HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B PINOS DEL NORTE UNIT L,1, \ DEPARTM ENr oF coMMuN,trurro.tir'r* t TOIVN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO rir6s7 970-479-2t38 OWNER CONTRA P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIJ, CO CBLIJ# 471-4888 81658 I-.,icense : 251-A APPIJICAIIT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9 VAIL, CO cEr-,r,# 471-4888 81658 License: 251-A J.t f.t'r k fr^-Ju NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Addrcss.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location......: UNIT L BLDG C 600 V VALLEY DR \t GREENBERG INVESTMENT SA * G.,t. KUBE PO BOX 69 0s/7r/200r Phone: vArrr co 8l_658 ,L:L CONSTRUCTION 05/IL/2001, Phone:970-845-r_00r_ JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B0l-0122 Desciption: SPRINKLER SYSTEM BUMP OUT MASTER BEDROOM OVER DINING ROOM.COSMETIC REMODEL 05/L1,/200L Phone:970-845-1001 Add Sq Ft: # of Ga.s Logs: 0 I'EE ST]MMARY Occupancy: Tlpe Construction: Type Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family III l-HR Typelll l-Hour ')l ISSUED 0s/tr/2001 05/22/200r lt/t8/2001 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Valuation: $154,500.00 Fireplace Informalion: Restricled: Y 67 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building-> Plan Check--> lnvestiBation-> will call_> s960.00 $624.00 s0.00 Restuaranl Plan Review-: DRB Fee----------'- Recreation Fee------> Clean-up Deposit-:-' TOTAL FEES--=> s0.00 s2o0. oo t57.00 s0.00 s1, 854 . 00 Tolsl Calculated Fees-,' Additional Fces-----'' Tolal Pernit Fce----> PaYmenls----> BAT.AI\CE DUE___> 91, 8s4 . 00 F0.00 91,8s4 .00 s1,8s4 .00 s0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIJDING os/22/200r Jnvt Item: 05400 PI,ANNING 05/L4/2007 ao DEPARTMBI]| Action: AP DEPARTMEEiIT Action:.A'P Item: 05500 FIRE DEP.A,RTMENT It.em: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informatioh required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is conect. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Torvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY Serd Clcan-up Deposil To: N/A AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 *:t * ** * *:t * t* rt'i *tr rtr * ** * * * ** * t!* * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * t! * * * * * * *** *'l** ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * *** ** * + + + + * + + + * + ++ + + + + + +** +* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0122 as of 05-22-2001 Status: ISSUED * * * ** ** * *ir * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * + * + * + + * + + * * * * * * * * * *'t * * * * ** * ** * *** ** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/ll/2001 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 05/22/2001 970-845-1001 ToExpire: llllS/2001 JobAddress: 600VAILVALLEYDRVAIL Location: UNIT L BLDG C 600 V VALLEY DR Parcel No: 2l0l08l l00l I Description: SPRINKLER SYSTEM BUMP OUT MASTER BEDROOM OVERDINING ROOM,COSMETIC REMODEL Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED W]TH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERLAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]IRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. **++*++*+***f ******'t****'l**l*********'t***'1.'1.*'l**+***+r"t'|.**+it***$*******+{.,t **,r'*'t*'t r.**r ,TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDOCopy Reprinted on 05-22-2001 at 10:51:43 05t22t2001 Statement **** * '1. * *:1. '1,*,| 'l *,1.,i *,f * 'lt 't'+ * '* '*** * {.* 'iri * * '1. * 'lr!+ *'t* * i*tf ****tt****'}{'*,rt,}**+***{.*,t***{rrt't*t(******'i{'*'t*tt**+ Statement Nuniber: R000000811 Amount: $1,854.00 05/22/ZOOLLO:51 AM Palment MeEhod: Check fnit: DF Notat ion :CHECK #19 953 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreee : Locat.ion: This Palment : B01- 012 2 21010 I 110 011 5OO \TAIIJ VALLEY DR VAIL IJNIT IJ BIJDG C 5OO V \TAIJIJEY DR Descri pti on BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEhI FEES PLAN CHTCK FEES RECREATION FEES t,llLL CALL INSPECTION FEE TYPC : ADD/AIIT lTF BUIIJD PERMIT $1, 8s4 . 00 ** * 't* ** *** ** * *** ** ** * * *** ** ** ***:* ** **!t* * ** *i! * 't *'t* * *** {r**** * **** *'}* * * * * * * *:f * * | + + ++*+* * *'},*** +* ACCOUNT IIEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Total Feeg: Tota1 ALrLr Pmte : Balance: 960.00 200.00 624.00 67.00 3. 00 $1, 854.00 91, 854.00 $0.00 BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 RF 11100003112700 t,lc 00100003112800 P ((Jtt--o/V s#M. TVWNOFYATT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ll 97 O- 47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) Separa'ic "' .:;;.,,'ffi1j*, 01 5H*' General Contractor: /\/Fz>*O CcyJgr/rcn cLJ Town of Vail Reo. No.: A5iT A' Contact and Phone #'s:WAtu/- 4Z/-1tzo VALUA PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ //O,ELECTRICAL: * ?O TOPC OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ ?fi,N MECHANTCAL: S /t_f9c rorAl: s /fl/. W For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel# ?trstog//OO//(application will not be accepted without parcel number) rob Name: PAno "on,o,"" //'{'v rli96,fd','jP;;; Lesar Descriptionlltottffif,fucx= ll r,"ns, ( (Z+L ll rroo,n,r,on, Owners Name' CtrALo S t7/ I e,7-O.ZZnta^lEF14 ' lr-t V.Address: /'dgl' h*tfw;E; DF)IJ€ ll Phone: 4Z t -t 397 Arch itect/ Desis "u, )4n { g fU4 Address: (etV Phone: l7g_gL'31" Ensineer: //&14 /0^6tlg,nadress:/0r%,( frTZ (*rt_ */bf6 Phone: j4f -?37 /. D:.9t999*gp!o.1r,of ryor! Sfr/^Uqil g/Jravl)Buttf OL/r /vi4</4 a4/sR D/t,/, N t. /,-@/4 t (oe na 6717 lWtcsEZ_ WorkClass: New() Addition(J Remodel Q{ Aepav(1Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (,./Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (../ Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-familyglffVtuttrtantlV(VfCommercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: / 7 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: / 7 Nofl-ypeofFireplacesExistinq: GasApoliances( )Gasl-oqs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurninq( ) O No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOTALLOWED)0 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (gJ- No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (J Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: @'np RECD MAY 112001 t f r'l r F ?r',Fi ^v z -l 14 n CN ^v 7,fal A F*( Tuesday, March 27th, 2001. To whom it may concerned. 8y cornpleted agracfiont, the membors of our agsoclalion, approve the interior Bnd ext€rior proposod remodeling of Unit ,,Lr. Sincerely, RECEIVEO ltAI I t zml Bol-ol3& orilcd[bw 9U9lEa/ : 'cN -r.icHd POgar 60 m Vol Vrlrry 0| 8lq 'C' 0105n t?0.r7s?717 9t0.t?07tt2 Fu ,(hvr Ovrd.nal Carlos Prieto c, i !!:,Nr:8 Ufll-Itsi : r.rnr .r I 5,, i i.rl fr Ut I ''t o Thursday, April 26rh, 2OO1 . To whom lt may concefned. By completed sgreemcnt, the rnembers of our associeiior\, epprove the new handrail detail to the roof of Unit "L". Sincerely, o $1 f-i u A \/z F] rJ]-r lEl V)n v z frl .\ P0&r09 ff Vrir V.llcy 0r 8q 'C' fl65t 9l0rt6.2t.t el0ll&76r2 Ffi Ddnv am n.l lagetB/ : 0N 3N0Hd -ad dI UU3NUA 8trfi1af, ' r,nr; ,*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Sodh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 91657 tel: 970.479.2139 fayc 9j0,479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co,us Prcrect l{ame: prieto Deck DRB flumber: DRBolooTs Pmiect Description: Enclose deck, add two windows pardcipants! OWNER GREENBERG INVESTMENT SA 04/1212001 phone: '90 G.J. KUBE PO BOX 69 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Nedbo Construction O4\LZIZOOL phone: 845_1001 pO Box 3419 Vail, CO 81658 ' License: Project Addrcssr 600 VAIL vALLEy DR VAIL Location: pinos del Norte, unit L Legal Decriptiont Lot; Block: C Subdivision: PINOS DEL NORTE Parcel Number: 210108110011 Commentsi match existing deck details BOARD/STAFF ACTION Irlotion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: GondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Town of Vail staff andlor the Design Review Board. Plannen Allison Ochs DRB Fee paid: fSO.OO RECEITED ilN l l2sl .4 WTETO INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WIIITE AVENUE GRAND JLNCTION, COLORADO 81505 1-800-748-1204 LOCATION: PINOS DELNORTE 600 VAIL VALLEYDRIVE BLIILDING C TIMT L.2 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 REPORT PREPARED BY: JOHN R PETERIV{AN BUILDING INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE NO: 526190192 INTRODUCTION: On February 27, 2001, an inspection/suwey was conducted and 4 bulk samples were collected from the PINOS DELNORTE 600 VAIL VALLEY DzuVE BUILDING C UNIT L.2 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 The Purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and samplc suspected a,$bestos containing materials that might be present in the entry lobby that are planned for renovation. At the rcquest o f the client only the iueas to be rcnovated axe included in this survey. The inspection was made and the samples were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and State of Colorado certificd Building lnspector. Gr€at care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so there is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. At the request of the client this repon only covers the renovation area- All samples were analyzed by DCM Science Lab in Lakewood, Colorado. This laboratory is deemed "Proficient" in the E.P.A. Quality Assurance (QA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materials, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Association (AII{A). SAMPLING PROTOCOL: A random sampling scheme was used to sample tbe suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future dcmolition or renovation work suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPTIONS: The exterior walls of unit L-2 are covered with wood siding. The interior walls are covered with sheerock with light rexture. Thc ceilings are sheetock lvith light texture like the walls and cciling tiles in the kitchen. The floors. are covered with carpet and cerarnic tiles. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATTONSI Laboratory analysis indicate tbat asbestos was formd in one out of three composite sheetrock samples. The asbestos cootent is less than tbe regulatory limit (greater th8n I %), The asbestos content was verified by the required point count analysis. Asbestos abatenrent work practices need not be used on the sheetrock removal. SAMPLE LOCATION FRIABLE SAMPLE# AREA SAMPLED FROM DESCRIPTION YES/NO PNDL2-B-001 Kitchen Ceiling by light Ceiling tile YES PNDL2-B-002 Kitchen ctosetwall Composite sheetrock w/light texture YES PNDL2-B-003 Upstairs bedroom corner, Composite sheetrock dlight texture YES PNDL2-B-004 Entry closet wall composite sheetrock dlight texture YES SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE:2/27I01 ASBESTOS SAMPLE# DESCRIPTION TYPE %. PNDL2-B-001 Ceiling tile NAD 0 PNDL2-B-002 Gomposite sheetrock w/light texture NAD 0 PNDL2-B-003 Composite sheetrock w/light texture NAD 0 PNDL2-B-004 Composite sheetrock w/light texture CHRY point counubaca 0 KEY: CHRY - Ghryostile NAD - No Asbestos Detected SUSPECT MATERIAL CONDITION TYPEOFSUSPECT OVERALL TYPEOF SAMPLE # MATER'AI- : COUOMOUS DAMAGE OlO DAMAGE PNDL2-B-001 Mlsc GOOg NO 0 N/A PNDL2-B-OO2 SUN GOOD NO O N/A PNDL2-B-oo3 suH GooD No o N/A PNDL2-B-oo4 .uii cooD No o N/A KEY: SUR - Surfacing MISC- Miscellaneous POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE SAMPLE # PNDL2-B-OO1 PNDL2-B.OOz PNDL2.B-OO3 PNDL2-B.OO4 KEY: MOD - Moderate ACCESSIBILITY POTENTIAL INFLUENCE --- GstNo coNTAcr vlBRATloN MOO LOW HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HtcH LOW NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES POTENTIAL AIR EROSION LOW Low LOW LOW LOCATED IN PLENUM YES/NO SEEE a???. e:EE EA:E co5r..i .t S. zZZZ :::: E E6-3 :fF C7- 6' Za oz zo (, .i5e.l l: 1" it EEE: iEii E*si l-l" I I <ro .7 62 9a &sr 2v 41 lll. -ib!?42 zd- :': a. ET zHF -i:4 U6Z !.I E dlH 7-22 lJ4=Aqtz F Q z c>.AF aee ;r.-z iil Eii iHi T-E.:Eia ='1-EiEi i1xl! FIAE idoci <daa iddci I z&<= FF ,, z *I .a J z A cq !a lQ nn 7.2 J lL tl .nA ,zc ?b1 br2 FER f.E z^ A-< => z>ct le> ci 'r _r<b -FOL!-??tasB .l.)dr! - !J 9*9 E =n3 a ,i .. )-F; 6 .. i .: -.: F i az.6 | H<ii 939 o'H5E ) 2aFztr; a ,,;: a- f 9:EFP fi >=n <r* g==;FE A gFE F: EEIEIJd ??; bi rPEEe; i i=1. H? iEEatt 6 :b6 F Bre { t a>a { o tr=; ; t =ii * E (J-41 6EU t3 F z U d z i:>vl aa J== r!-F-qIo ste-<trlZ o>-Q h8! H=e 6?.Z {!d _ <id(J i z :i::-' ' . al .. ): Q Oocr,l science t.o"fifl'J"' O 12421 W' 49th Aven \Meat Ridge' CO 80033 DCM Proiect No': Client Job No': Bulk SamPle AnalYsis AB 2107 PTNOS OEt NORTE eage L ot '\ ;lil.:ffi :r*.**]".}ffi il"T'-:f, ",';tril:TJ$:".#J.'"tff ifl :'fi j.:JfHH,x'ol'L?"''^ H:iil't$T-?T8h'lll,'T;,;;t' r gsgj lmrufi t ilf iin".ii"i. Att percentases or asbes{os' gtT:]ij i-r;,'rJ:*',r;r**H:6tTi$[il';*:*1**$r*ffi i:*l*ilfi f;'[?:'i:ir ffi-ri;,'ff$ irovide a guioe for estimating percel other arrangements are m-"Ou ny the client' I. ffi:t",:]]]"tJ,"o " the ArHA (sincere.6). _o{r accreditation number is 305' D.MSL is accredited bv NVI-.AP (since npril r, rsib"l' 'il"i iivr.,cp Lab code is 101258' ENOORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must not be used by the client to olaim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency 0f the U.S. Govemment' This test report relates only to the items tested.. This report may not be reproduced except in full' without the written approval or inu'r"6o'"tory' The analysis was performed by : John Silverrnan, Analyst 3-s-o t Robett Wagner, Analyst Ron Schott Laborab.Y Di€ctot orotru^, oF coMMUN,r" orurrorrt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINC PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Unit L buildine C Pinos Del Norte ifr,'*,T,";, ?b:l:f ':U o1+ S15, oo Restuarant Plan Review-' 53 ,75 DRII Fee----------j' go. oo TOTAL FEES------->- s3 .00 TOWN OFVAIL . 75 S.}RONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Permit #: P0l-0053 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/0512001 Issued. . : 0610712001 Expircs . .: 12/04/2001 OlllNER GREENBERG INVESTMENT SA 06/05/2OOL Phone: I G. J, KI,]BE PO BOX 69 vArL co 81658 License: CONTRACTOR KEI-,LY'S QUALITY PLIJMBING SERO6/05,/2001 Phone: 970-328-6093 P. O. Box 318 7 Eagle, CO 81631 License : 219-P APPLICAM KELLY'S QUALITY PL,UMBING SERO6/05/2001- Phone: 970-328-6093 P. O. Box 318 7 Eag1e, CO 81631 License z 279-P Desciption: MOVINC WASTE ANDWATER TO KITCHEN SINK.ADDINGWATER LINE AND DRAIN FORA HUMIDIER Valuation: $300.00 Fircolace Inlbrmation: Restricled: ??d ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas L,oes: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE St'MMARY *'3'f **rrr*rl**t****rt* Plumbing-> Plan Check-> lnvesligation-:' WiU Call---> So, oo '['otal Calculated l;ees-: So. oo Additional Fees-------- 527 .'15 'fotal Pemit Fee----- Palmcnts--------- )' BALANCE Dltri----' 921. ?s s0.00 921. ?s s0.00 IICM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT 06/01 /2O0t DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEITT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and statc laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved. . U^nifqm Suifaing Code and other *O"*tf,r" Tom applicabte thereto. PJQUESTS FON INSPtsCTION SHATL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOTIRS IN ADVA}.ICE 4!479-2138 OR AT OIrR oFFICE FROM 8:00 Alt - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OW}.IE * * * * * ** * * * ** * + + + ** * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * + + + +* * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * + + + * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * + + + * * * * * * **** * *'f TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-07-2001 at 15:38:25 06t01120O1 Statement *** ++ + +* * * {t *** * ** * * ** +* ++ * * * * ** d( * * ** * * * * **:} *+ ** * * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** ++ +** * * * * ** * * * * ** * ** ** + + ** ** * Statement Number: R000000912 Amount: i27.75 06/07/200703:3? pM Pa!'ment Method; Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK #518 Permit No: P0L-0053 \4re: PL,ITITIBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101081-l-001,1 Site Addr.ess: 600 VAILr VALLEY DR VAIIr Location: Unit L buildinq C Pinos Del Norte Total Fees: S21. ?5 This Payment: $21.75 Total AIrIr Pmts: $21.75 Balance: S0.00 * ***+ + * * * * * ** * * * * * * * +* + * ** *:f * r$ * 't *+:t * ** * ++ * * ** {. * ** * * * * * * * + + + ** * '* * * * * *** * * * * +* +** * * * * * ** '} * +* * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 PP OO1OOOO3i112OO PLUI'4BING PERMIT FEES 15.00 l^/C OO1OOOO31128OO I,iILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO tl l,u fJ o Hlr'r Dk: [tfttq tg)- 58"t1 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Contact Eagle CounA Assess " tl5q,t for Parcel # JobName: Fc''e-h., i?-r,l o^rcb JobAddress:5otr v*"1 v^lle1 bo., Lesat Description ll Lot' ll ero.t, ll riti,'e,Subdivision: Owners Name: 6aec-bE.-? -Jret+r1611 Rddress: Rl 66X b1 Phone: $ulg - [oa I Engineer: Nl&Address:Phone: fu l4'{r^(.', g,!\r tL "-.*h-- ['r-]o #k Detailed description of work: flov,n,; t)*s1L hr.td t r**c-t- o,*o\ Dn,^,i.., Qo * ln-il'fv-^ t-"d ,ul"l l^-, u w A"Calaq,rp^*Ln WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration$4) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily DO Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Orher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: tV No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No PQ COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ CONTMCTOR INFORMATION Plumbinq Contractor:('u-y's6)^.'\,L fl*!*-Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 2OO - 5g-1 1 l/ t L€rLLt-/ ( )-+eE_ Contractor Sionature: ************************r.**************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********** *** **.i)"6-il i. * * + :'| * * *' * + * RECEIVED JUN 0 4 2001 F/everyone/forms/plmbperm "r,!"sf fim-y#il.ti**:,, Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970)479-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfient(s) did you contact? Building -__ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC 2. Was your iniiial contact wiih our staf immediate_ siow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirst'rime to file a DRB app- PEC app-- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efrectiveness of the FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 I 8. What rs the best fme of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are committed to improving our service. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ortrr*r oF coMMUN,r" orurror"t, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MOI-0083 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLTED Location.....: Unit L building C Pinos Del Norte Applied . . : 06/0412001 Parcel No...: 2l0l08l l00l I Issued . . : 06/06/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 12103/2001 OWNER GREET{BERG INVESTMENI SA 06/04/2001 Phone: B G.J. KT'BE PO BOX 69 vArL co 81558 License: coMrRAcToR SWEDE'S METAL FAB 06/O4/200L Phone: 970-331-3336 P.o. BOX 801 MTNTURN, CO 8164 5 License t 239-M APPLICANT SWEDE'S METAL FAB 06/04/2O0L Phone: 970-331-3335 P.O. BOX 801 MINTIJRN, CO 8r_645 License:239-M Desciption: CHANGE OUT HUMIDIFIER AND INSTALL KITCHEN RANGE VIIET. VENT BOTH FANS Valuation: $6,500.00 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> S17E . o0 S35'OO DRBFee'-'---'--> $o.oo TOTAL FEES--------> 51?6.00 Total Permil F€e-----> 9178.00 FireDlace Informalion: Re$riclod: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 *tata,tt****t:i**+*t't'r.rrttr*r**|'}'l'r'll****:l'l +'lt,it**rri,;**'rr**'r*r*:l*****r. FDE SLMMARY Mechanical--> 914 o . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> lnv€stigalion-> will crll--> So. oo Adlilitional Fees->€0.00 $3.00 Palmenls_...-_->s28.00 BALANCE DLIE-_---> 5150. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIfl| 06 / 06 /2ooL df AcE.ion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condt 22 (BLDG.): COI{BUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 uMC, OR SECTION 701 0F Tr{E 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): TNSTALLATIOI{ MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTRES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO CIIAPTER ' 10 OF THE T997 UI,IC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE ].99? IMC. Cond; 25 (BLpc. ) r GAS ApprJrAlrcEs sHar.,fis vElrrED AccoRDrNc ro clnpren AND TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF Cond: 29 SHALL TIIE 1"997 IMC. (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HE,ATTNG EQUIPMEMT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O].? OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IMC. Cond : 3l- (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAL,L BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NL,ESS LISTED FOR MOIIilTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MES}IANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTTON REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 7022 OF THE 1-997 IJMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information rcquircd. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with thc information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes. dcsign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS IOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE 'I'WDNTY.FoI IR HOI IRS JN ADV OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM tl:00 AM - 5 PM. ) OR CONI'RACTOR FOR HIMSILF AND OWNE o a1q6o4?.o + ++*+*+***f'f ++f +f++ +'t't{t *'}** ** ++ +*+'** ***** ******* 't * tt******'} *'*'t **'l*** ++*+'t {t'}**t * * + + +tr+** t** +'t+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * *** + + *+** *'l ** ** ******** * * +:i *+ ***** ** * ** *** ** * ***!8 * ****** * **** **** *** * *'f ** * * * * **'***** '|* +**,t* Statement Number: R000000899 Amount: 928.00 06/06/2OOrOg:33 AM Payment Method: Other Init: DF Notation: Permit No: !,101-0083 ?y;re: !,IECI{ANICAI PERMIT Parcel- No: 210108110 oLl- Site Addrees: 600 VAUr VALIJEY DR VAIIJ Lrocation: Unit. L building C Pinos Del Norte Tot,aL FeeE: S28.00 This Payment: $28.00 Total ALL Pmts: $28.00 Balance: S0 .00 l' * ** *:lt'l'i,i* * *:t '* * ** * + * ** * * * * * + * x * + r, * i * ** * * + * * + ** * * * t * * + + * * * * *'i't * 'tr * * ** * * ** * * * *:i * * x 'r.,ft * +:r * * * f * * * + ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAL PERMIT FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 l,ic 00100003112800 I^IILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 I 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:r-'l Mechanical Room Dimensions o Combustion AirDuct Size and Location : Flue, Ventanfiilli :[+i#st;#,tUI"W CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanical Contractor: ;be't ttl'*"| -laL Town of Vail Reo. No.:a3?-4 Contact and Phone #'s: $-r:s.rr 331-339L COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Labor & Materials Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2 16 t OR It 60 t I Job Name: Pre ir-To lob Address: ur"lT L -tni- -vitl t/nll* bp Blae ( Legal Description ll tot ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: Phone: Engineer:- ll Address:Phone: Detailed descriDtion of work: dor=. .-lT- tL-','C'A-. ,-=* r.rl+ r I [- s?a'.rr---or--f ue.]l-S^(h^ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( \ Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this bdtion: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (r/) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning flreplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) **************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*********** RECEIVED- ?ilff**' .DEV. I Other Feesr Planner Sion-off:Accepted B DRB Fees:Date Received: ********** F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm o O I rt+:d&ffi* $fr|C:,* * ,3;'-t'I TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, co 81657 970-479-2135 OWNER GREE}TBERG INVESTMENT SA T G.,J, KUBE PO BOX 69 vArr_, co 81658 License: CONTRACTOR PHOEIVIX FIRE PROTECTION 71]. IIARRISON, IJNIT B LEADVILLE, CO 80461 License : 225-M Desciption: install sprinkler system pinos del norte unit L Valuation: 55.914.22 FEE SUMMARY VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: ParcelNo...: 210108110011 Project No : Permit #:F01-0011 Status . . Applied. lssued. Expires . .: ISSUED .: O5/W/2W1 .: 06/14/2001 .: 't2/11/2001 05/09/200L Ptrone: 05/09/200L Phone: 7L9-485-0188 Mechanical--> Plan Check---> Investigation-> Will Call---> S120.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S3o. oo L)Rts Fct'---------------> so.oo'foTALFEES-------', 53.00 90.00 90.00 s153.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees--------'--> Total Perrnit Fee----------> Pa)mcnts BAI,ANCF DUF,--..-----> 50.00 51s3.00 9153 . oo 90-00 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/14/200]- mcgee Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS .A.RE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved/ Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,IRS ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 135 I'ROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE * *,i * * * * + + + + * + + + * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * 'i,1. * * * * * * ******+ *** * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * '* * * {. * * +**++****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-31-2001 at 09:36:09 0713112001 Statement +* **** * * + * + + * * + + + + + + + + * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * ***** 'tl.:t *:t,t***,1* **,I*,* *{. *** ************* ** ** Statement Number: R000000944 Anount: $L53.00 06/L4/z}orLl :31 AIrt Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 1185 Permit No: F01--0011 type: SPRINKL,ER PERMIT Parce1 No: 210108110 011 SiTe Address: 600 VAII, VAIIJEY DR VAII, IJocation: Total Fee6: $ 153 .00 This Pa)ment: $l-53 .00 Total AIrL PmtE: $L53 .00 Balance: $0.00 **** **** +*+*+*+*+++++*+ +*f*+ +++ {.++*+**++* +++*++** *+**+ + * * + + + + * * + + * * '} + * + + **,1.++ * 't * * + * * + + * + + + t+ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts l'1P 00100003111300 T4ECHANICAL PERr4lT FEES 120.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 I^JC OOiOOOO31128OO WILL CALI INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppucArroULL Nor BrJ r\(:cEprED rF rNc,lHHif#i:I: Bulldlng Permit f: Mecfianical Pormlt #: Permit will rrot be accepl:ed wirrout the folloarlng: Prgvidc Hectranicrrl R,oom lay,out drasrn to 6€ale to lnclude:o )ledranlcal Rcro,m Dimersiions tr Crrnbuttion Alr ll'uct Size and Lo;luon tr FIue, Verit anrl 'Cas Unc Size ard loc.tion o H€t Lo|s calql o Equiprncnt Cut/Spec Sha:ts LYrr***)t +**** * x(*;f ri )F*** * * * *r3*s **x RECEIVED s7o-47e-ffi)..ffi**, 75 S. Frootag€ Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 x***##***t +*{.+{.t*{.******lttFOR O RECE r-.?l atOa tloitt , '"*ffitTrfl61'""' Asgcgrranr ',(vm for Pet6I # it * b tProvtitEllibovc) loo nam/Qo',o\l - b,,.or bJ N.o\"J,rb Addn:r;s: ('r,Gtu,i.t \J"lt\ ur. L,t;{ J. r"gat Desdqlption fl rlrr ll ero.r.,filing:5ubdivisioni C\,\rneF Narne:ftlclress:Phone: Englnecr:Address:Phone: Deuiled descrlpdm of work: T^de'tt^{'6n F\.. S4ct t.\t\"f \s\,,-, Workchss: New( ) Mdition( ) Alh.ratiorr( ) Resair( ) OUrerQl) PArytlAI BoilerLocation: Interlor( ) Exterlor( ) Other( )t)oes an iHU exist at this locathn: Yes ( ) tlo ( ) Type ot Hdg: gngle-famlly ( 1 Ounto< ( ) Multi-flm;ly rp Cornrncrcial ( ) Resaurant { ) O$er ( ) No. of ExEting U,trelling Unlts ln this building:tlo, of A(commodation Unlts tn thb bulldlng: No/TVDe of Rreohces Existlnq: Gas Apdhnces ( ) (;as l-ogs ( ) lV<xdlPellet ( ) U/oAd Bqlninq ( ). Is thls a conle|slon [tom a wood buming firepl e kr t.1 EPA J4__rrlP':rIrsffi"*Pr COHPLETE VALUATION 'T( MECTIA MEo-TANICAL: $ 59tq.2I rvr-' )l t^t / CONTF"TTCIO R IN I O Rl'lAlzO N Contact and Phone # lnoL.l.,,t Ll.c kw" rv'^19 5^; D4* E USE MAY t 0 2001 o v (W*f; 'rowNioFvArL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 974479-2138 ortrrr*r oF coMMUNrry DEVELoilT*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTR]CAL PERMIT Permit #: EOI-O124 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Unit L building C Pinos Del Norte Applied . . : 06/04/2W1 Parcel No...: 210108110011 Issued. . : 06/M/2007 Project No : Expires . .: 12/07/2W1. OWNER GREENBERG INVESTMENT SA 06/04/200I Phone: * G.,f. KT]BE Po Box 69 vArL co 81658 License: COIflfR.ACTOR DOIIBLE Q ELECTRIC 06/04/200t Phone: 970-748-9790 P.o. Box 242 EDWARDS CO 6L632 I-,icen6e: 190 -E .A,PPIJICAIIT DOT BLE Q ELECTRIC 06/O4/2O0L Phone: 970-748-978A P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 8L632 License:190-E Desciption: INSTALLNEWELECTRICAL Valuation: S10,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> S183 . 00 Additional Feee__> 90.00 Total Pemrit Fee*-> S183 . 00 Pa).rnents----------> 9183.00 BALANCE DUE----> So . oo DRB Fee---> Investigation---> will chll---> Electrical--------) 9180. oo 90 - 00 s0.00 93. o0 TOTALFEE$-> S183 . oo Approvals:Ife:m: 05000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMnflf 06/04/20oL JP.r{.Act.ion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .iLT.:1.:.i::3-.::::.".:::::*]T-*:*".:::::".::."-T..:.:..:::...::.::.-'-":::1T.11"... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable ther'eto. REQUEST5 FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE o W'$l- ocq+ o ***+ * ********:l*** ** *+ + * +* * ****'t** **** ** f+t++ +*** * * * ++++** * *** ****** ** ***** * ** * ** ** r. * ** 1.,** ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** 'i ** **** ** ** ** *,i * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * +* ** *** * * + * ** * * * ****** * *{'* ** **** ** ** ** * * * * * ** ** * * ** *** +* * stat,ement Number: R000000880 Amount: $183,00 06/04/2oo1t]:44 AM Payment Method: Check Init; JRli! Notation: Permit No: E01-0124 \4>e: EITECTRICAIT PSRMIT Parcel No: 210108110 011 Site Addrees: 600 VAIL, VALITBY DR VAIIr L,ocation: Unit Lr buildinq C Pinog De1 Norte Total Feea: 5183.00 This Palment: $183.00 Total ALL Pmts: S183.00 Balance: 50.00 + * * *'i:1. ** * *,* * * * *,1* * ** {. *'** + + * +* 'l * **'|| **:lr '} '* 't * ** + ** * * * * ** ** ** * 'f * * t* ** * * tt * ** {(*, * '1. 't ** * + + * * * * * * + *+ ** * ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POi,.jER PERMITS WC OOTOOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 180 . 00 3. 00 a6aaIl2a6L 13:43 oo@Q....t*t.'-o PAGE Z2 75S. FroatrysRd. Yrll, C,ohrrdo E1657 A!,IOUIIIT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE; rt & m-ftrr rob rfanr: Ph CIa LegatDessiption lloc lBlodc Flllng: I f Subdlvbin:i€l W^t-at ruy'lSma b.q tA,l e" ,frfrIm' Ergincor: t | /}*t Plrone: Dr*rllcd dcsctiption of wotlc q,L. WortClm: lthilv( ) Addltbn( ) ,Rcrnodel U/etnir( ) Tetnphu,er( ) Orer( D Wort T}pe: latr}l+at (vf Ferfr (8dt( ) I Do€$ an EHU exlst at t||E lffittbn: Yt ()I{o () Ttpiof Edg.: *Cdbnfy( ) Uptal 1 ItutU+at*yLj,rcomrEdrl( ) nsiaurilt( )Otha( ) ilo. ofExbUng IXrdIng Unhs h dtb buildl t:?A ttlo. of Acqrynodadon UnlE h thb bull{rW: Is this Dermit for a hot hrb: Yes ( )oOA Do€aFreAbmFrast Yes(A No )Do€s a Fire Sprhkler SysEn BGtr Yest<) ilo ( ) 8"r5 \ I I ' JU.i 4 2001 TOr' .r ';;l!l.DEV. t 07-23-2001 knpocflon Roqucst Repodng _Z-5.?e!0_-- __ -JAtL-1QO:rowilOF.___-.___. Req|e€H lffipest D.te: AritsnGd Toi tncDecu6n TYDeI Sncnoor6irt AF/gliloril||do[ Ac#r.tti: POl "m6a TV"o: B-PLMB CotrrtlVtit: O*uoaircu Peice} 2101081t(nt1 s*r;g: ru;r Rtquarlod TIm.i @:0O Afl PlEn : 970€e8.6GX! {tr- 970"26S 58?9 c6ll ' EntErqlB$ DFLORES X Poge I Honday, July t3,2001 cDAV|S pLm C{IO VAILVALI.EY DR VAIL Unlt L buildlng C Plnao tl|l ilor$ Sblus: l$SuEt) InrpAtd: oums: GRHHIIFERG h,!'EsTlffiNT$A Aoolhad KELLYS AUALITY pt.U['€$\r5 BERVICE INC Fhono: 97$32$SXB Co(&ifrr: KELLrS A[rAtlTY pLt uHhlg SERVICE ltlc Pfrom: S10"3gS6090 Dercrlplbff t (}\,Ut6IYASTE AlilD ltt ATER TO KTTCHEN Sll.ffi,ADDNhlG WATER LlNE A}ID D{t N FOR A l.flJhlDlER Rtorrot$ftln|!acdon{!l ttrm: 2S PLilESlnd R.$|iec KEtLvS OUAUTY FLtrItBlilG SERVICE ltilc Asdancd To:- lcfion: lnsoecdon Hhbry Item:kn:210 t&* eporolcd "" Adlm: APAPPRO/ED " Acilor,r: APAPPROUEO ^DD STRAPS TO REFRG, WATER ITIE (SECURE) nfir: 24{l ftMB4beFlpim (ogilorlal} llrnr: 2EOPLlFFoot{{oiTrS (Oreomnl irrn: 2d) PltFilbc. i0r,0oht0 lhm: 2gl Plttl&Fh.l (Ri.ndd) fx ,,. ,i r. ,;, REET131 zun rd: 769 o o $7:]3-2001 Inopec$on Request f{egrotting .-* ifsil-".co:Jouf$.*F -_.. Heqi,ettfd Insp+fct Da[e: Mondayr iuly lt, l00l ' Asirqflqd To: CDAVI$ inspecoon Trpe: BL.DG { s ecdsn Arer; JRftl tih* A$drsss: S0$ VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL uftrT r-. B[(xr { 600 vvAH-k"/ DR Poge 3 7;"5? am Af,,II.DhTEBSES fier$dly: S{}1-t}l?ii frjnst 'ylryd: trHfc#l: 2tOlU#l ItiJl1 A-tdtr $uh Tygx' AMF {"rs*: lll t.}.tR $tat{r$i lfi$U€l) ln$s'Ar{a: .KM (.rw'lflr: GFigEt{Bfr Ri} [.{tti}.TTMfr NT $& A.ppllcant: NEDB&COM$Tt?tjC'tr1*N trlwns: 9?*€46'1001 ffadilrotller: t€SE{iC{}}J$TRU'i:Tifff"i pt',otr@i $?0-&t5-{ml flat{r'lplior'; SFftlt{KL,Ei;i $Y$11iH} BU$P i}i-,T.*14.s fFR BEDFfiOk! c?!}n plM}'r{} RnCE$.{:.{)$MFTIC RFIIODfL Csmrilr6nt: R*lJTEf., T* . iltM . {:L'tAlJl$ $s$ueetgs trls*fsge&$ Rsqs6st$d Tffl,l6: q$:00 Attr ' Prxfie: 9?0.84fr1{!Ol Er$Er*d f;l!/: DFICIRES K fifi0: .J0 Bl0s.Ffmr R{rfi\'e$t'r: I'IEDB0 rlOt'lSTftLlCTio$J 0,ordmnn|s: $r')lt | $ic 4n1"36?tt *all alter dl:0dt !)sFi Acsicnsd To. (:LlAVl$* Acilorr: * -i f-'ns Fixp: prt$i*T"frr',f'f.',tf/(-.trryW !{EE4SEB"trJLtsrv Fr8rill S$ BliJ$-lncr.listsl fi6/1P01 lns{r or *c)?f ,-i,8*fr t('pti+fisi! "" AFrrov€d "'CDAVIS " Adi,ni AP,.rjPRflVEE {16/1}J0t }nsid*iui: C&qUS ' Adio'n; Ap,r#f Coffi&cnB; sditpLETE AT I:XTgF$ofi rtuA!-L ANO RtM Jo$sT l&tn: Hafii: Rtlr',tl ${r Eln6'$h66Sork t'iarl {Optiondll * nooroved ^rl&l3llt lr'*{r*eior' CbAVt'j ' ' Actio{1. A$J ApFFOVEn Ttl ffi^DG-llilrc ioFthftsir BO 6i.$C}FiwEi iFe,q$ir6dl ;tr, Pf .ri.r,ia f-.dt RfiFTl31. :". ii ,. Run ldr ?69 ,dl^ oi uo,,. FrRE DEPART"T*'O VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8r6s7 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A0l-0034 Job Address: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . , : ISSUED Location.....: Unit L building C Pinos Del Norte Applied. . : 07llll20}l ParcelNo...: 2l0l08ll00ll Issued. . : 07llV2}0l ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0l/14/2002 owNER GREEUBERG TNVESTMnfit SA 07/rt/2O0L phone: I G.J. KTIBE PO BOX 69 vArrJ co 91558 License; coNTRAgIOR BEST ELECTRTC, TIIE 07/LL/2OO]- phone: 970-328-1,610 P O BOX 273 E,AGLE CO 81631 License: L01-E APPLICAI.IT BEST ELECTRIC, THE 07/L7/2OOL Phone: 970-328-1610 P O BOX 273 E.A.GLE CO 81631 L,,icense: L01-E Desciption: Connecting unit sprinkling system to existing fire alarm and retrofi tting bedrooms Valuation: $1,000.00 FEE SI-,I\,IMARY Electrical-> S5O - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $53 .0o Additional Fees_.-__. 90. o0 Total Permit Pee-----> $53.00 Paymentr---> $53 .00 BALANCE DLIE__> 90.00 DRB Fee-----> lnvestigation--> Will C&ll----*> 90.00 50.00 s3.00 TOTALFEES--> 953. oo Approvals:IE6n: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMEITT 07/7L/2OOI mcgee Action: AP Remodel of unit. Went ower plans lvich cont.r Compliance with IIBC / I'FC is required. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an nccurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanccs and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinanc€s ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS rOR INSPESTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HoURs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:0o AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTORFOR HMSELF AND OWNE IOI4',\'M Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Prieto Deck DRB Number: DR8010075 Project Description: Enclose deck, add two windows Partidpants: OWNER GREENBERG INVESTMENT SA 04/1212001 Phone: o/o G.J. KUBE PO BOX 69 VAIL CO 81658 License: APPUCANT Nedbo Construction 041L212001 Phone: 845-1001 PO Box 3419 Vail, CO 81658 License: Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Pinos del Norte, Unit L Legal Description: Lot: Block: C Subdivision: PINOS DEL NORTE Parcel Number: 210108110011 Comments: match existing deck details -P r ro> 'i-r-'t u BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approvalz 0412612001 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $5O.OO APR, -26' 01 {THUI I I : l9 NEDBSARTHT0NES TEL,9 70 84599 79 o P,001 I)ate: To: Frorn: Thursday, April 26, 2001 Town of Vail Alison Ochr Phoue: 97J,4;79-2137 tr'ar: 97tr479-2432 Nedbo Construction Pehick Pinnell Pbone: 970-47f-3520 Far: 97tr545-9979 {- Subject: Prieto Remodelo Hi Alison, Please let rre kuow if thh is dl you need for IIRB. Thanks, Pttrisk r < APR, -26' 01 {Tl|U) 1l ,19 TiEDBSART}|T0NES \J :-" TEL:9708459979 o P. 002 \-/ i4 E{&,n \J z -l rq n F{a c 7, A f-l 3-. Thureday, Aprit zah, 200't. To whom lt may oonccned, Ey completed agr6emtnt, the'mombote of our essocialiotl' €FProve the nal handrsil dstoil to tho roof ol llnit "L, P 0 lo' tC 0 vrrlVrUtY 0t Elt t llltl $!..rF2t.t - gts.tltlte Fr -- cird lvl n'l Slncsroly, EEd 909ecg4 ; .Br.t :MHd E I tttf,NUA UllnlSS ; rcUr APR. -26'OI ITHU I I :20 llEDBO/EARTHTONES TIL:9708459 .s''dit::+]i,itt ':':..i'.ri:-- " - . .---)j-.1--'.. l, -,.r E T0l't'T Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2t38 ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS GENEML INFORMATION Applicants requesting the review of additions which require the utilization of an Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) (250 ) request must also submit a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) application. ff the addition requires an Additional GRFA request, the applicant must receive PEC approval prior to Design Review Board approval. I. SUBMNTAL REOUIREMENTS -B-7 One complete set of existino floor plans or "as-built" drawings with all specifications snown. A preliminary title report, including schedules A and B, to verify ownership and easements. Condominium Association approval, (if applicable). Photos of the existing structure. Specifications of all materials and colors of the addition. v4fif(*l g\\S(lt JG €tD)G Toooqraohic survev, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" = 20'or larger, on which the following information is provided: ,W Ties to e)(isting benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same commencement point. Lot area and if applicable, buildable area. Legal description and physical address. Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.0i) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationshio to the established corner. -&- Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consisE of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. -€- Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. -E- Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). *€l----"-. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). # Hazard areas (avalanche, rocKall, etc.), centerline and edge ofstream or creel! required creek or stream setback, 100-year floodplain and slopes of 40o/o or more, if applicable. € ( d ( E. -E-F -v E Cl Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc. D Exact location of existing utility sources and sewice lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Elecffic tl Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. n Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. tr Spot elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Three (3) cooies of the followino: tl Site olan, at a scale of 1"=20' or larger, showing the following information: D Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures. tr Location of landscaped areas. tr All new retaining walls with spot elevations for top and bottom of wall, tr Location of all required parking. tr Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. n Fbor Plans, at a scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger Gla" = L' is preferred), clearly indicating the proposed addition. tr Buildino Elevations, at a scale of l/8"=1' or larger (l/4'-f is preferred). D If existing structure is proposed to be modified, show elevations of existing structure. B Building elevations must be shown, clearly indicating the new addition. If building faces, existing or proposed, are at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all rooftop mechanical systems/ if applicable. D If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicted, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. o rl8 F-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-applicntion confcrcncc rvith Torvn of Vail staff i.s rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss t5c tttarldatory pre-applicacion nlccting has bccn conrplctcd. It is thc applicant's rc.spon.sibiliry to r-chcdulc this nlccting by calIing 970-479-2128. TtME REOtTTREMENTS The Dcsign Rcvicrv Board lrlccts on forru and all acconrpanying uratcrial nrinirnunr of thrcc and a half(3 l/2) REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwed for conrpliancc rvith thc Dcsign Cuidclines as sct forth in Section 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: If a propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocldall. floodplain. dcbris flow. rvctland, ctc), a haard snrcly nru.st bc subnrincd and thc orvucr nrust sigu an a*davit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building pernrit. Applicants are cncouragcd to clcck rvith thc planning staff prior to subrnittal of a DRB application to tlctcrminc thc.rclationship of thc propcrty to:rll nrnppcd hazards. Basic Plan Shcct Forrnat. For all survcys, sitc pluns, landscapc plans and othcr sitc irnprovcrrcuts plans, all of thc follorving nrust bc shorvr.r.I. PIan shcct.sizc nrust bc 24"x 36". For largc projccts. largcr plan size may bcallowcd.2. Scalc. Thc rnininrunr scalc is I "=20'. All plans nrust bc at thc san)c scalc.3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrorv. 5. Titlc block. projcct namc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription. f lndication ol'plan prcparcr. addrcss and phonc numbcr.i. Datcs of original Jilan prcparation and all rcvi.sion datcs.li. Viciniry nrap or location nlap at a scalc of I "= I .000' or largcr.9. Shcct labcls and nunrbcr.s. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum lett side rnargin of 1.5". i L Narncs of all adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. For new constnrctiotl and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to ind.icate propcrfy lincs, proposed btrildings and building corner.s. All trces to be rcmoved must be tapcd. Thc anplicant must L-nsurc that stak'ing donc during tirc winter is not buricd by snorv. All site tapings :rnd staking must be completed prior to rhc day 0f the DRB meeting. Applicants who tail t0 appmr bctbrc the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled nlceting date and rvho have not asked in advancc that discussion on their item be postponed, will havc thcir itenr rctnoved fronr the DRB agcnda rurtil such tinre as the itcur has bcen republished. If thc.DRB approvcs the application with cond.itions or mod.ifications, all conditions of approval nrust be rcsolvcd prior to the issuancc of a building pcrmit. t - upoaled o/9 / il. It. l\,r thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of each month. A conrplcte application nrust bc accepted by thc Conrnrunity Developrnent Departnrent a wccks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. B. C. D. E. o STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may revicw and approve Desigrr Rcview applications. approve rvith cenain modifications, deny the application, or nray rcter the application to thc Dcsign Review Board for dccision. All staff approvals are subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc following rypes of Dcsign Rcview applications may bc staf,f approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architccural dcsign, ntltcrials and colors ofthe building. and approval has bcen rcceived by an authorized member ofa condonrirrium association. if applicablc: B. Any application to modify an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and is generally consistcnt with thc architectural design, materials and colors of the' building, including. but not lirnited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonervork. siding. roof .rnaterials. paint or stain.), cxterior lighting. canopics or arvnings, fenccs. antennas. satcllitc dishes. rvindorvs, skylights. siding. nrinor comnrercial facadc improvcnrcnts, and othet similar moditications: C. Any application fbr sitc inrprovement.s or mod.ifications including. but not ljmited to. driveway utodifications, sitc grading, site rvalls. removal or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of acccssory structures or recreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REViEW AND FEES A. lfthis application requircs a sepantc revicw by any local. statc or Federal agency othcr than the Torvn of Vail, thc application fee shall be increased by S200.00, Examplcs of such rcviclv. may includc, but are not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpanrncnt of Highway Acccss Penrrits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. etc. B. Thc applicant shall be respon.sible for paying any publishing fecs rvhich are in excsss of50% ofthe application fee. If. at thc applicant's reque.st. any maftcr is postponed for hearing. causing the matter . to be re-published. then thc entirc fce fbr such re-publication .shall bc paid by thc applicant. C, Applications dcemcd by the Communily Devcloprlcnt Departmcnt to have design, lan<i usc or other ' 'issucs which may have a significant impact on the community may requiie review by sonsultaqts in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Torvn staffthat an outside consultant is necdcti, thc Communit"v Devclopment Departmcnt rnay hire the consultant. The Department shall cstimatc thc arnount of money neccssary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwardeC to thc Torvn by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurrcd by the Town in excess of the amount rbrw'arded by the apptication shall be paid to the Town by the aDplicant within 30 days of notification by the Torvn. Any exces.s funds will bc retrrncd to the applicant upon review c<lrrrplcriurr. ft Updated 6i97 vt. BUII-DTNG MATERIALS: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE:OF MATERIAL: o COLOR:t Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials l. ascla Soi'lits Windows Window Trinr .. Doors Door l'rini Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting+* Other * Pleasc specify thc nnnufacturer's color, number and aftach a small color chiD +* All cxtcrior lighting must nteet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If cxterio:r lighting is proposcd, plcase indicate thc nuurbcr offixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify each fiitruc rype and provide the height above grade, lunrcns output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures. ! j..t 2 '' Updared 6/97 o PROPOSED LANPSCAPUVG . Rotnnical Nanrc Cc$tilqrr Namc Ouantity Sizcr PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS; EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED; ' +MiuintutriiCQuircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs . 2 inch calipcr conifcrou.s hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons T,Tc Squarc f,ootagc GROUND COVER Qnn IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fences, swiurming pools, etc.) Please specify. lndicate top and bottom clevations of rctainins walls. Matin]trnr hight of walls rvithin the front.setback i.1 feet. Maxir rm heieht of rvails elscrvhcrc on thc propcrty is 6 tcct. TiTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION Thi.s fomr is to vcriff scrvicc availabiliry and location for new consrruction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utiliry plan and schcduliug installations. Thc location and availabiliry of utiliries, whethcr thcy be main trunk lines or proposcd lincs, nrust bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc foltowing ufilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd .Signaturc Datc U.S. Wcst Communications r-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4i30 Public Service Company 949-5781 Cary Hall Holy Cro.ss Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.r. 949-55 3 0 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & .sanitation District * 4'76-7480 t'rco Ha.stcc * Plcitsc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eagle Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahtrcs. Firc florv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. ') if thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr each of the utility cornpanies, and no conlnlcnts arc t'tradc dircctly on thc lbrrn, thc Torvn tvill prcsunrc that therc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopnlcnt can procccd. If a utilitv cotnpany has conccnrs rvith thc proposcd construction. the utiliry rcprcscntativc shall notc directly on thc utility vcriflcation fonn that thcre is a problcm rvhich nccds to bc rcsolved. Thc is:^uc should rhen bc dcailed in an attached lettcr to the Town cf vail. Horvc,.:;,;1.::'.se kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibiliiy of thc utiiity company and thc applicant to resolvc : J-.-,: ji .r tr, vur _..:- . 3' Thesc vcr-ifications do not rclicvc the coutractor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcnnit front thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must bi obtaincd beforc disging in any public right-of-rvay or cascmcnt within thc Town of vail. A i'. ,," Updated 6/9? ';i-*-!t Iltffi I ; I rvl tJi F F/F-(n \J z -l Frt n fr{ CJ)n v 7 fFt A l*t Tuesday, March 27th, 2001 . To whom it may concerned. 8y cornpleted agreement, the members of our association, approve the interior and exlorior proposed remodeling of Unil "L', Sincerely, President POSor69 AO0 Vrrl Vrll.t 0r Bl{'C' 6lt5t 070.r7s2747 970.11&7012 F||. pdnvri Ovril .r.l ,iulr.* --\-/v Carlos Prieto aad u I uufNug u]3nts3 : r^r08j SCHEDULE A (b)A,L,T.A, Loan Proposed Insutad: (c) Leasehotrd Proposed Insured: 3. Ihe estate or interest ( SE.ndtEd ) Order Number: p$itoBDELNoRtrE 1, Effective date; Aprlx 0j, 2007 ,E 7t45 A,I't, 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: (a) A,L,T,A. Owner'l (standard) Proposed Insured: Amount oflnsurance $ rso $rup and covered herein is ffective date hereof ttested in; STATEMEM OF CHARGES These charges are due and payable before a Pollcy can be istued, fee BltnPla 4, Title to tke dF.EEITEERC lac alnptlc TNWSTUETXT. .5,The land refeted to in this Conmitment is described as follows: 9EE Af TACIIED lrEOAIr DE9ORIPYION Purporled Addrege I t'Jd?E:Z IAZZ'I| Edu F-' d EEZ 'ON rIo/\ J t1l_L 1'l: 'l-L: t li Order Numher : PrNosDELt{oRrE I,EGAL D CONDOI{INXVtII VNltr I" PINos da| Nc.RlE CONDONZNTU|S, Accordl,ng Eo thc Condornlnlu'ur l{ap tacotded 690 ae Rcdcptior No. 740852r and Aacordlag covcnantf, Condlbloae .nd, Ro'Etlottona of Fcbrus,.y X3, 7976 Jn Soojr 244 at Pagc 689 couNTy oE g,Aot'E STATE OF COI'OEADO SCHEDALE A o tIU/$ 3-'[1r rdBll3rE i l'' ,f I fr 13, t976 ln Eoblr 244 at Pege Condomlnlwn Degtr!ratl'on ot I worEc Condomld.luttre recotdad !.{oa I{o. I4Oe54b jfir .' ['i ft 'l!|' li'' I tir lItl 'f li llf $ t,]fl \ rl ll il llr ff gii * 'lill l ij i tlra rdr accP l,ldEg:Z I88Z'TT'NdlJ v' d aEe'(Jt.] Order Nurnber : PINaBDEI'NoR'E .rl i ll 11p ,r-- ih 1ri are disoosed of to the ,iI ' 'ti.)t inr I EXCEPTIONS The poliq or policies to be issued will contain dcepilons sdtisfaction of the ComPanY: 1. Rights or claims of patties in possesilon, not shown by 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not thown by the publtc "$'do'ti 3. DiscreDancies, conflicts in boundary lines, fiortage in area, surv$ and inspeciion of the premises would disclose and whlr untress the same and any lacts which a correct by the publfc records. or hereafrer furnished, imposed by law issuance thereof; to the the records, not shown 4. Any liert, or right to a lien, for services, labor ot matetial and not shown bY the Public recorcfi, j, Defects, lietts, encurflbruncet, advelte cl.aimr or other nntbt,s. , if any, .created, first appearing in the public ;;t;;i; or arraching sthsequent to the effective date hereof, bt{ ptior.t.o th.e date the proposed insured acquires of recdrd, for yalue-the estate ot inlerest of fttortgage thereon cbveted by this conmitment, 6. Unpatented mining claim.s; reseflations or exceptions in parcht, or an act authorizing water rightl, claims or tltle to water. ll 7. Jgty and a!7 u4rljd taxae and aaaeaanenEa '.nd 'l,try uflr€dcamed bax salq?. B, the etf,eeb of lnelus!.one ln any g.Acta| ot epoclElc ]rnrltar conaerr..rrdilr, fJt" protec'lon, aoll eonsctva-tlon ot othct dlBEE!,dt ot laellu€|on ln any *aEer aetvlcc or a'teet lmProvcfildnE atQa, g, Re4e;;vd1iona ot axacptl,ona conta.i,nad ln A.8. PltcnEE ' ot ln ArlEE au&or!.2!.ng Eha T suance Eheteot, rcootded tltry 20, lgo, ln ,aaok 48 ab Paga 57! r\' rcsarvlng l) RighCE of Ehe proptlclot of a vcln or J,oda !o aj(lrast and tenove hlg orc Ehctelrom and 2) tighEe of way fot dlbchaa and olnaf,p eonaEructad uadsr the au:horlEy of Eha tlntbed gE.eca. I0, Tetme, eascma7a^t1, condlt!,ena, reacttrllona, teatrtctlone aad obltgattons ae aoi|e!,J'.ed ln ptobecElvc Covantnf.s Cor V !J, Vtllage g.vsnrh Fl7!.ngt rcaorded Deetber 77, 7965 Ln Book I87 et PtEe 515 rt SaoePtj'on No, 702778' J,!, Termg, conditlongr ;agerva|lons t talttl,cElona aad obligaEione aE it btrtdend subjcaf E7:opcrey ac conLal,ned ln Canveyancc ot Eaacmanb trom Vall Ataoclala9 Ine to Flnos de7 NotEe, f a., r.cordcd May 75, 7975 ln SooJr 239 at Drge 848 aE RcoepbJon J{o. XJ 5893 . !2, letm', condltl,ona, rasevvatlonB, tegttleb!.one t''id obliga?lona ar contl.l,ncd ir. Eha Declara'!,on of Covcnanta t dondl:lona .nd natt"ldttona Pinoa dcl ltor!' condomln!.wra, reoorded Febtuaty !3. ,976 la Eooh 244 aE Eage 689 ag ReoePttoa No, 740857, 13, Eaacapn'E. te1lticEl,ona aad tlghEe-of-wtyE aE ahowa on the Condoarl nltn Map of, pinoe del, North Condomlnluna, teeorded 'cbtutry I3t !975 ln Book 241 tt ?age 690 aa ^Rcorpeion No' 740852 ' dontlnuad on nexb pagc ll t' d EEZ '{ll'l -tIUA 3'ttIr 13til,11r5 l,ldEtrZ IArIZ'TT'rlf ContJnuatCon ot Scltedu,lc I ' g.ctlon otdet Nrsnbatt PINOEDEI/NORTE !4, Undetgtound tight' of Inc. t tccotdcd ldacch cllcrnant ganted 79?8 ln Eooh 268 wry 30, eo t! 9' d E';?',AH t^ld?E te IAAT' 11 ' Nd|. CtoFt gl.ctrlc AE 809 aa nec.Ptlon t,-tTr..i^ t-'t T !r-rM-t r E I a c.l ori, 164e97. ,t, tPF".11.aAra1 'I'rr'r'^' /{loicl N0, ?l?. ttf,t^t|It DrlH.'Fnllr! t c.r.7| rl.r -Drllrrd n hlt$h.llll.{l lhot a}firl Itrnr.t, CibfiCn. i lt P.7 Tas Duo, urdr o,tr Ufh dv ot Fetfilary ,l! Dat?aa!. PINES DEL NORCE DIC, I corForrllon drly^or8rl|i!.d pd arhtlng und.r and b, rlrtu! o, Ur! l.?| ol thc Sbr! ol LDIOTAdO ot U. lkrt rrrt. 'l'd to t.loonDEt,t 8? vP t r0cltilltir lY trt tii.B qnrhl t..""(,?*&*..:.-.ol thc Sbr! ol LDIOTAdO ot U. lkrt D|rt 6rd REENBERG INVESj!1EI.II, S.A., c/o Don AqEustj,ns, Aususc & Delaf{eki, Ore Flpvgn Ebn, San Oieeo,' caUi, iZtOi r cor9orruon qurt otttltrlc rnd.rt.tlr13 lr'ldar rhd-b, ?htuc ol tl|! lrlr ol t\r ldltlol cotllEy of Panafile ol rh. rlcoid D$tt L?-\ !C::-ABS and Ofter Gocr:t anci Va.uab1e Congtderatjon-- - DOLI,ARE ro r!! rrE Drrty cr lh. rint t.!r h t|nd Frid bt tlc rlld tl'v ol th! rlcold prrr, ah! rcBripr wl.rlol l. hffrlt confll.fd |[d lcLaoryltdScd' hrth Srlntldr b.r8rin.d, rold tld aolvat dr rld by lh.r! prtttnlr doct ttrnl bnrtrl6,r.ll, cont.y md cotllrar uflto ihr ||ld Drrq ol th. r?rond l.rt, it.ruccirton uld ulttlr lor!r.r, rll $a tQ orlrt d.,.,tli.d . ^ . . or D.r!.I ol lrid, rhqrr!, t/tn8 r|ld b.bf b th! courr, el Eag],e Md Sbh ol Colorrdo. to-rltl I COIiDOLiINIItM U{tT r, , pIJcS del NOBTE CONDOMINIIIttS, "".ordilag ro tha Condontntum }tao thereof recordeO- fJi'iuary fg 19Z6 lD Book 244 at pase 6e0.'and "co"rlini-i"-ti.,l-iini6riir;;'- i-P:91_."lt1o!-pf-covenintl, ConuliiJie-uni"i"iirrctrona o! :prNos de I N onrs coNDoM rli r,lls rtcorlia-i;Jeiiliv-iC, -i6z E - r ir Book 24tl at Page 689, --" --' '-'- ^l and agrees g0 pay; U,S. PeEanr Reservatlons, Frefirnrs, reefflctloDs, rj.drtE-of- way of recordl Proceccive Co\E$anEs of recordil and, che Condqrdntun Declirattcrne referred to ln Exhlbiu A attached h€rero Eld *de a perr hereof,r[d 3h rbov! !|rgrh.l ltrgllts b ll. qlhl rnd nctccqblo DoId.lAl cl *i dd t$V ol tht rlqonC tr't lt. .lt.. WITNESiETH, Tht f h! trid Drf tt of rhc li t p.rtr ll8 |llC tr torrtl&irtm ol ltrr rua ot .Hlvt Y 4 [-i /'t,ttlf t trtn- TOoEfHE8, ?lth rll rnd rlnlllrr rhr h.4dllr6!nb rid .ttF{t!'l|nru lh.rlu|lto b.lpitlnt, or b $ttit. rpDlrhlnh8, rnd thr r.irrli9n and r.verrloor, itftrlnd.r |,|d rcniindc , rrnu, Ifitt.r |l|d prolitr ttllr.ot; r.|ld tll lh? r|bi., rlthl, tldr, Inti.tt .hiD |nd drrnrnd ?hrttowlr ol at! trld put of th. tlr.r D|'! .lthr b br of .q{i$r ot, ln .nd }r tfi! rboft brtnlnrd plcElh.r, with thr b.r.dlllq.nll rid rD9lttlrntnc , "O HAVA AND lO HOID lhp lrlC prrq|lr.. .bgw F.farhd ud Crtcrlbrd, wlth th. rppqrt.rrnclt unF thr .rld t|'t ol th. r.roid rrlt lr rur!...or. .nd urislr lor.vrr, Aqd th.,rtd PDIOS DgL NOR[! INC, PrtV ot ih. flrtt tr|q to' h.tli ll, rucclr.ot| rld rt.lm., dcrh oi|rrrrnl grlFtr t.rtrt! rnd rlrft to rnd ttth th. rdd prrts ol thC.lcond p.rq llr ruccr|rorr .otl $tlqnr, tbft $rttlnc ol thr rnrlllina $d drliv.ry ol ah!t. Drar.tntl lt h t.ll l.jtad of lhr prcqh.! rbwe con?.y.(, rt ol tood, rur, ptrf.€q rbtelul. ud lnd.ladhl3 6trt. ol ini.rltrtr(a, in l0r, it foa tlntlc, anC h.th good .ishl, frn ps"rf |Ild trwtgl rutttorltr to tTrFt b|||rh, t.ll lrld aonvlt rhr |rn! li nrnn't rod lgnr dcrcrrid, .nd ur.t rl1! rDa lra ftrc |{d gl!r| tlg!| rll l9F.r rtC otb.t anntr, brtSohr, |.hr, ll.nr, h.r.r, ur.trn.nJr rid inFgq!4tlar of.thrtlycr l{nd et n.lqr. to.yQ!l gubjec! fp real prqpercy laxes for 1976 and rhereafcer, lh{qh parEy of che second pqrr ass and agreee go pay; U,S. PeEanr Reservatlons, wav of recordr Pfocective Corftllants of reoor ctrorr ud url$r rlrh rll $d .v!tt terro, or D.rlonr lrrl*ly clrlshl or to rlrlm 0rr thoh or rnl ptrl rhuloli rhr rrld Dnrty ol th! llrrt lrn rhtll rnd clll WARMNT AND FOnEVER ITIFEND, Er|r|.d l[ corDg'rlr lro! lo !| l.|trrnlo b. rllL df rt$rtld bt lr. IW \n, dlt el t, u lza'zZ , .F laldtlt rtld Srrlau'' of Ut ioierlrl lo$nhrioB qFlrlr ,./ Wihcrr Fy hurd .od WIrNF F.wllElEot, Thc rrid e.rtr ol t!. llr.t lnt by lta t,._ trcrld.nt, rnd ltr .9rpo[tr tlrl to b. I it,thl dry{nd fry lt ! r$ovr ?dttrn, TA 4 Y"', :r'r"''/ *t**'t'i*'tt:l*++f ******rt*****f *****r*********'t****,r***+*,r**'r'r*****lt**********lr****r'{,***+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statetnent 'l' ***ir t* rf rt tt*f tf t**++ + +f ++ +* **t*tti,t*'t* 't****** *+*{r*++ ++rt*f *{. tt*rirttt* trfit*t* *'t*i +** + {.'t *++ *+*++'l + Statement Number: R000000582 Arnount i $50.00 04lLz/zOOffO:00 Ali! Payment Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: L9774 Permlt No: DR8010075 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210108110011 Site Addreea: 600 VAIL, \IAITLEY DR \rAIL I-,ocation: Pinog del Norte, UniC L, Total Fees: $50.00 mris Payment: 950.00 Tota1 ArrL PmtB: $50.00 Balance: $0.00 *****tt* * t * t ***+ **rl* * * * ff * ** *'1. *'l* * * * * * * * * **** ******* ** ** * + *++* +++ * ++ ++** + +**frt * *'f '* * *t* *{r*** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pnts DR OO1OOO()31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 ***'*'tlr*'t't****t**++********l*********rt***'*****rr***rt*f ***tr***'t***l*********++*+*******'i't TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statene,nt i**,1**f il * **'i't+rt't+ + ++'f +* ++ ++tt+i*t** + ***t**'i +t* +t+ +f t't i{rt* tti*'}+ +* + +++++'f 'tt't$trtf {rrf **{t|t'trtI*tf * Statement Number: R000000582 Amount: $50.00 O4/12/2O0LL0:00 AItl Pa)i'ment ethod: Check Init : iIAR Notation: 197'74 Permlt No: DR8010075 Type: DRB - Addit.ion of GRFA Parcel l{o: 210108110011 Site Addreas: 500 1/AILr \TAIJIJEY DR \nILl Location: Pinos del Norte, Unit L Total Fees: $50.00 This Palment: 950.oo Total ALL, Pmr,e: 950.00 Balance: $0.00 * **'i **i +f + + * **'t +**tl ** *'t,i'f * * ** **'|l* * * * * *t * ** **'** t* 't * **{r * * *** **{.'l '}** ** **'l* t ** * * *rl** * *'t ** *,} 'l ** ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO31122[)O DESIGN REVIE|,, FEES 50 .00 APR. -2J', 01 (Il0N) 09:52 NEDSEARTI|T0NTS TEL:e7084Ue P.001 < To: Mondey, April 23,2001 Town of VaiI Alison Ochs Pboae: 97D4794137 tr'a* 970479-2452 Ncdbo Construction Patick Pinnell Phone: . 970-471-3520 tr'ax: 970-845-9979 J incl.- From: Prges: Subjcct Prieto remodel, F'or your review beforc I approach the association, ( Thaula Alisou, plersc let mc know- Patrick. a APR. -23',0l ([,l0N EE P.002 ti TO\ AIOF 75 S. FRO VAIL, CO ARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT A01-0034 FINAL 07 /11/2001 07/18/2001 01/28/2002 07 /1,1-/2OoI Phone: 970-328-I6aO 07 /LL/2001 Phone: 97O-32a-75aO Dcsciption: Connecting unit sprinkling system to existing fire alarm and retrofitfing bedrooms Valuation: $1.000.00 FEE SUI\TI\4ARY Electrical-------> DRB Fcc-'--- > lnveshgati('n----> WiIl Call-----> TL)TAI, FEE9-> Total Calculatrd Fc.cs-> Arlditional Feos----:-.> Total Permit Fcc_,--> Pavments----------------> BALANCE DUE,.,----.> $s0.00 90.00 s53.00 $0.00 953.0O $53.00 s0.00 g?WIIMFVAIL Depar lment of C om munity D eve I opme n t 75 South Frontage Road ALARM PERMIT Vail, Colorado 81657 g7s-47fop1{ddress: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL M){ 976-qq*r8452..: Unit L building C Pinos Del Norte ryww.ci.['ffid.N9...: 21010fJ110011 Project No : OWNER GREENBERG INVESTMENT SA 8 G. iT. KUBE PO BOX 69 vArL co 81658 License: APPLTCAICT BEST EIJECTRIC, THE P O BOX 273 EAGIJE CO 81631 L,icense: 1Ol--E COIflIRACTOR BEST ELECTRIC, THE P O BOX 273 EAGLE CO 8l-53l_ License: 10l- -E o7 /ra/20ot Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expircs . Phone: Approvals:Item: 05500 FIRE 07 /LL/2ooL Compliance DEPARTMEMT mcgee wirh rrBC / vFc Action: AP Remodel of unit. went i s recrui red . over rrlans with cont CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the irLformation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codcs, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. {7 *"n'"" 'o"* REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM, SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PREPI,AII INFORMATION SHEET VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BIIILDING INFOR]T,IATION: Building rr.rn", 4r.ds /*l No-t street address & phone *: 1"Oo $a;l V^Ue", RA - Knox box locatior. .Fr,fo.4z er.JfcLl J.J-/ Alarrr panel location: <.krlalar e.r"..-trq Alarm silence & reset codes: RPS': NAITIES & PHONE NUMBERS (work & home): Owner: Property manager: Property maintenance manager: Alarm serrrice company: BIIILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main location: Other locations: Electric: Main location: Sub-panel locations: Water: Main valve location: Main lire valve location: Secondary water valve locations: ,(ilJ'.J f*Vt / TOflNfrMY HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Department Russell Forresl Director, (970) 479-2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building -- Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _-. FEC 2. Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediate_ siow _or no one availabb ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your firsttime to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7, Overall effectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for iaking the time t0 complete this survey. We are committed b improving our service. ) Prolect Appllcatlon Rno. r'- 3l )r^,"u l€l& Project Name: I.,l r | 'projectDescriplion. r,rurcv.,ure. c.{ Jrcs",{A lQvul tlQLk- |v' CXitttulc\tv\lnal l-L.ct..t, t | ..1.-t' ,1 .r, contact Person and pnon" \' ,CV' t'vtl:l0t 'l '1 lL'' /FYfr Owner, Address and Phone: oi ) '.t 20 ' ,/0ft) Architect, Address and Phone: "/'? r I i 1 I i- r Comments: tVZ. !t:rr, c-:i rri,'\ tvrlt \L l'.,,rir {.,-.\. " t l\'rc\ lltcttCi'tri l'r. / | t /1 ,-^Lr!\' (')'-.2'r | 1 (:2V-r' rs, I\\LY&t"s(L Design Review Board 2 /nf 8,/ Motlon by: Seconded by: .'' -APPROVAL ---'*--s.*--<:"--' DISAPPROVAL c x't h,t li'Date: 2l1l8Y I' PINOS DEt NORTE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 6lXl Vail Valley Drive P. O. Bor 69 / Vail, Colorado 81657 (30t1476-2747 January 5, 1984 TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 ATTENTION: Building Department Gentlemen: This Ietter Condominium the proposed drawn by the Yours truIy, is to inform you that the Pinos del Norte Association is in agreement and approves of enclosure of the small deck in Apartment L as office of Baldwin Associates Architects, Inc. PINOS DEL NORTE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Par ra GFDLAP,/lrt andez de la Pres ident ilt,0cK I;1 l. I iic t)li:i(;It I t)'l'l o:,i 0t; plto.JI;C'i, The fol lor,ring infornation is Board bcI'r;rc a final approval A. BUiLI)II,i(; l.'tA'TERIALS Roof Siding 0ther l,Jal l lvlaterial s Fascia Soffits Windows l{inciow T'rirn Doors Door Trinr Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chiriureys Trash [nc.l osures Grectthorrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES rcqu i1'cd f or sul)rn ittal by clrn be given: tl-rc appliclirt to thc Design l{cvierv 'lype of lrfat_cri-a1 CoIor Nla' ni cal SHRUBS s0D GROUND COVERS SEED C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools,tc.) Please specify. SQUARE FooTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK F IL ING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they lines, nust be approved and verified by accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell I -634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty VaiI Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagie Va1'ley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek be main trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the * For new const pl ease f i'l'l out attached sheet. NoTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrni-t fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A. building perurit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut percmit nnrst be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction wi.th preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Authorized Siqnature box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476€Et$ z ao"> department of community development Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application slrowing the approval/disapproval of your project including comments from the Board. ff you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revised plans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit. No site rr/ork may be commenced until the revisions are approved by the Town Planner a.nd two sets of working drawings are submitted to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call: the Town Planner at 476-7000, ext. 102. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ?r Nos- l- . -- -a Y Project Name: Project Description:) . (,. :..^.1 Prolect Applicatlon Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:t' Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: E /\s \E ,/*,./F l(I (\_?{1'l t*1a,tfi5 y'wya omvnorz s,nsa o *tfta, *Iwd W4{zD?.a Hed AilayJ (p #lzA €yu4e) @Q da) lr.thb \ra,rUpi ey1q1Jta)G g9b1v wl (fwft P b/r4,# yla4 r@ fa€a7) .t ceL A, ?ztrro AtrlwA AazlleJ VdtH rcd4ATWJ UHIT L ntlh 46V71t@,2 lo,ttoq o ?rcT ?I-ZVLT.A W A, ?AVtl Ut1turl mpnv+ntLao paL loqv uHtf L ?tla{tt4 WootetV-W ffiv"8 9tW4