HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT GENERAL 2 LEGALa iF l! rn .=sl t*:* r.\-\rJ g ts .ru}1 vr.t i\dla5c 5ld${ o i o o I -o rit oo ()s T.9 J! E E Pg^:i EEE bgE I F€ gi a#E c:Ei tr 5 F.= =F = I E: EE i+-{ lu # -'1'- -'l P't- q -_l ?(( .i (.C CLE qt it ()r JE {bEgj x IEt -F3: bEEi aOE( 8€ s: HE gi 9qo f E:H{qEEJ =i ='!C3 c L 'F.f'Ft =x=(i+id s- 7 r-, -a-) I il, iil t:: It3 :.dir ,i, tat Fl li <ri () Fl ;) o E ., trr F ut J F 3 o F t CJ F C'? -( rt ' o N e lt o Efr FE =.o 8.9 trt oo .=o IE:o-: 8."d)O iN ox -c_b -co :o)oo $-u o 3n [rI nrJ Yz L.l cr <v ttcE a< 4B- U J - t, iI! iii r-. !., EL n -)o li-tF GO Ol-Ecl ,9 E -: =@Oai>(o trj:-c x:Ei rF33 hEE fr !J'JL eOCO =r-l-.95 F!' '= -,-.9 HE 1E o. a-od 9 odtrarf +r-!C{r, 8 E Fr r-Fr--J tr J tr.:-? = o C; c r''F $'F 6 ix=c jr : G <$<(L .:t.. .,.-:\. . t W ! 2 : r '-< i.1 $J t-s \f q) \,.\J-' t.,:! lc TE co GI 1 't l. I 'f o.o o o 4 o .o t-GO Otr JE €eEgi ; i5E bEE E cOg9 ri gi Hi sE "'3* 3 .r:5 Ft 6.8 F"qE€i =fr 5'E C1 E r''F $'E 6 =x=s S: 5 (E <r<o. ',''. \r ll rl $ DRBaf -oq(3 SITI: Mnp t.lt,'lvr)r,: {:( )\lx}t1tt1t'srs ( inrtrtl l-.trtl , r 'rir-{!.r.. f,:1-r.. l$ngi Clill& a-:lx,ph{r{*c Rt t;11 I 1't-,r |r q'rl: T'[ nr \rr\ll. \al .l l:\ €'Wolosll Sli!bhse Itt I ll '"f*,. Io trlln r' ll llCoroo! SCrn|| : \t'sr t|'r Blsrlr Cnrl ifinhm,il\8trtfi ""' r, ro Lcst$tlt 4 trgli Cotlnly flrt llrlotl Codtlt.rt lo 0enrrr . I 0rA '|***'l*******l**t*t***'}*l*+att***la**aa*aa********l****t*l'+*+*l*****a************+***++****+lr TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Seatenent Mriber: R070001559 Amount: $188.03 08/24/2OO709:12 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 32?1"2/L-O VAIIr HOTEI, INC Permit No: DR8070443 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2LO3-12L-OOOL-2 Site Address: 1300 tIEST'IlAVEtil DR VAIIJ Location: VAIIr CASCADE REOSRT AlfD SPA Tota1 Fees: $188.03 Thie Payment: $188.03 Total ALIr Pmts: $188.03 Ba}ance: $0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion DR OO1OOOO3\T22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES sP 00100003124000 srGN FEES Current Pmts 50.00 r-38.03 '--{4 ; . t** It v 1 c{rt u}nw (EtEtaPlrE}rt Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORI'I Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. vai[, Colorado 81657 tel 97o.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 weh: www.vailgov.com Protect Name: Vail Cascade Hotel A/C Units Project Description:- Request to add air conditionlng units to the Vail Cascade Hotel. They will be screened by walls whi'hc contain planting beds. There will also be a relocation of an existing pathway to an existing hot tub. Partidpants: owNER MIRUS LLC 0312612007 qO WN MANAGEMENT PO BOX7270 AVON co 81620 APPuCANT J G JoHNsoN ARCHITECTS, Pc 03|26|2007 Phone: 303-892-7062 730 17TH 5[. SUnE 110 DENVER co 80202 Project Address: 1325 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: 1325 WESTHAVEN DRIVE Legat Descrip$on: Lot: Block: Subdivision: CASCADEVILLAGE Parcel Number: 2103-121-0001-7 comments: SeeConditions DRB Number: DR8070105 Modon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz 04 I 04 I 2007 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not consutute a permit for building. Please consult with iown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shalt lapse and become vojd one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is dlllgently pursued toward compleUon' Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulaUons in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April LS, ZOO7, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Cond: CON0008805 The applicant shall match the materials for the relocated path to those of whlch the existing path is currently constructed. Cond; CON0008806 The applicant shall prwlde a staginq and access plan for the insbllation of the air conditioning units and screening walls. If the inttent ls to use the Town's bike path the Public Works Department will need to be consulted, The Town Engineer, Tom Kasmel, at 97 0-47 9-2235. Cond: CON0008807 The applicant shall include great detail of the plans in conjunction with the building permit submittal. Things to include are details on the materials for the wall, heighb of the walls, whether or not there is a roof over the air conditioning units, etc. @nd: CON0008808 The applicant shall not remove or damage the the exisitng aspens to the west of the exlsting path. The only existing vegitation which can be removed is that which is physically In the location of the new air conditioning units and screening walls. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee paid: SZ5O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Appfication for Design Review Dob enr,ered + Departrnent 0f Crmmunlty De\€lopm€nt 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cobrado 81657 bl: 970.479.2128 fo( 970.479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com General Informa6on: Al projects requlrlng design rwlew must recelve approval pdor to zubnrlting a bulEhg permit applkation. Please .efer b the submittal rcqulr€ments for tfn pardcuhr approval that ls requeEted. An applkatlon for Deslgn Reviev{ cannot be acceded untll all rcquked information is received by the Community tEvebpment DeparEnenL TtE proJect may also need to be reviewed by the Town coundl and/or the Phnnlry ard EnvlronrEntsll Cornnrlsslon. Decign reidew approval lapc€6 unls a bulldng pefftft b bsuGd and conctructlon conrmencec witbln one year of th€ apprwal Descdp6on ol the Request:{J -ry<- 6LSTEq4 4lr-- cr,dt>tnd^} peoJ4cT- ftolecf copy Dofe biiled 3ua Locatlon of the Proposal: [ok_Block:_ Subdivision:CrectVre,V'fr,r6t Shb Physlcal Address: lSoo u)F_Srt&vtu bPtut ParceI|fo.:W(contactEag|eCo.As5essorat970-328.8640brparce|rn.) Zonlng: Phone: Owne{s} Slgnature(s): t{ame of Appllcant:qu4 Malllng Addresel E-mail Addres: .{4 4 Type of Review and Feel B Sigm n CorEeptual Re\riew E N€w Conshlction tr Adtlitbn { uirrcrAterauon ' (mulU{amflcommerchl) O Minor Alteratlrn (single-famity/duplex) tr Charqe to Apprwed Pfans 0 t,o \, o hb o 1 $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of tobl sign area, No Fee $650 For conSruction of a nev', bulldirE or demo/rebuHd. $300 For an addition where square footag€ is added to any resident'nl or comrnercial buildng (lndudes 250 addroons & inerior converslons). $25O For mimr danges to buildirEs ard cte improvemenb, sudr as, re.roofla€, painung, wlndow addiuons, lardscadng, fences and retalning walls, etc.$20 For mlnor changEs b buildings and site improvements, such as, rerconrE, painting, wlndow addiuons, lanCscafing, fences and retalning wallt etc. Fof revidons to plans akeady appmled by Planfling Staff or tte Design RevierY goard. $20 l{ame(s) of Owner(s): €4nQ.. trtrtrtr TRnNSUITTAL We include herewith the following: Drawings Specifications E Correspondence El Submittal X Phone Number Project Name Project Number Description Remarks 0620 For Your: Approval X ReviedComment E Use E Sent Via: Mail O Overnight X C-ourier El Hand Delivered E Distribution/Copies to: By Tobias Srohe Denver CO 80202 Fax: 303.892.7059 Studio: fG |oHNSoNARcHrrEcrs HOSPITAI, ITY & HOIJSING OESIGN Date 20 March 2007 Company Town of Vail Dqpartment qf Commun ity Development 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 (970D 479 24s2 Vail Cascade Hotel HVAC addition Dear Joseph, Please see the attached drawings, check and submittal form as discussed with Warren Campbell. Please call with questions and comments. (303) 89s 3058 Thank you, Tobias The Equitable Building 730 'l 7th Street, Suite 1 l0 303.892.7062 www.isiohnson.com Pa)ment Method: Check iIOIINSON ARCHITECTS, PC *+f+***++****ff+***++****a***'t+++++**'i**+++**+*++*t***+*l'*+*++********+++++***+*******i*f,*i* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment 1.t*****+*********+*+++1.*******+++++**,|'t******l**+*{*****t+++t+t+*********+***********i*+++** Statement Nurnber: R070000345 Amount: $250.00 03/26/2OO7LO:22 ANr Inlt: aIS Notation: 256!/J G Permit No: DR8070105 T14re: DRB-Minor AIt, Comn/Mu1ti Parce1 No: 2103 - 121- 00 01- 7 Site Addrees: 1325 WESTEAVEN DR I,AIL Location: 1325 V{ESTHAI/EN DRM This Palment 3 $250.00 Balance 3 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcriDtion DR OOIOOOO31T22OO DESIGIN REVTEW FEES Tota1 Fees: 9250.00 Total AfiL Prnte: $250.00 $0. oo Current Pmts 250.00 .a ApplrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErE oR#ilflW{qr:g3q Z Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 9 7O -479- 2 7 3 5 (Inspections I ,IDVNOPYATL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this information: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sorinkler Contractor: Flre Sprinkler Servlces, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No,l 456-\r' a H il ir.1 Contact and Phone #'s: L:,fl ,i ('efl{a3zt-5eYp-f.;. S--l'r. i' E-Mail Address:/ ContractorSig;ra#r3: t A l i 'fu'l4wvt'q'[1] 6"r,$t'\, \t c 8., /1 /,1" ' n r)AUa't ,!-rz, () (C 01 'o-4q+" GoMPLETE VALuATIoNs FoRh[*RM+ERilfl flftor & Miteriat '-]::'-' ll Fire Sprinkler: g 3,300 ll / / l- d[u " tti '! ' t- /Contact Eagle CQunty Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaqle-countv.com for parAt f Parcel # 2t03t2ro0-rZ lob Name: Charter Sports Job Address: 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:subdivision: C Of" oC c-- V\I(AAZ Owners Name: -JACK Address:Phone:,rrorrgO_5446 Swart z Phone:Engineer: IfAOoress: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Install plpe han{ers and deletlon of auto Detailed description of work: Addltlon, relocation where needed per fire sprlnklers code. as needed per code. WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (1) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-fami!( ) Commercial (1) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves (* ) No ( ) ;.4*t.r ***!t'*rr***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******************************+'t**** Other Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted By: Occupancy Group: \\VUiI\d8IN\CdCV\FOITIVlS\I'ERM ITS\SPRKPERM, DOC o"t/26/2002 Fire Sprinkler Services, Inc. 024lMelRayRoad Glenwood Springs, CO 81601- Town ofVail 75 S Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mike Vaughn RE: Charter Sports at Vail Cascade- Scope of Work Dear Mike, At Charter Sports at Vail Cascade, we are dorng a remodel on the Auto Fire Sprinkler Systern We will be replacing standard response fire sprinklers with quick response fire sprinklers where needed. As well as relocating, add-g and deleting auto fire sprinkler heads ard installing pipe hangers where needed. All work will be per NFPA l3A. If there are any questions, please call Al on his cell at970-379-3276. Thank You. Sincerely, 'l4tlln'v'dado,t$,', * Miranda Wagler, Secretary TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97Q479-2t38 lrgal Desuiption: Project No . : jit \ot -61..\'l owNER r,-o vArr. HoLDING INC 07/L2/2005 C,/O DEI.,OITTE & TOUCIIE IJLP 555 17TH ST STE 3500 DET{t/ER eo 80202 APPITTCAIflI rIITERIORS DESIGN BUIIJD 07/L2/2005 Phone: (970) 376-5161 PO Box 8604 Avon co 41620 L,icense z 72L-B CoNTRACTOR TNTERIORS DESTGN BUrr,D 07/L2/2005 phone: (9?0) 3?6-5161 PO Box 8604 Avon co 8L620 License:. 72L-B Desciption: CHARTER SPORTS-BUILD WALL TO TEMPORARILY DIVIDE EXISTING RETAIL SPACE DURING REMODEL. Occupancy: M Type Construction: I-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $42,0m.00 Fireplace Informetion: Restricted: Building--- > $552 .95 Rcstuarant Plan Rcview- > Plan Check--> 5355.92 DRB Fee-----> Investigation- > wi cdl---> go. oo Recreation Fee-------) S3. oo Clc& Up Deposit Fee- >$0.00 . TOTAL FEES._-_.. > S931.8? BALANCE DUE------ > Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEI{II o7 /29/2oos cAunion Action: CR plan review conments sent out 7/29/05 09/o6/2OOs CGITNION Action: AP APPROVED CORRECTED PLAIiIS. Item: 05400 PIJANNfNG DEPARTMENT 07/]-3/2005 Warren Action: COND Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{EMI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES . L . I ( I Clr-tc<^& tt)\L\ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B054182 Job Address: 13m WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.......: CIIARTERSPORTS Parcel No....: 2l03l2l0f0n Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/l2l2ffi5 Issued...: WlO7l2005 Expires. . .: 03/061200F. Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY $0.00 Totrl Calculated Fees-- > $931.87 so. oo Additional Fees----->$0.00 s0.00 Total Permit Fee------> $931.87 s931.87 $0.00 PAGE 2 *****'t**:i***rt:t*rt't!t****'t****:t'i*ri***{.!**'t ,***'f 'l!ttt***rt****it*****,f r**:*******+**:}*:t*****,t******:t:t,f ,t ,t*,*********:t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 805-0182 asofll-14-2005 Status: ISSUED :F:*'|.'t*'t**'t**'t*+****:f**'}!t'f*'t***'t{t't:+**,t*'*!t,*'tl.***!F:|t't't***{t,}'****{.{.|t!t!r!|3*'}'}***** PermitTlpe: ADD/ALTCOMMBTIILDPERMT Applied: Wfi22Cf6 Applicant: INTERIORS DESIGN BLILD Issued: @tw/2w5 (970) 37G5l6l To Expire: 03l0f,l20[5 Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL l,ocation: CHARTERSPORTS Parcel No: 2l03l2lffil2 Description: CHARTER SFORTS.BI.JILD WALL TO TEMPORARILY DIVIDE EXISTING RETAIL SPACE DI.JRJNG REMODEL. Corditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT,IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONfiD7328 This permit shall not inclu,de any exterior work including but not limited to the removal/addition of doors and or window systems, O9/O7/2OOS Scgee Action: Ap Subjecr to field inspect,ion of fire sprinklers and fire alarm, L0/26/20O5 mcgee Action: Ap Subnit revisions to fire alarm and fire sprinkler ptans as required, Have liceneed coutractors subnit assessment.Item: 05500 PI]BIJIC I{ORXS tttttttltttttttttt*tt*****t*t*tl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ard state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to tlrc towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes ard other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI 'it*****lra+l*t'34**++af'tf++++*++t{r*'}**+ra**i'}ta*****t'***++++++**r****+***+**rrr******++++++++ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement ++f+++i++a*t*{'*l*tta***f'}t*t***++f*ll++****++*aaa***t**+ft***+t*+++*+t**t++**+*****ftta***** Statement Number: R050001951 Amount: $33.33 t7/L4/2OOSL2:53 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LT Notation! Charter Sporta, Inc. / ck 3258 Permit No: 805-0182 TtE)e: ADD/AL,T COMM BUITD pERIttT Parce1 No: 2LO3-]-2L-OOOL-2 Site Address: 1300 T|ESTHAVEN DR VAIIr Location: CIIARTER SPORTS Total Fees: $931.87 Thie Payment: $33.33 Total AIJL Pmts ! $931.8?Balance: 90.00 ++lll+t*+*****+++++++a**'ar*****a**+t+*++++++++++++tt*t***t**t**t****f+'la'+++*+*l**+*****++*++ ACCOI,JNT ITEM UST: Account Code DeEcription Current Pmta BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUTLDING PERMTT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJA}I CHECK FEES 20.20 13.13 tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED BUILDING P IT Separate Permits are l, etc,!IJJ.Wtl0FYr 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: _(.,1(n 6,ll*r (zz"t ztz -1J r( ATTENTION: JOE, JR, CHARLIE, GREG '_ Tr.k Sc\u..^|. (f zo ) ?fo's-Yr<-) Contractor Signature: REVISED AMoUNT: S 2 CO C):9 OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ COMPLETE EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials **:******i**l***'r**t**t*ft**i**********FOR OFFICE USE ON LY******************i***i*************** For Parcel # Contact Eaqle Countv Assesso/s Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.e Parcel.#2to3 lLtoootL Job Name: C\^,irr S*rrt Job Address: l3 o o ,)., i iA-, , D, ". h,l,G Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: 6 \(zlr: !4c_rl Address:Phone: ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Eng ineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS: , ,' | - | 11 $EVu N<',P ,)- iJ,!. Z'.l oc rl E+ -1\ tr'"; *'.S'.'.'' WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel M Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior 0Q Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (f Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (yJ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (/) No ( Date Received: F:\Users\cdev\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlONS2004.doc 12t0',2004 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2135 OViINER I-,-O VAII-, HOLDING INC C/O DELOITTE & TOUCHE LIJP 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DENVER co 80202 APPI.,ICAN:T ACME AIARM COMPANY P.O. BOX 883 RIFIJE co 816s0 License 3 154-5 CONTRACTOR ACME AI,ARM COMPANY P.O. BOX 883 RIFI-,E co 81550 License3 154 -S VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: l3m WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: VAIL CASCADE CLLJB Parcel No...: ?l03lzlffil2 ProjectNo t NIA Permit #: 405-0042 06/ls/2005 06/as/2o0s Phone; 970-625-3398 06/15/2oo5 Phone:970-625-3398 ISSUED 06trs/2m5 08tozt20[5 0u29t2ffi6 Desciption: ALARMS FOR Pl, P2, 3RD,4TH AND 5TH FLOORS Valuation: $46.000.00 *+t*iti+tt***++,r*+:f+:r,|+t++++++i++,trttttttttttt+ta*+++r,f+++r+:r+!r+t{tt FEE suMMARY Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation--- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES.. > $0-00 $0. 00 $1, 950 . 00 $1, 960 . oo 90.00 $1,960.00 $1, 950 . 00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > Additional Fees'..'.'-.'. > Total Permit Fee---- > Payments---*..-:.... > BALANCE DUE.----.-- > Approvals: IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI 06/24/2oo5 mcgee Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS I\ADVANCE // I //nJv,r,,// TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. /)'1t-2,.4/ SIGNATURE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ri 2 i ,-.' L i.j 1! .-, .......X ) / r'-' ')'.' -' TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT PCrMit #: FO5-0067 lXs -c tE a Iob Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED location.....: CHARTERSPORTS Applied. . : lUl27lzWs Parcel No...: 2l03l2l0[0l2 Issued. . : llllsl20frs ProjectNo : ?(5grJ-6i< ? Expires. .: owNER L-O VAITJ HOITDING rNC LO/27/2OO5 C/O DELOITTE & TOUCHE I-,LP 5ss 17TH ST STE 3500 DENVER co 40202 APPIJICAIiIT FIRE SPRINKIJER SERVICES LO/27 /2OO5 PhONE: 8OO-875-3105 0151 PONDEROSA DRIVE GI,ENWOOD SPRINGS co 81601 Lricense:456-S coNrRAcToR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES LO/27/2OO5 phone: 800-875-3L05 0151. PONDEROSA DRIVE GI-,ENWOOD SPRINGS co 81601 L,icense: 456-S Desciption: INSTALL PIPE HANDERS WHERE NEEDED PER CODE. ADDITION, RELOCATION AND DELETION OF AUTO FIRE SPRINKLERS AS NEEDED PER CODE Valuation: $3.3m.00 FEE SIIMMARY Mechanical-- >So. oo Restuarsnt Plan Review- >S0.00 Toal Calculated Fees-- > S490.25 Plan Check-- > 9350.00 DRB Fe.--------------------- >S0 . 00 Additional Fees------ > BALANCE DUE------- > s0. oo Investigation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES - $490.25 Total Permit Fee-----) $490.25 Will Call----- >$0.00 $490.2s s0.00 Item: 05100 BUfLDING DEPARII4ENI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IENI 11103/2005 J,fR Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI.DG.): FIEI.TD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTTESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI\CE BY TELEPITONE AT 479-2r3s t.FRoMs:00AM-'PM. aa_ _iq_ *t*ll******+*'t'tr*****++*+*'tit*t**ti+ll++f+t**i'**tt*+**fttttt**t************t+*t********++*tt TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statem€nt *t*******ta*'tt'tta*t***'l'l't!tt****+*++l*+{"1*f*++++**ttf+lf+++'}+f't*f*'t*********tt******'}*t****** gt,atetnent Number: R050001967 Amount: Pa)ment Method: Check Systems 3 998 $490.2s Lt/Lslzooso3 :05 PM Init: DDG Notation: Fire Sprinkler $490.2s **l+*++**t++fl+t*'i'}'itlaal*iiill'lttfftt'i*ltl*aaaa+l*{'{'t't'}i*****at*a+**a****t**********tt+***++l ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: AccounE Code Current Pmta Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreaa : Location: This Payment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 F0s-0057 2103 - 121-0001-2 13OO VIESTI{AVSI DR VAIIJ CHARTER SPORTS Deacription T14re : SPRITiIKLER PERMIT Total Feea: Totsal AIJL' Etnta: Balance: s490.2s $490.25 $0.00 SPRINICIJER PBRIT{IT FEES PIJAI{ CIIECK FEES t40.25 350.00 TOWNOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 ApplrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErE oRlil@sr_g 197 Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: FV RE SP P Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submiftal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this information : (min) . Planshust be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Fire Sprinkler Servlces, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: A1 (970)379-3276 E-Mail Address: F,-!' I A ! 4ut,v:d,C.'L\lU contact Eagle county Assessorc office at 920-329-9640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #2103 I 2100012 Job Name: Charter Soorrs Job Address: 1300 wesrhaven Drive Vai1, CO 8L657 Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: J"ck Swartz ll Address:'.t'ut'c' 1970) 3 90-5446 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e,, floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: Install pipe handers where needed per code. Addltion, relocation and deletlon of auto fire sprinklers as needed per code. WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (x) Repair( ) Retro-Rt( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial (x) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (* ) No ( ) .;.*-t. FireSprinkler: $ 3,300 **********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****rr+***************************t *tr Other Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted By: Occupancy Group: \\Vail\data\cdev\FOlt MS\PERM ITS\SPItKPERM.DOC bi l2h/)002 11-1&2005 Inspection Requatt Reporting Page42 4;16 prn Vall, CO - C|tlr Of Requested lnspec{pate: {gnday, November2l, 2005 ' lnspeiflon Area: C\: SlteAddressl 1300 yIIESTHAVEN DR VAIL CHARTER SPORTS A,lPlD lnformaflon Actlvftv: Const TypE: Applhant Cohlractor: Descrlpuon: Comment Comment Comm€nt Comment: Comment: 80$019: ,E.,#"ti, A.COMM WALL TO TEMPORARILY ?KJO5-67a1 ISSUED L SPACE DURITJG ACOM t.B Siatus: lnsp fuea: 161 61 PLAIIS APPRCI€D 9i6,C5. ,CGUNION Tme r,!s 3ent oL,tto aDDllcant and archlteC 7.?9.'05 - ]DRESSING COMMENTS SUBMTTTED AND ROU plan revlew commer,!s 3ent oL,tto appllcant and archlteC 7.?9.'05 DRAWNGS ADDRESSING COMMENTS SUBMITTED AND ROt REVISIONS VALUATION ROUTED TO PLAN RACK, RRE AND WARREN CAMPBELL. O CHR'S GIJNION. JSUTHER IN SLOTA.I . JSUTHER ADOIi.IG 24 OF 2X4 WALL 1T FROM SPRINKLER DEFLECTOR. ADDED , ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION AND FIRE. . JSUTTIER FLOOR sKLts@T SToRAGE O[.,!LY. - tNG 11.'11i05. SEE S 1,?'X 11'SHEET. NO SKt Y.. EGUNION n $.nik= l?a-rra,l!ar! !n = nar-lfanf..! r.^H ' a.r l'r r.tit E'thrt IIITERIOR: DE3IGTJ EUILD' J:CK Reriuestcr: o""'nH$Jg:cD*vts y'W rinire E.rp. p Errtered By: FRONT K 4r',-l oKr6, ry-T" tF-F ^ -.r-- tjt-a-- 'll litgvdY, I I ri:raY' r Item: 90 BLDG-flnal Item: 530 BLDG-TemD. CiO Item: 5S2 PW-TEMP.C,O Pem: 533 PLAII-TEI',1P. C,O Item: 537 PLAII-RNALC,e llem: 538 RRE.RNAL C/O Item: 539 PW-FINAL e.O Item: 540 BLDG-RnalC/o Item: ll Pti{N-Le Fcundallon Plan Item: Q2 PIAN{LC Slte Plan !i;::'l: 1C SLOC !:: ::::,::'ste.l tten: 2C DlD3-Frun6tion'3ieel ttaF. .a Flt hn-tr;enla.- 'l 1.'1:OE -lnspeclor: GCB Lction: CR Commcnt REMOVE SOME SHEETROCK FROM FRAMII\ _11/16/05 hspeclon lrtEqYER -Actlon: AF dmffi ;t FE'rn-ti,gii oii.'Niei'liectrtcat rougti iFii6vit. ItBm: 50 BLDc-lnsulauon Itern: 60 BlDG-Sheetrock Nall ll€m: 70 BLDG-Mlsc. REE4r131 Run Id: 3909 tr * - r*" ll;Iff. '*Fqil[B:r,[Fr*"s *** F.s|r.H h.p.ct p.!: $urdry, l5v.tn!.r f 7, aXrS l|t|Fa!fiAtrr: Sll SIIA{SNrr: IS UES]HA\G]I DR VAL CIhRTERSF(IRfS -.11., 'tU> - 1,r 1 i A.lh,h CorrlTni:ffih:Allfcrt Coilrcbc Or.crlnon: &D.b&!or0e! R.ar.Crlh|oftilor{ll ltil: leo E[lc+lil Rrrlr*c ARCHEllCTtilClt{C sraT8: AcOl eillt|: lgtilJED IrupArt: Sfl 97U3?'H?87 Ito€taa?g7 Plrfl: Plpm; AttDf,tlSTALti€W R.q|G|frdTlmf:- Flpr: Eoandqt: ll:SAt ItCS?l{?g? q- $ 6448 DOOTtrN r Co|llrrtfi rlcdD.firtllil.|r *qtiJ* ry ltmErp: i/7c1"*-'*/.- tt- /7.2ood- lnro.ononHEbrv 4ry bm: 1t0 EtEGftrD.Pou.r |ln: t2O ELEC-Rorrgh bm: 130 EtEC.Cmdun lhm: 1S EfEC.ltrc.lf,t E]€Cfhl REPT131 Run Id: 3900 a Fttt coPr D ep a r t me nt of Community D eve lopmeht 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 12,2OO5 Doug Brooks, General Manager Vail Cascade Resort and Spa 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail. CO 81657 Dear Mr. Brooks. It has come to our attention that the Vail Cascade Resort and Spa may have plans to use the existing tennis facility for conference and/or convention uses. Please be aware that pursuant to Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1999, the Cascade Resort and Spa tennis facilities may only be used for temporary "conferences and conventions" with Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to Chapter 12-14, Vail Town Code. As the Town of Vail Community Development has no record of such Conditional Use Permit being issued for any events in the year 2005, any current use of the tennis facilities for conference and/or convention uses shall be ceased immediately. Additionally, the tennis facilities shall not be used for any future conference and/or convention uses without prior approval by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission. ff you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4^./.Zz--h - ,a--<_ BillGibson, AICP Town of Vail erl Zi, RF'cYcI.ED PAPER tl J Y q Y i I 4 r) CY l I l -1i 1 a)\J, \J V Y av j € d at I ln I\ I I R.HE:€EE.H E-H.E i-1 ;ari;g;; E*s Sll : F;!i igE tFE tif, gt!E'€igF=*tE tr3r i6; EFf:! s;sf,e il Ei;gsE:E*Fs!€ ;l cr)I Q)>a) ,qJ - l-l F+ {J .tr I q) q) 6 o (J {)o !) .o I 6 q) rt)ho o (,) 3 (u .t) , (,) ' I r. x. 8 <) .) i !) ; d > r9 ol(J >ttr :i6 q= qa hl o.r ot F< hcn rt := =ra d!) csp ood EX rY {' iiffiE giF ru ,a) tl a cr co c{ r--I n n t- d d A J U e J Yt J v !-l i l : ,:.r -ol =:'t '1 -t cl ol , ,vtol = t>t 5t9 -trJ .d lq rlH o,t q el r-l (!l ol o,l 9l >, Yl '&b 3€ 9t vE otl q9g {D-bo0 e!v= CO ,rr c{F ;t+ r; *dd ;Ea :: iBE E; fL e* s€lfl g€g['gEE::EI # rE$€lil ; :: EzE=ElEl t:'E g::"FIFI .HSF g H;etEl gE€ 4E:i€El,e{: = i ;iE$tB=E5 ',.0 r'P ot l-{ t.i J 'trU i >ca te4 :'.-1 !.FAJ i <, t-' i i(J t,r U);f F+' <{' F,")^ P /1 ; rl i \./iq ilrc : ^i 3U l:U),? I ) &----r V\ /5" \\U v d J a (i x w d I J i \J q r'6 2 'in 6 !q T0N'Nffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: BLUETIGER SIGN DRB Number: DRB040048 Project Description: 2 WINDOW SIGN DECALS MEASURING 5 SQUARE FEET EACH Pafticipants: OWNER SIROTKIN, NEIL 02/20/2004 Phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT SIROTKIN, NEIL, DBA,/ BLUE T102/20/2004 Phone: 2121 N FRONTAGE RD W 197 VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 1310 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: 2121 N. FRONTAGE ROAD W. SUITE 127 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: Cascade Village Parcel Number: 210312114004 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 0310312004 Conditions: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0005303 The applicant shall remove the exisitng awning sign for the previous tennant and replace the valence with a solid piece of green material matching the existing awning material prior to installing the new window signs, Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paidl $60,00 l ,,)..,a.i,. TOI,I,NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Ds/€lopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. il"ilgn r€irle* approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. l,l Descripuon of the Reque *, Udbvr.l &al bbk8 LocaUonof theProposat: Lot: - Block:- RECEtVt" rtH2 o ziiuE Physical Address: 2?-t N'w,Stitz ParcerNo.: Al!3J2]-(Conbact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):Ngz- €Fetvtr) Mailing Address:Ztzl NJ,eaPrc,6 5ow IZ Owner(s) Signature(s): NameofApplis2lg &-uA -nezefZ- Maifins Address: zz^ N =+fa*nruA ?O u'l' lare- El phone: Lt-t6,ttt{ E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: )\ srgns 'E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Ateration (mufti-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single'family/duPlex) tr Changes to APProved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild- $300 For an addition where square footage is aclded to any residenUal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc' $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For rwisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee o TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statenrent ltunber: RO40005436 Anount: $60.00 02/2O/2OO4O2t52 Plttl Pa)rment liiethod: Cbeck Init : iIS Notation: Permlt No: DR8040048 T!/I)e: DRB - Sign ABplication Parcel Nos 210312114004 gite Addreaa: 1310 flB8IIIAVEN DR \AIIJ IJocation: 2121 N. FRONTAGE ROAD W. SUITB 12? Total Feea: $60.00 . Itria Palment: $50.00 Total AIJIJ Pnts: $60.00 Balance: $0.00 l****at*la****ala't'if+*f******taa||*aal+***'ll*l**la*alt*****la**lfa!l********ll***tl***+ll***t] ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES sP 00100003124000 srGN FEES 50.00 10.00 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER (rerrrr,e a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description)7t?t p,fr?an>lue ?O U, S,Oz tn provide this letter as written approval of the plans autA z--/ e/aL( which have _-T---r-- been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ,hTffiq?>4 I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. --\x zlrl/ I (Signature) Pase2 of 4l11106/03 ,*m SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Depaftment of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. c. D, Nameof Business: -Btre 'iantz- Buildins name and physicaladdress; "ff ffi#* * Svr(F tL1 Written approval from condominium assoiiatio1g-,1fy'und joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): trFreestanding Sign trWall Sign trHanging / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box trDaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign tr Building ldentification E Mural @v;n6o* r'nn u srgn Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other Number of signs proposed:L Number of signs existing: '3 / :. Sign message: Ld(et)r NAa^E Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing@1/+"=L')t Length of business frontage: 62'7 o lnlU|ot<l A,(&:-:'%,?3zter Height of sign(s) from grade, l8a Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s))t dft17+44 o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. E. F. H, I. J, K. L. is2"-'{La\ Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): ^\, A Sign lighting plan: '-r'' annznzo Paee3 of 4lll106103 N' The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Depaftment prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olanning/drb/meetings/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fofth in l-itle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Ttle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aoproval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4llllD6103 Blue Tiger Srgnage Descripion of request: We are proposing to post 2 window decals/signs. l. The first sigr is to be postcd on the ft,ont door. It will bqin at its bsse 48" from the grormd lwel. ffts sigrs total sq ft will be 5' 2. We will be posting 1 more sign along the 10fr window firom the door. Begiming its base 48''fiom the gound. 3. The signs colors are lhe blue attached md black for the lettering. Our total window spac€ = 306.9375 Sq ft leaving us the naximum allowed of two signs at 5 sq ft. each. Alex M. Beck Columbine Mormtain ldanagement 9774300 o a) -_a \a *P o 5-{CU 1is S)Itr- '. r Y \J ( I \v {E n\{\v<\\ ol ;(t,^rU (ltt dn crN f3 *o-7,a ;_s Sg 1 \J \ \ J g IL o z F II TOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.INITY DEVELOPMENT OWNER CONTRACTOR VAII, CASCADE RESORT 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE VAII-,, CO aL657 l,icense : 513 -B APPI,ICAI{T| VAIL CASCADE RESORT 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE VAIL, CO 816s7 L,icense; Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Desciption: DEMO I PARTITION WALL, BUILD 2 NEW PARTITION WALLS AND SMOKE DET.LIGHTS AND OUTLETS Occupancy: B Type Construction: I FR Type Occupancy: ?? Type I Fire-Resistive Status . . Applied. Issued . . Expires . 09/L0/2oo2 Phone: 09/L0/2002 Phone: 09/L0/2002 Phone: 970-479-7009 Add Sq Ft: # ofGas Logs: 0 ISSUED 09/10/2002 t0l09/2002 04/07/2003 # of Wood Pellct: 0 * lt ar *t:l t +r'rr *t +,l l l*11'l * +l +a *'l * + + # of0as Appliances: 0 $55.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 142.25 DRB Fee----......-_> $0 .00 Recrcation Fe€---> $3.00 Clean-uPDeposil-> 'I OTAL FEES-_----> Building-._> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will CaU--> s0. oo $0 .00 90.00 $0.00 s110.25 'total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fecs-----> Total Permit Fe€__> Palrnents----_-----> BALANCE DIIE-> $110-2s $?s.00 $185.2s s1e5.2s $0.00 Approvals:If6n: 0s100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI LI/OL/2OO2 JRM Action: AP IIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/26/2002 warren Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS C--&,-^&-O . L[...1. ],'-'^ A Cc.-uc.-A- $otrr ACIJ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Et---1- -l ADD/ALT coMM BUrLD PERMT permit #: 802-0300 /-lVf?'A- Job Address: 1300 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIL Location.......: 1300 W HAVEN DR ParcelNo....: 210312100012 ProjectNo. : PRI02-0335 I.,-O VAII-, HOLDING INC c/o DEr,orTTE & TOUCHE LLP 555 17TH ST STE 3600 DETWER CO 80202 License: lallitlttitt:lttl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SI OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 lltttttt't**{t!t****|}l:t't'l*t*t}ltl*tl|} *||*'}**tl'tltf f **!t**l*llt}!}||l*'}'}+*t*tttl**rtl*|}'t'}'3'}**'t***{rrtr}*r}'}'}tlrtl*lll*'}*'t* CONDMONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: B02-0300 as of l0-(D-2fi)2 Status: ISSTJED 'l'i'i'll'tttrtllt****:]++*'ll*'tll++f +'l++tlll+'tl*t***+**+a*:.t**tttt**a't'i*'i*'l**+t***+**'t************,313***:lt*t**,i* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BLJILD PERMT Applied: 091rcn002 Applicant VAIL CASCADE RESORT Issued: 10109./2002 970479-70@ To Expire: M/07D003 Job Address: 1300 WESTIIAVEN DR VAIL location: 1300WHAVENDR ParcelNo: 2l03l2l000l2 Description: DEMO I PARTITION WALL, BUILD 2 NEW PARTITION WALLS AND SMOKE DET.LIGHTS AND OUTLETS Conditions: Cond: I (FIF€): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]IRED BEFORE AI.IY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. fa+aaaa*aa*ll+*alf+aataaa++llitaltll+a+a++a+*9aflttttalll++aa+aff*a'l**aaa*aa**laaa+f*a+a'i*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Star€mcnt I l aatf lalf+ +++++** +**+l flaal I ll +++ft++*****ttffaatt ta+f+a++++*****+*++t ta taff fa++++f++ *a**+* Staternent Nurdber: R000003234 Anount: $185.25 Lo/09/20O2L0227 Atl Payment Metshod: Check Init: DDG Notation: wahba !3?9 Permit lilo: 802-0300 Tl4)e: ADD/ALT C1)nM BUILD PBR!'fT Parce1 No: 210312100012 Site Addreea: 1300 I{ESIIIIAVEN DR \IAIIT Location: 1300 W IIAVBN DR Total FeeE: 9185.25 ThiE Pa)ment: 5185.25 Total ALL PmtE: $185.25 Balance! 50.00 .' a **la ** *a********'l***l***+* *** +* **a*+rtlf++ | +ttl *l' *+t *{'*++++*+++++**++*a *++* + l*+**a****a* * * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'IIT FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCT0R LTCENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES I,JC OOIOOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 65. 00 75.00 42.25 3.00 APPLICATIO $'tt&e$-*,#.# A :^ gtotzg_ztislrnrpeciionfl- VAILBUILDI uired cOMPLETE VALUATIOIIS FoR BUtLD|NG pERM|T (La ON l, etc.!75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CTOR IN '/c,\(.'ort Enr.r,tc;, Town of Vail Req. No.:rt 3-b and Phone #'s: Email address: bor & Materials BUTLDTNG: $ / 1C0 ELECTRICAL: S (;QC)OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL:$ ? OO O X fne &-r<vm- 3mooFsrffEfrtr For Parcel # C E ontact Assessors Office at 970-32e-A640 or visit www rqlce! # , .\1- l L'1 7 tf ^r' l''> JobN"^wl*n [e\o,rces/1u[. Ce rto-too ^oo'"'"t l3oc Lr,lrr(h*,en D " v.a,l ( c Legal Description ll Lor: ll arock: ll ririns:Subdivis ion: owners Name,ilr*,rri* T ur*{0: k'.1 c o Phone: t/16 t tt ( ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engrneer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: , -0rc.-l*cqctrl,*-t"\[ B"tl I ng*t (fu \rl,L,n NqVS atrl snrre ,It\,obl< { trr4lrl< Work Class:New() Addition( ) Remodet U{Aepan() Demo( ) Other() Work Type: lnterior (,) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat lrzf Restaurant ( ) Orher( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 0 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 6 Noffype of Fireplac Logs ( ) Wood/peilet ( ) Wood Burning ( ) lotrvpe of Fireplac oooipelet ( ) wooo gurning (Nor aeLowED)Does a Fire Atarm Exist: YeFafi' -fi Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exifi ********r*r**rf*r*****#********FoR OFFICE USE ON fType of Constru, l-G;upanctcroL I Date Received: LYr*ar*r*********t*******ttr**r** llSltt ---l l-Iccet r-ffiiD= SEP 0 e 7tJo7 rf.d Bv: tD: I Planner '| Si(|1ffi;66rr.1 €3'stY. \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMtTS\BLDGpERM.DOC 07 t26t2002 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMT Permit #: E02-0219 To/ o:cx: Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1300 W HAVEN DR Applied . . : 10/16/2002 Parcel No...: 21,031,2'1.0001.2 Issued. . : 70/17/2002 Project No : ? qSO 4 -C ; t; Expires . .: 04/75/2003 CONTRACTOR ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLL0/T6/2002 Ptrone: 970-949-6095 21-07 W. COLITEGE AVENUE ENGLEWOOD, CO 8 0110 License: 146 -E APPLICAI{Tr ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHNOLIo/]-6/2002 Phonez 970-949-5O95 21-07 W. COLI,EGE AVENIIE ENGIJEWOOD, CO 8 0110 License : 145-E ovirNER L-o vArr-, HoLDTNG rNC LO/L6/2O02 Phone: C/O DEI-,OITTE & TOUCHE LLP sss 17TH ST STE 3500 DENVER EO 8O2O2 License: Desciption: LIGHT REMODEL WORKTO HUMAN RESOURCESOFFICE Valuation: $650.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical-----> DRB Fee_-> lnvestigation---> will call--> TOTAL FEES_> $50.00 s0.00 $0.00 s3.00 $53.00 Total Calculated Fces-> $53 . 00 Additional Fees->$0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> S53.00 Paymmls-> 553.00 BALANCE DUE--->$0-00 Approvals:I€elm: 05OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiff to/L6/2oo2 DP Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning ana soUAir.Lior, codes, design review approve4 Uniforrr BuildingCode and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIN{SELF AND OWNET APPL]CAT:O IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: Building Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) mvnu?Yln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrica I Contractor: G=o'.n -= El--{. f--t^ Town of Vail Reg. No.: lLl(t-€ Conbct and Phone #t: llL"L )-'\-f oie.e. 3r.o-1c,1,,?. le qqq-ooqs W<*"*"' COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALI OTHERS (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Ze' Ct (4 offr.--ETECTRICAL VALUATION: $ (Ea.oP ConEct Assssrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Z I 03tZ t oelZ l::'"'"' I,l.E. o€gr: rev-,Je.\Job Address: 1.\s o- ta- \r/r llage- U.+--t tA; w-,{L^.r-r,. b,"i.,- Legal DescripUon I Lot ll atoct<: fi riling:SuMivision: oU-"BNtTlr t rJ. tJ t..'.' ^ l--.- ll AddrtE: .^,-s*Lo.n--, N^ u^r t tr enon"'.'t*-,, - -E_ffi Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Lr*l^.lt- rer-,-J.a.\ wo.L L llr*.-,^ ?4..r.--" OCp,,. workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel !4) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: lnterior (2<, ) Exterior ( ) Both ( )DoesanEHUexistatthislocation: Yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-frmily ( ) Duplex ( ) Mufti-family ( ) Commercial ft] Resburant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this pere!! for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ltto C() Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yer X) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves Q() No ( ) **** *** * ************ ****:t 't***** * * ** * ** * FOR OFflICE USE ON LY****** * *** * *** * **** * * ** * **** **** * * ** * F:/everyoneforms/elecperm ta TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 C <-^-rc ^!^ O,f(..g.- DEPARTMENT oF .'MMUNITY DEVEL'PMENT lJ._o+1"^. \bfrl2.o ^ t- R--.( .*..-.f A^.- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1300 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location.....: CHAI€ REST \"rt ParcelNo...: 2103]2100012 ProjectNo , lJ,L OWNER L-O VAIL HOLDTNG INC 0s/03/200L Phone: WESTTN HOTEL 13OO I'IESTIIAVEN DR vArr_. co 81558 License: coMrRAcToR RMERA EITECTRTC, rNC. O5/O3/2OOL phone: 97O-949-6O9s 21-07 W. COLI.,EGE AVENUE ENGLEWOOD, CO 8 0110 License:145-E APPLTCAT{]| RIVIERA ELECTRIC, INC. 05/03/2OO1 Phone: 97O-949-6095 2]-07 W. COLLEGE AVE}IUE EhIGLEWOOD, CO 80L10 L,icense: 145-E Desciption: ADD TRACK LIGHTING IN CHAIS REST Valuation: $5.800.00 FEE SUMMAIiY Electr.ical_> 5108. OO Total Calculatcd Fees-> 3111- 00 Permit #: E01-0088 Status.. . : ISSIiED Applied..: 0s/03/2001 Issued. .: 05/09/2001 Expires. .: 11/05/2001 DRB Fee-> Investigation-> will cau-> s0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 Addihonal Fee+->90.00 Total pemrit Fee__> S111.00 Payments-> $1.11.00 BALANCE DUE->s0.00 TOTALFEES-> $111.00 Approvals:f€e'm: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI\II 05/03/2001 .IRM Action: AP CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accrrrate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with dl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable t- thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SI IALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURs IN ADVANCE BY TEI-EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 SIGNNTURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t.******++++**a*****l*al+a+***'t******+{.*******+++++tt+t+**+t****}**** *++*'t+****+*ttr+***+***++ TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO StAt€MCNt {.*+t*****t}++ff****{.1*+****f+|++++a***:}*fIta:r***+a**f*+a**++ftt++t 'tt 't lt * ******t*t tr} +* * ** * *t t}* St,atement Nurnber: R000000718 Anount: $111.00 OS/09/2OOLO3:05 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: RA Notalion: 878 Permit No: 801-0088 Tlt)e: ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO312LOOOL2 Site Address: 13OO hIESTIIAVEN DR VAIL LOCAIiOn: CHAPS REST Total Pees: $111.00 This Palment: $L11.00 Tot,al ALL Pmt,s: $111.00 Balance: 50.00 +r + I f** *l * * ** ++ + + +++ + t+++*** * ** ** r**** *******+++ +**i*+r +** *a *{.i**** ** ** ****a*+a*t t*i ****l** t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI,JER PERMITS |/C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 108. 00 3.00 '+ ;*e APPIJCJ\TIOil.UfIIL IIOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COi{PLETE OR UIISIGNED Building Permit #: Elecbical Permit 97lH79- .- o08 'i28-E6& or nisT no bldg. permit # t\ Cffcg&, ..bz.,- Wo*Cfass; neilVf Addltion( ) Remodel( ) Repatr( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Intenor ( ff Exerior ( ) Bo$ ( )Does an EHU exi+ at this loqtiou YEs ( ) No ( ) TVpeof 8ldg.: Single-frmiV( ) Duple,r( ) Mrrlti-famiV( ) Commerdal ( ) Refrurunt(4rrcmer( ) No. of Existirg Drclling UniE in thls buildlng:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: fora hottr.rbr Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System b<isL Yes AMOU$|T OF SQ FT Ir.l STruCTURE:ELECTRTCALVALUATiON: + 6t a L Tourn dVall Reo. No.: t+bG ioth3t COIIPLETE SQ, FEET FOR IIEW BUILDS and VALUATIOIIS FOR ALt OTHERS (l.ahor & CONTRACTOR. IN FORIIATIO ]I RE', " r":0 t{AY 0 2 ruu' I 4^,^ ftt q'(4-ar l'{dtg : Z l00Z C I U1C]I] VU] I/\ IU fi lll.oo ryeveryorE/tl, dt*p.l g g g. 0N TO\^AI OF VAIL O DEPARTN,T oF CoMMUMTY DEVELoPMEJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Inves ti ga tion-> will call-> $0 . 00 Recreation Fee--> $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit------> Valuation: 1,500,000.00 FireDlacc lnforrnation: Restrictedr Wood Pellel Building-> S5,840.00 RcstuarantPlanReview-> Plan Check-> s3,?96.00 DRB Fee----> AddSqFt 0 # o{ Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of S0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> $9,539.00 go.oo Additional Fees-> $0.00 S0.00 Total Permit Fee--> $9,539.00 S0.00 pavments_> S9,639.00 TOTAL FEES--> S9,53e. oo BATANCE DUE-> ,a,-"--)'<.-..(^ L). \t.X^- (rra<.".(*C(*lS NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BLIILD PERMT Perrnit #: 801-0066 Job Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.......: CASCADE CLLE Applied. . : 04/1,0/2001, ParcelNo....: 270312115001 Issued...: 05/02/2001. , Project No . : P*f o[ - eOSl Expires . . .: 10/29/2001. , owNER r-,-o vArr, HoLDTNG rNc 04/1o/2oo]- phone: WESTTN HOTEL 13OO WESTIIAVEN DR vArL co 81538 License: coMfRAcToR G.E.,fOHNSON CONSTRUCTTON 04/]-0/200]- phone: 7L9-473-532t P.O. BOX 2139 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 3]-O SOIITH 14TH STREET 80901 Iri-cense: 128-A AppLrcANT G.E. iTOHNSON CONSTRUCTTON 04 /t0 /200L Phone: 7L9-473 -532r P.O. BOX 2r-39 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 310 SOUTH 14TH STREET 80901 License:128-A Desciption: Convert existing indoor termis court to spa Occupancy: B Type Construction: 1 FR TypeOccupancy: ?? so. o0 Approvals:I€eim: O5100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIIT 04110/2001 .IRM Action: NO PLANS TO GARY, PI,ANNING, FIRE , PW o5/02/2oor cRe Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIiINING DEPARTMEIIII 04/27/200! ao Action: AP rtem: o55oo Fl orn***r O ftem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04/1-7/200]- LS Actsi.on: DN STAGTNG/PARKrNG PLAN REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR MUST SITBMIT. 04/L7/200L LS Acrion: Ap spoKE WITH MIKE WITH GE JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION. I{E IS TO STAGE AT EAST END OF BUIIJDING A]iID AIJL PARKTNG WII.jI-' BE DONE INSIDE STRUCTURE. IIE IS AWARE THAT ON USE OF STAGING OR PARKING ON S. FROMTAGE RD OR WESTIAVEN DRTVE ALI.,OWED. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I havJread this applicatio+ filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM, Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SICNATURE OF ORCONTRACTOR HIMSELFANDOWNEI PAGE2 *!t**!t*:ht***:t**rhF'klts't**.*,?:******'tt***********r..******rr****rr**********8|*********:[-ti'iffi**************1t* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0066 as of 05-02-2001 Starus: ISSUED Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 04/1,0/200t Applicant G.E.IOHNSONCONSTRUCTION Issued: 05/02/2001 779473-532L To Expire: 1,0/29/200i, Iob Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: CASCADE CLUB Parcel No: 210312115001 | Description: Convert existing indoor tennis court to spa Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON000443 NO STAGING OF MATERIALS OR PARKING OF VEHICLES ON S. FRONTAGE RD. RIGHT OF WAY OR VVESTHAVEN DRIVE. SPOKE WITH MIKE ELLIS WITH GE JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION. HE WAS NOT PLANNING ON SUBMTTTNG A STAGING/ PARKTNG PLAN. 4-t7-01.. 10-:49 AM. Cond: CON0004682 Provide alarm and sprinkler system shop drawings to Fire Deparhnent for review, as well as coordinating with the fire deparhnent on construction procedures to avoid false alarms. ContactMike Vaughan at479-?252or Mike McGee at 479-2!35. ffi ;;ftruffiHOr.*r***+***.r...f r*.**.**f ....*....'rf r..r..*+++.ffi? aaa+aaa+t+aaaa+++t+tttt*a*a*aaaaaaaat{'rra***r+*f+fa+ff+**+**i*tttaaaa*t*+atarfa*aa*a+tafatat Statement Nuiber: R000000588 Anount: $9,539,00 OS/02/ZOOIO4:08 ptrf Palment lilethod: Check Init: RA Notation! 003216 PETMit NO: BO1-0055 TYPE: ADD/AIJT C1]iIItI BUIIJD PERIfT Parcel No: 210312115001 Site Address: 1000 S FROIITAGE RD t{3ST VAIIr Location: CASICADE CIUB Total Fees: S9,539. OO Ttria Pa14.ent: $9,639.00 Total AIJIJ Ptnts: $9,539-00 Balance: $o.00 +aalaaalffaa++*raaatff+aaa'il**'tal'la*a*a**a*+*a++*++++++**+*{'+++laaaalaalfaaa'}la*a+a*aaaaaa** ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI.IIT FEES 5.840.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAIr CHECK FEES 3.796.00 t,lc 00i00003112800 wrLL CALL rNspEciloN FEE 3.00 aK(:k /?-t^(,:/,/ /r"1,/ NoT BE ACCEPTE'F /, trt"/y/ /r;r,t 4n 2 I (/'I INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG'NED l-oobb Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 I -2L49 (InsPections) ffio0??Separate I'crrntts tre requlre(l t{)r electrlca 75 S. Fronlase lid. Vail, Colora-do 81657 Cantact Easle Countv Assessors Cffice at 970'328'864O or 1 n8t - ParcVl # r)d rc€l #2los t2l Soo rob Name: 1/^_l frfulvc[,^1-*^*;;'/3rAJffi Legal Description ll rot: ll :tock: ll Filing: ( Subdivision: ownr-WnU;l ?Lil,- d-- , odt58o A,'h4'..,- f*l otr.u enoneryq _7 o 03 ^5',gi"vAwx'4*). P c.N;tz*.j,"P%.{:;tn$"r= .r1z- ?3!-? Wffl,rrfuat4))9'v'J,*lPJ ! sq1 PhorryTa - ?/1-77J3 Detailed description or *offi "-;^F; u-)"1* 'J Jr"^ c' n'tt/-fui,- o:6 WorkClass: Nev,,( ) Addition( ) Remodel $() Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) .'-L_:_ ,< Worl< Type: tnterior (/) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: {es ( ) No ( ) t-ype of Btdg.: Singte-farnily ( ) Two-fanrily ( ) lvlulti fanrily ( ) Commercial 04 Rcstaurant ( ) Other ( ) +.-< Nlo. of Existing Dweiling Units in this buiiding:No. of Accommodation Units ;n this building: ) \{ood Burrrino ( ) -No/Type of Firepl; r:es f :ristinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loc ls( ) Wood/Pellet( uryL Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves fi ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: ves qe tro ( , ired fi coMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) bi OTHER: $BUILDING;4d r'4d, d a TOT,\L:PI I.JMBING: $ ; 2 ZO 3/a- / /7 Town of Vail Reg. No.: ri:!-J;::r:ri!r,,rr***:!r.***;i;r:?rrx**:f **-J*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************************l*"--'''o****" Other Fees: DRB Fees: i f Public weV Permit Fee: - I F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approvai, Fngineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned clr:partments with regard to review and approve. necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that ii the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. ecrName: ryffT HHtdJ- Date: Proj F : everyone/forrns/bldpernr3 o (i Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy of approval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if pro;ect is a Multi-Family complex Complete site pla n submitted Public way Per mit application included if applicable (refcr to public works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster, parkino or material storaoe allOwed on roadrruaw< and chnrrlzla..c *ri+ha,,+ rrrri*ra- ----^.,-l Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrrng Archrtect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fariily) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets Commercial) Wrndow and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown /t 57 LI J a J J J J J J J D EJ a J f of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial and Multi Family) Applicant's Signature:Mc, Date of submittal: t,:.{/ F:/everyone/formsibldpenn2 Received By: PROJECT MANUAL VAIL CASCADE SPA 13OO WESTHAVEN DRIVE vAtL, co[oRADo 81657 DESTINATION HOTELS SHIRTI SENSTNBRENNER 10333 E. Dry Creek Rd., SUITI 450 ENG IEWOOD, COLORADO 801 1 2 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 16 MARCH 2001 Town of Vall OFFICE COPY 7ro t7rh Str..t . Suit rro . D€nv.r, Colotado Eo2ol studioro3-8e2_7o62 F.,ro3-8e2_zore_ )lalO " Bot-o( I G JOHNSON ARCH ITECTS, PC t ltosttr^LltY I lrcrSaTtoN I lE5IDENrI/ll ! I I ,l I I 1-2 1-2 1-2 't-2. 1-3 I Pnoyrct Mnruulr - Teetr oF CoNTENTS DtvrsloN l: GrNrntL Rteumuwrs 0l 100 - Summary 01 300 - Administrative Requirements 01400 - Quality Requirements 01500 - Temporary Facilities and Controls 01600 - Product Requirements 01700 - Execution Requirements 01 732 - Selective Demolition D,Y,S,oN 5.. METALS 05500 - Metal Fabrications 05520 - Handrails and Railings DIVISION 6: WOOD AND PIASTICS 06402 - Interior Architectural Woodwork DIwsIoN 7: THERMALAND MoISTURE PRoTEcTIoN 07210 - Building Insulation 07841 - Through-Penetration Firestop Systems 07920 - Joint Sealants D[vtsroN 8.. DoonsAND WrNDows 08110 - Steel Doors and Frames 08211 - Flush Wood Doors 08212 - Stile and Rail Wood Doors 08710 - Door Hardware DIyISIoN 9: F,N,SHES 09260 - Cypsum Board Assemblies 09310 - Ceramic Tile 09512 - Acoustical Tile Ceilings 09651 - Resilient Tile Flooring 09680 - Carpet 09385 - Dimension Stone Tile 09720 - Wall Coverings 09910 - Painting DIwsIoN 1 O: SPECIALTIES 10520 - Fire Protection Soecialties 10801 - Toilet and Bath Accessories t t I I I t I 1-5 1-2 'I ') 1-2 1',) l') 1') 1-2 t1 1-4 I I I I 1-3 1-3 1-2 11 11 t-J 1-2 t-J I I t-z l-z I I I I ) I I I t I I I I oooe-vArOscADE sPA o SRecificatf oro SECTION Ol1OO - SUMMARY PARTl-CENEML I I.I SUMMARY OF WORK A. Project ldentification; As follows: '| . Project: Vail Cascade Spa 2. Owner: Destination Hotels & Resorts, 10333 E. Dry Creek Rd., Suite 450, Englewood, Colorado 801 l2 B. ContraCt Documents. dated t 6 March 2001 were prepared by J.C. Johnson Architects, P.C.. C. The Work consists of Remodel and Expansion of an existing Spa Facility, as described in the Contract Documents. D. Work Not Included: The following will be provided by others: 'l . 1.2 WORK RESTRICTIONS A. Contractor's Use of Premises: During construction, Contractor shall have limited use of area indicated. Contractor's use of premises is limited only by Owner's right to perform work or employ other contractors on portions of Project and as follows: 1. The impact on the Hotel. Spa and Tennis Court operations are to be kept to a minimum and to be coordinated with the Owner and Ceneral Manager. Seasonal operational high occupancies/use are an important iactor, as well as noise and dirt emissions throughout the construction period. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION 011OO I I I I I SUMMARY 0l100 - r I I t 000e- vArroscADE sPA o Specificationsf sEcTtoN 01300 - ADMtNISTRAT|VE REQUTREMENTS PART 1 - CENERAL o3-2oor o I I I t I I t I I t 1.1 PROJECT MANACEMENT AN D COORDINATION Verify layout information shown on Drawings, in relation to property survey and existing benchmarks, before laying out the Work. Coordinate construction to ensure erticient and orderly execution of each part of the Work. Progress meetings will be hdld at Project site every 2 weeks. Notify Owner and Architect of meeting dates. Each subcontractor or other entity concerned with currenr progress or involved with planning or coordination of future activities, shall anend. 1. Architect will prepare minutes of each meeting and distribute to parties present. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Prepare a horizontal bar-chart construction schedule. Provide a separate time bar for each activify and a vertical line to identity the first workday of each week. Use same break- down of Work indicated in the schedule of Values. As Work progresses, mark each bar to indicate actual completion. 'I . Submit within 14 days after date established for Commencement of the Work.2. coordinate each element with other activities. show each activity in proper se- quence. Indicate sequences necessary for completion of related Work.3. Indicate Substantial Completion and allow time for Architect's procedures neces- sary for certifying Substantial Completion. 4. Schedule Distribution: Distribute copies to Owner, Architect, subcontractors, and parties required to comply with dates. 5. Updating: Revise the schedule aiter each meeting or activity where revisions have been made. Distribute revised copies to Owner, Architect, subcontractors, and par- ties required to comply with dates. SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Coordinate submittal preparation with construction schedule, fabrication lead-times, other submittals, and activities that require sequential operations. 1. No extension of Contract Time rvill be authorized due to failure to transmit submit- tals in time to permit processing sufficiently in advance of when materials are re- ouired in the Work. 2. Architect will not accept submittals tiom sources other than Contractor. B. c. 1.2 t.J I I t I I I ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 01300 - I B. D. I I I t I I t t I I t I T I I I I t I Snecifrcationsf o3-2oor o C. Prepare submittals by placing a permanent label on each for identification. Provide a 4- by 5-inch space on the label or beside title block to record review and approval markings and action taken. Include the following information on the label: .l . Project name. !2. Date. 3. Name and address of Contractor.4. Name and address of subcontractor or supplier.5. Number and title of appropriate Specification Section.6. Contractor's certification that materials comply with specified requirements. Coordinate each submiftal with other submittals and with work that does not reouire su bm itta ls. Product Data: Mark each copy to show applicable choices and optjons. Include the fol- lowing: 1. Data indicating compliance with specified standards and requirements.2. Notation of coordination requirements. 3. For equipment data, include rated capacities, dimensions, weights, required clear- ances, and furnished specialties and accessories. shop Drawings: submit newly prepared information drawn to scale. Do not reproduce Contract Documents or copy standard information. Submit 1 reproducible print and l blue- or black-line print on sheets at least 8-1/2 by 11 inches but no larger than 24 by 36 inches. Architect will return the reproducible print. Include the followirig: 1. Dimensions, profiles, methods of attachment, coordination with adjoining work, large scale details, and other information, as appropriate ior the Work.2. ldentification of products and materials. 3. Notation of coordination requirements.4. Notation of dimensions established by field measurement.5. ldentification of deviations from Contract Documents. Samples: Submit Samples finished as specified and identical with the material proposed. Where variations are inherent in the material, submit sufficient units to show limits of the variations. Include product name or name of the m.tnufacturer. Architect will review each submittal, mark as appropriate to indicate action taken, and re- turn copies less those retained. Compliance with specified requirements remains Contrac- tor's responsibility. E. F. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) END OF SECTION Ol3OO ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 01300 - 2 I 000e-vAnOscADE spA O Specifications I o3-2oor o I i SECTION 01400 - QUALTTY REQUTREMENTS t PART I - CENERAL I '. '1.1 SECTTON REQUTREMENTS I wr-r- r rrJr\ KC\{UtKEtvtEr\ | J f A. Quality-control services include inspections, tests, and related actions including r"por,r. Quality-control services are further specified in other Sections of these Specifications and I ifl,ffO:""rmed by independent testing agencies provided by Contractor or Owner, as I 1. Unless otherwise indicated, quality-control services required by authorities having t jurisdiction will be provided by Owner. I B. Contractor is responsible for scheduling inspections and tests. J C. Retesting: Contractor shall pay for retesting where results of inspections and tesrs prove unsatisfactory and i nd i cate noncompl iance with req u irements. I t D. Auxiliary Services: Cooperate with agencies performing inspections and tests. Provide , auxiliary services as requested. Notify agency in advance of operations requiring tests or I inspections,, to permit assignment of personnel. Auxiliary services include the foliowing:I 1. Access to the Work. lJ 2. Incidental labor and facilities to assist inspections and tests. I 3. Adequate quantrties of materials that require testing, and assisting in taking samples. 4. Facilities for storage and curing of test samples. a 5. Security and protection of samples and test equipment. r'E. Duties of Testing Agency: Testing agency shall cooperate with Archrtect and Contractor I in performing its duties. Agency shall provide qualified personnel to perform inspections t and tests. - 1. Agency shall promptly notify Architect and Contractor of irregularitres or deficien- I cies observed in the Work during performance of its services.r 2. Agency shall not release, revoke, alter. or enlarge requirements of the Contract I 3 Ri;1ru:n:$:",'ftrffi:#?":?Ji:::,of 'lhework t F. Submittals: Testing agency shall submit a certified written report of each inspection and I test to the following:I I 1. Owner. 2. Architect. 3. Contractor. 4. Structuralengineer. t I QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 01400 - I I 5. Authorities having jurisdiction, when authorities so direct.I C. Report Data: Reports of each inspection, test, or similar service shall include at least the I following: I 1. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. f 2. Project title and testing agency's project number. I 3. Designation (number) and date of report. 4. Dates and locations where samples were taken or insoections and field tests made. I 5. Names of individuals taking the sample or making the inspection or test. T 7. Complete inspection or test data including an interpretation of test results. - 8. Ambient conditions at the time of sample taking and testing. I 9. Comments or professional opinion on whether inspected ortested Work complies with reouirements. 10. Recommendations on retesting or reinspection. I I l. Name and signature of laboratory inspector.r H. Testing Agency Qualifications: Engage rnspection and testing agencies that are prequali- I fied as complying with the American Council of Independent Laboratories' "Quality As- I surance Manual" and that specialize in the types of inspections and tests to be performed. | 1. Each testing agency shall be authorized by authorities having jurisdiction to operate I in the state where Project is located. t oooe - vAuOcADE sPA Specitications I I PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Applicable) o3-2oor o I PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable)ttr I END oF sECroN o1.loo t I I t I I I QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 0 r-+00 - 2 t I t I I I I I t t I 000e - vAlroscADE SPA Specifications I 03-200r o SECTION O15OO . TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART I . GENERAL 'r.r SECTTONREQUtREMENTS A. Standards: Comply with NFPA 241, "Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alterations, and Demolition Operations"; ANSI Al0,Series standards for "Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition"; and NECA Electrical Design Library's "Temporary Electri- cal Facilities." '| . Elecrical Service: Comply with NEMA, NECA, and UL standards and regulations for temporary electric service. Install service to comply with NFpA 20. 8. At the earliest possible time, when acceptable to Owner, change over from use of tempo- rary utility services to use of permanent utilities. C. Remove temporary facilities and controls before Substantial Completion. Personnel re- maining after Substantial Completion will be permined to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TEMPOMRY UTILITIES Provide temporary utility servrces to existing facilities during interruptions oi permanent utilities. Arrange for and coordinate utility services with local utility companies. l. Owner will pay use charges for temporary utilities. B. Provide temporary heat for curing or drying of work, and for protection of existing and new construction from adverse effects of low temperatures. Use of gasoline-burn ing heaters and openJlame heaters is not permitted. CONSTRUCTION FACI LITIES Provide field offices, storage trailers, and other support facilities as necessary for efficient prosecution of the Work. 1. Temporary facilities located ',vithin the construction area or within 30 feet of build- ing lines shall be of noncombustible construction. 3.2 I I I t t I I I TEIVIPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 0t500 - I B. I I 0009 - VAUSCADE sPA Specification!o3-2oor o C. E. Provide temporary sanitary t'acilities. Comply with regulations and health codes ror type, number, location, and maintenance of facilities. Provide temporary enclosures for protection of construction and workers from exoosure and inclement weather and for containment of heat. Install project identification and other signs in locations approved by Owner to inform the public and persons seeking entrance.to Project. Collect waste daily and, when containers are full, legally dispose of waste off-site. l. Handle hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials in separate closed waste containers. Dispose of material according to applicable laws and regulations. TEMPORARY CONTROLS Provide temporary fire protection until permanent systems supply fire.protection needs. 1. Provide adequate numbers and types of fire extinguishers.2. Store combustible materials in fire-safe containers in fire-safe locations.3. Prohibit smoking in hazardous fire-exposure areas.4. Supervise welding operations, combustion-type temporary heating units, and similar sources of fire ignition. Provide temporary barricades, warning signs, and lights to protect the public and con- struction personnel from construction hazards. l. Enclose construction areas with fences lvith lockable entrance gates, to prevent un- authorized access. Provide temporary environmental controls as required by authorities having jurisdiction including, but not limited to, erosion and sediment control, dust control, noise control, and oollution control. END OF SECTION Ol5OO 01500 - 2 I I t I I n 5.3 6. I I I I I I I t I I I I TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS B. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 03-2001 SECTTON 01600 - pRODUCT REQUTREMENTS PART 1 - CENERAL ! r.1 SECTTONREQUTREMENTS A. Provide products of same kind from a single source. Tfre term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and similar terms. C. Deliver, store, and handle products according to manufacturer's written insructrons, us- ing means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft. 1. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage anc, to prevent overcrowding con- struction soaces. 2. Deliver in manufacturer's original sealed packaging with labels and written instruc- tions for handling, storing, protecting, and installing.3. Inspect products at time of delivery for compliance with the Contract Documents and to ensure items are undamaged and properly protected.4. store heavy items in a manner that will not endanger supporting construction.5. Store products subject to damage on platforms or pallets, under cover in a weather- tight enclosure, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Maintain tem- perature and humidity within range required. Product Substitutions: Reasonable and timely requests for substitutions will be consid- ered. Substitutions include products and methods of construction differing from that re- quired by the Contract Documents and proposed by Contractor after award of Contract. 1. Submit four copies of each request for product substitutron. ldentify product to be replaced and provide complete documentation showing compliance of proposed substitution with applicable requirements. Include a full comparison with the specified product, a list of changes to other work required to accommodate the substitution,, and any proposed changes in contract 5um or contract Time should the substitution be accepted. 2. Submit requests for product substitution in time to permit processing of request and subsequent Subminals, if any, sufficiently in advance of when materials are required in the Work. Do not submit unapproved substitutions on Shop Drawings or other su bm i fta ls. 3. Architect will review the proposed substitution and notity Contractor of its accep- tance or reiection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.1 PRODUCT OPTIONS I A. Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged, and are new at the time oi installation. I 000e - vAuascADE sPA O SPecitications I I PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 01600 - I I oooe - vAr(DscADE spA O Speciticationsf I END oF sECtoN 01600 | 1. Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, and other devices and t components needed for a complete installation and the intended use and effect. I B. Do not aftach manufacturer's labels or trademarks, except for required nameplates, on I surfaces exposed to view in occupied spaces or on the exterior. r C. Select products as follows: r 1. Where only a single product or manufacturer is named, provide the item indicated. I No substitutions will be permifted. |J 2. Where two or more products or manufacturers are named, provide one of the items r indicated. No substitutions will be permitted. - 3. Where products or manufacturers are specified by name, accompanied by the term r ;ffTi';;3jil':;*; :;il:iil:}::"':Hl"I;ffJ;;,'":lT:n"il';ilti:i'" 4. Where a product is described with required characteristics, with or without naming I a brand or trademark, provide a product that complies with those characteristics I and other Contract requirements. 5. Where compliance with performance requirements is specified, provide products I that comply and are recommended in writing by the manutacturer tor the applica- I tlon. 6. Where compliance with codes, regulations, or standards, is specified, select a prod- I uct that complies with the codes, regulations, or standards referenced. I D. Unless otherwise indicated, Architect will select color, pattern, and texture of each prod- a uct from manufacturer's full range of options. I ) 1 /1\^/NrER_FURNISHED PRODUCTS I f A. The following products will be furnished by Owner and shall be installed bv Contractor as part of the Work: t. o3-2oor o I I PART 3 - EXECUTIoN (Not Applicable) I I I I I PRODUCTREQUIREMENTS 01600 - 2 B. B. 1.1 -). I 3.2 I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I 000e - vArLlcADE sPA O Specitications I SECTTON 01700 - EXECUTTON REQUTREMENTS PART 1 - CENERAL C. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Applicable) PART 3. EXECUTION C. 03-2001 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Record Drawings: Maintain a set of Contract Drawings as Record Drawings. Mark to show installation that varies from the Work originally shown. Record Specifications: Maintain one copy of the Prolect Manual, including addenda, as Record Specificati'ons. Mark to show variations in Work performed in comparison with theteXtoftheSpecificationsandmodifications Operation and Maintenance Data: Organize data into three-ring binders, with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark identification on front and soine of each binder. Include the following: 1. Emergencyinstructions. 2. Spare parts list. 3. Cooies of warranties. 4. Wiring diagrams. 5. Shop Drawings and Product Data. EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with manufacturer's written require- ments including, but not limited to, surfaces that are sound, level, and plumb; substrates within installation tolerances; surfaces that are smooth, clean, and free of deleterious sub- stances; and application conditions within environmental limits. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Prepare substrates and adjoining surfaces according to manufacturer's written rnstructions, including, but not limited to, filler and primer application. Where Drawings indicate dimensions of existing construction verify by field measure- ment. Where fabricated products are to be fitted to other construction verify dimensions by field measurement before tabricating and, when possible, allow for fitting and trim- ming during installation. CUTTINC AND PATCHING EXECUTION REQUIRE}IENTS 01700 - r B. B. 3.3 3.4 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I 000e - vAIOscADE sPA O Snecificationsf INSTALLATION Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installation. curely in place, accurately located and aligned. Clean exposed damage. lf applicable, prepare surfaces for field t:inishing. Comply with NFPA 70 for installation of electrically operated components and materials 03-?00 r Do not cut structural members without prior written approval of Architect. For patching, provide materials whose installed performance will equal or surpass that of existing materials. For exposed surfaces, provide or finish materials to visually match ex- isting adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. Anchor each product se- surfaces and protect tiom equipment and electrical FINAL CLEANINC Clean each surtace or item as follows before requesting inspection for certification of Sub- stantial Comoletion: 3. i 5. 6. EXECUTION REQUIREMENTS 1. 1 3. A 5. Remove labels that are not permanent. Clean transparent materials, including mirrors. Remove excess glazing compounds. Replace chipped or broken glass. Clean exposed iinishes to a dustJree condition, tree of stains, films, and foreign substances. Leave concrete iloors broom clean. Vacuum carpeted surfaces and wax resilient flooring. Wipe surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment. Remove excess lubrication. Clean plumbing fixtures. Clean light fixtures and lamps. Clean the site. Sweep paved areas; remove stains, spills, and foreign deposits. Rake grounds to a smooth, even-textured surface. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Request Substantial Completion inspection once the following are complete: 1. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements.2. Submit Record Drawings and Specifications, maintenance manuals, warranties, and similar record information. Deliver spare parts, extra materials, and similar items. Changeover locks and transmit keys to Olvner. Complete startup testing of systems and instruction of operation and maintenance oersonnel. 6. Remove temporary facilities and controls. 7. Complete final cleanup. 8. Touch up, repair, and restore marred, exposed finishes. 9. Obtain final inspections from authorities having jurisdiction. 10. Obtain certificate of occupancy. 01700 - 2 B. D. E. t I I I I t I I I I I I 00oe - vAtroscADE sPA C. t I I I I t I EXECUTION REQUIRENIENTS O Specificationsf 0i-2001 On receipt of a request for inspection, Architect will proceed with inspection or advise Contractor of unfilled requirements. Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or advise Contractor of items that must be completed or cor- rected before the certificate will be issued. Arrange for each ins'taller of equipment that requires operation and maintenance ro prgr. vide instruction to Owner's personnel. Include a detailed review of the following: 1. Startup and shutdown 2. Emergenry operations and safety procedures. 3: Noise and vibration adjustments. 4. Maintenancemanuals. 5. Spare parts, tools, and materials. 6. Lubricants and fuels. T . ,ldentification systems. 8. Control sequences. 9. Hazards. 10. Warranties and bonds. Request inspection for certification of final acceptance, once the following are complete: 1. Submit a copy of the Substantial Completion inspection list stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance.2. Submit final meter readings for utilities, a record of stored fuel, and similar data as of the date of Substantial Completion. Architect will reinspect the Work on receipt of notice that the Work has been completed. 1. On completion of reinspection, Architect will prepare a certificate of final accep- tance. lf the Work is incomplete, Architect rvill advise Contractor of the Work that is incomplete or obligations that have not yet been fulfilled. END OF SECTION O1lOO 01700 - 3 I oooe - vArLlcADE spA O Specifications I o3-2oor o I SECTION 01732- SELECTIVE DEMOLITION I PART | -CENEML I r.1 sEcroN REe,TREMENTS rl A. Unless otherwise indicated, demolished fiaterials become Contractor's property. Re- I move from Proiect site. B. ltems indicated to be removed and salvaged remain Owner's property. Remove, crean, I and deliver to Owner's designated storagJar:ea.t, C. ,Comply with EPA regulations and disposal regulhtions of authorities having jurisdiction. I D. Conduct demolition without disrupting Owner's use of the building. t PART 2 - eRoDUCTS (Not Applicable) I PART3-EXECUTToN ! I 3.r DEMoLrroN I A. Maintain and protect existing utilities to remain in service before proceeding with demoli- I tion, providing bypass connections to other parts of the building. I B. Locate, identify, shut off, disconnect, and cap off utility services to be demolished. I C. Employ a certified, licensed exterminator to treat building and to control rodents and verm In . I D. Conduct demolition operations and remove debris to prevent injury to people and dam-t age to adjacent buildings and site improvements. I E. Provide and maintain shoring, bracing, or structural support to preserve building stability a and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse. t F. Protect building structure or interior from weather and water leakage and damage. C. Protect remaining walls, ceilings, floors, and exposed finishes. Erect and maintain dust- t proof partitions. Cover and protect remaining furniture, furnishings, and equipment. I H. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cut- I ting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction.r I I sELECrrvE DEMOLIION 01732 - I 03-2001 I l. Promptly patch and repair holes and damaged surfaces of building caused by demolitiqn.I Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into remaining ad- loining construction. I I J. Promptly remove demolished materials from Owner's property and legally dispose.of them. Do not burn demolished materials. - END oF SECTIoN 01732 I I I I I I l t I I I I I I I I ooor-vnlscADE sPA O specificationf o SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 0t732 -2 t oooe-vAroscADE sPA o Sneciticatif 03-l I SECTION 05i00 - METAL'FABRICATTONS I PARr l -.ENERAL I I l.l sEcrroN REeurREMENrs t . Subminals: Shop Drawings showing details of fabrication and installation. r! PART2-pRoDucrs I . 2.1 METALS I A. Steel Plates. Shapes. and Bars: ASTM A 36/A, 36M. I B. .Stainless-Steel Sheet. Strip, Plate, and Flat Bars: ASTM A 666. Type 304. I C. Rolled Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A 786/A 786M.I D. Steel Tubing: Cold-formed steel tubing complying rvith ASTM A 500. t E. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, standard weight (Schedule 40), black finish. I F. Sloned Channel Framing: Cold-formed steel channels, l-5i8 by l-5i8 inches by 0-0677-inch thick rvith I 9/16-inch- wide sloned holes in rvebs at I inches o.c. G. Aluminum Extmsions: ASTM B 221. allov 6063-T6.I T 2.2 GROUT I A. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: ASTM C I107: recommended bv manufacturer for exterior applications. I I 23 FABRrcArroN I I I I METAL FABRICATIONS A. General: Shear and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove buns and ease exposed edges. Form bent-metal comers to smallest radius possible tvithour impairine work. B. Welding: Weld comers and seams continuously. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop srength and conosion resistance of base metals. At exposed connections, finish rvelds and surfaces smooth with contour of welded surface matching those adiacent. C. Fabricate ladders for locations shown. complying rvith ANSI A 14.3, rvelded steel consmrction. I . For elevator pit ladders, comply rvith ASME .4. I 7. I . 05500 - I I D. Fabricate loose lintels from steel angles and shapes. Size to provide bearing length at each side of open- t ings equal to one-twelfth ofclear span. but not less than 8 inches. I oooe - vAILOCADE sPA o SRecificatiof o3-2o t E. Fabricate steel pipe columns with steel base and top plates drilled for anchor and connection bolts and I welded to pipe with continuous fillet weld sahe size as pipe wall thickness. - l. Provide l/2-inch base plates with four 5/8-inch anchor bolts and l/4-inch top plates. r F. Fabricate structural-steel door frames from structural shapes and bars fully welded together. with 5/8-by- l - l/2-inch steel channel stops. Plug-weld built-up members and continuously weld exposed joints. l- f"H'ffiil"ilii"#lllt;,X:;?;t;fi1,x;jth.8-inch embedment' werdedto jambs 12 inches I t G. Fabricate nosings from'cast iron with an integral abrasive finish: H. Fabricate nosings and treads from extruded aluminum with abrasive filler consisting of aluminum-oxide I or silicon-carbiJe grits, or a combination ofboth, in an epoxy-resin binder.t l. fubbed-woe units. r 2.1 STEEL AND IRON FINISHES I A. Prepare uncoated ferrous metal surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP 3. "Power Tool Cleaning," and paint I with a rust-inhibitive primer complying rvith performance requirements of FS TT-P-664, t PART3 - EXECUTTON I 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Perform cuning, drilting, and fining required for installing miscellaneous metal fabrications. Set metal I fabrication accurately in location, ilignment. and elevationl with edges antl surfaces level. plumb. true. I and free of rack. a B. Fit exposed connections accurately together to tbrm hairline joints. t C. Coat concealed surt-aces of aluminum that rvill come into contact rvith srout. concrele. masonrv. wood. or dissimilar metals with a heavy coat of bituminous paint. I END OF SECTION 055OO a I t I I I METAL FABRICATIONS 05500 - 2 I 000e-vArOscADE spA O Specificationsf I sECTroN 0ss20 - HANDRATLS AND RATLTNCS I PARrl-cENEML I 1.1 sECTroN REeurREMENrs A. Structural Performance: Design, engineer, fabricate, and install handrails and railings to I withstand sfuctural loads requ-ired Uy nSCf Z.I 1. For glass-supported handrails and railings, support each section of top rail by a I minimum of three glass panels or by other means so top rail will remain in place if I any one panel fails. I B. Submiftals: Product Data, Shop Drawings, structural analysis data signed and sealed by a t qualified professional engineer registered in the state where Project is located, and manu- facturer's color charts showing the full range of colors available for factory-applied fin- ishes. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 METALS t A. Aluminum, Extruded Bar and Tube: ASTM B 221 , alloy 6063-T5n52. I B. Aluminum Castings: ASTM B 25, alloy A356-T6. I C. Bronze, Extruded Shapes: ASTM B 455, alloy UNS No. C38500 (architectural bronze). I D. Bronze, Seamless Tube: ASTM B 135, alloy UNS No.C23000 (red brass, 85 percenr '- copper). I E. Stainless-Steel Tubing: ASTM A 554, Crade MT 304.T F. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/,4 36M. a C. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Schedule ,10. I H. Steel Tube: ASTM A 500. t l. lron Castings: ASTMA 47, Crade32510orASTMA48, Class 30. I J. Brackets, Flanges, and Anchors: Cast or formed metal of same type of material and finish as supported rails, unless otherwise indicated. I 2.2 OTHER MATERIALS I HANDRAILS AND MILINGS 05520. I t 03-2001 I I I 000e - vArroscADE sPA O Snecificationsf 03-2001 I A. Class: Tempered glass complying with ASTMC 1048, Kind FT (fully tempered), Condi- I tion A (uncoated), Type I (transparent glass, flat), Quality q3 (glazing select), Class 1 (clear). I Thickness: As required by structural loads. r B. Wood Handrails and Rails: Hardwood handrails and rails of species and profile indicated t bonded to aluminum subrail; with manufacturer's standard transparent finish. C. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: ASTM C 1107; recommended by manufacturer for exte- I rior applications.I I 2.3 FABRICATION I A. Assemble railing systems in shop to the greatest extent possible. Use connections that I maintain structural value of joined pieces. B. Form changes in direction of railing members by bending. I C. Fabricate railing systems and handrails for connecting members by welding.r D. Provide manufacturer's standard wall brackets, flanges, miscellaneous fittings, and an- I chors to connect handrail and railing members to oth; construction.I E. Provide wall returns at ends of wall-mounted handrails. a 2.4 FINISHES t A. Steel Railings: Cleaned and shop primed. I PART3-EXECUTToN I I 3.r TNSTALLATToN a A. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight, hairline joints. I B. Set handrails and railings accurately in location, alignment, and elevation and free fiom rack. I C. Coat concealed surt-aces of aluminum that will be in contact with cementitious materials or dissimilar metals, with a heavy coat of bituminous paint. I D. Attach handrails to wall with wall brackets. END OF SECTION 05520 o I I I 05520 - 2 HANDRAILS AND RAILINCS I sECTroN 06402 - TNTERtoR ARCHTTECTURAL wooDWoRK I PARTl-CENERAL t 1.1 sECTtoN REOUTREMENTS A. Refer to Interior Design Drawings and Specifications for all Millwork Details and Finishes. I B. Submittals: Product Data for solid surfacing materials Shop Drawings and Samples show- ing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available for each type of finish. I C. Quality Standard: Architectural Woodwork Institute's "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards." I D. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install woodwork until building is enclosed, wet-work is completed, and HVAC system is operating. t' PART2-PRODUCTS |l 2.1 MATERIALS I A. Hardboard: AHA ,4135.4. t B. Medium-Densitv Fiberboard: ANSI A208.2. t C. Particleboard: ANSI 4208.1, Crade rvl-2. I D. Softwood Plywood: PS 1. t E. Hardwood Plywood and Face Veneers: HPVA HP-l. I F. Thermoset Decorative Overlay: Comply with ALA 1992.I C. Solid Surfacing Material: Homogeneous solid sheets of filled plastic resin complying with I material and performance requirements of ANSI 2124.3, Type 5 or Type 6, without a pre- t coareo n nrsn. I 2.2 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORY MATERIALS I A. Hardware Standard: Comply with BHMA A1 56.9 for items indicated by reference to I BHMA numbers or referenced to this standard. I B. Exposed Hardware Finishes: For exposed hardware, provide finish that complies with I BHMA A1 56.18 for BHMA code number indicated. I 1. Finish: Dark Satin Bronze: BHMA 613. I I oooe-vArOscADE spA O SRecificatif INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK I 0ra 06402 - | 2.3 I I t I t I I t t t I I t I I I I I I 000e-vAroscADE sPA o Snecificatf 034 C. Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Fire-retardant-treated sofwvood or hard- wood lumber, kiln dried to 15 percent moisture content. INTERIOR WOODWORK Complete fabrication before shipping to Proiect site semble only as needed for shipping and installing. .site, provide for scribing and trimming. B. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members, kerf backs of other wide, flat members. ex- cept for members with ends exposed in finished Work. C. Install glass to comply with FCMA's "Clazing Manual." For glass in wood frames, secure glass with removable stops. D. Interior Standing and Running Trim for Transparent Finish: Custom grade, made from eastern white pine, sugar pine, or ldaho white pine. E. Interior Standing and Running Trim t,or Opaque Finish: Economy grade, made trom pon- derosa pine, eastern white pine, sugar pine, or ldaho white pine. F. Wood Cabinets (Casework) for Transparent Finish: Custom grade. l. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Reveal overlay. 2. WIC Construction Style: Style B, Face Frame. 3. WIC Door and Drawer Front Style: Reveal overlay. 4. Crain Matching: Run and match grain horizontally for drawer fronts, doors, and fixed oanels. 5. Matching of Veneer Leaves: Book and balance match. 6. Semiexposed Surfaces Other Than Drawer Bodies: Same oosed surfaces. 7. Drawer Sides and Backs: Solid hardwood, stained to match B. Drawer Boftoms: Hardwood olwvood. C. Laminate-Clad Cabinets (Plastic-Covered Casework): Premium grade. 1. AWI Type of Cabinet Construction: Reveal overlay. 2. WIC Construction Style: Style B, Face Frame. 3. WIC Door and Drawer Front Style: Reveal overlay. 4. Laminate Cladding: Horizontal surfaces other than tops,, HCS; posttormed surfaces, HCP; vertical surfaces, HCS; Edges, HCS; semiexposed surfaces, VCS. 5. Drawer Sides and Backs: Solid hardwood. 6. Drawer Bottoms: Hardwood plywood. H. Plastic-Laminate Countertops: Custom grade. 1. Laminate Crade: HCS. 2. Crain Direction: Parallel to cabinet fronts. 3. Edge Treatment: Lumber edge for transparent finish matching wood species and cut on cabinet surfaces. INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK to maximum extent possible. Disas- Where necessary for fitting at Proiect species and cut as ex- exposed. 06402 - 2 I 000e-vAIOscADE spA O sneciticatif 0ra I l. Solid Surfacing Material Countertops: Premium grade. t 1. Fabricate tops in one piece with shopapplied backsplashes and edges. ll 2. Solid SurfacingMaterial Thickness: 1/2 inch. I l. Flush Wood Paneling for Transparent Finish: Premium grade. r 1. Matching of Veneer Leaves: Book and balance match. I 2. Panel Matching: No matching between panels is required. Select and arrange pan- els for similarity of grain pattern and color. I K. Stairworkand Rails: Custom gracte.I 1. Wood Species for Transparent Finish: Rift-sawn, red-oak treads; hard-maple hand- rails.r 2. Wood Species for Opaque Finish: Any closed-grain hardwood listed in referenced woodworking standard, except that eastern white pine, sugar pine, or ldaho white I pine may be used for risers, stringers, and moldings. I 3. 'Finishes for Stair Parts: Treads, transparent; risers, transparent; stringers, transpar- I ;::r?:'r:T:rt, transparent; handrails, transparent; scotia/ cove, and other moldings, r 2.4 SHOP FINISHINC OF INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK It A. Finishes: Same grades as items to be finished. I B. Finish architectural woodwork at the iabrication shop; defer only iinal touch up until after t installation. I 1. Apply one coat of sealer or primer to concealed surfaces of woodwork. Appry wvo I coats to back of paneling. 2. Apply a vinyl wash coat to woodwork made from closed-grain wood before staining and finishing. I 3. After staining, if any, apply paste wood filler to open-grain woods and wipe off ex- cess. Tint filler to match stained wood. t C. Transparent Finish: AWI Finish System TR-6, catalyzed polyurethane- I PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.r TNSTALLATToN I A. Condition woodwork to prevailing conditions before installing. I B. Install woodwork to comply with AWI Section 1700 for grade specified. I C. Install woodwork level, plumb, true, and straight. Shim as required with concealed f shims. Install to a tolerance of 1/B inch in 96 inches for level and olumb. t I 06402 - 3 INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK I ;.,;; - , i,JSCnrJc :rA O Snecificatif 03.t I D. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, seal cut surfaces, and repair damaged fin- I ish at cuts. I E. Install trim with minimum number of joints possible, usingfull-length pieces to tne grear- I est extent possible. Stagger joints in adjacent and related members. - F. Anchor countertops securely to base units. Seal space between backsplash and wall. t C. Anchor paneling to supports with concealed panel-hanger clips and by blind nailing on back-up strips, splined-connection strips, and similar associated fim and framing. I H. Stairwork and Rails: Cut carriages to accurately fit treads and risers and securely anchor to supporting substrates. Clue treads to risers, and glue and nail treads and risers to car- I riages. Clue and wedge treads and risers to housed stringers. Glue and dowel or pin I balusters to treads and railings, and railings to newel posts. T 3.2 CABINET HARDWARE AND ACCESSORY SCHEDULE I A. Butt Hinges: 2-3/4-inch, 5-knuckle steel hinges made from 0.095-inch- thick metal; I 801361 for flush doors and 801521 for overlay doors. I B. Concealed (European-Type) Hinges: 801602. I C. Pulls: Wire pulls,4 inches long, 5/16 inches in diamerer. I D. Catches: Magnetic catches, BO3 t 4i .r E. Adjustable Shelf Standards: 804071; with shelf rests, 804081. t F. Drawer Slides: Side-mounted, zinc-plated steel drawer slides with steel ball bearings, complying with BHMA A156.9, Crade I and rated for the following loads: I l. Box Drawer Slides: 100 lbf. 2. File Drawer Slides: 200 lbf. 3. Pencil Drawer Slides: 45 lbf. I C. Door Locks: E07121 . I H. Drawer Locks: E07041.I l. Grommets for cable passage through countertops: 'l-inch OD brown, molded-plastic I grommets wrth brown plastic cap. J. Paper Slots: 12 inches long by 1-3/1 inches rvide by I inch deep; brown, molded-plastic, I paper-slot liner with l/4-inch lip. I r END OF SECTION 06402 I t INTEzuOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK I 06402 -.r I oooe-vArrOscADE spA O Specificationsf o3-2oor o I sECTroN o7z1o - BUTLDTNC TNSULATToN I PART 1 - CENERAL ! I r. r sEcroN REeuTREMENTS t A. Submittals: Product Data for each type of insulation product specified. ! B. Surface.Burning Characteristics: ASTM E 84, flame-spread ratings of 75 or less and smokedeveloped ratings of 450 or less. I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 INSULATION PRODUCTS I A. Slag-Wool-/Rock-Wool-Fiber Board lnsulation: ASTM C 612, unfaced; passing - ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics of unfaced board; nominal density of q lb/cu. ft. . I B. Mineral-Fiber-Blanket Insulation: ASTM C 555, Type l, unfaced with fibers manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool. I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION I A. Install insulation in areas and in thicknesses indicated or required to produce R-values in-r dicated. Cut and fit tightly around obstructions and fill voids with insulation. I B. Place loose.fill insulation to comply with ASTM C 101 5.I 1. Comply with the Cellulose lnsulation Manufacturers Association's "Special Report- Standard Practice ior InstalIing CelIulose Insulation."t C. Extend vapor retarder to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. Se- I cure in place with adhesives or other anchorage. ! r END OF SECTION 07210 I I I t BUILDINC INSULATION 07210 - r I oooe- vArrOcADE sPA oo o3-2oor O I SECTION 07841 - THROUCH-PENETRATTON FTRESTOP SYSTEMS I PARrl-.ENERAL I r.r sECTroN REeurREMENrs A. Subminals: Product Datar and product certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that t products furnished comply with requirements. B. Provide firestopping systems with fire-resistance ratings indicated by reference to UL des- I ignations as listed in its "Fire Resistance Directory," or to designations of another testing I agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. I C. Provide through-penetration firestopping systems with F-ratings indicated, as determined I according to ASTM E 814, but not less than the fire+esistance rating of the construction penetrated. I 1 ::i:[:*'""":*::t",'r:'';T$ilT!',x:'#:1]#ilJ;:'''" as werr as F+atings' I D. For exposed firestopping, provide products with flame-spread ratings of less than 25 and r smokedeveloped ratings of less than 450, as determined according to ASTM E 84. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 FTRESTOP SYSTEMS I A. Any through-penetration firestop system that is classified by UL for the application and I with the F+ating and T+ating indicated may be used. I B. UL-classified svstems desisnations are indicated on Drawings. t C. Firestop Systems for Metallic Pipes, Tubing, or Conduit: Refer to Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Drawings. ! D. Firestop Systems Nonmetallic Pipes, Tubing, or Conduit: Refer to Electrical Drawings. I E. Firestop Systems lnsulated Pipes: Reter to Mechanical Drawings. t F. Firestop Systems ior Electrical Cables: Refer to Electrical Drawings. I C. Firestop Systems for Air Ducts: Refer to Mechanical Drawings. I PART3-EXECUT'N T THROUGH.PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEIV1S I 07841- I o I I I I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I I 000e-vAO\scADE sPA o Specihcation!03-200r 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install firestopping systems to comply with manufacturer's written instuctions and with requirements listed in testing agency's directory for indicated fire+esistance rating. END OF SECTION 07841 THROUCH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS 07841 - 2 A. B. C. 2.1 t I I I T I I I I I I t t t T 000e- vAIO\SCADE SPA O Specificationsf oi-2oor o SECrrON 07920 - JOrNT SEALANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 'r. r SEcTtoN REQUTREMENTS A. Submittals: Product Data and color Samples. PART 2 - PRODUCTS JOINT SEALANTS Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, joint fillers, and other related materials that are compatible with one another and with .ioint substrates under service and application con- ditions. Elastomeric Sealants: Comply with ASTM C 920. 1. Single-component, neutral-curing silicone sealant, Type S; Crade NS; Class 25; UsesT, M, and O, with the additional capability to withstand 100 percent move- ment in extension and 50 percent movement in compression for a total of 150 per- cent movement. Use for building expansion joints. 2. Single-component, neutral-curing silicone sealant, Type S; Crade N5; Class 25; Uses T, NT, M, C, A, and O. For general exterior use. 3. Single-component, mildew-resistant silicone sealant, Type S; Crade NS; Class 25; Uses NT, C, A, and O; formulated with fungicide. Use for interior sealant joints in ceramic tile, stone, and other hard surfaces in kitchens and toilet rooms and around plumbing fixtures. Latex Sealant: Singlecomponent, nonsag, mildew+esistant, paintable, acrylic-emu lsion sealant complying with ASTM C 834. For interior use only at perimeters of door and window frames. D. Acoustical Sealant ior Exposed Joints: Nonsag, paintable, nonstaining, latex sealant com- plying with ASTM C 834. For interior use only at acoustical assemblies. r E. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: Nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, non- I staining, gunnable, synthetic+ubber sealant recommended for sealing interior concealed r joints to reduce transmission of airborne sound. For interior use only at acoustical assem- blies. I PART 3 - EXECUTION r 3.1 INSTALLATION I I I JOTNT SEALANTS 07920 - | I oooe-vATLOcADE sPA O Soecrricarons I I A. Comply with ASTM C 1'193.I B. Complywith ASTM C 919 for use of joint sealants in acoustical applications. END OF SECTION 07920 , ' I o3-2oor o JOINT SEALANTS 07920 - 2 t 000e-vArccADE sPA oo o3-2oor o I SECTTON 08110 - STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES I PARTl-CENERAL I r.r sECTroN REeuTREMENTS I A. iubmittals: Product Data and door schedule I B. Comply with ANSI/SDI 100. I C. FireRated Door Assemblies: NFPA 80, tested per ASTM E 152, and labeled and listed by I UL, lTS, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdic- . tion. II PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 MATERIALS I A. Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets: ASTM A 569/A56gM. I B. Cold-Rolled Steel Sheets: ASTM A 366/A 366M or ASTM A 620/A 62OM. I C. Calvanized Steel Sheets: ASTM A 653/A 653M, commercial steel, or ASTM A 642/A 642M, drawing quality, with 460 or C60 coating designation, mill phos- a phatized. I ) ? STFFI DOORS AND FRAMES I f A. Steel Doors: 1-3l4-inch- thick of materials and ANSI/SDI 100 srades and modets indi- cated on Drawings or in schedules. I 1. Interior Doors: Crade ll, heavy-duty, lvlodel 2, seamless design, minimum O.O47B- inch- thick, cold-rolled steel sheet faces. I 2. Exterior Doors: Crade lll, extra heavy-duty, Model 2, seamless design, minimum I 0.0635-inch- thick, galvanized steel sheet faces. I B. Door Louvers: Light-proof per SDI 1 1 'l C. I 1. Fire-RatedAutomaticLouvers: Actuatedbyfusiblelinksatl50degFandlistedand r labeled. I c. Door Silencers: Three on strike jambs of single-door frames and two on heads of double- door frames. r D. Plaster Cuards: Provide where mortar might obstruct hardware operation and to close off - interior of open ings. E STEEL DOORS AND Ftu{MES 0810 - I I I 000e - vAilocADE sPA O Specifications I o3-2oor o I E. Fabricate steel frames to be rigid, neat in appearance, and free from defects, warp, or I buckle. I 1. Interior Frames: Fabricate with mitered or coped and continuously welded corners, t formed from 0.0478-inch- thick, cold-rolled steel for openings 48 inches or less in width and from 0.0598-inch- thick steel for openings more than 48 inches in width. | 2. Exterior Frames: Fabricate with mitered or coped and continuously welded corners, I formed from 0.0635-inch- thick, galvanized steel sheet. , I F. Prepare doors and frames to receive mortised and concealed hardware according to I SDI 107. G. Prime Coat: Uncoated steel, ANSI A224.1 shop primer. T PART r - eXfCUftOr't I 3.1 INSTALLATION I A. Place steel frames to comply with SDI 105. I B. Install steel doors accurately in trames, within clearances specified in ANSI/SDI 100. I r 1. Fire-Rated Doors: lnstall with clearances specified in NFPA 80.? Smoke-Control Doors: Comply with NFPA 105.I r C. Prime Coat Repair: lmmediately after erection, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas a of prime coat and repair finish with compatible air-drying primer.I I END OF SECTION OB11O I I r t I I I I I STEELDOORSANDFRAMES 08110 - 2 t 000e - vAIIOscADE spA O Specifications I o3-2oor o I sECTtoN og2l - FLUSH wooD DooRs I PARTl-CENERAL t r.r sECTroN REeurREMENrs A. ' Submittals: Samples for factorv-finished doors.I I B. Quality Standard: NWWDA l.S.t-A. I C. FireRated Wood Doors: Labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to I authorities having jurisdiction based on testing per NFPA 252. Test at atmospheric pres- 5Ure. I 1. At stairs, provide doors that have a temperature rise rating of 450 deg F. ll t PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 FLUsH wooD DooRS I A. Doors for Transparent Finish: Premium grade. f l. Faces: White ash, plain sliced. 2. Veneer Matching: Book and running match. a 3. Pair matching and set matching. I 4. Continuous matching for doors with transoms. r B. Doors for Opaque Finish: Custom grade. - 1. Faces: Any closed-grain hardwood. I C. Exterior Solid Core Doors: Particleboard core.t D. Interior Veneer-Faced Solid Core Doors: Clued-block core.I I E. Interior 5olid Core Doors with Plastic-Laminate Faces: Three-ply, particleboard core. I F. Interior Soiid Core Doors with Hardboard Faces: Three-ply, glued-block core. I C. Blocking t,or Doors with Particleboard Cores: Top rail blocking at closers, mid+ail block- i; ingatexitdevices, bottom rail blocking at kick plates, and bottom rail blocking at exterior I doors. I H. FireRated Solid Core Doors: Core construction to provide fire-rating indicated, faces and I grade to match non-fire+ated doors. 'l . Composite blocking where required to eliminate through-bolting hardware. I FLUSH WOOD DOORS 082il - l I I I 000e-vAtOscADE spA O Snecificationsf 03-2001 I 2. Laminated-edge construction. I 3. Formed-steel edges and astragals for pairs of fire-rated doors. I l. Hollow Core Doors: Seven-ply, Institutional hollow core with lock blocks both sides and I top and bottom rail blocking. ! .1 1. Hollow Core Doors with Hardboard Faces: Three-ply, Institutional hollow core with lock t blocks both sides and top and boftom rail blocking. - K. Hollow Core Doors with Plastic-Laminate Faces: Three.ply, Institutional hollow core with I lock blocks both sides and too and boftom rail blockins I 2.2 FABRICATION AND FINISHINC I A. Factory fit doors to suit frame-opening sizes indicated and to comply with referenced 1| quality standard. I 1. Comply with NFPA B0 for fire-resistance-rated doors. '3 I B. Factory machine doors for hardware that is not surface applied. .r C. Cut and trim openings to comply with referenced standards. I |. Trim light openings with moldings indicated. 2. Factory install louvers in prepared openings.I f D. Factory finish wood doors with NWWDA Select grade, System 7, water-reducible acrylic , lacquer fin ish. r PART 3. EXECUTION I1 IT 3.1 INSTALLATION I A. Install doors to comply rvith referenced quality standard.I l. Install fire-rated doors to comply with NFP.{ 80.I I B. Align and fit doors in frames with uniform clearances and bevels. Machine doors for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fitting and machining. I C. Align factory-fitted doors in frames for uniform clearances. I D. Repair, refinish, or replace factoryJinished doors damaged during installation, as directed I by Architec. I END OF SECTTON 082 t 1 r FLUSH WOOD DOORS O82I I .2 I t 000e- vAIOscADE spA O Specificationsf 03-200r o I SECTION 08212 - STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS I PARr r -.ENERAL I I 1.1 SECTTON REQUTREMENTS I A. Subminals: Product Data for doors, including details of construction and factory-finishing t specifications. 1. Submit finish samples for factory-finished doors. I B. Quality Standard: NWWDA 1.5.6, "lndustry Standard for Wood Stile and Rail Doors." I C. Fire-Rated Wood Doors: Labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to f authorities having jurisdiction based on testing per NFPA 252. Test at atmospheric pres- sure. I D. Safety Class: Comply with t 6 CFR r 201. I PART2-PRoDUCTs I 2.1 slLE AND RAIL DooRS I . A. Interior Doors: NWWDA Premium or Select grade made from ldaho white, lodgepole, 1] ponderosa, or sugar pine with raised panels. I i. Room Doors: Refer to Interior Design Drawings and Specifications.r 2. Pocket Door: Refer to Interior Design Drawings and Specifications. r' B. Interior Fire-Rated Doors: NWWDA Premium or Select grade made from ldaho white, r lodgepole, ponderosa, or sugar pine 1-3l4-inch- thick stiles and rails and 1-3l8-inch thick I raised panels. t 2.2 FABRTCATToN AND FtNtsHtNC r A. Factory fit doors to suit frame-opening sizes and to comply with referenced quality stan-I dard.a l. Provide 1/8-inch clearance at jambs, heads, and meeting stiles and 1/2 inch at bot- I tom. At thresholds, provide 3/B-inch clearance. f] 2. Comply with NFPA 80 for fire+esistance-rated doors. r B. Factory machine doors for hardware that is not surface applied. '- C. Claze doors at factorv. t r sTrLE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS 08212 _ r J I I 000e- vAIOscADE spA O Specificationsf o3-2oor o t D. Factory treat exterior doors after fabrication with water repellent to comply with I NWWDA I^S.4. I E. Factory finish wood doors with manufacturer's standard stain and twocoat conversion I varnish finish in color selected. I I PARr3-EXECUTTON I 3.r TNSTALLATToN I A. Install fire+ated doors to comply with NFPA 80..,1 I, B. Align and fit doors in frames with uniform clearances and bevels indicated below. Ma- chine doors for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fitting and machining. I I 1. Provide l/B-inch clearance at jambs, heads, and meeting stiles and 1/8 inch at bot- tom. At thresholds, provide'l/4-inch clearance from bottom of door. I C. Align factory-fitted doors in tiames for uniform clearances. - D. Repair, refinish, or replace factory-finished doors damaged during installation as directed t by Architect. t END oF sECTroN 08212 I I I I I I I I l, STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS I 08212 - 2 I 000e-vAtOscADE spA O Specificationsf o3-2oor o I SECTTON 08710 - DOOR HARDWARE I PARTl-CENERAL I 1.r sEcroN REeuTREMENTS I A. Allowances: Provide hardware under Hardware Allowance in Division 1 Section "Price I and Payment Procedures."T B. Submittals: Hardware Schedule. j t C. Deliver keys to Owner. t D. For fire+ated openings provide hardware tested and listed by UL or FM (NFPA80). On I exit devices provide UL or FM label indicating "Fire Exit Hardware." I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 HARDWARE a A. Hinges: Provide the following: t 1. Stainless-steel or brass/bronze hinges with stainless-steel pins for exterior. 2. Nonremovable hinge pins for exterior and public interior exposure. I 3. Ball-bearing hinges for doors with closers and entry doors. I 4. Two hinges for 1-3l8-inch- thick wood doors. 5. Three hinges for 1-3l4-inch- thick doors 90 inches or less in height; four hinges for I doors more than 90 inches in height. B. Key locks to Owner's existing master-key system. I 1. Cylinders with six-pin tumblers and removable cores. - 2. Provide cylinders for storefront doors, and other locking doors that do not require I 3 ;::il,j::*il:ction keying ll 4. Provide key control system, including cabinet. I C. Closers: Provide the following: I 1. Mount closers on interior side (room side) of door opening. Provide regular-arm, I parallel-arm, or topiamb-mounted closers as necessary. t 2. Adjustable delayed opening (accessible to the disabled) t'eature on closers. A D. Provide wall stops or floor stops for doors without closers. - E. Provide hardware finishes as follows: f I DOOR HARDWARE 08710 - I I I I 000e - vArLocADE sPA O Snecrrl'arrons I 1. Hinges: Matching finish of lockseVlatchset. 2. Locksets, Latchsets, and Exit Devices: Oil+ubbed, oxidized bronze.3. Closers: Matching finish of lockset/latchset. 4- Other Hardware: Matching finish of lockset/latchset. o3-2oor o r PART3-EXECUTTON J _ 3.1 TNSTALLATTON I ; A. Mount hardware in locations recommended by the Door and Hardware Institute, unless otherwise indicated.-IJ ! 3,2 HARDWARE SCHEDULE I I tl".rtu.trrtur Approvect substitute a (MC) McKinney Hinges Stanley, Hager |l (SA) Sargent Locksets no substitute I {SA) Sargent, Closers LCN {SA) Sargent Exit Device t/on Duprin (HA) Hager Trim Rockwood, Ives I (NA) Naiional Guard pemko, zero I iSF) Safelok No Substitute tc match existing iIV) Ives Rockwood t (RX) Rixson LCN, Norton I iurnish all iterns in finlsh to rnatch existinq -I 'ierif y aMock functions rith Owner crlor !c c:dering. I rr ulvqP r r I Each openino to have: I 3 HTNGES TA21L4 4 r/2 x 4 1-/z 1oA MC I 1 LOCKSET 10G0s LL 10B S-A i cLosER l13l o !B sA ;.,.-^,,^..--r. - KrcK PLATE l90s 10" X 2" L. D.:.1. US1oB t{A I 1 wALL sroP (s ) 236'vI ustoB HA - 1 SMOKE SEAL 25258 HEAD AND JAMBS NA t I I DOOR HARDWARE I 08710 - 2 I oooe-vArUcADE spA O Speciticationsf I I Group # 2 ji Each opening to have: t a HTNGEs I LOCKSET I 1 CLOSER r ]. KICK PLATE r 1 wALL sroP (s ) 1 SMOKE SEAL JI Group # 3 a f gach opening to have:!t 3 HINGES -a I 1 EXIT DEVICE I 1 cLosER ]. KICK PLATE rl I WALL STOP (S) r 1 SMOKE SEAL -t I Group f 4 I Each opening to have: I 3 HTNGE'r 1 LoCKSET L ! iJ\-/) t x t I KrcK PLATE t I WALL STOP(S) r )..lvn r, JLA! t ,';,:::.'"e '|o have: I r sMoKE SEAL | ::l'""""r"s ro have:I i i:ii3u",,,, r r:\,.L'/t-t-r JlJr l- --\rJLI1 I !\]\-N TLA-I E .I- iIALL STOP (S ) TA21 144L/2x47/2 1OGO4 LL 1431 O 1905 10" X 2n L.p.W. z J6W 25258 HEAD AND JAMBS TAZ?I4 41/2X 4.L/2 8813 F ETL TB 1431 0 1905 10" X 2" L.D.W. zJ6W 2525B HEAD AND JAMBS TA2'7L4 4 L/2x 11./2 10G37 LL 1431 0 L90s r0" x 2" L.D,W. ZJbW 25258 HEAD AND JA}IBS TA27l{ 4L/2X4L/2 .J-UUOJ LL 1431 0 1905 10" X 2" L.D.W. z 56W 25258 HEAD AND JAMBS T2'7!44L/2X4r/2 1OGO5 LL zJ6W 03-2001 1OA MC 1OB SA EB SA US1OB HA US1OB HA NA lOA MC ].OB SA EB SA US1OB HA US1OB HA NA IOA MC ]- OB SA trR qL US1OB HA US 10 B liA NA IOA MC IOB SA LtJ 5A US1OB HA US1OB HA NA IOA MC US 1OB TiA LrtlL I flA o I Grcup * 5 I I 3 DooR STLENCER(S) 307D I DOOR HARDWARE 08710 - j T I Group # 7 1?\I ZJU EI 1431 P9 1905 10" X 2' L.D.W. ZJbW 25258 HEAD AND JAMBS T27I44I/2x4r/2 10U65 LL z50w 1905 i0" x 2'L.D.W. zJbi/,J 25258 HEAD AND JA.I4B S HA US1OB HA IOB IV EB SA US1OB HA US1OB HA NA rOA MC IOB SA US1OB HA \rlali I flA o3-2oor o 000e-vAroscADE sPA o Snecificationf I Each opening t.o have:I 1 POCKET DOOR KIT 9850 96 I i ;i::'Jt:,', I Group # 8 Each nnen i nrr tO have: t 3 HTNGES - I cARD LocK . 1 CLOSER I I fii:r 3i3;?,, 1 SMOKE SEAL I I Group # e ia r-h onen .i nn to have :-$v.' v !/ e. r-..Y I 3 HiNGEs ], PRIVACY SET I WALL STOP(S) TA2'13,44r/2X4L/2 1OA M.' SAFELOK, SL2sOO TO MATCH'EXISTING US4 VA I 3 DCOR STLENCER(S) 307D I -; Group * 10 I facr rnen,^a to nave: I 3H:NGES TA21t44L/Zxtr/z I ! PASSAGE SET IOUI5 LL f, 1 cLosER l43l o - ! KiCK PLATE I i :*r,'r:,ii'' l IOA MC IOB SA OD >A u)l-u!1 rlA U)IUiJ hA NA I I I I DOOR HARDWARE 08710 -.{ | 000e- vAlOscADE spA O Slecificationsf 11 Each opening to have: I 6 HTNGES TA21L4 4 L/2 x. 4 t/2 r 10A Mc 2 EXIT DEVICE L2 81 L3 F ETL TB 1OB SA I i :l8i'l*,, 1ffi3 i3,,x 2, L.D.w. E3'0" ;l 2 MAGNETIC HOLDER 998 24VDC 690 RX .r 1 SMOKE SEAL 25258 HEAD AND JAI.,IBS NA t 2 GASKETTNG A605 DKB x 84r' NA I END oF sEcloN oszio I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DooRHARDWARE 03-200 t I Group # 1t 0E710 - 5 I 000e-vAuOscADE spA O Specificationsf 03-200r o ! SECTION 093]0 - CERAMIC TILE I PARTl.CENERAL .,, I 1.r SECTTON REQUTREMENTS - A. Submittals: Product Data and Samples. I - B. Floor Tiles: Static coefficient of friction not less than 0.6 for level surfaces and 0.8 for ramps/ per ASTM C 1028. I I PART 2 . PRODUCTS I 2.1 CERAMIC TILE I A. Ceramic tile that complies with standard grade requirements of ANSI A137.t, "specifica- tions for Ceramic Tile." I B. Ceramic Mosaic Floor Tile: impervious natural clay cushion-edged tile.t . 1. Refer to Interior Design Specifications for Manut'acturers. 1 2. Module Size: Refer to Interior Design Specifications for sizes.f 3. Color: As selected and specified by Interior Designer. 4. Surface Finish: As specified by Interior Designer. I 5. Tiles mounted, by manufacturer's standard method, into sheets. I C. Unglazed Quarry Tile: Flat, square-edged tile. I I 1. Refer to Interior Design Specifications for Manufacturers. 2. Module Size: Refer to Interior Design Specifications for sizes. 3. Color: As selected and specified by Interior Designer. 4. Surface Finish: As specified by Interior Designer. 5. Tiles mounted, by manufacturer's standard method, into sheets. I D. Paver Tile: As selected and specified by Interior Designer.a 1. Refer to Interior Design Specifications for Manufacturers. I 2. Module Size: Refer to Interior Design Specifications tor sizes.r 3. Color: As selected and specified by Interior Designer. 4. Surface Finish: As specified by Interior Designer. I 5. Tiles mounted, by manufacturer's standard method, into sheets.t E. Clazed Wall Tile: Cushion-edged, flat tile. I 1. Refer to Interior Design Specifications for Manulacturers. 2. Module Size: Refer to Interior Design Specifications for sizes. a CERAMIC TILE I I I 09it0- r I 000e - VAIOSCADE spA O Specificarions I o3-2oor o I 3. Color: As selected and specified by lnterior Designer. I 4. Surface Finish: As specified by Interior Designer. 5. Tiles mounted, by manufacturer's standard method, into sheets. S F. Tile trim units that match characteristics of adjoining flat tile. I C. Where indicated, protect exposed surfaces of tile against adherence of mortar and grout t by factory precoating them with a hot-applied continuous film of petroleum paraffin wax. Do not coat unexposed tile surfaces. I . 2.2 INSTALLATION MATERIALS I A. Setting and Crouting Materials: Comply with material standards ih ANSI's "specifications I for the Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to materials and methods indicated. I 1. Crout Color: As selected and specified by Interior Designer. I B. Setting-Bed Accessories: Comply with ANSI A108.1A. I C. Cementitious Backer Units: Complyingwith ANS| A1'1 8.9, of thickness indicated. (.1/2"). I PART3-EXECUToN I I 3.r TNSTALLATToN r A. Comply with tile installation standards in ANSI's "Specifications for the Installation of Ceramic I Tile" that apply to materials and methods indicated. I B. Comply with TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation.'' I 1. :i""1:::Jlr"llation Method[s]: F115 (thin-set mortar bonded to concrete subfloor, with 2. Wall Tile Installation Method[s]: TCA W243 (thin-set mortar bonded to gypsum board); t 8412 (bathtub walls: thin-set mortar bonded to cementitious backer units)l [841 5 and I TCA W2,1^1 (shower receptor with thin-set mortar bonded to cementitious backer units)]. I C. At showers, tubs, and where indicated, provide cementitious backer units and treat Joints to com- I PlYwith ANsl A108.11. D. Lay tile, in grid pattern, unless otherwise indicated. Align joints where adjoining tiles on floor, I base, walls, and trim are the same srze.r E. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of I tile abutting trim, finish, or built-in items for straight aligned .ioints. Fit tile closely to electrical out- t lets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. I END OF SECTION 09310 r ! CEL,\MIC TILE I 093 l0-2 I oooe-vArOscADE spA O Specificationsf o3-2oor o t I SECTTON 0e38s - DIMENS|ON STONE T|LE I PART 1 - CENERAL : I 1.r sECTroN REeuTREMENTS I A. Submittals: Product Data and Samoles.I a B. Stone Floor Tiles: Minimum abrasive hardness of 12, per ASTM C i 353 or ASTM C 241. I C. Stone Floor Tiles: Static coefficient of friction not less than 0.6 for level surfaces and 0.8 I . for ramps, per ASTM C 1028. I PARr2-PRoDUcrs I 2.1 DTMENSToN sroNE TILE ! A. 5late Dimension Stone Tile: As follows: t 1. ASTM C 615, Refer to Interior Design Specifications for Surface Properties.2. Finish: Refer to Interior Design Specifications. I 3. Module Size: Refer to Interior Design Specifications. t 4. Thickness: Refer to Interior Design Specifications. 5. Edges: Ret,er to Interior Design Specifications. I 6. Joints: Refer to Interior Design Specifications. I B. Thresholds: Slate as specified above for tile. Bevel edges at 1:2 slope, aligning lower I edge of bevel with adjacent floor finish. Limit height of bevel to 1/2 inch or less and fin- t ish to match face of threshold. | 2.2 TNSTALLATToN MATERTALS I A. Setting and Grouting Materials: Comply with material standards in ANSI's "Specifications I for the Installation oi Ceramic Tile" that apply to materials and methods indicated.a 1. Use Materials approved by Tile Manufacturer. |J 2. Crout Color: As selected and specified by Interior Designer. I B. Setting-Bed Accessories: Comply with ANSI A108.1A. I l. Follow Tile Manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. - C. Cementitious Backer Units: Complying with ANSI A1 18.9, of thickness indicated. I - D. Floor Sealer: Colorless, slip and stain-resistant, not affecting color or physical properttes t of stone surfaces. I DIMENSION STONE TILE 09385 . I I t I 00oe - VAIOSCADE sPA O Specificationsf 1. Follow Tile Manufacturer's requirements and recommendations. I PARr3-EXEcuIoN 3..I INSTALLATION I I A. Comply with tile installation standards in ANSI's "specifications for ihe lnstallation of Ce. amic Tile" that apply to materials and methods indicated. I B. Comply with TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." I 1. Floor Tile Installation Method: TCA Fl 13 (thin-set mortar bonded to concrete slab. I 2. Wall Tile lnstallation Method[s]: TCA W243 (thin-set mortar bonded to gypsum board); 8412 (bathtub walls: thin-set mortar bohded to cementitious backer units). I C. Apply sealer to cleaned stone tile flooring according to sealer manufacturer's wriften in-r structions. t END oF sECTroN oe3's t I I I I l I J I o3-2oor o I I DIMENSION STONE TILE 09385 - 2 I oooe - vArrascADE spA O >oecrrlcatronsf 03-2001 I sEctoN 09sr 2 - ACousrcAL T'LE .ETLTNCS I PART r - .ENERAL , I 1.1 sECTroN REeuTREMENTs A. Submittals: Product Data and material Samples. I B. Acoustical Tile Ceilings: ASTM E 1264 forClass A materials, tested per ASTM E 84. I C. FireRating Ceiling Assemblies: ASTME 119 and listed in UL's "Fire Resistance Direc- I tory." in ITS's "Certification Listings," or in the listing of another qualified testing and in- Specting agenry. T PART 2 . PRODUCTS t' 2.1 ACOUSTICAL TtLE @ Back of House Ceilings I A. Armstrong Travertone Fire Cuard Fissured. (or approved equal) B. Color: White I C. Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC): 0.65 I D. Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC): 40 I E. Edge Detail: Beveled, kerfed and rabbeted. I F. Thickness: 3/4 inch. C. Size:.12 by 24 inches as designated on Architectural A4 (RCP-) drawings.I 2.2 SUSPENSION SYSTEM ( Insert drawing designation; e.g., 5S-1. >I I A. Ceiling Suspension System: Direct hung; ASTM C 635, heavy-duty structural classifica- tion. I 1. Armstrong Prelude Concealed Tee System (w/8300 m.r.) (or approved equal) I B. Attachment Devices: Size for 5 times the design load indicated in ASTM C 635, Table 1, I Direct Hung, unless otherwise indicated. I C. Wire Hangers, Braces, and Ties: Zinc-coated carbon-steel; ASTM A 641, Class 1 zinc I coatrng, soft temper. t I ACOUSTICAL TILE CETLTNGS 09512 - r t 0o0e-vAILOcADESpA O Specifications I o3-2oor o a 1. Wire Diameter: Size so its stress at 3 times the hanger design load (ASTMC635, I Table 't, Dir'ect Hung) will be less than the yield stress of wire, but provide not less han 0.135-inch- diameter wire. I D. Access: ldentify rjpward access tile with manufacturer's standard unobtrusive markers for each access unit. ' f PART3-EXECUTIoN I I 3.1 INSTALLATION t A. . Ceiling Suspension System Installation: ASTM C 635. tl B. Ceiling Suspension System Installation Requiring Seismic Restraint: . - I 1. UBC Standard 25-2. 2. CISCA's "Recommendations for Direct-Hung Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceil- I ings-Seismic Zones 0-2." I 3. CISCA's "Guidelines for Seismic Restraint of Direct-Hung Suspended Ceiling As- semblies-Seismic Zones 3 & 4." 4. ASTM E 5BO. I END OF SECTION 09512 I r I I I I l: I I I ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILINCS I 09512 - 2 I oooe-vATLOcADE sPA Snecificatiof 03-a I sEcloN 0965r - RESILTENT TILE FLooRrNc I PARTI-CENERAL I 1.r sEcroN REeuTREMENTS I A. Submittals: Product Data and color Samples I I B. Extra Materials: Deliver to Owner at least 1 box for each 50 boxes or fraction thereof. of each type and color of resilient floor tile installed. I t: PART 2 - PRODUCTS ' 2.1 VINYL COMPoSITION FLOoR TILE <VCT> I A. Armstrong World Industries (or approved equal).I 1 . Color and Pattern: As selected < grey marble > .I t B. ASTM F 1066, Class 1 solid-color tile. 1| C. Wearing Surface: Smooth Surface. I D. Thickness: 0.080 inch. I E. Size: 12 by 12 inches - F. Critical Radiant Flux Classification: Class l, not less than 0.45 w/sq. cm per ASTM E 648. t 2.2 INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES I A. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement- or blended hydraulic cement-based iormulation provided or approved by flooring manufac- I turer for applications indicated. I B. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products r and substrate conditions indicated. I - C. Metal Edge Strips: Extruded aluminum with mill finish of width shown, of height required I to protect exposed edge of tiles, and in maximum available lengths to minimize running I joints' I PART3-EXECUTToN I I RESILIENT TILE FLOORING 0965I - I I I 000e-vArecADE sPA o -o I sEcrIoNoe68o-cARPEr I PARr r -cENERAL I PARr2-PRoDUcrs o3-2oor O I l.l sEcrroN REeUIREMENTS I A. Subminals: Product Data and color Samples I I B. Comply with CRI 104, Section 6, "Site Conditions." I C. Extra Materials: Deliver to Owner full-width carpet equal to 5 percent of each type and color t carpet installed, packaged with protective covering for storage. I 2.1 CARPET per Interior Design Specifications. A. Critical Radiant Flux Classification: Class I, not less than 0.45 w/sq. per ASTM E 648. 2.2 CARPET CUSHION per Manufacturers Recommendations. I A. Traffic Classitlcation: CCC Class ll, heavv traffic and/or CCC Class lII, extra-heavy traffic.r t PARr3 -EXECUTToN . 3.I INSTALLATION t A. Comply rvith CRI 104. [Section I l, "Stretch-in Utilizing Tackless Strip."] I B. Comply with CRI 104. Section 12, "Carpet on Stairs." - C. Maintain uniformitv of carpet direction and lay of pile. At doorways, center seams under door t in closed position. Bind or seal cut edges as recommended by carpet manufacturer. D. finstall pattem parallel to walls and borders.]I END OF SECTION 09680 t T I CARPET 09680 - I I I 000e-vAIU\scADE SPA O Specifications!03-200 t I SECTTON 09720 - WALL COVERTNCS r PART I - CENERAL ! I 1.1 sEcnoN REeutREMENrs A. Submittals: Product Data and material Samoles. t B. Surface.Burning Characteristics: Provide wall coverings with flame-spread and smoke- developed ratings of not more than 25 and 450, respectively, per ASTM E 84. I C. Exta Materials: Deliver to Owner full-width rolls of wall covering equal to 5 percent of amount of'each type installed, packaged with protective covering for storage. ' PART 2. PRODUCTS I 2.1 WALL COVERINC per Interior Design Specifications. I A. Vinyl Wall Covering Standard: FS CCC-W-408A and CFFA-W-i0'l-A,Type ilt, Heavy I Duty. I B. Wall Covering Durability Standard: ASTM F 793 br Category V, Type ll Commercial t Serviceability. r C. Backing Material: Nonwoven. r D. Stain-Resistant Coating: DuPont "Tedlar" coating, complyingwith FS L-P-l040-8. ' PART 3. EXECUTION t 3.1 TNSTALLAT'N I A. Comply with manufacturers' written instructions for surface preparation and installation. I Cut panels in roll number sequence. Change run numbers at partition breaks and corners only. I B. lnstall seams vertical and plumb, with no horizontal seams. ,r C. Match pattern 72 inches above finish floor. I END OF SECTION 09720 I r WALL COVERINGS 09720.I I I 000e - vA[{)scADE spA O specifications I o3-2oor a t SECTTON 09910 - PA|NT|NC I PART 1 - CENEML !. I 1.r sECTroN REeuTREMENTS t A. Summary: Paint all exposed surfaces, new and existing, unless otherwise indicated. I 1. paini the back side of access panels. 2. Color code mechanical piping in accessible ceiling spaces. I 3. Do not paint prefinished items, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, labels, and I materials obviously intended to be left exposed such as brick and tile.4. Unless otherwise indicated do not paint concealed surfaces. I B. Submittals: Product Data and color Samples. t C. Mockups: Fuli-coat finish sample (benchmark sample) of each type of coating, substrate, I color, and finish required in area of not less than 100 sq. tl. Comply with PDCA P5. - D. Obtain block fillers, primers, and undercoat materials for each coating system from the I same manufacturer as the finish coats. E. Extra Materials: Deliver to Owner a 1-gal. container, properly labeled and sealed, of each I color and type of finish coat paint used on Proiect.r I PART2-PRODUCTS I - 2.1 PAINT ! A. Per Interior Design Specifications I 1. Colors: As scheduled per Interior Design Specifications.! B. Material Quality: Manutacturer's best-quality of coating types specified. I C. Material Compatibility: Complete system of compatible components that is recom- mended by manufacturer for application indicated. ! PART 3. EXECUTION r' 3.1 APPLICAT|ON I A. Comply with paint manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation, environ-r mental and substrate conditions, product mixing, and application. I PAINTING 09910 - I t I oooe-vATLOcADE spA O Snecifications !03-2001 I 3.2 INTERIOR PAINT APPLICATION SCHEDULE T A. Concrete and Masonrv: As follows: I |. Flat Acrylic: Two coats over primer. 2. Odorless, FlatAlkyd: Two coats over primer. r 3. Low-Luster, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. I 4. Semigloss, Alkyd Enamel: Two coats over primer. B. Concrete Masonry Units: As follows:I t 1. Flat Acrylic: Two coats over block filler. 2. Low-Luster, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over block filler. I 3. Semigloss, Alkyd Enamel: Two coats over undercoat and filled surface.I C. Mineral-Fiber-Reinforced Cement Panels: As follows: I 1. Flat Acrylic: Two coats. r D. Cypsum Board: As follows: r 1. Flat Acrylic: Two coats over pnmer. 2. Semigloss, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. I 3. Semigloss, Alkyd Enamel: Two coats over primer. E. Plaster: As follows: I 'l . Flat Acrylic: Two coats over primer. 2. Odorless, Flat Alkyd: Two coats over primer. I 3. Low-Luster crylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. ll 4. Semigloss, Acrylic Enamel: One coat over undercoat and primer. 5. Semigloss, Alkyd Enamel: One coat over undercoat and primer. f| 6. Full-Closs, Alkyd Enamel: Two coats over primer. I F. Acoustical Plaster: As follows: I I 1. Flat, Acrylic Latex: Trvo coats. C. Woodwork and Hardboard: As follows: ! I. Semigloss, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. 2. Semigloss, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over wood undercoater. I 3. Semifloss, Alkyd Enamel: Two coats over primer.r 4. Full-Closs. Alkvd Enamel: Two coats over wood undercoater. I H. Stained Woodwork: As follows: t 1. Alkyd-Based, Satin Varnish: Two coats clear-satin varnish over sealer and wood I starn. f 2. Waterborne, Satin Varnish: Two coats clear-satin varnish over sealer and wood stain. I a I PAINTINC 09910 - l t 000e - vArr TSCADE sPA 03-2001 r 3. Water-Based, Full-Closs Varnish: Two coats full-gloss varnish over sealer and wood t 4. lillo-u*"d stain, Wax-polished Finish: Three coars paste wax over sealer and wood stain. t l. Natural-Finish Woodwork: As follows: I l. Alkyd-Based, Satin Varnish: Two coats clear-satin varnish over sealer.ll 2. Waterborne, Satin Varnish: Two coats clear-satin varnish over sealer. 3. Water-Based, Full-Closs Varnish: Two coats full-gloss varnish over seiler. I 4. Wax-Polished Finish: Three coats paste wax over sealer. I J. Ferrous Metal: As follows: I 1. Flat Acrylic: Two coats over primer. 2. Low-Luster, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. I 3. Semigloss, Acrylic Enamel: One coat over undercoater and primer. I I Semigloss, Alkyd Enamel: One coat over undercoater and primer. 5. Full-Closs, Acrylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. - 6. Full-Closs, Alkyd Enamel: Two coats over undercoater and primer. r K. Zinc-Coated Metal: As follows. I l. Flat Acrylic: Two coats over primer.l' 2. Semigloss crylic Enamel: Two coats over primer. 3. Semigloss lkyd Enamel: One coat over undercoater and primer. I END OF SECTION 09910 I r O Specificarionsa I t I I I I I PAINTING 099t0 - 3 I 000e-vATLOCADE sPA O Specificatioa I sECTroN 10s20 - F'RE- pRorECTroN ''ECTALTTES I PARrl-cENEML ,l r.r sEcroN REeurREMENrs or-o t I I A. Submittals: Product Data. t B. Fire Extinguishers: NFPA 10, listed and labeled for the type, rating, and classification of extinguisher. PART 2. PRODUCTS ' 2.1 FIRE EXTINCUISHERS AND CABINETS I A. Portable Fire Extinguishers Multipurpose dry-chemical type, UL+ated. Per Firesystems r Contractor. I 1. Manufacturer and Product per Firesystems Contractor. I B. Fire Protection Cabinets where required by FPC: Enameled steel, recessed cabinets for fire extinguisher. 1. Fire Rating: Per Detail PR on A5.2 2. Trim Style: Trimless. 3. Door Material: Enameled steel. 4. Door Style: Flush opaque frameless. PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.1 INSTALLATION t A. Install cabinets and brackets at heights indicated or, if not indicated, at heights to comply with applicable regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. I B. FireRated Hose or Valve Cabinets: Seal through penetrations with firestopping sealant. I END oF sECroN 1os2o I I FIRE. PROTECTION SPECIALTIES IO52O - I I I 000e - VATTSCADE sPA O Snecificationsj I sEcroN 10801 - TOTLET AND BATH ACCESSORTES I PARTl-cENEML I I 1.1 SECTTON REQUTREMENTS I A. Submittals: Product Data. I B. All Accessories as specified by Interior Designer except Back-of-House locations: Follow Directions Below. I PART2-PRoDUcrs I 2.i MATERTALS I A. Brass: ASTM B 19, ASTM B 16 (ASTM B 16M), or ASTM B 30 castings. I B. Mirror Class: ASTM C 1036, Type l, Class 1, Quality q2, nominal 6.0 mm thick, with sil- I vering, electroplated copper coating, and protective organic coating complying with I FS DD-M-41 1. I C. Calvanized Steel Mounting Devices: ASTM A 153/A 153M, hot-dip galvanized after fab- t ncatron. - D. Fasteners: Screws, bolts, and other devices of same material as accessory unit, tamper I and theti resistant when exposed, and of galvanized steel when concealed. I 2.2 TotLET AND BATH AccESSoRtES I A. Toilet Tissue Disoenser : As follows: I 1 . Cinger "Chelsea" (polished chrome) #1 109 or approved equal. 2. Type: Single-roll dispenser. I 3. Mounting: Surface mounted with concealed anchorage. I 1. ,Vlaterial: Brass. 5. Operation: Noncontrol delivery with standard spindle. I 6. Capacity: Designed for 4-1/2- or S-inch- diameter-core tissue rolls. t B. Crab Bar : As follows: I 1. Cinger " Chelsea" Heavy Duty Decorative Crab Bars # 116 or approved equar.r 2. Material: Solid Brass. 3. Mounting: Concealed.(Re:8/A1.1) I 4. Cripping Surfaces: Smooth, polished chrome finish.! 5. Outside Diameter: 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) for heavy-duty applications. o3-2oor O I I TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10801 - l t 000e- vAlescADE sPA O Specifications j I C. Mirror Unit: As follows: t l. Plain Class, Frameless Mirror @ Employee Bathroom. I D. Warm-Alr Dryer : As follows:r1 I 1. Mounting: Surface, ADA-compliant height.t E. Towel shelf with double bar: Cinger "Chelsea", polished chrome, or approved equal. I F. Towel Hooks: Ginger "Chelsea", polished chrome #1 110. r PART3-EXEculoN ! 3.1 INSTALLATION I A. Install accessories using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended by t unit manut-acturer. Install units level, plumb. and firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. I 1. Install grab bars to withstand a downward load of at least 250 lbf (1112 N), when tested according to method in ASTM F 446. I B. Adjust accessories for unencumbered, smooth operation and verify that mechanisms func- tion properly. Replace damaged or defective items. Remove temporary labels and pro- I tectrve coattngs. I END OF SECTION 10801 I I I I I t t I 03-200r o TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES 10801 - l I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t t t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I I I t I.O3 FLASHII{GS ) 1.0.r cLEANot-:TS ...............................2 r.05 FIXTIiRES.\ND EQUIPIVIENT............. ..........2 SECTION IssOO--FIRE PROTECTION I l.0l DESIGN/BI'ILD SCOPE OF WORK .............1 1.02 SERVrcE..I I.O5 \'ALVES 1.06 \!"ET SPRINKLER SYSTENI ...........................2 SECTION I56OO-.HEAT AND REFRIGER{TION I I.OI PIPEWORK SECTION Is8OO.-AIR DISTRIBUTION I l.0l ll.{TERIALS .\ND EQUTP}IENT............. .,i.................................."..............1 SECTIO){ 15900--CONTROLS AND INSTRI-')IE\TATION , I I.OI DESCRIPTION I DIVISION I5 - IIECH.\NIC.dL SPECIFICATIONS I SECTION ISOIO-.GE:{ERAI- PRO!'ISIONS I I l.oo GENER.\L I I l.o2 PRovrsroNs I I t T I I I I T I.OI PRO.IECTDESCRIPTION A. -fhis prolect rs a re'model lnd addition ot'a commercial building. A. Work pertbrmed under this division of the specifications shall conlbrm to the requirenlcnts of Division l. and thc mechanical draw'inss and all items hereinatier specrtied. l. The drarvinss and specrticatrons tbr the nrcchanical rvork are intended to describe a complete rlechanical s),stem: ourrssion of nrinor rtems obviously necessarJ- to accomplrsh the above intent shull not relieve the Contractor tiom f urnishins lnd instllling slnre. l. Prtor to anv rvork bcrnr pertbrmed under thrs divrsron examine architectural. structurrl. electrical. lnd intertor desrgn drarviirgs lnd spccrticatrons and rfany drscrepancic-s occur bet*ccn thcnr lnd the mechanrcal dra*rnss and specitications. report same to the.\rchitect in rvriting and obtarn $ntten lnstructlons fbr thc s ork. l. \[echrnic]l tlrarr rnqs are cliasranrnratic. but shall be tollo*'td as closcly as actual constructron ot'the burldrng rvrll pemrrt. .\ll changes tiom drawings necessar) ttt trtak,-'the rlechantcll rrork corrtorm to thc'burldrns as constructed shall be made w rthout addrtronal cost to thc Orvner. -l Coordinlte the rrechanical * ork rr ith the Gt'nc'rel C'()ntractor und be responsrble trt hinr lirr suttslr.tctorv pro!rcss ()f'sanlc. ('trrlrdirratc'rrrechlnicai rrork r',rth all other trcdcs on the prolect s'rtl'rout addrtionll cost tr) the Orr ng1. 5. .\ll rrork lnd uratcrrrls co"crcd b1' drarr rngs rrrd s1;ecrtications sh:rll Lre subject to reVle\\'at tnV tint!. Lrv reltreserrtltrr es ot'thc .\rchitect lnd Orrncr. If thc -.\rchttc'ct ot O* ttcr's irscnt tillds lnl nrutcnals or rnstallation thlt do,-'s not contbrnr to thcse drlrvings cnd specltlcrtlons. C-ontractor slrall rentove the rlaterrll liortt tlrc l)rcnlscs lrrd ctlrlect thc rnstallatron to the sttlslaction ot'the lg!'nl. 6. In acceptlnce ()r rcJectiorr ot' rnstailed nrechlnrcll s-v-stcnrs. no allo$ ancc will bc rnadc tbr lack of skill on thc purt ot'thc rnstallers. shail rncludc tu hrs brd costs rcclr.rrrcd to urulic hrs sork nteet e\rsting conditions. ,\. Work shall consrst of tr.rrnrshins all latxl'and materials ncccssarv tbr the installation ot' complett' lnd operating rriechlrrical svstenrs. I 1.03 scoPE oF \\'oRK I I I I vAIL CASCADE SP.\!tARCH.200l 15010 - I I I I t I I I I.().I EX.\.\II){ATION OF PIIE}TISES I A. \'isrt the prenrises betbre submittrns bld. as 11o extras rvrll be allo*'ed tbr lack of Iuorr lcdge of crisrrns conditions. t r.0s EX.\.\uNATIo)i oF BIDDI\G DoculrENTS A. E:.rch brdder shall eranrine thc bidding docuurcnts caretully. and no! later than seven da;-s prior to the date ot'receipt of bids. shall make "vritten recluest to the Architcct tbr interpretatron or correction ot'any discrepancies. arnbrgurty. rnconsistency. or error therein s'hich he ma_',- discover. The Archrtect rvrll be issue any interpretation or corection as an Addenduur. Only l wrrtten interpretation or correction by addendum shall be binding. No brdder shall rely Lrpon rnterpretations or corrections given bv any other nlcthod. Il'drscrepancies. rmbrgurtl . inconsistencl'. or crror are not covered b1 'addenduur or rr ritlen dircctrve. Contractor shall include in his bid. labor materials and methods ()f construction resulting in highcr cost. ..\tter award of contract. no allorvance or extra cofflperlsctron rvill be made on behalf of the Contractor due to his tailr.rre to rurake thc'rvritten requests rs described above. U. lrerlure to rcrlLrcst clentlcatron durrng thc [rrd p,-'riod ot'env inadequucv.,lmission.,rr conllict rvrll not rc-lrcvc' the C()ntractor ot'their responsrbrlrtres. 'fh! signinu ot'the contract *'ill be consrdered as rrnplicitll'dcnotrrru that the Contractor has a thorough conrprchcnsron oithe tirll intcnt and scope of'the *'orking drarvings and specrt'icltions. A. ( onrplr'\\'lth Jllapplicable codes. lirrvs. rndustrv standards and r-rtrlrtl'conlpanv regu latlon s. Drrrsror.r. f)o n()t Includc thc cost of th,-' "Pllrrt Inrcstnlent Fee" tbr serr'er lnd \\ater or (ies.\pplication ljec e ltargctl bv thc [-trirtr'( rrtlpltrr'. R. Notrt'r' propcr authorrtre's rr hcn *.ork is rcatil tbr inspections lcclutrcd ll-"" applicabic codes. nrles lnd re,.:ulatrons. lllorvrng .Lrt'tlcicnt trr.nc tirr lnspcctions to bc nrade rr ttl'tor.tt ltrndcrrng pr()gress ()t thc \\()rk. Furnrsh t() the ()\\'ncr coplcs ()l inspection ccftitlcatcs ()t' acceptrllcc. ,\. Eristrng s!'ster-ns lnd condrtrorrs shos'n or.r drl* rngs tbr cxisting buildrngs are to be noted "ti)r guiclance only"'. The ![echanical C'ontractor shall tield check all e\lstlng conditions prior to brdding and is to inclLrde in his birl arr lllo*ancc tbr removal and or rclocatron ol'eristing ductrrurk. piping. tirturr's. or othcr ecluipment as indicatcd trn the plans or ls recluirecl to coordinrtc and rdrpt ne*' lrrd exlstrns rlcchanrcal sl stern to lll other s ork cs rcrlt ttred. )t.\l{cil.200r t l.06 coDES.\\D s't.\\r)ArtDS I r 1.07 PEIllllTS. FEES.\\D \OTI('ES I .-\. Ohtrrn und pal lirr ull pc'rnrits. lees. liccnscs. ccrtrticlrc's rnd inspcctrons f tlr thrs I r.on E\rsrr\c co\Drrlo\s I I t I I I t \.\IL CASCADE SP.\15010 - 2 I I B. Existing ductrvork. erluipnlent. piping. etc.. which are not indicated tbr rcuse, become t the property of the Contractor. Horvever. tlxtures. pumps, f'ans. tire prorection equipment. etc. shall become the property of the Orvner unless noted othenvise. I C. System outages shall be pcrmined only at times approved by Orvner--in rvriting. lVork.! ' tntti.ft coutd-resuli in an accitlentcl ouiage. shall be pertbrme<J rvith the Orvne/s nlalntcnance personnel ad', rscd ol'such srrrk. I D. Service shalt be nraintainetl to exrstins areas durinu construction. I I.O9 PROTECTION I A. Of Peoplc: Arrange barriers. signs. etc. as required to minimize the hazard of people. I Comply rvith applicable sat'ery and health regulations. 'Coordinate as necessary rvith the I Orvner and the Gcneral Contractor. I B. Of Work: Take all rlleasules necessrr]' to protect thc *'ork both bcfbre and aticr t llill'j":':l,T.i:u:*T 'i.i,ll,iiJi,iii'l;:lilT::_'.1 ;lli:lJ:[fi:#l]T,:"f:. relnove anv tacility so as not to causc lnterr[rptlon ot'the work or ()\'ner's operation. T I.IO TE}IPOIL\RY HEAT A. Temporary hc'at will be tirmished b1' the General Contractor. Use of the permanenr heatinu svstem rvill not be. E\D OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I VTIL C.\SCADE SPA ]1.\RCH.100l 150r0 - 3 I I r.or )r.{rERr.\L I r.o2 ]rEcHA\rc.{L INsrALL.\TIONS I I I I t I I I I I I I t t I o I SECTIONI5IOO--BASIC}IATERI.\LS,\ID]IETHODS I I.OO GE\ER\L r\. All urechanrcal materral shall be new and of the c1r-rality and tvpe specilied. All material shall be installed in contblmancc' l ith manutacturer's installatron instructions. Any deviations shall be brought to the Architcct,'Engrneer's attention prior to installation. B. Vlanut'acturer and catalog number shown in thcse specitications or on drarvrngs are lntcndcd ls a gurde to qualitv. Equrralent rlaterials and equipnent ot'other manutacturers r'" ill be consrdered providing such substrtutions are requested in accordancc' rvith provisions of Division I ot'these specitications, and shall include all rntbrmation necessary to support the claim ot'equivalency C. No crrensrtln ot'cornpletion date shall be rllorved tor tirne lost rn consideration. shrpping. or installation of approved substrtutrons. ltcvierv of substitr"rtrons signifies general equalitv ot'materials and equrpmcnt onllz. This revrerv does not relieve the Contractor of lcsponsibrlit) tbr proper opcr;ltlon of the s;-stem. compliance w'rth specrt'icatrons and necessary chan,.res due rrr tlimensional difttrences or space reqtrirenrcnts. r\. Coordinatc rlcchanrcal eclr.ripment and nratr-rials lnstallation rvith othcr building componcnts. B. Verrtvalldime'nsionsbl' tleldmclrsLlrcmcnts. C. ,{.rrrnge tirr chases. slots. and opcnlngs in other bLrrldins componcnts to allo* tbr nrccltrttteal l n >l.u ilat rtrrr 5. D. C'oordinatc tire rnstallatrorr ot'rcqurred supporturg dcvrccs lnd slc'er.e s to be sct rn poLrrcd in pllce c()ncretc lnd othcr structural conrLrolrents. rs thc)'arc constructc'd. E. SL'quence. coordirrate. anti integrutc rnstailutions ot-NIccl-ranrcal rraterials xnd cclLllpm!'nt tbr ctt'icie nt llo* ot'the \\'ork. Cjir e plrtrcular i.rttL'ntion to lar,:e e qurpmcnt reqLrrring positionirrg pnor to closing-ru the hLrilcjinq. F. Coordinate' the cr.rtting and patchinu ot'building conlponents to accommodate the lnstirllatlon of rnechanical eqr-ripmcnt and rnlterials. (i. \\'irere urountirrg heights are not dctailed or diurensior.rcd. rnstall mechanical servtces and overhead ccllrrpnlcnt to provicle the r.na-\rnruur headroonr possrble. and in accordlrrce ivith r.nrnirrruur rcquircd clcarances as specitied in codcs and rc'gr"rlatrons. }IARCH. ]()OI t5100 - I B. D. E. I I t I I T I I t I I I I I I t I I t H. The rvord "concealed" ls r.rsed in this specitication ret'ers to such spaces as pipe and duct chrses. prpe and dr-rct trenches. abovc plastered ceilings. rn rvalls and buried rvhere pipe and'or duct is inaccessible r'" hen building is complete. "Exposed" is intended to be s'ithin equipment roonls. untlnishcd areas. above "push up" ccilrngs. accessible pipe and duct tunnels. I.()3 SHOP DR\WI\GS .\. Equipment specrtied by naure antl model number tloes not rcqulre shop drarvings. Submit shop draw'ings qly on alt Iisted equivalent and all substituted (see Paragraph 1.05 belorv) equipment and tbr Ternperature Controls and Fire Protection. c. Shop draw'ings requircd tbl thrs project are as tbllorvs: 'l. Plumbrng tixturcs l. Insulation 3. Water Heaters 4. Pumps 5. Fans 6. Air Handlers 7. Controls 8. Fire Protectron 9. llotor Starters Pror rde shop drll lngs to thc ..\r'chitcct and Engrnccr shos rng locatrons of all access panels. Present shop dras ing subnrrttal data irt one tinre. lround rn three-rrng binders. rndexed rn a neat and orderly nri.mner- Prr'lral subnrrttals w ill not be accepted. Provide tbr.rr sets of submittal data. unless noted ()ther\\'ise in Division [. Place orders for all erlurpurent ln tinre to prevent au1'tielav in constructron schedule or completron of prolect. [1'ln1 matenals or cqulprnent are not ordered rn tlme. addrtronal chrrges urade bl erluipmcrrt nrlrru t'ac turers to coniplete thcrr erlurpment in tlme to lreet constrlrctlon schedr.rle. tolctirer rvrth any specrul handlrng charues. shall be borne by'the ('ontrlctor. Shop dres ings: C()ntrrctor irgrces that shop drarving sr.rbrrittals processed by the enulneer are not chlngc orders: that the pr"tqrosc ol'shop draw tng sr-rbmrttals bl thc Contractor is to dcrronstratc to the englneer that tlie Contractor understands the design concept. that hc demonstrates hrs uuderstanding bf indicrting rvhich equtpment and nlrtcricl he intends to pror rdc'rnd bv detarlrng the t'abrication and installation mcthods he intends to use. Contractor tirrther f,grees that ifclevrrtrons. discrepancies. or contlicts betl een shop drlrr rnr: submrttals und contract docunrents rn the tbrm of dc-sign dran'ings and specitications are discurered either pnor !o or atier subrr-rittal ofshop dra$'inss. the desrgn dre*rngs arrd specrlicuttons shall corltrol and shall be lollo*ed. F. I.()J RECORDDIT.\\\'I\GS -\. Durrng the mcchanica. \,,.\IL CASCADE SP.\ process ot'thc \\'ork. r.naintain rn rccurate record ot'the installation of'thc system. Upon cornplction of thc mcchanlcxl installation. transt'er all record ]tAR(-il. l00t 15100 - 2 I I rlata to blr-rc'-lir1e pnnts ot'thc origrrral drarvrngs. Drinvings shall include all addenduru I rtems. change orders. altemates. reroutings. etc. As a conditron of acceptance of the proJect. deliver to the ,,\r'chrtect one copy of tlre record drawings. I , l.0s suBSTrTrrTroNS I .\. Bidder's Choice: Vlaterials or equrpment specitied bv manut'acturer's name and model I number or othcr manLltacturers lrsted as cquivalents are intended to be bidder's choice and shall be used in the base brd. I B. Pertbrmance Specitication: Whcn any item rs specitied bv requirement to me'et a ! pertbrmance. industry or reuulating body standard or rs specitied by a generic spec (no manuf'acturer's namc listed). no prior revierv bv the Consulting Nlechanical Engincer rs needed unless specrtically callcd tbr in these specrtications.t C. Contractor to be'responsible tor any changes and costs to accommodate anv equipment except the tlrst named in the specrtication. I I.06 ROOF CLRBS I A [:xii::::*$:::il1iil]H;'i',:":.,:fill,1i"il]'ililli"-]Jii[:::ll.,TJ::,:i:::i,:' llashint. I I.O7 FOT'\DATIO\S AND ST'PPORTS A. I)rovide all lbundations. luses. Iungers. anchors. guides and supports tbr mc.chanrcal cqulprlrcnt. prpin,.l lnd tlLLc Is. I A. :iil::'l,H:iJnor.rnted ctluipnrcnt on -1" high concrete pads tx cr thc complcte tloor arca ll B. ,\ll sDrrng tvDc vrbratron rsoiltors shail be srzerl rn accoltllnce * rth \lason lrrdustrrcs. ln.. sr"n,iriir. ! C. .\ll air moving cr.lr.ripmcnt rr ith dLrctr'"ork cr)nncctlons shall havc' t'lexrble duct I\ connectors. . I.O9 I\S1'ALI-,\TI0\ A\D.\IIR.\\GE]IENT A. Install all rrork to pcrmit lemor.al of corls. shatis and *'heels. llltc'rs. and all other parts rr hrch might rcclurre penodic replace nrent or rulintenrnct'. A. Be resporrsrble fbr the protectron of'exrstlng. Nlove or re move rny' tacrlitl so Js not ro cause rnterruption ot-thc rr ork or C)$ ner's operatron. I I 1.08 \'rBR..\rro\ rsor.,\Tro\ t I l.l0 PnoTEc'TroN oF wonK A-\D PTTOPERTY I I \'.\rL c.\sc.\DE sP.\ I ]I.\RCH.200r 15 100 - -1 lo I r.r r Exc.{vATroN AND B.\cKFrLL I .\. Do all cxcavating and backtilling required by the rvork in this division. I r.l2 CONCRETE I A. All poured in place concrete shall be tirrnished trnder the Architectural Divisions of these I Specitications r l.l3 ]toToRS I A. Squirrel cage type. open drip proot. nornral starting torque. rvith thermal olerload t protection and ball bearings. I B. fvlotors. rated I horseporver or greater shall be "Energy El'ficient", meeting the Departme nt of Energy (DOE) approved requirements of Energy Policy Act 1992 I (EPACT92). and strall meet NEIvIA ll-6C tirlt load etficiencies. Where not I commercrally avillable. power tactors shall be capacitor corrected by equipnrent manutbcturer to at leas! 90'f 1, unds'r ratcd load. I l.rJ ST.\RTERS r .\. '\ll 3 phase starters to har,e overcurrent protection on all three legs I B. Starters *l-rich are tirrnished w'ith control circr.rits shall have integral transtbrmer and 120 volt control circurt. ^{,ll starters to have thermal overload relay's sized tbr approxinratelv I I l5'l{' of tirll load ulotor current. r.l5 AccESS DOOLS I A. Fumish access doors of t_"-pe sr,ritable tt) Archrtsct and provrde to Gcncral Contractor to construct into thc burldin,u. Access doors should be pruvided in all locatiorrs s here tccess rs rcqu ired. a I.I6 IDE}TIFIC.\TION I I .\. Labc'l lll piping and ecluipment. Provrdc color coded tirll lrand or strip typc rnarkers end tlorv aro'uvs on piping.. Provide engraved plastic valve tags with valve number and attach with standard charn or s-hooks. l)rovrdc engraved plastic sign on or near specitied I cqulpnrL'nt. l.l7 ELECTRIC.\L EQt'IP]tE\T A\D \\'tRI\(; FOtt UECH.\\IC.\L Dr\'tSIO\ I .\. Unless otherrvise in<Jicated. all motors antl controls shall be tiunishctl. set in place and rvrrecl rn rccordance * ith rhc tbllorvrnq schedule. (lID is llechanical Division - ED is I Electfrcal Dir.ision). I I I vAlL C.\scADE sPA I 1t.\llcH.200r 15100 - .l rJ, I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I o protection conlr()ls ilnd Juct ,.letectors. 6. F ire,i snroke danr 7. Duct delectors -) N/lD (,1 )!tD ED(-3 ED ivtD ED Il'tirrnrshecl rs plrt ol' f nctorv s irccl cquipnrcnt. r'"'rrins cnd counections onll,' b1.' ED. It' t'loat srr rtchcs. lrne thernrostcts. pneLrntutic electrical switches. time s* rtches. etc.. carrv thc Ft-'LL LO.\D (-L'RRE\I- to anv motor. they shirll be tirrnished br tl-re \[echanrcrl Divisron. bLrt sh:rll be scr rn plecc and connccted under the Electncal Division. crccpt where such iteurs rle an intesral part o1'the rnccIr:.rnrcuI crlLlipnrctlt. or dircctlr lttlcircd t() (hlcts. piprng. etc.. they shrll bt' set in placr'lLndcr thc \leclunicll Drvrsrtrn lnd corrnected bv the Electrical Divisron. It'the1'r.kr not currv thc FL'LL l-O.\D Ct-,RRIiNT to anv mot()r rhel shall be Iirrnrshr'tl. )ct in pltcc und rr rrerl untic-r'thc \[echunicll Divisron. ('ontrol ,.lcviccs curvrng litll load current firmlshetl [r1' .'Llechanrcal lnd rvired b1. [:lcctrrcal slull be Iocatcd lt the dcvrcc Lrcrng controlled. r.rnlcss shown on dras ings or r.ttrrtlral agrL'clltcltt rs ttrlde bct\\ cen thc contractol's $ rth no change in the contrlct lrncc, l) Wrring ti'onr rllrm contacts to alurnt svsteur b1'ED: lll control tr"rnction n'irins br' \lD. Thc abovr-'list docs n()t rttenrpt to include all components. All rtems necessarv lbr l conrplcte slstcur shall be rnclr.rdcd in the base contract. (-onnccti()ns to lll controls directlv attachctl to ducts. prping ancl ntechcnical eclLupmcnt shall be urade rr ith tlexrble connectors. ITE\,I FUR\ISHED UNDER SET IN PLACE OR N,ITD. UNDER WIRED AND CONNECTED UNDER l. Equipment motors lr.rd thermal i f f O overload. resl stance heaters. I N,ID ED :. Nlotor t'ontroller: magnctrc i f tO starters. and ovcrload rclavs. i "'"ED(l)ED -3. Disconnect sw'itches. trrsed and untused. HP rated srvitches. thennal o', erload sr"'itches and flses. nranual operxting srvitches. ( -'l ) ED( r)ED(l)ED .1. Pr,rshbutton stations. pilot lights. multi-speed sw itches. tloat srvitches. thcrmostats. control relavs. control transtbrmers. r;ontrol panels. nrotor valves. darnpcr nrotors. solcrtord va lves and interlocks. (--1) \ID N/lD(2)MD(2) i. Contactors. ll0V control circurts. oLrtlets tbr control panels rnd tbr boilcr controls and tbr f irc ED L" t)ED \.\tL CAS(]ADE SPA ]I-{ttcH.300l 15100 - 5 B. D. I I I I I t t I I I l I I I I I I T I I.18 FREEZE PROTECTION .\. Proximrtl of anv equipment colllponent or tluid piprng to potential damage tiom tieezrng sources shalI be uroided w'lterever possible. Dra',vings are diagnmmatic. Ivtake location adjustmerrts. ldd insulation lndior control devices and/or heat sources as necessar) to prevent or mtnimize tieeze damage potential. The Architect Engineer rvill neither guarantee nor be responsrble fbr anv consequences of tieezing. I.19 FIRE STOPPI}-G A. Penetrations through rated u rlls and t'loors shall be sealed rvith a material capable of preventing the passagc ot'tlartrcs arrd hot gasscs rvhen subjected to the requirements of the test standard specitic tbr tire stops ASTlvt-E-8 l.t. Acceptable marerials include: Dou'Corning RTV t-rre stop tbam tor bare pipe. meral conduit. and electncal cable: Jlvl tlre dam l i0 caulk tbr barc prpe. metal conduit. and building consrrucrion gaps: 3M Cp, U. C'lulk :rnd FS- 195 inttrmcscent stnps tirr insr.rlated pipes. plastic prpe or conduit. end electrical catrle. Submit UL listed applicatron data lbr each type ot'pcncrrf,trorl cncotrnlered. I.2O FI- \SHI\G .\. Ducts. piping. and condutts penetrxtlng through roof shall have rool' flashtn,l comparible rvith the rootlng s)stent. See architectural dra*'inss. In the absence ofanv othcr rcqlrrrenlents. provide shect lerd tvpe tlashing lirr plumbrng vents in burlt-up root!. tall cone \\ rth EPD\[ boot tbr pipc and condr.rrt rn single ph.' membrane rool!. and cr.rrbcd roo f' penetrs! lons fbr pipe and condurt in built r.rp root\ and fbr duct penerrations in all tvpes ot'root. htstallation shlll be u,ttertrgltt. I.2I FLT'SIII)iG. CLEA\..I\G.\\D STEI{II,IZI\G .\. r\tier tlr,rshrns. stcnlize ritc' B. Betble I'inal cotrncctions ete urede in thc'pipir-rs svstenls. all prpirru sirall be blorin oLrr u. rth trrr end thc.n rvrshcd ()ut \\'ltlt clcanir.rg courpor.rnds I.]] TESTIN(; A. cr. -fest all drain and lrastc lines \!lth staudlng \\'ater test of n'"elve lcet ot'hcld. held lons enougir to inspect each joint. Test lil \\'atcr piping. bctirlc cttrrncctlng to ulllts. at 150 psrg hl,drostatic pressLlrc. Test all gas prpinr: unde'r (r0 psir trr l)r!'ssurc. ,\ll tr-'sts recluirc'd bv code trust be dorre. to the satistaction of the local alrrhoriries hayins .lurrsdiction. betbre covcnng. ]rAllcH.200t !.AIL CTSCADE SP.\r5100 - 6 B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. All h1'drostatic t!'sts to be he ld tbr a nrrnimurr.r ol'sir holrrs. Air tests to be held tirr a minitrrunr o t't\\ o hours. I.23 PIPE ST PPOIIT A. Support pipc * ith rod and clevis. ring hangers. rrapeze. or clamps. No pipe tape allow'ed. All lrangcrs shall be sized tbr outsrde dianrcter of insulation. if anv. Protect insulated linc's rvith J0 gauge sheet rnetal shields tbr piping l-l/2" and less. B. Provide calcium silicate insulatron inserts tbr all insulated piping 2" and larger. lvlaintain vapor barner orr all cold lines. Isolatc bare copper lines tiom hangers rvith Vibrasorb or c'quivalent. copper coated hangers rre not sutficrent. s'rapping pipe rvrth tape not Jcccptable. I.]J BAI.A\CI\G The balancrnu of the svstenr sirall be part ot this conrrrct. include in bid the cost of balancrng and ldjustrng- -fhe lulancrng and balance rcport shall be in acceptance s.ith Assocratc'd .\rr Balancc ('ouncil (.{.\BC) rerluirentents or Natronal Enr.ironmentrl Balancrng Uureau ( NEBB ) rc'qurrements. At the corrrpletron ot'the installation. the ntechanisal svstems shall be adjusted and balancerl L-r., rn inclependent balancrng ti n-n spr'cillizing in this rvork. rcceptcd b!'rhe Engrueer betbre brddrns. C. Itrovidc sttch itenrs as tht'rtnonreter *clls. prL-ssLlrr' tL'st cocks. access doors, etc.. as requrred to allos rests and lcljustments to bc nrldc. D. Adjust lnd balance all arr rnd \\ atcr svstcms. Checli. adjust und ballnce all systenrs to lneet thc dcstgu conditions lnd trbulatc rll inl'ornration on acceptable tbrms. .\ll systenrs sltall be checkcd tirr proper pertbrnance dLrring dcsrgn conditions. both heatrns and coolrns. Delircr ()pcrxting trttl r1la ln tL'llolrcc rnstructlon to thc Oivner on completion oithe r., ork lnd instnrct Orr nr'r in thcir usc. l.16 \!'A RR.\.\T\' A. All matcrials and cqutprnent shlll be ncrv unlcss othcr*rse specitied. Guarantee all rvorknrlnship. nrltertal ancl erlurpment rnd replacc ln1'toLrnd clet'ectrve \r'itholrt cost to the O* ncr. tbr onc vear afier tjnal ucceptallcc. as detined iu General Conditiorrs. B. Elch rr rrttrrtr fbr longcr tltlu the one vear dcscribcd rbove (that corles s'ith cqurpnlent used on thc 1ob; shall be passed orrto thc' Orr ne r ri ith dates of'start and end ot's'arrantr'. \.AIL C.\SC.A.DE SPA ]tAllcH.200l 15100 - 7 B. r.27 1.28 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I START-I P OF EQT'I P}IENT .\. Provide tor thctorv service personnel to conduct corlprchensive start-up of equrpmenr as required to validate proper operaring and sat'ety t'unctions. B. Each sub-contractor w ho rnstalls a piece ol equipment is responsibte tbr proper sran-up procedure being pertbrmed tbr that equrpment. Coordinate secluencing of equipment start-up r.vith other trades so as to not adversely attect the construction schedule. DENIONSTRATIONS A. Conrluct demonstrations r,,'hen systems are complete and operational and ready to be tumed or.'er to the Owner. and aiter Operating and Maintenance lvlanual is complete. C. lnstrrrct the O*,ner's.representall ve once. in the presence of the Architect and/or Engineer. on the proper opcration and maintenance ofthe mechanical systems. pay particular attention to norurll tnd emergency start-up and shut-do'uvn procedures. seasonal change-o,"'er. sat-etv devices. :rnd tenrperature control systems. Provide an orvner sign-ol-l'sheet listrns lll dcmorrstretions and revrerved procedurcs. The O*ner reserves the rrght to recluirc additionai rnstnrctioll and/or rnstructional lrds such as the video taping ot'the deuronstrutions. Costs associated rvrth "additional instruction" are to be paid bv the On ner. For strbjects in rvhich thc Contractor nla)' not be personallv qualitied to otl'er complete conrprehensivc lnstnlction. secLlrc the serviccs tlt'one rr ho is. E\D OF SECTIO\ VAIL C.\S(:ADE SP.\ITARC'H.2001 15100 - I I sEcrroN ls2so--rNsr LATToN I.OO GE:{ER,\L t I r.or PrPrNG.\\D EerrrPlrENT I \.\tL c.\sc.\DE sP.\ I I A. Domestic Cold Water Pipe. Vllves and Firtinss. I l. lnsulate rvith U.L. approved. tlaure resistant, rvhite vapor banier jacketed, %" thick glass tiber Snap-On Insulation. Insulate valves and tittings with glass fiber I blanket insulation and premolded PVC covers (covers to be UL 25li0 rated). tt t is the Contractor's and manut'acturer's responsibility to assure themselves that the code authority rvill approve any product to be installed on the project. I B. I)omesrrc Hot tVater Pipe and Firtrngs I I All hot rvater supply lines and circulating rvater lines rnsulated rvith U.L. l I illJlll:l llil:.';'::'Jll"l:'l: +i;iJllii,ilil,'Ji9*,,il:iJllf n::i;8J lifi*., I insulation and prenrolded PVC covers. (covers to be UL 25/50 rated). It rs the Contractor's aud manut'acturer's rcsponsibilrty to assure themsclves thut the code aLlthont) * rll approvc arrv product to be rnstallcd on the projcct. I I\BLE I DO\IESTI('IIOT \\ \ IFR PIPI\G \ll\l\lL\l PlPE lNSl..l-.\Tl()\ rTlriclincss in Inchcs)t SER\'ICE W.\TER HE.-\ I'ING ]'E\tPER^{ II IRES PIPE SIZESI Noncircularrng CrrcrilatrngNlainsandRunouts Runours t,p to I L p ro I ':,"I ':"to 2"Or er l" 170 ls0 {),i l.()t.i 1.0 l-10 - l(r0 0._5 ()._s I.0 1.5 100 - ll0 {).5 ().5 ().5 I .{J c. For Sl: I Inch : li.-l nrm. 'F. = l,S (. - -ll. \onrrnal rron llrpe srzc urrd irrsulrttrtn thrclin.'ss. (-onducn\rt! ( : t).ll Root'l)rltn Lcuders. Insulate rll irnes rln!i llttln,ls. rr'lrich are not bLlricd. sante i.t5 dorrrestrc cold \\'ater pipinu. Ntl iusulatron reclutred on burred Irnes. I I I I I I I I Il.\RCH.l00l 15150 - l I t I t ,1 I I 1 t \,'.\rL c.\scADE sP.\ I ,D. Chilled Water Piping: Pipe. Valve and Fittings. l. lnsr,rlate rvith U.L. approved. t'lanre resistant. \\'hrte. vapor barrier jacketed. glass tiber Snap-On lnsulation ofthickness shorvn in Tabte III. Insulate valves and , *,ttings $ ith glass tiber blanket insulation and pre-molded PVC covers. TABLE II CHILLED WATER PIPING lThrckncss in Inches) PIPING SYSTEIVI TYPE FLUID TEMPERATURE RANCE. F. PIPE SIZES' Run Outs 2": I" and Lcss lt/;' to 2" 2t/;' to4 5" to 6" 8" and Larger Chilled Water .10-55 7)i2 %t t I FOR Sl: I inch = 15..1 rnm. 'F. = 1.8'C. - il. I fi = -10J.E nrm. ! ' For prping exposed to outdoor arr, increlse thickncss bv '.': inch.: Runouts not exceeding ll l'cct rn lcngth to indir iduul lcmrrnll units. l l. .\ll buned pipe and tittings shall be insulats'tl in the same manner *'ith -l- l,'2"I lb.,'cu tt. insulatron. then spiral lrapped n'ith "Protecto Wrap" No.200 coating or equivalent. 50'){, overlap. I E. lnsulation tbr all types of piping shall be curned full srze (continuous) through the hangers. I r.02 DUCT TNSUL.\TrO\ I A. Round ductrvork shall be installed rvith I '.:" trberglass duct rnsulation. B. Inside Duct Liner - Sce Section 15800 - Ducls ork. I I I I E\D OF SECTIO\ ]I^\RCH. 2001 15250 - 2 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I t I 1 t I Lines burted belorr sround: starrdard rverght. C.l. soil pipc and tittrngs. Class 50 ductile iron pipc and titttngs or hublcss C.l. rvrth C.l. cor.rplinus fbr below.qrade. Waste lines above sround: standard rveight. C.l. soil pipe and tittings or hubless. C.l. sorl pipe rnd tlttrn,rs. tlp through 2-1i2" may be standard weight. galvrnizcd steel pipe * ith black. C.l. drarnage tittings. Vent lines aborc ground: standard rveigllt. C.l. soil prpe lnd tittings or. standard w'eight. gal'anized stcel pipc * ith 150 lb.. gal'anrzed rrrall. iron tjttinss tbr lines 2" and over. tbr lines t - l 2" rnd less. black. C.l. t25 lb. SWP tlrrings. All rr astc lnd vcnt prpinu atrovc gredc mal' be DWV copper pipc and tittrngs usrng 50--i0 soldcr'. Sunound alI burred pipe s ith J" clean sand betbre backtilling. Gas meter rnd scrvrce tiorn the main to the meter r,vill be tirrnished and installed by the utilitr" c()nrpan). prid tbr bv the Orvner. Gas piping ti'om the nreter throughout the building rvill lre done under this division and connected to all ctluiprnent required. o SECTIOn.. I 5400--PL t )IBING I.OO GENERAL A. Piping ({nside Building) l. Piping rnside building: buried lines. type "K" copper \l'ater tube. rvrought copper tittings and I 100"F solder. Non-buned lines. rype "L" copper rvarer rube. rvrought copper tittings and no lead 95 -5 solder. 2. Valves and Spec ialties Gate Valves: Bronze. Class 125. 200 lb. W.O.G. Globe Valves: Bronze. Class 125. 200 lb. W.O.G. Srving Check Valves: Bronze. Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Dielectrrc Unions: Provide a dielectric union at all connections where non- Ferrous material transitions to Ferrous rnaterial. . Strainers: 250 lb. scmi-steel or,cast iron "Y" type s,rth monel or brass ca r.lPn Pressurc Temp. Tups: Llnivcrsal Controis Corporation ;.15-PT-N. Sisco BNO-500%2 rr-PT. Nordel Core. I.OI SOIL. \T'ASTE.\ND \'ENT.\\D STOR}I PIPING B.llaterials: Sorl. \\'aste and Vent ['iping 1lnside BLrilding.l l. 2.. l. -.t. ('. I.()2 GAS PIPI\G D. General t. 1 J. \laterrlis: Stornr Pipinr: tlnsidc Building) I. Drainagc plpe and tittrnss abor,e groLrnd: stlndard rveight. galvanrzcd stecl plpe wrth [)lack C.l. tlrrinage Ilttings. DWV copper drainagc pipc:ind tittings n.ith i0-50 solder or standard *erght. C.[. sorl pipe and tlttrnss. r\ll drains rvithrn the burldings. rriten undcrsrouud. shall be standard rverght C.l. soil pipc and trttings. Class 50 clr.rctile rron prpc and titrings or l.rubless C.l. w rth C.[. couplinr.ls tbr belorv gradc. V.,\IL C.\SCADE SP.\]r.{RCH.200l 15400 - l LJ. H. I I t t I E. Piprng: Schedule -10 black steel pipe. I-r0 lb. nralleable iron screrved tittings on above groLrnd pipe, rrelded tittings rvith all piping coated and rvrapped on buried pipe. F. Valves: Lubricated Plr,rs Valr,e 175 lb. W.O.G. iron screrved or tlanged. 1.03 FLASHI}*GS Flash each vent and stack throush roofby method recommended by roof manulacturer . irnd approved bv Architect. Flash roof drains rvith manut'actured chltjrinated polyethylene laminated to 25 lb. t'elt or equlvalcnt. I , l.o4 cLE.\Nours I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.. Providc tlll size brass cleanout pluus n herever pipes change direction or other\r'lse required. Brass plr,rgs rvith chrome plated cover plates tbr rvalls. sconated brass co','er tbr tloor. tlr-rsh rvith tloor or rr all. [.-\r'oid locatinu t'loor and wall cleanouts rn tisible livrng and slceprng lreas.l Coordrnate locations rvrth the Architect. When or.rtsrde. llea\n dutv cest iron tractor co\ er sct rn t\\'o tbot square by 6" deep concrete pad or rn concrete or asphalt surtace. "\'" in the lrne and vertrcal riscr of C.l. pipe. 1.05 FIXTURES AND EQI'IP}IE\T J. Fi.rtures l. Install tl\tLn'cs rnd.'or roLrgh-in eccordrrrg to thL' [l\ture schedule. 1. Securc llxtures to s'alls and llr:or or countcrtops in ascordancc rvitl.l rr lntr tlrctu rcr's rou,.rhrnq-iIl and setting recllllrerrcnts and tbrm a rrurd rnstallrtron. l. All floor dratns connected to thc se\\'er svstcnl shall be eqr.ripped \r'ltlt tritp pnntcrs. Provide trf,p prrmers \\ lth backtlo\\.preventers and connect to the nearest cold tvater ptpins ld.;acent to a llr.rshins llxture. Install in accordance \\'rth lranutbctLlrcr s tcconlntcndations. -1. .-\ll pipc at the tl\tures * hich nrev bc cxpose d to vicw shall be bruss chromc I'inrsh. tinishcd *'ith chlome cscutcheons rvhere thev oroiect tiom s.alls end tl oo rs. 5. Stop velves shlll be lLmtshed end rnstallcd lt all tixtures. tirr lll ecpripnrent and at for-lgh- l n loci.ltlons. 6. \'rtcttut'tt brcakcrs shali be pnrr rtled rt rll ()ut['ts rr ith hosc connections. 7. ,\ll exposed dorncstrc hot rrater and uurste lt handicapped acccssrble tirtures shall be insulatcd rr.rtlr Truebro .'[-ev Ciuerd" or equir,alent. K. Ph-rrlbrng Fixtr.rre Schedule l. On Drrrvrnss. E\D OF SE('TIO}.. \.AIL (-ASCADE SP.\]r-\RCH.l00r 15J00 - 2 I sECTro:{ lssoo--FrRE pRorEc'rroN I.OO GENER.\L t I r.ol DEST.N/B.:rLD scoPE oF woRK I r.o2 sERvrcE I I r.os 'AL'ES I I I i\. The tire protection svstem sh:rll be instrlled under the design/build concept. The system shalt be complete and inclr"rde any and all appurtenances and be tirlly coordinatcd rvith all other building systenls. Include tlve sets of tirll design calculatrons rvith tive sets of shop drarvings prepared. revierved. and sealed by a registered Prot-essional Engineer or State of Colorado Class III Technician. Do the worli in accordancc rvith the NFPA [3] [3D] [iR] reconrmcndat ions and comply rvith the recommcndations of lnsurance Servrces Ottrccs of Colorado. B. Secure all necessar-v permits and approvals tiom the Autirorrty Havrng Jr.rrisdictron (AHJ). I A. Extend existing . I I.O3 DR\\\'OFFS.\\DDI{.\I\S I A |l:i:[ll"l5ft']:i:l'::,11'.11.*[,i l:":':I*ff 'lll :liT;: i",,1.1iT,11,]1,.'=. o,n. ,unn,n g-,o tlt-ror tlrrr n. r I.O{ PIPE. FITTI\GS..\\D IIA\(;EII,S A. Pipe and tittings shall be listcd rn NFP.'\ Pamphlet ; li rnd designcd to *'ithstand a rvorking pressure of not le ss tiran l7-i psr. Ar.rthontv havin,:.lunsdiction to have llual approval ot'prprnr: lnd t'itting nratc'rtal. Hangers [,r.L. approved. A. 6n1s \''alves: ['.L. ;rpprorcd. ['p to l": scre*ed. bronze bodr'. solirl uedge. O.S. & \-. 175 psr non-shock (-.\\'. serr icc l-l 1" and larger: tlanged. iron bodl'. bronzc nlolrnted. doublc drsc. O.S.& \'. ll5 psr rron-shock C.\\'. B. Buttertlr' \'llves: [.'.L. approvcd. Iron boti1 . 175 psi rated. Iur: tvpe. * ith positton indrcator rud pldlocl<ing devrce . C. Cl'reck Vllrss: [..L. lpprorcd. Iron bodr'. [rronzc tlinr. horizontal srlins chcck \\ rth renesable bronzc'scat anti rings. ll,i psi non-shock C.W. service. r.rp to l" screrved. l- Ii2" and lrrger thnged. D. Globe Valvcs: L'.L. uprrrovcd. Bronze scres cd. Cllss 1 -r5. 2{)0 lb. \\'.O.(;. I I VAIL C.\sc.\DE sP.\ I I I I I }IAR( II. ]OOI r5s00 - l I I t.06 \\'ET spRt\Kt.ER svsrElr _ A. Centcr all heads in ceilins tilc'. shou lctual locations on shop drarvings. r B ?:""k'til;:otire underrvrrrc's appro'ed stanciard spray sprrnkrer heads. nomiuar I te mpcratttre rrtirrgs exccpt $ here hrgh temperatLlre heads ure required: Heads to I be chrome plated in all lreas except: 2. Fumish extra heads encloscd in steel cabinet. number in accordance s'ith NFPA No. l l reconrmendations. in addrtion to heads tirrnish trvo special sprinkler head I u, renches. C. Design. The spnnkler system is based on the tbllorvrng criterra. a l. 'Ihe s1.'stem shall be hydraulically calculated by the Contractor ro meer NFPA Light llazard rvith a densitv of 0.1 GPM/FT] over.rhe most remore 1500 square I l'eet. \laxrurum co\'!'raqe per spnnkler to bc 125 squarc t'eet. f 2. Provrde shop drar'" ings sr.rbnrittals includins crlculations and dras,inss show'ing areas calculated ulong ntlrial points used in calculations. -1. A tlos test sh:rll bc'run tirr use rn thc'h-r,draulic calculatitrrrs. !E\D OF SECTIO\ t ! I r I I I I I I v^\IL CAS(IADE sP.\ I 15500 - 2 )tARCH.200r B. t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t I I SECTION I 5600--HE.\T .\ND ITEFRIGEIIATION I.OO GE:{ERAL I.O I PIPE\\'ORK ['iping l. Grade lnd valve all snorvmelt. chrlled rvatcr and heating \\'arer ptptng u,ith 3i-I" hose end valves to pcrmit comp.lete dralnage of rhe s)-stem. Vent all high points ln equlpment rooms lrs necessarv wlth automatlc air vents piped to convenient ' drain. All high polnts in system outsrde of equipment rooms rvith comblnation automatic,'ntanuaI air vents as requrred to relieve air in the s)'stem. 2. Heating \\'xter prplng. chillcd rvater piprng and snownrelt main piping: Schedule 40 black steel s ith pretbrmed steel t'ittrngs. Branch lines on *elded installltion use rvelding tees. thread-o-lets and weld-o-lcts. ,\ll tittings to be long radius pattern. AII tittings tbr antifieeze systems shall be butt wcld or socket rveld. or b) ( opper Pipes ork: (Corrtracror's Oprron ). Piping m:r1' be 't'1pe "K" copper tbr all bLrricd lrn,-'s usrng rrrought copper tirtinus and I l(X)" soldcr. For non-burred ptping: T1'pc "\,[" coppcr. rr rouuht coppcr tittiu,ls and 9i-5 solder. .\ll brLr red pipe shall be surrounded \\ rth -1" of clearr sanJ. l. Drarn l)en Pipinr: Not br.rned: Tlpe "\1" copper. l rought copper tittinus and t)-i--5 soldcr. Buried: l'1pe "L" copper. \\'roLr{ht coppcr t'ittinss tnd f-i-5 solder. .\ll burred pipc shalll.re surrounded r\lth J" ()fclcan stncl. \"alvcs lnd Spec raltres I . Globe t llves or pluu r llves ural' bc r-rsed as balancing valr es. l. Dielcctrrc ut-tiolts lre to be r,rscd lt ltll conncctiorrs n here terrous nrltelrtl rs i()nnCC tCd t() r't()r1-lL'n ()u:. -1. G;rtc Valves. Bronze scrcrrcd. Class ll-i or iron bodr'. bronzc mountcd. tlansed. (-lrss I l-s. l. l)lus Velvcs. l-5 lb. \\.().(;. tbr l-i0'F ,r lj() psr \\'.P. Eccc-nrnc. rir.thr shut-()tt' rvith ltcnllne rrrlv lubrrclted stcrl irclrrng surt'accs n) Lrpller lrrd lo* er journuls. DeZurik t'i,.rln-e -+-15 ol ll()mcstL'td Se rrcs l5()(). 5. Flo-Crrntrol Vrlrcs: Ilcll& Gossctt Irlo ('rrutrol. Tlctr Irlo-(lhck or Hrrt'lirran I"lrr ('ontrol Vllve. 6. Balancrlrg Vltlvcs: I l-i psr \\'.1'. titr' l-i()"lr se rvlcL'. tlsht shutot't. Illinois Duai l'urposc Buluncrng Shutolf'\'alve. flot'tllln. Su'c<t. or e clurr ulcrrr. i- . Urtrorts. -l(){) psr l\'.O. G. nrallcable iron scrervc'd or ll,5 lb. ci.rst lron thngcd unrons. S. Strarncrs: Li() lb. scurr-stceI or cast iron "\'" tvt)e screwed. nroncl screen. I25 lb. senrr-st,-'el " \"' tl pe fllnged. lrrass scrcc-n. 9. Prcssure Temperaturt-' faps: Univcrsal ( ontrols C'orporation;-l5PT-N. Srsco ENO-5(X) '," \PT. \rrrdel Core. 0r a) \,.\IL C.\SC.\DE SPA ]1.\RCH. l00r 15600 - I lo 10. Copper Pilre Valves and Specialties I Gate Valves: Bronze. Class 115.200 lb. W.O.C. Globe Valves: Bronze. Class 125. 200 lb. W.O.C. I Check Valr.es: Bronze. Class t25. 200 lb. W.O.G. t Balancing Valves: 125 psi W.P. tbr 250"F service. tight shutott. Illinois Dual Purpose Balanc rng,Shuto t't'\'alve. Hotlhan. Sarco or equivalent. I C. Equipment gchedute: l l' on drarvings' r\rr ^E cDr-.rr,..\i r EtiD oF SECTTON I I t I I I I t I I I I I \'.\IL c.{sC.{DE sP\ I Il.\RCH.200l t5600 - 2 I I sEcTroN r5800--AIR DISTR|B[iTION I I.OO GE)iER{L I l.0l )r.\TERI.\LS AND EQr-rP\tENT I .-\ Cenera I I ' ;'i:,',-':',:;:il11 ;:.,i:ilI:;"ili ilHl:: :ffiil:[:],xT:$[::::l';* ,n. latest c'dition of SlvlAC)JA "H\'.\C Duct Constructron Strndards" +/-J" rv.c. pressure c lassr t'ication. seal class "C"l *'ith galvanized steel t'ast€ners. anchors.t angles. srraps. erc. 2. Ductw'ork Vlaterials I a) All duct*ork to be salvrntzed stc-el except as otherwise called tbr. (or I Glass Frber duct board l " thick rvith integral vapor barrier and surt'ace tor velocities up to 2-100 tpm tbr concealed ductrvork. ) Seal all seams and jornts air tight *'rth L'nitcd llcGill "Uni-Grip" UL lisred. *ater I based. non-hardcning. elastrc se:rlant or equil'alcnt. b ) I{ound duct shall be sprlel seanr. galr'rnizcd steel. Dre stamped or i core elborvs. "Snap-l-ock". lon!:rtlrdrnal seam duct. or irdjustable titttngs ure r c, lii:::l.o.jl:ltlffil;iiliJlif.-;iiT[:i-t','':ffi1:i". Laund* cxhaus, Jucts r,rt,ter.j rlrroush unirelted spaces s'hall be rnsulated. r B. .{cccnteblc llunu t'rctlrrers l. Lo* r'elocitr' llexible tjucrs. a) .\cousticallv rnsullted llcrible duct. c()nsistlns of rnner core ot'I pc'rtbrated one plv comuqatc'd duct. i" thrck insulation and vapor b:rrner covcr. Thc llcrrble ducI nrust bc aplrroved bv code authoritv tbr the spcctlic rpplicatrotr. Duct must har.c the tbllosrrrg mininrum insertron I loss iu dB tt. Octavc band Ll-i l,<() i0() l()0() l()00 100() Inscrtt()rl loss 1.7 l.- l.-l LS .l.l 1.5 ('.\S( O ..\cor-rslrcal Fler Silent Fler Il or c(lt-llvirletlt. 1. Ror"rnd tlLrct conncctol's: F:rctorr l'lbrrcatcd sillvarrizcd tbr irrsLrlated tlucts. steel ldaptor ltlltte ort r:lllss f ibcr tlucts. Butlert)l'tirmper and eluadrlnt opcrutor trn all applicrtrons e\ccpt V.\\' s!'stcnts upstrei.lnt tlt'V.\\' boxes. .1. Flc.rrble conllcctlons- l-1 oz. per r.ard. U.L. approved rnlterial. L Elbos s a) --\ll changes in drlection shall be made rvrth radrus elborvs u ith radir.rs to centerliuc ctlual to l.-', dtLct * rdth. Lrnless noted othcnvise. I ) \l'here recluired lirr slracc constrrints. prtlvide s(luare tllroat clLro*'s s lth sinric rr rdth (non-uirtbil) turnrng vrrrcs. t I I I I I I \ ArL ('Asc.{DE sPA I ]tAIlc'H. l00l 15800 - I 6. 8. I I t I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I t 5. 7. l) For duct depths of 36" or less. provide manut'actured sinqle rvidth (non-airtbil) turning vanes. rvith spacing in accordance with SIvIACNA Duct Consrruction Standards tbr "Standard Spacing". use double thickness blades tbr duct dc-pths greater thqn 36". Use no rrailing edges. ' Opposed Blade Dampers ( tbr duct split and rvhere shown). a) Steel or aluminunr construction rvith work driver operator. Scrervdriver slotted shati. tactory assembled. b) Sizes r.rp thru 36" x 12": Barber Colman AOOG, T & B 75.'fitus AG- 35B, Krueger OBD-Dlvl. Anemostat OB4, Carnes 800. Agitair OB. J & J OBD-DM, or equivalent. c) Sizes above 36" .x 12": lvlulti-damper rvith external handle and quadrant rype tocking device Qr.radrant Regulator. Blades not to exceed 6" in s idrh. Duct Liner (lnside fhe Ducr). . a) lnsulate all rectilineur supply dr.rcts. exhaust ducts and outside air intake ducts and any other ducts called tor on the plans wrth l" thick. 2 lb. density. monolithrc. long glass tiber duct liner. "tiltralite" Number 200. Prttsburg Plute (illss "Tcstratine" or O*c'ns ('oming "..\erotlex". Fire.,Snrokc' Dampr-'rs tj.L. Llbcl a) Fire/smoke dampers shall contbmr to UBC Standards \os. -l--l-7 i.rnd -l-1- l2 rvith a nrinirlurn Ieakage classrticrtion of III. Dampers shull incorporate one UI- classitjcd sut'ety mode operator r'trh direct dr'tector signal. Fumish daurper rvith dr.ral posrtion indication (end sw itches to rndicate tirll opcn or closed). lnstall irr accordance rvith the ntanut'ac turer's UL rnstallation instructions. Furnish poner to smoke darlper and coordinate operatlon $ ith Fire Alann S1-stem as reclurred. Schedule: a ) On drar"'in us. E\D OF SE('TIO\ !'AIL C.\SC.{DE SP.\}IARCH. ]OOI t5800 - 2 I I sEcrroNrse00--coN'r-Ror-sA\Dr\srRr.']rE.\TATIoN I.()O GENEII.\I, I r.or DESCRTPTT.N I .{. The I'emperltur,.' C ontroI S1'stcm: Direct digrtal. electric and clectronic controls to comprist-'a complete s)-stem. tirrnishcd and installed bv the Ternperatr-rre Control Manutactr.rrer. B. \\'irrng - Cenerrl l. Conrplv s ith the Nutronll Electrrc (-ode. and the Electrical Division of these specr ticltions. l. Run rvrnng rn merallrc condr.rit. tubing or racewavs. Exceptions: t) NEC class 2 lor.,'r'oltage rviring rvhere not exposed to vierv such as above suspendcd ceiling in shatis. etc.. may bc rr-rn in cable. (Not lllos'ablc above ceilinss used as retum arr plenunrs). b) Wirins cnclosed rn Temperature Control panc'ls. c ) The contrac[ot' shall be responsiblc' tbr all 120 r'olt porver connections to controi equrpnrcnt rvlrether or not shou n on draw'ings. -1. \\'rrtng - Supervrsed: .\ll ri irrns and installatrou irr connection \\'lth the ilutollr:ltlc control sVStcnl to tre thc re sponsibilitl' of the Nlechanrcal Divisron. supet'r'tsed bt thc ('0rrtrol \llnulacturer or hrs represc'rrtat r ve. Upon conrpletion ()i'the installattorr the control trrirnu t'acturer or his rcpreserrtative shall link all vlhcs and dantpers and chcck out the wiring and calibratc controls tirrnished urtder tl.trs scctlon. ('. Drarr rngs: SLrbrrttt shop tlrlrr rn,.rs ol e'cluipmcnt. control prncls anci * inng diagrams to the C'orrsrLltrng \lechrnicul l-ingrneer tbr revierr. D. l'ontroi Scttrngs: .\il contlol settinss rrc tcntltive. cqr-lrpnrcnt shall have ldjustatrle settlnss. .\. l-hrs speciticltitlrt rs bascd rrrr-l'rune crlLllpnrcnt. .\cceptablc uranut'acturers ale: Jtrhnson L ontrol (, omplrtr'. .\ndcrsorr. 'fllnr'. llonevrvell or Sernrens. ()thcrs lltust be acccptc'd bv the Cortsr.rltrn,.: \lcchlrrrcal I:ngincer bctbre bidrling. It rs rccognrzcd that pack:rred !'LlLlli)ltlcnl cot.nes tr itlt tlthcr nlrttes on ctlntrols irnd that s()tttc lirnctrttns arc uccontplishcd s rth other rtuured crlntponcnts. This specrlicatior-r docs not intend to rurohiblt thrs Dractrcc. ,\. Ltlri Voltlge Po\\ er: C r)ntr-(ll der tces and plnels c()ntalning low ','oltagc 1lo\\'er sources shall conrply' ri ith \EC ('lass I requrrcrnenls (culrcnt limrtin.r). or supplicd rvrth branch crrcuit tirsing to lrnrit coutrol crrcuit cun'cnt to NEC C'lass 2. C'ontrol trlnstbrnrcrs: of thc currcnt limrting t)'pc. or instrllecl l ith prirrarv disconnect and overload protectlon. I I t I t I I I I I t t r.0r \(.c Epr'.\rlr.E \r,\\r F.\('T('*Errs I r.or uATEnr.\r.s A\D Ee('rP\rE\T I \'.\rL c.\scADE sPA I ]t.{llcH. :001 15900 - I B. D. E. I I t I I I T t t I I t I I I I I I t Wiring: .-\ll contrrtl s irirrg ti'ont control d!'\'rces and equrpnrent shall be rvircd througl'r tlte mc'clranicaI roorl or auxlIi:rrv control parrcl. Thermostats l. 2. 3. Duct themrostats shall havc liquid tillcd capillary lveraging bulbs. All t'stats shall havc x temperalure range suitable tbr the application and have ad.;ustable set polnts. Provrde visible scale thermometer on thcrrnostats. Provide guards on thermostets in the fbllorving arcas: G. F. Dampers: Pacitrc Series 210. Johnson "Proportion-Air". Honevs'ell "Modut'lorv Lorv Lcakage". Ruskrn "CD250 Los Leakase Penn Air Control Darnper PBD or OBD or eouivalent. Valves l. Val'u'es irl water system shall 2. All valves shrll open tor tirll ,'---'.ri,'^'.1.'-r ...1 r:slltrr JUUrr pr.1llr. \\ Llglle\ Cf X be sized tbr not more than 2 psr drop. suppiv *ater tlorv tiom heating or cooling loss tlt'porrer to the valves occurs. Freezc Dctection Tlicrmostats, Erch supplv svste r-n s ith rrater coris taking outsrdd air shail har e a liccze detection tirerurostat locetcd on thc doivnst|cam sidc. ot thc' corl. Tlienlostats shlll be ot adjusreblc electnc contact t1'pe. srlver platc'd. ntanual rcset s ith 20' tlerible scnslng bulb of lncrcurent t\ pc $ ith any, sectiorr capable of ectuatrng r-ucchanrsm on tcmperatllre drop beltrrv set porrlt. thernrostat shall stop tbn(s) arrd close outside rir darlper. Tltev shall luve an rsolated sct ol'contacts tbr alamr system Snrokc Detectors ( NFPA Retiurlements 1 t. No snroke detector dL'\ rccs rerprrrcd on svstems I999 ctm and less. 2. liach supplv svstcm shlll be equrpped t ith u nranual emcrgency stop control Iocated at a convenient rnd accessrblc point tor shutting tlos.n the tlu rn case of tlre. Frrr the purposes oitiris spc'crticiltlon. thc tlisconncct ssitch rrrll serve this puq)()se. -1. ln s1'stcms trver l.()()0 cthl cepacltv epprorcd inroke dctcctors shlll bc rnsralled rn the nlrin supplV dr-rct. l. -l'he controls slull be rrr-ltnscd to clr:sc tlrc ticsh eir dunrper ltrtonratrcallv rr hcn the tlrr rs o t'1'. .fhc re s[)cctrvc filn )\ stcnl shlll shut dorr n cutomlticrllv rr hen tirc snrt-rkc detectrng i.rppurltr-rs rs rn lllrnr or bv thc manual enrergencl fhrr stop. I)rovide a ()--l nrinutc- ltilustablc cicctrrc trrrc delav to allorr the danrpurs t() open to norntll position [rr'lbrc the tan strrts ancl ullorr thc tln to coirst dor','rr bclbre the darrtpers closr'. The sLrpph lrr detccttrr shall be locatcd rrn thc dos nstrc.aur srde o f' the tlltc-rs. 5. Stnokc clctcctors shall bc rn l()nlzatl()ll t1 pe dr"rct detector lbr tletection ot conttrustiott gases. tire lrrd snroke in lrr conclitronrng and ventilatron svstu-n-r clucts in compliance u rtlr thc' \atronal Firc Protcctron .-\ssociation. Itecoururendcd Prlcticcs I'anrphlet \o. 9(),-\. -fhc assenrbll shall consist ol'a casting to accourmodatc' sanrplrng tubes rvhrch erteltd across the duct ot'thc vcntilrtlon s) stem. \\'hrle thr-' t'ans are ()pcratlng. il corltinuous cross scctronal samplrng of air tiorn the duct l rll ou through thc ronrzation detector lticr i'" hich tirrre sanrplcd lir sirall bc rerumed to the duct. Detections shall be capable ot'dctecting the products ot'corrrbustion of 0.() I grams per cr.rbrc tbot of arr at the dctector lnd shall opcrate on thc ionizxtron pnnciple. 'l'he detector shall not VAIL C.-\S('ADE SP.\]1.\R('Ft. l00l 15e00 - 2 I I t I I T l' T I I o contain hot tillnrcnt tubes or moving pcrts and shalt plug into the base having a neon indicating lamp. The detector shall not require replacement or readjustment atier a tire alarm has been given. The detector sensitivitv shall be indir.idually adjustable and set by a t'actory trained technician at installation and shall thereatier be t'ixed. It shall be possible to accurately measure the detector's sensitivity with an appropriate instrument. The unit shall provide thc tbllorving t'unction: a) Fumish necessary porver tbr opgration of the detector. b) Supervise the dctector circuit and all'relay coils. c) Provide power to the neon alarm indicator. d) Provide one set of normally opened and one set otsingle-pole double throlv alarm operated relay contacts. e) Provide one set of sinqle pole double throrv. trouble operated relay contacts. H. Dirty Filter Gauge: Provide ditterential pressure air t'ilter gauges of suitable range rvith sensing tips located on thc inlet side of all supply tan tilters. [. Thennometers: Provide a ]- 1,'1" dial. rcmote bulb thcrmonreter adjacent to each remote built thermostat rvhrch is not othenvise provrded rvith terlperature indication. Provrdc themlomL'ter sensing outside air in each equipment [oonr. J. Local Control [)anels: Provrdc local control panels at each HVAC. Arr System and Domestic Water Systeln. Group these together in laundry roomt The panels shall be totally enclosed rvith hinged door and latch and shall hor.rse all assocrated thermometers. relays. srvitches. gaugcs. etc. 1.0.1 SEQ{.'ENCE oF co\TRoL l. On drarvinus. E\D OF SECTIO\ END OF DI\'ISIO\ 6. 7. I I I I I I t I I I !'AIL C.\SC.{DE SP.\]I.\RCH.200l 15900 - 3 DEMoLrrroGRMIr APPLI.il.* F'RM A $55 FEE MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED. (Permit will be rnailed rc demolition contracbr unless specified otherwise) DEMoLITION CONTNnCTOR:DEtvroLtttotI \ \+ slbiu trlnn ro - Cdorlo DO(. of ArDt. Hallt rra ErMro||nEfl ArcDSS.BI .yn Cltnt C|tGr Dr. So. Dnv.r. CO to!(+liy) llll{.n-l I u} Srtr,: VaiI Cascacie Resort Buildirlg Nrrc (if |pplicablc) Rescrt Typc of Building (i.c Rdidcodal, warchogsc, officc building, crc.) 1300 r,'les thaven Dri ve Srcct Vai 1 , Eagl -o, Co lorado 81657 Ciry Courty Zip Codc s.",, a,,.' { - /- ;' I comotetion Darc:.i "7 ' .' ' 'lt I Company Netr l/ D t (l):) | .'- t .tt Srcct /-r ()1, -)7 ( l,tz-r.-- '\/L'.--,c City S|rlr ZiP Code -:"1,4i] j;^l ("- 7/c'' -r'//(-ililq < Drsposll Sltp:BUTIpINC OwNsn oR DEvELoPER: Vai l Cascadp Res^rt bndfdl Nrtt|c Owncr's Narrr 1300 Westhaven Drive Sarcct Vail, Colorado 81657 Ciry - -Sulc zip Codc ll city Zig Cfdc ( 970 | 479-7009 CERTFED ASBESTOS INSPESTON:AsBEsTos REMOVAL: Nnt Annlicahlp Asbcsr6 AhtarEEt Cot!.cior CitY r /MP03140s679 Sl1ra Asb('t6 Pcnnit Nurnbcr Ereiradoo DrG Qu.nrity of Asbcsto! RcrDvcd Detr Rcmvd Co.nplcrrd r 303 r 499-7022 APril 18- 2nnl Tclcoho* Datc(s) of lospcctbo NraE (Plc.s€ ptilt. Notc: Signeorc b cquired d botrdn of lhb fom ') 3535 Silver Plume Ct., Boulder, C0 I I certify rtat I posscss current AHERA aDd statc of Colorado cenification as al Asbesos Building Inspecor. I atso certify that I bave inspcctcO tlc buildiq o be demolisbed, as listed in the Dernolition Sitc block above, sampled all suspect materials (in accordancc wi6 AI{EM), bad all sarnples autyzcd for the presencc of asbesos by a MST gccreditcd laboraory, and have d€t rmird tbst (E appropriatc box and siga in blue ink): XX m AQrt cxisu aaywbcn ir rhc buildiru , in construction areas Asb6tos Building Inspo$or sigD.nnr: :il &d/aoa / w I L YYqI e I Il5PeL LeU rtrc only ACM lcft in thc building is nonftiablc VAT rnd/or lar-imprcgrutcd roofing fclt :tt ACM that I found has bccn complctcly rcmovcd from lhis buildiag. pcr my visurl insoccdon O Building Owrcr or ,rrrr^rn /1of, prinr Nernc: li ' r-'l I I <I L I ccnify rhrr .Il tlfrigcru$ ftDm .ir coodidoning/rcfrigcntion aPplisnc€s havc bccn propcrly rccovcrcd in accordamc with AQCC ltcguladon No. 15 (For infonnadon on CFC nquircmcnr cAll 692'31n.,Datc: I i ) rrrtal aattt H' \ | | ; \lar-.\no!t..tt : tsG\ttll9911oo ooo ASBBSTOS CERTIF'ICATION ST i ,t' i;l tJ ilt i+i:i ;ii 'i!.::i it has Con ty certifli hereby e: INSP Issued: 07l19l20OO Expires: 07l19l2OO1 ../6e. a*,- Authorized AFCD Reprerentrtivc ' Ihls cenlficatc ls valill only wlth thc posseslon of cunznt AHERA certificatlon ln thc tltsctplinc spccifud abovc. RecordNrunber: 629. tl;|i"''t .i:.;1.+,1,:''l:..,, ''' enu '....r ,.',tjil;i;+;l;'i , ;t i:" '\','::|.::, c " r.,t 'it n -,-...:iti!..!:r':] '+,1,:1,,;+, ahd ifiir ji , and il ffi:ltl $q 8R TR FO E:.ao .,ta x .5d qE s.t tF-s1 E'sz E a z t 4 6 l _l ol ol 6|l .t .C Tl g H$ 1 I I EEiE $E$i sI€iH t$EgH iiEEE itEE U z L{ ds Eg HH u) H FEr *o o gt 6' €., o ?c 2 H.?l ni,'t'3| { tOsZl qgll lg-}O-8dtt .<F .9 +.G fJ -t (u L I U rF o o u ct (J a.- *,L o U bo o gE H€ =(u EF Er .E; EE (uGt CE EF' &6 tb n9 *.E ttr 2 -gS (r- EE -E z I o ni N x6 go tt (9N Eg oo at ttt A-6.t I ra. rtlta April 26, 2001 }IR. RANDY LINBERG, DIRECTOR OF RESORT I.IAINTENANGE VAIL CASCADE RESORT 1300 Westhaven Drive Vai1, C0 81657 RE:VAIL CASCADE RESORT AHERA ASBESTOS INSPECTION ZII--IN\ lrxll=ll-1_l n b An 5 ENVIKONNENT6L 4 RCN ITE(Tq RE 3535 Silver Plume Court Boulder, Colorado 80303 Phone (303) 499.7022 Far {303} 499-1844 Dear Randy: In accordance with your directive, Adams Environmental Architecture, p.c. performed a construction specific AHERA inspection on April 18, 2001 at the Vail Cascade Resort, Vail, Colorado. Even though the facil ity vlas constructed in the early l9g0,s, asbestos inspections are requ.i.r.ed to be perfo_rmed-in buildings thaf will be'undergoing renovation or demol jtion work. A formal notifjcatlon process regarding- thE fi1!ings of such inspections are required by the USEPA, Colorado Oe-partme-nt of Public Health & tnvironment and the Town of Vail. Several homogeneous materials were identified and a sampling p1 an was developed accordingly. The suspect materi als included fireproofing -ori steel structure, i nteri or orvylll system components, water heater jaCket (thermal system jnsulation - uTS.l") in the |!|echanical Room, tennis court cementjtious f1 o6ring and cove base adhesive. The exact locatjons and further descriptions of th6 samples are. detailed in the laboratory report and specific sample iocations were al so tagged on site. The samples were sent to FRS Geotech, Inc., who performed standard polarized Light |l1icr.oscopic (PLM) analysis on the samples. Enclosed is the original hard copy of t_he_ laboratory report. FRS Geotech is a NIST/NVLAP/AIHA iccredited analytical laboratory. Enclosed please fjnd the offitjal hard copy of the laboratory report with Cha.in-of-Cust-ody attached. l,le are pleased to inform you that no asbestos was found in any of the materials. A member of the American Institute of Architects lir. Randy Linberg Page 2 please have Mike Ellis take the fol'lowing items to the Town of vail so he can obtain the Building Permit: l. CoPY of this letter; i'. iobv of iopriae-o"rotition Notification Form - be sure to fill in the b'tinks which are highlighted.; 3. i"py rt 'iifl e.ot.Cf'", lnc. pll'l Laboratory Report- (llote.: Bul I ding 0wners snouro irwavi keep original lab reports in their permanent building files for 30 Years); and -4. Copies df J. Rd.tt & FRS Gebtech, Inc' Certifications' secondly, send the fo1 lowing items to the co'l orado Department of Public Health & Environment ASAP: l.Orig.inal(mybluejnksignature)Demo]itionNotification;and 2. A check for $55.00. TheaddressisintheupperrighthandcorneroftheDemoNotificationForm. Th.i s completes our work on the project.. Please call if you have any questions oi neeA inything further. Thanks, Randy! rely yours'ul,,wZlad H. Adams AIA, President ENVIRONITEIITAL ARCHITECTURE' Mike Ellis, G.E. Johnson Project File P.C. S i ncerel y FRS Ceotech, IDc. 144L W. 45th Ave., Suite l_4 Denver, CO 80211-23 3 8 April 25,2001 Ms. ,Jane Adams Adans Environmental Architecture, p. C. 3535 Silver Plume Court Boulder, CO 80305-7212 Re: Lab Nurnber 10 5 09? Phone: 3O3 / 477 -2559 800,/386-3136 FAx: 303/477-2580 e-mai1: frsgeo@ix. neEcom. com Project: Cascade Club Resort, 1300 Westhaven Dr., Vai1,co 81657 Dear Ms. ,Jane Adams; The bulk samples submitted to FRS Geotech, Inc. have been analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM), the EPA-recommended method for determination of fibrous constituents in building materials. The percent of asbestos contained in the samples is a visual estimation based upon comparisons with published charts.The results of these analyses are summarized in the enclosed taUt-e. This report relates only to the items received and tested by our laboratory. According to requiremenEs set by the National- rnstitute of standards and Technology,/NvlAe,t.his report musE not be used to cl.aim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the us covernment. A1so, NVLAP guidelines specify that this reports should not be reproduced, except in fuI1, without the v,rritten approval of FRS. A copy of your Chain of Custody is attached for your convenience. This repor!is considered highly conf idenE.ial . Results will not be discussed with anw person not associated with you. Please call if you have any questions about this work. S incerely,4*e44,*'.--, Davi.d A. Schroeder, Ph. D. Data Cont.roller Enclosures NVLAP Accredited Lab *102078-0 ArHA Accredited Lab #101557 FRS GBOTECH, IDIC. 1,441 w- 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80271-2338 Phone: 3O3 / 477 -2559 800/386-3135 Fax: 303/477-2580 DOr.lRTzr:n T,TGrf'|r T'T|iRO3!COpV I pT.r,rl EpA- 6OO /ll -O? / 1 t 6 Client: Ada,ms EnviroDtnental Architecture, P.C. Lab No.:105097 Project ID: Cascade Club ReEort, 1300 weBthsven Dr., vai1, CO 8165? Page: 1of l-0 Sample Nunber Percent Sample ABbestoE Date Descriotion 01-CAS-041801 ND*' / / Surface material--spraw-on f i reoroof ino- -2nd level oaraqe structure f gravl 02-cAS-041801"\ID, * / / Surfacino/misc materials--interior drvwall svstems--DW panel , texture & paint.--3rd floor offj,ceGlobbyWwall ND** / / lWhite drvwal ]- with inseparable brown cardboard I 02-CAS-041801 fBl EID* * / / lCream colored oaint with inseoarabLe white surface texture and inseparable white Daintl 03-CAS-041801* !ID* * / / Surfacinq/misc material s- - interior drvwall systems--DW panel-. texture & paint--3rd floor lobbv @ E waIl lwith ioinc compoundl Ana1y6e6 (percents determined by visual estima!ion) Sample Number: 01-CAS-0418 02-CAS-0418 02-CAS-0418 02-CAS-0418 03-CAS-041-8 01 01* 01 rAl 01 tBl 01" Irayer P€rcent: 100 100 98 2 L00 Asbestos Minerals: Amos i te Anthophyllite .-hn'c^r- i I a Croc i do 1i te Tremolite-Actinolite 02-cAs-041801- IAI TOTAIJ ASBESITOS !gD* * Other Fibrous MaLerials: lIDf r ![D* r ITDT T 55 15 15 80 see individual ND* * 2 23 100 75 layer analyses) . Fibrous Glass Ce1lul os e Cahtl'af i -c Other : 5 25 Nonf i-brous Material 70 80 * Composite analysis (multilayered sample,** ND means one Det.ecE.ed. Analyst: Bruce G. Sa Date: O4/23/01- rRs GEo.IIECIT, rt{C. ]^44! W. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 8 0211-2 33 8 TOTAI, ASBESFOS IVDI ' Other Fibrous Malerials: Phone:303/471 -2559 800/386-3r-36 Fax: 303 / 477 -2580 REST'I,TS OF TrllLR ASBESIIiOS SAIIDLE I.NIT.YSIS EY pGLlRTT.En r.IGIfrF rtTaItOSCOpv ( t'r.ri) Elpl-5oo /Il-91/.t 16 Client: Adama Environrnental Alchitecture, P.C. Lab No.:105097 Projecc ID: Cascade Club Re8ort, 1300 Westhawen Dr., Vail, CO 81G5? paqe: 2 of 10 a:mnl e lrh rmher Percent, Sample Asbe6toB Date Description 03-cAs-041801 lAl ![Dr * ,/ / Iwhite drvwal l with inseparable brown cardboard I 03-CAS-041801- tBl NID, t / / lWhit.e ioint compound I 03-CAS-041801 tCl NDt * / / lWhite walI coverinql 03-cAs-041801 fDI \ID* * / / Ioff-white paints wiEh inseparable white sU.El_eeelex_Errr€j 04-cAS-041801*ND., / / Surfacinq/misc materi a1s - - interior drvwall svstems--Dw panel . texture & paint--4th fLoor--stairwav W waL l Arral,yaes (percents determined by visual estimation) sample Nunber: 03-CAS-0418 03-cAS-0418 03-cAS-0418 03-cAs-0418 04-CAS-0418 01 rAr 01 fBt 01 tcl 01 tpl 01* IJayer P€rceDtt 30 40 20 10 100 Asbestos Minerals: Amos i te an|-h^l.\h\'] 1 i ia ^L-.^^r: 1 ^\-rrtyD\rL-r-LE Crocidolite Tremolite-ActinoliEe Fibrous GIass Ce11u1o s e Slmthet i cs Other: 5 15 IUDT i 1 3 85 2 13 ![Dr *![Dr r lIDr * Nonfibrous Material 80 96 15 9g g5 * composite anarysis (multilayered sample, see individual layer analyses) .** ND means Analyst: Bruce e Detected . DaEe | 04/23 / O! FRS GECIITECII, IDIC. 1441 W. 45Eh Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, co 8021-L-2338 04-cAs-041801 tBl 04-cAs-041801- fcl Phone: 303 / 4'77 -2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303/477-2580 RESITT.|IS OF Ett?,t LSBESIIOS Slr,rDr.E IIIAI-YSIS EY DOLll.RTTrrn r.Tclfltt IIrTCROSCODY ( F,LI'| I rDl-60O/R-o1/115 Client: Adanns Environnental Alchit€cture, P.C. Lab No.:105097 Project ID: Cascade Club Reaort, 13OO Weathaven Dr., val'I, CO 81657 Page: 3 of 10 Samole Number Percent Sample Aab€Etos Date Descriot i on 04-CAs-041801 fAl \ID** / / lwhite drvwal]' with inseDarable tan \IDrt / / DID* * / ,/ ra vzlhaa rd l f l^lh i l-o crrrf :r-o ta!.f rrral 05-CAS-041801* NID*, / / Surfacinq/misc materi-a1s - - interior drvwall svstems--DW Danel, texture & Daint--4th floor--locker area G N wal1 05-eAS-041801 rAl ND** / / fwhite drvwall $rith inseparable tan cardboard I Analyseg (percents determined by Safipl e Nunber: 04-CAS-0418 01 fAl Ireyer Percerts 84 Asbestos Minerals : AInos i te Anthophyl l i t.e ahnrcnf i 1 o Croc idol i Ee Tremolite-AcEinolite TOTaJ, ASBESI1OS !@!r Other Fibrous Materials: Fibrous class Ce11u1ose S)mthet i c s Otsher: visual estimation) 04-cAs-0418 04-cAS-041-8 01 IBt 01 ICI 15 05-cAS-0418 05-CAS-0418 01" 01 tAl -Ll 100 90 llDr r ND* r ND* * !lD* | zz l./-15 Nonfibrous Material 83 99 100 83 * Composite analysis (multilayered sarnple, see individual layer analyses).** ND meanTo\e DeEecE?Jd. /2 Analyst: fMultiple inseparable lavers of multicolored Bruce G.Sal es Date:04/23l01, FRS GEOIIECH, IDIC. 1441 W. 45th Awenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2 3 3I Phone: 3O3 / 417 -2559 800/386-3135 Fax: 303 / 477 -2580 por.ltrllzED r,TGrrF ldIeROSeOPv (Dr.rrl EDA-6OO /Q-oi /1 16 Client : Adarn6 Environrnental lrchl'tecture, P.C. Project ID: Cascade Club Resort, 1300 we8thaven Dr., ValI, Lab CO 81557 Page: No. : 105097 4 of 10 Sample Number P€rceat Sample Asbestos DaEe rtocr.ri nf i nn twhi f e surface texturel 05-cAs-04L801 lBl tlpt ' / / 0s-cAs-041801 tcl 06-CAS-041801* IID*i / / Surfacinq/misc material s - - interi or drvwall svstems--DW panel , texture & Daint--4th floor--messaqe room cei I inq 06-CAS-041801 tAl NDr* / / lwhite drvwal l wiEh inseparable tan cardboard l 06-cAS-041801- IBI AID** ./ ./lwhite surface Eexturel Aialyses (percents determined by visual estimation) Sample Number: 05-CAS-041-8 05-CAS-0418 06-CAS-0418 06-CAS-0418 06-CAS-0418 01 tBt 01 rcl 01" 01 tAl 01 tBl Layer Percent: Asbestos MineraLs: Arnos 1Ee Anthophyl l i te /-lrnrcnt i 1e Crocidolite TremoIite-Actinolite 100 IIOTAL ASBES1DOS DIDI ' Other Fibrous Materials: l[Dr.aID* * lilDt r ![Dr r Fibrous Glass CeIluIose Slmtshet i cs Otsher: Nonfibrous Matserial 1,00 83 82 99 * Composj,te analysis (multilayered sample, see indivj.dual layer analyses) . ** ND means ne DeEected. 90 ?? 14 l-5 Trace <1t Analys t. : Bruce G. Da|-e:. 04/23/O! FRS GEOTECH, II{C. 1441 W. 45th Avenue, Suite L4 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Phone : 3O3 / 47'7 -2559 800/386-3136 Faxz 303 / 41'7 -2580 RE:SI'LTS OF FTII.K ASBESTNS SAI'DT.T AI{IAI-YIITS EY por.lRIT.En LIGTTT TTTCROSCODV (pl-li) Epl-60O/R-q?/115 Cl-ient: ldarns l:nviroDmental Arcbitecturc, P.C. Lab No.:105097 Project ID: Cascade Club Resort, 1300 westhaven Dr., vaiI, CO 81557 Page: 5 of 10 Sample Nurnber 06-cAs-041801 rcl PerceDt Sample Asbe6toa Date Descript ion \ID** / /foff-white oaint I 07-cAS-041801-* IfIDt * / /Surfacino/misc materials--interior drvwall svstems--DW panel . texture & paint--4th fLoor messaqe room- -ha1h,/ay wal1 07-cAs-041801 lAl \{D, * / / IWhite drvwall with inseparable tan cardboard I 07-cAs-041801 rBt N/ID" / / NTDrt / / twhi te surface texture l 07-cAs-041801 fCl lWhi te oaint l l.rralyses (percents determined by visual estimation) Sample Number: 06-CAS-0418 07-CAS-0418 07-CAS-0418 01 tct 01* 0l- tAt Laye! Perceat : AsbesEos Minerals: Amosite Ah i- h^nh.rr] l i l-a /-h rrrqnf i I a Crocidol ite Tremol i t e-Act ino 1i t. e t-00 98 IBOTAII ASBESTOS ND** Other Fibrous Materials: 07-cAS-0418 07-CAS-04r-8 01 tBl 01 ICI ![Dt * llD* r ND* i DID* * ? 15 15 Fibrous Glass Ce 11u1os e Stmthetics Olher: Nonfibrous Material 100 83 * Cornpos i E.e analysis (multilayered sample. see ** ND means None Deteceed. AnalysE: 83 100 100 individual layer analyses) . Bruce G. S '2, Date:04/23l01 FRS GEC|ITECH, I}TC. 1441 W. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 08-cAs-041801 tBl \Ip* * / / 08-cAs-041801 fcl ljlpt, / / f whi te surface texturel Phone: 303/477-2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303/4?7-2580 RESITT'.?S OF BIILK ISBESITOS SAUDLE II\TAI-YS T S BT por-aRT".En r.Tcrl'n rrenoscopv (Dr.rr) Ep-L-6no/R-q3/1 1 6 ClienE: Adams E lv:lroDmental lrcbitecture' P.C. Lab No.:10509? eroject ID: Cascade C1ri5 Resort, 13OO weEthaver Dr., vail, CO 81657 Page: 6 of 10 SaJnple Nunber PerceDt Samp1e A6be6to6 Date Description 0B-CAS-041801* NID** / / Surfacinq/misc material s- -interi or dr].walf svstems--DW panel , t.exture & paint--4th floor women's locker rm @ vanitv 08-CAS-041801 tAl NID* * / / [ Brown drvwall with inseoarable blue cardboard l lWhi te oaint I O9-CAS-041801 IID* r / / Misc material--cove base adhesive--4th floor locker area @ messaoe rm door ltanl [a1so conEains a trace amount of Lalcl Ana1y6e6 (percents detsermined by visual estimation) Sample Number: 08-CAS-0418 08-CAS-0418 08-CAS-0418 08-CAS-0418 09-CAS-041-8 01* 01 IAI 01 lBl 01 lcl 01 Layer Percerrt 3 100 95 4 ! l'00 Asbestos Minerals: Anos i te Anthophyl l i t.e Chrysotile Croci do 1i te Tr emo 1i t e-Ac ts ino 1i ce TOTAIJ ASBESTOS ITDI T Other Fibrous Materials: ![Di r ![D. *![Dr t NDt * Fibrous Glass Cel lu l ose e1'l t-hai i /.c OLher: Nonfibrous Material * Composite analysis 22 14 15 84 83 (multilayered sample, 100 see individual 10 Non-asbest. trem. /accin.1-00 90 layer analyses ) .** ND means e Detec Analyst: CE G. S Date:04/23l01 FRS GEOTECH, INC. 1441 w. 45th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Analyses (percenEs determined bY Sample Number: 10 -CAS - 0418 01* Layer Percerrt: 100 Asbestos Minerals: TOTAI. ASBESTOS \ID* I Other Fibrous Materials: RESIILTS OF etrr.R ASBESTOS SAI'rDLE AiIALYST . BY Dor.lnrT-nD LIGFT rtraRoscoPv (Dr',rt) EDI-6OO/n-q1/116 Client: Aalarns Environrnental Alcbitecture, P.C. Lab No':105097 project ID: cascacle club ReEort, 13OO Westhavetl Dr., vail, co 81557 Paqe: '7 of 10 sample Nun f,er PerceDt Sampfe AFbe6to3 Date Descriotion 10-cAS-041g01-* 'JtD** / / surfacino/misc materials--interior drwwall svstems - -DW- Danel texture & Daint--tennis court W wa-L I 10-cAs-041801 IAI EID" / / iwhite drwwall with inseparable tan ^--^haarAl 1O-CAS-041801 tBl \ID' t / / lwhite surface texturel 10-cAS-041801 ICI NDr* / ./ Iwhite Daintl 11-CAS-Q41801* NDrr / / Misc material - -tenni s courE floorino (qreen) r rubberv materiaI oaoer- and fuzzv fibers l visual estimation ) 1o-CAS-0418 10-CAS-0418 10-CAS-0418 11-CAS-0418 01 tAl 01 tBl 01 tcl 01* 98L1100 Arnos i te ^-|1.'^hha'1 'lil-6 lar erf vyrr_I 4+!vv Chrysot i 1e Croc ido 1i E e Tremo I i te-Ac ts ino 1i te \ID* *![Dt r ND* r Trace <Lt 99 see individual Phone : 303 / 4'l'7 -2559 800/386-3136 Fax : 3 0 3 / 4 7 7 - 2 5 8 0 a 100 43 layer analyses ) . Fibrous Glass Ce 11uI os e Ciht- lt6t- i /-a rjrfe.f!e+vv * Composite ** ND means J 15 lilDr * 15 Nonfibrous Material 82 82 analysis (multilayered samp1e, one Detected. .I\nalyst: Bruce G. DaEe z O4/23/O1- FRS GEOTECII, rDlc. l-441 W. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Phone : 303 / 477 -2559 800/386-3r-36 Eax': 303 / 4'7 7 -2580 RESI'LTS OF ET'LK I.SBEST(IS SAUPLE ''I[ALYS T S BY por.aRTzED LT(:IIT MreeoscoPY (pr'ul !lDr-5oo/R-ol/'1 15 Cl,i.ent: AdamE EnvironmeD,tal Arcbitecture, P.C- Lab No':105097 project ID: Cascade Club Re6ort, 13OO Westhaven Dr., VaiI, CO 81657 Page: 8 of 10 c rm^ l 6 lr1r rm].ror 11-CAS-041801 fAl PerceD,t Sampl e AEbesto6 Dale DescriPtion _ ![D* * / / fGreen rubberv materiafl 11-CAS-041801 IBI ttD* * / / lWhite paper'l l-l-CAS-041801- lCl \ID" / / lFuzzv vellow-qreen fibersl 12-CAS-041801* ND** / ./ surfacinq/misc material s - - interior drvwalf svstems--DW Danel , texture & paint--tennis court area N wall e dalnaqe 12-CAS-041801 fAl \IDr, / / fwhi te drvwal l- with inseDarable tan ^- -AL'nr rrl I i{na1y6es (percents determined by Samp1e Number: 11-CAS - 0 418 01 tAr Layer Percent! 48 Asbestos Minerals: Fibrous Glass Ce 11uIose Slmthet i cs OEher: visual estimation ) 11-CAS-0418 11-CAS-0418 01 rBl 01 tcl 12 -CAS - 0 41,8 12 -CAS - 0 41.8 01" 0L tAl 100 98 50 Anos i te Antshophyllite ahnrcnr- i I a Crocidolite Tremo 1i Ee -Ac t ino I i te TOTAI, ASBESTOS ![DT * Other Fibrous Materials: ![D* *![Di * 15 95 100 Nonfibrous Material 85 5 analysis (multilayered sample, see individual- Analyst: * Composite ** ND means NDr r ![Dt * 2?15 15 83 83 layer analyses ) . Bruce Det.ected . Datse: 04/23 /01- FRS GEOTECII, INC. L441 W. 46th Avenue, Suire 14 Denver, CO 802\1-2338 Phone:303/411-2559 800/386-31-36 Fax:. 303 / 477 -258Q RFSIILT!| OF nItLI( ASBTS!I{'\S Slupr.n lllal-Ysrs lrY por.rnrzErr Y.T(:r n trrcRoscopv {pll{I rlpL- 5 O O /R- O ? / 1 1 6 Client: Adams EnwiroDrneDtal Arcbitecture, P.C. Lab No.:105097 projecc ID: CaEcade club ReEort, 1300 weEthawen Dr., vail, CO 81657 Page: 9 of 1-0 Sample Nun cer 12-CAS-041801 tBl Perceat Sample A6beBtos Date \ID" / / tlD* * / / h^-^-i-+i^- f Whi te surface texturel 12-cAS-041801 ICI twhi te Daint l 13-CAS-041801*_ l{Dr r / / Thermal svstem insulation--hot water tank i acket - -mechani ca1 rm Iwith fiber wrapl 13-CAS-041801 IAI ![D* t ,/ / lBrown insulationl 13-CAS-041801 tBl \ID' * / /l'White fiber wraol Arrelyges (percents deEermined by visual estimation) Sample Number: 12-CAS-0418 12-CAS-0418 13-CAS-041-8 13-CAS-041-8 13-CAS-0418 01 tBt 01 tcl 01* 01 fAl 01 tBt 90 Irayer PerceDt ! Asbestos Minerals: Amos i te a-r1^^-L-.1 1 i F^!r.rr Lrr\-rprr,-), r-L-r L-s Chryso E i 1e Croc idol i te Tremo 1i t e-Ac t inol i te IIIOTTL ASBESTOS !ID* * Other Fibrous Materials: IIDT * Fibrous Glass Cel lu1os e S)rntshetics Other: Nonfibrous Malerial 100 100 * Composiue analysis (multilayered sample,** ND means Analyst: 95 !lD. . 17 3 80 see individual ![Di * ![Dr r 15 60 2 10 83 30 layer analyses). Bruce e Detecced. DaEe: O4/23/O1, B!,SUL'FS OF BITLK -!.SEESTO!| SAI'IDLrr IIIAIYST S BY DO?.AITZED I'IGHT I'ITCROS('ODY (Dr'rt) EPl-6OO /R-o3'/ 115 Client: Adarn6 ErvironmeDtal Arcbitectur€, P.c. Lab No':105097 Project ID: Cascade club ReEort, 13OO We8thavea Dr., Vail, co 81557 Page: 10 of l-0 FRs GEOTECII, I!rc. 1441 w. 46th Avenue, SuiEe 14 Denver, CO 80211--2338 Sa:np1e Number 14-CAS-041801* Analy6es (percents determined bY Sample Number: L4 -CAS- 0418 01* Layer Perceat: 100 AsbesLos Minerals: Amos i te Anthophyl l i te /rhn'c^f i I a Crocidolite Tremo 1i te -Act ino 1i te 1I!O{!Ar, AsBESlIlos !iID* t OEher Fibrous MaEerials : visual esEimation ) r-4 -cAS - 041,8 14 -CAS - 0 418 01 tAl 01 tBl Phone : 3O3 / 4'77 -2559 800/386-3136 Fax:303/477-2580 90 14 -CAS - 0 418 15 -CAS - 04l- 8 01 tcl 01 1 100 ITDI *!ID* T ![Dr * lilDr * 5 25 Percent Sample ABbeato6 Dace DescriDtion - ![D* r / / Misc material--inter j or drwrra I I svstems- -drvwall oanel . taPe and mud--mechanical room 14-CAS-041801 IAI rJIDt t / / iWhj.te drvwall with inseoarable tan ca:Cboa:-d l 14-CAS-041801 fBl ND** / / tWhite mudl 14-CAS-041€O1 tgl- tID* t / / twhite paintl 15-CAS-041801 - NDrt / / Surfacino material - - soray-on fireproofinq on steel beam- -mechani ca1 room loravl Fibrous Glass Cel luIose Synthets i cs Other : ?? 15 Nonfibrous MaEerial 83 82 * Composite analysis (multilayered sample,** ND means e Detected. Analysts: 100 see individual 100 70 layer analyses). Date:04/23l01 os *o.."t,O" 1441 West 45th Avo., Suj.tc 14 DeDver CO 10211- 23 3I This report is concerned submitCed to and tested by FRS only wi th resuLts of Geotech, Inc. 1-303-a??_2559 1_800-386-3135 L_303-477 _2580 FAr( tests performed on samples - Bulk samples o'."o"" cording t.o the Method for the Determination of Asbescos ;" a"Jrjrrrdi";-i";;;;jli*tin-ozeoo /R_93/LL6) which the EPA recommends as the _"preferr"a sulsci.iute,, Eo the ord rncerim Method. rn areas where rhe "neld" r4erhod_is sileni, -rni-iJrror" ir.r" ;oio; ,"ilii', Method and.,/or speci-f ic rulings issued by the lr..i ol_r" -r"guLaEory agencies.Each separable layer or port.ion ot trte =u",pl. li-l"aividually analyzed and reported, a10ng with each layei's tro r.,-e percen. as a part of the toral sample.Additionallv, an arirhmeric io*pl=ia; f;r-ilr" forir;;;i;, is received by the r.ab, is reporEed for layered samples. i"r"*"lion on the ,raert^a and quanticy of materiaLs ac the samplins sire, which is ""u";ii;;-i;-io FRs, must be .r".a oy .he clien. ro determine whether or not chis arithmeiic co.posite of Ehe sample is representatj-ve of the marerial., "= .h,..{^:Il].-:" p1"..]-*rt_ri=- =*" i.,ioilJrlo-r, *,.r"r be used. by rhe client to determine yrhgther or noE any layered ..t"ri.i,'-.J-i. "*r-"a" r.n place, should be treated as several aifferenc- nrit"fi.i= or as a composi-t.e marerr.aJ..Each sample laver is prepared ind anary"ea i" .'"i.i"iive. index oils tha!. are cerrified bv rhe *"i:l:::!t;r,-g"ts+ii" Laboiacories. - n"rrr.crre indices are measured.by the Dispersion Staining, eecke iine, or obrigue rrruminaiion methods, accordinq co which merhod is mosr applicable a"-li;;'sample *;a;ri;i. "-;Ili=ro" conrenr. is repoired as a percent. of the sampre, and is a .,riiuai "= ci*il i""'u""!i*,examination and compariions wirh-pubri"["a ..1ib;;ai;; .rr"ii."Ell3l"Fir"illii"r.. . ash-i-ns .is -a. p r,epa ra-c ory proced"*#ui"f"r E-o eliminate many inrerferents and asbestos "look-alikes' " -a poriion of the sample it pr".J-i" a-furnace aE 500 deqrees ff:"*:"i:'"?"::;::.t and 4 n""isf .r,"-.".,_,,r- ri." .,r!ii.J.-"!foro,.r,q, ro sanpl-e rr.)e..,r ds'escos present in Ehe original sample is calcuraced, based upon the weishc loss due co ashing. rf ihe-;;;iJ, r,ra " 50* weighr. loss, anal .he visual estimation of asbestos presenE was 2ot, ih" -.o.,.re oe .iu"sioi reported would be r't.A11 ashed samples are so noEed. on tne iinal Report. par:icj.=s c: N Nop_A8bestifor&_lgpbibolg Minerals r en g c r, io- ;t i* ;. i#ffiH# ::.?.T|I"']X," :mF iJs" i;=.';.."'j i.", *Jnr, mlcrons are occasionally detect"a i" i"*" urrx .u.^pi"". --wrrir" such particles do meet the "otd" 1esal definirion of fibe;;, -.'rrJv a" ,.or il""c-urr""ii.".rcal definirion of asbestos because chey do ,,or oc.ri-is i"iar". ot -p_i"if "f 'riilr"..(of !.en exhibiring splayed ends), marceb. *"="." "i-i"ai"iii"r tiuersi-oi-iJ"g, ^ii"*rbr.e, and/or curved.individual ribers. rl: *"j"-ilv-"i-.ii.l"r-iiil;i i; :"::;*i: must display r.hese characteristics as well -as-exhii,li-."i"iich ro widr.h racio oi-at Leasc 2o:l for the m'nerar Eo be desisnaLed "asbesror.; -riiE". grria"ii;.1-JiI Ji"..ri"d in rhe ,,New,,Method: EPA/ 6 0 o /R- 9 3 / 115 ' our rinal n.pJta refers t.o non- asbest j. form anthophyl r i. .e,cremoli'te, and acrinolice a= "i t'"i- "uJila=r". t . t.rem. /".ri".;, or ,,Non-asbest..anchophyt. ", whichever is appropiiir..'-" ' AI I_ labor-at."-, "".rvtiJJr -;;J"i.?'j'"'=;''J.5Jf,'5'.Toff5fi,','""ro"',u"'L,n ?^'j.".'*S^jlf g^'j^eli1es, ana ;daiti;;-t"-;il'i"s;i=.4:::H$.':nS. t*'Si":ii":.::i::-:g:-?:1.nI?.:9"_,"r- ',i rEsar .Equrremenc !.naE lot of a1l samples rece.Geotech. re-analvzes all- s-amples i"i- "iriln a Erace ro j* : <lrac rilti-"3^Ii::narvzed, FRS crace t.o 3t asbest.os is reported.The New Met.hod (EPA/6bo/R-9:7rioJ-", ev J! clbrJes Les rs reported. Error Table for pLM analwscq i^,i ih tr,-_F.i.:l_t:l',al_. ,the foll-owing_ suggesc-;d a.l"pc"Uf "ii:;: t"ot' ror PLM anai.vses wirir qu-a;iiii""-Jr# #="i;"^"';""':&;Jg3'"';.": i;;"Fi:lut" ". Areal Percent Asbestos Acceptable Ranqte of Asbest.os Report,ed >0t to 3t Lt to 9t 5t co L5t 20t (or more)pLus or minus l- 0 t Tumaround Requested: / \Rush- l-day- 3-day- S-Aay {r Return Samples_ Send White & Yellow copies with samples (Yellow copy to be returned with Report). Pink copy for Client's Records. TPG ENGINEERING 1833 MTN. VIEW m. SI:DAIIA co 6oil 6ss-9o44 PROJECT LOCATION ELEVATION ARCHITECT MECHANICAL ENGINEER CONTRACTOR BALANCING CREW DATE INSTURMENTS USED CALIBRATION VELOMETER Shortridqe ADM€70 M96080 OCT 2001 ANEMOMETER Davis A/2 Ball Bro. JpG-17 OCT 2001 SPEED INDICATOR Biddle 9920 786293 OCT 2001 AMMETER /OLTMETER Fluke 32 525666 OCT 2001 MAGNEHELIC GAGE Dwver 0-1.0'. 0-2.0'W.C. Jpc 12 & 13 OCT 2001 PRESSURE GAGE Wiess Gauqe 0€0 osi JPG 31 OCT 2001 PRESSURE GAGE-DIFFER. Shortridqe HDM-3OO W99036 oCT 2OO1 PYROMETER Alnor 2300 E W99036 OCT 2OO1 THERMOMETERS RavtekSTK - OCT20O1 METHOD OF BALANCE Supply Diffrrsers are read with a capture hood using a Shortridge Air Data Meter. Supply registers were read with an anemometer and flow rube. Exhaust and retum inlet registers were read with Shortridge Air Data Meter and flow Hood. DDC Velocity sensors on VAV and FPB boxes were calibrated to actual flow measured with Air Data Meter. Heating and chilled water flow rates were measured with a differential Dressure GENERAI INFORMATION VAIL CASCADE.SPA. CONF.. ATHLETTC VAIL COLORADO 8500 SER. # irntrfled low elements. $cf,Gffiltl 009019 {., ocT.2001 a a tr \\ W'"z.lili #'#\,3 TECFINIeIAN/E _*-ry_ ;i"ffi & . 5,. "--*--'' ,^. \ti2r--=-;1g.'1-'r 'sE,t6"-irj: o o o ) EQUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAILCASCADE-SPA EQUIPMENT INFORMATION UNIT# AHU-1 MAKE TRANE MODEL# MCCAO14GA SERIAL # KO,IG95O51B RATTNG 6505 CFM @ 1.75" ESP MOTOR DATA MAKE CENTURY H.P. 5 PF/EFF 76.5187.5 TYPE SCE PH. 3 RATED SPEED 1745 MEAS.VOLTS 208-208-208 sF. 1.15 RATEDVOLTS 2OO-208 MEAS.AMPS 11.7-11.5-11.3 FR. SI84T RATED AMPS 15.2-14.8 STARTER DATA \ MAKE ALLEN BRADLEY MODEL 509-BOD 7 srze ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS (3) W57 (EXISTTNG) AMP RATTNG 16.4 THERMALS (REQUTRED) AMP RATTNG OTHER BUILT IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE BKSO BORE 17t16" DRIVER SHEAVE 1VP5O BORE 1 1t8" BELT SIZE BX43 No. BELTS 1 DRIVE CHANGE BKlOO X 17116"BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM 9OO/755 FINAL AMPS 9.1-9-4-8.8 PRESSURE INFORMATION PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER tN -0.34"ouT -0.36"DROP 0.02" HEAT COIL IN NAC OUT NAC DROP cool corL IN NAC our 0.10"DROP FAN tN -0.36"OUT NAC RISE IN OUT RISE REMARKS:100% OSA UNIT REQ'D=5465 CFM Fl tlAL=5630 CFM F J l I,IJ N a rn z tr [lJ - l z o tu IY 5 t!K z =Iu o UJ U)o J () E uJ (L >(J az t-- 5 =IU N U) =? Llr T, l z = o uJ &.5 l-l ul E z z I,IJ F lrl Q z J z F J LJl F U) U) F Llr -) t n F J l uJ N U) o uJ E 5 l!!E F frl O z I z I F o o J :l E IJJ F a U) l- u - t (L F -)f llJ N a o =k ll.l T l z = o ul t f ul E. z z. UJ F o ul -) tr (L o o o ) EQUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL CASCADE SPA EQUIPMENT INFORMATION UNIT # EF-1 MAKE GREENHECK MODEL # GB-3OO-15-K SERIAL # DI508922 RATTNG 7000 cFM @ 0.5" ESP MOTOR DATA MAKE MARATHON I H.P. 1112 PF/EFF TYPE TS I PH. 3 RATED SPEED 1725 MEAS. VOLTS 208-208-208 |sF. 1.15 RATEDVOLTS 208-2301460 MEAS. AMPS 4.5-4.44.6 |FR. 56H-70 RATED AMPS 4.84.812.4 STARTER DATA IMAKE SQUARED MODEL LR2D13 SIZE ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS SET @ 7.0 (EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED) AMP RATING OTHER RANGE 5.5 TO 8.0 DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE AK114 BORE 1" DRIVER SHEAVE 1VP44 BORE 5/8" BELT SIZE AP43 No. BELTS 1 DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM 600/600 FINAL AMPS PRESSURE INFORMATION PUMP I llN -- FILTER IIISI HEAT COIL IIIN :-: cooL coll lllN -- I REunRxs:nee'D=s400 cFM FINAL=5120 cFM oUT I IRISE - our IIDROP our llDRoP our llDRoP OUT ATMOS I IRISE 0.50" our I lRlsE J t! N U) an = lLl T =:) =z = o l!E l ul t z 2 lu L F frl O Z J ? z o k O o -.1 tIJ t-a a J F |.r| t n J f ut N 6 z. F lu T l z = o t!u :) Lu E z z ul o- F rrl (J z J l! lrJ I,JJ F a U) F O Lr.J a o t n o O o ) EQUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL CASCADE SPA EQUIPMENT INFORMATION UNIT # P-1 MAKE TACO MODEL# OOB-BF6 SERIAL # . RATTNG 5 GMP@ 15'Hq MOTOR DATA MAKE TACO H.P. 1125 PF/EFF ryPE PH. 1 RATED SPEED 3250 MEAS. VOLTS 120 sF. 1.0 RATEDVOLTS 115 MEAS. AMPS 0.8 FR.RATED AMPS 0.84 STARTER DATA I MAKE MODEL 7 srzE ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS (EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED) AMP RATING OTHER DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE uut(tr DRIVER SHEAVE BORE BELT SIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FINAL AMPS O.A PRESSURE INFORMATION PUMP IN Nlo Pf Tep:OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT DROP cooL cotL IN OUT DROP FAN IN OUT RISE I IN OUT RISE REMARKS: ENatN-rentNc o o o EQUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL CASCADE.CONFERENCE CENTER EQUIPMENT TNFORMATION UNIT # P-1 MAKE BEEL&GOSSETT MODEL # 2.5X9.589.1258F SERTAL # 2253704 RATING 143 GPM @ 80't.ld. I'IOTOR DATA MAKE MARATHON H.P.7.5 PF/EFF ryPE TDR PH. 3 RATED SPEED 1745 MEAS.VOLTS 208-208-208 sF. 1.15 RATEDVOLTS 208.2301460 MEAS. AMPS 13.8-14.1-14.5 FR. 213JM RATEDAMPS 22-21.6110.8 STARTER DATA \ MAKE SQAURE D MODEL LC1D251O 7 stze ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS SET @22 (EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS LR2D13 (REOUIRED) AMP RATING OTHER RANGE 17 TO25 DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE BORE DRIVER SHEAVE BORE BELT SIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FINAL AMPS 15.0-15.4-15.8 PRESSURE INFORMATION PUMP tN 't4 PSI OUT 50 PSI RISE 36 PSI/83'HD FILTER IN OUT DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT DROP cooL corl IN OUT DROP FAN IN OUT RISE PUMP SHUTOFF IN 15 PSI OUT 54 PSI RISE 39 PSI/90'HD REFIARKS:MANIFOLE GAUGES U)o z tr F UJ U) o z tr E.o a UJ E. EF J LIJ l!= z tr F U) F frl U z -l f T'l F = z o F o o J I (L lrl F a a t tu F z UJ O [!()z [!t lrl lt-z o O I [r o O U) o J F () t!l -o IY (L ffictu-etntuo o o o EOUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL CASCADE.CONFERENCE CENTER EQUIPMENT INFORMATION UNIT# P-2 MAKE BELL&GOSSETT MODEL # 8O:2.5X9-588.8758F SERIAL # 2253707 RATTNG 244 GPM @ 4s' HD MOTOR DATA MAKE MARATHON H.P.7.5 PFIEFF TYPE TDR PH. 3 MTED SPEED 1745 MEAS.VOLTS 208-208-208 sF. 1.15 RATEDVOLTS 208-2301460 MEAS.AMPS 15.4-17.8-16.3 FR. 213JMY MTED AMPS 22-21.6110.8 STARTER DATA \MAKE SQUARE D MODEL LC1D251O I slz=ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS SET@22MAX.(EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED) AMP RATING OTHER MNGE 17TO25 DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE BORE DRIVER SHEAVE BORE BELT SIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FTNAL AMPS 't5.4-17.8-16.3 PRESSURE INFORMATION PUMP IN 15 PSI OUT 34 PSI RISE 19 PSI/4 4'HD FILTER IN OUT DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT DROP cooL corL IN OUT DROP FAN IN OUT RISE PUMP SHUTOFF IN 17 PSI OUT 53 PSI RISE 36 PSU83 PSI REIiIARKS:REQ'D = 2 {4 GPM FINAL = 250 GPfv MANIFOLD GAUGES I Im^,r, o o o EOUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAILCASCADE.CONFERENCECENTER EQUIPMENT INFORMATION UNIT # EF-1 MAKE GREENHECK MODEL # BSQ-160-3-X SERIAL # 01FO4O,19 RATTNG 2ooo CFM @ o.so'S.P. ICITOR DATA MAKE MARATHON H.P. 1t2 PF/EFF TYPE SS PH. 1 RATED SPEED 1725 MEAS.VOLTS 120 sF. 1.35 RATED VOLTS 115 MEAS. AMPS 5,5 FR. 482 RATEDAMPS 6.1 STARTER DATA . MAKE NONE MODEL 7 srze ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS (EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED) AMP RATING OTHER BUILT IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE AK54 BORE 1" DRIVER SHEAVE 1VL3O BORE 1t2" BELT SIZE 3L5OO No. BELTS 1 DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM 960/960 FINAL AMPS 5.5 PRESSURE INFORII'IATION PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT DROP cooL corL IN OUT DROP FAN lN -0.25"ouT 0.10'RtsE 0.35" IN OUT RISE REIIIARKS:REQ'D = 2t )00 GPM FINAL = 1965 G )M F J l lu N U) (,z f- uJ T = =z = o lrJ E. = u.l E o z z lrl (L o F Lu -)o t (L , o o o Tuotu-rentue EOUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL CASCADE.ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT INFORMATION UNIT# P-1 MAKE BELL&GOSSETT MODEL # 80:3X3X9.5 SERIAL # 2238596 RATTNG 244 GPM @ 80'HD MOTOR DATA MAKE US ELECTRICAL H.P. 10 PFIEFF - IU.O TYPE D4 PH. 3 RATED SPEED 1725 MEAS. VOLTS 48048H80 sF. 1.1s RATEDVOLTS 208-2301460 MEAS- AMPS 10.2-9.3-9.8 FR. 215JM MTED AMPS 30.27.2,13.6 STARTER DATA \ MAKE SQUARED MODEL LC1D181O / SIZE ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS SET @ 13.6 (EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED) AMP RATTNG OTHER RANGE 12 TO 18 DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE BORE DRIVER SHEAVE BORE BELT SIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FTNAL AMPS 10.2-9.3-9.8 PRESSURE INFORI|IATION PUMP IN 18 PSI OUT 55 PSI RtsE 37.0 Pst/85.5',HD FILTER IN OUT DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT DROP cool corL IN OUT DROP FAN IN OUT RISE PUMP SHUTOFF IN 24 PSI OUT 64 PSI RISE 40 PSI/92.5'HD REII|ARKS:REQ'D = 244 GPM FINAL = 240 GPM P-1 &2 OPEMTE lN PARALLEL. z tr E tr a uJ E 3ff OF J lIJ rr= F f r'l U z *l rr'l F = |o =r\s \ ^r.l --<.Hri H a o JY j () IJJ =z o tr C)o J =- UJ F a U) tr I.IJ -l T' F uJ o O a O J a F o trj -o t (L o o o o 1HILLER X)i€DU|E - l.{AlER CaOL@]a|) ItLHrlH Z:gE f-;Til; t.., I tt*rl I Gt) *'-.]; ,0'6:--- -d)c, wr I e=- -{ :i 6e,n ?ce \'* P ,t7 li-"-"ri lil ll h s I 16 e I 19o ,B I ieg E I iPA € r le> 6 |isitI I i19 .e! I i,I! g,s I llgt gE rl liiEEEil eFt OH ou o f-r--.:1 Efi n -= FI XI @tl F+l ]r-- --f- .:CHANIAAL LEeENP EoliFMM; t=- ----6- ---*- ?!----q tit L- a V 16 qrA -9Eqq _NqE_oE_eEElBArIoN, . LJ '{ I FU I6TFR RF (PT) ',|fR'i I) ..d!! B€ .IAA'P AtH CNLLLEP 'HT'E€ 9€na€o, N) a &Ao{ cit|€p tt o. F.r? a1^Lt .;f,E%tE t /'{rt9 ^.rER .rrt t ER er)tard l'-2) laF4 .Jr^tug 4 anr grirtu €€:€{;ictur|ofl |9 br RafER 6. At? 14 | ocER/\rt 5 dsCs f rtR.- a, adL r ER oPEsioi :o, r4 c'*!rtD arFR ao a<'oEs'tR ,tarER rt"- 4aL e€ 5rf ERro9 c' Oi€ MlrJrE AErcf lrrE CSLLER |9 sr^trED *rE Fco.EP o.€P^rrd d al]-ao srER ^!o €ao€r€€R srtR Fti?5'jAL F ER|F'eO Hff FLO'I It.rp I aon LooP9 $f .titLER tf9rE' E e..i 1 sfEtr!9, rl€ 9^9 5Y"rta * .FrIER 91Ar! 9l!f Ciat4i !r[ r]€r't,@19pi*i r]li n^5 aaior*+R MiER gfat rc ea\t^tLf 4E.De Nqt€ ^|R r€icfF^rRE rc 4'LLEo *asr€ txE6zrtl.'l [,fi @Ee9 F !^O! rr€ cHLrEo MrrR Fr? 9ur-r Iti?EsnRE E:as ^OovE .2 .f,€aEt5 a^O-l, r|f 4LLER +{L flE ACrv rEo {n t}€ @r r @ ^rlo aa.o€r€€R MrtR Ar'P5 .@ .a|.|,.6rNP..r\'D. CrrlLrER 9rlA! +d rxA {€H E'rER EP '!rta, r' &ttv^rEo ^r ' ^. *€i{ rt€ adLLfR 6 tMttEo rrt coolLE rlx{ ti^!L 4:' & B ft rot€R FAN 9rrlJ. 9r&r *€^ D€ Lf,^vrn6 uttR Rt*3 ^&\/E T' 6@ r OA!) oFtF tE sr[ rr€ Ler.\.x6 MrER F|ra n€ rar€R r^r!9 B€!4.tal e€ ^arv^ro {€x t}€ LE^WR r.{ EF rE|+Egnne a5€5 ^aovE @ rf,€.tEs F- ^r€ co.rNf r .fti^r! N[ ic LE qlt tr^rER rE]PE. iFE FAL5 *LOr{ 6 ot*tan'ret<:*el*x lFR4r rO,€O ^E REr]B s co|ocERMIER'o+€.*LLEE E. a.oclloro tctcR 6}{r ^r r'€ carLER POA. $ ^LfN^rtO 5r. EN)I FM ffn ^ f€R}4 ! oPEur t* .o1@J'ao ttf ^REWRia '€1N6 rli'rl{6r^t rO F^rNl^ri EO r*4EE F N rt€ 6. Ltrz 6EEft @.I rF rE E]P 9{rC' ^i l|rta r rF ft€ FfRrctR^Nt r6rr.FN' g€vrd gtf-i'- .q!^rER ttN alw .?t1 d: el'eu:*lwr N l|€ :r'&E 'nf, FA 5lwr 9raFr ,!o coinp€ € E |lrrL t}€ DrE aeFNrF4{tk i lr sral F Vr-t-s r li ;; ^F li .i.. on ii-.,",8; r @{t-,nl ti . ,_:_-1 I DAIE oFzt€ ll tt .---Jl anue gc'ueovte H .4{ , .rxalI€R a'ER $ COoLtNe CO.L SCaeoUtE (Cd ''k ^*, -o tr;r;, l;;]lttl l-,",--i*wH l-El::l"g ;f, 'l ;l q AIR gEPARATO? 5CHEDULE *1,*i-- -#-- 'Ft YA ltL t*s I- l'*t*L l"'l -tlr EXPAN9ION TANK 5CI''EDULE (eT) FAN .HEDULE GF,6EF, 'F.IT)P ca jval,G 4E!:!) FN 9+LL e€ CtNnd LEO t\n PffFf t-r'E rts€aFo5t^r FA :..rrl a.r * co*rea AIR DEVIOE 5CH=OULE FAN TERMINAL SCHEDULE - HOT AATER 6OIL (FT) 3r, '/b 1 tb^ F. @l 31 lDI l, ' I :€36 11o l'o l|xeRo-rrcH v'&or ("-- . | *1n I o. l,wl ': I brol' | @l ''i a | ',or l'qtt l'' 6ENERAL \O1E5 Htu t}( srE r Eond 6 {t I.r Lrtq rorF€." 9'3rtH. tr. |.r'*nar tgr 6 0u6elsrL r a*a&.fit ndta-r.a< ra fvel .E/t qt c.<rt.FfitG' ttc d, bl t fir5 c,6re4td 6 EzP.rf/as Fo. coanti$rt€ a I |mtr9€R x: |€Ee@14f,'6r',Ar|.rla|e ro ne P&r*:a r M 4rRrL9 ^r9 c4+6(Itfn d M ,nnx ao 6 ro vtn c r,'aer d ,N ot<ftt^xtj arr;lan'|or lr5ri6tes d r*5 ,64 *r4 tor cea\Eft 5 rzt!., r..t3t.@ ^\L<<tuu,4 Edffi 6_ rrAi! ac +t a rro r.c rg-s! *^'o|al':.F|rft EtR ^r co+tMr. d trx e tE5n€ ^oe irr€,a€o r 6 aa fdf r.t, /rrErure N Er^ r ^Iroi t5 ro 'l ,utrEtD FoR 6a YEa ftf.rl't.4*rt.,t Rovr* *trrtx ,€an ro erf.r {fut/lf|q,5teY.<'^u@^|r,|fqtAff4Ffil'aMIftE' fr. aL canllat ,tt t, ft rf* E lr^)rc^( EdFEF lr,t F.o/rtf M raarJ6rPt r'l^g.e'tFs raR Ldt e a6rr6<.1r66e rx^ff'6t 0 a@LNE9 ttlrl:drF.ltroi I5 irElf^af Bt EE| xat Ao !r9nt5 aa€rurn 6 r5r€ ^an6r€ F 6^Ar€ (Nw14V rc1fr 1r-t.44 6 ner r@r ro 6166 lrGEi t6 rEvE! (atrlrlti ro l ^at otrFAE96rEr3.dnEf..t|w'dtr{&|d'.rt!|olt^it far€.r oar 't{1Drr€ sxf. .jat, N roe o. trler4 t'rtrd6 |l,€ { 40\^ ta4q MDP 'ral:{ ';'^ntd m,."6 ar rw{q c' €'tr 'turs<q .a{4' n |!o'<1'i/'%^y'ca.+../1A|a (ddl{W. *ro€e I'EA A Ff L l]4tR B1 *t .M ^ tt 6 sott'La 4 1\ k t t'L <'''a)6!61|d3et*o Ftrn35 r-rrJ t€! ro Lr.r6{R - ,3fi ER irE tO 'EA( 6|<u) ',lM ffifl'].tdr,E|t,^frRu:€a..r<{5. " H1,K.H1ffiffif;E#%tH.9F#' o w a otca't* *on " t, @ 0'+.rGL uNt n diei,,s M d'o' c'r*ao roate *rrtEt tE:,| ,rimrr r+rgrda eME&rrldan, tLtrtd u;.ta's b to vra KA ^r !!^5' er.@rrvE 'nt1oE5 * ft tu% 'Ar.RtatAt rra I Rrlao6iM {lro ;ft !le;r rar@ s,.B ,o ,F xai{P lter. .o ./AF re ro .oP eD6 at tx6e N64t t^tra fr6rE - ; ;' J NA te n o.'H reda:rlte w de r *:ae* aqer s ^i'r@aAI,asEr*iinr*iae'nma* n ./x|e&re @ qtlttLr .40 -apgacrutrLcL^ftooJBoEal<'x:r ' Ei#st gtr:c. Hffis.;i ffi #g,?ig" - ffi x,*1ffi :E S)^r*ft"tl.?#!€h-' , @84 tOEfrE(- f l€,tt c aP€ u9 €a ,€ Fro|{ OFE€r'atr rraer:. rea a t e^Lvt9 ,to PPDJG Lrgt rO an-D{r6 Fv'€ri o o o o EiE€Elm lEvEs r l|! OlrrF .drutd|r@exrt r6,a FAr.9 6A.Or rD T TiTfl l---t --l |d.|A}|16'e ar.rE rolfur fd F|' ii - -------r{ovarsrl€Er€c- -i ll !!i , , _ ____€ ^l tj- --i- A Ao I I ----- - --0) (t IAJ I I i €-) FLOOR PLAIII O CENTENNIAL CONFEREME 6ENTER - FIRgT FLOOR ..::4F @n I ,i ::,1 I|__-:=-:1 tiEvE['B ] aY ii lF,FElEl::lFq4pgllSa4C,l lr*n-rMl IET--_l r:l lt"il ll O;l ti o tl li 6 ll lilo il 1,00 ii li:i ,P 'il li;l rF iil ilIs =ng til lii! cB €ll h€g li *{-E tf.:.f{ ll li mernr rc il li c}(r F ll ll .,@. F@7oll It-=--ji Eall F--_] llcM2.oll L.-- rl .F'n[El.*r€tP ro E|-t I il f--+ FLOOR PLAN O CEN1ENIAL 6ONFEREh6E oENTER .9ECONO FLOOR 9R?I li .\ T 6)6 \T ll i ??T\T T .94 1i .i\ 6) ,-1 6\ lrcrtoN =f'/ Nrs @srcrtoN zr \_^ / o' _-@ it-il N o o 6 3eE ;i l,-iA Tr ->5 Ee €{ 19 =8!i! 9,9 ig €s ;s gE -- tl eENERAL NOTEg peffite a xt@NE En nc ! lltr Eaiar c. {l.r!t F.'!^r'a6 to (/ra G .1'r^t 6 a\@ N w@ 'a r€rgrarf o*GA .orc |l na 6€r.x{ Df.ci Ao rqrJ€o€( c.LEatr€.r trtrD(Fc r.:'tx ft ?nn @tt9 o-4at tttuA dL @d t n6(ai*r<.r(. t5Eg1teu fd ara@rqn€,u |rE j{x 6 clrrE ar fr & offd Er rr5 nuo6 . a< r4D?tto6ra4 e*6r.ED.6Fct *wt otstuw Et w.dner.rd l6ftfrf5.L io r nx,ucr c *srus ^rc,.o.€v€'cF (t s '@ e 6 ro tdfi 1* r.etftL, 4 N Ot*Ar<tt @B ret^ftR Et (,'otElE @td x/Et @ a! tiE,,|tt<)L Affi s^r oc :.r a. ftr{E sr at .tc3d Etft tE lto .&xrE ! ^r.4?ur'a d'G. | ''.r9t?ryMAG a EFatd rrrll'GF€41'ol'oD.a€..f' ^ are r'(,l ro |drEMr(€ |q.K arE5E,Joa^!,t|l€o^r^. .EF||Y(, t9r 6 t.ea dj'?a.a\ |sd raa a!0 va,rrl6t Ea o N @ t@. to 6 ta ftM az*,411 lt no&1 * ..AL|ot.e1frx$.@N|€'cr914{6 @a|o,cr.'|aEa 9or 61 6d, !r+@ FEF{I ef,lxnuet.i 6 r4nvtd tDr@'e +7t betid ' u +Rrr ro dlr s€r|(l lctlfr'c,'{l'.^.rcn,J{t{uf l'lg'* or^ 't<u,'r6 F1 (]&F ..O \€trra. a,!i 'a 9? E4vr{ ^9r^rE{d ariL* at e$ra No&.e1}lN3a@4'4fuw mf91r<r /ro t!{rR ^sd ^b,x)+LlLt 4d4 t Pao6 (4(t!.6 *!rtt 5rta o. tr't I aatr{ ^e4 ttt. eM ^ o. a a)z\L: a 4t<1 trtr€t .1 t, ^ro ?44 <Flaecx|gq*z*o sn .96 1u2 .{f e t{6e ,6d ,a1 <t@rz 4 ta. ,fwrt lrE r * ^o:i^r!F ' r, Fap nrax reuaraa aa.:rr!x, a EE l5/4 'l't .lt, 4rsEa 'trrg @tr |6la'€.g JrAt6 rx,rroc8 r(t c.rsFft rtt M ddt6.*Fot&r.a1*rr6eaonEl4% tr lts pofl.l?/dt9p rftloio.:/6t1@ roSno RE 'D?, br ffi,d{(^!1.tuF<t 4'Ai.Ea GrF |4€Fic t4?t .M.A P ti!.g.a ^t i*t tt.ata&vtur 4t3 6tt<e ffif'a*4&e rFt! @ta 9{ru Fsq.a6rM fd uatf|a @tEt 9r^! REttta tutt6' 8:., ta.D@ sqt ro aa e.ti Et e .r:i -ori' to 5o*aD'ts rt 116*@r E t*gare ().J.@A@*44',+4 @ t ttG *t 1 29 | tttt 6.4tu^Fr .u aftla r.arF 6 sra *t &@ ro t)r* t^ N ft-axa .!r .3t. a.^.6 rPt xft€a I P.grrE €rM t,ft :lrl i,\|'s .t*l F:EE^b6a. btba.NIP .a\ r&tII9{{r {* | t af, ot E6€ Ad v.aa. ,t5tAr r{I nttat fta tgfi a4 waot4 \ t1 uxdt4la b aM <1te srEi |ilxarP to 16. a.I E dB 568 ad^ "&a.c* .JrtFR t-d r@atGld dw a ,e.tr,*.rt aodexfa ro (r.Atx^tE a]' .@r -n arto'.6 .x-1@.r.4 N b|1E.'4,'x.,L<4|.@|.'7{LL.€eE9F6.r'aF!4ALt,{* ':rjlacr AE P^raaE RATOVA d . r n rE rtr. {".4}16 415 @etu.$2&ttLff ,<t'EPTED 2t aoJe oet tt ta wtr& Fft. v)a.* N rrq ?.ccf@ Lr€a 9. i.€ ^LL V/{-vt5 Ao PRO\.p€ Lrst tO ar!?r€ t}r6Et{. E*FaHsroH rANK goHEPULE Grl at t.a, COOLINO COIL &HEpULF- @C Yz 4e i -.,i I I I t- I 10t'6Frt Et*t4'1D @rLA AiER 9r5rE't lr€ D€5r6{ @rER^ 9i^4 FEer '€ 9 f€ ^9 rla ta9c aallEo urE. 5Y I azE crAr€c t€ a{ufR r@EL RF^ t60 ora {arl'{ k .e, |,fl'oa t*< 4.e9eEs 'lr.P t,@rr tw .6. ao 4tn t1o aI- t0.2o e tar& N (,o 6 8o 00 E3' !ii f.s' TOWN OF VAIL orrk"r*, oo .o",,rt rY DEVEL'PMENT . 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8r657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MOI-OO8O Job Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL CASCADE CLUB Applied. . : 05/2912001 Parcel No...: 210312115001 Issued. . : 05/29/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: ll/2512001 O9INER L-O VAIL HOLDING INC 05/29/200]- Phone: WESTIN HOTEL 13OO WESTITAVHiI DR VAIIJ CO 81638 License: CONTRACTOR ENCOMPASS MECITANICAL SERVICE05/29 / 200I Phone : 97 0-949 - 0259 DBA Encompas s Mechanical Srvs. 5541 CENTRJLT, AVEhIUE BOUT.DER, CO 803 01 Licerrse: L47 -M APPLICAITT ENCOMPASS MECI{A}IICAL SERVICEOS/29/200L Phone: 97O-949-0259 DBA Encompass Mechanical Srvs. 5541 CENTRAL AVEIiIUE BOULDER, CO 80301 L,icense : L41 -M Dcsciption: INSTALL GAS FIRED/AC CENTRAL AHU AND DUCTWORK # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas lngs: 0 # of Wood P€ll€l: 0 rlt'tt*t*t +* a +tatt**** jl** ** *FEE SI.IMMARY Mechanical-->' $2,700.00 Restuamntl'lanRcview--' Plan Check--> 96?5.00 DRB Fee---------' Invedigation-> will call->s3. oo BALATVCE DUE-___> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 05/29/200a DFLORES Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 uMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER ].0 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC, C]IAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond; 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIAT{CES SHAIJIJ BE VEI{][ED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I Ar''ID SHALL Valuation: $135,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restrictcd: Y 9o. o0 Total Calculated Fees--> 53,378. o0 50.00 AdditionalFees-______r> So.oo TOTAL trEES-----> $3,3?8.00 'l'otal Permit Fee----:' $3,3?8.00 Palments------------>- S3,378.00 so.0o s0.00 TERMTNATE o, .tr"rED rN ,"O, oF rHE ,rrt., oR cHAprER I oF rHE ,rr, ? Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC. 1017 OF TIIE 199? I]II,IC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOTLERS SHALL BE MOUMTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE ].997 IMC. POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sEc. 1022 0F THE 1997 IIMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL IJE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADV OF OWNER OR CTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNE '] * * ** ** ***** * ** f ***+ +*** * * *** ** *f * * * * * * * ** +'i ++* ******{r*** *******{** * ** *+ +U* * * * * ** + + ** * * ** f * *** **** * * ** * * * *f * * * * * * * ** + * + +* * * ** ** ** ** +******* * ** * | . TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 05-29-2001 at 14:54:54 OSl29l2O0l Statement ** ** +* **,1* * * *** 'lr ** 'lr* * * * * * * +*lr* 'lr * ** * *,1' {' * + +** * ** ** * * ** * + ++**** *******+* * *** * * ****** * *+* *** **** Statement Number: R000000849 Amount: $3,378.00 05/29/20O]-O2:54 PM Palment lilethod: Check Init : DF Notation: CIIECK #10 82 70 Permit No: 1.101-0080 Type: MBCIIANICAIJ PERI,IIT Parcel No: 210312115001 Site Addrees: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST \IAIIT Lrocation: VAIIJ CASCADB CI"lIrB Total Fees: $3,378. O0 Thia Payment: S3,378.00 Total AIrL, Pmte: $3,3?8.00 Balance: $0.00 * * f,i *'l ***+ + 't * * * * ** **** + + {t 't**** *** + ++ * ***'l * ****+ ++lr**'} *'} 't * * 'l' | +***** *** ***,}** ***** * **** **rt*+* * ACCOTJNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 2,7OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 675.00 I^JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Prcr_oo 3t 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not trL- f:ccoi.ied \4/iihout the following: Provide Mechanical Rr]{)rri Li }.orl.i drawn to scale to include:n Mechanical Roonr F;iL, ierr:;ic:'s o Combustion Air Duci Siltl ar'id l-ocation a Flue, Vent and G:rs L ine l,izr3 and Location r: Heat Loss Calcs- c Equipment Cut/SPec. Sl'r,:.:its Ath'bo' is +1q - )t7 2 Contact Parcel # Job Lcgal Description Owrrr:rs f'lanre: !l)!4.1,.'-r..r Enctirreer:-.:r - t>teur.elr\)z' :,L:!:,)!, Detailed cic:icription oF w th At\ u/,," I Work Cl;rss: New ( )Addiiion ({) Alteration ( )Rr:'-,iir( ) Other( ) .t c.rr.t T) ,' L{n.\ - loo Pa rcel No (X)Boiler Localjon: Interior ( ) Extcrior ( ) Othr::t ( -fy1.,e of Blclg: Singlc{aritily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi'family ( )Co.r:r,reiciul f() Res'aurant ( ) Othcr ( ) No. of Existing Drvellirrg LJnits in this building: N/A Wood Burni :..-..-'' .. :.:.--:-:,:-: ) li n.rc,:; an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) It ;';o. of Ac(iornmodation Units in this building: a./ ,v/A Nofrype of l'ipphces ExiglhS: Ga!4ppllqnces [, ) Gt, t,Ci ( . )- ol' Fireplaccs proposed: Gas Apptiances ( ) Gi.s t oqs ( )Wo,rdlPellet ( ) Wcod Burning (NOT ALLOWED) s this a convemion from a wood burning No ({) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MEIJJ:AN,iCAI. PERMIT (LAbOT & MAICTiAIS) coNTRACI'()p'- Ilu'i:c!trtMA'rroN Phone: qqq_ 61 Lot: ll Block: Mechanical Cclntractor: p..o[1.".rg",6: r/ [-].nr c": r.''.p..,,,u1 fl&rlr*. r c* \t4-l -r.n Coili:roctr..rr Signaturc: +:F****:8:lr**:r*x*f +*****+*+FoR oFFIC* | igE i)IJLY********i+****i.***+:F**+:1.*;1.*** F: / cveryone / for:ns/rnechPcrm orrfr"r*, o..ot,'t Y DEVEL.PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Pcrmit #:M0l-0114 Job Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.....: I2g5WESTHAVENDR €74* ParcelNo...: 210312115001 ProjedNo : (V-SCI-';oJ1 \'!n-O$INER L-O VAIL HOI-,DING INC IVESTTN HOTEI, 13OO WESTHAVEN DR vArL co 81638 License: CoNTRACTOR Sidney Inc. Dba The Fireplaco7/24/200L Phone: 970-453-22]-2 P.O. Box 2133 1705 AirlPort Rd. #1A-B Breckenridgte, CO 80424 License z 251-M APPL,ICANT Sidney Inc. Dba The Fireplac}T/24/200L Phone: 97O-453-22L2 P.O. Box 2133 1?05 AirPort Rd. #1A-B Breckenridgte, CO 80424 License z 251-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIRE PLACE Valuation: $2,900.00 Firepla;e lnformation: Restris'ted: Y # ofGas Appliances: I ***il*lt+t**tt..t*tt:ltt:tt.ratttrrt**tattat**r*r*.r*tttttjlt.t.rtrt.tr.* FEE SLIMMARY : ISSUED : 07124/2001 : 08/03/2001 .: 0113012002 # of Wood Pellet: 0 998.00 90.00 998.00 s98.00 s0. o0 TOWN OF VAIL O 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 M€chanical--- Plan Check-> lnvedi gation-> will call-> 55o. oo Restuaranl lllan Review--:- Sls. o0 DRB Fee----- $0. oo TOTAL FEES------- ' s3.00 o7 /24/200r Status . . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . Phone: $o.00 s20. oo 5e8 .00 Total calculatcd Fees-- ' Mditional Fces___-_t) Total Pednit Fee---- -- Paymenls------------:,' BAI-ANCE DTIE_-:> Item: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARTMENT 01 /27/2OOL CDAVTS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Action: AP APPRVAL SI]B;TECT TO FIELD INSPECTION CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI_,DG.): FrEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO SHECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IANCE. r+,llt*t*trt,t*it+*a DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that alt the information as requircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanc,es and state laws, and to build this structure according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Codc and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF'AND OWNE I * * +* + t a ** * ** * * * * * * * t * + + * ** * * **t******+++*a***** ******f+++******{.tt{.*t+*****+a*fa***+tf*ta++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 0t-10-2001 et 08:36:5t 0t/10/2001 Statement f ***f *f +f +t****t* a'tf ****t+++*+* ***+**+***t+*+****** *r*+*tf *af ****t*tt++tt*** *** **ta*+f t++*++ Statement Nuriber: R000001209 Amount: $68.00 08/IO/2OOLO8:34 AIrl Pa)ment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #3890,/The Fireplace Permit No: M01-0114 Type: MECHAIIICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210312115001 Site Address: 1000 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 1295 WEST HAVEN DR Total Fees: $68.00 Thia Palment: $58.00 Total ALr, pmts: $68.00 Balance: $0.00 +** * a +tr ++ ++*t t +* * ** * * * ? + + + * * * * * * * * * * + + + * * I +* * + * * * *,r * *r f + ++ + * * + *** * + +* * + +* * +* *{. * * * f++ +* **r *f ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Cur"rent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FETS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 60.00 8.00 Building Permit #:_7 Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 I - 2149 (Inspections) NWN nvvln 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Permit will not be accepted without Provide Mechanical Room Layout r: Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and r Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size tr Heat Loss Calcs,o Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION the followino: '1/t,-{ l,- , DATE DUE: 9 Mechanical Contractor:vltz fi Re ltaca Town of Vail Reg. No.:z5/ - Pl Contact and Phone #t: qtg- ZZt u {tm (n?nc , rr -iia- aus Contractor Siqnature: ;-t-,'t*fi*t-.; z-7 CI O , oo COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT & Materials *********************x**FoR oFFICE USE ONLy*********x******************* Conta(t Assessors Offtce at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above] rob Name: 445 c+brz- ct-rtB s p n to' ooTt,'g f oiE, r ,*etJ F,-^t A"< Legal Description ll Lot: ll slock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: rl A,_,p, \- ( ,"r ,.-!, . I -.1r;}{,r-, , (*ec ..,11 !)trf i vlc ( WorkClass: New( f' Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg: Single.family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thls building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Nsffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Peilet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm ,lvlodel No. Serial No.20050 STO HEAT-ru-CIO No ooc bullds a bcttcr flre Models: Pier-TRC ST.TRG L-Corner-TRC R-Corner-TRC Printed in U.S.A. Copyright2000, Heat-N-Glo, a division of Hearth Technologies Inc. 20802 Kensington Boulevard, Lakeville, MN 55044 c@us TISTED Underwriters Laboratories Listed READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR OPERATING THIS APPLIANCE. THIS 'AlSTALLERS GUIDE MUST BE LEFT WITH APPLIANCE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. WARNING: IMPROPER INSTALLA- TION, ADJUSTMENT, ALTERATION, SERVICE OR MAINTENANCE CAN CAUSE INJURY OR PROPERTY DAM- AGE. REFER TO THIS MANUAL. FOR ASSISTANCE OR ADDITIONAL INFOR- MATION CONSULT A QUALIFIED IN. STALLER, SERVICEAGENCY OR THE GAS SUPPLIER. 1. This appliance may be installed in an af- termarket, permanently located, manufac- tured (mobile) home, where not prohiblted by local codes. 2. This appliance is only for use with the type of gas indicated on the rating plate. This appliance is not convertible for use with other gases, unless a certified kit is used. Please contact your Heat-N-Glo dealer with any questions or concerns. For the number of your nearest Heat-N-Glo dealer, please call 952-9856000. Installers Guide This product is covered by one or more of lhe follo*ring patents: (United States) 1,112,913', 4,408,594: 4,422,426. 4,424,792i 4520,791, 4,793,322: 1,852,544t 4.875,4611; 5,OOO,l62; 5,O16,609; 5,076,254 5,'191,A77: 5.218.953; 5,32a,356; 5.42S.495; 5,452,70A., 5,542,407;5,613,€7; (Auslretia) 543790; 5863a3; (Canada) 1,123.296: 1,297,746: 2:t95,264; (Mexico) S7-(N57; (New Zealand) 200265; or other U.S. and foreion patsnts pending. WARNING: lF THE INFORMATION IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS IS NOT FOLLOWED EXACTLY A F|RE OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT CAUS- ING PROPERW DAMAGE, PER- soNAL TNJURY OR DEATH. Do not store or use gasoline or other ffam- mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. What to do if you smell gas . Do not try to light any appliance. . Do not touch any electrical switch. . Do not use any phone in your building. . lmmediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. . lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency, or the gas supplier. 501-900H 10/00 SAFE ND WARNING INFORMATI Prior to the first firing of the fireplace, READ the Using Your Fireplace section of the Owners Guide. o TYA o ON A t"rt r"rrrs ArorFoR usE MrH sol ID FUEL. Always KEEP the appliance clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors and liquids. Due to the high temperature, the appliance should be LOCATED out of traffic areas and away from furniture and draperies. Clothing or flammable material SHOULO NOT BE PLACED on or near the appliance. This gas fireplace and vent assembly MUSf be vented directly to the outside and MUSI NEVER be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid fuel burning appliance. Each gas appliance MUSI USE a separale vent system. Common vent systems are PROH'iBITED. The glass door assembly /lfUSI be in place and sealed, and the trim door assembly MUSf be in place on the fireplace before the unit can be placed into safe ooeration. The glass door assembly SHALL ONLY be replaced as a complete unit, as supptied by the gas fi reolace manufacturer. NO SUBSIIIUIE material may be used. Turn off the gas before servicing this appliance. lt is recommended that a qualified service technician perform an appliance check-up at the beginning of each heating season. TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety and Warning Information ........................... 2 O Service Parts Lists ...........................4 Section 1: Approvals and Codes ........................ 12 Approval Listings and Codes .......... 12 Appliance Certification.. ................... 12 f nstallation Codes.......... .................. 12 HighAltitude Installations ................. 12 Section 2: Getting Started ............ 13 Introducing the Heat-N-Glo Gas Fireplaces ................................ 13 Pre-installation Preparation ............. 13 Section 3: lnstalling the Fireplace Step 1 Locating the Fireplace Step 2 Framing the Fireplace. Step 3 Installing the Vent System A. Vent System Approva|s............... B. Installing Vent Components .............. C. Vent Termination Step 4 Positioning, Leveling, and Securing the Fireplace. Step 5 The Gas Control Systems O Step 6 The Gas Supply Line .............. Step 7 Gas Pressure Requirements Step 8 Wiring the Fireplace Step 9 Finishing Step 10 Installing Trim, Logs, and Ember Material Installing the Trim Positioning the Logs Placing the Ember Material Step 11 Before Lighting the Fireplace Step 12 Lighting the Fireplace Afterthe Installation 17 17 17 20 20 27 30 33 33 u u 35 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 Section 4: Maintaining and Servicing Your Fireplace......... 40 I = Contains updated information. ooo.r Seruice Parrs v HEA;n-dlO - -n]lo. bu ds a bcttcr flrc PIER-TRC and PIER-TRC-DSI Exploded Parts Diagram / Vue 6ctat6e des pidces Standing Pilot 8 Log Assembly * Part number list on following page. * La liste des num€ros de pidce se trouve d la page suivante. 4 --\ PIER-TRc "nt,=*-rRc-Dst FZ, ail e*ptoo"tarts Diagram / Vue 6ctat6e des pidces IMPORTANT: THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. The most current information is located on your dealers VIP site. When ordering, supply serial and model numbers to ensure correct service parts. /IMPORTANT : L'information fournie dans cefte brochure n'est valide que pendant une courte periode. Les sites VIP des distributeurs disposent des renseignements les plus recents. Lors d'une commande, veuillez fournir les num6ros de serie et de moddles pour un remplacement ad6quat des piBces. ITEM /pricr STANDING PILOT AND DSI IGN]TION COMMON PARTS / UNE VEILLEUSE ET ALLUMAGE Ds ptEcEs CoMMUNES senrnt * /H'oe sERE PABT NUMBER / N" DE PtEcE ONI/OFF Rocker Switch / hem.oteur A bascule marche/anEt 060-511 lurner Orifice NG (3.1mm) / Qritice de br0leur GN (3.1mm)501-800 Bumer Orifice LP (1 .8mm) / Orifice de br0leur PL (#1 .8mm)501-801 I End Glass Assemblv GLA.PTRC-E 3 Glass Door Assemblv NG / Porte en verre GN PRE 8865 POST 886s GLA-PTRC GLA.PIER 3 Glass Door Assemblv LP/ Porte en verre PL PRE 2301 POST 2301 GLA-PTRC GLA.PIER 4 Bumer Assembtv NG / Brfdeur GN PRE 16919 16919 to 18287 POST 18288 sRV501-1 764 sRV501-173A sRV50 t-2724 4 Bumer Assemblv LP / Bnteur PL PRE 3666 3666 to 3984 POST 3985 sRVs01-175A sRV501-172A sRV501-273A Loo Grate / Grille de B0che 501-364 t)Base Refractory NG / Refractaire Base GN PRE 16367 POST 16367 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM b Base Refractorv LP / R6fractaire Base PL PRE 3697 POST 3697 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM Refractorv. Rear NG / B6f ractaire GN PRE 16367 POST 16367 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM Refractory Rear LP / R6fractaire PL PRE 3697 POST 3697 sRV504-737 sRVs04-737-UM I -oo Set Assemblv / Jeu de B0ches LOGS-MS 9 Loo 1/B0che 1 sRV501-701 10 Loo2/Buche2 sRV501-702 -oo3/B0che3 sRV501-703 12 Loo4/Buche4 sRV501-704 '13 Loq5/B0che5 sRV285-720 14 -oo6/Btrche6 sRV285-728 STANDING PILOT IGN]TION ONLY / ALLUMAGE UNE VEILLEUSE SEULEMENT Piezo lonitor / Allumaoe Pi6zo 418-s13 Junction Box / Boftier de raccordement 100-250A Valve NG / Valve GN 060-522 Valve LP / Valve PL 060-523 Pilot Assemblv NG / Module de veilleuse GN 485-510A Pilot Assemblv LP / Module de veilleuse PL 485-511A Pilot Orifice NG / Orifice de veilleuse GN 446-505 Pilot Orifice LP / Orifice de veilleuse PL 446-517 Thermocouole / Thermocouole 446-511 Thermopile / Thermopile 060-512 Pibt Tube / Tube de veilleuse sRV485-301 DSI IGNITION ONLY / ALLUMAGE DSI SEULEMENT Junction Box / Boftier de raccordement I VaMe NG / Val\/e Electrode / Electrode I ACCESSORIES / ACCESSOIRES Fan Kit / Module de ventilateur GFK-160A Remote Control Kit / Commande a distance RC-SMART Bemote Control Kit / Commande A distance RCF.ML Remote Control Kit / Commande a distance SMART.STAT Conversion Kit NG / Module de comersion GN ,RE 18287 NGK-PTRD POST 't 8288 NGK-PTRCMS NGK.PTRCMS-DSI Conresion Kit LP / Modrde de conrersion PL PRE 3984 -PK-PTRD POST 398s LPK-PTRCMS LPK-PTRCMS-DSI (- Seruice Parts o o HFA?-r+Clo No oqe bullds a bettcr flre ST-TRC and ST-TRC-DSI Exploded Parts Diagram / Vue 6clat6e des pidces STANDING PILOT 7 Log Assembly " Part number list on following page. * La liste des num6ros de pidce se trouve d la page suivante. t' sr-TRc "no $nc-Dst (NG, fi e*prou"u p",Oi"sram /vue 6clat6e 0"" pie"""O IMPORTANT THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. The most current information is located on your dealers VIP site. When ordering, supply serial and model numbers to ensure correct service parts. /IMPORTANT : L'information fournie dans cette brochure n'est valide que pendant une courte p6riode. Les sites VIP des distributeurs disposent des renseignements les plus recents. Lors d'une commande, veuillez fournir les num6ros de serie et de moddles pour un remplacement adequat des pidces. ITEM /prEcE STANDING PILOT AND DSI IGNTIION CgMMON PAFTS / UNE VEILLEUSE ET ALLUMAGE OSI PIECES COMMUNES SERIAL #rr oe sERe PART NUMBER / N. DE PtEcE ONUOFF Bocker Switch / ftem.pteur A bascule marche/an6t 060-511 1 Burner Oritice NG (3.1mm) / Orifice de br0leur GN (3.1mm)501-800 1 Bumer Orifice LP (1.8mm) / Orifice de br0leur PL (1.8mm)501-801 Glass Door Assembly NG / Porte en verre GN PRE 8558 POST 8558 GLA.PTRC GLA-PIER Glass Door Assembly LP / Porte en verre PL PRE 2254 POST 2254 GLA-PTRC GLA-PIER c Burner Assembv NG / Bruleur GN PRE 16067 16067 to 18029 POST 18030 sRV501-1764 sRV501-173A sRVs01-272A .J Burner Assemblv LP / Br0leur PL PRE 3608 3608 to 3994 POST 3995 sRV501-175A sRV501-172A sRV501-273A Loq Grate / Grille de B0che 501-364 Base Refractorv NG / R6fractaire Base GN PRE 15387 POST 15387 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM Base Refractory LP / Refractaire Base PL PRE 3634 POST 3634 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM b Refractorv. Rear NG / R6fractaire GN PRE 15387 POST 't 5387 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM o Refractorv. Rear LP / R6fractaire PL PRE 3634 POST 3634 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM 7 Loo Set Assemblv / Jeu de B0ches LOGS-MS 8 Loq l / Boche1 sRV501-701 I -oo2 /B0che2 sRVs01-702 10 Loo 3 / B0che 3 sRV501-703 Loo4 / Boche4 sRV501-704 Loqs / B0che5 sRV285-720 IJ Loo 6 / B0che 6 sRV285-728 STANDING PILOT IGNTTION ONLY/ALLUMAGE UNE VEILLEUSE SEULEMENT Piezo lonitor / Allumaoe Pi6zo 418-5't3 Junction Box / Boftier de raccordement 100-250A Valve NG / Valve GN 060-522 Valve LP /Valve P L 060-523 Pilot Assemblv NG / Module de veilleuse GN 485-510A Pilot Assemblv LP / Module de veilleuse PL 485-511A Pilot Orifice NG / Orifice de veilleuse GN 446-50s Pilot Orifice LP / Orilice de veilleuse PL 446-517 Thermocouole / Thermocouole 446-511 Thermooile / Thermooile 060-512 )ilot Tube / Tube de veilleuse sRV485-301 DSI IGNITION ONLY / ALLUMAGE DSI SEULEMENT Junction Box / Boftier de raccordement 100-254A Valve NG / Valve GN 492-500 Valve LP / Valve PL 492-501 Electrode / Electrode 501-591 Module / Module 501-592 ACCESSORTES / ACCESSOIRES Fan Kit / Module de ventilateur GFK.160A Remote Control Kit / Commande A distance RC-SMART iemote Control Kit Commande a distance RCF.MLT Remote Control Kit / Commande e distance SMART.STAT Corversion Kit NG / Module de cornaarsion GN PRE 18029 NGK-PTRD POST 18030 NGK-PTRCMS NGK-PTRCMS.DSI Conversion Kit LP / Module de com/ersion PL PRE 3994 LPK-PTRD POST 3995 LPK.PTRCMS LPK.PTRCMS-DSI o Seruic e Parts H#u-Cro L-CORNER-TRC and L-CORNER-TRC-DSI Exploded Parts Diagram I No one builds a bettcr fire Vue 6clat6e des pidces 9 Log Assembty " Part number list on following page. " La liste des numeros de pidce se trouve a la page suivante. I L4oRNER-rJ""o ..o*rr*tost (NG, ,r, !f,poo* Parts Diasram / Vue 6ctatfe? o,u"o IMPORTANT THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. The mostcurrent information is located on yourdealersVlP site. When ordering, supply serial and model numbers to ensure correct service parts. /IMPORTANT : L'information.fournie dans cette brochure n'est valide que pendant une courte p6riode. Les sites VIP des distributeurs disposent des renseignements les plus recents. Lors d'une commande, veuillez fournir les numeros de s€rie et de moddles pour un remplacement ad6quat des pidces. ]TEM / PIEcE STANDING PILOT AND DSI IGNITION COMMON PARTS / UNE VEILLEUSE ET ALLUMAGE DSI PIECES COMMUNES SERIAL * /N" DE sERE PART NUIIIBER / N. DE PIEGE ON/OFF Rocker Switch / nenuDteur e bascule marche/anCt 060-51 Burner Oritice NG (3.1mm) / Orifice de br0leur GN (3.1mm)501-800 Burner Orilice LP (1.8mm) / Orifice de br0leur PL (1.8mm)501-801 Glass Door Assemblv. E nd / Porte en verre GLA.PTRC.E .t Glass Door Assemblv NG / Porte en verre GN PRE 1957 POST 1957 GLA-PTRC GLA-PIER 2 Glass Door Assemblv LP/ Porte en verre PL PRE 1232 POST 1232 GLA-PTRC GLA-PIER 4 Burner Assembly NG / Broleur GN PRE 2920 2920 to 3102 POST 3103 sRV501-t 764 sRVs01-173A sRV501-272A 4 Bumer Assembfu LP / Br0leur PL PRE 1439 1439 to 1473 POST 1474 sRV501-175A sRV501-172A sRVs01 -273A 3 Loo Grate / Grille de B0che 501-364 o Base Refractorv NG / R6fractaire Base GN PRE 2849 POST 2849 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM o Base Refractorv LP / R6fractaire Base PL PRE 1441 POST 1441 s RV504-738 sRV504-738-UM 7 Refractory Rear NG / R6fractaire GN PRE 2849 POST 2849 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM 7 Refractory Rear LP / R6fractaire PL PRE 1441 POST 1441 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM 8 Retractory Back NG / Refractaire GN PRE 2849 POST 2849 sRV504-736 s RV504-736-u M I Refractorv. Back LO / R6fractaire PL PRE't441 POST 1441 sRV504-736 sRV504-735-UM I LOO Set Assemblv / Jeu de B0ches LOGS-MS 10 Loo 1 /B0che 1 sRV501-701 11 Loo 2 I B0che 2 sRV501-702 12 Loo 3 /B0che 3 sRV501-703 13 Loo 4 lB0che 4 sRV501-704 14 Loo 5 /B0che 5 sBV285-720 tc Loo 6 /B0che 6 sRV285-728 STANDING PILOT IGNITION ONLY / ALLUMAGE UNE VEILLEUSE SEULEMENT Piezo lonitor / Allumaoe Pi6zo 418-513 Junction Box / Bofrier de raccordement 100-2504 Valve NG / Valve GN 060-522 Valve LP / Valve PL 060-523 P lot Assemblv NG / Module de veilleuse GN 485-510A P lot Assemblv LP / Module de veilleuse PL 485-511A P lot Orifice NG / Orifice de veilleuse GN 446-505 P lot Orifice LP / Orifice de veilleuse PL 446-517 ThermocouDle / Thermocouole 446-51 ThermoDile / ThermoDile 060-512 Pilot Tube / Tube de veilleuse sRV485-301 DSI IGNITION ONLY / ALLUMAGE DSI SEULEMENT Junction Box / Boitier de raccordement 100-254A Valve NG / Valve C 492-500 Valve LP / Valve P r92-501 Electrode / Electrode 501 -5 91 Module / Module 501 -592 ACCESSORIES / ACCESSOTRES Fan Kit / Module de ventilateur GFK.16OA Remole Control Kit / Commande A distance RC.SMART Remote Control Kit / Commande d distance RCF.ML Remote Control Kit / Commande a distance SMART-STAT Convesion Kit NG / Module de conversion GN PRE 3102 POST s103 NGK-PTRD NGK.PTRCMS Conversion Kit LP / Module de corversion PL PRE 1472 POST 1473 LPK.PTRD LPK-PTRCMS e Parts o Seruic HEAiu-Clo No oue builds a bctter flrc Vue 6clat6e des pidces R-CORNER-TRG and R-CORNER-TRC-DSI Exploded Parts Diagram I STANDING PILOT 7 9 Log Assembly " Part number list on following page. * La liste des num6ros de pidce se trouve a la page suivante. '10 Diagram rvu" e"r"t*l pidces IMPORTANT THIS lS DATED INFORMATION. The most current information is located on your dealers VIP site. When ordering, supply serial and model numbers to ensure correct service parts. i IMPORTANT r L'information fournie dans cette brochure n'est valide que pendant une courte p€riode. Les sites VIP des distributeurs disposent des renseignements les plus recents. Lors d'une commande, veuillez fournir les num6ros de s6rie et de moddles pour un remplacement ad6quat des pieces. ITEM / PlECE STANDING PILOT AND DSI IGNITION C-OMMON PARTS / UNE VEILLEUSE ET ALLUMAGE DSI PIECES COMMUNES SERIAL # /N"DE SERE PART NUMBER / N' DE PIECE OI{/OFF Rocker Swibh / henupteur a bascule marche/anot 060-511 'I Burner Oritice NG (3.1mm) / Orifice de br0leur GN (3.1mm)501-800 'I Bumer Orifice LP (1.8mm) i Orifice de brileur PL (1.8mm)501-801 Glass Door Assemblv End / Porte en vere GLA-PTRC-E Glass Door Assembly NG / Porte en verre GN PRE 2132 POST 2132 GLA.PTRC GLA.PIER Glass Door Assembly NG / Porte en verre GN PRE 1240 POST 1240 GLA.PTBC GLA.PIER 4 Bumer Assemblv NG / Br0leur GN PRE 3178 3178 to 3355 POST 3356 sBV501 -1 764 sRV501-173A sFrv501-272A Burner Assemblv LP / Brfleur PL PRE 1427 1427 to 1474 POST 1479 sRV501-175A sRV501-172A sFtv501-273A Loo Grate / Grille de B0che 501-364 o Base Retractory NG / R6tractaire Base GN PRE 3110 POST 3110 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM 6 Base Retractory LP / Refractaire Base PL PRE 1430 POST 1430 sRV504-738 sRV504-738-UM 7 Retractorv. Rear NG / Rdfraclaire GN PRE 3110 POST 3110 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM 7 Refractorv. Rear LP / R6fractaire PL PRE POST '1 430 1 430 sRV504-737 sRV504-737-UM 8 Refractorv. Back NG / R6lractaire GN PRE 3110 POST 3110 sRV504-736 sRV504-736-UM 8 Refractory Back LP / R6fractaire PL PRE 1430 POST 1430 sRV504-736 sRVs04-736-UM 9 Loo Set Assemblv / Jeude Buches LOGS-MS 10 Loo l / Buches l sRV501-701 11 Loo 2 / Boches2 sBV501 -702 12 Loo 3 / Biches 3 sRV501-703 '13 Loo 4 / Br.rches 4 sRVs01-704 14 Loo 5 / B0ches 5 sRV501-720 l5 Loo 6 / B0ches 6 sRV285-728 STANDING PILOT IGN]TION ONLY Piezo lonitor / Allumaoe Pi6zo 418-513 Junction Box / Bofrier de raccordemenl 100-2s0A Valve NG / VaVe GN 060-522 Valve LP / VaVe PL 060-523 Pilot Assemblv NG / Module de veilleuse GN 485-510A Pilot Assemblv LP / Module de veilleuse PL 485-51 1 A Pilot Orifice NG / Orifice de veilleuse GN 446-505 Pilot Orifice LP / Orifice de veilleuse PL 446-517 Thermocouple / Thermocouple 446-51 1 Thermooile / Thermooile 060-512 Pilot Tube / Tube de veilleuse sRV48s-301 DSI IGN]TION ONLY / ALLUMAGE DSI SEULEMENT Junction Box / Bofrier de raccordement 100-254A Valve NG / Valve GN 492-500 Valve LP / Vah/e PL 492-501 Electrode / Electrode 501-591 Module / Module 501-592 ACCESSORIES / ACCESSOIRES Fan Kit / Module de ventilateur GFK-1604 Remote Control Kit / Commande a distarce BC-SMART Remote Control Kit / Commande a distanca RCF.MLT Remote Control Kit / Commande al distance SMART-STAT Con€Ision Kit NG / Module de con€rsion GN PRE 3355 NGK.PTRD POST 3356 NGK.PTRCMS NGK.PTRCMS.DSI Con\€rsion Kit LP / Modde de conr,ersion PL PBE 1478 LPK.PTRD POST 1479 LPK-PTRCMS LPK-PTRCMS-DSI 11 Approvals and Godes Appliance Certifi cation The Heat-N-Glo fireplace models discussed in this /nsfa//ers Guide have been tested to certification standards and listed by the applicable laboratories. Certification MODELS: PIER-TRC, ST-TRC, L-CORNER-TRC, R-CORNER-TRC LABORATORY: U nderwriters Laboratories TYPE: Direct Vent Gas Fireplace STANDARD: ANSI 221 .50.CGA2.22 Installation Codes The fireolace installation must conform to local codes. Before installing the fireplace, consult the local building code agency to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable codes, including permits and inspections. In the absence of local codes, the fireplace installation must conform to the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI 2223.1 (in the United States) orthe CAN/CGA-8149 Installation Codes (in Canada). The appliance must be electrically grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local codes with the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA No. 70 (inthe United States), ortothe CSAC22.1 Canadian Electric Code (in Canada). These models may be installed in a bedroom or bed-sitting room in the U.S.A. and Canada. Heat-N-Glo Quality Systems registered by SGS ICS High Altitude Installations U.L. Listed gas fireplaces are tested and approved for elevations from 0 to 2.000 feet in the U.S.A. and from 0 to 4,500 feet in Canada. When installing this fireplace at an elevation above 2,000 feet (in the United States), it may be necessary to decrease the input rating by changing the existing burner orifice to a smaller size. Input should be reduced four percent (4%) for each 1,000 feet above sea level, unless the heating value of the gas has been reduced, in which case this general rule will not apply. To identlfy the proper orifice size, check with the local gas utility. When installing this fireplace at an elevation between 2,000 and 4,500 feet (in Canada), the input rating must be reduced by ten percent (107o). When installing this fireplace at an elevation above 4,500 feet (in Canada), check with local authorities. Consult your local gas utility for assistance in determining the proper orifice for your location. ^l ^l :l ;l o Getting Started Introducing the Heat-N-Glo Gas Fireplaces Heat-N-Glo direct vent gas fireplaces are designed to oper- ate with all combustion air siphoned from outside of the building and all exhaust gases expelled to the outside. The information contained in this /nsta//ers Gulde, unless noted otherwise, applies to all models and gas control systems. Gas fireplace diagrams, including the dimensions, are shown in this section. Pre-install Preparation This gas fireplace and its components are tested and safe when installed in accordance with this lnstallers Guide. Report to your dealer any parts damaged in shipment, particularly the condition of the glass. Do not install any unit with damaged, incomplete, or substitute parts. The vent system components are shipped in separate pack- ages. The gas logs are packaged separately and must be field installed. Read all of the instructions before starting the instal- lation. Follow these instructions carefully during the installation to ensure maximum safety and benefit. Failure to follow these instructions will void the own- er's warran$f and may present a fire hazard. The Heat-N-Glo Warranty will be voided by, and Heat-N-Glo disclaims any responsibility for, the following actions:. Installation of any damaged fireplace or vent system comDonenL . Modification of the fireplace or direct vent system.. Installation other than as instructed by Heat-N-Glo.. lmproper positioning of the gas logs or the glass door.. Installation and/or use of any component part not manu- factured and approved by Heat-N-Glo, not withstanding any independent testing laboratory or other party approval of such component part or accessory. ANY SUCH ACTION MAY POSSIBLY CAUSE A FIRE HAZARD. When planning a fireplace installation, it's necessary to determine:. Where the unit is to be installed.. The vent system configuration to be used.. Gas supply piping. . Electrical wiring.. Framing and finishing details.. Whether ootional accessories-devices such as a fan. wall switch, or remote control-are desired. lf the fireplace is to be installed on carpeting or tile, or on any combustible material other than wood flooring, the fireplace should be installed on a metal or wood panel that extends the full width and depth of the fireplace. IJ o o 21 1/4 (616tnm) VE}.IT COLLARS 42 3/{ (1 OEomm) GAS LINE accEss 36 7A (9s7rm) Figure 1. Diagram of the PIER-TRC 14 o o 24114 24 1/4 (616mm) RIGIIT SIDE Figure 2. Diagram of the ST-TRC 15 o o o 23 7n C/33rnm) (1O4lmm) I I I 36 7/E (937mm) 24 l/4 (516nm) Figure 3. Diagram of the L & R CORNER-TRC 16 o 3 Installing the Fireplace Step 1. Locating the Fireplace The diagram below shows space and clearance require- ments for locating a fireplace within a room. Figure 4. Fireplace Dimensions and Locations Clearance Requirements The top, back, and sides of the fireplace are defined by stand-offs. The minimum clearance to a perpendicular wall extending past the face of the fireplace is one inch (25 mm). The metal ends of the fireplace may NOT be recessed into combustible construction, The distance from the unit to combustible construction is to be measured from the unit outer warp surface to the com- bustible construction, NOT from the screw heads that se- cure the unit tooether. Minimum Clearances from the Vent Pipe to Combustible Materials Inches EUn Vertical Sections. ....... . . 1 ................25 Horizontal Sections .vr . ....... .. .. Bottom . . .. ... .. .... . .. . ...... ..... . 1 Sides ............................,.... 1 AtWall Firestops Top......................... . 2112 Bottom .... ....... . 112. 75 25 25 ... tJ 25 For minimum clearances, see the direct vent termination clearance diagrams on pages 27 and 28 in this manual. Step 2. Framing the Fireplace Fireplace framing can be built before or after the fireplace is set in place. Framing should be positioned to accommo- date wall coverings and fireplace facing material. The dia- gram below shows framing reference dimensions. CAUTION: MEASURE FIREPLACE DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY FRAMING METHODS AND WALL COVERING DETAI LS BEFORE FRAM IN G, 7\ WARNING: FRAMING DTMENSIONS ASSUME l-:l usE oF lt2lNcH THtcK wALL covERlNG MATERIALS ON EXTERIOROF FRAMING ONLYAND NSSHEETROCK ON |NTER|OR OF FRAMTNG Minimum Clearances from the Fireplace to Combustible Materials 17 oooo Shows center of 12' x 12' vent framing holes for top and rear venting.The center of the hole is one inch (25.4mm) above ihe center of the horizontal vent pipe. Framino should be construtted of 2x4 lumber or heavier. Model PIER.TRC ST-TRC CORNER-TRC'S ABC VE}|TED VENTED TOP REAR 43114 401t4 41 1t2 231t4 46 44 41 112 231t4 431t4 401t4 41 1t2 243t4 NOTE: DIMENSIONS SHOWN lN INCHES 45 45 45 297t8 297t8 297t8 Figure 5, Framing Dimensions '18 ooo o 6 5t32" 8112 (216mm) (156mm) t_11 5r8" (295mm)7 3t8" izts-(187mm) (149mm)11 1t16 (281mm)6112 ('t65mm)5 1/16" (129mm)T--T_-lr ' , u;r" 4----(220mm) f______l 11 15/16" (303mm) 8 5/8" (220mm) DV-90D DV-48D DV€6D 11 3t4" (298mm)5 V4" (1a6mm) DV-'r20 DV-OgD NOTE: PIPES OVERLAP 1-3/8 INCHES (34.93mm)AT EACH JOINT. Figure 6. D-Series Direct Vent Component Specifications (S-inch inner pipe / 8 S/8-inch outer pipe) 81t2" (216mm) 19 Step 3.lling the Vent System A. Vent System Approvals These models are approved to use D-series direct vent pipe components and terminations (see Figures 6 and 7). Ap- proved vent system components are labeled for identifica- tion. This pipe is tested and listed as an approved compo- nent of the fireplace. The pipe is tested to be run inside an enclosed wall. There is no requirement for inspection open- ings at each jointwithin the wall. There is no required pitch for horizontal vent runs. NO OTHER VENTING SYSTEMS OR COMPONENTS MAY BE USED. Detailed installation instructions are included with each vent termination kit and should be used in coniunction with this lnstallers Guide. The flame and ember appearance may vary based on the type of fuel burned and the venting configuration used ldentifying o Vent Components The vent systems installed on this gas fireplace may in- clude one, two, or three 90"elbow assemblies. The rela- tionships of vertical rise to horizontal run in vent configura- tions using 90" elbows MUST BE strictly adhered to. The rise to run relationships are shown in the venting drawings and tables. Refer to the diagrams on the next several pages. NOTE: Two 45' elbows may be used in place of one 90" elbow. Rise to run ratios in the vent system must be followed if 45' elbows are used. This model has vent starting collars on both the top and the back of the unit. Depending upon the installation, decide which ONE set of starting collars will be used to attach the vent system. The starting collar sealing cap must remain on the starting collars NOT used. o Insta STORM COLLAB ROOF FLASHING HORIZONTAL PIPE SUPPORT PIPE LENGTH WALL BRACKET Termination kits ovK-wcD t\\--,<\ W DVK{TTRO Vent System Components and Termination Kits Figure 7. 20 ooo o STRAIGHT UP VERTICALVENTING v (Fr.) 40'MAX. (12.4 M) F 1f \J O n tJ Figure 8. Straight Up Vertical Venting STRAIGHTOUT HORIZONTALVENTING H Max. Run 24" (610 mm) Figure 9. Straight Out Horizontal Venting 21 o o o o VENTINGWITH oNE (1) 90'ELBOW VH 1'MlN. (305mm) 2' MAX. (61omm) 2'MlN. (610mm) 4' MAX. (1.22m) 3'MlN. (914mm) 6' MAX. (1.86m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 8' MAX. (2.4m) V+H=37'MAX. (11.3m) H = 8'MAX. (2.4m) Figure 10. Venting with One 90' Etbow VENT|NG W|TH ONE (1) 90" ELBOW v (FT.) H (FT.) 1'MlN. (305mm) 3' MAX. (914mm) 2'MlN. (61Omm) 6'MAX. (1.86m) 3'MlN. (914mm) I'MAX. (2.7m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 12'MM. (3.6m) 5'MlN. (1.5m) 15'MAX. (4.5m) 6' MlN. (1.86m) 17'MAX. (5.1m) 17'MAX. (5.1m) V+H=37'MAX.(11.3m) Figure 11. Venting with One 90'Elbow 22 ooo o VENTTNG W|TH TWO (2) 90' ELBOWS V (FT.) H + Hr (FT.) 1'MlN. (305mm) 3' MAX. (914mm) 2'MlN. (610mm) 6'MAX. (1.86m) 3'MlN. (914mm) 9'MAX. (2.7m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 12'MAX. (3.6m) 5'MlN. (1.sm) 15'MAX. (4.5m) 6'MlN. (1.86m) 17' MAX. (5.1m) 17'MAX. (5 1m) V+ H = 37'MAX. (11.3m) vENTING W|TH TWO (2) 90' ELBOWS v (FT.) H (FT.) 'l' MlN. (305mm) 3' MAX. (914m) 2' MlN. (610mm) 6' MAX. (1.86m) 3' MlN. (914mm) 9' MAX. (2.7m) 4'MlN. (1.22m) 12'MAX. (3.6m) 17'MAX. (5.1m) NOTE: V+V1 + H = 37' MAX. (11.3m) Figure 12. Venting with Two 90" Elbows z3 ooof VENTTNG W|TH TWO (2)90" ELBOWS V H H+H. 1' MlN. (305 mm) 2'MAX. (610 mm) 3' MAX. (914 mm) 2' MlN. (610 mm) a' MAX. (1 .22 m) 6' MAX. (1 .86 m) 3' MlN. (914 mm) 6'MAX. (1.86 m) 9'MAX. (2.7 m) 4' MlN. (1 .22 m) 8' MAX. (2.48 m) 12' MAX. (3.6 m) 8'M/D(. (2.48 m) 17'MAX. (5.1 m) V = 37'MAX. (11.3m) Figure 13. Venting with Two 90" Elbows VENTTNG W|TH TWO (2) 9e ELBOWS V FT. H + Hr (FT.) 1' MlN. (305mm) 2'MAX. (610mm) 2'MfN. (610mm) 4'MAX. (1.22m\ 3'MlN. (914mm) 6'MAX. (1.86m) 4' MlN. (1.22m) 8'MAX. (2.am) 8'MM. (2.4m) V + H + Hr + 37' MAX. (11.3m) Venting with Two 90" Elbows Figure 14. 24 o o o o VENT|NG W|TH THREE (3)90'ELBOWS vENTTNG W|TH THREE (3) 90. ELBOWS 1'MlN. (305 mm) 2'tvlAx. (610 mm) 3 MAX. (9'l4mm) 2'MlN. (610mm) 4'MAX (1.22m) 6'MAX.(1.86m) 3' MlN. (914 mm) 6' MAx. (1.86 m) 9' [4AX. (2.7 m) 4' MlN. (1.22 m) 8'lvlCx. (2.48 m) 12'[,nX (3 6 m) 8'MAX. (2.48 m) 17'MAx (s.1 m) V+V. + H + H. = 37' MA)( (11.3m) vENTtNG W|TH THREE (3) 90" ELBOWS V H H+Hr+HZ 1'MlN. (305 mm) 2'MAX.(610mm) 3'MAX. (914 mm) 2'MlN. (610 mm) 4'MAX. (1.22 m) 6'MAx (1 86 m) 3' MlN. (914 mm) 6' MAx. (1.E0 m) 9' MAX. (2.7 m) 4' MlN. (1.22 m) 8'MAX (248m) 1s'MAx. (4.sm) 8'MAX. (2.48 m) 17'MAx. (5.1 m) v+H+H1 + H? = 37' MAX (11 3m) Figure 15. Venting with three 90' elbows 25 o o o o VENTTNG WITH THREE (3) 90" ELBOWS v (FT.) H (FT.) 1' MlN. (305mm) 3'MAX.(914mm) 2' MlN. (610mm) 6'MAX. (1.86m) 3' MlN. (914mm) 9'MAX. (2.7m) 4' MlN.(1.22m) 12'MAX.(3.6m) 17'MAX. (5.1m) NOTE: H + Ht = 17' MAX. (5. 1 m) V + V1 + H + H, = 37' MAX. (11 .3m) VENTTNG WITH THREE (3) 90. ELBOWS v (FT.) H + Hr (FT.) 1' MlN. (305mm) 3' MAX. (914m) 2' MlN. (6'l0mm) 6' MAX. (1.86m) 3' MlN. (914mm) 9' MAX. (2.7m) 4' MlN. (1.22m) 12'MM. (3.6m) 17'MAX. (5.1m) NOTE:V+V,+H+H, = 37' MAX. (11.3m) Figure 16. Venting with three 90o elbows zo B. Installing o Vent Components After determining which set of starting collars will be used (top or rear), follow venting instructions accordingly. NOTE: For venting over ten (1 0) feet high vertically, remove the heat shield from the collars you are using and replace it with the heat shield found in the plastic manual bag. DO NOT remove the heat shield from the set of collars vou are not using See Figure 17. Venting Out the Rear Vent Remove the installed rear seal cap, rear heat shield, and insulation from the rear starting collars (see Figure 17). Attach the vent system to the rear starting collars and follow the vent configuration tables accordingly. 71 WARNING: THE TOP HEAT SHIELD (lNSlDE IA THE FIREBOX} MUST REMAIN ATTACHED IF THE VENT SYSTEM IS ATTACHED TO THE REAR STARTING COLLARS. SEE FIGURE,IT. Venting Out the Top Vent Remove the top vent collar seal cap and the insulation inside the top starting collars (see Figure 17). Next remove the glass door and packaged logs from inside the firebox. Remove the top heat shield from the inside of the firebox and discard. (See Figure 17). The top heat shield is fastened with 4 screws. You must replace these four screws and discard the heat shield. Attach vent system to the top starting collars and follow the vent configuration tables accordingly. WARNING: THE REAR VENT COLLAR SEAL GAP MUST REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE REAR VENT COLLARS IF THE VENT SYSTEM IS ATTACHED TO THE TOP STARTING COLLARS, SEE FIGURE 17. WARNING: FAILURE TO REMOVE INSULA- TION COULD CAUSE A FIRE. o 1. Attach the First Vent Component to Starting Collars o the ULATION (DrscARD) TOPHEATSHIE 'T REAF HEAT "'''O) Figure 17 To attach the first vent component to the starting collars of the fireplace: . Apply a 3/8 inch (9.5mm) bead of stove cement around the 5 inch (127 mm) fireplace starting collar. . Make sure that the fireplace rope gasket supplied with the fireplace seals between the first 8-5/8 inch (219mm) vent component and the outer fireplace wrap. . Lock the vent components into place by sliding the con- centric pipe sections with four (4) equally spaced interior beads into the fireplace collar or previously installed com- ponent end with four (4) equally spaced indented sections. . When the internal beads of each 8-5/8 inch (219mm) outer pipe line up, rotate the pipe section clockwise about oneauarter (1/4) turn. The vent pipe is now locked together. /\ WARNING: A 3/8 INCH (9.s MM) BEAD OF : srovECEMENT MUSTBE PLAcEDARoUND THE 5 |NCH (127 MMIFTREPLACE STARTTNG COL- LAR BEFORE ATTACHING THE FIRST VENT COM- PONENT. FAILURE TO SEAL THIS JOINT MAY CAUSE THE FIREPI.ACE TO OPERATE IMPROPERLY. SEE THE DIAGRAM. VENT COMPONENT AND THE OUTER FIREPLACE WRAP. ,, lf the installation is for a termination cap attached directly to the fireplace, skip to the sections, Install Firestops and Vent Termination. STARTING COLI-AR STOVE t-SEALANT ! BEAD lr 0 | | <-1 |NCH ' ' (25.4mm) Figure 18.Attaching the First Vent Component to the Starting Collars 27 2. Continue Adding Vent Components . Continue adding vent components, locking each succeed- ing component into place. . Ensure that each succeeding vent component is secure- ly fitted and locked into the preceding component in the vent system. . 90" elbows may be installed and rotated to any point around the preceding component's vertical axis. lf an el- bow does not end up in a locked position with the pre- ceding component, attach with a minimum of two (2) sheet metal screws. ---------+ .----.--+ Figure 19. Adding Venting Components @) \ ) i\I ll I K D,,\\ I I '/ 3. Install Support Brackets For Horizontal Runs -The vent system must be supported every five (5) feet of horizontal run by a horizontal pipe support. To install support brackets for horizontal runs: . Place the pipe supports around the vent pipe. . Nail the pipe supports to the framing members. For Vertical Runs - The vent system must be supported every eight (8) feet (2.4m) above the fireplace flue outlet by wall brackets. To install support brackets for vertical runs: . Attach wall brackets to the vent pipe and secure the wall bracket to the framing members with nails or screws. 4. Install Firestops For Horizontal Runs - Firestops are REQUIRED on both sides of a combustible wall through which the vent passes. NOTE: Model DVK-0lTRD does nof need an exterior firestop on an exterior combustible wall. The firestop is built into the cap. To install firestops for horizontal runs that pass through either interior or exterior walls: . Cuta 12"x 12" (305mmX 305mm) holethrough thewall. NOTE: The center of the hole is one (1) inch (25.4mm) above the center of the horizontal vent pipe. . Position the firestops on both sides of the hole previ- ously cut and secure the firestops with nails or screws. . The heat shields of the firestops MUST BE placed to- wards the top of the hole. . Continue the vent run through the firestops. '12" (3csmm) VENT PIPE Figure 21. 12" x12" Hole and Vent Pipe 8 FL (2.4 m) 1 INCH MIN. (25.4 mm) Figure 20. Installing Support Brackets TIEAT SHIELD TRIM HEAT SHIELD IF TOO LONG, ADD TO SHIELD IF TOO SHORT INTERIOR FIRESTOP EXTEHIOR FINESTOP A In1l llrj)lj"' Figure 22. Heat Shield, Interior & Exterior Firestops 28 For Verticat *ul on" ceiring ti rest.REeu I RED at O,r,n" area above the ceiting is NoT an "ttitsition "no the hole in each ceiling through which the vent passes. secure the ceiling firestop on the ceiling side of the previously To install firestops for vertical runs that pass through ceilings: cut and framed hole. . Position a plumb bob directly over the center of the verti- cal vent comoonent. . Mark the ceiling to establish the centerpoint of the vent. . Drill a hole or drive a nail through this centerpoint. . Check the floor above for any obstructions, such as wir- ing or plumbing runs. . Reposition the fireplace and vent system, if necessary, to accommodate the ceiling joists and/or obstructions. . Cutan 11-inch X 11-inch (280mm X280mm) holethrough the ceiling, using the centerpoint previously marked. . Frame the hole with framing lumber the same size as the ceiling joists. NEw ll >.. T | ,--l-'l EXSING CELING Figure 23. Hole & New Framing Members NA|LS (4 REOUTRED) CEILING FIRESTOP Figure 24. Ceiling Firestop (Ceiling Side) lf the area above the ceiling lS an attic, position and secure the firestop on top of the previously framed hole. NOTE: Keep insulation away from the vent pipe at least 1 inch (25mm). r{ArLs (4 REOUTRED} 29 C. Vent Termination For Horizontal Terminations - To attach and secure the termination to the last section of horizontal vent: . Rotate and interlock the ends as described at the begin- ning of the lnstalling Vent Components section. . The termination kit should pass through the wall firestops from the exterior of the building. . Adjust the termination cap to its final exterior position on the building. For roundcap termination kits: . Use the exterior pipelock hole on the round flange of the wall firestop to secure the vent pipe in place. For trapezoidal cap termination kits: . Using screws secure the cap to the exterior wall through the flanges in the cap. ROUND CAP TERMINATION (191mm) MINIMUM TRAPEZO]D CAP TERMINANON Figure 26. Round & Trapezoid Termination Caps 7 114" an