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� TOWti OF VAIL � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNfIY i)EVE�.OPM�NT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAlL, CO S1b57 ��-��d� R70-479-2138 � _ � NOTE: TH1S PERMIT MUST �il: POSTED �N 3OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BU[LD PERMIT Permit #: BO=�-0107 Job Address.: fi00 VAfL VALLEY DR VAIL Stakus.....: 1SSU�;U Locatioi�......: 60� VAIL VALLEY D�IV[;, UNIT F-2 Applied...: OS/10/2004 Parcel No....: 2 i 0108 I I 9002 [ssued ...: 06/OZ/2004 Project No...: ;�Z-�-�; `I —;�( i�.� Expires...: 1 I/29/2004 QWN�R MHV INC 05/10/2044 Phone: $ MAXIMO HADDAD P O BOX 2'70 PALM BF'ACH FL 33480 License: CON'I'RACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 05/10/2004 Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 8165$ Lic�nse: �51-A APPLICANT NEDBQ CQNSTRUCTION 05/1Q/2004 Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BQX 3419 VATL, CO 81658 License: 251-A Desci}�ticm: STH FL04R DORMER, SPR(NKLER, FIRE ALARM, HIGH SPEED CABLING, MASTER LIVINGROC)M DORNIER, DECK ENCLOSURE Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Ty�pe Construction: III-A Type (�ecup�nc}�: ?? Valuation: $40�,000.00 Add Sc� Ft: 6G5 Fire��lacc Ic�f�rmation:Kestricted:Y #of Gas,�ppliances' 0 #uFGas],ngs: 0 1t c�f Wood Pellet: 0 *�»*a*+*�*+*+****�*����*****�a�r+*s*«*���rr�*�*w�****�++*ae+***�*r��*ww FF.F.S11M MA R`! s�rt�**s*+ss«*w�sr*«s*�►.xa��M*�xr*��*�*■�****r+*�*�**�:��**M*x Eiuililurg------� $2,F,73.75 ResWxrant Plari Rcvicw--> $6.00 Total C'alcal2led I'ees--> $5,079.69 PlanChcck---> $1,737.94 �'lRRfcc---------------------� $0.00 ndditiei2alFees----------> $0.00 h7vestigatioii-> $0.00 Itecreation Fee--------------? $665.�0 Total Permit['ce--------=> $5,079.69 Will Call-----> $3.00 Clean-ikp llepc�sit--------=' $0.00 Payments------------------=> $5,079.69 'CO'1:�1L I LI:S-----------�' $5.079.69 BALANCC DUE---------> $0.�0 ��**�«*�t*:****>**�r*�*+o-st*�**s�*+t*�*sr+*+*+**++**r+�*++r*wrr.rsr*+s+r++«re�s*«***�****�rawrww�wr�rr�**+**vsrsx�s*wx:*rss*�::�a�x�::z��**r*�***x*r�***a* Approvais: Item: 05100 BUILDING DE�ARTM�NT 05/24/20Q4 JRM Action: AP It�m: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIST 05/18/2�04 Warren Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/13/2�04 mvaughan � Action: AP see comznents in notices section. Item: d550Q PUPLTC WORKS ■*wx*x****x���a**�*�*�*kk*�***«***�*�***��xsrt��rnsrax+exsrrrw*www**war*+*+***�****s*rt*�**a***M*�*a***�*�*a*��**r�����+axx*x�*xs*a«r�MS�xr�*x��*»� Sce �agc 2 of this Docun�ent for ai�y conditic�ns that may apply to this permit. I�EC�.�R�TIOl`�iS� I hereby acknowlecige thdt I have read this applic;aticm, filled out in full the information requirecd, completed ar� acc�iratc plot plan, and state ttiat all tl�e information as required is correct. 1 a�ree ta comply with tf�e information and plot pla�i, to complv witl� all Toevn ordinanecs and state laws, and to build this strueture accordin�to the towns zoning ar�d subc�ivision c�des, desi�n revie�� �pprovecl, tlniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Totvn applicable thereto. RF(�l1ESTS FnR INSPEC'I'IC7I�SHALI.BE�:MAnE TWENTY-FdUR i IOl1RS IN ADVANCE BY T�LEPHy E;�T 47�1-2149 R A'f OUR(.�I'I IC`L I�IZUM 8:4(1 nM-d PM. , i�Z--�„� � %� SIGNATUI�E OF O E CONTRACTUR FOR HIMSELF,�ND OWNEF � � PAGE 2 �**********a�**�****x�*�**�**********�x****�***�*�*****�x***�**�**�********�*:��****:�******��*��*�*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: B04-0107 as of 06-02-2004 Status: 15SUED ***�*:�*****�**�****�****�****�**��*�****+*#*********�***$**�**�****�***�+�**�**�**+*�**�**�*�*��***���*+ Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: OS/10/2004 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 06/02/2004 97�-845-1001 To Expire: 11/24/2004 Job Address: 60d VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRNE, UNIT F-2 Parcel No: 210 i 08119002 Description: STH FLOOR DORMER, SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, HIGH SPEED CABLING,IVIASTER LNINGROOM D�RMER, I�ECI� ENCLOSURE Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI�CK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: I4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED 1N ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: ] (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. � � . � ! ��la/l�Y' `� v�� ,� U APPLIGATION W1LL NOT BE ACCEPTED �F INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGI�FD ' �,t, Project#: �10 ti Building Permit#: 970�79-2149 (Inspections) VAI RMI PPLICATION �� �"� 1 ��� ���F���' S te r � quir r ec al, bing, mechanical, etc.! " " 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8165 CONTEtACT�R INFORMATION ��l/ � C�C�( General Contracto�: Town af Vail Reg. �lo.: Contact and Phone#'s: � /'��rr���G> ��vs���c;��-�� ��;- ,� ���, ��i� -a.��> d- Email address: �4L�,� � /�J/_;/J:3�� t �Cv-'�'t Contractar Signature: / •� /' e�*-��— �r? ���. ,.�� COMPLE E VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Ma�erials BUILqING: $ " C)�j �!,}� ELECTRICAL: $ OTF�ER: $ PLVMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ T(.�TAL: $ /JU p�iCi_ �� �or Parcel# Contact Ea le Counf Assessors Office at 970-328-8fi40 ar visif w�rw.ea !e-c,ounf .corn Parcel# � ���ic �°��rt�'nr��� �,�� �,/A/� L'�YLG.�'r /�t Job Name: �,- ,� , - JobAddress: �� �%��✓�•�i J �/�:Y7 C '/� � Legal Description tot: Block: Filing: Subdivision: d��..2;i������'J Owners Name:��a� � ,�,�, Address:��, - a a��?y Phone: � -� ArchitectfDesigner. Addr�ss:/S<.�,r/�.Z,' Phone: , — L -.✓�� /�f-� v z� '-Y�%9 3 Engineer:��,4y� Address:�� { �-4z ^ ,� _.� Phone: � Detailed description of work: ��:��?' S�''"�i=�"�'t /;-,'�_'-.�.'�;,` '�r'�<<'..✓ 25 °i-� .0,�``-'`��. �'�:.,-...� m.�jjic 1 /�/1�1�91.X�?�t .'�L.� /.3.��//1 � I ��%c.r'fi� `j/ �i�?�-'l/� f����!/�l/rZ � �ii'-�t �t-���R Work Class: New ( ) Addition ¢y Remodel ( ?� Repair( ) Demo( ) Other ( ) V1Jork Type: Interior O Exterior( } Both-K) Does an EHU exist at khis location: Yes O No � Type of Bldg.: Single-fiamily O Two-family O Multi-family-4,�) Commercia6 O Restaurant( } Other O No. of Existing dwelling Unots in tF�ss buiiding: �— No. of Accommodation Unsts in this builddng' � No1T e of Fire Vaces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s WoodlPellet Wood Burnin �lo1T e of Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liances Gas Lo s Woodll�el�et Wood 8urnin NOT ALLOWED � po��u �;rA a,iarr„ Exist Yes�C} No O Does a Fire Spnnkler System Exist: Yes O No ) � '� ********,�******�******:�*�*.�*****�***#*FOR OFFICE USE �NLY*********:��***�**,�****�**********,��*** ,I _ � V Other Fees: Type of ConstructEOn. Accepted B • aRB �ees: Occ� anc Grou = Planner Si -off: Public Wa Per it Fee: Date Received: 1�Vai1ldatalcdev�FORM5IPERMITSIBLDGPERM.DOC 07/26l20�2 � � ' . � . r � � .'� . �•'� ��� � k�,� � � � '�'�"'��-� � •, � � �+ �. „� " �� ''���.«�"'' �� �:��` ,� ,�,..«••'� � .,+� . � � P.O. BOX 1231 VAI�., CQLORADO 81558 303-476-3486 Fax: 303-479-9�93 Nor�iwaods Condom�naum Assoc�at�on To: Town of Vail April ib, 2004 Fron�: Jim Akin, Generai Manager Subject: Spring 2604 Remodeling Projects The following unit Remodels have been approved by the Architectural Re�iew Committee of No�-thwoods Cond�minium Association: - Individual Owxter Projects: • P.partment Unit A-211 —Tnternal sprinkler retrof t and internal xerr�odei • Town Home Unit F-2—Install sprinkler retrofit,new fire alarm system and high speed cable. Add 5=h floor dormer,mastez and living room dormer and deck enclosure, expand garage entry porch,remodel second floor and third floor kitchen and dzn.ing area, add a '/z bath. Approvais of these projects are conditional on the owners following the Procedures for Ap�roval of Architectural Changes Requested by Owners established by the Association. �'`� - , � � Design Rev�ew Board ACTIDN FORM Department of Community Developm�nt �V�'.{V VF V�jL� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81b57 te1: 970.479.2139 f�x: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.to.us Project Name: MHV Inc. Addition and Remodel DRB Number: DR8040].37 Proj�ct Description: Addition to �Jnits F-1 and F-2 totaling 574.8 sq. ft. IncEuded a garage expansion, the enclosure of existing decks, and the addition a fifth floor darmer. Participants: OWNER MHV INC 04/20/2Q04 Phone: % MAKIMO HADDAQ P 0 SOX 270 PALM BEACH FL 33480 Lice�se: APPLICANT NE�BO CONSTRUCTION d4/20/2004 Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3�F14 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 251-A ARCHITECT Beth Levine, Architect 04/20/2004 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 CONTRACI�QR NEDBO CONSTRL�CTl�N 04/20/2d04 Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAI�, CD 81658 License: 2S1-A Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, U�VIT F-2 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS ParceE Number. 210108119�02 Comments: Total of 574.8 sq. ft..of GRFA added BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 04/29/Z004 Conditions: Cond: 8 TOWN OF VAIL DEFARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED pN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES � ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E04-0090 �U `(-6 l U`� �� Job Address: 600 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR VAIL 5tatus . . . : APPR4VED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, UNIT F-2 Applied . . : 06/03/2Q04 �, Parcel No...: 210108119002 Issued . . . Project No : :�����_ �j ��� Expires . .: OWNER MHV TNC 06/03/2004 Phone: I� � MAXIMO �iADD.AU � P O BOX 270 PALM BEACH FL 33480 �, License: CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC 06/03/2004 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECT`RIC 06/03/2004 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E Desciption: STH FLOOR DORMER, SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM, HIGH SPEED CABLING,MASTER LNINGRO�M DORMER,DECK ENCLOSURE Valuation: $18,800.00 ss+rsst+wss**�r�s*sss*wrsMr»�wsarrrrrs*+��s+�+++r***r*++*r*�rtMt*+**��ww FEE 5 UMMARY +asrr*��*�*�++r**t+*++�*�r**r�*wrs�MMa�s*t*s*+�*t*s*++tr***** I Electricai-------> 5342.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $345_00 'i DRS Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees------> $�.00 ' Investigation---> $0.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $345.00 Will Calh------> $3.00 Payments---------> $345.00 TOTAL FEES--� $345.oo SAL.�[CE DUE----> $o.00 #*ttf�4k4k1#�kt#k#+k+k*#####�+k##kkl:#*t+k#R7.#�+k#�#t##1###�k##t*1#+R#1�*tI#�##ii!#:F+F###t#1#!#i###3#ah1#iiif#►##i####�It R i�6#�##it##�F�#t#i#�>#��►it i#!�F#►*i*�� Approvals: I Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 05/�3/2004 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT s***+�*e+r****s**rww�***rw**r�s*r�rww�s+w,�asstsaa*�*r**s*r*w*�****�r*srs*swwrrr�rs�s**tastr�a**�x�+�+r+rs�err*swws�**�esss***airre��*��s�*s�s**s*tsr**s* CONDITIQNS �F APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK I<'OR CODE COMPLIANCE. *R***k#*/Mli�i*k�+k*#:kiti+k�Y*#4*4ttt4���#t#t#l�t�YYittM*��#�t**##�titi�4t##fR►:kt##tfiii�MtR�Rk�f*M�#��####*#�i##**#!Rt*Wtt��ti#i14�F*4�4�#t+F/#ltttii##ttt� DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I k�ave read this application,ftlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot p1an, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply�vith all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. R�QU�STS FOR TNSP&CTfON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 O AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIG TURE F OWNER OR CONTRA OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � � *�*��+�*�****�x*****��****��*****��x*****�*****�********�***«****�*****�******�***�****��***** TOWN OP VATL, COLORADO Statement *��*�***�****am****�+�****��******��************��*�**�*��******�**********************��**** Statement Number: R040005961 Amount: $345.pp Ob/07/200409:34 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #12148/Double Q -------------°_------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: E04-0090 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101081190Q2 Site Address: 600 VAIL VA�LEY DR VAIL LoCation; 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, UNIT F-2 Totai Fees: $345.00 This Payment: $345.00 Total ALL Pmts: $345.Ob Balance: $0.00 ��++***s�t�**********�*****�***�t�*v�*�**�*******************�x�x*************��a**a�*******a�****�* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description C�rrent Pmts -------------------- --—-------------------------- ------------ EP 001040�31llZ00 TEMPORARY POWER PERMITS 342.00 WC 00104403112800 WILL CALL INSPEC7ION �EE 3.00 06}03/2094 68:52 970-748-�0 DOUB�E Q ELECT� PAGE 62 4PPLICATION WIL�HpT BE ACCE�p YF INCOMPLETE Olt UNSIGN� Pro�ect #: �d -al� Buliding Permit : - Electrital P�mit#: ,�d�'— oc�RR� �70-479-2149 (Inspecrtlons) Tn�N'OF i'AIL OW N � CT T P N �s s. Front��e Rd. Vall, Colcrado 81f 57 �r �- s� �- � � ,� CONTRACTQR YNFORMATION Eleckrical Cantractor. Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: � .� � -/ �-Mail Addresa: Ccrnvactor Slgna�ur • � . , CpMPLETE SQ. FEET FQ� NEW BUILDS and VALUATIaNS FOR ALL OTHERS (La6or & Materials) AMOUNT O�SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:, {�� ELELTRICAL VALUATION: $ �g g � Contatt Ea /e �oun Assessors D�re at 97Q-3�8-5640 or vlslt www.ea /e-coun ,com 1�or Pare:e/� Parcel # ]ob Name: � �� D �.L. ]ob A �s: l�ie7'Noc+�O e�h �1' t'Z . Legal Descriptian Lat: Block: Filing: Subdivisfon: Ow rs Name: Ad ess Phone: Enginee�: Address: ,�j� yd0 Phone; Detailed description af wark: � � � � d � v v�r,� � �I.-. Work Class: New ( ) A�di[io� Remodel �}... Repair ( ) Temp Power( ) Other( ) Wark Type: Interior Exterior( ) �Both ( ) Does an EHU �xist at this locatlon: Yes � ) NQ ( ) Type oF Bldg.: Single-famlly( ) Duplex ( ) Nlultl•family� Cammerdaf( ) Restaurant( ) Ofher( ) No. af Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Na of Accornmodation Unit� in this building: � Is this ermit for a hot tub: Yes No �C Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes(r,L.� No ( ) boes a Fire Sprinkler Sysiem F.�tist: Yes ( ) Nca ( ) �.r.a�f�t#*�*+�*�*�***r*,r*a,�www,�ww•rww�wFOR I3FFICE USE 'ONLY�'**`+��'**+***+*�*t�**+rwwwrwwwa�f++.►++++ r ,��4 � Othe� Fees: Date Receiv : �� , DRB Fees- Acce ted B : Plan�er 5i n-off; UVail�da�alcdevlFDRM5IPERMITS��LECPERM.DOC ` J o7rz62DaZ � � j. �y � ���� a 1, . .i�4 , "'.'. •���� W �' . J. . . '.� S.. t� � , y l � :� � : s - � 1� ~ . . :��A� .� � r � . t '�r. t �. !y. , � TOWN OF VA[L FIRE DEPARTMEN� VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON.lOBSITB AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT PermEt #: F04-0026 �� - oc0? ]ob Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAiL VALLEY DRNE,C1NIT F-2 Applied . . : OS/28/2004 Parcel No...: 21 O 1 q8119002 Issued . . : 07/08/2404 Project No : ��� � � � c{ Expires. .: OWNER MHV INC 05/28/2004 Phone: � MAXIMO HADDAD P O BOX 270 PALM BEACH FL 33480 License: CONTRACT�R V�IESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI05/28/2004 Phone: 303-792-Ofl22 7026 SOUTH TUCSON i�AY ENGLEWOQD, CO 80112 License: 338-5 APPLTCANT WEBTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI05/28/2004 Phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 License: 338-S Descipfion: STH FLOOR DORMER, SPKINKLER, FIR�ALARM,HTGH SPEED CABLING, MASTER LIVINGROOM DORMER, DECK ENCLOSURE Valuation: $12,730.00 ******��t�***�***r�*+***+�*w*�*�+s�r��wwsrrssrr���►ssfr��*r*sri:�rrs�* FEE S UMMARY rrr�►arass�r�rr�a�*a�r*t+��*+***+s**�r*rs�*�rrsr�ea*+r*���*� Mecha�ical---> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--� $894.03 Plan Check---> $350.00 DRB Fee-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------> $0.00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES---------> $894.03 Total Permit Pee-------> $894.03 Will Call---> $3.oo Payments---------------� $894_03 HALANCE DUS-----> $0.pb rrr�a**rrr�rrM►sr*ssre*►ssrrt►�ras��tasaxsa*:r*rrr�s*��ws�a�ss►�*r�ss�rss►rsss�ssrsMSS►rs*v���ssrw►r��srtssssst�t*rrrettsssFt*s�*r*rs*wsts+r��r�sss�*+�s� Item; Q5100 BUILDING DEPARTMFNT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/16/2004 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FTELD INSPECTIDNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMFLIANCE. #M#t44#��Y+KtM�t#ti#tt*t*titt#tkRf*�1#iti#Y�t#*F�##R!il7�4#t###*4ii�4�t*t#�4it�i�►#i4iy��litR�Rits�#itst�l�l��k*ti#�t##k/*i�###*t�##t##iti�MR!*4#A/44**####*# DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r�ad this application,filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that a11 the information as required is correct. I agree ta comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordina.�ces and state laws,and to build this structure aeearding to the towns zoni�g and subc4ivision codes,design review � � approved, Uniform Building Code and otfier ordinances of the Town applicabl thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IN V E BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM-5 PM. u SIGNAT RE OF O ER OR CQNTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � � *#****�*+**�*�*****f***�***********�a�#*************���******��*****�************�«*********** TOWN OF VAIL, C�LORADO Statement *��:***�****�x***************�**�*****��***+**��*****�*��*x�*��*��****����**�*�e*�*���**�e*�*�**# Statement Number: R040006172 Amount: $894.03 07/48/200404:34 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: LVestern States Fire Protection 0427�. Permit No; F04-0026 Type: SPRIPFKLER PERMIT Parcel No; 210108119002 Site Address; 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL LoCation; 640 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, UNIT F-2 Total Fees: $894,03 This Payment; $894.03 Total ALL Pmts: $894.03 Balance: $4.00 *****#****#***************�******�*******�*****�*�*******+�************#**����*****���*�x�x���+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accoun� Code Description Current Pmts ---——------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP OO1Q00031111QQ SPRINKLER PERi�IT �EES 541.a3 PF 00100003ll23�0 PLAlV CHECK FEES 350.00 WC 0�100003ll28�0 WILL CALL INSPEC7ION FEE 3.00 1 APP�.ICATION � .�OT 8E QCCEPtED IF INCOMPLETE U�NSI D Proj�ct #: 0�4-ocl� Building Permit #:_, 0�' O 1.O Spr�nkler Permit #c �� „� � 97D-479-Z135 tl'nsaectrorts) TCI�NOFP.4IL TOW�I OF VAII. FIRE SPRINK�ER PERMIT APPLxCATTON Fire S��f�inkler shvp drawings are required at time of permit submittal a�d 7S S. Frontage Rd. mu�t :���-t�ade the following. Permit appl�cation will not be accepted Vail, Colorada 81657 witha� ' ���is informatian: • �� �.u€a ado Register ngineer' tamp � N.I.�C.E l,evei T�� (m:n) s m • ui entc�sh ts of a ials. • � ic a �', �t of Colora a n Re on for . � • Fatans mu�t be submitted by a Registered Fire Protecfion Cvntrac'. �r. CON'fRACTOR INFOIZMATION Fire S�,r! ;kler Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s:�CIC SC IS�Lrir/�C//�-�� `�'i'f'�TT'; '''' S7�1�'-5 rl/��tP�ecf�' ,1� �,�' � �1�3-��'1-oa-z 2` E-Mail �",�?dress: � Contrac� �r Signature: i �� COMP4ETE YALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (labor& Mate��d�}���� D �,. Fire S�rinkler: � �' Cantact Eagle Co:.�r Assessors �c�e at 9T0-328-8640 or visit �vav�v.ea /e�-coun �com for�P�rce!� Parcel # �a �d/-�$'1- /9'��.; �- ------ - , Job Name: �jD�.�ff t,.�OC� �s _._. Jab Add�ess:l�� vA��. v'�9uc y aR,✓� � ro Legal Descri�tio� Lot: �lock� Filing: Subdivision: �wners Nam��� Addre�-� Pt�one; . a�� .F rEngineer: ,4ddress: Phone: �v ,` [� - Detailed Location of work: (i.e., �loor, unit #, bldg. #) � � __. ._�. �_� ., P. _ � . ____. ___-._._-�__ ... I « . __ _ __._.,_�. - Detailed description of work: C� ' l-�----- - � — ��-"- ��,, � 1 NS77rGl- ��R� fR�,v�E L.fi� � � �Pr h'1��1 1�R._ �-�'/O. �4'n�� ��►L�-t��'�-� �'"�� r� . WQrk Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Rerriodel (�L} Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-fam�ly ( ) Mufti-family (p� Cnmmercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) � No. of Existing Dwelling l�nits in this b�ilding: No, of Ac�ommodation Units in this building: � Does a Fi�� Alarm Exlst: Yes (f� I�lo O Does a Fir� Sprinkler System Exist: Yes No ( � ��**�****�***�,►**+�**,�***�,��***: ,.,►�,�**�OR ��FICE USE f)NLY * ****�r**�*��+,*****�*,r�*:s�*,� ���:*x* Other Fees° Date Rec� _ r�� Public Way.:'ermit Fee; AGCe t Z�Q�( Occu an�, ilrou : 1\V�ilidata�cdevlfURMS1PE'k1�1ITS15PRKPEE�M.RQC 07126!2t102 � � �ire Protection Systems _ Western Statc�i'�re Prc�tectii�n Ca. Design • Pabrications + lnstallation 7026 Soulh Tucson Way Com�nercial•ludustrial•Residentirl•Institutional �� Ceatennial,Colorado�U 112 Spccial Hazards•High Tech•Defense•I langars < (303)792-UU22 (303)792-9049 FAJC Retrofit•Service•Inspection•Maintenance FIRE PR4TECTION HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND MATEF�AL CUT SHEETS ��xUM WESTERN SrI'ATES FIRE PR�TECTION 7026 S. TUCSON WAY CEI�TENNIAL, CO 801 �2 303-792-0022 FOR 1�ORT�IWOODS F-2 f�00 VAIL VALL�Y DRIVF, V,r'�II., CO J OB #: 49924 SUBMI`I"I'El� l�Y ERIC SCIIUMACHER PROJECT MANAUER 5/26/2004 �'�.�1� �v���i� �.,.+������ i� l�►�t_.,� �, �;;:�,��ac� as ��i�{���€��� ❑ "r�,,.,..:� as t►`����`�1! S`�'�, �Gtin' ���� v��G N�t-� � __ _. �____ -- --- Ts� , ��'��_ �'�`SSf__ ���.1:.-.. . `,�� ��.I�7 � ._ `i' ; _ ��._ .... _'__'_'_"_�_ ___ __ "_ _ __ � Albuquerque,NM�Austin,TX•Colorado Springs,CO+Dallas,TX•Dcnvar,CO•Hnustnq TX�Kansas City,KS�L0S VC�A$�NV Phoenix,AZ•Portland,OR•Rapid Ciry,SD•San Antnniq TX•Seattle,WA-Spokane,Wh•St L.uuis,MO ' ���� �ydr��lic Summary- �ob Numb��:a9s�a Job . � Report Description 0.1 Density �_...V�z ��_, Jotr Nuii�eur �Deslgn Fnpiner.i - . 49924 �� ERiC SCHIJMACHER Jnd Namr ^` Grole/:erlihcatkoNLfcense Numbel NORTHWOQ�S F-2 032 naeress a _._ --- ��-- -- �----- -.3. --- 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL 'Adtlresa 2 Ju4 Slla UNIT F-2 NORTH WOODS EiUIL�ING F .:�w . _ _ . ._ � s�A�. �t�pcoae � � o�ew��,yNam� _ _ -_"_— _- - __ VAIL CO SPRINKLERS CALG.cad S stem Remote Area s MwI llnni,�iiUing Syiinkler Ua�o 9c�upanry 5_6 K-Factor 22.50 at 16.143 Manualfy Calculated Hosd amwa��«a so��ce . . — noosny .. nrea ornppu�Ar��n - O.OQ NA MA AtlGiLOnal Mose Supplles Num'h�xr Of Spnnklsrs Celculalecl Goveraga Per 6ptlnkler Node Flowiqpm) 4 NA � A.utoPeakACSUIts Pn�ssmeFarRemoteArea(s)Atlj�eanlTOMostRemoleA�ea � WESTERN STA7�S FIRE P�i0TEC710N C0. LAARY CURTIS,CET PROJECT MANAGER NICET �i 89074 � AUTOMATIC SPAINKLER,LEV£!III To1al Hose$heams o.00 MAY z � 2��4 Sytlem Fluw Deinand 7otel Watar RaqulreE�IncluEing Ilose Sireams� 93.28 93.28 Matiinwl�Prosswa Unbalance In Loops o.000 Maximum Veloclty A6owe Cirau�nd 22.86 between nodes 143 and 133 rnw.,mum vPio��cv unae�c�a��o - ' �1gC1$tUI�: 13.16 between nodes 92 and fi Vo�um�n rapn�ity ul W e�4'�p¢s Voluma upaeily ol Ury V'ipei 14�28ga1 Supplies Nose Flow Static Residual @ Flow Available @ Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node m si ( si) m { si) m si si 1 Q00 I 157.000 9D.000 960.0� ' 156.103 9328 137.782 18.321 Contractot . . � C�oMta[inrNv�mn�,� ��nnfarlNamr -- . !:.��ae�t�;le 032 ERIC SCHUMACHER PRO.JECT MANAGER coni�s«o�ryam�� vno�.� � e,nao�rar� WE5TEF2N STATES FIRE PROTECTIOM CO. 303-792-0022 104 Addreas 1 FAM � 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY 303-792-9049 Addres5 7 F�mall eric.schumaaher@wsfp.us cn� s�ao z�c coaa wen-s�aa - — — CENTENNIAL CO 802112 www.wsfp.com (A�,O M.E.P.CAD, Inc. !��AutoSPRINK�VR4 v4.0.40 05l25/2004 3:51:17PM Page 1 �� Job Number:49924 Report Description:0.1 Density . Act�al Flow Mlnlmum Flow K-Faator Pressura De�ice m m K si rinkler 204 22.50 22.50 5.6 16.143 S rinkler 205 22.53 22.50 5.6 16.193 S rinkler 213 24.t2 22.50 5.6 18.546 Sprinkfer 216 24.13 22.50 5.6 _� 18.561 � Most Demanding Sprinkler Data (d�,�M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �AutoSPRINK�VR4 v4.0.40 05/25/2004 3:51:20PM Page 2 �� � � Job Number:49924 Report Descriptian:0.1 Density . Pi 7 Diameter Flow Veloci HWC FricUon Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevat3qn Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Flttings Eq.Length 5ummary U am Total Len �•••••Route 1• DR 1.0550 Q=22.50 8.2fi C=150 0.'lU4152 5'- Pf 7.059 204 59'-0 q�22.50 K=5.6 16.143 Spr(-16.143) 5'- Pe -0.217 36 59'-6 16.986 E 2'-0,2Tr(0'-6 ,7(2'-0) 10'- Pv FM 1.0550 Q=45.03 16.53 C=150 0.376p03 4'-1'/ P# 2.481 36 59'-6 16.986 �' Pe 55 59'-6 19.467 T(2'-p),7r(0'-6) 6'-7% pv FM 1.0550 Q=52.85 19.40 C=7 50 0.505465 5'- P( 3.97 7 55 59'-6 19.467 z�_ Pe 53 59'-6 23.384 E(2'-0,Tr 0'-6 7'- Pv FR 1,2910 Q=52.95 92.95 C=150 0.189712 70'- Pf 2.458 53 59'-6 23.384 3'- Pe 4.335 52 49'-G 30.S 77 E(2'-Q,Tr(1'-0) 13'- Pv FM 1.0550 Q=52.85 19.40 C=150 0.505465 1'-3'/ pf 1.673 52 49'-6 30.177 2'- Pe 54 49'-6 31.851 7(2'-0 3'-3'/Pv FM 1.0550 Q=44.35 16.28_ C=150 0.365440 5'-9'/ Pf 3.769 54 49'-6 31.851 4'- Pe 50 49'-6 35.620 2T 2'-0,Tr 0'-6) 10'-3'/Pv FR 1.2910 Q=44.35 10.87 C=150 0.136724 10'- Pf 1.77i 50 49'-6 35.620 3'- Pe 4.335 a9 39'-6 41.733 E(2'-0),Tr 1'-Q 13'- Pv FM 1 A550 _ Q=44.35 1 B.28 C=i 5D D.3654A0 3'- Pf 2.713 a9 39'-6 41.733 a'- Pe A2 39'-6 44.4�F5 2T 2'-0) 7'- py FM t.0550 Q=43.75 'f6.06 C�150 0.356432 13'- Pf fi.478 42 39'-B 44.445 5'- Pe 28 39'-6 50.923 T 2'-0),2Tr(0'-6), E 2'-0) 1 S'- Pv FR 1.2910 __ Q=43.75 i0.72 C=150 0.133354 10'- Pf 1.734 28 39'-6 50.823 3'- Pe 4.335 27 29'-6 56.992 E{2'-0,Tr 1'-0 13'- Pv BL 1.0550 Q=43.75 16.06 C=150 0.356432 26'-4'/ Pf 10.998 27 29'-6 5fi.992 4' Pe 73 29'-6 67.990 E{2'-0),Tr 0'-6,T 2'-D) 30'-10'/Pv FM 1.0550 Q=42.75 15.69 C=150 0.341536 2'- Pf 1.792 73 29'-6 67.990 Tr(0'-6) ��� 3'- Pe 72 29'-6 fi9.783 E(2'-0),Tr 0'-6) 5'- Pv FR 1.2910 Q=42.75 1p.4$ C=150 0.127781 10'- Pf 1.661 72 29'-6 69.783 3'- Pe 4.335 71 79'-6 75.779 E(2'-0),Tr 1'-0 �3'- Pv FM .__ 1.055Q Q=42.75 15.69 C=150 0.341536 20'-3'/ Pf 7.791 71 19'-6 75.779 2'- Pe 133 19'-6 83.570 T 2'-0),Tr(0'-6) 22'-9'/Pv FM 1.2910 Q=93.28 22.86 C=150 0.541060 5'-5'/ Pf 8.196 133 19'-6 83.570 6' Pe 143 19'-6 89.766 2E 2'-p},2Tr(1'-0) 11'-5' Pv FM __ 7.5270 Q=93.28 76.34 C=150 0.238869 4'-11% PF 4.046 143 19'-6 89.766 T � ^ 12'- Pe -O.00D 152 19'-6 93.8i2 5Tr(9'-0),E(2'-6),CV,T(3'-6), 16'-11%pv cpl 1'-0),BV OR 1.5270 Q=39.39 6.90 C=150 0.048482 1'- Pf 0.416 152 19'-6 93.812 T(3'-6) 7'- Pe 7 19'-6 94.227 T 3'-6 8'- Pv OR 1.5270 Q=21.19 3.71 C=150 0.015392 2'-1% Pf 0.086 7 79'-6 94.227 � 3'- Pe 6 19'-6 94.314 E 2'�i,Tr 1'-0 3'-7'l Pv UG 0.$110 Q=21.19 73.iS C=150 0.335464 107'-5'/ Pf 37.233 6 19'-6 94.314 3'- Pe 6.069 92 5'-B 137.61fi BFP,E 1'-0,Tr{0'-6),'�(2'-0 110'-11'/PV BL 4.0260 Q=75.07 1.89 C=120 0.002759 '11'- Pf 0.025 92 5'-6 137.616 Pe 91 5'-B 137.641 11'- Pv BL 4.0260 Q=93.28 2.35 C=120 QA0321a 34'- Pf 0.141 9t 5'-6 137.641 1fl' Pe 1 5'-6 137.782 E 10'-0,S 44'- Pv �•••••Route 2••••• DR 1.0550 Q=22.53 8.27 C=150 0.104449 5'- Pf 1.010 205 59'-0 q=22.53 K=5.6 16.193 Spr(-16.193) 4' Pe -0.217 36 59'-6 16.986 E 2'-0,Tr(0'-6,T 2'-0 9' Pv Q• •••Route 3••••• DR 1.0550 Q=24.12 8.85 C=150 p.118418 3'-11'/ Pf 1.005 213 59'-0 Q=24.12 K=S.fi 18.54fi 8Pr{-18.54B) 4' Pe -�.217 fi1 59'-B 19.334 �(2'-0,Tr 0'-6 ,T(2'-0 8'-5'/Pv �,�M.�.P.CAD, Inc. �AutoSPRINK�VR4 v4.D.40 05/25/2D04 3:51:25PM Page 3 � q� Job Number:49924 �? Report Description:0.1 Density _ Plpe Type Diameter_ __ Flow_ Velocity HWC FricEion Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn FiBings Eq.Length Summary U tream Total Len th FM 1A550 Q=7.81 2.87 C=150 0.04A770 7'-0'/ Pf 0.133 61 59'-6 19.334 2'- Pe 55 59'-6 19.�67 T(2'-0 9'-U'/Pv �•���•Ro�te4�r��• DR 1.0550 Q=24.13 8.85 C=15D 0.1i850fi 4' Pf 1.447 216 59'-4 q=24.13 K=5.6 18.5B1 Spr(-18.561) 4'- pe -0.217 67 59'-6 f 9.391 E(2'-�,Tr D'� ,T 2'-0 8'-1 Pv FM 1.Q550 Q=40.43 14.84 C=150 0.308018 16'-9' Pf i.326 67 58'-6 19.391 J T- Pe 124 59'-6 26.719 2T 2'-0),2Tr(0'-6),E(2'-0) 23'-8' Pv FR 1.2910 Q=40.43 9.91 C=15D 0.115240 10'- Pf 1.268 124 59'-6 26.719 1'- Pe 4,335 123 49'-6 32.322 Tr(1'-0 11'- Pv I FR 1.2910 4=4$.93 51.99 C=150 0.164018 10'- P# 2.132 123 � 49'-6 32.32Z 3'- Pe 4.335 122 39'-6 36.79d E(2'-0 ,Tr{1'-0 13'- Pv FM 1.0550 Q=48.93 17.96 C=150 p.43$393 10'-10'/ Pf 5.658 122 39'-6 38.790 �----- 2'- Pe 83 39'-6 44.447 T(2'-0) 12'-10s/Pv FM 1.0550 Q=49.53 t 8.t 8 C=150 0.448293 18'-3% Pf 11.330 83 89'-fi�- 44.447 7'- Pe 117 39'-6 55.778 2T(2'-0),2Tr(D'-6),E 2'-0 25'-3% P� FR 1.2910 Q=49.53 12.14 C=150 �.167722 1 p' Pf 2.180 117 39'-6 55.778 � 3'- Pe 4.335 116 29'-6 62.293 7(3'-0 13'- Pv FM 1.0550 Q=49.53 18.18 C=150 0.448293 8'-2' Pf b.701 116 29'-fi-� _ _ 62.293 4' Pe � �12 29'-6 67.994 2T 2'-0),Tr(0'-6) 12'-8' Pv FM 1.0550 Q=50.52 18.54 C=150 0.465149 i0'�'/ Pf 7.163 112 29'-6 87.994 5'- Pe 135 29'-6 75.157 T(2'-0),2Tr{Q'-fi�,�(2'-0) 15'�'/Pv FR 1.2910 Q=50.52 12.38 C=150 d.174029 10'- Pf 2.262 7 35 29'-6 75.157 3'- Pe 4.335 134 19'-6 81.754 T 3'-0) 13'- Pv FM 1.0550 Q=50.52 18.54 C=150 0.465149 t'-10'/ Pf 1.816 134 19'-6 81.754 2'- Pe 133 19'-6 83.570 T 2'-0 3'-10'/Pv v•••••Route 5••�•• FM 1.0550 Q=16.31 5.98 C=154 O.D57407 0'- Pf 0.057 61 58'-6 19.334 0' Pe 67 59'-6 19.391 Tr(0'-6 1'- Pv �•••••Route6••••• FM 1.0550 Q=8.50 3.72 C=150 0.017197 22'-11 Pf 0.472 54 e49'-6 J 31.851 4'- Pe 123 49'-6 32.322 2T(2'-0),Tr(0'-6) 27'- Pv �•••••Route 7••••• FM 1.Q550 Q=0.59 0.22 C=150 0.000125 14'-1'/ Pf 0.002 42 39'-6 44.445 2' Pe 63 39'-6 44.4�47 T(2'-0),Tr(0'-6) 16'-7'/ Pv w•••••RouteB••••• FM 1.Q550 Q=1.00 Q.37 C=150 0.000327 9'-6'/ Pf O.OQ4 73 29'-6 67.990 T(2'-0) 2' Pe 112 29'-fi 67.994 Tr(0'-6) 12'-0'/Pv i��••�Route9��r�• UG 0.8110 Q=i 7.32 i D.76 C=150 0.231083 130'-1 Pf 3D.75fi 59 � �19'-6 T� �� 100.744 3'- Pe 6.069 g5 5�-6 137.569 B�P,2E 7'-0),2TrS0'-6) 133'-1 Pv BL 4.026Q Q=17.32 4.44 C=120 0.000743 22'-11'/ Pf 0.003 95 5'-6 7 37.569 Pe 94 5'-6 137.573 22'-11'/Pv BL 4.Q260 Q=35.15 0.89 C=120 0.000528 26'- Pf O.Ot4 94 5'-& 137.573 Pe 93 5'-6 137.586 2fi'- Pv BL 4.0260 Q=53.$9 1.36 C=f20 0.001165 25'-1'/ Pf 0.029 93 5'-fi 137.5$fi Pe 92 5'-6 137.696 25'-1%Pv Q•••••Routel0••••• UG 0.8110 Q=17.83 11.08 C=150 0.243892 124'-9' Pf 31.289 41 19'-6 100.214 3' Pe 6.069 94 5'� 137.573 BFP,E 1'-0,Tr(0'-6 ,7 2'-0 12$'-3' Pv �•••••Route1l • •� �+ �9 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. ��AutoSPRiNK�VR4 v4.0.40 05l25/200�4 3:51:25PM Page 4 M���i FF'��ii�M"r�11I1� At1,�I�/SIS Job Number:49924 �� ��'�� Report Description:0.1 Densify Pipe 7ype Diameter �low Veloc� HWC _ Frict+an Loss Lengt� Pressure Downstream El��ation �ischarge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq.Lengfh Summary U stream Total Len th UG O.B110__ Q='18.73 __ 11.63 C-150 D.21i7133 119'-1 Pf 33.483 33 19'-6 98.034 T(2'-0) 5'-6 Pe 6.069 93 5'-6 137.586 BFP,E(1'-0),Tr{0'-6),T(2'-0) � 125' Pv Q•••••Routel2••••• ----- ---- - - - - _----- _ ( ) ( ), { p), 6'-�Pf 36.91 Q t1G 0.$110 Q-18.21 1�.31 C-150 0.2_53404 �3f'- 2 19'-6 95.461 Pe 6.069 91 5'-6 137.641 BFP,2E 1'-0 ,3Tr 0'-6 EE 1'- 142'-6'Pv T(2'-0) � �•••••Routel3••• OR 1.5270 Q=53.89__ 9.44_ C=150 0.086556 34'-9'/ Pf 4.223 152 19'-6 _ 93.812 T(3'-6) 14'-a Pe 31 19'-6 98.034 3E{2'-6),3Tr(1'-0) 4$'-9'/ Pv �•••••Routel4••••• OR 1.5270 Q=17.32_ 3.03 C=150 0.010602 32'-6 Pf 0.530 41 - - 19'-6 --- - - - 100.214 T(3'-6) 17'-6 Pe 51 19'-6 100.744 4E(2'-6),4Tr(1'-0} 50'- Pv v•••••Routel5••••• �� 1_.5270 4=35.15� 8.16 C=150 0.03927A 37'-Q�Pf 2.180 31 19'-fi � 98.034 Tr(1'-0) ' 18'-6�P@ 4t 19'-6 1�0 214 �3E(2'-6),4�r(1'-0),T(3'-6) 55'-6,�Pv �•••••Routel6••••• OR L5270 Q=1$.21 3.19 G=150 0.011626 i 67'-7'/.�Pf 1.234 7 ---jg�-6 - - 54.227 T{3'-6) — 38'- Pe 2 19'-6 95.461 10E(2'-6}, 10Tr(1'-0) 106'-1'/Pv Equiwalent Pipe Ler►gtd�s af Valves an.d Fit�ings(C-120 anly} ;: C i/alu�Multi�5,lier ;; / ActuallnsideDiamefer �4°� ValueOfC 90d 130 ^ 140 � 150 ` Schedule 40 5teel Pipe Inside Diameter =Factor Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 �,OO M.E.P.CAD, ➢nc. i1,��AutoSPRINK�VR4 v4.0,40 05/25I20p4 3:51:25PM Page 5 �� • Job Number:49924 Report Description:0.1 Density _ PI T Diameter Flow Vefaci HWC F'riction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Eievatian Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq.Length Summary U am ToYal Len th � �` �'k, "''����;j�.'! � u, `r. AO Arrn-Over , Diameter Inch AI.V Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main F�pyy gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge g�m BaIV Ball Valve DR drop Velocity fps BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV ButterfEy Valve FM Feed Nlain Length Faot C Cross Flow Turn 90° FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psUFoot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous FiWC Hazen-Williams Canstant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV Check Valve FtN Riser Nrpple p� Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Vatve SP Sprig Pf Pressure Ivss due to friction between points DPV Dry�ipe Valve ST Stand Pipe pe Pressure due to e{evation clifference between indicated pointe E 90°Elbow UG Underground p� Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 45°Elbow Ee1 31'/a Elbow Ee2 22'/:°Elbow f Flow Device FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90°FireLock(TM)Elbow fEE 45°FireLock(TM)Elbow flg Flange FN Floating fJode ff FireLock(TM)Tee g Gauge GIoV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtF Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Noule P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Posf Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Vaive PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red ReducedAdapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler 5t 5krainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap �,�M.E.P.CAD, inc. �AutoSPRINK�VRk v4.0.�0.0 95/25l2Q04 3:5125PM Page 6 ��� � � Job Number.49924 Re ort Descri tion:0.1 L7ensif Supply at 1Vode 1 � ,go ��� tatic Pressure 157.000 �� 3.28�737.78 120 .� n � 10D � � a 960.00�90. 80 ystem demand curve 60 40 20 0 �00 � 300 �� 500 � 700 B� gpp 1 Q00 Water flrnv,gpm Hydreulk Onph 5upply at Node 1 Btedc Prmeure 157.OQ0 RnlAwl vron�un 960.00�90.000 AveEla6b Prsssu�eTlma of Tas1 156.103�93.28 9yHefn Uemend - 93.28(t2�137.782 syste�n��mand pmluaino fia�e stream.) _ 93.28(� 137.782 �,a M.E.P.CAD,Inc. �AutoSPRINK�VR4 v4.0.40 05125l2004 3:51:28PM Page 7 � • . �ulletin 154 Rev.0 � Model G4A � Quick Response = Concealed � Automatic Sprinkler � The Concealer° UL Quick Response � �� �4� ° FM Standard Response ���; a ° � � . � � Goncealed Sprinkler With a , "b� ' ; � /" (13mm) or 1�" (38mm) '� �' g °' � �� � 2 � �, � ; � � � Adjustment � � °� v � �:�� � :,. ` � ,�� � � �ti � �,, � �� ���, ��� F�i11"e.S � � ;� '~ �.x;�<'�� ��,� 1. Push-0n/Thread�ff cover plate attachment #� ����;o�'� �� r,`�" with /" (13mm) assembly ad�ustment. ����`�'�;�, ��� ������ � ��� � }1 p n 2. Smo�oth aesthetic ceiling profile. �� � �� � �� � � �. � ,E� , ,�.a. 3. Factory installed protective cap. �,: , � ,���f� � 4. Available in brass, chrome or black "� • � �����' �' ����� �- :�s � plated and white painted finishes. �� . 5. Ordinary temperature rating. � � ��� - ���-�- ����� �� m� ���� ���� Approvals & Listings �� � ���-: � 1. iJnderwriters Labortories, Inc. (UL}- Quick Response The Model G4A Concealer�is designed for use where aes- 2. Unde�writers L�boratories of Canada(ULC} thetic appearance is impartant. Offices,hospitals,motels and Qulck Response restauranis are but a few of the applications where it can be 3. FaCtory Mutual Research Corp. (FM} used. It is available in different orifice sizes allowing the d� Standard Response signer to optimize system performance, ihereby achieving a very eff�cient instailation. •L'tght Hazard Occuparoicies- The Model G4A Concealer�is a UL Listed Quick Response No Limitations Concealed sprinkler intended for use in accordance with NFPA •Ordinary Hazard O�cupancies 13. FM Approves this sprinkler as a standard response con- Grou 5 1 &2 Wet tem5 On cealecf sprinkler intended for use in accordance with FM Lass p � � Prevention Data 5heet 2-8N. 4.NYC MEA 25&9�E-Quick Response Product Description The ReGable Model G4A Concealer�uses a proven quick re- U.$. Pa#ent number 4,8$�,�s$. sponsefusib��elementinastandardsiylesprinklerframewitha drop-down deflector.This assembly is recessed into the ceiling AppllCatlOn assembl cThed sh-on/thread-off covehreaate assembl pand The Reliable Model G4A sprinkler cup assemblies are held ti�ht bpa flexible tooth en- Concealer is the most versatile gagement to the threaded cup. Th�s threaded e�gagement quick response concealed sprin- provides'/z°(i 3mm)of cover adjustment.The flat cover plate is kler available. It provides the i�est " attached to the skirt using 135°F(57°C}ordinary temperature form of fire protection while offer- �,. ' classification solder,forming the Push-oM-hread-off cover plate ing an attractive appearance and � assembl . '/2" (13mm)of cover adjustrnent '°j' When tlthe ceiling kemperature rises,the solder holding l�e flat for ease ot insta�lation. The small � �-�� cover plate melts,the flat cover plate released thus exposing diameter push-on/thread-off ° ,� the sprinkler inside to the rising ambient t�mperature. I cover plate assembly is easiiy at- The subsequer�fusing of the element opens the waterway tached and bfends into the ceil�ng, and causes the deflector to distribute the water. Any secure en- � concealing the most dependable gagement beiween the cover plate and cup will assure tha#the fire protecUon available, an auto- drop-down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. matic sprinkler system. TheRelfableAutomaticSprinklerCo.,lnc., 525NorthMacQuestenParkway, MountVernan, NewYork, 10552 � • Installation Ordering Information Do not install the G4A Concea�e�in ceilings which have posi- 1. Sprinkler Model } � �`T tive pressure in the space above. 2. Nominal Orifice � • Cut a 2�/e inch(67mm)diameter hole in the ceiling,the sprin- 3. Flat Cover Plate I kler is easily mstalled with the Model G4 Wrench. The Assembiy Finish wrench has drive tangs which insert into the cup slots. 4. Inlet Type When installing a sprinkler the wrench is first positianed mto � the sprinkler/cup assembly until the wrench tangs engage the drnre slots in the top of the cup(�ere are two sets of Cover Plate Finishes"° �`� drive slots in the cup). The sprinkler is then tightened into � the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from Standard Finishes �'''� � the spnnkfer/cup assembly,care should be taken to prevent Bronze ""��� damage to the sprinkler. D� NOT WRENGH ON ANY Chrome "'�' OTHERPARTOFTHESPRINKLEWCUPASSEMBLY. Fnal White Paint'Z' Model G4 Sprinkler adj'ustment of the cover is made by hand turning the cover Wrench in the clockwise direction until it is tight aga�nstthe ceiling. Special Appllcation A protec#ive cap is provided to protect the drop-down sprinkler Finlshe8 deflector from damage which co�ld occur during construction gright Brass UL Listing Category � betor�the cover plate is installed. 1-he ca�is factory instailed in- Black PlatEng Sprinklers,Automatic and side the sprinkler cup. Remove cap to install sprinkler, then Blaclt Paint Open r�install cap until the cover piate is installed. Off White�2' Quick Response Sprinkler Maintenance Satin Chrome UL Guide Number � The Model G4A Conceale�°should be inspecteri quarterly �'��her finishes and colors a�: VNIV and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA available on special order. 25. Do not clean spr�nWers with soap and water,amrnoniaor an ��consun ta�rory ror deta��s. I y FNV Approval o#the�air�ed flnish other cleaning fluids. Remove any sprinkler that has been is limited to whde and otf-white painted(other than factory appfied) or damaged in any way. A pM ApprrnPied�finishes are stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick re- placement of damaged or operatecf sprinklers. Prior to installa- 1'em ure Rstin tion,sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packagin to minimize the otential for dama e to s nnklers that Classiflcation sprtnkler Cover Max.Ambient 9 P 9 , P P�ate Temp. Would Cause improper operation or non�perat�an. Ordinary 165°F/74°C 135°F/57°C 1oo°F/38°C Technical Data Tota! Nominal Nominal K Factor S rinkler � 5prinkler Inlet Adjustment Qrlfice US Metrlc Thread Approvals �dentlfcation (3!N) Non Adiustable %2r' 13mm %z" 15mm 5.6 80 Yz"NPT RYz 1 2 3 4 R5415 Non Ad ustable �/z° 13mm � �� 11 mm 4.2 60 '/z"NPT R'/z 1 2 4 R5413 Non Ad"ustable Yz' 13mm " 10mm 2.8 AO Yz"NPT RYz 1 2 3 4 R5411 Ad'ustable 1'/z� 38mm %z" 15mm 5.6 80 1°NPT Male or Female 1 2 4 F5418 Ad ustable 1 Yz" 38mm � �� 11 mm 4.2 60 1"NPT Male or Female 1 2 4 R5413 Ad'ustahle 1'/z' 38mm ° i0mm 2.8 40 1"NPT Male or Female 1,2 4 R5412 k�a. r�}���d�,�� ;�"���'�:'�` -I�-� 7` i ,��----- --T.�`f1� ---�,m-T` �r��+—'--1 ,�-�- I� I'i1 j � I� �� � � 'jL� - -�-�IHN�-- --���--'l-- � .�i 1,��� "'--���{r I �-iY�-- ! �c'�°`iae f' '�,uR ��n.P — p�•01l I 1B9'2!!' Y ! Oi ���,�, W+-�AM �" I n�ro'��amc '.t�lhQ'AF .�i .' �_ eex� �— I -}--—,�_ •��� .. I l � %� . � :%!!'� � '� �;;_;; �;.-:`;� ,�•��� I , T �6NSlYfhl �J SJ18 AM—-�� � ��i� � � 1� i�� ��rw�• 1 '•LlaJ �/t'�I �A , y��� Fig.i -'/z" NPT Non-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 2- 1" NPT Male-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 3- 1" NPT Female-Adjustable Inlet The equipment presented in this bulle8n Is to be installed in accordance with the latest published 5tandards of the Nationa!Fire Protection Assoeiatian,Factary Mutual Research Corporation,a other similar organizations and elso with the provisions of govemrtFental cades or orclinances whenever applicable. Products manutacfured and distributed by Raliable have been protecting life end propertyfar aver 8(}years,and are installed and serviced by the most highly quaEitied and reputable sprinkier contractors located throughout the United Stetes,Ceneda and foreign carnt�ies. Manufactured by � APep letl The RNlable Automstic 5prinkler Co.,Inc. �� (800)431-1588 Sales Otfices (800)848-6051 Sa1es Fax Fievision lines indicate updated or new data. (914)66&3470 Corporate OHices www.reliahlesprinklaccom Internet Address EG.Pnnted in USA06/02. PM 9999970150 ; • � � � � � ���s���a.�Q�� p �'����� . 4 SP��LS��1� V 96'��11 U��V� t - I �' ' . ���N�SWQ�'t�C°��VO`�'6-e ��'1��� � ; � � F �L,ULC,C��VII I.�eter9 and MYWYIE�e4r:c�� � �ervice Pr+e�sure: IJp ko 250 PSI E � � • Mlnimum FE�vu Aste tor 14,��nrr: 8-10 GPM Mexlmum�urge: i8 FPS ( � �naloaeere: Dle-cast, red enemel flnish � Cover held in paac�with ta,mper resistant screws Contec:t RetFngs: Two sets of SPpT(Form C) f 5.0 Amps at 12b/25U VAC 2A Amps at 30 VDC Condult�r�ces: Twa knockouts provfded 1or 1!2"condult. Usage: Usted plastic.copper and sctfedule 40 Iron pfpe. Fits pipe s�es-f",1 1/4", 1 1/2"and 2" . Note: 12 paddles are ium�shed wfth each unft,one far � ' each,pipe size of threaded end sweat 1'��,one for 1' �:�:'`-` CPVC,one for 1''CPVC(Centt�l),one for 1 1!2■ ` .�-.. � . pafybulylene end one for 1. 1/2°threaded(Japan), � ��.�' (C"TS-Coppar tubing s�ze) . . f,i}x . . Envlronmentel SpeclHcaiions; � . • Sultable for lndoor or oubdoar use with factory InstaHed . , gasket and dfe-cast hvusing. - ' . • 1dEMA 4/1�'S5 rated enclosure-use wldh e�pproprlate c�,ndult �ttlrtg. ' •Temperature range:44°F to 120°F(4.5°C t�a 49°O) . , Ceution: Th1s dQVice is not lrrtended for applica�ans in e�lcissive envlronmerrts. � Servlcg Use: . • Automadc 5pdnkler NFPA-'f 3 '' �tock 6Ya.11 i3000 . One ot two famtly dwellir�g � NFPA 13D Resldentla!occupancy up tatour stories� NFPA-13R U.S.Pa� �do.3921989, Canadian Pat.No. 1009680 Nationat Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 �ther Pater�#s Pending �ptionsl. Cover 1'amper Switch�Cit,Stock Na OOg0U18 '��Model VSR�F Is a vane type watertlow sw�itch for use on must be taken to properly orient the device for the df[�ectlon vf wet spr��kfer systema that use 1", t�1/�", 1 1,►2"or 2"plpe ` � waterfiow. . sfze.The�enR may also be use�as a sectional w►a#ertlaw -me vaRS enusf not r�ub the inside of t�e�"EE or bir�d in any detecbar on Isrge sysbems. �y, �$�m�auld move freely whara operated by hand. � The unit coMalns two single pole double throw snap act�Or� Tha devkae can also be used In aopper or pl$stic plpe Installa- , swltches end ea adJustab�fe,Instsr�t�y recyeling pneumatic tlons with the proper edaptets so that the epec�ied T�E fiftfng reteni.The swlGches ars actusted when a flow of&10�alEons �y�I�Iled on ihe plpe run. per minut�or more occu�downstream of the device.The ffow�ndiHon must exlet tor a per�od of t(me necaesary to ��g����N�Q T�"nNO: Check the ope�atfon of the unit over�come the selected t�etard periad. bY oPBNr�g the inapector's test valve at 3he end oF ths IId3TALIlA'i7�N• These devices mey be mountea!In horizon- aprink�er Ilns or the dreln enci tee�t cannectlon,If an Inspec�or's tel ar verifcai plpe. On horizontaf pipe they should be In- ��lve Is not provided. . siafled on the top slde of the pipe where tFsey wfll be ac�aa- �E��re are no provlslons for testlnQ the operativp of the flaw sfble. Ths unfis ahould not be Instalied wltlhin Btt oF a valve, '����on device on the system,applicatton vt t�he VSR-SF is � � dtaln vr flttin8 wf�foh chan�es the dfrec�ion of th�weberflvw. � �mmended flr advisable The unit has a 1"�IPT bust�ing far threadtng Into a nnn- The fr�quency of t�e Inspectlon and testir�g er�d ibs assacia#ed oorras�ra'�EE. See Flg.2 far proper TEE size,type and pmtective maNtodng system shauld be fn accordance with Instelladon. � the epplk�bte HlFPA Codes and Standards and/ar auttw�ity Screw the cievfoe hrto the TEE fltting es s�hown In Fig.2. Care having jur�sdlc�on(manuf�actur+�r t�cammends quarberi}r or more fr�queridy�. P'o�tar�Signal CArnpanY°21'f81 Crelg Road,SL E..aulsA h��0,�146-418i•Phona:BOU�25-39�9�6f�anada 905�-1883owwNr�om6araignel,co�rt PAIMiH]IN U$A • MKT.�/8BOU063-REI/A . iV�Q.�540080E-3198 PkqE 1 OF 2 31 , . r , . ' � � � . 6f���II�AE��E�� ������ 49���`IT��� 4�'W���1�d��� � � � , ������'�'t�� '��'� �i����� - �9Ga.1 uo rrar�ea►� cow� �1�.� — -___ aFF FOR E1fTENUED � PERIOD OF TIlA� °� FLOHI Q�d�l'd AL�]UIBt1119flt: __� APPF�bX. To ahange drne,tum knab(eHher , > >>/i a' dlrecttoh)fvr deslred Ume delay. � _� Us�ihe minlir�um amount of retard Q necese9ry t0 pf6vOnt f8198 a1a17116. Mounr so A�°aettlng Is u�aUy adequaUe fvr r�KOw v►a ihfe. Fac�vry set et�'. A eusrnwc �Iri P01NTS IN � �{ � �� . o "/' DIRECTION OF WhTERfl.OYP pp� � 1" NPf � YATER�F"�f1V a ' T}iREAD@ ------ - ---- � I'TITING OM ^ T ALL SIZES bW�. �735._J3 RUk OF iHE ' � �r QE Scraw Iha devlae�1F�e TEE tilUng as�own.Care rnust be(�� niREnom oR � � � swFwr rn�F �P�y odent ttie dsvice br the direcdo�of th�waEanlow. m,�u na�-a► aiRecnow oF �•' {, ' waT�ww On Bweat 7EE'� na► Ihr�eaded huehings, Inserts or ad�pbers ere �"'P°�°^•� perrn�lt�ed uiiless thsy�omply wnh the dlmensJons Ilsb�d In the chart There eue 12 pedaNea fumFehed uwc. 8eoz-3o heloW. • wilh eac�unR One fpr eaoh�ae olf ihreeded,aveat ar plest�c Importent-The depth ta ihe Mslde�attom ofthe 7'EE ehould hawe the 7'�E s,s deedibed in F7B.2. ��N: ~ 4ollowing dPmenelons: TheeB paddlee(leVB PI9leed 7D PfiEIIEMLEMGIQE AWPLY�fEFLON TAPE � • �"A��01�►��P�e�e SEAI MdT�MALE THR�AUS ONLY.6D NOT USE �'PROXIMAiE DEPTH pEpWREMENT � a�d t}p9 d TEE tl18t fhey ene 6o ANY UiF1E711�YPE OFlUBR1CANT OR 6gALAN f. T�6� THFiEAD� BWEAT CTB,POL1rBU'IYlBiE (�VC be uaad w�.l'�e P►opQr peddla �mue!Ibe�!.ThB patklie,MUat APPROX.HETA�iD SETIIH(i8(fN 8L'C.) 1'x i'x 1• 21/1B� 1�14• WA 2 71f8• b6 p1lo�etly Sll�19d�e9e 11 A B C � . •E 1 U4'x 1 114'x t' 2 7H fl" 2 7/19" N/A WA • d1BIYYI11gy�Ild 1hB Bo16YV tliflt. 1 1/P'x 111c'x 1" 211/t8' 2 f/4' 2112' WA hoide•Iha paddlB must be 0 10�6 20,10 -83� 50-70 60�8d z'x 2�ri• a s/f� 2 8/4' WA ee�wiely t��ned. �A • SW�TC�1 TE'�4KIf11dAL�ONi��C'rlOMS � _ ���IP9MC��7'�1'ERMIN�►L � �A�, � � +���rnon�: . � . An unlnsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the � tennlna��nd serve�s iwo ssparate connections. 'Ti�e wire must be sever�d, therehy providing supervigion vf tfie connecNon tn ffie avent�a#the wire ' becomes dlslodged 9rom under the terminal. �a�`� �,�z+-� � � FI�.4� '6'YP���.E9�f�(�'GR�CA(��:d��11N��7101'KIS �lGe.� LOCAL BELL TRANSFORMER CIASS 6�srnE e) To �'emove knoCkouts: F'lace , oR enrrEr�v po+n�EV =�o-o�--uwe RESi R CKT_ (Sk� MOTE7 sCx+ewdriver et ' co►�. � �M- � edge af knock- OPEN ON ALAR'M QYEN DN CLASE OM O11t8,110t Ill'�16 C9f1E9�: � CLOSE ON AL'ARM ' �M , ��M �rp� N.O: RESfSfOR ' N.C. , . N.D. M.G. SPGIJIWNG QEVICE SUPERV�m L�1pP {S� NOTE� ' COM. 7YPiCAI. SWiTCH AC710N �,� � �,�E Q� TO AOU'L �- FROM A�IA ALMM D�VICFS OPEN �N t �CLOSE Di4 CQNTROL bfZ REfURIV . AtARM ` AIARM PANEL N.o. A N.C. TO CONTRDL N.O. �N.0. - �\ +� � a ���: DWC. �ifi1-15 � �j � . V' 1. The model vsr-ef i�as iwo swlt�hes,'one can be used to operate a centnal stadt�n,prtsdxietary+or . rernoEe elgnsling unit,whlle ther other is ueec�to opeRate a lacal sudlble or vls�ed a�nnunclator. """" �2. For supervised clnc+uffs Bee�5witch Tetmi�nal Connecdone"drawlnp and cautfon note.(ti�.9). � PRW7F�IN UBi4 MKT.+AB�H0000�8-FiEV R PAfjE 2 OF 2 . MFyq.,fb40U802-8/98 � � 32 � �� ' AND INSTALLATIO fNSTRUCTIC3NS . � _; SERIES -� , , ;. . _ . SLQ1N CLOSE iNDI�ATING BI�TTERFLY VALVES� FC�I� �a�� �p�a� ���c� ������� � � � �� �s LISTED ■ �'y - �� � !N EVERY VALVE /� �L � . MILWAUKEE VALVE SCi D-1?J97 Sf�ECIFrCA IC�C�S F�R . C�W CL�SE SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VAWE 1NSTALLATI�N ..'" ASSEMBLIES A. The BBSC can be installed in arry orienffition in PATENTED a.piping system using standard.Natfona! P�pe '�. Provides slow opening and closing propertles Threads. Wrench shnuld be used to hex on the end of valve being t#�readed to pi�e. Pipe in a quarter-turn valve.The purpose is to ellmi- sealants sF�ould ba used sparingly. nate hydraulic shocic and water hammer fn flre profection and other liquid systems. B. The valves with in#ernai switches can be easily wired in the field. They will have two switches, . 2. Avallahfe with or witha�,Et an internal, pre-wir�ad �h-1 will have dual ieads on the terminals. su�asrvisory tamper �switch assembfy. When This switch is to be connected t�the supervlsory maunted on any slow-close vahre and wired,the cir�cuft of a Listed alarm corrtrol�panel. Switch-2 switches signal movemerrt of the valve disc from wili have single leads and may be�connscted to the fulf apen posiNon.� - $�f�(�ary�8quipment per directiort -of the fpcal a. Aveileble factory mour�ted to a valve or as a authorfty ha�ing jurisdlction. Cap any unused kFt for�ield installation on previousty instalisd wire [eads with wire nuts and tEx�c into junction valves. � box. All connections shall be reviewed and b. Switch Ratlng: � �PP��Y the loca�authority having jurisdictian. 10 Arnps/115 VAC-80 Hz C. A 94 gage green wire has been tastened #o the 0.5 Amps/28 VDC irrterior of the housing and is to !�e used as a � hnusing ground. � c. Valves equipped with tamper swii�ch assenw blias are FOR 1NpQQR USE pN�Y. D. Recommended type of wire to be used is No. 16 Dual Rated UL 300V 80 C a[�d 3pOV 705 C. 3. UUFM rated at�75 psi.Also available at 350 psl � and 500 psi with N.Y.C.B:S.A.�pproval. �. Insta�lation must be in compliance with NF'PA 72• � and 1S� or bonded and groundeci per Canadian � . � �lectricai Cade Part 1. � F. The 8B-SC, BBHSC (threaded-end}and BBVSC, ri � � BBHSC (grooved-end) valves are Entended for use with schedule 40 and/or 80 ptpe, sizes �Ed i", 1'/.", 1'/s,2'and 2'/z°per ANSI B36.10. � �vr use with fire protectivn sprinkler systems 175 psi. Ap�roved by�e New York Cfty Board of Stds.& �N5TAl.LATION FOR NEW YORK CITY VAW�S Appeals under Calendar No. 996-Si-SM, far N.Y.C. special vafves have a large flow incflcator 175 psi and Calendar No. 72U-8&SA for 350 psi which poirrts in the directlon of the valVe disc, �ndi- and 500 psi. cating open or c�osed.The val�shoufd be installec! (500 psi rated vahres not s�own.) • ln a position where tF�e indicator is readily visible. MODEL � DESCRIPTRON � SRES � BBSCf 00 Valve Less Switch 1�5 ps�_Threaded Ends NYC 85A ��'1 d'�' 1�i�� B8SCS02 Valve With Switch ��� 2,2��' SBVSC100 Valve Less Swiich UL/FM BBVSC502 Valve Wit�Switch 175 psi-Groaved Ends NYC BSA 2t�" Approved BBHSC100 Valve Less Switch �p P,i-Threaded Ends �C 8SA 1', 1y4, 1 Yi � � BBWSCS02 Vafve Wtth Swnch Approved 2`,2�h" - � _ �� BVHSC100 Val�e Less Switch �p��_Groo�ed Ends �YC BSA r,�,�. � SVHSCS02 Vahre With Switch A�proveci 2. 1 � �1'� � � E3 U�TE LY V �� �LVES VALV�S LESS SUPERVISaRY TAMPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY —4z __._ ' _ dRtD aFMD GFYD ��°� .,K., �'��1 ��� � � - "� ranx � c��� ..�.. - � 1__ - ..�.. - -- ..M.�..L,. _ __ _ _ _ _ � � I ---- l I� nN^ _ �1 r ,— — i �S '{�^ --.J ��� � �F�� �Q.. „A�� -���.. � BB-SC100 (Threaded Ends) BBVSC1Da (Grooved Ends) Sizes 1", 1'/.��, 1'/:", 2'`, 2'h" Size 2�/��� VALVES WITH SUPERVISORYTAMPER SWI7CH ASSEMBLY - —4z �r 4 ' r-_-'-'�' 1. - FLOW � ' '_"' f_ MO"1,d 2 I —.. aqro ac�o� �,�iu°�b+ ���} . --�—-` ��� � ��� 4� - C'R16 a1 -- � 'J•plue 16h inches -Q�+°.� _. � � �� � � - - � - ^H^ ,.C.. 3 6 � i . _ _ ... ---- ' -- ___ — ..�.� � �„��F� ..��» � ..A..� l./ .G.. NYG INDICATOR THREAQ�D ENDS �a"�i�'bia°"e°"'�'�a end non-ewlteed modele.y GRi00VED ENDS BB-5CS02 BBVSCSQ2 DIM�N&IONS-FNCHES SfZE i' 1 1/4' 1 1/2' 2' 21/2" MATEflIAL U5T A 21/8 2 518 2 718 31l4 4 1/8 NO. PART MA7ERIAt SPECI�ICATiQN B 3 15l18 4 9132 4 i12 5 5 13132 c Z s�is i i�is ���TS 2�/a s s��s 1 Indicator Sintered iran FQOUBP D 1 23/32 2 71&1 2 3!8 31/18 3 1/2 � _ - - - �slis 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 58�4 F S/e G - - 41/2 3 Body Bronze ASTMI584 ff 2 7f8 J 4 15/i6 5 1/8 5 f3l32 B 1/8 6 1!A d Har�dle Brass K .86 .73 .T3 .79 1.18 ; � � .ea ,so .se i.di �.�s 5 Disc Stain. St�. Type 304 - M-40 i.o, i.sa 1.61 2.07 2.47. , s Disc Seal EPdM Elastamer M-80 1.28 1,50 1.84 2.32 N-40 2.25 2 . •2.5 225 10 7 SWItC HI�USIfT W 13/16 i i/4 i y�� � iii�s 1�a g Die Cast Aluminum M—d0 ARE DIMEhlSIONS USIN�&GHE�ULE 40 PIPE M—e0 ARE DINkENSIONS USING St�iEDUL�BO PIPE N-40 IS FLOW RESISTANCE IXPAESSEB IN EOLIIV,ALENT LENGTH OF SCHEDULE 40 PIPE W IS TiiE WRENCH MNK�—UP LENGFH �. i WIRING �?IAG�AM � {SWITCH P4SITI�N VALVE FULL �PEN) ---� � SWITCH 1: �UAL LEADS LISTED FIRE AlARM ���� TO NEXT IIVD�CA70f� CON7RO�L PANEL OR SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT `� END �F LINE RESISTOR � WHIT� � � � RED SWITCH 2: SINCLE LEADS AUX�LIARY � ORANGE EQUlPMENT VQLTAGE � t SQ{JRCE BLUE ; � Y�LLOW Green Lead provided is ground for switch housing Switch Rating: 10 AMP/f 15 VAC .5 AMP/28 VpC Cap unused Isads with wire nuts and tuck inside junction box (not provided) , '� NOTE:Valves incorparating supervisory tamper switahe�are for indaor:use oniv. _ 1/2° ELECTRICA� — SUPERVISQRY TAMPER C0�lDUIT SWITCH ASSY. � � � � � � D C � m r,-� A z � z O � "m °� a� o � � � �� m � � �� � � z �,� _ Q �m � �3 r� ��IV!�� � �m a� n � ,�uNCrrow �ox �.�ti� Milwaukee Valve Company 2375 Soutih Burrell Street Milwaukee,Wisconsin 53207-'1592 Telephone 414/744-5240 M�LIIUA U K E E VA LV E FAX 414/744-5840 � Prinl@d on focyClesl pspar wllh eay Ink, ' ����}; . �e`�i%':''".u�.nG.±.`!a�-y,Mpr�r i � - pa&_����;r �.�. . -_. , 4�fw arF. {'��'C7%._�?� y'6•;�y'-bi�.�4'+,q�+ "�' �. �L, , . , . !.�- y -1_+'r.,��r"i[�:�:�. •� ! ,� :•. rAryli.•�,:,Y'..�'•• � �� _ . :h4� '•= �'y"�Y�.'"{�j � O �':._�.}�.Y�`. er � 5�•* T� � � ll . 5:.2.••�. ..�1�'�g��� �;':.-t r1..i'�.:. ,i�i, P. � f.TfJ-\'..w�.r.;iti�A..Yv'..4�. qP i � �N _�f�!�i \��� ���������� I I � � '`�}��'�.�4 � ����`i14�0� � � , 3 4 .. `j+�4�,...'-.. �� ;�' �d:',_:._ �:�:.-.:: Deelgned far inst�ll�tion on pofabk water�inea l�eiween , � � '� � the backAow pr�verebar w presgure reducin ' •��t'�-'�� w$ter heaGar bo ptotect against w�er�� tve and the , �.�,:.,:�. eacpansivn. I . �*:.:;:�;...;.. W hen syatem pressure Incneases,waEer enbers#ha fank's �. .�_;;�ti��=-:;�: bladder whlch euc�arrolg inbo the Rr�cherged afr chamber� I ..�:°.��. . kseping sysbem ptsssure below the r�slfef valt�setGng. - I STANDAR�S COMPL�ANCE F,�+-� o ,,v�n�i.r�a p NSF �I Sizes(ltters): 0 8 ❑ 18 ❑32 O 5QV O NSPO Lis�sd i ❑75V ' 0120V O 185V O 320V � (V=vertic�l,free�standing) . - �; I Ma�dmum workin9 wate�r pressur�e 15Q PSI MATERIALS Mauoimumwarkingwafier�empeta#une 200°F ����P►�� 35p PSI Ou4er she11 Hfgh Grade S6eei End cor�nectlons Threaded NP"f Coa�ngs �paxy fi�ish(ou�sr shell) I� ANSI 81.�0.1 Connec�on Brass{s(zes:8 Fhre,32� Precharge(adjus�a6�) 4Q PSI S�lainless St�el(sizes:5�l fhru 320� I' ' , Bladder Butyl Rubber(�DA$pproy�j I ACCESSORIES � �A c I C] 8R�4 - waGer pr�ssu�reducing vahie ❑ TP110QA - temper�ture$pressure t�elief valve I ❑ P'F�OOA - pressur+e�e�eefvaive ❑ 975)(I. - reduoed pr�sure backflaw preve�er I� I . I � , o � I � w�a ew,a�uv vvx�r s es DIMFJ�ISIDI�S�WEfGH�'S(do not include pt�.) ' Tar �ea�rr,�n�s neooa. �p��fr� t�n��N�t�+ �a���� wwaMU�r mrn� ���p.� �necro�r an�s�o NVIIIOOS •f�/fW1�V Y�JLVIY� �'��Rc� � �A�� �i1�\7� � ■�W�11 PR�E(�.LONS VVWAIL �� � M: . GONN�GTIQI+1 I 1 G 2.1 0.&E /2 218 112 2� 9/4' � I YVX7R7B 1�PS�G 4.8 1.8 40 !0 2b4 ?5 38i 3J4'iHVFi' i0 4.6 I B YVJ{TP�1l 'l60PSID 14 �8 40 18 4(JB 2i ti/f8 6,5'9 1'{�7VP7' 32 �4.5 i wXT!'�7�V 150 P916 20 e-0 40 1B +IOB 2819f 16 792 i'FNPT 3� 17.7 WXl'P-i20V 7b0 P8lG 32 12.8 AO 2t '.�3 27 t3/1B T08 1`FRPT 80 Tl.2 i WX7R166V i50 P81G 44 17'.8 40 21 b33 36 3I18 818 1 Ub'FNP►' 72 3�2,7 1MffP�OV f50RB!!3 85 84.0 40 TB 8B0 44 71i8 f929 1 114•Ff�P[ f40 83.4 ! '�u�E�RATURE RAN�93'F 1P 200'F h107E RHJ6F VAl.IIF MGBT�SET RT t50�I(3 MA�IM :��x .t. �.. ,.,}.i;:;:� •. .],��. ,� � : r- . . .. ..� .4 !•^"x�.t a . . .7. s. `�'��T��:� r . .. .. : �"' ' SJ,sOn.�••a n�,.F:.� -•,�x . c+,s.,�•. 4 :eap .S ° � ..-4�.:�'•�y:!" I Pa�a 9 oi 2. .. . . , . . .w �.�ck���.;, � .r, . . . .. � . . , - i�a�:�X _.t-i Qe 5u.�r:� . . • � �I�r�d's C�9�'0' ' � WA7ER HEATL�R CAPACITY .S. R�eesw'e � 2Q 30 40 60 80 100 120 19D 175 � d0 s 8 8 8 8 18 18 18 3'� 3z � � a 8 8 8 � ie 1B 18 � � � 55 9 B 8 B ' 8 18 18 18 32 3Z � � � 8 B B � 46 18 1� 18 3Z 32 gg 70 8 8 B 6 18 18 18 /8 32 . 3Z � 80 8 8 8 8 � 78 i6 98 82 3'1 32 � ' � B $ S f8 18 1B �'2 �2 a2 S01/ �py 100 8 8 4$ 18 18 '32 3� �'! �OM1I �/ gpy f10 8 18 18 tg � � � �,py � � r� 120 18 19 3� �2 �d 50N JOV 5QN 130V 1�OA/ �Z01/ ��Y WA�R HEA7�R CAPACdTY .S. . Pres�ure 240 260 28Q 31)0 :15Q 400 a50 G06 . �0 8U0 1000 4Q 30'V 50V 90V ',f�V 50V 75V 75V 75V 1Z01/ 120M lQ81/ 50 QOV SOV 50V v"'O�V 30V T5V 75V � TSV iZOV l�ON 1�1I � 6� �50!/ 5DV 8�'V 5DV 5QV 7vN 75Y 76V 9�q+V 1�@t/ i�i/ 80 dfW � :�II 50V 9DN 5�11 75N 7bV T.iV 12QV 1201/ 9�V � 3GV 60V 30V SOV 5011' 7slf T3V 73'i/ iZOV iZQV 16911 � � 60V SOV BOV 78V '15V 76V 1ZQ1/ 7TOV 18SV qB51/ . � 50V 5dV 60V 75V 7�N 751/ 1�OV 1ZIN f2QV ib�il/ 8,2py 9flo 73fI 7bV 7S1I 78V l2D1r 7�DV 920v i8sv i85v 3�6'V �l 110 iZOV 7�QA/ �20V 1ROV 12W 185V 4B5Y 820V 3T�11 82pV X 120 168V 7BSIf iB5V '�OI/ 9�1I 3ZW 328V 3�0'V X x x asecl upon 1�°F temperature rise(40°F to�140°F� X=muHiple�nks�ec�uu�d(confact your WILFQNS Rep 'Y'YPICAl.INSTALI.ATION Local codes shaEl govem insfallation requirements.Unless otherwis�specifisd,the assembly shall be mounGed at feast 78"ftnm the cold wa#er i�let to the t�eater.Note:�F incoming wa6s�pressur�is above 40 psi,the precharge pressure ofthe expansion tank should be adjusted to equal tha incoming water pressure. r� �� ,�... ;�. � � �r �'" IIOE6YR �� �� �_ �lOrllAlli �j IIYOi��i �0� IimM 1�11�� �4rY .�r . �aR 19� f: *R tlls�AlA�tl1� � +wo�swy� $ eqr IIIO�EL W%TP II�ESi'ALLATIQN MO�EL W7(TP INSTALLATiON W BERIEB sp�ciFrcAnon�s Th�Water Thermal ExpansFon Tank shafl be�APMO�and NSF�Lfsbed.The outer shelt shail be higt�grade stcef with exterior coating. The bladder shalf be FDA approved butyl rubber and prevent water from con#act with shell inter(or.l"he assembly shall incorparate a shrader valve for adjusteble aIr precharge and a lead free bronzg system connection. The Water Thermal Expane►on THnk s�sil be a WILKIN5 Model WXTP . Page 2 of 2 WII.If1N8 QPERA710N OF ZURM INWJ81RIE8, 1747 Commeroe WaY.Paeo R�Dblea.CA 93446 Phon�806J'Z9&7100 F�uc805�38�78g 1N CANAW:Zl11iN FNDU8TRIF8 iJNl7'ED,354�4 Nashue Dr.�t1�8bsa�pa,O�riu L4V 41Z I?hone:806ti10�8272�9�12�'t Prcdud suppoRt Hsip un.:1�n�ACKFI.ow(t�77�535� • w.l�htlpJlwww.zum.com � • S�IN�CH�RT ' � WATER H�ATER CAPACClY(U.S. ) p�� qy � 3p qp 80 90 100 120 150 175 200 �40 B 8 8 B 8 78 18 18 32 3�2 32 50 8 8 8 8 8 18 18 18 3Y2 3� 32 S5 8 8 8 8 � 8 16 18 16 3� 32 32 80 6 8 $ 8 18 1B f8 78 3Z 3'1 S2 TO 8 8 8 8 78 96 18 18 32 3�Z 3�2 � 80 8 8 8 $ 18 18 1$ 32 32 32 32 - 90 8 8 8 18 18 18 �'1 32 3� 50V SOV 100 $ S /8 48 18 �32 32 32 50V 50V ;yW 110 $ 78 18 78 3Z 32 3� 50V 5W 75V 75V 120 18 18 32 3R 8Z 50V 5dV 601/ 120V i20'1/ 9�11 g�pp� WA7ER HEA7ER CJIPACIiY .S.gal F�easure ig 2A0 260 280 300 350 AOd 450 50D . 800 SOD 1QOQ 40 50Y 50V 5UV SUY 5�V 75V 75Y 7sN 1�AV 42W '!&N 50 �py 5pV 5pV � 50'Y 5QV 75V T5V ' 7�iV i20V 120V 195V � ' b6 'SpV 50V 5W SOV 50V 75V TvN T5V 1ZOV 120V 185V �0 50V � 50V 50�1/ 8DV SOV 75V 7b1/ 75V 120V 120H 165V 7p 50y 6py 5pN 9py 50V 75V 75V T5V ixOV 120V 165V 8[} gp{/ $p�/ 501/ SOV TSV 7511 76V 1�DV 120V i85V 9851/ 90 5QV 50V 60V 75V 7vN 75V iZOV 1ZQV fZOV iBSV 3ZOV '100 7SV 75V 75V 75V 1201/ 'l�OV 12W t65V 165V 320V 32QV 110 120V 120V 120V t20V 120V 165V 165V 3�V 320V 320V X 120 165V i6511 1B5V 320V 320U SZOV 32dV 3201/ X X X ased upor� 100°F temperature rise(40°F to 940°F) X=mul�pfetanks roquired(cpnlact yo�rWILI4NS Rep TYPICAL INSTALLATION Lacal cades shali govem installatian requirernents.Unless otherwise specified,fhe assembly shall be mounted at lea�t 18"from the cold water inlet to the heater.Note:If incaming water pressure!s above 40 psi,the precharge pressure of the expansion tank sho�id be adjusted ta equal the incoming water pressure. ��� .,. �«M. � ,m� �� � ,�_ =.� �� �� � ,�,..� �..� �„� �, • ,„�.,, �� ��� ., . �� � �. .- r.. �a�. � .�.R ..�.�.�. � a,.� AIIODEL WXTR INSTALLATION MODEL WXTP INSTALLATION°W SEFtIES SPECIFICA710NS The Water Thermal Expansion'Tank shall be IAPMO�and NSF�listed.'The auter shel!shall be high grade steef witi� e�ct�rior coating. The bladder shall be FDA approved butyl rubber and prevent water from contact witt� sheEl interior.'The assembly shall incorporate a shraderval�e for a�justable air prec�arge and a lead iree bronze system connecfion.The WaterThermaf Expansion Tank shall be a WRLKINS Model WXTP. � Page 2 of 2 WILlONS BPERA7iON OF ZURh INDUSiRlES,1747 Ca�mieme Way,Paso FZobles,CA 93446 Phona805l238-7fOD Fax805/238-5786 IN CANAaA ZUR�1 INDUS7WES LIAA17Eb�3544 NashuaDr.,Misalssauga,Orrtarlo k�tV 1L21?hona:906/405-8272 Fa�906/d05-12BZ Produd Support Help IJne:1�77-8AC1�1_OW(1-$77-22Z�356} • WabslEs:htlpJ/www.zum.00m - � ' � r � r ► 1 ��� b.�. NQM 111►IFT FTJrM�! 1�IN1. 16D'� �°F �04�F r00�f yy .116 .096 � ' � ,gpp �fi .l�A l�1D0 .0l� �60 804 e96 KH6 � �, 9�1a Ef00 ,0� 768 T!8 0� �46 _�a � a�e aoo .aw e�a � s�r � ,g� gq .g41 �oo .oe� 7�4 eaz ese �a�e 1.iZ6 1 .8� !GD' A� s67' 6F�) 8'1� � 1.876 11� 1.W '{aD G66 462 4�5 116 � 1�'!6 11�e 1.98 tUQ .�72 4�0 3BE 98T 247 �.1ffi Z 2.Oe AB� 9TD 318 3�9 2'I7 i � 2!l��ee 2.�0 �096 996 J1A 31t 1�9 • � $'��6 3 4.lJO .1�8 9Yg 309 30� t98 s.ezs � a,�p .�� ��i �aa s�s te� i.1ffi 4 Bb1 .f�l 908 29A � 190 I s.i� s ��r _ise 2e3 a�e ao in �.�� 6 oa.� ��z � rrr �rt ir� a.1�s s i6�o gr1 s14 � 2A0 i� � I u.U. 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O.U3 0_D3 OA5 0.07 O.IU 0.1� O.l:i 0.19 1�h, 0.01 O.U1 0.01 9,01 D_Ol O.D2 O.U2 0.03 0_O:i O.ph (?A7 0.09 .� _ � � - -- D.OI OAl 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 n.03 Fur 51 linits: i gal = 9.785 L: I p�i = 0.�684 bar: 1 R = 0.:1048 m. 1'able 4-4.3(b) Pressure Lassea(pai/ft�Copper Tubing-Types K, [.,& 1Vi; C = i50 E'low Ltate(gpm) Tubing Type . Size (in.) 10 i2 14 I6 18 2D 25 30 35 40 45 50 �3'� '�I O.US U.1"_ U.16 0.20 U:?:i U.30 0.-�6 U.6-� �.�3 - - - L 0.lU 4.i-F 0.18 0.�:1 0.`?J l).'�;i 0.53 0.73 l,l1U - _ � K U.l'3 0.1� i).`?�+ 0.:30 0.38 0.�6 0.69 U.97 1_°_S - - _ 1 ti( tl.0`_� 0.03 �.U�F 0.06 0.07 O.OtI 0.1:i O.ltf 11.'.�� 0.;;0 O.;SN p.}6 L 0.�� O.U4 O.11:i O.OG O.UH 0.10 O.I:i 0.20 (D._�7 0.35 0.-F:3 b.ii K O.U3 OA� O.�fi O.Ll7 0.09 D.11 D.17 0.?-! O.;SI U.�FU U.30 0.61 ��'a 1�( U.UI O.Q I 0.�`? D.t)? L1.O:f O.U:i U.QS 0.0� O.f}9 [l.k I 0.I:i �.17 L O.0 1 U.U! O.l)° O.Q`� O.U:S 0_03 U.U:i f).0 i D.111 �.l_' Gl.I ti 0.1 J !� �.UI 0.01 U.U`? (1.�3 U.U:S Q.0�4 11.0(i O,Oii 0.11 UJ;i 0.17 U.�'0 ��/•� GI - 0.01 O.ui 11.01 D.UI U.IlI O.0_� o.11:i [l.ni o.U., o.�s D.oN L - 0.0! 0.0l U.01 OAl 0.01 U_0`? G.U:S I].U-F 11.U5 O.U� O.OS h � O.tll o.��i U.0! U.cli cl.u_� u.u•� 0.0:3 o.u.� u.u�� u.��; a_��s �� �i - - _ _ -- -- u.ut i�.ni o.nt o.iM� o.o�� �.a�� I. - - - - - - U.O1 Q.f)1 U.11! (1.U1 4L0`2 0.0_' h - - - - - --- n.oi o.n� u.oi o.«i n.i�•� o.o�� F�ir 51 l:nit.: 1 };al = :S.;µ3 L: I psi = 0.11li7i4 har: I I't = 0.:'VO-IN nr. Tab[e 4--3.3(e� Equivalent Lenglh of Pipe in Feet£or 5teel Fittings and Valves Elbows Tees VgIves Fitting/Valve ---- Flow Flow Glnbe Diameter 45 90 Long 'I'hru Thru "y" (in.) Degrees Degrees Radiu:s Branch Run Gate Angle G1obe Pattern Cock Check 1 I :i '_' 3 �' 1 1`? '?�i l:i � { I�/i `� :i Y fi " '? I;i :l:i l;i a :3 1��„ •� -� :s y :� �� i� �:s ���� r, �� ��- :i :, :t i c� ,i _� �?-t :�� •�;� ; ;� li:�ta�d nn Geanc�fcrhni�.d Paprr Xu.-I lll. . � F��r til L'niis: 1 !i = U.:41F{y ni. Tabae 4-4.3(d) Equivalent Length of Pipe in Feet for Copper Fittings and Valves Elbows Tees Valves Fit[in�;/Valve Fluw Flow Globe Diame[er 45 90 Long Thru Thru "y" (inJ Degrces Degrees Radius Branch Run Gate Angle CIo6e Pattern Coek Check �� I.:i 3 I.:i �F.3 l.:i I.:i l5 3? 17 #.:i {.� i I.� ;i ;i 7.5 i I.� IFi 4`_> `I:i 6.0 7.5 !�la 1.5 -k.5 3 9 � l,v 23 53 37 7a I I I y., � 6 3 I 3 4.5 1.5 27 65 :I:f 9 I�1 2 3 i �.:i l� �1.5 !a �fi Sfi �1`? �I I i Fur Sl Units: I CI =U.90-18 m. 1994 Ed16on TOWN OF VAIL DE�RTMENT OF COMMiJNiTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERNIIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHA1vICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0098 �4 6tf �l�? Job Address: d00 VAIL VALC,EY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSiJED Locativn.....: 500 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, iJNIT F-2 Applied . . : 06/U9/2004 Parcel No...: 210108119Q02 Issued . . : O6/21/2004 Project No : �����f _o(l y Expires . .: 12/l8/2004 OWNER MHV INC 06/09/2004 Phon:e: $ MAXIMO HADDAD P O BOX 270 PALM BEACH FL 33480 License: CONTRACTOR SWEDE'S METAL FAB 06/09/2004 Phone: 970-390-1176 P.O. BOX 801 MINTUR.N, CO i $1645 Li�ense: 239—M APPLICANT SWEDE'S METAL FAB 05/09/2004 Phone: 970-390-1176 P.O. BOX 801 I MINTURN, C� 81645 , License: 239-M Desci�tion: INSTALL L21 NORDIC HUMIDIFICATION SYS1'�MS,VENT 2 DRYERS, VENT RANGE,V�NT 6 BATHROOM FANS Valuation: $10,004.00 Firepiace Information:Restricted:Y �t of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 �**�*a***r**x�a********�r�ise**rts*rra*s*+rara��***��►��*+*�s�is*srs�M* FF.E SUMMARY •**+w*+a:sw+r�*s*s**+�*�**s*+w�rr+r�t**s*r��wwr�ww�r*sss*+**rrst Mechanical---� $200,ao Restuarant Plan Aeview--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $253.o0 Plan Check---� $50.00 DRB Fee-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------> $o.o0 Cnvestigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES---------> $253.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $253.00 Will Calt---> $3.00 Payments-------------> $253.00 BALANCE DUE------> $o.o0 ���MM*#f#��*#i#Rt##ii#*4tR*�*#t##t*##iiMt**###***��i4tft#t#ii0#M*4#t�!/iit#�*tiiA�l#�Yiii�*i##t*�+FtittWtttM�i#�#�A#i##f*#�Ft#Mitt#Y4tWKt�F*t##ti:#**t4#* Item: 05Z00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/09/2004 JS Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (SLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70]. OF 'I'I�E 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 �MC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES IN$TRUCT70N5 AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 LTMC, CHAPTER� OF THE i997 IMC. � Cond: 2S (BLDG. } : GAS P.L'�IyIANCE$ SHALL BE VEN'rED ACCORDING Tt] CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC. 8Q6 OF THE 1997 '[J�IC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 {BLDG. � : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAFTER 3 AN�) SEC. 101`i OF TH� 1997 UMC ,AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 INfC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : B�OILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED �N FLOQRS OF NONCOMBT7STIBLE CONST. UNLESS � LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE E`LQORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLAIVS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE P�STED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIQR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3� (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HFA.TING OR HOT-WATER SUPALY BOILERS SHALL BE �QUIPPED WITH A FLODR DRAIN P�R SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTI�N 1004 . 6 QF THE 1997 IMC. *r*►KKw�rww*�:r*r*r*��*********+*�**r�**+e**s�+******�*�*�*�**sessssx*esxsr:s*x:assax**+asr►e**+r�sw*w+��w��«�nx�w**�*�*r�*€*r*r***r*s+�s*x**as►�** DCCL�IRATIOlVS I hereby acki�owledge th�t I have read this application, filled out in fufl the information reyuired, completed an accurate plot ptan, and state that all the information as rcquired is correct. t a�ree to cot�tply with tt�e inlorti�ation 1i�c1 �lot plan, to contply with all Town ordinlnces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zpnin�ar�d suhciivision codes, design review approved, [Jniforn� B«ilding Code and c�ther ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RECIUI:S"I'S FOR 1NSPECTIQN SHALL E3E MADF,TWENTY-FOUR HOUitS IN ADVANCE BY TEL (}�f_`dT 474-2149 T OUR vE�l'ICI?FRnM 8:00 AM-4 Pfvl. <'1 _ C� , i _ ,� /�,!-�-� � SIGN URE QF OWNER OR CONTRAC'I'OR F(�R HIMSELF ANI�OWNEF � � *������****+�***�*****�**��****�***���****:�*�***�**��***�*�*��*�*******����**�+�**��+�*****� TOWN OF VAIL, COI,C7RAD0 Statemczat *****��***��*********�x��***a��*******�+*****+*�****�*�*****�****�**�x�******+****�**��*�**�*** Statement Nu�nber: R040006b64 Amount: $253 .00 06/21/200403 :15 PM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Swedes Metal Fab 130G Permit No: M04-0098 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel I�o: 210108119p02 �ite Ad,dress: 500 VAIL VALI,EY DR VAIL i,ocation,: 600 V�I� VA�LEY DRIVE, UNIT F-2 Tatal Fees: $253 .�70 This Payment; $253 .00 Total ALL Pmts: $253 .00 Balance: $0.00 *�x��*:����*��**�*�**�****�*�***���x���*�*��*****�x*+�*****�**************�x*****��**�x*��****���:* ACCOUNT ITF.M LIST: Account Code Descript�on Current. Pmts -------------------- --------------- ----—-------- -- ------__ MP OD100003111100 MFCHANICAL f'ERMIT FEFS ?00.�0 PF OUlOQ00311230D PLAN CHECK FEES 50.OU WC 001000031128OD WILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 3.UU APPLICATIOIY �L NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOINPLfT�R UNSIGNED �1� a � Q�� Project #. �l�` � � Buildirag P�rmit #: ' �` G !L� Mechanical Permit #: �ff'4Q�' � � 970-479-2149 (Inspections) �w����'�� TQWN QF VAIL MECHANICAL PERNIIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frantage Rd. Permit will not be accepted without tne following: Vail, Calorado 81657 vide Mechanical oom Layo drawn to sc lu Me hani Ro Dime ' ❑ n Duct e and Lo�at ❑ ue, s Li Size and Loca on eat s nt C Spec Sh s CONTRACTOR INFORMATIOIV Mechanica! Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. fVo.: Contact and Phane #`s: �'� n, ��� � r �< � _ ��: :C- �`�c '; ! ✓� J ✓t `i'�.5 L;' <� � E-Mai1 Address: Contractor S� re: �- � -r- .�`� C�MPLETE VA�.UATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor &. Materials �.,:. MECHANICAL: $ �; �;�,;�, -' Contact Ea /e Coun dssessors O�ce at 970-328-8640 or visit wwvv ea le-coun .com for Parcel# Parcel # , ; �I c� �;c� Job Narne: �./1,�.1� t`�.� Job Address�`, � �� �n�f�l r �i r���� c f �.(✓� C,t i � _ . Legal Descr'rption Lot: B[ock: Filirtg: Subdivision: Owners I�ame:��,� Add ss� y ' I�r� � ��' Phane: �t � Engi�eer: Address: Phone: Detailed description of work: �+�=„ :'� L:2 �,cL� Ic=�_ ;t,,,-1,�_ : �;�.,.,. �=,.... ;fc��{c->--F-� ���-;;,7�- ;,2 i,�n ,���,, i�_'`l� �.�-� i "�` � `" � - � �.=�..� . �.= c r-� G= ��n`� ,c-•�.�� Work Cfass: New ( ) Addition ( ) AEteration � ') Repair ( ) Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( } Exteriar O Other O 'Daes an EFiU exist at this iocatian: Yes O No O Type of Bldg: 5ingle-family( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family( Commercia] ( ) Restaurant( } pther( ) I�o. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accarr�modation Units in this buikding: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Applianc�s { } Gas Loqs O Wood/Pellet O Wood Burning O No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: G�s Appliantes O G�s Logs O Waod/Pellet ( } Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming firep9ate to an EPA Phase II device? Yes O No O _-> _-�, , *****�********�*********FQR �FFICE USE ONLY*�**�***��* ************ Ottter Fees: Plann�r Si n-aff: Acce ted B : DRB Fees: Date Received: - � zaa4 11Vai]ldalalcdevlPC?RMSU'CRMITSIMGCIIPPIt�M.DOC � �,� � (?71?(/2�02 � '* � 1 t �, � -. � � * �. a4�, ' :) • k "� `r c �� � %4��;�`, _ • . t , . '• .. , �, . TOWN OF VAiL DE�RTM�NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE RQAD VATL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIME5 PLUMBING PERMIT Perrnit #: PO4-0070 '?O�(-C�lo� Job Address: b�0 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VAL,LEY DRIVE, UNIT F-2 Applied . . : 06/23/2004 Parcel No...: 21 Ol 08119002 Issued . . : 06/28/2004 Project No : -,-���py -(� �(�-( Expires . .: 12/25/2004 OWNER MHV INC 06/23/2004 Phone: $ M�.XIMO H�IDDAD P O BOX 270 PALM BEACH FL 33480 License: CONTRACTOR KELLY�S Q[7ALITY PLUMBING SER06/23/2004 Phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81631 License: 279-P APPLICANT KELLY'S QUALITY PLUMBING SER06/23/2004 Phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, CD 81631 License: 279-P Desciption: ROUGH IN PLUMBING Valuation: $15,000.00 . Fireplace information:Restricted:?? �of Gas Appliances� ?? #of Ga5 Logs' �? #of Wood Pallet: ?? ####**�:%**i**/ik*i1t#�#*:k#i!##*#lt4��F�1#*Rt#t*R#*iti�M�l�iYt!**tf*iiiii FEE SCIMMARY M**ii/itf**t#*ltiiti*ttbt#btt�Yb*t#*Y*!**tiit*Ytifi***�*li�bti Plumbing---> $225.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.OD Totai Calculated Fees---> $284.25 Plan Check---> $56.25 DRB Fee----------a $0.00 Additional Fees------> $0.60 Investigation-� $0.00 "FOTAL FEES------------> $284.25 Total Permit Fee--------> $284.25 Will Call----> $3.00 Payments-----------� $284.25 BALANCE DUE------> $0.00 •*�ki*�1#t**t�IR##t#iiittt4*#it#iiti��*Mt#��f**�ii�1�4�YR#tf�i�ittii�ii*ii**fii*tiii�#�kii#i*iiYiMt��Itt#**i*4�4*#ii�t#i��*Yi*Rt#/####itR*�A�kk*�#A##*i#1� Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/23/2004 JS Action: AP Ttem: d5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CH�CK FpR CODE COMPLIANCE. t**tttti*ift�iYtiti*#i*t#�ti**liii#tii�li�k+Yii#it*i��*ifi�tti�iiiif��Rlii��l�Yiti**tii*�1*!*!#Mti�+ktMRikt�i�+k#*�#*##i�###i�#####*�###t#4t#**tt***�*#Wi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information cequired,completed an accurate plot p�an, and state that all the information as reyuired is correct. [agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Tawn ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision eodes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and oth�rdina.c�ces of the Town applicable theret� REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE B � ONE T 9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE 8:00 AM-4 PM. SIGNATU OF OR C TRACTOR FOR HIMSELE'AND OWNEF �r s *�*�****�***��$*****�******�*�***��**********************�*******��*****�***********�******� TOWN OF VAiL, COLOAADO Statement �*��****��***��**.**�*****�*s****�******��********�*****+********�*******�****�***��x******�x* Statement Number: R040006105 Amount: $284.25 06/28/200411;07 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Itelly"s �uality Plumbing 1552 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: PO4-0074 Type: PLUMBING PERMTT Parcel No: 210108119002 Site Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE, UNIT F-2 Total Fees: $284.25 This Payment: $284.25 Tata7. ALL Pmts: $284.25 Balance: $O.OD *�****�****�****ax*�*****�***********#****�****�*******�*******��****�*****�***t*��****��***:r ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: , Account Code Description Current Pmts , -----------------— ------------------------------ ------------ ' PF 001000031�2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 56.25 �P 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 225.00 WC OO1Q0003ll2800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i /r►PPLICATION �LL NUT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLET�R UNSIGNED Prvject #: � ���� Building Permit #: -d!4 btng Per�it #: -Q J7 � � 9 49 (Inspect ons) �f1'A'N4FYAIf, TO L'�L BING �R P ICATIQN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 C4NTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Cantractor: Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Contaet and Phone #'s: � ,M � c. � -j`7 - � �l.L. (J�z�£� �'��7-U�� ?! �-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: f 7 .,, �;�, . L C, %�r�✓ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUM6ING PERMIT {Labor & Materialsj PLfJMBING: $ j 5;C�{,�� I Cantact Ea Ie Coun Assessors Off'ice at 970-328-8640 or visit www,ea le-count ,com for Parce/#� Parcel # ���� !C��� l �'G� � Job Name: I �? �� ' �''�� ���--i - �- ,��U2-��,���i1{$ [. (j.--�.r:�- '� - � Job Address: �,�..:�-{ �� � �(�,� Legat Descriptior� Lot: Block: Filing: Subd�vision. C3wners Name:Mlnxrm�: i�,a�. � Address: i � � � � _�' �. �r'^ ����^ Phone: �� - ��� � �ci ineer;__ _ _ _ Address: Phane: IDe'tailed description of work: �t�c0�+-,� 1 �'�M1.j,_, V'��,..�k .�c Lv'attn r��r�. �-����jhowc�iS � :•�.R �-+I�� � �>i�.., ' 1 �,.�r_k 4i+.i-C.L �'c.� �,.l E "' 1�_� b ��-.(<_�� . '��,,,�G t�. 't-4, t1.uti,-+ �I{-r� � �, r-�E �c.-h i C�,-�f �F�uu., ,� �1.-+<'� I �.7�. ia�5 .,., C s �-; .i r r �,� Work Class: New O Addition (�J Alteration Repair O Other O Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family{�Q Co�nmercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Qther( ) Na of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: � No. of Accommodation Units in this buiCding: � Is t�is a canversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes O No �x�*�xxx,�,�*�,�*�:�*x*�*x�x*���**�,�**�*��*FOR OFFICE USE ONLYxx***�:�,�**��**�:****�x��*,�*,�***�*,�;�*�* Other Fees: Date Receiv � DRB Fees: Acce ted B Planner si n-o : �����V E D � - � � G �� � UVail\datalcdcvlFORMS\Pf:RMITS1PLhA[3PGRM.b(7C 07/26/2UU2 � � � ,.. •� ;� . ,� � fi�•' ,�'' •,. . , � �'� � � � ' (d� .f �l � ;n , *.� 4.�,,�I.��.+r.c �� t' .. ,) f* .. � �`js'1�.5—y(S—�t3N6 TCl:�.97Q��1;� .".i tr 3 • _ ��.2 � JOG--.�.�4�..�.L_���}� ��?-� � � � K�?P,� �C�I`�6�l��T,A I� i'�; ��i�. SraE�'f No. 1 � o� 2 -- F'.Q, BCX $�7� C4C�Ut�"r�� ex �F2H ..._-_��_ :ATE 06,/C7rG� ___....-..,,. Vpil, Cc�l�rado 8' 65$ �ck �v _ a�� ...�.�_.._____,. ��71�� 949—�3�1 scr,�E -'f�4� � S�°'p^ _. D�nver 1 -80G�-98�-5391 I � � � - � � � � � � � f P ` � � +�,� � � � � � � � �'o'wr� c�t Vail �4 �wl.S x o'��`--� �� a i�_R P��N � 24" Q,C. ;�,+ °,�, ���`� - ��� � 4 � SLCJP� S�At� � � f4'-4 � ; T,p. SLAB _ ____- . �� R r � —� �� -- - � � I.Q.W. ��`�li'�l'�� ��\\•�, \'���'/ � ��`.ti'��.�`ti 4,���,��,;,ji..� �\\/\ e e �`!�\/f'��`'`�— (1}-�F4 C4NT. F�4RiZ.. � '¢� ° �,,,�`✓ i I . , � i ! � ' � r�'+ � ,.�-�- �5 a w�s x � f �'`i 4' 4" � C� 48" Q.G. j� � � � G�� � � � �.�--�-� ���--#5't C 01�;7. H CFi i�. i +0'—� rr�� � �or. � —.� �. � � . t Q �, Cti� i� r � �( .. �i W„> -�' �° _ ''!E,�R�"' � : f'�F�ih�ETER Gf�AIPd PER ---� ��f�-.� E�G�N��R �� $.� ���., � -4" � i, � �� I , � TYf�IC�L FpUNDA�I�N WA:.L SCA��: 3,�4" � ?'-0" � i �k i � � i � � � LJ _ ��,,�� � , ' I �.......�.._._...�_.� .�....— ._� -- — ---.�--�--�--- ....,�.�..��---��.�. __� .r..� �'urr`;i�,�;l , �' _�'I;�,�+t _ ::"?f��^��LORE����_'�E� ��'.;�`��i� R'•1(�Tj�i�d�[3-973-9$0Es T0: 1'�7Q��'+`' • li���_g F' � • :''�.3� __— _ . �g� N�RTHW�F-2 040�,,, 2-22 �._ , - K�r� c�NSULTANTs. INC. S{1EfTND- � .... OF � �_� P.Q. E30X 4�J�� cn�cu4��o er LR� �s� �6 07 Q�r VQiI, Coiorr�d4 $1 �5$ c�ccK aY a,,;� _ _ (�7'0� 9'����391 sc�t.c �s�4�� = 1�_�„ -- - -- ae�vet- 1--s�7o-984-939� ' ��w rx�sTin�� I r ; j I I I I 1 � i � � ! � � `� ��� .F� �'J���� . �____ �.�,. --�--Y '�4 ,- w » I.�.r�l, � ��... r —i--..��������:r=� � , � / ll����/ � 1 fi J � � � � i f���� �S f7lM�„ x � � • , , � +� �B" C�,C. � � ---��.� � � � c; I I f � I ! I �5�:24,. R�,B�� pow��s � I i j ��ivEn� ��vro ���"� x �° � ki j-�5 CON T. HORIZ.�.,,��� I I -iJ��'S C� 70�', EiQTTOt�E, t�'•Q-HT, � c,� MID-�-{T ••'�� �'._•••�—"•a�'�•'""F� $c �TC,, ALONG +JUNG11�Jfti �JF' N��"e'I � ( ( f FOUt�iDATION TU �XkSTING i t I I f il I � f r � i � !(2)-�5's co�rt. �►o�i�. � t T�'F & B�r, � � 1 f f j . � �`�, � I i �F`�V.�� L�CT'rfl r��r����rrr�fa��lirlll}L f F 4 — - �___ ! �J � 7 �.�. I I � ( � - i i ..__,.,_� �� � ` ������� � ,�'�v � � ,� � � ; � { , / f I � / (E; F�'J�GATION �'A'_L & ��CTING / i � .. r� � L—__— -------_� --- � � �"1'r`31�AL �EW 7C� �;<IST. �'JU�'�JDATIgN ��.<+,LE: 3/4" -. 'I'-�`i�� _ ��� S2 � ��— _� - -- �_-�.�_� --�-- - ------ ____�.�.�f JIJI•d-�-�='161�+ E7'�:=i� FR01~l:I.OR.E�� F�IL� 3Q3-973-�,°,��f T0: :97�=��7�1�.'S19 F'. 1 � � R Y ��IVI CUNSULTANTS, INC. cs%�!��9-939' P,C7.BOX 457� ,rA�X)Aa9-157? VAIL,CQLGRAD4 81658 Denver a 3pp•9849391 F,ax r�a�vs��rr�aL DA 1`E,• �17/2�b4 FAX TO: 1. HiAMF: Howard 3. NAME: CQ�hf�'�INY� iV�ddo COMPAhfY: FAX. 1-97I}-47?-J355 �AX: 2. NAME: Pa;rick 4, NAME: COMPANY; Nedbo COMPANY: FA?C: 1-97(}-845-�979 FAX: JQ8 NUMBFR; �44�-2Z I PROJLCT': iVorthweods F-2 rsmode! W� TRANSMIT M�R�w1T'H r��FOLLt]W1I�G tTEhfS(!N AqDlrldl�T� T�IiS TRANSM17'7'AL); #PAGES: DE5CR1PrlON: 2 foundati�n details 617/04 R�iNlAAK,S: Plt�sa c�l!if you hav any questipr�s ar comments. 7hanhs SIGN�D: � .�.r-'� ---�- Zoten R. Ffi!!,P E, � v � u E�' KR M caNSUir�rvrs, ��u�. 1r''� to���� Q,o,sax a6�t= � cF�q ww-s�rf I�' � VAIi.,CWOflADO 41E38 Denwa t-8G0�•@BM839� V F1ELD Rl��QRT � DAT6� �oaa N�DBO COnStNat�Qn ARRWE; �i:30�xn � 5:38 pm � � Co14�ralny I R�trick or Mow�b PRO��� Northwoosfa F-2 remode! ,�oa Nu�e�t: a402-22 � � � ��� ��at s�r�: Pat�itit.FiGwpr+p,ent!1.o�en I �ATUS OF COMP_LET1014. Final framing revi�w This wss ttte[ln�l Raming c�bsesvaE'roa !or thls proJeci. Tha freminp appears to�o�itarm ta�fia structural dr�wings ana specificotiorts, 7'he structu�at peak outa frorn windaw and dner heeders in the wall irom the iourth f�oor tramfnp a��ok to �cisl6�g r�oor Jo�sta tk►at are I �trvdurally�dequete to suppoA ihe concerttrated laeds. m '�rui"i �f l�al� o����� c o�Y � � _ r��so�w� I.or�n R. Mia,A. 8eth teviM � file I �. s ' � . � . �� � i ' , � , ,: < � a y-+ + . � :� � r• � 't P �r w � � r • `. � , , i � _______--�.__ .� - _ ___._W.__-.���t�t t'���C1fi��tJ�lS� �RS�Gt�Of't �&t�U@�t Ft8 itltf� P��4 +:��'r 1�9,..��'_fi�E_��_ f2ec�ue�ac�i Ir��p�ct i7ate: bi�cs^;c�ay,Ma�G9,�t7o5 i�ts�t�c3tt t�t•�: .iR�A Slt�dri�lreas: sac�t�►i�_�/��L�Y C�R�lAi� ��3a VAiI�`ALL��°�i�lil�. UI�IT F-2 , ',f�i�:��ft�CACT{l�1ti0{I AGtivM�' Bt�►-f3�s�7 T`�: �+-N!F `�;ut>°Cy�pe: AMf� iitat�'a' I:�SLfED �vt�st 7y�: C,l�ctl�allCy: Use: �If-�+. ins�s Rre�' JRM {7�ner: I�Fiil tl�C Ag�p�lear��: �l�f���Pat�STRr.Nw'f�C�t� #�r�: 97�-345-14�G�'! 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