HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG F UNIT F5i{n/npoa/> r-- j Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparhnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxz 970.44.2452 web: www.ci.vall.co.us Project Name: PYTKA CHANGE DRB Number: DR8040431 Project Description: MOVE THE E}XSTING CHIMNEY TO THE MIDDLE OF THE NORTH ELEVATION AND REBUILD IT TO THE MINIMUM SIZE Paficipants: OWNER PYTI(A, JOSEPH 08/20/2004 Phone: 916 MAIN ST VENICE CA 90291 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine Architect 08120120A4 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: ARCHITECT Beth Levine,Architect OBl20l20O4 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81520 License: C000001399 ProjectAddress: 600VAILVALLEYDRVAIL Location: Northwoods,UnitF5 Legal Description: Lot: Block Fl SuMivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108119005 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Acdon: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApPrcYal:09/15i2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days followlng the date of approval. Cond: 202 Appronl of thls proJect shall lapse and becorne vold one (1) year Hlowlng the dab of flnal apprwal, unless a bulHlng permlt b lssued ald aonsfrucdon ls aommenced and ls dlllgenUy pursued towad ompletlon. Planner: Matt Gennett DRE Fec Pald: f20.OO Rug 17 O4 O?: 4Oa l'lonUmen9 Constnuct i on ,-ffi zoning: ilam{s) of Owncr(s): ll12- Hriling&Hes6: ourner(s) Signaturc(s): 31 0 -828 -43?6 Mlnor E)fterior /llterations $50 Plus $r..m per sqrare bot of &tal sign area. No Fee $650 For ordrudion of a na., buiding or demo/rebuild- l30O For an addititn u,lrere squaE footaqe is added to any r€sidentbl or cormercbl hrilding (inddc. 2gt diddls & interbr @nv€rsrons)' $25o For r*u dranqEs to hJildtEs and gte itngu,ctn€nt'' gJch s, .€|o6t9, 9ai'ttg, windov ddititns, bndsf.ftir& ftnces a|d r€Elrung vr|6fls, etc. $20 for minr crra4es to bttalditrgF and siE inp.ovetnents' su(h as, retdt|g, pairting, whdoet ad(tro|E, lands6pi€. fues ad retsinilg wa[+ enc 320 for retrisaons b ptans dnsadf apPr6r€.t by Pbming Sbtr or tlre O€sgn RevielY Boad. No Fee p.1 7a/ RECEIVEN . /ti Application fior Design Review Department of Crynmsr[ty ocdo@ettt 75 Souh ffige Roa4 tbif Cotorao 8r6t/. El: 9Il.{79.213 ft(: 970.{793052 web: umiv.valEw.lom General Information: All proFcts requifing dedgn reviervr must rec€irrc 4proyat prbr b slSrnrurB a h.ril(rr|g perfiit applkzfioo. Ple@ r€fur to the ssrnitGll rcquiiem€nB for the partbrbr approval trlalt is .€que$ed. An appletiott fior Oeign Reviar canmt be aaceoted unu alt reqdnd irforn'rado.r Ls recnd by the C.qnmunity Dwelopmetrt Depatffi IIE poject may atso ne€d to be Eirlcilred by the ToM/n @r.rncil and/or tre Pbnnilg a(d Erwirontnental Cotnmissbn. Oeiign re'vicr eggoorral laF!3 unta56 a buildtng pcrdit is issucd and constrrctiort cDmtttcncas witltln ooe yeer of t'|a approrral. Location of the p5opoeaft t-r1: ? grodr: Vrf -l suxrusion I'btrtuud> (a'dauiui ora PrrF-rcalAdd.ess: b> Ua;t Uz:.rrr, Uu parcel No,: Zt.t O t tq aoE (ConEct eagb co. Assessor at 9ru-32&84{o for parcd no.) p1 p,1.7P. alb. 5701 ilame of Agpfr.a[E llaatirgAddr€s E-mail Address: n tr r'1 o ao eenl*\1k), ne* Type ot Reuiew and Fee: v Signs Gft!9tual R€rrbw il€wffiuction Addlion Mmr Alterttim (mulffiardly/co.nmddaD tr MimrAhratbtl z d oranges o ApFu,€d Prans / O Separation Requ€st , 7'd e66Z- 925- OL6 uJsod au r Aa-l ql'irg d6O:Zr tO gI 2nU MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: Thisapp|icationisrequiredforproposalsinvolvingminorsteriora|terationsand/orsite improvements. proposals io aoo rinol.uping do not-require DRB approval ynlcsg theY involve the addition of patios, *"ti-f""tt"o, gnding; or the add*ion of retaining walls' H/f nw ^1A NA wtA su glrTTAL REOUTREMENTS** {At pagsof Application is complete HCnecftist is completed and signed g i;;p"a Topogiaphic Survey*, if applicable tr Site ind Gmding Plan*, if applicable tr LandscaPe Plan*, if aPPlicable f,/er.ttitectunl Elevations*, if applicable -tr g,t"tiot color and material samples and specificauons' tl Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicable E J.lg;ud H"n* anil cut-iheeqij ror proposed.fixtures' if applicable ilr,ttr" i""pott, including ;il;'16 A d' e lo veriry ownership and easements* Vpl"t*lrf ti,e e<istin-g sne and adjacent structures, where appl'tcable' , . .6-id;il;;;;;;ilff'; ionJoininirr associadon, landiord, and joint owner, if | , aPPlicable il A n site-specific Geological Hazard Report' if aoolicable* B The Mministrator and/or DRB may r"d,jit" the- subrnission of additional plans' drawings, .p#nl,t^ii-*rp]"t'unO otnir materials (including arnodel) if deemed necessary.oo"to'in"*r'ettrerapro3ectwi||comp|ywithDesignGuidelinesorifthe intent of me proposal is not clearly indicated' Please submit three (3) copies o.f the materitk noted with an asterisk (*)' **For interior conversions with no e,xtprior Ehanoes' the submittal rryiTments indude a complete set of existing -i'p.p;*Omr pf"*,;Utte report, and written approval from a condominium association,landlod, and joint owner' if applicable' I have read and understand the above listed. submittal requirements: Proiect Name: Conffactor orL {-5 ,il :'I bSPH B0 C0l{STRlJCT l0l{r aalqz/@ LZ. o 35F P.l'10.164? P. l/l P,O;BOX l23l vArL, COLORADO 8165t 30347&3486 Fan 30].4$.$e3 Northwoods Condominiun Associatisn To: Town of vail From: Jim Akin. Ocncrnl Managar of lrlonhwoo&s Cnndominium Associrtion August 15- 2{Xl3 - F.5 - fircplacc reloeord insidc dlo living room lo cr.rrcr nonfi w ll. Tlro okl chimncy rcmoved nnd in$all a nct, ono to the mlnimum size and hcight rcguircd by town codes. Approvals of tlrxc projecff arc conditional rn thc ownm following thc pmcedurc.s for Appforrl olArchirEctural Ctugcs Rcqma?.d by Owncrs csnblislrul by thc As6pciarion. Jim Alin \;0$*^_ 0"*,Mrnaser *etrutirs for Norlhwoods F Town I'lomcs Thc fotlowing rcmo&l chenge ordcr has bcon appovcd by thc Architccrurat Reviow Comnirtccof Nordrwoods C,stdominlun Associatlon fOr grinklcr rctrofm: LbwwwL1 tD bt- J, fl,ry1onz4 Clraru r*'\ +- l;x- vtdo,lzd' o o Land Ttile Guarantee Comtrnn5r CUST()MEf,, DISTRIBUTION Drle: 0E-12.21103 Our Order Nunbcr: VSOttrEAn kopef,ty Ad.frcrss cof{D$rrNruM uNrI Fs, NORTIIWilX)S CONDO FrlI(A C.'O8&IEI,EYINE P.O E(X l&s avoif, @ fl620 Ptu, ytoly2eflL Ft:. JIb926IlB S"dVhEr o o LdTrileqsetecrw lqnqNrrcls Ditc: {B'12.1m Our Ordcr Numbe r: VflOO?,2;n hopcrty Addrcss: CII{DOTIINIUM UNn 15, NORTTIWO(X)S Cr}\tDO Bqrcr/Borrowcr: TTOBE DETERMINEI) S.llcr/Osncr? JOSPHPTTKA If you hnvc ary ltqufrkc or rcqulr! tbrthcr sisrrnc€' plcr3c contrct otrG of ttc nmbcrs bclow: For Closlng Arcirtrne:For TItk Asclstsnoe: Vdl Ttth Dc?t Roger Avlh lllB S. Frontrgc RrL lY. ffll)3 P.o. Bor 3St VrlL Co il65t Pltor,flO4l6?:EL fall; tlQ.t(l$tgJtl Frudl: Revllr@lt8c.com Nccd I map or dlrecdons for your upcomlng cloeltrg? Chcd( out Lrnd TigCs web dle rt www.ltgc.com for dlrectbns lo rrE ol onr 40 omce bcntions- ENilAIE€IIITEE Irfiod[sion Bder $175. OO ftra 9175. OO toa Collll:t TEANKYOU FOR VOUN OIDENI o o t{N}TIIECIXHNIE(IIm{Y INi,TIG -Lz;d Tlde OrYtEn nSrEPH PYTKA Plopelty Arkrrs: CG{DOI}IINIUM IJNIT t5, NORTHWfi)DS CUitDO Yorn Rclererre No.: When rtferdng b Ois ordcr, Fere rcferrre our Oder No. VWUnn . CTIARGES - Irfonnlion Bludcr sus.00 -Totrl--$us.oo Plccc rntlachdrs Hrdc to! LldTlth fuee Cornary P.O. Bor 5d4l) Dcnv€r, CI) &tZU o o Gfcqo mc [rrercCorpy AtTA COMMITMENT Srfedute A Proporty AddrBs! C'dIDOMINIUM ttNn E, NORIIIWOoI)S CONDO l. Efiectivc D.te: "|rly 23, 2003 rt5:00 P.lt[ 2 Pollcy to be Issrrd, rnd Propoced lnsurcd: IdorrdonBln&r ftoposcd InnltG TOBE DETSNMINEI' OEr Ordcr No. VgDUfT:z7', Clrst Rcf.: 3. The cstrte or intcrtst In thc lrnd descrlbcd or rdcrred ao In thlr Comrnltrent end covcred krcln fs: A Fee Stufle 4. fitle to the cftsae or intcrcst covencd hcrdn l5 rl the efiecdvr dete hercof vcsted ln: JOSEPHPTTKA 5. Thc hrd rclcrrcd to in thls Condhent ls dcscrlbcd es folbws: C(}{IX'I|INIUM UN T F.5, BUII'INGF, NOI$HWOCIDS AG{DOMINIUM, ASSONDING TO TTIE aoNDotlflNluM MAp IHEnEOF, XECORDED DECU}IBER ?-i, rCts, rN THE nECORDS d THE cLaRI( AIID XtsCORDER (X' EAGLE COUNIy, OdI)nArtO rN BOOK243 AT PAGE tn AND AS DKTNEI) IN THEC(X{MXIINIUM DECTA|.A".*fi(x{ nDCORDED DECUUBB.23, ry's IN BOOKZ43 AT PAGE tto OF SUCI| nDC1ORIX|, COUNTY OF EAGII, STATE OF COLI)RAI)O. o o ALTA COMMITMENT Scbdd€B-Sccfionl (Requlrements) Our Ord€r No- yy'rmztn The lolowlng ere the rcquirenents !o bc complled wlth: Itetn (r) hyl'Dnf b or for llt uorrl of tlE grdo]s or rEortsagors cl O: hll coBl&|f,tron for dE ef,lrte or furcst lo be fuued. Ilem (b) PioPcr llrtulen{s) cnsdr* lb csrs}F or intttst fo be iELGd rDrt bc cxcdcd d dtly flcd for Econl, b-de Ilm (c) krycnt oI dl M, chnges or esscsm lcrid rd assessed ryirrt lb sil{ecf prcrdses wldcb erc &c r|dHrblc. Ihu (Q Adildonl rcqd|tlmb, lf u5r dsdosed below: THIS COOflVIITIYIEhIT FFIORIh|I|1ONMA.TICIi{ OITILY, AITD NO F(XICY WILL BE XSSIIJED PUNSUANTHMET(} o o ALTA COMMITMENT SchddeB-Secdon2 (Exepdons) Our Order M. !/ffi:2:Ln Thc Policy or Policies to bc lssu€d w l contrln crceptlorls to the folbwlqg rurtcs thc same irc disposcd ol to the srdsfsction ot the Cornpony: f. Rglfi or ctim of pertret ln Fssession mf rtmvn ly h pbfic mcort. L kmnfs, or cldru ol crcrnan&, mt shown by lhc dlc ccords, 3. Discnpodes, corilicb h boudery llmq shonege in allq errmskrr8, !d q fa.tr wtdch e corcct suvcy urd inspecton of flE Fmises wodd drclo3e rd wttctr re Dt stDwD by OE ldfic ltcor{s- 4 Ary lieq or rtght ro r l|cq for servles, lsbor or lElrrld t|rtlioforc or lErrdt r frnislE4 tqoced by lrw ud rpt J|Fttr bt tt ntlic rtcords. 5. Dctects, llens' etx|brbfrrca, !frerlc ddrE or olh.r rElErJ, lt rry, cE*4 trnrt epcrtrry In dr pr&[c rtcods or eHng sdBcqucil to tli eficcllve ddc brcol h plor to fu&rcft Fopos€d irucd acqdrcs ol rcord tor ydrE lb catrb or l&Est or mor€ryc dEron @vcrrd by l|ft Corrdtaf. e TE€r or tpcclC ssessDrs wtdch erc Dt sbpn ar cdsfiry l!.r. by 0E lr|Ulc rccords-o lh Thannr's ofice. 7. IJcns for rtrqrdd weEr rd sercr clargcq if q.. & h rdidon, t: owrr/s pollc5r tltl be suliect lo h Drgrye, if ry, mtd In Secdon I of Sffic B IEItoL 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIENOR OF A VETN ON.Iff)E TO ETTNACT AND NEMOVE EXS ORE TIIERE'NOMSHOI,JLD TTIESAMEBEFOT'IIID TOPENETtrATE ORINTENSECTTIIE PREMISES As RESEnVED IN UNTTED STATES pAlU{TnECOatED MAy Zl, Ut05, IN B(X)Kfi AT PAGE 5T1. IO. *IGIIT OF WAY FOR, DTTCIIES ON, CINAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTK)RITY OF fiTE T]NITED STATES AS NESERVED IN T'N]TED STATES PATE\IT RECI)NDED MAY 2|,, 1905, IN Bfl)K4t AT PAGE 5II. II. NESTRIC'TTVE COVENAIITS WHICH DO NOT OONTATN A FIORFEITT]RE OR NEVERTER CIAUSE., BUTOI,IITTING RESTRICTIOI{S, IFANY, BASD (}tl RAC, C{X,OR, IEXJGIOi{, OR IV,ATIG{ALORIGIN, Ali CI)i{TNIYE) IN INSTRUMEX{T REC{)nIEI) DE|CTMBEn 17, 1965, tN B(X)K TE? AT PAGE 5I.5. tL THOSE PR(nrySrONS, C{)VmYANTS AND C(xTIDrtI(}{S, EASET}IENTS AND nESTRrqII(x{S, WHICII ANE A BURDEY TO TIIE CuiIDOMINIUM T'NIT DESCruBE) IN SGIEDT'I,$ A, AS CINTAINE) IN INSTRUME{T nmORDED DECEMB|m,ui, Uns, IN B(rcK2At AT PAGE tl0. 13. G(ES EASEMEIYTACNEME\T DATED AUGUST2T, Iq'4BEf,WBI{ VAILASSOCIAITS, o o ALTA COMMITMENT Sclndie B - Scclbr 2 (kceFlons) Our Order No. VflOOXEn Tbe poncy or pollclcs !o be lssucrt rryill contrln cxceptiora !o thc lolbwlrE urbss the sarne arc dcpoced o,f to thc srtl8fic.tion oI the Compnrry: INC, A COI-ORAI'OC|OnSOnATION AND VArL METnOFqTTAN XDCTEATId{ DXSTRICT nEc{}RDu) DECET{Bm. Zi, 197s rN B(X)K ZA AT PACE E09, AS IT MAy AFFECT A FORTIOI\I ffi SUBJECT PR(XffiTY. 14. EASEME{T AND RIGTIT OF WAY FIOR ELECTruC UNES PUNFffiDS GRANTED TO HOLY CR(FS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATION, By VAIL ASSOSATES, INC, A COI,onADO CIXFORATION AND NORII{WU)DS d)NDOI'!NIUM ASSOCIA'IION, A COI]OnADO NG{-PnOFTT COnFORATIOI\I BY INSTRUME{T RMORDED MAY 9, 1979 IN BOOK 2t5 AT PAGE z$i IN WHICH TTIE SPEC'IFIC L{I\;a-TION OF TIIE EASEOfiT\IT IS NO'f DEm\rED. ls- EASEiME{IS, nE;ERVATI(NS AND nESTRICnOT\E AS SHO'WN On RESERVED ON TI|E IECORDE) PIAT (X' NORTHW(X)IF CONIX)MINUIII'IS. o o LAND TITLE GUANANTEE COMPANY DISCI.OSUNE STATEMENTS Noe: hroerd to CRS lo-tl-ljul, rptlcc ls lutby glven tlu8 A) Thc sr|qFct rcd pmpcfty qr be locroa In e specid dq dfeHct B) A Cerdfrcat. ot Thes Du llsdrg cr.h tcfq J|fsdc$on mt bc oHrd from |b Coufy Tbcanref s etltdred agerf, C) Thc lrtonrrllon rcS{tftE Te.ic dlstrlcb erd th brrrdrles ol $rh dstslc6 Dqr h offircd tom th Bord of CorSt Corudsdoru:, ilD Couty Oerh ud Rcordcr, or [E Co|rqr AsrBror- NoG: Eftecdve Septedcr I, lgt, CRS gl-f0{06 rcqlrcr duf t[ docrmrt rrcclycd for ncordrg or tflirg ln lh clcfk ed rccordeds ottcc shall cloffin e op rmghr of rt l€est oE lnh md . lef,g rlglrt rnd botbm rrnryin of rt leat orr hrlt ol sn lnh TIE d€r|t rrd rtcorder rnry ntusc b Ecord or llte rry docrlneDt ftrt docr mt codontr, cxcpa 0|rl, th rcqdltrEd for tb bp rnrgtr rhell rDt Tdy to docr-E . uclrE fornl on rlichsprc is FoYi&d for Ecordfog or tlirg irfonnellon et flE bp mryln o? tt docrrr1rf Nob: colorrtu Divldon ol hunrp Rcgrrdons $5-1, Pregrqb c of Artde vtr Eqdtca dnrrycry dde cndry dd b rcspouiHe lor Cl rnrerr rllch qrr of rccod prlor b frr lfuc ot rtcordhrg wlsrever h t0c erd$ corrrrrb Ot dosfog d b rElporrtUe for E@rdrg or mhg ol lcgrl doolrEnts rtsult|4 trom th fucdon wHch vrs ct6cd". Plovldcd &rt L"d Tlde Gir|r ec Co4qr cor'wr fu clclrg of fte lrrnd ErrecdoD ad tr rcspodue for ncordfuig lh lcgC doqEils tm lb !uurc[o4 erccplion rder 5 rvlll mt rycr on 0n Orncds fi[e Follcy ad tb Ianbr hliq whnlssud. NoE: Afrlrdvc rrrchdc's licn Fob.fon fm tln Owm ry bG aydtdc (t5flcdly by dchdon ol ltv..pdon n t 4 of Schcdde B, Sccdon 2 of Ore Corrrdr'r+nt from lh Osr*ds Fot|c1/ b b? lcs@ upon cof,lrre wtlh dn followlrg conddor: A) The kd thscrib.d h Schde A ol 0& corrdtrf rmt be r rl4!c lboits rtstta1rge wtdrh lmhdcs e codonirl -p or lowrto|rc rdt B) No lebor or mebrlds hve bc€n lkr&hcd by rn&ldcs or mErld-rrn for FrDoccs of const|rcfion on tb |ai de*rlhd In Schdde A ot Ods Cotrdttte[ wtddn fu ptG rmft. C) TIE Coqcf lmrt Eeive It rymFfub dtdrvlt ldemdfyhg dr CoryV qdl|st u}filed trEclEdc's d @dd-un's llcc D) Ttr Corr?srv tEt rrcclve Hmf of tr qophte Frdutr. E) f dst hs been conchrdon, itrprcvers& or||Ejor r€pdrs lr*ihf(et| on fu Foperv to be pdrred vllHn sh monbs prior to tb DrE of th Or[dtEna, ttE ESdnmrE !o oHn covcrqe for urccotdcd llen will lndr& .fscbsut of certafir corsrndon lrfordon; ftlurhl ldotrdon s b lh sdlcr, [* Hlder td or tlE co actoq HrErt ol tb ryroprf& prufu mlJ| erccued ldeldtr Agtleffi srtlshclorJ !o tb congl, nd, uy ddoml ttqdrlrEnb s mqy bc rnressrry dler & tgnidjlor of lh elottrsld lr{onudon by frr CoryTr. No coverBc will be glven dcr ry dmlEhEs lor hbor or r .-rld tor whlch lb lcutd b colue@d fororrglld !o Fy. Nob! h$n|tb CnS lG11-U13, mtcc k |Inby glvcn: Tlle mdce Slcr tD owEt's pollry cotdhfrils coddry r drrrd sevcrltse lEtlIGIti crcpdoq or ercdoB, |nsede tr Secdon 2. A) T|nt ttre k rtotH cvldce lb r tdrcEt cstrtc b been sevec4 L5c4 or olhrslsc corwcy€d tom lb $f,fre GE& std Onl |ke ls r strdrl [hdfiood tbr 0td l[ty blds sorE or rll lnEnrttu oll, grq oh rffis, or gtoGcilnl crlrsr tn lb FoFttr; d B) TEsrh drnl 6bb my h& tb dgtrb.trErrdtFcftFpcry wt0ui tu SufaE oFDl's lEtdsclon Nod rE Hn coffi will bc &mrl to obfrgne 0E core.rry b Drovld. stry ol lh covcrqcs nftrrrd b hrctn EIess lb ebovc confforr sc ftily srdctlerl F@ Dcrtoallt O9/Ot-,/fif o o JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Flddlty lihdond Flnsrclsl Gtotp of C-ompenlcs/Chlcrgo Tltte Insursmc C.gmpoqf gd I{rd Title cuersntce Colryany July l, 2l[l we Ecogritc- td rcqPcct il|e Flvect cqrcclrrbr|s of todry's coratlEls nd ftG ltadrcrEnts of amdcr e fedcnl rnd ![DE r|y4t h's. Wc Eucv-c -0tra- d.tr* you nac of lbv lle usc your mt]dflc nrsold ffi;ftEflor ('fttlsonrl trforfufona), td lo tthom lt lr dscnsd "wtu rorm ti ii"ts ror e-tft.ro#frfriifitrfrrffifrE;nd.-"tii;tdttrt'- xlll xu_::lv3_rlg .rtrv:ct sbbrmt FoviG t|rt crpllEdor" we rcsve ti itgtt to ctn|Ee drb klwsy'liht rEnt fmm drr|C to lh onsbbnf-w|ft rdlcrblc'pivacy Ima Itr thc coni3e ol om bushrcsq tc mry cottct Pcrsonil Intormadon abott you hom thc follor[lg sources: ] Ft'om ryflicedorr or olh- Ioru_we rccclvc tlom you or your drorlzcd rcpeserdvc;' Fllrm yorr EalEdioqs l{q or rmm dE scrrlccs 6dry gfubrd bt, rr, o-rr d blrsr- or othrs;I From oc lulsrtt wcb sltcai t h*-g.^q*f" Tgry4qr. iild|Ed by Eovcil'rtd entillcs tlul we e lEr obdn drccdy lrom dnsc e dcs, or fiom orrdllis&s or ofrri::-ud t trtrorn com$rE or otbr rtportirg rgerics Our Pollcbs Regrrdtg thc hfotecdon ol the Contrdcndellty and Socurity of Yorr Personal Informrtlon Wc rffiin plgriclt eMudc rd procqltnl sdlgr& to foEct lro|r Rrsod ldonndion ftom -tnrrhorlzed ace33 or urnnoD. wc mnl sGcf,s b tll ltllsond trtorffillon ody 5 lhse adofies ilp ncd suclr *cess ln omrcdon with povidrB prcdEB or scrficcs b you or for o0rr futtut hrfois Frpoacr Our Follcles md hrcdces Regordlng the Sharlug of Your persond Informetion I9gy_:!rt'e_f._|f319|Il| Irtonruton wllh ot! rilfires, ndr s trrrrre sgenE, d odEr ltd cabE 3e6cr 'ccrvhc Fovldcr!. We dso rq/ dscloc ylirr Rnoml Inlorrrforil I b qert, Lohs or rcpeserttlvcs b fovi& yotr ritt scwiccs you h.ve EC3EG r b Unlfit cofttcrols or scrvlct pvldets wlm povtrb swlcds or pcrtorni nrtritftg or otttr lbrcdori ori our bchdf; rd r b otlrrr vllt *lmn we cftr hb &|fi rslctlr* qltenEfs tor podrls or crvlccs tEvc bdlcve you rry[dothtEit !n $otoq wc wlll dscbcc yor ftnoml lrfonufion whn you drrct or glyc rr Frrdsslo1i w|ln vc ere rc.I|&cd by_lrr to do sq or wbn we-srryct Aurdded or crlrfut r-tlvftic* We eEo mv'dsdorc irirr rusorql - ffior|lnfon wlEn oftrrttc Frull&d W rydcdc Flvry lews srh rs, for emirfle, whir disclos rc ts necdod b eitrorcc orr rlgb rblry otte of rry fueerul, trirrcdon or nlliorltp winr ybri Orr ot lb tlPortmt rtsponslttloe3 ol son of orr dllldcd cor | -lcs b !o rccord &crrrtet's in th prDdc ftrullr $nh ft.|mrtls rry condn your ksord ldordon - Rlght to Acccss Your Personal Inforrnrdon end Abllity to Correct Frrors Or Rcqucst Clrrngcs Or Ddcffon CerEin sbtcs d_ ord yo_u F rlghf lo-eccss yo-rr krsoud Irfordion d, udcr erttn cirsrrrores. to ltd out b tlflrm yorr Pb|sorEl ltro_ rrElfion h l*G'r dscloecd. A!so, crdr stles dtod lfo*r th riEn b ttqn3t contcdon' e|EltrE_nt or ddetlon of yorr_ Pbnord. Irfondion Wc nserse 0. rftt+ wHrEprdlldd b hv, to chrye r rcesorfr|c fc to cover or cosb In(|rrad tn ttcpordrB b c|rch rl8qrrsB. - All rctFsF sd Ed to fu n&[$-Ndo_nrl _Fhnld Gmrp ot Colryrries/Odcrgo Tl0c Irrurne Corryerry droll ti lnwri0ry rd rbffvered dta to ortrE ddnss: Pdwy Oorir{'time Ctrcer n&|ltV Ndornt Flnnh!. Ilr- ffigHYbfl$f.# Mul ph Prldrcts or Scrvlccs LI) E|ogFJgy_qq mrc rlmr oE flrr{dC_pmdrl or se|rte, you rEy rcadvc rDrc [m orc Flvry mflce ttonr ur. wcqo|ogEctorry lmlrvetlcN flls rycrlcyotr. btRnr.R&,cEI * 't *'t*'*'t't****++***********'fi******!F****'t++++*t*!t:l**r{.*****t******** *,1. t{t +* ** *r. ** *,f * r':r rr * * r! 'r. '} 'r* * *+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement x. * * * r.,r,* * * ** + ++* ** *.* tr* * *{r l.:r *'r. * * * **** **'t+ I * * * * * *. '* *. '}. rr ** * rt *,* *'r:* * * * *** * + I ** * * *:f 'f* x( * *,* rN. ** *{. * * * * * * * Statdment Number: Ro4o0064?2 emount: $20.00 08/20/2oo413:04 PM Palment Metbod: Check Init : iIS Notation: #23IL/BETH IJEVINE, ARCH Permit No: DR8040431 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No; 2101081190 05 Site Address: 600 VAIIJ VAITIJEY DR VAfL IJocation: Northwoods r Unit F5 Total Feea: $20.00 Thj.s Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: S0.00 * * *** * * ++* *** *,* **,* * r.,r '** ** * '* * * * * ***+ * f*f, * ** ***:r. * * * r. * rt,l. r.:**,* * 'i **,* * * *** 'l + * + * * * * * ** * *,t * * * * * * 't '* * * * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OOiOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 -r-- {- te1i970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 - J web: www.ci.vail.co.us TOI4'Nffi Project Name: Pytka Minor Alteration / enclosure DRB Number: DR8030390 Project Description: 1) fill in master bedroom deck 2) fill in the living room deck with a new roof 3) mech in garage 4) put a roof covering over the entry Participants: OWNER PYTM, JOSEPH 09/09/2003 Phone: 916 MAIN ST VENICE CA 9029t License: APPUCANT Beth Levine Architect 09/0912003 Phone: 970-925-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: ARCHffiCT Beth Levine, Architect 09/09/2003 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 Project Address: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Northwoods, Unit F5 Legal Description: Lot: Block Fl Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108119005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 09/2312003 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: S3OO.OO ,r-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2152 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: {tka Minor Alteration / enclosure DRB Number: DR8030390 Project Description: 1) fill in master bedroom deck 2) fill in the living room deck with a new roof 3) mech in garage 4) put a roof covering over the entry Pafticipantsl OWNER PYTIG, JOSEPH 09/09/2003 Phone: 916 MAIN ST VENICE CA 9029r License: APPUCANT Beth Levine Architect 09lO9l2OO3 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O, Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Licensel ARCHITECT Beth Levine,Architect 09/09/2003 Phone:970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Locataon: Northwoods, Unit F5 Legal Description: Lot: Block F1 Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108119005 Comments: BOARD/Sf,AFF ACTION Motion By: Action: S|AFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approva,. 0912312003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 -p o*t"t tlacdAD|j@tG ftrilng LLlrcas: E-rEilAfrctsr TWedR€nidar|dFee n SEns g ConeGd RctiLry El. r€r @nshdbo V num [' !f.r &didl (mdtiturystur!.dd) O lralDralirr (#dtf,rrdrrpb.) tl GilgEsb AFovcd DbE O S€peraftn neqtEs o PTEIC: 4.4. fuwt S5O ells $Lm ga'rryarcftC of Ebl slgn atrs- xo Fec J550 Fr drsEucfin of a t|rJt uffif a &ontrlbda im F( .dffm wtE t 3q€n lbobgF b add e ilf trs|rcttbl 6 dllE ti:il htCE GdG 2g) aallic & i|E|ront!r$os)' $?$ turiEfrgr5bbuE-EFr|.l *in9iueflEG, lxhq - r€rldtg, p.i|[ing, rftdort &.|9, ta,C(d!$ ftilrs end |tnithCn*,e. tfo For dsdgEcs tD U*rEF td !l! -nFEr€G, edl a+ tc odrt& nfifrg, ridd, a.ninc, bndsohS lbtE td rera-iB u6lq, e tzo mr sirirc b F.|s alcdt #otf,d by Htrrrg stdf a lrr EiJnbrbbrl NO FGI .t{Ug ru |,o v<r; ^ rl' Snn A-L,uJVU Appllcation ftr Design ReYiew DrF.ficrtdcnm& D6/doF t tt ?Sscrth ffigs Rm4 veil, Cffi fit5s, td:970.rfl92rp hc 9ltr fr!t245u ruchflw.dFLcDts Ge||dallDbr|don: er gojerrs rcqritp de*n re||€r rn st ncdrc Tgrel Fiq.bsffiE€ r h{.lhg Petta tgttr+ E95e nf* dr Oe s$nlat ruqrffit 6. Urc lgdo11. ryu6 dgt E pgnd ln .g6dlin tu DFSgr Rgt,ielr' dnot De a.nFd uni al rqrleO ift;nti'n f rel6d by t'E emnunay Da,r?FlE t Olp.rd|l|t Ill t Atsd nBy as r,eeO b be rlri.t'td bt tE Toill Cdrnd andta ltte P|dlitg rd eriqIEttl 6miEin- ifrig rer;r*la fp r*ri e h-fir D.rrf.E l61ad ed Odi: urrc rilh c* ycer dl're egprord. lFn{q}donrerG}: HrtflnDgAddrcsr oesbfimotthn4ErG ffilfddscs$i Fard ro.: zlavz>|frryry tdmac ee|e co- Awr aft 9/tFlQS€6{O tur parcd rc.) ,r"i"a;, HwHi'-6,;u.il4 P.O. BOX te'l VAIL, COLORADO 81658 Augusr 27, 2003 TO: Toqa of Veil FROM: Arturo Brillembourg SUBJECT: Fa'[ Rcarodrling hojects Tbc folb{tiRg unit rrrDodob haTc boan approrrrt by thc Architesnrd Revicw Commirtec ofNodhwoods Condorainium Assooidiffi . . Irdivi&al Ownrr Projccrs: o Unit F-l - Fire Sirrinkla rcgofii and r,"rc*1t €c$ansion. o Unit F-4 - Fhc Sprinkla rerofit. o unit F-5 * Firc sprinkrcntofiq barcony encrosurc and garage deck cnclosrre.o ljnit F{ - Firc Sbrfurlder rccofrt rad balcony onolosure. o Unit F-i - Fhe Spririklcnorofn. o Unit F-8 - Firc Sprinkla retrofft, o Unit A-14- Balco|ly cucJosurc, batcony additiors, rlormcr addjtion. Approral ofthcsc prcjecr arc conditionat on lho owncrs foltowiq the prgCedUfes for Appfgyal of Architectural changes Requested Ey owners estabrished by rbc Arsociation, PROPIOSED MATERIALS TYoe of l'laterlal Color Buildina Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Erter'tor Ltghting Other Notes: please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical l{ame Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DOSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping; Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in he'qht Shrubs - 5 Gal. IJP9 SquareFootaoe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (1.e. retaining walls, fences, s\ rimming pools, etc,) Pase 7 of L2102107102 Date:08-11-2003 hoperty Address: CONDOMINIUM UNITF5. PYTKA C/O BETH LEVINE P.O. BOX 1825 AVON, CO 81620 Phorc: 970-926-5599 Fax: 9lO-926-293 Sent Via Far kopefty Address: CONDOMINIUM UNIT F5. BuyerlBorrower: TO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: JOSEPH PYTKA If you have any inquiries or require For Closing Assistance: Need a map or directions for your ur for dlrectlons to any of our 4ti oflicri Title uarantee Gompany I GOIIITACTS Date: 08-Il-2003 Our Order Number: y5W2227 CONDO please contact one of the numbers below: For Title Assistance: Vail fitle Dept. Roger Avila 10E S. FYontage Rd. W. #203 P.o. Box 357 Vail, Co 81657 Phone:910-416?251 Fax:. 90-4764534 Email: Ravila@ltgc.com Check out Land fitle's web site at www.ltgc.com YOURORDER! OF TITI.E TEES T0TAL srTs.oo Fozm COIITAC? Property Address: CONDOMINIUM UNIT F5. N l. Effec'tive Date: July 23, Policy to be Issued, and hoposed Information Binder Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED The estate or interest in the land A pge gimple fitle to t.he estate or itrter€st JOSEPH PYTKA The land referred to in this CONDOMINIUM UNTT F-5, CONDOMINIUM MAP TIIEREOF, CLERKAND RECORDER OF DEFINED IN THE Insurance Company OMMITMENT A Our fuer No. Y50N2227 Cust. Ref.: CONDO .M. to in tNs Comrnitment and covered herein is: the effedive date hereof vested in: as follows: CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE DECEMBER 23, 1975. IN THE RECORDS OF THE , COLORADO IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE 8I I AND AS TION RXCORDED DECEMBERI3. I975IN BOOK 243 OF EAGLE, STATE OF COITORADO. at 5:00 AT PAGE 8IO OF SUCH The following are the requirements to be Item (a) Payment to or for the account interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrumen(s) creating to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all raxes, charges and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if THIS COMMMMENT IS FOR PIJRSUANT HERETO. estate OMMITMENT B - Soction I Our Order No. V50f,f.2227 or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record. levied and assessed against the subject prcmises which are due ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED 6. 7. The policy or policies to be issued will of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in 2. Easements, or claims of easements. 3. Discrcpancies, conflicts in boundary inspection of the premises would 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, advene attaching subsequent to the effective value the estate or interest or Taxes or special assessments which Liens for unpaid water and sewer 9. 8. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A In addition, the owner's policy will be THEREFROM SHOULD THE AS RESERVED IN UNITED STA PAGE 5I I. 10.RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5II. ll.RFJTRICTIVE COVENANTS BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONT BOOK I87 AT PAGE 5I5. 12, THOSE PROYISIONS, CO WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT 810. LTA shown , labor or hereof thereon if any. UNITED ANY, AND OMMITMENT B - Section 2 Our Order No. V5W2227 to thc following unless the same are disposed by the public records. the public records. in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and are not shown bv the oublic records. theretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for by this Commitrnent. as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES RECORDED MAY 20, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT UCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE ATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905. CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, iD ON RACE, COI,.oR, REI.ICION, OR UMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1965, IN EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS. UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A. AS ECEMBER 23,IN1,IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE UST 2I, 1974 BETWEEN VAIL ASSOCIATES.TED A 3. CROSS EASEMENTAGREEMENT The policy or policies to be issued will of to the satisfaction of the Company: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY SPECIFIC LOCATION OF THE 15.EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS RECORDED PLAT OF OMM ITM ENT - Scction 2 OurOrderNo. V5C[[.2227 to the following unlcs the same are disposed . A COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPORATION BY t979 BOOK 285 AT PAGE 253 IN WHICH THE NOT DEFINED. AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE INC.. A COLORADO CORPORA NAND AIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975 BOOK 3 AT PAGE 809. AS IT MAY AFFECT A PORTION OF SUBJECT PRO 14.EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WA LINES PURPOSES CRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, BY V TES. INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND ...'-F,\>I' l[':rr\1' l'L)e'",h - l\lJ( | vwttttt t "rt- 2 r5 ' .',\ " ....!. 'ri i N t.'11' lJ-ura' f .tl'+) o I - [Wu,oc/+t{-l-< )I- tn Vlmrw o a tJlrvlte*\2 F-5 U)$f flttruhr,,t' :s,1. x *t,f ,f 'F***,i********r.**r.* ***************x****,t,i.****$*******rt***!**x*******************r****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** * **,1.*** ************ ****x**r.*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r. * * !i t<x************ ******,t **** ***,t ******** x:** Statement Number: R030004544 Anount: $300.00 09/09/200303:00 pM Payments Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2047 /BeEh Levine, Arch Permit No: DRB030390 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2l-010 8119 005 Site Address: 500 VAII-, VAILEY DR VAIL I-,ocation: Northlrooda, Unit F5 TotaL Fees: $300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total A-IJIr Pmts: $300.00 Bal-ance: $0.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * r.* * * x * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * x 't **,t i< * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *x*** !r r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Current Pnrts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEt4I FEES 300.00