HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG F UNIT F6NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PETMit #: 805-0067 fiof - ootf Job Address.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Stafus.....: ISSUED Location......: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 Applied...: Mlzllz}Os Parcel No....: 210108119006 Issued ...: 0511812005 ProjectNo...: Qr't of-oa7K Expires...: l1ll4l20fr5 J I'OWNER PITKIN, EDWARD M. & JI,DITH Ao4/2L/2oo5 1091-1 BRIGAIfl|INE DR fI[DIANAPOLIS rN 46256 ARCHITECT BETH ITEVTNE, ARCHTTECT 04/2t/2OO5 phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX 1825 AVPM co 81520 License: C000001-399 APPIJICAIIT NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 04/21,/2OO5 phone: 9?0-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIII co 81558 L,,icense: 251-A colrrRAcToR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 04/2L/2OO5 phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 341.9 VAIIr co 81658 License: 251-A Desciption: ADD 5TH FLOOR BEDROOM AND BATH, ADD 3 DECKS ON EAST SIDE, EGRESS DECKS TO CODE, EXPAND IST FLOOR BEDROOM. MOVE UTILITIES TOWN OF VAIL 75'S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: V-A Type Occupancy: ?7 Valuation: $300,000.00 Fireolace Information: Resnicted: Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUTTIOEV T-OPMENT @\=(, Add Sq Ft: 680 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 S0.00 Payments------------------ > 94,1?0.69 ['t-L'-\L.-o.,.L. Building--*-> $2,113.?5 ResnrarantPlanReview-> FEE SUMMARY S0.00 Toal Calculated Fees- > $4 , 1?0 . 69 Plan Check--> S1,3?3.94 DRB Fee----------- > 90.00 Additional Fees----- > $c-00 lnvestigation- > $0.00 Rccreation Fee-*-=---> $5s0.00 Total Permit Fee----- > $4,1?0.59 Will Call----- >53.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> TOTAL FEES-----*- > 54,1?0.69 BALANCE DUE------> Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEN| 05/06/2005 cgunion Action: CR see notice O5/L3/2005 cgunion Aetion: CoND asbestos report required prior to any demolit.i.on IIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPART!,IEI{T s0.00 'o+/zz/zoos vne Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS 04/2s/zoos gc O o..roo' * Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI!'IENI 05/18/2005 iIiIR Action: AP ||*tlt|**|t*ii|1.?||l|,li|*|***l*****'i+t****l.******)t*||||**+{*'+**t+++il|,|**{.l.*'.'.|'l*,t|*:t*+*******{.****+,|.:t*:t:f;l.:*:t:f:}*. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions ttrat may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agre€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI,JR HOURS IN ADVAJ{CE BY TELEPHONE PM' ,',/ ,' / ,/ /'/ OR AT OIJR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET /-r; SIGNATURE OF O o . PAGE2 **'t * *'* r* * **'t!t ***** {.{.* rf **!f,i.**rt**,s:ft**************,t:*:tr*,t*********,t*******{.*******t(,t****i.*{.**:B:B*{.********:***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-m67 as of 05-18-2005 Status: ISSUED *****'trt'**'t,!'i'li*****{.rf,*****i(**t't(**********!t*:N.!t**********:F:*********d.:**r.,t,t:t,F!t++*,t!*:t***t(*********t(:N!********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: Ml2ll2ffis Applicant NEDBO coNsrRUcrIoN Issued: 05/18/2005 970-845-1001 To Expire: lllI4l2Cfrs Iob Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 Parcel No: 210108119006 Description: ADD 5TH FLOOR BEDROOM AND BATH, ADD 3 DECKS ON EAST SIDE, EGRESS DECKS TO CODE, EXPAND IST FLOOR BEDROOM. MOVE UTILITIES Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.JIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond; I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. **'f******t*+****t*+tt +*********+*i++t++++l++++**************'|****,t************************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***t***'l**'l*l************,i*********+**+************++++++++++++++++++f+++*++*+**+*+********* Stat,ement Number: R05000062? Amount: i2,796.75 OS/f8/2OOSO3:01_ pM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: +279?7 lNedbo Permi E No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: BP 0010 0 0 03111100 RF 1110 00 03 rr2? OO wc 0010 0 0 03112800 805-0057 2101-081-1900-5 5OO VAII, VAIIJEY DR VAII' Northwooda Condos Unit F6 $2,796.75 Description Type: ADD/ALT MF BUUrD PERMTT Total Feea: Total ALIJ Pmt.s : Balance: $4, 170 .69 i4,t70.69 $o. oo ********************+**+*++++++++++++++++++++++*+*+++++++++*+*++*++++++++++++++++++*++++++** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current. Emts BUII.DING PERMIT FEES RECREATION FEES WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 2,tL3.75 580.00 3 .00 + + +*+ +************* ********* * *******r.** ******** **** ****++*+++ +**+***********++***** **'*** r(* ** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**+ +**+* + * ++** **** ** *+********* * **** ** * ********** ***** *****'t******+ ** * * + * * * * * * +* * +** ** *** * * Statement Number: R050000447 Anount: $1,373,94 04/2L/200502:00 pM Pa)ment Method: Check coNsT. hit r 'JS Notation: 27827 /NEDBO Permit No: Parcel- No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Pa)rment: B0s-0067 2101-081-1900-5 5OO VATL VAIJIJEY DR VATL Northwoods condos Unit F5 Type: ADD/AJ.,T MF BUII,D PERMIT FL ,373 .94 x ** +** ** ****,* * *'r ******* * * *********++** **:t* * * * +******* ***+ **+ +*** *** *** ** * *** ***** *** * *,i**** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmtss PF 0 010 00 03112 3 0 0 PI,AN CHECK FEES t ,373 .94 Total_ Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance : $3,490.69 $1,373.94 $2 , Lt5 .7s APPLICATION o WILL tl -@?E Nor BE A..EPTED rF rNcoMplErli"1rr#yr?.pr Building Permit #: MWN OFH B PLZATION tre 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION NS FOR BUILDI For P el # Contact E I ************************************** FO R OFFICE USE O N Ly**"*****************t*********t*rt**** F:\Users\JSUtheAnewBLDGPERM.DOC t ,-t5 6- General Contractor: /UitOAa G-srzuuro'u Town of Vail Reg. No.:pt/ 4 Contact and Phone #'s:Atcrr ?77-62 av E^il.ddr".tt 4U=r.re P --, COMPLETE T/ALUA flo NG PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ '3e,M)ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOrAL:$ 3&,@O ct Eagle counfy Assessors office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaqle-cottntv.com 2toto8//qooG Job Name: P, rr,- Rtsialzxr Rt"uoazc Job Address: 6a ur4tc u'4/-4'27 l21t ttz -fC y'.4tc (o Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:S ub div i s i o n : /f) 6 p74 4p p 4z j o*p;W\I , /24"<tlz _iI rM//Vg[w'#E il,fu" " fr Q/5 -ntsz "t"Phone:j/t) -t T_rb3 2 ArchitecVDesiotrer:6ETd AEi,-ut:Adflress: 6u/ lt?t- /+0.D1) (o tr/620 'nontt q-r, -/wj EnOineer:6"tr! ,14 Addr ess.. 6 a <, ltTjt izsc.Phone'.gyr - g7o,/ Detaileddescriptionof work: 4Al {lq fc rJL.t<J 7o (<.toE ,[*/4'<1 i Srf.n-t Biz)zu'.rr, mi,l. u/"ic, Work Class: New() Addition ( ) Remodel (><) Repair ( ) Demo( ) "-"r ( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) BothX Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y()Two-fami|y1;tt,t,ttit"'ity@ranr()other() No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: e No. of Accommodation Units in this building: / No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: GasAppliances ( )GasLogs( )Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Burninq (l Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) G4s LlSql ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes $4,) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes p{ No ( 214 ti: F s n Questions? Call the Building T o Ed t at 479-2128 Bu ilding Perm it Su bm ittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name: '2 T?,- ,Ror,4ran -.e ,Fu*ro" "r' projectAddress: (ry^., /l+,c uitC(l t)?/z tr 6 / This Checklist must be completed before a Buildino Permit application is accepted. -t- al pages of application is complete .a'-Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form -fl- Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex 'T Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $25000.00 (See attached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) -a- Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application Included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) u Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring / L , 4 'e-*rchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Mutti family) -.tr Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) d Window and door schedule -cr- Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) -€ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection a-- Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated .+ Smoke detectors shown on plans e Types and quantity of fireplaces shown I have read and understan tl submittal requirements: /t'_.('r Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: i0l{'Ar0f tilt F:\l.Jsers\JSuthe^newBLDGPERM. DOC Received By: 07 t28t2004 tl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permlt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremenls. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed tooy: flac+ir klts4o Print name ,/ '/ ' 4t.t ,/,/--(/t/" t Project Name:7.r4 a /,/ c It Date: 1ft t10J F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOC 07 t28t2004 PUBLE_wQg, Horv it rclatcs to Building Perntits: Fill out the atbched check list with the Buildinq permit Applicatjon. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a 'public way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at eiher Community Developmenf locaEd at 75 Soutr Frontaqe Road or Public Work, locaEd at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior trc signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locaE. A construction traffic control/sbging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and tie work zone, (area of construction, sbging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for considemtion for approval through he winter. Be aware that your resubnrission for winter may be denied depending on he locatjon of construction. SkeFch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, wid6.r and deptr of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to llre Public Work's office for review. If required, locabs will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates bke place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construcbon Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be conlacted as to he sbtus and any requiremenE hat may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (i) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, fre Building Deparlrnent will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse dre'public way permit" with a "Buildino Permit". P NorE: The above process is for uork in a public way oNLy. public way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if uprk is not complete. Re-apptication each lrlovember 15th does no| mean an automatic renewal. I I have and undersbnd the above. Signatu re F:\Users\JS LDGPERIM.DOC ' Date Signed 07128/2004 PRJ #: APPLICATION PW #: FOff TOWN OF VAIL parcel #: PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 20_ BIdg. Pcrnit #: B T0t4nm '1. ) Job Nanre Street Address ( ' uuknown call t. 4.19-71391 Excavating Contractor Nanle Mail Address 'I OV Contraclor License Nurnhe r - IIEOL]li\Ei) City State Phone # 3. Start Date CoDpletion Date (Permit Expi|ation Date) 4. Work is for (circle one) Water Sewcr Gas Elcrtric Telephonc CAT\/ Lanrlscaping Tcrnp. Site Acccss Othcr .5. Tlench-width Lcngth Dcpth (rnin. 4') Bond Amounl $ 'fotal SF $ zip Total LF 'l'otal Pennit Fee $Pernlit Fee $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENI', AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEV]CES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE TLIE JOB IS STARTED. 7. Rubber ourriggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the buckct and lugs shall be protected at alllirnes. 8. A signature below indicatcs a rcview ofthc area and utility locations and approval. Once all utility company signafures are oblained, pernrittce has option of routing application throrrgh thc Public Works officc to obtain thc nccessary Tol'n of Vail signrturcs. . Please allow up to onc wcek to process. Xcel Energy / Public Service Corrpany ( I -800-922- l 987) Xcel Encrgy Iligh Pressure (l-800-922- 1987) Quest ( l -800-922- 1987) Corncast Crblc ( l-800-922- 1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. I l4) Holy Cross Electric Corlpany (l-800-922-1987) 'l.orvn of Vail Electricians (970-479-21 58) Town of Var I Irrigation (97 0-47 I -2 I 58) THEREwlLI-BENo1.oTALsTREETcLoSURES!Ac0ns|roctio111l?|ltcconlrolplanntusLl]esulT)it[ed ptiot t.l issturrrce trItltc lrcnniL. 9. All excavation nrust be dorc by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). 10. j)clr01ilt€e nrust contact the I)ublic \Vorks Denattrnent at 476-2198 2 forfeiturc ofbond money. Scheduled inspections that are not ready may result in the Town charging the contr3ctor a rcinspection fee. I l. I certify that I have read all [.[rapters of Title 8 - Public Ways tnd f ropcr(y, of the Vail Municipal Code ancl all utility Conrpany agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilitics have been notified as required. Clonlritcriof's SiqtralrLlc rrf .,\grc'cncnt Plint name clearly l)ete ot:signatule ATTACIT PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TITAFFIC CONTIIOL PLAN White Public Works Show street with names, buildings, and location of curs. USE DASII LINtrS FOR CUT. Yellora, - Contractor F:\LJsers\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 07t28t2004 ll WHEN A *PUBLtr WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMI|": o o NOX performed YES ,.Or'rfijn.*" of the Right-of-Way, easemenE or YES Is this a new residence? Does demolition work beinq nr rhlir nrnnprtrr? Is any utility work needed? EI q o o o B Is any drainage work being done that affects he Right-of-Way, easemenE, or public property? Are there any improvemenb being done to the driveway ? YES NO Is a different access needed to the site ofier than the exisb'nq driveway? YES NO YES xsj<- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES NO \a of-Wgemenb or public property to be used for sbging, parking or fencing? ignature I Job or Project Name, P,fk,a Q,zs,,2t1rtaz .(aunozo. Date Signed:z/^t NO, is a_parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? NOX '/ //;/-, /t/eet /U€n (o Gt us'rz"r,-, ro,.t F:\Users\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC F. /o,ra^,d^a /f^r6c /hl.lno.m4 YES X NO \a is the Right YES If answer is YES If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obbined. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is atbched). If you have any quesbons please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS, Company Name 07 t28t2004 lr DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Pleasc read and chcck offcirch ofthc itcnts bclou': The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Flnal Certificate of Occupancv issuance, Agreed to by: fr' c.ra 'os*n #i,*;,* Project Name: Date Signed: F:\User s\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC MArE R rA L SIQBA9E i xq_EQ_Nsr zueTIg_N_pAB{ ntg Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSIS ON PUBLE WAYS PROHtsITED a UnlaMul deposits : S ubject to subsecbon C trereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks/ mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any ofter debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes anofrer to violate the provision of subEectjon A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any otier debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by fre Director of Public Works. in the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of tjme herein specified, tie Director of Public Works, or otrter auborized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. c Sumrnons and Penaltyl As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsecton B above, any pe6on who violates or causes another to violate tre same, may be issued a Summons to appear before trre Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. D Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsecDon B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by fre Director of Public Works, as provlded in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Secbon 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKII{G OBSTRUCTING TRAFFf & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper sfeet or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, sltnding upon any portion of a sb'eet or upon any place within tris Municipality in such a manner as to consUtute a violaUon of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under tre conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Sbtutes secbon 42-4-1102, as amended, he officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or otirer place of safety designated or nrainbined by fftis Municlpality, and the charges for towing and storage oF such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of fie vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 3: Ord, 28(1981) 5 1) I havc- read and rvill conrply rvith thc abor,c codc provisions: Positiorr or Relationship to Project: Dru6etigr$ufr eAnewBLDGPER [,4. DOC 07 t28t2004 II Town of Vail Survey Community Development Depaftment Russell Forrest, Director, (e70)47e-2139 Check all that apply Date: 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building_ Environmental-_Housing_ Admin Planning_DRB_PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate slow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_PEC app_ Bldg Permit 6. Please rate the oerformance 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) Name: responsiveness, availability) of the staff person who assisted you: 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of dav for vou to use the Front Service Counter? B. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commltted to improving our service. (knowledge, FlUsers\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t28t2004 ,,-fi) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: PITKIN-Northwoods Unit F6 DRB Number: DR8050125 Project Description: Enclose North and East openings, new decks Participantsl OWNER PITKIN, EDWARD M, & JUDITH AO4IOUaOOS 10911 BRIGATITINE DR INDIANAPOUS rN 46256 APPLICANT Beth Levine, Architect O4l0Ll2O05 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 Legal Description: Lot: Block: F1 Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS ParcelNumber: 2101-081-1900-6 Commentsi Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovalz 04l|l/2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become vold one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 KR M"o*.rnoG,'*.. P.O. BOX 4572 vArL, coLoMDo 81658 (970) 949-9391 (FAX) 949-1577 RECORD Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 5t11t2005 Northwoods Unit F-6 - Permit #805-0067 TO: DATE: PROJECT: JOB NUMBER: 0503-14 f,na I neenuarvorEs X nesporuse Z ctnruncenoN/cHAvcE The following record is in response to the Town of Vail's Plan Review Comment letter dated 5/9/05: The following numbered line items correspond directly to the review comment lette/s numbering. Structural Comments: 8. The framing for the less than 4l'12 roof pitch has been designed for a snow load of 100 psf. (see revised structural plans and specifications.) 9. Structural framing plans and details for the exterior stainvays are shown on the revised framing plans and details. COPYTO: Contractor Architect file Loren R. Hill, PE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Parcel # C BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ROUTED TO: DATE ROUTED: AppLlcAiloN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErEfflrrJ.:lf I:"& G A6L7 REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT COMPL ROUTING INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY******************r**tr*******:t***** MWNAFYAIL PLANNING DEPARTMENT: UTED TO: DATE ROUTED: YORN CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: ,MED&) Ccx,SI4,q Town of Vail Req. l{o.: Tst 4 Contact and Phone #'s:?lo 027-ozt g /ctu{ ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREc, DoRIS Contractor Signature: ETE REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERM Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT, $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ or Harcel * contact Laqle Countv Assessors Office at 970-32E-8640 or visit www.eaele-coLtntv.com Parcel # robName: Ft rt/ixt JobAddress: tr/ - Ncy'{r/t-'tOD{rb -/cc vht vryu,ry D2 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll riting:Su bd ivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecVDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: REASON FOR REVISIONS: fr D/yA3(ttJO dtf44/4 L^lf<C.&.'xlr o/\/ f O" C:\windows\Desktop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Btdo Dermit.doc 10t16/2A02 Department of Communry Development Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www.vailgov.com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Apolicant Nedbo Construction Patrick Pinnell FAX/Email #: 845.9979 NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAMEI SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Beth Levine proj# Northwoods F-6 926.2993 z Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 05/09/200s 805-0067 Pitkin 600 Vail Valley Drive R-2 V-A ? 680 s.f. addition The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code,2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International FuelGas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following aommenB will ned to be addressed prior to issuane of a building prmit: For processing:o Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. r Please respond in writing to each comment bv markinq the attached list or creatino a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail, specification. or calculation shows the requested information, Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit aoplication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, sionature, registration number and date on the cover oaqe of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans, For commercial or multi-family plojects all sheets of the olans must be stamoed. Architectura I Comments:I The original plans and building records show Northwoods building F2 is type V-A construction type, R- 2 occupancy type. Please amend plans to indicate the occupancy and construction type per IBC Ch. 3 and 602. 2 Please refer to IBC table 503. R-2 occupancies, V-A construction are limited to 3 stories. An additional story is permitted with the fire sprinkler system per section 504.2. 4 stories are allowed. If the lower level qualifies as a basement under section 502 definition, the basement does not count towards the allowable stories as indicated in table 503. Please include calculations for lower level as indicated in the basement definition. If the lower level does not qualify as a basemen! a fifth story is not permitted in this type of construction. 3 Amend plans to include bearing wall assembly construction details to show t hour fire resistive rating. Include UL or other listing for the construction assemblies. 4 Amend plans to include construction details for t hour roof/ceiling and floor/ceilings at all new construction. Include UL or other listing for the construction assemblies. 5 Show the locations of all property lines of sheet A1. Refer to Table 602 for fire separation distance requirements. 6 An asbestos test and report is required for remodel addition projects per Town of Vail ordinance. 7 Specify class B fire treated shakes for new wood shake roof areas. IBC Table 1505.1 Structural Comments:8 Roof live load (snow) is 100 psf for roofs less than 4:12 (TOV ordinance no.4 2005). Revise plans. 9 Include structural plans for all new exterior stairways as shown on the architectural plans. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans, In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested information ls included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Paftial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Sendces 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-0067. DOC Confirmation Report -Memory Send Page Date & T i||le L ins I E-mai I Machine lD 001 May-09-05 09:34am 9104t9245? TOIIII OF VAIL CON,|UITITY DEVELOPIG!IT Job number Date t0 l{umber of pages Start t l|||e End t ime Pages sent Status Job number : 926 925 l,lay-09 09:33am E9r3034424745 002 May-09 09:33ant May-09 09:34am 002 ()K *** SEND SUCCESSFUL +++ M.E|r.rt" of tun tt.raLr. Davet@n@a E tlHhEt .glUT -.ad rn4€data tua.r.es 75,tuud, AertAt o Rdd t &tl. Co@.& AzAiZ 9>H.E-2t3e FA.r(9.7H4-2452 atlt*t weatotou-cwn Errrlp,rryc saFE.r.r' arIDr rtusl'EcTrory sER\r-rcEs ;r-|.il Rll IEI t cQFlltF|\lTlS! -A.chltect Eriq srnitfr Assoclates Cratg EtrunE ProjrFor+L33.OO cralgGD\rf elccohsFucllorr.cotTl 3c)3.2142.4745 -fOr FA:</ Err|-ll 4t r Conti'dor/Aapllcant JL Vlelc! Co nstructlon NIJIIIBER OF PAGES:FRCtrr.t:E"\TE:BIJII-E>ING PER,'y T' T|'! C'\A'NERS NA]|'E! !-fTE AE E R!SS!G'CCIJ FA.N 6T G:RC'I.!P. TVFE OF GG'N TTR.I'CEIC)h| ! I\|IJIT'EER OF :STORIES! EI,ILE In.G AREA. 2 Chrl6 Garnlon, Elulldlng PlEns E<arnlrrer o5/o€tlzoos BO5-OC'69 ColdsEarrrt Condo Assocaatlo rr 1476 \A/eethaven, Elrrlldlrrg #4 R-2 3 er<lsdrrg -ffre docufitent= subrnlttl.d tbr ttrls pioJect ha\ae t een rewlSrrved for cort.|pll€nce \ dl*i l*r€ 2OO3 IrrErnlllon.l Bulldtng ;€, ZOc)St intSrnatlonal Fa.6ld.titlll Coge, -2OO3 Intern.tfot1rl Mechanlcal Code, ZOO3 Int€rnail;nEl FiiCl Crs Codc, 2OO3 fnt-rnauonal Plurnblng Code and 2OO2 Natlon.l Etec6'c-l Cod. s3 rnodfffed and adgpted by the Tot/vn of v.ll- ,-t a tbtto*ltttgt a ntntqtb Jettt .red b Da a&& PrroF b t*.tt.re ot- bzftdr.rt, Perrrt2t pnrli I,.lL 2jJ!* l',t s"l!|, -dqo,q0Joll sI R t| cI I 0t o-"-'"-*o ' KRM €r{suLTAt{Ts, tltp. Elu*J 1,11"'t P.O. 9fl|3'il . vril-gd.firDo trct '6tEl frAJEdf,t Dnp RECORD llo.7127 ? . 2/6 T0:l7fElnod!,d19 P.a o p?u0e.Opl (F,|rlQlr577 rxl{Or,llrst'| ucFmmqtcll{I 5/t8'2005 No.tlnf,oodc F3 l€moda{ fl rcearerota fl aesr*e E cumlnc,E,ruAa ttrc fottwlrp dro'Ero Frft€ Dcso mdc lo tlr rtrEhinl (rardmB p€r a vbil to lht gb ofl 0Sl E/(E: 1. Addhloml L\rt rohE $el D. srbff b .d3&t'fl|nrrg b hn| iln crrhr |rk t tu htt | lavfl. 2. Dus to !||o lld &d 0ro ugper noor cotrciru||3d h€rl tt dtc Gd tidc ot 0b udf dl]Bc0y b'||! otl lhc c.nlfrcwtld eludrnr bilm d thr htrot bor, tho (+l 3n1l0 !f2 LVL! n|ly ba ttducod lo I sl|lila LW, 3. Tho eddr'g ghdt'tr b.rm in m sdt d flry b cut H to r[or 6r ttrr rbr doc oFiftte. ]lar aG {nrdt a'hrI n rncO bencdr tr. €fd of d*i ai b.frt -tig t5. th. hnn&, k 4. fhc (+Aa cd t cr $pporttrg tho slt ed oft{r oar oisdor d.ol mty bcr on 0re Gr(Fthg Umbar ralhud to drinhg ml d ib tq{r t|ts olfte hdlfig rilh s SttlFct pd.balc S. Thr rDddf coffite fl |t lro flfln ||ld ttt t h qr qr rE rtglcrt *n Cr'l lf|x|G Lltr. Tl|c addru Jdrt3'dl hv't b hrq d of 0r n|rDln *t Shrptt lE ottt 6r ilrclnf grtd ilil 3 d a) 3. Tha n* crg h plro concnlr ftxn$dor ds ri 0|o froil ot rlF crt rmt m fECaaccl rirlh tr CMU Uoa* w!A!. GcG dff |€dtoclh a ot4). Town of Vail OFFfififfi OOPY c@t70, NED0O Eeih !rylrrr flr pnr-Po6? RGrtftV ill' d r'* $" 'A *irt I t, l! : - ? !99s_ {',{.9"!!1,,.w[E 0,8,[10 1l $ I n U cT I Oils-,.r_.s,g tlo.7121 P. 0/0 P.6 KRM CONSULTANTS, tNC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Cotorodo El65E . (970) e49_s5e1 Denver i -BoO-gB4-_ gJgt r'.c,r*- l=., ,- a_---T c^taa11rE3 gy__lEl o.E ot/lglos Cl€tr( gy- , :: Orfi o. - 3/C e l'-0 , fiLH,F:#"&" *z l-12:_O x to' A-B.'s c 40- o.c.rN CONT. IREATEo Zx6 L ffiL t/z' glip. MAT'1. Tvp. f COi.,C. SLAB PER PLAN STOI{E IBIEER PER ARCN{.CO{T. BONO BEAT C TOP OF WALL ty// (Z)-#5.t cor{T. t/2'. t x +' gyp. ix e 2'$- o.C. SID. lf,RE fi,INT REINF. HORIZ. o t6- o,c. f+ orus r lT c 2+- e,C.li rN Fuuy 6- BRqJTEO CELL5 (2)-ls'r CONr. HoRtZ IOP & AOT, b PERIUETER DR^]N PER SOLS ENGINEER iff-lgtrJ} !19!r t.:,tg.P.t51gt{.Emq-C0tlsTntlcll0il6-e6-esG rororallo.iflle P' 3/0.s KRM CONSULTANTS, INC- P.O' Box t1572 Voil, Colorodo El656 (gzo) 94e-9391 DEnver 1-800-984-9391 c^.a1.11;14 j'JF-.--- orr (3)-2112 STBINGERS-hl zttz TREADS scREvtEo .r.iro srrutcEns, ffi.2xt0'c O f6' (N) wL3 As. RE0'0 t> ie, i* ler I !o ii itl I I 1z I I qt .\. x * tr) to e, tat rt x N rat z z I () rFi-i =i,,=i"ltit-tdt= *=--fl '-1---f'--t --t-' l,F*,Y;*i{';F,J'* ;.;1 ;'ef *Fi I -- i' I I J G' o :? tn I tii Itr ili !t iir f, IE ll ts lH r! -f Hnylr3t lL2.0JIs-+,,{.qll|..off0j9j0il$TnllcTIoL*_.._* tr**;#lJLsP, t/6p.4 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (970) e49-93e1 Denver 1-800-984-9391 rU? rrvry,!_- yrrrl ! vrrrs'irE- 'tvw,_rr ttrr rs G tqt.l'tlD l?orr -.9!4.4!-gtfr !v OTIE !19 (o RAtmoAJD nE . 1- RETAIMNG WALL / TNTERLOCKED AT CORNER --/--n"-^-$c e-.g_T'Pt $ .L:E-d Ei 3i Ei rl (),gt lll I 'i I al GI 7--I D. /i I I I Nl Ei ri Cll si I I I I @i' \\ L-:.- ll x9 +F::ii'-'______ _ij .,.. rl lr It LJ Ir rl ---------H rl rl rl n tr rr ll - g ' l--:-J.{L-' ---------- , !ll il -- -----?r.l I uNlT 6 -_ ./- cur (E) GLuELAx O!€R TTATI BACK FOR NEW oogR. PAo( t{Ew (5)-?$ EENEAIH GTUELAM DOTrlI TO (E) FotJNoAnq{ waL (SOUfi SIDE OF LOU,ER wtNoolt I J---- I I I T----f EzEtJ t7+j___IfqJffi_ I [:-: r-l -:r- i/- - nny.qa1 J-,e; 2.0.9!s. 4,1 93!|,.*l F q B 0 c0 tl $ I R U cT I 0 h=_rr._rr*l;li,zJte P: 5/6'.u U KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81656 (e70) e4e-e3e1 Denver 1-800-984-9J91 1ge Northwogtls Unit Ffttmodel . JO5OI-14 - LRH '" -g!l!.949-- rl | .:-- - --- --- - - - - -l- r---- -- --;i ri i-f-- |-*:b o an a !t E a o iT--:___-ll tl --s- - -lJ-c-!::-- '' i ii I rH- -r I F_EJ I IO &sr-r=zs-- - -ii - ll rl tJ--- (3)-2r1o's w/ (1)-2\6 TRIM|iER AND (l)-2x5 KING STUD EA. SIDE. TYP. UNLESS NOTED OIHERWISE ,- DEMO (E) CONCRETE -ulArlJtEUL (E)-.psrs IIAIE BEEN SHORED UP ;'l\ = | \-stMpsoN rtnJun . I 3 . 2005s g : 05Pllrufr{E080 C0IISTRUCT l0flsg3-eit=% - F.O. tc|( 4rzt vltL coLoRADo ArC! o KRM corsruLrA^frs. rNc. 'rylq:Jgllrsi P' 2/2p.t. ||,?0l e.Sg r |Ftn g.*rtrt D.|rvaare{alsl & NEDSOCcrdrudlon rTlannftr: Fetrlck Or Howrrd tn+rEct Norlfr*porls Untt F€ RemodOf rnE3Erlr^y Blrq Hoirfd and Lororl FIELD REPOHT glrl: TEEE DlDt/ttT: ntElr En! stlJllcft 050t-ra 96-@,t'7 440/2D0tt "3tipm ttrAffi orcorcltrt * Findrurgh rhfrml fnrfng rpvlff 3:30 pm . '*o"* ?atV,*l Thlr r'g! thC fter froming flvlc'v brftF pfltae. Tha folowiag rtcmr ero notGd: t' ouctosmHrcofovcrhsl!9-.lol{lhc;.lamdsifthasndun,mlodderfarnclcrrgsirurf&eslnvnon thr roof framirE pbo on 9a. -esn od ft,scia lg sfrrawary *eqriu n meOl-- '- - - 2' Tha upper lgfi sdcrior wlndon hctdcr cong ttrr E!$ at$rauon. crn bo lnndt wllh tF ftt aGE. t, TDa (a-aflz domcr vethy barrs cm be .tucl'ql to thG Copi,q Lt L bcrns witrt StmFEon LSe6_ 4' LvLdudgehsll tlpta€gtha-&Pttlt|qrndsrtc.dtsiregfthcrrwdooropedngforthsncwclogfon $E arst d?vrrion lsffrtg our ro ttc ner eera Oo,-rl-irc nnn qno mur'rii#-6#ne gr'c.l ;#nfrgffi Pccs Post ry m€v bc $cd to connsd tb burtrr foorodadorrredtpoaero rtrrrhld c. The ahnpcon pqt[ atp nar€orr mal De llptacd wnh .d?1 "r,s-to ird oF3/4. diamaor bclte th,Errgh aach lw on rha nqdh cnd of rhs rhrrrt rfuor s*t arr t+-glr; ir*na?; br'nf'fifth ;h b9 on $0 $urh trd of thr thlrrl floor decL lo conform to the surdural drlwlngt aE rpccif,ortionS, G9rFv to: Contricto. Arrlrit d tlfe olhemi€g, tng ffamlng rniruE o a {:? .a!!l $ a kr.1{fu,i TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTO VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Incation.....: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 ParcelNo...: 210108119006 Project No , flrj O-ooly owNER PITKIN, EDWARD M. & irUDrTH A05/L3/20O' 10911 BRIGANTINE DR II{DTAIiIAPOIJIS IN 46256 APPLICAIIT THI'IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 81620 Lricense: 112 -S COI,|TTRACTOR TH['I., EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 8L620 License: 1L2-S os/!3/2005 Phone:970-949-4638 05/L3/2OO5 Phone: 970-949-4638 Permit #: 405-0029 86--.aob?Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05113/2005 Issued. . : O5/2512W5 Expires . .: lllzll20f,5 s276.25 s0.00 9216 .25 1276.2s 90.00 Desciption: ADDITION OF I SMOKE AND SOUNDER, RELOCATE SMOKES AND SOUNDERS ON 4TH FLOOR-Enclose North and East openings, new decks Valuation: $1,100.00 Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call-------- > TOTAL FEES-. > Approvals: ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENT os/20/zoos JJP- FEE SUMMARY Total Calculated Fees- > Additioml F€€s----- > Total Permit Fee---- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUE..-.- > s0. oo $0.00 s0. 00 $3.00 s276.2s AcUion: AP .a|+tl||+|'}|!t++|lt++rr+++++++irl**l.i+t|,ttt+++||+++t+.-":::::"::::-:-:::-$l+d,t|tlt|lot+||t1.+|,|t|'t,|tl.|+tiatt||,|.|:ri.?:rtli|iii*|i'+|''* DECLARATIONS I hereby aclorowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM.Rf,QUf,STS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MAI)E TWENTY.FOUR ,tt*******+++******+**+++++++++********************************+***************+*+++++++*+***+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ***t***i********************t++++++++++************t**************************+**'i*t******** Statement Number: R050000586 Amount: Payment Method: Check Electronic€ 15625 $276 -zs os/2s/2oosL1 :50 AM Init: DDG Notation: Thul Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : IJocation: This Payment: BP 00100 00311110 0 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 405-0029 Type: ALARM PERMIT 2101-081-1900-5 5OO VATL VALLEY DR VArIJ Northwoods Condos Unit F6 $276 -2s Total Fees: Total ALL, Pmt6 : Balance : ;276.25 $276.25 $0.00 ********+*+++*++++*++**************+**************++**i******,t*************************'i++** ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescripEion Current Pmts FIRE ALARM PERMTT F'EES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4L.25 232.00 3 .00 Project #:rdeS 06)Building Permit #: i,##l['1f;;-a#,rs$47 TvwNwYAn TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATION Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm requared at time of 75 S. APPLICAnoN?LL NOT BE AGGEPTED IF INGo]$PLETE aoolication submittal CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Alarm: $ Office Frontage Rd.81657 2* on the Vail, Colorado for Parcel # J L Fire Alarm Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.;Contact and Phone #'s: M,L, T1u,l COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Contact Easle Cou Assessors Office at 970-328-8UO or visit www. Parcel #2to roQ, \\ q OOr, Job Name: ? t\\.,r^ {.e:rdan,o rtNo&o\JobAddress:oN8rtE\}i.iiltI. D { FL, Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: I Filing: . \ 1, I Subdivision: \t\Crv\\r, . .'r-,i.,{ *. Cgn,.lir . owners N"r",EA,rrn.,r !,\\_,., ll Address:\ty\t\ Brrq.r,"rh*,, ilr\h, ll Phone: Eneineer:3tr,.," L,[Q Sokr" llAddress: ?u ir" inl5 tr,.,,nur,lttnon"' t1o qrr({ qni\j Detailed Location of work:(i.e., floor, unit #, bldg.\ln,* F-u. #) t)Dolr {4o).'.r Detailed description of work: Cr r\ r\,h rin tf 4- t-uv.c,! l f, :-,Ct,tvr A. t^r,"t to ttrk Srrr oI p > + , Qt4,\l't i'erlr.., it ir t Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) nemooe( ) Repair ( ) RetrGfit ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) TwoJamily ( ) Multi-family fyf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing D^/elling Units in lhis building:No. of Acmmmodation units in this buildino: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ($ No ( ) .. ll Does a Fire Spdnkler System Exist: Yes (j No ( ) { $A- p[rcWfrpern ' ePl4Paac9e'.o'-tLtx , "' {/t wair\daia\cd€v\FoRMatqq614,re(*""ERM.Doc r-F- I "4r-', /07t24n002 I rl] ts rt {r I fr i*':h tt* l '{r i ,it _|'t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 Elcctrical---- > DRB Fee----- > lnvestigadon-- > Will Call---- > TOTAL FEES- > Permit #: Status . . . Applied . . Issued. Expires . EOs-0082 Bo5 - oaoT : ISSUED : 05120120[5 : 05123120[6 .: llll9l10f,1 o9lNER prrKrN, EDWARD M. & JrrDrrH A05/20/2005 10911 BRIGA}ITIIIE DR IIIDIANAPOIJTS rN 46256 APPIJICANT DOIIBIJE Q ELECTRIC 0S/2O/2OOS phone: 970-749-9790 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 81532 License: 190-E COTflrRACTOR DOITBIJE Q EIJECTRIC 05/20/2OOS phone: 970-74A-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS co 81632 Licenge: 190-E Desciption: REPLACE HEAT, ADD PLUGS, LIGHTS AND SMTCHES, MOVE SERVICE Valuation: $14.000.m 9109 ,25 s0.00 $o. oo $3.00 ir72.25 $112.2s $0.00 s112 .25 $r12 .25 so. oo FEE SUMMARY Tohl Calculated Fe€s- > Additional Fe€s--.---- > Total Pemit Fee------- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUB------ > Approvals: ICEn: O6OOO EI-,ECTRICAIJ DEPARTI,IENT os/20/2oo5 Js ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTII{ENT Act.ion: AP tno*r"r*r oF coMMUNrry nBv#pvr'Nr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 Parcel No...: 210108119006 hoject No | ?r1 o6-oo f g CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ***,1.*** ***t***++*+ ++* ++** ************f,+**** * **+*****t+*+*++******+*** *'i***** * ***f **+*++* * *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *****l+++*++++*******+***********'t*l+******+++++t++*****{.****************++f*+++*****+*{.**** Statement Number: R050000654 Amolrnt: Palment Method: Check 72985 $tL2.25 Os/23 /2OO5O2:1s PM IniTs DDG Notation: Double 0 Permit Nor Parcel No:git,e Addre6s : Location: This Payment: EP 00t"00003111100 wc 0 010 00 03112 8 0 0 805 - 0082 Type: EL,ECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-081-1900-6 600 VAII, VA],I,EY DR VAIIJ lilorthwoods Condos Unit F5 irlz.25 +**+*** * ************ ***** ****+*t*+++*+*******f******* * *****++*+********* ******** {.** +++**++* * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account code Degcriptlon Current Pmtss Total Feea: Total ALIJ ttnt,s: Balance : $tL2.2s $112 .2s $0.00 ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES WILI, CAJ,I., INSPECTION FEE LOg ,25 3 .00 651L9/2865 AB:16 MWNWYAL 75 S. Frontrge Rd. Vall, Colorado t165t s7a-748-sff DOUBLE O ELECTRI APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED IF IT{COMPTTTE OR PAGE 62 .t. :ftw}Euilding Permit #: Elecfical Permlt #r 970-{79-2149 COiITRACTOR IN FORUATIOI{ Electrhal ConFactgr: Da.rblc. e 6;Uztrrt<. Town ofVail Reg. No.: E -r1o Contact and Phone *'s: Bauce- \+t ?- Bt31 Contractor Signature: ?r .*rr,....*, o}|crujc: C / COi'IPLETE SQ. FEET FOR t{EW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & trtateriats) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURET ELECIRICAL VALUATION: $ at970-328-8640 or forParcet# Job Name: zr _-'""*'Pmut latwytt-JobAddrcss: uPlT'FA lcC t)Atu. Yka,e tL, lcaal Description I Loe ll Btock I rifing:Subdivision:oEfl=W**t Edm' etr,^a-svts na -Phone: Engineer:Mdress; t^gtt;^r1#,tttt /t YSl,51rl Phone: Deulled description of wo*: e,Ou.o zrqr.rlar'or,*aD. NL eu-qt,l-t;h1.t .r$ 3t-(-b*,nnn- ftlL Wofl(Classl New() Addhion( ) RemodelAl,I Repatr( ) Temppower( ) Othef( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both b4 Does an EltU.erdst at this locatbn: Yc ( l No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: SingFfamily( ) Duplex( ) Multl-fiamily(f Commerdal ( ) Ft€Eburant( ) Othcr( ) No. of 6<isting Dwelling Units In thls.buildlng: ,No. of AmmmodaUon Unfts ln thls bulldlng: ? Is this permlt for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No b4 Does a Firc Alarm Exist: Yes ( - I No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Extst Yes ( ) f'lo ( ) +rt+tr**r**** ****r*****rtr*r++{++*.*r**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**t***t*+t**t*t**l***l*+**.r rttt.lali F:/ewryor:/f anti/dccpcrm ;\i *,'4 trf:' o NT TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 ParcelNo...: 210108119006 projectNo : f7,, ryf-oOlg J r'- owNER prTKrN, EDWARD M. & JUDTTH A05/20/2005 10911" BRIGAIiTTINE DR INDIANAPOIJIS rN 46256 APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTIOS/20/2005 Phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY EIiIGI,EWOOD co 80112 License:338-S coMrRAcToR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTIOS/20/2005 phone: 3O3-792-OO22 7025 SOIITH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD co 8011_2 License:338-S Desciption: ADD AND RELOCATE FIRE SPRINKLER FOR REMODEL Valuation: $1.500.00 F05-0026 B o5-oot J ISSUED 05t20/2ms 06/01/2005 Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- ) Will Call--- > S0. 00 Restuarant PIan Review-> $3 5 0 - 00 DRB Fer--------------------- > s0. 00 ToTAL FEES-___> s3.00 FEE SUMMARY $o. oo Total Calculatcd Fe€s-- > $0.00 Additional Fees-------- > s416 . ?5 Tota.l Permit Fee----- > Paymenb--.*------- > BALANCE DUE--------- > $415. ?s ($23?.00) $0.00 IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT IICM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT O5/25/2oo5 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNA oFo OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Rug ""0t" =rt"p.1 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U €d?8 Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: R PERMIT APPLICATION Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and Rd. must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted 81657 without this information: . A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.LC.E.T. Level fII (min) stamp. . Equipment cut sheets of materials. . tlydraullccalculations. . A State of Colorado Plan Registration form. . Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. *f 6ti"*vt* it RFe,gffif+&M rr ( La bo r & M a teri a I s ) mwT0p 75 5. Frontage Vail, Colorado oo .o, +': +** * i ** * ** ** * i* Jrr. * ***+ t// '*o*********"FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**n**-J:!***'iJ.***-Ji-!:r***:r***.r.:.:..::inii**--+* Other Fees:Date Received: -Public way Perrlrit Fee,:Accepted By! OccupancY Group: - it ' ,-r,-..:.,r ?iai tdA./ 1 Contact Assestors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit wvvw.for Parcel it @d9. Permit # is PgjdeP abo"e) z\o\ rob Name: il2p7H aaap2_21rrl?rt*n rob Address: 66Ay*ZAary pP tr- L Lesal Description ll t-ot: ll elT! ll ritins:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engrneer:Address:Phone: ffid LoAEfi;ilom (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #)uutr r-I 6paaa>rpan ffiscriotion oi **r: *DD * Ptlzs-*rE-F/28 922,'tr#zF2-C_ f"? ne/4ab€/ Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel (4- Repair( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other ( ) ivpu of etdg., Singte-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (--ftommercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling gnrts in this building: 3 No, of Accommodation Units in this buildino: ffiNo(Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: ves (4 No ( ) Ag :-1.',1': -- '^ "i t-* Town of Vail Reg. No.;Contact and Phone #'s: a| aa*Al€ F i re s nri n k I g'rf6n r:tY S :Zs-, !6tf erfrz P F :/everyone/forms/sr:rkPernt ooq q 1q zt1 L o o EXISTING SPRINKLER LOCATION AODED SPRINKLER LOCATION 3 o. sl EXISTING SPRINKLER I-IIEAD RELOCATED 4 o o o o GENERAL NOTES: 1, SCOPE OF WORK IS TO AOD ANO RELOCATE SPRINKLER HEADS FOR REMODE-. 2. ALL NEWWORK TO MATCH EXISTING DESIGN PARAMETERS (NFPA I3). 3. ALL NEW SPRINKLERS TO MATCH EXISTING (TYco LFII coNcEALER). 4 MAXIMUM SPRINKLER SPACING To MATCH ORlctt{AL (16'x'16'). 5. NEW PIPING TO MATCH ORIGINAL (BRANCHLINES ARE 1' TYPE M COPPER TUBE), 6. AtL CEILINGS IN REMODELEDAREAARE FLAT. FIRE SPRINKLER KEY UNIT 7 AREA OF REMODEL EXISTING BUILDING F NOT TO SCATE NoRTH 'fit?r. 0ats: \.s *.i \ t\" a-\ u r r<t{ rNb "u'lly Err ri $.j, 'iJ, !'. \'Y !,.-. a """''- 9-: - cfi{tp6 U,W e19 #\f _'rl' !: Alan W. Bnrch, Projed Manager Western Stales Fire Protcclbn Cc. Nicet Level lll Reoistratlon f 108440 REVISED FIRST FLOOR PLAN.I...1 MAY I r-,LI 2005 Sprinkler System Layout E-XIST|Nq F 'oY S'ALE 1E' = 1r0"NORTH SCAL€ 1E' = 1'.0"NORTH Signature ct U F I Oel 5 A8 UHb .3 bis E 9 Fsa E fi H€flE O EiE g .= i;s s FE ;'gR ! -U F€$ r 'G UH E # nr t-r X a4 I L q) +J tt\q) '- J UJ o o E IIJ e G: <D 2. d. ;8 ts =#- O(J 5 te v, i j o as o-oa =8 - E o z tl dl t-(, @ @ t .{z () z q = t o z 3 t o lo Q b rri F o :!***1.**++****'+*rl'**++t*.****i.**++*****f+***++*********+*+*********++*********+++**,i*:!**rr++t**+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +**,r***+++*********+*f,********+***+*******+****f'****t++**'********++*****'t***'t************++* Statement Number: R050000721 Amount: gL79.7S 06/OI/2OOSO2:18 pM Pa)zment Method: Check STATES hit:,Js Notation: 4885/WESTERN Permit No, ParceL No: Site Addregs: Location: This Payment : BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 F05 -0026 TtItr)e: SPRfNKLER PERMIT iL79.7s **t'l**++*'i****f|.*+t+*+******+*++****lr**+**++*+*********++**********+++**'**t**t**+++**f,**:t*+'r ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account, code Current, EIntE 2101-081-1900-6 5OO VATIJ VAI.'I.,EY DR VAIL Northwoods Condos Unit F5 DeacriDtion Tot.a1 Fees: TotaL AJ.J, Pmts : Balance : $179.7s $1?9.7s $0.00 SPRINKI.,ER PERMIT FEES PLATiI CHECK FEES 63,7s 116 .00 li**rrr,.nr oF coMMU"rt" o"ntpMENr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970"4.79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0107 For - dobT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 Applied . . : Ml02/2W5 Parcel No...: 210108119006 Issued , . : Ml03l2Ws ProjectNo : rfri Og-Odg Expires. .: ll/30/2ffi5 \,' owlIER prTKrN, EDWARD M. & JnDrTtt A06/o2l2o0s 10911 BRIGANTINE DR INDIANAPOI.IIS IN 46256 APPLICANT SWEDE'S METAIJ FAB 06/02/2005 phone: 970-39O-LL76 P.O. BOX 801 MINTURN co 81545 IJicense: 239-M CoNTRACTOR SWEDE'S METAL FAB O5/02/2OO5 ptrone: 9?0-390-13-?6 P.O. BOX 801 MINfi'RN co 81645 IJicense: 239-1,4 Desciption: INSTALL HUMIDIFICATION SYSTEM Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplac€ Infornation: ResficEd: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SI,'MMARY **i*:l**t**tl*t***'14+t,itt|.t'i:it't't rt,*,*'*1.*{.****ilaa.*tt{r+++:t'tt,ttt:i Mechanical--- > S120.00 Resnrarant Plan Review- >$0.00 Total Calculated Foes- > $1s3 . 00 Plan Check-- > Investigation- > will cdl----- > $30.00 DRB Fee----------------- > $0 .00 Additional Fees------- > $0. 00 S0.00 TOTAL FEES > $153 . o0 Total P€rmit F€€------ > S153 . 00 $3.00 ItCm: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 06/02/2005 Js Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIF.:E DEPARTMEIIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL.D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. cond: 22 (BIIDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO IIAIIUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'II{C, CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BI,DG.): GAS APPIJIA}ICES SHAI'I.' BE VEIITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 A}ID SHAIJIJ TERMTNATE AS SPECTPIED rN SEC.806 OF TIIE L997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPIJY wrTH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 oF Payments--------*- > BALANCE DUE-.------ > $1s3 .00 90.00 TTIE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 Cond: 3L OF THE 1997 IMC. (BLDG'): BOII-,ERS SHAL,L BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. ITNLESS IJISTM FOR MOTNIrING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AND CODE AIIATTYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{ANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REOI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOILERS SHALIJ BE EQUTPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ) (.< +f******t*+f+*+++t***t********+++f,******'i*tr+**+++++**t +**t**:*****t+***********+****++++**,**f TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +++******t******+++++**+********++++***+**'t***+***+++++***+t****+***+++*+***{'******+****++*+ Statement Number: R050000740 Pa)rment Method: Check 148 5 Amount.: $153 .00 06/03/2OO5O9:48 AIvt Inits 3 IJT NotaLion: Swedes / ck Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thia Palment 3 MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 2101-08r--1900-6 600 VATL VAI,I,EY DR VATL Northwoodg Condoe Unit F5 Type: MECHATiIICAI PERMTT Total Feea: Total AIJIJ Pnte 3 Balance : M05- 0107 $1s3.00 *+*lt'|t*f***it++*f,**f,t*********++++****t**t********++t++*********t*++**f,**++++*******f****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts $153.00 $153 .00 $o. oo MECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CAIJIJ INSPECTTON FEE 120.00 30.00 3 .00 MWNOFUAIT AppLrcATroN O. *o, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErO, rnrro Project #: ffisit,g,Fffi n Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFOITMATION Building Permit #: 6c.i ocr (- 2 Mechanical Permit #:- oto7 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) le to include: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 AO RECDMAY26zOO5 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanicfi ---> '(-<L. ontractor:- / / \ {, ,)/,4' I Ll Town of Vail Reg. No.: ,2,'1 t'' rt I Contact and Phone #'s: 3,/S- C,q, T) ,2>czct ti'2(- E-Mail Addrp;u-\ '*xw','t--"*--- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ***************x******x*FoR oFFICE USE oNLy******x********************** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-offr Accepted By: DRB Fees:Date Received: le Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit '.com for Parcel .# Parcef # J/a tc:f ll )Oo C rob Name: \, \ Ki^-'?53:iir' "1T,,.. t^ttu.,tt'-7 De Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners trame:).{{* lljjldrss: ","t,t,J.,Ff rl A"4 l-e ll Phone: Engineer:Address:Phonei Detailed description of work: p,.:ftra (t ft-w"tal/iLt..-il;* :yS {<"c<-{ WorkClass: New( ) Addition(y'Q Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family 0,0 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \Wail\dala\cdcv\F()lLN4S\l'jFRMlTS\MECI tPIiRM.DOC \$'o't t26/2002 *+,- trr ;l I ..J NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES tno*r" r,.,r oF coMMUNrrv npvptpvrEnr Permit Status . . Applied . Issued. Expires . APPITTCANI PITIMBING SYSTEMS, INC. 05/20/2005 phone: 97O-39O-7763 PO BOX 3879/tO68 WILDWOOD, rINrT2 AVON co 8L620 License:. 277 -P CONIRACTOR PLUMBING SYSTEMS, INC. 05/2O/2005 phone: 970-390-7763 PO BOX 3879/L058 WTTTDWOOD, UNIT2 AVON co 81520 License z 277 -P Desciption: DRAIN VENT, ONE SHOWER, MOVE ONE ELECTRIC WATER HEATER. RCONNECT 3 GAS LINES TO RELOCATED METER Valuation: S15.000.00 Fireplace Information: Resficted:1? # ofcas Appliances: ?? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.,...: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 ParcelNo...: 210108119006 Project No :?rj a7-aa f / owNER pITKrN, EDWARD M. & iIUDITH AO5/20/20O5 10911 BRIGANTINE DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46256 FEE SUMMARY #: P05-0052 Eof -ooO7 . : ISSUED .: 0512012W5 . : O5l26l2ms .: ll/221200.5 Plumbing--> Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call--- > Restuarant Plan Review- > DRB Fee-------------------- > TOTAL FEES--------> s225. 00 9s6 - 2s s0.00 $3.00 s0. 00 $0. 00 $284.2s s2e4.25 s2A4.25 t2A4.25 $0.00 # of Gas Logs: ?1 Total Calculated Fees-- > Additionsl Fees--------- > Tolal Permit Fee------- > Paymens----------- > BALANCE DUE---_- > # of Wood Pallet: ?? Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENr os/2!/2oo5 JS Action: AP IIEn: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. // ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 o latf+*+*+*ttt++a++**t+f+*++++l'+**+*f**++**t+*****l**+'t*+***t*********t*+**+***+***tf**++++** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement l+++**+++++t**+**+**+t********t*l'********t*+f*+*************+*****1.**f***********a*******+** Statement Nudber: R050000599 Amount: $284.25 05/26/2OOSL2l.29 P|Ii Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Ke1ly,8 1607 Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Addregs : Location: This Pa)ment: PF 0 010 0 0031123 0 0 PP 00100003111100 r{c 001000031128 00 P05-0052 \4>e: PLT MBING PERMIT 2101-081-1-900-6 5OO VAII., VAIJIJEY DR VAIIJ Northsroods Condoa Unit F6 $2s4.2s ***t******t ***{'**+****t+f*****f+1.**a****+*++++++***i***********************************'}t**+ ACCO{JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript,ion Current Pmts Totaf Fees: Total AI,IJ PmIs : Balance: $284 -2s $284 -2s $0. 00 PI,AN CHECK FEES PI,T'I4BING PERMIT FEES WILL CAI,I, INSPEETION FEE 56.25 225.00 3 .00 Mav l!t OS l1:4la NWI{OPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165z Ker I s?n j'28-6o43 p.1 Town of Vall Reg. No.:Zrr-tr Contact and Phone #'s: Tl'l-oqzl coMPtETE VALUATTON FoR PLUMBTNG pERMrr (tabor & Materiats) Contact Eagle Countv Ass6t Parcet# 2,OroRt llOC :orc Offrce at 970-g2g-9640 or visit for Par@l # rob Name: tb"t+r."a WJ-TZ,robAddr*st ffiV*,l l@Dr, Legal Description ll Lot: lf etoct<: ll rilins:Subdivision: Owners Na me: El"rnrzt T;tE 4pl,t^f"lguffisw rg", g.fg _ le)l fng!netr__Address:Phone: Detailed description ef wedq3 -S F"", *. Ei*hL t ln (l m Eea*-*I Z616 f,*o.J, ?el',cal.,,t prefr.-S, work class: Nery ( ) 4qaitionp4' nRerationp Repair ( ) orher ( ) - TypeofBldg.:Single-famity( ) Duptex( ) Multi-family)gcommercial ( ) Restaunnt( )other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in thls building: Is this a conversion from a wood b a ************ ****t?t>tr***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*************rr****r********r*********{ "8V' Other Fees:Date Rece ived: DRB Fees;Accepted lvi Planner Sign-off: /1 .(rtt ;t Vo* 2"o*.-lLYqF o * #'ry "q,'\. '{#' t Requcsbd hspect E ab: Tuesdly, July 12, 2005 In3pacton Ar€at CG SlteAddre3s: 000 VAILVALLEY DR VAIL Norlt|mds Cond,oq Unlt F6 A/Flf,l Informadon Adtuily: ffi7 Tfpc: A.MF SubTv!€: AMF Sbtrs: TSSUED ConrtTlTi: _ 9cc.-u.p_cncy: (he: V.A InspAtr : CG Oilnnr; PlTKlN,tuchilcct BETH L A. -Jr fuchfr.C{: EEIH LEVINE, ARCHITECT PioTF: 97G92S5{XX, ADpllc.nt NEDAOCONSTRICTIOI.I Phon : 97o€4$1ml Cohbacbr: NED€OCONSTRI0TIO}.| Phonc: 970€4{l-1001 D.*dp{on: 499 6ll| FLlpR qqq$IIf,AND qA]l1. APD Phonc: 970€4{l-1001 ; C'N EAST SIDE, EGRESS DECI(S TO COO€, EXPAND 1ETFLOOR EEDROOM, frIOVE No[ci: ,IEWFRAMII.IG AND FOOTER DETA nment ROIITEO TO CHRIS Ct NlOl{. }{ATT . JllOi.lDRAC'Oil Comment ROIITEO TO CHRIS Ct NlOl{, }{ATT GENI.IETT, RRE ANO PtJBLIC Urc,RKS. - JSUTI'€R Commer ; 44fd_[!g_cott0ctoni r.gul]ed. oommentD In F:bdov\CHRIS\PERmT.COITUENTS\A(F0O67.DOC - CGt'NTON LETIER IN FILE. 0fl17/05 Inrgaclor: cdsvls ComTNENT REVISIOI.IS SUBI,ITTED ADORESSII.IG COf,'MENTS AND ROUTED TO CHRIS GUMO}I. t.IO ADDED conm.nr y#:S"l$J:ffi5$or*,ohsstuo6.ccuNrolr ,^,i, ; t I \., , Reouos d fnspcctlon(sl _----t''' lbm: 90 BLDG#lnal RequesEdThe: 0l:30ffi F.quGlor: NEDSOqONSTRUCIIOII Plrom: 977N{Conirntils: PM, unlt F6. CO AsrlgnidTo: CDAVIS _ Eobr.d ry: OGOLDEN K - Acton: Tlme Exo: COM|mNT TFEUTStF9 AM AND 2 P[l| FIHFFrAtrmlT HNAL A AND F RML INSPECTIONS I A \\ n \-/\) \(V \ l-/ ,)"/ r,V I \ /\\ \ nts V\ I\\ J/\\ C\ V s.\\ U' ^,1\' , / rnsoccflon r{rsbrY ^\t Att/ fbm: ??E FtREoEPT.t{onRcATlofrl 0I\\ il.Y liom: 10 BLDG-FootnEJStort -ADo.owd" \ ,\{ \ -\ \06r"3'05-lnsp.tior: JRlt.' Actlon:APAtItROVED v \ \\comm.nt 3 s'ottlo PADS TtEEs ANo FooTERS \ \lbm: 20 BlD@FourdrtlodSd -App.ov€d" \\06l?fl00 lnre.clDr: JRll Ac0on' AP APPRO\/EO \r Commeril:lbm: 3I) BI,DC-Frcmlng -Apgoved"(Eqgoo -lmpccbr: JRM' Actbn: ON D€NED Comm.nt m'mfiff. .SPRINI(LER ROUGH },|cIT YET hISPECIED OglOO6 lr}3Declor:- GCD Actbn' PIPARTIALIIISPECIIOII Comm.]{: I rDD H251S fi) RAFIERS. 2.ADO STtf,)S rc = 9 TOTAL 4ffr FLOOR 3.OPEN EXTERIOR WAIL TO CHECK FOR 5 A€ sTT'DS SI"'BTIIT LETTER FROf,I ET.IG.Og14(F Incprctor: JRM Acilon' P{PARTIALI}.ISPECTPN ComMENt CCRRECTIONS FROTi dIO FRAMI}.IG INSPECTEIII CORRECTEO AAIDAPPROVED REPT131 Aclbn: APAPPROVED Run Id: 3406 Cordlnued: Commenl: Commenl: All ?ramina compl€ted It€m: 50 BlDc-lnsulatlon - " dppaeved *' 0&14105 in$p€ctor: JRM - Comrn€nl: 3RDAND4TH FLOoRONLY 06/20105 Inspecror: JRM Commont: Actlon: Pl PARTTAL INSPECTION AcTIon. AP APPROVED It€m: 60 BLOG-Sho€tcck N6tl " Ap$rDved - 0d14/OS Inspector: JRM -' Action: Pi PARflALINSPECTION COMmeNt: SHEETROCK PAIITIAL 3RD AND 4TH FI.OOR ONLY 06/20/05 hrsp€clor: JRM Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOII Commrnt: 1ST FLOOR ONLY 061221g6 lnsp€ctsf: GCD Action: AP APPROT/ED I Comrnent: t Item: 70 BLDG-Mlsc. '" Approv€d r- ' : 06r1.lr(F Insp€ct'or: JR[l AcUon: AP APPROVED , \ i' /Commant:btlr{TAPPROVED il,l/ sr/ h€m: 07/1lr'OS llrgp€ctor JRM Acilon DN DEl.ltEO v i) i,l'. Comment. O€NIED AS OF I AM rtrflD 2 PM FIRE l-lAD NOT FINAL A AND F FINAL ll.lSPECnOl.lS,/-\ftemi ?1 P|-AN-ILC Foundation Plan ''/ t ' | \ Item: 22 PLAN-ILC Slte Fl*n / / ' il \ / ( t ",^, "'J '!\ /h'. !/, tr' 1/',,,1 v .,\r. t\ \t li /^-+\/:n { 1 r\i /t \ .'t,t \J, REPT131 Run Idt 3406 o Inspectlon Request A/PrD Iniormadon Requested Inspect Datel Inspecuon Arear Slte Address: E0$tX)82 Typs: SELEC PrrKtN. EDwARo r.HfiffilTli. -rt DOUBLE OETECIRIC DOUBLE O ELECTRIC Friday, June 10, 2005 600 VAILVALLEY DR VAIL Nortfiv{oods Condos Unlt Fd sub Tff: AMF Act vW: Const fyFa: Oivncr: Appllcarit: Conkactor: Descrlptiol: Status: I$SUED hsp Aroa: CG Ftnns: 97G748-9780 Phona: 97G74&978t) REPLACE HEAT, ADD PLUGS, LIGHTS AND SWTCHES. MOVE SERVICE Reqge€t€d lnso€c.don(s I Item: Requestor: Corflmentsi Asshnod To:- Actlon: Commont !nsdgc-Hisbrd. |a'5 ) r':,1t&\- ;i,*o- t" t20 ELEC.Rouoh DoUBLE o ELETTRIC rn '1 / Yt /'---r-/\ | vti Flequested Tlnre: 08:00 AM . Pfione: -or- 97O-41&5137 Enter€d 8y: DGOLDEN K fil u lu,.''f rrt 12/tf1t L t a"'i'/.L71 -/ ,-- tV- I'r )Lr |/') ' "l) tte.n: 1 10 Itrrm: 'l2O It€m: 130 ll,elrt: 140 tt6m: 190 ELEC-Temp. Power ELEC-Fouoh 09/zgo5 hspector: eornrn€nt: El,EiJ-Conduit ELEC-Mh.. eLEL-Final rri Anrowo ' " Actlon: AP APF,ROVEO 6 REp?l31 Run Id: 3289 t OstT2'riF- --tmpestton RequGsfReporttng- ----pa-se-1E- 4;03 srn_=-___: ___.__ VatLCA- Cky Ot Requ€sted Inspect Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 lnspecuon Area: CG Slte Address: 600 VAIL VALLEV DR VAIL Northuoods Condos Lrnlt Ff AlPrD Inionnluog Requestedlnspecdon{s I lE'm: 190 EtfC#lnal Type u3€ Sta'tus: ISSUED Insp Aria: CG Requeslor: OOUBLE O ELECTRIC i Bruc€ Conimetts: Northnrooq€, F6 / roqusstod ss lale PM os possibla Ass|on€d To: EGLATZLE - AcUon: Tlme Exp: tnspecdq!|t-llglery 9tem: 110 ELEC-Tsmp. Power ll€m: t?0 ELEC-Rouoh -'ADDrov€d "-(El?6/05 Insp€ctor: lW ' - Action AP APPROVEO Commsnt 06/'10105 Insp€ctor: lpv Acilon^ AP APPROVED Cornment Inspected 3rd floor.lst l€vol compbt ernak€-up lt.m: 130 ELEC'Cor*lutt Itsm: t4O ELEC-MhC.lEm: l9 ELEC-Rnal Requested Tlme: 01:30 PirN Pfton€: 970.41&5137 Enl€rod By: LTILtiliAN K REPTl31 Run Id: 33{4 t{ar/n uroo4.a urtif4: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us DRB Numben DR8050125 Project Name: Project Description: Northwoods Unit F6 Enclose North and East openings, new decks Participants: OWNER PITKIN, EDWARD M. & IUDITH A04/01/2005 Phone: 10911 BRIGANTINE DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46255 License: APPLICANT Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: 0410I12005 Phone: 970-926-5099 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Northwoods Condos Unit F6 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Fl Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108119006 Comments: See conditions Motion By: Second By: Votei Conditions; BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action! STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 041 LL12O05 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. .Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Additlons-Residerfiial or Commerclal eenetal fnfunnadon: DcDartrEnt of Con nnfy DrrdoF.ttgt 75 South FluEe noql, v. , ColnEdo 815!7 d: 970.09.2139 fa; 970.479.x51 wS: t$fi,.€lglorrom A[ prqs .€qnhg de!*n rEr/iR rnlst ,€en,e sppmnt trlil to erb|nuhg a but fng pemft .g9Him. Fterse rder b the $6nlttal rqpil€rrEntg ft t'|e F|oorlar apgoval that B rcqueied, ln aPpEcabn ft? Desryr Reyisvr anrDt be acetEd lnu at 'eqJirEd hlbrEtatoo b Jrcdwl by th€ cfirmlffiy Oevelopmcnt Departnent lhe polct may abo neEd to te reviewd by he Tonn Councf and/ot thE Plemlr€ dd Envimrnenbl ConnnE$irn. D.s'rgn recitr tpprftal lW unhrr e builtlfu|g Dennlt it ilaEd ild cdratrurdon oDrnnrcncts withh one ye.r of 0|c appolat aa- a,- nScaf Mdress: pe:qlltto.{Z!!!gda (Conbd Eagle Co. Assssor lt 970-328€eO frr percd no.) Zoningl llam{e) of Owne{s):a,'/+ I JtEt7" P;/hr-^ Meifing Addrece: x Ourner(s) 9tgnffim{s): ilalnlof Appf€nt ilaiting Addrces: Phooe: ,,Yn-ffpW 'orninlo*ta E-malf Addrcss: Hh lcr4zarclt d rax;C?ttaullzl. Wi T'ypeof Rarieurard EeJ D S|gtts O Conaepu€l Rs/deu, O &trconstnrcuon .F-jddlton tr HinrAlhratiar (mrt6.ffity/drrnudal) O mnor Afuratbn (tfngbrdniry/4d€x) tr ChangestofmoAPns CI slpn-r€on REqnesf 03/1sl200t 15:38 FAx 317 805 0014 ULRICH CEEIICAL tgogz f-e Application fior Design Revieur '4) dcn+t o lz r $50 llE $1.00 per *uare tod d bhl sign area. flo Fee 16S0 For cosunctim of a ncw buldrp or dgrrq/bEst/iH.$3m For an additirr wlnn rqoc foobge is .dded O any 'rddcnfiat or cornnrsdd hd.fng 0ndrd€t 250 adfiXrrB e irdlor c(r|wdotrs), $250 for mlnor d|rngps b hjldnos md stu knprq,€nrqrB, odr r. r€rodng, FEinUng, whdon addffons, bnrbgiqt, fues and retalrhg mlb,eE A0 For trfu€r changes b hildngc ild ft impror.rncdsr gld| 6, reiodng, printing, urindor addfims, lanGcapeg, Emls and nlahing wallE et fao Fof Grri*rns b ilang elr€ady ap9|gtred by Plamlr|g sb{T or t€ Dedgn Rcvbw 8€nl, t{o Fee REC'DMAR3i ZOOS fa+ lfttt*>u'L z.d esEZ-9?6-Oe6 ualol aurAa.l qa.g eeo;oI so aI .rell E(i P.O. BOX 1231 VAIL. COLORADO 81658 303-476-3486 Fax: 303-479-9093 To: Town of Vail From: Jim Akiq General Manager Match29,2003 The following unit Remodels have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee of Northwoods Condominium Association: - Individual Owner Projects: F-4 - 5d' floor addition, remodel kitchen, deck enclosures for living room and master bedroom F-6 - 5tl'floor additioq new decks, 4'X 16'oneastsideof level 4and5, anewdeck 8'X 16'onlevel 3. enclosure on ground floor in east and north sides, all utilities to be moved to new enclosure Approvals ofthese projects are conditional on the owners following the Procedures for Approval ofArchitectural Changes Requested by Owners established by the Association. Regards, James B. Akin General Manager ls P \) F:ds d \U *. '+ N 'il J J \l $?J \) F $.). {)z \J J rs t"._ -J -€J '<T :.\{- .\J J.J-? \l. \u .3L rc +)f, t- .J \.1\- ) $z- .)t \ :'-J \) i-'t\ \J \{P s h *. \\ v f)rt !J .3 <. 'N s t 5 R .{- l. .' Effective Policy to Proposed TO BE 3.The estate A Fee fitle to EDW 5. The land 8II AND 4. Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. VSOM2224 Cust. Ref.: IUM UNIT F6, NORTHWOODS Iuly 23,2003 at 5:00 P.M. Issued, and Propos€d Insured: Binder interest in the Iand described or referred to in this commitment and covered herein is: or intered covered herein is at the elfective date hereof vested in: M. PITKIN ANDJUDITH A. PITKIN tor in thic Cmmihmt is described as follows: UNIT F6, AND PARKING UNIT FP{, BUILDING F, NORTHWOODS CONDOMIMUM. TO THE CONDOMINITJM MAP THER,EOF, RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975, IN THE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER, OF EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE 'S DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECI.ARATION RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975 IN AT PAGE 8IO OF SUCH RECORDS, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI.ORADO.BOOK 243 The following Item (a) intercst to Item (b) to-wit: Item (c) and Item (d) THIS C PURSU ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section l Our OrderNo- V5C[fl2224 (Requirements) the requirements to be complied with: to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fi.rll consideration for the estate or insured. instrument(s) crcating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, j of all taxesl charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due requirempnts, if any disclosed below: IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POUCY WILL BE ISSUED HERETO. 4- The policy or of to the satisf l. Rights or 2. 5- Easements. mspecuon Any lien, not sbown {Defects, attaching value the Taxes or Liens for In addition. 6. 8. 9.RIGHT OF AS RESER PAGE 511. lo.RIGHT OF UNITED INBOOK BUT NATION BOOK 187 THOSE WHICH l2- CONT 810. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 I (Exceptions) Our Order No. VSffiO1ZZA i to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unlecr the same are disposed of the Comilany: of paflies in possession not shown by the public records. ; or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. es, conflicts in briundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and 'the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. right to a lien, fior services, labor or material theretofore or her€after furnished, imposed by law and r the public records. i encumbrancest, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first 4ppearing in the public records or 4uent to the gffective date hermf but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for or interest or ms6gatr thereon covered by this Commitment. ass€ssments v/hich are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. warcr and sewer charges, if any.. the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, nored in Section I of Schedule B hereof. OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, IgOs,IN BOOK 48 AT AY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE ATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905, I AT PAGE 5II. COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEMURE OR REVERTER CI.AUSE. RESTRICNIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION. OR ORJGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1965, IN T PAGE 5T5. VISIONS, COVFNANTS AND CONDITTONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRTCTTONS. A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMNruM UNIT DESCRJBED TN SCHEDULE A, AS IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975, IN BOOK?/3 AT PAGE AGREEMETIT DATED AUGUST 21, ln4 BETWEEN VAIL ASSOCIATES,3. CROSS The policy or of to the INC., A PORTION INSTR SPECIFIC 16.DEED OF PITKIN MANHA OTHER UNDER ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No, VSC[fl2224 to be issuep will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of the Company: ORADO CORPORATION AND VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT DECEMBER 23, Iq7'IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE 809, AS IT MAY AFFECT A SUBJECT PROPERTY. I AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC LINES PURPOSES GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ASSOCIATION, BY VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION BY RECORDED MAY 9, 1979 tN BOOK 285 AT PAGE 253 IN WHICH THE TION OF.THE EASEMENT IS NOT DEFINED. ;, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF NORTHWOODS CONDOMINUIMS. UST DATED DECEMBER U,2W2 FROM EDWARD M. PITKIN AND JUDITH A. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF CHASE AN MORTGAGE CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SUM OF $675,000.00, AND ANY UNTS PAYABLE UNDER THETERMS THEREOF, RECORDED JANUARY 15. 2003. N NO. 820119. Note: A) The B)A T C) The the Note: in the nurgrn does not on which Note: title whenever Company legal Policy Note: of issued) A) The B) No C) The D) The E) rf within for as to as may No has Note: This excepuon, A) That holds B) That surface Nothing referred to FoT,D DI SCLOSURE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSIJRE STATEMENTS to CRS l0rl l-122, notice is hereby given thar: real propeilty may be located in a special taxing district. r of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County 's authorized iagent. nation regarqing special districts and the boundaries of such disrricrs may be obtained from of County Ccimmissioners, the County Cterk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. ctive September il, lgg7, CRS 30-10406 rcquires that all documents received for recording or filing r and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may rcfirse to record or file any document chat rnform, except tsat, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms pace is providedyfor recording or filing information af the rop margin of the document. rrado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Anicle VII requires that "Every shall be responsible for all matten which appear of record prior to the time of recording he title entity conducts t}e closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal resulting from the Bansaction rvhich was closed'. Provided that Land ritle Guarantee )ts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on (he Owner's Title the Lenders Policy when issued. ative mechadg's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion no. 4 of Sche{ule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's policv to be compliance with the following conditions: has been construction, improvements or major rcpairs undertaken on the propeny to be purchased ix monfhs prior to the Dafe of fhe Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which a condominium or townhouse unit. or materials have been fumished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of on the land:described in Schedule A of this Commitment within tlre past 6 months. 1 must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifuing the Company against un-filed 's and malerial-men's liens. must receive payment of the appropriate premium. liens will include: disclosure of certain construction informarion; financial information seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium ftrlly Indetrmity AgFernents satisfactory to the company, and, atry additional rcquirements necessary after. an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. will be given uDder any circun$rances for labor or material for which the insured for or agreed to pay. to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: 4plies to owrcrls policy commitmnts coutaining a minersl severance iosuument exceptions, in Schedule B, SectioD 2. is recorded eviderce that a mineral estate has been severcd, leased, or otherwise from tbe surface estate md that there is a zubstantial likelihood that a third party or dl itrterest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and mineral estate may includc the right to etrter and use the property without the s permission. containcd will be decmed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages unless the above conditions arc fully satisfied. ,/01/02 We state that we Statement In the * From * From * From * From * From Our We access or connection Our We may CStaIC to enforce One of the domain. Right to Certain to whom @rrccuon, c.harge a All reouests shall bb in v *to *to to ol may law to In !v Muftiple If we fromus. JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National rinancial Group of companies/chicrgo Title Insurance company and Land Titlc Guarantee Company July l, 2fi)l of our business' we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sourres: ze and rcsp€ct the privacy expoclations of today's consumers and the reqlrirements of applicable federal and i .laws.. we be liwi that irakiirg yo.u. aware of liow we use your non-pu-blic t;;6;al infofitid i;p;;#i "),-Apg 1-o whom_it is discloseif, will.form thg basis for a rttationstrifl o-r-inislSiiivetiffi'di"iii'1.ipu:dt*.j1:Hr.lg^sggyl.g.-=o..-"J{nltt",,.*planation. we reserve thd rigtriio cndngiihG Frtvacy m tmrc Io ume conslstent wtih applrcable pnvacy laws. ications or other.forms_we receive from you or your authorized representalive: : lransactions with, or from the services being plrformed by, us, o'ur affiliites, or othersr intemet web sites: ,^qu"gE Tcgqrgraintain{ by goveflrmenral entities thar we eirher obrain direcrly from rhose or trom our aftlliates or others: and or other reporting agencies. Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiatity and Security of Your Personal Information and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information or Servicrs Igp^yl!! p^9T_9?l-9ry.!191tg!ul^.ptod!91 or service, you may receive more rhan one privacy notice alologize for any inconvenience tbis nay cause you. fsical, electronic and pr.ocedural safeguards to protect your Personal lnformation from unauthorized )n. we mll access to me personal Intomurtron only to those employees who need such access in providing products or services to you or for other ll:gitimate busineds purposei. -- ---" - your Personal.Infoqgfoq with our-affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real nt service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: brokers or representatives to provide you witfi services vou have reouested: arty contractors or service providers who provide scrvictis or perforni markiting or other ori our betra.lf: and XiTJ[[lt wtiienter into joiru marketing agr€ements for products or services that we believe you we will djsclose your Personal Information. when y.ou.direct or give us permission, when we are required so, or wnen we Eusped rraudulel+ or.cnmrnal activlties.-we 4so may disclose your personal when otherwise penirined by applicable privacy laws such as, for exiinpie, wneir aiscrtolurc is needed rr ngnrs ansmg out ot any 4greem€nt, transirction or relationship with ybu. Tl*-T.r_ryryibjlrliT_olpp: "lour affitiared.companies is to record documents in the public documetrts may conhln your personal hlorrnation. Your Persorial Information and Ability to conect Errors or Request change or Deletion a$ord yo.q th^e right to.access yog fersqnaf -tnformation and, uqder certain circunrstanoes, to find out Pers,onal l ormatron has been qisclos€d. Also, certain states aff.ord.ygu the right to requ*t lnior detaion ofiour penon:aln-rioirriiici-. w"*fi;rffi;lhi, iiiiiS?riblffi"By r"*, ,o tee to @ver the cosls incund in rcsponding to such requests. - #u,tjii"H"llf"f?8fi,4*,lf#[g*o,*"n or companies/chicago ritle lnsurance company Privacy Compliance Officer Fidelitv Nati6nal Financial. Inc. ,1050 Calle Real. Suite 220' Santa Baftara. CA 931l0 FOfN PRIV.POL. ++ +* **** +* ******* *** +** ***+ +++++ + ******* ***+**+{.'N.*+****+****+****+*******f,+******+i i +**** * + + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * ** *** **********+++ ++* **{r+******+ **** * *****++* +***********+* *******++*++ +*** * * * ***+ *'}*** * * Statement Nurnber: R050000313 Amount; Payment Method: Check Levine Architect $300.00 04/0l/2oo5o9:52 AM Init.: LC Notsalion: #2472/BeE}] Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: DR8050125 l\pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA 210L08119005 5OO VAII, VALLEY DR VAIL Northwoods Condos U[it F5 Total Fee6: $300.00 TotaL A.IJIJ pmta: Balance: Description $300.00 $300.00 $0. oo ****:f****'********'1.**+**'t**,**************'****++++**+*************+**+**{.{.*{.:t *d.************1.** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 0 010 00 03 Lt2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 dl ol ol +r | (.).=t tr .^.tl €H {l o e19 cls: $ R d; g F F r-rl ; -- o, o\ -l- ?1 ^ /-\ Elr € tt I € (J € B ?' t .d. z .tsH -.t t-) ah ol | _z .EI E E €1.= 7 -qt d a <fl'= o -l ts> -d 8t€x s ct tr- a €16 gD .'!:l .,' = \i J1 ritgiE t El F=oE -ql ESOj -UlF r __j *l EIEESs (t .E €2lo *E r$Q .El X.^trrn El€ " fN EIE i +s' lq :9 - LjJ t;, tll o''7;<:- Y t!l f-6 Lr)(=O c\, CD E =F fi E \ I I I I ilr* ulwy :'41dp4)1.&z _A /,,A4 \-*"" I a.blPtc. J-\r-l l, l' ap+ "El +tl ol (l)l .Et E.^.El €r <l o(f<i cln I $ $ 31fr 8"x $ Els € Et o E c C) .a E 7 E \OO ,:z 'ES g'l,J .2 .91 | .t ...,t ri E €l.E a <l'E I ri litg F F EI EH gt3 bh > .=t ,- = \i lz [flIie 8 GIX-,a!'il x'E x r{ .HIE ' Yd 3l Es€:Atz 6 > J ql .E I (n v:l ^nE .^10 .El x.^ H $'+il ! ii : rir .EIE { gN AlZ.r t\$\ Vq #EX >> !l ,. Lu= bcEh 27't P u'r tu 6ar trHi; LtuA+P ?1,e8 Ml -y.o! nl,.etl $ot (l)l 9t ()6l ,E?{l o9s rlls I $ $ slf ?eH !tr c) IA B o 3 t .t \fo r'r. Z 'E5 Ft ,J v, ot I EI E E €t = a <l'E 9 -d ol o'tr R ol€ a\ L-elC- r-g6 -aE i .=t h= -1 J ritEie I TI F*qE .Ht€ >:d EIE € S S Ut .s E$€r$(t) *f$ -gt x.^ 6 '€l .tlx; 'El EF-?EIZ .i $l Vq Upt*#ttq* qA? ftl lri )k .ki\s sr\SN .:- F:t ,l sJ 4fi9 :s<o '' i;, E l* l" rr o[il z:'i < Ru"_ Pfliii ob) d-..' ffin*=:-:u t$'+ IaTHP- Wrytrlnb FrAqW 141" 1l4FO ?),.ee? Ftffi t lt- F /I t,,tr' I $AiJ ti*'- -**-t fl 'EI E,^El ^e.F $Fi$$ ! \J .a € 'E \oo t:z EE ?tt ) v, .91 I .: 'i-l tr l, -:lt ,= =-91 c v)<l'E I i ol o'tr :ot€ ^ i dt tr- -€t6 gE ?'*l .2, tl v J1 rilgi6 8 Tl 9qPE sl i{v-.r '?l E r -r s.l =l 6P'6:o-,lz 6 > J t0 $ \ll gt)'E \$ (t) <h ^n E r{\ EI> 5.'!il=!a v .EIE : tr Lrt rv'. i Al Z ca $\ q/q I \ \N =\ -tPS auA F).t;rt LU h 6ccI z="r,a\l!''r\ A ti trF{L * (/l A--*W- () >.^ox C' \r-./ \r v?sEE bd;$R Io'66 Eo-ss 3€Et 9 'tr O rr,. ,t, \,o 'f se lr.!g _tt ) (r2 EI T E €1,3 A <l'E I .d (l)l o'tr ()l't' /^ L Ol o >' r'. >€l O g...!'., 6l{ s; E F(l E=oE 5lE s ?d EIE € S S t'l I ?$.P 'E$ .or v) q1 E qn 8 lI'.Fl Z-! 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BI{ S; E El F=oE ctl > .€ (J '01€ >:ca EIE E F 5 f0 \ gN E$'a aa glE- $ EtE: S % r9{ =:l! 2 ."5<C ,: fiF l} ft- Lt-O*o- =24 ;t \J tt -)^-rr P [i:{r- ,-\ l---(D k- /,* t{A7 &ilw *+- P- h4.ffiytrupTh{ 'dol x co c\ c.l F- (.) cn .+ \o ol c-o\ ol ql r-rl 5r1 ol (uI c)I Lrl <l o -lN gtK I .tsI co e )l - n ot xx .rts Y flo 9 Alo: < (J vl .o 'k z ah a .a t'- J c) Fl t 3 ts>o'tr € /-\6 xc-ogill g?:x>oo X-a 4 6t rl .il>-^ 5 ='e 26> !r' a o I bll x dt x tst€ o .=l k .l &tz ; I \ N {N \) \-\ . I I -.f ,r"^VW 6AW li N :l:ti {__-_r-" I lTll L-r j---l I r".t il ll ffi._._- uFs;-1 +{-,-.t IJ€h|.: )cAw ffi#Wr Wp#kMr UAITb u{+rr 1 nffi,W Project Name: ENCLOSURE OF DECK Project Description: ENCLOSE LIVING ROOM DECK UNIT F5 CONTMCTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 251-A ProjectAddress: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR UNITS F6 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Fl Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210108119005 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8030367 08/2912003 Phone: Location: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS ^ ( -a \.-{-^-,\_ \ t- L" Pafticipants: OWNER PITKIN, EDWARD W. & JUDITH A08/2912003 Phone: 10911 BRIGANTINE DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 462s6 License: APPLICANT BETH UVINE ARCH OB | 29 | 2OO3 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. BOX1825 AVOM, CO 81620 License: ARCHITECT Beth Levine, Architect 0812912003 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Licenser C000001399 Motion By: Second By: Voter Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 09124120Q3 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Pald: $300.00 06/07/2001 13:52 FAI 31? Bug O? o3 O9:26a l. EOs OE1{ ULRICS CEIICAL rf levine Rosen wo$2/0ol p.3 s?u26-2sss Application fior Desfign Review ,frffiffilsffi'im' i E,z1,o7 o".icerAt "rPfrml' oesq'tPtion d rfie RoquesE r'uQt vc@n ,6're(P - ttu"iwi0r*,- t"ocdof| of tfieEogoeal: parcd r{o.: Zlolo h lnoa--e *g[e6- Ass€ssorat9?G?S'S610 tor parel rx .)PhFnEd fddrecst zonitu!itt- ilam{5)dowrEr(t:l! wnrym O.rs(e) s.gnetln{s): Nameof Aelbnt:OZ€eo il.itingAddrcce:PhoncE E-nnil Addtcs$@.cbrn fYpadnavlcsaOd Fee: o ggF g c4lce@.|Dl Reuid g Ncsco.ctu(lbn T. rdduoo " ilSffi'**t mhorAfrErddl (dr8le{btfirds9lq) chnEetD Affrot'Gd H'ns Stoarernfiue* qodcYYast6dt'l6ion' EXE $.(n Ft t$ate ffi of El Csn ar6' ffiqE*gfffi nndo, nltit0, wttow ffiF.1* **v rpprorrcl bt ?H'nhs edr rr tJr Delhn na,gr lo'rc al or s). ntd (? tr o tr $s |{o Fce 1650 rBo0 12s0 w s20 NO FeG ,I Buildinq lrlaterials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls bcerior Ughung Other Notes: PROPOSED MATERIAI,S Tvoe of Material Color (u lh.a+ 6 nalu+ lJovt?+tt oo, Please specify the manufacture/s narne, the oror name and number and attadr a coror chip. Page 6 of t2l02l\7l\z Aue .29. 2003 7 r37AM CONSIRlJCT IOI'I E DBO o No,3484 P,l/l P.O. BOX l23l VAIL, COLORADO 81658 303.476.3486 Fax: 303-479-9093 August 27, 2003 TOr Town of Vail FROM: Arturo Brillemlpug SUBJECT: Fall Th? follovring unit rcnodds have boen applovrd by the fuchiGcnral Ravicw Commirtee of Northwoods Coudominium Association. r Individual Owucr Projccts: o Uuit F.I * Fire Sprinklcr reurfil ald balcony cr$ansion. o Unit F-4 - Firc Sprinkla rctofit. Fire Sprlnkler rcrofiq balcony cnclosurc and garage dock €mcl.o$[e. irc Sprirklcr Eirofrt and balcony enclosure. fiit F-7 - Fho Sprinklerrorofir. Unil F-8 - Firt Sprinkla retrofft, o Unit 4-14 - Balcony cnclosurc, balcony additions, dormcr addition. Approvd of thcse projects trc coartitiouat on tiie own*s followiug the Procedures for Approvat of Architectural Changes Requested By Owners esteblished by fie Association. rdg€ r oru Lad Title Guarante Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBTJTION Drtc! 0&'U-2|nB hoprty Addrcss: OO{X)MINruM UNTT F6. NONTTIWfiX'S EDWAttr prtf,IN c/o f,Et[ t syINE P.O !O)t l&5 AVG{, CO tt6u} Pbln: ]lg)re0llt Ftz ylot9ltGll9l Scrr Vh Fu OrrmerNmhr: Y300O2124 ' r+tr G rr _ l- ladTrtleQ^narteerfrt runqr{rrcrs Ilrle: ln.lr-2|lfit Our Order Numb.r: VSO|J/J'2jN|/ Propcrty Addrcs CINDOMII{IUM UNm Ft' NOFITMI(XDS Buyer/Borrorer: TOBE DETENMINEI) Sdlct{Owncr: EDWAru' i[. PTTKIN AND I'DITTIA PTTTSN Il you hrc rny ln4ffes or r'.qdra ttrrthcr .tdrtrnce, plcare orrted onc ol thc nmbcrs bdow: For Cloelng Asdstence:For Tltb As3lstrncc! YdTrhDqL Rot r Avlh l0l S. Flonrrge nd. W. f203 P.o. Box 3dl VsL Co tl69t Ptronc: 9l04tG2l}51 F r: 9t O-,41G4SE4 Erd: Rrvlh@lqc.cou Necd-a mep or dlrtcdonr lor upcor[lng clod4? Chcdr qtt trnd lltlc'r web slte rt lfww.ltgc com ENil'IEGTIITEES tor (&l|Cl TEANK YOU I1OT YOUN OXDENT . . ! . c \m ", in rt r"l' r{.9 4wJ r-r. ur. i4 nfi iv I rqlg€ .t t,l , F l^TtdTlde I,N)ITIIEGTH\TTE(IllHlil lm,tICE Orrrn EDWAID M. PlTlgN AI{DJUDITTIA- PITI(N hopcttt Aftc's: CI}{D(IVIINIL]M IJNff F6, NORTII$TOODS Yorr Xefcrerrc No.: WtrD ttftnfrry b 0ls or*r, iesc nf,crcrrc orrr Or*r No VgXXtEtl4 . CHARGES- ffion donBirder $r7s,00 --Total-$l?s.m Ple[e Erl@ drd.r F'dc !o! Lld tldc fusDe co|tw P.(} Bor !t44) Dcrwr, CO gtrU7 r|r!,E a er r OfcqgontbIrtfieoeCry ALTA COMMITMENT Schcdtrlc A Propcrfy Addrcs: coNDobrINruM UNn tr' NORIIfWTn)S l. Elfectlvc Derc: &ry 2t, 20Gl csilo P.riL Z Poliry to bc I!sE4 ena PropmA Imurtd: IdordonHljcr Propoocd hrur& TOffi, DETENMINEII 0or O'rdcr No. v#fr:EVn Grgt. Rcf.! 3. Ttc cdrlC or lntcrest tr th lrr|d dc'criH or rctcrrcd to ln thls Cqnmlttr t r|d covt|td lFr,Gln t$ AFceWe 4. fitlc to fu cs!!c or btcrtrt covertd hereh b rf th ctfcctlvc drfc hcreol wcted in: EDWAND ll[' PITI{N AND JUDITHA. PTNqN 5. Thc lrrrd rctcrrd to h Urfs ComdtrcDt |c der.rlH u folbry!: o(xilDotulllllJM [rNtT F-6, At{D PAntrUNG LJNIT FP{, BUILDING F, N(XTITWqXXS qNDqUINIUlr4 AOOONDING TO TIIE C(F{DdIIINTUM MAP THEMIffi, TEq)RDED DE|ffiIIBER Zt, XNs, IN TITE xEcI)xlts (F THB cLmK AND nDoorur8n' oF EAGI-E coUFmY' cIxIxADO IN Bq)K 2{3 AT PA@ ttl Al{D AS I'EFINED lN TIIE C()I\ID(}|INILTM DECIAnATIq\ nEAORDED DECEMS[n.'3, lqrs IN B(X)tr243 ATPAGB flO (x.SUCrr RmOnDS, qXJNIy tr EAcI_q SIATE OF CI)II)nAD(). ALTA COMMITMBN T SclldicB-SccdonI 0fcq[lmmcnt|) OurfficrNo. vffiXIJA The folowlrg rre tl* rcquircmnts !o bc cmptrcd vio|: tEn (r) kgrcil to or for lh reod ot lb grdonr or mrtegolr ol [: tbll cortrl&rsdon for lh crh& or brtsf to h trwd- Ifd O) P!oFr lr|st|ran(r) cn dry tb esb& orlntmrt to be lr!|rrd rct bc execuied sd ffy trlcd ior rccod, b'rle rirlt (c) FqluDaof Cl ecr, chr3cs or Ascrsrtr lcylcd d mccd 4dn* tb sQt dFcrdsetHch ac t|u dnryeHc. Ih (4 Addtod nqdlEtHb, lt ry dsdoscd belol: THtri OOI{MIII'IENT XS FOn INF{)nMA'II(}{ OitLY, AND NoP(EICY wILLm ESUEI) PUNSUANTHNET(} rcug u e' J ALTA COMMITMENT Settc B - Slcdor 2 (Eraptlom) Our Ordcr ltlo- V5Ol0Uz24 Tltc ponct or pollcLs to b. lrsEcd vlll coDtrln crceFdonr to the tdbrtug urles ltc sem erc d;pKl of to thc ar$rlrcdon ot tte Coqar{r: f. Ngb or cl*[ ol Frdcs itr polrcsrlon mt dEEn tt tb F bfic ncords. L Urcru, or ddm of cecm4 Et sb*r It Or pdlc recor*. 3. Dlrcnprles, corficb tr boudrt lhs, sbrtrgr lDut* crmfunts, rdryffi rldch r cornct surcy rd t4ccdon o[ th prtndrcs wodd drclos d wldch re DtslDwn by tlt FSc rtcordt. 4 Ary [eq or dgB b s [cn, tor rqrles, hbor or @dd tlstbforc or l}nCtnr tm*4 trycca bT lr' rd |Darbrn by trptllc cord* 5- Iletccb, n6, cr!trrcca, dvenc d&n or odr r@rs, lf ry, cre*d, lrst ryccf4 In lh ptUc ncordc or eHng tr $era to b.ficcffve drE lrrcof Hplorb lh dtb fu popoecA furcd eoqrtnr ot rcord tor ydE b estr&orl*n or mrtgrg. tsron coyctrd tt tb3 CotrrffiEil 6. Tlncr or tpGclC s*tm8 tl&h .E Dt fuwr s cris[ng [c bt tb ptrc rtcordr.o ll* Tlsruredr oDcc. 7. ILrE lorrrqCd rrtr d st*r clrrgt3, lt ary.. & In ddo4 tc ownt'r poIcy rl|| bc srlrett b tE tmr$rge, il qr, m&d In Sccdur I ol SchrUc B bnd, 9. RIGIIT (F PR(PRIEFON.OF A VEIN ORIIDE TO BTRAET AND ruIUOVE EXS ORE THf,,RNf,OilT SHOTJII Tffi SAMEM K)UND TO MYEtf,ATE OT,TNTEnI|ECT THE Pf,EMISCS AS RESRVED IN TJN]TE) STATES PATH\IT NEOORDED MAY M, UXX', IN BooK/|E AT PAGE sTL 10. ITffiT OF WAY FOR DTTctruS ORCANAI.S CIIYSTNUSTED BY TtsE AUTtr)RNY OF TTIE IJNIIED STATES AS MSERVED IN TJNIIED STATES PATu\|TNECONDED MAY 20, IM5, IN BU)K'A AT PAGB 511. TI. XrcSTRICITVE COVENANIIS UNTrcH IX) NOT d'ITITAIN A IiONFEITUXG OR NEVERTER CIAUSE, BUTOtTflTTINcnEsInICTI(x{q IFANY, BASm (x{ nAC& Cqnn, rEtclottt, OR NATIO{ALOXIGIN, AS COyTAItTEn IN INSTRITMENT nECOrutD DECEUBEn 17, l!165, tN B(X)KI&' ATPAffi5I5. l:L TIIffi PROYEK}{S, OovmANfil AI{D c{x{Dm(ns' EASIEITIF{'TSAND RE IRICTI(nIg WHTCE ANE A BURI'F{ TO TNE qXTTX'MTNIUM TJl\trT DC9CnIBM' IN SGEDT'IJ A'' AS d)NT!IINEI} IN INSTAUMF.IT nMnDED DECTITIBER zI, I9'5, IN Bofr, ?(t AT PAGE tl0- 13, G(N TASEMENT AGnEEMENT Darq) AUG{JST 21, 1974 BEtrWEEN VAIL ASS(rcr rtq o o ALTA COMMITMENT Sclr&dc D - Stcdon 2 (BctFlor|3) (}rr order Fb. Yg[NZIn The ponct or poltcLr to bc lsarcd wlll conteln crcepdor to thc lolh'vlng mlcs lhc re|Ec rre dlpoccd of to fDe tr&?ectlon o[ the Coqlry: INc., A GXI)NADOONFONAfiON AND VAIL METNONd.TTAN NECNEATT(x\I DISTRICT nEcoRDE) DECEMBEn t3, Uns IN B(X)K2lfit AT PAGE809, AS Ir MAY AFImTA FORIION (F SUBSCT PROFERIY. 14 TITSEOIEIiIT AND RIGTIT (F WAY FIOR, ETJCITIC I.JNES FUNS(XES CNANTED TO II(x-Y Cn(N E ECTnIC ASSOCIATION, BY VAIL ASS(nA,TES, INc., A COII)nADO CI)nFORA!!ON AND NORIA$iOODS CI)NDOI,IINIUM ASSOCIATION, A OOlI)*,AIX) N(N.PNOI{T CI)NFONATTOFI BY INSTRIJMENTNEO(NDED MAY 9, 1979IN B(XX2II' AT PAGE2SI IN WHICH TIIE STEdFIC II)CATI(f,{ ffi fiM EASEI.TE{T IS NOT DESINED. l5- EASEME\ITS, ntsSERVA.TIONS AND RESTRICTTOIiE AS SHOWN On RE|ERYEI' Oil THE NK)NDE) PIAT tr NOI$HWOODS qXUx)iVTINUIlt'trT 16. DED OF TRUST DATED DE@iErER 2t, 20qr Fn(Ivr EDWARD lt't. pITt(N AND JUDTTH A- FITIffN TO TEE PUBI.TC TRT'STE tr EAGT.E CI)TJNTY NON TTTE USE (T (I|ASE MAITIEAITAN NIiORTiCAGB OORMNATIG{ TO SECUNE THE SUM OF i675,0M.M, AND AIYY OTSEN, AMOUNTS PAYABLE T,'NDEN, TTIE TENT6 TflENEtr, RECORDED JANUARY 15, 2(x}3, UNDER RDCWIION N(} t ;0419. JOINT NOTICE OF PRIYACY POLICY nddty Nrtlond Flnadrl Grory of Conprder/Orlcrgo firh Inaurwc Compuy rnd Lend Tlde Guerrnt € Co|trysrt July f, 20Of Wb rEcodu ard rtcE t h divf,.r ctrEct brE of bdry's cosrErr gd tr rtoiualr ol rdim* fdfrd rd e FiiiEt hrs. w'c Hlecc'thr irtiiu you rrre ol frv ue ure yorr ulDdffc grord tr6iurdon ('"rrsod t{orfudo-), rd b wtom lt k drlo*{ -vlll lom the ffi for r rf,efon4i o[ trit bctcrccn ur d tb Ftrc lm we rcrTc- Tfis hlvrg Sucuf pitdcr $rt erplrnflon We rcsewe tr dglr !o clBrEc tis Prlvry SEml ftom tlm io [ri. courir& -f,{th rFdlcrHc'pivlcy laws- In thc couf,sc o[ our b|rfrclr, ve nry colLct Fcrror|rl Informflon sbout you lrom thc tollowhg mrmcs: t fllom qlklionr or odu lonu sc rtcclvc &om you or !/our adorftcd r€Ftrerdwj r hrom yifo uenrlior !r|fr, or tun lh rerviccr 6dq 1frtord by, rr, oir filir&rl er olbr;I Flom-orh rru wbsles:t From tlr Fbtlc nords milfind by Sovlrrrrlrl eride! lffi rc eilhr oHIn drtcdy ftom ahoac crlltic+ oi ltom otrflnrn! orofuisid t hrom cqlrm or ofurrtpor{rry r8tlrig. ortr hilcler Rcgmdfug thc hotccdon o[ thc Conndcilhntt snd Secilrlty of Yom Perrornl Informrtlon Wc rridn ilvdcrl ehctrdc d rocednl sdesqds !o rroEct y.Ir h|grd uordon Aom |drlrcil roecr orirtffirr ltt mts ri |bM ffiqmtbir onlv 5 tnec cdovce* wb cdrE h rccr. ln ocdon wi& troyldng pr!fuu mscwlcec b you or ?oro0rr Edftn4 MEnr FDoJ.s- Om Fondc! rnd krctfcs ncgan ng th Sharing of Your Fersond lnfornadon Wb try s_lnn yor ftsornl lrlorrdou t46 6s' rlltlltq cuch el hrrrrrre coftics, Tctrtsi rd ohr ltC ec8b scdcmil scrvlce Fvners. We dso ry drcloce yriur Rnonl trformdort ' b $ctrB, trolcs or rcgtro|lrlvr* b pyi& yil wilh reniccs you bve rcWtU; ' b [lr*'glf contr:bn or-rervbe Fvlfur rb povi& crviccr or pcrforu mrlcttg or ollr lhctiorS odorr bHg d t b otttr vllh wt mwe o&r trb JoH trlct|Ig qncm* tor prcdrcts or serelccs lEvc Hcve yon rqr [dof hb|tsl In ddor\ wc rlll dlclDrc yorr ksonl ffiondon r|.tr you drcct or dvc c tttdrrlol whn we rn rtofrcd bt lrn, b do ro, or rbn ra-sIrnct frrdcd or cdffil rnmcg We So my'dsdore vdrr ftrsonl tilormfion wlin o{hillc rnilOEd bv dlc* nnncv tss src$ s. lor eldrmle. rldt drdonrc lc nccdcd b cr{ore olr dg$ rtrtg iril of lrg {g€cilril, timdon or nlaiodHp vlft yh! Orl oItE tFgrrml nryodblldec ol rom o? or d[l|rlcd corEdcc lr lo Ecord docr@ tr th ptilc donrln fuh-&crerg- qr corhyour Fa:od lt'ordion ' rutht to Acc€st Your Persond ldormrdol md Ablllty to CorrGct E rore Or Rcquest Chmgg Or Ddctbn CErtin clrlrs fod you h rfgE to rc 5ror ftrroml lilorfrol urA rntcr cerdn drtrmnsr !o lH out b rlDm yorr hrrornl I ordson hs hd dsdred, Aho, cririn cu,.i CJord you h rlph b ltq;t aor|leclionr rErt|Ert or ddctlon ol yo|r hrronl lrf,on 'on lllb nrerrc t r&11 whrri per'nltfd by bw, fo dnrge r necondte lcc to coyer the cisB lruurul ln |tspordrE b rcb EqnsB- - AII-nprt tddH to b F&lig Ndonl fritil Crup ot Corryrfcslodcego Tt[e lrnrrrce Cor4q CtCl li In wd@ d &[vcltd b Orc lollowl4 ddrtss: Pltvtyft@lrrcOdccr n&l|&NdonlFtdrl h. ffigg;Jftffi,ir Mult$ hod[cb or SDrelccs trve poy!-ttc yog wltlr mrt dur or lttr.rlC Fofut or rerrlaq you tqr ncdrc mrc !n oE Flvry mdac hm ur. W. ryobglrc tory tEtrvcdcm tlib rqr crrc yu- - bRw.Pc&.car o B*+t^*,,,1 F-0 8.21 ,aJ n tlz t I, lrt{/tvt tlLvt^+\o\ Fu>+ Eltu^li"rn =-_-"-'+ **** * *+********* * ********** **** **********+* ** *** ***** ********* *****:* **tt **'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * f, * * * t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 08-29-2003 at 15:35:47 08129t2003 Statement ****'t** **,1* * ********** * ******+**** *** ****:tr **** **:**:t*:*** ***:!*********** *** ******** + ******** * * Statement Nrunber: R030004594 Amount: $300.00 08/29/200303:35 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DF Notsation: Permit No: DR8030357 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210108119 0 05 SiCE Address 3 600 VAIL VAILEY DR VAIIJ Location: 600 VAfL VALLEY DR UNfTS F6 Totsal Fees: S3 00.00 This Pa).ment: $300.00 Total- ALL pmts: $30O.OO Balance: S0. 00 *r(* * ****** **** ** * *++**** *:*lt **** **:*********** * *** * **++ *** * **+*** * ***** *** **:* ***** ***** * ** +** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI^i FEES 300.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2t3a DEPARTMENT OF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: t),'-\Lr--=o.L-: ?_G ALL TIMES B98 -0140 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ilob Address: Location. . . r Parcel No..:Project No.: 600 VAIL VATLEY DR 600 VAIL VALLEY DR 210r--081-19-006 Status... r ISSUED (NORnTAppl-ied. . z 05/02/L998 Issued... : 06/02/r.998 Expires..: rL/29/1998 ValuaEi-on:l_0, 000 Add Sq Ft: Sof orE ApplianceB: FEE SI'UMARY APPLICANT MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4471, VArL, CO 81658 CONTRA TOR MASTER SEALERS P. O. BOX 4473, VArL, CO 81658 OI'INER VAL THORENS INC * MRS BRTNKMAN, PO BOX 123L, VArL CO 81658 Descriptsion: REROOF SAII{E FOR SAIVIE (SHAKES) Oceupancy: RL Mult.i-Family Type Constructsion: V-IHR Not 1n table! Flr:€plec€ lnfor:natlon: Rs6trictsad:*of oes 1096: Phone: 97Q-476-39'.75 Phone z 970-476-3975 *of wood/PaIl6c: ToLaI CalculaLed Fee6---t 362.2,> Addi t ional Fee6_ .oo Togal Per-mlt Fee___-- _-> t62.25 P6! nent6-----_-_ t62-25 aAIAMCE DUE----- .oo BuildinE-----> eLan cl]ech---> Invort i9a!ion > wiLl calI----> l{5.00 94 .25 .00 1.OO .00 20 ,00 . oo loo. oo r62.25 Rcstuarane PIan Review_ > DRB Fee--------- Rec!€allon Fee--- _ - _ __-_ > cl e6r1- Up DepoeiL--'-_-_-> TOTAL FEES' ' '- - ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;";;;;;;;;;;;;;iei.n:06/02/L998 JRM AcEiorr: APPR APPROVED ,I8I"r iEbfr;'0sado--p-i,emllNc--DEFEiiir,tiiftt -bept: PLANNING Division: o6/02/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A iEAm;'05660-iifne DEpAR{"fiEI.if DepL: FrRE Division: 067 ii2 / LttS-.rila--- ---ric-iioii; AppR N/A iEbm;'65560--p-tietrc wORKS Dept: PIJB woRK Division: O6/o2/L998 JRM Act.ion: APPR N/A See page 2 of t,his Document for any condiEions t.hat may aPply eo this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hcraby Ecknorledg6 tshaL I lrava read thl.6 appticaclon, flll.d ouc ln full the infomalioo requiled, compleled an pltn, and 6tat.c thaL all thc lnfor$atlon provided as requiled 1E correcE. I agr.G to codply vllh Ehe infotfiaEior) to conply l,lt.h all tol.n ordinanccF and 6EaCc las6, rnd to blrlld thls ECrucLuf,g Ncco).d{ng Eo uh€ TotJn's zollldg and codaa, deoign !.cvie$ approved, Uniform Buitding code and ocher ordin6nce6 of thc TotJn appllcable uhrx€Lo. REQUEsTS FoR INSgEerrONS SHALL BE MADE TflENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE SY TELEPHONS AT 479-2136 OR AT OttR OFFTCE FROM I accurate PI oL and plot plan, Eubdivislon Send Clean-Up Drposit Tor ITASTER SSALERS OF OWNER M6EI.F AND OWNIIR Page 2 ************!t*********************************************************!r********* Permit #: 898-0140 Permits Type: ADD/nr.t sFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant.-- : MASTER SEALERS 970-476-3975 rlob Address: 600 VAIIJ VALLEY L,ocation---: 500 VAIL VALLEY Pareel No--: 2101 -081-19-006 Applied-* z 05/02/L998 Igsued---: 06/02/L998 To E)Qire z LL/29/L998 CONDTTIONS ae of 06/02/98 status---: ISSITED *************************************************************lr****************** DR DR (NORLTWOODS F6) Description: REROOF SAl,lE FOR SAIIB (SIIAKES) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI4pLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALT BEDROOMS AIID EVERY S"ORY AS PBR SEC.]-2].0 OF TIIE 1991 I'BC. ********!t****il*!r********************************************!t*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Stat.emnt Numlcer: REC-0409 Amount. :352.25 06/02/98 L2:39 fnit: iIRIt4 Payment Method: CK NoLat,ion: 4158 Permtts No! 898-0140 Tlpe: A-BUIIJD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 21"0L-081-19-006 site Address: 600 VAIL VALLBY DR LOCaIion: 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR (NORIITWOODS F6) ToEaL Fees; 362.25 This PalmenE 362.25 Total AIrL Prnts: Balance: 362.2s .00 *****************************************f********************** Account Code Description BP OO1OOOO3l-1-].].OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31l-2200 DESIGN REVIEV{ FEES PF 00x00003112300 pr,AN cHEct( FEES AD 00100002403100 CLEANttp DEPOSITS l{c 00100003112800 wrlr_, cAtL INspEcTroN FEE Afiount 145 .00 20.00 94.25 100. 00 3 .00 3onracc Eaglc Councy Assessors 0fflce ri!!6,{'d-'^6';i** ) ?; x$l-Ei;;IilT5#^'Da.t,9.,TI9^ejvdr tr ( oiriiE;4;-"' ilAY 27 lgg' ^ APPLICATIoN IrusT BE FILLE*D oUT CoMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED I t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERI'IIT INFORI,{ATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * [ ]-Building [ ]-Prumbing_ t l-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani'car [ ]-other L z'-z / rob Name: -/- */z* -r f Z?-{ Job Acldress: {- -_ _,?-: -, << /- 2,, z 1y'), ezz, aa-<>-< f// /- €e.a J <' - -{-.en j-LegaI Description: Lot lr^,rners Name: \rch itect : Address: _- ph. '4Lz^ Address: _ph. ;eneral DescriPtion: rork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair g:1-'other lumber of Dwell-ing Units:Nuhber of Accornmodation Units: Iumber and Type of Fireplacesi Gas Appliances t -' t * * * * * 'f * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * {.* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS cas Logs_ Wood/Pe11et *****************************:t*** )IUILDING: $ ?LUMBING: $t- EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $ .zzaa/.-r OTi{ER: $ -zo o ac'- e! rn^mrY - <.I\JIAL. Y 1 * * * * * n * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTI'R\CTOR INFORMA,L,ION *************** *****{J7;A Ieneral Contractor:4 r'Jzz/l.t r. -/ a- Z. Town of Vail Reg. nO. d-zg \ddress a /?a' 4a,a t"?'>j z----?; / z'a /2/-6-/-f phone Nunber: -----aZz_r_g_ ; x* :t:t*:t rt:lrt* ***** * * *** * *** * * ** *** ]UTI,DING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: fECHAI'{ICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: TYPE GROUP sQ. FT,VALUATION Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunrber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurlber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. Reg. NO. OFFf CE USE * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * rt ,( * * tt rt * tt tt rt * * * * * x BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: UECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - .RECREATION FEE: 1 li. ICLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:**'TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: lechanical contractor: \dd res s : FOR i:;:::::"t contractor: 91x- qNo ,lumbing 'ddress: lomrnents: I CLEAN I}P DEP.OSIT REFI}ND TO: +a7-./-.'l-t z?e. ,-,94.( 1-'z> -t i t'--4'<2<-y'.a.' _2* C .?e.>? . e f, -/4'f t tnwn u l/al 75 south lrontage roa d vail, colorado A165z (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: of f lce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO'fAI OF VAIL TotrN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKs/coloruNlTy DEr/ELOPIIENT ltARcH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states :!-1t-it_ is unlawful for any person to litter, track ", A.po"it. any soil, ,o"L, sand, debris ;:.ffi::'ilii"i!!r"dins trisr,-IJip=t..i, p;;!.;i;. toirers and r I : : " _ : : _ . ii" "i "'. I 5i ". fi I I" 3 ;' : "';i. " i iiill I I ; ; : i.: " ;i, i;i: I; -.. varl streets and.roads is approiirul.iv-s"ia.-iri pavement.rhis ordinance wirr ue ;;ri;ii;^enforced by the Town of VaiI Public 'rorks o""arim"ntl--pIirt"ns found ri'"r.Iing this ordinance vrill be given a 24 hour r.itl"n"r,otice t"-i"i;"":said nraterial.rn the event the person so notitied does-";;,',;;;o1y with the notice within an:^-r1 t"ur time-lpecified, the puttic works Department r+ir-l remove said rnatei-i"i-"t-it,""l"ilire of person notified' The nrovision=-"r'Iii= ordinance =r,!ir nor be applicabte to c-onstruction, ,uint"n"ng" or repair projects of any street or alley ". i"y'.,liiitr"" rn the right_a_way. ?o review ordinance No. 6 in ful', please stop by the Town of :::i"::ii:i"3"":Hi:'*j*":i"";;;i" a copv. r'nan'x you ror your :qli acknowledged 75 routh lfontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 of f lc€ ol communlly devolopmetrt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this permj.t requires a Tov,n of Vail Fire Department Approvall Ensineer's (publ ic u,orks) review uno'ipi.ouuil"i' pj'iliiri!"blpu.t .nt rev i ew or Hea't th oeoa rtmint. rev iewl-ui['u-r"u i u* tv" iiil"drii o, nn Siri[l[uer,h.lll "trirrted time ior'u-iot"r review may taie as l6ns All commercial (lurq:-9f sma'l'l) and a'll multi-family permits wi.ll have to follow itre Sbove rnentioned maxirur requirements. Residentia]and small projects shourd take a tesser amount of time. However, if residentiar or snrarter.projecis-i;p;;i' the various above mentioned departmcnts vrith reqard' to- necessaiv-ievi er,-th;;; ;;;j;.ir' ruv also take the three week perr,oJ. Every attempt wilr be made by this cJepartnrent to expedite this pet'rni.t,as s.qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, Oate Work sneeilwa i-tlrnilTiE6 Communi ty Oeve'lo5rment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIHED Please answer the foltowing questionnajrelegarding the ls this a new residence? ls demotition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefiy? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage wort being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit' reouired? Permit': >, /" /.'/ , 1) 2) 8) A. ls the right of public property to be parking or fencing? B. ll no 1o 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plar required by Community : Development? lf You answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the'public Work's office or at c9.1ir1u1ity Development. lf you have-any questions please .tt dnUir Davis,lhe Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at.479-21ffi,' I have read and answered allthe above questions. ,/-€z,e/ f- ( 3) 4) 5) way, easements or used for staging, need lor a 'Public Way YES {- 6) r'''-" Job Name Contractor's Signature Date ilatrfroorylz 41 Tnnt a,f krc:fiB ""Y;."!//ry,t 14- 6// FG TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO gl_557 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICATiE CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript.lon: KITCIIEN AND DBPARTI.{ETiflT OF COMMI'NITY 600 VAIL VAILEY 600 VAII.. VAII-,EY 2101-081-19-006 PR'J98 - 02 L6 Occupancy: Type Construct,ion: Type Occupancy: Valuat.ion:39, 000 Fl:jeplace fnfor[qElon: R6gtrlct6d: y *Of BulIdiDg---.->.Oo ToLsI Calculatcd F...-__> 9a{.4E Rl MulEi-Famlly V l-HR Type V l-Hour 81620 BL62O Add oa6 Alrpliancea: o DEVE NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON ,.IOBSITE AT AI.L TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT PETM1E f: 898-0258 .Iob Address: Location. . . ; Parcel No..:Project No.: STERLING HOMES INC P O BOX 170, AVON CO STERI.,ING HOMES INC P O BOX L70, AVON CO PITKIN ED BATH REMODEL 413.O0 R.acqarcnt glrn Rcvlr$- - > FE8.gUI4MATY Pran check---> 268.4s DRB F..--------' 5o'oo addlrlonal Fco!---------> 'oo Inve6rigaEion> .oo Rnclo6Lj.on Fce----------> .oo .rotal Pgtmlt F€e----_--_> 994-45 Wi.ll CalI----> 3.oo Clean-Up Drpo.iB--------> 25O.OO Payment6-'- - - - - - 984 '4E .."""-.":::::.::3i;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:..".....""i3i;i:.......TH::.?Y:;...;;;';:;;;1......-..'...;ll'.. IEqm: .05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTI4ENT Deptr BUILDING Division: 09/04/1998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED i t bm i' 0 s a 6 o - D-r,alnrruq -nEFAiliuiiNr 09/04/l-998 ,IRM Action: APPR N/A iEaft;'d5660-itJnn DEPAR11"IEI[t Dept: FrRE Division:o9/o4/r998 iIRM Acrion: A.PPR N/A itefr;'05560-b-tisl,rc w?jF.RS-- Depc: PUB woRK Division: 09/04/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of ghis Document for any condigions Ehat may apply Eo Chis permit DECIANAjlIONs I h.rcby ackno{lGdge lhah I hcve r.rd Chlr rppllciflon, tltl.d ouf ln full Ehc lnfor$4Elon roquired, colq)lsEed an acculotse ploE plan, snd e!rb. lhae all th6 tnforeation Frovlded ae rcqu!.red i6 cor!6ct. I agroe uo couply rlrh Ehe inforsaeion and plor p1an, co couply $lth all Tovn ordLnancaa and dtace 1ars, and co bulld thl. sEftccur. eccordlng Eo th. Toin'6 zonlng and subdlvlalon codeE, d€algn !rv16r approwed, Uniforn Bullding CodE rnd other ordlnance6 of the Torn appllcabl6 lhereco' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS stlALL BE IIADE TIdENTY-FOUR HOURS XN ADVN{CS BY TELBPHONT AT PROM 6:00 Ll't 5r00 DR StaEuB...: ISSITED DR NORTHWApplled. . : 09/04/t998 Issued...: 09/04/1998 Expires..: 03/03/L999 Phcrne: 970-926-7L53 Phone z 970-926-7L53 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund approved amount date Sq Ft: +Of Oa6 Logo:#of $ood/P.llcE: acnd CLcan-Up D.IroelE Tor SfBRLINO HODilS OT OWNER OR CIoNTRASTON 8OR HIMSELF A.IID OWNER ************!t******************ir!r*********************************************** COIIDITIONS Permit #: 898-0258 as of 09/08/98 Status: IssuBD ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: o9/04/L998 epplici-nt: STERLING I{OMES INC Issued: 09/04/L998 s7O-g26-7L53 To Er<pire t 03/03/L999 ilob Address: I-,OCAT,iON: 5OO VA,II-, VALIJEY DR NORTITWOODS #6 TlI Parcel No: 2101-081-L9-006 Descrlptlon: KITEHEN AND BATII REMODEL Conditions:l-. FIELD INSPESfIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE CoI'{PLIANCE '2. ALL PENETR,,ATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AI{D FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL,3. SMOKE DETEC1IORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALI-, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF T-IIE 1991 T'BC.4, FIRE DEPARTI,IENT APPROVAI. IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * O * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * * ** * *l * * * *** * * TowN oF vArL, coLoR,ADo statemnE ********************************!r******************************!t suatemnts Nurnloer: REC-0445 Amount z 984.45 09/08/98 O?:-11 Payment Method: CK Notation: 4912 rnitr lrRM PermltNo:898-0258'r"trye:A-MFADD/AITMFBUIIJDPER Parcel No: 2101-081-19-006 SlLe Address: 600 VAIT VAIJT.,EY DR LOCATION: 600 VAIL VAIJI'EY DR NORTITVIOODS #6 TH Total Fees: 984'45 This Payment 984.45 Total ALL HnEs: 984'45 Balance t ' 00 *******************:l*********!t********************************** Account Code Deseriptsion BP OO1.OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR O01OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF O01OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CIJEN{UP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILT, CAIL INSPE(TION FBE Amountr 413 .00 50 .00 268.45 250 .00 3.00 FI od 'o oz .o o:e t;-2 {o HU Aql zo rii g I I u| 6 I .1 a r: H U z "i E 2 o u 2 481 Ed|EO i0F E rl E rrl o H !l B t- tc '4 lq E H B U H !l u AF BE AlO 9l: F HH z2 alI tro t-i t rt F)ts 6Z '{p rlg o E FH HZ 89 P.4 a k !r ti t{ 2 o FI aac iU zgt lq z@ o o34 H EA att 40 A H o ii !l H ?t o EI e E E H I AI a :,: ; rrI 2> FItrI{!r|( o ACt t !to t qE o o DEVELO PME}{I ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-02L5 DR Status.. -: ISSTIED DR NORTTIWApplied. . : 09/04/t998 Issued. . . |'1,1/L7 /1,998 Expj-res. . : 05/].6/L999 Phone: 970-390 -922L Phone z 970-390-922I OWNER P. O. BOX 474, LEADVTLLE, PITKIN ED Description: ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN AND BATH REMODELValuat,ion:5, 000 . 00 FEE SUMI,IARY Electrical---> DRB Fee InveBtigation> WilL caIl----> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8a657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICA] T BIG BEAR ELECTRTC, INC. P. O. BOX 474, LEADVTIJIJE, CONTRACTOR BIG BEAR ELECTRIC, TNC. ,"TOb AddTCSS: 600 VAIL VALLEY l,ocation...: 600 VAIL VALLEY Parcel No.. : 2101-081-19-005 Project No. : PRir98-!3L5_ co 80461 co 80461 90 .00 . oo .00 3-OO TOTAIJ FEES..'> 93.00 Tolal Calculated Fe.E- - - > Additsional Fces- - --- ----> Total Permit. Fee--------> Payfienlt-------- BAI,ANCE DUE- - -.. 93.O0 . oo 93.O0 93.O0 . oo ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI., DEPART'IVIENT DEPt,: BUILDING DiViSiON:O9/04/L998 ,fRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED .]ru/T It,bM:' 05600 FIRE DEPART'IVIENT DEPL: FIRE DiViSiON:o9/04/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno!.ledge thal I have read thig applicati.on, fi11ea out, in full the information requiled, completscd an accurace plots pIan, ana state tha! aLl the informaEi.on provided ae reguired is corlect- I agre€ Co.conpLy with t'he information and plot p1an, !o comply irigh al1 Town oldinancee and Elatse lase, and to build lhis struclure according co Ehe Town, s zoning and subdivieion codes, design review apploved, uniform Building code and other ordLnanccs of the Tor.n applicable thereco. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IA']! BE MADE Tfi8NTY. IOUR HOURS IN AD\NNCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 479-2138 OR Al OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM s:00 TOV{N OF VAII,, COLORADO SiatemnE Nqnber: REC-04?5 AmoUnE a Paynenr MeEhod: CK NoCaClgn: 1155 sEatelllnts 93.oo ].I/11/9e 09 t24 IniE: .lR Fermit Nor E9g-0215 Type: B-ELEC ELEC?RICAL Parcel Nor 2L0l-091-19-005 gitse Addlesd r 600 VAIL VATLEY DR I,ocat,ioni 600 VAIL VAILEY DR NORTHWOODS TH +5 Tocal Fee€: This PaymenE 93.00 Toral ALL Prqr.E: Balance: Account Code DeEcrIpEion PERMIT 93.00 93.00 .00 AnounE 90.o0 3, OO EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELSCTRICAT PERMTT PEES wc 00100003112900 wlrr]J cAtL INspEcTroN FEE o DEVELO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970-479 -2138 APPLICANf colrrRAcToR OWNER DEPARITVIEI{:T OF COMMT}NITY NOTE:TIIIS PERMIT MTIST BE POSTED ON PLWBING PERMIT ilob Address: 5OO VAIL VALLEY tocation...: 600 vArL vAl,LEY Parcel No.. : 2101-081-19-006 Project No. : PR,f98-0216 GRAHAM'S PLUMBING & IIEATING P O BOX 1040, AVON CO 8L620 GRATIAM'S PLI]MBING & HEATING P O BOX L040, AVON CO 81620 P]TKIN ED DR Status...: ISSUED DR NORTHwApplied. .: 09/04/L998 Issued...' I0/L9/L998 E)q)ires.. : 04/L7/L999 Phone: 3039495710 Phone: 30394957L0 2, 000 .00 PMEI\TT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: P98-0121 DescripE,ion: PLUMBING FOR KITCIIEN AND BATH REMoValuation: *tir**ttrttr*rrttrtr**r**r*.1*r! FEE SWMARY Pludbing--- -- > Plan check- - - > fnve6tigation> Will c6L1----> 30.00 .00 3 .00 .00 40.so 40.50 . oo 40.50 40 .50 Restuarant PLan Revi€n- - > IoTAL FEBS------ Total CaLculated Fece- - - > Additional F6o€---------> Total PerdL! Fe€--------> Pa)mcnts-------- BAI.ANCE DT'E-.. - .OO rLCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIIIENT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:O9l04l1998 ,IRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRIVf Itglni .055Q0 FrRE DEPARTT{ENT Dept: FIRE Dj_vision:o9/04/L998 Jwr Action: APPR N/A *r*rr*i*r*rairit rrrrr*r**J*Jr:lrir*rir CONDITION OF APPROVAL I r*tr*r*********r * * * i r r t t r r r r * * * * * r * * a DECI.ARATIONS r hcreby acknorledgc that r have read bhi€ applj.calion, fi.LLod out in full, Eh. infolrnEtion rcauired, courpleced |n accurats pl,oh plarl, and 6tahc ihat all tshe informatlon provi.dcd ae required is corrcc!. I agrec to conrply with th. inforrnqEion and ploc p1an, bo corilply nith r1I Totn ordinanc66 and state lanE? anil Co build this sbructsure according Co ghc To*n'e zoning and subdiviaion codc6, desigEl reviee approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanceg of Ehe Town applicable ther:et'o. REQUESTS FOR BE MADE TIiENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\ANCE BY TELEPHO OF OIINER OR A"!lD O!{!'ER 419 - 2r3A AT OUR OR I :00 AM 5:00 PM I *rrrrrtrttt**tr gEateEnl Nunber: REC-057? AtrouhE:40.50 1"0/19l99 1o:0s Pal|EenE Meehod: c'l( Nocacion: r5s6/CRtEM PLUU fnit: .'N P6rrnr,! No: P9S-0121 Type: B-PLMB PLUI4BINC P.rceJ, No: 2101-081-L9-006 Site Add!cs6: 600 VAIL VITLEY DR Location: 600 V,.'IL Vl.LLEy DR NORTHI{OODS *6 TH Total. fees: Thi6 Palnnent 40.50 Total ALL PrnEs: Bafarrc6: Iccount code De€ cr.i pE i on PP 0010000311L200 glrruBlNc pERMtT FEES PF O0L00o031123OO PLAI'I CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO 9{IIJL CAIIJ INSPECTION FEE Statemnc t).r rr*+rr*!rra *r TOTN OF VAI!, COIJOR.I.DO PERMIT 40.50 40 .50 Arnoln! 30.00 7. SO 3. OO owners Name:ET) ?, Architect: /VCrfV€ General Description: Work Class:- [ j -New I I -Alteration Address: Address: I l-Additional [ ]_Repair [ ]_other Phone Nunber: . FOR OFFf CE USE !k******* **********x**rr:rrt*x***** lruI_lDrNG PLAN cHEcK FEE: :!Yy!.rNG Pr,AN cHEcK fEE:UECHANICAL PIAN CHEC.K FF'F. RECREATToN FiE: -"gv^\ ^!&' CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERHTT FEES: BUILDING: STGNA:ruRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Number of Accommodation Units: N_l.lmber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gaq r.n__t/ ---vrr4quq:-' 1- Gas Logs- I.Jood/peJ-1et tEr x * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \rr r rri rnr-^\,'l ,- -n-bg !t* vALUATToNs * )rr * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * *:k * rk:t rk rf * * rk * >rr * ; Number of Dwelling' Units, I :y*:ll:'tfl@1 BUTLDTNG: $5-lr 0U0-=-- ELEcrRrcA rz $ {rAr 4 PLLIMBfNG T _Q-\W MF,r,''^rrr.ri, - t% OTHER: $r. l_".."*,,". i*uvu_ MECIaNTGAL: $.-.-w-+-dW******tr*******J , Gen e ra 1 co. t.^. Jl I ..4j. : : : *., coNirFAcroR, r NrorydTro,Cqntractor:CTOP TNFnD"o,r(--^" -i)l ^ t i iY " V)t,*.!lNz*,Fe*r,'t * * * * * * * * * * rk * * * * !r )t * * *,lts llVL. ' " j.y v rlar.r- ^s rr-:r 2; | >Addres!, T:::^":..y3i1 ne^f . 'o.gl:G FlPhot'" Number: cllt., itf=-.ll5il;='i"igtrlJ&"'' f,i& f-htr ftzrrcrt( - --I.u,, or vair nf elunbing cgntfac 15 Pn"n. Nunrber: -- Address, hadle- - l+,, ) Town of Vail Reg. No. /13.-p Phone Number: ;;;;::';:"::'*'actor: / - "'(48- orlt.*,' or Vair .;; * * t*** :l * **rtrt * * ** ** ** *rL* * rl * * * **** *BUILDING PNRMIT FEE: PLUI'IBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DPP FFE.. qn Frn var,uerrolr \w!r;Jur ur urfusrl RLFIIND m: I o b:.:.00I I i ?g"qg Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED PERMIT STATUS contractor: GEAEAttrS PLUUBING & EEATINC Addrcss:P.O. BOX 1040, AVON co 8L520 el4l98 Datc Permit wan applied for : Balance due: $4O - 50 Plan Check f,'ec: Permit#: p98{121 $7-50 Job address:600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE f6 Owner: ED PITKIN Job description: pr.m,tRTNc FoR KTTCFEN & BATH REr'ronEr. OUR SYSTEM SHOWS THE STATUS ON THIS PERMIT TO BE OUTSTANDING. IT WAS MPLIED FOR. BUT HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR NOR SIGNED F'OR. THE CODE ON EXPIRED PEF.TVIITS REQUIRES US TO COLLECT l'HE PLAr\ CHECKFEf, lF AIPLICABLE. 'I'HIS WILL AFFECT THE ISSUANCE OF PERNIITS THAT YOU APPLY FOR IN TIIX, T,UTURI. IF'YOU HAVE DONE TIIE WORK WITIIOUT THIS PERMIT WE ARE Rf,QUIRED TO CHARGE A DOUBLf, FEE. WE AR'E AISO PLACINC ,.\ LOCK ON YOTIR CONTRACTOR LICENS[ }V']!C}l W'Li- PRT\/EN'T }OT] FROPT CTT'I-INC A}JO'I'HER PgR!II]' UNTII. THIS IS RESOLVED. Plelse ctll .179-21J9 or come into our oflice lt your earliest convcniencc to let us knorv horv you would like to proceed. Thank 3ou. {p *"n"uo 'o'* TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 Iat:lnry 26, 1999 JMN/jn Graham's Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 1040 Avon. CO 81620 Dear Sir; Enclosed is a copy of a pednit that was appted for in September 1998 and is going to expire in March of 1999. Ifyou are going to do this project you should pay for the permit now and also submit a letter asking for an extension if the work is going to be done after the perrnit eleires, otherwise you will have to reapply and also pay the plan check fee from the current permit, If you have any questions you may call ne at 479-2139 or the Chief Building Official who is Gary Goodell at 479-2321. We would appreciate a response so that we may update our records. Sincerely, t Q*ru7r/,1 l/ Joan M Noten Building Division Secretary {,pu"ouo'u* REF -r 131 ot^lt'l OF VRIL, COLETRADB F.ffEE I ffREfl: CD |fl/e7t t9S9 l3:it3 REGUES-|S - INSFF-f,"rN LJORK SHEETS FUR: l?t,237,r1999 F}rJCIr.E S g : 6OOI VA I L. UALLEY DR F*r'ne 1 : iliOl-lZtBl*19-rAO6 Occ:Use ! IJescriptionr FLUMBItiF FnR RITfiI{HN AND BAl"fj I?EMODEL ONI.-Y flppl icant; GRAI-IAM! $ FTLIJMBING & HEffTING Fhone: JtZt3949571rlt I I Ownet": FlTKIN ED Corrt ract or: GRfil{ftFil S l-'Ll"JMB I Flft & HEtiT I NG frhone! [-,hone : 3tZJ394957lt?t In*;:ert iori Reiqt-te't; t fl e q r-1P 5 1 r-r r- : L. II Ileq -limer t7.t1:t/t0 I Lems I-eqr-rested bc' Zr0ijg Ur F,Lf{B-.F i n;,r I In F ri'm at i nn. , []omnrents l wi l be Inspented. I f i. na 1 et inn (]omn Fhone; 9i?6 fIF]F'R f"ll:'[-,R I ca I H Ti me F rp Ins;:ect i Item Item Item Iten Itpm I berir Item nn Hi*tory,.. ",: ffOi:l:1O F:'t.-MA-Undei"qr- n r-rncl ; rZuZrEIrZr F,Ll'lF- Ro'rllh/n. L,l" U, 49 /eE:./99 Ir,ripect orr fil) : rzr6;::;itr f'l FIB-.fior..rqh,/Hat e}' Vq / i',:l/)8 Lrr sprrctorr fli.) r E0i;j4ifi Fl--f']F"Ras Fii::in11 : O0lfift F[-f'1ll-F,oo I /Ho f -l '-rt:: rzrrzril6o Fl_"tr1B-lr1i sc" : t;tfi*9rfl FtL-ftlB--F: i. n* I Flct i on: firtian; F'ERFORN FI-OI,J TEST STFIEET F.RESBI"JRE 3' [,tEF "r ].31.TfiWN CtF VAIL' C0LORADU FJAGE 1 AREA: CI)IV/e7/ 1999 '47r59 RHfiUHSTS * INSFECTN tl0Rl',. SIIEFTS FOR:1O.ri:7/1999 rir=====;:5::::::j=::=:::=::E:;:::95::i=1*=::f]::=:==5:;:rE:=::=======::i:5======3====:==i=::'-::===========::l==:: Ac"bivityr F$8-rZti-J5B tfr1:l7 /19 1'yper A-FIF Addr.ess r 6rlrZr vAIL v6IL.LEY DR l--aca'tionr 6012r vAIL Uf.ll,.-l-EY DR NURTHIISCJDI! *+6 [:,ar.ce I : i:1. rzr1-FBi- l g_ar[ri., Ilescr"iptir.rnr KITUHEN AhlD FATH REMODE.I- F-lppl icant r $'TERL.INti HUMF.S INtl onrirpr.! F, I'l-RIN HD [nn!r"actr:r.: STHRL-Il,lG HOFIES INC Statr-rs: ISSUEII Congtr': AMFj Tfi Occ:LJse:q I-HR Fhorie : 970-9i:if:.-7 J 53 F l-10n e ! F f-'fi ne : 97fi-9L::e,- 71 S;) I n s per:t i on Reqr-rest Reqlrest or: L-I7 Req Tj-mer P]1:OlZt :[tFms ]'eqt-lpEted ttr Infor"matiorr..".. flonnents ! tiIL1... f,FiL..t.- be I n: pect ecl, , . Ant Fhone:- urllT s 3ll"-i on {lctr,rmnnts 9i:itl -71 S3 *tSa Time Exp L-l-r[i-Fina] tr. a), I \ v, /. t,-4_r Insp'ent i.Histor"y".,.. A|AS l Ut di.iveway qr.ade f irial 0rlt'f E Bl-.illl-Foot ing;/$teel t tzrfJ€reO Ft-.IlE-For-tndaL i orr,/$t ee 1 rAOS;.:te' F't."fiN*IL"C Site Flan tzrt'ollfi BL..r)G- Fi-;,m i |ig ,, Erittzr4fi * * Ncit tLn Filei *' x rztur?J5tzr F,Ln6-i nsul:rt i on lzttatA{:'ra ftl-DG-.$heet t'ock Nai I tf'qrfiBfl + * Nflt firi File * x AOOT[r LILIJt]-lYl i ec., llltztut$tzr FL.D6-f: i na I 'aUl5'IO BL-Diii-'femp, {:it:i rzro5,ll rIiiH--t[;rlt]" c/a lzfrzrSS;: F,t"J-l-ElYlF. C/il Ur'2'33J Fl....lrN*TF:t4F. irl[J fiES:i7 pL.-r:tf']-i: I NAL. clc) fi[':;:iO FI F{E:*'F:iNt:}|.- C/f} ErZ'539 F,t"J-|:INf:ll.- C/li tZttl$rrft tll.Dfi-F ]. n;\l ll.i (.i -^{ct Item Itern ILenr Item I t efir I'bem it,em Item It prn I l; ern Item Iten I t a'rir Itenr Itetrr Item It em Item It ern (rt {} t. NORTHWOODS CONDOMINI UM ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 1231 Vail, Co lorad o 81558 303-475-3486 Fax: 303-479-9093 June 16, 1995 Messrs. Araujo, Brillembourg and Schutz Northwoods Condominium, F6-F7-F8 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail CO 81657 Re: Remodeling proiectfor Units F6'F7'F8 Dear Sirs: The Board has reviewed your schematic design drawings of Units F-6, F-7 and F-8 and approves to the proposed changes of the Units. As a reminder, before work begins in the Unit for each stage of the project, you must have sent in the deposit and the condominium remodeling fee based on 4% of the total value of the permit. Your contractor must give us an assurance that you can complete your remodeling during the normal period allotted. This assurance is given by showing us that there are penalty clauses in the contracts for failure to complete on time. In approving this remodeling project, we could look only at those design issues that affect the Association and can not be responsible for structural, mechanical, construction details, means, methods and procedures. We cannot assume any responsibility for compliance with Town of Vail Zoning, applicable building codes, ADA (the American Disabilities Act) or Asbestos Abatement if necessary. Yours,ry Arturo Brillembourg, President CC: Kurt A. Segerberg. lt _l Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL erolect t,tame: t :;,l'i Building Name: Project Doscription: Owner, Address and Phone: i ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_.i 1-. ,,' , r Zone District :i r, ' Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: ,' Board / Staff:Action \_._ ,,\Vote: ,-'' ' r" ! Disapproval I Staff Approval, Conditions: Town Planner o vr q) \\t)o ( "p ?o =5 e 3 ,I s \l * t-,=s\\n _:Y a-F S lal r\ $'Xl \,, ,^n -S \_l-r R a, _s :: \ \s =5 R s ttr :'f N ...'U \l< N --+- q :r F h :z 'iP z o ts tr s ru di :FJ Fi to F>Eq 2A b { 3 -+ 1') rg -T From: Arturo Brillcmbourg To: Kurt Srgerberg D.l!: 6/29/95 Tim!: 15:46:36 ;.Yr.rl i / r?/ 1.. DEsrG\REvrEw'BoAlD APPIJTCATToN ' Tot+N oF vArL' coLoR'LDo \ DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: tittllttlt one at rltt!lltlit I, DESCRI PTION:cIoS decks (one e!the second leYsl-artg ird leve Reus e and/or add netr ow6 to maEch exls t TYPE OF REVIEW: New cons t,ruccloh ($200 ' 00) -xx Rddi cion ($50 . 0p ) Mlnor AlteraElon ($20 ' 00) :C;;;;PEual Review ($o) n r .Y ADDRESS: LEGAIJ DE NAME OF OWNER(S) : - ri -Nort,hl.tooos ! -600 ValI Val!9J.-Drive Block SCRIPTION:LOE uiffiz, r-9 subdivision J E. ZONING: r.NAME OF APPLTCNiIT: Mailing Address'==s"t 315 rf properuy is described.!y a meeEs and bounds leqal description, pr""'"-pio"iaL on a sepaiit'e sneeE and aEEach to Ehis aPPlication' Phone -NI."IP"" Edo De Mexico peltB or- APPLTCANT ' s- iEPRESENTATTVE: M^iii"s eddress: ' 1000 s' Frootage +g'!.-t'o *-;;ii:cti_-eG Phone Segerberg & Assoc l-ates FEE $ 20.00 $ s0. oo $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI-' ISSUED NitD CONSTRUCTION Jose Arauj o' PhOne Ta"caffi" Eao De Mexlco APPLICuTIONS WIL| NOT BE PROCESSED WTTHOI]T OWNER'S SIGITATVRE condominium Approval if applicable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, 1q. .sholl-a!9lPr are Eo b"-f:i3 aE Ehe cime of submiue"i'oF-'cfte DRB.applicacion' llEe5: when applylnE for a- u'iiiiiiii-pEt'ftl-preise ideneifv Ehe accuraEe valuation o! Ene propoial' . TIle riJi-of-viif tiff adjust Ehe fee according t'o iit!'iluit uetow'-[o """"te Ehe correc! fee FEE SCHEDUI,E:. VAI,UATION e o-$ 19'g9g i io, ooi -. $ s9, gYq i so, oor $ lsg, 999 irso,oor $ s'oo,ooo $soo , oor ' $1, 099, 999 $ over $1, 000 ' 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVA! EXPIRES eFinonel uNLEss A BUnDTNG PERMTT rs IS STARTED. 1.. ,: - -^ a ,l I5 P4r\r ' lr/lt/gs Fnt lJ:JJ FAL?o atr {60! ...1r..4/lt/la FIURcB gECEXEETC YAtL E TYPE OF REr'IEW ! -N.w con!rnrct,loh (t200.00f -Ilnos AlEslrBlon (0z0.Ool lcK iddlEi,on ('50.09) _conceDcurl ncvlrw (fol j ADDRESg !orrheoodi t- 7, 5oo v.Ll Valley Drivr LECAL DESCRIP?fON: l,ol - Block - guldl,vlllCn Northvoodt Unlsr l-6. l-t. l-t . ,. trl ptoDsrby le dersrlbc4 by I n..cl rnd bouDdt lrgal deicriptlon, please provlda gD a geparaEe gh3.E r.nd aEirch to Lh16 .Dplicr t i6n . ZONINC: tDD ,2 -NAJ'(E OF APPLICA\Tf I ltal I !n9 Adllreas : J!@lqlgg Ua8hlartaEr Pc ?0097 . , phon€ (202\ 333-4334 NAI.fE OF OhINER(SJ: Hailing AddrsrF t con, DC Phone q! o0r DE9IO\nE!1!BW EOILD rEP:iIC.f,rIOtf . TOT|N Ot VA3IJ, CO!onADO ,.DAtl RECEIVED: - DA?l OF Dn'l XllTtNO I Jurv ts^ lt95 tllriatrrt Ir{Cottp''af? qpLtc^'7otit' r.tf XOA EE gdpEDWED pOR REVrEIL. rlatlltiirrt I. SB$I!CIj!E98U[IjI9Ui ! A. DeSCRIPTION! Enclo!. (2\ d6cls (one rr EIe::ccnd l3vel rpd on. at thc Ehtrd i.evel). Rruta rnd/or .dd naY vlndoci to o.sich €x138!nt. I' I !J APPLT(:.ATIONS IITIJI.' NOT 8E PNO@558D NTIHO1T OITTT8,R'S SIGITATo.?;B Condonlr|i\lJn Approwal lf aDpllcabls. DRE FEEI Dt|!.lrer, ia ahorn lbov€, .re !o be pai(l aE the !1r|. o! ru.bnl, c c.l oi 'rht Dnt rtpllca!,lan. Lilrr, rrhrD applylng lor t bulldl.nt 9rta1E, Dl.are ldenally rhc acculac..,atuaclon o! Bho propo'rl . tht iowa gt v.ll rrllt .drurg the lee acCordlng iO Bhe tablt bslow, t,o .nrur. Ehr co!r.c! frr ic peid. 4EF s.FFDUt-l'l VALUAfION | 0 | 101000 ?i0,O0l rt 50,000 ts0,00r-f 1!0,000 tr50, 001 t 500, 000 s500,00r 01,000,000 $ over f 1, 0o0,000 DESIGN REVIEI{ BoAID APPBO\II!' EXtItlE AppnoverJ g!r&E8E r surtDtxc DEll|trt rE ls STIit"ErD, FEE | 20.00 $ t0,00 f t00,00 t?00,00 tr00. o0 ,s00, 00 OIII YITN AFTEI, FIN}! lg8uED AlfD CoNrrf,lrcrrolf .: 'i .\ NAME OF PROVECT: SUBDIVI S ION Northwoods Unlts LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT_ BLoCK STREET ADDRESS:600 Vail Va1leY Drive F-6, F-7, F-8 The following informaLion is Review Board before a final A, BUII,DING MATERIAI-,S : Roof S i dinq Other waII Materials Fascia sof f i t s windows window Trim Door Trim r'--r ^r nanV Rai lq HaIlLr ul. rJc:\"\ rrs]4v Flllcq F l ashing s ChinlneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Recaining wal Is Excerior Lighcrng LANDSCAPING: NAME Of TYPE OF MATERIAI., Not aPPlicable Wood - match existing Not aPPl icable Not aPPlicable reguired for submiuual approval can be given: Lo Lhe Design Designer: Phone: N.t apnlicable June 26, 1995 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Randy Stouder Town of Vail Planning 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Northwoods Units F6, F7 & Fg Pe-ae, SeeerberS E Assoc -1e! Arcnriear. ?C A .A l'/arn Off te lC00 5 Fflcntrge Road W V:rl. CO B 1657 lox 970 476 a6A8 Eharet9iC 176 14 a3 One T;l'cr aenlet lm Se,e.tcentr 5t S-te5i5 Dencr: CC 80ill f,;x iC: 613 i262 phrne lCl 5.rl l155 Dear Randy: This letter addresses the "medium severity rock fall" area south of Northwoods "F" Building (Units 6, 7 & 8) in relation to the proposed remodel. As documented in the attached Design Review Board application, it is evident that only a portion of the north face of the building and the second and third floor levels above grades will be remodeled. In addition, the southern face of the building and potential rock fall area will be left undisturbed. Therefore, we believe it is unnecessary to conduct a hazard study for this remodel. lf you have any questions, please contact Kurt Segerberg or me. Best regards, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS, P.C., A.I.A. / t -r- (. L Jr ) r)r t.;t { lf\ Leslie M. Davis Interior Designer LMDijs Enclosures cc: Kurt Segerberg b-tb.q6 2&ffibwpS. ?ttr7B d, 7 t' f, 4s.rA 4:Zfte A/Us. ery4 &urT o ?,ut7 7 ?ruT ? El&s7tel6 33 zf.a I 34s,a 3 3 ?-t5.7/ fuDU /O./o Zzf .3t eds./,f lao zre 33slt? 3lgA, sy' g4aa,fu il 'N- |1.. \ t \r)a \ \ \ \f, { \ M.BATH 6.rs UNIT 6 SCALE l/4r=|:Oi //aa 084 autf O .?z' g'x 2'1i"6,2r-z' t.ul 1,' *' E" xz'-4'7"' /5' '?' UNIT 7 ?F-y1.!e I ltTrt'O 1)>vv | +ilrtQo v4 FaA a>rarffi leU\fffiaV ) i :-T _t $ auT ?. 2 2r4's z'-r!": -/, g. -L . , r.-) / ' gl2i 1i '.t2" t.z aiY /'4't''0 zf'z' t/t/rTU a.7r / 2L4",-L'..7 ' 7, e!: L,. 18.6( 0" 7'.3,2i17 -4', rl+r Hr*ptr)g (rT? f*qqn,W.. ,AfiitZeU 44l?pdtEl 3,7f, 85, e.y'+ 3r4 /3,02 Q'#s'1)z'1'-'-1Lgtr FIELD VERIFY. AUGN W/H(|STING DECK RAIUNG WALL. --/b,/0 /m) 6rrnf 'fr.p$. ?,tlr7F b ZtuOil- /o.ro g,lP /er./h MASTGR BEDBOOM frYL*Eitrtb"*-F4)4 dHDat#. lrut7 7 / aE,r-f, / /2,73 zzl, gl Ai/trtr 7z.y'::- // ?. :'2 pgly'owE 7*eltlQ t lh>>, l2aaF + dFO"AC-ryl+? AFPavlb. AUGN rlyExtsnNc DECK RAILING WALL. frrn<-22744,/oE, f,f faTe<-f ',4- r$UNIT 8 UNIT 6 LIVING ROOM ('z rh tsx F$r\z 3(' i.r.t -1 tr< 3 \1 -l t -s, jt _l f :::1 UVING ROOM _l \$ 4o..EL e^r'vnl6, ,t-L, ap>+.I4tN?aV1+-LA,.&.Effoqh. o Urt-to t2" UNIT 7 :7 LIVING ROOM Wr-lo-./e ?>1rdtfc, I )y'4vt. Oe4t 4, vJv?aUo-?4u2,9 l,.tt<uoA?.iTHIR seALE lEa c/prT o VD aptr, rQ z' f,.2"r,t. iL'. // z,Z2s /tz, /t FTELD VERIFY. AI IGN W/EXISTING DECK Orn( @ z'-tr-"* /4' 7to"-- raft'u, FIELD VERIFY. AUGN VEXISTING DECK RAILING WALL. D LEVEL PARTIAL FLOOR PLAN l/Ar-lt-0r apa'7 + *poE __rl af ?4+18?- , I hlr ieu #z oV""/ UNIT 8 TArtk- tL t'2,73 Tafl<-, //2,7" fg;fte.rfrEW qrtDov) E*flc AF4 Z7a8 ' ZtulT b tsf nz 006./.e.9. ?PFf,e' /o82'as- eP f'Qr 1tz ' as $fuft*- otr,ti. ba€,Q?-. ?oz, t s- 4uv,a t O {s'st TofrL 33?s, ot 3zt$;o3 :>$\,.. Unit 7 l&-u d'Unit 6 //r//T b tl '' 2" x 2b' b z y'o5.0z /E',.K$ " hprT a ' a <=-2t 5 t zb-6"=ros,k._arur T E 3,F 6y'a ao €tz, o.s* 4tz, a,s O rt,.?1 . L->. hg) 3/'-47 ?g'.2t' * Qa.f ,6z- 7'7 " x 5'' zt" ,z 4a. OE . ultg ar..t 'at trl'rar rlrt 1 Jr-r6 arr rr.a1 F.r.3&3 rrYrJt'(ptroIA lrEa.rd|'id. - -*+ \-' t' thit 8 (>L.t. ;iraw:, rl^^J .,!F I . 'r!3ji...rt\-.f e uraal "ri . \i,.;,1 :-' .i 6 \l' EyEv'uo freST' ntdt/ Oor4 Oo5,t">7of'*t-606,b L 787/fL c',un't" ;r..:\ .i.,..,-r4- c. ",rrii4; l- *. **. 6//qilO \'.F' /{ nffiFa-enttT d k>ti i-' Ar/:T €r,, fa77L loz.ar _i. t t' \' J.t \:: - '$ ,13'""'; 'ia I i. Fo Second Floor Plan | . -----;_4. t -,1 A1' dP cE 9:dg E7 or ;1 3E :i 6; !9 LCO.Elr < (') .g =f m I ct)c o o 3 o z &rsTtDO tnzap- Uf+ ?tUtf 7 ltvt f t 3,r s.F. 0 4a,y' at-zo.rs-r-- ,/a, / z, 1) ,l'.6.,4.2, = ,z.t..z-s:" , ,,.,u Q;f 'a", tb'q'" zE.sz 6 4'o,.y /o.1.- -2s,37 'tiy +, '' 11''r l ln* ,FoThird Floor Plan --''1/4'-t4' t'/' .4, 77rtp outr o :J ) i.j a- ^4, ,or/ " l'v thit 6 '+\' :r X ''.'.' 'tn--\ re ,:j- ..d1 o .-d,t "*Y .'1"r-ry if 49-,n*,_ -^1'(\ ,.s.,^ LJnit 8 . pt/-24 -1!t{ 9-rJ lrJtr a chir,a.er,r laY @ dR o.1 3,F (Dqto'Pud'= b.zs ; 7z 72, r, D l'o" x. /d.f '.s 7s,s? 5, zr:7'y' 4/'a".- ?z(.s/o F26.+Z fv|v?-, \ fa )---ij{ Unit 7 A!t?t r'rl-vrat *r'vlr u!'r I s,-r. s, .,.!-r ryt{at !'rLt t Dtf aal. 4bz,or Fra- ftot'og ? Qz.o-r atl}a ./"- ;' ;:-;. /. :.a.t 'lr, t'tt/rafl tlan- Orn* larT 7 n4r b C t,'-a"*.r'.u'ffo.u, o r,'.z"ref . E*lsTrDC Utarf O , 3F (D L,'' a"Y at' b'kls 'ar TaTrt+-08E ' zt Tar*. b 6st 3t --= = .;F r'30; "Hft ge i=" ; O.ao.!\ < i .t.' L+ ttttt 1 eolra .'t .t ts6rF+ - \ . . rt?L't 1u' ttutl' a' a t . a5 a.l? lll rra , \*!rrY tt^t-t J : --./ I '- 9- tG Unit 8 .!Lr.'d-\^r.'|l,9.r 4rrr|}t-rrf4rarwl 7. ttt r "L 41, 'L. r, -!E h t,' Fourth Floor Plan o o z 2 F c o {o z T m n ={ d m,ntra Eg .LE =IP IJ U q 6xF l* P 3 i!: le i :i!" ld ! 3 7 lis I l=E i LILIL-I I 5 rr 6 €YF4o >- 6 e 9g g, t 1? E tt = L') > I I m = zd d.=ZA ;> ^2 -r^9; Oa z. t-ic 3< -1 Z JT JT {o )>tr o -tm vz >m on -t> F o "t- =m -l €z m (- z m -z - = Ol o 6 o I r- uiA o>'r r t- -z =u E E --{ m l-m ld t;t<l> IF lr lF 2 ! 3 ; €z o _n t- m 9)z o I l-{ t€ lz le l<t> ! 3 l-r lo l{ lz lo l'!1 t< l= I = rrl (D o ct - o { m T m l6 €z i r- m !) z o P -: E E tr e I --l - E D t o o m I = € 5 er o z =m -5 € B tr =D p p rn I 9z lq qt [<r IH lo' 1.1 ho lxT t-' <to t'n !m ={ -l (D m x m ll I o z (-o (D g> { m c1 Cr l'.") N; ..t (oO-r d30 o19-d ='OCt rJ *'<o iior 9^.()l=x -R{{Eo i *t' o:1 f 3-+6'9 - .fq);- < =.o o I ad :9**o f !+(/, Oiiot - =.tt ! o)! *o:' Eas =QP o,dl =s.F :{*=uX+ss= lci is*i5a3 338 ql: aa=, D-O *' o- 0t {I : S. <t, <t c o o o (o J o -t { f N - (o J c -' o o aD (o o s.o { o t l o 3 E. j' (o o o o o o o o 'r =m t-'n 2 -t I m =z m m tt 4 I z o 7z gt f,z lz >Ir- ilq-; 11",,", lt Plf, W^ w< V-J O ll * tl il-- lt@ llo l..r W F ts .llN) ll= tl tf-llf ll(lr il- tl q :r € 6 cl ('? tu Ol = ts i \o ii t5 l_ b,P F-'1- l-r r I r i: fo I tzl lUrl tcl tt-l t>l t-{l lol lzl tl tl l-,1 t<l t!l tml Ib'J f,t-rl lol txl tzl t$l l(,'l 'tl t-l al <l >l tr-l lFl lil I ll I rn o =-1 I ,6 I !m r m Q' o € ITI I z c z -i o o I 5 z c 1 -.t z m € l- m l ^z =z t- x m - tn c T o _n r c z 5 o 3 g -a o 5 5 qJ ln o -5 - o N:-o-l 8i Eb'>_n zo o<4 o64 Zc: --t 6o zz F>- : :6 n< =_a 1i I m 2 m v t- m o =i z .t1 € I 3 ID n r+ '5 5 E P F . I f9 (^) { Or z 2 F @ - =o z o m a 3E SrE 3R 9E 9p 3l=z=i rl= ul lo :.i lo);'5 F:=.tl O' I -l I I tl L l--l-t IH IH t'\ o'e ilo lt ;l m,tl -l --l t- !m n =-{-n m m (t c m -l x t-m z c m o I -{ m =z m m € m tlt z m m =m I z 6 t- = = m t-m o ; t- z o .r m o 7 2 fi =- .It m 7 ='Tl m m at, VALUATION !m = =z o m o 2 t- t- z m t-m > t- z o c (n }| \)t \ G. f ul O l\)(,!o i.r] Qt N Or t\) (tl 35(18, 5A ffi et * z o -1 T (,^t o (0 + -{ @ m lo :-(D ;i 0t -{o af x,.YO ; -rr ;fr mO -rl <= 'b= o<ft6 OE 6g aO >t z=a\ ::niA o -n m t =-{ F I z t! !D! <T >;z-= = (,!)>r dP 2= >- o--z o z,O >; x<z2 rr>OZ -.{ A 9; z;--{ c 3< -1 z o om z=--r x >:o1l o> o zA nz >m --l > I =m --l v*o r'', =rsF (- z m or mm U,A o>'t- rl -Y zl ;-l st F. l RI LNT ql al ^J ol 'u4 | l 3 fllg 'lz lo tI l> lF lm l:.,lz l" I I I I n19 l=tol ti*I' tt- tB l\ lal ll ll *|:l= El..tr t)lr '.|.' . FI\lz l-tel tl tl -t t{ t-n mloF inl€F 'lzl f |; N -OE R t|:h\ r. le [*e'l t)iJl h.|$ I t-.{ t-n mlol;ir l€ l=t=l \|;F ;{l; k ttol $1, Ij \ l\tr Nth Hn tl' C)Rtn lFlr F FII SEK ; ,lq' li-\----l tr IF ,lN lud IF tl o --t J I -l-\-- c *J ^J '. -t m- NJ' N \' s'.\ h$t- m{EF =6 '' z = z>9R -r!d I<'+< >o ol m_=(/)o z c =a z g)c l- -.1 z ed.Pa-;;;5 d ; i 3*"e :;q ii .[gefi i s:3F g ;; l;3 Hi.ap.- =;:3 {drEt. oB 3 dd OO",(/'X liaF=569=a'o-o;'i or o O * i1J A fE:F I ;ta 1.3 ;l5 s 3i Hq€de 'e,i le E 3E3E=rdild :Isri BfRal 6'9 5E l OtJo)== F3 i 8: =*iXa5 *.: i qs 6!9odS. ,^9r-(D 'n .r -a m a-.t1 z m t t--i m -l z =z c l! Ni' X! >n Zo aa s 3!<c> oo zz F> r.r - f\ q, I 5-<,< =]-Ii m -{ -{ t- (n ='Tt m m U' m I o z m s m € m m =z n m m m m () 6 f. @ - z m =i VALUATION SI 97,-iY m '-1 'm o -Tl TI m -{ -.1 o t! m x m { o z c-o (! !@ m=nri s - z o m -! '11 m m at '.J ,d (\ t;n ,{t4&" ltlha ,?_t),;ro (-*GEai .,E*Lz::Ee %Fqtlc fu-' l1-79ce aAr-l Ta W CH 194Ye4o u1" ?alr#2 It'?,aTa,l'-J-i41t1u . T114,6L Y,l,,biuz bf,?taf, 4".t. ll t,c, tieij ff' a I 6$rt '\| \&'-ta.../E AK4,&I t+tt- i /bt,rc:+vfi t bzffi, :EN aeLe ',,;ALL. aflu4 -ro rallfa)lH 1E*11W, tia r'alJd ilaw bt-o'tt !)tA2.lA Heafth O L-r L__l l'rt c f-i .l ,/ t{tr 'Ebt**e e/.14t-4L' W.(tAa)wtg rA &tr'r n q il ara?elaL',b) ,,9L, +t+ h::;fito, 'j,,!,::, gor,r, 14t- -.. Y'. 2't-:z' - ti)r aU(:c _.,;,--, ,4!-a ?')EFQ!__tb+, Unf,4U 7t-or 'a*'tz,#A)AtAtu;o YL^A6U 4 *rt al.piW'dfLlk ta /F4NA):lf'lb tH arat 4 TEl*4. €"u* 6<sl+:,5 .)flaerl ?|tVAIaJ 2 \ au?€4 '@tu %yteF)- uitT + rbP 7a ltAf4U f-\.,q,Ab (+r1.fi)r+ ?!rye!{' *r/n?t a)9 1-2 A-+<$-*as-Jq WW-€W>t1. Jal a.tp '*).L. alWq fa.t-1bfu't 6t6tT+ til 1q1re,4 wt' .EWd eLewtf,aJ tDry au/+2rl ',tltf *ll t*qlAew {z4t%L -- -elW,DWra a4A0 Y?f* |l&r|tlaH a-FE v1Jl1,91Fb qr-T?l o )?eo LA4actL UHrf * Ll w gEWae-E4lz €,ffie=,>tA rl- - --.1. 1 ,i-=-liill ill ltl a€4 oqav latrfl)Afra KzAirttlro W t-ff't TrJJiz iTz4 fle*AtAI2t7 =T,14 fi #'fi ii;' F# #i''il ln -5i5; g rii$;-!L=ii = l=--, r i= rll = li; h.4a4;Afe lzitTqa 2,b u# tw Y-bulLctHa 2ue?-aA !'WW WfreU-L iHr * t-Ia taw%@ tap I:r_;t*4 G TLerY a--l o V*t/4Jb /-^zf4 #) <C -l'-,2'J1112 3, z;bLa'-aa C'/-,t- Le€L I 2zkic kwL W:fuzre l^=z; 2-^l '/q,' . l'- a WVtftL ,aal.e6oa wlIJ *zlzaes?_Aaryra 2lj J)4e noh Exrsr o[ Nsw ?.6 STuD. CON|{. To G.rr FosT wrTh slMPSoN L-50 CON$ 6CT orlt € 14'o.c. (rvPtcru; ( s*t51 ', (xew) lo'r.tl 572" ( er,sr) 7-NEw 6.6 ' Pogr __l Paqrrrr- 5t Fu. FRmru,. Puru ar Bruconx g(tsT. " 4-b ?LLTE W lO.2A 'qlhPsou' L-50 C.oNHesn . NI|L TO porr f'Rrmser'-O STEEL E€\Yl . - NEw 6.6 Posr -tl iJ 7 , llt ll B t tl,cl q.l T I ; tlt z E/6" PLYu,<xrD SI.IEATHINCa A'Yrtps . 2oGA . METAL srtJP, NAlr To PI, TS { ]Jl Btoctr.,'l.r<. w/ €rcl Nrrrr e 8' * rul uf \9 s t t I I I tra -\o t(l -,.Ngw 0.6 FrqsT. t.L F06r, I5gl,L or.l PLITE ctl CANC. W\tL . Pr^T€ otl T|o F cE5.Tog HArt To REI'10V9 sL0Pu{6 tsArcoH\ Ft..\ E{rsT s{JbFLOo( T0 lgHAlHr lb d NAI$ e I' tu TtI tlrocv,rNG Ibd NAIL 9A. flI ," x/+'' lt-e' E:(l:T,2-b ailsT. E'. ?. x'r FL. ExIsT. IL. TJT PL\TE @llc. WALL e lto" 74-. 1'-9' @NTtAcrorL -tro FrEuo VEgtFY E(t\Til.t6 co$Drrro}.rs AHD OrME$9I{)$t t4Atlr€l) wtrh AN AtT€Orq ({). Refuer AN\ vArLlATrorJA oL D€5cR-EPANcrgt nstut€ PP.ocgeorxc. @NT LACTOf\ TO PqOUIOG ALL HECSSI AIY <{OfuH6. Fort 6srn rurTALrATrot{ An trL. ' Ngw wli-i - 2.t' REVISIONS ButRow NotrHwooos REHoggL Uxrr l@ VAtu,Couo(rno JOD NO. 85021- A-DR,AIIN BY P,!,1 . Ncw 3b Fu. FRrrqrxa Brlrr A-A-t- DATE q'io-E5 MANNIK O:t:|r M.t.J eod . P.O gor 3ttto . NfC6$ lrdlo . AF/9a&t73t DRAI{ING NO. 5K.t NOTE: Page 5 $ECIAL DBELOP,IF,\N DISTNICTS {x \ A.)@District l-P.eplaced by Qpccial Developrent District g B. ) Special Developrent District 2-Norttrvoods Acreage: 7.643 acres Allorable Units: 129 + 6 enployee ho:sing (GttPLSfD) kisting tlnits: 89 Existing (frf'A: L49,SZ sqr:are feet Ilnits/acre allcl'ved: 17.66 I}ri.ts/acre actual: 11.64 Acneage: 8.29 acres Al1qrab1e Units: 156 - Allorable GRFA: f26,50O Proposed llnits: 155 Proposed GRFA: l,21,294 Diisting Uirits: 84 Existirg GFA: 66,?34 Units/Acre allorved: L8.82 biisting llnits/acre: 1O.13 .l D.) .Special Develoonent District 4-{ascade (}r{aasfieli) ViUaee Acreap: 18.078 acres Allormble Units: 252 (PEC & rc APPTiCMAL) Allcxvable GtF-{: 275,617 Proposed Units: 230 (15O acccrnrod,rtion units, 89 duelling rnits and 66 Drplovce llnits) Proposed (t{FA: 273,7fi square feer Units/acre allorred: 13.911 Ilnits/acre prooosed: 12.73 E. ) Soc.cial Develoorent District S-Sinbe Iq:n Acreacc:6.3 acre-s {C'&b"1 C. ) Soecial Develosrpnt District 3-Pithin Creek Paxk ( € l&l * Allo.rablc Units: 13i Allo,r:ri:lc Gilll: 139,C3C snu:'e ie'.-- Prorrcscd Unrte: 129 + 16, c;:)rovce un1!: Itopscd Gr.-F.'.: L39,0fu giu:trc ic-:-- Lhits/acre al1o.r'eC: 22.( Units/ecrc promscC: 21.:: (PEC IPP|O'/AL) TC DEIII'IL \-- o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PEBMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT uA|tr JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER ' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -____.__.-_.- JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM ! READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR