HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG D UNIT D7TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-2a38 Occupancy: R1- Ty'pe Construction: V T\pe Occupaney: Valuation: Fireplacc Informatsion: Re€tricted: P O BOX 750, VArL CO 81558 NORTHWOODS VAIL D7 NV I LATI{AM WATKINS, 633 W FIFTH Multi-FamiIy 1-HR T)pe V 1-Hour 500, 000 1 APPLICANT ,fIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 750, VArL CO 81658 C,f,}I"IRACIOR .fIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION SLat.us...: ISSTIED (NORTHApplied. . : 08/04/'t 99e Issued. . . : 09/1,8/1"998 E>cpires. . : 03 /n /a999 Phone : 970 -845 - 9l-0 0 Phone:. 97O-845-9100 sT sT 4000, Los ANGELES CA 90071-00 Add Sq Ft: #Of 6aB Log6:#of wood/Pal let: OWNER Descripti-on: REMODEL RESIDENCE,ADD LOFT AND DORMERS *Of cae Appl iancea: FEE SUTI,MI\RY 2,140.OO 1,7S1,00 Investigatsion> . O0 will call---->3.00 tsuil.ding-----> Plan chcck- - - > Rcsluarant Plan Revi er,- - > DRB Fce '------- Rccleation Fcs- ---------> clean-Up Deposi!---- ---- > TOTAI, FEES- --- Tot.rl CalculaEcd Fces--->.00 400. oo .00 ?50-00 s,674,OO 5, 6?4 .00 5,574.00 .00 5,67{.00 Additional FeeE------ - > .00 Totsal PermiL Fec---- ---> Pajrment6------- BAIANCE DUE. -.. D,t"l{",**A-o DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 898-0213 D .]ob Address: 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR I-,OCATION...: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2l-01--081-l-2-007 Project No. : PRiI98-01_05 Item:05100 08/04/L9e8 o8'/ 20 / ]_998 rtem:05400 0e / o4 /:-998 08/a0/1998 Item:05500 08/04/L998 Item:05500 08/04/L998 BUILDING DEPART'I{ENT iIRM A,ction: NOTE CTIARLIE AcIion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT JRM Action: NOTE CBARTON AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMEIIT .fRM AcI,ion: APPR PIJBLIC WORKS JRM ]\cIion: APPR Dept : BUILDING Division: CiIARLIE DAVIS PI,ANS TO C}IARLIE PLANS TO APPR BY N/A N/A Dept.: PLANNING CHRTSTIE CBARTON Dept: FIRE DepL: PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any condj-tions that may apply to tshis permit DECLARATIONA I heleby acknosledgc that I hav6 lcad chi.6 eppJ.ication, filled ont in full the infonrali.on requircd,accurate ploc and plot p1an, Eubdivi sion I :00 AM 5:00 PM p1an, and sta!.e that all thc infomation provided ae required ls correct.. I to comply wlth the to comply ',rifh a}l Town ordinancee and Ftate lae6, and to buiLd this st code6, deBi,gn ravlc* approwed, Uniform Bullding code and other REQUSSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENIY-FOUR HOURS IN AD'\,BNCE BY accordinE Eo the To$n Slnd Cl.an:Up D.poEit To! itIM OUIDA CONST AIONATI'RE OF OVINER OR COI.ITRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER ***********************************************!t******************************** CONDITTONS Permit #: 898-0213 as of 09/L8/98 St.atus: ISSIJED *****'*********************!r:***************************************************** Permit T\pe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant: iIIM GUIDA CONSTRUqTION 970 -845 -9100 ilob Address:Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR (NORTIIWOODS D-7) Parcel No: 2101-081-12-007 Applied: 08/04/1998 Issued: 09/L8/L998 To Ercpire | 03 /L7 /1999 Description: REMODEL RESIDENCE,ADD IJOFT AND DORMERS Conditions:1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2, ALI' PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEII,INGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEAI-,ED WITTI ATiI APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1-2].o OF THE 1991 IJBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EAN BE STARTED. **rr*rtrr*art*i rlrr*a*rrrrrrt* TO!'IN OF VAIL, COLORADO gEat.dnE r * r rr t **r ri** rr.rlr rr *t'ri *t { * *t a r riirr rir'ri I t :,ai-:Ln,rr Nrrur6r! REC-o{SI, Loount: 5,52{.00 09/7e/9a 13t27 Payur€nt M6thod: cK Notetsion: 9{99 Inits: LC PcrBit No: B9S-Q213 T)p€: A-MF A.DDIIIJT llF BUILD PER Parcel Nor 2101-091-12-0o7 I ::' rdrlressi 600 VAfL VAI,LEI. DR LocaEion: 5O0 VLIL VAT,LEV DR (NORTHWOODS D-?) Total FGc6: A t 67 4.OO Thi6 PalnncnE 5,624.00 ToCal .AtI, Pnc6: 5,67,t.00 Belanc.r .oo r .* r* f*v r*a1trir riarair t**r'r i* r* * \rrl,, rir*rri rrrrt trrrll}*r** rr** t* * Accounc Codc D6€crlpEio!r BP OOlOOOO31T11OO BUIIJDINC PBRMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF 00100003112300 P!A!t cHBcK FEEg Anount 2 | 7 40.OO 350.00 7,797. OO ?50,00 3,00 AD D2.DEPO8 CLE.ANUP DEPOSITS WC OOIOOOO3I12SOO 9IILL CAIII' INSPEC'ION FEE JIMGUIITA c()\sl Rt'L T lo\, INr. Custom Bulldlng snd Retnodeling F10 -ort3 AC'T()RS SI NCII t{)71{c()Ntl{ fufis6u-ro0[f D7 flate Receivec oEc 0 4 1998 December 1, 1998 Mr, Charlie Davis Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Permit #8984213 600 VailVallev Drive. Unit D? Dear Charlie. We would like to get an extension for the above referenced permit through December 1999. You may, or may not, be aware that the Northwood's Condominium Association has imposed restrictions on the times we are able to work on this unit. Becatrse of the size of this project and the relatively short duration of each building season (spring &. fall) imposed by the Condominium Association we will be completing this remodel over four separate phases - the last of which will be finishing in December 1999. Ii for some reason, it is not possible to extend the expiration date of this permit please contact n/e to'let me know how we can best handle the situation. Production Coordinator Enclosure l'OSl' O jlC[' BOX 7t o VAll-, COI-ORAI)O 81658 'tlLHtH()NE g70"845-9 1 nr)FAX 970-845-91tt I Coniact Eaglc CouncY Asscssors Of f lce ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel f7. \RCEL // T ( Tob Name: -, TOWN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN ( PERMIT APPLICATION FORM PER.\IIT /i DATE: OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }tAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT fNFORMATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r Jr * * * * )r * * * ,l * l-EIectrical [ ]-Mechani'caI [ ]-Other I(-Job Address: laCaZflAfU Block Fi l- inq slnntytgle)l; Address: F!-) I flftr- o/dG /r*** b,k APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILLED *** rf * rr *** * *'t * * * * * * ** ** * * ** -BuiLding [ ]-PLumbing t LeqaI Description: Lot -4 .<-{cx-;"'->N INA-lwners Name: 15 Aut^#T.r=b - \-\rchitect: RA-1 \:p Address:Ph. ieneral Description: .lork Class: [ ]-New' [f,]-Alteration [4]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-orher Iumber of Dwelling Units z I Nurnber of Accornnodation Units: fmber and rype of Firep)-aces: Gas AppJ-iances. / cas Logs_ wood/perret i * * * * * t( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * )t * * * * * * ,! rt * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * .* ]UILDING: $ [oc+', s.--.. .-?LUI4BING: $TOTAL: $ 1* * * * * >+ >\ * * * * * t( * * * * * * * tt jr * * tt * * CONTRACTOR INnORMAf.'f Op 1 $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:r x ,,( :,' x * * * * *lenerar contractor:,1t*t Latta4 lartttzEttcizdr= ;!'tril or u"ii nlg. No.a* -B ','jjress. >e &..\>G.a V;rZ. <aA4;;ArC Fno,.,. Nurber: %.,eE_Wec_ ':lcctrical contractor : EI,ECTRICAL: $ lrFrrlrxrrr-/ri ? - t . rLvr rru! I\?a1t-r. t >lttmbitrg Contractor: 'ddress: r i<rt>t*rt* * *>l* *rt ** * * * *** * rt ** * rr**** * }UILDING PER}IIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI.T TEE: IECHA}IICAT-, PERMIT FEE: |LECTRICAI., FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )R,B FEE: lomments: OTHER: $ Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone. Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. No. FOR OFFf CE USE rt* * * * *:r( * * * * r( ** * * * * * * rt,t,t * * * * * * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK T.EEJ }''ECIIANICAL PI.,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL P BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE I IechanicaL Contractor: \ddress: P}i.<{rL.ZiZ' GROUP VALUATION CLEA}I I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO:oJr. Qrr*, A,nsr /', + 'ill 'l rl' TO: FROI'1: DATE: SUBJECT: 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 o lflce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE Totflt oF VAIL TO!.N oF vArL PUBLIC WoRKs/colfi,ruNlTy DEtrELopl,tENT ITARCH 16, l-9BB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.IATERTAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that iL is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit. unv-=lirl"r]"i, sand, debris or material, incfl!1nS trash hrmp=tur=, portable toilets and porkmen veh icles place o. ony-p;..i5l".f,ll"ili""i;"=i?;ili1:i_ili"l"":rFi:*-".Vail streets and.roads is approxi*ul"iv-s"it.-iri pavement.This ordinance wilr be "t.iEiiJ"enforced by the Town of Vair-Pubric works De.artment. --;;;;;ns found viorating this ordinance t'ri1r be gi-ven a 24 hour writi.n"notice t"-rli;"":sai-d naterial.In the event the person so notified.ao.=-nl,I"'I"ipiy with the notice vrithin the 24 hour.time-specified, the puttic works Deparrmenr vrill remove said mateii"i^"i-ih;^';";;;=e of person notified' The provisions "r irri= ordrnance sharl not be applicable to cbnstruction, ^-i.t"nunce or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any utilitres in. the rightra_way, To_review ordinance No. e in fu1l, please stop by the Town of :::i"::ii:i'3,"8f;i:'il:li"::"";I;i" a copv. rirani vou ror vour acknow (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south lronlage road vall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 o lllce ol communlty devolopment BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII.IE FMNE If thi.s permi.t requires a Tov,n of Vai] fire Department Approvar,Ensineep''s (pubt ii t'rorks) review .na ipprouui,.i piJl,,iii!"bepart ent rev iew or Heat th Department. revi ew, u;;';-;;;i "; ty-tii;";rit ai ns Sirt[ll;.,hull: "'.t'uted time tor'a lotar "uui"*-iluv"iu[i'u, r6ns All commercial (rarge or smat) and a'l r murti-family permits wirl have to follorv the above rnentioneJ rixirrm requirements. Residentiar and small projects should take a teiie, amount of time. However, if residential or snrailer.projects impaii the various above mentioned departmcnts r.rith reqard'io necessary review, th.r; p;;j;.'ii n'uy also take the three-weet< peiioJ. Every attempt vri'l I be Tgge UV this <Jepartnrent to ex"pedite this pet'mi.t.aS s.qon as possibl e. - - -- v'rrev ' LS L I' th" undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame, 7- Date l^lork Sheet was turned-into t Communi ty 0eve1 opment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: HE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Dale: .--(tzz-y 7=t taa.L Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of lhe righl of way, easemenls or public propeqty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right OlWay permit" required? A. ls the righl of way, easemenls or public property to be used lor slaging, parking or {encing? need for a 'Public Way YES 7-3o-?3 Date Permit': NO 1) 2) K h K X X 3) dl R\ 6) 7) B) ,X 2 B. ll no to BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way permit" muslbe obtained,'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Cgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above que I t5. +Ue=zele?g ntractor's Signalure Job Name TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 APPLICArfT CONTRACTOR OWNER DescripEion: Bl,ec!ricaI- - - > DRB Fce InvceCigabion> vlill call----> TOIAI. PBES. - - > Job Address: 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR LOCAt,iON. . . : 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101-081-12-007 Project No. : PR'J98-0106 Status. -.: ISSUED (NORTIIApplied. . z 05/t7 /L999 Issued...: 05/20/L999 Brpires - - ? LL/],6 /L999 Phone:- 970-926-3675 Phone: 970-926-3675 ST 4OOO, LOS AI{GEIJES cA 9007100 8, 000 . 00 DEPARI!4E}IT OF COMMUNIrY DEVELOPMENT NOtrE: TIIrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSfTE AT ALL TfMES ELE TRIEAL PERMIT Permit *: E99-0076 DOI'BLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 DOI]BI.,E Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 NORTHWOODS VAII D7 NV T i,ATIIAIT,I WATKINS, 633 W FIFTH ST elecLrical for remodel ValuaLion: r*rt'rrrrrt**rrri*rr*rr.r*r***r FEE sIIitMARy 144 . OO . o0 . oo 3 .00 1{7. 00 Totel CrlculaCed FeeE- - - > AddiEional Fces' ---- ----> ToCal, Pcr6ic F6c--- ---'-> Pay$ent.E - - - - - -- - BALAIICE DT'B-- -- 147 . O0 .00 147.00 r47 . OO .00 trtt!rtti{*tr**trtt**tttttltrlt**tlt**'rttt*r**t*t ., r i t ', ** *+ *t t *r * ** } t tt t* t t* t t * t* ta *** * ** t a t * * r}, * i r !r rrr r |ra *rr a *a* r |r. * t ITC.M: -06000 EI.ECTRIEAL DEPARITiIEMI DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON:o5/t7/1999 JRII Act,ion: APPR APPROVED ,JRIVI- I!e,grt.q56Q0 FIRE DEPARTI.IEMT Depr: FIRE Division:05/I7/L999 JsNt Act,ion: APPR N/A t*rtlrtrrit*irirrtirrr*i*t*****a CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1, FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIIAIiTCE. *4.i*riiir*r+t* DECLARATIONS I heteby ackhor.I6dge th.ts I hrve read thi6 application. filled out in ful1 the inforqaLion r.quir.d, conpleged an accurate plot p1an, and state that all the j.nformauion provid€d as rcquircd i,6 co!rec!. I agree to conply wiEh Ehe inforrqacion and plo! plan, to corsPly vith all Toraar ordinanccs and 6tate lai.e, and to build thi.s Btructure according to Ehe To*n's zoning and Eubdivision codeB, deEj.gn revier. approwed, Unifom Building cod€ and och€r ordinanccB of t'h€ town applicabl€ th6!e!o. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BE MADE IHEMY-FOIIR HOITRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OlrR OFFtCg FROU 8:OO At,t 5:OO PM SIC!IAI1'R8 O! OT{NER OR CO}TTRAGIOR FOR HIT'IIEI,F ATID dI!TER !01'![ OF \nttJ. OOIORILo Atre.nnt fltrrbrr: REC-0E22 lDunB:1a7.00 05,/2o/tt 10: ol. P.t|.dre l|.tbod. CR [oGrtlon! Cf, tOO7071 hie. Lc P.r!l.i no! 899-oo?5 !rp.c 3-![rEc gJicrnfcur PR{tr Prrqcl tfo: 2101-081-L2-o07 Sitc ldrggr I 5OO ItAtt, VAL!Ef m IJoc.tion: 5OO lrAtIJ VMrEY DR o*ORnnoODg D7) foirl F.trt 1a7.0O ttri! tlrlrocnt irlii*|}t.rttaaaatlat'lat!ttttittrtrrrttafttitait!ataatrtttttttrttitttttta lccoutrt Codr Drseription 1{7.00 troEr1 .lLL PtiEr ! Eallacar 19 00100003111,100 lLlCt?rCAt PERiIT la&l rc 00100003112800 ttILL CAt L DfaPBClrq FEE 147.00 .00 &!oune 144.00 3. OO . . TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INFOR]TIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE RDJECTEI' Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# A/4/-oY /-/z-ob7 ox", 5f rl /9? vernit# {41.f- d Jl\ JobName: tr--r ATt<la ! lL v.^o Je / JobAddress: Building ( ) Legal Description: Lot Electncal fi Mcchanical ( ) Other ( Filine Sutrdivision Plumbine ( ) Block 5- , t-e qoao Address: L3 1 cr.,gry sf t* A<:c"1 1 Phone#OwnercName: LA-THAt\ ul$Truql Architect:Address: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: BUILDTNG: $ PLI,JMBING $ General Contrlctor: Town oF Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgisuation No./t'to Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgistration No, Address: Phone # 41o zt 26 '3.6 ^t 5 OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Address: tr- 4q -OO1F ---------------- Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Addrcss: Phone # oe,2o"t 9.0 D ,\rOrLT+<^,c,oO5 Description of Job: lry>1., h,nr-a 4 Alteration (2q I Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Applianccs Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ Sraaa .oa MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phonc # Additional ( )Repair ( )Othcr ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROTfiAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARI!4ENT OF COI"|MIINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: T'IIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKLER PERMIT JOBSITE AT AI,I, TI}'IES Permit. #: F99-0001 ilob Address. . . : 600 vArL vAl,LEY Location......: 600 vail valley Parcel No..... : 2101-081-12-007 Project, Number: PRit98-0106 DR StaLus. . dr (nortsh woodsApplied. Issued. - Expires. . : ISSIIED .: 0s/05/r.999 . r 05/05/L999 . I Lt/0L/t999 Phone: 303 -629'0221, Phone: 303-629-022L L,OS AI\IGEI-,ES CA 9007100 6 t825.oo *of I'foqd/Pallct: APPI,ICANT CONTRAETOR OUINER FRONTIER FIRE PROTE TION 26L7 W IIOI.,DEN PLC, DENVBR FROIiITIER FIRE PROTE TION 26L7 W HOLDEN PT,C, DBNVER co co 80204 80204 sr sr 4000,NORTIIWOODS VAIL D7 T{V I I.ATIIAM WATKINS, 633 W FIFTH DescripEion:insLall new fire protection system Valuation: *of ca6 l,oq6:FlrgpLace rnfonaclonl ReEcrictad:*of oa. Appliances I ,r******r*rr*r, t**i.J*rr*rrirrirrrir**ri*r** FEE 6I;1IMARY **r,rir*titii*tr**it**tttt**''trri*lr*ti*i*****t*ttr"*itt*** !'lechaDlcrL - - - > 14o.oo Re.tuBr.nt Plan Ravicw--> 'o0 Totel c'lcu1ats'd Feeg---> 174'00 PIen eheck---> 35.00 DRB Fao--------- 'oo Additton'l !ee6---------> -0o Inveot.igatton> .oo TOTAL FEES----- wrrl c6I1----> 3.oo liffill.;___-_:::_::::] "":;; iri*.*frri**aa** r r***t'r *"r*t'*i Item: 05100 BUILDING DEP.ARTTI{ENIT- Dept: BUILDING Division: as/65/t999 iIRM Asqiq4-i A'PPR n,/a rrem: 05500 FrRB DEPARTI4EIIr - D-epqi EIRE Division: 6E76st1559-,rfrfi'* ---lGtToiii eppR appr per mikb/jerr EONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE' *******************************************************!t************************ DECI,ARATIONS I hlreby acknorl,.dg6 thr! I hav. read thla applicaEion, flllcd ouB in fuI1 the lnformatlon rcquired, corlrPloted rn rccu!'!c Flot plan, |t1d stic. lhats att t'hc Lnfonsati.on provld.d aa requlrcd 16 corlect. r agr.a to co[tPry wlEh the lnfomation and plot Plan' !o conply vith atl rol|,n ordtnqnc.E and 6tac. lar|E, alrd Eo build rhls Ecructsurc accotding co th€ Tottn'6 zoning and subdivlEion codcs,d66lgmrcwlcvaPProv€d,UnlfonnBuildingcodeandotherordl.nance€oftsh€Toi.nappllc.blethereto. RBQUBg1E FoR IN9FEC:TIONS sllAl,t BE IIADE A!{E}IrY-FouR gIoI{f,Et'RE OF OflNER OR CIC!'!PtrCTOP, FOR FTUI'TI,F AND OSNTER FROM Itoo Alt s:00 Pll *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T99nS oF VArL, COLORADO sraremrr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *st,at,emnt. Number: REC-051_4 Amount.: L78.00 o5/05/gg L3t22 Palment Method: CK Notation: SO24L IniE.: iIRM Permit No: F99-0001 Type:Parcel No: 2101-OB1-12-bb7 site Address: 600 VAIL VAIJTEY Location: G00 vail valley F-SPRNK SPRINKLER PERII{IT DR dr(north woods d-T)ToEal Fees: 179.00 178.00 Total ALLr pmts:178 .00 This Payment *** ** * ***** ******* ********* ******* *** **??lii::i.-.*********i99* *Account Code DescripUion Amount MP 00100003111300 MECrrAlricAL pBRlrrrr FEES 140. OO PF 00100003112300 pr.AN CHECK FEES 35.00 wc 00100003112800 WrLL CALL rNSpECrroN FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 1t - otoa Contact the Eagle County Assessors Oliice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcel # Date: 5'S-q1 o*oers ttane:lq llol^, Architect: -?r,on.+ Noef\.^rooJs rr*r,f \>1 robAddress bro VA:\ tlA\\<Y bL Buildrng ( ) Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block *r, I b-l Electrical ( ) Filing Address: Mecharucal g{Other 1 ; Description of Job: Work Class: New (K) Number of Dwelling Units: 1."/'o u S Number and Type of Fircplaces:Gas Appliances BI-IILDINC: $ PLTJMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. P-lu.birylslrgglqr: Additional ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECI{ANICAL$ 6S ZS,OO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone # Address: _ Phone #,_ Address: Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood.iPellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Alteration ( ) I Town of Vail Registration No.Phonc # Mechanical Contractor: f-?a *, Ll.lL Fi*,-?o& Town of Vail Registration No. l-{ L{ (, - S Phone# 3O3' GZl -OLZ\ FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: 2k.-l to- Llo\I.*, Ft. N*^,,-.-.- CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PIJtsLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODf, t2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROHIBITT,I' A. Unlarnfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon iu:ry streeL sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify ahd require any person who violates or causes anotler to violate the provision of subsection A hereot or who has in the Director's employrnent a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notificd does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: I . Within the immediate area of any constructioq maintenance or repair projoct of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto, 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for sard violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon boing found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: Date: (i.e. contractor or owner) T}Wl,lhFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t 38 FAX 970-479-24s2 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIMI RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) reyiew and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Departrnent review, and a revrew by the Building Deparnnent, the estimated tim6 for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremenXs. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projccts impact the various above mentioned deparhnents with regard to neccssary review, these projects may also take the thrce (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigncd. understand the Plan Check procedure and time llame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may atfect future permits that I apply for. Ageed ro by: Project Narne: Date: Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Dept. {; **urruo MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DATE: JANUARY l, 1999 RE: WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOB NAME: DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TFIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TTM NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': 1. Is this a new residence? YES NO 2. Is demolition work being perforrned that requires thc use of the fught-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO 3, Is any utility wo* needed? \/ES NO 4. ls thc driveway being repavcd? YES_ NO 5. Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO 6. Is any drainage work being done tlut allects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public prope4y? YES NO 7. Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES_ NO 8. A. Is the fught-of-Way, easements or public property to bc used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO B. If NO to 8A. is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a'?ublic Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtaincd at the Public Work's oflice or at Community Development. If you luve any questions plcase call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2 198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL T}IE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signture Date: Company Name 1. 5. ) 4. 6. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCDSS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the 'Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 156. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNERBUILI}ERS Effective January 1, 1999, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town ofVail roads or $reets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town ofVail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval al.479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department, Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained priorto Final Certificate ofOccupancy issuance. {j *"no"or ru TAWI{ OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 t INI'OR]T{ATION I\TEEDEII WIIEN APPLYING X'OR A MECHANICAL PERMIT FTEAT LOSS CALCITLATIONS. TO SCALE, FLooR PLAN OF MECHANTCAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITI] PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQTIIPMENT IN TIIE MECHAMCAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIRDUCTS. FLI.]ES. VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHERELEVATOREQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED INTHE MECHANICALROOM. X'AILURE TO PROVIDE TIIIS INf,'ORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. 3. 4. {,9 *'"'*o'^'"* TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiilTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81,657 970 -479 -2L38 .fob Address...: 500 vAfL vALLEy DR Stat.us..Location : 600 VaiI Valley Dr 3rd level BApplied.parce] No.....: 21-01-081-13-01_7 rssued..Project Number: PR,I98-0106 Expires. ISSUED LLL/ 05 /L999 t2/02/L999 0s/30/2000 APPLICAIVT CONfRACTOR OWNER Mechanical. - > Plan check- - - > InveBt igat ion > will call- --- > ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6045 E 76TH #L2, COMMERCE CrTY ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6045 E 76TH #L2, COMMERCE CITY NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOC BOX 1231, VAIL CO 81658 #of caE Appl i ancer: co 80022 80022 Phone: 303-288-3901 Phone: 303-288-3901 *Of ca6 Loge: FEE SUMMARY Description: Sprinklers in hallway of 3rd 1evel Bldg D Fireplace Information: Rest):ictedl Valuation:3,000.00 +Of tsood/Pal.Lel-: Total Calcul ated Feea- - - >?8.00 Additional Fees ,00 50.00 15.00 .00 3.00 Restuaranb Plan Revien- - > -oo DRB Fee--------- .00 TOTAL FEES------ ?E.OO Total Permi!. Fee--- - -- BAI,ANCE DUE. -'- NUrrrrro l.r+|fr DEPARTME}fI OF COMMI]NTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLBR PERMIT Permit #: F99-0019 7A. O0 7g.oo .oo Item:05100 L1-/LL/L999 Item:05600 1,r/1,1,/L999 12/02/L999 L2'/ O2'/ L999 a2/13/L999 BUTLDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:KATIIY ACTiON: APPR CREATED PERMIT FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPI: FTRE DiViSiON:KA,THY ACTiON: NOTE DWGS TO MCGEE FOR APPR MIKE M Action: APPR appvd as noted MfKE-lvl Action: CANC pl-ans are not approwed MIKElvl Action: APPR appvd as noted -- CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowfedge that I have iead this application, filled ouc in fuIl the j.nformation required, compl.eEed an accuraEe plot plan. and 6tat-e chat alL lhe information provided as required i9 correct. I agree to comply eith Ehe infonnalion and ptot plan/ to cornply wilh all- Town ordinanceg and etsale 1aw6, and to bui-ld this struct,ure accolding to the To!,n,s zoning and subdivieion codes, design revier approved, Uniform Building code and oCher ordinances of tshe To*n applicable lhereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHAIJIJ BE !4ADE TWBNTY - FottR HOURS IN ADIIANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-2134 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FRoM 8:oo AM 5:00 PM S IGNATURE OF' OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSELP AND OWNER ***********************:l**************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO sEaEemnts ***************************!r************************************ sE,aLemnt Number: REc-0588 Amountz 78.00 11/11/99 L4z2L Pa)ment Method: CHECK NotaLion: #25787/ALLSTATE IniL: KMW Permit. No: F99-0019 Type: F-SPRNK SPRINKIER pERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-13-017 SiIC AddrESA: 600 VAIL VALTEY DR LocaEion: 600 Vail Valley Dr 3rd level Bldg D, Norlhwood Total Fees: 78.00 TotsaI AL,L Pmt,s: Balance: **********************:r***************************************** ThlB Paymenu Accourt Code DescripEion MP OO1OOOO311T3OO MECIANICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31]-2800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 78 .00 78 .00 .00 ' Anount 60.00 15 .00 3 .00 - / --"--'' ds-rE.\:ru!r vrlrec \fi,ii.30;J29;l?o0iS: parcel #. ?ono' oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN pERryrr #lrr*.r',&L,r;.zrur .c.r:{l -ti_6r_, pERurf eppf,,rcaiioN-;oRtr- pps"ii. OA(aO / - DAIE:_ .^ci_;b;q, - t APPLTCATIoN uuST BE FIL,,LED ou! CoupLEIELy oR rT ltAy NOT BE o"t"ilr"o .T It************!r**lt***t*:r***t** PER}iIS fNFORltATfOll r'rr***!rtr***r******l*********,l [ ]-Buirding t J-pluDbing [ ]-Erectricar. [ ]-]rechanr-cal t.--\ f ffJiOther *,r-t:J) ,f ob Nane:)t}ob Address: I€gaI DeSeription: Lot Bloclr..=- piting sugDIvISJoN, 0 Owneirs Nane: -T-tl € ABs cc ,Address:Ph. Address: [r{ !\4 f' - \[ Sl',\r)L, pr,. GeneraL Description: I !{ork crass; [ ]-Neer [ ]-Ar.teration [ )-Addiriona]. I J-Repair J ]-other_ N'rrnber of Dtrelling Units:Number of Accogurodation Units: ^Ist" and tFe of Firepraces: cas Appriancas_ cas r,ogs l{oodlperlet If - --- "--'/ EE It***:t*******************!t******t** vAr,uarroNs **r*r**r*t**rr****************t**!r -t BUfLDING: $EI.ECfRICAL: I l{Eclieprcltl: $.-- R THFORMAIIoN ************** *rt*****r**** Tor.rn of ValL Req. No.Phone Nunber: TO?AI: Electrical Cohtractor:Address:Tonn of VaiI Rec. NO.Phone Nu:nber: .Plunbing Contractor: Address:Toq|n of Vail Phone Nunlre!: Toerh of Vail Phone Nun.ber: Reg. NO. -)4<€ffi contractor: Duu-5Ta-iE Fre.E ***********'r******ttt**t*,r****** FOR BUrLorNe penuir ren: Add PLU}fBING PERMIT FEE:I{ECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE:EI.ECIRICAI, FEE: OTHE:R TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: OFFfeE USE **r*******:r********r*****r*rr*r BUUJ}ING PIAN CEECK FEE:PII'}IBTNG Pl,ilir CIu:CK JIEES I.TEC'IIANICAT PIAN CTECK FEEs .REC?EAIION FEE: CI.EA}I-UP DEPOSTT: AOTAL PERIIT FEES: Reg. NO. BUTLDII.i! STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: Pr,rJl{8ING: fi *:l **+ *'t ** ** *** * I *!r *r * * t !r *+*f Eeneral Contraetor: Lt!-Drrv.Address: Q t, i:--- N\orB'tqon TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES MECT{ANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M99-0035 Job Address...: 500 VAIL vALLEy DR Location......: 600 vail val-Iey Dr,#D-7, Parcel No. . . . . : 2l-01--08L-1-2-007 Project Number: PR'J98-0L06 Status...: ISSUED NorthAppli€d. . : 04/28/1999 Issued...: 05/03/]-999 Expires . .: LO/30/L999 APPI.ICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAI,, INC , AVON, CO 8l_620 CONTRACfOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC , AVON, eO 81620 OWNER NORTHWOODS VAIL D7 NV T I,ATHAM WATKINS, 533 W FTFTH Description: Mechanical for remodel PlroDlacr Infornslion: Regtricted: Y Itof cas Appliances: Phone: 970-949-0200 Phone: 970-949-0200 ST ST 4OOO, LOS ANGELES CA 9OO71OO Valuat.i.on:25, 000 . 00 *of iiood/Pal]et:*of ca6 Log6: Mechani.cal---> Plan Check-- - > Inveatigat'ion> will call----> Restuaran! Plan Revi e!,r- - > DRB Fee--------- TOTAL FEES.---- Total. CaJ.ctrlat.ed Feea--- > Additional Fees--------- > Total Perlri.l Fi!e----- ---> Paymenla-------- 500.00 L25.00 .00 3,00 .00 .00 52S. 00 62e .00 .00 628 .00 528.00 BAI,ANCE DT'E- - - - .OO ITEM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI,IT DEPI: BUILDING DiWiSiON:04/28/L999 KATITY Action: NOTE Routed to .lR-05/03/L999 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR SHARLIE DAVIS ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/2e/L999 KATIry AcEion: APPR N.,/A DepE: FfRE Division: CONDIT]ON OF APPROVA,L 1. FIELD INSPBCTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON AIR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTJFACTI'RES TNSTRU TTONS A.I{D TO CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1-997 UMC, CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1-997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 8 AND STALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O].7 OF THE 1997 TJMC AND CTJAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 TMC. 6 . BOILERS SHATL BE MOTJI{:TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOTVIBUSTIBI-.E CONST.I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COI{BUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE AIiTAIYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHAN]EAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING F{EATING OR IIOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIIERS SHAI.,I., BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F THE ]-997 IJMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE l_997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECT,ARATIONS f h€lEby acknorlodg6 ghat I havc r6ad Ehis applicatsion, filLed outs in full tshe inforeation required, co![lrl,€tsed an acduraie plot plan, and Eta!6 tshab all tho inforualion plovided aE requircd is correcg. I agree Eo comply xith Ehs infonnation alrd plot plan, to couPly ritsh aLl Tonn ordinancld and 6tat. lavs, and to bulld thi6 strtrctsure accordl.ng Eo '6 2oning and 6ubdivi6ion cod6t, dqalgn ravier apploved, UlriforE Building Cod6 and otsher of the Tor.n REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TITEITT{ - FOUR HOURS TN SIONATURE OF OIfNER OR COMTRAC1COR POR. HIMSEI,F AI{D Ot'IIER SrEala$rrE Pa)dent NuDbcr I Hethod r 624. OO cR {658 Pe-Dls t{o: !..t99-0035 fypr. B-itECH MEcH.eNIc.e! PERMIT Percel No: 21.o1- 081-12 - OO7 Sit,e AddT.BEE: 600 VAIIJ VAIIIJEY DR Loc.tion: 5OO VaiI Va1l€y Dr,*D-?, Northwoods toEal Fe€B: Pal|s.nl 628.00 ToCaI AIrIr PEts: Balance: 529.00 52e.00 .00 Amount 500. 00 125.00 :t-oo i * * rr i * *r *t a * t r a * rrt r, * rr *r r r * *t * r !r *t rt *a a * * * * * * * raii i r r *r r t **.rt t t AccouttC Codc Doucription MP 00100003111300 MECHANTCAT PER|.TT rEES pF 00100003112300 PL.IN CITECK FEES t{c oo1oooo3l.12800 tglln cALIr llrrgpEcrroN FEE RPT zA Sg l2:4lP Concept' l'lechanical ' Inc. 0{-2?-Eg 03:42pr,t Ft0r{ JIil ClJIDA C0llST. 301 hdsr:t! 00.14-tu (970.1 s49-O300 p. s poj IbqS-0lo(e TOWTI OF VAIL COi{STRUC?ION PERTITAPPUCAilOil FORI,I II{,oDXAitrOrl f,ttsT lE coiplrn ol Tf,t AruclDoN xrrr. :r rf,.rEcrzp - W tE 4b OoctU^s$rr Oiltg' d gl0rffi-^u tu Frd,l ] f fnrrt ?1{\t ^ Ogt --!Z- O(57 tt I w 4(?z lgs - hbNrd: Bltl||nS( )no,ufi Plnit# Jo0A&* Etrdh'I ( )l,edudcttfr) nryn( )Ob.r ( ) lSrFoa AloMll|o! thlE w*Y76_%fr wod/ldh sllfi* l_ II}?AL ' ,\rlciltf StrF il Ton dilblitqirsain No.Ii6o I Ftq r A:q-t---t I?a-?Ptorf EOROEIICEUTE (O rr-_rb to futtD0{q Date Received APR e8leee Grc^tf upDFArT ncFu[prb .. kel Dtr.dCla t4t- !lod- luhr-- $$dlvldor OrrnNc: Wot OG Ndr ( ) N&d7yForrbcAls gagA9tiec6.-"--, - Crt4!' vAur Dorq Er.EfiilCAL 3 flcoteuc fliqr{Oesf{[; mlclCortqFror: f,hrrtrrcfr'!:r?l: Ts! otvrl f ilfhpt {cdfiUffi: Twldvril fo*ldvdlno$ndnNo. eHo(4 Adtrqt( )Wt&va- as Lzt4fa48. o I 'IJio-nao-xoJ-Aor'rot{ ra.}t ee-aa_!<ty CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC._ffi *i::s: ;,i: lffi ';l"YJ:ir-Nl r" **lT_l:*, cororado81620 Pftono: (970) 90S(trm0 Fax: (970) 9tt90300 MfCt{*AJ rc V"-"a I t-o " !-wsw €et&[n/tn O tro,r* rv,sr gi P,**o *t *t-co d z rrufitttrtrrrlct E*,tr:Q- l,trlsr EP trslzd rot d#Sntc*n+f uPor.r Cor,|&6718€- pten;eo*t(o c i.. ., lJ{i ,r : *: t { _; r ,iilF CHECXED BY-.' =_- . '-- DAIts scArE l/z-" = 1l-9tt O-u't ^gqa tw&e Dv.taJ$, k ?kr( ar t/',Yb,,,AsAg0enal JVt-leS ,gotl,ffi-.?" {<#7 tEYr-gtW +"S r.fF€.'B v+Jr /<P?rl€^tel> Ie_odB anu.. *o I oF-- "n."u*r.o"" fJlZ oort4'?-8 'fr e) A trLcbR Oe*r,tl 15 Qerig ,nt fr|, eCUr+*-tlC*<- 1za tt .a.!...r.i" -., -r,..,1,.r ... i,.t 't." ; ': {l':i'" 'i'1,' . .. 1.. i:r 1.'. 't't rt:.r:tr *.i '1" ?l ."';l;,i>' i tl'i ? iit .'r t'l 't B +ttpstEt-?o3 RGft,{pr? 4- / tu -- frao rHY/( * ltu tu Rrl'tr?t7 c: tv frrva a/ (b 8b1 w 'e-U€rl CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN Date Receivet APR 3 o 1999 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 April28, 1999 ToTTtL P,+dEE-t e ;fi":'U^',u'- E*, i1, J. e . TO: Town ofVail Community Development FROM: Tim Rosen RE: Ballesteros Remodel; Northwoods D-7;Yul, Colorado Building Permit #898-0213 To Whom It May Concern: We have oompleted our heat loss calculations for the referenced pro.iect. Total heat loss is 45,080 Btuh. We have figured an additional load of 18,000 Btuh for the 150 square feet of melted deck. We are not including any roof snowmelt in the boiler sizing. The minimum sea level input required to meet these loads is I13,000 Btuh. A Teledyne Laars fVIl25 will meet this duty. I have enclosed a cut sheet conoerning this boiler. I have sketched up the mechanical room closet plan for your review. Further, concerning the in-floor analysis, I have enclosed our data on the zoning. Heat loss calculations are based on information provided to Concept Mechanical, Inc. from Jim Guida Construction concerning envelope R-values and related construstion along with the plans for the remodel dated 3-17-99. Interior ternperature figured is 70 F with an outside design temperature of -20 F. Also enclosed via fax is the plumbing and meohanical permit applications. Please oall when the permit is ready. Thank you. Encl. P,Frfo PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 hlcout \Jot)(p A\ g bt $oo 1< uE*t $ STAI{DARI} EQUTPMFArT Nr{D SPECTFTCATTONS Inches (mm) ,,FTELEDYNE LJMRS 6000 Condor Drive, Moorp8rk, CA 93021 r Tel: (805) 529-2000 r Fa* (80b) 529-5934 20 IndusHal way, f,ochester, Nfl03867 . (6031 335-6300 r Fax: (6031 335-3355 480 s. sereico Road wesl 0atville, Ontario, canada L6K 2H4 o Tel (905) 844-8233 r Fa* (9051 844-263i lltho in U.S-A. @Ieledyne laars 1996 Docunent 10868 9805 JVI El4 Irp!l BlUiir r 100n {rffl il!.IU c|D. lTuilr r llm (M) {.t En llufi. r lm|| (IlY) tfuE %lrim!$lorr lmhlrlnm) Y{ibt Com. (hJ G|t Cor[. (ln.l lI9|!r. lvol0l llbt.)id. 6rt Pm. G.t ilrt. Grr Po. Gat ilrt. Gar Pm. G I I c 50 t0! , tz6 t60 225 i011r.6) 75 {?r.e} lOl8.r) 125 Fr.!l rn (aE.rl 225 (05.!) 11.5(r2.rl 62.t( .2) r2.0 {2{.0} 'flp.5 {fl.0) r3r.? { .r} 1rr.5 (!r.0) 42.0(12.1) 63.0(18.r) '3.5 (2r.rl r03.0{3!.rl t3?.r(sr.sl 1O.2 {ir.l) 3r.1 {10.11 5r.?lr5.8l 72.!(n.51 a.E (20.?l 11r.1(33.t) rt!.1Fr.9) i6.5{r0.rl ia.?06.0) 12.6 {21.31 19.6 (26.71 1lr.t(t0.!l 162.r (17.7) [3.1 03.2 t2.a 02.1 n.3 42.2 8t.0 &.0 8t.! E2.l 82.1 E3.2 13-38(3{l|) 1l-lrl (3aq re?D ({23) lGr/l (.2t1 a}lx 15|ll 2$iir (65r) 3.1/l (n) +r/1{r0rl rt/r 1116l $ru 11101 ?t/a(tul 10 {25{ 2-7[ (n)2 (5rl 2-?/l (731 2 {5rl 2 {5rl z (5r) 1.t/l 1'lll 1-lta r.t/4 r,1/a 1.lla fi fi 1t2 1n '/a' t60 165 t!0 115 210 225 'lnflrPntdti FrontVlew fop View JT Sbr tt|od U/lr r rm (rw) llutru Cr!. UU,l|| r 1000 llftYl llol lll iru/hrlm(m) AFUE *0l|||.lrh||r lichr (mml Ga Cun (h.l hrt lrdt!|r Sbdl|| Pllt (h.l reur th.,i{. G|t Pm. Gs lrl. 0rr ft!. Grr Irl. G Ro. G[ x.t. Ert R!. Ga! A I G D E v 5l t5 tac 1fr tflt 225 !r(ntl 75 Ifl.9 rola.r) 125 (L.61 ro ({r.r} a5{6.r} awa alr l r3 (2r.{ ru{1r.rl 1r3 {3t.t} ro (rl.t) ${r2.r} 6r lrr.rl G (Zr.rl rG$.rl r35 (3t.51 In (56.q $.50e4 6a.a tri.t) 722t?r.0 lr(a.q rr5.? (r3.1 rir.?(o.q rrlrr.0 si0co nr8r.61 a.zvt.Bl t1? {H.al |6rrra) t|.l ||.a l|.! E.l |l.! 13.2 G.l !5.2 li.1 ||.5 g.t G.t ta.t t!.5 l|7 o.7 t|.l It.5 t.! t2.5 It.7 a?.t 03.c o.t 'rlgrtpr) rlst (3{l rcritlctl |crt(aal 2r3t 610 zr{f,t60 zr{t[rEl '' llr(rc) 2[flr(rll r}l||lnq rltNFrl fl.1ZFD as{n|} r+ltor) l+lt {l|rl r}![(cil a- 0ol l$ lntl rril{f56rl a{N@l z{rlrq t?.rt{ Fn) z2flr(6,ll 2r+rl!r) tln@\ ".1U Fl a.u(n' r-tzte) r-12(Ol r.rafii) | {'|?l i(fi) i(|l?l 6lrEll rlru) r0?t) t-t/l t-t/l l-1/,1 t-1ta t-t/l !-t/a tp n n fi v r/r' ln t2t |la 'lll lL l 'ln FDur. Rpn 2g gg 1l : r+ga Concept l-lechanical, Inc. CONCEPT MECHAiIIGAI-' lNC. PO-Eo( 1165 Avon. C,olomdo 816?0 s4s -o300 p. e E/ ^.*ro*r *--&-E- ^* V-?lo*'? i r9?oJ t Fto|rc: (97o! 9a}{8OO Far: (1170) 94!l{1itr0 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 APPLICANT CON:TRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLU}IBING PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Location...: 500 vail Val1ey Dr #D-7,Parcel No.. : 2101-081-l_2-007 Project No. : PRJ98-0105 ,JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permit #: P99-0023 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 04/28/L999 fssued...: 04/29/L999 E>qpires. - : L0 /26/1-999 Descript.ion: Plumbing for remodel *+ { *rrr*r*r {* FEa CONCEPT MECTTANICAL, INC , AVON, CO 81-520 coNcEPT MECI{ANICAr,, rNC , AVON, CO 81620 NORTHWOODS VAIL D7 NV t LATT{AM WATKINS, 633 W FrFTH ST Phone: 970-949-0200 Phone z 97o-949-020o sT 4000, Los Valuation: ANGELES cA 9007100 28, 000 . 00 sul4MAItY i*rrr"rr Plumbing-----> Plan Chcck- - . > Inveatigatsion> Restuarani Plan Revier >Total Calculated Fecs---> Addilional FeeB- -- - --- - - > Total Per it. Fee .------> Paymen!6-----. 420 .00 105.00 .00 3 .00 .00 529.00 52S.00 .00 52S.00 524 .00 BAIANCE DUB.---- .OO IICM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEM|O4/28/L999 KATIIY Action: .F,PPR Routed Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ,o 3fip.: BUILDING Divi-sion: Dept: FIRE Division:04/28/L999 KATTTY AcIion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknovl€dg6 tha! I have read thia appl,ication, filled out in fuIl tshe inforhation r6quired. compLegcd an accuracc plot p1an, and stat€ lhat all the infornation provided aa required is correct. I agree to conply ri.th t'he informat.ion end plot ptan, to comply r.j,th all. Totrn ordinances and stsate lawB, and to buiLd t.his stlucture accolding to bh6 Town,s zonj,ng and aubdivieion codeE, de6i,F rcviel. approvcd, Unifo-m Building Codc and oCher: ordi.nances of the Toan applicabl€ lhe.rctso. REQUEsTS FOR INSPBqIIONS SIIA],L BE IIADE TWENTY. FOT'R TIOURS IN AD'VANCE BY TAI,EPHONE AT 4?9-2138 .OR ,i,1 {'' FROM 8!oo Al.l 5 :00 PU t ((1.4,'4 1 9rMsELA E OF OWNER OR a*tai.*ttttt!rtt*t'rt1t**rtttaaittrtt*.}ttttlltttrtta{attr,ltttt*tr.t dor Ot lnt!, Ei'!OEIDO 6.!.!!GIG ttttitti'rttalf tttatal'rttltaalatttttttatttittttlritr.rtrtat'rttir* gtrE.[ra lurbcrs C-O510 loprar! ! 5ZB.OO Oal29l9t U:23 Prt'oatre g.thod! Ctr Fo!.tiorl3 Ctr a658 InlEr lrc Plr|d.r tle s P99-OOa3 T!?e ! E-PU@ FIjr BrnC PERttIt Prte€l No: r10l-0a1-l:-00? git. ltddr.m r 3o0 tr! VIL&B} De _ Locrci,on: 5oo V.il Vrll.y Dr tD-7, [orchrood6 lotrl !rG!i 52E.o0 tltis D.ydrnE 528.00 To!a1 NiL t|dgt! 5?8.00 Bal.nc€! .OO rrlttaat€ittitntrlrtatt*tttrra!rtinrraiai,'**a, lsclunc cod. Dtrcrlptlon lrcu,re FP 00100003111200 9Ll[81M, PERI{IT lEEg 420,00 PF 00t00004112300 PG s cBBct( tEla 105.00 l|c o0r.o000311t4o0 w & cel;! IJ{tPlctlofl Ft8 3.00 ,'{,,iloz' ,'c-I \y.! l.p,/1t.;t !',.,\i,,.\ r ,- piE'l|Irt tililla-rrrlc. Cgn ) lrlrpef-titced sllcrrhing f)ens€lass, Gold Shearhing DensGlasso Gold Product Overview ) GAIUBIT GUAATTNIEE Description I)cns,-Glus.** G-old is a trniquc ..pagxrless. shearhin,r p:ln-Ct mrdc ol a p.ltenrcd silico(te_rrc".rrecl core"surkl(e(l,wilh inorgani6 glasS mat facing.s nnd ir ''SOl(t lURali-rc{if(anr COa(inA. Available Sizes/Dimensfons Dens-Glrsr Gold is ar.ail:rble in rhicknesses of V, ot N"Fircsrop'. Type X. Dens-Gl:rss Gold pancls are manufacrurcd in a <'sidtlr llnd f|', 9', and l0' lcngrtr"s. Orher lengrhs irvait_xl)lc LIP()n fequcst. Dens-Glass* GoldUses f)en-q-Glass Gold in the tnost vers3rile. rror,tblc-frcc shcarhlng you can specily for e erior walls. ceilinlJ anct solfi(s. Sirnply adcl thc panels direcdv ro srrucnrral Tltllg "n,l finish nt,ith your choice of sirfacins or cladcting matcrials. Applicil(ion:i iderl fbr Dens-GLrss Gold include:. E\-reriot finish sysrcms wirh in.sutadon (EIFS) ' Brick \?neer Applicadons-caviry wall . Direct cxrerior liirish sysrenrd wirhout insularkrn (DEFS)-in recommcndcd Reoq-rDhic ureus onlv . Sinsle-Ply backing for rradiiiorirl itadding such ' :ls woOO, vinyt or composirion sidinC: rr.Ood ,shakcs or .shingles; .sroae <lr brick; cdnvcntional stucco sysrem; and plye'oOcl sidinE otnels . Subsr.r(c for interioi finish "ysremi ivhich requirc :r superior firc and molrture resisanl pancl EIFS: Dens-Glilss Gold pancls are reared wirh an e-\clusive alkali-rcsisunf coa(iOg. This coaring. DroDri-er ry ro cc()rqia-Pacific and dcveloped esp.Iidllv lor l)errrGli.uss Gold sherrhing, ha.s .sevenl imDonant ildvanurges for EIFS applic:,uions:. F.limimtes the need f()r I -sealer/Drirncr wirh udhcrsively applied high-rlkaline'l:lFS o Strengrhgns the bond bctween pitnel xnd surfacing pnxlucr . Makes the parrel ore rc_siliurnt Io st',rfitcc watcr . Provides t flat, cven strbsrrure . Inside alnium area The r..*sulr: labor cosr and callbacks go down-and custorller sarisfacdon on etch projcc.i .grx5 1rp. Br{cl Vencer::, Moisrufe rcsistant r Firc rcsistanr- I lnd I lxrur tire 3ssernblies . 6 lnonrh n,eathcr esrrostrrc . Building fek nor required. unless soccitjcd bv designing aulh()rir)* or COdc o Pr<rvidcs warer and ilir barier n i(h ioint protqc. rion (see page l5). Dircct Appucadon qrithout lruuladon (DEPS), l'.xcellem suhsrare tbr DEFS rrpplic:rrions (.see oises 8 :rnd 9 for funher rlcurils :lnd'l;rnirarions ) Vhere to Spccify Dens4lass'e Gold Specify: Dens.Glats Gold for any proiec s'here vou wanr rhc flcxibility an<! c:rs1, lnsri,llirion of rwosuin shcarhing bu.! don'r want rlie headaches rnii'i.xpcn.se of d€lamintlion. dcterior-rtion. sl6ging and *uriing. Where to Specify Dens-Glass' Gold Firestop* Spccify: AII J{" Dcns.Glus Gold Fircsron is ryoe ,X'. U.se X" Dens-Glass Gold Firesrop whereicr fiii rcsis- tiv€ sys(em consrrucrions are rc-Quired.) E ) 3 Feeirre: frop'rictary sllicone.trered core wirh glase nat fece .^d back Beoefit: Sqpecior Weatber Protaction: papcr-faccd nro.rum $gathing iu* cant handle cxposurl to ttre "fiiihJ I{atn, snow, and high-humidiry cause panels ro sag and urarp; the fice'.paper peels away from ttre core. But Dens-Glass' Gold inregrates Darened silicone- treated core *trh a glass mat hce ind back ro Drovidc .superb prolcrction from the elemsrs. Thesc pahels urill not dclaminrte or dcteriorare due to weather-wcn during consrruction dctays rhet last as long as six lnon&rs- Sone qraufacnucrg or buildlnr codcs oav rcquirc a sccondrry urcailrcr bairtcr.. Dens€tass Gold excecded ASTM rest criteria lbr both Air Infilradon and Scadc warer Deneu?don wirh spprcved joiff finish mcrhods a3 alte.mates to br.rilding felts (see pagc 12) No:e Ylen uiyrg blildtng papers or house*rrps such as.No. f 5.felt, Tyvek Or Amowrap over Dcns4lass Gold, insrNli via fasreners ihnr Dens€lass Gold and inro frrming members. That's not all, Dens-Glass Gold outperforrne ondinary gyp.sum shearhing in other imponanr ways; Sarcngth The flexural strengrh of Dens-Glars Gold is appnrximately dre sime in bbrh direcions wirh each plnel: 50 p€rcenr ro 100 pcrtcnr skonger in rhe 4'srrcr$on rhan rhe srandard for gyDsum shearhinu. Thts mcens Ders.Glass Gold can be-ii'isalled either v'eni- cally nr horizonally $lrhbur sacrificing wall strencth between studs. Dens-Glass Gold atso -protects and helps sabilize srnrctural framing. SUbllityi A low- coeflicienr of er<prnsion, l0xl06/incV'F, Dens-Glass Gold sheathiire is cxntoclv r,csi*aat to rippliag; buc"kllng o*-,r sryging; c*=n uryrcr numld CondiaiOnS-whiCh makCj it oanicu- larly suiable for soffirs. Dcns.Glass Gotd excledcd ASTM C-79 srendands for humidified deflccrion bv e facor of l0 in acru:l tesls over rhc standanl f<rr ' regula! gypsunr she:lrhing. Firc pmtcction: Deru-Glass Gold is noncom. hrsdble (as rcsred per ASTM E-136), so ir offers bener prutestiqn against firc rhan ordirrary glpsum shcath-lng. Surl-tce buming t€sfs (performcd in accordance with AS'TM E-84) show Dens4lass Gold ornels oro-vide lcro llen€prcad eod zro tooki aa:|bo_EeaL TesG of )t'DensGlass Gold Fircsoo. TrDe'X (pcrformed ln accordance wirh A,STM E-1f9j qiilifies for a one-hour firc resisanr corxrntcti{on (Ut it). Physical propcrtic6: Refer ro rhc chan on nate 4 for a quanriativc comparison of Dens4lass Coid'ind reJr. ular paper.faced gFpsum sherthing. By vim.rally cver/ crifical mg4sure of physical propenies and pcrfor- mance, Derx-Glass Gold is superior to ordihary gyp sum sheatNng. Eary !o h.ndla Dens€Iass Gold is as lij;hrwcigtrt and easy to handle as ordinary gyp.sum shearh;n--e- and its s' lferior flenrnl srrcngdi in the 4' direcd6n mrkes it far more rcsistant to -&magc in handling. Feature: Gless Mlr Faciogt Benefit: Glass facings acnrally penetrare righr inro rhe panel iself, creating 3nd inregrarcd unifrhat wirhsrahds delaminrdon. deteriorerion, qarping, and job-.sire dema$e lar morc effedivety thari piperfeced shearhing producrs. Featurel Werranty B€nefit: Ccocgii,.Prcitrc badrs Dcns-Glass Gold sfuh the bcrt ltmitcd wtrenty in rhc indultr1r Denstlass Gold is waranted to withsrand in place eliDosure ro n'eether for a full six monrhs-wirh a five-i.err limiretl i\llrr.tnty agains! manufacruring defucr ani r lO-year limired s?rranry when used ei a subsrare for archt- re'cturelly spccified Exerior Insulzted Finish Sysrems (EIFS). Our confidencc in Dcns.Glass Golds -iuoeri-ori(y over any orher g)'psum sheathing is so srning nr' pur i! in wriring. Read our warranties on rhe insidc fronr cover of rhis publicrtion for full der:rils. ) E Produa Comparison DensGlasso Gold panels vs. Ordinar', Gypsum Sheathing '} ProFrriar Dctte-Glrss. Cold Sbcotfnu y,' R€ulir GtDou[ Sh.arhiq %' D.nt4frr!" Gold tirc'topi TyF X %" Crypruo Shc.rhing;IyF X Ttrickncss. Nominal hches vidrh,Noninil Icngh Strnctard rVeighr. lbs./Il sq. ft., Nominal Surfaclng &lcking Sffcn$h, Ibs./r (dry) (Uldnurc - nor destgr vzluc) Flcxural Srrcngth, parallcl, Ibs. (4'week athecdon) Humidlfi ed Deflecdon, inchcs Surfzce Water Absorption, grzms. P€rmeancc (pcrms)r 'R" v41." Ilemc Spread Combu.srible cote mat 4'*'A" 8" 9" l0'r l.: 1900 Inorgenic gass 6b€r mar 617 80: .w 35 .56 0 no no 4'x'A" 8'.9'. l0' r Z Appmx. 1850 Papcr 540' 40: r.6. {0 .4) l5 no yes 4' x, '/r' 8',.9"ro'=u 2500 Inoryuic ghss fibcr mar 7ll 100' .73 35(cst) '67 o no no 4' * 1*" E'..9'.rO',2N Approx. !{Of) lrrpcr 654, 50' I.6: it '56 t5 no ycs ) Irrt(rficc Gypsul|r Shcarhi€ Purq'nl : ;r {.(H-.{96: rl.ti79.t7}: 4,$10.16} 5.115..$5 ln(l i.!20,761; Drlx.r lFtcntJ lxnding. NoG Sp(Clricd triE lor Dcal6lrd6 C-Lt shfllhtnt rr. dlinqt in Aslft Gf f.f?. rnd 6of grFr p*!d ctstldig..G d.rlo.d is AsrI{ GD. CoajEr:drc vrlulr c bt!!d oa tcflr cooduclcd l! rccgrdrscc rirh A.5DI C-r7t lnd AstM t tz l. Gyll[o Ar*iltion<A.252 . L litrirDue 'Cluirt6an6 tor AS'}| C.7t *:rd.ld rg.eifrcrtloD ,. M.d.Bulr tqufrcocarr tor Asf C,tt rt.ldi'd +-potfi-trien {. Tcrid la afto.d{t c rtrh ^slx c7t t, tc*rl h rG(lrd|acclel AS || (;-tj5 (d4, cr|' oernorr) 6. "Gf.it Lr rccor'a..occ r'frh a.lSfx Gtl! (h6t dor !E.tr)t. xLrbr|lr 'Gqsir!F!n.! fg" Astrlrt Ottz rtro&nd tgc<if.lligo D.n .Gl|3r (bld hls b.r rfrccul€lty dt3ll'|G.l.o hcrr or <x.coC ASIM Gf f7,..ad C-7t Dcq.4lrrt Ctotd Buifdbg Cod€ C.omplience rcao r{305 sBccxpsT&Esl '95{O locArgo-rg N.Y. ciry MEA 2t4-88.M n-* €fflr:tiTiL callde \si$Gonsin DIHL-900O65-S MeuopolftanDadccounrygo-O5r0.3 L. Aagchf nI-250OE ) ! ELECTRONICS, INC. lN4ay 29,2Q00 Mr. Michael McGee Fire Marshal, Vail Fire DePartment Vail, CO 81657 Dear Fire Marshal McGee, The following is a list of items which are not reflected on the Fire Alarm Plans which we have submitted for the remodel project of Northwoods Buildings B and E. New Fire Alarm Control Panel ( s ) The current remodel project includes the complete renovation of the Hallways of the two Northwoods Condominium Buildings. As such, we have the opportunity to run new wiring within the Hallways, to allow us to replace the existing Fire Alarm Control Panels, with new models that will allow for'addressable'Fire Alarm Devices for the Hallways. We"have therefore included new addressable devices ( Smoke Detectors, Heat Detectors, and pull Stations ) for the Hallways of the Building ( s ). Additionally, we have included new combination'Horn - Strobe' devices to replace the existing Fire Horns. As such, it may appear that the spacing of the devices is somewhat 'sporadiC, and that the 'spacing' may vary within the individual hallways and from'floor to floor'. However, we have made provisions to install additional devices, to provide sufficient spacing to meet the appropriate'listing' for the specifi c devices. P.O. Box 534 Avon, CO 81620 ( 970 ) e49 - 4638 FAX 949- 1928 mth u l@th u lelectronics.com L Existing Fire Alarm Wring We have located the new addressable Fire Alarm Devices in a manner such that the existing Fire Alarm Wiring for each of the two Buildings may continued to be used. Because a significant portion of the existing wiring was originally installed in'conduit', this is the only practical method of providing continuing detection within the individual Condominium Units, using the current device locations as 'junction points'. Using the existing wiring allows detection within the Units, both during the course of the present remodel, as well as during the time period between the oument remodel, and the remodel project whioh will address the extension of the Fire Sprinkler System to within the Condominium Units' It is our desire to replace the wiring within the individual Condominium Units, during the 'remodel' that will include the extension of the Fire Sprinkler System. It is our further desire to install addressable devices within the individual Condominium Units at that time, such that the entire Fire Alarm System for the Building ( s ) will be addressable' Fire Sprinkler'Waterflow' Alarm and'Tamper' Supemision Switches At the time of the submittal, Thul Electronics did not have the information regarding the Fire Sprinkler 'Waterflow' Alarm and 'Tamper' Supervision Switches that were to be installed within the Project. However, we have made provisions for Fire Sprinkler 'Waterflo# Alarm Switches, to be associated with'Main Sprinkler' Alarrn, as well an individual Sprinkler Alarm associated with each of the individual Floors of the Building ( s ). Additionally, we have made provisions for individual or multiple'Supervision' Switshes that may be associated with the Valves for the Fire Sprinkler System. Finally, while we have made allowances for these devices, it appears that it will be neoessary to locate the specific dwices'in the field', as it is not apparent to us the exact locations at this time. Elevator Recall We have presently allowed for a 'single' Elevator Recall Event, although there can be additional Relay Modules installed in the addressable loop, to indicate further Elevator Recall actions, as the need for this ariscs. Ceiling Heights - Ceiling Elevations It is my understanding that the 'Coffered' Areas of the revised Ceilings are less than 9" in Elevation change, throughout the Building. we have therefore considered the entire area as a 'flat' Ceiling, for purposes of Smoke Detector locations' I have included these comments to further explain the design and operation of the revised Fire Alarm systems for the two Northwoods condominium Buildings, B and E. I would be pleased to discuss the entire system in further detail, at your convenience' I appreciate your assistance in the review ofthe design and installation ofthe revised Fire Alarm systems for the two Northwoods condominium Buildings, B and E, and look forward to a successful completion of this stage of the overall remodel of the Buildings. Sincerely, Thul Electronics, Inc. n4h J{^^/- Mike Thul, President OEillnAf The Thermotoch 302 Ssrios rat€-anticipation heat detec- tors operate within a controlled range of two to three de- grees of heir set points, regardless of the speed or rate of temperature rise. These detectors are available in either 135'F or 194'F ratings, The 302 Series are normally-open devices designed es- pecially for fire dotection and alarm systems. !:AIURIS , lmmedlate response. The 302 Series activat€ whenever ambi€nt air tempereture reacheS a detecto/s setting, eliminating the thermal time lag inherent in c,onventional heat detectors' . Eliminates hlse alarms. The 302 Series do not respond to momentary temperature fluctuations below fre sel€cted temperabre. t llnlvercal appllcatlon. The 302 Series can be used in all areas for any $pe of occupancy. . Self-restodng. , HermelicalU sealed, shock resislant, corosion resistant, and tramper-Proof. PRtlrGlPlSg or oPERArloil The 302 Series rate-anticlpation heat detectom re' spond and activate the fire alarm immediately whenever the ambient temperature reaches the preset tempeEture setting. Under rapid heat ds€ conditions, the rate-anticipation feature enables tho detector to respond one to three degrees ahead of the s€fting. At he sam€ tlme, however, ltdoes not respond to momentary temperahJre fluctuations be' low the selected prot€ction level, thus eliminating false alarms. When temperature drops back down below the protection level, the detector automati' cally reseb itself. Ftre.Llre'ALarrns ncorPorareD Aprll 17, 1898 302 Series Role-Anllclpotlon Heot Deteclors 5539 J.|.5H3M3'AY E350'f BA Exceqt EPM) (EPM modol only) lpPHQtlloil ll|Foni|Arloil 302 Series detectors have a smooh-ceiling UL rating of 50' x 50' (15.24 x 15.24 moters) end are fie only type of heat detectors having sucfi a rating on both lixed tempera- ture and rale anticipation. The 302-H is designed for hori- zontaf mounting and UL rated for 40' x 40' (12.19 x 12'19 meters). Dttlil3lOll8 lilodcl 3O2l Total overall l€ngth: 4-118' Bere dlameter: 2n art61g6At nAT|]lOt Voltage 6-125 VAC 6-25 VDC 125 VDC Cuftent 5 amps 1 amp 0.5 emp tso-0001 Enginoodng end Manufaclurlng Ouallty Syslom Corlllied h lnlomadooal Standard ISO-900i F l=- --l Med.In tia U.S.A- Thls docum6nt ls not Intond€d lo bo u66d ior ln3tallatlon purpo8c8. Wc ity to koop our product Informlton up-todaia ond ecdrEte, Wo cannot cowr 8ll lpedtc sppllc€tlon8 or antlclpste all rsqulrgmanls. All spoclica ons ara subj€ct to drengp wlthotit notlcl. For mor6 Intormallon, contad Flre.Llti. Phono: (203) il8,l-7161 FAX: (203) 4&{-7118 SjdFt|J€'ararms 12 ctlntonvllls Ro6d, Northbrd, conneclkri 0et72 DF-50673 * Paga1ol2 Thormotech Model 302 Serles Rate4ntlclpatlon Heat Detec'iors ilIODEL NUiIBER DESCRIPTIOT{REFER TO 302-135 135'F redor Veillcal iloun0rp.tlob 1 below. 302-194 194'F hador Vedlcal [,lounlirE. 302-AW-135 1 35'F AFWeather Veiical lrotttilrp. l,lote 2 below. 302.AW-194 194'F AlFWeatter Ve lcal NlotlnfrE. 302-ETl35 1 35'F AF.Weather Vedlcal t\4ourilirE. l'lob 3 below. 302-ET-194 194'F AlFWeather Veillcal lllounf rE, ti,i,i.i, f. if 302+t135 1 35'F Inbrlor l-lorlzontal ltIom$rg. l,bb 4 below. 302-Fl-194 1 94"F Inbrior l-lorlanbl ll|ouilirg. 302-EPM-135 1 35"F ErylodoFPtoof ltiilountirg. t{ob 5 below. 302-EPM-194 1 94'F E)plosiorrPrcof lttloun0tg. AP+Decoratire wtrib phstic adapbr phte br rnuillrg 302 ard 3024W to 4" outet box FINE SILVER CONTACT POINTS EXPANSION STRUTS HIGH EXPANSION SENSING SHELL O,O4O ANODIZED ALUMINUM HEATANTICIPATION CONTROL SLEEVE SETTING SCREW DEVCON No|o 1: For interior mounting in any atmosphers that is compatible with terminal scfew typo conn€ctions. UL rating 50' x 50' (15.24 x 15.24 meters). irot€ 2.' Humitically sealed lor moisture-proof or dust- proof installations. Requires no special backbox when the all-wea0rer leads are propedy spliced to THW or squfualont type wir€. wote 3.' Humitically sealed for moisture-proof or dust- proof installations. Requlres no special backbox, Has plastic hexagonal wrench grip bushing with 112' (1.27 cm) conduit threads for attac,hrn€nt to threaded hub cover, or any outlet box. ,Vo6r 4.' Same as model 302 €xcept designed for hori- zontal mounting. UL rating 40' x 40' (12.19 x 12.19 meters). Itloia 5.' Explosion-proof for installatbn in hazardous lo- cations. Has hexagonal wrench grip bushing i with 112" (1.27 cm) conduit threads for attacfi- ment to threaded hub cover of Series JL lixturc fitting as manufac-tured by Killark Electric Co., or equal. HERMETIC SEAL Cut-Away Vlew, ACruAL SIZE ?ago?olz - OF-50673 LL-STAT€ #'Fffi i$rw-'1.i fu,,ti# HYDRAU LIC CALCU LATIONS AND PRODUCT SUBMITTALS FOR NORTHWOODS BLDG D THIRD FLR. HALL VAIL , COLO. bpAs{mr-NT vAilu-[ff;*?-T'ffi-U" ,{..i f'rti q' ,}|F PESqq 'oobo ' -i4q - oor1' 6045 E. 76th Ave. # 12 Cornmerce City, CO 8OO22 (303) 288-3901 r Fa (303) 288-1936 Date Receive NOV g B rugg I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I T ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 5045 E. 75TE AVENUE #12 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 I IIYDRAULIC CALCUI,,ATIONS I FOR r NoRTTIWooDs, TTITRD Fr,R. r HAIJIJ UNIT SUPPLY CAL,C. t DATE: Nov 03, Lggg I I I -DESTGN DATA- I OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: REIDEI'IIIIAIJ 13R I covERAGE pER spRTNKLER: 2ox2o SQ.FT I GAL,,LoN PER SPRTNKLTER: l-8 GPM r NUMBER OF SPRINKIJERS CALCUI-,ATED: 0 sprinklers I TorAI-, SeRTNKLER wATER FI",ow REQUTRED: 0.0 gpm I TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 80.0 gpm r FLow AND pREssuRE (@ frg): 8o.o gpm @ 107.e psi I spRTNKLER oRrFrcE srzq; 7/L6 inch I DESIGN/I.,AYOIIT BY: NORM THII,GES I AUTHORITY HAVING JITRISDICTION: VAILr I cAr,cItLATroNs By rrAss coMpurER eRoGRAM (r,rcENsE * 6o3cg88 )r HRs sYsrEMs, rNc. II ATLANTA, GA I I I I I r SnRTNKLER sysrEM ITvDRAULTC Ar{Al-,ysrs page 1 Date: LL/03/L999 NO3.SDF t ,JoB TrrI-,E: NoRTIIWooDs BLDG.D,THTRD FLR.rJNrr suppl,y Ar{D I{ArJt spRrN.I WATER SUPPLY DATA I SOURCE STATIC RESID. FIJOW AVAIIT. TOTAL REQ ' D I NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAMD PRESS.TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSr) (GPM) (PSI) I SRC 130.0 90.0 3600.0 L30.0 80.0 L06.2 T I AEGREGATE FIJow ANAIJYSIS: I I TOTATJ FrJOW AT SOURCE 80.0 cPM I TOTAIJ HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 cpM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALI,OWANCES 8O.O GPM . TOTAI-, DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPR]NKIJERS O. O GPM I NODE ANALYSIS DATA I I NODE TAG ELEVATTON NODE TYPE PRESSTJRE DTSCHARGE (FT) (PST) (GPM) I SRC 0.0 SOLRCE 106 -2 80.0 L 29.0 HOSE STREAIVI 70-0 80.0 I 3 3:,2 r 4 -1-o BD -9.0 t ;:" -3:B t I t 77 .6 94.9 98 .4 L09 .4 r_07.8 I t t I I PF PE PV PF PE PV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDR,AUI,IC AI{AI,YSIS Page 2 Dare: !L/03/)-999 NO3.SDF JOB TITLE: NORTIIWOODS BLDG.D,TIIIRD FLR.UNIT SUPPLY AND HAL,L SPRIN. PTPE DATA PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. NODES (rr1 (K) (PSr) (GPM) Pipe: l- L 29.0 H.S. 70.0 80.0 2 29.O 0.0 76.L 0.0 Pipe: 2 2 29.0 0.0 76.L 0.0 3 29.0 0.0 77 .6 0.0 Pipe: 3 3 29.0 0.0 77.6 0.0 4 -1.0 0.0 94.9 0 . 0 Pipe: 4 4 -1.0 0.0 94.9 0.0 BD -9-0 0-0 98.4 0.0 Pipe: 5 BS -9.0 0.0 109.4 0.0 BD -9.0 0.0 98.4 0.0 O(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. vEr., (FPS) HW (C) (FT) SUM. F . r.,. /FT ( Psr ) -80.0 2.009 PL r-10.00 PF 6.1 8.1 150 FTG 2E.T PE O.O 0.047 TL r-30.00 Pv 0.4 -80.0 2.009 Pr., l-0.00 PF l-.5 8.1 150 FTG ETB PE O.O 0.047 TI-,, 31.50 PV 0.4 -80.0 2.469 Pr, L20.00 PF 4.2 5.4 120 FTG sET PE 13.0 0 .026 TIJ 1-52 .00 PV 0 .2 -80.0 4.026 Pr. 9.00 PF 0.1- 2.0 l-20 FTG ECG PE 3.5 0.002 TL 43.00 PV 0.0 FIXED PRESSI]RE I-,,OSS DEVICE 11.0 psi, 80.0 gpm Pipe: 5 -80.0 4.026 PL 5.00 BS -9.0 0.0 109.4 0.0 2.0 120 FTG 2E FLG -5.0 0.0 107.8 0.0 0.002 Tr, 25.00 Pipe: 7 -80.0 4.155 PL 340.00 FI_,G -5.0 0.0 107.8 0.0 l_.9 L40 FTG 2ETG sRc 0 .0 sRcE L06.2 (N/A) 0 .002 Tr, 40s .13 NOTES: 0.1 -t -7 0.0 0.6 -2.2 0.0 (1) Calculations were perfonned by the HAss 6.4-0 computer program under license no. 603G888 granted by HRS Systems, fnc. 4792 LaVisLa Road T\rcker, GA 30084 (2) The system has been balanced to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.012 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.082 gpn. (3) velociLy pressures are printed for information only, and are not used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 8. L ftlsec at pipe 1-. SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM HYDRAUI-,IC ANATYSIS Page 3 Date: LL/03/L999 NO3.SDF .TOB TITLE: NORTIISIOODS BLDG.D,THIRD FI-,R.IINIT SUPPLY AIID I{AL,L SPRIN. (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE PiDe Table Name: STANDARD.PTP PAGE: A Diameter (in) 2-469 4 .026 PAGE: M Diameter ( in) N NPTee 6.00 12.00 L2.O0 l_0.00 20.00 20.00 MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Equivalent Fitting I'engths in Feet ETI-,CBGAD EII Tee LngEll ChkVIv Bfyr/tv GatVlv AImChk DPVIv 4.00 14.00 7.00 6.00 22.00 L2.00 1.00 10.00 r-0.00 2.00 20.00 1-0.00 MATERfAIT: CT-M HWC: l-50 eguivalent Fiuting lJengths in FeeE ETFRCSG ElI Tee 45-811 TeeRun Couplg SwgChk Gatvlv N NPTee I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I B BfyvIv 2.009 5.50 7.00 PAGE: * Diameter (in) 9.00 2 .00 0.50 0. s0 HWC:120 MATERIAL: S4O Eguivalent Fitting lJengt,hs ETLCB Ell Tee LngElI Chkvlv BfyVlv 9.00 0.50 9.00 in FeeL GAD GatVlv Almchk DPVIv 4.l-55 N NPTee lL.66 23 .32 23 -32 7 .OO 25.65 13.99 2.33 23 .32 Lr_.66 I I I I I I I I I I T t I t I T I t I P R la D s U R ( E 5 I ) t2L+ l-l-0 + 99+ 88+ 77+ 66+ 55+ 44+ 33+ 22+ 111 SPRINKI.,ER SYSTEM HYDRAUIJIC DBt€: lL/03/L999 'tOB TITLE: NORTIIWOODS BIDG.D,TIIIRD FLR.UNIT WATER SUPPLY CURVE L32+ * 0\\\ AI{AI.,YSIS SUPPLY AIID Page 4 NO3 . SDF HALL SPRIN. \\\\ x \\\\ LEGEND x = Required water Supply l-06.23 psi @ 80.0 gpm \\\\ \\\ \\\\ \\\\ \\\90.0 psi @ 3500 gpm-> * Flow Test Point tl tl |l tl tl 0 = Available Water Suppty I L29-97 psi o 80-0 gpm 8001200 1600 2000 2400 2800 FI.,OW (GPM) 32 00 3600 4000 -' JFCi-23-r313 I I u t JV,' ,511 JUDU IJRII.II'IELL SUFPLY DEN. , ALLii tA I E rlfit rrul JB3 32t 3A5g ea, Jovrl 14:23 page 1 P,91./12 t I 0JJG^ -. t)-r^ CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLEHS RESIDENTIAL I MoDEL F978 DESIQNER, BULB TypE, e.2 K_FRCTOR, tss p t I t I I T I t I T t I I I I I The 4.2 K.fac{or, Modcl F97$ p^ri^^. A ' 3'vlc ar Rosidentiat bon"uirdi piiiSlii l' -g:a Sprinlders (Rel, Figuro.A) aro a.uto. i.u,n. i:i,fi0 rnatic_sprinklers ol tho frahgibts butb t.N;;. ;an;'ryP9, I ngy are t0 D9 usod in; o,Mrx, 2,7t18 . wet plpe resldentlal sprinkJer sys- te,Ts fof one. and hyo.Iamilv dwA - lng_s anc moblte homes cei NlpA 13D, r w!t plpc ;csidcntial 6prinkler sys.lcn! lgt icalCgntial ociupaneres uo tc frur 6lor:e6 in heioht'oer NFpA 134, ErJ r $'et Fii s. Eprlnkler sysrems fof the t9ercen:'at pcrflons ol 9ry occrl. tarcy F6r NFPA 13. ufr 81,1 t/2'( rl.z'|al a 0JU s l'y ErJl 4,0 68,8 49,2 35,8 6t,9 0 I I t C3V:R PLT'E ASSgM!LY I t9laJ FIGURE A 4,2 K.FAOTOB MODEL F97g DESIGNER RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLERS sPhtNllt E A/HouriTlhS cuP 455:M 9LY The,s.mall Ccver plata is f Iat, lo blend In }Yltn tn3 C:tling f0t ai.l aesthet;cajiy pieEsrng enJ te:at,vBly ur,no:lceab:B app.sraii3.. Siancjard linishe6 for tho Coyel.Pialr are painied whiia and sBlin chrcr,g.plaieC. Other factory Ap.plieC pa;n:eC finishes fcr the Covlr Plala are :v3il:,bis on special cice r. Th? tepaialia iwo-piecs desiqn o{ the Cavar Flala and upuntino dur As. semblies ailows insta at-lon ci, the Epriik srg ard pressui,g testing of He rue prote:!on systerit pricr lo installa. ticn ct a 5',,isp9ided ceilinq gr at:lj:a. ticn of ths finish ccating- to i fixed oetrln3, Ii:sy alsc pefmit remayal ol susp,endsd ceiling panels for ac.ess tc DUri:tng seiyice equipine nt, wilhoul naYiig lo Ii:sl shut d3rvn ths fire F(0.lEctlcn s)'t:ern and reiriova sprinkisrs, AJq9, lfs s_eF_g:a_bla t*o'pie:o design ol the tho F97E Sprinkiei proviCEs f-or 1/2 inch (12,7 mri) ol veiical adJust. ment, lo tsJlco tho accufacy to wiich the.lsngth cl lired piF:e drops to the DpnnKiEnl ilust bg cut- The F973 S:rinkrer is sh:ppsd $.ith a _Dispcsab:e Pr0:e ii','o Cab'eg sh:rv;r In FIIU16 3. Ihs Frotecitva Cep Is tem. Porailly 16;rcved.lo install th6 Fg7g,dnd rhen rei'sced to protect the F97g wnllg iie cei!in9 is beinq in6lalled end linlsnei, Tl13 tip ot thE Cip can also be useS to nafi the celler cl tile cell:nd hols.lnic p'astet boarJ, ceiling tiles]etc. by pushing the ce inq p-rcduci ssajnsl th6 Cap, When tne ieiting in.strllrtion is compleio, lhc Csp rs re. PrinreC li U. S,A, 1.S6 t I !/l?'6aP (!.4 oml moved ancl tho Covef PlatE Assembly Installe d. The FSZE Sprinklers havo b€€n d€. signed lo cperate wilh a parllcular tem. Pcralure rating tnd hsat responsiva lhermal charaitericlic, ar weil as lo dischargs.water In a specific paftern and quantity per squarri toct r6iation, ship, The coinbinaiion,of th6 pedor. mance characleristics rihich ara esso, clated with th€ F978 Eprinkrers havo t'een proven lo help In'ths oonlrol ot residential typo firei and, therefore, to lmprovs ihe chsnca for occupanls lo escspg or be evacualed, Fir6 sprinkJet 6ystemg are nol a subsu.tulo for lnl€lligenl fire fafsty aware-ness or c0nguuctlon mSterial8 and pfactlce,6 requlrad by building codBs. The 4.2 K-tactor, Mod6l F978 Desion.er ReslCantial Concealed Pendinr Sprinkle;s aro lisi€C by Underuvritars Laboratories lnc. and' Underwriters' Laboratories ql Canada. Tho listino only applies to th6 ssrvice condilionl indicaled irr thg Ggncral Technicel Dats End Flesidentjal Design CritEria secti0ns, Any questions col'icefning an interpre- tEtion of NFFA 13. t3D, ol 13fi spiink.ler systern deslgn/installation slan- dards, rs well as requests {or system deslgn/installatlon etanCarCs nof pf es.ently covered by NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R, should be adCressed to the; Sccratary Slandaids Council National FitE Prolectlon Assoclation Balisrymarch Park Quinci, MA 02269 TAIL\'IAGS The ltodel Fg78 Detlsner Retl. de ntial Concealed- Pcndent TD 9e 4l' l._ft i'I t,-r r-14- L2JJ III{ I TII'IELL 5UF'|JLY UE.T{393 3?1. 3rrt8 P,DZ/tz I I I T I SPArNxrti/ TloUNI[.t cup AttatrlLv ', I .: FIGUFE E DISPOSABLE PROTECTIVE CAF FOR FE78 SPRINKLEE FIGURE C NOMINAL DISCHAROE CUFVE a! ll ID tl L tl rtl I -t H E g I !l E ::tt"I-tli " qrl(ort'' rrrr''!t lqtrl DrtCr^rcr rfl utEil ftt r/xutl I I I I I I!:!::l;|ii"2#,#",i:E!:.#,!: cotnpti_once utth thlt documcnt. :iri :iE #' ix ", k:" fr! x :!i 1l:i fiokction Atrcclatio4 in eddi.,ron to tf,a ttendatdt of any other eut r,0 ritle. -hao i n g J u'ried-ic tio * la!(vr? ro d4 60 md! impair the hteErit! ol the|e deiicesi i;;zr: a : ! ":#, a"", i,f,?, "8i,,.!.Ii,Elr,Ti.'iiif 'f"t,3*:"if,I;!,n: F,ii; :;iiw #,i! J1rril ^lz K!!.4Tti'[billii";f :'|#"'",""1 n :x* : : i,!,! i:tr, f,fJi x",* * Eutacnce and dpproval, It It .thc ;espondbilitt of an {n.ttatttng _c.ontraetor ld piouide a aoPl.ot ttr, d4csnuat talhe ownee ?[i7l{f'"f,i;:!t:":r"#!,T,ii{it Procrq ..t.cop! of thie dacument to 4 EUCCee€tk!! otEnen A1 g*,^f, k retponaible for metnta,t^tiE thetr Fn protection i!,Xfl :8"{;!"[f,iy;'ii,o,tr"i:Li:; it:t#:r{{,it!:ii"!*LTiri:ti; Ji "n1ri [',i'tli ".*:3!'' jJ'r?i'J3l; ypJlqtSr€ f q are avaitablo ln a ,1..-?. F/68'q lemperatura,ating,"ani lney_aro rat3C fot USe at a naxrmum seryrca pressufg ol 17i pil (12.i bar). I ne nsmtnal inslsllatioil dir:rdnsioni Fp given.in Figuro A. Srandud fin.::ln rgr_ Tq oover. Plat6 arc Painred y,lilg _aqo. 68!in. chron6; ho*ever.orner painled thlshes ior the Covei rrai9 are avallab:g on speciel ofder, F! t Js T'',li', 5' i..,' [lir,:..d Tio'il,:[:rBseni8 thq floq.O" in GFM (Lpt4) ig oat6rmined by the formula: a= K,,IF i1!:"ie" qle ncmtnal disctargo cosffl.crsnl 'K' s .4.2 (S0,S); anO -i. equii's l[3.f...'0r", flowing'prcssuru iri ssi Tha F978 Sprinkler consisls ot two as. tr'J;yd,,{r,,yii}.'##'";:ll Ifi ,?,: q "l 1s #t'18s.9,,fi t j,il?l Jr^a:s_a_ -b1gn.q Frar.n€ per ASTI, Bl70 qv^5/.6-oq) Fn_d a brgss orifics Inse,l o3r ASTM BI40 (c32000). The 3ur[o; 6l;tl;t'ft3ii:iil{;i''j,'trffi i !'.'d ":is "J' pilt.l, i ld f 3 xt lTtlll Pl40 (c3t400). Ths Gasksied Sprinq 5 l? Ef H,T :.;ifJ,,i:i i:' f,T,ii'JI :"it l[lF';:. r d'iiTB:i:i',1'l! $:,':.','si:,i'sil:*i$}ii.iH,i# phoaphor bronze per CDA Alloy 5lO, and theYokE ls hi{h strength orase, The Fram_s lg 66cured to lhe Mounllno Cup.and i,lounting plals with e piJiot t!91 B:lainins Ftng. The Moirntrng 9up, whtoh ls chromg ptated 0,027 Inch.(0.53 mm) thick, lowbarbon sheel steet, Ig 6:-axed to a slainless sieol M.ountlng PIaie, and ths llountin! $iiliFj,.#!.::i:t3lti{,T11T,.#:l A polyethelenr lisposabla Frclecriv6 i,,.ph ii'J;il$l,fl ,?,ii fJ:'J$i."., E il Th€ Coyer Pleie _Assembly, which Ecre\,\,s 0nto the Sp rinkle r/l,,tbuntin C k-!P AsFlmbly, cgnsisls ot a Ceve? Flate whioh ii sold:red to an Encto.surg at threE equidlstanl locations 19u^11 lls !s'iqlery. s ot-Car,h avirrs a remporalurg rating of t3S.FlSZ.d is uscd wiih Cover Fhle tusambly, ThJ Cover llaia End Enciosurb ars'bresq pcr ASTM 3ss (c26000 cr ceelooi, A Jy!€ 302 sla;nl'e$ steel ccmpressjon sp_nn! rs tocatsd briwcen the llango of inE Enctcsute and lho Cover plaG, tc 6n$urs separation ql ths two pie6ei wnEn th€ Eoldef melts. When lhE Cover Ptato Assembty is ex. Posei to A _lgmperalure gdticient tO rusS tng sotdB h6.cover plate will tall awa)' trom ths Enclosure which allows tho Defleclor to drop end {o expcE€ kre sPfrnKlcl tor 0p0ralion, ,,NOTES Absence of the Coccr prctc Atten.gtt mat de(a! ths tine to eprinh.Icr operatlon in e fire tltuition. Ei i " :'"i!, !' ii :l';Ef, ? t !* : ",i r.Ezre D cannot be ueed to hold, I OuPont Flegisterod Trademark I t I I t t I I -2- lpf,lxrl tr / youHl rio cgl ASSEI tLv I I I I t I I I t I I I I t Received Jan-29-99 OZ:SBpm ' Jf{i-A9-1939 !4t21 'from 303 321 30SO GRII.II.IELL SUFPI-Y DE}.I ALLSTATE FIRE PROT 303 3?L 3q3s page P, B3/12 . FIGURE D Mo0EL FgzE coNcEALED pelioerr spntxKLER AssEMBLy Thotnal Borponllvo Crllorlo, Atl f!sldantld spdnkJonr wlthln q oomDarl. menl (as daflnod by ths NFPA) mu6t havc tho gamo hoat rgeponalvo ther. mat chanctodotlo. End the lr t€mpcrl. lurs rstlno3 must bo whhln to'F of each oth6r. NOTE Do Nol vtc rprtnhkn with a tem.percraru rcilng hl1her than nzc. enaryt b cooer e particulor arca, Hydrautlo Declgn Crltlrla, 169 6lnl.mun requirgd ainglo and multiole sprlnklor llow rat6E are glven lo Table A f0r lh0 ma,\lmum attowable coveraqe arear, Thr singlc spdnkJer llow rale-iE lhc mlnlmum requked dlscharse from th9 mqst hydraullcally demancr-hr sin. g16 eprlnkjdr and, the hultiple spri-nkler tlow rats ls tha minimum r'equiiad dis. chargo (rom 6ach of tha lotal number oJ 'dcsign oprinklers' (as specified in NFPA t3, t3D, of t3h). NOTE The_number af rpnnFtcre u irin c_4h comps|tment (at deffned 6X J!'2rPA rt; IlD, or lSR), must bz hept at few u possible, Do NOT ute trore sitrinhlert fficn neceg.retT lo coazr a particular tpace, Spray Ccveraga Crlteria. Figures E snd-F proviCs epacing rules thit must be follorved lo assurb thal ths FgZg SprinHerawillproviCe th eir design dis.tributlon of waier spray. Nonin jl wet. tlng patterns for rhe F9Z6 Sprlnkiers at mlnlmum r€qulred flow bondltions $eJ, Teble A), are illustrated in Figure g, fol seleded cqveragc areas, OFcratlongl Scnsitlvity Crlterk. For propcr opcraiional s;nsi vity. the Fg?tl Spdnkter3 rnust be insrailaa b6-ncalh solid ceitinos having a ei.irooth flal or lextured surlaco and in acccr. d8nc€ wlth Figure A. The.F3ZB Sprinkters must NOT ba usEd abova. gr beiow open,grlCded type suspsnded ceilings; bene-ath so!- tit6 or brams having a depth ol more thrn 4 inchrs (101,6 mm); and, wirh boam!, joists, or ducts havinQ a heiohl ol -morc lh8n 3 inchcs 176,d mm) Io-caled within rh6 sprink'ler cdv6iage areag. NOTE Eecrnr feujng c treigftt of more (hen E lnchet (78,2 mm) ir.ev 6a Io_catcd u'ilA t*sir centerllaet dlong th4 boundoriet teparatin4 adJacent rprinhler Eocerage anee& It ls recommEnded ttal as part ol ths sprnkror syelem desi3n. the desiqner teyi6w lh8 dwelling phns and. n Fere eouHllfio PLAI( oEFrgcTof, Af,M r0l( 8 'EFLECTOi CONE €FtECr0R QRrFrCa txttRt BC tArffl N0 Fth0 6l3Xt1!t EPiINO IrAtt eulr0N coxtit!3,otl 9CRtW ls thc F978 tn poiltlon The FSTE F:;Wiii#,1;:,;;:;t'?;,fr . f,#"'tw'ilii;!{i!}i":,;!:;; Eecured in- potit-lon, Feaitio'n Iorcce .recuttftlg fron eprinhter opeftt{o_n could etrler tis oriefttd-tion s,Ed ttctcr dittributiom Jl'iif,5;11,ffi ',J[ ttilijJ',?i'J g ti Fpnnklel'tt rnu$t only be ln$tal:ed and ulxjreo ln accordance with the follow. il9-d_el9lib!d griteria. which ar€ pro-vloe! Dy the manulaeturer. NOTES L Retldentia.l Firc Sprdn,tler Svr.temt ..hotlg, gtltt be dcttniea cnd tnttglkd, b1 thote qomne. tent- cttC complelely femtllar t rut errt.ome o zprinAter 4r.lem detlgnr - |m tillztion prc. c edu rc t, a nd t ec h n iqucz. 2, Seuercl.crltcrle ma epply lo the ,iattalbtion aal uTinL oF e.ec h t p rinklc n Co re e asdnt Ii.tc tt recommended tftqt tl6 iF it {,idI:E? "r :l{i il,ir. iir :f :il:i ; I *:. fl, nF ! il i .nE.the deEitn of lha eprinktcr attrcm 3, $se-8ftgnf- concertlng ryrinh.Icr il.l'fu,lLstba and iralee cri.t-grtu -w-l2tch orc not couind by thc folla uing t-natructtoni; .I.,ould h no.l|c'd to ttp attei.tbn of tln Tecl,nical Datc De..p ar_lma4t. Include chetohit cad behnicel Ceteik, et ep. PrplrnQre. 1 In rcme iy1!a,ne1a, the 'tzqaiv.menfu of this documeni may cotczrr rpccffcalione uhlcf, ?r? rurc ,trindcnl and, which Jckc ttreccdaftce oucr thou tpz_ci@- iz lVfp.{ tg, NFPA rED N?PA rsB or by'thi ii. t ho ri+ hep in g j ur1,t d i t,:o tL E Ttg ryrqy frtm the FgrB te dtc.trtoulgd, ral,izuj outrjcrd end f,,rev,F Er,:!;:{!itrii,rpnnErar.- rrrutt 6e located 3,tEh ChaC ,hert rDlll not 6E 6,nt bl[nd tpecet -thicldtJ, froit .p.t-lat At gnrtlChne rcoin at v(dert, Quethafiga or othet Fa''r of llr€ doelllit rtructu'Y. Fflb'sJrffi [1.;,,:i !l'l rtl "],,I1 : ln.t{el prpa 6prinkle( syslerils $ith all iJi[Tli3#ll?.'1''J,'.t,0''3l. l'ff il m,uJT! ternp€relure of 4Q,F/4,c, and wRh walar suppliog which sro Eubsisn:tia y, ffe€ o.f contaminanlg And o,i['*u;rot, *,r. sreatof fian riE inch l: ls I t covER PLaJLAS.S€yBLY 'l: I I I l I I I I I I I I I T I I I I JFft-29-1999 14; 2E | | vrt 9!'r, \)4, I opJU ISRINI.IELL gJFFLY DEI.I ALLUIAIE T IFE TNUI 303 32I 3A3g page r0 P.Ig/tz rpproprirlc, advisc th€ owncr ot hk rcpr!rrnlEllve a! lo the lollowlng, l. Linleb ol rl leart 3lnchep OB.2mml ln hcloht dnd Droterabty'8 lnchEi (2C3,2 mm) shdutd bo u6sd over sll prsrgrwrys from one rprca to rn. oher, 6 616e;16 roduco the Dorslbll. lU ot tprlnkbr oDcntiong orrtride ol llic fim area ll. Bcsmc of at least 3 tnchos OE.2 mm) ln helghl rhould be ugid io bordof ^lch ot 5 or morc adjolning rrcrg ol F9TE SDrlnklet coieraoi ffihin the gama 'compartment),ln ordor to docroaEe the timo to flnt sprlnklet operatlon as wqll as lo re. ducc, .thr po66lbility ol multiplr SpnliKi9r opefations. Cold Soldcrlng Crltcrlr. Fiqurer E and F providc thc minimurn ipaclng requiramJnt! ^a:es3ary for picvent-- ing tha vretting (1.e,, colt soldbdng) ol lne hoal fesponstve elomont (tsutb) ol a n0.'t-e;eralrd F97g Sprinklef, which is aCla?enl lo one whloh' has op-erated, Hrrt .Sourca_Crllrrh. Flgure H out.lria8 tne raqutremenlS rels ng to prg. venling thc'possible reteasi oi an F3?8 l..c ri responsive elemenl (tsulb), du3 l0 rxposurs lo heat sourcss oth6r l,lrl etnorrnal fir.. llRC ilcK T^l lfdYn{o cuP t.tzre' (?l 'in)'iet t/1'RACHEf 9Rlvf |fJorc!flr,Jo Eossz9 lF€ t{ LINE r/i[H oEFL€Clott any3 FIGURE J I'|ODEL6 F87{ SPRINKLER WBENCH e J\'olEs . Retidcntiatr Firs Slrhller Sve.lent thauld onty \e'dzdsned c'nd inetalhd 6y thotc compilent and complete$ fimiliar' vith cu.torrrstb eprinhhr tl en daign,lnatallatton procid,ure q ini secBlurques. Tln Tqehntcal DBld D€pertment ehould ba contacted rEtatluc to any quett'.nr" The ft)78 Eprinh|er inoperatiae uith the Dhpoteble piolectice Cap in pla,ce.- Do not lnatstl dny bulb tyoe eprtnhkr tf the butlit cr*F.el'or l_hel? lr.q lgra of lkaid from the bulb. Vtlh the efrinkter hetd hor-i=onte( e tmall cir bubbk wlth a.tt cpplv'xirna,tc-diemeter ol IltS inc-h (tr6 tnm) thould Ea bt pret- er|1. AIt ryriahlere lnataltcd althln comllcrtmentt havinz a oitched c_eill-ng wigh one or t-oo iaratrkl hot'tzonlel eailinE fideeimvec ba int teltcd ltrlth tha l,{-tfu c tor Arm ?perpen{(curar to lhe ce lnp ridgtt, Failute to prcperly orlei.tete Chc Deflee(or irrni rn s-, rer u !t '*ii!#Eo,!;:xr,::i:2*;:"iz tPt1a, coDerage ?i:ttr:;tri,!!ii:1"iili,1";;i"; F_978 Spri4ftten Do not vnnih on Ihc Sprinhler/Mouztidg Cup At,tcmotl otnat lhg.n ae rioun fn tlE?lte J. Do nol atlemp! to nahe.up for in- eufficicnt aQjaatmenl in the Sprinhler Assembly b1t ander. or ooer-tiEhteninE the .5print. lerMountlng Cup AttemblT', Re. gCJuJt, lhi Forltbn of th. oprlnk. Ier fitting to tuit A ledh tieht Il2 inch NH sprtnk. ler joinl tltould be oDtefneZ uith z tot2ua of I to 11 fi. tbr. (9,5 ta I9,O A'hJ. Marc thin 27 ft. tbs.(28,5 Nm) of Cotqve nt49 ai.htt the tprtnhler orifiee tiaC uith contequent leahage. ProceeC with tht ins!allation as, fol. lowsl 1. The pipe connect€d to th6 eiirfntdts?,t fitting shonld be-cut sc thal th'e bjitF- :. tom face of th6 tiftins ie betwden 2.1/16 and 2.V19 inch (52,4 and 59,0 n1m) sbova thE cemnii tifiil tsv Ueing a l/4 lnch (6,rt mml -rgnsE foi the 'D' dimgnsion showi in Frirur+ A, $-e remeining 1r4 lneh (6,4 hm) ot sdJusthont can be used lo com- pensaig for the possible manufac. turing variatlons in lhe make.ln of the spriniders and the lak€.out of fittinqE (is permitled byANS| a1,20,1), - Apply pips hraad scahnt cparinqlv. l0 thg sprinkidr threads onlV. Usdol a Teflonf based pips Joint s-catant is r€c0minen0ed. Ramoy9 th9 Frotectivo Cao and th€n !slng ths ModEl FEZ4 Wiench, positioned cs shown In Flgure J, In. 6tall .nd dghten tha FSZB Sprink ler4rlounting Cup A5semblv Inio the f itting. Thc F874'witlexc6D[a t.t/16 inch (27 nm) hcx sockel ot a ltz inch fachcl drivc. Atter installing ths Spdnktor/Mount. lng Cup Assembly, 'the protectlvo Cap is lo be teinslalled until the ceil- f DuPont Registered Ttadgmarl(-t 0- t t",l nvr,lr I YrrrJ eatr .. JJ 9z: DoPIn , Jffi-29-1999 LAt2?'rom 3o3 321 3O5O ' ALLSTATE FIRE PBOT GRII.I'|ELL SUFPLY DEN 383 32L 3g5fl- page 11 P . tt/72 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lng.htlalatlon and finie hing ir corn.plotr. The Crp Is intondeil to hero prcy!il damagc to rho FgZg Sorinli.t0t durtng ceiling instillallon iindio,ounnt rppilc0u0n ot ths lintsh corl. l!!_01_la,-o_ltllnsr Atso, rho rrp ot rh€ 9,qp 9an.9o u!a.d ro mart hd contor il,T"',T,['it"lS]il[.,lliil'if, .,.f,,: Ing product agalnsl the Cep. " tlii,itil,,.JlilliiiB3:f ;.',Ttffil 0r6t ctogranco holo and in oiopara.tion fof .hBtalllng the Covtr irlate i65.0,1P1y, remove and discard thr Stiiii$fr ,frl?;ind vadtY that the lllhe F976.Sp1inkter has bEon dam-gocJ and th6 Deflector does not tatl lrc6ry, reptace. thE entire F0Zg spnnruer asscmbly. ",i#[ii.,l"J-*'Ji,h:'iii..,i',,'{ p9 ryt pc.rcry.on rhe Covsr plat€ 6ffi iX?Hffii S"#Yg rttt a c eirin s If fi4 hvd phte.4stmbly can-Y, * eng"eA with thc lrkunt. ii'F#!$6"1."_""iJ,:.;f,*{,',t .!!y t !.s p rtnt+ea ha l*e n p d. F[,;##:m::!frf*\:fi,u 10re and aftor Inatailailon, 6prinkloro i,iJHfi ;*,i, u?'e 8jl 3i,il,oni,i-T I Hlti p_s- Jleptlcad. At8o,. ropl8ca sny sprlnk. lgrJLat llf a crcckod butb orihdr hai lost liqltld lrom ils butb (Bet. lns'teJ ranon Sectlon), NOTEg .109ctrcd- of an Eccutclnon plale m.ay de.h!.thc tine to rydilhlli opaft,tion ln a frre cituatlot Bcfora oh ng a flre prctectisn tlttam mcln oontrol aalae for mrrt ntena,nc e LDorh.ory the firc fro.tcctiorr .!tt.m phich it iontiili.p.rmi,.ian to thut doua glTs sf.fcctcd ftrc prole-elion rlrrema murc 6s obtdlned fron tl|" e u I h o i f iz t_ a,n d "it p, ^ " : :fI f,mcl.9a aff.g9tel by thfi acttoi mutt 6e t',tified. Il lt rzeommended thar r,fiotratio oprtnhlcr !itte,!s. ba inspectec!and m.a(alaincd in aoaoidancl .DLJI the gdvi4e and ruegeetlone f:;{"y"i;,"!"Ili.[sa\='vn;;;e It Is, recommandeC lhal rdona c spnnicet syst.ems. be inspected quJr.' tefly by aqualifiod llepoiiion uervrce. Jlle^-F-tTq,Spdnklers must only be rc. iiiji.li'[,tii.'#,,'Jiliif i3,y,ll:l s_ervicrEnd whlch havE th9 slme ngm_lnat_K.fastor, ths Sarng covErage atea,n€ -6am0 or Ic$.6r flow ratinga ies'inlgl tttJl{..unott'Hvdraulrc oisign cii. AlJ. resldenilal eprinklers tnsrqilEd [!li,?#f iffi:f Hii {f; : 3itiff i g{ re$p_onsiye thermal characleristit, anl llif i$F1ru'r':hrarinss ara tir bi - I\'orEg yt! pips t-prinki/.r tlttem, musi a,e,mcinlai+e4.a! c nfnfr7tum fen.p^etat.ure of dO'Fl1,C, Erporure to y?rng ,tempereturet can rttull lf,i:[i:::s or the PtPe andlot' Do N(}T enclole ryrlnhbrt vitF.in cu\dpE., car'taln4 or calanCeA ?;,!!#IE"u enYthins ftrm rhe f !##;fiffi{''i!^i;"T:i, ?g.,NO7n cleanrc the eprin*Eert utth ,od,p and ccater, ditcr, itr!x'^?^;*!'#iifi!i t tflr, co>toebs, cocood4 i4iectr', ";i,f^' :' i:.i ^li 1:ll',1 !i,, n,,! I aacuumil! wlln " -n e;*fltl!!, du t tln g) b ttt t h ol t oih me n l, Thc minimum ttzrllcal clearznco oet|,ccn th. tolra of frce dendlng parlttlonr, room dluldcrt, caE tnetq rlot?86 rlcltl ttoch- piles, lt er ra n d_ l h_e ry 4 n h I e r d c flc i t o r i i ! f;:: I :i';." t h a n t h s ob a r a n c e Horizonlol Diolance Verltcal fromSprinhler - Cleersncc to lteq ll. fu) I*.(mm) lr{ore lhan 6 (1,8) , . . Fron 3 ta I (0,9 1o1,8) .,,., Betuecn 2 and 3 (0,6to0,9) , , .,, From 7 lo 2 (o,sto0,il,,.,. Lctc than 7 (0,8) . . . Ererciae nitable cefety preco.u. E,?\1_ r\ lhs uEe dnd atotwge cf hlgl2ly fiamnable and potenlia II; e rp. Io B iu c ^ mc C e^ri als, ! ft s rep i-d i;i:.Jry;f !,:# :' E! T:x:, t ii 'fiifr { :i?i:: E :'t, :: !f,i: :E ",ifi"T, iti i,Tlll Jrorra rt r e I n \{ien remcdeling, such as by addino rarse Dcar,rs.ar llqhl fixlures or chsng:,log.rne ioca.lion o{ compartment walli,rrfsl verify.thEt the new conelructiori w t not vrotElg th€ installatlon rgauke-menrs stalCd undEr WARNINGS. Alrer rn-Bf,lew conslruction and/or the sprink.lEf system to suit tha requireme;lts cf rnri qocument. 2'4 (610) 19 (48e) 16 (106) 13 (330) 10 (254) TIt€ 1075.Sprinklcrc must never be #ftlu',lt'- ?t iiali -il.s,'F;t,l l€Ep.rJl!,! wil exceed ioo;Frili;t lll^$6y must nEver bi painted PrEtEq_. qCaieO, Of Otherwisd altBfe.1!-a. 1e-a, 9 c g 9o,. ol -dtnL,i,,i, j ?il',ii.i,i ::,_?j,.j:1vlE rno tacrcry. ModifieJ l{in';'l'#:+nfiFl'iiif:,r# 1,0^l -op9liii+ ..houra lli CblT)driieii cle.a"neo,0y wipinE tha sprinklerwith I i i:,'f t',i',:Jt;lil, [i',fr l HHd with a 6oft bflstlg brush.l; - ,ffifiiffiiiri##:H 3fl ilil Fi i6'diFif, l?# 3$ f, u: - .::' lrJ l:r1 - -!. t. lI I -l l- '- v.-. JQV||I . JAli-2;-1919 !4221 I l vrrr Jvr) \)4 I JuSu t IJRII'II.IELL SUFPLY DAI.I ALLJ IA IE FINE ThUI 3tt3 32L 365@ page lz P,L2/12 Atucd INTTRNATI),\AL LTD. CoMPANY TOTFTL P.12 Ordols tor thc Mgdol F978 oosianor Raeldontlal CoDcoalod Pendent gprlnklcrr must Inolude the deocrlp- tlbn rnd Froduct Symbol Numbbt (PSN) where appllcable. Conta:l your local distribulor for avail. 6blllty, . S orlnkler Arsemblhr; S'pecity: 4.2 K.lactor, 155'F/68'C, Modcl F970 Flcaldantlal Concealed Psndrnt Spdnlder with (6p6city b?e llnleh) Cover Plale, PSN (6pecify). Pslntf( \Yhi'.r Ccrrr ?la:! .,,,........PsN 51'97e.0.155 Cntotra Plr:.J CovrrProto,,..,.....,.PsN 5l'g?E'e.1El Contact ycur local distributor fof avaitabilty. Producl Symbol Numbers are not epecifled \rhen orderlng F978 Sprlnk. 1616 v/ilh I siecial palnteC finish for the Covst PIsi', lt is suggestsd that a color chip 5o providad'whcn orderino sprciel i:airted linishas, Othoilriso: responsibility fcr duplicat;on ol th6 de. slreC linish cannol b6 acceDied. S eFar8ts ly Ofderea Pertcr . Specily: l,lcdel F874 gprinklar Wrench, FSN 5€-975-1 -001. Order for NFFA publications should be addfisse J ic the: Pub[.:ucA Srl:J Derr nment NFPA Brf,!i)ElEt:a.a( Orh5y, u,A a2r5g Raplacs;':r: rt Parla: Spcsily: (issci'ipiion) tor tJco wlth F973 Spriikiers, PSN (spEclfy), spriaklg r/l,lruntin g cup Assemblies ara nol avei:8ble as replsoement parts, Pdinllt wnitr i 35'F/5t'C Ccier PIE:! Ats6n:ly .....,......psN 58.s7s.0.155 Chrci"r P:r:tj r35'F;!7 0 CaYcf Plrla Attcmbry .. ., , , , ., . .. , .PSN 5€.5t8.9.155 PfoJrct Stnlbql Numbers ara not spe:ifieC fcr replacemgnt Cover Plata Assembiies with special pginled fin. lsh€s, Feccrds are nct rnlinlained ol prgvicusly crCered sp6cial painted (in. isha!. Thereforo, lt iC suscdsted thal a colcr chip !c prdvidcC iten ordoring repia:6neiil pads with special painled linisles. Oi:erwlse, resionslditity for duFlicalio:1 ol th€ desife d finish cannot be ac:€Flea, LIIJIITEO WARBANTY Tho mrnulaclufct vrattanls fof a porlod of ono yoal lfom thEdaie of ralo {warrantv oetiod) thal thE eroduct(3} sold hsreuitdof ats k3e ftom dolocl! in malerlal and workrnanshir, Ouioblloatlon undgr lhis wcrrenlyls limltod lo rapalr or raplaccment, ori at out oPtlon, wo wllt lePey tho Pria! pald tor tho iroduct(e), plus any tramporlatlon chargo Paid bY th6 Purchasol. In thr 'cacc of'riplaoomeht. yio'will pay the trlniporlatlon chatgor lo the locatlon of tho dolootlve product.'Wb must bo glven tho opPorlunily.lo InsDgct gny prodwl you belicvc to bo defectivc. To mako s ciaim under thii llmited waffanty, you should contacl our Salcs Sotviccs Manogof at (1or) 8s6-310s, THEBE ARE NO OTHER WRITTEN OR ORAL WARFANTIEg, ALL IMPU!,0 WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIUTY AND FITNISg FOR A panncuunn punposE ARE-LtMtrED lN DURATIoN To rHE DURATION OF THE LIMITEO WARRANT.Y SET FORTII A8OVE. Th! manufactuler does not assume any other obligation in connoclion with the Eale ol lho ploduct(s) by purchase r, Thls warranty shall not apply to any producl(s) which hdvo been Installsd in vlolatlon oi writlen instruc,iions liririEhod by tho manufadurer, rsPailed or altergd, misuscd or damaged, or nol proparly mainteined. The manufacturcr is not liable for indirect, inciJantal or consequential damages ln conneclion nilh the uss ol ths pfoduct(s), Som6 slaics do not allcw limihtions on hotv long an implied.warranly lasis, or excltrsion or limitation ol incidental or consaquential dsmag€sl so th€ above limilations or exclusion may nol apply to you, THIS \YARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTg WHICH VARY FBOM 5TATE TO STATE. The follo*ing palont ls applicablc to the Mod€1 F978 Fesid3ntial con- ccaled Fendent Sprinkler: u,s.A.5,is2,344 The nominsl weiaht altha lloJel F97B Fiesid6ntlal C-onceal: C Fendent Sprlnkler is 7.2 oa (20.1 g). laoa tE.{grr r{' ^tGtrfiNtrt I nnAo{1e.ATtnN lF/tr.)pAFtK FXFfEl. NH 01333 I I I ta tt I l'-, I t I I t I I LOBE'Qutcx Rpspousn Auroa,artc SprunrtER^s Dns cruprr oN A N D Openert ou The Globe Model HC euick Response Adiustable Concealed Sprinkler is a p-endent sprinkler designed for tise with concealed prprnt systems lor those areas where an attractive appearance is of primary importance. The Model HC is an assembly irovided with a cover ptate which completely hides the sprinklii head. After installation all that is visiSle is ihe small flat cover which can be factory, painted any color you wish. Incorporated in its desisn is an adjustable fearure which is infinitely variabie for a full I 12'. T-his will compensate for uneven ceilint heilhts and allow adjustment of the sprinkler cover at any time. T-he feiture wiil arso ail6w the r..o"rt ot.tie cover-plate to facilitate the changing of soiled or damaged ceilrntrrres wirhoutthe removal of the sprinkler head. This provizes significant savings for building maintenance. . I he cover plate is designed to fall away durinE a fire and exDose the concealed sprinkler to the risint temieraturis of the fire. 'The o,erecror drops ctown to a. point below the ceiling line. The heat of the tire then operates the glass bulb sprinkler and water is discharged onto the fire. F'RE SPR|N'(LER CORPORATION'Monnt HC Butn Spnav Serurns AnrusruBLE CowcnaLED QUICK RESPONSE MODEL HC ADJUSTABLE CONCEALED 5 17-846-4581 o FAX 5 t7-846-921 I ol ll I r'rrrr l..r I r^ ^^ I I t I I I I v Tncnmc.et Dere See reverse side for Approvals and Specifications. Temperature Ratings 155'F (68'C) Sprinkler, | 35.F (57.C) Cover plate 200"F (93"C) Sprinkler, l6S.F (74"C) Cover plate. Water Working Pressure Rating - 175 psi ( 1207 kpa). ll*o.f, tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (344g kpa).' Maximum low temperature glass bulb rating is -67.F (_55"C). Frame - brass Deflector - bronze Sciew _ brass Bulb seat - copper Spring - nickel alloy Seal - teflon Bulb - glass with glycerin solution, 3mm. 4077 AIRPARK DRIVE, STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 NOVEMBER I'91 S PM NKL E R TE M PE RAT UR E RATI N G/C LA S S I F I CATI oN an d C oLoR C o DING CLASSIFICATION .AVAILABLE SPRINKLER TEHPERATURES BULB COLOR N.F.P.A. HAXIHUH CEILING TEHPERATURE ORDINARY INTERMEDIATE 155'F 200'F 68'C 93'C RED GREEN t00'F 38.C 150'F 6,6'C A-C I T I I I I t I I I t t I t I I I I I +,/a Onnnrune fwronuerroN SPECIFY Quantiry Model Number ' Style Orifice Thread Sizes Temoerature Finishes desired Quantity - Model HC Wrenches - p/N G8O3BS I t lr- I I L G to a n, P no D acr WARRA NTy Globe agrees to repair or replacc any of its own manuhctured products found to be defcctive in material or workmanship for a period ofone year from date of shipmenr For specific deailr of our warnny pleasc refer to pricc List Terms and Conditions of Sale (dur price List). @-q&aF;4077 AIRPARK DRIVE. STANDISH, MICHIGAN 48658 SpncrcrcerroNS NOHINAL ''I('' FACTOR ttl" (15 mm)5.6 (80 merric)2 l/8" (5.4 cm) Br'rght Chrome White Painted *Other Fainted Finishes QurcK Rnspousn A u r o rvteT I C S P RI N KLE,n,s Monnt HC Bum Spndv Snruns AnTasruBLE CowcB,aLED Cnoss^SrcTroN =l 'FINNHEs AVAIIABLI ON SPECIAL ORDER PAINTED PIATES OTHER THAN WHTTE REQUIRE CUSTOMER TO FURNISH PAINT. Appnowu STYLE ORIFICE stzE r s5'F (68.C) wlTH PLATE | 3soF (s7.c) 200'F (93.C) WITH PIATE | 65'F (7{'C) *U.L.*CANADIAN U.L. CONCEALED PENDENT v2"X X X X rusrED FOR A[ H ZiRDS NOVFMRFN I qOI 5 t7-846-4583 FAX 5 l7-846-923 | 1.. I I TLeCePper rube Handbook r Technical Data: Tahles I rabte 2c. TYPE M - Dimezsiozs L l: I I t I I t I t I t I I Technical Data: Tables I n," Copp", Tub" Horrrlbook I I I file://C:\WINDOWS\lDESKTOP\coppersubmitrals\coppertubetypeM.htm EM_and Chsracteistics Nomind or standard siz*, inches Nominal dimensions, inches Calculated values (based on nominal dimensions) Outside diameter Inside diameter Wall thickness Cross sectional area of bore, sq, inches Weight of tube only, poundr per linear ft Weight of tube & water pounds per linear ft Contents oftube per linear ft Cu ft Gd. 31 ,8 .500 .450 .025 .159 .145 .214 .001l0 .00826 It '2 .625 .569 .028 .254 .204 .314 .00176 .0132 3t .875 .81I ,032 .5t7 .328 .551 .00359 .0269 I 1.125 1.055 .035 .874 .465 .843 .00607 .0454 1 t/n |.375 l.z9l .042 I .31 .682 t.25 .00910 .0681 7 tl,1.625 1.527 .049 1.83 .940 1.73 .0127 .0951 2 2.t25 2.009 .058 3.17 t.46 2.83 .0220 .165 7 ll - '2 2 625 2.495 .065 4.89 2.03 4.t4 .0340 .254 J 3.125 2.981 .072 6.98 2.68 5.70 .0485 .363 3'/,3.625 3.4s9 .083 9.40 3.58 7.64 .0653 .4EE A -4.125 3.935 .095 12.2 4.66 9.83 .0847 .634 5 5.125 4.907 .109 18.9 6.66 14.8 .l3l .982 6 6.125 5.881 .122 27.2 8.92 20.7 .189 l.4l 8 8.125 7.785 .170 47.6 16.5 37.1 .331 2.47 l0 to.t25 9.701 .212 73.9 25.6 57.5 .513 3.84 t2 12.125 11.617 .254 106 36.7 82.5 .736 5.51 6tU98 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t v- revw, ^D. The Co pper Tube Handbook Technical Data: Tnbles Table 5. Type M - Pressure loss infittings and valves expressed in NOTES: r (.6\, . \r. . 6/1/98 Allowances are for streamlined soldered finings and recessed threaded fittings. For threaded fittings, double the allowance shown on the table. The equivalent lengths presented above are based upon a C facior of 150 in rhe Hazen'williams friction loss formula. the lengths shown are rounded to the nearest half foot. Technical Data: Tables The Copper ntbe Hsndbook ent Ie,n eet Nomind or standard size, in. Fittings Valves Standard Ell 90o Tee Coupling Ball Gate Btfly Check 900 450 Side branch Straigbt run tl". .)1.5 t.5 ll I ,)7 t 51 ,8 1.5 .5 2.5 tl.,).)J J I 2.5 I 4.5 .5 4.5 I tlo 3 I 5.5 .5 .).)5.5 l rl,4 1.5 7 .).5 .5 6.5 ,).))9 .5 .5 .5 .)7.5 9 ) lr 7 2.5 t2 .).5 I 10 11.5 3 9 3.5 15 I I 1.5 15.5 14.5 3 rt,9 3.5 14 I I 2 12.5 4 12.5 5 21 t I 2 l6 18.5 5 16 6 27 1.5 1.5 J l1.5 23.5 6 t9 7 34 7 a 3.5 13.5 ?6.5 8 29 1l 50 J J )12.5 39 fi le://C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOp\copper submittals\copper fittings.htm BUTTERFLY VALVES VALVES LESS POSITION MONITOR SWITCH I I I I t t t I t I I I I t I I I BB-SC100 fhreaded Ends) Sizes 1", 11/a", 11/zu, 2u, 21/zu V,ALVES WITH BUILT-IN BBVSCI 00 (Grooved Ends) Sizes 2u,21/2" POSITION MONITOR SWITCH THREADED ENDS BB-SCS02 (2Valve w/Monitor Switch) GROOVED ENDS BBVSCS02 (Valve wiMonitor Switch) MATEFIAL LIST DIMENSIONS . INCHES W ' :! :ra *rencn Fs^o-u2 ia^e::r. L.C . ;r ,lcr" ,es.rancr aD.eas€<t in ecuNdeot :enea ot -hedula .O tipa I 114 1 1t2 2 21t2 A 2 t,o 25€2,8 3 r/a 3 5 rr:c 5 r3E2 5 z1E2 5 r,6 l3/rs 'I r913 21J16 2 7r. 1 ?332 ? ro 2ar 3 trz 19i F !\n H Z 3to 7.! r 3,/.3 I t;r I r.2 I 7r'!o 2.25',z.)3.25'4.5'10.0' NO.PART MATERTAL SPECIFICATION 1 lnclicalor Sintered lron F0008P c Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 5 Disc Stain. Srl.Type 3O4 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Switch Housing Die Cast Aluminum ./ M I LWAU KEE VALVE COMPANY 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wsconsin 53207 Valves built to take it... since 1901 VALVE AND POSITION MONITOR SWITCH INSTALL.ATION It ir ir I t INSTALLATION -- USA A. The BBSC can be inslalled in any orientation in a piping syst€m using standarcl National Pipe Threads. Wrengh should be used lo hex on the end ol valve being threaded to pipe. Pipe seatants should be usect sparingly. B. The BBSC.SCKo2 switch can be easily mou ed on the valve in ths field. (See speciat in$allarion inslruction sheet providect with every switch kit). C. lt onv one micro switch is required, simply cap the second 3 wirs lead set with wke nuts and tuck into junction box D. Make electrical connections in accordance with local codes. INSTALI-ATION - (For Undemrhers' Laboratories of Canada) A lnslallation must provide upright orientation of vafue. B. Electrical connections as follows: .Eonding anct grounding to be in compliance with the requiremems of the canadiari-E-leaiical code part 1.. C. Conduh: The insertion depth ofthe threaded conduit mu$ not exceed 1/8' into the sffritch housing, and the thread€d conduit musl tit tightv onto the switch. INSTALTATION FOB NEW YORK CITY VALVES N.Y.C. special vaves have a large flow indicator which points in the dkection of the valve disc, indicating open or closed. The vafue should be installed in a oosition where the indicator is readity visible. B+SC WITHOUT A POSITION MONITOR SWITCH B&SCS WITH INTEGRAL POSJTION MONITOR SWITCH NOTE: DEIAILED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEETS ABE PROVIDEDWTTH FACH VALVE. WIRING DIAGRAM I t EIACK Switch Position With Valve Futl Open: To Ghange Wiring From Normal Open To Normal Closed, Roverse Red and Black Switch Bating: 10 AMPS/115 VAC - 60 Hz .5 AMP/28 VDC NOTET Valvas incorporaling position monitoring switches are for indmr use only. Not inlended lor connection lo an alarm control uniL i u"*" rI I I 2375 South Burreil Street Y^l^^t ^^^. .^^ ^^J^ a.r aIrtA E^a^ MILWAUKEE VALVE COMPANY, INC. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207.1 592 ?--, tl At'rA^ Ec,^6 ^ C-l^^ /.\ari^^ c^., Aa Al'riA AaA2 r'l lgPEctFrcATtoNS FoR slow closE- I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 1.I SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES PATENTED Provides slow opening and closing properties in a quarter-turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire protection and other liquid systems. Economically replaces cumbersome O.S. & Y. gate valves. Compaa, lightweight manual operator has scotch yoke design & visual position indicator. Close couplecl for positive direct drive. Available with or without a built-in valve oosition monhor switch. UUFM rated at 175 psi. Also avaitable at 3S0 psi wilh N.Y.C. B.S.A approval. Approved by the New York City Board of Stds. & Appeals under Calendar No. 996-81-SM, for both 175 and 350 psi. 6. For indoor use only. VALVE MONITOR POSITION SWITCH KITS AND BUILT.IN ASSEMBLIES PATENTED Available factory assembled or as a separate kit lor field assembly. When mounted on the BBSC100 Slow Close valves and wired up, the switch signals any movement of the valve disc from the full ooen position. Vafue position can be monitored at either one or two locations because h houses two prewired S.P.D.T. micro switches. Switch Rating: 10 Amps/l1s VAC - 60 Ha 0.5 Amps/28 VDC Wire leads are 24' long. Consuit factory for special lenEhs See back page of this spec sheet for installation instructions.ffiApp'oved@) @Lb,ecr 6' For use with fire protection sprinkler systems 175 psi. DESCRIPTION SIZES 88-sC100 BB.SCS02 Vafue Less Switch Valve With Switch UUFM 175psi -ThreadedEnds NYC BSA Approved 1"1%"l%'- 1,2%. BBVSCI OO BBVS6O2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch UUFM 175psi -GroovedEnds NYC 8SA Approvecl Z,zYz' BBHSCl00 BBHSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 3sopsi -ThreadedEnds NYc BSA Approved 1"1%"1%' 2'.2%' BVHSCl OO BVHSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 35o psi - crooved Ends NYc BSA Approved 2',2Y2' BB-SCK02 Valve Position Monitor Switch Fits All Vatues M ILWAUKEE VALVE COM PANY 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 Valves built to take it... since 1901 PHONE: (303) 629-0221 FAX: (303) 623-7830 E-MAIL: ffpi@seqnet.net 2617 West Holden Place, Denver, Colorado . AO2O4 nODfTIEn FfnE PBOTECTION rrrrc. FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS AUTOMATIC FIRX SPRINKLER SYSTEM PRODUCT DATA & ITYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR NORTHWOODS - BUILDING D - UNIT 307 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO vArL F,t** nFn A:rnlsrENl q-,.fo' TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Sprinklers Steel Pipe CPVC Pipe & Fittings Butterball Valve FIow Switch Test & Drain Valve Hangers Fire Caulking MANUFACTURE Viking Grinnell Grinnell Milwaukee Potter B-Line B-Line Hilti June 4, 1998 4. TECHNICAL DATA See chai for approvals. See chart f or minimum water supply re- quirements and maximum areas of coverage. GIass-bulb f luid temperature rated to -65"F (-55'C). Rated to 175 PSI (1 207 kPa) water working pressure. Sorinkler 140 a Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 PSI (3 448 kPa). Spring: USA Patent No. 4,167,974 Bulb: USA Patent No. 4.796.710 Testing: USA Patent No. 4,831,870 Thread Size: 1/2" ('15 mm) NPT K Factor: 4.3 (6,2 Metric') 'See Footnote 8 on approval chan. SPRINKLER MATERIALS: Frame - Brass Castings UNS-C84400 1. PRODUCT NAME VIKING Microfasto Model M-4 Small Orifice Residential Pendent Sprinkler 2. MANUFACTURER THE VIKING CORPORATION 210 N. Industrial Park Road Hastings, Michigan 49058, USA Telephone: (616) 945-9501 (800) 968-9501 Fax No: (61 6) 945-9599 From outside the U.S.A.: Telephone: +1 (616) 945-9501 Fax No: +1 (616) 945-9599 e-mail: techsvcs @ vikingcorp.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Viking Microf asto Model M-4 Small Orifice Residential Pendent Sprinkler is a small, high-sensitivity, glass-bulb spray sprinkler. The sprinkler is avail- able in several finishes, with tempera- ture ratings to meet design require- ments. The sprinkler is listed for use below smooth, flat, horizontal ceilings and ceilings with slopes up to and in- cluding a 6/12 pitch. (26.6') The small orifice design, with a K Factor of 4.3, allows eflicient use of available waler supplies for the hydraulically designed fire-protection system. The small, rug- ged, 3mm glass-bulb and special deflec- tor combine soeed of ooeralion and ar- eas of coverage to meet residential sprinkler standards. During fire condF tions. the heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass lo shatter, releasing the pip cap and seal- ing spring assembly. The water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. Form No. F_082095 Replaces sprinkler page 1 40 a-c, dated August 25, 1997 (updated approved finish and escutcheon lists). MICROFAST'MODEL M-4 SMALL ORIFICE RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER Sp(inkler Temperature Classificatlon Nominal Sprinkler Temperature Rating (Fusing Polnt) Coiling Temperaturo at Sprinklet Bulb Color Mar- Ambient Temp. Atlowedr Mar- Recommended Ambient Temp.2 Ordinary 15s F {68rc)135 F {46"C)(34 C)Red Intermediate 17s"F (79t)1ss"F (68qC)l so.F (65"C)Yellow Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome-Enloy@ (palents pending), White(Pain0, and Navajo White(Paint) ] Based on National Fire Prevention and Control Administration, Contracl No.7-34860.- Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply depending on life loading, sprinkler localion, and other Authority-Having-Judsdlction requirements. Reler to specific installation standards. Dellector Style Thread I Nominal I Overall l- Size NPT I K Factorll I uengtn I ltase Pan NumDer Pendenl 1/2 inch | 4.3 us | 2.25 rnch I no."n (15mm) | (6,2 metnc) | (57,2mm) | '"""" SAMPLE f- Temperature / /- hrntsn AREAS OF COVEFIAGE4 Maximum Areas ol Coverage9 Minimum Water Supply Requirements UL5 ULCT NYCO Sinole Sorinkler Two or More 12' X 12' 3.7m X 3.7m 1 1.5 GPM @ 7.2 PSI 43,5 UMin @ 49,3 kPa 1 r.5 GPM @ 7.2 PSI 43,5 UMin @ 49,3 kPa A1X AIX 14 x 14' 4.3m x 4-3m 13 GPM @ 9.1 PSI 49,2 L,/Min @ 63,0 kPa 1 1.5 GPM @ 7.2 PSI 43,5 Ulvlin @ 49,3 kPa AIX 16' x 16' 4.9m x 4.9m 13 GPi,,l @ 9.1 PSI 49,2 UMin @ 63,0 kPa 1 1.5 GPM @ 7.2 PSI 43,5 UMin @ 49.3 kPa A1X A1X 18' x l8' 5.5m x 5.5m 16 GPM @ 13.8 PSI 60.6 UMin @ 95.6 kPa 13.5 GPM @ 9.9 PSI 51,1 UMin @ 68,0 kPa A1X A1X 2A' x 20' 6.lm x 6.lm 19 GPM @ 19.5 PSI 71,9 UMin @ 134.6 kPa 17 GPM @ 15.6 PSI 64,4 UMin @ 107,6 kPa AIX A1X SloDed Ceilinq Approvalslo Maximum Area of Coveraqee.lo Minimum Water Supplv Requirements UL5 ULCT NYCs Single Sprinkter Two or More 16', X 16' 4.9m X 4.9m 18 GPM @ 17.5 PSI 68,1 UMin @ 120,7 kPa 13 GPM @ 9.r PSI 4S,2 UMin @ 63,0 kPa AlX A1X APPROVED TEMP€RATUFES A: 155'F (68t) and 175'F (79" C) APPROVED FINISHES 1; Brass, Brighl Brass, Ch.ome- EnloP, Navaio APPNOVED ESCUTCHEONS X: Slandard surlace or F-1 Adjustable Escutchson. or recess€d with E-1 RecEssed Escutchgon I Base pan number shown. For complete pan number, seepnce lisl. ' This chan shows the listings and approvals available at the lime ol p.inting. Other approvals are _ in process. Check with the manulaclurer for any additional approvals. : Listing is lor residenlial occupancies wirh smooth. llat, horizontalce rngs. 5 Listin6 is lor residenrial occupancies with smoolh ceilings with slopes up to and including a 6112 - (26.6') pitch. ' Lisled bv Underwrite/s Laboratories. tnc. tor use in Canada. | ,lcceptahce for use by City ot New York Oepanment ol Buildings is pending. 'For areas of coverage smaller than shown, use the 'Minimum Waler Supply Requrement' lor tho nen taroesl area lisled wilh sonnklers ol similar K tacror t0 lreas u-nder sloped ceilings riusl be measured along the ceiling slope. Actual lloor coverage under .- stoped ceilings will be less rhan the lisled A.ea ol Coverage. " Metric K Factor shown is lor use whon oressu.e is measured in kPa. When oressure rs measured in .- BAR, mulliply the melric K Factor shown by 10.0. '' Ths Model F.1 Adiustable Esculcheon is considerEd a surface-mounled esculcheon because il doss not allow the lusibis elem6nt ot th6 sprinkler lo be rscessgd bohind th6 lace ol lhe wall or ceiling. NOTE: Install residential pendent sprinklers with dellectors betwgen 1' (94' lor recessed) &4'bolow the ceilino. C Sprinkler 140 b Def lector - Brass UNS-C26000 Bulb - Glass, nominal 3mm diameler Seal - Tef lon@ tape Spring - Nickel Alloy Screw - Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap - Copper UNS-C14500 ACCESSORIES: Refer to "Sorinkler Accessories" section ol lhe Viking Engineering and Design Data book for approved sPrinkler wrench and other accessories, 5. AVAILABTLITY AND SERVICE Viking Technical Data may be lound on The Viking Corporalion's Web site, located al http://www,vikingcorp.com. The Web sate mav include a more recent edition of this Technical Data Viking sprinklers are available through a network of domestic, Canadian, and in- ternational distributors. See the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory (listed under "Sprinklers-Automatic-Fire") or write to The Viking Corporation, Hast- ings, Michigan. USA, Attention: Sales Department. 6. GUARANTEES For details of warranty. ref er to Viking's current list price schedule or contact vi- king directly. 7.INSTALLATION WARNING: Viking sprinkle rs are manulaclured and tested to meet the rigid requirements of approving agen- cies. The sprinklers are designed to be installed in accordance wilh recognized installation standards. Deviation from the standards or any alteration to the sprinkler after it leaves the factory in- cluding, but not limited to, painting, plat- ing, coating, or modification, may render the sorinkler inooerative and will auto- matically nullify the approval and any guaranlee made by The Viking Corpora' tton. A. Sprinklers are lo be installed in ac- cordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, Factory Mulual. Loss Prevention Council. Assemblee P len ie re. Ve rba nd der Sachve r- srcherer or other similar organiza' tions, and also with provisions of gov- ernmental codes. ordinances, and standards whenever applicable. For conditions not specilically covered by the Standards. refer to the "Viking Residential Inslallation Guide". Final approval and acceptance ol all resident ial sorinkler insta llations must be obtained from the Authority H a ving Jurisdiction. Residential sp rin klcrs are special-service sprin- klers for use in one- and two-family dwellings, mobile homes, and resi- denlial portions of other occupancies where allowed. The use of residen- tial sprinklers may be limited due to occupancy and hazard. The mini- mum flow rate indicated for a listed area of coverage must be provided at the sprinkler. Therefore, the system must be hydraulically calculated. Refer to the Authority Having Juris- diction orior to installation. B. Sprinklers must be handled with care. They must be stored in a cool, dry place in their original container. Never install sprinklers that have been dropped or damaged in any way. Never install any glass-bulb sprinkier if the bulb is cracked or if there is a loss of liouid f rom the bulb. ll a glass bulb lacks the appropriate amount of fluid, it should be set asade and returned lo Viking (or an author- ized Viking distributor) for analysis as soon as oossible. ll the sorinkler is not returned to Viking, it should be de- stroyed immediately. Never in sta ll sDrinklers which have been exposed lo lernperatures in excess ol the nr a ximum ambient temperature al- loived. Such sprinklers should be de- slroyed immediately. C. C o rrosion-resistant sprinklers must oe Installed when sublect lo corrosive almospheres. Viking lvlic rof ast@ L4odel l\,4 - 4 Flesidential Pendent Spnnklers are not intended for use in corroslve envtronments. D. Use care when locating sprinklers near fixtures that can generate heat. Do not install sprinklers where they will be exoosed to temoeratures that exceed the maximum recommended ambient temperature for the tem- perature rating used. E. Sorinklers must be orotected from mechanical damage. Adequate heat musl be orovided when sorinklers are installed on wet-pipe systems. F The l,4icrofast@ Model M-4 Residenlial Pendent Sorinkler must be installed alter the piping is in place to prevent mechanical damage, and can only be rrrstalled in the pendent position. Be- lore installation, be sure lo have the appropriate sprinkler model and slyle, with the correcl orifice size, lemperature rating. and response c h a r a c I e r i s t i c s - Apply a s mall amount ol pipe-joint compound or lape to the male threads only. taking June 4, 1998 care not to allow a build-up of com- pound inside the orilice. lnstall the sprinkler on the piping using the spe- cial sprinkler wrench only, while tak- ing care not lo damage lhe sprinkler operaling parts. Do NoT use the sprinkler deflector to slart or thread the sprinkler into a litting- G. After installation, lhe entire sprinkler system musl be tested in accordance with the recognized installation standards. The test is aoolied alter sprinkler inslallation lo ensure lhat no damage has occurred to the sprinkler during shipment and installation, and to make sure the unit has been prop- erly tightened. lf a thread leak should occur, normally the unit must be re- moved, new pipe-joint compound or tape applied, and then reinstalled. This is due to the fact that when lhe joint seal leaks, the sealing com- pound is washed out of the joint. 8. MAINTENANCE NOTICE: The owner is responsible for marntaining the lire-protection system and devices in proper operating condi- tion. For minimum maintenance and in- soection requirements. refer to the Na- tional Fire Protection Association pam- ohlet that describes care and mainte-- nance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements which musl be followed. A. The sDrinklers must be insDected on a regular basis tor signs of corrosion, mechanical damage, ob st ructions, paint, etc. The frequency of the in- speclions may vary due to corrosive atmospheres, waler supp lies, and activity around the device. B. Sprinklers Ihal have been f ield painted. caulked, or mechanically damaged must be replaced immedi- ately. Sprinklers showing signs ot corrosion shall be tested and/or re- placed immediately as required. Mi- crof ast@ lvlodel M-4 Residential Pen- dent Sprinklers thal are 20 years old shall be tested and/or replaced im- mediately as required. Never al- tempt to repair or reassemble a sprin- kler. Sprinklers that have operated cannot be reassembled or re-used, but must be replaced. When replac- ing sprinklers. use only rrew sprin- Kters. C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is crit'cal for proper fire protection. Nothing should be hung from, at- tached to, or otherwise obstruct I t MICROFAST@MODEL M-4 SMALL OFIIFICE RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER (continued on page 140 c) June 4, 1998 the discharge pattern. All obstruc- tions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers installed. D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system must be removed lrom service. Refer to the appropriate sys- tem description and./or valve instruc- tions. Prior to removing the system from service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration should be given lo employment of a fire patrol in the effected area. 1. Flemove the system from service, drain all water, and relieve all pressure on the piping. 2. Using the special sprinkler wrench, remove the old sprinkler and in- stall the new unit. Care must be taken to ensure that the replace- ment sprinkler is the proper model and stvle. with the correct orifice size, t6mperature rating, and re- sponse characteristics. A fully stocked sprinkler cabinet should be provided for this purpose. a Spdnkler 140 c 3. Place lhe svstem back in service and secure bll valves. Checx anq reoair all leaks. E. Sorinkler svstems that have been subiected a lo f ire must be returned to service as soon as Dossible. The en- tire system must be inspected [or damage and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been exoosed to corrosive oroducts ot combustion or high ambient tempera- tures, but have not operated, should be replaced. Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction lor minimum re- olacement reouiremenls. MICROFASTO MODEL M.4 SMALL ORIFICE RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPBINKLER \IKING Maximum ceiling slope = 6/12 (26.6'). Lisled Areas of Coverage correspond to areas measured along ceiling slope (f or sloped ceiling installations, actual floor coverage will be less than listed area). Refer to charl on page '1 40 a for listed areas ^l ^^\/or..!a Figure 1 - lnstallation Instructions Notes: 'l . Actual installations may require multiple sprinklers. A single sprinkler installation has been shown for clarity. 2. For "cathedral" ieiling applications, install sprinklers in a symmetrical mirror-imag^e, of Figure C. 3. For areas up to 16'x-16;, with slopes between a 2112 gitch (o') and a 5/12 pitch (26 6). lhe "Minimum Water Supply Requirements" for the next largest "sloped" installation must be used. Refer to approval chart on page 140 a. March B, 1989 1. PRODUCT NAME ADJUSTABLE ESCUTCHEON MODEL E 1 2. MANUFACTUREH IHE VIKING CORPOFATION 210 N industrial Park Fload Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A. Fax Number: (616) 945-9599 Easylink Mailbox: 628841 45 Teleohone: (61 6) 945-9501 Telex Number: 22-6400 3. PRODUCT DESCHIPTION The Viking Model E-1 two piece Adius- table Escutcheon is used with a pendent or horizontal sidewall Micromatic@ [/odel M sorinkler to provide a low profile, decoraiive recessed sprinkler. The escutcheon's lwo piece design ai- lows the installation and testing ot the sorinklers orior to the installalion of the ceiling. The outer cup can be removed and reinstalled allowing access above removable ceiling panels for servicing building equipment without shulting down the sprinkler system and removing the sorinkler. The slio-on feature allows for minor adjustments due to pipe or ceiling pitch. 4. TECHNICAL DATA See Chart for list ot aoorovals. Adjustment range is flush to 3/4" (19mm) recessed. Fequires a minimum 2-1l8" (54mm) to a maximum 2-112" (64mn\ diameter hole in ceiling or wall. Material: UNS-G r0080 cold Rolled sleel Escutcheon Finishes:' Bright Brass -FFleg,l;qEle |+elge#!]lql ,Harnteo Navato wnrte Painted Black (Semi-Gloss) 'Note - the escutcheon i9 not coated or listed for corrosive environments and therefore should not be used tor this ouroose. 5. AVAILABILITY AND SEBVICE The Viking Model E- 1 Ad justable Es- cutcheon is avaiiable lhrough a network of domestic. Canadian. and international distributors, see the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory (listed u nder "Sorinklers Automatic Fire') or write to The Viking Corporation. Form No. 082088 APPROVEO FOF USE WITH THE FOLLOWING VIKING SPRINKLERS ONLY ' This chart shows the lislings and approvats available at the time ol printing. Other ap- provals are In process Contait the madufac- - lurer lor any addilronal approvals. ' Approved by the Ncw York City Board ol Stand- ards and Appeals u'roer Calendar Number 219.76-SA. 6. GUABANTEES Viking agrees to repair or replace goods {ound to be deieclive in material and workmanship for a period of one year lrom the date ot shroment. For details of warranty, refer lo pflce list. T.INSTALLATION WARNING: Vrkrng sprinklers are manufactured ano lested to meet the rigid requiremenrs ol the approving agency. The sprinklers are desrgned to be instarled in accordance with recog. nized installation standards. Deviation from the standards or any alteration to the sprinkler after it leaves the factory including, but not limited to, painting. plating. coating or modification, may render the sprinkler inoperative and will automatically nullify the approval and any guarantee made by The Viking Cor, poratlon. A. Sprinklers are to be installed in ac cordance with the latest published stancards of the National Fire Protec- tion Associatjon, Factory Mutual, Loss P revention Council (F.O.C.), Assemblee Pleniere, Verband der Sachversrcherer or other simiiar or- ganizations and also with the provrs ion S of governmenlal codes. ordrnances and standards whenever applicable. B. Recessed sprinklers are decorative sprinklers and are generally con- sidered special servlce. As such, if the proposed tnstallalion requires recessrng any ol the heat sensitive operatrng element (glass bulb). some Authorities Having J urisdictio n may lamrt the use depending on the oc. cupancy classification. Befer to lhe Authorrty Having jurisdiction prior to Inslallalton. C. Reter to the appropriate sprinkler data pag. lor addilional warnings and in. stilrlairon instructions then install unris according to the followlng steps: STEP 1: Install all piping and cut the spnnkler drop nipple so that the raducing coupltng is at the desired elevation. Sprinkler 135 I s ; o -l :m o= z 'o m 3 MICROMATIC@ ADJUSTABLE ESCUTCHEON MODEL E 1 ,1 Size UL FM i ULC J/rb I u 3iB" A'1 1D' i t2" A Bf D 1j:32" A BtlD 1.2 Cil l "A -Oenotes aporovec In 135 F. 155 F and 175 F ralinos n a spr nkler finishes. ''B oenotes aoproveo' n r 35'F, I 55'F, 175'F and 200'F rarinos rn Briqht Brass and Polished Ch.om-,: sc(ntler {inishes. ''C-'Denoles approved rn 135"F, 1 55'F, 1 75'F and200 Fratrngs n a 1 sprinkler finishes..D"-Oenoles approved In 135'F, 1 55'F and 175'F ralings in Bnghl Brass and Polished Chrome sprinkler iinrshes.'' .Denoles approved lo. L ght Hazard Occupan- cres only. , Denoles appro,ad ,o ,se ,n Occupancres up to and Inci!cjing Ordrnary Hazard Group ll when Installed on wel cipe systems only_''tt l\.4usl be rnsra led .1 l2 below ceiling. Sprinkler 136 STEP 2: Screw the center adapter ring on the sprinkler. The adapter should rest on the shoulder of . th6 sprinkler wrench boss. STEP 3: Apply a small amount of pipe .ioint compound or tape to the male threads of ihe sprinkler only and screw into the cou-pling. Tighten with the recessed sprinkler wrench. STEP 4: Test the system as required and reoair all leaks. Note if a thread leak should occur, nor- mally the unit must be removed, new joint sealer ap- olied and then reinstalled in order to seal properly. STEP 5: After installing the ceiling with a minimum 2-118" (54mm) hole {or the escutcheon, press on the outer ring until the flanges touch the ceiling. Note the maximum center adapter recess is 3/4" (19mm). DO NOT modify the unit. lf neces- sary re-cut the sprinkler drop nipple as required. DISASSEMBLY - The outer ring can be removed and reinstalled without removing the sprinkler to allow ac- cess above the ceiling or to replace if necessary. lf it is necessary to remove the entire unit the system must be removed from service. See maintenance instructions and follow all warnings and instructions. 8. MAINTENANCE NOTICE: The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire proteclion system and devices in proper operaling condi- tion. For minimum maintenance and in- spection requiremenls, refer to the Na- tional Fire Protection Association Pamohlel number 1 3A. "Care and Main- tenance of Sprinkler System". In addi- tion, the 'Authority Having Jurisdiction" may have additional maintenance, lesl- ing and inspection requirements which must be lollowed. A. The Sorinklers must be insoected on a regular basis tor corrosion, mechanical damage, obstructions, paint, etc. The lrequency of the in- spections may vary due to corrosive o -----.---------r I Cenrer adapter Ring/ Out€r Rino. 3/4'Ma)(irnum CenterAdapler R€cess (19mm) atmospheres, water supplies and ac- tivity around the device. B. Sprinklers lhat have been painted or m ec ha n ically damaged must be replaced immediately. Sprinklers showing signs of corrosion shall be tested andlor replaced immediately as reouired. Sorinklers that are 50 years old shall be tested and/or replaced as required. Sprinklers that have ooerated cannot be reas- sembled or reused, but must be replaced. When replacing sprinklers, use only new sprinklers. C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is critical for proper fire protection, therefore, nothing should be hung f rom, attached to, or otherwise obstruct the discharge pattern. All obstructions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sorinklers installed. D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system musl be removed from service. Reler to the appropriate sys- tem description and/or valve instruc- tions. Prior to removing the sysiem from service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration 2-1t16' (53(nln) 3-1116' (78mm) March 8, 1989 MICROMATIC@ ADJUSTABLE ESCUTCHEON MODEL E.1 T?e't...r 1.1/16' l27/r'm) should be given to,employment oi a fire patrol in the affected area. 1. Remove the system lrom service, draining all water and relieving all pressure on lhe piping. 2. Using the special sprinkler wrench, remove lhe old sprinkler and in- stall the new unit. Care must be taken to replace the sprinkler with the proper model, style, orifice size and temperature rating. A fully stocked spare sprinkler cabinet should be provided lor this ourDose. 3. Place the system back in service and secure all valves. Check and reoair all leaks. E. Sprinkler systems that have been subject to a lire must be returned to service as soon as oossible. The en- tire system must be inspected lor damage and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion or high ambient tempera- tures , but have not operated, should be replaced. Reter to lhe Authority Having Jurisdiction for minimum re- placement requiremenls.o o QI'ALITY THREADAELE LIGHTWALL SPRINKLER PIPE The Most Technologically Advanced flpe of Sprinkler Pipe. Allied XL Pipe is a time lested threadable light wall sprinkler pipe manulaclured in 7." through 3" sizes and engineered to p.ovrde lhe besl in low cosl sprinkler proleclion Allied XL pipe is suitable lor use in accordance with NFPA 13, 13D and 138, and rl can be used eilher threaded or unlhreaded in wel, dry. preaclron or deluge syslems having working pressures o1300 P.S.l. or less. Allied XL Pipe otfers Physrcal lealures and characlenSlrcS . Supe(or hydra!|cs . Galvanreed exteflor ' Grealer yreld slrength . Hrgh lensrle slrenglh . Exceplronally hrgh butsl slrenglh . Lrghl werght suoerior features lo convenlional Schedule 40 Used wrth slandarcl couplrngs. frllrngs and valvos Recommended parnl lnrshe5 can be aDpIelj ro Allied xL Pipe Cosi and lrme savrngs: . Lower sprinkler . No special p.ocesses syslem costs oa lhraad sealanls . Freighl savings fequired lor inslallalron . Rcduced Invenlory . Standard N.PT cosls threading equipmenl - Reduced wasle o Allied XL Pipe successfully met or exceeded all the U.L. requirements and was the lirst sprinkler pipe to receive unrestricted Underwriters Labora- tories. Inc. listing tor approved fire systerns having working pres- sures of 300 P.S.l. or less. Tests performed by Underwriters Lab Flexural tesl; Simulating loading of typical pipe and hanger installations. One inch and larger srzes were tested simulating sprinkler branch lines described in NFPA 13. Hydrostatic leakage & assembly test: Leakage and hydrostatic tests on both contractor threaded oioe and U.L. threaded pipe, gauged and found to contorm with ANSr/ASME 81.20.1-1 983. Fire test: Simulating wet, deluge and dry pipe tire exoosures. Burst test: Hydrostatrc burst tests on threaded and unthreaded pipe. lVibration test: Exoosure of UAllied XL Pipe to vibration in order to simulate seismic conditions. Test performed by Factory Mutual* Allied XL Pipe per ASTM A135 evaluations: ' Chemical analysis , Tensile strength 'Flatlenability ' Hydrostatic per{ormance . Qualitv of welded seams .Jilnlweishror . Workmanship . Finish . Marking Joint evaluation tests:. Threaded per manufac- turer's recommendation . Threaded per observed field practrces {Both "drop-head" and "adjustable"). Butt welds . Flexible pipe couplings on roll-groove-ended pipe , Plain-end tittings (Locking set-screw engaging pipe to a predetermined dimension). Plain-end f ittings {Locking sel-screw engaging pipe to a predetermined torque valuel Hydrostatic tests per ASTM A135 on: . Threaded assemblies . Welded assemblies Hydrostatic tests performed at 4 times the pressure ratings:. Plain-end fitlings . Roll-groove fittings Bending moment tests:. Samples were internally pressurized to their rated worKtn9 pressure Vibration tests:. Threaded joints ' Plain-end fittings (Locking set-screws engagrng ptpe to a pre- determined dimension). Plain-end fittings (Locking set-screws engaging pipe to a predetermined torque value) Cycling pressure tests:. Three simiiar assemblies were cycle pressure tested 20,000 limes f rom 0-125 PS.l. Thread strength tef . Allied XL Pipe behaves similarly to ASTM A53 malerial . Allied XL Pipe has a much higher yield strength than Schedule 40 of greater wall thickness . Threads are easily cut on Allied XL Pioe No leaking, loosening, weakening or other evidence of failure was detected in any ol the above testing proce- dures. Tested against conventional SK40 product Comparative tests summary - Allied XL Pipe vs. Schedule 40 Construction and instal- lation: u.L. stated Allied xL Pipe is suitable for fabrication of sprinkler systems. Materials: Allied XL Pipe has mechanical strength propertjes equivalent to or greater than required lor Schedule 40. Flexural: Allied XL Pipe passed Schedule 40 flexure test requirements without leakage. Hydrostatic: Assembled Allied XL Pipe, threaded in accordance with ANSIlASME 81.20.1-1983 can withsland internal pressure without leaks In lne same manner as Schedule 40. Vibration: Allied XL Pipe did not leak al or below 600 P.S.l., twice its normal working pres- sure. and did not exhibit anv signs ol weakness, deteriora- tron or wear at the threads. Fire resistance: The me- chanical and bending strength oI Allied XL Pipe provides equivalent resistance to the stresses imposed by fire. Bursr rest: Aneo AL Prpe -G tested to 9.000 PS.l. EF Corrosion resistance: Based On the examinatron Of Sched- ule 40 pipe specimens, the Battelle Columbus Laboratories has estimated that Allied XL Pipe would Iast up to and exceeding 100 years in most automatic sorinkler systems. lt is expected lhat parlicularly corrosive condi- tions will resull in a shorter service lite. as it will for Schedule 40"'. 'Factory Mutual Approved lo. wet spflnkler sysiems in t' ttrru :" sjzes f .\-., i "Detajls available in February 21, t98a\* ,,' reporl by Underwriters Laboratories inc, "'ULC - Oetarls avariaDle In January rO. 1990.eport by Underwrite(s Laboralories of Canada. ULC appfoved lor wet systems in threaded applicalion. ULC approved lor wet-dry-preaction and deluge systems in unthreaded aPPlcalron Specrlrcations, descriptions, seNices and illustralive malerial hefein afe accurale as known at lime of publication and are sublect to change wilhout nolrce. @@ Approved ffi Approved llllied TUBE & CONDUIT 16100 South Lathrop Avenue Harvey, lllinois 60426 (312) 339.1610 1-800-8ALLtE0 ^ Grinnell ""o,u.o"" SALES OFFICES ANO WAFEHOUSES Unit€d Siates .ra - l6@t 272 8sG Er Cao 9ro20 - :q5 o.d. rvr - 161 9, ..7 sodt rurhb 92d!r - a0' so6 P'..d{ ^{ - l7r.r rr3 I 166 Hderid $!5 - '95O !Ftu wir,1.r3r 30r,rr0o s*'.nei,o 953r. - .J a.ird. sr€ - l95r ..rret Ddw do,'o? - tr'5 nlffi sr - lloJr|?5 71at rrFF rlre - lriM.5srio0r€, |lr3r6...rai strd - l0oar aJr.?tg? s. - rizr!.t '500 sr5 r i{ rds' _,r}"r!s4 2.?. 5d nc{ - r!o.r / uw coioMi:,r!r ' id5 9!-&^ * ord - rtrrrte,lad) _ r:or w thn st _l6'ae. !' sr L@ton,o - ia'r sdo <ilc$€nrr -t3'.t r7r,.ets NEW JERSEY (lr.rb {YC A.xl rrcF pr^ 0to35 - 99 8tu B.o.t F4 - t2oit 3L{GOO rr^..F 1160 / - re3 Un*ry An - I'lat ..?.r0.0 c[r.ktu ]i?c - tr] !!.{ us.isd sr - {?o.l3r6.s3r orn^ f2r r - '0?5 Lr'c- w, - tSlat 2.2.0..0 E. -tao rlr.rrt rus rnrr r',a ta6 /h Et! A{ -lnqaa.6@ 'i4Ld4q'nl- r2.0 rd6d 2lt' ^! _ 130} 2?3 2ror 3&!!16 i$2d - '.i ' Fdc id - l2rt an 05oo P,nruqi,!?I 'r]iF.9.M - l.r2t lh-aj.r IEI{N€SSC€Mss\ r1.: !1Clnbr,i3r - t901l.32.3i0a r.n,,'a r:{r i}r €!i N{ pib - t.r5t2..,:rdll rv,{ $r 2.?5EsP,6.dOnF-ta.t.t.&r.hft\ri;;i.r - ^99t ok cr@ Rd - t'lorrt.lr]rr r.nd\.):r(! , ,rjo s'F,tu Erd _ l.o.l6tt d6(!a.^n,,.j.1r - rt??Ed.or Ad -oo.t?2?reo xdi lrEr2 - 6rf,? so rgall I - l26t ?at 95a5 ro&!"9d6rJ - nr tb4r{ - l20at 42519.. Canada Cr.f,y r?C I xl - tg.o Ldn SL SE a.t J - l.o3| 2r9'et €dll@ rt6 0w5 - r !o r2on I - r.0!1.92 ga.r aFrnSH cotuMatA r!.le v9r tv. - 2t60 xNrt i4 ' llo.l t5tns5r 'L^'|d v5v rvr - rg@ vrqt er - l6t0.r ?B.e?r afrd9 RIH oM2 - ?rtctur st - lao.ltr..r6l &h!d Na rr! - e vdio D -{w|.6..qtfl nsr - l.r.r 5r.rrrl !6, d? :i-s - lorssois sl -t1t612!r lri Sj^,Nt1?c6 - 2rr crFNn Sr -6rtl136 1690 OUEAEC r,n**' sh 135 s3 rh strd a - l!6rr.il67.€ Griilrcfi"o SL'PPLT' SALES CO,}IPANY lochn|car Slptro.l/ Mi.k ln!/oosqd $.$c63 tr0rt9.r-30q0 cn^^6rl CoDdalion, A.oul'vt On'cc! E^;or. NH 0!433 - t6o3) 7t8 92oo rsrlt 5/91SP PR|N]ED ti/ u s A. {o CPVC FIRE SPRINKLER PIPE AND FITTINGS FLAMEAWAY@ - 3/4 thru 2 INCH Flameaway C PVC pipe and f ittings are designed exclusively for use an wet pipe automatic fire sprinkler systems. They are made from a specially devel- oped thermoplastic compound com- posed ot chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) resin and state-of- the-art ad- ditives. Flameaway CPVC products provide superior heat resistance and strength and at the same time are easy to install. The inherent corrosion resis- tance of CPVC provides ex6ellent water llow characte ristics. Vario us Flameaway adapters are available to connect CPVC pipe to me- taltic piping. All femate pipe thread adapters have brass inserts for dura- biiity. Grooved adapters connect di- rectly to grooved end valves and me- tatlic pipe, with standard grooved end couolinos. Flameaway CPVC pipe and tittings are UL Listed. Flameaway CPVC pioe and fittings are also UL Listed for use with UL Listed Harvei CPVC sprinkler pipe and UL Listed Spears CPVC sprinkler littings. The UL Listings are in accord- ance with US requirements for use in: . light hazard or residential occupan- cies as defined by NFPA 13, . residential occupancies as defined by NFPA 13D and 13R, . underground wate( service as de- f ined in N FPA 24, or . return air plenums as defined by NFPA 9OA. Flameaway CPVC pipe and tillings are C-UL Listed in accordance with Cana- dian requirements for use in: . lighl hazard or residential occupan- cies as def ined by NFPA 13. . residential occupancies as defined by NFPA 1 3D and 13F, or . underground water service as de- f ined in NFPA 24. Prinred in U.S,A. 11.97 .TABLE OF CONTENTS- f;O 'SECTIONS- General Description, . .. . 1 Approvals And Standards . . 1 Technicaf Data. .......2 General . .. .-2 Pipe . .. .2 Fittinss. .....2 Pipe Hangers and Pipe Location ......3 Underground Water Service .........3 Penetration Ot Fire Rated Walls And Partitions 13 Installation .....13 Care And Maintenance . . . 16 General . . . . 16 Storage . . . . 16 Handling .... 16 Painting . . . . 16 Remodeling.......16 Warranty . . . . . . 16 Ordering Procedure, . . . . 16 Metric Conversions , ...16 o \,, The listings only apply to the service conditions indicated in the Technical Data section. WARNING Flameeway CPVC pipe and. fittings described herein must be installed and, mainlained in compliance with this document, as utell as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Prolection Association and, the NationaL Build.ing Cod.e of Canada (uthere applicable), in addition to the standard,s of any other aulhorities hauing jttrisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of these de- utce& The ountr is responslb/e for main- laining thtir lire protection system and deuices in proper operdting coft' dition, Thc installing contractor or manufeclurer shou.ld be contocled relaliuc lo ofly rluesriona B- E- r- ft- J- K. L. M. N. -lAELEl- Pipe Dimensions -. 3 Pipe P ressure Loss 4 Pipe Bending noflo^ti^^ q Pipe Thermal Expa nsion Fitting Dimensions Fitting Pressure Loss Pipe Support Spacing Sprinkler Support Spacing........11 Minimum Ground Cover, Underground Service . 12 Set Times Before Initial Handting, Underground Service . 12 Looo Olfset Oimensions, Underground Service . 12 One-Slep Cement Cure Times . . . . . . .'15 Two-Step Cement Cure Times . . . . . . .15 o o C.UL LISTING R EA UIREM ENTS -lameauuuy pipe and fittings are rated Jor uSe al a m,lxlmum Servlcc pre53ure -.ol 175 psr and a maximum ambtenl tenpcrature ol 150'F. The PiPe and littinos have an identiliable o ran 1e colorl General: 1. Flanreaway Pipe and f ittings are only to be used as Part of a wet PlPe or anli-lreeze automatic tire spnnkler sYstem. 2. Flamearvay pipe and fittings can be used for both 'Protected SYstem" and "Exposed System" installations per the UL or C-UL Listing require' ments given in Chart A, as aPPlica- ble; except that system risers must meel the requirements for a 'Pro' tected system". 3. Flameaway pipe and fitlings are only to be used in areas having a maxi- mum ambient temPerature of 150"F. Install piping away from any si[Uc' tur3l elements which can transmlt heat, as well as light fixtures or hot rvater lines which could Eene:ate (t-150"F. Fiameaway pipe and fittings are cnly 'c r i.door ano undergrounc se:'i ice. Flarneaway pipe and fittings musi ce insialleci at a horizontal distance of ai least 24 inches lrom arr i'3iui'n oriiles or other openings in ihe celi' in g. Flameaway pipe and tittings mav be used at temperatures beiow +0'F on,y when water solutjons using pure glycerine (anti-freeze) ar: used to protect the PiPing system trom freezing. The additive for the anti' lreeze water solution can only oe glycerin and applied per the recuile' ments of NFPA 13. The use of an antr-lreeze system is sublect io ap' proval by the Authority Having Juns' diction. Flameaway pipe and fittings nlay be installed in combustible concealed spaces assuming lhat sprinkler pro' iection for the space is nol required by the N FPA. However, if automatic sprinkler ploteclion is required in the ccncealed space, as is the case lor some N FPA 13 installalions. Flameaway pipe and fittrngs may be Installed within the space provtded ihey are protectcd lrom lhe ccmous' rtbles in the concealed space as specrfied lor a "Protected Syslem". It rs recommended that the Authonty Having Jurisdiction be consulted be- lore installing Flameaway prpe and littrngs in combustible c oncealed f. 7 "Protected Systcm" - Lisled: orCinary temperature rated; standard response. quick rL'sponse' or residenti3l: pendent or horrzonlal sroe- wall sprinllers nlusi be ulll|zed. - The minimum proteciion required to pro- tcct (cover) the piping system is 1/2 inch thrck ply\,,/ood, 3/8 inch thlck gypsum board. or acousiicaL cei ing panels weighing a minimum ol 0.35 pounds per square foot when installed erilh metallic support g rids. "Exposed System" Listed, ordinary temperature rated, quicl( response pendent sprinklers with detlec- tors located no greater than I inches below the ceiling; or, Listed residenlial pendent sprinklers installed in accord' ance with their listing must be uiilized. The maxtmum disEnce beNeen sPfin' klers must not exceed 15 feet. or Listed. o(dinary temperature rated. quick response horizontal sidewall Sprinklers with deflectors located no greater than 6 inches from ihe ceiling and no greater than 4 inches irom the wall; or, Lisied residential horizonlal sidev/ail sprinklers installed in acccrCance with their listing rusi be uilizeC. ihe rlaxin:um distance between sprinklers musl not exceed'14 Lisied. nT aximum 155'F iemperature rated. quick response ucr gnt sprinklers v/ith Cefleclcrs lccated .lc craater than 4 incn€s belclv the c-'ilina musi be utilized. The ceiling abcve ihe "=xccsed System" piping musi be smccth, iiai. fixed, and hctrzonial. "P.olectcd System" - Listed: ordinary lemperalure raled; standard re:pon9c, qurck rcsponSe, or .esidenlial: pendenl or horizontal side- v/all sprrnkle13 mu:i be uttlized. . The minimLm protgction required io pro- lect (cover) lhe piprnq system is lath and plaster, 13 mm thrck plywood, I mm lhlck gypsum board. of a suspended mem' brane ceiling wilh lay-in panels ot tiles classitied',,/ilh respgct to sudace burning characteristicl ha,/ing a mass not less than 1.7 kg/mc and installed in steel sus- pension grids. The eflectiveness ol lhis protecion can be impaired if penetraled by openings such as ventilation grills, exhaust lans connected to metal ducts servine viashrooms excepted. Where such ipenetration is present, individual openings exceeding 0.03 m'but not ex- ceeCino 0.71 m' in area must be located so thatihe drstance lrom the edge o{ the opening to the nearest sprinkler does not exceed 300 mm. This piping shall not be us-ed where such openings exceed 0.71 mz in area. Tire efiect ol the presence of non-rated rec3ssed Iighting fixtures, pub- lic address speakers and other interup- tions oJ lhe orot€ctive membrane have not been investigated. "Exoosed Svs tem'' Lisied, ordinafv lgmperature raled. qulck respcnse p ?iceci sprlnklers wlth i:llea- iors lccateo no treater than 3 inches be.ow :re c?irin:i ar. Listed res.cenllal pencjent scrinklafs insialled in acccrd' anc-5 with lheir lisiing musi be uirlized. The maxlnun clsiance oetlveen sorin' klers ilust nct exceed 15 feet, ol Lisiaaj. orcinar'/ i:r'nperature rated. quick response hcrizcntal sidewall sprinklers with deilecicrs lccsted no greatar than 6 incies lrcm iha cerlino and no oreater lhan -1 incnes irom the walli cr, Llsted residentral hcn:cntal siCelvall sprrnklers insialleC In accsfdance with iheir lisling musi be ulili::C. ihe maximum drsiance befreen sprinklers must nol exceed '14 leet. The ceilina above the "Exposed System" must ce s-mooth, flal. lixed. and hcrizon- tal. ( b. CHART A PROTECTED AND EXPOSED SYSTEM REOUIREMENTS spaces, to determtne il anY addi- tional requirements app ly. P ipe: Flameaway CPVC pipe rs Produced to standard dirnension ratio (SOR) 13.5, and per the requiremen{s ol ASTM F442. Aete( to the follo',ving tables for additronal engineerrng des ign data: . Table A - Pipe Dimensions . Table I - Pipe Pressure Loss -2. . Table C - Pipe Bending Deflection . Table D - Pipe Thermal Expansion Fittin g s: Flamearvav CPVC tittings are manu' factureo to speci{ications which ex' ceed ASTi\l F.138 and F439 standards. Socket type ends are reinlorced with increased !vxll thickness and have Schedule.l0 dimensions lor sizes 3/4 throuqh 1 - 1 '2 inch pipe sizes (ASTM F438tand Schedule 80 dimensions lor UL LISTING R EOUIR EM ENTS , inch oipe size (ASTM F439). Female inieaobo adapters, lor sprinkler heads anJ conne.tions to metallic piping sys- l-.. "re made with a threaded brass e l' l"?To:1,1s:i",;:"3';" lii';ll3 n' ^ \sl Standard Y (hreads ate Per ^l E 1.20.1. Grooved end adapters can be used for connection to metallic piping svstems and are molded in accord' ance lvith Gruvlok standard cut groove ipecrticatrons lor steel pipe The oiooved end adapters are suitable for ise lvith flexible grooved end cou' plings (e.9., Gruvlok Fi9.7000) that are iisted o, approved 'or fire protection service. I AElLE A PIPE DIMENSIONS NOTE Rigtd type grooued end couPlings ntist not be utilized, since damage to the grooued end adapter rnay. result- Refer to the following tables for addi- tional engineering design data: . Table E - Fitting Dimensions . Table F - Fitting Pressure Loss Pioe Hanqers and PiPe Location: The use o-f uL Listed'Mo dels 22, 23, and 24 pipe hangers manu{aclured by Tolco, Inc. is recommended. These hanqers are especially designed ior use!ith CPVC pipe and fittings. Oth- lvise, steel pipe hangers having a lnimum 1i2 inch wide bearing sur' iace and lree of sharp edges, or lvrap around U-hangers can be utilized, where acceptable to the Authority Hav- inq Jurisdiction. Refer to Table G ior piIe support sp acing data. Adequate bracing must be applied ad' jacent to sprinklers so that any oper' ated sprinklers will slay in their normal position as opposed to being affected by the forces of discharging water. Proper bracing includes the use of a standard band hanger with the threaded rod positioned with a 1i 16 inch gap between the end of the rod and the pipe surlace: a wraP-around U -hanger; or, a Tolco Figure.22 ha{g,er installed In the inverted posltlon. Heler to Table H for sprinkler support data. U/hen the pipe and fittings are being used in "Exposed Systems", the lol' lowing criteria also apply: 1. For pendent sprinkler installations' the hangers must be anchored so that ihe oioe is in direct contact with the ceiling. -2. For horrzontal sidewall sprinkler In- n o :FJi"J:"::' 1ffi,',i:'ft".T:lT,?li S contact with the side wall and lvith the centerline ol lhe main run of pipe at a maximum ol 5 inches below the cealing. 3. For upright sprinkler installations, rioid hanoers must be secured to the cjilinq *iih tne centerline olthe main run oi pipe at a maximum ot 7'112 inches below the ceiling. The dis- tance from the centerline ol a sprin- kler to lhe nearest hanger is to be 3 inches. Underqround Water Service: Flameiway pipe and fittings may be used for underground water servlce when installed in accordance with NFPA 24 and the following criteria: Trenchin o The trench bottom is to be continuous, smooth, and free from rocks. V/here ledoe rock. hardpan, or boulders are enc-ountered, cuihion and protect the pipe by padding the trench bottom wlth sand dr compacted f ine grained soils. The deoth of the pad is to be at least 4 inches in depth. Thouoh the trench wiCth should be as na,roiv as possible, it must be wide encuqh to allow for convenient instal' lation: Joining the pipe and iittings out- side of the trench will allow ior mini- mum possible trench width. Sufficient cover must be maintained to keep ex- ternal stress levels below acceptable design stresses. Refer to Table J for minimum ground cover data. NOTE Retiability and safety of service is of the utmoit importance tn determining the minimum couer for an intended service- Be sure to chech with the Aut hority H au i ng J u r i s dictio n. Assembly Anrj Initial Scl Times Before using, be sure to inspect all pipe and fittings. lf there are any flaws noted, such as cracks or gouges, lhey are to be cut from the pipe' or in the case o{ littings, discarded. Refer to lhe lnstallation section lor assembly meth' ods. Reler to Table K for the amount of time required to ensure assembly before handling. Once good handling strength has been obtained, the cemented assembly may be carefully lovrered into the trench. Support the pipe as it is being lowered into position, to prevent the application of excessive bending stresses to ce- mented joinls. Under no circum- stances should the pipe be dropped into the trench. S n akino Ot Pipe Snaking or ollsetting the pipe with re- soect to ihe iranch cenierline providas for extra pipe length to compensate tor any anticipat?a rhermal contraction that may octur in newly cemented oioelines. Rei:r to Table L for under- grouno loop oiiset dimensions to com' p ens aie lor ccntraction. In gen:ral, it is preferable to snake ell pipe assemblies along side the trench during ;ts curing time; however, it is particularily necessary when installing pipe in high temperature conditions. . Snake pioe lengths joined during hot lveather in the Iate afternoon heat. This will guard against possible joint sepa- ration due (o thermal contraclion ot the pipe as it continues to dry throughout the cool night air. When installation air temperature is substantially above op- erating and ground temperature, snak- ing is required in the trench. Adjust the width of the trench accordingly. WHILE CURING A SNAKED ASSEMBLY AVOID APPLYING ANY UNDUE PRESSURE TO THE ASSEMBLY. B a ckfilling Underground pipe is to be thoroughly inspected and tested lor leaks prior to backfilling. Refer to "Pressure Testing" in the lnstallation section. The pipe is to be uniformly and con- trnuously supported over its entire length on tirm, stable material. Block- ing rs not to be used to change PiPe grade or to intefmittently supPorl plpe icross excavaled sections. Piping is to Nominal Pipe Size, lnches Average o.o., lnches Average t.D., In che s Weight, LbsJFt. 314 1.050 | 0.874 0.1 7 (Continued on Paga 13) o FLOW, c^!LoNs UINUIE (cPv) FRTCTTON LOSS (c=lso), PStlFr. NOUIN L PIPE 92L THCHES \ /A 1-1/4 1- 1/2 1 2 J 5 0.0006 o.oo28 0.0059 o.0 r oo 0.0t51 0.000J 0.o009 0.oo r 9 o.0053 o.0050 o.aaj1 O.r..tjOJ o.aao6 0.001 1 Q..,Q 1 a 0.0000 0.0002 0.000J 0.0006 0.0006 o.oooo 0.000 r 0.000I o.0002 0-0005 6 7 I r0 o.02E r o.0560 O.Q447 0.054,f 0.00 70 0.009J 0_0 t20 0.0149 0-0r81 o.aa2J 0.c0J0 a.aue 0.cc5a 0.0012 0.0016 0.0020 0.0025 0.0030 0.000+ 0.0005 0.0007 o.0008 o.00 r 0 11 t? r5 14 r5 0.0549 o.0762 O.OEEJ 0.r0rJ 0. r 151 0.02 r 5 0.0255 0.02 9J 0.0J57 0_0362 0.00 59 0.0081 0.0095 0.0108 0-012J 0.00J6 0.0042 0.0049 U.UUf,O 0.0064 0.00 l2 0.0014 o.00 r 7 0.001 9 o.oo22 r6 l7 lo r9 l0 al 451 6r5 7nl :, OU 0.045 | 0.0482 0.0592 0.065 l 0.01J9 0.0 r 55 0.0r 7J 0.0191 4.0072 0.008 r 0.0090 0.0099 0.0109 0.0024 0.0027 0.00J0 0.00J5 21 tl 2J 6 )11\ 02558 0:5J8 o2746 o2962 0.071J 0.0777 0.0843 0.09 1 2 0.0984 0.0250 0.0J1 7 0.01 I 9 0.0130 0.014r 0.0r 55 0.0 r 64 0.0040 0.0044 0.0048 0.0051 27 JO 0.5r 85 0,54 | 5 0.4 r 50 0 0 0 0 0 o58 154 213 295 J/d 0-0341 0.0i91 0.o 177 0.0190 c.0205 0.0216 o.0060 0.0064 o.006E o.0073 o.0078 32 35 0.4409 0.4676 0.4950 0-5251 0,55 r 9 0 0 0 0 465 lfJ *4 737 OJJ 0.c55c 0.c5,cc 0.4245 0.0250 0.029 r 0.0:07 o.00EE 0.0095 (1 nnatt JO Jt' 59 40 0.19I l u.tvJt o.21 34 o2239 0.2317 0.c32 2 0.07:1 0.0525 0.0 540 0.0 J5 7 0.0574 0.0592 o.0109 0.0rI5 o.01 20 0.01 52 41 43 0.2457 o ? t60 0.2918 0.07-c 1 0.c827 Q.C9.:0 0.04J0 0.0,r49 0-04 68 0.0 4EE U.U I J5 o.01 45 0.0 151 n n15n 0.0 | 65 46 47 48 49 o.50J9 0.5288 0.1416 0.J546 0. i019 0. 1059 o.l tm o-tt4? 0.0508 0.0529 0.0 550 0.057 r 0.0593 0.0171 0.0 r 78 n nroT 51 f.] 55 0.J579 0.3E r J 0.J950 0..1089 0.4250 0.1 185 n ! ?rq 0.1Jl7 0.0615 0.0 638 U.UOOU 0.0684 0.0 707 o.021 5 u-utzt 0.0251 0.02J9 56 )t 58 OU 0.43 75 0.45 r 9 0.4 657 0,48 r 7 0.4 9 69 0. 1..09 0.1.{56 0. | 50.1 0. | 6c0 0.0751 u.u / fo 0.0780 0.0E05 0.08J I o.0247 n nrqq 0.0263 o-0280 64 0.1 7cc 0.1 30J 0.1909 0i0l 7 0.2 r29 0.088J 0-09 J 6 o.099 | 0.1047 0. r 105 o.0296 o.03 | 6 0.05J4 0.0555 Ftow. GALONS PER UINUTE (cPu) FRTCTION LOSS (C-150). PStlFT. NOUTN..I PrPt S/ZE, jNCHES 3/4 | r 1-1 /4 1-1/2 72 -11 80 0.2242 o.2J59 o.217A 0.28cn 0.1 | 64 o.1225 o.12a7 0. I J50 0.1415 o nro \ o.04 l J o.o4Ji4 o.0455 O.O^7 7 &4 86 RA 90 0.?9a2 0. 0_ 0. 0. 0. 481 548 617 688 759 o.0500 0.0522 u,u>40 0.o569 o.059J 94 96 98 n 14ro o.5672 0.J8r E 0.J967 0-41 r 8 0.'!832 0.1 907 0.1 982 0.2059 o.06l8 0.06,{5 0.0669 0.0695 o_072 1 05 rO 20 25 0.2f,40 n tcqn v.z / oJ 0.2 995 0.o789 0.0860 0.095,+ Q.r o10 o.1090 JO 40 45 50 0.u73 0.3725 0.J984 0.4251 4.1526 n 0. 172 256 341 434 527 55 70 75 0.4809 0.5100 0.5599 0.5020 Q. I OZI o.1720 0.1 82 1 .o- r 925 180 r90 195 200 0.6342 0.6672 0.7009 0-7707 0:1 39 n ?rsn 0.2564 0.248 1 0.2600 205 210 215 220 225 02845 n'1A'r't 0.J101 U.JIJJ 2J0 235 240 230 U-JJO / 0.564J 0.5784 0.5928 255 z6u lbf, 270 275 o.4075 o.4221 o.4575 0.4529 0.4686 2AO 285 ?90 295 J00 0.4845 0.5006 0.5169 0.5J56 o-5504 505 Jro Jr5 0.5675 0.5848 o_6024 -/ ( TAB LE B PIPE PFIESSURE LOSS o LENCTH OF RUN. FEFI One End Restrained O 73"F LENCIH OF PI.JII, 'E IT -t prp€ DEr-LEc.rroN. ".;J Two Ends Festrained @ 73'F I jl :: : t.rz TABLE C PIPE BENDING DEFLECTION Length of Run, Feet Plpe Detlection, lnches NPS, Inches 3t4 1 l1-1t4 1-1t2 1 2 2 1.7 ,|,1.0 0.8 10.8 6.O o-6 6.0 4.8 \7 21.2 1A Q I J-+11 .7 9.4 llo 43.2 34.5 27 .3 23.9 19.1 12 62.2 49.7 39.4 34.4 27.5 15 97.3 77.7 61.5 s3.8 4s.0 17 124.9 99.8 79.0 69.0 55.2 20 172.9 1 38.1 1 09.4 95.6 76.4 ZJ 270.2 215.7 1 70.9 1 49.3 1 19.4 389.1 310.7 246.1 215.0 172.0 529.6 422.8 335.0 292.6 234.1 40 552.3 437.s 382.2 305.8 .lc 553.7 483.8 387.0 597.2 477.8 Length of Run, Feet Pipe Detlection, Inches NPS, inches 314 I 1 l1-114 11-1t2 1 2 2 0.4 ^,1 0.2 2.4 le 1.1 4.6 z-o 2.1 IU 6.0 3-Z 1t 'r 0.9 o.o /.5 o-u 1t-J 17.0 I.J.J 1 1.8 9.4 17 1LJ 1t .O t/.,1 1( 1 12.1 20 .t/.d 30.2 tnq to./ 25 59.1 47.2 37.4 32.7 26.1 30 8s.1 68.0 5s.8 47.0 37.6 1 15.9 92.5 73.3 64.0 sl .2 40 127.1 120.8 95.7 83.6 66.9 45 160.9 128.4 121.1 105.8 84-7 (n 198.6 1 58.6 12s.6 130.6 104.6 eo -c- ,*a*uo, ' ,*ro* oroo"=,n" o*n f*oar,n* ALL ptptNc MATERTALS EXPANO ANo ColrtRACT UTlr CHANC€S lN IEUPERAIURE. SIHCE CP\rc' PRooUCTS CAN EXPANO OR CONTRACT AS MUCH AS 5 TO 7 NM€S TH^T OF SIEEL, ALLOW^HCES I,IUST 8E MAOE ifHEN OESICNINC ^ CPVC PIPINC SYSTEM 'I.IAI ViILL gE EXPOS€O TO EXTREME SUMM€R TO WNIER TEMPER^TURE VARIAIO S. O!€N IHAT TH€ COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR EXPANSION FOR FLAUE^W^Y CPVC TIRE SPRINI(LER .SYSTEMS IS 5.8rIO-T Pst. IN GENERAI. ^LLO''' AFPROXIIIATELY 0.25 TNCHES OF MOV€MENT FOR EVERY 50 FOOT O' PIP' RUN FOR EACH IOf -8ANGE IN TEMPERATUR€. -IHERMAT IINFAR FXPAN q Ar = lzd(Al) vr}|ERE: L - RUN LEtlOrr{. ai:t c . J.EIIO.3 IH,/(IN,f). COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR EXPAN5ION AT = IEMPERA1UPE CHAN6€. f IHERMAL LINEAR EXPANSION CHART (REFERENCE) EXPANSION LOOPS USUALLY CHANC€s IN SPRINKLER PIFINC S)5i:MS WILL AOEOUAIELY COMPENSATE FOR ANY EXPANEON AND CONfiIACION. HOYI€VER. FOE LONG RUHS OF PIPE Yfl{€RE LOOPS ARE REC{J1RED. ThE FOLLOY NG FORMULA S}IOIJLD BE USED TO CALCILATL SEE I}lE OT^RIS INCLUOED OI{ lHE FOLLO\IING PAGE FOR REFERENCE. EXPANSION LOOP FORMULA LOOP LENGTH lN INCHES - WTTERE: E = MOOULUS OF EL^SNqTY AT MAXIVUM IEMPERATURE. PSI D - OUI9O€ PIPE DIaMETER, TNCHES AL . CH^NC€ IN LE GT}l DU€ TO CHANCE IN IEI,IPERATURE. INCHES (SEE THERUAL EXPAIISON) S . $ORKINC STRESS ^T MAXIMUM TE PERA1URL PSI TABLEO.PAFTl PIPE THERMAL EXPANSION CHANGE (Ar), T THERMAL EXPANSION (AL), INCHES RUN LENGIH (L t0 ,{0 60 70 EO 90 lCO 120 l,t0 160 0.r 8 0.J6 0.,r5 0.64 0.75 o.E2 0.91 t.09 ! tt 1.46 0.14 0.4r o.5a o.96 1.09 115 l.6,r 40 0.57 0.7J o.9l r.og llB 1.+6 1.64 r.82 0.46 0.68 0.s1 1.14 r.60 I A',t 2.05 228 2.71 5.19 60 0.27 I .64 1.92 2.45 2.) +4,JE 70 0.5,+I:E 1.9 l 1t\J.19 1.17 EO r,09 I ..{6 t Flt 5.28 ,r.J8 5.a,r 0,41 0.8?l:3 1.€4 2,46 2.RJ 4.10 5.71 6.56 100 0.,r6 n ot r.3?3.19 4.10 4.56 5.4?7..30 MO0ULUS OF ELASTICITY ANO STRESS vs. TEMPERATURE TEUPER^TuRq f 7t l0c r rct l2$l4c r50. MooULUS OF €LASTTOTY. (E) r l0!, PSI 519 J.aa 5.16 245 $ORKINO STRESS (S)r P9 2000 r 880 r 750 1620 1560 1100 ro00 -O- 7 I n at .XPANSION I_OOP CONFIGURATIONS LOOP o z o l/a t LOOP LENGTH 1/4 x LCCP LaNCIH CHANGC OF DIRTCTION '-ONG EUN OF PIPE f--] t o o o s qb r+ RISTRAINING PIPE HANGER NON-RESTRATNINC PIPE HA^CER 0lRtcttoN oF EXPANSION TABLED-PART2 PIPE THEFIMAL EXPANSION LOOP LENGTHS @ AT = 6O'F (4OF TO IOO'F) Fd:' INCH ES RUN LENCTH. FEET t0 20 JO 50 70 80 r00 120 140 r60 LOCP LENGIH. INCHES 3/1 r0 t4 29 JI I lt 25 t7 29 J5 J8 4l 15 1B 2i 2a l0 IJ JJ J9 46 49 1-1/2 JO 32 12 45 49 2 r5 26 ll 42 46 59 LOCP LINGTHS @ AI = 8O'F (30'F IO 110'F) NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (NPS). INCHES RUN LENGTH. FETI 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 100 120 140 LOCP LENCTH, INCHES 20 .to JI 33 a0 11 17 1f 2J 35 4l 45 ,t9 1-t/4 15 21 4l 46 1-1/2 22 27 4I 49 54 )IE 25 11 46 49 al DI LCCP LINGTHS @ AT = 100'F (40'F T0 140'F) F,:i:' ]NCHES R!N LENGiH, FiTi 10 20 s0 70 60 90 120 140 r60 LOC: L!NGrh, rNCf ES 46 ltolr. 17 1O 49 -l 61 1-t/4 r9 26 45 4B :f, 1-1//2 20 28 J4 48 )t 2 JI J6 D:69 6r 87 NOMT ^I -- l OU lli rr DIAMI tl. (tr) -,,,., |.lirlrI 2tl I 2,ll ,,1 -l - |r"il.\i1-t-_ {r I I rl rl | !t,\ "hl t 1 \l rll I 0 I- TYPICAL SOCI(ET DIUENSIONS ARI rN CHaS NOMINAL FItsL :rtL (NPS) NOM INAL SOCKET ulr I i-r (A) NOMINAL BOTTOM OIAMETER (B) TIOMINAL EIIlRANCE Dr/+rtTaR (c) 3/4 I t-r/2 ., 0.7r9 0.6 75 r.500 r.Jt0 r.894 |.J21 t.475 l3l? 2.:21 FITTING TYP E PART NUMBIR FrrTrNc otMENsroNS aRE rN [Jct- NOMINAL PIPE SIZE I I/.K'-OUT (NPS) | (r/o) J/4 | s/ta I '13/1 l-1/1 | tte I l-1/2 I r "t 2 | t-1/4 Pf07 PTIO Pf 12 Pf20 REDUCING TEE P0707r 0 Pr00707 P r 00710 P 101007 Pr21007 Pr210t0 P1210 t2 P 12120'] Pr21?10 P202007 P202010 P2020r 5 XxYrZ RUN (x) ljruN (Y)@l I I t/r 6 |7/E I 1t/ta I tt/t6 |,,_r/,6 I 'l 7/E t , _r/,6 |:l 'l 1_t/a I t5/ t6 |r_5/r6 I r _r/r6 I t-3/t6 t-Jlro 1-.t/8 161j@ ,r ll ! rl tt. rt I r! | r\.1,t4 r,\. I t'r, *\)Yr .\ rrrr n til, .tfi "'. J6 .\ J6/f .\ J7a \ ra: $.5ii 3/tx3/atl 1x J/1 | 3/a 1r3/at1 1 t 1 t J/t 1-1/axIx3/4 1-1/4x1t1 1-1/4x1r1-1/1 1-1/4t1-1/4\3/4 1-1/a ,. 1-1 /a | 1 1-1/4,1-1/4 x 1-t /2 1-1/2tt-t/ar3/a 1-1/2xt-1/4x1 1-1/2 r l-t/2x3/a 1-1/2r1-1/2x1 1-1/2\1-1/2t1-1/a 1-t/2xt-1/2x2 2 x 2 x 3/a zr l\ | 2 x 2 x t-1/2 3/1 | tt, s/16 | stra 3/1 | sto e/16 1 s/15 3/4 | ,to 3/4 | tt,7/e | ,tu r/4 | t/o ./4 | t/, 'lr 3/4 | ./' J/1 t, :/,t/1 I ,r. 3/4 | st, 7/8 | . t/z 1-t//t I t.ty. r/1 | st, t/4 | :tt rtl SPRINKLER HEAD TEE PST070705 PSTt 0 | 005 PST100705 PST I Ot 0l0 PSr 12 r 005 PSr20l505 PST202005 XrYxZ Eul (x) I iux (Y) 3/t t 3/t x l/2 NPT lrlxll2NPT 1 r 5/a x t/2 NPj lxlxlNPT 1-1l,+ r 1 r 1/2 NPI l-1/1 | l-t/4 r 1/2 NPT l-1/2 | l-t/4 x l,/2 NPT t-1/2 , t-t/z t l/2 NPI 2 | 1-1/2 | l/2 NPT 2x2r1/2NPI 7 /16 t/2 7/16 rt/16 7 116 7 /16 t/2 t/2 1/2 t/2 1/16 t/? 9/t6 /r6 9/t6 1/t6 :/o t/2 1/2 l-l/8 t-t/1 t-t/8 r-t/2 t-t /2 | -a'/a | -1/8 1-t4/16 I - 1../16 0 0 F :i j\_ J: :+l:' o TABLE E. PAFT 1 FITTING OIMENSIONS -6- o o FITTING TYP E PART NUMEER FIT'IINC DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES POUNOS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (NPS) TAKE-OUT (r/o)WT S',rRArCHl PXOT Px to PXJ2 Pxr5 PX20 J/4 I 1-1/4 t-1/2 ,, s/16 3/1 7/8 I 1-1/4 0.156 o.212 0.506 0.990 RE0UCTNC PX1007 xrYxwrZ RUN (X. Y oUlLEf (w, 0.J04 1r1r3/4r,3/1 J/4 t5/16 PLlO PLI2 PLI5 PL2O 3/1 1 1-1/1 9/16 7/6 '| r- 1/1 0.079 0.191 0.242 0.594 SPRINKLER HEAD 90' ELBOW PSLOTO5 PSLl005 PSLr 007 XxY 0.r 60 0.210 3/4 | 1/2 NPI I x 1/2 NPT 1 x 3/1 NPI 1- 1/1 | 1/Z NPI 1/2 t/2 9/16 7/16 1-1/8 1-7 /16 45' ELBOW 9FLO7 PFLI O PFLI5 PFI2O 5/1 I 1-1/4 5/ 16 5/16 3/8 0.055 0,1 lg 0.176 0-264 0.616 COUPLING PKOT PK 1O PKI2 PKI5 PK?O 3/1 | tz. rrl/s 'l 't-1,/4 I tZt 1-t/2 | tz, 2 | t/6 0.04E 0.oal o.l l4 o.t 75 REOUCING COUPLING PRKIOOT PRK I2I O PRX151O FRK15I2 PRK2OIS XxY 1/8 t/8 1/E t/8 0.o71 0.t l0 0.154 0.t54 | , 3/a 1-t/a t 1 1-r /2 | 1 | -1/2 ' t-t/4 2 , 1-1/2 t'{ TABLE E. PABT 2 FITTING DIMENSIONS -9- F|TTTNG I PART TYPE I i.IUMBER r'innE'.6rMENstoNt ; ARE tN INCHES POUNDS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (NPS) TAKE-OUT (1/o)WT FLUSH BUSHING Pet ao1 P?12A7 P81 210 PBt 507 PA2007 PB20l0 P42012 P82015 1/2 | 0.04a 5/a I o.ror t/2 | 0.077 ts115 | o.'ut 1t/16 | o.trt s/16 | o.ott 1-J/16 | o.z t: t I o.zoz 15/t6 .. I 0.207 3/1 | 0.172 | | 3/a 1-tt/4 x 3/4 1-1/a ' 1 1-1/z I J/a 1-1/2 | 1 1-1/2 | 1-1/a 2 x J/a 2 x 1-1/a CROOVED COUPLING ADAPTTR PGAI5 J ; t-rt I t-- x x PIPE O.D. t-5/16 1-3/E 1-7 /tE 0.154 o.220 | -1/4 r 1.660 l-1il2 x 1.900 2 x 2.375 FIMALE ADAPTER PFAOT PFAlO PfAl2 PTA15 PfA2O 3/a x 3/t NPI I ttt 1!1NPT I sut0 1-1,/4 x r-1l4 NPT I tt" 1-1,/2 x 1-1/2 NPr I tt, 2x2NPr I g/to 0.t 30 o.240 0.450 0.570 SPRINKLER HEAD ADAPTER PF5A0705 ?FSAr 005 FFSA1007 J/4 \ 1/2 NPf 1 x 1/2 NPI I x 3/r NPf 1/2 5/6 9,/16 0.r20 0.r 50 0.r 60 SPIGOT PSHAo705 PSHAl005 3/a , t/2 Nn I x l/2 NPT I /r6 3/1 o.100 0.120 CAP oad-t PC10 3/1 I 1-1/1 7 7/16 s/16 t/2 9/15 I r/r5 0.037 o.066 0.r50 0.290 ,/-? (.ii t't o TABLE E. PART 3 FITTING DIMENSIONS 10. t -Equivalent Feet ol Pipe NPS, Inches 3t4 1-'lt4 t- va 2 90' Elbows 7 7 o I 45'Elbows 1 lee-Hun 1 I I Tees-Outlet 5 6 z 10 Couplings 1 1 1 TABLE F FITTING PRESSURE LOSS Maximum Vertical SPacing.Maximum Horizontal SPacing, Feet NPS, Inches Risers must be supported with a vertical alignment using hangers at each lloor level or every 1O feet o{ elevation. whichever is less. Risers may be supported by hangers located adiacent to the riser on the horizontal sections of pipe proiecting from the riser. The hangers should be located as close as possible to the riser and should be capable ot restraining horizontal movement of the riser so as to maintain vertical alignment of the riser. Risers may also be supported by clamps applied di- rectly to the riser pipe; hovrever, the clamps must not exeri compressive stresses cn ihe pipe. Therelore, it is recommended that ihe clamp, as aoplicable, be located just below a coupling so that the lower tace of the coupli4g rests against the clamp. To take advantage of this type ol riser support tac;rnique, the system de- signer should plan for a coucling at each lloor level or every 10 feet of elevation, as necessary. : I AD Lc' \.: PIPE SUPPORT SPACING Maximum Support Spacing Distance NPS, lnches lnches Feet 314 o 1 1-1/4 1-112 to 2 -l LO TABLE H SPRINKLER SUPPORT SPACING Minlmum Ground Cover (HeavyTrafllc), lnches Minimum Ground Cover (Light Traffic), lnches 12 to 18 314 to 2 ( NOTES:1 a wider trench may be neeoed if the pipe is joined in the trench or snaking ol the pipe is required i igffiirri"o oin" ilto u" buried at teasi tz inches below the maximum expected kost dePlh line' ;: ffi;; ;;.];i"e beneath surlaces that are subiect to heavy weight and/or traffic, such as roadways. encase piping in a metal or concrete casing. T^Erl tr | MINIMUM GROUND COVER _ UNDERGROUND SERVICE _ Set Times Before Initial. Handling To Assure Strength Of Assemblies, Hours NPS, lnches 60 to 120'F 40 to 59'F 32 to 39'F 314 to 1-114 1t4 1 1-112 and 2 6 TABLE K SET TIMES BEFORE INITIAL HANDLING _ UNDERGROUND SERVICE _ iO t;tt Maximum Temperature Variation, "F BetYJeen Time Ot Solvent Welding And Final Use - TABLE L LOOP OFFSET OIMENSIONS TO COMPENSATE FOF CONTRACTION _ UNDERGROUND SEHVICE _ Loop Length, Feet | 10' 3455667788 7 g 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 -i8222G29323s374042 be cooled to near soil temperature A"-O tn" p;p;ng systcm -tltis solution will fore makinq the last connections and be non-uolatile. Furtheri dry granular backfilling. During hot weather, back- calcium hypochlorite must not be fillinq is to be done during the early stored or ttsecl near CPVC soluent ce- r Cd.ThT:':"# h":i"."?::,*i{i ;:il H ; " :;"", o, o " an d,,, nss ne\vly assembled joints. wtthin an ambient temperature range of 32 to 1 20'F, ref er to the f ollowing Pipe can be installed in a wide range sub-sections as appropriate: of sub-soils. Backfill soils should be stable, as well as applied in such a . Cutting The Pipe manner as to physically shield the pipe from damage. Attention should be . End Preparatons given to local pipe laying experience which may indicate Potential pipe bed- . Cemenr ding problems. Penetration Of Fire Rated Walls And P a rt itions: Consult the AHJ with regard to fire wall and partition penetration with CPVC pipe. Several UL Classified through- penetration firestop systems are ap- proved for use with CPVC pipe. Con-sult the UL Building Materials Directory, the UL Fire Resistance Di- rectory, and the system manufacturer for proper selection and application. NOTES Ge n e ral C, o n si de r at i o n s 'l-O:::":,,r,nT:B';,f;!,#::;,iz':::::approprtaie saieiy precauiions must be taken and installation personnzL need to be completely familiar with the potential hazards, appiicction procedures, protections, and precau- tions outLined in the h[oterial Sciety Data Sheets for the applicabLe pi-m- ers and / or cernents- (lsc Caution WLth Wpldins Torcies At construction sttes where plastic pipe is being installed or has recently been solvent welded. sneciaL coution must be taken uhen using ueLding torches or other eouioment where sparhs might be inuotued. Flammable uapors from cemented joints some- times linger within or arounri a CPVC piping system. Usa Catii.on Wi.th Calcittm Hy norhlorite . Joint Assembly And Cure Times . Assembly ln Hot Weather (greater than 94" F) . Assembly In Cold Weather (less than 40" F) . Sprinkler Installation . Metallic Piping Connections . Pressure Testing Cutting The Pipe (Fig. 1): Use ol a wheel hand cutter, having a cutting wheel intended for CPVC pipe, is recommended tor cutting Flameawa-v pipe. Alternatively, a fine- toothed saw and miter box or oower saw can be used. Proper assembly requires that the pipe have square-cut ends to provide optimum length of bonding surface. NOTE The use a rachet cutter is not permit- ted. End Preparations (Fig.2): After cutting, the pipe ends must be deburred, inside and out, since burrs and filings can cause leaks. When de- burring the outside, a slight bevel is to be formed on the end of the pipe. The bevel eases entry ot the pipe into lhe fitting socket, as well as minimizes the wiping away of cement from the inside wall of the fitting socket. Make sure the end o{ the pipe and the base of the fitting have an interference fit. The pipe should make contact with the fitting socket wall between one- third and two-thirds of the way into the socket. lf the pipe bottoms in the socket dry, or it lhe pipe will not enter the socket dry, check the dimensions ot the pipe and fitting for acceptability. Wipe the pipe ends and fitting sockets with a clean, dry cloth to remove any moisture. dirt. or other substances from the surfaces to be joined. Mois- ture can add to curing time, and any foreign substances in the joint can weaken the ioint. Cement (Fig.3): CPVC pipe and fittings referenced herein are to be assembled with either of the following One-Step or Two- Step Solvent Cement Systems per the ap- propriate 'One-Step" or "Two-Step' in- stallation instructions: . Flameaway GF1 One-Step Cement . Flameaway GF2 Two-Step Cement and Purgle Primer . Spears FS-4 One-Step Cement . Spears FS-3 Two-Step Cement and FS-1 Primer EXCeOUOnS: 1. For upright spinkler installations, only use "Hameaway GFl One-Step Cemen{. 2. For underground water seNice, only use "Flameaway GFI One-Step Ce- menf or'Flameaway GFz Two-Step Cement and Purple Pdmef. rVO?ES The use of dny other soluent cement system uilt void oll warranties and laboratory approuals Cement and primer containers, as ap- plicable, should be hept tightly closed Do not use dry granular calcium hy- pochlorite as a disinfecting naterial for water pttrification in potable CPVC water piping systems. Tln in- tror-Iuction of granules or pellets of calcium hypochlorite uith CP\-C sol- uent cement and primers (including thet'r u6p6rc) may result in a uiolent chemica! reaction if water solution is not used. It ts aduisable to puriJl,Iines by pumping chlorinatcd ruoacr inlo 13 primer which may have accumulated at lhe boltom of the fitting sockets. Second, apply a full, even layer of Two- Step Cement to bolh the pipe end and litting soctet vihile the Prirner is still wcl and lacl'/, slatlirlg with the pipe end. Use thE dauber or a natural bristle brush. A br,..ish ha'/ing a width approxi- mately one-half lhe diameter ol the pipe vrill help assure lhat an even amount of i//o-Step Cemenl is applied to the pipe sudace. Lightly re-coat the pipe end lo assure that the coating ol Two-Step Cament applied to the pipe is slightly hea'/ier than applied to the fitting. Joint Assembly And Cure Times (Fig. a): uhen not in use and couered as much as possible when in use. Do not alLow primer to driP belonc the fittins socket. This can result in decreasiig the ouerall strength of the fittt ng, aid may also result-in crcchs tn tlte fitting when pressure Ls cp' plied. Auoid opplying too much cement. Do not allow the cernent to drip be;-onc the fttting sochet. This can result in decreasiig the ouerall strength of the fitting, and nlay cduse cracks in the fittiig uthen pressure is applied. When not in uie, always heep the ce- tnent can sealed. In the euent that the cement is found, to be jelly Like anC not free flousing, discard the ren.aLnlng cement. Do not attenpt to dilute the cement o.s it may affect its perybrm' ance. O ne-StPo Solvent Cement System The following instructions apply to either the Flameaway GFl or Spears FS-4, as applicable. The low VOC, One-Steo Cement does not require use of a separate primgr because the orimer is contained within the cement. Therefore, the One-Step Cement must be WORKED (i.e. usu- ally 3 to 5 rotations ol the dauber or brush around the pipe) into the CPVC, in contrast to the Two-SteP Cement lvhich is only needed to be applied to the surface. use (ne uauber included in the can to apply a full. even layer of One-Step Cement on ihe piDe end, to the socKet deoth. The use of 3/4 inch dauber will make it easrer to work the cement into the oiDe suriace; however, lor 2 inch size pipe in ambient temperatures oreater than 75'F, ,t rs recommended that a 1-1/2 inch dauber be utilized s0 as to make it easier to keep the entire joining pipe surface !vet. WORK ce- ment into oioe with dauber, until the surface is pre-softened. The cement should be worked in firmly enough to rub of{ the printing on the pipe. Apply and WORK a slightty less full layer of cement into the titting socket, agaln presoftening the surface. Avoid ex- cess cement and Puddling. APPIY a light second layer ol cernent on the Tlvo-Steo Solvent Cement Svstem The following instructions apply to either the Flameaway GF2 with Purple Primer or Spears FS-3 with FS-1 P rime r. First, apply Primer to the inside of the fitting socket with the dauber, and then apply the Primer to the pipe surface. A 3/4 inch natural bristle brush may oe substituted for the dauber- DO NOT USE a brush '&ith synlheiic fibers as they are likely to dissolve upon contact ',vith the Primer or Two-Slep Cement. Use enough Primer to ensure that both the pipe and fitting sur{aces are com- pletely,r/et. Remove anY PUddled Assemble joints quickly, while the ce- ment is still'//et. Insert the oipe into the f itting socket until it comes to a stop at the bottom of the socket. lt is very important ior the pipe to reach the bot- tom of the socket. More than 509/" ot the weld strangth occurs near the bot- tom of the socket. Rotate the pipe ap- proximately 118 lo 114 turn to get a good alignr-"ent of the assembly and to ensure iha proper spread of the ce- menI. If the iiiii:: reeds to be installed at a specific aji?le, any alignment must be done ar ths iime the pipe is just in- serted Ini::he fitting. Hold the assem- bly tigni ic: aeout 30 seconds during initial bcncing, to avoid push out. If sufilcjeni:sanenl has been acplied, a continucus seaci oi excess cement will come cut ci ihe joint assemblv. wipe off any axc:ss cement with a rag. lf no bead is cresent, su{ficient cement has not been a.3iied; ihe joint must be cut off and a r:'r joint must be prepared. The asse;i:rlv must be kept still for a minimun ci 15 minutes or in accord- ance with Table K for underground service. ic. provicie good handling strengih. The assembly can then be handled. but care should be exercised to avo;d appiying any undue pressure to the assembly. Cure times vary ac' cordina to the environmental condi' tions piesent when the joint is assem- bled. Feier to Table M or N, as applicebie. ior minimum cure time as a function oi hydrostatic test pressure, pipe size. 3nd ambient temperature. Assembly In Hot Weather: The follorsrng guidelines are to be aP- plied wh-.n ambient temperatures are 95 to 120'F during the assembly ol Flamearvav orpe and littings, since 5ol- venls penetrate and solten lolnlng sur' faces nrcre qurckly in hot weather: 1.Stcre Cement and Primer in a cool or sh.lied area prior to use. ll pcssrble. store FlameawaY PiPe FITTING Fig. 3 2. E0LiIE \./t to |/4 IIJPN CCNIINUOUS SEAO OF l4 € (J 4. 5. and fittings, or at least the ends to be solvent welded, in shaded area be' fore cementtng' Cool surlaces to be loined by wiping with a damp rag. Be sure thal sur' laces are dry prior to applying primer or cement. Avoid puddling inside the socket and wipe olf excess cement after joint assembly. Since heat makes the sudaces more receptive to the ce- ment, any excess cement can Pene- trate deep into the PiPe or fitting, weakening them. Try to do cementing in cooler morn- Ing nours. Make sure that both sur{aces to be ioined are still wet with cement when butting them together. Solvents eyaporate faster at elevated tem- peratures, especially when windY conditions prevail. Allow for a greater contraction factor when assembling in hot weather. 7. 8. As a safety precaution, primer and cement must not be used at tem- peratures in excess o{ 120"F (the boiling point ot two of the ingredients in the primer and cement is between 1 40 and 1 50"F). Assembly In Cold Weather: The followlng guidelines are to be ap- olied when ambient temperatures are 32 to 40'F during the assembly of Flameaway pipe and fittings, since sol. vents penetrate and soften joining sur- faces more slowly in cold weather: 1. Prefabricate as much of the system as is possible in a heated area. 2. Store cement and primer in a warmer area when not in use and make sure they remain lluid. lf the cement is ielly like and not free {low-' ing, discard the remaining cement. 3. Take special care to remove mois' ture, including ice and snolv. Be sure that sudaces are dry prior to applying primer or cement. 4. ln temoeratures ol 32 to 39'F and below, extra time (approximately 30 to 60 seconds) working the cement into the CPVC will be needed to penetrate the surfaces. Check for penetration by scraping the sur{ace. Without penetration, a good joint will not form. Sprinkler Installation: Sprinkler heads must be installed only after all joints required to connect the sprinkler head to the pipe have been solvent cemenled and allowed to cure as required. Before installing the sprin- kler he.ad, make sure there are no tor- TABLE M ONE.STEP CEMENT CUFE TIMES (FLAMEAWAY GF1 or SPEAFS FS-4) i.=o TABLE N TWO.STEP CEMENT CURE TIIIES (FLAMEAWAY GF2 or SPEARS FS'3) eign objects or substances (such as dirt, burrs, or excess cement) in the sorinkler head adapter which could re- strict the flow ol water or cause the ioint to leak. When installing sprinkler heads, sup' port of the sprinkler fitting is recom' mended to lessen the strain on the sprinkler fitting assembly. The use of a strap wrench applied to the sprinkler litting is recom mended. Generally 1to 2 turns beyond finger tight (i.e., a torque of 7 to 1 4 ft. lbs. for 1 /2 inch N PT sorinkters or a torque of 10 to 20 ft. lbs. for 3/4 inch NPT sprinklers) is all that is required to make a leak (ree seal. NOTE If the pipe threads leah foLlowing the sp r i n hle r ma n ufac t u re r's t ns tal I atio n irocedure, remoue the sprinhler ond 'repeat the i nstallat io n procedure making certain that adeq u.ate male pipe thread settlont is used (refer to -lvletallic Piping Conneclions su6-sec' tio . Ouer tightening ofthe sprinhler pipe threaC in dn attempt to conlpen''sate for pipe thread leahage can result tn damoie to the sPrinhler odoPter with subieouent and continuous leek' age past thi sprinkler addPter femole pipe thread.s Metallic Piping Connections: All male pipe thread connections to Flameawiy fittings must only utilize either oi the following sealant types: . Teflonl tape having a minimum thickness ol 0.0025 inch which meets or exceeds the requirements o{ military sPeciticatio n M lL-T- 27730A. The Teflon taPe is to be wraooed 2 to 3 turns clockwise (as view6d trom lhe sPiinkler inle0. . A lacto(v applied thread sealant that does ndt idntain liquid solvents in the cured state and is UL Classilied lor use tvith waler or glycetin (glyc- er;l) anti-freeze automatic sprinkler f DuPont Registered Trademarl( 200 PSI Test Pressure NPS, Inches 60 ro 120'F | 40 to 59'F | 32 to 39'F 3/4 to 1 3 Hrs. 7 Hrs. 16 Hrs. 1- 1/4 lo 1 -112 5 Hrs. 16 Hrs. 32 Hrs. 7 Hrs. 32 Hts. 72 Hts. 225 PSI Test Pressure NPS, Inches 60 ro 120'F | 40 to 59'F [ 32 to 39"F 3/4 to .l 5 Hrs. 24 Hrs. 32 Hrs. 1-114lo 1-1/2 7 Hrs. 32 Hrs. 72 Hrs. 10 Hrs. 72{rs. 120 Hrs. 200 PSI Test Pressure NPS, Inches 60 to 120'F I CO to Sg'F | 32 to 39'F 314 to 1-112 3 Hrs. I Hrs. 24 Hrs. 2 5 Hrs. 24 Hrs. 72 Hrs. 225 PSlTest Pressure NPS, Inches 60 to 120'F ,n t^ <O'6 I 32 to 39"F 3/4 to 2 .1 6 Hrs. 48 Hls. 120 Hrs. e lJ - svstems. Listed Grinnell and Star tradema rked automatic 5 p rinkle rs having lactory applied th read sealants meet these criteria. fv4anu- lacturers of other aulomalic Sprtn- kler products which have male pipe thread connections lvtlh a laclot'l applied thread sealanl shorrld be contacted to determine compliance with thes e requiremenls. NOTE Tlue integrity oi CPVC pLpLnE sys. tems may be impaired b1' the use of soluents or h.ydrocarbon oils contained tuithi.n sone t h read seaLing compounds. The grooved end adapters are suitable tor use wrth flexible grooved end cou- plings (e.9,, Gruvlok Fig.7000) that are ljsted or approved tor trre protection service. All grooved end connections must utilize EPDM gaskets. The gasket is to be placed on the metal pipe or valve first, and then slid over the Flameaway grooved adapter. Cther- wise all instructions of the grooved coupling manufacturer applV. NO"ES The use of GruuLok gashet lubricant is recommended- Other Iubriccnts may cause degrd.dation of CPVC praducts. Rtgid type grooued end couplings must not be uttlized, since Can'Lage to the grooued end adapter mc;; result. Pra<crrra Ta ct in .t. After the pipe and fittings have been assembled. the curing process is com- pleteo, and installation of ihe r-.main- rng non-CPVC components is com. pieted, the sprinkler system is io be nydrost atically pressure iest:d per NFPA requirements (i.e., two hours at 2C0 psi, or tlvo hours at svstem pres. sure plus 50 psi for system pressures greater than 150 psi, whichever is oreateO, ll any leaks are found, the leaking joint must be removed f rom the system and replaced with a ne\r joint. NOTE After the svstem is fiIled uith Lcater to perform the hydrotest, trappeC air is to be remoued from the piping prior to applying the test pressure. Trcpped ai.r can be bled from the lnspector's Test Connection and from sprinhler head locations tho.t dre the rlighest and farthest from the water supply to the systcm. No compressed air or gas shouLd be used for pressure testing. General: ll is recomn)endcd that lire sprinkler systems be rnspecled quarterly by a qu alif ied Insoeciiorr Servrce. Storage: Primer and cement should be stored in tightly closed contarnefs at room lem- peratures be(ween 40 and 110"F. Ce- ment should not be stored near heat, spark, or open f lames. Store tittings as shipped or in a similar protective container, away from abra- sive obiects, dirt, sawdust, and heavy items which could possibly crush or dent individual f ittings. Store pipe on clean, flat surfaces that provide even support lor the entire length of pipe. When storing outdoors for a prolonged time period, the pipe and fittings must be covered with canvas or other non- transparent materials. Briel exposure to direct sun on the job site is not harmiul. However, once the color <lrri< la fa.io .ii<.er.l lhA nr^.,||.1 Fading of the color indicates that the physical proDerties of ihe product have ha.'rr^ l^.hrn^a Handling: Flameaway pipe and tittings are de- signed and rnanufactured to be impact resistant. Ho',^rever, care should be taken when hindlinc Flameaway pipe and fittin 9s. Tl^ n^t.ir^^ th6 ^i^a ^. t;tti6/-' ' .." 'JS, Or allow har.l ^hia.ic f. f:ll ^l.! rhah Do not drag the pipe on the ground. If there are any flaws noted such as cracks or gouges, they should be cut from the pipe, or djscarded in the case of f ittings. Added precautions should be excer- cised in extreme cold weather condi- tions when CPVC products can be more easily damaged by impact. Remode ling: During remodeling or ceiling repair, appropliate precautions must be im- plemented to properly sh ie ld the piping lrom lhe protecled occupancy. Seller ,r,/arrants lat a petiod ol one year from the dale ol shipmenl (\,varranty period) lh at the producls lu rnished hereunder vtll ba, lree lrom de{ecls in material and //.,rkmanship. Fitr furthzr clektil.:; on W,rrrftn4', see f-lunteauqy P rtce I-isl. Refer fo Flameavtay Price List to order Flameavray p roduct and accessories. This document is available v;ith all measurements given in metric units. A Sheet \-uP1 vr rer,I|lrLcr L/a.a TD90Cf,lETalC may be req uested :-.^L^:^-l rrom ine i:cnnrcat uata uepartmgnl. The lollorvinc conversions are pro- vided {or ycur convenience: o l incn 'I ioot I psi l GPM l psuri 3/r' NP5 ]. NPS 1-l/,1'NPS 1 ,1i 2 NPS ?. NPS : 25.4 m.n = 0.3048 m = 0.06895 bar = 3.785 LPM = 0.2252ba n = 0N20 = 0N25 = 0Nr0 = 0N50 Cement and Primer Requirements Fitling NPS, lnches Number Ol Joints Per Ouart -------r-------Cement I Primer 270 | 810 'r , 140 1-1t4 , 130 '',.'"^t'u1 rvu ,?o 3+U = 300 210 O Reg. trademark ol GRINNELL CORPORATTON, 3 TYCO PABK, EXETER. NH 03833 A TIJCO /N rEiivA nON^lL LTD. COMPANY C SPEGIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BB.SC SERIES rNDrcffn VALVES** MILWAUKEE 2:i /lr :l( )ritll Brtrreli Sir,'r-.1 l,r,,iri ,,,1r. Arr:a (lrr, l, .ll;1i /J.l 52.1() VALVE COMPANY, I'11', ititt)l (i(:. WISC:OnStrt 5.l.lLr ' . f ,, 41,\t/,i.1 l.tt',:l() . Sarii,:.r)' INC. ':.:)l .,, ''.1\ .1 1'li 74.i 4 1.1i1 SPECIFIC o ATIO NS FOR S o LO W CLOSE 1. SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES PATENTED Provides slow opening and closing properties in a quarter-turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire protection and other liquid systems. Economically replaces cumbersome O.S. & Y. gate valves. Compact, lightweight manual operator has scotch yoke design & visual position indicator. Close coupled for positive direct drive. Available with or withorJt a builfin valve oosition monitor switch. UUFM rated at 175 psi. Also available at 350 psi with N.Y.C. B.S.A approval. Approved by the New York City Board of Stds. & Appeals under Calendar No. 996-81-SM, for borh '175 and 350 psi. 6. For indoor use onlv. VALVE MONITOR POSITION SWITCH KITS AND BUILT.IN ASSEMBLIES PATENTED Available factory assembled or as a separate kit for f ield assembly. When mounted on the BB.SCI00 Slow Close valves and wired up, the switch signals any movement of the valve disc from the full ooen posrlron. Valve oosition can be monitored at either one or two locations because it houses two orewired S.P.D.T. micro switches. Switch Rating: '10 Amps/l 15 VAC - 60 H2 0.5 Amps/28 VDC Wire leads are 24' long. Consuh factory for special lengths. See back page of this spec sheet for installation instructions. 1. J. 4. o. ffiAp'oved@@Lbted 6 For use with fire orolection sorinkler svstems 175 osi. MODEL DESCRIPTION SIZES BB.sC100 BB-SCSO2 Valve Less Swilch Valve With Switch UUFM '175 psi - Threaded Ends NYC BSA Approvqd 1" 1'/." 1%' a, z/z BBVSCl OO BBVSCSO2 Valve Less Switch Valve Wilh Swilch UUFM 175 psi - Grooved Ends NYC BSA Approved a , a/2 BBHSCl OO BBHSCSO2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 psi - Threaded Ends NYc BSA Aooroved 1" 1t/i, 1Ya' 2" 2,/2', BVHSCl OO BVHSCS02 Valve Less Swilch Valve With Switch 35o psi - crooved Ends NYc BsA Aooroved 1 , aalz BB-SCKO2 Valve Position Monitor Swilch Fits All Valves Valves built to take it... since 1901 o MILWAUKEE VALVE COMPANY 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53207 ,utterbdll BUrr=*E'-" vALVEs VALVES LESS POSITION MONITOR SWITCH BB-SC1 00 [hreaded Ends) Sizes 1", 'l'/o", 11/2" r 2", 21/2" THREADED ENDS BB-SCS02 (2Valve w/Monitor Switch) BBVSCl 00 (Grooved Ends) Sizes 2",2'/2" POSITION MONITOR SWITCH GROOVED ENDS BBVSCS02 (Valve w/Monitor Switch) W _ ls i€ wr€nch rheks-ug leneth, Lao . is no- .e=rtencg sp.sss6d In equ,vsl€nr lenggr ot lchs(tule ao oip€ VALVES WITH BUILT-IN OIMENSIONS - INCHES MATERTAL LIST NO.MATEFIAL SPECIFICATION I Indicator Sintered lron F0008P 2 Houstng I ronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 3 D isc Stain. Stl.Type 304 b Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer Swdch Housing Die Cast Aluminum MILWAUKEE VALVE COMPANY 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 Valves built to take it ,.. since 1901 vALVE AND posrfrN MoNrroR swrrcH nGto'-LAroN INSTALI.ATION .- USA D. The BBSC can be installed in any orientation in a piping system using standard National Pipe Threads. Wrench should be used to hex on lhe end of valve being threaded to pipe. Pipe sealants should be used sparingly. The EBSC-SCK02 swilch can be easily mounted on the valve in the fietd. (See special ingallation inslruclion sheet provided wilh every switch ki1). lf only one micro swilch is required, simply cap the second 3 wire lead set with wire nuts and tuck into junction box. Make electrical connections in accordance wilh local codes. INSTALLATION - (Fot Underwrllers' Labo.atories of Canada) A. ln$allation musit provide upright orienlalion of valve. B. Electrical connections as follows: 'Bonding and grounding to b_e in compliance with the requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1.' C. Conduit: The insertion depth of lhe threaded conduit must not exceed 1/8' into the switch housing, and the threaded conduil must fit tightly onlo the swhch. INSTALI.ATION FOR NEW YORK CITY VALVES N.Y.C. special valves have a iarge flow indicator which points in the direc{ion of the valve disc, indicating open or closBd. The valve should be installed in a posrtion where lhe indicator is readilv visible. BB-SC WITHOUT A POSITION MONITOR SWITCH BA-SCS WTTH IMTEGRAL POSITION MONTTOH SWITCH NOTE: DETAILED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION SHEETS ARE PROVIDEO WTTH EACH VALVE. a O^ o. a WIRING DIAGRAM Black Ftad Switch Position With Valve Full Open: To Change Wiring From Normal Open To Normal Closed. Beverse Red and Black Switch Fating: 10 AMPS/1 15 VAC - 6O Hz .5 AMP/28 VDC NOTE: Valves incorporating posiiion monitoring switches are for indmr use only. Not intand€d for connection to an alarm control unit. I u",-,^ ) 2375 South Burrell Street Telephone: Area Code 4141744-5240 . MILWAUKEE VALVE COMPANY, INC. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 -1 592 Fax 4141744-5840 . Sales Otfice Fax 414t744-4143 @PorrER VS-SP VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH - SMALL PIPE Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road. St. Louis, MO 63146-4161 (314) 878-4321 . (800) 325-3e36 www.pottersig nal.com Potter Electric Signal & Mfg,, LTD. 55 Glen Cameron Road Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L3T 1P2 (e05) 882-1833 'o sTocK No. 1111100 U.S. Patent No. 3921989, Canadian Parent No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending UL, ULC, CSFM and NYBSA Listed Service Pressure: Uo to 250 PSI Minumum Flow Rate for Alarm: 10 GPM Maximum Surge: 18 FPS Enclosure: Die-cast, red enamel finish Cover held in place with tamper resislanl screws Contacts: One set of SPDT (Form C), standard Second set optional, see below: 15 Amos at 125/250VAC 0.5 Amps at 125VDC 0.25 Amps at 250VDC 2.5 Amos at 30 VDC resistive Conduit Entrance: One opening for 112" conduit Usage: Listed plastic, copper and schedule 40 iron pipe For pipe sizes - 1", 1-114" , 1-112", and 2" Note: 10 paddles are {urnished with each unit, one lor each pipe size ol threaded and sweat TEE'S, one for 1" CPVC, and one lor 1-1/2" polybutylene. (CTS-Copper Tubing Size). Environmental Specif ications: . Suitable f or indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing. . NEMA 4ilP55 rated enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. . Temperature range: 40'F to 1 20'F (4.5'C to 49'C) Caution: This device is not intended f or apolications in explosive environmenls. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to tour stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional : Extra Contacts Switch Kit, Stock No.0090013 CoverTamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 542O22O The Model VS'SP is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. These devices may be used as sectional f low indicators on large sprinkler systems and on smaller sprinkler systems such as mobile homes and residential dwellings. INSTALLATION: These devices may be mounted in horizontal or vertical pipe. On honzonlal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within 6" of a valve, drain or fitting which changes the direction ol the water llow. The unit has a 1" NPT bushing for threading into a non- cofiosive TEE. See Fig.2 to( proper TEE size, type and installation. Screw the device into the TEE fitting as shown in Fig. 2. Care must be taken to p(operly orient the device for the direction of waterf low. The vane must not rub the inside of the TEE or bind in any way. The stem should move freely when operated by hand. TESTING: Check the operation of the unit by opening the inspector's test valve at the end o( the sprinkler line, or the drain and test connection if a test valve is not provided. It there are no provisions for testing the operation ol the flow detection device on the system, application of the VS-SP is not recommended or advisable. MKT. #8800004 - BEV J MFG. *5400769 - 2J97 PBINTED IN USA PAGE 1 OF 2 j@PorrER VS-SP VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH - SMALL PIPE o FIG. 1 FIG.2 I At)l),t0x i 11/16 _l DwG. ll7J5 _ JJ Screw the device into the TEE fitting as shown. Care must be taken to properly orient the device for the direction ot the waterflow. lmportant - The depth to the inside bottom of the TEE should have the lollowing dimensions: APPROXIMATE DEPTH REOUIREMENT THREAOEO SWEAT CTS, POLYEUTYL€NE CPVC 1'x1'x1' 1 114'x1 114'x1 11/2'111/2'xl 2' x2' x1' 21t16' 27t16' 2 1r/16', 3 3r6' 1 314' 27t16' 2114' 2 3.t4' 21t2' 27t16' :1,' tN^r sl t:llND \v lt:li AVAII Alll I 1.,i {l Ot,lRl D. ,---t sr'/ T(;11 Kll J s a ll0o.,uul.J --/ ' :f.rLtuNl stl ARRi]V IIN uLjsl NL ,,OINI S IN DIRI]C ] ION OF VA TtR fLUV I'NPT THRE ADI D FIITING ON ALL SIZTS RUN O' THt Ttt HAY gE THREAOE D OR SVEAT TYPE DVC. i737 3u q.nfl ;'-;,t l:.t'JJ P-i -+AJ) \_/,,4737-31 lmportant: There are 10 paddles lumished wilh each unil. One tor each siza qf lhreaded. sweal or plastic TEE as described in Fig.2. These paddles have raised letlgring lhal shows the pipe size and type ol TEE lhat lhey are lo be used with, The proper padd,e mtlst be !|sed. The paddle must be propedy atlached (see drawing) and the screvr thal holds the paddle musl be secu.ely lightened. v SWITCH INFORMATION TYPICAL CONTROL PANEL CONNECTIONS END_OF_LINE RISISTOR TYPE TO PANEL N.0. OPTN CIRCUIT TYPI -oN o COM /' CLOSED CIRCUIT TYPE N.O. coM. SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL -'. oA '..""-*- -K*-a' o\rc. r923-J CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conduclor should not be looDed around the terminal and serve as two separate connections- The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision ol tha connection in the event that the wiro becomes dislodged from under the terminal {QP OF SWI]CH SWITCH ACTION ALARM \ -/' N u ccv c.J \r.r.c ^.atc ou' LOCAL BILLIHORN CONNECTTON . N.C. coMl lrol l-L coM @ N O. lol N_C. ,ru. t)* O NOTE: The Model VS-SP has one SPDT switch. An optional second switch is available if required. For example, one switch would connect lo an annunciator panel, and the optional switch could be used to operate a local bell. Order Switch Kit No. 00900i 8. TESTING The.frequency of inspection and testing for the Model VS-SP and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequenfly). MKT. #8800004 - FEv J MFG. *5400769 - 2A7 fl769,1 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 o . PATENTED PATENTS PENDING The AGF Manufacturing Co., lnc. Model IOOO has been designed to provide bg.th the Test Functi d !h€_E2!p!e5r_Ara!r_E!rn4!e! in a multi story installation. Complies with all requirements of NFPA-13, and NFPA-l3R Complies with aff requirements of NFPA-l3D (HOUSING) Positive Shut Off Single Locl<ing Handle Tapped 1/i'for Pressure Gauge Tamper Resistant Orifice permanently installed Available with all reouired Orifices Orifice sizc noted on Indicator Plate Lightweight and compact llt/4" weighs 5 lbs.f 3OO P5l Rating Fused, tenrpcred. tamper resistant Sight Glasses ' ]1i NoT FM APPRovEo PI-AN VIEW <-- TO OFAIN FRONT VIEW/HORIZONTAL INSTALLATION +_ TO DiAIN ORf Ff CE S|ZE PROVIDED -'/s - 7 lt t, - | /z - t' /zz DIMENSIONS-INCHES APPROVALS ' UL and ULC Listed . FM Approved except r/+" . NYC BD. of S&A CAL. NO. 72O-87-SM . CA. State Fire Marshall MATERIAL LIST PART MATERIAL HANDLE STEEL STEM ROD B|?ASS EALL C.P. BRONZE BODY BRONZE VALVE SEAT GLASS INPREGT{ATED TEFLON INDICATOR PLATE STEET HANDLE LOCK SPRING STEEL SIGHT GLASS I2I FUSED TEMPERED GIASS FRONT VIEW I I ENANCH GAUOE OUTLET PROVIDEO TO DRAIH TO 98AIN I I FOR RIGHT HAND,/STRAIGHT INSTALI.ATION stzE A B c D E F G H 5t/tt lr/t 23 /e 4t/a 33 /a | 3/+6s/to 5tht I3/+23/e 4t/e T/a 4e/to O-/16 I t/+57At 2'/e 4s/e 3sAo I ts /tc 5t/z lt/z D"/ 16 | 3/+3lr/ro 51 /rt 31/z 23 /a 8t Ao 107/tt 2 67 hd | 3/q 3t | /tt 57 /tc 3t/z 23 /s 8t /ta | 07/o CONTI'IACTOR: to00 t I /93 Oa::fl:?.i?; *, Be,he,Rd E warren, N.J. o7os9-o437 ffir^Tefephone l908l 604-647 | Fax {908f 604-650r JOB NAME: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: PIPE HANGERS (Rod Size) Hanger Rod Not Included Material;Steel Standard Finish: Pre-Galvanized Service: Designed for suspending instrlated pipe (with shield) or non-insulated pipe allowing for vertical adjustment. Ordering: Specify part nr-rmber and linislr Approvals: Underwriters' Laboratories Lisled for r/I i15) thru 4" (100) and Factory Mutual Approved for t/2 (15) thru 4" (100). Complies with Fcderal Specilication WW'H-171E Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69 Type 10. and lhe National Fire Protection Association Code (NFPA)' (t')\1i, 'ts' C€nler o{ piP€ to top oI knurled hflnger rod lltlt. 'c' Ilod Tak€-Out Cenlar o{ t)ipc to botlonl of hang€r rod. 'D Top of pipe lo botlom of hangcr tod nut- @ Figure 8317ONF Adjustable Swivel Ring Part No. Nominal Pipe Size Rod Size 'A''B''c''D' Design load Lbs. kN Wt./C Lbs. kg 83l70NF-r/z (15)3/s" -16 2x/s"(60.3)lt/4"(s1.7)7t/$"(27 .o)t80 (.80)ll (s.0) 831?0NF-3/4 (20)r/r,,-I6 23 /a"(60.3)ls/16 (33.3)1r/rc"(27.O1 180 (.80)t2 (5.4) 8317oNF-l 1"(251 t/a" -16 2s/a"(66.7',)lr /2"(38.r)1r/ro,'(27 .Ol r80 (.80)l3 (s.e) 83170NF-1r/s Lt14"(32)t 1t" -16 2j /8"(73.0)1 r r/re,'(42.e|Ir /a"(28.6)180 (.80)(5.3) 8317oNF-l r/,lt /2"(40)z1a,'-16 3t /8"(79.41 y rsf o',l4e.2l 1r/4"(3r.7)r80 (.80)l4 (6.3) 8317oNF-2 2"(s0)3/8, -16 3t /2"(88.e)2s /rs,'(58.7)l3lE "(34.e)180 (.80)lo (7 .21 B3170NF-2t/z 2t /2"(55)t/8"-16 (10r.6)2s /s"(66.71 11/ft"(35.5)200 (.8e)25 (l r.3) 83l70NF-3 3'(80)3/8" -16 4t /2 (r 14.3)3t /s"(7e.4)ls /a"(4r.3)250 (r.rr)29 (r3.r) 83l70NF-3r/z 3t/2"(e0)t/a" -16 4ts /t6 1r25.4',)3r /rc"(90.5)1rs/re"(46.0)300 (1.33)33 (14.9) 83 r 70NF-4 (100)r/a"-16 53/r6,'(13 r .8)3s /8"(92.r)l s/s"(4r.3)360 (1.50)40 (18. r ) 83l70NF-5 5"(r2s)r /2" -13 Szr h2',(r4s.2l 4r /8"(104.8)1 5,/8 "(41.3)480 (2.13)83 (37.6) 83l70NF-6 6"(150)r /2" -13 613 /16 (173.0)5r/rc"(128.6)2"(s0.8)630 (2.8o)I 9r -t ---(4r.J) B3170NF-8 8"(200)| /2" -13 8t /\6 (204.8\6s/rc"(r60.3)21/4 (57.r)970 (4.31 130 (5E.e) (Rod Size) Hanger Rod Material: Steel Standard Finish: Pre-Galvanized Not lncluded 'B' Cent€r of pipe to toP of knurled hangct rod nut. Rod Take-Out Ccnter ot pipe to bottom of hanger rod. 'D' Service: Designed for insulated pipe (with shield) or non vertical adjustment. pipe allowing for 'c' Ordering:part number and finish. ol pipe to botlom of r6'ls: Complles with Federal Specification -171E Type 10 and Manufacturers rod nut. Society SP-69 type 10 Note: For pipe sizes 2" (50) and under, use 8317oNF. Figure 83170 Adjustable Swivel Rin (13.1)(r 0r.6) zs/s"B3l7O-Zt/z (114.3) I 3r/r"83170-3 I 3" (r25.4) 3e/ft"r12,,-lJ Qrs/v."B3l7 O-3t /z i 3r/2" (41.3)(r31.8) 13rft" 523 h2" I ll45.2l 4t/""(41 .3) (L77.81 ' St/rc"3/{,, - 10 (2O3.21 1, 6s/rc"r/l "- l0 o Alldimensions in charts a d on drawinqs ar€ in inches. Dimensions shown in parenthes€s or in shadcd areas oi the charts are in millimeters unless otherwise srJecified B_Linen systemsr lnc. e THREADED AC}SSORIES t Material: Steel Standard Finish: Plain Service: Dcsigned for attaclrins,,Idd beam flange or purlin. Radius'D' Thread Sire Ordering: SpccifV pqfr'umber ' Iength and firrish. .TL' Tlrread [,errgth Figure 8,3212 J-Bolt 83212-3/s x'L' 93212-t1z x,L, 93212-s1e x'L' r7r " -10 83212-3/a -z7r x 'L' Material: Steel Standard Finish: Plain Senice: Designed for suspending pipe supports from wood structures. Ordering: Specify pan number. rod size, length and finish. Figure B,32L3 Coach Screw Rod .t/sx3r/z and t/zx3r/zwillhave a coach screw thread length of 2"(508) and a rod thread length of 1' {254) Design Load is based on proper installation and solid wood' Part No, Thread Size 'A' Standard Rod lzngths 'u Coach Screw Thread lzngth 'B' Rod Thread IznSth 'c' Design L,o.d Lbs. kg B3Zl3-3^ x,L,t/{-t6 '3'/r", 5", 8", 10", 12"(88.9, r52.4, 203.2, 254.0, 304.8)z',(s0.8)2 (s0.8)390 (1.73) B3Z l3.r/r x ,L'r/2"-13 '3t/r", 5', 8', 10", 12"(88.9, r52.4. 203.2, 254.0, 304.8)2t/z (63.s)2'2" | 1or.s1 640 (2.84) f Alldimensions in charts and on drawings are in in.hes. Dim€nsions shown in parentheses or in shaded areas of the charts are in millimeters unless otherwis€ specilied 128 B-Line@ Systems, Inc. r*t*-?o AccEssoRrES l--l Ez l-i E lE- t_t3 l+F | .d * l- I rL l- t.| [: la t-, IEE l3e l.qs t- IP lr lxl l;.;l*o lco t=E I o).| !o IFH t< I bA lcc o o Material: Steel Standard Finish: Plain or Electro-Plated Service: Designed for attaching light hangers to wood structures. / Ordering: Specify part number r/ength and Figure 83227 Flat End Lag Screw 83227 -t /4 rto-24 (r0r.5) 83227 -t/z Figure 83228 Hex Head r. Material: Steel ".\ Standard Finish: Plain or Electro-Plated \^\ Service: Designed for use in wood structures. \^, .\Ordering: Specify part number and finish. (1e.3) (1s2.4) !h o, ,; p ,t- Figure DS 16 x 2 Drive Screw Material: Steel Standard Finish: Electro-Plateo Service: For lastening light load attachments to wood beams. Ordering: Specify part number and finish. Weisht: Wt./C 1.1lbs. (.Skg) Al| dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimcnsions shown in parentheses or in shaded areas of the charis arc in millimeters unless otherwise sp€cilied. d-o ,PF (o L27 B-Llneo Systems, Inc. Construction Chemicals Product Data P.O. Box 21 148 Tulsa, OK 74'121 iiln-o ilI il{sffi*" o Hilti Fs-oNE High Performance intumescent FirestoP Sealant A "state of the art" product which protects mora than 95% of all typical firesiop applicalions, urith ratings up to four hours. ProCucl Oescription FS-CNE if iEh Pe6ormanc3 lniumescent Fires:oo Sealant is a ons-carr. resdy-io- |'s.'ii.. r:'pn sp"l2nt CeSiCl'leC iOr iir-.sicooing insuiared anc ncn -iirsulaleC si=:i, c3coer or ElvlT Fice. iackelec ca:res, cable bundles anc plasilc ploe pen::lations in iire resis:;ve consiruction. V'lh3n crreo. it for;irs a s-.rong, ilexible. nci:cambusiible barfler''vnich ?xoancis . wnen exposed to hear. iril3ecing the scr3zd oi flames. smcke ano ioxlc gases ihic,'ign cenelraticns. 3-:use FS-ONE is a'.va::r-basad iorrilularicn. it is safe and 33:'/ to acply and cieans-'Jo \.vrtil v/arer. FS-aNE has been i-=si- :'r UL in accor- caiic3 wrth UL 1.!79 anc ls iir3-rated ior u6;9 4 hourS in nufiiercus aoclicalions. Der:iis c3n be icuno rn :i3 Fiiiti Firestoo Ins;:cion and Insiallaiicn rvlar]ual and UL fire 3.esisiance Cirac:cn:. 3asic Uses: FS-lllE:s scecil'icallv c:sici3c:cr tnsu - la:3: anc non-insuiai:c :i3ei. accper cr cr.!T ^,^c iart<a:=a c3ci=s- c3!te luncies, :rai.':c : lce oenelraiicl : s i i'i re'-'slsi;ve cai:sir,lc:icn. li is aisc UL classified icr :i_=S_'aa3riCaIIOnS wnSr'= :;:e a:ening iS lin3c 'xrrn a sreel slee'.'e. :rclcally ccnslo- -:r:c a 'xorst-case sc3na.o. :ic :op oi ,,va:i consiruciton lornls. Limitations: FS-CNE sirould not 5-':.3lied: . \rvhen ismperature ci :ie croduct or :enelralion su6srrar3 :s celow 35'F or :ccve 100'F. . ic builcing matenals ihar bleed oils' :rasirci:grs or solvenis ie.g. imoregnat- :c,.vccc, oil basec caulks. qreen ol :anrailv vulcanizec ruccer) . Unce^vater . in 3nv oenetrations otnar ihan ihose scec:iically Cesc:rbeo 'n ihe iireslop :oolicf,Uc ns 974'."rincs and installation ,nsiruc:lons pcnicn ci:iis manual or ::re current UL Fire F.esrsiance Directory. Comoosition and Materials: FS-OflE is a one-asii"iconent, non-com- bustibie, :ncrganic. i:loderately intumes- cent iiresicc saaialli. lt has the consisten- cll o; : :hick s;ccil't pasia. lt is virtually cdorless ani ccnrains no vclatile solvents or haicgsn. Packaging: FS-CNE ,s c.nveni€nily packaged in stan- card '10.'i :!.oz {300 rni) cartridges and 4 gallon {i -c i) :aiis. Colon FS-CNE :s r- ;ci :asv icendfica on. Applicabla StancarCs: FS-Oi'lE is classit'i- aY Uncetu riters L:bcraicr:s li1c.9 as a "fiil, Void or Caviiv Mai:riai" :or usa in T"nrough- Pererraircn irestcc Svsiams. Many ciij-e€nr i. 2. 3. :rc 4 ilcur raied sYstems rirere lesi{ :v UL :n acaarcance '/virh .' UL : :;3. "=:? r-sis oi --rough- Penei;-=::c; rl::s:c:s" liire UL version cr AS;1./ i-i i -\. Scec::ic c-'taiis can be icur'1c:n;:e iiiil .rr?sicc lnscec:ion and insialla:icn )ilaiu:!:nc currgnt UL Fire ,iesis:ance iir:c:;rr. FS-aNE 1as atsc :e3n inceoendentty tesi- 3c in ac:3;czJice ',vtiir ASTM E34-a4a' Sunace iur;rrng Ciiarac:ensiics oi Suricir':g ltatenas. :vhich is similar to ANSI 2.:. NFPA 2::. UEC -}2.1' ANd UL_ i aJ. For PcnetFtion Fira StoP5. Consult ihe F3c!ory Mutual Research CJroo.rrion Aooroval Guide. iLi- ;cio ca c.ivtTY lrAGSlALS i'is$n.3l 3Y ...jXCiivFri=S LAECRAIoBI€5. lNC. tl'us: ,l :;icuca+alEiiAnoN FIFESioP sYsrd,{s @ :'PROVED a6 1-8oo-879-8000 :;afi? Sa,'::a rnoex = ,l Srir,(e fevglccec lfic-.X = 5 ApFrovals: ICSO Evaiuation S:rurc3. Inc. P9r:[ flo. :071 ;liicrila SEr3 r;re f,larlnal liirc o. ;2Co:]CB Citu ci f.lew Ycft LlE{:2e-;a-M C;V oi Las Angetes ieserc: ieccn 25186 lnstailation 1 . Eerbre handling, read orccuci and mar3rial safety dara sneets ior deraileC use and health inicrmaiion. Also consult tne firestoo atrplication ciawincs and insiallarion instruc- iions ponicn oi ihis manL:al or :iie aJrr3nr UL :ire Resisiance Oirac:cn7 fcr sceciiic insiailaiion de:aiis. ;^r i^dt t<:ri.l | ,<A ^Fii/2, Aoolicerion ierncerarure cf ihe subsiiai3 musi be ar le:st:10'F Femo,re arl locse cin. iusi. oii anc a.,'tv olher ioreign sub- siances ihai ,rouid imcair achesicn io ihe penetrating ii:mc :rr:c:nt qr !-:^A< 2n. -'F=:rlri.^ nnaninn i-<::.i i::A ^rt<:-ier |F2.'<it-. --=-2-=t ti r)dt ti.a.1 /e.9. CF 126 F:an:. racker :cc. :::rigrai .vcor). Acorv F3-CNE .'o iie r.cujr- c=c::1. riaKing sure:he c.rirnr .^ar:.'e :rl <r rr:cac "io .i.a:roci achesron. Usinc a !ut/ knifa or:cuivalsni. :rcl iiis seaiant immeci- a:e:v io cusi: it in 3;969 ar':c :rcvrc-. a s,iicotn. near iinisn. Ciean arl tccls anc gcuicrient \viii'l',vai3r imrnegiatelv afier 'r'lcri< ;,"as ceen ccmclel€c. L=a're ccmcleiec seai uncisiurogc :cr ai leas: 48 hours. Storage and Shell Life: When stored betr',/een 50"F and 100"F in original, unopened containers, FS Ol.lE has a minimum shelf life of 1 year from the date of manufacture. Protecr iom freezrng. The expiration d3te is stamped on each ccnlainer Technical Services Your local Hilti recresentat|te.'.aa??.ne( ?ilh the Customer Senrice Depanmeni and cuaii;ec :acnnical staff, can provide you ,ii ith the sen/ica you neec. incl,Jding product demonstra- iions. on-site appiicaror ifatninE and eaucarional seminars. For assisiance, call 1-400-479-46{0. G uaranteeAVarranrT Sellers Hilti, lnc. and Hilti Cor':sii-udion Chemicals, lnc. warrant ihat all producis supplied he.e'.jnder ,aritl be free of defecits in matenal and warkmafishio. Sarle.'s obligarion under this war- ranty shall be limrted io reruno oi curciase pnce o( at Seller's option, replacement or repajr ci 'riie defedJve products. Sellers must be notified of ajl claims ci cefec: within one year of deliv- ery by Sellers; absance oi suc:r wniten claim during this period sirall ccnstitute a,uaiver of arl ciaims lvirh reoard to such THE FOREGOING WARFANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, E{PRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING SUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED V/AFRANTIES OF MEF- CHANTABILITY ANO FITNE:S FOR A PARTICUIJR PUR. POSE. Seilers snaii in ao everi:e iiabie ior special, incrdental, ccnsacuenriai, cr orr':e. cari:aq:s a.ising out of the sale, use. or inabiiit/ to use rh9 ci'ccuci. Confidence .\cnt:riiSu5ircte .^ 3.t- b. Precautions: Beicre nancling, r?ac the Mar=rial Saier.r Daia Sheet. Wear aooropriate gloves ancj saiery gcggies. ln casa of conract with e,/es. ilusn eyes with rvarar irnmediatelv and consult a physi- cian. ln case of conraci,arith skin. remove FS-ONE with a dry clolh and then wasn skin rnorou_cnly dith soao and rr'yater. Consuit a pilysic:an ii skin irrita cn ce'/elocs. 0o not use sol- ,/enIs to rernove sealant irom skin. lf slvallowed. DO NOT lncuc3 vomirino. segK immediale mecicai acention. p a. Irri:c: auf n{nq C:eJ2c::rlsiic: lASiIl 834-!1ar Simplicity 5Y Value 1-800-879-8000 tr I L,'.. '-. METAL PIPE THROUGH SYSTEM NO. A SLEEVE IN :cAJll55 CONCRETE FLOOR OR WALL F RATING = 3-HR. T RATING = 0-HR. L RATING AT AUBIENT = LESS THAN I CFU/S0. FT. L RATING AI +00'F = + CFU/SO. FT. TOP ViEI{ SECTION A-A _------7- I. FLOOR OR \YALL ASSE}/8LY : A. I{]NIIIUIJ 1-Il2' IH]CK LIGHTVE]GHT OR NORI/AL WEIGHT CONCRETE FLOOR. B. U,L. CLASSIFIT0 CONCRETE 8LoCK WALL (lriNl[tull 8" BLOCK). 2. PTNETRATING ITEU TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOYING : A. UAX]IIUI{ 20" OIAUETER STEEL PIPE. B. I/AXIUUI4 6" D1AUETER COPPER PIPE. C. IIAX]|IUI/ 6' OIAIIETER STEEL CONDUiT. D. IIAXIIIUU +' DIAIIETER EIJT. 0PTI0NAL : IJAXIVUII 22' DIAMETER STEEL PIPE SLEEYE (SCHEDULE l0 0R HEAVIER). UINIUUII 4" THICKNESS MINERAL WOOL {UIN. + PCF OENSITY) RECESSED I/Z' FROU TOP OF SLEEVE. UINIUUII I/2" DEPTH HILTI FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT. A GENEROUS EEAD OF H]LTI FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT AROUNI] OUTER PERIUETER OF STEEL SLEEVE. I'l0iES r I. !JAXI}IU}I OIA}IETER 2. ANNULAR SPACE : 0F OPENING : 22'. i{iNJuuu 0', uAxluult l-t/2" INS-TALLATION |I{STRUC I-IONS FOR UL NO. CAJ1155 STEP 1 - PREPARATION: All suiac:s nrusi be clean, sounC. dry and frost free prior to acplication of firestoc Inaterials. ^STEP 2 - BACKING MATERIAL: Firnrlv pack mineral wool around the penetrating item recessing it 1/2" below surface of ilthe sleeve (or both ends of sleeve in rvall). tE -.i STEP 3 - FIRESTOP SEALANT Apply the Firestop Sealant over the backing material to a min. depth of 1/2' flush with the end(s) of the sleeve. Wall penetrations require Firestop Sealant installed on both sides. Leave completed seal . undisturbed for 48 hours. @ I A I I ml ruiA MIJ ffiT wl "---+ l )j il r=rTrfl.1-800-079-8000 U.L. SYSTEM NO. WLIO54 METAL PIPE THROUGH GYPSUM WALL ASSEIIBLY F RATING : l-HR. 0R Z-HR, T RATING = 0-HR. L RATING AT AUBIENT : LESS THAN I CFI{/S0. fT. L RATING AT 4Od'F = LESS THAN 4 CFU/SO. FT. FRONT VIEW SECTiON A-A _-----..r-_._----_.v- Gypsutl WALL AssEuBLy (r-HH. 0R 2-HR. FrRE-RATINGI(Z-HR. SH0yN]. PENETRAT]NG ITEU TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOIIING : A. }JAXIIIUU 30" DIAIiETER STEEL PIPE ISCHEDULE IO OR HEAVIERJ. B. IIAXJ},IUII 6" DIAIJETER COPPER PIPE, C. UAXIHUU 6' DiAMETER STEEL CONDUIT. D. I.IAXIUUH 1" D]AUEIER STEEL EUT. o. lllNlllUl{ 5/8" 0EPTH HILTI F5-0NE F1REST0P SEALANT = l-HR. FIRE-RATING. b. UINIT{UI,{ l-l/4'0EPTH HILTI FS-0NE FIREST0P SEALANT = z-HR. FIRE-RATIN0. UINIIJUM I/Z' BEAD HILTI FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT FOR POiIiT OF CONTACT. illiE5 : l. IIAXIHUIJ DIAHETEFi 0F 0PENINC = ll-1':.:. 2. ANNULAR SPiCE : i;lNhiutl 0", UAXII'{U:. :}--l/+'. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UL I{C. \IVL1O54 ^.J.Tao 1 - PREPARATION: AII surfaces must be clean, sound, dry and {rost free prior to application ot lirestopping materials. L.. J -vSTeP 2 - FIRESTOP SEALANT: Apply a minimum 5/8" o( 1-1/4" depth of FS-ONE in the annular space around the pene- trating item. Tool excess sealant beyond perimeter of the opening 1/2" onto wall surface. Leave completed seal undis' turbed for 48 hours. (o {i t T. f+" A l*l J:TrHI.1-800-87s-8000 I ase ^Slerial PEN€TBATING ITEM rIRE RATING {F RATING) . HILTI PROOUCT USEO UL SYSTEM N0. PAGE NUMBER METAL DUCTS Metal duct w/o damper in concrete block wall 1-hour FS-601 wJ 700r 32 Metal duct w/o damper tn gypsum wall 'l-n0ur FS-601 wL 7003 44 JOINTS Joint (concrete to concrete) Joint (concrete to concrete) Concrete block wall to metal deck (top of wall) Joint (concrete to 2 or 3-hour 2 or 3-hour 2-hour 2-hour FS 601 FS 601 FS 601 or FS.ON E FS 601 FFS-1008 wws-1011 HWD-0008 '-';T{- cif$$e.i7.'1: r' Gypsum wall to metal deck 1 0r 2-hou(FS 601 or FS-0NE PVC, CPVC (closed system only) PVC, CPVC, ABS, FRPP Glass pipe Max. 6" PVC, CPVC, ABS, FRPP in steel sleeve cP 644643 FS.ONE cP 64U643 CAJ 2141 cAJ 2109 cA.J 2118 cAJ 2110 PVC, CPVC (closed system only) PVC, CPVC. ABS, FRPP 1 or z-hour 1 or z-hour 1 or 2-hour FS.ONE cP 642/643 FS.ONE PVC, CPVC, ABS, FRPP PVC, CPVC, ABS, FRPP PVC, CPVC main w/ PVC, CPVC branch PVC, CPVC (closed system only) cP 644643 cP 642/643 cP 642t643 w/ ts-ONE FS.ONE tc2025 tc 2030 FC 2050 FC 2018 PLASTIC &PIPE -taEcgdffil MULTIPLE PENETRA Mulitple cables and non-insulated steel, EMT/conduit Mulitple insulated and non-insulated steel, copper, EMT, cables and cable trays Multiple pipes: Steel, copper, conduit or EMT Multiple insulated and non'insulated copper Insulated or non-insulated steel, copper, conduit or EMT pipes, cable tray or cables (single or bundled) 2-hour 3-hour 3-hour 3-hour 4 -ho ur 3-hour IS.ONE FIRE ELOCKS rN bJJ FS.ONE FIRE BLOCKS FS 63s WJ BOO4 cAJ 8056 cA.J 1140 cAJ 8041 wJ 8007 cAJ 6006 20 o , lo a Mulitple insulated and non-insulated steel, coppe( EMJ, cables, cable trays and plastic pipe Multiple steel, conduit, copper and cables lnsulated or non-insulated steel, copper, conduit or EMT pipes, cable tray or cables (single or bundled) Multiple EMT or conduit 1 or 2-hour 2-h our 4-hour 2-hour FIRE ELOCKS FS-ONE FIRE BLOCKS FS.ONE wL 8013 WL BOO4 wL 8014 wL 109s E]TE]"' .- :)'lirt 1-800-879-8000 U.L] :'SYSTEM NO.:IWU2O98 CLOSEI] PVC/CPVC PLASTIC PIPE THROUGH I-HN. AI'IO Z-HR. GYPSUM WALL ASSEMBLY F RATING : l-HR. AND z-HR. I RAIING = l-HR. AND Z-HR. L RATING AT AUBIENT = LESS THAN I CFM/S0. FT. L RATING AT 4OO'F = 4 CFM/SO. FT. o FRONT VIEY - SECIION A-A -1-- A+l I AJ l. 2. GYPSUII-VALL ASSEUBLY (I-HR. AND Z-HR. FIRE-RAT]NG)(z-HR. SHOYN). PENETRATING ITEII TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOYiNG : A. UAXIlilUU 2" OIAIIETER PVC PLASTIC PiPE (CLOSED PiPiNG SYSTEI{). B. uAxinu|tl z' DIAuETER cPvC PLASIIC PIPE (CL0SEo PIPING SYSTEU). 3. HILTI FS-ONE FIRESTOP SEALANT : A. T{INIUUM 5/B' DEPTH OF SEALANI FOR A I-HR. FIRE-RATING. B. IIINIUUU I-I/1' OEPTH OF SEALANT FOR A z-HR. FIRE-RATING. NOTES : l. ANNULAR SPACE = UINIUUU 3/4', UAXIUUII l-ll{'. 2. UAXII{UU 0IAUETER 0F OPENING = 1-3lB'. ffi INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR UL NO. WL2O98 sTEp 1 - pREPARATION: All surfaces must be clean, sound, dry and frost free prior to application of firestopping materrars.' STEP 2 - Apply the Firestop Sealant to the depth shown on both surfaces of the wall. Leave completed seal undisturbed -l for 48 hours. ETTE.I" . - . Fire Protection by Comptrter Design Frontler Fire Protection Inc. Zb I / WCSE HOIOCN PIACC. ljenver col"orado 4o204 629 - 022t Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Rorrt e 111 Job Name Bui J.dln9 L,,ocat i on Cont ract DaEa Fi le NORTHWOODS BI,DG D BLDG D, UNIT D7 VAIL COLORADO 1 2779-1.WXr Windham N. H. USA 0308? ilffiffi":'liol':'""'u"'Page 1 DaLe 442299 HYDRAULIC DES ICJN lNFORMATION SHEET 1 .i : Name - NORTHWOODS BLDG D LocaLion ' 50O VAIL VALiEY DRIVE VAiL COLORADO Building - BLDG D UNIT 307 Sysrern No. - : Contractor - FRONTIER FIRE PROTECYION INC. Contract No. - 99-27'79 CaLculated By - STEVE MARTIN Draw:-ng No. - I OF I Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Celling Height vAR. OCCUPANCY - RES IDENTIAL S Type of CalcuLaE.ion: ( )NFPA 13 Residential (X)NFPA 13R ( )NFPA 13D Y Nunber of Sprinklers Flowing: ( )1 | )2 (X)4 ( ) S ( ) Qther T ( )Specific Ruling Made by Date M Listed Flow aE Start Point - 17.0 Gpm SysEem Type Listed Pres. aE Start Point - 15.6 Psi (X) Wet ( ) Dry D MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING 20 x 2Q ( ) Deluge { ) PreAction E Domesti-c Flow Added - 0 Gpm Sprinkler or NozzLe s Additional Flow Added - 100 Gpm Make VIKING Model M-4 I Elevation at HighesL Outlet - 84.4lGpm Srze L/2" K-Factor 4.3 G Note: Temperdture RdLrng 155 N Calculation Gpm Requj-red I70.76 Ps1 Requj.red IO2.L4 At Test Summary C-Factor Used: Overhead L50 Underground 140 W Water Flow TesE: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 6-27-96 Rated Cap. Cap. T Time of Test - 9:15 AIvl @ Ps1 E1ev. E Static (Psi) - 130 EIev. 0 R Residual (Psi) - 118 Other well FLow (Gpm) - 1540 Proof Flow cpm S Elevat.ion - 0 P Locat ion: P L Source of InformaE icn: Y Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. RouEe II1 Windham N.H. USA 03087 F. @ o c)]J .1 o d g) ; ; d d r'1 3 U o .u 6 ! v) r!k o !A lr (u ]J U rd ; o,E .1 & H (/) f-l a (')t AcO0{.r(9 aY) O o |-rt " )l Fl - oJ >|{ur..r-r JO3 Or oOO qJ (0 Hrr t CIAEi UJ IT Q .-l ri ! (!r! !.-r13€rd .U '.t'.{3 rioO u(,{)>('jdc(!lrrl .ra r-t C\ N O UOU a,.o. rn EEF6:<tr n, n, rrr salal\Ja FrE-i-- ;; eUN:5F.:o^.-.l r-@ \o ..r .. o a.i Lt1 . (],, J --'t2'A=d"r ro r-- !l;;o.:.r .. o - ; C Fn I sr.,-E I i " U U..l .r E d gdxidgs 'il - ---- ! tU O 0,t arn,0ii >!!;^;rJ,:: Ci o or: X o; -r X >.;F jF Xri r.r C\ N .a c\U N rl .Kr..-t,. ttl l! N B rl o \o (\I o o \o r-1 sf ra c! r-r ooooc) ooooo -t r.1 r-r -l r-r r.{ o\ co t-' \o Ln $ (n c! F{ O.&r!:(4C/)rdtd (!l! AQ o\ or c\ N o' H t) OJ u !& -E OJ ! H I! t1 a) 3 F+ z ilffiffi":';:o:';""'"T''Page 4 DaLe 042299 FitE j.ng Legend Abbrev.Name Generic Alarm Va Gene-i a RtlFj-6'.fIw \,rAl Ve crri .^ aha.L \/. 1rra Dry Pipe Valve 90' St.andard Elbow 45' Elbow Gate Valve Deteccor Check VaLve Long Turn Elbo\,, Mecii um Turn Elbow FLow ConErol Valve FLcw Swicch yu b Iow Lnru tee Wafer Check VaLve Wafer Check Valve B c D E F K L M o T W z computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. RouEe lLL llindham N.H. USA 0308? ilffi;il":'liol';'""'"J'Page 5 DaLe 0 42299 Unadjusted FiE.tings Tabl e 3/4 T L/4 3 )./2 B D F L M T w z 5 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 3 9 4 2 2 '7 3 1 5 2 t I 2 2 4 2 r 11 5 2 1 3 18 5 10 B 3 1 5 6 I ).7 1't l 9.5 6 3 1 5 i2 2t .5 10 l'7 1 3 1 T4 6 1 28 10 14 10 20 r0.3 10.3 L M S T W z !7 27 T2 10 1') 35 11 7 24 '71 8',7 40 .t9 I 21 10 30 45 21 1"0 4"1 7 9 t2 30 13.1 13.1 1t 45 18 1B 19 55 22 11 5 1.6 19 22 35.8 35.8 2L 2'7 13 18 22 2',7 60 2'7.4 2'7.4 109 11 101 130 13 40 :-zj Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc.Route 111 windham N. H. usA 03087 ;ffiffi:":'Iiol'l'""""U"DaEe 042299 Node No. ElEva E.ion K-Pact Pt. Actual Actual Added D€nEitsy Req. Prq36 R€q. D001 D002 D003 D004 27 20 2I 30 34 The maximum 84 .41 84.41 84.41 84 .4I 84 .08 84.08 84.08 84.08 84.08 84 .08 84 .4r 84.41 ?4 .08 74 .08 40 0 velocity is 18.6 7.7 .68 15.53 15.88 1e 6e I9 15.99 16.54 L8 .9'1 a) T1 42.Bg 52 .86 58.03 88.94 102. L4 and it occurs in the 170.00 15 .500 170.00 15.600 170.00 15.500 r70.00 1.5.500 4.3 4.3 18.04 L'1 I-t .74 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 na na na na na na na na na na na na 100 pipe beLween nodes 22 and 23 computer Programs by Hydratec Inc Route 111 windham N. H. usA 03087 ffiffiil":';iol'3'""'t""'Page 7 DaEe 042299 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fieting Pipe Pt PL Ref. rrcrr or Ftng's Pe Pv )t****** Notes ****** PoinE Qt Pf /ut" Egv. Ln. Tocal Pf Pn D00l 18.55 1.109 lE 3.962 0.500 18.601 K Factor = 4.3 to 150 3.962 0.143 27 18.55 0.0571 4.462 0.255 Ve1 = 5.161 K Factor = 4.26 D002 18.08 1.109 lE 3.962 0.500 17.677 K Facror = 4.3 to 150 3.962 0.143 2a 18.08 0.0545 4.462 0.243 Vel = 6.005 l8 .55 18 .08 18.063 K Paclor = 4.25 D003 1?.00 1.109 lE 3,962 0.500 15.630 K FacEor = 4.3 Eo 150 3 .962 0.143 20 17.00 0.0486 4.462 0.2L7 Vel = 5.646 1?.00 15.990 K FacLor = 4.25 D004 I'7 .I4 1.109 1T 9.906 0.500 15 .881 K Fact.or = 4.3 to 150 9. 905 0.143 2! ),'7.14 0.0494 10.405 0.514 vel = 5.593 16.538 K FacLor = 4.2L tl t :l 28 18.08 1.109 1T 9.906 6.550 18.063 to 150 9.905 22 18.08 0.0545 15.56s 0.903 Vel = 6.005 18 .956 K Factor = 4 .15 .'7 1o (( r 1^o 6E 3 .962 11.580 18 .999 to 150 1T 9. 906 33 .678 23 18 .55 0 ,05?1 65 .258 3 .'729 Vel = 5.161 18 .55 22 .'7 28 K Factor = 3.89 20 17.00 1.109 2F 1.981 7 .290 15.990 to 150 3.962 21 17. 00 0 .0486 LL.252 O .547 vel = 5.646 2I I7 .r4 L. 109 tE 3 .962 9 .79A 15.53?to r50 3.962 22 34.14 O.L766 L3.'752 2 .429 VeI = 11.339 22 18.07 1.109 9. ?00 18 .956 9.700 3 .760 23 52.21, 0.3876 Vel = 17.341 23 18 .55 1.4 5E 4.862 14.830 22 .726 to 150 1T 9 .724 34 .034 -0 .14l 24 74.76 0 .2187 48 .864 10 .686 Vel = 14.748 24 1 .400 1E 4 .862 29 .3'70 33 .269 Eo 150 1T 9.724 14.585 26 70.76 0.2187 43.956 9.613 VeI = 14.748 CompuEer Programs by Flydratec Inc. Route 111- Windham N.H. USA 03087 ffiffiil":';:o:';"""u"'Page I DaLe 042299 Hyo 'Ref . PoinC uf a. "c" Pf lvL Ftng I s IOtaI QT PE Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Eo 30 70.76 1 .400 150 0 .2187 1.1.330 14.586 25 . 9L6 42 . BB2 4.314 5.668 .1E 4 . 862 )-4 .148 30 to -fI 1T 2F .864 .160 .003 70.76 1.400 150 Q .2T87 9 -'124 ). . 62r 9.910 52 L2.965 0 22.8"75 5 14.748 31 1B 1S 1E 1T 70.76 120 n 11',l 1 5.O22 5.022 1.0.044 :. z)u >6 , ul-) 20.088 25.338 3 .37'1 10 .157 32 to 33 '7E 2T 1B 2 . 635 120 o . 0]-52 51.403 L4."t64 8.510 Vel =4.L63 8.23'1 460.000 \6.414 100.218 v. btu 50u.zr6 JJ 34 1B 1E .673 .2Qr .068 4 .26 L20 '70.'16 0.0015 L5.000 84 31.600 4 46.500 0 1 .593 2 .633 to TEST 70.'76 5.055 r40 0.0002 .000 .370 .3?0 88 .942 L3 . 723 0.078 4E 1C 1T !o, bz! zou 3 .990 118 39.900 398 VeI =4.786 100.00 102 .143 Qa = 1oo.o0 K Factor = 16.90 I 'i .t .: O Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc.Route Ll1 Windham N. H. USA 03087 09 : O3A Stori/ 970-476-5639 69:5U UUUlU4sslr KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. erctt r€, caran atfD lY c|rEcr5!) aY (c) un^s 1 \r* sl "{--sl l"g le'o.c. JLSx) tl7 ^(o Sttrf t&oro f<cnl(^ 6leq U&$ Er<l rc DX/t Asrraon ANGuvS a-r t1rtruur. TArql o( brprr Saou, h.rt?trot Fe*. (C*^*a- e Cfrp F) ,4,.J;,. /- .. L, - .,--g{:'t2t'\ oq51t8l r'. ,-t u-J_ rcplo o I h.t lt- brmd lu tnnamittrl mrmo 75lt l..)F r-' 'T h\ r; rOo{JJ Ap}.-?2 -99 09:43A St u-t--t tJa) tu.vu r,Yt rEory :,nu:u4! J:l 970-476-5639 LIIRE}I HILL FAGE 01 P. O1 l(RM cEhr$rLrANGr hE eof,xaitTe vt|.',!i tr|.}r rrole lgrul9s{nar Fl)qrsrt77 fficwu pRoJBCr: hhr'-,: nocQ rf,*r#? .t ,t t Ll"q I aa O/\rE: -V !1+ t I JoB, -e91- ( curruRclnot/crrAircE CAt{ Bt H,tOe rt, {llY' fixrt'nr'lG ./\ Tri1 (.L) NetrsS [orrorl I t'rEEnNG itOTEs -i"rrc toua^lHc. f1€Otf KATlod frrfi!{.usX A,\r,-iG Gtuo Qrb{o ilr-? Bt. gJl aFrO s(&To\\. ",,. -".\ TJ RESPO.JS€u EFl Luq.*L. ArTUtfi$,Ns Sucwlt rN /or.Er^,r"r6. _,- \ --\-(E ), t t'\...' -,ral -l .,,-7-a '' l j.f .'.ir . \-_ -+-.r flrsrcrr (..qr.cn- l^J,un iTl\tut^J(sI i . - ,-,, AxrC frcr.p tsilD A\l /tn {r\rOV | | '"'" l-14rPitu) t,i(s1 | i --.lr I {-{-I I'L''it COFY TO: (^ r-'rlq41q:!a- SIGNED: KRM c0{stJLTAI{Ts, '\E PaF({t7e vaLcq.(HE 913t8 (970194A€!n1 Faqs4$ts77 FIELU HEPOBT ?x,o L JOB NUMBER: tt I r1ArF. 4/tl lqq DEpARTT ll:ic lr'1 ,' t -.WEATHEB: (,cOA I LIAJD/ ATTENTION; PROJECTT F.I"crru.xo.r fr4 *'teg-o,t _- A {,1rlu" *\3"\ 4'-o 3lor.r" DE aDDtD -fo f,oor\ C,u"rru''vrrrfD (Df/+af+,'"u,, er*1 i$ Tt\r, 6tr4"rxn T0 -fltt l.Jlor?t Bng'"t Arlibr, ilfir^) Dltl1p4*. ztrmcH 'J*0r$o1e:a)' s<stus r'ac'r\ srofi- o? $*o-ruc. sHtr, Sffirc4\ 1r {-(N,\4*w rw It r+x|+ O**n". ANr-r.rs urnr.r- Br-, l.lfi.tnfrD , A/(4*r^, To r|lr" l*l(,xe" 5.-t9 -tuof, gItJLL Co.,ln*r5 Fr*mlFuu,'/ Bup* rA'r (r.Q(:) t** 14 Lws r To Ao lr''l Btgu'*tC' '* A 1'/4" tf?( r,W 51\'tl.r- tsrr, AsDrD -ro-t1\fi- D'ro'r' T\\ Josr srTFtu COPY TO: W fr'o{*, \cSt*"REVIEWED: l.JaW ASpVrt. (,u KRM cs.tsrrLTA rrs, rrs. POS(457a vALCs.(n E 816l€ i-A(rE gZ a97olO{s4tEl IFA)q 94$r577 FIEUI ffiPORT ?Nr'r' I DATEI DEPART: WEATHER: lll3o Ar'1 ATTENTION: PROJECT;JOB NUMBRT J. Nor,rrir*po: D'* , . ftrps'q4 _ .- -1-r{, HoLIJ Cdt lrj]'a Tt\f FLF4( $rf TN6 PUnbUG' Cpl.nrtAfr(L SUnr-r- 6rL RltAtl.t'j) As y'o,rnrs: l. ALL sndt ib{-'(S (snur'UiTt\br*'! rZ) rNo'-t 6E prufip ra dns C*r.rtrrr- (an F*on 6rrs., tJrn 3/4';ro|-r-c.on6usx$& P1,",r^-cqD ttgD op l+Jns ).Irrr oru on'gL SlVratxKt' Z. Au l-Xr^a AC4.EJ s$,ql bE frux"o lr-J h]rru Cpl-K.ntln AJn Rp*fo1rr..g rJrnr lx.&*[.l1.4,. tlf.4 LxorA lJrrn 6rrnrg. Foorf ovU1. [Oo"& fqsts t"Jrrs /4'*t--coflil.rs16g6 fqt'*q * T,; rlnrtu fit,*f^. Arrra<Xfo '6arr- Jp'sn d.rp Sur -rAPPl\lG Scl{.r,oS g Enaq lf fraf [pqt rS Lfss T]ia]-l 11.'t (sen, V*f, ftfl^ro0$ l{s Co^,rrUi,vrq4,. CFfl{fl^l\Lr \{oWS tJrU" N6Fg W bYL C-tf tpcV FAlutrrf,ft Sp Pt'a"-'c'eO J c,rl, DnclotlG Cail SI(,aP. DTpEc]\-LV N Jorvf. COPY TO: REVIEWED; /\ Jo Sm Iarury )J 6* TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 OhINER DEPARTT/IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Job Address: 600 VAIL, VALLEY DR LOCATiON...: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101-08L-i-2-007 Project. No.: 9-t ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: D98-0010 .A,PPLIEANI| .fIM GUTDA CONSTRUETION P O BOX 750, VArL CO 81658 COI\TTRACTOR .fIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION St.atus...3 ISSIIED (NORTI{Applied. . : 06/ 08 /1"99t Issued...: 06/09/L99( E>cpires. - : 1-2/06/L99t Phone:. 970-845-91-00 Phone: 970-845-91_00 sT sT 4000, Los ANGELES CA 90071_00 P O BOX 750, VArL CO 8l_658 NORTHWOODS VAIL D7 NV g I,ATHAM WATKINS, 633 W FIFTH Descri-pt,ion: INTERIOR DEMO ONLY Occupancy: Tytrle ConsErucEion: &pe Occupanc|: Valuation: FileDIace Inforuaeion: Rc6E!lcted: R1 Multi-Family V L-HR T]lpe V L-Hour 8, 500 *of cas Appliances: Regluaranl Plan R€vi.e$- - > DRB Fee--------- Recleation Fca- ------- --> clcan-Up Dcpogit-------- > Add Sq Ft: #Of Oad Log6:#Of Llood/Pallet: FEE SUI4MARY Buildi.ng-----> PLan Ch€ck- - - > Invest igaE i.on> will Ca11----> ToEaL Calculatsed Fec6---> Addiuional Fe€E- --- -- -- -> Total Pertnit Fee--------> Payrent6----'--- BAI,ANCE DUE.... . o0 3 ,00 .00 20 .00 , oo 100.00 345.75 . o0 345. ?5 .00 IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/08/1998 JRM Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/08/1-998 Jwl Act,j-on: APPR rTEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARI}IENT 05/08/1998 JRM AcEion: APPR ITEM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS 06/08/1998 JRM Action: APPR ITEM: O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IEem:05900 L,IQUOR DepE APPROVED JRM- DeDT N/A Dept N. /A DeDT N/A Dept DepE BUILDING PLANNING FIRE PIJB WORK HEALTH CLERK Divi-sion: Divisi-on: Division: Division: Division:Division: See Page 2 of t,his Document. for any condiLions t.haE. may apply to Lhis permit. DECI,ARA'TIONS r hcteby acknorledge fhats I hav6 lead tshiE applicrcion, fi11ed out in ful1 the inforua!1on r!qui!.d, conplcc.d an accuraEe ploE plrn, and rg.c. that elL chc lnforsation provided ae required is co!!cct. I agr.e Eo co$ply siLh the information and plot ptan, co cohply ritsh all Town ordlnanca! and stsalc lav6, and to build Ehi6 strucEure accoldj.ng to Ehc Town'6 zoning and dubdivision codc6, dc6ign rcvier approvcd, Uniform Building Codc and other ordinanccs of Ehq To!.n appLicable eherrbo. { 79f 213 S REQUESTS FOR INSPE(AIONS SHAIJ'] BE MADE TWENIY'FOUR HOT'RS IN ADVA"IiICE BY OFFICE FROM 8:00 Al4 E:oo PM scnd Cl.an-UP DcPorlC Tor itru drIDA 9IOI{ATURE OP O1INER OR CONIRACTOR POR HIMSSLF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: D98-0010 as of 06/09/98 sEaEus: rssuED *********************************************+********************************** Permit, Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicant: iIIM GUIDA CoNSTRUqTION 970 -845 - 9100 Applied: 06/08/L998 rssued: 06/09/L99e To $cpire: L2/06/L998 Job Address: LocaLion: 600 vArL vAtt'EY DR (NORTHWOODS D7) Parcel No: 2101-0s1-12-007 DescripEion: INfERIOR DEMO ONL,Y CondiEions: 1-. FIRE DEPARITI'IENT. APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY I{ORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIETD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE. 3.TNTERIoRDEMooNI,Y!BI-,I]EPRII{TSNEEDEDPRIoRToANYTYPEoF CONSTRU TION BEGINS rtrrrtrar.atair. laat rrttrtr*rrt mWN Ot VAIL, CoIJoR.ADo gCagairrnE t t * t r t r a 'l * tt r.t i t ri t t'r *t t at t a r t a ttt I t rr r I i i t'r tt r' t r t t " l r r r *t r r r r gtrlautlc Nutb.r ! REc-o{L3 lEoung I Pal|!.nt t'tachod: cK Not-cton: 9017 7r9.75 06/o9./9a Lst22 InlE: l..tAw P.ridi! No: D98-OO1O Tyfte: A-DEMO DEI'IO ' OF PART/AI'L BU Prrc.l No: 21O1-O81-12-007 giE. AddrcsE: 600 VAIL VAITITEY DR Loe.lion! 600 VAIL VAIIrEY DR (NORTHWoODS D7) Total F...: 345.ts thl. Prl'l[cnt' 345'?5 Total ALIJ i'dc!: !45'?5 Balrneal .o0 rt*ttrr*rr*r*rirt'rf ttrttttta*|rta|r\riaIr***tittt't rt*t+rtlr***itttt Accoun! Coda Dc.c!ipt.ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT PEES DR 00100003112200 DEgrGSil REVTEW FEES P8 oOrOOO03112300 PLAN CIIECK FEES tD00r.00002403100 CLEANI'PDEPOSTTS WC OOlOOOoll12aOO WILL CAIJL INAPBCTION FEE AsounE t 15. 00 20.00 s7. 75 100.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81-657 970 -47 9 -2L38 APPTICAT\TT CONTRAETOR OI,IINER 'fob Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. DEPARTTVIEMT OF COMMUNITY DEVETO NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI]DG. .JIM GUIDA CONSTRUETION P O BOX 750, VAIL CO 81658 .JIM GUTDA CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 760, VArL CO 81558 NORTHWOODS VAIL D7 NV T I,ATIIAM WATKINS, 633 W FIFTH ST ST 4OOO, 600 VAIL VALLEY DR 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR 210L-081--1_2-OO7 ON JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D9B-0010 Status...: APPROVED (NORTIIAppIied. . : 06/AB/'t998 Issued. . . : 06/08/1,998 Erpires..: L2/05/a998 Phone: 970-845-91_00 Phone: 970-845 -9100 LOS ANGELES CA 90071-OO Description: TNTERTOR DEMO ONLY Occupancy: T)4ge Construction:Tlpe Occupancy: RI Mult.i-Family V 1-HR Type V l--Hour Valuation: Fireplace InforEaEj.onj Best.ricted:*of GaB Appliance€: 8,500 Add Sq Ft: *of GaB Logs:*Of wood/ Pallee 1 AEE SUI,|I,IARY P,!i lAind Plan check-- > Investigation> wt a1 ual .L TotaI Cal.culated Fee€-- -> Additi.onal Fees- - ------> Total PenniL Fee--- - ---' > Palmente----- RegtuaranL Plan Revielr- > DRB Fee- Recreation Fee---- -- > Clean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAIJ FEES----- ITCM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEI T 06/08,/1998 iIRM Action; APPR N/A rTCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENI 06/08/1998 JRM Action: APPR N./A rrem: 05500 PUBLTC woRKS q5l08/199Q .18![ _ Acllen: APPR N/A ItCM: O57OO ENVIRONMEI..TTAL HEALTH rt.em: 05900 tIQUoR 135. O0 . oo 3.00 .00 20 .00 .00 100.00 34S.7s 345.75 . oo ,oo IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIiIENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:06108/1.998 JRM .A,CTJ-ON: APPR APPROVED JRM.Dept.: PLANNING Division: Dept: FfRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Diwision: Dept: HEALTH Division:Dept: CLERK Division: See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply t,o this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoltledge that I have read thiB application, fiIIed out in ful1 the information required, compteted Hn acculate pLot plan, and gtsale that all the infor:mation provided qs required ig correct. I agree to conply with the inforoation and plot plan, l:o conPly with all Town ordinances and state 1a!rs, and to build Lhis gtr:ucture according !o the Toen's zoni,ng and subdivision codes, d€6ign review approved, Uniform Blrilding code and other oldinances of Lhe To$n appli.cable lheteto. REQUESTS BE MADE TI{ENTY- FOUR HOURS IN AD\.IANQE BY TEI'EPHONE Af 4?9-21.3e OR AT OlrR OFFICE FROM 8:OO Al,l 5:o0 PM Send clean-Up Depo6it To: JIM SUIDA SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit #: D98-0010 CONDITIONS as of 06/08/98 Permit Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BIJDG. Applj-cant : iIIM GUIDA CONSTRUCTION 970 - 845 - 9t_0 0 ilob Address:Location: 600 VAIL VAITTJEY DR (NORTHWOODS D7)Parcel No: 21-01-081-l_2-OO7 Description: INTERIOR DEMO ONLY Status: APPROVED Appried O6/08/1998 Issued: 06 / 0B / J,998 To Expire: L2/05/L998 1. FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. IIIIERTOR DEMO ONLY! BLUE PRTNTS NEEDED PRTOR TO ANY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BEGINS :onEacc Eaglc County Asscssors Offlce ttrN (i I 1gg0 ,rli',?"-"^' jiAiAffir% r'31**:i_illft;iii3fi"F3ff. JUN v .'d*'" \ ox,tB: t-lt lilt, '1" '"" Date Roeeived . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t! * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t* * * * * * * * * * * * b 't l-Building [ ]-plumbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechanibar 7fitn".vtt4g Fob Nane: t{tpft+Wrl)6lcz.- ErZ_ Job Address: i.6r6r Vlt -4- s*Yl(' -ou ^^.,. n: 1 : - -Legar Description: Lox>&liBrock-- Filing , susorvrsroN, )wners Nane: LA<Address : ?o ?o* \4t.'4,vatw u ^tLffih. i7 G.lurea \rchitect i €-A.< gfqa<'__ Address | @pn. 1U . 4zig, leneral Description: rork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair g{-otnerve-ylo Iumber of Dwell-ing Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: 'fmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/peJ_Iet k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONs * * ,t * * * ,f * * * * * * * * * * ,k * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * *\ ]UILDING: $ t ]LUMBING: $ HA t- oTHER: $.J2,5oO ee TOTAL: +__&*heO_c'P_ ELECTRICAL: $ N ta MEcHANTcALt $la-:: leneral contractor: rddress i Po ?tt:,- 1L"0, Jttv L,s *.,i Lc ba:t llectricaL Contractor: 'ddress: )LLlmbing Contractor: 'ddress: lechanical Contractor: iddress: : * rt:trtrrr* * *** ***** * * * * * *** ** * **** * }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Z6qb Phone Nur,rber: (-1 ,-ol d,45 q@@ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFfCE USE *******************?r**ir******** BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PIUMBING PI,AN CHECK IEE:}'IEC}ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ,LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: iLECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: IDEI FEE. cir' CLi to omment.s; VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFU}TD TO: t,'t 75 south tronlage roa d vail, colorado 8165 z (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: cIIEI TE arrrr . of llce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI{N OF VAIL ToglN oF vArL puBLIc woRKS/coNfi,ruNITy DE\IELOPI{ENT ILARCH 15 , L9 8I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to l-itter, track "r aeposit, u;t-.;iri"rJ"l, sand, debris ;:rili:;.*3ii.illt"dins trasr, t"mp=ter=, pori,ubre roilers and p' a c e ", u ;; -;; i.r"33".f; ll"i f l" "l;"=ii;ilil I i _ili.l,'.iriJl:*-..Vail streets ana.roads is approximateiy S ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance wilr be ;t.f;Ii;^enforced by the Town of VaiI Public works De.artment. --p"i.lns found "i,":-.Ii.g this ordinance vri'1 be given a 24 hour ,-iil"."r,otice t"-i"i;r"=said material.In the event the person so notified,does not comply with the notice within the-24 hour.ti*"-ip""ified, the putlic works Department wirr remove said mare^;i;i-;a-ir,"^^8"i.'i=e of person notified' The provisionr "r- tiri= ordrnance sharl not be applicabJ'e to cinstruction, *uir,t.nu.ce or repair projects of any street or arley o. .r,y'"liiiii;;"i; ;;".;i;ii_._""". To review ordinance No. e in fu'l, please stop by the Town of ::ii"::ii:i"3"";fli:'il:ii.:i"";;;i" a copv. ri,..'i. you ror your Read and acknowLedged by:\t, \a ,ot,rtfon,/ Relationsn-p toTroj ect- 1i . e f;h;l /lqE- contractor, owner) 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303', 479-2L38 ot 479_2139 of tlce ol communlty devolopmerrl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TINE FMI,IE lf ltir permi.t requi.res a Tov,n of Vail Fire Department Approval!Engineer's. (Publi. ttf I leview anJ ipprouut ,'a piinnini'bepartment review or Heatth Deoartmint review, unb'u-""ui"; ;y'iii;"dritaing Department, the estinated time ior'u-lotur review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (1arge or smail) and ail murti-fam.i 1y permits wiil have to follow tne ibove renti6neJ-*i*ir* requirements. Residentia.l and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or snrarler.projects impact the various-;b;;. mintioned departmcnts r.rith regard'to-necessary review, th;;; ;;;j;.ti ,uy also take the three weet peiiJJ. tvery attempt vri'll be Tgge by this deparLnrent to expedite this permit.as s.eon as possible. - I' tht undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time f rame.. tl }( p*^rr>- 7 Lc t -i+-. Agreeo ro Dy. 't^'\>'aagos I , FEo suc-g 1-71 a-r., ,^,2,-fr, €==- oHI"l oev Project Nanre Communi ty Development Department. t. TO: FROM: DATE: REI MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) ..) Job Name: Date: d,,rl?S Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need {or a 'Public Way Permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easemenls or public propedy? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, . parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? . : lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained, "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at lhe Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Conslruction Inspector, at 479-2158, I have read and answered allthe above ttt't'- 3) 4) 6) Job Name estions.