HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL DAS SCHONE FILING 3 LOT 1 , , I'OWN OF' VA1L � DEI'ARTMEN"I�n� Ct�MMUNI"I�i��'VELOPMENT 75 S. FRON1"AGE ROA� �'j`�j ��G 3 VF�IL, C(� 81657 L a� 1`� 3 �CA��I 'k/�`.S � 970-479-2138 / NOT[:. `�I IIS PI?RMIT I'v1UST BE POSTI:I� QN JOBSITI: A`I'AL�L TIMES ADD/ALT CQMM BU1LD Pk�RMT Pcrmit # 1i07-02�]9 Project# PRJ07-0353 Jc�b Address: 221 I N FRONTAGE RD VACL Status . . . : 1SSUk:D �,ocation.......: k 1OLIDAY INN AppliecE .. . : 07/3]/2007 Pai-ccl No....; 21031 1415017 Issued . . . : 09/06/2�07 �xpires.....: 03/U�/Z008 OWN�R VANQUISH VAIL I LLC 07/31/2007 C/� BHARl�T BHAI�'TA 2211 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT HIGH COUNTRY ENTERFRISES 74, 0"7/31/2007 Phone: 970-827-4140 472 MAIN ST"REET � P.O. BOX 383 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 685-5 CONTRACTOR HIGH COUNTRY ENTERPRTSES 74, 07/31/2007 Phone : 970-827-414Q 472 MAIN STREET / P.O. BOX 383 M I fi7'T'URN Cd 81645 Licens�: 685-B i�esci�tion: ST[JD10 MASSAGI? RENC)VA"I'tON-BUILDING WALLS TO CEILINGS AND INS`I'ALLING SPRINKLERS �CC l3�)i111Cy: 'I�ype Cunstruclion: Valuation: $17,>�0.0� Revision Valuati�n: $0.00 Total Sq l�t �lddecl: � *..wx�..*s+++*rr.r»*s*****t**rts.re..*.�wase►asarss�rstrs+.*»�rrrr*r�* FE��I�S U M M11R Y s+***********��*+*t******�ts.ar.**«*�rs*�tt**t�srr�*rr*r*«*a 13aildine------_ $293.7.5 IZests�ar�nt I'lan Ileviela--> $o.o� fu�al C�Iciolated l�ees--� $486.96 Plan Check---> $190.61 Keceeation O�ec--------------> $o.ap Ad[Iltional Fces----------' $0.UO Invc,tigalic�n-' $0.fl0 IOfAL I�EL'5-------------> $486.66 �I�ol.il Permit Fee---------% $485.86 �f1����ti��-----.� $3.fl0 ��a4't17CIt15------------ - $485.86 E3RI.ANCE D11E---------' S o.ao �fi�q.#M�k*##**t#'eMiMt'+kttWY�k*�M*�Yt#�#ti###rtrttR#+FRt4##i*##w+�rtrtMMmw'+Ftrttl+ktiYtmiFwtY�4MM#.t4Y+kX�WikVeYt#}M#fMR4#t+i#*M#k*##W+t####t4M#rtrt#M+It�kXSrt�rtmM4rtA�tR+F4• Approvals: Ltem: 0�100 BUILDING D�PP,RTMENT 08/17/200'1 jplano Action: AP See redlines on plans Item: 05400 PLANNIIVG DEPARTMENT 08/13/2007 bgibson Actiaan: COND For zoning purposes, the Simply Massage Inc . bus�.ness must operate as an '"accessory use° to the existing lodge use . Office , � � � • ` p� '.� �i• `�' �.. . ��\ , .pP�a � • I ` � • set routed to plan rack C-5 . Item: OS600 FIRE DEPARTMENT �8f17/200"1 mvaughan Action: AP see conditions Item: 05500 PUBLrC WORKS #t{�t######*�ts�:**ss�st�**rrMrww**rsr�Rw►sex*W*M#4*#####+#+#*t####**�#tk*#ikr**r+**tM*MBA�.**R#+k+k��**R��k**�i.*##*#ft#stssttsrrt�*fkwrr+kw**rrte�Aa*s**e See the Conditians secti�n of this Daeument for any cc�nc�itions that may apply to this permit. I�ECLARA"1'1�N� I hcrcby acknowleclge that I have read this application, filled out in full tlle infc�rrnation reyuEr�d, complcted an accurate plot �lan, anc! st�te that all the inlormation as rec�uircd is correct. 1 a�ree to coinply with the information and plot plan, ta com�ly with all "T'c�wn ordinat�ces and stat� laws, and to b�tild this structure accc�rding t�thc towns za��ing and su'�divisian codes, cicsign rcvie�v apprc�wecl, Int�,rnational E3uildin�;�nd Residential C�c1es ai�d other ordinances af the To�vn applicable thereto. fik�:(1l�F.STS hOR INSPECT70N SHALL BE hLtil)N:"1'�i'M:N'1'1'-1�01!It IiOI!KS IN AD�':1NCE BY'I'ELEI'110NE:�'1' J79-21a9 nR A"f�[!K OFH�ICE FR0�1 8:OQ:�M� �Pi�I. .i�J � '} �% �1GNAT}JR � OF QWNER C3R C N"IRACTOR FC1R fiIMSCLf A�+ID OWN�K � � � � ******************�*��**��***�****�********�*�******�***�**��*******x���**�****�***********��************ CONDITIDNS OF APPROVAL Permit#: Cti�7-024� as o�'�9-06-2007 Status: 1SSiJEU **�***********��****��*�***��**�***�******��**$+****�*��*******�**�********�x**�***�***�*******�**�*�**�* Permit Type: ADDIAL'T°C(7�MM BUILD PERM"�' Ap�lied: 07/31/20U7 Applicant: HIGH COUN"I'RY ENTf'RPI�ISES 74, [NC. Issued: 09/06/20f17 970-827-4140 To Expire: 03/(74/?008 Jub Address: 221 I N F'RONTAG�? RD VA�L Location: HOT.117nY INN Parcel No: 21031 1415Q 17 I�escriplion: S'I�UUIO MASSAGE RENOVATII�N-[3U[LllING WALLS TO CEIL.INGS nND INSTALLiNG 'S�RINKI,I?I�S ***************x�*�***�***�:***********�*********�:onditiotts:�**�***�*�***�**�******�**�**�*****+*�*******�** C�nd: 1 (FIR�:): r'IKh' DEP�RTMENT APPROVnL lS R�;QUIRED QEFORE ANY WC}RK CAN BE STARTT;f�. C�nd: 12 (I31_l�(i.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ART: Rl?QUIR�U"1'(a CHECK FOR COI�T: LOMNLIANCE. Cond: CON0009213 I�or zoni���purposcs, the Simply Massa�e Inc. busincss must operate as an "�iccessory use" to tl�c eaisting lodge us�. Concl: CON(100y�3� Sprinkler locltions as shQwn on plan are una�:ceptablc. 5tam�ed en�it�eerec� fire al�trm ancl sprinkler pl�ns are req�.iirec�. Only licenscd sprinklcr contractor shall modify systcm �fter FD approval. l�ntry: Oft/17/2U07 k3y: mvaubhan Actic�n: nP � � � u APPLICATION WILL NOT B�ACCEPT�D I� INCf?NfPLETE OR UIVSI ` �� � �3�� Project#: �� !,� Building Perrrmit#: � $� - �� �' � � 9'�0-479-2'�49(�nspectio sj r � ������ 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TOV'VN OF VAIL B�JILDING PERMIT APP�LICATIOM Separate Permits are required for electrieal, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATIQN General Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact Person and �hone#'s: ���c � s � � a�' 7`�3- (� � `� � 17 "_hy�, � z � }� �41 ,��-� W�- Y�- � �� � � !ay - Em�il addres�: G ,�� �-� Fax#: Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERIV�IT f�abor& Materials BUILDING: $ � 7 r��, � .�� w� ELECTRE�AL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHA�lICAL: $ TOTAL $ Far Parcel# Confacf Ea le Count Assessors Office af 97U-328-8640 or visit www.ea !e-count .com Parcet# � b�� 2� �� � � � � � Job Name: , Job Address: �� I,� .�Y�f,��a. � �-�r,�!,C-tA �+^ `y� ,l �� ��tiP� � I.��S�l�c�� 1+r�C__ � � �` _ Le�al Description Lof: Blocic: Filing: Subdivisian: (�wners Name - ,f Address: � , Phone: �, _ E. t .�, �'-o i, � c,��;�1�c. I4� �r���_ �c .�r 1j - � 2... Architect/Designer. Address: Phone: Engineer. Address: Phone: Detailed description of work: � ,�� j a � A �, + ` I��iG- `.�C� '1 e ? � �c�'�G�V�r�Yt ��'V��1 ��QLl`�i�l {'.1�i�tiV1 �,'�:d I� �' to� I�M�U �Y�S �1�r1� r 4 ZVS, ( ' ' Work Class: New{ ) Addition ( } Rernodel ( Repair( ) Demo( ) Other ( } Work Type: Interior( Exter�or( } Both O Does an EHU exis#af this locakion: Yes O �Jo O �ype of Bldg.: Single-family( } Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Gommercial( } Restaurant( ) �kher( ��,�.��� No. of Exis#ing Dwelling Units in this building: Na, of Accommodation Units in this building: NoIT e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s WoadlPellet Wood Burnin ' No/T e of Fire laces Pro osed� G A lia�ces Gas Lo s WoodlPellet Burnin NOT. . LQ. Do�s a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes( No O �oes a Fire Sprinkler Sys �r� Exist: Yes {- No( ,� . ! - FOR OFFlCE USE 4NLY***** � , �i ` --.._--- ------- ----- - '� � U Date Received: � '�` � Received By; '�l' ��� �`���� C�� �r�,�L �� F:�tdev\FORMS�PermitslBuild'sng�buildir�g_permit�4-17-2007.DOC Page i of 7 04/17/2007 � � ' � 11` 'J• . • � � �'MS � � �Q� ` f l ` • �F 1 i • � • � � �:1� '�L . ' � 1 r '� i� � � •�,.� ; �� . �. . , , - '``-s?.' • � u ,. ��o���, . ASBEST4S TESTING REQUIREME�ITS TH� TOWN �F VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLEC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MaRE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS T�ST AIVD REF��RT IS REQUIRED 70 BE SUBMITTED WfTH YOUR BUILDING P�RMIT APPL�CATION FOR ALL REMdD�L, ADDITION OR OTHER PRQJECTS INVOLUING ANY DEN"�OLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY C4NTAIN ASBEST�S. BUILDINGS Ci0N5TRUCTED AFTER OCTQBER 12, 'f988 THAT HAVE �JO ASBESTQS CQNTAI�JING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WiTH YOUR BUIL.DWG PERMIT APPLICATION • I have inc�uded the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applEcant signature date OR • i certify rny project will r�ot distur� ar remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my app�ication clearly indicate this information. (This will be veri'�ied during plan r�view, and will delay yoUr �roject if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature date OR s The building was constructed after Qctober 12, 1988. The date of construction was original construction date " �..� c� ?'Z�?�o� applicant s gnature date �:\Cdev\FORMS\Permits�Building�building�ermit_4-17-2�07.DOC Page 5 of 7 04/17/2007 TOWN OF VAIL 13L7'Alt`I'MENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEL�ENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA� VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213 8 NOTI:: THIS Pf?RM1T Mi1ST QE POS7'LU UN JOBSI'I'E A'I'ALL '�'IMES EL�CTRICAL pERMIT Permit #: 1;07-0223 r,v � -c'i, �t�i Jab Address: 221 I N FRONTAGE RD VAIL, Status . . . : ISSUED L,ocatic�n.....: HOLID!1Y INN Appli�d . . : 49/t4/�007 Parcel No...: 210311415017 Issucd . . . 09/17/2D07 Lcgal Dcscription; `-���-SU 1 - � ��.�`� Expires . .: 03/15/2f?OS Pr�ject No : OWNER VANQUISH VAIL I LLC 09/14/2007 C/O BHARAT BHAKTA 2211 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT A-PH�.S� EL�CTRTC, LLC 09/14/2007 Phone: 97Q-645-0188 PO BOX 1564 AV�N CO $1620 License: 313-E CpNTRACTOR A-PHASE ELECTRIC, �,LC 09/J4/2007 Phone : 970-845-01$8 PO BOX 1564 AS70N CO 81620 License: 313-E Desciptic�n: �;LEC`I'RICAL FOR S'l'UllIU MASSAGE ftENUVf1`T'ION Valuation: $3,000.00 Sqt�are feet: n *e******#+**+*+�*s*�*++++++*+++*++***+***+**+s*+****+*+*+*******+** 1=EE Sl1M MARY �++*s�*�*******�++*�**s**�s****�**++«�*e*+*a*r+�+*«*�**+*+*+ 1=1�etrical--------� Sss.ss l�ur�l Calculated I'ees--> g69.ss lnvestigation----> $0.0o Additionall'ees > $0.00 VJill Call-------> S4.00 lbtal Nermit J'ee---> $69.55 TOTf1I.I�F.ES--> $69.55 f'ayments-----------> $69.55 I3nl.ANCr DuE--------> g o.o 0 ***a**+*s****+*+«+*+**++*++**�+****+***s*++++*+*++*r++*+*****t*****+*v*++#s+*+*++*�**�****v****�*++**�++*+*+*as*��*sm**n�M��m�ea**+��r*e.�**+*�►**• Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPAR'TMENT 09/14/2007 shahn Act�on. AP Item: OS&00 FIRE DEPARTMENT s****+xs****t*s*ss++*t*fs���ss+t***#ta+a�*��a�+k�►�+*���*�ta�*���as.eMes�e���►t��+sass�mss*stst+*stsrssss*xssrst+s++ss+*vts�tstrst»tr►trrrW�rsssssr COP+IDITIONS �F APPROVAL Cond: 12 (SLDG. ) : FT�LI� INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CH�CK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *�M►*x*�«m�r�m*rrt►M.►+�+warrr*e«s*rwM�rwarrw�rrrw�wrwsww+wrr�wrrrww*�rwwwrwww�wnwwwwwwwwwww�wW��wr�*wwr»sr�+srir++*ts+t+****�***s*+**+t*s++�t++:***: DECLARATInNS 1 hercby aeknowlcdgc tl7at I havc rcad tliis application, filled out in full the infonnation rec�uired, eompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is carrect. I agree t�cotn�ly with the inforination and plot �Ian, tQ comply with all Tc�wn ordinanc�;s and state laws, and t� build tlais structure according,to the towns oning anc� subdiv' � i codes, desi�n rcview APP�LICA�IARLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOM�E OR UNSIC�N�Ep Project#: �-�'� 7 �� ��� Building Permit #: �� b��-f) �' ,� iElectrical Pefmit #: �`��'�j� ' ��� ���� g70-479-2149(Inspections} 75 S.Frontage Rd. Vail,Colorado 81657 ' TOWN O� VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPL3CATION ,- � ��� �7 (j' C�NTRACTOR INFiORMATION EI ri�Contraetor: Town of Vail Reg. No,: Contact Persvn and Phone #'s: � ��`i'I�.':s� �`�C"�C� � (� � ,=; _', ';;1� .'� i=f=�c.�.�( i� ��``�) �l�; ' � U E-Mail Address; �- ��� � - �u -,} �,� Fax#: � I 1J�S C. ��J ,1 Cflntractor S'r�natu : ,, � . (�- COMPLETE SQ. FQQTAGE FaR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION �F WORK (Labor& Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: ELECTRIG4L VA�UATION: $ `��-:7� 'l Contatt Ea /e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-B64Q or visit www,ea le-coun .com for Par+ceJ# Parcel # � �p� � t � � �,-�; p ]ob Name: �,1�ti1�?�,� ����� t Job Address: ��� j �r-��7�,�;,�}-,�� � Legal Description Lot: Black; Filing: Subdivision: Owners Name:��, ,^�1 �� v���1 1/!'t�G Address: �2 i� j� k�{,`�"/�`. � Phone: Engineer: Address: Phone; Detailed description of work: , � r�,` .�;�a �, �,�, � � � Work Class: New ( ) Asidition ( ) Remalel �,.�;} Repair{ ) Temp Power( ) Qtt�er ( } . Work Type: Interior{', ) Exterior O Both O Does an EHU exist at this location, Yes � ) No O Type of Sldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-Family( ) Commercial�") Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Uncts in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this ermi�for a hot tub: Yes No Does a F�re Alarm 6cist: Yes O No O Does a Fire Sprinkler System �xist: Yes O,.. No O ��s�- � � IU �"� ��� :r*�r*******�*,r*�**�*�r�*�***,�**�*,�*�r**�*,�FOR OF�ICE USE ONLY**,It� ***�**�'�r���**����*�*,r**�* _ � �; i _ _ � C��r�'�c�: G�i�e Receirred;.. ^N _ : ; 'r DR� �ees: Acce ted B : ? " _- . -_-- -�-� Planner Siqn-off: , — f F:\cdev�FORMS\PERMITS�Building�electical_perrr�it_11-23-2005.DOC Page 1 of 2 il/23/2Q05 � � ... � . �1�1�F�A�,`t Amendment to the 2002 N.E.�. Town of Vail Ordinance_4j,Series of 2a05 ❑ Overhead services are not allowed in the Tawn of Vail. ❑ Underground services sha// be in conduit (PVC) from the uti/ity transformer to th� electric meter, main disconnect swftch, and to the first electrical distribution circuis� breaker panel. ❑ The main disconnect switch shall be readi/y acressib/e, and located �e�to the meter on tE�e exterior wall of the structure. All underground canduits are required to be rnspected before back-�Iling the trench, ❑ In multi-famify dwell`sng units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shai� pass from one unit to anoth�r. Common wal�s and spaces are exer,npt. ❑ NM Cable (Romex) �an be useal onJy in sing/e and mu/ti-fami/y dwe//ings net exceeding 3 stories. T}�pe NM�annot 6e used in any bui/ding mixed with Type A,,B.E,F,H,I,M&S occupancies ❑ A/uminum�onductorssmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of VaiL TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL P�RMIT GUIDELIN�S n All installations of e�erior hot tubs or spa's require a DR6 a�proval from planning. This application will not be accepted withaut a copy af the DRB approval farm attached {if applicable). a If this permit is for ir�stallation of an ext�riar hot tub or spa c�n a n�w elevated pla�form or deck over 30° above grade, you must arso obtain a buildinc� permit. ❑ If t�his permit is for Enstallation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated pla�Form, a structtaral engi�eer must review the existing condition and verify that it will sup�ork the added cancentrated load. Piease provi�e a copy of the struc�ural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this applicativn. ❑ �f this is a remodel in a multi-family building wit� a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is req�ired. ❑ If this permit is far a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. E/ecfrica/ one-/ine and�ane/schedu/es are required if/oad is added or distribu�ion is aftered. I have read and u derstand the above. . �� � � ���� Signature Date Signed If you have any ques#ions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical rr�spector at 970-479-2f,h7. T�e inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings 'between the hours of Sam a�d 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:�cdev�FORMS\PERMITS�Building�electical�ermit_ii-23-2005.DOC Page 2 of 2 ii/23/2005 "I'UWN OF VA[L F'IRE I?ENA�TME� VA[L FIRF, DEPARTMENT� 75 S. FRON7`AG� RO�i) VAIL, CO K1657 970-479-2 I 35 NC}'I'�: '1'HIS Y�RMI"1' MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE r1T ALL TCMES SPRINKLER I'�IZMI`l� Pcrmit #: F07-0130 _�U � c�. >. `�� Job /�ddress: 221 1 N FR(7NTAGC; R,D VAIL Status . . . : lSSU�D Location.....: }�OLIUAY INN A�plied . . : ld/09/24(�7 Parcel No...: 21031 1415017 lssued . . . 10/04/?007 Project No : ���Z;� _ � .>.� � �xpires . .: OWNER VANQUISH VAIL I LLC 10/09/2007 C/0 BHAi�AT BHAKTA 2211 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 APpLTCANT ALLaANCE MECHANICAL 10/09/2�07 Phone: 970-328-0303 P.O. BdX 1855 EAGLE CO 81631 LiGen�e : 552-5 CONTRACTQR ALLIANC� MECHANICAL 10/09/2007 Phone: 970�328-0303 P.Q. BOX 1855 EAGLE CO 81631 License : 552-5 Dcscip�ion: STUD[O MASSAGE RENOVATI�N F[RST FLO�R NORTH E1'�D OF HALLWAY AND GME RQOM-MOUG nND ADD HI�AI�S TO Mf:1:T I`JFPA Valuation: $5(�O.UO •s�n�wsw*s**s�«ssrtrrwwrswrwrwwrrrr�rr�rr+r�rrs+wxr+rs�+*t++t*�*►**�** FF.F.5l1M M n RY +**t*s*s*+***t*s*»��**+►*�***�+*��***�+�s+a�►�*��e*******�*�+ Mechanical---> $o.oo Rcstuarani Plan Review—> $0.00 Tat.�]Calcul�led Fees--> $371.25 19a3n C'hcck---> $3 5 0.o o DRB Fr�---------------------? 50.00 Additiunul Fees'-----------> (S2 3 9.00) Invcstigatit�n-> S0.00 TOT'A9.I I?I�:ti--------------> . $371.25 Fulall�crmilPec----------> 5137.25 WfIIC:tII----=' $0.00 P�ymcnts-------------------> 5137.25 BALAN('1{UIIEi---------> 50.00 ww�+*rrrwr+«»*a+�*s►*s+rtr+++*s+**r+*r*»*s+»*as**+*rrtt++st+rt++*t+**+++*w+twrt*Mrw*+Mr�*s�+�F►��..Mrsrt�M+Mrt:rm*r+r�swss.�t�srswa*wr*srt�e�ss��x+R���r*s�aa 2tem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 10/09/2007 M�l Action: AP APPROVAL DONE AT FRONT COUNTER AT COM DEV CONDITION O�a APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. y : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. wwrr.wrrwrw�r�ww**+rr�*w*+rt+r++*i+*s+**�***+w+s*ss►+�*wf*+r*r*r++rtr+*++�**+*s*+*+*.*m�**s�**n��*w*m�.�s�.n��n��■��:**a*a*�n��*��:*rt+#*sM�*s+a*+**s*a�s** DECLA�tATIONS I hercby ackno���lcd��c that I havc read this ap�lication, filled out in fiill the inform�tion reqtiired, completed an acc�irate plot plan, and state that all tl7e infioriiiat�on as required is correct. l agree to cc�mply wit�h the infi�rmation and plot plan, to comply with all "I�own cardinanc�s and state laws, and t� builcl this strueture accarding to the to�vns zonin�;ar7d subdivisioil codes, design review a�proved, Intcrnational B��ilding and Residential Codes and other ordinanees of the Town ap�licable thereto. REQUCST$ FOR INSPEC"�'IOIV SFIALL f3E MADF,TWEI�TY-FOUR H' RS [R A�NCE BY TELN;PHOIVF. AT 479-2135 FROM 8.OU AM -5 NM. � ���.C'���c�,�1,'� � SIGNATURE(�F t�WNF:'R OR CONTRACT'OR f'OR HIMSELF ATJD OWNER I I � I I I I � S TATE �F COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRE SAFET� PLAIV REGISTRATTON�'OKM Date Contractor Re�istration Number v� '�� � � Contractors Name 1Vlailing A ess City State Zip Code �G � � __ Telephone I`.i � 4 Emergency No. ,��!' �' �5 Name of Project � Project Address City [/��,.� State �0 Zip C�de � �'� Descriptior� and Location of'Work to be completed ��-� A�� Name d Add s of Ge era nt ctor: `�l O Name and Address of Owner i � C � ���� y /-'� .�.�-� ,� ,c�l�` s Plan reviewed b .S�/ ate License/Cerfificate No. (NICET or P.E.) P�an reviewed by �� `�� Date �� �`�� Certificakion No. �s�� �� (Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Inspection Conducted by: , Date Certification No. (Cez�tiEied Fim Suppression Inspector) System Test Date Appraved/Disapproved Signature Certification Na. (Certified Fire Suppressian Inspector) Jurisdiction No, Comments (for addi#iQnal comments use separate sheet) Distribution;Original Copy gaes ta L?ivision of Fire Safety Upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department.Copy to contractor and c�py to bui7ding awner upon compleHon and sign-off. �� ii � � � ; i t t� � � .� f i f,�---- � _TV.._-- �z----�1 �.- -. r- --�- � �- -�- - - � RM�3 ,r I r RM#2I L-�, � RM#4 �� �� � : � _ i I T _ ,..� _� � `� '��J ������ LEGE�JD I'_� /_� _-!r � � � � �- �E I � \ �� .�. � � EXISTING SSP � I �`� , RM 5 I� RM � � • NEW SSP � I ; HALL;� � � i �-- - -�-- -- NEW SPRINKLER � I r� PIPE - - - EXISTING SPRIN�LER � _ PIPE � e NEW CONNECTION TQ EXISTING PIPE � � 'k���� �� ►"� 1 ' ,�5� 1�/z _ .�,.. � 1�� — ._ ��r� � , G, I ��� ,� r'`� �� � � �� �. � � � FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /8" = 1 '-0" ��� � ��� � '\ / I ,J'? �.� �- , � � '���� .�s. . ('��� ���,��...� , �ti.����.i n�_�. �-_�•.- / �� � �� � �` �� � p C F'roject I�a. DWG TITL�: FII� �� i L��� REV'ISI �NS @ GAME RQQM o�—� PRO�E�T: HOLI �AY IRl �J , VAIL, COLOF�ADO ScaPe: Date: Sketch No. ° LIFE SAFETY • FIRE PROTECTION • FIRE ALARM I / �" = I �—�' 9 f 28/03 � Issued for: Revision Date: ���� — �1 BFP� P.o.eox iQ68 Westmfnster, ���ado $0036—,068 303/426-0342 ALLIANCE 1 �/4/07 I r � TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMNiUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD , `� VAIL, CO 81657 ���-�^��� ��=�`�"�`�r'�' � 970-479-2138 � l..:..,� 1, �' S, \�-���-C NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSiTE AT ALL TIMES �-'��A �-'� � ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit # B06-0336 Project# YRJOb-0494 Job Address: 2211 N FR4NTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: HOLIDAY INN iVEW SFA ROOM A�plie� .. . : ll/01/2006 Parcel �io....: 210311421002 Issued . . . : l I/16/20fl6 Expires..�..: OS/1_5/2O07 OWNER DEBIR2 HOLDINGS LLC 11/O1/2006 C/O MA.RVTN F POER & CQMPANY 410 17TH ST STE 173fl DENVER CO 80202 APPLICAN'Z' VANQUISH ENTERPRISES 11/O1/2006 Phone: 970-476-3890 2211 N FRONTAGE RD W VAIL, CO 285 COMMERCE DR. F'I' WASHINGTON, PA 1903� 81657 License: 278-A CONTRACTOR VANQUISH ENTERPRISES 11/01/2Q06 Phone: 970-476-3890 2211 N FRONTP,G� RD W VAIL, CO 285 COMMERCE DR. FT WASIiINGTON, PA 19034 81657 License: 278-A Desciption: CONVERTWG MEETING SPACE TO MASSAt�E ROOM Occupa�acy: R-t Type Construction: Valuation: $18,0OO.�JO Revisian Valuation: $O.OQ Adcl Sq Ft: 0 ***�**�***��*�*��****�:*�e*�x**********���*����**�+**���*��x***�*�*�*�:*� FEE St1MMARY ***���*a:*�*r:��:*r.��****�:*��:���:���*�**���***:�**�*��*�xr*�x��*���: Suilding------� $293.25 Re,maran[Plai�Revoew--> $o_oo Total Calculeted Fees > $486.es PEaei Clieck—� $19�.61. Recreatiun Fee--------------> $0.00 $0.0o Addilioa�al Fees----------> Investi�atinn-> $O.Op TO'PAI.1=EES------------> $486.86 Ta[al Fermit F�e------ > $9&6.86 Will Call > $3.00 Pnymcnts------.....-----------> $486.86 BALANCG DUE----—> $0.00 #*-k�*i*###i*�k�M�k*N��k#�k*##*####'R#�k#�K*�k�k+k�:rt#*k�k#�#*$�."�t#�*�kY,cM�k*k.k*�*#�;*###*�k***ek�k�k�!cl::�;k*.�:**.k#M�k�*�k#**%k*�k+k%kk:k+k*�##�k�h�k**�h�k>k�:*#ic,k##�k;F'#�kTt*s*�k�ii:��:l,�i,s:k�F##*k#�k#'xtA Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILI?ING DEPARTMENT 11/02/2006 jplano Action: DN see comment letter �':\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.CflMMENTS\806-0336\B05-0336.DOC 11/16/2006 jplano Action: AP Item: p5400 PLAt�]TTING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/02/2006 mcgee Action: DN Inadequate detail for review. Resubmit w�th fir� alarm, fire sprinkler, HVAC plan, fl.ame spread details, exit plan and the customary required information. 11/16/2006 McGee Action: AP Appro�red subjct to field inspection. Exiting through exterior courtyard and pool ar�a must be maintained. Gates in fence must be operable from the inside. Snow must be removed to provide clear and unobstructed path to a ublic way. The use of candles is subject to IFC 308 . Copy of IFC 3�8 was provided to applicar�t. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS **��«*��**�����*�***�,���***�**�*�*���*�**��������*��**��:*��*�*�*���**�������:***���*��*�����**�*++*:�*�:*������*�**��*�****�*�*��**��*����:��****��� See the Conditions section r�f this Dc�cument for any cnnditic�ns that may apply ta �his permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap�lication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatic�n as required is cc�rrect. I agree to c�mply with the infarmatio�� and plot plan, to camply with all Te�wn �rdinances and state laws, and tc� build this structure according t� the towns zoning aud si�bdivisi�m codes, design review approved, International Building and l�esidential Codes and other ordinanees of the Town applicahle thereto. REQUESTS FOB INSPF,CTION SHALL BE MADE'i'WEN7'Y-FOi1R HOURS IN AllVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OC�AT OUR OFFICE FRO�t 8:00 A14I-4 Phi. ------ --- . -- - - --� � _ ' � � SIGNATi3RE OF OWNER�JR COIV'�RACT�7R Fc�R HIMS�LF A1�D OWi�EF �#��#�#�**��***�***�*�*��*****#�**�********���***���*&�&�&M*****�*��**������*�*��***�*�****�***������*���* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BOb-0336 as of 11-16-20�b Status: ISSl1ED �����**�**��:*�*�*�x���:��:***�*����*�***����**�:�*�****�:��:�:�**:��������:���**��***��,��**�*******�***�*,���:�:*�** Permit Type: ADD/Ai.T COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 11/Q�/2406 Applicant: VANQUISH ENTERPFi.ISES Issu�d: 11/16I2006 970-476-3890 To ExPire: OS/15/2{}07 .fab Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: HOLIDAY 1NN NEW SPA R�OM Parcel IVo: 210311421002 E7escription: CONVERTING MEET[NG SPACE T4 MASSAGE ROOM �***:��**��**�***�**�:*�***��**��*�:�*�**��***�x�*�Conditians:*�����*�**���**�**��*�*�x:������*����:��:��**�**�*�� Cond: 9 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL I5 REQU[RED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE START�D. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTION5 ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR C�DE COMPLIANCE. I �:�***�***********���***�**�******�*�����*****��������******�**�*��**********�*****�**�**���� I T�WN (�F VAIL, COLORADQ Scateia�ent I ��***���******�**�����***��*+***��**����*****�x���+���***�*�**�����****�****�:*+����*+*****��� Statement Number: R060001991 Amount: $486 .86 11/16/240602:11 PM I Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: �hakta 106 ---�--------------------------�_ I Pe�mat No: BQ6-0336 Type: ADD/ALT CO[�7 BUILD PERMT Parcel Nq; 2103-T14-210a-2 I Site Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL I Location: HOLIDAY INN NEW SPA ROOM Total Fees: $486.86 This Payment: $486.86 Total ALT� Pmts: $486.86 I Balance: $0.00 *******���*+�**+�**+***�:���****��*��*+**����*:u******�******�*�**��******�**���x����*��+*���:�*� ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: I Account Code Description Current Pmts BP 4010000311110� BUILDING PERMIT FEES 293 .25 PF 001001703112300 PLAI3 CHECK FEES 190.61 WC OQ10000311280� WILL CF�LL INSPECTION FEE 3 .J0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I i I . � ' APPLICATION WiLL NOT B�ACCEp7ED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNStC� � � �� l � Project#: � `� Building Permit#: � - v� � � � ' ��'��j "' 970-479-2149(Inspections) ��'����� + TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PER'M!T APPLICATION Separate Permits ars required for electrical, plumbing, rr�echanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. ;'� ������,�;�,�� Vail, Calorado $1657 - l-- COIVTRACTOR INFORMATION ��_' �y �� ` . �'1 aA1� �, �1� ,�(s�1- General Co�tractor. Town of Vaif Reg. No.: Con#act Persan and Phone#'s: '��-3 /(..'C � r iC� - � . . . - � 1-�- Emai1 ad ress: � ;, � '� C<� ���' �,� '. ,���� ��"Rax#: �l �-� - � -� ( �- � �C '�i Contractor Signature: — - ---�_� .__�t��_--, �� ,� .�t�.�' ta-� COMPLETE VALUATiONS FOR BUILDING PERM�T Lalaor 8� Ma#erials BUILDING: $ �,� L,�-� ELECTRICAl�: $ -1 4 •w�>. OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL• $ TOTAL: $ For Parcel# Contact Ea !e Count Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit w►wvv.ea le-counf .com Parcet# - -- � t�a 12 -zz t� t�����h �-�z�;-, -�_��,<� ;7� Jab Name: . �� ,`� Job Address: i � �°, � ��,1:=� ,1 C��� � 1C� 5 � Legal Description Lot: Bfoek: Filing: 5ubdivision: Owners Na • .� Address:. �'hone: ' �c-� �t�� " �ra " d N . 'Frlotv� �C (1c� �t���� �_��� Archi#ecVQ,esigne�� Address: !>�� t�u� r; .����� Phone: ,-- � , �--K- -� c C c1 ` I Cr z 1 ,�� .. 1���-�- Engineer: t,�` (� Address: Phone: Detailed descriptian of woek: �_C>il�•�Z{��d}C ( ' � � r � '. C O t 1C�S��-IL.Cr �Z�i1'1 �,' lflC rj � �. ,� �t�' ,I lXtr)1t�cf Work Glass: New( j Addition � ) Remodel Repair O Demo{ ) Other O Work Type: Interior Ex#erior O Both O Does an �HU exist at this location: Yes ( } No O `fype ot Bldg.: Single-family{ ) Two-farr3ily( ) Multi-family( } Corremercial ) Restaurant( j Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in #his building: No1T e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s WoodlPellet Wood Burnin Na/7 e af Fire laees Pro osed: Gas Ap liances Gas Lo s WoodlPellet Wood Burnin NOT ALLOWED boes a Fire Aiarm Exist: Yes ( j No O Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes O No O "'�''`�`�'"`'` FOR 4FFICE USE ONLY Ty�e of Construction: Date Received: Occupancy Group: Acce�ted By: (- �I_ ���4' � F:\cdev\FORMS1,Permits\Buolding'�buiOding_p�ermit.DOC Page 1 of 16 OZ/09/2005 .,, . . � - ' �. . ' � 4 • ,� � . r- � ... ' ' . • • 4J l� � . I ,?�4 � w� . � � � Questians? Call the Buiiding Team at 479-2325 � . ����JF�A�L + Building Permit Submiital Checklist Department of Community Developrr�ent Pro�ect Name: -- ��.�L?—��a �'�� ���.�Z� (�`1 -� 1�Z�l.� �� ����( ��t- �-? 1�-� Project Address: --�-��,� �ji'�,���-� ��� ��"1��C� (�;����� C{<_ ��'t='� 'v� �k��� �_��' u 1(C� -�- + ✓ Tl�is Checklist must be com Ieted before a Buildin Permit a Iication is accepted. ❑ All pages of ap�lication is comple'te �a� �-ias DRB appraval obtained (if r�quired) Provide a copy flf approval form � Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects vafued over$100,�300.00 (see aktached fee schedule) . ,�' Complete site plan subrraitted � Public Way Permit application anciuded if applicable (refee to P�blic Wocks checklist) � Staging p�an included (refer ta Public Works checklist) No dumoster,uarkina or mater�al staraAe allowed on roadwa s and shoulders without written a rovat � Asbestos test and resuits submitted if demolition is occurring o �, Architect stara�p and signature (All Commerc4al and Multi farrS7y) -� � ----. .j o ` Full floor p6ans including building sections and elevaki�fist3 sets for remodely;4 sets of plans for SF�t and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Comm��in9,s}--" � Window door schedul� � Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) � 5truckural Engineer stamp and signature on structural �lans (All Commercial and Multi Family) "�Soils Report rnust be submitted prior to footing inspection , Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated ,i' o�smoke�detectors shown ort plans <<� � T�pes and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: � �t- . '�I'v p�i�.'(���-_ _�--� ,� � ►�`�3 �'��� .. Date of submittal: Received By: F:�cdev�FQRMS\Permits\Building\building�ermit.DOC Page 2 of 16 02/04/2005 �� , �. � . ����'"�� � PLAN CHECK FEES TABLE Department of Community Dev�lopment Building Safety and Inspectian 5ervices 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2i38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Plan checic f�es are requ�red for prajects with a valuation over $iQ0,000, at the time of Building permit s�sbmittal. Please use ti�e table below ta caiculate your plan check fee total. $10�,OQ0-$150,000 Multiply by .a0�5 of Valuation Total $150,001-$250,000 Multiply by .005 of Valuation Total $250,001-$400,000 Multiply by .0045 afi Valuation Total $401,004-$750,000 Multipfy by .004 of Valuation Total �750,001-$1,00�,000 Multiply by .0035 of Valuation Tatal Valuations over $1,000,000 will be calculated by the Town of Vail Buildi�g Department. If you have any further questions, �lease contact the Town of Vail Building Department at 970-479-2128. F:�cdev�FORMS�Permits�BuiEding�lsuilding�ermit.DOC Page 3 of 16 42/09/2005 � • � . � �ow�oF v� � ASBESTOS TESTING REQUIREMENTS TFiE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT�F PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBFSTOS T�STING A�JY TIME WNEN MORE THAN 1b� S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURB�D OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT�S REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLiCATION FOR AL� REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING AfJY D�M�LITION QR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN A5BE5TOS. SUILDINGS CON5TRUCTED AFTE�t OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE N� ASBESTOS C�NTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST B� 5UBMITT�D INITH YO�JR BUI�DING PERMIT Ai�PLICATION • I have incCuded the asbestos test and report with my building permit application I ap�licant signature date OR • I certify my project will not disturb or remove mare than 1b0 s.f. of buiEding material. The constr�ction plans submitt�d with my application clearly indicate this informatian. (This wisl be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found ta be inaccurate) � ---� _�- ;, ;a� � _�� �.,��� ��- - 1-�Cc� a�piir�n�signat�re ` - _ - date OR • The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original constructian date applicant signature date F:\cdevl,FORMS�Permits\Building\building_,permit.DOC Page 9 af 16 , �2/09/2�05 � - � ������ � BUIl.DING PERMxT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Tawn of Vaii Fire Department A�proval, Engineer's (Public Warks) review and approval, a Planning De�artmen� review or Health Department review, a�d a review by the Building pepartment, the estimated time for a tatal review wili take as fong as three (3) weeks, All cammercial (large or smal�) and all multi-family permits will hav� ta follow the above mer�tioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal� projects should take a lesser amour�t of time. Hawever, if resider��i�l or smaller projects impact the �arious a�ove mentioned departm�nts wit� regard to necessary review, t�ese prajects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Eve attem t will be made b this de artment to ex edite h's erm't n ry p y p p t i p i as soo as possible. I, the undersigned, ur�derstand the !an check rocedure and time frame. I also understand that if the ermit p p P is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the pian check fee and that if I fail to do so it may afFect future permits that I a�ply for. Agreed to by: ` Prin� name Signature Froject Name: T _ ,_ . . Date: F:�ulev�FORMS\Perm+ts�Building�building�ermit.DOC Page 5 of 16 02/Q9/2045 ,�: ' � ����� � DepartmentofCommunity Dev�lopment Bui/ding Safety and Insp�ciion Senrrces 75 Sauth Frontage Road �ai/, Co/orado 81657 970-479-7.t38 F.4X 970-479-2952 www.vailgov.mm ' I DIN AF ND N PE ERi/I E P REVIEW N : TO: Contractor/A�alicant Architect Vanquish Enterprises None proj# FAX/Email #: p,.,bhakta@apexvail.com —47fi-6089 NUMBER OF PAGES: 2 FR4M: 3ohr� Plano, Building Plans Examiner DATE: 11/02/2405 BUILDING PERMIT#: 506-0335 OWNERS NAM�: Holiday Inn SITE ADDRESS: 211 N, Frontage Road �CCUPANCY GROUP: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUI�.DING AREA: The doc�ments submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 20U3 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanicaf Code, 2003 intemational Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2002 Idatianal Electrica[ Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Tihe following aomrr�ents wi//need t�v be addressad prior�a issuanae of a 6uilding permit: For pracessing.. . Please submit fo r com lete sets af revised construction cuments containin the re uested informatian with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise id�ntified. • P�ease respond in writir�a to each comment by markt�4 the attached Nst or creating a�es�onse letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail. s�ecification, or calculation shows the requ�sted information�, Please send revis�ons to the attention of the�lar�s examiner with the buildin4 ,permit ap..nlication number noted. • Please be sure to in lude an the resub ittal the en ineer's r architect's"wet"stam si nature registration number and date on the caver �age of any struc��ral calculations I structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv projects�ll sheets of the nlans must be stamped. b uilding Deuartment Comments: 1 Provide architect stamped drawings. 2 Indicate the Type af Construction on the plans. 3 Show compliance to I8C Section 603 for the new partitions. 4 Provide the f�ame spread rating for the curtain doors. 5 Provide details on the plans how the new partitions are supported. 6 Resubmit with fire alarm, fire sprinkler, HVAC plan, flam� spread details, exit plan and the customary required information. Please refer to the aover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. in arder to avoid delays in issuance of a permit,please check�requested infannation is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit re�ised pla�s as a canplete set. Partlal plan resubntittals wlll not be reyiewed. ]ohn Plano I,C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.214U jplano@vailgov.com F:lcdevlCH RTS\PERM IT.COM ME NT51g06-0336\806-0336.DOC ` �}�� �j�����on II, AIA ARCHi"I'EC'�URE � C(�NS'�'RIiCTtOI'�' MANAGGM ��NT LETTER OF C�MMUN�CAT�ON `---- Date: November 9, 2006 �o. g�X szzs Ea�lc., ��_ 81631 970_32$_1155 Ptac�aefFux To: John Plano, Building Pians Examir�er 97V-390_5339 Celi s�g�vail.net Emn�il Tawn of Vail www_sigdctiigr�_cvm Department o#'Corrimunity Development Building Safety and Inspection Services � _� Re: Vanquish Enterprises B06-0336 �� �� REMARKS: �p � �v� occvr�rcY�ROUr; R-i � TYPE QF CONSTRUCTIO�: �,pe I/g � NUMBER�F 8TORIEB: 1 BUILDING ARF.A: 615sf(F,�cisting Meeting Room = 24'1�"a 24'-8") � �XIBTTNC OCCUPANI'LOAD: 41 (Aaaembly without fi�ed seats/Unconcentrated = 15 �iet] PR.OPOSED �CCUPAN"i'LOA�: 7 (Inatitutional Areas/Outgatieat = IUO Gross� Enclosed: __-_ Revised "Progased Spa Treatment Area" Fl�n `j�ef2-�,`� �.�'�iC��, Wood Partition Deta�l T�}►p. Door Detail �s�'"``r QE�„ r� EB����Thon$h E�dsting Hotel Corxidor "Flamc Stop II" Spee Sheet 1. Provided 4 eets of"Wet" Stamped submittais per re st. �-������ � ����- 2. Per cletaiIs pravided. �f(� /'?�.`�� f�c�z�c�."►.S� 3. Per Wood Partitioa Detail. �'"�J 4. Revlsed to Wood Doors (per Typ. Door Detail) 6. Per WaQd PartitiQa Detail. _____-- _ �- 6. Deie to the opea aature af the part�tion spatem no changes are required for the F�re Alarna, Flre Sprytitkler, and HVAC. Flame Spread and Eidt P1aa are enclosed. Other customary required informatian eaclosed. Pleaae call if you l�ave aay add3tional qnestions or con qpp�pV ED �' Communiry Developm�nt Department _ _ �1�O��r� � Building Safety and Inspection Services - � __ - - �--- .� Bjorasoa II - .—`"---- Sectie:. � _ 4 rQ�� lntematlonal Bullding Code/tnternattonal Resi�'.,:�.i�� Ccd�Vcli�;'y af permlt The issuance or gcanting of a perr�.��� _' ��� �F �Q�C�}� not bc�-:-�°�;;ed to be a perrnit for,o:an approval oi, any vic9c;;:;-�cf any cf 1;,.;::,�t�i;ions of this code or of eny otMer ordinanca of thc � juris�ic:;.: :'�;mits presumErsg to give authority to violate or cance!thQ � � � +. � provic:;; ,.;�.,..;code or otherortiinan�s of the jurisdictian shafl not be , k,., vefid. � : `���-.^.c:;of a perrr�it tiased on construction doc�rtzents and � ,,�„ �'• other c�.....::-'I r.c;provent the building afiECial irem requirir�g the '``�` �. correcti.:,� . .--���i;7 t�ie construction documents and other data.'�he , f�6" �,�� buildin�c;`:.,,.�I:>�:!�o �uthorized to prevent occu,pancy or use of a y�,A ��w structur�y-:;�::c i ti �;;;�:io f is de pr a!a�y other ordinances of �p��G� this juris�ic:cn. PLANS�.XAMINER: DATE: !I-t6-� ����� �.�.�; .� �,: �"�:, �ar. ���� �'''�` _ ��.��, ?r. ;.,,,�.�,�.7..�:,�.� +�, . . �f'`:,1'� +�_ °�.. _ . ... , .. � . I � . . . . 5� A ' � .�(,: �..i�... ... ... � � . ' 'f _ ' r'rw . . ,.s.. ' a �.�� � ii . . , '1 . ♦ � .�� � 1,.. . t:.l �ir'L_n_. . � � � �• ��R ' . _..,'r :#?^f: " , '�. :';,�.,'`y 1, . ' � .. .e.�i`. .. � � . ' . � �. .. ' � .�. ,.. � . '� . F . . . .. ' . . ... ^�r. ... ; C .. �t . . . . �i � . . . . � ! .. . � . . � , . �t y � � ' , ' ., •- . ' �� ti�� . . � - ,�ti .... +'�� �4� ':'..'.1 � •J�*rr � . •/ �f':' Y• y. , ,4 C� GENERAL NOTES: fG Z.RETA3N EX�STING SUSPENDED CEIL�NG. REMOVE � EX�ST{NG LIGNTING. PAINT FLAT BL4CK pR dARK � �OLOR PER(]WNER. U? �B,J � 2.RETA{�f AND PROTECT EXlSTING CARPET iN EACH ROOM. 3. REMO'VE CARPET AT ACCENT HALL AND REPLACE /' � WITH fVEW MATERI/1L PER OWNER. �y ����U'� `,��Gr� 4.ALL EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN. SFD AR 10'-6�• 4'-3�� 9'-10�, � RECESSED 6"CAN L1GMT � �160VE � . . "ROOM" j �`° 'r-�n � �- r� i 7T'v� i � pp "ROOM" WALL PARTITIONS �2 , "DWARF PINE FENCE" ^� 6°x 75'ROLLS CUT � I f SUSREND Q B'�"AFF � ALLdW 18"MIN.@ TO � '~ I 5 1/2"x 1/2"WOOD StJPPORT � COL MN ANCHORED cLD O F OR AhlD GEILING ...�pp � WALL PARTITiONS ° N "DWA�ftF PINE FENC�" "ROOM" � " � 8'x 15'ROLLS CUT ' u7b0 .ipp � J W SUSPEND @ 6'-6"AFF M rn � J H ALLOIJV 18"MIN. TOP OD Uc? � f _ � - � PAR71T}ON I = ' DETAfI tY ('� � o� ' 1 , � P.D�QR � ■�� "x 80" �° 7 WOOD OLiD CORE ~ � L � '.ROOM" �� � u7 i • . �� 1 � � � � "�tOOM" NDtVI SCON E w � M '" DIMM R � � 5 HAL ,pp ap S�IHIT H �� �ACH R OM ��T '�p CLiOSE THIS LEAF � -0R- ""' REMQVE 8 FILL ;�. w!METAI�STUDS I 8�5J8°GWB EGRE EXIT � s enclosed E r� Pat hro h E tin Hatel Corridar ontinuatio _ ._�� _ _,._� EXISTING OTEL CQRRIDOR P P�SED SPA TREATME A A SCALE: 1/4"= 1'—a" ',-;'s:;� .�-;:`�, . .�`. '.�' `.,, ..°,� 4 P �r' i , . , , . .` ��,� .� _ _ , � ± i � � ; " `l " ,',�; y .W..� .r.,lrr� + ; ' ^ � .� .�,a -+ .�. I I ' . �o� �a� � �� /' o `� �' �►o w� ut�-� ' .� ,; �. � {r ��, , ��.� ��J . `i ���� ���� I 9•_81, � EXISTING CONC. CEILINGIFL�70R 4x4x3/ STL. ANGL w/ 1/2" BO TS/ NOTCH OL. EXfS ING SUSP NDED CEILi G . 2x6 WQOD 70P CAP' w � i � �, i � Z � ° ° ° o o a � ._1 ,�J Q J U � O " C� ;�v O Z _.. � � � `o N X in t- � � X N � T � q q o � 0 O R ,� 3 1/2" X 4" WOOD CORBELS • {2} V'VOQD FRAME/ 1/4" B�LTS @ 24" � � � � , � 4x4x3/8 STL. ANGLE w/ 1/2" BOLTS/ NOTCH COL. 1 x61�NOOD BASE � D P A R T ! T I C� I SCAL.E: 1/2" = 1'-4" r` ���.,°M�`"C',�'''� ' f .. � 'p . �`� �.�1� �4.,r I �t ., . . ,..,.. .. ;` � . r i , : ;iti 'c. , ., _: . , x _ F�: I , �o� co �� � ti � G dR C . f. `� �./ !. ���Cp SFD ARG�` ��-o' 3'-Q• O N 0 0 � � � R: � � a � 36" 0" SOLID � t? CORE RE-HUN J C� � TRIM w/ 4 v O SIDES � � 1 X6 TOp O � . N � N ap � � � t � r' `fl X x I � N e— � � � L[� � o �y 'O N � � � . � � � E T �I L SCALE: 1/2�� = ��-0�+ „ ,.._ , . ��`�lii��"� �� , : ..j ,F” '' R� ' r .'�' _ �l.,.�,I� `��'r� ';. � � ° ,,.o .,, . . ,'•�-"° '` �+ � . � ' ' t r � F �� + x • > �" +. �' .. <Y. , .�.'f k•,:�;��',,�^^... , ... ""���," �� ' \��y . .. y�Alr;fI/ H J K L Y N � �_�_ YEST. ��� r�"i� `� EI�CTRIGL E.EASE � _;� EqU�IEP�R001A ���� � 1 17Q aq.ft 1� �_`= SUNIPER � � � — �. e. _.!=� � � � _ El�ll. VEST. ..;ro����, �- `-- i�� �� �� �— _� �,a ta�tn,�e (� �� � 1 � NQUwA � I�IE � °Q'�' LOUN(� AREA � 2638sq.ft YESf � RLPOOL KfTCk1 � � FOYQ2 ('� IQiCF IETI ` � I ■ 0 1MEST SiDE CAFE 3692 sq.ft. � � BALLROO�1 SPACE � 2397 sq.ft � SYPIMMFNG POOL � � � � � .-1� / _ � ���$ 3728 EG RESS T ` `Q.� THRQUGH E STING H�TEL COR DUR - .�°� GO .� ��` �� , '���" �� �E, ^ 3. l�"'at��i'.! �f"7� � � �UpLI C (�.A��F � � � 4� %l-/���'" f� �� �oCU� �,�-�� .2� r:� 1 r :��\�.• h�y�� �� "r:�j:��y�: ��. x., _` ��...- '*.� . .+�����.y�� , � .�r� . A .,,J '� • t•-• `1 , , ' � '. '� . ' . r. ._�� .,� - . . --.... .� u�r 4 LJV.�/ t.nm�1 18173440�77 From:David Flanagan ' A PRODUCT � ��` CDNTAC�'INF�RMA7'IO_�� nA�� �M� �T�P �H�. 1-s��-���-�sb� SHEET �vww.N'LAMESTOP,cor�� g24 BLl1E MOUND RD. FT: W ORTN,TJ�(7613I E-MAiL; inf�rrmestap.cont $!7 306-1222 FAX 817-306-1733 CAENTiCALN,4t�: . TESTED BY.• FLAME ST(��' II� ��� u.s. rESr�nrc eon��,�►vYinrc., �_,�v, OMEGA P4lNT LABORATC?R/ES DFSCRI�TION; Plame Stop II is a pe�st-trestment ezteriorroterior fire retardxnt and preservative.This Technic�I Support prochtct driea clear.1��lien�sed un Pot�oua�v,o�db su�h as rjou�ias fir or Pine�itwill provide a dssi A rating_Fl�ms Stop II peneh-ates crood a�d bacomes pgrt of it's moleeular structure ne�.�:i,khc product aloses wood pores makingthem insalabie to w�ter thcrcfore if can be s�.�id �.$�+ l�ro� tinat tl�is prodtect is a wotxl preservstive.Tlus product contains FZt Polt mea's ti�at will pA•otect the fire rs�rdaut frum exterynr weather for up to 10 years and a miiumum uf 5.1k�hen the �'�FP1'�'�°�' 9�S lbx. treated nsaierial es subj�cttd tu a:s opeu flanie,[k�e retardaitk will pytaIitically sel�cstiug��ie� fire with minimarn smoke.Flame Stop TT is completely non-toxic,non-hezarclaus And eRSy '4�^�PH: �0 ta apply. B:astC ��SES: c°�•: ��,��� Flartie Stap lT shot�ld l�e used for�cGeriorlinterior applicat'r�r��y�li as; rtaost porous wood�, ,`��,.��; �� cedsr ahake shingles for presenvatSve and 6rr recard�nt. ADV�AIYTA�ES: BaclerireL- �w�rlrexiaGrace C:Ixss A oae coat system.25 ilameapread 2g unoke deveEoped.Since Flune 5to}�II pen- etratcs and heconics part of the substrate,the!ife af the fi�re retarda��cy is indefinite if �'LS�us; g„�resArunee interior,if exterior�ve r�co�iunend re-trea�nent afte, 5 years.Flam�5top II is nser-frirn d ly, waler�based and non-toxic.This produet dries clear an�i rnay E�coated�vith most iate:� VoJ��: �u� caatings vr la#ejc staiiis ait�tlSe Erroc}uct lias curtd for a minimum of 24 lteurs_Humidity,ra�ii and moisntre is not an issue a'fler Flame Stop If has cured 3nd if a�splied prope�-ly due to�l's unique perlytncr bonti for:�t utcletinitc time i��tediur and a minimtun of 5 years exteriar.Most Tu'.e' nU fire t etardants d�at are thic�paints wij�deteciorate ovcr tinae becausc tl�ey do not 6ccome part ot the w�oc3_This proda:,t w�'ri!nat alter fhe structur�!integrity of the a+ood like pressure 'B��'��'�'� .��4 trestment does.Flame Sinp Q is often chnsen because it is nou-tnxic,dcies clear,ensy(spray, brush ur rall j applicatiun�nd'es an escelleni wuod preservntive. CorrnsirG �xtWJy�arrras��e op LTNrr•r�►TroNS: ���� Uo not dikete. Stonge Range:I10�egtrts F,w 45 deg�ea F She!!L3fe:i ye7u•ii kept wiihie stmrage ttmperahura. !�1°�Sbr>nkrrgZe: Nrmc We su�est a sn�ali co�npstability tesL 11(oisture contrnE should be S°/M.19"/o before freahnem. Woods that haue x lawr n�oiatorc canrr�ent may n�d co be crex[ed tirith x hemier cey�ra�e, lnsectx,�Rrxl�ats APPLiCASLC ST�,NDARDS; ""d"""� �'r�'u F7ame Stop ll hza het.n teated to�1we fallmrin�standaitils: Resirtanre ASTM F-84,N�PA�55,L;L 7E3.U.S.Tesdng iiLA 62466,(?megp Point l.abpratoriet�74�lUB.S78 C:alif'ortua Registraaun t!('-144Ql,L.AAppraval,RR►f35424 C5i tfQ996D APPLiCAT10N. �'Isme Sfop li thoald be ap�E�d us fs 6y aprayii��or immereing,Ust�mv pressun tpray equipment,b�vsh or roll.Appiy at the rate o!'t L5 squ�re Peet per�,y11on.ff'sprxying in a yartita�sorfit[swhere runotTSOald oca�,rnutpple applicatiarrs arE aHVwed,wnyt untit ttk fint cnat 6ac paEe�rated jl-2 bure.)and be�iirt aett appliution.Qne toat ia cansidrred a Z4 ho�r eone Period,the od,v�e fhat meilCEple co:t�pna�be r�quirM is at1 vm�,a thnt 6ave a atasfetre contrnt bclaw 8°/v ar if ninatT ie an es6ue.To o6tun a dssa A rsfiog tbe r��ti��e torriage rate ot Il5 squar�e feet per gallmn muar be xpplied to woad wiEfh no runoff. +�"""rt,jier b°erurnent a 24 J�uur rnrrr#iGinnin�,r�esi�xt ie r�ecr.c,sary h�jnre t��ti,n,�•***• FLr,MESPREAD 25 f1ND SMDKE UEVF..LOPED 25 'V'1'ARRAN'�'Y: 'lLisp�t�1tu.i is so��l cm wndiliw thnt thc uscr scill eveivate 1�to�ietc�ute�xir suitabilit}`.'w his}r�r�.+c�e.Nlmun SLoF•.EnC.cnuterit9 tLet cec:Zt�4ltaUty ai F']� Stop II;rill bc Iha kind c;cs-ignated nnd&ce af de�ec[s and n.,o�a�sammfF is irsnliul since�rc hrve nu wnwl uti-a thc a�p2��yticai. K:2i1411 RLA�NE S7Y1P,1NC. r+q�mduetlnn wi�nle or�p part b�ecpr�pere�i�,�(nn an14. ` , I . a ' 12-12-2 - - ' Q4� Inspection Request Re porting Page 37 4:11. Arrb Vail, CO - City�f _ ', � Requested Inspect Date: INednesday, Qecember 13,20D6 ' Inspectiort Area: JP ' Site Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL �I HOLIDAY INN NEW SPA ROOM I A1PlD Information I Activity: 606-0336 Type: A-COMM Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Canst Type: �ccupancy: Use: lnsp Area: JP I Owner: DEBIR2 HOLDINGS LLC Applicant: VANQUISH ENTERPRISES Phone: 970-476-3$90 Contractor: VANQUISH ENl"E�PRISES Phorre: 970-476-3890 �escnption: CONVERTING MEETIf�G SPACE TO MASSAGE ROOM I Comment: ROUTED TO THURSDAY MEETING-JSUTHER , Comment: corrections required-bin#A1 -JPLAN� �i Requested lnspection{s1 I ltem: 90 BLDG-Finaf F2equested Time: 08:U0 A�VI �i Reguestor: VANQUISM ENTERPRISES Phone: 476-2739 Comments: will call 476-2739 �, Assigned To: GDENCKLA Entered By: �GOLDEN K I Action: Time�xp: , �I � Insqection Historv � � Item: 501 PW-Temp.accessldrainage ', Item: 1Q BLDGFootingslSteel i I Item: 20 BL�G-Foue�dation/Steel � It�:m: 30 BLDGFraming a ;' ' �, Item: 50 BLDG-Insulation ,��_,�.,�>�, — Item: 6a BL.QGSheetrock Nafl �- �I Item: 7t} BLDG-Misc. �'�' , Item. 90 BLDG-Final Item: 532 PW-TEMP. CIO I Item: 533 PLAN-TEMP. CIO �� I#em: 530 BLDG-Temp. C/O Item: 539 PW-FINAL C!O Item: 537 PLAN-FINAL CIO , I#♦em: 538 FIRE-FINAL CIO ' IlClll. JYU �LDG-Flflal ClO I II � I , I f I' �� I �v � �, ��� '� I �� �. � .� � � ., ��� � -�� ��� ', � 4 �,� � P_._._.- � I _._ _ __ _ . II R�PT131 Run I�d: 6097 � 4 � � t � �o�voFV� � Departmenr of Community Develv�menr 75 South Frantage Roud Vaif, Colarado 81657 JT�-479 2138 F�4.Y 970-479-245� wurr�;vailgou com January 8, 2007 Ms. Vanessa King Zoning-lnfa 570 East Memorial Road, Ste. D-1 Oklahoma City, OK 73114 Re; Holiday fnn Apex Vail, 2211 N. Frontage Rd. Dear Ms. King, Per yovr request for copies of Certif�cates of Occupancy, dated January 2, 2007, our staff fo�ncf th� following TCa's issued by Eagle Gounty for the ariginal eonstruction permit number 't598 issued December 12, 1979. 1) listed for the second and third floors and labby only; 2) for the �lewstand onfy; 3)fc�r the faurth floor flnly; and 4) stating th� building meets the handicap requirements c�f the Unifarm Building Code. The CO is for a 2003 interior renovation. We did not find in v�r files a CO for the new constructian of this lacation. If y�u have additional questions do not hesitate to cc�ntact me ar Lynne C�mpbell. Sin ely, Charf6e Davis/lc Enciosures: 4 TCO's; 9 CO ��� RECYC'lPD PAP£R . � . � zon�n�-,r ;o �:J Based �pon our records for Project located at: 2211 N Frontage Rd A valid final certificate of occupancy has been issued and is in e�fect. A valid final certificate of occupancy has been issued and is now outstanding fvr the Project. Certificates of Occupancy for projects canstructed prior to the year are no Ionger on file with this office. The Project was constructed in . The absence of a cer�ificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise ta any e�fc�rcement actian ai#ecting the Project. A certificat� of occupancy fa�the P�oject will only be required to tf�e eactent of any construction activity (such as either restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof}. We are unable to iocate a certificate of occupancy for the Project from caur records. We have eviclenc� in aur records, however, that one was issued ar�d has b�en subsequently lost or m�sQlac�d. The absence of a certificate of vccupancy for the PrQject will not give eise ta any enforcement actian affecting the Project, A certificafe of occupancy for the Projec�will only be required to the e�ent of any construction activity either restoring, renova#ing or exparrding the Project or any part fhereof. Other Please cal� the undersigned at if you have any questions. By: Date: Printed Name: Title: (Title af Government O�icial) site number: 11104 q���������� , Wy�,�� ;�i ,, ��a�`^�� r� 'a . .. . � . ..� �';�;: '���{^��'.�",: � � . h:„ �„ .` , �'Sr�'i �.� ' �� �� .��'� � �'^�P ;' �� � � �1 � �f�'+� ��1 � _ { � � � k �s � r i�'�� � � 1 u�y�i ,'K3`+�. �.� . �� � �,,, ;Fr :l 4 9� r ,�, � � Z�n���-3�N_5�=,".�: Jan 2, 20Q7 Attn: Vail, CO Gertificates of Occupar�cy for: Holiday Inn Apex Vaii 2211 N �rontage Rd Please find this �o be a formal request for copies of Certi�cates af Occupancy for the above stated property. Qur deadline for this information Rs December 12, 20D6. Piease fax the infarmation ta 405-528-4878 and mail the copies to our office at PO Box 5528 - Edmond, OK 73�83-5528. It you requir� any additional information, please feel free to cantact me at 4Q5-525-�998. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sineerely, Vanessa King Research Specialist site nwnbee: 11104 . „ . . , _ - - � P � r _ � Certi�icate �f Occupancy � � � �." ` County af �agl� pepartment of Planni�rg and Uev�la�ment '�"� Bui�ding Division ���� Ti1i�s certif�cafie issu�d pursuant to the require�rents of sectiorr 3C}o of the Uni�orm B�ilding Gode eertifying th�t at the tirne of �ssuance this structure was in cor�p� i�nce ti•:ith tne vat°iaus reso�iitiorrs o` the cc�unty re�ulating b�ild�ng con5truction o�- use � for the fol l�ti�ri ng: � � NA��E Inn at West Vai 1 ' Use Classificat�on Matel � GrouP R-� Buildan� Permit 1�10. 150Q Type Construction II N �ire Zone 3 llse Zone Ct O��yner af 6ui 1 di ng Craddock� DevPl o mei�t Com an � Bu�ldi�g AddreSS I-70 Service� Rba� and� Chamc�r�ix� Road � Building Offic�al - �� Date f���—'���� .� .�, �_'J � • PLEASE NOTE: Temporary Certificate of Occupan�y is for second an�l third flaors and lobby �' of motel only. �-��` � � , i , � - II� R I � � I • 1 � - ; �� ,�� �, I -- ---- - . - , � ; . . � . - , 1 - I � _ . _ —_' L_ _ "' . 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Owner of 6uilding Craddock Qevelopment Eompany Building Address 2211 Nor�h Fror�taqe �oad , Vai1 , Colorada 81657 _ _ f Building Officia7_. � � � ' � . - � �a'te����h.���,�� � --���'�r3 . I . � _ - �,� � � - ' TEMPORARY Certificate of Occupancy County of �agle Department of Alanning and Qevelo,�ment Building Divasion This certi�'icate i5su�d pur�uant tn the requirement5 of 5ect�nn 3�6 of the Un�form Building Code certifying that at the time of i�suance this structure was in com�liar�ce with the various resfllutian5 of the county regulatir�g building construction or use for the fa�lowing: NAME �, Use Classificat�on M te Group R-1 �uildzng Permit No� 1,�pp "fype Construct3on TI {� __ Fire �one 3 Use Zone C�� Owner of Suilding � d ment Cam an Building Address I-7 Service Raad and Chamonix Road Building Official Date �f--� —��'� NOTE; This 7emporary C.O. is being issued for the fourth floor only. The Inn at �dest Vail meets t1�e handicap requiremen�s of the Uniform Bu�lding Code of 197G. � � � - ,� � , �v^ � � . ;::°:: :z-' �z- �-� _.�;� , T�t�1PORARY _. y:_. - Certificate of OccupancY CoUnty of Eagle ��". ��� Department of Planning and Developrnent �=�'�- Building ��vision �h�s ce rtificate issued pursuant to the reguirements of SecSto���fl6e�was�inUcompl�iance 3uilding Code certifyinq ' that at the time of i5suan�e t is rvi�f� th� various resolutions vf the county reguiating buZlding construction or use sor tf�e fQllo��ring: tlAt•�E nn at 1�est Vai 1 Phase I ; U�e �lassification Mot 1 Gro�p R-1 �. Building Perrnit Na. 1540 Typ� Construction II f� Fire Zane 3 U5e Zone �t _ Q�,�ner af Su i 1 di ng Cradd k De �el a ment om an Buzlding Address I�7'0 Serv�te Road and hamon� Road ` j 6uilding Official flate ��/���� The Inn at t�lest Va�l Phase I meets the hand�cap requirements of �he Uniform Build�ng Code. _. _ -- — . _ -- - . . . . __ . - , .... : . . , . _ . . _ . .. _. .._. , • � �__ . . , ... n Y,_:w � �U.� ���tl S I�� ri jA .... '�MNiK� a,FriY::_ �vlr'. ' _ .v�`.:u��'• ��� �^�I � � ��� f�� ���! �� �( I� S(4i� 41 � {�l viji � R�� r-�>�S �� '' V �� �� � C 1 7 J � 5 Y � � l \ 1 l�S�G ! d /, i. � tii >. �t, ? C �,1 �r ,F'��i xSy.N�ru �' ✓a� y v��J r�� 1 �iy � r r Ri1 � • 4 � ��\ �` I1Jr '�I � �, �� t� :. 1� 1 A` Z�1�� � `) i r . � 1.4 ! 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TOWN�F VAIL ' Departmerit v��Community Dcvela�ment 75 Sacith Frontu�e Rvad L'�il, Colorudo 81657 970-479-213�' FAX 970-479-2�52 www.vailgorr.com �Jovember 21, 2006 8arclays Capital 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 1�0166 Re: Holoday !nn Apex Vail 2211 North Frontage Road/Lot 1 and a portion of Tract C, Vail das Scho�e �ilings � and 3 Dear Ms. King, Thank you for yaur request for zoning verification regarding the referenc�d property. The Town of Vail has researched the matters below in response to your reguest. �. What is the current zoning of the property? Is it part of a Planned Developrnent? According to the Official Zaning Map of the Town of Vail, the property is zoned"Cammercial Core 3"(CG3) and is not parf of a Planned Unit De v�lopment. 2. Are there ar�y overlay districts? No "disfricts°or overlay zoning exist. 3. Is this property a permitted use in this district? The Holiday Inn (a `7odge'7 is a permitted use within the distrrct. 4. �id the property receive site plan approval, and if so, can yQU provide a copy? Th�property recerver!approval of its masf recent renovations in 2000 from the appropriate reviewr`ng bodies wifhin fhe 7`awn. A site plan was+ncluded wit1�that renovation request anrl has beerr enclosed in reduced format for your reference. 5. What are the abutting zone districts? The property is bounded to the norfh by the l`wo-Famify Primary/Secondary Districf, fo the east by the Commercial Core 3 District, to the south by Che 1-70 right-of-way(zoRing not destgnated) and to fhe west by the Heavy Service District. 6. Are there any o�fstanding buifdsng ar zoning violations on file? Research of the �les indicated no current violations. However, the dwelling units within the building are viewed as lega!non-conformrng uses by the Town of Vail. ��� rrccrcrcnP,+�ee . � ' � . 7. Were any variances or special permits issued? No variances have been issued far the use which currently exists on the sife. 8. Was there a certificate of occup.ancy issued and if so, may we obtain a copy of it? If copies are unobtainable, please state why and whetner or not it is a violation. The Town's compufer files indicate that a final eerti�cate of occupancy was issued by the Town of Vail Building Department in September of 2004 for fhe complefe scope of work related fo the inferior renovafion • Piease call with any further questions or concerns regarding this property. Best Regards, ' �—�--�Q-r--� t��-F--�.--�� George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail , 970.479.2145 �.,_m�_,.. _ ._._.. ... . . ,,..� _„ .,,�..�-.�-��-,�.-�----.. --�-----�-�-�.,�----.--T.-�.--�..��..---- _ ` . , � � '� � � � � � v L � - v � ��` �. , � � U ; � L 4� � N +� .� � n. 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We are i rasearching these matters for a zoning compllanes repo�t. P#ease incorporate the answers to the following questions ln a letter on Vail letferhead. �' �I �� 1. What Is the current zone of the pr�perty? Is it a part of a Planned Development? ; 2. Are thcrc any over[ay districts? ' 3. Is this property a permitted use in tiiis district? j 4. Dld the property receive site plan approval, and if so, can you pravide a copy? � 5. What are the abutting zonkng districts? 6. Are there any outstanding building or zoning viclations on file? 7. Were any variances or special permits issued? � $. Was a cert'rficate of occupancy issued and if so, may we obtain a capy af it? If copies are unobtainable, please state why and whether or not It Is a violatlon. i Rle�&e addr�s$the letter to: Please return the letter to: Barclays Capital Zo�ing Info, Inc. j 20� Park Avenue F'O Box 5528 � New York, NY 1Q166 Edmond, OK 73Q83-5528 i Phone: 4d5-525-2998 � Fax:405-528-4878 + � a ' � Vane s Ki � Research S cialist ; vking@zoning-info.com ; � , � I �j#�'�'c � �. � �i� � � ��� �{ �,���.�.��,�� r ,}�}�` �*``Yi'����.�.N�'*� r � , E �,,}� 'tt : 't. -.� . . rii t, ���'. .��' °,�! �r'Lr�'i,r*���.,^�'t�.��ia�t r�y'�'�'G. �Il.�'*`4S�, �y,�-��'tyL'�^_�7,�'�� ,c:.v4��'G �1 � t �j "{ ��A,i �1 1 ���'W ^-'v'vV��^f"EwY � G 3'k �w � u���F i�, , �'u r'i h n�`E�'�*"�`,��2�{�I�`��x �t I��-r a n,� r�i�y"d��}t�'�`jr � S u z � �h� s; I'� _ _ r m,� ' ar7e��+�1¢�i�j � �� �^, �t,� i,Is ��1 k w,�r H Fj����. -���tF.���„� � E� e a�, t��-, ��� �` �� ii,`f �.�E� , �.'�+l..'� �aa�! �;�^�n �, �F a �, �i ,e� ; A -'. ' "S Jr,° �� T � ` �. �i .3 ky 1F y y ]. �j � T. .r �� �-!+r f .�, t . } . .Ei ; J� r i,y� �'�.��4`g�'�T��vu."�� i � �ale.in':w.s�3,�f�..�,x��e v�..._u__._� -. , '� u-r�r , f � 1 � - , i �}. �.',�� t '� � S ' � �ea.f x �i�x� a.k�.,._...�,. ...,.�,,f: a ,�i���i.�'�__...: �.,��.,,, , ,. ..... ,lt<,..._F .<<,�a.�1�s,��.d.,�<u'�uiva..�. t.,,.,.�t�?� �t _ . _ _.____ . ..............___........,, ......,,_ _..... .._.. ... ..._.. .. _-- — __. _ ._.._ _...._, ___.. __........ ....._..._ ,_ ; . .. . , . � • ******�***�*�***�***�*�**:x*****���**�****�****�*�*********�s���***�***�a��x�:�*�x�**�*�****�***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement �*�*�a*******m*************��****�x*********�****�*******��**����**�****�***�*��***�x********** Statement Number: R040005428 Amount: $141.00 02/19/200410:38 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS I3otation: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferm�� No: DRB04D047 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 210311421b01 Site Address: 2211 N FROI3TAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 2211 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL � Total Fees: $141.06 Th�s Payment: $141.00 Total ALL Pmts: $141.OQ Balance: $0.00 ****�******����***�********�x**�*******�:***�x****�***�**:t���***�****�x*�********�*x�**�*�***a�*t�* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REUIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003�24000 SIGN FEES 91.00 ---------------------------�------------------------------------------------- � � Design Review B4ard �` � ��� ACTI4 N FO RM �� a � � ��� ,�; Departrnent of Community Development �'a YVI� Vf �'��� ; 75 Sauth F�ontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 97�.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us I Project Mame: Change to approved plans DRB Number: DR6040013 Rroject Desc�iption: Add louvers to east elevation for commercial driers. Participants: OWNER WEST VAIL LODGE di/23/�004 Phone: 2211 N. FRONTAGE RD 81657 License: APPLICANT WEST UAIL LODGE 01/23/20Q4 Phone: 2211 N. FRQNTAGE RD 81657 License: Project Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: WEST VAIL LODGE Legal Description; Lot: 123 Block: A Subdivision: Vail Das Schone 1 &3 Parcel Number; 2103i1421000 Comments. see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mption By: Action: STAFFAPR Secand By: Vate: Date of Approval: O1/28/2004 Condi�ior�s: Cond: $ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cor�ci: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Uail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006276 Louvers must be painted to match trim &stucco Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 � • , � - � � JOINT PROPERTY OWNER � ������ ����/ WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER �, � �;��.� T��rV�' OF 4�:�[L �_ �-.; I, (print nam � l � � a joint owner of pro erty located addr s/legal ' � � '_ � descripkion) — � � � , pravide this ietter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be compl�ted at the address noted above. Y underst�nd that tr�� proposed improvements inclu e: .� , �_�� �uv � �/� �� i � I further understand that minor rnodifications may be made to the plans over the course af the review process t re comp � with the Town"s applicable codes and regulations. � �f � ' � CJ (Signature) `\_ (Date olrsxra� • � • • . �` ' .�� : �/" � c� 1 � � �. � � � �/`� � I I � . . - • • � � .. y � . 4 � �` � +. 4 t' .i t �. t '� 1` �"t r � `r ..y� e� .� .a , l ! 7°y {i;- I"y � / ». r. /� � . e u ! �0. � �. � i`.y�,,;�_ - ��;, 1�` �,�/,�' .. � � ; � ' i"'Kt'��°`�,. ' ^,�" i� � � . r-.f , �.. �+, / ', II;."d"'"�" ... y x§ ,,, �;. .. �,' �r ��'e .�.4 °w - ��� x A'�`",� '� �sT.,t�� ,� � , , r . . a'f� � . N��� , �",,, � °�'���'�s ����'��''-�+�`4� ;w u }{, "'^�!'t�+ �' �� � � < � � i. . 4'� S K 9��� '�#6i��'4 ; ��.12�x���� �, i ��,•�y V � .R��a P i.� � * b3�,S'I,k , r � � K s . g �"�� �u� �� ���' �.t�� _d &! b� y r�h� wa F. �ad,,'t;+`d��'�" P�� '�s Z ,4u�e��` � ��� �y sY r�a E Y �}v+.Sa #' f� x p YY ���"u�' �.� ° r�,� �'�� ��.' ;*� � � M� \ �.$3 g„� � k'N '� t x r��� ,+,,s�,x .rS� i ae��`�r""P����j.'�� � " '�", � ����'S�g'B.�' ,�`"°%'��..;�''�, . � �eq%� 4 °$aa �jFS �. ; J em V",W aa s �, � q 1 .' 'R��' � F t Y � a' S Fc TM `�j . � 2* ��.�� �� ��� , ���� uy "3.; Sa£"ei�°..,.� �'9 �4.� , ,��-�� .�a�x �� ¢r �x��� ¢ M �2" ^ u .� t+' �� i � S °� � z.� Y'.t �!� �s�[ r „{a�� �,t` ` "^�� 3 . ,. ''� t . ���..��s��. '., . �p�'b"s�%A� ' y "'� .; ...� rs � �e �,+^�f`�����.#�#�``� `E � � ,,� �� `,� �i i � �� � _ � �[J � gp �Xy{ 4 R ��T �} L�S � ..QTd'L P � P}j � CY� " '+A'�� � ��� +?� R�QC� � � � $,� f 4 y u-�' 4{( �'4, *, 3 ........ �=4 � t ,,,*, � ��, "•., a, ��{,� ,^�, i � p ; �. , '. ,. ,. .. . r ����,a� 'w ,�. . n R�._. .. ;S� ^. 'r �. ' a �. e ,:'�. .. ?v- ' . . , y ',, . ' , . � �34, .. � � ... . �. .,. .;. � �. . � `m-� :'r+F . ... . ,� �� r , _ � �� . I� �'� ,m � '�����.���i � .r ��� x ' �. �� �G. �:�-��' � . � � � � �� k � ��� '� �� � � ;;� ?� k ��' � �� < �,. � � � r ; ; � �^ . . ,. . . 4 F � .�I� .` P . . � � � � .. . � § ��,, r . ., . . � ��t, ,: � , � w- ,. , � R� �� ��. � � � ` ° ��� � ��,�- � � ��„�. .. _ � �� . . .: . '�'� di ,� ;. . ' .... � � . �y �'°_ . �:� � � W � �wv� N,h�. � ,•.,�-G�. �� � • - . . I .� ' .� . + , � • . r ; t f` ' . •:,.�; ' , � , ;• . , - � •hA�i� .;+NC","s'i � �9'i'. Y� � ��� ' �r � �E ( �� 'S 3 i ,'4=�`��+`d h I r '� . 9 ��. ��I x �i� B() t� A �a � � .�_i., � �� �� „�� �� .' � � ********�***��*******�***�****���************�**�**********��**�***�**�****�**********��**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statament *�**�:*�*****�x�*****�*x�*�*��***��****�*�*****��*�****��****�*��*x�**��x*�*****�x***********�**** Statement Number: R040005370 Amount: $20.00 01/23/200404:07 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: JS DTotation: ----------------------------------------------°------------------------------ Permit No: DRB040013 Type: DRB-Chg ta Appr Plans Parcel No: 210311421000 Sik.e Add�Cess: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: WEST VAIL LODGE Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ***�****�******�*�******�***�x�**x�*,�x�***�x***�*�***�s*#�**********�x�****���****�****x��******�** I ACCOUNT ITEM LiST: Accaunt Code Qescription Current Pmts -- - ----- ------------------------------ ------------ DR OOld00�3112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 I I I I I I I I I I �+ ' � • �"T� Design Review Board �� � j z ACTIO N FO RM � .;.�,�, `� A '��� Department of Communiry Development T'f��fl�' ��. �i:��� �A� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 � te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.�452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SIGN APPLICATION DRB Number: DRB030538 Project Description: New wall sign for "Bullcrabs" restaurant Partieipants: OWNER DEBIR2 HOLDINGS LLC 12/01/2fl03 Phone: C/O VICTOR A. VILAPLANA 750 B ST Sf'E 21fl0 SAN �IEGO CA 92101 License: APPLICANT SCOTT BREAY 12/01/2003 Phone: 970-37b-5719 2211 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: Project Address: Location: 2Z11 N FRONTAGE f�D Legal Description: Lo't: 1,2, Block: Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE F�L 3 Parcel Number: 210311415017 Comments: see condition per DRB BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actian: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 12,/17/2003 Concfitions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No chang�s to these plans may be made withoaat the written tonsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review cammittee(s). Cond: COIV0006255 that the sign be hung from brackets that proCrude 4"-6" from the wall & no spotlight or floodfightsm - any Ifghting must meet the DesEgn Guidelines P�anner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $80.10 ' • . . � r�. ]OINT PROPERTY OWN�R ��'`V WRI�7"FN APPROVAL LETTER �. i+ ., t ��i TOI�1�T OF ti-���� I, (print name) �� ��� ���- , a joint owner af property located at (address/legal 1 `�� description} � � `' �1 '� K LL� � provide this fetter as written approval of the plan5 dated _f�l` � L' � which have been subrr�itted to t�he Tawn of Vail Community Development Department for t�e proposed improvements to be compEeted at the address noted above. I un�erstand that the ,�roposed improvements include: I I further understand that minar modificatians may be rt�ade to the plans aver the course of the review proeess to �re E�plia,nce with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. � _ l� a� d� (Sign (Date) --� I'aUe '? of4/O1/10!Q2 ' e • . . . . � � �_ �_�.: �OI�N OF VAIL��' Y� SIGN APPLICATION � Sl1BMITTAL REQUIREMEN7S General Information This application is far any sign that is located within the Town of Vai3. Specific requirements are avaifabEe from the Department of Community Deve3opment. I. Si1BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. I�ame of Busir�ess: B. Building �ame a�d physical address; C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applica�le. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): �I �Freestanding Sign ❑ Building Icientification f�Wall Sign ❑ Mural �I-ianging J Projecting Sign ❑ Window Sign II ODisplay Box ❑ Sign Prograrrt ❑Daily Special Board ❑ Gas Filled/Fiber Optic � C�]oint Directory Sign ❑ Temporary Sign ClSubdivision Entrance Sign ❑ Other E. Number of signs proposed: f Number of signs existing: � � Sign message:�)���plJ �PCIt(1��'S �- �-�f'P��C..� � Sign and lettering dimensions far each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic " drawing @ '/a" = 1'): � °L.� ���. d�l�� , — - ._._._. � Length of business frontage: y� � I. Height of sign(s) fror�t grade:_�}_�� � _ _.� J. Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph c{early indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): K, Materials and co�ors of sign (attach samples):__,u�0� '.lrQSs� '�__�LU�n1�V1'1�_ L. Sign lighting plan: � '�Y '�► 1�'1Qn,t�Q� ❑ Indicate type, focation and number of fixtures. ❑ InclUde height above grade, lumens output, fuminous area. ❑ Attach a cut sheet for each propased fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. Page 3 of4/OI/10/UZ � � . . , , . ` ' , �t. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additionai pians, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to ' determine whether a project will comply w9th Design Guideiines or 9f the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. ' NOT�S TO A�L APPLICANTS Time Re4uirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete appfication farm and al! accompanying materia� must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to applicatio� deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the Wot�d Wide Web at http:llci.vait_.co.uslcommdeylplannir�gldrblmeetingsldefault.htm ' Review Criteria ' The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the �esign Guidelines as set forth in Title 1.� (Zoning ' Regulations) and Title f4 (De�elopment Sta�dards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. '' Desiqn Review Board Meetina Reau�rements For r�ew construction and additio�s, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate ' property lines, proposed buiidings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The '' applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and ' staking must be completed prior to t�e day of the DRB meeting, The applicant, or their representative, shail be present at the Design Review Board Nearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who haue not asked in �dvance that discussian on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the QRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. ' If the DR� ap�roves the application tirrith conditions or modifications, all conditions of approvai must be ' resolv�d prior to the issiaance of a building permit. ' Staff A,ppro�al The Admin�strator (a member of the p�anning staf� may review and approve Design Review applications, ' approve with certain modifications, deny the applicatior�, or refer the application to the Design Review ' Board for a decision. AI[ staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision ' is subject to final approval by the DRB. � . Page 4 of4/O1/t0/Q2 . . � � ��.���`� • � I pR.o�Q� ����c�' �OR s t� ,-x a ...r �.jy, �+„'.. 5 9 1,:';n"GI' t�';N+r 1 1�� x. �` .'ir 1�4 �p�;1'J1� r i`" ,rh �,*°s �w) '�'r A q?`"s � `n..,?�C "Y',�S+ �k f 4 �` 'Qrh� �k.�W ;�S Iw d r �.`, 4°e,t # .-a- �r' v 1£"- � e�''T�� r l"���F i :,�'1�/`F�"�'r�'?'f �Y j e��s± 7t ���.. t ti'dr "1" d ..ry a '.'k •f ;��i,;rl �M1 r>.w }. '�`' 8fi� [ r v 1 i ,t'� � (� ,� � .,..� v+ e .._r �,p k , r r x tA �'F 5 d a°.;�c � .,"°_"�„ .�! r�'{ i t,� ��x 4 .�t l �e... a uw �rr� r. . ! ^� �„ t G' .� )dro��.. i� �`{{+ - � 'i7 3�` �+,y '' + 1�,� �5: t %5+' i'S �' 4 �� �,! � y� i.�'; < ,!. '\- t wr F w r�,t"�aZ' X :+ f S x•vi, ry ,..�...1 5. S�^� k ,� s L_;�� k..V I.' 1 I . ,. J 10 A_ 1 n �.t L,.�"y 4 y.a ie.t`'' i .1. v r ,., �'z�, a ,M� ° � � ! J � .n�" `t-' '+ v. 1 z F n. x �}`y�,��� � �Pa�� Ytl�, � ' ', ,; „y F� k,'',"'# z�j,r,�'f 7 r ;w.` r� ,"'�7 K?�.>r :rit ' R r�: a„. 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F � � ******�**�*�****�*****:�****�**�**�** ****�**a�*+*�***�******�*******�**�** �****�*****#�*��,�*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLOItADO Copy Reprinted an I2-01-2003 at 14:08:37 12/01/2003 Statement ��****��***��****��****x�*�����:��**s�� *�****�$*�**$�***��*********��:****** $�***��*****��e***��* Statement Number:R03Q005219 Amount: $80.1012/01/204342:08 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DF I Notation: #10896 ------------------------------ Permit�No:DRB030538 I Typ�: �� DRB - Sign Application Parcel No:210311415017 Site Adc3ress: I Location: I 2 211 N FRQN'I'AG� RD Total Fees: $so.io This Paym�nt: $80.10`�otal ' ALL Pmts: $80.�0 Bal.ance: i $o.00 ' *�:�**«**�*�:**��**�*�*****,�****�***** **�****���****�*********�#***�#****� ***�****���****�**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr��tion Current Pmts -------------------- ---------- DR 00100003112200 DESIGN I REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP OOi00003124000 SIGN FEES 30.10 ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ � � ��1, �, � � � � . • • . � �!1,�, ' � r�� �� S 'C�s �Y � �� '�� Design Review Board �_,�r,��,r,� '`���� `�°' ���� ACTION FC?RNI +,,�;t�s�� 1,r��-�, � . _ �, ,� :��� �'°�."��� Department of Community Development '�'���T �F �;��� �� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 ���, ��5�� ��� ' ke1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.ca.us �� I Project Name: New Sign DRB Number: DR6030�27 ���p Project Description: New business sign for entity w/in multi-tenant bldg Participants: OWNER REAUT CORP 11/�4/ZOQ3 Phone: 51� MAIN ST 1011 FT WORTH TX 76102 License: APPLICANT THE WEST SIDE CAFE/MARKET I1/24/2003 Phone: 970-476-7890 � 2211 N FRONTAGE RD Vail, Coforado 81658 License: CONTRACTaR SCHARPF CONSTRUCTION 11/2�}/2003 Phone: PO Qox 631 Vail, Colorado 2300 Saddlericfge Loop Avon, Colorado 81658 License: 724-B Project Address: 2211 �J FRONTAG� RD WEST VAIL Location: 2211 N FRONTAGERD Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivis�on: INN-A� Parcel Number: 210311421001 Cornments. See conditions � BOARD/STAFF ACTION , Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Apprvval: 02/12/ZQ04 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made withouk the written consent of Zown of Vail staff and/or khe appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennetk DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ��V1��:� '. ` '� �. �r'�vtti� {�-- � / '�.� , r � C, I l G'�r � � J �> � � �.1,� , �,��.�.�, . • � *,�***�****��**********�****�*****�** ��**��*****�****�****��****��*�*�*** *��**��****�**�**��* T4WN�F VAIL, COLO�RADO Copy Repriuted on 11-2�4-2003 at 09:01:27 11/24/2a03 Statement � *��**��*�*��x****��a�**����**��*****�* **�x***�*********���****�*****�****�x* *��**��****�*****��* Statement Number:R030005187 Amount: $71.0011/24/200309:00 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notatioa: #1163 Permit No:DkB03Q527 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No:210311421001 Site Address; 22}.Z N FR�NTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 2211 N FRONTAGERD Total Fees: $71.00 This Payment: $7Z.00Tota1 ALL Pmts: $71.00 Balance: �o.ao **�****���**���****�****�****�*****� ***�****��***��a�*�*�*�**���*���***** ******�:�****:+,�****� ACCOUNF ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 0014DQQ3112200 �ESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 001000�3124000 SIGN FEES 21.00 . � � � ���P JOINT Pl20PERTY OWNER E� WRITTEN ARPROVAL LETT�R 1 " �;, �1# I T0�1��'1�' OF ti�1�.I�� I, (print na6ne)�'��'���:� '--� � t�,--r'?, a joint owner af property lo�aked at (address/legal '-�� � — � � description} ���l P 'N , � . ,,,��� ��ts�: ��� t-� ���.=, J� �;a Jl�'> > ��r';� �'�, � (:,���;C, , , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated ''� � <<--` � which have aeen submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address �+oted above. I understand t�rat the proposed improvements include: < '��. y>, I further understand that minor rrrodificatians may be made to the plan� over the course of the review proc�ss to ensure cor�pliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. � � 1 � A, . , � � _, 1��,T F 'i _ � i i�.. -� � . 'i- e � � (5lgnature)J - � `��� _ � )- Date � _�-- I Page '_' of 4I0 I/I 010? • � � �,n.,a -� �. 4 :, `�� I TOl�1���'OF �':�II� SIGN APPLICATIQN SlJBMI7TAL REQUIREMENTS General Informakion This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of VaiL Specific requirements are available frorn the Department of Community development. I. SU�MITTAL REQUIF�EMENTS , A. Name of Business: ��1�;�%,�. i ���-�-' '� /r�1��1.�:�'- B. Building rr�ame arrd physiCal address: 4���'��l-'�[����� �Z�� �'��`�"�� � � �; � C. Wrikten appraval from condominium as�ociation, landlord, and joint owner, if applicabie. �. Type of sign (check all that app�y): OFreestanding Sign ❑ Buiidir�g Identification �Wall Sign ❑ Mural C�Hanging / Projecting Sign ❑ Wi�daw Sign 0 Display Box ❑ Sign Program ODaily Special Board � Gas Filled/Fiber Optic �Joint Directory Sign ❑ Temporary Sign �7Subdivision Entrance Sign ❑ Other �� �E. Number of signs proposed; -� �lumber of skgns existing: � �� � � F. 5ign mE'ssage: �°���`,, ,.�k, (�,, 1�, � , �, . �- �;.h-��� �-�, ,�� 1��...c� � --�) ,,:,c �. G. Sign and lettering dime sions for each pr osed swgn (attach a colored scaled sche atic drawkng @ '/a" = 1'); :� a•s � X �' -G'11r'�S �' � ��/it. H. Length of business frontage: �,+�'� I. Height af sign(s) from grade: �!7 � _ J. Sign Location (attach a site plan and an eEevation drawing or a photograph clearl indicating the proposed location af sign(s)): S�IL� }dS PI�TE/l.�— �� r - K. Materials and colors of s�gn (attac#� samples): �,J�.<-' '-���_,����'p�r,,. ��� ��<,' `��� ��' ;,tY�� , L, Sign lighting plan: � Indicate type, location and r�umber of fixtures. � � :�''� ��' � �.:Y� ".�� `�°�.� ❑ Include height above grade, I�mens output, luminous area. ,� '_'+ % ,z������r � � � � ❑ Attach a cut she�t for each proposed fxt�re. � ►'1 d M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning wi11 atkach to the buiiding and how the awning will be canstructed. Pa��e 3 of 4101;10002 "j'� � � . N. The Adrr�inistrator and/or DRB may require the s�bmission of additional plans, cirawings, specifications, samples and ather materials (incl�ding a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project w�ll comply with Design Guidelines or if the ir�tent af the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES�O ALI.APP�ICANTS Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on �he lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A compleCe a�pfication form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associaked application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at hti�/(ci.vail.co.us/commdev/plannin drb meetin s default.htn� Review Crit�ria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with t�e Design Guidelines as set forth in litle iZ (Zoning R�g�Fations) and TitEe 14 (Development Standards) of the l"own oP Vail Municipal Code. Design Review Board Meeting Requirements �or new construction and additions, the appRicant must stake and tape the project sit� to indicate �roperty lines, proposed buildings and buildi�g corners. All trees to be removed r�ust be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shaEl be present at the Design Review Boa�d Hearing. Applican�s who fiail tQ appear befare the Design Review Board on their schedu3ed meeting date and wha ha�e not asked ir� advance that discussion on their item be postpaned, will have their items removed frorn the DRB agenda untif such time as the item has been repubfished. If the DR8 approves the application with conditions or modifications, aIl tanditions of appraval must be resolved priar ko the issuance of a building permit. ' � • � . .� .. � Staff A�proval ° ' `' � �� The Adrninistrator (a member of the planning stafF) may review and approve design Review applications, approve with ce�tain modifications, deny the appl�c�tion, o� refer the applieatian to the Design Rev�ew � Baard for a decision. All staff approva�s are reviewed'by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. .: r • �,, ; - ,a� • • .� a►'4 ,;�1 • , � , .� � ~�J� ��\'.�.� '�1��( ;rY4 . V � Page 4 of 4J0 I/l 0/02 i • = UTILITIf APPR�VAL &VERIFICATION � " � This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or pro,posed utility services, and also to verify service avai{ability and location far new constructian and shouCd be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedufing installations. A site pfan, including grading plan, fCoor plan, and elevatians, shall be submitted to the follvwing utilities fnr approval and verifieation. Authorized Comments Date Siqnatu re QWEST 970.384.OZ57(fax) Contacts: 5cott Carrington 970.4b8.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.QZ38 � � 4''�L� EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CRO55 ELECTRIC 970.949.589Z (te!} 970.949.4566 (fax} Contad� Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Cantacts: Kit Bogart 97a.Z6z.4Q24 �� Jim 0'neal 970.252.4003 EAGL� RIV�R WATER & SAN�TATION DISTRICT 970.�76.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 �fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1�24 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salaza� NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each af the utility companies, and no comments are ma�e directly on the forrri, tihe Town will presume that there are no probiems and the development can proceed. �. If a utili�y cornpany has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility represer�tative shall note d9rectly on the utility verification form that �here is a prablem which needs to be resolv�d. The issue should then be detailed in ar� �ttached letter to the Town of Uail. However, please keep i� mind that it is the respor�sibility af Yhe utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3.These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to abtain a Public Way Permit from the Uepartment af Public Worics at the�own of Vail. �Jtili locations must be obtained before digging in any publEc �ight-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building perrnit is nat a Public Wav permit and must be obtai�ed separateiy. The Deve�oper is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utiCities far re-approva) & re- verificatiqn if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Developer's Signature Date . ' � � PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name uanti Size PROPOSED TREES , p� N AND SHRUBS � � � I � EXISTING TREE5 ? i' TO BE REMOVED ;' � I — � � Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees— 2"Ca�iper Coniferous Trees— 6' in height Shrubs— 5 Gal. Type Square Footaqe GROUNQ COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Piease specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 1�/02/07/02 ! i -. PROPUSED MATERIALS Buildina Materials Type of Materiai Color Roof Sic�ing �"�ther Wall Materials � � y � ; �i� , �y,�:��. -���;'V1l- olUiN�= �b �'U1i11�'� �.�j°�(�� ��,���D''r� Fasda �� Soffits W indows Window Trirn Qoors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Oxher Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and numtaer and attaeh a color chip. Page 6 of 12/02/07/d2 � _ . � i � a Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included witi� t�e top of wall and the bottom af wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: ❑ Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. .- ❑ Include height above grade, lumens�utput, luminous area ❑ Atta�h a cut sheet for each proposed fi�ure. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For a�l propasals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: ❑ Color chip or color sample i�cluding the manufacturer name and color number(s) ❑ Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate t�e locatiort vf proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is a� example: � _. � , . . .. . � FASCIA . � ' VI/INDOW TR1M �~ TRIM BAND � � ����� ' �:�� �.�,� � j ��.� � R ��r � � -,__ �e� � u.. , . UPPErR STUCC� SaUTN ELEVA�It31V SOFF17 , �a�����``� a `��� � � � .°� ��.'��, a'�-''',+� �i E �;����'��� � ..��z.���.�.fc�....� i ..� ._ "- .._� ,�. i . �` #.k' J "�.c-' ' ,.'. LOWER STUCG� ,� � . � � ,� ��, �w�� ��.�,�������a �� � �������w��$ � ��,...�'. �:�y�� �� _�� -°�� , �� 1NEST.�LEVATIC.�N. � i Page 5 af 12/02/07/02 ' �. • �,��S=� �`��- � ���. � � ;� �°�� Design Review Board � � �'� ��-t A�TION FORM ��"���� Department of Cornmunity Development "��j�T;�,;T�� �;�;��� �' - 75 Sauth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 1 ��1� tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Stone veneer to columns DRB Number: DRBd3Q442 ���D Prvject Description: 5tone veneer extended to top of column. Participants: QWNER DEBIR2 HOL�INGS LLC ].0/06/2003 Phone: C/0 VICTOR A. VILAPLANA 750 B ST STE 2100 SAM1I DIEGO CA 9Z�01 License: APPLICANT SCOTT BREAY 10/06/2fl03 Phone: 97Q-376-5719 2221 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CQ 81657 License: Project Address: Location: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD Legal Description: Lot: 1,2 Block:�Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 3 Parcel Number: 210311415017 Comments: See conditians BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motian By: Action: STAFFAPR Set�nd By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/14/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town af Vail stafF and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not canstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constructian activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2U.OQ � � , ( ;' � �Z l- "�- � I � �.�� � ��d��.v'U� i ��c-�.�{,r��:.. � ,�n � / (.X� C �1 c / , ��;,,/(_ SC.��� �" I "i i� C,,/, �� .�� �:L..�'l `''� ,�C.C�, • ` ��-L(/l �L°'l G�.S lfi�''�.,. �� �c^ �/ C-�. 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V �;r� �; � , ! � , �, "_'.. ` � � � ! f _���- �7 � i ` ; _ , �..� ('�_� l��l� ' i � y � ` � ... _._.._,...----L—•------- —__.__._.. :� �—,4 _— � ---- --,..._ � � � � I I I ��/ I I I I I I • I 1 �� I , ��' "`1 I I � � I d i 9 P 1 I I � �I 1 2 _ _ . : __ .... - T — -- � - -� -- — — �. -__-_ i _.__. _1._____---�.�...._.._ ..:�_ _-- �+ �� �7 � iil r9 [_) :.: . , ' � T. ,. , °� � � '� 'l. ► . � � ' ' Nlauriello Planning Group SeptPrnber 26, 2006 '��'��� I- { "I"�-e.�Ld TU �..'�'�C'i�9-� Town Cvunc:il ��' '�'�� '�--'� Plannin� and Environmental Cc�rnmission (PEC) ! �"� ��-���'v�,L,.-�-r i Town of Va�l �,_ � ��; .�;� 75 Sr�uth Frorita�e Road �+� .� Va�l, Colorado 81 657 /�-�/f;r�p� Re: 'K��eve�opment of Nol�day Inn/A�ex Lodge in wc�t Vail � �� ,��, _,,,-,,,G /�zJ u.�� Dear Town Council and t'EC Members: "�"G��'"�' � " , ,����� a �. �__, L-r � �'� +l� �,, Mark Cervante� and I repr�e5ent the owner5 of the rlal�day Inn/Apex Lodge m r�gar•d to the redevela�rnPrit of their prop�rty located �n west Va�l. A� you are awar�, last year at t�ns tir�ie my d�ent made applic.at�on to amend the Town's land u5e plan and r�zor�e the Y1oa�clay Inn property to fac�l�tate the redevelopment caf the property. The existinc� h�tel and resid�nt�al �ondominium u�es are c.ur�r�ently nonconforr�ing uses e�n t:he pr�Qperty which �rohibit5 their redeveloprnent. The tr�wn 5taff, at the direction af t��e 1-'lanniri� anr� Environmental Corrirnis5ion, requP�ted that we put a hold r�n the ar�endment appl�cation to allow �he Town �ome tirne to 5�udy the area and work toward� a ma�ter �ian fvr we5t Vail. At that t�rri� the staff believed the rnaster planning effort would take four month5 to cvrr��lete. j�e concept of the delay wa� to allow enough tirne far the Town and the cornmunity to �tudy the area and come up wi�h 5orne �nitial concept� before hav�ng �fie 1loliday Inn pro�ec�t rrlove forward. We believe tnat goal has i�een ach�ev�c� and a great deal of pVar�ninr� a��d direction has been received thr�ou9h nusl�erou� community and committee rneet�r�c�s. The �urpose of our des�re to meet w�th the Town Counal �, to h�ar• d�r•ectly From the Town Counal whether or not it �5 appropriate for u� to take the time and expend the re�ources to �re�arP a redevelopment plan ar7d rraove fos�ward in the process even though the ma�ter plan for we�t Vail w�as yet to be adopted. We want to avoid spend�ng �ub5tantial resc�urce5 rlow only to hear at th7e I I "' hour that we need to wait for the rnaster plan to �e completed. We are r�ot asking you to evaluate the. rr�erets of aur redeveloprr�ent co�sce�t5, 5�rrrply to allow u5 to move for•ward. • • : . . � . � • 1 1• 1 1 1 � �! r - I . • , � I� we get the direct�on frorn the Town Counr.il to move forward, an applicat�on �5 I�kely �o be 5ubmitted after �he first of �he year basecl on all of the work necessary to prepare an applicat�on. 5o that the Town Council and ��C understand our current concepts for the redevelcapment of the property we have pruv�ded the summary belov�r and a 5et of very cursory plans (attached) for yQUr rev�ew. The owner ha� part�c�pated in the we5t Va�l master plan�mg proce55 and has responc#ed to rr��ny of t+�e concept5 and models generated �n t�at pracess. For �nstance, the focu5 on uvest Va�l as more of a Iocal services area i5 reflected �n the amount and character of �he re�ai! and office space prov�ded. The circulat�on plan �pec�f�cally re5ponds to Town's concept to create a 5econdary reta�l �tr�et and the Town'� de5ire for hve bed� and em�aloyee hou5ing are aESa included in �he current plan5. The prapo5�d condom�nrums and fract�onal fee unats w�ll range in 5ize from 55� to I , I QQ 5�. ft. making them well su�ted for a ren�al managemen� pragram, thus resuiting �n a h�gh occupancy rate, The conceptual plan5 �nclude approx�mately: • 80 true ho�el raom� (an �ncrea�e Qver what ex�st5 today); • 1 30 fractional fee urnts w�th 5q. ft. ranging �n s�ze from 550 5q. ft, to i , I 00 �c�. ft, and managed �n � rental program; � 130 re5�dent�al condom�rnum un�t5 ranging m size fram 5SD sq. ft_ to I , I O� �a. ft. and managed in a rentaE program; � �m�ioyee housing un�ts> number of beds yet �o be determmed but will be �ncluded on-5ite; • 3,000 sq. f�. of restaurant 5pace ar 3�0 seat5, occupted by local or�ented restaurant� as ex,�t today; • 7,�00 sq. ft. of leasable office �pace/cammerc+al 5pace; . � 32,000 �q. ft. of ground floor retail s�ace; • 22,000 �q. ft. of ineeting room/conference space; • 9,000 sa. �t. of recreat�onalJgeneral commerc�al 5pace; • �00 �lus underground parlun9 5pace�; and • Building ranging from 4 to 6 stories (four storie� ex�st�ng today). We apprec�ate the opportunity to wor{c w��h �he �own in order �o Eake the next step from planning ro r�alizing a redeveloped we5t Vail commurnty. Smcerely, � C`�� Mark Cervantes Dorrs�n�c F. Maur�ello, AICP p�rector of New Develapment Princ�pal and Rea� EStat� SaleS 2 . � : , °�c��i.� . �� ����� s � OOIfi1070�'l!N/l 1S3M � � t' 1 •��— �� f, a =� ' .11!l3d0�JdNNl�ldo170Ha411o1N3YYd413113032itr ---��- ' w z J ti i �C?L.Ul�ir� --d'�i��' ����.��� �ryQ (�f�nf�J�f �] ,f�/ ',ti�arwaxa:��a.0 ___ 'O a W "' Q I r �.;_r_���� �' a �:� �„��,` : ,,,�, �Jl ll!!f Y�l��U����U Y ----— u��:,� �� ��� � ����� � � ��� � �` g e r a .yeee■ � S `- � e.__ i s��aaaas e'r _ " � ge.x..� y � " .� � . 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' V� A� ��°/lCr I �(�'�q...� I � � r �� r� ��� `� - Design Review Board ���,�ls � � ACTIDN FQRM ���� ' � ,�� � Departrr�ent of Communi�y Development ���-�'.�� �� ��.,��� � 75 South Fron�age Road,Vail, Colorado Si657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 97Q,479.�452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: BAGALIS SIGN DRB Number: DR6050Q11 Project Description: BAGALIS SIGN Participants: OWNER VANQUISH VAIL I LLC d1/17/2005 Phone: C/0 BHARA.T BHAKTA 2211 N FRONTA�E RD VAIL CO 82657 Lieer�se: APPLICANT BUCY BROTHERS 01/17/2005 Phone: SCOTr SUCY 2211 N. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL CO S I657 Licer�se: Project Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE Rp VAIL Location: 2211 N. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST Legal Description: Lo#: 1,2, Block. Subdivisivn: VAIL DAS SCHqNE FIL 3 Parcel Number: 210311415017 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIQN Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 02/01/2005 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN}: No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approvai shall not become valid for 20 days following the date o�approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followving the date af final appraval, unless a building permit is issued and canstructron is commenced ancR is dikigently pursued toward completion. Plann@r: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $80.50 ti . • � �� ���tA; :� Application for Design Review ������;��- z��k,��s����r�' : °��t r�. i',�t� i�,.; ��4w Department of Community pevelopment . T Th� r ,I'�TT �`+�' 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Ca�orado 8i657 �J�� ] � ; 1�`'1''f�� �.0 �'�l7�.1 L � `. . = te1: 970.479.Z139 fax: 97�.479.2452 web: www.ci.wail.co.us w �-��-���_�_t�F�� _ ....-- _,_.---- -' General Information: All projects req�iring design rev�ew must receivs appraval prior to submitting a building permit applicatian. Please refer to tE�e submittal reyuirements for the particular approvaP thak is requested. An appl�cation fo� Design Review cannat be accepted unt�l all required information is reCeived by the Community Development Department. The project may also need ta be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Plannir�g and Environ�rnental Commiss�on. Design review approval lapses unless a bui�ding permit is issued and canstruction commences within one year of the ap�roval. Description of the Request: Ss � ti � `�.� ,'.�� � f Locatiaro of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: 1�����t�� �� h Physical Address: �� � j1,�(?�•-� �rl.��"�� ��yRC���'� �Pareel fVo.: � 1 0 � !l_�4 [ `� �'�'�(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 470-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: '�C- � � Name(s) af Owner(s): S C� �'��� . Mailing Address: �Y'! �( CG .�C�� Ph e: Owner{s) Signature(s):t � Name af Applicant: ��CJ l� �V�4� � Ma�ling Address: � � r� � �'��� � ' �E Phone: ��7L ���.7`��' E-mail Address Fax: Type of Review and Fee: �j �� ,`�� f �. �` 5igns $50 Plus�1.OQ per square foot of total sign area. ❑ Conceptual Review f�o Fee ❑ New Construction $650 For construction of a �ew building or demo/rebuild. ❑ Addition $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (inciudes 250 additions &interior conversions). ❑ Minor Alteration $250 For minor�hanges to buildings and site improvements, suCh as, (multi-family/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wakls, etc. ❑ Minor Alteration $20 Far minor changes to b�ildings and site improvements, such as, - (single-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, windaw additians, landscaping, fences and retaining w�Els, etc. ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning StafF or tne Design Review Board. ❑ Separation Request No Fee For Office se�f�ily: Z(� UC. �-� ' Fee paid: Gheck No.:� Sy: � Applicatiora Date: . � a^ ` DRB No.: Planner: Projed No.: r � • , ^ � � . � '. .. , , .. ,'r . . _ � . , 'i ��;. , . . ` i�, �}' '` �^ ."' . , ' . � . � R. a, I , �• ' ' _ � . . ° +� ', , , .� • c . ' � • **�***+*******�*�********��*****�a*********���**�******�*�**�*�****�**�***���*****�********* TOWN O�'VAIL, C4LORADO Statement *************�*********�*�****************������#********�*���*******�:�������a��x�************ Statement Number: R05����031 Amount: $8Q.50 Oi/17/200504:51 PM Payment Methoc3: Check xnit: JS Notation: #�3218/BUCY BROTHERS Permit No: DRB050D11 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel I3o: 210311415017 Site Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL Location: 2211 N. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST Total Fees: $80.5Q This Payment: $Sd,50 Total ALL Pm�s: $80.54 Halance: $0.00 +t�*�****�:*�*�+*�****�+******�******�**�***�**t*********:�********�*s���*a**�x*****�********a�*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts --------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR OO1d0003112200 DESIGN REVIEW F�ES 50.Od SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 30.50 t � �, � � _.��—�"�,��'b fYuc�li��sis? C'all thc f'I�nnir�,� V1c�,i, \�_-,��I 1l 4�'�)-� i .' _ i;� 1 . ' APf 1 1 TI T��tiN 0�� y�IL � �I�liis ,�����Gcrttion is for any sign thait is loc�ltcd within tl7c Town of�V��il. S�ccitic r�q�tircin�nts �irc av.iil�ihic S'rt,in cl�� L)r��artn�cnc ot C'c�n�n�unity �cvclorn��nt. �\ ti��n�c. c�P f_iti�ii�c�ti:��a��� �` --- _�_ I� f�i�ilclin�n;7nic sind addreti, '� `� �Gt�1� �-Z �, /V �Y�'��^• '�`��� CiC � ..���C�'t t � N,�m� ��Co�vi�cr. C � __Yv`?��--� __ E'ltonc: _� _ 1�1��ilinE,a�lclress: I? 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Color to Match f : � ,�. ... : ..� bui�ding S#a�dar�i Meta�lic Silver � 88�� � _ .. � -- � 5p" � ����""'�� i f J ' 1 # � � � � * ,,.� � ..,,;,.r .�:� «.,-� -�. _,s ::�' - �..x,_ , � � �� i��:,NPt�'�.^a2_,c„�:,,•w:y'�'.;. _ �w.;._,"�� '?� ' :�`�`�� _ . ,tZ'�,`�+ . . .' -. _��; ..: _ :R�a�„°�' ' ., � �'Y'�"`� _ . -•' �v . a�1;N ', .. � � . . ... _ . _...... .. _ _ __, . . �. ,�. ;s.. .. . .. . . �� '`'' r . _. . __ . ... �,,' . , � ' : i `'�'' - � . � '�` ... � .� --�...,_...- ._-.... # ./ � . . ..._ �.'„� ... #�.�ti � - ... . ..� �,..> � ,� ,. . .. t _ i� , � � �.�.,: _.. .>. .. . � � 7... _ �:; ..� � r , . 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I/�T�� ��-� ' � � /b-t 1 r`�� ; Design Rewiew Board ��1D�`� r�'�' ' �� ,.`� ��` ACTTON FORM ��° ,�';������ Department of Community C7evelopment TO���� � (�[ ° ] `�` 75 South Frontage R.oad,Vail, Co'�orado 81&57 l�' Vr �I��L tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wvvw.ci.vail.co.us Project Name. NOZAWA SIGN QRB Nuratber: DRB040437 Project Description:. NEW P'ORTE COCHERE AND RESTAURA�JT ENTRY Participants: OWNER BHAKTA, BHARAT 08/25/2004 Phone: 476-2739 2211 N. FROF�TAGE ROAD VAIL i CO 81657 � License: APPLICANT BHAKTA, BHARAT 08/25/2004 Phone: 476-2739 I 2211 N. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address: 2211 N FRQNTAGE RC7 WEST VAIL Location: 2211 N. FR�NTAGE ROAD legal Description: Lot: 1,2, Block: Subdivision: VAIL DAS SCHONE FIL 3 P�rcel Number: 21031i415017 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIQN I Motion By: Actian: STAFFAPR I SeCOnd By: Vote: Date of Approval: 09/15/Z004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes ta these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid far 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 2�2 Approval of this project shall 4apse and become void one {1) year following the date af final approval, un�ess a bui9ding per-mit is issued and conskruction is cormr�enced and is diligently pursved toward completion. Cond: C01�0006715 that the sign colors match the colors of Westside Cafe's and Bulltrab's at the time of installation � � � � i Planner: Matt Gennett DRB F�aid: $54.00 , . �,�,�fJ'A � � , . � Sign Application for D�si�n Review �= �E� v E Q +���� �� �.� ���� �tip���' "� �`�3 ��' Departrnent of Community Develapment ,, 75 Soutf� Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81b57 T���O� �1���; tel: 97Q.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All prajects requiring design review m�st receive approval prior to submitti�g a building permit application. Please refer to the su6mittal rec}uirements for the particular approval that is regliested. An applicstion for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required infarmation is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revi�wed by the Tflwn Counci! and/or the P�anning and Ernironmental Commission. Design review approval tapses unless a buiiding permit is issued and construction comrnences within on�year of the approva[, ' Description of the Request: 5/ ;.�J' � !��L�`Z-�G�S Lacation of the Proposal: Lot:,�Block: Subdivision: ��`��`�� �����E Physical Address: �� r� ��e� ��'�''v��� �� Parcel Na.: Zf��� /�� �����7 (Contact �agle Co. Assessor at 97D-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: C��;;�'�`'l�'�fr'�� C���/�� .� IVart�e(s} of Owner(s): �l�r�'T .�'�A � Mailing Address: z �% � �'�3�� a`� ��� �� Phone: 7 � Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: r' -� � .�' �� Mailing Address: 2 � 1 / f]�,��' - �'�'�-"'��ci�-E �� Phone• E-rnail Address: Fax: F � Type of Review and Fee: `` � �Signs $50 P�us$1.00 per square foot of total sign area. ❑ Conceptual Revaew �Jo Fee C New Construttion $650 For construction of a new building or demp/rebuild. ❑ Addition $300 Far an addition where square footage is added ta any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions&interior conaersions). ❑ Miraor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site imprnvements, su�h as, (mvlti-family/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additions, iartdscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ❑ Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (single-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additians, landscaping, fes�ces ar�d retaining walGs, etc. , ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $2Q For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sta�F or the Design Review Board. ❑ 5eparation Request No Fee For Office e Only: t / Fee Paid: Check No.:_�?,�ey: �u'�" � �u�' t � Meeting Date: 'l S� `0 DFtB No.: Planner: Project Na.: , I � � . � . � . ,. • . . . . , , , . , . . . . . . . •��'�� � � '. � # , � , � � l �o�oF��r� SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS General Informatipn This application is for any sign that is located within the 7own of Vail. Specific requirements are avai�a6le from the Department of Community Development. � I. SUSMIITA!REQUIREMENTS A. Name of Business: 0�� W�� B. Building name and physical address�,��QL���y_/� _ l Z /� �,����_ �.�-Y���'D --- C. Written approval from condominium assotia�on,landlord,and joint owner,if applicable. D. Type of sign(theck ail that apply): C�Freestanding Sign Q Building Identification f�Nall Sign ❑ Mural �Hanging/?rajecting Sign ❑Window Sign ODisplay Box ❑ Sign Program ❑Daily 5pecial Board ❑Gas Filled/Fiber Optic �Jaint Directary Sign ❑Temporary Sign OSubciivision Entrance 5'�gn ❑Other E. Number of signs proposed: � Number oF signs existing: � F. Sig�message: , �z��� �,I,f��tl� , G. Sign and lettenng dimensions for each proposed sign(atta[h a colored scaled schematic drawing @ ya"- 1�; H. Length of business frontage: I. Height of sign(s)from grade: J. SEgn Location(attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearfy indicating the proposed location of sign(sJ): K. Materials and colors of sign(attach samples): L. Sign IighGng plan: � _� ❑ Inditate type,location and number of fixtures. ❑ Include height above grade,lumens output,luminous area. 0 Attath a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. Ni. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submfssion of additional plans,drawings, specifications,samples and other materials(including a mode[)if deemed necessary to determi�e whether a project will comply with Design Guide]ines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. I have raad and understand the above listed submittal requiremen#s: project IVame• {, Contrador Signature Date Signed � � ,�OINT FROPERTY QWNfR WRITTEN APPROVAL E.ETTER .� T��oF V�rL� _ _.._._._ I, (print name) ����t/L,� , _ , a joint owner af property located at (address/legal description) -- �7 /( tl� - ��P�� � provide this letter as written ap�raval of the Qlans dated wh9ch have been submitted to the Towrt of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address no�e� above. I understand tf�at t�e proposed impravements inciude: - ,._ SC�n� �lt1 � f3�,_ �.�Z ��f.� I further understa�d that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review procESS to e�u�c iance with the Town's a icable codes and regulations. � � (Signature) : (Date) f Page 2 of 4/04/28104 � • � � N. The Administrator and/or DRB may req�ire the submission of additional plans, drawings, � specificatior�s, sampies and other materials {inc�uding a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a pro�ect will comply with Design Guidelir�es or if tf�e intent of the ' proposa! is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the ist and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application farm and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community �evefopment Department prior ta application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vaii.co.�s/commdev/vfanning,(drb/meetinQSldefault.htm Review Criteria �'he proposal wifl be reviewed for compliance witt� the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12 (Zonir�g ReguEations) and T�tle 14 (Development Standards) of the Tawn of Vail Municipa� Cade. Desiqn Review Sflard Meeting ReQUirements For new conskruction and additions, tf�e applicant must s�ake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and buifding corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winte{ is not buried by sriow. A!I site tapings and staking m�st be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. �he applicant� or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearirtg. Applicants who faif to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who nave not asked in advance that discussion on their item �e postpaned, wi11 have tiieir items removed from the DRB agenda unti� such time as the itern has been republished. If the DRB appro�es the application with cand'+�ions or modifications, al� can�itions of approval must be resofved prior to the iss�ance of a building permit. Staff Ap�roval The Administrator (a member af the planning staff} may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, �eny the application, vr refer the appiication ta the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvais are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject ta final approval by the DRB. �age 4 of 4/04/28/04 ! . � . � ` � y J � . � . . � TCllPl1'OF�AlL� � . HOW DID 1ME RATF W1TH YQU? Tovm o#Vail Survey Community Development �epartme�t Russe�l farrest, Dire�ar, �870)�79-2139 - Checic alltha� applies. 1. Which Departrne�t�(s) did you contac�? � Buitding Environmental Hausing Admin � Planr�ing � �RB PEC � . . 2. .�Nas yaur ini�al contact w�#f►our staf�immediate s�ow or � , no one av�i�a�le � � . . .. .. . 3. If you were required to wait, �ow lar�g was it before you were � ' helped? - � � .�-._ � � 4. Was your.project revie�Ned on a timely basis?Yes I No " If no, why nat?— - _^T_ � S. Was this yaur first time to file a�R8 app pE�app . . � . Bldg Permit NIA � i .. ` . . _ . . , , . 6. Plea�e rate the performanc�of the staff person who assisted you: 5 4 3 � 2 1 �lame: (knowkedge; respor�siveness, availabili'ry) 7. Overall efrectiveness ofi the �rant Se�vice Counter. 5 4 3 ,2 1 . $. What is the best 6me af day Tor you to use tt�e Front Service � Caunter? 9. Any comme�ts you have whic�wauld allow li�to bette�se�v�yot� next time? � Thanic you for ta�Cing the time to complete this �urvey. We are committed tn irnproving o�r�e;vic�. � � i � � _ � C� G� � U' � � o � � zo �? � � oG� c� x � = � m � � � nQ, U, �' - � cr, CQ �_ � � � z m i Q nla � � � � � r � � � �� 0 � � � cp � �' � o w � T � Q � � -' � Ci� � � ���� � CD � � �� � � � � ��- � ���� : � - Q � o � Sr` „ � f of� �s � � � � � t � � Mw�� �,✓�s�l � �- c� �3�� lr_�s. � � ► o � O � � p � � � r -� � � 1�C�VV�9 �F� ����,�-���- pESIGN REVIE ��,.l� � ,i' ��AFF APPP�U4'� - -_� j �, �"��'_ � r � � � c-� � G ,� p� —' rn 6AT�� - � � � �v�N � � � � �_ r I .. - , � ..�.. . .�,.. . .,� . .... L�_F" � . � - t�`�y'� N.'1 . � ,� : _ �f� �4rj" ` �*' � ��F�rr_: - �.. . �!�� o � �;7'" �t� � . ��.� . ��. �� v�.. . . . _ '•. ��:, . �� :i.. .,,M n . . rJ ...�N, r:�- f � . r �', ` � � � ^i�' _ � ' � /i_t�^ �, st:`� � �� � � �t. �...,'S` ��� � I")� . �v Qi ,��I �I� �... �4!'�. •�`q!. !: �:�'l�� . 5 ,.. 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A • � �• , ' - � • **�***�*�************�*****�******�*****************�****************�****$$�**a**�**�$��**� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **�*****s****************************�*******************************��***�****�**�***��**** ' Statement Number: R040006505 Amount: $54.00 08/25/200404:13 PM II Payment Method: Check Init: JS NOtatipn: #2325/VAIL VANQUISH 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB040437 Type: DRS - Sign Application Parcel No: 210311415017 Site Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Locativn: 2211 N. FRONTAGE R�AD Total Fees: $54.00 This Payment: $54,Q0 Total ALL Pmta: $54.04 Balance: $0.00 *****************m�*****x�****�************************�***�******��r**���*w*********�******�* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: ' Account Code Descriptian Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 4.00 I I I JUN-10-2�04 THU 02� �0 FM 5TEVE J� RIDEN AIA FAX No, 91094903� P, 001 � � � b'-9" 8" 8a 2r_0�� 2n 4�—l0�� a ��_�n 3�-0'' 1'-0" ��� � � I L_ _ r � � _ . � �-rj i i N `� � rn I L-— — �� �, x I 1 o �"� � � I � � I ! � � � � I � z � � � ° m � � � D I I � � t I � � _ � I I I I ' I I �'�I ! I � I I �� 1 I � � I N � � � � ' � � � � � � � i r - . p� 3 D -Ni r --F " N �z � Nc � c rn � v N � � � N� � � p N � D m � � z N C7� r" � 70 �� � �, � U1 �Ir� � C � � �t [7 I d m .� m � r„ -� � � � � z � �1 m o � z � = 7� � U� � n t� l X - o � -. �b � � � � � r � M � � �� � rn ,� r�n -� '� r i m z r 3 N �� `' Z � � � � � g � � s � N ` � R �' '� � � . � �,/,a S��'� 3 � �� � �, Design Review Board � ` ACTION FORM �'� � Department of Community Development t lJ��j OF Vt��L � 75 South Frontage Raad,Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DRB040253 Project Description: NEW P�RTE COCHERE AND R�S7AURANT ENTRY Participants: OWNER DEBIR2 HOLRINGS LLC 06/14/2004 Phone: I C/0 MAI2VIN F POER &COMPANY 414 17TH ST STE 1730 DENVER il CO 80202 Lecense: APPLICANT DEBIR2 HOLDING5 LLC 06/14/2004 Phone: C/O MARVIN F POER &COMPANY 410 17T�1 S�'STE 1730 DENVER CO 80z02 License: Prc�ject Address: 2211 N FR�NTAGE RD WEST VAIL Lpcation: 2�11 N. FROIVTAGE ROAD �egal Description: Lot: 1,2, Biocks Subdivisian: VAIL DAS SCMONE FIL 3 , I Parcel Number: 210311415017 Comments: Please see conditians of approval BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Ac�ion: STAFfAPR I Second By: Vo#e: aate af Approval: 09/15/2404 Conditians: Cvnd: 8 (PLAN): �fo changes to these plans may be made without the written c4nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the apprapriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval dces not constitute a permit for building. Please cc�nsult with Town of Vail Euilding personnel prior to constru�tion activitRes. Cv�d: 2a� D�B approval shali not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cand: 202 Approval of this project shalA lapse and become void one (1) y�ar following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commence� � � � ' and is diligently pursued toward complet'son. Cond: CON4006690 1)That the new Holiday Inn monument sign must be finished as approved,which entaiis surfacing the roof of the sigr� with the same metal material and color as the buifding's roaf concurrently with the work on the porte cochere. Cond: CON0006691 2)A!I rooftop mechanical equipment must be painted to match the color af the existing meta�l roof cor�currently with the porte cochere work. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ' � � � , � ��- {� Application for Design Review � � g "` ���.;.' � ;; �� Department of Community Development �°� _ �`�t � 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado $1657 T�r',i']'�i O� 1,f;�jl�/ teV: 970.479.zi39 fax: 970.479.�452 �ti�� � web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information. Alf projects requ�ring desigi� review must receive approval prior to submitting a building per�mit applicatian. Please refer to the submitta6 requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparkment, The praject may also need to be reviewed by the Tawn Council and/or the Planning and Enviranmental Commission. Design re�+ewr approval lapses unless a building permit is issued ar�d construction commences within one year of the approval. Descri�tion of the Request: U � v V Location of the ProposaL• Lot: l 81ock.���� � !� �� Physical Address: � ,F�� � Parcel Na.:��.��±-T b�� (Cpnt�ct Eagle Co. Assessor at�70-328-8640 for parce1 no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): �✓��t1 -�D►.�---��� Mailing Address: Phone: -- — <--r-� g ;� , . .. J , pwner(s) signature(s): - > � : ' ' ''. �` �_� Name of Applicant: � ` , Mailing Address: :-. , t �� �_:--, -.�i i�{-:- .. ? � �hone: - �_ _ -� c c — E-mail Adciress: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: � Signs $50 Plus$1.�0 per square foot of tatal sign area. ❑ Conceptual Review No Fee ❑ New Construction $650 For�onstruction of a new huilding ar demolrebuild. CJ Addition $30Q For an addition where squ�re footage is added to any residential ar commercial buifding (includes 250 additirans& interior conversions). � Minor Alterat+on $250 Far minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (multi-family�comrnerciaf) rerooflng, painting, winciow additions, 6andscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ❑ Minor Alteration $20 For rninor changes to buildings an�i site improvements, such as, (sing�e-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, ekc. p Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by P9ar�ning StafF or thE Design Review Board. ❑ Separatior+ Request No Fee i Far O�ce e nl C `T�,� '��� Fee Paid: ��� � Check Na: ��"�� �Y� �� � � ,�pKCation Date: �o ect No.: � Planner. � �� + � • � I � ,! �1 I n �ti♦ y� . . �ht.. � i� • . i .�` . . '• . . �• _• �. .'',�•�, '". . . ,�i Z � • �.1 ' Y' � _ . • ^ � � �� � r � �� � ���r��r �x�erit�� ,A����a���.� A lication f�r t�esi n Revi�r�v .rr���: P� � t, �y ,.�. l "L,� �:~� ` DeGartment or Community Develo�me�t �� :� ``�`''� �.�s4 75 South Fro�tage R.�ad, Vaii, Colorado 81e57 `�- - -��'� tel: 970.�'�79.2139 fax: °70.479.245Z T��'��� oF 1�1-���,. � web: www.vailgov.com General �nformation: All �ro}ec�s requiring design review �ust receive approval prior to subrrzit�ing a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval th�t is requested. An appl�catiQn for Design �teview cannot be accepted until ail required informatien is received by the Community �eveiopment Qepartment. The proiect may alsa need to be reviewed by the 7awn CounciP and/or the P+.anning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and coRStructipn commences wi#hin one year af the approva[. � � ",' tr� r i ,'�,�"�"ti% Descriptior+ af the Aequest: r� ��� L,�'�°f��� I�'�'����,�'�}).`�' � ='�-- �.`.a..`�' �. ./,, ,')i�� ,, #t'• � � Loc:ation of th� Proposal: Lot: _Block:�_Subdivisio�`�: _ — - r ,�'��,., f�. , Physical Adcl�ress: ._�_7il �f� /'�'--'r '` �—�--J_--- --- ---------------- Parcel No.: -7�� �l� 1�'��.�__�...._. (����tact E.ac�le C'o. Assessor ct�370-3�°-564� far parcel no.) zon i n9: _�;.f:J.n���, - ��_.�°�1r'L�..a.�-------- — - ---- �vame(s) of ovtirner�sjc �.�i�_..L'�.I� . �_._._�.__._._�. _.—___ t� �/' ; ,!-� : � ) �`� G '�' '�/ � �', r�1ai{ing Address; �_ � ��_�_�"'� —;��1�—����.���..._.�`-�—.--- ! Phor�e: _._��`_'��"_�7:.��---�-- Ov�:ner(s) Signature(s): _ _�—.—___ �__ �_.�.__ Mame af Apglieant� . ��/�1:� zf�� � f r' �� —�_ _----------- � � � � r+�;!��vr�'�;`T" _� ' !_ .. '� �'f�'� ,7 Maili�g A.ddress: �' ��'�__� - r -- = -- `" '�� ` �,�(r� " �1,�� Phone: • r�----- E-r��ail Address: �'^'r,r' .�'"��! � ;��.,;.,�J���_�_��-'��� 1�_?`���s�.�._� ���.� —� "fype af Review ant� Fee: � 5��;�; �5� Plus $1.(�0 per square font nf tUtal sign area. ❑ Concept�al Rµview Nc Fe� � New Constructi�n $650 Fc�,- c:unskruction of a new I�ui{d��ig er derno/refi�uilc,. p A itian �300 For vr� �dditic�n v�rt�er� sq�!are f�o't�g� is a�'�2c1 t� ��y �'esitl�ntial c�r -�, ��orr�rne�cial h�ildinq (inc�ucles 250 addikions �ir,ter�or conversi�ns). Minar Alteration $25Q 'r`or minor eha�ges to buildinys �nd site improvem�enU, such as, r (ms�lt:i-family/com�rercial) �� r2raofiny, painting, wirde�w acditions, la��dsr_�pirg, fences and retaining w�lis, etc. ��li�or Alteration $20 For mi�or chanqes tc bu�ldi���e,s anu �i'�e improvements, such as, 1-'� (s�ngke-family/duplex) rer'o�finy, painting, window� additions, lancis�aping, fences and retaining waRs, etc. ❑ Changes to Approved Plans $2fl For revisions to pl,3ns already appro��ed by P�anning Staf� o: tt�e Design R�view Board. ❑ S�.�ar�tion Request No Fee `�_� -� , �or Of�'�ce Use Onfy: _� "r�e Paid: Check Na.: �By: '— i•1e�'�ng Date: _ DR8 f�a.:_____ �- - --- Planner: �T _ F'roject No.: --. -- - .- --- --- PGg° 1 of 12j04/2�/Q4 � � � August 20, 2404 West Vail Lodge/Holiday Inn Outstanding Plannir�g Issues: ❖ The new Holiday Inn monument sign must be finished as approved, which entails surFacing the raof of the sign with the same metal materiai and color as the building's roof, ' ' ' ; *:• All raoftop mechanical equipment must be painted to match the color of the existing metal roof; ,.. « „ • , , . �r� m.��n1� #he ree��f�I�e..,�titi r�l.zr�e• r y� u n • � r � +�f ♦ ' 1 +`� 1 1 f . . � � 12-7D-8: Site Coverage Site coverage shall not exceed torty percent (40%) of the totai site area. 12-7D-9: Landscaping and Site Development � At le�st twenty five percent (25%) of the total site shall be landscaped. The minimum I width and iength of any area qualifying �s landscaping shall be fifteen feet (15') with a m�nimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet, 12-7D-10: Parking and Loading Off-street pa�king and laading shall be prov�ded in accordance wit#� chapter �0 of this title. No parking or loac�ing area shall be laca#ed in any �equired fronf setback area. 12-7D-11: Location of Business Activity A. Limitation; Exception: All permitted and conditiona� uses by sections 12-7�-1 and 12- 7a-2 of this article, shall be operated a�d conducted er�tirely within a building, except far permitted Ivading areas and such activities as may be specifically authorized to be unenclosed by a conditio�al use permit and t�e outdaor display of goods. B. Outdoor Display Areas: The area to be used for outdoor display must be lacated directly in front o�the establishrnent displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, buildi�g entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor di�pEay. VI. PQTENTiAL SITE ZONING ANAYSIS (Note: The subject property is comprised of five separate lats totaling 3.94 acres or 172,018 sq ft.) Pro�ect site: Lots �, 2, and 3, and Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing 1; and Lot 1, Block A, Inn at West Vail � - _, Proposed Zoning: High Density MUltiple-Family (HDMF) ���� Land Use Designation: Community Commercial & Medium Density , Residential Current Land Use: Lodge/Hotel/Eating & Drinking Establishments � Develaqment Stat�dard Existinq Allowed/Rep. (CC3) A9lowed/Rea. (HDMF) Lot Area: 172,01 S sq ft 25,000 sq ft 10,000 sq �t �uildabEe Lot Area: 3.890 acres 25,p00 sq ft 10,000 sq �t (169,448 sq ft) Setbac�s: Front: 63' 20' 2Q' Sides: 123'/49' 20' 20' Rear: 82' 20' 20' Building Height: 10 . , ' • � � Flat raof: 35' 45' I S[oped roof 5fi' 38' 48' � Der�sity: 19 DUs & 46 DUs 98 DUs � , 83 AUs 0 AUs 49 AUs GRFA: 43,532 sq ft 51,600 sq ft 103,200 sq ft I Site Coverage: 16% 40% 55% (34,538 sq ft) (68,801 sq ft) (94,602 sq ft) I Landscape Area: 14% 25% 30% (24,082 sq ft) {43,001 sq ft) (51,60� sq ft} I I YIt. SURR�UNDING LAND USES AND ZONfNG I Land Use Zonin Narth: Residential Two-Famil Prima /Seconda Residential Y rY �Y �PS) South: (I-70y NA , Eas#; Commercial Commercial Core lil (CC3) West: Commercial & Commercial Core III (CC3) 8� Two-Family ' Residential Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS ' (1) The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies I outlined in the Vaii camprehensive plan anct is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and i Of the total area of the site, approximateiy 8fi% is designated by the Town of Vail Comprehensive I�anc! Use Plan as Community Commercial, as is the remainder of the CC3 zone district, and 14% (Lots 1, 2, and 3, Vai! Das Schone, Filing 1) as � Medium Density Residential. The Vail Land Use Plan allocates 12.5% of the total {and area in Vail toward the Medium Density Residential designation, and 0.7% taward Community Commercial. The plan also forecasts a shortfall in "local related retail space" of 18,422 square feet and suggests intensifying the I Community Commercial uses located exclusively in West Vail as the preferred remedy to this problem. The relevant portion of the Vail Land Use Map has been �� attached for reference (see Attachment F). Under the �Preferred Plan"Land Use Pattern section of the Vail Land Use Plan, th�fallowing is stated (p. 36): B. Commercra!Uses 4. Community Commercial � 11 I . . � , � 1Vf1l1 O� IL1iL 1 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rnad Yuil, Colnrado 81657 970-4�71-2138 FA.Y 970-479-?452 www.vailgov.com June 28, 2004 Stephen James Riden, AIA PC� Box 3238 Vail, CO $�658-3238 RE: Holiday Inn - Prvposed exterior modifications: deck expansion, entry, Porte cochere. Dear Steve, In regard to the DRB application referenced above, the following information and materials are required to complete our staff review: •: A full-sized, scaled site plan depicting the entire develaprnent site's prope�ty boundary is required to accurately calculate standards such as site caverage, parking, landscape area, etc.; *.• The Site D�velopment Plan, as submi#ted, daes not show the full extent of the proposed deck expansion — please adjust and revise; *.• Please show all exte�rior lights, existing and proposed, on a separate lighting plan. Please feel free to call with any questions you may have. My direct line is (97Q) 479- 2140. Thank yau for yo�r attention to this matter. If you can submit the materials outlined above by noon vn �riday, July 2, 20a4, we will be able ta take your proposal on the July 7, 2Q04, DRB agenda. Sincerely, �f ��r ��� 11�atthew R. Gennett, AICP Town Planner }�ftECYCLED Y.4Y5N .. � . � � � , n,�� � .3���.;. € a � '�3 � €�� � � , f � xy� � � � �; �;,' _ �EtF � ;: �s ��Ai I �li� `3t, :�: � ,=;E � ,�� � � � � � �;` ��� �9 � _ � � �� � � ,I� IE i �' 'my u �. i, �r"�, � ��� � � �� � k�� p�l� i�. ,�� � �; ; �'I �' "� ,:� �. �r � ,� :�� � � ' � I a=� ; �� �, , � ��� � � `�.�.r� r,° � �'. I�!III' � - _ �;,ay3��� '��� i . � 3, I I ' .. ,. ,. �� , , r. �m – � _t- �`h,. ,��, ;n'�. 1 �d x� r�, _., �� �Y�t��? I �. � '�� , � �,., . �a �,,;,. , n � � � � ��;� �� �' � � t', j `� � �'�� 6���� w F q �� � ������ `� �± €� . y � ���� �: � � � r ; �� �9�iGw� � - �''�� � �� `� � �� '� ;� ����, ', � ������� � �'�� ��� t ��. � ��� �I ��� . � � �-'�,; � r�° 7� � i �� �� ��� � � � a � � ^t r 3���° ����� � � q ��.C.u�._ � �?�.' r�e : f�4 -�` � :� :.�4 ,J�,- � �� . � � l, '� . ?��� � ?� u�i � �}� � ;' ��. ��� �� � " r�"� f< < .. � �m,� s� ;� � � " ;, 3, �' � . 1.c�:-'�. F,�� �s Y .�i�,..5. i:� F.` ' 3' = y� � �`r C G:- - F",t �' IYt+3' E '�g ,�. CI , i]�; Jy�r :�,;; .;� �. ,� �w ��° �" �C�•' � � `� `��� I � ;�,. �� g :;� k. � , �9� � ' ,�, � ��I � : Et '.:�� ...-.. o-ia-u4i 'L:no�MiarCMbb ANU A��VL. 1970Ea5733H � SJ 13 • • , � � � SPERBERC & ASSOCIAT�S pC ATTORN�Y5 AND COUNS�LORS A,T LA'GV . � . WELI.S FARG�O C�NTER, SCJ'IT�Z0� TE�,�PHO1vE: 97(1-845-0200 ' 70 BE�CHMAR� ROAD �'AX: .970,845-7339 '- p. o. �ox�aa� � A'VON, Cb 81620 �Keily C. PauYsen, Paralegal � ,� aulsen calammlaw.com Robert L. Sperberg, Esq rsperber coIant�tniaw.com Ka[hleen A. Morse, Paralegal �Cruorse C lomtnlaw.cpm FACSIlI2�I.� TRANSMTS5I4� • To: Bhazat Bh�kta Ox�g�a�1 VZ,� Mai1; Np Vanquish Vail Qne Fa�No.: 476-5089 �'otal No, of Pages, inc,�pding Caver page: � �rom: Kathleen A. Morse _.. Date: June 14, 2Q04 �e; �iotiday � � ' } 'We located out tile (right where rt+�vas supposed to be') arzd £ound fhe �edales ,4 and ,B. �'he entire Title Xnsaranc�e Policy is encTosed, including Sc�tedules A and B. ~ Please �all if yarx Aeed anyttsing e�e. � Kathy 1V�orse � C��C� �-O'� Q 1 ° � . • I ,s� .-<, l 'd ti�L� '°N �I�� ld 3�901 X3da V�d65�� �00� �til ���� � V V^�L i/ �' • Y •J.�I► � � � � . ... .._ ���v /YJVVi • , � PLf�:i,SF C,"H�("K d�r I3()X My rni�m wa,r•r�y�.rv- tTir<<uth a trav�l u�eni I m-thmu�h yn«rScu�numl>ci�re.ct�ru�i�n�y�k•n� � ' I sm rru��lin�ic+[Buxincti� ` I Yca�us� _� ; I liiw nr•ury d:�ya a yeur dc+vi��i�i;+y i��a hu�cl r de�i�1�J tu.t�� •rl�his hi�[el 7'�'rcau::: I��yl��: Row11 fl . - Pi�•.'.� w,�a�••�i[h+•�urch�i�� C'ir 5�:�1,�: - Y�. . - � „ _ Su��'��ur hiµhu'�y�i�rt� uate of your Flay. � . ._ _ . . l:scd ti'vu:�'haiti t�irec�ury . � _ — rl•I�C'K�� c�Nr:ix utrr = 1t'x.�cforrt��hy: _ Rcc:a�tse pt uourinit rr�:c tr6.�crr'iti�p��!��2i11 '1'n�c4ivc n;yueslrJ IIIIt1Fl!1:IIIt�11 ti�l'ti�?�:rcnn:�l _, Pr�.•iuuti���rancitiCt wirh vi�uf�hain n�pum�tiu y��ur c��mmznl-,plcu�j�}ill i�; _ 5�.v;•l�ur rn��c:ui�le u�t21���i�ic+n o i��ero�nenc � ` 5uw �uUr li�tina in thG A�L1 ill Gl'�c�ry Your N��mc _. . _� o�,.�r; ._„ � �aa�a,:�: -- ; I� � r�r= . ..., .._._. , � �� . , , RL.EhSE C'ti�CK THE r1PPRf1P� AT�I�()?� Statc i,ip_, , , i __ ' i • � • _ �,�...e•�:�•_ ,. .�t�r�; - . ... —�J 'i P.c:rliin! L. ��d 11iR P�ui1 `-- '�' . � cr„�„fi�,,.�����c�•,�,�,�,� COM?,�I�M'S �SUCiUtST10�� � Clc;anli��::of}•r,ur rnrtim.„ ' ' 1 ' . . ! I De�c�'�;�ur:i�s'rm .._,..... , . ' . : : _ � .��i�a�ie nf our pers�nncl... _ L �; � i ., � �u�lin�nt Sen'lcc ......... : : I I ; � _. .�...__ C+r,ufnn uF your Ir�nrn ..,,.. - f f' � i � - .-_ Cun�'cfl�un�v of Ic�c�liUn .., .r I : I. � : I —.� ,_, . . ' I ' I Re.��ciur•r���r&Lnu,�,��� - � Re,�nt,r:�ni fLaun��decor ._ L' �i � • --, ° . M�nu ti�]��1inn „��....,,.. I I I I I � Fytitaur�irr1/1.utm�,:�c►nunn�l i ' I ! I I : I � � � � i Qu�lih•r�ff'aatl............... : . I 1 1 -1 ��. _.. .,_. Quvliw�r!'Sefvirc ........_ - [ ' . : : : � .�.,.. - . I ryouid�'DV slAl'u91h u.3��:aln:' � Yex I I fVu ' I , PL�A��+� I��AV�; r1T FRONT DESK, �� ; Thank Yc�ti.., I A�'�Re�A'f4 ieRJ+ I I I Z 'd tiSLZ '�N �t�n i� a�an� xa�d w����� tr��7. ��i �u�r � ' v i� vTa c..'�rivi�_ar�nvc ��v ...a,avti.. �x7rUat��San a Cf 1.S . • � � . . . , ::;T� ' AL7A OWNER`S PpLrC'ft•10-17-92 ` ': ' •'� • POLiCY OF TiT�,E INSU1tANC�I55UEb B'Y' STEWART �' ITL � � GUARANTX COMPANX � '� SUBl�CT TO THE EXC�,US�ONS FROM COV,E�ACrF, 'i"�T� EXC�PTIONS PROM COVBRAG�CpNTA[N�D � W SCH�UI.�$AND THE CONI�ITIONS AI�D STTPULAZ'IqNS,STE'oVART T1TLE GilARANTY COMp,4N y, a Tt7cas corparao�oa, hercin called the Couspany, itisures, as ofDate af policy�how�in Scl�tdu,ie A, against loss or d�utttage not exceedit�g the Amouni of�p�urance 5tatect in�hedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured b�rcasoa of: 1. Title to the cstatc or interest descr�bed in Schedtete A beiQg vested otbct than as stated xhcrein; 2. ,4Qy d�fect in or Iien ur encumbrance aa tbc title; • � 3- U'nmarketabiliry oF t�e tit�o� . 4. Lac1c of a tight of ac.crss io and from the laad. ' The Campany will also gay t�costs� attorncys' fees aad expenses iocurred in dcfensc of the tiile� as iasured, but only [o the exteat pmvided ia the Conditions amd SkipulatiorLS. ZN W]TNLa55 WEIER�OP, SteWart Title Guaranry CompaRy t�as cauSOd this pOlic}+ ta�e Sigs}ect and sealtd by'its duiy autharized offcers as of the bate af Poluy shown i�,t 5ched�fe A, . STEWA,RT • T �TLE GUAkANTY CUtr�P.41+TY � � ��'i�.E� . • [heirlaan af sht aoa r �'�°�'�+ '�`� ' ,3,�,.'��_yE�Troi� Ptesident � Cv�ntersi ��ila6 ?o rc � * r�z+,,S.fyr • - _� Aut rized Co�mta�s49naturo . AAT TCIx.E DF VAIL,WC. • a�II]p060Q58 . EXC�.r15IONS l�S.OM COVERAGE 7'hc foIIowing mat�ccs are exprrsaly exeludad lrvm d�e covesago of dais policy anA the Cornpsoy will aoc p�y ioas or damage,cosu. actomeys'fecs or eacpcneos whfch arlac by rcaso�of: 1. (a)My law, ordinance or eovernmoatal regulatian (u�luding bu� not limitrd w biri�ding an9 zoning laws, ordinances,or re�ulations) rEStriuieg,regu3ating, prohibiting or�c►stin�w (i)the occupaacy.use,or aqjoymsmt of nc�land; (i)d�e chsuaccer,dimensions or l�rtan of any improvament aow ac Eiecm�Etec oro�ti on thL land;(u�s separ+�tion in awnershi�or a ehapge i»thc dimensiona or�►�ea of�Go land or any pwr�cl of which the Jand is ar was a parc; ok(v)enviroaruenml protectfp�,or �he effect of any violation of�hese]aws� ordinanees or So�'���u���,¢cept m the txstnt t}�at a natice of�e ento�cemcac thereof or a nodcr ot a defect, tien or encumbrrnce resulring Gpm�,violation or alleged�iolarina a�eC[I�Sg d�e Iand lias been rcevt'dcd in the public ra��rJs�t Due of Poliey. (b)My yavenflnentai pn5ir�power not sacluded by (a)abovc,euepc to fie eXt�air tha� a notiee o} fio exercise thereof or a noticc of a I def�ct,lien or encumdranec�ultiug from a violatiou or al'Iceed violatlop a�ffecang the land hay been�ccorded ia d�e publia lbwrds at Date 1 of PnGcy. 2. Ri�hts of cmin�nt domair, u�Icss norice of die e�re=cise thcreof has beea �ecordcd in�he p�blic mords ot Da� of Puf'�cy, b�n� rxcluding tmm covengc any qlcin�wbich has occurrod prior ro Data otPnlicy which would be bindinE on�►e ri�lus ala pureZ,�ser for value w�tLout imowledge. 3_ Defxrs,licns,eneumbna�e�,ad�erse claims or other tna�: � ' (a)creared,su€feted,assvu�d ar ag�e�d ta by the insured claimant; (b)noc kno�vn w tho Corapaoy,opt reeord�d in[ht public recoM�At Duc of Policy,but knnwn to the inauced e141R►anc and nat disclosed in writing ta che Compar�y hy tbe iaatt[eQ c.3x�pt prior co the datn the insure8 c�simant beea�e�insured undrx tbia pol�cY; (c)result;na in no lass or daepage to rh�insured claiman�; (d)auaching e[c�oed�tbaequtt�t te pa[c of Pulicy;or Ee)resulting in�oss or damage whkh would not have been su�«irud if the insured cle�nt had paid value for d�t atxie ar inte��st'sasuted by dtis poticy. . 4. Any elaion,which arises ou[of t�e[rensaction vescing in t�e Inawred dx eswcc or inceresi i�sured by lpis paliey,by rcasan of t6e oparatinn of tederal ba�ruptey,staie insoavesuy,or similar crediwa'tia4ts lawa:thac is bazed an; (�y rhe uansa�on creatipg du astate or inre�s[ iasured by d�is policy bein� de�mcd a fraadulent eonvoyaace or fraudulen� �ransfer;or �' cm f (b)the�ansauipn ctrating the estate or iweres� iaKUrcd by thfs policy brJng dccmed a preteren[fa)tranefer excepe where tho prciuential banssfer results fmm�ho failwre: (�to t�imely rccnrd the inamuttenc.of ctanafer,or(i'sy oi s+teh recordation�a i�inga�rt noiicc to a purc�aser Por value or a'ud cnt ar liesi c►^editor, Serial Ho.a-9701-299335 ,.� � `d ti�LZ '°N lI�►1 ld 3�J00� X�dH�"W�65�� 'ti06� 'til •unr =� . � , u, �� I . cormrrioNS,�rm srrrv�A�toxs � � ;..�.� '''...,� . . i. DEF�lYITION bI'TERMS, • • ' The following tcr[�s wheo uscd in this po�icy mcan: ' (a),"�nsured': the [nsured natned in 5chedule A, and, subjcct w any rigl►ts or defenses the Company wauld 6ave bad egainst the aamed insurcd, those who succecd co the iqteresl of d�e named iqsurcd by o�ration of!aw as d[s�inguished[rom pnrchase ineluding,but np� limited to,�eirs,d�stribvse�s,devisees,surv3vors,personal represrn�tives,next of kin, or corporate or flduciary succes5ars. @) "iutsurod clafman�': an oasurcd cJaiming Inss or damage_ (c) 'knowledgc' or'lcnown": aetua�tnowledge, not constructive knowFedge or notiee w6ieB may be isupuied to�n insured by reason : of the public��p��s as defined j1s this policy or any other re�ords wl�ICl►ittcgart aonstructive notice of�at[ers affxting q�e lurid. (d) '1aRd": Ehc land deserlbed or nferred to ie�5chodulc A, atyd improvemems z�xed[hereto vyhich by Iaw constirut�real propcny. � The�erm "land' does not inc,�ude any property tiieyand dic lines o� �{te area de5cribed ar rsfieired to ie 5ahedule A, nor an}r ri�ht, ti.tle, � i�teresC, estate o�esstment in abu[�irig strcets, roads,avenues, �Ileys, Ianes, ways or wa�rways, bnt no[hing herein shali�dify or���s ' rhe excent w which a right of acces�W a�d from she]an�ia in�red by d�i�5 policy. (t) "morrgage": mortgage�dead of rrust, m�,st docd, nr otber securiry insuvmcnt. (t} "public tteotds": records establighed under state srstiuk>s at baoe of Policy for rhe purpose af imparwtg constracCivc nndee of matrers relating ro real properry to purchasers for v�lue and withnu[Irnowftdge. With�e�pect ta Sactioa!(a)(iv}af tt,c Exclusi�ns�iom Coyeraga, 'pvblic reenrds' shall aLso include e�yironmcntal prOteCtion liens filed dt(f�c recarcf5 OF thc clerk of the Uni[ed S�tc~�dutrict court for the disviiet in whieh rhe land is iocated. � (g) 'u�msrlceobility af thc[itJe": an a[faged or apparent ma¢er affccting tha title to the land,not excluded or excepted fmm coverage, which woeild entisJe a purchastr of the esr��or ifi�erest dcsc�•ibed ie Sehcdufe A w 6e released from tbo obligation m purchase by rirtuc of �can�accuzl condition rcquiring rhe delivery nf markefable tide. 2. CUNTEN[TA�'IQN Ol�INSURANC�AFT`�Et CON�`EYANCE QF TTL'�E. The cov�ngc of this policy ehali �ntrave m�orce as of Da1c of policy �fsvar of an iusured onty so fong as thc insure.d setgins aa estate�r irsccrest in zhe lan�, or halds an indebtrdnass securcd by a purchas� mnaey morcgage given by A purchaser frotlt thc;asurod, � or onty so loflg as rhe insured shall hava liab�ity by reasan of cavenanry of warraaty,��e by rhe it�sured in any transfer or convoyanca — of tbe esta[e oC 1n[trest. This palicy sh91�not ooniinue in fo[CC io favor of any purCh�ser fro�q the o�sured of either(i)�esrate or iptcresc iu the�a�sd,or{iu)an indebtedn,ess securod by a pure6ase uwney mortgage girrea to thc is�sured, 3. 3VOTICE OF Ci..�M TO ET CrIVEN BY lTIS'C]xID CLAIMAN'�'. The insured Shalf notify �ha Corng�ay p�o�,pUy fn wricing(�ist casc of any 1$igation a3 set fortl�y� Scctlon 4(a) ye�aW, (ii)in case ]mowledge sha.11 came w �n insured heceunder of any claim of tit�e or interes[ which is adverse to thc 5�e m the esta�e or is►�erest, as insured,and w��might cause lnss ox slameg=for w�ich the Company�nay be liable by v'setue of#his policy,oc('si�if vde to tha rstate r or�tter'esi, as insured, is;rejecl,ed ss uasaar4;era6le. Tfproinpt notice sha1l oot be given m�}►o Company, then as to the insured a[i liabil'sry af �►e Compar�y sHa3]termiaace wirh regard m d�e mattcr or matters for w6ich prompt notiee is required: prdvided.howeuer,daac faifurc �o notify the Company shall in no rase pre}udiee Qic rights of �ny insured undeX[hk policy unless shc Compatty Shall bo prejud�vd by � - sha taiEurc and.thcn on�y w fhe extant of Che prejudice_ . 9. IfEFENSE A,1Vp pROS�C[JTION�F,�CI7U1V'S;AUTY OF��p���O COflPERA'C�. (a)Upon wrie�en rcquest 6y[he ins�red and subject m the pptions contained in Sectiaa d of daese Condrtions and$�pu2atians, d�e Company, at its own r,pst and aithout unreasonabie dclay, shall pr4vfde for tlie defense of sn insured in lit�gatinn in which ar�y third pazty �asserrs a elaim adversc to the dde or interest as insured, 6ut aqty as co �nse srarcd causes of act�on alleging a dcfcct, Ije�or entumbranca or otGer maQer p�urnd agsinst by th'ss policy. The Compaqy�all have the righ�m sdlect cousrsel of Ks choice(subjr,�c[a the ' right ofthc Tr�urcd to obfect far rea�onabk causo)m represept �hc rosured as�o rhase states!causes of acdon and st�all not be liable for and Mrill not pay the fees of any otl�er Gounsel. The Compar�y wiil not pay any fecs, costs or eacptnses incurreA by Ifie insured in qic defense o� those c;uses of acrio�w��allegc matters not insured agai�st by this pol�cy. (b)The Compan�sha13 havc 1he right,a�ils owa cosk��nspwtc and proser.u�e a�y aation or proeccding ar tn do any oiher�ct wbich in its opinion rmy be necessary or desirabfe to establish the tids to the eatata or interest,;►s;�uir.d,o�to p�revtnC or reduce loss or damag� W the insured. The CoR►paay may sake�ny apprapriue acqon ss�nder ihc�rms of dyis po�iry, wtiether pr not it shall bt=j�ble hereunder, I and shaN not rhereby eonccde liabiliry or vvaiv�aay pravisi�n o�tt►is pol9cy, If�e Comparry sha1S exercis�its reght�under d�is paragrzp�+, it shall do so diligenUy, (c)'4Pk�enevu thc Com�any s�sa!! h�va brougb� an action or iote[posed a deFenso as required or permiued by d1C provisiopa of this policy,tht Company may pursut any litigation to 5na1 determinat�nn by a court ofcom�petentjurisdicaon aqd Cxpressly ieserves the sight�, 11S NS SBLC t�$CiC11011�to �ppeal from uiy advtrsc judgrnenc or ordet, ' (d)�a ap cases wherc[his polic,y pennits or requires fie Cornpaay W prosecute ar prowide for cl►e defcnsc of any �tioa or pmcedd- ing,the 7nsured shall sesure to the Compar�y�c right �o ao pra8ewte or provrde defcnse in the acNon or proceeding, au�d au appeals tf�erein, aad permit the Company w use� at its option, d►e tleme af the insused tor th�s purpose. Wk�enevar requcsted by rhe�rnnpany,the ' insured;at t]�e Campany's expense,shall give the Cosrspany all rr,ason�ble aid(�)rn tny acrio�p=proceeding,securiag evidence,pbtaining wimcsses,prosecuting or defen�ing tbe acdo�ot proceed'sng, or offetting seate���I, and(i7 in ar�y othcr lawtut a�t which in the opinion � nF the Compaay may be neeesaary or desirablc to estabJish[he tide to 11ie cstate or uttenes� as a�sured. If r1�e Company Cs pr�judiced hy thp • failurc af tEse insured ap �urnish I�c rcquired enop�t�on, the Compa�y's obligations �a tt�e insured under the policy shall terminate, - including any lixbili[y or obligation [o defend� prosecute, o�r cvn[inue any litige��on, with regacd ta the maqCr oc mattets reqy�ayg�h eooperation. . � �d �SLZ �o� i�d� i� ��ao� x��� w�6s�� �oaz �ti� ���� — ' c-i+-u+, c:�irM:�rtHbtH�NU aS��L. �9708457�38 # �/ �2 , ' � , ' ,) :;� � ALTA OWNE�t.'S POI�iCY ' . SC�EDUL,E A �rder Number: OZ0�2586-ce Policy No.: o-9�D1-299335 �- Uate of Policy: May aa, 2003 at 3:3Z p.�a. � Amount of Inst�rance: � 5.3 p0,OpO.oo � 1. Name of I�nsured: 'VAHQtJ��ia vAZL I LLC. A b�r�a,�ARS Lxl[ITSD IIT.1►�ZLITY COD�22�b7Y as to pa�cpeZ� �, aad C and VA�1'QIIZSH QAIL IT LLC, A bg�►y�ABE LIiSITSn LxAB�LZ'�Y CpEdpANy 2, 7fic estate or incerest yn the land which'is cover�d Cry tf�is poaicy is: gsE xo ��c�r.s x & a, r�sEn�x �co �s��$� c 3, Tit1e to the estate ox inr�rrst in the lamd �is vestcd in: VANQIIxSIi V1�L Y LT,,C, Jl D�Ll�1�AR8 S.IlQITFD LIABILITY CO1��NY,� � . 9s to ParceZ� A �lhd C , and VAtiQU►x�H VAxL =Z L7,C, A DELAWARS LY��TED LIASILZ'T'S� COMPANY. as �a Pascala H and C 4. The land referred to in this palicy is described as follews: � SEE ATTAC�D Y,�GAL DESCRIP�rflb�T S 'd �SLZ '°N lI'dR .l� 3�J�Q1 X3d� Wd6��� ti00� '�l 'un� — . a-t4-ut; 'G:b1�M;5NCHntH��U A'�VL. ;S7p9457989 # 6/ 13 . � • � � � � ::,1 SCHF33ULE A , ) . Order Number: D203Z586-c6 LEGAL DESCRTFI'ION :E . t PARCLL A= � g parcel of la�id lyiag within A R�SIIBDZVYSTON OF � vxiL nas s�saan ��z�� �ro. �.� a�� � VAZL DAS SCHONE P'�T.IN� N0. 3, Coun��► o� �ag1e, State of Colorado, atare perrzbuZarly c�e�scr9.bed as fo�lowa: 8eg�nn�ng ab rhe Northeast corner o£ eaid parcel, also being � pviat on tli0 Westierly zi.ght of aay liae of Ct�amoaix �aae arid tbe • NarthoreeC Coraear of Lot 2A, Resubdivisian o� Lpt 2, � Vail 9as Schoae 1��1i.ag Ne. 3 f thence Soueh 19°�6'4�" East 42�4.66 feet to a pdint ea the Narbb right of way line of Tn�erstate Hig�way No. 70 8roxitaga Rsaad; theace a3oag said Nork� right �f way li�a oa the tol}.ox�.ng ��ee conrses: 1) South 52°02'S6" �Te�t 62.OQ teet; �) 5our.]a s9°54'16° idesC 274_90 feati; ` 3) South �46°04'45� Wast 45.a8 ��e�. ta t�a Saut�east Corner a! the Cnl2in� FTirk.� 5ubdiviaioat Eh�nce alo�g the Has't line of said Suladiviaioa North 34°52'S3� D�esC 17I.75 feat to a point �va the South right of way liae oE �amoai� Road; theaco aloag ea�d �'igh�. o£ way oa the foYYo�i�g two cousses� � 1) 2�5.63 fec�t �loug the arc o� a 194.4 foat radius curva tc the left wlsose CP.rit7cal augle i.s 7Z°23�01■ and wrhose loag �$prd bea��a Nortih OS•D2'3y" Sast 22g.62 teet; 2) North 28°09'DO' Wemt 99_5 Feet to s poisst on the Svuth right of �ray - liae of Cb�,azavaiat �aae� thence South al.ong sa�.d rig�C o� way 1�,ne of the follaw�ng �e� ecur�es: 1) Nortb 39°43'00" 8ast 89.04 �eet; 23 59.57, feet a�.ong tba arc p� a 75.OR foot r�d�us curve to the rigbt rho$e ceatral angle a.s 45°30'29^ aad w�ose lot�g �hosd bears �crCh � 52°29'7�8• East 58.02 fae�; 3) lTOrth 85°].3•33° $ast 2i�.39 fset �'o t.he Poirnt Of B�gi�ing, Said Paxcel Alav bgfn�' knowa aad desaxibed as Vaiz Das Schoaa SuLdivi�iop - Tzaat ���r ExCBpT Co�adasaini� IIrn�ts 401, g03, 445, 408, 4Q9, 4�], AZ3, �Z6, 417, � 420, 421, 424, 425, 4��, 42�, 432, 433� �36 aad 43T, ' a1N A7.' W�ST VAIL COI�IDOMx�►TIUIQ$ • ' �eCOrda.hg Co the COado�inium ySap �hereof reaorded Novemb¢� 15, i9B3 in Book J7Z aC pa�e 86b as RaceptiaA No. 269183 a�nd �a a�t�nea �a de��ribed in �he , Conda�.iai� D@Gls�ra��iatti recordad Wov�ex �.5, 19�8 �n Hook 372 at Page 8s5 �9 Reception No, 269182. PARCBL 8 t Canda�ir�.i.u3rt VsiitS 402, 403. 405, �i06, 409, 412, 413, 4z6, 417, � Co�itiinued an nex� p�ge � 'd �SL� '�H II�A ld 3J001 X3da Wd00�ti ti00� '�� '��� _ G-1�-U4i G=JIYM��NtN�CH�U A�SUL. :9fO9457$39 � B/ i� � � � � • . i . � � ,� `r ' Coa�inuatioa of Scbedule A - Legal Description Order Nam}�er: O�D32586-C6 420► �lZ1, 424, i25, 428, 4�9, 43Z, 933, g36 aud 437, INN AT WEST V14�L CONbOMIN�U�fS ' eccord�ng t,o tlie C4�sdomi�,tiusa �iap thereof reeorded I�Tovam�e7C 15, 19$3 iu 800k 372 a� ��ge $66 as Receptioa No. Z69183 and as defit�ed aad dcacribed in the � Condam�ai�um Deolara���oA reavrded 2�lavembas 15, i98B in 800k 372 at P�gs 8�5 as � lZeception Ro_ 26918z. PARC�L C: �ssemen� Right� corstaimed ia tbe Eaeesper�t l�igreesaeat r�corded Septem'bsr 10, • 1996 3.n aook 704 at Pags 902 as iteceptin�p. No. 600897. ' CODmTlY OF HAC3L� , . STATE OF COI,pnR�p, . � � I . 4 . i L �d �SLZ ��� �id� ia 3�ao7 x�dd wa4o�� �oot �ti� �u�r .� _ ;: __. _...,, , ..., "�.._,�... �...._...._ � , ,..._.,:....,. _ ,. ... � � ,. ? ..; . , � .�.TA� O'V�ER'S pULICY � ' SC.�ULE B OzderNumber: OZ032586-cs Poli�y Na,:o-9�oi-299335 � i �1�policy does not insu�re against loss or darBage(anid t�ie Cpmp�y wi11 noC pay costs, attvmeys' fee5 or e�[pe�eS) I which arise by ceason of: 1. l�ghts or claims of parties in possessian, not s�own by th�p�bli� records_ � 2, Easenne�ats, or clauns of c�scments, not shown b� the p�blic recards. � 3. Discrepancies, canf]icfs in boundary lirus, shorcage in area, encroachmencs, aazi any facts which a�orrcct � su.�ve�aad inspectian of the premises would disclose aad wh�ch axe nat shown b�the p�blic records. 4, Any lien, or right w a iien, fvr services, labar or roateria� f�eretofo=c ar b�ercaftcr furnishe�, imposod b�la�a, and nvt ahawn by ttse public recards. S. Unpatented uai�clai�s; resezvations or e�capteons in patenrs, or an act auth.ori�g the issuan�e tl�eroof; water right�, clauns or tit�e to water. , , 6. Ai� �axe� �ox ye�+x 2D03, whicb are a la,en uot yet paysbYe. 7. The effect o# iucluain� in �be tollo�ra,ag tsx district di�cZoaed by 6ag1e Covsity Z`teagurer; $agle Cvvnty. t�C. R�S0�7 3chvol. �linturri Cemetary, Vaii PScR, CRLYS, �ws, wcw, gcasn, ro`ra of v�il. . . $. �eaervat�.oae sad excep�ions �� Patanta, ox 7►�ts authorizin tha iaeuan e � 9 C Cb�e�eo£, �.z�c�uding t1�� ze�erva�ion of ti.he right o£ progrie�or ef a voin or Zode to extract 3rid remove his ere tiaaretrem ehould the �ame be �euud ko peaetra�e r or interaect the pre.mises ar> z�ese�rred in IIaited 9Ca�e� Patent recQrded l�txgug� 11, 190� ia �ook 98 at Page Z36. 9. ReservaC�,ons or exceptioas con�aiaad in U.,�, pate�ta, or isr, Acbs autYi�xizing the �asu��ce thereof, recorded flctober 4, 191� ,in'Sook 93 at page 301, re�ervi�g 1) Righta af� th� proprS,etor o� a vein or ].ode to Q�Craa� and xemove � his pre �here�rom and Z) rxghta o£ way �or ditches a�d caaals coaetruet�d uader the auCh#r,ity of tihe Ihs�.C.ed Sratee. ' � 10. A11 mattare showa ea the plata r0ep�de� Fobru�ry �,9, s965 as lteae�ptaon No. �03251 as�d rocarded �ul,y 7, 1965 as �R�Geptiva No. T�170� aad P1at reeorde� in j �apk �97 �� Paga 399 a� �eceptian z1o, 1�3637. . I 11. Ar► undiv3ded l/� iaCereat ia mi,neral�s raserved ia ths Deed recoxded ��y�� x, ].96D iss Book 165 a�k Pe�ge 133. 12. Proteptive G�eisan�.�e recorded ,7ul�r 7, 1965 ia Book �,90 at Page 559 as R�capkion No. �01701, and Amendment to Prot�et�.ve Cavena�rs r�co�ded May SZ, 1968 in Aeok ��2 at �age 929 �s Aeaeptf.on N'o. 108225, aud Ameadr��,,r to pra�ect�v� CovenantQ reco�dsd �ebruazy i6, 1970 in Hocak 217 4t �8ge 78 as Recegtion Ho. 212635, C�atinued on naxt pag� � 8 'd ti�LZ `�� lIb'h Zd 3Ja01 X�d'd WdaO�ti tiOQZ ��bl �U�r = ' _. . . _ . . �. _ . .. �—. _..�_.� .� �........... � �v�TV .a..ao n O/ I.� . • � ' v.i� ` �� �. Corit3nuation of BChedule H - AX,TA Owner'�9 Poliey ^ I Policy Numt�e�r; �-97D1-299335 I3 . An 6asemes�t and Rxgt�t of Way rese.rved in Protective Covenant9, recorded J`uly 7, 1965 in Sook 190 �t Page 559 as Receptioa Na. 101701. J.�k. Eaaem�at to Gas Facilitios, Inc., s public i7tiJ,Xty corpordtion, recorded r Septwmber 6, �968 iu Book 2I3 aC Page 344 a9 Reeeption Np. 1087fi8, th7rough � �txeeCe and exieting utility easements. 15. Protect3ve Covena�ts Vail Aae Schone, �iliag No. 3 reco�-ded �7`uly 23, 1976 in I Sook 2!7 at Page 656 $S R�ception No. I43$94. I 16. Resarv�ttion vf perpetu�X greenbalt easameut contain.ad �ln the Warranty Deed I recorded January 3, 1978 in 800k 264 at Page 144 as &eceptian No. 16051D. I7 . Ondergrostx�d right of yray easemaata ta 1loly Crose Electric �j5sqeiatioa 7Ceca�ded Septembeac 27, 1976 ist Hook 275 at Page 832 2►8 R�ceptian No. 172241 and recorded Saptember 12, 1979 in Book 290 at Paga. 953 as ReceStian lao, 18735Z. 18. Appaxent wster line eaaenueht along the aauthwesterly baundary of subject property �s ah�wri on ttsa Colliaa-wirth Subdivieion Su.zvey Dated Septembar 19, � 197� NOTE: Collin�-Wirth Subdivision is aqt recorded, thi� ia zefet-red ' to in a documenG �ecorded in Baok 558 at Page 387. llud is also referred to in the Coudvminitm� peo2aration recorded xn avok 372 at Page 856. , 14. Condomini�m DeclaraCxaa for Inn At Weat Vail Cond�ni�s rac�rded Nove]aber 15, � 1983 in Book 372 �� Page 865 as &eceptian No. 2691BZ. I 20, Al1 matGers as shovan on ehe Cc�ndamini�u Dlap of Ian At FTest V'ail r�co�ded Navember 15, 1983 3r� Eook 372 at Page 866 as RecopCion Ne, 259183. ' 21. �aaoment Agzeement by aad between Reaut Corpoxation and FirsCBank o� Vail � reaorded Septamber lQ, �996 iu Baok 704 aE Fage 902 as �2eceptian No_ 6pp�g�_ 22. All matGers ss shor+u an �he Improvement Laaatior� Cer�9.�icake by �agle Valley L Survayiag, Tac, dated Apri7, . 8, 2003. �3. The foZlowiag leasas: vail Vallay Propertieerj uoxowa, T.�C; Sig RoCke, Inc. 24. ]4 Daad of Trust dated April 29, 2003, execut�d by LTanquieh VaiZ I LLC, a I Delaware Limited Liabi2ity CompaYSy, to the Puh�ic TrusCee of 8agla Gov.nty, to secure ax� ir�debtednea� of $4,i1�3,000.80, ia favor a£ Masa Natioanl Barxk recorded 1Ke�y T., 2003 as Rec�ption Nd. 832045. Z5. IICC Financing Statemerit from Vaslquish Vai7. I LLC, debter to He9a National I 8ank, secur�d party recorded D�ay l, 2003 aa Receptips� No. 832d5Q. ' I _ I I 6 'd ti�Ll '°N lldh !� �JG01 X�d� WdOU �ti v(�6Z 'ti, 'ur� — O^ I+��+ � t.ul� �Lr�U�nV Vy �JVV�.. �...��...��,uu�,. � . .• . � � �. �.. ' i .� � ENI;�1tsFM�IVT A'1'1'ACHED�'a,A,NA MADE t���AI�T ' OF BINDP.R/POI.ICY OF TITLE INSU�zA]VC� � SERIAL NL]'A�ER O-s7 a 1�2 993 35 j$5U$D$�' STE � ,AR �' TIT � � GUA1�A11TTY COMPA� NY - HEREIN CA�,�,ED THE COMPANY • i Order No.: nao�a58�-c6 � Acrached to aud formizig a par�of rxae above issued Bi�nder/Policy: � Sacaeptioa No. 5 under ScT�edule � af tk�e a�bovs refe�oed polioy 19 �mended to xead as folloaa: mater r�gk�ts, ala3ms or tiiCle to �vater. i I ' I I . I � I I This eadorscmcn[, when wuateisigned by an authorizcd signazory, is madt a part nE the policy amd is s�bjcct tu alx the cerms and pmvisions tf�ereaf and of any prinr endorsemen�thereto. P.,xcept ta thc txtart czpressly stated, �t neith�r znodifics aay of th�Ge�ns and provisions of rhe poEicy�nd aay prior endpr5c- ments, ndr does it extend the effeuive date of t�ie palicy anci any prior e�dorsc�c�s, nor doea ir increase the face amoant ' che,ceof. Signed and�calcd lday ol, 2003. 5T�WART TI"fL� . , I OUARANTY COMPANX � 1�T�E 6 r � �l+~�•� ' - Ofdir�mn af khe Ho3 �'{,��'� �� Pt��ideat ��i n��; M ' * �+�M�l'`* . CoWntereiqne � ' . ��#(A� . . ` � • ]� ed Cnunteraignacure � Sf'EW T'TITt.�pF VAI�.�N�. � A� ID�106p058 • • 5ari�1 Nn.0-970i-299335 0! �d �SLZ '�N li'dA lb' 3�JOD1 X3�'d Wd00 �� ti001 '�� 'unT , o-it-WY� c-oirm,�►c�e�nv n��v�. ,e�ve_u���a ' , J �L w 1 v f I J . � I F.r►AORSEMENT FORM I1Q_1 (Rev,5195) �. � • ,. .;� �•Y''� �MD4A5EMSNT ATtACH�b TO Ah�A]41ADE A PAkT O�POLICY OF TTI'LE INSURANCE „ SERIAL NUMB�R�- 9�oi-299335 TsSt7Ep BY � � � STEWAR � TYTL � �. � GUARA,NTY COM�ANY I�F.R�IN CALT,Eb TI-TE COMPANY � Order No.. 020325b5-C6 ' . Said.PoSia�is hereby amended by deleting garagraphs 1-� , iaclusive, of$c,hedule B, 7'his endnirseanenc is made a parc of tbc poliey and is subjeet to all o�the Cerms and provRSions theficof and of aay prior endotsements thercto, Exce�;to t5e extent expressfy stated, it norther modifies any of t�e�et�a�d provisions of tho poliey and auy prior eudarsements,nor does it extend the effective date of the policy and any prior endorsemeats,nor dQes it incszase ch�fa�e am,ount thereof. Signed under seal for 'thc Compauy� but this Gulorseanent is to be valid oaly �vbtn it bears an ^ a�tbarized r.ountersignature. ST��VART TITLE • Gt��riwn•ca�aivY ' , 4��LE� r �5�.-r"•G:`�9 x . Q+ai�u� of chA Hpa 3�=���,�-+r`��,� President WI* �*` 7j. ' ��ji4 !!CS fA ' f'YF�'. hIY� . •- CoNetaraign d: TfXAy + � r �ut i�ad Ceuz,e�raignatu�re w,�T Tt�oF v.an.,na�, � . � A entlD�060D5B ' Seri�f No.�-98S1-2Dp873 ll 'd �SLZ '°N �Ibh lb 39001 X3db' WdQQ �ti ��bl 'til 'u�� � . �. ,i i .. � �.� i� � �..i ��...�..�`n r�ti.�v�-. fkl/Ub4[)/.yul`J � 11/ 1.� ,� . S1�3ndex of Endorsemcnts ta Pnlic �� � r (�w.8/L, 5 , ? a �.:�� -.� , STEW � RT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY YND�X OF SNbDR5EMENTS TO P�LTCY ' COLORAbO � . i Agcnt F�le No.: 02D32�86�C6 I77S1�ti'0d: A1+T � V QVIS$ VAIL I, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITTD LIk82Lx1']C �MQ 8n�d � VAI�TQU25a VAIL ZS LLC. A bEY.AFi]!RS LI�xgD LIPiBxLxTY COMP�►NX I PaticyNa.: �970t-299335 ' I Po�icy fiorm: ALTA O'OVN�'.RS POY.XCX 10-17-92 Claas9� $9!,3 65.0 4 I The �idorsement� indicated below are attached to the a.l�a�re refereraced Pol.icy, I E�DQAS�T 1Za.1 1-# DSLBTION C3iARpS $SO,00' I , � I � I � I ' I I . i• ZI 'd ��L� '�N lId� !.� 3�a41 K3dd Wd00�ti ti40� 'til 'u��' — 6-�6-V6; 'l:b�NM{SYtH�tH� A�U Ab�VU, �ar�ow��JJ� � �ci +� , L ^ .. � � ' � � .. "+1 I > ' • � ' �,.; ik.�,. • `�;;_ I.YMITA'�70N OF LIABII.ITY. . ($)If ttte Cempany establishes rhe cide,ac r�movea t�e ai[eged defeet,licn ar cncumbrance,os cu��e lsck of a dgh[of access to or From [F�a 19nd or rures t1►e sim of unmarkeo6iliry of ulle,aU as iasured,in a rceio�ably ditigent ►nauoer by eny�od,including �idga�ion and&�e comp�e[ion of a�ry xppcais d►a�fiurn,ic shall ve fuZly pes[ormed ita obligadons wirh respr,cr ro that ersrner ard sbe11 nur be liable for■�Ioss or�mago caused�heaeby. (b)In ibe evw�t af u�y litieation,iucEudiag litigation by �e Compar�y or with thc Co[opany'a conseti�tlse Compa�y sha!!have m lia�ility far loss or damnga until ets hts been a�ias1 due�lnillaeon by s eourt af cornpe�n�ju�sdi6don.and dispasitiou of a1l appeals nc��cfrom,,dvecse w 1he ticle aa insured. {C��II1G Compa6y Sh2Il lwt be �61E{ofCloss Ordamage So 2ny imured For lia6ility volunlanly easumed by the insured in settling arsy claim or wiL widtout d�e priar = ipen coaRent of thc Compaziy. � . R�DUCTYON OXIIYSURA,NC�s;R�bUCRaN UR 7'ERMINA'x`X41Q UF X.YABSQ�7'Y. � Al]paymenrs nnder thie policy,e7LCG�payMlll►S�e fOr CO6Y9,�vorn�ys'foes zad eapenses,�I►all ccduce tho amou►u of the insu�ance pro tanto_ � . I.yABII.1TY NONC[JbSL9.ATI'VE. I�is exp�easlr u�swod d�at�he smount of iRwrxnce�mder thls policy ahail be�duced by any aewwu thc Compaay may pay under ep�policy insuring a mnrtgage which c�capqon i�nkea in Schrdulo H or ro whtrh.tl�e insur�d has agresG,usutned,or tafcon subjee[,or wdich is heica�icr GCecutod by an ussured�nd which i8� uge or lian an ehe c�ps a�r irueiest deacnbrd or�{e[ted�D Jll 5ehedute A,and il�e amoun�so paid sh�ll be daemcd a Q�ymep;under�h�s�olicy m the iuwutred owner. . �f1.X�1"i'pF L05S. • Sa}No piyrbenr�atl bc mAde without pmd►�ci�,g�his policy for endorsemant of rtra pay�en�anle�the polky has bccn lost ot desvoyed,it►which csse proof of loss � desctvCdou shal!bc GunisLed m die sadsfaction nf dte Gompauy. (b}Whcn l�bilfry�nd die eac2rx of b�s ordam�gc�s baen de[ioi�ly fued in accordaoce wrlrb rheFC Cafld;dons aud 5tipnlations�ffie ioas or d,qu�p��be psy�ble h�n 30 days 1he�t�atEer. " �ROGATION Y]�ON'pAyA�NT OR SEZT�d�.K7'. (a?1be Compan�'s xtight K Subro6afio�. Wher�erer Il�e Co�arq shall hzve sestled awd paid a clami us�der rh'ss policy,ail aght of subroge6on slsall vrs�in d►c Coiapany unaffx�ed by any aec of�e insu�red mxnt. � , The Comgany s6�11 be au6rog�ted ta �rES be ealitled w all righ� and remed3es whieh the iesure�f cisitnant wauld have h�d against a�ry pe[son or properry m aecs w the claim Fud d�is paGcy noc�ecn is�ed. If requesred by iha��yp�y,�e aisund cinimant shail aansfrr[o�he Compaay all�6cs and remedies�yains[any son or propetL�v atcasaiy ia o�der 10 pe�feCt this righc�of aubrvguian. T7�e iasured daimanl shall perrni;�e Cosqpaey ro sue,comprvmise or yetde jq d1e ni�ne'of the ved rJaimont and rn use d�e nune of die iatured claimaru in sny teat�stcdon or fiC�adan iuvoiritlg thase rlghta or rnmulirs- If a paymeot on accaunt of a claim does nns fuuy cover the loss of du a,r�sred cl�aoant,ihe Compuy s6au 5e subroeated m the.oe righ�s a�►d�tmedirs in the porrion�ich tS�e��qy's peymen�htata m the who�e aawu�t[of Ihc laa�. + if loss should�ads!mm auy aee of tbe iosured clasman�as star�d abore, mat act sha]I noe v41d thic pnl;cy,bu��he Compuy,io�3at evene,�su ps�quirod!o pay i dtat part oP ahy leaars iacured agaiest by�his poli�y which ehall axceed tLe reAODUt,it a�,looe eu ILe Co�fany by mason at the ia,paim�t by d�e ia,ured ela;men� ie Comp�y's right of srilsc+o�ation. . (b)17fe�ou�psq�'s Ri�hts Agpiatit Noo-los�red Obligors. , . . - Company's r4ghc of subro�aaoe �gaiaat non-iasvrod o6iigor6 shall q�is�and shap include,wid�ou[ liati�pdosf,ihe ri�a of�lr,su�ed e iadcmnitias,gvataeues, a pu4cics of iosuranco or bonds, nanvit'hstanding s� terms os conditiona ennffiiaed ia rhose i¢issauuEeats which pmvido Por aubrogation�n�hrs by reason oE tltis policy. A�iBr17WTIQN , . Un�tss prohlbi[bd by a�plieabte law� a'uhor die Cotftpiay or ihe i�suiett Inay demaad arbitsatioo pnrsuapt to the Tiitk LlSUrallce Arbkradon Rt�les of the Ameritan iaatio�Associseion. Arbi�able maa�ers may inetud�e, but us noe lirnhed m,any ooauovarry or dalm becween du Company aq,d d►e iasuted arising ou�of oc[�ladng �is potiry,any serviec of ihe Compauy�cnnnecdotf wil'h i�ia5nanee'or tl�e b�teacL of�pakicy peoviaian�or�er obligauoe. All ssbltrahle maue�s Wpen d�e Amauns �svrance 3s�S1,OOD,OOQ or kss�hsll be a�bivated a[[he optian of eid�ec rhe Comp�or�e i�sucad. A11 arbivabk mattors whe�n�e Amo�of Lssurance is in cxcess 11.000,d00 sha11 be srbitiated only when ag�eed to by borh�he Comp�ey�od�insu�td. Aibi�atiun pu�uant[o�his pollcy and w�der�he kuley iu effect on rl+a d�te lemand for t�tbi�,uio� is ipade or. u ihe option af d�c inmutzd. mc�u� �sffact at Dale of pnlicy shall be bindins tipan iUe pn��s. 'l�o�wud may include neya'fees oaiy iP [hs lawa of the:5a m w�c}�d►e land ia located permer.a eonr�m awaid apomeys'hes to o prer�a�8 P:uty. ]udgmcol upon�e awe+rt rsnaesed ►e Arbitritor(s)may 6e en�erod io u�y cau[t 6aving jurisdieaao thc�eaf. The faw+of tbe sieu of fhc Isnd sh�ll ipP�Y W ut�IRbitrdtion Undes t6e'I5de]�►9oranCO Ac�imdoo Rt�f�. ' A copy of d�Rulte m�y be obmlrxd f4om�►e Cowap�y upon requ�,tt � idABIL1J.'!'Y LIl1Il7�TO 78[S POI.ICY;POI.ICY LNTI�C4N1ZtACT. (a)'�s palicy W�edser with�l! endacsta�,if Aqy,ssqr,hcd herero by d�e Gampany is shc en�i� policy md can�cc bccween dW insyrea�ma Company. in P��&v1Y Provision of d�ia paliey,duc�oliey shall ba cods4ucd as a whole. . (6}Arry claiu�of bs�or dam�ge, al�ther or not based un neg��g�ce,and whicfi a�isea ont af th�smNS of fhe tide to d�t esnie or inrtRSt�ovc�cd hereby or by nny o�ssertiag,svch olaim,sha11 bc nsuiaed w�his policy. ' (c)No ameedment af or wdorsep7ent SD fh13 ptilicy ean be madc ueept by a writiqg sadotaed heceoe ar qp�led heroDO Slgned by either the President,a Vicc dent,ehe Secreffity,an Assistaat 5ec[+ct;try,�ol!Yalid�lting of�icer ot aulho�iTe4 sign�ppry of du Company. SEVE[tA,BIK.Y7('1f. . 1n thF�vc�[�y p�vision of the poliry is held i�vzlid or uasaforceable w�der applicahle faw,d,a po�iwy ahsll be deamed ool m intlude�hu proviaion and�ll o�her WlDri1 S�I�!lm614 Sq ISL3I�oRt at�e�fo4'[. NO'IICFS,WffitRE 5EM'. _ . AU aoeiccs requiced to bc given she Cotnpney and aqy aaucmcnt ui wrioog [�quircd to be NrnEskKd�e Carnpany stiall include dtie numbct of this policy and shtlf Idresssd ro ilte Cv�pmy 4�P_O.Hex 2Q29,}�oasron.Texas 77252-2UZ9. � . � STE'WART TIZ'LE El 'd tiSLZ '�N lIb'A 1H 3�JQ01 X�d'd`�`��Wd6��ti Yti001 'ti� �unr � v � V , .___�.��� � ,v, �v - � • � • {,:'.� .--,,� . , e �(ti+ID�TIONS A�3T�[1�T,ATTpN5 Contti►ued �'��' ' �,PR40F OF LD59 OR DM�L4GE. � in addiuon rq ind ilYer the mrices requirsd u�de�5cctien 3 ef 16ese ,Conditioat wd 5tipulatjpns have hcen ptovided rhu Company,a proof of loss os damsgc sig�ed nd sworn to by d�e ineurcd claim��c s1,s11�e(��shed�o rhe Campu�y wiihin 9p days��z�y�red claimant shall ascenaln d�c rae�q g;v�ng riae ta 1he Io�s or damagz, '�� prooF of 1oss ar dam�ge shejl deacribe Eh,e dGft�t in, pi{iEf�Or CnCUrtlbtBtice On�hc c��}C,or other�or insured agai,nst Dy d�is pQllCy Which eonS[IfU[�s�e bdsis of ass or dwoage aod sball state,�o the cxrern possyblC,�he basie of cslculating d�c amoun�of dK 1oss or�]emago, ]g [h�Co�qp��,y�P�ejudiczd by�q f�ilure of d�o insured • laimant tu providc me r�eq�ired proof oF lou or damage, tho Compyey'a obligaoons te t}�c insured under the poL'cy yh� �m,;n,f�,��y��y fiability er obligaeion �. 1 dtfend,prosecuce,or ccnrireue any liagacion,with rcgard r��k matter or o�nars requirinb��proof ai loss or da�yt. ; In addidoa.[he iasuRd cisima�t aqy ieasona�ly be tequired ro submit to exxminaljon undcr oa,di by aqy w��e� nyRSentiev�of ihe Cnmpany and abaI( ' . roduce for exsmimtion.inspection 8nd copY��g,a�such reasona6fe�s�p��as atay 6e designat�d by any�ud�oriud represenrativo o( d�e Comp$�y,y]!rtcvids. �aks.fedgers. checks,correspaaQence aod m�toranda,whetber b�aring a datc b�fo1'G or aftcr !]aro ef Po[iny,w6lch te�oaabky penain to Ihe Inss vr damaga. gusdser. requesred by any audwrized regitsa►tative oFthe Cmnpany,ma insured cla�mant st�all gran�ia pennission,.iti wdting�fo�vrty authnri¢cd'repraceuntiva ui the cpmpany exarnim,tn9peu and copy eli r�ecoNs.bookc,ladgers,chccks,wrr�apvndraaco and mernora�xia in rhe custody or cemm��af e thi�d paety,whicb nasnnably pe►�tain to E I099 or damage. AR inPorn►a�ion drslgaamd as coufidenasl by Iho iowmi cla��nant prmidcd to the Co �►ass,111 d1L reaaonablE judgmen[of�he Cp �'p���°'���D�� �an sbz11 doc be disclosed r�olhe,s , mpany,it is nexysary m d�e�dminisaation af ehe c�aim. Failurt of the►nsuued e�aimant t4 9ubrnit for examirodon undor o��, nduce other reasowbly req�es�d infora�ation or gnnt Perroission ra secum rrasanably neeessary inforn�adoo fTOm third parties ss mgerired'ffi tlus A�Yr+p�+s�lalt rminare any lia6iliry pT�c Company�sndcr tb'rs policy as to d�ac c3sim. � OP7'IOhiS TO PAY O�01?Y�tWI5I�SBTTI.E CI�ATi►�5;TlCCRMYNAI7UN OF Y TABII.II'Y. rn eau af a*,I�im�s�der�5is poliey.tht Compuiy�l have Q�followiqg addirinoe!oprions: . (q}To Pay ar Tdoder�y�p�nP[be Amount of Ii�surance. , To pey ar t��ar payme►u of rhe emount of insurancn nnder m,is po]rcy together�vid�any costs, attomrys�(ees aod expepRes inwmd by�he i�aitnd cl�im�nt,w�i�p :re au�orized 6y rhe Ca�nay.up W the[mme of paymont oP te�lder of PgYment a�d�ich iLe to�pa�'u obSi�l.�ed w psy. Upon the exe�sise by the Corqpany oF tbis optio�. �! liabiliry and o6I�ne w �he uuuced uader�his poijry,other t6an ro mak� t6e paymenc.m.q�tir�d,rhall F aoi+�aa,ineludir,8 aey tisb;si�y or obGgation�o Qefend.pjpSncutq or cpolinue auy liogatiou. and the po�cy yha�l bo sucrenderod w au Cornpany for ra„c�Ila[ion, (bl T�p�p or OthQw�se 5etlk YVit�Pattres OC6er[!�a d�e Ynqnred ot With the Iasurtd C.�aimzot. ����PSY or odunYisa secde writh o�rs patties fo� or in the F1�me of ao insltrGd ciannsat �rry claim insured agamst wlde� dtia polic7+,rogether Nitb y�y��� �meys' kes and exp�ses incurred bY��sured claimant which wr:e authocizcd by�e Camp�y up rn rhe dme of paymer�t and which q�e Company is obligaoed ta r;or � (i�)�ppy ar u�aryviu seale with iha�nsuctd edaimsot the 1oSS or damage prnvidr,d For u�der ihi� polxy,tege�����y eos�,1tm�eys' feea and eupauos urrcd by the insur�d ciaunnnt which weoe audwrised d�e Com dY pN+y up w d,e dmc oPpaymenc and whicti d�e co,r�p�ny ia abligaecd[o p�y. Upon d¢ca�urise hy�he Compa�ry of either of�e op�iaQC provided for in pari�PaphF(6)(t)pr(ii},the Comp�ny's obtigation5 ro d�e insured�tnder�his pa6ey Cor tfie :��s�or damaae.olber t�an ehc paynae�sts rec�,ired oo pt t�a&,ahau aer,ninat�.;,�clue;ng any lubi�iry or obligaq�on ta defasd,prosecut,�or cnnciiwe u�y Z;�g�,['son. � D�TE�tMII�FATIQN,F,�L'kENT OF'LdASIL.Fi'Y AND COINS[1�AWCE. I'his poliey is a c�npact of iudemeiry�gainst a�hral mone.ary�ys o�demage�oi���,��by d�e ir�sured clal�anr who bas auffeted loss or cl;uru�e by rr.�yon oa�e,s insurod ag�inst by this policy and only m Ihe rxueat hereia described. • (a)7'hc liabiliq+oP rhe Cvr�aey p�tder�his policy �aq pp�pr;�����ot: . (i�the Amount of lnsurar�c�s�[ed i�5clxdule A;or, . ' (ii}tlra difle�encc bctween RK valuc of�hc insur�d csnK or interesr.s;m„rcd and me v,�ue of tho in�� ���ar�ueKSC subject ta the dercu.��en or�m_ ` ,ace insured agains�by rhic palicy. . @?In d�e e'�cnt Ibe Amount of�nsu�anca siuied in S�he��le A at�he Date of 4'Ality i�less�an BO perern[ of��t v�lue of q1E insurcd estate a�interett or?he(UII sidenyon p�id for du Irnd,whiehcver is less,or iisubaequeaz�o d� paco ot Policy� i�provemen�is etrr.ucd on the lar�d�v�ich j�1CIE�g�8 YaIUG Of 1�IOSLRd ie or inmresc by ae Ee.ac 2o p�rceat ovar ihe Amo,sn[of lnsurenr���ated in Sehedvlc A,ther,rhia Poliey is svbject 10 the foUowiag; � (i�where na subscq�lent improvemra�C k�rs baan tnade,as w aaY poroial ia9s,the Company sh�B on�y pay d�e loss pm rata in O�c P�Po�n�at the a�ount of tance ar Date oE Policy beara to the wty v�lue of the i���se or inu,resl a[17uc o!pp1uY;or ('u�where a subsegucnl improve�aent hes b�en made,aa to�ny p�rtie�loss,die Compwy sk:[I onty p$y the lose p�v r�ra in the proportion�at 120 P��of�e � . �uns of Iw�r++�ee srs�e�in Schr,fi►1c A bears ro�he sum af the AraousK oflnsurance irntod in 5c6edule A aed ihe unouac expended far tha isnp�orenxm. '[7�e grovis5dns af 4�is paragr�ph sba11 no�ap,piy to wsta,attor►wys'fees axd experues for v►hich tAe C an rs liabk inn of orty[ait�hich exceeds,ln d�e aggrogate, iQ pesteat of tLe Amount of Inauraaoe atated in 3chedul� Y• w�der�is policy,�a4 shall on]y epply to that .... (e)The Ce�npaqy will p�y only ihosc costs,uto�ye'focs ske�d expeoses�n�p�,t�e�(m amord��ce�v$h Smfipp 4 oE theaa CoiditioR►s��upu��nt. PPOATiON11�1V7', If d�e l�nd dmen'bed ln Schedulm A coftsis�s of nvo or more psrccia which■rc not used as a�ingle sic�.and a loas is csrablishad�ffu�ing one or more of �he p,�e�,� �o�all.the lo�.s ahall6e coppputed end ecttlod ar�a pro tara besi��u if the amopn�of iansnnec under dsis ppliey w�s dlvidtd pr0 nta as ia ihe v�ue on Due ef PoGcy. ach separa�e pa�d ta the v�ho�e,ezclusive nP any imprnvemena r�udc�u�aaqucne ro b�►e of Pnlicy,unlass�Inbili�y or valuc has odu�v,rysc been a�ree�tr,p�n as to parcel by d�e Camp�ny �usd the insured at the Urrse of the isaia,nca o( thjs policy and show�,ay���� ata�ement or 6y an endorsemenc atrxched ro this palicy. (eontinueei�nd conclpdad on]aet pra�oi Rhia pallay) ' ::;:•k ULLTA Owaes'6 Poluvl - �.�L 'd_ �SLZ '�N •—... .A ..� ����lIb'A l� 3�J001 X3db' WdlQ�� ti4Ql 'til 'un� �� . � � � **��*****�*****�******+**********��*****��*****************�*�******��***�*******�****���*** TOWN OF VAIL, C4LQRADO Stat�ment *�:*��*****�*****************+************��*******�******x��*�m��«******�:�******************** Statement Number: R040006020 Amaunt: $250.00 06/14/200402:59 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: #1238/STEVE RIDEN --------------------------------------------------------------------—------- Permit No: DRB040253 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,Comm/Multi Parcel No: 210311915017 Site Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL �� Location: 22I1 N. FRONTAG$ ROAD Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 ******��***********�*********�*******�*�*****�x*******�************x�*****��*****�***�x******�� ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: Account Code flescription Current Pmts o� 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 --------——----------------------------------------------------------------- a + • • • • � � , �,�;� : Design Fteview Board � ` ACTION F4RM �� _ � �"���� Dep�artment of Community DeveEopment �'��,����` ,��. �'���� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Holiday Inn Monument Sign DRB Number: DRB040188 Project Descriptian: Mon�ment sign, building identification Participants: OWN�R DEBIR2 HQLDINGS LLC 05/19/2004 Phone: CJO MARVIN F POER& COMPANY 410 17TH ST STE 1730 DE�JVER eo $ozoz License: APPLICANT DEBIR2 HOLDINGS LLC (}5/19/2004 Phone: C/0 MARVIN F POER&COMPANY 410 17TH ST STE 1730 DENVER CO 8020� License: Projec�Address: 2211 N FR�NTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location; Hoaiday Inn Vail 1 Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: /'��°t� ��.�3,TaG�G. y�,il L�-s.SGhti�. �i� I# 3 Pareel Number: 2103114210(}1 Comments: roof of sign to match building's BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 05/19/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (�LAN}: No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropri�te review committee(s). Cond: Z01 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following tfae date of approval. Cond: �02 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, ur�less a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CQN00064�$ That the applicant instalks black, metal let�ering pinned into the stucco face. Cond: CON0006451 A �s . } ' - , , � � Only two landscape lights for each face af the sign are permitted (na soffit lights) to be installed at time of constr�ction. Cond: CON0006452 The applicant wiil ensure tne roof over the sign matehes the buiiding's roof prior to the issuance of a TC�, Cond: CON0006455 The applicant shall make the lettering of this mon�ment sign no larger#han 10.5 square feet upon instatlation as permitted Cond: C01�0006470 That the applicant provides a scaled site pla� accurately depicting the location of the monument sign on the owner's property prior to commencement of ConstruGtion Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid; $60.40 I � ��� �� � ' � r 1 '" �-. � r `- ..y� w¢ � � �i 1y TOWN OF YAIL Department c�f�Communit_y I�evelnpment 75 Snuth Frantage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 5�70-�79-2138 FAX 970-979-2452 1MNJW.C1.VQII.CD.tl.S Marcli 4, 2004 TO: Raj Bhakta, DBA Vanquish VaiI, LLC FR�M: Matt Gennctt, AICP, Town Planner RE: Tl��e TCO requirements for the West Vail L�dge (I303-0214} For the partial TC� to remain va�id, the site must be kept clear oFall ciebris and materials assaciated with the remainin� work, exceptin� the nortli side of the building, which mnay have one {l) dumpstes and neatly stac�.ec] building materials, but no trash or debris may be anywhere on the site, including in tront of other tenant spaces. ���n� afternoon of March 4, 2�04, the following vialations were �bserved: 4�;�"� ( ��nl. uvers a - — - -- �m fi✓� � �1�y � � _ . . j_ b� 2. There are currently two (2) dumpsters on the North end of t�z buildrng �nstead of the permitteci one (1). Trash, boxes, plasiic, and other debris are blowing around the rear af the site; 3. Construction matenals are not stackec9 neally and cc�ntained along the north wall of the structure, �s agreed; 4. The West elevation has debris and materials alon� the length of the �vall. Crates are set in the open area northtivest of the building; 5. There is a window �nclosed by ur�paintecl, untrimmeci/unfinished plywood on the west elevatian of the building closer to the pool; 6. The paol area Riust be l:ept en�irely clear of all construction/building m�terials and debris �ssociated with any t�ork bein� done. Until a�l the conditions o�'the existing, partial TCO, including those listed above, have been fully met to the satis.faction oF the Community Development Department, no new applications {Holiday Inn Sibn) can be proccssed. If you havc any yuestions, plea5e do not hesitate to call me c�irectly. Sincerely, ��- � Matt��ew R. Gennett, fi1IC1? Town Planner ;���f:r.rcr.i�ot�.ar��a . ' . •'� . . � � Design Review Board ACTI�N FORM �������� Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.2452 web:www.ci.vail.co.us project Name: HOLIDAY TNN SIGN DRB Number: DRB040047 Project Description: NEW WALL SIGN / BUILDiNG IDENTIFICATION Participants: OWNER VA�VQUISH VAIL, LLC-RA] BHAICT02/19/2004 Phone: 970-476-1466 2211 N FRONTAGE R4AD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLiCANT ALLTSON QCHS 02/19/2004 Phane: 748-0980 PO BOX 5238 VAIL CO 81658 � License: Pro,�ett Address: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 2Z11 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: Subdivision: INN AT WEST VAIL CONDO Parcel Number: 2103].1421001 Commentsc letters must match monument sign BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Praper Vote: 5-f} Date of Approval: 05/19/2044 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date o#approval. Co�d: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void ane (1)year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced ancf is dit�gently pursued taward comp�etion. Cond: CON0006453 The applicant shal� make the materials anet color of the letters of the wall sign to r�atch monument sign at time of installation to ensure design continuity. Cond: CON0006454 ` � � � The applicant shall not make this wall sign larger than 39.5 square feet upon installation. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $89.OQ I i Feb 18 Q4 QB: lO.a �llisvn Qchs 970-569-8284 p. l � Jan-17-9d D4:09am From-TOWN OF VAI�NlTY DEVELQP�ENT 9704T@2452 ` T-206 P.001/Q04 F^718 �c;�' ''��... APPlir.ation for Design Re�iew � �.. LLIV Lt..0 1 , • ��, Departme�t of Communi'ty[7evelppmerK --.�� , � „ `""�r � 7S South Frvnbge Road,Vail,Colorado 91657 _ ' 'j(�� ��'V�� ' tel: 970.479.2134 fax:970.�74.�45Z r�u web: www.ci.vail.�o.us Gene�al Information: AI1 prajecLs requiring design revievu musi receive ap�ro�al p�ar to submitting a building permit app�icadon. Please refer to the submiital require€nents for d�e par�alar approval that v� requ�sted. An ap�lication fnr Design Review [annot be accepted �ntii a�a required infortnaGon is reeeiv2d by the Cotnrnuniry D2velvp�+errt ClePa�tment. The p�oject may also need t0 be reviewed by the TOwn Coundl a�d/or the Planning and Environmental Cammi55i0n. Design review apprvval IapseS unless a nu�lding perrnit is issued and co�structivn commences'w�th�n one year ef the approval_ � D�scripit�on of the Request: Location of t�e R�opv5al: L�t:�.Black: SuGdivision: Physiral Address: �� � Pardel No.- �p'1�'"�'���� {Cantact Eagle Co.Assessor at 47�328-8b40 fior parcel nn.) �oning: ' � � • �� � � Plartee(s) of Owner(s): � �C��°� M�iling Address�. ' .,�`;��-1 . ,�r .: �^ i _------ Phon ' Owner(5)Signature(s �_,_ I�ame[�f r4pp{itants ���",' � Mailing Address:. � ��� g Phone� ���' '� �' �%.�.„ � � � � ' E-mail Addr�s.s: �� `=^,;r^'°� �a ;�;^.�`�'�r Fax: �: . 7ype of Review and Feec �Sgns $50 Plus$1.D� per Square fvot of total sign area. Conceptuat R�+riew No Fee •❑ New Construdinn �bSU �For construction of a new bui6ding or demo/rebui9 d. ❑ �df�n �pp For�n addition where squar� foorage is added rn anY res+dential or commerdal build�ng(indudes 250 addit+ons&intenor convers+ons). 0 Minor Alteration �2�0 for minor changes to duildings and site irr�provements,such as, (mui�i-(arr+i�y/commerdal) r�rooFing, pa�ntlng, w�ndow additions, ►arrdsc�ping, fencPS ana rerdining walls,etc. CI Minor AKeration $20 For minor thanges to buildings and si�e impravements, such as, {5ingle-family/duplexj reroofing, painting, window add�dons. �andscap�ng, fe^c�es and re�ining wa�ls,etc- ❑ Changes to Approvecl Plans $2U Fo� revisions to plans already app�vved bY Planning Staff o� the Desigr�Revoew 8oard. ❑ Sepantion Request NA Fee For dffice Us,�Oniy: ,�,` Fee paiac�- ��N�-� L��'''a � � i . rtCL �� � Application ate• DRu,�:�.. . Pldnner: PrOjeCt No.= � �L���� �` �� (�s��11,�� sl C r't� � Feb 18 04 08: 10a R11 ' on Ochs 97�569-6284 p, 2 Jan-27-04 04:49pm Fram-TOWN 6F VAII COI�utUNITY DEVELOP1uENT 9744T9245t T-205 �.003/004 F-718 .•�' ;;��r�� �N. � TQMYiY VF Y[LL' �IGN APPLICA71ON SUBMITTpL REQUIR�MENTS General Information Tttis a�plication is for any sign that is Incated witfiin the Town oF Vail. peafit requireme�s are availabie from the C�epartment of Community Development. � � I. SUBM'tTTAL REQUI�tEMENTS �� � A. I�ame of Business: �ti�i� Yl B. Suilding name anci physiCal address; �IE 4.1- �. a tion I��d at�d �oint owner, if applicable. �� C. Writ�en apprav�l from co�dom�n�um asso a , . 1 D. Type af sign (check a�l that app3V}: ❑Frees�nding SFgn �Building Fdentifiption �Nall Sigr� Murdl ❑Hanging / Project�ng$ign � Window Sign ODisplay 8ox p Sign Program ODaihy Spetial Poand O Gas F31edJFber Optic �]oirrt Dire�ry Sign C�T�m�orary Sign OSubdivisivn En�ance Si9n ❑ Otf�er E. Number af signs propased: � Numbe�'of signs existing: � F. 5ign message:_�t�W� 1�� �lul�t �`71A,ilty . G. Sign and �ett�ring dimensivrts for each proposed sign (atkach a Colot�SCdIEd scheltlaGC drawi�g @ �fa" = 1�: H. Lengtfi o�busine5s frontage: 7�'f' �'L� __.. 1. Neight of siqn(s) from grade: ]. Sig� Lcsr�tion(att��h a site plar� ar�d an ele�+ation d�in r r a pho[ graP cl rly�� indicating the propased location oF sign{s}}:� K. Ma[erial5 and colors of sign (at�di sampiesj: � Q � L. 5ign lightinc� ptan: � � ❑ Ind��te type,location and�umber of fixtures. � [a Ynclude height above grade, iumens output iuminous area. a Atfiach d cut st�eet for each �roposed fixture. M. Drdwings Slhowing tmw and where the 5ign or awning will atl�ch to ti�e building and �ow the awning wyll be ConstT�scted- Pagc�of 4/01/I0/42 • i �� ` ��.��a� �t, -�1� �� ��� � �� �. . ,,f- _ __ �.� _ a �:�--� �s '�,� ,f : ��L��� -J _ .�.�%�'`'���., , -- , _�.��.n�� ���:� ~ .� -� � .: � � �: - ��- � ..._ �I � �,.. ��`�'�,,� _ ,�_� , ,, � ;I I I -��-.; � I� II� �,, � Y . _. � ��1' _. __ _ _ ! _ .� � '�s — ,I�. :.�..' . 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'Hoeel a;$�ntra.opv�.'i6�-'_-��iee�. �Hvtrl�i�uiee c�psmlr N�o���':'.3�,t� +��.. --' � ',sry Fl '�`i��1 �.,y�. @ra�enNuMe: Q9g11�, � ' . . � ��.Ss';�._r•�Y1it� H(:..-.e�tCpJF::�00J< 6:9:'_OOa � . ' ••,t W w 1MN PoM �:�-��,�.��� gyatsrumn: Bpia�: D�a..�,woa���, - YuLColu�edo E:�»UB�oirp,l� _.... s� ;3ars3mooby�um «.._�._`.:......., ..�......�...,.�.... ...,.. ,..,... _.. sa�r..u_r,. _,_...« � �� � �f� �� - , � � � �� � � � b �� � �-i�-� � ,, � � ' , , , I ' � 'i , • , ' -, � ' ', , : t � ' . . : . _ � . .�, . . r . • Feb •18 a4 D8: l0a R11 �n Ochs 970�69-6284 p. 3 G1/21%2004 18;16 FA� ���� - - �OlorS: 1VlaterialS: • : 1 � 8ord�r. G�ren Opaque 3M Swnchcal •F�ces:Fo1y-c�banar,e. VQB 10572. ' �Retux�ss&Bacics:Aluminuaa. •I�acludi.�g Hotrl&S�sites capsule. •Fact:Whiee bar.I�ed with Grccn eraaslucent •Trimcaps Jeweli�e. .It�teix7.al�p tllvmin2ted. 3M Scotchc�l a430-26 vinyL •�lyxsx►iu�s�ioa: Ncoa •I�Itan-Gteexs. •GapsulG saurtc3 al�u.'niaurA fa�a . •7riulcap&Ren�rns:PM53425 C�se�. �Acceat Bac Trimcag&Raurns:PM$116 Ye}low ,A.ccent Bar F�ce:ona�FM5116 Ycllae -Accet��Sat Ateon:Q4hir�. • •Tradcmarlc G�reea copy onwhitc. -Hacet&Suitxa Cspsulc PM5877 S�.�c �Ho�el&Sui=cs copy:�1't6727 GsPPn_ �Hotcl&Suices ca�sule Heon:Wttite- • B i ( I f d � � , � i i U . m�� - .�... _ • � - _ . .��--- I .� � � � s'.r i � qt�nEO rnr�F�vU�ailoN ' � 2'-0" 9`-8' 4'-3' 1'�' 2" 40.:�8 2•-6" 12'-0' S'-4" 3'��12' 2" ' - . � . i 3�.d• i4`_g• g��" 1'•10'' 2112" 92� � , 3'�6" �6'-�0' 7'�5" 2-2' 3" 12485. 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WITH WR CONDffIONING UNIT ��a��t� WlTH CONCREfE 6ACK[ �INISH EAST ELEVATION � �ONE VENEER _ I TING UILDING BfY0N0/ BEHEND x��,r 1 •��I�l.��1 REMAIN e/re'.r-a' - � � ��o� P� .��ea : .,. SOUTif ANO EAST -,., . IX7ERtCq El£VA71Un lb'/10�►�� f ! �!Jb1S S�t A200 __--- - _ 1111�1/1��1 f�;��iS�'� �1�'� ��O NIIIIO,.� _ �'���ct! . , . �� � . • �- *�****:�*****�****�*****��*****�x***** *******�****:��****�*****��********** ******��x****��***��* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Copy Reprinted on 1Q-Qd-2003 at 09:36:3z IO/Q6/20Q3 Statement **�+****�*****�*e********��****�**** ************��***a�****************** **�***************�xa Statement Nurr�ber:R030004841 Amount: $20.00I0/06/200309:36 .AP7 Payment Method: Check Init: DF I3ota�ion: Permit bIo:DRB030442 Type: DRB-Chg ta Appr Plans Parcei No:2103114150f7 SiC.e .zlddress: Location: 2 211 N FROI�'I'AGE RI3 Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00Tota1 ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balanc�: $0.00 ***�x*�**:r*****#*�*�x+*�**�x*�****:�*�:** ***a�*****�******�**���****��*****�:** ****�x�****�+**�***** ACCOUN'T ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript�on Current Pmts -------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- DR OOl0�D03112200 �ESIGIV REVIEW �EES 20.00 � �.� �S�- U� (,��,�.� ' � � - � � �'�.�� �-�,� � y��..-� __. Design Review Board ACTI O N FO R M d �� Department of Com�nunity Develapment JS���� T��,''�� 0� �;'����' 75 South Frontage Raad, Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: "Bullcrabs" Roof V�nt aRB Number: DR6030441 Project Description; ADDITIQN OF ROOFfOP M�CHANICAL EQUIPMENT Participants: OW(�ER DEBIR2 HOLDINGS LLC 10/06/2003 Phone: C/0 VICI"OR A. VILAPLANA 750 B ST STE 21Q0 SAN DIEGO CA 92101 License: APPLICANT SCOTT BREAY 10/06/2003 Phone: 970-376-5719 2211 N FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: Project Address: Location: ZZ11 N FRONTAGE RD Legal Description: Lot: 1,2,'�lock Subdivision: VAIL pAS SCHONE FIL 3 Parcel Number: 210311415017 Comments: See conditions BOAR�/STAFF ACTIUN Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Secand By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/13/z003 Conditidns: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consenk of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN}: pRB approval does Rot wnstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town af Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006180 The new vent and the protrusion above the proposed vent location must be palnted to match the existing roof calor immediately upon installatEan by the applicant. Planner: Matt Gen�ett DFt6 Fee Paid: $20.00 � . � • ! � Application for Design Review � \:� � Departme�t of Community Development � ��� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Coforado $1657 ��j�'�' �F �'�,'��� tel: 970.47R.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General �nfor�sation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremen'ts for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tawn Council and/or the Planning ar7d Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses wnless a building permit is �ssued and canstruction commences within one year of tl�e approval. Descri tion of the Re uest. ,� � '��I � �1k � f�"u � i , .� � � P G L ��r �o . +m� ��'���bap� T p , � � � Loeation of the Proposal: Lot:�BlocK: Subdivision: ��I� .�1��� .�1� �ll ,� i Physical Address: ���r r- };1 . Parcel No.: m'�4��'��I�Td��i7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: I_!�_� Name(s} of Owr�er(s): A �` 1 U � �'�, �' ��G� �, �-,� n� � Mailing Address: _ ' ' �i, ' w Phor� Y D Owner(s) Si na ure s): _ Name of App[icant: �!�,f1'I �I111 Mailing Address: �� � � �� 1�? Phone: �i7�-- �"� E-mail Address: %"0 Fax: �7��b��� Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs $50 Plus$1.00 per square foot of total sign area. Q Conceptual Rediew No Fee 0 New Constru�tion $650 For construction af a new building or dema/rebuild. ❑ Addition $300 For an addition where s�uare footage is added to any residential or commercial buildir�g (indudes 250 additions& interior conve�sions). ❑ Minor Alteration $250 For mir�or changes to buildings and site improvemenks, such as, (multi-famify/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additians, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ❑ Monor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildirtigs and site improvemenks, su�h as, {sing{e-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls,etc. � Changes to Approved Plans $20 FoT revis�ons to plans aleeady approved by Planning Sta�F or the Design Review Board. ❑ Separation Rec�uest No Fee For Offic Use Only: ,� Fee Paid: �,-'•,�.�t' Check No.: � Z�Z gy: �=t , 'y�, y�. �%�.L� Applicaticn date: �RB Na.: Planner: Pro}ect No.: — . _ . � • PROPQSED MATERIALS Building Materials Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wa�l Materials Fascia Saffits Windows VWindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other , I , . � �ry ��7 � a "� ���t� J'` � � � ��.�� ���.���I�� ��✓�'t� (�'"� . ��!P�r � !.W+ � r NOteS: `� � 1 Please specafy the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 1Z/Q2/07/02 � i � -�. . �- � ❑ Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall �e included with the top oF wall ; , and the bottom o�wall eievations noted. ' Lighting Plan: ❑ Indicate type, locatian and number of fixtures. �. ❑ Include height above gra�e, lumens output� luminous area � ❑ Attach a cut sheet fnr each proposed fixture. '- II. REpAINT PROPOSALS For al! proposais to repaint existing buil�ings, the following supplemental ir�formation is required: ❑ Color chip or color sample including the manufacrurer name and color number(s) ❑ Arcf�itectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the loeation of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.} The follow�ng is an exampie: � �; ,� ,� �.: ; �, . ti _ ...__. -�. ..� .: . _.� � ; . _. ��� :.,, , ,,: , : FASCIA ' " ` � WINDC�V11 TR6M ;, � '; ;" 4 '� � TRi1Vl SANC7 � ��� �;.� � i � ��. � � ������... � � "� , �� .��c ,��- � : .;,. ., _�„p, �.. -7' , a ...w�. ,». _ UPPER'STUCCt] .:Sbt1�H ELE�+lAT1QlV �� S�FFET • ` .� ,, �� . . 4 '-.� ` .,. ' . R � �+ • t�� � ��� d5��. hi — � ��'�� � �iB �� Lf 9� yy yFn? s.k,����' '`�a��x� � � tts�"> �."��"��i � . .-.,. 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'�� ; .:� � - � ��_....���- m � ,!ir�•� �- _ *'- � � '� � _ , �-�s cmi ,� . _' _ �; e �.� " D -`� . , �+� , t� __ ', � � . ` sr'r: D , -, , ; r ` • ,� ti'�. � _ `�. - f .�� �,�r,.t Z `I',5� a;.. r� .. � � �i. � -{ �: �;. � '. � � � . � , , � � f J�� � �h � .��� • ��4�q{ sy �r k: �.� ��. ��"'._ � ``. ..�. ,f�:l �I .10 • :,s - ry` �r ' ���. , ""°�°°� �oe a: oss�o '°� °"„� BULLCRABS RESTAURAwT �pM�� '��� � �,.�. 2211 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD A+� � � W�ST VAIL LODGE e�� �� VAIL, COLORADO �� • • **x���k�k�k**t�****�****�*x�**x�***�**���******�*�**s****x�********s***#*********+�M+r�************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAD� Statement ****,�*��x*x�*�**************.**�«**r��*+**�#�*******�*�*****�******�*****�*��*s**��*s�*��M�**� Statement Number: RQ30003972 Amount: $300.00 05/12/200304:35 PM • Payment Method: Check Init: JAR Nota�ion: no number/�Tohn � Perkins Permit No: DR.B03Q152 �.'ype: DRB - Additinn of GRFA Parcel 130: 2Z037.1421006 Site Address: 2211 N FRONTAC�E RD WEST VAIL , T�ocation: Tn�est Vai1 Lodge Total Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $3D0.00 Total ALL Pmte: $300.00 � Balance: $0.00 *»�********��****a�**x��*****��****�r�x*�**�x***m**�s*************��**********e***�****�r*t**+�**** ACCO[INT ITEM LI5T: I Account Code Descr�ption Current Pmts -------------------- -------—--------------------- ------------ I DR 0�100003}.�220Q DESIGN REVIEW FEES 30D.00 I I I ' r � • �':`m' i.�w \ 1� �� Tor�v oF vArL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorad� 81657 970-d 79-213� FftX 970-a79-�952 www.ci.vail.ca.us May 15, 2fl03 Raj Bhakta 22�1 North Frontage Rd. Vail, C� 81620 I R�: Redevelopment options for the West Vail Lodge Dear Raj; Thank you for your inquiries regarding the possible redevelopment options far the West ' Vail Lodge, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. / Lot 1, Vail das Shone Filing 3 and Tract C, Uail das Schone Filing 'f. The Department of Cammunity Developme�t is s�apportive of the upgrading of existing properties. However, the Wes# Vail Lodge has significant issues with regard to the current zonin� of the site. The West Vail Ladge is currently zoned Comrnercial Core 3. 7he Commercial Core 3 zone district does r�ot allow #or "lodges" as either a permitted or a conditiona! use. Therefore, according to Chapter 18, Vail Town Code, the West Vail Lodge is considered nonconforming with regards to use. I have identifiied #he following options whict� I believe will he�p you meet your goals to r�develop the West Vail Ladge: 1. Rezoning to Public Accommodatior� 4or other ap�licable zane district) From a use standpoint, the Public Accammodation zone district may be the r�nost appropriate zone district and would allow the greatest flexibiiity in redevelopment potential for the hotel. Hawever, this process is time-consuming. In addikion, a � large amount of research will be required to ensure c�mpliance with the deaelvpment standards as prescribed by the Public Accommodation zone distric#. It may require the establishment of a special development district. 2. Amend the Commercial Core 3 zone district. This wauld also allow far greater compliance with the use requirements. However, a zoning text amendment then applies #o all proper#ies zoned Commercial Core 3, and has irrtpact beyond your property. This process is aEso time consuming. 3. RedeweEop within the constraints of the nonconforming chapter. ���RECYCGEDPAPER • � ti . - This would a�4aw yo� to redevelop#he West Vail totig�. However, it places limits on your ability as it allows yo� to re-allocate use square footage, as long as no nonconforming use ever is expanded. Whi�e this process will not require multiple feve�s of review, I belEeve it will not suit your needs to redeveEop. Staff has also received your Design Review Board application for the exterior remoc�el of the West Vail Lodge. While the information you have submitted is appropriate for a simple exterior remodef of the West Vail Lodge, should yvu continue to purs�er tne addition of the porte au cochere, pool enclosure, and roof features, you will need to submit additianal 4�formatiar�. Staff has provided the following list of required submittaf items before these requests can be reviewed appropriatefy: • The ca�or orange submitted on #he sample board may not be acceptable ta the Design Review Board {DRB). • The porte au cochere, pool enclos�re, and tower elements must be depicted or� the �le�ations and floor plans at the correct scale. Any new roof forms need to be drawn to scale on a grading and site plan, based on a stamped topographic survey. • A sign pragram application must be submitted for afi signage associated with the i propnsal. • A detailed landscape plan listing the number and size of trees to be planted must be su�mitte�f with the Design Review applicatian. � Please provide details of the deck railings. At this time, I have scheduled you for a conceptual review wEth the Design Review Board for May 21, 2p03. This will aliow the Design Re�iew Board tp provide you with direction on your proposal. Should yo� have any questions, please da not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. I wauld be glad to discuss this in further with you. Sincerely, � I/f Allison Ochs, A4CP � Planner II Town of Vaif ' ' • � Parkiog Analysis for the Wes� V�il Lodge Use Number Sc�uare Feet Parking Spaces � Dwelling LTnits � 19 � 700 sq. R. each 38 � Accornmodation Units 98 300 sq. ft. each 68.6 Restaurant 3 G347 sq. ft. (seating} 529 I Retail N/A 1242 sq. ft. 4.14 TOTAL 1G3.64 spaces Mixed Use Reduction of 2.5% -4.091 I Total Partcieg Requirement 159.5 spaees Namber af Eaisting Parking Spaces: 183 sp�aces Total Parking Requirement: �C�T 9�C85 Total Excess Parking Spaces: 23 spxces I I I I � I . � � �, � � �� - ���.. � ��� Y �� �� TOWN aF VAIL Depurtmenl of Corrrmunity Developrnent 75 .South F'rnntage Roud vail, ('nl��rada 81657 970-479-�I.�8 FAX 970-�179-2452 www.ci.varl.co.us July 9, 2003 Raj Bhakta 2211 fVorth Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81620 RE. Summary of Design Review Board comments for canceptual review of the West VaiM Lodge. Dear Raj; �he �Design Review Board conceptually reviewed tf�e proposed modifications for the 'VVest Vail Lodge, Iocated at 2211 North Frontage Road / Lot 1, Vail das Shone Filing 3 and pa�t of Tract C, VaiV das Scone Fili�g 1. The following were their camments and concerns: . Facus on the front fa�ade af the building. Particular attention should be paid to this highly visible area. • The fascia and soffit system needs ta be replaces. . The dec'k posts and rails need to be a strong element of#he buildir�g. • The proposed materials should stand the test of time. • i.00k at using diffe�ent coiors at logica! breaks in the building. It daes �aot need to be orte main body color. • The dormers are good, but must be more detaiEed. The need to be set back on #he roaf do they look like a logical extension of the wall plane below. • Any new roofing shouid be a different materia{ (i.e. copper) as it wiil be impossible to match the existing roof mat�riad. + The chimney enclosures do not work. Either remove them, or simply paint them to match the roof. • Please provide and exterior lighti�g plan. At this time, I do not have you scheduled for an additionaf r�view by the Design Review Board. However, if you would like to have ar�other co�cep#ual reuiew by the Desigr� Review Board, plans must be submitted ta me at least 5 working days prior to a scheduled �esig� Review Board meeting. Please follow all of the submittal requirements outlined on the Design Review Board applicatidn if you would like to submit for a final review. You must follow ihe submittal deadlines for this submittal. ��REC}'C1.F,'DFAPER _ • � � . . . . Staff has also has an opportunity to review your request to re-allocate space within the existing building. As long as there is no change in the square footage of existing uses, I da nat believe that this wiEl be a problem. A ��sign Review Board appliea#ioR m�ast also be submitted for any interior modifications. Any interior modifications will aiso require a b�ilding permit and review and appro�al by the Building Department and the Fire Department. Should you have any questions, please do nat hesitate to contact me at 970-479-23fi9. I would be glad to discuss this in further with yvu. Sincerely, Allison OChs, AICP Planner II Town of Vail ' � � � • � il � � _ _. TOWN OF UAIL �� W � � i � Department of Com►nunity Development 7� Sa2�th Fruntage Road Crail, Coloraclo 816�7 '"'"'" � � �p�1 970-=174-21313 � 1�� �,���� � FAX 970-�79-z�52 �vww.c•i.vcril.co.us May 28, 2003 Raj Bhak#a 2211 North Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81620 RE: Sumrnary of Design Review Board comments for conceptuaa review a# the West Vail Lodge. Dear Raj; The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed ti�e proposed modifications for the West Vaia Lodge, located at 2211 North Frontage Road 1 LoE 1, Vail das Shone Filing 3 and part of 7'raci C, Vail das Scone Filing 1. 7he following were their comments and concerns: • The color "Serape" is not a good choice for the structure and its [ocation. The colors shouid be subtle, so that khe builcfing is elegantly quiet and blends with neighborhood. A colorist should bE hired ta come up with an overall scheme for the building. • The angular color char�ge is not appropriate. AIC color changes should occur on an inside corner. • Add landscaping to break up the Iong building fa�ade. • Considee changing or varying the balcony rails to make the bUilding appear more human and less industrial. • Additional corasideration should be giver� to the entry to the property. • The porte au cochere is out of s�ale an� form with the eest of the building. It needs to have a simpler roof forrn. • The architectural element intended for the sign appears contrived and app�ied. While the Design Review Board was willing ta consider a #ower concept, they felt that it needs more tho�ght and needs to be �nt�grated into the architectUre of the building. At this time, I do not haue yau scheduled for an additional rev�ew by the Design Review Board. However, if you would like to t�ave another conceptual review by the Qesign Revi�w Board, plans must be submitted to me at least 5 working days prior to a scheduled Design Review Board meeting. The Design Review Boa�d is scheduled to meet on June 4 and June 18. Should you �have any questions, pfease do not hesitate to contaet me at 970-479-2369. I wo�ld be glad to discuss this in fu�ther with you. Sincerely, � J �'l G��� � Allison Ochs, AICP Planner II Town of Vail �♦ItECYCLE'D PAPF.R r . � �� i� �� TOWN�F YAIL Department of Commurzity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Ft1X 97p-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 9 5, 2003 � Raj Bha[cta 2211 North Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81620 , RE: Redevelopment options for the West Vail Lodge Dear Raj; I Tha�lc you for yaur inquiries regarding the possible redevelopment options for the West Vai� Lodge, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. / Lqt 1, Vaif das Shone Filing 3 and Tract C, VaiE das Schone Fi�ing 1. T�e D�partment of Commu�ity Development is supportive of the upgrading af existing properties. HoweveT, the West Vail �.odge Ytas signi�cant issues with regard to the current zoning of the site. The West Vail Lodge is currently zoned Commercial Care 3. Th� Commercial Core 3 zone district does not alEow for "lodges° as either a permitted or a conditional use. T���efore, accarding to C�apter 18, Vaij Town Code, the West Vail Lodge is cansidered nonconformit�g with regards ta use. I have identi�ed the folfowing options which � belie�e will help you meet your goals to rede�elop the West Vail Lodge: 1. Rezoning to Public Accommodation (or other applicable zone district) From a use standpoint, the Pub}ic Accommodation zone district may be the most ap�ropriate zone district and wo�ld a!!ow the greatest f{exibility in redevelopment poterttial for the hotel. However, this process is tim�-consuming. In asfdition, a large amount of research will be required to ensure compliance with the develo}�ment standards as prescribed by the Public Accommadation zone district. It may require the esfablishment of a s�ecial development district. 2. Amend the Commercial Core 3 zone district This would also allow for greater compl�ance with the use requiremer�ts. However, a zaning tejct amendment then app�ies to all properties zoned Commercia! Core 3, and has impact beyond your property. This procass is alsa time consuming. r 3. Redevelop withi� the constraints of the nonconforming chapter. ���RECYCLEDPAPER � � '. J_ This would a!!ow you to redevelop the West Vaii Lodge, However, it places limits on your ability as it allows you to re-allocate use square tootage, as iong as no nonconforming use ever is expanded. While this process will not require mul#iple levels of review, I believe it wiil not suit your needs to redeveiop. Staff has also received your Design Review Board applicatior� for#he exterior remodel of the West Vail Lodge. While the infarmation you ha�e submitted is appropriate fo� a simpEe exterior remodel of the West Vail Lodge, should you cor�tinue to pursuer the add'+tion of the porte au cochere, �ao! enclosure, and roof features, you will need to submit a�fditional infarmation. Staff has �rouided tl�e fvllowing l�st of required submittai i#ems before these requests can be reviewed appropriately: � The color orange submitted on the sample boar� may not be acceptable to the Design Review Board (DR8). • The porte au cachere, pool enctosure, and tower elements must be depicted on the elevations anc! floor pla�s at the correct scale. Any new roof forms need to be drawn to scale on a grading and site plan, �asecf on a stamped topographic survey. • A sign program application must be submitted for all signage associated►rvith the proposal. ' • A detailed landscape �lan listing th� number and size vf trees to be p4ar�ted must ' be submitted with the Design Review application. • Please �rovide details of the deck raifings. At this time, I �ave scheduled you for a concept�aE review with tf�e Design Review $oard for May 21, 20Q3. This wifl allow the Design Review Board to provide you with direction on your proposal. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact m� j at 970-479-23fi9. I would be glad to discuss this in further with you. �, Sincerely, � /I Allison Ochs, AICP - Planner II Town of Vail , i '� � • �. : VV E S T 1/,�I L L C� [�G E � ' , , ' 2211 North Frontage Road at Vail, Colorado �-�-� M��,u��r P,��.�. 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S \--' W �P �� e \ � N'� � ��: ,� u � �` �� Q �� � � , , �� � + 9 �• � � �� '1'�, �� q' '�,'\ p,a� V b g.� }� \ � � � r � � 4 �� � ��� � �� '� � 7y �� � y}p � y , i � ibp��bb 1 � � � ...� 1 111 � 6 11 � y;�' 1'��� �� 9 �� \ , ` `. � "�° ��y� ; fl . e . w. � . � � �� � $�kY� �7�I+ t .. 3 - ��F�� Pi�f; ' �� � ��$5� �{��e�� " �i � �s�¢� 95{jP�� � . ,. i�5.2Yd� ii���3 m F:'.�r t:i.....�. ,..T:G.... f�:�.]i.l� .�a � �lAY, 13. 200� 2.�4PM STEWART TIT�� N0, b33� P, 2 . � :_ � � �r . � r �� ,i� � GEN�RAL W�AN'�7`D�FD � D� � OLDING M��.0 a THIS GENBRAL WARRANTY DE�D,made April_ilb',2003,be�ween DEBIRZ H S, ► Delaware limiud liability comPenY ('�G�to�r'�}, and VA1�QLIISH VA3]. Y LLC, a Delawere limited liability comPar�'�"Vanquish I°), and'VANQUISH VAIL II 4LC,a Delaware limited liabil�ty aampsny('�Van�uish Vatf �")(when rsferred to collectively here���ter.Variquiste Y ead Vanquish�"t3rantee"): GRANTEE A:QDREffi: 2�11 N: 'FRANTAGE RQAD� VAIL, CQ 81657 Wi�1EggE-!�, 7'hat Grafitor, for a�d 'm coasideera�on uf the su�•of 7en Doll�s and arher good and valuable consideration,the re�cei�s and suf�icienay af w��c� is hereby Ac1�cwlcdged,has gra�ted, bar�si�ed, sold , aad conveyed, aad by#hese presents does grenc, bargain,seil, oonvey an�d confirm,uatv'Van�uish I, ics successors and assi�s forevci,ats the real propeaty,togecher with i�nprovements,i�aay,situau,lyiu�g and beiog ut�hs County � af Eagle,State of Co�orado,described oa t�e att�ched Exhibit which is Uacnrpor�ed herein by this referenae; WITNE33ETH, That Grantor, for and in oo�sideratian of the sum of Tcn Dollars artd other goad and i valuable�ous�deratian,the receipt and sui�iciency of whieh is hetehy acl�owledged,has granted,bargained, sol� and conveyed,end lry these�resenu does graut,bargai�,se1l, convey and contum,umto V�nquish 11, irs successars I aad assi�s farover,all the r�al prope�ty,together witt4 impmvemen�ts, if any,situace,lying�d beiu�g in rhe Counry • � of Eagle,S#ate of Colorado,described on the nttached Exhibit B,whieh is iac�porated harein by this reference. I � TOG�THER wieh aLI and aingular the heredita�ents and sppv�nances thereto belonging, or io anywlse I aPpertainit�g, at�d the reversion and reversions, remaind�r and rernaindcrs, rents, issnss aud profits thet�esaf, and all I � the est�te,zigh�title, �t�nst, claim �d demand w�,atsoever of Gcea�ar,o�tber in Saw or equity, of, in and ta the above b�rgaiaed premises,with t�e heredi�amen�s snd appwtena�ces. I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD�rhe said prcmtses above bargeined and deacribed with the appurtenaaces,unw Grantes, its snccessors and $9siigns forever, as d,escribed above. And Gransor, for �tself, and its suecessors u�d I • assig�as,rloes covensnr��ant,bsrSain and agree m aad with Granteo, its successors and assigns,that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents, it is weSl ssized af the premises abave co�veyed, has gvod. sare, perfecc, absolate and indefeasible estate of inherit�r►e2, in laW, ia fee simple, a�d hes good righ�, full power a�d I authority ta grant,bargein,seU and oonvcy t�e same in manner aad form as�oresaid,and that the sa�r�e are fre�and c�eau from a11 former and ot�ex gsants,bargains, sales, �iens,taxes, assess�uents, encumhrances an,d restrictious vf I whacever ki�d ar nature saever, except c�xes for the year 2003, a l�en nnt yet due and payable, anr!as furthes sec I fonh on�Fxhibit C attached hereto and�ncorporated nerein by tbis reference. Grantor shall and will WARRANT AI�'D FOR�VE�t nEFENL�the abovabargaia�d premises in the quiet � and peaceable possession vf Va�aquish�,i�s sucoessnrs and assigQS,as to F•xhibit A and Vanqvish ll,its successors � and assigns,as m Exhibit B�aga,irsc sll and every penan or persons lawfiik6y claiming the whate or�y part thereof. � [sip►a�'ure Pege follows] I . .., � � � � . ... � 832�48 � esieiize s �es:iza � �[ Taak J 5iinonton Eaple, CO C32 R 4�.08 D 63�.eB , �' O � fl .. �, . ���A� �1 . i � �ti. �-� � �rar� li� �� MAY. 13, 7b03 �:54P�h STEWAR� TITLE Nd, 633� P, 3 ' . -� � • � � IN W[TNESS WH�R�OF,C�rantor has executed ttiis General VVa�ranty Deed t�e day aaa year first ebove w�itten. , GRANTOR: DEBIR2 �OY.DINGS, LLC, a Delawart limited liabiliry company By: Vi .V I la�a,Managimf.E Member ' STATE OF CALYF�RNIA ) )ss. cou�v�t o�S�►� �,�vo � o��� . 'I'hc foregvi�ng ins�ume�t was acla�towfedged beforc me tliis_day af April,2003,by Victor A.Vi�aplsna as Managing M�mber of DeBifZ Holdings.LLC,a Delawaro Limitcd liability company. � WITN�SS my hand snd ofticial seal. My comzt�lssson exPires:JW'tu�i�����2cX��' N P� lic Bhekta,l�a�lDeed.rtf AAECFEU�E 4�MNISI eoe.+�■lo�+�r�M� l�lolor1l Pr�ic-G� ��II�O CA��w ,. � . _ � �- � $32048 Pa9e: 2 of 8 �5/81/Ze�3 03:12P Trak J timonton �asle, CO 482 R 43.0e � 530�00 A-2 MAV. 13. �003 2:54PM S.TEWART TITLE � N0. 6�35 P, 4 � , i EXHIBIT A LEGAL D�SCRI�'TION OP' PROPERIY corivE�D To v,�xQuisH I {Atiacbed) � ' TpGETHER Wr'rH all imgrovcme,u�thereon at�.d ap rigbts-of-way,easements and other appurtenaaces �e�tainiag therem. ,� — -- • - � 832048 Page: 3 of 8 os�0in��a ��:i� Teak J 9imonlon Eagle, C6 832 R 43.IQ0 D 530.9� .i � � 4 . � ,�I1 � w . � . j, �p,.+c�,�r.�.�,�.,,.v,.��. 4�r : �ti,� � �.*. ...�.•. A-3 MAY. 13. 2003 �: 54PM STE�RT TITLE � NQ. 633� P, 5 .� } . � EXHIBIT A VANQUISA VAIL I . LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parael v� J.and ly3 ag w3thin A I�E9tJDD2VI6I0D7 OF VAIL nA5 SC'SOPTg F�LI NG IZO� 1 r and VAIL �AS SCHONE �'ILI NG N0. 3, Couaty Of Sagle. State o� Colora8o, more parti eularly described a� fc�.lowa: eeginni,ng at the �ior theasb coraer of eaid pazCe3� also bai�g a poiat v�R tha �esterly ri.ght af w�y line at Chamvaa.x Lane and the Nor�hmeet Corn�r of Lot 2A, ReBuhd.ivieion cf Lot 2, vail.Daa 6ehoae Filir►g Nv� �: � thenon Snuth �.9 °46'gfl" ��ati 420.66 f est to a pvint o� tha l�torth right of wa�+ I�ae vf =n�erstata High.�ray �o. 70 Froa��ge ltoad s � tihan�e Qloag �aid No s�h right o� �ray 19.ne oa the tollowi�sg � hxee • caur�es: ' ZP SouEh S�°02'86" 9�eet 5�.00 f�et f $) �o�sth 69°R4�a,b' flest 274.9Q f�.+At� 3� Soubh �6°04'45' ateet 45.09 fa at to the Seubheaat Gvraet af t4s� CoSlir,a Wirth 3ubdiv isioa; . �has►ca aloag �he Ea8 b liae of eaid Subdivi�iosa Naxt6 39 °5a'53" iPeat ].71.75 feat to a pv�.at oa tha Sot�th sighfi of xay 7.ix�� a f,Cl�amoaix F.oadj theaee aloag aaid ri ght v� wa�r aa the 'folLoovissg bwa aouree8: . 1) 295.63 feet alo�g the an Qf = 194.4 f�or radiva ousve to the " lefr whose a�fltral angYa is 72 °33'O1'� assd whv8e �oa g chord bearB ffiorth 4g°D4�91� Eaat 229.51 Pee�; � 2a Ncrth 28°09'#10' We�t 98.5 �ee r to a Po�t Qn tha 8outh right o� way liue of ��amoni�e Lssi e1 . • tbenca Svuzb slong 8 sid right a� way lisse vf the followiag•z hrea cour6eA� . 1) Nasth 39°43'�0" �agC 89.0� te et: � � , �) 59,57 Eoat alaag the arc of a 75.40 �oob radius curva to the right Khaee Central sag�e i� 45°3Q'�9' aad whoae loa g chard beax8 �or� 62°28�16� Sa�t SB.fla fA�tr . 3) Narth 85°13'93�� Saet 214.34 g eet xo tih� Poiat 0� 8egianiag. Said Pazaal al�o bei ag kaoxn aad deseri.hed aA Vail nas 5chou e S�sbd�Y�.s,ioa - TraCt •R" �$CSPT COAdem�Saj.lim IIri�.tS 401� 403� 4�05� 406r �09� 413, 413� 416� 4I 7� 420, �Zl, 424. 43'5, 428� �39, 437� 433, 436 aad 437� 1Id AT WEST VAIL CODT DOAlI�IU�9 , aaaordir�g tv the COn doa►imium Ddap thereof recax'ded I�ovembar 1 5, 1983 ia Book 872 aC Page 966 as R ecepGioa �To. 269ie3 and a� defiaad a.nd d esaxibed i�s tha Ceadoatisium DeClarst ion recorded November 15, 1988 in eook 3 72 ar Paga 865 �$ Secepti�.oa Na. 369182 . AND 8aeement Righta coat siaed ia eha 8age�essti Agreement rea4rH�d �eptvmbps l0. 3996 ia Hook 704 ab Page 902 a� RoCeptien DTo. 600887. ,_ .. . . .._� 832048 � Pags: 4 of B• COgNTY. C8 SAGLE 85/OY/200i 07;12P $TATE OF COLDRAI�d T�ak J 8iaonton Ea'1�, CO 432 R 43.0g D 5�0.00 MAY. 13. 7003 2: �SPM STEWART �fITLE � NQ, b33� P. b • J , • • �HIBIT B � LEGAL DESCR]PTYOt+1 OF PROPERTY CQNVSYED TO V,ANQUISIT Yi {Attached) TOGE'�[ER WITH alt impror►ements thereon and all rights-of-way,easemenrs and other appunenances pert�ining theretv, � ' � ' $�2��a � a�: s �ra 05/�1/Z0�3 03:12P T�ak J S1AOn�on EaB��� CO 43� R 41.0� 0 ���.e0 i I II , I 'I I � �-4 � _ � MAY, 13. 2043 ' 2: �SPM S�E�T TIT�E , • N0, 6335 P. 7 . � �•f. • •�, . : , EXHISIT 8 VANQUISH.VAIL II � ' L�GAZ DESCRYPTIODd� . , �ossdopa�.aium IIait�s �O I, 403, 405, 408. 409, 412, 4Z3, 416r 4J. 7. , r¢a0� 421r 424, 425� 428i 4a9, 432s 433� �k36 SIId 437� Ii�i AT WE�� VAIL C0�D�MIIYIIIM.9 acev=�ag to the COa dom�.aium Adap thereaf xecord�d Novemb�r ]. 5, 1983 in �oak 37Z at Page Bb6 a8 R aceptioa Nc• a69183 a.nd as daf�aed arxd d e6asibad ia�tke Coudomiaium DecLarab ion racosdad Novembar 15, 1988 ia Boak 3 72 at 8age B65 as Receptioa No. 26916� . . AATD . �� BasemvAr Righ�� cont ained ia tha Sag�ment Agreewer►t recorded 5eptia�qbex l0� ;g�� ia 800k �704 at pz9e 942 as Re�eptiaA No. 500887. � ', r....��r �• 1 �32048 1 �OONTY. GF �LS Pag�: 6 of 8 I STATB GF COLDRADO , 05/01/28e3 �8.�2P Tdsh 7 Simantan Eaela, CO 4$2 !i 41�00 C 330,80 . ' � I �' I�AY; 13. 20a3 2:5�PM STEWART TITLE � �0. 6335 P. 8 r • i � , . � EXHIBIT C P8R3�7ITTSD EXCEP'rIONS (Attached) r—' ` ,—,�� 832@48 Page; 7 vf � ' 0g/�3l2003 �3:14P 7eak J simontan EAale, Co 4l�� R ,��.0� p $3�./0 I A-5 � MAY. 13. 2d�3 2:5�PM STEWART TITLE EXHIBIT C S i�0, 633� P, 9 . . . �. ' , •; � to beed . � di i a' � �xc�pT�oNS � ge�ervatiaas aad exceptAoas �.a patea�a, or llete authari��i ag the is9uaaae • . tharaef, iacludiag b he rasnrvatioa o� the .right of propr�.e�o r oE a vei� or lcda • �o extsaot arad rnmov a I1i.f ora therefrom 8laould tha eame be £ ouad ta pa�e.etrat@ or l.s�tez�aeet tha pra mise� a� re8ervad ia IIaitad Statee PateA t rocosdod Auguat • • il, 1900 in Sovk 48 at Page 236. Reaervatioga vr excaptii.ane caataiaed in II.S. 8aten�9, or iz� Acta authoriziag the i�siia�sca th�rma£ , reCOrded october 4, ].9�8 ia Sook 93 a C page 301, xpparv�ag 1) ILights of the paepzietor of a vein or lode to e xtract aad re�ave his are therePxom sa d 2) rightB o! xray for ditchee and �arial e ooa�txucted tuider � �ha authoriby ef the United 9ta�ea. • , A11 mattera sho�ra oa the plata seaarded Sebruasy 1B� 196 5 a9 Racaption �o, 143Z51 ap�1 racorded July 7, 1965 ae Reaeption No. 101700 aar] Plat r�aorded in $ook 247 at Page 399 as &nCeptioa No. 143537. . As undivided 1/� imtexest ia miaeral� re�erved ia the � eed recorded Jaauary 3, 1960 iA Sook l65 at Faga 133. ProCactive Cwen ants recorded J�ly 7, 1965 in Book 194 a �� I+age 559 as RaCeStIOA Mv, 7.01701, aad Ame�a da►en� te Psca�ective Coveaaata recasded M ay 2a, 3969 ia Soak 212 st 8age 829 as R eceptiaa No. 10A223, sad Ameadment Cq pr otmctive CovenaAte reoordad Fabruary l6 , ].970 in Book 2i7 at Page 78 a� &ecepei or� No. 112633. I . A� Ea�e7�ae�t aad Rig$t Of Way rnsarvea in Psetective Ceve aar,ta, recarded July 7, � 1965 ia Sook 190 at Paga 559 as R�caQtion Dio. 101701. , �asemeati to {�aa Pacilibies, Iao„ a Public YI'tiilitiy corpp ra�ioa, reCOrdvd � N ' I Sap�emher 6, 1968 ia Sovk 2x3 at Page 344 a� lteception No. 1 OB758, khrough " ' streets aad existiug utility easaments. �ao a� �I � �om� FroteCtYVe Coven aa�e Yai.l Aaa SChoae, Fi�ing No. 3 reov� ded July 23, 1976 �.a �,�N� 800k 247 at Page 6S6 �� Reoegtion No. 143694- N --�o M e� �� R�eervatioa vf p erpatual greeubQ}.t Qaaem�t coataia�d in th� FTixranty Deed �d �� recorded �aanary 3, 1978 ia 800k �64 at Page l44 aa ReCeptio � l�o. 160510. � .; �a . vndergro+�d riqh t af Way eg�amsnta bo $a1y Cso�9 8lectr� C 1leaac3atf.o� recos�ded ~� SepEemb�r 27, 197A 3.xs Hook 275 at Page 832 as xeaeptxom No� 17a241 aud reaorded � . 8aj�tember l3, 1979 i n Sook �80 at Paga 953 aa Racaption Na. 187352. �N 1� �Q Appareu� ���er 1 iae eaeemeati aloag the souF}sweatsrly bou �dary o# �subject � propexty sa ehovm on tha Collia�-Wirth SuhB�.viaioa Suxvay �a ted 13aptember 19, �� �,977 . ~�' �1oT8: Colliva-�irth Svbdiviaian is not recosded, this ie' sa farsad �� to ia a documeat see orded in 8ovk 55g at�� Fage 387� �� At�d ia alao ra£erXed to ia the Coudom�..rrium naclaration racor dod om in 8aak 37� a� Pngs , 6�6. . � Con�iami,niwn Aael aratioa �ox =an Ae qPest Vail Coaaomiaita�► e reaordad November 15, �'� i963 in Sook 372 st �aga 965 as Raception No. 269�83. �� � �. , � A11 matxers as a hohns OA the CvAdva�is�ium Mnp aQ Y� At We ati Vail r�corded Nwambar 15, 1se3 it� Scok 372 at Pag� 856 as Rocegriott Ajo. � 69193. 8aaeme�t ]Lgreeme nL Ysy'as�d batween Reaut Corporatiaa aad �'irat8arsk oP Yail ' reCorded 3ep��mber 1 0, 1996 in Sook 'h04 at Fage 942 aa Recep tian No� 6008B7. All mattars ae a hvvra ori tiha Improvaaiest Location Certifi Ca�e by 8nglg Valley Surveyiag. Ime. da4o d April 8, 2003. � � ��:�,����, ,; Application for Review by the ;; 7c` r.,;.� ,, i� Planning and Environmental Cort�tmission !a Vi'!1� �� �'1�1L Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ti.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior ko submitt6ng a building permit apQlication. Pl�ase refer to the submittal requirements for the particufar approval that is requested. An appGcation for Planning and Environmental Comrnission review cannok be accepted vntil all required information is received by the �Community �evelopment Department. The project may also need to be review�d by tt�e Town Council and/or the Design f2�view Board. Type of Appiieation and Fee: ' � � ;." ;, �� f�ezo�ing � �i30Q �c Q Condi I C�se�Perr�'tt $650 ❑ Major Subdivision y � $1500 '�- ?• C] Ftpodp Modificakion ' $400 ❑ Minor Subdivision ' �650 - , 0 MEnar E rior Afteration � � Exemption Plat $65D � [� Major ' Aiter�tion � $800 0 Minor Amendment to an 5DD $lOQO 0 Dev� e `Plan � $15Q0 � New Special Development Distrfct �60�0 i A ent velopment Plan $250 ❑ Major Amendment to 'n 5DD � �qQ,O i Code Arnen ment a $1300 ❑ Major Amendment to n SD{I �i25Q =+ ce A $500 (noexteriormodifca ons) � Sign Varian�e - � __ , $200 . r " - Descripti of the t: � - r !! 4 - Lacation of t Pr ot: 81ock: Subdivision: =t�`� '�''�' Physicat Addr . ������ �.���'��,!�+� � `' ��� ��d��'�"'�`6,`�6"��l'� ��'h4��-- Parcel No,: �.��,��� (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) r �C , �oning: ;J''��.j���,��i��,{�,� � �', � � Name(s) of Owner(s): ,,�,�'��1,� ����i i.�'�� � ' r Mailing Address: -��� I ���,. �� _ � ';:�'��.����. �` � Pho�e: ,�,`!� , . p � � • Owner(s) Sigr�ature(s}: -----�-----`�—._�_ -' , ' ' � '""�r 9 �" � Name of Applicant: �r��� �I� ������ � � ��i�.�`�i ��G� Maifing Address: ,-���1 �. �11��. ���I ��w�� �dYi, f'0 ��II�Q �W�:� ; ���_ ' „ ���� �'��-,l�f w� Phone: "� r'tP`�n �Y %��6-�n'��'D E-mail Address: Fax , �C.6 � bb�� For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: By: Application Date: PEC No.: Pl�nn�r: Projeet No.: _ Page 1 af 4-O 1/13/02 � � :' � r ��� � rr �.,.� ,°„ .� �tt i: . � � � •• � . � . . a • -M �. � • , '� 7 f 1 �� •i����e �-M 1`. ������♦ i. �. � , +��� . �� V ' • , ' , j �. . , ...• �,ti•. � . ,� . . , . , , � s.,� .��ti,•*, ;` , ' y'`'!` -1'j ' .c��v ,tf�� .� " ;�i• '• r', { .�.•! � . . � i , ' . . ' �, � � ! . y . ' l , �- . . , , «�. `� � � � ********�****�****�*****�x*****��**�w***��***��*�***�#�*****�****�+****�***���****�*****�***** TOWN OF VAI�., COLQRADO 3tatement *�x��****�x****�****+�****���***��*�****:��:****��******�******��***�*�**�***���*****��********* Statement Number: R0300057.43 Amount: $1,340.00 11/17/200311:41 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: #1406 Permit No: PEC030078 Type: PEC - Rezoning ParCel No: 210311421Q00 Site Addreas: 2211 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VA2L Locatian: WEST VAIL LODGE Tatal Fees: $1,300.00 This Payment: $7.,300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,304.00 Balance: �0.00 ****��*�**�***�*�***��****�********�a:***�*****�*�*�****��********�****a��****��***��****�*�** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Cade Description Current Pr�ts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 1,300.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i ., . ` . I MEMORANDUM I i TO: Planning and Environmental Cammissio� i FROM: Cammunity Development Department I DATE: March 22, 2004 I SUBJECT: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Tawn Council of a I proposed Zone District Boundary amendment pursuant to Section �2-3-7, � Vail Town Code, to the Town of Vail Official Zoning Map, to rezone the West Vail Lodge Properties, from Commercial Core 111 (CC3)to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), located at 2278, 2288, 2298 Chamonix �� Lane and 22�1 Nortn Frontage Roadllnn at West Vail Zot 1 Block A, Vail I Das Schane Filing 1, and setting farth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vanquish Vail, LLC � Planner: Matt Gennett I I. SUMMARY � On January 26, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission (P�C) heard the applicant's request, as stated above, and during the deliberation portion of the hearing, unanimously expressed that the applicant's proposal could not be supported as submitted. Hawever, the PEC vofed to table the application, at the applicant's request, to allow the applicant an opportunity to be more creative and submit revisions to the proposal which are in eompliance with the Town's development objectives. �n February 9, 2044, the PEC tabled the application at the applicant's request, noting in the record that no new proposals or progress had been made by the applicant. I On February 23, 2004, the PEC tabled tne application at the applicant's request, noti�g ir� the record that no new proposals or progress had been made by the I applicant. I On March 8, 2004, the PEC tabled the application at the applicanYs request, noting in the record that no new proposals or progress had been made by the I applicant. I Il. STAFF R�COMM�NDATION The Community Development Department recommer�ds that the Planning and Environmental Commissian forwards a recommendation of denial to the Town � Council of ar� arr�endme�r# to the Off'rcial Town of Vai1 �oning Map, pursuant to Chapter 3, Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to rezone the West Vail � Lodge Properties, as afescribed above. I 1 . , . �� � � � Staff's recommendation of denial is based upon the review of the criteri� outlined in Section VIII of this memorar�dum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: (1) That t�e amendment is not consistent with th� adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and not compatible with the development objectives of the Tow�; and (2) That the amendment is not compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses , and not appropriate for the surrounding areas; and t3) That fhe amendment does not promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and does nat promote the coord4nated and harmonious development af the town in a manner that cor�serves and enhances its natural environment and its establ4shed character as a resort and residential community of the i�ighest quality. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation of approval to the Town C�uncil, the follawing findings must be made: (1) That the amendment is consistent with the adoptecf goals, objectives and policies outlined in t�e Vail comprehensive plan and com�atible with the development objectives of the Town; ar�d �2j That the amendment is compatible with and suitab�e ta adjacertt uses and appropriate far t#�e surroundi�g areas; and (3) That the amendment promotes #he heafth, safsty, marals, and general welfare of the town and promotes the coordinated and harmoniot�s de�elopment of the town in a manner that cons�rves and en#�ances its natural environment and its estabfished character as a resort and residential community of tf�e highest quafity. Itl. ATTACHMENTS A. 5taff memoranc3um from the January 26, 2Q04 PEC hearing 2 . . • � MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Comm�nity Deveiopment Departmer�t DATE: March 8, 2004 SUBJECT: A regt�est for a finai recommendation to the 1/ai4 Town Council of a proposed Zone District Boundary amendment pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, to the Town of Vai� O�cial Zoning Map, to rezone the West Vail Lodge Properties, from Commercial Core III (CC3)to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), located at 2278, 2288, 2298 Chamonix I Lane and 2291 North Frontage Road/lnn at West Vail Lot 1 Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth detaiis in regard thereto. Applicant: VanqUish Vail, �LC Planner: Matt Gennet# I. SUMMARY On January 26, 200�4, the Planning and Enviror�mental Commission (PEC) heard the applicant's requesi, as stated above, and during the deliberation portion of the hearing, unanimously expressed that the applicant's proposal could not be supported as submitted. However, the PEC voted to table the application, at the applicant's request, to allow the applicant an opportunity to be more creative and , submit revisions to the proposal which are in compliance with the Town's ' development obj�ctives. It. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning ar�d Environmental Commissivn farwards a recommendation of denial to the Town Counc�� of an amendment to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, pursuant to Chapter 3, Title 12, Zoning Regufations, Vail Town Code, to rezone the West Vail Lodge Properties, as described above. Staff's recommendation of denial is based upon the review of the criteria outlined , in Section VIII of#his memorandum and the evidence and testimony presen#ed, I subject fo the fol�owing findings: (1) That the amendment is not consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive pfan and not compatible with the development objectives of the Tawn; and � (2) That the amendrnent is not compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and not appropriate for the surrounding areas; and (3) That the amendment does r�ot promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and daes not promote the coordinated and ' harmonious development of the town in a manner that conserves and 1 -� - � � enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residential community o#the highest quality. � Should the Planning and En�ironmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council, the following findin�s must be made: (1) Tha#the amendment is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and (2) That the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrou�ding areas; and (3) That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and genera{ welfare af t#�e town and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of #he town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residentiai community of the highest quality. Itl. ATTACHMENTS A. Staff memorandum from the January 26, 2a04 PEC hearing 2 Mar 05 04 OS: 30a A1 �on Ochs 97�559-6284 p. 2 March 5, 2003 Planning and Environmenta! Comrnission Community Devefopmen� Deparfment 75 S. �rontcage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 R�: March S,2004, PEC hearing Dear Planning and Environmental CommiSSion, 7hQnk you so much for your time and consideration of the request for the rezoning of the Wes�Vail Lodge properties. We are requesfing to be tab4ed to the second meeting i� April to allow us additional time to consider our alternatives to aur rezon�ng request. We wauld like time to develop plans ouilining our redevelopment proposal and while we understand your concerns about the High Dens�ty Multiple Family Zone Distric�, we would �ike to keep all of our options open until we can more fuiiy devebp a cornprehensive package for you to consider in the future for#he redevetopment of the property. Because the Communi#y Development Department no longer allows wosicsessions without a complete applic4tior�, notification, and publication,we submitted an application fior a final review, as required. However, at this time, much lilce o�her applicants,including Vail Resorfs, the Four 5easans, efic.,we are requesting additionrxl #ime fo further develop our proposal, based on your comment3 and #he comments of t3�e Community Development Departmenf. Raj Bhafct'a wi11 be out o#the country until 7uesday, March 9. Sha�ld we vary the application from the origir�al st�bmitted (including ?he development of dn SDD, a text amendment to PA, d �ezoning to PA, etc.� we wi115ubmit a new application � and a new submittal #ee according to the submittal requirements of the Town of � Vail. Until such time, however, we are r�questir�g to be tabled to al�aw us additiona� fiime to develop our p�opasal. Thank you far your time and consideration. Sine ely, Allison Ochs, AICP � � , � . � • MEMORANDUM TO: PEanr�i�g anc! Environmer�tal Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: Marci� $, 2004 SUBJECT: A request fo�'a fnal recommendation to the Vail Town Council af a I proposed Zone District Boundary amendment pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, ta t�e Town of Vail Official Zoning Map, to rezone the West Vail Lodge Pra�erties, fram Cammercial Core Ilf (CC3} fo High � Density Multiple Family (HDMF), located at 2278, 22$8, 2298 Chamonix Lane and 2211 North Frontage Road/lnn at West Vai� �.at 1 8iock A, Vail � Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vanquish Vail, LLC � Plar�r�er. Matt Genne�t I E. SUMMARY ', On January 2�, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Cammission (PEC} heard � the applicant's request, as stated above, and during the deliberation portion of tt�e hearing, unanimously expressed that the applicant's proposaf could not be i supported as submitted. However, the PEC voted to table the application, at the applicar�t's rec{uest, to aIlow the appficant an opportunity to be more creative and � submit revisions to the proposal wf�ich are in compliance with the Town's deve�opment objectives. � II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Th� Gommunity Development Department recpmmends that the Planning and Environmental Cammission forwards a recommendation of denial to the Town Council of an amendment to the Official Town of Vail Zoning Map, pursuant to C�apter 3, Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to rezone the West Vail ' Lodge Properties, as described above. Staff's recommendation of denial is based upon the review of ihe criteria outlined in Section VII[ of tfiis memorandum and tF�e evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following �ndings: (1) That the amendment is not consis#ent with the adopted gaais, objectives and pol+c+es oUtlined in the Vail campreherrsive plan and not compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and (2) That the amendment is not compatible wit� and suitable to adjacent uses and not appropriate for the surrounding are�s; and (3) That the amendment does not promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town ahd does not promote the coordinated and harmonious development of the tawn in a manner that conserves and 1 � . � ! • enk�at�ces its �atural envisonment and its established c�aracter as a resort � ' and residential cammunity of the highest quality. � i Should the Planning and Er�vironmental Commission cf�oose to forward a I, recommendation of approval to the Town Council, the foliowing findings must be � made: (1) That the amendment is consistent with the adopted goals, ab}ectives at�d po�icies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the I development objectives of the Town; and i 2 Tha# tf�e amer�dment is compatible with and sui#able to ad3acent uses ! � ) and appropriate for the surroundi�g areas; and I� (3} That the amendment promot�s th� healtf�, safety, marals, and general � welfare of the tow� and promo#es the coordinated and harmoninus development of the town in a manner that conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and residentia! community of the highest quality. III. ATTACHMENTS A. Staff memora�dum from the January 26, 2004 PEC hearing � l � i � � � i � 2 i - I �. i Attachment: A � � MEMORANDIJM TO: Planning and Environmenta! Commission FR�M: Community Development Departmen# DATE: January 28, 20Q4 SUBJECT: A request for a finaf recommendation fo the Vaii Town Cauncil of a proposed Zone District 8oundary amendment pursuant to Section 12-3�7, Vail Town Code, to the Town af Vail Official Zoning Map, to rezone the West Vai! Lodge Properties, from Cammercial Core III (CC3) to High Density Multiple �amily (HDMF), located at 2278, 2288, 2298 Chamonix Lane and 2211 Nor#h �rontage Raad/lnn at West Vail L.at 1 Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, and sett�ng forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vanq�ish Vail, LLC Planner: Matt Gennett I. SUMMARY The applicant, Vanquish Vail, LLC, has requested a change in the zoning designation of the West Vail Lodge properties, as desceibed a�ove, €rom Commercial Core III (CC3) to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF). The West Vail Lodge is in a state o'f nonconformity with the standards af the CC3 zone and is subject to the provisions of Sections 12-8-4 and 12-8-5, Vail Town Code, which place restrictions o� nanconforming uses, and structures and site improvem�nts, res�ectively. The current use as a hotel/lodge is not a perrr�itted, car�ditianal, or accessory use in the CC3 zone district. It is staff's position that rezoning the sut�ect property will result in a significant [oss of actual sales fax re�enues, and an even larger loss of future, potential sales tax revenues. Staff is recammending deniai of the applicant's proposal based upon the crit�ria and findings contained in Sectior� VIII of this memorar�dum. II. D�SCRIPTION OF THE R�QUEST The applicant, Vanquish Vail, LLC, has {�roposed to rezone the "West Vail Lodge Properties", whic�r comprise 2298, 2288, 2278 Chamonix Lane and 22'!9 North Frontage Road 1 Inn at West Vail, I�ot 1 Block A, Vai! Das Schone Filing 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3, and Tract C, Vaii Das Schone Filing 'I, from Commet'cial Core 3 (CC3) to High Density Multiple Fam�ly (HDMF}, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code. 7he applicant concedes that Publie Accammodatior� (PA) would also be an appropriate zone district, but the long-term goals of the properiy owner are rnore congruent with the standards and uses af the HDMF zone. What the applicant wishes ta accomplish with the requested zone change is the establishment of �ractional fee units in the existing structure and constructian of a new hotel facifity on the nortF�western portion of the site. 1 _ i • I11. BACKGROUND In 1979, the West Vail Lodge was canstructed under the jurisdiction of Eagle County and contained 83 accommodation units (hotel rooms), 19 dwelling units, and substa�tial commercial sqttare footage. In the early 1980s, the West Vai1 Lodge Properties were annexed into the Town of Vail by Ordinance No. 43, Series of �980, and received the zoning designation of Commercial Core Ili (CC3}. In 2003, the new owners of the West Vai! Lodge, Vanquish Vail, LLC, received Design Review Board approval far minor exterior alterations, which entailed repainting and stone veneer work. IV. RQL�S OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS ZoninAlRezoning Request Planning and Environmental Commission: Action:The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisary to the � Town Council. The Planning ar�d Environmental Commission shall review the proposal and make a �ecomme�dation to the Town Cou�cil on the compatibility of the proposec� zvning with s�rrounding uses, consistency wit� the Vail Comprehensive R1ans, anc� impact on the genaral wetfare of the community. Design Review Board: Action:The Design Review Board has no review authority on zoning/rezonings. Town Cour�cii: � Action: The Town Council is responsible for finaf approval/denial af a , zoning/rezoning. The Tawn Counci� shafl review and approve t�e proposaE based on the compatibility of the proposed zoning with surrounding uses, consistency with tk�e Vail Comprehensive Plans, and impact on the general welfare of the community. Staff: The staff is responsible for er�suring that all 5ulamittal requirements are provided. The staff advises the applicant as to compliance with the Zoning Regul�tions. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and�provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, ar►d a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. 2 - � � V. APPLICABLE PLANNfNG DOCUMENTS Title 12, Zonin� Reaulatipns, Vail Town Code 12-3 Administration {in part} 92-3-7 Amendment: A. Prescripfion: The regulations prescribed in this tifle and the boundaries of the districts shawn on the official zoning map may be amended, or repealed by the town counci! in accordance with fhe pracedures prescribed in this chapf�r. 8. lnitiafion: i 1. An amendment of the regulafions of this title or a change in disfricf boundaries may be initiated by the town council on its own motion, by the planning and envrronmental commissfon on �ts own motion, by � pefitron of any residenf or pro,aerty owner in the fown, or by fhe administrator. 2. A petiiian for amendment of the regulafions or a change in districf boundaries shal! be filed on a form fo be prescribed by fhe administrator. The petitian shall include a summary of the proposed , revision of the regulations, or a comple�te description of proposed changes in district 6oundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. !f the pefifian is for a change in districf boundaries, fhe petlrfon sha!! include a Iist of the owners of all properties within the boundaries of the area to be rezoned or changed, and fhe property adjacent thereto. The owners' Irst shal! includ� fhe names of a!1 owners, therr mailing and street addresses, and the legal description of the property owned by each. Accompanying fhe list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each �wner ta be used for the mailing of the notice of hearing. The petition also shall include such additional informatron as prescribed by the administrator. C. Criferia And Findings: 1. Zone Disfrict Boundary Amendment: a. Factars, Enumerated.� 8efore acting on an applicatron for a zone districf boundary amendment, the planning and environmental commissian and town counci! shall consider the following factors with respecf to the requesfed zone disfrict boundary amendment: (1) The exfent fo whrch the zone district amendment is consisfenf with al! the applicable elements of the adapfed goals, objectives and policies outlin�d in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compatible with fhe development objectives of the town; and 3 _ i M (2) The extent to which the zone district amendment is suifable wi#h the exisfirtg and pofenfia� land uses on the sife and existing and pofential surrounding Iand uses as set out in the town's adopted planning documents; and (3) The extent to which the zone disfricf amendment presents a harmanrous, convenient, workable relationshrp among Iand uses consisfent with municrpal development objectives; and (4) The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and does not constrtute spot zoning as fhe amendment serves the best interesfs of the communrty as a whole; and (5) The extent to which the zone disfrrcf amendment resulfs rn adverse or beneficial impacts on the nafural environment, including, buf not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, � vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and (6} The exfenf to which the zone district amendment is consistenf wifh the purpose statement of the proposed zone districf; and {7} The exfent fo which the zone districf amendment demonstrates how conditrans have changed srnce the zoning designation af fhe subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate; and (8) Such other factors and criferia as fhe commission and/or councrl deem applicable �o #he proposed rezoning. b. Necessary Findings: Before recommending and/ar granting an approva!of an application for a zone disfrict 6oundary amendmerrt the � planning and environmenta! commission and the town counci! sha!! I make the following findings with respect to fhe requested amendmenf: (9) That fhe amendmenf is consisfent with fhe adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vai! comprehensrve plan and compatible wifh the developmenf objectives of#he town; and (2) That the amendment is compatible wrfh and suitable to adjacenf uses and appropriate for fhe surroun�irng areas; and (3) That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general wetfare of the town and promotes �he coordinated and harmonious development of fhe fown in a manner that conserves and enhances rts natural environment and its established character as a resort and resrdential community of fhe highesf qualify. F. Planning And Environmental Commission Recommendation: Within twenty (20) days of th� closing af a public hearing on a proposed amendment, the planrtrng and envrronmenta! corrrmission sha!!acf on fhe petifion or proposal. The commission may recommend approva! of fhe petition or proposa! as initiated, may recommend approval with such modifications as it d�ems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this trtle, or may recommend denia! of the petrtion or rejection of fhe proposaL The commission shall transmif its recommendation, together with a report on the public hearing and its deliberatrons and findings, to the town council. 4 _ � � G. Hearing By Town Council: Upon receipt vf the report and recommendation of fhe planning and environmental comm�ssion, fhe town council shall set a date for hearrng in accordance wifh subsection 12-3-6B of fhis chapfer. N. Action By Town Council: Within twenty(20) days of the closing of a public hearing on a proposed amendment, the town council shall act on the petition or proposal. The town council shall consider 6ut shall nof bs bound by the recommendation of the planning and environmental cammissron. Th� fown counci!may cause an ordinance to be introduced to amend the regulations of fhis fitle or to change distriet boundaries, either in accordance wifh the recommendafion of the planning and environmenra! commissron or in madified form, or the council may deny the petition. !f the council elects to proceed with an ordinance amending the regulafions ar changing districf boundaries, or bath, the ordinance shall be cans�dered as prescribed by the charfer of the town. Chapter 6 Residential Districts ARTICLE H. HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY{HDM�� DISTRICT SECTION: 'f2-6H-1: Purpose The high density multiple-family distric# is inter�ded to �rovide sites for multiple-family dwellings a# densities to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adequate light, a{r, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high d�nsity apartment, candominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residentia4 character of the district. 12-6H-2: Permitted Uses The foflowing uses shall be permitted in the HDMF district: Ladges, including accessory eating, drinking, recreational or retail establishmer�ts, located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%) of the total gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on a� outdoor deck, �orch, or terrace. Multiple-family residential dwei{ings, including attached or row dwellings and condominium dwellings. 12-6H-3: Conditional Uses 5 - , � � The following conditiona! uses shalf be permitted in the NDMF district, subject to � issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance witn the provisions of chaAter 9 6 of ' this title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by section 12-14-�8 of this title. Cnurches. Dog kennel. I Home child daycare facility as further regula#ed by sectio� 12-14-12 of this title. Private clubs and civic, cultural and fraternal organizations. � Public buiidings, grounds and facilities. Public or comrnercial parking facilities or structures. Public or prfvate sc�ools. Public park and recreation facilities. Public#ransportation terminais. I Public utility and public service uses. Ski lifts and tows. Time share estate units, fractional fee units and time share licer�se unifs. Type III employee housing units (EHU) as provided in chapter 13 of this title. 92-6H-4: Accessory Uses The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the HDMF district: � Home occu�ations, subject fo issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with l the provisions of section 'E2-14-12 of this title. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, a�tached garages or carporks, swimming pools, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted residen#ial and lodge I uses. Other uses custamarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and I necessary for the operation thereofi. 'l2-6H-5: !ot Area and Dimensions i The minimum lot or site area shaii be ten thousand {10,QQ0) square feet of buildable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shaff be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet (80') on each side within its boundaries. 12-SH-6: Setbacks 6 _ � � The minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), tf�e minimum side setback shall be twenty feet �20'), and the minimum rear setbac�C shall be twenty feet (20'). '12-6H-7: Height For a flat roof or mansard raof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty fiive feet (45'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed forty eight feet (48'). 12-6H-8: Density Control Not more than sixty (60) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shaii be permitted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area. Not more than � sixty (60) square feet of gross reside�tia! floor area shall be permitted for each one � hundred (100) square feet of builciable site area for any conditional use listed in section ' 12-6H-3 of this articie. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per , acre of buildable site area. Each accommodation unit shall be counted as one-half (1/2) ' of a dwelling unit for purpases of cafculating allowable units �er aere. I A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit na larger than one-third (1/3) of the ta#al floor area of the dwelling. I 12-6H-9: Site Coverage I Site coverage shall not exceed fifty fi�e percent (55%) of the total site area. 12-6H-10: Landscaping and Site Development , I At least thirty percent (30%) of the total site area shall be landscaped. The minimum I width and length of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet (15') witF� a I minimum area not less than three hundred {300) square feet. '12-6H-'11: Parking and Loading I� Off-street parking and loading snall be �rovided in accorda�ce with cha_pter 10 of this � tifle. At least seventy five perce�t (75%) af the req�ired parking s�ai! be �oca#ed withirt � the main building or buildings and hidden from public view or shall be completely hidden frarn public view from adjoinir�g properties within a landscaped berm. No parking shall be i located in any required front setback area. I I Chapter 7 � Cammercial and Business Districts i ARTICLE D. COMMERCIAL CORE IIl �CC3) DISTRkCT ' SECTION: 12-D-'1: Permitted Uses Tf�e follow+ng uses shall be permitted in #he commercial care 3 district: Banks and financia! institutions, 7 � � � .� i Eating and drinking establishments, including the following: Cacktail lounges, tav�ms �� and bars; Coffee shops; Foun#ain and sandwich shops; Restaurants. � Health clubs Personal s�rvices and repair shops, including the foRlowing: Barbershops; Beauty shops; Business and officer services; Cleaning and laur�dry pick-up agencies without bulk cleaning or dyeing; Coin-operated or self-service laundries; Shoe repair; Small appliance repair shops, excluding fumiture repair; Tailors and dressmakers;Travel and ticket � agencies. � Professional offices, business offices, and studios I� I I Retail stores ar�d estabiishments without limit as to floor area incfuding #he fol[owing: � Apparel stores; Art supply stores and galleries; Auto parts stores; Bakeries ar�d � canfectioneries, preparation of products for sale on the premises; Boakstares; Building materials stores without outdoor storage; Camera stores and phatographic studios; Candy stores; Chinaware and glassware stores; Delicatessens and specialty food stores; Department and general merchandise stores; Drugstores and pharmacies; Florists; Food stores; Furniture stores; Gift stores; Hardware stores; Health food stor�s; Hobby stores; Household appliance stores; .lewelry stores; Leather goad5 stores; Liquor � stores; Music and record stores; Newsstands and tobacco stores; Photagraphic studios; Radio and television broadcasting studios; Radio and te�evisio� stores and repair shops; Sporting goods stores; Stationery stores; Supermarkets; Toy stores; Variety stores; Yarcfage and dry gflods stores. � Additional offices, business, or services determined to be similar to permitted uses in � accordance wit� the provisions of this s�ction. ! � I 12-7D-2: Conditional Uses � The following canditional uses shail be permit�ed in the commercial cor� 3 district, subject to issuance of a conditional �se permit in accord with the provisians of chapter 16 of this title: � � ' ; I Any use permifted by sectio� 12-7D-1 of tYrts article vrhich is not conducted entirely # within a building, ; Bed and breakfast as further regulated by section 12-14-18 of this title. �rew pubs. I Child daycare center. � Commercial laundry and cfeaning services, bulk plant. � Commercia� sto�age. 1 ` Dog kennel. f I , Drive up facilities. Major arcade. 8 _ I I I • � Massage parlors. Outside car wash. � Pet shops. Public buildings, grounds, and facilities. Public park and recreation facilities. Public utility and public service uses. �I Radio and television signal relay transmission facilities. Theaters, meeting rooms, and convention faciiities. Transportation businesses. Type II I ernployee housing units (EHU) as provided in chaqter '�3 of this title. 12-7D-3: Acc�ssory Uses The folEawing accessory uses shall be permitted in the commercial core 3 district: Home occupatians, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with '' the provisions of section 12-14-12 of th�s title. Minor arcade. Swimm'tng pools, tennis couris, patios, or other recreation facilities customarily incidenta! to conditional residential. Qther uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or condit9onal uses, and necessary for the operation thereaf. � 12-7D-4: Lot Area and Site Dimensions Th� minimum lot or site area shall be tw�nty five thousand (25,000) squar�feet of b�ifdable area, and each site shall have a minimum frontage of one hundred feet (100'). 12-7D-5: Setbacks In the commercial cvre 3 district, #he setback shal� be twenty feet (20') on all exterior boundaries of the zone district. 'i2-7D-6: Height � �or a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). �or a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty eight feet (38'). ', 12-7D-'1: Density Control Not more than thirty (30) square feet of grass residential floor area (GR�A) s}�al� be permitted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area. Total density shall not exceed twelve (�2) c�welling units per acre tif buildable site area. I 9 _ � � 12-7D-8: Site Coverage Site coverage sha�f not exceed forty perc�nt (40%) of the total site area. 12-7D-9: Landscaping and Si#e Development At least twenty five percent (25%) of the total site sF�a!! be landscaped. The minimum width and length of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fiifteen feet (15') with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. � 12-7D-10: Parking and L.aading � Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accorcfance with chapter �0 of this title. N� parking or loading area shall be Eocated in any required front setback area. 12-7D-11: Lacation of Business Activity A. Lirrsitation� Exce tion: AI! ermitted and conditional uses b sections 12-7D-1 and 12- p P Y _ 7D-2 of this article, shall be operated a�d conducted �ntirely witY�in a building, except for permitted loading areas and such activities as may be specifically authorized to be unenclosed by a conditional use permit and the outdoor display of goods. B. Outdoor Display Areas: The area ta be used far outdoor disp{ay rnust be focated directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establisf�ment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shali not be obstructed by outdoor display. VI. POTENTIAL SITE ZONING ANAYSIS (Note: The subject property is comprised of five separate lots totaling 3.94 acres or 172,015 sq ft.} Praject site: Lots 1, 2, and 3, and Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing 1; and Lot 1, Block A, Inn at West Vail Proposec! Zoning: High Density Multiple-Family (HDMF) � Land Use Designation: Community Commercial & Medium Density � Residential Current Land Use: Lodge/Hote�/Eating & Drinking Establishments Development Standard Existinq AllowedlRea. (CC3) Allowed/Re . (HDMF) Lot Area: 172,018 sq ft 25,000 sq ft 10,000 sq ft Buildable Lot Area: 3.890 acres 25,OOQ sq ft 1 Q,OOa sq ft (169,448 sq ft) Setbacks: Front: 63' 20' 20' Sides: 123'/49' 20' 2a' Rear: 82' 20' 20' Building Height: io _ � � Flat roof: 35' �45' Sloped raof 56' 38' 48' Density: 19 DUs 8� 46 DUs 8� 98 DUs & 83 AUs 0 AUs 49 AUs GRFA: 43,532 sq ft 51,600 sq ft 103,200 sq ft Site Coverage: 16% 40% 55% (34,538 sq f#) (68,809 sq ft) (94,602 sq ft) Landscape Area: 14% 25% 30% (24,082 sq ft) (43,001 sq ft) (51,601 sq ft) VI1. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING �and Use Zoni� North: Residential Two-�amily Primary/Secor�dary Residentia! {PS) South: (I-70} NA East; Commercial Commercial Core Ill (CC3) West: Commercial & Commercial Core Ifl (CC3) & Two-Family Residential Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) VIIL CRITERIA AND Ftf�[DiNGS (1) The extent to which the zone district amendment is consistent with all tE�e applicabfe elements of the adoptet! goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail compreF�ensive plan and is compatible with tf�e development objectives of the town; and Of the total area of the sits, approximately 86% is designated by the Towr� of Vail Comprehensive Land Use Plan as Community Commercial, as is the remainder of the CC3 zone district, and 14% (Lofs 1, 2, and 3, Vail Das Schpne, Filing 1) as Medium Density Residenfial. The Vai1 Land Use Plan allocates 12.5% of the total land area in Vai! toward the Medium Density Residential designation, and 0.7% toward Communify Commercial. The plan also forecasts a shortfall in "Iocal related retail space� of 18,422 square feet and suggests intensifying the Communify Commercial uses loca#ed exclusively in West Vail as the preferred remec�y to this prob�em. The rele�ant portian of the Vail Land Use Map has been attacheci for reference (see Attachment F). Under the `Preferred Plan"Land Use Patfern section af the Vail Land Use Plan, the follov�+ing is stated (p. 36): B. Commercial Uses 4. Community Commercra! 11 _ . � � � This new cafegory has been desrgnated for the west Varl � commercial area, which is primarily oriented to serve ths needs � of fhe permanent resident and the long-ferm visitor. Beeause the community expressed fhe desire to concentrate commercia!uses within existing commercial nodes, no new commercial areas have been designafed. The CC Iand use area cQntains 24 acres or 1% of the land area. Following this vision expressed by t�e community, it is not prudent to recommend approving a zone change request that would effectively remove a substantia� portion of the Community Cammercial land use area that will no# and cannot be replaced. Of the 24 acres that corr�prise the Community Commercial area and CC3 zone district, one-sixth {1/6}, or four acres, is made up of the West Vail Properties. Because of#he way the pfan is written, as demonstrated abave, the Vail Land Use Plan wauld ne�d to be amended to accomplish the proposed zone change, which staff cauld not recommend approval for either. The community specifically expressed the desire to concentrate community commercial uses in the CC3 zone district, which, again, exists only in this one area of West Vail. There is no other location in town zoned for community commercial uses, and many other locatians zoned for high density multiple � family uses to Iocate. If the applicant proposes to amend the Vail Comprehensive Land Use Plan, then staff would recommend a reconvening of the citizenry in order to reconsider the specific vision originally expressed by the community in the plan for the area in question. As they stand today, the Community Commercial land use designation and the CC3 zone district work in cancert together to serve the needs of the Town of Uail as a viabie community. If this relationship and scarce resource are allowed to be disrupted and severed by such an extreme shift in zoning and land use, the cortsequences will be detrimental to the functionafity of the entire Town of Vail. � � The Vai4 Land Use Plan designates Lots 1, 2, anci 3, Vaii Das Schone, Fifing 1, � as Medium De�sity Residentiai, which is desc�ibed as follaws: 'E i Medium Density R�sidential � 7"he medium density residentral category includes houstng which would typically � be designed as atfached units wrth comrrron walls. Densities in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. Additiona! types of uses in this category would include private recreatron facrlifies, private parking � facilities and institutiona!/public uses such as parks, open space, churches, and frre stations. The Vail Land Use Plan designates Lot 1, Block A, Vail Das Schone, Filing 3, and Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, as Community Commercial, which is described as follows: Communify Commercial This area is designed to meet consumer demands from community residents. Primary uses would include supermarkets, dry cleaning establishments, hardware stores, service sfations, frnancra! instrtufions, and medreal offices. 12 _ � � The design of these facilities would 6e oriented foward vehicular access and parking. (2) The extent ta which the zone district amendment is sui�able with the existing and potential land uses on the site and existing and potential surrounding land uses as set out in the town's adopted planning docetments; and Staff response: T�e West Vail Lodge itself is in a state of nonconformity with the standards of the CC3 zone district in terms of its use as a hotel/lodge, which is not a permitted, conditional, or accessory use in the CC3 zone district. The Commercial Core 3 (CC3) Zone District is unique in the Town of Vail as it alone provides the basic goods and services tF�at a community needs in order to function on � daily basis, as demonstrated in the list permitted uses {refer to Section V of this memorandum). T�e applicant states theTe is a ratior�a� nexus for their proposal between the land us� ciesignation fpr the three lots called out as Medium Density Residentiai and the requested zone change to HDM� (See attachment D). Staff disagrees wi#h this stated connection for numerous reasons. There are si�nificant differences between a Medium Density Residential fand use designation, as stated in #he Town of Vail Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and the standards of the High Density Multiple-Family zone district, as stated in Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. More fundamentally, there is a substantial difference between what constitutes reguiation and that which constitutes a guiding policy. Additionaily, the �xisting zoning of the entire 3.9 acre subject property, and the properties on either side, is CC3. Of the tatal area of the site, approximately 86% is designated by the Land Use Plan as Community Commercial, as is the remaintier of the CC3 zone district, and 14% (Lots 1, 2, and 3, Vail Das Schone, Filing 1) as Medium Density Residential. While there is a strong connection between the standards of the CC3 zone district and the details of the Community Commercial land use designation, the same cannat be said of the relationship between the HDMF zone district ar�d the Medium Density Residential land use designation. Also, there are no HDMF zone districts in the West Vail area and the CC3 zone district exists no place else except ir�the West Vail area. {3) The extent to which the zone district amendment presents a harmanious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses co�sis#ent wit� municipa� development ob}ectives; a�d Staff response: The small amount of land zoned CC3 is intended to serve the year-�ound residents, which inciude a significant portion of the local labor force, living in the Town of Vail. Zoning, in general, was created ar�d established to separate certain types of land uses an� organize them in a logical, compatible manner. Separated zone districts protect certain uses 5y keeping like U5@5 in � or�e area, and not allowing dissimilar uses in the same area. Likewise, zoning sets market expectations for land vatues and curbs speculation by spec�fying what is ailowed and what is not albwed in a certairt zone district. 13 _ � � I For example, the uses in the CC3 zone distric# are protected by the fact tl�at a ; property owner in CC3 wauld not expect to seN an acre of land for the same price ! as an acre in the High Densi#y Multipfe Family {HDMF} zone district. The reaso� ' for tE�is is that tk�e "highest a�d best use" in HDMF might be fractional- fee/timeshare, which could be d�veloped and reso�d for a much IargEr profit than a grocery store, perhaps the "highest and best use" in CG3. fn this way, t�e � Community Commercial ariented uses in the CC3 zone district are protected from lar�c� value speculation because investors have a list of wk�at uses are � permitted in the CC3 zone district. ' i � (4) The extent to which the zone district amendment provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and does not constitute spot zor�ing as the amendment serves the best interests ot the community as a whole; and Staff response: How could the Planning and Environmental Commission �PEC) i justify a radical shift in zoning for such a large parcel of iand, and nat for any of the smaller Iots in CC3? Defending the position that the proposal would not , resuit in a spot zoning wou4d be ethically impossible for a p9anner ta do in this case. Given that there are no ather gaps in the CC3 zane district today and the gaping disparity bEtweer� the types of uses permitted in HDMF and CC3, there is no context for this proposal. Furthermore, the subject site constitutes one- sixth (1!6), or twenty per�ent t20%}, of the entire CC3 zane district. Permitting , � such a radical shift in zoning for such a large piece of the already tiny CC3 zone i district wouEd not serve the best interests of the community that d�pends upon � this zone district for their goods and services. � Equally re�evant are the economic consequences of rezoning such a large portion of fhe West Vail commercia� area. According to t�e Tawn of Vail's I Finance Department, West Vail, Cascade Village, East Vail, and Sandstone together generated $3,569,707 in sales tax revenues. �f this total, approximately 90°l0, or $3.2 mil�ian, came from the businesses in the CC3 zone ! district. Considering #hat the subject property encompasses 20% of the CC3 E zone district, a substantial amount of sales tax revenues will be lost to the � town. More importantly, a huge percer�tage of potential future sales tax revenues will be Iost to the opportunity cost of rezoning four acres of commercially zoned land to high der�sity multiple-family. If the four acres in � question wer� redeveloped to fit the zoning, rather than rezoned to fit the development, a significant amount of new sales tax revenues could be realized by the Town of Uai�. (5) The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficia! impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water qua�ity, a+r quaiity, r►oise, �egetation, r�parian corridors, hiilsides and other desirable na#urai features; and Staff response: lt is staff's belief that the proposed rezonir�g of the West Vail Lodge Properties would be detrimenta4 to the Tvwn of Vail's future as a viable 14 _ � � community t�ecause it will likely cause a "Domina Effect" far the rest of the CC3 zone district. If the 3.9 acre subject site is rezoned to HDMF, the land instan#ly increases in value because its maximum pater�tial, in terms of proftabf�ity, increases exponentially. Once this "spot zonir�g" is accomplished, the surrounding landor�ners will observe the potential being realized on a nergh�bor��g pto�erty anc! expect the same can be accomplished on their own. While a rezaning does not necessarily establish a legal preceden�e, it does set up an example where, in this instance, a radical shift in type and intensity of uses that are entirely outside the scope of the previous zone suddenly becomes reality. Why would a neighboring property owner choose to retain his or her land in its capacEty as a Laundromat or hardware s#ore if the owner knows that it is plausible to appiy for a zone change which eo�lc! result in an exponential rise in property value? (6) The ext�r�t to which the zone dis#rict amendment is consistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zane dis#rfct; and Staff response: The Purpose Statement of the HDMF Zone District is stated as fo�Sows: The high densify muff�ple-family district is infended to provide srtes for multiple-family dwe!lings at densities to a maximum of fwenty five (25) dweUing units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilifies and lodges, private recreatian facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may approprrately be located in the same district. The high density mulfiple-family distrrcf is infended fa ensure adequate light, arr, open space, and other amenities commensurafe wifh high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the distrrcf by es#ablishing appropriate site development standards. Certar`n nonresfdentra!uses are permitfed as conditional uses, which relate fo the nafure of Vai1 as a winfer and summer recreation and vacation communify and, where permiffed, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residentia! character of the district. The purpose statement of the HDMF zone district clearly cantemplates residential duvellir�gs, hotelllodges, and recreational facilities oriented toward the visitor all blending #ogether ir� a harmonio�s pattern. Ur�cler the applicant's proposal, the envisioned, harmonious pattem and context of development is r�o# �ossible because of the predominantly Communify Cpmmercial land uses already located in the immediate vicinity. Hardware stores, liquor stores, dry cleaners and supermarkets do not blend harmoniously with resort accammodations and c�ndominiums. It is staff's belief that the proposed zone district am�ndment is ill conceived as it is not cansistent with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district. (7► The extent to which the zone district amendm�nt demonstrates how conditions have changed since the zoning designation of the subject property was adopted and is no longer appropriate; and 15 _ � � ' Staff response: Conditions have not changed substantially since the zoning designation of the subject property was established, as can be �iscerned from the uses that surrvund the West Vail Ladge in t�e CC3 zone district. Every other use preser�t in the CC3 zone district beside the subject property is in conformance wiih the comprehensive land use plan and the standards of CC3, T�re zoning designation of the site in question is still more tt�an just appropriate and remains vital, especia!!y consid�ring the size o� the combined area of the , West Vai! Lodge Properties. The fact that a preexisting, norrconforming land use and structure remain on the site does not grant an inherent justification for the i � nonconformities to co�tinue and develop further. The zoning designation for the i � site is crucial to the Town of Vai1's present and future sales tax revenues, ar�d the � ' site should be redeveloped to meet the standards of the CC3 zat�e district, rati�er � ; thar� rezoned to better suit the needs of the developer and to fit the paTameters of � , the preexisting r�onco�formities. �8) Such +other factors and criteria as the commission andlor council deem applicable ta the proposed re�oning. IX. STAFF RECQMMENDATiON i The Communit Develo ment De artment recommends that t�e Pfanni ar� I Y P P n9 � Er��ironmenta! Commission �orwards a recommendai�ion of deniaf to the Town Council of an amendment to the O�cial Town of Vail Zoning Map, pursvant to Chapter 3, Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to rezone the West Vail �odge Properties, as described above. Staff's recommerrdation of denial is based �pon the review of the criteria outlined in Section VIII of #his memorandum and the �vidence and testimo�y presented, subject to tfi�e following findings: �9) That the amendment is not cor�sistent with the adopted goals, objectives and palicies outlined in the Vail comprehensive {�lan and nat compatit�4e with � the development objectives oi the Tawn; and � I (2) That the �mendment is not compatible with anti suitable to adjacent uses I and not appropriate for the surrounding areas; and � {3) That the amendment c�oes not promate the health, safety, morals, and generai weEfare of the town and doss not p�omote the caordina#ed and harmonious development of the towr� in a manner that conserves and enhances its �atuxal environment anti i#s established character as a resori and residential community of the hignest quality. � Should the Planning and �nvironmental Commissian choose to forwasd a ' recommendation of approva! to the Town Council, the fo�lowing findings must be made: (1) That the amendment is consi�tent with the adopted goals, objectives and polic�es outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Town; and (2) That the amendment is compatible with ar�d suitabie to adjacent uses and apprapriate for the surrounding areas; and 16 _ � � (3) That the amendment g�omotes the health, safe�y, rr�orals, and general welfar� of the town and promotes the coardinated and harmonious development af the town in a manner that conserves and �nf�ances its natural environment and its estabiished character as a resort and residential community of the highest quality. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Site 8� Floor Plans C. Adjacent Proper#y Owners/Public Notice D. Applicant's Prapnsal E. Zoning Map (axcerpt} F. Land Use Map (excerpt) 17 _ � . _ ' d�$`r '. � �1'. 1V��.�4 �+ � p `f • `* ��.�_ �, � , �, x��''�°�,4� ��, �.�, s :���� �� � �° a � . '�����s i.3�: ���,����,. � �', �'`�'l_yy',� y;�°g �..-�� �• �^� �,� � r' ,. - s "' ` 'v ,�: �y ��"� r°*r.,=r �N �� ' ��.� v �'a,�:'+ �. '� '. »' t��^`'�; � `. „ s h � 1�.�.�a��^".� � d�� y� �'".���"gky ��, ��} � � 4��� � a�� � � � �� � T r �� �{ � ..r,: Y � ';at ��r. � �i�`*.�y� 1 S, a, � ��� �+"".,. °�.f, t�1"� �F.�e;� $a .' 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PO B�X 1329 ' 210311415010 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO S l 602-1329 West Vail Mall WEST VAIL MALL CORP 2171 N. Frontage Rd. 233 MILWAUKEE 21031.1415�12 DENVER, CO 80206 FIRST BANK OF VAIL � First Bank C/O FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO � 2271 N. Frontage Rd. PO BOX 150Q9'1 210311415020 LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 TOWN OF VAIL Town of Vail 75 S FR4NTAGE RD 21Q311415018 VAIL, CO 81657 Lot 8, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1 AUGUST, CAREY Z. &BRETT A. -JT 23Q9 Chamonix Lane 399 FULLERTON PARKWAY 2 103 1 1401030 CHICAGO, IL bOb14 Lot 7, VINEFERA INC 2299 Chamonix Lane PO BOX 3819 210311401Q07 VAIL, CO 81658-38i9 Lot 6 GARBE, DWIGHT S. &JULIE L. � 2289 Cha�aaonix Rd. (Sunlight North} 22Q CAMINO DE LAS COLINAS 2103114080Q1 REDONDO BEACH, CA 90277 i 2103114(}8002 � 210311Q�[}8003 BROWN, ASHLEY C. &ELiZABETH M. 2103114(}8004 COONEY 2289 CHAMONIX LN 2 � VAIL, CO S 1657 � � GARBE, WARREN M., LAURA A. & � CHRISTOPHER S. � 2289 CHAMON�X LN UNIT 3 VAIL, CO 81657 GOLDEN, DAVID S. C/O GAIL MARGOLIES REID GPA PC 4555 MANSELL RD STE 120 ALPHARETTA, GA 30022-8278 Lot 5 MOFFET, CYREGQRY J. &CHRISTIAIE 2269 Chamonix Rd. P. 210311407d01 2958 S FRONTAGE RD B 15 2 103 1 1407Q02 VAIL, CO 81657 2103 ll4Q70Q3 2103114(}7004 SANDERS, JACK S. � � ��o xoBBS RD JEFFERSON CITY, M�651.09 HOLDSTOCK, STEVE &ALEXANDRA -JT PO BOX 1542 VAIL, CO S 1658 TOBEY, GINA 1630 OGDEN ST DENVER, CO 80218 Lot 4 CHA,MONIX LANE PARTNERS z249 Chamonix Rd. � 2249 CHAMONIX LIV 210311406001 VA1L, CO 81657 210311�4(}6002 2103114Qb003 CHARLES H. STONE FAMILY LP 210311406�04 PO BQX 1392 VAIL, CO 81658 KURTZ,JERRY 2249 CHAMUNIX 3 VAIL, CO 81457 VAIL GEAR CORP INC ATTN STEVE MELZER 641 LiONSHEAD MALL VAIL, C� 81657 Lot 2,Tall Pines R4LLAND, ROBERT D. &JQDI T. -JT 2239 Chamonix Rd. 614Q S POTOMAC WAY 210311425005 ENGLEWO�D, CO SO111-6633 210311425006 STANDAGE, KATHY - OLDHAM, MICHAEL L. 16131 W ELLSWORTH AVE GOLDEN, CO 80401 2199 Chamanix Rd. PINE RIDGE TOWNH�USE 210311404001 —32 HOMEO'WNERS ASSOC. PO BOX 2135 VAIL, CO 81658 � � THIS 1TEM MAY AF'FECT YOUR �'ROPERTY PUBLiC NOTICE � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and En�ironmental Commission of the Town ofi Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Munici.pal Cade of the Town of Vail on January 12, 2004, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal BuiEding. In consideration of: � A request for a recommenclation to the Vai! Town Council of a proposed text amendment to the Zoning Regulations, Title 12, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, ta allow for revisions ta the developrrz�nt standards prescribed in Chapter 12-7A, Public Accommodation (PA) District, Vail Town Code and setting �orth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Nicollet fsland Development Corrtpany Inc. Planner: George Ruther � A request for fnal review of a conditionai use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16-12, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes ta#he previously approved conditions of approva�for the redevelopment of the Vail Mountain School, located at 3220 Katsas Ranch Road/ LotS � and 2 Vail Mountain School - Filing. � Applicant: Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request far final review of a variance from Section �2-�4-17, s�tback from watercourse, Vail Town Code, to allow for improv�ments wi#hin the setback fram Gore Creek, located at 680 West Lions Head Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3'd Filing, and setting far details in regard I there to. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed Zone District Boundary � � amendment pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, to the Tawn of Vail Official Zonir�g Map, to the zoning of the West Vaii Lodge Properties, from Commercial Core !11 (CC3) to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), Eocated ai 2278, 2288, 2295 Chamanix Lane a�d 2211 North Frantage � Road/lnn at West Vail Lot 1 Bfack A, Vail Da� Scf�one Filing 1, a�d setting forth details in regard thereto. App�icant: Vanquish Vail, LLC Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Gonditional Uses; Generally (o� all fevels of a buifding or autside a building}, Vaii Tawn Cade, and a re�uest for a major exterior �Iteratian, pursuant to Sectian 12-7H-7, Exterior Alteratians or Madifications, Vail Town Cade, to allow for the canstruction of new single-family and two-famiiy residentia! dwelling units, located at 730, 724, and 714 West Lionshead Circle/Tracts A, B, C, & D, Marcus Subdivision and Lo# 7, Marriott Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (West Day Lot) � Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun and Associates � Attachment: p � Allison�c6s Planning Consulting Services November 16, �,003 Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. V ail, CO 81657 RE: Rezoniwg Request for the West Vail Lodge Dear Plann�ing Staff: I am making this application on behalf of the current owne, ,��nquish Vail, LLC, of the ' r West Vail Lodge. We are proposing to rezone the West ` � �od���'roperties, which includes 2298, 2288, 2278, Chamonix anc�2211 N. Frontag ��1. / Inr�at West Vail, Lot �, 1, Block A, Vail Das Sc'�rot�e Filing 3 and Lots 1, 2, 3, an�'Tract C, Vail Das Schon� Filing 1. We are currently proposing a rezoning from Commercial Core III to High Density Multiple Family. Wl�ile Public Accommodation may also be an appropriate zone district for the site, High Density Multiple Family more closely aligns with the long-term goals of the property owners. As you are aware, the current zoning designation vf Conr�rza.ercial Core III presents obstacles to redeveloping the property because of its non-conforming status with regards to the property's cnrrent use as a hotel. While we are proposing a rezoning, we would be open to other oprions that would allow for redevelopment of the site, while maintaining its current primary use as a hotel. Options that we have identified include a rezoning to the High Density Multiple Farruly zone district,t�e Public Accommodatian zone district, texx ame�dtnents to���ommercial Cor� III zone distr'rct, text amendments to other zone districts, a�ia/or the application of a Special Development Distnict. We are also looking � far directio❑ about whether amendments are aecessary to the Vail L,and Use Plan, or ta other relevant code sections, including the definition of"lodge." We are looking for the guidance of the Community Development Department and t�� Planning and Environmental Commissian to help in ti�e redevelopment of an important property in the Town of Vail. We believe that the West Vail Lodge promotes the Tawn's ability to offer a wide-variety of lodging choices to its guests. However, the property also needs to be irrkproved and upgraded to meet the desires of consumers. The necessary improvements and upgrades cannot be rriade without the guidance of the Tvwn of Vail. Sincere�y, Alleson C. �chs,AICP 11/16/03 � � Rezoning Requcst for the VJest Vaill.odge Ailison Ochs Planning Consulung Services A. A descriptian of the�,roposed changes ia district boundaries I � The proposed reye�est is a rezoning of the following West Vail Lodge properties: � 2298, 228$, and 2278 Claa�nonix and 221 i N. Frontage Rd., Inn at West Vail, Lot 1, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3, aad Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing l.. All of the properties are currently zoned Commereial Core III. The proposed change in district boundaries includes a rezoning from Commercial Core Ill (CC3)to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF�. The West Vail Lodge proper�y, constructed in 1979 under Eagle County i juxisdiction, includes 83 accommodatian units (hotel rooms}, 19 dwelling units and significant commercial floor area. In the 19$q's, the Town of Vail annexed the property and applied CC3 zoning. This zoning designation does not allow dwelling units or accomrnodation units as a use and the property has been rendered non-conforming ever since its annexation into the town. . Under the applicabie CC3 zoning, the following non-conformities currently exist: ■ Use (residential dwelling units) � ■ Use (accommodation anits} I ■ Density (units/acre} f ■ Landscaping ■ Parking located within reyuired setbacks ■ Hei ht g The proposed rezoning would allaw for the property to co�ne into conformance with the use and density regulations of the HDMF zone district. Unfortunately, � the Town does not currently have a zone district that would render the property I � � com letel conforrnin to the develo ment re ulations as outlined b the Z nin P Y g P � Y o g � Regulations. However, the current zoning designation does not allow any square � footage ta 1�e added to the existing hotel rooms, and the owner wo�ld like to be � allovc�ed ta improve the property through minor additinns in square faotage to the hotel rooms. I, B. How the proposed chan�e in district boundaries is consistent with the adopted goals, objectives and �alicies outlined in the Vail Comprehensive Plan and com�atible with the Town of Vail's develo�ment objectives. The following goals, objectives, and policies as identified in the Vail Land Use � Plan are applicable and consistent with the proposed rezoning. � i l. General Growth/Deveiopment 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses io a•erve both the visitar and the permanent resident. 1 11/16/03 Rezoning Request for the West Vail L�lfge Allison�s Planning Consulting Services I 1.3 The quality of development shauld be maintained anri upgraded whenever possible, 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 2. Skier/Tourist Concerns 2.1 The community should emphasize its role as a destina2ion resort while accomrrzodating day visitors. 2.2 The ski area owner, 1he business community, and the Town leaders should work closely together to make existing facilities and the Town function mare e�ciently. 3. Commercial 3.1 The hotel bed ba.se should be preserved and used more efficiently. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, � therefore conversion to condorrciniums should be discouraged. 3.4 Corrcrnercial growth should he concentrated in existing commercial I areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. ' 5. Residential � S.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist. ' 5.2 Qualiry time share urcits should be accommodated to help keep occupancy rates acp. The Vail Lat�d Use Plan ciesignates Lots 1, 2, and 3,Vail Das Schone Filing 1, as Medium Density Residential, which is described as follows: Medium Density Residential The medium density residential category includes housing which would rypically be designed as attached units with common walls. Densities in this category would range from 3 to 14 dwelling units per buildable acre. AdditionaC types of uses in this category would include private recreation ' facflities, private parking faciliiies and institutionad/public uses such as parks, open space, churches, and fare stalions. The Vail Land �1se Plan designates Lot I,Block A,Vail Das Schone Filing 3 and Tracfi C, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, as Community Commercial, which is described as follaws: Cofnmuraity Cammercial This area is designed to meet consumer demands from community residents. Primary uses would incCude superrrzarkets, dry cleaning establishments, hardware stores, service stations, financial institutions 2 11116/03 � � Rezoning Request for the West Vail Lodge Allisan Ochs P►anning Consulting Services and ►nedical o ces. The desi n o these acilities would be oriented .1� S .� f toward vehicudar access and parking. The purpose of the HDMF zone district is stated as follows: ' 12-6H-1:PURPOSE: The high density multiple family district is intended to provide sites for multip�e family dwellings at densities to a maximum of twenry five (25) I dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities � and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitar oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density � mulriple family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities comrriensurate with high densiry apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and tn maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site I development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where perrnitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. The proposed Xezoning rese�lts in a property in greater compliance with the zone � district it is proposed to be designated as, and is in campIiance with the purpose statement of the proposed zone district. ; C. Haw the �ro�osed chan,�e in district bo�ndar�es is compatib�e w€th and sustable to adjac�ses and a�.propriate for the area, The combination of lodge and cornzzaereial uses is suitable to the vehicular- oriented nature of adjacent uses and residential uses. While adjacent properties are zoned CC3, there are highe� density properties to the north of the site. In ; addition, this site is unique in the fact that there is an existing lodge on the site, a � use not allowed by the CC3 zone district. As a result, improvements to the site � have been limite�. By allowing this site to come into conformance with the � allowable uses of the proposed zone district, iFnprovements can be made to the � I property that will make the property more compatible and suitable for the area. � D. Haw the pro�osed ct�ange in district boundaries is in the best interest of the public health, safetX, and welfare. Because the property is currently non-conformi�g with regard� to uae,few,if any, � improvements have been completed in th� past. As a result, the building is also non-conforming with regards to many life safety issues as provided by the Uniform Building Code. A rezoning of the pr�perty wi�l allow the appl'rcant to improve the property, creating a safer building. 3 I1/16/03 I Rezoning Request for the West Vail]�dge Allison�chs Planning Consultiug Services Development Standards: Lot Area: 3.5 acres or 172,U62 sq.ft. Buildable Lot Area: 3.$90 acres or 169,448 sq.ft. Densitv. Allowed(CC3): 46 d.u.'s Allowed(HDMF): 98 d.u.'s Existing: �9 d.u.'s anc�83 a.u.'s=b0.5 equiv.d.u.'s GRFA: Allowed(CC3): 50,834 sq.ft. � Allowed(HDM�: 141,669 sq.ft. E�cisting: 43,532 sq.ft. I Commercial Floor Area: I Allowed(CC3): No limit Allowed(HDMF): 10,323 sq.ft. I Existing: 17,252 sq.ft. Setbacks: I Required(CC3): 20' on all sides A1lowed(HDMF}: 20' on all sides I Existing: 2�' an all sides I Site Covera�e: Allowed(CC3): 4Q%or 68,807 sq. ft. I Allowed(HDMF): 55%or 94,63�sq.ft, Exis�ing: 20.1%or 34,576 sq.ft. I P rkin : Required(CC3): 184 spaces I Allowed(HDMF): 184 spaces Existing: I91 spaces I La.ndscaoine: I Required(CC3): 25%of site area or 48,395 sq.ft. Allowed{HDM�: 30°!0 of site area or 51,6i8 sq.ft. 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' , ;_ � �: 5C ., <.� �P M_ �7 m°' � N H � � �� � � ��x � �ti ,,, � � ��. .��/ � '� :��,� ; � � �;� w ��� � /\ � � . N . N � o . � �-. .. ,O�i . � . r,c;^r � . N�" w � `p z� W � a •� M' ' � � P�7�� 9tc ,. , a z i ,N^� � ��N '1 , p� a �. a.�'".t3q �O)'��f4 .: y, ,. � , � t pp��� - �nl ,��. �� N? � Attachment: A � � MEMORANDUM TO: Planr�ing and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: January 26, 2004 SUBJECT: A request far a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed Zone District Boundary amendment pursuant to Section 12-3-7, I Vail Town Code, to the Town of Vail Official Zoning Map, to rezone the West Vail �odge Properties, from Commercial Core III (CC3) to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), located at 2278, 2288, 2298 Chamonix Lane and 2211 North Frontage Roadflnn at West Vail Lot 1 Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vanquish Va91, LLC Planner: Ma€t Gennett L SUMMARY The applicant, Vanquish Vail, LLC, has requested a change in the zoning designation of the West Vail Lodge properties, as described above, from Comrnercial Core III (CC3) to High Density Multipfe Fa►nily (HDMF}. The West Vaif Lodge is in a state of nonconformity �rvith the standards Qf the CC3 zone and is subject ta the provisions of Sections 12-8-4 and 12-8-5, Va�l Town Code, which place restrictions on nonconforming uses, and structures and site improvements, respectively. The current use as a hotel/lodge is not a permitted, conditional, or accessory use in the CC3 zor�e district. It is staff's position that rezor�ing the su��ect property wi�! resu�t in a significant loss of actuai sales tax revenues, and an even larger loss of future, potential sales tax revenues. Staff is recommending denial of the applicant's proposal based upon the criteria and findings contained in Section VIII of this memorandum. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUES7 The applicant, Vanquish Vail, LLC, has proposed to rezone the "West Vail l�odge Properties", which comprise 2298, 2288, 2278 Chamonix Lane and 2211 North Frontage Road / Inn at West Vail, Lot 1 Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 3, and Lots 1, 2, 3, and Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, from Commercial Core 3 , (CC3} to High Density Multiple Family (HDMF), pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Town Code. The applicant concedes that Publ�c Accommodation (PA) would also be an appropriate zone district, but the long-term goals of the property owner are more cangruent with the standards and uses of the HDMF zone. What the applicant wishes to accomplish with the requested zone change is the estabfishment of fractional fee units in the existing structure and construction of a new hotel facility on the northwestern portion of the site. 1 � � I11. BACKGROUND �, In 19y9, the West Vail Lodge was constructed under the jurisdiction af Eagl� i County and contained 83 accommodation units (hotel rooms), 19 dwelling units, i ar�d substantia� commercial square foatage. i 1n the early 1980s, the W�st Vail Lodge Properties were annexed into the Town I of Vail by Ordinance No. 43, Series of 1980, and received the zoning ciesignation � of Commercial Core I11 (CC3). I I in 2Q03, the n�w owr�ers of the West Vai! Lodge, Vanquish Vail, LLC, received I Design Review Board appraval �ar minor exterior alterat9or�s, which entailed � reQainting and stone veneer wor4c. I I IV. ROLES OF TH� REVI�WING BOARDS I I Zonin�lRezantns� Request II Planning and Environmental Commissior�: I Action:The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisory to the I Tawn Council. The Plann9ng and Environmental Gommission shall review I the proposa� and make a recommendation to the Town Council on the I compatibility of the propased xon�ng with s�+rrounding uses, consistency II with the Vail Comprehensive P�ans, and impact on t�e general welfare pf � the community. � i Design Review Baard: � Action:The Design Review Board has no review authority on ' zaning/rezonings. , Tawn Council: �i Action:The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of a � zaninglreznning. The Tawn Council shall review and approve tf�e � proposal based on the compatibifity of the proposed zoning with ' surroundtng uses, coRSistency with the Vail Comprehensive Plans, and ' impact on the generat welfare of the community. � Staff: The staff is responsibie for ensuring that all submittal requirements are � provided. The staff advises the applicant as to compliance with the Zoning Reg�latior�s. Staff provides a staff memo containing background � on the property and�provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a r�commendation on approval, approval with conditions, or deniaL Staff also facifitates the review pracess. 2 � � V. APP�.�CABL� PLANNING DUCUMENTS Title 12�Zoning Requlat�o�s, Vai! Town Code 12-3 Administratior� (in part) 92-3-7 Amendmenf: A. Prescripiion: The regulations prescribed in this title and the boundarfes of the disfricfs shown on the official zoning map may be amended, or repealed by the tawn counci! in accordance with the procedures � prescribed in fhrs chapter. B. Initiafian: 1. An amendment af fhe regulations of this title or a change in district � baundaries may be initiated by the town council on its own motion, by the planning and environmenfal commission on its own motion, by � petifron of any resrdent or property owner in the town, or by the ', admrnistrator. 2. A petifion for amendment of the regulations or a change in disfrict boundaries sha!! be frled on a farm to be prescribed by the , administrator. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed � revrsion af ths regulafions, or a complete description of proposed , changes in district boundaries and a map indicating the existing and ' praposed distrrct boundaries. !f the petition is for a change in district boundaries, the petifion shall lnclude a list of the owners of aU prapertres within the boundaries of the area to be rezoned ar changed, and the properfy adjacent thereto. The owners' lisf shall , include rhe names of all owners, their mailing and street addresses, and the legal description of fhe property owned by each. � Accompanying fhe list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to ' each awner to be used for fhe mailing of fhe notice of hearing. The pefition also shall include such additiona!information as prescribed by fhe administrafor. � C. Criferia And Findings: � 7. Zone District Boundary Amendmenf: a. Faetors, Enumera�ed: Before acting on an application for a zone disfrr`ct boundary amendmenf, the plarrnrng arad environmental commission and town council shall consider fhe follvwrng facfors with respect to the requested zone disfrict boundary amendment: � (1} The extenf fo whrch the zone distrrct amendment is consistent wrth all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objecfives and polrcies outlined in fhe Vai! comprehensive plan and is compatible with the clevelopment objectives of fhe fnwn; and 3 � � (2} 7he extent to which the zone disfricf amendment is suifable � wifh the exisfing and potenfial land uses on �he site and existing and pofentia! surrounding land uses as set out in the town's adopted plannrng documents and � (3) The extent to which fhe zane distrrct amendment presents a , harmonious, conv�nrent, workabl� relationship among land uses �, consistent wrth municipal develapment objecfrves; and � (4) The extent to which the zone drstrict amendment provides for ', fhe growth af an orderly viable community and does not constifute � spot zoning as the amendmenf serves fhe 6est interests of the �� communify as a whale; and '� (5) The extent to which fhe zone drstrict amendment results in � adverse or beneficial impacts an fhe natural envrronment, � including, buf not limifed fo, water quality, air quality, naise, ', vegetation, riparian corridvrs, hi!lsides and ofher desirable natural � features; and ', (6) The exfenf fo which the zane dis�rict amendment is consistenf i� with the purpose stafement of the propased zone district; and � (7) 7he extent to which the zarte district amendment dernonsfrates '� how candrfions have changed since the zoning designation of the ' subject praperty was adopfed and is no longer appropriate; and �� (8) Such other factors and criferr'a as fhe commissian and/or �i council deem applicable tv the proposed rezoning. �i i 6. Necessary Frndings: Before recommending and/ar granting an �I approva!of an applrcation for a zone distrrct baundary amendment the � - planning and envirorrmsntal commrssion and the tawn council shall �� make the following findings wifh respecf fo the requested amendment� �, {9) Thaf the amendment is consisfent with the adopfed goals, �� objectives and policies outlined rn the V�il compreh�nsive plan !, and compafrble wifh fhe developmen�objectives vf the town; and � (2j That the amendment is compatible wifh and suitable fo �� adjacenf uses and appropriate for fhe surraunding areas; and ', (3) That tl�e �mendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and !i genera! welfare of fhe fown and promo#es the coordinafed and i harmoniaus development of the town in a marrner that conserves �� and enhances its natura! environment and its esfablished �I character as a resort and residential communify of the highest , guality. �� F. Planning Anc1 Environmenfal Cammission Recommendation: Wifhin �, twenty {20J days of the alosrng of a public hearing on a proposed amendment, ', the planning and environmental commission sha!!act on the petifron or proposal. � The commrssion may recommend approval of the petifion or proposal as �� initiated, may recommend approval with such modificafions as tt desms ', necessary to accomplish the purposes of this tit�e, or may recommend denia! of the petition or rejectron of the proposal. The commission shall fransmif ifs � recommendation, tngether wifh a report on the public hearing and its delrberafions and findings, to th� town council. 4 � � G. Hearing By Town Council: Upan receipt of the repnrt and recommendation of the planning and environmenta! commission, the �own council shal!sef a date for hearfng in accordance wifh subsection 12-3-68 of this chapter. H. Action By Town Council: Wifhin twenty{20} days of the clasing of a public hearing on a proposed amendment, fhe town councrl shall act on the petition or proposal. 7he �ovun council sha11 consider buf shal! not be bound hy fhe recommendation of the planning and environmental commrssron. The town cour�cil may c�use an nrdin�nce to be introduced to amend fh� regulations of this title or to change disfrict boundarres, either in accordance with the recommendation of the planning and environmental commission or in modrfied form, ar the council may deny fhe pefition. If fhe council elects to proceed with an ordinance amending the regulations or changing district boundaries, or both, fhe ordinance shall be cansider�d as prescrrbed by the charter of the town. Chapter 6 Residential Districts aRTiCLE H. HiGH DENSITY MU�TrPLE-�AMlLY(HDMF) DISTRICT SECTION: 92-6H-1: Purpose The high d�nsity mwltiple-family district is intended ta psovide sites for m�ltiple-€amily dwe�iings at cler�sities to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreatior� faciliti�s and related visitor oriec�ted uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities cammensurate witn high clensity apartment, condnminium and lodge uses, and to maintain the d�sirable residential and resort qualitses of the d�strict by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vait as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, wnere permitted, are intended to blend harmonio�sly with the residential character of the district. 12-6H-2: Permitted Uses The foiSowing uses shall �e permitted in the HDMF district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, recreatsanal or retail establishments, located within the principal use and not occ�pying more than ten {�ercent (1Q°/a) of the total gross residential floor area (GRFA) o€ the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory d4ning areas may be located on an outdpflr deck, porch, or terrace. Multiple-family residential dweiiings, inciuding attached or row dwellings and condominium dwell�ngs. 12-6H-3: Conditional Uses 5 � � The following conditianal uses shall be pe�mitted in the HDMF dis�rict, subject to issuar�ce of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of cha fer �6 of this title: Bed and breakfast as f�rther regulated by section 12-�4-ti 8 of this title. Churches. Dog kennel. Home cf�ild daycare facility as#urther regulated by section 12-14-12 af this title. Private c�ubs and civic, cultural and fraternal organizations. Public b�ildings, grounds and facilities. Public or commercial pa�king facilities ar structures. Public ar pri�ate schoo�s. Public park and recrea#ion facilitses. Public transportation terminals. Public utility and p�b�sc service uses. Ski lifts and tows. Time share estate units, fractional fee units and time share license units. Type Ifl empioyee hou�ing units (EHU} as provided in chapter 13 of this title. 12-6H-4: Accessory Uses T�e following accessory uses sha11 be permitted in ti�e HDMF districf: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home accupation perrriit ts� accordance with the provisions of section 12-74-12 ot#his title. Private greenhouses, tool s�eds, playhouses, attached garages or carports, swimming pools, a� recreatfon facilit4es customarily incidental to permitted residentia! and lodge uses. L�ther �ses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted ar conclitional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. '12-6H-5: Lot Area and Dimensions The minimum lot ar site area shall be ten thousand (10,�OOj square feet of buildab�e area, and each site shatl have a minimum frontage of thirty feet (30'). Each site shafl be of a size and shapE capable of encSosing a square area eighry feet (80') on each side within its bour�daries. 12-6H-8: Setbacks 6 � � The minimum front set�vack shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum s�de setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twen#y fest {20'). 1 Z-6H-7: Height For a fla# roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall r�ot exceed forty#ive feet (45'). For a slaping roof, the height af buildings sha!! not exceed forty eigk�t feet (48'). 12-BH-S: Density Cantrol Not mare than si�y (fiD) squars feet of gross residential fioor afea {GRFA} shall be permitted for eacn one hundred (100) square #eet of tat�ildab�e site area. Not more than sixty {60) square feet af gross residentia! ftoor area shall be perm'stted for each one hundred (4003 square feet of bu+1clable site area for any cor�ditional use listed in section 12-6H-3 of this article. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelttr�g units per acre of bulldable site area. Each accammadat+on unit snall be counted as one-half (�12) of a dwelling unit for purposes af calculating allowable ur�}ts per acre. A dwsllirig unit in a multiple-family bui�ding may include one attached accommadation unit no larger than one-thirc� (113) of the total #loor area of the dwelling. �2-6H-9: Site Coverage Site c�verage shall not exceed fifty five percent (55%) of the tota�s}te area. �12-6H-9�: Landscaping �nd Site Development � At least thir�y percent (30%) of#he total site area shall be landscaped. The minimum ', width and length of any area qualifying as landscaping st�a�l be�ifteen feet (15')with a , minimum area not less than three hundred (300) square feet. �1Z-6H-11: Parking and Loading � Off-s#reet parking and loading shall 5e provided in accordance wit� chaRter 10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75°/a) of the required parking shall be Incated within the main building or buildings and hiolalen from public view or shall be completeSy hidden from �ublic view from adjo�ning �ro�erties within a I�ndsc�ped berm. No parking shaii be located ir� any req�ired front setback area. Chapter 7 Comrrsercial and Bus�ness Distrtcts ARTICLE D. COMMERCIA� CQRE III (CC3) D�STR�CT SECTI4N: 12-D-1: Permitted Uses Tt�e fol�owing uses shall be �ermitted in the commercial core 3 district: Banks and €inancia� ins#it�tions, 7 � � Eating and drinking estabiishments, including the tollowirrg: Coc�ttail Iounges, taverns anc! aars; Coffee shops; Fountain and sandwich shaps; Restaurants. Health clubs Personal services anci repair shops, including the fallowing: Bartaershops; Beauty shops; Business and officer services; Clear�ing and �a�ndry pick-up agencies without bulk cleaning or dyeing; Coin-operated or seSf-service iaundries; Shoe repair; Smatt appliar�ce repair shops, excluding furs�iture repair; Tailars and dressmakers;Travet and ticket agencies. Professional offices, business offices, and studios Retail stores and establishments without limit as to flQOr area including tne following: Appare� stores; Art supp�y stores and galleries; Auta parts stores; Bakeries and confsctioneries, preparation of products for sale on the premises; Bookstores; B�ilding materials stores vvit�out outdonr storage; Camera stores and photographic studios; Candy stores; Chinaware anci glassware stores; Deiicatessens and speeialty fooc! stares; Department and general merchandise stores; Drugstares and pharmacies; Florists; Food stores; Fumiture stores; Gift stores; Hardware stores; Health food s#ores; Hobby stores; Household app�iance stnres; Jewelry stores; L.eather goods stores; Liquor stores; M�sic and record stores; Newsstands and tobacco stores; Photographic studias; Radio and televisian broadcasting studias; Radia and tel�visian stores and repair shops; Sporting goods stofes; Stationery stares; Supermarkets; Toy stores; Variety stores; Yardage and dry goods stores. Additional offices, business, or services de#ermined to be similar to permitted uses in accordance with the provisions of this sectson. 12-7D-2: Conditional Uses The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the commercia� core 3 dis#rict, s�bj�ct to issuance of a conditior�al use permit in accord with the provisions of cha�ter 16 of this title: Any use permit�ed by section 12-7D-1 of this article whic� is not conducted entirely within a building. Bed and �reakf�st as further regulated by sectian 12�14-18 of this title. Brew pubs. Chilcf daycare center. Commercial laundry and cleaning services, bulk plant. Commercial storage. Dog kennel. Drive up facilities. Majof arcade. 8 � � Massage parlors. Outside car wash. Pet shops. Pubiic buildings, grounds, and facilities. Public park and r�creation facilities. Public utility and public serv�ce uses. Radio and #elevision s�gnal re�ay transmission facilities. Theaters, meeting rooms, and convention facilities. Trans�ortation businesses. Type III employee hausing units (EHU) as provided in chapter 13 of this title. � 12-7D-3: Accessory Uses � The following accessory uses shal� be permitted in the commercial core 3 district: ', Home occupa#ions, subject to issuance of a home occupatiori permit in accordance with I� the provisions of section 32-14-12 of this fitie. ', Minor arcade. I� Swimming pools, tenr�is courts, patios, or ather recseation facilities customarily incidenta� to conditional residen#ial. Other uses customarily incider�tal and accessory to permitted or canditionaf uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-TD-4: Lot Area and Site Dimensions T�Ze minim�rn lot or site area shall be twenty five thausand (25,QQ0) squar�feet of buildable area, and each sit� shall have a minimum fror�#age ot or�e hundred feet (100'). 12-7D-5: Setbacks Ir�tne commercial core 3 district, the s�tback shall be twenty feet(20'j an all exterior boundaries af the zone district. 92-7D-6: Height For a flat roof or mansard roof, t�e height of buildings shali not exceec� thirty five feet (35'j. For a s�apir�g roof, t�re height o�buildings shall not exceed thirty eight feet (38`). "12-7D-7: Density Contrul Nat mare than thirty (30) square feet af gross residentia�fioor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for eaeh one hundred (�fl0) square feet of buildable site area. Total density shaff not exceed twelve (�2) dwelling units per acre t�f buildable site area. 9 � � 1Z-7D-S: Site Coverage Site co�erage shaii not exceed for�y percen# {�40%) of the tota! site area. 12-7D-9: Landsca�ir�g and Site Development At least twenty five percent (25%) of the tota� site shall be landscaped. T?�e minimum wic�th and �ength of any area qualifying as landscaping s�all be fiftee�feet (15')with a m�nimum area not less tf�an three hundred (3Q0) sguare feet. 12-7D-10; Parking and l.oadir�g Of#-street �arking and loading shall be provided in accordance witf� chapter 1Q of this title. No parking or loading area shaA be located +n any req�ired front setback area. 12-7D-1�: Location of Business Activity A. Limitation; Exception: All permitteti and conditional uses by sections 12-7�-1 and 12- 7D-2 of tnis article, shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitteci loading areas and such activities as may be speciftcally authorized to �e ur�enclosed by a conditional use permit and the outdoor display of goods. B. Outdonr Display areas: The area to be use�for autdoor display must be located directly ir�front of the establis�ament displaying the goods and entir�ly upon the establishment's own praperty. Sidewalks, building entfar�ces ar�d exits, driVeways and streets s�ral! not be obstructed by outdoor display. VI. POTENTIAL SITE ZONING ANAYSIS (Note: Tne sub}ect praperty is comprised of�ve separate lots totaling 3.94 acres or 172,0'I8 sq ft.) Pxoject siie: Lots 1, 2, and 3, and Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filing 1; a�d �ot 4, Block A, Inr�at West Vail Proposed Zoni�g: High Density Multi�le-�amily (HDMF) �and Use Designation: Community Commercial & Medium Density Residential Current Land Use: Lodge/HateUEating & Drinking Establishments Development Standard �xistin A1lowedlRea. (CC3) Allowed/Req. (HDMF} Lot Area: 172,018 sq ft 25,Q00 sq f� 10,000 sq ft Buildable Lot Area: 3.890 acres �5,400 sq ft 10,000 sq ft (169,448 sq ft) Setbacks: Front: 63' 20' 20' 5ic�es: 123'/49' 20' 20' Rear: 82' 20' 20' Building Height: 10 � � Flat roof: 35' �45' 5loped rooi 56' 38' 48' Density: 19 DUs & 46 DUs & 98 DUs 8� 83 AUs 0 AUs 49 AU5 GRFA: 43,532 sq ft 54,6Q0 sq ft 103,200 sq ft Site Coverage: 16% 40% 55% (34,538 sq ft) (68,80� sq ft) (94,6Q2 sq ft) Landscape Area: 14% 25% 30% (24,082 sq ft) (43,Q09 sq ft) (51,6p1 sq ft) VII. SIJRROUNDING LAND US�S AND ZONING ' Land Use Zo� �� North: Residential TwowFamily Primary/Secondary Residential �, {PS) � South: (I-70) NA �i East; Commercial Commercial Cor� III (CC3� � West: Commerciat & Cammercial Core III (CC3) &Twa-Family i Residential Primary/Secondary RessdentiaS (PS) �, VII[. CRITERIA AND FINQINGS I� (7) The extent to which the zone district amendment is consister�t with atl � the appiica�le elements of the adap#ed goals, objectives ar�d policies '� outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compatible with the � deveiopment abjectives vf t�e town; and ' Of the total area of ths site, approximately 8fi% is designated by the Town of Vail �� Comprehensive Land Use Plar� as Communtty Gommercial, as is the remainder � of the CC3 zone district, and 14% (Lots 1, 2, and 3, Vail Das Schone, �iltng �) as �, Medium Density Residential. The Vail �and Use Plan allocates 12.5% of tha total land area in Vail toward the Medium Density Residential des#gnation, and 0.7% taward Community Cammercial. Tne �lan also forecasts a shortfall in "Socal related retail spaceu of 18,422 square feet and s�ggests intensifying the , Community Commercia! �ses located exclusively in West Vail as the prefer�ed remedy to fhis prablem. Tf�e re�evan# partion of tne Vail Land Use Map has b�en a#tached for reference (see Attachment F). Under the "Pref�rred Plan"Land Use Pattern section of t�e Vait Land Use Plan, #he followi�g is stated (�a. 36): 6. Commerc�al Uses 4. Community Commercral 11 � � This new category has been designated for the west Vail commercial area, which is primarily arienfed fo serve the needs � of the permanenf resident and the long-term visrtor. Because ' the community expressed the desire fa cnncenfrafe �, commercia!uses within existing commercial nodes, no new � comm�rcral areas have be�n designated. Th� CC land u5e area �, confains 24 acres or ?% of the land area. � i Following this visior� expressed by the cammunity, it is not prudent to li recommend approving a zone change r�guest that wouid effectively remove a �� substantial portion of #he Corrrmunity Cvmmercial land use area that will not an� cannot be rsplaced. Of the 24 acres that comprise the Community Commercia! area a�ci CC3 zone district, one-sixth (1/6), or fo�r acres, is made up of the West j Vail Prope�ties. 8ecause of the way the plan is written, as demonstrated above, the Vail Land Use Plan would need to be amended to accomplish the proposed zone chan�e, which staff could �ot recommend approval for either. The community specifically expressed the desire #o cnz�centrate community commercial �ses in the CC3 zone district, which, again, exists only in th�s one area of West Vail, There is no other locativn in towr� zoned for community commercial uses, and many other locations zoned for high density multipls famiiy uses to iocate. if the applicartt propases to amend the Vai! Comprehensive Land Use Plan, then � staff v�rauld recommend a reconvening of the citizenry ir� order to recor�sider the � specific vision nriginally expressed by the community in the plan for the area in �i qu�stion. As they stand today, the Community Commercial land use designatian i� and the CC3 zone district work in concert together to serve the needs of th�; i Town of Vail as a viable community. If this reiationship ar�d scarce resv�srce are ', allowed to be disrupted ar�d severed by such an e�ctreme shift in zoning and land � use, the consequences wifi be detrimental to the functio�ality of the entire Town ', of Vai�, � The Vail Land Use Ptan designates Lots 1, 2, and 3, Vail Das Schone, Filing 'f, I� as Medium Density Residential, whicF� is described as foS�ows: �� Medium Density Residential I'� The medium densify residentia! categary includes housing which would typically i be designed as attached units with common walls. Densifies in this cafegory �, woufd range from 3 ta 14 dwelling unrts per bUildable acre. Addrtional types of � uses in fhis category would include prrvate recreafion facilities, private parking �, facilifies and instrtutional/public uses such as parks, open space, churches, and � fire stations. '� The Vail zar�d Use P�an designates Lot 1, Block A, Vai{ Das Schone, Fiiing 3, I�� and Tract C, Vail Das 5chane Filing 1, as Community Commercial, which is , described as follows: � Community Commercia! 7his area is desr"gned fo meef consurr►er demands from communify residents. Prrmary uses would include supermarkets, dry cleaning establishments, hardware stores, service stations, financral ►�5t;r�r�ons, and medical affices. , 12 � i The design of these facilrties would be oriented toward vehicular access and parking. (2j The extent to which the zone district ame�dment is suitable with the existing and patential land uses on the site and existing and poten#ial surrounding land uses as set out in the town's adopted p{anning documents; and Staff response: The West Vail Lodge itself is in a state of nonconformity w�th the standards of tne CC3 zone district }z� terms of its use as a hotelllodge, which is not a permitted, conditiona(, or accessory �se is� t�e GC3 zone district. Tne Commercial Care 3 (CC3} Zone District is unique in the Town of Vai{ as it alane provides the basic goads and services that a community neeas in order to func#ion an a daily basis, as demonstrated in the list permitted uses (refer to Section V of this memorandum). The a�plicant staf�s there is a rationat nexus #or their proposal be�nreer� the land use desigr�ation €or the three lots ca!!ed out as Medium Density Residential and the requested zone change to MCIMF (See attachment D}. Staff disagrees with this stated cor�nection for numsrous reasons. There are significant differences between a Medium Density Resider�tial land use d�signation, as stated ir� t#�e Town of Vail Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and the standards of the High Density Multiple-Family zone district, as s#ated in Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. More fundamentally, there is a substantial difference between what constitutes reguiation and that which constitutes a guiding �olicy. Additior�a��y, the existing zaning of the entire 3.9 acre subject proQ�rty, and the properties on either side, is CC3. Of the total area of the site, approximately 86% is oEesigr�ated by the �and Use Plan as Communify Commercial, as is the remainder of tfie CC3 zone district, and 14% (Lots 4, 2, and 3, Vai� Das Schane, Filing 1) as Medium Density Residenti�l. While tnere is a strang connection between the standards of the CC3 zone district and the details of the Gommunity Commercial land use designation, the same cannot be said of the relationship between the HDMF zone d�strict and the Medium Density Residential land use desigr�ation. Also, there are na HDMF zone districts in the West Vait area and the CC3 zone district exists na place else except ir�the West Vail area. (3) The extent to witich the zone district amendment presents a harmoroioers, convenient, workable relationship amang [and uses consistent with munic�pal development objectives; and Staff response: The small amount of �and zoned CC3 is intended to serve the year-round reaidents, which include a significant portton of the local labor force, living �r� the Town of Vail. Zoning, in general, was creafed and established to separate certain types of land uses and organize them in a logical, compatible manr�e�. S�parated zane distric�s protect certain uses by [ceeping like uses in one area, and not allowing dissimilar uses in the same area. Likewise, zoning sets market expectatians for land values and curbs speculation by specifying what is allowed and what is not aflnwed in a cert�in zone district. 13 � � For example, the uses in the CC3 zone district are prot�cted by the fact that a property owner in CC3 would not expect to sell an acre ofi iand for tf�e same price as an acre in the High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) zone district. The reason for tnis ys that the "highest and best use" in HDMF might be fractional- fee/timeshare, which could be developed and resold for a much larger prafit than a grocery store, perhaps the "highest and bes# use" in CC3. �n this way, the Community Commercial oriented uses in tk�e CC3 xone district are profected from land value speculation because investars have a list of what uses are permitted in the CC3 zone district. (4) The extent to wh�ch the zone district amentlment provides far the growth oi an orderly viable community and does not constitute spot zaning as the amendmerr# serves the best interests of tl�e cammunity as a whole; and Staff response: Haw cauld the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) justify a radical shift in zoning f4r such a large parcel of land, and r�ot for ar�y of � the smaller lots in CC3? Defer�cling the position that the pro�osa4 would not � resutt in a spat zoning would be ethically impossib�e for a pla�ner to do in this case. Given that thers are no other gaps in the CC3 zone district today and the gaping disparity between the types of uses permii#ed ir� HDMF and CC3, there is no context for this Qroposal. Furthermore, the s�bject site constitutes vne- sixth (1/6), or #wer�ty perc�nt (20%), of the entire CC3 zone district. Permifting such a radicai shift in zori�ng far such a targe piece of the a�ready tiny CC3 zo�e ' district would not serve the best interests of th� commur�ity that depends upo� this zone district for the�r goods and services. Equally relevant are #he economic cansequences of rezaning such a 4arge portion of the West Vail comrnercial area. Accordi�rg to the Town at Vail'� Finar�ce Department, West Vaii, Cascade Village, East Vait, ar�d Sandstone together generatecf $3,569,707 ir� sales #ax �e�er►ues. Oi this total, approximately 90%, or $3.2 milfian, came from the businesses in the CC3 zone district. Considering that the subject property encompasses 20% o� fihe CC3 xone districf, a substantial amount of sales tax revenues wi�l be lost to the town. More importantly, a huge percentage of potential future sa�es tax revenues will be �ost to the opportunity cost of rezoning four acres of commercially zaned Sand to high de�sity muitiple-family. If the four acres in ques#ion were redeveloped to fit the zoning, rather than rezoned to fit the develapment, a significant amount of new sales tax revenues could be realized by the Town of Vail. {5) The extent to which the zone district amendment results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the naturai environment, inc�etd�ng, but no# limited toy water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hilisides ar�d other desirable natur�! #eatures; and S#aff response: It is staff's belief that the pfoposed rezoning of the West Vail Lodge Properties would be detrimental to the Tawn of Vai!'s future as a viable �4 � � community because it will likely cause a "Damino Effect" for the res# of the CC3 zone district. If the 3.9 acre subject site is rezoned to HDMF, the land instantly increases in value because its maximum potential, in terms of proftabi�ity, increases exponentially. Once tnis "s�ot zoning" is accomplished, the surrounding I�ndowne�s will abserve the potential being realized on a neig�boring p�operty and expect the same can be accomplished an their own. While a �ezoning does r�ot necessarily establish a legal precedence, it does set up an example where, in this instance, a radicai shift in type and intensity of uses that are entirely outsic�e t?�e scope of the previous zone suddenly becomes reality. Why would a neigh4�orin� prope�ty owner choose to retain his or her land in its capacity as a Laundromat or hardware store if the owner knows that it is plausible tp apply for a zone change which could result in an exponential rise in praperty value? (fif The extent to wk�ich the zone district amendment is consisfent with the �� purpose statement of the praposed zone d'+stric#; and Staff response: The Purpose S#atement o€ the HDMF Zone District is stated as � €ollows: The high densify multiple-family disfrict is intended to pravtde sites for multiple-family dwellings at densrfies to a maximum af twenfy �ve (25) dwelling units per acre, togefher with such public and semipublic facilities and lndges, private recreation facrlities and related visi#or orienfed uses as ma� apprapriately be locafed in fhe same district 7he high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adepuate lighf, air, open space, and ather amenities commensurafe with hrgh density apartment, candaminium anaf lodge uses, and to maintain the desira,ble residential and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate sife development sfandards. Certain nonrestdenfia!uses are permitted as conditiona!uses, which relate ta the nature of Vai!as a winter and summer recreafion and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously wrth the residentia! character af fhe disfrict. Thte purpose s�atement caf the HDMF zone district clearly contemplates residential dwellings, hotel/iodges, and recreational facilities oriented toward the visitor all blending together in a harmonious pattern. Under the appticanYs proposal, the envisioried, harmonious pattern and context of r�evelapment is not possible because of the predominar�tly Community Commercial lanci uses already located in the immediate vicinity. Hardware stores, liquoT stores, dry cleaners and supermarke#s da not blend harmoniausly with r�sort accommodations and condominiums. 1t is staff's belief that the proposed zone district amendment is ill conceived as it is not consistent with the pu�pase statement of the proposed zone district. (7) The extent to which the zane district amendment demonstrates how conditions have changed since the zoning desig�ation of the svb�ect praperty was adopted and is no longer appropriate; and 15 � � Staff response: Conditions have not changed substantialty si�ce the zaning designation of the subject property was established, as can be discerned from the uses that surround the West Vail Lodge in the CC3 zone district. Every ot�er use present in the CC3 zone district beside the subject praperty is in conformance with the comprehensive land use plan and the standards of CC3. The zaning designation of the site �n question is still more than }ust appropriate ar�d remains vital, especially considering the size of the combined area of the West Vail Lodge Properties. The fact that a preexisting, noncnniorming land use ar�d structure remain on the sit� does not grant an inherent justification for the nonconformities to continue and develop further. The zoning designation for the site is crucial to the Town of VaiPs present and future sales tax revenues, and the site should be redeveloped ta mee# t�e standards ot the GC3 zons dis#rict, rather than rezoned to better sust the needs af the developer and to fit the parameters of the preexisting nancnnformities. {8) Such other factcrs and criteria as #ne commission and/or council deem applicable to the proposed rezoning. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATI�N The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission farwards a recommer�datio� of denial to the Town Counci! ot an amendmerat to the O�cial Town of Vail Zoning Map, pursuant tq Chapter 3, Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code, to rezone tt�e West VaiS Lodge Pro�erties, as described above. Staff's recommendation of denial is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Secfion Vtli of tf�is memorandum and ti�e eviclence ar�d testimony presented, subject to the following findings: (1) That the amendment is nat consistent wit� the adopted goals, objectives and policies autlined in t1�e Vail compre4�ensive plan and not compatible with the deve�opment obsectives of the Town; and (2) That the amendment is not compatible with and suitabte to adjacent uses and nat a�propriate for the surraunding areas; and (3) That the amer�dment does not promote the healt4�, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town and does not promote the coordir�ated and harrr:onio�rs develapment of the town in a manner that canserves and �nhances its natural environment anci its established character as a resort and fesid�ntial community of the highest quality. Should the Planning and Enviranmental Commission chaose to forward a recommendation of approval to the Town Council, the follawing findings must be made: (1) That the amendment is consistent with the adopted goals, abjectives and policies out�ined ir� the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the Tawn; and (2) Ti�at the amendment is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas; and 16 � � (3} That the amendment promotes the healt�, safety, morals, and g�neral welfare of the town and pramotes the coordinated and harmonious development af the town in a man�er that canserves and enhances its r�afuraf environment and its established c#�aracter as a resort ar�d reside�tial �ommunity of the higt�est quality. X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Site � Floor Plans C. Adjacent Property 4wners/Publie Notice D. Applicant's Proposal E. Zoning Map {excerpt) F. Land Use Map {excerpt) 17 ��� x�,�� � �y � ' � } ., � r, �.�� � .� _ ; � �� �, �'� . � ir� � �� � ��������'��"� �r � , � �� � �. � Y p},g.� � , _ _ � 0� � 6 . � ` l'�"°Y� :� ,a . , F. � ` R� �r �� ry q�" ��' �� .i r � F�." �Ce�. : '� ,,;�'"F a r�� � ,� . , v; . "' 1'� ' t '� �"i , , � . � � `. � ��� �� , '� �� �- "t �� w �^ „ d��r & � ,g, ,� �. � �;�"�; ^� �.� `�� °�S� +'�i ��j�,„�, vg� � '� �s �. � . r'� .;, '�i S a�d �� ' . 1 L '��z � . �` ; ,^ � a ' .- � �`� _ �" � ' - � .. �'�. g x � � `� 3v ' d � . . N ��'a�rt r -���� � t,�,g �''W�.y , i . . �r �9 A, ' �"� � S� r k �i . � i �c'x-�r . �, ' x �']. fip.' �,�°„ r ��..� -' ss k;, �'� � +R '' . , w°'� �v'" °` . . -�� s E � �,� � � °�,'",:;r vS`,,✓ �S'�- a�6= �"^>� ,;�v �y ' +a � ' a . '� �' E sa.�"��?C � . �, � , .: ,� .� - � r iS . � , R . . �.� �,� ,y _ . . � .,., .,. .. .. �� .��� ��� . ;S- , ... . � m- -. _. �� ti'� . .+&" '�", - . a„ . s '. 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PQ BOX 1329 210311415010 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO $1602-1329 West Vail Mall WEST VAIL MALL CORP 2171 N. Fra�tage Rd. 233 MILWAUKEE Z10311415012 DENVER, C�80206 FIRST BANK OF VAIL First Bank CIO FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO 2271 N. Frontage Rd. PO BOX 15(�(l97 210311415020 LAKEW�OD,C4 502�5 TOWN OF VA�L Town of Vail 75 S FR�NTAGE RD 2103]141SQ18 VAIL, C� 8�657 Lat 8, Block A, Vail Das Schane Fil�ng 1 AUGUST, CAREY Z. & BRETT A. -JT 2309 Chamonix Lane 399 FULLERTON PARKWAY 210311401Q30 CHICAGO, IL 60614 Lat7, VINEFERA INC 2299 Chamonix Lane PO BOX 3819 2103114010(�7 VA1L, CO 81658-3819 Lot 6 GARBE, DWIGHT S. &JULIE L. 2289 Chamonix Rd. (Sr�n�ight North) 220 CAMINO DE LAS COLINAS 2103ll4080(?1 REDQNDO BEACH, CA 9Q277 21Q311408002 2 1 03 1 1 408003 BRQWN,ASHLEY C. & EL�ZABETH M. 21�31140$004 COONEY 2289 CHAMONIX LN 2 VAIL, CO 81657 GARBE, WARREN M., LAURA A. & CHRISTOPHER S. 2289 CHAMQN�X LN UNIT 3 VAIL, CO 81657 GOLDEN, DAVID S. CI� GAIL MARGOLIES REID CPA PC 4555 MANSELL RD STE 12� ALP�-IARETTA, GA 30022-8278 Lot 5 M�FFET, GREGORY 1. &CHRISTII�E 2269 Chamonix Rd, P. 210311407001 2958 S FRONTAGE RD B 15 2103114070Q2 VAIL,CO 81657 210311407003 2103114D7004 SANDERS,JACK S. � � 73U HOBBS RD .f EFFERSGN CITY, MO 65109 H�LDSTOCK, STEVE& ALEXANDRA -JT PQ BOX 1542 VAIL,CO 8i6S8 TOBEY, GINA 1630 OGDEN ST DENV ER, CO $�21 S Lot 4 CHAMQNIK LANE PARTNERS 2249 Chamonix Rd. 2249 CHAMONI� LN 21031140bqOl VAIL,C� 81657 21 Q3114060(32 2]Q311406003 CHARLES H. STONE FAMILY LP 21Q311406Q04 QO BOX 1392 VAIL, CC1 S 1658 KURTZ,JERRY 22�9 CHAMONIX 3 VAIL, C4 S 1657 VAIL GEAR CORP INC ATTN STEVE MELZER b4I LIONSHEAD MALL VAIL, CQ 81657 Lot 2,Tall Pines ROLLAND, ROBERT D. &JODI T. -JT 2239 Chamonix Rd. 6140 S POTOMAC WAY 2 1 03 1 14250(}5 ENGLEWOOD, GO 8D 411-6b33 210311425006 STANDAGE, KATHY - OLDHAM, MICHAEL L. �b131 W ELLSWORTH AVE GULDEN, CO 80401 2199 Chamonix Rd. PINE RIDGE T�WNHOU5E 2103114C)4041 —32 HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. PC?B4X 2135 VAIL, CO 81658 • • � ��. � i� �� TOWN OF i�AIL �7epartment oT('r�mmuniry Development 75 S'outh Frontage Raad Vail, Colorado �1657 � 970-�179-213�5 FAX 970-479-2452 www ci.varl.co.us Ma�ch 5, 2004 Vanquish Vail, LLC Raj Bhakta 221� �J. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Raj, On January 23, 2004, the F'lanning and Enviranmental Commissjon (FEC) tabled your rezoning application (PEC43-0078) 4o the Marc� 8, 2004 hearing As part of the motion to table, the foilowing was stated into the r�cord: This applicatiQn for rezonrng, as proposed, cannot proceed forward fhrough the review process in its present form as it is unsupportable by the PEC and a recommendatron of denial to the Town Council is immrnenf. A new application for a differen# rezoning proposal must be submitted ta the Community Development Departrnent in order for you to proceed tCnrough the reuiew pracess with your long term plans for the West Vail Properties. Please do not hesitat� to call me directly with any questions. Sinc�rely, <�?J , -- Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Town P�anner cc: Alliso� Qchs ��Rb'rf�CLE1�ynPF.R Attachmer�t: p • � � , , . . .. Navemher l6, 2003 Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontagc R�3. Vail, CO 81b57 RF.; Re�oning Request for the West Vail Lod�e Dea�r Planning Staff; I anz making this �i�plication on behal�of the current owne�s, Vanc���isl� Vail, LLG of the West Vail �.c�dge. We are proposin� t� rezone the West Vail Lodne Properties, which includes 2298, 2288, 227�i, Chamonix 1na 221 I N. Frontage 1Zd. / [nn at West Vail, Lot l, Biock A, Vail Das Schone �ilin� 3 and Lots l, 2, 3, and �l"ract C, Vail Das Schone Filin� L We are currently propasing a rezoning frc�m Commercial Core lfl to High Densi[y Miiltiple �'amily. While 1'ublic Aceommc�d�tio❑ may alsn be an appropriate zone district for the site, Hibh Density Multiple Fan�ily rr�ore closely aligns with tt�e long-te+rm goals of the property owners. As yc�u aF•e aware, the current zonin� desi�nation of Con�mercial Core lll presents abstacles tu redeveloping the property becausz ot its nfln-conform�n� status with regards tc� the pr��perty's current use as a hc�tel. Wllile we are proposing a rezoning, we wc�uld be open to other options that wc�uld allow for redeveloprnent of the site, while rnaintaining its current prirnary use as a hotel. Options that we ��ave ielenti�'ied include a rezonin� to the High Density M��Itiple E�amily zone district, the Public Accomrnociation zc�ne district, text amendrrients t� the Coiiimercial Core I�I zone district, �ext an�endments to other zone districts, and/or the ap{�lic�tion of a Special Developr��ent District. We are also looking for dir�ctic�c� about whether amendments are necessary to the Vail L�nd Use Plan, �r to ather relevar�t c�de sections, including the detinition of"Ic�dge." We are looki►�g for the guidance of the C�mmunity Development Department anc� the Planninb and Envire�nmental Co►nmission to lielp in the redzvelopment of an imp�rtant property in the Town of Vail. We beliewe that the West Vail Loe�ge promc�tes the Town's ability to �ffer a wide-variety of lodgin� choices tc� its �uests. However, the property also needs to b� imprUVeci and upgraded to �neet the desires of cansumers. The necessary improvements and up�rades cannot be made without the guid�nce o#the Towii of Vail. Sincerely, A�lison C. �chs, AICP I 1/16/03 Rezoi�ing Requcs�i tix ihe Wes�uail I.c��l�c �O I�,.�`„i'I�i.��,i�i��+ ,�...ud�;u:�ti�e,k�,�, A. A clescription of the proposed c��anges in district boundasies Tfte proposed request is a rez�i�ing of the followin� West Vail Lodge proper�ies: 2298, 228$, and 2278 Chamon�x and 221 I N. Frantage Rd., Inn at West Vail, Lot 1, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filinc 3, ��nd Lots I, 2, 3, and Tract C, Vai� I�as Schc�ne FTling L All of the prop�rties are currently zoned Commercial Core ltl. The proposed chaa�ge in clisti-ict boundaries includes a t•ezonin� from Cc�rT�rnereial Core [ll (CC:3) t� High Density Multip,e Family (HDMF). The West Vail Lcrd�e property, constr�icted in 197�1 i�r�der Ea�le County jurisdictian, includes �3 accc��3�m�dation units (hc�tel rooms), l9 dwellin� units and significant com�nercial floor Eirea. Ir� the 19f��'s, the Town of Vail annexed the �rc�percy and ap�lied CC3 zor�ir�g. This zor�ii�g designation does not allow dwelling units or accotnmod�tion units as a use and the property has been rendered non-conformin� ewer since its annexation into the town. Under the a�piicable CC3 zoning, the fallowin� non-conf�rmit�es currently exist: ■ Use (residcntial dwellinb units) ■ Use (accommodation units) ■ De��sity (u�iits/acre) ■ Landscaping • Parking located within required setbac�Cs ■ Hep�ht The proposed rezonin� would allow for the property to con�e into conformance with the use ancl density re�ulations af the kIQMF zone district. LJnfortunately, the Town docs n�t curr�ntly have a zo��e district that would rendcr the property completely cc�nFormin� to the developrr�ent re�,ulations �s outlined by the Zoning Rebulatiorzs. However, the current zonin� designati�n does not allow any square fo�tage to be adcled tc� tf�e existing hote! rooms, and tF�e owner would like to be allowed to ii����rc�ve the property thrc�t��h minor additic�ns in square foatage to the hotel rooms. L3. How the pro�osed ehan�,e i�� district boundaries is cc�nsistent with the adokted goals, c�b�ectives and policies outlined in the Vail Compreher�sive Plan and cc�m��tible with the Tvwn of Vail's development abjectives. The following goals, objectives, and poldcies as identified i�� the Vail L��nd Use Plan are applica�le and consistent with the prop�,sed rezonin�. 1. Ven�ral Grnwth/Develo,pment I.I Vcril sl�ocrld cor�ti���.�e tn ,��rnw in a conJr�lled envirvr�ntc�nt, yrtaintnitt.ing a balurar�e hetween r�s•id�rztic�l, cr»nrnc�rcial artd recreutivnul use5 ro .sc�rve h��th the visitor c�ncl tFie j�errnanertl res•idenl. i i i�inm3 Rezc�ning Rcyucsl f�r lhc Wcst V�ii]I_.c��J,�c � �'!:�� �� •� �.�,� . ,����,��� 1.3 The qr.nulity c�� dev�ln��rraerzl si�.oulc� he �nuintainecf and u,��rnded wlienc�ver possible. � 1.12 Vail SO��oulr�uccn►nhior�ate rr7ost of Che nrl�itic�nal ,�rnwth i�� existir�g clevel��ped areas (ir�fill areas�). 2. SkaerlTourist Cnncer�ts 2.1 The corr�irtunity sl�oulct�.��nphcz,size its role as a destinr�tinrz resort while ac•cnmf�aor�a.tirzg day visitor,s�. 2.2 The ski crrec� c�wner, the bu,scness comrnun.rty, and thc.� Tow�n leuders should work cic�.ti�elv tn,�et,��er to rraake existing�/u�•ilitic�,�• ctNtd the I'own fu�zct��n rnvre e�j'`icierltly. 3. Comntercial 3.7 The hotel hed 6use sh�ruld be,preserved arad used rnorc� e,�`iclently. _3.3 Hutcls are irnportant tn the continued success of the ���wr1 o�f Vuil, therefore co�7ver.sion tn cnndnminium..s shc�uld he di.ccnuragecl. 3.4 Cont��nerr.ial grow�th should be cnncentruted irt existing c�mm,ercic�l areus tu c�ecUna��2.c�date hc�th l��r.al anc�visitt�r n��eds. S. Resiclential S.l pdclitiofiul re.sidentic�l growth sh�oarlr� cc�ntir�ue tn occr�r prirr��a�rilv in existirt,�, plcttt�d cr�reers c�►id c�.s �pnrnprieate rn rtew a�reus whcre hi,�h hct�.�irds clu n.ot e.�ist. 5.2 �ualit_v tiirte .shur� uraits ,��hr���l�l be ac�cvnuriorlatecl to 11e1p keep occ�l�pancv rutc,s up. The Vail Land Use Ylar� clesignates Lots l, 2, and 3, Vail Das Scltone Filing I, �is Mediur�� �Jensity R�sidential, which is clescribe�l as follows: Medium Density Residential Tl2e �ri�ediunz density resideritia! cat�g�ry iraclud�s {t,ou.sin� which woul�d tv�icallt� be cle.sigried cts Erttnched units +n��ith c�mrnc�rl wnlls. Densilie,c in Efii.s cate��r�� would range frc�►n 3 ta /4 dwellrrtg units per huil�luble acre. Additiortul tynes of crses in this ca.tegory wo�Lfd ir�cl��r�e prrvate recrerctin►z fLl('lI1lLL',s, private parkirrg f(lC1IIIlL'.S CI11dI lylSlltU1101ICIIIpUIJIIC l4.SL'.5' SLk'L'I1 ClS parks, open spuce, c�lzc�rches, �zra�t fire st�ti�yT��. The Vail l�anc� Use Plan desianates Lot l, Block A, Vail I3as Schone Filing 3 and Tr<ict C, Vaii �Das Schone Filing 1, �s Community Commercia�, which is describeci as fiollows: Co»tntunity Commercial 7Yzi.s urc�a i.s desigrred tn rn��t cun��u�nc�r dem�rids fron� co�r��yzu�iity resider�its. f'rim�arv use.c ��r�ufd irtclude super�narket.c, dry cleanirtg est�bli.sl��nerit.s, hard��ure stor�s, service stution.s, .financial institutir�ns 2 11/16l03 Rczoningf2cyuestfurdtcWestVaill..ulgc � �� � �:i�n_��- �.,�����I����_�;���,�,,� ar�.d me�iicul vffices. The de.ti•i,�rt nf these f'acilities woul� bc� orr.'enlecl towc�r� vehicular access crnd parki►i.g. Tfie p�irp�se of the HDMF zone district is stated Eis foliows: 12-6H-1: PiIRPOSE: Ti�e hi�h c�e�rsity rrai.rltiple fan�ily �i.strict is� inte�ided to provide sites fc�r »�ultiple ficmily d�vellirigs at densities to a� �n.a.xirrria�m. c��'twen[y five (25) dwelling urzits per acre, rogether �►��ith suclz��uhlic a��d se►ytipublic fac�ilities a�rT�d lodge.s, privute recrea.tinr�facilities ancl related visitor oriented uce,s a.s rr��y a�pr�pricztely be locatc�c� i�2 the .►�c�1ne district. The high den.rity jru�ltiple fu�nily distri��t ds intenc�ed to ertsure a�dequate liglat, «Ir, npc�n .�nucc, ancl �r�tfi�r «menities eo�ramensurate with hi��h density apartment, corrdc�tni�niu+r� cznd lc�dge r,�.se.s, an�l tn rnaintairt th� desira6�e resideratic�l u�iit res�rt �ualities of the �'i.�trict 6_y estubli,s�hiriR uppropr•iate site development strlrcdurcl.s. Certain ri�,�nresidenti�rl uses nre perrnitted u.s ennclitinnal uses, r��hieh relc�te to the f�ature of Vuil as rz w��inter c�ra�l .�urrtrrter recrec�tiorz and vr�cation co�nlnun�itr anrl, where permitted, czre� intended tu blend harrnoniously wi�`h tlr�e residenti��l character of tlze district. The proposed rezonin� results in � prc�perty in greater c�snplia��ce with the zone distric� i[ is prapc�s�d to be desi�nate.d �s, and is in comp�iance wit�� the purpose state�tient of the proposeei zone district. C. How the prnpos�d chan�e in district bc�undaries is compatible with and suitable tc� adjacent uses and t��r�►priate for the area. The combinatian c�f lodge and coi���nereial uses is suit�ble to the vehicular- oriented nature of adjacent uses and residenti�l uses. While adjacent ,�roperties are zoned CC3, there are hig��er density propertics to the north of the site. In ��d�ition, this site is unique in the fact that there is an existing lodbe on the site, a use not allowed by the CC3 zone district. As a result, improvements to the site have been limited. �y allowing this site to come into c����formance with the allowable uses of the prop�sed zone district, improvements can be made t� the property that will rr�ake th� prope►rty more compatible and suit��ble For lhe area. D. How the pro�osed chan�e in district boundaries is in the best interest of the �iblic health, safetv. a�nd w�elfare. Because the pro�erty is currently non-canf��rming with regards to �ise, few, if any, impravements have been completed in t�e past. As a result, the building i� also non-confr,rininb with regards to man� life safety issues as provided by the Uniform Building Code. A rerc�ning �f the property will allow the applicant tc� improve the property, ereatin� a s�fer building. 3 I Illb/0i RzLOning Requesl for the VJcs1 Wail�gc lii��-�,��.?'1:�,ui�„�r'�,� i,=��:� ',�n i:�r� Uevelopment Stand�rcls: I_ot Area: 3.5 acres or 172,062 sq. ft. Buildable Lot Area: 3.$90 acres c�r 169,44$ sq. ft. Uen i ; Allowed (CC3}: 4fi d.u.'s Allowed(HDMF): 98 d.u.'s l:xistiij�: 19 d.u.'s ar�cl�33 a.u.'s=60.5 equiv. d.u.'s GRFA: Allowed (CC3); 50,$34 sq. ft. Allowed(HDMFj: 101,669 sq. ft. Fxisting: 43,532 sy. I�l. Comro�ercial Floor Area: Allvwed(CC3): No lirnit Allowed(HDMF): 10,323 sc�. ft. Existing: 17,252 sy. I�l, Setbacks: Required (CC3}: 20' on all sides Allowed(HI�MF): 20' on all sides Exisling: 20' on all sic3cs Site Covera�e: Allowed (CC3): 40% or G8,807 sq. ft. Allowed(HUMF): SS�I, or 94,634 sq. ft. Existjit�: 20.1%or 34,576 sq.ft. Parkin�: Required (CC3)- 184�paces Allowed(HUMF): I R4 spaces Existii�g: 191 spaccs Landsca�g: Rec�ui�ed(C('3): 25°I� c�f site area or 4$,395 sq. ft. All�wed(HDMF): 30`�0 of sitc area or 51,618 sq.ft. Existing: Icss than I_5% (exact unknown) a �i i i��c�.� Attachment: E z �._ � �� � �� ��;��� , ,m � � � � � �, � � N � ��\ �� ��. ,, ° I � (9 �� � \ n�� ��� I Q � � � � i � � �� � � ., ,�` � .� � � �'� � �� �p � a�i '� � � w � p •'�� �t� � � uj � U U c�i � � Y�� ., >� �� c� � �� � ��; �� -oo o �� � (0 .� � � ���' < � � ' � I I I l 1,1 C � :� � cn �v � E a � I , � � � •� E m ' � ; � � ��� �� ' - '� Qi a •�v- �� a� o a�i � �� p? � � � U 2 ����i�� i� � � .� ., � o �, , ,I'I � � �� :,: � � ` , � , �� � �I r`��'u�+.1 I i�j� � �'.���� �.:;; . � N � ��:�� ���� � L1� � �rJ � Q - Q' ;�*S,' I �, I I '` .\ u) � � '. � N WIIIII liil!�II I � � � ���I �\ _ � � �� , � ,'i ��I li I J a � � �� �- N I + \ �4 -' 0 � \ I � \ -- '\ ,.� � / � �� I !I, \ };.. .� _ � �.�` ''.,. � . \�, �'� ,;: �� N ,��I rl~�-�,_ -. \ � �� I �,.�` i' � �\ � i� _� � � �� ��. � � ��� � � � �� � � � � N � J` \\ \ " / ��� I . � d- �`����Jli, -w,� `.' 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O O � ` � � N / � � <_ � � N � N o � ; ��_� �,� � °y(�' � o � �� �, J 'C N � M \ _ � N � N a F. � i I � w N 'i, � / N\`. '........�.. � \ �I�II I�I I I I G� � -a � � > _ ^ ,_ I O N N � , H il �� � � (� � � N " � W N����� I I O � � I \ �..` �! � N �' N N a y = ,��., � � C � � N �'� � � �D GD �p U � � � / �, N � H / ���, .. � � (Q I� \ aD 1� � ' ' , ,�. � � � t0 N \� � � `"" (V a0 �,... __ _-_._ = Z \/ N � N � � d O N �\ � N m � N a � O � � N � N Attachment: F Qj�y� a � Y � ({y � � C � . � � LL � o � y � c �' °' v , � C � � a p 7 � N I � 3 � � �. u� � � c� p I � I _ � � i Pa � � � d�� I �� I `��, I I I I I f� I � �'o � � °o �' � I N N I CO � N w I � � CO � � C ' � J � Q � ' 0 � I �� � I � .� ^ �� ~ Y/ V Y�-{'f✓�O `�'O�A � � i ? � '`6� �% J � � J � _ � o , � ' � .J •� P J � w � .� = i� m � � �.+ � � .y H �� � � � � �N � W � `° � a = o _ 4 � . � � THIS fTEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY Pl1BL]C NOTICE NOTICE IS H�f�EBY �GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commissian of the �own of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 12, 2Q04, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. {n consideration of: A request far a recommendatior� to the Vai! Town Council of a proposed text amendment to the Zoning Regulations, Title 12, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Vail Tav+rn Code, to aflow far revisions to the development standards prescribed in Chapter 12-7A, Public Accomrr�odation (PA) District, Vail Town Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Nicollet fslar�d Development Company Inc. Planner: George R�uther A reques#for finai revdew of a canditional use permit, pursuant#a Chapter 16-12, Vail Tawn Code, to altow for changes to the previously approued conditiar�s of approva�for the redevelopment of the Vail Mountain School, located at 3220 Katsos �Ranch Roadl Lots 1 and 2 Uail Mountain School Filing. Applicant: Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Eli�abeth Eck�l A request for final review of a variance from Sectior� 12-14-17, setback from watercourse, Vail Town Code, to allaw for improvements within the setbacEc from Gore Creek, lacated at 680 West Lions Head �'lace/�ot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3�d Filir�g, and setting far details in regard #h�re to. Applicant� Antlers Condaminium Association Planner: BiPI Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Councii of a proposed Zo�e D�strict 8oundary amendment pursuant to Seetian 12-3-7, Vail Town Code, to the Tawn of Vail Official Zoning Map, to the zoning of tF�e West Vail l.odge Properties, from Gommerciaf Gore III (CC3) to High Density Multiple Family {HDMF), located at 2278, 22$8, 2298 Chamonix Lane and 2211 North Frontage Roacf/lnn at West Vaii I�ot 1 Block A, Vaif Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard ,, t'�ereto. ��,; � '` Applicant: Vanquish Vail, LLC s F�'lanner: Mat� Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant ta Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (on all IeveVs of a building or outside a building), Vai! Tawn Code, and a request for a major exteriar alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alteratiqns or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow tor the construction of new single-family and two-family residential dwelling units, located at 730, 724, and 714 West Lionshead CirclefTracts A, B, C, & D, Morcus Subdivision and Lot 7, fVfarriott Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (West Day Lot) Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun and Associates ! � � . . �n�. Planner: Warren Campbell The applications and infvrmation about the proposals are available for pub�ic i�spection during regular office hours in the project p�an�er's o�ce, (ocated at the�own of lfail Community Development Department, 75 Soutfi� Fro�tage Road. The public is invited to attend project arieRtat�on and the site visits that precede the public hearir�g in the Town of Vai1 Community Devefopment Department. Please call 479�2138 fo�information. , S�g� language int�rpre#atia� ava�lable upon request with 24-hour notificatior�. Please ca11479- 2356, Tele�hone for the Mearing lmpaired, for information. � Community Development departme�t Published December 26, 2003 in tl�e Vail Daily. ' � � I . i � • �American Land Title AssociaUOn Cnmmitment-Modified 3/78 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE 1NSURANCE ISSUED BY S 'I' E WART TIT � GUARANTY COMPAN � � � v STEWART TITLE GUAR.ANTY COMPANY, A Texas Co oration, herei ca the Company, for valuable consideration, laereby commits to issue its policy or p licies of title insurance, as identified in � Schedu�e A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedu A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate ' or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to 'n Schedule A, upon payment af the ' premiums and charges therefor; ail subject to the provisions of Sche les A and B and to the Conditions � and Stipulations hereof. �� This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of I tt�e policy or policies cornmitted for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by khe Company, either I at tlte time of the issuance of this Cocnmitment or by subsequent endorsement. � I This Commitment is preliminary ta the issuance of such policy nr policies of title ir►surance and all I liabiliYy and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six manths after the effective date hereof � or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the II failure to issue such palicy or palicies is not the fault of the Company. j Signed under seai for the Campany, but this Commitment shall not be valid or binding until it bears an I aut�torized Countersignature. I i IN WITNESS WF�EREOF, Stewart Titie Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to � be hereunto affixed by its duiy authorized nffcers on the date shown in Scheduie A. �i I i , i � STEWART TITLE � GURRANTY COIviPANY � f � I �'��S LE,�U ' �h �. Q�•° •*• �:py . Ckaiiman of the Boa 3q;'�pOPPOqq �•�� , �:� �*_lirQ:� Preaident �- �4as :o ' *... .*, ,-* Counters' ned: T�X AS N ' t , � horized Countersigaature STEWART TITLE OF VAIL, INC. P.O. Box 2000 Vail,Colorado 8I658 (970)426-0230 A entID#060058 Order No. 02Q32586-05 . ' � � SCHEDULE A Order Number: 02032586-C6 i. Effecfive date: March 28, 2p03 at 7: 45 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Arnount of Insurance (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (5tandard) $ 5,300,OOO.UO Proposed Insuxed: VANQUISH VAIL T, A D ELAFiAItE LTMTTED LIAEILITY COMPANX. as to Parce 1 A and LANQi3ISH VAIL II, A DELAFTARE LIMITED LIA BTT�ITY CdMPAN'Y to Parcel 8 (b) A.L.T.A. Loan (3tandard) � 4.053.00O.bp Proposed Insured: MESA NATIONAL HANK (c) Leaseho�d $ Praposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in the Iand described ar referred to in t3iis Commitment and covered herein is F&E/EA3EMENT 4. Title to the 1�EL/EASEMENT estate or interest in said land is a#the effective date hereaf vested in: DEaIR2 HOLDINGS, LLC , A DELAWARB LIMITED LIASTILTY COMPAI3Y as to Eee simple in Parcels A and B and Sasement as to Parce 3 C 5. The 3and referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED LBGAL D$SCRIPTION Purported Addreas: STATEMENT OF CHARGES 2211 North Frontage Road These charges are due and payable before a VAIL, CO 81620 Policy can be issued. PREMIUM Commercial Rate OWNSRS: $4365.0 0 MOR'TGAGE: 14 0.0 0 TAX C]3RT: 5 0 Q.� 0 FORM 110.1 50.0 0 . � . SCHEDULE A Order Num.ber: p2032586-C6 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A: A parcel of land Zying within A RESUBDIVISIOI3 OF VAIL AAS SCHONTE FILI NC3 PiO. 1, and VAIL DAS BCHOhIE FILT NG NiO. 3, County of Eagle, Statie of Colorac3o, more garti cularly deacribed a� followe: Beginning at the Nor theast corner of said parcel, also being a point on tihe Westerly right o� way line of Chamenix Lane and �he l�iorthwest Corner of Lpt 2A, Resubdiviaion of Lot 2, Vail Da� Schone Fi3i ng No. 3f thence South 19 °46�40^ Saet 420.&6 f eet to a point on the North right of way line of Interstatie Highway No. 70 Frontage Road ; ' thence along said 13o rth right o£ way liz�e on the following t hree Cour$eH: 1) 3outh 52°02'S6" West 62.40 fe et; 2) South 69°54�16" Weat 274.90 f eet: 3) 3outh 46°Q4'45^ mest 45.08 fe et to the 3outheast Cornez of the Ca].line i�Tirth 8ubdiv ision; � thence along the Eas t line af said 3ubdivi�ion I+�orth 39 °52'S3" Weat 171.75 feet to a point on the South right of way Zine o f .Chamonix Road, thence along said ri ght of way on the followiag tr,vo coursas: 1) 245.63 feet along tha arc af a 194.4 foot radiva curve to the le�t whase cantraZ a ngle is 72 °23'O1" and rvhose len g chord bears North OS°02'31� East 2Z9.62 P eet; , 2) North 28 °09'UO" Weat 98.5 fee t to a poirit on the South sight o£ way line of Chamonix Lan e; thence 3outh alang s aid right of way line of the fallowing t hree coursea: 1) Nnrth 39 °43�00" East 89.04 fe et; 2) 59.57 £eet along the arc of a 75.00 foot radiva curve to the zight x*ho�e centtal angle ia 45°30'29" az�d whose lon g chord beare North 62°28'18" East 58.OZ fe ets 3) North 85°13'33" Eae� 214.34 f eet To tke Po�.nt Of 8eginning. Said Parcel also hai ng known and deecribed as Vail Das Schon e Subdivi�ion - Tract "A" EXCEPT Condominium [7nita 40 1, 403, 445, g08, 409, 412, 413, 416, 41 7, 42D, 421, �29, 425, 428, 429, 432, 433, 436 and 437, IN1�1 AT WEST VAIL CON DOMINIIIMS according to the COn dominium Map thereof recozded November 1 5, 1983 in Sook 37Z �t Page 866 aa R eceptfon l�io. 269183 and a� defined and d escrihed in the � Condominium Deolaration recorded 1Rovember 15, 1988 ia Eook 3 72 at Page 865 as Reception No. 269182 . PAI2CEL 8: CondominiUm Units 40 l, 403, 405, 40B, 409, 412, g13, 416, 41 7, Cont�nued on next pa ge . � � i Cantinuation of Sche dule A - Legal Deaeription Ordes Number: 02032 �86-C6 420, 421, 424, 425, 428, 429, 432, 433, g36 dnd 437, IIdN AT WES'� VAIL CON AOMTNIUMS according to the COn dominiuu� Map thereof recorded 13ovea�bez 1 5, 1983 in Book 372 at Page 86b aa R eoeption No. 269183 and a� defined and d eacribed in tl�e Condominium Declaratiion recorded Navember 15, 1988 in Book 3 7Z at Page B65 as Reception No. 269182 . PARCEL C: Easement Righta cont sined in the Easem,ent Agreement recorded September Z0, ].996 in Book 704 at Page 942 as Reception No. b00887. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO C6 DONE 4/25/d3 LGW TD AMEND PRQPOS�D INSURED, ADD ENDt�RSEME NT 103.7 C3 DONB 4/1/03, LCiW TO ADD ENDORSEMENT FORM 110.1 C2 DONB 3/31/03 BY L GW TO IIPnATE, CEiANGE PT7RCT3ASE AMOUNT THIS COAqMITM�NT WAS PREPARSD OPl NOVBMBER 26, 2002. FOR QIIEST IONS PLEASE CALL LINDA WILLIAMS AT (9 70)926-D230. Thie commitmenti is s ent to: JANBT CERON, STEWART TITLE RURSTEN CANADA �AMSS THpMASON, MESA NATI0�7AL BANR . . i • SCHEUULE B Sectian 1 Ordex Numbei: 42032586-CG REQUIREMENTB The following are ti�e requirernents to be camplied �vith: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the gra�tors or mortgagors of the full consideration for tl�e estate or interest to be insured. Item (6) Proper instrument(s) creating thc estate or interest to be insurad must be executed and duly filed for recorc�, to wit: 1. Evidence sstigfac tory to Stewart Title Guaranty Company o f payment of all outetanding taxes an d assessmenta as certified by the Eagle County Treasurer. 2. Execution of affi davit as to Debte and Liens and ite retu rn to Stewart Title Guaranty Company. 3. Evidence eatiiefac tory to 3tewart Title Guaraaty Gompany t hat the real estate transfer tax aaseese d by the Tomn of Vai3 has been paic3 ar t hat tihe transactian is exemgt from ssid tax, 4. Payment of any an d a�l Condomznium assessmenta and expens ea as required by the Condominium Declarat ion of Inn at West Vail Cosidaminiums and Certificate from Inn at Weet Vail Con dominium Ageociation verify3ng that such payment hae been zeceived, . 5. Affidavit from De bir2 Holdings, LLC diselosing the names of all curren� tienanta and/or leaseholdars. 6. TH25 RE UIREI�NT APPT�G 'f'Q PARCEI, A p14LX: =—�i �—. i..r...�..i��r.,�.,..�. THE FOLLOWING REQUIItBMENT IS FDR DELETION OF SURVEY EACEPTId NS 2 AND 3 OF THE OWNERS POLICY: A SURVEY, meeting th e minimum detail s�andards o� the ALTB/A CSM, Survey OR IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIPICATE, prepared by a regiatered C olorado surveyor, within the last TW� MONTH3, must be preaented to Stewart �it ].e Guaranty Company, for ite app roval prior to the dele�ion ot any surve y exceptions from the OWN�RS POLICY. Stewart Title Gaaran ty re�erves tha right ta take exception to any adverae matrers as �hown on said survey, or make further inquiry or require�ents relative ther�to. Said Survey, must be cestified to,stewast Tit3e of aag2e Cou nry and/or Stewart Tit3e Guaranty Compa ny. NOTE: Y�E ARE IN RECE TPT OF APPROVED TMPROVEMENT T,OCATIOI4 CER TIFICATE 7. Releaee hy the Pu blic Trustee of Eagle County of the Deed of Trus� from Dabir2 Holdinga, LLC far th e use af PieetStar 8ank to seCure $3,0].5, OD0.00, dated May 8, 20Q0, recorded Ma y 18, 2000 as Aeoeption No. 730I15. 8. Termination of IIC C Financing Statement from Debir2 Holdzz� gs �,�,C debtor to Continued on next pa ge -1- . ' � � Continuation of 5che d�le B - Section 1 � Order Nuutbes: 02032 5&6-C6 West3tar Bank record ed May 18, 2000 as Reception NO. 730116. 9. R�: DEBIR2 HOLDI NGS, LLC. A DELAWARE LIMITEA LIA$ILITY C OMPANY: �, The Campany requires tos its revi.ew satisfactory copy of the "Articles of � Orga�ixation,n the 0 perating Agreement and the regulations o f the Iimited � li,ability company, a ny amenc3�aent thereof, a aertificate ot g ood standing, and ' aatiefactory evideaa e of authority of the of£icers, managers , or members ta � execute the document a. � 10. VANQUISH VAIL I AND IT: i The Company requiree for ite review eatigfactoxy cogy of the "ArticZea of � �rganixation," the O perating Agreement and the regulatione o f the limiE.ed i lxability compsny, a ny amendment thereot, a certific�te af g ood etanding, and i satiiafactory evidenc e of a�thority o€ the afficera, managers , or members to I execute the dvcument s. � I 11. Deed fzom Deba.r2 Holdings, LLC, a Aelaware Limited Liabi lity Company, vesting i fee simple title in Vanquish Vai]. I, A Delaware Limited Liab ility Company i conveying Parcel A a nd Vanquieh Vai2 rT, A Delaware Limited Liabilitiy Company � conveying parcel B NOTE: NOTATZON OF T HE LEi3AT, ADDRESS OF TH� GRANTEB M[TST APP EAR ON THE DEED AS i PER 1976 AMSNDI�IENT T Q STATZJTE ON RECORDING OF' D$EDS CR5 38- 35-109 (2S . ' 12. Deed o£ Trust fr om the Vanquish Vail xI to the Public Tr uatee for �he uee o£ the prapoaed lender to seaure the loan. EN'C[Tb7BERING PARCEL A ONLY---------------- �2_ ' � � SCAEDULE B � Section 2 Oxder Number: 02032586-C6 Exc�prioNS � The policy or policies to be issued wil�contain exceptions to the fvllavving unless the same are disposed of to the ' satisfaction of the Company: i 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown �y the public reeorc3s, i , 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the pubiic records. � 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts whicl� a correct I snrvey and itzspection� of the pxemises would dzsclose and which are not shown by the public records. I � I 4. Any Zien, ox rzght to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by Iaw I and not shown by the public records. I I 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, #'ixst appearing in the public I records or attaching subseq�ent ta the effective date hereof, bu#prior to the date the proposed insured acquires I of record for value the estate or iz�terest or mortgage thereon cavered by this commitment. I 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act autt�orizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 7. Any and all unpaid taxes and aesessments and any unredeem ed tax sales. 8. The effect of i.nc luaions in any gene�al qr specific vrater conservancy, fire proteotion, soil con�ervation or other dietrict or inalusion in any water aervice or s�reet im prove,ment area. I I 9. Reservatians and exceptions in Pater�ts, Or Ants authorizi ng the iesuance I thereof, including t he reeerva�ion af the right of proprieto r of a vein or lode ' to extract and rea►ov e his ore therefrom should the same be f ound �o penetiratie � or intersect the pre mises as reser�ed in United Statea Paten t reoorded August � 11, 1900 in Book 48 at Page 236. �I 10. Reeervations or exceptions contaix�ed in U.S. patente, ar in Rcts authorizing , the iesuance thereof , recarded October 4, 19].8 in Book 93 a t Page 301, , reeerving 1) Rights of the proprietor of a vein or lode tv e xtract and remove , hie ore there�rom an d 2) righte of way for ditchea and canal � conetructed under , the authority of the United 5tates. I 11, Al1 matters ahow n on the plats recorded Febsuary 18; �96 5 �s Reception No. II 103252 and recorded July 7, 1965 as Receptias� rIo. 101700 and Plat recorded in � 8oak 247 at Page 399 as Reception No, 143637. ' 12. An unda.vided 1/2 inte�eat in minerals reaerved in the D eed recorded January 2, � 19fi0 in Book 165 at Page 133. � 19. Protactive Cowen ants recorded July 7, I9b5 i.n Book 190 a t Fage 559 aa Recepbion No. 101701, and Amen dment to Protective Covenants recnrded M ay 22, 1968 in Saok 212 at Page 829 as R eceptioa No. 108225, and Amendment to Pr otective Covenants recorded February 16 , 197d in Book 217 at Page 78 as Recepti on No. 112635. Continued on next pa ge , � � � Continuation of 3che dule B - Section 2 Qrder Number: 02032 586-C6 14. An Easement and Righti of Way reserved in Protective Cove nante, xecorded July 7, 1965 in Book 19a at Page 559 as Reception No. 101701. 15. Easement to �as Facilities, Inc. , a Public Utility corpo ratian, reaorded September 5, 1968 in Book 213 at Page 344 as Reception No. 1 OB768, through stseets and exiating util�ty easements. 16. Pxotective Coven ants Vail Das Schoae, Fi2ing Ho. 3 reaor ded July 23, 1976 in Book 247 at Page 656 as Aeception Ne. 14389�. 17. Reeervation of p erpetua2 greenbelt easement contained in the Warrantiy Deed recorded January 3, 1978 in Baok 254 at Page 144 as Reeeptio n No. 16051U. � 18. Uridergronnd righ t af way easemeats to Holy Cross Electri c Association recorded I 3eptembez 27, 1978 i n Book 275 at Page 832 ag Reception No. 172241 and recorded I September 12, 1979 i n Book 290 at Page 953 as Reception No. 187352. I I 19. Apparent water 1 ine easen►ent alang the southweetexly bou ndary oE subject I property as shown on the Collins-Wirth Subdivieion Survey Da ted September 19, i 1977 i NOTE: Qolline-wirth 3ubdivision is not recorded, this ia re ferred I to in a document rec orded in Book 558 at Page 387. I Axid ie also referred to in the Condominium Aeclaration recor ded i in Book 372 at Page 856. I 20. Condominiwn Decl aration for Inn At Weet Vail Condominium s recorded November 15, � 1983 in Book 372 at Page 8b5 as Receptioa No. 269182. � I 21. A17. matters ae a hawn oa the Condominium Map of I�n F.t We at vail recorded ' November 15, 1983 ia Sook 372 at Page 866 ae Reception l+io. 2 69183. 22. Eases►ent Agreeme nt by and hetween Reaut Corporation and FiretBank a£ Vail I� recorde$ September 1 0, 1996 in 800k 7D4 at Page 902 as Recep tion No. 6U0687. i 23 . Al1 mattex's as ehown on the Improvement Location Certifi cate by Eag�e Valley Surveying, Inc. date d April S, 2003. � 24. Any and all exis ting leaaes and tenancies. I, NOTE: THIS SXCEPTIO N 9QILL BE AMEPiDED TQ BE SFLCIBZC AS T� T HE LEASE3 i DISCI�OSED BY SELI,BRS AFFIDAVTT REQUTASD HEREIN. i NOTE: TH8 FOLL04�iING APPLTBS TO BOTH PARCSL X ANII PARCEL Bs NIOTE: EXCEPTIONS 1 AND 4 ABQVE GTILL BE DELBTEn pN THE FIIIAL OWN�+RS POLICY, PROVIUEb 807'H S&LLF�R (S) AND PURCHASER(S) EXECUTE THE kSREIN REQUIREp AFF2DAVTTS AND SAID AFFIDAVIT$ ARE APPROVED BY THE COMPANY. EXCEPTIt}NS 2 AND 3 W ILL BS DELETSD ON THS FINAL �WrIER9 POLIC Y P]20VIDED THAT THE PR ESENT OWNER5 EXBC[TTE THE SC7RVEY AFFIDAVI T. Cantix�ued on next pa ge , ! • Continuation of Sche dule B - Sectian 2 prder Number: 02D32 586-C6 EXCEPTION 5 WILL NOT APPEAR �N THE OWNERS POLICY, AND GAP PROTECTION WILL BE G RANTED PROVTDED THAT STEWART TITLE OF EA GLE CQIINTY PE�FOAMS CLOSINa DISBURSEMENTS AND RECQRDING OF ALL DOC�NTS. SEE "DISGLOSURES" IN CLUDED HER�WITH. FURTHER HQTE: EXCEPTION 6 ON THE F INAL 0'6VNER8 POLTCY WILL BE AMENDED TO RE AD: Watez Rights, Claime or Title to W ater. EXCEPTIOrT 7 ON THE F INAL 0'W1+1ERS POLICY WILL H8 AMSNDBD TO RE AD: A�1 taxes for yeas 2003, which are a lien not yet payable. E%CEPTION 8 WILL BE AMEI+IDED TO THE SPECIF3C TAX AISTRICTS AS BISCLOSED BY THS E�iG LB CODI�7TY TREASURER�S TAX CEItTIFICATE. I &a0R � � DISCLOSURES Pursuant to C.R.S. 10-11-I22, notice is hereby given diat: (A) THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED [N A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT; (B) A CERTIFICATE �F TAJCES DUE LfSTING EACH TAXING JURISI3ICTION SI�ALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE COUNTY TREASURER OR THE COUNTY TREASURER'S AUTH�RIZED AGENT; (C) INFORMATION REGARDING SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND THE BQUNDARIES OF SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. Note: Co3orado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every titie entiry shall be responsible for a�1 matters which appear of recorc�prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible fot recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was ciosed." Provided that Stewart Title of Vail, Inc. conc�ucts the closing of the insured transaction anci is responsible for recording the legal docuxnents from the transacEion, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lender's TitIe Policy when issued. Nute: Affirmative Mechanic's Lien Protection for the Owner may be available(typically by deletion of Exception No. 4 of Schedule$, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued)upon compliance with the foIlowing conditions: A. The land descrihed in Schedule A of this commi#ment must be a single faznily reside�ce, which includes a condosninium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have b�en furnished by mechanics or materialmen for purposes of constructian on the land describe@ in Sched�le A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C. The Cotnpany must receive an appropriate afFdavit tnaetnnifying the Company against un$led mechanic's and materialmen's liens. D. The company must receive payment of the ap�ropriate premium. E. If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be pvrchased, within six months prior to the Date of the Cqmmitment, the requiremenks to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, tl�e builder and/or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium; fully executed Indemnity agreements satisfactory to the company; and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid informa4ion by the Company. Nc,coverage will be given uttder any circumstances for labor or material far which the insured has contracted for or agreed tv pay. NQTHING HEREIN CONTAINED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE THE COMPANY TO PROVIDE ANY OF THE COVERAGES REFERRED TO HEREIN UNLESS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE FULLY SATISFIED. Order No. 02032586-C6 Disclosures(YSDD)Rev. i0/99 . , � � � I � I STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Privacy Policy Notice PURP45E OF THIS NOTICE I I Tit2e V of ti�e Gramm-T.each-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nvnaffiliated third party unless the � institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type af inforrnation that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the I GLBA, we are providing you witn this document, which notiftes you of the privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title Gaaranty Company. I We may collact nonpublic personal information abvut you fram the following sources: I -- Information we receive fram you, such as on applications or other farms. -- Information about yaur transactions we secure from our fi(es, or from our affiliates or others. I -- Inforntation we receive from a consumer reporting agency. i� -- Inforntation that we receive fram others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. i Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be colleoted about you, I We may disclose any of the above information that we collect abnut our customers or former customers to our i affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our cvstomers or former customers to the following types af ' nonaffiIiatee! companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have jouit marketing agreements: -- Financial service providers suci� as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. -- Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment service providexs. ' WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE � FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal infarmation about you to those employees who need to know that I information in order to grovide products or services to you. We tnazntain physical, elsctronic, and procedural safeguards that comply r�vith federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information, File No. 02032S86-C6 Stewart T(tle of Vaff,inc. Privacy Policy Not3ce(Page 1) Rev.0712001 (YpPNI) „ • � • ■ STEWA�T TITLE 4F VAIL, INC. Privacy Policy Notice PURPO5E OF THIS N4TICE Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about yau with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it cotlects abovt you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In comp�iancc with the GLBA, we are providing you with this document, which notifies you of tha privacy policies and practices of Stewart Title of Vail, Inc. We may callect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: -- Information we receive from you, such as on applications or other forms. -- Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates ar others. -- Information we receive from a consumer zeportin�agency. -- Information that we receive frotn others invotved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or lender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of t�e above information that we collect abaut our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonafftliated third parties as permitted by law. We atso may disclose tkiis information about our customers or former customers to tlae fo�lowing types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: -- Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer fmance, securities and insurance. -- Non-financial companies such as envelopa stuffers and other fulfillment service providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERS�NAL INPORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECTFTCALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We tnazntain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Fpe iVo. 02032585-Cb Stevrarf TIYIc nf Vall,lne. Privacy Policy Notlre(Page Z) Rev.07l2001 (YPPN2) _ . • � � ' C4NDITI4NS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Tt�e term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall faii to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability �'or any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced hy failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowiedge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acq�ires actuaI knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its aption may amend Schedule B of this Coznmitment accordingly, but such arnendrnent shall not relieve the Company from liability previou'sly incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of tl�ese Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named propased Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurted in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a)to compiy with the requirements hereof, or{b} to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or(c)to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to tha insuring provisions, thc Conditions and Siipulations, and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies cornmitted fpr in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorparated by reference and are rnaae a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that khe proposed Tnsured rnay have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to #he provisions of this Commitment. STEWART TITI.E GUARANTY COMPANY AlI notices required to be given the Cornpany and any statement in ivriting required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT ORDER NUM- BER which appears on the bottom af the front of the first page of this commitrnent. � , _ • • Approved 7/23/01 A,�pl�cant: 7awn of Vail �ianner: Allison Ochs All'rson Ochs gave an o�erview of the staff memorandum. The staff recommendation was for approval with the condition, as outlined in the staff memorandum, that any lighting comply with the Tawn's regulations for outdoor lighting. Gregg Barrie, vw�th the Town of Vail Public WorKs Department, provided more site-specific information regarding the proposed site develapmenk. Gregg noted that both a wetlands study ar�d geological investigation �ad been performed. He also noted that the geatechnical report concludet! that the proposed site development would not be detrimenta9 to slope stability in any way. He stated that the fi�ld had been shifted to the west to avoid the wetlands to the north. He nated that construction would be moni#ored to address groundwater concerns if necessary. Gregg describ�d h�ow landscaping would be added along the sauthem portion of the site to help provide screening far the adjacent Sun Vail residenfs. John Schofield asked if the lar�dscaping would screen the proposed fence. Gregg Barrie stat�d that the 9sndscaping would screen the fence and also, that the fence would be a dark color, so that it would nat be very noticeable. John Schofield asked Gregg to clarify access and circulation #o the site. Gregg Barrie �rovided this clarif�cation to #he PEC members. Galen AasCanc! asked how access to the site from #he south would be cvntrolled. The PEC members discussed this and agreed there would not be easy access from the site. Brian Doyon suggested the use of a berm on the south side. Gregg Barrie stated his concem for the addition of fill on ti�e south side. Brian Doyon asked if a boulder wall could be placed on the north side with grades maintained. Gregg Barrie stated that this m+ght be passible and asked Allison if this woufd affect the DRB approval. Allison Ochs said, na. ,�oseph Staufer, representing the Sun Vail owners, spoke about the proposal. He stated #hat he would not hear or see the field so that i#would not be a huge impact to him personally. He stated that if approved, the field should be approved with the follawing conditions: that it only be used by children; that it should not be lit; that#here be no amplified sound; and that it would not be modified later on for parking. Doug Cahill stated that he was in favor of the propasal. He noted that the proposal had been wel!- researched technically. He stated that a 3-foot berm would help cons�derably ar�d that IandscapHng around the fenced area would be helpful. He agreed with the conditians as stated by Mr. Staufer. John Schofield commented on #h� letters received by the Town of Vail. He noted that the concems, as stated in those letters, had been considered. He noted that a gate wouid be helpful on the west side. Brian Doyon stated that h�was in favor of the (athletic) field. He stated his concem tha#the Rec District should not manage this field and that this fiefd was to be used by the school. He suggested that boulders be added and that a berm be added on the south side of the field in association with a fence, ta help prevent balls from going ov�r the fence. He added that the field should not become a parkir�g lot. 7 „ ti • � Approved 7/23/01 Chas Bemhardt agreed with B�ian and comments made by other board members. Galen Aasland stated #hat sound should not be restricted between 10 am and 4 pm. Galen asked Gregg to expfain the parking situation at#he school and specifically, the �se of the lower fat. Gregg Barrie stated that he was not sure what the specific parking regula#ions were, but that the lower lot was used for skier parking in the winter. Galen Aasland stated that a sign program to address parking, should be a component of the approval. Gregg Barrie stated that the Vail Recreation District wouPd be a big partner in the operation of the athletic field. Galen Aasland stat�d that the Town Council should be responsible for approving an inter- governmental agreement. Brian �oyon stated th�f he would not support the involvement of the Rec District. Karen Strakbein, the Director of Fenanee for the Eagle County School Distrdct, stated that this would be an intergovernmental agreement and the schoo! would be the primary user and the secondary users would have next pridri#y to the use of the field. Karen further explained how intergovernmental agreements work in general. Galen Aasland stated that because the schoo! district daes not own the property, the Town should have authority over use of t}�e grounds and that there shou�d be some sort af signage. Jvhn Sc�ofield made a motion to allow for construction of the athletic field, i� accordance wikh the findings and cor�ditions in t�te staff memo and with the additianal provisions that a 1. That a gate will be provided on the w/sw corner of the field 2. That staff will consider and explore the possibility ot a boulder wall ta create a berm for the fence. 3. That amplified sound will only be allowed as part of schaol activiti�s. 4. That the school is considered the prirr�ary user; the Town is secondary and the VRD is third and this shalf be indicated in any agreement regarding the field. The rnotion was seconded by Brian Doyon. Galen Aas6and asked for further discussion. Brian Doyon asked what priority shau�d be given to t�re Rec District. John Schofie�d stated that the Rec District should be given third and last priority and that an intergovemmental agreement be established prior to construction. The motion carrie� 5-0. 8. A request for the review of a proposed text arr�endment to Chapter 11, Design Review, of the Zoning Regulations to a�Cow for procedurai changes#o the performance bond proces� as prescribed in the Vail Tawn Code. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner. George Ruther George Ruther revwewed the proposed text amendrrlents, in relation to the comments provided previously by the PEC. 8 � � MEMQRANDUAA i T0: Plannir�g and Environmer�tal Commission ' FROM: Community Development Department DATE: August 14, 20�0 SUBJECT: Pursuant to Section 13-7-6, Vail Town Code, a PEC review of the I proposed unit sales prices for th� Garmisch Loft employee housing units, located at 2211 Narth Fron#age Road/ Lots 1,2 & 3 and Tract C, Vail das Schone Filing 1; Lot 1, Vaii das Schane Fiiing 3. Applicant: Reaut Corporation Planner: Brent Wi�son I. 6ACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTIQN t7F THE REQUEST When the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No, 5, Series of 2000 (to provide far � canversion of acca�nmodatior� units �r�to employee housing �nits), they added a requirement that tF�e developer must submit a iist af ur�it sales prices for revi�w by the PEC during the conditiona4 use permit process. The intent behind this provision was to ensure the units were sold at an affordable rate. The applicant, tF�e Reaut Corporation, is working through the Town af VaiPs Hausing Division wiih a lottery process for qualified buyers. T4�is gives the town tfie abiiity to ensure the units are being sold to efigible recipients in accordance with town ordinances and deed restrictians. Additionaily, the Tow� o# Vail receives a 2%commission in exchange#or administrative costs. The Town anticipates many units wil� be under contrac#by )ate August. Any future resales of these units will be facilitated by the Town of Vail to ertsure the integrity of the deed restrictions remain in3act. I � � 11. STAFF R�C4MMENDATION I� The Depar�me�t af Community Develapment recommends approval of#he ap#�licar�t's �� p�o�osed unit sales prices for the Garmisch Loft employse h�using units pursuant to � Sectior� 13-7-fi, Vail Town Code, subject to the f�flowing finding: 1. That the proposed maximum sales prices �or the units are consistent with the pro�isions of Section 13-7-6, Vai1 Town Code. .� TOWN OF Y�IL F:lcdevlPEG1M EMQS1001r/V V L�DG E5.doc 1 � � � 111. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW The proposed sales prices for the units are indicated on the following page. Prices range fram $113,313 to $167,003 depending on square footage. The condominium association dues listed include all utilities except telephone and cable television and are based on square footage calc�lations. Additionally, a 3%annual appreciation cap has been pfaced on each unit in order to ensure the units will remain affordable in the future. For a point of reference, the Vaif Town Council authorizes the"buy-down"af one bedroom units priced $140,000 or less and two bedroom units priced $175,Q00 or less. The median unit price tor the Garmisch Lofts t�nits is$130,413.00 (r�uiring a monthly mortgage payment of about $945.00). This price wou�d represent approximately 85% of the median mortgage payment paid in Eagle County (Eagle County Housing Needs Assessment, 1999). F:lcdevlPEC�M EMOS\00lW VLODGE5.doc 2 � � Unit Number Square Feet Sales Price Monthly Dues 202 772 . $159,051 $342.37 203 � 550 $1�3,313 $200.30 204 560 $115,539 $203.83 205 560 $115,539 $203.83 206 560 $115,539 $203.83 207 560 $115,539 $203.83 208 560 $115,539 $203.83 209 560 $115,539 $203.83 210 560 $115,539 $203.83 211 560 $115,539 $203.83 212 634 $130,619 $230.31 213 633 $130,413 $230.31 214 633 $130,413 $23Q.31 215 633 $130,413 $230.31 216 633 $130,413 $230.31 217 633 $130,413 $230.31 218 633 $130,413 $23Q.31 219 633 $130,413 $230.31 220 633 $130,413 $230.31 221 633 $130,413 $23Q.31 301 772 $167,Q03 $342.37 302 550 $118,979 $200.30 303 560 $121,�42 $203.83 304 560 $121,142 $203.83 305 560 $121,142 $203.83 306 560 $121,�42 $203.$3 307 560 $121,i 42 $203.$3 308 560 $�21,142 $203.83 . 309 560 $i21,142 $203.83 310 560 $i 21,142 $203.83 311 634 $137,150 $23�.31 312 633 $136,934 $230.31 3�3 633 $136,934 $230.31 314 633 $136,934 $230.31 � 315 633 $�36,934 $230.31 316 633 $�36,934 $230.3� 317 633 $136,934 $230.3� 318 634 $137,150 $230.31 319 634 $137,150 $230.31 320 634 $137,150 $230.3t • r�.��. Lo�a - A��� r�, 2000 , � � v xeK.wa x � 4�.:r'a ����f�`,� ��y' , ,ti��' � � �_ ���`� v� � � { 4 ��� � � 1 � t 7 �a� '3��'� „A� �]' — � y l� ,��� � � _ �.. �" y j .�' y �b 4��° l �� . .y, � ' C��v � �����'�5� r , J ���k � � 'yr: . �`t�Lh#� i ' �'�a 1 s s .,& � ,���' �� ���'d�r,'`r,r�,� �`a;� `� , �-. g \ � ,�, .T�r � < � '�,'p�� �,� � ,� �-,`" "� • t t• � � x$; '�� �,�5� Y�{v��A 'r`r'�k$,a„ t :'�� � Z �. 1 , Q � �i. yr=�� � : . ��'�;i i'"9"✓' f 3�`s�: - dh ��. J4���g pC'd `° "�-„s� �S�'s� :� f 7. 4�r1 • y " �fr `t�-���('.� � `�L�'Y"ts +�� � � � �' . ,� • • � � ��� ��"_� +���li°{�s �Ra� �� r�`�, � ��1. i ���� ��F :i 1 h�� . . ' ,je T�1 �p SF,�+� ... ,�:5%' s i�tR' ���� f� � ; q+����r r,r�r �� � >�' v `t�,. k � n� �} i �i� � � ��:A.�'vl€i V L. Y 5 I V 'S . . � . I 'I • � '�� `' ? �y n's tx,y ��' ' " ..�� �'.�, � f=� ,e ,rt t�J,r 1n'& .y , ,�k '.t1- ew_ . �'a� �' 7�,`'-�. � � �� � al{ - .11;.Y y - � . r,£ .4 ei , � d`t y - -r ��, ��� y�`,:e� �� :i • � � v � v �. 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OOOOOOOO600000 000oo09od8 �p p� o oa0000000000 000000000000 W � � �O �400dOOp046 000008Q00000000 � O 060000�0 000 o9oQ � � o0000000o O �00 0000 � O O 00 O ¢ a 640000006000660 O 60 (� OpO00000000oOD000 � OOd40004Q0000oOp0 O d r+ 00000004d440600000000 O � 00000006000pO00Q40000 00 40 Ooo0o00DO0800dOPDOO O OQ 0000000000 0 0 006 O�OOOOppO 6 00 000 pl� pOOpO 68 O 0000 6600 04 dP o000 00000`eF,Cj� ooa o00 o aoaoo DO 00o O 444900 � � PARCEL NUMBERS and LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR WEST VAIL LQDGE West Vail Laage Properties 229$, 2288, 2278 C�amonix 2103114i5017 Lots 1, 2, 3, and Tract C,Vail Das Schone Filing 1 2211 N. Frontage Rd. Inn at West Vail, Lot 1, Biock A,Vail Das Schone Filing 3 21�311421001-19 . � - ' . . ... . " . `�.1-; ... . , .... � SCHEDULE A �� , . r � � �� 7j� -L�'��� �` . �.F���"�'e�f `,*: ��' Ocde�Number: oao32586 �y��` ¢�'���'��� � LEGAL DESCRIPTIOIY F 4. . s e � �,- PARCEL A: A psrcel o� land lying wi�h A RS$IIBDIVISION OF VAIL BAS SCHONE F�LING NO. �, and V�[IL DAS SCHONR E�ILING NO. 3, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more pazticul.arl.y deacribed a� £oll.ows: Beginning at the Northeast corner oE eaid parcel, aZso being a point on the Westerly right o� way line af Chamonix Lane aad the Northwest Corner of Lot 2A, Re�ubdzvi,siqn of Lat 2, Vai•1 Das Schone Filing No. 3; . thence South 19°46'40" East 420.66 feet to a poin� on the North right of w�y line of Interatate IIighway No. 70 Frontage Road; thence aZnng sai,d North right ot way �ine on the fpllowa.ng three coursea: 1) 3auth 5z°OZ'56" West 6Z.00 £eet; Z? Sou�h 69°54'16" West 274.90 feet; 3) South 46°04'45" West 45.08 fest to the Sou�heast Corner of the Col,li.ns Wirth Suhdivision; Chence along the Easti lina of said Subdivision DIOrth 39°52'S3" West 171.75 feet to a goint on the 3auth right of way line of Chamonix Road; thence along said right of may on the followiag tsvn courses: 1} Z45.63 feet aloag the arc nf a 194.4 foot radius curve tr� the 3.eft whose centxa�. ang2e is 72°23•OZ° and whose Zong artorc� bears North OB°a2'31'F $ast 2Z9.6Z feet; 2) Nor�h 28°09'OQry Weet 98.5 Eeet to a point on tlse South right of way line of Chamonix Lane; thence Snuth along said right of way li.ne of the Eo13.owing three course�: 1) Korth 39°43'�0'� 8ast 89.04 feet; 2) 59.57 faet along the arc of a 75.00 foot radius cusve to the righ� whase central angla is 45°3�'29" and whose long chord baars Nor�h �a°a$�ia„ $a$t �a.oa fe8r; 3) North 85°13'33" L�st 214.34 feet To the Point Of 8egiz:ning. 3aid Parcel also being known and described as vail Das Schone Suhdivision - Tract "K" BXCfiPT Coudominium Units 4p1„ 4Q3, 405, 4d8, 409, 412, 413, 41,6, 417, 420, 421, 424, 425, 4a8, 429, 432, 433, 436 and 437, INN AT T�ST VAIL CONDOMINTUM$ according La the COndomisr.ium Map thereof recorded November 15� I983 � Book 3T2 at Page 866 as Receptiaa �10. 26�183 aad as defined and daecribad. f.1� Gha Cortdominiva� Declaratioa recosded Novem�ser 25. Z988 in Book 372 ae k��ge 865 aa . RaaepCion No. Z69181_. . s_, _ ...,,�.,._ _ , . i-: ��'-,.. ���`''����+ B: . ._,., :.. . _ � ' � !�]!�:c' Cb�dqminium �nita 401, 403. 405, 408. 409, 41a, 413, 416, 4Z7, _,. , �_� ' Contissued on a�tt Qag� � .' _.,���„� . . . � _ f,��,�.,�.� . � . .- - ' � . . .'.iil.�jeri'-fk�iN'3:{'k.'.+�`c .,a'l � _ . ... . ' ". _.'. " _ ' . _ ...�r a 4 . ,f§�j . a � . _ , ... ��.�.� � ..'.-.� . . �r...�4 ' �g..{�l;�l �) �. R`.--' , .... . . � ..���'('P�'AWe`�n . '- - .- .. .-' �� 1 . �.}... - . ..' ' " . . .- ., �"'.' . . �� . f `�',7�-'r.Y ",r�'k�p`�'.V+� d . . - _ 'E �',,�,`�'$e'��' �,k '�w �r Y.h 4ia"y�:. . ��� ��S'; tw-r'��f. ,�.. . . � ,��.�+, y�°, r�,�' y _^ r 1 , `� .., y •Y � � �� y� �� • � �c�, � �"SF'.rrR '-'.�r. .L'�.��c ne�P , � .. . . . . -- Ip� ..�9-: y�i'�g f!�� �,k5k C�'T . ��?Y . '1 .. ., .: . � . � ��f . � � �Caatinuatfoa of Schsdul� A - Lsgsl DASCription � �,� � ». ,a -� . . Orde��Numb�t: Q203Z566 �:�:� ; , _ . , .. .�:� . :�:�x a��,�-��-.;.. , 4�0, 4a1, 424, 415, 4Z8. 429, 43Z, 433, 436 and 437, INN AT WBST VA�L. COPiDQMINItlMS sccoraing to the COndoa�n3um Diag �hereof secordsd November 15, 1983 ia Sook 37a at Page 866 as Reception No. Z69Z83 and as defined aad descr#.bed in the - Condominium Dealaration recorded November 1S. 1988 in Book 372 a� Page 865 as Reception Na. 2691.82, COVNTX OF BAGLE SrATB OF COLORADO TH23 CObII�ITMENT WA3 PRSPAR$D ON 1�7aVY3MBSR 26, 20Q2. �'QR QIIESTIONS PLEA3$ CAI,,L T+rNDA W�L�LIAM3 AT (970)926-023Q. Thi.s co�mitment is� eeat to: JANET CBRON, STEWART TITLS t i � � ,, ' 1 � � .. °'�-:-. _ s ,� .w ..,�.�.,�._ � . ; � �� ' •�«3a, ;t��._Y�,�,�r.H' �-� ` ���:�- � . �R'rs��: � .t"V� $tsi:.�µ,. . r `fi ,�. i q � .�� _ . � F � c^S . -i, ..�o �� � � ti.- .���'i��r'�� �t �;:, a-Yp:l�.-. , . . ��,., . x�i �'� , ;'.�a. .ay.�..a r . � - - � ' � � " r.&.:.,�,. � - - . .�.ti ,a:,.,, .,�„, > .�, , �.- . ' '" • � , �:'� r� � "�'!: _� . ��� ..� _ . .._ ' _ _ .. __ �` � � .-_� � � , i �� TH��.. IT�atil �v1�.Y r�,r� `CT /CLR r�ROF�P,TY � '� FU�LIC NO i fC� � �� �� �IC�TiCc IS �����Y vi4c�'�J th�+ `,he �!anr,i��a and �.��iironrnental C�mmiss�on of the Town cf Vaii wiil hcid a �uniic ��e�rir�g irt acc�rc�ne� ��rith �ec;icn 1� �-o of the Nlunicipal Cocfe of fh� �owr ofi'�iaii on A�gu=t �4, 2000, ai � �t7 P "�1. in �.�e Tcwr. �f V�If Munic;pal auiiding. !r c�nside�aticn cf: :� reQUest ror a rr:incr 3me�cfine�tt io �i�e ao�rove� �eveio�rren� olGn fcr ihe Colden Peak Ski :aee, to a!Icw �cr a ne�N s�cwmak,ng rac,�ity. located a; �i� Va�i Jaliey Criva!Tract F, Vail Viilage �"' �;iing. Applicant: V�il Resorts F!anner: Brent VVifson Fursuar�f to 5ec,ion 1�-�-6. Vaii Towr Code. a P��: re�iie�,v :i.he �r.r,�;;se� unit s�ies oric�s for :he Garmisc!-ti LaTf �mplcye� ho�!sing uniis, icca��a at 2�� � Ncrth �:ontage �oa� / L�€s 1,2 & 3 � d Teact C. VaII G�as Sc"�one Fiiirg 1; L�t 1, V�ii �as Sc!�cne �:ling ;;. �� ?pplicant: R��ut Corporaticr. Planner: Brent �Nilson A request far a varibnce fTOm Secticn 1�-6A-�� (G��c�;) and a rr�iror sUbCivision, to ai�ow for G�FA abcve the ma�imum amcunt allaw��le. loc�tec at �71 Sp�addie Cre�;c Ro�d/L�t 8, �praddl� Greek. A�plican#: Franco D'Agostina P4anner: �liisan Ochs A request �ar a sign varianc�, frnm Seciien 11-�8-�9 (B)!4), to allow for a ihird business identification sigr�, Iocated at 453 Vail WaEley �rive (�arks�ur Rest�u�artrlTraci �, Vail Village 5��' Filing. Appiicar�t: Laricspur Restaurant � Sar Planner� Bren# Wilson The appiications and infiormation about the �raposals ar� availabie fcr pu�iic �ns�ec*.ion during reg;�lar office hours in the project plai,neCs affic�, locat�d ai the Town of Vaii Community �Jevelopment Cepartment. 75 v�;uth Frontage Roac�. The cublic is invited to �ttend prcje�: arientatien and site vis�ts which prec��e the public hearing in the Town o#Vai] Community De��!opme�t �enartmen#. Pfea�e call 479-2138 for information_ Sign language Fnterpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call a79- 2356, Tel�phcn� for th� Heari�g I�npaired, for information. Cammunity Develepmen# Departm�nt P���is�ed Jufy 28; -?G�0 in the Vail Trail. �, �-°�,�__ \ ��:����,_ ;�� � ���3 TO}yN 0�i'r1fL �' i � � � i �,�;, �. :� ��� � � I�s�ri� • ,� �___.--� '-- �i I IE3 - 1+�F i ► , � _ C N �rr L ` � � � � •W u/ � IL1 T Li U N N ._- A� 'L- � � _ � _ •.ti! Q ,� � Q t`s'i � � � � � � � (� (� � f� C 'p � L.L .� � � � .� 0 cn cD U � � � � 0 a, � g � � �r � .1 �� � a �� � i-b-� .� � � � i < '�+ ° ao'� a r � � o = Zs° � �`'' Q � c� " o�i � o � � � � o a a.� � �� � q � � � � .-_� � � , i �� TH��.. IT�atil �v1�.Y r�,r� `CT /CLR r�ROF�P,TY � '� FU�LIC NO i fC� � �� �� �IC�TiCc IS �����Y vi4c�'�J th�+ `,he �!anr,i��a and �.��iironrnental C�mmiss�on of the Town cf Vaii wiil hcid a �uniic ��e�rir�g irt acc�rc�ne� ��rith �ec;icn 1� �-o of the Nlunicipal Cocfe of fh� �owr ofi'�iaii on A�gu=t �4, 2000, ai � �t7 P "�1. in �.�e Tcwr. �f V�If Munic;pal auiiding. !r c�nside�aticn cf: :� reQUest ror a rr:incr 3me�cfine�tt io �i�e ao�rove� �eveio�rren� olGn fcr ihe Colden Peak Ski :aee, to a!Icw �cr a ne�N s�cwmak,ng rac,�ity. located a; �i� Va�i Jaliey Criva!Tract F, Vail Viilage �"' �;iing. Applicant: V�il Resorts F!anner: Brent VVifson Fursuar�f to 5ec,ion 1�-�-6. Vaii Towr Code. a P��: re�iie�,v :i.he �r.r,�;;se� unit s�ies oric�s for :he Garmisc!-ti LaTf �mplcye� ho�!sing uniis, icca��a at 2�� � Ncrth �:ontage �oa� / L�€s 1,2 & 3 � d Teact C. VaII G�as Sc"�one Fiiirg 1; L�t 1, V�ii �as Sc!�cne �:ling ;;. �� ?pplicant: R��ut Corporaticr. Planner: Brent �Nilson A request far a varibnce fTOm Secticn 1�-6A-�� (G��c�;) and a rr�iror sUbCivision, to ai�ow for G�FA abcve the ma�imum amcunt allaw��le. loc�tec at �71 Sp�addie Cre�;c Ro�d/L�t 8, �praddl� Greek. A�plican#: Franco D'Agostina P4anner: �liisan Ochs A request �ar a sign varianc�, frnm Seciien 11-�8-�9 (B)!4), to allow for a ihird business identification sigr�, Iocated at 453 Vail WaEley �rive (�arks�ur Rest�u�artrlTraci �, Vail Village 5��' Filing. Appiicar�t: Laricspur Restaurant � Sar Planner� Bren# Wilson The appiications and infiormation about the �raposals ar� availabie fcr pu�iic �ns�ec*.ion during reg;�lar office hours in the project plai,neCs affic�, locat�d ai the Town of Vaii Community �Jevelopment Cepartment. 75 v�;uth Frontage Roac�. The cublic is invited to �ttend prcje�: arientatien and site vis�ts which prec��e the public hearing in the Town o#Vai] Community De��!opme�t �enartmen#. Pfea�e call 479-2138 for information_ Sign language Fnterpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call a79- 2356, Tel�phcn� for th� Heari�g I�npaired, for information. Cammunity Develepmen# Departm�nt P���is�ed Jufy 28; -?G�0 in the Vail Trail. �, �-°�,�__ \ ��:����,_ ;�� � ���3 TO}yN 0�i'r1fL �' i � � � i �,�;, �. :� ��� � � I�s�ri� • ,� �___.--� '-- �i I IE3 - 1+�F i ► , � _ C N �rr L ` � � � � •W u/ � IL1 T Li U N N ._- A� 'L- � � _ � _ •.ti! Q ,� � Q t`s'i � � � � � � � (� (� � f� C 'p � L.L .� � � � .� 0 cn cD U � � � � 0 a, � g � � �r � .1 �� � a �� � i-b-� .� � � � i < '�+ ° ao'� a r � � o = Zs° � �`'' Q � c� " o�i � o � � � � o a a.� � �� � q � � � • ' THIS ITcl/l MAY ,aF��C� `(CUF r RCFE;?TY ��� ' FUELIC NO i iC� � �j �� � fVGT�IC� !S �E���Y` GiVEiV thct `he P!arr�ir,a �r,d �rn�ir�nrr�e^ta! Comrnission of the Town cf �/ai� wiil heia a pubiic hearing ir� ac�ard�nc° �Nit!� �ec;icn 1�-�-� of tf��e Mun�ci�al C�de cf the To�Nr o� 1/ail cn August �4, 200�, at 2:G0 � !�]. .n -he �cwn of Wail UlUnic;pai �uilding. In ccnsideraticn of: A reques; ior a mincr amendment tc tt�e aG4rave� ��evAicpmen# Fl�n f�r the Colden P�alc Ski �?ase, ta �IIc+N `er a r�e�N sncwmakir:c �ac�fit.�, !ocated ai ��8 Vaii Vaifey GriveiTra�t �, Uaif � Villaa� �'" Fiiing. Applic�nt: Vail �esoris Planner: Erent ��Vilsan ' F��rsuant tc Sec.ion �3-7-6. Vaii Tc�wn �c�tie, a P�� re�iiew si the �ro��sed unii sales bric�s for ���ht GGrmisc� ���t employe° ha�:s�ng �nits. iccar�a at 2�1 � Norii� �rcn�age Roau ( Lots �,2 � 3 c� i ract C, Vail das Schone �iiing 1; ��� i; Vaii das Schcnz Fiiirg �. ��3� ' Ap��icant: Reaut Corpor�ticn Plar�ner: Gre�t �Nilson A repu�st for a variartcs from Seciicn 12-SA-�S (��Fa} and a minor subc3visi�n, to aElaw for GRF� abcve the maximum a�cunf allowG�le. loc�ted at �71 Spraddle �,�eek Road/l��t 8, Spraddle Creek. �FPlican#: Franco D'Agostino Ffanner: Allison Qc�s A request `o�r a �:gn varianc�, from Sac;icn 11-��-�9 {B)!4), to alicw ,or a thiTd business identlifCdtiOfl Sigr�. lOCated at 453 Vall Uailey �riv� (Larkspur F,estaurant)/Trac' =, Vaii Village 5'�' Filing. i Aaplieant: Lark�pur R�staurant & 6ar Planner: 6rent �Nilson The ap�piicadions anc� information aboul the proposals ar� available for pub�ie in�?ection during regular office hours in the aroject plai�ner's offic°, lacated at the Touvn of V�ii Community Development De�artment. 75 �outh Frontage Raad. The pul�lic is invitea to attend orolect orientatien and site visits which precede the pubiic hearing in th� Towr of V'aif Comrnunity Dev�iop�rnent Departr�ent. Please cal! 479-2138 for inforrnation. Sign language i11tP?"�retation avaiia�?ie uper requ��'. �N�th 24 hcue no!ificaticn. Flease cafl 4�9- 2356, Telephcne for the Hearing Impaired, for infarmation. Community Development Depar�ment Publisned .luly 28, 20Dn in the Wail Traii. \ ��::�1�, TOWN OF�'r11L � 1 � � . � � �..n ;�� ' � ; o � ,-' � ,I;;,-� -�a.z �� *�'� ,, w �� � � , � - ��-����m� .�i � , o,�,s�� t .� �'���,, .'��,��.id:�. ' ° ., :�',� ,�ww�.. t I, � �,(,:, ���-.7�����.� �� -f, '� - - �� • C2��� °�� c �+.� ��, �,. � �: - � ,� ;i N s� � r Ty.� ''1- � C � � !, � � V � � � � J C T � O flp � � � � r1 Uj U HQ > � v � 0 _. m � Q � -� � � ,� ',.*+� � o r� f''-" � o � b � y , .g U tl°� Y � O � � w � � � � Q i. � � � � � � � O R`� � �J � 4 � , � � . i_ i ���, ��� � � � �� �� �� � � � ��_ , TO�V OF Y'AIL � ' Department of Community Development 75 South Frantczge Road Yail, Coloradc� H16�7 970-�7y-21.�8 I Fi4,`�'970-,F79-?452 www ci.vail,cn.us A�gusf 4, 20b0 Lynne Fritzien Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive FaEiridge C-1 Vaii, CO 816�7 Re: The West Vail Lodge Property Dear Lynne: Per your request, the follovuir�g is a description of the development review process for the proposed townhousa units at the'+Nest Vail Lodge property. ■ Vail Town Council review�lone, however, the Vail Town Council has the authority to "call up" decisions of the PEC or DRB for additional review. • Planninq and Environrnental Commission (PEC) review--A conditional use permit for the additian of Type III employee �ousing units. This is assuming no variances will t�e re�uired. ■ Desiqn Revi�w Board (DRB) review— Design review approval. Although Type Ifl employee housing units are not counted as density from a techr�icai standpoint, I beEieve ihe site may not be able to carry all of the d�nsity proposed. Although the units an the periphery of the lot prov�de a nice #ransitior� ar�d buffer area, staff believes the interior green space shouid be preserved to a greater extent. You will recall tf�e PEC required the provision af this green space and assaciated recreational art�eniti�s wilh #he recently approved employee housing units. Akthough a 20' setback is not required along the easferr� property line, staff believes an additional buffer adjacent ta Garts Sports would be appropriate. Please look at the issues o# site coverage anc! m�nimum landscape area very closely before too rnuch time is invested in the design of the project. The P�blic Works Department has reviewed the conceptual plan and befieves t�ere is adequate sight dista�ce for the proposec� Chamanix Road acc�ss (provi�ed the Town's feeder road standards are met). �� RECF'(;LEDYANF,K � � If you wouid like to discuss this project in grcate+�detail, picase do not hesitate ta contact rr�e at (970) 479-21�0. Sincerely, c �� ��— i�rent Wilson, AICP Planner II i � • 1�, � �� �, � � �9 � �row.N o� vA1L '� �� � D�pc�rtment of Comrnuniry Dei�elopmc��it 75 South Frontage Ruuu Uail, Colnrado 816�7 970-479-2138 FAX y7G1-475�-2452 May ?4, ?00(� Lvnne F�ritzlen i�ritilcn Pierce Sr�iTh Architects �650 East Vail �,1alIey Drive Fallridge G-1 Vail, CO $1657 Re: '1'I�e West Yail t ncl�e 1'r°op�rh� Dear Lynne: Tl�e Town af Vail Puhlic Works Departmerlt is req�iesting lhe followin�plan revisic�ns on the abave-r�terenccd prc�ject prior t� submittal of�in application for builain� perniit. ■ TF,e sit�; plan does not show thc tinal brick wall improvcments near Ch�unonix Lane and thc bus stop are<i. Pl�;ase revise. ■ Na gr:�din� plan im}�r<�vements are shuwn on the site plan. Please prc>vide an overall �rading plan for the areas near tlic bus stop ancf the area ne�ir Cham��nix La��e and Chamc�nix Road. ■ Vl/hat arc; th� to� and bc�ttrarn elevations of the propasecl concretc vvall bef�ind the dumpster ar�;���n Chc west sicie e�f�tht huildit��? " Siglit distance n�e�s t� be maintained (re�arding plantings) at thc Cl�amonix Roaci/Lane icztersecti«n. Please slic�w a minimum c>f I SU' sight distanec lines an the site nlan. ■ Please cnrrect the edg� ot�asphalt line on site pl��n. As prop�s�d, a tree is on the asphalt. lf you w�uld lik� to discuss this prc>ject in �reatcr detail, please do not �7esitate t�� conta�;t me at (970} 479-2140. Sinccrely, ��-.--�-G�..��----. F3rent Wilson, Planner II ,L�� H�:rs�cL�r�r�r�Erz � � MEMORANDUM � TO: Planning and Envirar�mental Gommission �� � FR4M: Community Development Department �� �AT�: May 8, 2000 �, SUBJECT: A request for a height variance (Section �2-7D-6, Town of Va+l Code), to ', allow for the addition of dormers and tower eiements tp an exisfing roof, � Socated at 2211 N. �rontage Rd. (Wes# Vail Lodge)1T�act C, Vail das ' Schone#1; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Vail das Schone#3. ', Applicant: Reaut Corporation, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Smith ', Planner Brent Wilson � �. BACKGRL�UND aND DESGR1PT1oN OF THE REQUEST �� � Earlier this year, the PEC approved the applicant's request for a conditional use permit �� ta allow for the canversion o#83 accommodati�n �r�i#s(hotel rooms)to 4� employee ' housi�g unsts. Additionally, the Vail Town Councif approved Ordinance 5, Series of 2000 ', to allow for the condomir�t�mizatian of employse housing units created from � accommodation units. This reques� involves a praposed remodel of the existing free-market units (and additional floor area for certain EHU's) along the exterior of the existing building. The �i applicant proposes to add dormer and tower elements to the building (uti�szing the °250" � bonus credit and the interior conversion process) in order to provide ar� upgraded ', architecturat prQduct and increased marketability of the units. The applicable � "Commercia[ Core III" zoning allows a maximum building �eight of 38 feet. Since the ' existing (legal non-conforming) ridge height exceeds the allowabSe height per the zoning, �� any addition of bulk and mass to the existing raot str�cture wi11 require a variance [per ' Section 72-18-5(A), Vail Towr� Cocie, "Non-Co�forming Lots and Structures"]. Since the �, proposat as a whole brings tne project closer into compliance wit4� applicable zaning � (with the exception of building 4�eight), staff did not advise tne applicant to pursue t�e � '� establisnment of a special development district fior this purpose. � � On A�ri� 19th, 2000 the Town of Vail Design Review Board encouraged the applicant to �, pursue the praposed design and varia�ce req�est with a scaled-down bulk and mass of ' the proposed tawer elements (°Version 2"). Fina( design re�iew approval is pending �, PEC approvaUdes�ial o#this variance application. � Proiect Historv The West Vai[ Lodge property, constructed in 1979 under Eag�e County jurisdiction, ', currently includes 83 accammodation units (hotel rooms), 19 dwelling units and significant commerciaf floar area. In t�e 1980's, the Town a�Vai! annexed the property ' and a�pfisd Commercial Core III zoning. This zoning designation daes not allow dwelling units or accommodation u�its as a use and tk�e property has been rendered non-conforming since its annexatian inta the town. �, 11VAILIDATAIEVERYOKEIPECIMEMOS\QO\WVLODGE4.doC � 1 „ � ��i ' � � StafF: �he staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requiremenfis are provided and plans conform to the technicai requirements af the Zonir�g Reg�alations. The staf€also advises the applicant as tp campliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo cantaining background on the praperty and pravidss a staff evaluation o#the praject with respect ta the required criteria anci finciings, anci a recommendation on appraval, a�proval with condit�ons, ar denia�. Sta{f also facilitates the review pracess. Town Councii: � Actions of or PEC maybe appeafed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or nat the PEC or DR$ erred wit� approvals or denials and can uphold, c�phold with modi�cations, or o�erturr� the board's decisian. III. STAFF RECOMM�NDAT�ON The Dep�rtment of Community Development recommer�ds approval the applicant's request for a �eight var�ance (Section 12-7D-6,Town Qf VaiS Code), to allow for th� addstion of ciormers and tower elements to an existing roof, s�bject to the following findings: 1. Since the building heigh# has already been established, the granting of the variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege incansistent witt� the limitations on other properties in the zpne district. 2. That the strict fiteral interpretation or enforcemen# pf the height regulatians results in a practica� dsfficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent �nrith the development objectives of the Vai� Town Cade, the Commercial Core III Zone District and th� Vail Master Plarr, with specific re#erenee to Goal Statements 1.3, 5.3, and 5.5 0##he Vail Land Use Plan. 3. There are exceptipns or extraordinary circ�mstances or cor�ditians (structural non- car�farmities) ap�licable to the applicant's properEy that do not apply generally ta other praperties in the Commercial Core III Zone District. IV. Z�NING ANALYSIS Since the property was developed unrler Eagle County jurisdiction, the existing b�ilding has been gfanted a t�gal non-cor�formir�g �"grand€athered") status. Allowabfe Buildir�g Height: 38 feet � Existing Building Height; 58.5 f��t Proposed Building Height: no change; c�ormerl#ower add4tians = 57.2#ee#max. iiVAIL1DATAIEVERYONElPEC1MEMOS1001W VLODGE4.d3oc ! i Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittai requirements are provided and plans conform to #he tecnnical raquiTements of the Zoning Regulatians. The staff also advises the ap�licant as to compliance with tf�e design guide�ir�es. Staff provides a sta�f inemo containing background on the property and prpvides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or deniai. Staff aiso facilitates the review process. Town Gouncil; Actians of D or PEC maybe a{�pealed to the Town Council or by the Town Councii. Town Council evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred wi#h approvals or de€�ials and can uphold, uphold with mad�fications, or overturn the board's decision. IlI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 7he Department of Community Development a�proval the applicant's request for a hei�ht variance (Sec#ion 12-7D-6, Town of Vail Code), to allow for the addition of dormers and tower elements to an exisiing roof, subject to the follawing findings: �. Since tt�e buildir�g heignt has already been established, the granting af the variance would not constitute a grant of speeial privilege ir�consistent wath the limitations on ather properties in the zdne district. 2. That the strict literal interpretation or snforcement of the height regulations resu#ts in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsisteRt with the deve�opment objectives of the Vail Town Code, the Commercial Core IN Zone District and tt�e Vail Master Plan, witF� specific refer�nce to Goal Statements '1.3, 5.3, and 6.5 of the Vail �a�c� Use Plan. 3. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditians {structural nan- cor�#ormities) applicable to the applicant's property that do not apply genera�fy to other properties in the Cammercial C4re I�I Zone Dtstrict. iV. Z�NING ANAL.YSIS Since the property was developed ur�der Eagle County jurisdiction, the existing building has been granted a legal non-conforming ("grandfathered�)s#atus. Allowable Building Height: 38 feet Existing Building Hefght: 58.5 feet Proposed Building Height: no change; dormerlfower adciitians= 57.2 feet max. t\VAILIDATA��VERYQN�I�ECIME M�SlOO1W VLODGEA.doc 3 � � V. REQUlRED CRITERIA AND FINDINGS -VARiANCE A. Consideration of Factors Regarding Variance Requests: 1. The relationship of t�e requested variance to other existing or potentia� uses a�t! structures in the vicinity. Staff believes the primary issue invoaving the relationship of this strucfure to other existing or potenti�l uses and structures in the vicinity is the bulk and rrtass of the existing building. The existing building was cpnstructed �egally under Eagle County regulatians in 1979, but ad�acent properties are iower in profile and typically smaller in scale. Staff believes fhis prapasal ("Version 2," as submitted) wiii help to break up the existing linear bu!!c and mass of the building. Additionally, staff believes #he devsation requested is not excessive ar unreasonable. Pursuant to Sectian 12-15-3 (Interior Conversions), Vail Town Code, dormers are an example of ari exteriar madification that is "nat considered to i�crease building bulk and mass." Given the con�guration of the existing building (northlsouth on a sauth-facing lat), staff does not anticipate any negative sunlshade impacts. On April 24t'', the PEC conducted a site inspection to determine the potential impacts to views from adjacent properties. Staff beli�ves the aciditional dosmer and tower elements will not impact views from other properties as the height of t�e building has already been esta�lished. Adjacent i�uilding heights include McDanald's at apprQximately 36 feet ir� height (via ar� architectural projection) and the West Vail Mall property with approximately 32 feet of bui4tSing height. 2. Tt�e degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforc�ment of a specified regulation is necessary to ac�ieve compatibility and uniformify of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the abje�ctives of this title without a grant of sQeciai Qrivilege. The "Special Ps�ivilege" aRd "Hardship" lssues - Most of the West Vail commercial area was developed under Eagle County}urisdiction and annexed into the Town in 1986. As a result, multiple non-confprmities exist among structures (bot4� residential and commercial) throughout the immediate area. Since the building height for the West Vait Lodge property was established legally under Eagle County regulations in 1979, staff believes some relief may be necessary from tf�e strict or lik�ra! in#erpretation af th� Town's more st�irigent zoning �-egulatior�s on this p�operty. The Planning and Environmental Commissian has consistently held that non-canforrning propert�es constr�cted in the county experience a hards�ip due to the appl'scatson of more stringent zoning after annexation �Maynor 1110/�0 variance, for example). 11VAIL1DA7A1EVERYONEIPEC\MEMOS�00\WVLODG E4.doc 4 � � � Precedents - The Town has approved prevtous height varsances at t�te following tocations: Lot 6, Bloc4c 9, Intermountain—(8113190� Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn 5t"Addition--(2J14183) Lot 6, Forest Glen —(12112194) The Town has approved similar requests (GRFA above allowable buiiding height) through the SaD process af the following iocations: SDD#7 (revisee!)—the Marriot SDD#14—Daubletree Hatel SDD#21 —Vai� Ga#eway SDD#30—Vail Athletic Club The "250" additions — The intent af the Town's °250" ordinance, as drafted, is as follows: ...to provide an inducemenf for the upgrading of exrsting dwelling units which have been in existence within the Town for a psriod of at least frve (5)years by � permiffing the addifion of up fo iwo hundred frfify (250j square feet of gross resrdentia!floor area (GRFA) to such dwe!lrng units, provided the criteria set forth in this Section are met. Propasals for the utilization of the additiona! GRFA under fhis provisron shal! comply with all Town zoning requiremeni�s and applicable development standards. !f a variance is required for a proposal, it shall be approved by fhe Planning and Environmental Commission pursuant �o Chapter 17 of this Titl� before an application is made in accordance with this Section. The applicant must obi`ain a 6uifding permit within one year of�nal Planning and Environmental Cammissron appraval or the approval for additiona! GRFA shall be voided. The Vaii Town Cod� acknawledges certain existing dwelling units will not be abSe to meet a!1 developmer�t standards with the utilizafion of the "25�" creclit. Therefore, the code allaws variances for 250 additions, subject to approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Alt�tough the utiltzation of the "250" bonus credit is not given as of right and the utilizatio� af the credit in this instance furthers the existing non-conformity, staff believes this proposal meets the criteria outlined for varianc�s and would resu4t in a better housing product for both the EHU's and the free-market units. 3. The effect of the requestet! variance on light ar�c! air, distril�ution af population, transportation and trafFic facilities, pu6lic facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe fhis proposai wiif impact any of the above-listed facilities. New proposed bui7ding elements wiit be lower than the existing roof ridge of the building and will be set back a minimum of 80 feet from property lir�es. 11VAI LIDATAI�VERYDNEIFECIMEMOS\00\WVLODGE4.doc 5 � � B. The Planning and Environmental Cammission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting oi the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege incansistent with the limi#atians on other properties classi�ied in the same district. � 2. That the grantir�g of the variance wili not be detrim�ntal to the public �, health, sa€ety ar welfare, or materially injurious to praperties or � impravements in the vicinity. '� i 3. That ths vari�nce is warranted for one or more of the fol�owtng reasons: 'i � a. The strict�iteral interpretation or er�forcement of ths specified i regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary �i physica� hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. I I b. There are excep#ions or extraardinary circumstances or condifions �I applica�ie to the same site of the variar�ce that do nat apply �I generally to ather properties in the sam� zane. � � c. The strict interpretation or enforcement af the speci�ed regula#ion �� would deprive the applica�t of privileges enjoyed by the owners of � other properties in the same district. �i i i � �I �I �1VAILIDATAIEVERYONEIPEGIMEMOS1001WVLODGE4.doc 6 �'�s�� �;, y6 g�f � . �. �� ' f� 3 ;� . S�" "'' �. . . . � �� �(�( � � . ar a,,' .. . . . . , .� , . . � �: � -.��. y'�.; .S; �� �� . . ., �, �� � � , , . v9' � : . .t r' . ;� �':. r � ; rE . . . � ... . .. '. .. ': , . .�s ,: .,,,.,�t ; �� . � '� � z t �`; �_ }a £L � �� � 'k R. � . .. - 3���� # F F �� � � � �` h �,� "� ` ' '� F, � s � x � ; _ '.. . ,� �. T [ � :, ..,,.- .' JS.� iZ.:- .. � , .. 3 .. ^� .. �� £ { �� 23 �� � � � � �p'' � . 3 �: � �E �.: �� . - �"- p # ; � EE � - . � � .�� �� :3 k f �,) { . .. .. E �s �� s' 3E f', t ��'� 3 y, F � . . ���� - �� ; k .. . � � ��� $ # � � � , . £ -. � f ��j C . � x. „ � � f s ���, , s� � .# 3� � 4 � ..�.�. � �*, . ., i�y ..,�k & . Ji - .. . .� ' A . .• � z � ... . � . � . �'��'�� E � . �', �� . 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'",y :;:.. ;`i f �.� t � ��r_r ,.�,?i i l,� ....r; � �� »�� •.:.. �, , ,.........W.��_ . •. � —......F ,—� ,.� �� � �.._.. � ��,'�` , � :.„.................� ,. ,' �� �� .�_.:.........................,fy . � ' �HIS i`��M MAY AFFECT YOUR PP,O�EATY PEJBLIC NOTfCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PEannir�g and Enviranmenta( Cor�missian of the Town af � �� Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Gode of th� `�, Town of V�il on May 8, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In r consideratian of: ° A request fc�r a �ide setback variancs from Section 12-5d-6 of the Town Coc�e and a site coverage variance frorn Section 12-6D-9 of the Tawn Code, to allow for a resic�ential additior� within setbacks and in excess of allowabie srte coverage, located at 1007 �agles Nest Gircle,'Lot ' 1, B9ock 6, Vadd Village 7`h Filing. Appli�ant: Kaye Ferry, represented by k�KD, �nc. Plann�r: Bre►�t Wilson A request far a front setb�ck variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town Code, t� ailow for an �dditon, locatec� at 2865 Snowberry Drive/Lot 2, Block 9, A resub �f Lots 2 & 3 B, Vai! Intermountain. Ap�lica�t: C�ive Reeman anc! Loui�e Randall, representec� by Raifton McEvoy Architects Planrier: Allison Ochs A warksession to discuss a �roposed zoning code amendement to Section 12-78-1$ (Location of Busir�ess Activitv7, which would ailow for mob�fe information dissemination within the CCf Zon� District on public property. Applicant: VVTCB Planner: Allisan Ochs A request for a canditionai use permit, to allow for the creatiort of a community garden, t� be tocated at 2450 S. Frontage Road/Unplatted, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional �se permit, to elir�inate a dwelling unit, located at 124 E. Nfe�dow DriveiVillage Center Condominiurns Building B/Lot 5E, Vaid Viflage �s` Filing. Applicant: �urt Nordstrand Planner: Ann Kjerulf A review of a staff approval of a minor amendment to SD� �#2, to allow for the addition ofi cornrr�o�� area between Buildings D&E, loca#ed at Buildings Q�E, 600 Vail Vadley Drive/A part af Tract B, Vail Village 7`h �iling_ Applicant: Northwoods, repre�sented by Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Plan�er: �,ffison Ochs A request for a variance from Sections 12-6D-9 (Site Coverag�), 12-6D-8 (Density� and 12-6D-6 � (Setbacks}, Town Code, to allow for a garage and residentiai addition, located at 2955 � � Bellflower DrivelLot 6, 81ock 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Afan & Francine Pet�rs ,g 4 � Planr+er: Allison achs �,�-sY.�,_. .�, . � �� , �� TU�i�,'�'OF Vr�IL �/ -- l � 1 West Vail Lo�ge—A request foTa heigfnt variance (Section 12-7D-6, To�of Vail Code), to ` allow for the addition of dormers and tower elements Co an existing roof ridge, located at 2211 i N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Tract C, Vail das ScY�one #1 ; Lats �, 2 and 3, Vail das ; Schone #3. ; Ap�licar�t: Reaut Corporation � P9ann�r Brent W�ason ' The applications and informatian abovt the proposals are avaiEabfe for pubiic inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Deveiopment Departrr�ent, ?5 Sauth Frontage Road. Please cail 479-2138 for infQrmation. Sign language int�rpretaEion available upon request with 24 hour notifrcation. Flease call 479- 2356, Telephone for t�e Hearing Irt�paired, for information. Community Development Department Published Apri� 21, 2000 in the Vail Tr�il. i 2 � � � ' Warren , Lauren, and Christoph�r Garbe 2289 Chamonix Lane Unit #3 Vai� , CO 81657 Carolyn and Elizabe�h Coaney � 2289 Chamonix Lane Unit #2 Vail , CO 81657 t �irk Layer �/o City Corp Mortgage P.O . Box 790009 St . �.ouis , MO 63179-00�9 Gina Tobey 163Q dgden Street D�nver, CO 8021$ � Cecile Spadafora I09 N. 3rd Street Indiana , PA Z5701 , � � Douglas �"oster P .4 . Box 2312 Vail , CO 81658 . � McDonalds Corporation � 2171 N. Frontage Road West Va�l , C� 81657 Fritz Architec 1650 E� Vail, Co 1 CoZorado Department of Transportatio�s Attn : Mike Smith 222 S . 6th Street Grand Junction, CO 81501 van, �,uiurau�J 61oo/ i' Vail Commons Managemen� Partnershii c/o 3540 Merle Lane Nor�hbrQOk, IL 60062 . � � C�cile Spadafora 109 �1. 3�d Street Indiana , PA Z5701 . �ina Tobey P630 c?gden Street ��nver, CO 8021� � N � p1 N QJ �'- CO fS N � � . � C� .'7 (� �'' � O w � t� � 0o O W � � � Ol M• 1"S � � � J � C � fll ',3 pJ N � a � Dirk I,ayer Y- � c/o City Corp Mortgage `t n P,O . Box 79Qd09 �- � � St . Louis , MO 63179-0009 w ct O � � � h G] iv �t t7' �1 Carolyn and Elizabeth Coon�y 2289 Chamonix L�ne Unit #2 Vail , CD 81657 c . `A" � � .r., +� Jimmy Kay ana ,7ack Sanders .� 730 Hobbs Road � Jeffersan City, �[p 65109 0 u� � � �n s� a� � � 0 v � 0 x a � � Brian Wachs 0 � � 2269 Chamonix Lane Unit #3 � Vail , CO 81657 a �n �n E-+ M l0 � � N �l oD � '� �S O •� O CJ F� PQ q1 • '--I � O •� .,� • r� L1. ^�. ✓ 1 David and Abby Schwartz Stewart and Hindi Friedman 6b$ Flagstaff Drive Cincinnati , OH 45215 Lot 2 Tall Pines LLC 50Q S . Frontage Road 3 #112 Vail, CO 81657 . , ,�,..-.:_ Y�. .i� Arct�itecture r�anning intenars 1650 East Vail Val� � r., C/1 � Vail, Colorado 81 Bur� and GZen�a Wong 40 Sertha Circle Colorado Sprinys , CO 80906 + t Nishizawa Shoji Company LTD. � � c/o Ken Ita � � PO Box 19'74 � •�+ � Eagle, CO 81631 ,s� r-d cv �+ O o � UQ� C� � � � � U -� a � � a, � �"� A U ro '�7 O �f � � C�1 ro •� � o � b � �,� � ,3oesph Billig '�"d 'a 2309 Chamonix Lane Q N � Vail, CO 81657 i Vail, Caiorado 8�657 Vine FeraInc. P.O . Box 3$19 Vai3. , CO 81658 �� ��� Desigr� Revie� Action Form � ���o��gl� °� � TOWN OF VAIL Pro3ect Name: West Vail Lodge Pro}ect Description: Redeve2opme�t Plan—comrnercial expansionlremodel,convers�on of 83 aecommodation units into 41 Type i�� erriployee hoasing units, expansion/remodel of existing free- market dweZling units, land�cape/exterior modi�cations. Owner, Address and Phone: Reaut Corporation, 512 Main Street, Suite 706, Fort Worth,TX 76102 � Architect/Contact, Actdress and Phane: Fritzlen Pieree Smith, Attn: Lynne Fritzlen, 1650 East Vail I Valley Drive, Fallridge C-i,Vail,CO 81657 Project S#reet Address: 2211 N. Frontage Road � Lega�Description: Tract C,Vail das Schone#1; Lots 1,2 & 3,Vail c�as Schone#3 Parcel Number: 21Q3�ll4-15-01� Buildir�g Name: Comments: Project#: PRJ00-0134 ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O,V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDII�G PQTE�VTIAL ASBESTOS ASATEMENT ISSUES --479-2325���* Board / Staff Action Motion by: Clark Brittain Action: Approved with Cvnditions Seconded by: Brian Doyon Vate: 2-0�� (Pierce recused} Conditians: 1) The pedestrian path at the NW corner of the property shou�d be routed up towards Chamunix Lane. 2) The applicant must return at a later date far DRB rev�ew of a comprehensive signage pragra�n. 3) Tawn Engineer a�praval is reqnired prior to building permit issuance. Tawn Planr�er: Brent Wilson Date: May 17, 2Q00 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: �50.04 i „ Town of Vail Departtnertt of Camrizunity Qevelopmeni 75 5. Frontage Road V�ii, CO $1657 Name: �N t i z.r.�r� Q 1��-�� f ,v i < < Receipt Na. Address: l b Se � , ✓,p�L �/ ,,,�,_ J � G�, Project: Ln1. A 3�., t,.-o E � Date � � L3/ o � Please make checks payabfe to the TOWN OF VAiL Accaunt htv. I Item � No, Code#',�osi Eactt! Total , i --- + -- �--- - -- � Q01 QOQQ 314 1�1 fl Zoning and Address Ma s ' j�q $�Qp ,* 001 QOOQ 314 1112 Uniforrn Buiiding Code- 1997-Volume�&2 j �CS �50.55 j' 00� 0004 314 1 i 12 `Un�form Bufldin9 Cade- �897-Volume 3 �� j i $�7.�0 �* 001 a000 3��1� ;2 InternaTia�af�'lumbin Cad�-1997 ��jCB �38.00 j' 001 Q000 314 �112 i Inter�ationa[�techanicai Code-1998 � ' �W�B $35.00 �� O(i1 7000 3t4 1 S 12 ��niform Nlechanica!Cade-1997 �i-T �33.E� ' OQ7 OODO 314 1112 Uniform Fire Cade �CB �38.00 j` �01 0000 3�4 1 t12 Natfonal Electrical Code , IC$ i $37.0—�.-��Y-- q01 0000 3'4 i 1 Z 2 Abatement oi(]angerous Bldg.'s 1997 J � �9.95 ' 001 OOOQ 314 ��'12 iMode!Ener Code- 1995 , $10.D0 I* 001 fl090 314 1112_�_Anaiysis of Revisions to 1997 t�nifarm Codes � � ; $12.75 ;* d(I� �000 314 1 t i 2 �Other Code 600ks � __;___�CB ! ��• QOf �OQO 3�A 12�� Blue Prints/M lar_ Copy Fees � �B� $7.Q0 �` 401 OODO 314 ?1�1 Xerox Copies ;XC ' �0.25 * 001 0000 314 t 1;1�Lionshead Master Plan $1.80/$�.60) MS ! �40.OQ ' �0'i OOQQ 314 T 71� Studies, ,1�aster plans,etc. �S ; * 00� QQ00 315 3000 Penal Fees/Re-ins �ctions F�N 001 0000 311 2300 7 Plan Revisw Re�heck Fse($40/{�er hour) P� OQ1 0000 3t5 2000 �Off}-IQurs ins ection Fess � Oy �, OD1 Ofl00 372 3Q00 Contractors License Fees � r��. ` T'� - L - - 001 �000 312 4QQ0 i�Sigrs Application F�e �SP $20.00 ;� 001 Oa00 312 400 d itional Sign Application Fee SP —T 001 4000 311 2204 Desi n Review 8oard �ee�Pre- aid� DF� So aoY aa�o si s 3aoo 8�iidirt Invest� a#ian Fee PN ! -�� � OOl OQQ�24�3�00 �Devabper Imprwsment Apreemern Deposii D2-OFPyO 4p ; � 007 �OQO 3]2 1000 �' 3i , 007 000(123a 2000 - t_Re� iA ' 'Od1 OOOQ 2Q1 1000 �' .p - --� `001 0000 31 Q 1 100 '7 , � h5 i i __._ Yorn of Vail � - - --- 00Y 0000 311 25Q0 *+�+� G�$T4MER RECEIPT +�*+� 007 aaoo s�� 25aa DA'fE: 4/18/d8 81 kECEI�7s 888765� ,� ; ��oa.00 ► 001 D000 311 2500 AESCRI�TIOH aTY R?#0!!NT TP T!S V + $200.0�! 007 0400 311 2500 ; g�g��} REVIE� fE i fS�.BB �DR CK v : $2oo.ao ; . �01 0000 311 250Q ��1TZL�N PIEBCE 511�TH V ', �500.00 ; oo� aaao s�� 2�0o v ^ ' ��,�oo.00 ' oo� aaoa 311 2soo ; ��NBE� DETAI�. v : �1,000.00 � ao� o00o s�� 2�ao � G1S 9�F,9 t58.89 V ± �2oo.ao ' OQ1 ooQa 31� 2500 ' DRTE: 4/ib/98 TI�E; 14s5�.�6 V ; 001 0000 311 2500 TOTAI CHECK ���.� y f $250.00 0�1 0000 311 250fl �l4QlfNT 3EHDERED ��8•�� � �, $25fl.OQ q01 0000 319 3140 � ! J � $2��Q� � r�►� r� Fa� rc� �arn�wT � � � � E ��OTAL: r-. Comments: � Cash Money�rder# Check# � RecB�ved by: �w � . FJEvaryorie/Fcxms��eiesact.exe 2l1�l99 ���x��'2,�� ���� ',l'�' ;"�'�Y�'#k'.�°uu_-,.�^�v �”` �p,l°� ��:�� '�t � lu��� J'•'� 071�r'�°�� :.�. V � � k� � k�'�`� °zS" T } d '6' °��ii � q , rr�w.�°�.� �,c�'�4";r�:�'"���`'�[�f'�.�i�. 'y..��wn.,!�=w��'''�'"'�°',w�'a�i�:�"'� � � �+' � /. , �i ~ � ���# � �� „ L�'� � ,� r TQWN QF YAIL Uepartrnent of' Communitv Develon�nent 75 Se�uth Fronta,�JP Roud l�ail, Culoradv �Ih57 970-47�-21��4 Ff�X 97(�--�79-245? May 8, ?�f)Q Lyn�e Frit�len Fritzien Pierce Smith flrchitects 16�+(} East Vail Vallew Drive F�illrici��e C-1 Vail, CC3 81(��7 Re: T6ie [�'est G'ail Lr�dge I'r•ope►°hr llear Lynr�c�: 'I't��s lettcr will serve to coxatirm t�c Plannin� anci Er�vironmental Cun�mission's May �`t' approval of the W�s� Vail Lc�d�e's rcc}uest tt�r a hc�ght variance to ��llow for tElc additic�n of tower and �lormer elem�nt� ta the existing roof. This projecY is scheduled tor tinal Desi�aY Review Board review on Wednesciay, May 17`". Please makt sure the tinal s�t ��f DR� plans c��ntains the J�llowing c��m�unents to �nsur� we can proc�ed as schedulecl: ■ f'er tl��: PEC conc�ition c�f'approval, please show the pedestri�zn ac�ess to the tc�wn bus st.op rc�Uted �ircetly ti-om thc� 5ubject property t.o the tc�wn rigl�t-�7f-way (not on West Vail �UPall pr��perty). ■ Per the PE(' candition ot'approval, �le�{se shc�w thc; cumpleti��►1 ot�th�: existing retai►iing �vall at the n�rth end of the praperty on the site plan. • P�;r tf�e PEC cc�ndition ot�approval, pl�ase sliow a landscaped buffer area alo�� t}le nc�rtheast pc;rimeter o#the property. ■ Ylease he sure to submit atcurate and ec>mplete f1o�r plaris that retltct today's PE� a�praval of the reyucstec� height variance. ■ Ylease submit a complete ��radin� plan for sta��f review (prior to building permit). ■ Please r��ake sure the p�antfn��;s at tly� north�vest �c�rner of the proper�y re►nain �t least ]0' off of th� �tlge of asphalt to ens�ire adequat� �ig11t visibility at t��e r�ad intersection. ��� ftF.CYCLF;DI'AYER � � ■ Ple�se shaw snvt� storage or rna��a�ement sol�itions on ti�c site plan. ■ Prcase c�nsid�r ��iminatin� parkin� spaces that b�oek �edestrian acc�:ss (pet-t��� p�edr:strian circulation �l�n). Of p�rticular concern is the access to the McDor��ild's property. ■ Ple�se provide a sand and �r�ase trap on the site plan. At #h�ir April 19`h mee;tirl�*, the Town of Vail DesiUn Revic�v Board c�necptttally revi�;tivecl t1�c abov�;-referenccc� application, Foflowirag ts a hrief syrro�sis of their comm�nts ti-om this meetina: ■ "T}2c asphalt shin`�1�5 arc acccpt�tbl� as �rapose;ci." ■ "The `�ullnc�s' of each landscape E�lant�r must bc conf�inne� by stak�f dt "�CQ." ■ "Th�p(anter walls must he ca¢���ed; please�ring a picti�re sarnple ta tlle liilal DEtB mcGtii�g." ■ "Please elirni«�te the roc�f stacks. The tire vcnts must l�e painled to naatch anel placcd an offsets wheraever pussibfe." ■ ""I'he louvres rnust;o away (on the east tow�r�). Please pur5ue a building i�dentitieati<�n si�n on tl�e large hlank yva�l." , "All windc�ws n�,ust match fo�r th� entire building--wi€h the same color�;lad." ■ "The pr��posal must include guttcrs (conccrn tor water off of all thc c3or�ners.) Thcse can �e shown arhuilding permit." ■ "Ylease shc�w the stucco band and wc�od trim ��iece at tinal I�1�3 review." It�you wo�lci like tc� ciiscuss thas prc�jecti in ,�reater cletail, please cic� n�t hesitate tc� contact �r�e at (97{}) 479-21��i). Sic�cercly, �j�`-•-�-y,�1� �"/ � Brent Wils�n �'lanner IT � � ��`, , �. +'� � „ , '� �'� .. �� � TOWN�OF UAIL � ��Y k���r',��..� � Depurtmen�t vf C�omrntlnity Develc�prneral 75 Sc�uth Frontuge Rr�ud Y'uil, Coloruclo �?1657 974-�79-?138 FAX 970-=17y-?452 ,April I l, 2l)00 .�erome Nathan Reaut Corporation 512 Main Street, Suite 70G I�ort Worth, 1'X 7fi 1 Q2 Re: Tjie YVest Ycri1 Lnr��e Prnpei•ty/ T��act C, �uil�lcrs Scho��e #1; Lots 1, ? an�l�, �'ail dus Selzofre #3 Dear Jerome: This l�tter will serw��; tu confirm t��� followin, approvals from the "��'own of Vail for applfcations regard�ng th�; abt�vc-referenccd prc�perty. ■ An approval ti-om tht Tuwn �f Vai1 Planning anc� Envirc�nmtntal Cc�mmissi�m (C?3f13/0�) for a conditi�n�il uw� permit ko allow For thc conversion of 3�3 cxistin� accomm��datic�n units (hotel r�oia-is} to �1 7'ypc III �mpl��yee housing units. ■ An approv:�l trom tt�e Vail T�wn Council of Ordit�ancG Nun7b�.� 5, Series u1�2(3�0 (��/04/Of)). �I,his ordin�nce amends the �'own of Vail S��bdivision Regulations to allc�w for thc �onduminiumizati�n o#emplc�yc� housin� ur�its that have Y��en convcrted from existing accomm�d�itii�n units (hotcl roo►ns). t�.s ot�today's date, th� tollc>win� a�pli�ations are still pendin�: ■ :� request tor a varianc� fre�m Section 12-7D-6, Vail To�vn Coe�e, to allow t�r thc addition of�rc�ss re�iclential tlo�r area in �xcesti of aliowable builcEin� hci`I�t. This application c�eals with t��e conFiguration c�f thc free-market units on t13e faurth and fii�th leve�s. • A request tor desi�n review approval fc�r a proposec3 redcveloprr�ent plan. This appiication is thc; Iast stLp in the proccss and it deals with the exterior�esthetics of the }�roposc:d redevelopmcnt of the property. �•ftF:r'}`CLCDI'.4PE'H F� � , • . .., ;, a.. _ �, , r a�: �, y,.�,S.. ,�,,; � ,,.,:r o;a'1_ a,�ec, a;'�. .� „t:�. .. �... ;� ..��. t�_�. . . 4' . . � .�. . ..a .,+w:�_. .. �;y:�M� ^C .�:�.i. ., u- �.. � � If you would like to �is�;uss thcse os�ties in gr�;ater detail, pl�;asc dr� not I�csifate to contact me at (97Q) 474-21�(?. Sittcerely, �,�-� w-�-�- Brent Wilson, Planncr lI a , ., ��,, .. .,, _ _ , �k"�"�6'�By'"n.r"n�'�:Nta^ �.�1,1N'�iT d '#�?`'a+^Me a'�:���'+�'�r."',�?.�..r'�'Pok"Cdb��.r cf r ^r,4�"t.w�en u �°�'���d6�$n4. u�n�...a'.r�,'IL! r���"�,""Mk�� -�,°,.�',.'n,�"`a�u�,y,.�tk'�.�r'� .h.x�s"�"�'S,�S�it.r'a�i���rv'!�1�A ��f.:N`�k w w:`�,d�r �r,,�Y�y'�;^.�M;; �4'�'�'a��r'"..,w � � . �� ��� ���--��� �. , � � � `P.41��� l�3 T�4?!��'f�1L-, r : �._... �UGC� �,.,G� , , , �� .��,�y ' �`.t..-��,� �x ". �- P1'(�fBCt : Wesf I�nil Lo�fge Re�levelop»tent p,,� ;, �ltle; Bandir�g Detciil � ���'`�,:��, y�, DRt.e: Nfay 15, 2000 Ax���� A R C li I T E C T$ / � � � �. / � � - _ . � . , � � v 9 � :> �' ' L � I � ( � f ��- Z" G�� � ; �'�otiu.►r�.�T'�l� �'` ��� ��, , � ,_ {`4''5 � �� F � !� 1 � , y �` '/ � ' . � + y'� ���I 1/ Y� L/►'/ j �( ; � v1� `��--�'� � { I � 1 1 � I � 1 1 x�r� °�� PYUJ�CI : West T�ail Ladge,t�edevelopf�iertt , � .° ! , � „ , �'itle: Pla�iter Delail . a ; � , �� Date: .Ntay rs, 2ono ����_ �.: . .., { .,��,.� ���..� ARr_ i1 irecrs � �f� � y � � � � �.3j�7 "2c�ct ci�:.3; '�7k1a7649�1'_ FPS PpU'� �2 � �. .. , � , ;, {.�uc�tiuns? C;�1�rfoc Planrain�StaF!�t�119-2 f 2R � . � "� aPP�,.tCnT�QN r<�DR bLS�GN R.E���V��Ap.p�O��At, ' � r�Wf�a� ���� R. ��� This a�s�licKtdan,i�fo1'8ny ptOjcCt cc�quiring Desisn RcviCw�nprnval. Any pr��tct requirin�dcsi�rcric�v rnq� rcccivc D4�9gn�dcv�c�,,,p(ap�pwA!��{pr to��b�niKin�fora 6uiEdin�ncru�it. ficrr sricci fic inForr:3atior+,s�tl�c sub�ttilt�l ►cyuircn�ra�t�r for thc(�niCt�l�r p�prov�!that is requesred. Thc a�plir.atiadcACetyot be ecc��tcd unti!atl thc'rcquir� infanx�ntiat i,r�t�bn►ittad. 7'hc�r�ject may aLvo necd to be r�vi�wcd by tho Town Couz�ci�an�"!ar the Pt�nnin�end Et+vironm�nhl Comnai�sea�. D�rF�R ltcvi�w Baard approv��axplr�t p�p y��r 4Ttar f�tt��'pprnv�!ui�lea�x duildin�permlr 1s issaed and c�4a#�uct[r�p�t started. A. [�P.SCRIPTIOT�t QF TP-IE REQUEST; _���..�, I �-�-�`�i �� I � �• LOCATION OF ['RpPOSAL; LOT:��p�,4CK:� F��,��: �-�"""""' rHySt�AL ADDft�SS: �'" - � � �; ('AitC�L�:�� �-����'- '= �Gotytact�aglc Ga, hcscssars Ofticc a!970•328-KG4�}foc�arcel ft) U, ZONiNC: � � E. �yAMF OF UW[V�R(g); �' MA1�.�DD�RES$; �, �� _�� ��� PHC7��: �, � UW���tfS)�IGNATURE(S);_ ,� . �. �AIME C)F'AP�Llt:AN7': 1 ,� --"^"--�—° �''�x"--..-.�y ,�. � _ '�.,._.L. r��_„�,,L,_ _ MAIL�NG ADD�{ESS:�_�,M�__.�_:�� -�.�.�����. ' � H. 'FYP�UF R�V�EW AND F�E: PNON£- — '� C1 fVrw Ca�ttrucHon-S2fl0 Cflt1�x,,tiort Of a oCw$uyl�ling, �3 Additiar�- SSb l�,cludcs.any,addl�itm���u�'c fotN�gc is adcicd kd any rc�d�nh9! rar t�Mlna�A.�tcr�eioe_� conur�caaAf�'wTdin;�.. ._ S2� .7nc(u�dcs�,inor..chang�s�i buildin�and site in� . n+rcrofing,r�iq�p$,windaw addihtx�s.land�,�,prn�►.te cc ancicretaining C]:�Cot�ue��uat Aev�e�- 50 wa!!s.ctc. . FxanY aPPlic�tioat.�w6erc.ah�s��iaret vnshrx ic�mect with D�ti g r i R e v i c v� 'B o a c�d t o'd c t a►m i a o.W�t hef ar not thc�r�frct gcrtcrafty cnn�lics with ri,c � . , . desi,gn guidcl3ncs.�Th�.DRB does nak vota pn ccanceptual,�sviews, � DR$fcrs arc to bc paid at the tirue b!`st,b�aittal'. �ftr,wh�t spplying for�buil�ir�g�ennit,plcase idc„t�t thc aa;c��atc v�luaNn�v af thc.�r�jcet, ThG 1'OVF�of V�1.�1 wiC��djust the frC a��ords��g to thc��oject v;�E���cion. � �'�+����SUBMIT"CHIS ArP�.[CdT1pfV,q�,L��gM['�'TA�,�Q�J;�;���NTS AND THE FEE TO 7NE I D��AdiTMLNT�(}F C(3MI1�[1N�'�'y p�V��Ak.Y1�EN?',7S SE}UTH FR4NTAG�ROA U. I� VAiL,.CpL4RAl�Et 8I�5?. . �^�a� � ���� � � , i � rc� �,..��' U��,,,"' r M+c r t .� �s e ,'ja'� ' �y'��y �, ,�, t .z` F �a ; � F; t �:�:'-G���� d�7 �l .. ����'yy r Md�a�� �' � � 1' ,,..,r...,r.— 4.��� I n �''�,T �ne�Y �:-w w, F 1 �,.�� k t.�* y'..' ��� °_�}n�i��'�� 1 � . � �� ..: '�A���c!l�Q3�t"�t r '�' .� .� -(. '"';'"...�"r'~~.—, " _ ` �, .a,_.._ �- —��--` � ...�-. E'J��3 Mcctiti�`D�tc: ' -,�.,..........._ � a ��J`�'? '�'�W �V�'��� f i C U':'; � �;���,, � w' '�' ` � � � ' L T F_PAOI'OS�D MATERIA�.S , � ' . BUILDING M�4.T�RIALB: �E 9F�vIATERIAL: ., , , COLOR:* � Roof ' --� � : Sidin� �"���`�'' _ __ Ot�cr Wall Materials �ascia r —�t£�-T _____ , So�ts C"—�`�t�a��_ - - Wsndows ��t t£�s-� � Wirtdow'I'rim . Door� _��� �-r' ! Door Trim � �y S� _ ` Hand or Dcck Rails �'lues _��j.�� -- , Flashings � Chimneys �-1�'�' Trash Enc[asures ����'� Greenhau5es � y --- Retaining Wails ,_����`� Exteriar Ligk�ting*�` Other * Please specify the manufach.�rer's co[or,number and at#ach a smal�colar chip ** A![exterior Iigh�ing mt�st rneet the Town's�.ightin,g 4rdinance 1$.54.050(J), If exterior]ighting is proposed, please indicate th�number of fixtures ac�d lvcations vn a separate ligbting plan. Ide�tify each fixt�are type and provide the�eight above grade,lumens output,l�tminnus area,ar�d attaeh a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. , � � 2 � � . 8�l27/2996 89:37 970A750.991 F'PS F4�aE 03 y ' . � n+�rr�q11� . � � p�af Appllcatlon r)ats af DHB Meoq Data nf I�EC Mertir�p (li ntcouawvy)��� A#�1+t.ICATIQI�t FOR ADtSI'1"101+�,4l.QltPA��) �. Y r Standard 250 � _� 7ype F EHU Z� � ,�_ Type It �NU 250 � Typ�V EkiU 2�p !!. P - � , , �W�-app�c�fori avnfsrence w!m�lmembu bf the pl�r,nln�s�i f��►ror,Qty encouraped t4 � ��aa►en th�MnvF�{ane�nrler whlch�to�f CiR�A aarr bs a�d to e ske. rt shauid be ur►OMttood that tltis ardtnanae daes not s9sur�e�h P+'a�,�,r�Y,�edmtlanal 250 C1R�A. R�1sh�,ths ordfianc� �tllaws fvrsl�t4.250�u n.tn,��sha oarufltions a�f�rth Met o1 �APtsr!8.'�7�Chapter 1$.7i of tha To�nrrt pf y�t�t eaq�q��pt. Applk�IGna i�ad��ons under�Ftis 5ectlor►w�!not be bocept�d ur+i��pY�y�rt�. Thi�lndudbs�R tnforrr►atian required an�!c lorm��t�,���R«vMrr Board e�GrNtt�l requir�ment8. � m. �►aaucrrTiQH»r-cy�nn�r�o,,� ` � ', A. pliOJ�C"Y DESCR�PTION f�( 1 i ' �'/'�L�su,��[�I'�, 4 �. LOCATIpId QF PA�AI: Ncfdrass _ Le�al�esc�tption: Lo�,�,_9tACk �dt�rg 1, ¢ �, �.� Zana D1atrld C. NAME O�APPLICANT: addross � ��� �I �. NAME OF APPUGANTS REPA�&E,NTATIVE:,�;�r �.,. ....,_,_� .. i' Pdidresa�� s�- . . . �' E. N�►N�OF 41NMER(S}' _ � "` Si�r1NUl�e(! Y Abdrass Phone , .� F. �illrtip Fe�4f$2pp.(3p ig r�qullBd st Ilme aF 8u�rnlHdl af a st�derd 25p. �pr a raquest lnvolylnp ar►EHU,lk�e fe9 is wahred. . .>:�. , , , . i • • , , '�j l09'j''�li , kh�t"'s� I I �)9�i� '±; •'�� � f r � �II . _ _I,��� w � .r��ii �i. ^ „ C�uc- ;.�n�`? �'a!I in+�u`. � � ��at�;, .,: ,;`�-�P�A r .;T-°'r"� `� � � ` ,L� AF'PB.1CA'TIOy F4R FI.. tVING.�,C�. .�N'VDRUNNpA*.!'�ff l'A�. �; COMt1+tI�S1�[Y �APPft�VAL T0�'N a�'i�AZL � �;�;NFKAt. IN�'4RM�A�'1 ON -- '�'his appiication is faren}�p�r7je�2 requir�n�anprpv�l by th�.�'lannirs�and Envirnnmental�an�miss'rc�n. �'�r spccific: inForn�atio�t,s�e tht s�abn�ittal req�,ir�rr��ts for th�gart'scu�ar a�pravzl that is rcyi��siad. 7�tc<�p{icatian Can not bc accepce�tu►ti)a;l rcquir�d u�farniaiinn is su�nuttcti. 'I'hc prr�ject may slso rsecd to hc re;+i�ewcd by t1�c';'o�v� Caear�cii ar�cUcr thc Ucsi�i�cvi;,�rr$oarci. A: TY�� l�F APf'LICA'TlON: . �l eArMidoc�al GFtE^A (250) p Amcndmcnt to x� A,pproved�cvrlopment Pl-u� � �cd and F3eGaicfask ❑ �mployee F-�ousin�;Unit(TYP��---- �_) � Conditiona) L�se Fs�sit '� \Flajor br'�J Minar Cl",`d Extcrior Alttration �7 Ma�or or CJ P�4inur Subdivisian �('Vail Village) ❑ R�czoni� G Major pr CP htinar CCII Extcriar�lt�ratior� �� Si�Vaeiance (1.ionst►ead� V�riancc [:7 5pec�al ilcvcic�mcnt Distzict ❑ ?on+n�Code Amendment Cf Maj�r ar C� Minor A,�4en�nY�,�nt tu an 5Di) B. b�,SC;RlPTfO�;0�'T�-iE REQUEST: � - - .._. --���-�.� - ---- ____ c. r oC!�T�o�v c�r pR�posA�,: Lo�~�_�c.c�cK ___ �tr.��ac��,������— - '�. J ApDRESS: B111C.DINGNAME: �, �C�� D, ZOf�fING�T'Tl�F��z4��.,Y. ��____ ._. __�.� E- N�.1�fE OF C}WN�R(�}:'-��� M.u�.11_f:�1G AJ?C�RESS: `� �_�� �� �—��. �..�-lr��_�KOr�,�:�1�-��[�?��C� �'. OVI�'IY�;R(5)51CNA"F°L�RE(S):��.--_r-�.,-�,.. , �_'-'C„ ---�___�._.��. __�_.�— G. NAM�OF REPRE5EIL'"�'ATI�:,_,,..��.C'�1 n� , f��,.��,.�+� C�c�ao M►`'�-�'ON Iv�.hIL�fG�,U�RESS;. S 11.-�e.�._��1r�-.�.��_�.�{-�l-r� �C'�o '�aoc�� c.� 7 7L/O�- __ Pl-�;4NE:.�(,� � H. F��-�EE 7'N��iJ�1vf1TTAL REQUlREi�tENTS�'C1R 3'H.F��PPkc��'kIAT��' F�E. SUBIYXI7'i'�II�APpLT�,�TION,ALL SU�3iVt1TTAL REf?1UCRF:ht]E;1Y"i'S AIVD THE F'�:�TQ Tl�� Dk��A�.T�.NT OF�Ol►���rN1T�' i)��'�LQPM�NT,75 SUL�Ti-3 k'RON�'�f�E RCIA�D, 'VA,IL,COLi?1ZAD0 8]�57. � �.= ...� _. _ ...�� ,%� �'cc Pa�id; � a �Ck#: '��i h� g�,` (1 `, •,�.._..�.—T---------- �pplicatian Date: �_ PEC Mect'sng i)a#e: r `� ° `, _,._.��_-- _. ...� -- �.�.._ _---. �_:...�-- Ravirwd br'9fi ' �� ��� �� � z�a� �� E3 y , , �. � i ��er�,-�a,-�, �, �c�oo F R I TZ L E N � PI ERCE '�� List of Adjacent Property Uwners S I� I T H I Atl are loc;atcd ir� Vail �� � � I. (?wner: ', Burl a.nc� Glenda Wong �i 4U Bcrtha Circle Coloracic� Spr-in�s, CO 80906 A R C H I T E C T S Lot Description: Rlock A,Lot 10, Vail Das Schorre Filing N�. 1 I Physical Addresti: 2329 Chamonix L,nne 2. Ownex: Nishizawa Shoji Company LTD. c/c, Ken Ito PO Box 1974 Ea�le, CO S 1631 Lot D�scripti�n: 131ack A, Lot �, Vaal Das Schone Filing N�. 1 Physical Address: 23 i 9 Chamonix Lane 3. Uwner : Joesph Rillig 2309 Chamonix Lane Vail, CO 8l 657 Lot Laescription: Blc�ck A, L.ot 8, Vail Dtis Schone f�iling No. 1 Physical Address: 2309 Chan�onix Lane 4. Owner: Vine Fer4i rnc. PQ I3ax 3g 19 Vai�, CC� 81658 Lot Descrip�i�n: Bloc�C A, Lot 7, Vail Das Schone Filin� 11ic�. 2 I Physical Acidress: 2299 Chamonix L�uie i, S.Physical Ad�iress: 2289 Ch�unonix L.ane Owncrs:. (1) Dwight and Julie Ga.r'l�e 22� Ca�nin� T7e Las Culinas Recioncdc� Beach. CA 90277 Lot Description: Sunlight Cc�nda Unit#1 (2) C:�rolyn and Flirabeth Cooney ?2$9 Chamc�nix L�ne Unil#2 Vail, CO �16�7 K:10002-W�st Vail Lo�iee ReeEevelopmentlProjcct Correspc�nden«1Tpwn of VailU,�ijacent C)wncrs?.w�d Nlannin� • Architec[ure • Interiors 1C,50 Easl Vail Valley Dnve�Fallnalge G1 • VaN,CCJ 83Ei5i • (��s(�coloraclo.nel • Iax 197(1)47G-4901 • (970?476-63+�2 • - � • Lat Descriptian: Sunlight C��tidc� Unit#2 F R f T�Z L E N (3) Warren, Lauren, ana Christopher G�u�be P � E R C E 2?89 Chamonix Lane Unit #� v�,��, co �1�s� S �✓'l I T H Lo� Description: Sunli�ht Condc� Unit #3 (4) Dirk i�yer c/o Cily Corp Mortaage P.O. Box 790009 St. Louts, NTO f�3179-0009 A R C H I T E C T S 6.Physic�I Addres�: 2269 Chamonix Lane Owners : (1} Gi na Tobey IEi30 Ogc�cn Strcet Denver, CO 8021� Lot Description: TenTerrace C�ndo#4 (2) Cecile Spadai'c�ra 109 N. 3`� Street Indiana, PA 15701 Lot Deseription: TenTenace C:onci�#1 (3) Jimmy Kay <ind Jack Sandcrs �30 Hobb� Ftoad Jeff�rsan City, MO 65109 Lot Description: TenT�rrace Con�fl#? (4)BriZn Wachs 2269 Chamonix L.an� Unit#3 Vail, CU 81657 Lot Descr•iptic�n: TenTerraci Condo#3 7. Ownez: Davici and Abby Schwartz Stewart and Hincii �riedn�an 568 �lagstaff T�t-ive Cincinnati, OH 45215 Lc>t Description: Blocic A, Lo� l2, Vail llas Schone Filin; No. 1 Physical Address:?3�9 Charz7oni� �,ane 8. Owner: Lot 2 Tall Pines LLC 540 S. Fronta�e �ioad 3 #112 V 7i1, CO �l b57 Lo� l�escription: Tall Pines Lot 2 K:�11f)Il"_'-Wesl Vnil b.nd�e IZc.d�;ve��3��mentll'r��jecC C�iTesp�irrdc»c��lTowo af VaillAdjac�;ru O�wnzcs�?.wpd Piannin� • Architeel�re • Interiors 1fi50 East Vail Vailey Dnve Fallri�lge C-'I • Vail,CO 81h�i � IpsCr�r_olorado.net • ftuc(97�)476-4901 • {970)476-6342 . � � i � Physical Acidress: 2239 Chamonix I.afle '�. Physical Address: 21�9 Chamonix Lane (Pineridge Town homes) �wners: (1) Richard A. Petril�o � C � no � �199 hai n�x t,ane Unit 1 l Vail, CO t31657 Lot Descriptic�n: Vail Heights i�iling l, Lot 3, Pac�t of, A1so Known As, Pine Rid�e Townh�use Unit 11 {2) Ni�;olc L. Hil] 21�'� Chamc�nix Lane Unit 19 Vail, CO 8 l C�57 Lot Dcscript�on: Vail Hei�hts Filing �, Lot 4, Part of, Also Known As, Pine Ridge Tawnhouse Ur�it 19 (3) Audrey J�Ilit 392� Summerset Place Tuscaloosa, AL 3.5405-54�7 Lot De.scription: Vail Heights Niling 1, Lot 4, Part of, Also Known As, Pine Ridge Tc�wnhouse Unit 21 (�) Gregory Guastella P.O. F3ox �107 Vail, CO 8165�3 L,ot Description: Vail Heights Filing l, L�►t 3, }'ai-t oi�, Also Kn�wn As, Pine Rid�c Townhouse Unit 4 (5) Christina Brinkmann ?64�i Cortina �..anc Vail, C(� 81657 Lc�t Description: Vail Hei�hts Filinb l, Lat 3, Part of, Also Known A�, Pine Ri�i�e Townhouse Unit 1 (6) Jonathan Efraiynson P.U. Box 5�91 Vail, CfJ 81658 Lc�t Qesc��igtion: Vail �Ieibhts Filing l, Lot�, Par� aF, Als� Known As, Pine Ridge Townhuuse Unit 1� (7) S�eila Mac Cambridge c/o Sheila M. �lackwell P,�. Box f�2_549 Colo�'ado Springs, CO 80962 Lot Description: Vail Hei�hts Filing l, Lot�-, P:�a`t�f, Also Known �s, Pine Rici�e Townhouse Unit 15 (8) Pine Ridge Tawnhouse Homeowners' Associatien P.O. I3c�x 2135 Vail, CO �I 65$ Lot Description: Vail �cighis Filing l, Lot �, Part of, A]so Kn�wn As, E'ine 1Zici�e Tawnk�c�use K:100()`2-West 4''ail Loc1g�Red�velupmenl\Prajecl C;uttespc�n�lencelTi�wn ol VaillAdjacent�wners2.wpd T - . � Unit 15 (9) Theodore Hingst I71(� W. Mulberry Street Kokomc�, IN 46901-�268 Lot Description: Pine Ridge Townhouses Unit 10, Yhase 3 (1(�) Vaul anc� Sherry Wilson P.O. Box 868 Minturn, CO 816�5 Lc�t Description: Vail Heights Filing 1, Lot 3, Part of, Also Known As, Pine Rid�e Townhouse, tlr�it 10 (L 1) Amy t`�herly 2199 Chamonix Lane Unit 3 Vail, CU 8 I fi57 LoC Desc��iption�Filing �, Lot 3, Pa�rt of, A1so T�nc�wn As, Pine Ridge Townhause, Unit 3 (12) Patrick Lynch �1 y9 Ct�amonix Lane Unit 2 Vail, CO 81657 Lc�t Description:l-�'iling I, Lod 3, Yart of, Alsc� Known As, Pine Ricige Townhouse, Unit 2 (13) Cynthia Walt 546� Locksley Avenue Oakland, CA 94618 Lat Description: Pine Ridge Townhouses Unit 8, Phase 3 (1�) Yvonn� S�ippen�eld 5�3 Carberry Hill Bribhton, MI �$1 16 Lot Description: Pin� l�id�e Townhouses Unit 2, Phasc 3 (15)Craig Cohn P.�J. Box 2874 Dillon, CO 8[1�35 Lot Description:rilinb ], Lot 3, Part ot, Also Krkown As, l�ine Ridge Towr�house, Unit $ (Ib) Mark snd Bernadine Krus� P.U. Bax L 02� Avon, CO S�620 Lo[ Descriptit�n:N'alin� ], Lot 3, P�rt af, Also Knr�wn As, Fine Ricibc Townhouse, Unit $ (17} Yetcr Lar�ci 653 Elkwood Place Titusville. FL 3?7�C1 Lot Description:Filing l, Lot '�, Pac`t of, Also Known As, Pit�� Ridae Townllouse, Unit 16 (l 8) Daviil, B�nnie, Rebe�;ca, and BrauniUiac�.achlan K�.IHH)2-Wes[Va�l i.i��g�Reclevelagm�:ntlk'mjut C'c�rre5pomt�;ncelTi�wn i�l VailWdjucent()wners2.wpd ? ' � • ?L95 Charr�c�nix Lane Unit 9 Vail, CO 8]657 Lot llesc»ption: Pine Rid�e Town.houses Unit 9, Phase �i (1�) D. Michael anci Deborah Kcllain c/� Cheyenne [�adio�o�y�ep�trtnient 2??2 Carey Avenue Cheyennc, W� 82001 � Lat Descriptiun:riling 1, Ls�t 4, Part �f, Alsc� Known As, Pine Ridce Townhouse, I Unit 17 � (20) llc�nna K. SCever Living Trust and J�u��es l�y� Li ving Trust i 5784 Ru�tic Knoils Baiilder, CQ 80301 LoE Descriptian:Filinb 1, Lok 4, Part c�f, Also C�n�wn As, Pine Ridge Tc�wnhnuse, Unit 13 (21)'I'�t�mas I.eclair �'.O. Box 323 Vail, CO $165€� Lot Descripti�n:I�'iling l, Lot 3, Yart of, Also Known As, Pine Ridge Tc3wnhouse, Unit 5 (22)Stacy Sch�ening 183 Gore Creek Drivc Vail, C(� 81657 Lot Description:Filing 1, Lc7t 3, Part of, A1sa K�own As, Pine Rid�e Tawnh���se, �I Unit � li f 23�) Megai� McNeish ' P.Q. Box 6275 Vail, Cn 81658 Lot Description:Filinb t, L,ot 4, Part nf, Also Kn�wn As, Pine RidQe Townhousc, Unit l8 (24) W. 9tc�bert and Gisela Boris 119 La�ell Slrcet 1-iinghan�, MA 02�43 L�t Descriptian: Pine Ridge Townhouses Unil 5, Fhase 3 (25) IG�istin Tang 21'�5 Chamonix Ixine Unit 4 Vai I, Cp $1657 Lot Descrigtion: Pine 1Zid�e Townhou5es Unit �, Pllase 3 (2bj Douglas Macrae and Sere�a Cr�sby 219� Chamonix Lane Unil 6 Vail, CO $1 G57 Lot 17escription: Pine Ridge Townhuuses Unit 6, Phase i (27) Prest�n Isom 21�9 Chamc�nix Lanc Unit ?0 Vail�, CO 81657 K:4t10()2-We,i Vai�i.��dee Rcdevel��p�ucntll'roject rc�rres�,ndet�ce\Town ul Vailuldjacent Ownerx2.wpd ' I ." �- � � Lot llescription:Filin� 1, L�t�, Part of Also Knc�wn ��s, Pine Ridge Townhous�:, L'nit?(? ���? IZc�bert Kiser 7681 Canterbury Court BouIder. CO 303(71 Lot laescription:Filinb l, Lc�t 3, Part of, �Iso Known As, Pine Rid�e T�wnhouse, Uni t 7 (?9) Deborah and Richard Duke 9�4 S. Josephine Sizect Denver, CO 80209 I.ot Description:Filing 1, Lot 3, Part of, Also Known As, Pine Ridgc Townhouse> Unit 9 10. Owner: llc�uglas F�s�er PO Box 231? Vttil, CO 8165$ Lut Dcscz-iptic�n: Pine Ridge Townhc�mes Unit 7, Phase 3 Phvsical Address: ?197 Cha��o�nix Lane (Piner�dge Town hoxnes) l l. Owr�er: Vail Cornmons Man�zgement Partnership c/o 35�0 Merle Lane i NorthbrUC�k, IL 6(�06? Lot Description: Tract D Callins Worth Subdivision Physical Address: None List�d �2. Owner of Record: McDonalds Corp��l'ation, 2171 N. Frontage Road Wcst Vati, C() �lb_57 Lot Descriptic�n: Lot 2B, #7�71 Vail Das Schc�n� Filing Na. 3, Physica� A.cidress: 2197 Charnonix La�ne, Vail, CO 81657 1�. C�lorado Department of Transportation Attn: IVlike Srriith 22� S. �6t'' Strect Grand Juncti�n CQ �31 SO 1 K:I�JU02-We5[Vail L���igB fteclevclopmen[1NrojeC[CorrespundencelT�wn Of Vao11r1�ljacen[(7w�tiers�.wpd � � _. � � LET�r�R aF T�rvs��TTAL F R I TZ L E N PIERCE Date: 2-�-0o S M I T H TQ: Rre�t Witson Attn: I Job No: oao2 Re: Wesi Vail Lodge Redevelpoment ARCfi ITECTS Attact�ec� Yleas� Find: I.tem No. No. c�f Copies Description 001- 1 Additional Addresses ior West Vail Lodge Of12- 19 Stamped, addressed envelopes Tl�e Items Listed Above Are: Remarks: By: co�,es To: �'I�nr�in� • ,Architecture • lnteriors 1ti50 las[Vail Valley brive Fallridge�C-1 • Vail,CQ iS1G57 • I�b(�colorado.net • iax{97U1 47G-4�)U1 • (970)47b-G342 � ITEEVI MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPE� � s • ' PUBLI� NOTICE NOTICE IS H�REBY GIVEN that the I'lanni�ng and Environmental Connmission pf the Town af Vadl will hold a p�blic hearing in accordanc� with Section �2-3-6 of the Municipal Gode of the Tawn o# Vaii on February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Build�ng. In consideration of: � A request for final reuiew of a propased major amendment to 5pecial Development District #4 (Cascade Village}, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rc�ad West (Glen Lyon Of#ice Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Gler� Lyon Subdivision. Applicant� aundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects Planner: George Ruther A request for a conditio�al use permit, to allow far the eonversion o# existing hotel rooms into ernployee housing units, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vai1 Lodge}/Lot �, Vail das Schone #3. AppE�cant: Reaut Corporation ���. Planner Brent Wilson �""-�,, "r A rec�uest for a conditional �se permit, to allaw for the cor�struction of an adcEition to the existing raw water intake struct�re and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail. Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Planner: Brent Wilson A request for variances from Section 12-6G6, Section 12-6D-6, and Sectian 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to alEow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 70fi W. Forest Road/Lot 9, F�lock 1, Vail Village 6t�' Filing. Applicant: Cliff Illig, represe�ted by Beth Levine Planner: A��ison �chs A request for a variance from Sections 12-6H-6 and 12-i 46, Tov►rn of Vail Code, to allow for the addition of gross residen#ial floor area and balconies within required setbacks. Applicant: Vic'ki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Architect Planner: Ann Kjerulf A requesi for a minor subd�vision, to allow far an amer�dment to a preuiously�latted building envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Lionsricige Laop / i�ot 4, Ridge at Vail. Applicant: Mike Young P9anner: George Ruther The applications and information about the �roposa�s are available for public inspection during regular office hours �n the pro�ect planner's of�ice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Aoad. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign lar�guage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Mearing Impaired, �or information. Pu�lished February 1�, 2000 in the Vail Trail. ��, �� , - � �C r, _ µ_�_ , �,_'- � ,� �� ; i;�„� � �- j t , + _ (-� , , ��,���., 1 1t �rnr��r ns rre rr � E , � ` , � HIS 1TEM MAY AFFECT `(OUP PROPL�!�1�Y PUB�1C NOTiCE NOTIC� IS HERESY GIV�N that the Planning at�d Ertvironmental Commission of the Town o# Vail will hoEd a pubiic hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of tF�e Municipal Code of the Town of Vail an August 14, 2000, �t 2:G0 P !vT. in th� Towr of Vail Municspal Building. In cansideration of: A requ�st for a mincr amend�rnent to tf7e a�praved deveiapment plan for the Goiden Peak Ski aase, to a�iew far a new snowmaking faciiity, located at 458 Vaii VafEey QrivelTrac# F, Vail Village 5�°' F;ling. Appiicant: Vail �Cesorts Planner: Brent �Nilson Pursuant to Sec;ion '�3-7-6, Vail Tawr Code, a PE : review �f the proFc�sed unit sales Qric�s for the Garrrtisch L.oft emplcyee housing uniks. locatea at 221 ; North Frontage �aa� ! Lots 1,2 & 3 d Tract C, Uail das Schone Filing 1; Lct 1, Vail das Schcne Filing 3. ��� Applicant: Reaut Gorporatior Planner: Brer�t Wi�son A request for a variance from Section 12-6A-8B {G�Fr�) and a mi�or subdivision, to alfow for GRFA above #he maximum amount allowdbie, loca�ed at �71 Spraddle C;eek F�oad/Lot 8, Spraddle Creek. Applicant: Franeo �'Agostino Planner: Allison Ochs A request for a sign variance, from Sectien 11-4B-19 (H)(4), t� ailaw far a third business identification sign, focated at 458 Vail Vailey Drive (Larkspur Restaurant)/Tract F, V�il Village 5'h Fi3ing. Applicant: Larkspur Resfaurant & Bar Planner� Brer�# �Nilson The applications and informa#ion aba�t t�e proposals are availab�e for public inspectian during regular office hours in the project plannet's office, focated at the �own of Vail Cornmunity Development Departmen#, 75 South Fron#age Road. The public is invited to attend project orientaticn and site visits which pr�cede the publi� hearing in the Town of VaeE Comrnunity Developmenf Department. Please call 479-2�38 for information. Sign language EnterpretatiQn available upon request with 24 hour notification Please calk �79- 2356, Teiephcne for the Hearir�� Impaired, �or informatior�. Community Deve�apment Departm�nt Published July 28, 20(}0 in the Vail Traii. �� � � 2�"��' �- '�c� �/- �,���- ,� ✓ f °'� ,/� .�.'i� �� � _1 '�. ���,�,�,. �i �'D{�'N p�1;4iL � 1 � � � � CONDOMINIUIV� DECi.,ARATI4N FOR WEST VAiL LODGE FlRST DRAF'T C:\WINllC)W5.0001TEMP127125 West Vai�f.odgc Dec 3•I2-2000.doc PagC I of 58 � � � � CONDQMINIUM DECLARATIQN FOR WEST VAIL LO�GE THIS C�NDOM1NiUM DECLARATICJN F4R WE5T VAIL LODGE (this "Declaratian") dated as of , 2Q�fl shall b� effective upon recordatian and is made by ("DecZarant"). Declarant is the owner of certain real property in Eagle Couanry, Colorado, more particularty described an Exhibit A attached and made part of this Declaration by this reference (the "Properry") Declarant hereby ma�Ces the following grants, subznisssons, and declarations: ' ART�CLE 1 ', iMPOSiT10N O� COVENANTS Section l.l Purpose. The pnrpos� of this Declaration is to create a mixed use condominium projeet (the "Projeet") puzsuant to the Colarac�o Corrtmon Interest Orun�rs�ip Act � as set forth in Articl� 33.3, Title 3$, Colora�o Revised Statutes, as amended and supplem�nted from time to tirne (the "Act"}, within the �uildings (as h�reina�tear defined) and other im�rovements located on the Property, which Project shall contain both residential and �I commercial uses (that part of the �'roject to be used far residential pur�oses being referred to as the "Residential Praject" and that part of the Project to be used for commercial purposes being referred to as the "Cammerc�al Praject"}. Sectian I2 IntentiQn of Declarant. Declarant desires to (a) protect the value and desirability of the Project as a whole whi�e respEeting the separate and distinct interests of the owners of each of the Residential Project and the Commercial Project, (b) �urther a plan for the improvement, sales, and candorninium ownership of both the Residential Pro�ect and the Cammercial Project, (c) create a harmanious and attractive mixed use. development within the Project, and (d) promote and safeguard the hea�th, co�nfort, safety, c�nvenience, and welfare of the owners af condominium units of each of the Residential 1'roject and Commercial Project. Sectian 1.3 Development and IJse. The Praject will cc�nsist of a maximum of ( ) condominium uziits, of �vhich are designated for residential use and f�r commercial use. No additional condomznium �nits may be established on the � Praperty by subdivision c�f existing units, conversion of non-condominium space, or atherwise. ' Seetion 1.4 Mixed Use. The Residential Project and the Cammercia� P'roject together sha1� comprise the condominium prolect, the name of which is West Vail Ladga. The fiinctions, activities, physical appearance and ather features commonly associated with eommercial businesses pezmitted hereunder and residential uses shall be expressly permitted on t�e Property and within the Buildings azad othar improvements, all as mare particularly described and governed herein. Section 1.5 Declaration. To accomplish the purposes and intentions recited above, Declarant hereby submits the Property, together with all iznprQVements, appurt�nances, and C;:IWTNDOW5.0001TBMP�27125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Paga 2 uf 58 , � � � taciliti�s rel�tin� to or lc��;ated o�i tl�e Property nr�w ar�cf in the futtire, to th� provisiuns uf thc Act, 3nd here�y in�p�ses upon all �t` the Prap�rty the c;avenants, conditions, restrictior�s, easements, reservations, ather provisioi�s of this Declaration belo��r, ancl Dcclarant hereby dcclares that all ot' thc Property sha�l be hcld, sc�ld, c��nvey�d, encumbered, leaseci, rentcd, �ccupieci, rincl improvecI; subject to the pr��visions ufthis DecEaration. Section 1.6 C�vcnants Runnin�� Witl� the Land. All }�rovisi�3ns c�f this peclaraiion shall ve deemcd to be covenant� runnin� witli the ]and, or equitable scrwitudc:s, as the cas� may be. The henetits, hw-dens, ae�d other provisauns contained in thi5 Dec�aratic�n shall be bindin� up�n and shall inure to th� benelit ot�Declarant, all Own�rs, and thcir respective Ilcirs, exceutors, administrators, persanal representatives, Successors, an�i ;zssi�ns. ARTICLE 2 DEFINITfO�JS Tl3e #��flowin� wc�rds, when used in this Declaration, shall have the me�nin�s c]e5ignated helow unlcss [he c�at�text shall expre5�ly provide otherwise: 2.i "Act" means th� C�lc�rado Common Interc;st Ownership Act as set forth in Articic 33.3, Title �$, Culoraclo Revised Siatutes, as such act exists on the date hereot; exce�t to the extent th3t tl�e �pplical�ility at�future amcndm�nts ta th� Act are mand�itory. ?.2 "Asscssments" rrze�ins the annual, special and det'ault AsstSSments levicd pursu�ult to Article � hclow. Assessments are alsu referrc;d tu as a Common Expense Liability under lh� Act. 2.3 "Associatian" me�ns West Vail Lc�d�e Associatic�n, a Coloracio nonprotit corporaticsn, anc� its �ucc�ssUrs and assigr�s. 2.� ".Ass<�ciation D�ocurnents° means the basi� ci��rcument5 c►-e��tiY�g a��d governing the Proje�t, includinU, hut not limited to, this Declaration, thc articles ot` inc�rporatic�n and L�ylaws of the Assoc�atioi3, the Map, and any proccciures, rulcs, re�ulatiuns, or �ulicies rclating to the f'roject adc�I�ted under such cioc�ments hy the Assc�ciation c�r the Lxecutive f3c�ard. 2.� "Bttilciin�s" mc:ans thc buildings (incfuciin� all tixtures and imprc�vements contained within them) in w�ich Con�iominium Cinits anc� Comman Elements are lc�cated. Lach of the Buildings ►nay hereinaf'ter be individually referred ta as a "Buildang." 2.G "Cummercial Directc�rs" means a�ly m�mbers ot�the Ex�cutiue Board �lectzd by the C��mmercial C)r,n�n�rs in ac�c�a-dance with the pr���edures set forth in Articli b below and in the bylaws of th� Association. 2.7 "Coa�nmercial Otvners" means those Owners of Commerc�ia➢ Units wit��in Che Project. 2.8 "Commercial Unit'° means a Cc�ndominium Unit de�ibnateci with the preti�c C:AWfNDO\VS.000A7'i:MP'271?�Wcst V�il L��d�c I�c 3-1'-3Q06.doc Page 3 uf 58 � � � . "C" on the Map and not the Residential Units. 2.4 "Common Elements" means a�l of the Project, exce t t�e Individual Air Space Units, and including, withaut lizniting the generality ofthe �areg,oing, the following components: 2.9.1 The Property, excluaing unproverz�ents oti the Property unless specifically described in this subsection; i 2.9.2 The Buildings (including,buf not by way of]imitation, the foundations, � colurr�ns, girders, beaans, supports, perimeter and supporting wal�s, freplaces, ehimneys, flues, chimney chases, roofs, patios, decks, balconies, corridors, Iabbies, vestihules, entrances and exits; and the mecnanical installations of the Buildings consisting af the equzpmeni and rnateriats maicing up any central services sucla as power, tight, gas, hot and cotd water, sewer, and heating and central air conditioning which exist for use by one or more of the Owners, including the pipes, vents, ducts, flues, cable conduits; wires, telephone wire, and other similar utility installations used in connection therewith and t�e areas designated on the Map as including those installations; trash rooms and storage raoms; e�evators and stairs), excet�t for the Individual Air Space Units; � � 2.9.3 The yards, sidewalks, walkways, parking areas,paths, gzass, shrubbery, trees, planters, driveways, roadways, 4andscaping, gardens and related facilities upon the Property; 2.9.4 The p�ur�ps, tanks, motc�rs, fans, storm drainag� structures, compressors, ducts, and, in general, all apparatus, installaticrns, and equipment of the Buildings existing for use o�one ar more o�`the pwn�rs; and 2.9.5 In general, al] other parts of the Project designated by Declarant as Common. Elements and existing for the use of one or more of the awners. The Common Elements s�all be awned by th� Qwners of the separate Condominium Units, each Owner of a I� Condo�ninium Unit having an undivided interest in the Common Elements as provided below. � 2.10 "Common E�ense(sl" means and includes the following. 2.I0.1 Expenses of administration, insurance, aperation, and zxianagement, repair, or replacement of the Common Elemer�ts except ta the extent such regairs and replacements are responsibziities of an Owner as delineated in Section 9.2 below; 2.i Q2 Expenses dec�ared Carnmon Expenses by the provisions of this Declaration or the bylaws of the Association; � 2.10.3 All sums lawfi�lly assessed against the Condominium Units by the Executive$oard; 2.10.4 Expens�s agreed upon as Comman Expenses by the members of the Association; and C:1W3NDOWSA00\'I'EMP127125 West Vaii Lodge Dec 3-f2-2000.doc Page 4 of 58 r � � � 2.10.5 Expenses provider� to be paid by the Residential Owners and the Commerciat C3wners in accordance with the terms of this Declai-ation gursuant to the respecTive Management Agreements for the maintenance of the General Common Elements, the Limited Common Elements-Residential and/or the Limited Comznon Elexnents-Cozrunercial. ?.11 "Condaminium Man" or "Mat�" means and includes any engineering survey or surveys af the Property locating the Condominium Units in the Buildings anc� th� Buildings on the Property, and depicting the floor plans of the Units together with other drawings or diagrammatic plans and information xegarding the Property as may be included in the discretion af the Declarant, as recorded by Deelarant in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 2.12 "Condo�ninium" OI' ��Ulllt�� OC "Condomznium Unit" I11ea17S, with respect to either a Residential Unit ar a Commercial Unit, the fee simple interest in and to an Individual Air Space Unit, together with t�e ur�aividea intezests tn the Corru�on Elem�nts appurtenant to the Individual Air Space Unit as specified in the attached Exnibit B. Condominiezm Unit is alsa referred to as a Unit under the Act. 2.13 "Declarant" means azxd its successors and assigns. Na party ather than_ _ _� _ shall exercise the rights and privileges reserved herein to Declarant unless such party sha�� receive and recorc� in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, a written assigument from of all or a portion of such rights and privileges. 2.14 "Declaration" means this Condominium Declaration for West Vail T,odge together with any supplement or amendment to this Declaratian, recarded by Declarant in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 2.15 "Director" means a member of the Executive Soard. 2.1b "Director at Lar�e" means the Director chosen by all of the Qwners col�ectively in accordance with the pracedures set forth zn Articie 6 below and the bylaws of tiie Association. 2.17 "Executive Board" means the gaverning body of the Association, as provided in this Dec3aration and in the articles of incorporation and bylaws o�the Association. 2.1 S "Expansion Pronerty" means the r�al property lacated in Eagle County, Colorado, mor� partic��arly describ�d on the attached Exhibit C whieh Declarant may subj�ct to this Beelaration by one or tnore dul�r recor�ed Supplemental Deelarations and, if necessary, Supplemental Maps 2.19 "Fitst Mart a e" means an unpaid and outstanding mortgage, deed of trust, or ather security instrument recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, which secures financin� for the construction ar developrr�ent af the Project or which encuznbers a Condominium Unit, and which, in any case, has priority of r�cord over all other C:\WINDOW5.000\TEMP�2'T125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 5 of 58 � � � r recorded liens exe�pt those gQVernrnenta? liens made superior by statute (such as genexal ad valorem tax Iiens and special assessments) 2.20 "First Mort a ee"means the Mortgagee under a First Mortgage. 2.21 "General Cammon Elements" means the Comman Elements, except for Limite� Common E�er�ents. 2.�2 "Indiyidual Air Space Unit'° means, with respect to a Residential Unit or a Commercial Unit, that portion of a sing�e Condominium Unit designated for separat� ownershi� by an Owner, depicted on the Map and consisting of enclosed rooms and bounded b� the unfinished perimet�r walls, ceilings, flaors, doors and windot�vs thereof; provided, hovvever, Commercial Units may not be bounded on a11 sidcs by wa�ls, in which case the boundaries on such sides of an Individual Air Space Unit shall be thase bvundaries as are desi�nated on ihe Map. Far the purpose of defining an Individual Air Space Unit, the terms set forth belc�w shail be defined as follovvs: 2.22.1 "Unfnished p�rEmeter wall" means the studs,supports, and other wood�n, me#al, or similar stn�ctural inateria�s whiGh constitute the interior face of a wa�l af a� zndividual Air Space Unit. 2.22.2 '"L3nfinished cei3inQ" means the beams,joists, and wooden or other structural materials whieh constitut� the ceiling of an IndividuaI Air Space Unit. 2.22.2 "Unfinished floor" means the bearzzs, flvar jaists, and floor deck material � which constitute the floor of an Individual Air Space. Unit. �, An Individual Air Space Unit shall include any drywall, wall paneling, wood, tile, paint, pap�r, earpeting, or any other wall, ceiling, or floor cavering, windows and window frames, shutters, � awnings, doorsteps, stoops, and doors and door frames. An Individual Air Space Unit shall also ' inetude any fireplaee or stove hearth, facing brick, tile or firebox. An Individual Air Space Unit sha11 further inelude fixtures anc�hacdware and all irr�provements contained within the unfinished ' perimeter vvalls, ceilings, and floors. An Ix�divide�al Air Space Unit shali inciude any heating and , refrig�rating elernents or related eq�ipment, utility �ines anc3 outlets, electrica? and plumbing tixtures, pipes, and a�l other related equiprrient required to provide heating, air conditioning, hot and cold water, electrical, oz� other utility services to the Individual Air S�ace Unit and locatea within the unfinished walls, ceilings, and flvors; provided, however, that an Individual Air Space Unit shaIl not include any of the structural cornponents of t�ie Buildings or utility or serviee lines Iocated within the Tndividual Air Space Uzait �ut serving moze than one Individual Air Space Unit. 2.23 "Limited Cotnmon ElementsR'means thase patts of the Cornman Elements which are lixnited to and reserved for the use of the Owners of one or raore, but fewer than all, of ttae Condominium Units. Limited Common Elements w�ich are reserved for the exciusive use of Residential Unit 4wners are defined as "Limited Comman Elements-Residential" or "L.C.E.-R" on the Map, and Limited Common Elements which are reserved for the exclusive use of C:IWINDOWS.00OITBMQ\27125 West Vail L.odge Dec 3-12-2000.dac Page 6 of 58 � � Commercial Unit Owners are dttined as "Lit�liteci Cort�mon Elen�4t�ts-Corr�t�excial" or "L.C.I�.- C." �n the Msi��. Withc�ut limiting the toreg�ing, t��e Limitcd Cc�mmc�r} Elements shall inctude any balc��nv, deck, pat�c�, entryway, or porch ac�j�icenk to an Inaividual nir Space Unit, storage spaces which rr�av be desi�nated as Limited Cc�mmon �lcmenls scrving thosc particu3ar . � Indivicival Air Space L?nits, parkin� spaces w�hich may be desi�natec� �is Liir�ited Comm�n Elemer�ts for particular Units on the Niap, and any iz�dividual tirepl:�c�; chimn�;ys aa�d flues, indivicival air conditionin� units and fi:ctures, and izidividual wat�r and s�wer scrvice lines, liot wat�r he�ters, ancl any plumbina or okher installatic�r� sezvicing an Inc�ividual Air S��aee llnit, includin�, buk not limit�d to, a�� suci� iterris �iesi�ated as Limiteci Cammon Elcments oR the Map. `i'he deck, baEcc�riy ar patio anc� thc; tir��Iace �himney4 wl�ich ar�: accessib�� from, assc�ciated with, and which adj�in a ��articular Indiviclual Air Spacc Unit, with�ut furthcr reference theretc�; shall b� used in c�nnection with such In�ividual Air Space Unit to thi; c:YClusion of the use thereuf by tlie othei- Owners, except by invitation. I�o rcferencc thcreto ner;d be macie in any insTrurnent e�f cunvcyancc, encwnl�r�lnce, or other instrurnent. ??=� "Mana�ent Af�reement" zneans any contract or arran�ement ent�:red into for purposes of d�scharging the r�;sponsibilities of th�; �secutiv� Buard, tf�e Residential Directors or the Corr�mcrcia� Directors, a� thr case may be, relative to th�; op�ratioo�, maintenanc�, anc� maria�en��nt E�f the Ri:sidential Prt�ject and/or Commcrcial Project. ??5 "Nlanaging A�et�t" means a person, firrn, c�rporation, ��r c�ther �ntity employed or en�;aged as an inde�end�nt ccjntractc�r pursuant te� a Man����ment �1�recment tc� perform management services ii>r tli� Resiciential Projcet and/or the C�mmercial Project. ?.?h Maximurri T�atc" sh:�ll mGan twc� p�rcentage points gre3ter than that rate of� interest char�ed t�y a bank (designated fro�n tizne td� time by thc Executivc Boarcl) to thc; best cc�irimercial customers ��f tht c�c�signated bank �or short-ttrm (oanti and identifed as the "�rim� r�tte" hy such b�ink as �t the e�ate c�n which such M�xitnum Rate is im��c�scci with r�s�ect to �tny amount payabie undLr tt�is Declaration, or if less, the maxin�um rate allowed t�y law. ??7 "Mc�rt�a��c" me�ans any unpaid and autstar�din� mort�age, deecl e�t� trust, or other security instrtimcnt recorcl�d in the office ot`the; Clerk and lZecorder ��f Eagle Counzy, Colc�rado, whFC�► secures tinancinQ tor tl�r; cr�nstruction ��r eitvelopmeni of the Proj�ct �r whi�l� encura�bers a Condc�minium [1nit. ??g "Moit�_a�" mcans any �erson ur entity named as a mortga�ee or beileticiary under any lulortgag�, ur ariy suc�essor ta the int�erest c�f any such persc�n under such Nlortgage. ?.?9 "Qtivn�;r" means any recorded ��wner (includin� D�clarant, and inclucling a c�ntract scller, but excluding a contract purchaser}, whether a r�atural persc�n or �ersons, or an ent�ty, a fee simple title ir�tcrest in and to any Cond�nninium Unit; excludin�; however, any record owner with an interest thercin rnerely as a Mortaag�e (unless such Martga�ce i�as acc}uired tiee sirr�plc title interest in the cotac�ominium Unit �ursu�tnt t� foreclasure or any proccedin�s in lieu of ti�recl�sure) 2.30 Prc�pertv" me�ins the real property described in the attached Exhihit A. �':`,W1NF701VS.UOi���SP.MP4?7125 W��,t Vail L��dga DecJ-12-200Q.duc P:is*c 7,�FSii � � '� 2.31 "Residez�tial Directors" means any members af the Executive Board e�ected�y the Residential Owners in accorc�ance with �.he procedures set forth zn Articl� b below anc} in the bylaws of the Association. 232 "Residential Owners" m.eans those Owners of Residential Units withi❑ tkze Project. 2.33 "Residential UniY' means a� Condominium Unit designated with the prefix "R" on the Map, and not the Commercial Units. 2.34 Successor Declarant" means any party or entity to whom Declarant assigns any or al] of its rights, obligations, or interest as Declarant, as evidenced by an assignment or deed of record executed by both Declarant and the transferee or assignee an.d recorded in the office o�the Clerk and Recorder af Eagle County, Golorado, designating such party as a Successor Declarant. Upon such recarding, Declarant's righCs and obligatiorss under this Declaration st�al� cease and termi�ate to the extent provided in such document. 2.3� '"Supp�e�nental Declaration" means an instrument which subjects any part of the Expansion Property to this Declaration, as more fully provided in Article 21 below. � 2.36 "�u�plemental Ma�" means a subdivision map of the Projeet which depicts any part of the Expansion Property becoming su�ject to this Declaration through a supplemental Declaration, as rz�ore fuUy provided in Article 21 below. Each capita�ized terzn nat atherwise defined in this Declaratia� or in tl�e Map shall have the same meanings specified ar used in the Act. � ARTIGLE 3 ' DIVISION OF PROJECT IN70 GONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP S�ction 3.l Division Into Cond�minium Units. As of the recording of this Decl�u'ation, the Pzoperty is k�ereby dividet� into Condominium Units, of which ( ) ', ar� Residential Units and (� ar� Commercial Units. Each Condominium Unit consists of a fee simple interest in an Individual Air 5pace Unit and an undivided fee sinr�ple interest in the Common Elements. in aecordance with the respective undivided interests in the Common � Elenr�ents as set forth in Exhibit B. Such undivided interests in the Comrr�on Elements are hereby declared to be appurtenant to the respective Units. ' 3.1.1 Commercial Units. The awner or Owners of one or more Commercial Units shall have the right to (a) relocate the baundaries of and �retween two adjoining Comznercia� Unzts, (b) physically combine a part of or combination af parts o�tlae space of one Cammerciat Unit with a part of or combination of parts of t4�e space within one or more adjoining Commercial Units, or (c) subdivide a Commercial Unit or part of a comrn,ercial Unit to create additional Commercial U�tits; pzovaded, however, that the maximum number: of Commercia�Units shall be O. In order t� accomplish any one of the foregoing, a Commercial awz�er may knucic dawn or creat� add'ztional walls subject to the terms of this G1WINI�OWS-OOOITEMP\27125 West Vail l,odge Dcc 3-12-2(lElO.doc Page S of 58 , �, � �� 5ection and any other applicable provisions of this Declaration. Upon the relocation, combination or subaivisian of any Comxz�ercial Units, the Commercial Unit ar Units resulting fronn such relocation, corrfbination or subdivision shall be allocated the undivided interest of the predecessor Commercial Unit(sj in and to the General Common Elements and the Limi�ed Common EIements-Commercial. Such alloeation sha11 be reflected by an amendtnent to Exhibit B hereto. A Commercial Owner must first obtain the consent of Commercial Owners having at least a seventy-five percent (75%) interest in the Limited Common Elements-Commerciai and must obtain all necessary approvals from any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the Project before exercising its rights herein, The cost az�d expense incurred for 1ega1, architectural and/ar enganeering fees and all other costs and expenses incurred by the Association shall be borne lay that party requesting such a change. In order to relocate th� boundaz�ies of, com.bine or subdivide any Commercial Units as provided above, the Owner(s) of such Commercial Unit or Llnits shall submit an ap�lication to the Commerciat Directors, which application shall be executec� by such �wner(s) and shall in�clude (a) evidence tfiat the proposed relocatian of the �oundaries, cc�rnbination or subdivision of a Commercial Unit or Units complies wzth a11 building codes, fire codes and other applicable ordinances or resolutions adopted and enforced by the Cnunty of Eagle and the State of Colorado, and that the propos�d action does nat violate the terms of arxy Mortgage encur�abering the Commezcial Unit vr Units, {b) the proposed reallocations, (c) the propnsed form of amendments to this Declaration, including the Map, as znay be necessary to show the Cornmercia� Unit or Units which are created by the relocation, combination or subdivision of a Comrnercial Unit or Units and their dimensions and identifying numbers, (d) a degosit against attorneys' fees anci costs which the Commercial Owners and/or the Association may incur in reviewing and effectuating the transaction, in an amount reasonab�y estinnated by the Commercial Directars, (e) evidence of the required appraval of the Commercial l7wners, (� evidence satisfactory to the Comrnercial Directors that the Qwner(s) has obtained or causec�to be obtained all requisite insurance in connection with any construction required to effect the proposed action, (g) indemnification of the Association by the Owner(s) for any and all matters relating to the praposed action, and (h) such other infozmation as may be reasonably�requested by the Commercial Directors. To the extent possib�e, the Commezcial Directors shall be permitted tQ execute and rec4rd any axnendment effectuating the relocation of boundaries of or combination or subdivision of Commercial Units. If the Commercial Direetors require the cansent of or the execution of doc�ments by the entire Executive Board in connection with effectuating such relocation of boundaries af or combination or subdivision of Commercial Units, the Executive Board shall approve and take such necessary actions in connection therewith if the requirements in this paragraph hav� been satisfiec�. Although this Declaration contemplates the inclusian of the Residential Units in tlze Association, it is possible that Residential Units wili not be included in the firse phases of the Project. The provisions o� this Declaratzon relating to the existenee of Residential Units or Residential Owners shall be of no farce and effect until such time as a Residential Unit or Residential Units are included ira� the Project pursuant to the terrns of this Declaration or a Supplementa� Declaration and t}�e Map or� Supplemental Map. 3.1.2 Residentia� Llnzts. The Residentia� Owners shall haue the right to C:IWINDOWS.Q00\TEA1P47l25 West Vael i vdge Dec 3-12-2p00.dvc Page 4 of 56 �j � �1 �. physically connbine one or more Residential Units with an adjoining Residential Unit. In order to accorrzplish such combination, a Residentia� Owner may knock down or create additic�nal interior walls subject to the terms of this Section and any other applicabfe pravisions of tk�is Dec�aration. Upon the cornbination of any Residential Units, the Residential Unit resulting from such combination shall be allocated the undivided interest of the predece�sor Residential Unit(s) in and to the General Common Elements az�d the Limited Common Elements-Resid�ntial. Such ailocation shall be reflected by an amendment to Exhibit B hereto. A Residentia� Owner must first obtain the consent of the Resickential Dir�ctors and all necessary approvals from a.n.y gavernmental au�arity having jurisdiction over the Project before exercisir�g its rights herein. The cast and expense incurred for legal; arehitectural and/ar engineering fees and all other costs and expenses incurred by the Association shall be borne by that party requesting such a change. In order ta cambine any Residential Units as provided above, the Owner(s) of such Residential Units shall submit an application to the Residential Directors, which application shall �e executed by such �wner(s) and sha11 include (a) evidence that the proposed combination of Residential Units complies with all buildin�; codes, �re codes and other applicab�e ordinances or reso�utions adoptec� and enforc�d by the County of Eagle and the State of Colorado, and that the proposed action does r�ot violate the terms of any Martgage encumbering the Residential Units, (b) the proposed reallacations, (c) the proposed #`orm of amendrrzents to this Deelaration, including the Map, as may be necessary to shor�v the Residential Unit which is created by the combination of Residential Units and its dimensions and identifying numbers, (d) a deposit against attorneys' fees and costs which the Residential Owners and/or the Association may incur in reviewing and eff�ctuating the transactian, in an amour�t reasonably estirnated by the Residential Directars, (e} evidence satisfactory to the Residential Directors that the Owner(s) �as obtaineci or caus�d to be obta�ned all requisite znsurance in connection with any construction required to effect the proposed action, (fl indemnificatian of the Association by the Owner(s) for any and al� matters relating to the proposed action, and (g) such other infozmatian as may be reasc�nabIy requested by the Residential Directors. To the extent possible, the Residential Directors shall be permitted to execute and recora any amendment effectuating tl�e combination of I�esidential Units. If the Residential Directors require the consent af or the executian: o� documents by the entire Executive Board in cannection with eFfectuating such comhination of Residential Units, the Executive Board shall approve and take such necessary actions in cr�nnection therer�vith if the requirements in this paragr�ph have been satisfied. Section 3.2 Delineatian of Unit Boundaries. The boundaries of each Indivic�ual Air Space Unit are delineated and designated by an identifying number on the Map, and those numbers are set forth in Exhibit B. S�ction 3.3 Inseparabilit�of Condominium Unit. No part af a Condominium Unit or of�he legal rights comprising ownership of a Condominium Unit may be partitioned or separated from any other part thereof during the period of condominium ownershxp prescribed in this Declaration, subject to Section 3.7 above, each Condominium Unit shall always be conveyed, transferred, devised, bequeathed, encumbcred, aa�zd oth�rwise affected only as a complete CondominiUm Unit. Every conveyance, transfer,'gift, devise, bequest, encumbrance, ar other disposition of a Condorzliniurn Unit or any part thereof shall be presuzned to be a disposition of the entire Condominium Unit, together with all appurten�nt rights and interests created by law or by this Declaration. C:1WINqpWS.(�001TEMP�27125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 10 of 58 � ; � � Secti��n 3.4 Non�arCitionahilitv of Comr�o�z Elemenks. Su�jc:ct t� tl�e prc�visions of thi5 Article and Article 5 beiow, th� C�mm�7n Elements sl�all be ��wnec� in common by all of th� uwvncrs ancf shail remain physically undivided; provid�d, huwevcr. (a) tl�� �imitcd Common Elements-R�sid�:ntial shall be fc�r [hc e!cclu5ive use c�f�, clljoymc;nt by ancl c�bntrol by all of the Resicic��tial O�vners (unles5 a�purtenant ta a particular R�sideritial Unit or Units), and (b) the Limited C_'umn�on Elements-Commercial sh�l] l�c for th� exclusive usc; of, enjoyment by �iid ec�nt�c,l by all c�f the Cammercial Owners (unless appurtenant to a partiet�lar Commercial LJnit or Uriits}. Na Owner shal� brin� any action for partition or divisic�n c�f�the C�mmc�n Eleme�t5. By acceptance of a dee�i or other insteume;nt of coz�veyanc� or assi�nmcnt to a Cot�daminiun3 Unit, each Owner of the Unit shall h� cieemed to have specilically waived such t)�vner's ri�ht to i�lstitute or maintain a partitic�n action or any utl��r c�iuse of acti��n desi�n�.d t� cause �division of` the Gcneral Cammo�i �:lemez�ts, the Limitcd Comrn�n �len�ents-R�siclential or Lir�iitcd Common E�ement5-Commerci�l; provic�ed, however, t�c sale or conveyance of� a �ondominium Unit (including the appurtenant sl�are ut� thc Common Elementsj, as an unc�ivicie�i g�roperty, in associutiorl with an acti�n for paitition, shall be pennittec�, and except as s� prow�ided, this 5eetion �.-� may be pleaded as a bar lo the mai�l�ei�ance of tiuch a�a �ic�ion. Any Owncr who shall inst�tute or tr,aint�in any such a�:ti�n sh��il bc liable t�� the Ass��ciation and 1lereby agrces to reimb�irse th� Associ��tion for tl�e 1lssociation's cc�sts, ex�enses, and r�asonable attorneys' fee:; in c�efendin� any such action. Such amounts shall automatically hccc�me a dctault Asscssr►�ent c��tcrmined :�nd (cvied against such Owncr's Unit and enti�rccd by the AssoCiation in acct�rciancc with Sections �.1{1, �.l 1 �nd 8.12 bel�w. Nat�vitt�standing the f��regoin�, the Associ�tian shall havc the rtigt�t to deciicatc, sell or e7therwise transfer a�l or any part ��f the Comrnc�n El�me►7ts to any put�lic, g�vernmental, or c{uasi-�ov�rnment�l a�ency, authority �r utility for such p�irpos�:s ai7d subject to such conditi�ns as ��Zay he �wreed to tsy the (�wncrs. ��ow�ver, such ci�dication c�r transfer of the C��mrt�on Llemeiits ,hall not be effective unle5s an instrument has bc�n signed by m�mbec-s holdin� a�gr�egaTe int�;rest eyual tc� at l�ast ei�,hty-tiv�; p�rccnt (55"���) of th�, aotes of th� Or,vners, agrecin� tc� suc�� ��dicatii7n, sale or t��ansfer. I�otw�tlzstandinc the preccding sentcnce, the grantin� uf �ascments by a t�ajority of vo�in� Directors� ��t the Executiv� $oard, includin� thc approvaI of at l�ast one (1) Reside��ti�l [�ir�ctc�r ti�nd onc; (1 j Gomn�crcial Director, for public utilities, for access by peclestrians or tor r�thet-public �urp�7ses n��t inconsist���t �,vith the intenc��:d use of t��e Corr�mr�n Elr�rnc�ats �k��ll not be deemcd a transfer requiring such coi7sc»t c�t� thc Own�;rs within thc mean�ng of this Sectic�n. AaTkCLE 4 CON�OMINIU'�VI MAP S�etion 4.1 Condominiwn Map. Thc ;Vlap shall be tiled #or re�c�rd in thG ot�fice ot the Clerk and Rec��rder of E��gle County, Col�rado. f�ny Map #ile�i suhseyuent to the tir5t Map sha6! be kermec� a suppiemerit to such Map, and� the nut�e�rical �equr;rrce uf such �u�a��cments shall h�. �hown tllerec�n. Thc iV1ap shall be fiEed f��r rec�rci foll�win� substantial completion of those E��rtions c�t`thc Builc�ing or Builclir�gs subjeck tc� this Declaration and prior to the convcvancc c�f �ny Condomini�m iJnit depicted on the iVla� t� a purcha�cr. The Ylap sha(l show the lucatic�n ol� the B�ilding ��r Buildings i>n the 1'roperty; the floor anci elcwation plans; the locatian c�f th� �'-.4VIi��IxJ��'S.Of101TENEP`37125 Weat Vai]Lodqc Dcc 3-i?-?OO�I.drx 1'aee 11 of 58 � � 5 � Condozninium Units within the Building or Buiidings, both horizontally and vertically; the thickness of the common walls, if any, betvveen or separating the Condominium Units ane frozn the other, or frozn Common Elements, as applicable; the Condominium Unit designations; designation of General Common Elements and Limited Common Elements; and such other info�x�ation. as Dec�ara.nt may�require in iks discretian. The Map shall contain a cerEificate of a registerad professional engineer or licensed archit�ct or a licensed land surveyor certifying that the Ma� substantially depicts the location and th� horizontal and vertical measurements of the Building or Buildings and th� Condomin�um Units, the dimensions and, if Declarant c�irects, the square foot areas of the Candominium Units, and the elevations of the unfi�.ished floors and cealings as construcEed, and certifying that such M�p is prepared subsec�uent to the substantial completion of the improvements. Eaeh supplement or amendment shall set farth a like certifieatc when appropriate. Th� Map shall further contain such other information, certifications and depictions as may be required under 5ection 38-33.3-209 of the Act. Section 4.2 Amendment. Declarant reserves the right to amend the Map, from time to time, to the fuilest extent permitted under the Act. ARTICLE 5 � OWNERS' PROPERTY RIGHTS IN COMM�]N ELEMENTS Section 5.1 General Common Elements. Every Owner and the family members, � guests, tenants, and licensees of eaeh Owner shall have a perpetual right and easement of access � over, across, and upon the General Common Elements for the purpose of entering and exiting such Ow�ner's Cond�minium Unit, the parking axea of such Owner and the public ways for both pedestrian and vehicular travel, which right and easement s�alI be appurtenant to and pass with tkie transfer of title ta such Gondominium Unit; provided, however, khat such right and casement shall be subject ta the follc�wing: 5.1.1 The covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations,rights-af way, and other prflvisions contair�ed in this Declaration and the Condominium Map; 5.1.2 The right of the Association Eo rcgulate on an equitable basis the use of ' parking spaces and storage spaces which are General Comrnon Clements, Liznited Common Elaments-Residential or Limited Comrnon E�emet�ts-Commercial fram time to time; � 5.1.3 Th� right of the Association to adopt, fram time to time, rules and reguIations conecrning vehicular traf'fc and trave� upun, in,under, and across the Projec�; and �� 5.1.4 The right of the Association ta adopt, frorri time to time, any anc�all rules , az�d regulations cancerning the Common Elements as the Association may determine ar� neeessary or prudent, subject to the terms af Section 7.7 and Article 13 hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Assaciation shall take no sction which unreasonably restricts any Owner's or his family nlembers', guests', tenants' and licensees' right and easennent af access over, across and upon the General Carz�mon EZements to his Unit{s) Seetian 5.2 Limited Common Element�. . C:\WINL1pWS.i)00\TEMP�27t25 West Vail l.odge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 12 of 58 � � r f 5.2.1 Use and EnJ'_oy_ment. Subject to the provis2ons of this Declaration, every Owner shali have the exclusive rig�t to use and enjoy che Limited Comnrzon E�ements appurtenant to his Condominium Unit. The Map shall specify to which Condominium Unit or Units each �,irnited Cammon Element is allocated. Unless specified, alI Limited Common Elements-Residentia� are appurtena.nt ta all Residential Units and ali Limited Comnnon E�ements-Cornmercial are appurtenarzt to al� Commereial Units. 5.2.2 Parkin�. Individual parking spaces located within the parking areas o�the Project and storage spaces tnay be designated on the Map as Limit�d Comxnon Elezn.en,ts- Itesidentia] or Lirz�ited Coinznon Elements-Commercial appurtenant ta the Condominium Units and reserved for the exclusive use of the Owners and the tenants, guests, Iessees, licensees, permittees and 'znvitees of the Owners of the Condnminium Units; provided, however, any such designatian shall not be consttued as granting any Owner of a Unit the owrzecship of such parking or storage spaces. Al� remaining parking spaces and storage spaces shatl be designated as General Common Elements and su}�ject to regulatian by the Executive Board of the Association. 5.2.3 Redesi�nation of Limit�d�nd General Common E�ements. Any redesignation of the boundaries of the General Cornman �lements or of the Gener�l Common Elements to Limited Cammon Elements shall be a�proved by a rnajority af votzng Directors of the Executive Board, ineluding the approvaI of at Ieast one (1} Residential Director and at ]east one (1) Commercial Director. Except as pertains to the Commercia� project and the Limited Cominon Elements-Commercial, Declarant hereby reserves the right and grants to the Association the right to reassi�n Limited Common Elements to the fullest ext�nt pemnitted under the�ct. ARTtCLE 6 MEM6ERSHIP AND VOTING RiGHTS lN ASSOCfATION Section b.l Association Membershi . Every Owner shall be a member of the Association and shal� remain a membez for the per�oc! of the Owner's ownership of a Condo�ninium Unit. No Owner, whether one or more persor�s, s�atl have more than one m�mbership per Condominium Unit owned, but all of the persons owning a Condominium Unit shall be entitled to rights of inembership and of use and enjoyment appurtenant to ownership of a Unit. Membership in the Assaciatian s�all be appurtenaxit to, and may not be separated from, awnership of a Condominium Unit. However, any Owner may appoint, in a written instrum�nt fi.rrnished to the secretary of the Assoeiation, a delegate to exercise the righ#s of such �wner as a member of the Association, and in the event of such appointment, the delegate shatl �ave tlxe power to cast votes on behalf of the Owner as a member of the Assoeiation, subject to the provisions of and in accordance with the procedures more fully described in the bylaws of the Association. Section d.2 Classes of Members�ip. There shall be two c�asses of inembership in the Association as follows: 6.2.1 Residential Unit Mernbers. All Owners of Residential Units and the C:IWINDQ�S.00p1TEA+fPI?7225 Wes[Vai!Lodge Oec3-12-2Dp0.Joc Page I3 of 58 � � �, , Declarant so long as Declarant continues to own an interest in a Residential Unit. 6.2..2 Commercial Unit Members. All �wners of the Commercial Units and the Declarant so long as Declarant contir�ues to own an interest in a Commercial Unit. Section 6.3 Votin��Rights. Each Con�ominium Unit shall be allocated a nurnber of votes for the purpose Qf rr►atters relating to the General Common Elements or the Projeet as a whole equal to the same number which is described as a percentage interest in the General Common Elements allracated to each Unit as set forth in Exhibit B. In addition, each Residential Unit sha11 be alTocated the number of votes for the purpose of matters relating to the Limited Common E�ements-Residential or the Residenttal Project equal to the percentage interest in such Limited Common Elements-Residenfial allocat�d to such Unit as set forth in Exhibit B. Each Commercial Unit sha11 be al�ocated the number of votes for the purpose of matters re�ating to the Lirnited Common Elements-Cammexcial or the Commercial Project equal to the percentage interest in such Limited Common Elements-Commerciai allocated to such Unit as set forth in Exhibit B. The Association sha�l not have a vote with re�pect to any Unit which may be owned by it. Declarant shall be entit�ed to vote with respect to Units owned by it. M[embers of the Association may exercise such voting rights subject to and in accordance �vit� the provisions below and those of the bylaws of the Association. All members af the Assaciatiorz sha11 be entitled to vote on all mattera affecting the Praject which are required by this Declaration or the Act to be submitted to the vote of the Owners; provided, however, certain issues relating to the operation and maintenance af the Project do and may affect only t1�e valid interest af either the Residential �wners ar the Commercial Owners, such as the operatian and maintenaxice of the ' Lirnited Comtr�on Elemcnts-Residential and the Limited Common Elements-Commercial. In � additzon, it is hereby detennined that in arder to protect the valid interests of tk�e two classes of Residential Owners and Cornmereia� Owners, each class requires representation on the Executive Board and is hereby entitled to elect certain Directors thereto. In order to protect the Iegitimate, distinct interests of both the Residential Owners and the. Commercial Owners, the following mattars shal� be voted by each class of Residential Owners and Comnzercial Owners: 6.3.1 Election of Directors. The Executive Board shall consist of se�en(7} persons (except during th� period of Declarant control descrzbed in Section 6.4 hereof and in the bylaws of the Association and except as described in Section 3 1.1 hereo fl, of which the Residentzal Ownexs shall be entitled ta nomizaatc and elect three {3) of the seven (7), the Commercial Owners shall be entitlEd to nominate and elect three (3) of the seven (7), and all Owners collectively shall be entitled to nominate ana elect ane (1) Director at Large. b3.2 ApArOVa� of BuC���t. Each class of pwners shall have tl�e right of approval of that portian of the budget pertaining to the Limited Comrnon Elements related to such class. 6.3.3 Valid C1ass Tnt�rests. In addition to the foregoing, should the Execut�ve Board deem a particular matter which is required by this Declaration or the Act to be subznitted to the vote of the Qwners to affect exclusive�y c�ne class of, membership of the Assaciation, the Executive Board may give notice of a meeting of either the Residential awners or the Comrnercial 4v��exs exclusively and conduct a vote on the matter affecting only that class in order to protect the iegitimate, valid interest of such class. Ariy determination by the Executi�ve Board that a matter should be �ar the consideration of al� Owners, and not for the inidependent C:14VIN�OWS.0001TEMP127125 West Vai�Lodge Dec 3-12-200D.doc Yage 74 of 58 . , � � � ���nsider�Yti�n �af eith�r oc both �.:roups ���f the liesic�cntial (�wnecs and the tommercial (�wn�rs, shall reyuire, i�1 addition tc� the at�tirmativc vote e�t a majc�rity of ve�tin� Directcars ot' the F,xecutive $�arc�, th� attirmative vote o��at least one DirecCor frum cach grc�u�� �f thc; Residential I7irect�rs and thc Commcrcial Directors. If (a) a vute hy the Er�;cutivc Board t� dct�;rmine whcthet- a mat�er shc�uld be for thc; ��>nsideratic�n oC�11 Owners results in ar� aftirrr�ative vote c�f�a majarity �� votina Directors, hut fails to result in the aftarri�ative vote c�F at least one Dircctor � tir�>rr� eacl� group of Residential �7irecturs and Cornmercial Directors, and (b) tour (�4) oF tl�e scvcn (7) Dir�ctc�rs vote within tiftcen (15) days thereatter to submit such issuc: tc� art�itration, th�n the issuc of whether a matter shc�uld b�: eonsicie:red by all O�vners shall k�e submitted tc� bineii��� arbitrativn in Eagle C'ounty, Colc�rado in accordance witli the rules of tl3c� Am�rican ��rbitratif�n .Assc�ciation then in et�fect. "9'he decisron ��t�the arbrtration sha]1 be tina� an�l bindin� on th� parties and judgmtnt may hc �i�tereci tl�erc:un in a c��urt havin� jurisdiction c�ver th� Assoc;iation. Thc arbitratc�r shall be �pp�inted by the �,x�cuiive Board, wfiich appointmcnt s�1�t11 reyuire, in aclditi�n to tl�� a#tirmat.ivc; votc; of a ma.j��rity of v�ting I)irect�rs, the aftirmative vc�tc caf at le��st unc Diirector tr��m caci� of the R�:sidcntial Uirccturs and the C:o►7lmercial Directors. Ln thc; cvcnt the E�.eeutivc Board is unab�lc to �10 sc� within ten (l(�) days of submittin� t��is malter to arbit�ation, the arbitratoc shall be c�esi�rsated by the chief jud�e in thc District Court t�f the Ce�u►�ty of Eag1G, C��lorado. "I'he cc�5t and expense ��ftl-►e arbitrat��r shall be cieerned an expense ��f the Associat�on. Wher� �a vote by a class of inemhership �s call�;d �s set fort�� hcrein, onty thl�se votes attributabl� t�� �he �lass c;ligibie tc, vote on the �a►-tii;ular issue will be c��unted in c�etcrrr�inin� whether the vote will c��nstitutt an act c�f thc members c�f srach �;lass. Notwithstanciing any �ra�visiun in this Declaration or in th� bylaws ��the Associatian, no tcnn pertaining ta voting requircm�nts in this Declaration or in the byla�v5 shall be cc�ntitrued sc� as lo violate the Act. Section 6.4 Declarant Control. Declarant shall be entiticei to appc�int and remove th� nzembers �f thc Executiv� B�>ard and ofti�;�.rs �f the Association to the extcnt permitted in the� bylaws of the A�sc�ciation an� in compliance wiEh the Act. Thc specific restrzctic�ns ancl pr�cec���r�;s �uverning the excr-cis�: c�f Declararit's ri�ht Ko sa app�int �nc� remove llirc:ctors and u��tic�;rs shall bc; set. c�ut in the bylaws of tl�e ."�ssi�ciation. De�:larant may ve�luntarily r�linyuish sucli po4ver evicienced by a notice recarded in thi; flf'fice of the Clerk and Recarc�er for Ea��le C{�unty, CoIorado. In such �vent, Deciarant may at ils o�tion reyuire that specilied acti�ns of the Assc�ciati��r� or the Executivc: 8c�ard as �escribed in the recorcied ne�ticc, durin� khe perie�d �eclara��t wc�uld r�therwisc l�e entitl�ci tc� ap�oint and re�nc�v� D�recte�rs and afficers, be appr�v�;d bv Decl��rant bcfore thev E�ecc�me ��tcctive. Sr:ction 6.5 Exe��ative I3c�ard. All members �f thL Exec�iCive 8��ard shall be cntitled to participate in :lssociation atfairs which affect tt�c; Proj�et in its entirety, the General Cc�mm��n Elcmen�s, b��th die Re�ide�tia] Pr�j�ct an� the Comm�rcial Pruject, b�th the R�sidential �wners and the Cornrnerci<�l (�wr�crs, or the ('ummon Expee�s�s attectin� hc�th tl�e Residential Proj�ct a,ic� the Comm�reial Proj�:ct, which matters �are the only tnatters in which khe Dire�tor at Lai•�e shall participat�. The Residcntial Directors shall hav�; thc sc�le tinc� exclusiv�. au�hority on all rTlatt�;rs whieh relatc sc�lc;ly to the i.in�ited Commoi� ElLmcnts-T�c;sidential or t� the R��iclen�ial Llnits. The Commercial Qirects�rs shall have t�z�, sole ancl exclusive auth�ritv on all matters which C;`,W[NDC7W'S.U001TGMP"Q7125 West Vail I.odge De��-9'-?UUO.doc �nge IS oFSB � � � r relate solely ta the Limited Common Elements-Commercial or to the Commercial Units. Any determination by the Directors that a matter should be for consideration of the entire Executive Board, and not for th� independent consideration of either or both groups of the Residential Directors ancilor the Cammercial Directors, shall require, in �.ddition to the affirmative vote of a rnajority of the voting Directars of the Executive Board, the affirmative vote of at least one Director from each group of the Residential Directors and the Comn�.ercial Directozs. If (a) a vote by the Executive Board to determine whether a matter should be �or the consideratkon of the entixe Executive Board results in an affirmative vote of a ma�ority of voting Directors, but fails to result in the affirmative vote of least one Director from each group of Resic�ential Directors and Commercial Directors, and (b) four (4) of the seven (7) Direetors vote within fifteen (15} days therea$er to submit such issue to arbitration, then the issue of whether a matter should be considered by the entire Executzve Board shall be submitted to binding arbitration in Eagle County, Colorado in accordance w�th the rulcs of the .American Arbitratian Association then in effect. The decision of the arbitration shall be finat and hir�ding on the parties � and judgment may be entered thereon in a court having jurisdiciion over the A.ssociation. Tl�e arbitration shall be conducted in the same manner as 5et forth in S�ctian 6.3 hereof, the cost and expense of which shall be deemed an expense of the A.ssociation. Notwit�astanding any other term i� this Declaration to the cantrary, to the ext�nt the provisians of this Declaration require an issue td be submitted to arbitration, and the issue involves at� emergency requiring immediate action by the Executive Board, the entire Executive Board shall participate in the decision to take such action as is necessary to advance the in#erest I of the Pro}ect as a whale pending the outcome of the arbitration praceedir�g, at which time s�ch Directors as are deterrr�ined to be entitled to participate in the decision shall resolve the issue. Section 6.6 Fairness 5tandard. The Exec�tive Board, the officers of the Association and the Associatian shal] have the duty ta r�pr�sent the interest of all Owners in a fair and just i manner. In upholding their duties, the Executive Soard, the officers and the Assaciation shall be held in thely dec�sions to the stanc�ards of gooc� faith and reasonableness w�th respect to such matters, taking into account the effect, if any, af the matter on the Project as a whole. Sectic�n 6.7 Owner'� and Association's Address for Notices. All Owners of each Unit I shall have one aczd the same mai�ing address ta be registered with the Association and used by the Associat�on or other Owners tor notices, demands, and all other commun�cations regarding Association n�atters. The Owner or Owners of Unit shall furnish such address to the Secretary of , tlae Association within five (5) days after transfer of title to the Unit to sucI� Owncr or Qwrzers. Such r�gistration shall be in written form and signed by all of the Owners of the Unit or by such � persons as are at�thorized by law to represent �he interest of the Owners o� the Unit. Natwithstanding the fozegoing, the Association shall be entitie�€ to rely upon any such � registration or other notice of a change in address of the Owners af a Unit which is signed by less than all ot the Owners of such Unit. If no address is registered of if all of the Owners cannot agree, then the address s�t forth in the c�eed to the Unit shall be deemed their registered address untii another registered address is furnished as req�ired under this Section. C:IWINDOWS.00O�TEMP�27125 Wesl Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2p00.doc Page lhof58 + r � � If the address of the Unit is the registered address of the Owners, then any notice shall be deemed duly given if delivered to any persan accupying �e Unit or, if the Unit is unoccupied, if the notice is held and available for the Owners at the principal office of the Asspciatio�, Any notice delivered to a First Mortgagee in accardance with the terr�s vf this Declarakion si�all be sent to the address for such party specif7ed in the First Martgage unless the First Mortgagee notifies the Association in writing of a different address. All notices and demands intended to be served upon the Executive Board shall be sent to the follawing address or such other adc�ress as the Executive Board may designate from time to time by notice to a1� of the Owners: Executive Board West Vail Lodge Assaciation c/a Ai1 notices givcn in accordance with this Section shal] be sent by persanal delivery, which shall he effeetive upon receipt; by ovemight courier servic�, which shall �� effective one business day follawing timely deposit with the courier service; or regular, registered or certified mail,postage prepaid, which shail be effective three (3} days after deposit in tne U.S. rzaail. ARTICLE 7 ASSOCIATION DllTlES S�ction 7.1 Association Mana�ement Duties. 7.1.1 Subject to the rights and obligations of Declarant and other Owners as set forth in this Declaration, tne Association shall be responsible for the administration and operation of the Project and for the exclusive management, control, maintenance, repaix, repZacement, and improvement of the �eneral Common Elements (including facilities, furnishings, and equiprnent related thezetoj, and shall keep the sanae in good, c�ean, attractive and sanitary condition, order, and repair. The expenses, costs, and fees of such management, operation, maintenance, and repair by the Association shall be part of the Assessments, and, subject to the budget approval �rocedures of Sectinn 8.6 helow, prior approval of the OWners shall not be required in order for the Association to pay any such expenses, costs, arid fees. 7.1.2 The expenses, costs and fees vf the management, operation, maintenance and repair of the Limited Cornmon El�ments-Residential shal� be part of the Assessrr�ents to be paid by the Residentia2 Owners for such Limited Comman Elements-Residential and, subject to the budget appraval pxocedures of Section 8.5 below, prior approval of the Residential Owners shall not be required in ord.er for the Association to pa�any such expenses, costs and �ees, 7.1.3 The expenses, costs and f�es of the management, operation, maintenance and repair of tk�e Limi�ed Common Eiements-Cnmmercial shall be part of tne Assessments to be C:IWINDOW5.000\7"EMP1271Z5 West Vaif Lodge Dec 3-12-2QQO.doc Page l7 of 58 � � i � paid by the Gommercial Owners for such Limited Common Elements-Commercial and, subject to the budget approval procedUres of Section 8.6 below, prior approval of the commercial Uwners shall nQt be required in order for the Association to pay any such expenses, costs and fees. 7.1.4 Natwithstanding the foregoing, if any Limited Common Element Residential or Limited Common Element-Commercial is exclusively allocated to one or more ' Units, the Qwners of such individua� Reside�tial Unit(s) or Commercial T�nztts) sha�l be r.esponsible for any Limiced Common Elements-Residentiai or Limited Elements-Commercial allocated to such Unit(s), other than parking spaces w�ich for pu�poses a�this Seetian sk�all be ; maintained by the Assoeiation in the same manner as the other Limi�ed Comman Elements- Residential or Limited Common Elements-commercia� described above, and also responsible for other areas which, pursuant ta Section 5.1.2 above, may be designated for use in connection with the Qwner's Condominium Unit, and each Owner shall also be responsible for keeping the same � in a good, clean, sanitary, and attractive condition. Section 7.2 Reserve Account. The Assdciation shal� establish and tr�aintain, as part af its budget and out of the installments of the arinua4 Assessmer�ts, adequate reserve accounts for maintenance, repair, or replacem�nt af those Common EYemen#s that must be replaced on a � periodic basis, the reserve funds to be designated for t�e use of either the General Common El�rnents, Limited Comrnon Elements-Residentia] ar Limited Common Elernents-Commercial and segregated by account in ihese categories. Sectian 7.3 Owner's Ne�ligence. Zn the event that the need for�naintenance, repair, or replacement of all or any portion of the Common elements is caused through or by the negligent ar willfui act or omission of an �wner, or by any member of an Owner's family, or by an Owner's gue5ts, invitees, or tenants, then the expenses incurred by the Association for suc� ! maintenance, repair, or rep�acement shall be a personal obli�;ation of such (7wner; and, if the j �wner fails to repay the expenses incurred by the Association within seven (7) days after notice I to the Owner of the amount owed, then th� fai�ure ta so repay shall be a default by the Owner under the pravisions of this Section 7.3, ana such expenses, shall automaticatly became a d�fault Assessrr�ent determined and levied against such Condominium llnit, en�orceable Uy the Association in accordance with Sectians 8.�0, 8.11 and 8.12 be�ow. Section 7.4 Delegation of Mana�err�ent_and Maintenance Duties. The Directors may de�egate all or any part of their powers and duties to one or more Managing Agents, including � Declaraz�t. Section 7.5 Acquzring and Disposing of Personal Propertv. The Association may ' a.equire, own, and �old tangible and intangibie personal prop�rty for the use and �enefrt of a11 , �wners, and may dispose af the sazne by sale or otherwase, ar�d the ben��cial interest in any such praperty shall be deemed to be owned by the Owners in the same undivided propartion �s their respective undivided interests in the Common Elements. Such interests shall not be transferable except with the trans�er of a Condominium Unit. A conveyance of a Condominium Unit shall transfer ownership of the transferor's beneficial interest in such personal property without any refezence thereta. Each Owner may use such personal property in accordance wi#h the purposes for which it is intended, without hindering or encrc�aching upon the lawfiiS rights of C:1H'II�[[X7WS.00O1TE9v1P�2'3125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-ZDOO.doc Page l8 of 58 � � other Owners. The �ransfer of title to a Candomiz�ium Unit under foreclosure shall entitle the purchaser to the i�terest in such personal property associated with the foreclosed Conaominium Unit. Section 7.� Issuance of Rules and Reg_uiations. The Residential Directors xnay make and amend reasonable r�les and regulatipns governing the use and rental of the Residential Units and tE�e use o#the Limited Common Elernents-Residential. The Camrriercial Directors may make and amend reasonable rules and regulations governing tlae use and rental af the Commerciat Units and the use of the Limited Comrnon E�ements-Cammercial. The Executive Board may, by a majority of the voting Directors, including the approval of at Ieast one (lj Residential Director and one (1} Comznerc ial Director, make and amend reasonable rules and regulations governing the use and operation of �he Generat Common Elements or the Project as a whole, and those rules and regu]ations which have an effect on a group or one ar more individuais wi�hin a group of either Commercial Unit Owners ar Residential Unit Owners must have the approval of the Direetors elected by such graup of Owners affected. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such ntles and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the terms af this Declaration, including, but not limited to Article 13. in addition, such rules and regulat3ons sha�l when applied to each of the Condominium Units considering the use of such Unit, be equitable and reasonabje as applied to the Unit with respect to the use thereof. The Executive Board shall provide thirty (3a) days written notice prior to the adoption or aznendment o�any ruies and regulations and provide for a reasonable opportunity for �wners to comment at a meeting of the Executive Board on the proposed adoptian or amend.ment of any r�les anc� regulatians. Section 7.7 Enforcement of Associatian Documents. The Association or any aggrieved Owner may take ludicial action against any Oumer to enforce compliance with such rules and regulatians and with the other pr4visions of th� Association Documents to obtain damages for noncompliance or for injunetive relief; or both, al] to the extent perrnitted by law. Section 7.8 Identit�i af Executive Board and Mana�in� A�ent From time to time, but no tess frequently than annua�ly, tnere sha2� be rn�iled by the Association to each Owner a notice containing the names and addresses of the members of the Executive Board and t�e Ma�aging Agent{s), if any. Section 7.9 Payments to Workin� Capital Account. In order to provide the Association with adequate working capital funds, the Assoeiation shall collect at the tirne of the sale of each Condominiuxn Unit an amount equal to three months' installments of anzival Assessrzients at the rate in effect at the time vf the sale. The Association shall maintain the working capital funds to rneet unforeseen expenditures or to acquire additzonal eq�zipment or services in connection with the General Cammon Elements f'or the benefit of the mernbers of the Associatio�n, subject to the budget a�prnval procedures of Section S.b be1Qw. Such payments to this fund shall not be considered advance payments of annual Assessments. Th� unused portion of the working capital deposit shall be returned to each Ow�►er upon t�e sale of his Condominium Unit, provided that the new purc�aser of the Unit has deposited the required working capital deposit vsrith the Association. Section 7.I� Im lied Ri hts. The Assaciation may exercise axay and all other riglrts or c:;wnv�ows.000�rEn�r���2s wES�va,i�agE�3-�z-2000.a� Page 14 of 58 � � S + privileges gzven to it by this Declaxati�n, or by th� other Associatian T�ocuments, ar as may otherwise be given to it by law, and every other right ar privilege reasonably to be implied from the existence o�'any right or privi�ege given to the Assoc�ation in the Assaciation Documents or reasonably necessary to effectuate any such right or pr�vilege; Section 7.11 Books and Records of the Association. The Managing Agent or the Executive Board, as the case may be, shall keep detailec�, accurate records of the reeeipts and expenditures �.ffecting the Common Elements and shall maintain such other books and records as may be required under the Act. �wners and Martgagees may inspeet the records af receipts and expenditures of the Mana�ing Agent or the Executive Board at convenient weekday business hours. In addition, the other books, records,. arid papers of the Association, zncluding t�iis Declaaration, tk�e artzcles of incozporation and the bylaws of the Association, as welZ as any Management �greement and any ruIes and regulations of the Association, shall be available for inspection by any Owner az Martgagee at all times c�uring convenient weekday business hours. ARTICLE 8 ASSESSMENTS �ection 8 .1 Covenan� of Personal Obtigatior�, of Assessments. Declarant, by creating th� Condominium Units pursuant to this Declaration, and every other Uwner, by acceptar�;ce of the deed or other instrument of transfer of his Condominium Unit (whether or not it sha�l be so expressed in such de�d or other instru�nent af tra�sfer}, is deemed to personally covenant and , agree, with the Association, and nereby does so covenant and agree to pay to the Association the (a) annual Assessments, (b) special Assessments, and (c) default Assessments applicab�e to the 4wr�er's Condaminium Unit. No Owner rnay waive or otherwise escape pers+�nal liability far the , payment of th� Assessments provided for in this Dcclaration by not using the Common Elements ar the �acilities contained in the Common Elements or by abandaning or leasing his Condaminium Unit. Section 8.2 Putpose of Assessments. The AsSessments �evied by the Assaciation shall be used for the puzpose af promoting the health, saFety, convenience, and general welfare of the Owners, including the improvement and maintenance of the Property and of the services and ' facilities �ocated on the Pzo ert . �ro er uses of the Assessments shall include but are not p Y P � limited to, the following: 8.2.1 Repairing, replacing, renovating and main#aining any of the Connmon Eleme�ts not mac�e the responsibility o:�the Owners by Scction 7.1 or Section 73 above, Section � 9.2 below, or other provisions of this Declaration; 8.2.2 Instailing, maintaining, and repairing underground utilities upon, across, over, and under any part of the Project which are nc�t conveyed to and accepted by utilzty companies; 5.2.3 �urrxi5�iing garbage and trash picktzp and water and sewer services to th� Proj ect; C:�,wiNDOWS.�00�TEMP�27125 West Vail I.odge Dec 3-12-2UOO.doc Page 20 uf 58 � ; � � $.2.4 Obtaining and rnaintainin� insurance in accordance with the provisions of Ar�icle 10 belaw; $.2.5 Establishing and maintaining reserves for repairs, replacement, rr3air�tenarzce, taxes, capital irnprovem�nts, and other purposes; 8.2.6 Carrying put all other powers, rights, and duties of the Assaciation specified in the Association. Doeurnents; and 8.2.7 Ge,nerally, addressing any other expenses necessary to meet the primary purposes af the Association. �ection 8.3 Coinrnencement of Assessments. All of the Units shat� be allocated fizll Assessm�nts, subject to the provisiorzs of Section S.b below, no later than sixty (60) days after Declarant conveys the first Unit in the Project to a purchaser. Section 8.4 Amount of Total Annual Assessments. The total annual Assessments against all Condominiurn Units staa��be based upon the Assaciation's advance budget of the cash z-equirerraents needed by it to provide for the administration and performance of its duties during such fisca� year, as ap�roved by the Owners pursuant to Section 8.b below, which estimates may include, among ather things,the costs associated with the items enumerated in Sectian 8.2 above, tagether with any other costs and fees which may reasonably be expected to be ineurred by the Associatzon for the benefit of the Owners under or 6y reasan of the Associatian Documents. In the event of surplus funds remaining after payment of or provision for Common Expettses and any prepayment o�ar pravision for reserves, the Executive Board may within its discretion apply the surptus funds (aj inta reserves, (b) tawarc� the following year's Comrrxon Expenses, (c) toward a credit to Owners against future assessments or in the forrn of a distribution, or (d) any combination of the foregoing. 5ection $.5 Apportianment of Annual Assessments. The tota� anx�ual Assessment for any fiscal year of the Associa�ion shall be assessed to each Unit as follor�vs: 8.S.1 The annual Assessment for each Residential Unit shall be in an amaunt equal to (i)the percentage interest in the General Connmon Elerrients allocated to such Unit as shown on Exhibit B multiplied by the GCE Buciget {as deirin�d hereinafter}, �lus (ii) the percentage interest in the Limited Cc�mmon Elernents-Residential allocated to such Unit as shown on Exhibit B multiplied by the LCE-R Sudget{as defined 4�ereinafter). 8.5.2 The annuaf Assessment for each Commercial Unit sha11 be in an amount equal to (i} the percentage interest in the Ge�ez-al Common Elezn�ents allocated to such Unit as shown on Exhibit S multiplied by the LCE-C Budget, plus (ii) ti�e pereentage interest in the Limited Common Elements-Commercial allocated to sueh Unit as shown on Exhibit B multiplied by the LCE-C Budget (as defined hereinaftez). To the extent any Common Expense relating to the General Cammon Elements disproportianately t�enefits ar�y �wner or group of Owners, the Executive Board may, by a major�ty of the voting Directors, including the approval of at Ieast one (1} Residential Director C:IWINDOW5.0(X1ITEMP�27125 Wcsl Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc PagcZl of58 � � ; � and one {1) Commercial Director, adjust the assessment for such Common Expense in such praportion as may �e apprapriate. Ta the extent any Camman Expense re]ating to the Limited Common E�ements-Residential or Limited Common Ejements-commercial disproportianately benefits any Owner or group of Owners, the Directors representing the clas� of af�ected Owners may adjust ti�e assessz�aent for such Common Expense in such proportion as may be appropriate. The Executive Board, with the assis#ance of any company providing insurance fQr the benefit o� the Owners under Artic�e 10, may reasonably adjust the allocation to each �wner of the cost of premiums for any insurance carried for, and to be charged to, a particular Owner, as more fully detailed in Article }0. The tatal annual Assessments of the Association sha�l be apportioned among a�l Condorninium Units �.s provided this Section. Section 8.6 Annuai Bud�et. 8.6.1 Within t�irty(3D) days after the adaption af a�y proposed budgets for the Association in accorda.nce wit� the procec�ures described below, the Executive Board shall deliver by ordinary first class mail or in person a sumrnary of the budget information relative to each of the Residential Owners and the Commercial Owners to such parties. The Executive Board shall also set a date for the meeting af all Owners to consider ratifieation of the t�udgets not less than fourteen (14) noz' s�ore than sixty (6D) days after mailing ar other delivery of the � budgets. � $.6.2 In connection with formulating the foregoing annual budgets for the entire Project, the Association shall adhere to the fol4owing pzocedures: th� R�sidential Directars shall submit to the Execu�ive Board a proposed budget for the Limited Common E�emenfs-Residentiai ' (the "LCE-R Budget"), the Cc�mmerciaf Directors shall su$mit to the Executive Board a , proposed budget for the Limited Common Elements-Commercial �the "I.CE-C Budget"), and the Executive Board as a whole shall formulate the remainder af the budget pertaining to the General Common EleEnents (the "GCE Budget"). The LCE-R Budget, tagether with the GCE Budget, � shall within thirty(30) days after the adoption thereof be delivered by the E�cecutive Baard to the �, Residential Owners, and the LCE-C Budget, together with the GCE Budget, shall on the sarr�c date be delivered by the Executive Board to the Commercial �wners. At the meeting set by the ' Executive Board, unless (a) sixty perccnt (64°/n) uf the Residential Owners reject the LCE-R Budget, (b) sixty percenr (b0%) o�the Commercial Owners re�ect the LCE-C Budget, and (c) , sixty percent (60°10) of each class af thc Residential Owners and th� Commercial Dwners reject the GCE Budget, all such proposed budgets are ratified, r�vhether or not a quorum is preser�t. In the event tl�e GCE Budget is rejected by tl�e Owners in the foregoing man�er, the GCE Budget last ratified must be continued until such time as the Owners rati#y a subsequent GCE Budget proposed by the Executive Board. In th� evez�t either the LCE-R Budget or the LCE-C Budget is rejected by the respective class of Owners, the LCE-R Budget anci/or LCE-C Budget (as applicable) last ratified by the respective class of Owners rnust be continued until such class of Owners ratifies a subsequent LCE-R andlor LCE-C Budget propased by the Executive Board. 8.6.3 The Executive Board shal� adapt budgets and submit the budgets to a vote of the awners as provided herein na less frequently than a�ua�ly. The Executive Bvard shall levy and assess the Assaciation's annual Assessments in accordance with the an.nual budgets. C:\WINDQW 5.0001TEMP127125 West Vai I Lodge Dec 3-I Z-2000.doc Page 22 nf 5& � � 'r � � Section 8.7 S�pecial Assessments. In addition to the annual Assessrnents autharized above, the Executive Board, if permitted under tl�e Act, may at any txm.e and from time �o time deterznine, levy, and assess in any fiscal year (without the vote of the members of the Association, except as provided in the Act and in this Section below) a speeial Assessment applicable to that particular fiscal year (and fqr az�y such 1Qnger period as the Executive Board may detsrm�ne} against all of tY�e Owners with respect to the General Common Elements or one or more of the classes of Ownars urith arespect to th�ir respective Limited Comrnon Elements for the purpose of defraying, in whale or in paxt, the unbudgeted costs, fe�s, and expenses of any eonstruction, reconstruction, repair, derr�a�is��ing, re�lacemerzt, renovatiorz or maintenance af tl�e Project oz of any facilities located on the Proyect, specifica�ly including any tixtures and personal property related to it. Any amounts determined, levied and assessed in canrzectian with the General Cozziman Elements pursuant to this Declaration sha11 be assessed by a majority of the voting Direetors of the Executive Board, including t�e approval of at least one (1) Residential Director and one (1) Commercial llirector, to the Condominiurn Units in proportion to the respective �ndivided interests in the Genera] Common Eler�ents allocated to the Units as shown in E�.ibit B (except to the extent the assessment is made to less than an entire class o�Own�rs based c�n the interest of on� vr mare Owners in Limited Coannnon Elements which exclusively serve the Unit (s} of such Owner ar Owners); provic�ed, nowever, that any extraordinary insurance costs incurred as a resuit af the value af a particular Owner's Corzdominium Unit or the actions of a particular Qwner {or his agents, servants, guests, tenants, or iuvitees) 5hall be borne by that Owner. Any amounts determined, levied and assessed in cozu�.ection with either the Limited Common Elennents-Residential or the Limited Common Eiements-Commercial pursuant to this Deelaration shall be assessed by the Directors of the relevant class of Owners to such class of�wners in proportion ta the respective undivided interests in either the Limited Comrnon Elements-Residential or the Limited Common Elements�Commercial appurtenar►t to the Units as shovvn in Exhibit B; provided, however, �hat any extraordinary insurance costs incurred as a resu�t of tne va�ue of a particular �wner's Condominium Unit or the actions of a particular Owner�or his agents, serva.nts, guests, tenants, or invitees) shal� be borne by that Owner. Special Assessments shall be based on a budget adapted in accordance with SectiQn $.b provided tl�at, if necessary, the Association may adopt a new budget pursuant to Sectian 8.6 prior to levying a special Assessrnent. Such special Assessment(s) shall be due and payable as determined by the Executive Board. Section 8.$ Due Dates for Assessment �avmen.ts. Unless otherwise determined by the Executiv� Board, the annual Assessments and any special Assessments which are to be paid in installments shall be paid quarterly in advance and shall be due and payable to the Assaciation at its office or as the Executive Baard may othervvise direct in any Managernent Agreement, without notiee (except for the notices required by this Artiele 8), on the first day of each quarter. If any such insta�lment shall not be paid within fifteen (15) da�s aft�r it shall have become due and payable, then the Board may assess a 'late charge" on the �nstallment in a.r� arnount of$100 or such other charge as the Executive Board may fix by ru�e from tixr�e to time as provided in the bylaws of the Association to cover the extra expenses involved in handling such delinquer�t Assessment installment. An Owner's Assessment shall be prorated i�� the ownership af a Condominium Unit commences or terminates on a day other than the first day or Iast day, respectively, of a quarter or other applicable payment period. Section 8.9 Declarant's 4bligation tQ Pav Assessments. Declarant shall be obligated C:1W[NDOWS.D00lTEMPS2712S YJesi Vail LodgeDec3-12-20UO.doc Page 23 of 58 � � i � to pay the annual and special Assessments (i�clu�ing installzzzents thereo fl�on each Condominium Unit owned by it. Sectioz� $.10 Default Assessments. All monetary fines assessed against an Owner pursuant to the Association Documents, or any expense ot` the Association which is tl�� obligation of an Owner shall became Iiens against such Owner's Unit which may be foreclosed � or othervvise col�ected as provided in this Declaration. Notice of the aznount and due date of such � defaulk A.ssessment shall be sent to tl�e Owner subject to the Assessment. at least thirty (30) days prior to the ciue date. Section 8.1 l Lien for Assessments. The annual, special, and defau(t Assessments (including installments of the Assessments} arising under the provisions of this Declaratian (together with any and al] interest, costs, late charges, expenses, and reasonable attozzieys' tees, including legal assistants' fees, which may arise under the provisions of Section 8.12 below} shall be burdens runninp with, and a perpetual lien in favor of the Association upon, the speci�ic Condominium Unit to which suc4� Assessmer�ts apply. To further evidence such Iien upon a speci�ic Condominium Unit, th� Assnciation may, but sha�l not be obligated to, prepare a wrxtten lien notice setting farth the description of the Unit, the amount of Assessments on the Unit unpaid as of the date of such lien notice, the rate of default interest as set by the bylaws o�the Assaciation and Section 8.12 below, the nazne of the Owner or Owners of the Unit, and any and all other information that the Association may deem proper. Any such lien notice shal� k�e signed by a membez- af the Executive Board, an ot�icer of the Association, or the Managing Agent and shall be rccorded in the office of the C1crk and Recorder of Eagle County, Coiorado. Any such Lien notice shall not constitute a cc�ndition precedent or delay the attachment of the ]ien, but such lien is a perpet�aal lien upon the Condominium Unit and attaches without notice at the beginn�n� of the first day of any period for which any Assessment is levied. Seetion 8.12 Effect of Nonpayment of Assessments. I� any an.nual, special, or default Assessment (or any installment of the Assessment} is not futly paid within thirty (30) days after the same becomes due and payable, then as often as the same may happen, (i) interest shall accrue at the Maximum Rate on any amount of the Assessment vvhich was not paid within such 30 day period or an the amount of Assessment in default, whichever shall be applicable, aecruing from the due datc until date of�ayment, (ii) the Association may declare due and payable all unpaid quart�rly or other installments of t�e ar�nual Ass�ssment or any special Assessment othervvise due during the fiscal year during whieh such default occurred, (iii) the Association may thereattcr bring an action at law or in equity, or both, against any Owner personally obli�ated to pay th� same, and (iv) the Association may proceed to foreclose its lien against the particular Condominium Unit in the manner and form provided by Colorado law far foreclosure � of real estate mortgages. ' An action at iaw or in ec{uity by the Association against an Owner to recaver a money judgment for unpaid Assessments (or any installment thezeo fl tnay�e commenced ar�d putsued by the AssociatioR withaut foreclosing or in any way waiving t�e Association's lien for the Assessments. If any such Assessment (or installment thereo� is not fully paid when due and i� the Associat�on con�xnences such an actian (or counterclaims or cross claims for such relief in any action) against any Owner personally obligated to pay �he same, or proceeds to foreclose its lien against the particular Condominium Unit, then a11 unpaid iz�stallments of annual and special C:IWINDDWS,0U01TEMP\27125 West Vail I.odge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 24 oF 38 � , � � �1s4tssments and �Il default Assessmeizts (includin� any �uch installn��er�ts or ��sses�rne►�t� arisin� duris�g ttl� procee�ings uf such ��ctian c�r f�rcclosure pruc�;edin�s) any late char,es luz�c:r Sectioti �.�3 ahuve, �ny accrued interest undei-this Section �.12, th� Association"s c�sts, txpen5es, ans� re<itior�able attom�ys' fees (including legal �ssistarrts' tees) incurred for any such action and/c�r toreclosure proccedings shall be taxed hy t��� court as part af th� c�sts ot�any such actiun or foreclusure proceedings anc� shall be recoverable hy the �association from an�r (�wner persunally o�li�ated tc� pay the sanrke and tFC>m the proc�:e�s from the fioreclosure sale c�f the particular Cc�ndominium Unit in satisfacti�n of tI�e Associ:�tion's lien. Fr�re�lostire or attcmpted foreclosure by the Associatic�n of its lien �hall nc�t �e deerriea to stop or otherwis�; pr�cludc the �lssociation trom again fc�reelc�sing or attemptin� to forc;c�osc its lien for �tny subsec�uent Assessinents (or inslallmenls tl�erec�t� which are n��t fislly paid w�en due c�r tor any subs�:qucnt dei-au�t AsStssments. The ,�ssociati�n sh<�li haue lhe po�ver and right to bici in +�r purchase any Condominiuin Unit at forecl�sure c�r c�ther I��al �a�c �nd tc� acyuirc; and hold, lcase, ��r n-�ort�a�e the Cc>��dominium Ur�it, rind ta cfmvey, c�r otherwise deal w�ith th�; Unit acqu�red in sucl� prcrcecc�ings. First Ylortga�ces shall be entiticd t� curc any cielinquency in the payrnent ol�Assessments c�f the Owizer ut�a Cc�ncic�minium Unit encumbered by the First M�rt��a�r;c. �n that �vent, tl�e �°irst ^vlurtgagee shall be e��titled to obtain a re(ease frc�rn the li�r� impt�scd or perfecte,�l by reason of such delinquency. Section �.13 5uccess���r's i.iability tor .Assessrrzents. Notwithst�tndin� the person�l oi��igati�n of each ()wner �f a Conaominiuin Unit to pay all Assessments c�n the Unit, and notwithstandir�g th� Associatior�'s perp�tua] lien upon a Condc�minium Unit t�>r such r'�,sscssments, ��Il successurs in intereSt to thc fee simple lit�c Of a Cc�nc�ominium Unit, except as provicicd in S�:ction �.14 anci Scction 8.1� beic�w, shall be joii�tly �ind sev�rally liai�lc with thc prior Owncr c�r Owners c�f the Unit t�r any and all unpaid Assessm�nls, interest, late eharg�s, eosts, cxpzns�s, anci attc�rntys' fees against tiu�h Cc�ndorrainium Unit, witl�.c�ut �rejudi�c to any suc1� �ucccssor's right to recover t'rom any prie�r Owner any acn�unts paid t}�ereon hy such successor. �H�nvever, suc� succ�ssor in interest shal] ��e entiticd tc� r�;iy u�a��n tl�e exist�ence and status of unpaici Assessrrjtiits, int�rest, �ate �har�es, costti, expen�;es, ancl atturnc:ys' t�es as s��own ttpon �ny eertitieate issuc;d by c�r or► bchalf c�t�the Astic�eiation to stich nam�e3 succGSSOr in int�rest �ursu�lnt tc� the prc�visic�ns ot�Secti�»i 8.1� b�luw. Scction S.l=� Waiver of'Homestcad Exemption; Subardin�tion. of Asso�sativn's Lien tor Assessments. By acce�tance c�f the c�eed or othcp� insirument e�f trt�n5fe;r a#�a Cundc�mir�ium Unit, eac}� Qwner irrev��cably waives the home5tead �xemption provicied by �'art ?, ,��rticle �I, Tit�e 3S, Cnloracl� R�;visce� Statutes, as amendr.d. "I'h� Association's pe�petual lien on a Cundumiz�ium Unit tc�r i�tiscssments shall be superior to all c�ther liens and cncumbcance� ex�:epl the tolluwin�: �.14.1 R�al property ac� val�rem taxes and special assessment li�;ns dulv imposcd by a Cc�l��rado governmental �r pulitical subdivision or spccial taxin� district, or any uthcr lien� made superi��r by statutc; and g.14.? Tc� the extent perrnitted undcr the �ct, thc lien �f�a�1y First M�rtgage, C:�WINUO�'�'S.000`SLU[P`-..T7125 We��Vail L�dge Dea 3-IZ-ZOOO.dnc P�ge-"��f i;1 . � � � F includi�g any and all advances made by tkze First Mortgagee aiad notwithstanding that any of such advances may have been made subsequent to the date af the attachment of the Association's liens. Wit� respect to the foregoing subpart 8.14.2, ta the extent pernn.itted under the Act, any F�rst Mortgagee who acc�uires title to a Condaminium Unit hy virtue of foreclosing the �irst Martgage or by virtue af a c�eed or assignment in lieu of such a fvrec�osure; or any purchaser at a foreclosure sale of the �irst Mortgage u�i11 take the Condominium Un4t Free of any ela�m� for unpaid Assaciation Assessments, interest, Iate charges, costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees against the Corzdomianium Unzt which acczue prior to the tizne such Pirst Mortgagee or purchaser acqezires title to the Condominiurn Unit, and the amount of the extinguished lien may be reallocated and assessed to alI Condominium Units as a Common �xpcns� at the d�xectio� of the , Executive Board. �, All other persons not halding liens described in Section $.�4 above and obtaining a lien � or encumbrance on any Condominium Unit after the recording af t�is Declaration s�all be � deemed to consent that any such lien ar encumbrance shatl be subordinate and inferior to the Association's future liens for Assessments, interest, late charges, casts, expenses, and attorneys' fe�s, as provided in this Articie 8, whether or not such consent is specificaIly set forth in the instrument creating any such lien or encurnbranc�. . A sal� or other transfer of any Condominium LTnit, including but not limited to a foreclosure sale, except as prov�ded in Section 8.14 abave and except as provided in Section 8.15 below, shall nat affect the Association's lien on sucl� Unit for Assessments, interest, late charges, costs, expenses, and attaz-neys' fees due and o�ving prior to the time such purchaser acquires title and shall not affect the personal liability of each Owner who shall have been responsible for the payzr�ent thereo£ Further, no suct� sale az transfer shall relieve the puz�chaser or transferee of a Condominium Unit from liability for, ot the Condominium from the lien of, any Assessfnents made after the sate or transfer. Section 8.15 Statement of Status of Assessments. Upon fourteen (14) ca�endar days wz-itten request (furnished in the manner described below for the response to such request) to the Managing Agent, Executive Board or the Associat�on's regist�red agent and payment af a reasonable fee set from time to time by the Executive Board, any Owner, prospective purchaser of a Candc�mznium Unit, or Mortgagea shal� be furnished, by personal delivery or by certified rr�ail, �irst class postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the inquiring party (in which event the dat� of post�ng s�al1 be deemed �11e date of cielivery) a statement of the Owner's account s�tting fartl�: � � S.15.1 The amount of any unpaid Assessments, interest, late charges, costs, ' expenses, and attorne s' fees t�en existin a ainst a articular Condominium Unit; Y g g P 8.I 5.2 The amount of the ctrrrent instaliments of the annual Assessinent and the date that the next instaalment is due and payable; 8.] 5.3 The date af the payznent of any installments of any special Assessments C:1WINDOWSOQO�T�MP127f25 West Vail Lodge Dec3-I2-2000.doc Page 26 of 58 a ' ; � � th�n existing against the Condominium Unit; and 8.1 S.4 Any oth�r infoz�r�ation deezned proper by the Association. Upon the issuance of such a certificate s�gned by a member of the Execut�ve Board, by an officer of the Assaciation, or by a Managing Agent, the information contained therein sha�1 be canclusive upon the Association as to the person or persons to whom such certificate is addressed and who re�y an the certificate in good faith. Unless such a statemerzt of status of Assessments �s delivered as described above within said fourteen (14) calendar day }�eriod, ti�e Association shall have no right to ass�rt a przoriCy lien upon the Unit over t�Ze inquiz'irag party's interest for unpaid Assessment� which were due as of the date of the req�est. Section 8.I6 Liens. Except for annu�l, special, and default Assessment liens as �rovided in this Declaration, mechanics' liens (except as provided in Article 12 below), faac liens, and judgment 1ier�s an.c� other liens valialy arising by operation of �aw and liens arising under Mortgages, there sha11 be no other Iiens obtainabie against the Cartxnaon Elements or against the interest of the �wner af any Condominium Unit in the Common Elements. ARTICL� 9 MA�NTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY Section 9.1 Owner's Ri�hts and Duties with Respect to Interiors. Except as may be provided in the purchase anc� saie agreement or other conveyancing documents executed by Declarant in connection with sales or leases to initial purchas�rs of th� Condominiunr�Units, eaeh Owner shall have the excl�sive right and duty to paint, tile, wax,paper, or otherwise decorate or redecorate and to maintain and r��air the interior surfaees of the t�a11s, floors, ceilings, and doors forrning the boundaries of such Owner's Individual Air Space Unit and ail walls, floors, ceilings, and doors wfthin such boundaries. Section 9.2 Res�onsibilitv of the Owner. The Owner at the �wner`s expense shall maintain and keep in a Iike new and �rst class conaitzon the ix�terior of the Condominium Unit, including the fixtures and utilities located in the Candominium Unit. AIl fixtures, equipment, and. utilities instaZled and incluc�ed in an Zndividual Aix Space Unit servin,g only that Unit, commencing at a point urhere the fixtures, equipm�nt, and utilities enter the Ir�dividual Air Space Unit shall be maintain�d and kept in repair by the Owner of that Unit. An Owner shall also maintaain and keep in repair a11 r�vinc�ows and other glass items related to such Owner's Condom,inium Uttit, any entry door or doors serving such Unit. An Owner shatl not allow any action or work that will 4rnpair the structural sounciness af the improvements, impair the proper functioning of the utilities, heating, ventilatian, or plumbing systems or �ntegrity of the Buildings, or impair any easement ar hereditament. Except as atherwise provided �n Section 7.1 above, an Owner or class of Owners, shall also l�ave the obligation to maintain ar�d keep in repair all appurtenant Limited Com�mon Ele�tnents at such Owner's or class of Uwners' expense. Except as otrterwise set forth in Section 13.5, no Owner shall alter any Common Elements witfiout the prior written cansent o:f the Associatian. Sectipn 9.3 Res�c�nsibilitk of the Association. The Association, without the requirement of approva� of the Owners but subject to Section 8.6 above, shal l maintain and keep C:1N+INDOWS.000\TEMP\27125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-200(3.doc Page 27 af 58 � � , E w � in good rEpair, replace, and iznprove, as a Coznmon Expense, the General Common Elem�nts, the Limited Common Elements and alt other portions of the Project not required in this Declaration � to be znaintained and kept zn good repair by an Owner, a c�ass or group of Owners or Declarant, Section 9.4 Qwner's Failure to Maintain or Repair, In the event that portions af a Condominium Unit or other improvements are nQt properly maintained and repaired, and if the maintenance responsibi�ity for the unmaintained imprQ�einent lies with the �wner of the Condominium Unit, or in the event that such improvements are damaged or destrfl�ed by an event of casualty and tt�e Owner aoes not take reasonai�le rr�easures to ditige�tly gursue the repair and r�construction of the darnaged or destrflyed improvements to substantially the same conditian in w�icl� they existed pr2or to the damage or destruction, then the Association, after written not;ce to the Owner and the ex�iratioz� o�� a thirty (30) day cure period, and vvit� the approval of the Executive Boarc3, shall have tlle right to enter upon the Condomimum Unit to perfarrr� such work as zs reasonably requized to restare the Condominium Unit and other improvements to a condition of good order and repair; provided, however, if such repair and , reca�struction due to an event of casualty cannot be reasonably performed within such thirty (30) day cure period, the Owner shall have such time as reasonably required to gerfor�n such repair , and reconstruction so long as the work has b��n cammeneed within such eure period anct is diligently p�arsued to completion. Al� costs incurred by the AssociatiQn in coru�ection with the � restoratio� sha�l be reimbursed to the Association by the Owner o�the Condominium Unit, upon ', demand. AI� unreirnbursed costs s�all be a lien upon the Condominium Unit until reimbursement is made. The lien may be enforced zn the same manner as a lien for an unpaid Assessment levied in accordance with Article 8 of this Declaration. � ARTICLE 10 � INSURANCE AND FiDELlTY BONDS � Sectzon 10.3 General Insurance Provisions. The Associatioz� shall maintain, to the ' extent reasonably available: . I 10.1.� Property insurance an the Common Elements and t�e Units for broad form covered causes of Iass; except that tlae total amaunt of insurance must be not less than the full insurable repiacement costs of the insured Property less applieable deductibles at the time the insurance is purchased and at each renewal date, exclusive of land, excavations, foundations, paving areas, landscaping, personal property and other items normally excludec� from Property policies; and 10.12 Commercial gen.eral liabi�ity insurance(with separate policies being � obtained, unless the Residential Diractors and Cammercial Directors eaci� independent�y deterrziine o� behalf vf their respective class c�f 4wners ta participate in a callective po�icy for � the Project (a) by ihe R�sidentia� Owners, through the Residential Directors, for the Limited Common Elements-Residential, (b) by the Commercial Owners, through the Commercial Directors, for the Limited Common Elennents-Corzimercial, and (c) by tY�� Association, through the Executive Board for the General Common Elemet�ts) against claims and liabilities arising in connection with the ownership, existence, use, ar m:anagement of the Genera� Com.mon Elements, the L,imited Commpn E�ements-Residential and the Limited Common Elements- Commercial and the Association, in an amount, if any, deemed suf�icient in the judgment of the C:�WSh3S�QWS.0U0�TEMP�27125 Wast Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 28 of 58 , „ � � � Executive Board, the Residentia� Dicectars and the Corr�mercial Directors respectively, insuring the Executi�e Board, the Association, the Managing Agen�, and their respective employees, agents, and all persons acting as agents. Declarant shail be included as an additi�na] insured in Dec�arant's capacity as an Owner and Executive Board member.The Owners shall be included as additional insureds but only for claims and liabilities arising in connection with t�e owr�ership, existence,use or management of the Connmon Elements. The insuxance shall cover claims of one ar more insured parties against other insured parties. 10.1.3 The Asso�iation may carry such other and further insurance that the Executive Board considers appropriate, including insurance on Condominium Units t�at the Association is not obligated to ins�re, to protect the Association or the Owners. Section 10.2 Cancellation. If the insurance described in Section 10.1 ab4ve is not reasanabty available, or i�any policy of such insurance is cancelled or not renewed without a rep�acement policy therefor having been obtained, the Association prornptiy shall cause natice of that fact to be hand delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail ta all Owners. Seetion 10.3 Policv Provisions. Insurance poiieies carried pursuant to Section 10.1 above must provide that: 10.3.1 Each Owner is an insured person under the po�icy with res�ect to liability arising out of such Owner's interest in the Common Elements or rnembership ira the Association; 10.3.2 The insurer waives its rights to subrogatians under tl�e paliey against any Owner or member of his househo�d; 10.3.3 No act or omission by any Owner, ur�less acting with�n the scape of st�eh Owner's authority nr� behalf of the Association, wi11 void the policy or be a condition to recovery under the policy; a�d ��.3.4 I�; at the time of a loss under the policy, there is other insurance in the name of an Owner covering the same risk covezed by the po�icy, th� Association's �alicy provides primary insurance, Section 1�.4 Insurance Proceeds. Any lass covered by the Praperty insurance policy described in Section 10.i above must be adjusted witYz th� Associatian, but the insurance proceeds for that loss shall be payable to any insurance tru'stee designated for that purpose, or otherwise fo the Association, and not tv any holder af a sect�z-i#y interest. The insuran�e tnistee or the Association shal� hold any insuranee proceeds in trust for the Owners and First Mortgagees as their interests may appear, Sub�ect to the provisions of Section 10.7 below, the proceeds must be disbursed first for the repair or restoration of tlxe damaged �'roperty, and tlae Association, Owners and First Mortgagees are not entitied to receive payment of any portion of th� proceeds unless there is a surplus of proceeds after the damaged Praperty has been completely repaire� or restared ar the regime created by this Declaration �s terminated. Section 10.5 Assaciation Poiicies. The A�sociatzon may adopt and establish written C:lWINDOWS.DDOITEMP127125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 24 of 58 � � � � � nandiscrirzzinatory policies and procedures re�ating to the submittal of claims, responsibility for deductibles, and any ot�Er matters of claims adjustment. To the extent fihe Association settles claims for damages to the Property, it shall have the authority to assess negligent Owners causing such IoSS ar benefiting from such repair or restoration aIl or any equitable portion of the ' deductibles paid by the Association. , Section 1Q.6 Insurer Obli�ation. An insurer that has issued an insurance �olicy �or the insurance described in Section 10.1 above shall issue certificates ar m�moranda of insurance to the Association and, up�n request, to any Owner or Mortgagee. Unless otl�erwise provided by ' statute, the insurer zssuing the po�icy may not cancel or refuse to renaw it until thirty {30) days after notice of the proposed cancel�ation ar nonrenewal has been mailed to the Associatian and to each Owner and Mortgagee to wham a certificate or memorandum of insurance has been issued at their respective last known addresses. ' Section 10.7 Repair and Replacement. , 10.7.1 Any portion of the Common Elements for which insur�.nce is required � unaer this Article which is damaged or destrayed must be repaired or replaced pramptly by the Association unless: � (1} The regime created by this Declaration is tez�minated; (2) Repair or replacemEnt would be illega� under any state or local �� statute or ordinance governing health or safety; (3� Eighty-�ive perce�t {SS°/a) of the votes of the Owners and aI� directly adversely affected Owners agree in writing not ta rebuild;. ar (4j Priar to the convcyance of any Candominium Unit to a persan other than Declarant, the Mortgagee holding a Mortgage on the damaged portion of the Common Elements rightfully der�ands a�l or a substantial part of the insurance proceeds. 10.7.2 The cost of repair or replacem�er�t in excess af insurance �rocceds and �i reserves is a Cornmon Expense. If a�l damaged Comr�on Elements are not repaired ox replaced, the insurance proceeds attrabutable to the damaged Common Elements must be used to restore the damaged area to a condition compatible with the remainder of the Project, and except to the extent that ather persons will be distributees, the insurance proceeds must be distrihut��to all the Ov�ners or mort �. ees as their interests ma a ear in ro ortfon t�o their res ective or�vnershi � g � > Y P� , P P P P ' interests in the Cornmon Elements. Section 10.8 Comm�� Ex enses. Premiums for insurance that the Association acquires and other expenses connected �,vith aequiring such insurance are Cammon Expenses. Sectian 1�.9 Fide�ity Insurance. Fidelity bonds shall be maintained by the Association C:�W1ND(3W5.0001TEi.°fP',27l25 West Vail Ludge Dec 3-11-20DO.doc Page 3U of 58 + ,, � � � ta protect against dishon�st acts on the part of its o�ficers, directors, trustees, and erriployees and on the part af a11 others who hand�e ar are respor�sible for handling the fiinds belongzng to or admxnistered by the Association in an amount not less than two months' current Assessments plus reserves as calculated from the current budget of the Association. In addition, if responsibi�ity for handling funds is delegated to a Mana�ing Agent, such bond rrtay be abtained for ihe Managing Agent and its officers, employees, and agents, as applicab�e. Any such fidelity coverage shall name the Assoeiation as an obli�ee and such bonds s�iail contain waivers by the issuers of ali defenses based upon the exclusion of persons serving without compensation from the definition of"emp�oyees," or simi�ar terms or expressions. Section 10.10 Worker's Compensation Insurance. If the Association has ernp�oye�s, the Association shall obtain worker's compensativn or similar insurance witl� respect to its emp�oyees in the arnounts and forms as may zzaw or hereafter be required by law. Seetivn 10.11 Other Insurance. The Associatior� sha11 aIso maintain insurance ta the extent reasonably available and in such amounts as the Executive Board may deem appropriate on behalf of Directc�rs and officers against any Iiability asserted against a Director ar of�eer or incurred by him in hi� capacity of or arising out of his status as a Director or off cer. The Association anay obtain insurance against suc� other risks, of a similax or dissimilar nature, as it shall deem appropriate with respect to its responsibilities and duties. Section 10.]2. 7nsurance Obtained by Owners.�t shall be the responszbi�ity of eacl� Owner, at such Owner's expense, to maintain physical damage insurance on such Or�vner's personal property and furnishings and publie liabil2ty insuranee coverang such �wner's Individual Air 5.pace Unit. In addition, an Ownex may obtain such other and additional insurance coverage on and in relation to the Owner's Candomit�iurn Unit as the Owner in the Owner's sole discretion shall conclude to be desirable. However, none of such insurance caverages obtaaned by such Owner shall affect any insurance coverage obtained by th� Association or cause the diminution or.ternaination of tk�at insurance caverage, nor shall such insurance coverage of an Owner result in apportionment of insuratice �roceeds as between polieies of insurance of the Association and the Owner. An Owner shal� be liable to the Association for the amount of any such diminution of insu.ranee proceeds to the Association as a result of insuranee caverage maintained by the ()wner, and the Assc�ciataon shall be entitled to cotlect the arnount of the dir►aination frorn the Owner as if the amount were a default Assessment, with the understanding that tYze Association may impose and foreclose a �ien fvr the payment due. Any insurance obtairaed by an Owner shall include a provision waiving the particular ins�ranee company's right of subrogation ag�inst the Assaciatiot� attd other Owners. Eaeh Owner shall be responsibie to provide insurance coverage for the amount of any additional value to any Condominium Unit caused by any improvement to fihe Condominium Unit made by such �wner and not initially made l�y DecIarant, including, but not limited to, the vaiue of structural upgrades oz fixtures suppliec� by the Owner, or if the appiicable insurance is to be provided by the Association, far any additional insurance costs associated with such increased value due to the improvements. The Executive Board may require an Owner who purchases addit�onal insurance coverage for the �wner's Condam�nium Unit (other than coverage for tl�e Qwner's personal praperty) ta file copies of such policies with the Association within �hirty (30) days after purehase of the coverage to elirninate potential confJicts witli any master poiicy carried �y the C:1W[N�13lS.6QOl�'�MP�27�25 West Yai]Lodge pec 3-12-2000.doc Page 3l uf 58 � � � ' f Assaciation. ART1CtE 't 1 CONVEYANCES ANi] TAXATION QF CONDOM�NIUM UNITS Section 11.1 Contracts to Convey_Entered into Prior to Recordin� of Condazrxinium Map and_Declaration. A contract c�r ather agzeeznent �or the sale af a Cnndominium Unit entered into prior to the filing for record of thc Condominium Map and this Dec�aratian in th� office of the C1erk and Recorder of Eag1e County, Colorado, may legal�y describe such Condom�nium U�it in substantially the mar�ner set forth in Section ��.2 below and may i�dicate �ha# the GQndominium Map and this Declaration are to be recorded. Section 11.2 Contracts to Convev and Conv_e�ances_Subsequent_ta Recordin� of Condomiz�ium Mac and Aeclaration. Subsequent to the recording of the Condominium Map and this Declaration, contracts to cvnvey, instruments of cor�veyance af Condomi�aium Units, and every other instrument affecting title to a Condominium Unit shal] be in substantially tl�e ', fol�owing form with such amissions, insertions, recitals of fact, or other provisions as may be required under the Act or by the circumstances or a�propriate to conform to the requirements c�f any governmenta? authority or any usage or requirement of law with respect thereto: Condo�ninium Uni� , West Vail Lodge, accarding to the Candominiurn Map recarded , 2Q00, at Receptian No. , and as defined and described in the Candaminium Declaration for West Vail Lodge,recorded 2000 , i at Reception Na. in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Calorado (witl� applieable recording infornaation inserted herein) � Section 11.3 Convevance Deemed to Describe an Undivid.ed Interest in Cammon �� Elemen#s. Every in5trument of conveyance, Mortgage, or other instrument affecting the title to a Condominium Unit �vhich legally describ�s the Unit substantial�y in the manner set forth in 5ection 11.2 above shatl be construed to describe the �ndividual Air Space Unit, together with the undivided inter�st in the Common Elements a�purtenant to it, and together with all tixtures anc� irnprovernents contained in it (unless any sach fixtures; or improvements sha�l be Common , E�ements} , and to incor�orate �ll the rights incident to ownership of a Condaminiurn Unit and ' all tlie l�xnitation of wner i a• described in the covenants conc�itians restrictians easements s o shp 5 , , , , ' reservatians, rights-of-way; and otlaer provisions contained in this Declaratior�, incIuding the easement of en�}oyment to use the Common Elements. Section 11 4 Separate Tax Assessrnents. Upon the recording of this Declaration and the tiling of the Condominium Map for record in Eagle County, Colorac�o, Declarant shall deliver a recorded copy of this Declaration and the Map to the Assessor af Eagle County, Colorado, as pravided by Iaw which notice shall s �t �orth the descriptions of the Condominium Unrts, inelud'zng the interest in the Comman Elements appurtenan# to the Unif, so that thereafter all taxes, assessments, a.nd other charges by the State or any gov�rnmental or palitical subdivision or any special impravement district or any ather taxing agent c�r assessing authority s4�ali be assessed against and collected on eaeh Condozninium Unit, �ach of which shall be carriec3 on the C:1W1i3DOWS.DODITEMP127125 west Va�l Lodge Dec 3-12-2000-doc Page 32 oF58 + � � � 1 tax records as a separate ar�c� c�istinct pareel for that purpose. For the purpose of such assessmer�t again�t the Condominium Units, valuatzon of the Common Elements shatl be appartioned among the Units in proportion to the fractio�a� interest in the Cammon Elements appurtenant to such Units. Accordixagly, the Common Elements shail not be assessed separately but shall be assessec� with the Condomini�m Units as proviaed �ursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes Subsection 3- 33.3-1 O5t2). The lien for taxes assessed to the owner or Ovvners of a Condominium Unit shalt be confined to his Indivi�ual Air Space Ilnit and to his appurtenant undivided interest in the Common Elements. No forfeiture or sale of any Condominium Unit for del�r�quent taxes, assessrnents, ar ather goverr�meata� charges shall davest or in any way affect the title to any other Condoxninium Unit. ARTICLE 12 MECHANlCS' L1ENS Section 12.� Mechanics' Liens. Subsequent to t}ae filing of the Map and recording of this Declaration, no labor perfarmed or materials furnished for use and incorporatad in any Condorninium Ur�it with the consent of or at the request of the Owner of the Unit or the Owner's agent, contxaetor ar subcontractor shail be the basis for the filing of a �ien against a Conc�orniniurn Unit of any oth�r Owner not ex�ressly c�nsenting to or zequesting the same, or against any interest in the Common Elements except as to the undivided interest therein appurtenant to the Indiv�c�ual Air Space Unit of the �wner for whoxn such Iabor shalf have been performed or such materials sha11 have been furnished. Each 4wner shall ind.emnify and hold harmless each of the other �wners and the Association from and against any liability or Ioss arising from the clairz�► of any mechanic's Yien for ?abor performed or for materials furnished in wark o� such Owner's Condominium Unit against the Condominiuzn Unit of another �wner or against th� Commar� Elements, or any part thereaf. Sec�ion 12.2 En.farcement by the Association. At its ow� initiative or upon the written request oF any Owner (if the Association determines that further action by the Association is proper) , the Association si�all enforce the indemnity providec� by the provisions of Section12.1 above by collecting frorn the Own�r of the Condominium Unit on whicln the iabor was performed or materiais furnished the amount necessary to discharge by bond or otherwise any suc� mechanie's lien, including all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incidental to the lien, and obtain a release of such 1ien. In; the event that the Owner of the Condominium Unit on which the . labor was performed or materials furnished refuses or fails to so indezn.nify witk�in seven {7) days aftex the Association shat� have given notice to such Owner of the total amount of the claim, or any portions thereof from time ta time, then the £ailure to so zndemnify shali be a default by such 4wner under the provisians of this Section, and such amount to be indemnified shali automatically become a default Assessznent determined and ievied against such Condorniniurn Unit, and enforceable by the Association in accordance wzth 5ections 8.10, 8.11 and 8.]2 above. C:�W INDO W S.ODO\IEM Pt27 3 25 West Vai l Lodge Dec 3-12-2DOO.doc Page 33 qf 58 � � , ' a ART�CLE 13 U5E RESTRICTIONS Sectian 13.1 Use of Condorrtinium Units. Both residential anc� commercial uses are cantemplated within the Project, and any functions, activities anci uses per�x�itted undar any zoning or ather laws, rutes oz- regulations applicable to the Property are expressly allowed, subject ta the restrictions set forth in Section 13.2 perkaining to the Commercial Project and Section 13.3 gertaining to the Residential Project. No rules and regulatians re�ating to the Project shall be adopted which unfair�y discriminate against any use permitted within either the ReSidential Units or the Commercial Unzts. Atl Own�rs wi1� be sub3ect to the rules and , regulations of the Associatian. Section 13.2 Commercia� Uses. Thc Commercial Unit shall be restricted for usc only as � Section 13. Residential Uses. All Residential Units shall be used far dwellin and 3 g lodging purpases only, in conformity with a11 zoning 1aws, ordinances and regulations. Owners of Residential Units rnay rent or lease such Units to others, on a�ong term ar short terna basis, for these purposes and rr�ay use the Residential Units �'or home occupations which do not cause unreasnnable disturbasice to other Owners and which are permitted by applicable zoning codes. Notwithstanding the foregaing, Residential Units may be used as a Residential Proj�ct sales office Residential Units management office, rental management of£'ice, storage facility anci/or such other uses as may be pezmitted under the Act. Section 13.4 Convevance of Candominium Units. All Condominium LJnits, w�ether or not the instrument of conveyance or assignment shall re�er to this Declaration, shall be sut�ject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights of way, and other provisions contained in this Declaration, as the same znay be amended from time to time. Section 13.5 Use of Common Elements. There shall be no obstruction of, nor shal� anything be kept or storec� by any Owner or other party on any part of(a) the General Cammon Elements without the prior written approval of the Association, (b) the Limited Common Elements-Residential without the prior written approval of the Residential Directors, or (c) the Limited Common Elexnents--Commercial witl�out th� prior written approval of tl�e Commercial , Directors. Nothing shall be alter�d on, constructed in, or removed by any Qwner c�r other party ', from (x) the Generai Common Elements without the prior written approval of the Associatian, � (y) the Limited Common Elements-Residential vvithout the prior written approval of the ' Residential Directors, or (z) the Limited Comrr��n .Elements-Commercial without the prior written approval o�the Commereial Directors. Section 13.6 Prohibitzon of Increases in Insurahle Risks and Certain Activities. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Con�ominium Unit or in ar on the Common Elements, or any part thereof, which would result in the cancellation of the insurance an a�l.or any part of the Praject or, taking into accaunt that the Project �s a mixed use project and th.e particular use involved, in an increase in the rate of the insurance an all or any part of the Project over what the Association, C:1WiNDOWS.�001TEMP127125�Vest Vaii Lodge llec�-12-2000.doc Pzge 34 uF 58 � �, � � but for such activity, would pay, without the prior written approva.l of the Association. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Condominium Unit or in or on the Common Elements which would be in violation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, permit, or other imposed. requirement of any governmental body. No damage to or waste of the Common Elements shalI be committed by any Owner, or by any member af the Ow�,er's fami�y, or by any guest, invitee, or contract purchaser of any Owrzez, and each Owner shall indemnify and hold the Association and the other Owners harmless a�ainst all loss resulting frorz� any such dacziage or waste caused by hiral, the members o�his family, or his guests, invitees, or contract purchasers. Failure to so indemnify shall be a default by such Owner under this Sectian, and such amount to be indemnifed shall automatieally become a default Assessment deterrnined and levied against such Condominium Unit. At its own initzative or upan the written request of any Owner ( and if the Association determines that fi�rther action by the Associa�ion is praper}, the Association shall enforce the foregoing inc�emnity as a detault Assessment as provided in Sections $.10, 8.11 and 8.12 above. 5ection I3.7 Employee Housing Unit Restrictive Covenants, Tl�e Dec�arant aoes hereby impose, estab�ish, acknowledge, declare for the benefit of a�l persons wha may hereinarter purchase, or lease, or hold the Employee Housing Units {"EHUs") the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions aIl of which shall be deemed to run witt� the EHUs and inure to the benefit and bonclin�;upc�n the owraer of each Emp�oyee Housing Unit ("EHU"). I3.7.1 Units 202 — 221 and Units 3Q1-320 are hereby restricted as a Type III Employee I-�ousing Unit (EHiJ) which must compiy with all provisians of SecNons 18.57.020, 18.57.030 and 18.57.060 ofthe Vail Municipal Code as amended. 13.7.2 The Typa III EHUs shall be leased to tenants who are fu11-time employees who work in Eagle County. An EHLJ shall not be leased for a period less than thirty hours each week. I3.7.3 A Type III EHU may be so1d, transferred, or conveyed separately from other dr�velling units or EHUs that may be Iocated on, the same lot or within the same bui�c�ing sa long as it meets the following conditions: It rnust be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent residence. For the putpose of this section, a perrr�anent resid�nce sl�all mean the home or place in which one's habitation is fixed and to whieh one, whenever he or she is absent, has a present intention of returning after a departure or absence ther� frorn, regardless of the d�ration of absence. In determianing w�at ia a permanent residence, the Town nf Vail statl shall take the fo�lowing circumstances relating to the owner of the EHU into account: business pursuits, employment, income sourees, residence for incorne or other tax purposes, age, marital status, residenee of parents, spouse and children, if any, loeation of personal and real property, and motor vehicle registration. If a Type ITI EHU is sold, transfearred, or canveyed separately from the other dwelling units anc3/or Type III EHUs in the Project, or from other dwelling units and/or Type III EHUs located in the same Project, the Type 3II EHLTs transferred, or conveyed shall be subject to all the provisions set forth in �ection 18.57.020. C:1t4'�NDOWS.OUO\T�MPl27125 West Vai1 Lodge llec 3-12-2000.doc Page 35 as58 � � ,, , 13.7.4 The Type III EHU shall not be divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership as those terms are defined in the Municipal Cc�de of the Town of Vai1. 13.7.5 No later than February l, of eaela yeax, the Association shaii obtain from each owner of a EHU located in the Proj�ct and submit two copies of a report on a form ta be obtained trom the Community Developrnent Department of the Town of Vail, to the Community Developmez�t Departme�t of the Town of Vail and Chairman of the Town of Vail Housing Authority setting forth evidence establishing that the EHU has been oecu�ied by the owner of the EHU or rented throughout the year, the rental rate, the employer, and that each te�ant who , resides within�he EHU is a full-time employee in Eagle County. � 13.7.6 The owner of each EI�.0 shall rent the unit a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than tlaose market rates prevalent for sir�ailar properties in the Town of Vail. ' 13.7.7 The Town of Vail Housing Authority wi�l determine tne market rate based �, on the study of o#her units of cornparable size, lacation, quality and axnenities throughout the , Town of Vail. The market rate shall be based on an average of a minimum of tive rental rates of , comparable units. If the EHU is n�t rented and is not available at the �narket rate if shall be , �etezmined to be in nonGompliance. In addition to any other penalties and restriction provided � herein, a EHU found to be in noncompliance shall be subject to publication as determined by the Towz�of Vail Hausing Authority. i i 13.7.8 Thirty (30} days prior to the tr�nsfer of a deed for a Type I�I EHU, the , prospective purchasers sl�all submit an applieation to the Town of Vai1 Community Development , Department documenting that the prospective purchaser meets the criteria set forth above and � sha11 include an affidavit af�irming that he or she meets these criteria. Z 3.7.9 The provisions af these restrictive covenants may be enfc�rcec� by the ' Association or the Town of Vail. � Thc conditians, restrictions, sti ulations, and agreeznents, confiained herein shall not be � P , waived, abandaned, texrz�inated, or amended exce�t by the written consent of the Town of Vail � and the compliance with the requirements otherwise set forth in this Declaration for arnendznent ' of the Declaratzon. ARTtCLE 14 EASEME�VTS Section 14.i Easement of Enioyment. Every Owner shall have a nonexclusive easement for the use and enjoyment of the Genera] Common Eiements, which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with tha tatle to every Condominium Unit, subject to the easements set Fc�rth in this Article 14. Section 14.2 Dele�atian of Use. Any Owner may delegate, in accortiance with #he Association Documents, the Owner's right of enjoyrzlent in the Cornmon Elements to the Owner's C:IWINBOWS.DD01i'EMP127125 Wes�Vail Lodge�cc 3-12-2000.doc Page 36 of JS � „ , � � � tenants, employees, family, guests, and invitees. Section �4.3 Recorded Easements. The Property shall be subject to any easements as shown on any recorded plat affecting the Prop�rty, and as shawn. on the recorded Condonninium Map. The recording data for recorded easements and licenses appurtenant to or inciuded in tfie Property or to r�vhich any parts of the Proper�y znay becorae subject is set forth on the attached Exhibit Di. Section 14.4 Easements for Encroachments. The Project, and all portions af it, aze subject to easements hereby created for encroachrnents between Condominium Units and �he Common Elements as fallaws: I4.4.1 �n favor of the Association sp that it shall have no leg�l liability when any part of the Cammon Elements encroaches upon on Inc�ividual Air Space Unit; 14.42 In favor of each Owner of ea�h Unit so that the Owner shall have no legal liability when any part of his Individual Air Space Unit eneroaches upon the Common E�ements or�zpon another Individual Air Space Unit; 14.4.3 In favor of a11 Owner, the Association, and t�e Owner of any er�croaehing Ind.ividual Air Space Unit for the maintenance and repair of such encroachrnents. Eneroachments referred to in this Section 14.4 include, but are not limited to, encroachments caused by error or variance fram #he origina] plans in the construction of the Building or any Condominium Unit constructed on the Propercy, by error in the Conc�omini�am Map, by settling, rising, or shifting of the earth, or by changes in position caused by repair or reconstruction of any part of the Project. Such encro�chments shall not be eonsidered to be eneumhrances upon any part of the Project. �ection �4.5 Uti�it,y Easements. There is hereby created a general easEment upon, across, over, in, and under all of the Property fnr ingress and egress and for installatian, replacement, re�air, and maintenance of all uti3ities, including but not limited to water, sewer, gas, telephone, electricity, and a ca�le communication system. By virtue of this easement, it shall be expressly permissible and praper for the companies providing electrical, telephone, and other carnmurzication services to erect and main�ain the necessary equiprnent on the Praperty and to affix and maintain electrical, comnaunications, and telephone wires, circuits, �►d cond�tits �nder the Property, Any utility company using this general easement shall use its best efforts to install and maintai� the utitities pravided withvut disturbing the uses of the Owners, the Association, and Declarant; shall prasecute its installation and maintenanc� activities as pramptly as reasonably possible; and shal� restore the surface to its original condition as soon as possible after eompletion of its work.. Should any utility company fi.irnishing a service covered by the general easement request a specific easement by separate recordable document, Declarant ar the Executive Board shall have, and are hereby given, the right and authority to grant such easement upon, across, over, or under any part or all of the Property without conflicting wzth the tez�ns hereo£ The easemer�ts provided for in this Section 14.5 shall in no way affect, avoid, extinguish, or modify any other recorded easement an the Property. C:IWINDOWS.6�01TEMP127125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Yage 37 oF58 � � � .� � Sectior� 14.6 Resezvation of Easements. Exceptions. and Exclusions. Declarant reserves for itself and its snccessars ana assigns and hereby grants to the Assaciation the concunent right to establis� from tizne to time by dec�aration or atherwise, utility and other easements w�thin the Common EIements for purposes ine�uding but not litnited to streets, gaths, walkwa�s, drainage, recre�tion areas, parking areas, ducts, shafts, flues, conduit installation areas, consistent wzth the condominium ownership of the Project for the best interest af al] of the O�vn.ers and the Association, in order to serve aIl the Owners within the Project; provided, S�owevez, na sucla right shall be exercise�i witl�in the Limited Common Elements-Commercial without the ccrnsent of the Commercial Directors. Section I4.'7 Emer�encv Access Easement. A general easement is hereby grazited to all police, sheriff, fire protection, ambulance, and alI other sirnilar emergency agencies or persons to enter upon all streets anc� upon the Property in the proper performance of their duties. Section 14.5 Maintenance Easement. An easeme�t is h�reby granted to the Association and any 1Vlanaging Agent and their respective officers, agents, employees, and assigns upon, across, over, in, and under the Comznan Elements and a right to make such �e of the Co�mon �lements as may be necessary or appropriate ta perform the duties and functions which they are obligated or permitted to perf4rm pursuant to this Declaratian. Section 14.9 Draii�a�e Easement. An easement is hereby reserved to Declarant and its successors and assigns and granted to the Association and its afficers, agents, emp�oyees, successors, and assigns ta enter upon, acro5s, over, in, and under any portion of t1�e Project far the purpose of changing, correcting, or otherwise modifying the grade or drainage channels of the Property so as to improve the drainage of water on the Yraperty. Seetion 14.10 Easements of Access for Re air. Maintenance. and Emer encies. Some of the Comnnon Etements are or rrzay be located within t1�e Individual Air Space Units or may be conver�iently accessible only through the Individual Air Space Units. The �wners of other Indivzc�ua� Air Space Units and the Association shal] have the irrevocal�l� right, to be exercised by the Association as the Owners' agent, to have access to eaeh Individual Air Space Unit and ta ali Common Elements frorn time to time during such reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement of any of the Common Elements therein or accessible therefrom or for making emezgen.cy repairs thereirz necessary to prevent damage to the Cammon Elements or to any Individual Afr Space Unit. In addition, an easement is hereby created for s�ch Comrt�on Elements as they currently exist within the Individual Air Space Units. Subject to the provisions of Section 7.3 above, damage to the interior of any part of an Individual Air Space Unit resulting from the maintenance, repair, emer�ency repair, removal, or r�placement of any af th� Cammon Elements or as a result of emergency repair within another Individual Air 5pace Unit at the instance of the Association or ot Owners shall be a CQm�non ��per�se. 5ection 14.11 Declarant's Ri�hts Incident to Construction and Marketin�. Dec�arant, for itse�f and its successors and assigns, hereby retains a right and easement of ingress and egress over, in, upon,under, and across the Property and �he right to store znaterials on the �'roperty and to make such other use of the Property as may be reasonably necessary or incident ta the C:1WiNUOW5.000\TEMP�27125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 38 uf 58 , � � � , complete co�ns4ruc;ti��rn an�i sale c�f the Project, inclu�iin�, but r�ot limit�;ci to, coizstructic�n trail�:rs, temp�rary c�nstructi�n vfficcs, sales �t�tices, and iiirectionaI ana marketing si��ns; provided, hc>�vevcr, that no �uch rights shall be ererciseei by De�larant in connection with t��e C�mmercial Project without the consent o#� the Cc�rnmercial Director� ��r in such a way as t� um�easonably interfere with the �c::u�anc_v, use, �njoyn�ent, �r a�cess by any Owncr_ c�r fan�ily memhers, gucsts, or invitees of an �Jwner. Declarant, fur itself and its successc�rs and assigns, hereby relain5 a ri�i�t to maintain any Condc�rninium Unit or Units as saie� ofifices, managcmLnt affices c�r mudel residcnccs so lc�ng �s De�lar�nt, �r �ny successor to the ri�hts of Declarant under tl�is Dcclar��tiori, continues t�� he ai� Own�r of a Condurrk�nium LJnit. Tkie use by I��;c;larant of any Unit as a nl�del r�siden��, oft7ce ur othcr t�se 5ha11 nut �affect th�; Unit's designation on the vlap as a sepurate Unit. Section 1�1.1? Ri<�ht c�f Declar�int and Ass�ci�ition t� Own l.lnits and tcro Use C��mmun Clements. An eascment is herebv reserved by Ueclarant for itsclf and its successars and assiUns a��d �ranteci tc� the Ass�>ciatiot� and its officers, aQen(�, c�nploy�e�, su�ccssc�rs and assi,ns to maantaif� ottices, stc�►�a`re are��s, confcrence arcas, �nd recreati�nal areas for use by t11e Ass�ciatic�n withirl the C�c:ncra� Commor� Elements atid the Lirnitcd Comr��on Elements R�Si�ential anc� th� Limited Cummon Elem�nts Commercial and subje�;t to all r�les aa�d re�ulations establish�d undcr t}�is Declaratirrn. The r�.ssociatiorz shull also hav� the right (but nE�t the obligatic7n) tc� �urch�tse an�l c�wn any Condo�rninium Unit For the purp�7se� of maintaining an ot�tice fc�r t}ie Associatic�n c�r for any c�ther usc. which t}lc: Association determines is cc�nsistent with thc operation c�f the Projcct. Th� eosts anci carryin� char�cs incurr�d h_y the Associati�n in purchasin� and o�vning �ny su�h Condominium Unit tihall b�pari uFthe C�mmon Expenses. S��tio�� 1�.13 Remodelin� Lasement. Declarank, far itsc;lf an� its succc:ssors and assi�ns, includir,g Uwne�s, retains a right aild e��sement in and ��be�ut the Buildin�s tor the �onstructi�n anc� installation ot�any duct wark, additional plumhin�, or othcr aciditional serviccs or i�tiliti�s in thc Cc�mmon Elcine��ts in u��nnection �vith the improv�ment �r alteratian o#`any C�md��mi►zium Unit, in�judin� the right of t�ccess to such are�3s ��f khe Cor�imon Ele�nents as is rea�onahly nec�ssary t� <�ccom�lish �uch improvements; �rovided, hc�wcvcr, no su�:h ri�ht sh��ll he cxerciseci within thc Generul Common �lements ur the 1_imitcd Corr�mon E1�m�;nts�C�7mnZZrcial without t}�c cc�ns�nt ��t� thc Commercial Direct��rs, such consent n�t to be unrcasonably withhcld ��vith re�pect to the Creneral Common 1-:lements. In the ev�nt of Ei ciisputc among Owncrs with respcct to thc scc�pe i�f tlje easemeilt rescrv�;d in this Sectinn, the dccision uf thc Execrative Board sha�l be final. Section 14.14 Easements D�;emcd Cre�t�d. �.lZ conveyances of G��Rd��minit�m Units heccarter macic;, whct��ci• by I]eelarant or athee-�vis�:, shall hz constnied t�� �rant �incl res�rve the easements contai»�:cl in this Article i4, �ven thc�u�k� no spe�i�ic referenee tc� suc�� �ascments �r to this Article f�4 appcars it� the instrument for such conveyance. Sccti�n 1-�.15 R�sei-vati��n ti�r Expansion. f�cclarant h�reby reserveti to itsell� and the Association and/or for Ow�i�rs in all iuture �has�s of lhe Project an e.�sen�ent and ri�ht of way over, upon and across the Property ���r cc�nstil�ctic�n, utilities, draina�e, anci in�ress tc� and �gress frc�r� the Expansic��r Propei�y, and other properties �►�utting and conti�uous to the ProPerry and tl}e �xpansic�n Prap�;rty, an�i for use o#�the Common �:lemcnts as may bc reasonably ilecessary ur C."WINUOWS.OnO�,TES�1F"�3'L�15 Wesl Vail Lodge�llcc3-i2-2ppp.duc PaQe 39 of'S6 � � , , � , , incident to the construction of 2mprovements on the Property or the Expansion Property; , provided, however, that no such rights sha11 be exexcised by Declarant in a way which unreasonably int�rferes with the occupancy, use, enjoyment, or access to the Froject by the Owners. The location of these easements and rights-of-way may be made certain by Declarant or the Association by iz�struments recordec3 in the office of the C1erk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado. � A�'tT1CLE 15 ASSOCIATION AS ATTORNEY-IN-FACT � Section 15.1 Ap�ointment. Each and every Owner hereby irrevoeably constitutes anc� - � appoints the Association as such Owner's true and lawfi,�l attorney-in-fact xn sueh Owner's name, place, and stead for the purpose of dealing with the Pxoject upon its damage, destruction, condemnation, ar obsolescence as provided below in Articles 16, 17 and 18. In addition, the Associatian, or any insurance tz-ustee or substitute insurance trustee designated by the � Association, is hereby appointed as attorney-in-fact under this Declaratian for the purpose of , purc�iasing and maintainittg insurance under Articie �0 above, including: t�e coilection and appropriate dispasition nf the proceeds of such insurance; the negotiation of losses and the � execution of releases of liability; th� execution of ai] documents; and the performance �f all other acts necessary to accomplish such purpose. The Association, or any insurance trustee, shall hold or otherwise pzoperly dispose of any insurance praceeds in trust far the Owners and their Mortgagees, as their interests rnay appear. Acceptance by any grantee vf a deed �r other instrument of conveyance from Declarant or �rom any Owner shall constitute appointments of the attorneys-in-fact as provided above. Notwithstanding any other provision o#chis Declaration to th�. contrary, the Association may exercise its authority as attorney-in-fact for any putpose � permitted pursuant to this Declaration only if, in each at�d every instance wh�re such exarcise is so permitted, the Ex�cutive Board approves the exercise of sueh authority by the affir�r►ative vote of a majority of the voting Directors, including the affirmative vote of at least one each of the R�sidential Directors and the Commercial Directors. If the Executive Board fails to so approve any exercisc of authority as attorney-in-fact, the Association shall have such authority as it may have pursuant t� #he Act. . Sectio� 15.2 General Authorit . As attorney-in-fact, the Association sha11 have full and complete authorizatxon, right, and power to make, execute, and deliver any cantract, assignment, I deed, waiver, or other instrument with respect ta the interest ot any Owner which may be necessary or appropz'iate ta exexcise the powers granted to the Association as attorney-in-fact. ARTiCLE '16 DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION ' � Sectian 1(.1 The Role of the Executive Board, Except as provided in Section 16.5, i� the event of damage to or destruction of all or part of the Genera! Common Elernents; or ather � property covered by insurance written in the name o£� the Association under Article 10, the � Execut�ve Board shall arrange for and supervise the prompt re�air and restoratiorz of the damaged areas of the �'roject including, without limitation, the floor coverings, fixtures, and appliances initially installed therein by Declarant, and replaeement thereof installed by the C:IWINI70WS.OUO\TLMP127125 West Vail l.odge Beo3-l�-2DOO.doc Page A6 of 5& { ,� � � � Owners up to the value of those initaally installed by Declarant, but not including any fu�-niture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, or other personal pro�erty supplied or instailed by the Owners in the Condaminium Units unless eovered by insurance abtained by the Associataon. To the extent the damage or destruction affects all or part of any Condominium Unit or the Limit�d Common Elennents relating to an individual class of Owners, the Directars representing the Owners of the Units or T.imited Common Elements damaged shall perform the f'oregaing functions. Notwit�standing the foregoing, each Owner shall have the right to supervise the redecorating of his Unit. Section 16.2 Estimat� of Damages or Destruction. As soon as �ractzcal after an event causing damage to or destruction of any �art of the Pro�ect, the Association shall, unless such damage or destn,iction shall be rr�inor, obtain an estir�nate or estirxxates that it deems reliable and complete of the costs of repair and reconstruction of that part of the Project damaged or destroyed. "Repair and reconstruction" as used in this Article 16 shall mean restoring the darnaged or destroyed part of the Praject to substantially the same canditian in vvhich it existed prior to the damage or destruction, with each Individual Air Space Unit and the Common Elements having substantially the same vertical and harizontal boundaries as before. Section 1 b.3 Repair and,Reconstruction. As soon as practical after obtaining estimates, the Associa�ion shall diligently pursue to completion t�e repair and recor�struction of the p�-t of the Project damaged or destroyed. As attorney-in-fact for the Owners, tne Association may take any and all r�ecessary or appropriate action to ef#ect repair and recanstruction, and no eonsent or other action by any 4wner shall be necessary in conneetion vvith that action. Section �6.4 Funds for ReQair and Reconstruction. Subject to the provisions of Section 16.6 below, the proceeds received by the Association from any hazard insurance sha11 be used for the purpose of repair, replaeement, and reconstruction. Section 16.5 Insurance Froceeds Sufficient to _Re�air. In the event of damage or destruction due to tire ar other disaster, t�e insurance proeeeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the improvements, sha11 be apptied by the Assvciation as attorney-in-fact to such reconstr�ction, and the improvements shall be promptly repaired and reconstructec�. The Association shall have full authority, right, anc� power as attomey-in-fact to cause the repair and resioration of the improvements. Assessments for Cbmmon Expenses shall not be abated during the period of insurance adjustments and zepair and areconstruction. Section 16.6 rnsur_ance_Proceeds insufficient to RepairiS�ecial Assessment; Remedies for Failure to Pa S ecial Assessment. If the insurance proceeds are insu�ficient to repair and reconstruct the improvements, and if such damage is not more than seven�y percent {7�%) of the total replacement cost of all of the Condominium Units in the Project, not including land, such damage or destruction shall be promptly zepaired and reconstructed by the Association as attorney-in.-fact, using the proceeds of insurance and if permitted under the Act, the�roceeds of a s�ecial Assessment to be made against ali of th� Owners and their Condorrzinium Units. Any s�ch special Assessment shall be a Common Expense in accorda.nce r�tth Section $.7 above and shall be due and paya.ble within thirty (30) days a�ter written notice as provi�ed in Article 8 above. The Associat2on shall have full authority, right, and power as atton�ey-in-fact to cause the C:\WINDOWS.000\TEMP127125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 41 of 58 � � � , � z�epair, replacezraent, or restoratian of xhe improvernents using a11 of the insurance proceeds for such purpose, notwithstanding the fai�ure of an�wner to pay tl�e Assessment. Any Assessment provided for in this Section 16.6 shall be a debt of each Owner ar�d a lien on the �wner's Condominium Unit and may be enfc�rced and collected as provided in Artiele $ above. In aadition, the Association as attorney-in-fact shall have the absolute right and power to sell the Condominium Unit of any Owxzer ref`using oz� failing to pay such cleficiency Assessment within the time pxovided, and if not sa paid, the Assaciation shall cause to be ' recordea a notice that the Condominium Unit of the delinquent Owner shall be sold by the ' Assaciation as attorney-in�fact pursuarxt to the provisions of this Section 16.6. 'T'he Assessments for tl�e Common Expenses shall not be abated during the period af insurar�cc adjustznent and repaix and reconstruction. The delznquent Owner shall be required to pay to the Associatian the , costs and expenses for filing the notice, interest at the Maximum Rate on the arzaount of the , Assessment, and all reasanable attorr�eys' fees, `The proceeds derived from the sale of such , Condorninium Unit shall be used and disbursed by the 11s�ociation as attorney-in-fact in the following arder: �6 ,6.1 For a rz�.ent of real ro ert ad valorem t�es, s ecial assessment liens , P Y P p Y P duty imposed by a governmental subdivision, anc�custo�ary expenses af sale; � 1 fi.b.2 For payment of the ba�ance af the lier�of any Firs# Mort�age affectin�the Condominium Unit; 16.6.3 For payment of Unpaid Assaciation Assessments, interest, costs, Iate charges, expenses, and attorneys' (and legal assistants') fees; 16.6.4 For payment of junior Morcgagee s affecting the Condorr�inium Unit in the order of and to the extent of their priority; and � 16.6.5 For payment of the balance remaining, if any, to the Owner of the Condominium U�it. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruet the irnprovements, and - if sueh damage is more than seventy percent (70%) of the tatal rep�ac;em�ent cost cst all of the Condominium Units in the Praject, not including land, such damage or destruction shail be � promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Assaciation, as attonr�ey-in-fact, using the proceeds ' of insurance anc�, it`permitted under the Act, the proceeds of a speciai Assessment made against all of the �wners and t�ieir Condominium Units, provided, however,that Owners representing an aggre�ate ownership interest in the Common Elements o�eighty-five percent(85%) or more may eleet to terminate the Project; and in such event, the Association shall forthwith record a notice setting forth sueh fact or facts, and upon the recordzng of such t�otice by fhe Association's president and secretary, the entire Project shall be sold pursuant to the provisions of this Section by the Association as attorney-in-fact for all of the Owners, f'ree and clear of th� provisions contained in this Dec�aratzon, the Map, and the articles of incarporation, and bylaws of the Association. Assessments for Common Expenses shall not be abated during the period prior to sa�e. C:IWUVDOWS.000\TEMP�27125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 42 of 58 y � , , � � � In such event, the insurance settlement proceeds shail be collected by the Association, and such proceeds shall be divided by the Association according to each Owner's interest in the Common Elements, and such divided pzoceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such account representing one of the Condominium Units. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be further identi£'ied by the Condominium Unit de5ignation and the n�a�rae of the Owner and designated as an agency account. From each separate account the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total ann�ount of each of such aecounts, without contributions from one account to another, toward the partial or full payment of the lien of any First Mortgagee encumbering the Condominium Unit represented by such separate acco�nt. Thereafter, each such acco�nt shall be supplemented by the apportinned amount of the proceeds abtained from The sale of the entire Praperty. Such apportionment shall be based up�n each Condominiurn Unit Ow�er's interest in tl�e Cornmon Elements. The total funds of each account shall be used and disbursed, without contribution from one account to another, by the Association as attorney-in-fact for the same purposes and in the same order as is provided in Sections 16.6 1 througl� 16.6.5 above. In the event that the Ownezs do not elect to terminate the Project as provided above, Owners representing at least eighty-five percent (85%} of the total allocated votes in the Association (oth�r tha� Declarant) and al] directly adversely affected 4wners may alternatively agree in writing not to repair and reconstruct improvements within the Common Elements and if no alternative improvements are authorized, then and in tlnat event the damaged Praperty si�all be restored to its natural state and maintained as an undeveloped portion of the Common Elements by the Association in a neat and ariractive condition. Any remaining insuran,ee proceeds shall be dis�ributed in accordance vuith the Aet. Section 16.7 Re airs. All repairs and reconstruction contemplated by this.Article 16 shail be perform�d substantially in accprdance with this Declaratioa, the Map, and the original plans and specifications for the Project, unless other actian is approved by the Association in aceordance r�vith the requirements of this Declaration and the othez Association Documents. Section 15.8 Notice �f Dama�e or Destruction to First Mortgagees. In the event that any portaon of the Project encompassing more than one Individual Air Space Unit is substantially damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, then wzitten notice of the dannage ar destzuctzan shall be given by the Assaciation to eac� Owner and�'irst Mortgagee of the affected Units within a reasanable time following the event of casualty da.mag�. ARTICLE 17 OBSOLESCENCE Section 17.1 A�tion of Plan: R�hts of Owners. The Owners representing an aggregate awnership intezest in the Common Elements of eighty-five percent (SS%) or rnore may agree that the Project is obsol�te arzd adopt a written p�an for the renewal and reconstruction thereof. Written notice of the adoption of such a plan shall be given to a}l Owners and a copy of such plan shall be recQrded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, ana the expense of renewal �nd reconstnaction shall be payable by all of the Owners as Comman C:IWINDOWS.00UITEMP�27125 West Vail Wdge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 43 of 58 � � � � i � � , r Expenses; provided, however, tlnat an Owner z�ot a party to such a plan for renewal or reconstruction may give written notice to the Association within fifteen (1S) days after the date of adoption of such plan that his Condominiurn Ur�it shall be purchased by the Associatio❑ for t�e fair market value of the Unit in cash or certified fi.tnds. '�he Associatipn shall then have thirty (30) days a�#er the expiration a� such 15 day period withzn wlaich to cancel such plan. If such plan is not canceled, the Condominium Unit of the requesting Owner sha�l be purchased according to the following procedures. I�"such Owner and the Associatzon can agree on the fair market value of t�e Unit then such sale shall be consummated within ninety (90) days after such agreeza;lent. If the parties ar� Unable to agxee, the date when either �arty notifies the other that no agreement may he reached shall be the "commencement date" from whic� all periods of tirne mentioned hereafter shall be rz�easured. Within ten (10) days following the commencetnent date, each party shall nominate in writing (and give notice of's�ch nomination to the ather party) an appraiser. If either party fails to make such a namination, tkae appraiser nominated shal�, within five (5) days after default by the other party, appaint and associate with another appraiser. If the two designated or selected apprazsers are unable to agree on t.he fair m�arket value of t�le LTnit, they shall appoint another appraiser to be umpire bettive�n them, if they can agree on such pers�n, which umpire shall independently determine thc fair mar�et value of the Unit in the case of continued disagreement. If the two appraisers are unable to agree upon such umpire, each appraiser previously appointed shall nominate two appraisers, and from the names of the four appraisers so nominated Qne shall be drawn by lot by any judge of any caurt of record in Colorado, and the name so drawn sk�all be such umpir�. The nominations from whom the umpire is to be drawn by lot shall be submitted within ten (10) days of#he #'ailure of the two appraisers to agree, which, in any event, shall not be later than twenty (2Q) days following the appointrr�ent of the second appraiser. The decision of the appraisers as to the fair marke� value, or in thc case af their disagreeznent, then such decision of the umpire shall be final and binding, and a jud�ment bas�d upon the decision rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The expenses � and fees of such appraisers shall be barne equal�y by the Associatio❑ azad th� Owner. The sale shall be consummated within fifteen (15} days thereafter, anc� the Association, as attorney-in- ' fact, shall disburse such proceeds fo�r the sarr�e purposes and in the same order as prnvided in ' Sections. I6.6.1 thraugh 16.6.5 aUove. Section 17.2 Sale of Obsolete Units. The Owners representing an aggregate ownership intexest in t�e Common Elemezats of eighty-five percent ($5%} or more may agree that the Coa�ominium Units are obsolete and that the Project should be sold. In such instance, the Association shal� imm�diately record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Ea�le County, Colorado, a natice setting forth such fact ar facts, and upon the recording of such notice by #he Association, the Project sha�l be sold by the Association, as attorney-in�fact for all of the Owners, fre� and clear of the pravisions contained in this D�claration, tlae Condominium Map, and the articles o� incorporation and bylaws of tl�e Association. UnIess otherwise agreed in writing by a11 the Owners, the sale proceeds (and any insurance proceeds under Section 16.5 above) shall be apportioned among the Owners in praportion to each Owner's undivideci interest in the Common Etements, a.nd such apportioned proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such account representing one Condominium Unit. Each such account shall be in the name of the A,ssociation, and shall be further identified by the Condominiuzri Unit designation and the Ct1WiM]pWS.00Q1TENSP\271?5 West Vai{I.odge Dee 3-i2-2006.doc Page 44 of 58 • � narr�e of the (�evner a►ld detiigr7atcd as <tn a�cncv acc��utat, Frurn cach s�:parate acc��unt thc Association, as att�rney-�►l-fact, shal! use an�i disburse the tot�l arnount of s�ch accounts, w�iti�out c�ntributior� from c�ne account to an�th�r, lor the same purp�ses anci in tl�e same c�rder a� is ��rovidec� in Sectic�ns 1 f�.b. I through I G.5.5 above. ARTICLE 18 CONDEMNATION S�ction 1 g.l C'��nse:quene�s c�f C�ndernnatian. II; at atYy time or times ciuri�l�, the c�rttir�uance �f the Projcct pur5uant to this Declaration, all c]r ��ny ��art of the f'�-c>j�ct sha11 he tak�n or condemned �y any public authoritv or suld or otherwise disp��scd of in licu ur in avoidanec of c�ndemnatic7n, then all cc�mpensatic�n, damag�s, or other pr�i;eeds ��f cond+:ra�nati��n, tht sum o# whicll is reterred to as thc "conclemnation award" below, Shall be payahlc to the Astiociation, and the �arovisi��ns c�f tl�is Arlicic I� shall a���ly. Section t�.2 Compl�l� Takin�. In the event tllat the entire Project is taken c�r c�nc�crr�ned o�• solcl or otherwise dis��osed of� in lictz �r in avoic�ance of co��demnation, the condotninium ownersk�ip pursuant t� tl�is Declaration shall tenni�a��le, subject t� the prt�visions o� SeGtion 18.7 bzlow. �I'�e coi�dt���nadon award shall b� paicl to th� Assc�ciation tor the use and 5enetit of the Owr�crs and the i�Iort�a�ees as ti�eir interests may �ippcar. Suc}� a�vard shall he apportion�c� among the Own�rs ancl ttie Ylort�a�ec;s on tl�e bas�s of the un�ivid�d ir�terest in the Cc�r��mon Elements appurtr�nant to the; Unit i11 which suc�h Ow��;rti anc� Mvrt�ag��s have an interest; �rc�vided, hc�wev�r, th�it if a standard ciitfcrent tra�rt the value af t}7c Project as a wh�le is em��oyed to measure the c:��nc�emnation �iward in the neQotiation, _judicial ciecree, or otherwisc, then in clet�rmining 5�ct� apportiontncnt the sumc stand;irci shall be employed. The Ass�ciatic>n shall, as soon afi practical, d�tern�if�e tt�e s��are of the condcmnatiun award to whicl� each Owner and M��rtga�.'-ez is entitice�, anef such sl�ares �hall be paic� into scparate aecounts anci �iisbursed a� soatZ �s practical for the tiamc pur�ose5 and in the samc order as is provided in S�ctic�ns I F.6.1 throu�h l b.6.> a�ic�v�. Scction 1�.3 Partial "C��ki��a. In thc; evcilt that letis than the c;ntrre Prc�j�ct is taken ur ct�tldemneci or sold ur ��thcrwise ciisp4�s�d of in licu ot• in avr�idance ol cundemnalion, tl�e c��nci��minium owr�ership ur�d�r thi� ��clarzitic�n sl�all nut kerminat�. Each Owner (��nd M�>rtgagee holdin� �in intcrest en such Owner"s Unit) shall be entitled to a s}��l�c �t�the c��ndel�nnati�in award to be d�;tcrmin�:ci undcr the tollo�viz�g provisi��ris. Ts7e condemnation award shall he �aid to the: qss�ciation f��r the �se �ind bc:tzetit ��f thc fl�an�;r•s �nr� the Mc�rt�a��;�s as thcir interests n�ay app�:ar. As soon �s practic.al, the Association shall reasonahly anci in g�od faith allucate the eondemnaCion awarc� betwc:�:n eompensation, dama�es, or other prc�cecc�s, and stiail app�7rtic�n t}a�. amount� so allo�atecl amont� th� Owncrs, unless othcrwise reyuireci uncier th� Act; a� foll��vs: 1�.3.1 Th� tE>tal amount all�eater� t�� a takin� c�f��r injury tu t�le Common E��ments shall he a�pc7rtioned am��rlg Qwner� aiid their Mc�rt�agees �n ihe basis c�t'each Owner"s undivided interest in thL Gcnc:ral Comrr►on Elements, Limited Cr�mmUn Eltments-Residetitia� and/c�r I_irnited Commc3n Elements-Commercial; 18.�2 Thc t�tal ��mc�unt aIl�caCed ta �everance damages shall be app�rtion�:d to C:�IYTNUOWS.Ql10�"fliblP`.271?ti lVes�Vail Ludge ll�c 3-12-?(l00 dne P�gc�35 oE 5K � � � , , �', � the Owners and Mortgagees qf those Condorn�nium Units which were not taken or condemned, 18.3.3 The respective amounts allocated to the taking of ar injury to a partiCUlar Condaminium Unit or to improvements an Owner has made within the Owner's own Candominium Unit shall bc appurtioned to the Owner and Mortgagaes of that particular Candominium Unit involved; and 18.3.4 The total amount allocated ta conse�uential damages and any other takings or injuries shall be apportioned as the Association deternnines to be equitable uz�der the circuznstances. It' an allocation of the candemnatian award is already established in negotiation,judicial decree, ar otl�erwise, then in allocating the conde�nnation award, th� Association shall employ such allocation. Distribution o�apportioned proceeds shall �e made by ehecks payable jointly to the res�ective Owners and their respective Mortgagees. Section 1$.4 Reor anization. In the event a part�al taking res�lts �n th� taking of an Indivzdual Air Space Unit, the Owners thereo� sha�l automafically cease to be members of the Association, and their awnership interests in the Cammon Elements sha11 terminate and vest in , the 4wners of the rcmaining Condominium Units. Thereafter, sub}ect ta t�e pravisions of Section 18.7 bclow, the Association shali reallocate the ownership, voting rights, and Assessrnent ratios determined in accordance with this Declaration according to the same prineiples employed in this Deelaration at its znce�tion and shall submit such reallacatian to the Owners of the remaining Individual Air Space Uni�.� fc�r the amendment of this Declaration. Section 18.5 Ret�air and Reconstruction. Any repair and reconstruction necessitated by condenr�nation shall be governed by the procedures contained in Article 16 abc?ve. Section 18.6 Natice of Condemnation. In the �vent that any partion of the Praject shall be made the subject matter of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise sought to be acc�uired by a condemnin� authority, then timely written notiee of such condemnation shail be given by the Association to each Owner and First Mortgage�. Section 18.7 Limitations on Actions of Association. Except as provided by statute, in case of condemnation, unless Owners representing an aggregate ovvnership interest in the Common Elements af eighty-five percent (85%} ar mare have given their prior written a�proval, the Assoclation may n�t take any of the actions specified in Sections 18.1 throu�h i 8.6 above. ART�CLE 19 OTHER ASSOCIATION MATTERS Section 19.1 ArchitecturaI Controi. 19.1.1 No exterior or str�actura� addition to or change or alteration to the General Common Elements (including the construction of any additional skyligh#, window, awning ar door) shaIl be made until the plans and speci#ications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, C:IWINDQWS.OQU\TEMP�27125 West Y;sil Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Poge 46 of 38 � , � � � � colox, materials, and location af the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Executive Board as to harmony o£external design and Iocation in relation to surrounding structures and topography. It is hereby acknowledged that there may be designated an the 1v1ap exterior walls ox surfaces adjaeent to certain Units whieh are deemed tc� be Limited Common Elements (but only to the extent sueh walls or surfaees are not struct�azal in nature) No exterior or structural addition to or change or alteratian to a Residentia.l Unit or to the L�mited Commnn Elements-Residential (inc(uding the constructzon af any additional skylight, windoiv, awning or door) shall be �nade until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, color, materials, and Iocation of the same shall laave been submitted to and approved in writing as ta harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography �y the Residential Directors of the Association. No exterior or structural addition to or change or alteration to a Comrnercial Unit or the Limited Common Elements-Comnnercial (inctuding the construction of any additional skylight, wix►dow, awning or door) shall be made until the plans and specifeations showing the nature, kind, shape, heig,l�t, color, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of externa� design and location in relation to s�rrounding structures ane� topography by the Commercial Directors of the Assaciation. The alt�rations and changes des�ribed in this section shali also be in comp3iance with and have received all approvals required by any a�plicable zonin� and other laws, rules and regulations, including the rules and regulations promulgated by the Association. �9.1.2 After receivi,ng tt�e approval of the Executive Board, the Qwner required to obtain such a�proval shall thereafter obtain all other approvals as may be required by any gc�vernmental ar quasi-g�vernmental bo�y having jurisdiction over the Property. Sectian 19.2 General Resezvatian. Subject to any appl�cable restrictions under the Act, Deciarant reserves the right to dedicate any access roads and streets serving the Property for and to public use and to al�ow such street or road to be used by owners ofadjacent land. Section 19.3 Limii nn Timesharin�. No Owner o�any Cond�minium Unit shall offer ar sell any interest in such Condominium Unit under a '"timesharing" or "interval ownership" plan, or any similar plan without the specific prior written appraval of the Assaciation. Sectian 19.4 Resort Activities. Each Owner is hereby advised of the �ollowing ►natters affecting the Property and the O�rrners' use and en�oyment thereof 19.4.1 Substantial cnnstruction related activities re�ating to the developmer�t of West Vail Lodg� may cause considerable noise, dust and other inconveniences to the Owners. Section 19.5 Mountain Conditions. Ownership of real property in mountain areas involves certain inherent inconveniences. These include,but are not limited to, (a) dripping water onto decks and porches from snow melt, (b) snow and ice build up on decks and porches during wznter months, (c) the need to apen windows to cool a Residential Unit during certain summer C:IWZNDOWS,OpO\TEMP\27t25 west Vai]Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc P�ge 47 of 58 � � f ' i periods, in that due to the temperate summer clim.ate no air conditioning is provided to the Residential Unit, and (d) other inconvaniences arising trom the sometirz�es severe winter • conditions in the Kocky Mountains. ARTICLE 24 DE�LARANT'S RiGHTS REGARDiNG 7RANSFER Any right or any interest reserved or contained in this Declaration for the beneft of Declarar�t may be transferred or assigned by Declarant, either separately or with one or more ather such rights c�r interests, to any person, corporation, partnership, association, or other entity, or�ly by written instrument executed by both lleclarant and the transferee or assignee and recorded in the Office af the Clerk and Recorder of Eagla County, C�lorado. Upon such z-ecording, Declarant's rights and obligations under this Declaration shall eease and terminate to , the extent provided in such instrument. ARTiCLE 21 � EXPANSI�N AND WfTHDRAWAL � Section 21.1 Reservation of Ex ansion and Withdrawal Ri hts ' 21.I.1 Declarant reserves the right for itself and any Successor Dec�arant to ' subject all or any part of the Expansion Property tv the Project and subject such Expansion ' Property to the provisions of this Declaration and th�reby expand the Pzaperty to include up to a � maxirnum of ( ) Candarninium Units and to expand the Comrnon Eiements. Any � improvements �nade in cc►nnection with such expa.nsi�n shall be eonsisient witl� the origina� ; improvements in structure type and quality of constr�ction. 21.�.2 Subject to those restrictions set forth in Seetion 38-33.3-222 of the Act, � Declarant reserves the right for itsetf and any Successor Declarant at any tixne and from time to time ta subject unspecified real property to the Project and the provisions of this Deelaration. 21.�.3 Declarant r�s�rves the ri�ht for itself and any Successor Declarant at any ' time and from time to time to withdca�v frorz� the Project and from the provisions of this Declaration any real property subjected to this 3�ec�aration hy a duly recc�rded Supplemental Declaration and Supplemental Map prior to t�e time of a sale of a Condominium Unit comprising a portfon of the reai praperty describcd in said 5upplementai D�claration and , Supplementa�Map. Section 21.2 Supplemental Declarations and Sup�,aleznental MapS. Such ex�ansion may ' be accomplzshed by t,he filing for recard by Declarant in the office of the Clerk and Recarder for Eagle Caunty, Colorado, of one or more Supplemental Declarations and, if the real property being subject to this Declaration by such Supplemental Declaration has r�ot been previously ma�ped in a map recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder for Eag�e County, Colflra�io, of a 5upplemental Map depicting such Expansion Prflperty recoxded �;oncurrently with the applicable Supp�emen�al Declaration. The Supplemental Declaration shall set forth the Building(s) and real property, if any, to be included in the expansion, together with any C:1W[NBOW5.0401TF,MP127125 West Vail Ludge S)ec 3-12-2000.doc Page 48 of'S8 � ��1 �i � � covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements particular to such property. The expansion, which shall permit no more than (_) Condominium Units within the Project, may be accomplisi�ed in stages by successive supplements or in one supplemental expansion. Declarant may exercise such rights foz-expansion on all or any portion af the Expansion Property in whatever order of development Declarant in its sole discretian, determines. Declarant sha11 not be obligated to expand the Project beyond the number of Condominiunn Units initially submitted � to this Declaration. 5ection 21.3 Expansion of Definitians. In the event of such expansion, the definitians used in this Declaration shali be expanded automatically to encompass and refer to the Prc�perty subject to this Declaration as so expanded. For example, "Condominium Unit" sk�a�l mean the Condorr�inium Units as shown on the Map plus arty additional Candominium Units added by a Supplemental Declaration or Declarations ana, if r�ecessary, Supplem�ntal Map or Maps, aud reference to thas Deelaration shall mean this Declaration as supplemented. All conveyances of Condominiurr�Units shall be effective ta transfer r�ghts in the Property as expanded. Section 21.4 Declaration �perative on New Con.dominium Units. 21.�4.1 The new Condominium Units shall be subject to all of the ter�ns and conditions of this Declaration and of any Supplernental Deelaration, upon placing, if necessary, the Supplemental Map(s) depicting the Expansion Property and the Supplemental Declaration(s} of public record in the real estate recorc�s of Eagle County, Colorado. Z 1,4.2 It is contemplated that additional Condaminium Units on the Property wil� be cornmitted to this Deciaration, but Declarant and any Suecessor Deelarant shal] have no affirmative abligation to construet any additional Condominium Uni�s. In the event that a portion of the Expansion Pro�erty 3s submitted to the provisions of this Declaration, Declarant shall retain the right to, but shall not be obligated to, submit any additional portion af the Expansion. Property to the provisions of this Declaration. The rights of Declarant and any Successor Declarant, as described herein, shall apply to all Cor�dozninium Units which are added to this Declaration in accQrdance with these provisions relating to enlargement thereof. 21.4.3 No rights of any character of any owner in units in the Expansion Property shall attach until a Supplemental Declaration and, if neeessary, a SupplementaI Map is filed of record annexing the units constructed in such area to the Project. Upon the recording of such Supplemental Declaratiun and, if necessary, Supplemental Map, th� units constructed i❑ the area shall be deemed to be governeci in all respects by the provisions of this Declaration. Sectton 2�.5 Effect of Expansion. 21.5.1 Upon the construction of additional Condominauzn iJnits and their inclusior� under this Declaration and the filir�g of the Supplemental Declaration{s) and, if necessary, Suppleznental Map(s) thereof, the apportionment ot Assessment for each Condominium L.rnit shall automatically ba adjusted to reflect th� then current respective undivided interest in the Common Elements appurtenant to each Condominium Unit. Such adjustment shall be reflected and s�t forth in the Supplemental Declaration. The fornnula used to C_IWIlY►70WS.Q00\TSMP127325 West Vail Lodge Dre 3-12-200p.dac Page 49 of 58 � � � � ! , , .` establish the ailocation of undivided interests in the Corr�mon Elements is bas�d upon the square footage of a Condominium I7nit as a percentage of the total square foatage of all Condominium Units. The calculation af sueh formula as eontained in this Declaration and in any Supplemental Declaratio�n is final and binding upon a1� Owzaers irrespective of any later measurerr�enC of such square footages. 21.5.2 Notwithsianding any inclusion of additional Condomir�ium Units under this Declaratian, each Owner {regardless of whether such Owner is the o�vner of a Candominium Unit shown on the ariginal map, or is the owner of a Condominiunn Unit constzucted in the Expaiasion Property) sha91 reznazn fully Iiable with respect to his obligation for the payment of the Common Expenses af the t�ssociation, including the expenses for such new Comman Elements, costs and fees, if any. The recording of a Supplemental Declaration or Supplemental Ma� shall not alter the amount of the Common E;cpenses assessed to a Condominium Unit priar to such recording. Section Z 1.6 Termination�f Expansion and Development Rig�ts. The rights reserved to the DEClarant for itself, its successors and assigns for the expansion and develnpment of the �xpansion Property ("Expazision and Development Rights") shall �xpire fifteen (15} years fro� the date of recording this Declaxation, unless terminated earlier pursuant to the terrns and provisions of the Act, ar unless the Expansion and Development Rights are {i) extended as allowed by law or (ii) reinstat�d or extended by the Association, subjec# to whatever terms, conditions, and Iixnitations the Executive Board naay izn�ose on t�e subsequent exereise of the Eacpansion and Development Rig�ts by Declarant. ARTICLE 22 MISCELLANEOUS 5ection 22.1 Restriction on Declarant Povvers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, no rights or powers reserved ta Declarant hereunder sha�l exceed the tirne limitations or permissible extent of such rights or powers as restricted under the Act. Any provision in this Declaration in contliet wzth the reqniremen.ts of the Act shall not b� deemed to invalidate sueh provision as a whole but shall be adjusted as is necessary to comply with the Act. Section 22.2 Term. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and �iind the land in petpetuity, subjeet to the tezmination provisions of the Act. Section 22.3 Annendment. The pravisians af this Declaratian may be amend�d or terminated, in whole or in part, from time to time, upon the written consent of Owners representing an aggrcgate ownership �tezest in the Common Elements of eighty-�ive percent (85°!0} or more; provided, however, matters not requiring Owner approval as described in C.R.S. 38-33.3-217(1) may be handled by the Executive Board, inclt�ding the approval of at least one Director from each of the Residential l:�irectors and Commercial Directars (except for those matters fi�rther delegated in this Declaration to a group of the Residential or Commercial Directors). In addition, (a) a majority af the voting Directors of tk�e Exe�utive Board includkng the approval of at least one (1) Residential Director and at least o�e (1} Commercial Director may make, without the approval of the 4wners; changes to tk�e Map az any otk�er Association C:IWINDOWS.D001TEMP127125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-2000.doc Page 50 of 58 � „ r � � Dacuments to the extent necessary to correct a factual error, and (b) any proposed amendment to this Deetaz-atian which affects any right of Deelarant shall require the pzior written approval of Declarant, in additian to the approval requirements otherwise set forth herein. Section 22.4 Unilater�! Amendment Rights Reserved bv Declarant. Notwithstanding a�ny provision in this Deelaration to the contrary, Declarant, actrng alone, reserves to itself the right and power to rnodify and am�nd this Declaration to the fiullest extent permitted under the Act. Section 22.5 Recording_of Amendments. Any amendment to this Declaration made in accordance with this Article 22 shall be immediately effective upon recording in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, a copy af the arr�endment, executed and acknowiedge� by the appropriate number of Owners, aceompanied by a certifieate of a licensed title insurarzce company as to ownership, or upon the recording of a copy of the amendment, together with a duly authenticatea certificate of tl�e secretary of the Associafion stating that the required nurnber af consents of Owners and a certi�cate of a licensed title company as to title to the Condominium Llnits were abtained and are on fi�e in the office of the Association. � Section 22.6 Enforcement. Enforcerr�ent of the covenants, conditions, resCrictions; easements, reservations, rights-of-way, liens, charges and ather provisions contained in this Declaration, the articles, the bylaws and the rules and regulations of the Association, aIl as aznended, shall be by any proceedin,g at law or in equity against any person or persons, including the Association, violating or attempting to violate any such provision. The Association and any aggrieved Owner sha11 have the right to institute, maintain andlor prosecute any sucY� proceedings, and the Associa�ion shal] further have the right (after notice and an opportunity to be heard} to �evy and collect fines £or the violation o�any provision of the afvresaid documents. Any legal action initiated by the Association other tharz as d�scribed in this Declaration shall require the approval of the Executiv� Board, including the approval vf at least one (1) Residential Director and ane (1) Commercial Director. In any action instituted c�r maintained under this Section, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred pursuant thereto, as wel� as any and al1 other sums a�.vardec� by the Court. Failure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restrictic�n herein contained sh.all in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 22.7 Severabitity. Invalidation of any of the covenants, restrictions or other provisions contained in this Declaration by judgment or court order shall in no way affect or limit any other provisions which sha11 remain in fuli force and effect. Section 22.$ Conflict of Provisions. In case of any conflict between this Declaration and the articl�s ar the by�aws of the Association, this I�eclaration shall control. In case of any conflict between the articles and tne bylaws, the articles shall contral. The foregoing to the contrary no#withstanding, ir� the event of any inconsistency between this Deciaration ar the articles ar the bylaws, on the one hand, and the Act, an the other, then in all events the Act shail controi. Section 22.9 Nonwaiver. Failure by Declarant, ti�e Association, or any Owner or First Martgagee to enforce any covenant, condition, restriction, easement, reservation; right-of-way, C:1W(Ni�OW5.00D\TEMP�27]25 West Vail Lodge Dec 3•12-2000.doc Pagc S l of 58 � � 4 �' ` �� �r o�her provision contained in this Declaration shall in no way or event be deemed to be a waiver o#the right to do so thereafter. Section 22.10 Number and Gender. Unless the context provides or requires ta the contrary, the use of the singular herein shall znc�ude th� plural, the use af�he plural shalt include the sin�ular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. Section 22.11 Captions. The captions to the Articles and Sections and the Table of Contents at the beginning of fihis Declaration are inserted only as a mattex of conveni�nce and for reference, and are in no way to be construed �o define, limit, or otherwise describe the scope of this Declaratior►or the intent of any provision of this Declaratian. Section 22.12 Exhibits. All the Exhibits attached to and c�escribed in this Declaration are incorporated in this D�claration by this refarence. Executed as o�the�day of 24�0 by STATE �F CQLORADO SS. COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before rz�e this� �day of , 2000, by � as _ _ _ _ of [SEAL] W�TNESS my hand and of�'icial seal. My com�nzssion expires Notary Public C:1Wt]VI]pW5,00Q1T$�1P127125 West Vail Lodge nec 3-12-2000.doc Yage 52 nf 58 { � � i � , , � JOINDER OF LIEN4R The undersigned, beneficiary under the Deed of Trust dated , and recorded in Saok at Page in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, as amenaed anr� supplemen�ed from time to time (the "Deed of Trust"), far itself and its successors and assigns, approves the foregoing Condom�nium Deelaration for West Vail Lodge, affecting a portion of the Property en,cumbered by the Deed o£Trust, ana agrees tl�at no foreclosure or other enforcement of any remedy pursuant to the Deed of Trust sha�l impair, invalidate, supersede or otherwise affect the eovenants, conditions, restzictions and easements established by that Declaration. By: - — - Title: STATE OF COLOIt_ADO SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknawledged before me this day of 200a, by as of WITNESS my hand and offic'sal seal. My comrnission expires [SE,AL] C:lW1NDOWS.0001'TEMP127125 Wast Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-20QO.doc Page 53 of 58 • i „ ! . , � EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION QF PROPE�TY C:1WINllOWS.000\TEMP\Z7125 West Vail 1-od$e llec 3-I2-2604.doc Page 54 of 58 � ,� , k � � F.XH�BI"1' B OWNERS' 1vTERES"TS Iy CONI1�10N ELEPvIENTS i EHU 2t}2 77? sq. �t. 1.25°,�� 2{}3 SSU .8� ?{}4 56Q .91 2t�5 56() .9] zc�� s�c� .�� 20� s6o .�� 2O� 56O .9I 209 560 .91 210 56(J .91 ?� 1 560 .9� 2I 2 63� 1.03 ?13 (�33 1.�? 214 t�33 1.02 2I5 633 1.0? ?16 (33 1.0? 217 63� ].02 ?i$ G3; I.0? 219 6�3 i.0� �20 63� ].02 2?1 63� 1.02 3�1 772 l.25 302 S�f) .�9 30� 56() .91 ��4 5f�0 .91 305 Sf7� .91 306 Sfin .91 307 �fi0 .91 308 ,560 91 309 560 . .'�1 310 560 .91 311 634 I.U3 312 b3� I.0? 313 63� 1.02 314 633 l.(�'' 315 633 1.0? C.\W1NllOWS.OlX1`;fl?M1P!''71'_�West Ua�l LuJ�e Qec 3-I?_?OVU.dvc Yage SS o!'Sti # • � r� � � 316 633 I.02 317 633 1.02 3I8 634 1.03 319 634 1.03 �20 634 1.(�3 Total EH� 24,269 ft sq FMU 401 883 I.43 403 397 1.61 404 997 1.61 405 99� 1.61 406 997 1.61 40? 997 1.61 408 997 1.61 409 997 l.61 410 1558 2.52 �4Z 1 1$84 3.05 412 1171 1.89 4I3 1171 1.89 4l4 1171 1.89 415 1171 1.89 416 11?1 1.89 , 417 1171 1.89 418 1171 1.89 419 1195 1.93 420 1152 1.56 ' Total FMiI 21,848 ft sq � Commercial , 101 507I 8.2p 102 1336 2.16 103 3588 5.80 , 144 5215 8.43 � 105 0545 .88 ' Total 15,"755 ft sq The formu�a used ta establish such allacation of ownership interests and assessments is based upon the square footage of the respective Condominium Units C:\WINDOWS.000\TEMP127125 Wes[Vai1 l.odgeDec 3-1Z-2DOO.doc Page 56 of 58 � '. � � � �xx�Brr c EYI'ANSION PROYERTY C.'�,WINDUWS.U(10+TE1�•11`?71'S W'est Vail I.odge 1➢cc 3�I' _'17fN).dac Pagc ti7 uf 58 � � # .� �• # EXHIB�T D EASEMENTS, LICENSES AND OT�IER TITLE MATTERS C:IWINDOW5.��0\TEMP1?I125 West Vail Lodge Dec 3-12-20W.doc Page 58 of 58 � � CHICAGO TZZ'LE TNSY]"R�iNCE COMFA,N'X AT� TA COMM � TMENT SCHEDUL� 8 - S�'CTIOiJ 2 ��xceptians) Cur Order # V262719-2 The pali^y ar poZzcies to I�� issued +�r�.23 c�zz�ai.n e�€ccpr_iox�� to �he followins� mat�.ers un�.ess the same ara disnosed o� �o �h� sacisfactian of th� Campany: 1. Ra.ghts or claims of parties i.n possessian no� shown by the public reeords . 2 . 5asements, ar claim� of easements, not shawn by �.h� public records. 3_ biscrepancies, cc�nf 1iGts in baundary� li;�es, �hortage in area, enczoa�hmen�s, and any facts whieh a carrAct su�v�y inspection o� the pretnise� would disc�ose and which 3re not shawn by the public rECOrds. 4. �ny 7.ien, ox� right, ta a lien, for sexvices, I��ar o� maC�rial , herato��re ox he�ea�t�z� furni5hed, impose� by law and not skzown by the public r��ords . 5.. Defects, �iens, encumbxax�ces, adverse claa.ms or ather matters, i£ azay, cr��.t�d, first appearing irz th� p�blic records ar accacY�ing Subsequent �a the effscta.ve date h�r�of but priox to th� c3aee th� proposed insured acquires of recazd fo� value th� estate or inCe�est ax mortgage there�n. co�rered by this Commitment. 6_ T�x�s ar spec�.al as�essments whic:� aze not shawn as exa.s�ing li�ns by the p�bZic recoxds. 7 . Liens fc�x urzpaid wat�r and sewez charges, if any. 3. In addi.t�ori, th� ownsr' s pol�,cy wx�l be subj�cz ta �he ' mt�xCgage, �� ax�y, no�ed under iCem ane c�f S�ctzon � of Sch�du�.e S hereof . 9 . RZG�"T OF FROPRI�'OR OF A VEIN OR I,OD� TO FXTRACT AND REMQ�E HIS 03t� THERB�ROM S�O'�LD THE SAA+i� BE FDUND 'r0 PENETRATB OR IN'�'�RSECT �.FiE F�2.EM�$�S AS RTSERVED I�T �iNYT�D S'r'ATES PATENT RECp12b�1� August �1, 1900, IN 840K 48 .AT k�AGB 2�6 AND IN Ui�T�T�D S'€'AT�S PATENT R$CORA�D Qc�ober b�, 197.8, �N B44� 93 P>T PAGE �01 . �.'HB EX�S',I'ENGE OF TFIE MINERAL EXCEPTXON A1+I�7/UR RSSERVATZON SHOWN AS �TEM 9, SCHEDULE B-2� WILL NOT AFFEC'I' OCTi7 ABIL�TY TO ATTACH COi�ORADO EN�OTtSEMENT N�. 100 .3� TO OUR ALTA OTnTN�RS POLIC'Y WHEN �SS'�1'J. PA,r,rB '.' 1../S 3�1id b£Sb9LbRIGBi 'Qi �3.LAl'dttl�tl� 3'T.L11 QIVii'�'W02i3 B0= [ [ 00-8z-Ntl[' � � CH�CAGC1 TITLE INSURANCE COMPr�NY �iL '�' A CdMM I '�" MENT SG�i�DULB B - S�CTIQN 2 (Excc�p�lons) Our Ord�r # V2627�4-2 � 10 . RTGHT OF WA,Y FOR DITCHES qR CAN.AS.S C�NSTRU�D BY THE AiT�'�ORITY d� THB tFNITED STATES �� ����R'JED rN UNTT�D S'�ATES PATE�]T RECQRnED Qctcber 04, Z�1$� IN BO�K 93 AT P�.GE 302 . i 11 . R�S'Y'RZ�'IVE COti�NP.NTS, WHICH DO NOT CON�'�IN �i FORFET'�'[3R� OR REVERT�R CLAUSE, BUT flM�'TTING P.ESTRICTiONS, zF AN�i', HAS�D ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGIOIV, OR �TA�'YONAL ORIGIN, A5 COrITAINfiD IN ZNS��'tENT RECORDED Jt�l�r 07, 1565 , Il`7 BC30K 19 p AT PAGE 5 5 9 AND .A,S AMENDEri �N INSTRUMSI�T7` R.ECORDED Jun e 19, ].9 5 S, IN BO�K 2�.2 AT PAGE 9�5 AND AS AMENDED YN FNSTRUMENT REC4RLtiED ��bruazy �d, 1.9?0, IN BOOK 217 AT PAG� �$ A1�R? AS AM�NDEb �AT 2NSTRUMENT RECO�ED JULY 2 3, I 1976, �N �OOTC �47 AT PAGE 656 . 12 . AN UI�'brV'IDED 1 j2 INTEREST IN AI3D T� THE (?IL, CAS AND M�NERP.L RIGHTS TH��tEIN AS FtESERVED �N IIF.Eb FR4M PETER �. KA.TSpS AND CA�'HERINE K,ATSOS TO GUST K�,r-1HTTP�S AND NICK KI?�'?'�PES, RBCORDED J.ANUAI�.Y 2, 196Q ZN 804� 165 AT PAGE 133 . I THE EXISTEN�E OF TH� I+�I��Y�RAL EXCEpTI��T ADTQ/�R RESERVATION SHOWN' RS ITEM 12, SCHSDL7L� B-2, C�TILL NC3'I' AFFECT 4UR �ILZTY '�'O ATTACH COLORA�n ��ll]QTtSEM�NT NO. 100_3�. �'Q 0�''R AL'iA OWNERS POi,ZCY WHEN ISSUED. 1.3 . EA�BMEN'I' ANT3 RIGHT OF �VAY 7 2/2 FEET TAT WID� ALQNG THE NOFtTHS.A�S'Z'�RT�'i' �,C)T LINE AND 15 FEET IN W�DTH ALONG THE N�R�`1���.LY, SOU��X�A$TBTtY.Y AI�1D SOI7THERLY L,C3T L�Lv�S �.S 5H4WN ON '�H� R�CQkDE� PLAT OF VAIL D�1S SCHQNE FIL�NG N4. 3 AND i��SCR�BBD II� YNSTRUMEYI'I' RFsGORA�.A JU�•'�' �3, 1976 I1N 8401� 247 AT PAGE �56 . 14 . Ulv��?RC-T20UND RIGHT OF WAY E.AS�'ME�'�' 10 FEET ZN W�DTH AND LQCATED APPROX�M�T�LY ALOATC� TH� WES'�'RLX �ND NQRTHEASTERLY BOTINDF,�IES 4F SUSJEC'� �ROPEkTY, AS GRANT�b TO HQ�Y CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC_ BY INSTRUMENT RSCQR2�8D SE�T�MBER 27, 1978 IN BOOK 275 AT FAGE $3.2 . 15 . UN-DBRGROU�ID RIGHT 4F` WAY �..A,S�NI�NT �R�NTED TC? �C�'X GROSS ELEC'I'RIC ASSOCTATION, �A1C. IN r�S'£RUMENT R�CQ�� SEPTEMHFR l�, 1979 IN BOOK 290 AT �AGE 9.53 . 16 . A P�RPETEJAL EA.SEMENT 3 .�5 F�ET TN WIDTH �'CR �R.BSN BELT PURP�JSES ��ONC THE SOUTH��LY 153 �'EET �F THE EAST L1NE OF LOT �., VAIL DA3 SGH�NE F�LI�G 2�0 . 3 A5 RESER�ED I1�T A��D 1Z�CORD�D IN $QOK 264 �T PAC�E 144 . 17 . $fiSEN1ENT FOR INGRESS A1�17 EGRESS AS SET F4�tTH IN SNSTRUNlE��` RECORDED JtJ:�TE �3, 198(1 I,N BOQK 303 AT PAC3E 992. �8 . T£Rt��S, CUP�A�T10�$ AND PROVISIONS OF '�'HE COhTDOMIN�LTM D�C�:hTION REC0�2DED Novernb�r 15, 1.983 IN BOOK 372 �iT PAG� 865 AN� 1�.�TZFICATZON THER�TO RECORDED U'ULX �S, ig94 IN BOOK 645 AT PAGE 43Q. PAGE 8 1.19 3"JFid b�ab9LbmG6t Q� 7�.1.IdHNHh!7 3'T.t.i.f. f1NH'T�W(�?i.a Vrt � L t OiOi-fi7.-NH!` � � C�IC.AGQ TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COM1+� � TMED]"I' SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2 (ExCeptipnS} O�.tr Oxder ## V262?19-2 19 . EASr3MSNTS, RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATIONS AS SI�OWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIiTM MAP FQR INN �,T W�S'�' VAIL CONDOMIIVIUMS RECORD�D NOVEMBEk 15, �.9 83 IN B04K 3�2 AT PAGE 8 6 6 AI�TD RA'x`x F z CA'T'I ON TE�RETO P,ECORZ]�D J'Y�T.,Y 15, 1�94 IN $Q4K 645 AT PAGS 4.3f3, AIV'D THE REC4RDED PL,PiTS OF i1AIFr DAS SCHpN� F�I�IA�G NO. ]. AND F��,TNG Na. 3 . 2Q, TERN]S, CCNDiTIG��5 �d�D PR4�zS��NS ��' EASEMENT AGREEMEIrY'Y' RECORDBD Sept?tnl�er 10, �996 Ilti BOOK 7Q4 AT PAGE 9Q2 . 2l. E?;�STTNG �gASES ANL� `I`ENANCIES. 22 _ THE EFFfiCT OE THE FOLLWII�G AS SHOWi� �l� ALTA/ACSI�'j SURVFY PRgPfiRED DECEMBER 1, ].99'7 SY INTER-I`�IOL�TI'A2tJ ENG�NE oRING L'1'ri_ , PR(k7ECT Na. 9�T 03 945: 1_ ENCROACHMENT OF CONCRETE PAD FOR MOBILE DUMBSTER ON'i'� 10 �'�OT ELE�TR�C FASBM�NT. 2. ENCRiDACHMEI3T O�' S �44T H�GI� WOOD PRIVACX P�NC� �1�"'TO 1� FOOT �LE�TRI� �?SEMBNT. 3 . �NCROACHM�`NT OX� ��1.VZNG ONTO �0 �'�OT ELECTI2IC EASEMENT AND ONTO 15 k'pOT UF�INAC:� AND �?"�IY,ITY EASENIENTS. 4 .gNCR�ACHMENI' OF S7'Q�rE RETAININ3 WALL ,AN'fl STAIRS ONTO ; .5 �'d�`'!' UTILIT'� AI�TI) pR,R,�NAGL �ASEM�NT. 5 , II�iPRQV�MENTS BUZJ�T O�'I'O Z-70 NOR'T'H FRflNTAG� ROAD_ 6 . W�TERL INE TRAVERS TNG S'JBJ�CT PR�P�tT'Y. P�GE 9 G/G 3�h'd bESb9Gb0G6S °QI 33.LNtt�[tff7� 3'I,T.1.L QN'd'I=Wa233 0[ ' L i 00-9Z-Nt�l` S�nt By: Knudtsen and Campanyj LLC; 303 831 7076; Aug-B-99 10:28AM; Pa�e 1 ` � • �" KNUDTSEN AND CaMPANY G�NSUL'TING, LLC ANDREW M, KNUDTS�N 745 Ma�Sfr�t, [3ern�r,CO $A2�8 (�Q�)831-?zB4 Fax(303)831-7076 aknudlsen�u�.com FACSIM�LE COV'ER SH�ET Dabe: Aug�t 6, i 989 i Ta: Russ Forrest� Nina Timm� I Num#�er�f pages('including caver�t) 8 , �ax Num#yer 9701479-�2452 � I .�--.--...�._ � � CDMMENTS ; Dear Russ and F�in�, LeYs talk about this report when yau have had a d�ance ta revieMr it. This cx�uld b�an excifiin� I apportunity far the 1"own. A�tdy. Sent By: Knudtsen and Company, LLC; 303 831 7078; Aug-B-89 i0:28AM; Page 2 � � Privil�g�,�nd Co�f�d�n�„il For Towolt 5talf Rt1►i�wOnly !. lntrddpct�an Thg purpo$�of this report is to pr�vid�the Trnm of Vaif with an understanding af th� �vsi{able optipn��arcling the Inn at We�t Vail. There i� �cument opportunity ta acquire the praperty and cxmvert the I�d�a rooms ta emplQyee hou$Ing, The cQrrtertt nf this repv�t: • aescrfbes the curnerrt improvemer�ts; • Ider�tif�s Ehe capacity for futur�development; • Projects the bonding capacity of th$deveioprnent(bassd oR the annual net aper�ting inc�mey: ; � EvaEuates t�e cost of acquisition and rehabil�ation relative #o the proje�d revenue; and • Recomrnends n�xt steps for acqu(�ition of the prvperty_ Il. De�criptian af Existing lmprovertr�nts and tJs�r T�e pmperry is located at 2211 N. Fmntage Rosd with the Iso�i descripGan af Lot 1, Black A, Vail Das Schone Third Fkling. At this time, the impravements an site include a single building vn 4.4 ar�es�lar�d. The t��s witl��n the but{dirtg i�►cfude 97 hatoE roains, 19 condvmin'turns, a frorrt desk area, f�v�conference rooms, tvw restauraM�ancf fivra otherCammer�cfa!t�nar�ts. In additiidn,th�ne ar�e 4Q1 surf�c�perking spaces In�a�ed to the east and south pf thg gtruct�r�. The commer�cial tenant�vvithi�th�buifding ar�listed bebw; �inishin TOUCh 9723 No�wa Resta�urant 1800 , REC S rts 838 � Dancin �ear Rastaurarrt 3� Master Fra+�rs 8�6 V�EI Pro rties 2�6 Discount Car Rental 35Q Total 1�73 Knwdea.►r�nd cc�np�►�y Co►asu�r,ecc .._ p�,���� Sen� 6y: Knudtsen and Cpmpany, LLC; 303 831 707fi; Aug-6-99 10:29A�; Page 3 � � � Pr►vifeg�end Canlidentir! For Town Stefi►I��riew Only The hotel amenit�es are limited ta an outdoor pool, with a hot tub, steam roorn and sauna adjacent to the poal area. The common area indudes a lobby, front desk area and conferetic�e ropms. The cort'ference�otmns h2�ve pptential to be canve�ted ta amenities fvr an af�ard�bfe F�ousing deve�oprnent, sucih as a fitness center, a rnedia room, and storage. The sizes of the conferer�oe rooms are as fallows• Ea les Nest 134.4 Gore Ran e B5p Roc Mouritain 600 V�ail Valle 600 Te+�th Mour�tain 600 Total � 3794 lfJ. Expansion Poterrtial The northeast camer af tl�e site caa� accarnmoc�ate future deve�opment. On May 28, 1991, the Tavm caf Vai! epproved expanaion plans specifically far employee housing. The appro�ed plarts include 8 singf�building with 37 uttits. While this approY�l has �a�psed, th� prev�ous apprpva] indiGates that the additional units can be accammodated On the site_ . Studio Un�s 28 270 7,020 One-bedrQOm 10 �5D 5,500 Two-bedraom 1 7QQ 700 Camman Area 2dp 24p Tat�l - 37 units 13.4gp The unit mix of thq former development may not reflect the naeds qf the r.ommunity at this time, An altema#�ve de$ign, wttich VaiD Assoaates considered at one time, distr'rbutes the available der�sity on the perimeter ot t'�e site vuith larger units. T'he targ�r u�i1s couid b� canstrucied in a candominium or townhous� styi� and be ot�ered as �� ovu�eCShip prpduct, Daveloping the rear ponian of the 6ite with a�t affordable ownarst�ip houaing pradttct would prpvi�� a bafance to the seasonal units to ba cre�ted from the converted lodge rooms. Knarltswr and CompQ»y Conauf�fi�g,c4G � _ p,�gs�nr� Sen*_ ey: Knudtsen and Campany, �LC; 303 831 707B; Aug-B-99 10:29A�; Page 4/8 . � � ' P►Iviloprd snd Can�idwet�al For rorvn Staf►Rov+*w Dn/y !V. �onsidera#iona ft�ga►xf1nQ thr Development of Fmplo�Housing There are faur issuea to consid�r,wh�n evaluatPng the potentiaf of the �ite ta be co�v�rted t4 employee itau�ng. T�se incfude: � Town paficies, • Cc�st of convel'�ion� � Q�slity of resid�rrtiar�experience, and fhe • Ability ta secure�inancing. Tawn Pofi�i�a and Proce�ur�es The Tawn may be conoemed�bvut diminishfng ti�e aup�y of ladge raome within ihv Tawr� oi V�IJ. in gen�ral, lodge rvoms have been cansidcred the economic engine far the community. The gu�sta acxammodated in lodger rooma acc�unt for� signiticant percentage of the�xx�enditures within the ToWn, which are dir�ctly praporti�nal t�$ales tax revenue. However, the economic he�tth of the community ia adao dependent an the availab'rlity of�mployees. This p�'operty�rsset�ts�n opportunity th�t could atidress both�asanal housi� and afl'ondable awnership housing. GivQn the IimlEec!Aumber of vac�ni panca�s within the Tavvrt, rehabilitating e�asting trs�s is a tt�gical att�rrlaEive that is an effic,�ent u�af larld. 6�cause rnost of the r�eighbvring u5es to tFse site are � ' coRl�ferci�l, neighborhodd vppasit�on m�y�re aigrt'�'icanNy�ss than other sites within the Tvwn. The Town {�rocedu�es for c:ornerting Ipslge rooms to�lployee housing requll'es a combin�tlon of reviews �ry the Plannin�and�nvironmetital Commission ancUor the T�n►n Counc�i_ �mpioyee Housing is ailowed on this sifi�as a canditianal use, sppCifically Typ� 111 and Type IV�H�.1�. Both t�e Type III and Typs IV EHU standerds h�v�several stipuladnns r�gardinq s�x�, kitchen facilities, sitora�ge, �ta_ Ta convert the building, the Town rr�y need tq seek vat�ancc�a frc�m thase�oning st�nda�ds. A Speclal D�yglvpment Distelct ia an a�mattrr�wh�ch may Irnr4lve a mor�eff'�ci�nt process. Th�r�e is no standarci within the zaning code that prevents the loss of�atel roams, except for a prof�ibiiipn from«�nver#(�g existine ladge room�ta rondominium units. Knu�dfx�rr�d Comp�ry Canaul[fng.U-C P�r�s 3�7 Sent By; Knudtsen and Company, �LC; 303 831 7078; Aug-8-99 10:30A�; Page 5IB ' � � Prfvl �nd CaMdan�tsl For Tow�n S�M Rsview Onfy Gonvorslon Go�ts The cas#aF connersion will depend on the propram desired by tfie Town. Based on tha pr�vious a�nalysis on th�p�t of V�iJ Associates, tt�e total cast fa� conv�rsiot�was estimated�a��2.� miiEio�_ The estlmsEe covers deferre� mairrtenance, instan�n��atchenettes wimin each roam,a�d bringing t�e b�ilding �p to minimum�re code requ�rements. Addition�l work m�y be n��e�s�ry. C}tt�er sign�icant expenses wilt depend on the future program far the twilding. it it fs to be operated as a dortnit�orywitfio�t incltvidual k�tchens in e�ch roam, ther� wi�l be � need for a r,er�trat dining area. E4n sxistFr�g re�aurant cauld t� ' converted#a provide this fundion. Howev�r, there are two factora to GOnsid�r l�rior tv praceedirtg with this o�on. Fir�t, a similar hvusing development in Aspen, Marvlt Ranch, w��originally deSign�d arvtmd this conc�pt. Ho�a�ever.the haeasing steff found th�t th� resideMs were not inter�st�d in a dormitory experiencx. They pr�ferred mone privecy, induding#heEr awn kltChen facifitiee. �'he centrai dining faGllty was underutiEized to a pair�where it bec�me a�inanaal dr��n. AR�-closin� it snd con�erting th�dining area tu a lou�ga area, the housing affice has equ�pped the i�ulividual room�with etficient kitchen�tte appli�noea_ � Th�sacond factor ta car�slder is the appa�e,mity cx�at�ssociated with u�ing one of the re$tdul�lnts ta servrce the emplaye�housing prngram. The patentie� loss I af r�venue from a commercial te�ant vaill negatir►e1y impact the economic � �asi�i�ity oi the prat�, Quall�y af e�e�idence thst can be�chl�red by convertl�g former ho�l roo�ts ' ta stud�o apar�msnts To make ih�units livable tor resi¢�nts, sig�ifiasnt int�r�iar remodeling wauld�� needvd_ From surveys of th�r�sktents at RiverEdge, an ideal living arrangement off�rs a mix of community rooms and privat� rooms. The inihal program f¢r the RiverEdg��roject wa�ba�ed�tirety v� studio unitS- Howe�er, a�er canducting marlce!re���, Vp found that trte employees�prefer tp live in suitaa. A suite requires tha�t residents ahsre iiving, din�, kitdie�, and F�athroam facilitie� but R��des p�lvate bedra4ms far each p�rsvn. Exit interYtews from former te�ants shaw that the t1�or plans are quite desirable ta saasona��mplo�es. The pat�rttia!ta cxe8te similar rypes qf suitea from t�e�xistir�g hot�l�boms may be fimited, du�to the type of constnn�lon pf ihe ex►stin�hotef. If snalysis by a development team showa that converting the naoms to suite�is not f�rtanaa�Y f�a�ible. markct res�h shauld be ccmpletaci ta da�merrt the demand fior atudia units in the curront canfiguradon. x�wcr�e►nar Com�snr Corrsel�b�uG -._. . .. pa��or 7 S�an` 6y: Knudtsen and Campany, LLC; aaa ea� 7p7B; au9-s-ss 1a:30AM; �age B/S , � � ' Privrlryed and ConfidentiaJ For Tpwn$qi1l Rsvf�x►Op1y Ab��tty to Secure Finan�ipg The n�t op$rating income av�i�a61e from th� resid�r�tiai and comm�rtiai tenants drives the �evet of financir,�avaiia�e�ar the pro�rty TI� incvm�from the �fordable housmg fias been e�limatec!lp��ed �the foitawin� assumpRians: Second 39 raams 38 500 i 16,000 Thi►d 3�rqoms 38 500 ;19,5Qp Founh ZD raoms 2Q 50U #1 D.000 F�rkt1lF�Rh 16 candoa 38 50 S 17,1� Tat�i 8ids igb i 65, � Ta e�djust rerrtal incame t'ar the seasonal fl�c�uations found in tt�e Veil market, th� followi�g adJu�tm�t�ts were aQplied: Janc�ary 10096 85BQ0 66600 Feb 94D96 8660Q 85eo0 hAatcll 14Q96 00 Aprli 7$°�4� GSfi�p 49200 May 449G 85sQ0 28864 June 44°�4 85800 28864 Ju M94 85800 2�86�4 AugusE 4�4°�6 BS800 28a84 Sepl 44°fa 9980Q 28864 Oct 44Wo 956Da 28864 No�r 7594 �56t1(1 92LFQ [lec f 00°Yi 85600 d To�l fo�ye�r b31984 . Using cuIT�,nt t$rms for�inandt�g and the following ass�mptians,it 1s rea$nnabl� tq prediat tl��t the G�6h�Iow�ener�teci�y th�cqmme�eiat and residantial � could servic�� band is�u�rtce c�a�pproxim�tely$t3.0 M. Th�a ia b�d on en i�ter�st r�dte of 6.5°�6, a det�t covef8ge ratio of 1.20, a cap rate of�.25. a first year NQ� of$835,�04. at�d�loan-ta-value ratio of 90°6. Tt�e NOI is bas�d on the resi�E��al aompanerrt af$358,000 and a commer+Gial aomponeM af�477��Q0. The comm�ncial NOi ia�aee� pn the recard af pe�iormance of!I�cttrrertt tierf�rrts, as sumrnarized by inform�taon provided by the realtor. Assumptic�ns indude a 3°�6 annual ina�ease m�ent for cornrner�iel end re$idar�tisl tenants. Operationai co�ffi ha�e beet� set at 3396 of the gross r+�sidentie!re�enue. KnudEsen and Campany Consultlng,LLC P+�ge S of T S^n+ By: Knudtsen and Cnmpany, �LC; 303 831 7d76; Aug-6-g9 10:31A�; Page 7J8 � � � � � a � r � c¢i �r N � to tn cy .- n- � � � u� [� � � � cnu� u� r� Ntooicvaorsc� rntiCpe� o� ,-� a� r. �" cr� Mthc� � m O �- C] KlrQlr- OQ701� � ct� tpNdlOffD � iOCnRU7 � (yQ �t �tC3th � ` � QOM � �OO � N� Ot)fDNtlf �laNOmW C7 CQlrf+ hrSqY �80 �� � � � � � �D� Nt" �r-� c7 (D41 Ol� �Md' �50Q � I�. mrrOC3Qr- [�i l0 7 Qf r Q' �fl OD r +� 1�O t0 r 41 C7 f� � lL1 p O tA m � Y7 aQ �- � � � NNNI"JC7t7er � �' �tf►�?K? fDtD� t� Cd �alQ1 � ��e-r- V .� d � � � 47 � iL3�f� N [p O� N�0 M f0 Q7 F- F�!�f cD� r QY R IO � !V r'- h- � GOTg � 1"' Q1T {� O � `�� � V N OON � CV �C� QJQICr1N fOCOC�} W� E 'q" �n t�5 �O N cwi � c0�- <CDp .- ui oi�t?CJ O Gi G1 O iGp'0 l�tV a0 W �G P W �i cTi a(,p} �� � CJ V? � Dil� m � ,'� dN4� o[! N (OOC*} r� N 'rT � � 'lL) tP �� I'�aDC! t7�f CL � tf1 3f e- M (� �- r e- N N f'7 [') c� �1 � �. dCOI] d0 � �� W �r��=r� � �-- �^ � re�- e--r=t-c-rr- s-s- � ��- � t A C �"' � 4 ,w � m � � a � � � t� a � � � '3 -a 0000aooc-� oo�� vo °oo° ooaa�SS �g � g � $ � cO1-� 4 O o OC�o V OC7K3[] c� F+ «� ` LV NC'+lNNNiWCVNk�iNNNfVN [VryNSy(^�i<yNCVNN MNNLV N � � �s ��i ui vi�ci vi ui ui+�ri�i�y �i�rr ut ��ci urs ui ui u�ui�ci ui�ri�n�ra �ri � (3 � � � � 4 � Q �t � �R °� �tsktt � R �' � 4Y �`0' 4 Q at '�t' �t � � � �' il ,y_ �"' 1�1+ 1� 1�fti I+� I� h. t� ti T� 1� I� !+ f� !� h- t� t� It� P- � 1� f� f� I� h�- t� 1+ t tt1 � � � UOC? C7O� O C7000O004r? C? 4ClQCO �OOQOCC O '� (,� NNNNNNN NNNNNNNNry �V�I �V ryCVN {y lVNNCV C+IfVCtii � cV '� `�Tsf' �Q �' vv v �' vs� � � � q � e1' 4QYV"PR V444 'QQ '�T' � G `= �t�!-. NN2V [VNrCV- � NN � � � �� rCV- � � eN- �N �INNNN(V NN � , O �b d.� m m � � fll `� (I] � w � '� � � � a� a00000caaodocti � oo (� (� Q q Qvsap aaQaaa � (� S7 �O O O O Q 47 t� q p q O C C d d G S O p O G Q O O C7 Q A � � y t� � Ota0000Q � C700C7SODOC'll�C? OOOr70C 00000 � �,,, 'r" �- r e- r- r r r rr r r-� r- ��- �-- r- � � r- r � � � � � r- �- e- r � 5 'S ,� (L � CA �D �O �G (O � �D �D �9 �F 4L3 fD�D �D �D �O tL) sD fa �D�O ��D c��C2 ID fA KT i0 ff� t f � � � U � � C ,� 4 � V � � � Q � � ia �s � ra .- cvnv�ns� r- avo� v NM �# 4S9Dh- C%lOid u � � .� � CVl7 � In �01`� OD fll � rr � �-� � � � � c� NN �INNNN hNM � '� �" t° o � � > > � x S�nr By: Knudtsen end Cnmpany, LLC; 303 B31 7078; Aug-6-�9 1A:31AM; Page e/8 . ' � � ' Pri�' a+�d Confid�ntisl For Towrt Stall Ravfew Qrt/y V. salas Pr��e v. Pr+dJect�ed Revenue The praperty was origtnei�y t�s#ad at a p�ce af$9.5 M. Since thet tirr�s,the owner has 'I r�aduced ths price t4 $7.5 M. Baeed an r$pres�ntations from the realtor, it appears that the ownera wo�ki n�canaidar offe�in tha r�nge af�6.5 M. The rehabititatlon and conwersion costs are estima#�d to be$2.5 M. T�is number may �Ru�tu�t�, cfepending Qn the program the Tawn selects ta'the�mpl4y�e hausing. Total f�nds n�ded t�purahe�e and eon�ert the f�cilityr are$ndcips�ted ta t�e in the range.of �9.Q M, The cash flow model shaHm et�avs cauld sust�in a primary debt Qbli�ation aF approx�m�tely$8.0 M_ Su6ordinatad c�6t af approximately$1 M mus�t be secu�cf to provid� the�equity n�eded to make the acquisition_ At thi�time, it appears that the �et operating inc:ome prarri�#es en ade�uatd cash flow t�service the prim�ry obfigation and � aoaer the su�ord�r�ated�ebt. V!. Mext S�►.� Bas�d on �eliminary analysis, it appears that the Towt�could acquiro tha site and convert th�l�totel rQOms to employ�ee housing. For ihis an�ly$€�, the ass�mption that the town wc�uld s�n�or a 83-20 carparatlan, �ek partners ta prav�de suba�i�ated d�bt, �'ol'�sofk d�v�l�pm�nt cp�ts, and aasemble a development team. There are no la�a-term costs ta the tawn u�[fer tttis scenario. At the time th�bonds afe retire+d, currertitly ar�lcip�tted to b� 30 yesrs,title ta th�s�#e�r�d the irriprovements w�oul� t�tr�n�ferred�a the Tawn at�o cost. During the interim, a developer wauld oam �nd operate tF�e fadlity, accarding t� prescribed terms for re�l rat�s end tanar�t seiectian: The short term aosts to tite Tovm cauld ran�e upw�rds of$100,000 ta co�er predevetapment soft co�ts such as�rchitectu+'�I ar►d engineerin� atudias, architedural drs�HVtt'tg�fo�"bulld�ri�permlts, marketir►g�valu�tions, and relatad casts pertaining to the design and �pproval prpcess. It wil{ be critical to partner wfth a busine:ss e�tity witttin tt�e V�II�y whq h�the aapability to assume ttre subardin�ted deht. Vail Assoaates is a likely car�didate wha is�ery interested in expartding it� own invenfary of ernployee hausing. Per the t�rnre afi the S3- 2a reg�lst�ons, a maximum ot 5a�ib of ttte beds can be master ieased, end the balar�ce muat be mede av�il8ble to the�mmur�ity. The next steps tar the Town, if interested 'm pursuing the s�e, wQU�d be ta� • Re#ine th�financia!es�mat+�s; � tdenti�y rnembers t�a pote�rtral develapmer�t team;and + Prvvide an a�'er, with oond�tians,to the seller and put t� proper#y under aantrac�. I 1G�Ndt44n and Company Car�srrl�irr�,LLC AaBe 7 0�7 , � � � PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIDN PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Manc�ay, April 24, 200U AGENDA Proiect Orientatian 1 PEC LUNCH - Gommuni#v Development Department 11:30 a.m. MEMBERS PR�SENT MEMBERS ABSENT Site Visits 12:30 p.m. i. Peters—2955 Bellfiower Drive 2. Pearson—303 Gore Creek Qrive #2-C 3. Talalai —223 Gore Creek Drive #3 4. Ford Amphitheater—540 Vail Valley Drive 5. Vail Mountain School—3160 Katsas Ranch Raad Driver: Gearge r� NOTE: If the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m.,the board will break for dinner from 6:00 -6:30 p.m. Publrc Hearin �-Public Works Conference Room 2:aa p.m. 1. Swearing in ot reappointed PEG members Diane Golden, and Brian Doyon. - Larelei Donaldson, Tawn Clerk. 2. Election of 2000 Chair— Vice-Chair— 3. A joint worksession with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed develapment plan/rnaster plan and a conditional �se permit for a park and recreation facility for an approximately 12 acre unpiatted parcel of land zaned G�neral Use and Residential Cluster, commonly referred to as the lower bench of Donovan Park, located sout#� of the Sou#h Frontage Road and east and north of Matterhorn Circle. Applicant: Town of Vai{ I Vail Recreation District P1anr�er: Dominic Mauriello 4. A minor CC1 exterior alteration, to alVow for a residential addition, located at 223 Gore Creek Drive #3/Creekside Condominiums, Bfock 5B, Vail Village 15t Filing. A�plicant: Phil & Kay Talalai, represented by Larry Deckard , ,; . ' ' Plartner: Allisan Ochs ` -- �' �.� �� ����� �� i r� �, _ ��1,_'' - ' � �^ ��L a'y , �ow��o�Y�rL '� 1 — - - � � 5. West Vail Lodge—A worksession to discuss a proposed height variance (Section 12-7D- 6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the addition of dormers and tower elements to an existing raaf ridge, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Tract C, Vail das Schone #1; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Vail d�s Schone #3. Applicant: Reaut Carporation Planner Brent Wilson 6. A request for a canditional use permit, to allow for the pavillion roof replacernent , additional covered seating areas, adclition to "`stag� IefY' buildings and new service area addition to the "stage righY' building, located at 540 Vail Valley Drive/Traet A, Vail Village 7`n Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Foundatian, r�p�esented by Morter Aker Architects Planner: George Ft�ther 7. A request for a varianc� from Sections 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage�, 12-6Q-8 (Density} and 12-6D-6 {Setbacks), Town Code, to allow for a garage and residential addition, located at 2955 Bellf�ower Drive/Lot 6, Bloek 6,Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Alan & Francine Peters Planner: Allison Ochs 8. A request for a conditiona9 use permit, to allow for a proposed expansion at Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail UiHage 12`h Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Gwathmey f'ratt Schultz Architects F'lanner: Brent Wilson 9. A request tor a variance from Sections 12-6H-6 and 12-14-6, Towr� af Vail Code, ta allow for the adtiitian of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vai� Tawnhouse #2-C/Lot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 151 Filing. Applicant: Vicki �earson, represented by Ron Diehl Planner: Ann Kjerul� 10. Information Update ❑ Town Council joint worksession with the PEC on May 2"d in the Town Council Chambers, at 1 p.m. The purpose af the mee#ing is to discuss philosply relat�d ta develapment review projects and how to coordinate between the two baards. flne twa-year term PEC vacancy—(Tom Weber). PEC REPRESENTATIVE AT DRB FOR 2000- Doug Cahill - Jan-Apr. 5, '00 Chas Bernhardt - Apr 19, `00 Galen Aasland - Apr-Jun '00 Diar�e Golden - ,�ul-Sep '00 John Schofield - Oct-Dec 'QO 11. Approvaf of April 10, 2000 rrr�inu�es. 2 . - � � The applications and ir�formation about ihe praposals are a�ailable tor public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner�s office Iocated at the Town of Vaif Community Development D�partment, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation�vailable upon request With 24 hour notifiCat+on. Please call 479-2356,Telephone for the Hearing Impaired,for infiprmation. Gommuniry Develapment Departmant Published April 21,2000 in the ilail Trail , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 , Town of Vail � � ` � �rtment of Cammunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Ct? 81657 a /i , �JV� Name: , f '�. '� �.�� : � Receict RJo. -�' Address: � ' ,(� _ Project�- _ �ate / ! �� / �� Please make cnecks payable tc the TOWN OF VAiL Accouni No, i Iter^n No.' Cade# Cost Each Total - - - ---� - - - -- -- � ___- ---- -- - ,.�._.-- -._.. _�. 001 0000 314 11 i 0�Zon�n and Address Maps -� !ZA $5.00 041 0000 31a 1 i 12 Uniform Building Ccde- 1997-Voi�me ?&2 8 ;�0.95 ' - - 1 —-- _ _-._ -- -- -------- 00 i 0000 314 1112 Uniform Bu�lding C�ce - 1997-Voi�me 3 T _ _ �Si.2p * 001 0000 314 1112 'Enternational P!umbing Code- 1997 'CS $36.00 '" 001 00!Jb 37 4 i 112 �In[ernational (Uleehanical Code- 1998 �- C8 � �35.00�� —+---� --�-- _ 00� OOOa 314 1'?2 Uniform �Ulechanic�; vode 1997 �33.60 �' 001 0000 314 1 1 S 2 l�niform Fire Code �� C8 � $36.OQ '' � _ _ - .._—��_ � -- - -- -- a�1 0000 314 1 i t 2 �NatEOnal Electrdca6 Code �CB �37.pn " � 9 9•' _ _��_ � d01 0000 314 1112 Abateme�t of Qan erous 8ld s 1997 I $9.95 ' 001 0000 314 1112 �Madel Ener�y Code- 1995 ' � �10.00 ' ---�----- 001 0000 314 1 11� iAnaiysis af Revisions to_�997 unirorm Codes �; $�2.75 �* _ 001 000� 314 1 1 1-= '�Oth�r Cdde Boolts ! !,C8 � �-;' 001 0000 31 a �21 f I Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees �_ � 8F � $7.00 ' _ 001 0000 3'4 1111 i Xerox Co��es � � XC $0.2� ;* OQ] 00�0 314 171 ? 'Lionshead fvlaster Plan ($1.80(�1�60) � � _ !MS $4u.Q0 j` 001 0000 314 1 1 1 1 ''Studies, Master Plans, eta_ ___�. �iV1S � 001 OOQO 3rt 5 3000 'Penalty Fees/Re-Inspec:ians _ L �PN ; _.,� - - - 001 0040 311 2300 !Plen Review Re-check Fee($40/per haur) I IPF 001 OOCO 315 200 Cff Hours Inspection Fees ; 'OH ' 001 �000 312 30Q0 'Contractors License Fees I iGL � 001 0000 3 i 2 400� 'Sicn Application `�=ee iSP $20.a0� 001 0000 312 4000 'Additional Sigrt AppGcation �`ee � ISP i Q01 OOCO 31 1 2200 ;Design Review Eaard Fee(Pre-paid� �;DR '� ,_�__ 001 Q000 315 3000 ,Building Invest�a#ion Fee _ _ PN � I _ 001 0000 2a0 3300 'Developer Imorovemen�Agreemeni Deuosi�02-17F P7fl � MA� I -- � _.. — ._._,_._...� .� _�. _ 001 Oq00 312 1 a4a_,'Restaurant L_cense fee(TOV) �- RL ' 00� d000 230 2000 iSpee. �ssess.-Resta�rant Fee to Ga.Dept.Rev. ��SA � "O(71 0000 201 i 000 ;Taxabie @ 4.5% (5tate)-Tax payable ' rTP ' —� "001 0000 310 1 100 �Taxable �4.O.o Town -Retail Sales Tax _i_ J' iT7 - - --�'—o� (.T-� _-T-- -- - �Cthe-- - � - - - r,'vlisc. - ----' 'MS ' --- - --��_�. -- �- �-- - � 001 0000 311 2500 �PEC APPLICATION FEES ' ' 401 Oa00 311 2500 Additionaf GF��A! "25C" ' �PV $200.00 ' -- _._ ..Y-. �� - ---- T _, 001 0000 311 2500 Conditicnal Use Permit T�'PV $200.00 001 0000 311 250� i Exterior Aiteration -Less,han 1 d� ��P�l $200.00 001 0000 311 25�0 I Exterior Alteration -More than 100 sq,ft. _ ' _ PV� 4 $5D0.00 ' Oa� OOflO 311 250Q I Special Developme�t District-NEW i PV $t,500.i�0 001 0000 31 Z 2500 Special �evelo � � pment�istrict-Major Amend i iPU $1,000.00 , _ 041 0000 311 2500 I Special Development�istrict- futinor Arr�e�d ^I PV $200.00T 001 0040 311 2500 S�bdivision rees i PV � ._ _..- - --- _ Ob1 OOQO 3?1 2500 'Vari2nce ,PV _ ��$250.00-_- ��i �01 0000 311 2500 Izoning Code Amenaments iPV $250.00 , IRe-Zoning - I �,PV , $200.Op 'T - 001 0000 319 3100 'GrPenstar Pro ram j � ; 'Other- �- �MS _ �— - - I TOTAL: - - ------, _ _._ Comments: �S V ;a�. � '�-, -�,J�'' � � -�Cash _ Money Order# Checic# � Received by: ` ;r�' F:/Everyone/FormsiSalesact.exe 2/�0/99 � i� � ` . „ �--.-�---_�_ � _ _ �� RECEIPT— 77�e Town of Vaif - _ - - --- j QATE��— � --- ----_, �9� � . . -����� I RECEIVED FROM Is----- I ADDRESS I I � � -------- � `�_------�_:�� I ' � — _'—� -- `------� � ' �----�DOLLARS $ I ---- � � —=v�� - __-_�� s, ` I � �_,_� � �� s --�__� � Permil Numbers~ `� ����-- f��� I I "�� Police Receipt Numbers ,� HOW PAID—Cash--,_Gheck , $ Y . Towi� of Uail *+�* CUSTOMEk ftECEiF'T *** DAiEe 4/�7/B@ 91 RECEIPT; A897134 DE5CkI��TI�W pTY AMOUNT TP TM PE�C URi�IANCE FEE 1 t��A.O@ �F"V �i( �kiTZLFH PIEkCE 5MTTH WE5T VAIL LODGE UARIANCE ZEHUER DETAIl. CK 9�96 f25B.A8 DATE: 4/07/ee TIME; t2:18:57 TL1TA�. CHECN, 5256.88 AMClUNi TENDEkED t�;g.@g THAMK YQU Fqk YOtlk GAYf9ENT! TowR of Vail � ` � � �partment of Cammunity Development 75 S. Front�ge Road Vail, CO 81657 Name:, � f"R�i i��-Z-r� ���Ey;r-@= '���h�i"���� -q:.k. �`v�ti)f>k-r�; Receipt No. ������f�-- Ad�dress: I Ir_�Sl: � V l���.�%r'�un.� jl ����. C t KE�r,�T �'����. Project ` -' Y � - - �ate t� ly� � -1--(�.L Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAtL Account Na. i _ Item__ ' No_� Code# Cost Each j Total _ i I OOi OOQO 314 1110 Zon�ng and Add�ress Maps -- i _ I B I $50.95 h ..�u - Od1 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildin Code- 1997-Volume 1&2 001 0000 3i4 1112 ;Uniform Building Code- 1997-Volume 3 ; ; $57.2p ' - 001 0000 314 1112 �International Plumbing Co�e- 1997 'CB � $36.00 '" 001 0000 314 11 t'2 I International Mechanical Cocfe- 1998 i CB T �35.00 � -- - � 001 0000 314 1112 �Uniform Mechanicai CodE-1997 j $33�6� ;* 001 0000 314 1 1 12 Uniform Fire Code � CB � $36.00 " 001 0000 314 1112 lUatianai Electrical Code CB j $37.00 * 0�1 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous [31dg.'s 1997 _ i �9.95 �_ -- 001 �000 314 1112 Madel �nergy Code- 1995 ' $10.00 ' -- -- � - --- - 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisians to 1997 Uniform Codes ___ $1275 ' 001 0000 314 11 a 2 Other Code$ooks CB ;_ ;' 0�1 OOQO 334 1211 Blue f'rintslM r�lar Gopy Fees _ 8� ! $7.00 i* 00� Q00� 314 1111 '�Xerox Ca�ies a �XC $0.25 ` 001 4000 314 1111 �Lionsheed Master Plan $1.80/$1.6�� I �MS � $40.00 �* ^ _ OOi 4Q00 314 1111 1�Studies, Master Plans, sic. ' �MS ' i` __. . _._.-- ��1 Q600 315 3a00 IPenal Fees/Re_Inspections 'PN ' 001 0400 311 2300 !Plan Review Re-check�ee($40/per hour) PE F , 001 0000 315 20�0 Off Hours inspection Fees (]H __ 041 0000 312 3Q0� 'iContractors License Fees iGL �� 001 0000 312 4000 Adtlitioal Sig�Appecation Fee --' I SP i $20.00 ��------ , � _ i - -- 001 0040 311 2200 ',Design Review Board F�e(Pre-paid) � DR � 001 OOQO 315 3400 FBuildin� Investic.�ation Fee �—PN 1 001 0000 240 3300 i Developer improvement Agreement Deposit 02-DEP10 A ; 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee(TOV) RL 001 �OOQ 230 20d0 S�ec. Assess_-Restaurant Fee ta Co.Dept.Rev_ SA I _ - - � -- � -- '001 0000 201 1004 Taxable @ 4_5% �State -Tax payable I TP . _, - � ---- -- '001 O�pO 310 i 100 Taxable @ 4.0% (Town}- Retail Sales Tax ;T7 I _ j _ - - -- -_ 'Other/Mise. - �MS , ' � , - ----��--��---- --W-- - --- -'�- � � - - --- - -- - 0�1 0000 311 250D PfC APPLiCA'f10N F�ES � � ' 001 OOUO 311 2500 �Additional GRFA - "25�" `• I PV ! $20�.0fl , -- ---- 001 0000 311 2500 jConditional Use Permit � PV i $2�0.00 � �'� � - ---- _---- -- -1--- 001 0000 311 250Q ��xterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq.ft. �PV $200.0� I 001 0000 311 2500 ,Exterior Aiteration-More than 100 sq.ft. IPV $500.00 ' –_ -- ---- -– _ r — 001 00003i1 2500 IS ecialDevelopment�istrict-N€W �PV ; $1,500.00 I _ 001 0000 31 1 2504 -Specia! Development District-Major A�nend � PV $1,OOQ00 � 001 OQ00 311 2500 'i Speciai Devefopment District-Minor Ar�end , {PV ' $200.00 I - � —--_ _ .. 001 0000 311 2500 �Subd`ovision Fees I,PV -- - - - ..� 001 OQ00 31 1 2500 I,Variance PV �250.00 '� --- _ ----- ---- Ofl� 0000 31 f 2500 'Zaning Ccde Amendment5 ��� 1 I'PV � $250.00 I! - �---� "- --- . -_-__..--- — —. _�- _ - Re-Zaning - _ ~ PV $200.00 j_ --- --- - 001 0000 319 3100 !Greenstar Proc.�ram � � .._ - - --- - � _. _ _._. Other- I MS --- ;T07AL: j � 2pc: ��t� - Gomments: i i - \ , , ;-, � �'\ �v� f / r'I 1� �S -1..1'��.J C�� /�–Y -i L- r�/1/C'f a � !�7(,L` � J� Cash Money Qrder# Check# r����� Received by: L ;�.� I F:/EveryonelForms/5�iesac�.exe 2110/99 � � , • j � I`----__--- ---_..- I _. . ._ _ _ _ . . . .. . . _ . __ . � RECEIPT- The Town of Vail � � DATE_ I - - , 19�_— =� � ; za�, r': ! I ECEIVED FRdM _ _ , � _ --- � ADbRESS`_ I - - I — — - � ._ � --— ���. - I -- f �— - D�LLARS $ I � �_, I �—� I _ - I � Permit Numbers_ _ Police Receipt Numbers � HOW PAIb—Cash_ _Check I _ gy I Toan of Vail **� CUSTdMER RECEIRT �** DpTE: 1/31/9B 91 RECEIGT: B@8�767 UESCRI�TIO�i �TY AMOElNT TF� TM F'EC VAiiIRNCE FEE 1 f�06,08 �PU CK FRITZLEH PIE�CE 5�IZH �.OT 1/UAIL DAS SCH�NE,R3 TENU�� DEZAi� CK 945� t29B.AB OATE: 1/31/98 TIME; 14:49;pb TDTAL CNECIS f206.AB AM��1N7 TEt�DfkED l288.88 TNANK Y0�1 FOk YQl1R PAl'MEH7! � � • � � ,�,. n� �: � � � , �Y �� i5'. ..�:: ..._..:.�„�'.`s•�.p��-�'a:a ,�'�•J. ' yY':., � �i.< �,,�,. ,v,�k.r'.-•..�.�;;;�,�,....... _,. q:. �. ' -- .. . ... Ai ' � •��,� � � .. ��_ , y � �„J'� _.,, � �� h�.. �' � �.f i- y k.l�, 4� 15' �-�, � , � .. ' � j �?� ��� R.;��� ���� i%?� �'� . {}j �- ,. � ��_ t � . �...1 �� # M �^�. 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R,�A�Y< ' , . , .. . c i.t '. . ,n <,!%; � i . . ..,. ' =. � . ,., . %� .,i,¢ : � `v� � �'� . � . . :,. ,.� � _....�� 3 . . . . .' . ' �' .. .. ' � ... .,..-�� ... . z; � , x •., � ,�. ,, r � � � . . . . ��; s .,:.,r - �x .. . .. . . . . . . �' ..,� -� ,. .. . . . . '+�, e. � ° . . .. . „e ^i,4 • .. .. . � J r . $ � _..�.i'�` L'.y.�� . � � �i: � . �' � i � � . . � ��.� . .. .. i . � .�::- a . . . I i !i p . . .. . �` S -(3Y`� S�� �� yf . . . �.b �. �a �'��s�� -.� � � � ,u � � s � �; �`� n � ,' ,s G . bk"rz a n , � x . �' } +M7� � . .. , . . .. � , � �� . . . . .. .. ,:, ; .. . . . .. , r : .. .... . . . � � � � , B. The Planning and En�ironmen#al Commissian shai{ make the following findings before granting a variance: 'I. That tt�e granting of the variance wi�i not constitt�te a grant of speciaf privilege inconsistent with the limitatior�s on other propert3es classified in the same district. 2. That the gra�tir�g o€ the variance wii{ not be detrimental to the pubiic healfh, safefy or welfare, or materially injurious to properties ar impravements in the vicir�ity. 3. Tf�at the varianc� is warranted for ane or more o€the following reasans: a. The strict literal fnterpretatjon or enforcement of the speci�ied regulation wou�cf resuft in practical ciifficulfy or unnecessary physical harrfs�ip inconsistent with the objectives of this t9tle. �. Tk�ere are exceptions or extraordinary circurr�stances or conditions applicabie to the same site of fhe variance that do not apply genera��y to other properties in the same zar�e. c. The strict interpretat��n or enforcement of kY�e specif�ed reguiation wouid depri�e the appficant of priviieges enjoyed by#he owners of ot�er properties in the same district, � \\VAI LIDATAI�VERYON�IRECiMEMqS1001W!lLODG�4.doc 6 ' � : � � � f�recedent� - The Town has approved previous height variances at the foE}owing locat�ons: Lot 6, BEock 9, Intermauntain --(8/�3f9D) Laf �, B{ock 7, 8ighvrn 6`h Acfdition—�2l14/83) Lot 6, �orest Glen--(12l12{94} The Town has approved similar requests (GRFA a�ove allowable building heigh#) through the SDD proces� at the foliawing locations: SDD#7 (r�visec�)—t#�e Marriot �DD#14— Doubletree Hotel SDD#21 —Vaii Gat�way SDD #30 --V�i! Afhletic Club The "250" addition� — TY�e inten# flf the Town's "250" ordir�ar�ce, as d�afted, is as foHows: ...to �rovrde an inducemenf for the upgrading o� exisfing dwelling units which have been in existence within the To�rvn for a period of at feast five (5) years by permit�ing the additiar� of up fo ivvo hundred fifty (2�0) square feet of gross residentia!floor area (GRFA) to such dwelling units, provided the criteria set forth in this Section are met. Praposafs for the u�iJizatror� of fhe addition�I GRFA under this provisian shalf co►npty wifh al! T�wn zoning requirements and appficabfe development sfandards. If a vari�nce is �'equired for a propvsal, it shat� be apprQVed by the , Pfannir�g and Environmental Commrssi�rr pursuant fo Chapter 9 i of this 7'itle � befQre an a fication is rrrade rn accordance with this �ectian. The a ficant PA PP �� must obtarn a bui�ding permit within one year of�nal Planning and Environmentaj Commission approva!or the approval for additional GRFA shall be voided. The Vail Towr� Code acknawledges certain existing dwelling units will nat be able � to meet afl development standards wit� the u#i�ization of t#�e "250" credit. Therefase, the code a11Qws variances for 250 additions, sub�ect to approval hy t�e Planning and Environmental Commissian. ,� � Altt�ough the utitization of the "250 bonus credit is not giver� as of right and tne uti#ization of the credit in this instar�ce furthers th� existin non-conformit staff � 9 , Y � h' U ' n s r ul in believes t is praposal meets the criteria outlined for ar�a ce and would es t a better housir�g product for both tt�e EHU's and the free-market units. 3. Tf�e effect of tMe requested variance an light and air, distribution of popuiativn, transportativn ancf traffic facilities, pubEic facifities ancf utitities, and public safety, Staff daes not befieve t�is proposal wjil impact any of tk�e a�ove-listed facilities. New p�opflseci buildir�g efements will be lower than th� existing roof ridge o# the buildir�g ancf will �e set back a mtnimum of 80 feet from property lines. IIVAILIDA�'AIEV�RYONEIF'ECIMEM051401WVLODG�4.5 c , : � � : � � V. RLQUIR�D CRITERIA AND FfNDfNGS -VAREANCE A. Consirleration of Factors Regarding Variar�ce Requasts: 1. The relationship of the requested variance #o other existing or po�ential uses anci structures �n the vicinity. Staff believes t�e �rimary issue involv�r�g the re}ationship of t��s structure to other existing ar patent�af uses and structures in tne vicirzity is the bufk and mass of the existing building. The existing buildir�g was construct�d tegaily under Eagte County r�gulations in �J79, but acljacent properties are Eower in prafile and typically smaller in sca�e. Staff believes this �roposal ("Versian 2," as suk�mitted) wiil help #o break up the existing {inear bulk and mass of �he �ui�dirtg. Addittonally, stafF believes the deviation requested is not exc�ssive or unreasonable. Purs�ant to Section '�2-15-3 (Inter�or CanversiQns), Vail Town Code, �ormers are an exampie of an ex#erior modification that �s "not considered to increase but�ding bujk and mass." Given the conf�guratian of the existing �uilding (northlsauth on a south-facing iot), sta#f does no# anticipate any negative sunlshade impaets. On April 24#", the PEC conducted a site inspection to determine the pot�ntial impacts fo views frarn adjacent praperties. StafF believes the addytianai dormer and tower efements wift not impact views from other properties as the height of the building has already been estab�ished. Adfacent building h�ights include McDonaid's at approximately 36 feet in t�eignt (via an architectural projection) and the West Vai# Mall pro�aerty with approximately 32 feet af building height. 2. The degree to which relief fror►� #he strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regula#ion is necessary to achieve compatibitity anci uniformity of treatme�t among s�tes in the vicinity or #a attain the abjectives of ti�is title without a grant of special privilege. The "Special Privilege" and "Hardship" Issues - Most of the West Vail comrneraial area was developed under Eagle County jurisdiction and anr�exed ir�to the Town in 1986. As a result, multiple non-canformities exESt among structures (both residentia! and comm�rcial} throughout the immediate area. Sir�ce the building heig�t for the West Vail Ladge property was established legal�y under Eagle County regulations in 'i979, staff belie�es some relief may be necessary from the strict or fifieral interpretation of the Tvwn's more stringerrt zoning regulations ar� this property. The Planning and Environmental Commission has consistently he(d that non-conforming properties constructed �n t}�e county experience a hardship due to tt�e application of rnore stririgent zoning affer annexation (Ntaynor 1110l00 variance, for example). ��vai��oara��v��YONE���c�M�MOS�oa�wvLO�G�a.4� `. � � � � Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirernents are provided and pla�s co�form to the technica! r�quirements o€the 2oning Regulations. The staff a2so advises the applicant as to compliance wifh the design guidefirtes. Staff provides a staff merno cantair�ing background on #I�e �raperty and provides a staff eva�uat�on ofi the pra�ecf with respect tQ the required cra#eria and findings, and a recommendatifln an approvaf, approval with condiiions, oc denial. Staff alsp facilitafes the review pracess. ' Town Council: � Actions of DRB or PEC �naybe appealed to the Town Council or by tY►e Town Co�ncil. ' Town Co�ncil evaluates wheth�r or not the PEC or DRB erred witf� approvals or denials , and can upha�d, uphold with moclifications, ar overturn the board's decision. II1. STAFF RECOMMENDATItJN , 7�te Department o#Community Development approval the app�icant s request for a height variance �Sectian 12-7D--6, Taw� of Vaif Code), to allow far the addition of dormers and tawer eiements to an existing roof, subject to the fol}owing fiindings: �I1. Since the building height has a�ready been establis�eci, tY�e granting of the i variance would not constitute a grant af special privilege inconsistent with the � lirnitatior�s on ather properties in the znne ciisfrict. 2. That the strict literal interpret�tion or enforcement of tt�e height regul�tions resuits in a practical diff}c�lty or ur�necessary physicai hardship incansist�nt wi#h the development objectives of the Vai4 Town Code, the Cammercial Cflre !I� Zone District and the Vail Mastef Plan, with specific reference to Goal S#atements 4.3, 5.3, and 5.5 of t�e Vail Land Use Plan. 3. There are exceptions or extraord+'nary circurnstances or condi#ians (structural non- � conforrnities) applicable ta tY�e applicant's pro�e�ty thaf da not apply generafty to other praperties in the Commerciai Care I11 Zane District. 1V. ZONiNG ANALYSIS Since the property was develqped �nder Eagle Cauhty jurisdiction, the existing buiiding has be�n granted a legal non-confarming �"grandfathered")status. Allowable Building Height: 38 feet Existing Building Height: 58.5 feet Propased Building Height: nd change; dorrr�er/tower additians = 57.2#eet max. IIVAILIDATAIEVERYONEIP�CIMEMOS1001WVLODGE4.3 c � � � � Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring t�at all submittal req�:irements are provided and plans conforrn to the tetihnical r�quorernents of the Zanin� Regulatians. The staff a(so advises the a�plicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. St�ff prouides a staff inemo containing background on the properfy and p�ovides a staff evaivation of the project with respect tc the required cri#eria and findings, and a recommendation on �pproval, approva; r�itF� conditions, or denial. Staff alsa facilitates the review pracess. Town Council: Actians of GRS or F'EG r��aybe appealed to the Town Co�ncil or by fhe Town Council. Te+nm �Councii evaluates whefher or not the P�C or ORS erred wbth appravafs or denials and can uphold, uphold wi#h modificatians, ar overturn the board's decision. IlI. STAFF REC(.]MMENDATION 7he Department of Comrnuroity Cevelopment recommends approval the applican#'s request for a height variance (Section �2-7D-6, Town of Vail Code), to a�low fo�the addition of dormers and tower elements ta an existir�g roof, subject to the following flflf�lllC�S: 1. Since the building E�eight has already been establish�d, the granting of the varianc� wouid not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent woth tY�e limitations on other properties in the zone district. 2. T�at the strlct literal inter�retatian or �nforcemenf of }he height regulations results i� a practical difficulty ar unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Vail Town Code, the Commercia� Core IIM Zone District and the Va�l iUlaster F1�n, with specific reference to Goal Statements `f.3, 5.3, and 5.5 of the Vail Land Use Plan. 3. There are exceptions or extraardinary circumstanc�s or conditions (structural non- conformities) applicable fo the applicant's property that do not apply generally to other properties in the CommercRaE Core III Zor�e District. IV. ZONlNG ANALYSIS Since the property was developed under E�gle Co�nty jurisdiction, the existing building has been granted a legal nan-conforming {"grandfat�ered") status. Allowable Building Height: 38 feet Existing Bualding Height: 58.5 feet Proposed BuiEding Neight: no change; dormer/tower additions = 57.2 feet max. 11VAILIC7ATAlEVERYONEIPECIMEMOS\0(}1WVLODG�4.doc 3 � ! i � MEMORANDUM TQ: Planning anc� Environmental Commission FROM: Communi#y Development Department DATE: May 8, 2000 S'UBJ�CT: A request for a height variance (Section 12-7D�6, 7own of Vail Code}, to aiiow for the addition of dormers and tawer elements #o an existing roof, located at 2211 N. Frontage �d. (West Vail Lodge)/Tract C, Vail das Schone #1; Lots 1, 2 a�d 3, Vail das Schone #3. Ap�licant: Reaut Corporation, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Smith Planner Brent Wilson I. BACKGROl1ND AND DESCRIPTION �F TH� REQU�ST Earlier th+s year, the PEC approved the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow fcr the conuersion of 83 accommodation units (ho#el rooms} #0 41 employee housing units. Additionally, the Vail Town Cauncil approved Ordinance 5, Series of 200� to ailow�or the condominiumizatien of employee housing units created from accommodation u�its. This request involves a propose� remodel of the existing free-rnarl�et units (and additional flaor area for certain EHU's) along the exterior of the existing builc�ing. The applica�t prc�pos�s to add dormer and tower elements to the building (utilizing the "'250° bonus credit and the interiar con�ersion process) in order ta provide an upgraded ' architectural product and increas�d marketability of the units. The app6icable "Commercial Core III" zoning allows a maximum bt�ilding height of 38 feet. Sir�ce the existir�g (legal non-conforming) ridge height exceeds the allowable height �er the zoning, any addition of buGk and mass to the existing roof structure wi(� require a variance �per Section 12-18-5(A), Vail Town Code, "Non-Conforming Lots and Structures"�. Since the proposal as a whole brongs the project closer into compl�ance with applicable zoning (with the exception of building height), staff did r�ot advise the app�icant to pursue the establishment of a special development district for this �urpase. On Apri� 19`h, 2�00, the Town af VaEI Design R�view Board enco�raged t{�e applicant to p�rsue the proposed design and variance request with a scaled-dawn bulk and mass of the proposed tower elem�nts ("Version 2"). Fina! design review approval is pending PEC appraval/denial of this variance applicatio�. Project History The V1/est Vail Lodge property, constructed in 1979 under EagCe Cour�ty jurisdaction, currently includes 83 accommadation units (hotel rooms}, 19 dwelling units ar�d significant commercial floar area. Ira the 1980's. the Town of Vail annexed the property ar�� applied Coanmercial Core I!I zoning. Ti�is zpning designation does not alfow dwelling units or accommodation ur�its as a use and the property has been rendered non-conforming since its ann�xation into the town. 11VAILIDATAIEVERYONEIP�CIMEMQS1001WVL�DGE4.doc ����`� 1 ��`� �- ,�„ ;�� i � � � MEMORANDUM � TO: P�anning and �nvironmentai Cnmmission I FR�M: Community Deveio{�men# Department ��, DATE: March 13, 2QOQ '�, SUBJECT: A request for a condstional use permit, to a!!ow for tf�e conversion of I existing h�tel rooms into empioyee housing units, locatecf at 2211 N. I Frontage Rd. (West VaiS Lodge)/Tract C, Vail das Schone#1; �.ots 1, 2 ', and 3, Vait das Schone#3. ', Ap��icant: Reaut Corporation � Ptar�ner Brent Wilson '� I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST I March 13th Update—On Febr�ary 28th, the PEC canceptually reviewed the appiicant's �', proposal and requested t�e fol�awir�g items: I ■ A pedestrian access and circulaiion plan—the applicant has submitted a plan indicat�ng locations of ingress and egress througf�out the building exter�ar and � access to adjacent properties. � ■ A iandscape qfan - per th� PEC's request, tf�e applicant has submitted a p�an tf�at ', demonstrates the ptacement of additianal landscaping alorig praperty boundaries and within the parking areas. I ■ Examples of other mixed use prv�ects—tna app�icant wi�� be providing a report to t�re I PEC on March 13t`'. Staff believes the �own has acknowlecSged fhe compatibilit}r of EHU's with other uses for years. For exampie, t�e Lions�ead Redevelopment Master Plan provides spec+fic ir�centi�es for the addition af EHU's to existing comrr�ercial ar�d residential pro�ects. Successful examples of this type of prvject in Vail include the Vail das ScY�ane bui�ding, Vail Cammons aRd the Austria Haus. Additior�aiiy, ihe appiscable Commercial Core !11 zoning idenitf�es EHU's as a compatibte us�witf� otf�er cammercia� uses, subject to th�issuance af a canditional use permit. I ■ Samc�le cor�dominium declaraiinnsldacumen#s--the�pp�icant's attorney is drafting ', these items artd they will be preser�ted to the PEC on Marct� 13t". The applicant is requesting final review of this request at today's meeting. Proiect Historv �he West Vail Ladge property, constructed in 1979 ur�der Eagle County jurisdiction, inc��des S3 accommodation units (�otel roams), 19 dwelling units and signifcar�t commercial floor area. �n the 1980's, the Town of Vail annexed the praperty and applied Commercial Core IEI zoning. This zonir�� designation does nof allaw ciwel�ing units or 1 � � � � accommot�atian units as a use and the proparty has �een ret�dered r�on-confarming ever si�ce its annexation into the town. Ir� 1991, the Vail Town Gouncit approved a speciai development district�SDD)at the s}te to allow for the addition of a new three-story buildtng cor�taining 37 Type ill employee housing units. This project was never constructed and t�e approved SDD f�ecame null and void in 199�. T�ae appiicant's request in�olves the conversion nf the existit�g 83 hotel rooms into 41 one-bedroom Type III employee housing units (incfuding an an-site manager's �ntt). Additionally, the owner proposes to add additional commercia! square footage at the low�sf level and pro�id� life-safety improvements to the existing 19 free-market cor�dominiums at fhe upper levels. Exis#ing meeting room space would be eonverted into 16 covered parki�g spaces in conjunction with this applicatior�. The employee housing units wauld ra�ge in stze from 550-772 square feet wi#h full kitct�en ar�� bathroom facilities. tn additson ta the walk-in closets prayidsd in each �nit, #he a�plicant propases 1,720 square#eet of common t�nant storage space. On-site amenities proposed incfucte an exercise/sauna facility, ski lockers, s la�tndry facility and a pool area. T€�e PEC is being asked to review t�e condifional use permit request to al�ow�Far the creatior� of the employee housing unsts. The other aspects of this proposal (cammerc�al expansian and upgrading of dweffing �snits)are either permi#ted by rigf�t under applicable zoning or are "grandfathered." II. REVIEW�NG BOARD ROLES -CONDIT�QNAl. USE PERM�T �rder of Revieuv. Gera�rally, applications wrR be reviewed first by�he PEC for accepfability of use and Lhen by the DRB for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. � Planni�g anti Environmental Gommission: Acfion: The PEC is responsib/e for fina!approvaUdenial of GUP. The PEC is responsible for evaicsa#ing a proposa! for: 1. Re�ationship anc! impact af the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the �se on light and asr, distributian of papulatipn, trans�ortatson facilities, utilities, schoots, parlcs and recreafion faciiities, and other public facilities and puf�iia facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particu�ar reference to congestio�, automotive and pedestrian safety and con�enience, tra�c€low and control, access, maneuverabili#y, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect�pon the character of the area in which the proposed �se is to be located, including the scale aRd bulk of the proposed use in relatiar� to surrounding uses. 5. Such o#her factors and criteria as the CammissiQn deems applicable to the proposed use. 2 � � � � 6. The enviranmental impact repor�concerning the pro�osed use, if an e�vironmentai impact report is req�ired by Chapter 12 of this Titie. Conformance with development standards of zone district - �ot area - Setbacks - Building Height - Density - GRFA - Site caverage - Lar�dscap� area - Parking and �oading - Mitigatian of devefopment im�acts Design Review Board: Action: The DRB has N4 review au#horfty or� a CUP, buf must review any accompanying DR8 application. The DRB is �esponsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for: - Architectural cornpatibility with othsr structures, the land and su�ro�ndings - Fit�ing buildings into landsca�e - Confrguration pf building and grading af a sste which respects the fopography - RemovaUPreservation of trees and r�ative vegetation � - Adequate provision for snoyr storage on-site - Acceptability of building inaterials and cofors - Acceptability af roof e�ements, ea�es, overhangs, and other buildsng fiarms - Pravision af landscape and drainage - Provis�on af fencing, Nralls, and accessory struct�res - Circuiation and access to a site including parking, and site distar�ces - Lacation and tiesign of satellite dishes - Pravision of outdoor lighting - The design of parks Staff: The staff is responsible far ensuring that all submi#tal req�ireme�ts are provided and plans canform tp the technica� req�airemenfs of t�e Zoning Regulations. T�e staff also advises the applicant as to campliance�►vith the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memo containing backgroc�nd on the property a�d provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findinc�s, and a 3 � � � � recommer�dation on approvai, approval with conditions, or denial. SfafF aiso facilitates the review proeess. Town Council: actions of DRB or PEC maybe appealed to the Towr� Council or by the Town Councii. Tawn Counci� evaluates whether or not the PEC or DRB erred with approvals or denials anc� can �phoSd, uphold with modif'rcations, or overturn the board's decision. �II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Develapment Department recammends appraval of the applicant's request fo�a canditional use perm�t to afiow for the canversian oi existing hote! rooms into employee housing units, based on the fo��owi�g findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordar�ce with the pur�ases of th� c�nditionat use permit section o�the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which fhe site is located. 2. T�►at the proposed location of the use and the conditior�s under which it would fae operated ar maintained wou�d not be detrimental to the publ�c healt�, safety, or welfare or mate�iaily injurious to prape�ties ar improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable pra�isions of the conditionai use permit sectior� of the zaning cod�. � if tf�e Planning and Environmental Comm�ssion chooses ta approve this request, staff recommends the follawing coRd�tians be placed on the approval: 1. The approval zvill not be va�icf unless the Vail Town Council approwes the per�ding �roposal to amend Section 13-7 ("Condomin��ms and Condominium Conversions")o'F the Town of Vai� CQde. This amendment is necessary to allow for the con�ersion of accommoc�ation units to cor�c�ominiurnized emplayea hausing units. The ap�licar�t shall demonstrate camptiance with al� provisions of the Town of Vail Subciivision Regulations. 2. All employee nousing unifs created with tnis propasal wil! be deed-restricted in accordance with the prflv�sions o#Section 12-'{3, Town of Vai� Code ("Employe� Housing"), prior to the issuance of a buildirtg permit for any improvements or� the property. 3. The app�icant s�all pravide the Town of Vail a pedestriar� easement for the existing sidewalk located at the sauth end of#he subject property alang North Fror�tage Raad. 4. The appt9cant shall complete and improve the existing unfinished retaining w�ll at the r�orth end af the subject praper�ty. This improvement is subject to approval by the Town's Design Review Board. 5. fn accordance uvit� the az�ticipated impacts generated by the provisior� of employ�e hausing units upon the Town's tra�sit system, the applicant sha�i provide a pedestriar� stair cannection beiween the berm at the north end af the parking lot and the existing Town of Vail bus stop along Chamonix Lane. T'his improvement will be cantained entirely on both tfte sUbject prapetty and the Town of Vail right-of-way. This improvement is subjeci fo approvai by the Town's Design Review Board. 4 � � � � 6. Landscaping along the parking area and �ot perimeter will be provided ir� accordance with the provisions of Section 12-11, Town of Vail Cocie ("Design Review"j. Com��iance with these provisions will be determined by the Town's Design Review Board. 7. The applicant wilS vbtain an encroachment agreement for the placement ot arry parking facilities within platted easements. Additiona(ly, the proposed parking pian shall compiy with the town's development standards and will be approved by staff during the design review process. 8. The applicant sha41 complete adc�itionaf exterior improvements (if applicable) tv be � determined by the Town's Des9gn Review Board. � IV. ZONING ANALYSIS �, Under the applicable Commercial Core lll (CC3)zoning, the following non-conformities ' currentSy exist: i ■ Use (residential dwelling units) , ■ Use (accommodation units) � ■ Density(units/acre) ' ■ Landscaping �� ■ Parking iocated within reguired setbacks , i Since the property was developed under Eagle Cnunty jurisdictiar�, the ' existing building has been granted a legal non-conforming ("grandfathered") �, status. Type III employee housing units are a conditional use in the � Commercial Core I11 zone district, � Lot Area: 3.949 acr�s or 172,018 sq. ft. � Buildable Lot Area: 3.890 acres or 169,445 sq. ft. De.:ns+tY: Allowed (CC3): 92 EHU's =46 equivalent d.u.'s Existing: 19 d.u.'s and 83 a.u.'s =60.5 equivalen#d,u.'s ; Proposed: 19 d.u.'s and 41 EHU's = 39.5 equivalent d.u.'s � GRFA: I' Allowed (CC3): 50,834 sq, ft. �, Existing: �3,532 sq. ft. Propased: no change* Commerciaf Floor Area: Allowed (CC3): No limit Existing: 17,252 sq.ft. Prapased: 20,826 sq. ft. Setbacks: Req�ired (GC3): 20' on all sides Existing: 20' on al� sides Proposed: no change � TAWl�OFYA� � � i � i �ite Covera e: Allowed (CC3): 40% or 68,807 sq. ft. Existing: 20.1% or 34,576 sq. ft. Proposed: no change Par�Cinq: Required (CC3): 181 s�aces Existing: 191 spaces Proposed: 207 s�aces �andscapiriq: Required (CC3): 25°!0 �min.)of site area or 48,395 sq. ft. Proposed: 29% of site area or 49,987 sq. €t. '" GRFA assoc;ated with Type III EHU's is excluded #" Interior landscape requirement far Qarking lot is not met. V. REQUIRED CRlTER1A AND FINDINGS -CONDITIONAL USE PERMlT A. CONSiDERAT�ON OF FACTORS: 1. Re�ationshiq and impact of tY�e use on the devefopmer�f objectives of the Tawn. The Vail Land Use Plan iclenti�es the subject property as part of the"Community Commercial"zone. This IaRd use desig�ation is intended to"maet consumer demands €rom community residents." The Scey goals ouflined far commercial uses in th�s zone are as fallaws: 1) Commercial strip development shouSd be avoided. 2) Commercial growth should be concentrated primarily in existir�g cammercial areas to accammadat� both �ocal and visitor needs. 3) New hotels should continue fo be located primariSy in the Vi{iage ar�d Lio�shead a�eas. Staff believes this proposal would impact the following goals and policies identified in the Vail Land Use Plan: 7.1 Vail should contrnue ta grow in a contro!!ed environrrrent, maintaining a 6a/ance befween residerrtial, commercial and recreational uses to se►ve both the visit`or and the permanenf resident 1.12 Vail should accommadate most of the additional gro�n�th rn exisfing developed areas(infill areas). Staff Response Staff believes th� proposed amendment would help facilitate the location of employee housing units w+thin t�e Town of Vail (a high Council priarity}a#an existing infill location. Staff bslieves affordable employee housi�g is essential for#he provision af services tha# �oth reside�ts and visitars expect. Staff alsa believes the bez�efits of empsoyee housing may outweigh the need for accommodation units at this location. 3.? The hofel bed base shoufd be preserved arro�used more efficien#ly. 6 � • � � 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the best location for hatels fo serve the future needs af the destinafion skiers. 3.3 Hofe/s are important to the continued success of the Tawn of Vail, therefore conversion to candvminiums should be discouraged. 3.4 Cammercial growfh should be concentrated in existing commercial areas to accammodate both lacal and visitor needs. Staff Rest�onse Atthaugh the Land Use Plan identifres lodging uni#preservation as a high priority, it also identifies appropriate locations for accammadation units(the Village and Lionshead). Staff believes these policies should be useti to identify whether a proposed conversion is consistent witfi master pianning objec#ives. A�though tt�e cor�version of any accommodation csnit within Vail's core areas should be highfy discouraged, staff believes #he subject pro�erky may be an appropriate focation for employee housing. 5.? Additiana/residenfia!growth should contrnue to occur primarify in exisfing, plafted areas and as apprapriate in nevv areas where high hazards do not extst. 5.3 �Iffordable employee housing should be made availa6le through privafe efforfs, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vai!with appropriate restrictions. 5.4 Residerrt�ial growth should keep pace yvifh markef place demands for a fu!!range of housing types. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additrona!employee housing needs shauld be accommodated at varied sites fhroughout fhe communiiy. Staff Resqonse Staff believes this proposaS furthers fhe above-listed goals by providing additiar�a! opportunities for Iocalslemplvyee t�ousing within #he town limits at an existing infill location. 6.1 Services should keep pace with increased growth. Staff Response 5taff believes the provision of employee housing is vital if Vail is to provide services ca�sistent with the demand created by residents and visitors. 2, The effect of the use on {i ht and air dist�ibution af a ulation trar�s ortation facilities utitities, schoois, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The subject proper�y is located in a developed "infil4"area wit#� access to all of the above-4isted facilities and services. Staff believes tne reduction in units with this proposat wiil have a positive impact an these facili#ies while in the increase in commercial floor area (17°Io)wil! have a lim'sted incremental impact on the above-lis#ed facilities. 7 � ! • i � - �, 3. Eff_ect upan traffic with particular reference to conqestion, aUtomotive and pedes#rian ', safetv and convenience�traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabilit�ar�d removal of ', snow from the street and parkinq areas. � Traffic Flow-"Attachmer�t 1" references 1TE's {Institute o�Transpo�tation EngiRe�rs) ', projected traffic impacts far th� existing and proposed uses at the site. According to !TE ', calcufations, we should anticipate a 10% decrease in tra�c generation based on � propoaed uses. This is due largely#o#he decrease(over 50%)in the number of � employee housing units pTOposed compared to existing accommodation units. Addi#ionally, s#aff ar�ticipates a higher usage of town transit(West Vail Red ar�t! Green ', routes} by potential local employees. Staff beli��es this proposal wo�ld have a positive impact on tra�c flow in the area. Parking--Based on the proposed land uses, the Town of Vail Cade requires �84 parking spaces. The applicant is proQosing 207 spaces an site. Snow storage requirements will be addressed as part af the design review process. 4. Effect uqon the character af tY�e area in which th� Araposed use is to be Iocat�d. ' includinq the scale and t�ulk of the proposed use in relatian ta surroundina uses. The appficanf is not Qroposing any changes to the bulk, mass or lQCation of the existing building. '� B. FINDINGS ' The Plat��inq and Environmental Commission shall make the followiria �ndinas before qrantinq a condit9onal use qermit: 1. That the proposed bcation of the use is in accordance with fhe purposes � of the conditiona� use permit section of the zoning code and tt�e purposes ' af the district in vvhicf�the site is located. 2. Thaf the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whicf� it would be operated or maintained wauld not be detrimentai to the public � health, safety, or w�lfar�or materially injurious to properties or ', improvements in the vicinity. �� 3. That the proposed use wpuld camply witn each of#he applicable � provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 8 � • ! � � � � C W Q7 W N p- 00 00 W N � n N O O O fD W � ' W nsoao m m � � ( I � � m o � -i = m o m -� ti � w m Q � `� m co �' �• G7 "'j � �D N -1 ; c�"p Vs � � +n "� +n � G) ^ +n m � � ni. � Q j m ? � f!� � a � � � � � � � r.: � o � � a a Q p � � � � � � ° s �� � o � �� � a�i � � �� � � � � � � a � a � �1 m � � � �'' �T► o ut � n @ . � C Z3 m � rn � ro � cn . C r' Q ^ � � � N a � � --� N � o � � cr���� ; v "� � o � � �° � C �. c� o° i� ooF��: Qr ° °° �, co�� ' _ D � bo 'a o� cn . = bo o w cn r �7 � � a v .rs � � .� .r �. s, � 2 � � ; � o �� � �.� ti ro m -�, ��� ' � ; � � Z n� Q� ° �'� p p� ' � 7 .a � m 1 Q" ��, � '� "�' n � o � r h`�','µ��'� = � r�;�-�,,"":' � -� � 0 r- � t��= � p r- ���; � � � a Z� ��; vs O Z�����7� � o a a � Gz� .�,���"' o o � G������. � � � cn �� � o c������ . m 0 o ti c � � � � C? O D Z ��� t�!: � ° � Z��°� 1 Z 1 y — � �� D 1�-� Cai � D � C �� _ �� a m � � ,� o �� .� rn � m� D m� V) � 0��,.�' � a� � �� t'�. Z � ❑' y� � "- n. �� � ' �a` �� "� � w -r �: �,' -� ti w � s O � Woac O N � wcfl b o� r rD" s � � � y o a � w � j � � j � o � � � a � � � � � �j CW11 O N � 0�0 � N W � � N A �' � , � � � � V � � n � M � c t a p v DR. � ' H � � � 9 i � � � � � I ; � N 9 I 2349 � I I 2389 I �NTERSTAT I � I V MO I � MEAD W I I West Vail Lodge � � 2211 N . Frontage Road I L�t 1 (Tract K} , Vaii das Schone #3 I � � N I I I � � i � January 31, 200o F RI TZ LE f� Russell �'orest, Dominic Mauziello,Nina Tim P I E R C E Department of Commun�ty Dev�lopment S M I T H Town af Vail 75 S. Frantage Road. Vail Colorado Dear Planners, A R C H i T E C T S Fallowing is a summary of PEC Applicati�r�far the West Vail Lodge Redevelopmen�. � Current and Proposed Uses The West Vail Lodge is located at the intersectian of the I-70 V�est Vail exzt and the Nvrth ' Frontage Road. The site currently has 19 dwetling Units and 97 accammodation units tl�at axe rented as ho#el raoms to area visitors. The 19 units were platted as separate condominiums prior to purchase by the current owner. There are also meeting roarns and otl3er commercial uses ', vvithin the existing building. The underlying zoning is Commercial Care III. , The hote� operation has contin�zed to decline, losing revenues in t.�ie tast two years. There at�e a ' nurnber of reasans believed to be the cause. - The property has been difficult to market to rospective uests as an inde endent o erator due I' P � P P to t�e increasing competition from central reservations systems. - The physical building conf gurativn for hote� use has became obsolescent. The room size, function and context no �onger rneet market demands. Guest expectations have changed as new development adjacent Vai� has molded the hotel xnarket. The West Vail Lodge was originally built to attract short term visitors familiar with a motel experience. Over the past twn decades both Vail's visitors and Iandscape have changed cvnsiderably. It is iuzlikely that the West Vail Lodge could be successfully renovated as a hotel given the existing constraints and be economieally viable. On the o#her hand ihe retail operations have continued to be econocnically viable, probably due to the contixiued expansion of commerciai properties zn the West Vail area. Given those parameters the owner, Reaut corporation is pxoposing an adapdve re-use#hat woul� rnatch the current building configuration and meet market demand. Reaut is proposing ta c�nvert the 97 e�sting hate�raoms into 49 one bedroom EHUs as defined by the Town of Vail zoning code. They are proposing to sel� the existing 19 condominium w�its with�o deed restrictions and leave the existing retaal in its current cpnfiguration. Zoning Status 1C:14002-West Vai1 Lodge RedevelopmentlProject CorrespondencelTown of Vaii1P£C0127.wpd €'lanning • Architecture � Interiors 1650 East Vail Va[ley Drive FaNridge C-� � l�ail,CO 87 657 • ips@colorado.net • fax(970)476-49Q1 • (970}47b-6342 • � � � In 1990 The West Vail Lodge had a 3 7 unit employee nousing praposal approved through a Special Development District(SDD}rezoning. The praject was never initiated. The proposed 37 units exceeded the underlying allowed density and square footage for t�e CCIII zone district and therefore a zone charige was required to add the housing. The Tawn of Vail found it desirable to approve the additional density because additional employee housing is a stated political goal of the town as well as the county. In 1992 Reaut Corparation became involved in the property az�d took full ownership in 1994 after the previous owner defaulted on financial obligations. In 1994,the Reaut Corporation again applied for the employee housing addition that had been approved through the 1990 SDD. As Paul remembers it,the SDD approvals laps�d and the SDD application k�ad to be reinitiated. The planner assigned to the project was 3im Curnutte. The SDD was initiated but not completed. It is our understanding the property at this time does not have an approved SDD and that the CGIII is the applicable zoning. Zoning Application - Conditional Use As I �nderstand it Employee Housing is a conditional use allowed in CC3. It is my understanding that the this would require a separate application and two hearings in front of the plaru�ung commission for approval. The existing retail is clearly defined as an a]lowed use but I am unc�eax vn the residential. and.hotel. Sectton 12-7D-7 adopted by ordinance in 1981 addresses a�lowed residentia� density in CG3 but there is no airect reference to it as an allowed use. Zoning Application SDD It appears that there may not be an app�icable SDD�or this proje�t. If that is sa, then tnere is no need to make an SDD related application since the proposed change in use is allowed by the und�rlay zone district. Tf there is an existing SDD it may no longer be relevant and more expedient to rely on the standards defined by the underlay zone district. Condominium Conversion In conclusion it is the goal of the Reaut Corporation to revitalize the property with a use that has been identified by th.e community as a priority and also has strong market demand. I am including a site plan an.d elevation photo for additional clarification We look forward to your feedback. Sincere J nn F 'tzlen AI ' K:10002-West Vail Lodge Redevetopment\Project CorrespondencelTown of VaiiiI'EC0127.wpd � � `� � �� ��� ,�� � � ,` t ►, V�' ��� TOW?V OF VAIL �� j -��, �� �epartment r�f C�mnu�rtity laevelo�»nent ?5 .South Frontuge Raa�l Vrzil, Colorado 81 F57 970-479-?!38 FAX y7D-479-24_52 a Cl�i'iitu v _ � ,ti(.il) ' '�-'I Fritzlcn 1'ierce Smith Arcl�i�ccts 1 t��0 I?asi V<iil Vallcy Drive 1-'a�li•id�c C'-l `��,�il. !-'O �ti7(��7 l�c': I7�c: ll�c�,ti�t f.�'cu�l Lvcl��� 1'r�r�j���ru� 1�,�,,, T .;r,�z��• At tl�uir I;c;L�ru�i��y t6`" nlcetin��, lhc jc�4un ��t�V��il 1���i���l IZevi��v E�����rcl �u3icc��tu�illv r�vi���-��1 llic �il�ov�-ref�;r�����e�l ap��iicatiun. Fullu�,vs��� i� �t l�z��i�t�.�vu�?��siti ot�tl�icir c��nlii��nls f�r��»> this mtetin�: � �',..u,, r;,lr�, ,.� . �,� _ i...i,;.��; �.i,�,_�.�.� .��i��i� ;��i .i�,.. .,�:.. iu ,,,,.�. i�, .,. _ . . �,.. ..,.. �L.� ., _. .,� �•;�n�i��cr�ial �u ,l ;��i:���i ���::,��;�nti:ll f��:�i." • "�1��1�� cntifl-t h�iil�iin� shoulc! r�acl as one couti��L►i�tis 5truc(��rc. �T�he cl�si�i1 �1��1��nts ��r1,p��sLZ1 �i�r tlt� a-ct��il ��c,rtion ��t�ttic proj��;t tivork well. Please cariy t��cm t}irou�ho��t bc�th (he rctail arca ar�d the l�c�t�] i�ttilcliii�." If yc7u �vc�uld likc to �liscuss tl�is ��r��j�ct in greater�atail, ple��se d�� not l�csitat�; t� c��ntact nic at (970) -�79-?1=��. Siticere(y, �,,.�..�� �--�- - �3rent W"ils�m �'lanncr [1 �� rrcr,vr.t,F�orAN�R I�� 4 ; '��� � -' - -�° ' - • • (?uc,uUhs? �s!6 thc. ,`�.... ,:d5�... ..: .;9•2t3R ,,.�...�� �`;���� � �a►r��r�tc_�n�rroy FoR Pt,. rv�r�G .���.rv��rat��n��.r����At� h , �' �i C41V�M�SSIC)I� AIPF���VA1. � �o��f�a��Ar� � . ��. ��Q������� _. This applicataon is f'or ar}�projcc;r4quirng appraval by tE���'lar�nin�and Envirnr�me�tal Cu»rmissic�n. �'ac�pucifc infart7iation,se�t}!e 9t�bmitta! �equirements for thr:particusar�pproval that i5 rec�ucstcd. �'hc�piiCafAO�Can not bc accepcc:ci�mtil a:i rr.quired znfornu�tion is stabnutt��a. 7'hc prnject r��a�also nced to�c reri�w�d by t1�c';'own Ca�nciI ancllor the Jesign Rcvic�v�3osrd A: �'Y�� O�A1'PLICA'T1QN: . €� A:}cl�tioroad C",R�'A (�50) L3 Amcrsdmcnc ta�n Apprnvad Devclo�rnent�'lan ❑ d and �3r�akfast C� l�mplayee Housin�;(.init ('S'ypc: _--_) Canditianal Use Pemxit Q Ma�or or�MinorC�1 Extcrior Alteration C7 itila�or or CJ R4ynor Subdivisian (t������������ ❑ Rezonin� G Major ur� I�ti�ar CCII Extcrior Altcr3tion O �i�r Variance (T,ia�rst►�ad) � V�rianC❑ �7 5�ecial T�evc€vpnicnt Dis�ict C� Z�ning Code Amendmant 0 Majo� ar❑ IVtinur Anz�r��ttxL`c�t t��rt SL?'D £i. b�LRtPT{O�O�"f'1-C� REQU�'ST:_„�`��---L�.r_� � __..__._�.._ C. i,�CATIQN GF PROpUSAL: I,C)�'���3Lt)CK_�.�--- FILlNG � �- , � ''�fl���s� _BU1Lp[NC NAME: � D. Z(�N[NG:�i�.,,.ts��r �� 6��,IZ�— - --- T.�� E. NAME OF OWN�R(S):_ �p�.�L���. _ _ M�.r►,(;�C�Ss:,� 1�._..� ----- - �� �-�--�--�'-- ��.�.UZ��i>acoN�:�.._I..`��.�C�--`�-� F. 011�'y�;R(5) �IG�fA,'�'L+RE(S):_� "=.i'".�..–�,.,�, • i\,}�_.� �- .� r_ ____..._�.. _._�.._._...---- G. NAME;OP REP}ZESE1ti7AT1VE:_..,��,.�'_�se,A,.�_�_����_,,,,�.���2c oM�: � -v�._..._ M.�1Ii.II'�IG A�U�7J�E5S:.,5�_t°�9e����„'��!�'"��_ _____._� �� t�l`o.• � `��-��.�-�-_— �—__P3°iC}t��.:�.���57:�.�'?S� [�. �,��-4EE TNE S�3M!';"T'AL R�Q�.1dREf�iEN�"S�C�R,�`H.F ,��PI',OPkIATE"s F�E. SE�'$�4ZCT'x"i�iiI�APP�,CCA'�`�ON,ALL SliAMXTTAL REt�CI[1tE�f��'d"� A1VD THE t�'k:x..TO T�� DE;�riRT11�I1�T OE`CO�V[YJd'dITY I}EVEL()PM�:N"C,7S SO�.''T� �Id�NT�t�� Rf3AD, 'VA�L,COL4RAD�81b5'�. �ar Q�'�sc�.CI .r�,���- � _ �` _ .�.`�°" - `– , � � ��'cc Paid; � �' �Ck#: `����� by:..._._.�� . �l.G}'���/�,,? ; �('�✓i A licaEian L1ate• _______�'+.�`?�' f� t PP __.Ti, _ ` C:C�C� PEC Mecting I�a#�: �f�i.:=�L1' ft -- __ - - , - �- I"�+��h ��'�C-� ��,�.�E,�F_ ��.N��� . i i � West Vail Lodge Redevefopment Proposed Parking IVumber Unit Unit Type Required West Vail Lodge Dwafling Unifs 19 DU Between 50Q and 200Qsf 2 per unit 38 West Vail�odge EHUs 4D �H U Type III EHU 1 per bdrm 40 Dancing Bear 3536 Sq. f�. 1 per 8 29.47 West Vail Lodge Commercial 15.497 Sq. �. FPB esk 1 per 300 5'�.66 Total Required for Existi�g Uses 159 TOV 18.52.120 Allowed Reduction 2.50% Totaf Required 955 Proposed Parking 8ank Total A 6 B 20 C 21 D 3 E 23 F 33 G 38 H 16 7otal 160 • i EXHIBIT A: SITE PHOTOS OF WEST VAIL LODGE �j-• �� ,�. �"', °� �,..�-,."" -. �-�- ,r � � . ��:*-�!��,��r . _ �.� . - . . �:�, �`''' � j �� F "�'- �'�"' ' EL.� �� _ ,.__ ._ t_. � r � � .� ,f� .;F��� � "Yii. ���� � .� ��'.ry `ll.*=+^'a_. 'i • 8':���-'�,' - 3..' . {�,g_�,i.�,,�,��, � - _ . �...�w. _"`_ . . � �y �—. � � ��_ i . ,}i'�.. .• , �, � �. .. - �•a�l�1:`�.i.r���' 1� . �`� �=:'Nl���• _. _ .._...-. - . '_—" ' � r 19 � 1 ! �. ._.'.._�. » . "iil� �� � �+, ��.. �S� ��a.�' � � � � � �!' "� f � °s' � w` !+11 �. 5���' . � . � 1 r,y ..','1 '.��i� � fia . 4 � .�. .. _. � �P�, -��-5`�.,. `�, �. � � � - �.. .� ,r, �'i` ',�� - :�t.� �`' ��° � ��4q�' d� � .' .y. ' .. �� i '�,� i �'��' �.,'� f��, �� . � �._�' y��� ,�������ii��I��k . ���1'II���fF{� "'d' � • Ci�ICAC,O T�TLE SNS[I�3CE COMP.�NY A LTA COMM T �' M Ei� fi scx�AUZ.� �a Our O�de�' # �12527x9�-2 F�ir Infaz�mati.on Q�ly WEST JAII,� LUDGE I �- Charges - '� AICa Owxxe� Polic� '� Tax R��or� �� Etc�dax'semen� �QC_.�1 '� - - TOTAL - - �� *�'* THTS �S NOT AN xNV4r��, B'�C�"I' AN E�TIM�i'�� OF �E��. WHEN �EF��tR�NG TQ 'Y'H�S GRb�R, PL�AS� REFfiRENC� OUR ORDER 1V0. V2627�.9-2 �, MAKE �H�CKS I�AYA�L� TO �ANU TITLE GU�.R.Al�1'i'EL� CONlPA1�IY *'** � - ��- ���o 1. �f�ec�i.ve Date- , a� 5_D3 P.M. � 2 . PoJ.ic� to be issu�►d, anc� pxopased �nsured: +�ALTA;� awner'� Po�icy �C�-J.7-g2 � 3�ro�sas�d Ins�red; ..� 3 - '�'he estats or �nterest in the land d��cribed ax �eferred Lo i�i tk�xs Co�itm�n� and covered herein xs_ A Fee Szrnple 4. Ti.�le to the estate or interes� covered herein is �t the effe�tive date �ereof vested in: REALT'� CflRPC3RAT�ON, A 'F�XAS COR�'QRATrQN 5 . The land x�e�erred to in �his Comnnirment a.s describ�fl as f�llaws : �7�RCEL A: A PpiFtC�L OF �.,��NL7 I�`IING WZTHIN A ]'�ESUBDZV�SZON U� V,�1.�L DAS �� SCHONI� FILING N0. 2, Ai�YZ3 V�IL DAS SCHUNE FILING NO. 3 . COZTNTY '� C1� LAGLE, STAT� 0� COLORAAa, MOR'� PA'tZ'X'X�tI7�R�,Y DESCRIBE]7 AS �, FOLLOWS: ' BEGIN�tIk�G AT T�� NOR'I`HEAST CORNER OF SAID PA'E2C�L, ALSO EEIN'G A FA�E �, G/� ��171d tsESb9G60L61 �al ��.LPt1i23tYft' �'�.L IS Q13�d°I�Y1Q2{3 9m= t i �0-��-tVH� � . GHT�.AGO 'r�TLE INSURA.NCE CONIF,�'�' A �. TA C � l''fM ITM � NT sc�z�DUV� � pux Ord�� # V262719-2 PDINT b'N THE �vESTERLY RIGHT flF WAX S��NE OF CiiAM6NI� LANE R�1�.3 'I'HE NQR'Y'�fn1�ST CC3RN�R OF L�T 2A, RSSUSDIVZSION �F LOI` 2, VAIi, , i7AS S�iONE FII..TNG I�O. 3, 'THENCE SOUTH 19 a'��GREES 46 MINUT�S �Q S�C4NDS EAST �#20 .6b FEET TO A �'OxN`Y' ON THE NQRTF� �trC,HT OF Y�.AY LINE O�' XN'�ERSTATE HIGHW.AY N0. 70 FRONTAGE ROAD, '�ENCE AL�NG SAID NORTH RTGIiT 4�' WAY LINE 4� T�� FOLLOWING THR�E CGURS�S� �.) �4[7T�i 52 DEGR�ES �� MINUTES 56 5FCONDS w�ST 62_oa FEE'� 2) SOUFI� 69 I��GR�ES 54 MSNUTES �6 SEC�NDS WEST �74.90 FEET 3) S�UT�? 46 bEGREES 04 MINUTES 45 SEC4NDS WEST 45 .08 ��E'I' TC7 , 'I'I?E SOUT�BA.57' C_O�TER OF THE C4LLYNS-'�TTRT[-� SUBDIVISI�N, TH�NC� � A�,ONG THT� F,A.ST LII+1'L� 0�' SA�D SU�AIvISYq� I�C3RTH 39 DfiG12fiES 52 � MINiTFES 53 SECONDS WEST 171_75 FEET TO A POYNT OPd '�I� $�UTH „ , �2TGHT QF W�Y LI�S� 41� CHAMONIX RO.F►�; TH�lVCE .A,�4NG SA�D R�GH7' OF �- ', W�iY ON THE FOLLOWIb3G TEdO COU�2SES: ' 1) 24� .6� FEET ALONG THE A�tG OF A �.�4 .4 FOt7T R.AJ��U� �URVE TO �� TH� L���` WHOSE CEI�].�L ANGT�� IS 72 DE3REES 23 MTNU'SES 07. ' S�CO�S ?�b Wi�a�E .LONG C�iORD s1��S NORTI� 48 nBGRE�S aZ �I�TrES , 31 SEC�N�S �A$T 229 .&2 FEET 2) NORTH 2$ }��GREES 09 MINUT�$ OQ SECONDS W�ST 98 .5 FEET TQ A POINT ON TI�� SOUTH RIGH7' OF WAY �zNE dF CHAMON�X LAI�TL, THENCE SOUTH A�O1�YG SAID RrGH'i' OF '�n7AY LINE T,FiE FOL��WING THRE� G4VRSES: 1) I�TORTH 39 �EGR��S 43 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST L9 .04 ��E'r 2) 59 .57 FEET .1LONG THE ARC OF A 75. QQ F40'� RADIUS CURVE TO THE ��G�!'"1' 47HOS� C�NTRA.� .A1�GLfi 2S 45 DEGR�ES 30 MINV�'ES 29 SECOPJDS AN'D W�OSE LdNG CHORD BEARS N�RTH 62 DEGREE$ 28 NIINUTES '!$ SECONbS EAST 58.02 ��ET 3) N�RTH 85 AEGRE�S 3.3 MIDFLFI'ES 33 S�C4NA� BA�T 2I� .34 F�ET TQ THE PO�1�TT 4F B�GINNXNG. SA'�D PARCFL AI,S4 ��ING I�.NOWN AN� DESCRISED AS V�IL DAS SCHQNE SUBDIV'ISIQAI- TRF,,CT "�C" . EXCEPT: co�nor�zrrzuM urrrTS �Ol, �o3-a�, �fls-a�, �as-o6, ao9-o�, �i2-�.4, 4�13-1z, 4�d-��, 417-15, �i20-28, 421-I9, 424-22, 425-23, 42$-26, 429-27, 4�2-30, 43�-31, 436-3� AN'b 437-35, INN ,F��' W�ST VAIL G���Dp��NrY�MS ACCbRDI1� Tt'� T�iE CONDQMIN�'�fi�l MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1983 IIJ BOdSC 3?2 AT PAGE 866 Al�'D AS D�FTNED AND 17,�SCRI$�D TN THE C4NDOMINxCJM �?�C7�3�ATI�N RFCO�EI� iddVEMBEYt 15, �.983 IN BOQK 372 AT P,A,G�S 855, COLINTY OF EAGLE, S'�',A'I'E 4F COL4�2AD0. €��aE 2 G/£ 37'dd bE8b9Gb0L6I 'QI 33.LNH2�tlC17 3'73.I.L QNtl"I'WOr�3� AQl° [ t @0-g�-N'dL' � � CHICAGO TITLE INSUKANCE CbMpANY` A � T ; C C} M M x 7' �R E �I '�' SCHEDUL� A Oi�X �xd�r � J2o271�--2 ��.�e�z. a: �ON��M��IUM UNITS 40�., 4d3-02 , 405-04, �a$-A6, 409,0'7, 412�10, 4I.3--�.1, 4�.6-Z4�, 47�7-��, 420-�.$, 42�.�19. 42�-22, 42��Z3, 428-25, �29-27, 432-30, 433-31, 436-34 AND 437-35, YNi�T A?' WEST VAiL L4NDQN,INTUMS �CCORT'�TNG TO THE COND(7r+IZN�Y.7�'! i�A RFC�RD�D NOVII'�SR 15, I-983 IN BOOK 37� AT �7�G� 866 AND AS lD��°INED � DESCRI$�n ��T THF CONDO�INIL]M DECLARA.'�'ION R�CQRbED NOtTEMBER 15, �.983 IN BOOK 372 AT PAG�c 86�, Ct�UNTY QF EAGLE, STATE DF C:OLOI�D(7_ TOGETHFR WZT�S ACCBSS EASEMETTl AS CO�TAINED IN II�ISTRUMfiNT RECO�-b' �b SEPTEMB�R 10, 1996 IN BOOK 7f3� A'Z' P.A.�E 90� . ��� P.AGE 3 l !is '�'1tf.i F�c`RF�/ fsfi�l Ri ;IY t aar t.trrnerrnn ��t t r 11RiN�r-I.fAL� oa- , • r*n_o�_.�un � �. ` 't -� , ��! ir � � _ '� '�' � � � �E _._ �` V a..,�.a.� �.rY s:.-'` +# � p L@Yt 'r ;�� . i . ZS , r � � : 1 ��- s o ' S� +' '�~ �I ' Q cp � � � � !. y , a4 � � � � .++� , 5 . � 1 ,`� ;t # •� Q � � � ��. � � � � � , , � ;"� ° �; � � � ; �; , ��� � � . ,,�,_,_► . -, , _ � 4>:���- � � � �► _�'� -�—_ i cn �+ .� o' � ' � f, �� • � � � � :`� ��+ 6� '� � . �. `�$ \ + � �� � � ` ��Y7 �� ' �� �fi �-t � , e�,' . I '�. � � � � ; �� ,. , n � .�. �;, }, � _ 'i � � � [ni? � ,�� ��.�� � . � �.� ,� � ,- �- �r � � - _ _� � +F m-_ f, � � ., r � – � �, ti �' \., � � c, �, � . _� � �� j .�, .. . . '�"_ -.� � �r �� , r.. �_ � :. �y� � -r � t' . , � . ... 'f. ? , : � � f� ����p�; ,.� �� [� .��:,�. ;., �. .. , � tl _ ,, �� �° � � , � i ��� f � J� , �;��,� I � ,' �-�'r,. .�/�� � _� , i � : } ��fi° � ' � � _ , ,� r ` �� � � � , � , �.�', � .,:.:�.. f Fn� �� � ' �� _. § � � I. t � I ' ,} . ' _ ,,11 �f � � .f-' � (, `�< < � � � , § ,,,' �� � ��� -- �� `��- L� � ; ,� ;� � ,�_ �� ;;�� ���:�� --_ ��� �,. � � ,J �,��� ��_` ,�,� � !; ! ^ � ' �ti�a�a � - /�, k �ry ` r r � R t_� � � �� � � ` ' � � r � r � � r , �fi� ����:� . --�� '.�, �' �r'i_��� : ,:� � ,�` _ � �I i � � � � I� ��� � �► ��� r'� � To�v o� VAr� Depurtment nf Comjr�unity Develn�ment 75 South Fr�ntage Rvuc� 4'ail, Colorudo 81657 970-479-21��4 F'AX 970-47�-2452 Januai•y I9, 2U0�) I�ynne Frit�len Fritz�en Pierce Smit�a Archatects 165(J East Vail Val ley Drive Fallric��c C-1 Va�l. Ci0 81 fi57 Re: Thc� West �ail Locl�e f'r�op���'•tv Q�ac Lynne: Th'rs lettcr will serve to c�ntiz�m our canversatic�n re�arding the above-ref�rencecl property. Under th� applicable C�mmerciai Core 3 (C'C3) roning, the f«llowing nc�n-c�n#ormities.exist: � iJse (residential dwelling units� ■ Use (acc�mmodatic�n units) ■ Density (uraits/acrc) ■ Landsca��ing Since tll�property was conslructeri in 1979 under Ea�le County's jut'isdi�ti�n (prior tc� ar�nexati«n int� the T'own �f V�il), the Town ��ill consider the abovc-r�,fcrenccd non- confc�rmities "grandfatherec�." We believc the convcrsi�n of accornm�s�Gttion units into Typ� If{ emp�oyee he�u�ing units would brin� the property clo5er tc� cc�m�,liance �vith the applical�le zonin� standards. Ther�;for�, this conversion (with no �Yi_ysical expansion of th�; pro�crty} could be handlec� thra�gh the issu�ee of a conditional use l�ei-mit. Hc3wcver, any future exparisic�ns to the �ropei-ty would require csither an amendeci S��cial DeveloPment Distz•ict (SDD) or a re�aninQ to a district mc�re reflectivc ot�thc establishcd uscs on site. The prcviously ap�»oved SDD for this pr���erty expired in 19��4. Thc ��owt1 oF�Iail Subdivision Regulations contain lan�uage pr�hibitinb thc convcrsi�n of accomm�7dation units to cancfominium5. The Town will propose an arnene�rs�ent to this e�rdinance to allow for thc c�nv�:rsion of accornm�e�ati�n units to emplayee housin� units (subject to apprc7val by the Town's Pl�innin� �ind .�nvironmental Carnmission and �I'c�wn Cc>unci➢). This amendment is sche�iuled f�r revicw hy the PLC an �'�bruarv 14, ?{)�t}. If y��u w•ould I�k� to discuss tl�es� issues in greatcr detriil, �lease� do not h�;sitat.e to cc�t�tact rr�e �t (�)7U) �79-?140. An a�plicatic�n f�r a canclitionai u�e pern3it �las been atta�hcci for your convenience. ��+R6'(YCLEi7 PAf'ER r � � M Sincerely, ����� �3rent Wilson l'lann�r lI cc: Nina '['imm, Town c�F Vail Hc�using Cc�orclinator � � MEMORANDUM T�: Dominic Maurielifl, Chief of P�anning FROM: Brent Wiison, Planner li QATE: January 12, 2a00 RE: SDD #25—W�st Vail Lodge 7he West Vai! Lodge became SDD#25 on Jun� 18, 1991 (Ordinance#18, Series of 1991�. The underlying zor�ir�� for the property is CG3 and the uses ailowed Under the SDD are identicai tv tY�ose permi#ted ar�d contlitianaS uses availabie under t�e CC3 zoning. These include: Permitted Uses Banks ar�d financial institutions Eating and drinking establishrnents Persor�a� services and repair shops Professional offic�s, business offices, and stuclios Retail stores and establishments without limit as to floor area Additior�a} a�ces, businass, or services determineci to be sit�ilar to �ermitted uses Condi#ional Uses Any use permitted wnich is not conducteci entirely withir� a building Bed and breafcfast operatians Brew pubs Commercial faundry and cieaning services, bulk plant Commercial sfor�ge Dog ken�el Dr�ive-up faCilities Major arcade Massage parlors Outsirle car wash Pet shops Public buildings, grounds, and facilities Public park and recreation faciiities Publi� utility and public service uses Radia and telEVision signal relay transmission facilities Theaters, meeting raoms, and canvention faciiities � Transportation businesses � Type 111 employee housing unif(EHU) � Type 1V employee housing unit(EHUj i • Zor�ing Statistics: Lot Area; 4.444 acres or 193,580 sq. ft. B�ildable Lof Area: 4.389 acres or 191,184 sq. ft. Densitv: Allowed (CC3}: 52.7 d.u.'s or 105 a.u.'s (in the farm of EHU's7 i� Allowed (if H�MF): 1Q9.7 d.u.'s or 218 a.u.'s I Existing: 19 d.u.'s and 83 a.u.'s = 60.5 equivalent d.u.'s �eviation {CC3): 7.8 d.u.'s over allowable Deviation (if HDMF): none (49.2 d.u.'s under alfowable) GRFA: Allowed (CC3): 57,354 sq. ft. �� Allowed (if HDMF): 114,708 sq. ft. Existing: 43,532 sq. ft. Deviation (CC3): none (13,822 sq. f#. under a9lowable) Deviation (if HDMF): none (71,176 sq. ft. under allQwable} Commercial Floor Area: Allowed (CC3): No limit Allowed (if HDMF): 4,3�3 sq. ft. Existing: 22,178 sq. ft. Deviation (CC3}: none Deviation (if HDMF}: 509% {17,825 sq. ft. aver ailowable) Setbacks: Required (CC3): 20' on all sides Required (if HDMF}: 20' c�n all sides ExESting: 20' on all sides Deviat�or� (CC3): none Deviation (if HDMF}: none Site Coveraqe: Allowed (CC3): 40% or 77,432 sq. ft. Allawed (if HDM�}: 55% or 106,469 sq. ft. Existing: 2D.3% ar 39,472 sq. fk. Deviation (GC3): none (37,960 sq. ft. ur�der al�owable) �eviation (if HDMF): none (66,997 sq. ft. under al�owable) Pa_ rkinq: Required (GC3): 199.3 spaces Required (if HDMF): 199.3 spaces Existing: 231.0 spaces Deviation (CC3): none Deviation (if HDMF}: none • � Lanc�scaping: Required (CC3): 25% of site area or 48,395 sq. ft. Required (if HDMF): 30% of site are� or 58,074 sq. ft. Existing: unknown Deviafion (CC3}: unl�nown Qeviation (if HDMF): unknown • 10°/o interior fandscape requirement for parking iat is not met. S�amrnary: Acco�-c�ing to the Eagle County Assessor's Office, the property was constructed in 1979. It was not annexed into the Town of Vail until 1986 (Ordinance 1, Ser�es of 1986�. Under the existing SDD, the �ollorrving deviations exist from the underlying CC3 zoning: ■ Use (residential dwelling unifs) ■ Use (aceomr�odation �nits) ■ Density (un�ts/acre) ■ Landsc�zping Under a new S�D, the following deviations would exist from an underlying HDMF zoning: ■ Commercial Floor Area (more than 10% of GRFA) ■ La�ndscaping ■ Parking located within the front setback It appears as though HDMF would be a more appropriate underlying zone district. AN figures in fhis merrra are taken fram the Town's legal file for the property. These figures are subjecf to additional verificatran. I �i � � . • � � � Design Rev�ew Action Form ,�,����v��� �' TOWN OF VAIL �� �� Project Name: West Vail Lodge Trash Project Number: PR.�99-0357 �i Enciosure/Retaining Wall �� Project Description: replacement af existing trast� enclosure ant! construction of new � retaining wal� (Z') �� Owner, Address, and Phone: 3erome Nathan, Rcaut Corp/5inclair Group I 5Z2 Main Street, 14th F�oor, Ste. 130Q ' Fort Worth, TX 7610� I 81.7-810-98Q0 ' Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: David Baum Fritzlea Pierce 5mith � 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C.1, Vail ', CO 81657 '� 970-476-6342 Pra�ect Street Address: 2211 N. Frontage Rnacf Legal Descraption: Lot 1, Vail Das Schonc Filing 3 Parcel Number: 210311421001 Buslding Nar�e: West V�il Lodge Comnnents: BoardlStaff Action Motion by: Action: Staff approved with conditions Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: L rnaterials must match th�se on building � 2. bu�lding permit r�quired Toum P�anner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 12/14199 DRB Fee�'aid: �2A.00 Projec�Name: West Vail Lodge trash enciosure/retaining wal! � �. . x• A , ' • Qucsti�ns? �hc f'lanning Staff�at 479-2 I 2K . 11 1� APPL[CAT{ON rOR DES[GN REVTEW APPROVAL 7'OWN 0�'YAIL � . _ GENERAL [NFORMATION - This�nplic�itivn is far any�rojcct req�tiring Dcsign Revicw a��roval. Any�rojcet roquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc bcsi��� Revicw a��rov�1 �rior to submitfing for a�uiidirti��crmit, For s�ccific iiifom�atioti,Sec thc sub�i�ittat rcyuircm�,yits for the�artic�lar a�proval that is rcqu�ted. The aP�licatio�3 cannat be acceptc:d v►�ti( all tf�c scquircd informatian is sEibmittcd. Thc project niay a(tio necd to be rcvicwed by the'fown Cauncil and/ar thc I'fanning and Environmcntal Comniission. Ucsign Revicw Board approval expires onc ycar aftcr final apprnval unlcss a btsildin�permit is issacd and constructio[t is startcd. ,4. DES�CRIF'TION OF THE REQLJEST: WJ' [3. LOCATION OF PR4POSAL: LOT:��,_ [3�OCK: FILfNG: V�dl� b,c� s�kV�ty� Np 3 f'HYSICAL ADDI�SS:__.. 22l'4 N• �oN�C,� �!D. C. •['At2CEL#: Zl 03 t 14.1,1 bo � (�;oi�cact Eagle Co. Asscssars Office at 970-32$-fi64() for��arcel #) D. ZON[NG: E. NAME OF OWNER(S): ��1*'c. t�+'tl�A+N � �'�AUrt C;o��.�s1t��C1J�11r� 6�ot.1C'' MAlLI�1G ADDRESS:_ 512 MA�1N S1�z�-r , 14-tH ��ca� . _;�E,t�;�� �� � y�b �102 ('HONE: 41�•8 0.�E� F�. OWNER(S) SIGNATUftE(S): G. NAME OF APPLCC'ANT: V1 UNt�{z(?���y p�� �A,,117�,y �� ��-� /$������ � MAlLf1�lG ADDRESS: I so �.�! �E �- Cc� • g PHONE: ��ib •�?(� •1�.�-2 �[. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: ❑ Ntw Construction -$Z00 Construcfion afa new building. � Addition- $50 lncludcs any addition whcre square foota�c is addcd to any resicicntial ar commcx-cial b�iilding. �Minor Alterafion- SZO IncEudcs minor changes to buildings and site irttprovcmcnts,such as, reroofing,paintin�,window additionl,landtica�ing,fcficcs and retai�zing walis,ctc. ❑Conce�tual Review- SO For any application-where t�e applicant wishes to mect with D�i�n Rcvic�v Boara to dcterniine wlicther or not thc pro�ect gcncrally comp�lies with tlic design guidelines.�The DRB docs not vote on concc�rttial reviews. QRB fcc5 arc to bc�aid at thc timc of submittaL L.�ter,whcn applying for a building pcnnit,�Icasc idcntity thc acc�iratc valuaEion of thc�rojoct, Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fcc�ccording to the �rojcct v��u�tion. PLEASE SUBPVI[T THIS APPLICATION,ALL SU6MiTTAL FtEQU[RFf1'[E1VTS AND TI[E 1�EE TO THE DEPAFtTMENT OF COMMUN[TY DEUELOPMENT,75 SOLlTH FRON7AGE RQAD, VAIL,COLORADO$I657. �'ar;�3�c��lsc Un� ' ; ., ;. ,, � F�e Pa�c�: cK��. f ' �y; � _ - . ,>.:,,. Applic�tion Uatc: �', ..__ UItB P✓techng Datc:_ —��` , ; t1fJov. Ig� � 99g�, �� : 32����aa�� 1 Fas P�o. 1861 P � �./2 s2 . � M�� � � +� . C2trcttiunsT Ct��t;hCPlas�ningStnff'at47g-2l2� i� AP�'��CA'�'Z4N C4�t�DF.�fi[CN�VIEW ApPROYA,L = �'Q�'N OF YAIL � " � '�'his a�liCativn i.c for snF ProJ��o9ui�n Drsi ��viCs�►u . . 2��►c o�;�„R�w�aw�r�,►nr 8 R� Ppravaf. A��y P�'a,l�.rMuiring desi��cvicw���c�st . R�Qr ro aubn�r`t�ng fvr�baitding�crn�it. �or.r�cifc infvnnahon,�oc tt�c n�bmitMt royuircu�cnt.+for(ho�,ertiavlu�p�rpval that i�roqua�tcd. 'i'bc a�Eic�vian ca,�not bc acce�red untii a�l��ic�cq��r:� in�rt�at�ori frr submFttc�d. T�c pro�oc:t may���o nced to be rcvicwc�t by t4c ToW�t Council endlvr'th�PlMnin�and �n��tcSDiEtChhl GOfimissivtt, Do�i�n Ittvicw Btu�rd�pprova!ex�r�3 onc yc�r n[tcr tiesl�pprc►vat�i,1ec�A b�tl4ta�permit f�fsrued aad co�srr��crlon It srarted. A. DES�itEpTION QF TH��EQUEST; `,� . �. LOC`ATIpN QF 1'ROROS/�L: �,qT; "'�""'""""" � � ,-,..--.._L3X,+OCK: � FILrNC� . �WYSlCaL AD�3R�S5: C. �'��c��'#: {Conr�r�g�v Co.a�scv�tors ofr�cc nt 970-328.K64u ror �• ,ZONING: 41'HrCe�#? ' �. NAME OF OWNE�t(S�; MAIL(N�ADD�E53: ���—'""'""'" � � w�� UVYI'VE(t(S)SIG�YATUR�(5): �'HON�; . G- IVAME O�'AP�LfCANT: MAIUNG ADDF�ESS; H. TYP�O�.It,�YIEW AN���.E: PHONE: ❑' Nrw Cnit�qyctian-�1A0 Cp�ioa af:r�czr bui�iag. t� Addltba� SSO �trc�a�any�ddf�oriwl�orc uarc fboca, �o��t��i... � ��e eaa�a�o,�,y��a«���fl� L�Mfdbt'Alt��tion=° s�tl �n�l �-_..�... sidcs=miavradi�ng�s�m byilbags�nd�ite irrE�reaancrn�.�uch et. . ' «(oofing,paintiug,windaw adQitions,Ean�scaping,f�ccS tu�d r�ta�ning vralls.Cic. d�,C'oa,�cptwl ttcxieyv- S4 :�?O�C�anyB�i�tl�vha�:�he�ppl�t�wish�c sv o�ccx wit�b � . . csign Rcvicw ;�tU`dete�pinc wh�ler or not ttia Pro.l�t�ener�l iy cam�l ics witM thc ,.. . ' dCSlgxe guiddint�.�'3'hc.DltB�ocs not votc on canecPtual rCVicws. DRB ft�s mrc ta 6c�ic!at the timc Qf submittal. iater,w�a�a�lyi�,�for a bu�ld�n tho acc'ucatc valu�ion of che B t�4s,�Icayo id�z�fy �jxt. TAG Town of V��l v���j������e accanding tv thc project val�ratian. PL�ASE SUBMI'�'TIiIS AP!'L��A�'�bN,I►�,�,SU$M�'I'TAL(�QU[REIt��N?S AI�E�T�iE ���TU'�'HE ���'A���"�`��'Cl7�MC,iTf�Ti�D�vCLOpM�fYT',7S SOUTH �RONTAGE ROAD. VA�L,COLU�Abl3�1657. � , r ' ��`p��."�st" `�u�'�1"��xs��,s� �, • �� � k�P9����p�tL� �- �� xY� y 4 j�Y . . . . t A , t N . w+uv t } � # t A��r'�jn'�{r���j Y6 ���_rY h i �. .. � App���dati'[�a��"�"� , . � * :� �,�� ' �� : , . � `, , � :`D�b�!Lccring U�tc, . . ,. � ` ' + . 4 ' � � � LIS'T OF PRQPC)SF,D MATC[21AI_,� , . 13UILDING MATE[tIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL: L R:* Roof . N1A S i di nb `Co MA•�tcH E IST'� #�I_.CY�. Othcr Wall MatcriaIs �,�. Fascia N�f� ; soffits �l�A Windows u�� � --� Window Trim ��,A� L�aors �-fi1,lk.�lt� ,�.1��1. Door Trim � H<i„d or Dcck Rails 1�1 �A rlucs ___�l�+ . I F[a5hinbs ���+ I Chimncys �1 LH —� Tra�h Enclosures o M�A�C.k� ���� � � Greenhouses _�_j� Retainin�Walls Td f"�A�GH �X�S7 C� �, Extcrior Lightin�;** 1y p. Other r��ALT �`( _ � * ('Icasc s�eci£y the n�an�dach►rer's cofar, nurnber and attach a stnall color chip ** All exterior lightin�;tnust meet the Town's Ligh�ing Qrdinance 18.54.(�SQ(1). [f exterior lighting is proPoscd, plcase ir�dicatc the number of ftxtures and locations on a separatc Iighting plan. Identify each fixture type and�rovidc thc height above gade, lumens output, lununous area,and altach a cut shcet of thc li�hting fixtures. i 2 I � . � • � • PR PO En LANDSCAI'[NG � Botanieal Namc Comm�n Namc t�anf iz * k'ROP05ED TR�ES � ¢� AND SHRU(3S: EX[STING TREES T� NlAk f3E R�MOV�D: *Mielimun� reyuirements for fandscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch caliper cor�i�`crous trccs - 6 fect in hci�ht shrubs - 5 gallons Tmc S�u�rc Foo�a�c GROUND C�OVER SOD •SoD ' SEED lRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OP EROSION CONTROL �'fA11�`N OTHER I.,ANDSCAPE FEATUR�S (retaini�zg walls,fences,s�vimnung pao(s, cte.) Please specify. Inclicate top and bottom cicvati�ns of retaining walls. Ma�cimum height of walls within the front setbac;k is 3 fcet. Maximum hei�ht of wall�e�sewhcre on the property is 6 fcet. �•�' �°'`t�"�f,� �� _ i , � � , 3 r : � � � � ! i uT��,r•r�� f, ,�TfON Vf;Rf FCC'A'�'(p� � This fornti is to wcrify scrvicc availability ancl loc��tion for�icw coustnictian�snd should bc i�scd in cor�junction I �vith �rc�attrin�your utility�tfsn �nd�chcdtiling inst<�1lations. Tl�c[oc�tion and availabifiry af utilitics,�vhcthcr I thcy bc maiii tnink lincs ar�roJ�oscd lincs, i�iust bc ap�rovcd a�id vcrificd by ttic followiitg utiliti�.s for thc acccani�auiying sitc�t�n. utliori�cd i �ahtrc � � U.S. VJ'cst Coii�munications 1-800-922-19R7 4G8-G�GQ or 949-4530 �Xts�1N� Pt�blic Scrvicc Cpill�any 949-5781 � G�ry H�I1 �X1s�lN� Holy Cross Gicctrie Assoc. 949-Sf;92 Tcd Husky/lohn t3oYd CXlS�I t.ICa T'.C.[. 94�J-5530 �'loycE Sal.irir ��...It�� Cab1c Rivcr WhEcr c�. 5anil�tion District * 47G-74K(1 Frcd Haslcc * Plcasc biing a sitc�lan, floor�Idi},and cicvations whcn obtainin� U{��cr Caglc V�Ilcy Watcr&S�nitation si�natures. Firc flow n�cds nnist bc adclresscd. NOTCS: �. If thc utility vcri#icatioi� for�ti h.�s si�!nafiures f�roni c<iCh of thc utility CUm��anicti,�tid no commc►�ts ar� madc dircctiy on thc f'on��, tl7e Town�vili �►resumc tiiat t��crc arc no problcros and thc dcvelop�ucnt can procccd. 2. (fa i�tility com�,a�iy has cc�nccrns with khc�ro�oscd con�t►-��ction,thc utility rc�rescntative shafl notc dircctly oli thc uNlity verificatioii form that thcrc is a problem�vhich needs to bc resolvcd. The iss�e shoiild fheii bc dctailcd in an attacticd Icttcr to thc Town af Vail. k{owcvcr,�lcasc kcc�in nzind that it is tlle resPonsibility af thc ut�lity comn�ny�tE�d the a��licant Eo resnlvc icfenkificd�roblci�is. 3. Ttiesc vcriticatinns do i�ot rclieve thc coiitractor of the res�otisibility to c�btai�� a I'�ib�ie Way �'ern�it front tlic Dcpartnter�t of Public Works at tE�c Ta�vn of Vail. tilit locakions must bc abtaincd beforc di �,�in any public right-of-way or easc��tct�t witf�in thc To�m of Vaii, A hitit in�pertni is t�ot a I'«blic W��permik anc� mitst 6c ohtaii�cd sc aratclv. 4 --,-- � � � 26'-C z � � r_�_._��,-----'�------------� I I I I I I I � I � 1 'm i �, w a I ! = m m I � I I I � L_______--_----------------� r r----� k I I I I � �---_ i o 6'-B' �'-�'M.a. 16'-M 86'-9' .1a �QA � ��A� � D�n � � s �d � ��� � � D �� m -� �z� Q� � o� � � „ � ° � s� � a \\�` '��/ °�N �' . , � z rn � � ��� � � � � � �� � o� � � �� � � o �• s•-�' ' � � n � � ^ D� t� r ' 0 � �� A � � �r � ,- , 6'-6• L� � FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH '°'�O'�r""''1°E' '� p�� ��hiL t�IBER� � ,,���,� �� w�►$t vai� �,�►� � �o.��.�, � I .42 iw�o ro.c v��vaa.y oMw Fa+rrieg.�i VPII,Gplorqsb b1i31 f�70)4'Ii-is44 �at fYl'707 476-4�01 �,�IT/��' E-Mbll tpi�G8loraeloJfbC PRO.�GT k0�9q4i {�1�1� • i 4'-C]" t 2'-D�� � N � � p � N = � � � � � O � �/��%jti�\ ° A o o � .- �� ���\��\��\��\� t�ii -�0 3 -n .y � \/\/\/\/\/\ r / / J / / / z pz ��\�\ \/�/�/�/�/� -, � /f��j�,�\f,/�\ \//�\//�\/J�\�j�\�jt� �' � � ,��\��\��\��\ �\�\\��\�\\��\/`�\ y\i\/\�\ /\/\i\i\/\ � /\�//�\//\�//�\f/\\ �`//\\`/\�����f/�\,/`\ o � �/�\f�\//\/\ /�\/�\/�\/�\/f\ \\��\��\ . o \\�\\�\\��\��\�\\ t������� . �P _ '/�\/�\/f`',/`�'�\ . %/���//��/: , p . �, - . .° e . ° /` / �b e � a. .\j��!\/'\�j I . v.x �, v, o .o ' � � ���\�/��l �� � � � �9w/ , a � j������ :� ti,��t���j������ ' ,�� �' `/!�\f��\/���/!�\/���/�������/�`�\�� � � /� ����/��� �fi��i�i�%%�!���%�i� �. , ��ir i����%�i� � ��tii��i��i��i��i��i��i``- �r�,i-�� ,� ti����i�y z �,;��������r���������;;,��p,,,����„�.�;�����if���i��,� (� /i,�/���/f � � j0 o b A\`!t\%// A � � � o \�f� r O � rn d � r � � � � r � -� 0 d � � �- � � -� FRiTZLEN PIERCE SMITH "°'�°�`T"'w�: "'� D"� °�,-""'',,,�,"e�, �,wu►� ,�u�u+rrrcn� nm�uoKe West `/ai� �nn �s io.u.a� � � .Q� +wso�o.a ve�i vairy aryw �allrltl�L-I Voll.Galarado a165� !y'�4�-0�� fax P�o1{-r8-avi �p�`' E-MGI[fp��GOlo►`adotwt pRQ,lEGT NO�9941 ��1"1 11/30J1999 �9:22 97�4764991 FPS PAGE 01 � i • � F�� Cover S�teet FRIT�LEN D�tte: + Nove�bez 30, �999 P � E � � � To: Anne�harles �' � � T H F�x: 970-479-245Z �� R�: West Vai2 Inu �� ARCHItECTS I' Seuder: I�avid Baum �i i Xou should receive 3 page{s)includ,ing this aovcr s�eet If you do�ot receive all the pag�s, �I i ,�ease call[970)476-634Z Ext. 12 � ,._��,� ^� Ms. Charle�.• I I Encloaed wlth tfiis fr�ore ewo slretches irelended fv urrswer t1�e iawn`s question�reg,ard'tr,g th�praperty lines at rhe West Varllnn. The f rst s�Eetch�ndicures the existaeg sire ca�ditions. The secand is a eopy of �I � vtw'submitted aite ptm�(Dl.Ql)with the property lines'highlrghted,It i,p the rhlention of,FPS that tlie n�w I concrete retQrning wcrlt r�oe poralleC to rhe riorthern property ltne and er�d perper�dicular ta the western I pra,�serty fine. A portion of our proposed frash enclosr�e wil!replace the exrsting, low tfniber walls wfuch I� are now in pTa�ce �I Pleas�feel free ta ccxl!�itb any questio�rs, easunents or if fivtlrer inforr�pt�on is reg�rred. �� � , Than�. � Dav�d Bawn ', � Fri1�le�i Pierc�Smm�rrlf�Afrhit��/s ', , ' � � ; � ]t:19941-Weat Y;i!Tnnlwvit�cd7.wpd I Planning • Architecture • �nt�er�o� 7650 East V i vaNey pr'ryp FaMridBe C-� • Veil,CO B1657 f fpr,�q�p.rr� • {ax(974)dy�-aAp; • (97fl1474-6312 � � � 12/09/1999 10:1B 9704764901 FPS PAC� 01 . � � � Fax Cover Sheet �R�T�L�N �ate: Bccemb�t�, 1999 � � E � � � TQ: ����� S 11r1 I T H F�:: ��o.a�9.��sa �te: We�t Vai�Lan ARCHITECTS �ender: David�aam C�; Je,mme Nathan � $�7.870.2�27 � � ; You should receive 2 page(s)incladin�thus ovv�r s}ieet, �f you da not�ecexve al!the pages, � � please ca�k{97p)476-6342 Eatt. 2 2, � ' 14�s. l�jerulf.• � �iiank}hoa for yo�rr ti»t�ly response�a orrr submittr�X for the�Ye.ct Wail,�r,ri. Enclased yov will fi,u!tfre � revised site pla�+whieh reflecrs HJ�t relcaca�`io�af the rr�sh encl�s�vR to aur p�pperry. �,Ipon receiving the suggestioru fra�rhe�'own of Yail{dr,rted Deeember,�, 1999), we hav�decided to enclase ti�e com,�aceatvr in tts existing locativn. � It leawl b€en our beGef that we eor.id t�tiltze the apace occupied by the exrstrng struclure(whteh encroached rhe Tow�vj Ynil ri,�ht af way) if we it�ptot�ed upon the ex�sling eo�ditiv�,s We c�re»o lohger plaonni,�g arry lmprovement which wnuld alter tlre Towns property rn mry wery, �7rair�r.3avu for y�v��onsideration of this matter.' Pleuse Jeel free tn cat!►vith a►ry�estio�s,�onimenls or rfJ�urther i»f+vrmrrtion rs reQuired. TFumlcs. David,8uum ' Frii�leu Furce Sr�dl1�Architec�rs i � ' � � 1C:19941-We�c v4i[nayComapoc�naiwrifaxl0.wpd � � Planning � Architectvre a Int��ors � 1650 Ea�Vai�v�l�gy(Njye F�IIridgP�-4 � y�j���p�1�57 • fps�ooloradp.net • fax l970}476-49Q1 • [970 47 I ) 6-G.142 � + � F 11�30�1999 09:22 9704764901 �P5 PAGE 82 �� : ' � , � ,r � x d 4 � � r.�.,�. � � .� � y � � � ' v i' {� � ` i S � � • y � 1 � `+ 1 � �I V :•. 1 � _ � I �, R ,� ' � � � ' ' I � O � " ! �'`. � � cs� : w �: � � � D � ��. .. � ,::. - � �;� � � � � �::. � �. "'''^r :''`� � ��{ �•";� F•�, I I Il � I �' 's �I �O ' � iL] C.J � . .`. . � � � ':�. � S CJi a • �•' � .�.F�.Z�'�� �! 1J0 . � � �_ � � I � � :.. �S f :+' � � 1f�•,4•�•'N` � r� � \.') t � � b x � � � � � � � � x �� � � � �n � �a � � , �� �'�a . b� Q j ..f.. �.�.::• . >.•�, � O `��r► � ..:; :;, . ��7 ..:- ... � . ,. ;`� �'��AS�qR� .. .�: :_ 'M •,•• r •� ��� � � ���K ., � �y -; .� r:..�...-�. O' .. . �• _.,. �',.�.. �' `• :��. K � �; b � a O b � ��` a � ,' . rt�y ...�, � , . � � � ' � 12/e9/i�99 Z0:1B 9784764901 FP� PAGE 02 .� � .•.,; � � � .y � � 1 .}. :.�. r� . .. �� � , � � , �:� . � ..,: � �. � � � z��� �«� .� � -� � � ���D . :� � � � 1� � � um . y�yN � +•: .r 1 +� t�.l f�J'�IR1 . � � -�-" �Ui�► Va1� � � � � � � r i ��r �� � K „ � � t f. 1 �� � � ! ` � � � c` : � � � � � \ � � � � �.y i.Y \ � f•. � ' � � �'fy;•�w. :=�'`.���� � 1 x i t � r'r�"� 1 � � �'ZLEN� P�R�iE '$�TH � � r�cT ru�� ►sert au►�e �erw��s��� ���+w � ` YyN� N�N I�Iff �w ia��.w �� .�� wo�.►rr.vw�,a,,,�. r�e rx�.« �t�t w �....a � .�r+�r. 4�dll f�rMCOtareesa�i �T yp�+NA! �� � � � �` ����y 11 ��� � �� ���� T01�OF UAIL � � � � Department of Communiry Develapment _ , 75 South Frontage Road . � T��xil, Colorado 8I657 9�a-4�9-2t3a FAX 970-479-2452 r,.� Dcc�mber I. 199� Iaa��id Baum FritzPen Picrce Srttit}i I�:�U �. Vail Valley Drivc, Fallridgc C.L Vail_ CO 816�7 12c: West Vail Lodge Trasll Encl�s�irc/Rctaining Wall , �7ear David: '1�his l�tter is ���i-it�en in respoi�sc�o �o�u��pplication oi� b�halFof th� R;,ai�t Cor��aration / Smclair Grou}� co construct a ne�ti retaini��� �tiall and lrasli i;��closurc at thc West Vail Ludge locatcd �[ 221 1 Nort�� Fronta�e Road i�� Vail. Your application has been re��ie��ed bv mcrnbers ofthe Plam�inb. f3uilrling, �ir�:. and Pt�blic��Vorks departmcnis and lh�; follot�ing reco�rme��dations ha�c be�n made: � �i 1. According to thc site plan�au hati c presented. the pr�pos�C�tr��lsh C�lClosure iS IOC�ted on �'o��n ��f' VaiP pro��ert�. The enelosur� n�ust bc; liill� accomolic�da[ed o�:� the��est Vail Lad�c ��r��perts°a�td ittas� not interfere �ailh T���,�7 of Vaii right-ot=��av. ?. Macerials used in lhe coilstniclion of both tl7e reiaininv ��ail and the trash cnclosi�re t��ust tn3tcl� ihe e�:isting b�ilding (as vour�1ans a9rcad�� i�ld�catcj. �. DuL to d7e size of tlte trash enclosurc. a.builc�i�lg permit t��ust bc act�uirtid prior to eonstructic�n. Please provide a re�iscd site plan sho�r ing an �,Itcrnatc loc3cion for the pro}7osed trasl� �nclosure. Tllank S�ou for your considcration of t1�is matter. Si��cerel��, � L-l�y`"v Ann kj4ra.11f I-'la��ner t ��.i NECYCLt.DYAYb'H r • � �,�.;�; � ��, Design Review Acti�� Form TO{S'NO��U,,f� � TO'WN OF VAIL I'rc�pec:t Name: Wesl Vail l,oclge - Si�na�e f�rojcct l7esc.�i��tic�n: I�c��lacc f,xisti�i� Si�►�a ()wner. AddreSti and Phe�nc: Reaut ('a�-�aration, 512 MaiE� Sh•ect, Ft. VVarth, TX 761(12 Architect/Cc�rataet. �lcidresti and F'hcmc: Projcct Strcct Addresti: 2211 N. Fr�nta�e Road Lc�al Dcscri��tion: N��r��l Nui»h��-: Buildon� N��t�t': 1�ti�etit �'aiE [,nd�e C'oinrner�ts: Koarcl / Staft Action Mcalion by: N/A Actior�: STAf�F AN�'ROVED 5cc��ndccl hy: N/A Votc: N/A Conditi�nti: A�proved per submit�al, c�nlors to �natch existin� "1°own Plann�r: Brent Wilsan U�itc. ,fri�ye 23, 199$ DRL3 �cc I'rc-Pai�1: '�35.30 i:��rvi�EZ����Ni��n�i;�nrF��c�avni���;��wva.r�rx�i�.r�z� .� , � �Questicros? Call thc Plannin�* I)csk � at�79-212� ��� SIGN/AWNING APPLlCAT10N �Q���� ���� This as��lication is fi�r any sign that is locatcd within thc To�vn of V<�il. S�ccitic i�cquircmcnts<irc availahl� t�ron�thc ��partntcnk of C'ornmunity Dc��cl��mcnt. A. N�►ntc of l3usin�ss: k3. E3uildin�;namc tu�cl a�iciress: o�o� � 1��� �� C'. Namc ot cnvu�r: Phc�nc: �� Maipin�;a�ldr�s�s: �� � ��,k.L...�`�1 �� � �-� ��-' , �(. 't�h ^���. 1 (� f � �— I�. Signat�ire of uwner: G. Nci�nc of pc�so�z submitting:� � �.. � Piaonc: � `1�I �ii' 3 8� � (If dit��crc3�t thaiti o��ncr) Ad�iress: c Zc�-., F• �I'Y�c ol�si�n (scc back 1or dctinitioils): c�'� �/ _ ` 6 � 9 �cc standin�; f� F�an�in�;si��i Wall sign O Awitii��g ❑ Othcr, s�ccify: C�. Sign mc�;sagc:__�__��_�'� � L'�1�`1 S 1 �f�J�—� � i L Si7c c�f si�n .uld si�c c7f Icttcrin�;for caeh sign �rc�po,,ticd: � � __ --���-� _` �- r 7. 8 � - - �•�"--��-i� .. �r ' � ' �.u-/ . I. Lcngth of'husincss froittc��c: ,I. Hci�ht of�si};�� aUovc gr��dr: - � h;. Numbcr e�f;�i�;ns pr�posccl: Nuna�icr�u�d si�c of cxisEin�;si�ns: / L. l.ocation ot c�ich si�;n {attach a sitc E�lan •��an cicvation clrawin�;or���i��togra�h cicarly ii�clicatin�lhc �roposcd loc��tiun): � , M. M��tcrials and cc�lurs of sign (attc►cla sam�lcs): �� :�/;" ' ` "J� " N. [�cscrihc ligl�ting ot�si�n (cxistin�;or pro�oscd): II��:-_, ,��:� ;' ',: , /r,. ,�:'• 1 O. C'EE: $2().00. PLUS $I.00 P�12 SQUARE FOO`I'OF SICN AfZEA. `.4(.,i; -' � �.��r �.t �= Y�j i� '�G �'or C)��k�cc Uce Onlv_: - �L� 7a7" �a.- �"`� f �- �' r��i���Et: 3� � '� ° .� ck;�: G��l-� �3y: �t„� . A��plic�iti43n l3ate: � �G] � . . � � ��IV�ITT�I�REQU(REM��YT�: Ll Comnlctc Application. ❑ A sitc plan showing the cxact Ivcation whcrc thc si�n is to bc tocated. ❑ Elevatios�clrawings or�hotos showing proposcd iocation of thc sig� or awning. ❑ Colorcd scalcd(I/4"=1')drawing, including spccific Icttcring and dimciisions and a photo,if avai�ablc. ❑ Sampic of pro��sed n�atcrials. ❑ Drawings showing how and whcre si�n or awnin�will attach ta thc bui(ding 1nd how t�e awnin�wili 6c constn�cted. ❑ Condomini«m AssocSation or Landlord approval -attach a Icttcr. SIGN CAT�GORIES: 1. �reestandine-A single or it��21i-faced sign af}ixed to a si�pporting stntch�re, or imbedded in and extcs�ding fror�� thc graun�and dctachcd fron�the building. 2. Awi3in�c�r Hanein�-Any sigi attached to,a builc�iixg and extendi��g in whole or in part more than 9" beyond t3�e building line. 3. �ti-A sign att�ched to,painted on,or ercctcd against ttie wall of a buildic��or srn�cture with thc cx�oticd face of thc sign in a ptanc paratlel to thc face af the watl aiid nvt projecti�ig more thaiz 4" fro►z� t�3e face of thc wal[. ' 4. Ditiplay F3ox-A freestanding or wall sign enc[oscd in gtass for ti�c express pur�c�sc of disp��yin�mciius, currcttt cntcrtainmcnt or rcal cstate listings. 5. Joint dircctarv sign-A frccst�ulding,hangin�or wa[I si�n that[ists ali t3te tcnants within a multi-taiant buildinb. 6. ��bdivision cntrancc si�-A sisn to idcntify a ma�or subdivision,a condominium complcx,or grou�of apartrnent buildings h3vinb at lcast l QO lincar fcet of fros�tagc alon�a vehicular or pcdcstrian way in any RC, LDMP, MDMF, HDMF,or SpD zonc district. S�►GGES�'[i)NS: 1. Copics of thc Sign Codc arc�vailablc ti�ot�l t�te Departsttcnk of Community Deveiopment. You snay wish to chec;k thc Code to verify the type as�d size of sigri you are allowed. 2. Be specific, Vagueness in the descri�tion of design,sia.e,consSruction may delay the approval of your si�. 3. Mcasure thc frontage of your business ta deten3�ine tt�c size(area)of the sEpi you arc allowed. 4. Lighting for awnings may spvtlight vnly tt�e sign_letteri��g on thc a�en3ing. Lighting tnay not st�inc into �edcstriu�or vehicular ways. 5. AII indivsdual busiR�css signs wilI be rcviewed by the Depa�tment of Conununity Developyi�ent. New s�g�j prog�ams or ainendnients to sign programs will be rcviewed by t�e Design Review Board. �:ev crynne/fonns/si�s/s ibma p p.813 06/17/98 14:19 �817 870 2927 SINCtrtiR GR4UP ii+ �est Ysi2 LoQSe �001 08!17�98 0$'1i $97�i6 80$8 �E57 S=�IL LODG� f�014 r �'�C— � `�` � � 1 CO��• Qucscic►n.,? C�11 tl+c Pfannit�g Dc�k , 1r479-212� � �`� 1 ' PP �� . �► �_NIA� �� T�S��U�'Vf�IL � '. 3 lic:�[i0n iy'f�u4'�nyr giLt�t��tit 9s f�,u'�t�dw;tk�in the Towrt c3f Vnil. $�+cEit►�:�'tqL�irut5ci�t:,:ts�c a�:silahls T�14S �1�1 tton3 khs�r�L�an,i�uu of��onuizunity L3c��lo�su�cnt. —��� A. Nrti�]1C uf E�u;;ino*y' .. ��� � � C �� Q.,,�-7 � �, E��si�cling rs�rl��c��,d adJr�,si l�hc��.�:C 11 ! ► L. 1��3n,c af�,wt��r. � � � ��� "�* ` ��� J � M�itiirs�ad�t:�^;�� � � �� —7 � [ (� 2�— — �:� —._ � � �. 5fgnatore af o4��zer:_ �, ❑-�� t� 1'l�ott�:-�T �'�� � �. �-. �. Na�it�of pc;KOt�yub�i,itT�n�;:l ._ a `� �� �If di#�crc»r#han awiui) Acldre.��: F, Ty�se of aign(���Uack Co[dcfsnition;): ❑ H�tilging sign p �F;cc��an�fin� p p��vnin� , r� WII11 si�,*�� ❑ otn�r. �p��if;': . � � - � Ci. �i�ii mc�+�a�;C:_.. �� . f ItR �i 1 ru ��Gil: 1-1. Si•r.�of:,iR3t ai�c13i7.c�u. c�r��fU[C�� F��� P , ���� �� :� ;�, - J L �c�.�th uf btiisincss frw�«�;�� �-;--:- ��t of�ig�1 r�ho�c�;t•►�d�: � (1�Tt:-L�� �_-- J. i-lci�,l . — filt�ttSl+Cr uf sign�pTppt��C41:_�.. Nu���bcf��0}ia.�ot cxisrin�,5i�n,: —�`----...� K• a �1 Cl��rly i5ldic:fl[11t�llti� i�cic:�ti01� is1'CACh:�i1,'�� �7�it:tiCll�s RiLt niz�n�il��+3 eieVfl�iun df:iW�ll�;Ci�'1�1h4fOF� P Y.. -� ���_ .--�- �7�'R[f13S�%�J�DCiitilll�: _ . . . • �� � . . ,. .. � .• • ' � � �''_ �ic„ � �[!i- :�� 1,��,�� ���, y M�tcri�lti:+���r�lat3 ti�C SiG�(s[[3ch S��i� Lc�}: _ �-' . �['� : .1 �,. f���,d ,:� � �:� d �- ,._._._ � • �` , . � � � - �, � � y. �cSC[1�1��t�,Itt1n�0�Slj�Jl(G�iat'sn�o��+ro�+a�ccl�: � 3, _- —�—_..T--- F..E• 520.00, �'L.il4 b1.Qt1 t'L-It SQUAR� C'0�?T 17F.�IC+N,l�R��. � �. � � .. . , . ... . ' ;, xt�s•.:f f�»• �",s'{c'�u$i'',3y'3y�: ..�,;fi�'r'"+Y�:S,h�rv� '�,�`�.���`f�:C'���'�i C�.a��.'.,� •�.a.,,;. <.r�•:, ;;?..., :..z,;r+..:;�.�,,:�`.:";:�:N., ., �xa:,..:.,,,^,•�,,��:e. � +, ,,+�;:.� 7 :JVn.,i9"Y n.Atiii"�h'�;.'�sr'Z�7u •i.i'�%,. .�,c,�;ii 'ilrvj�}FS., � *ex:s: ,,:r:r*�;% „�At':r�.n,n. ?:rf>++'N;i� .. •.t�. ..rH.S.;^• .�ri�":';,5�: .:.�d.,.{;�{"F,�r,` ,S•.;•;+,., ..�1.'.''„',':.c.,..ro,.. tl,•h'v';.:""�:w�.,.l� 'e4&•�.c.:+.v"" M�'^:w,.�r,���w..�;�°. �a �a'�' �"Sf4a.,�iM., .•'YSSOy.,. .�,Y+,� �..Y.�o- iYea:rf. >}Y ':�'t�a✓.�>.,,��:a•7� .:C•.» �i...,r}'.r :�1�" �,a4i:" .v�' ..l. YYy ...Pai,rf�`. .'Y',r.T��..,fW�x A��'.�i,�..{,. `�'W+, 'y"d.k' .I��:v,i!.. 'f r I}.W'e Erj'y�,.;.�,, '..�4 aa� ..p�:•, AV�: !'YI��'.'n '7>. :���%:.�-0d. LFxe,.w, r.L� �ii��.,b.. rt.�"'Y`ir%lc:.�.�.. '9�ii:��. �ik.n. :i+i^� w�}s". Y�;l'..,5..:';:y..�'q'.; ^,'�r+r;'." irx:•,<:: ::.� .a',�."° �w"W9r..,:2`.',9�..,.�'*e�e :a`; c'�:(� .o.i,�,:. '.�+a.,,. Ffy:�,,• �.� ...��y'r�.,�„y x. 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L�� s ���'� F���� � ix E��it����� ����; i��,� ��r'° � : � �e ���������������� ��;��� �� ����7 > ��� �� � ����''� ���� �� ��� � �� e� �i F �`,.�� � ,�i [ t �' �'5 0. ry ry � r k h.;'E 1 E:�: a � }� �> � P >(�($\' . . . i 1 Y 'b ¢t\„ � � s � C � d.�� � °js-�; � �- c r`� � i„ � lii �� � �t� a .�1� � z�`� w �, _�� 3 , �d . .__ _ ._. r.v..�_i ._�, I �' .�.i-I i�. ; , • . �. Y I�. '" .. .� - �..,..�,:-.,��' :`° }�-I-4 .` .`• �`�.r..� ia . �� � �� � � � � � , � , I� �_�� C�-- ,_� --- , _� �; , b> , �—: �� + �, � a 1-y r� � , 'y`� I �4y T I � I 4� � � ? � �\ � 1 I � ��'t��� I � ��`� + � � x�� , ( i �� ; I � .:,3 ,_a " ',. i � lr.ai��` �. . � I �U��'• i ( �:�i ��� ,�.0 j , ���tT � -� � I .0 ,�� ; �:��AV I c1 .1 � � � � � 'l �1 t 1 � \r�,LL �;., , � �,�^ , � ;� 3, W � ;,. , :�, _. � �;,;;d� i i � ���'s t ,z i =Q-?t � i � � �``� i Jc i :*Y'V I__ -.� ���L ,�—� �� i ZZl `�Lfi . ���. � I , � � -� � I L E � � �� ,��:��� .,�� � , ;; '+►: ,����, TOWN OF VAIL � ���' • ' p Depnrt�►►erit of Corrtniunlry 1)evelo�ment . 75 South I'rontngc. Rocu! Vail, Coloruclo 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 JanuaYy 13, 1998 Mary 3� l��olan Otten, Jc�hnson, Robinson, Neff�: Ragoi�etti, P.C. 1E��0 Colorado Nationa! B�rilcling ��[�0 Seven4Cent>> Street Denver, Colorado �020? Re: Inn at West Vail Zonii�a Compliance/Tract K c� Part af Tract C, Vail Das Schone Filin� #1. Dear ]�Is. Nolan, �'ou E�a��e y�c7uested tf�at our office determinc wl7ether the Inn at West V�il (the`'Property") is c��rrently in cv�,�1�liancc wit}� all a�plicabIc -r.onin�, I�ind use, set�ack , subdivision regulatioris, v�d other rcquiTe�r�ents. In response to yo�ir requcst, I inspected tlic Properly on Tuesciay, I�ecei�iber 16, 1997, ai�d delern�ined that nu�zi�rous violatioitis exist. �1'he purpose of this letter is to ic�foE-m _vc�u o� wl�ich violations exist. �'he Pro�erty is locatecf within S�ecial Development I)istrict (the"SDD") # 2�. An �pprc�ved dcvclo�ment p1i111 1S tllC }�I lllCk473I f�OC11111C.Tlt guiiling cieve�opn�ent. All improvel11CY1tS OIl tllt; Property must co�»ply with the ap�ra��cci dcvelopment plan anci the Mu»icipal Code ofthc "fown of Vail. 7'hc follo�vin� items arc i�ot iii comrliancc �vith thc approvcd development }�lan and tl�c Mt�r�icipal C�de of tl�e �'own of Vail: 1. Ille�al stora�e of commercial vans. (Chapter 7 of tlie Town of Vail IVfunicipal Cade). 2. "fljere is an abancioned vehicle in the parking lot. (Cha�ter 7 ofthe Town of Vail Munici�al C:ode). ThC follo�ving are itenis required hy the Desi�n Review Board (Cliapter 12-1 l of the 7'o�vn of�'ai! Municipal Code): 1 `�'he li�ht posts neec� to be painted_ 2. Thcre are Four landscape islands required within the eas# parking lot asea per the appcoved plaa�s. 3. '1`he rec�uired landscaping around the parking lot has not been installed. �� tt6'r:s'CLt.Y�!'APER � � . . 4. The east side of the buildin� needs stucca at the foundation level. 5. Landscapin� has nol beeil done on the east sicle of the buildin�. 6. The meclianical equipnlent and flues on the west side of the buildin� have not t�een painted as required. 7. There �r� six dead �vergreen trees alon�the north side of the property that need to be replaecd. S. T-1 1 1 sidin� exists on tl�e east side of the bu�lding for the second and third fl�or ski stora�e area anc� around the pool area. T-111 siding is not a permitted buildin� material ir� the Town of Vai I. 9. A top course needs ta bc added to the retainin� �vall alon�the front side of the building per the approved development plan (C.ha�ter 12-14 of tl�e Town of Vail Municipal Code). 10. An ille�al plastic banner is bein� displaycd on the east side oftl�e buildin� (Chapter 1 1-2 of the Town of Vai! Municipal Code). 1 1. A�� ille�al curb cut accessing Chamonix Lane IZas been installcd (Chapter 8-1 of the Town of Vai! Mtinici�al Code). 12. Tl�ere is a braken skyli�ht on the west side c�f ll�e buildin� which nceds to be repaire�l (Cha}�tcr 10 of ihe Tows� of Vail Mu»icipal Coc1e}. 13. �'he sig►i for the Dancing Bear requires »�lintenance and tipkee��. 14. An additional approval is needed for tl�e fence runnin�; east/west alo��g the back of the pc��>1 (Cha�tcr ]2-]4 ar►d �hapter 12-1 l of the Town oC Vai1 Munici�al Code). 15. The diimpster and greasc tr�tp needs to bc enclosed. (Chapter 12-1 1 of�the "I'own of Vail Municipal Cocie). 16. Tlae area around the dumpster needs lo be cleaned up (Chapter 2 of khe Town of Vail Munici�al Code. A�ain, the purpc�se of this letter is to inform of the numerous code violations that exist at the Inn at West Vail. Si�ould yc�u have any additiot�al que5tions oi- concerns, please do nal hesitate to cail. Y'ou can reach me by telephone at (970) 479-2145. I 5inccrely, � Gcor�e Ruthcr, AICP Senior Planncr G 1Z/j r S�NT 9Y:Ottien JohnsOn Robins,2- 4-9T ; 9:39A� � QJRNR 303 925�iB� 870�78Y45Y;# Y TOWN OF VAII. . Depar�ent of Community Devetapmeut ?5 South Frontage Raad Vail, Color�do 81657 December , f 997 General Electric Capxtal Corporatian � 13355 Noc�Road Da11as,T�es 75240 R�e: Zonilag of Inn at'Wcst Vaxl at�Chamonix Lane,Chamonix Raad end I-74 North FrQntaee Ytoed iun the Tdwn of Vail.Colorado Larlies and Gent3emen: � You havo info�this o#I'ica th�t Genera�Ele�ttic Capital CotZwxation("Lend�� is conside.r�ng making n loan ta be s�curad,in part,by a deed of vust rancumt�rin$the re�pro�ty �nd improveanents locat�d thareon, aitugted t�tween C�anonix Lane, Chamonix Road an� X-7U � North Frontagc Ro�d in ihe Town of Veil,Colorado,commanly lrnawn as the Inn at West Vail and mora fully�escribed in Fxhibit A aitached hereto (the "Property'�, Xau have slsa informed tbis o�icc thst there curren#1y exist� on thc Prope�rty a 2-stnry hateI building, with re�atad amenitics, includi.ng certain rctail s�.ops,officcs and a restaurant,togethcr with an edj acent parking lo� You h�ve aaked this o�ce wheth�r the Prope,rty is curr�ntly in compliance with all aPPlicable zaning, land use. aetback, subdivisitm and perking lavus, ordinances, regulations av�d r�uirccneq,t�. W� undcrstand that Lendar will rely o1� aur reply ta this quastion in making the above-describedl�anto Bornnwar. Ploase be adviscd that the Prape�ty is located within the SDD(�pecial Developmen� . District)�oni�di�trict in the Town of Vait,whic,�i al�ows far development and use o�th�Prpp�tty for the existi.ng hotel,in�ludin,�thc releted retail shops,offices,restauraut and adjacent parking lcrt. The c�urently existing improvements an ths Property arc in comp�iance with the sita pIan govttni�g the Pmpwty, and wi#h all applicable �ing, land u�e, eetba,cl� subdivinion end parldng laws, ardinances,regulation�a�d requixeulents,and thare are na other z�quiremezrt�far ao�stru�tian or othetwis�which must ba satisfied in ordec far the Prc�perty ta fully co�ply with said site plan and with all ap�licable zoning, las�d us�� setback, subdivesion. and parldng Iawe, ordinaaces �d regul�ons. TOWN OF V.A,I�. DEPARTMENT 0�'CdMMiJI�1IT'Y DEVELOFN�T � By: _ _ � . x��: T�r��: � 713417.1![SlIL�.A 13W!!M�1S Nit S�NT BY:Otten Johnson Robinso�— 4-97 + 9:39AN � OJRNR 303 825 �Bi 87a4792452;# 3, � � �zr,a (Re�l�'operty} , PARCEI.A: ' A P.ARCEL C1F LAND LYINC} WITHIN �A RESUBD�SidN OF VAIL DAS SCI�ONE , FILTNG NO. 1,AND VAYI.UAS SCHONE FILING IV�. 3,COUIVTY OF EAGLEy STATE OF COLORADO,MORE p.A1�'I'.ICULARLY DE5CRIB�D AS FOLLOWS: � HEGINNIltiFC�AT TI�NORTHEAST CdRNER�F SAID PA�,CEL, ALSO SEINC�A PQINT : � QN THE WE5TLRLX RIGHT OF W'A�Y LINE O� CFiAMQI�TIX LANE AND THE r1pItTHEAST CORN�R. OF LOT 2A, RESUBDMSI�N OF' L�'�2, �VAII. DAS SCH4NE FII.ING �+TO. �, '1'HENCE SQUTH i 9 DEG�tEES 46 MINUT$S �40 SECONDS EAST 420.b6 FEET TO A POINT QN TI�NORTH RIG�TT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HI(��VAx NO. 70 FRONTA�3B RQAD, THENCE AX.ONG SA�D N(71tTH RiGHT (3F WA.Y LINE Oi�1 THE F�LLU"GV�NC�THREE GOURSES: , � 1) SOUT'��SZ DEGREES 02 MINUTES SG SECONDS WEST 52.flQ k'EET; 2) SOUTH b9 IaEC3REES 54 MTNUTES ]6 SECOMIS WEST Z74.9Q FEET; - 3) SOUTH ab DEGREES 04 MI�VLTTES �45 SECONDS WEST 4�5.08 FEET TO T�iE SOUTHEAS�'CORNER OF Ti�?COLLINS-VVIK�SUBDMSXaN,THENCE ALON'C4 THE , EAST I�I�E OF SAID SUBANISION TTOR'I'H 39 DEGREES 52 MII�TUTES 53 SECONDS � WEST 171..75 FEET T� A�'OINT ON �HE SOLJ'I'H RIGH�'4F WAY LINE OF CHA�MONI� ROAI); THENCE AL�NC} SAID SQUTI� RIGHT OF W�Y LINE THE ��?LLOWING TWO CaUR.SES: � 1) 245.63 FEET A,LQNG T�-�E ARC OF A �94.4 FOOT�tADNS CUR"VE TQ THE LEF�' � WfiOSE CEN�'R.AL AN�LE IS 72 DEGREES 23 MI1VU'T'ES Ol SECOI�S AND WHOSE l,ONC'i CHOR� BEARS NQ�tTH 08 DEGREES 02 A+IINUT�S 31 SECONAS EAST 229.b2 FEET; Z) NO►RTH 28 DEGREES 09 MIhTU"1�S OD SECa�TDS WEST 98.5 FEET T� A P4INT �N THL SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY L�tE OF CHAMONIX T.A�NE, THEI�Ck SOUTH ALONG SAID�tIGHT OF WAY LINE THE F4LLOWIi�rC3"1'HILEE C4LT�tSES: �1 NURTH 39 DLC�REES 43 MI�[JTES 00 SE�QNDS EAST 89.04 FFET; �) 59.5'T FEET ALONG fi'FT�ARC OF A 75.04 FOQT RADji35 �U�tVE TQ THS ZtI�HT W�-IOSE CENTRAL ANaL� IS 45 DEQREES 3Q MINUTES 29 S�CONDS ANA WH03E LONC� CHORI.� BEARS NORTH 62 DEGREES Z8 MINUTB5 7 8 SECONDS EAST 58.02 FEET; � ���+rr,t���r,o,st� A-1 . SEN� BY�Otten Johnson Robinso�P- 4-97 ; 8�38AM � OJRNR 303 825�8i 9704782452�# 4 3) NORTH SS DEGREES l3 Mll�TUTES 33 S�C01VD5 EAST 214.34 FEET �'p 'fHE �4INT OF BEGiNNING. SAID pA,RCEL ALSO BEII'�Tf,} KNOWN AND DESCRIBED AS VAIC. UAS SCHONE SUBDIVISI�N-'�tACT"K". � P•X�EPT: ' ' CONDQMINIiJM UI�iITS 4f?I�403,405,408.4a9,412,4I3, 416, ��7,42�,421,424,425.428, 429, 432, �433, 436 AND 437, INN AT WEST VAIL CaND41�iNIUMS ACCORDIN(3 TO THE CONDOMIN�JM MAF THEREOF AND AS DEFIN�I� AI3D DESCRIBED IN THFs CONI70MINIUM DECLAR.ATION RECORDED NOVENIDER 15, 1983, IN B04K 372 AT PAC"iE�55,C�LTIVT'Y QF EAGLE,STATE 0�CDL4RAT)D. PARCEL S; CQNDOMX]�1IUM iJNITB 401, 4Q3,�405,408,4U9, 4Y2,413� 416,417, 420, 4��,42a,425,428, 424, 432, 43�, 436 ArIA 43'f, INN AT W�ST VAIL C4�lI]t�MINI[JMS ACCORDINC= TO � CQNDOMINIUM MAP THERE�� AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN �'HE �ONDOMIIVIUM DECLARATION �tECORDEL7 NOVEMSER 15. 19'83, IN 80��372 AT � PAGE �65, CO�JIVTX OF EAGLE,STA7E OF COL0�0. ar�'►.�w�r►,�nn t»� 2 � __._ r r� c ���/1�t 0 . _ ' . . � . ! 7 � � � _ . . _ . � i' . - ���... . � {�7E���{.��5: . � � : ' . �.r., _ . _ 'f.RE7AIN EXIS'f'ING SUSPENDED CEII.ING.R�MOVE ;,�i�r,�� Q� �'Q EXIS'FtNG LIGHIING.PAlIdT FSAT BLAClC OR DA�tK ��` # - �� COL4R PER�VIM�R. � J K L y N � � Ir+e � 2.REfAIN AND'PR[3'!EC'1`EXISTIPfG CA3�PfT IN E,ACH �G i � SIC� ROOM. " • � � � � 3.REMCIV�CA�RPET AT ACCEI�HALL AND iiEPLACE � � � ?2 � � 1MTH FI�EW MATERIAL PEit�dV1MER. � jI"��I,� �V � f�^ r` �� �4.ALl.EXISTING W,4�LS TO REMAJN. ,,,�,� � � �� ` � �� ��t� ` �tis � ° �►� f0'-6�' 4'-3�' 9'-1(l�' � �-... srcx�c� �p pR � ��P'A �'��` m� sr+�"`� � ' EaLRP. ROQAf SPACE 9 � _,'.� � 1,17D nq.fk s �PER � 1 t ' � . � ; � , x _ _ � �Ct S ti V' l � ._..��. � � A . � :��, ' ..` ��.-.�.-�(�-�'J(� �M!Y'�U�.+�l: �._ tac 11 __.��.._. _ .�. ....u�..... .........._-___--�-�-- � ' RE�i�On3GY�"C.�W LIGHT i ` �.,. � '�..:.'1�reID, ,. � �y 4� �.� � �p A�3Dt►E , . �.� .� `. `..— �— r.--- �- ��- �� o �,�� "FiO�AII" i � "^""' �..-- �- � �� � � .�RQOM" � i H07!AMfA � OD r� 20�6 sq.R °° wa���n�-��nor�s �G .�cu � �•--5�, "DWARF P1NE F�NCE° � � 2�38sq,R 6'x 15'ROLLS CUT � N 5t1SPEND�B'-6"AFF � �-+ � A�LOW'�8°MIN.(�T ��/2^M �/2"'NfppD SUFPORT EXISTING C�NG. CEILINGIFLQQR � � COL MN I4NCHC}RED� F AND CE1LING _ � wat-��A�n�on�s � �� � 4x4x3/ STL. ANGL wl '112" B4 TS/NdTCH COL. a � "ONVARF PIhfE F�NCE'� � EXIS !NG SUSP NDED CEILi G -" I 6'x 16"ROlL3 CFJT ' � � , "RaOM" ti. � 1�3 SIJSPEND�B`-�6"AFF � �� � 2x6 VII�OD TQP CAP u7�lOrD � � � � ALLOW�8"MIl�. TOP 3s92 aq�1t. � � i � � M I �O OD '0� � � � - :�..r � . �� . ri �,. . •-r PARZTTIUN I � I�i41L � �ALLRppM � O O • O 0 0 ,L � � � .i)C)()R 2�7 aq'R' J J. � x St)" p � � a � VYC7DD LID COIZ� � � () � ^� h � � � �I�V6I171}b � . Q /, � . � 77- � j � � � .--� , � � � 3 � Q � ,,;� °ac3oM'� r�rmn _ � '� � x rn ...�, QIMM R CON w CV 1 I � SWIT iH ""' ,� W ao m DI tl� CF#R SIM1II� C1.05�TH�S LEAF � � � X � -OR- � : _ EGRESS PATH � ° REn�ovE 8 Flt� _ +a.� w!META!STUDS � � &5l8"GVIB _ � o e a a e e t�� \�� V� �������� �,U 3 ���� A 4� YxV�� COR�EL►7 +'�� S !� a ����� //�/'\�'_ /� ' {2) W4QD FRAMEI '!14" BOLTS a(� 24" �' 4 YO1 \���1�I ■ \ . EGRE X�T _ �� � s encioseci E Pa hra h E tin Hote� Gorridor 4x4x31� STL. ANGLE w/ 1/2" BOLTS!N0�'GH COL. ontinuati ��� CO 1x6 W�QOD BASE � � EXfSTIIVG OT CORRIDOR �,�� �o � � � �� � EQ SPA TREATME A A � � P PCJS , _ _ � � . ,� _ ,_ ,� I 6!x �i, SCALE. 1/2 1 d � . _ � _ scn�: ua„=ti�-o^ ��ED ARG � ; , � . � _ - - � {�V` , > , ' �,. L= C.-, � �.11� - ---- ��_��-__� �---�----_-�-_�__.—_____._.�..� .� � �� � ;� � � � � HIGH COU�TRY ENTERPRISES , 74 �NCORPORATED , . '� ` � � � � s ; � � � � DEMO PLAN �' y�- �; !/ � ' 1. Remove al� existing walis. �ud doors. � ' � 2. Remove all doors and hardware. ± � � i ; � �- �- ��� ��r��.� _s$�....����..s_---�---- ; NEW CONSTR�JCTION. �f � ' � � ; 1. New metal stud walls to underside of grid ceil�ng. ,�,�����/�� �.�;S���,C� ; . ` 2. New doors, hardware and tr�m. 1' Commun�ty Develapmer�t Department , " ' �r unit. � � Bui�ding Safery�nd Rnspectian �c�r�ices ��'�'�" �--�, �����4��� � � 3. �2.epain� enta e ��'��:�.�'� � °�� ' Q � ` ` � �' +�i r��C'.� L�' ; r�,yt a V�t+. � .� 4. Sprinkler: Add 3 new sprinkler heads as shown. Sectia:� �o���' _ � r ,/1 �v�r , ���� � � .� r � � .h ,�� � �,,.-_, : �� tnterr�attonal Building Codelinterna.sar I ; _� `��� � 5. Elect�ical: Ext�nt of electrical work as to relocate existing swi#ch to ,,., 9 � : � � < Code ti :}c4 permit 1`he issuance or grantin of a� ;� -t hal�way. Replace a�12x4 egis#ing �yghts with new c�n lights. l�ot be� "'.:C�Qo b�a permit tor,or an approval cf, 4ny�._ � �"'i `' � r: � eny c` . �.�sions oi this code or ot any other ordinunce c'r� ._ ` 6. Plumbi� : No lumbin in unit. � � �� �/� g [� � �uris��c'. �--�i.s pr�suming to give authorily tQ viofate cr c :~�c!the I � rovi .- `:�code or other ordir�ances af the juris�iction s�al1 nct be � �� � ``��' � �� _R �� , . 7. HVAC; Remove existing air conditioning uni�and replace with small 81id - �,��r,��cf a perm�t t�ased on canst�uc�ion do��ments and ' �' � � uIIlt. other� _ r v#�sevent ttse b�ilding afficial from raquiring the ��` � � t 6 �.--' ' �orrECt�c��; r�i�ahe construciion doeuments and oth�r data,The � � buildinc�o��:u:.;:..! ��41ro o�+'�ed to prevent occupancy ar use of a E � Notes• �tructure N����r�i:,v�fatio�c�i of t�nis code or oi sr�y other obinances at � i ' this jurisdictiian. 1. Occupancy Group: R-1 y��_, - '�..�_� \;�� r l-��7 � (� �. � � �.v' v�GL �� � . 2. T e of cons�ructian: T e I/�I. � ���s�4���: ������ � { YP YP =�` ,T"`� ` �� `' ' L'` k � � 3. Building area: 615 sq. ft. I �� G�i�` � �'' �-Gr��� ��2,ti►.c�, � [ . � � � ��,� �`- �3.� __ ... � ►n � ; ` �RP.CEL �f" �2.��� II`�i5pl�- ��' ,�� � � � ` -��- �-��--�-` � ���.=�� ���'�4 �������= � � , -�� �-��� ��� � � �``" rt,�,��r�� L � �:.�h�� _ � �� s'� � � C� � � a C � �t�c 1�� I r�t.) � ._� ,k„ __.__ �__.�..._ , . , D � �' �r�-��''`- , �`` '� � ���,.� . �lJ/--�� _ 1,,��/�p,(�� . �,,, �} {� { �-''�j� � '�,} � ,/ � . . / �V 1 �r I '—�✓y`'J��� ` Yi�J ��' —� — ���C ��7++ `-G t . .. ,� �� � ,�'u � . _ � ��� ��.i.J� ���—� . �. `'��,� 4�,�, . o c�c.r`�D ��� ,� � , -�,, 1 �' f 1'Y`� � � - ��-- - ----�__-�-- - � - 5 �s�n.��- ��J� ��..ti�� �?z::.r ��__ �� � -�� " � �:���' - �K � �' � �,a°�� �� _k 8 � � �d. � C-�-��; �,�4� P�+ �S ��� +� � � � L x I��E �C� ��`�� L C C��� �,� �C�� ��.�, _- � � ; � _ __ __ _ �._ —�--- - ---------- �_—� � ��. ��--��-�-`e-"�-f� �t fZ�Jk-��,R*� �fl - � -- ---- _�.�..�.---�_______.._-_-_.._--__ __ �_W�__.._�..��...____._.�.�__-._-_____�.._._._�..�..�_.____ . . � �( � SQ'�r� �-c�� '�own of Vail -- .-�_ _ �FF��E C�PY `..�` . .: . ' P.Q. Box 383 • �Jlinturn, CD � �545 • Tel/Fa�c 970.827.�140 • vv�ww.hce74.com • email: hce74C>horne.com