�ti�a�a�oF IJ�e s»ot�nvng an�9e tv I�n]Ch�his�ix indl�s.TwD ri�[3ulntln�an�e�are requfred.'�a1d up tha+�inc:t��s[9�'�st t��L+a e+�ds of t�h� mvur�ung angle and attaeh it tv the w�d fratne with rnirsivnurss at 1��vo eactm�6 pen�r�r�iis or a�e screws. �} Ths dam�.er i5�ttac�+ed to the mos�r�ting�rogle by 9heet rr�ew!:,c�rews(m�n�r;urn af two;�ews per sngEe f4r ro�tarygular dampers an�d minfrr�um a'cx�e screw��r erag�e for rour�;:f d�r�er��, 3) Orn the sid�cy�svsii�tha reteintng angl�s,a tr�ra�mch aong{r*sinwr�um�mtiasn�tfna c;'f�IS PP�Idrq!i rIIRkE atLacturiersts as shawn in Fegura �C't�make Mro as�chr;et►ts rninimum p�-rn�vrrung clip ft+C retYa�ou�r �ampe�s a�d an��ma�lxne°ac minimoum per rnvurttir,g clip tdr mr,md damper�.B�tLcEra Ie�a�rric;.x+t�:g ctip reatr [�t3►e+a�6�g m�tQriaL 4J See Figur� 11 icr furNher de�il�. • Fgure 7 2 ar��sgure t3 sh�w iop v�ews of a racta�r�ular end round damp�r i�s�lla�ar►,respec',iv�fy, • �yure 1 d sMcaw�ttt�instal�ation Df� d�rnp�rr in a gawrarrizetl steei sk+ove w1d�n e�ren�l�;�hr��InrJ'i�s ab�ve an� aelaw the rat�d c�ifing. • I�fie�ible dtsct is�sed(.��P�c}e i.Psra�,-aph�I,�sf-+�b be l�ened m#he diifuser r+eck vrith a steel c�am�crr�1S SWG rrsini*rn�tt wire or Cahle fics. M�riels CR'D-i end CFt!]-2 mS�t7e inss�!�td as shtswn it1 Fif�L�r^e 17 ��[i F3�rre 1�. � Roa1'i F7ovr - - � , Go�1�r+ '` • i-J"'a`�-; I•(-''��'� � i � ���� � � i mcm�r ar��nt' -�� i � ' •F• I . Ce,l�efg -�, . Mk'�. I 1 R��aln;� ` � i �7emper �'' � �!,� , r �VYb f�8nrs�r:Via �=� ;T}`pf�ra1 �i� , � #��e Sue+u I � � i (tys�i�aq .� __ ����! .. �•-" 1 i� ��. ! _ ! ' � . `�. • ' �' ` '..�\ f ° fYV jf�ekqT IY l![1}��Ry.'�C� ��G;�GCTr17 W��1bC'�lYf"—a � �� ;S[QEI Pt A31li'9i�1TTl� ,� 1 ' t 1'x Nt"x2D 3ii. -- �� Ahi�imum t,.an+, � MUS�ntirr9 dngle f'� • \ ,` —� '"YY7"�]t2Q G8.�f� ��. �Y71fii4N'1°I�Y. 7 �, ��. � �A4Unb'r�J'#S}�I� �_ ! f3't.en� I NSrsimuer;l � � � �� �`��'�f�� ?,�'flia. --:. 5tee!Rivac 10 �i.�8�'� L:S�oTLr6T.'. �i�I1 GPiIc*��' t�T:`S L'�1��-��-l.�lt � � � / � 1 1 .� Y { �*�, � � � nt l�n hraa a 1�S'a+r �se wr^.�r�r ar w sa�w y7�- r� a 7�,.. � —n trr.� 0 - .�� . _ ��� �—a" �� . ._ . . - - tir� , , �. '� �Tlt 3sw ` �r'.h`�1�.--- Or'iu"6a � Y l�KSibrWS GM- �/ ��tMk I�fYIr y�Y14w� �1�`!��'US� L �� ?�F'�s (i�LER� 5'JY IbM! j t`i°r'a2C 4� � 'h��l �� • YM'Iifa1r1t11iY. ' , �\ ���q � . � �_—__'.' - ��. Ai`aaieiR .� �� . . . r I � I'�i I"s+tY7C W. �' I -� S•iMSl�ra —. Jr.wt.w6aM �� u�r.uKrwG.r. �y, YIP��� U��'WeJ,�1� � ��1��� —'1 � C8�341.�G�411 'y �—�- ,��- � .��� .�-' Ij wooc rrarsn�ng �.- , � me�or)��t "=. � �2" � CeiAr}g —.� I Mln. I R�t]fdtlCir7 `r� i {�af[I�7Bi '� � . ' 4 1•L � E �tE��N�1 �' RIP�iI �'_��� f �� ar►���n p..�. �_ � I,�;� �f�` ��� j `rt"� _�.., ", �•x��ta�a —�p � �r��y��,vuqr�� --- �i��. r��►�� '� 1 ��� '� � ���`� �•rsa��4G1f.— ,-=.� ;1 M1Aht�t►um Gakr. ��� ,` �{O�l�[5�w,�1L11��6 ;� _. C�'Lo� hCnimruna , � 1 M ti � � ^ ` 11 �t?:£�J'c '.SO+�TLb6T.'y 3�1I1 Qhli�tll•J t'� :i I €•e���:�°-�%.-J.:�J �`' .i �F. i°,. � , � Far rr�orc inf�rm�tien piease can,tact you;nearest Greenheck repres�ntative. �f ycu cta nr�� fs.,�cw r�hn rn� -. represcrtrative �s in y�ur srta,please con;act G*�enlse�#.a�4r�e oF t�e f�11��win� 1h'cb Site: �iT[{�'l.�www.yrcenhcCk.cc7m F�SO�►e' ('1i�]3�9-617] Fax: [715�355-2?63 M�ii: P.Q. ��rx���Seho�eid.WI 5447+6-�341#] � � , G��Eh�H�CK ,�.��c4�t��, �a�C�€na��Rirto r-lG6�W7f-P��i �� � 5 *��rssss-snr Mxy iR�lfS 0T!13Y�� 1��tbTZ.t'bT� 3�P1 �1�ia�lW �?: .T C��y-Se-lv� .� Y 1 /4 • b ❑F N �5�a � `� � c � io o , o � a w o . � � � . w� � � � pC � � iY � � W F � w � � i i i i i i i i i i i �� a e � � o � 0 0 � v o �Q . , . p $ O 4 � v V!q � O 9 n Q � y �n �n i ul I 4 d I � 1 1 1 I -� A� � a � c � c+ Q 9 � � F,� . c � ri � o `-+.� � c � c� , o �/t �] � N � tfl O n, � • � G ^ FS F. � � � � 4 � �� � � � ❑ � � o � cs � , o � V3 O � O � + 4 F O O � • • � iz n.k o 0 4 O 47 d + o � o � 6 0. Q .n. v1 in W a q p ..7 � � � i � tr. w w o a ,� �. � a a �e d H [7 e'- �1 I CJ �pq �j I �. fy d i w y.' W U � � G] I f+7 4 O W H r '9 p rY e SL i C] h 0 � K � A F � c6 *y W CC I d N � P �i� Q V3 i [-' ."l M � � � 1 I H O � O 1 1 Q m 0 1 rl C�1 1 m I 1 -ni Y/ �V '�T I [!� Y Q L� N f'! N[� I U L] f} � d4 � W E � H H {1 ry � � V F }1�[� W ri +4 m o w w w ala i � 47. � N W 7a� � O � C3 E eE r+ o � W [�- � X m .r�.m h7 ri o i 6 C[[��5 IIa] r �6 � fa7 hP i N �{J � C6a7 d N wl 5 U � Q O 47 �F� C+i �.�..� i U Y(F '� .7 � � p.N *+iY 41 +� p x a�� � � +�n 4 9 � cJ �� ❑ i h ri � � r�i � m� �s" � �i �. o2do� a a a�.a t� � � E�« s3 � L�a , .� ' ' . . . _" _ _ ' _ ' " . . _ , . .. _ . . U �� i3d�Pl Sir�rra �ompwte� �ys�ems , , Q�ay.tn��e��1��n: Tuasday�. hiava��r 1+�,2�fy� p Assig�e�T4; �DAVi� lnspection T+�+pe: MiECH ��9.�+���"@'S5: ��Q����TF�l4��� ���/t�� 13�31�t�w�P��AV��6'�� (4RLLR�34h'�; r,�' ��� �A;P:'L}_kiturm�� Ae�ivily MQd-0i27 �'y�� �-AAEC9� 5a�7y��e At'QAA S�A�tr� IS.SUF[l C�r.st 7�e �cd��tn^,r llsc lts.:�^s�s Rer c�. 214'�-121-0£f41-Z Ch�olet t-{J VA3P�a-1fJL!l�1MU ITIC; �+c��ca�a: �r��oROrsti��r�������ir�G a,A���onr �t,�: ����c��-sa� {`CfYfIPfl�',!'!Y� FM1�VRR��N�AF�ITAI HFATINC�,�A�R 4�t�d�C F+�mr� 7i!�-�fi-'�7-RaS'i �e.cri�atici.�s. �cmt�ve E�ec�Ce di��rs, act�i Tse dsssri�iel�,bs�tl�oar�E,r.��ri�'. � Elea�u�stad lnwe�ettic��t�a1 r hpm: 3:� MEC#-Fina1 � Reqtr��ci Time: Qi:Ofl P�4 ��rrpdir..srcx R[�}r.r P#�ne 3l1:id:�.5-?,�'it �C�artmsrdN: Casr.�cl�Bal�aarur� - �'isai�a41�'v. CI3AVIS °. - Eto�����:3 F>w L�kWiFc+��L ►: I Acna�n: f►me�acp: - ��������: - _ 1 ,_ - - - - - i f�BCSAG lOt1 FI13fOfV � � ,+�� 2Q4 F1!�C�! ??�.��` F�0��2�s�s�l � - .• I I Il�tar. 31�3 ME�CH-�-#eAtiri� �(��18i) � � �tern 31� l�t�A�3-c.�as��l��g C�+o�si,d/ .f�� � . Ps�rn 32� MECH-�xrsaus�9�o�ds � �Qp#�os�ara �; iF�rn :i'id1 WtFf:l-�.5�u�ly A�r (�7p�rhr�ttail Itc,n 3d0 �a"EC�' b1:�sc. (C�tioti:ll �tc�r�. 390 ME�Fi-Fi�rmf (F�+s1,yt�iieu�l �' � r' ` . - 'i� _ _ + � ,. . ' �� �� : i� . _ a f ��. �?'EPT13�� R�n id_204 i�-��t-��t���a �►r�,�ef�tE��� Rec���st�►l�rk ShPgt Pa��� � �.�� eiu� SF�ara �c�rn�a�le� Syster�as Req.lr�spect�i�u: "fuesciz�y. f�avr�tr�et 1�.2�mik� Assigne�i�c�� �i�AV#S Ins�aet�oro Ty��: �Z�ti ingpectlaan Area� CD ;ita�4��;r�ss: 1;�s3 V",I�;�'��fiVC�'�t 0�YA9L 13ia�u MVES�F4AVEhl uR L,ASC���HO i��,B,ALLR�s+CiM A��l�i�to�r,n�san �tr:t�,� B�3�,=3 "T�s: A-C��AM S�sC 7;�e. ACc��� ��cu:. k��:��� ��ur�s�! 3yp� �r.c�n:y �I�o. ld F� fe�A�ese: C�r �eff,�Btl. �1U3°l�"1-[�t�)1-t �pBcBP�: ZERR ErdTE'�13f�'IS�S� I�'�L P�Of1C: 303-7�-TT7B C?.aru�r I-(7 lfr�4#a N�I f}3#�1r�N� Co[utaCt�. Z.�.RR�"1TE�?�'P.3�ES. Ih3�. . F"t►0<<SC: 3Cl3 7..�.3 77�5 ['i���rR�rtiwr. Vf�1'i�F�3GFY�LRGC3hti R�tdGVF+Ti��i �e+�c�sted�sne�t6onisl , �� 4arn• 'AN� BE_[3C3_�#rrat ��- Rn,nrwtil+wri'�irrMe� f11°ti(��Ar7 �:ea��stc�r. R��er +��.��1. �1 'F'h�aa: �5�3-�C3,.'�-�1 r i,ll�i M'f rtsl"d�. �85�t�c'$#xV�i tTuis M r ,I � ��r[J �_�. ass��graee� i a• c:U�tV�S ��- �nteretl!3y l{.:�iPV�Nt��LL #S � A�tior� Tir�se Exp: , _ � � rkPrn f"ranvnPl�lc � 1�'��'�1M �fi Sd�R�i t�!�"C_ f'1�}GI�I' ��C1�fi7c�1,�-� � � la�sL�+�C'�Cn�Fi�stotv �l � �Gi �C�..'l�� �� 9trtoo: 22fs FIR���PT �`J�`�IFICATI�tvi (�te�udiezd) ..� f�+�U,�`��� ���a(`�7 � ���'4 O�,j� !�+'�4`�°`� ' :�-� tfem' S1t3 Or�vew8y�tade t�n�� �c�ptsa't��p �r �C��r. rr�,�._Abq'� ;;l,�,,yST C�( ��f� t4�m� 10 Bt�i-Far�tingsl5�ed tOption�af} lsAm ;f1 I'�1 C)C-.Fntuuts�hrxlfStEen1 lftii�Yinnell '�� � �C, ���4��--� ��,�c' fj��`� {�.^�. $�� '��,�*: !LC S#te �"l�ra sR�c�r��) r� - � � �esrniFt� �C.�ieNrnii "k�s�rov�!' r -e4JUf,3 inSpaCtOt' GFtG �AictiUn: PPF� -- +Pr�r3� Ce11{t�q ttBfro-onq, ca�sndcx�#�a�lr�s�m. �� g k��t�co� m - ' yt ' , _,=�. �,G:c- _.�r4a,►Inn (t�{�tlnrs�lp ,��� `�LeQFO�cIc!!e{� i'C7ptEOrk7!} �r'iirCi Ittst��cla� ��i� Accian. �A�AR�i tlr.L M�r•�v�r+� �•mt� 9 st da�►^d yr�f�n"riw�;�l��tat�y��xi corn�rE+:l«In�aPl�o�;,w7t p.il s,��"'�y��� '?C.' �ok!�_�r����•.l�.�r�o fnstaA�4ust� �fn�,s►�xt�ras:atss at ai�cr�cal tspx�s��t�y c�me 4ua t�ush witrr nrasha�waW s�crtace ;sc, (4�pf3onaij **"A,�ovec�'" '`� .'::�f1�i 0 Il�g�ei.ttx. ���avis Ati,.tl��: A�RFI'�R�?V�i3 �-sYts: P�.p�!as�:t�13 r�v��Iti�s�smak!�/flre d�. irr er.Et Ccrnacr ���`{�eCf trre�,C�at�nq si�o wr:seR�g+� lcac�ks Q K '1 i�e conrrectcx r�w�st suFi{rlyy�rs�aRr wrk#�insr�ciuun re,�ac��4 fc�o f,e��ryx�ttr4y �Final (f?�qttll�dD ..�-:� z:,�ri�3-7'nr��.C1D �G�iCl�inaQ1 , �:3'1 h Ilil�-I tMl-' 4:�R? �t��T;�c�Vb , �� 1�1M-i��NFP.GI'CC� tar���na►� � 5?4'i pG ATJ-T�M� C:1C� (f"1�rfi�ll '+; 537 PIhPJ Fi�-011L C!O �{?�ttan�9� � ��r��ia. 53� FIR�-�I��i���dO i�Uu��i��ab)� n R�rru' �39 P1M-F14"�AL Gh� (c7�t�n�i1 I r�rrY 54�t) E3Lf7�-Ft�A r�C rReqult�cil - ' ! � , �_ _ - — - ������ , �� � ���'� � 4������ �ios.r�.+rn�.r�ar�,���� cr�ntin�o!i�rn,it or�p�ril d� idl cso�bt coi+strne�l eo-be s pe��OG+���°����/' �y ctti'f tt�e�r�visinas af iha�+e�or o[ra�I C�eK or+�e0!OR'�a� �m i t�psesu�ni r r�to�iva a�thork�r io vi�s1rie�c�cd�a p�+o�Wc�st!"di �Ie ar�ti+cr ardir�ances af eft�j�ei�o�e�ot'bc tridid '!�e'sasu�vf e perreus�ed rr�p�,�R���adrer t#�r tI� ��1'�GVC41[4�5iG Dtl.��dl'11�OI�kCL�I ff09�l1'1�1E[SOII�'f!���� �pf3 Itb fFII#l��F�tl!!S�T�Fiet9�tCAW�0116 N�(1t�Gf��idF�� �'(�llfMS�}Ci'8t$ C�fiNG� !M1 S}lC1C1t[1f�VI�hGFM t�!!iF�C�C����Q VC}LUMt°'1f 1���s�;,,n����r �a„f�r�;�+,, � ���� �,+� ��;�; — CENEF�.AL C�4NSTRUCTI��F��SP�� I NS for Cascade FallroomlPrefuncti�n �,��« � Vail Cascade Fie�flrt 93U2�-21 VAIL, C+�LdRAD� t�� . � � � � �� ��d'r;� �';� � '���� ��� � �'! . .�. Decem�er 1�, 19�9 � � • � �d"` "��� � �� � ���� � AND�RS�h� I MILLER, LTQ. 329 kfVest 'i$�' Street, Suite 6�00- Chicagt�, IL �9�61fi - �3�2� 226-2�0� 770 South Adams Street, Suite 208-�irmingham, h111 d80�1� - {8�0) 647-969� � VOLUME II GENER.AL CONSTRUCTI�N 5PE�CIFICATI�NS fvr Gaseade Ballrc�amlPrefuncti�� x� �� � Vaif Cascade R�sort 93026•21 VA�L, CC}LQRAD� �f�t � � � � ��� Decem�er 15, �g99 � aNDERS(]N f MIL�ER, LTD. 329 West 18th Street, Suite�00-C�icago, IL fifl61� - (312} 226-2��10 7l0 Soukh adams Street, 5uite 2�$- �irr�ingham, MI 48�7�Q9 • (810} fi4T-9fi94 � VAkL CASCA�}E RE5(3RT G��lERAL CON5TR4JCTIQN 5P�CIFICATl�QNS Casc�de Ballr�mlPre#�nction General Cvnstructian Index AML Job#: �3�72fi-21 Decembar 15 1999-Pa e 1 of 1 Sectio�0�17�04 G�n�eral G�ndit�ons 5e�tion C11f}44 General Req�+iremer�ts Sec#ian Q2110 Dem�lition �ectior� 45��Q� Miscellaneous Metals 5ectivn 06��1d Carpentry Sectic�n 0�4D� Archit�cturai Woodwork 1(FDJ D�tails Sectivn 084!�4 ��uilders Hardware 1 H�r�iware Sch�dule Section a9250 Gypsum Drywail Sectian D98(�f� Paint � �ect�Qn 1220� Carp�t Se�tion �60i� Ele�trical Power an� LighCing I Light Fixtur� �chedule — Under 5eparate Caver �See ABS D�awings) Sectian 1 TflD4 Salvage S�ctian 1$(J��] �urnishing CoQrdinatifln Arch. f7rawing� �LJnder SeparatE Caver) ;•"* END INf3E?( *•*•� � Ande�rsanlMiller,Lld 329 Wesl 1$�' S4reet.SuitE 6(1(1 Chi�fl.IL 60616 (312)225-�550[}�ih�xae (312J 222�Frr2555 fax AML7(7�ac�,00m e-mail � VAIL CASCADE FC�SORT GEN�RAL CC}NSTRUCTICJ!N S�E�IFICA�'1QN5 Cascade BallroomlPref�nctian SEGTION a(170b-General Canditi�r�s AML Job#: 93426-�1 Qec�mkaer 15; 1�99-Page 1 1. P'RINCIf'LES RNa [JEFINI�'fON� 1.1 D�CUME�ITS formqng this cvntract are the SPECIFICATIflNS, including the General Cor�diiians and the DRAW1NGS. Th�C�ntract shafl be inclusive of a�l adden�a�nd mc��dificatians in�atpo- rated t�erein p�ior ta ex��tian of the c�ntract. 1.2 QWI�ER s�all rnean the perso�r,#irm�r c�r�oration rtamed in the spe�ifc�trons,and sh�ll be deemer�to include all du�y auihoriZed representatives there�f. Shirli Sens��br�nner 43�3J 199-383D phvne C]estinati�n Hotels and Resorts �3�3) 799-6(�11 fax 1 Q333 East dry Cre�k �2oad, 5uite 45a Englewoad, GU 8Q112 1.3 PC1RC�iAS4�IG AGENT shal!mean Pat Kugl�r (52flJ 455-5499 phan� I�ew 5erve, inc. {52fl�455-5135 iax 67 Pony Traii R�ad, PC}Bvx 69 � S�noit�,A2 85�37 1.� CONSULTANTIARCH17EC7 shall mean Lauri� Miller���aron C�riic (312j 226-2540 phone Ancie�anffi+liller, Ltd. �312}226-2555 fax �2s vuest �s�s�����, �u�k�soa Ghicagc�, Illinois �0�1� 1.5 G�N�RAL C�NTRACTC�R shall mean the persort,�rm or c�or�aration f�mi��ing lah�or ar rnatenal, 4r bot�,to the gr�ject. 1.fi SUBCflI�TRAC"��R includes any person, firrn,or carp�ratio�t furnishing Eaba�v�material, ar br�th, to#he Gen�ral Contractor 1.7 W�RK as employed herein, i�r�ludes any materi�l,�quipment, canstruction, fa�or,or service nec�ssary#�r khe const�uction prescri�i+��+ed ay th�Gontrae6{�ocurnents. i.8 SIMl�AR shall apply in its general�ense and nvt as meaning identical, an�i all cont�ngent details of constr�etion shall be worked out in proper relation ta#heir particular lo�ation and cannect3ar�t€� D�hEf P3ff5 0�W4t�(. 3.9 ADDENDA covering c�anges,correct+an�, and s��ial irtte�pretatians oT the drawings and sp�cx�cations,shall t�ecome a part of the Contr�ct Docurnents. � 1.10 APP�C7VE[�,ACCEPTABLE, C}R SATISFACT�]RY shall be understood tv mean�pproved by acce�atahle to,rar satisfactary ta the CC�iUSU'LTANT. Eq�al or approved equal items and suk�stFtr�- AndersonlMil'der.Ltd_ 329 West 1$�`Street.Suite 6UD Chi�ago,fL 5[]�16 q 312}�2fi-2500 phone �3i2)726-2555 faat OaMLTL7C�a�rLtaome-�nail � VA�L CASCAaE RES�RT GEhi�RAL CUNS�RI�CTIQN SP�CaFI�ATIC�NS Cascade�allroomlPrefune[Eon SECTI01�OOl�O- Gener�l Canditians AML J�b#: 5�426-2� aecember 35, 1999—Page 2 tians ther�af shall be cansidered ar�ly priar t�time af�id. 'ti.11 DISCREPAMCGES, IN�C(}NGRUIfiI�S lt is the responsibility of the General Contr�ctvr where ❑bserved disagr�emerrt occurs between drawings and specification�,or withir,eithercanceming same in proposal. Thereafter the i#em c�r arranger�ent Qf better quality, greater quantity,or�igher co�t shaal be included in the bid. 1.�2 WRITTEN �lOTICE shalk be de�med as duly served if delivered in person fo the ir�dividuai, ta a member of�he firm,or to an o�i�er af the cvrpora#ian for whom it is infend�d, or i�delivered at or s�ent by regi�#ered mail to�he last business address af such indtividual,�rm or cQrpc�rati�n, known #a him who gives nptice. 1.33 "QR EQUAL":Vlfhere"arequaf" is speCified, sampl�s s}�all�e submitte�i with praposafs f�r a�Qrova� by khe Car�s�ltant. 2. E�ECUTIOh�,CORRELATION ANa II�7ENT Q�D�CUMEhlTS �.1 The�ontract ac�cur��nts are complemerrtary and what is ca3led fnr by�ny�ne shall be�s bi�ding as if calletf fc�r by afl, id heing the fntent af the C�ntract ta in�lutle all work r�quired tc�c�amplete the eonstnactian as indicated#�erein,excepting anfy that wor�which is expEicitfy menti�ne�ar � indicatec�as a�it�ed fr�m the�vnta�t. 3. D�tAWiNGS, SPECiFICA71Q�1S ANI7 I�ISTRl�CT1�NS 3,i Unless other�rise provided i�r the Contract Dacuments, the Consuita�t s�all tumish with reasor�able prom�tness any required additian�l instr�ctions, by means af drawings andlo�sp�ifi�ations necessary far the prc��er exe�utir�n o�ihe work, The wark s#�all he executed �n�confarmity therewith an�t�e Cflntra�tor shall do no work uvithout praper drawings anlDr instructians. AIJ such drawing� shall he�ansistent with the CQnt�act Docu�nents, true developments thereofi and reas�nably infer�ble therefrom, 3.2 A{I drawings,s�aecaficatwnrrs an�capi�s thereaf, fumished by the CQI�SULTANT, are th�OWN�R'S property. They are r�ot to he used 4n other work, and with the exce�ativn of the sig�red Cor�tract set,are to be returned t�the C�INSULTANT at the campletion o{the worlc. 4. GENERAL CUNT€iACTOR'S��SPONSI8ILITY 4.1 The General Contractor shall verify at the st�ucture ar site all rn�a�u�ements indicated on the drawings and shall establish cvr�ectness of ail lines, levels, an�p€�sitians foe all park�vf his wark. Ttre General Cantractor shall b�respansible far all w��k dorre under his contract,including f�uPty ar improper wark�f subctintract�rs and vthers under him by contracR ar atherwise. The Gen��al Contractor shaf�be responsible for 1'�e car�duct o�this emplc�yees and agents fln tF�e sile and shalk rnair�tain good order on the premises wher�e wor�s on the p�aject is�carrie�vn. � 4.2 The General Contractor 5hall di}igent�y execute the work and give his personal atten#io�and su�erv+siar�t�same u�ti!cc�mpleted. Whecr abs�nt from the work, he shall leave a c�mpetent person in charge whc�shall be a�wthvrized to aet for him. Any fare�nar�irr ch�rge of any wo�krnan AridersonlMifler,L�d 329 West 18°"51re€�K,5uite 6pL1 Ct�ic�ga,IL 6(�'i16 R 3t2}�26-�5W Phnne (3iZJ 226-25�5 fau AMLT�f�avl.com e-r�l � VAI�.CASCADE RESQ�T GENEF�A�CC?�STRUCTI�N SPECIFICATIONS Cascade BallraomfPrefunctio� SECTION 007d�-Generai Canditi�ns AML Job#: 9302�6-21 Decemher 15, 1999-Page 3 wprking afo�e on the work, �hall be��em�d a represen#a4ive of the Gener�l �Qntrackor, giv'rng and ca�rying au�instructians rela4ed th�ereto. 4.3 It is not incumbent uporr the C�wner andlar his agent to noti�y the General Cantractar to attend ta or hav�in readiness such work ar mat�e�€al as ap�raiians may require, it being deemed that the General Contractc�r shall be responsib�e for�ll delays caused by neglect on his part ar thos�under hirr�by contract or otherwise. 4.4 The Jwner reserves E�e right ta empkoy vfher cantrac#ors f4r work in e�onnec#ivn with this project. �he General�ontr�ctvr shall afiard at�er cantractors acc�ss ta areas in which he is working and r�asc�nable opportunity to earry out their work s4 th�t prvgress of canst�uctian will not be delayed. 4,5 Where General Can#rac#or uns�ecessarily cuts,damages,or remvves work af other co�tractors,c�r thraugh negligene4e faiKs to notifyr others regarding space requirem�nts far his work,DF[�3V@S incQRe�t informatio�or dim�r�sians regarding sarne, s�id Gener�l Cohtractor shali he ful6y respon- sible far cor�ecting, at his own expense, any�amaged or incvrrect w�rk r,�used by hi�acts�r omissi�sns. 4.fi In al�cases where a General�ontrae#or causes or is alle�ed ta have c�used damages to any ather cvntractor, the Gerrer�l Contractor shail settle all clairns against him, If any cont�actor s�es th� pwner fac damages alleged ta f�av� been sus#air�ed beca�tse�f the Gener�! �antract�r s wor4�, � G�neral Con#ractor shadf defend such pr�ceedings, sakisfy a�ry judgement awarded and pay aE1 expenses arssing bec�use r�f sueh actia�. 5. SIJ�CGNTE�ACTORS 5.1 The name and��dcess a#all�ubcanir�c#ars shall he furnished t�the CLAE�JT�PU�CHASING AGENT a��i the G9NSLILTANT 1 E�E5IGNER. The PURCHASING AGENT must approve the �efection�f the�uk�contractors. If i�their�udgmeni any su�ont�acto��ails to execute the wark in strict accordance wit�khe draw+r�gs vr the Gene�al�Contract4r, after due n�tice from the�wner or his agent, the GENERAL CQN7F�P+C70R s6�all dkscharge the suhcontractor at iaul#. Tfi�s shall in no way re9ease the General Contractor from his c�bGga#ions and respons�bilities un�er the Gontra�t. 5.2 Every subcQntractor shall be bound by the terms and prav�sians of the cantracl dacuments so far as app1icabie tp'his woric. I�lothing�antained heredn shall cre�t�any ca�tractual r�lakian between 8r�y Subeont�aCt�or�nd the awrner. 5,3 �he General Contractar shall be fu�ly respansib{e to�'���]wner tar the acts and amissivns of his Subcontractor�. 6. PERMI7S ANa CE��I�ICA7ES fi.1 The G�neral Cantractar shall give�II no#ices reguire�by law and comply witri all laws,�rdinances and regulat�ons bearing on the conduct of the wvr4c as drawn and sp�cifed. The�eneral � Cr�ntractor ahall ahtain any perrnits reyuir�d by the�ity, Sta�e ar govsming body and shaif pay all fees req�+ired. Any wor�C up€>n wt�ich an inspectic�n caerti�icate by lacal authorities, Na#ional Fire Pratection Assaciatipn, andlor g�overning bady is requir�d, such inspection ce�kificate or c�rkifkcates AndersonfMiil+�u.Lid 329 West 18"�Stre�l,Suits 600 Chicaga.IL 6D616 (312}2�fi-25dD phon� (31�i 226-2555 ia�r AMLTU[(cililavl.�rne-mail � VAIL CASCA�E RES��� �€NERAL��3hJSlRUCTIOh!SF'ECIFICATI4�VS Cascade BallroomlPrefunction S€CTiOIV OOlOU-General Gaanditians AMI,,lab#� 9342f-�1 Decemt�er 15, �9�9—Page 4 shall be ob#ained by the General Conkracto��nd shall be paid far by him. 7. LAW'S ANC]l�R�IIAIAMCES 7.� Ail work and mate�ials�hafl compiy with the Universal Buildir�g Gode, Electr�c Code, Piumbing Cade, a!I currents modifcations, �nd with aIC other applieable local, Skate and Federa�laws, �lunici�al ordinan�es, regulati�ns and directiQns of lnspectnrs app�inted by proper aufharities having}Ll'RS�lC#lOfl. I!1 I�Y�'�V£'�lt�h8t tIl@ CC}�ldlxlC}�5 flf�}7@ Sp�Ci�C�tl[?I1S V10I�t2��12 Cbl��Df�fly industry, suth Cade Ca�ditians s�all prevail;the General Cantractor shall so�tate in his bid whe�e the c�tle is at varianc�with these specifications, Ele�ttricaf u�its sha�l be U.L, labeled, 8. ACCES r,AUTHQRITY AAi❑S7QPPAGE 8.1 f�epresentatives oi the 4wner andfor his ager�t shall have access at all ti�es during the progress af the wor�c to any place where t�e work is being perfo�med, and tt�e�eneral Contractor shafl provide s�fF�ient and prap€r��cilities far the inspeetion af the work ar materiafs. 8.2 fihe a#orementioned Ee�resentat�ves shal�hav�#he right ta inspect�II ma#eriafs and work, and t� rejeet same if in thear j�dgment they are no#in confarmi#y with the drawing and specifi�ati�ns. All �ejected wo�c or materials s�al! b�im�nediatetly replaced to conform wi#h the drawings and � sp�cif�catio�5. 8.3 The aforementio�e� representatives shaU Y��ve the right tv or�er the wark of#h�General Contractor or any sub�antrac��r wheliy a�partially st�pp�d if ir�their judgment khe materials fumisfied t�r the wo�c being dane is not i�r stnct accc�rdan�e wtth the provisions arrd spec�fica#ions, or until any ohjectionab9e person or ma#erial is removed frvm the premises, and shall have the right to declare the cv�tract forfeited f�r nonperformance when not being executed acc�rding to the untent and meaning of the�ontra�ct,drawin�s and specifications. Such stappage, suspension or fc�rfelture shall nat in any way invalidate any oiher 4erms of the c�ontract and no extra charg�s shall be made. 9. CFiAfVG�S IN THE WORK 9.1 3he Owner andlor his agent may, at ar�y#ime during the pr�gi�ss of the work, request that alterations, d�viatians,a�ditions,or amissions be made tv or frvm tfie work as indicated and specifted. Such c�ha�ges si�al4 tae made on4y in pursu�nce af the w�itten instructians Qi the(Jwner or his agent and shail�n nn way e�F�ct the related car�tracf,�ither as to time for Gomp�etion, contra+ct price,o�work ta b�do�e,ex�e�t as expressly stated in such �uth�riaatifln. No char�ges shali be made, nar will bills t�r changeS, alteratianrs, modifications,deuiation5, and extra�a�iers be recogrtized ar paid for, except up4n the w�tten arder#ram the Owner andfor tris agent. Na overtime shall be a1lowed,excep!upc�n the written order of the fJwner. N�changeS ir�cans#ructi�n from that as�ieiaileri and specsfied hereinafter�nay b�used, unless u�an wri�ten can�ent��d apprvvak af th�Owner or hi5�gent for such substitu#es. � 9.2 Authariz�d chartges shall b��y written Ch�nge[]rder by tl�e Ct�nsult�nts(after C�ntract is IetJ. Prior to contract betng let, cha�ges sha�l b�by Addendum anly. And�rsanlMilker,Ltd. 32�Wes��g�'Streei,Suite 60�0 �hicagn,IL�615 (312)2Zf,�75{l4 phone (312}226 25�5 fax A�lLT[}�n3aak.carrae-mail � VAIl�CASGA�E RESaRT �E�JERAL CON��fRUCTION SPECIFlCAT1�N5 Gascade BallrppmlPref�nctian SECTIOh�Q�7�G-�ener�l Conditions AML�ob#: 9302fi-2i Decem��r 15, 7 9�9-Page 5 1ca. ���Q�s An��i�uiri€�a�r�Q c��issiar�s 1U.1 Ar�y errors, ambiguit�es or omiss��ns in drawings and speci#ications shalN be rep�sted to the pwner andlar his ager�t fa�correc#ion hefore�ny pa�t af tihe work involved is started. Unless atherwtise expressly stipulat�d, no additionai allvwances will be made in the General��ntr�ctors favar because vf errars, ambiguities andl�r�missions which sh4u�d reasar�ably l�ave�een discovered by t�im during the preparation of hid estimate a�d dire�ted to t'�e attentivn�6 the nwner andlor his agent in a kim�ly mann�er. The written decisivn of td�e f]wner andlpr his ag��#will be final. 1 t. P�IBLIC LIABIL111' �ASUAI.TY Ah![7 W�RKMEN'S CdMPENSATI�N 6NSURA�fCE �T�C. 1#.1 The Generai Cantr�c#nr s�rall, a6 h�s�wn c�st�nd �xpense,procure and maintain public liability and casualiy insuranc�in a�amvunt satisfactory to the C3wner�n order ta protect himself and the Owner fr�m pe�sonal in�ury, inc9uciing�eath,whieh may a�ise fram opera#i��s under dhis cflntraCt, whether suc#��perations b� t�y nimself�r by any su�c�ntraciar or anyane d�rectly vr indirectly employe�, 11.2 7he Ge��ral Contra�tor shall, at his own cc�st and expense, pro�ure�nd maintain adequate warkmen's compensation in�urar�ce in an arnount satis#actary tv the C]wner and sufficient to p�otect him and his sukKOntractars ar�d tF�e C?wner from�ny claims�n�er the Warkmen's Campensatipn �, �aw, it being expr�ssly under�toad an�agr��ci that all p�rsr�ns employeci directly ar indirectly in eonnection with said wark by 4he Cantractor or any af his subcantractor�will be considered to tae the emplr�yees Qf such�ene�al Cont�ac4vr or subconkracto�s and na4 the employees af the C�wner. 11.3 Certrficates of Public tkahility, �C�suaity ar�d Wo�tmen"�Compensation shall be filed with the Qwner i#he sa requires,and will he sub�ect ta his a�pr�val bath as ta an�ount and adequacy 4f 9ts prot�ction. 1�.4 7he Generatl Contractar s'�ail make al!payments in ac�ardance witf�the unempEoyment,old age, and svcial s�cu�ity�prov+sions of the Federal, State and Mur��cipal goverrnments a�d all gover�ing bodies pursuant tn law for that purpose mad�and pravide�,whether en�cted at the time or p�ior tcr the execut4vn of t�e coniraet ar during the progress ai the work h�reunder, and shalB assum�a}1 liabifities for the�ampliance a#the requir�ments ther�of. '41.5 �he General Contractor shall assume a61 liab�lities fv�m�u�ies t�or loss ot any af th�Owner"s property, or 4tre propeRy af any oth�r cvnt�actor which may be er��ployed by the�wner of�aid �remises or ta any adjaining praper�r ar tk�e prop�rty at any��ind person w�i�F�may be�au�ed dir- ectly or indit�tly#�y the Gen�ral Cantractvr, hi�subcantractors and by the employees of ea�h vf 4hem and shall ai his vwn c�st and expen�e ir�d�mnify the Owner far�nd�nake goad any sucY� damage, Ivss or theft. The liat�iiity of the Generaf Co�otractar und�r this�4venant is absalute a�nd is not de�es�dent upQn the q�estica€r of neglig�ence r�t� hi�,fiis subc�ntractflrs or iheir�mpl�yees,and Fhe faiiure vf the Q�rner to direct the General C�ntra�t�r to 4ake any particuiar cautian or r�frain from doing�ny particular act, wi#I rrot�xcuse the�eneral Co�tra�tQr ir�any cas�af such damage. � 12. �ERE INSURAt�CE 12.1 Th�Ge�eraV Contractor sf�a{I�e�vlely liable far all mate�ials stored in and ah�ut the buihding,and AndersonlNlifl+�r„E.Sd. 329 WesC 1$�S4reel,5u+t��{7D Chic:ago,IL fifl616 (312�225-�5170 phane f 312}�26-2555 tax AMLTD(a�aaLCOm�+��ail � VAIL CASCADE R�5�JR7 G�NEFtA�C�NSTRLlG�f(�N 'SPECIFIC,A.TfC31V5 Cascade BallrvomfPrefunction SEGTION Q�70t�-Gener�l Cond�tians AM�Job#' 93026-21 Decemb�r 7 5, 1998-Aage b for the work�n�terial installed, but�ot yet approv�d by the(�wner and�ar his agent�nd far which paym�nt has not��en ma�2 ar approv�d, �nd 5h�ll�arry ade�uate fre insurance in amou�nt satis#act�ry t��wner cQVering the same. 13. PA�ENT 9�OYALTiES. F��S ANCY LICENSES 13.1 The General Con4ractar�hall pay al� roya�kies and ifcens�fees. Ail pate��royalties, fees and ircenses make nec�ssary hy the u�se ot patented methods af ct�nstn.rction, appliances, equipment or devices in the wor4c shail be paid hy khe Gener�l �Cantractor, and shall defend, ��rdemnify,and h�#d�armless the CJwner a�ainst any arrd all claims of tt�ose h�iding or clair�i�g th�hc�ld letters, p�tents coverrng features of constructian, appliances,equipment or�evices, sa used. No patent ar pa#ent pending articla, methc�d ar device whi�h rec�uir�ed the p�yment o�any license fe+�or royalty dn addition ta the pur�hase price s�all b�e used in the work of the General Cantractor without the priar approval o#t�re Qwner andlor fnis agent. 14. 5PG1VS 14.1 Na signs or r�am�p�ak�s of any#ype shall b�allvwed to be�isp{aye�on any pa�t af this wa�k or or� �r abat�t the C}wns�'s premises ur�less so authc�rized in wnting by#he i�vur�er andJor his agent. � 15. CUTTING AND FITTINC 15.1 T�e General Cvntraet�r shal!coaperate with ott�er Can#ractor�in fkting his work ta their work. A�y cutling in fixture�req�ired by other contrackors shall be bome by the General Cantractar. 16. PLASTER PATCH9I�G 1�.1 The GeneraB Can4ractar shall be Biable and responsi�le far any pCaster patching r�quired by reasan of his w�rk, �nd as causetl�y the neglsgenee af his empl�yees. Patcl�e5 0#any kind so requ�r�d, wiFl he repair�d a�ci charged tQ him, �'his Genera6 Cor�tractar is hereby Gautivned tv take��e r�ecessary precaut�ons ta protect the plaster wark coming ir�cantact with his equipmer�t. i 7. CLEAR WAY 1 l.1 Ruabish and de�ris result3ng from work af tfi�e General Cc�ntractor shall be cleared away from time tt��ime and the site maintained in a reasan��fy cleas�ar�d v�derly condition ai all times. �9p�n campletion Qf his work, ali taols, appliar�ces, equiprn�nt and surpius material shal{be remr�ve� from the premises and unless otherwise direct�d, t�e finished war�left in a r�eat,clean and servFeeable conditi+�n acceptahle to the fJwner and lor'his�gent. 18. TRAQE UI�P�NS 18.1 Ali wvrk to be perfvr�ed in cannection with this contract shal�be done by workmen or fimns wha�e emplayees are nvt objectian�hle in any way to the var�ous trade unions in th�car�struction pt the � premises. The General Contractor shall be who�ly respansihle for all 4�ade union �elations and the �wner shail np�be Ikable in any way through delays ar�laims arising thraugh s�ch ca�ses. ft is the respc�nsibilit}�o�ti�e Genera� Cor�tractor tn meei all local union can�ditions. AndersvNMiller,L1d 3��J West�Bm S4reet.�uile 6C�} Chiea�o,ML 6a616 {312)22�i-25t7(3 ph��e {317�228-�555 faac AMLT�a aol.r�rm e-+naii � VA,If�CASCAD� RESC7RT GEtJERAL CUNSTRUC?IC�N SPECI�ICATI�Jh�S Cascade Batl6roomlPrefuncti�n SEC�r(�N U�700-General C�nditions AML Job#� �302�-21 Decer�ber t5. t999 s Page 7 19. GUAI;ANT�ES AND BQNaS 19.1 All fumi��ings, �xture�and equipmen�fwmisk�ed by�h�Gen�ral Can4rac��r shal9 be gu�rar�teeti against defiect5 in wv�kmanship and rn�ter+al. Repairs�f such def�cts�uring the frst year a�t�r fina�com�l�ti�n a�d�cceptance vf the ins4allation wip be made by the Generai Cr�niractor at his �wn c�st and expen�e and wi#haut charge to the CJwner. All such repairs and replacem�nts shail be�nade at a time an�at haurs satisfactary!�the�wner. �9.2 The G�n�ral C�ntractar sha�l be requireti ifi the C3wner and ar his Ager�t requests,to�bfain a F��rfnrmance and Pay�ment Band for the amount of the Contract. 20. COORDII�AT#�N A�1�7 COQPERATIUN 2i�.1 The General Car�tra�tor shall coordinate his work and the work of his subcontractars with any other cc�r�traG#o�s work in a manner as ko avoid delays, misunderstartdings and disagreements. Ne shal� actively cooperate with athers en�aged on this pra9ect and arrange antl�xec�te his work and the wark�f his subco�tractors in suc�a manner and at such times as will cause the f�ast p+�ssible ir�t�rruption ir�, ar ohstr�ctions ta the wc�r�c�f others. � 7fl 2 T�e Gene�al Cantractor sha'�I advise all other contracto�s as to featu�es af construetion required�n his wQ�k to receiv�,engag+e, suppar��r otherwise anterface with the vari�us parts of th�ir particul�r work, and of all easement�and tolerances re�uired ta prc�pe�fy execute same. 2�}.3 Befare starting w��k the General G�antract�r shall examine such work af�thees as m�y affect work under his charg�, and r�eport in wnting to the Cs�nsulta�t aiC condrtions�eviating frti�n the requirements of the drawings and s�ecificatimr�s,fa�ulty c�r impro�er wark, and aIC a#her condit�ons arising fr�m said wark of�thers wherehy his work may�e im�aired. He shall othennrise assur� himself t�at all cvnditians�re, vr wifl b�, Sl�Cf1 c�5 W�I��1BR111k PfOQ�'C B%�CLl�a0f1 0�Ilq5 WOfIS. 20.4 The a�t of starfi�ng any 5��cifrc aperatean will be d�emed as evi�encing ac�eptance by�F�e General Co�tractor of all related exisking condi4�ons ar w4rk of vther cvntractnrs�s being satisfactrrry�r�r successful and praper execution�f his w��. 21, E3[EC�JTIG�h��f'�'O�tK �1.1 It is the intent c�f the Owne�fCons�ltant that the wmrkmar�s�ip and makerials and methcds used tQ perfarm and execute the wark be of the best practiees and the fi�res#quality. The�ontractar is �xpECt�d t0 G(l�npfy With the 5p�nt, �s well�s to th� IeEter with wh�cF�the sp�ciftcatians ar�wntten. 21.2 Unless vth�erwise stipula�e�,the�eneral �C�ntractvr shall�r�vicfe an� pay for ali materials, la�or, taols,equipmenC, transpvRati�n and oth�r facifities n��essary far t�w�executi�n�nd comp9etion of the wark. The General Corrtractor shalk�umish and provide the fa4lowing: Tem�arary power and light as may be r@quired ia�i�itate the installativn of the equrpment; reasun��le apenings and � storage spac�to perr�it convenier�t del�v�r�r of the equipnnent. The�e�e�l�vntraetar shall check canditic��rs at the huilding, p�rticr�larly openings and passages to insure access o#e�quip�aent and mat�riafs Any such ctems#Mat are loo bulky for existrng facilities are tv be hvisted an�fvr AndersorrlMiller,Ltd. 32�West 1$�Slreet.'Su+te fiDQ Chocac3o.Il,�i(1Ei1fi (312�22fi-�506 phvne f 312�22fi-2555 fax AMLTD(a�aol corr�e-mail � VAfL CASCADE RESt�RT GENEF�AL C+��S�`RLJCTIC�[� SP�CIFICATIQ�JS Ca�cade BaPlrammfPrefuncfion SECTIQfid Qalbp-General Canditions AML Jvb#: 930��-Z1 �ecernber 1�. ��99—Page 8 otherwise hantlied with praper apparat�s to b�paid fvr by General Cor�tractor. 21.3 It is�he respar�sibiliry of the General C�ntractor tc�coordinate delivery and arrange pr�tect�d storage af mater�als,e�uipment antl f�xtures ass�ciaked with hi�work pr�a�to installati�n. The� sc��ule ft�r tk�is eff�rt s�all be pre�ared by th�General��ntractor ar�d submitted t�t�re Gon- su1tant far ap�roval. This sch�dule shall n�at conflict with ather contracta�s w�rk nor cr�ate circumstances for�rnerchantlise t4 be damaged. 21.4 aamag�d work,equipment, ar fixture�due ta ir�adequate protection, ar untir�ely onstallation shall be remave� and replaced by the Gener�l�ontractor at no cost ta the Uw�rer. ,,••••*•*• Eh�D ClF SEGTION OQ100*<+••,•"• � � Ande�sonlMiVler,Ltd 329 West 18�'StreeE.5uit�&(YQ Ghrc�g�a,IL 6Qfiti6 (312)226-25(�QQ ph�ne {312)226-2555 f�x AMLT�t��l.cam e-�r�! � VAIL CA��ADE RESORT GENER,4L CONS�RUCTI0IV 5PE(:IFICATEONS :�seade BallraomlP�efunctian SECTlC�N a10f}Q-General Requirements AML Jab#: 93026-21 C�ecemt�er 15. 19g9-Pag� 1 1. P�t�JECT CpORC�INATIQN 1.1 General a. Coordinate the Wc��k;do not deiegate r�sponsibifity for c4ardinati�n to any subcontra�tar. h. Antic�pate the interrelativr�ship vf al9 suhcantraetors a€�d their r�latEonship wit�tl�e total w�rk. c. Resoive differences or dispute�between subcant�actor�and n�at�rials su�p9iers canceming coordinatEOn,interf�rer�ce, or extent of Work hetween SE�CTY�h�S. Th�Contractors decisians. If c4nsiste€�t with the Cor�tract�o�ume�t requir�ments,�hal�be fnal. d. �oordinate the work�f su�contractors and material s�Qpliers, so tha#their Work ts performed in a manne�tv minimize interierence wMth, and to fac�litat�the pragr�ss. e. ge respansi6le far seeing that anchorag�, blocking,}�ining, and ather detailing a�e prov€ded as required. #. Da not obstru�t s�aces required by Code in front af electrical equipment, 8CC�?5S�OOfS, �t�. g. C]o n�t eover any pi�ing, wi�ing,dt�ct,etc., unti�praperly insp�cted a�d approved and �ntil proper certifieat�s have beer� 6ss�ed. h. Remove and replace any�ntl �II Work under any SECT�IQ�1, which�s not in a�card��ce uvith the Contract Documents with v#he�materials, and Work whic'h is En Canfarmance with the C�n#r�ct f�ocume�ts. Repair or eeplace a41 o#her W4ek dam�ged t�y these ope�ations at no � �ncrea5e hn Cantract P�ice. 1 2 Elect�ical and Mechanical Coord�natfon a. Work out ai! "tigk�t"c4nditions invofving War1c of various S�CTi�+N5 in advanee�v# 9nstal�atian. lf neeessary, and befare Wark proceeds an�hese areas, prepare supplemen- tary Lfawings for review sh�wing ail Wark in"tight"areas. Pr�vi�e supplementary Drawings a�d addit�onal 1Nark necessary ta overcome"ti��t'eondikions, at nv incr�ase in Contract Pn�e. 2. SUBMIT7ALS 2.1 Requirements include: a. Sut�mit shap drawings, prac�uct daCa and sampies required by 5pecificat��ns Sections. h. Su�m+t prngr�ss reports 2.2 Related Requirements a. General Goz��itinns b Manufac6urer� �nstructi��s: Where any item of wa�c is require�by Cantract Documents ta be fumished,ir�stalled c�r perfor�ried in��cordance with a sp�eeified product manufacture�s in�tructions, the Contractor shalh�roc�re and distr�bute Ihe necessary copoes af sucF�in- st�uctivns tv Qwner, designer and�II ather concemed partie�and s�raCl fumish, insta�l�� pe�orrn the Wnr�+n st�ict accorda�rce tfnerewith. � AndersonlN4iCler Ltd 329 West 18�'Sireed.Sui4e�(�1 Chic�o,IL �f361fi (�12)�2fi-�550U phane (312)226-2555 fa�c AMLTD�avl.cum e-maii � VA1L CASCAbE RES�RT GENERAL CC3NSTRL�CFIC1t�SPE�lFfCATIJ�fS Cascade Ballra�mlPrefuncEion SECTI�N�ia(�0—General Requirements ANiL�ah�. 93426-21 �e�en�ber 15, 1999—Page 2 2.3 Shop �rawings a. 6nfvrmation required on shop drawings shali be presented in a clear and thoraugh manner. (1� Detai��shall be identifed by reference te drawi�g an�det�il, s�9�edule, 4r roa�n �umber�shown c�n�}rawings and Specift��ti�ns. 2.4 Pro�uci�}a#� a. Preparation {1} Cleariy mark each eapy ta'rdentify pert�nent product�of m�d�ls. {2} Shop performance ct�aractenstics and ca�a��ties. (3} Show dim�nsions and cl�a�ances required. b. Manufa�turer's standard schematic drawing�and diagram� [1J Madify drawing�and diagrams#a delete in�orma#ior�tk�at is not appl�cable#o the Work. (2) Supp��ement standard ir�fflrmatioe�to�rovid�infvnnat�on s�ecs'�cally applicabl�e ta the Work. � 2.5 Samp�es a. {�ffiee samples shall �e af sufficient�ize a�nd quaiity t�clearly i6lustrate; {1} Fun�tional characte�ist�GS of the praduc#, wikh integrally refated parts a�d attach- m�nt d�vices, �2) Full range 4f color,texture, and pattem. a. Fieid Sarnples and M��k Ups �17 Contractor shall erect moc'k-ups at the Projec#Sit�, at a loeatton acceptab1�to the Praj�t�r4�r��ger. (2� 5ize af Area. Specified in the respective 5pecificatian S�ctivn. (3} FabricaCe each samp�e and mock-up complete ar�d finFShed. 2.6 Contractar Resp�nsibiiities a. Review shap drawings, Prtrduct data,and samples pr�ar tv submiss�ons. b. aeterrnine and verify; (1} Field measurer�ents {2) Field e�nstruction cr�#eria �3} Cata�og numbers and simflar data {4) �onfomnance with Speci�ic�t�Qns c. C4ordin�te each submit4al with requireme�rts of the UVark an�o�the Drawings and Speci�ications. d. IWotify the ArcF�3tecUDesign�r�n writing, at�ime o4 submissiorr,af any deviat�ons in the � �ubrnittals#rarn requirer�ents of the Drawings and Specifica#ians. e, B�gin na fabricatian of wa�C that requir�s s���ni4#als until retum of�u�mitta�s wiCh A�- chitec�ll7esig�ers�pproval. Ande�sanlMilfer,Ltd 329 We5118""51reel,Su�te 6[?0 ChiCa€�o,IL fif�fi16 �312}22fi-2500 phone (31�}226-255�a fax AML'f0�aol.cam e-mail � VA�L C�SCAD�R�S{�RT ��NERAL CONSTRUCTI��J SPECfFICATIflNS Cas�ade�al�rpomlPr�functic�n SEGTION 010QQ—General Requirernents AiNL Job#: 93b26-21 �ecemher K 5, 1999—�age 3 2.T Submiss9on Requirements a. Make submittals�rorn�t�y in accc�r�ance with appr�ved schedule, and in such sequ�nce as to cause na delay in the Work vr an the wo�s�f a�y other c�ntractor. b. N�mber t�f Submittals Re�quireti: (�y 5hop Crawings: 5ubmat or�e re�rodu�i4le t�ansparen�y(wh�ch will be�etumed for reproduc#ian and distributian�iy the Contractor}and twa apaque reprotlu�tians (which wil!t�e used for ch�eckir�g�nd wik!na#b�e ret�r�ed}. �2} Produ�ct Qata: 5�ubmit the num�b�r of eopie5 tha4 the C��trac�ar requires, pius twv which wi�l be retained by the designer. �3} Sarnples: Submi�the nur�ber stated in�each Specification 5e�tion. c. Ss�br�ittals shall cantain: (1} 1'he date of sub�nissi4n and th�e daies ofi any previous submassions. ��� Th�pr�jeck titie an[i number. {3j Co�rtract identi#icakion (4) The r�ames of: (�} Gor�tr�ctor � �b} 5uppiier {c) Manufacturec {5J rdec�tifcatit�n of the prnduct, with th�Specification Sect�on�rumher. 46) Fie�d dir�ensi�ns,clearly s�er�tified as sueh. �l) Relatkan to adj�cen�t o►criticatl ieatures o#the Wor1c�r materials. {8J Applicable standaeds, such as ASTfu'V a�Federai �pecifrc�#aon �umbers. �9} ldentifcatian�f dev�atians from Drawings and Specificatian�. �14} ldentifcation�f revisions on r�-submirials. (11} Contractar"s stamp, mdtaated r�r sign�d, eertifying to review af submiEtal, verifi�ation of pr�ducts,�eld measurements and freld canstructian criteria, and caardinatifln af the inic�rmatifln within 4he submittal with requirements Qi the Work and of the Drawings ar��i Speci�ie�tian�. 2.8 Resubr��ssion Requirer�ents a. �lake�ny cr�rrectiaa�s ar c��nges in the submiitals required, and r�es�bmit un4if ap�r�rved. a Shop[]rawings a�d Produ�t�ata G. (1} Revise ini�iaf drawings c�r data, and resubmit�s specifed fvr khe in�tiaf submittal. (2} Indi�ate any chan��s that have been made�#her than tho�e requesCetl. (3} Samples: Su�mit n�uv samples as required f�r inifiral submitkal. 2.9 Distribution � �. R�praduce and distribute copies af shop drawing�and capies af prs�duct data to� {�} Other affected cc�ratractvrs (2} Subca�r�ractc�rs Anders�rnlMiller.Ltd 329 Wesi 18�Street.5ui4e 640 Ghicago,lL �flEtfi i.3S2}'228-2��hone �312)22�•2555 fiax �M�T��aolcvme-mail � VAIL CASCADE RESJRT GENERAL CQN�TRUC�CC3M S��Gi�ICA7I�NS Cas�ade Bafir�vmlPrefunctivn SEGTIC?hl Q140{l—General�tequiremen#s AML.�ob#: �3(}26-21 December 15 199�—Page 4 f 3) Su�plier ar fa�ncator b. C7isfibute sar��les as directed. 3. MATE�2IALS AtJa EQUIPME�JT 3.1 Prc�ducts a. Products indu�e matenal, equip�nen6 a�nd systems. b. Carnply wikh Spec�ficatjnns and referenc�d standards as o�inir�um req�iremen�s. (1J Products shal� be su'rtable for servi�e c4ndptions. �Z) �iequxred e�uipment ca�ac�ties, sizes and dEmensidns shail6e ad#�ered to, un�ess variaiians are specrfi�all'y appr�ved in writir�g. �3} ao n�t use mater�al ar equipment fvr any purpase vther than far which i�is designed c�r specified. c. Companents req�ir�d t�he supplied Ir�quar�tity wit�in a Specifcation s�ction shall be the same,and shall be interchangea�le. d. L o nat use mater�al or equipment removed from ex�sting str��ture, except as s�eGificaily re- quired,or allowed hy Contract�ocur�ents. � f;1} Where items are indicated ta be reused, use special care in removal, E�and�ing, starage antl reinst�llat�an,io sssure proper func#ign i�c�mpleted W4�fc. 3.2 UVo�kmanship a. Cornply with industry standards except when rnore r�s#RCteve tai�rance�or requirements indicate more rigid st�ndards or precise wvrkrnanship. b� P"erfarm w�rk by�e�sans qualified to praduce wor�c�tanship of specifeci qualiry. c. Secur�prr�ducts in place with p�sitive ancharage devices designed ar�d sized ta withstand stresses, vihrativn, and racking. 3.3 Manuf�ctur�rs' Instructions a. When wvrk i�spec�fted to cam�ay with manufa�turer�'instructions, submit c�pses as specified in �ter�2 0 5ubr�ittals,distr�bute�opies ia persons inv�lved, arrd maintain one set in�ield ofi�ce. b. Perform wor� irr accorda�tce with det�ils vf instr�ctions and specifi�eci r�q�iremenks. Shc�uld a c�nt1rct exist[�etween Specifications anc4 ins#ructi�ns,corrsult wi#h Arc�itecU'aesigner. {1) E�na#praceed vuith work w#thaut cfear�nstructi�ns. �.4 Tr�nsporkatie�n And Handl�ng a. Arrange�ieliveries in accoedance wit�Canstructi�n Progress Schedule;cc�ordinate defiveries tQ avoid cvnflict with work and site Ganditians. � t�. Transpc>rt pro�ucis hy mefhads to avoid prcar4uet damage,deliver in undamaged c��dition in manufactur�r's unopened cvntain�r���pa�kcaging beari�g manufaeturers name, 6rand and trademark,vr ather designati�n such as gra�e or rype spe�ified. AndersonlMilrer.Ltd 379 West 18�S�reet,Su6se 6i](1 Ch�cago.lG fi06�6 (312)225-25(11Q Rhone (3121226-2555 f�x ,anALT aoi c�m e ma� � '��'AIL CASCAD� RES�RT GENERAL C�}NSTR�C?I{�N S�EC�FICATIONS Ca�cade BalltoamlPre�unction S��SION 01QQi�-General Requirements �;fNL Jo�i# 93026-21 Decemaer 15. �999-Page 5 c. Pravide eq�ipmer�t and pe�sor�rr�!to handfe products by methods to prever�t soiiing or damage. d, Promptly in�pect shipr�ents to assure th�t praducts cor�ply with requireme�ats, quantities are correct, anc4 pr�ducts are �ndamaged. 3.5 Stvrage And Pratectivn a. Stvre praducts cn ac�ordance with manufa�tr�rers in�tructions,with seals ar�d�abels intact and I�gibie. St�re sensitive praducts in weather-tight�nclasures;maintain within#empera- ture and humidity�anges requi��d by man�fac�r�rer's insfruckians. b. Fvr exterior st�rage af�abricated prc�ducts, p6ace on slap�d�upp�rts abav�ground. Cover produ�ts subjec#ta�etenaratian with impervious sheet�owe�ing; pravide ventilat�on to avoid condensatian. � Arrange storage to provide access for'rns�ectiaa�, �e�odiCally inspect tv assure products are un�#amaged an�are maintained under req�uired canditic�ns, d. Aft�r installatRan, �ravide��v�rirrgs to protec#praduc#s frnm damag�from tra�c and car�struct�or�oper�ti4ns, remave w�en no longer needed. 3.6 Trade Mate�ials And 5tandards � a. Vanious spe�ifi�ation sections list trac�� manuals and s#andards which govem quality and work�anship�dopted as criteria by tr�des invo�ved. b. A ct�py af each listed manual or standard wiFl be m�de avaiEahle for refierence,or inf4rr�a- tion will be fumdsh�eti regarding haw c�pies ot manuals and standards may be ob#ained. �'�y Submi4 wri�#en request far eac�m�nual antl standard, ir�dicating s�ecificatian SBC�IpR f�f�6�CVCB. 4. S�BS`fITUT��NS A�JD PRL�DUCT Up�'�(��V 4.1 Products List a Sut�mit fve copi�s vf complete list af majvr products t�at are proposed for inslalEation. b. T�bulat� prvducts t�y s�pecif�cation seetir�rr number and tit{e, e Foc produc4s speci#ied only by re#erence standa�is.iist far each such produ�t: 41� Name an�addres�pf manufacturer �2� Trade name (3j Madel or caCalag d�signatio� (4} �llan�facturer's d�ta: {a} Reterence standards (h) '�erformance test daia 4.2 Con�rackor's Qptions � a. F4r products s�eci��d only by r�#erence stantlard,seleet praduct meeiing that standard, by any manufacturer. �. �or ptnducts speeifieti by nar�inc�several prvduct or manufacturers, s�i�ct any one of AndersanlMilGer.Ltd 329 West 1$�'5treel,5uile 600 ChiCag�,IL 6p67� (3�?}226-25po phone q312�226-2555 fa�c AML7Df�aol.cum e-mail � VAiL GASCAQE RESORT GENEF�AL�QNSI�RUCTIC7N SPECIFiCA`fIC7NS Cascade Sa[IroomlPre�unction S�GTION Oi000-Generaf Requirements ,4ML Job#: 93DZ6-29 aecemb�r 15, 1999-Page fi pradvcts and manufact�r�ers n�med uvhich compl��s w4th Specifi�atians. �. �ar products specified by n�ming an�or more prod��4s ar�arauf��ture�s, svbmit a req�est as fc�r substit�tian�, far any praduct ar m�nufacturer that is nnt specifically named.. 4.3 Su�stEtutions a. Purchasing Ag�nt or ass�gnetl ArchitectlDesigner, within a period af 3��al�n�ar days, aft�r of c�ntract„will consider forrr�al requests�rom the Contractar far substitutians of pr�d�cts sn p�ace of th�se specifi�d. (1) Gamplet�data substantiating compf�ance vf;prapased sc�bs#itution with requir�- rr4ents st�#ed i�Contr�ct Uacuments: [a} �roduct identi�cation, incl�ding manc�facturer's name and address. �b) Man�factu�e►'s iiterature to udentify: (i� Prvducts des�ciptiar� (ii7 Reference standards (ii�� Performan�e and test data �c) Samples,as appltcable. (dJ h�ame and address of simil�r projects nn whic#�praduct has�een used, and data of ea�h instaklatifln, � �2J Itemized eomparison a!`ihe prapvsed substitutivn with pcc�i�ct sp�cifed; Iist�ignit- icant v�riatians. �3J Data rel�ting to ehanges in ca�stnaction scheduEe. �A� Any effect of subst�tutian on separat�c�ntracts, �5} List Qf Change5 requir�d�r�oE�er work ar p�oducts. �6} Accurate cast data�omp�ring �roposed substitutic�n wxth praduct sp�cified. {7} D�signation of required Gcense fees vr royalties. (8} Designation of�vail�ability of maintenance services, sources af replac�rr�ent �naterials. b. Sut�Stitutia�rs wrll na#be car�sidened far aCCe�tance when: 41} They are indi�ated ar implied on shop d6awings or prc�l�ct data submittals without a farrn�l request fram Contr�etor. 42� They ar�requested dir�ectly�y a subcontractar supplier. (3� Aceep€ance wiil require swbstantial revistan of Cont�act�]acuments. 44} Insufficient informatiort is submitteci. c. Substit�te pr�du�ts shal{nvt be ordered nr instal4ed wr#tl��ut priar written approval and acceptance of Purchasang Agenfi or assigned ArchitectlDesigner. d. Pur�hasing Agent or a�signed Architect![�esigner wil!detenmine acceptab�lity of proposed s�bstitutoons and reserves the right to reject propc�sals d�e t�insufficient informativn. 4.4 Contract�rs Representation a. In making farmal request fcrt�ubstitu#ian,Contractor represe�nts that: {1) He has investigated proposed praduct and has dete�mined that i#�S equal fo pr sup�ri�r in al9 resp�ects tv that speci�iecf.. � ��) He wilf provide same warra�►ties#t�r substitution as f�r pr�ciuct specified. {3) H�will cqo�3inate installatiorr�f accepted suhstitutian i�tv the W�ric and will r�ake suc��hang�s as snay be required f�ir the Work to b�co€nplete in a�!r�spects. AnderSanlMifler,L[d. 31�1 We51 18'"�lrget,Suit�6QD GhiCdga,IL 6(1€'s15 (312)225-25{YO phane �312)226•2555 f�x AMLTD{�aa�com e-mai! � �l.4EL GASCApE R�SQRT GENERAL Ct7NSTRf�CTIpN SPECfFICATI�Jf�S Ca�cad�Ballrac�mlPrefunction SECTiflN Q1000—Genera�Requirements A,ML Job#: 93026-21 December 15, 7999—Page 7 {4} He waives cf�ims�or additionaE�asts caus�d by substitu�i�r�whic�r may sut�se- quently be�ome apparertt. �5} The Contra�t�or shail be resp�n�ible fvr t�e efiect o#any subst�tufion upon r�latetl W'vrk in the Project, and shall incVude the Con#ract�rice a�l adtlitiana�cos#s generated by any substitu#ions, incCuding th���ost of the Qesigners additia�nal serrices thereby mad�necessary. 4.5 Architec�''Designers a. Revrew C�an#rae#o�s reqt�es�s for s�bstit�tion�with reasonabie prvmptne�s. �. Natify Contraetor, in writit�g, af ArchitectlDesigne�'s d�cbsian to ac�cept or reject requested substitut�an. 5. CLEANI�SG 5.1 Requirements Include a, Execu�e cleaning c#u�ing prog�ess of the Wark a¢�� at comp9etion o#the Work a�req�ired by ��neral Conditinns. 5.2 Related Requirerraen#s a, Cleanin�far Specified Praducts ar W�rk: See each Speci#ication Secti�n. 5.3 Dispasal F�equirement � a Conduct cleaning anc�dRSposal�perat6ons to comply v�ith codes, ordinan�es, reg�ulatior�s, and ant�pvllut�vn laws. 5 4 Matena�s a. Use only ihase cleaning ma4er�als that will n�t create ha�ards#o healfh�r property and wi[I not c�amage surtaces. �r Use�nly thv�e cleaning materials and m�thrads recommentled by manuta�turer of khe surface material#o be c&eaned. �. llse�leaning�naierials only o�surfaces recorr�m�ndeti by cleaninc� material manufactur�r. 5,� During�anstructian a. Execut�periadic cl�anin� ta keep the Wor4c, the site, and ad�acent prapert�es free tram ac�umulatian if waske maie��al�, rubbish,�nd windbl�wn det�ns resulti�ng from construC#ion operatian�. b. Prvvide on-site container�f�r E�e collection o1 w�ste materials,d�hris and r�bbisfi. � c. Remav�waste matenals, de6ris, and rub�is� from th�s�te periad�cally, and disp�se of at lec�al areas away from tfae site. d. DispoSe af waste ma��rials,debr�s an�S rubbish at lega�dumping areas off City property. @. �8R16V��3�1d[��5�745�0��71�2 CUtQ�S. 5_fi pust C�ntrQl a. Wet dawn dry material an��bbish so�s tv prevent bfowing dust during entore canst�ucfian perir�d, in�luding non-warking hour�an�weekends. b Clean interiar space prior t�the start of fnish painting, and cantrnue clear�ir�g o�n as-needed � �rasis unti#pain€ing i��ini5hed. S.l Final Cleaning And�rsonlMoller,Ltd. 329 West 18�Stree4,5uite 6UQ Chicag4.I�, 6a6�6 (312j 22fi-2504 phor�e (312J 228-2555�ax AM��d]�aoV cam e�mai� � VAIL CASCADE RES€�RT GENERAI.CQNSTRUC71t71V SPECiFIC�TI�}NS Casc�de BallrnomlPrefuncslan SECT�+�N 41Dd�-�eneral Requirem�nts AML.�aks#� 93426-2t De��mher t 5. 1999-Page S a, Empl�y skilled warkmen fa�final cleaning. b. Remave gcease, mastic, �dhesaves,dust, tlirt,stains, finger�rir�ts, IaheE�,antl other fareign materia�s frc�r�sight�xposed surfaces. c. Wash ar�d s�ine glaaing and rn�rrors. d. Ps�lish glossy surfac�s ta a clear shine. �. Priar ta�nal ca�npletior�, Contraetor shall canduct am m�sp�ct€on of sight-expased i�ateriar and exteriar�u�ac�s and all w�rk are�s to v��fy ihat the e�tire Wo�C is clean. 6. 'w�ARRANTIES Ahla BON{}S 6.1 All fumishings,fixkures and e�uipment fumished by#h�Gen�rai Cantractor should be guar�nteed against defects in workrnanship and matersals. Repairs of such def�cts du�ing the firsi yea�after fnal cnrrtpletiqn and a�ceptance c�f t��installatian wiiP be made by the Gener�P Cflntractor at his awn cas#and expense and witho�rt charge tQ the aw�er. All such repairs and replacem�nts sh�ll be made at a time and at�ours satisfactory�a the C}wner. fi.2 The Cantra�tar s�all nat be he�d re$pa�s+ble far c�efects tlue to misuse, negligence,wiflf�l d�rnage, impraper maintenance, ar aGCid�nt c�used by Others, or shaN he be r�spo�rsible for defe�tive parts whase replacernent is necessitated by f�ilure af the(7wners mainten�nce forces to properfy clean and service them, prc�vided the Ca�tr�ctor has fumished camplete aperating and maintenance ir�struCtions ta the Qwner. � 6.� ir�adr�i#ion to other�equire�nents s�eci�ec� herein; �. Gompile specified service an� mainter��nce contract. b. Co-execute su�mittals when sa 5pecified. c. Review submit�als te verify compliance with Contr�ct�acuments. �. 5ubmit to Purchasing Agent for revti�w and transmitta�ta the�wner. 6.4 Submlttal Requirements a. Assemble�uarantees, bonds and service and matnter�ance contracts,executed by each of the respec#ive manuf�cturers, su�rpib�rs,�nd subcantractors. b. Numb�r of ariginal signed cvpi�s r�quired: Twa�2)each. c. Table Qf Gvn#ents, Ne�tiy typed, in orderiy s�quence. Prvvide complefe informat�on for each item, incEu�ing:. 41} Praduct ar VYvrk;�em. (2} Fir�n name, name of principal, address and l��ephone n�rnber. (3} Scope. (4} Date of b�ginning of guarantee, b�nd�r s�ervic�e�nd maintenance c�€�track. (5} Dura4i�nn r�f�uar�t�t�e, h��d�r service and maintenance contra�t. {6} Provide info�rnation far awn�rs personnel: (a) Prvper prr�cedure irc cas�e ofi failure. (�} Circumstances which m�ght after the vaiidity of guarantee or bontl. {7) Contracto�s name, name of responsi�le principal,�ddress and telephone n�mb�er. 6.5 l�ime af Su6mitt�ls � a VVithin ken(1Q)days after date af substanti�l�prnpl�tian, prior to fnal requ�st for payr�ent. k�. FQr items of V1lr��k, where�cceptanc� Fs delaye� materially t�eyQnd the daCe Qf suhstar�tial campletior�, pr�vide updat�d sub�nittal wit�in#en (10}�ays after acceptan�e, listing the date AndersaRlMilier,Ltd 32�'�Jest 1��"Skreet.Suate�(N] C9�icago,�L 60516 {317}22fi-2500 phor�e (312}2�6-7555 tax Ar�I�TL� aps.�arn e-ma�l � VAIL CASCAEYE RESQRT GENERA�GQ��TRUCTiC3N SP�CIFlCATI�NS Gascade Ballro�mfPrefunctian S�GTIC7iV Q10��—General Requirements AML,lab#: 930Z6-21 December �5. 1�99—Page 9 of acceptar�ce as the start Qi the guarantee period. fi.�a Submittals tl��quire� a. Submit guarantees, bontls„ service and mair�t�nance ca�tracts specified in the indiv�du�l 5ectior�s. '*}**•**�•ENp�?FSECTeQN01400•""'"**"" � � AndersanlMifler Ltd 3�West 18th Street.5��te 6(J{J Chicaq�a.VL F�(�36 f312)22fi-25U0 pho�re (312y 226-2�55 fax AMLT�(�ao�com e.maa� � +JAIL CASCAD�RESQ9�T GENERAL CQIVSTRUCTI�JN SPEGFICATkC1NS Cascade Ballrooen�Prefunction SECTI��102114-Demoliti�n AM�.Jab#: 93�12fa-2i �er,ember 1 b. 1999—�ag� 1 i. scap�oF wo�� 1.1 Refated Documents a. Wor�c of thas seckion is su�ject ko requireme�rts,both fegal-contrac�ual and pr�ce�ufal, of#he Supp�errMentary General Ganditkans. 1.2 Description(Jf Nfork a. P�rform all w+orlc�f a demQlik�orr s�ature that may t�e r�q�uiretl or nec�ssary ta a fu61 and cflmplete execution�f the Wark, whether ar not shaw�ar speci�ed. Exa�t�xtent af demalitifln may not be fuiBy indicat�d by the�rawings. Qeterrnine the n�tu�and exter�t�f demolitian that will be�ece�sary�iy comparing the C�ntract ao�uments with existing c�nditions. �1� Demolition inclu�ies the removal and dispasal af dern�lish�d �taterials. (2) The fvllawing items shail be remove�i,cle�ned,and �urnished 4n t�e proper trades fpr reinstaliativn ai new Incatians: � {a) Exit signs (b) Light fixtures �3} Except fvr i#ems tv be eeusetl o�salvaged, ali iiems tQ be rernoued as part of 4he work shall becarne the prope�of t�e Contractar ar�d shall be rem4v�d from the site at Cfie Gontracto�s expense. �. Related Wr�rk 5pecifie+ti EIs�wl�ere: #1} Patchinc�of concrete and �ement,finish, masonry,furring, ptlaste�, �ai�t patching, pairrting, ar�d sn farth fnllowang dernoliki�r�is paR af tf�e wpr�c of the�espective trade sectivns o#the spec�fications. (2J Removal and relocation of items suCh as piping, plumbing fixtu�es,water coalers, �nd fir�hose ca�inets: �}iwQsi�n 15 M�hanical. (3} Re�tov�k end relocation of ductwor#c and heating ventilatir�g systems C}+visit�n 15 Mechan�cal. {4} Remava�l and reivcat�an o�electtical syst�ems a�nd �quipm�r�t: QiviS�DS� 16 Eiectrical. 1.3 Su�mittals a. Schedule: �7emaliCion (1) 5u��nit proposed methods and operatians of demolition to the Qwner f�r review p�ior to th�start vf wvrk. Include in the schedule the caordinatic�n�o�shut�crff, � �apping, and��ntinuatian of utility s�rvices re�uired. f33o not interru�t existi�g utilFties withaut at least 24 f�ou�s advance natice to�wner. Andersor�IMller,Lld. 329 Wesl 18"'StreeC,Suite 5� Chicaga.CL 6461fi �31Z)226-250(1 pihane {312}22fi-255�f�+c ANlLTD aai.corn e-mail � VA9L CASCAi�E RESC7RT GECVE�AL CC�NSTRUCTIflN SP�C�FICATIt�NS Gascade BaOroomlPr�functio� SE�TIQN 0211�1•Qemolitic�n A�aIL Job#: 9302fi-21 D��ember 15. i999-�age� (2) Frovide a detailetl sequence of demolitFan an�d r�mav�l w�rk to ensure the uninterrupted pragress af the�wner's vpe�atians. No work shall ct�r�mence wi4hout p�iofi ap��oval by the Owner except where wark will n�t ir�terfere wi#h tl�e Qwner'��per�tions. 1.4 Jab Conditions a. �xisting Conditian� �1} Th�Drauvings indicake ex�sting candi#ians ta the extent Rassihle in�examinat€on of structure prior ta start af demolitiQn work. Re�vrt to the t7wner and the Ar�hitect ar�y condifsans uneovere�which require remedial measures, esp�eciaily r�h�re re- qu�ired to maintain struc#ural stabiiity.. b. Parkia� Remc�val: Items Qf salvable va[ue tc�th�Contractor rnay�e remaved from the building as the wark progress�s. Salvaged items rnust be krar�sparted 4rom the site as they are r�m�ueti. {1} Stvrage or sale of removed items an the siie wi61 not be perr�itted. 42) Gwner's apprQVal must be r�b#ained for remaval af sa6vaged items. � c Tra�ic: Canduct demalition aperati4t�s anci the removal ni�lebris#a ensur�minirnum interfer�nce vuith roads, �tseet�,w�lks,corridors, exits, and�4�er adjacent occu�ied or used facilities, {1y Qo nat close ar ok�struct streets, walks,cor�dor�,or other acc��ied ar u�ed facilities withaut p�rmissian fram autharities having jurisdictian. d. P�oteckior� Ens�re the safe passage of p��sons around or t�rn�g�#he area af demoli�ion. �onduct op�rattians to prevent i�jury to adja�ent existing c�nst�rctian, fumiture,equiprnent and facilities, arrd persQns. e, Pravide temporary,dust proof partrtions dsvdding dem�lit6csn and construction work from accupied areas or equiprtnent. Locate partitions to proh�bit unauthvrized kraffoc ta or through ar�as where work is in pragress. Arrange and c�nstruct ta�rovide am�6e space around worR�area afid to keep dust and dirt out of non-c�nstr�ctian areas. Equip paRitions with dustproo€dao�s and secure with lc�cks as a�proveti by C3wner. f. Provide temporary sealing and weat�er tight prvtection far all wc�rk exp4sec3 by reasons o# the above which would otherwise subjeck the interior of fhe aui�ding to damage by wafer or in�Eem��t weather conditior�s. g. Qamage: Pr�r�pt�y repa�r damage caused t�adj�cent faeil�ties by c�emofitian�ap�erations. � h. Utility Ser►ric�es: Maintairr existing utilities, 'sndicated ta�remain, keep in service, and pro#ect againsk cSamage during ctemolitian ap�r�kio�s. AndersonfM+l�er,Ltd 329 West 18"'Street.5uite�Q4 Chicago,IL�616 Z312p 226-2'S00 phvne (312)22�2555 fax AMLTDta?ao!com e-rnail � VAiL CASCADE RES�7RT GE�kER,4L C(��ST�iUCTION S�ECIFICA7kON5 Cascade�3aflroamlPrefuncEion SECTI(�N f�21 aQ-�emralition AML Job#; 93026-21 I]eceml�er 15, 1999—Page 3 41} po not interrupt exi�ting utilctfes s�rving aGCUpied vr used �acilities,except when auth4rize�i En writing by authorities h�uing juri�dicti�n a�d by the�wner. Pr�vide temporary�enrices�uring inter�uptions tc�the existing utilities,as acceptab4e to the gaueming author�ties. 2. MATERIAL�AN� M�THDDS 2.1 Not�Appl�cahle. 3. EXECU�ICJN ANQ II�STALIAT��N 3.1 Demoliti�n a. G�neral: {1} Perfarm cutting for remeval�f items and materials that wi�l interfere vuit�or he incanc�rvaus with the work af this contract. �2� ��t holes in f�oors, wafls, and ceilings where indicated andlor necessa�r for the instal�ation t�f khe new wc�rk. � {3J AIP cuts shall be saw cu#s ta achieve ciean etlges. � {4� F'erfc�rm�em�l�tion i�an orderly sequence. (5) Perfarrn narsy�utting or breaking operations dunng specifrc hours�cheduled with the 4w�sr. (6} Cl�an adjacent areas of tlust, dirt, and debris�au5ed by demalit�on operations. Return ad}�cent areas td conditian ex+sting prior to the start of the wvrk. 3.2 Structural Cor�siderations a. Cukti��c�f st�t,actutal�embers wi{I nc�#�e pe�rnitted unl�ss specific�lly shawn c�n Drawings. Natify Owner and Arehitect in writing of any unforeseen�a�ditions, Caor�inate demolition w+th skructural requirements. b, Cuk�ing thr��rgh structural flaars arrd wall�s�all be done by��an�af c�aring�nly. 3.3 A�austical Ceiling Panels And Acoustical Cetlirrc�Tile a. Remove exi5ting ceiling til�and Mechanscaf grilles anci discard. b. F�em�ve all light fixtures an�R exit signs Repair and refinish for ins#allatinn in new locati�n. �e�amp�t Owne�s expen�e. See Efectrical Drawings(ar new lacation. c. Existing main runr�ers of c�}ling gri�d t�remain. Reafign remainder of ceiling grid system ta �onforrra ta new fayout. Patch gnd wark a���quined ta�ravide a campE�4e ceiling system. F2eplace all dar�aged pie�es. R�paint�xisting grid to match new��iling grid elements. � 3.4 Dispasal Qt DemaCishet!!Mat�eri��s AndersonlA+lil9er,Ltd. 329 West t$�5dreel,Suite E�L�f} Ch�caga,IL F�16 (312)226-�5DQ�hone (312}22fi-�555 tax A�rtLTL?c(17aol.com�rna�l � VAdY��ASCA[�E RESORT CE�iERA�CJNSTRUG�I4N SP�CIFiCATI�NS Cascade 8allroomlPre��enc�om SECTIQ�1 6211�-�]emoli#ion A�IL Job#: 93C12B-21 D�cember 15. 199���age 4 a. Generak: At f�equent intervals, remvve frQm fhe site debris, rubbish,and o�her mat�rials resulting from�em�lition operations. b. Remaval: (1} Dispase o�debr�s�ff th�site. '�**•END4]F�ECTI�N D211{I•**„ � � ArrdersonlMilPer,l.ld 329 4Vest t8"�Str�t,S�€ite 504 Ch�cago.I�fi061fi (3�2j 226-Z5i�+phone (312}226-2555 fax AMLTL o(7aal�r�e�marl � VAIL CASCApE�2ESORT GEh1EF2AL CCINSTR�JGTI�IN SF'EClFiCATItJNS C�scade Batl9roomlPrefunclian SE�TION Q3D1D-Concrete AML Job#� 93426-�� �}ecerfi�ber 15. ��99—�'age � �. scap�a�woaK 1.1 The�en�rai Con#ractar, in accardar�ce with#h�specifica4ions, SECTION �0?a�- GENERAL CQNDGTMC3h�S, shall#umish#he necessary I�bvr and mat�rials ta pravi�e t�e requi�ed quar�#ity af � C�nc�ete uv4�k as shown on the dra�uings and sp�cifed herein �,. �.2 Th�e extent o�concrete wvrk s+��il in�iude but is not limited to the fvllc�wing: � r �' a, �ravide ali c�ncr�t�e,concrete for�n wark,etc. as required ta install the ne+�co�r�te slab irrf GI at new floor mounted elec#rical baxe� See ABS drawing f�r additiona�in#er�na#ion. :•'•' END SEC710�1 D341Q"`•** f � � , + , � . � And�rsonlMilEer,Ltd. 329 VYes[�8�Street,Suite SC�J Chicaga,iL 5�Afi1fi (312)22fi-2500 phane 43f 2;226-2�55 f�x AMLrI] ,anl c�m e-m�f � �'AIL GASCADE RE�ORT GENERAL C(�NSTRUCTION 5PEC1F�CATIC}NS Ca�cade BafVroamlPrefuncti�n SECT1dN 05500-1�14iscellaneaus Metals AML Jab#: aecember�5. 1�99 C7ecemher 15, 1999-Page 1 1, SC�PE OF WORK 1.1 Ttr�G�neral Contract4r accor�ance with the specifcations, SECT1C�h1 QD70�-GENERAL CQ�DITIC�tVS, shall fumish the�ne�essary}abQr anc4 mater�ais to pravide the nuc�her�r�d type of Misc�llaneaus Metal as shown Qn th�dravuings and atherw�se specified here9n. 1.2 TF�te extent�f Miscellaneaus Metal work shall include but is not timited ko the following: a. �teview details�nd sup�ly�II metals as requir�ed an drawings and by 5cope c�f Wor� ineluding daricened n�t�ral steeC�omer guards and base height cvmer guards,c-ehannel door uvrags at Rallroom �ntry Qoors and sc�nce coverpla4es, See AD details for addi#�ana! �nformativr�. Z. MATE�tIALS AI�C}METHQDS 2.1 5ee details far specific Miscell�ne�us Metal Units. Prc�vide add��iarral u�its as required by Scape af Wt�rk. 2 2 M�tal Surf�ces, GeneraL For fab�ic�tion of rniscel}anet�us meta�work which�,will k�ex�osed tr� � v�ew, use�nly matena6s which a�e smooth and free of surfae� hiemish�s inclu�iir�g �pitting, seam m�rbcs,tolfer�marks, rolled #r�de names ar�d roughness. 2.3 5teel �fates, Shapes, '�ar�,and Bar-S�z� Sl�apes: ASTM A35. �.4 Prov}de all fa5t�ners as Eequired far install�tion. Fasteners tc�be��r�patible vuith metal sectiQns as speeif�ed. 3. EXECIJTIUN ANd INSTALLATI�N 3.1 W"JRKMANSHlP �. Use materials of size and thickness shown or, if n�t shvwn, of requir�d size arrd thickness ta produce str�e�rgth and d�rability in frnished produ�t. lJ�e prowen details af fa�rication and sup�ort. LMs�typ�nf materials shown o�specified for va�ia!�s cvrnponenis af war�. b. Farm expased w�r�true ko line and l�vel with accurate angf�es a�d su�fiaces and straight sharp edges �ase exposed edges to a radius af approximately 113�" Uf1I�SS OtY4efWl58 shown. Farm bent-metal�amers��smaBlest radius pvssibl�withaut causing grain separation or otherwise impairing wa�k. c. Weld comers and s�ams cant�nu�usly,camplying wsth AWS recom�nen�a�ions. At�xpos�d connectivns,grind expased weld�s�no�th and flush to ma#ch ar�d blend vvitfi adjoining � surfaces. d. Fa�rn exposed connections with hairl�ne jaints,f�ush ar�d smooth, �sing conc�aled fasteners wherever pas��ble. Use expo5ed fastene�af type shown or, if nc�t shown, Philirps flat•!head �countersunk)screws ar b�l#s. Aa�derso�+Milles,L[d 329 UVesi i$�!Sireet,5uete 5Lb Chicago.IL �i0fi16 (3121226-2'5(}Q phone (3S2J 22fi•25�5 faac AMLT�y'�raal_�om e-mait � VAIL CASCAL7�F�ES(�RT CENERAL G�7f�STRUCTEON SP�ClFICATIOAlS Cascade Ballrp��IPrefuncfian SECTION 05��0-Miscellaneaus�etals ,�.ML Jo�#� December 15, 1999 Clecember 1�5, 1999-P�ge 2 (1� Provide for�ncharage of#yp�shown, ca�rdinated with suppartir�g structure. Fa�ricate and space ancharing tlevices to prc�vide adequate su�port fQr sntended use. (2} Cut, reinforce,drill and tap m�scel4aneous r�etal work ta receive fini�h har�dware a�d��milar items.. 3.2 Wh+et�er c�r not shown on drawings pr�vode rnisceli�nev�s st�el framing and sup�Qrts,which are not a part of strvcturai steel fram�ewor�, as r�quired under other�ections. 3.3 Equip units wiR�sntu�ral�y welded an�char�fc�r casting into car�crete ar 6vilding inta masc�nry. Fumish ir+�erts if u�its must h�e inskalletl after cancrete��piaced. Excep#as atherwise shawr� space�nchor�24' v.c. and prov�de rnir�im�r�anchar unfts c�f 1 114"x 114"x 8"steel straps. 3:4 �xarnine the ar�eas and Gvnditivns ur�der which miscellaneous metal items are t�6e installed �nd rer�edy any canditi�ns detrimental ta the proper�nd timeGy�vmpletion ot the w�rk. Do r�ot proceed with the wark unkil �nsatisfact�ry carrditions have been correc#ed in a manner aCCeptabf+� to fhe installer. 3.5 Fastening ta In-Place Can�tructic�n: Prc�vitle a��h��'age deviee�and fast�ners where necessary�or � secur�ng miscellar�eous metal ifems#o in-place constructivn; onclu�c�i�g, th�ea�4ed faskeners for conerete and masonry inserts, taggle bo}ks, through-boEts, lag hoits,wo�d screws and canr�ectors as required. 3.6 Cutti�g, �ittirrg�n�i f'lacement: Perfo�rn cutting, drilling�nd ftting reguired fra�in�kallaCi�n�af misceflan�pus metaV items. Set work accucately in locatia�, alignmer�t and elevati�ra, plumb, level, t�ue and free ot rack, r�easure�frvm e�tablished iines and 6�vels 3.7 Field W�Idi�g: Compfy with AMS Code fnr prac�dures of man�zal sh�elded met�l-arc wetding ap�pearance and quality�f welds macie and methods usetl in correcting we�ding wc�rk. •*•*fi Et�la SECfIQN 055f�(l"'•x � Andersan��Ei!ler,Ltd 329 Wes1 x8"'Street.Suite 604 Chicago.IL 6L�Fi1� f312y�26-2560 pt�one (3i2j 22fi•25�5 f� ,�M�1p acri com e-ma� • ' t ' 1 ��: ; � ' ~ � I'i � 0 � f s � .I . I I � ''.-:� �AI L CASCADE RES(7RT#93426-i 1 P�!.+a.T E R f A L R E FE R E f*�G E �'F�+QPERT'r' .as.ad� B�Ilrc�ca �Prefun�tion FiNIS�-IES Metal _ L)�4TE ' �� KEY QESCRIPTIQN dUFGISC}URCE SWAT�CH I�T-1 Location: Corner Guards,and Doar Myers &Gampany Ar�h�itectural Me a!s 1N�aps 555 BasalC Averaue, 8ox 1 U25 Ffn��h: a�rkened Naturaf Steel 8asalt, CC} 81621 Submit sample 4o A�fL fflr approval prior to �970) 921-4?fi1 Fabric,�tsa�. Atten: Bob Cummerfor�! � VAIL CASCAC7E RE5[?RT GENERAL CGNS7Ft�1CTIdN SPECiFICATIC�NS ;ascad�BailroomlPre#�ncti�ss SECTIC}N�62GQ-Carpentry AML Joh#� �3�12�5-21 ��cember �5, �999-Page 1 1, SC�PE QF W�RK "6.1 Tlne GeneraQ C€�ntractor in accardance witi�the specifications, 5EC71C1N 00704-GEh�ERAL CC}I�DI7IQNS,�hall fumish th@ necess�ry labor and m�te�als t�perform the requfrer�ents af the w4rk specified herein. 1.2 The extent of carpentry work shall incl�de but is nat lirnit�d to t'�e foilvwing: a. Install 5ect�on a8400-Builders Hardware. �. Reinfarce wall and pravide b�ocking as reqr�ired t�r�eive new millwprk, r�etal wo�C,�t�o�e, etc. See 5e�tic�n p64QU Architectur�l Waadwork. c. Fumish and onstall all architect�ra�s�ecialty ite�ms as nated on drawxng�and speci�ed herein. 2. MATEf�1AL5 ANQ METWC?D5 Z 1 Provide the n��essary woatl blacking, grounds, naifers, etc., necessary for install�tion s�f items � speci�ied in o�rer sections af kh�s specifcati�n, This wood shall have a�n�xirnum mc�isiure cantent of 19°lo at#ime of dressing and sh�ll be suitable for paint where ex�vsed tv view. 22 Insulatian, wher� installed,to k�e 3" �iberglass, RF-4 as manufactured by Dwens�am�ng or equal. 2.3 Fumish and ir�stall all miscella�eous metal tr�m pieces, angles and chann�ls necessary to c�mplete car�structiar��ndl�r shnwn an tlrawings. Finish to be as indicated on drawings. 2.4 Supply akl fasteners as nece�sary#o ct�mple#e the wc�rk. 2.5 Where possi�le, a�y routing c�r milling shalV be shop fabricated. 2.6 Waod sh�ll be tre�ted with ftarne-retardant proce�s where requir�d �y I�c�l code, Shvufd th'rs process ca�se change in color�nd ef#ect on finish�naterial,the General Can4ractar st�all notify khe Cansuitant. �.7 Sp�cial care shalE t�e exercised to protec#al�l finishes and�ther items to remain as nated on the draw�ings. a. �amage of disturhance to these items shall be promptly re�tored, repaired, Qr repVac�d ta match existing at no east to t�se Owner. b. lf th�Contracta�has ar�y questir�r�s an khe extent of iter�s tv remain,h�shall noti�t�e D��igner and req�aest a clanficati4n befare prc3ce+eding. � 2.� �'ravide bracing arud �uppart as re�ui���d to maintafn integ�rty and security Qf po�tian oi existing struckure�4a re�nain. Andersonl�al6iler,Ltd 379 wesf ti8���r�;t.Sufte 600 Ch�ca�o.aL 606r6 (312}22fi-25b(}phone (3t2J 226-2555 tax AMLTQ�7a aol.c;�r�e-ma�l � VAfL CF,SCA[}E RESURT �ENERAL GUNST�UCTIQI� S��CIFICA'fI�NS Cascade BaliravmJPrefun�tian SECTI�N 4�217Q-Carperstry P.PJ1L Jab#� 93�}2�•21 December 15, 1�99-Page 2 3. E7(ECUTIQN A�lD I�STAL�A�IJN 3.1 Examine the substrates and supporting stn,FCtur�and the corwditions under whrch the work sp�c�fier� in this sectian i�ta be install�d, and remedy cpnditions detrimentaV to the work. Do rrot proceed with the instal3atior�unfil unsatisfacCory canditions have been cc�rrected. 3.2 R�m�ve all unused,�isconnected, vr aband�ned items such as ducts, pipes, and contluits. C�o not &��ve such un�sed etems in p4ace, regardle�ss�f whe#her they will be visihle or cnncea8�ed in fhe finished woric. 3,3 Cooperated with the qwner 4a schedule�emc�litior�, carpentry anc� �atility service interrx,rr�tions to provide minimum interf�erence and disruption in the�flrmaE nperatian af the facility. 3.4 Exi�ting work ta be removed shall, in general, b�as i�dicated on the drawings ancf shall in�clude other existing materials an�i wark necessary to instadl new work indicat�d and specdfied. 3.5 R�moae des�gnate�inEerivr�tructures,parts, and finishes at beginning of work to minimize hazardaus w��king cc�nditions and ta provid�comparatively clean surfaces for installatie�n af new work. � 3.6 '�rovide all nec�s�ary kempt�rary enclosures to adequatsly pr�t�ct p�rsons frnm p�ssible ir�jury. a. Provide neeessary tempar�ry par#itia��,enclosure eoverings, anti the li�Ce for cvr�fining dus4 and debris to are�s o�the buolding in�w�ich demolituon andlor alteratit�ns are beir�g pe��rme�i. 3.7 Remt�ve fram the premises and dks�ose df�n a legal manner all debris,existing mate�al, and atems �esigna#�d far demolition,unle�s otherw�se nated. Buming at the si�e is pr�hibit�^d. Seliing salvaged mate�ial al the site is pr�hi�ited. 3.8 Retum areas to neat and acceptab{e contlition, apprap�iate to the ccantinuance vf the praject. 3.9 Set�arpeniry wc�ric accu�a#ely to��quired dev��s and li�es,with members plumb, 4rue,and acCUrately cut ar�d fitted, 3 10 Discard units o�material with de�ec#s that migh#impair the quality af war4c ar�d unsts tha#are tao sma�l to fabrieate tt�e work w�th mir�imum joints or optir�um joint arrangement. 3.11 Camerjoints s�all�e mitered unles�atherwise nated. 3.�2 Patch all floryr,wall, and c��li�g a�eas�#��ected by demali#ion of walls etc.and finish�II expvsed su�faces t�mat�h adjacent surfaces. � 3.13 5ecurely attacl�all w��4C specified fvr ins4allativn un�ier thgs secti�n of the s��i�catior�s tv �ubstrat�s by anchoring ar�d faster�ing as shown,vr as r�com�nended by man�#acture�,ar as required hy recagnized sxandards, G��nters�nk finishing nail heads an exposed carpentry and fil! AndersonlMiller,Ltd. 329 West 1$�'Street,Su�te 6U(} Ch�caga 1L 6(}615 4312j 226-250{}phone (312J 226-2555[ax AMLTa{a�aod c�m e�ma�f � VAIL GAS�ADE RE�OR� GE�IERA.L CQN57F:UC7IDN SPECIFICATlf]NS Cascade�allraamlPrefunctio� SECTION Q�62�J0-Carpentry AML Job#� 93026-21 Dece�tber 15, 1999—Page 3 h�ol�s. InstaU fi�steners withaut spfitting wood; pre-dril�as required. Make tight c4nnec#ions �etween rrcem�aers. fftY#f*ENDSEC�IflN (1�fi2UU#*t#ili# � � AndersonlMil�er,Ltd 329 4Vest t6°i S4ree4.SuAle 64Q Chicago,!L�{1f15 4312)226-25a}phane 4312)228-2555 fa�c AML�C](a]aol.come-m�l � VAIL�ASCADE RESORT GENER,4L C(�NSTRUC i IpN SPECI��CA7lQ�fS C�SC�de�allr4omlPref�inctic�n SEC1'IC}C��640Q-Architectural Waodwflrk AML Job#� 93��6-15 [Secemher 23. 1999-Page 1 1. SCGP�Cl�WCJRI4 1„t �'he General C4ntractar in accordance with the specifcatians, SECTI(3h�04100-Ge�erai Cond�tions, �hall�umish the nece�sary IabQr and mate�iaEs#o perfvrm the requirements�f the work specified herein. 1..2 The e�ent of Architectural Wo�dw�rk shal�irtclude but is nai limite�d ta the followi�rg: a Review all plans an�i det�ils ar�d f�mish and instali all mat�rials necessary to car�st�uct and insta}I a�l fixtures as indicated on plans, efevations�nd FC}drawings. P�icing to irtclude a!I wnadwor�, painted and stained,all#�bric wrapped panefs and aEl �phalstered walls{Fabric suppiied by ownerJ. Stonewc�rk to be cavr�iirrated by millwor�contractor, b�t supplied by ot�ers. 6. All black9�ng ta be supp�ied and installed by millwork contractvr,exc�pt gypsum drywall, acaustical tile treatr�ent,or where noted o#herwise. c. A!I waad tQ be fr�retar�iant t��eet 9ocaf codes. d. �'rovtde pricing broken dawn by FD detail nurnber. � 2 MRTERlA'L5 ANi�METH�DS 2..1 AII piywood�nd lumber sf�all he thoraughly seasoned�t�d ki1n dried b�#are�e6ng u�ed, and on tlelivery shall have a moisture cantent not in excess of 12°Im unless atherwi5�noted on drawings. 2..� W40tl5 a SoVid Stack: 5hall be clear, straigh4-�rain lumber af the best grade af the species listed by the�Jat�vrral H�rdwood Lumber Assc�ciativn, Lumber shall t��e free af mir�eral or sapwQVd s#rea9cs, checks or ather defects. �1� For Face'Wo�ds: Shall be selecked for�traight grain wit� �nifor�colorand g�ain suitab#e fQr use with th�finished plywaad with which it is used. (�� Fc�r Unex�osed Woods: Shall be Pand�rasa Pine, Grade A, and shall bear the grade, ma�C and stamp o�Westem Pir,e Asscacciakicans. Wher� urrexpc�sed woods come into cantact with dr�wers, they shall be Bireh or Maple, Unselect. b. V�n�r Core: Shall be clear st�aight-grair�I�mber�f k�e best grade of th��pecies as listed hy the N�tionaf Hardware Lumber Associa4ic�n, Lumber shall be free a#sapwaod streaks, checks ar Qth�r defects. Shall 6e glued with wa#er-re�is�ant reskn t�lue c�r ap�mued equal and pra�essed by the hot � plate methad. 1l4'Dverali thickr�ess shaC! �e of 3-ply ven�er care c4nstruction � VAIL CASCAL�E RES�RT G�NEF�AL CQNS7�UCTIQN SP�CI�ICA7i�NS Cascade BalfroomlPref�nction SECTIC}N 4640D-Ar�hitectural Woadwark AML Job#� 93426-i 5 December 23. 1999—Page 2 3f8"(�v�rall thicEcne�s s�all be vf 5-ply veneer core cons�ructian 'I�" �verafE thickness shall be csf 5-ply venee�°care c4ns#ruction 314"Overall thickne�s shall �e c�f 7-ply veneer core eartstrt�ction 1"�verall thickn�ss s�all be a#9-ply veneer cvre car�str�ctivn (1} For Face VIloods: Finishes shali be�elected an� s�atched by the Equipmenk Gontr�c#or w+th the respect to cutfang ie�gths, unAform�ty af colc�r, 6gure„a�d grain chara�#er. �ace ve�eers shal�no#c�ntain open jai�nts,f�ce depressians,glue stain or aC�rer r��nufactur�r�g ir�eguEarrties. AGI visib�e veneer to he rift cut{not rQt�ry cut)a�sd Arct�itectural C�u�lity. Stain ct�lpr to he as specifaed in ma#er�aP reference sheets this sectian. 4�} For U�rex osetl'J11oad�: Shalf be 6irch€�r�3auglas Fir, ra#ary cut, Unsel�ct,good 4ne side, ir�tenor type plywaad, Grade A-B;Grade A faces shall not cantain plugs, knvts, pitc�pocicets, �plits, rougf�grais�or other�open defects. {3} For FlaStic Laminafiivn: Shall b�minimum 3f4" Mahvgany tace cvr�plywvod, � gc�od one s�de. c Masonite: Shafl be �I$"thick t�mp�red Presdw�od,as manuf�ctured by Masartite Cor�aratiQn, Chicago, Hfinois,or an apprave�equal. 2..3 Mirrors: Shall be fabric�ted r�t 1 fd"thick pofished plate glass and Grade A siiver quality as manufacture�i tay�Libbey-Owens-Fnrd Ca.,or equa�. Shall be manu#actur+ed with two coats of silv�r applied t�a�rQperly processed glass Silver film sha11 he exterior caa2�f special hard compositic�n paink. A1V mirrar�shafl�e guaranteed�against silver oxidatian. 2..4 Glass: Shal! be af varying thickness and colar. Gfass to be tempered gl�ss vf gEazing quafity as manufactured by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., �r�a�proved equal, unless�specified atherwise. 2..5 �lue a��Adt�esives: �_ �or Cabir�et Wo�C: Requiring pnmary Ppad b�earing,moisture are�s and plastic I�minatir�g, Weldwood Plastic Resin gl�e as distnbuted by U.S. Plywood Corporation, Las Angeles, �alifomia, shall be useei. b. For Cabinet Wa�C: Where primary laad b�arcr�g i5 no#dnvofved, white �alyvinyl glue untler khe brand names Presto S�t Glue, as distributeci by �1.5. P�lywoad Corp., Los Angeles, Calitc�mia,ar ar�ap�rvved equal,may be used. 2..6 Ha�dwar�: Nardwa�e shalY be vf svlid m�teriai�nd wh�r�exposed shaa1l be cast bras5, pfat�ci as � specified. Ha�dwc�od shall be provided with necessary fa�ifot�es fvr I�cking, unless otherwise specified. All locks shall be mastericeyed. 5ar�p�es ot alf hardware shall k�e fumished to Consultanks tor apprvval. All d�ars ta have hrass hinges artd sc�ewvs. � VAIL CASCAQ�RESt7RT GENERI'�L CONSTRfJCT1 JN S�ECIFI�ATIONS �.;ascade Ba�lroomlPrefunction S�CTIC7hl C}6400-Archi#ect�ral Woodwark AML Jo�r#: 93[}�B-1� decemher 23, 19'�9-Page 3 2..� �85tiC: a. Fc�r Mirror and Giass 5ettinq: S�all be Mirror-mastic, a� manufactured by N9inr�esata Mining and Manufacturing Co., Los An�eles, Califomia. 2_8 Paink: All pair�t and t�ther fnish ma#er�al$shall be pure,unadulterated, best qvali�r frvm Sp�cified Pasrrt�ampany Qr equal. All kterns where paint is required,shall he shQp pair�te�, except where im�ractical or otherwise spec�fied. 2..� PPastic Laminate; ShaRl be�ormica, Lamanart, I��var��r, ar�q�ral, of solid or photographic pa�#em. Colors and textures shall be as sel��ted by the Cansultants; shaMl b�e standa�d type urrless oth�rwise�pecifie�, �. 10 Sha�Qrawirags: Shop dra^wings must be submit�ed. S�bmit sF�vp drawings showi�g Iveat�a�t�f eaGh item,dimensio�red plans and elevativn, large scale�ietails, attac�ment d�vices and o#i�er ec�mponents. Sh�w prr�visiQrts and cutauts far mechanical and el�ctrical wark. 2..11 Samples: AA#samples sh�ll be submitted ir�suKcien4 time for appraval and su�h item�shall n�t p�aceed unles�au#F�or�2ed in writing. � 2..12 Waa�: f�ardwoad and vene�r�shali be Oak, UValnut, Birch or equal. As indicated an drawings. 2..13 Wvod S�all be tr�ated with fl�r�e retardant proce�s w�ere required by local code. Shoul�this prQCess cause change in e�iflr and effect on finish m�teria�, the Ge�eral Cantractvr shaq r�otify the�a�nsufta�rt, 2..14 All Har�waad and �fardwo�fi Venee�to�ave matte lacquer finish. �..15 Ail dc�ors tc�have�nger p�ll detail or as otherwise indicatetl. 2..1fi A�I ec�ge lippings tc� he hardwood pinned and glued ta edge af unit. 3. ��CECUT'd�N AND INSTALLATI�N 3..1 Examine the substrates an� support4ng structure�nd the cor�ditions under which ihe wc�rk s�eeifed in this section is i� b� instalf�d and r�medy c��dikio�s detrimenta�ko the work. Do nc�t p�aceed with instailatipn until unsatisf�ctory�onditions h�ve been�orrected. 3..2 The General�antractor shal!uerify afl iield dimensions priar to fabrication�of m�lfwor�. 3..3 The followirag general requ�remer�ts shall gavem the const�uetion�f the custom-a�ilt fxtures, except where�therwise nated. Wcar4c shall be�e�f�rmed by skifl�d m�chanics of t#�e trade and shalN�e of the highest q�aCity of the d��wings and speci�i�atians. � a. A91 Fixt��es shall t�e m�ade u�at the r�i61�nd assem�led i�r single and compkeke units insc�far as the dimensions therep€w�ll p�rmit shipr�ent tn and installation at the building. Large � VAIL CASCAC�E RESQRT GEf�EF�Al.CC}NSTRUC`�IC]N SPEGI�1CAfiIt�NS �ascade�allroor�IPrefuncCion SECTION�&4a0•Archifectur�l Wac�dwork Ai�L Ja�#� 93�26-15 December 23, 1999 v Page 4 �i�ces requirir�g sectianal c�nstruction shall h�ve their several par�s acc�rately#itted and aligr�ed wikh each other ar�d be p�ovi�ed with ample s�crews,r��wels, martises and ten�ns, screws,�olts, or suitable r�e�ns of con�eal�d fa�teni�g,as required ta render the worbc substantial, rigid and perm�nently secu�ed in proper pasttion to each rela�ed s�ctian. b. Suf�cien#additianal materia6�hall be allowe�ta permi�accura4�scribing to walls,floors ���i related+�ork; ancl due allowance r�ade wherever pass�hle�or su�h shrinkage as may develap a�ter installatior�, Ail single and sectional �Rits shall�e provided wit�h a�equa#e cleating, blocki�g,crat{ng and ather fvrrns vf prvtection as required fo preclude dama�es th�ret�a during shipping and�a��lin�. e. Framir�g arad 6&ocking members�hall be assernbled with bolted ar�d scr�wed cvn�ect�or�s, and shalP be sec�rred tca the strueturaP t�ackings with cinch, expar�s�on screv�,vr tpggfe bvlks, as required;so spa�ed and ir��tadled as to ens�r�ample strength and nigidity. Rails and stiles shall be mvrtised ar�d 4eno�ed,work nea�ly mitered arrd membered, a��b�tt joints made flush and smo+�tY�, and afl permanent joints made up wifh water-resis#ant glue. All fixtures shali b�ass�mbled witlhauk face screws or naids,exc�p4 where it may be necessary to attaeh trim ftems. All face screws ar nai�s which ar� nec�ssary 4c� attach kr�m items shalf �e countersunk and plastic wood of wood p9ugs us�ed to caver�r�ad�, and tFre plug neatly touched�p. The he�ds od all screws �sed in ar�y assemb(�shall be cQUnter�unk below the � surface. "*••END SECTION Ofi400*'••• � -� -; � —E � r ; -a R�1�� _ � 1 .�'. pb .� �; � ' 'a`�g 'J.'s_�; � � �,� .�Y�� 1 ! '��... .�:.—��='�_'_ . . �- ...e.t'-i�`:.._�.aG, . e��X.:.. _. . ..„w�vzck.,i'.y. . __ , . .. , , ., a.: �e4s � . .twEk;' , . _ '�AIL CASCAD� RESORfi#93fl�6-21 N�AT E R I A L R E F E R E N G E PRC��ERTY�act�_�_al�vom'PrefunctiQn�__FIN15HE5 Waod --- -- - QAT� ��cerr�r 1�, 1999 KEY E��SCRlPT�Q�1 M�GISOURGE SWATCH WD-1 Loc�tion: Trim and Wood Wa9is Tf��aught�ut To 8�d 5{�ec�es: Mahog�ny F�nish: 5tair�efi ar�d distr�ssed to�atch AML cor�trol sarnple and existing Pu6�ic Area Submit samPl�to AML for approval pr�or#o Insta!lation. � VAiL GAS�A[l��2ESORT GENERAL C�}l+1STFiLlCTIQN 5F'��IFiCATIQNS Cascac�e BaWlra�mlP�ef�nc4o� FD INDEX AML,�oh#: g3f126-21 December 15� i999—Page 6 Fd IN�E� F�-1 Ty,�ica�Crown 1Noua�iing D�ta�l FD-2 Section Thrc�ugh Cove C�etail FD-3 C�PEIV FQ-4 �Casing Mouldings FU-5 Section Thraugh Light Gave FE�-� OFE�J F�-7 4PEN �D-8 �3PE1� FD-9 (7PEN FD�1� aP�N FD-1 i �P�N FD-1 Z QPEiV F�-13 �PEN FD-14 Millworf� flip Do�t�ia Baflroom � � � AndersonlMillQr,Ltd 32J WeSC 18°"5lreel,Sui4e fi�0 C'hicago,IL 6Q�lfi (312A 226-25�U phorte E312)Z2�S-2555 fax AV4fLTD�acfl c-orn �-marl �� o �;,� � � � �� � � � � Q �; � � � � � 1 p EL. IC3'-J" �, •— � AF� � I �� � � � � � � � � [`i -- � ir�., � � �•,aP,or+n `t � � Z i �� i-- �} U � � z �+ W� � � � � � � i��°�ir��� � � i���� W`� 0 � Q � _ Q � _ `�' � �� � � � , , 4�° 4 � �i��. � � � 0 0 J� � � Qd �.---. ��'i'i�. �:�I�� � �� I��:�� ���;�'"`�l I� :��,�� ,�'� 'i '`� - � � '�' s��,�E� �u�� ,� o "° ; � '�C7 T�: � '° � " 0 itiC^J �� -�t�� �l�--I `�' ° `° U �- � � � � � � w `� �r �, J � - � � ry � � Q� T J � � �• � �_ CS � � C} � N � r �} uo L � � � r W } `f N J � U .- � � � � � {L � (.7 �- Q �L. +I�'—C3" -- �,F� CV o � l � I �� � � � � a �� - � � � _ __ , - � � � _� � � �- � �� � �- � , �� � �-.., a.� � � � � -� — [V � !/��i � � Z i � 3' FdAL7�US � IL � NQte: Movldin� dc��s not c�c�ur c�t � c� window w�+i I �id�. r � � z � W � ,� _ � � � � � � ' ,� r,� W� � it��' a c� � � � � (? � ��, �„ � � - ��= Q m �� � i �,,� � � � J,;��� � o J � ,r�� � � � � � � {� �-��u� `3' r �'`� �� �`�'P. ���� 9 �i� �I--#�'�� ���,/� i`��:v_� I �1C� --�,�y � _ __ — — — - - SG�+,S�E: �,�LF � fl � � �� 1��7TE: � � � � � ;NCiC�'� T� �-�'� W'�"-I '° tio � 4.- � [+i G/'2'��/2�, � � �,, . � `� c n �, J � 1/2'" � � � � Q � � � � � -� � r� a � � iJ -- - cn � � � a� ,� r9 �, �-- � � J `� � � �„ ,p � � � �, �f 4., G +'�`�ro (.1 � `� f � • � O �� '+ � � �L� � � � Q � I � � �� �� �� Q} � Q � fl � � I � i ,� � i v c.a aa � p c� .— � � � � W {fl Q � � � � � ° � � � � 8" � � ] W� � w _ _ � � 9! q � i/� Pl� � I f/i�" ---1 W� � , � � � ° � � � � � � � � - a � � Q � � � �m � Q � � � _ � � � �,� �` � � � ' � Q � — � � U c,,� � u��i - - - � `�i c� o � � � � �, � � � � � M �y � � `" an �; J � � � ,� 0 � •`` m � ° � � � .. � � � � NO LLF � � N 1 �. 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WCJ�4�' TC7 B� WD-I WC,�C7i7 TC� B� WD-� � 2. V'�R,IFY �WITH PHC71�� I�lSTALLER. ° ° � � � �HAT �4LL �F'E�ABLE PART� �F J � � N � �' ° � U � i(7 N 'PI�c�NE T4 B� M��JNT�U 1�4a TH I 1� � � �, � J G�MPI�1,4hlT i�,E�GH �?�N�ES. J �; ° �. '� � � F J � � Z �a o t! as c� � � t7 Ya � � 4 � J � � � � � N I �t �s C3 � '� '�� ,�l�l �i2 I 1 ' l - �; �,, � l�^f'�'. � to � PI" � r� � � o �-, � -- - --, �. i�rn ` � � c� f Q a _ ST°-3 �G C� °' � ,y '� � [v 4� f � r— � c� �-� �r��i � F - . . �- � � � � . � � ° �� � � � � - - . w� � � - � �. � �� -� � — � o -- - � � o - _ _ �,1 � � � J � � � � � �. � � o [] �� _- — �� �� 1�I N� �F ,�U STt�NE F',�►N�� PEYC�ND . - � ° '� � � � J � ta N � `� ° � U ruy � � � N � � � M � �,,,I �� � � � � �. 0 � � �������I `�� ��U � �' ~ J a � � SGAL.E: FULL h!(J�E: � � � a � � 0 w�aar� Tc� g� wr��� � � � M � � � � � � M � � � _ � � � � � � � + � ��-1 o �' � � �� � � � � �. o �� � � �l " . . . . _ TY�'IGA�. INT�'hiOF21^IALL "�' � � , , . _ . ,. -- - GC7NSTRIJG7�0�1 - ` :, .. . - , � _ � . . ' .,, t .' _ : � `r_' .� ao ' ., '.;• . . .. . . ,.{, , , . �^ : ., � � [�,i G.� I . . . =�.. .. •,� ,... w. . . . . - - • � . ,p .-- � c.o . � . • . . . -� � ". � , . . �.: . , LIT�EE B��E B�LC7�^{ . • � - � � � :>- • . . . . - -- - - . �< < � . . . - � . - . � � , �•' . _ . . . .. , �. , .. , . . . .. , . - . . ._ _ �. - _ _ _._ z_ _ -- �F —Gr4�ING TRlt�f DE7AIL v ��—- -_ ---_ _ _ . SEE A�D-� '- � � vF v ~ � � d t[� - � � � � , � � -_ L I N� AT Pl��'hITH F3�LC�W � � Q � � 1 _� � i3L�GK9 i�tC� ,�45 °c�W � ~ ' � REC�fFEi7 � . V�D-I �(r � - iy , � ! 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GOLOEZ: BLAGK � � i 'i , �?�15TiN� PANEL TO BE USED � I � f�5 ��l �^r�G�SS PA1�EL. i � i � V�1�T AS �'�QUIR�D. i '� � I , , 1��W PHaNE/�ATA Hoo�K UPS (BY � I pT�I�RJ SGO�I�I�GT G�N UN I T � SEGUR�D BET1�1�E�1 EX I�T1 NC STUI�S. ��lD izEG�55�D I N N�V�I ' MD� �OX. � �, ; INTERIOR AND EXT�RIOR OF - � I�EV�I MD� BOX T� BE PAI�ITED BLA�GK � 3/4" MDF �'�NEL ��I1�TED BL/�G� TO REGESS �LEG/Dr4T,4 SOXES. �Y � � PROV I DE (2�J-BOX'S r41�D l�ll RE AGGE55 BELOW ,�S fi��QU I R�D. I PROV I DE NEI�I STUDS O� BLOGKI NC ,�S R�QU I R�D. ���� 1� �� �i���e,����� Y �,�,�1� ���r�� l �i�l� SGAL�: I C/2" = I '-G�" A�IDERSON/MILLER, LTD. i Date Job Na. 329 WEST ,gTH ST., SIJITE 600 � 0 Q— � � � �C NEW SPEC 93026-21 CF-IICAGp, ILLINp1S eo5� 5 VAIL CASCADE HOTEL 8c CLUB - ALFREDO'S RESTAURANT R@VISIOtl� rn ♦ T 312.226.2500 F 312.226.2555 CASCADE BALLROOM RENOVATION 1 1"�1 )— I� AMLTC7C�AC7L.C�M �-2'� -O� 1 v � VAIL CASCADE RESORT GEI��RA� C47C�STRUCTION iP�ClFICATIONS Casca�de�alEr�omlPrefunctian SECTI4N f}��OQ-YVobd �aors ANfL Jah�: 9302fi-15 ��cemher 15, 1999–Page 1 1. SCOPE OF WORK �,, l..i The General Co�rtractor, in �cct��dance with the specific�tions, SECTI�N 007Q�0 -GEj�}£f�AL CC3Na�1Tl£�NS,shall fv�r�ish�he nec�essary labor and materials to prouide the nur� and type of Wv�d DoaCS as shown 4n the drawings and specifi�d herein. ..2 Ir�stallation s�all he perf��rned under SECTIOlV 0620D-C�RPENTRY. .� J J �_ PR. ��C�:] {/ '4 2„1 `Fumish paint grade�olid�are wood d�ars as n d an plans a d s�ecifed herein. Doors t4 be f�ush panel. Sizes as noted c�rt plans. 2,.2 Bath doors to haue kna�kdflwn aluminu ames-see Sectiv�i 06200-Carpentry� Cos�rr�cting daors ta'have Hollow Me#ai Frames- e Seetion a8�00. �_ � 3, E7CECUTION AND IFJSTALLATkqlV `� 3..1 Pa�kage prefinisned doa and par�ets in heavy duty cardboard eartons at fhe factory prior tc� �hipme�t. Mark iterr�wEth i nti�catican far proper IQCation, � � 3 .2 Pratecf d�ors agai damage dr�r'fr�handling, transit ar�d st�fage. Store in a dry pfaee, prc�tec#ed from the we'�tfi�er. Stack in accorda�nce wit�+man�facturer's cfirectsons. 3.,3 ' Prefit doc�r� nd paneis in acGa�dance with taleranee requirements of CammerciaY Standard CS ,� 17�, ak the pla afmanufacture. Provide standard bevel s�r radius ta edges of doors as required ,—by the installatio�. achine doors�nd parrels f�r hardware requiring cutting of dt�ors at the place � of m�nufactu�� Machining sha91 be in accor�ance with hardwar�templa4es. 3..4 Qo n�t instaN daors uni�l�oncr�te, masonry, drywall ar�d tile work are campleted and dried in khe are�a�tv rec�ive daor5. � 3,.5 ----�oors�half be conditianed to the average prevailing moisiure�humidityy of#he Ivcadity k�efore �anging, C1av�s shalC not be subjected ka abnormal F��at,dryness, �r humidity Avoid sudden char�ges such as farced heak�used tg dry out the building}. �r 3..6 Cutting, k�imming,ftting and machining af prefir�ished doars will nc�t he permit�ed. , 3.,1 !lnstall d�ors in eequired openings as shown. Vns�all flus6�panefs with r:or�ceal�d fasEeners, Pravid�e prloi hol�s of praper size for 5crews inta partic9e hoard core daors. Use stainless steel shee4 m�etai screws into par#scle baa�l. 3..8 Apply hardware in acco�dance with f�ardware manufactur�er's instnrctions and Sectian '�inish � �a�dwar�". A�just door inst�fPatian to provide�r�ifomn cl�arar�ce�t head and jambs, a�nd to c�ntack sto�ps uniformly Re�npve and replace d4ars which are faund to be warped, bowed or otherwise damaged�nd cannot��prap�rly fitted in frarnes. � UAII.CASCApE R�SC3'�T GENERAL C01�5TRUCTIQN SP�CI�ICAfifflNS Cascade BallraamlPrefunc�ion SEGfiICIN flB�C(l4-Waad Doars AM�L.��k�#: 93026•1� Qecember 15, 1999—Pag�2 3..� Pratect doors ancS hardware during construckion, M�rred finishes shall be touched-up pe�fe�fly match adjacent s�rfaces ta satisfaction af AML�e uni#shall t�e replaced. *`*'• E�JD S�CTION 082{�0***�• �,� �, �' � �., �, � �� �I ; +� -, t �,,� .-- � �= �; �' 4� � ' � i , � � � VAIL CASGAC7E RESC?R"f GENERAL CONSTR�CTIQN SPECIFICATIONS �'ascade Bal6rvomlPrefunction S�CTiON 084[1i7-Builders Hardware AML Jah#: 93026-21 I7ecember 15. 19�9-Page 1 �. s���E a�'waR�c 1..1 The General Contracto�in ar,�vrdanc�with the specifi�atians, SECTICIN i1�700- GEN�RAL Gflh�QITIa�1S, st�all furnish the necessary labor and matQrials to prov's�+e the required number and type�of Builders Hardware as shown or�drawings and spe�i�ied herein. 1„2 Insta�latian sf�all be p�rform�d uc�de�SECTI�I�0620Q-CARPENTRY. �. PRUC}UC7S ' � �' '�2. 1 Fumish and instaEl all hardware per attached hardw�re schedule in this seetian or as required by ! "� the scvp��f work. C�antractar to uerify kha#all hardware. Specified is campa#able 8�appro�priat�e 1 � � fo��nstallataon on existing doar�. ' -. 2..2 Where nat�d an drawin��, r�move exist�rtg d�or thresho��ar�d ins#al! n�w t�r�atch exisling. 2.,3 Packaging a. Include with each item of hardware, th�fa!{awing: � {�} Scr�ws, bolts ar�d fasteners neG�ssary for installadi�an. {2} lnstalla#iar� inskructions. (3) SpeCial tvols required for installation. 2 4 Labeling: Fackaging��ish har�ware items individualiy legibly marked and adequately lat�e1ed inr�icating the p�rt of the work fpr which it is intend�d and b��ring a marking c�srrespanding with t�h� �um�er�t�own on the Hardware Seh�dule. 2..5 All work a�this 5ection s�all conform to the governing laws and buiading codes. Ald har�ware shall be of the best grade of solid metal,�ntirely free iram irnperfections in manufacture and fnish. 2,.fi �ualities,w�ights and 5izes given herein are Ci�e minirnum that will k�e aCCepted. It is the responsibili#y of the �ardware Supplier to supp�y the specified s+ze and weight v�hardware and fhe prc��er functian bf hardware in�ach case. 2..7 Ge��ral: Ada�t hardware as required t�campensate fpr unde�cutting,carpeting, ra�sed thresl�olds,or pther special eonditia€rs. 2.,$ Hardware Attachmerct I]�vices: Provide Phillips head fyp�e screws and k�alts with exposeci sutface�finished to match adjacent hardware surface. Use the following fasteners for applicati�� t�the suhstrates shawr�: � a. Mac�sine screws and bvfts for applicatian to w1t�QOfi. � VAIL CASCA��RES7RT GEN�RAL CC�NSI'R[lCTIQ�J SPECIFiCA.TIQNS Ga�eade Bal6roamfPrefun�tivn S�CTIC}��84(}0- Builders Har�iware AML Job#: 93026-21 Dec�mber 15, 195�—Page 2 a. Woad sc�ews with f�ll thr�ad for ap�licat€on 4o wood. c. Sheet metal screws far use in fire eetardant particle board or plywvad shal� he of staanl�ss steel, d. Machine screws and g�fvanized ta�np-in shields for�ppl�cation to�oncrete�r masanry. e. Thr�-bvlting wi�l n�t be pe�nnitted exeept in special cases at th�Architect"s discretion. Provide tntemal re�nforcement to acc�pt balts ear�c�aAed from the auter face of doar. 2..9 H�rdwar��nf��natic��scheduled her�in shall not be cvnsf�ed as a compfete hardwar�schedule and shall c�nly be c�nsidered a a�t indicat�c��of the hardware requirements, Exami�e the Drawirsgs and�oar�symb�ls,and provide all necessary or additional hardwar�as required,of the same type, quality and quantity as that scheduled for simila�r daors ar part oi the bui(ding used for similar purposes. 2..10 Hardware shall be suitable and adapted far iks require�use and shall fii i#�desig�ated Cacatian. Should any hardware as shown, speeifwed, or required, fall tv m�et the infended requirem��fs c�r require madificati�n t�a suit or fit th�designated I�cation, deterrnine the co�ection ar m4difiGa#ivn necessary in ample fime ta avoid delay in the manu#acture and delivery of hardware. � � 11 A@I surface close�sh�ll �e the product of�r�e manufactur�er. C�aser shall�e hydraulically c4n4rolled and full rack and piniorr in aperation. The closer body shall �e o#hig�r strength Gast iron ar aluminum. Each closer shal9 have adjustable ge�eral spe�d and latch sp�ed. Neces�ary arms, brackets,and ot�er d�or accessaries must�e availa�le t�suit appr�ved jc�b conditions. 3. EXECUTI�N AEV17 INSTALLATI�N 3..1 Prate�t hardware with m�te�ial�f type which is easily�emc�ved w�thout marring �nish. 3..2 Mount ail hardwar�ut�its at he�ghts recommended in"Rec�mmended Laeati�n�fvr�uilders Hardware fnr Gustam 5tee9 []oors and Frames"ar t�match existing Iqcations. 3..3 Dotir Cioser: a, Ger�eraf: Verify each h�ad condi4io��rior 4o fum�shing doflr cla�er,make requiced modifications or ch�nges du�to de4ailed canditions. INanuf�ctu�er's representat�v�shall inspect, approve the prt�per instafiation, and regulate ea�ch daar closer priar to final acceptance of the wor4�. b, Surface-Maunted on Dr�yr' Surface shoe�ppi#catic�n for standard o�er�tior�a��d saffit plate appli�ativn#�r�arafileV arr�as. P�nvir�e special shoe plates a€�d brack�ts wh�re sp�eified ar where ret�uired by special�ab c�r�dlti�ns. � 3 ,� Instafl each hardware it�m ia�cc��npliance wit#�the�nanufacture�s instructi�ns and re�ammenda4�or��. Whenever�utting and fikting is required tq install hardware anta surfaces whi�h are later ta be painted ar finished an another way,coar�inate�emaval, storage arid � VAGL CASCADE RE50ftT GENERAi.CC7NS�'R�CTIQC�SPECI�fCA�sONS Gascad�Ba�lrocarnlPr�funetion SECTIC�N 08400•Buiiders Hardware AML Jab#� 93�2E-2t De�ember 35, 1999—Page 3 reinstallat�an or appRicatian qi surface pratectian with finishing worlt. aa r�at install surface- mounked ite�ns until�inisk�es have been�ompleted an tfi���ubstr�te. 3,.5 Set un�ts lev��, plumb and true ta line and locati�n. Adjust arsd reinforce th�attachment subskrate as necessary ft�r proper install�tion and operation. 3,.6 [3rii� and cau�tersink unit�which are not factory pre�aaretl far anchflrage fastercers. 5pace fasteners and anchors in accordance with industry standards. 3..7 Adjust and c�eck eac�vperating item�f hardwar�e and each dmar,to�r�sure pr�per operation ar f�nctian o�every unit. Replace units which cannot b�adjusted and lubricat�d ta ap�rate freely and sr�onthly as intended for the appl'scati�n made. ••*•*E�fD SEC71�h1�84UQ ''**• � � � ��.�1.�' ���� �� �lJ����� � f �`'� �f�`�� � � � �� SERIES SURFAG'E C]VERHEAQ Q�]�R HC}LDERS 1 ST[3PS Heavy Duty ,::.. • R .: ! • ►411 'NeW ❑esl�gn • Ha►Id L�p��. Stvp� C�nly, �r�c�i�an ��n�tic�ns • �electi�ve, A�i�u�t�ble Ho�d C�p�+� M�chanism � • Int�rchan eab�e Functivns 9 � Brassl8ronze, St�el and Stai�nless �tee� Substrates • 1m�rc�ved Campatib�lity with �]oc�r ��aser� • Exceeds A�lI Cri#eria ��r BHMA �rade 1 Hc►Iders I �taps • Impr�v�ed J�rnb �r��ket C�esi�n • INidest Rang� of Finishes • Sirn�lifi��! Standard�z�d Sizing � GLYNN-JC}HNS�I �,a,., �"�'�rryj`�� ��,; la ,-Brj�_,�;���jtifi f,Cust�ms;�5erw��e1 IngCr543i•Ran�y ICJtx�r Har�7N,.ir�± Ir�cY�Br�ci(k�li5.ih!-if�2[� 317 89y 9�"�7C]{�Ci2f18f�1()fiFCB} Part Ure�1�t R.� Box 1�Q a i3W a�F�-a33�(Custnmer�err�::+_' hAlssissauga.l�r,rarit�LSG tL.5 3f 7 fi4'3•`�'�4C1 R(`;+�r�@id!�ffic'�1 .r+�� 7�� 4 Pfi•;�r8-��?g • F6L�� 316•2?ti 1.�1 i v i?J� %e�nieci�r.lJ S , ��J-.�.J ��-I� �` � � 1 � c�'�l ���� ���� . � ! 9Q S�rl�es ��_ " :'�;;�::- _ _��_ • U532 �nd �2[] finish�s ari sta�nCess steel material � Incr�ased �iUra- bility and corrosi�n resi�tance� � � y • Single or dauble a�ting dac�rs }�'�i�``�, � lnterior 1 extericar applicatians � Rev�rsi�le, non-handeci ��I�. -. _I�f'�il�_[_ �� ;i;f'F"-= -��l:i�;��:.� ��Llf'i?�?[ai I'n:.i��JEiIS ci4-,�: �Q� ...r��, _,_'{_-Jll.��f _��'IiS 1E:��11L11� 11��' =c"i . �'li��C',C'� .�fi�l)r:�; st��.�5 prav�de 'i'e r,�nst v�:rs��i�e aa,Ci �tt��Ctiv� v��riety �;t F ;c��t;�G�y r'�7�Char::�i� �_�SF.cf c�r� t��e h��1�,7-��en mac��l. t�ut (,rn�:t�ryn�. �,,,ar±-r�aEG �rnd finis�es i� f�t hhe�t�!r d�aty a��lic�:- '`�e I�c��i�'-t��en r���Gk�c�nisr� �5 r�r7lov�Ci. tE+:�ns. hJ1�7dE�S ��� ��e��h3hle in 3Qd Ser�es stainl��s sdeel. 9d� Ser'r�e� fric'1ic?r! hc�lt�-��?2n mcr�{el� prt��rid2 3 Yt��v'}+ ��.+ly tTr�as'tar+�ntF. �nCi �t��f maf�r�als. T9ie bro�t�€'St rar�ye �t m,�lS�•pc7mt #��td c�{]et� rriet:l��nism, �rerrnit#ing tht' dt��r Et� iir�i;�faes �n ;t-;� �r'+d�.i5try <�r� furns5f'�ed Ie� Goer���Cerl�ea�t �� h�lc� o�sesi at var�eus dcc3raes The }�'asi�ro �n the fr,C- �esigr7 �zC�u�r�n7Fa�t5 ti�,r� nti�Ch�n�sn�is�cf�u5tabl� ta�uit fiel�i requiremen#s.. ihr�� l�rti�i�: r�'�C�deaS �re c�v�dl�hlt�, Fi1cF� c�f�ered �n five Si��s ,;�Rl �7t��l�!s �r,� a°.��{I��tal� �u1 t�r�ssrt�r�srze. :it�[} ��ries StS�n- . .-� �r �i c t�7t� �:r�rSti�lly �il ;���c�rs�ri�}ti. �h� r�7C��P6S 3v1ii- I�+yti S?��I. �n��1 StE.�'r tlit�Stt�t2S. U�:3 � 1(�. it�B (ir�iSf��S -,�,: ',�.�...��: ��r� !ur�io�f,�c� nn � t}r��ss:'k��or�ze S�il��;ir:�tE:•. 1111 new 30L} • 9�H Ser�es � i���c�-'.��aer� �tc>d�� ,�r��s ste��r�k��s �;t�4:1 �s �urrr�s��n ,r• IJS�� �r7ef 3'�U � � 90F Seri�s f F Clo�4� Hald-���,er Mi�r�ca� `�r��Shes �ffrr���� R��c: r���hest r�si&�2nre tr. :c�rrcjsl�Ei, St�E{ + 9�5 S2TIPS `z4�7R,,-(Jf!P�+ IV1C�C"f€'� :i���1S ttf`t� d"1�i��st7fE: io� S1 iS{�Y�y°�'� ht'C7r;?t:�. �� (Spf�y2C1 '�ir��si S:i �snr�u€':ci a��irrn��vr,�;. �� isE�r»-�ci tafack�l �nd S� .+,1, "!"�i( rl^; ,_'. .r,]f�;W;PEi�� � 11@�V]I t�Uty°':hiillilP.l c`�flt;j SIIC��`�dYc�1 ISLJf�y'E'r� ��:�i1, ��{ltf iI�U FJ3L E'���rfFtC� fyr'i��ki. Si�EI UflltS des�qn �,r}cd c��f,,��3 ia�77U t�r�Ck�ts tre- ni���rc]ve�f C�r7�l��l� !��ture �i �=.rrrn=,�e;rr r�;,�si���t {���tr��ti7ir�rit �aiitar lo��d6r1tirlg. d�l�iy ,+vth tynnr �°��os�r5. Unir�u� Mrsit�P� ��ltlC7w5 1Crr S�m�ir� E�ass. k�rrn:r. ;irfrf ��;.��nVeSS n��t�r��:l �re f7�yaily r�r_�rr- `i�l� ��`��sn��nr� at it,r�C!��r�� 4o rar,;��E;r��;�tE- for ch2nr.��5 irt �I�er-od+�cf #c�r .t4�till+.:�it�f��i�ts it1�t arF: r:xRf�a��r� ic� ext�rir�r ��r ltSNf IP�"ytflP'��l�c;�'�4�. If. fir]r +�x;3�ll()I��. �9 �lUl("�-U�7�'il 171�1i�Fu I�, �:F'+:':i ..: r,ilLitilVk:r'IF�111r,�11tS. '.R�h�ir: fi11 rCi!!� [3�5� r��c`l��fl�l�;a #u�rsiSha=7 �iP�r1 �; ;4` t:1E?�r+l'�an�c� 3t =3 4�1le>t �1�t�E ih8t c� SFt��i - _. �' �f�lc�fi7r rit;rrt�yl ir���rii�i�RS� r�rily ee,r�ri�4 :.crulr: i��et!�r S�r�4 th� ;��7�iiwcRs4�ca�Y. a Sin�F,.�G� t�E�lri .,. gp .,.���� n,r,�i+=4� ,t++� ?f��tc�n�Ci '<�� i��:1�ry ±i�uty a�pE�c:�� rt"t�r1e�F � �]t� r)E' a7�:iel� �O C�?�1�+'�'r'1 tkYE: lf��Y(,1•U�i2i1 uili� Fr"� E3 . ; ..,���f �N,li Lrc)1?1�,l�.° Ir,l7�� i�SAi���� ��rr'�i(:r��lr]rl f�71 [�C1c]r5, SYC�{}-�'"�r��'^� I.ir���4s�•r,, ,�r tt� f+�rtinn iA �c� r�:C�t➢er'Ed KitS ?r�' �,�!r1�S �ir�i'� 1�7r�i;v,trc• !F?r-rl�r l0 p�:C�+�s C1�3 , �2C f[]r ra[:t�fi- };�;rl�:iY+':, ;r:r' :i�1°��'�I�••..i�ny$fSlf_7"i ��'� YIiE: �IE'Irj. ii��llztl ;°ijyFa1ir.:y1 °.�• •�}r)�rit�iii0�' ;rllif kG `;kZ11lC� C�1�IT f(7f �a� . -..„?: . ..��f „t.,�.� _af�iV�S �f'.''��ii�ifr". -.f .`�;i;�('t.t''`J? {tl_l�l�-1}F.)f'1'i .`,�l���tif; !thl,��1i-1 �,F,�ii'•� f�r,;r1 � ., ,,r�y :��i��..." , ��S�ly ��c�,ruirc�'rit':�i i,y^ a ��rr�t�Cf hr��r�l:� !`}iR�t�r c_sE,;��,�r�� _;����:k�,C,1� a � yrztls:r5i[1�- ��f iP�� ��h2nn�l FhE�{.;��1 �:�Qk�: uv�y th� �.+y�'trr,d kr�C,t� w:r�t��ic��M 't�� C�plri ���r�� ritit�c.li,�r�isr7i, ��Ec�av,n�� ��.�fliy .1 Ar��rf�. J:�rr.h RrFsc.i�r:t i �S��I 4� rnnvr�rt �I°IN �`1c^�"f' lf; f:H t'sµIC1 _���`f�tl �1 c`i �1���(�(:!F[[tll4i�i1 �,11�+5it�f1[1 `;Ri1T1�.t.t1�y .lN�{S 1—� f"194��C' tiir�E i!: �V�1S�1 jK�ifl;l511i tr�;rrt i^4�: rc' , ,t 1 �ii�,���C! ir�F �'�E;��ratii��: .v��y�. tI1F urxit �1�'T�> ����,t a�,l�f�t� ����#t•r.. f���;�4��'��C).l .�:�r:f:�f#�xarl tn st�ri�•i;�rd i I�.1f11��� �,ar��;jr"N.k��! Wl5 �.i Sf�,r1 :�•"'trS !�f�:rls:�k d�!`J�ii�C}Fer �t11- E�I�t��U1' �-?[G ?�E' f�1C��1(�d �°iF]f.I� r T�r;(�}1,a'rl�if f� Ih.1���US��n�-.i!r"• tf r �K�3�lti��' al kC�E�l1C�llc'�� t�k'C��L1rP�. `F,_1��+':�: `�[. �jEi 7�_i �:]�t1�'y �1f1L1t�E�� �`, f41S1 V!'.��7f;1� G�5":� S�IC}C.k i1,s.r11:i �SU[• iY� .a;r ���rr-r'e?S�:af F-xiC�riiir �. ,ai�.1i1 i:f'.-, „ , ,� � • , � .. 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Err if7� s,�3�t7t,. G!:�+-1 St��F-� �E;���4�]t�ti[� c;:ir� :�e u5�:r�1 Ur1 13UI� u{��tti. '.rrr_�iE��rt ���iqt� ;� �����r,��,i�,r�= �f r�*,�Yr :t�7!f fr�3r��� �re��rr�l,ri� TF�c; :���,ri �ta_��a arri��; rri+�deAS ThP a�E�r��ci stt�{s pasiti�n �� ���17��� attr;.�rt�:�� �_1N���n �S furrvsh�:rl ni �t vr��e d�nety ��t isn�shes to tf��; �t�UC� _+�Srar����iy sp��oir� o�, t�,lly c�rr���r�-:ss�e� Tti�r+�ir�r+� Ct�:7'f�l��ll:�i74 +lV�'C�II l'ICtI�C1fPlC�IIEf'tyS. W'�ZE'Pl !_�£.'cll;f 5�[7� 4ERl�'i��Clllt� IS US�C�. XI"�f� CFll�1�� L�F'.C�f�L ']f TfaeSe �.iniE� rt1�y �� �nse+� �r1 C���ku��Cti+�r� �.�itt� r��7ny ��f�'��}ir�y �nrila t�� 5 to i ��eC�rB85 f�SS than th� r.'f�EZ[1 �qr�� surt�,:.e a�pl�Pci �ir�c,r rl�{;�r5 Ir� s���ie cases, dc:rar ci�sers �pen�r�g As a�� wx�r���ee. �� tf7e h+��r�er ,5 templat�ri t�r rn�y r''��ci t� b� ��l��a�Y'�f wvitk7 c7�3ti€]r�al C1r'o� k3r�CkatS i 0�) rfe�tri r;t�� tlir�ri �hfs dtac7r ,�tll p�en s«r��e��v17Er? vvh�r�t� =�r� E�v�Mlak�ie fr�rrr ul�ser rF��r��Pf��:lurers. Glyr}r�• t�Et�+��pcz {�'3 tc�t�"s .3r�ci rua! yc�63riy furCfl�r th2n 1[]0 . Jr712eisvr� ai,�3 P�rr��r�d�� �n �r7[�Ig ��mh �rackc�q i's��ff�x ,�1 Enwteonr���r,t;�i �;�,�a'���AtrrynS ahOUfd �6��rf�y5 be �0�5+��rEd � e+xhor.h =:Ilr�y�JS tf�u t�r�ldey ��r s��{� io t7e r7-ao�.��ited nrt tf-,F whe�� sp�ci#��in�� ���rc;rY���ci Iipl��er5 �nd StOPS. DOOrs that henc�� �,r ��,fl s�c�� �f th� ��oor. Thrs anqke �an~�b br�c�c€t o��n t� th� �xtar�nr e�f a t��iide#irtic� r�r ar� subteet t� e�rr:,- rrti��� a9sr� h� �_f��*1 f�! flt�sh 4r�r�Jor�� r7ic��_�ntin[� TAm�fat�s Siv� c;r�r���t��'�ns Snq�l�i t�e Bqtt��7ped with � holr�Fr pr�v�da.i �Ilt�w fr�r v�r��f��� r��o��r�atiri�� R,��sirG,_;��5. rangi�� �:c�r�Siru�te�� pa'im�rify r�f 5t�anlP�� st��el, hra5s ar k7rCtn�e frf�r�� 8� - t 1f�' h��l�f �,+��r��5t[s� �ng�ay 90 ;Far�eS hC��C€€r� rr��teri:�is sti ynst�r� 3 ���g o�er�tinr� life frpe o� r�isE �nd �-3r�� ��e�:>igrz�c! fc�r �n,talMatic�n an �.r�r+t�,tr�l�, K,I �,4,�s r�f �i�arS C4rre�s+�yn Fc�r ir,tesic�r L�r�[�itir�ns, sleel rn�4er,�l m�y t�� �dr,ci �r��;t�5 ;3o1C� r',3V �7�' uSBd �r�r jc_}_;r; t7�f7i.ir1lf?d Cyr� c3G��'�li�l]I� �f��1:7lFC�f1 f:�rdS� 3ilQ� IJr�JnZE subStr"a:�s s+vIPE, �r? eon��pr71°nr��sl ho�tt type `�ir7r���. �fifset p�vots Cc�r���ntan��s yer7�r�i. p*n:��_f� � nipr� ��lirat:tive �rcheteCdp,�r71 �r�,a'�; I���c���s .,; :;rr��f as s:vin� �.G��3r I�,nges �nd r���r�er��is e�in�r f��'s�s�� S��r��f��,� fV�.l��r�������:, R�r=�r�r tc� l�;rrl�E�t�s for st�r��lard ty��+� r�fynr� .l�,r�•�;-;,�„ ;�R�+viLtes rf�!€� ����54 Gr���r�pi�t� M�n� �� ^�v�r- r*}��!�r�,t�.'C; �rr_ar�w�crr�n�S Fc�f�r c�rly 5�eCt�l �ppliG�i�GnS !� h��{! h0�:!E'r�: :lts!f sic���. praVidlrl�7 S4iutaOnS fnC the rn�+�i � Ir�Cdl r�E�rag��,;�i�:�� r�r f� �hP f�rtnry f�r �cfdAtiO�t�� . .,�,�'icii CQ3���'�s�?x :�c;c:F c:�:r�t�t�9 urc�t�f�iZZS. R2F�Er tr� Glyr�n-Jonnsen I�f�?Y�i1fi➢rQ 1:'i�' _::)r��T)��'f�rrllprrTldxi+�Tl (3�1 OUf V�Cif1U$ r7R("I��}Pi$ �0 ..-���s h����ier� �,r� -t�+��t��a�d tor Ei�avy- ��,ty a�pi��.�- , ;!,�4 ar� ��Je�;�l ��r ,5� ;�n {�oc�i�-tr�qi�en�v u�Gr,�nC�S .�ar .v+�7µ ��i.�c��v .�=�d .. ' �rGV�Cle Ipng la�tir�g ¢_.�a�te�f,C., '., ;+'�t� t1±7,�r ;��rt��, t�in�QS. rel�t?Ll f,�r;-��v�►rt� <ir�-.i s�rrr�-,�an�°{�nt� s^;���Il� 7r �7}�4trt,CUOnS. Ihe h�9� �p�:s; hirc:iu,�� 5h+�u9Ci :7e ��:�:e� tivYre�rt� :t i:; ��2Sir�d IcJ h�1�1 � [EtlC,r ���]en ,_�t ,�{%REti^J C��CAILS: � pr����':er���n�e� �,�g�tanr� #c,r ;;P�s�rt �4r iCan� ��r�O�iS �-,t �u��� Jamb: 4 - #1�x 1'I�A fl�t he&d wex�SCrews ;��a n��:'�r�,�# .3�� ��r1���-�3tt�_a�ta��f 'r�ffic; fID�,�,� t��rc���,��h �hr � - /;' -2C�x�1�'fiat�ead machine screws Daar: 2 - f•," • t�x �'/�' pa�head mae�'sne scr�ws 7�,�nEr��a �� . •/•,:" • �8 x i�;,^ sex bQlts '•,r"+fhl�?r1 [f1r? Ilq�d{7 ���t?t'� Ie�Fls;'11{)fl r��. Ylt7� c1 �fBC}ll���t?t71F�Ili. 'h1r� 5lV�� ±�+'ti' t�.r�?�lrr_ar7 �;.i"';x �,) ��CilViil@S 4h� ��s71� c#t�?��tiv2 C3��C�t ._ .-!"',t'�,-�V !�lin:,,:, ,��� r�i��i� �i7���,f? ft'���iCl1fE'. �I�C�U(7El t�L�9,:! •��y .rz . ,�,,1�;;-; :,.+fT�x f � ;'�r;:��;o��ir' _lrl dITE'rG?�lt�^vc' fli.�l�.`f�R'�:1 �I1�'i�l(�11 �V11�r'f� �-: i._fe[il '_sr L�_itl�Ill t�t0�?l i�C}LI�S. :^.':Isrf�il[fi' .�i I�)`=,.=� ��7�i� : :'�' tii111,1 l: :��-���Ell c�'�II�f1,�. �":'tl�l"t �lll:�ltC7l;: ,�i1it� � Shih4Ar1N`.�I " FEC? `'aPEG CRQSS�EFEfiEN[:E J�;kc�p} {'i�iS�ii��;t5 .l�cy .1:'��i��f G-.t AAode9 Ei}iMA' AN;d F�[3.S;��c. �I1"�1t�f1 ti4�1�,'� �r�7�1W� �'��a�,���i� c1t"�' LVSk?� Ill �.C?fl�l.�fl('�6(711 uNa1�' �, ,.-, ' _ , . ' „ -- ' .-;,- �ihlli�E'[? �)i�ifif fl�l4� .:�l�r?{Z e��R?t:!f'�lliC '�OC7f` G�OSE'f4:. I�Zi-, _f�11�[? � � -- .�,�:.�-- �7fll�' ?L1T1S;?!i};' f?l.11 C1t= �7f:lE'rEt� I�'�S i11t`s St1OCF. i�tyt„�f��iG'!t� +,,' � • - , ' • � ', - -- - ,�i�;;�:�s��sri, ,;;,rfF�, a� : �; ;71�'?SEi 4J3E� ��3 :��� �kuxci�.�,�, �t�_��� ,ti,if� tht•;� �.3��;;�rs t#��y ti�+ill �rc�lc�:a� cfrts 9�t� �t !f�� , , ., „ , , , „ ,. ,°I17,*�r 1ti x�.�'I� ,�, ra13tP�.y #���riiw��r� G��rtEnr� �,f9c��rl[f Cre " . �; - i-•1++� � '�.1!���k� ,t�:lrap^-r1-.� I nr � 1'�9x11 ll`.:t~i'� '�Vflf'fl -,��,If1C� {�11;5 t7'�?tl(711 Efl �1����!' e"i�.��}�9�`:c3tll�f3': 4�ti t�1� ��.'�,+�•.-;':t.���1.-sM��-.•�i�ttfa��,li ,-�i.irf�ry+:1t���f+e3 .- • ' ?�1��'1�it'��i�i�ii� c�'! "f 1r ���s�rt:�`4 .l�t_S"G'�I�kll��,) y�}flllt� (:c`�17 f11.11 lf'�ti'�c��j � , .� .u �•i�.e��� .. - .. ,.. ' '���=-- ,�. 1. �, lr'�S �iri,, i��:,r�+�_ti�11�;)�'t�{}�rE1� . , � � , � , � � � GLYTrI�MI-.3aH�15d�1►1 �.-, r.� � . ' , . ;, ,. • .. �.. . �y�as r.,�li �;:3n�,3 l kxtr f 1,3�4i�M.�r. ��.I�:s�,�� . _ , . ,� •i �� �v.r.i� �'" � ��3!t l:le�7ll I�C.) E3�lx T�ll} 1�t3lJiJ '^� �,i.i.av is,�l�,I��.�i�r �•�,,. .., �'IiS=.+ti�34�7..'���1lr�YiCs�.!;[; :f •, S1 3���a Y:�.Si� �iN a•e.l' 1Kii�c�. .�s�Q � �-1 �i 1{-�'"'t3-ti;4:?N � f Ah .'��; . .'i t.�t., vH�ti}k3`ti 'r:..:i1r�4 ir , -;.� � VAIL CASCA�}� RESCJRT GEC���Z4L CQNSTRtJCT10N SPECIFICATiQNS Cascade 8allrvom{Prefunetian S�CTIC71�q�25�-Gypsum�Yrywa�l AML Job#� 93Q26•21 De�emtaer�5, 1999�Page 1 1. SCOPE OF WORIt 1.1 The G�neral Contractar,in ac�or�anc�wikh the specifications, shall fu�mish tFse necessary labor and r�ate�ials to per�orm the requirernen#s of the wvrk sp�cofied herein. 1.2 The extent if gypsum drywa(!sf�all include but is not lirni#e�to t�e fc�llc�wi�g: a. F�rnish and install a!I materials n�cessary to can,struck new gypsum board par�tions and ceilings where indica#e�on drawings and specFfied heresn. b. F�mish and i�nstall aIN materials ne�ssary to cut and patch wa�ls as noted on drawings and detai3s and specifed her�in. Review vth�r s�ct�ons for paEchir�g wQrk#o be included under Gypsum Qry�ua:ll -C�9250{i.e.,electrical, mechanical etc.). Patching work ta ir�ctic�de patchirtg af cancrete walPs�o b�trenc�+�d by electrician as necessary fo achieve design i�ten#. c. '��ame salvaged 2 x 2 HVAC return diffuser intv new gypsum baard ceiling in areas indicated. Final lacation as�etermir�ed by the Architect. �� - -- - . � �, C d. lnstall new fiu�h m�ur�ted access panels{t�tal nurnb�r ta�e determined by pe�room�into �---r;. ' new gypsum boar�ceiling. �xact�acatic�r�to be determined by Engineering Department. �, Review al��lans and i�st�l!as required ar►dfor as noted, � _ - � 2. NU#�ERIALS A�JD METHODS � ' 2.1 Steei studs-ASl'M C�45, 25 ga�ge. a. DeptY�Qf Sectian: 3-5f8'- �-1l2',ta matc� exisk�ng condii�on. � Ru�rner's Match st�ads: rype rec�mmended by stud manuiaet�rer for flaor and cei4ing suppo�t af studs and fo�vertic�l abutment of drywall w4rk at other existing wofk. 2.2 Gyps�rn Boar�: ASTM C35 Provide�n maximum pengths ta minimi�e end•to-end butt faints. a, 51$"d�ickness unless vtherwise nvt�d,typicaL b. Type: Regular Type 7C fivr rvoms an�waterprovf#ype for baths. �3 Trirn Acc�ssaries: Pravide t�artuf�cturer'�st�nd�rd trim��essories af types indicated fat drywall wnrk,farm�d nf galvanized s#e�l�xpan�ed f#ange�for nailing arod beaded fcrr�on��alment of �anges in jvint c�mpaur�d. Provide com�v bGads, and V-shaped�ne-piece contrvl jQint be�ds. � 2.4 Acr�.ss panels ko be SeSame Type flush mv�nt�tf KSTWICAI�, C�iling Access Hatch�s manufa�tured by Karp Ass��iates, lnc.(718}784-21�5. Qimen�ians tv be a4"x 2�"unless noted AndersonlhAil9�r,Ltd 3291Nest 18"'Street,5uite 64b Chi�cago,IL fi�&Sfi (312)226-25{JO phcrne �31�}22�6-2555 fax AMLTD(�aal.cam e-m�l � V,4iL CASCA[7�RES(7RT GEhl�i�AL G�J�lSTRUCTIC7N SPECIFICATIDNS Cascade BallraamlP�efuncti�n SEC"f I�N(]�25fl -GyPsum Drywal[ A1NL Job�� 93D26-Zi aecember 15. 1999-Pa�e 2 �.4 Acc�ss panels ka be Sesame�ype f6ust�mounted KSNVECAD, C�eiling A��e�� �latch as manuf�ctured by�ta�p Assaciates, Inc. �71$}784-21�Q5. Dimensions t4 b�24"' x 24" unless nated ntt��rwise an riraw�ngs. �xact number a�d lacati�ns ta be tle#erminetl by th�e Er�ginee�ng []eparkment. 2.5 Joint Tap�: PeeForated,ceass laminated paper type. �.� Jaint C�mpaund: Ready-mixed vinyl type fc�r inter�vr us�. 3. E7(EC'�TIC�I�AND €NSTAL�ATIQN 3.1 Examin�the s�ubstrates and the spaces tc�receive gypsum drywall, and the conditians under wh�ch gypsum drywal! is to installed, and remedy any condilion�deirimenta�tfl th�wvr9c. �Da n4t pr�ceed with�h�installa��on o�nkil unsafisfactc�ry eanditians have he�n c�rrect€d in a ma�ner acceptabl�to the insta�Per.. 3.2 Install r�nn�r#racks at�loc�r, c�iling, and structurai w�lls and calumns w�ere gypsum dPy�vall s4u� system ab�t�ather work. 3.3 T�rrninat� partitian stud system at ceilings. � 3.4 Space studs at 16"O.C. 3,5 Frame d4a�openir�gs with verfieal stutls securely�ttached by scr�ws at each jamb either directly tc� frames vr xa jamb anchor ci�ps on dq�r frame. Install runner track sections at head and secure tv yamb studs. 3.6 I�nstall walf boards vertically to avo��end-butt jaints wherever possi�le. 3.7 Insta�l expased gy�ps�rn bvard with fac�side oui. Da rrot instalV imperfect,damag�d vr�am,� baards. B�r#t haards togefil��r fqr light contact at edges and ends�not more tharr 1115"open space between�aa�rds�. �]o r�vt force in to place. 3_8 [r�stall metal comer beads at external corr�ees of drywa�l work 3.9 fnstalf inetal�dge tri�n wfienever�dge of gypsum baard wvuld atherwise t�e exposed or se�mi- exposed. 3.1�i� Fir�ishing of C3�alf: Apply at gypsur�t�oard j�ints,flanges af trim accessories, penetrations, fa�tener heads,s�rface defects and elsewher�as requ�ired. a. Apply joint kape at joirsts b�tween gypsum baards. ta Apply joir�t compaund rn three caats and sand �etween last twa c4ats and�f4er last�aat. Avoid rais�r�g t#�+e nap of the paper when san�iing. � 3.t 1 Perir}rm aIR necessary pak�hing �i�ypsum drywall constru�Cion after the work of other tr�des. Review a11 ath�r s�ectiQns and ar�hit�ctura!drawings f�r informativn. AndersoniMiller,Ltd. 329 Wesk i8�'Streer,Suite 60D Chica�o,IL 60616 (3�2)22fi-2a{}l7 phone (312)22fi-2555 fax AMLTf]C3arr�r.ome-mail � VAiL CASCA�E R'�SaRT GENE�2AL CC�NSTR�J�CTI�N SP£CI�ICAT901V5 Caseade BallraomlPrefunction SE�T�OM 0925(�-Gypsum arywall AML Job#: 93{}2fi-�� �ecember 1�, 19�9�Page 3 3.12 Remvv�ali discarded cflnst�uction debris(i.e.,gypsum board, bead,stud remnants, etc.�at the end of eae�r tlay of work. 3.�3 #�roteGt th�w�rkc af oth�er�rades from damage bY gyPsum�rywal6 installation. Cc�rrec#any damage by re,�airing,cEeaning Qr replacing as r�quir�d. At the camp�etian of the work by other trades, tfluch u�and restare alf da�naged or defaeed surfaces and finish iQ match�xisting s�rfaces. :'•►**••�` EhlD OF SECTI0�1 Og25�••'•"•'**• � � ,�ndersan�M�iEer,Ltd 329 Wes�18�'Street,;u+le fiQ0 Chucago.�L�((161fi {3'E2)2Z5-2540 phone (3t2y 226-2555�aac AMLTD[�avl.com e-maii 1 � f ,�` � I I i . E � p l I�CASCAQE RESORT#93a26-�1 M'�AT E R 1,4L R E FE R E N G� PROPERTY_.a�.adeSalraarttlPref�nction _FfI�JISi-iES - DA7E p��emberl5, 1999 KEY �ESCRIPT{CJM1i MFGISC}URCE SWA�"CH VP-1 Location: �allrvoen and Prefunction Ceilir�g P�ttem: Tra�veled-ora Knock Dow� FinEsh T�rnatch Publ{c Ar�a Ce�lings Submik sar�ple t�AML for appraval priar ta Inst�llatian. . . � .,, . � � `� � � , , ���_�l -. v ti , �� — � �, � VAIL CASCA�E RES(7RT �GENERAL CflNSTF�UCT1l�N SPE�IFiCATIC]NS Cascade Ba9lroomlPr�function SECTIt7�f t1964�-�larhle and Stonew8rk A�AL Jab#: 93�D2�-21 Oecemher 15. 199�-Page 1 1. SCC?PE c7F V1r0�K 1..�'* Th�General Con#rae�ar in accordance with the sp�ci�icafions, S�Cfif�l� fl�70Q-GEN�RAL �'�, Cc�ND1710N5, sk�aiC fiurnish th� necessary labar and materiaFs t�perforrn the requkrements of the �'4�wvrfc specifie�d herein. � , 1..2 TFi�e e t of mar�4e and stane work shalf include but is not limited ta the fa�lowi . � � a. R,dd A mate#1 - Furnisk�and irostall st�ne siab�i6e flnaring ai P�r nction as nated a� dra�iu�ngs a�d specified herein. Pr�vide brass angle krar�sitios►strip where stone edges rneet'�r�+et. � � I b. Furnish and install new siab stane t�oaring �milEw archways in c�rridar as nc�ted on draw�ngs and�pe�cifled herein. ,f-`'� c. Prepareflevei al!s4ab,flvor and wa surfaces as required fo 'vel ir,stallat�an (to be included in this ct�ntract}, d Review Ar�hitectural {AD �Is}and Fix e Drawings 4FD}�ar additiarral informativn on a�l mar�ile ar�d stone Shou be is sect�an, � ti � ,� 2. MATERIALS AC�D 1��7 ` ., .`ti 1 r 2..1 S�ab sZane �es to be:� "x 24"x 3!4". Typ� nd color to be per material refe�ence sheets this�ion. t f � 2. 2 Sla s stone archwa �Ir�ori�n�to be: 314"thtick x the dimen ns af the archway-see FQ d�taiis for add �onal 6nform wn. Type ar�d color to be�er material re enc�sheets this sectican. '�� �,, .;' 2..3 Insta�lle � �with a minimum of five years experience in the su essfu6 installafion of marble units of 5imi4at s�zes and sh�pes�nd of simi6ar quantities to the uni�s`'requir�ed far this pra��ect. 2..4 Sione tif�to be thiek set aver thorough4y drie�#ieveling mortar t�ed. ��vef�ng bed ta �nstalred as required and included in this contra�et. �,.,�35 Partland Cement hl�artar insulatian Materials: Provide makeriais to cvmply witn AIVSi A1�$.1 as r�quired for 9n�tadEatian met�od designated, un�ess othenxise indicated (thick�et and thin set). 2..6 Thin bed mvrkar shall k� 1:� portiand cem+�r�tlsand gauged wikh LA�IGRET�4237 �il�e Setting Liquit�. Grouking mater��l shall be �.aticrete Qry�ond Grout an�.}aint Filler ga�ged wi#h Latier�te 3l4}f Admix. h�rtar and gr�ut add�tives shail tye as mar��factured by LatiCrete International (�r equal): � ��ticrete Park Narth 6et1hany, Gannecticut�fa525 � VAIL CASCADE RESC7RT GE�IERAL C0�t5TRUCTIQN SP�CIFICATlON� Cascade Ballraornl4�refunckion SECTIQ�1{}9604-Marbke and Stonewark AML Job#� 93426-�1 December 1�. 1999—Page 2 2,.? 7he setti�g�nd grouting martars shall be weather,frast,shock and chemical resistant and sh�ll meet the fc�ilowing physical requirements. C�mpres�ive strength 5,Q4Q psi min. Bo�td st�ength 544 psi min. Water absarp4ian 4.Q°l�max. Coe�cient af Thermal Expansion�ame as concrete. 1 f 1 3. E�ECUTIO�J`� l�3STALLA�10�1 f�. 3..1 S�aR an�S�tting E3rawint�s: Subm6t shop and setting drawings of ma�ie wark. Show in detail the jointirig>�imansions 5izes and 14catimns af cut-outs, rel � fo okher tra�es,an�f aIl other pertinet�t data and in#ormati�n. ` . 3..2 Carefulfy pack astd load�inish�d sta�e for shipme and take necessary precautiQns agai�st darnage in transi#. Da r�flt use material for b�oc � g and packing which would eause staining flr discolorafion and exercise care�a prevent stain r�g dunng the st�rage period. � 3..3 �eliver pa�kag�d s�ttir�g materials in the origi�al packages and cvnta�ners af the m�nufactur�r. Keep aggregate dry and iree frecn s�afing. � 3..4 Aecu�aiely eut,dress, driil,fit a�td fn��tone work to shapes�nd dimensi�ns shown an Drawings and fna6 sha��nd settir�g d�awAngs. Mal�e expe�se�pfan� s�ar�aces true in line, 3..5 Cut extemal carners wroth quirk•rni�r joint�where shown;cut all other�oints and�dges square and at rigEot ar�gles to f�ce, a�d wit� bac�cs parallel ta fa�e. Make rises straight,shap�,true, and �an4� s a �int�.. r' . ' F'� 3. fi Pti6r tc�installatio� examine surfaces to recelve sto��and d� not prviceed until any defects d�trimenta�ia#hs f�nished wc�rk are cQrrec�ed, in�luding moist�re pratecti�n, structural supparts, �ovis�on for expansian,�r any other cond9tion which might af�ect the 6rnished work in appear- a►�ce,uwat�r tightne55 Qr i�#egri�y af the completed inst�llati��. 3..7 If sl� is uneve�, prQVid�and install 1eve+ing �ed so that tile wiH sit wikh uniform edg�s. Maximum W�il�tloR.o#-sti�rface io�ec�ive tiles�hall n4#exceed 1�8"in$'-4'from the required plar�e nvr mare t#�an 11�6' per foot. 3..$ Verify a!I me�surernents a�d dimerts�ot�s,coardi�ate the installation of inser#s far this wnrk�nd Ctaordinate and schedule th4s work wik'�the wark of othef trades. Giue particul�r attention�o tt�e location and size of cut�uts required t�accvmmotlate mee�a�fcal,electri��, and other work ar �` adjoining cc�n�tructian, in ac,�vrdance with the reviewed sho�drawir�gs far srach trade. fr`� 3..9 F�mish davekail anchor�Iots,wedge type inserts, and other items requiring building in ta concrete or masonry wqric, aEong with It�cation drawings,in st�fFici�nt time sts�s iiot to delay j�b � prog��ss. 3..�� Stone setting,�nc�aring, and ppinting shall be in acQOrdance with appiicabke requirem�nts af � VAiL CASCApE��SORT GEf��RAL C�NSTRI�'CTICl�E SPECiFECATk4NS Caseade BallronmlPrefunction SECTIaN 0960p•Marble and Stonework AML Job#: 93026-�1 Clecsmber 15, 1999-Pa�e 3 specifi�alions vf th� Marble Institute of America, unless otherwise spe�ified or showr�. �'�,,'l1 Set stone ir� accordance wi#h fnal sekfing drawings, leve9, plumb, square, and tr�e with unif�rm �`. joints,a�curatefy aligned with gra9n ru�nni�g in the direction sY�awn. The quality af field eutting s�a�p be the same as�ar shop Gutting. � ��' 3..�� Afte�initial cleaning, p�ovide non-stain�ng terr�porary w�od guards at cr�r�iers and at�er surfaces s�b�ect to damage. Protect work�rom damage due io subsequent��ildhng operations. 3..13 9mmed%at��y prior to complet�on of the Wark,cxean st�ne by wa�hing uvith water and�ris#le brusfi��s; removing all stains,dirf and o#�rer discnlar�tions. Do not us�aci�ts,cleaning�ampounds c�r wire brushes. �n a�mp�etiat�o�const�uct�r�n, remove al�ter�porary prc�tectior�. 3„�4 �he completed ins#alla��on shall h�ve tla,ye accept�nce af the C7�erator and Ar�h�tect. Instafled units which are Ghipped,cracked,or a�i'rerwrse dar�ag�d ar wfiich, in the apinian of t�e �7perator and Archstect, do nat conform tv the S�ecif�tioc�requirements shall be reana�ed�nd replacEd. I—, • 3..15 Clean�p: �ur�ng the p�ogre�s at�e work, remove from th�site all discarded marbie, grout,e#c, at the end of each w�k day. `, 3..�f Pro#ectia�: Prcat�ct the work of att��r trades from c#ar�ag�by marbl�i�stall�tic�n. Cvrrect any � damage by rep�iring,cleaning or r�placing �s required. At comp9etian of work of oth�er trades, touch t��p and restore ali damaged ar defacetl suriaces. � •**•:END S�CTION U96fl0'••*• �! t �, t � _ � ,. / � ,� r' � I ! 1 s: � � t Y � I � .� � fI VAI L CASCADE �ESORT#9302&-21 ��t��`I�� ��.'���`�Il G@' PR�DPERTY Gas�ade Ba11r��mlPre#unckion F{NRSHES 5tane D�+T� aecember �5. 199� KEY D�SCRIPTICJN MFGISOURCE SWATCH ST-1 Locati�n; Stone F�ooring al Milhwa�c Crossovers la Bid ' S�ecies: Rosa Red Gr�nit� Finish: Haned Si�e: '/<�thick s�a6-Tt�ick Set Subr�i sample t�A,ML#or�ppraval�r�or ta install tion. , . ST-2 Lacat�onr: � ncfivn Pavers To 8id �A�1� Spec�es: Re�sa ed �rani#e � A�TEF�hIA7E Finish� Fiamed #1} Size: 2d"x 24"x'/a ick slab�-Thock 5et ` �ubrnit sample to AM ar approval peior to install tian. '� � . 1 ST-3 Lacatia�n: �'h�ne 5helf To id S�aec�es: �osa Red Granite Finish: Palished � Siz�: '/�"thick slab with oge�edges � 5ubmit s�mpie to AMI.#ar insta�l tion. � � �,1 � Nate; Afi�tone and grvut musk be sea}�d with a�ratte commerc+al sealer apprap�iate �r tk�e application. � , � Bf�55 tf�RSlii6�!5tf1pS�E't�t tae in fleti at alf CarpeUs#vn�transitio� 9vcations. � �JAIL CASCADE RESORT GE�JE�AL CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFECATIQNS Cascad�BallroomlPrefuneti�n SECTfQN 098�0-Paint AML Jvb�; 93026-21 �Decemb�r 23, 1999—Pag� 1 1. SC(]PE f3F WQRK 1.1 The Gener�4 C�ntr�cto�in accordance wiih the specificativns, Sectipn Ufl740- GEf�ERAL CONDITIDNS, shall#umtsh the necessary labvr and mate�al ta finish wh�re scheduled and shvwn on t��drawings the paint�n�wc�rk as specitied herein. 1.2 The paint f nish worlc sha�l include but is nvt limited t�: �. Ho��ow metai daar frames. b. Miscellaneous painted areas - R�v�ew all Se�tiQns fcar paintina work to be�ncfude�ir�this cant�a�ct--inclut�ir�g, but nat Irmited ta, paint fnishes assoca�ted with F�7 dr�wings. c. All wails at carridars. d. G�n#r�c#ar mu�t verify ex�st�ng painted conditions prior to pur�hase af paint t�guarantee compa#ibility of paint types. �, MATER�ALS AiVD M�THDQS � 2 1 Materia�used ir�the executian c�f this wark$hall �e new and the best grade obtainable vf their re�pective type. 2.� All r�ateriafs, su�#ac�preparatior�and ap�lication shall be in accordance with khe paint manufac- t�rrer�standards and recomrr�endakions, Surfaces shall be re�aired to be flush�with adjacent surfaces as nec�ssary. 2,3 All finish coats shall he flat,washable en�mel unless otherwise speci�ied. 2.4 Paint s�lections have beer�made�rom specif�c coior systems and paint manufacturers. Where General Cvntr�ctor wishes ta use Qtl�er than s�ecefied system, h�shall subr�it saa�ples ko th�e Cansultant far appfnvai ir�tf�e faliawing farmat: a. an 12"x 12"hardboard, provide twa sam�les od ea�ch�vlor and material,with texture tc� sim�lats actuaC canditions. Resubm�t each sample as re�uested until�cceptab�e sheen, Gol�r�nd text�re is achieved. �t. �JR�CtIJ�I� Siilff�G�S,pr�vide two 4"x�'samples of eaCh natura!and �tained woc3d f�ish as required. Label and idenfify each as ta lacatiorr a�d ap�lica#ion. 2.5 General Contractor�hall submit samples, actual paint andl�r chips ta Cnrtsullant far ver�ficatior� prior t�final application. � 2.6 Wc�od fir�ish samples shall be s�bm�tted to the Carrsuftant far a�proval;3 variai�ans: minir�um size 12"x 20"far ap�proval, pnor t�fir�ai�pp�icatit�n. AndersonlMiller,�td. 329 West 18�'Street.Su�te 6!QO Chacago,IL 6Q6i� (312)�26-Z500 phone (312}226-2555 faac AML�Dd�aa�.cam e-m�i� � �JAIL CASCADE RE50RT GEIJERAL CC�kUSTI�UCTIQ�I�PECIFICATIQNS �ascade Ballrt�amlP�efunction SECTION U9800-Paint ,�ML Job#: 93�26-21 C3ecem�rer 23, 1999-Page 2 2.7 A91 finish materials shall he treated with fl�me-retardanf prvicess wh�re required by la�al�t�de. Shou�'d flame retardant p�ocess cause chang� in c4lor and e�fect on �r�ish mate�ial, Gerr�raB Contractar shall nQt�fy the Designer. 2.8 Deliver all mate�ials t�the jcsb site in ariginal, new and �nopened p�ckages and cantain�rs bearin9 manufacture�s name and label� and the follauving ir�f4�mation: a. Number or title of mate�ial b, �e�. Spec. number, if applicabE� c. Mac�ufac#�rrer's stock num�ber and date of manuf�cture d. Mar�ufacturers name e. G€�ntents hy valc�me, for rna}of pigmerat and vehi�le constitu�nts f. Thinning instructians g. Application in5trractions � h. Co�or name and number �g Apply water-trase paints only when t�e temperature of surfa�es to�e painted and th�e surrounding air temperatures are betw��n �5D de�r�s F and 90 degrees F unless otherwise permilted by the paint man�afacture�s printed instructi�ns. Apply salvenk-#hinned paints only when the temperafure�f surfac�s ta be painted antl the s�rraunding aie temperatures are befween 45 degr�e� F ar�d 95 de�rees F �nless v�herva+ise perrn�tked by the paint manlifac#urer's prin#e+� instruciions, 3. E?fECUTIC�N ANQ INSTALLATIOh3 3.1 Irasp�ctior� a. Examine#he areas and cvnditi�ns und�r which p�inting work is ta be applied ar�d remedy any condition�deirimental ta khe proae�and timely completiQn v�the wa�t. Qo nat proceed w3tt�the wa�k until unsatisfaetory cpnditions have beert�orrecked in a manr�er a�ceptabfe ta the Applicat�ar. h. Sta�ting a#pain#ing wQrlc will he c�ns4rued as the�pplieato�'s aCCeptanc��f the surfi�ces and car�ditions within any par#icular area. c. Do n�t paint over dirt,r�st,scale, grease, maisture,scuffed surfaces,or canditions ather- � wise dettimenta!t�tk�e f�rmat�on of a durabl+e paint Tilm. 3.� Surface Prepa�atian Ar�dersonlM�fler.Ltd. �29 West 1$"�Street.Suile fi(JQ Chic�ga,I�.54616 (312}226-25()d phone {31 Z��26-2555 fax AMLTa!�oi.C�am e-mad � VAI�.CASCADE RESC7RT GENERAL CONSTRl9GTlON SPECIFICATIONS Cascade Ballraa�nlPrefunction SECTION Q�804-Aaint AML Jo6#: 93�2fi-21 6ecemher 23, 1999-Rage 3 �. General: P�rf�nm preparatian an�cleanin�procedures in st�ict accardance with the paint �nanufact�urer's instr��tians and as herein speGified,f0f�aCh SUI35tfe3��CDf1f�ItlOfl. �1} R�move all hardware accessories, machined s�rfac�s, cover�lates, iighting fi�ures, and similar items in place and rrot ta be finisF�-painted,gr provide surfaCe- ap��ied proteetion priar t�surface p��eparation and�ai�ting operatit��s. Rer�4ve, if neeessary, far the complete pai�dit�g of the�tems�nd adjacent s�rfaces. Follc�wing campletion of painting af each space ar ar�a, r�install the r�mbved items using warkrn���skilled ir�the trades invoived. �2} Clean surfaces 4v be pain#ed before apRlyrng pa6nt or surface tr�atments. R�emave ail and grease pr�o�ta m�chanical cleaning. Program the�leaning an€i p�inkir�g�o khat eontaminants from the elear�ing prvicess will nc�f fail onto w�t, r�ewly p�inted surfae+�s. (3} Do ne�t app�y pa�nt ta exis#ing walkcavering. C�mpl�etefy remcrve ex�sting waflc�v- ering and adhesive. Repair any damage t�su'trstrate. b. Cem�ntit��us Materials� j1} Prepare c�emetitiaus s�rfaces of�oncret�,coner�te block,cement pfaster, drywalP, � �nd cem�nt-asbestc�s bc�ard to be paint�ti by removing all e�larescence,chalk, dust,dirt,grease, t�ils,and by raug?�ening as re�uired to remave�laze. (2} Det�rr�ine the alkaiinity and m�isture conient vf fhe surface�to be painted by pe�form�ng a�pr�pr��t�tes4s. If the surfaces are Found t� be su�cier�tEy alkaline�o ca�se blisterirag a�d buming of the fnish paint,�orrect th6s c�ndit��n before application of paAnt. Do nat paint surfaces where t��nnoisture c�ntent exceed�that p�erm�tted in the manufacture�'s printed directions. c. Waad: �1) Clean wa�d surtaces to be paintied at all dsrk, �il,�r other fcrreign substances w�th 5Cf�p2fS,mineral spirits, ar�d sandpaper,as required, Sandpaper smoath those fr�is'hed surfaces expased 4o view.antl dust of#. Scrape and clean small, dry, sea�oneci knots�nd ap�ly a tfi�in coat�f white�hellac or ot�er recommended �nat sealer, befc�re appficativr��f the pr�mireg cvat. After�riming, filE hokes and imperf�ctions in finish surfaces with putty or plasti�w�nnd-filler. 5an�pa�er smoath when�rie�d. 3.3 M�terials P�epar�ti4n a. Mix ar�d pnepa�e painting ma�erials in accordan�e wi4h manufact�re�'s d�r�cti�ns. b. Stor� material� r�ot in a�tual use in tightly cQVere�cantainers. Mainta�n containers used in sto�age, mixing and ap�li�ati�n of paint in a cle�n condrtion,fr�e of foreign maTerials and � residue. c. Stir materials�ef�ore ap�licati�n to praduce a mixt�re of uniform d�nsity, and stir as Rndersan�Mill�r,Ltd 329 Wesl 1$�"Streel,Suit+�GQO Chica�o,AL 6Q�15 �312}22fi-2'5�}0 phone 4317)��6-1555 fax AMLT!}(�?aal.cvm�-mail � VAIL CASCAD�F��SCIRT G�NERAL CONS1�R17C71ON SPEGIFICATI�NS Cascade BallroomlPrefunc�ion SECTI{7N 098[l{J-Paont AML Job#: 9302f-21 �ecember 23, i 9�9--Page 4 requieed durin�#he applicati�n�f the matenals. Da not stir surfa�e film into the material. '�emove t�re film and if necessary,strain khe ma#erial �efore usir�g. 3.4 Application a. �eneral: �j) App(y�aint i��cc�rda�ce w�tt�the ma�ufacturer's tlirectians. Use applicata�s and technique�best suited f�r the substrate and type�f material being applied, (2} Apply additional coats when ur�der�aats,s#ains or other canditions show through th+�final cvat v�p�int, untii the p�int fiEm i�of uniform finish, co�or and appearance. Give sp�cial attention t�insur�that aEi surface�, including edges,c�me�s, crevices, welds, and exposed fastener�receiv�a dry film thickn�ss e�uivalent tv that�f flat surfaces. �3) �'aint sur�aces be�ind mflvabls ec;uipment and fumiture khe same as similar expnsed surfaces. Paint surfac�s�ehir�d pe�rnanently fixed equipment or fumiture with�rime coat 4nly befare final installati�n of equipn�ent. �4) Painf int�ri�r surfaces c�f ducis,where visible thrc�ugh regoste�s or grilles,with a#lat, nor�-s�ecular black paint. �5) Finish exteriar doa�s c�n tr�ps, bottoms and sid��dges the same a�the exterior � face�, unless vt}a�erwise indicated, tFJ Sand 9ightly b�tw�en s�cceedir�g enarnel or vamish coats. (l} C�mit t�re fi�t coat�primer)a�r m�etatl surfaces 4hat have be�n shop-p�imed a�rd touch-up pai�ted, +�nless otherwis��ndicated. b. Scheduf�ng Pa+nting: (1} Apply t�e first-cvat material to surfaces ti�at have been cleaned, pretreated or otherwise prepar�ed far paintin�as soan as practicab�e after preparation and �efore suhsequent�u�iace deteriorati4n. (2) Allaw sufficie�nt time bekween successive coatings to permit ptape�drying. Do n�t recaak�tntil paint has tlrred to wf�e�it feels firrr�, does nat d�farm o�r f�ef stieky under m�derate thumb pressur�, and tf�e ap�lication of anot�h�r coat o#paint does not cause lifting�r Iass�f adhesion af the undercvat. c. �h�nimum C�vating Thickness: (1) Apply each rraa#enal at not le�s than the manufacturers recamrr�ended spreading rate,#o esta�l#sh�katal dry film thickrress as indicated ar, if n�t indicated,as re�ommended by coatir�g man�facturer. 3.5 �I�ean-�Ip And Pratection a. �lean-Up: During the p�ogress of the wo�k,remove�r�rn th�site all disca�ded paint mater- � ials, rubbish, cans and ra�s�t the end of each work day. �1J l�pan camp�etivn vi painting work,clean window glass and other�aint-spattered AndersoniM�ller.LEd. 329 West ib""Slreet.Suite 6D0 Chicaga,IL �0616 i312)226-250Q phane �312)226-�'S55 fax AMLTa a(7.a41.cam e-m�i � VAIL CASCADE RESdRT GENER,AL CC}NSTRIJCTlC�N SPECfFICATlat�S Cascade BallroomlPref�nc�ian SECTI�N a9$(}0-Paint �,ML Jrsb�: 93426-21 Decem�er 23, 199�—Pac�e 5 su�f���s, Remove spatter�d paint hy pr��er methods of wash�ng and scraping� usang care not ta scratch or fltherwise damage finished�urfaces. b. Protectian' �rotect wa�C af o#her trades,whether to be��inted or rtat, from dam��e by pa�ntir�g and fini�hing wt�rk. Cor�ect any damage ay�ieaning, repairir�g qr re�lacing, and repainting. (1} P�ovi�e"Wet Rain#"signa as required to prc�tect n�wly painted finishes. I�ernove t�mporary protective wrappEngs provided under sectians for protectior��f a�jacent wvrk, after campl�4it�n a�painting operatic�ns. (2} At the completion caf work�f�ther trade�, ta�ch-up and restore all damages ar de#aced s�rfaces. *••,• END 5ECfil�]N Q984U*••«' � � ,4nderscsnlhr�ilfer,Ltd. 329 West 18°"Sire�et„Suite 50q Chicages.IL 5[]�6fi6 j3f23 226-25�0 phone �312)22fi-2555 fax AA�lLfi�(a?2ol.COrrt e•mail ,-t. _ _ _ ;P.ri _ _ __ _ _- _ ■ ��M " ■ -�.�� \ .� / � 1' • 1 ! 1 .f� 1 � � v�o� c�sc�ar�� ��s�����3a�s-�t M'ater�al Reference PRC�PE RTY Casc�d_e Balfrooml�fefuncfivn �I�I���� Pairat �RT� �ecember 15,��99 KEY QESGRNPTIQN MFGISC�URCE SWAT��i PT-1 Lc�cation: Radiatar, HVAC Govers and Hollow Devoe ar Equal Metal�]oor Frames ,.� � -��t�r: 4�32R Brc�w�Clave - � , �ini�h; Semi-Givs� � � _� ? P�'-2 Lacatiar�: Ballmkam ceilingls�#�t faces She�uvin-'�Jilliams�r Equal Colo�: SW �36f] LF�V 75°Ia F'it�i�sh: Flat PT-3 Lo�a#ion. Ballr�c�m HVAC �rilles Sherwin-Widliams ar Eq�al Cofvr: SW 136Q�:RV 75°/a Finish: Semi-Giass PT•4 L�at�on: Rref�n�tivn c�i�inglso�t faces Sherwin-Wildiams ar Equal Cc�#or: SW 1350 LRV 75°l� Fin��h: Flat PT-5 Lvcation: Prelun�tion HVACIGei�les Sherwin-Williams or Eqval Golor: SW 136fl LRV T5°Io Fic�ish: SEmi-Gloss ' � �lAI'L CASCRD� f��SC}RT C��1ERA1.CDN�7RUCTION SPECIFICATI�}NS Cascade Ba�lroarnl�refunctEon SECTIflN 122a0-��rpet F�ML Job#: 93�26-i5 �ecernber t5, 1�99�-�age i 1. SCdPE_4F WO�K 1.1 The General Cantractnr in�ccordance wiki�the specificatior�5, Sectian 007t7�-GEIV�RA� CON�3171f71�5, shall fumish the necessary labor and r�at�r�als to instal!where�ch��uled ar�d sh�wn�,n the drawings the carpet and pad a�speci��d herein and shall fumish and �nstall all other relat�d nece�sary items. a. Instal!owner pravided earpe�ar�d pad as specifaed her�in. 6. Furnish and in�stall all thresholds, tackless stripping,do�r mekals,etc. as requir�ed fc�r in�tall�tion. c. Provide Purchasin�Ag�rtt with�necessary takeofifs aRd quantity infarmation as require�ta order all carpet irr the correct quantities, length,rvll si�es,dye lats,etc. for the�ntire �� pro�ect - -- --- - �----]..�.��-- --� 2. MATERIALS AND METH��S � 2.� Maferial usEd in the fabrucation and installatian o##his war�shall�e new and�he best gra�� obtain�ble r�f their respectnve ry�es. 22 Car�et: by�7wner See Furnisi�ing Vofumes fvr individua!specifieat+ons 2.3 Untlerlayment: �urni�hed by Owner a. 12 feet wide ar as na4ed. b. #2580 Dua4ity Tred-Mor Comm�rcial Carpet�u�hiQn or mast iike type pad compatib�e ta I�ca!climate. 2.4 Tackless Striqq�ng Shall be R�hert's"Sm�othedg�`.c�r appraved equ�k, 2.� Door Metals and Ed4e Trim: 5hafl b��Eamp-d4w�+ h'R�with na exp�sed fasker�ing, unl�ss otherwise specified. �xpased screws or nail�are n�ot acce�table 2.6 InstaPlation af the carpet sttaBl be�erfarmsd by�killed,ex�rerienced,journey�nen carpet insialiers. Apprentices shall be used in acc�rdance with the terms oT the�ntractu�4 agre�mer�t with the �nion and only when ihe a�s�af ap�r�entices is applicab4e under the terms pf suct�Agree�ner�t. Th�e wor�is t� include all labor,�equipr�end, matenial, and tvols necessary far the com�letion ai the jab. 7Me irr�tallatian is to�e in accardanee with the carpet manufacturer'�recamme�dations for the best dnstaElation practic�:s. Workmanship shall t�e in ke�ping wit�r the highest standards of the � ca�et install�tion industry. AndersvnfMil'ier,�3d. 329 West 18�'Streel,5u�te� GhGcaga,kL 66CI616 {312)226-250Q phane (312)226-2555 fax A�M Tp[r�ao�.cam�ma�l � VAIL CASCADE RESt7RT GENERAL C�]�JSTRUCT�(3�1 SPECIFMCATIO��JS Cascade Ba6lrvamfPrefun�fian SECTION 1220a- Carpet AML Job#: 93026-i 5 Qec�em�e�15. 159�-Page 2 2.7 General Contract�or shall take all measurements necessary and prep�fe a sch�dule of quant$ties �ya��age, 6al[s or square fe�t}�f each material s�ecifie�. The schedufe shall be pr�sentetl with btd propasal to tt�e t�wr�e�for puc�h�sing_ 3. �XECIJTlON AND I�JSTALLATION 3.1 Measu�emen#� a. Qimen�ivns in the plans and specifcations and the drawings are to be cvnsideeed as appraximates. Ct��tractar shall be required to c�reft�lly ch�ck in th�feld all dimensions and otY�er Con�i#�c�ns atfecting his work. The con�ra�tar shall�e held solely resport�ib��for prvpe�`instaliat�vn af the carpet en all areas de�ignated. b. Cvntractvr shall �ravide i�wr�er with necessary infarmation so thaf carpet may�e obtained in ro�fs antl widths that will avoid extra sear�s ana r�duce cutting ar�d trimming lasse�. Gvntractor shall be required to advise#he Owner of ctesired roll dimensions sa as to provitle prnper rall lengt�s f�r long ���idors and fc�r large expanses of carpet that may requ+re sp�ecial installat�on eonsideeations. A�y cutting af carpet rolls d�e to aec�ess problems 40 other fl4ors shall re�uire Owner approval. � 3.2 The Cantractof shall inspect the sub#laori�g hefore c�mmencernent�f wc�rk. The Cor�tractar shali noti�r the 4w�er, in wnt�ng,of any cor�ditions ti�at will preve�t him fr�m producing satisfactary finished work, 3.3 The start of installatian of�a�p�t by khe Contr�ctar shall be an indmcation of his acce�tance pf the Subflbor��nd he wi9! �utnmatically a�s+�me th�respc�nsibility for any unacceptable finished work caused by subfloor cc�nc�itic�n (or existxng padding, �f�eused}. 3.4 The�c�ntractar shall carefully brt�m-clea�f��aors that are ta be�arpeted prior to th�9nstall�tion of car�et and padding. 3.5 Removal and Replacemenf of F�miture and Equipment a. Removing and replacement of fum�shir��s in place prior ta#he actual initia4 installati�n af#he carpeting shall be by pthers. C�ntractnr shall give Owner pra�pt and timely notice o#the necessity such remmvai 3.6 Installation a. Prior to ccamm�ncing ins��llatio�of the carpet tt�e Contractar shal�cnnfer w�th the car,pet m�n�facturer con�emir�g the most ef�icien#and cqmect way oi�xe�cuting the installatEQn. The rnanufact�re�s re�omme�da�tic�ns shall be considered binding and fir�al u�less otherwise de#ermir�ed �y tfi�e Desi�ner. � b. All instaflaCion techniques sha11 strictly adh�re with industry stancfar�s. �Cvntractor shall be required ta properly pre�are the site fo�Eaying the carpet. The ccandi#i�n�f the flcsors and pr�p�ratory steps to insure a high quafity installation shall be the�ole r�spansihility of the ARdersqnli�w�il1er.Lid. 329 V1+e5C 1$�Stre2k.5ui1e�70 Chi�a�a,IL 6(16�6 {312f 22�•25IX]phane (313}22�-2555 fax AMLT❑ aol.com�-mail � VA1L CASCADE RES�RT GENERAL CCJNSTF��fCTYON SPEC'�FI�ATlC3NS Cascade Ballrc�omlPrefuncti�n SECTIQN 122OU-Garpet AML Jab�: 9302fi-15 De�em�er�5, i 995-Page 3 C�ntr�etor a�ee th�w�rk has sR�rted. All car�et�nd Underl�yment shafl be installed An accar�ance with the recQmmendatians of the ma�ufacturer af the peaducts used. c. If mill flaws�ffecting the a�pe���n�e,�o�o�,or texture a#the�carpet are discovered during Iaying operations,installers shall be required to notify the awner at once. C�ts from roll� wit�such flaws sha#I not be laid withaut the s�eCific appraval of Ph��7wner. d. VVhere car�et m�ets another floar mat�er�al {N,e.,vinyl,tile, quarry tile,terraz�a}, blind r�e�al edge�tripping shall be us�d with khe tightest possible joining, except where otherwi�e speeified under these specifications, e. C�tt�n�vf�arpek at mvnur��nts shall be af an "b" type ar simiiar tQ proaide fcar subs#antially invisible clasure sh�uld the r�orrument be mnved. Framing o#outlets shafl�e secured over carpet to pratect edges�of cut. Fina!detai�s at monuments to be ap�roved by�esigner to he appr�ved hy aes���er, a. �ubl-Stik Installati�n s�ould be as fvllows: Gl�e Q�wn Cus�ion - Cushion �hould be instalEed in V�rrgesf �engths p�ssible with consideratior�5 f�r tr�Kc patt�rns and seam �lac�me�nt. Cus#�ion seams shoufd n�t�e directly under carpet seams and�eneraFly s�ourd �e�t ri�ht angEes f�them Wher�this is not possf�l2, s�iff cvshion or carpet sa tha#cus�rion � s��ms are at leas�fi"to one sitle of car�et s�ar�s. Press�re sensitive adhesive should be u�ed, how�ver, muiti-purpose adhesive of pre�nium type orr6y, can als�a be used, T�e fl�or s�»uld be�o�t�ed wsth a�ontinuous thin f Im af adhe�ive and#he c�shian s�oultl be �ns�alled when a�hesive has became tacky Folflow th€adhesive m�nuf�cturer s instruc- tians f�r details�n appCying adhesive. Glue D�wn Car�et t�Cushion-For use betw��n the �u5hi�n and tuft�d carpets with a sec�ndary back�r wover�carpets anly�qu�lity brar�d Premium Adhesive s�auld be used Maintain prQper size of notched trowel throughvut unskallati�n, Da n�t u�e pre5sur� s�nsitive adhesives fQr use betweer�carpet and�ushion unPess m�n��f��turer ap�r�v�s specific instalfatian and appficatson rs�ethotl A!I c�rpet sho�ld ��5pre�d in roUm 2� hours pnior to actual instalAation with rcrom kemper�t€�re between b5 degree5 and 95�egrees F Garpet s�ams shauld be righd angfe Io rushian sear�s c�r ai I�ast 5"to either sid� Align prap��ky �nd tr�m aEl�eams befare spreading adhesive �o not d�uble cut carpet s�ams where cutting ioal �vill �eR�trate eushion Select a�prerpriafe adhesAVe and tr4wel natehing depending on tt�e c�arsen�ss of the car�et hacking Car�sult adhesive manufacturer 4Jse of qual�ty premiur� adhe�iv��nd pr�per quanfity is ess+�n#ia� to suc�essf�el irrstallatiar�. Afiter suffiei�r�t op�n time, �he c�rpet sho�ld be pressed dawn using cwo tc�Qt 5ection af carpet�ube, stiff bristle br�sh (not ny&ony.o� raller weigh,ing 5� pounds(�r 75�c�u�tls for waven car�etsj achieving 1�1�1°,tv contact. g_ The following types t�f carpet can b�glued dawn tv cushion:w�ven wilton, woven axminsfer, tu�ted carpet with$econdary backing of�ute ar synthetic, t�afi[ed carpek with n� seeondary bac�cing, Cuiie�l car�et wikF� therm�a�lasthc a��licati�n o#secondary backi�g of jute or polypropyfene or fus�on-bonded. � f Insk�ll�tion�f c�rpet shala be ta�kles5 strrp, R�berts"Smaothedge",or�pproved equal. P�dding (cushir�n}shall be laid in larg2st�ossibE�I�r�g#hs, using minimum�number af s�ctiar�s, making sur�that paddin�g is securely adher�d to the sub-floar with t�e p�dding Artder�pnlM�ller,Lt�d. 3�'9 VYesl 18°`Sxre�C.5ui4e 600 Ch+caga.IL�(]fi1fi (312)226•250(}phqne (31�y Z��-�555 fax AMLTDf�a aaE.cam e-ma�l � VAlL CRSCADE RESORT GEhlERAL Cp�ESTRUCTlC}N SPECIFICATIdNS Ca�cade BailroomlPrefunctio� SECTION 1�2�0-�arpet AML Job#� 93026-15 aecember 15, 1999�P�ge 4 cem�nt as manufactured �y Ra�erk�Cansalidated Intlustr�es, ar equa(,ta prevent shif#ing, �uckling,etc. �1I�s�ams �n rub6er padding shall be jained by fape seaming and c�m�r�ted with padtling c�ment. AI� b�bbl�s sha61 he knee-kicked t��a�and a slight stretch applied to t�e padding Gushi4n s�ams shal� be laid vut so that c��pet searns wiii nat falV directly o+rer thertt. �adding shall be carefualy laid 5�as to prov�de a gac�d fourrdation for laying�f the car�et. Ex�essive�atching usin�g sm�ll rer�nants wbll nat b�p�rrnitte��. g. Carpet is to be inst��l�d�ver pa��irt�in ac�ardance with manufacture�s r��ommerrdations for seame�g technique and proper amount af stretch in length �nd width. P�wer�tretctrers are�c�be u#ili�ed in order lo obkain khe proper tens�an an the ca�pet. Knee-kickers are noi cons�d�red adequate subst�t�tes far power str�tch��s. Ma#erials shall be cut an�d fitted tightly to walls, obstr�ctians,comers, pipe fittings, and electrical,air condit�anir�g, heating and ve�til�tian outiet�, Power stretching s�ral! be a miraimum vf 1 1f2 degrees in aFl tlirecti�n. 3.7 Seaming a, If the mar��facturer has any special�n�tructions regarding the seaming�f tF�e car�et as speci�i�d herein, the carpet cantract�r must abide by them. 5eams shaYl nQt�cur at dtiorways and entries pe�`pendic�lar Io tioors or entries. Additianally,seams accurrin�at � doo�paraliel to daor frames�ha#I b�cente�ed directfy unde�kh�dvor, Len€�th seams st�al! be trimmed and joined �n accordance with t��manufact�rer's specific�f�vns, b. When i�tstallin� pa�tem gamds refer tt�detail draw�r�gs to see placement and direction of design. Repeat ta�natch at arl�eams. Ca�pet shall t�e properly cut to eliminate fraying of the�ut ends,cuts 6eing �nade from the frvn4, na!tt�e back o#the r�ateei�l. �Cuts�hall be made ta insure continual patier� matching 4�r4ughou#. c. All�ross-seams shall b�cut and made an the wire, There�shal!�e not cras�-se�r�s in t�e r�n of t�e corri�ors. �.aying techniqu�s shall b� in camplete conformanc�with the carpet m�nuf�cturer's�ecQmmended installatian practices. d. H�t tape sys#ems will�e permitted if uncanditivnalTy warranted fnr the lif�vf the carpef by the ma�ufactur�r of the p�c�d�rct and the carpeting. He�#seam kape sha11 be as rec�m- mended by the manufactur�r. Searns shall 14e fia2 with no uisible�ruckering, puliing or di�tortion. e. When bvrder is used refer�o detai!drawing to see pla�ement and directi�n of barder. Ef bor�e�r has a stripe af pattem, spe�ciai care m�rs#t�e tak�n to ma#ch repeat a stripe at 90 degree inters�tians. Seams at 9Q-degre�intersectic�n�nust he mitere�. M�#er�d seams to be either s�wn vr jo3ned with hat�ap�as per manuf�c#ur�rs recommer�d�d method. 3.$ Pr�tectivn And Clea�-�Jp � a. The C��kr�ct�or shall protect the carpet installat�on from d�mage r�sulting#r�m#he work of other tradesmen rn the �uilding,�cheduling and re�spansibififiy to be caordinated with Owner and�uikding cantractar. Car��t instailed pric�r ta�ct�mpl�tior�o�ir�stallatian of k€�e buiKdirrg �anderson��r�iae�.�sd. 3zs wes��a�s�re�t.s�oie sao cn,c�go,IL 6061fi �3�z)�zs-a�o�p��e {3�2}2�-2��5�a� a��n�r�i��r.carn e-m�i � VAIL CASCA�E RESflRT GEh�ERAL CaI�STRl1C71{�N S�'ECfFICAT44NS Cascade BallEOamfPrefunction SECTIQN 122L�fl-Carpet ,�,hti�Job#: 9302£�-15 December 15. 19�9—Fage 5 fumishings and fixiures shalf be pr�tec�dvely cr�ve�ed 6y the C�ntract�r. 7h�s cov�r6r�g si�all be remaved Dnly when that segment af t�e wa� is completed and appraval t�dd s�has be�n issue� in wntir�g by the�wner. Carpet under any cove�ing shaff continually be ir�spected fcar mildew, edc. b. Upan compfetio�of the installation flf each area and at the end af each tlay,the Cantractor s�hall remvve all waste ar�tl exce5s materia3s and stare all tools �nd equipment. c. Up�n cQmpietivn of t�e entire installa#i�on, or such segments�f the instaiEati�n as the�wn�r may prescribe,the Cor�tractor s�all care�ully and tharaughly uacuum-clean k�e�entire car�eted su�ace with an upright�eater-type vacuum cieaner, All sail, spflts, and stains shall be rernoved tay metf�ods reca�trnended by the manufacturer of the carpet. All such work shall b�done ta the satis�action of th� �wner. d. Contractar shall ae respvnsible far damage to any bui�d+ng s�rfaces caused by carpe� inSt��PatiOn i.E., paint, wo�dwark,doors, base bo�rds, etc. e. T��e cast vf remov�ng and replacement of equipment a�d#ur�it�re r�eee�sitated by cprrective or warra�ty warl� shall be hvme by the Contractcar. Contractar sh�fl make#imely arrangements with the Owner for such r�movaf and rep�acemer�t as may be required. '� 3.9 Clverru�And Usable Scrap a. AI! vsable�xeess pieces af�arp�t, not ne�essary to complete th�work, shall he packaged in w�ap�ing s�if�hle far�t�rage, clearly fabel�d and marked as to canstruction qua�ity, colvr, and sizes, and be�laced in an arderiy mar�ner in ��c� a�ea as may�e designat�d by khe Owner. 3.14 Corrective W�rk a. The Cantractar shall t�e re�uired to repair t�e car�et, repair seams,jflints and edges, antl remave twisting, pucke�ir�g or bubbles af�er ihe initaal installatian has been completed. The exact 4ime for performing of this wark shall h� IefC to the discretion �f the Qwner, but shall b�within the�irst twslve�12J mon4hs after finad approva! and acceptar�ce of the origina� installativn, Owr�er is to give�tlequ�te notic�for perfonming the work�a that khe Contractor may ma'ke t�e necessary arrangements for daing tMe wc�rk Jnc� such notice has been �iven,the�ontractor shall �e required t�pramptly start the wark an�vir�c�rausly�rosecute the carrective wor�to a s�tisfactory Ganclus�ar�. ' `•,•EN[}SECTIC}N 12200•,• ', � AndersonlMiller,�Cd 329 West 18�"5treeL Suite 6{}0 Chiear�o.I�60616 (312)226•2�[1p phone (3��]22fi-2555 fax aMLTa�aa�cam��nail Q � � 1 .►' I t � I .✓ I.t VAlLCASCA�ERES(7RT#930�fi-21 �r7��Clc�� F�ef�eren�ce PRC7PEF�TY C�scade Baflroor�fPr�functian FII�ISHES Ca�et DATE December 15. �9�9 }(EY QESCRlPTIO� MFGISflURCE SWATCH CP'T-1 Locat�on: Carpet Field [� Balirc�om ' Templetnn C�rpet Miils. Pa�tem: �Custom �apiskron Qavid Dunn 10U°/4�olution �yed Nylon �105)�75-8665 Calar: 7 Calc�rs Wi�th: 13'-6" Re�eat: 48"width,48"le�gth Refer tv FEE-8F-fi(]0 for additianal infnrmatinn. CPT-2 Locat�on: Carpe# Border� Bal�raom Templeton Carpet 6Nikls Pattern� Gus#om Tapristron ��vid Du�n 1�00°la Salution Dy�d l�y6an (7{�6�275-8665 f �olor: 6 Cvl�r� �--��,, � Width: 24"uwide �-�-- Repeat: 48' Refer to FFE- BF-601 fQr atldmtional infarrnati�n. CPT-3 Lacation: Ca�pet 8�rder�a Prefunction �� Temp�etvn�Car�ef Mill� Pattem: Custorn Qakleigh aavid G+unn 10{�°la Antron Legacy �lylon 7�6)275-86�5 Fiber Weight: 40 oz. Pile Height: _375" Width: 14"wide Refer to FFE- B�-6Q2 f�r additional infarmation. CPT-4 �a�catic�n: Carpet Pre�unction 8�Comdor Mas�and F�t�em: 7(304-35$�5 1Q-i0� Merchantlise M�r# �Q0°Jo Dupont L�g�cy Chicago, IL 6�654 Wsdtt�: 92'-�' Braadl�m {312) 527-3855 �312} 5�7-3887 Fax Attn: Ja� Ross Refer to FF�- BF-643 for a��itionai ir�fQrmation CPT-5 Locacion: Garpet Pad @�allr�am� Prefuctio� F�anklin$�As�vciates Manufa�turer: Tred-Mor 2�84 645 h!. Mlch�gan Avenue UVidth: 12`-Q"w#de Chicagq, iL�0��1 �312j266-bS57 Refer ta FFE-BF-fiO4 for a�ditiflr�al rnformatiort. � VAI'L CASCA�E R�SORT GENERAL C�NSTRUCTION SPECIFiGATIOh1S Cascade BaalroomlPrefunc[ion SECTI�N 114Q�1-Salvage A4�L Job#: 93b�6-21 December 15, 1999-Pag�1 1. SGOP�QF W+�RK 1."f .���e Gi�E�AL CCINTFL4�TC�R in accnrdsnce with the specifications, SECTIi��I Q07fl0-GENERAL , �'`r CC?h�DI��F3NS,3�al4 fur�is�h the neces�ary lab�r and �quiprnent to p��form the requiremenfs af the wnrk speeified herein, All cor�ditic�ns within SECT10�#0{ti7f10-GENEF�,AL C(�NQITlONS applicable , specifically ta th�General Cvntractor: item 4.0 t}�raugh it�m 21.a inclusive,shali apply ta the 1 Salvager as well. 1.2 The extent af kh�sa�va�ir+g work sh�ll include b�t is no#lir�ited to t�e�vllow�ng: a. Removal an�d off-site dispo�al of,ail carpet,edge trim, tack strip and pad, b. Removal ar�d ofif-site dispasal�f, ail drap�ry ma�e�ials�indaw treatments�ryd tcack. `•.____-, , , , c. Rernaval and off-s�te dispas�l of,th�following fumishings: ,. ', .,_ i 'Ex�sking wall sconc�s&ch�ndeli�t5 �- M �,� � ' 1�`1 . . � 2. EXECU�IQN GF NJtJRK `� � 2 i Carpe#, pad, tack 5tr�ps and m�tals shall�e fuliy removed. Gl�ued surfac�s shall t�e scraped sa that floor su�face is suitable Sor instal�ation o#►�ew carpet and pad, 2.2 All fiurr�ishings,attached wall cleats and fasteners shalf �e rernoved with rea�Qnab�e cautian as ta prevent damage to wall su�'ace. �.3 DraQery hardware includin�all screws and#asteners sha11 t�e removed wit� reasanable caution to prevent dam�ge to wall ar ceilinr�surface, Salvage al6 existing waod k��inds with6n BaIlrQOm t�the Hokel. 2.4 It is it��r�sponsibility of ttte Salvag�er to cvordinate remaval o#�ateriafs aff pre�nises vuith the Dperat�r ar�d fhe Gener�l Cantrac#ar Rracedurai t�utline and gen�eral demolition sGhedu3es s�all be suhmitke�to the Operator a�nd the G�neral Cantractor, No stor�ge on site�rill be permAtte�i. **'*` EMD SECTION 174�Dp*'**' � Andersor�IM�ll2r,Lsd. 3�West 1 B�Street,Suite�QO Ctrieagq,il.$461fi (312}22fi-250CJ phone (312)226-25551a�t AMLTU(3aav�—ct�m e-ma�l � VAIL CASCAf��RE50R7 GEI�ERAL C(]NSTR�GGTIf7N SPECIFkCATaQh�S Cascade BailrQQmfPrefuncfian SECT90N 18flD0-Furni�Frin�Caordinatiar� AML Job#: 93(126-21 Decernber 15. 1999-P�ge i 1. S�CC7PE aF 'W�RK 1.1 7#�e General Cantractar in accar�ance with the specifcafians, SECTION QQ7(]0- G�NEF�AL C�NI�ITIOhI�, sha�l!fumi5h#he necessary labor and mater+a�s to�e�form tf�e requiremer�ts c�f the wo�k specifed herein. 1.2 The ext�nt ofi Fu�n�s�ring Cocar�ina#ian and fnstallation s�rall include but is not lim�ted ta receiving and installation Qf FF&E goo�s as folEt�ws: �. Placemen#af free standing fumiturefiamps according to plan. b. Aitwork ta he attached ta wall 4y cleat. c. hllirrors tv be attached to waEl by cleat. 1.3 fnst�llation of wark ta be dc�n� 6y r�the�s, in cac�rdin�tion wikh �u�°titure Coordinatar: a. Car�et � b- Dr�pery c. Salvaging d. Televisior�slRadivs e. Any other subc�rntractors tncluding but nat limited to: (1} Carpenter� {�} Painter� {3} Wallcav��ing Installers {4� �lectricians (5) Mechanical Cantracta�s 1.4 Wark to he done�ay the nntel in cvordinatian wit�r Fum�ture CoardEnato�: a. Make uplStripping of k�eds, ir�cluding E�edspreads. b. Ir�Stall�tion o#shower curtains. c. Installation o#hange�i��cl€�sets. 1.5 �urniture�Caardinator xo provide the fa{lowing: a. Adet�ua�e wareha�sing for owner supp�ied fumishings and transportativn nf fumishings#o ��ob si�e. � h. C�aily re�eiwing repvrks of t�eliveries with del+very tickeEs and packi�ng 51i�s attached. Anders4n{Mili2r,Ltd 329 WeSR 1A"�Skreel,Suit�500 ChiragD,IL�tJF1� (312)226-2500 phone (312)22�-1�55 fax AML_T _a�al.C.o��mail � VAIL CAS�AD�RESaRT GENERAL CC�h1STRUCTaflC�SPECIFICATIC7NS Cascade Ballraor�IFrefur�ct�c�n SECTIQhI 18�O�J-Furnishing Cvordination AML,lab#: 93026-21 Decemher 15, i�99—Page� c. Competent supenrisa�s famiiiar with fi�o#el inst�li�tions�nd apera#�ans. d. L1eCivery schedul�es and pragr�ss cha�s�f the�nstallatAVn to�e su6mitted in bar chart form. e, Trash remova!trc�m w�rking areas on a daily basis. f. F61ingl�allow-u�vf freight clainns. g. Scf�er�uling of�F 8�E work tay others as descnhed in item 1.4. Ca�rdination w�#h al[other constructian trades. h_ Expediting of a11 rnerch�ndise as per specifcatians and purchase vrders. i. Framitur�instalie�to worlt in o#f-hau�s and evenings as re�ud�e� k�y the�vb sch�d�le. 1.5 f�wr�erlt7perator will�arovide�he fodlc�wing: a. ��ce space close to the load+ng dack fvr the duration of the projeci. h Telephane servic�fQr contaeting su�pliers f� e Air condatiflning, heat and efectricity a� needed during tf�e installation, including offce sp�ce. d. Use af�copy machin�for th�dupli�ation�f receiving reparts and packing slips. e. Adet�uate verti�al transportatian from ground level af project to variaus floors of levels where F� 8� E work shall take place, including c�perator, I�F�E{�UI(�ECI. f. Ad�quate security during f�se psriod of installation. 1.7 FF &E 9abar sh�ll cor�ply with afl Iocal and state�nion ead�s and lacal cantlitions. 1.8 Fime Frame: to b�det�rmined�y�he Purchasing Ag�nt 1,9 Contrac4: A41 verbal agr�em�nts shall t�e null and void aff�cting tf�e contract price and c�nditions_ ••••, EHa S�CTfCJN 150�0',••• � AndersaniMiller.L[�. 329 Wes[18�'Streel,�u�le fi�(} Ch��ago.IL 6a616 (312)226-�5�0 phor�e {312)2Z�-Z555#ax F��VLTC�((�aol.com e°n��il WAIL CASCA�E RESORT G�NERAL GONSTRUCTpQN SPECIFIGA71pNS �� C�SCade BaNr�oml�'reFunetion Alternate List AML Jflh#: 93d2B-21 Decemher�5. 1�99—Page 1 LfST CF ALTER�IATES A�#�mate#1 Fumish and install n�w flam�d slah stor�e pavers at the PEefunctiv� as �roked �n the plans an� specified herein. � � �` . ,�" � � � �� � �� - ��� � �,% - ,�' , � � i ��� � � � / `, , �`�. .� � - - - -- 0.�dersonlMiE�er,Lic� 329+Nest 18�' SCree1,�wite 5�Q Ch�c�o,IL fa0616 {3t2)226-2540 phone (312y 22S-2S55 �ax ANILFQCa?avl c4+��a�l � VAIL CASCAD�RESC7RT G'ENERAL CCIIVSTRUCTIQN SPECIFI�ATIf�NS Cascade�alfroomlPrefunction AD VNtJEJC AM�Jt�b#� 9302E-21 �ecer�t�er 15, 1999-Page 1 AD iN�E?� AD-9 � 5cance Cc�v�rp�ate �}efail . � \ ,r'" f f ! ! !� s{ � f. r`, f � � � ,� � I iy— � � ``� 4 � ,tiJ �h I � 1� `�' /I /I ��s J � Andersv�u'Miller,Ltd. 329 W�st 48�' Slr�2t,5uite6U0 Chicago,IL 60d1fi (312j 22�r25U0 phane (312}226-2�55#ax A�lLTD ai"7aok.com e-m�il i ; � � �� � � � � �o �� � � � � � �-�-- - � � � � � �.r-7 '� . Q? '_' � � �7 �Q � Ql C] � Cr � � L a�� !y � � Yt �- � � �,,� _ - �._,�—_ � � :� o�� � Ie` ./'� -_ ._� __ __;�- - 4/ ,-;/r � � Z .t� � � � W ��� ir�Y' , �-, � L� . `�. � � - . .- . l4 . -,..i -� c� W W � � - �, - � _, �' � , � t�!� ,-G � � � s, � � � � � � � �--� �� --� � w —. _ � � � � � rs` � � J _ — � °4 � �, C�-- '� J �t �� �'�- j a ' � �, � � '� � � �r � � � � ; 1 � � � � 9s', � � W � � , � � - �.� CJ , � � — � �� � � _� � � �, � � , r , � —�� . � � � � �a � �� � � ,� � r � - � `g � `� ia1 w i� '�' ~ cD � '(,) � � `n U+ ,;, _J J � � � 4J i" .r•• � � Q t'_ � J � ,�y � � c� �� � � Q ~ � rt _� ,�,v-� �- C7 � � � � � � � � �ti J � � � �w � � �— � � � � � �r � f_� , ���'''� ��`,�/ � � ,,�,��e�- ,� � TC3WN O�' VAIL DEPA�'I'MENT O�' �C7NINIUNITY D�VEL{�PM�NT 75 S . FRC3N"�'AG� RC3AD VAIL, C� 8165'7 ��a-4��-���e I�iC3T'�: THIS P�[2M�� ML7�'T' �� P[�STED C}I�T Jc7BSITL AT ALL TIMES ADi7fALT �+�'IF BUILD PEFtMIT P�?rma.t # : 899-0311 �3ob �ad����: i�000 S FRUNTAGE RD i++1�ST S�atus , . , : ISSCIEL Location. . . : laQ[� S FFtC�t3'I'AGE RD, V�iIL Applied_ . ;1,T11/29/199� Parce�. No. . : 2103-121-Y5-Qp� Iss�ed. . . : 11/30/1999 PrCaject Nv. ; PRJ99-6350 E�ares . , : 05/28/2d(10 APPL I CANT ARRIG(7NI INCC3R�C]RATED Phc]r1e: 9 7 0-�'19-i 8 tl 4 P.O. BDX 3125� VAIL, CQ 81G5$ CC]NTRAC:!'OR ARRZG�ONI INCC}RPORAT�I� Phone: �7�7-4 7 9--18 0 f} �.C?, S(JX 3�25, VAIL, Ct? 81G58 OWN�R CAS CADE CLUS LTD 1304 4VESTHAVEAT I3Rf VAIL, C� 8i657 ��'�1���l�1171. Q�V. QWN�R VA I L CA5 CADE C(3NDQ' S �le�r�-up � s'r Fief�nd �esc��ptic�n: �C�Ved fnIOQD PANEL��TG IN HALLWAY/VESTIB[]LE, SPRIt+iKLERS, arr�c�unt ��''� C3cctxpancy: Rl Multi-Farn�ly ���� � � T�7e !Cc3rlstrt2ctiDn: T�re C3c eupancy: Valuatian: 4f1, ��4 Add Sq Ft; Firepjece Irxfoi'fiatian: Reatricceds YE$ qpt �se� kcpiiancae: A�uf Gas i,oqe; (tp; waaclfvallec: w.rs�rrrx.rrrre�rr���i�vr�rrrrrse+r�rra.aa,y.re.xrr*rrvrrMr.t�rr♦ �rE Sf7FiMSIRY +�r.r.rrr.�rrrr��r�rrr��r.......r�.asrersr�asr�.aa...+.r.rs��.• $L�.�dfng- •° a q�7�,p�0 R0�6tu�Rtaxit FlAft RCYiew--a .00 ToC�i Ca2rt.alaCed 2eep�---� Y,43�f.55 Plan. ehe.Ck---� 277.55 E7R8 Pea-_-_----------•--s S�.6u AddiCicnal Feee--•-- ---� .pp InVea�tlgatiart� q�7.40 Recf'eaCian Fce----------5 .DO Totai Pet�tnis P"ee---._---> 1,4]3.55 WiS'_ Cafl-°--� Y.ou Clean�Up 17e�oaic--------> 250.00 Faya:enca_____._.• -. •-.° . .,a��t.55 T6TAL FEES- ---�---°------e i,3?4.55 3RS.ANCB DUE� ---------� '� .6d r�ttrtr�s���r��r...ewrrrrs�s�ra..Mr....�+�rrarvx�rr•........r.w..r.e�tr�r�rre.�+rrr.s��r...r....r..r.rxerww+rwr�e.�r�..�.�a.a....�....�... It�tttt: d5100 BUILDI�TG DEPARTMEN'I' Dep t: HUZLI�zNG Division: 11/30/3.999 KATHY Action� ��TE ROUTED 'I"O �ARY �1��U/1999 GGO[7DELL Actinn: APPR Yt m, 054�0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLAN�NING ,L7iv�s�on: �1%30/1999 I[ATHY Action: AFPR N/A �tem: Q�6p4 FIRE DEPRR'I'MENT Dept : FIRE �iv�.sian: 3�/3fl/1999 KATHY Actian: A�PR �OTIFIED MCGEE T.t 1m: U5500 PUBLrC WORKS Dept : FUB W�RK Divisir�n: 13/�3[l/1999 KA`I'I�Y A�tion s APPR N,1A .,.�.........................................................�...................,��.�...._....*,......,...........�.,..,...«..... ,�ee Pag� 2 c�f this DoCUt�en�. f�7r any cond3tions that m�y apply ?�o tYli�3 �aGrntit . o�c�tu.a�i aus I h�reby ecknaraledge th:�t I hwve sead this apPllcatinn„ filded out in fu11 the in�armat3en r�quired, .�ompleted an accuiqte plot �len, and etate that sll thc informetion prov�ided ae requira8 ia carr�ec. i e�gretr �o romply xith the frstcrmecion and plae plan, tv camply �rith nil Town ardxnancaa xnd �tnto SaM�, and cm huild this �true�ura nrcording to tho I'orm•e zoning rnd eubaivicaicn c�dere, d�a�ign review app�:yv�ed, Unfform ffualding Code and ather ordi!�+ancee of the 'Taem apglicatole there�a. RB(?SSESTB f�OR INSPF.Ci'Ia{+i3 &!}AZL AE 'l+171mE Z1�}L+lJ'E'Y-FO[1ft NpURB IN AQVANCE 8Y TEi,�FHpI+PE� AT 433-2I38 OR AT OL'R �SELC� [�RQM FY:�.� A1+1 5:4U pF4 .� 89nd CIe�-Up DeqpsiL T'a: aARRi(�6Nd, r�..;r� 9 �t+1'A'i`47FtE. QF • Ek C . T'f�RCi'Ctk FBk HIMSELF AN7 L�WN�R 'k4M'*�krk�'**rk'***airtk�l'��k**�h*k*#elrrk****�FiFakrF'k#'ak'k*###�'�rtk9[�Ir*atiFik***ikirrktk'k�lr7k***#**'*ir#rftsk�ktkir'fi'*ak�Ir�rtF'k CONDTTIQNS Permit # ; H99-031I as of 1�J01/99 Status . ISSUED *�*******�**,�,��*�*�,r*��**,�***�****�*��******�*�r********,�**�********;�*�**,�*��**#� Perm�t Type : A17I31'ALT MF F3UILD PERMIT Appli�+d; 11/29/1999 Appl i cant : AR1�rGQNI INCC?�PURATEI7 I s sue+d: �.l/3�J 19 9 9 97€]-479-18D0 To Expire: (��/2$/2000 �a�a Address : Locatian: 1f�00 S �'RUNTAGE RD, VAIL CASCAI�E CCINT]O'� Parcel Na; 21fl3-121-z5-�Q4 Des�'ription: WOOD PANELING IN HALLWAY'/�]'LST��ULE, SPRZt�TKLER�, LITE Conditiox�s . 1 . FIELI} INSPECTIONS ARE I�EC�LTIRED TO �iECK FOR CC7DE CONI�L,IANCE. 2 . �LL FENET�ATIONS IN WALLS, CE�LIIVGS,ANI] FLClC7I�S TO PJE SEALED W:CTH AN A�"PRC7VED FIRE MA'FE�IAL. 3 , FIRE DEPARTMENT AFPR�VAIL IS REQUTRFsD HEFC�RE ANY WQRK CAE� B� STARTEI]. 4 . Tf7TAL PR�JECT 4VI�L IAICLUDE C�MPLETION OF �NSTALLATION �C3F FLdQR-°I'C]-CEILING WC3pl� PANELING ANf) PILI�STE�S, STCIFFING HOLLOW PQR'I"ION QF PILASTERS WT'I'H FZBERGL,ASS OR OTHF�2. APPROVED 1'�l'3NC4Mt3USTIBLE �'ZRESTC}PPIIVG MATERIAL, TREATING ALL WC30D W�TH FLAP+1pRT 6-3 $FANl� FIF�E RETARI]A,�l'I', II�S'F'ALLING NEW TF�IM RIN�S C�R BQ�iES Tfl �FtIfiTG ALL ELECTRICAi,, ALARM, E'�`C. EQUIPMENT C3UT FLUSH WITH NEUT FINiSHET3 S�RFACE� hEPLACIriT�G E�fIST"INC; FIRE SPRINKL�'i� H�ADS WITH RESIDEIJ'X'TAL �UIC� RESPU�SE H�AI3S & QTH�R ITEMS A$ NL�T`EIa IN REPORTS .. � . ALL WQR� IS TC? BE AS PER APP�IG�BLE CLlD�S � THE STAMPED R�FQRTS FZ�CEIVED FRt)M KEt+i A. O' BRYAN, A,II�,, & PER1�Y S_ t+�°z�Ews, P.�. , n�T�r� ��/����� � a.a./�.el�� . +5 . ALL WORK TS TC} BE �CL�SELY �C}QRDINA'I"E�3 WI'I'f-3 Ti-�E FIRE DEFT. TQ AVQ I D FALS E ALP,RMS & DAMAGE TC] F�RE ALARl��I QR F I RF SPRTNKLER E�?i7IFMENT & T�D INSURE TFiA'I" AI,L LIFE SAF�TY SYSTBMS REMAI1rT EF'FECTIVE_ ****�**#�******�*�***�*�**�*#***��*�***�#*t*i*******�i�*#**�**�� TOWN C3F VAII�, CC}LQRI�.DC3 Statemn� *�*,�,a*******,r�,��r****�*,�*t�*�***��**�***+�**�********�******��**� St�temnt Numbe:�'; RFC-0�95 Amc�unt : 1, 4�4 , 55 12/41,199 13 : 32 __Payment�Methcad_ �HE�K Notati.onv'#1941ARRIGf}NI_v_ _.__Init_`�MW� F�rnnit l+�a: B99aD311 T}�pe: A,-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Par�el No: 2].(Y3-121-15-0�� Site Address: 1.�(70 S FF�UNN'I`AGE Rl� WEST LaC�.tian: 1(}Lla S F'ROi+1'I'AGE �D, VAIL �A,S�E CCl13DC�' S 'Tota1 Fe�s: 1,43� . 55 ThiS �'ayment 1,434 . 5� Tatal. ALL Pmts _ 1�43�# . 55 Ba].ance: . 4 Q *�*�*��*�,�***�*********,�***��*�******�*�****�***�**�*�***��**�** Ac�vunt Code Degcriptiar� Amo�nt BL� b(��Ofl[7C131�114�0 DUiLDIN� PERMIT FEES 4�7 . �D� I]R 00].DO(1431,�,2200 DESIGN REVIEW FE�S 50 _ �DO PF [lOIOC}[}b3112300 FLAl� CHECK FE�:S 27"1 . 55 AD D� -DFP[}8 CLEAN'[3� �3EPOS I"I'S 2 5 0 . {�4 1nTC �101(}OOC1311�8Ci[} WILL �ALL INSP�CTIQN FEE 3 . �}d PN Ot}1C140�31530�1[l 3N�TESTIGATION FEE (BLI)G1 427 . QO � � � Y9 O d � t�. urt p N �y o o � � o p � o � a O i GT 3"t � � � 04 a � � r i i � � � i � � � i i � i � i i i i ca i o i i o � �1� � c� � a � o � � � � � � � . p a � o , a g i of� � ur i in � , cn eC ❑ !Y N e � IV k� I 1 1 � G 1 ! I eC 1 1 4 � O 1 � + F I .i 1 I ! I [,�' �� Y Q 1 � i aj p � p a � O i [�� q p i O , � O a H �n i �n s � �n 1 VI Y'�i 1 {`1 1 {V I Q i Y 1 Rf 1 1 � I 1 1 l [} i 1 I � � [�Y I � I � p F � H y O I O 3 O fq� O t C � i O � � F t'd� � o � c : o tr'i pW� i on � va � i in 6. Q f°i i�Y V N W � . Q � � I � � W 41 47 + p 6� a F + O +C 4 � [r p r ,� ri n � � � � � � � � � � �, � E +1+ C1 Gs_�1 �3 I O � ; � A W M � 8� (+1� �7 ?� A � �� W O i a P O i C � i�t � V � � m i O '� u4 O N � H FI ❑ 4 1'Y ["� � �+ � ❑ a i o F+ � 1 � N i p,d [L � m r-i � � 80 i �W ?* .-+ i A i O E+ a .� w .. � a � w � rr m o r� � � f3 a9 � o C � PS a.. a � a r,7 f• M� � ��i � e�w �+ 4 �.N.i e � U fA� � .1 p � �B r'•.i i pfq�`S a � r�n 4 O � �i d� � i f-i r�+l � H H d �8 � � � � � a � a",a� � � � � � � ���� _ G��� L ' TC�WN �F VA��NST�U�TIO� P�R�lT AP�1�CA7�faN �+C�F�N7 I�JF+(7R'�9:1TI(7N 'Vi[:ST 8� Cf}'IIFLETE{}It"1`HF::1�,�'PLICATI{)"� 'Li�1L�.SE 1�E,lE�["I�D Cr�nt�ct fhe Eagle Counfy Assessors{7,ffice af 970-328-8640 fQr Parcef# f't71'C'C� 'r �L.�-al�y�.l '1�`'c'�''`-� _—_ �q�, -p 311 Uate- � : �� i'ermii#_ - Tab N3ni�:_�G"`-5���-� �� �c�`��^?l ��r' Gt .�„�' �0�3 AC�[iIGSS: ���q� �� `�_�� r�"`+�[��'��f�:�S 1�L;C, ;S;�G�-n�e�� Builsiin�4 ) ['Pumbin�,f ) Elcctrical 4 1 Mechani�ai C } Chher{ ) Le�al Dcscription: �.nt f3[cu:k Filisig 5ubcl�x�tsi�an_ ,1� r / 1 Q�r���ers N�n�e: ��-'�� ��5 6c:i%��"14.+�-- �ddress: !�'��� ��L�r.KEr �� Phonc# � �� � ���� Arcliitect:`�t�'� �� �'''1� Av �,�c �f�� AddresS:�L�� r�'�1+� �Ir. �'�IS�.t� �!`] . ��'��!i�'7PI3nne# 7�� `��i] ' ��� � 1]e�criptian of Jab: ��'!�+��,�' ��e' L ',?,, ) ��%r �lJ�i!L�,.,?. ,l:?`�1( ��'S�J�.t� _ _� � . GVr,rk Class� 1*ler�� [ ) Alteratl�n ( ) �, Acidiuonal{ } � R�pair f l Chhhcr f 1 Nui�tber uf DsvClli�i� Units; NuEnber ai"Accammnod�tion Unifls= - Nrtmbcr;ind fi�•pc of Pirc�lacCS: Gas �+p�Jiartccs _ G��s Lo�s - _ 4b'aoc�IPcllet�_ VALUATIC7A�S -�. ��-'��r�U.'c�, ��-.'° - E3L1[1.I7ING: S ��C�� f EI.ECTftiC.�I.: '� ��r?_ C3��� � _ _� PI.liNdBING � l��C'F{A:�IICAL, '� `!'(]T��.L. �� _ __ corv�r�a�T�R 6n��r�a�nAriar� �� � ,!,� �? � .� :-�.. �" ' , � c� . . General t�ntra�tor: �����_/-'�. Addres�: �� ��__ /:�'�_f'_-__.,�t� ����� To��s� �f�',9i1 RL�.sstra�ian Nc�. ' - � -- -- Phon�� � � :/�-�� —"��-�" �` �- Eiectrical Ci��ntr.►ctsfr: Addre;ss' — To►�n of V.iil iic�istr,�i��i��lc�. �ixc��ic�- - . - Flu�d�binCj Caintract[�r: ;'1cldr�ss� -_, 7'U���i a#°��ail Rc�istraatic�o�I�o. f'ho:�c� '4lcchaeaic:�l Cnrit�•actc�i-: ��ddress: Tt���dt �I 1,i�9 '���.��str;�ti�n�+��. l,f�or�e� _ FQR �FFI+CE lJS�E T�''PE GR+��'° S�i. F7. VALiJA�}C3�J BI�ILUIl��: SiGf�ATURE: �C?iVlCJG� SIGNATU-�cE: CL.�A�1 L.1P ��pt7�Si� l�EFIJ�IE? T[7:. *''*,�C�D�^ B4(J'i�.S AF.F, :��v-_�►1LABLE �'�[7 PL:RCI3:�SE liPC?N ItEQF��S"T*** `p��n ��1 V���. �sc�c�€„ �[i,+��.} 4�1.�- [��C�C� � � T'OWN 4F VAIL L3EPAgtTMENT QF CQMMUNI"TY L7EVEL£?PMEI�T 75 S . FRC?NTAGE RQAD VAIL, C� 81657 970-�479-�138 NOTE: THIS P�RMIT MUST HE F4ST�A QN JOBST�`E AT ALL TIMES Ar,ARM P�RMIT Fe�[nit # : A99-0�2� J�b Address : 13t}{} GJESTHA'V�N DR 5�atus . . , : ISS'i3ED Locati�n. . . : �607 Applied. . : I�/D511999 ParCel Np, . : ��43-12�-1�-{}16 Issued. . . ; 12/I�3/1999 Prqject No. : PRJ99-�35b �xpires . . : b6/�}"�/2(3U4 CaWPTER CC?L(7RAD0 MC}LTNTAIN COLLEGE FC}iTNDA PC? BOR Z763 , GL�NWOaD SPR�NGS Ca 81�C12 CON'I'RACTC3R ACME ALA�P�! COMFANY Phon�: 9 7(l-G�5-3 3 9$ P.O. BC1X $83 , RZFLE, CD 8165Q Descriptic�n; Mociify alarrn system fdr earra,dar� remadValuaCiran: 8�0 , {3� .+«�r.��wrr.+....rr.+++++++�+.+..ra....re..a..•.....rrrr.e�a FEE $[3t4;MARY •rr��wwrw�w.errxe���ar�rYwv*+e�ia+���a►w�K�wt+e►r�rrxrrir�er�: �lect�ic�l---3� 5o.aa Tatal Calcvlated Feeo---> 53.00 PR6 Fee ---. »00 Addit.ianal Feen--•.�------s ,OI1 Tnveatigation> .a0 ToCai Pex�nit Fea �------. 53.0$ W3S1 �all----a 3.Of7 Paymcnte-------------> SS.Oo TOTAL FEES---> 5�3.04 &AI.}7NCE f7UB-----.-____.__: .00 kw•.r.wwry*�r�r�+�+rtt�+aaaa.ar.iaaaaiaa�rr�ra��rarrr�r�irrarr.rirrr,wrirrrwrrrrrtrsrtar��rrtw►yrr+��r�rr+�Er�rrrrerK�+�rrr�r�r*rr.ar�r�w� Item: 0�4DQ ELECTRICAL DEPAF�'TMENT Dep� : BLTILDING Division. Item: �D56�0 FI�t� DEPARTMENT Dep t : �`IRE Divisic�ri: 1�/1d/1.999 GGanDELI� Ac'Cion: APPR PER MIKE MCGEE 12/�/99 •..a+.�..�.r��e�s��rrrrrr�e�.w�s��srtrxrex�erwr�+wre..rr.s+e:.ir>rtx�rrr+++rr.a++ar+++....r.+.+a��t�rrr�ai.��aaw�a�r���aa..rra��a�rr����,�rr CQNDIT'I01'�T OF APPRCIVI�L 1 . ALL VJp�K IS 'I'Q BE II�3 ACCaRI]A1�TCE WTTH C(]DES ADUPTED $Y THE TOYJ� OF VAZL & IS TO BE CL�SELY Cd�RD�I�ATED WITH THE �'�}V FIRE DEPT, MIKE MCGEE OR MIKE VAUGH�N AT �79�2�35 . a�ar�rria��.vrr:i�r��.3wrrr..�...t.....�rrr�..w�.re.wrTretrerwr�..r�s..r�.��......�y�.ersrsyrr.....w.wwr.�..i.+...yr....a��..:rr.s.a. T�E CLARAT I QNS Z hereby acknawledge Chat I have read thiu r.�pli.car=on, fr,Pled �ut. in full �he infarmatiora requ:sed, cc�mpleced �n accurate plot plan, anri atate thac all the infarmatiofl proVit3ed ae sequired ie aorrect.. I agree to comply with the �nformation and plot piexri, te eamply ++ith all TaWn ordinancea and et�te Iaws, and r.o build this etructure accozding to the Taarn'e aqning and subdivieior� c4dea, denigre revier approved, UniEorm Suilding Code and oth�r ordinancea oE Cha T'own applicabl� therets�, REQUE37'3 F�?Ft IN3PECTZflt�P3 9HALL 6� hIAQE TWBNTY-PC]i3R H�VRS ITi ADVA3.+10E I�Y `I"ELfiPHONF, AT 479-,^.�138 6R AT OUR 4PFICE FRt3M B:�O A!A S:O�U PM ��" � � S�IGNAT[TRE 4F OW[iER OCi G{]N'�i'C4�CTQR FOR HIMSELF ANd S?W�'IER � � ...........E..,,.,,..,....,:....................,........,...... TQWN OF VAIL, COLORAI3C] SCaC�IDIYL" wrxr,ex�rrr+e+++.+arrrerrr.rr..r�r.:....r.•..r•.rr.r.rrr�ir�.••r.r $tatemnt. Num6er: HF.C-060❑ Amaur3c: 53..Da� 12/23/99 13:56 Paym�nc. MeL.ri[+d.: eHECA Notatian: Check. #1342 Init: GR PBTIRSC NO: AA9-ffV25 7��78; F-AI..dLR'M AI.ARM PERMrT PaTCel NO: 2103-1'�R-14-Q16 5ite Addre�a: 13n0 'WESTNA�JEN DR Location: 0647 �'atal FcGa; 53.017 Thie Payment 53.00 Total ]lLL Pmta: 53.OD Balnnee: .00 nrMxrTfriWt►\V►1r1kY'i}i�YtfiYYYrb�rRf7l�'6tsiYR�1��Y�if�����4�tifr���'� Accc+uttx Code Rencriptiorr Amaunt EP Oa1�06�3111900 Ei,Ec�CRTCTiI. PF.i2F1IT i'EES 5�.08 Wc a41n04031T28on 'W2LL CALL INSP$�'IO33 FEE 3.4a � � TQWN OF VAII., DE�A�R�'MENT OF ��MML]NxTY �?�VE��PMENT 7 5 S. FR(7NTAGE RQAI3 VAIL, CQ 8Z657 97f} -47'�-2138 NC3TE� THIS PERMIT MLTST BE PC3STED �N ,�'t�BSITE AT ALL TIM�S ELECTAIC�L PERMIT Pexrnit #: E99-(}265 Jab Add�e�s : 1000 S �'R(7NTAGE RD WEST Statu� . . . : ISSiTED Locatac�n. . . : 1(di�� � FRdI�I"I'AG� �VA�L CASApp�ied_ . : 1?/13/1999 �a�c�� Nfl. . : 21[?3-121-15-D04 zssuea_ , . : 12/�s1�.s�� P��;��� Nc�. : PRJ99-�D35� �����s . . : o����,��o�� Ag�'LTC�NT SHAW �LEC�'RIC PhOn�: 9'��-92�-3358 � a $�x i��s, Avo�v co s1�2a corrrr�cTOR �x�w ELECTRIC ��ione. �ao-�z�-���a P O BC]X 1451, AVQI�i �� $1�624 OWNER CAS CAD� CL�J'B LTD 13C�Q wE�THAVEN DR, VAIL Cb 8�.657 pescript�oxb: IfiTSTALL 5-6 LIGHT �'zXT[�tES Valuation: 1, Q0�1 . �{� r.�r.rr.........�.e......�...:....r....�.�...rr.,r..�s•r.�r..rr... tE� SUM6liAkY .e...r....�..............�_.....�.rr..r-�........er.....y�..r LiectYi�c��1---�t Si]�.�a Totzl Calculate�3 F`e$S---a 53.40 E7RB Fea ---� .00 Addi[�ianaE F�e�---------7 .ai] Tnyeatigations .40 't'atal Pecmat F�c- � 53.U0 Wi.i�. Call--- �� 3.G0 Paymanr:�___.__-----------, 53.510 T�TAL FE�"5---, 53.�(7 9A.LR:NC� RL'E----^------� > .�4 y:.s.....::.........e:r......�.�........aRS�►rwerrt��rx�....:rw.....ee........•.�...a�....rr....a.+......t�saa�wrrrs�r...vv�:��ti��.r�s �texn: 06Q04 ELECTRICaLL DEPARTMENT D�pt : SUXLI]ING D�visi�rl: ��,�1.3,�1999 JRM ActiaTl; A�PR APPRDVED It�m: a560Q F�RE D��'ARTMENT Dept : FIRE D�vision: 12/13 f 1999 JRM Act�on: .APPR �T/A .....,.,,................................«....,..,......,..�.�...�_..,......._...,........,......,............�..._.........,....... CC?NDITI�N C7F APPR�VAI, � . FI�LD I1'�SPECTIC3NS ARE REQ�I'IF2ED Tp +CHECEC FQR, CQDE COMPLIANCE . .................................,..------_,..,..,,._...,.........,�.....,...�w..�,.........,.....rw.r....W.......w,�....:...,...�.,........_, DECLAR�TI O�TS I hazeksy acknawledge ti:�t S ha^re read thia ap�l#eaCian, tiitr.ri aut in �ull the ::;fpt-sation requireel, comnle[Ad an acc�race nlot P1an, and s�aLO Char. a11 the informar.i.on provs,�d an raqui�ad ia cnrra�t. I agrae �ro comply with t'�e intoxmacian and plflc plan, tc� comply �itk e21 Torrn ardinancee and 9tate 1a�e, a,rsd �a bui33 �has �t_uct�irP acc4rding rca �!ie Town"s zonang and �uksd'zvi�ion codea, doaign savicw aqprrvad, Un=form euiTding Cade and otttes ordinance4 of the Taam appiicable r.hnre�o. REQUEST3 FCSR INSPSC'!`T4WS SFIAL.L El� Mt1D� TW£NT^!-F[7[7R H4AR9 I.1 ADVAN�F. BY TML�PH4NE AT 479-2138 OR RT t7UR dFPIC� FR4l9 a:aa AN S:OQ $M � � � � �/' I� % ��.Gc 'Z�'."�3' ��-E''"C L. / 5iG1uDi � 4'�/OWNF.S2. QK C�NTRACI'[�R FOR RIs�S£I,� A.'�F,p OWNER � � � rrr.rr.sa•.rr...rr..rt,t+�.a..e�r.f.rarrwsrr.wrrr►..�.a.r.r�r,..W.r�r.vrr TGM1�I QF VAIL. CCLORIaf5z3 3t�Cemnt rr..v��rw+r.r.y...erss.r.+r�er�w�rrrs.r�.�..r.�r�rre.r�s.e���a�.a.ra.. ststemret tvursber: R�c-nsgs Amounr: 53.ca 1z/ISJ99 ae:i4 gtyment Mcecne8: 9�],O9 Notatian. S'fiAW BLE�IC Irtic; 37J PeY'mic Na: E99-Q:65 TY1ae: B-E3,EC ELEC ii..ICAL a�E12MI? F�rc.�l FYes. 2��5..03-i21-15-(!94 Sitc Addrer�ss 1DOa 5 FRONTAG� Ft.11 VIE�T L,�acati�n: 1008 S 8'R04+i'I"AGE (VASL CASCAUE) Tota1 FeeB; s3.a6 Thi� r�ayment 53.QU Tota�i ALL s'm�GS: 53,4Q aa2ance: .09 .ar.�r���yrr.rrrssr�rerrxr��r�rr...�r.rr�.�rwwrrrrrrxrrr�rerrrrr�a AGGGl]RG I�:CdC fl�6Cr1�3C1471 ARIqLL[SL EP �t]1Ui7�03YS1400 ELE�.CTFtIC;tL PF}tMTT F�$5 5a.0p WC 0�31[7C70U31128tlU WILL CAI,L TNSPECPlf]N FE$ 3.00 , FR�1M : S'�1W Et�EC:T'R I C � PF�]FJE 'N[]. : 97[�32b3358 DEC. 13 1'399 I 1:57AWI Pi � � � . � � ' "PL�WN aF VAIL CONST�[IC:TIQl'� PE'RM�T IIPPLT�ATIt}N �'[1�'i pATE• Ic�-- t�� `�[� APi'LICATIC}N MTJS'�' B� Fz;LLEb oUT CaMPLETEi,Y OR Z� MAY NDT J3E ACCEPTEI3 �t�e�#*�k*�t,k�wt�k�t#i��r�*�k**��t�k,k***� � ktMIT INF[7R�+'fATIUN ��*�**��****�r,�*�t��**�r***����� l L J°Building L �-plwabinq -���ctrical j ]-�echan�.�a�� [ ]-(7ther sab Nas�e: Vr.-����SC�C.�'l�rr�i�r�ua�� J�sb Addre��: _.�,�t� �s�i-�clu�+���t • �� L�:ga� D�script�o33. Lo� B�c�ck F�z3rxg Owners Namet��ct � �SCltt��G'►�or�i�rti�m�c�dre�s: I�!� �.�'^��-�av� �-� Ph. ��� "�!� Arch��+ect: �� � A,ddx�ss: Ph. Ge;n�ra1 D+�scxi�tian 1�+� _ti n� '`�,�' +� l i�° "� �%-'��� ��� � �'� ftA'�+IM�e�. � 'wa�k C].ass: � )-New [ �-Alterat3.a� [ )--,�ddit��naZ � ]--�epafr � --other '�°�- �iumber c�P dwel l�.ng Vni�s, Numbe� aP AccQmtavdata,an Units z N mb�r and Ty a� Ff�epZaces; �as App�iances Gas Log, Woc�dJPel��t *�r�*�r*��*x�r� �*�***�r�r�*��r*��#�*�� VALU�IONS *�**���*�**��*,r**�*��r*�*rr**,���e,�w,r �UxI�D�NG; 1 ` ELECTR�CAL: ��'�� C?THER: P�vrS�.�NG s �tEeHAN�CAL. Tc7TAL: **��,k#rir****�ttr**�r*�r��**���e#* Ci71��TR71C'I'C1R IN�'{ORMATSt?N �***��r*�*���t�,�,�**�*�t*��*�r�� ' er�er�l Con�ra�tort Town o�' Vail Reg. Nb. Add�ess; �'3�0�7� Nutnkie�-; �l�ct�ic Con�r�ctar: _�t''+��1'�'��% �'*� • To�rn a� Va��, Reg. Nt�. �- [6Cd Addres�; t� s� '�� �p Phor�e Number: °t��'r��?�5� Plumbirig CQntra�tc�r: � Tvwn of Va��. Reg. No. Ad�ire��. � Phone Nu�e�: t��cha�a.ca1. Can�rac�car: Tawn ef Vail Reg. No. ' Addres�: Phc�ne Nnmb�r: _ __ ��**�t�x,t��t�e#*�*�*�*������#*�r�rt,�#�* ��]R o�''FTC� US� �,r*�r�r���*�******���r�r*�r��*,�*�**,� BUILflING PERMIT FE�: BU�I,�xNG FF�N CHECK FEE: _� PLL7T+1Bg1hiG FERMIT FEE: PLUMSI3�G PT�AN CHECK FE�:: M�CII�ANI�AL P��tMI"T F�`�: ME�H.'�NICAL PI.A.K CH��K FEE: ELE��'RICAI► F"EE: xt�CR�A'I'�(7N �'�E: t��'H�R TYP�: ��` FEE: � CL�A2�II-UP R��7SIT: �RB �E�: Tt)TAL PER��iIT FEES: " T'�PE GROL3P 5Q.FT. V AT:�C7N Bi�ZI,DING: SIGNATURE: � 'Z�DI'III�`G: � SIGNATCTRE C �-�--- , � Cr�i�ua�ri�t�:� - 1 ' � Ci.EAi� �P ilEP�ls�'� REE'{IN33 ,�: � �'-��-.tQC� h� E��thv W�rren _ _ r;�c�y 2:06�m '�� ------------------- - _ - _ _ �.'�'��- C��,� Fr�m: Mik€� Nicgee � ----------___ ----------- � - To: Gary Gaodel3 �qC�� ���� Sul�j ect; I1ega1 Construction - va:.geraus Ce�a:c�iti.on :a !"MC C:otic"tc� A�.sn - i31t1 '��� ��� Wes�haven 17r. -==I.FRGF:hET=NG�TEs°=°=°==�1/98/99=14:35g�mW a-�����W W�====.-,--,�F_�_��_=___-_____ ,f�/�b4�' CC: BLI7Gl�IV Gf�dUp, �'IRE i}FFI�ER� GRC1i7P ������� �../ . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . - - � - - - - � - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . • . • - 1�hile eeaching my Fi�'e Cause I7etexminatinn Class �n Monday evening, we wexe sme17 ing sawduvt . i���ring a break, I went �dawn the narth stairway aarc� found cc�nstauttian ac:tivity on the 2nd and 3rd casido c�sridnrs. The a���regate conditioaY is ici i��y ppiz'sit�n, y��e�unds for an immedi�te order to abate t.Fze taazards an� a Stvp Wcrk: ❑rdex, and maybe a summons to cr�urt fpr f�ayrant vzvlaCions vf the UF'C and UBC. The general issuea are 1_ Na permit ha� kaeen a�plied far, is;�u�d, o�° in�pected in Sierra. 2. St�irwdy �iaots were bloCked apeir vi� twa 1�vPls on k�oth ends r�f the cnrridor, as wel� as the dc,or to arn e�evator �abby ancl a dacar to the hestel corridc�r. 3. R�adily S.gnit�ahle savrdust, trash, paper, ltamk�er and del�ris was left in t27e c�rridcsrs and �t�irwplls. 4. ThQ e�e�txicaZ wi,xa.ng in the corridor ha� been tanipered with ans� slipped �hru a thin slot cut in the 1I2" sic3ing Ghey �re insLalling ort th� C:022:1CI6Y wall. 5. The i�it�ritii flame S[�re�d rating of the 2nd �nd 3rd floor c�rric�ors has F�een yiously vis�Zated k�y the instal:tati�n of 4x8 sheets of 1/2" sidir�g, the additiQra vf crown moldiiig and w�ins caating, and false vertical kaox be�ms c�n the wa11s (eacclusiv� of the sawdust and tras�'r up and dhvm t��e Cnrridor) , 6. The fi3e1 l�dd has heen dramatir_ally an��eayed in the corridors. T do not feel d light hazaz•el CC,nditi�n �xisty any I�onger. The f�.ame sprear� r�te dc�wn the r_nrricior ant# fuel ec�ntribLttican apgears to E�e an Excess of ttne paaame�ers for light hazard. The fire sprankler �y�tern may aic�t �dequareZy c:c�rr4sql such a fire undei these candiLicans. 1. The fire alarnn notificati�n �ystem ha, been d�f�ated, withc�ut th� !t�-ansmission af a trouble signal. All horns, strobes and speake±-� hawe k��etY r�mc�ved f�-am th� corridors� S, Debris and lumY>er was fdund stc�red in �he stairway, in t�Pae pakh of egress, an� nn the lanc3ir�gs on both ends and iM the �xa,t ��c�m th� Ltzeater. 9, The dnnr tc� vn� cr�ndfl was left open and �inattended. 1(]. There was no �rhysical secLSrity in tl-ae M�ailding. 1.1, The false vertical box �aearna ha�,+e effectively zeduced C13e exit wi�3r.h. Whethe�: Che remaining wid�.t� is �ompli�nt oz z�ot, I da not know, I did call the �D Ct� let tkiem know about Che agen doQr ter the conda. I pZarn on heinc� there £irst thinc� "3'ues AM. It migh� be ni�� t❑ have one of ti^�e Sldg Hiv people there with me. r`a�,F : 1 . i � � Q ' BRY�1�f FA�TI� ERSHIP, lN �, - �� u-� � :�.�+ ��.� kRCHITECTS - A.I.A. �'RQ� % ' `���� November d 8, l�9�J Tntivcl uf Vflil Ucpartntent c�f��inmuni�ti� Ljevelc��ment 75 SoutE7 Frontagr l�r�ad Vail.C`[� fi I b�T �ttn: f;a���Cic�c�dell Ci�ieFIIuildia�� (?�ficial i�c: V�il C';�sca�l�C'nnciciiniititsrtis f.«cate�i �n t#�e �ecc�t�d � T1�ird i-'Ioor-s of't€�e C.�II.C. �3uifdin� Ii��ar Ciarti°. I tal�:ed tz� N1ikc McGee Lf�is �fterr�ncin ii� re�ar€�� t� thr ��re�ic�tis r�pc�rts s�nt t�j yc�u. a��d �49ike Itas intii�lted te� s�ae tfS�t he r��,►�1c1 ratf�er us use thc F�atnc,rt 6-� in lieu c�f`tlic Flan�nrt W'C.. ! a�ree ��°ith tEiis c�e�clusic�n �rtd t17er�f�>re �►ili notif��all in�ol�cci t�tat [Ite f°B��iic-�rt 6-3 is tc� �+e G►sc�l ��ith a 3-cc��t applic;acian �t a rate �f?(?� :�.1�. �er 4allc�n. -flais ��i81 brin� li�e f�znie s�r�ac� tc-� �'� and �.ill �arc�citscc a�� f�1°`�'A ('lass ••r�.. ratin� in lie�s c�l�ilis: C"las:� "T��� ratin�� I�r tlie }�lamurt W'[`. S��ill[1C�24'CI S�}�C Sll��t5 C'.[1C IC�S�C� IIl �71'��1[11a P'��tJ6`I. F1�E�ic�rt h-3 �S�i'M T:�4-�{(] r�pnn. 11'�uc� l�a4e 3rty yuesti�.�r�s t�r c��tlttt�cnts. ple�tie ce,nta�� 3�te tts s+�o�t as �at�ss�bl�. :�iri��r-�1}', � � F �� Keri r'1. Cl°Brti�a��, A,I.F�. �,„.� �''� �resid�nt °�' `�� � �r;�.�" � �' ,, ,r,� t'� Encl�s�ire ,� Cc: I4'iikL 11ricGee - f]eput}'Cl�ief��E�ire �larshall �� Uo1� !�T�cl,aclt�ait- Vail C��cadc CoK�clnmirii��iiis � `��� �,'L Perr�` Nl�ttthews- [31�I'L ,�* �• ,+,��r,,, !�i�'�'�1�� ���� �+R��``� `°':"�nTn�llr��� . � a� ���� � I� � . �..�:r� S�ifty&IraQp�1� ����� �'�l�F�'�� .�� se� �� �������... �■�1Jnif�.-� � : ' .. ;Ce•_`r, 'ti�:';.':,y cf Perm!!.,T�t it�l� � o�'e�cr� r., . ..".r i r :, ir�aions and+r.�prn�ali� �be tvnsin �; ' ° t �f - tt:i rowal oC,e�y v�l�� ��,rr����� �� �dihe prnvzs�e . . . .�r.:' r c, aa:.�+ce raE Uoe�m� -,t t�?i . fi20 M:�in ;�t. Un'sl 8 pesusr.i' _L_. :; �r .::cl the�1�v�vitidei(�'� ��rat�ere, .•, . ' ':r�:.lic�. ����� ��� �risc•ta, Cnloeacio 811a43 '�,iuwGn�� . , ;� and c�d'�� !111tprevert �" . r:nn�tile CQe�� �� � � �flaesin ; " arn�teveatll�� �� � ,� 9"O,fiLiR,113i . �3'f}.'tifrR.?��dti fe i�l�rats'c�fi� :,on t�f�b�IIi1C �jr Och�' „ I f � IN[TIJ�sL::. . _. `.HY�; � � � � ����� �������. ,�o�r � �} �ss� D` � �'��� ��►��� ��s � � �, � � �. ARCHCTECTS - A.I,A. NcrvemFaer 17, l9�}9 Ta�vn of Vaii I)e�aarlment �f�C��mn�unit} T)eti��eluprneilt 7� SnE�tl� i=r���ata�e Ro�d Vail,C�) $16�7 f'Itt��: G�rk'Gi�c�d�ll —�'hief�fiuildi���C�ff`eciaC Re: Vail C�sca�ie C�ndc�ct�iniirm5 L�catcd c�n the �ec��r�� c�: Third H I�,�i�s t�f tf�e C'.M.C`. f34�ilc�in� C����r Gar�,, k'leasc firid �rlck�as�d th� repc�rE fr�st� Perr� hlaltlie►ws — P.f:. re�,:arc�in� tEie eGalu�ttic�n of tk�e ae�tn«�ati� s�i•si3kler �n� fir� alarez� sy�steri�s. The ft�lll�«isz� rcE�t�r� shaEl e�:�<iCuatc thc ccymp�,sitc wc�cid �rnciucts heing i��staileci c�ai the wal�s tt�r cielarnin�ti�an, slta�:ii�tt�:»t, tt��ic prut�uctit�r� and class c�f linisli. lls �'t�ts kt��ti�., a site visit ���as per�``c�rmed c��7 Nutiretiih�r !5. 1�)9�7 t�s rel�ie�3 �hc ��'or�: ie� }�r�jgres:� and tf�e fallrr�ti in� �vas found: Q} ,A urea-fa�rrrsaf�ich�°de hnr�d��i (?-sidcd} pant! r4as tici��� install�tl i�ull f�ei�ht nn thc walls �ESi:�� sta�les ���c� "4ic�taid nails� (7� sI7L �i!VVS c�S e`I �x���tns ��f atcacl�m�s�t. This �ttach�i7cnt n�ethzrd is �inc�esirabE�and�:ca�zl�i l�r fat�ltv i�i the r�tsc s�f�.t tir�:. ?) �l'hc� pa��cls per thc: rna����fa�turcr (6.�ui5ia��a-Paciticl .irc �� �I����c lll n�i- �'��laas "C"� corT���c�si�i� �-saricl. Thiti ciues not meet �he l'�pc II «r �'las5 ••�3�. ratiri� as r�c�uir�ed k�y tlie [1.Ii.C'. �tiitl�in �`IL S4CtSS Cl'�CYlf�l"1YS. 3) �ai�c cc�lu�nnw «��re also hcir�� itzstallcd a»e� �re �:urrci�t�ti` itallc�i�. 'l�kiis couie� a11n�4 1`lati��s to spreac� th�'�ia�it thc structr�re «ithout �isual �tcte;ctic�rt. �}) Lig,]ltlll� c�rl tfle ii0t't�l c��]4� +�f�C[7C1'tac71' #� is E�elc�t+ thc :tii«iil�t�rn ft�c�t-c:zndle 1�4�e1 fc�r fin etit access c�tarridnr. 5) "I'ltc cl���atc�r ic�bbies are �oin� tt7 rec�ive tE�e �aAn�: t���rc n#� panclin4� and t��iin a� dcscribed ahcrve. N+�r E�<,1 '_�;_ . i,�,�,� ±,9:i�,r�i �,x '[�±�ai '+ k�siseu.S'ciliara�ic� t�I1�k�35 4'0.(rfiA.l:=; . �,-� ,�([,�.?31[r fx `�_ ���� �• � � The fi�lloE+.itti�arc prc�poseci tic�luti�rrs [o tl�e al�c�ve iss�scs: l) l3esides ti�� current attachil�ent tnctk�n�is hein� tatie�. tfic i3istal ler shc�uld hc reqc�ir��t tcr add a [T11111I7'ILIilZ llt{1}4�e:etical rod4•s(�er R"-[1" sllect)crf�iareieriec�. s�lf-tap�rin.� l-'r, -� I�2��?�-���ou�e SE�ezt �Tirlal SI:CI'4'1'S S�3c'�[;�LI iil I��� C�.C. Vertically f i.c.: l? scre«�w minini�un ��er �I�rR' p;�t��l). l�fies�; scre«s shc��eld I�� dri��er7 direcli� tf�rot:�>,lt t��c �z�ne� aiici �,yp. ba.�rd t�a��:ici� islt� t�e ��isti��s� �xteric�r stuc�s. Th� sc;rer�s �h��trlcl k�e co�ii7tersunE: i rg„ and �lt:��;ed su �s n�t ct� t�e vi:;ible. "'l The panels {after cn�n�rZetc inst�llatini�) anrl tR•i�n s9�c,��lc� he c�sritecl «�itf� F9�mnrt Fire R�t�rclas�t(sec atiF��l�et3 �pee sh�cts�. The f�Pari�c?rt 1��'C is a cleaz�. ���lc�rless cnatin�; ri•Iii�ft �Gill bc a����li�c1 on �3-c�at proce:�s at a r�te �,f 18C1 S.I�. p�r��Il�n. ,^+ccc�rdin� ts� tl�c rn�in��fa�turrr, tl�is �4ill pr��E�ide a pr��lecErr�� co�tins� �h�tt �+il[ pr�,cl�oce a llani� 5prc��e1 af�() c�r Ic�ss {Ci2ss ..F3'-), ;'Ifter tasin� th� Fl�n�nrt WC, tltie [rt5taller sl7�suld �roti icie 7 to� cc�aEin� af�I��t�c,rt itis�x at a rat� ��f� ?UO��.I�. p�r �allv�l. �'hi� bvill ensure the sta�ilit�� and ]c�n�;e�rity «S' tEte Fire atl.tnrdlnt and Gwill act �s � Ic��► sft��:n pc�ictr�tlin�? cle�r w�:alcr. [`17at ��•ill not allo►� the veneer tn d�-Iar�aim��tG. � s�i���le 5�cti���� shoe�lci he sEp}�li�d ��rir,��tn t'�ial ct��tinc. 3) I'hc f��SC C[3�LiR11lS:��7DUI[j I3e �?3CI��(j I!'����X�Il(� �UII �4I�I7 11I1�3CCCI f1Y��£4���i!�.S }]311[-1115k1�i1[ff�Il. I'�CI �:nc�iky��les sitould he filled st�lid. .}} Add {?j ��;�11 wc�«ccs �t tl�c nc�rt�i en�t c�l�C`arric€c�r rl3 car (1 y cic���°tt 1i�11t l� inc;rca�;c the f��ol- c�i�di� lev�1 iaj this area. ti} F.Je�ator ��ea�ii'ses sftc�iild l7e i�i4t�tlled e�,�tl�in h��tl� �le�atne lcrhhies ;tatit�� "Eti ctise c��f ti�aier���icy, ��sc stair�'. f.etters shl�uld �z� �" 111 �i�:I�,I1C '�1'1t�3 f'S3'f11IIt �11�3['I�k�l�5 hQ�tl�'1. ��IIC S1�',Il sktauCd �+c 'rnst�llrci at ;�'' A.E�.��. .� 1�.,���1 si�n cc,rrtptsnti sl��,ulei he abls tc� prot�uce i1�c:s�. .��Srl tV]lE}111 Zilt; �iZ'4`1t�7P I�'+�1�14:�a 1f� 5�3C161I�I�P�'e��4'C 1CC�55 �7,'llle�s Sl1011l[� L�� f1171'Iiet$ �Il{� I1��[E�tI witi� a si���i as�4��i1. t�tt�ch�a is a spee she�:t noting tl�at these �ancls ���ill i�c�t rel�:��5t aii�ourits c3f' 1'r�rm�ldehyde c7fi� ,�assin�' �rcatc:r thaE� Eh��sc stanci.�rci� s�t b!,` fli.L�.I�. and ihc L1.�. fle��t. caf'f fousi»�.. 1 I�n�ew�cr. t6�� inst�ll�r sf}��Grld t�ke cai�tion as c{�scrihecl in t1�6 attaclzmeayl clGiri�a� instal�ati��ri. In s�rin�n�srw, it is my +��itii{an tlyat if�tll thc carrec-ti��c r��c�tiuec5 as nat�.d ��ithir� thES repc�ri �tn�i E3.F.1'.E.'s repnrt (at�achcd) ar� s;�i�si'��:turily cc�mplctrr�. tltk+t the cv,it t.�t'ridt�rs «,ill irj�:ct tl�:e intenz nf tNa� [J,�.C. astid ��ill �lui hit7der the [ife-snf�t°t �af�the cr�cuw�nts ari�' mc�rc tfi�ii the existi�ag r:orr-gde�es pric�r tca rert�c�deli�i�. lf�tfti�re are a�l�� aci�iilic�i��l cart���t;�?��trttents, pl��ist cc�ttt�ct 173� �lti S4)t)i3 3ti E]C1SS9�1��:. �� f` �r^y��t=' � l,+V� �3(1C�1`C�V. „Q-� - �.. � _ -;.- 1�:, Kcrn A. (l'I3� • . A.l.fl. �°�� � FrcSi�lent ���� .�.�. C� �'w. E��� ,�^+1'���� �11(:�t1S111'L: _ �I ��V Cc: 1VIik�: McGec— f?�put� ["f�iefi'f=ire M�rsk�all [}���n Ma�1,�c�l�n- W�iV �'ascade�C��r���t7rn�n�E�ms �:� ��R�AL '�' � Quisrana-Pac�c' ��.:! � � a t i w��rrn,a Ll�L�i ���� � ��Tan��Pho�e[Sai1 a�a�ear� �_�t /-� � �T�r p _. � ������� �V�� �11�Y r:r- �1����� 1'�aducts;Mt4ium per+sity flbe�rb�aafd 4MAf1, FEardbc�ard, p�rrtt�c�ebaard [acee�i Rrdc��. H�rd►yaad Plywc�ods may be as3ctia[e�d K�th r►asal canter. 'Wc�ad dus�is ne�Gurd � HtI�!'dG�[[.S II�7�d�et�CS as a can�er-tau�sing s�trst�rrce trj+the Inicrfia[iarta9�►g�ey�ar rar�r nv +rr.urs� c�un+� os�c►s� Resrareh on Caneer i��I, ►�ati�nal'�axscol�Pro�ram{FtTP�. r�w�+a�d aw ,,,,w,,.. +a�W� ���u... sa«��,+� Mntnran Confertn[c o�Govrrnrnr-n�a1 Indus[rial Hygi�,scs +�rsr,so��as musw s���- ,o�yw. rs�� � {►kCGIFtl.�r lhe US-C1CCt�patiottal Safety�:Flcallh r.�w�.�+sa�r t=a.�,.� �� i.a va� Qri+w►+ ��* .,�minis�raaan�Osw�� �a��s��+•h s�n+�+�es�.►aaa F�ormaldehyde:T'hese,product5 relCasc!ow amoun�s af �r.,�,,�.����..oa r�x f€arrnaldehydc.Paniticboarc#s an6 pEywaods camp�y K^ith� -�as��wr++�►�krc�er stan�au'ds fat ftaa7rtaldehyrie c��fgassing sct by the US.O��r+[�t�nR c�Hcaas�ng zr�d L7rb3n C'�eve��apment fHU��� Medlurn�sity PtTy'SiC�Gh+�Tl1�iClt5�C3/ fibtrtroard[MD��nd har�-DaarA��re�oR tcgulatsd by HUD 6sit �[�A�l�t1TLS�i�Clcl�iL�nS �he aifgassfng lewtls af formaldehyde are g�tally less than the D.75 pan per mi1tion standaEd►�quire�d b�x OsFi►t�as msasurcd ay [kea-fottt�}dehyck par�t produt�3 are whi�e lo broamm�n r.�r [he H�1A r�t,�f sp�etifcd in 49 Fcd Reg.32U11l- and ir�drnsr th�n wa�er.7t�ese prnduats are�emic�ll};stablr Ftar�rtialdehyde h�a;been I�ed by t�RC. NT�,and asH,�a�ei�her a but sht�uld twt be swro0 in arc.3s+�fiere Pemperawrcs e�acad earcirt�gen�r�ncertausia�agrnq c�r as a poaential catr�rx�gen. 212'F or wtierc+�r�surr t�c�pcn flames ar�adizing ager,ss Fcumaldehvde may raits�e irritauan or al4�rgic conta€t dertnatits`s �� aach as c?�aine.si►vr�g acids,or hydr��n p�rauQe 1s pc►�ibPe. Mn sensiti�e inaitvic3�als. •' �neral Work 1fi�caic��Lc�ca!uentifatit�n Shaur4 bt provid�cl to F�1'�d11t�E�?�45IOR ,D�QtQ rtr�4ve wtrod du�t fram workspa�rs when feasibl�.U�cts shau{d - wtar prcxec�ive giov��n�gcr�glcs whcr+handiing ar wark�ng ar� �a farmaldehydt pane!prs�uct�may(�n��e i(�d to �nel productis to prevent in�ur}�.Gncad hauseteepin�pract�c�s �m�eT��S acceeding M04"f.Th�se products autc combusu�lc shouf�be used ca�ninimi�e dus�leveEs ir�t!x air and�re�uce and rt�bum ii��s cpen�Aames.k�sgh tem�per�rure uf�e Po55i0iiiry of 5f�ppFng un�u�t railccted Qn fla►r�rducs. objx�,o►o�d�i¢ing c#�emi�als. Fir�ety,dhri�dcd wooc3 dus�ge�raced by sav��ing,sanding.g�inding DL�C1+��71'I�f and 5�m��at opera[ions c3n Crtatt a Stvttt[xpiosiGn hazard if ihc dus�w�tticcnttal#�txCe�dS 4o grams per eub�c meter idusi Cfq�d} Tt►�s M5a5 is int�ndcd 3akely fcsr�afety educatiafi a�d nat Far aruf con�acts an ig�,i1}an saurce. use as spc�cificatians or w2rrancies.77'ris lnfarma�►on in snas I�onnai EirtCighcing metha�ds�w�and fires such a�s water or W� ►�545 wa,s ob�air�cd f�ar�usually relia�l�sa�rc�s and is prav�ded extingui�hmenc may bc us�d in rase af fire.Yax�c cons�i�uen� withcu�any rspraen��ians oF warran�ies rcga�ding��e ac�uracS+ —'�cxrnd in wood 5r�akt ir�cyue�e carF�r,n ma:►oxid�.�dehy+des.a�d or wrrectness.Sinct the handt�ng. us�,an�st�ragt is he�rond � F`�Y'�''�li�ar�mat�t hvdrac�rborts. ftemo�e panels ar�d duss �� our tontiroi, lAUisi3na•Pati�f�c aasurr;e� ^; .^;�.��;�;"'�:� open area after lire is extingufsh�d�Q prcvesrt rc-ignitian ���d►sclaims iiatndiry for any toss,damage.or enpensc ansmg�#�erefrnm. He�r1[�r Ha�dslProtecxn►e Measurcs - — -----�-l-�— — Co�rten[s _ tJir�:Panel dust can irri�a�e�res and brea�hin&pa�s�agcs. P�Sans sv�ject to�ucti irricacion�hrwid wcar protective go�gFes t�uisiana-�acife has acumptc�d�a�pravidt a r�adab�a s�+�d � and�ica551i-approved respirata�rs�ar��tsanu dusl w+�h�n►varklns� in(Qrnrn�aG��e M�D'S f�r use with�.•P ptadtuts.Sh�1t1d yar h�vc in�u�s wh��e dust is generated. any enmrncnts or 5ugge5�ions r�garGing xhis FA.SDS,pt�se send ; �ao�rse wsra��ies may�use skin#rti�tia�r c�r r�pit�lory therr�ta Lauis�ana-PaciGt Corprcxati�, f 11 S�f fifth�v�etiue. , trritation�pralonged repcti�n►c C�ntac�by suscepci�fe�ttsu�ns P+avand.oregan v�Zw-�ai.►uun:�s�s�n�nrmac;on j (u,allergscs},Samt rrsearctx�hasrcc�vcd in5t�,r�c�s rvhere �rdinatar. laag-term e�pasure[a wa�d dust�rom sann�I�ar�e�bod 5;peecies Jr�nt I'R41 si.1l� I.Sii �� j : .� _ . .. ,. • - jN'•�'> � '����F�rr'� � - . � ;'�^ : "�..,� '�ll��.�i1�a��t� � � �� y - _ ..i � . � �1�_•_ � � � .. ''� f ,� I � I �I � � � i� 1� �� � k � � ■ � � � � � � � � I �e.- [: Ts���r����F3��ist�rel,::� �����i��� _ . _ i � � � I � - �� - � , :, u .., .�,� — � � � , � '`1{ ;;, w .f , � ' �'!� - �, MO 6e . � —.�..�. . k, r{ir�.. � �.sar�gt a r�^�! �. _ k_F �'a.,i7 �k s i:»;:,, 3n�t}µRn P..i:,11 � uam Intemati ^a�, - �_�n! i.Gu.,.� i �a, r n ° I .., . c.yo r ur i ,;.iA.hlon�luH�. k1r�,ii: VJtlliam R hif,kli5[pr. r Yi t�,<< C.E. �Id€k l!tl,f:rat d L-:,�i�r.;i:.,r.r•, M+�R7 V4tC �s �r� �F��CTIV� LQ1N CC7ST FLAMORT WC offers many advaratag�s: iRE P�EI`ARQAh�T CNEMICAL ft�r unfinis�ed i -ood and plyworad. FLAN90RT WC is clear APPearance. FLAMQi3T W�G treated surtace �c�:ic�rless, arrd #he natura� appe�rance of may be le€t unfirrished ar may � ewQOd ;s retained after applicati�n, be finished with a� c�arn!��tit�le I + r�'� W� tre�ted w�od m�y be left st�,ir1 ur c;c�a�iG�g. finES���, fr�ish�d w`rth an a�prc�ved stain, ��Arovafs: FLAM(�F�T WC is accepted and � ,s'�41�v,d with FLA�v10�iT INax C�ating. apProved by many cities and i � � M�RT WC is recomrnende€� �or �se in � states and as classifie� k�y ; �e buildings, candQmir�ium�, �partments, Urrderwrit�rs" Laboratories�far � ., ����is, p ' i ��staur�nts, theatr�es, nurs�ng hornes, i7auglas fir. ' �r��F� �r,hQqls, and other�imilar type Low Cost: FLAMQR� INC is ecar�omi_ , ; I �s�r�pctian wh�re re c�uced fire h�zards �re 1 a ����nsid�r�d in �pec�ficat�ons. '���• '�QSt af this �hemical � cc�mpvund is in�xper�sive; ; � h , ��RT WG �is �vailable in either� dr ' ' ; � m ��E Y f�'eight cost is rnir�imized by , , i. � ��d tc�b� m�xed wi�h warm water or shFpping campaund to 1ob site; � , ' ;a r�a�y_ta-apply svlut�an. ' 'rs �imple and easy tca ap�fy, i <'" � � � � ,� . � �':F'` < _ .x___ .� . ' FL�►M�:���[7 CHARACTER15�1CS {A57 '�.�p� 4'• ` �r��@'Q� ' - i APPiieation ,'�• N,�. �f per coat!(square Flame Class9#i�ation � Coats feet per gatlon� Spread 1V.FP� '7,8.�. . Material 8�Substrate � _ , .:. �a� s� • a - ' .�: FLAMQR"T WC Clear, C�Ivr4ess Gaatin� � r� B f - - C1OUgl��F�r 3 2i' i6 E� y 2 .,:', Sauthern Pine � `25 50 B 2 ��, N4rthern Hard Ma�le � 18G �� g f � 225 i_:. Cellulase Board 3 �25 6' � l � ,'1' • �: Vld�stern R�d��d�� � 225 �� B While Fvs 3 . :c. Akder BattBns �GO 25 A 1 .'� T FI�ATVIORT fi•3 G�ear,Golorless Coating 2 .i °� Rau�l�s Fir ;.� �� � �LAM�RT�Intumesc�nt Paint, White, ti 5vlvent Type 3tio 20 �` S . 2 � Douglas Fir � ', 15fl �5 A �'�?�` '�. .�i '� FLAMQ�iT �n#umeseent L.atex Paint, VVfhite i ��� 2S a .t;,,�� - �]ougias Fir � 200 �5 A 1��• .;�, `%i , Dou�glas Fir 3Q� 1 ' � C�lfuVos�B4afd 2 2�O 1� � t � • �M.� Gel➢uias�Bo�rd Per#arated � 3�Q �� p, 1 °: �,° Acc�ustleal 8pard �erforated � Acoust9caf �aard FLAMC�RT FLAM-�G�R��ire Retardant �5 a �� � ` � � 3(lU t� .:, 1 Uarnish - �'�p11ROR71' App�����'� Treated wal4 coverinc3 shaH tae glued to incom- 5 A i'� � y Cottan Fabric bust�ble cvnstructian with Winygri�p 729 iH��vy 5 h Z. ,. �urlap duty wsYl ❑overinq a�ihesive),except sisa4 end ' � ',_.� 4 cair r�`iatt�ng cow�ring whhch � � ,_ } srial4 be appl�ed with Sairrnix #7 high 2� A . I FLAMUR�TG Applied�io cem��r�tur�e �� A �_ l Sisal Mattiny gonding martar. .�� � �rair Matting F��rics tested were made f9re retardant k�y �.. � ; � I State approved applicator{Reg, No. A-t70} p � t �.� C.7�Icr��s CDmpa�Y� �� F�AM�IRT U A�3plled T� 23s8 A�varado 5treez - ! _ � � Nylon Fabri�; San Leandra,Califorrvi�9�577 � � � �� � �� FLAMQRTi �CP APp iS�C��C7 (d15�357°9d84 r� n _i��" �`-_\ ;: ,�'l Po4yester Fabria ';�` i � ' � FIRE RESISTANCE 7E5T flF Tk�EATE'� FABRIC �lamort�� . .'� - ! F lamor t C!�' Flamort U F1ar�r�rt fi f G�ttar�} : � (Polyester} (h�ylvn] t'�otton} ._ .. 7est Met�od � _� ��: ��. � Passed 7���� r � Passed `'�� �I �} F4ammability per FBderal Tes1 Meth�d St�ndard N�. Passe4 _ �� 1�i,N1ethad 59�3-2 fQr FCame Resistance af G1atih; ,. ,.� i� Vertieal. pa��,{ �, � Passed Passed , � � 2} flarnmal�ility �er NFPA No.701,'Standard Methads Passed aF Fire Tests far�larroe Resistant Textk4es and Films, ` 5n-sall Test Proeedure. ���� ��} ,; ` ' t Test 1t.2,Verti- Passed' Passeci 'J :. �� �} Flammability per Boston Fir� Qep ., Passed" 'x. � ca1 Ftaming Ig�nyCion 3es t far 7rea[ed Fabrics arad _ ,y Plaslic Coated Fabrics. �� � ' Passed Pas��d Passed .- I' Q] Flammability per City af New Yark Bvard of 5tan- a � �'� dards an�' Appea4s,Ga1.'��.29�-44-8R. •- : � ������' " � P�ssed PasS�d PassEd � �) Flammability per Califor�ia Adm�nisxrative Code, � Tiile 19, Puk�lrc Safety Article 3, S�ctVon 1237,Small : _ Scaie Vert�cal Testins�. p�� ', '�' . II , �) Flam:maY��lity p@r�AA, FAFI Air Warkhiness S4an- Pasaeti P�ssed . �,� d�rds'�arz 25, Section 25.85��para. [bj and app�i- Fassed at[rN : .-•_� 1��� � mable Appendix F,para. (da,Verttical Test. �Exce�l �iare�ing�fro�oft ob �.�'--'I. , y � � > . ; , ;`�i_)r��1T S�LEGT�JR �HAF3�i � as�s, aiF�� � � ' I PR�7[]UCT �uy�ine 5�7� ��� APPF�OVALS � �;!k,�Q�'� "�lyl� Fc�r unirneshecl �n�e�icsr yy00d, pfywoad, aCauslical bqartl, in5u�alir�n �lassifietl llnderwri�ers'Labvr�lories ^ ' CQ�4PIeSS a°��� �ellulose hn�rd. Pibreboarr�, excelsior, wond ghp�rnys. anri G�iu[ornia State Fire VularShal R I G '::d1'd�n� c�aper AVd��d[}I9 7fY TBe7[D]I-IC1f 1150 50II1IIGf15 OP 85 dry eomppunct to be �-h d} ( � �o. " �� �isso�ved,n wr�ter. Calilornia Staie Flra�+ta�shal 22SC1-0[72:1 $urfai,e Impregna4ian w�OC3,Pt.Y'WDOU: Use�Ibs per gal af wale�r.(}rie qallan will ireai lniarnalianatl Con}gf�nce of $uilding ii0 sc� Ir in thre�spray eo�rs,or by immersian.28l�s concPn�rdtet! C1f}iCiais p�9pp coroi�qund rer�irired id tr�ai 1.Ot1U sy.Pf. �El,LLfLOSE Fi[lARt} Use 3 165.per gallcar�a}water flne allor�vrrfl Crty flf LOS Angeles ReppR#2392� treal 51J;q.It.501�75 rBquirF�d 4[�f���t 1.a0a 5q.tR 9 Ciry of�hJerr Y�x'�c ga�rd R}Sfandards arX! [;f]�Ri.1G�TED PAPER BC3ARf] Use 4 16s.per���Ipn ni water. (�ner p�als M684 63.��yr} _ gafVnn wv�u ucat ap�rox�me�ely 3t14 sp ft P�I f and MATCFEST�CFC 8AMf3�[3:Use d Ibs.per gallon o!water,by =' �' mersion PA R U5e 31bs Re�c�alio�af Wdt�r.C]ne gaflnn wiil Cre�rl qU{3 sq it F '=�'��1,�(�.�_"� For us�e qr7 inl�riar unfinisMe[4 wooU!v FiEi}IICf'FLAh+4E SPREAl;i and G�Yy ol Lns An cres Re Cfgar�F�re l�etardant s^"��� 9 €�n r�o. aas�� dne f16P Cpnt.�in C.Ywli;y�Ing,bPpRlinB pf Su4phflf[:UInU(yU��9g �al�farnea State�ire Marshal �c�eting Va' �c�n ha s�:aincdµx varni5�ed TFter ire�finent {�gg•Nd.G--0.15J (H�lo�en-Free) I�l�C�'Q#��Cortteren�e ot BuiidiF�g ����]YI��� 1# Ft,77 W44U 171{efi[}F IlllrifFiE5Ct17P,dlg ariic•sca¢ueni iype,uaw sheeri +urt�ce P�cparativn SurEacRS�o be pairoG����nuld he Gfean.f��I�I Ci� a4 L.tls An eles Re FFRE RETARL)AIWT_�'' qrease and v�l. Wire•br�sr� tn remove aM� nor,•adherwn Y g �rt No,23922 � ��.� _-' Appiy iinrlFtCr?al it F�drne�rl Firri Fte17ra3nt Pair51 w�fl b�y 8�I Ra�n`. Intunw��scB�lt,SOIV�r1! ur�e��a�nnty Pr� d rn �fJ'�, Applicaiipn. Star fh�roug hfy A�pTy FI&mtrrt Fire Relarc3nraf Pa�rrf Ay 5,{7ray.i47plcr pi t,lr115h.F�r maxll'llum�er�[@�jia.n(yyQ�nafS of FV:]mv�rl - F'rrp R&far�an0 F'eint shpi,iicl be ap{�iied nr��fa�G h0ur5 cl'ryrng lime k1@lween Co�aES. „ � TC�inning plse Flamprti Fire Fietardan�P��n����x comes irpm Iha can If r � th�nnarry is necessary,us[�Ehinner s�arrngly SkandarU�3p Thortnr�r requ�red.�:Inart Pr�uipmenf w+�h�;�int 1h�a�nPr Gaverag0.M1Aaximum�roteclipn i5 prU�itled Ff Ffamprt Fire R�tarcl�nl ;� '� Parnl isappVitd rn twn�oals.each�paq Sc7Cmver 30(l�q ft pr,rg811e�n. , Tint+nr� G;e T�:nnecco Utlfr��Trnl�n4 CQIOrs}c�r Oi!'�.ase Pa..in[ Ma:s,� �rnum pmting COlprs�ounces pP,v galipn II� ��. ��� Ir Fur in[?ri��r wbpp, G,�EIuIcrSB bnard, pgrlpf3tet7 &c�7usI��AI hn��r� C�7ll�tamia$taleF'tr�MgrShal ���; � �DAhPT APPl�ecl at par.k3gP carasrsEeriey by �ryr�y�ng. rpVliny ❑r brushing (Re�g_NA C�.14j I ��y�,, Equiyr�o�nt can he washed wrth tap water Ft�F pubfic 3�uildirtqs, lnEerrrati�nal ConPerpnce of 8uil�inq schar�l5.+iU5p�Pals, nLlrs3nq horiars, h4leis, mOrtBdS. Iarms,ChurClies I �I, ��1tU�iicsW�rit,LBt�x vh��sanr��r,di€stry C�ff�cialsNZgpp I .,, {ri8tj G�ty at�as A�ngeles Iie�o�r�JC, 23422 � �L r���-(j,�.Sl R�* A Llacs"R"f�en�n,tardarrr vatnish wolh a lnw saFsn fini�h FLqM_�AFi❑ Calilarnia 5tate Fir�t�M1Aarshal ! p �I1�UR7'L'SC�IIL FIf�2 semw qlns:s v3rn�;d,pvercv�t i5 re�uirRr�Mr 3rr?a=Ihal ar�sut�ea:i!n I�ard wear nr pxpnsCd to waler FLAM-GARQ VARYVlSH cov�!rs T50 s {A�J M� C-4.1�y � �' Retar�lant Vamish i�lc�;�llpre anei Iha SFluhl-C,LC?SS f�VEFiCC7A�crovars 600 sq 1t,IgdpfUQ C'ty°a �p�Ange�es ReAorf No 23922 I �'"� � � �,Q,+�{i Ret;ommen�l�;U as a 4c�w SnBOn peneir3ting clear saaf�r and Finish lo� Intornaliorrai {'cm[erence ❑F 9uif��rr9 L,� * � appliCaRian aver�`lanrort W�o�flarnon 6-3 Ireat�d waixi.Gn�arage�s bff;c�als�29ptl ` 2RF1 Scy '� Per q�llon ap�lr�3q�jY spi�yinr�ctr hrer:hi�� 9 e I �`�e�i��,i�-y�T Fa�a�Pficatipn io textiles made od naturar}itx�ra such as cptlan, � silk�nd v�stose rayan.Recnmmended Ipr dra�es,cfacarati�e mste�c°ia�ls Celrtrornia Slate Fire Marsfraf � anr!wall cbvneings,Pr�-tesE st�m le.lmmr±r f Reg.No.C-qJ P 5e 4r sprr�y Inieripr u5g pnPy �� �t i r�������T 1 C Fuv r�pplres2ic�n ro te�ctiles madt+pf natural t��ers-eDlron. _ i I � wopY, Rtuglin C�li}orni�a$tak��re Nlarshal I and Canvas wi�erg sp�tngs�t4 hana is nol�ss,grtt,al Approwed a194 fe�r use an dry gra,ss,Aa{��r.sawdust antl rvor��i shawngs,Pre-tiest sample. (��g N�' C 4.1J � Imm�rsp pr spray Irtteripr uSe anly. I � � r� ��r' !� 4 !� �c��applicafinn t4 aCelate rsyon and cel:�np�¢nyfon.Recbmmsnded fCr C�li�,�rnia�tate Fir�M�rsh�l � , drapes or�an�d's.Alo1 recontmendes7 Inr IJA�alstary f�ae-Iest sam Ir� Fi 1 ' Irrnmerse t�r s�ray In�ori��r use un3y. C S ey i��.C:•A Ty � ������'���1 '�� For appl,Calion to poEyc�st9r,cot�err•�aly�sEer bPerrds,acelat�ara�acrylics. Califomia Stald Ffrg Marshal i 10. ' Ree�mm6nc�ed tar dra�e5.h�a�ranars and wa11 coverirags Pre-SesY sample. f�eg.Ne.G-4.75} II ,1,�� I � � Irr9mer56 or;��rafr, fnteriar�58 anly, µ �,��� r� iA , x ,� Fcrr�irien�r use nnly:�or{;hrrstrna�lrc�y,wreaths, alm Prn�nd�and A C&lifarttoa 5ta4e Fire Iu1a�.sh�l �fli1Sp �`�F�2 IoBiag�. rallan. mbic�3sr�r,ic bamoc�o, ratlia, maEting, sisal aocoa and (Reg.No.C�.�t} I� i �$�9[[' �.�;tlll hemp fiber.Abacca clnih.Paper,carcFhQard.3n�1 coeru�sted'Paper,clry (.'Ofq f�C �� gr;�s���nd s�a u��ts an�f pc>iyst�arene�la.erir.}nam f1v��labPe i�rcaJV Iv 'd� '.�Qfi. ��r_�t1fF@$S, aisP:;nri.[inn onay �1AP�Y Gy�mrnNr�.iC7ri<:r 4�ara�i��c� � ,� �� Td:C�:; ` A���'����'��� A Ciear Coatir��for a�ppl�cation Co palyes[er{si�k�plan[S.Thr.r.c��ting Can f:ali4ornia 5tar!�Reg..p C-�i 18 t �r Ci]atj�9 also be used on periye��hy�en�pl�nts,spfiS barnt�. raFl,�n, marr.hstick � � bamt�oa,bamhrso.and r�es!f�erac{nq. �:�a•.:u i =�i n � , q . � ' � i � -�— �I I � T11QN5 far tire ret�nt lr�alment for w+�od,ply waod and+avaod ucts usinq Flamort WC. � SPECIF�CA . 7. DRYlNG OP UIPPE4 QR SPRAYEU 1JIATEFIlALS: Keep dipped stem9 , � f wo�A. wherP s�ecitiCd, shall be �yA� ;__ 1.9 �ire retardant treatment Df woad, P Y �eparated wlth half-irSCh nqn-metak7ic cVea# spRCets !h?? rriV{ She use uf FLAlV1[iR�WG. �� accomplished bY cause st�+inmg oe strsakin9. 1.1 Treaitmeni must prececte apPl+cat+on ot starn,paint vr osher lin�sk�. 1.2 Treat�*d mater�als may tre ideniified by addrn9 any'�+'ater-saiubla dye�r 7.1 [3ry FLAMOAT�ZED ilGrtis either t�y kifn°dryin9 ar by sioring in adp. .;� � qu�tig venli�aSiDn but prateGted 1rc]m iire elBnrmQnSs, � wo6fY st8in to thc FlarnUrt Se�lut�an. I 2.0 PRECALITIONS QIIRING AFPLlCAT10N5: 'ProSeci �II mate�ials whrct� �'� `$ o�R���5�nding and dusti�,g$r&in oT She wood; ihis sh8uld C� � may be affected hy eo n[acl wii�4he Flan�arS SoIUY�on a coatdng sysiem which � �.1 FLAMORT WC mu51 be appieed anYy whx�rr LOnd�tions permit pr�Per�ry- 8.1 FLA�MI4RTIZED wq4d mu5tl�o�ti�gwaOd,yol�fBrw'rse w3t9r-SUluble i �ng Qo nof ap�yiy when rt is r3�ning outsitla preWents moistuee e�x��' 3A PREPARATIOM OF FLAMEPROC)F S(SLUTiOh{sha11 6B aCCVmpIi5�et1 bY 8.2 BVea`h�lg forj decorat ve purp ses ay��e accomplished with c�n• disso�v�ng 3 Ib5 ��a��rt WG r,D�ROUnd in each gallvn ot water,aS eoa���'+ �,enSi�!t3G m3SHfi315 WklI1DUt e1�[&T1f19 ll'S�E fire-retardancy ot +h� Fldm.� � Ie�PBrature t1�"-t9`Baumel artized materials. ,s ;' 3.� q Propgr mixture for dense os poorfy-8bsnrGeni materf8lS Such as teak- 9� p��pRATIpN DF F���7R7 T�[E#TEU 1N'bOA: woad will have A so 5 lbs Flannort +NC 4� e�Ch gal�on oi water. 9.1 Surixces to 6e co�ted sha�� be dry �nd G�ean tr6fore berng pairated,` . � t2z=_�4' Baur�re 1 �� qtherwise Laated and ShAUId be kept dry during COakengs app➢I•' .�^ � 8.� TREAtMENT 8Y fMMERSI+QN ��t,�,�,�t al9 limes �iuring tha drying af the c���i�+g �Ysiem, and�an1H� � n � , � � , r,,,is Ue dn a was�defl�ank ��=- c�mplete eur+ng af the SYstem has csccurred. i " "�'4 ,� y7� ��elerred} o� 3 Ssi� lU '�- g,2 FLpMpA71ZE0 mater6��s shall nat ba cvaked when the r���oisturd ,� { p� s ro erl calibrated Thnisture ::�mmodate ComP�Exe and 5�- cantent exceeds 12�o as measured bY P � Y � -.��.` ' � �r,teilaneous immersion of at hA�ter.This applies to�hl coats. I t,_ ��� � ?ast 6 panels, an�3 t�tted with g,3 The lirst cDaY shall cdmplet�ly seaV the �u[4a�e against r:��istut4 �y} i � ��"�' j �irai�s�ioard to re4urn drain- �enetrslion o�8xlruslon of the Tlamrproofin� chem�c�'- , I 1 � � ,pct9 Gf I ,n�s t�ac'k�ntc�th�tank 9.4 c�2nb firSt Cctat smaath and dusi frae 4f residue. It a� • ' !I eEtornical RpRear on the surfBCB. .�nd 4ut :. i and rasea6_ Vi th� sea1er i; sanded thf�ugh to bare wood a�E-sea1; ; � i� 4.1 Ih1M�RSkOh 7REATME�� uF r��-HEATE4 PAHEis= �$�� p���As residual flamepran�ng � in � kilrs at 120 F('�'IOrkin9 rarlg�: 1L'�0 -f50'1.Wh'sle p�nels are hot. li � imMediately irnmer,e comR�et���r'trome 3lAO 6rm�ut�s.�FteeprP�els syslem seiec4ed when dry. Rust vr w�R�merrted s ytems �us�d,. �' ��� 5crlutiesn at roo�+ tempefatu � � dhe tiest�Qat musl seal the F'LAMOR7IZED wnp d Comp V e t e ly �m p l a y' campletely svh�Er9�=¢ d�+ring this s0alcir�g perio8. Remuve Pan e l s i 4.Q f H T E R 1[?R,P i G ME�JT��1����: ere p irarrro tank end p�acp^�G�`a�=to druin nt�drainGOard. p �.� ��yyp gpLUTION] PROCEUURE: YiPat soluSian tee�64imrr�i�ssed 1� he har u�o�d�lf this�e u' e,�rEtP�mesimme�atelYy.�ultinc�tt�rauyh; ; cc�mP����1y�Ea�merse ��eces 4� bc�ir���ted.KeBD 9 ,1 tirst cuat to�1�surt�r.es.prior to mstallatian. I irvm 3 tn 6 mbnuies A1ler �n�mt=.rs�c�n. imm�edialely rerne�ve }+�m hoi 1�.t �`¢��°rr, shuuNci �_���st r,t ai 4e854 three coats. u � solution ared com{�letefy inrmerse in 3 fika svlution at ror_,m temi����� fQ.2 Sr`;;` 11.1 FLAMOR� WAIt GQATIHG, saaler and tinish cva4 is recommended!�1' ture for from 3 ta 6 m�nurca Ft4mn�t; F��nels fr��rri sc>iutinn anrl drain. 61.0 IMTERIOR CLEAR SYST�MS; uavoH surtaces wh,c�� htsve 4een treatad with Fksmort WC. I� _ _ 5.0 TREATMENT Btl SPRAYlNG ThH rach.tlull she4n s�1 tna wax coatinr�hrings oui the beauty uE ih6qfi��'. � � � sha11 �c w�th �iRllef cUnven- � _ .�_ - ti€3nal 4ow-{�ressuf�. aorl�ss, �r tha coating sea�5 `� s�+e t�re retard2nE ch�msCa9s used tvr i�rr��reldr��� � III �( -�� �� P treatment. nrchard 6ypa Paint s tay Q��ep- 1 ' � .,a�� � ' meni Three ca�ts sha�1 bc ap- �1.2 ypR1tISFl �R 1�+��0�£R �'�'T��S vver WUDd trOdkBds+rr�n s���m��' '�I �'� -•� r°♦� pji��. pn nat wait fofi lirs: a�� W�. �he�k tur cem�aS�b,V�ty or wril�:tor su99esteci �Y' ��,.�te�'� 1i.3 FLAIJIORT4ZED wo�d sh�uld 4e prime.�5 on 8AI s�urt;, � sOCOn[!Goats 4o dry bclare ap- ,ntil read!l i �' �I� ,��"i=„ , plying next c0ai. Just allnw an arrival at th�: jab and storad in a dry pratecte ��, � ° t 1 Rime for the so�ut��n to be ab- fat,ns�al4atinn. Pnmee shouYd be ni Shr sartae SYSt�m°�s'�`;t Se18�x�. 1� `� I �.+�`. � sdrhed. ic�r the caniploRe tinish. t�,�nd ifM' �I � � no residue nf 9h�, i su�4icient Flamott s��ulibn 111.4 Preparo the vxF+�s��surlaCe for c��t��g hY s�n�`���m�:� i 5.1 Hold n�t�92 18".?.i lrone woik and sPR Y . I nature r��Y��present. e tlf�l in bnlh directoc�ns ta thoroughay wet a11 surtaees of the m+�st�rial. v1 surface �W�dence o! the fla+�++��t '+�+�G� dW�t� i A,ppl�catis�n rate shaYl be 11U �q. It. Cai �umber Vn lhres coats a�13a �1.5 5ta�n, as dasored' bul dv nol �Se water base cdatings as „ �I sy.fS per cnat 1ar eaCh galkon aT So1ulion. ; k h 53 SpraY Cquipment shall b� ihoroughly rinsed wikh (cald vr warm) Cali(aeloryfoireconnmendatians. � yy�a�er aiter usB. 6.a 6RUSFi APPLICATI+PN is not rec�rr�mende'�im ers on.qr�sR ayfng, - � condiSions da ncst permit FLaM1�1QRTlZiNG by ;�ece�tab1'e resu�ts can be achieved by i�sPreqnat'sn9 th� surl�ce, ,�s�nr� at feast three s�parat� caatings ot FLAlv10RT WC solution �, s3cserihed in��r�gr3Ph 3.5 ;sbove ;. r i� t,e�t ar� � ' Caut�pn: Gantains flammah1s so1u�nt5. '�P�p awaYle4e1��"ry.S4�r8 I �ME 9Yame.Freshly applied areas are flammable until cc�mp FLAI►A�lRT Qf[!ClLVC!i�8 CO01�f�a. ��18 v�r�tal3t�'��' � �i'���A�''�' Heaith precautians: Far ali products use with adec§ jt1e use y� �I, A�oid contaat with skin and hreathing al vapor„spray or dusS. pl � of OSFiA approved masks and gloves are recamm�n��� Kes�aut ! 7as �A�vn��s�'�t��T �� reach af chiidren. �user ol SAhI!FRANCI5CO3 r �l�" �4�� CALfFafR�11A 941Q3 �PPiicaiion; C]ur prow�ucts are said rsn the canditian ihat e�� ' 415i621-T$25 tha materia! rrsakes his ouvn svatt�atian t❑de4ermine ihe su'[aba�'a�d ��' TradCm�rk Rr�i.stc�.iad his particu9a� use. We re�vmmend that yvu pr�tes� � .,� FAx; 4151621-fi75d y� ��,y Ihen prv�eed when yvu asc satlsfied with ttie r�sult . y u.'�'� ��n- � �'` � !��' � ��`� Nov- 17-99 4�y46� 8 F P E �Q3 �88 �4�$ P.O� � � � �if+e S�t�ty • Fire Prtatect�on • Fire Al�rrn BFRE NoWernb�cr 17, 199� T'ow�of�ai� Bufld�ng Uepartm�nt 7'S South Frc»#�ge Road Va�il,CO 81�i57 1�ttr�� Gat�y�'n�c�de#f Su'bj"ect V�il �:asca�de�vndominiums 2'�� 3�F'l,�ar+Cc�mdar a�nd E�Sevatar Lc�bby Remodel Ue�r Gary: T�his �tv�luatican is beu�g pert'c�rmcd by twa c�+nsulta��ts C�'�ryan Partnership is eva�tt�ting the com�o�ite wc�ad�raduct being installe�d 4n the wa�lls for de�aminataon,attschmerrt,tnx�c pr�i�ction, and class nf fir�ish BFP'.E is evaluating�utomatic sp�inkle�protection aa�fire a�arm. �1+�,�dvc visitcd tihc ebo�e�roja:t aa�d hawe re�riewed tlze att�ched produ�t infcacrr►atian. &ased on Chis it has tx��a deternur�ed th�t tt►e�cornposit�e woad�rrod�uct Enay i�nite�nadfar pfnduc�:taxic�asses a�'e�cpasct3 t�o tem�eratures ex�eedin}�44�°F. Becaus�e nfrhis, it is impc�tam ta �c+eep this paaeiin,� c,+�o1 durin�3 a fire conditi�an. Our tecornmcnd�tian is to replace thc �xistir� spririlder heads�vith residc�rtia� strrri-recessed s�rrinkler h�d�. NFPA 13R, Fara�ra�p� �-5.2 Desig� �Critcria- +Chatside I)rrvelli�sg L'nit.�scept�vr�N�o. 2 allvws this use. �S�e�ta►�hmt�t). Residential spe'i�nkler�ads will pr��ride quicker res�anse and a bett�r ��ray pa.tter�cti that will •�ret„ higher on the walls. T�� existing bnck bc►xe��`�r the fire �larm caznpo�tnts �be provid�d with e�ste�nsiv�s to ell��vv flush i�n�ca�latian c�fdevic�rs agai,nst the new w�lt fr��ah�a��1. we�recomrnend�faat�t�e e�s�ing �etectars in the cvmd�rs a�ad elevat�xr lvbbies,wh�r�the new wcxk is beirag d+�an�,br rep�aced w�ith de€�ors of a ss�gle ro�nufacturer that are crvss list�with tt�c e�ciscing f re alarm pa�et. Smolr� d�etecror s�acin�ahall kre revi�wed snd d�t�ctar�r�t�cated c�r ad�rd as�e,cessary per'N�PA 7�,Fig. A-5-2.4 i(t] (Sec Attac�mem). 13istanCt b�tvvicer�smaire dctrctors in the comdc�rs sh�r�rt�xceed 41 feeett r�o+�bc rnore tha�2+�'-t�"frvt�arx e.�d corridar wall. Thc maximum d�starKCe between smc�ke dete��rs in rhe�lee,+atcar tobby�ahai��vt e�cceecd:#7 fcet, �crr bG�rc d� 1�'-+5"�-p�m are�r end walli, P�[] B[yx 29550 • Den►rer, �C4 84�29 • 303-426-034� - Fax 303-288-2428 � �� �ov- 27-99 Q4:47P 8 F P E 3Q3 288 24�8 �.U3 � � �`own of Vail �uikr�in� �3e{�art�meaat V�ik Ca�s�ade Condvminiuzns Novcrr�ber l7, I994 �'agc 2 �'his cValuatic�n is fQr the �'"� �nd 3"'floor cvmd�r �d �levator�nbby rer�,cydei �r�as�nly and dves not c�nsid�r any fire protectian nr fire alarm outside of the�ee arc�,s. I.��}Ot1 h�tr�3iiY[�i1C9�ti7n5, }�lease ta�vi hc�itate tca car�t�ct me Sia�creiy, BFPE R' f _ � a' s•" :�;', � � ��r~ ��� �; � .�-.* - e CK j..v '°� 1 r^i;� _ __ +� •p �:.i� . P'erry I3 Matt��ew:�, P E. ''v: ,` ..:';� `�`-. • .:� .,,,_.,... • ,� M1 .' a.. A.�f ry. �1 � �f �'� �7,'�`� An�chmecr�t � �� �:� ���- x7-�s aa :4�v � F � � ��� �ss �a�s � y �.aa ' 'fio�,. i-° '�r'? 11:-15 B�E rri.• �.��_�.-u�. -.» - � � :-{ '. I1^.�y±�+ {��'"1{'rr;� .._{�t�l�i^i•� If��tlFlwi*•y 1 n��. �lC �C9��tlG�/T�C,;�{!�T O�(�E�9pfl�C�.WK��f��i�Q�C�1C���'��� st�ver��. �ed pe�pit�an�rf�kkrs for areas ta'be�'►timklered au�rsi�de thc d�g�++� �++�1 �„m�'1Y wr�9pa�ci�catio�aa�NFFA �3,S�d`ard,,�ir r+he Irxs�alfeitia�af�pr�►�+t�'er Sysr+�►rr.r. Ex�cep�rrar�No. 1; W1�ar+e rr�nrpar't►�erec�+md r�r,to nrra�af Sl7�7 fe'��46 nr�}ar le�rs by 31�-;�i►tute firc�arted cr�st�rucne�n�d t�e vr�p is�decf�d by s�d rx qui�esp�o�e�A'�+�ets l�W �xceed�rr�IJfJ f1=�12 m+'l Per s�►`i�ltfer, tfi�e.ry�tsru der.or�rr�.rl�rll bc prn�e�'rier!ra be J�rrud� r�i�c,rwrrbGr of�r,r�lars rrr rhe c�,t�e+a�r,rea bxl xl�alt+nrir bt le.0 t1�ar� rhe de�+ard J�r o ta�krl af fa�r�r�lers. fl�nanrrrrgs JFt����.sI�u11'nr�a Ae r�rrs+�d!,tu+b+e,pv+o�sceed, pravide�aF�lr ypt»rr��s l�rrut Q Lrn�e![►l�e�sr�ir� !�l131ht� ��deptl�and t!�lafiar ar�ea o�f.rxc�r n��er�irr,�s dGxs�n�t'�xce^s�S17 f1�'(�f.��3J J�'�tc�a�nrpr�r'lntene. ,L�lst�jg'rr dens#�y,rJh�Grl�b�r a�p��f�or t�►�'class�ifrca�rdr as dertrr�ur�ed Uy NFPA 13. �]C�C,�f11LM7�U. �:��#R3, GfrllE�f��f7 I�IO�t�3 e�t1�IINQfC"�.�1'3, CCIf�1CfGf�S�(��1�3 O�It3b�E tJhe d�relllrt�rnrl". �virl�J9Of,smaa,!'1i tetl#��v,►�v�'Rxcsrdin�1(�fi(�•�l�}r�Ihrigl�a; sl�l��be �xrr:rrftz,d aha br prr3�cCted witg resar�e�ra�snrrit�frlera. wddr e maxr"si�m sy.�rrt�e de�and�f fa�n' .rp�irr�lert. Co�ry�ri��e 1�+TF'PA _ �,_ .r� ^ �`47� �, I*ypv-17`-99 C14:47P B F i� E 3Q� ��.38` ,�^428 , ,P.O5 ng� 1 r y� up:u�p ..w.. .� � � A �r;F�f31 m)A B �' C 15 R(a ns) � �y -. •�t�6 9 ml L+ -25 A(7 6 m) �.+�a� 343�('�1 m} �" sAacw�q �� � � � E E E � k Y�) /� +'1 f •V p . �,.� � �r te « t s �� � e'�-r. �i � // \� ff �� �`� _. . _ �? �.. �. . � A 7► �. Rccfengk A= 7D R x+�•I t.�"!4 Q= ![3 1 rn a 1:S m-36 ! rr�t27 d� tartx:�t=5+&SA� 4�am�r��m�5v _Em?i � =?t1Rx37l= 7�1t� (5.1Mx11.3m�dL�m�} i3 =�Sw:.3a1=��Ow� !l�Rmx10[m-78�m31 lt-2e�3 ss�ecr� _'ift�r 30 t r 90Q t2 fg� a�x 9 t m=83.5�n�� C'.Op�ltsgl�t AJFPA .�� � �i�� . , ,� � � � - 'ft3'^r�'7� �3� `rl'Si? ����� ���� � � � � a � ► � �="'��� Urr'.� �.. - � � � ��� � Tl7WN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT 0�' CO�A'IUATITY DEVELC}FMENT 75 S . FRC7NTAGE RQAD VAIL, �Cl 51657 970-479�2138 NC}TE� THI5 PERMIT MLT�T SE P�STED (7N JCJHSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT CDMM SLIILD PERNlT Pe�nit #: 8�70-f}429 �Tab Ad�i�ess : I3U0 WESTHAVEN DR Status . . . ; �SSU�I� Location. . . : I3fl�} W��T�3AVEN I7R, ALFREDAppZied. , : U3I13/204Q Pa.rcel N�. . : 21fl3-3.21-�i3-012 Issued. . . : 04/1Q/20(?fl Prajec�. No. : �RJQU-{1041 Expires , . : �0/p7/20Q+J �PFLICPil!]'I' �EFZR ENTERPRISES, IIrIC. Phon�: 3b3-75$-7776 565fl EAST E�JAL�TS - SU�TE 3.1Q r DENVER� CCl Sf?222 C�NTRACTOR ZERR EI�I'!'ERP�ISE'S, III��"C. Phc�ne: 3f}3-75$-777� 5!550 EAST E�TANS - SCIITE 11D, DiENVER, CC} 80222 OWNER L-Q UAIL HQLI7ING I1kTC -- ---_ �nIESTIN�HQ'I`EL TH�, VATL Cf) 81657 �USZNESS �SRCADE+H�TELT�1��3 0 rWESTHA'�TEN DR, VAIL,�~�C7 ''���5��ll. L�E:V. �4ean-up �e o ifi Refun� nescript�on: �/ REMUDEL RESTAIJRANT,IPREP KI'I'CHEN �Pl�rdweC� �maun� -��� �ccupancy: A.3 A3 Typ� C�nstruCtian: � �'R T�rpe I Fix�e-l�esisti�r�c'��E: �� '�'ype ac�upancy: Valuation: 3�34, 577 Add Sq Ft : Firc�'kace Informatiun� �e�tricted� #of Gaa A,�pli.ance�: t�nf csas Lcga: #df W,�c�dtYalPet: •iiii�iiiVWr444il�iiifYrbii4i/lY�xiittrY�YY�i'iVlYw#YYAI�YYrtkY'M�T g�g g{�MpRy �*rrwrx.++�a.r�w..+.wr+arr�rrr►s..�►re+:ryirr:r.wawtrr..*�♦ auilding-----> i,sso.o❑ ita�tuarant Plan Rev3ew--� 'r5,�0 Tatal caleulxCed F�co---� J,152.no Plan Check---y i.014.t}6 �RB Pee•--------------_-: .00 AddiCZOne�l Fees--_._--°--� .00 Inveatigation= .4u Raaroation Fee--�-------� .aG Tatal P�exm3t Fee--------� 3,152.00 Wil] Ca�.l----? 3.d0 C1e�lI4-U'g D�"jpasit____W___y 500.60 fa�rrmenta-`--"----______� 3,152.00 '!'[}TAI� PE�E�------�-_______� 3,152.OQ SAP,)�NCE 6UE_. . ---------� .670 aWrr�rrr►.raMaa.ra�rr�r.�r�rriaasarvr�rra�w•wr�...•.rr.�r..........y.rrv►�r..r.rr....re�...�.e�....�W..srr.►W►r�..a��rs�:►eeyrt��rt�r�rrrrra��:�: Item• �51p� BUILDING I)EPA,RTNIENT Dep t : BUILDING Divisi.on; D3/�7/200Q KATHY A,ctian: NaTE RUUTED TC} CHARLIE (�3/�9�I2ClLlt3 ��-IARLIE A�tion: APPR SEE CC�NDTIO1�iS Item- 05�a0 �'L�,.'�I�V�NG D�PARTF�fENT Dept : PLrAN�iIF�TC I]iviSiC�n: i73/17f204(} I�ATHY Actio3l. APPl� N/A 03/�2/�(l0� KATHY Actianc NaTE Routed ta Allisor� (}3/�2/2 c7 0 Q A{)CHS Ac t r on; AL�PR approved I�em- 05�5D�7 FIR� DEPARTM�NT Dep t : FII�.E bivision� a�1�o,�z o o a KATHY Ac t i on: N�TE ROUTEL? TQ MCGEE I� m: f]55(}i� PLTBLIC W�RKS Dep t : PTJS WQ�K Division: Q3�17/20D� KATHY Action; NC7T�' R�QUTEL� T4 PATRICK/HEALT�i 03/"29/2000 CHA,�IE ActiQn: P,PFR SEE CONDTI�]I�S wr�rrx+xxwxe►rxw��r++r�.�..rrrr+rr�r�Mrrer�rr.v��yiy�err*sr�r�rrrr�a��a+.a�yy�rs.r►a.�+i�++w+setrrraia+b�r*.r�rs����araa+,`+aa+�ir�r►rr+ See page 2 of t�iis Dc�cument fo� any conditians that may apply to this pertnit . DE CL�I2AT I qNS 1 hereby ackr,owiedqe that I Faue read tr�i� applicaii�n, fil�ed out in full C�e infc�rnMLicm rec�uired, com��lerec an accurAr_e ptoC plait, and ntatc that slk thc informaeion providrd am r�quired i�r eerrect. I agree to camply witlt the infosmaGion and plqi glan. ta cam�ly with all 1'o+�n ardinancea and atar_e laws, and to build thi,e structure accbrdinq to tha Tow�•s xa�asng and aubdi+riaiorr cadee, de�ign raview �ppraved, Unikar°:�. �ir�g Code snd othcr ardinance� of Che Towr inle thereto. � REQd185T3 FOR INSPECTIC7N8 SHA&L 8B MA,pE Tr7EhTY-F4Lh2 HGURS IN ACIVANC6 HY T6L6FH4t+1E�73'.477-.�.13a ,OR A� 0[3R 4FFICE FR03�i &:I00 AM 5:60 PM r� a i �� -' C'�1 ,,' ',`' �', Send Cleat�-LTp pepoait Tca: ZERR ENTERC+RISES 9I4 4C+ nWNEH oR C CP ' I�iIM$$Lp AldD OWHEIZ yt�/r9r�k^kirllr**IrYtYrir9r�k�kak�tr�Yrir�k'k kYr�Ar�11r5kyYie�r llrylrtiit'k�IrYkir�r�Ar Ar�k�lrir�fr Ir ksk�k°*�k*#it****��F**irir�k*�k�iririr•k•k****#�Ir�kirir�lr C�l`J�7�TIDNS �erm�.t # ; aov-aoz� as c�� 04/1�,�ao 5tat�.s . �ssvE� ��****�,�*�*�#***********�**�******�*�**�*��**�*,�,�*****�*��**�**�*�**�**��*�**��* �e�it Type: fi�D/ALT COMM gUILD PERNi'I' P,pplied: Q3/13/ZQ4U Applicant : Z�RR ENTERPRIS�S, INC. Issued: D4/1Q/2pU(� 3U3-758-7775 To E�ire_ 10/Q7f�Q00 Jvb Address : Loca�ion: 3 3(]Q W'�S'�'HAVEN DR, ,�iL�'F�EDO' S Farcel �To: 21U3-121-00-012 1�escriptivn: REMC]DEL RESTAU'RAi+�'T/PREP F�ITC:�iEN �ondiC�ons : 1 . �'I�E DEPA�"I'MEt1'T APPRUVAL I� REQLI��ED SEFORE ANY WURFC �.Al� BE STARTED IF 'TI°IERE TS AN I�XTSTING FIRE ALARM C3F� SPRINI{LER SYSTEM TN THE AREA C}F C�NSTRL7CTION. THIS WTLLr PREVENT FALSE AI,AR:d+�IS. 2 . FI�LD INSPECTI�N'S ARE REQUIRED TC7 CHECK FC)R C�DE COMPLIANCE. 3 . See RedLine �rrr�ctions ori field plans . All rnembrane peneCratinns and through penetration n�w and exist�n� mu��: be be patched �r fire s�apped accard.ing ta 9`7 L]BC 5ec . -- 709. 6 & 71D . 1 All stru�ural elements of t�e building neva mr exisitng that is expased during ccsnstructinn that i� NGT adequately acc�rding ta Tab3e 6aA will be �equi�ed to be done . -A second exit is required from the dinin� deck. Pe�r Sec . - - �(�03 .2 , 2 . 2 .4, the second exit could go thra�gh the �xa.sitin� b�ilding. Provid� infarmativn on haw th� s��t�nd exit wil� be insta]�led 4 . ME C'�-iAN I CAL I S S U�S -N� mechanicaJ� wcark i� all�wed until an apprvved permit and. plar� are �.s�taed. The rnechani.cal plan att�t�h�d t� the Sui3,ding Plans �re incnmplete. Here as a �ar�a�al list of requirements -�heaw type n� m�aterials being used tar �he hoods and g�ease dtzc t s -Show what type and locatian o� hv4�i suppar�s to be us�d -Shaw d�tail vf c�necti�r� �rom �h� hoc�ds and grease du�ts- -Shc�w duct run� i.nclude slope, cl��n nut locat:i.4ns ar�d how acc�ss to cl�an c�ut� wi�,J. be p�DVided. -Prov�d� actual sp��s an� informa�i�n �f Fire 5uppresian sys 5 . MECHANI�A.L ISSUES C�NT"INUEII? -Show� pull stata.an 1vca�ion f+or hood f�re sup�aresion system -PrQVide an el��an drawing �f coaking l�n�and hood sh�wing locati�n of ha�d to c��k�ng s�rface and locatiion o€ ho�d t� the ceiling and other surfa�es. {cl�arances} -Pr�vide information r�f what typ� vf grease falters ar�e tc� �e used in th� ��d systerns . � -Provide c�1cs f�r For capacity af ho�d systems -An Mechanical E�gin���' s �etter af appro�al wil� be require d to assure this side wali vent sytem wili functi�n properly and will �vt affe�t the �utside walls of the building, -�a wo�� allowed an suppressian sys . until p�rnlit �s pu11�d � . -No dam�stie equipment �llowed, new or exist�ng -Must have 1�" separation between charbrailer and deeg fat f ryer. Separation c�n be an 18" high vertical shield ar ��" inches of vertical space . - -Cald buffet has sneeze gu�rd �n h�lf of the �ar, No f��d will be al�owed to be placed �n area with�ut � snee�e guard unlees it i� covered by the sa�e m��hod -All ref�igeratiQn units mus� be capable �f holdin� at 41 degrees F or lower, This includ�s new and existing c�ol�rs -Work table w/built in sink m�st �a�e indire�t wast� 1in� corir�ecti�n if food preparation oc�u�s at this sink 7 . FINAL INSPECTION BY THE E�TIRNMENTAL HEAL`T"H SPECIALIST MUST BE DC}NE PRIUR TQ A1�TY FOOD PREPERA'3'I�N CAN C3CCUR.. 8 . No e�ectrica� work allowed unitl p�rmit is ob�ained. Provide revised drawings at time of sub�tittal y*�e t X t>x*t r t r**�v w f�i y��t*r*****��w****t r e#:#f+r*r x r T f t k X#s+T�+ � Tc7wN i�F Vai�, cULUffA�C statemnt s,r::,r***yr*x,rx,rt**,r�t�r+a�a�r:*,t�**+�r*r�.+r.x�*,r*�,t�,t�tr,trrrr+tvrrrtrr..,r StdLcr�i7� Numb�:r: R5C t)6I.5 Amaunts 3,1b2.4�R b4/Z2,/0{} �9:1.`3 Paymc:�t [+ReChod: �K Nc�tatic�n: '�1D6Q/I�O��R�'t[FRPH Enit: t+f�i 'P�rmit No: F3[}0-6(}29 Type: r� CDI�M AI7D/�LT CQINM HUit.,i� P Parce� No: 2143-121-1)[} [}1� S3.te Adc��'es5: 13Q0 WE87'HAV�N E)R r�«�a�.io�: i�oo taES�,�rnr r��, a�.�na�s Totai Fees: 3,152.{l0 This P�ymertt 3,15?.(30 Total ,�LL F'mt:: 3,1 J 2.ao Balancc: .00 r+^+tr�^�sri+�rt*r,tri�yryetii�+�kirwA,►irrkir,k-k#*t-►*sir tt,r,ttirirfr.tr,kiffi:tt*raa��r AccounL ��acle I]eucriptic�n Amvnu7t BP b01flUC�(}31ZilOQ �3UZLI7ING P�'RMIT Fis'�S 1,�fif].']Q FF' QUlOflC1U31123UU P.r�l#1�7 C'fiE�'F[ i'ERS 1,[f14.00 AD IJ2-E3F'�il� CLE�1V'4JP ��:P�SITS S(JO.Ofi] WC 0{}10(34[3�117.t�[}[} WILL CILL�, II�SPEC'TION FEE 3.{]f1 F'S o4T(3o0�31.17n[1C} F2ESTA[TRPriVT P�AN RI�'VIEW 75.JQ + _ .�-- - --- _ � RECEIP'T— 3"he Tawn of Vail I f � DAT� � i�.— � =7'.:� �;� I I RECENED FRa[�i t � ADI)RE55 I s � w � - ! — — � DQLLARS S _ I - I I � I f I - � P�rmit Numbers-- Pvlice Receipt Numbers � H�QW PAII�Cash Check - By I � e�,..a..----__...�__.�--�.__—�__...��,.�—,_.,�._�.�_���—��._------�,.,o . . - - - — . ., , . _ _. , _ . _ _ , - - - - _ .�- _ :,� tir -�••�- - �fi� _ - - - - � � ., � w a � � ci w o � '�a� , � � ° � c+ O � � 4 [y 0 Y • • i . 1 �� 1 1 1 � 1 I � I � I f 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! 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G � �,^ � 0 0 � �' 1 �' � � � � e L.� 1 O i O � r p U � Q `!1 a N r tR �7 i a t � FS c� a �j ' � � � r°' x � 4 p] Cy p( [ I O �R t r�. � i Er Q N wa r� ra 4 �4 � +D � w p i W o � A � i .� pC d � O N �' � � a � N oa � Q � � +n i Q i � � O 4 4 P11 O 6 I [I] M 1 I L7 I N (� t- a Ya � x m � C7 m av i ir F A O m f+ $ �m 0. � 81 H S N Fi � � � � � � �"a � � � � ; � ; �m � "' a � °� ro a o � € na c m oG a o � O tppg��na � �c x ax NJ � N �4 � CIW � IL c.t vl � 'J t7 � 4❑ V � iJ a-+r-t CI p1 in C� ri � ; E� � a � M � � �a w �, � � °w a°. � �� ° "" °° � " � �.� � ; � ; � � � � � , � �. � d o�.f°. � � [� c c�a • ,..••• • •• •••• •� .. . �..,<� ...,. 9....,r� ..c.J �rcr. . tu:�Ifd4r'�2452 PACE 1�'7 �,,, 4 TQWI� C�� VAI�QNSTRUCTI4?hi PERM�7 AP�CATt0�1 FC�f�l�'l INFOR"M�.4T'a�i�:►�:ST BE CU��.E7`E+E)�'THE�.P'PLr�r+►rYL1N v4'ILL BE R�J°EC'T�D Cv�+7tac�tt�e E�3gle C4urTty,ASSessars O�at 9 T0-328�3640 Ilor P�rc�el# ���� �� �RTCr;!'"! 21Q�—��1—�Q°Q1� � �'� ���� ��: �� +�?{� _ _ ��c� 3o��amt: V�i. 1 Casc�d� Hot�l JobA�GSS: 13t�{} W�sth�v�tt I]riVe �ui�ipg{�) Pt�biag i'�� E'�aricai�C ? �+Sech�sic�{X,1 [7tk�er f ) Le�31 De5cr�ptx+�t; �.Qt �31cjc.ic F'tlin� �ubdi�•isian Ch��e:xsI�;�e: �-Q Vail Holdin� .q� ��,- ��333 97ry Creek Rd, St��'p��p, �C13-7'9'9-3$3£7 Arcbite�t:: And�rsan/h1iTl�r �,td�qddress: ���9�W� lSth St. , Ste �� fi ��n+s� 3i2-�26-23aC1 Ctiicac�. n� IL 5(�61fi ,� D�scrigticra of Jo�: A 1 f r�d_�_" s �Z e s t a x.�r a r b t I P r�� ��c h�n R e�Qy a t i o n_`,�,�jLlr_'�'`�. Wcsric Class� �ca� ( � .�lieration{� i Add�tional f D ���l i C�thcr( l P+umber c�I�i�eiiing Gnits:,,�„(A itit�rnbcr af Ac�vmrn�odati�s�t IJ�tts: N/A �umbex aaG Trpe�f Firepiaces� Cr�s Appliances N/A Gas I..a�s �/A '��'oadlPel�et N/A VA��1AT�pN$ BL17i.I)T.�k,r,. S 1 9 8 ,4 2 1 .(]� �LEC."d12I�A1.� � 6�. 7 7 G . Q[} p-f'F3Eg� � -- i�L.�:�I:vG � 1 5 , 2�0'. �0 ?�ECI�:�:hriCrl�.S �5 , 1 C7 0. Cl� TaT.�l 5 3 0�1 . 5 7 7 . Q C] C[]hITE�AC7C3R IN�QRMAT��N Ge�rralContr.�tvr. ���� Enterpr�.�es , ��.�.css: 5Fi50 F. Evans. Suite llf] Den�ver, Ct� 8C1222 �['v�•rt�t�'a�lR.egas�ationNo. 1£32-B ��vne+� 3d]3-758-777�a Fax : 3(]3-75F3-7770 Eiectz;calCnQtraetor �rr�gressive �1ec�ric Inc. Adc�-ess 1 5_5_5 C3 H w y 8 6 , K i o w a C C] T,ur vr 1�a�1 12e�s�'�tr,n�'o. Phr�nc+� 3 0 3-�8 1-15 6�3 ( �a t I,a n d r y) �iu b' �a�tr�c�or� P�il Zerr Flum�ing�a�ess: 2791 S. Elm 1�Fnver, C[! '�fl222 Tcru�n af 4"ai1 Rcgisiralion?tio Fhcane+� 3 0 3-4 19-7 0 6 3 Environmental Heatin �wiaci�anica�Cnntirr�csor� I��,�: F.0. B Q x 15�3 F3 3 C c�10�a d a 5 p r i n c�s , C Q . 5 Tcs�-�oi�'ai,i Rcgi�U asian Na. Phonc� 71�-9 9 9-L18 8 6 FQFt O�FlCE U5E TYPE GROUF' SQ. F'G. 11�1LUA`�l fV B[�Z�LCJING �9 G NATUR�: ZC]h�IMG: SfGlV�;TURE. +CLEAN UP �EPfJSIT REF �6D TO: "x"CODE B(l[]KS A�:�ti'A�C.�,�3�E F[lR Pi1RCF,�A�� C�'4 , � � ��� � �� I�A� 0 '� 20�0 � By . .... .... ..., ..c - .�s . tva•� : iv«—LVI�—Ut�`t—UtY'I', l t?�97ft14794452 PAGE 3.•.7 �� � r y � � ►� �� ��Yi'�Y V�YLILl. f1opanmen! of�o»tmr�rziry I�3eY,elcrp►.�,znt * ' � i� Sourlt Frortrage Re�ad Ya�l, Coiorada 81657 97(3-479-Zl3S' FA� Ji0-479-245? ,,� �UiLDLNG PER.'13IT ISSL'+ANC�tLM1�FRA1'lE �f`�bis pern�it r�qu�res a Tos�a� �f V�.il Fire[)�partrncnt Appra�-a1. En�ine�r'�{Pub�ic�'4'�rks} revteti���d�ppro�l. �Pl�a.flning�cpartm�nt re�iev���f H�.�,Eth Dep��nt re�vie�t•, �,nd a re��ieti�- b;!�thc-Buiid�ng C�epar�nenr9 the e�timated ria7'►e�Of 3.tOt�.I ruv[Cu t'rr��•t,al��35 1���,L41rCG(�� iY°C��iS. ?,.II cosnme:rcia! llar�4 vz sn�11)an�at�raulti-£�rnilti� ,�crnzty «,If ha���co�oljaw th�abo�•e t�enticned ma�;imum requcrements, RcSZdcnii� tnd smait �rajects s�crul� �c a]css�r amc�unt vf time TT�ffc�►�•c��er, ��rest�cet',t�aJ ur s�,llct�rr�jccTS impaci tt��.E�ariot�s ai�pti°C r„�ntAon::d aC.p3[tmen;s tt�l�rcga.[d to nec,eSS�!.' �ti•tC�L. L1t�C pz�a�ecLs stt3}'3.�so t2�ke If3�[��'xR:C(�)ti�-cck �e:-►c� E�erF a�*errtpt«�ill tse m3de bw�t�;is d�.parust,,rst Io 4�p�i:��l1is permit as svor, as�sstb�e �, i�iC uttd+��c�sC�.undc�st�srci Lhc Plart�Ftc,:.k prclC�duA��d tirn�f�'axz�s i�� undc;rs'.�c�d th�.t ir the permtt.s ns�t pzc�eed up by-thc�psraticc�n�at�. thar 1 sr�u��c;ll pay the PIas� Check �ee and C'�aE if I fai! it�da sa it ma}°af�''ect f�[ur��CrmstS dx�t� apgl;�� :csr. { 1 � A�racd to by: P :ti / � �^-- I ra�t�t sz�e _ A�� (,.,r� 5�•�� '�- l� r� . � I � T .f 3 Date, ��+aric ab.,°et u�as ztuste�a�nta ttzc�Ca�r,�t�urtu�'De��alapmcnt I?ep:. 1� �R�C•3C%,.�AF.eF'di. �i � � '�'OWN DF VAIL �BPARTMSNT dF CC'��NAufiJNITY I]EVELOPMEI'�iT 75 S . FR�QI�'I'AGE Rd� VAIL, CQ ��.657 97Q-479-�138 NQ'I'E: TH�S PERMIT MLIS� BE PC3�TEF) C3R7 JC]BSITF F�� .�,LL TIt�fES ELECTRICAL PERMIT peMnit � : ���tl00(i� JL�k3 Add�'t�SS : 130Q WESTHAL�EN DR St�3tus . . . ; ;A.PPRCIV'E�3 I�ocation_ . . : 130[1 'WESZ�IiA�N DR, ALFREI]App].ied. . : �Q5/08/2t7(�fl Parcel Na. . : 2103-121-0�-4�.2 Issu�d. . . : G�/1.D/20f}0 P�e'c�ject No. : PRJ(l�-Qa41 F��ire8 . . : 13/0b/�U4Q APPLICA�iTT PROGRFSSTVE EL��TR�C S�k'iJ"�C�, II`TC Phone: 303-62�.-�5b(l P.l7. Ht]� 5'�S , IC�t�WA, C� 801I7 C�C}NTRAC°�°C3R PRQ�GRESSTVE BLECTRIC SERVICF�, INC FhoTle: 3�3-���-�56� P.Q. B�X 555 , I{IDWA, CO $(}�.17 C}WNFR L-s� VAIL, H(3LDI1�� INC WESTIIV HOTEL THE, VAIL CO 81657 BL]S INESS AI,FRELIC}' S RLSTAUR.ANT D2SCx`�.ptiDrl: .A.E�D NFs'W 225 ANf� PANFL �N K�TCHEN,NEW IaI�1'c�.�ttc�C��sn: 7(}, Q0�3 . 001 ....wMtt��rrri*ttr�.r+yrrr�f►�rr«rxrxf�*�ak�a.r�*+rrr��xR�ewwwxr FB6 SUMMRRY r�..i.a��.....ra.�.a.s<r,�.++*+ar+..........Rrr.....aa.+....a E1ect'.t'ical---y Y.2R7.4[I TOtal Ca:cu.a'ed FaeO---x 1,75U.tia "`�RB Fet ---a .Ofl Additivrimi Paee--...-----� -0� Iriveocigatfana .m[7 TeLnl Permir, �'eb-----°°-a i,asa.eo Will CaII-=--o- 3.00 P�ymmnta--�-----°-�------a 2,25n,��r T6TAi. F4'ES�--`� 1,250.�0 BALANCF. DSSE-__----'-----� .63 ♦w..a+rwrrxrt��r,rrrrw�ar�����rtaerw..�rry�.yr�rrr�.r��ra�rrr..�rrrr�w��rr.a�a.ye:...r.��Frr...r........r�,a.rv�w�sw�srr.....a..�a�.i..�..... Itetn: b���d �LF�CTRI�'AL I7EPARTM�N'T' I3ept : BUILDING I�ijriSa�C�r3: fl5/�.0 f 2f7(3� K�1TH�l Aekion: APPR APP��SVED PER ERNS'T It�m: 05�OD �`I1�E �EPA�TMEN`fi Dept : FIRE Divis�On: ��l��l�c�oo rc�.srx� �.c��an: A���a N/R +��wWWrr+.vrv.rr��r►r.+.ar+..Kkirrwrrrxrrrrrw�rr�rr�r+re�rf�rrw�rr«rr.rx�w��++.�.+vr��.....r.:r.r.r..e..r.s�r•v+.».+r........ra.Ea........ C{7NDITION' CIF APPI�t.��'AL 1 . FTELD TNSPECTIONS ARE R.�QUIRED Z'C] CHECK FOR CODB C4H+fPLIANCE, ,,...,........................�........t.,.....W,..�...�...........,...............,............r.,.,........ ....,...r..,,._....._, i7FCLARATII�JN� I nereby acknoxledge that i have read thac+ app4lcation, i:��1ed uut �n full the =nfarm�sticn re�u}ecd, er�mplet.e�3 a� aeturete p��t�. pl+�n, Rfld atnta that a11 t�a information providmd ar r�quirad fe csrract, Y agrar ta crnaply vilh .`.hs infor;ns��:ars and �lpt pian, to comply wi5h sll T'ovn ortlinaztcea nnd otata laHr, snd ta builrt thio atf-ucCssra acc4r3inq to th� "['os+n'd ��anirig and as}sdfyiaiori code�, dea}gn xeview a�xptaved, Un'sEorc Building Cade and ocher ardinancea nf t?se Tovri eaplicablr. dhr.restcr. i2E�[7�51'9 FOR �'t�sPEGTION�� 9[iALL SH MADE TW5t1'f'Y-Fai3R HOS1R3 II+I ADVANCE 8Y T&LEB:i9tJE AT. 479-2175 OR AT G��k 4FFIC$ FR�Fi 6_6C R�9 5:[1p FP9 �� � S�GNA� OF t�WNER Oit CQ �:1'�]!� *=' A3�1'D 4WI�7E32 � � *�x**�r�***��*�,r*,��r*******,w�**�*rr*,r�t�**�r**��***�+�*,��r*���,t*.���r**** T�WN OF 'rTAIL, CC?L9RAD(3 5tatett�nt **�r*******�c**�r*****�r�r***��**�**�rar,��*�r**,�**,r�*+�*�r+*,��vr�t�a*�r*��r*�r� Statemn� �,Tumb�r: REC-�+�26 Amount : 1+2�� . q0 05/]_�/QO fl9 :11 Payment M��hod: CH�CK �7otatian: #6522IPR4��FS5I"� Inz� : L� Pe�it Np: E00-0057 '�'yp� B-ELEC --�L�L"TRI�'AL7P�RT�f3�I° �R Parcel Nc�: 21Q3-1.21-04-(ll2 Site Address : �3{}(3 WESTHAVEN DR LQC3 t ion: 13 0 f] WEST'HAVPN DR� ALFI�EDC]' S RESTAURAN'I', �AS Cp, Ta�al Fe�B : 1, �5(}. �p Thi,g Paymen� l, 2�0 . 00 ToLal ALL Pmts: 1„�5� . �}D B�latZCe: . p 0 �**��**�+��*��r��****��r*�r�***�r********�r***�***+�****,��*���r�******* Accoun� Cade Deacrigtion Amaiznt EP 0014{}a�D31114t}0 FLECTRICAL FE:RMTT FEES l,247 . QO 'f+�C 40104003112$�QO WIL� CA�L IN'SPECTIC]N F�� 3 . 04 ! APP�CATID�LL P+fl'J� BE,I�CCE�TED IF INCO'M'��E��t UNS�GNED Pr #: '��r� , • r��� Building Permit #:_�pC.�-��R �`;. ��ectr�cal Permit #: �'C� '�'�� � 97(]-479-2149 (Inspectivns) ���F�� T�WM QF YAIL EL�CTRICAL PERMIT APRLICATI+�N �i`� ,�7. �'i'fll7f114�i' �i�. - Vai�, C�slarad[a 1�1657 C�nt�act E� /e Cnurr Assessors C3�ce at�70-32�'-864d or vi�it .-a�cvYV.�a 1��-40U�1 .CDIi7 fQ!'ParC,el,� _ ._ _ �__ ��rce! # (Ftequired €f na �idg. permit # is p�ro�ided ab�ve� Z1Q3- 1�1-����1� Jab Name: f,� r � �-`" ± _ �ai� Addr�ss: ��4 � �, - . G � � : L�gal Descriptiar3 �c�t: B9ac1c: Faiing: Subdivssion: _ �__._�� . � Gwners N�n��: �_[/ ,�, ` ,�ddress: � _ `� Phc�n�: �..� �-�l1�,_�j' bf Er�gine+er: Aadress: � Phc�n�: - D}t�i9 d �escrip � n Qf w��4r,� - � �.� �� �Z c�_ �+ 1�1' -�t.r�r �zC�"f `..'' ��`.�.-�-. , �, �'�,,, /3+�r�� Work !�I�ss: New ( ) AdditEor7 ( ) Remoc�e! (}�) Repa�r ( ) T�mp €�ow�r ( ] G+ther ( ) Wcsrk Type: interiar (�) E�erior� ) Both ( ) �� ��es �n Efr�� exist at this �acati4n; Yes ( } iVc�l,�c ) Type of Bi�g.: Singl�-f�mify ( ) [7uplex( } Multi�famsly ( ? Commerc�al fx} �zestaurant(�C') C�cher( } - I � No. �f Existing Dwel6ing Urriks in t�is building: � Nc�. af Acc€�mrnc�datir�n L�r�its in this buifciing: -#, � Is t�is permit fc�r a hat tub: Yes �_No L�aes � Fire Alarm Exis't: Y�s ( Na ( ) �oes a Fire Sprinkler Syst�m Exist: Y�s � } No { ) 1 C�OMPL�7iE SQ. F�£�T F+f}R I�EV11 BUILDS and VALUATIQNS Ft�R ALL flTHERS {�Labor & Mat�rials� AMt�lJNT DF SQ FT IN STRI.I�CTURE: �!.�G�"RTG4L VAL,UATIQN: � ,� �*��C�'c��� -- - - -- -� ---- CQNTfZ�I�C`i`[)R TNFURMA�TTON ' tnca� Conkract�r. / Tvwn of Vaof Reg. No.: tac�and P on� #'��: ,_P���f,e�°�`'1�.� �- C� � �� ,�� 3c�3- S° _r=ontf� cta� swgnatur�: - — �:�.:�::.:::;;.;.;::,:K:::����:��;�,�-���}�:+��*,•.:�x,��,:,•t:e:,F[}� (3FFICE �J�E �NLY,;:_:YS*����.������,�����ra>:�::9;-YM�;,,�x�;.x,�„�.� . - Other Fees: D�te R�c��w�+d� D�tS Fees: -- �J ►4tCepted By� � Pf�nner Sr ra-off� � , - �� �- � � � �ti� � L C�� !�, 9I _ , � ;. �i - . _ , f'' F:/eueryone�farms�eleep�rm �3y ���— , � � , � M` � f� � i Y f f F} L!� ��4f Amendmerrt ta the 1999 N.�.C. Town af Vail t�rdinance 1(}-�.-+�. � t�verhead servi�es are r�ot aitowed ln the Towrro c�f Vail, � Undergr�und �ervices have ta b� in c�nd�it (�'VC} frc�m the transformer to th� electric me[er, r�ain diseo�nec- swit�h and to the first ele�trical distr�butic�n �ircuit breaker panel. � T}�e rr��in d15Cfi�1I��Ct SWItC�I SFIdII �1� Rocate� next to the meter an th� exterior wall of t�e str�c�ure easily accessible. � Atl ur�dergr�und conduitS �r� r�quired to be ins�e��c� befor�e t�ack-�illing the tr'�nch. � �n rnudti-�amily dweidang units, no eiectric�i w�ring mr fe�der cables shall pass from one �nit ta anoth�r. CQmr�nnc�n wdlls and sp�c�s are a�cep�e�. � NM C�ble �Romex} is not al�c�wed in �c�rnmer�ial huifdir�gs c�r structures �xc�edfng thre� (3j stories. � ��o use of al�minum wir� smaller than size �� wilf �e permitted uvith the Tawn o�1l�il. T�`JWN OF YAiL EL�CTRICAL PERNlTT GUIDELiNES .� Ai1 ;ns��lf�tit�n� Qf �x��ri�r hot tubs or s�a's re�uire a D�ZE3 ap�roval fr�m plannin�. This applica�iars wilf not be accepfed without a copy of the DRS �pprc�vai for�n at�ached (if appli�a�i�). � If this pe�-mi� is �or inst�llatior� of a� exteric�r hat t�b or spa on � new el�vaCed p��atform or d�ck o�er 3�" above grade, you must al�c� �btain a �uilding permi�. � If �his p�rrr�it is far Enstali�tion of an exteri�r h�t t�� or spa an ar�y exis�ing d�ck or efe�ated platFarm, a structurai ee�gineer must r�view the existi€�g CO�diticJ� ��[� verify �hal� it will suppart the �c�d�d e�n��ratrated IQad. Ple�s� prov�i�e a �opy of t�e s'tructural engineers wet st�mped l€��ter c�r drawing with tf�is applicatian. � If this i$ a rernQdel in a multi-fiamily �uilding wi�h a homeowners associatian, a I�tter af permissior� from the �ssoc�a�tiQn �s r�quired. � if this permit is �c�r a commer�ial space, f�ra (2} set� of st�m��d dr�wing� are required. I harr ad and under�'tar�d the aE�n��. � ���'..�' Signat "� C�,�t� 5igned If you h�ve any questi4ns re+�arding the above �nforma�ivn vr haVe additional qu��tians, pEease �onta�ct the T+own vf Vail El+e�ri�ai �nspe�tor at �7A-�479-�147. The �nspe�ctar can be rea+�he+d an Tuesday, Thur°�d�y and �riday rnornings t�etween the hour� af�am and 9�m. Yau may atso leave a v�ice mail an�i the inspec�ar will cal� yau �ack. � � ' '��.-�tr ,, - , i� �--;..���; i T�t�r�]F�°t�L;' HCW�fD WE RATE Wf�H Y�U? Tawr3 af Vaii Surrey Community �7evel�pment�epartrr�ent Rra�se�! F�rrest, �irec;or, �9?0� 47�-2139 Che��c all tha#appii�es_ 1, Nlhic� C���rtmEnt(�� d�d yo� c��tact� 9�ii��ra� !�t�vircr�ment�l `r:ousi�g Acirr�r� Pfanr�ing C?RE F�� � � �. V��as ycur initi�f c�r�td�t wfii� aur��a�i immediate _ ��aw nr - na�n� avaiidn�� ? � 3. �f';+nu were re��1i1'ed t0 w���. he)W I(�ng'J4f�S f���?Of�VOiI +JUer�' '�' �l��p�{�? - - 4. Was yr�ur�rai�ct revi�xue�an a�m�ly b�s�s?Yes J f�o tf r��, why noi^ _�_ w � �. W�� fhis ycur f��Gt�me ta �ie a D�B a�� _ F�� �pp___� `��,� �Id� ��rmit hi1A fi. �ieave rdte th� pe�fcrm�nc�r�f t�e s.�ff�erson�xf�c ��i�te� y�«: 5 4 3 2 1 I��m�: �knGwf�dge, r�s�an�aven�s�, avaiiotaiii�r) r. �verail ��ec�venes� ot the F�ont 5�r�li�e Ccurtit�r. 5 4 3 � 1 8, Wt��t is the best time af d4y fof yau �c� �se t#�e Frar�t Service Caunt��? Q. Any cUmmen�s ycu n�ve wnict� lu��id atlEaw u�'c be��r„er�re yvu n�xt�me�' w i��nk you fc�r�a�ina i�l�tiiT1� �0 C�RI�}I@t��i5 SJfV�JI. �►^�E cfE Ct]f1lf�ll��i1 i�7 S'fT1pfCVlf3 J f]113'S�f�l1G�. � � T4WN (7F V�II„ DEPA�TME�i'I' C]�F CQN1M�JhTTTY IIBVBI,C�PMEN`I' 7 5 S . FRQNTA�E I�OAD �IAIL, Ct� 8165'1 970-479-�13$ NO'�E: THIS PER'MIT MUST' BE P�C]ST�L) �N J'C}BS�TE AT ALL TIM'�S PLUMBTI�TG PERMIT Permit #: P(}fl-�0�9 ._� �'ob Add��ss: 130Q WESTHA'tTE�i DR Status . . . : VED Lrcat,ion. . . : VATL CASCAL3E� (ALF'RBDa'S) Applied. . : � 2[l�6 0 Parc�l Nc�. , : ��a�-i��-ao-oi� Is�ued. . . : {�5/08/200� Proje�t No. : PRJ�O-DD41 Lxpir�es. . : 11/04/�Q00 APpLTCAN"I' PHiL ZERR PLUMBING IN'C. Pi�a�e. 343-�19-7i��3 279� SQUTH BLM STREE°T, DENV�R, C� 80�22 CQNTRACTC]R PHI L ZE1�R PLUMB ING ZNC. Phane: 3�3-�1 9-7(}6 3 �791 SC3UZ'H ELM STRE�T, DENVER, CO 84222 qWI�TE� L--D VAIL FiC3LI)ING INC WESTIN �IQT�L TH�, VATL C� 8I657 bescriptian: PLTIMBING F�}R CQMMEkCIAL KITCHEN F�E�+'a�.uat�on: 5, 2�4 . O a w+►sw:rrrrr.artrr����rn�.+n�wr.�rra..�wrrrrtrrrw�rtrrtr.reRrr�r FF.I'i' 3LIESPTA'RY •,arw..r�r.a.....,.....rr..rr.*r��ar.r«.ar+.rAR���.�..��raw+...r. ?lumbing-----� 9m.f]t] R�etuarant Plsn Review--a .L�@ ;otal Cai���1a[ed f�ee0---> 115.5(f Ylan cheG�ir---� �3.50 TOT71I, �'EES--'-°-"---`°-� 1I5,5R SddiLS-onal Feen-- .{YfP Fnv�etigatiar�a .oa Tata� Fara7?r ?ee----_---� , c WiI1_ Ca},1-_.._a 3.4d _1_.53 Pay�anta--'--------�---°� ,e0 RaLar�^� otrE______________, *_as.sa +rx**s.aaw�r*rrr�»r�s.rw.......W„��k.�,�����ftYwYxrxfae�rrR�sa'4vYyr���iiifi`ff'!!!+!laerrt��:�/�fflY�iF��vvf'!'Y4Yi��Levl�flrY.Yt�y�.tr.��y�rtr�s��...r+ Item: 05117A BUILDING DEPARTMENT I]ep t : Bi.TILI]zNG Da�vi.sion: Q5/{32/�pQ{} CH1�RI,I� A�tivn: NQTE PLANS T� CHARLIE 05/(�8/2000 cHARLIE A�tion: APP� charlie davis It��n: (15600 F�RE DEP,�RTMEN'P De�t : F�RS �ivi.sioii: d5/02/2400 CHA�RLE� Action: APPl� N/A 05/Q8/ZOflU CHARLxE Actic�n: AFPR n/a .�.»....._.....��..............x.,e...,.......�,«......�...,...................,................................,Y, ............... CQI�iL7TTZ�N ClF 1�,PARCaVAL l. F'IELD INSPECT`I��fiS ARE R�QLTIR�D T� CHECIC FCIR CGr�F C{JMPLIANCP. ttU�wtt+i+Ri�Rf*kry�►flesfWW���iW�rt�yrgwaH�a�aii#ilx�ri�����ft�R���firs��n.pa�i8i��fYt�ttrra,.rr�rv�s�v��wrM��}i��v�r���r�rtf4Ax9W�sx�..Y�.��r�tw� I�ECLARATI�INS I hereksy weknoaledge that I hawa read cYtie a�plication, fiile� a���t in fudl t;e infoi�atipn �,equir�a,�, �o;npleted nn a•-curat� pivt plan, and atete t��t all, the infarmstlon p±•cvid�� ae required ie eeszect. I �g�ee ta c.omply xith the ir�farmati�n �r,3 �rlc� r.lar„ to eomply vi�.h �11 Town ordin�ne�a and gtate i.at�a, utr3 [b build thib aLrv�ture sceoz�Sing t,a Lhe 7"om'a zcrting and n,�b�iuiaian eodee, depigti review ppp�oved, Uszifnrm Bufldfng Code and athe: ardinancea nf th+� Town applieqble thei•atu. RE�iC]8S2's ,�f7R �ATSPBCTSdBQ& &HA7;I, 9E 1��AIAE TWst�Ti°Y-FOtR7 HOT7RS IN A1')VAfiL"E BY TELSPH�SH2 !i'I` 79-213�? 31� AT UUR U�'E�ICE F�R�^M Br�U hH S:OD PFs SI� �E OP � �F.R. C]ft CtJN�AC'I�R FoR HIHS�LP AICD p!WNER �***��**���***��**�**��*�*w**��*�****�*�+* � �*�**�*�**��*��**#*# 'I'dWI�T QF VAIL, CaLG�A1][7 S�£3terrrnt *�,w*********��**********�*****,��.**,e*+***�,�,�*�r**��**�***�*****�*+ Sta��rni3t Numb�r: I�C-t�625 AmC'suz�t : 115 . 5(l �}5Ja81�� 1] ; 3Q Payt�n�nt M�C.hod: CHFsCK Notatic�n: ##7660 ZERR --------_ � _-_- -------- -------- - ----- - - ---_� Ini.t : KM1+1 1�e�t'lttit NC7: PL}p-Dt}29 Type : I3--FLMB -- -PLUMBING P�'RMIT T�_ _ Par�el Nc� : �103-121.-4Q-t�l� S i t� Addr�s s _ �.3+�� WE STHAVEN T}R LOCat i�n: VAT L CAS CliI3E �ALFRF�DQ'S) Total Fees ; �1� , ��p This Payment 115 . 5D Tc�tal ALL Pmt�: 115 . 5� �***�r�r*�****�r*+r**���**,t*�c�r****mr�*�,��**�rBa*��c*w*,r**t�r**#**�**a�*tr .�l.CCL]Li11� i[(3C�� L?ESC�'l��lUTI P�iTl4Cltlt PP Ofl:LDl7DQ3111�[}0 PLUMBII�G PE�2IwIIT F�ES 90 . (](} PF (�D10{7�(�311�30i1 PL�+I CHTsCK FE�S 22 . S{� --�C+{]'��.�7�i}03312${}U ! WILL CALL INSPE�I'If?N FE� � . �D 05l�1/2��� 11;I� ���'��777� ZERR ENTERPRISES INC PA�E 03 PkIL �� �L�3Ii��; ���:759-$3'91 hla�. i ":�^ 12�fl(� �'.02 . #� w' �YY�Y IW�IMY +�M�Rn.w M4AUF �IF� �'1'Y'4Yi�{Y �-a�• r YIf�1YY■ /"1/Y _ ►►'��GA�N INtLL Irit�/a ACtER7iD Y'�tM��Ml���it fJN GF��p Pra�}�t �t: _ ..���'Q�'�'Q`�� ��i�ir++o �� �� ��n�din� P�ernait�s; c�!�� �7�D-#i�•�1a!(��R1p�n�] �'ir1RV LM� T p - �s�. � c��. Yall,Ce��ar�o ii�i�7 CQr� Ib Corvr� Aw�wvr�QA'�c+��d�71�-3�/- v►�it . m �4aw IGiv[�1� P�+,del * � w �w�@. �e+nn � prori�d�d �bov�e ���.� r 2� +�o v� ' 3v1�Msr�ue: � (� � r ue���L�Q� L t�yA/l�V��C� 7r]�►Kidrars. '..���J � I'Z LCga! D!S[Rj�rGn LDC d�e�ic: f�li�q: �dGivxirer,: !'blsr�E Wqret��; v�hor�e: , M�'�Eer� �lO�S?!; �i��!dsSG���r►er+d work: - n +��. �/ ��,�fe d(rrkl�,. G �'�i�v.'c A' ��. �n ��r�I ' �tbeA � r ,►►r f i�'�`' c J�' ,��r� Wd►k C1a35' hkw � j A�itiqr+ } �Jt#�CuDI'f( ,� �W��{ ] '�ChC[( J i 'y��d�G.: Seng��l'�rnW K ) �+�R�s�i ; l�uh+•hm�aV� ) CortS�l�c,�l f 1 R�sra,�rant� ) Qt1�er i � I �V�. of �=�s�n� FSr�rIMp Ur�t�,n tT�i�Qur4Qrriq, lYo. �f�c�+11n;C�dscion+.�y�� ,n r�h,3 Gu�W�ng I� ;rn� a cann�rr�+�r+ a waaa a�.�min�p �� io�+n��A Pt►�se c�ca�at� Ycs ) Nc � COMP�ET�YAr.rU4T�,QN FQR PLIJM�IlMff$ r�IIT (�bor / Mst����i�� PGGH'�I�hC�; ; �" ta�a�,t��oaH.►r�o� Pdumt�;ng [antr��r: Dwn v�ei , fV�n : C�we�a�r+�d �?�� r �oc►�t �'s: ��T � �t rr f.,•► . ��� � �t✓ �7�,� �-� }f� ua�ar�r►arUr�; - ��.,.,+;.��..�..��.:.......---•.�..�...FQg p�r7CE U!�!� CNLY rr.w...4tn�r�Y'��'w!�#r�r�'M��,...��as�at�:r -•• �...`,�� ... ' y � - ����t�.- I Fl+r�q"VS�1;ar�Ri fDtrnp�rM1 � � TOWWi+� f]F VAIL DEPA�TMENT OF {CC}MMiJNTTY DEZ+'SLUPMEl�I'I' 75 S . FRCJNTAGE ROAD VAIL, CC} S1b57 970-479-2138 F+iOTE: THIS PERI�IT �JST BE PC75TED �N JQSS�T� AT ALL TIMES M�CI�TIC�L FERMiT Perniit $� : M�0-U028 Jo3� Acie�ress . . . : 13 00 WES'I'HAVEIV DP Status . . . : ISSUEd3 LocaCic�r�_ . , . . . . VAIL CASCADE (ALFREDOIS} �pp�iea. . : o�loz/2000 Parcel rrc�. . . . . : z�o3-iai-aa-c��� ass��a. . . : o�la�I�a�o Project Number: PR�Df}-0(l�1 �xpire� . . : ii/os/2oao AFPLI C�T'T ENV IF�OI��MEI�TAL HEATING � AIR C�7N Phc�ne: 719-5 91-2 713 �.�, BOX 15883, CULC?R�-LI3C) SPRINGS, CQ 80915 C{?NTR�CTOd2 ENiIIR�NMENTAL HEATING & AIR C!Cy�T Phane: 719-5 91-2 713 P.0. B£}X 15$$3, �UL(JRADO SPRINGS, C� �d 91�5 OWNER L-Q VAT�, HC�I.,I7ING INC WESTIN H4T�L THE, VA.TI� CO 81657 Descripti�an: Valua�ic�n: 21, 000 . DO INST�L�, FCITCF�EI"3 HO[7Ll P,P�TU DLTCT SYSTEM & HVAC Firep�3ace Informatiora: Re�utrictat3: Y #t7f Gas A�7pliancea: #R� �'it�� Lr�gea: #4f wood/PalleC: aaaaaa�+rrrr���x�s�sw�e►rawr�rrr�rrraaersrarxrr;x+rrxr�rrrxrr► FF.E 5l7MFM�tY wsrr++rw�+:rsrre�r�eear��r��re�rw�rrreae��sraaerr.rrrarrrar►►rer Mechanical---7 420.00 Reetuarant Plan F.eview--� .04 Total Calculated Feea-=°> 538.a0 PRan Check---5 YD5.�0 o�R6 Fee-----------------� .Un Addit-ianal F'ee�---------s .00 Inuestigatioi37 .f70 T'�TAL FE€5--------------� 528.00 Tcta3 Pcrmik Fee-�---°---� 520.04 Will Call----3 3.0C� Paymente----------------r 638.00 $ALANCE Did£_____________? .OQ artrtw+,�+i,�aiaa+arrrrrr,cwarra�iwrr�t�rrrrwer��rrwwrrrrw,.+rrwsrr.*wrrwrrwr►+wen�r�rr+rr.vr�vwrrer.rt++�rr.er....�r�rre.rrwr...Nar�rrte��e+r Iter�t: 0510t} �UILDING DEPARTMENT Dep t : BUILL�I�G Di�rision: �l5/Q2/2fl{l0 C`HARLIE Act��n: I�OT� PL,�,NS Tq CHARLIE f15/I78/2QQfl CHARLIE Ae�.ian: APFR CHARLIE I��VIS It�m. ��60C� FIF�� DEPARTMEI�T`I' D�pt . �'�k�E I]�vi.si.o�: c��/Q2/zt�o� cr��rxz� Ac����: ���R r�/A �C}NDIT�C}N OF APF��VAL 1 . FIELD TNSFECTIDI�TS ARE RE�LTIR�D T� CHECI{ F�A C�J�E C�7MPLIAN��. 2 . PERMiT, PI.,ANS ANll C�DE Al'1 LY�IS MILFST BE PdST�D IN ME�NAIV;�CAL RQOM PRIC]R TCJ AN INSPECTIC7N �EQTJEST. 3 . A PERFQRMAI+TCE TES'I' IS REQU��EI3 �RIQR Tl� FII�TAL APPROVAL IS GRAI+I�I'ED �'1��M THE TCl?uVbl {]F VATL SEC 508 . ].� HAVE THE PERF�FtM�NCE TEST APPRf?VED B'� THF' P+�ECHATdIC'AL ����rr��R Q�° x�e�� 4 . THE T'DWN' S FIRE DEPA�TMENT MUST APPR�7VE THE HO�D FIR.E SUPPR�SSIt3N SYSTEM *�r**�at**�w*w*w,�,r�r**,�***�t**�*�****�r�rww,r�*��r�r******,t**�t�t*�**�r**�*�****�*�t****�t**�t* I)E CLARA'I'I�NS I hosoby acknowledge thAt Z haue read thfe applicaCian, fille� out in full tha infei-mation requfred, completed an accurate pPat plan, and otate that all the infaraxation prvvzded a� requiru�3 iu es�rrr�ct. I agree to comply with the infaa-matiQn and pllot plan, ta cotnply xith a12 Town ordin�nees and atate Iawa„ and to build this etr�rcturd eccording to the "Foxn'e zonirtq and eulodivieian codes, deaign r�vieM apptc:ved, Uniform Suilding Code and other ordinancem of khe Tawn a�plicable lhereCo. P.EQUESTS F'r3R INSPF.i.°I'I6N5 SF{ALL iiE MAT]F. ��'S+�"f-f�':7[%�R HDUR� IId AI7VANCE 8Y "I'ELE:YHOI+yE AT 479=I139 OR AT OI1R OFPICE FROM 8:44 AM 5;OfJ P!T ' II C� &IGN31T'URE OP QWNER 4I2 CONT'itA.CTOR FOR HIh1&'ELF Ai!ID C7'WNER �'V b� � � *.,���.,����*��*.��*�*.��*.*��***,.��.�..*.**«******}**.*�{�.*.**.* TC)WN C3F VATL, CGIARAUo StatemrtC ++rr�*,t,r,rt**,r*,r«,r#,r,r*..,t**,r*,���*,rr*,r*,rr.•r,r�r�*,r«*.***+.t.t:ra�xar* Statemnt i�iumber: REC-{�fi25 Amaunt: 52A.[�Q Q5/Sl9/€}t] 48:43 PayT�lent Meth+�d: CkC Not��zan: #8445/ENV HSATTN IniC; I,C °-----------------------------------------------------------�--- Pe]C'tlil� z�o: �tao-aoze Type: B-MSCH MSCI-IA�FIGAL PSRMIT Pa�cel 1�T�: 2143-121-��-[]12 Site Add�ess: 13a4 WES'i'I�3F1V'�1+I DR Lvcation: VAIL CASCADE{ALF'REBO'S) Tota]. Ne�€�: 52S.tS(l Thia Payment 528.ao Thta1 ALL Pm�s: 528.p0 Sc'1�ZIIC�: .0[} •rr*arwt*+t+a*,r+t#+rr+t+,r�i+��r�+raa{��.sa++sfa+fr+�*tr,�rit:sa++� Accaunt Code I?eserigtion Amduirt MP {}{�1[900Q31113Qi3 MECHANICAI. FERMTT FEEB 420.t1E� pF flfl1000fl311234d PI�F�,N CFiECK FEES 1C�5.p0 WC OD1OOf]{]31�28a� WILL CCP.F�L Ii+1SF�ECTIfl1� F'EE 3.OA M�Y-�2-290� 12 :�7 AM �M�I�ONMENT�L. HEATYNG 71� n�� 5413 P. �2 . �ir-ai-�oaa �a:�ra� ��ao-VAIL � �on� ar�4ra+c�a �-��� � aoz�aaa �•t:9 •" -'�' �I�A�,iC�►T#Gt�14�R1�,#�T I�l�1�TIp� �� �� ' � , . �1►�#�m�'�: . � N,�,�k� �n1�1�*; -ov . . . , . . � � ^�'�i���#�pr�sa�} . �� . 7'�S��V^p��i.Rd. ►F►�t�nli riri4t��at��wt�out �^f�i'kk�!w��1�= ° ��1�,C1�I+�ta �� � . P�ri�. #IA��I a��.�li���1�R I�d�+q�ti - - � �a�+�+�"A�iAt�+n�tf� c Hi�'I�+i�I���Mt f�/N+le�A�+�+� . . � ��C� , . . � ��1�ill1�1�1'iQ►�� � . � �t or I�vrr�f�f � R�A � � '� �3 t +G�G I.o� ���l���L �'pc,��� A�•�d�s ,�� � �il��n ��s�'hr��ca I�� � '� ' c�.���a. �..�, taesc�i t�as: �k.� F� : , �r,�„i�t; � � � . . , _ � „ , _ � � I��`+i• �� . . , . . Y . . Q , � � � �+A� /s%' /f fN Cr.�� fti'� �,2 ,�J4 f�� .`!�i —/r w�'k� �f�++r� ) �bt�rm� � � �`I � �k � #��r ��= �n�t l �� � � t�er� ! ��"l'�'�ex�at#��� ��� ) 1'�E� } Ye�c��#�: �Sr-t"ac�i�►4 ] �( ) M�v-f�niM� i �+mvr�t � ��ar�r Gt�+M[ ; .t�c�.�t'�c;j�p!1� �i� �i�t��4�Q� I+i�. d�� IJn#in 1'��Au�4Giit�g: � �� : � � � �alTyper ci�nep�s P�pca�; C��p�ar�ce�� l C�w�� } Wa�J�P+�H�( ) w�ad ��rr+�ir�t�rar A���w�n) � ts a��r� a �e m en ] P���l�t.�►T��l����RM�'I�►ar����f�� ��►�irc�ti;:� �� °`�. , . �. �t��o�e ur�r►�ar�� . ' . .-.+�. � , . ���;�=D.v��nr�.aL ,f�£ir�; �- G 3 - � %I'�- 591-�?I.3 u� . - . . - . .- . � rt�������+�������+����►+�*�s� ���*+��+�����r�*����**����*�:�* „�,. _ . . - - � . F�ll11��IeU/l�M71r1�IM�� ' . ' ' . ' . . - ,� ,�� . • ^ � _� ti..�I �.1 j�M ri •.�r .�:.� •,'!^y'7";'. �.!` . , ` _� t , . .. '� ; t �'4� *.}' 'Yx . � . �'� . '.. � �,_ . r , . . t c� . . r,^« i� .„_ _ .n4f ..a'1•4. ..;r,,.. . -i;��'^.i�. . . �.y�' "r_. . .�.:.�..�_.�„',���z.!TM, ',,,.,.. z��a�—a�—���e i� :�� �rr ��vi�o���NTa�. HEATI�G �i� ��� sds� p. �� . � � � , i d +� RE+�E;pT— �e Town aP Val1 t DA TE f�/�- � 1 � �c�rv�a�F�a�t _ -�� � ' �° 5U7q9 ; ana�ss_.��� � . � — � � � ,' _�----�_ � � f I ; ��—�� Dot��s � _ � — � a - _ � -�._ ' �� �� , Perltlsf �lurizl�ers ��"�,—�,� .—._ - � , + �1aW PA11}�_Cast�___ �,+r Poli �� • ! ._ _ --r�te��2��� ers� ' - -- • ._ ��' � '�—-� "-.""�•--�--•-•__'�-�... -��..���.�_,_� ��1H'r'-e2-2B@Ei 12 :�7 A[9 EMV I RI�MPIENTAL. HEpT I Nl� i 1�7 657 34��3 P, C�11 . • � � � �. �a� MeSSage f�vrn : Environn���atal Heati�.g & Air C�n�.�tic�n..i.ng, Ir�c. P.+�1,Bc�x 15883 Cal�. 5p., +Co1D. 8Q935 (719} 591-�713 Fax �?19) �37-8453 �E� ��� � ����' T� : ,A � � C����'�� �.���c'7'`' ��' /� ��r F�x #� : � -- ;a� —' ��� � Pag+�s : Pgua thi�oarer�eci � � TC}Wi�l OF �TA.ITu DEPAR'I'�'IENT �C}�' ��NIMT3Iv�I`T'Y D�'U'�LCJFMENT 75 S _ FR�NTAGE R�AD VATL, CO 81�57 97{�-�79-2138 NOTE� THIS PEF�,MIT MUS'� BE P�S'I`�I] �DN J�BSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLE� PERMIT Pe�rn�t # : F(lQ-DOQ6 JOb Ad.d.x'��� _ . . : 13�€7 WESTHAV�N DR St�tu�. . . � ISSiTEl7 �,vcatian. . . . . . : 13�4� WE�THAVEN I�R, :P�FR.EI]O' RL�'Ap�lied. . : l75/1{}J�QdO .��rc�i rro. . . . . : a�a� -�.za.-c��-o�.� rssue+�. , . : o�Io�/�+a�a P��ajeCt Nu�tttb�r: PRJOQ-fJ#J4� Expires. . : i2/03/20�]{} APPL�CANT A1�BC]fiT FZ�E & SAFETY Pht�rre: 719-590-9191 43�15 1'�C}RTHPARI� I�RIVE, �aa�o�a SPRIN�CS , Cf� 8(1907 CONTRACTC?R AHBOT`I' FIR� & SAFETY P�c�ne ; 719-59(3--9�93� 4305 1�T�RTHPARK DRIVE, COLOR�UO SPRINGS, CC} 8Q94?7 t7WI�ER L-O �]'AIL HOLL?I�iG INC WESTIN HOTEL THE, V�IL Cfl $1657 BUSIPJE55 ALFRE�t7' S RESTAUR.AA�'I' Descr�ption: Valuation: 3 , '155 . (l0 ANSUL R-1Q� K3TCHEN HC3OL� FIRE 5I7FRESSIdN S�STEM Pireplaee Enfarm�at.aun: Restricrec3: #42 t;as .'�raFjlinelc•re;: BSOf Gas *,.c,�s: �cf Woc�Y�PaileL� e��srwrrswrr�+.r.�:r...y�.e..a��r.rraa..r.sfir..��.�.�..r.�.�r.�. sF.B.� SLlH1hWRY •w•+r�r:..�•xM+eTxrrrxrr.a�erretr*t�rwr*xtar7r��t.+rxlr�rrwrx+r�rYVrw Mechaniea.i---.� 9[].CO Rc;ttcsazanti. Plan Reuiesr- �+ .qp To�c.:�l Calc;�laled Pee�+-- 7 163.Op P1aI9 Ch�ck-_-� 20.�❑ ❑�12E Fee-----____-'------� .00 Ad$irional Fees-----°---7 .Q� �nveecigaticns «OU T4TFu, FEES------------- -? 103.�4 'Fotal Permit Fee--------p 103.00 Wi1i Cali----a 3.U❑ Paoyynteris�---�__----------} 1o3.[s6 i3F�Lii.D10E DUE---'-----°---3 .44 ���.a..�aw..iirra��..s.�xt++x+...rr..rs�rT�e:rxwrrr�r.•.wer...wr..ar.�r.w.nrs•arw.rt+r�...ee.v.rr�.r�rsrrrrr�.�.yr�►r.��r►yrrrxirrrfrrarrwr Item: (]51flfl BLTILI7TNG L�E�AR'I'iw'IENr I�ept : HL]I�L��N�G I]ivisic�n: �5I1i7/2��J[] i{ATHY ACtiC]n: APPR I�/A Item: (15�1]U FIRE fl�PARTMEN'�" Dep t : F°IRE Div'i5iozl: 0 5/�0 I 2 Q 0 47 FCA'I`HY Act ior�: N�JTE Rl7UT�D TQ VAUGHN a51�1/2Q0� 1�TKE V A�tir�rr: APFR apprc�ved CON�IT�OF�I QF APFR[7V� 1_ FIELD I1�TSPECT�QNS ARE RE�QiT�RED TO C�IFC"K FC3R C�DE CQF+�+IPLIANCE. **�**,r�aa*�r*�r**r��ra�*w*x**�,r�r�r,r�r�r*�r**�r�r*wrr�r**w�r**w�rrr*rrrr,a,�rr**,a***,�*****�t**�******��r* DE CLARAT I C�NS ! Fs�z«iay ackncavl,�dgc tha! a havr read this ap�licatinn, fi�le3 out in full the informatvon reauired, eqmpleted an accuratc gL�t �Paus, and �c�ce thac u:? the information grnvided as rcauire�i ie; ec�rrect. S agres to compiy with the infarmation and plat pian, to comply with nlI '1'a+rn 7r•dinancea �nd etate lnu�, arfd ta bufld Ghia stri�r.rclre .xcc�nrr�ing to tit� 'I'ovn"e xoning and �ubdi•r3ai.csn cades, deoign =_�view apprvved, Uniform Bvilding Code attd other ardinance9 af the Tuxn agpiicabla thnrato. RBQU'LS.� FaR INSF6C'dIt]NS SFiALL BE MA�E '!I�PEN'd'Y-F4UR k!(SURS I. VANCE 8Y E 9Pd6 AT 474-2139 4R AT ql7R OFFICE FRQM 9:OD AM 5:00 PM � +j . SIGNAiURE OF OWN6R 6R CO't3TRAC'CQR YOR AZMSE&F RNQ aSVN�EH �i��Y4+iti+wa#}*�y*#**i*x��#t#r����ttrtta+�al+rra#�triii#*f#tf+ � T�WN OF VAII,, CS]I,DRAD�] •Stat'emnt *ak*#****##*#*A**##t�1k}t#i}}.y�.}t+t.i*i��y}y�*##**tt-k*****f*iikeiYitliyr♦ Statemnt riiumber: RE�-0637 Amvunt a '1 a3.nca c}6 J��/f1Q 10:14 Payment Method: Z010 1�iotation: Af3F3(]'l"[' FIRE/SAFE Irliti: �3t+T �ermit NQ: Foff-fSC1(36 7�yp�: �-SPR.N1� SPRINRLER PERMIT ParCel IHo: 2103 1�1-UO-d}I.:? Si Ce Add]Cess: I3�C� WI�aTf3AW��I i}F2 Location: .L3flf7 WLSTEiAV!•:N []R, A3_�PRRD�" RESTAURAN'T' '�`otal F��es: 1[13.�a Thi� Payment 1f13_�{3 Tat��l. ALL Pmts: 1�3.aa Sa.I�ilce: .OL] r�,rrr+��r�rai+r.�rr+++,rrr�rrr,���+*�a***rr*t*rt+r�w++rii+*t+�+#,a,r,rr**,r�r Accotuat Ccade [�escr��7t10n A[ssount MP L101a�}�D031i130(3 NiE:CFiRNICAL PERMIT FE�S 8t1.06 E'I`�` Ui110{I(}4372r�.�Ilf`r P�RN �f3ECIi FS�S 2�_40 Wf' aa7.n[�C}a317 a�0(} GPiLL C'ALI, INSFECTIGN FEfi 3.U4 _ _ ••,.• ,•.,v—�•i..�rs—C7EsJ—OEPI. � Ep�B?idSi79`�452 14P�� `� P4Cr� 2i 3 � WI1�� H+C?T 8E ACC��'�'ECi IP INCON4i+LE���V5I6�lED Pr #: ��- ;j:} . ,�.,� , Su��d+ng Permit#; � M�th�n�al Permit#: -,��L? T�t�tl�y.r� '��o-���-�149{TarS��GGans} Ts s. Frorrtaga�d. 7 � ' V�IL M EG CA! P T�'e a��� �Y V a i ir C o f a r a d o 8 1 f�5 7 Ferm�t w'li r,u t�� a���:g��,v r t h 0u�t�re �ol ia�n�ing. Pr��i�iw Mac.�anic�l R4om L�yout dr�wn to 3�(t to in�lud�: .. MecheniC�i Raom�fineitsfons � Gombust�vn Air Du�t Sire arrd I.oca�crn . Fiue�Vel�L and Gas�.ine Sa�e drld Lc�cat�t�n .- Heat Lo�,s�lcs. � �qc�rp�tent Cut/gPec Shafts COntact I�Cta,� �'�s[3�ce at 9i�-3��r-9�,�0 ar vi.s�f � �Li/Gf p � �arCel # (�equin�i �no b�d � ' �nt .r�r�,fc�r Par��!� �• Rerrf�'rt# i5 pr[�Yi�d�ed ahov�) ���s tit��s�, �l� I�.. � i _ �!���I�E +�C7r�� � .ro�A�dre:�s: `� I ��CX� ���TF-�/'�lV��.J �1,� � � ��g�l fles�ri�st�0� . � ! �''S �i,t: ��S7GIC: �I�rll[�. C1iN�1��"S+�8�'T3L°: ! �i���VtSf',�'�h; � �1�„_, �� r�[ffCSS:� ��+"��i�C.1J � � : €�h�r.e; ! �+T En�ineer: �� Address: . �, Phflre: � ,�`1�, 1 � i Getatled deSC+'1 tivn �v�j rk: y� -�� 1!-I�1�(,..t��.1 j�� L' -I+C��. L�7`C�F C� �1�� � +�-t. � r'� _' !-I ,� J J F�J �c.S��G'�..1 �, 4'�Fyr�c��ass: rUew� ��dditia�r� '�t��`�, � } Aitc�atior+ ( ) �2e�;r; j C�the�� ) Bo�l�;L�t�nn: Inter�or; j E�rfnr � , ) Uth�r 4 � f �s 3n E3�-��P @X�5[t3L[�ti5 1C1�t�f4�: �'Y2.,( j �vt� TYpe�f 4�d�� S;n�le-fa�+�iy( : �s,pkx; � ;��;�-�ami � � ; � i h'; , Ccmmer�f(�' Restaueont 1,�f} �;ter ; j fVca.af E��st{ng D►n:�l6rhg Urit� fr th�s �iu��fing: N�. of ACCart'rrnckat��n Ur�its E� :hi�p�;��ing: �� ' No�T �f Fisepl��s �xisti : �s A liancs ' G�5�� s f � rlOr'T : _ INi70C�R�I�v�L f VJO'Jd �ilfTllr.�[ ` '� I YP�df�ir�p��; Q•#�: �5 Rp�+is�r��es ( ) Gds ^ s , ; ^-�-$ { , 1"u+0'�"dl�'�l�t�' 1 WoocJ �c:mirg (fvJT A��.4:7GV�,�; I Is:t1is&CC�r��rffirs6ran Fmm a wa4d �u�ninq fi-��lat�kc7 en�EP,�'s r�h�5e II �+eas��y res� ` �,'� � ; } C�MPL�VALIJA'CT�N �t+t�R i�lE+�HANICAi. P�RMIT(LaE?or 8� M�t�-i�ls) � ri��-�ar��cA�: s � '���,'e'v n i CDhTR�4�TOR INI�C�RMa�pN �,�_F:a ica� Cpn ,�r, I f"�+3�TT � p �� Tcwn�f ai1 . iVo.: ntaGt drt� Pha �`s: � Cort;r� � etur�: �- �` Lc]C�-I,�,`�Lt.,� ,�-,�,. ���c'�-��� � # � *�� x� * �ra�� *�:�* . Ft�R C1�i=IC� USE �NLY�'�*��*��*��**,�*�,��,�,�,��*,��**** ' ���.� ` "' - . I �{�!4�■i k�} .. . � .��y`,y�{ : � � �O . - . ` 'ii/�M1.i7 TMvw/�i�7R7! . . � _ 'F:Ievr.rytsrte/TOrn�sJrt�e�hpacrr� ��----_--- y � � �..�-,� -�;- _ . I�esigr� R+eyi�w Action Form ;���u�- .`" T(l'W� (]�F' VAi L TL�}4;1'f1F 6�;4lL �, �'E-c�j��t tv�ztlk, C'.�sc.i�le �lot+el I'�-c�ject NLrEnhzr: l'rj�9-f123h Mechanieal Enclosurr PiY�r�Ct L}�tiCR"l�711L717: ,r�(I[�Ifl[lii ('��tf"l+�Ch:lI11C�I �(1U4'L'1'S �incl ���ft �nclasurc ()�v�a�r. ,lc�cire��. an�[ I'fton�- I_,-(} !J"ai1 F-�crtel Ine l{1333 [)M-� C'i•ek Itcl. #-�Si� F�n�le►��c�nc�, C'O �3U�l l2 3U�-75��-�'�3[1 Arc�tiitectlC'E�nt�ct. Adc�r�ss. arzci I'hvt�e: (r.3�`4' I'�'i�4 i;�t){) VI'tsth��en �ar �'ail, CC) 8tG�7 �7�1--17(i-7111. Fr�-�ject Stree� flcEcirc::�s: 130f1 Wcstha►�e� �)r. [.�:��:1 I)�scri�tic��t: I,��t 39.5, C�len L�•c�n (['�tsc��cie llc�tel] i���r-��i r�«������E�: z1 i�rz��i���1z F3i�ilc�itt�N`dT711: C i13Cil[IE` Ilr�tel Coannzenis� I3ot�rc�l5t��ff�ction M�lio�Z �i��: :�ciic�n: staff�r���rn�•ec� Sccc�nci�c� b��; Vc�t�;: C'��m�iti«n:�; I. all materi�ls must mateh cri�tit�g To�v�n Pl�tnr�ei: A�lisnn (}c}is f�ate: 1�3d�210(� I]�fL13 l �e N:�it�: SZ[! 1'rt?#eGt Narn�� Ca:�cade �-Iot�! Mect�anieal Encic�sui-e [��ctim��!I ��-'� Lett�r of T�smittal d a� Date� 2fi April 2QOQ Jo� No: 19�9-07�-�� From: �Vlelissa Canchill� coHSCrlr,arrrs ir+c Ta: depas�rnent o#Cammunity Deweloprnent 75 5outh Rur�dag� R�ad 1 123 AURARIA PARKWAY#4�f] L�ENV�Ft C;f]LC]F4ADC} 8�2b4 �al� �{�, ����J7 3o:�_c2:�-e2oa FAX 623-8435 �g7Q-47�-2147 www.a6s�onsult�nfs.com Attention: Ernst Glantzle Project. Vail Cas�ade Hntef -Renovatic�n w+�rk Via: Pickup Delivery MaiV Sus X �vernight Far review &co�nm�nt—res,�onse needed by: X Far your u�e As rec�ues#ed �ther: �f7 L�escriptican �f Items Sent X,,���.��s-�c�ila[?M13N�,Eic,r_Fv'�i;��rr��s4ryi7a�nr.c�u�aasitr0«i2trans.w�n 1 revi5ed on�-line draw6ng with electrical laad summary f�r the Mair� Hotel !�ycau h�ve any qu�stion� please call. ��i ; .__ .._ '� �_ �, J I_I ���� `� "'" ������ � ' � � �' Le�ter af T'�hsmittal �� .r.. ��. Date: yl�4��:v Ja6 No: /J�1`I. L��'�-�,�, _...► , - - — Frvm: _ c�y 'w�'�f�;.� C�iM!L ll L T A N T!'�1 N C _ _ TO: _Cr�'f� FIr!?`[y'-�d"•..Ct'�! ri'.`s auR,aRla F�ARKWAYa•9nn ��+ � ,F�._ �v!�r+T,�S�a.L�.. �l�C� CE":l�R rULC:RAG[� �3U��4 {! YlVPY"_.�.t�� fJ O �(1'z-fig3.5?Cr0 FAX 623-94:45 -� vnrrw a6sconswltan4s.crsm _____ _ __ _ _ Attention: �' kq e rr �'roject: �(.�'rt,cic� -G�i� �esc.:.�'� Via: Pick�ip ,� De9iv�ry Mai( Bua �ver�ri�ht FQr review&comment—r�es,nar�se neede�f by. � I�� �6C A/Otlt IJSt: — — "— - - - — - �As requested - -- Other: _ - — - _ NQ Oescription o�Items Sen4 � _=_,�_F.:•�„��.n�.�„� •.�f��-:�� . . . � Se f Mf�'���l/�r x+r� � sc�- ,M�P�t?!�'�{_�►�'�x.�" — - - - — 1 Pl�.►a b,h�r�+e.��, -- f .��u'c w a fJ uG�n`t�r��, �t t f tr° _ – �—__ .� - – ----- - � , , -�� Merr�c�rar�dur� .c: Date: 4-25-4[7 Jab Ncs: 1999-079-0�? '� From: Sara Romrenke Page: 1 CONSU L7hMTS' INC 7t�tal Pages 1 Prtrject 4+asl Caseade Hotel and Club-Alfredos Reskaurant ,�a3�,uw��in Pa�z�wav xaoo - pENW�R CQLORA'DQ �620� 3Q3-623-(i200 F,A,X G23-8435 www.3 bS Cp na u Ita nts.cvrn Ta: X Name&Garnpa�ty Fax Nvmber QI5'D x Shirli Sensenbrenner-Qestination Hotels and Resarts Ciiue us a call if sonaething is awry wikh deiivery vf thss informatian Comrnents X 14�99-{773�3pLqUMINkMach 11lFtum klCnrcespandenceSLldqde{s6425s�p.wpd The f�llowing is in r�spans�t�the plurnbin� portic�n af the�own af V�il buildir�g departmen#commen#s dated 41121�C1: �amrnent#E: The work tabC� sPnk shall have an indirect waste raut�ti ko the existing fioor sink aRd discharged with a 2"�irga{�. Ref�r tr�clrawing P1. Drawing ctamments: i. The d�mestic w�ste and vent installed shall be s_v_no-hub cast Qran. Refe�to drawir�g P`�. 2. The fire suppression system for the ho�d is the hoc�� manufacturers r�spansibiltty. 3. The pulf station locati�n i� the hood manufactur�rs responsihiEity. , � � � .er co�su �ra�r i�c. t��}rE� �i�,t���.}{� Taw� of Vail I�epartment of�C'orlttt�unity De�velrapment $�iilclin� S���ety 8. I�ispeetic�n Ser�iues I]i��ision 75 Sc�u�h Fronta�e Ro��d Uail, C'[) S fl G�? Attn: +CF�arlie Dar�is Re: Alfred�a's Cti Vail �ascad� Side►��all+Grease Venting De1r C harlie: 'I'his i�ttcr is it� t-���rds [�y khe sicietivall i�e:�t f�or the ne�v �reasc cxltati5t system ��t A[fredo's. AB;S CtiI15t1Itc1T1"CS, It1C. a�]�]C[?V�S tt)C L1SC [}�L�1�' S1{�eli'Fi�� V�[7f: Sy52CI17 aS S}305�4'Il C7[1 C7UC [�Ca�'1�lll��s. The systen-� «�ill #uz�ction }�r�;�crly�as d�si�ned, an�l 5h[�ul�i r�ot affe�ct khe+��iisi�e ���a]]s of the builc�inL. lf you kia4°e a�1y oth�r concems, �7I�<35�C�Q 610t I7�5lxil[� t0 CCTt1?1.�.C[t�1lS 0��1��. S i r��crcly. ..�..BS "�ii�st�lt ,aI . �� � � �l�l`�.,�' �7�''� ,• � � � �_- , /' ��'-� � ;' t �x�— ��IC t�a�iL. P�E, �'rineip��l Ij aw \:'t]�?99-b74-Ub41DMlt�1',a17e�h_A'.i'usrespnnc3cnc�'jawl[rW2G5idcwa Il��cnt.t+�pct lll"S A�IJR41?'4A ViV+y+.1V4V eSi:(i 6ENVEF.COLUR4bCi fiii?t:iC 5d3.613-iS�liSC]tA• F1�1•�d:{!E � � � r �Cutler-Hammer � 5atsll'rtes ahd Sen+i��s Centers '14'i01 �. 33'�. Plaae Uni#F � A�rvra, GC?80�11 �Cls-371�7844 �AK: 3t33-371-�{'!75 3 �':�'�#N �t�r;��s,2oao Town of Vai1 75 Scrttth F�trntt.'�ge RQad V�1,Calarad�$1 G57 � Attcu'�ion:Mt.�tnst Glat� �ectric.al Inspectat Etef'erenca:Adciilian fn existing Westinghnflse s^arftchba�x't€ Gemlcmen. Pra�ressiv�e Elcctric has asked us to offcr�quvtat�nn for adding a new switchbaard sectican i�the ri�t�t e�ci af#he � i earast�ng swit�hbv�rd p�ra�vid�d by Wesdnghnnse nn o�dut niicnb�er DN37130 in t981. C)ur assc►nk�lp�lant in 's Anrnra opazced ir►198�,so we did�ant assem�le thC c�ti�inal baard. It was probabty built it�ouT pla3�t itt Vi&a1ia, � ' f Btifornia,which cln�d atxiut 8 vears x,�o. U�,r c�visian uf W��titighvuse�r�nn,argeci witla Cutlz:t-HamaQer in 1994, The s�vitchbcaard and c�rcu�,t br�alcer desi�tss��`rc�R�e�Linghnuse t�ere ca�ri�3 forwazd under ihe Cuil�or- � H�iur►�r naine. 1 Thau�wo do nvf h�,the jc�b spr.�ific drawings for this PTOject,we havc ail t.he gancral assc�nbly dr�wln�s fcar this type of swi#chboaad. Thnn�h it�nv1 atu�curren#de�ign,we ha�suc�cssfu�ty added stntctwrea c��r new desi�ta sectios�s c�f'"old dc�ign„,�nany times wer fhe y�s� As�rlginaltv}�uilt,the switchbaard at the Cascadc i �iot�l�h�,ld h�v��tl bns c�dt�ndia��11 thc w�i}+to tttie end;af thG saxtian wkth hafes�nmch�far fuinre splicc � plates. Is�t�e past,ww�I�a�vc bcezi atlawcd by yn.vst snspc+ctiqn juri�dictions ta add ncw�tians pro►rided that: 1J�e � e�sbltig board da�d nnt�a ta b�mvdiflcd and thm#ths ne�v bus ccru]d be bolted tn existing hvl�s itr thc bn�sw��c 2�c�board ha�i tlt�e�oct�'i�capacity tn hanale t�ic new lanci. It is cntr rmdets#�anding that t�e e�ds�ing b�rd h�s�200D atap rnaiat�tot�ctivc decrice and tl�at th�carteni lcra+d has. � not�xcv0ded 7U0 amps. 'I'kt��ew seckicm GaGrrentl5'bas oa���DO atu�(a switch. The ncw se�ti�n will bc 45 inches � widc, I8 iache�deep(alignad at the t�s of the existing�D,fFtch decp section),and 9U in�hes high. The nevv 1 SP�`QTl Wl���'VC 1^.��X�IIlG�1.f].11'],}���IDLtlt31[1 L'I'USS�3ll.5�tl�'�-.�rJ' K 3 IL1C}1 VC111C�G}�851$�15. i Htr cfnll thi�P�tter af e�c l�na.tiox�will aIlow fvr the project tn�ro�eed Cvnward, If ya���y fnrt�er q��ioas � P fia P � }�Zease fe�I fitae to ccmt�act mc. � Re,g,arrds, , j J� ��� � � T'orn��uedet9 � Plan1 Mauagcr c�:P�g�e5�c�lectriC Pat Landry 1 i G�dsn'-H�nunes Dcmr�r C}i�ce Tofu 8�sqtiea ; � , , ; T�L'd E�'Oh! 1tJt��l 3'.L I"�ll�S �13nN3Q 1�3L'�.6 00��"�Z'�ki � � � � nvT�s: ��t• U�300 tr#• AAfU4 �t-IQ'R aI�E'T CHEItIICA'� KITCHEI! HQQD FIRE fUPPREfflt3n fYfTEN1f. ALL �IrIi1G�HAtL RE fCHfD11tE 4� gLiIGK IRQ[I 1{fllE�f QTN�ilNII�E il@TED. CHRO�E �«�II�D �HERE EX�OfED IA HOQQ. IAfTpLLAT10A Q�+Gpf fHUT Ofi Ilp�1►E AI�D EtECTRICA!�IIRIAG QQAE dY 4TH�Rf. E�ECTR�CAI COI�TRQ[ PO�IER TO d�E 1 I 011;3LT - PHAf� 1 - 60 CYCIE UAIEft QTHER�IIfE fAQIC1iTED. �1pT6R�JAfH CYC�E T� BEG1A UPOI� A�Tf11RTI�A ��'THE �Afll� aE�t�TE ��IAYAI PU�l� fTATI[yfii(fI T� 8E I��CpTEQi I�' �tt3r1 E]LMAUfT 1#OODf IA A PgTH !�f EGREfs. iiCCEPTAI�CE Ol� LOCATi�fl UP�� ROUGH IA QR �AA� IA�PE�G'il�?A. ►IA�f��A�CAD�E HOTEt 1300 ■IElTHA1►E�1 QRt1fE rai�. cQ�o�a�o hAY �s ���d A�'Lt�TT i`IR� S� fAiETY'. IA�C. c, ���, �;_� , �, :�',j� �'�3! !. 1�ATCN�� CC�f�RT — i' _ Ei�+GI�IROOG�, C�iliil�pD+D 80 i I 4 ��� � �� ��03) 76R-83�►p ��+[�` �`�' , . � � - � , � w � � � � � �� � � o - . � '� '� � oe �, � 3. � � � � � � � � 0 � � � � � � � � 'trt ;:� u. s rw >c � � �^t M � � �+ � (�i � � rl7 � � �'° p �' C .� .- '' � H ,�q� � o � w � � � � a�' r? � � x s� � � � � i� .� � �, n � � � °' w rY ;r . � � F-r .y � �°, . nn � p � � r,=. �;,�, � � � �- �` • � � � ', „i.. r� � �y < p'p �� G} ! � r� €i� s' 13'4 , N (� � �J7 W �,y;' ���+ N � ye 1� �i,. � � � � � '"'0 + f•�l � � . by:. . . . . � � ,�1 ?� '-�"�e {y h • � � ;� � " ��i * 1�' � }' � 'i_: - .a� � _ —�x M I I '; � � CW�T I RI + - U7 L�I �� N . + FC a � � � ' � w � �, � �- � �o _ , � C� � �' "' " � �r .,. ; v� �; W � r� y:�, �, W ,M.. � v '.' � � � .fl .,� ' � . a f t m. � � � � � `� W � �f `�`' . � � � � � � . � � � � . � � �a`k:CTl4�I N - SY5"�'�M lI�;SIGN UL EX. 3470 fi-1!)5 t����;-?� R�V. 2 NUZ2�.E PI.ACEI'VIEI�T R�QUtREMEI�7'S{Conlinued) No�le Applicatinn Chart 'lhc iailtswu�g�17�rt l��s t��n c4eve�c�y�i tn ass�st u��alculatiirg the yutu3tity an�t�x:crf's3or.rle r�quir�:i in prot��ct�ich duct, pl�ziautt�r a�}�1►�icc. NOTiC'E '[`his�Y�n�t is iQr g��yzral refer�»ix anly ��� cornE7lct�a�ta�ls for eact�Cy�of ha7,urd. NuzEle T"i� Maxi�um Nauard N[r�zle Nor.cle i�oa�ie 5t:tmping #l7F FLQW HB�z�rd C1im�nsion� uanki#v �ie�� Pdrt l�n. F1ow Nfl. f�QZZLES p(}INTS l�u�or Trunaitic+n(Smy�lc P.cs��li-L'i�lu�uic�J l - 419336 S LV i 11L'� Nozrle) Periixi�a-27 m.(67 crn� Di��swr•8.5[2�ars} i?wcicx7'ranb�tiar I,,��h-[!niimit.xf 1 - a1933717tiU78* 21�'�2'IL'tt' [5inglc lYuxzl�) P,auiut�-75 in.{19C1.5 ai�) 13kam�x�x-2�f in.[51 tixn.) Uudur'I'ransitiora Lc�g�h-L}nlisnited 2 - 4l�337r7�if]7�{• Z'4i'2V+'lf' (I)usl Nnzile9 f'�rim�c�r•ISU un.{38i am.) I3ium�s-24 in.(6[crn.J L'ledrasYatic 1'ra�ipitsinr ]ndn^idual C�I I - �I l')l3� ['2N (:A!E3:ts�oflJu�t) P€utwn l��h-81t.(I.i,nJ 1 - 419335��11�'33� lh�l�IS�1N5S 4llotiz�ntat P"t`ote�°�.'scn) Filt�r H4i�rl-2U in(51�i] Pi+�um I.cn�h-4 fl.(i.2 m,l I • -}1933b r�17333 I L1'r I 4L'S+1 W55 (4'c�rti�l PrutruC's�} �'idlli-4 H. (1.2 m} Fe}'��'S�1'tt Val Fry��� hfaxiniuni Siu (wixhuut cirip tward) l5 in.(33{.�i)x l�i in[3G t�n� :�sea-2 l Cl x{ tn. {I35S sc{�n)it4aximum kiig��Pcu�uty 1 2"7-��?ur. �l93 i�) 2](1 Aisxiium Yroxunit4' 1 2Q-27 u1. 4193�I1 245 hla�cunumr Si� (w�,h d�i�b�ard) ?1�a. (53�an)x 14 iu.{�G att) Ar� •?9.�sq.m.{1897�.��n� Muxirnuns{Fry Put uwsi nc4 exa�diSmxl�lm l li�h Yruximiik' S 27-47 ui. -�f 933') 23U A�ie�divan Yruacimity { 2U-27 u�. -�3�)3�1i7 245 �eas nwa nu.�.on i���n a n�..s�.i.a v�ww��. '9�v�4Fkprule p��1a.slwY d.¢ylede7m,re�d¢rled+r�uliEw�oam Pirp i-1a�t 4rasylti=ip 8 � � SE('TI(3N IV-SYSTEM DESIGiV []I,f•;X. 3�17U 6-1-5�5 f'��;e 4-25 I�:V.2 tVO,ZZI.E�'LACEMEIMIT REQUIR�MEi�i7'S(+C'irneinued) Nor�t�Appliratinn C"hart((;R��ti�ued} iVur�le Tip Maximum Haxarci Nvrlle Narcl� No•rlle Stamping #OF FL(}W Hatard Bim�nsiuns uantih� Hei hts Purt N�. Fluw lVo. iYU'LZL�.S POINTS l'n�r•• 1.{aumum�ir� (wit}ic�u1 clri��aua�d) l+3 li2 sn.(44S�sty x l9 in.(4�s.T�mj �r+� -37D i�2 u� rn. (R39[1 sy.uis) ?�laxisisuen }ii�i Pr�xi��:ity l T!-34 in. 4193!1!t 35�1 l.c�w f'r�rxim�lV 1 13-16 in 419342 29C] :.1s��ritun Se� [willt elri�hn�arci) 25 3�us.(G�#.4�s) E1r�:s -(3193 tiy.an] ht�;�irnum (I�ry�ot sick:must:x�t ex+a�a1 19 1;2 u�.(��1.5�i)x!�an [�{�i.2 an) f3igh Yraximit}� l.�w�i'rnxinuty I 21 -34 u,. 4193Jk 3N i �:�- ic���, �r��3a� 2�[a 2 6 Ran� lAn�yicia l 3i1-5[1 in. �19333 1 f 2��n.(7t an) �7G-i27��) Arra -33fs sr� in. (2ibK sy.cm.) Lcxsgwt 5ide(fLg�s Pru�u�sny} 7 4D-5U ua. 4193�#Q 243 28�sr. (71.��7] (I t12-127 ras�] f'�rea-672 3�,ut. (4335 sy,esn) l,cng�.w1 Si�(!EA�leiium Proxintity) 2�i in.(7l.Yn} 1 3U-�4�u�. 41��3�I 26[1 r1ra� - �i72 sy.'tn. (7b- I U2 e�at� (-{333+y.�an.} l.an�t Side[1�w Pruxie�utYJ 3b in.(9l�ar) lrca - lUf)li sy.in. 2 15-2U in. a 1�13�12 2�]t] (tiSf}3x�.+air) (38-51�n} ¢ ,� Griddfe [cai�i Sisic[Hi�Pr�rxniuty) 1 3t]-50 iai. 4193�1 �tr[1 i8 ut.(l22 an} (�t,-127��u) Au�+ - 1•�3{};a� in. U,�Yi:ie��ar (9�)0 sy.un) is�t�xiJ l.cyog�yide(tl;�ft�rximily} 1 3U-5ta sn. 44�J3-i: 29(1 3G irs. (7ti uu) .Arra - 72�]sr�.in. [iG-127 un} (1829 s�.om) (+.kntcr I�x�tcx�) I,u�g�x si�ia(11i�r}e!*rnximity) l 35-4[1 en 4!9]39 i 4l7332 1 tJ<`1 P4S�{?+:SS 36 sn.{4l rxn) dK`7-lU2 un} Ar�:a-lp�iU sy,!t. �(P�in3da€ (Z743�c� .�rr) i.xated} I.ong,�5iJ'c 4?�i+xlivan Praximity} 4193�2 48 uS. {122 un) l 2i1-30 ui 29U rlrca - 1�3�iU� in (�319(1 ac�.aTli] (S1-76�7l11 [Pcrinld�r I�ei.aS�) '7��o.a1�k snrtls pexenrm d..�gle fryas.��a de.y]ed ufac�mn an Ye�n�-I U.l 4rau��•I u 8 � � :�ECriorv iv-sXS�'�M n�s��r� t�I.F:�. 3-�7U .3-ZN�lb 1'r�g�:4-�5.1 RF.V. � NC3ZZLE FLACEMEI+�"T`REf�L�1REMF.iM'1'S{t'ontinue�i) Nvule Application C"ha�-t(C:Untinueai} I�a�ul�Tip 14�aximum Hstzar�l I'du�le Noule Nuu�c Stamp[n� #C?�' FL4W Hx;cxr� Dimensiuns uxntit• Fie_ i�ht� �'art Nn, Fi+�w hio. IV47'L2LES P(7th1T5 C�nstcil�:(L'antinuad) IA]17�t'S1 S]lIti(I,V4L'�'JX1fY11S]'� 1 EU-20�n. 4193�#3 212[S 4�i in.(122 c5m) f 25-5!4rn J Area - 1�tU ay.�. {p+3rina�ar ('.Y29(S sy.tYe1} la�aCeci) Chsin Sroil�r• [,an��s,t 5s�-��i in.{$6 an} 2 !U-2G in. 41933G�`417733 I W��1 Wti!X 41f5S [t)vr�rhr�ad YratocY�cn] r1r+� -iU�SB ac{.in. (25•6b a�j) (7L�1�sy.iara) L'hm�Bru`tler Lcn�h - -�3 is�.{l0��ni) 2 1 -l�n. 41333�'41T3.32 1N.�lh1SilNSS {Iioria�xasl PrcR�ticx�) L�'i�fi4i-31 in.(79 can) (3-Si�uc�) Ga�-Rar.liani(.'lear-f_iroil+;� lw�g�t,Sid� - 7�i in (b!an) 1 I!t-4U ier. 4193�30 Z4i 4 $ :1rw - 52ti cc{.u:. (#[i- lU2.yaiJ (3506 sy.un) i�ng�ct Sid�-23 in.{bt any 1 26-40 in. 419335��19332 l N r1r� -528 aa{.in. (GG-1fJ2.nt} (34U6 sq.m) f:laxirie Chor f3eoilrt [.�mg�t S¢sk-34 ui.(8G�n�J I 2U-50 ut. 419i35�4!�332 lN�l NS+11VS5 Arw - [iMi]sat.m. {51 -i 37�ti) (�17k�R�rc�..�ri) [.ukty-]Zo�13ruilbr [.Ge���t Ss�1t-2�3 in.{C�1 oi�} 1 14S-35'ut. 419335 r�{19732 1N11N3r1�11'u'S rlrra-3KI{:,�� trt. (4b•�i1 sinJ cixs��.u�f� S�atural Cl�arcoal ilr+�iltr l.vngc�i 5itte-73 in.(G l an) l i8-�}U m 4 trll33;a 19732 1 N.�1 hS;1 NS$ rlrra - 2M8 sr{ in. [i6- lU2 u») (185��.uu) lawa-�ucic,x t3stuxal [,�xig.s�t Si�•3{?irr.[76 un) f 14--1c1 ui. 419338 };� �Cbiarwal thar-S�rni4a A�cc:�-72U sy.uL (3fi-lG2 an} (�ib�i3�cy .m) F�9�syuite C'har-}3roilr�r �.ua�,t 5ide-3Q�.(76 an] 1 1-1-3t1 in �19332� 1N �Ar�-720 sr�.in. (3ti-1p2 un] (�S sy.uEi) t�?ri�Ju Sruil� lsn�lle - 33.5 in.(82.3 au} 2 - 419.1.34 1'2t+1 �rl4�l-33}]CI.(�fD�31i] 5slnmanda l�rnalwr L,�ogth-3�.5 in.(�32.3 cxnJ 2 - 4I93S�1 l,"'rhl � � Wi�il1� - 3[]ua. (76�n,l 44'�: t 4 ira.-7[1 n�.(36_7(i un) 4 0`)T�*i l ZCril I)iarrteCar 3.?5-$.�io.(9.5_2I!�}I leap 11 in.-l8 isr.(2tt-Jtn�ss�y -{19335 i 417i32 f h�lNSS l9ianMics J_0-S.Q iu.(7.G-13 can)1?a�� 11ui.-Rdin (ZX-bl,sn] ���33�5:��171i2 tNIfN55 lDixn�l� 3.0-5.0 in.(E-l 5,2,�e} 1l� `MSt�+m�dwi W wW�vJ�.u�upaad�•17 n a i?n{i o on s 7.1 mV..W nee YnM Yws.4U.ef n��ul 4r�ndc xre . , � � SECT!(?N IX - APPEf�➢)D{ `�'OTAI,FLl'�W P�INT3: 24 [F�.T�X. 34'�[1 3.l 5�15 1'a�z 9-1 �tf�V 1 �YSTEA'I SELEC'�IAN GUI�E TO'I'AL TAlVK `�'YPE UF fVl'['RQGEN �AFIBO[V DIQXIiI� NLOfW No.' UAi�NTiTY SYST�M TYPE.[]E HARDWARE C_;A�t`1'R1T}GE R�(Dl1IRED CARTRIDGE R�QU1RE�l t-� � su��l�� I_s�r�r. lze�,.��lra� i;l�-zu-K������z� � ���r-i������5«j frl] I Single 3.[l t�al. }2e�. Relea�e 1.°['-3[1-R(5373) 1[ll-2(1(67�s1�) }2-lti 2 �loubl� l.5[':ui. lte�. Hel�s�: ]k7uk�1�(73112'�) lUD-3[1(1585E) 3.(][�al./Iddit�anal"I`ank I7-22 2 I�uble 3.i�E,�l. keg. Tt�lu►� [7�iuble(73�22) i�?i-3�{]58S 1 j:• 3.(14ia1.11��ilionat�1'aesk 23-z� 3 Muksipt4 r.s Gal. lteg.R�C�►s�: l;i'-2[f-Et (7[�3�) 1�1-1U(ISB�t�� 3.0(;dl. I�e�.Ac�u�11�x L'f'-A-1U1-3�1 (2�]1�37} l[�1-3[1�I5�51�••• �.l)C3a1.llds�itiar��1'E'�a1k 2R-3� 3 Multi�le: 3.cr c,al. it�g. ltcl�� 1;1�-3c�-lt 15�73) 1111-2U(1585I]) 3.0 fiaf. krg.�ctwitt}r [:C�-l1-lCJt-3{1 !2�)1�37) �{ll-3{7(15851)*:: 3.0 E;aI. t�cicSitic���:ii'I�nk 3�1-3l3 4 Mu1tiX�1�; 1.5 i�al. ke�,. ltc:le:as�: 1)esuhlC(73i)�?y 1U1-3U{1585!} �.0 c;ai.,��ai�►�,����r�� 3.41cia1. Ete�.nccu�[ur ].`1'-F1-&i11-3U(29l�7) iUl-3il{1��351):•• 3.0(aaL.Additi�na]'ft�rilc 39134 4 Multiple 3.()C�a1. R�g. Relraa�: I)out�le{73t)22) lf)1-JO(158>l}•• 3.11{anl.Addiiionaf'1'�uilc 3.{1 c;al. fi�g.A4rualc�r �:i,E1-!i7!-��l{2�1187) lt}1-30(15851}*•• 3.[1 i;;�l.A�clitiana]'l�a�ik q`,-}y 5 MultiWla I.5{eal. Keg. Releau: l,'1'-7.!)-1�(7(132) �lll-1[1(I��SI]] 3.i1 C�al. it��,.f'1c.tu�Ccsr 1:1-A-1111-3t}(c�)1f�7] fU1-3(}(15fi51)::• 3.0 Ci�1.d1d�31liUnt�1 3.(1 C;r�l�teg.A�luatnr I:I`-A-�(11-3�)(29187) ]tll-3t1(l?$i I)••" 3 U(ial.�ldditional'1';u�4; S(1-55 S Mutti�rRe 3.fi tial. lteg. l#zl�ase I:C'-3I1-K ta373) lIl!-2(](f7�9�) 3.C}(ial. Re�.ACti�.7icDr [:C-/'�-1[}1-3(l(291$7] lUl-3f}{15�351}'x• 3.(�(ial. Adsfiziotsal'Cank 3.[f Cial. krg.Actualar [:C-A-1C)l-3U(25i1$7) 1[ll-3[1{15851}••: 3,(Y[iul. Addilivr�al'9'au�k Sb-&0 fi Mulr�ple l.S Gal. Heg. S7elcax: 3,(][�ai. Ad�3itsUrr�l'1'uttk [�u�le [73{)22} 1[11-3{l{I��51) 3.c?Cia1. ldt�.rl�tu•sior 3.{)(rs�l. Fl�dr�itional 1�an1� [.`[�-A-lfbl-3U(�918Ty 1111-3�1(15851)••: �.SY(i3f. }Zc:�. aClilc�t(7[' �.�Y�iEil. A4Il�3S1611iiI�I:1llb: �.�-f�-��1��-3�) [2���$11} �f��-3t]��]�$]]'�s�• 6l -71 7 Multiple 3.0 Cdal.keg. lt�luss� 3.i]C�al.11d�iitic�nal 7'a��: ik�uhle(73U22) 1U1-3U{15f351) 3.(](ial.��g.Actustor 3.0 4,a1.A��itiorru�'I'€i��k 1.'Z'-e1-1(ll-3U (2'31li7) lUl-3[}(1�851 J••• 3.0(ial,F�eg.lLa;t4i�inr � � � FiR� EXT�11�'GiiIS�1ER C(3. � . � _ .�_ 43f15 Marthpark Drive • Co'lorado Springs, COr 80907 �425 l 5. Natches Cour�t-F • Englewoad, CC3 80 3 l 0� 719-55�0-919i • 3(}3-7fi2-835U • To[f Free 8B8-b53-4733 nn � �nvRAr� aun� DATE: nn��r�, Z�ao Tr�: Mike Mc��e - Plan Rewiew Vail Fire De{�artm�nt FR��1; Rochelle Bell SALE� RE: SUBMITTALS Ff]#�ANSUL R-102 FIRE SU�'PREaSIQN SYSTEM FOR VAIL CAS+�AdE HQTEL � Please three cvpies of�ur s�u�mittal�f�r th+�Ansud R-142 Systern far#�re abo�e SERVICE refer�nced prQject fflr your review. Please call me when yvur re�eew is campfete. Please ca�i me wit� �ny qu�stions. I laok farward to wvrkir�g with you ■ on this project. SYSTENtiS ■ i"w4C�E�ILE och�Efe Beil C�N-SITE Pre-Engineefed Systems ������� ■ E?C1T S1GN S�RV10E .. � � � ... _ '�'s�. C 0 N S U L t 11.N T :.�..�Al C � +�►pI'1� ��3, �G�'Q'� �'OVIrTI Qf�3.1� Departme��t af+Corr�snunit}r Develapment Builci`rn� Safety c�i �n�peciian��rvic�s I)ivisian � 75 Snuth Frar�tage R�rad Vail, �Ca 81d�7 Att�: Charlie Dawis , R.e: Alfre�lo's ,rrJr� Vaii Cascarie ��d��v�afl Grease Venting D�ar Charli�: This letter is im r�gards tv the sid���all �rent fi�r the ��ew gtt�ase �xhat�st sy�tem at Alfredo's. �F3� C�t��ultants, I��c. 1�proa�es tt�e use of t�tic sir�eti��ll r�ent systern a� sheav�'tl un �ur drawinns. 'I'h� system witl fuipction prape�-ly as �ie�i�rtcd, ancf sl�nuld not aff°ect tl�e o�itsicle �valls �t tt�e buil�in�. lf yc�u llar��e a�ay c�ther coneerns, �leas�; dn ric�� }}esitat� ta cc3i}tac�this �tfice. �ait�eerely, ABS � ult• f, !�, � . , •� � �� , Marc A}al�, P.E. Principal 1j�w X:i i 994-(179-Uf1u�DM!"�,Mech_�1,ICarrespondence�jau��tri1�T36si�3ewallven¢.w�rd 4 .];y,jitwR�s f+.wlln�.1-Ax ny.�t i]E'J�'E�. CULi)(iI'.CO l4tl3tl-0 3CJ]•6r27-U24LI FAX d23�B+iJ] � � Illl�mvra�ndur� ••a�. Date: 4-25-QO Jo� No: t939-�79-00 Frorta: Saea Pamrenk�e _~�.� - - �'age: - _ ___�- ----- cvnsu �,rawra in+c - - - - -�— ��. TOfeIP3�ES � � _' Praject Vail Cascade Hntei and Clut�-r�ifredns f�estaurar�t 1123 RIJRARIA PRRYCWRY#db� - - - --- — ---- -— --- - _ _ ------ f7ENVER COLOR,A[70 $62�� 34�-6�3•6260 FA%B23-Ba35 ---- - --�° _ �___ �__. _ � +Yvww.abscansuftants.cam - ---- -. — ----__ . To: 7C Name&Company Fax�lumber Q1SD x S�irli Sensenbrenner-Qesti�ration Hotels aa�d Res�arks s� ^ Give us a call if SCZmE�thing�s 2wry with deliver^y of this inforrn�liDS� (�,,,�f7'����t$ }(11399-qf9-[�ApMIN1MF�Ch_AlPium AIGomDSparwenc�w�ueptg25s�pwoa The folfowir�g is in res}�anse tc�th� plumbcng �ortsan of th�Tawn of Vail building d�partms�nt comcnents d�t�d 41121{30: Comment#6: Ti�e wc�r�C table sink sfiall k�ave an �nd�rect waste routed 4o the�xisting fi�er sink and disc"sarc��� wikh � 2"aErgap. Refer to tlrawang P1. Drawing camments: 1. T�e domestic�vaste arsd ve�t ins#ailed shail be s.v.na-hub cast iron. Refer tc�d�awing P1. 2 The fire suppsession system fe�r the hood �s kt�e hood manufa�#ure�s respor�s�bil'sty 3. The pull statian locatic�n �s the hc�r�d m�nufaCturers responsibiiity. � � � , �� Le�ter vf T,,�nsm�tt�l :�� _ � Da#e: ._ t� � Jab h[o: ,��yy-O a�-�7' �__.�— �- ; From: ..��._!��r� _ - - - - - -- c O eY�4l L 7 A ne T fK: 1 N C -.. _ ._ Tn: ��?��^���r�� �� - -— - ----- ";23 ALiRA.RIA PARKWAV#4C0 �1 _�1JA[I'��_ .�ia1fC_.�� ,��._. _ CfEhdVER C4LCJRA'JO 8020a _!�C►7►l�'�y C-C�_ �!O��Z.._4a.��...�_�_��_ 303�523•62L'a FAX 623-�435 www.absconsultants eorn _ _�__� _.��_ Atte�tior�: ',�� ���- ------ ----� - f'rnj ect: IC�j�_dc's -(/,� C�tca.lc � Via: Pickup Delivery --- ' � Mail +,�Bus_. ` Q�emigftk � �- = - —-- — -- -= -- -- - Fvr r�view 8� camment—respvns�neecfed by: -- � �nr your use `— __ _ --�- As requested --- ` .i°° ._�:. _ ___T. �.., �Other- - -- -- - --- - - - - -�- --- -- --- -- - No Descriptian nf Items Sent K��,";rcrrs'.Sia^+ 'r��y�-„r�; _.ne�wu�� -- - .— . . _ �.�.—� _ .r e . __� �— .. . . . - - -- - ---{-- •��f �C�_31��'!!�'1� �._4 . _ _--__ _�__,_._ _ --- ---- _.. . —. ,� __sc� M�I�' �-n�►,fr�•�i �__.���,x.!•- —- -T----� ------ -- - - - - -- --� _P1,.�b�n� r»erh�— .�� _. -- — --- �-- _.. . �__---__..__ -�-�� SFr�t ��r[ �' lc t�z,� -- i .._ :_� _— �_ - --• - -- --- . _ _ � -� — -�--- _� �_z____----� ---- — - ---�-�` - _— _ _. � - --�_— �._ �...------- — --•- - - - --- �- �'� --- ��_ , _�—� . __ �-• �.y �__e_�_.� —_�. FT - • . -- - -- ��° ___— -� - - - — ��-- -- -.��...� ._:�_�__. _. , � _,- i� �,..� -- --�_._.��_� _ � _ .__ . _ ,�� - - --- �`� � _ ._ . _ � - -_�_ ` -- - - --- - -�- -- - . -------r�- --__ � s . _ _ - - - . _ _ � . ... - - - -- ---- "�, ____ .__ _ -__ - - - �- - - - - - - - . _ . _ _�_ �� _ - - -._ �_ .__. _. . -- - . . . � -- _ _. ___._ . - --__. . . . _ ��� ��_ _ _��' �v -_ _- ��-- � - _ .-.�_ _ .. __ _ :.___ .. - ---_-_ __�.��__-�__� ____�-___ _s_ � �-__ � - � � VAI !_ (�,� � f� ,�i� � F{ E S C� #� i �1k�� : �7M i_UwU �'�� _ J By=� �¢�� 2�4 Apr'ri 2i�{�(� Mr. Charaie Da�+i� SeniDr Plan� Inspectar 7� Sguth Frvn�age Road Vail, Colorada 81 �57 Subject: Vail Cascade Rescar�t �]e�r Mr. Da�ris, T�� fallowing is regarding �he Re�xaur�r�t renavatir�n at the Vail �ascacfe Resort. As we ha�v� discussed, vve h��e slab penetra#imns that r�eed to oc�ur d�ae ta new drain I�cativns. Once this c�ccvrs, we are svre to discpver unprot�cted st�el str�ct�re on ti�e Lnwer Ceve{ tha# was nat fire-prc�c�f��i when the b�tildrng was built. Th�s is a big carrcern to �s and we inter�d tr� correct the situation during an upccamir�g renc��ation in 20G2. The area to i�e modified vuill ir�clude the lower 1er��' corridor, �he existing Cafe ketchen, the Creel�side rnom and thae Locker raoms. Included in our sc�pe o� wc�rk wi!! be tt� firepraof the �xisting structur� and in�ta�ll the appropei�tely rated ceiling. T�is letter i� to assure yau that we will �ncorpara#� thes� imprv�ements and to get your apprvval vr� the delayirrg �� these improrrements until 20�►2. Please give me a c�IB tc� diseuss. t re ards, Gary Fries G�neral Manager, Vail Cascade Resart 131)(;Y 1h'irwthavcir l'l�i4c • �r"a4�, �:ulorrrie> �IG:��7 � 371l.4iEi,71 'I l • f�rx 9)7C9.�kiEl,71�,1'?46 . x����tin�.vai'11-asrsrir.rtrr�ie lJn�lR�l 4' I�:nvi/rrrtrr-r {;��r�frr .1'�t��rE i*` (�,-ltr�� l:+�itrrluttrrr�A�tr��,w l��rit�nfr ltrsirlrurtr.F ��I]�;STIt�i�►Ti�N �,...,.,i I I l'1'I f i ti A M F.}f>N t 5 ..,.d..��,.. ...�..,�..,.,. � � � ��i; r���e , .. , IC�i, '�t�t�J�i��1�iUf �d'�:�L�1 �i�i-t���_'�1 :� Y i l.-.1—'k..i., 1 V y 1�diJyia'. ,�,�i�1�i�. 1 .:.r Y-�k�r � �•� t����i� H1i�i�: I.,1J _ _ .. �--^�,�---------^ _ , ��._ �._ -__._���e�..�w��__��....�...��.-.�...�.s �..��.�e..�..�.�.,�+��..�_,�_,._�C:w��.��.G=�sCC.�.��r:-...Y.��--���=��s.��..��'�y°�-"S_ �r°-#; ivity : hl�+Zr-�d�79�8 6! �+��� Typ� : �--hiECl-� �tat�.tt� : �5�l.kC�� Cc�nsLr: ACI:JhI �ddr�ss : 1,��� WE�Ti-tAV�IV �)I� t_r��aticrR� : VATL �GSC�IT�E (r�1��=FCCL�C�' '�) �'�x't��l. : �1r�....:a°�,��-tZrt�-�'►�� Cl�c: Li�ea j��•=+_�'i�.1�; I�1 il: T hlS�T�+�1._L K X'TCM�.�4' I-�aQL} F�N�? DILIG�F SYS�'�E1�1 & I-�VAL; I ���F.r��.t:�n't : �t+�VIRQi�II+��h��F-i�L. �-�CATII�l� $� �+�F'i CQN �"I'iurrr� . 7Y9--i�1-�713 �'��ane�r°a�� L�-Q� �F�IL 'HD��DII�'G �i�4'C 'Gh�e�r»: + .�:��: 4r, ,,.c_t4a^: ���f'VI��1�lM�'IU�aL HEA1 �Nt� � �II� (:[��hJ I�°f-ie�ne . �'Y9°�9f�271� � aal�ect i.�m f�ey�a�e�1: Inf��^�r���i�an. . . . . Req���s�tc�r�; R�G�R M�_lFt�'6-�Y P�anr� : 3u�:� -�3�--�`3�1 � Re� Tim� a �1 :�t�i Cot�iner��ss ���'fr�l.p��N6" - B,_�i"� �. ��b� I��rus r����ues�:��f to bp in=��ct �c�.. . . ActAOiti Gca�pm�nt� � am� �.x� � 4�k?�;s'?i� l*1 _ ":1-I-f° i n�Il ' � - - - = r�� - - - - __._ _�-�.����-��� _-��.�. ____ _ _:��. __ ___ _ �_�,�.��r� �c,t,��.�?�_a�d�� �'�� -- ,� _ . _ �_��+',� � ���� � - - -- - -����'� , _ �' ���_��-��:�c�.�� _- __.'� _ -__i _ _ i � � �� . __�-_ ������y.�--i��� ���� -�------ -�---- <-��-.__ _-�-�--�•----- i k In�p��ect i r � � � � � I��rn : �C��O���i f�I�GB�°�tc,«�r-w �1:�m : r��`4�i� ��Lhi�-G�s �-' 't�rin� I Item�z Q��:?1� I+��.C.F-I-He�t �n� I T��r� : �5�+3�� MlEG3-I��x�aoast V�loocls � �+�,�1 �/0�r lnspe�tore C,D Ac� i.+arr: �'r� ty�e � �tact an�y �ti�test i►�s,��ctec� the weldsT ss��p�ar��s, m��eriaX anr! 1+��,�ti�n v� T � � t�r.��i: � fcti5/��/�ZeQR I�rss��c'�or e G� �Flc�: i oa�t 1+�Ct ci�.�ct R�twn �n� c�ear-�an�e �atess CHECIi�H� Th1E RIT�C�! �i1f�1 CL�AR�l9�C� FQR �f`JF�� I I�U�T I � CI�EAf2AN4:� �+'kI.�ST �E F�1�,7LV��E.F3 AT 7�i� 1'Of� TQ f]PTA�1�6 �" �CLCARP� � FFt�'P�d SFIF1` 4�,�NLL. � IT f-EA� REEN �l7CaQE���� Tb I1�l�T�LL A �?UC� �I�CL�D�LaF�� �iH��FtC i L}{�J�� I� �a�F�`FETD �l�i'�:[I�� �"h1� �l�U'I�.D�NG TC] MAIhIT�I6U I-+1E�3 TC� I �LL[]W T�-IL G�EASE �WRTI�UL.fiT�� H� Cl�PC1RTUfdI�Y �Cl RE � �X Fia:�TED � � � ��/:_�+/�t� l ri�,�e�t or: CD A�t y un a f-�F'�'� AF��'f�OVEL1 , � i•dt��� N4 : I��k��L',iRK �•AhY HDL➢SII�IG 7'�7 1�UC1" �t]tJh�l��T I�]bV X NST�=i1.�1� (a�15k<Efi8 �� �ILL A�CE��i �'F�N�L��-' d Id �LIC:T� � rii�fl F���F�I��Ci4�l_ �CEC,�.E.PI�?E�? 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N!A ACC�SSC]Rl�S!(]PTIC3NS �IA � I�LL�MBIIVG ELE�CTF�fCAL MECHAMICA�L 5Ti EAl1A � FJOT� �XI�7fNG {NC7 WL�R�C RE4L41REQ} DURAYi'J.F. L�UNCAN lNDUSTRfES, fNG. � GDLORADt� aFFfCE , EQUl�MENT �RE�CIFMCAT�ON S�1E�T �835 WEST OXF�RC�AVEI+�'UE, S(IfT,�#7 �NGL.FW�OC�D, CUtt?,RAf�(7 8t?1i[� (�U3) 787-SQOT f/�X(303J T6fi-5L191 PRaJECT VAIL CASCADE HG'�T�L AN� CLUB VAIL. CC}�.�RADC) 1TEN6 NO. 2 E}ESCRlPTIOh� B�VERAGE EQUIPM��1T QUANT�TY DN� (1} LJT MANLJ�ACTiJRER NfA MODEL NC3. �!!A ACCESS�RIESIC}PTIU'NS l�IA � PLiJN1�ING �LE�C7RICAL fVE�CHANICAL STEAM � Nt]TE EX15TlRNG (�J�] V'Vi7RK REQUiREE�} _ 1]URAY/J.F. DUlV�AN fNt7f1STRIESr �1Y1.+. � CL�LC?RADn C3�FIC� EQUIPNIENT SPECIFICATION SH�FT 2835 W'E5T C]XFD,RD AYEN'U,�, �U17"�#7 ENGLEWL7fJU, CULC7RAflC? 80i1Q (�t��� 7ss-�ooi FAX(3a3} T81-5�97 PRdJ�CT VAIL GASCA(3E HC7TEL A�V[7 GLU� VAIL, �CC7LQRA�10 17EM N�. 3 €7ESGRIP'Tfa� BAR �Q#JNTER QLJANTiTY ONE �1} �C7T MANUFACTfJRER NlA MUDEL NO. NfA ACCESSbRI�S10PTIONS NIA � PL�IiIA�ING ELgCTRICAL ME�CHANICAL ST�AM � ML71"E EXISTIN�; (�4� 'V'V�F�K REQIJIRE�} Dl.lRAY/J.F. LLlNCAN lN�Ll37RIE5, rnrc. � co��R.a�o a���cE E(7UfpME�1T SPECIFICATIC?N SHEET 2835 WEST�7.kFC�'RCl AV�ENUE, StJJT€#7 ,�NGLEWQ(7D, COLOFtA[70 80710 - -- - (303) 78�-5t�0? F�AX(3i�3j T81-5G199 PR�J�CT VA1L �ASCADE FI�TEL AN'�CLUB VAdL, ��LQRADC7 1'TEM N0. 4 D�S�RIPTIC3IV �3AR EQUiPM�NT +Q�IANTITY Q�1E �1} LQ7 N9AlUUFACTl1RER �VIA AAUDEi� Nt]. NIA AGCESS�DRIE51QPTiC7NS IVlA � E'LUMBING ELECTFtICAL MECHAI�1CAL STEAM � NdTE EXISTING �NO W�RK FtE4UIREP�y DURAY/J.F. 2]�NCAhf INL7USTRfES, �NC. � C(�L�RADC7 OFFPC,E E�fJIPMEI�T SP�CI�ICA`TfUF� SHEET 283� WEST f?XF�71?D AVEN�fJ�, SC11TE#7 ENGLLWCJdD, CC7L(]fZ4Ll]8�170 (3f13J 787-5�01 FA:K'(3C1�} 787-5(191 PRt]J�CT 11AIL GASCADE HOT�L AND C1�U$ VAIL, COLORAD� IT�IY� NC1. � t�ESCRIPTION SPAFiE I�UMBER CtUANTITY 0 MANU�ACTURER PVl,A MODEL NQ. I�fA ACCESSORIESfOPTI��VS IV1A � PLUMBING ELECTRIGAL �VI�CHANICA� STEAhA � NDT� SPARE NUM$ER l7URAYIJ.F. DtIN�AIY 1Nf3U�rRIFS, lNC. � CQLCJRADC)OFFlC� EQIJEPMEEVT SPECi�ICATION SHE�� 2835 WE5T OXFC7RD AIJENLI�, S!JlTE#7 FNGLfWOQD, Cf�L(3F�AL7C�8U'�1d {3a3) 78?-5�01 FAX(3(]3J 7$1-5Q�1 PRD,l�GT VAlL, CASCA[]E F#{7TEL AN[� CLUB VAIL, ��LC�RAC�C3 I�'EM NCI. � �' DES�RIPTlON PLATE , QtJANTITY pi�fiE�'� �"� �r�� MAMUFACTUI��R . . , `��CJ(�(� ��� M�DE!» NC]. ,�'S Acc��saR��srvprionrs -+�- V'��' '[�[� [� �[� 1r�I� �l�`�1�� � PLUMBING ELEC7F�pCAL - M�CHAMICAL S��q� � Nal"� 5EE CLlSTC]M �ABR9CATI�1� SHOP C]RAWINGS D�JRAIY/J.F, lJUNCAN 1NL)USTf�IES, 1NC, � �t7LC?RAD(? d�FlGE EQL11PlVIEiWT SPECIFlGATIQM 5HEE7 2835 WES7'QXFCIR�3 aVFNUE, SLIfTE#T EIVGLEWC3C7D, COL�DRAI](] 8f179D (3()3J 78'7-50Q� FAX(3�33J 787-5U97 RRDJ�CY VAI�. CASCADE HDTEL ANC� CLUB �+'A�L, CC7L�7RA�C7 ITEM N{]. 7 DESCRlPTIpN CC]LD BUFFE� SERVING CC)l�N7E� QUANTITY pI�E (1) MANLf�ACTIJREf� DURAYIJ.F. lJlJNCAN I�EaUSTRIES, �h��C. MODEL NC]. CUSTOM FABRIGATE� ACCESSt7RIE51�0#�T��ONS SC3'�ID Sl9RFACE iMI�TERIAL TUF AS SP��iFl�D �Y AFtCHi7ECT. CC7URDINAT� MATERIAL WI7H CflUN7ER Gf7fW5TRU�CTfpN. BACK SPLASH AND FRf?�VT (Jl/ERHANG SFiALL BE �'AFt7 C7F Sd�ID a�JRFACE TOP. MlLLWC�RK HIfVGEt7 DOC)RS'WfTH FINPSH ANCl HAR�VIIARE AS SPEGIFIED BY ARCHIT�CT. CLORDINATE CUT�IJT F(]R �]R�P-IN FiEFRICERATED CDL[] PAN. � -v�r�i,i�¢� cCC'-CTCC1 YiC_f^�� �VZ.�iJf1Vr � ' a�r-+rc*_[+ri'ti ttii nYr � �.-.r r.rr. Ll J '�,,'-.f��.°T-.-.�.-�vTy+���i�cS�-�+11��#f�FPa4—�3�:����v�=ri$�-Tv�v"r��A�'1T,-� �� GLA� FIiUIS�i KiCIC PLATE AS SPECIFI�D SY ARCHITEC7. F�LUMBING E�ECTRICAL MECHANICAL S�'EAM � NOTE S�� CEJS�'C+N1 FABRICAT�t�N SHQP DRAWINGS I D U�A YIJ.F. DUNCAIV lNDUS TRlFS, r►vc, � CC3LC�RAA(3 �FF1CF EG�UIPMET�T SPEC��1CATiON SH�ET 2835 VVL�'ES7�XF�RD AV�fVU`E, SCIETE#T ,�NGLEWOOD, CDLO,RADO 8U1�0 (�o3J �8a-5�oi �,,aX��03} r��-�o�� PROJE�T VAIL GASCAClE H{]TEL ANC�CLUB VAIL, C�LdRADO fTEI� IVO, 8 ,L��,`��� [3ESCRIPTI'�lN REFRI�GERATEL C�Ld �Al� Q�uAnr�rrrY oM� ��j MAfVUFACTi�RER DEi��IELCJ MC3DEL �J�C?. 'g�g�i �2,1��] � [� A�CESSORIESIQPTIC]NS HEAVY�UTY CORD AN[� P�UG. �OC7�2�1�lATE I�EMA CC]NFIG�JRATI�N WITH E�E�TR�CAL CONTRACT4R. IN�TA�L I�I IT�M #7, COLD BUFF�7 SERViNG C(711�lT�R A5 SHC�VIIN JIV PLANS. � PLUAABINiG EL��CTFiICAL �" �'� 12�V�LT- 1 PHASE -fa.5 AMPS MECHANICAL STEAM � N�C}TE DuraylJ.F. C1ur��an fndust�ies, In Mfr f]elfield Page 1 _.__ .--- - -- -- _ Model: 8f�96 vf2 i ;,�r. � . .��.��I�'I�1�1 � The FitsC cho►ee ier Virlae. ; � i - DrQp-In Self Canta�ned �lac�mi�+�tan Style Re#r�perated Cvld Pans s�ort�arr� S�ec�catlon� Top is one�piec�2�1-g�uge stai.*�ess s�ee?.Intetiar�s^�er:s 22-ga•�ge sia�€�iess stee!ar:fl s creas�co al.?S"�3.��i q�ameter dra;r.A s-vai.�- Iess s�eef�racket adjusts for r�.zs::�:st�w1ZYt:op,recesse� 1"(2.,`,�tm;, -._� 2"(5.lcml,o;3"E7:t�ar.;.o acca�maaa�e 12"a 20"(3t3.5�n a �,�,,... . _ . - "� SD.�anl pa-�s�"(10,2cm)or 6°(152�mj de�st:pplied bq att�e�s. _' ;._ Temperarr�res of 33°F;k°C}to�1`�(5°C:J are r:iainka;:��wher�4" , � : .�.. ��� (1�7.1czr.l deep pans are recesse�3"�7.6csnf at 84°F amb;ent*oom ��. •Y . �e�peraTu.+�,mee�ng�IS�7 mqwser.ients.Adapter hars are op�anai. t �ides aad bottom are wrap�ed with refrigeratian lines and insulac� �� vr.�h ni�h•de:sirr�iasea•eell poiyure+i7ane,Exzerior haus�ng is 1$- . gauge gaivarr.zed steei. Condertsing unit is s�:.soended�ow the rQ�d pan on a 16•�uge stee� Mode! 8'lS6f� ira.^�e and ases HFC 134a re�igerant Temperarsre conu�l?�as ar? C7V/(7�pa�indn to 5hut dowm c�lc pan.U�i;t�as an$'(2.4m�c�rd an�i�IEMF+��15P niug. � A s•�.�iess stee;lo�ver is prav:de�!or field �nstaIIa[ion;cutc�ut di:�nensia:is i 2"x 23.5" (30.5cr.�x 59.7cr�}.A s�a�d operting a= t^e�ear af[;'�e cabinet 5hould De pr�vided at installativr.la allovv for orooer air e�-.uiacon. dptional Accessvrfes& lVladtf�cations • Ci:stflm si2es ara sry'.es • Sir:�e or daubde service r,,p•up sr.eez�guards • Relocate conpressor � �11�14Il�.R dS5@T�]y�}� • Adapter bars • '2�OV!50 rycte 'lnclusior.ot this aption wiil alter the eiez*�ir�i sjsetifications pf Lhe unit 7i�e�eJ�€ratlan sy�em �� an tRls er]uipme�s'us�s � fIFG�l34a refngera�� � u�L c vL N5f NsF 7►' . _ . � � �ellleltl reeervas the righi to make c3��s in t7QS�+pn Cr apa�oons wilhout p�or rromce.4h1998 Tha i7eMek!Gompany.All ri�jh�s reserved.Prirned m U.Sr4. DuraylJ.F. Duncan fntiustries, En Mfr: peffield i P���� -- - _ _�_ ModeL_8'i69B ��2 � ,tr�i�+�f�l��� 8�►D+�i� �rap-ln Se�lf Ccrrtained Blovmingtvn Styl� aef��gerated Cold Pans A -A � ,c� , - � �.��� I��-r.25" a��5`,� A�3.2Cm I 425cm �. �_4�.. A_",.4a�* �� I k0'�:N07 7t3 9GALE � � �J.$2".j I � Jh.f+cm � --�°� �i- i,-___-_ �� �` �,�o---��1 24.'7S' S+k9tml '� ,�� �j '� I 21.6Z" �i , I �I 26" 62.9cm : ro._ � 2�.75` '57�.8sm 66�tm I I I , '--�_�� i 26" 62.SC�tn � i; �� � !. t J_ -------------- 66cm � � _ � -�_.� -�- i'` -'I N4TE:NOT TQ 9CALE �- l , �i�- t.i6�.��1_ ♦2E' 1Q.6 cn' ��'$�1i1.7.vn � G TYPICAL 1'LAf�YIEW PS�AN Y'1£N!' 81DC7B M4i7EL5 (E�fCEF'T 81188} �++10��L b1186 f8� �� . 4'S.7 Km �'.,�°�.�+�, i� R'�AlN LDCA7lC?N iF �d �� �_ --.�------ -- FAGPFR6 5EQYlCE SIF]E: 1��_�r �.�.{ �� +�iT9E�-BAGK.A�L UTH�� i I I '' I aB_�� 81pD'�NIOpEE.S•LEFT `��" I� s..�r � ! 2e.a�m � �'���' u.3e•.-� '~_36.5c�n NDT€:HO'.`FC 5[,�LE h+!]i?:�C7�C 5`+11£ TYPfCp� �L�VAY[�diV'r'°EEW ��a�T E��Y�,r��p�v v��w � $tOl7B MC)D�L� (EXGEP7 8i18B} MOD�L.8i��3B -�. � 935• �r � ,� ��23.7een 1P.75' � I 8.35' �..'-�T.-_ - . 2Z.3c�n� I, 23.tcm zv.D� j + ' 55.Fir.rn _��' - � � � �.._ ��° 16• ' 4�j.7�cm� �45.7cm� NmE:+sOP i0 SGA�LE NDT�:7�0T YO gU4E TYPICAL RlGH7 END ViEW RlGH7 EMP Vd�W 81�t3$ MODELa (EXCEP7 8�186j M�P�L 8118�+ �I�echanical Data; �andard un�# M1lC7�EL Ct1�1NTFR CU'�i1dIT ' ,I C7F l7"x 20' V(1LTAGf $TU SYS. SNIFPIMG NUM6fR A B C [7f1�lFNS��NS(p x LJ P�1N5 fIfl.(7 ffE�IF�i'FtlAS� H.P AMP5 «7AD CAf. WEIGHT �y�+�� 18` 4.2z" w.36" l7'1[25" 1 115,�b01' 315 4.0 2()4 Tp� "11 Ib5 45.7cm 1 p.7crn 10 6�m 43.2cm x fr3.5cm 50 kp $1308 3�75" 9.82" 4.93' 29.75°x 25' 2 ?1��6017 115 4.4 379 8�2 1 i6 Ias I8.3tm �4:9cm 12.Stm 75.6cm x 63.5cm $�k� �1438 d3.5" g.8�" 15.31" 42.5`X 25' 3 't15JGi1f1 T15 4.4 a69 B69 243 ths �t a.5cm 24.9cm 2S,7�m t�Bcm x&3.5cm �t 0 kg 8�S68 5b.25° 9.82" 17.69" 55.25"x 25' 4 T151fiU1� 114 7.4 7S8 5373 268 fttS ta2.9cr� 24.9cm 44.9cm 74f}.3cm x 63.Scm i22 kq 8'!698 G9' 9.82' 24.06" 68'X 25" � 11�10011 �r� 7.0 44S 14$9 27a Ibs 175.3Cm 24.9cm fi1 tcrn �72.7cm x 63.5cm 125 kg �i�1� 81 75" 9.82' 30.d3" 80.75"x 25' 6 1 i5i6011 if4 7.6 1138 754i 294!bs 206Con 2�.9�m 77 3cm 205.fcm x�.Sam, 133 kg � ONi��fd rar.ervoa trte ngh4!o make snany�s in tlesign nr�pgciGcalwns nri�lhobtl pnOf nalice.01946 Tha l}elNdci Comp�amp.A!I Ftghis regeryed.PrtnteC�c�LL.S.A. _ ou��a r�,�.�. a urvca nr r�rr�us r�f�s, r�vc. � co�n�,�r�o oF�rcF �4lJIPM�ENT SPEGIF�CATIC]hJ SH�ET 2$35 W�ST C3XF(7l4D AVENU�, S!lIT�#7 _ E111GLEWC?(7D, COLORADC7 8�7ip {3l�3J 781-5C?[17 FAX(3R3J T81-503� PR'Cl.1ECT 1/AIL CASG,4C7E HtJTEL ANC? CLUB V,�'�IL, CQLQRRDL� IT'ElI�R Wt7. g t7�SCRIPTIC]�N SNEEZE Gl1AR� c�uAr��irY anrE (�} MANUFAC�"URER K�V�Y M1�DEL N�. MODIFIED l7E�C3 27{l AGGESSORf�$lOPTI0IVS ADJUSTABL�. UNIT SHALL SH��L'D q�E1Vl#8, REF'RIGERATE� CC3LC� PAN_ POWflER CdAT FINISN AS SE�EC7'E[� BY ARCHfTECT FRQM MANUFACTIJRER'S STAM�]ARD COLdRS. � �'LUMBIEVG �LECTRICAL MECHANICAL S7`EAM � NQT� � �� - ..� � . - � + ...._w _ � � o�` _ .. + - � �� `� 1! � - � µ� v?- � ° r � �3`v �� � � 4 � - � , �.� � �` � � - � ��± V � i � �o � � � ��� ; g - � �t_ a � _ � � ° � ° _I i � �, \� � � \� P Y T I � � -� �- � I � e-� w ,1� = �i, � y = � � � Y� 04 . � _ �� - =� ~ � ` , . � �, �..� , : - � , � i � _ � �� - �, -�,-�-�.�_ '` '� - ��� _� m �, � y� -c—� � ``���T i'�� o � i �a � I �'�a.=ir,� ��I �� .-a:_ ��f � � .,. � i �, ���-�, �,� j � T� ��, I I ��=�;� �� �'� . �;����`k.�4��iY—�Y a � , � .�. `@'C 7i `'�-'� ��ns y�� ~A � �L � �'''''"� C1 �I'y` � I ' �r � � �y � �� , � I I !--- � � ��.I�,q�l ' -- ��o>>r�.s,.a�r,e� LVf1�7'�111�Ll,f1Q� �� ���� �. .�� � -� —��� � I A(FAEi3L7"5 A T Y►4GL � ` ., I � �� a�s•.rr 1��f �xr � ;ar• r�.'L7 r� +._. .—. - �...., y-� .��. ...... ,D�CII?�{Y/J.F. L)U,fVCAN!{11L]USTRIES, !1'JC. � CC7LDRA170 �FFl�F �ClUl�'IVI�NT Sp�CIFICAT��N SHEET 2835 W�ST C7XFC7RCJ A V,ENUE, SUlTE#7 ENGL�Wf]f�D, COiO,RAl7G Sa110 (3Q3) 781-54C1i FAX(3i?3} 781-5U91 PR❑JEC7 VAIL CASCAD� k�DT�L AND CLl1B VAIL, COLC�RADfl 1TEAll AliJ. 10 m��c�r��ianr �.�j� � ���� C]EJAf�TITY �-[�` ��L� � � MA�Et1FACTURER, NIA IMOQEL NG. NIA � r,� �yV+`"' ����� �,,1 �1] ACCESSORlE51(7PTxClhJS hl/r'�, � PLi�M�ING EL��TRlCAL M�CHANlCAl� , STEAM � NflTE SPARE Nt1MB�R r�u�a���.�. aurv�.�nr�n�r�usrRr�s, �n�e. � CC7L014Ad?O i7�FlC� E[��1lPMENT SRECIFICATI�N �HEET 2835 WEST 47XFORD AVFNdJE, 5L!!7F#7 ENGLEWC7C1L3, CC�LC]R,4D0 8U110 �.�o�} �s'-�oor FAx��o�� �s�-�v9� �R�7JECT 11AIL CASCAL]E H�TEL,�NR �L4JB 1l�,IL„ �C3L�RADC3 fTEM NQ. 71 DESCRIPTlU�i �`�j��� ��;�� � �' f C.�!L r�� QUAlVTITY � ��,f�� L MANUFACTURER �'�" ��1��}I�'''1��—�' " -�'� ���� E MUD�L WCI. �' �'�����7'� AC�ESSqRIES14�TldAES -1�i1Q `�/�,� �yy� ��� � � , 1 ���� 1 r'�1 ���? �;'�' , ,�'�' 1�1���" ��'-�v'�►�C� ���r�� � P�.LIMBING �LECTRICAL 1'�U lf r��� �c�� E� ��� ME�HANiCqL STEAM � h�l7TE . l7URAY'IJ.F. L3'UNCAN fIVDU�Tf�IES, INC. � +CDLURAC.�O DFFI�GE EQUIPII���ET SPECl�ICATi�DN SNEET 28�5 WE�T CJXF�?Rd7 AVEIV[!E, SUIT,E#7 ,�NGLEW'rJ�D, COL�O,RAL70 Si?11l7 (3113) 7$7-5a1�1 FAX(30,3} 7�1-50�t PROJECT VAIL �AS�ADE HC3T�L AN6 CLUB V,AiL, CCJLORAdrJ ITEM NG. 12 / �{�.r��� DESCRIPTI+DN UMt�EFtCC]L�NTER R�FR�GE�ATC?R QL1At+1TITY T1NrJ (2) MANUFACTURER DELFIELD MQD�L NO. UCC744fi4 ACCE�SQRIESldPTiQNS SELF-CDNTAIN�D, AIR-CUC]LE�}. F�UR DRAWERS !N LIELJ UF I�C3C?RS. dELETE FINISHED TQP. INSTALL B�LUW MAIN �ISF'LAY Ct7l�NTER, ITE�u1#14. � P�UdN6fNG ELECTRICAL 12(}VC�L� - i P�1ASE - 7.�AMPS MECNANfCAL r�-��p�M � MC]�`� QuraylJ.F, Duncan Indu�tries, fn - _, _ ---- -- -- -- — _ Mfr Cleifield - - page'� - ----- - -- - - — Mode9: UCD44�4 ot 4 � � � r �5�������� �rhe ��rst cholee ►e� voN+ue. 4�E's�ll���'!S`�I�I'C�'�#+��/LI'�D�'�+6� Fr+dmt-Breathing Flat Top �nd Under�aurrt�r Re�riperateb Ba�es Short Form 5�+ecifiicatEons Fn�rior top is�re-p�ece. 22•gar�ge sEaiflless s;ee;with�n�e�r�l a.l'" ;�.lctn] SQudte RC�SIrig 2;LRe ir�n[. `"F"�,'� _ � ": F�cterinr b,eck and hcstGom:s rwcrpi�ee 2�i•gauge gaivanized steel.�xierior - r ' °' r;*�� e�ds are sra:nie�s s�eel. , � ��� r� Int�erias s.ides a:e the.^mofnree�f A95 pl�tric with i�c+�g�shetE su�por�s. - = .�.� 64tse ss S.atTy ir,s:Aate�w�it3�higxi-densiry fa3med in pl�ce polyure�hat�e. � � ;-yr -` ReFri�trativn syste�tues HFC-4d}4A reFrigeran�.Ca;npressor u ]A'2 N.P., �;K L'` '. t � :� .- wiih co:xferser c�r]anC candensate evaps��ator mour:ted an rea of the cahineU , . i Y s ,' .:'3 '�`��� . _. . ;. a ,t;.��-(: EQaparau�r�c�Ls and ia;�pe��.�re coe�wl are Icxated fln Che ir.terior re�r waLl nf re , `,•t°=� t�e:abmeW kefng�.'.'3kI fl6W 15 C3RL"C7�1iEK1 IPf�C3CSiL9T4F iSlD2.C3bLS1E'[�ai.�;�is•:�� - , ,,��.�'�. - ; an in�eric�r.-a.�:�et teciipe^ac�:re of 3b°�w 4{]°F(2°C to 4`Cl. _ �= �' Eie�cal �nnecc�ons are t IS uv1t,�b S�ert2.sir�g�e pt�ase.f1:ut has an 8' - •_,, .��� f2.4m long e:ec�tal cffrd a�d NEl4tiP�S�ISY plt�g, ,._ _ Castcers: ��u:or!zQ^r;s:r3au^,ted an�" (SASc::al cia:nete*casiets.witta Mo#d 1.1�`�4G4 fron.tY:ree ,oc�:m�_ Ea.:;p^�en; rteaoance atsove:.h�`lu�r Es 2.5" I.d.35c��. T1te fv�lowfn� applies ta twa door modets ran1Y Doers have a 2?-�avge stain)ess s�eel e�er.or�ws�.��tfier.�ofar.med A,65 pPastic � �zEenor li::er C.:ariraet:s supQl:eC with one adj,�sta4ie er�x1�aat�u�re shelf per riaor opetung, The fc�lo+wln{� aRP���ta s�x drawer mo�ls onty Drawcr�raats ttave a:;2-g�[�e srain.icss s�:el£x�e^ior�SV1T}l?hC"�fl1QPH3Ed AP,�plastic:ntenvr'�n?�Dravrer traz�es are Ia��e st�`tiless stee:.T�rawer sf:des are ]�-t�a'..FSe sta�n.iess stee!,w;th stat�iess stee!beazi..gs.Eac;drawer haids one'�:li s:xe ;2"x?€�"z�"d2ep(3J.S��r;x 5G.8tr.x �a.2e;r;c4eep.l pan,su�pL=sd by a�ners. Opti�ttal Accessori�s and M��t#fications ' Z'x�"high stdi:�iess S�ee1 bzc�CSpi�h • ��"WsCle S1i1g,I�U�r OYC'S�F�C�f • Sia�Ness stee]fi,tisk;on�ack + Plastie laniinate an Fmnr • Additiona3 wire sheives * Da�r lpcx • '22�V/5�i Hem electr�iiea!system � 'lnc�usion of thas op�on uviI;after elecaical specillraacns oF the urit �L � uL N5� � °aau� � De14i�lp resenres me n�r,t iu make Cl�anges m desY�er�elfica�ns wilhout pnar natice.CI4991rie Se�fcaitl Gpmperry.A31 ng�hts¢sservep.Pnntea In U.SA. I]uraylJ.F, I]uncan lnd�stries, !n f�fr: Clelfield Page 2 — -- —--- _ _ _ _ Model: UCb44G4 of 4 � ����`l�'I��`+ Qas�r,raa�r���►uca�s�,►u�n��s� Front-Breath�n� Flat 7bp and �nderGaun#er Refriperat�d gases �.,y ` h�z,�c�,} � � � - - � + � � � 4.25" ��� I �1Q.8cm � 'S5" � --- � °--------- - ----------- {5�F.4can} �'^.78�� 32"{$3.3cm) 32"(81.3cm) --- � (60.4eR7) �[�OR �� � ^ y I � m ! ' � I ` � .+� � 2.�" ELEYRTI(Jhl VIEN1 {s�`�'� �N�'V1EW �4 � � e.a,r2� ��s28cm) � � � ` ; f. 32" 833crn1 32'" B1.3crn 4.25" DrU1VER C�R�4wER I(1p.&am � a {�„J z�s.7e- i' (GO.scm} ' I - -�, , i f � � � i "T r F��������������� . :... 1 , � � f, i Z.�J` E��y�r�ora r��w td.��,p Et��►nFw v� a�, � � � DgIfloPC resr�rves!hm ngh�to make ehangas in�rQn ar�paciC�ca�ons wtthaut privr rr[rDae.47t999 The Qelfield Company�.All alghffi res8cvod.f'nntad bn IJ.SJ4. ❑uraylJ.F. f]un�an Industri�s, In - -- Mfr: Det�eld __ ---p�g�3 - - -- - -- Stllod�l� UC�4d64 � ttf 4 1 �-�"+�''l�l�lL� a���r��a�s�,�u���a,r�cQ�asa � E - - rortt-Breath�np FEat Top and Und�rcnurrter I��yerat�cl Bases �+.,� {i62scm) — -- I � E. � � � ' i 4�. .I i I �4�o.�m -°__---------- ss.a�^ z�,�e� -- -------- ---°--°--°--_- (bficm} (50.�crn) 32'[�t.3am} 32'{BS$oera) I , bf�OR Pi70R C m ! , ; � . .J9" (Scm) �L�VATI�N V7EW E�V�3 Vf�W lJG4-9-��4 L7C.�4�a4 � a�.�z- - i {Y4zscm� i � i I I � � � �`� 8�" 81.3cm1 3..'7'�Si.3crn f h.7S" D�AWE� aRHNlER . (i0.9tm� � p 33.87" 25.7�' ' -- -- (B�'"7 (t3o.sam) C . o � � � • �.�.; �i ��■���������0�.�� i % � .38' (fcm) E��vnnoN v��w �r�a v��w ucv� ���a,4,�, � Oelflald�e�rrres�►w riph(Iv maka e�ng�s in daeigs Ge apecilicalive�wid`wuS p�iflr r�oHce.CR998'Fhe�3eFfield GompartY.Ald�ighiy rr�,sGrv6d I�intBfl in U.SA. Du�rayiJ.F. Duncan Industries, In ' - - -- --- - i Mfr: Del�eld -- -- I�age 4 ; — - - - - - - -- Mmd�l: UCp4464 t�f 4 � � - :��►�1+�►!�" ��s��,��►����rr�c�sa�alu��v�s�s�� Frant-Breat��ng F�t 'fbp and LJnde�co�nter Ref�ip��ar�d 8ases �►.�z� (162.9cmJ S1.'S" (CGcrn) F'Lr4N YlE1h! ALL NfOD�15 � IMSTAl.LA�dOiV N07E: ' ', � NUTE: uC Models are€�sipped T�efrigeration syete�n irs de�f�ned ' with an altcrnatc caster kit, +s� t��air wiPf flow undar�he �� ��" red ucang tha c+►rarall�aigl�t tc� unit,throug� the corrjPressar °• fs2.eeM; 3:5.8E)"(86.�cm) are�anci out the fr�nt of tha unft. � Any rovtriction to thie air flow --�- pat�h will vopd the warra�ties. DC)�R CL.EARAN�CE �ETRlL �le�ch�nical L1at�St�nd�rd Untt lYc7DEL PP x 2s}PAN I@F SNELF STOFt�4GE Y{7i;ShfER7Zr NE]Wi Shl1P NUM$�1? C.4P,iCI7Y SJIECY�ES AFf,E�I SQ.fP. CICP.CU.f7. N.A. PIfASE AAAI°S �LLU^ YYEIGH7 �4�r4 �«1�4 2 5.9 14.7 S!2 115/60d1 12� 5-1�P 4461b�J�Q�kg �"4� G h�A NA 3 1l2 115J'8L1+'t ��.{? 5-25P 45fi Ibs/207 kg ��'�' � � 5.9 14.7 112 115i'6�V1 12.4 5-15P 44a6 tbs12U�kg u�'�'� 6 NA �{A 3 i12 ti5f6t1'1 �20 5.�5P 4581hs1207 kg � Storage ca�aary far drawer Lxass mr+afe,�s ara shown usinq s�rr f2`x 2t7'x 4'de�p 1�s. U � � � � v �� [5� OoMMfIC r�etr�U�rqht tn m�ake�t�ar�s in Geelqn or�ecillr.aMans wkCxnli W�ur noboa.G1998 The Delll�ld Cc�m�any.AG npnts r�nv6Q.Pnntec!tn U.SJ1. I?[1RAYIJ.F. DUN�CAN IN,�LlSTRFES, lNC. * CC7LQI�4DC7 C?�'FlCE �4u1�'MENT SP�CfFICATIt]A! SHEET 2835 fM,ES7 t3XF(7RD AY�IVU�, sr��r��r �N+GLEWD(7D, CL)L[]RAL?U$01�0 (3U3,D �'87•50Uf FAX(3G►3} 787-5097 F'�{7JECT VA,lL CASCAD� �--4QTEL AND CLfJB VAIL, CC7LC3RADQ ITEM NC], 13 aESCf�IPT1�N �PARE IVUMSER Q{JAf�1TiTY �p MANEJFACTURER �f1A MC7DEL N17. NlA ACCES50RI�SfORT1JNS NIA � PLUiIABING ELECTRfCAL MECHANI�AL �T�q� � NQTE SPAR� NI�NiB�R � - DLIRAYIJ.F. UUIY�AN lNpLIST'R1ES, JNC. � ca�oRA�a oFFr�� EQLlIPMENT SPECI�ICA"flC]N SHEET F835 WEST t7XFt3RD AVENlJE, SC1IT�#7 ENGLEf+'3r+DDf_7, GC7Lf�RAD[7 8�71D (�a3J 781-5U07 FAX(303J T8�-5a9T PR�J�GT VAIL CASCA�E NOTEL AND CLU� VAIL, C(�L{?RADC1 17'EIVI IVf7. 14 DESCRIPTIC]M MAIRI �DISFLAY CCJIJtVTEF� (�UAMTfTY p[�E (�) MANUFACTUR�l� DURRYIJ.F. f�UI�CAIV dNDlJSTRIES, INC. lIAiQDEL N�O. CIJSTOM FABRIGATEL ACCESS[?RIESlQP71ON5 H[7� F(](JD W�L�.CUTTING BOAREJ TQ BE 4°-0"7C 6"X 314" THlC�i, hJSF ARPRC�VE�, ULT�A HIGF� pEiJS1TY LIhJEAR POLYETF�YLENE. �EFRIGER�T�D QRS� CUTTII�G 8[�ARD TO BE 4'-�"i�9"X 314"Ti°-lICK, N5�APPRC�V��, ULTRA �ifC�H DENSI7Y LdNEA� POLYETHYLE�J�_ CUTTING B4ARDS �d �E fN TWQ (2j EC]�JAL SECTI►.7NS; REMQVABLE, F�EVERSIBLE, INT�RCHAh1�GEABL� AN� F�ELD Ih� PLACE BY S!S P11�S WEL�Ea TO CDlJNTER 7QP. � C7NE {17 FISkiEFt#3Q1Qh4 FILL FA4JCET AT HOT FC1Qf7 WELL UM1lIT. SDLID SURFACE MAT�RIf�L FRdI�T E�G�AS SP�CIFiED SY ARCH➢TECT. �ClCIRQGNATE MA7�RIAL W1TFi COLfNfiEF� CC}�JSTR�ICTI��f. CLAD FR�NT FIhtISH AS SPEG�FIED BY ARCHIT�CT. CL.AD FiNISF# KICI� PLATE AS SPECIFCE� �Y ARCHI�'EC7, CQC?[JIN1ATE CUT O�J�'S F4R G�UNT�R E4111PME�JT ANQ QP�NINGS F4R EC�I�IPM�NT B�l�(�1N. F'LUMBING EL�CTRICA�. 112" HW 120 V(�LT- � PhfRSE 208 V�L`�- 1 PHAS� �C�M��71��NTS) MECHAAIICAL ���qM � NaTE SEE�USTpM FABRICATId�I SWf)R QRAWII�GS .� 7? /��I�� � a�s nr,nME: qv�.Nrrrr: tm�1� rr�.: . � m �+n �RpI�liCT tiAbiE: " W SINGLE D�CK FALICET Q a—ii/ia` [91.D7mm] c 0 SFECtAL CONF7GLiRATioi� ���Gx Bns� �o�r�L �-n o�TZQr�s} °7 � M(}DEL: r' . } ,.�„ ❑ ��1[� f�/ 8 �1TtyG 3Pdi1T � 3Q11 �4� 8" SYFING SPOl�'iT' �-7 f 8" r� �A�� � ❑ 3�12 W/ I D° Sl1IP�iG SFS�LIT [5Q.BOzea,m] �a 1 C3 30i3 lY/ 12" SFfING SP4[IT [5Q.S�Qrio�u] ❑ 3d14 'R'/ F4'" 5'M'IIVG SPOi1T � ❑ I$43 1�F/ 16" SFfiNG SPOL'T ��A OPTIQhS {}R hf{1DIF1`CATI4N5: ❑ SF7FFLY Lltv'ES (�4" OR 3S") �CIRCLE I.�,'vGTI� 0 n1 SUH—AaSY {7-1f4°' 4R I3"} CIF�CLF LEAr'GTH �[4DEL DIM °A" DIId "B" D17� °C" !�1 VA.NIlAL RESI5TA1tiT HIT 301D �78 2mm] [188.28a1m] [152,4rraxtn] ❑ FLA.NDi,ES (CRClSS OIt P�Ft:ST] CTRGLE 57"YI.E 3Qlf 3—�j 4� i—!/$" 8" ❑ OT13ER [sz.ss�� �iso.s$�7 [zas.a�J '� sosa 3���e` r-s/e'• in~ [ss.�a�� [�s�.ae�� (z�4.o�� �nrv��s: 3oi3 4—i/�^ e—t/ma� =2- [114.3mm] [204.7f1ra,xn] [3U4.Bmm] CQ;r'TROL VALV'E 30T� s-3�16" 9" 14' • SP,�GIE AECFC (131.78EUm� �[Z�B.Bmaa] [355.8m,m] • SFYFY'ELLING SF,AT I}ISKS s-7/a� s-�/a� 18, : s�rE�r - r.��rr xa,vn isas �34D.23mm][zaa.a8m,�rx] [aQS,a�] � sTniN�ss 5���i sEa��sc���rs - • S'Te1INI.E58 STEEL HAf�TIi.� SCRElFS • F3�7T & Ct1LD Ilv'I�EX BT7'I`T'�Iv"S �]''STEM LI�'ITS • '�EMP: 4Q"F MTN. 'Ca Id�4'F AiAK. • �RESSilRE 2on P5I MAX. STATIC • 2.24 GP3S � Bp FSI SIiIPPlNG WEIG$'Y` Ft{�liGli—IN: • 2.5 L8S �7/8" [22.23as.�] � � � �'�`�'�T/_�?l�.lB.i�i • t - d ,��� :�e Du,��rr,�.�. �uNC,�,v irunusr�r�s, rNC. � cv�a�pno o�F�cF �G2UIF'MEh[T SPECiF�GATIDN SHE�T �+935 WEST OXFD,f�L7 AYENUF, S[J17F#7 EN+GLEWOQD, CCJLOR"ADt]8�77(1 (3Q3) 78?-50�T FAX�303,J 787-5�0�1 PROJEGT VAIL CASCA��E HDTEL AN� �LUB VAIL, CQLQR,4DQ I�fEM N�. 15 DESCRIRTION TRAY LQCK - IRICLUQEb IdV �TE�JI#14„ MAIN DISPLAY CQUtVT�R QU�INT�TY C]NE(1) M�NUFACTURER DURAYIJ.F. DUNGA� INDlJST€�IE5, �NC. MC?�EL h1d. CUSTQM FABRfCAT�D AC��SS�D�t1ES1�PTiQ�lS N!A � RLUMBI�JG EL�C7RICAL MECHANICAL ST�AM NC71'E SEE CL�STOM �ABRECATI�N SF�C?P QRAUVINGS � DUR.AY/J.F_ DLINCAN!N'flLISTRI,��, IIVC. � COLC]RADO (7�F1C,� E�QUlPMEA�T SPECIFICATIdN SH��T 2835 WEST OXFC?RD�{VENCIE; Sf.�iTE#T �NGL,�WOt7p, COLC7RAf70 �Ot?D (3f13J 787-5D07 FAX(3G�3} 78'�-5091 PRQJ�C7 VAIL CASCAQE HC)TEL AfVD CLU� VAIL, CULQRA�� ITEM N�D. 1 E DESCRIPTI(7N �PAd�E NUM�ER C�L�AN7iTY p N6ANUFACTUR�R hllA MODEL NQ. �V1A ACCES5QRIESIOPTIONS I�IA � PLUMBI�IG ELEC7RICAL MECHANICA�. gT�,q�y�{ MOTE SPARE I�LIMBER l7CJRAYJJ.F: ULINCAN JN�]fISTf2fES, IMC. � G�LCJJRAL�t?UFFlG� EQUIPM�I�T 5P€CIFICATIUN SHEET 28'35 WEST�,�,'FC3Fta AV�NUE, 5U1TE#T �NGLEWODD, CCfLO�RADQ 8417Q (3�3J 7&1-5�d1 FAX(3U3} 781-5097 PRd,]ECT VAIL CAS�ADE FiQ1"�L AN� CLUB VAI L, CC?�Of�AC}C) ITEM IVO. 17 �ESCRIPT�C]N SPARE NlJI'UIBER QE1ANTdTY p MANUFAGTIJR�R �11A M�!]EL NC). NlA AGCESSQRlES/CIPTICIMS �JlA � PLUMBIAl� ELECTRICAL MIECHANiCAL ' STEAM NOT'� SPARE NIJMBER � �u�a rf�.�. nu�r��arv��v�usrRr�s, �nrc. � co�a�,aoa o���c� Ef.�UIPMENT SPECIFICATI�N SFiEET 2835 WEST OXFORD AVEIVU€, SLlI7E#7 ,�NGL�EWC10b„ CG�LQRAD� 8i�1 ii} (3U3J 787-��?07 FAX(3(13) 181-SQ91 PRiQJE�C'T VAII,. CASGADE F�C)�'EL�I�C] CLUB VAIL, CQLC�RADO lTEM 1'�1Q. 18 ��SC'R1P�'I�hl S�ARE NUMBER (�UANT�TY [y MANUFAC�UR�R M1tIA MQDEL NO. hlfA ACCESSORIESIOPTfQNS fiJ1A � PL!]MBING ELE�TRICAL ME�HANiCAL ' STEAM MOTE SPRR� NUMBER � [}URAY/J.F. QUNC►AN 11VDUSTRlES, INC. � CDLQJ4AD0 OFFlC,E EQIJIPM�NT SPECIFNCATI(�N SH�E� 2835 WES7'DXF(?RD AVENCIF, �UfTE#7 EN+GLEWU(��, CQLQF2ADD 8a790 (303) T81-SQD? FAX�3�.�J T8t-5�91 F'ROJECT VAfL CASCADE HC]TEL AfV� CLUB VAIL, GC,�LQFiADQ iTEM NO. 1 g DESCRIPTIVN HOT FClDa WELL 4UANTfTY UNE (1] MANIJFACTURER �4TLA�""S�T-N-SERVE�� MOI}E.L N{7. WIH-2 ACCE5SORIESldPTIdNS ��JSTALL IN IT�M#7�, MAII� DISPLA'Y CQUhJTER AS SHC7WN C�1� PLANS. DRAI�1 hJIAIVIFOLLl WITH VALVE. 1l,ALVE T� BE II�AN EASlL"1' AGC�SSfBLE LC7�CATddfV T�MAT []��S NOT INTERFER�E'4�JITFi CJTH�R EQUIPME9VT(7R �'H� USE QF TH� 5TC]RAGE SNELVES. � PLUMBf�VG EL�ECTF�lCAL ��� �� 208 VOLT - � PHASE-8.2 AMP� N4ECFiAMICAL ST�AM NC�TE �_ DuraylJ.F. Duncan �n�lustries, ln - -- � '- - --- __ � IVlfr. Set�fSen�r - — -Pag�1 � - -- --- - -- m�de�: wi�-� nt z � • . Drop-�r� SeC�r�r�� Equ��m�nt H�T PA�"+J Flee#rically Heated WIH-7 Individua� Control ��H_� W�H-3 W�H-4 1N�H-5 -- - � � 1N{H-fi { , -.::�. - �.�.�_. ,,_ :_ - : �� . .� _ - �: ��. . _ , _- {�� - . .::. : �� .- � �, - - � = �� ..:..� , �_�. �.. . � r '� � �' r� ''�^ a - - ?� ��` - _ .. , . ,._. . .. ._ . i a. r^'� � ' .. `•:;,6�.' � ;��,r`` - .� Tw �x,r�2�•'=r- _ - �.. --' ,. 't,..,:� ."-: . �.�_,�- � _.. .. . • � '_ � ' :.+,�� - ':..�. �"� ... ,��"",� •�f �� _ ��^� WIH-3 5hown Q�SCRIPTION: F�ATURES: The WP,H series hot pan is an eir_c[ri�aal� hratet9 ■ F�iit�ierot�y insulated ta retain heai-pratccis dTVp-hn servin�uni4 that proWides the cvnvenience r`ixtures and saves energy pt indi�id�sally controlled hot rpo�well5, designed ■ Individua!therrnostat rontrr�fs-the c�perator can for standard 12° x bp� steam table pans. I"i�e par� cuntroi the ternperature of each we�! se�arately consir�ction enables the unit to be used either wet ■ Factary a�plied gasket-makes instal8at'ron a snap ar dry and �ar� be speciiied w�th drairrs 4r a and seals ursiLs to the counfer t�p,thus eliminat- compPete clra#n manifold. �����a�,� ■ Aceomnr:adates star�dard �2"x 2[}""�ans,or frac- The entire hot p�n �s e�ficientfy onsuiatecl and prv- tional siz�pa�rs vided wit�a factory appfied gasker sa�tF�at it can be ■ NSF certifieci; U'L and CSA recognized instailed in the finest waocf fixtures wi[hvut marrin� tt�e cc�unter top. Afl conirols are pee�wired to a single cord art�d pfug and an apron mounted rempte �ontrol panel is aptiona�. DurayfJ,F. Quncan lndustries, In : Mfr. SetNS�rv I �age 2 ; -------- - -- - -- -� -- ModeL Wlh#-2 � of 2 +� H�]T PAI�J E��ctrira��y Heated individual Control FLECTRICAL �CHARACTEIi�STICS HL77 � SHiP WT. I � -------- . Mi]$DEi. 'A• I E�k� �tl RED (lbs.y MC1afL { VDLTAGE f KW'�AMPS. � NEMA { tOhIFIGtJRATIdM ' Wiki-1 16 I 1 31-1/Lx t�t/4 3x Wli�i-1 12011. l.p 14W- 9.3 5-13�' WIN-2 29=314 2 �2-1l1 x F8 7U 108V-7.0 KW- A E� G-75P WIH-; 43-1'2 32-5 S x 41-3�4 95 244V-7.6 KW- 4.1 f,�-iiF � WIFi-4 � 5:-11•t a 22-11�i z iS�T 3 125 � WIFI-2 7:(}v• l.7 KW- 1a.2 5-2�OP � � ? - d - � 20NV- l.? KW- $.2 t�•15P WIH-h $a-3/4 2 -11+i x 83 18 I ZdOV- 1,' KW. 7.L7 d-15P WfN-3 2{Y9V.2.55 KW.32.3 Lfs-20P 14DV-2.55 KW•10.6 6-1 SP � A --- - - WIH-4 �i3$V-3.4 KW-16.3 L6-3t3F � 2ADV-3.4 KW•1A.2 L5•20P r �`'� e � � 6 � � �i � ��� wirs-s zaav-�.zs Kw. i�.� L6-30P I I M w!H-6 2a8V-5.] K4V-24,5 L6-SDP _ �--1 � � 2a0v-S.1 acW-;�.3 L6-3n� t^lae:10iX WA'fT�eahn�;rkmentsar�availa6ie.CkFANGE fN ELEC'fRICAl rrquired-[QNTACf FACTORY. �9.X/8�� � 9� d` . +� . . .� _ � , � �F � Lotaslon of pqwCr tord �_ � Localian n#Prota ManiFokcl SPECtFICAT��NS: T[�P: C[�nstrucle�d of 7 8 gauge type 3�A stainless ste�l, lon�;,3-wire card and plug i5�rrs�ided,ext�n[Iin�rr[�m the die stam�red with a raised perim�ter�ad. 1'heEe shall be controf txox lacat�d under the unit, on opesator's IefC. a salid Minyl gasket under zf�e 6eaded edge tc�form a seal Avai9able fvr singie phase peawer c�rtfy. to the�ounter top,thus preWentin�seeepage or marring of the ccaunter tc�p. Speci�cations s�ab,�ect b change without notise. HOT F{]t7D WEtLS: dr�di+vidual hot Foot1 weps shall be 3 8 gauge type 304 stainless steel,a�roe piece cvnstruction, ACCF55L7RfES: afl w,elded, ground and pvlished to a uniforrn finish, � Individua!drain and valv�e fvr each well;add-D to All ca�ners are cowed with a miniQnum 1 f4"radius. Each modef nura�ber� we91 is provided with an 85{7 watt heating element(]�}(}q � Ir�dividual drain fnr each well wiYh ma�ai[oid[o single watt on ihe Wlh�!-1.) vafve (add-DtMtam�c}elnurr+i�er}AdditiorralvafW� INSUUTfON: The pan is fully insulated with higf� may t�specified- CdN"TACT FACT()fiY density fit�rglass insuEation,�°thitk on afl s�de5,2"thick � Staintless steel adapter plate-s,pec�fy openings an the bntt4m, and enclased by a?2 gauge galvani�ed fsee page 55-29� steelouterliner, 7heentireu�itisremowabiewithouttiie :u 1(}4�7watthea[ingelementsinlieuaf85DwattelemenLs use of tc�ls. psange in�lectrical rec{uired-CQNTACT FACTGRY. EF.ECTRtG1L. The unit is prnvrded with an ind�widuaf Tl Apronmounted.rcmo4ecvnTrols-COiVTACTFAC'FORY t(��rrr�oStaS COntrol and pilot 1'aght for each welf�. A!I �tyr opening sixe heating elernents aru� cc�ntrals are pre-wired, and a 6° � � DURAYIJ.F. flLlNCAN 1MD(JSTf,1�S, lMC, CDL�DRAD() C3FFfCF EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATI�hI S#�EET 2$35 WrESt DXF'ORF]A V"EAfL1E, S[11TE#7 ENGt�WC7C?A, CQLURRL70 80710 (303) ���•�oo� F,ax(303} ���-�a9r PR�JEC�' VAI� CASCADE HQ��L A14a CLUB VAIL, CrJL(7RADQ fTEAI! Nd. �Q DESCRlF'TIDN TICKET RAIL QUANTII'Y TW� (2) MANUFACTURER FRlh�CE CASTLE, INC. II�Qf7EL [40. �8-S ACCESSGRIESIC]PTI�IVS SILVER. INSTALL C7N CH�F'S 51DE QF ITEM #21, D(]�16LE f�VERSHELF. � PLUMBING ELECTRlGAL MECHANICAL �Y�q� NQ'�E ,,t 'OuraylJ.F. �urtGaa� industries, In Mfr: Pri�ace Page 9 - - — Mcadel: 48-5 � c�f� � . 1 l.J��.�� r� F�RII�J+CE CASYLE �NC. ::..� �C]T°� r.... ...` :►.:. �1RR■ M�� �rlaw7t� ���� W 0 R L D W I D E �arr►s+.�rr��sr�i��.iz, ������ ..� � R � � _ ti� ` wh �r y, �.�. . _...— �. __ '�'� � �'f=.e,.`-. � � �� � - �:�� � � Nold more checks than�t�ica�c�ig-c�n sarder�olti�rs �`r��� FF�ATUItES with Prince Cascte"s unsyue Tuck-:�-i�eacG, Scrvers just slop guesc checks in and ous, sa�ring rirne arsd � �li�s i�,sli�rs r�ut. seruin� custorn�er� mvrc effieicrst]}�, '�5;-'ich nc� clips, � �'s`ve eonucnient len�t�s. racks, or pins to fuas�le with, �his unic is a musc for ever�� latchen? Halds arsy weight eheek, frc�m li�ht- � IIoids an�>wei�h�gucsr c�cck,receipt, car messagc. weighr paper co hcavy card s�ock, and ��a�x]-mc��ncs ht�nlantailti. ■ Grcar�r�apaciry than clip-an ry�es. C�SOOSe �'tther a bronze or silvcr �inis�,. And � �ronze or silver finish a.�aila�lc. Tu�k-A-Nnces arc availab�e in 7�"' �3b.48 cm}, 28" � Can bc irnprin�rc3 wich a rs�essagc Qr laga_ (45.72 cm), ?4" (G0.9G em) and 48" {121,9? crr►) cc�flsult fzctpry for det�ils. Fengths. ■ A�ailable in four 1er��ths. sa.ia� DuraylJ.F. Duncan lr�cfustries, 1n E - ' Mfr: Prince Page 2 _ _ _ Mr�del:48-5 of 2 � �Kx TM T��il`�sN�� �R 1 I �1�E �A� 1 L L �N�. ��.�.'ai�r:. v'i r/!�. ■�,. �i�a��\ �RI�ER w v�� a w i �� :��::�.�.u,�;:.�:'�, H�L,DERS SPECIFICA'I'I{�I�S DT?�ENSIC�NS ' � I SHrPPING ' M(7I}EL LEI*dGTH HEIGHT T}EPTH l�"I'. �u�s��. IN.�cr�[} �N. �c�r} rra.�em] � �.8.�g+�.� Tuek-r3-Nvtes" See chsrr bclow 2�5.Q8) � -825{.?1) I Sze ordtring iafo. O�RDER.ING II�Ft]RMATIf3N 1ViQI)EL F?ESCRIi�'T'It31ti SHIPF�G'�"d'.� 17-5 Tu�p�-�-T�ote"'(12"5zlv�rl � 1 3..b, f.� ke} �ia-� Tuck-.'�-Nca[c�'(S�i"Si�werj j 1 Lb. (.� kg,� -H Tuck-:�-Itiiaze'"{24"Brs�r�ze) � �Lbs.(.9 kgj — � ��5 Tuck-.4-Nrat�'"(24��SiEvcr) 2 Lbs.(.9 k�,l I 3G•$ 7'uck-A-Nose'"(3G'" Sronzc) C 3 L�as. (1.4 kg} 3�-� "F'uck-A-Nnce`"j3G"5ilvcrj � 3 Lbs.(1.4 kgj �i8-S Tuck-A-�Inre"{4f3"Silvrr) I 4 Lbs.{1.8 kg,J EPtGTF# . 825 1l8 4. M . 1 C�°i � � � � � � � .� w ��—'^ 'Desigrix and s�+eci�rearians arr subjea[a chyngc nRChnuc nouce, �",��('�� . ti_t1 _ Au�aYf�.�. ounrcanr��v�u�r���s, rNC. � COL�RAl7Q L7F�ICE EflUIPME�J7 SPECIF'ICATION Sl-I��T 2&3� WES�L]XFCDRD AV'ENUE, 5UlTE#7 EIVGL.�l�4'C3C}d, +CQ,L+014AD0 807'f(i (3�3) 78f-50t?9 FAX(303) �"87-5a97 PROJ�CT 11Aat CASCADE HDTEL ANQ CLUB VAiL, GOLORA[3f] fTEM N+O. �� dESCRIPTIQN C]GUBLE OVERSMELF C�L1A1+�l�I`6Y GM1JE (1) MAN{JFAC�'URER �UR�AY/J.F, l�lJNCRN fN�LJS,f"R1ES, ��JC. IVIpdEL NO. CUS�OM FABi��CAT�D A�CE�S(7RIE81(�PTI�7f�S {7VERSHELF TD BE MQU�T�D 70 ITEM#14, MAIN DISPLAY CC]llNTER AS SNC]WN ON �'�ANS. C(�CJR�IhIATE INSTALLATION C}F IT�M�Z2, FO(7D WARMERS. MQUIVT BELOW EACht SHELF. ��T�NQ VIIIRI�lG THRUUGH L�G5. C71/EF�SHEL� EQG�S C3N PICK-UP SfDE SHALL �E 4"WfDE, �lMILAR 7� TRA STAf��ARQ DE7A1L FSD1-'1A. � �LUMBING ELECTR�CAL M�CHAhJlCAL � STEANf NOTE SE� CUST�M iFASR1CAT14N SNC?€' DRAW'(PJGS DURAY/J.F. DUNCANlNDd�+�STRI�S, IN�. � CULDRA170 (3�FlCF �Q[JIPMENT SPECIF��ATIQN SHEEY 2835 WFST QXFQR£�AVLNUE, SUITE#T EN�GLEWQQD, COLORADQ 8019D (3[13) 787-5�107 FAX(a�f�3J T87-5D511 PR�J�CX VA@l. GA�CADE �i0�'�L A�[D CLUB VAIL, C�1.CC]f:ADQ I�'�M NO. 22 DESGRIPfIO�J FC3QD WARMER WITH UGFiTS ❑IIANTITY T+�/1�'() ��] 111fANld�ACTIJRER HATGO MC]D�� I�{?. G�iAH-12Q ►4C�CESS�RR�SIOPTION� INSTALL UIVIT BELQW T�P SHELF C3� fT'��#21, DC7UF3�E QVERSHELF f�N❑ EXTEND WfRIIVG DQWh� 7HRQUGH LEG SHELF SUP�'�RTS ANC3 Df�. INFIhtITE CC}fVTRpL VIIITH REMOTE El�1CLC7SUR�AhlD PI�QT LIGHT. ��, � �V � PLUMBIhIG EL�C'�RICAL 2Q8 V[7LT- 1 PHASE-28(�C1 WATT M�CHa�JICA,L ST�AM N{7T'E DuraylJ.F. De�ncan fntiu�tries, !n i g — — IVlfr: Hatco Page 1J� — - -- -- - �.__ Mc+del: GRAH-120 0#� I � , � GLt7-R�Y'l�F�,��A����.�R�,�,�� Models GRAH-18.-24,-3(1,•3fi.-4�.-4&.•5d,-60.-66,-72.-84,•96,•TQB,-120,•i32,-�dd GRIi=24,•36�-48,-6d,-7`2,�96 GRA-18�-24,-30�-3&,-42,-4fl,•54,-60�-fifi,-72,°Bd,-9S�-1p8.-1?0,-132�-744 GR-Y4.•36�-48,•fi0�-T2�-96 Hatcrs GEo-F3ay Infrared ir�odwarmers keep �II hot fppds at optirnurn servir�g iemperatures longer, Faods dp nc�i dry � ;- } � _.__. out or becom�c�iscc�lored,eWen ttre most � tie�icate d9s�es�+vld that just prepared �,�„�°" ' `�..� ;;, Ec�ok. The Glo-Ray pre-ts�cused ��t � � .. pattern ciirects h�at from a tubular el�rne�tt to b�th�the�ntare hodding surface. F�E)CIBlLITY 771e�ontir�u[zus housings, �p to �2' (3fifi cmy in iength{alum�nurrl only��re �nmde�caaN w�sn o�s,a�e� ver}+strang and ehmi�a�te the c�anc�er of �eain a�t��cars and sagging. Sturdy stainless SteeC haus�ngs �o�-sa,::5ss��s�,��a�5�anag ,��P are ava�lat�ie up to 8'{24�4 crr�l. . lT're advanced Gda-Ray L�ua!Mounting �'� �' ,. feature all4ws side-by-side mountir�g '� ��a�� :�;� -d ±r n of twc�r mor�:alurrainum warmers to � `.—� �: �"'- �:� prr�vide a wid�r holciing area.A 3" csr 6" �►'� � {$or 15 cra�J spacer is av�iia�le and is .����� oi�erer� with or wit�rout shatt�r resfsiant ~,�p�i ModelGitrqay,n+tth 3• incandescent lights that illvminai�thae ra��;;5,��r���❑•����,�hr5 warming area. REMDTE INFIfV1TE CQNTFtQL INSTALL4Tt�N IS dviANDATC�RY C}N ALL[]LJAi.F40DWARMERS A�lD REG�JMME�V❑Ei�(}FJ ALL C1T�iER �rvs-r,�w;r�oNS. R�mvte c4ntrad enclr�s�re�ar�available � iea three Rnc�dels, built in ac�cordance with LJ,L. standards to accommodate ' +.. switches, pilc�Y fghts and wiring, ready a' M0�8!fiiRA wtth optaotsal C• n � far inst�llatian. f st��d a��coiw � C7pt�oraal br�sat�+prot�ctors can be � r�rdered w'rth mast aFuminum Glo-Ray y� madels ana meet l�l.S.F. standards for R�mote Contrs�l Ers�lcasures dis�iay areas and tru#fet lines. Mae�e af _ � shatterproof, easy ta clean acry6cc, they RMS.,a F7fOVOfjL'c�5�'���f1YIfOfITllBftg{Df�'lE�O�C�. with o�:.enal infinrte eonuvls Th�l7esr'gner Golc�r optr[�n hekps blend ' .�� a�d u�io����n�s th�warmer ia�to any deeor. Pawder ,?, * � Cd�ting provides 3 eiurabie,easy t0 � � elean su�face. ,, ' t'�° An oNc�ff switch�ay be installed in fron! , � �r back of the unit to suit the lacation.All ,�; �. ' � G!o-Rays are shipped factory assembf�d, with mounting tabs,ready ta instala � kh,� � quickly an�easilY• ��$-s � w:n t����e wicn optionat swrtcr�ea QU��� n'Nmit6 CWatrnJ 'T'he following feat�res assure#he fir�es# p�rformance for years to came. • Awaitabde in 6e�gths fro�rr 1�"ta 7 2" �46-�fi5 cm}. • Sturdy ctintinurus aluminurn housings eliminate sagging. + Pre-focused heat maintains sanring temperatures fonger with[�ut continuir�g tv eook th�?fot�d. • Variety of madels,canfigurations, � colors and accessories provide unlimited d�sign 1lexibility, • C�ptitinaf coated shatter-resistant inc�n�escent lights en�rance brdliant ��:J�� � prv�iuct daspkay uvhil�safe-gu�rding ��- �� fo0d pr�du�ts fram bulb brealcage• HATC€?Gb6�PORATIC?Fi MEfAL SHF}�THE$]ELE�.lEM1fT'S GUAAANTEEfl a�,AFNST BUR!rPDUT ANCT E3RFaKAGE F4R 2 YFqNS. 'DuraylJ.F. Duncar� inde�s#ries, In - — -- Mfr: Hatca - -- p�g,�2 — - -- � .�-- -- ' Modef: �RAH-1�0 I �f� � � � �i'������lNFRARELJ F�QDWAI4MER5 hloc�els GRAH•18..24,.3U.-35.-42,•A8.-54,-£Q,.fi6,-?2.-84.•9fi,-t€18,•T2�1,-132,•144 GRH•24,•36�-48,-60.-T2,-96 GRA-18,•24,-3Q,-3b,°42.•48.-54,�p,-Gb,-72,•84,-�6,-1Ue.-S20,-132.•144 GR-24.-36.�$,-60,-7Z,-96 Faw!^ _ f,'^�.QtBf�pn I�'� zyi tiats.ArJd3-;[itRnl =. �—�—� I6 cmP�i� �o wep!n wnen I . . OfaN+ilp I�g�f. 4a'fhn�7a.e•fi53kH5emk�+ i+g• '�FiC7NTVIEW � P�Scmt� d � .. � E����' Swncn Rro�i Neabnq E�emeni Rermciw E3{]TfOM VYEW SPECI�ICATIC}NS DIM�h[S�UPRS IAlprninum Hic?t Wa�,A�uminum StandB�C b'V3Ii fi'b"J x 2'I.-,°H i�; �c 6 cm� {hJote:Add 3"(8 em)io wadth wrth �~�I+IaeeP 'YVatt� Madel Watt Lg ��� lighl.}Far S�eCia!lengtt7s,ccnsuPt factory. � � ���ng��9�t Alurrnn�;m model�rrt�sn t$"through t2`{46-366 cm]. A�ailabie �RAH 16 i 350;G�tR-18 254 78' ( 4fi Cmll 5 Ibs.f 2 k9a ��6" (1�c;m��ncrements�ap to 1 dz' [36$cmj maximum len�ttt. GRAh•2� S�DQ� GRA•2a ' 350 , 2a'°{ 6t cmj 7 aas.{ 3 kga ' GRA3� 3b � 6fi(}': GRA•3�7 45B 30'� 76 emi. 8 I�hS.; 4 kgl V�C?LTAGE GRAIi 36 I 8�4 GRA-36 a7S ' 36"f 91 �mf� 9 ibs.i 4 k j 12�.248 and 2a0 vptts,SRngle phase.Cpnsult facfory ivr � f�1a#els GAAH-84,GRH-9fi and GRRH-9fi m i�0 votic.and GRAN-d2 95()! CRA-42 I 675 i 42`(1q7;m� i 1 Ihs.� 5 kq) � rnadels with tandem eVemeniS{�Qg pr 24pvy Mpdels with lights G�.1H-d8 � 11qU. GAII-dR Sa[� � 48'{122 Ctt1} T 1 I�s( 5 kgp i r8ied 124. f3-wire�, Z?_t]l2fJ�pr 120f�dp vviYs,smgie ph�35e, I'��''�-54 r��5�r Gf�1-54 : g�5 � 5A`d137 cm}�13 ibs.{ fi kqj i {a-n�iral. ExaQ.;vr�+lages av�ifatrie G�iAH-a4 t4C�G� �GR�4•s[� i 1p5U t 6�"i'S2 crn!� 74 I�s.f 6 kq) PLU[a CC}IVFIGURATIQh15 Gr�arf-5o r56� �RA-65 �t6{1 66' {158 cm)� �6 fds.( ;kg�� , -G i 1�Q„e7�t flnly—Mseia�s r-- 'I G�4t��72 i 7i2S� GRA•72 T2i 5 T�"(183 cm� 37 Ibs.{ $kga ;�;�= I I g'(183 cm)ar iess �GRAH•8d' �2Q,ra0 j G#�A•84• � 1 5 Q d 8 4"�2 1 3 c M�i 2 0 I b s,� 9 k 9 1� ��`� � w r t h C•leg ar T leg I GRA�i-9�' 2d0� GRA-96' 1'25 98"i24c�mi 231�.5 I10 kg1 , NEMA riSP stand only. C GRAH-�Q8' 'S�7G: GRA-rOfl �85D i�78 d2?c emi I 281trs �t;kgl i 'GR,4F�•12�J 28flp uRA-i2C � �1(]U t2D' f305 cmli 3D Ibs {��k9� � ��O-FRAY VYIiRMERS Si-fC3ULD BE Pt35fTi(]CJEI3 NQ P��SS THAN 1 p"{25 crrrn}{standard tiv�ttaqe�or f 3° (33 Cmj�cgh GRAIi-132' ,372p I GHA�s32" � �320 13�"{335 Cnl)i "s31Gs i15 kq1_ wattage)Al�C)VE A�;ON-METALLIC uUFiFkCE.With the p.rnper GRAH-id4' '3454 GR4-ld4' p�5� 744`d3o��mj 36 fbs ft6 k4i , distdrt�:e mamtaine�hetwr�!n Glp-Ray and tCe faoC,hpt fpc�ds � � -- -- � w'rn be held at rdeai serv�ng[empera[ures wi[no�t caakinp ihe Starni6ss r�eh WaT' Sta�nCess SCan�3rtl W�tt fvads Geys]Rd tne pa;nl o[Cxcelie;�ce. f hi6odel Wat1 i INOde� watt �engtEt 5hi�np weigi�t; REMO�E CC7NT#3QL ENCLdS1JRE5 ���i;y•„6 8�� �A•2� 3a4 24"t et cmy ^ 71b5.i 3 kgJ � Mod�l ! •�tW�2S 5Ui{l � 4,ength Tcs��le Sw�tehcs f �,_ � � G�•36 � 575 36°� 91 Cm; i 1,;l�s.I 5 k � �_�._�� � _. 9 � f RMC-�5!,• fl s r,.m} 2 Maximum G�H-d$ tT[1Ci� GR-�8 i 8DU a8°��22 cm� t2 IQS ( 5 k9i i RM6-,' � 9" 12�cm� � 4 M�?cimum �GRH-fiU ; 140Q� GR-�6p _ 1L15Q 60' {15?cml 15 1�5 { i kgl i �__RME-tG 74"(36 ern) 6 M�x,mum �GRH 72 ,1 l25� GR-72 � 1 t 7'S . 7�, {183 em} i ]9!bS 4 9 kgJ pne r.antro�bo�c per�opdwam+�s GRH 96' _ �24QQ; GR-96' �i725 g6"{�cq cm) � 2h E�s !13 kgl I • Grv-aay mfldels t09"tnn��rt 7aa•i2Ta-365 cmp and i29 vari motleds of GiiAM-Ba.GRI-i-9s srd GFfAH-}6 ccuetaan tantlem N�me!tts intlivitlu8�iy cornmiiea n�a;auaria��e ir�C:�ai�20 vo�ts. []PTl[!NS[NQY FDR RgTRUFITJ ACCESSQRfES J +�s+g+�f Ca'ars:1^+'a�sn Recs,8iack,Gray Granite, � adjus:a�le Tubuiar Stands�0"-s a'{�5-3fi cm} White G,r3nrle,Navy 8fue antl}�urrter Grean J Nan-Ad)ustabl��u�ular 5tands 10'.12'. 14' pr 1 C�" i� Piiot Indica[pr L�ighT {25,31,36 dr 41 Cmy � d+Auit�ple Eler�en3(e:�d to endy � C-Leg Stands(10"or 13'iz'(25 nr 3d cmp elear�nc�} J ereaih Protectnr(Akuminum m�deds onlyy LJ T-Leg SEant7s('�0", 13'lr',76"ar 18"{25,3�4,r"1 ar dfi cm) J inCandes�errt L�ghts{I�yd 3"{$ernj;o w�dth oi warrt,�) • Gearancei J Bnght Annealet]ReflscSOr � Wall Brackets ..G Infini1e Controi'{Remote Racvmmended—Remote � Adyusfable Angle$ra[k�t Required wrth I�uaks� i� Gha�n Suspended 7 El�nic Infi�niCe Cvratrol � Tpggle SwiCCh Bnot J Remate Cpntrr�Enclosure J fi'E1B3 crn�Cord and Plug Set{1,�Qv onfyy�°= T hM13�t+mum 0(12 3mR5.Cac�ult fdGtbry it r3tvrg pf songlc g1C�rn�ls;gi hlat a�a�iab:e in C1ua!1 Zp vohs. i 2o wMs exceeas taDO wetts. : AvaalaGe�n 6'd1�3 Cm}�en�th iu+ly,an madels 6'(t�3 CmJ or In4s wiSh G•leg pr T�eg Sta�tl on1y. AACHITECT 5PEC5 trrfe�red Fat�dwarmer "fhe intrar�Foadwarmer shall be a Gln-R�y�' rnanufactured by The�nfrar��#h�i�ng elem�ni sn3l�be tuGW�r mE;t2�5heatfled_ t�re Ha#cv Corporation,iu{ifwaukee,W9 53234 U.S.A. The faadwarmer shali�e factary assembied reaqy}ar alectneal Ttie Focadwarmer sMa�l be model.,.,,rate�at....watts,,...noMts, ��stall�tron. s�r�gle phase antY be....inches(centirneParsp in aw�erall lengin. Accessones shall�nclu�de a�jus[abke or nan-ad�ustap4e tubular Th�Glo-R�y sl�aEl�pnsist of either a sta�nl�ss steel ar aluminum stand,C-ieg stan�,T-leg s,and,riy�ll braekets,angfie Graskets, h�using and�rt�lude as ssaaoard equipment faur stainless steel �uspensovrt e:�ain and fittkny�,�rg�th protec4ar,coard and plug snet�maunting t�b��nc�an on,raff sw�leh may be r�ptiorially set,piBOt light,incandescent light and inf�nite cantroller--rem�te dnstalled zo eiaher the frsxtit vr rear of th�e�nit. af buG�t-in. r�arco cvRpo�arra�u D+Uf�AYJJ.,F. DUNCAIII fN�USTRfES, 1NC. � CCaL4RA[7C? C.'+FF1CF E��IlF'MEiVT SPECIFiCAl`IC?N SHEET 2�35 WES�OX►�ORC?AV�'NUE, 5Cl1TE#7 EhIGLEWt}C]f�, C+DLDRA,�3C? 8f777D (�rrs} �s?-�oa� FAX(303} �'8t-�as� PR�JECT VA@L CASCAD� HQTEL aND GLL►B VAIL, COLQRADd ITEM NQ. �3 � � dESCRiPTfON E7Ci�AUST Hf]Q❑ QlJAA1TfTY �NE �1}ASSEMBLY MANUFACTURER CAPTIVE A1R� AIt�DEL ND. 543{7�CA-PSP � AGC�ESSC}RIESft3PTIC?NS ASSEM�LY TO �QAfS15T U�TWO (�} SECTI�JJNS 9' 3" LGNG }i 4�-��� WIC�E, RLUS NIAKE-UP AiF2 PL�I�UM. �.18 CAIJGE�YPE 3D4 STAVNLESS S�TEE�.. EXTERhJAL 1NE�DED Ct7NS�RUCTIOfV iN AC�C7RDANC�1NITH TH� �AT�ST�[�ITfON �F I�FPA 96. ALL �XP(]SE� WELDS T� BE GROUND AhJb PC7LISN�D. � HAi�G�RS, S�JPPflRTS AND MISCEL�AMIE�US Ft�CESSGRIES AS F��DUIREa FClR It�STAL�A7IQN. AiF� SFACE AT REAR TC3 ACGOMMODATE RE�UlR�VIAEN`T�S OF THE LATEST EDfTI�QN QF fVFPA 9E, CLEH�A6UC�TO COMBUSTIBI�ES. AL1� WE�LDE�7 �UCT G�}LLAE2S. F�RDVIDE 5TAlIWL�SS ST�EL C�C3SURE PAiV�LS AB�VE H�Q�?TO FINISHE�7 CEiLIN�TO CONCEA�L EXH,ALJST DUGT AN� F1F�E PROT'ECTID{V S`s'ST�M PdPINC�; VERIFY HE�PGH7. FINAL GONN�GTfQI�S TC� HQQD pUCT�OLLARS BY 1"HE MECHANaCAL Cf7NTRACTOR. �1U�D CGINSTFtUCTI�I� 7C? 6E UL ANa NSF LIS�'ED. MCJLIN7'1NG HE�GHT�� BC3T�"�]M EDGE a� FiC�Qa 'WILL BE 5'-6"A�BCIVE �Ih�I�HED FL�Q� TO 7'-0"A,BQVE FINISHED F�.C3ClFi MAXIMUM. lNCRfV[JESCENT L1GHT FIXTU#�E5 A�IQ Bl1LSS, U.L. USTED FOR USE IN COMN9ERCIAL C�DKfNG HC?t3�7S, NSF APPf�OUE�. UNIT TC) BE C�PERATEIJ BY V�N7ILATQR C{7�lTRC7L PA�f�L, IT�h7#�4. VERIFY AND CUQRpIh1ATE AiLL DIM�NSI�d�NS A�1D SUPPLY ANI} �XHRUST GUGT€��QUIR€MEN7�S AN� LC7CATi{)N5INITH SfTE COf�DITl01�5 A�I[3 MECHAhIICAL C�NTRACT01�. PLUMBIN� �LEC�RiCAL 124 VC3LT- 1 PHASE (LIGHTS} M�CHANICAL 57�AM � 68[10 CF�ff �XF�AUS� 34a0 CFM T�N1F'ERE� SLIPPLY AIR NC}TE SEE CAPTI'I�'�AIR� SHOP �RAVW'lI��S � T �. nu►�,ar�r�.�. Qurvc,anr�rrausr���s, fnrc. � CQL�RAI7C? t?FF1G� EQUIPMEMT SPECIFICATI�N SHEET 2835 L'VEST QXFQ�Rl3 AV�NLI,E, SUfTE#7 �n�ctFwv�c�, cv�a,�oo�����, (303J 78�-SOU1 FAX{'303J 78'1=5�97 PRC3JEGT 'v'AIL. CASCA�E HC7TEL AlVD��UB 1�'AIL, CC]LORADO ITEM NQ. �4 D�SCRlPTI�N HQ��7 CC7NTROL f'ANEL �����L�� UANTITY �C3N� ('S) MANU�A�TVRER CAPTIVL�AIFZ� M���� I►!O. 54305CA-�'SP ACCESSC?F�I�SIOPTIQNS STA1h�LESS 57EEL TRIM S�RI�'S. V��I�i"1LATOR LIGHT SWITCH. TlIUIE C�[3G�f (FC7R 24 HC�UR c�PEi�ATIt7h�S C7fVLY, OTH€RW�S'� bELET�). UNII'TC7 ��ERAT� �XHAUST NUQD, ITEM#23. ����t�1t/,�� �1��1�T�G7 DRFC`C'I 3GC QCd^_I tP ATIAY/� ilA1 �!C rrtirt ��ir�rw� a n—r�r-��� � � PL�LIMBING E��CTRiCAL 120 VOLT- � �'HAS� - �0 AMP CIRGUIT � �� MECHANlGA� STEAM NOT� SE� C,qpT1VE AIRE �HGP �F�AWINGS �. _ nuRa rr.�.�. Dun+c�ar��nrflusr�fFS, rrvc. � Ct}LQRADC7 OFFIC� EQUIpM�NT' SpECIFiCATIQh1 �HE�T 2835 WE$T C7X'�DR�AVENU,� SUlT�#7 ENC3LEW'�C3,t�, COLC)R�4E]Q 8U770 {'3Q3J T8�-a��117 �AX(3Q3j T81-5091 PR�JECT VAIL CASCADF HQTEL ANL CL.EJB VAIL, COL�RAI]C7 ITEM NC3. 25 b�SCRlPTPOIN T1L�1N�Al�I. CC7VERT�JG t�UAIVTfTY �.dT MANl1FAC7`URER NIA M�Q�EL NC). hJ1A ACCESSaRIESIOP�TlONS NIA � • PL�IMBING ELEC7'RiCI�IL MECHANiCAL c�-���� � NQTE EXIST�NC, 1�u,�a rr�+.F. �un►e�trv rnrr�usr,��ES, �►uc. � CQLORADQ UFFICF �G�UiPMENT SPECIFiCATIflN SH��T 2835 W�ST�XFO�RD AV,�NlJE, SU1�E#7 EIVGL�W(�OD, GOL+I�RAG►Q SOf f� (303) T8�-5d�07 FAX(30�J 7$�-5U97 PROJECT VAIL CASCAD� HC}7EL AND CLUB VAl�, CULORA�a iTEM NQ. 2fi []ESCRlPT��M C�NVECTf�7N UV�N C2UAN7PTY O�JE (�} MAI�UFACTURER M�h1TAGUE MaQEL NC). V136. WITH G4� RADIANT B�QiLER A��VE ACC�SS{3RlESf�P�'IC3NS GRS PRESSiJRE REGIIIATQR A55EM�LY. 314" REAR GA5 C�MI�ECTION. HEAVY Dl}TY CASTERS, FRt�I��W�TH BRAl�ES. �NE �17 T 8� S#HG-4U-SK-�B CC]MMERCIAL L��E A.G.A. AND LUCAL Cfld�APPRCIVEa Pt�LY G�A`�E[3 FL�XIBLE SfiAIN�ESS �TEE� NO��A�SEMB�Y 4-8" LCJNG, 1NITH FRE� S€�IN FI'i'TfNGS ANQ � SWIVEL LINKS OI� BOTH ENQS, C�lJICK DlS�C}NNECT ASS�MBLY Of4 ON� �lVp, ANL WITH I�JSTAI�LATI�f�fIRESTRAINfNG K1T. PLUAABIh1G ELECTRICAL 314"GAS @ 45,(7�� STU'S 120 VQLT- � Pf�AS�E- 8 AMPS ME�CHANICAL STEAM � N OTE w DuraylJ.F. �Uf�C��l l�]dustries, In _ . - - h�fr Mantague TPage�t - - _.. _ a_ Madel: V'�35-0 of 2 �C.��t'�+.GUE �'�.�j�j� Gas �onvecti�n C7ven Range—V�3� ' � �"�^�£ . :,, . . ...; . �r*�a�_ .._ � i !" 1� _ ��� � �';�*'����.• i � �- ��.x�. 4� � �: ' :� �> .._ � � � � , ; � , � � ., �: AAodel W 13G-5A Control Partel fnietrot rJven View Genaral:V138 5arias offers a ehaics oi ovar 20 heavy duty Ovan�Gor�troEs:Cor�tral�are�ics�ntetl on the rigFrt sida it�an �okong taps in ditferent cpmbinativns Qf Fry 7aps,Hot Tvps insulated and versce�d rornpa�rtmsnt far Ionger IFfe.Coratrnls and C?pQn TQps wath a Veataira conWec�tion ov�n bekcsw.The includs�heavy duty moduiating thermostst(246'F�5t70'Fj, cronvactian oven utflizes an andirect�heatmg system.fihs three position roc*sr swikct�with su4vrrtati�FAN,f3FF,CC?L]� products oi cvmbustian are r�rnpl�tely isalated from 1he DQWN�nodes,dv�or switch ta autcamatically shut San pff w#7en baking products. Cc�mtrustion takes place in a elassd door apens,and��a%automali�ignrtion safety pi€ot T'�e chamber and heat is uniform�y iransfered theough sids walls, r�ntra�are Ic,cased aut vf the h�at zos�e and easily d4p and botiesm ef oven cavity.Can�eciiaro oven cxtoking aocessible for manntenanca. reduces temperaturas at least 253"a frprro t�ase g`svan in ,pYgn C}carsrs:WeFghs cnunter6�fanGac!wR�out ths uss�f sta�darti tecipas.Vi3fi c�.,nwectfan ov�n rangas provide the �F���s.C7na piace afts�i tubu6ar-iype handl,a is used. mast ac�npmocaf eroergy s�ving use of flppr space avail�ls, � Range Taps; Fry Tops aure ava��ah#a in 12`,1$`,2R'or 3B" '�gn Motor:114 H�, 115 11AG,6o Hx.4.d amps, 1�`Ft,w�1h B widths x 28'dsep(34'deep ior-4C7 mv�d�lsy x 314^thick ft.,�-�'ira cnrd wirh plug.S�1f•I�ukxicating,seafed bal�bearing (siartdard].Afl heated by 1,2,3 ar A bt�rne�s res�actively, 1YPB reguiras nv iubrieating fcar firt`e.Nbtor has t�ermai rated�1S,{304 6'RJIHR aaoh,"�hermastatiaaEly cantrol4ed �verbad proEection and is servicesble fram tha favrst csf Qven aRd�0 Fry 7og t�umers rated @ 20,Ofl�1 BTUINFi eaeh.Sv11d throu�h avan cf�amber, Hor Topsare auaidabie in various mu�tiples,eith�er i2'vuide or Finlsh:5atin}ir�tsh stainless sTee9 tront,incd�dfng 4"tlue riser. i$'wide x 31"dee�a,each ssctior�iront firsd with cane bumer �iemainir�g exterior bladt.AU�aaintad surtacas hava raied @ 18,500 BTLJIHR vr 35,(Yp6 STUMFt raspectively.Tha electrvfyt�c zinc undarcx�ating for es�rrs�sion prote�tion and 12"wida ve 1 B"wide Even•Heak F�at 7ops�t'aay be sutastrtut�d langar lit�.Additpanaf Sl5 fin�sh av�aila�ile,'(e�rira cos4): wRh i or 2 burners respectively ratpd�ta 2a,400 B'TUMR 0'S15 left side �'SlS rig�t side ❑'Sl�a back panel each. Ftlrrp�nd�Cavar Hot Top,s arq available,ea�h 18'wi�e x N'C�TE_Slack flnish with siai�Yess steeE trim awaxlablA, 31"deep.Each sec;iors lrortt fired with ona Banja typa bumer pptlans,•[axtra c+�gt): 5e'S lroni BIaG�t ratad @ 35,0{7p BTUi�lt3.Opaa T�ps are a�ailable on vauious p"�8'High Back: � ❑ multipies,either 12�wide or 78•wide x 31'de�p cast iron R'Sirzgie High S�elt: ❑ p sectians with heavily ribbed gratas.Eacta saction provt�ed l�'[k�ubfe tiigh�heft; p a w�th 2 Star burners rated�24.000 HTUMR each. C�'E�ctra C}ven Ra�dcs Uptions,`{ex4ea cast): �•42"Ranga 6ep#h,s�ffix-4Q �-S9 top(sl.rated @ 15.0{t0 BNMR sach,12'wide x 3�' 0'Left Rear Manitflfd w�th pressure regulatar. deap cast iran tap wiRh h�avity ribtrad apsn t�urr�er grate ����'�`�1P�up tv 155,004 BTUhlR aCross front and Solid Hvt Top sactian a�rass raar.Lcrcatad: ���`�"��'T up to 320,400 BTUI}{R �]�,�KiM Ci i,csr�ter C]t,I�ft Lt' S' NPT u�to 5Q0,0{10 81UIHR �'Ribi�on(;ratq,c�st inr�n.{In-#igu�}12'apen bumer�rate.J ��P,Man'rfold: ❑le$sida G3 right sid8 Nate:For use with�Q,04Q BTUMR b�rraars.Located: {�+lust spaci��+when ord�ring.J 0'1, righ= r�•1,eenter p•�,�s� C]'S/S Gover,Manifold: i7 Isft sida ❑right sid� �'�0,�7(70 B7UIHR 5tar open bumer for use wit�l4aturaJ qas: ���tg�1����'YaP over more than vna rar�e,up tfl 72'wide �'ir�nt �7'ba�k �'tr�ont and hadc O'Plats�Sh�N�6"wide,SIS Overr fm�rlor:The'mu�fled't�ven is�5-518"wide x 22-1/4• �wCaste�s—sat a6 4,5'wheel,S'height deap x 15'high.I�tericsr finish is por�eiainized t&gauga � Flex Cannector Kit—hc,se,cfiscnn�e�q arrd res,naining ste�L Rsmovable 5-pasition,�r'sg�rt nid�c��rac�}c guid�es ara device: O'3'x 314' O'd"x 314' �i•5 x 314' providec},The oven rs heated by a cast i�ron tx+rnar rated(c� �*���r�Q�tions—i.e.,Rr�snns.Cansu�4 factory, 45,OOp Bi'U1Mi�,7'ha oven carrity is c�mpletefy er��ad in �xt�rior Dlmensions: 3S'wids x 36-518'daep,See drrwir�g high dansity#ibergiass insufa�on maucimi2'tng haat reIantiare. an reverse sids ft�r haghts,Far 4�"�e�rth add 6 ta overall Thre+a aven�acks with brigh�r�i�el finish are iumished. d�pth af range. �SF �uraylJ.F. Duncan Indt�stries, In — - " M#r: Mon#ayue Page 2 - - T. �------ � Model: V�l36-Ct af 2 �C1I�TAGuE ����]] Gas Convectipn C3ven IZan�e—'�13� _ � M�CiQELS, B�'E.1S� S�{IF�F�II+iG WEiGHTS Clptional ritr6cn grat�e—replaees t2'Open Top. WT� V136-] V136�� 149.50[��T1Jali-R 9T,OCKYBTUt}iR 143.5QdBTlIlF�R 766 Li�s. 735 Lbs. r 63f Lbn. 73 � �2 318' One 2�'Fry 7ap One i2'Fry Tap T»c::'Oac��Tups j � f7ne/2'Fb!7aA 7wo 1?'Hoc Tc+pr 4re�.'llc�iap V13fi 3 '��'' t V]3Cr4 YT3S5 �°'�'�� t3�.v�� 1 Z2.Df10$Td.9lFiR '"�"���;�C3,5f1f}671Jh1R 166,�BTll/f-Fi 6G9 L�s. $19�6Cs. 5 i C Lt�6. f � � 'frro 72'Ffo!Fa� Orie d7'Fb17oA i7use JZ'Dpert To� � ��. [lne 1?'Opan T�p �r+o f2'ppen Tops i �_ . rsv.�,,,f� �V136-�A1 E 4'136-559 Y13B$ 7C3�v1Ew �" �` 25,UfK187U?NR �sc,,�BTUn� 1 a�.cr�erun� ' S85 Lbc. �. n 5z5 Lbe. e�3 tt�. � �,,� }- 36 516' �-5!$' I{ 31 11$"�� 7xn 13'G,�ara TPCS '�h,ri3c�+:'::ar^�6rndA4r1 OnB':'.�:ry�c� I 1 11d"h1AN1Ff�LD I�� C�en Tap,Hef ToFa T�+3ti`{7p�n To�s � r� i � vy36-7 V136-8 V13f�9 �a�a'��I ��?.Of�D 8TUli-�i i D5.4�'J BTIJIF� 100,50t3 B1111�IR , --�'__----; �-_.,I �aa.��,+� 6�5 Lds. 1'Z2�hs. fi42 i..tts. ,!zf sr?° ! � 2fi S�B"wide 3p. ,�1r4"#'kEP --- l:s]en�. � )5 h#Jh One?�'Fry Toy Q�3S'Fry Tap Thr69 i?'i�krt 7r� ----- r Ck+a4?`Qpen iop --�3-3id`. res��� v��-9� v��-�ns� V1�'ria ��s�,�—�!� ��,s�l, � ��.��� 115.000 8Tl1AiFl 125.o6Q 8TU1FfFt 1�,D00 QTUh�t 681 Lhs. 6i3 Lhs. 6'36Lbs. SIdE YlEVY YVtTH 4` � �, FLiJE RISER Ak6 S' ApJUS`iA6LE l.��a.5 rw4 aa•xar ra� rwo rs�r�r r� c�r�o�r� wtlh Ra�g 6 Gowet 7�1�HoC Taps TYPE aF G�4s - w.turar P'rapsna 4.0"WG ' 1{f"VtiIC fMP4ATANT: t�ad� ��,m�rs u��s � BTU�'H€� �anges must be installed in acardance wRh beal codes or, in the at�ssn�e of k�cal cades,with the N�tianal Fvel�as {ser"�fod�1'�,6�7,rs a Shlpping l�Yei�phta J Cc�da ANS1 Z223.9.Compiianaa with�od�s is the respens�biiity of tha Owr3ar�nd Installer. For a�'dep�s thgrrnostatcaily cattrol�ed Fry 7op, add 5,4DQ 8Ti U/HR per bumer.Add 70,DOQ BTWIHR Adaquate Ventilat;an Sysiern required F�efer 3o tha Nativnat �r each 30.008 BTUIt-IR bumer used.Dedua 5.d00 Fira Prs�teetion Ass[3ciatian Sta�d�rd hlt�.9fi, 'VapOr RHC41GVal BTUlFifi tor each-59 C7p�rNHot 3op used.Add 5.604 from Cooking Equipmen4". 6TU1HFi per Hvt Xop!w Even Ffeax option—suffix E AGA[)esl�n C�rli{I�d:in acc�rdsr�ce wilh ANS�Z8:i.11 G�s G�hS lNLE7 S1ZE(1Cr 31f cotOClel5): Fdvdssrv�Equ6pment—Rarsg�s.Ncrts:T°hesa appGances 1_114"irortt mani#old wiih 1�unian an sach end pmvid�d for are intended Iar commerc9al usa by professianalhy tra�neci bari�ry cannection. Prapecly sEzed gas pressure regulator perscar�neS.1VOT 1'nt�nded F�r Nouseh0ld Use. must be Fumished By T!►a fnsfaller. Niinlmum Ctearancas: Cornbua�lbl* Waneornhu�si�da �pata: S c of as C!Natura( Q Pro e Cnraa�ranuan Car,atruca�on Pe �}'�PQ 9 PS^ c a : Specify elevatic+n if iresteiling a�ve�000 t�at. Lsft�AI hs 51de: 'fi" a" wttn s"�eya;.uetsbla for ineaal�ation r�n c7ombustlbi�a r�oon. �NTAY CLEAf�ANCE: 3a', a£I ma�Se4s,un�craled. Wilhaul e:For use onl on nonrambu�tlDb flocrs. •t5 w an n�ra wit 30,00 urrs�rra. APP'F1C))L.CU91C�,�Ci�ted): nreot cuv RIO4171 6pTyY�IC1 6�OV9flE. Ranges wl Fry Trsp.., 3,� �ianges wlatR Fry Top...2T haont�gu�'s sela mmmitmant to quadRylp�duct improvamar�C carr c.�use specil'�ariorr and dssi�n changvs withvuf praor nories. NaF �DuraylJ.F. ❑ancan Industries, In -- � Mfr: - Mantague -- page 1 _ Model' �45 of 2 - � � ��a�r�r.��u� �+�� NI� �e�vy ��ry �,���h�,,� Radigiv Gas B�rvi��rs � with IU1�vdular Stand -- +�3fi, C45 ,�--�^.-�,--�--.1–:-.�,-,,–;_.=r,� .•:� �: . ;� -�:�� � �..� - � r i<F�-;,� - i - ��y'�� �r ,. � � �i�� � ,6.�,.;. �,.1F�py��1^,'i�., �'-,:1. � �'�:a � GENERAL "Radtglo"avartored gas brollers delower t�se tre�a,infrared radra�t heat ras�uirec�for high spead brtaHirx�,w�th pe�t��F cas-s�nown,�m I res�tts$Wery time.lntense inlrared heat waves direcced s�a�'�daFd S!S fr+ant and downwaed by the ceramic radiants penetta[e all expased � "'°`�"'�`�"� svrlaces o}the meat.Cool a�r cusrents whi�h pass upward ar,d aver the r�at suppart the perlect carnt�usiion 4Rat rraalntains tha 1000°�to 25a0°F,(538°C to�372 qC}, t�m�er�tur�al tha rarikants. S�nce no trbt air ar convactian curr��,ts can interv�na, Si'ANQAFiD FEATURES,cont. mea4 is cavked entiraiy by rad�at�an.All maats,�ven �REASE�iECEPTACL�: thinnas cuts,reiain thair juices,llavor and tendar�ess— •Extra largs capa�ity,iront rnaunled grease re�ceptacle, � and a91ow minimurrt shrir�kag�.Adjustabie g�id and 27-1l2'wide x 3-114'deap x 3-1f16'h�gh.EasAly in€isp�ndent aCsntr[�Is aWow the o�erator ta raadily adpust ��v���e• breilin�canditians to custamer rec�uiremants. •Fuld-wid[h graase deilectar.LocateC under grid io S�'ANQAR�?FEAl'l1RES preven!gr$ase from dripping onta ilvor when S1NGL€BROILER: gnd is extended.Easlly rernawabda. •C�6�Twa cast iron bumers with�aramic radiants. M4DULAR STAhlD: �45—'f�raa�asl iran burnar�with ceramic radiants, � •c3s—36'w�ds X 34-iJ4'deep x 4`high base. Eactr humer,ratad at 42,QU�BTLJMR,is ind�ep�Rdently r„�5—45'"wide x 3�-114"de�p x 4'nfgh base. contrvlied wdth cflnstant buming pflot far autorrtailc .��•�g�adjustable SfS legs,[2S"hlg�Wi�l��,�� 1gniC�on.�ven heal disi�ibvtian. CHROME PLATE��RIDS: F1MISii +C38—Twfl pi$ce�rid,2T wid�e x 2T da�p. �X'T'�RlO�i: c:45---Three p�ece gnd,35"wirie x 27`d9ep. 5ati�finesh s[airrless sieei tront.Fiamaining exterin€black. Bvth with counter-balanrsd�rid assemhiy for ei�pnless +��P�n��surta�es hava electrolyiic xinc under�oating fcr rals3rtg ar�d Ivweri�g.Pasitia�locici�g iift meGhani�m with ��mosfon�roiaction arid lor�ger li��. c:�al grip bali handla,Grfd r�lls aasily�ra siisnt,lon�-I'rfe ����,{*����ost): Ua91 beanngs.Easify rarrxavatsfe for c�a�n[ng. 7'SIS full left sid� O 'S15 full rtght side •Irlfirsrte nd ad ustrnent with a r�n e of 3`far reeisior� �'���� � N�t� 9 I ns 9 P Nate:Bladc linish wi�h siainless steei valve panei bralling.Grid clearanca:2`m�nirrsum to 5'majcimum available.(Refer ta pra�e list.} � n�� �DuraylJ.�. Duncan Industries, Irr - - Mfr: Montague I Pag�2 - - -- � Madel- C45 � of 2 � � �vI�4NTAGL,�E �'���� "RadiglQ" Braaler—C3�, C45 [?Imensions�n patenlha�l5 ara centlmatars. I I-31d'NPT GBS IM1iAO f,' k I {15.2) � 34-114' (87.i7} 3•104' � T[]P Vi�^uv {a.a} �a�c�a5- I �s,�a• 4�a_a� r (4i.4) (144,31 � �S' � �-°�-�' � (71.1j � 1 � 9 �� I � � 3'��s' 22'Marz--I '—I 5'FAIn {12.7} �8.0) � ��' (55.9y I � � —a.tirr;e,���a np�� {63.5} — � f 3Ja•MPT Gas Infet � 2-31f!' [�5.p) � 53-�,8' d n c� —_ � {134.9} 41` � � �saa.o3 (i Q.2y 2�' Z1" (63-5} —����_ � FRDiVT vIEW !EFT SfDE V!€W IMPORTANT � Hslural I Praparu Gas hrQifars must be i�saalied in at�rdancs with Poca! T'�'�'�d���� 4.0"WC t0.0"vwC codes or,In t�he absence of Cocal cadss,with the Natio�al � "�■di �o�� eroir�r I s7un�p ! �7un��s Tota� Fuei Gas Cad�ANSI 7223.5.Campllance with ccsda5 is '�� {z bwmera} a2.000 es� az,oQa ea�. a4,o�o tl�e�aspansihlity of the Owrtea and Instal4er. G�� (3�umer�} 4�,00a ea. a�,aca ea, iz�,a�a Adsquate venttlatian system rBqUired. F�eisr#o Tha GAS 1HLET SI7_E(for all madelsj: �ka1'sonai Fire protec�tian Associatrvn Staredard l+�o�6, 314"NRT manifald is provideci at keft rear.314'h11�gas "Va�ar Removai tram Coaking Equipsrtiant`. pressure rec�ulator Is�r�vided,�nd must tae Inst2�lled wher� ACv4 Deslgn Gart[}[aci:In accardanca+�nih ANSI 283.11 applianc�Es connectsd to gas supgly. c3as Fo�serviva�quipm�eni—i3ange arrd Unit�railers. �tt77E:SpeGify typ�ot gas. O 1J�tura! � Pmpane (Note:These acsplsancas are iniended Iar��mmercial use ���,��vatian if instailEr�}atyove 20fD0 laet. by pr�lessianally trairoed personnel. N�?'Inter�ded Fo� Not�sehofd Use). SFEIPPING WGT.[Class 85J: A{��rax.cu.�. M1Nmum Cla��rst��as: Cc►rnt�ustiba. Nar�cambuatlble G36......... 483 C�hs. 35 Gonstructlan Canstn�otl� C1s......... fs3B Lbs. 47 �ck Wall: !6" 4" Lsri s Ftiyht S�de: 8^ 0" EIaTRY CLEARANC�: YV+th 21"lsqa:Sulti66�!or In�talJatian on�amhustl6l�floor, p6���S...33-112'UrlCrai6�1 W1thous le s:For Is�stel�rtfon on nancombuaSlW�eounlar� Moratague's cflr�tir�uing cvr�ritmar�t tv qu�lity.�r�du�ct lrr�rvvamer+t Can Cause Sp+scitrcatr`on and dssign ctiarrg�s � wlfhaut pr�nr nctrca, . M.7� DURAYI,I.F. DCIIVCAN fNf7USTF2IES, INC. � CQLC}RAD+D OFFICE` �C�Uf�+ME�17 SF'EC�FICATIOAI �H�ET �835 WEa�T(?XFQRD AV'EIVUF, surr,�#� EfVGLE1MOfJ[�, GdL[]RAL]� 80f 14 (303J 78�-50D1 FAX(3l]3J 781-5t�97 PRClJ�C7 VAI�, �ASCAQE H�7EL AND CLUB VAI�, CQl�C}RADO ITE1411 NrJ. �7 DESCRIPTI{��I RANGE WI�H QVEM /� T �J QUANTITY C?NE {1) MANl1FACTl1RER �C�lJ7HBENQ MQD�L IVQ. 1361 ACCESSaRlE5fC3PTIf�NS GAS PI�E5SlJRE REGU�LA�C7R ASSENiBLY. i�EAR GA5 CQN{VECTI�JJ�I. 5" HEAVr( L�lT°YY CAST�RS. FR�JNT U1JP7H Bf�AKES. PR�VIQE F�I-BACK R15ER {CQQRD�NATE WITH SA'LAI'a+lAAi[3ER A�C]VE}. (7N� (1} T& S#HG-4D-SK�B�OM�ER�IAL USE A.G.A. ANd LC7CAL CODE APPRQVED P�LY C£7ATEC3 �LEXIBL� S7AINLESS ST��L � HC7SE ASSEMB�Y 48"' L�NG, Wl7F� FR�E SPfI� FITTIN�S AND SWIVE� �INKS dN �Q�H ENDS, C�U�CK ❑ISC�f�NECT ASSEMBLY flN f�NE E�ID, AI�D WfTH INSTAL�.q710NlRESTRAiNI1�G KIT. ������ ��� PLUMBIf�G E�.ECTRICAL 314" GAS �7a 120,OOCY BTU'S �1lECHANiGA� STEAM �++(OTE � aurayl.�.F. Duncan Indusfries, tn . Mfr: Saher�d �'age 1 - -- M��el' 13fi9 �f 2 � saut�ht� n � S E�'�'I�C7I�TAL RAI�TGE Fry Top, ��ront 11�anifald MDC7ELS: 5tandard Conveetion Qven w1C�bdnel�ase Table Top 38" �eep t36t CO-1361 13fi1•1 t3fii-0 42° Decp 142t cc]-Aaz� 7aat-t ,azi� Add Prefix T-Far 7hermostatl�Griddle ConirnE � �� - - . ,r .. � ...�.�..—.��"'".. - • �* � -�-- --�`�_ .;.� ' i.. _ �� , _ .f- f __ - __I Mod�� 1361-0 i �� � I 5ouihbend Sectiona! Ranges aNar unsur- �' I I !f_ �rrxx�durshle���.�+�And «;�' � ypu Can tsUy up G��a '� � .�: heavie� Ihan �rther t�mpetitrv�e modeis. as �- .;�,;� � praver.by a camparisan a#shiQpan9'^'�4� - .� �° '=� � AIl Units � ����--°""- � �� -� _' ��- Each unit is 32"w�de x 3&"h�gh,inC�uding � � 6"'-falgn ad)ustable 5tadn�es3 steei legs or o{r tdor�el leg fra�mes on Tabie Top urrits.The ex- MGd�I CD-j 36� MOdef 13fi1-i ��fin���+nless s�i�ortt wAh tradaed-orr bla�k enamel s�fes untess spep�ietl staaraless sieel.�'he smoat�s,poiish�d griddle rs 5J8". QPTtC7r11S: (�or►�u Un3ts} �. casse�fra�{c�Ser,es� thtcic,hot roDed,Slanctiard ground s�ael p�te ❑ Scn��+�s�nea ae+�s+ae (Spes�ry: w,avs ann rrn+sny wa ra with h♦g�a ra�ecf s�des Ttus space-saving ur�it L 5[�inkss sseN rk�ht a+tl9 °a"�'a"�'+$^s �s equippeey+Mith simmer•set type vaYves for C B�ack Yrarrl—rw eharge Qptian C Gss pee5ar�re regulatar L: therrtqatgRie Gri6dle cantral{add Pr�fix T- 1'SPe�t�Y` Su�g end ry�,fa df gi�s} ���B���"�����I�U� } ❑ Gas snu�arr�aive�Speaiy razey ��'��r channels far e9eanmg ease. G 1^raar�es COnneCll0r1 wNh pre�ssure reguLi[Or L Gap arrd tnm ar�s)oi frpnt man�iqld Standard C}�en iJralts is�h: �s� ❑Rr��1J OMPTIUtiS. ,-, �, Ea�h unit has a bi �fi"wicie x 28"de� x _ R+ec�a s8`�ry Top H co+rera nne and {Far Stan�tard Qven Ftan�e) 9 P �„a��i}ra �; 14"high pven,with eool dcaar hansSle.A law 'z9 E� Extra awen racks(Pt.�i OOQ3151 C t•peece S4"Fry Tpp-eovers Cw0 rarrc�ps G Si�r�le�t s9eal raar �������o� 1 tl1�f171C3613[IS 3dfUSt"dbl@�I'(HiS f';. t"quock di�rmnect wnth SiewGie hoee —p7mplier,rnth ANSI 2 21.84 ��.i.fO��: i� ph"= Ce 3!I. ❑ a ft. G 5 tt.} C017V2CtICl1 �Y'�f! �JT11�5 u ca�u�s��i�u oi Feys (For Cahinet fiase Range) these are lnigh ettieaency unrts rated si only G 3a3v safsmar�aar saaaoani w�hr � ek�cti5 dw,a�a aoaea 25,t]()a BTLI,vrith c:ad dcaor handle arid spark ❑ hn�tn�az inrra-�s Saiamena4r ern�br ignition.They have�n�x��usn�e slovr sea�l a1 C� cn+�z ai'Chs�ar MMter C1PTI�dNS; sta�n�ss sree��imprngnated wrth s�roone. G GM-G.d 60'Cheese MHler Iqe over 2 unsa C PauDie afeck slamkss�e�e�dack Snelf (F�C4RYCCC"klGfi C}V!'R F�i11gB} A eevalutionary�Yue path desygn mp�imizes �pp����,�,�: ,���y� �� Er�m uMnn rac�c.s[PS.n t ae5esay energy 6�s and improves performance.Unit :� Single deck Sf�irl7e�5teet kerCk sheEf dS hllhyl SBNIC83b10�OfTI fTD4'fS..CD�IV9Ct101'3 fTl'C!1 �s�Senesl{���s"� +��+1 (3PTIONS: irateridr r�as P�n ename+sides,toP.botlom Q �ue r�ssr aca�nwss�ee+��R Ser�} {Fvr Tabl�Top Unita� and door E'sning. ISpec3}'' hetghi arid widthp ,� ;.� h C7 L Serie�a 28'lag harne 9 �Paraur�l hzss trartw(B''„-er�es} ���'/- wicl[h ar�tl f�msti) Te�hnicaP Data {SvaaN: wnain and�r� Unit d�mensions,u�lity iniwmatipn,aor�c- Nd fv��onvecTion orerct. � ItdOIIIAE T4 FACTQflY ti�n specifica�ions and masc�ll�raeou�ir�for- FOR S�PECIAL OR GEJSTOY mai�on is listad on the reverse side. AEi}UIf�iN�NTS. warranty �rre year Pa�ts and C.abnr Warranty a!na extra charge frpm Ine date aP purchase. ;�l'� r � fi '�.���� . t DuraylJ.F. Duncan Industries, �n _�_ _ Mfr S�bend ' �age 2 - - -- Mod�1; 136�f Qf 2 � �■ �+ ;�' 'i3B1 T GD-93B1 � �' 1A21 '� CL7-342"� I�IO�EL.7: LJ "136"1-7 _.;336�=G � C 1�1R'9-9 0 ��2'7-C,1 . '-i 4- -1-- 'o� � �r.�,.--.■ 1+�.� Qr,y� '. ,_ - • i�F �oo�,� ��-•:--� "i"r` � I r a � �I�� � � , EI � r •----. & �� �` � � a N � . �- �ll� I � � 4 - fir--� � �" I �--c�----� �-r � - �.-��.�� � ,. ., � TOP YlEW r��p�y�yy FROl�[T YiEMf 70P vl�W SI�E YIEW Sid€V1EW DIINENSIONtS: sca�e. +re� � �n. � s�e rra• f j n, { 1 -hiMrnete� . �[fBINi11 aK•Ow tw� B�x Orr ' Owe' !hw Mdwtw �' Msw�(� I G�r� � C+� � � F 1�.. L � � I E f G M I 1 C y�� � MNIk Dwl� IW4M I iriM�rr 8wr 111W Grrn I 4P�Iw1 Y�bee� 1M'ai�A �i]Y! 71' �8" _ 14 75 3' ]6' �' E• "33 75' 333• 15.3° 12.5° �2E' 3H' S4� T 1 ]Q` IS` •1pS` L3.2 sv.tt 894Rr. �N331 �91;1 {61QY I7$1 l4�4! fFR1� {SS�Y I�'! 'f6i11 � C�4 Ia�G1 16W1 I 1�11a� r",{46! C1S�.00QI C�.�I ��} [1}131 {5(tbpy i.2 po m 276.T�. C}i741� 32` J4' .1.T5 7' ���' ,YQ' 6' 33.75' 33..' 2' 21' 15.5' 12.5' 26.125' 21.T5"� 143y' � l �' �r" �2.5' i1.2 CV.tt b59106. � 16151 � �t��} [6t01 1�63 {31+11 �T621 {tS2} I�'q 185Y) [531 1533) f39s� i31Ea l6611 f5529 4�+21 145.0901 � {25.OG0} {9411 i11I3S f1GAUy. 12 nr.m. .2W 91p ❑L�Ji.1 �� �' _ 31.T5 3' 3E' 34' 6' 33'.75' 33.5' 2 3Y` +Id' 1"t.5^ 44.4CU I; 1681hn 46t71� {911} (b40} (75y 'g�lfl {7'E�I (15?� �f&Mi`I {R51} - - - - - - ' I�.�1 �I�11 i11t3� {tp6p� 1.�w.m 2'!'1.3 rp. 32• �F'• 3' •76• 25• YT.TS• b' 3�5• ^. ]+r• a1• ia• l�.a Gv.r_ a15 un.. p iiilal' - 3 � _ _ 1�1131. f91+�1 C� (9111 61tb} f7R5} It`�y71 fd511 - - - - {�1Iq04 - {�1�411 tRl C�h -32[u.m i42 d kp ❑li4°I � '�2' 37.;5� 3* 3s' 30' 6' 33.73' �.3` 55.5• �2 S' 'T4'� 2A' !1• 2 1 36}` 51• i2�.5' 1a 9 pr 0. 62G�s. �R911 IY067} pp[F1 {76M i'9��f+4) f�3N 11521 (85�3 11�! f7Wl C374Y (6601 �171! !�J (�.�! C�.�! 19i1E i1.95} 41UI101 1.4 W.�n_ 2l121m. �� 9?' ai" _ 31.75 3• 36" �' E` �33.75• 39.5' 2" 2t` � 15 S' 12 5' 7S�125�'�It 75•`5125' 2 1 ' 3ip�" 51• �2..5' �<6.s a tt, 68Q Rn fAt39 Iitl6Tl f���I (l9} Clt11 �d7621 IfST! flS�� �{t(�ii 65ay f593! �} fJS71 !AN] l"S52} t36� {lS.liL�! �LS.G061 E39i1 {1295} {tfleb��f.1 w.m a991� �p 9it7 t �`` IY'.. _ 37.]S 9�' 38' 7G' 8^ 33 7S' �.S• � �' S1` 42.5' +16.D eu R 3001ht. �et3} ��i067} � �570} f.761 �<) f�9 f15�] !�i 11p0�Y - - - - - - - 14`.0001 499i1 la2%} f7G9C4 1�m.m ?2b.8 kp. 3�• �2• . . 3• �•.%• a�5• 7�.• g• 39.5' t � 3t' i u• � 77• iti.3a n. 3151ba �t��' {8t3i (s467� ff5) '(9t�Y �'t10} t�3] {1`�1 �f1D001 _ ._ - - - - - (13.ODN � (�54�lfitlE9 CYif3� f 3.^rv m tl2E�p 'M�leq trarn a oP�a7 'F+CrKWk Tary-1.T5'(ui1 'E+iop af rased y�s b a�dqr i.6?S'I117I OQ NOT INSiA41 C.�fvECFI(wl fJyENS''A'ITHtXIi LEGS pR ORt G4eT�R FiUYES. u�iurr rr��v��ariarr: CLlS�196l;1441 -Total BRl 7�.DW. FIn4u�red nps��ng preeaura�:IJaIW'iJ Gl!B'W.G.:k�apane C9as 10'YV.C. CCS-7363�C4f42S-Tospl 9TfJ 11S„i300. µ� A PpES5t1AE pEC,UL+�70A IS lJQr F9JRNISkE�/�S S7ANDAF'S[?WI�1 TMIS 1361-1:1�21-1-TaTel BTi7 9{},ppp. �M� lall�p:142t-0- toSar B7U 9�O.ppO. � ,iSl�11h•Cpnne4Ynn(S �+�d enlN.7�rW ldrttRleJ-I�r IOCati�n!�!6 tlfllrifyp at�nra �C-CC'1�i]d'i;CO-142t pnly �'PS�a�''+a�+'W(3M Paqe SA�2t�vnfh s'FinYC+rr MpuuislPr p STAHflAAb: 11516[�J'1 -lurrfizkY�d wMh bh.COftl wi3'Vrp�q i�IW,. li7Eil nuaimunl ❑N�TitFiAL _3 PiiOPANE sm�PS Q2. rr��.���� .���"� ���'�(]�N�� .�i�'�Cr�F����'�W�.�}�: baor Fi�yvy tluiy�WiM�ri7a n�rvy hlrx)9x.I�KdLUSiGriiry 66nGNF ipnnSi ■� wu s1►errs-Ccawn�rer�Lia Ru�w-32'weda�94`n,gr,c}ookin9�v L�"� arKs cM'rn��r;saa for e�aay ee��arr3ert.voritne mw caxh,r�nd w,nb.s srae3 msan rrar.r�+�](r,ck,arq�E••rapn rafuxabYs atair,l�a�si up,a i�puorwl Np Irar�a�, �dGcan.imRraqr�[en aaav eee�. Sada tnp urnta}. 91ow�Fr��nd lfalrs�r ii4 Yiotwppw�.i725 r9+�.60 cyde,1B5 wli AG,hiqh�AflWaicy ��11�FinFRh: SlLn1!\6 Si001 lIC�PII and tGp+Mill WMh CLk![7�n�hlack ln6rtlW p�p. UOPm8iM1711! lP�It phiiY rtiGl�r Mth �fR1�qM 3u6rlcaEed ball �F�f17�s. 4W1'b/bd (�y streNrsa 8�eal wnert�raquiroa.j �rrat�ctle+n arw C�asa.•0,�rneulslioe, AAOmr�+auunM9 ro+lu or own.Mo�w aen�caawa f#Mq�Top: Smaol�r.P��hrA qrddle uo Gs SIB=1hi�1c.hal rpll�d.8�••••�n••w ground frOm k4n 4f[�n[hru we�n caviqy. !iNl1�q!W�iR A1Qh fill�tl fit�Aa�.0[1FWQC0 tlfAl�fl W 111CIXY6!}f6M�]M9!and}p9111Y8.. F��iC[IiEJI��raFi: W(R@��ryf 7111g14�{W.1��WOt Y�wtV1 fuBBd GO�RPOI.Uftufl.�i e+2e 4ttwqh vMh d+r.d�ram rts[c luqe pniyF�Qfiw1M.Foy In Ld he�ed by two PdqIF ��nd 3-Dr9n4 9rounCed�plug sug�I�eC 49e�ed baP ty�aa burnpro:w�tl�asmmer•aac ry�pe va�v4 wn[rds ereC wmma[ic lig►i[er GM CDACIOI Syat�fn: tnclurbs rodLr7dare se11rAWCa,praasllre r�julamr,flBfM nrilCh Tap Bum�r E�ax L1nYn�p: Ta Ee construaed d eiurs�rirzed�ee6 ss�pety.p3ot Bhmr.Pila1 ed,�uCCmira..#nd rrunve�wsn eernca ahu[�ertF r�M. Sr�SMMr Cfiarsn�{�, "V'=eAapes7 C7u�nr�ahsU Aa prpvid�itl 4D K�eampaee E3�ctroNe lynttion: �n a�n oNy ra�qh MdGq�.mAerk�ype�nrtar wrtt++lkert�e anYdf ��'�^0�an9e'k+�+s+f�h tap snd irorrt}En b�l�ry��C3�1 p�mus br slor+Rary seal�np. �ah'diewc� Ekczronic gnrtivn r.�sc4vaMtt ay F?wn Pwvar pn S+n+�tch,thw iqntiMtip aRsndmp c�iad.Nhlfi{Nrn FYfww Swioeh crr df pae�tron.tne q�rs auppry sa tM tl�n h f� QPT14lf-Thermwta�ic tLWdle Gondvf-Atltl f+rfix T-to Modai Numnsr.W}!h complwmay Fnvt oM.4pernae an ai5 wn ay+4em fkrr�6r24Q va7,ayarrm�naost�arws ev�RS sn�olUill(]t}'pe thern'11�1e�afe pritldN tbrtt�v�a -C+ne pbr 9aeh 16'�p aiClon. a ra4�iran�arm6ry.In casw o[NiC4orlie�6��rfiddl5!rllw's,avsn Cin bM�Mtistl Tempsrrsure rae�a 1S0"�F ro 5p(}°F. try manua��y tghtlny 1ha pi#at. ■ (S'UAIfWRD DYEN UNiI'} G 336]-86'O�P: J 1i3t-i2'Dwp ��lis�fln�p: Aluminu�e staa-�bar purnoc SD�I!an rst+rcul�tsa hau dirc�dly iFrflm Iretvbr. Cav�ry aw�s.bp,Aack�nd raCk gc�bs�:o�b�awmuitzse�tent.�C1wn batlom� eanoustrcr�sree er,d wrtnin owsn cawry. and bPar 4nlny to F��va percylain anam�4 F�niah.Fvur rdes orr0'!vp txf w7n m Ea '��: Locat�d Vn a1Mr.�A tltawtt. inwlat�tl wnh 1+es+ry.sal4�supp9+tlnq.llYack typa rack�woi with trWr�6Alffe aasemhly Cartrt�k+nclWa: u7+lafnaCUO p1 AJvmsTl eY+rN, POyws Swtiidh: CoMrol�pvwar In ovan, Raol��nd RnGk i3ufdu: �-Pn6liion rack�uiee�wAh ma remu�a.0ia�acic. Fsts 8silaR� 7wa Pvaition:ane Id naimnl oqeraiian,one kr kirced 000l ilowsl Goar H�vy Cu1y consYfuNW1 wilh ealtn hpawy luny�a allC Unb�#lklbl�q1�177�1tia TYMi^1n6pl1: Ad}u6L6b lor 750'F lo SOQ°F SCf�pltbt4r0 I'Va411. W+tn cow sunurar nvreae. ovrn a�rey uqh:: Cyuec,.im oren piu�+wr. Contro�a: Uwn SriAmiaelat ksw sert�aratare typr anlusrat�le tw 150'F vs SUO•F " Csntmi Orswr L?ooNnq Sy7t�n: 4.oc�d N nu ef rang�Aueomatic ac7�rabon at temlper�[un earpa Autamtl�i�1My pilo!�n mdhwtl Sypa. 15D•F.Elbwst runs cordrwusiy urn�l�tamparatura irq�du cnr�d Q4wMt ds7C4 b 0�•F ■ �cx�rw€crw�+�uNrr} �r,�saay_as•o.�v, o co-ssrs-ra•o..P °s"P�as�uevb.ew+�rnr�,.�n. M�Aar C^en1Y s�i�s,m0.awn baltxrr rritl tloar linrlq iro Mve porca�eri anartsN 1�rtisn. � 1G8EMET llASE C1MIi} Q t9E1-t-�i'tl�ap� ❑1437.1-+F2'�F Fan t�lR�lo be alum�nued s�esl.Foer�rWs and wp d wa+e�tre inw9e�witn Px�ar9�. Bua m oe lsaa sr«yn arKf QroWtled wrlh opan�raq�e onrr+verrm+eree.w�in a+e mter• SeN-suPp�unq.Gloek ty�pe roc�wad. mvq�rw s!rvvt m�l fhaH.Stumau a6sal Imm ura[�dac�catxnet urKaiwr. n.a�.�w w.ek ard..: �n oae+�a,nawy e�.s a«s a�����,rx-� ■ t�aec,�roR uwrr� o���a-�a•n++Q; v,sz,�n-cx•w.v rnin 3 rerrrovanie P41ed r8cl�a,fFor Goat r#uUa.na rrwrs ITwi 3 iatYo�1'q��r1 b6 wud.Y 6�W"lvgh�nd f38'hgA wrth oppnn L° Lrg Frame).Tabae toc+�gn SEG'TIDNAL RANGE OPT'IUNS & ACG�SSORIES SHOWN C7N PAQES SR-1�, ��, 33 and �4. MIS�EL�.ANEt7US INFOFiMATI[31V� �����o��,,,w�aP�ra�,r.w,a-�+�.���e��nu.,..�o,, Th�s unR rnx pwDG�d wrCR e puy prsaru�n nqul�r.T1q uMi musl W connreutl with r�.UOw b"{2p,9 Cm)G�ea,rariu nn si�aura 8'(76 an}ClaaraPWS 6n nMt, �+wrquaery�uec 4a++t��urye ww�eue rogu�uur.wrNeh u csrt�iae�a r�wy n�ha una�e ca,�ecun e�r.ay m an��nur.a�+A:���pprw�o avw�+erdr es��srwr r�4YiQnrzad twS1�nS7+qrnu�+.�i�.Fi�qu�er9 r�pulator artld au�pply Iina dMpi�r�tli muffi ba Yna411atl a!tlae flua ouSl�t. w+lyya c!1u�iiladan ane numbu ol ur�ha u��wy. � Gheek Iroatf wdss kx fwe u�sa aan�tary regW��xtns. Ii lnpnq Ileu hoea�cannsCWt,tha r.A aiwu�nat ba am�iiar Ihen 1'snd mwa oomply wfl�h Treas�eee�41arJ ire nat mii�ls on SsiYbrW GOnveCtlfl�r� AN$I�21�. Se4TWffd GwIM��w�n C7`bnn C6n�rGt De o{1eFtISC w�fhw!Fen m pp�lpn. I�Cii�IE�I�IqAT 1YiSA'�c�R 3 1�'6(1!f IYifl�GlVIC!itlOUlld 9i 11bld[0 MM1N17�@ 17PM3U! iMlfYG�d kr dA@F 1h815 1�p{�i1R#IIS�. etnin On fl�x h4�w, SoutAh��nd,In MM wlth t1a potiry 10 orn�llnu�Ny ln�year�ib pradl�eSs,I�Nfvw 1M Fbcummentlid-dnsidY urM7Y�v#Mlad h09Q. rlqht.lG dun�m�Yettai�ar pa�ilYwllvis wlHwul notlCaY_ - DIJR'AY/J.F. DCINCAN 1NDIJ5TR1�5, INC. � COLC}RADC7 DFF1C� �@#J1PM�N7 SPECIFICATfON SNEE7 �$35 W�ST dXFQRa AV�NUE, $UfTE#7 EIIfGLEWC7(3D, CC�L[�14ADQ S'Qfi71� (�03J 7F�F=5[]�11 FAX(303) 787-5097 PRQJEC7 VAiL CRSCAD� HQTEL ANC� CLUB VAfL, CC)LQRADO i7ENl N[7. 28 DESCRIPTIOM SA�.P,MAf���F� BROI�ER �_���� (]6JANTITY p�� ��� MANLIFACTURER SOiJTHB�Nb Mt7U�L N(], IU1R/�-32V11 ACGESSC7R�ESIDRTIONS GAS PR�SSURE REGULA�QR ASSEMBL'�'. WAI.L �1lC]Lfh1TING FiARdINARE AN�7 BRA�CK�TS, M�U�IT CJN WA�L AS SHQWN IN �'LfiNS. � PLUM8ING �LECTRICAL 112" GAS @ 30,JOp 8TU'S M�CH�INI+C►4,L ' ST�AM N�QT� ! Q�ray1J.F. C�u�t�an Indus#ries, �n - Mfr ���enci Page 1 - - - Model: MRA-32W af 2 � ������ ��� ��J.V3.1��� ��1� .LI�C� i �l`�f F�I.C�'��� ��Q�L���7 Gounter, IN�Il, Sal�mander Stainl�ss 5teel Firsish St�ndaTd MRA SEFilES I _ ' � i � � �� . ._ " _____. '. . II - _ 1,. i � � __"T M t,v" " � Nlodef MRA-3F Far high voluma hroiltirg in a IimRed amcxartE r�}udng brvifirx,l trn�e as much as 5fl°Ia.Broi3 resistance.8roiler grid t�anstructed of.375" oi spac�e.Tum an unused�upyter,wral6 area, in half the timv w�ith 113 less gas �or fu,el diameter wa#ded steei rod.All MRA�braiess ar range t�ack inta a Faigh prs�duccti�broi�ing sawngs of up ia 66�Io over ardinary broilsrs. have 5 adj�stabde grid pasitrc�r�.s.All br'oilers center. Cn just 9�s�conds,the ceramic tipe h�urner have remrn+able grease traps, I b�n'i�s giowirwg red�mittirtig Ir�Cer�se i�tra- red enerc�y�t�reak etFici�r�cy-A na waiting Fleatin S StQtR for lhe hroiler to wa�m up. Brviling sinoke , 9 � Teohnlcal Ua#a Unlike otE�er energy saurces,in#ra-�ed has �'�'�P°f5 wm'1 aff�t bral�ng�. Unrt cirrne�ior�s,utilliry mfan�atian,oanstn� � some unique ct�aractenstres m�ii ideai No matter how heavy the k�a[i or how maray uc�n spec'rficatiorrs ai�d misoeilanevus inf�r- n 4or kxniding.�Vav�ls a�ttie spsecf a�IigYrt and �ads are brd�ed,it aQrttmues to bmil at peak mation is listed on the reverse side. railscts light,sa iYs fast.A�nd,iLs pawer is effic�ency- conc�rrt�at�d.Fast,9C}�nd pt�heat with Broi!1"•thick ste�ks td medium rare in just � nv wait�ng b�tween loads.lt�aes ncat h,eat q.�,�� �inutes, or quarter-pot�nd han°r- {Fyarranty the a�r through which it travels,sv oYs more tsurc�ers in just 1 z1t minutes.E�nvrrrical to C7ne year Parts and Lahor Warranty ai na effic�ent and bro�ling staR�ans are cod�r— �rate—abo�t a G�per hour. extra charge from the date ot purchase. irnportant pluses Cor fast, high prvciuction broil�ng. Assemhly 5#ructure Capaa�r�ti�� Double wa�l r�nfor�ed sibes and bacic. T"he intense infra-red�nnergy quickty per�- Exter�or 20taau� stainless steel. Intericx trates meat. locking in natural juices and walks of t8-g�uge aluminizeci st��for rust wa�me�ynrm cn�s ea��ane aroe�ct cl�spn wc�tr[noacs..Su�ranmern�a�na prY�tle liy duyrr 4D C4ftrPldqDrl�7irg c►anges,imprwsm�rux,adcitiortc ar rePf+9�C�ments!ar Pr@+''�a+sJy uurtttiasee equiprnenL i .+ % ^�. �,��;�:� �;�NSF,� � F,,,.: � . —- - - — -- — DuraylJ.F. Duncan Industries, Irt � Mfr: �obend �age 2 - - — — .- — - -- - M�del: MRA-�2W of 2 �� � �1 ��T`� � �!*t1���'S � ca�at�e�r Wa�,sa�rn�r�der sa�.as� t9.I5�. 16" i 1411Y mml+-� 4Si h.tnl�j 1�15" �... 19 75' x F.- �A(�mm� p.__iB"wy I ��,�•�_� ""'1�mn.F 157 mwi:l li�mm1 C4]m�ml I�0{m Y I � IM7B n1nl I I r--16 -+{� f 6 ...a..� {���I � II{$nnml E �E NE �� F E '� s� � �� �� �� �� �� �� 1= � �.n E � 1 � �.��� '^� n� �„ ��� .�� � � � r � .�} 1 _ s.,� Se.a18 1132� 1" s S� rs E �n _ J�S ` �r � T � E+ — _ ��;,E �. ��� �a ..c. p� . �$ -i3 i� � � � � � E E � E �.� � �"'� :0� �� '�d E ��^.� �,��5 _ -� a� ^- � CO�fMI'ER WALL MOUhI7 SAi.AA�IANPER SA'�.AMANbEFi S.�LAMAN�7E7� C MHw 32C ']MRk 32w Fw 32' Fryr 38.5' Fo�6f3.7S^ Sact�anet Ranr�e ii�stsuwm Ra^4tl Fkrcaurarit Ranpe G MRA 32 ❑I�ARII 36 ID MRA 6Q ���� � MO�EL ��� C�ah1C WldlA [lepth Helyht ilelurnt �a�xa sE�t�ES 36" 22,5' �" 12.&5 cu.ik. fs AdJ.Grxi Pas�z�o�na� MRA�36 2.s�a.TS-s�s.25��.5• V'�4} f5T!? (fi86) 36 cu. m. fram ewnsr) — _ PERFa�14�AN�E SPECIFICATIc]N�: Eiu Flasurg—a2,tl�B'►Ulnr.nasural or pro�arw 9+� tra�ilinp wcnniq„ne or sa,wslms�u a Ibro�irq semp«a:uro. PrlhNl Time—BO�ecar�s. O,ear F�: L.g�ibn caWiCii1'.xU-Aauge eFurtim�xetl s1aM qr�tq�Win tWlscss rwwFf aatd erw.g 7lm�a—t^anick.atears In 4—�sy mm.�mrd'nmv�nue�:on►�vvanx P��+ cur o�1 w�+y,�mawe m sn,p�y nr ci�an. Gurqwa in t sy m�n.:.ya'dhick chaps in 3--t mVn. 8ierrrNy: Thrw.��,�,..a.�,�{�,nqurfulY+;F���Y`4u1y irMrs-r0d DxmM7 wilh Bm�er GnC Size—2375-wwrSe K 145'bMP C�'r W.in.i .�iouth'6�19 itr_luf+++rr SCtwunk t�rr�n�c lile cAe�W,p t60p•F�fsf1�C!ismpxsluree kar NR tNSTALl,,4TION SPECIFf�`ATIt]N8: "'"`9°"B''Ay�"°''"'"�°'''°'�'. Asquwa nesure�y,as oa�raur�p yrra.�r��a•w�Fte�rcsd prnparw pa�oparaz�n$Prsa ��Co�Aaok Hsas7"��11��$��ffl���d�c�q W 1k1�r.Hr#iM p�id can t�a rall�a or bmwa�w turther ac]jue6�1emp�r�s'br n ixhn IrRertrsel awe Ve W`W.G.A prefaur�rmgulator is suDRi�rH[h tnYs�rxl.Thv ropwrad Gr1r � �� �' aue ta reputarnr is 318'NPT.I!urinp F7kn�rme.ihe i.a.should rqt De amalier�me �`°e`8'�re rAyuWo�.I�cfory prw�t���W.G.wr renw�!gas,!0•W.Ca tor pkcpauM Ws+ 1.0.of tha manibk#ot thm un+t 1!vs bsing wnnscSetl�k.RsM aa8 i�Ylai c�nllar 6r1�ls 14CWd Vlf6ur�ls proper gaa pressure 1ar elticill+tiS 9plr�WXi.A 3!8•�wtierNll gs6 Imb i�/+neCS�Bn ii Sii'trom sne bonom reVu�ed m pnsssurc rwaulau�or. And 3f4'i�hCtm thr right&tlY�6 you lar�the unit.A battam BCCaBS rr••�[a++MprJCMI: Include 4"tormf[S rt�sl bps. Ifdr eafRx lin6 I�s 1 W'tf�t7 rt1YI ilv�d 134'frO+n ngh}EidB aa pwa Ft�cr Uw unil. +YWII Ycd�1�; Ir�Ciudl�hNVy-duty foraeierl w��fl�lyrW..ptt rtlpufltiYp pr�ciral. C�NSTRUCT�OtV �HI@OINGj SPEC�FICATlOFtS: sr•�•�•�: ����s,�i�wr�«t��a,�+wxs.s•�. 'l`�GlAet: [1u1/6ie w811 rer�b2`BfJ 5M1p�&11d btCk.SIaI��nIY9S 8W9f ErOn!eIK'!eidsa EfI+KiPrd. ��'�iM�IInG Mil dhielA IdCa19d t1n h�lOPfn Of GAOIIf�t4 plvl�LY Cl171br hLYn Aa�l 96Y�s�. IrRrrlOr wraHa 18•gasagB�kumrtinC iS+ME fOf fySt Mi+3tlnca a[sd atl��'�D+tOp. 8rtil!!r Cirrfd: 2375°rnd� x 14a'"Qeap.Caf116VUdeC G 3T5'd+i waided st�al rod. Ap�rard�: AGA pasgn C�ertil4d,N.$.F,Llst�d. BnaKr+IiiiO Ad�uaw�r+rt Ad MFIA lirw�r�havs 5 adaustahie gntl pasiuons.GriO alitlms NO7E: Fw infUJtatpn vn wmb�ntlbh ikwrs�nd aa7jad�rrc3 00 co�n4uppbN+�Wb.albw in ti.ra�7 out on haivy.duty rollw�uM can 6r��r{�otwos�na up a dawn ksr f�[changa i,n. 6'{152 rnmJ tf�aramr ii�F1LliL�rLfiL `iiJilliliL�\i�.Rill V.��. V��+.[. NCJT FCFR Bt7iT.�EE+DLD aSE. � DURAYIJ.F. DUNCAN 1NDLISTRIES, inrc. �CC7L�RADC]C]FFfCE �QUIPM�lVT SPECIFiCAT�C31N SHEE�' 2835 WFST OXFC?RLy AVENUE, SUfTF#T �rv��Fwoc�,�, co�c�r�a�a sor�o (31?3J T87-5�LI? FA1C(3a3J T$1-SD9� PRQ,lECT VAIL CASCRI�E HCITEL A,h1D �LUB VAIL, COL{�RAQQ fT�M NQ. 29 DESCRIRI'IQN RE�RfGERATQRI�R��zER ���� �2UANTITY C�hfE (1) MANUFACTURER dELFIEL'� MODEL NO. S�.RJF29-HS I�CGESS�RIESIL�PTIC,�NS ONE S�CTION, SELF-C�N'TAfNED, AIR-CQOL.��. HfI�G�AS SHUINN ON PLAhlS {ON L�FT). ������ �� � pLUMBING �i��CTRIGAL 12� 'VtJ�T- 'f PHAS� - 141.7 AMPS M�CHANICAL STEAI4rl �VOTE D�vraylJ.F. Quncan �ndustri�s, In --- ---- — Mfr; DelflePd i P"a�e 1 _ Model: SLR1F29-Ha �f 2 - -- — --� � fi'�' � a ��1�'��1�1 ' � • � � 1 / i i ` - � 343Ia" []�Gp 5e�f-Contained Sofid Davr Reach-!n SLRIF, SCFIR .� .,�, Refriger�torlFre�zer C+ambinations T��'��" ° .��= .;, �=:�--�-. DavrS—SUlid door tc�be constructep of ssairyless sl�el—�'CM gac�qp exlerioe. {,�'�� ' ;--r ' __... _ " .-"r �2 gauge �ntenar pOpr�tv 4e prov+ded with sali-�Insrn�, cam-�if! hrrsges Ce- � °- - -- . ., , SignEd fpr e3sy door removal.MtagnBirC g35keC5[o bB 6ndp�in ty�f6r sBSB OP �"'�"� _ replacernent. HandJAS�o be�reGe?558d w�th aual acaess!ea[ur�for ngM or Veft �. ` hdnd pUll, Cahinet InleHor—Lrngr t0 be cvnsxructed ol 22 r�auge sta�nless saeeL Battam �Rd �tlJ(j Q�II:I�Bf I�o be d��e-stamped �o prpvi�e radius corners and recessed �g3'��� : d�o[torrs. �dGh un+i IC he pmwded woth(3)ChromC j3[algd ShBiwes p6r t3e,�ur 58CYion.Shafl � : . suppnrts tU be can54ruCleC�I slamlefss�teel w+lh shelv�g�d�wgtablg rn Vne i�ch R a : irzCremenls. «,�' "` ; .�: Gabinei Exterinr — �xtenpr sides,iront,and ShrBUd tD be Cor,sirucled ot?0 ! � gauge stamress sieel t]aors and �hroud tc�be remova�le wilhout Shs use of � I� � � ,t'. CGOIS � i g Eaeh unit ta he�ra�icleC wrth�djuSldl7!B 6"I� 5. ;��� L �• � � �,..-e;�; .. . .� -•�� Refrigerati�an Syst�m—fiefng�rat4r.'Freezer cpmh�nBlipnS!0 be deS�gctEel Ip �"=" �;? = rnainlain 34"4fl 40°F in[he refd'ige�aipr S�ct�an and -5'fo�°F in Ihe fraezer :+�\. .� '" seci�an Each sys[em lCr t7e h�gh capacaty design prouitl[Yf with th�rmos¢atic :�:x° + expansion va9ues and intenar mnunr evapOraoof const�uc[s�n.Retnqaralor caols ���n to Ge�inyl coared tor Cvrroslvn pratectmn and lreezer cpiES io be StageG!�in '�- t i _ construction ic� prcrvode max�mum ef4ica�ncy +with lewer Ceimst eycles. �e- � IngeraYion fpr bpth seCtlans to be pr4v3oed�rore,a�ing9e�ondensir+g uni4. �ie4ngerafdr and ireezer sec;lepns to 6e canlrt�lled separaFeiy by lwo MC3" � m�cropraeessors{so4ed state cvntroisl w�th �emperaaure, time, datrasz d�sp�ay, � tl8or ajar and Giean eondenser adert. se4f-daagTlosi�c tunecions, anC aulom&E- � �Gpr[�grammao�e 8n tlemand delrost sysiem on freezQr. Con4rods ta be Ip�asnci hetlsna Rig•u� Pront parrel and include energy savong Swdches to y�ermit mare economacal o�eahqn whc�n��ndiSrpns afEOw. Fewer supply swatCh to be prodid�d�n)unCt�on box dct top 4}unr4. Qptic�n� and A��cessories • Half tlp(3rs—Add su}1ix"H"and spec[(y door arrangement • Remafe —Add suffix"'R"and s�ity retrsgeran4 typs • ���ers • Tray spibes • �hrpma plal9fl faCk � Ex=ra shelves arsd 6ridges ■ Sta�nless stesl back DucaylJ,F, Duncan Indus'tries, In Mfr: Delfield ! Pac�e 2 - --.. _ ' Mcadel: S�RIF29-NS ' af Z . ..— _ - I � ' " i ! i � i / ` ' � DIMENSIt7NAL DATA SLRIF?9-HS $LRIF6�$ S�Fi1F8d-S SLFtR 8�5 �� � �S�tn' �wt• -----�; ���. � � � � yr tsw 3n+�^s � _._�. � ta��r �— i � r�vt wm�000t+Aw4a s+�R(wn a,Ekovveo �• � ��� � r�y. . �. H@Y7 � � � � 1sw -�-� I � � y.--- r s• V � T � _�� i �' i ' i � .� ,�,. � � �'�" P �����- ' �- � ar� '� sa� � �i— xrr�r � a� � T �i � s� � I Fbit C4YPARFMENi!7fi1P. (9)SM£LVES TD BE � 0, I �. � � SE6 DESCR{PT1OH 6ELCPiY. � ADJiASfAQLE N4 1`1NCREMENTS. a� .�—Y �� C � �f - xav,- � �ra- � �w• s±v:• -�-� �ra: � � ' �ELFCDHTAINEFI REFR!(iEFiA�f�IFAE�ZER Cali16WATi0HS � Si0AA6E SHELIVEB M0.6F GlEU1fT SYSTEM 110DLR GfSCRrFT10M RiFT� �. SHELYE3 �q �GFAelTY ;S�H�iT, �. � �� � . �SIFL�F29ai.S Tc+q e�FFkk. t6.7 8.7 t i0S0 2WV B22 I f'� � 60f Vt-Fru. 16.7 9.7 i �� � �rpp�, ' �i. . &tw�srrS r,.n��r,�. zi.� n.i a s�na aypp � '� � Ri@ht DP�Fra 21,� 17.7 3 SLFG'FSFS I.�IOrFrzr. fi1.3 37b d 2Df14 .`�l13 f0Y9 2�o+s.�mn. I r�.� z�.� � � �f)pR CLEAiiAkCE s€s+�o-s urn oc-�. �r.a i�.s s �sn saao ,e�a ����`i �I�AElN56f3W5 z R a�.-�r �a.s sr.n e ' DC?OR UPENING tSIAIIENSECIFFS MECHAHICAL f]ATq , la� ;� � � WLTS FIEW YCT�EL lt.P. AMPS (00 HZ 1 PN) PL110 ltrfs•i � _--_� -�__� � S�R+�-H5 trx t2 t�5 srsP I � , :� � I � , 54�iirFSe.S 3N ts rt5 5.�pp I ; �-s s �e s�srxo�aao ww�rw�aeu• i � � Gonden�inq t�n�l wirtd to I�n�vn + GlF1A6FS t 7 t6 ,t5r�290 sUtFio wirtED' --___�_�_ _� OCU� 7f"abare f�wr. 1 t5V madel5 pimv�dEtl wit�8' COrd an�plvy 11- 't1�AA 1�20P f�lilf35�PF#QNtDEA t7N 3t572�23qV IAODELS YYlI?i fiJlS7EA . D(}�� [�Ghad. 115f208-t�3QV t9'[O�GEIS � ��7L}R � prmndOd rliUs Slrmrnii SSriP 8rld 718 � kn�cic-tul m ounctwn h�c 1or fieid 3�O�DR wltir�cor+nectwn5. . bt1E 1O A CCMPfIHVf7t15 PRO�GRA)A OF?Rp6UCT IMPqOVEAIENf.pEIFIELQ RE'5€RVE$THE FEN[iHT TO lM9CE�NkMGES IN DESN3Ft hHp SPECtF7GTIC�hiS YMi3110UT PRIOR NiQTIG£ � T�ae I)��fl+eId �ori7p�t7Y �'`"�� ; A�r►ALC(3 Standard Cvmpany � P.d.Bcac 47Q�MG Pk�san�lMfchi�an 48844-�47fJ u� {5171 7i'3-7981 •Sab-a48-$�i � 'r av��a r�.�.�. r�urr�c,aN in�DUSrr�iFS, i�rc. � Cf]L(7RADQ C3FFlCE E�lJIPM�NT SPECIFiCA7IC�[V SHEET 2835 WESF t7XFQR1']AYENUE, SLl1T�#7 ENGLE4Nt7C7,[], GOLOR�l,�C3&dt 9U {�i?3J 787-5001 FAX(303} 181-5�91 PRDJECT VAIL CRSCADE H�TEI.AI�'C] CLUB VA�L, CU�.C3RADCJ ITEM N0. 30 aESCRIPTfC]N RADIAMJT BRQIL�Ft @UANT#TY C]I�E {1} MAN�UFACTtlf��R MQIV7AGUE AAQpEL MC�. ��5 ACCESSQRiESfORTIpNS GAS pRES�URE F�EGIJl.ATQR ASSEMB�Y. 314" REAR GAS CQIViVEC1�IC7N. MC]UI�TEQ C7N (7R PAd�T OF IT�M#28, CO�IVECTl�N QVEN. C3NE (1) T& S#HG-4b-SK-48 COMM�RClAL USE A.�G.A. AhJD LOCA� CC)[3E APPRUVEU �C7�Y GC)A�ED FLEXIBLE S�fAINLESS ST�EL HC3SE ASSE�BLY 48" LQNG, INZTF� FRE�Si�il� FdTTIFJGS ANIJ � SWIV�� LIHKS C7N B4T�i EI�[�5, C�UICK [3i5CCjh1NECT AS5EM8LY C7N DN� END, AND 1NITH lh1ST'AL�L}ITIOM1f1I�ESTRRlNING KdT. 'ff2"THICK METAi� TQP PLATE ASC}VE �P�ATE WA€�MiNG). PLUMB�NCs �LECTRICAL 314" GAS @ '�2�,00(? BTU'� MECHANICAL ' STEAM NQTE DuraylJ.F, Dun�an Industri+�s, In - Mfr Man#ague Page 1 --- --- - - - Mode1� C45 � af 2 � � I�r���T��u� �'�-E �T� H+eavy Du�y �,�,�rnc�,� Radic�lc� Gas BrQilers . w�th Madular �t�nd -� C3�, C45 �-��`.-.--�- .y-rr-��---�. , S,, _..._3 .�> '�� � ��ti:._ � �w�� - �:` � _ _ �;:�'��� --.<�c...""�'��,� ,,, "'�. '� , :i_z_�'°. � GEN�RA� "Radlglo"oWerfired gas hroilers��livarth�true,inlrared radi�nf h4ai required Tor high sp�eed�rafiirg,wlth peAect �—s�own wi�s result$9v&ry time. In3ense inlrared heat wavos tiifBCted s�andard srs rrons a�d dawnward by the cerami�racfiants peroetrate a!V exposed 2s•rma,�ac s�and. surlac8s ot ths meat.Coa!air current�which pass upward ' an�#avartt�a r�at suppan the perte��vmbustivn that i maincair�s the 10�0°F to 25(10°F,{538°C ta 13?2°C], temperature a1 tha racfiants. Sinea na hai air or convectsr�n cur��rst�can intervane, ����1���'�FEATLfRES,Co�1t. meat is cooked entirsly by radiat�an.All meats,even GREASE RECEPTACLE: thinrrar cuts,retair�th�ir juices,ilavc�r and teridemess— +E�ra iarga capacny,tront mounted gr$aae rec�ptacle, aayd allaw minimum shri�kage.Adj�ust�Gle grid and �7-112'wide x 3•1C4`deep x 3-1l16"high.Easlly independent�qnkr�Is allvw the aperatorlo read6Ny adjust remova�ole. hr�diling eon�tions to custarner r�equirarr�enis. •fulf-wfdt�graas�deflactor,Lcacated ur�der grid la STANL714RI3�EATUR�S preveat grease}ram dripp�ng vnto flvar when SIIIVGGLE 6RC�ILER: g�d fs extend�d.EasiCy remava�ie. �C35�-Two cast ir��b�rners with cerami�rac€iants. MC3�LILAR 57AND: C.�S--Thres�ast iran bumars witFr cararrtiic rad�anis. •c3s—36'wida x 3d-1/4'deep x 4'high base. Ear�bumer,ratecf at 42,bff0 BTUMFt,Is independently Gts—4S wiae x 34-t/4'daep x 4"high base, ccantrfllled wnh cc�r�st�nt 3�uming pilvt for au�amatic .��•�S�adjvstable S�5 l�gs,(25"hlgh wfth dase). Ignitian.Even h�eat distributian. CHRDME PL+�7EI�GR1DS: �lNISH �C3�—Two piece grid.�T w�de x 27"deep. EX7�RKJR: c.4s—ThrBe piace gnci,35"+�ftie x 27"deap. Satin linish stainless s4sel iront.Ramainir�axter�or bl�cic, Baih with r,s�urttsr•balanced gnd assemt�ly for ei#ort�ess �I paonted s�rfa�es have el�ctralytic zinc unc�ar�o�ing tv� raising and Ipwering.Payitiv�iacking iift a�echanism wi3h c�rr�sfon prataction and longet(i1e. cvol grip b�ll handle.Grf�rolls easily an sifent,long-��fe ��T�fl�������c°st}: ball beanngs.E�s'sly rem4vable f�r cleaning. O'S!S full 4eft sida C] "Sl;i 1uEl right skia CS'S/5 bddt O 'S!5 top •In}f�ne gri�adjustmant wifh a cange of 3"!ar precisic�� Not�:8�adt tinish with stairr�ess steeY valwa par�1 broiiing.Grid c�earan�e:�"minimum t4 5'mazimurn. avaiRabin.(Refer to price Iist.J � AJ� '�i�i� duraylJ,F. E]un�an Indu�tries, In -- — - Mf�: Mc�ntague � Page 2 – --- --- --- __ Model: C45 of� � �'VIC�T'�,TTA�UE � �'���] "Radig�o" Broiler —C36, �45 Dlmenslana in parenih�sk�aro cenvmrlen. �a.3F4'P+IPT GBS itti(fi 6" II �15.2] � 34-tld' �e7.of 3-tl4'� T4P VIEW �$.�� 3B'nr d5• r5Y8' (1d.3} � (51.4} (t74.3} � �� � � � (71.1} � � ` � � � � 3-irs• 22'Max—� --1 5'Mrn (12.T) [�.U) � ��' {55.e> ! � �a-srr es.�t���ru� , (�.s} } ————— —� 53-118' � � 3!4'NPT Gas Inlet � 2'�! (8.0j 0 0 0 � €7 3d.9� 41' � Q•J I1i31.0J (t 0.2} �- 2x• {53.sJ � _ ��'— � F�i{]APT ViEW LEFT�IC}E VIEW IMPQRTANT �� waavr�� Prop.n. Gas broilsrs must be installe�d in acxordancye wlth IocaJ I - �PE 4F GAS a.n-wc to.�s^wc c�d�s or,i�the atrsenaa af lacal co�as,wdth the Natlenal "Radi to.. B�kMr ¢77t�+t�� r sTUmp Totsl Fu61 G35 Cod9 AfV�d Z2�3.1.C`Afrlp3{�nG�W�th COd85 45 G'�B [2 6umera) 42.0(70 ea. 42.DL10 ea 84.000 the res�ansibility at the Owrter and lnstallar. �� (a bumvrs} 42,4p0 ea, a2,0oo ea t2s,[x�a Ad�quaxs ven11latian s}+�tem reqr�irad Referto The GAS 6NLE7 S]ZE(tor ali madels}: NatiQnal Fir�Aroteclian Assoalatfon 5tandard Na�96, 3f4'NP7 marrito�3s pravided a4 ieft rear.314"NP'T ga� "Yapar R�mcv81 trnm Caokir�g E4uiprn�ant�. �IBSSLf9 fB�]iJI8t46 IS pfC}VIdBd,and rrws4 be InstaEled when AGA De�igrr Cartltiette fn accardance wiSh ANS!Z83.11 �Pi��ance IS connectetf to ga�s supP€y. Gas Fvocisarvice Equiprrrent—Range and�lnit BroiJers. �p�:SpecitY ryge af gas. � N�tur�1 O Propane (�Jote:Yriasa appliances are iMendad for c�mmercial use k�y professisrnally trained persc,nnel. hh�T 1r�rendsd Far Spacify ei�vativn iP dnstalling abave 2q00 feet, Ho�sehakllJse}, SHIPPIN+u WGT,{Cfass$5�: Approx,cu.Ct. Minlmurti�C�r9rrca8�: Camhuat[6#* I+loncanbui't�bl• G!6,........ 483 Lbs. 35 Consu�uollon Conaiructlon �i.••-.•... fi�e Lt�. 47 e.c�c vw.u: e� o� taH 8 R1yht sldr. 6'" 0" EM'RY CLEARANG�: 1,M'Ith 21'°lsps:Sultt�ls tar IrratsllaUon on s�mbu�Uhl�ik�ar. (�6 5 C+iS...33-Sf�'Unerated WkthouS Is a.Far lnslall�tian an rton�omhuslJhw taunt�r� h�Ivrrtagu�'s cor�tfncrrng c�mrrti[rrr�Rt to qualftylprodawt �mprvvsment�n cavsa speciflcatian and design c�r�s�s wiFhoui p,�e�r nrrtica. J �J �$� � �2JRAYIJ.F. DUNCAN r1YDUS7"RtFS, �NC. �COLORADD C3FFICE EQIJI�MENT` SPECIFICAT'CO�1 SH�ET 2835 WEST C1XF�RD AVEIVf.J,E, Sd11Tg#7 ENGLEWODO, CDLt,7R,4!](�8U1�0 (3(]3} 78t-5d07 FAX(303j 7$7-5097 PRQJEC�` VRIL CASGADE HC7TE�AND CLt�6 UAlL, CC�Lt]R�tQC] ITEM NO. 31 ❑ESCRIP�'iaN CHAR BRQILER 4UANTITY QME {1) MANl1FACT�IF�E�R US RA�JGE M�DEL N0. �836-3�A AGCESSORf�S1�PTl(3NS �GAS PRESS�JRE R�GULAT�3R. 314" R�AR GAS C(�NN�CTIC�N. GAP AI�D CC)VER MANfFQLfl, LEFT AM� RIGF�T�IaE. C�NE {1}7$� S#HG-4�-5K�8 CQMMERCIAL USE A.G.A. AND LOGAL CC7I7E APPRUII�D PC7LY COAT�EQ F�.EX�BLE STAl1�LESS STEE� HC�SE ASSEM$LY 48" LQNG, Wf7H FREL. 5P1�! FfT7'INGS AIVC7 � SWIVEL LINKS C}�! BdTH �NDS, QUI�CK DdSCplVdVECT ASSENtBLY (�N �JI�E END, AND WITH IN$TALIL.ATIO�ffRESTR,aIl�PNG KIT. LOW�LlJE RI�{]R. i�ULL LEiVGTH P"LATE SH�LF. Pl,UMBING ELEGTRICAL 3!4" GAS �a 1 U8,0{7f} BTiJ'� MECHAIVICAL STEAM NOTE � DuraylJ.F. L]uncan Industries, In � _ - -- -- - Mfr:T� USRat�ge i Page 1 --- — -- -- — -- Madel: 8836-36A of 2 � �� �'�' � L�►.�.�� a WELerE r C��raany CUISfN� ���l�� ' , � � � � � ' ', ° r ' �c�Q� ��aru�s Ceramic Cvals or Radiar�ts Stainless 5tce!Front—$aiance Biack. Separaie Bumer Cnn�ols. llutamati4 Lighting. Fibee�lass}nwlatrd. 1'fa"1R5 Gas Mani#nkd. f'�LC$s avlth Ad)�6lt�ect �,in 4e Conncttcd Irxli�i�uaily or m a 9altery. Catrnct Base with Largt SLara�Arta. Drse=lear Parts d�Ea6or WarrarfiF ���, �� •���"���, � � N1ode�0836 33G+�. "ioaei 17836•36A � Sh�vvrs�with flptlona�Casteri F'1C�[]ELS AYAILAgLE �` �;�; � sne�pir�t�w�e.r�io„ 17a�e3 l�1e. Deacri iTi,l lb� Cub� C71q1{-6115�EERIIl�fIC C�16L5,GAiIMET LASE � C}836�3�4A 24"wiee-11dJu�61�C�r�s � 9Q.f�00 39[7 I i T7 35.� 0835-33D11 3O"�dde.��� 40.04Q 44tD 200 i 3S� Q830-33CA 36'"+r44—A�rstshis Grrl�es �3S.Ck)t] ( 496 278 35.2 Q83d•31+SA. +�a-,r�c� � � �8a.0(DC7 505 230 � 46:9 C'HAII•GLO—CA57 fIION Mp1AN754 GifMETaASE I I osa�-�za� zs-►�.—►��a�c�.a. �z.ao� 3aa �ss � �s.z cassa-s3ou� so`ww�.—�,,,�c�., 4�.000 �aoa ' ,az � 3s.z 0$3b-43f,A . ��^�,�—��� 10B.Q94 460 I 209 35.2 f383l�-44dA ' 48"rArl�— Cr+fes � i44,ppq i u0G 273 I i6.9 ItLY.►IL—CA1T IItflM�/li7lJ1l�T�WJR�1�11SE ' 0$3b•Z4A t4"�iie-11on�u�6kC,nl�s Sf}.0034 380 1T3 I 3�,� Od34•3�OA 3R"r4rk�Nen./W��r�ea I 7S.C}8Q 43U 195 I 35.2 p836°3bA 36"'wld�e—MoF+.WJrneaile� 9Q.flt1fJ 480 17 B � 35.2 QE96-d8R � 4�"r�d�_!1 1 Y0.04� 58f} 2 G4 46.9 �HAlt•GLO FE14�"URE`� ItEGAL�EATLRES ORTIONA►L F�A1'ti�tES Ctrem'c Conls or Cast Nby Rad�ards. C,�st AI Radi�,nts. �High Back Riser. 'riFting Adjustnt�le Grates—aHows for a"coo! Fixed To�Grats An�k. �5tainless Stt�!Ends. xase"aria and promotes grease run off. Rertrsitak Grates—one side witlh grtase �Ov�n Base Available an 36"or 48"Un'rts. EaRra Lar'ge Grttese Can, trough. {h3otG C1ser-CJe units will htve 4Z'/a.�woe7cing Ccram�c Caals—i.an�lite crrarrt+ts provide Three or Four Sar Gaa#e de„vgn. tiu same taroifir�g resul�as charcoal witriaR !]ua{Qnp Pbns, htight Warl�cing hri�ht wifl noL+arge matth.) tlx mess ar cost.Heats to bror7ing J Casters. tCnperariue in 15 minu�s_ �'Rwr Gas Cv�nntttron— �3/�. M��ZSQ.UOQ BTU's. �,'1'/.° ]Pressure Regulator. _ 7��rp.a�F�as ,�Na�u^al p P�vparrt �7�evation At3ove 2.00K]k.—Sped�fy ft. DuraylJ,F, t}un�an Industriss, 1n ' AIEfr: USRange ! Rage 2 � ---- -- - - --- _ Mode! D8;3�a-36A cf 2 � i � � � i i i � C�IISINE Sf R[�S , f ��� � �� �rx u.s.r+.�,��s�:��-r+�r€�,rr�� w�,��d,wnr, �,+l���,�m� �+�s slcad ira,c r,d pa:�ued siaQ,L�r isos h�e�+•�.,�l, �Mr�dd wrritlti��TU/}iawu r��+�f ��t ��� � �fF3Z1A O��j•#INII 4YF7�1iA MI�i� 1W�i�bW l���IM iYi��Y111 �ii�lf�iA 1�7it4ll��7�A OqFiM �ili^�i� '�+ 24" 3�Q' 3b' 43" Z�' �C" 36" i8`' 74' 3a' 36' �"` _ .. �� �� iV� .�� �� �+ � ,aVr� �+ ' �� � �� �^ _ M'1ro 3C` 3Er 9Q" 3C' !0" �G'" 3C` 30` JO" :3D" 1a"" 30" �' f 3b' 36' 3�' 34" 3�5' 3d�' 36" 36" 3b" 3f," 3E,• �• 1�1�0�sners 2 � 3 4 4 S ir 8 4 S d 8 ���� 4�i.000 43,000 i3.fliOD 45.0�[1' 1�fy00 71J.OQ0 ��000 7�OOi? 1'�A00 1'#.00� y3.1�00 ZS.iMQO G�s l+rniFdld 1�+i4�5 1'k!('S � 7?+',1l5 1�r4 R5 134� 1�k lt5 '1'k!'.�i � 1'Xr�S '!'Js 1!S 7 3��'3 7 341R5 1341r5 . .�.� �, P g I .r,��irwrr �•`__�.A ! �� � . �Ql 4(�1'�(�w�'C��'�!O f A•�11 w I M�1�14 I I � I I I � _ ��� f . L I� � � �I � �ii � t r � j i � I � �.� � I � , ; ' i � a .� ��-- .._�,��_ � ,�r -,•. I �, !.�. I� i � f "'" ; � • , � i �i � � � , � ; � , , i � � , I r � L � '' i � � +- �.— r � 'i �� � i�q ���_ �IfI KIR pW�QB I r��{ �Y�*�M�OL6 �G►y�pYR�,� ilias �` _ _ ati- �s�."" � M' �i' �� ����� fo _ .. _e� � � ��� � } "� _" - ..-.... . ��� •T1�'�M � , J'•`1'.�3'o.L�..1�o�P r �r• f r ~� _ •°`'I +s�'w�a —' ����'�—.L��'i� -_ . g ' � � I r ���.���....��. # 0ur� � �... ,_ � �. . PltM �. . ,.•L, MA� �1' � ��..... . ... ... �� I � � r ----- �, � L�a a.. --r� i • ------- _` . _: ---- - _ __ .� _.__— . aa� " «_r---�� w.i ' . " 14qIMTYyl11�11L "•"�. I�K7'Rf1��L 1��MI�ML � "'le�r�w���!�'��'acr• 1'�rry Ic�l c�o�dr�odat.ard�iks 1!��r d tl1e�n�rr�d�mo c�empi��rltlr d�vie ovd�s u5.R��nYe+rres fl�e r�t�6o d►rr�ar�++�e�wr�ut�.. These�pp�r�oes ar+c in�eeaded iae oarrrne�d�wss b��pn*�"tr�P��, � �c�,�i iMO ua�er�p. � fr Prirr—i/72 �V r�� ti �+r�er�rcorr,p�„�; � DURAYlJ.�. D[JIVCAN fN17USTf21ES, TNC, CDL.�RL{pC? �1FFfCE �Qi�IPN1ENT SPECfFiCA"�IDN SNEET 2835 VYEST C?JCFC7RD AY�NU�. SUIT�E#7 ENGL�WC70Q, CC7L(]RADC7 SfIT 10 (3[i3) 7f�t-5U01 FAX(303} 78fi-�p91 PRCIJEGT 1JA�L CASCAD� HQTEL AdVD CLUB VAIL, C�LORAQO IT�M iVQ. 3� D�SCRIPTIaN CJPEN BURNERS CtUANTiTY ON� [i) N�AMfUFACTURER US FtANG�E MC}QEL NO. 0836-7�111 ACCESSt�R1��J4PTIC?�V5 GA5 PRESSURE R�GULRTOR. 3J4" R�,AFi GA� C(]NNECTI�N. CAP ANl7 CC3VER MANI��OLd, L�F7 AN� RIGHT SIQE. CaNE {�) T& S#FiG-4D-SF�-�8 C{7M�I]ERCIA� USE A.G,A. A�IU LDCA,L CaDE APPR�JVED PCDLY CUA�Eb FL�X�BLE STAiNLESS ST�EL HQSE ASSEMB�Y 4$" LOIV�: W1TH �R�E SPIN FPT7'INGS AN[] � SWIVEL LINKS O�J 8t7�H EMDS, plJ[CK�ISCQNI�EGT RSSEMBL�' flN DAlE �ND, ANQ V4�fTN INSTALLATlt�NfRESTRAfNfNG F:�T. LflW FLIJE R1SC7R. FIJLL I.ENGTH PLAT� SHELF. PLUMBfMG ELECTRICAL 3J4" GA5 @ 120.t]00 BTU'S ME�NANICAL STEAM MQTE Dur�yrlJ,F. Duracan i�dustries, In ' ^Mfr; llSRange Page� -- - - - Mt�deC �l836_7M of 2 � �.�. �� � ��..���,.�. ���s��� ���i��� � � � a o � r � � , � sr�c���nru�s Wi�h �Ch►er�■ �abinelt B�a�e• Madu�ar M�dei� so.oaa e�o�su�,nr�,ca,���c. ��tae ca5t Irar,rmP cr�c�. $LainfeSS SietJ�ront-8aian[e Bla[k - - 1'�."IPS Gas Manifadd. Auztomatic Ughting-All 8urr�. 6"li�,5�irdcss 5ted Swb Batk 3b"Vri�x 36°peap. (r°Legs wFkr,,�ld�ustattlr Feet. Rersges Can Be+Conr►ccted Individuatl�r nr i�a Battrry. -- ' Rema�rahls"Ex�a-Capetity"Drip Pan. �t�r�4835-� ' �C?nc-Year�'ar'ts R Lela�r YNarrar�ty. ����� - ��������� - � 1"'fhick 5ted Fry Top Pia�-1S.D@0 BTU Bumers j4�.0[lK}Fatal). �� ' '� '_' ' {� Cast�ron Fiat 7op- � Y� � . 12"Section-17.50Q 67U Bvmer{Tata135.Of�3TU) z � }, - ��'.; ': 18"Sretion-32.544�J B�rr+cr(3ota!3�.500 611J} ; � - � .'lvdr!CiEl36•6N � HnCe��i&36•E Sixat�nn vriYYh C7pti�rtiaf Ca�ers � IMI�DELS AYA►�LABLE �` � �„� s�'�w�..�'u." � r�+.�no. s�u i.r,� c,�. c..+�. D834-2 z4 r'7�P��'�P���-+�/f7� �(�f).DOQ �30 2dG 35.2 --w/a Ora1 I �20,OOD 4b[? 204 35.2 � 083b•2M _11odWar 12[Y.000 3T5 178 35.2 083d�+{ �s ~'4'*M irti�f I C1prn fYrwrs-w/t�en 745.000 I $20 262 352 � -w/oOven I 9DS.00Ib ' 4�i7' 203 I 33.2 =�-� bfl36-iM -Maiufar i l Q5.{10Q i 3d2 1 DS � 35.2 ^'-'�, �36-b b 4}�r��n r/L�ra�-w/C}rsn 2�0.000 54�' �49 35.2 � ��•� 1 -+r/o Qmi I 1 bQ.000 3fi7 764 35.� r .� 0836-6f'1 � -M�duLBr 78{7.p0U Z76 725 35.2 ;�•�rr, C183G-7 � 4��'*v+w�-vrl Gwrr+ i �60,C100 530 241 35.� �°� -"'���^ � �24,0(KD 344 � 1 Sb 35� `-�._� 083Ir-7M I -MvduJar ^2D.Odd 254 i18 35.2 ^ 83+'rl t � 2 OMn�rrnws s�d 2 Hel7aps-wlOkn a 7t},D00 6{ft � 275 35.2 '�� 083d-12 � -w/oQwerA 13Ci.00a 438 I 199 35.2 � 0$36•12M _�'ie�da�6u 130.004 355 181 352 83�i-13 ' 4 C?'rr�rrn�a an1M 12"WrR Trr-w/Onen- 1�3S�L)OQ 540 268 33.2 � f38.�(r1� -w,Ip�+en �SS.f7D0 iCK "S$4 33.2 �, 0836�t3p'4 -Mcs7�ar '3S.dOG 32� 14�b 3�.Z ��4 =O�`�w�w�a a�i i i"l4�t Tip-w/Or� 7 32.SU(1 624 �B4 35.2 � =wfoQrr.n. 92.�00 I i3E 194 35.� � i ��� '-� 42,509 355 �bZ 35.Z � c)836-1$ �'1�Nre Ti�a(R1 aii 3 OF��v+�cr+�F]-w/OrieS �Z£r,000 + fi0c7 273 35.2 �P��`('°'I -w/a CY�ren 78i1.t)D4 414 "�88 � 352 Od3�-15M �-t�Wdu4r �80.f?D[3 � 329 �50 35� d34-36 2-i;'16etT+Ma(R)an�l2OFr�i�srs(FJ-w/C)rcn 7dQ.(%X7 +htl0 273 35.2 � c��ya -�.�8c� azn.00a �i� �� ��.� 4$3b-7 5M -P1adWac 120,Dt70 324 15t7 35.2 MSJf�Far Cor�art�yy�en-Md S�Ma'C[te.536-2C] aYEN FEA"RIRES CON'Y'€�7K7N OYEN FEATI,�RES pr770KA1.F�IITURES �Pv/+��}y�p�eyd�p�.�,e��,�o+�tr,� �3,00a aru s�„�. r��-7 s��c ri�,sr+d«es. 'nu.aa�M u�V r*s+u��p. �S[��-�4�nkKCf ±.J(�i��C�f�'k� �k�e aYOn,e R�ed riadc Per or,e„- (7zcw►tic.Ia(}-�/i�-sA�o��1CCnicel c«d. C ti�n s.ack lRisers_ YFree Fh�itioEL 'f►w{�m i�ecks-Three Pa6iti�on. ;-5�i�s SSed l5ne�, Ft�tY w+�afed thr�i Irrterior BraAirThd'rnoa�t-200°-50f1°F �ModuJar Unit Witfiout L,e�. �Sefrtr O+�en FioL B�aner•QN_���� �]fz�ts. Re�++avabk�x,Ba�ttr�n. Ae�6omatic[kicr Sw�t�h-SFxrts aff fan/motQr �IR�ar Gas Connecticx,- 7?wmo�at Corrtsd--'�50°-58t]°F. w+hsn avrn dorx is onerre,d, ❑3/,"Me,t 2S{?,400 83'dJ°s. i�ack Cod[)vwn Feshrce-Err�bla f�l ��+�r�- mo4or�rrn�an on wi�en oren doar is aperrec!_ L�Pre#snre R�r. �+7�{�i�i � �1 Prvpane Q 6eva�4�ivn IVbove zQ0(?Ft-Sg�ily it. I]uraylJ.F. Quncan Industries, ln ' Mfr: USRa�ge � Page Z -- - - - _ Mod�l: 0836-7M of 2 �` ������� ������ t � � ' 1 I ' ; ' ' Wi#h �C�v�en.�■C�binet�� M+�tlu�ar Mode� swvrrr�n sr�aRUrr�s s�a��t►�r�s �t�u.s.�ar,g�c�,�,z��,A r�„r ns,cr�se�s. s�s � �„a�a�ru�r�,,r�t;�q c,� � I a,�a ozae �oas�M when wed wtt�nahxd/Prap+rK$as.Frash es to be s�mkss�xi �+ � 36" i 3G" , 3b�. frot�t and,pairrted sides_lkrk�trs 1►ive fs"k,gf vrith Asljus�ie feet t3e��l, �" I 3d" I 36. Ciw�a—a�en daor is trr!x arx Picte,Ov�a�r m�nor is tn b� w/a is�s f 34" 3iY" 10+�" P�+++�a he�v�y,"txey-coof"dar herx�e 5tandad av�n �y+'/ 38„ ! 35'" i 3{�" !a wme wilf�a tAermc�ta�t ha�rin8 ten+P�rartge firom'i5�e�lo+x} T7rp�e ef Ges.. �+�M/P►9P�� La SC1 J°F Oven itrpptior is S�a#w�ar,e chn�[ne plabed wen rack g�_�,Top 8urnes=...�'--••...,... ��.OiOiD e�. �}�w�n.w.rs ene eo L+e 3Q.a{)a 6Tl,ilr+«,r per burr+er+,vttl,arrp�r a'fu—c7p�+Tap�ers. ............ sa,aoa es. ai�t and e«rc pir.ce,e�st iran bap�cjwer t+�r oput bu�r�ets. mv—Hoc Top eur�xrs�—i 2"�ecfia�,.,.. �7,saa aaa. �'X T�}��Lc�be T''tl�ick stre!piatz with 3"wide —Z�"Sectioea.... 32.500 Ea, °�A��'�'• 6'[L1—Pr+e�ch 7ap 9urr�erx—1�''S�ertiean..32..SW es. B+,rrKrs are tCr kx ratcd 75.f)Oi0 6RJ/I'#[wr tath.Chx burnu Per �3'U—C�+�n aurnEr—S4t�d�d......._.I41.00f1 �� —ConMeclion ....,..33.00�Q f2'S+t�Mn F1vt 7Y�r ire�he 77.5Q0 9Tl1JHau�zadh lwrndr with Orat kerlxriar—S�d..............2G"W x 28"6 x 15"H twa prtr plut� —�Cw�reciiora ..._.....,.. 3G`/a"1N x 18�i+'a"D x 13'fa'!i Sflor�ge l4rsa—Calii�et 6ase-••-.......33'�"Y51 x 2�'f�'@ x'}9"fa"Fi �"�Fla�t Ta�x Frid�Tops arc to be 32500 BTU/Hrwr Gas ManrFoid._•-••••..............�_ 1'f.'tP5 eac#�b+rrw witf�aTMe per Fdatx. NC7TE Also Aradabic in 41"D�e�kh.SpstifY 841.t3841.or f)8i4�-M S�s_ � �..,� - ---- ;�.� �,m..,__..___—�—r --�.._. _,,,•..,,.� -�--_.��_�_====—r _ ..., � "_�`� -_ , :a wos w � r � . � � --.._�. a---�r--.`_J_. i ������� ���C� � � '_ _ - . � ao.� r, " a �.�r� �� . ---��- - --^=� , . ' r ! ^^t ' ' ' I ; , '7` r ' � I ��"� �_ -. '�t c C 6.�u d� �7 c.�i I i . � P ��...�a � � � o.�a��..-�� I I I � � ' 'r , � � ° � I M E I I ar i I I � ��� I � _ � � a.�... i � , �,,. � o;.��e'w" � ; ; ' i 1 f � � .,, u�� r � __�I ` - wau�wrr�x �� � _ �. ---�' i�r R � Qptiory�p`re�enufe R�atar Res�uired, Ml�rry fad aade:4 q�st,arx!k is 1l�e respo�ss�itp af t}ke�Dwner and hvta�Pkr ta aor�M►itl+t�r�sc ca�es. U.S�F4r'q�e�v�!s tl�e ri�lrtta char�e or imprvwe speuf�tatiorn vritliowt rwti�fon. T�rrse a�pp�ances a�e intar�dec!fowr crnw�reaf lxse 6y�y tra,ir�c!p'�so�m�- � a Cppy.rrpnt ysln VS HusqF �Mr��� �� rr��Y-0/'►2 +h M'F.L9r.T `�^omP�nY l7CIRAY/,J.F. DUIVCAN 111�L7USTRlES, fNC. � CC7LQRAbQ OFFdC� EQUIPNIENI` SPECIFiGATIQN 5HEET 2835 WFST�XFflR[]AVENUE, SUIT'�#7 ENGLEW'L7GD, G7LORAD(7 S[]77�7 ("303) 787-5001 FAX(3(13J 7$T-5Q97 PI�OJECT VAfL GASCADE HO7��.ANQ GLU� UAIL, C�LORADCJ ITEM NC]. 33 [�ESCRIPTI��J REFRIGER�TEp DRAWEF�S QfJA�AfYITY ahlE (1} MANUFA�CTURER US RAN�E M�dEL N�. E3F:5A-2-(14-72US A�CES�aC)RlE�fC]PTIC}�!S H�AVY DUTY'�C7RD AIV� F'LUG.. F{�UR DRAWER UN17. CUMB�NE Vlll�'H 1TEM#31, CHAR-SRDI�ER AhEp ITEM#32, fJp�N BI�RM1iERS. 5" CASTERS IN �LfEU �J� L��S, TVIIO 42) Wf�H LDC}�S. � PLUMBf�1G ELECTRIGl4L 12�VOLT- 1 PHAS�-$.�ANiPS MECHANICAL ST�AM N�OTE S@�* E)': ���hS�[J �I�t� 3�3 �i2 �Q54� Dct•�s-�9 4;4�P��� P��P ?'a � �trm �: r� �1�• � F'i��uct Name; PUl�r Cuisin� � � �clf=�C:ontaarse�' Retri�er:acc: :r Frceter �3ases �•r"��,, �,w�tal�rC�m�any V�' -• • - — 5r�nciard F+ezcurc� ---,� ---.-. _ � i � — i •Fi�,ii�,c�xsvriFrcrzrr::aUics4i Uacttu+c,fr�t�t, � � � t�an:�nt�sir�es sr�inlcs.t sirel � � '�'°� •�7rswwc:s�d ubintt are l0U''�e"!'rrasurc �--•,i . , • �._.�! ,_� � r---� tv;ay�in p1�ce` io�m�nx�:aaon C �� ��If�[1¢S1Ilk f,i(3WC;y WILI1 �iC�Y�qL(y t����;{iC �.� whcds witn a s�inlcss sta3 zrack � '..__t�� .,yeaw duay>l4sa��ifr nl,43mtr Clrau.r��,nsk�ss �± � +" � � r(".errur lrn:�red,Ai=ch r,rann�Is7rcle Frtr�S�a�ir:ve 'r� yt n�nin�1n�fC�UCC.'�S rCSS��rSTB nR t�r�lWG •�sy to acmvvc�rxwus for c.f�anrz��td act-up •I.�tivly��rc�4r�,z[�irl�iiCaJair eYUru+.[1I(]`s?rc�a �:nui�S�ns in wnFigunst+ans�cs suir}���r nerds 5°el{•L'afi�alned Ri1frr`��ra1r�I�tsc ':�io�pastd �aicrntts �Fmnr„ fsr.r;iuun[ea d��l thcrmc�mcurs 5pecificatiac�s '�lawer ccil cr,�paratr�z wich A-:2 ocpsasian;�a�ti�c G„ srZndard T.�w hci�hr 5s1f`L,o�sr�in�IZefrigt:ase�d ��ss:br�r�ecd so •]�st.•nal ctsaduit fni s.inglr perin:e3ecttsira3 connrcci�n � ��s�c:..�usi�'cl�'usad �rrdca Z.'�F�aangc:acaw I?u�'�:ui�.nc �Sieever providc�d Coa oe�ie�cruiar sp�d:..in linu . (1 ,�c.rics;nodnla::ap. ;�rnvide rafr:,�tra¢ed b�st mo�t •S:�inite3 SCCCE�dj�ra6(e G"i�� � . Re�:*i.�er.sru� Euir�e irrserior, 'rre�rer=ace, + � }r�u pat�ce anC�abar w�rranrp• �. �r{wcri an�61�'Cb LC �3�C CrF��rJ�. 3�L]CS Y�-B STa1f1�Ci5 SCCCL e��o ��� SOfif7R{�[SC vCILYCa�,�7fI1.�CCS 9f l�!lI1G:lin�er sh�]I s�11 hawe '�t7�i"E: Flrriea�j�an�iaz btuc,e�rair�iin��.r:c!rcfti��ts- ro 31&" ��clet� r�3:us w�orntn. $attcm u�+d bacic oC hayc � 3 � '� tion�rc�1 sraa::a.-�Eei-rea-cc�nnecti�::. Cyn:�su.t facsc�rr i�+'+ �r��►�re�a}nr.ixed srecl. L`tsula*son vf csbi�es �sd dnvra far nth4r Iac.a=iana. �"�` tyszs co�r ',�}0`!Ks;soly�rc:;3r:c s�:vi-in•pLace fcsam whith � G sciall �e��aF�ny CFCx. ScLF CUSing driwrr v�ascem- Q��inns: buu sh9L DC�ikrrscated ei I�i�"7I�3{}4 uri�.c xtainlr�s stce� �`j[�ad;o�k assc�ar�lics �* wit3t hextiy-du�•,',rnrh sL,a�r+uhr�,with cancr��lcd hcu- � �"cxs�trs. f��rst l��ck:ng (g"d:i�Y'iCLCf W11K.Ij4PCiGT12� � in�z �rzwes�akcra o�sJl he o'durx6lc, grtasr resinzot, ❑ 5 var warraArr(w�p:�ssor anlv} %� cmev ua cl�a,�igh cc+sn�:raa�+ar.P1�'C�sl�cc:.PSL7VtCC lZ.�.,�t. � � `,,,�"A blo�r co"sl e�apuaacax wish esparr�snn,+a1ti•c,co�rccaDeej pr€- �- wired e3ecTr:c�! calduec►��singi�pvint eartt�e�ion, �ial � rh�r:nvmc;cr arad slrrvc foc drai��ssd rtfri�r:°auon lirftc. °� r. €':ovide 6":riinles��rel�tgs with 2"ors�ju:rab3e�u11et{ee:. �, Pravi�ie Gfi. cord astd :�r�rr pmn�P�'�g• � i � � ���� � C � ei�Teo p� t'+rra � tn � � Frrr 175h.C'f,n-acc; Far Ilni¢rd Kin�d�m 6C L't�atid�Cunt�ct: F'vr�ar.a.4�f5:[ht Rc�t�i t#�e1°4,�ua�d.�n�tx Grulanc C.orr,merc:al��tidl:s[rtca 4�uluzc C:a:rn C.�a:iprocn:,Lt�, C;ariaad C.nmmc.triad R.trdg�,L,�l. Trlr 7']'-G34.1t7�1t1 ':el:4'.81-5fi!-�3� Tc:9Q5-�5'_��l2GU i�9ur:?l7-b36-35Q� �u:Oi8l-848-0(}4I Fu:54�-(�.�-j6G7 S��nt �y ��HhS�� ?iK�; 3C3 ��'� 2���; Oc�•2G-WQ 4:28P�; �a�a �13 � �3 I[e.}n #' . ���• �r Pioduct I4anr: Palar Cuis:nc � r w�rr�rtr n Seif-Concninc�, �e:::gc;�ced ar Frcefier £�ses..�-. � Gorr+cM r _ i ctiwwE�r�r�+r�4�vw�.r:an � II :��� �'_ !� ! ` � �i 1 '�— � � � I �I i i y � 4U � I � y I� � I, t'j � .: __—'_ _. � 11.liI" !}�' d')7N" � � .. � Y ,� •-.—.� L.DIdT'M Q�.. .__. 4 � � �� IN�MI .-y a � ; _' -- i �� �� �� �A7: � ." - _ '��3 � c r � f � �� ; �''��-�,�—_ _ _ �, �`�r d � � L z,r� 4_,� .�:.� ,,rx�� ,�._ � ___.�rt � ' I _-_— I _�.�_'�`.`� ' � . . ea:mi �Ka�y : i s — .>� i4+�ea : a� dI (f . ���� ;—i � !�� ,� I � , '� �— ` � ,.,� j i' �!� � v�,'y I �'� � — _,� I � � «qSl� ir 'i yR «IT_ _ ` +��,.1., � iR57- _�ti� �I�:fli � �571 � .._ ,}�17I i � 9+rlM� .-. . ,� � C � LC3W�-iEICJi-17 REFRI�£R.ATORS: .'.t" f535mm) B(3DY HEIGHT 1 � ' H I �� � � lElx t'tSMYuraEla 4J19TM C�EP'f- I H�F3.�r, GRAWC'R S1g p!EloY wDrEL JT1L�5 � ►K�Jft � •iriGr�3 W.v �nu�SfMAI fIJC;l1E51MIVA i 7s.31�!' 22�' jT7I�t'I�ANS-YC�I� �A�Ir4p31Prii,S .9'rL'S � 9RSA-:��:F ' 4!1 '2°r9 , '�4 I [�a i �: eae 7 I 7 � t:y.� �.Z �- • FOQC � 4R3n�+�sfa�.^:? ie ;57: � yr j yN T. � � g96 . ... .� �F'.5,..�3:-rS.�..`a � £� f i5ia l 3� I , — �+ 3 1F5v �� ' tP'+ - »OC �ra• r � . . „�w s� i �:�ov � '3 P'SA�:2�^�+-E�71,:,Fa Elf IA7'A I � �!!+ 27 I 61E 2 'I S .'.i S v i.fS + !;lpG� L� � 3RSw-2,",+�`�.;5 : Z ' tffi9 SI , i6� � TF � +s� 2 2 E � �iSv B.Y' 1 h 1,�{pp : hy � 3RS4.�.:r.'yd5 �, '! t ..� ,ya iM� �7 ' �y6 � : "_ f b � 773•r 69 t , ":l7C , .-C'� 9RS�� A-;-��-9+t,.$ I 1i <��3�Y� � 31 � � 6� I I �4 I 7 . 1S�wf Sl.9 I � I 1�}q � � BA�A-�-x-+ra.m ' 9@ 72'E6 I �r ae� • T7 Ba9 s � I � I t t5+� f.G ! r . � c3pp !��"'!`��= 49 "r+;B ! S�t �+{ I � � a Z e � i a]Sv 03 ��r, t3pp ' aRS+�..i�:+�t�3.,P_.�� t�a? zias sa �E+ 27 N4 6 t 2 � [v5�i O.3 I� 'yvp er+sa�xr r�a,us a79 :a+a a� at� � xr uae Z a �� i1S4� o� ren � �at,a � 9RllA�tlai�5 � !t• �pd 3� ��� iAA � 2'� 6S6 � ' i 4 I 3 I '1Sv �3 r 1 i l�pq ' CRSAI-,3r�iZGC7S � "#b � �4E 34 � EE+1 2? �ry � 6 " 12 � 7 t5 w k.3 ' l . �� S3pq1- LD�` H£IGHT �AEF:ZF..�tS: �1°' (535=am) B�3aY H�IGHT : 'S�R CONFMN� �,c�r� oErh+ � �Eu��� �nwwve s��e. - :,�.rn�s MC�'PL �i'J4+� Wi 'MGMli FAM 1 WG�-iE5 141aA .1�ar'8' .9"i lrt' �Zr trr aar�e&�a•4:!',i AM�PB �'^1A.l����J3 . �$�•'t'�M�3'�i 4!1 " 12'79 Si iilf - E�y � Z f 9 � 7ffsv $.i • 1 14,1'Jp �.. 8F9.i-1�2� Si 1372 'Ji E6l �7 ii8 � 2 i �1Fw. f.i I 1 . I 1Q09 � �6A+?�i i 00 I ��4 y� 27 ' eR� 4 a 1 1 FS+ � B.Q � 1M »r70 A 1 9F Bt.�.{wFi�.�� 99 � 197'i! 3a � 8f+ 27 ! EE6 ! 2 S� �i 9,r �� 9.'D � � e�oa V� �°S►�2-0�.T�€1$ � . I SC14 ".� r �a Z7 ; N7M 1 � � 2 �A •75v I LLp 1 ! :�d �FSA�-Q�7$+JS 7i i 14Bt 34 Eb1 I i7 i 8�f � � 2 +S � f ISs/ �9 i i t300 /!�5A•2�4lS 64 2!3�t 34 Ed4 � 2T S!5 4 8 1}Sv � a D I 7 p' ! 1�!4 9�SA•S�ObnOLJ9 i �it_ - i2Ua �a � c7 d�d � � 1' q � f i rw �s � r. t�00 � NC3i�: Bascs rnusc�e ordcr�ti wat#a a U.�.Ft�n�t Cuisine Ca�ckir.[�llni;Uti1LY V� NC77'E: � •Ofo'wl°^ca�a:�c Ra�liror Ffq� •A4n►�ca4+a�s ane i:��e rv�p�hiliry aF me 43rner�lnnula sa w�napl�..nch shvae c�der. �U.S.ftann�r*e+ee+e ds�rs�h:roe��c or tmpro►s ipraF�eaaoru.�ho¢s nonistauaa. � Form : P(�C:�'!-SC flu,�,�r�.�.;�. oun�c�,v rnrr�u�rr�fFS, rnrc. � ep�n�aac� oF,�rcF EQUIPMEN'f SPECIFICATIC7N SH�ET 2835 WEST C?XFC?�D,�IVENU�, 3!.lITF#7 ENGf.EWDC7A, �Cf3LURADQ 8a1 f0 (303) 7$9-50(i7 F.�xx��o�j rs�-sas� pR�J�CT VAIL GASCADE HOTEL AN�]CLUB V�41L. CDLORA�C3 ITE�III NO. 34 DESCRIPTf�N Ff�YER ASS�VV1,+1+1BLY qIJANTITY ONE {1)ASSEM�LY MANUFACTURER �RYMA,STER MOdE� NQ. FM-A2M,�Fi3�-SC ACCESSQRIESIC7PTIOhNS 'WfTH FILTERJC7UMP STATiC�NIFQC7D WARMER. GAS PRES5l1�E REGL�P�ATQR. 5" HiEAVY DUTY C�4STERS, FRONT W�TH $RAKES. ONE (1)T& S#H�-d[]-SK-4$ C{�MMERCIA! L?SE A.�.�,. AlVD Lf7GAL CC)DE AP�R4]VE� P(7LY COAT�D FLEXIBLE STAINLESS ST�EL HQS�A�S�MBL'Y 48" LC}NG, WPTH FREE S�IN �FfTT1NGS A�fD � SVIfI1fEL LINDS C]IV B�3TH EhJDS, QL11CK DISCC`JNNECT A�SEft�BLY DN C)NE ENd, AND WdTH 11�5TALLATI�Mff�ESTFZAINING KIT. STAIN�ESS ST�EL �RY POT GdVER. SEE31M�N7 7RAY. COMM�OfV MANIFpL�AT FACT�RY. ASSEMBLY"f0 C�NSIST QF TW(7 FRY��S AI��J (�NE G�MP STATIfJ�J (FRC)M R9GHT TQ LEFT}, PLUMBING E�.ECTRI�CAL 112"GAS �2��,000 87U°5 12Q VQLT- 1 PI-�1ASE- 9 AMPS (FILTER) 120 VOLT- 1 PHASE-6.9 AM�S (F{�CIQ WAFiMER} 124�VOLT- 1 PHASE- 5 AMPS(�ACH �F'RY�R} M�CHAN��AL Si'EAM N[3TE DurayfJ.F. �uncan Indus#ries, In Mfr. Frymas -- Page 1 ---- . M�del: FM-A-2 af2 � �[' . F�LTER �IIAGIC° SYST�M � ���'�,�� For Gas and El�ctric Fryers � MJH�(], IV�J35G, M�145E, MJCFE, �r18FB, G2�3F�, H14, H7�, H22, EPH14, EPHi? ,o w�sxr ct,�,y • Ear��nds shartening li�e • Fas'i, safe,e�sy to�perate • Autamatic, hands-t�ff f�ltratian + Conves�ient built-Fn,fufl-sized ar underc��nter filter�a�inet �1 � ;� The Frymaster Filter Mag¢� Sys�em is specif��cally :.'� r designed ta e�ctend shnrt�ning lif�. Filter Magi� does it - • � fast,safely,simply,redu�ing opeeating�osts anei yielding —..� � �' .� ;� a me�re cvnsisten4, higher-quality product. � °-;s� Fif1y paunds {28 litres) a1 oil can 6e automaficaliy filtered completely in abput thr�e minutes, while other ,,,�;,, fryers ira��e systern are still in use.A�y fryer in the batt�ry '�` � can be fiEtered without cssauing the filter fror�t fryerto#ryer. + � -' ; -�- -- -- Ti�e process is as easy as: 3. Swit�h ��f th�fryer, - 2. Open drain vaiVQ; 3. Start filter purt�p. No specia! zraining requi�ed, ncstt�ing hot or messy to handle. F€lter � �-, � Magic� automaticaliy #ilters aii as Fryrraaster's exclustve �;_ ,.� f � Power 5hawerTM directs jets af h[st 4il down ewe!y inch of - " � ihe frypr�t,flushirag�rvmbs and sedimen;into the fiitering ��" system. Aft�r�ilterie�g, firesh oi! is autorriatically pumpecf �� back into the firypot, - Fi�ter M�giC�is�vailable in full•sized�nd underccaun- �5 � ter cabinets tnat can be batteried t4 either side c�f most �'� Frymaster gas a,nd e€e�tric fryers. 7he #�II•sized cabiraet . , can be purchased with c�st-�out for optional eafeteria-sfyle ar „�� scoap-typ��an an[f�roCf-Siyl�csr bulb-type heat lamp can t�e mour�ted to the cabinel, m�krng a camplete warming stat�on. U� to six of fhe foil�wing same Frymaster modeis ca�be batteried to each side o#the Flter Mag�c System�: MJHSt},MJ35G,M.145E,Ni4,H17,H22.EPH14,�PH17. 5TANDARD FEATURE� l�p ta four M.lCFE, ��s, �24 fryers can be �afFe�ied ta - �oWer S�awerr"" each side nf a Fiiter Magi��ysterr�. • t13 H.P. Mots�r With 5.5 GFM • Stainless S#e�l Inner and Duter Fifter P�ns • Filt�c Heater • Filter S�reen � Cr�tm��cr€�n '��`� �; --- (N�� ; �„ �� °`J �''j �� ' ���;�.� ,�±IG�►; �.`L, �r y _ ` �P � ..;T,._ . _ ir ���� `�-=�'� . . 154 9DiQ2 ' THE FRYFAASTER CC)�?4RAT10N A Welbif!Campany 874D Lif1e AvenuC,P.{?.Box 51�f10,Shrevcpork,Lou��iena U.S.A.71 735•10{)Q Phc�e 319•885•iTt 1 TOLL FAEE t�900-221 a5e3 Fax 37 8-868-5987 Drsdnbufed m Can�7e by GARlAIV p CDMMERCIAL FtRNGES L TD.,1 T 7i FCamata F�oBd,M+ssFSS�upa,C�ntanv L4MV IX4. auraylJ.F. C�uncan Ind�rstries, In , Mfr: Frym�s �age 2 _ �� . -- -- -- N6odel: FM-A-� of 2 '� FILTER MAGIC� ��►�TEM F�Ft �GAS A[�a ELECTRIC Ff�YERS �+-e wac: � W {if/i 1} .�-j. w.or r�,ax wo�cs ra�aoan swwe r�ror c+i.�t� � (zssr> as.n �,�� 2k�d fiQ•l f"��axf""-I �- na•(un.w�oc.c xr I— � 1 [•,ar ,�4�.,�,�, ; f I ��„ ��p oiva r.� Lm7 durr iw i+w-� i1tU—A �6rl4 �o eoa x� - w �p, SyrS nmP cv�[r n�u,�cr is,m �,Ma � �s� I 37.30 .76.71 7SH � Y'[f/T�w1 SMl �i/Y) (M7) �70 � ixoa�ow i[1 �•� (Sr�1 � ��f'�=i t�sr � (•u� (�+w1 � � w Corm.e+i7 � � i t Y � (If��. � �� 1 M�E � {�.R+� Ctiw r,w os..-r�+r . ,.p p�,y�►� fata aerw�►,w � ���� DUNEMSft]NS FOR F3LTEFi DNLY AIQDEL NQ. SHGtp7EMING SRE NET SHl#FING IHFORMp73pN CAPAC[TY HEIGFfT i Wi[fT41 ! LENGTii I WF.16iiT WEIGFi? I C�nSS CilBE F1Er�ii'r ! wI�TH LENGT41 FM-!1 54�s. a5.24` 55.61` i 31.511' 95�s. 125105. 85 r1.31 ao.5a' �2' 36` 28 Lrires 14q8 mmi 396 mm BO(3 mm d3 k 57 I I cu.�t I �r i81 mmi '�$9 mm 91+M1 mm FM-i3 SQ�bs. 45.50' I 2�.�5' 33.82' 115 165. � 95i7 ibs. 85 I 31.�5 j 47• j 25' 47° 4d Litrns ;t5fi mm1 527 mm � f1Qi1 mm �52 ' I 681 � Cu.f1 1194 mm G35 rmm i 596 mm FMU-A 5q nss. 25 at• , 15.&1' 3i.50" 84 bz. 1 tC 36s. 85 � t9.48 42.Sf7. 22. 3G. unde n�ar (2e Utres) (&+t5 mm) I i395 mrnl I i�oo mmr {�kgl f`.��} cu.h. {�DBO mm} {559 mm) (9s4 mmy FMU-B eo�as. 2s.ss� 2a.as° I ss.a2• �a�s �25 i�s. as ai.� r7' 25° 4T UrMar[�aunt r (4�L�trcsD (6a9 mmJ (�27 mm) �{lpit mm} {d1 k91 4�7�9} eu.!R. (119�mm J {535 mm} (119d mm} FB1&12# 3[i-541b5, a5.25" ZO.flO` 31R3' I 1651�s. 1�5I�s. 85 3i:$fy I 47" �5' �iT' 28-36 vtres 1449 mm1 508 mm 9& mmf 4� 56 cu.ft. 1794 mm 635 mrtt Tt9a mm �+aw ra�Recj�r N��s �^+� Full S4ed Fd6gf MB�e sy5iem[U beSlery with M,H�#$0.f�AJ3$G,f�1,145�,FI14,Hi7,F$22, • S�Pp�Y'"aitdge fpr filler is obtainsci frptn th@ lin9 EPHia,EPHa� �qPtage of fryer, except for dBpV, whiCh wlll Fbt-B FuN suad Fiter laiag,c syssem tn tsanery wdth M,ICFE havB a se{7arate 42QV,6{}Hz(9.0 Amp]power F�fCJ-A Unslercovnt�t Fitter iuiagic sysFem!o battery wrth A�tN-s50,h�+�l;i�.ht,145E.HtA.H17.N22. supply cord Suppfied wifh�mit, ��r4`���� + �ontrol Valtage:2aV,8[�Hz FlMU-B Lfnderc;�unter Fller Msgic 5ys[9m lo aaRery wrth tvE,iGFE Exp[�rt Supply Voi[Rg�:8204',5[}Hz(4.5 Amp� • F8'itx124 Fut�s�ted FkRer I�Aat�ic Syrstem ta banary with Gt8F6 end G24 Fe FB19 and F024 npt ava�lgble fcx ex�or� FlLT�#1 MAGIC CABINET CAN BE L�.7CAY E6 AiVY4VFiERE IFJ T}IE BATTERY--PLEASE SPEClFY. ` Fllt@t tk+1d lC S • g ysterr� are atsa available vn !?PTfONAL ACCES$DRIES STANaARD ACCESSQRtES fryers aquipped with cernputers antllor ❑RoC-s1y1e tts6�i Iamp assemGi � FNtee envgl autcamati�tsa5k@1 fit@r5. Y oPes • Friser pe�er{�SCt} . �qr BppliCat�ons wfier�+ Space is premium, ❑ BuRrelyla t�e�t Yarnp asserr�ly ❑C�s�ers . Ftltar powtler(1017 1-cup appGcaLOr�) pl�ase s0Q Fr}mfasters Faatf'rinf FlYratlon 0 C81eieMa-styia d�tmp pAn �}Filter ca+�Br • Fdter Gn�tSh 5pBC1111C�T10f3S. ❑Pdrfnrated 5coop.type d�R pa� �] S19m1e55 sleel d�r, • Fryars lnend(deenewt ra+�) ca6ine[,sides 7}{E FRYAfASTER CpRpORq710N A WeltaiYt Gmmparry 8700 l�ne Rvenue.P.O.Box 5 tp0�,ShrevepoR.Lou�suan�U.S.A.7i t35-1�f{�t}.Phpne 31'$�365-1717 l'OI.L�FFt€E 1-&U!azZi�Sd3,F ax 318-868•5987 Dr'srnbufed rn Canada b GARiAMt?�G�Mf4d�R�lAL F�ANGES L7D, �T7'71Camaf�a Ros?.Miss+ssvu ,C3nta�c La�IN"�X4. We resenro the n ht la char4 �ha��'U.S.A.t�Tne Frymaster Corppralinn 4 ga spedficalians appeanng 3n fhis 6ulle�in+wi�nout�ncsyrr�ng ar�y omiigai�an for equrpment previnuSly orsubsequenUy sald. au�za r�,�.,�. avnrc�aN�nrrausr�r�FS, rnre. � CpL(3RADCl �FFICE EaiJFPM�NT SPECIFICA�iOM SHEE�' 2835 fMEST C3X�C}RA AI/ElYUE, SLlfTE#T ENGLEWUC]!�, CC]LC7R,Af�U$D1 TO {'3U3J 787-S�pDi ,�AJC(303J 7$9-5097 PRUJEC7 VP�fL CASCAf�E H(,]TEL AND CL�dB VAIL, Cfl�DF�A�[) IrEN! N�3. 35 a�5CR1f�71ClN SC3AP AND TQVIlEL DxSPENSER Qd1AN71TY (�NE {1) MaNUFA�7U#�ER I�fA M�DEL ND. ��q ACCESSC]Rf�S10PTI�NS NlA � PLUMBtNG EL.�CTRICAL MECHANICAL STEAAA NqTE NOT IN THCS G(7N1'�2AG7 SE�TI�N -PROVIDED BY GENERAL CC]NTRAC��R � Df1RAY/J.F. [3UNCAN{N'!}USTRl�Sr INC. C+DLC?R,4[?C? QFFIGE EQUIPMENT SF�EClFiCATtDN SHEET 2835 WEST OXFORD A VEAIUE, SUIT�#7 ENCLEW{�DD, C�7LC?RAQ(7 Sd77U (3t73J 7$T-SQ07 FAX(3!?3} ?87-5�9� PROJECT VAiL CASCAO� HOT�L AN�S �CLl1B VAfL, COLC�RALQ I�'EM Nt�. �� DESCRIPT�CIN WC?F2K Ct)L�N7ER WITH Sl'�K C�UANTITY C+I+JE �'I} MANU�AC7UR�R pIJRAYIJ.�F. DllNCAN IhlduSTRCES, INC. MODEL N�. CUS�i7M FABRICA7ED ACCESSORIESlt�P7l�DF�S t�NE {1) FISH�R #31�3 �1E�K Mfl�1�JT FAUGET(72"SP�JLJ�}AlVl7 (3NE {1} GR�IAIfB C�JP WAST�. 4'-�" +!- LCtNG X 2'_6��WIDE X 2'-1�" H1GN. � Pf�UA�'IBIN� ELEGTRI�AL 11�" i�W & CW - 1-112"' !W MECWANICAL STEAM IVOTE SEE CUSTQM FABRICAT�ON SHOP aRAWlNGS �D�rayJJ.F. Quncan Ir�dustries, In - - - -Mfr: Fisher Page 1 � -- I Moriel: 3113 � of 1 � � � � � nfto�t;cr rrn��: � � SINGLE DE'CK DU.4.L C�IVTROL FAUC�T o � ��� Q SPECIAT. C[]NFFGURATION � Ic�cx BasE a�an��, u�m a�zz�rrs) r; [�ria�7 �c+nEZ.: s ❑ �11 Q A/ 8" S'lFING SPOUT �� I7 31 i 1 11/ 8" S1fTNG SF�U1° L' �B� L� 31i2 41/ ![�� SlIING SPDifT ��'��8 "�{" O 3113 1�/ i2" S�fING SP6[7T �72.�4mm1 ❑ 31�4 lf/ 14" SRING SI�O VP �' � 3118 A/ i$" 511ING SPOUT OPfIflIVS QR 1(4DIFICA7'TQNS: f3-1/2" �] �UFFCY ISNES 24" l3R 38" CIRCLE LENG'TF� [S4�.Sia►m�] � � � ❑ DJ S[IH°ASSY (7-1f4" (]R i3"� CIRCLE I,ENG'I'C# C] VA,'�DAI. RESd.�[`ANT KTT �a�i o a�avnt.�s {cR4ss o�a arr�srl c��c� sz�.� � oz�x�� lr�. � �. P&1i11E$ F'EATVAES: � 1�4D8L Illl/ "A� FIIM "B" DIiE "C" a SIIVCLF F1ECK, DUA3. Cl]N"TR4L 51FiVELLING SEAT F}ISKS • HOT SIDE ST8lVI — RIGH7` HAND, COLd) — LL*F�' 1�ANH $119 9' !f-5f8" 8' • STAItiI,�55 STE'EI, SEATS [�a.zma�a [ne8.zs�7 [i�z.+�] • srai��ss S1'EEL sE,►r sc�s 3111 ��Sf#� �—lf8` g� ' STAI`:LESS STEEL EAhi?,LE SCRE�fS [a2.���] Ciaa.�s�) [xos.�n,] • �'r.EZxaBi.e r?r•s�r xas�s 8112 3-7f8' 7—S/8"° lp' ��e.as�� ���as.sa�1 [�sc.�� srsz��a� �a�rrs 3I13 '��p/2� 8-1/'16' ,�2" ' "dEMP: 4D"F 6dST+i. TO 140"F MAX. [i14.�mm] (�44.7$mm] [3[1#,8mm] • FRESSSII2E 2Q0 PSI �dAX. STATIC S-3 f8 p� 14_ • 2,20 GPM 8 Btl PSI sii; �i�i.7s�] �x2a.a�] [a3�.em�� 9t18 6-7f8' 9—S/8" Lg• SHIPPING AEIGHT [t�8.23mm][2#4.48mm� �iA8.4mm] • 4.75 LPS A4UGH—IN: �1-1/4" sa.7a�� �i ANSI,/'A]12.18.1M FISHER 1LkNifFACTt7RIHG C(i1iPANY ,OURAYIJ.F, DClIVCAI►!lNDL1STRIES, JNC. � CtaL(7RAI3O DFFlCE EQUiPMENT SPEClFI�ATION SH��T 2835 W�S7 OXFDI?D AVENUE, S[1lTE#7 �lVGl.EWQUD, C{7LL7RAD{� 8091f] (3D3J 781-50a1 FI�1JC(3a3} 787-509� P'RdJECT VAIL CASCACIE FiC�T�L Af�n CLUB VAIL, C�LflRAC10 tTEM N�Q. �7 �E�CRIPTIDN F2EFF;IGERA�`C7F2 C�UAN7tTY p�� {�� MAlV tJ FACTUR�R NIA MUDEL Nd. lVIA ACCESSf3RE�£SIOP7'if}NS RELOCAT� PER CLA�JS. A[JD E" STAINLE�S STEEL��GS. � FLUMgfN� EL�CTRiCAL NlECHANICAL STEAN! NC)T� EXISTING DClR,4 Y/J.F, DUNCAM lNDUS7F21ES, lNC. � COLOR4�0 QFFICL� EQUI�'MEhIY SPECIFOCAT�f]IV SHEET 2$35 W,ES7 DXFQRL7 AYENLIE, S�J'1TE#7 EN�GL.,E1NQQp, C+Dit7RAL7C? 8011fJ (a�03} 783-5(}07 FAX(3Q3J 787-5fT91 PRdJECT VAIL GAS�f�DE H�T�L AND CL116 VP�IL, C�C3LC3RAD0 lTENI NO. 3$ []ESCRIP�°I�7N V`V'ALL SHELF QUANTIfiY l�l�➢E (�) MANUFA�i'LJ�ER �URAYIJ.F. DUNCAN lNDIJSTRlES, Il�C. MOt7EL N0. CUS�CC�M FABRI�ATED ACCESSDRI�SIO�'TIONS NIA � PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHA�NICAL c���pM NC3TE SEE �LPSTqM F,qBRICATIQM! SHaP pRAWPNGS �ur�ar�.r.F, �?UNCAN fN!?US7RfE5, �,vc. � CQLC�RAfJQ C�FFlCE EQUI�'MENT SF'ECIFICATfC]�I SHE�T ,�$3a LWES7 C]X'FGR�]AY�N+UE, SUfTiE#7 ENGL,EWQOl�, CC}LD14Af3CJ 84#10 (303J 781-SUOi FAX(3D�� 781-5�91 �'�4��'�Y VAiL CASCA�]E HfaT�L RND CLLiB VAIL, COLQRADQ ITEM NO. 3g L7ESCRIPT!{}N SPA,RE NUM�ER Ol1ANTITY p IVIANlJFACTURER NIA NlOC1Ef� h1C7. NIA. ACC�55DRI�SIC3PTfONS NfA � PLUM6ING E�.��TRICAIL MECHANICAL - ����� hfC]TE SPARE fVUMBEF� []U+RAYIJ.F. ❑UNC,4N fND[,1STRlES, 1fVC� � G(7LURAt�O O�FFICE EaUIPMENfi SPECIFICA7'IC}�V SHEET 2835 W'EST c7XFDRL]AVElYUE, S[1lTE#T FIVGLFWC7Dt7, CC]L(7RAfltl�80710 �'3Q�} T87-5d(�1 FAX(3Q3) 7�1-5�91 PR4J�CT VAIL CASCADE HClT�L AMQ CLU6 VAa�., COLDRf�D� ITEM h1D. 4(} ❑ESCRIPTIDN PfTCHER F'fLLER {�LiAMTfTY �hl� (1� MANUFACTl1RER T& S BRASS NPflC►�L NQ. B-1214 ACCESStJRIES�CIPTIQNS �ROP-IN. INSTA�L fNTr3 ITEM#55, SEF�VICE �QUNTER. F�RQVIQE WITH 14" HIGH FAUCET. � PLUMBING ELECTFtICAL 11�'" C W 1"' IW MECHANICAL �-�Eq� NQT� � Q�ray1J.F. �un�an Industries, In i , Mfr: T&S ; Page 1 � — - -- �. _ _ i Made! 8�121 Q � rrf 1 � TBcS BRASS AN[3 BRLI�Z� 1NOR�5, I�IC. +�oa�� �v�. � Z SADD!_EB�ACK C4'� /' P.Q. B�l� 1{�i8 ,� TRA'JfLERS REST, 5C 29690 � B- 121 fl em v.: P�i{�tJE �-47�-��43 fl� $�4- 834-3518 �,��, � �s Jvb Name: Architect/Engineer Apprr�vQl: Nc�tes: VOL[Af� CQN`�RO�. 4 5�1fi� AUNSTA�,I.� 1fITfii [I10mnt] SCREN'IJRIVER ' I I I�}fAN BLUE I {3U'f�„�' � 4 3/� �' (1 (i�i�7 [�s�) � � B� I i � � � �`s� s �2s��,] I��J 4 �,ra' [iz��n� z' [�imm) o Anr�rsr�r� F'iANGE DE�C �-� [�lmnu) 4��' NPT � 1tAI,� R�GE"t NSF SfAND 6 5EC1'tQ1� 9 ro uc escr�� ic�n: rdwn: ec e ca e: � P�CASTAL. TYPE G�.ASS FiL�EI�, PUSH BACK W,�S �4RD �" =1 ` �?�51GN, 1,/2" �IPT MALE -'".�-HAN14, ADJUSTABLE ppro�e a e: FLA�IGE, BL�'E S��.F—CLQSI�IG ��XAN A�M ' C� 8/'� 1 f 95 �URAY/J.F. [7E1NCAIV EIVDLlSTRf�'S, {MC. � C�iL�RAL�O �FflCE �rQUERlMA�fV7 SPE+CIF�C�'#TIC?N SEi�E� 2835 WEST(7XFORt�A VEfVUE, SC!!7E#� E,NGL�WOOL?, C�7LC7R'AD� 8�1 iQ �(3t?3J 781-5(701 FAX(303) T81-54791 PR�C3JECT VAIL GAS�ADE H�TEL ANQ CLUB VA1L, GDL�RADO �T�M fVO. 41 DESCI�iPTf�C7N SPARE �JUMB�R QCJAN�lTY p NlANUF'ACT�JRER NlP, MDDEL �ii�. fVfA AC C�SSa Ft1ES10PTl dNS � PLUMBlNC� ��ECTRICAL M�CHANi�CAL STEAM , NCITE SPARE iVUMBER ac�Ra���+.F �vnrca�r�rvrusr�tt�s, rnrc. � COLC3RAD� dFFICE EQUIPMENT SPECiF1CATl�I� SHEET �835 W',EST�.�fF�?RD AV�1VU� SU17"E#7 _ ENGI�EWDQp, G{}LORA��O 8077Q (3(73) 787-�OQf FAX{3fJ3} TST-5091 PROJ�CT VAIL GASCAQE H�TEL A,NC�CLUB VAIL, CO�LQRAbO iT�M �O. �� D�SCRiPT�f}�! �?GIS�`INGl�iJ7�1R� EQUIP1VI�i�7 QlJA NT6TY $fd�-�'tj`LQT lVIANl1FAGTiJF�ER ly1,A NfODEL Np. �{p� ACC��S{7RlESf�PTIONS N1A � PLUMBING ELE�CTRiCAL. MECHAMfGAL STEAM �1QTE �JOT IFJ THI� G(�hITRACT SECTiC]N t�u,�,a��,�.,� aunrc�arv rnr�ousrr��s, rnrc. � CC7LQR�A�17O OFFIGiE` E+QUIPMENT SPECrFIC,P►TlaN SH�ET �835 WEST O�XFUf�"U AV�NCl�E, SUlTE�7 ENGLEWUO�, C�LCJRA�I� 8D1�'0 (3�73J 78f-5QL�7' FAlf(3U3) T�"7-5t]�1 F"ROJEC�' VAlL CASCADE H(7TE�ANQ CLU�3 VAf L, CQLC��ADQ fTEilll I�Q. 43 DE5CRIPTI[JI� SPAR� �VCJMBER QUAN7'ITY Q . MANUFACTURER h�1,q MOC]EL �IG. �y�,p AGCESSC}RIESlQPTIQNS N1A � PLUMBI�iG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL �y�q,�J � N�TE S�ARE NUMBEFi QLIRAYIJ.F. DUIVCAN lND+C11S7'RlFS, lNC. � C+DLC?RA�LY�C3 �"3FFlCE EQUlPM�lVT SPECIFICATfDN 5HEE7 2$35 WES�(?XFC7RD AV�NUE, S[l1TE#7 ENGLEWC3�7f], CQLORAD� 8{1170 (3f13,� 781-:SOi�� Fr4.Y(3D3) 781-5099 PR�JECT VAI�CASCADE HOTEL AN�] CLUB VAEL, C�7L�7RADf� ITEM l�Cl. 44 bESGR��TIE}hI CD1,D l�ANTRY GC7UI�TER Q'l1AWTrT1' OI�E {1} L�bT iVIANUFACTIlREFt hf1A MQ��L hMC�. h31A ACCESSOR�ESIOPTI�NS fV1A � PLUIVIBING EL�CTR�CAL MECHANICA� ' STE�4M NC7TE NO W�JRK FtEQUIREQ � Aur�,a�r,�.,�. r�unrc�anr rnra�s��rFS, rnrc, � CQLOl4ADC7 C7FFfCE �EQIDIPMEI��SPECiFICAT�ON SHEET �835 W�ST dXFC]RD A V€N'U�, S+�`1TE#7 ENG[.,E'WC7{3!], �C+LORA27�8fY17f1 (3�3,i ]'87-5Q01 FAX{�Q3J 781=5091 pRGJECT VAIL CASCA[3E HC3TEL AIVD C�llB VAIL, C{�L{aRAd�G� fTEM NQ. 45 DESCRIP�'IDN REFR�UERATED CA811�ET 1 1[�'l��,�,�, q�dANTITY f�N� �1) �IIANU�ACTUR�R �3�LF«LC� MOC7�L F�fl. 7�D4$-P Acc�sso�ztES�o�r�vn�s Pa�ss TH�ouG�. MC)UNT TO EXIS�I�fG G{3LC� PANTRY CC3lJf�TERr fTEM#44, S�I.�1�7 ���5 �c�c�� � PLUMBINC, ELEC7RI�A� 3�a V��T - � PF�ASE- 8.� AMPS MECFfA�TVICAL STEAIYf N UTE � ❑urayl.l.F. Duncan lndustries, In 4 Mfr: aelfield Page 1 --� -— - -— M�tded: 7048-P af 2 � � ,���5�` ��'������'�j�1�� � � 1 � 1 ' _ � ■ , l �G4�/�"' Q���? ��'11►�I' Detfleld Autocad'" Refiefence �umbers snoK'R sall csispl.y Ga..�s GstfiakEfAiCa Eilp�t E]Eift S�elf-�Cvntain�e�i �)�sp�ay Case T0�48-M '''`�''r�. �r,� s�. a�R r�. �� $91f-CDntaified rBfrig�ratBd di5play cabidlet. Un�T intenOr tp b4 cc�rr 7tyd$-M pAD7D01E DA07DOtS DAD7q(19P 7 struCtBd YVi�7 22-gauc,�e stSinl6ss ste�l bottOm.{6aCk to be ConStfuCted 7(34�-P QAd7fl41 E DA[?74Q1 S [7A07rJD1 P 7 ot 18-gar�ga aluminum wfth 1f.-in. mirror mountsd on afl�ng��'}. Inte- �� Q+�7oo1� [?A07t�}15 DA47001P 7 nvr ands ta t�e constaucted vl ASS maiee�al. ❑isplay case to be fitted with {2} %in. Fh�irmopar�e glass doQrs with top-m4unEed adjustatsle tra�lc- Doors te� he seif-cbosing and remavable. Inter�ar to have �2) adjustaGle 0ppary-cosied wire Shelveg,C3binet to be fllumin�te�d t�y{2} 36-in. tlur�rescenf light fixtures. Csb�net to be designed to maintain $5°F temperature. Ur�it tv be dnsulated with foamed-In-p�ace poPy. urethane. Right end af cabiner to h�use corrapress�r,candenser and evapcaratv� � caii, fans, cantrol and hnt gas wr�densate eva�ratflr. Llnit is ta be wired with �tt. Ct]rd and plug. Un�t extenor frnnf to Ge finlshed with stainless ste�el and plastic lami- �nate tr�m.Earter�or top and encfs to be 5rtish�ed with 22•gauge szainless steel. �xteripr�ottom to he 1B-qauge alurniraum. SeEf-Cvntained Dispiay Case Ta48-P *Back ta be#itted with{2J i�-in. lhick therrnopane g�ass doars witt�tap rnounted adjustable track. poors tv be self-closing and remcsvable tor easy cleanir�g.Cabinei rear to�firtished in stai�tess stee!with plastio iaminate trim. Self-Gontair�ed dispfay Case ?Q48-S *Bac�c ta be titted wrth 'i�ira. thiGk thermdpane glass panel. Cahinet rear to b�fin�shed in stain�ess staef with piastie iaminate tnm. _._ i - � � '.ti:v.... � .� . ,�-�� •,i�' . � ,. .. -_-�'"�' 'F"'"'' � ,,iiti'�►'��I.�a�I��CCp��'iia�'1��. � , ... . _ ... g.�.� . F DtaraylJ.F. Duncan Industries, !n T �Y � � Mfr: Delfieid Page 2 --- ---- —__ _ --- Modef: 7448-P ofi 2 � � � � ' � ' +� � f3fME�ItSIONAL pATA �as.31a�• -.�`�� _°�..� �1�, -l- � �-'"-�.__�— �2a�ses�• �I `=---�-�"'; I_ � , ...�:.' �- .� �� .T �'� ;_� � I �� 25�718`� �"' y��' � �� � �' I ONtE PfECE CpMPACT "� RFFRfGERAYIOf+I UM1T PLAN�rrc!�L�VATI�N i14"�i` � CAPAGITY SHELVES SHIP'+ M{3T�E: Haig#�t sh�wn wixhoux MOOEL 6ESCRfI�T1�14 , Cll_FF. , ;Q. FT. � 1'VT.I optivna!6ags.Wilh�egs add 6". J'�A�B-M �tM1�l{ SlfV�C4. Insid�dimrn�icn from laft ta ri¢rt:37 51$.• n+�,«a� escw �.e �z.5 �sa Ra:: r�+ru, 7U4�.�P Uoors Bcein S�9cs i9 1�.5 1� • � 7C}48�5� S�ngar Srrw�ee, Setr Tniu 3.$ Y�.S 285 i �------zc-sis••� �--za-3�s••----� ��a.s�e��-� � � �.� -� L-.° - 'J i __�__ -� i' � � - ,� �. � � � ��� s�. � i �� ;' �.. � I �� � �.. � ii I � � �=��s�• � ��•- : { � � ,�° �:� '�4 �.. � `� ��_5.��. � ca @:�-----� �-Z F2" � I -- - � 2°1 F2.. ns � � W. � i i �— � � � � �,�.. � ��,�.. H� f,. 2�712" 2-112.. � 2.1l2.. ii. � �� ! i ._ ._.. �� — _ � 1 ' _ j , �� 'I is-��z•• � � � Ij, aa-»z•• � � ,.L �—'�-�tr�_ �.. �� � � 7D4B�M IhAIRR4R$AGK 7Q48.p}*A5S THRLI i41d8-S SEE Tliii'U MECHANiCA�. i�AYA MODFL N.P.I WDLTS 4MPS A6EMA PLL1G All macl�IS 1J4 I 115V•5Ue•7{rh g.5 5•T5P ~� WqLLiNSFALLATIQW �/r Provide 115V ou[lei 7I'°efectnc roed and pdu�pr8�id8d. � � !`�. � � 2�3f4'" 4 � � � Id�75TALLA710M NOTE: Unic shoUld br rnstalled in a I�vel � ;� � ares swsy from any saurce of�nten��n�aT,tuch as ovens, FR��x � ranges.e[C.Prop@r eir flpw rtluss be pfavided eb the me�hine � '�„� comparrment.[3o nof instald un�t sa as[a close oft bplh s�dk and rear oT 41�e ma[hine compnrtment. Eether an� EXlT LQCAtIOW �^W;���ef4 open a m�nimum o!6". FC1A CQRD O�fE'n7 A G¢hfTlkLlf�LiS PHOfkAM pF pRpp�UCT(µP'�VEMENT,pEf.ffELA RESFRVES 1"H�R�GN7'i'O IAAM4E CHAlJf,ES YH CIESIGN pµp SpEGVF1GT14N5 WITHOLfT FRIOR N9JTECE. D�e1d�AL[� :� A [fivistan ot ALGQ Faadservice Co. RQ.Bax 47{I•ML P1e�unt,Mf�higan 48804�d470 ��' (517^)773-T9Sf •8�248-882i �U�} f�URAY/J.F. DUNCAN fN',�3USTI�lES, ,fNC�. � �OL�RAt70 O,F�ICE �RUIPMEMT SPECIFICQTI��I $HEET �835 WEST OXFQ,RD A V,ENUE, �U1T�#1 �lVGL�'WI�Qf�, �C?L�14AkD[? 8D170 (3�3,f T81•SOf]7 FaX�'3+�'3) 781-5097 �R£?.1E�CT 1I/�9L �ASCADE HQ7EL AND CLQJ� VAIL, CC�Lt7RAClQ ITEM �JO. e��, D�aCRiPTlON NdC7�] FIRE S�JPPRESSIOfV SYSTEM {�DR 1TENf#23) QUANTfTY p�� (�� MANUFACTUREF� ANSL�L MC}D�L AlO. R-'!02 A�,NSUL�}C LiQIJfD FIRE SU�'PFZESSANT ACCE5S4RI��1C+I�TIQNS AUTQMATPC ANI� MAh�UAL. MANUAL PULL STAT�UN AN[7 MIGRQ-5'4I'1+'ITCH�S V11fTH TWp SETS �F NOf�h+IALLY C3P�N Ai�Q TWQ SE3S aF NC)RMAI.LY CL(75ED CUN�ACT PfllNTS. ALL �XPOSED PZF'E AND FITTINGS SHALL BE CHF2Qi11+'IE PlATE� t77R STAI N LESS S'TE�L. � ALL G�MPplV�hiTS AND LF�BQR NECESSA�Y FOR CC�fU1PLETELY IhJSTAL�.Ed SYSTEM 1N ACCDRQANG�WITH NFPA 96 �AT�ST E[71�IQN, �SNA, AND ALL PREVA�LING RULES AN� C�DES. P�OVDDE WI`fH AUTC�MRTRC MECHANICAL GA5 SHEJT-QFF VALV�S �1VDT �i.ECTRIC SQLE�J41D VA�LIIES} �(7R EQUIPMENT BELC�W E�CHRUST F�UC3b�5). CQC7Rl]fh�ATE SIZES AND INSTAL�ATfC)fV W�TH PLUMBING �QNTRACT4R. ELECTRiGAL C(��iTRACTC]R TO PRD'VtDE SH�NT TRIP �REA�CERS AT MA�N PQ►NEI� PANEL, C]R DI�CC�NN�C�S, A5 DESIGI�ATED BY THE ELECTRIGAL EI�G1NEER; INII"ERCUNM1IECTED W17H MIC�Q-SWiTCH RT FIRE S"YSTEM �C7NTRUL PANiEL, FQR,�+,LL �LECTRIClTI' II�AND l�Nt]ER EX�iAU57�iQOD{5y. SHUNT TRIPSfi]ISCOtJI�E�TS TD AC�CIMPLCSH SHUT t]FF C7F ELECTRICIT't"Ih! EVENT QF F�RE SYSTEM A�TlVATION. p�-��g��`��' ELECTRICAL �2U V�LT- 1 PHASE � . i M�CHANlGAL STEAM � NOTE � � ._� �NSULt� RESTAUF�AN i F�I���L R-� �2 FIRE �S�",�NL�ARD SUPPRE�S�C�N [�L 30Q LISTED} � ��rsT�nn� ' DA�TA SH€ET � F�ATUF3E5 ' Low pH Agent � Psorre� E]esign • RsiiabPe CaRridge C�perated • Aestheticalfy Appsaiing • L1L l..istad -Meets Fxe:,uirerne:�ts�f � UL 3QQ i ���w AP�LICAT[Dhl -r •� .� _ `���,x,��;z �e Ansul R-�p2 Restaurant Fire - �—a ��;. Sunprsss�an �ystem is aR automat�c,Rre- '��' � en�ir�eerec�,fire suppressinn sysiem - -_-�^�.��=:= des�gned to pr�tect th�foldowing areas assa- , e�ated with coak�r�g e�,ufpment;ventilating epurpmertt onciuding ncnds„ducts, pienums, and filiers;fry�rs;grrddles ancf range taps; uprfghrt, natur�d eharcoa[, �F Cnair�-hlPe i�rail- ��. �� ers; elccfric,la�a rpck, mesquite kr gas-r3di- , �, ant char-hrOifeCS and wQks. �`� . ? � :. .a,� i,. .�;r � � � * � � - �`s � Ths syst�am is i[teaify suitatsle ft�►use in � ;, �" �, � res�aurants,hespitals,nursing homes,hatels, �"�� �� � "`�' v i" ' � , r.xr�i ,r•:. � i sc�o�ls,a�rpo�ES,and other semllar faclitr�s. `:;; ,r;, �`.,�,� d �,�,e :"�"_3 LS�of�he R-102 WysSern is lim@te�to interior , , `� ` z„��:; . application5 only.Tne requtlated reiease and �' ,ra r'-",�, � tarvk assemblies must be mounted in ar area ^°+� �� �. '#�jK�-"- 1.�4 -.�1 �'� w�,ere tne air temoeratvre w��l not fall belaw , K ; � �+�" 3�°F(a°�}or exeeed 13d°F{5 t°Cj.The �,x.. � �s�''- �,;_"-. systam must he designer�ar�d installed withm ' �.� "�;.` #he�uideli:�es�f the UL�isted Design, °�i k�' "� -` �.� u:,;:=: Installa;�qn, Recharge,and INai;�;enancE _--�,� ,�: Nlanual. - -_ ��j - - ; ,_ •r- �' �"he de;ectian por�iorr af the fire sup��essi�r, ho�sed w�thrn a single enc�osure. Nctzzie i +� `����� � Y �,'� Sysierrl ailows fc�r autamaC�C d�tection�y aipw-off caps,det�Ctors, cartridges,agent, :"�3.��, :ti � means pt specifFC al€�y rated fusible oinks, {usibie P�rrks, and puiley e9bows are supplie� �.« wr�, which,when Ehe temperature exceeds the in separate p�c'�cages in ths quanik[ies need- • � ys, , _ ratin�of the link,the�ink separates,allowing ed f�r fire suppressipn system ataanger�nents. �, �,, �r� the regufated release ta accuate. �� � .� {�' Additional equi�ment includes remofe mar9u- „�.� �� A system awrner's gu�da�s available cantain- �1 pull station,mechareFca�and erectnc�tl gas ,� � ing b�siG informatian penaining t+�systerrt val�+es, pressure swilches.and etectnr,al 4� � aperation and�nasntenance.A det��led leth� sw�tches far aulomsatoc equipmenr and gas nical manual is also availaole includin�sys• line shut•oft.Aeeessaries ca� be added s�ch '`--=.==�-' tem descnption,design,instaf+at�an, as a�arms,wamrng l�gnts, etc.,ta ar�stallations recharc�e,and maint9nance prncebures.plus where required. additionaV equipment ins�allation and reset- �������y��used in rnuiti le a�ran ements SYST�M QE5CRIPTE�N ting instructians. P 9 t�alfow fnr Earq�r hazard cp�erage. ��ch The resEaurant tire sup�ression system is a T�e system is insfall�ed and seni�eed by tank rs lim3te�[d �lis4ed max�rvtum�mount of pre-engvreere�,wet chemi�aP,cartridge- authanzed distri�utors!ha!a�e Eramed 5y �ne Plow nr�mb�rs. operated, regulatect pressure rype with a manufacturer. tixed n4zzPe�gena distnbutior�netwark. Et is ����Sic system consists�f an A�JS�1L iisted with Gnderwr#te�l,a�orapqriss,�nc, AUTQMAh!regulated releasa assemCYy (UL�. which includes a regulatep release rr�ec��- The system is capable flf au��matic detea�ior� nism and a wet chemica!s2arage tan�c and actuation andlor remt�te manual actua- 4ion,AddiErana�l equiprnent is auailat�le f�r r�'sechanical or aleetncal gas pine shut-aft` appfi�atevns. 1C is compa4it�le with rn�c!�anicaf gas shut_�({ deviCes;ar, when squippeC with a field or � � facit�rV-installed switch„ it is�orttpatible Wi;� i � ' + - -- . •i elec:nc gas line pr aPPliance sh�t-ai� � ' {:�. � + de�+rces. _ � ,�. � r � - i Regulafed Actuater Assemt�ly-When - �- - � -r,.� . � �Qre than two agent t3nks are reQUired,thB rt - # � " �-,; requlated acivator ss avaiiable te prov{de rt-^�° � �r�„� � � � I E # � . expellar�t c�as(or addilionai tanks. !t is con- � � �,s _ �#�� _� k� I _ - neeaed ta the cartridge recei�er autlet pf the � '�� i� ,�,�. �.� � "� �_'; regulated raiease mec�anism provkding � , ��: �� I � _.,..,: �ti � �, simultaneaus agent discharge. ft contains a � � :�* ,�;;,� ,� �'y :' ��, regulated actuatat de�dset at 104 psi - ; ';���°'��° � �: _`V z s. :;- �__° [6.9�aarj widh an In4ernal rF'Eiei trf apprOxi- � ' ny" � r ��%,�;,,� �.= mateEy f4F psi{14.4 bar).The reguYated actu- �,r f � ` "`� ator assemhly contains a regulated acte�atvr, � . � -- �: regvlatcrr.expeWant gas hose, and ag�ni tank ..--��- -�`� - r _ - - �'� housed in a siainiess steel enclasure witfi carrer.The enelasure�or�tains knockauts t� pe�rnit instailation of the ex�reliant��s line, CQMP�AIEh1Y OESCFiIPTIOIV C�ntarns a hursting tfisc seal whi�n pre�ents Dlseharge tVoales-�a��s dEscharge noz�ie Wet Chemicaf Ager�t-The extinguishrng i�'E����anir�g ai agent up the pipe durrng is tested and lisiee!with the R-1p2 system for agent is a miaRure ad orvan�e an�invrganic ��r��T"'�r�1�'P�f�ture vanativns. a specific applicatian. hJozzfe tips are sa[is des��ned for rapid ilam�a kno��Cdown Regulated Reaease M�eha�ism-'T't,e eegu- s¢�mp�d with the il�w n�mber designatian and foarn s�curemet�t of grease related Gires, fated release r�te�hanism is a spnng-Ivad�d, ��+'"�, �.2.a���l. Each nozzle musi ha�e a. if is avaRfable in plastic cantamers with meehanicaVpneumatec ty�e capab9e o! metal pr rubi�er fllow-off cap to keep the noz- instruciipns for wet chemical handlsrsg a�nd providing the ex{�ellani gas supply tp one or zke tio Qrifice frae of cvvkir�g gFease build-up. usage. twv ag�nt tanks,depenciiRg an the capacity o(ths gas�artrrdge used. It cantains a facio- �PPRDVALS Agen#Tank-The ag�nt tank Is installed ir� �,instal6�d regulato;deadset at 1 pp ps! A �ficahie Standards: ULI Ilsted rsnder E;(. a stainless sieel enelosure ar wall bracket. p. ;( �"iie tank is deep drawn carbo�stE�l finishad {s•9 ��rj wiCh an intemal reiiei of�pprvxi- 347p;ULC lis[ed under C�X-747; meeis in red enamei. rYSately y45 psi (10,Q bar). Rt has automatic requiremenis of lVFPA 9C{5tandard tor the aaruatlon�apahilities b}+a fusible link detac- 6nstallatian of�quipmenS for t�e Remaual �a,ks are a�aiRable En tw�a sizes; t,5 gadlc,n tlon systern and remate manual actuation bp c�4 Smoke�nd Grease-Laden Vapors fr�rn €�•� L)and.,.0 gallon(17.4 L�.The lanks �meehartdcal puil statien. Cnmmercral Caokirsg Equipmenti; NF�A 17A have a w�rking pressure[�!i Oa pss{6.?�arj, T'r,e r�gulateQ reYease mec#�anism coe�tains a (Stant]ard on INet Chemieal Extinguishing a test�ressure of 34p�si (24.7 bar),and a Svste:ns . ~~i�vrnur-i burst pres�ure af fi60 psi eelease assemb�y, regutatar, expeilant gas � `.4�arj. hcase, artd agee�t s3orage tank housed in a Q�R�EF3iA1G 1NFOANfATION siainless steel enc!❑$ure with c�ver.The _tank inciudes an adaptorltube assemhlY. enciosvre contains knack-outs tor iP2 i�n. C]rder all sys;em cornpan�ents through your ,�,e adaptor 9s chrflme-piated steei with a conduit.The cflver con�dns an openong for�, lacaf autY�flrized Rnsul Distrfbu3or. ]/�in.f�PT tertsale ga5 inlet and a 3f$in, visuai status inriicatar. NF'7 temale agent outlet T�e adaptor alsv BRECEFICA'Tt[7NS An Ansul R-102 F�re Su�pression System s�aE] �e !urnusheC. The system sha�l hs capahie of prateci�ng aPl hazard ereas a5sociated with cooking eq�dpment, i.0 GENEAAL 1.i R�eterences i.1.1 Llnde�rriters Lattoratpri�s, InC.(UL] L!L 5tand3rd 125� E1L Standard 3�Q 1.1.2 �latianal Fire Pro3ectivn Assot�alipn(iVFPA} N FPA 98 NFPA 7 TA 7,2 Su6mittals 1.2.t 5utamit two sets af manufacture�s data sheeis 1.2.2 5ubm�t two s¢ts�F piping d�sign drawings 1.3 SysSer�t7�escription �.3.1 The system shall be an as�toma�c fire su�pression systeat't using a wet ehemeca�a�ent fvr grease related f�r�s. x.3.2 'Rte sys3ern shall be capat�le o�suppTessing tires'rn the t�stlawring areas assaciated with cookfng e�vipmenr; went'riating equipm�r�t inePudi�tg haQds, ducts,plenv�rrs,at�d filters;fryers;gne�cfies an[f range taps; upright, natural charcoai,ar ch�in-type broilee�;electric,iava rock,mesquite ar gas•radiani char•brrailers. 1.3.3 Th�system sh�ll be Che pre-engineered type having m6o�i�ttum and maximum guidelinQS established by ihe manutacturer aRd fistecf by�lndenavriSers l.a�oracories, Inc.{UL). 1.3.4 �'he system shall he�nstalled and serviced by perso�nnel trasned by the manutaciurer. 1.4 QuaPity Gontrai 1,�,7 Manufac;urer.The A-102 Re�tauranS Fre Suppressivn 5ystem shal6 he manufactured by a cvrzipany with at �, ' Ieast thirry years exp�+nence in t1�e design astd manufactuee vf pre-engine�re[f fire suppressian systetns. The manufacturer sha11 be 1SC3 9{D02 regestered. j•4.� GertlCcates:The wet agent shalf be�speciaEiy farmulated,aqu�e�us se�lution at nrganiG sadts with a pN range hetween 7.8-8.2,designed tor flame knoekdawn an�foam s�curement of greas�e-related fires. i.5 Warranty,Disclaimer,and Limitatlons i.5.t 7'ht�pre-engineered resfaurant fire suppression sys4em c�mpvnB�ts shall be warranted for five years from date af dafivery against�efects in+n+orkmanship and matarsa6. i.5 �Jefivery �,E.� Packaging:Afi system componer�ts snaiP be securely packaged tca p�QWide prosec4iffn c7urir�g �t�p���n[. 1,7 Envirorsmerstaf Conditinns t.7.� The R-102 sys�ern shall be cagable of a�erating in a temperature range of 3�°F ta 13(�°�{�°�i� 54'Cj, � 2.0 FRbDIJCT 2.1 iNarsufacturer 2.1.1 A�sul Fire Rrotection,One StanScsn Sireet, Niarinette,Wisccnsin 5�1743•25�k2.Tefepha�te(;15}735-74y�. Z.� Companents 2.2.1 The�asic sys6em shalf e4nsfsl Ot an ANSIJL r��DMAN regulatea reEease a55emb6y whi�h in��utle5��Q��_ �at�d reiease mecharai5m and a wet cherati�af storage;ank housed wiihin a sangle enciosure. Ngzzles,blpw. off c�gs,detect�rs,c,�rtndges,agent.fusible linlss,and puiley elbow5 shall be suppliet!im separate pac�c- ages on Fhe quantiti�s nc�edsd iflr fire suppres5ipn system arrangemeruts,Addit'sonaC equipment shai!kncEude remofe rr�a�ival pufi station,mecttasaica!ana efectrica9 gas valwes,pres5ure swrtches,ana efecirical switches for autr�matoc equi�meni and gas line shui-aff. w-�.? 1Ne?Ghemical Agent:The exlinguishing agend shall be a Specially f�rmuPated,aq��pus sfllutibn vf drganiG salts with a pH r�nge between 7.8•8.2.designe�for ilame knnc�c�own and faa�n securement af grease related#ires. 2.�.3 Agent Yank:The agent tank shall b�'rnstal6ed fn a stainless steel enclasure vr wall bra�ket Th�tan&s���p be deep drawn carbc�n steel tin�shed in red enameV.Tanks shal�L�available in iwo sizes; 1.5 g�llon (5.7 LJ ar�a 9.0 gallon{71.4�,}.�he tanks shail have a workrng pressure pf 700 ps� (5.9 bara,a test Rressure ot 30{7 psi l2G,?bar},and a minEmum t�urst pressure of fiC10 psi t»�.a�ar)_The tank shaiE incluce an adaptprJtube assemtaly containing a�burst dis�Union. 2.�.4 �eguEated Release t,Aechanism;Th�reguleEed release rrrechanism shall be a sprinp-loaded, mechanicaVpneumahc typs capabie af pro�iding Ehe expellant gas supply to vne or tw�agertt;anks depending on tite capacity of tt�e gas ca�tridge used. It shall c�a�taira a factory instaided regulatt�r deadseS at 14Q psf(6.4 bar)wiih an in4emal refieT af approxRmat�fy 14�psi(30:0 bar}. It shalf have the fo�lowirao�etua3EVn caoat�il's4ies:automatec acivation by a fusit�le link datect�an system and remote mane�al actuattors by a rrteehanicaP pull stati�n. The res�+�lat�d reiaase mecharaism shall eontain a releas�assembiy,ree�ulator,expellant gas hpse, and 3gent starage tank hcrused in a sta�nlesv steel eeaGJasure wiCh cover.Th�eRCEosure shatll contain knc�ek-QUts fpr el^c in.conduit.T"he co��r shalC cantairi an�rpenrr�g(ar a�isuai staFUS 6ndicator. it shaPi be compatibl�wit�t mechan�r,al gas sihui-v�#de�ices; Qr,when equipped wiEh a f'seld ar factpry- instalied switch,it shall h$compatitaCe wi4h electnc gas fine or app9iance shut-�ff[teVices. 2.2.5 Reguiated Acivatar AssemL�iy:When more than twq ag�r�t tanks are r�quire�,the rer�ulatecf ac.uatgr shsli be 3vai�a�fe ta�rpviCie expellant gas€or addu,lo�lal tanks. ft shall bg Cpnnected to;he Cartnage recerver ouA � f�l of the eegulaied release mecharrYsrn peaviding simultarveo�s agent discharge.Th�regulatesr skaall 6e deadsef ai �Op psi{6.9 Eaar}w�ttl an intemai refief af apprAximately 145 ps�(7�1.q bar�.The reguiated ac6ua- tsar assembRy shall cantain a reguiated actuatar, regu`sator,expell�nd gas hvsa,and agent tank noused bn a staindess sieef enclosur�w�th caaer.l'he encPv�ure s�all contain knackovts!o permii insiallaPion of the �expeltant gas Eine. 2.2.6 �ischarge M1lozzles: Each dis[harga no�le shall be fested and listacf vwith 3he R-1�!2 system far a sPecific application.�1vZZles ilps shall be adamppti wilh the flcs+rv numher C�esigrtation{1t"2, 1,�,and 3). Each nc�zzl� s�+all have a rrreta!ar rubber btow-off cap to E�e�p the nnazie ii�oeiface free of caaWng grease build-up. 2.2.7 pis4ribu4ion Piping: distrihutit�n piping shall be Scheduie 4Q d�Gack irc�n,chr�me-pl3ted,or vtairtless Sie81 pip�confc�rrrrir�g ta ASTiv1,A�24,A53, or A1�B. 2.2.8 �tatectars;T�ne detectors shalP be the fusihle iink styde designed t€a separate at a speci(ic temperature. �_2.9 Cartridges�TY�e cartridge ShalE�e a sealec!steel presSUre wessel r.antaining either carG4n diaxfde or nitro- �en�as.The cartrio�e seai shaif be desygnEd to��punct�red hy the r'eleasing device supplying the reGuired pressure to expel wet chemi�aE age�t tram the storage tank. 3,0 f1h11PL�l�ENTATiOCJ 3;T instaliation 3.1.1 l'he R-1(12 fire suppressian system sh�l!be d�sfgned,InstaNe�,inspecied,maintained,and recharged in accordance vu+th the manufac4ure�s 6istecf�nstructian rnarsual. 3.2 lfrainTng ' 3.2.1 Training shail he condu�ted by re�resen4at9�es af the manufact�rer. DURAY/J.,F. pUNCAA+'!ND[JSTRIES, lNC. � Ca�.�l?AD�}�FFlC�E EQIJIPMEIYT SPECl��CATiC7N 5HEET �835 WEST C7XFURD A VFNUE, ,sUfT�#7 EN'�LEWC?G+L}, COL�RAI)Q 8aT?� {303} T8?-50Q1 FAX(3(�3} T$1-5097 PR�3JECT VAIL CASCA�E i�QTEL AND CLUB VAIL, CC3LURADO ITEM �IQ, �}� D�SCRIPTIOfiJ L]RpaNER, PAR`b'�JF lTEM #55 SE�tVlC� CdUN�EF� QLJAIMETlTY ��LOT MANUFACTIiRER DURAYIJ.F. DUNCq�f �NdUSTF�IES, IN�. MQOEL Nd. CUST�M FABRIG,�,TED AC�G�SSO�RlESlC?PTIONS NfA � PL'UIVrBING EL�CTRICAL M�CHANICl4L . STEAM � M�OTE SEE �US�'4M FAE3RlCATIDAI SHOP [3RAWINGS DURA!'IJ.F. DUNCAN!AlDUSTRIE'S, lNC. � CC7L[�RAD{� DFFfC,� EQUIPMEhJT SPECI��CA7��N SHEET 2835 W�S7`OXFORLl AV�NClE, SUfTiE#7 EIVGLElN�{7D, COLCIRAU� 8017Q (3[I�J 789•56�'f FAJ('(303J T81-5091 PROJ�C7 VAIL CASCAD� HUTEL AI+JI] GLlJB vAi�, co�o�ta,oa lTEM IVt]. 4� D�SCRIPTIfJN P�SI�CC3�FEE COU�T�R QL�Af'VTfTY UN� {1) N1A�lUFACTUR�R C3URAYIJ.F. 17UF�CAh� INDU$TRIES, fNC. MC]DEL NQ. C�STOM FA�F�ICATED ACCESSaRIESfOPTICYNS NlA � Pf�UI1�BING ELEG�'RICAL MECHAI�ICAL ' ST�AM NQ�E S�E �CtJSTCIM �ABRICATi+Qh! SNUP DRAWINGS �u�a r��r.�. aun�c.a�r 1�vausr�rFS, rr►r�. � C�OLDRAC�t� tJFF10E EQUIPMENT SPE�IFICAT[O�f SHEET 2835 WEST O�FURL7 AV,ENi1,�, SUfTE#]` �NGLEWQ(7�, CUL(3iR.�4DC3 SU110 (303} 787-5U[11 FAX�'3U3) l81»5094 PRdJECT V�fL CAS�A�E HQTEL AND CLUB 1/AIL, CQL.(�RADC� fTEM NU. 49 D£SCRCPTIQN P.C�.S. EQUIPMENT [�UAN7ITY' ,�}W�-�.��pT MANUFACTURER NIA Mt]dEL I►!Q. ��A AGC�SSORI�SI��'TIDNS N1A � ��unnge�� ���c������ MECHANICAL , STEAM NQT� N4T IN THIS CDMTRACT S�C�1C3N, �RdVIDED EY OW'I�ER ou►R.ar�.�.�. �unrcanrrNOU�rr�l�s, �nrc. � CQLt]RAD� QFFlCE EQUIPMENT SP�Cl�1CATIQt� SH�ET 2835 W�S�'C7XF"�f�D AV�NiJ�, SUfT�#7 ENGL.EWOCID, CDLaRAD� 8C17�0 �'3Q3} 787-5Da? F�4X(303J 787-5099 �RDJECT VAIL �ASCA�E Hf]TEL. AND CL�Ldg VA�L, G�LORA�IO lTEM ND. �4 DES+CRIPTIDM REFRIGERATEC7 E�ASE QU+ANTITY ONE (1) MANI.�FAC�UFlER DEL�`IE�U MOD�L NO. 4�i�7 ACCESSt?RIESI�PTlUNS S�LF-�CJNTAiIVECI, AIEi-CGC�LED. HEAVY DUTY CORO AI�D P��JG. DdCIFZ HtlNGED AS SH(�WI� OIV PLA�JS (QN REC�HT}_ 3" CASTERS. DELE7� FIhIdSH�D°�OP. � PLUM�{NG ELECTRI+CAL 12� VflLT- 1 PHASE -6.5 AMPS MECHAhlIGAL 5TEAM � NOTE �� �uraylJ.F. L1un�an Industri�s, in Mfr: Del�refd Page 1 — � __.__ ---- — -- — _ Mad�l: 4427 of 4 � s . � ��������� The FiCS'�` CfrolC!■ ,ii� Verltl�e. ►����7/�D�4'�f/rL�'+�'���7/LlG1744,�7�' Fr�nt-Breathing F�� Tbp and unqercourr�er Refriperatars Short Forrn SpecfA�ation� F.xtericar tap ts nne•piece,2Z-gauge sra�riless steef with integra!2.12° (5.1 ccil square n�asing on the frnnt. "' � �.;��, ,." Y •� Exrrrior hack a�d Dottnm are rwo•piece 2d-gauge galvanized steel.Ex[erior �'� r� ' -� ' .,.n~ ends are sr�air�ess s[eeL - . . ... . Entaior sidcs af door iuvticis are�tscrat,ofnrmed ABS Falastic wi�h i,ncega-a1 staelf � •� snppor�.Sase is rulty i�s�ilaied�ch riig,h�enstty taamed in p�ace pvtyurerl�ar�. .�,` _ - Refr�graatian sysxe�n uses H�C 4C14A nehigerant Cn�ngr�or u 1:5 H.P.,wi[h '= � ;s -� ; . ` ,. �:, tondenser coit and c�ra��rrsate evaparatar mouneetl ori rear of t�e cabi�et ' -:, ` ', ;} ��aparaca:mil and terape:acure canm�l are lucared vn the fnzerior�ar wav of � - rhe cabineL Refiigerant flc�w is mn�olled�y a eapiIlary tube.Cahinr[mair�r�irss . _ _ zn inferior ca3�irei Temperature ot 38°F to 44°F(2°C[0 4°C�. t _ ' 61e�triral canneci{oas are 1!5 wlt,�iC}Heriz�stngle phase.i7nit has an 8' - '`��• s [2.4rr��!vng ekecmcal evr�and Ai�.�'+,7�4 5-15P p1ug. ,� , Casteas:ts��ipmer,t is rnounted crn?'(a48cm�diamerer tronc Inci�ng plate - .} 1 nc�• cas'Ee:s.Emuprnea:c�earai:ce a�rc�ve ihe Aoor is v'_5"(6.35cm�. - Aaars have a 2��uge stairitess steel eximo�with thamc�larmed A95 plastic Y a' � ,} S a ' �. �n�erio:lirieL f.,�t�ine;pf d4er mr�es,t�as une adNstable eyapxy cea�t�wire sheif. � �1 ;.=.-; - � Drawexs have a 22•�uge siainiess st.eel exterio�with t,hermoftsr�ned Af15 plas�c ..�_, - int.eno;lmez f�r�wer ir�mes arri sEid�;are 14-gauge stainless stetl.with s�ess stPe1 t�zari.�;.Arawe�uufu t�ve[hrree draweas.Fach�sawen c�llds ane �2'a 20"x a"deep i30Scm z 59.8a�,a 1 D.l�m deept P�s.ssiAplied hY athecs. M�del 44�7 shvw�wfF�r apt�'onal backspfash dptianal Acc�ss�ri�and IY�od�flcatfans • �"x 2'sramless,�tee9'caadcsptasiz � 18"wide sin�,le tier ov�ershe�f ■ Plasrir laminate on iranr t Addihonal wiee shelves • D0f3�'loCk * �22�V,�5f�Hestz eIectr+tal system "Inclusirm�f this c��on w'si1 atier elecu3Ca15pee15catic�AS of ihe uniC �� ul � �L ��� DelfieP�i rgsprwes T)ra right to malw ch�anges in tlaei�or�paCi6a6nru wdlx�ut prlor ncrilca.0190D T�ra CF�1R�Id�d�sprirr.IrB�9ght6 reiarwd.�'nr+Nd in LJ.Sr4. Durayl.l,F. duncan Indus�ries, In - - Mfr: p�lfield �age,� — _ , _—_ - —_ _ ,M€�del�4d27 � �f 4 � � �7�@��i�'�� �����av���r�►+uc����rut�o���r Front-ereathinp Flat Tap and under�au�rter Re�rriyer�ar� � 27.]2" � (68.9crn) , i`—� � i i� , - � � � -4.�� �rc�.�s�� =----__�-=_ _ �* sr.�� �.�sm -- 2r[68.5cmJ {91.'4Gm) (8�C}CrTS) (6p.4Cm� - t7C]DR j � � {+i� m � �� � ' 2.5". (fi.4cm) ���vAnQr�v�Ew PLAN 1�IEW �1�[3 YIEW ��7 4427 4��7 � r�.i�^ f ��e.��m� � � � , � , ,� zr �e.�, � r� i-�.�" 1 �� �n I ' �1Q.8z�n) ��- r (93.4cm] (BOcm} (6�'�cm} � ' � � T� j__`: � m � ■�■i�O �° f � ��,��a ELEY�471C1N YI�W PLAN YEEiN ENC7 YI�W R�427 fM�427 b4-427 � ; �emda rasem�e�,r npnt w mat�e�enqes in�afgsi er spaasc�lfe�ne wRCuws prior nutica.019!891Tie Derfi�kl eUrtwnr.R�r6pnSs reserreci.rrlsi�d fn u_511. duraylJ.F. Duncan Industriss, In I . Mfr: Del��id page 3 --- .- — - _ � Model�4�27 I of� � -�fr�'�������� �Q27'f�+�rl�27'/l/t�4"�`i//'u�:D�"�:��T' Fro�nt-Br+eathing F�at 1bp and Undercounter Ref�peratvrs �s 2�.t2�_�, � E�.�G�7 I � -- � �? �., , ; ' r��� liI , i {�o.s�m� � -:- 33.ST' 91.5,. �.79" �- ; • -2T(68,6,crn} -_ ($�Gltl) �(�(]cm] ��'U.4�rrY� - � I t7.iD1" � ..._, , �--y �'"'� r � �,�-_ - + .�8.� -{iern) �LEYATIC}t�VIEV�J F'l.r+1N Yi�W EwD Y'lEW U C4�-27 ur,��� uc�z� � �_ ��.,�- � ts8.s�m� � i � - � � �� �r �7" SB.scm --�4�" k� al{AN+ER � � �3.3.lgT + ' i (to.6cm) i °.51.5 ,�3.7E5' ($6Gm) (l3CaGm) �f'0.4cm} ,_-_' _ j � I �3 •- m �� � .���`lk�r��. �� 1. i �`yo , '-(1cm] £LEUR�I{7N�'IE1M f�h1 Yl�W �ND nEHI UCD4�27 UCD4427 UC[34427 C�e�11Y�]d r��Gw rfght�o�eka ch�Yge�g,�r deetgn or speqACal�na withotR p[for notlG�.f39�lTa Delfid�Ce7rnp�lRy.All Mp�tL4 a9seslr�Q.PmleG in 11.5�4. DuraylJ.F. Duncan Industrie�, In ' Mfr: Delfield Page 4 - ---- — - -- — — - Modef� d427 � of 4 � ..�������. Q4'.'�'7`/d44'�'�/LI�+4�'�7'.�I�/C�4���`1 � �rorrt-Breat#�lnO �la#Tap and Unde�rCV�unt+�r k�riy�r�tars lNSTAG�.ATit]N NG17�: ; —� Ref'rigr,�tivn �yetem i�de�lgnad � I so that air wlll flow under tt�e `� I� �'=" ' �! �7'Ucmm) unit.thraugh the carn�raasor anea and out tha fr�ont�f the unit. _ _A� Rny rtatrictien to this air flow p�th will void t�e warr�ro�ie�s. t'L�A�E NDTE: nir�i�w�hrau9� I�C10��GLEAf�ANCE the lauver cn'�he b�ik of�he unit DETAfL i3 nat nacev�ary for opera�ian; � hvwcre, any air which passe� N[}T�: UC Madeks are ship�red with an akCcrnatc ca�r kFt, thraugh the louver i�banefic�aJ. redu�ir�g tha crverafl hcic�hx ta 33,88'°(�6.(7cm) Mechanita� Daita�Standa�d Uni� MC7� �flF SNELF ST[71�4GF VOtFS+H�FfF,7' lYERf�A SNIP Al�ER SNELV�S ANL�Ji SL�.FT. GAP�iJ FT H.A. Pl�J�^� AMP$ PWG WEfGF{7' 44Z7 t �.4d 5.7 115 1151�Ni E.5 b•15F' 19�0 Ibs19�.7 kg f74427 Np NA 1.5 115 11516N1 6.5 5-15P 21�}Ibs+'95.1 kg LXC44�'i i 24�i 5.7 1f5 115�60P1 6.�a 1rr15P 4901bsI8B.Y kg UCD4�2'�T NA NA 1.5 115 1�51fi0J1 8.5 5-#5P �14 Ibs+'95.1 kg � ��9��apac+t4'ol drawsa7 mod�IS is SJtirr�k�r uSing tht&a i2'x 20"x 4`deaP P��• U � � n cv v � �°� [3� Derl6eip reeerv�s tt�e npAi ta ma9ce�r�prs hs design or SGealicatlau w�houS G�at natice.G1999 7M�eliEeld Company.A1 rigtm reserved.FrinTed in U.S11. Df11?AY/J.F. DfJNCAIV fNi?USTRIES, 1NC. � C�DLORAC3�?OFFPCE �[�UIP'MEAil�SPECfFiCATfQI� SHEET 28�5 WFSF C?XFU14fl AVENLl�, SU17E#7 EWG►��WOQ£�, �CC]LOt?ADO 8UTTR (3[73) 78T-5QQl FAX{3�3) 7'87-509°� PaOJECT VAIL CASCA�3E HQTEL ANC}C�U� VAIL, CQI�L7RADC� ITE1V! NO. 51 DES�RIPTlClN MANL SINK QruANTI`6Y �NE (1) EKISTifVG MAhI�lFACTURER NIA MC3DLL �fa. f�lA AC�ESSORIESIO�'Tl�NS N1A � PLUMBING E�.�+CTRICAL M�CHANICA,L STEAM � NOTE EX�STIhlG - NO WOR9{ REC�UIRED , fluR�a r�J.�. �cr,vca�r rnrr�usrRrFS, rnrc. � COLC7RAC30{7FF1+CE ECt�f1PMEiVT SPE�IFICATIqN 5}iEET c$3S WEST OXFOF?a A V,EN'UE, 5LI1T�#7 ENCLEW�C]I�, C(JLCJRADD SLIf 14 (3U3) 78'J-50lJ7 �I'1X[3L�3) 781-�f�9? PRO.IEGT VAIL CASCA�E �10TEL ANa CLU� VAI�, COLURAii]C3 IT�N[ I�Q. 52 C]E5CRiPTlC}N ��SHRC]ClM �QUIPMEN7 �IJANi"ITY dNE {1) E7CISTING MAIYU�AGTUR�R 1VlA M�Q�L IVO. NIA AGC�SS[QRI�SJQPTIQN5 NfA � PLUMB�NG EL�CTR�CA� ME�GHANiCAi_ STEAM MDT� �XIS�'lhlG- N�WURK R�QUI�FD � CIURAY/J.F. £�UM�AN 1NlaU5TRl,ES, IN�C. � CQLOR.4DC7 O�Fl�,E E4UlPMEN7 SF'�CIFICATIC}IV SHEET 2835 WFST QXF�RD AVEfVC1E, SU1T�E#7 EI+JGL�WCJGD, C�LURA�C, 8077'Q t�o�� �sr-�r�a� �„�xx��03� �s1.�c�s� PRC�,IECT VA��. CASCAaE H�p7�L AND G�UB VAf L, C�LaRADQ (TEIIA NU. 53 D�SCRIPTIQIV V11ALL CABi�J�T QtJANTITY {��� (1� MANUFACTEIR�R NfA M�D�� N(J. N!A ACCESSC?RlESI�DPTIdNS NIA � PLLIMBING ELLCTRiCAL NlECHANI+CAL ' STEA�4II NC]T� I�C3T fN THIS CO�V7RACT SECTICIM, P�RC3UlQ�p 8Y GEN��tAL C�C3NTRAC�(]� AU14AY/J.F. L7UIWCAN 11UDUSTRfES, INC. � COL�RAD{? QF,�ICF EQU�PMEfVT SRIECIFICATIQN SH�ET c835 WE57'UXF�3Rt7 �V V�NU�E, SU'!T�#7 FNGI.,�WOt7D, COL�7R�4l7U 8077� (3I?3J 781-500'1 FAX{303] T87-509i PROJECT VA1L CASCADE HQTEL AND CLUB VAIL, COLORApI� ITEM NG. 54 aESCRIPTfON WA��. CABINET QUI�NTI7Y QN� (1} MANLJFACTUR�� TJIA Mf]DEL Af�C?. NlA ACCESSaRIESIQf'TIOAJS �1lA � PLUM�3iN�G EL�CTRI�AL N'E�CHA�IICAL STEAM Nt]1`E �1�T IN THIS �t7NTRACT S�CTIC]IV, iPRQVIDE[7 SY G�N�RA�CONTRAGTi�R t�u�a rr�.F. nunrc�an��nrQUSr����, r�vc. � CDL�l4r4DC? QFFICF EQLPIPMEhlT SR�GEFICATIQN SMEET �835 W,EST C7XFC?R17 AVENUE, SEJ[TF#7 �NGLEW(?QD, �l7LORAf3� 8(17?{l (3Q3J 781-5p0�' FAX{3f33) 781-5p9� PR(7JE�T VAI� �ASCA�}E HOTEL AND CLIJB VAIL, COLC7RADC7 ITEM fVt7. 55 pESCRIP710N SERVICE CC3lJ�VT�R � ('� ���/� QLJANTfTY p�� ��� MANUFACTiJRER DL�RAYlJ.F. DI�NCA�! fND�JSTFiIE�, fMC. MC)�3E� NO. CU51`C�M FABFtICATE� ACC�SSC?Rt�Sl�}PT��NS ONE (1} FISHEI�#3113 �ECK MOI�NT FAUCET(�2° SPpUT)AND �}NE (1) CRUMB �IJP WAST€. � PLUMBIM� EL�GTRICAI� 112" H1N& CW 1-112'" iW M�CHAf�ICAL Sr�qM � N�T� ��E CUSTOM FABRICATIflN �H{GG� C3RAWINGS Dur�ylJ.F. Dttncan Qr�dustri�s, In ' � -- -- -- Mfr Fisher Page 7 - - — - -- - -- -- � Modei: 3113 af 1 � � � o-a PROYYL`+CT NAiS�: c� ea , SINGLE ��'G,K DI1A1; C[JNTRO�, FAUCET � � ��H C] SPEC2Al. COiIFIGSJRATI{1tF � (C�CK HASE LdOAEL AMD (}PTICINSJ n [1"i7 Smm] MDAELc ' � 3},7Q lf,/ P:" S1fiNG SP�U7° L7 3111 lf,/ 8" SITING SPDI!'1' f � � �B� f� 9112 1!/ 10" S1fIf+[G SPCI[TT z—Tla• + '�-" "�y�� o a�ia n/ s2" sirtrvc sPatrr [r�.en�]I � L� r� �ii� �r/ caR s+►�rre sr�aur ❑ 311$ 11T/ 18" Sh'ING SPfliJT �PTI{]H5 OR 1[4I1S�IGATIfl1HS: [342.��mmJ Q SUPPLY L.r1�iES �24" �R 36") CIRCi.E LEiYGTH C7 D�1 SUB—hS5Y (7—�/4" UR 13°} ��RCLE LENCTH ❑ V1IMDAL RFSISCANT KIT �3 &tNPIL£5 {�ROSS OR 1FRIST) CIFtGI.E S�"YI.E O 4TItER 1/2' NPI FS3[AI.& F'F�ATETRE3: � YOT7EL DI3i "A' DDYC "8' DILE "C" ' SL�;GT� DECI{� DUAL C[7rAfTRQL ' S1Y[�'E[.'v[NG SEAT D15K5 • Fi!DT SItYE 5'!'E!d — fZIGHT HANII, CQI.D — LEFT HA�vD 3140 ��B 2mAa] [188.28mnp�] [152,4mxp] ` �'1"�ItiLESS STEEL SEATS _ �'0q ' STALtiLESS STF,EL SEAT 5CRElIS 3—i/4'� 7-1/S" a• ' STAItit,ESS STEEL HA:vDLE SCRE1f5 3f11 [�z.5��� (ieo.sa�] �zas.zmm] • ��.'�ar.� �r xosEs aii2 �-�/�' a-�/e"' ia' [es,�s�m�m] [ias.�e�3 [as+.a�] s�sr�:as u�ar�'s 3113 ;i1�2r $—F/18" 1�' ' TEMP: 40'P iMItI. TU 14R'F 1�L4%. [i14.9nam] (2Q4.78mm] �304.8mat� • PRESSti]RE 2�p ASI A�ik7t, STATIC ' E.�� GFId � Bd �'S! 3l14 "��9'�16y 9' !4' [a�i.�e��� �zze.s�� (s��.a�7 sz�e �-'/e' g-s/e' la- sx�pn�c �i�ar [s{a.�s��iz�,4��a ��na,�n] � �.7s �s xo�c�-�rr: ,�i-�/¢' �x.�a�� � a�s�/aii�.is.a�r �isx�R �.nrrr,�a�rvz�rrc c�ra�nrrY D[JRAY/J.F. DUIVCAIV!11lLTL15TlRIES, llVC. � COLQ+R,4,170 OFFlCE EQLJIPMLNT SPEGIFlGATIC?I� SHE�T �`835 WES7'QXFORD A V�1VUE, SUIT,�#T ENGLE1N+d+aL], CQLCIRA!]Q 8f1?�0 (3173J 781-501]t F�4X(3Q3� �81-50s1 PR4.IECT VAIL CASCADE F��]T�L A�ND GLllB VA1L, C(]LC}RA�?(7 ITE11A NO. 5� QESCRIPTI�lM CQ�FE� BREW�R QUANTi7Y C3IVE (3) II�ANUFpCT�IRER N1,q MQQEL N�. IVIA ACCESSDRIES{C}PT��NS NIA � PLk1MBl�IG E�.�CTF2IGA� MECFiAI�ICAL � STEAAA � hfaTE NC}T 1N �`HIS C�NTRAGT S�CTI(��I, PRC}VED�G B�' PU�tVEI'QR � � l7L1RAY/J.F. DUNCAN fND(J5Tl�lES, fN'C. � CC3Lt?R�IDp DFFIC� E�UI�MENT SPECIFICATIQN SHE�T 2335 WE�T C7XI�C7RD A VE,PVUE, SL1fTL�#I ��r���wnoa, eo��o�,aoo�o��o {av�� �s�-�oa� ,�.ax�3n�} r8�-���� PROJEGT VaIL CASGAQ� HOTEL AND CLUB VAIL, C�LURACfO '�TEM hlGl. 57 f7E5CRIPTIC3N �CEm TEA bISP�NSER C�UANTlTY ONE �1) MANUFACTLIRER NfA �1f10DEL N{]. N!A ACC�SSQRfESIQPT�GINS NIA � PLUMgIN1+G ELECTRICAL ME�HAi'oElCA� ' STEAAA NOTE NC}T (N THIS GONTRACT SECTIQN, pRC3VIaED BY PLIRVEY4R L7URA I.I.1.1�. DLINCAIV 1r•l�Cl.�TiR1ES, IN�. � Gi]LQRAL�J C3FFIGE ��UIPMENT SPECJFICA,TI�ON SHEET 2835 W,�ST(7XFOR�.�VENUE, 5U1TE#7 _ EN�L.F'WOOD, CC]Li�RAC3C3 8071t] {3fJ3} T81-aQ07 FAX(303) 789-5G19`f F'ROJECT VAIL CASCFIQE H�T�L ANQ CLU� IfAIL, CaZC1RADC� IT�M Na. �� DESCRIP7tO�V 1NSUl�4TEi7 10E 811V ,����i��/�'1I� QUANTiTY UNE (1} MANIJFACTI�R�R DE�.FIE�[7 MC?4�L NQ. �03 ACCESSORfESlQPTIQ�NS ClR(7A=IN, INS7ALL fNTD ITEM#55, SE�VIC� CQUIVTER. � RLUMBII�� �LEGTRlGAL 1" IW MECHANICAL STEAM NO�"� �QuraylJ.�F. Duncan Intfustries, In T - Mfr: Delf�eld i P���� I - — �--- --- —- --- - _ � Mcadel� �D3 c�f 1 ���'�.'�,'1' � �� ��4'����1�'1!� � r � �. Madel �03 De#fi�id Aut��dTr �7Q�a��� �Vj�'���'$ Orop!n�Ur�da�rib�r C+wductR Tap ss�0-gauge staoniess sieed, has fi'h"x 75af.'die-�mped npeninq Ow!'MIdlAkeo �IIpM Dirk with'f,s"raised edges.t7per�irsg fitled wiih on�piece lift-a�t�v�r in�- ��� � � �r Ma- gaags stainless steel. k�-CF1ut Ire rapmparim6nt liner is 24-gauge stainisss sta�l, has c�owad carnera 2pGi pApB(x3qE qAQ8004�u DA08034P 7 ar►d is p�ichet!ta 1"�iamster dra�n. Insvlsliara is high�eraswty closed- c�:ll polyurethane. Exte�vr rs 22-gauge galvanizeci steei. cuT�our o�nn�rus�oNs j+ Y9"h- - -, I + � � � � � ! � I 1 ' 1!W' � 1 1 � � � I . V �1M'�—rl t � i � _ � { I � I I � L�������.���r �. � ,�.�--� �_ r�_u��,..• I � ^ ;i i i '*" . _� � � a i I + � - J „�v: � r � � 7r I �T��• I I "' i �� � ,� � � _ -�:a, L_ __ :;� _ _ ---�.-=' , r i.�s �,y �.� .�- r -.- ��� . ��:�� � �� �� � �,. � � C�L�E 1D A C�(PINlM31l8 P�IOGRAM E7F Pflt]Ui,YGT tlMPFlOYEMEkT OELFIEL[1 FiEBERVES TkiE RPGHT TD h1A��E9 IH LiFSKiN AHD SPF.CIFIC'ATl[kiB W17Ndit�f PRIOR hka'fIC�. D�e1�%�ld�� ���- A Divtslon o�ALGC] Foo�ser'►�iee�o. P.'D Box 470�Mt. PWgaaar�t, A�ich6gan 488�.047@ ('StT�Tl3-79s1 +8+U4�248-8821 []UR,�kY/J.F. aUNCAfV fNAiI�TRJES, !NC_ � CC}LI�RAL]f7 OFFlCE EQLJIPM�NT SP�ClFICATNf�N SHE�T 2835 WFS�rJXFC�RD A'1/,�NZJ'E, SUfTE#7 f1VGL�WDO[?, CC7LDRAA� 807i0 . (3D3J 781-5f?U� F,4X(34�} 7'$7-5097 PR�JEC7 VAfL CASCAa� NOTE�ANQ CLUB VAIL, Ct�LC]R,AQa ITEM Nt7. �9 DESGRlPTIRN SO�AIWAT�R DISP�I�SIhJG GU�I �tJAFVTITY ON� {1} MANUFACTURER !',;IIA MODEL NO, ly�q ACCESSQRl�Sf(7�'TIONS Iy1A � F�LUM8ING ELECTI�ICAL ME�HAN�CAL - ST�AM NOTE I�{JT 1N THIS CpI�TRAGT SEGTIQ�J, �RC7VI��I� �Y PLIRVEYt3R � au�r��.,�. ,�r�nrca�r rnrflusrRr,�s, rrvc. � C(�LDRADO UFFfCE EDlJIPMEhIT SP�CiFICA'1'Ic7AI SH�ET 2835 WEST aXF�3R�D A�VEN[J�, SUl��#7 E,�V'GLEWDU[}, CQLC]RAC1�7 8017Li (303J 781-5(?(39 FAX{303J 7$1-5D9f PR����� VRIL CASCA�E HC]TEL Af�D GLUB VAIL, CC�LC3RA�� ITEM hl�. 60 I]ESCRIF'710fV SPAR� NUMBER QUANTpTY p MANUFACTURER N/A M{)[]��L �JO, NIA AG��SSORf�SIiDPT�QNS �JlA � PLUMBING ELECTRi+CAL MECHANI�AL STEA�II � N{7TE S�ARE NUMBER � � ���CA_�1,4 �c�`�.C�.c��� [� L C��i`_t�4�� ��_R_f��� TC3�TN �F VAIL DEPARTNlENT QF C�NtMt]NITY DEVELOPMFNT � 4 75 S . FRdNTA�E ROAD � � VAIL, CU 81�657 9"70-479-ZJ.38 NOTE: THTS PER'MIT MUST BE P�STED ON w7`QBS�TE AT ALL TIMES AI)D/ALT CC�MM BU�LD PPRMT Pert�it # : B98-�11& Job Add�'ess_ �3 QQ 'G�STH.�IVEN DR S�atus . , . : TSSUEI� �c]Ca�ion. , . : 13{�� WrESTHAVEN DR �C.�S�DAppli�d. . ; 45/1.4AI998 Parcel N[3. . : ?.`1(33-121-�10-(�12 Issued_ . . : 05/12/�fl{�0 P�oject Na. : E��res _ . ; 11/�8/20(}0 '�x.M l ������� � f� ,� a��, APPLIC�T RD�LN INItiUSTRIES ��' ��' Phone: 97Q-625-1352 ,�c��. 955 RULISC7N R{3AD, RI�'L�, �C] $155(l C'dN'I'RACTC�R RC7I+�N INDL7STRZES Phone. 970-625-1352 955 RiTLISON R�P�D, RIFLE, C[7 815�C1 �WNER L-O VAIL H�LDING INC i++TESTIN HdTEL THE, VAIL �a $�657 Descrip�tian: UPGIdAI�E AL� E�CTER�C7�L RATLT�+IGS fJccupar�cy: Rl/A3/B1Multz-Family w/ �sserrlbly & Gar T�rpe �[3nstruc�inn: II 1-HR Ty�ae T I 1-Hquz` �'y�e 4�cu.pancy: Va lt�at��n: 2 fl 0, [7 0 D A�d Sq Ft : F:rep'iAC-r :�fox:�aCicn: Rea�tricted; kFCf uars .lp�iianeer� �C€ Gas Loge: #C7f �Qnri/PaiZ�C: ...�.....�...rerr.erry...�.rr�..w.rr.•rrre.�rwrfrr�rrrr���rrrr F�E 5L1Id.MAKv ...rer�..e.r...rr�arrarr�rrser.r�rrrrrewr��.r.r...�r�.:..�r.r.M.... Su�i�i;sg 7 !,14f1.a{1 Z.c3tuarant PPaat Revicw--� .�0 'Cdca3 Calculated F'ee9---y ;,SB4,06 Plan ChoG9c°--a 7$1.6U '�Ra Fee-----------------= 2A0..90 ABditianal. Feoa__e_____., .DD Inveatigat:on� .[iu Recr�atioss Fae----- ---•7 .�r7 Tosal F�rttiit Fee--------> 2.SB4.00 Wil? Cal:_"'� 7.@0 �':"�;.ran-�;p �aepo�i.e_._______, soo.�o Pa�tfleYlCa"__"_""_""y 2,SFIM1.OD TCTAL i�EL°G- . . . ---� 2��84.'�iS }3ALFsNCE BCTf:-------------> .60 ..wr,r......:.......................r...wr......�.""'.....r�r:.......�.:...........y.........r..:�...:..�e.ee��............�........ Item: (]51�f} B[7ILDING �]�FA1�.TMENT Dept ; BLTIL�ING �ivision: �5/14/1998 JRM Action; IVt�TE PLAIVS TO �7R OS/l�/1998 JRM ?�ction: APPR APPR�7VED JRM �t�m; �54L10 PLANNTNG D��A,RTME3VT �7ep t - PLAI�TNING Div�si+�an: QS/14/1�38 JRM Actian_ i�1aTE PLANS TQ PLAANER �5/19/19�8 CBA�TdN :��:tior�; APPR �ppr per cbarton Ite�n. 056Da FIRE DEPARTM�1v'I` ��pt : �'IRE Divi�ion: Q5/19f 19�8 +7RM Actian: A.pPR N/A �t�m: U 5��0 PUBLI C W�7RKS Dept : P'[�i W�RK �i�vis ian; +�5I��1�-9�s J�[ .�ct�o�i: A�P�R N/�. ,...........t�,,..,�..........................................�......r.,.....r,...,.....,.,.,..._.......�_....,.............,..,.. See Page 2 af �this Do�cument far az�y conditions that ma� app�y t� this pe�tit. ��CLAI2AT I{]1'�S i heresy �cknowledgc� �hat i have rnad this anpi_cation, tiiie� ou� in :ull che informacic�n tequired, comp�.eted u� �ccuxate al�t plan, and ��ate that all t:te 1[1rOIT.N1CiC3[i provid�d �c+ rFec�ezirec� ia corzect, I agrae Co compiy with ttra informatibn arsd alot gl�ars, tes comply with all Town ozdinance� arrd ntate laaa, and to build Citis czruc�ure accoxding co the '?`crwn"� zcning �nd oubdiviaian ce�des, [�B61C31Z rvview ap,pre�ved, Llnifarm 8uilding Cade and other vrciinarxce� uf �.ha Toan agn3icable t3iereta. RgQIIESTS '�OR SNSt'£CTIONS Sf1A4L 9E MAD'� TWEi+PY'Y-�'f7UR HOUR..S SN ACWANCE 6Y °LEP!°fO1V � ftT 79-Z139 CF�'T�E PRtlM 9:06 R!9 5:i7� PM l � jj� ���� lS�r/1%_y�-=�,_�F .v,end �.�:e�r3°'J'p Dopoait 'T'a: x20MAN LNHU5TRIE5� 5i=�+t11`f"[?RE UF CWdB[EER CR CoN'I'FU4C^CR FJR H[tASELF RNO OWNF,R ir'*ati*�4ir�k**�k'�t�It�A'�k�ksk�e�tral�k'kikilt�F�fr*#drak*�k'*'*skA°�kie*�k*'k°+ka4-k*:1'**�k**#*!ri#�Ir**�Ar�Prsk�ki°ir*****�Fri'ie'kt4�FrtYrN'�k CC}ND I T I ONS Pennit �# : g98-f�115 as af l75/12/00 �tatus� ISST_F�D *�rxw�r���r*�***��*�r�*�r�r�r�r*�t�r�t*�r�r�r�r�r�r�e******************�******ar**�r��**�r�r�***�r�r��r�r* �e�mit Type ; AI7D/AL'F` c�r� HU'ILD ��u�� ��P.�i�a: �s/i�/i��s Applican� : RC�MAN �N�U�"TRZES Issued: d5/1�/2a�L] 97U-�2.5°135� To �xpire: Il/(�S/'2Q0{} ►�ob Address : L�catiorl: �30� W�;S"i'HAVEN DR fCASCAPJE) Pa�cel No. �103-12�-00-(}12 DeSCription: UFGR��DE AI,�, E}�TERZQR RAIL�I�TTGS Cvr�di�ivns : Z. FIRE fl�,`PARTMENT APPRCIVAL IS RE�QUIRED BFsF�7RE ANY WOR� C�N BE S°T".A_RTED. 2 . FIE'LD II'�SP�CTII�NS ARE RE(�X7IRE�7 TC? CHECK FOI� CODE C(3t'�IPLIAN(yE . tt*�+t*rr#tt�*tt�*#*tr****�#*t*�tts�*t*t�+�trttitt�t�t+t.+wx**�♦ �awt� oF vAiL, coLoR�DO •scar_�mn� i#a�tfrrrtr+►�w�rwirirsrfl�r�kr�kt�i�F+#r#�,Y�ait*#r#r*r+#+*rk,r,tir�kir�aF�atttir�tir S�atemnt Num�er: RFC-(}627 P�moun�: 2,564 .04 az/i2laa 13:54 Payment MeGhnc9: ����3 f+rc,tatic���: CLAY VALLE`l MFG Init: �Pi P�rmit Nn: R�a-c377� "i�+g�e: A-COi�t ADD/P,�T CDMN! �UiLD P Parcel r�o: aio�-�za-a�-a�z Si'Cc Addr�6&: I30fl T�IES'I�iAVEN DR Lc�catian: 1364 S�ST��AV�I� DR (CA3CP,D8) Te�tal Fee�: 2,58� .O�l Thie Paymen� 2,564 .(}[I 'Fe�ta� AI.�L Pmts: 2.584.4C7 �alance: .0� s�itdrr�+iYliWr�Yt�i�li�k#tk*�e+�ii##i�fi#vFirt�Fir:FnMir�4ilr�LYi��sst#tlYik+rri�twr4i�dr+�FrF Account Code Descrip�i��i Arnaunt BP' {301QOQ631111i1C1 BLTILI]IfiIG 1��17MT'f F�ES 1,J.40.00� DR tl0104QCk31122d!} DESI�N R�VIPW F�ES i80_flp PF OaZ000Q31123dfl F'L11N �Cf�PCK PEF;S 74.I.00 AD D2-D�P08 CLF�A�+[xJP I]�P[7SITS 5�0.60 WC Od1i70003i12800 WILI� CAI,7. IN5P1s�C'I'IC3N F£Ea 3.d0 , . :ontacc E�gln Caunty Assess�rs Clffice ,t 97fl-328-$b40 �Eo� Parccl fl. TOWN t]F ''�lAIL C�DNSTRLTCTI�2� P�R.�IIT f` ��L JJ;_ 2 �l�j.�� f�l i� 'C?� 2-. PERMxT A�P� �C►'1TIC7fi� F�R�i ~`- DAT�• � �.�, ` APPLZCATYOt1 MUST SE FZLLE� �U'r' �(}MpL�TEF,Y ��t ST MAY �1c]T BE ACCEP'�`ED ��*��*����**�*�����*�t***��*�,�* PERMXT �NFORMA.T�ai�i �*����*�***�,��**��r���x��***��� ) [�]-Building L �-P�umbin9` [ � -El�ctric�,Z [ �--Mech�.ni.+c�� [ 7--D�h�r �� ��b rrar,�: ��.�t1��J�t`��'fA��i�q�aob Address: .�.� �1.� r'J C� NIc��S �x� �v►�ct'.s d ea cr�'y-�s rr� ar�►►1 ,ega]. �esc�-Xp on. Ysot Blc�ck �ilin9' �SU�tSI�3ISI0�f: � �a nca[��,,, �i r�Y��- . . �. �wnexs tSam�: ' Ad�ress: �h. , (� .rch i.�ec�: � Add�ess: -�1',�j �� I�.f.�1'�'�r� �A Pfii. �•�-��#f 9' eneral. a��cr�.p�xon: c�. '� � � �ork �7�ass: j ] --N�w (y�-A�.�er�t3on [ ] -Addzt�an�l, [ �-R�gaa.r [ ] --[�ther umber o� Dw�7.�.�.ng U.t11,'�s: �Iumb�� of Accor�modati�on Units: �°� �t�nber �nd Type of Fzr��la.ces; Gas Ftpp�.iances Gas Laqs Waod/Pe1�,e� j �*��������*���r����*��t��*�x*���*�� VALUI�TIC�hIS �t�����r�;�s�������x�x��*���*���*�x�� �ux���rrc: ���,�p0 c.��. �r,�c��re�,L: � oTH��: � L�r�s��r�: � r�FC�u+.rrz���,: � ..�..._.._.__ To°r�,�: � �� �4 4 ��� ����:���**������t**�,�.�t������,� �;pr1 i�'� TC3R �N�'�7�tMI�a'SCJP� ����h��������*��������*�x��t �n�ra�. Can'�r�c�.ox: -�F��=-- r/-Z.x-'�� Tawr'r o� V�,il R�c�. N�-� cic�ress: . �`�..�=�^�^�-T��i r__ ���ht�ne ��ur��ez; � l.ec���.�al. Cantra�ctor. '�"rwn Qt Vai�. R�g. Na. ddr.ess: � Fhcane Nur:�bcX; lumbir�g Cr�rat�a��ox: Tc��.rn Q� Vail P�g. 3�dc7. �dre�s: Fhvn� �unber: �c��anica� Ccrn�ractc�r: Tvwn c�f Vai]. Reg, N0. �dr�ss. _ Fhorte �'unbe�: ����������t���������*����n������ FUR �]FFI�� �ISk� �������x����*���������r�������-�� �1�Ll7�t�G ]P�RI�SST F�E: �U�LL]ING J��,N C�I�CK �"E�: Lt]M�ZrkG PERMT�i° �E�: PLCJt�IB�N� PLA�F cHECK ��.�; �'CHAl"d��AL PERMIT FFL�': I�i�CHA��ZCAL PLAN CH�CK FEE: L�CTRICAL FEE: .. .''.,':, : � R�,CREAT'I{3N �EE- r'HER TYPE aF FEE: —�- CLEAN--UP DE�C3S�T: �B FEE: , r _ _ TC�TAL PERM�"�' F�ES: TYPE GRUUP S�], F"�". LIALUAT�Dt�' BCIILD�NG: . _ S�GPIATUR�: , �0 t�i��'G: [ r�:'3�-�r ;-},.� S I�GNA'�URE: - - _. �mm�n�.s• L��rr � n�.asxx ��znan To: . ��_:,���r�; � _ ' � , � � �`� N�A� 2 1 �fl'�� '� � ���� �`��Y�OF�'AI� �._��� C'Ermmu�rify'i3ei�efo�ms.�n#-l�uid�lin�ileprrrfirent 7$,Snuth Frnntu���Rnttd Y`uil, C'O 81 G�7 � N�TIFICA�'YC]N OF AP'PRCIVED PER1'VIIT,,STA"�U� f/ y �( ,/ � p, / ,,r r ,�f�,��' ���. j ,.s �,� � .�' '�./ '.- 'V���A/� +' �� ����� ����'t I {� � f / _+�I �' Y' /,.-fJ �� /� �I �f'.;�1f " '.. "J , �`.F . .. , -� ' � T � /�ri i i i r � J' /,. C+�ntractnr: R+dMAh 1NDC1STRIES � �� � �'� ,'�•r �'jr �" -�� , �/'�'�`�_ jd l��� Addre�s: 9S5 Rulison Raad ��n�, ca �r�so �ate Permit rvas ap,plied for : U5114198 Perrn�t #: B]S-U�16 l�alance due: �2 SG4.00 Plan +�heck Fee: �74iA0 .fob �ddr+�ss; 130U 'Westha��n Dri�e- +�xsc��t�e �otel. Vail, CU 8�G57 C}wner: L-C] Va�l Ho�d�n l,�c. ' '�`�� .�`�� .fob descriptivn: [Jn�rade a�11 exteriar r�ilin�s �'��E C:O1�IT�tACTC�R CDN THIS JOB HAS SEE�1 NQTIFiED S�VEI�.AL "I"l�w[�S AI3+DUT `C'�IS [)LrTST�►�D1?�'G PER��vI1T. IF �+E DD?�'T HEAR Ffi,QM YQ[J �Y AP�1L 1, 20�[� t'��: '�'4'I1.�, ASSC":�iE '�HA"i� 1'Ql� �RE NfJT GQING TU PRQC'EED ��'ITH TH� f'RQ.1LC"1' 8 T��E PL�NS W'II.L BE D15CARDED. PLE.��E .'1I3'ViSC [15 AS TfJ '1�'H�T YUL1 PLAN Tfl DQ ItEG,�►RDLI'+IG THIS. (7�.1R SYSTEM SHAWS THE�T�TUS pN 'C���S PERMIT 7'{] BE UUTSTAN�ING. IT WAS APPLi��I FQR„SLI'i°HA5 NUT BEEN pAID F�DR tVC3R 51GiVEIl FOR. THE CCl�E C1I� EXP[�ED PERMITS REQlJ1RE� US TO C�LLECT TH�FLAN CI�ECK FEE [F APPLICA6LE. '�`HiS WIL�AF�'�CT T[iE 15SUAhI�E OF FERMITS"TH�IT YOiJ AFPLY FQR �N THE FCITEJRE. 1F Y�U HAVE D�NE THE 1JV4R�C W1TH(I�JT TH1S P�RMIT fidVE A�tE R�QC9TREIl TO CHARGE A b�l18LE F�E. WE ARE AL5(1 PLACI�G A Li)CIC�N YO�JR CON'TRACTl7R LICENS�WNICH"V4'tI�[.�REVENT YOf� FRflNi GETTING ANOTHER PERNiI�' [JN"CtL THIS I�I�,�S+[3L.VE�}. Please call 474-2139 or ca�ne iato o�r afTice at your e�rliest cor��enie�ce to let us ,;1 ,� �� � r / knnw how you wou�d iike to proceed. 1`hAnk yau. , "t'� �/� / / / � r`,J��//� /J /� � - � � ; ,�- � ;�,. ,--�.� ' JL.�1 �- /1',a' 1 � � ��I`rr-+''�ri�� �.r'��,J�����:�+ ��� �� �I E�,�i.r'f� 1;�1� �-' � ��}�!!'�/'�Ly � F / f� /I �, (/} ��, . ,�� `�'� ,� t'� �'+�W:�'�F �AIL �'Je��rrmenz nf Cvmrnunitv Ucvelr�f>rracnf 75 Sr�urh Frranrage Rocxd V'ail, +Ca[urc�clo �41657 97�--�7�-213$ F��X 5�7f1-�79-,��52 N+(�TI�'I+�ATI+D�`+i (Jk APPR.f]VED PERMIT �TAT�� C[�ntract4r: FLL7HA.4� INI]US�RI�S Address: 455 x[��.IS�orr �o�n, iur��, Ga 81650 . , i�tttc Pcrmait rv:�s applict�fnr: 5I14J'98 Pt;�'mit#: B9�—tlll�r E3�.sl:tncc�3ue: $�.5��.0� Flan{`h�.�& Fce: �7'��.Q� .lah ad�ir�ss: I3UQ Ti,�EST�IA�'ErT DRIVF — CASCAl7E &�TEL 4►Frtcr: I.—(7 VAII, H(]1.fJING II�IG_ — TEIE i�ESTIN Ii4�1:L Joia descri�tion: —UPGfi�i]� AL[. F.�[TFRTaR RAI.L�NGS i�[;R 5Y''�TE!V! SH�'1'�°V'S THE :�T.���l.��; �)?'� Tl�yS P�1t:VIY�..T(7 ]3E ['JC��I'S"I':��1D1`�(;. iT 1�'_'1� :#F!'�.�F,D F(7R. l31�"i'�I.�S �r[3`[' �E�.V P_1ID F+01� �VOft�IG\'�� FQR. `l`HE CUQE �,1N E:'CPlR�:[3 P�:R:VIITS REf�C'IRES L"S 3t7 C[3LL�.(•.1. 1"�i�: f'ls,�,IV C:}i�:CK FH'�. IF :a►�'PL�CABL.E. `I`EiiS Wi[.L,�FFECT Ti1F I��ii:4�iC�i: i)P�YEHI�ii'1-S �TH:tT Y{)[::�3'f'LY F�1� I`V TIIE F�iT[il�:, [F 1()L H:1V� il(�:VE 'I'H'E WO�t1i:1��`3'I'tli)f?"1."THI� P�R;►+il'I'��''� AR;�. R�Q(�IRET] TO C'3��RGE .� �{]i;Bi.E FE�. V4'E :�;2F :1i.5i) Pi.,�('�3V(; .� L�[)[:i�.C)�E Y`t3�?R���d'i'£�,:�('TS�R �'CE:�SE ti'43?1C33 �,1�iLi_ g�.�1%E:'�fT �'f1i� �fZr��til c;€:°?'�r?'VG �,ti[)1�H��f� S'�.'t�t!'!� �?�1"i'lI_ T��I� 1� €i.l�:�[D L 1�`E 13, Ple:�:ac c.ill�;'J-?f3°?r��•cc�rnc �ntc� uur�f�c� at�uu��cat"�[�tit CQfi'1"C7�IL'iiCi` �C!ICi llti Ifilf314' FIUSY F'ilL1 w(3udd like to prcx:�e[i. �'h���k ruu, ��.+��r��r.ts::�r:tir�F:ia �E�'� �u� 1 � �oao �i�iere�t 1 C { - S�pring�_ �n�� P. �. Box 49457 � II ��T�f�� � Colorado Sprin�s, Caivradv 8Q919 ��]� '�+�I!#_Tll�'rin�� (T19) �$6-08d�6 `. �� , A!R-CONDITIC]NING FAJC: [�1'9) 599-0414 .�,� � i R�FRIGERAT..faN � � � SYSTEiIII SALANClNG �• �_EQUIPMENT TESTING , �E�f�R�t�, �N����f�i�'l�3�# ; ,��.'��'�`�� ��{ ,. __ _ _ _ _ _ _....;,� Proj�ct _ _ Locatit�n Varl, �olc�r�dv Ar�hitecE Andersarr J Mrlfer, LTD_ Mechanicaf Engineer _ A8� C+�nsulting Engineers Mect�anicaf C�ntractc�r Envirorrmen#a!Heafin and,W� Balar�cing Te�hnician `Tim I;ig�rs I3ate: ry I}�� l.�`d k*f,. .. ._. �.,.. . ... $5� - _ . �',`�5�7ffiic...€ ,. :..�... ................ .....�c���,'S,. ,, . , ec � � Velome#er Rir Data Multim�t�r Shar�►id�e M86, M87 A�em�meter Davrs -Alr�ar Type�4 - 2 S�eeti �ndlcator Biddfe __ TYPe 9995 Amm�t�r Amprv�e f?igita! _ Typ�ACD-2 V�Itme#�r Amprabe Qigita� TYPe AGD-� � Inclined Graft+�ag� Dwyer 4(?G► _ �u'4agne�eluc Ga�ge Air Data �49u1fr`mef�r _ Sho�frid�e MBB, M87 Pressur�Gage _ 8arc� - - -- �-6[�Ibs.=o-���]t�s.- Pressure Gac„�e-Differ�ential _ __Barforr � - 5[] PSI, �-2(}�? P5! _ PyrQmeter - - A�nor -- - �3�0- � ---- - 'Th��mometers lMC �igital -- �90� - � — _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . �J�;.� >����������.����};�"::.t�F�a��,`'�` A��? �.����1`��� l�i�� ��21�1��� , , Sidewall D�fFuser _ _ Mak� i Ype ��x � - Make _ �Yp�` _ _,� � � Ceiling C7iffuser Make _ Type p , Make Typ ° ' �-� -- -. w Retum Re�ister Make T p � E 3 � � � Make TYP � . ,�.���c�� � SuPply Re�ks#�r Ma�Ce _ T °�'�� �� � h+�ake Ty �,�►.*r�'��� Retum Grilf+�s Make ^ T�pe Make - -TYR'� --- � Project Altitu�� _ g ���,�r7° ! — — __ Velomet�r Coreecti�r� Applied to; area �K�'Factor� ,Velc,city 5ta#ic Pressure Gorrectian Air Dat� I��Itimeter Co�racted Reca�ded Press+�re F�eadings are: Measured -- - - Carrecte� X.3� I�lidwes� 1 �a��radc� Springs lnc. T������-- �.o. �a� ��oz Adjusting � Coloradc� Sp�rings, C�Iorado 84934 aajar��an�- �ro'ect Narne: Vail Casr,�de Hc�tel & Club Index .-�i `..4�: ,� i ? r,lx� ,:r/ ' ��r* 1�.^j-§*� S All Systems ._ Air S �tems Recap 5heef-- —L- —1 E� - 1 D � Equipment flata - 2 — __ ; F�cistin U�its Air ��lanc+� aata 3 Existin �Jnits Air 8alanc� Qata 4 f --- - - I - .�� ___�--, � � .� -� � � � - - - - � - � i � - � - -- - ti � � � - , _ i s � � __ - _T l � - � Midw�$t ! Coforada �prings Ir�c. �. a, �Qx s�a� P��e: � �Io�ado S�rings, C�lorado 8�9�4 Testing t 9� fi36-�OSOfi F�4,X: {719) 599-t7414 Adj_u_stin�r Baian�ing Air 5ystems Recap 5heef P'ro���t 1�am�: Va�l C����dQ '�-Ic��el ��d G1ub °: . ;; � :�.. F��c�`� A��u�� 3 ��� a� � { , ; ���ct�r� � ��� �,. �� ;��n�: � ��� _._ �F� _ . � ���c�.--:. . ..- �es�a�s. : . � � E.�cha�st � EF - 1[3 I �,$Qfl � �',2Dd 'i Ofi I New Far� i p -- - j 1; � � � , � Ml�A . AHfJ-�i & 7 ;. �,400 3,4�i � 1�1 � Exi�tin Units i - - --.1 I � � I - -i C - - � - --- - - - ------i - I i , _ Supply ; AHU - fi i .-- 9,9�a ._-�__�0,�29 � 1 a7 Existir�� lJnit _ . I _ 1 _ ' — -.- - o � ' � � �uR�IY _ ANU - 7 A 90D_ ._ . 93a 1Q3 Existing ��it I I � S�ply _:_AHU - 7__ B 1,53Q . 52a - - 34 Existinc� ; � I I I � , � I ` _� ---- � � 1 • __ ___ �_ _ _ _ _�__ . ___ Midwes# 1 Colaradv �prings Inc. I P. D. Sax fi1 p2 Calorado Springs, Ctaforado 8U934 Page: _2 � aa�e; - - - - EquRpment []ata P,rr�ject. Vail_Cascad� Hvtel ar�d Clut� , A}- lJnit No. FF- 1D __ __ �lan Lac. Make 7'wi+� Gity Far� _ _ � Seria� Number Oa-j�2326-1-1 Si��245 Ty,pe BCVS2 _� Rating __ B,SQt]CFM �_3.5" SP _ 5p�ed, RF'M 7556 B Matar Ba�Uor H.P. 7.� Rat�ad PFIEFF T3/H8.6 -- Type N'A — RH. 3 R�te�d S eed �750 _ - Meas. Vo[ts LJL 99,2/i98/��38 5F 9.15 Rateti Volts 2�E-23{�J 4�5t� M�as.Amps. _ f8.7/79,#I 19.3 �Ft. 213T �t��d Antps 2�.�-2�.61'T�.� Meas.Valts(lJG� _ 11T/17b I i 16 - - -Meas. KW 1.741`�.78/1.84 _ C) 5t�rrter _ Furra�s - - _ Size Q Thermais E 67 ExistJ Amp. Rating— - Z9.4-24.4 � _ 7�ermals _ � �_ �R+ey'� Am�_Ratin� — �trier --- Q�--Dri�rert �AK fi4H Sheave x Bor� N x 1 T/18" - t]riwer 21IP 6� Shea�e J( Bore 9 3�'8„ B+elts AP 5l1 S+ze 1{ Na. Belis _ 2 1V1ot. Adj. lr�lOut - 1"'!3"_ _ CL. Qist. _ ?T, Dri►re Change _ - -- Belt Change Final RPM t45U Final Amps 7�5.1/15.6/95.2 Fina! KW 9.42C 1.46/1.50 PF(lst) ,810 Fin .812 E� Fifter (n -- -- Cfut �rop -- - I�ea#C�ii Ir� CJrut Dra Gno! Coil In Out �ro Fan In -�.55" Out a#mos. Rise 2.55° Pu��_ tn Out Rise � - - Remarks -- — � `� ' � t+3 03 �+°s; � � � � I � Q $P'; �17 � �; c � >�`' i a �- o - �n a : � � v � :,�' �' pj p '� c°�� o a o ;t, �r � pQ N:: � +r� r C�l r s^ e'- , M {"? � � p : - � _: •--�------ G C N 'C, � �,��g� � ' .�i� �' C� C.+i . 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