HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG E GENERALt, TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address.: Location......: Parcel No....: Project No...: FORREST, O.C., irR., CHARTTES 05/09/2002 WILLIAM CI,INTON 12].0 HII.JI,JTOP DR CLEBT'RNE TX 7503]- License: Permit #:802-0129 Status.....: Applied...: Issued ...: Expires...: Phone: os/09/2002 Phone:970-476-3975 05/09/2002 Phone:97 0-47 6-397s OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICAI!:T Desciption: RE.ROOF SAME FOR SAME Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: $110.000.00 Building--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> wilt cau_> MASTER SEAI,ERS P. O. BOX 4473 VAIIJ, CO 81"5s8 L,icense: 577-B MASTER SEAT,ERS P. O. BOX 4473 VAIL, CO I r-558 I-,icense z 577 -B ?? Fireolace Information:Restricted: Y Wood Pellet **r*** FEE SUMMARY #of S?80 . 00 Reshmrant Plan Review-> $507.00 DRB Fee.---> $0.00 RecreationFee----> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit-> TOTAL FEE$-> $0.00 $1,290.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees_-> Total Permit Fee---> Payments-.--> BALANCE DUE-> s1, 290 .00 s1,290.00 91,290.00 $0.00 -(NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Crr^-rr.q-\ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE 210108113002 Add fu Ft: # of Gas Appliances: 0 0 # of Gas l,ogs: ISSUED 05/09/2002 05/09/2002 11./05/2002 Approvals:Ite'm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/09/2002 DF Action: AP Iten: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTMENI ITEN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this to the towns zoninp and subdivision codeg design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other thereto. of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM, OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 Send Clean-up Depoeit To: N/A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t. PAGE 2 *********!t!t****t************ltlt***********rk*f***********!ht************r**********************]***** Permit #: 802-0129 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of05-09-2002 *******************************!t*******************************!+**********!t************liit***!t*********** Status: ISSLED Applied: 05/09/2002 Issued: 05/09/2002 To Expire: 11./05/2002 PermitType: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: ADD/ALTMF BUILDPERMIT MASTER SEALERS 970-476-3975 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE 210108113002 Description: RE-ROOFSAME FOR SAME Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BESEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQLIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ** ** +*+** * ***+* ** *** ********+** * + * + * + + * * * ** * + * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * ***++ ******+ ******* * * * * * * * * * 'i * 'r * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 05-09-2fi)2 st 13:40:35 05/09/2002 Statement *+tlr +*+'l***** {.* ****'} ***** ** * * * *****+*++*+*** ***** *'*,s* ************++* *** *** **** *** **** * * ** **** Statement Number: R000002330 Amount r $1,290.00 0S/09/200201:40 pM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: check * 6909 Permit No: 802-0129 TIG)e: ADD/ALT MF BUTLD PERMIT Parcel No: 210108l- 13 0 02 Slte Address: 500 VArL VAILEY DR VArIr I.,ocaLion: 600 VATL VALLEY DRIVE Total- Fees: $1,290.00 This Payment: $1,290.00 Total ALIJ pmt6: 91,290.00 Balance: S0.00 * ++**+*** * ***'* ****** ** ********* + *+*** *** ** **** *+* ******* ** * +****** *** * * * 'a * * * * * * * * + * * * + + * * * * * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FIES 7BO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 507.00 t,JC OO1OOOO3112BOO IdILL CALL INSPECTION FTE 3.OO APPLrcAnfr.h "fl s"nn u NsrcN ED NVN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ll CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: J lz' {,2e. General Contractor: ,,*n rrt-l t.,f..t 2../4 f 5 Town of Vail Reg. No.: f>2 -.4 COMPLETE VALUATTONS FoR BUTLDING PERMTT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: S ,//?. aac. 2c For Parcel # Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcef # o/Za.z a j77 Tzza j (application will not be accepted without parcel number) Job Address:?2zz /2.Dzz/f)Y .21 zz//e.4 {//}-c?-? f liata-.aO f Filing: Pgry;- ,.?r{Addressif /.,.'-, /f , i*ii.Tr, Architect/Designer: f.a *>lrt /"/t''| f tttt'll WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Rergrodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other(t/4/'zzaef Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (Lf Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family (rzf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurni GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurni Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes Q,,{ No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (4 No ( ) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******************************t *****rr DRB F :/everyone/f orms/bldq perm of Construction: J^*V fi$.N$ rl E t;-Jei#*,ffi .Qj TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 970-479-2135 Eledrical------> DRB Fee-----> lnvestigation---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: BUILDING E UNITS l-14 ParcelNo...: 2l0l08ll30l7 Project No : : ISSUED : 0512912002 : 09/30/2002 : 03/2912003 OWNER NORTHWOODS CONDOMINTI]M ASSOCO'/29/2OO2 PO BOX 1231 VAIIJ CO 81658 I_,icense: CONTRACTOR THUI-, ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, EO 8162 0 License: L12 -S APPIJICANT THI'L EI-,'ECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 1l-2-S 05/29/2002 Phone: 970-949-4638 05/29/2OO2 Phone: 97O-949-4538 Desciption: addition of smoke detectors to condo unit #14 bldg e Valuation: S3.901.00 $?2.00 $0.00 90.00 $3.00 9?5 - 00 s7s.00 s0.00 $7s.00 $?5.00 $0.00 'Iotal Calculated Fees-> Additional F€es-_--> 'fotal Permit l;ee--> Paymcnts-------------1 I]AI,ANCE DU!]---_> * +* N + *:* ** * * *,1* t + * Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEISI 09/t9/2002 mvaughan Action: AP changes may be reguired based on field lnspecc. r_ons . CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. r\ (n t --tr t i Ltc.r-\{A-u-rcroA-f b\d.( tr \J JoBSrrE AT ALL TIMES G-*'t"-"'^^ Permit #: A02-0033 Status . . . Applied . . Issued . Expires . Phone: 479-2135 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM.REQT]ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL Bf, MADf, TWENTY.FOUR IIOTJRS t * * * * + + * * * * * * * ** * **** * ****** t************ **********+**** *****+***t **'|******* *** *** *+ **** **** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratemenr **t'i****** **,i*** *** *** ** *** * * * + + * * * * * * * * * + * * + *'r *********** ****+****** ***t** **+ ********+ *** * * Stalement Number: R000003183 Amount: 925.00 09/10/2OOZO1 :13 pM PaymenE. Method: Check hit: DDG Notatsion; Thul L52OO Permit No; A02-0033 Trce: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2J.0L081-7301,7 Si-te Addresg: 600 VATL VAL,LEY DR VAIL Location: BUIL,DTNG E UNITS 1-14 ?ota1 Feea: $75.00 Thi.s Payment,: 975.00 ToEal A.LIJ pmta: g?S. O0 Balaice: 50.00 *** * *****+* **,1******+,t***'t*** * ***********+**** ** ***** * **** *,f*** ******* * * *** **** ************* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEMPORARY P0l,lER PERMITS I^JC OO1OOOO3112BOO I.]1LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POS.IED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A02-0032 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BUILDING BIW+T Applied. . : 05129/2002 Parcel No...: 2l0l08ll30l7 Issued. .: 0913012002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0312912003 oi^rNER NORTIIWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOC05/29/2002 phone: PO BOX 1231 VAIIJ CO 81558 License; coNrRAcToR THttL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 05/29/2002 phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 License:112-S APPLTCAI\m THIrJ ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 05/29/2002 phone: 97O-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 112 -S Desciption: ADDITION OF SMOKE DETECTORS TO CONDO LJNIT # l3 BI-DG E (FALL FINISH) Valuation: $3,629.00 r** 't ** ti * * * 1:t *:t * *ra llectrical-----> S72 - 00 Totalcalculated Fees-> 975.00 DRB Fee-----> 90.00 Additional Fees-----> 90.00 InvestiSation--> $0.00 Total Permi( Fes------> 9?5.00 Will Call------> 53 . 00 Payments-----------> 9? 5 . 00 TOTAT, FEES-> S75. OO BALANCE DIJE--._> SO . OO Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T 09/L9/2OO2 mvaughan Action: AP changes may be reguired based on field inspecLion * ** * r *a r t t *a **t t'l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I a$ee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Rf,QtlESI'S FOR INSPf,CTION SHALL Bf, MADE TWENTY-FOtiR HOTJRS lN ADVANCE BY TELf,PllONtj AT 479-2135 I'ROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. l.)'Jf.^,r.-t \ -B\"(18 2-l i-i -,. - ?-..-^.4^.\ FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ************ +**+***:***'l*********'h****+*++*****+****.******{.****:}***!t* +* *+*** ***** ***** * **** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **** ****** +** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** +***** ******** *** * * * * * * * * * * {. + * * * + * * * *{.********* **,}** Statement Nurdber: R000003i-82 Amount: 975.00 09/30/200201 :12 pM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Thul 15200 Permit No: A02-0032 T:yFe: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 210108113 017 Site Addre6s: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL, I,ocaIion: BUII.,DTNG E I]Nf T 13 Total Fees: S75.00 This Payment: $75.00 TotaL ALL Pmts: $75.00 BaLance: 90. 00 ** **'l ***1.++ +++** * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f 'i '1. * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ * + * * * ** ***** * *+*** ***** ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrr'ption Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TTI"IPORARY PO|^IER PERI"IITS I']C OO1OOOO3112BOO l/,]]LL CALL ]NSPECT]ON FEE 72.00 3.00 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 $.IJA-r".{-^ B\55e NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PErMit #: BO2-0045 Job Address.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: BUILDING E UNITS l-14 Applied...: 04/02/2002 Parcel No....: 2l0l08ll30l7 Issued ...: 0411612002 Project No...: Expires...: l0ll3/2002 oI{NER NoRTHwooDs coNDoMrNrIlM Assoco4/o2/2oo2 phone: PO BOX t_231 VAIL CO 81658 Lricense : coNTRAcroR NEDBo coNsrRucrroN 04/02/2002 phone: P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIT, CO 8165 8 License:251-A APPI-,TCAI{n NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 04/ 02/2002 phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO 81658 I_,icense: Desciption: REPAIR DRYWALL AND PAINT IN BUIDLING E UNI'TS I-I4 Occupancy: R I Multi-Family Type Construction: lll | -HR Type III l-l lour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $189.459.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplact Information: Resnicted: Y # ofCas Applianccs: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pcllet: 0 +t'|+l+t|++t*t|t+|.,}.|||tt,|.||{'|i|ii|1|tt*,|**'|*|1,tt**'}'||t*|******* Building-> $1, 1OO . oo Restuaranl Plsn Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calcul8led Fees-> 91, 818 . 00 Plan Check-> S?15.00 DRB Fcc----------> $0.00 Additional Fccs-------> $0.00 lnvestigation-> $0 . 00 Recreation Fce------------> $0. 00 I'otal Permit Fee-------> $1 , 818 . 00 Will Call---> $3 . oo Clean-up t)eposit------> $0 . 00 Payments-------------> $l-, 81.8 . 00 ToTAL tjL[S------> S 1 , 818 . 00 BALANCL DUE----> S0 . 00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/a2/2002 cdavis Action3 AP SUBiTECT TO FrELD INSPECTIONS IIEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS * * f:i* * t *:t * 1,* *+ *t* See page 2 of this o Document DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposil To: N/A TURE OF O ER OR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o for any conditions that may apply to this permit. .a PAGE 2 ++** +**** *** *** * ***,lt *** * ** ** ** * ** ** ****,t *,i* **** *** *'t'* *'t('i**'t * {.* ** r***** ** *'r.+* ** ** *** **++*++* ++t+*++*++ +** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 802-0045 asof04-16-2002 Status: ISSUED *****,|****+****:}************:t*:t***,t***:t(*,}*,|.***!t*******:|.*****!t.***:|.,}**,}*'t('t'(*!t(**'t!t(:|.,tl'i'|tli'i't.*:tt|i* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04/02/2002 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 0411612002 970-845-1001 To Exoire: 10/1312002 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: BUILDING E UNITS l-14 ParcelNo: 2l0l08l13017 Description: REPAIR DRYWALL AND PAINT IN BUIDLING E LTNITS I-14 Conditions: Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3I0.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0005236 ANY NON CONFORMITIES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED TO BE CORRECTED ALL WORK MUST CONFORM TO 97 UBC SEC 604.I AND TABLE 6-A * ** + * * * * + * * * + * * * * * * * * * ****:t***** +* ** + ++*** **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f + +******* * * ******* *+****++** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *:1.*'i**+**+* +**** ***** **,** *** * ****** * *** ** ** *** **** * * ******** *+++* +*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + Statement Number: R0000021,53 Amount: $1,818-OO 04/16/200212:56 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Not.ation: #21719lNedbo Permit No: 802-0045 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIL,D PERMIT ParceL No: 210108113 017 SiTe Address: 5OO VArIJ VAIJLEY DR VAIL Location: BUfLDING E IJNfTS 1-14 Total Fees: $1,818.00 This Payment: $1,818.00 Total AIrL Pmts: $1,818.00 Bal-ance: $0.00 ** *+** ++**** ** *,|* ********* * *** * ** ***+++****** *** *** * * *** * * ** ** ** ****:*+* *f++*++** **** *******r ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI4IT FEES 1.1OO. OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 715.00 hlc OO1OOOO3112BOO hiILL CALL INSPECTION FEI 3.OO o APPLI .#Jt",Bl.,t tl LETE OR Project #: Building Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 General Contractor: - -utS z/?cl C:f/ Town of VailReq. No.: 'ctcrt f/s-/ur COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILD ING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ t08 ,?7-/ELECTRICAL: S 3i3of OTHER: $ PLUMBTNG: $5PKU| e{Q.SS7 MECHANICAL: $rorAl: s tt?qi? For Parcel # Contact Assessors Ofl1ce at 970-328-864O or visit fffi '*. "'ff ",({'#{{f*,,n#,L {!.! {,l,le o / * Job Name:(,lo,Z-/ /-/(L/e).6 &OC E 5p2( v/<LteJ Job Address: (x'o u'42 ?4LLZ r /X /zrt a' fktA Legal Description Lot:Block: ll Filingr Subdivision : 4h4 7/Q e 4J Owners Namei ,/^ I A7_//CHra Address:Phone: Architect/Desig ner Htrztp) il t:tt i Address: 45o 4 L/4t<- c'4 LL'.7 /)Z ( i /,//f /( lrs ,f /C{)Phone: r75_6:(+p Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: W rt74aR Q4{"-uit v--Qa,-,,j7- a/-, ( ' /7- r1-r.,--_,-7. A ,4 n<E 'r . L/ 7 ?-'.-"-a-t I ()7i11-4<-4:--ZIEEZz WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel p( Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( j.. Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family g<) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /{No. of Accommodation Units in this building: // Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq lVI ffistd:GasAD rliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) rFEu€r\ltrgFEr--|!sIz-Ir\()Dor !4r*fliltr€ffim :xist: Yes( ) No[4 9ffi 7.I***FOR OFFICE FlEtrY' u Ta o laotJ :l i: aiddf ... T * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * lffFe€UbrE;rype of ConstruEioFl I tAccefted Br DRB Fees:ffi-Dsflanilersisn-off:Public Wav Permit Fee:Date Rece -t-l9rZ- F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm '\_p't *6..)'.^f , -Gt$lX: t fih.lls *evs* -frffiffi r!* o I -, -'rr.' ,-$ ii.. t:l! r..r I t rll \ \-r .'l*! Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-Z3Zs Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: o o o a tr o tr tr o o u D D D o o r' This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit aoplication is ac@pted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fones! Director, (970) 479-213e Gheck allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your inilialcontact with our staf immediate no one availabb ? lf you were required to wait, how long was il before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttme? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. ;. o. 7. x WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YEs NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? YES NO performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or NO NO /12 O <rrzucrra J Job or Project Name: 6urctuar- f, .f?4rztatzat Dare sisned: //t/", Contract6r Signature F :/everyoneforms/bldpenn4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLTC WAy PERMTT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must fleld verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction, Sketch of work being peformed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew, The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. read and understand the above. F : / ev erlone / f or ms I bldperm5 tl I .//a l,,u Datd Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineert (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecb should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: )-oate: z//-/.* F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 2'utta'-r APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - n n -.,1-,PW#: Ll L--, - Ll - '---, I Parcer*:M ['I I !'I D'I I I Brds.Permit#:E I I'I I n I 1,Job Name StreBt Address n n n-[l (lfunknownc€ll LJ L-r L-r | | 479-2t38 ext.o 2.Excavating Contractor Name Maillng Addrsss TOV Contractor's Licensa Numbor REOUIRED tl Phone f zip City 4. Start Date Work is for (circte one) Comoletion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Oale) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other 5.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ 6. ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC C JOB IS STARTED. 7 Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces underneath the 8.A sionature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times, utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Public Seruice Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockles (1-800-922-1 987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town ot Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town ot Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172), 11 . permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-21 98 24 hours prior to commencino ol work. Failure to notify tne fown will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that l have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and wlll abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: q The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streers. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2t98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftiflcate of Occupancv issuance. Project Name; Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 ?<.rrztres NWNOF MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete te)d are available upon request) CODE 5.2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED u Unlawful deposits: S.ubject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter. track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. a Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. u Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unaftended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord, 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) ,/) I have read and will cornply with the above code provisions: /(o*t, Position or Rclationship to Project: DateSigned: -%/-- F:/cveryone/fonnsftrldpernr? Yail2002 Vail Village/Lionshead Gonstruction Hours Handout Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people come to Vail each year to sightsee, recreate, shop and to enjoy the Vail Valley. The community and merchants rely upon the summer/winter tourism to generate revenue. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of the proposed construction has as little negative impact on the community and on our guest as possible, the Town of Vail finds it imperative to create and implement the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Master Plan. Maps of the Village and Lionshead are included to show areas of construction being affected by this plan. It would be irresponsible for the Town of Vail, the Construction Contractors and the Merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impact of construction on the Village and Lionshead areas. Givens The following givens are intended to provide the basic foundation by which construction will be completed in the Village: . The public's health, safety and welfare shall be honored at all times. . Adequate pedestrian, loading/delivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall be maintained. Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall be kept clean and free of dirt and debris. All construction deliveries, equipment, tools, materials, etc. to the Village must go through Check Point Charlie. All Lionshead construction activity must go to the Vail Police Department for a parking permit. Do not use delivery zones for construction parking, refer to approved staging plan or make other arrangements for parking. The hours of Outside Construction Activity shall be as follows: - April 15-June 21 & September9- November15,7 a.m. until 7 pm, seven days a week. Between June 22 -September 6 work must end bv 4:00 p.m. on Fridavs. November 15 - April 15, 2003 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted to the hours of 7 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on Bridge Street. - Special delivery permits must be requested in advance, from Public Works in conjunction with Code Enforcement at Checkpoint Charlie. - No construction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 22 & September 6 a No outside construction activity ltt occur on the following dates: O Friday, February 15, Saturday, Februaryl6, Sunday, February 17, and Monday, February 18. (Presidents Weekend) Saturday, May 25, Sunday, May 26 and Monday, May 27 (Memorial Davl Friday, June 28, Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30. (Vail Arts Festival) Wednesday, July 3, Thursday, July 4. Friday, July 5, Saturday, July 6 and Sunday, July 7. (lndependence Dav) Saturday, August 31, Sunday, September 1, and Monday, September 2 (Labor Dav). Friday, September 13, Saturday, September 14, Sunday, September 15 in (Lionshead) and then on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22. (Vail Village) - (October Festl Thursday, November 28, {Thanksqivinq Day) Friday, November 29, Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1. Wednesday, December 25, Thursday, December 26, Friday, December 27 Saturday, December 28, Sunday, December 29. (Ghristmas Dav Holidavl Monday, December 30, Tuesday, December 31, Wednesday January 1, (New Year 20031 No Work allowed the entire week of the ChristmasiNew Year Holiday. The Town of Vail Noise Ordinance has been waived by the Town Manager trom 7a.m. - 7p.m. For construction activities from April 15 through June 21, and from September 9 through November 15. The Noise Ordinance shall be in effect and strictly regulated from June 22 through September 8 and November '15 to April 1 5, 2001 All construction sites will be required to obtain an Approved Construction-Staqing Plan from the Town of Vail Public Works Department in conjunction with Code Enforcement. (The approved staging/parking plan is required to be on site at all times). The Town of Vail reserves the right to amend the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Plan regulations at anytime should abuses or problems arise. The Three€trike Rule will be enforced. Step 1. (Written warning), Step 2. (Wriften warning), Step 3. (Construction site will be Red Tag until all issues are resolved). The following expectations are established to insure the success of the Vail Village/Lionshead Construction Master Plan; r Full and complete cooperation and understanding from all padies involved in the construction activity in regards to this plan. r Strict adherence and compliance with the requirements outlined in the construction plan. . Respect and consideration for the affected interests and parties. lf you have any question, Please contact the Town of Vail Public Works Department (Construction tnspector) or Vail Police Department (Code Entorcement Officer) 970479-2198 970-476-7603 TOI,iiN OF VAIL Vail 2002 Staging / Parking Plan Information The Staeine / Parkine Plan Philosonhv- Is a very important step in the building process. Striking a balance betwecn safe public access and giving constructiorr projects room to build is becoming increasingly challenging, for us to meet all the needs of those who will be impacted by construction projects. The fact is, there is less room to build in the'fown of Vail. Developing a creative Staging Plan is a must. Staging in the 'l-own of Vail Public Right of Way is a Privilege, not a given right. We take into account when we review and approve staging / parking plans, impacts on neighborhoods. tourism, business and the traveling public along with your right to build. The General Controctor is resnonsible for all subcontractors and all construction activitv relatins to the buildins proiect. The staging plan will be enforced according to the Approved Set of lluilding and Staging Plans. You are required to keep a copy of the Approvcd Staging Plan on site. Two staging /parking plans are required, a summer and winter. Summer staging plans expirc on November 1, and winter staging plans expire on April 15. (NSIQJhgIgjUg i! street parkine in the winter season and all materials. equipment. etc must be 10' off the edgc ofasphalt). Enforcement of all staging / parking plan is as follows. A) Staging / Parking Plans to scale required. B) Once the plan is approved, they will be held to complete compliance. C) We will use a 3 step and you're out, proccss. Stcn One- Verbal and written warnings as to the staging plan violation, then have contractor sign and date field nremo warning. Stcp Two- Police Department issue tickets and tows or public works writes second written warning to all violators who have been notified under step one and who are still in violation of the approved Staging / Parking Plan. The Town of Vail Chief Building Official will call the contractor and notify them, the next time any violation happens, the building department will red tag the construction site for 48 hours. Step Three- If still in violation after step two, a 48 hour Red Tag will be issued to the proj ect site. If you have any Questions, Please contact the Town <lf Vail Construction Inspector at 970-479-2r98 F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Staging-Parking.doc Requirements for an Acceptable Staging Plan It is preferred that and Approved Site Plan is used to draw a staging plan, but a hand drawn plan may be used as long as it is dawn to scale and is neat and legible. l.) The Staging Plan must show the following: (a) Show all parking that is required for the job site. (Including construction equipment). (b) Show the location of all material that will be staged on site. (c) Show the location of all dumpsters and porl-o-john that are to be on site. (d) If a fence is required, then show the location of the fence and describe the material used for the fence. (e) Iftrees and / or vegetation is required to be protected, then show how this will be done. (f) If this staging plan is for a Demo Permit, then show staging for dump trucks and all related equipment. If the Town of Vail Right of Way area is needed for staging, then a Traffic Control Plan is required in conjunction with the staging Plan. (g) Please provide and show an Erosion Control Plan. (h) No equipment, vehicles, materials are allowed on Town of Vail Right of Way in the Winter Staging Plan. 2.) If work needs to occur in the right of way, then add a Traffic Control Plan to the staging plan showing the following: (a) The work zone (areathat is to be performed) (b) Traffic Control Devices (waming, signs, cones, flaggers, etc.) (c) Distances that all devices will be set up from the work zone. Also show all dimensions of work being performed in the right of way. All traffrc control plans must conform to the MUTCD manual.(Manual of Uniform Trafftc Control Devices) 2.) This plan will be reviewed by Public Works and if Necessary the Police, Fire, and Community Development Department. Once the staging plan is approved, it will be registered with the departments listed above and enforced. 3.) The Village and Lionshead area have outside construction restrictions, Please become familiar with the Yail2002, Vail Village and Lionshead Construction Hours handout. Flcdev\FORMS\PERMITS\SIaging-Parking.doc \A/E r.-fHER o SH rELD \N./IT! DO\N./S A< DOOF:S _rHE|.:E'S !\.4ORE]_O SEE tt\ ,a.. VVE,.\.-rH E R sHtEL_D !,\./t I\ E>€>\.r\./- A lo Jrp ,.a7 O,'c G E I ft ?t,tl t.f t /-.ot _s q4 10 ,-.ia a 'ol 3N''/"10 s 74)I ln c)t .s >/1 /t/*/,.?t ,o a Zl (>,t7 4 I 1/,7/'3 )o )'A ra /.1/,alA .o I 7-1 I ;/()lr /a F/,J )I 'I a rn 7tJ"f,4t /-E /v t:tt 2t ,lz Yt t3 ,)(t 'A^?un fa B,'4."ti 4 /c/ t:t /;?)/t /3 't I I u )le :r/j 7 TI tut .lE 14 {rn /_ t it ,?.1 tL ?/t3 "tI 7 fi r,?a B z t4,/i v4 ,At tr^ 2l t./z ht /3 tv d al l)z )4 OL 4/i A 't/ - Weolhet Shield Mfg., Inc. . PO, Box 309 . Medford, Wisconsin 54451 . Phone (715)749-2100 E FRNfi :flrcHcux P.o gOX l2tt vaL col.])R/rDo Et6Jt te.763.t6 F|t:tB47!r40y:f Ndnvme Curdamriniun Assmidim OAlts; r'hdr P. zm tDf; ttro frr*{ PROtlt Di{rt Mi.||t|& 9riiaFlofN*tlrle* Codcnhlurr Ancidr SUt DCII Clr!|.t Ar4|fiddd h N.i{n {rod, Erdrdhg g , S I.lrr ?rC.sgE geG F,Cid llq6o CqIFJ*it C6lf-y l|.| Dalr |Ern a Dy ltr Fdrtudr .F&Frriura rrac|iirn Borrt to 'n.rrn rhc rrlcxior 'ofi*:rrnd tbr*nryd'o in rti drhc 'auftrdu,"l', i, a,rirarrle Fet.dt;il""trrrcrt uruu,r 'qr rreilr ccr'ac cqrnry rr rrL lb #,ir o r1a11 .L[r,y-iJt-iffi_td moorid(n utbg r r|G|ifrBC .fi!. ffS$mE:*kf;gffi. t ....r..k Jr'r,, B. ^H4 oacd nrt|sr. ro dpo rhe rnrcr ot tdtrlfof ra ttddi.r r,l ti{€t 3 (.rf o.o|llMidrir tr.ddar €rao'd virt, r EO Z,AISZ Tt;O eera6 64f €4A spoan+q .l J of J rowN oF vArL 'trro*rru",75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL FIRE DEP NOTE: .IHIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES AI,ARM PERMIT o ARTM ENT VAIL, CO 8l 657 970-479-2t35 Job Address: 600 VAll, VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: BUILDING E UNITS l-14 ParcelNo...: 2l0l08ll30l7 ProjectNo : f VIXOZ - OtJLoZ owNER NORTHWOODS CONDOMTNTUI4 ASSOC0S/29/2OO2 PO 30X 1231 VAIIJ CO 81658 Lricense; CONTRACTOR THI'L ELECTRONTC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L520 License : LL2-S APPI,ICAIVT THITIJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 I-,icense : LL2 -S 05/29/2002 Phone: 97o-949-463a 05/29/2OO2 Phone: 97O-949-463A Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued . Expires . Phone: 402-003 | .: ISSUED .: 05129/2002 .: 06125/2002 .: 12/22/2002 Desciption: ADDITION OF SMOKE DETECTOITS TO CONDO UNITS EXCEPT FOR UNITS 13&14 BLDG E Valuation: $23,778.00 **|+l+l{*+****||+|****|**:l:t*:t*'t*+||*:l****t*t'.+|1*t**|.**+)****|*f|**i Llectrical-----> DRB Fcc-._-> lnvestigalion-> Will Call-----> TOTAL IIUES-> s432.00 $o. oo $o. oo s435.00 s{3s.00 so. o0 $435.00 $435.00 s0.00 'I'otal Calculatcd l;ees-> Addirional Fe€s--____> Total I'ermit F€e----> Payments------------> BALANCE DUE----.> Approvals:It.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/24/2002 mvaugihan Action: AP t | | tt*at *+++ +t t,t ***l * * * t't * * | *1t * ta a *+t I t,t | | * * tii I l a* * 't,t + +t* a | * 't l. * + '| t+,t I t *,a'l *,t* {' * **:l * a*1,1,} * + | CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ffiil*;";i'**:''t*{t+r**trr*:r'r:t+*++iitt'*'')ir'r'!r|l'ri"**i*'t**'r..*i*rt+'rt**++ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQrJEsrs FoR tNspEcrtoN sHAr,L BE MADE rwf,N rY-FoUR HOURS rN A"*"*\ lt:.,-HoNE Al'47e-2135 FRojs:00 AM -5 PM. l,, 4ra.x^ ==l't u +*+ *************+**i* ** ** *,*+*+ * ** {.* **** * * ++* * *********+**********f*+*** **** **f++* *** * *****++ TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement * * * + + * + * * * * * * * * * + + + + * * * * * * * * * * + +* * 't * +* * * * * * * * + * + ******+* +********* +** ******t +* **+*****tt****+ Statement Number: R000002625 Amount: 9435.00 06/25/2OO2]-0:43 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG Nolation: Thul 15165 Permit No; A02-0031 TlT)e: AITARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2rlt|atL3or7 Site Address: 600 VAfL VALI'EY DR VArIJ IJOCAIiON; BUTIJDTNG E IJNITS 1-14 Total Fees: 5435.00 This Payment: $435.00 Total ALIJ Pmtsr $435.00 Bal-ance | $0.00 *****++++** * '| * * * * * + t * * * * * + * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * **+****** ** ** +*+*****+** * + * * * *:t * + * * * * + * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TII'IPORARY POWER PERMITS i^/C OO1OOOO3112BOO I{ILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 432.04 3. 00 o o {1.' rVl^-r.-.*d5 staY € TO!'IN OF VATL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT4ENT OF NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF Job Address: 5OO VATL VALLEY L,ocat.ion...: 500 VAIL VALLEY Parcel No.. : 2l-01-081--t-3-017 Project No. : PRif00-0091 CoMMUNITY DEVETJOPMEIfT ' I GJ-+'"^3'\ MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT Permi-t #: B00-0056 DR Status...: ISSUED DR, BLDG Applied. . :OOa/L8/2000 Issued...: 05/L0/2000 Expires..t La/06/2000 APPLICANT CO}TTRACTOR OI,{NER Descript,ion: IJPGRADE ALL COMMON HALLWAYS NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419, VArL, CO, CELL# 47t-4888 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419, VArL, CO, CELL# 471_-4888 NORTHWOODS CONDOMINTT]M ASSOC BOX 1_231, VArL CO 8l_658 Phone: 81558 Phone: 8165 8 970-845-100r- 970 - 845 -1001 Occupancy: Tlpe Construction: T]4)e Occupancy: Valuat.ion: Fireplace Information: Rgscticred: YES R1/S3 Nor in table !fff l-HRType III l--Hour 270, 000 *of Gas Appliances I Reatuaran! PIan R€vicw -> DRB Fee--------- RccLealion Fee----- Clean-t4r D6po€iB-- --- -- - > TOTAL FEES---------- Add Sq Ft: *of cas Logs:*of wood/Pallet: FEE SIJMMARY Plan ch€,rk- - - > lnvestigat.ion> will call----> 1,420 - OO 923 .00 . ou f, .00 .00 . oo .00 500.00 2, 846 . 00 .oo 2,446.0O 2, 845 . OO .00 Totsal Calculaged Fees-- - > 2tg46.OO AddiEional Fce6----- -- '> Tobaf PermiL E'ee--------> Paymen;s------- BAI,ANCE DUE---- It,EM: O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT 04/25/2000 KATHY Action: NOTE 05/09/2000 CHARLIE Action: APPR DepE: BUILDING Division: ROUTED TO CIN,RLIE see redline correcEions Dept: PLANNING Divisj-on:ITCM: O54OO PI,ANNING DE 04/2s/2000 KATr{Y , DEPARTMENT Act,ion: APPR N/A rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/.25 /2000 KATTTY Action: NOTE AcTion: APPR 05'/09'/2000 CIaRLIE Action: APPR DepT: FI OFFICE SET TO MCGE RE Division: E/VAUH Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS DepE: PllB WORK Divi_sion:04/25/2000 KATIIY Act.ion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to t.his permit. DECI,ARAT I ONS f hereby acknosledge Ehal I have r€ad EhiB application, filled out in fult the information requlred, coirlr1at6d an accurate plo! pLan, and slate that all the infornation provided aa tequired is corrcct. f aglee !o cooply wj.th che informalion and plot plan, tso comply vith all Town ordinances and state ]ars, and to build t.his gtructur€ according to t'he Tol'n,s zoning and Eubdivision codee, deeigrr lcvicw approvcd, Unj.form Building code and other ordinances of Lhe Town appLicablc gherrto- REQUESTS FOII INSPEC:TIONS SIIAI,L BE MA.DE TWE}ITY.FOUR HOURS IN AD\TANCE BY Send cLean-Itr Depoaic To: IEDBo coNsARJ srcllAquRE ",, n oR coNTRAsoR FoR HrMsBLa AND ovrNER ******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONS Permit #: 800-0066 as of 05/1-0100 St,arus : fSSIIED ***********************+******************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O4/L8/2}OO Appli-canr: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION rssuedz 05/L0/2o00 970-845-l-001- To Ex;lire t La/06/2O00 Job Address: tOCAt,iON: 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR, BI,DG E, NORTIIWOODS CONDO'S Parcel No: 2101--081-1-3-017 Descript ion: T'PGRADE AIt COMMON IALLI{AYS Conditions:L. FIETD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AIL PENETRATTONS TN WAILS,CETLINGS,AJiID FTOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AIiT APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI .3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIL BEDROOMS AT.ID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F THB 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARIT\4EIVT APPROVAL ]S REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED. o o til*itt*i****t***********+*1tt***a***********!r******i**********++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO , Statenmr *******l****f, ******l*++a***t*****************+***t**********+*** Statemnt Nurnber: REC 0625 Amount;2,846.0O 05/1O/0O L3:51 IN1E: .TAR Payment Method: CK Notation; 18 014 Permit No: 800-0066 Type: A-MF ADD/AIT MF BUILD pER Parce] No: 2101--O81-13-017 slte Address: 600 vAfL VALLEY DR tocation: 5oo VAIL VALLSy DR, BLDG E, NORTHWOODS CONDo. S This Payment ****ra**+t****t*t********t**+********+*************t**ir********** Account code De6cription BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES AD D2_DEPOB CLEANUP DEPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees: 2,A46.OO Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 2 ,846 . OO 2tA46.OO .00 Amount L,420.OO 923 . OO 500.00 3.00 'F .o OE oz -2 do ET E' zg dA oo FI I =o FI o FI a F OH z6 EI U F E & FI a ao ; t{ A1 F 4l AF zz ETE FI F Ft{zz EO ET: 4 bF,ez ro FE R HZ (oD QO AE F 12 F]F 6 4 2 o FI A Fd =U z@ rtl E t'l o olE tr da B U" t4 (J F o 2 !) r'l FI v, FI ? =>Ei=q.r fi{ o A(, E 140 |ddo mw\0FYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION O-, NO' BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETI Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O- 479-2149 (Inspections) TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are rcquired f()r electricrrl, plumbing, mechanical. etc.! Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit '.com for Parcel #Parcet*)iOt o?t 13 ey7 rob Name: &ltOl^/e tr UnU_At r+L/ S r / ./ ,1 .rob Address:bo3 Vt tt_ Vnasy D/4 utyl Legal Description Qdf*grllen x,rrins'{gK/ JkffE ll suooiu,,,on, owners," "8rf#!%?f"c Address'.b frn- yprqT pta.Phonet?Zo +Zb gq.g(- WVWtfrfu€ ETarnl AddressTgv 6. {ut- r'nuv pQ Phone:779 tl?b L7+L Ensineer: ////A4 Lo^/tt/Lf Address:f. o.IJod +t7 L y'a t c ehone://p jee q 3g /Detailed'uP'EP;bY //ru1/,/,+qs WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (y,f. Repair( ) Demo( ) Otherl ) Work Type: Interior (rr,f Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (v,1 ) rwo{amily( ) lvlulti-family(rrzI commerciat ( ) Restaurffil ) athu.19;@1le No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: n No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: NofFvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Applialce9 ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq 4 No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NoT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (,uzf No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) tlo (.'"4 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ 2IO, (9@ ELECTRTCAL: $ 4o,OOo OTHER: $ --PLUMBING: $ ----MECHANICAL: $ 2-O tWO ro1'Al: s 7-7o ,o@ REFUND CLTANIJP OU'O' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: NED,$o as"rff/ lc-fTot /Town of Vail Reg. No.:L{l A Contact and Phone #'s: lea*/D ,lreS9o 7ol -;73/ :?**************************^r*********'r*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****.r**********+-r********-r*r.:+.ts*rr**:i* ecerve F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm APR 18 2000 r l,l'ill Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 I()I,VN Department of Community Development projectName: {&ruanoDs -ut0txfL g //r*ttatr+, ( projectAddress: kt; v/att V+tt-gt ^/'/E1 . o J J U t :] ]f, acceDted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if reqLrired) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercral and Multi familyl Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Famriy) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on olans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: iJ J lf, J f, F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depatment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that i must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Proiect Name: t /,oxg o4//4/ z@ c/ra/a 5 He{//,i//G F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 WHEN A'PUBIIC WAy PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": tr Is this a new residence? a Does demolition work being public property? /'NOv./ require the grle of the Right-of-Way, easements or NO '/ YES performed YES o tr I fl Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NOv WorG at 479-2798. Contractor Signature YES -;" -/ Is any drainage work bEhg done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES__ NO r' J rl Is a -'Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO \-/ Is the Right-of-Way, egsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES__ NO r' If answer is NO, is a pailfng, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES NO \,/ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Date Signed: SWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE. PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction tralfic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This ptan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. > Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Depaftment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". )> NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each Noyember 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Plcasc rcad and chcck off cach of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access ooints from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Deoartment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to Project Name: Date Signed: Signature F : /everyone/forms/bldperm6 r0mv0p Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED u Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, Snow/ ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. tr Summons and Penaltyr As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. a Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-1 AND 7.3A.3I PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED a No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) S 1) J Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattendedr standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will corrply with the above code provisions: Print Name Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/tbrms/bldpemlT Signature From: Mike Mcgee To: Charlie Davis Date: 7/5/00 8:37AM Subject: Re: Inspections TCO is appropriate. The fire alarm was not complete but due to be finished this week. >>> Charlie Davis 07/05/00 08:32AM >>> Did you happen to have a chance to look at Norhtwoods Bldg. B and E for their corridor sprinkler retrofit and alarm upgrades?? I issued a TCO to both of those projects on Friday the 30th pending Fire Dept approval. >>> Mike Mcgee 07/03/00 04:11PM >>> D7 at Northwoods (Jim Guida) is good enough. We'll catch it on the third floor sprinkler installation. Lodge at Vail 3rd floor remodel aka Bruce Wilcox passed with the exception of a trouble in the corridor smoke detection circuit. The repair crew is scheduled for Wednesday 715. VAC and Antlers are OK to procede with shop drawings to follow. We still can't get into Sierra. Have a safe 4th! See you on Wed.! TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTI{EI T OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8a657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: T"HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .IOBSITE AT AI-,L ELECTRTCAT PERMTT Permit #: TIMES E00 - 0080 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER *fob Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR LOCATiON...: 600 VATL VALLEY DR Parcel No. . : 2101--081-13 -0L7 Project No. : PR'fo0-0091 WTRE NIIT ELEETRIC PO BOX !L!2, AVON, CO 8a620 WTRE NT]T EI-,ECTRIC PO BOX L7.L2, AVON, CO 91520 NORTHWOODS CONDOMINII]M .A,SSOC BOX r_23L, VAIL CO 81658 sEatus...: rssIIED BLDG EApplied. . :DAS /L0 /2000 fssued. - -: O5/23/20Q0 E:<pires - -: L1"/L9/2000 Phone z 970-926-8855 Phone: 970-926-8855 Description: NEW LIGHTTNG, LOW VOLTAGE/FLOURESCEI{r INvaluation:s0, 000. 00 Electrical---> DRB Fe6 InveEtigation> TO?A.! FEES---> Total- Calculated Fees- - - > AdditionaL Pees-- ----- - -> Total Pernit Fee--------> Palmenta - - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE. -- - - 900.00 . oo .00 3 .00 903. O0 903 .00 .o0 903.00 903 .00 ,00 'r**r*r*+*i** ***** rt* i * * t t * t * * i * * t r i * ITEM: O6OOO EI,ECTRICAI. DEPARTMENT DEPI,: BUTLDTNG DiViSiON:O5/22/2OOO KAllIY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER.KI|\I Itemi .055q0 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T Dept: FIRE Diwision:05/22/2000 KATHY Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR-ED TO CIIEEK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ar*r**r!rr**|}*J**rirt*'r*ra**r*r\} **r r**rr i *tri +****r *r DECI,ARATIONS I hcscby acknowl.dgc that I have lead thi6 applicat-ion, filled oue ih ful1 the informatsion required, coEE,toled an accltrala plo! lrlaD, and seate that all the infordation provided as required is corlect. I agr6c to conply $ith the inforhation and plot. pLan, co cgupty nich all town otdinanceE and BEatr lawE, and tso build chls slructsur€ according to cha Town'6 ?onibg and subdivision codea, degig! revi6r. 4ppr:oved, unifor[t Buildinq code a'ld olher ordinances of Ehe Town applicabla ther6to. REQI'ESTS I'oR INSPECTfoNS SIIAIT!, BE Mjs,DE TWENAY-FOUR HoURs IN AD\IANCE By TEIJEPHONE Aa 479-2134 OR AT oUR OFPICE FRoM 8:00 Al.i OR COIITRACTOR FOR IIIMSEI,F -BI.ID OWNER ***+**t*i*******************i****++**+***+*+**f**!r+**1jl**irl**rl:t* TO!'N OF VAI],, COLORADO Stat.emnt *****:r*******t*****************t***************+**************** Statemnt Number: REC-0533 Amount: 903.00 05/23 /oo 1,1, !48 Payment MeEhodr 5664 Notation: WIRE NUr ELECTRI IniL: .TN Permit Noi Parcel No: site Address: Locatlon I This Payment E0o-0080 Tl4)e ! B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-081-13-017 600 VATL VAI,IJEY DR 5OO VAIL VAT,LEY DR BLDG E, NORTIIWOODS Total Fees: 903. oO Total AIJL Pnts: Balance: *!r***********t********t********t**i*********i***************r*** Aceount Code Deecrlption 903.00 903 . OO .00 Amount 900.00 3 .00 EP OO1OOOO31114OO EIJECTRICAI PERMTT FEES WC OO1OOOO3112SOO WILL CA],L INSPECTION FEE AppLrcATroN l. not BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErG urvsrcrrrro eroji-t *: P?5 oo- ooqt Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: E@-odBo 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) N)WN0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contad Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit# isprovidedabove) AlO t )i;g / /?O/i rob Name: /Jon#*ootlt { ,/o/s robAddress: 't{r)(/a,t /al"t, 0n tr Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting: I Subdivision: A)ontL u"nrnl f o*n"rt^u u'.rOonflrod, ,+r"[Address: pC f,6a_ R7t t/a,l ll nnone Engineer'/oy'e.n1r^ {.na. lfltcloless: toa ts'.tle Aron llFhon. g.rf a+og Detailed description of work: it* L:"L{:ng t-'*Vof ta-g<- + f(r>c.t/\eeoe-a\F a( a// /a//u'a-<1s WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (ef Repair( ) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (f Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family 1f commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) orher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I 6 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: /( Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (4 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (4 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (.zl Lin a .-ntte-t/<-7r C COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ f O.ooa CONTMCTOR INFORMATION l,,tJi,.t fu.f 5^1.Snic- 4 a- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 27?- € Contact and Phone #'s: . qZC ??fs- flepLe,^ fedrrto F:/everyone/forms/elecperm a o a o D B Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C, Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another, Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAII ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. B o o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 97O-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed I HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Cornmunity Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (e70) 47e-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparhnent(s) did you contac0 Building -_- Environmental_ Housing_ Admin --Planning DRB t-trL Was your initial contactwiih our stafiimmediate_ slow _ no one available ? vrl 4. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why noi? Was this your first time to file a DRB app--- PEC app Bldo Permit Nl/A 7. Please rate the performance of the staffperson who assisted you:5{321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overail efiectiveness ofthe Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the iime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. co ffiCu-Oc'l( toa'oot"'" 253 .00 .00 251 .00 253 .00 .00 ii**.r*rr*.rit* CONDITION OF'APPROVAL 1.. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO GIECK FOR CODE EOMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARA'IIONS I horeby acknotdledge that I have r€ad Ehi6 appl-ication, fi.]led oug in fufl Ehe infolrlat.ion r€quired, compleecd an accurala pLoE plan, and Etace EhaE all the inforr[ation prowlded as lequirad i6 correct'. I agree t'o coblrly irith che infofinacion and plot pLan, Co coEply lrigh alL tol'n ordinancea and stat.e lawa, and Eo build Eh{E Et'ructure according to thc Tot|n,a zoning and aubdlvilion codcs, deBign levielr approved, Uniforu Building code and oche! ordinances of th6 Toian applicable Eh6re!o- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\AI{CE BY TEI]EPHONE TOI^IN OF VAII 75 S. FROIITTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address...:Location.... .: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE:THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit *: F00-0008 t- ,|| {u,t Ylt "\ APPL/ICAM| COTiTTRACTOR OWNER Descript.ion: TNSTALL FIRE SI]PPRESSION SYSTEM Fireplace InformaEion; Re6tricted: PHOENTX FIRE PROTECTION 711 ITARRTSON, IJNTT B, LEADVIIJLE, PHOENIX FIRE PROTE TION 711_ IIARRISON, UNIT B, LEADVTTJLE, NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIIJM ASSOC BOX 1231, VArt CO 81558 STAIUS,..: ISSUED NORApplied. . : Os/09/2OOA rssued...: O6/28/2000 Hcpires . .: L2/25/2000 phone: I0461 Phone: I0461 600 VAIL VALLEY 5OO VAIL VALLEY 2101- 081- 13 - 017 PR,lo0-009L DR DR BLDG E, *of Gaa Appliancea: ValuaLi-on: #of cae Logs: 7r-9 -486 - 0r-88 7L9-486-0L88 10, 000 . 00 #of wood/Pa11et: FEE SIJMMARY Mechanical---> Plan Check- - - > fnvest j.gration> 9{i11 call----> ReeCuarant Plan Revietr- - > DRB Fee-------- TOIAL FEES-_--- Total calculatscd Fee6- - - > Additional Fees---------> lgcal Permit Fce -------> Pa)rments-------- BALA.IISE DUE---- 200.00 50,00 . o0 ! .00 .00 .00 253 .00 Item:05L00 0s /Lt/2000 IEem:05500 05 / LL/ 2000 06'/ o5'/2000 BUILDING DEpARTTilEli[f Dept: BUILDING Division:KATHY AcIion: APPR N/A FfRE DEPARTUIENI Dept: FIRE Division;I(ATIIY ACEiON: NOTE ROUTED TO MCTEE/VAUGHN KATIIY ACTION: APPR VERB.A], APPR PER VAUGHN SIGI\IATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER 479-2134 OR AT oUR OFFTCE FRoM 8:00 }}l 5:0o PM v ******!ri*********r+****+******t****t***********+rrt+!a*t*******rt* TOIIN OF VAIIJ. COLORADO 'Statemnt ****ii*****i*********t*************{************+r*********t**** Statemnt Number: REc-0648 Anount i 253.0O 06/28/QO ]-t:.St Init: LC Payment Method: cK Notation: ?75 Permj-t No: FO0-0OO8 type: F-SPRNX SPRTNKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 21- 01 081-13-017 Site AddresE: 60o VAIL VATLEY DR Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR BIrDc E, NORTITWOODS Thj.s Payment Total Fees: 253 .00 Total- ALtr Pml-s: Balance : t**+++***************t**t**********t*************************t** Account Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 253 .00 .00 Amount 200.00 50.00 Date:.5 Job Name: Buiiding ( ) Lega.l Description: Owners Name: Plurnbing ( ) Lot Block sLDq 'B' = Pnsoo.ncqo rowN oF vArL?oNSrRUcroN pERMr nptlcAnoN Fof,rrfs ooo-t Permit # Job Address: Nlechanical ( )other (Y) F,,il i ):'it c | ,u,-, Filing 'l Subdivision Address:Phone# Other ( Architect: l'Y l'\L(Itr t Address: lt +t' t ti Pho c#q'-i\-r j"i(: | 12,42. Description of Job: -' L v"rl i, Work Class: New ( ) Alrcrarion fl) AddiLionat ({) nepai, t I Number of Dwelling Units:_Nuurber of Acconmodation Units: Number and Tlpe of Firepiaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet BI]ILDING: PLTIMBINC VALUATIONS ELECTRICAI: $ MECHANICAL $TOTAI $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Qgntractor, \ie cW{,f r.,i',\tri( {-rt:ri Address: "l)t' f?r,i z,r./rri \b.ut, {lr', !'lliC.Sl Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: $ $ .{rt't'l",krr, r,r OTFIER: S "lf' lr"rr,r'l _^_'-^----J*+lr- Addtrss: Phone #Town of Vail Resistration No. Plumbint Conlractor: Town of Vail Registradon No. Mechanictl Contractor: [!.1 Address: Phone # ,M Address: 'Jll f lirr,.-,nni Fi.q. l-rciclrlilie.[i, i!0,]tri Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parce! # Phone# ?lo'3-ll,ino 5/qlcrl FOR OFFICE USE ru5aEgt'n BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: REEIveo MAY 0 I 2000 TOv-COtul'DEY: SIGNATURE: TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 .fob Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: 600 VAIL VAILEY DR 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR, NO 21-0 t_ - 08l_ - l_3 - 017 PRJ00-0091_ St.atus...: ISSUED DSApplied. . ; 05/09/2000 Issued- ..: 05/0L/2000 Expires . .: LL/28/2000 DEPARTIIEIiTT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPME}IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M00-0038 RTHWOO E APPLICATiM CONITRACTOR O!'INER FireDlacc Informaeion: Relru.rict ed: Y PHOENIX FIRE PROTE TION 711 HARRTSON, UNTT B, LEADVILLE, PHOENTX FIRE PROTECTION 711 HA.RRISON, UNIT B, LEADVIIJLE, NORTI{WOODS CONDOMINII]M ASSOC BOX 1231, VArL CO 81658 co Phone: I046r- Phone: 8046L 719-486-0L88 7L9 -485 - 0188 Descript,ion: Valuation: MECH TO TNSTALL AND CAP GAS LINES TO EACH I]NIT #of cas r,096 r FEE SLI'I4MARY *Of cla€ ADDliance3: 3,661_.00 *of Wood/Pal.let: Mechanical---> Plar chcck- - -> InveBtsigat.ion> will call- ---> ResLuaranL Plan Revi et{- - > DRB Fee--------- Total. calculaLed Fees- - - > Additional Fees------ -- -> Total Pernic Fee--------> PaynenEs-------- BAI,ANCE DUE-. - - 80 .00 20 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 103 ,00 103.00 .00 103 .00 103.00 .00 BUILDING DEPARTMEI\:T KATIIY Action: NOTE ROIIIED CHARLIE ACTION: APPR CHARLIE FIRE DEPARTMEIq| KATITY AcTion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-.IANCE.2. PATCII ALL THROUGH PENETRATIONS PER SEC 709.6.1 ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hergby acknowledge that I hav€ read tshis applicalion, fiLled out ir fulf the information requlred, conpleted an accurate plot: plan, and statr bhaL all tha inforualion provided as required is co}:rect'. f agree Eo coroply irith the informacion and plol plan, to coBply nith aL1 fowrr ordinances and stsate Lave, and go buiLd chi.s Bcructure according Eo Eh6 Town's zoning and Eubdivision codc6, desigrr revj.ei approved, Ubiform Buj,Idi.ng code and olhe! ordinanced of the Toi.n applicable thereto. IEem:05100 05 /LL/.2000 0s /L5 /2000 Item:05600 os / LL/2000 DEPT: BUTLDING DiViSiON:TO C}ARLIE DAVIS Dept : Ff RE Divis j-on: REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SHAI,L BE I4ADE TWEMTY- FOUR HOURS STGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTEACTOR FOR HIMSET,F AND OWNER Ar 4?9-2L3s OR AT OUR O8!'IeE FRoM 8:0o AU 5:00 PM 4 ADVANCB BY :-t- ann -********!t*+***f ***rl*******i********i********+*********+t***t**** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ,.Statemnt ***+***************************lt**********!t******tt****+******* Staternnt Number: REe-0535 Amount:L03 .00 06/ol-/00 o8 :59 Payment Method: 742 Notation: PHOENIX FIRE Init: JN M00-0038 Tl4)e: B-MECIi MECIIANTCAIJ PERMIT 2101-0S1-13-017 600 VAII VAIII'EY DR 5OO VAIL VAI.LEY DR, NORTIIWOODS BLDG E Total Fees: 103.00 1"03.00 Total" ALL Pmts: Balance: ********++**********at****+********r*t*t*********a************** Account Code Description AmounL MP OO1OOOO31113OO MEC}TANICAI PERMIT FEES AO.OO PF 001000031-12300 PI"AN CIIECK FEES 20.00 wc 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECI|ION FEE 3.00 103 .00 .oo Permi-t No : Parcel No: Site Addre6E : Location: Thj-a Payment nrrr*ro,el' ilor B*,r(srprEo rF rilcor{H;tlfffi,hn . o oq l tE 5. Frorhgs Rd. Yail, Colorudo E1657 Buildlng Pormit s:------fr H€dreni€al P6rmlt*' I IIID-:@38 97 g-4, 9-2L49 (InsPecdons) Permlt wllt rot lte acceplpd wirroltt he foltorlng: hcrvidc t{edranical Roon tay'tutdrNrurr to c€ale to lnc{ud€: a Hedrenkal RFrn Dlmensiionr c C,orrbufion Alr Duct S|rc and Loirfon s Flucr Verrt gtnt'Ca6 Unt SE€ ard tocrtion a Hetlo||Caltrl c Equlpnrrrt Cut,/SPe Shd*t for # ParcGl # (R€quittd lf no bldg. Permit # b ltrovld€o .tDona) Job Name: No.il^,,^roo.ls ?\d6, R | 6- -- -115lrldrtxis:1rp6 ria.$ jriLloq br',,rc, L€gal Dcscription ll toe ll Block: - Llling:SuMiviston:O oWf$nU*TF'-.+ r r r.{io r"Addr€s$fbf)x <4t?Pf'one: ri,7t-? 44- ) OO I -_--Deuiled descrlp{m of worlc frrJatQ has Liru-=--. ,. Worl(Cla$s: New()-Addrtion() /rltcratior(K) ner?h()-Other() - BoitorLocatian: Inbrtor( ) Bt€rtor( ) CIher( )Ooes an =HU cxirt at $15 locatlcn: Yes ( ) tlo ( ) ---F rype or ACg: Engl}.hmlly ( ) Dupto< ( ) Mulu-frmiy ':\4 Conttilrctll ( ) Reltaunnt ( ) O$tet ( ) rT No. of ExEtirtg D\flellhg UnlF ln $is building:llo, of A(rommodation Unlts ln thls butldlng: No/TVDe of FirEohccs Etisttru: Cts Applblo-rsll fts LoEs (-Lwgd/pellet ( ) -Wood Bumhq ( ) =-(ffi-t' ) dd/peltet( I woooBumhg(NorAllowED) ffitrAffiGgii-*t-v*TJ '{o( i - cottPLETE VALUATION F( It MECHANICAL PlfltMIT (tiebor & Materials) 3Lobteg @f{TR.rcroR u[lcoRHAlAOfl * r*|fr*{r* * * #+++ * tt(tl * * r*****y:1.++* * **++{( *:F:F+ | **** 13 * * *ls* t *t {t Fffiveo MAY o g ?ooo rov-coM'ry F:/cn*yone/contr/mcdPctflt trldi -|ly l,tri lll]bl lJfr4l DATE: TO: FAX#r FRIJM: RE; # of Pagas: Fax lransmitta|.Sfieef Ittilttsilif,Ahiill()N[Ij T[t 9jflg4Sl]g:,9 oo I I 'I P, {)rl 1 pult!_tr_Dwts 1-,o V \- P/eese call ifnanv of tle pages CFrH4t €,2 are nat recelved (970)84i-1AA1. s for Maillng: t0 Ew Hll vail,00 81ffi8 Fil1onwry& Sthptu 4{5frt*yti&21 Sult D E$h.v6it,6s 61pg qTWWtUl FAXC10446-9eN ',i : i JUN-$T*B6 I.IO I'J 05:EE FH S gHE I1ECHNNI EHL I tEE2?43Js o ucTs, fl PREFC{} Fll{],tl ilurz" lfilc. MASrfl G 'lN EllCLtSEt S{lilatnir'i $lric Flrs M|t$hal Llrr}rrrt \o, il?tt.30n:4 ntled P€r ULASB lor uRo in 1 a 2 ltr. F irs t4rrtitiona fls$ vork cily Eorrd ot $rande,d.r li Appnrli Ho. g1.t!.$A REPFEBEhITED BY tF63E I t{$t Rutri0lrs il pl tY s01H H0R|Z0NTAI Afi rr'l :firlcAt llltTAllAti$ll$ HIIPT eg N0if0, Ati0 ApFtY AtS0l0lttl$0tlftY ctt'l3lnucfl0il. toB oRYl#AtL TfPt c0#sTnuclltiN, tlfiFfn TD $[r[Et #0$lll'?. Ftr llctt li 5rr I'Jole ! Seo llt re I .ilr! :D?rrriilrlr i'rr Iiit9 n I SJALtAllltl 'B' contrllrli FAlr[.lltn hl$lJNtillG jiao l.i:iE I t iltlTALt.{il r.rfi i NSIRIJCTIOI'I $ F0 B 5{,00SF T YPE vfftItsAL All0 Honlz0liTAl rlR,! 0AMPEIIS fGB USH IN HONIZOIJIAL AIID VIRTICA! OUffi$ - lv ll. Y-. lso r.ilr,' i, ir uritrl tr-l I Cl6$tlr:r 0n rll0/0l l4rJrmliftg rngbi Bvbf rl iBd in lr,j'J 01 latiritrfi iit" grrnblh$. llry mil4 he rnbhli8d 0{'t bo!,h $iilsli 0l 0lb rvat,,/llojr (,Nnrnf lr{t iiruubJlsedoflArldlidsEdtlrd{mprr,r'iit$0v{$ft!!tty.MiflinrurlrJrgig{i:q,, ,,:.7/fi11.1/2'r16UapeInrd nFc'! L! to t?- h:qttr c' rilltrtrl1O l- i:i?r: C Sitic l0r i?rltr timpftrs tlE clrbnatim $hf io,nLinsu:trry arf{ rT,e/ t s tirt'ir'ed l,i lh4 danp€l't'slrBr. issembiy uging Filfior l/16, $hoi dlql5 fi d 14 rlri* irl|lel .Sttlit tpe,:Nr al s mermun 0l 12' csnw t0 0eflt{l rilru 3 lh kni$0s 0l treutas shaA\n h ostrir A rfl;nmrr, nf otB ft3bn0f rrr'6ice flr,!( [e tllrd. 6l A $r{l0 row ht Ldrnon {oerliulr f 3r ra1 i6 used to attrch tltt i0n0(r .i!!vr "rd lir6 01ou(tng tflflti!. lil r lcv( l"' 'l [11,r (gr Fr trrn; ir,tili qt 0Jl$dl cf .lj,ille Fr;,flr rNsH_rAflou t' 0rJRl oulttI ill StAi-t"Al ltrli D' TEA Si[]i ,;Rti!r: ? irlF^ stl Bilotr r/ i.i '1{ MfltlSC.:ws 1?',', CC 3 i,utt lBy t)hsr5r d ;Liwo IIIANUFACJTURED BY PREFCO PRODUCTS, INC PO 6or I?$ buchirlgnat. PA 'ggl: (21$) 7i+'7{13 | 1-800-407-6653 |794,0808 W {#Jtr, S€e OErAI:$O\ I i I l, '. uL DL^S$IFICAI rON ; fri0l FS;'tl Cladr6rr6 b€ir/1t€ir the rallfoor a!'E|rir,g t{ d Ilu dt|;s0r,,Jiss/4 ef$cribry t 1{'{l1 18 p{f {o.Jt $lwiolh qnd h€,nht. f,liiinr\rt1 ;li aica titdrl!,0 1t4' l0; mr gd+ oawe'/tiltffr 8!€!n tltt. Thil nrnrlnnn r o!!i:rn! shall nDi 6ri€qj .litn per fttl 0lut li Mo,j ling tFfif$ GltlJ cvnrid, qpcnnB by l,' r) inim.-m 0/r , ep fr{ieB ?l lfl',JtmFer irBfi/t nray ,rf frBtr.led lo 0lr .ie{rD uS ry tnf 0l lhr lo!ft,r,}q 3,1{i'si{|l rksh, {ti $h?it rnrtd $crb\,fii. 16 Lol i !fld nule t! c?nhr 0r,4,Ifliri i{(l s{l$ rprcr'J €t a rixir-'rum 0l ,14 'llnttr 10 cei(er ft,i' 1'/l HR. raled dtfltrr!. A minlft',jfri il ofE laclsncl gsr lidt fiir,rf tre u9cd. llt lr0ufltdg 6ngl?s nusr S0 hsleljiC o[ horh itl0g 0i lt]|} u,x!!'ilofi oDenlr0 , 1,! .irrsl b[ 0se0 0( ul { rlitr! of {ltg dr4'{t{rlsl1*vr rssrrnitf (crcrltjor.s iqJ'Pll idliilftin not'ntlno tri{lg gi,B ir ':.1/u 'xt l/?t]6 4?.(8 bi tamttlguD u i{f' {lillh t, ll|l[{, enj ?|"T 2"xl6 !rg* 0/ l$']$ din!!!.n. ['l[,rrrir!l arth0 ji"e rr1 $ atlA{iud lo urnpdf/sltc'jq r9$enlbJy u iin! r,T Of ltri t lic[iinn: 't16" s'oel .;!f19. I 14 rl.iJi! fipiB! gur(rfi. tB bollt ar.d rul! cr t,',, ton! lB0k hrhj6 fir.lAle! sl r ff,Iimufil0l ltrcenter tC r8,ller ltr t-l/? llF rarad dqfflS0r6 A miri,lunl0l DtA fftSEnBi p.r rid! nu6l trt t€{d '1,'Jl rtSE iFgh'14 4) tlswi thirhn,.i$ req'riirndnt $uiv0 thictiieFs v.hrn ,4NC filllltulJlo { daclit"rssirll b? a n n'mirn 0f 16 oane ltJr {itftt016ll.ii} ll,ricritjr0ftr rt$t tt$i$diil! ?.4' in hrigfri ot 36' rn wtdtl aod d ;nlnrnrjff! ot '.1 lq$ t)f lrrqs. *tml+rs. {t$tilhl: $l3irff 0f l4t{rtr lii6|(nrss may }B l'lft n { arf, c. n$n 0l rhE tDiio,/tn! $t{r C0f,(WU'Jrt i! {Drlod no me lhRn 0" {tr, ll ths ualllflc.1-.r opNnlng: Pldri 'T $ii, htnnrd'8' siip, tardi0t t'sllil iit'€fnltr bar. ir.Gtr, 0r h nlitorr0d) irtsiftr rl:0 p,(t ?' ;fluhir 'S'sllF. Stecrrr gidt n:ay not bB k$ lr.1[ dtlrtgkJE. r rorc. Fr [)ufi hrnrE Tyrt mNtiEcllrlNi d rr(rdlrred { bo't ere en nav br ',se(. [0n6'rlt StE4t tcEhill 3hrll,6r lall$l trrrir ||" Max t i cCMgltlMtoN { sltP ,l0tfli-fqroiJfilll G i(Ntir.f | ,A fil ,!Ro o.r ir | ,azr.a _ h.J 6) lt'tii iai. ,'i r ltae,i lt\i.; l,rtt; i.jct.,tj li, ';r ii t..l i: P. E? PBODUCT Vy'i fftixrt ill8;I{trIIl6N 'A l l(l,r.t.t MDUt'lltNo r i,rli,o',r: //rltf'oirr {,1ll,Fioar ;;t,11ll,iii l{4ta: Trrdm |,'lt r:rlond coutd be rlljrbJ6t (hc Lq$rlCadt aulhtrl{y ,;t'nn(ri ry f ;|fr03,r€ijt'n a tl .v' ,.$*l v$t $ at{* | lr ilryt{tlrlf ,i:r' '.n ,$ i.rilf;;h:nt:: ,brvd. rqt:ir*!.l' Frrt Eruir;nf BMtTTrrL sHEF- T FIFE C,NiTPER ' LttlOE R$JFIT Gn $ LAbO fr AT0 tltE$ CLI\'5 slFl E0 a6t s,J .OYNAMIC' &'LEAKAGE' R'\-rEO I UNO. I,AB i itASsrrll I l sfAltc .t cvi I r'Rr olui I rEe ,t:rtr.tlcr i'l I I xr! rr+ft,ri,rr,r/1 J ,q ',:a ri ^L--.'" 1":r':: ' 1/8', * l- HEWI Ele {t ALIFO N I] IA Iji;;t E Mr.t.l LISTII']G A&BD Oornplot I I F I lf enrparature'bynanricr Tested Frnduet DB+cription lulos{el S50O$F.Z l/P iJF/$lll0 8r FfiAcrLllY fii$Tr:n AMI]A R,t,IEtr BgJ$g LV! t]6 r tt fir. frr|llp.r il?5nU il,,L "tS F.ft yrt.btc Fir. Lnk Or I onnl Ui.iss lyr,im,q t JL9595'l,6akage,ltin8d ' Mrab kFP^ grqLx.P.r_e'1,3 UN lFl' 1. !' lEn:i rAg J nJi Tf. (;ES CLA55 : E:l F6' BB o Entirsr UnrIl,l(, rrIEtl \r',ilhro !rride Drrcl Dirne,rsion I r ta. Grlv. noJlForrlpC -.Uled€g UL " irlsd f uSit lo Llnk (165' F. gt{t.l !UPG(rrl cirrei l€mpwtrlt,f tr8) "Motahe Link!' with EZ n6rcr Optionrl E-^rll.r^r.,l -**-- -5iiauiiio''r" liiJvflAnd 6Bul AlonF g6nt4r I ttct{ a IP n I I {)I a lj Starnl?rs Bl?il 'l'logu lor' Fl6rt Cr'ril -Cdloniion Spiins ; JCltr +EN.I (:c)t\ t6 ri8. Gtlv. 'r/0' li I F.Jrnlnd Franto .l TtftAr. MOUr{r i!*tontzCIHTAr Msut{1' '1I1 Hli AE R srdAir-,tr TE!l'n! Bhaw j i IAiIl rati,i.i ncr" irr f,.-r: :;'r'.$pnng orbrltod qn;l+, orisi{rre l}o,Juc,eC by i r{ , alkltion Instruciions wilh Ord6r 5l;$ lSrn$kolFlre Oantper whon lilt,ed wllh [Mc+she,' det*clur slgnRhlr llnk. nEFrre.qrilr r,rili; DA'rE fr l$F5tr]i.tllq:]{.r' rr'! -.lw}?:j.it.ff i3,r _,\5tir}tHj{,!.J CU9T rfooii:i rlfid'gl0tr{4(rnr^ultilfl'tod\,6adid.rinrrlhorrrllh.loiowrF l4tlis u.s tnir,lrfl'Jr torf,ui, rr/ pqrtfij tlrr...r,r.,r .).r,rf l.{0lrJliStl{.:8!,1.7tr7,[ti: l,rt$, !.1,]l6.ett; i,i,i t,r:r i,gtf,056.a.ti0 ilt In{lrlhf, filr^tr Frndric , ..,,, | ,,,rj ,Blru! 590n, $lop 8F.lir r. t ! !l l t UJ B o J n I s s s r\l o o a U 3 F v.o z O = ttJ -o o) ='oO =o H illlngg, Er OJ {; [3 ls tfl ES lIr 9pE tsu IiH Hill ESEiilgE q}iEi;ai : si€giEi: *gi#wl; tEi[ilH, z E t il $ H n 5 ul J o t t z $.., {{IJ El t HU flu H$*[ I t I T I I I T I I I I t t a , I il il Ir il rl ;l il lr il !l ii !I ll -$H he $Ex t$i ExF fi8* nol -[a F Hill T I , I I o tJ -I rg --U - E E 3 a a ccl I E t F gr t s! EE TT BE ai =T v.o z J t: tl$ \*"" $J lt !fi B I d 5 rt I I t I I I I I rl it ll |l II il I lt ii i, il il I I I I T I I I I I t E$$ 3sH [$i Ef;i $$$ r d'l rJ -r t t,E E =E E 3 ut d s I U {F UJ I ()o \5 z.I I (f) { \T { o REpTt3l TU[^'N OF UArL, CULORRDU q6/38/eQAQ O7t39 REIIUESTS - INStrECTN WBRK SHEETS FOR: 6/3@/?6 PAGE 6 AREA: EG Act ivity: EOO-€I68Q 6/36/?Q Type: B-ELEtr Statrrs: ISSUED Eonstr.: AAFT Address: 6OO VAIL VALLEY DR Location: 6tDO VAIL VALLEY DR BLDG E, NORTHWUUDS Fareelr E1O1-O81-.13-OI7 Oee: Descnipt ion: NEtl LIGHTING, LOW Applieant: WIRE NUT ELECTRIC VOLTAGE/FLOURESCENT IN HALLT^IAYS Owner: NORTI{ilOBDS CUNDUMINIUM ASSOC Contractor": NIRE NUT ELECTRIC Use: Phone: 97tl-.986-8855 Fhone: Fhone:97O-9P6-8855 Inspect i on Reque st Requestor:STEVE Req Time: tZtE:EO It ems requested to rAtal9et ELEC-Final Information. . . . . Comnents: BLDG E be Inspeeted... Action Phone: 9rl4-8121 Eonments Tine Exp I nspeet i on It ern: '. It em: . 'ie !9l| l, History..,.. AOlt0 ELEC-Tenp. Fower @AL?A ELEC-Rouqh Q6/ Lq /nA Inspector.: LtrV 'Q6/ 19/A@ Inspeeton: LF'V Q6/ 19/nq Inspector: LFV Notes: COMF,LETE STRAFPING. AptrROV DN NOT READY RPF,R FRONT OF GARAGE. Act i on: Action: Action: Item: fib136 Itemr Q@t46 ltemlrDol9O I COMtrLETE MAKE_Utr ALL LEVELS. DOIJBLE CHECK. EI-EC-Condu i t ELEC-Mi sc.'ELEC-F i na I I o o I I t t I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I Fire Alarm System Proposal For NorthwoodsBldg.B&E 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail. Co. By Thul Electronics 182 Avon Road Avon Colorado 970-949-9638 cfficdffip Aoo'cpr{ l I l T I t t I I I I I I T I t I I I t ?,"ti't 't ,:. {tf t r"1 a a I I I t I I I I I t I t t Tab I: Horn / Hom Strobe I Tab J: Polarity Reversal Module I Tab K: Fire Wire I Tab L: Battery Calculations I I I Index Tab A: Fire Alarm Panel /Relay Transmitter Module Tab B: Remote Enunciator Tab C: Addressable Smoke Detectors / Non-Addressable Smoke Detectors Tab D: Addressable Modules Tab E: Addressable Pull Stations Tab F; Heat Detectors Tab G: Duct Detector Tab H: Remote Test Switch o rt, rirerite/Noti.rier to, stss+sea MEA 16-9+E (MS-9200 & M302) 3.9+E (M300, M301, t300. sD3O0, CP3m) 326-9+E (s0300T, c3(x) /t I tt\ cs6E (MS.9200C) . Rapid poll algorithm for manual stations. Responds to alarm/activation in less than turo seconds.. Operatss with untwisted, unshielded wire (up to 1,000 fl./ 304.8 m) for retrotit applications {u.s. pateni 5,210,523).. 3{)0 Series addressable devicas fsature decimal eddress selection. Address of each device can b€ easily set in the field by us6 of a sdewdriver. SmokBdetectors also feature a plug.in wiring connedor for ease of installation end sorvlc€ability.. R€mols Acknowt€dge/Sil6nco/RoseuDrill vie M3OO mod_ ule6.. Sl C_loopmadmum tength tO,OOOn. (3,048 m)@ |2AWG (3.25 mm2). 11-05-99 l6:12:41 OE]IERA] The Fire.Lite tls-9200 is a compact, cost-effeciive, ad- dressable fire alarm control panel with a oapacily of 198 Fire.Lite 300 Series devices. A single Signeling Line Cir- cuit (SLC) loop supports up to 99 smoke detectors and 99 control or monitor modules. Th€ oanel uses surfa@-mounl technology and is designed for ease of installation end programming. lt features the latest in fire protection tech- nology, including maintenan6e alert and automatic detector lest. FEATURES . I ncludes new larger enclosure capable of housing 1 2.0 AH ballatig,s (efrective I tnnq.. SLCsupports upto 198 addressable devices (99detec{ors and 99 monitor or control modules).. SLC can be confrgured for Style 4, 6, or 7 operation.. Dual Integral Notmcation Appliance (bell, signal) Circuits (NAC'S), Style Y orZ (Class B orA).. 3.0 Amp Notification Applbnce (boll, sbnal) power, ex- pandable to 5.0 Amperss.. NAC'S may be programmed for Steady, March Time, Tem- poral or Galifornia Code tequlres software PN 73750 or greater).. Alarm, tmuble and supervbory relays, standard.. Maintenance alert warns when srnoke detoctor dust accu- mulalion is excessive.. Optionsl UDACT-F DigitatAtarm Communicator roports 56 zones or 198 points to a Central Stiation.. Optional LCD.40Serissalphanurn€rb, 4Gcharactor, bad(lit remote serial annuncietors op6€te over high-speed EtA- 485 port. Upto3z may be supported by Ms-g2ffi (requires softwarc PlN 73750 ot graa|€,r).. Optionalprinter intefiace- UL listed for permanentattacfi- menL . lntegral4o{haracter LCO dbplay with backtighting.. Keypad programmable on panel, rvith two user{enned passwords, plus an Autoprogram feature.. Custom English labels per point may be manually entered or selecled from an internal library file.. Autoprog€m and Walk Test features identify two or mor€ dovices set to same address.. Real-timeclocl{calgndar.. History fil6 with Soo€vent capacity.. Waterfbw or supervisory sel€ctbn p€r monitor poinl.. Systsm alarm verificetion, 6moke only.. Pr€Bignsl deley option per NFpA 72.. Silencs Inhibit and Auto Sibncs tim6r oDtions.. Battery charger br up to 60 hours of standby porer.. Fus6lass, poyvsr{imitod tachnology nreets nen, UL pon er_ PAGE I I I t I I I t, I I I I I I I t I Ir S62.1 (MS-9200, MS-92tnE) L.J califomra ,,A state Fire I i1ltr-Tl i Marshal s# rte+OOZS'tSa ]__r (MS420O) 730G0075:159 0x9A3-AY (MS-9200, CD300, sD300, BG-roLx, M300. M30r. M302, c3(X,1300) (Reeuires DP-l.B) 0Y6A3.AY (s030011 (M300, M301, 1300, c304) 73000075:162 (M302) 7272.Oof5:172 (sD300. sD300T) Sspt6mber 2'1, 1999 t[s-9200(c/E) Addressoble Fire Alorm Gonfrol Ponel S€ction: Addressable A1- r 00 (a Frre'HrsAlarms \-/ arfrwfYorxrfY Thi8 doqrnd is not inrnaca toEG ru u, r.6€q |(' rEr.r.ron p(Docat. lrtt try b ka? qrl m111ttns"ll91qd"i.ard aatlrab. rr'ra crnor tir"iii+r&'.ifldilna o,o.dicipai. of rrqrildronb. Att lpedtic!..bnr "r€ "d;; dr";F;;.fi;;;'?;;mo.t hfmlr br, corran Ftcttir. rrur: pos; alilliq-F;fi-e6i;Ai:r"iis Hne|Jft'AE4llig ch€ Fir.rilo ph.D, rldt|rod, cdf|don 084?2 tso.9001 Eqhacrlrq ald tbnftdnhq , Qurfy Sr:E|nca cdb - hbniiml $r|rhnt l5O-9001 Df-!1276 - Frg. I of.a limiting roquir€m€nts, eff€dive tr,tiy t, t eeS. SLC Loop (2 wircs) supports 198 devices (99 Detectorsl99 Modules] NAc pou,'sr I I rt, rirerite/Notifier to, staseose 21WC sDimo(A) cP3oo(A) Photool€cfic lonization 6mok6 datsctor smoko detector sD3{nr(A} Photo6bcfic emoko datoctoa with thermel a€n60r 21VDC \ LCB4O LCD4OL Alphenumeric Annunchtor Alphanumsric Annunciats Rsquires OlM.485 Interfaca Module (see No'f,r). ElA485 (2wircs) AFM Sedes Annuncialors Notificatiln Apdiance (bell, signal) Clrctrits (NAC's) O$ional EIA-232 intodace rnodute for rc computer or diagrrcdic printsr (Plt$24 r€quired, see /votes.) MS4am(c) BeloLx ffir(A) t Suporvi6sd loop of cdnoatible 2-wi.e smoko deteclors 24VDC \ + Miniature I vetsion I of M300 Suoervis€d Initiatino 'De\4ce CiEUrt - (ndrnally open LDir-32F Graghic Annunciator up to 56 zones or 198 ooints ca(X(A)t I I Supervised Notificalion Appliance Circuit or PACE 1l-05-9S 16:12:41 24VDC \ I t t/ t I I I I I t t I t I t I I T SYSTEM PERIPHERAI' . .l M3or(A)ffiiffi t =IF-*h I ryry1 I wm(A) ' ieo conlact type) Form-C Rslay Optional Reverss Polarity/ Crty Bol( Output (ordor RTir.sF) 8 O ional FornrC 5 Amp Relays (order RTM€F) 5t 278di.*.nt Psg€ 2 ofa - DF{i270 ,/ vDc r AA T.,DACT# D.A.C.T. can b6 insta ed within M$920O or romololy in ABS.SRF or UBS-IF romob backbor -F-T-FBffi F#fi$l ffiffi n-lT-t-l r-'t-:T- ffiffi o o I I I I I I I I I t t t I I I t I I ,I I I U t I T I t I l I I I I I l I t l1-05-99 78: L2:4L COIiPATI BtE ADDR:SSIBIE DEVIGES smm(A) sD800r(A) cHr00{A) BG-1oLx{A) M300(A) Addressable Photoel€ctric Smoke Detec- tor. Includes mounting plate and plug-in wiring t€rminal block. same as SD300, plus a 135'F (57'C) thermostat heat deteclor. Addressable lonization Smoke Detector. Addressable Manual Station based on the popularFire.Lita BG-1 0L dual-action station. Addressable Monitor Modulefor one zone of normally open dry contact initiating devices. Mounts in standard 4' (10.16 cm) box. Includes plastic cover plate and 6nd-of-line resistor. Features polling/alarm LEo and decimal address switches. May be configured for either Style B (Class B) or Slyle D (Class A) op€ration. M3O1(A) Miniature version of M300. Exdudss LED and Style D option. Connects with wire piotails. May mount in devi6e backbox. M302(A) Similar to M300, but may monitor up to 20 conventional two-wire d€tectors. Requires external 24 VDC powet. Consunfactory for competu e s moke d etectots. ql04(A) AddressebloControlModuleforoneStyleY/ Z (Class B/A) zone ofsupeNised pola.Ized Notification Applbnces, ormay be configured as a dry contact (Form-C) rolay ratgd at 2 amps. Mounts in standard 4' (10-16 cm) box. Features polling LED and decimal address switches. Notification Appliance Circuit opiion requires external 24 VDC power. Consult fdctory for compatible Notificalion Applia nc€,s. 1300{A) T}is module isolatss the SLC loop from shorf circuit conditions (rcguhed for Sryle 7 opeation). NOTES: l) "A'sufrix should be induded only when ordeh ing ULC lbted units (e.9. SD300A, M3MAL 2) For morc detaiEd lnfonnetion on Comptdbte Add,Esaabte Devlces for use with the MS-9200, please see the foltowtng data sheeF (document numbers): SD3O?/49D1OOT (DF-51 320), CP300 (DF-51311), US-92M Addrct.tbte Nodutcs (DF- 51339), and BG.10U,( (DF-51366). COMPAIIITE AililUilCIATON3 LGD-4O 8.rlc$ 4o-character. backlit LCD-type fire an- nuncistoB capable of displaying Englishlanguage text (re_ quircs one DlM485 per MS-920O pansl to interfacs with uo to 32 LCU"40 annunciatoB). Afil/AFt"X garilrr LED-type fir6 annunciators capablE of providing up to 56 soft\ rare zones of annunciation. Avait- abl€ in increment8 of t6 or 92 with expandable (AFM_X Series) and non-expandable (AFM Series; confBuraiions to m6€t a vari€ty of applications. LDll Scrlc* Lamp DriEr Moduls oeries for u8e with custom graphic annunciatoF. NOTE: For morc dcteilad infometidr on Conryrttblc An-nuncleto/t for usa wlth the Ms420o, pts,ese sr,e the fo!,ow-ing ctete she€''s (deument num|F,rr,: LCI!{/O (DF-51474), AFNIAFThX (DF.S1/q6S), and Lm S.d.s (DF.51384). " rni, riretite/Notirier ro, stastsse PAGE 'TEID.FROERAflflIIIG FEATURES OfFLine Prognfimimr Create entire program in youf ofR6e using a Windourso-based PC computer (order pro- gramming kit PK-9200W seperately). Upload/Download sys- tem p,ogramming locally to the Ms-9200 in less than one minute. auto.prognrnming3 commend the MS-9200 to pro- gram itself (tiakes less than 30 seconds). In the Auto- Program mode, the MS-9200 scans for all possible devrces at all addresses, stores the device types, and addresses found, and then loads default values for all options (General Alarm). lt also checks for two or more devices set to the samE address. O|}Line Edllr While still providing fare protectron. the MS- 9200 may be pmgrammed from the front panel. Simptc menu tr6€s displayod on the LCD allow the trained user to perform all functions without referring back to the program- ming manual. Englirh Label Library: Quickly select labels from a standard library of more than 50 adjectives/nouns, such as 'FLR 3 HALLWAY,' or enler custom labels letter-byletter. Use recall function to r€peat previously used label. ProgEm Chcck: Automatically catch @mmon errors, such as relaF not linked to any zone or point. MAINIETAIICE AfERT The MS-9200 continually monitoF each smoke detector and responds to a roading of 80% of the detectors alarm threshold. lf the detector continuatly reports an 80% thresh- old reading (8/'l0 of what is required to be an alarm condi- tion) for 24 hours, a trouble condition is cfeated. This reduces the risk of false alarms due to dust and dirt bv alsrting a troubls (maintenance) condition rather than initiai- ing a false alarm. AUTOTAIIC TESI OPERATIOII The MS-9200 pertorms an automalic test of each detector every two hours. Failure to meet the test limits causes an AUTO TEST FAIL troubte type. System Reset ct€ars this trouble. IIFPA S'AIIDANDS The MS-9200 complies with the fo orving NFPA 72 Fire Alarm S)6tems requirements :. LOCAL (Automatic, Manuat, Waterflow, and Sprinkler Supervisory).. AUXILIARY (Auiomatb, Manual, and Waterflow) (rEguires RTM€F).. REMOTE STAnON (Automatic, Manual. and Waterflorvt (requircs RTM-BF or UDACT+).. PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manuat, and Waterftow).. CENTRAL STA-nON (Automatic, Manuat, and Waterflow) (requhes UDACT-F). 3PEC|HotflOils Pdmary input pwtst for nS-g2OO tnd NS-.g,ZOOC: 12O YlCl_T]F l!, 2.3 AmpB. primary input porrver for MS-92008: 2Ot24A yAC, SO Hz. Total24 V system po,ver: 3.6 A (expendable to 6.6 A). Standard Notification Circuits: 2 (St yl6 y o( Z). Expansion Notification Circuits: up to 99 Notirication Apptiance Fower: !5'T:y ilT*"l" 6.0A with XRM-24). DF-51276 - P!0. 3 otif o o I t I 1 I t t l t I T t l I I I I I f, 11-O5-99 16: l2:41 . Four-wire detector powsr; 300 mA.' . Non'resetteble regulated power: 300 mA.' . Non-regulated power: 2.5 Atnps maximum.' 'NOTE: Subtteed ffDm total 24 V sys/€m power. . Battery charget range: 7AH - 18AH (80-17f bauery cabinet for 10 Al I ba[eries). . Remote charget (panel charg.r disabled, raqui''/s lv15-9200 citt,uit baard #7'17!1, available June 1, 1998lf, 2512A AH fusa CHG-120F).. Charge float rate: 27.6 v., Charger cunent limited lo 0.8 A.. controf Danel Aldrm, I rouble, tiuDervFory Relay crntact ratings: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC. CABI I{EI SPECIHAAfl OII3 Eltctliie 11/188: Doot: 17.1'1" (43.46 irrl) hilfr r 14.71" (37.36 cm) wido x 0.375' (0.95 cm) daop. Backbor: 16.90' (42.93 cm) high x 14.50" (36.83 cm) wide x 4.50" (1 1.43 cm) deep. Trlm Ring (paftf TR-4-R): 20.02'(50.85 cm) high x 17.62" (44.75 cm) wide. 3Y3TE * CIPACIIY . Total programmable inpuvoutput points: 198 . Addressable Oetectors: 99 - Addressable monitor or oontrol rnodules: 99 . Notitication Appl,ence (Bell) Circuits (NACS) in pa el: T . Programmable software zones: 56 . AFM/LDM/LCD4o Series Annunoiators per System: 32 . UDAGT-F Digital Atarm ftmmunicator Tfansmitter: 1 'NOTE: NAC'' can bc addcd using C3O4 conttot madutcs. coilTRors ArrD mDtorroRs LED I]IDICATORS 1. AC POWER (green).2. FIRE ALARM (€d).3. SUPERVISORY(y€llow).4. ALARM SILENCE (y6[orr).5. SYSTEM TROUBLE (yettow). ilEmBnAilE AW|TCH COXTROLA 1, ACKNOWLEDGE/STEP 2. ALARM SILENCE 3. DR|LL 4. SYSTEM RESET (hmp tosr) 5 - 16. 12+ey pad with fu atphabet 17 -20. 4 cursor ksys ?1. ENTER LCD DISPLAY 40 characters (2 x 20) with tongJife LCD disptay, backtit. GOHFAIIBTI ADDTISSASIE DFUICIs See page 3 of this document. Elar2o2 POIT MODEL DESCR'Pr'ON Plln iU printer/pc tntarface Modute, Cable, DB9F Conn€ctor and Spin mate to 2fuin femate adaptef. OIM-|165 LCD.40 Disptay lntorface Modute. NOTE: Pltvl-2{ end DIM4BS optiorrs drc not evelleble stmuttan&usly, GOTiDAilBtr DEV|CES, Ell./rt5 DOR| UDAGT.F: Dgitat Abrm Communicator Transmitter. LCD.aO serl.'r 40-character, bacltit LCD-type tire an. 1rT,-"to" capable-of disptaying Englishnangujie ren (re_qurrss ons OlM485 p€r MS-9200 panol to intsrface witrup to 32 LCD40 annunciators). Pso€ { ot,t - 0F.612I6 Battery, 12 voft, 60 Al1, (two required; requirss cH&120F). Rsmoto Powsr Supply oxpands NAC outputs by 6 Amps or totEt system porcr by 4 Amps. n#, rit.rite/Notirier ro' st+sesse AFlt/AFill-X Scrl€.: LED-type f ire annunciators capable of providing up to 56 softwaro zones of annunciation. Avail- able in incremenls of 16 or 32 with exDandable (AFM-X series) end non-expandable (AFM Series) configurations to mact a varioty of applrc€rtions. LDn Seriea: Lamp Driv€r Module saries for use with cuslom gfaphic annuncblors. NOTE: For fiotc dctalled intotmatron gn Cornpatlbtc ElA. /t85 Porl Davices fot use wtth the MS-9200, presse see the following d4ta shests (deumenl nunb€ts): UDACT-F (DF- 5129t), LCD40 (DF-s1474), AFHIAFM-X (DF-51465), aad LDH Sorioz (DF-51384). FRODUCT Uilt llttORtA'rrON MQDEL DESCRIPTION MS.9200 AddressableFireAlarmControiFanei. InL:iu.ies LCD display, single printed circuit boarcl, and cabinet. MS-9200C Same as above with ULC listing and OP-1-B d€ad-front panel. MS-9200E Same as MS-9200 with 2201240 VAC. 50 Hz transformer (uL listsd). RTlt-BF Plug-in Relay Transmitter Option Modute. Provides eight Formc relays, plus municipal box and remote station connections. OP-I-B Full-length internal dead-front panet (required for FM applications; lncluded when ordering Ns-gilncl. UDACT+ fligital Alarm Cnmmt,nicatorTrensmittet XRM.24 '20VAC,100VATransfrrrmer. Erpandss)€tem power supply. Expands Notification Appliance power ftom 3.0 amps to 6.0 emps.Plln-24 Printer Interface Module required to connect a 40- or 804olumn printer. DIM-485 LCD40 Display Interface Modute required to conved EIA-232 to EtA4gs for use wirh the LCD-40 Series annunciators. PK-9200W Programming Kil for Windows@-based pC complter (requires pt r-Zl end essochtcd hardware). TR.tl.R Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting.BB-I7F Battery box, required to mount ps-12,t 80 batteries. BB-55F Battery box, requked to house two (2) pS_ 12250 batt€riss and on6 (1) CHG-I ZOF battery cnerget. For banedes geater then 25 AH, @nsult fdctory for housinglmounting dnenge_ men|6. GHG.120F R€mote battory chaEing system. R equired for d'€,tging 25 to 120 AH b$e es (can only be usacl tn @niurr,tion wlth MS-qZOO ctrcuit boad f7t74t availaMe June t, tggg} PS-f 270 Bettery, t2 rrolt, 7.O AH, (fiw Equlwr. PS.12t2O Battary. 12 rott. 12.0 AH. (ttfie requtrecl). PS.t2ttO Battery, i2 rolt, tB.OAH, (tt*o reCuired). PS-12250 B_attsry. 12 volt" 25 AH, (two regujred; requircs cH6120F). PS.l2600 FCP$24F PAGE findor|o b e .egi8t6.d tBdsnart of Mhroeofl Corporation. o o Ir I I il I t T I I I t t I t t I I I ,I rt' orrulite/Notifier ro' ssEsaesa GE{ENAL The Fire.Lite LCO-tlO Series are compact, cost-effoctive, 40 character, backlit LCD Fire Annunciators for use with the Microscan-g2oo Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel. The LCD.40 Seri€s oonsists of tu,o models: the basic LCCI4o and th€ low4ost LCD.4OL. The LCD-40 Se- ries arB capable of dlsphying Engtish-tanguag€ text of sys- tem point statug including: device type, independent point afarm, trouble or supervisory, zone and custom alpha la- bels programmed into the Ms-9200. The LcD40 sertes also proyidqs system status LEDS to display po rer, Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory. Remote cont'ol of critical svs- tem functions, such as Reset, Silence, Ac*nowleOge, aid Drilt, can be accomptished with the modet LcD-40 onty. communications between the Ms-92@ and the LcD4o S€ries ere accomplished over a serial intorface employing the ElA485 communication standard. uo to 32 LcD.40 Series annunciators may be connectBd to th€ ElA.4gs cir- cuit. Annunciators may be powered ftnm the host Ms_9200 or remote power supplies (f€quir€s filtored, regulated power). FEAruRES . English language, 40 character (20 characters x 2 lines) backlit, Liquid Crystat Disptay.. Control Switches for System Acknowtedge, Signal Si_ lenc€, Drill and Reset with enable key are inclJded on the modot LcD-40 onty (sho\ rn).. Both models inclucle system ststus LEDS for power, Alarm, Trouble and Srpervi.Sory.. No programming necessary - LCD mimics the MS_9200 display.. Displays devic€ typ€ identifiec, individual poant alarm, trouble or superuisory, zone and custom eloha lebels.. Time and dete displey field.. Aesthetically pleasing, somi-flush mount iresign.. Serial EIA*485 interfece ficf rcduo€cl instalhtion cost (see reyerse 6idB for wiring diagram).. May be po$,€red by 24 VDC from the host FACP orby remote power supplies (r6quires filtered, regulated power).. up to 32 LCO-40 series annunciators per MS-9200.. Plug-in terminal blocks for ease of installation and s6r_vice.. Can b6 l€motely locat6d up b 3,0m feet f.om host con-trot panel.. Local piezo sounder with alam and tfouble resound.. Semi.fluth-mountr b 23/i6. (minimum) deep, three-gang e-tectricsl box (Fire.Lite p/N 10103 d, "qrr"r"iif,or turhcc-mounb b Firs.Lite SBB€ sudace';;bo;. California State Fire Marshal 7165-0075:158 MEA 16-94-E Vot. lll LCDlO PACE 11-05-Sg 16:12:41 I I I I I I I I T l I I I I I I l I @ s2421 @ cs635 OPENAflOIII The LCD40 Series annunciators provide the MS-9200 Ad_ dressable Fire Alarm control panel with point annuncia_ tion, displayed in English-language text on a 4o-character LCO display. The LCD40 Seri€s annunciatoG also pro_ vide an array of LEDS to indicate system status, while the LCO-40 also includes control swikhes for Gmote control of cdtical system functions. The LCD.40 annunciator series provades th€ MS-g200 with up b 32 rsmotB serially connscted annsnciatoG. All li€ld-wif,ng terminetions on the LCD.4O Sefiss use rernovable. comprassbn-type terminal blocks br ease of wiring and circuit testing. Communications b€h^roen the FACP and tho annunoiators ane accomplished over an ElA4gS serial intertace, grsa y r€ducing wire and installation cost ovsr traditionalsy;tgms. Six wire3 total are rsquired: two for the gh<AS;;;;";;- catbns in (twbted-pai0. two for the E|A4BS communica_ ttons- r€tum (twisted-pair from tast LCD_4o(L) on toop) anc twglr 2.4 VOC regutated power. Dip switches coniot to_car.runctons such as: pi€zo diseble, control switches/key-switch disabl€, hansmiurscsiy€ rpde. il$irA|I/lrtOtl The LCD40 Sefies can bo semi-flush mounted to a z-UlG' (minimum) de€p. thr€€{ang electricat box (Fire.Lite lN. 10193 or squivatent). At;rnatery, en SBB.3 surface oacKoox s available for sudace-mount applications. Ftre-Ltre"alarms ncor?orareo Febnrary 20, 1998 LCD-4O Series B-100 liquid Crysrol Disploy Fire Annunciotors for use with M5-9200 S€ction: Annuncialors nat |nlBnfu !o bo lned to.Fd;i inb''** d';,ft-Jiiff *,itrffiJffitrJf, H**?tnkiFh tl rtq*dpftr. At ;;a;'- r'e w''M ..&r qtE'c|nc lDo{ctliorl! q. *e=g_.iEi;s,ff "ffi d&iiffi ',&Wi ffi lgff;'.glg*X9'A€rms t2 clmorMlo Rod, rlofibn. comrdidrr 06472 lso-9otn Eeh.ding .nd lihtufedrho qrlry S'!bt|| Cr1tfird ro hb alto|ll Sbndard EO!001 u|!. in th! u.6.A. DF.51474 - plge I ot2 o o I I I il I Ir t I t t I I I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I T I l I I I fr I l I 1f-05-99 16: 12:41 nt' rit"l1te/Noti.fier ro, s;gqsEese ORDER|ilO INFORMANOil LCD.40 40 character, backlit, English language, LCD Fir€ Annunciator with control switches for remote contrcl of crnical system functions, and key-switch lock. LCD-1oL Low-cost version of abovs without control switches end key-switch lock. otM.485 Disptay IntBrface Module (necessary t0 convert EIA-232 ouFut of MS-9m0 to ElA485 lterminal mode] for us€ with LCD40 Series). ROM1 -MS9200 PROM kit upgrade includes ROM 73750 or greater (necessary to update MS-9200s with software releases prior to 73750 for use with LCo-40 Seri€s). 10103 Three{ang electrical box, 23/16" (minimum) deep, for semi-flush-mount applicErtions. SB8€ Three€ang surface backbox ior surface-nrount applications. PAGE II Tcnrlnr, t 0(b It'6,.*2fi 3,00 bt I, cra or EIA{!516p 3,(D br bt* lom end or EnFa8s tocD Alofes.'1) ElA485: Maximum of 6,000 feet tdalcable length liom FACP to LCD.4O Series arnunciatorc and back to FACP- Circuit is Do,var-limited.2) Uq to 32 LCD'40 Series annunciatorc may be used on th6 EIA-485 circuh. The MS-9200 can po!\,€r a maximum of fiv€LCO-40 Series annunciators. lf additional LCD-40 Series annunciators are connectsd, th€ Fi;.Lite fCeS-Zlf nray ue usad to supply additional porver. (Power supplias usod for this purposs must have thoh negative t€rminals commoned tog€ther).3) Between eech Lc0-40 S€ri6s ennunciator is four wirBs: a twisbd-shioldsd pair for dars communications snd a oaitot 24 VDC powef. The tslurn circuit only tbquirss lr4o wires to! data communication supewision, $reJ from tfre rr"t [COJotul annunciatot on th6 looo. 4) 5' 6) Each model LCD40 (only) may hava AcKrsrEe stcNAL stLENcE, DRTLL and sysrEM RESET switchos. Oispleys all 198 addressabl€ poinrs of MS-9200. No progranmirg roquirsd fior LCD-40 Safles annunciator. LGD.{O tERtul{tt ilODE WtRtI{O moul|ililo to BACrGoxlEst CAUTIONI Th6 LCD.+o Series annunciators can O,VLY be semLf,uah-'r'/,ounfed in a three-gang efectricaf box with a minimum depth ot Z-3h6. (Fire.Lite P/N 10103 or €quivatent). Th€ LCD-40 S€ri€E annunciatoG CANNOT De mounted in thrse gangable electrical switch boxes conned€d together. ,YOTEj Albmatety, the LCD4O Sorio8 annunciatorB can be mounted b the SBB{ surface backbox fot suf/'/cGmo/,tnt applications. Mo;ltttlry lldas(1) 5-13/18' wt& x 1. Ittgh x 2-3tt O, (nilt lrrum) &E thrae-geng dec? @t tEr( (FIrc+tE pN t}l Os or qt//tf,luta). lol 03 sho',n at dEhL P6gc 2 ol2 - OF.Si4?4 LCD.4Oflangq I T rnt, pir"]itelNotirier ro' gt+e+ese GEtrllRAl The SD300 and SD300T Addressable Photoelestric De- tectors are used exclusively with the Fire.Lite MS-9200 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel. Since these de- tectors are addressabl€, they will help €rnergency person- nel quickly locate a fire during its early stages, potontially saving preoious rescue time while also reducing property damage. The SO300T offers th€ same features as the SD3O0 while adding a 135'F internal thermal element- FEATURES . Unique optical sensing chamber. . Optional integral 135'F (58'C) fixed-temp€raturB th6r- mal detestor (sD300T). . Superbr signal-to-noise ratio. . Stable photoelectric operation. . I .5% nominal sensitiviv for panel alarm threshold level. - Fully coat€d circuit boards and superior RF/trensient protection. . Addressable by d€vice. . Oirect DECADE 01-99 entry of address.. 2-Wire loop connection.. Visib{e LED "blinks" everytimEthe unit is addr€ssed, and if fuminates gtesdy on alam. . Integral commun ications and built-in device type identifi- cation.. Compact, stylish design.. Builtin functional test switch featur€s push-in pin type ectivation. . Low standby current.. Listed to uL 268.. Built in tamoeHesistant feature.. Designed for d irect surface or electrical box mounting.. Sealed against back pnessure. . R€rnoyable terminel block . Easy wiring via removable 6-pin lerminal blockaltor rs tie det€ctot to be removed from system without logs of power to rsmaining loop.. Mounts to: single{ang box, 3.5, or 4. octagonal box, or 4' sgua|€ €l€ctrical box (using a phster ring).. Utilizes seperate mounting bracket for eese of installa_ tion and rnaintenance.. 94-V0 ptastic flammability rating.. Rernovable cover and insect screen for fisld cleaning.. R€mote LED output conn€ction. I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 11-05-Sg 16:46:39 PAGE California state Ftre Marshal 7272-gO7 5:157 (SD300 only)@ S1oS9 M1359 (sD3004 MEA dosoornl 3-94-E (SD3o0) 325-94-E (SD300T)0Y 1A1 .AY (SD3O0) oY6A3.AY (SD3oo, SD300r) IPP|JAtilOl{g Photoelectric detestorc are often fester than ionrzation de- tectors in B€nsing smok€ from slow smoldoring fir6s. lon_ ization detectoF are often betler than photoetectric detec- torB at B€nsing fast, flaming fir€s. COT|sTRUCflOil These detoctors are constructed of LEXAN@ in an off_ white color, The SD30O Series of dirsct-wire smoke detectors is de- signed to commercial standards and offers an attrsctive appeatance. LEXANO_b a r€gbbrod tradomark of GE plastics, a subBidiary of Gmaral Ebctdc Cornpany. February 7, 1997 E-100 Ftre.LtTe"aLarrns rncorForareD sD300(A)/sD3OOr(A) Addresssble Photoelecf ric Deteclors Seclbn: Addr€ssabla D€vioos P_,l-bfs !F !|sd qllErclirkn purpces. weEj;Ge-rrr-pro4cttnblrn€non upro{.t€ rta urare. w" d;;;;;di;"#ffi"drtidej9j\:'lT1aL A.lp.dicriiqrt! to;a ro a,ard *ilu;'n#. r-nuq intqrtadqt. cffinq Ftn ur., prue: (20a1 leizt ai Fex,-tzcii'oi.iiii ffiffi'Ilarnt 12 clhbririte Ro.d, Na.thto.d, cdnadhd 6472 tso.gtt01 Eiginirittr $d M'|de. rilo . Qrhy SyBfin Cstifrd lo - hbffilidtd Sbndrd 6OCl0t It-H:= uadc il inc u.S.A. P.g.l of2 - 0F-51020 o I 1r-05-99 16:46:39 r#, rirerite/Notifier ro, s?Qaglese ,l I I msTAr.|liloil I The SD300 Series direct-wire detectors use a separate I mounting bracket to simplify installation, seNice and main- tenancg. t Mountthe base on a box which is at least 1.5 inches (3.81 f cm) deep. Suitable boxes include: . 4" (10.16 cm) square box with plaster ring. - ' 4'(10.16 cm) oc,tagonal box. f . 3.5'f8.89 cm) octagonal box. - single-gang box. NOTE: Becaus of h€ inharcnt sttr,eMgon prcvided by the SLC f bop, etld,{,l-lina r€sislors dre not rcquircd- Wititrg Tleps" ol I brcnchas ere permiaad lot style 4 (Ctass 'B') widng. ODENATIOlI I Each SO30O/SO300T uses one of 99 possible addresses I on the SLC loop. lt responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and status. lt blinks its LEO when polled. and tums th€ LED on wh€n commanded I by the panet. t The detector uses the lbht scettering principle. lt repre- sents the latest in smoke s€nsing tEchnology. I comorr sDECrFtGArolts I Voltage range: 15 - 28 VDC (p€ak). Standby currtnt 150 pA @ 24 VOC. I LED cunsns 7 rnA @ 24 VDC (tatched .ON'). I Air velocity: 3000 ft./min. (15 m/sec.) maximum. Oiameter: 5.0 inches (12.7 cm). I Height: 3.0 inches (7.6 cm). I Tomperatur.: 0" - 4g'C (32 - IZO.FI,. Rolative humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing. t sDSOOr sPGCtHCAftOilS I Includes 135'F (58.C) fixed-temperature thermal etem€na. PRODUCT t mE tillonilATtolrl I fttor,l,t Dascnpdon - SD300 Addressabl€ photDolectric Sensor with mounF ing bracket and r€movable terminal block. I SO300A Same as abov€ with ULC tisting. I SO300T Addressabte photo€lsciric Sonsor with buitt-in 13S.F (SB.C) fix€d_temperature theflrurt ete- ment. I SD300TA Sarne as above with ULC tisting. - RAIooZ Remote LED. Mounb to a singlo{ang Dor. I r I t- ,l oF.s13m - plgr 2 o,2 I PAGE 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I I t I I I 3 I I I I I I I I <D *] ili,:,{}@ @@ffi'H;l* .*\Mffi,*,,\- ovees-eiicsoi) r*lffl*,r0.!i#onr,-',i1fJJ o;#l?l;llilif,*, 326.v.e's*) C3Of coilrRor ffioDUlE l3OO FAUrr rsorrroR moDUtE 11-O5-99 16:46:39 FROM : Flrelite/Notifier o TO: 9709494638 PAGE The Flre.Llte C30tl Control Module is used with the MS-9200 to provide a Style D (Class A) or Style B (Class B) Notification Appliance (Signal) Circuit (NAC). Al- ternately, the C304 may be converted to an ad- dressable Form-C relay by removing a break off tab. The C304 may be programmed,to operat€ dry contacls for door hold- ers, Air Handling Unit shutdown. etc. Fcnlurcr . Int€rnal circuitry and rehy powered directly by two-wirE SLC loop. NAG con- figuration |eguir€s socond loop for notification appliance po\der. . lntegral LED blinks each time it communi,cates with the MS-9200 and latches ON In alarm.. Mounts in standard 4-inch square (2-118" deep)junction 00x., Direct{ial entry of DECADE address (01-99}. tpcclllcctlonr . Operatlng yoltrge: 15-28 VDC (P€ak).. Maxlmum cu nent f n afann: rcfer to ttF- MS-gZctr Tech- nicd Manual., Strndby current 400 UA maximum.. contact 6flng: 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resisti\re) 0.6 amp @ 30 VDC (inducttue, 0.3S pFl 0.3 amps @ 110 VAC (0.3S pF) 0.6 amps @ 30 VDC (inducti\re, 0.38 pF). Temperrarre fiang.: 32.F to t ZO.f 1O.C to nS;C;.. Relatlw humldlty: 10n/o to 93%.. Y\felght 150 grams (5 oz.). Ordcrlng Inlcrmdlon C304 Mdr€ssable Contml Module. C30/tA Addlg$able Control Module, ULC tbted. 3lfB500 Optional surface-mou nt backbox. The Fl|rl.Llte 1300 Fault lsolator Module is used with the MS-9200 to pmtect lhe system against wire-to-wire short cir(IJh! on the SLC loop. The 1300 s ho uld be Dlaced between each device on the SLC loop, to isolate a short4ircuit problem between the modules. lt is regui|ed for true Style 7 operation so that other dovicss can continue to oDerate normally In the €vsnt of a short-circuit on the sLc. Fenlurcc ' Porvered by SLC loop direc,tly, no extemal power required.. Mounts in standard 4-inch square (2- l /8" deep) junclion boxes. . Integral LED blinks ro indicate normal condition. lllumi- nates steady when short circuit condition is detected.. High noiso (EMF/RFD immunity. Spcclllccllonr . Operaflng vottage: 1$28 VDC (peak).. Uaxlnum Gunent upon astlvatlon duo to shon clr- cult: fefer lo the MS-9200 Technicat Manual.. Standby current 450 pA maximum; l3O0 is not isolat- ing - felay closed.. Temp.reture range: 32.F to i 2O.F (0.C to 49.C).. Relrtlve humldlty: 107o to 930/0.. Welght: 150 grams (5 oz.). Ordcrlng Inlorrnctlcn 1300 lsohtor filbdute. l30llA lsohtor tllodule, ULC listsd. SMB500 Optionalsurfece-mountbackbo(. li ,.r iC. .\- {----' - -; o oo AD.il t6. 1998 M5-9200 Addressable lt/lodules E-300 Ftre.LtTe%Larms rrool?onareD S6c{ioni Addrsssable Devic€s ool lss ;:i;:F.- | .6 uL-l-E-,' | .sFren o ,@@ ssl loo rhb do.umot b ncr hnna"a to h u*c@ prodr,rct illtrnrion up.$drt. d rccurrt.. wc omot 6vj. * +cJnc i,pploil'J" o,rnicf.rt! .I bqurrnsir. At !p.cnc.{mr ar. -q*i !o "nr,il;i;;ffi:'t,mo:lfcndct. .otrtlcr Rrrrr.. phon.: (203t r&iriir- re[tirii)-iiiiiii ' EnBJ[tEherms i2 ctironvfle Rad, Nnnrqd, conncaiu oet72 rso€001 wFI Eoltmuhg .nd Mdndaduim WE= _ Qur[ty SyamCrnifi.o ro ::- '|x!mbmt$m6rd rsogtol lrrd. h th. u.S A DF.51339 - P.oc 1ofz I I I t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I =sr- 4zet4nssenrel . Seff.Diagnostic I Photoelectric Smoke a Detectors I Installation Instructions - Part Number 12537 I gtl Cafifomia state Firc Marshat Approved rFrro MEA (New York City) Approvecl I GENEBAL DEScBtPTtOfl - The ESL 4291449 Series low-profile, s€tf-diagnoslic, two- and four- _ wire smoke delectors work on th€ light scattering principl€. A pulsed I infrared light-emitting diode serves as lh€ light source, and a high- ! speed pholo-diode as the sensing element. Thisdesign has superior protection againsl false alarms caused by dust, insects, RF and ,- ambient-light. l rn" orw nonG"ri"" rrnoL" detectors "ie-es]?iifiliiira-ror-resid€ntial occupancies, including hotels, motelsand dormitories, as I well asothercommercialandinduskiallire-syst€mapplications. Th€ f 429 and 449 Series are designedtar 2-wke and 4-wire connection, - respectively, to 6-24 V DC tire alarm control pan€ls, UL Listed lor ^ commercial or household fire protection.I I larsl datocior COMPATIBLE L|aTEO CONTNOL UNIT' /tt \ .//modrb aZfAI a2OC.,l29cf. \ / {29CST,.29C5ST \/wrn\ | /--l'.-.-\ \ m-e9 \IV hre /ahrm J + o- 'lllillffl- - 1 429 Serles Wirlng Dlagrarn Diagram 2 last ool€clor Twewlro Compatlblllty The ESL 429 Seri€s lwo-wir€, smok€ d6t6ctor8 offer lhs widast rango of two-wire compatibllity in the industry. Beler to ESL'E Compatibility Index lor compatiblo control panel llslings. '--.8-l '--.EJ END OF LINE DEVICE E$i'# .,or us€d po,Ye' 449 S.rler Wlrang Dlrgrrm Diagram 3 moddr aat^T, a4tc..rgcl 449cST, aa9CSSr rrc&lt '||ocnT, '|.0CSRT auilhry darm contrcls contacts Por€r ---:i\-..::--r -i:---ru-,\---- bcat ntod.l aagcsBll 'non.|atcfiing tp8t sen of "H,f#r conidcb po,y€r I I I I t I I I t I t I I I I I I I I Dtl smoke detsctors shatt be tested at,""r, "1,,, in accordance with NFPA 72. The prelened method for functional testing ie with lFmokel in a cano, available from ESL Follow the instructions on the ]an carefullyto ensure propertesting. Otherbrands of canned smoke -re not recommended due to potential for contamination.Olher acceptable testjng melhods are; a smoldering punk stick or a cotton lvick. I Tho delector samples for smoke about overy 9 seconds, while Jlashing its LED. lf smoke is dotected, th€ sampling increases to lvery 4.5 s€conds. Excessive smoks musl be d€t€cted in thr€e Ionsecutive samples tof the alarm to activale. Theretors, lvhen testing the detector with smoldering punl(s or cotton wicks, hold the Imoke source near the smok€ entry and gently direct Smoke into the letector for 20 seconds or until alarm i6 indicated. BE SURE TO ?ROPERLY EXTINGUISH THE SMOKE SOTJRCE AFTER TESTINGI ftris is a go/no-go test and is not a reliable indication ot detec.tor ]nsitivity. lf it is successful, the LED will remain lit. To roset the detector, operate the system reset switch io remov€ power from the lplectors. Control unit alarm and all auxiliary tunctions should b€ ]rified for a complete test of each detector. r'l*--.'-'.- Models with h€atsensors sample forh€at every 3 seconds. T€st heat lsnsors by using a hot air gun. Aim at heat s€nsor from 6-10" away. 1"1""1T;*:S so into alarm in less than 30 seconds. B€ caretul not JlrnrrnlnGE, GLEANTNG and |IENSITIVITY TESTING This sed€s of self-diagnostic amoke detactors is designed for 6asy lld service and maintenan@. lf a dotector drifts beyond its ap- foved sensitivity rango lor more ihan 24 hou.s, or fails intemal Eragnostictesls, the unit automatically indical€s trouble by llashing its LED every ,""onO. }eets NFPA 72 field ssnsitivity resting requirom€nts wtthout th6 need for extgmal meters. In accordanco with NFPA 72, smoke d€tector s€nsitivity should b€ chscked within one year after installation and every altemat€ year thereatter, in commercial installalions, or every three years in residential sites. The sensing chamber of th€ 400 s€rios photoel€ctric detector un- snaps lor easy field cleaning and sarvice. Whenev€r the status LED indicates cleaning is necessary, open the detectorcover, unsnap and throw away opticalblock chamber. Then blow otf tho optical bas€ and snap a new optical block chaDbgr (part #21 1) b8ck in place. NOTE: 86 sure new ootical block chamber is seated all the wav down. Clos€ d6t6ctor cover and verify sensitivity with ths sensitivity level test (below). Son.ltlvity Louel Tost lfode Each delector includes a ssnsitivity test mode that is activated by holding a magnel near the integral reed swilch for more than on€ second (see Diagram 7). This initiatesthe self-diagnostic routine and provides visual indication if selice is required. The alarm LED provides the indication listed In Diagram L Aftsr th€ sequence ot blinks, it the ssnsilivity is lound lo be wilhin limits and if all other tests pass, the dolector will go into alarm until reset by the panel. lt the sensitivity is not within limits, or an unseMceable hardware fault has been dglected. the alarm LED will continue to flash once per second until th€ dstector is reset by the panel. It s, .nsitivity test indicaies an unacceptabls level, take action recomm )nded above. lf action does not result in acceptable sensitivity, repli ce unit. Approvab The smoke dstector is for use in commercial fire protectivo signaling syslems and in household lir€ warning systems. (NFPA 72). 429/t149 Serlee Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; Califomia Stato Fire Mar. shal approvod (Lieling #7272-O447- 128); MEA approvod [New York Cityl (Listing #MEA 64-94-E, Faclory Mutual approved. 42&t148 Sertee To activale ssnsitivity l6v6l test mods, hold magnot on hinge sid6 ot detoclor lor mor€ than 1 E6cond. Usted by Undenvriters' Laboratories of Canada (Listing # CSzOS). I I I I I I I I T I t I T t I t t t I I I Oprronar Fcarules a Tho 449 Series includes a wide range of opli6ns, as shown in the Product Selection Guide (Diagram 8) on back page. These options include a built in sounder, an auxiliary r6lay, an integral heat detector, and an isolated heat delector, lo meet almost any application. Smoke Detoctor Placemont and Spacing In general ceiling mounted smoke deteclors should be located near lhe cent€r of the rofr hall whenever possible, or more than 4 inches (100 mm) fromEny wall. When lhe detector is wall mounted, the top ol the detectorshould be 4 to 12 inch€s (100-300 mm) lrom the Diagram 4 I I 4 tn. I rl I I t2 n. (3d) mm) ac.aprebb nctg / nev6r h€rs lop ol dolaclor accaplat € hare Nole: Moasurements shown are to the closesl edge of the datector. ceiling (see Diagram 4). Reler to NFPA 72 lor further mounting instructions. When more than one deteclor is required, spacing of 30 feet (9.1 meters) may be used as a guide on smooth ceilings (as defined in NFPA 72). Other spacing may be used depending on ceiling height, high air movement, and other conditions or rssponse requiremenls. Whore NOT To Place Detectors One of the maior causes of nuisanc€ alarms is improper placement of detectors. Avoid locating detectors too close to kitchens or wood sloves, where smoke can be generated. Garages and furnace rooms are also poor locations, due to exhaust lumes. Placing detectors too clos€ lo bathrooms can cause problems lrom steamy baths or showers. Also do not installdetectors where normal ambient t€moera- ture can be over 100'F (37.8'C), such as attics. Reler to NFPA 72 for more information. Supervlsion of System Wiring Power wiring in lour-wire systems is required by NFPA 72 lo be supervised. This is accomplished by installing a power supervision relay at the end of the d€teclor power circuil. The contacls of the _supewision relay are wired in series with the system's alarm initiating crrcurt, and are ctoseo when'energlzecl (seo Dlagram g). A break In- - lhe detector power circuil or a loss of power de-en€rgizes the power supervision relay, opening lhe contacts and causing a troubl€ annun- ciation at the tire alarm control unit. ESL Models 204-EV and 204-12124 V are retays UL Listed for 4-wire pow€r sup€rvision. Models 449CTE, 449CSTE, and 449CSSTE afe smok6 delectors |\,ith a built-in end-oFline power sup€rvision .slay, and can be used lo superuise a circuit in placg of a power supervision r€lay. The 449CTE, 44 gCSTE, and 449CSSTE will also automatically send a trouble signal to the control panel whenever ihe dotector ne€ds malntenance. Procoed with sensitivity t€sting on all d€lectors as outlin€d on nexl page. Tertlng the Inrtallatlon Allerallconnections arecomplete and th€ wiring is checksd tor €rrors, apply power to th€ system. There should be no alarm. It an alarm ls report€d, delermine if a detector is latch€d in alarm or it there is a probl€m with the wiring. - Self.Diagnosllcr tncludes Automatlc I Sen.ltlvlty Tsrting r Each detsctor in the 4291449 Seri€s continually monitors its own sensilivity and operational stalus. Once a day it performs a lull I diagnostic test that includes dynamically testing the s6nsing chamber I and intemal electronics. lf a detector drifts out of its UL Listed s€nsilivity range or fails internal diagnostics, th€ alarm LED will flash -. once every second to indicats lrouble. This meets NFPA 72 field f sensitivity testing requirements without th€ need tor eliternal meters.: NOTE: Connect to a power supply that will not automatically reset. Since th€ self-diagnostics only indicate trouble after 27 hours, if the I power supplv automatically resets €very 24 hours the self-diagnostic I indicalion will never be signaled. (The smoke detector will stitl signal alarm correctlv.) Itrsuuurrox r The 4291449 Seri€s detectors mount lo standard single-gang electri- cal boxes, four-inch octagonal orfour-inch square elect cal boxes, or I on WIREMOLD No, 5739 fixture boxes. I - Firsl, pull wire through the electrical box and connecl to the plug-in _ terminal block supplied, one wire perterminal (see Diagrams 1 , 2 a,td I S;. SeconC, dress'wiring neatly and snap the terminaitlock into rhe lback of the detector. Nole: The detector cover musl be closed completely. to support the circuit board. while installing the terminal -block. Now, open the cover and mount the detector, using the f mountinO holes provided (see Diagram 5). All ESL smoke detectors are shipped with a plastic dust coverfor use lin areas wh€re construction is on-going. Smoke deteclors will not Iyivork..with the dust.cover in place. Bemove the dust cover when installalion is completecl, prior to testing. Fof lnstructions on removal ol termlnal btock and clrcuit board call technlcal 8e rv lce s at 8(N)-O 48-7424. slnglo gUrg a' oc{8gon rpunting : Positive air pressure from wire openings, conduit, mounling boxes, mounting surfacos, or plenums causing air movomant through away from the dstector may prevont proper operation. Seal all causing unwanled air flow using UL Listed expanding loam or I I l I I I I Product Selectlon Gulde olagtem 9 i/bder Designaror Sedo6 DssiqnEtor ./ -\/x 449CSRT Wi.o Typo Power D€g|goaloa Fealures Wlre Typo Number Ilescdptlon 2 Two-wire only 4 Four-wire only Power Deslgnatlon D,esignator Ponver 6t12VDC 12/24VOC Dcdgrutor Faatuir Mp0,on E End-oflino PoB.. Supgrvi8ory qnd Sonoilivity Status Relay Bsiltin sndd-lino rglay that also acts as 8 sonsiwity stalus ouFut. For tour wiro only. Fail-safo ,9lay lriF uporl loss of power or if snoke detdtor is outsido the app,ovod sonsitivrty range lot .noao thm on€ day. EM-ol.lln. rE8klor ls sasily conncctgd to lormtnst with no oxtra tviring, or rglay contaclg can bo c0.rne6lod to a ssparate troul,te toop. H lsolated Fired Tomp. and Rato of Ris6 H€61 Dsteclor l6olstod lixod 135'F (57oC) rnd .81,6 ot riso hoat dotscto., ird€p€.td€n y lnps the LEO a.d alann rglay outsul. Snd(8 dolsclor activales nlornal soonder (local alarm) snd auxilary 6lay, but do€s nol latch. Approv6d as both 5,ngla sLslion srmke alam I'ld syslem heal dotoclor. ldeal tor hol€|, motel end dormilory roons wh6a€ smoking is sllor! ?d. R Auxiliary Rolay U66d to activslg oti€r dgvicos such rs el€vator r€call. door holders. stc. UL Usted lor tEloa6ino 80tvic6. I Buiiln Sounder 6lidb buin-in Egund€r slsrmg when smok€ rs delectsd or wh6n pow€r wlring polafity is r€ygr8€d. ss Builtin Solndor wilh S€nsllivity Stalus Orlput 85db built-in goondg. slarms wl on srnoks i:j detoctsd or whgn pow€r wlring polarity is fovg|sed. Also, chirps when unil goes oulside tho approvod sensitivity range lor mors lhan ong day. R6s€tling dataclor wlll silenc€ clrirp tor oo0 day, until unil as reslored to propor sonsitivity. T l gg.eted Fix€d Tsmp, and Rat€ of Ris€ Host Dat€clor Intsgratsd tlxod 135'F (57"c) lemporalurE and .at6 of rise hgal dolsctor otlors doublg protoction. Ehh6. hoat dot€clo. or srnol(€ det€clor can irip End lalch LEO Bnd slarm relay outprJts.I ' 429 modols d|aw up to a maximum ol60mA alarm cu.Ient il not limiled by panel. IOOEI +thE +lfl vott. M vott. M lt.x. dPPII {* roA, (vp - p) IYP. Avl. sTAV. Ct F. cxv) tr^) crrR {ran dn.coaTActa () OTIIEF @aar ct! 05 0 to a&65 3 t(,1(?o 429Cr a5 3 D ,|2gqBl 05 2 a29CSt, |2I|CSST 3 D 10 +a€!0 tt)t5 05 a,l0CT 65 3 D l5 05 .l,a0CBT 3'D 3r 05 2 7 70 t5 05 :arrgcST a5 3 1{rx 70 r(l 05 ,l40C9tF a5 3 !oa 6l 10 05 2 4,(ecSFtl a5 3t io 5l to t5 2 449CSST 65 3 D 4 0_5 ,LsCSIE, a4gCSgIE 51 30 .!llCIE 23 mA 3 a 05 2 POWEN SUP€NU$OI{ Ut|r'I| 204{v 5!t5 gt nrA a 6!rDC o5 *12nav 12VDC. 2t nU O 2avDc Droduct Data Densilivity - minimum 3.1 + 0.50clJFt. - maximum 3.1 - 1.07JFt. -rOperating temp .... 32'F to 120"F (0'C to 50"C) Pperaling humidity range ..............0 to 95% RH Gounder specifications .............. 85 dB at 10 Ft. Co|or.............................. white cov6r/white base I Field wiring size...................... 14-24 AWG Heat detector specifications ... tixed temperaturs - 135'F, 50 ft. spacing rate ol ris€ - 1S"F/min. & > 105oF (8.3'C/min. & > 40.6"C) Auxifiary r€lay contacts ..........2A @ 28 V DC or 120 V AC (resistive) Alarm contacls .......................500 mA @ 36 V DC (resistive) Detoctor size ..6.1 in.(15.5cm) x D 1.85 in. (4.69 cm) xB.Boz. (0.2Skg)W Packaging ... 10 detectors are packed in a carton Seft-diagnostic indication .......Iypicfllly 27 hours after r€set (do nol connecl lo pow€r supply that resets every 24 hours) I I ESL T CORPORATE HEADOUARTERS 12345 SW Ls\r€tm Dr Tualatn. OF 97062 Tel.: 50i1.692.4052 Far. 503.69I.7566 U.S.& Canada: 8{X1.547.2556 Tochnlcal Servlco: 800.648.7t24 FaxBack: 1.800.4TECH95 Sontrol .os6rva6 tho rhht to change 8pocili:ations wlthoul m{ce O|SS Sdrrd. fn e.t927{8€5 A PRODUCT OF SENTROt. INC I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 11-05-99 16:46:39 f,lonltcr flodulc The Fire.Lite M300 Monitor Modulo i8 usad wifr the MS-9?00 lo moniior a singlo lniliaiing Dsvica CirqJit (lDC) of nonnally- opan contac't doviccs. lt can be used b monitor a zme of four-rvitE 8mok6 d6t6c- tors, manual fir€ alarm pull slalion6, walernow devicss, or olher nonnally opBn dry-contac't alarm aclivalion dsvices. The monilorEd circJit rnay be wirod as an NFPA Styl6 B (ClaEs B) or sys D (Class D) Ini- tisting Dsvico Circuit. Fcclulcr Tarminals wih SEMS scrsyvs and damo- ino platos for €a83 of wiring. Slill-in mag€lic dam lasl switch. Mounts in standard 4' square (2-118" d€6p) junclion boxss. Ordcrlng Inlormcllcn m30l M300 l,l300A M02{4{0 sM8500 Contact dovice monitor modul6. Contact d6vlc6 monitor modul6, LJLC list€d. Alarm Tsst Magnst. Optional surfacs-mount bad6ox.surfac€-mount Faca plata for M1t00, $3m, c:t(n, tnd BN Epcclflccflonr 11300 l,nd 1t302 ,t' .rtrrite/Notirier ro' et+gEsse I S-92OO frlonitor llodulee Gornrnon fcclurcr . Buitt-in type identification automathally identifies device as a monitor module to th€ control panel. ' High noise (EMliRFl) lmmunity m300 lllnl.f,lonllcr todulc Though the Fim.Lita Mflll cdr b6 usod lo monilor an enlils Oass I iniliating cir- cdt il is i&ally suitod for monibdng singlg N/O contacl dovlcas. Th6 i/Bol is small gnough to fit insldo a Ging[o-gang lunction box bsiind fio dovica b€lng monilor€d. lt6 sma! sizs and light $,eidt allow lt t! bg inEtallod wllhout bs ns€d to be rigidly mounled. lt dl be taed to rnnltor a single dovlce or a aone of four-wlr€ smoko do- tectora, manud fir€ alam pull6latons, wa- lotllow dovlcos (por local au|h odty) or oher nomalfy{pen, dry-contsdd3vic8s. ltmay also bo usod to morltor nomrally{psn su- pervisory devicos with epodal $D€Msory indication at th€ conbol oansl. Tha moni- torod circuiudsvica is wiEd aE an NFPA Sty6 B (Class B) Inilialing Dgvics Cirglit. Fqrfurcs . Compac,t size; only 2.75" F0 mml hbh x 1.30" lilil mml wide x 0.50" n2.7 mm] dssp.. 'Iirn€d, 6tripp6d l6ads for wiring eas€.. Class B (Style B) IDC orry.. Capable ot rnountlng b€hird monitor€d devics in dnds{'|g box. Ordcrlng Inlornrcflon M30l Conlact device mini-monitor modulo. M30lA Contact d6vic6 mini.monitor module, ULC lstad. Io ItS.0200 !dtbrcrrblo Laop LED flashes during normal operation and latches on in alarm. NOTE: M301 Mini-Monitor Module does not in- clude lED. Two rotary switches for directdial entry of DECADE ad- drgss f01-99). m302 luro.wf rc Gonvenf ional tmokc Dclccfor tonllor todulc Th6 Fir..Lit. Mt02 Monitor Modul. is nsod with hs M$9200 to moniior a singlg Initatng D€rrico CiroJt (lDC) of compat- ible two-wire smoke d€loctors. The monr- b(!d drErit may ba wir€d es an NFPA SVe B (Class B) or SV€ D (Class A) Inltiating Dovics Ciruril. Fcclurcr . Supports compatiblo trvGwirs smoks 06- tgclors.. Supcrvises IDC wiring and connsction ol sxtsrnal poyyor soutco.. Builtin magnetic alarm l€st sryitch.. MounlE in standard 4" square (2-118" do€p) iunclion boxos. Ordcrlng lnfcrmdlon M302 Two-wirs dot€ctor monitor module. tll302A Two-wir€ dat€ctor monitor rnoduls, ULC listad. M02{+00 Aarm Test Magn€t PAGE ool lo$ i=:!- | cre t tDblrr*rb-Ul....r& I FD{IFI.& u30 0 [301 u30 2 Op.|ttni wlbgr:15 - 28V0C fporld 15.28VDC (ps.d 15 - 26VDC (pasry Ld|t|0n csmd In dm|!:ao Unindc m lechnid Mn@l 6a Urinoda fro Lchri l Mamnt 90 mA th.r&y cur nt 4m !A Drrm.rm M tA ,a,ariaflrn 300 !A t"or (Stro O, t.3 aA,T.|tp.||fu|t nnea:3rF b .t20.F (0.c b ag!c)gF b 12trF (eC bag!c)32.F b 120.F (0t to 4gC)R.mv. tuni.lty:1096 to 93%10j6 b 93%r0% b 93%lY.lCft 150 lm|E (5 oz.)150 c[f,nc (5 oz)150 lrrm (5 oz)Ed- |r.hor vrfu.:47 K oam 4? K ot]n 3.9 X otnl DC loop bn{tb:2fi0ilri Q 32knl notiwm 2,500 |!st O.02 lan) nuimunl 2fiO t,el (l t?Wnl. naxhnum I Dc roop rt||3trnga: PrEc2of2 - OF-513 ,O olfr! mrdrDrrrt 20 otms Drriraul 25 olrr. meimun 11-05-9S 16:46:39 I t I t I t I I I I I I I I l I I I 1 "^il rrr.Iite/Notirier ro, sz?as+ese OC]TERAL Thc BG-1oLX is an addrcssablc manual pull station with a k€y-lock roset f6eture. lt provides the MS-9200 with ono ad.lressa hlc alerm initiating innrt }EATURES - Within ADA 5 lb. Dull force when used without break-tube (models manufactufed after 10-1-96, identified by an € under station spting). . Highly visible. . Easily operated (dual-action). - Attractive shape and toxtured finish. . Semi-flush, mounts to a standard single-gang (2.125' minimum depth), double{ang, or4'square electrical box. . Operates with or without a crush tub6.. Handle latches in the down position to ctearty indicate the station has boen ooerated. . Key reset. . Screwterminals for easy connection to SLC Loop Channel.. Optional trim ring. col{grRucflotl . Shell, door, and handle ere molded of durable LEXAN@ (ot polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish.. 16 gauge steel back plate. ODENAflON Pulling the handle down causes it to latch in th€ down oosi- tion. The handlc is restored manually by usrng a mechani- cal key which allows the top of the case to pivot forward and the spring-loaded handle to return to its normal position. The case can then be pivoted back to its normal oosition and secured with the key. Each manual station, on command from tho control panel, sends data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. A pair of rotary dscimal switches ellou/s two_digit address setting. PRODUCT I.IilE TTFONMATTOII Model Descfiption BG-TR Optionat trim ring. Si/2" High, $,i/8. Wide. 5/32" Deeo. SB-10 Surtace backbox. LE(ANO is a registsred trademark of cE phslics, a 3ub6idiary of G€neral Eloctric Company. PAGE January 20, '1997 E400 Ftre.LrTe'?Larms ncorPorareD BG-lOD( Addressoble Monusl Pull Storion Sedion: AddGssable Dsvices ADA rilSTAr|tilOll The BG-IOLX wit| mount semi-flush into a single-gang, double-gang, or standard 4. squarB €leclrical oufl€t box. or will surface mount into the Model SB-l O surface backbox. lf the BG-loLX is being semi-flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR is usualty needed for semi-flush mount with 4. or double-gang boxes (not with sangle{ang boxes). HlcrRrcN. SDECI FIC/AT! ONg Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Maximum SLC loop voltage: 2g.O VDC. Maximum SLC loop currsnt: 230 uA. This doqJrie.n h not inrenoia oEGo tq rlur InleiEeo l9 oe ulrco tor rnsta |on ptrpor€s. we,y to ke€r, our :5g,:.Tllga.1"9d"g,I9 ?g.q1" wo "a'.t dxri aiirpetic;d;;; *rnrbpate a ru spe<ricanms arc anji" t,i-i+,1#Jiii[i# ro.nE e hfdrnaron. qnad Ft.t Ur.. ptrqr: (zm) cj-zr ei iAr(:in:j 48;-iii; ilggg, Aarmg t2 Ohronvl e Ro6d, Ndttfdd. Cqmedttn 08472 tso.9001 Engh€oring dMflufscnrrho Qraliy Sy6hm Cefllsd to htornatmd sbndad sG9001 DF-51366 - Page l ot2 I I I I I J I aoil rrr"rite/Notirier ro' szcas+ese PAGE I I 11-05-93 16:46:39 ARCIIITECIUR'Tl/ EIIOINEERINO SPECIFIGAfl Oils t\4anual Fire Alarm Stations shall be addressable, fiber break-tube (or non-fibBr br€ak-tube) type, equipment wlth a key-operated test-reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after emerg€ncy op€ration. they cannot be restored to normal ercept by using a key. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected, as opeated, at a minimum distance of one hundred feet, front or side. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to the control Danel SLC looD. The manual station shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Manual stetions shall pto- vide two-digit address s€tting by use of rotary decimal swrtches. Manual stations shall be constructed of LEXAN@ (or poly- carbonate equivalent)with clearly visible operating insttuc- tions provided on ths cov€r. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in raised lette6, 1.75 inches or larger. Stations shall b6 suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox, or semijlush mounting on a standard single{ang or double-gang box, or4 inch square box, and shall be Installed within the limits defined by the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) dependent on manual sta- tion accessibility or per local tequirements. Manual sta- tions shall be UndeMriters Laboratories Inc. listed. The BG-IOLX (tF,ck view) I I I I I I I I I View from TOP Vlwfrcm S'DE Ihe SLC Loq Clannel OO- .--;-\ t) -j- f-j'\ /o, -\\c\ \"\').,r L{j_ FT il= :. -S \l Page2ol2 - OF.61366 t 3 I I I ! t il I I I I I I I I I I I I FRtFirerite/Notifier ro' szot+esa l1-05-99 l6:46:39 PAGE ll I I I EETENAL The FireLite/Notif ier HD-600 Heat Detoclor is attractive and du- rable, and teatures combination rate-ot.rise and fixed-tempera- ture deteclors. Heat delectors are available in 135"F and 200.F temperature ratings. Rats.ot-rise elem€nts detecl heat by quickly rssponding to rapid temDeralure increase. HD-600 detectors use the same reliable pneumalic rate-ot-rise elemenl used in former models, but otfer added aesthelic appeal. The pneumatic rat6-of-rise element responds lo a rapid rise in temperature, approximatoly 15"F (8'C) per minute, by epansion ot air within the sealed chamber faster than il can escape through a calibrated vent, Ths result. anl Increase in pressure depresses the diaphragm, causing the electrical conlacl to close the circuit. HD-600 rate-of-ris€ units have a wide spacing allowance of so-foot cenlers. See SDecifi- cation Table for details. Fixed-temperature elements react to heat by responding to a specific temperature setting. The tix€d-tomperalure element uses a tusible alloy. When activated, lhe extemal heat collector drops away to provide quick visual confirmaflon that the elemenl has operated. The units protrude only 1-318' trom the ceiling su rface with a junction box mounting. They have pleasing contours and an all- whne finish thal conforms to ceilino aesthetics. FEATURES . Rale-of-rise and fixed-lemperature. . One- or two-circuil, normally open. . Easy installation. . Low-profile design. . Visual indication. . Operalion testing. lil8ilAl.LArrOil Each delector includes a patented reversjble mounting plate. In ono posilbn, il easily afiaches to a 9.114. octagon box. In reverse, the plate can be used for open wiring without a iunction box. A 1/4' space between detector and mounting surfac€ allows for wirg connections, All mounting screws are concealed. The detector attaches simply to the mounting plate with a push and twist motion. No special tools are required. Th6 mounting plale b molded of whlte self-enlngulshing thermo- plastlc raled at 105"C. The plalo is exlremoly strong, yet adapts lo uneven mounting surfaces. &t rcrtu 44 t,€alnArry c.Hag S.fil*a,norrn hg -4. lr llr I h],]t*+h 9I1l9.aY (HD621. Ho6o1,+rD602)I rt I rf{.g{+.;r.r UF4A3.AY (HD6mAD604, \@ L/ b)tssill HD622lHo623, H0624)\-.-/ s2517 MBA ML361 250-94-E (except HD602 and HD622) Califomia State Fire Marshal 7270-0075:168 I s ! l, t I I I T I I I J re Cd tot wlaca mounmlg RaYetttbla AotJr'|||,l€Pls/6 &32 tt''rnd Head Sor?s 5/A b 1" 8-A' FA? Head Wood Sctewg W€ lry lo k66p our product lnformatlon up-tGdate and acqJrat3. Wo carnol cowr a[ spocific _"p1i:"!g* or anticipalo aI €quirsinents. All spociticatioru af6 suuect tJ*,-g" "nno,rt not|ce. For .no€ lntomalkr, cd$act Flt ljlr pt|ons: (2O3) 4S4-716i FN( (2m) 48+7fiE torl ill-el[q l LAfmS 12 CthtorM e Boad, Nodio.d, Conn€ctqJt 06472 \E/' nco/Farrco tso-0001 Enghoorhg and MandacturhO Oual y q/dom Certifi€d to Intemalidtal Siafl dard ISO€001 Ftre.Ltre ALarrns ncorPoraTeD HD-600 Heqt Detectors Catalog Ssction: Convc.rtional Initiating Dwices Octob€r 20, 1 995 Prg. r ot 2 l I I I T I T t t I J I t t I t I T I O4-24-O0 l2:4I :31 ilsrALLArOil Ap HAlXfEtrAtGE xsfnlrcrlofs Innwair DHIOOACIIG Air ltuct Snroke Detectol Bcfore lrtelling Please thorougNy read the Stserr Serrso: (:ujde itr Pricpr Use oriSinrke /letectors in Dua Apptkatlons (b4473r. lr'ixch provides detailed irfoirnadq) qr dei:ctor sptrlu3. Flace- . nient. zoNng, wting, arxl special appi.icatlcs. Coples o: *tis n.nnuai are available from Syctern Sensor, N-FPA Staftia,rds 72 ard 9lA should a]so be refererced for detaiied irdTiution. NOITCE: 'l his ma:rual sfnlt be teft with tire ow'nerzuser of tllis eq:llpmerit. IMPORIANI This detedor 'iist be tested and mainialned regulariy foliow'lng NIjPA 72 rcqui.remertrs. I h€ detector should be clea:red at least orre a 1er. T-b of Cartltlt P.g. [l] CeneIaI Description I [2] Lrnitatlons of Duct Smoke Detectors I [3: Erploded Vie*' of Duct Srnoke Deiector Components ? [4r Conrents of t]re Duct Smoke Detector Kil 2 [5] hrstallaton Sequerre 2 [6] Drct Srrpke Deteaor Nlar-.rtename ard kst hocedues 5 [7] Detector Clearring Proced,.:its 7 [E] Boad Replacement Fl Speciffcatiors \{hrran|y Jll General Dc.rttirr I 8 8 ,\r HVA.C system suppiies cor:ditioned air to vinually e',erv area of a building. Stnoke introducec lnio ihis air tiuct rys- tem will be distributed to the entire buildinq. Smoke cletec- toIS designed for use in air duct ststelrrs are useci ltr sense the prcsence of smoke in the duct. Modet DHiO0ACDC Alr Duct Sraoke Detecror: arc supp.iied as an ior.izatian n'ndei or Fhotoelectronic model. These two smoke detctinn methcds ar: conbrned with an effi- cleni housing desiPn that samples ail pcsilrg '.hrough a duct a'ld allo\',6 detecuon of a developing Sazardous condi- tlon. Vlhen sufiicient smoke b sensed. ar alann signal is Injtiated at the fue coDtrol panel txonitoring the detector, and appmpriate action can be iaken Io slru: off farx, blou. ers. change over aii hardling systems. eic. These actioirs can facilitate 'Jre management of to<ic smoke and firr gases thoughout the areas served bv rhe duct sjrslem. DH1OOACrc detectors tre designeri to operdte cr'. 74 YDC; VAC, 120 VAC, or 240 VIAC. Ararn ar.d zupenisory Ielay'cur- tac.ts aje arailable tbr conr.oi pan€i intedace (alarm il)itia- Uon). lniAc conxDl, arC oirer aurdliaiy furrdors, ,Auxiliarv Ff: SvsrEM SEN5OR FAx ro: 949G PAOE S-'SYsrenn .i$ Senson A Dr!isio:: o: Pi:ll.. l\ 3iJl ir Ohic Arer::re S: Charles llhrxrLs 6il?-: l'b'tlj-s!NsoR2 F/-\' 1;91 37r':;4q5 reLays are a;so provried lbl fan sul dorvrt tl si;ltulinq o: l': !o I other detectois .. '.he .cap i'or mul:tcie tan shut do\li'r Tlres€ detectors .'re lot desi;1nec for ?'rvire acplicauors. For testing. the alarrr'r car be enabled b!' a nragnet acli- valed iest sn'itch o: by the oPtional re:llL1:e tesl s'.alicrt:. The ducr srnoke de:ectot latc.hes ilro alatl:l st.Te vvher ar alarm occurs. A green LED flashes :o incicate 3oivel. ar rcd LED signals local alarn: i:ldicatio:r. and oplior]d ac ce.ssories offel a rarier.v of at-i:'iunclatron capabihties The DHIOCACDC can be reset by a monlentary povrer ilt- ieruption. the reset button on lhe front co\et. :re conttc', panel. or remote reset accessory. 'l'he DHlfi)ACDC lncot porates a oover tamper feature that prul ides a rouble signal nfter 20 minutes if the rnner is rernoved or irrr properly installed. Pxrlrr ir)staUarion of lhe colver rt' rnoves the tmubie ccnditror.. El Uritaiarr Of DEr !tdd(€ P.t.ctdr AIIAR'IIG The Naiional Firt PDtection Associa:ior Ins es:aLlished thal DLICI DFTEC.IORS MLIST NOT BE USED AS A SUts STITLTE FOR CJPEN AREA DETECItIR PROTECI'IOI{ as a mearB oi p:Dvidlng life safery. Nor are d1s_v a suhsttture for early v;amurg in a buildil6 s reguial fire derectior r syste;rl q,$em Ser6d suriForls lTs trbidon and sEqrgly recomnrenG elat t}f ds€r rrad NIPA Stardarb SA. 72. ald l0l. llr DF{LO0ACDC Af Dr: Snd*e Detectors art iisted mr UL 268A. Alrrylsl This devie will not oltrate without electlical por,rrr'. Fite situations rnay cause ari interruFtion of power. 'll:e {/stern safeguaJds should be discussed lvlth your local fire Dmtection sDecialist. lAtlaRtrt{i1 ThLs device will nr,i serl.ie siltoke unlFss tlre ve.ntilatron qni- tem is operating and the cover is ins',alled. lA,^aRilsl For rhis detecto: to fur:ctlon poperlv it MUS| be installed according to tbe Ins:ructions rn thrls ma:rual. Furthet rnolF, the detectol MUSI tre protected frorn the eLenrents and ot> eEted witLun ALL eiecrical :urd e.rN.ironrnental specifrca- tions listed in this rranual. Failure ro comply with thesc requiremenB ma)' prevent thr, delectoi fn:nr activating when smoke b oresen! irr lhe air duct. D tuj 68 oo i5tu 1147 U8 04-24-O0 12: il :31 I I3l Figro 1: Erplodrd Vi.lx Ot D.Ft Srmke Drrsac Grynents PAGE holes as indicared on tirr tenlplate. Inser the tw.,iack nut r€cEptacle.s. Drivt- a #10 Inachine s€le4' into jaclcl to f.ale the r€tainer, then back out tlre screr.r, io use for detector r:ounung. 15.2fl Sr|plhg f|ie lmtdhr.iqr fd Drrtr lrl3 llnn 1rl: Feet l/ile (3€t Fijtre Z) I. Relxo\€ the front co\rer. Z. Slide rhe piastic sampling tui-- into the housing busirtng. 3. .Align the holes in th€ brlshhrg witr the holes in tile sampling tube. Make sure lhere are 6 e,rp.rseC hies on the dastic mmplin; lube. Secure with tir€ #8 self-tap pin8 screw into the tottom of tlle perna,Dent tube (shor+n In Fig. l). NOTE: For ducrs €feate| than 1,1: feet in \\.1dth. refe: to sectbns [5 4.l] arrc 15.4.2j. 165l Srour lhc Dcrctc ]lqrratg to lln Drr{ Slide the foarn gzrskels ovel the tube buslrings as shov,lt in rfi svsreM sENSoR FAx ro: sa9$ d*'to t I T l I l I I ,l I t T t t t I pLASTt: _i s^l/PtrhcTIBF _ *+ 'LAS'iC SA[?LI{G'TUBE 5E-F-lrPPlN6soFE!t lal Cqrttil. ol llr Drcr Snrrc Detrctor lgt 1 . Complete housing base ard cover assenrbly 2. TWo * 10 rrncirile screv for mountins 3. Two sanptlng tube tirtel: 4. One test rnagnet 5. Drilling tenrpiate 6. 'IVzo foam gakes 7. Four #6-self tapping rnounttuig scre\.r's for the rretal sampinB tube and optiorui edraust tube e:.teru;ion 8. 1wo jack rruts 9. One iniet tibe end plug 10. One olastic sampling tube 11. One #8 seif-tapping soew for ihe phstic samolir rg tube lr-OfE: For ducts over lt/z feel,lorger inlei samplinq tubes must be ordered to comp.lete the insiajlatior. Tbey must be tlre conecl lengtn fBr the wi(lth c,f the ducr where they l ill be instaLled. See thble I on page 3 io detemrlrE the ir et tube reoul-ed for different duct v;itlths. l5l hrell.ti(n Seqre l5.f l U!?itt Unt lir tlor llreotiO And lblodtt Ivlodei. DHI00ACDI detectors ar€ desiBned to be usecl ln arr handling sysrerirs having ai|rrelocities of 3fi) tl {UOO feet per minute. Be sulr to ckck engineeing specilicatior5 to ensure thal the air velocity in the duci falls lvithiit these pa, ranrele!5. Jf necessa4l, use a velociry nteter io check the air \€lodty in lhe duct. 15.2[ Dlll fhc fb|, ne tlolG! Remove the paper baci<ing fror:l the mounting tempiate supciied. Ajibi the ttrnplate to ihe ducl' at tlre desired rnounUng locatbn. Make sure the rernplate iies f,at and s:]rcoth on the duct. Cer:ter punch holes A and B. Drill rhe FigLE 2. Plarb rngling u-c d[teotrd to cd rmoke deLclq: Dt0d.riE.u0 lsD I47.Qi I t5.al Sqliq T|6c hnblhriqr fa flrrr l1lr lect Wldc ;\Ii-?Nl,'l)l) Grrtat The sanpling tube is identified by a seiir5 of air inlet holes on the tube. A plaslic tube is included for ducts uF to 18" in width. Ail other lengths must be purrna-sed sepacalely. Or- der tre corr€ct length. as specified irr 'labie l. fo:- Wddr of the duct rvhere ir 1,.,,i11 be insla^tcd. The exlnust tube is nrolded oruo lhe base of the ducr hous::rg. ar)d dre A2440- 00 E,rhau-st T.:be Extersion is alailable a,s an accessory in Ihose cases where the moided exiraust po:1 does Dot exteld at least 2 irrhes into the duct. The inlet tube is alwavs imtalled with the air ir er holes I'acir€ into the air florv. Tb assist pro;rr irxtallation. the tube's mounting flange is nErked viith arn"r,s lvlake sure the inlet tub€ is mounted so tlul the ar:o\^6 poinr into the air fLo'w (see Figurt 4). Figure 5 shoun llre va.rious combS natiom of tube mountrng configurations wilh resiect to air flow'. N{ourrting -Jre detector .ousing in a \ertical urienta- tion is {c€ptable, pmvidecl that the aii flows airEctly inlo the samFling tube holes as ir:ciicared in F gure 4. ble l. Inlst tr,ic rc$rirad for difterrt d|Gt radtlrr: ()tltside Duct Widh Itozft. 2to1ft 4to8ft. 8 to i2 f:. Inlet Tube Requir€d ST:1 .5 ) L.J J l-l) ST IO l5.a,1l lrEt lh,idt Fq DtDtr G?G.tar ltrr f /u Feet Eut LGt nEr I t.rt tf,dc 1. ,rf tlre t:rhe ls lnger tlrFln tln wifl: ,ai Ctr arr clu,.-r, drill a r./r" hoie in dre duct opposite the ht'le aheac;r cut for the ilrlet tube. Make sure tLr hole rs l" to 2'' betorv lire rniet irole on the oppcite side of fie dtrcr to allow rDisture drainage away from the detector, if tjte tufu. ls slnxer than tlre wiCtl of t|1e air dLE , trELdI tlF en i piug into the irler PAGE tube ds shu\t1l irl FrEurt 4. Siuriit.u rg lultr <tve: 3 h. ir-n r'1 must be supponed at t;re end opposi:e th€ drct srno{(. de- recr@. 2. Siid€ the tube inlo '.ile xrrrsir'lEl bushilrq ti)at nlee:i I[]F air flow first. PosiiiDn the ube sr' :hir: tl.)e aEows frlll:l into the ai: [Io\s. 3. Secure the tube flange :o the housirg busllinq \,r'i:r n{o #6 selFtapPing scr€\ts. 4. For tubes lor:ge:" than the width of the arr duc:, the tube slrould exterxl oul of the opllci:e side of :ire duc: J there arE n:ore than 2lloies in the sectiLr) i cf tl"re tul,e e\' tendint Dut of the duct. seiect a diffe:t:t: lettgih usulj lbble I. Otherwise. tri.::1 d]e elrd of lhe tube protldin-1 through ttr clucr so that l" to 2" of the tul'e e\:el:c or:1 slde rhe ciuct. Plug lljs end $th the end plug and lape closed aJy troles in rlre prc:ruding seciion of the fube. Be surr to seal the duct wlreie !\e lube pmt:'udes. filrre a. Air ist dcrcotlr inlet trtDling trac: nf svsteu sENsoR FAx ro: s+s| t SCREW HOIES FOR ArrrcHruG rousF(G TO Dr.,CT Y/ORK t J t T I I J t t I t t T I rAlR HOLES FLANGE I. I .- ' INLET 'UE:ENf r$,- 1. DiECTpi rEl€floR fot{$a AIR FLOW OiRECTICN .li$ i.r{ : ir Flg|'r S. tLSo mrring cdrfieur.tion with vrybg .ir tlou diEctio.r: CO'S'}\jDF'IE AE ICN CF SrAl,?l l|\c .l(aE FatES I ArR Ftc|^' r-For{Catkru \tR:lOrI l\4o.r{nr€ tr FlClJs]t{O NOYE: tLtal ramCing tubes may only be urad on orientatbna C lnd O. iA$aRNrE i ln rlo case slpuld nure than 2 alr inlei hoies be r:ut off tlre tube. There must be a rnini::tum of I0 lrcles in *re tube ex. posed to the ail sream. F i j--"7-t. .I l-------1--t'\,i i i 1r ||,]-Et Fttl,J.rgt rr,3E r(i{rE OE-24-00 12:41 : 31 Figurr 3 lJse tlre l$,r-r Irnchine s(:tet'\tt lo sd?-vtr' tl|e delectol housing ro trie duct. CALTIION: D,o not orarttgken the sqelrc. F{t|r.l, lmt llabn of for|r tdlrtt ov- t4a[r|3 u-Gh|thhgt: o qdr lr -:G--iEFr lrt€ llDE D I {r1.68{)0 I5(i Il47 05 I t I I t, I 1 T t t I J I t I T I 04-24-00 l2:41 :31 Is.f.ll lnttrllaifi Fa D|Ett hre Thrr 8 t!.r Widt NOTX: Tc ir$all inler tubes in ducts nr,f,rE '"nan 8 feet wioe. ..rcr* nn:-sr be perfonned iEid€ dte air cluct. 9ttoliqg of af in ducls v,ider tlrar: 6 feet b acconrplbhed by us € the Sll0 irlet sanpung rube. If ttre tube is strorter than ie rvidth oi rLF ail' cuct. irNtal Lhe erd plug into L"E inlet tuLe as sls$4r ur FiSu:r 4 and sup- mr: 'ire, end oppmire tre duct snroke deterro'. Install the inlet tube as follov,s: 1. Drill a rr.'-inch hole in the duct dlrectly oppcsire rh€ hole already drilleo f,r!. the rniet rube. N{ake sr:re the lxrle is i to 2" belc\\r tlle lnle:: Lnle on the opposite side of tlle duct to allor,r, ior nroistrr€ drair.age. ?. Shde the inlel tube wlth the flalBe into thc h':lusing bush ing that rEets the a.r lloi{. first Positlcn the tube so lhal llre amows roint irto the air flou.'. Senle the tube flan8e (o the housing bushing with two #6 self-tar?ing scre\^,s. 3. Fron: inside the ducL couple the othei secd.Lrrts of the in- let tube to tlte section alreadf iD,stalted using rhe r/z-inch conduir fittings supplied \4ake sure tlat the hc'jes on both oi tlte air inlet tubes are lned up alnl facing into the air flou,. 4. fiinr the end of tlre tube protrudint tluough the duct so that I 10 Z'of the tube ,'i<Iend outside the drrcl. Piug tlxs e.rd rvid'r llre end plug ard tape closed ai'ry hoies in the Frotrudtng section of thc tube. Be sure t,: seal the duct when the tube prolrudes. NOTE: fur alternate med]oci to using the ST-:.0 is to use v'o SF5 lnlet tubes Remore the flanEe imrn orr of the tubes and ins ii as desclibeci ab,re. Aier the installation, use electrical tape to ckis€ off sorne of the samph;rg )-roles so that ther a.r e a total of l0 to 12 holes spaced as elenly a,s possible across the uldth of the duci. NOII: Air cirents irsrde :he duct nta/ c:ruse sicesslve vibratrorl, especially whe;r the lcnger samplitrg tubes are u-sed. In tlrese cases a 3 nch tloor f,a::5re (arailable at most plumbing supply stores) ;nay be used io fcten the sarnping tube to :e otiler sid€ of tlr duct. lVhen using fre flange,,tonrnctot' mourhng teclrfque, ddLI a l-inch to ltzr-inch hole uhere the flange will be used. J5.a.4 hdlfic.ridr. at tnlct S.r|?ling ttact There rnay be appLicatlorE $'here duct r^'idths are not &'ltat is specified fol the iDsralladon- lI such cases. jt is pemiis- sible to rnodt' an inlet sanplir g tube thar is longer than Decessary to spall the duct width. Use a 0. 193 .lrch dianeter (# 11) drill and add the appropriate nurrber of holes str '-nat the lotaj rru::rb€f of Lntes er6ed to PAGE the a[ flow in t]te ducr is l01o 12. S1.:at e tire ntklitit'rIrr I ule:' a eveniy as pcsible ore; d-re lergth oi:l-re tube'. NOTE: This prucduie srrcru.c orrl! be used as a:€mpomll fix. It is not ifferdec as a Den:taneitt substirute foi ordering tl.)€ c.rnect ier)glh lulres. [5.q h3|.[fl|e]|lt€r! 'to lFstaii tlr san:pling tube filrers. sin]p,j Pltsi: :l'I? f,lte:S into the sampling arrd exhausr tube holes. as shorti-. ir: Fig- urc 6. If a rnetai sampling :uh is usecl. tnslall tile :ilte;s o\€r the tube ends. Figrrc €, Srt?lirg &De tllte, inrlrll.rion: iacr,until Fiiters r€quir€ periodic clearrjne or replacement. depending on the anount of dusr and dl"t acc ur::ulatecl. Visualty In- spect the filters at least qual teriy: ir-ISFcr tirerTL;rrc,rr oflen if the dust accumulatio;r warrans ir. see sectior, [6] for more infor:nation. Replacement filters can be ordered tron-, System Serso:', 3825 Oirio A!€.. Sr. Charies. iL 611174. (t!i- l'aust tube/intake tube fihe| P/l.l I:16 rJii"(r0) 15.31 Ficld lliring Wiri|t In|trflaiqr Guid.lin.a AII t vinng must be itrstalled in cornpliance wirit the Na Ilonal Eiectricaj Code arrl the local codes haviirg .iut'isdic. tioD. Proper wir€ gauges stnutd be used. The conductofs used to corLnect smoj<e detect,rrs Io cont['i pa:rels ard ac- cessory dwices should be ccrkrr'-coded to Freveni winr€ mistakes. Improper corurections ca!) preveltt a slnstern fronl lesponding prclleriy irr ':re ererrt ,:i a fire. For signd. wirirB, (the widng henveen iltterconnected cie- tectos or from iete(tol: to auxiliary rievices). it is usually rccommended tllat sirule conductor wire be no srraller tlrax 18 gauge. The duct snioke detector tennina:s accom. lnodate $tre sizes up to 12 gauge. The last foot of conduit should be flexible conduit {arailable in elecnical supply houses), wirich iacllltates e6iel installaibn and puts less snair I on tlE conduir lrolei in iire kusing. Solid r:onduit conneclions mav be used if desirec. rf: SvSTeM SENSoR FAx TO: 9*sfo Dl0F{iE-00 l5u.ll47-r-8 T I I t t I I J t T I I t, I I I T I T I O4-24-OO 12;41:3L Srnoi<e tietecton artd alaln s\ itenl cotlnol P: r:s havt specif,ca:ions tbr allowable loop resis:aice 'Sotuult the conrr,-rl panel D:anufach:rer's speclficatiolrs for the total looF resistance allowed for the pafiicular inodei conrol pae I ben:g used before wtring the deiecor loop. lfring l|.rr|/|Ctidr. f:re DHIO0ACDC deteclols arc Cesigneci f or edy witinS. The housing pro'!'ioes a terminal striF $,ith clarnping Flares. Wiring connections are nude by stripping about Yr-ilch of insuLation from the end of the wrE. sliding the bare end urrder :he plate. and trgrtt-':ring the clamp ing piate screw. [5,4 Perfom Dcrcdd Chc.|( t. Perform STANDBY AND TTLIBLE TEST pe: Secdotr i5 2.l l. 2. Perlblm i\tACNET TEST per Secnon 1e.2.2. ll. The Kly51 test o! Section ray substirute fbr ti,is !€quirement. 3. Perform AlR FLC[^/'TEST per Secdo:r [6.].11. 4. Perform ShIOKE RESPONSE TEST per Section [6.i.2]. 5. Perfolnr SENSITI\4TY TEST pel Srctio:r [6.2.3]. [5.a] h.r.ll lhc Gfle] tlstall the cover uslng ttre four scrells thal are caplurcd in tlre housing cwer: Be certain ftltenr arc iustall€d as speci- fied in Section [5.5]. Make surn ihal the cover fits into ut base groove ard that all gaskes ae in iheir prc'per posi- tiom. Tigften ihe fo'..r screr,m. 16l Ducn Srr*G D.tccto. hi cnrrE Ari Tert hocrdrrs3 Ti:sr and rnarniarn duct snoke delectos as Iecurnmended in NFPA 72. TIte tests contained in this r:ranual were de- \.,ised to arslst lrainlenance person:rel in r'eflficadon of prcper detector opem6on, Before conductinP tl€se iests. rulfy :he ,oroper authorities tlrat rhe srnoke dete*ion rystenr lvill he terrporarily out of sen'ice. Disable the zcne Dr s)6tem under tesr to pn'ent u 4anted alaruE l3.f l Sml<c E trt Tc.tr 16,1.11 Air Flow To rrenf)' sufficrer$ sarnplh:g of duaed air, use a rnanometer to measule the differential prcssure crcatd fronr air fim acr:oss the sampling Lrbes. The pressrrre shouid nleaiute no less than ll.6 inches of warer ard rlo greater tlan 1.4 indles of wat€r. The air handler nusl be opera[rg fcr this tesr. t6.l.2l 9notc Reryqrc To deterrrdne if $noke is capable oi entering the sensing chamber: visuallv identi! any obstructions. Plug the p'x- PAGE juiust and irrlei l:rbe l:c.les tcr preYellt duc:eri air fi!,ill (itl!)- rnB srnokr auay hom the <ietecto: heac. the:r blor't snpke such as cigarene. corton wick. ol'Punk di:r:ctlv at the hea!: to cause an alaim. REME!4BER 'I0 REMCI\'I lHE PLUCS AFTER THIS TEST OR IHE DFTECTOR i\4LL NOI FLT\C' TION PROPERLY, le.l.tl Fllrsr ncAl.oeirstt The {ilters do n€1 substatfiiaily affect sn:oke perfon:'iance even when up to 919i, of the fllter is clo5;ged. QuaI:eLy li sual inspeclion :rsually suffices to delennille x'llether ihe filters shouid be replaced because only a higl t prcenta;p ol contaminartioll a.ffects perfbrina:rce. lf tu:ther testr:rEi is :e- quirec. compare dijietntial pressure readn.;s rvith anc without the fihers insiailed. lf tlle difference exce€ds l(ILi replace the filters. In no c:ise slroulc the -oressut differert' tial fall below 0.03 inc'hes of urarer lG-21 SLn Dt! Alrn And Sstcltivltt le.lt I82.tl $rd!f ltd t?dDlc Standbv -Look for tlrc presence oi tk flashing green LED rhrough the ranspix'rr'lt housing cover' The LED slrould flash aporo-rinntelv elen l0 secords. Trouble - Il the deteoor LED does nc't f.bsh. theD the de- teciDr lacks power (chech \airing. panel. or uouer supplv), th€ detec(or board ]s nissing (replace), the cc!€r' has beer nrissing or not se- c{red properiy ior nrcre tlra:: 20 minutes (se cufe corver properlyi. cr ilre unit is ciefective (netum for rtpe.rr) Test - The rrouble €onditioil can ile caused intention ally to r'trify L-orrect oFrrdio;'i of th€ s\genl Rerno/e lhe detectol board I'J cause a trouble corlditior )ocall.v a.nd at the stce:r control pane] Cover Tamper - lf lhe cover Ls rcmoved or not propedy s€cua€d for a perir-rci longer than Zlt) minutes, a trouble signa.l is Fen€rated ro irdicate lhe cover is missing 1G2.4 l|lrnlctr IG.z.2'llEaa+oohgndlltr l. Place tlre painted surfac€ of lhe nragnet onto the TEST locator on rhe bottom of t].l€ housinq (tigure 13). 2. TLre red alarm LED on the detector should latch on. 6 should any arcessories (i.e. RA400Z. RI3l5i). Ven$ systern contr{)l parrel alarm stafus and cnnttol paml ex- eculion of all intended auxiliary finctbrs (i.e. fa-.r shut- down, darnper control. etc.). 3. TtE detector must h€ r€set ry slstern oontrd Fnel, fiont c(n€r r€set button. or renEte aocEsglry rf svs:er sENSsR FA.t r;' o+o} tr LiIr 63-rjr.)156 lt 47 {J8 O4-24-O0 L2:41:3- Figrre 7. ry3t3m rirfig diegmr fc {.wire d.'ct tr*! dettclas: rf, svsteM sENsoR FAx ro: ses]PAOE Do not ioap vrhe ur der tern-:.inals wl'rn t'ir ing detecto$. Break wirc runs lo provlce svstent surPLv|^sloll ol colllFctlol i5. t I I t t I t I T I I t I I I T I I I ffi#1,$i; r20 vac 50-€0 nz 0R cl^rNEci Fo\.rER so( ,raf ioaPPf(oFRFaE tff Jln ts coNNEano! _r caNrRot IB!!ISIiI]IIAI1'8AJ|:$a!A@3b,!:cE*iG . ----- I ^.i^,t {BLE EO!€q NJP 'ra tlta:!'., ^ ,^i .-., f<: . .:r,l ' ':(- - i i'"-l : ],J:J rval!^E!€ ?olrfEP {t. 13 9lnr3a ,'.', ,<\ 1-' ,.-' i\\._..' \.-\/ ._.r ._ .* s2r!r i'lii_ I ! Jrt'J., I - vAC lLAr^ra!l[[FYco:Jlrc;s r@ t$r ei!t!ov$. E:c i55tiari5 <\/_-.^a.-t,,'>.-,. \\ !\ '.'- -/,1"' t' '.,Jr' il- x.di '',-. --a --,^c i'.rli -.r,_"- !_,.,!---j ^LAR A|J{LTAFY COrlrACtS 9r€.rn Fl sr N*Y cor{l^cts t R^[srEA oL5||ic ALApU .A5 ROTC TED BY 1l+ ARRS\,!!S 8I.] PEIMIORY TFOUELE CONI {Ci9 s'+. N. O. ,Srp.@V conNicr Fol\E4 sa|rca -o arFFcra,^rE tsPln\.!!oi €a!r CEIEa-r-)R Si€r sr:c fic^r o\s ro-:.ocrl,orir.L For Er:;r rF-\ S{PERrTSOFY -Rr](rBlE a}oNrrt t'9 , FOf,',,rRl\6 0Fii{tOR' 'ral^r..l O\ r!SiPLa-lC\S cF ior.l:^cf M Nlttr::!caF [all rfE st PER. ltR' RE!a. f{(1{p oro! jDES A'FORq a: COM ACr , OA crsYQME€C ApP! {:AI:O\S iOF srA|\oAiD rr4lo.rro\s inr\rE .rto'COarlACt 'S ui!: t---1..1 L1 : ,a\ /i-. Li i4F P!.lF: c !ifvorEo n! {4\ r.h!€! ir}' !'!rr r^t€r I F gsi OEIE:-CT'|\ T|lF LO\T LAST DEtECtCn rNrt{! LCrt 0{rcaAcia \;f.1ti: i itr Fig|'c e, WlrlrE di€r.n tor DI1OOACDC to RlSlSlKEY end intlroomeot fe.tsre: Fltre E tffitug Aqtr/n Ir DIIIOOACDC lo lnBasl: D'r'DMcD:t -- Ao*..'--l ^ €m srr-ar (ii-L---'i arar"- l - R6d Lto) r-:. I r.u* po".n. r'Gil- -l suo N C -i1!r1!' .4 -, 1 .... ._ |i ,^i S,+. GOr,l -....- 3 Fi-----------:. 3; Plwr Au{ Fof,€r- il------+.' iH"""' l \M.lne d.g.ro lhrir b f.. OHIqIACOC 4 *is du;l 6r|ot{€ debdor q/*Ern eq Llp!6al w glorl a colltfo pri'r€ Flg|re 10. n|lrip|c frt |trrt|loxt (intrrmreotl: cct C\sa A lmporlrnt lntrrcon r|.ct lrlotra . Wh€n 'rsing lh9 inteftonne(i t€atute, al in- isr'nnneclsd units must b€ pcnGr€d wih the safiE. inoepondenl supply,. Polarily mu8t be mai ained throlghdrt the inl€rconnect w|dng, Conncd t6minal 12 on unit 1 to i€rminal 12 on unil 2 and 80 orl Similaly, connecl t€rmrnai 1 on unit 'l to bt- m,nal 1 or, unit 2 ard so on. f--5{fmrc-iGlc --__l l-;nsrstp,rsr:" r€y -l t^i orrn nnn" t@1!- ---l-ll; (R.dLED)Arrn i I a;.",*; -.0+ i ;*",**,'i | ,-. i ' mty l!!lhd.r a Dl0u-6ti-00 15ij. )l {7 {.E I I I t t I t I t I I T t t I I I I t 04-24-00 12:41 :31 SYSTEI'' SENSOR FAX Figrre 11. lJir-g di.g?rtr3 ta ogrion l eecsqic* FO tl -J t/ -.1<\l or.,cr cfrEc'foR PA*{ loFTroil tl oHloAallc aLJD*r€ alERr ^catEsoFY cuFFEt{r ta\os Ar ?{ !i c ofqc| vL\DaY _rdf(t\: |l}ix r2.krArv., n,. 3:'aA trry Frlall (r7|A na 15'rA VEr tlA/.002 tnA n€ It v.r th tu. / 5't* rh, ssi<451 ttr*iil€r grnAlier. 3cd Lr.r t{rrE: \^rn- . dr a Dqr.c .rtn. I av i or ?ztr'z4ovAa tull rF; .ohtlnar.n ol..wsd o., F4r I ru.i lirl |n. 9!6 .uc.$rrt @..: .,. 50 ira rid !n |ir. n.rdoe !nb: 1rl,na.'16r,Fth.i.14l*. Figrc lt. bting delrctc elarnr DtEr tEr€aroR FASu: oPito DflC,r.,rr- REMO|F trEc)a{{rl'ldATOR ,\fi-?.V5trl lB.1ltl nrSrSl /ntSrStKFr M€ fe3t $.tiqt The F.lst5l /RIS451KEY Renrote 1'est Siatior) facihtaies test L1: rhe a.arm capability of the duc! srnoke detec:or as indicared in rhe RTS45I,/RTS451KEY manual. The DH1OOACDC duct snroke detector cz1il Le re.sei by the RT5451/R[S451KEY Ii a spten coni:oi panei is used. tn€ paDel itself may also requil e lesti:rt. To irstali the R|S451./RB.i5iKIY. colrrrcr tlle Cevice as shown in Figure 9: r,,,'irE runs must be linrited to 25 ohms or less per interconn€cting wrre. Please note that rhe nugnetic cotl supplied with the RIS{51 and RTS451KEY is not rcqulrcd when these ac- cessories are used with the DHI.00ACDC detetors. The functiornlity of ihe magnetic coil has been designed into the circuitry of the neqr ]rrnc*alr* duct snroke detecrors l6.e2.q S$(t151 ftulriSipeling Acoe3tcy The Sptem Serscr SSK45I Muitr-Signaling rcessory corrbirns a sounder feature rvrth a key actiratel tcsr a:rd resct function. gten, arnber and red LEDs provide a visuai lndication of power. trouble, and alarm respectively, An optional strobe (PS24LO) with a srnoke lers can be acided to confomt tc the codes of certain iurisdictions tO: e+S$ EaElr. 12, ffiing diegln for IIII(IICDC to 5$(1161 ,\78.?lraal i r'59..;r.:: 132.31 SrnritMtt Isrt3 I8*2.3tllFD.0dltDD.mbrt After rrrificairorr of alarm capatflit-v, use the \'!OD400R test moduie wldl a voitmerer to ch€ck detector setlsitiviry as lr- dicated in the test mod'Jie's ;n rnual. Tfre housirrq co..,er must be renro'ed la pertblm dris test. lf test module readings indicale tiut the detector head is ou'.side of the acceptabie range that is prir)ted or"r the label of the detector. the deiector chamber requires cleaninF per Sectlon I7l of this nranual. f,[ Daeota Glcrhg Prooalrer Notlfy the proper authoriti€s tbat tl]e srnrke detectol aE tem is unde:Eoir:g mail:tenance. ad tllaa tir slsiem wrl t€mporarily be out of senlce. Disable llle zor']€ or s/siel rr underyoing n.aintenanf€ l{,, ,crt\,enl un',vanted alil'rns and possible dispatclr of the fire depa:trnen:. ft.ll Ar Filtl?. l TLm off por+el to the ryst€rn. 2. Remove and lnspect sarnCing ube filters. 3. If lilters are lravily coatecl with dilt. rrplace rlrerr: with ner,r' filters. U the;; are noi lrealily coatecl. use a vacuurjt clcarFr oi cornpressed ait rpzz.Ie io rernove clust. then reinstall the filrers. F.4 Fbto Derccrd Bo-dt 1. Remove the scleelr by gently Bmspir)g or: each side a..rd putling straiglrt off. 2. Ltft the photo charnb€r in the san:e fashion. \,bcuunr the screen ard core:. Use clean. cor::pressed air to lrlosen and blorv out any ren-,iuning debns. Replacement vreers (SC8.39.011 arc avaiLabie. 3, \hcuunr pnoto clnrnber, tlren use clean cornorcssed air to blow al'ea ciean. 4, Repiace th€ charnber by presslng it onlo rh? base, Press the scrFeD into plre. It should fit tightly on rhe ci ranrber. PAGE lo i I .<f- r h1 l5e I1 ,l7 ilt To install the SSK45I. corrnec the delice as shov;n ln 04-24-OO l2:4I r31 F.sl bn ltlt ctd Bord! l. Brush or vacuunr imide eura of corr:t. Chambet' tllen b€ hto$.n out usins cL€ar. comp.ess€d air 2. \hcuunr sersing char:rber before usiag clean. conr pressed air lo L,losen and blow o'lt alll relnaining ciebris I8,Ol 3o-d ReplDB|rsrr 18.11 Detccor lo.rd neplemca :. Rerno\€ the f,{'o detector board moLlriing sc=r'"s. 2. Pull gently on dre boad r,1 le:]lor,€ it. 3. To rplace the board, align ihe board mo'.inrtng fea- lur€-s. lioles, aJrc fhe intercomect len:ilals- Puslr rhe |:]av rrf svsreM sENsoR FAx to: sts$ board rrrto oiact. ,1. Secure board u.r:it tite:$o ll-,cuntrng scl ev's. IaZl Powor Bord t€pl=dr-ilt l. Dbcaru'recr $i:irB ironl tlre telrrinal block. 2. Re:lore the frrrr prlrer lxlard rrlul lting scre\\s. 3 . Pull gently on the boa.d to remo\:e it . rl. To replace the board. ahgn tir bcarc n'lour)tillP, :ea' tures. holes. ard rl,e interconnecl te:'!'tlilrals. f"ish --ln board into place 5. Secure boa-rd wllir the lwo I tu;ttir-P st-l€\\s 5. Re-connect wi:ing io :eirnirv'- h,t-rtri. PACE I1 t t I I I I t I I t I I I I I t I I I lel rel DHTOOACOC Aii Duct Sndtc lletscrd SF:ific.1i6 Ter:r1:eralule: DHIOOACDCP DHIOOACDCI l{unidi0: Air VelociS': Drrnensio:-ls: \Abieht: Electrical Specifi cations Fbu'er supph, \'oitag€' Input capacitance: Reset voltage: Reser rime (wirh RlS451j: Reset tirre (Iry povel donn): Po$'er up tim€: Alanr i€spofuse linte: Sensith,ity lbsr 32' ro 131" F 32' to 120' F 10':.o to 93:n R,H. noncondenslng 5ol i.r 4C00 ft.,1rnin. I 4.39' L x 5 .5" \',' x 2.75"D 5- ,i5 3o'-l-rcs in-ZfMx 24 VAL- 50-60-Hz 27Ct gF' rran 270 pF rra>;.. 3.0 \,DC min. 2.0 lAC mir. .03 lo C.3 ser. ,03 to 0.3 sec. 0.6 sec. nrari. 0.6 sec. max. 34 sec. r::an. 34 sec. rnax. ? to I 7 sec. ? to l7 sec. See detector latel See detector label 0' to 55" C 0" to 49- C ?.5 to 20.3 rt'sec. 3TcnrLs l.krnWx7cn.rD 1.7 kg 120 V'qC 50,6it Hz ?',lliz4l \,\C irr-: 69 tO N./A l0 !l\C tr-,!r. ,03 lo 0.3 sec. 0.6 sec. man. 3tl se{. rnai. 2 to 17 sec. See detector label l..i,,A ?0 \zAC rnin. .13 to 0.3 src. 0.6 sec. rrnx. 3.1 s€c. rna\, 2 to 17 sec. Se.e detecror label Polrs &pdy vol396 a ia lDa ?4 VrrC 510 - eO Hz 1?0vA.lt{-eNHz Z0l?4C VAC.0 - t$ tlt CrffENI REA{rFEr,fNIS dlsll.lc t0 AccESsOfrl ES I 15 r/r4 l* rA Rnls ?5 n,A Ril6 15 nA Flrrfs' 125 rA Fllls 35 rA Rl,,B'25 rrlA F r.ts' CCNTAC' RAT }IGS AFm hl|dlcrn c !|ds {SPSTI 2 JA@ 3D \/oc,r€sl3tl,"i AErn NlxIEy c..ru,t3 IDPD, 10A@3CVIr roA c ?5o vlc l,l((a lhrm aulFy d|ltcts rrBl s/tdr lm rArtlt r!e15,/0: Asnn rrt lary adfadg 3ld ndtbg aorhadad to nlul-! d|<|J$ or.a.rtd pcld3, LJs6 dr 6h.m ridd,:n ccitat tor lhs grrE€+ _rrdrble ccntads,.SPo: i DA @ 30 '"4)C I r€lr ih€l |$E1-_ r'rar*" ----"*^ l- i ' NOTE \!trr i !.i' ! FosrDd rr !h! .?or'Ac o ZSZaOVIC irs{ a.t contFrlix' .1.c..r.cbs m.r b. r'.!d r!d tn.r ttr" gvlr ic.arl t ro6cs r. m Fa or rrlr rn ln€ s.ndbr t:.1 l'c mad lars a lt6 ceJ m l|de f lrcFlbrr U|titltl Srrt|lt S!5tenr Sensff warants tts errclosed ar: ouct snEke deteclor tcr be lree St6(em Senscr. P.a+alr Dell.rnr€r:I. RA #_. :rU2: Chir: A./errue tmnrdefeL.tsinnEteIiaha:]d\,WIkn1aD5:']i|JunCle1lFlrEl[5eands!rvices..chartes.IL6017{'Ple6ein']|udecL'1e|lec|lullgl|EIlalliIl.d(,nld for a perlod rfthrce ye{s tro,n date .rt nrarruractura Systenr Serl.sor nrakes suspecred caus€ oi t'atlure- Th. C(.nt )aiy rhal. l)ol be obllgated (o re|ltr rlo other expl€ss lfia(ra !'tcr IhLr alr duct snloke deiec(or No agent. ref| or rqjtc€e untts whrt, ate torutd ro be defecti\p be(aute ot ca[n2e. un. r€senlailve. deale!'- or erDloJ€e ol the ComparN has the sultodi! to ln- reasonable use. rrrodlllcatloi..s. flr atterelloDs rE(rrnina al:er rhe dare oI crease or alttr the obilFtio$ o. linrndoi-s ol dds Vlbtanq,, lhe nranulacture. InDo caresl:aLltrte Lonlr.cv be liauctor ar)y corrsequeDtlal Carnlilarry 5 ob.lqatl')n ot tnls Wbrrarry r"ra:l be Unrlred to lf€ rcpalr or re- or i::cldent. danEges lo: creath c.t dI\ nr anv o:h?t \ irronq,. eqtr+sed pLacenrm: of any part of th€ air cuct snml€ detector \r'5ich ii ibund to be or irrDlied $'hatso€ver even ii the [o:s or danraee ti causpd bN' the detbctlve ln materlals or w.rrkntanshlp under nonnal use and seft1ce dur- Compacy s neFltgence or tbult. g)rrP star6 do not allru rhe ercluslon or ing the thteeveer'perkd conmlenctnS .r/lth fldate af nranutactur€" Ai!er lin trtic:'t ol'inddentai oa xnsequenlal rlarnapss. so th€ abor,e ltnrlbttot: pnoninq S:/sten S€n-.or's roll fiBe number 8{)+SENSOR2 (t36 ?0721 tor a o. e(clusion nray nor appl.y' t ! 1$u This \ iarianv Rtves you sDecitic le8al F.etum .quthcnlzatrori nurnlxr- spr.d defectile uD{Ls fxrstaA€ prelxlo to:. and )ou nlay aLso have other $i-Js whlch'/ary liinl state tn statg. Dt0G68-00 l51j-u 4?.G 04-24-00 l2 :41 : 31 fisrAtlATroil AIrD llArf,lEtrAlrcE nsfRucfl ils RT$51 Rermte Test Station ,f ,ruru' sENsoR FAx ro: eas$PAOE sw* A ll',lsto: (.li Pirf4 iD 3$25 Ohio A\,€rue. St Charles. lllilots ii(tl7l r .80i-SSNSOii FA)i d30.J?7-iljli5 SpedfloetiqE Dlmersions: \Ahight: Por{er RPc:I3rnents: .Alann LEDI Test Coiln: lbtal Curent: 'lbst Sv/itch: Reset Sv/ilch: Alaln Rr-:spollse Time : Te nrperal Jre : Humidity: 4.6 hx2.75 wxl.5 d . ll lbs. 2.8 - 32 !?C. lC tnA nrax. 15.5 -12 VDC 95 n rnax- I05 :rA rnax. l0 VA €q 3? \iuL- l0 \A G) 32 !'DC .10 ser. nran. -10'C :o 60"C (l.l'F to i.lO'F) 95?6 RH Non-concielring t I I I I I t I I I I I I l I t I NOIICE: This rnanual shou iC be left \+{th tlre owrrr,/user of ti.Iis equipnrnt. Gens.l Infilrmltiqr System Sensor's RTS451 ls an autornaiic fiie cetectc,r ar'ces- sory deslgned to lest a re:norely locatec. detector. Corsult detector installa'Joil instr,.:cticlrs for adctltior,al infomratbn. The National Fire Protectiql As-socialio:.r lras publisired codes standards, a:rd recommended s.actices for tne in- staliation and use of :he ahove poduct. lt is r econunended that Ihe lnstallel be famiiar \-im these rcquirem€nts. vvitir loca- codes. and arry sp€cial rmu!€nrefis of rhe loml authodrty ia\.ing julisdictrrn. Rnsa6l Com.|tt3 RTS45I remote test station #4 scIew for rrnturtlng bracket test cail+ screw pack (2 rnou:r:irg x:cws) I jumPer v/ith spade i'!gs* I M(2-04 test rnagn€t I test cdl rrnuntlng brac{et* *lrlot used with \4orlei 6424 Proiecte.l Beanr Srn:rke Detector: Wirirtr of RFa5l Consult the apprcpriate detector irsta:ialion irsiruc:ions for the applicable u'irlng rltagrart. The RIS45I nrJunts to a single garE be-'x (?- 1/2 " r:L-lmun deptli . lD Ca:racian applicatiolls. the RI9t51 is inten(H to l]€ lo- cated in the sane r.-ronl as the smoke ceteclor and wilhin 60 feet of the unir. mil51 ndtEt. Torl Srdio.l ilf@-04 TES- l\TiAGNET UT;ATI3lS ,1?8.r995.ttl I I I I l I t I I 'I I T I I I I I I 04-24-OO l2:4.1 :31 NOTE: Ttre Tesf Coil is NOI used rtrtl: tl )e !l-<-el 6{24 Bear: Sr :roke Detector. IIl" i lagnet to rhe LID as ncicared in Alarm Indicalion With the rnagnet in place sonu tirrc uill elapse (,i0 sec. maxrmum) depending on tl:e detector tyre. l;efoIe the alarm indicating LED will light. Reset Function C€ntly insert a l/8 ' ma;iunurn clian:eter t{rcl 1nto lhe hole until rt stops and LED rums off. The RTS451 is capabLe of rcsetting crtly certain mocels of detectors. Refer to i.e-tector irstallation instructlons t.Jr additiolral inlornation. rf svstsu sENsoR FAX ro: oes$ Operaadl Test Function Place and hold rh€ patllted sid: of RTS4SI on rhe iight or left side ot the the dia$'alx abo\€. PAGE 3 lbcG.lbr li|t-|!d f-..ttt S]st€nt Sensor \.. crrants lrs enclosed rEnr,.Ie tesr sntlon tc be hre Itonr d,r- tecls In nraterlals and worktna?-shLD utd€t rnrnral u\e a|1d servi(-? lnr a period of lht€e yeaIl ftonr date of ntanulacture. S\6tent Seaor n)akes rLo oth€r expr€ss wamnty for ttds renbte lest slation. No ageni r€presslta- tlve, dealei or entplo),e€ ofthp Company has the authority to Incrpas€ cr alter Ihe obliBations or ltmtlattors of thts \fhrranty. Ttte Canpaoy-s obli, eati.on of tlis Warranty sht[ be llnlited to the reitair a. iq)larenlslt ot any part of the renore rc$ staticn whch is tb'rnd ro be defrcti\" bl nrarerials or worL{anship under nofnral use and seplce Curing t.E tltree ysar p+ rlod conrnencinli wlth the date of nErufbcrue, Att€r phr,, ng Systetn Ser:ior's tou trEe nurnber 800-5ENSOR2 {7:,G7672) tin a Retum Authcri- zalion nunrber. send detecti\re uni,rs pcstage prepald to: S$tem Sensor- RiDait DeDartnpnl. :'v\ f=--,_ 3b25 Ohlr, Avenlle. :)t. L l.tarles, lL ti'0174 Pleas€ u)clule a r,(rte dei(rlDhrB lhe nraltuDctlo.r arrd susl)ecrm cause o[ rallurp. ih. C.rnrpanY shalt lroi b€ oblhated to repalr cr rq)lacr ut'its lr'ruth arE founC to be d':tective becalse of damap,e. unre&snnable u<e. nodilkationr. o. alleratinl3 oc.u'ri-ne- atler the dare cl n)anulbcture ir: no case shal the Contl]a 'be llable tor any col$eq rlentl,al or Incldenla: damaBg lt. brelch of tSis or aDy oth6 V,bnant!'. expru6sed or IntlllC wriatsoeiEr. Even il the lols or dar.',aee is c.rused b', the CoDI).rov 5 rEgli gence or lault, Son)e stats do oot atlou,the cJciusion or lirrtitatit:i ofincr. dental o. coGeqser:tial danlaqes. srr tl! amue lindtntl.r or €xcluslonntav not apply to vou. Th.s Wa-co:ry qrvei lrru !'lxclllc teq3l rlgnrs. and yru mal, also have other oghts whtch ran fro||t 1!at+ to srate I I I I I I I I I I I ,,*l ,rr.rM sENsoR FAx ro: s+saO PAOE 04-24-00 lO:24 :34 llodels Avail.ble * Hoan/Strobes P.,2",5 P24' 5 P243J P21'1t Strob.s s121 5 s2.r- 5 s?430 s24'"C @ s24;5 Horns H1? i? t'1C? !24 ' i:.a|,', jra.tn{,Dtotn tl c11 iaI .r'-tLl Producl O,rcrvre1,r I t I I I I I Meet lrL and AOA signalr€ rsquirer€ s Lot, currefll draw Molc d:ri.e5 per l-acp Lower Instal ed :osi Uniyersal mounting plate included Accessory nountif€ plaies ara;lable Field€electrbl€ horn tones Electrornechan ca / 3(dz lemcoral 3 / Non-:emp,ira! 3 H igF 'Lcu dBA oltput Availabfe in 15, 15/75,30, 75, and 11O cN|dels SFchronirable homs and svobes widl SFc. Circuat'" modute Aesihetic design SFtaT Sensor'3 SpactrAlcrt wd.mdrnt scries includB a complele llne of clcctrdtic hans, slrobes, and lsnlstmtes. InEnded for Firrory signaliq use, SpectrAbrt p(odrcts mset Utl971, ULa6a, ard AnEricdts ritft Dis.bil ra.s Act requiremcnts. Pertolmancc. With its ext(erneh efficiert raflectcl design and Xer'r:rr flasrr iube. S;.rec:rAlert offers current dra\ , rcd.uctions as hiqir as 40 ?,,.' o\.s previous gef,et - af iol desiglu Bv consuming less cur:er,t, dre flexibility to co:tneci rnore delicr: per loop is pcsible. lbr a lower insrall€d cosr. lnst6ltatidr. SpectrAler; prcducrs cfl-er i:rsta.lla:ion ease rvhich ab<: lcrwers rhe insralled ;osr, Bv takinB up no room in tbe back bo;. Spectr Alert srrcilxs arrcl Irory'srrubes rrnke wiring corurectiorx sirrpler and f*iter. Each Sp"-ctr Aler-r trrclucles a universa.t rnouffing plare fcr 4 "sqr:are and single g3ne back box nr]unting. ,Accessory nxrunting plates are olso a\.?ilable for small f cnrprinr or $rr:-ace :Trlu:1t applicatitrts. Flcxibility. SpectrAlet cffers the flexibility tc nt€et a hrcac{ r:ange of req.rir€rnerrs, The SpctiAlert lrcrrs and horn srobes featut e a nurnbcr of fielci seleccabltr'reversible hoin torxs. For r.isible requlenrenls, SpectrAlerr $robes aJrq hcrrVstrobes arc available in a ra'icie vaiiety cf configuraticrB to aridr€ss ;mn-sleeping area, sleeping area, anc cori-idor requirerrEnrs. Cfferings include 24-volt mcdels at 15, 1y75, 3O. 75, ancl l l0 carrlela. a:'rd lZ-volt devices at 15 and 15/75 ca,rdel,a. Ae{helics. To rneet building owrEr aest;rtic requirernents. SoecrA.lert inccrmrates a swlislr, low prof;.le desig,n, And tlris aesthetic i-s ccnsrilelt acro:rs all S1:ecr |AJert wau-rrcunt produ.ts. g@*.@sr* oo'I I 04-24-00 l0 :24 : 34 Engheaf ing Spccifications SYSTEM SENSOR FAX to: s+efe PAQE I I I I I I I General SpecrAlert hons. strobes art hcm/strobes shsll be capable of mounring ro a siarcjarC 4'' x 4"x l:r':' back bcx ol a single eang 2" x 4" x l?rs' back box usi;lg the universal rnounting plate included with eaci'r SpectrAleri Product. Also, SpeclrAlert prducts, when tsed ln ccr:riuctlon \4'iti the accessory Syrr.Circuit Module, shall be lrcwerecl from a non-coded povl'er supply anci s.llall oprate or l2 or 24 volts. 12 volt rateci devices sirail i)ave an operaling vokage range of 10.7-17 volts. 24-vcll rated devices shall have an operaring vcllage range cr 20-30 vohs. SpecrrAlerr producrs shall have an operating te:'nperature of 32" to l?O"F anc ooerate frcm a regulated DC or full wave r€ctified, u:rfihered pcr.,'er supplv. llom Horn sha.ll be a S.vsrern Senscr SpecrrA.lera L4odel - capable of opraring at l2 ancl 24 r'olts. Hom sl:all be listed tc LIL 46.1 for i:e protective signaling sl5tenrs. The horn shall lta ,e two lone optiof's, two auciibiliry cptiofls (at 24 r.oltsi anci ti-re cpdon to swirch benrcen a ternpor"al 3 pattsm and a noi-remrrcral continuous pattern, AII hor:rr rndels shall operare on a coded 1rcwer supl:ly. Slrobe Strobe shall be a System Sersor SpectrAlert \,Iodel - lisled to UL 1971 and be approved for F-re 1:rotecrive servke. The strobe shall b€ wked as a prinrirr, signnling notificaion appliarre and cor:rpt with rhe Alrerica:rs wi*r Disabiliries Act rcquirernents for visible sisruting appli ances, flasiring at lHz over the snobe s entir€ operatu'rg voltage range. The srobe light slrall consist cf a x.rDon flash tube aid assoaiated lenvlellectcr s!.srem. 5pecifications Holnlstrobe Conbinrtion Horn'Strobe shatl be a Slsem Sersc r SoectrAlen lrlodel -- lised to LL l97l and LIL,164 and sha[ be apprcred for fire protective serui.e. Ho:tlSr:Dbe slra.tl be wired as a prinrat-v signalfurg notiScation appli:u.rce and comp.ly with lhe Anrerlcal.ls rvith Disabiliries Act requirerrpnls lor risible sigrra.lirig appliairces. flashirlg at ll'lz over tlre scrob€ s endre ofr:aailrq rclnge ranqe. The srrobe lign'- shall cor-rsisl ol a xenon flrrsh ube a"'rd asociated leLrJreflector sysrem. Th :ro:rr slr.dl fune trrc lone options, rwo audibililv oprions (at 24 r"olrs) and the oFtioll to switch hetrrcen a tertrporal 3 paite:lr aJKt .r rcn-tempoal continuoui pattern. Srrobes slrail be pcwe:rc. indepenciently of the soundei witlr the r€fiK)val of lactotl install€d.tumper wir€s. The lrtrn on :rcm/srohre nodels shall op€rale on a coded or ncn-ccrled power s[:,D:lL] {lhe strobe musr be fJol,r€red con:iruioush}. Stnclronization Modde Module shall be a Slston Sanscr Svrc. Circui' - listed to LL 464 and shall be apprurec tr:r fire proteclive service Tbe m:iule shal! svrrhrorfz€ SpeitrAjerr strobes al li+ ard hons ar tenrpcnat 3. Also, lhe module slrall silence the homs on lnrnistrobe rnodets, ['hile operadne the strobes, o\€r a single Fair ol u"ires. Ihe rnodule si,a.ll be cal:able of mouniing :o a 4rrlrn ' x 4rrl,"".x 2r.lr"" Lrack box and sball control rw€ Siyle Y tclass B) or one Swle Z iclass A) circtrit. Module shall lx capable oi nrlrltiple zone synchrcnization bv daisv clrainirrg multiple rrroJules togetber and re-synci:ron?ir1g each othel along rhe r:tsin. The r:rcdule shall not operate on e codecl ocw€r supply I Wol< Ierl Speclrir6rt ho,n,'5trobe and i(, r onlT |.rJrf,k ar "wt!k lesls- qi:h r[rE durat Dns rrf $'Ea![eryruol I hjrn aio lrol|i'suotr€sl OlEralrng Teirper.rtijrc .:2'F rc I _iO"F (t'.1 to 56'C) l:!idcor 5lr<rlr!, 4nlyl '4U'f lD 158'f l-4O'C lo 70'C ) UtC C,inadi.nr f.looe I '40'C ro 66'C i .2 .ra. I I I I I I I 4 5CC6nO5 Or olceig Wt,Jrl, {rD5* and n*F/rnob€ 8.S or.niut terrninals 12 1o 16 AWG Smcns,ms Srfobc €nd hah,/staobc rr,ilt t irc|sai prllc 5"x5tr'r21t16 Stroo? arv mrr /strcba rirtn snall fo6lpr nr pt.te 33/e rSVr x29li6" l.1o.n a{|1 unNc{sol mdfilrng p :!t1 5 x55/s x15/16 H(}n htllolt n|ount,r.'it [,]a:e 2 ts/ i, r 53/"6't 1s/1. 1r1 11"2 ot2 x4' rl1/a s,lano€ti bo(..rs ridcat ioerslif g lerioeta:Lrre 3Z'F .o l2A'F i6'C !c ;grcl 'l? Dt zl\Ot.. and FWq udr lcrc.j Oparatrre vo raQc fan€c' lzvr 10.! I 7V. 24V: 20 3CV OFrat'n! Y0riage :nn9!' lwitr Srr.Cr!!,1 rtrJdule_ MtJt) 12v. 11 17Vi ?4v 2C30V - rhr.r! Froorrts lrrllt F .Br6t€ rtrm rne. 'ded rdag! rang.: u! dcs r!!Gv!j. |t:t tunci'tl hregta! t; ?.1,\.nd r'0b Dt man!r.cr!.r' t !r!r!d I FE TO: 9a9*PAOE 04-24-00 LO:24:34 SpecrrAle curtent Drrui Table SYSTEM SENSOR FAX I I I I T I I llorn Only Horn/Strobe 15 cd Ar:1 _,qa rlr':rC r IFAI Horrlstobe 30 cd Arat!,qa !! r!Y,t (rnAl H gh'!or/ -e-o ?CV ;.4, Mode s ?4 t :10v Etcltrc. mcan, Icl? ,_lsl _Nofl '34 {! |nlcrr,pl H orn./Strobe 75 cd Ar,c.rlgc l..r'rcr:,mil I i4! i/bce i Aver ngP Cr,rtt|_i { "Al 2{, Mnlels Hqh/Lor'Ienpi ;{ir,I I I I E ccto fi Si mc:J.. 30CO Hz Fi,gh Intcn!Fa. ?c7 i1o - Suobe Onay Ave..ge Clr1erl lrrli Feai C:.. IzV Nlodc.s i 24V Mcdc,s 1 1?,r' {'lod:ts 10 a! I r 2! -, i t 20v 2a,r 3cv . 1 5'. '2r 1'r r'20v 24V 1 R!rl, :urrv a '|r'A '2, M9c.ts 24v MrE:l; : o 5.! r 2-r 1 7! 2J, 21,! 3aY \F h FtlF qc rwr Ca Fri !c luft pc q^E O,: ,fnk 0c r\A,R lrt lin O; ft/i 0: tSti O: tra/t 15 1!3 159 141 l1 rzt rc 1or l.: OO 'rO ' ti,4a!.80 135 ?04 ML EL O, lj ::t'1{ !j r: :2r "( 1. i;r90 l5/'75 168 r8?142 1t1 1!r 6r ." i .1 , !9:: 5?i)-:QO t({{50 T5C 199 15U 'to1 154 16 1^ca l! ;1?iiilba rui Jr ial r:a ib- r;- l? 30 c4 67 t2 5E l;- i '+ r.l !cl 219 [- lr: M. rl,a ,{ rr ;-r- ':: '-c t1! lr: ltga ;5 -------_ t) l:3 la€ i02 lici I rJt M.Na Eso r{o 14)60 90 ta i|ra M iria ilr\ tA l!i: ba! ilSc !t: tsl fsc ]lC nA u. l.a fia lvr lM ti In, rlr na l9O Pa. fA 9!4. llr F'. srgh/Lcllll [e.r;, / :1ln 21 193 !i7 ;t. - lc;'t' '42;-go lE A,ra':3; cL "cnt t:nAl ",2.'tblels ;4t irodeJs 10.5V I r 2V 'll - . r-, ..1 69 t96 l5r r72 ,rqt 119,r57 A,re.3qs Crrrenl rr ,A) 'lii \rl.ac:2.1Y lvbders i:i iieslirs irEt' I ar r- * ?9 1195 l1a2 ir33 lri3 r r,€ ll- Rararba,rit RF|n dBA (! uolts B€ Elodrdncclancai 3C3O Hi ,nicfr A|ltchorc Rrdn P.ol dlA @ 1Ut./volrt t,c 1C.5 12 l1t i20 ,2a 130 to,s '12 17 I I Iccifaancchanrcai I o*l .r"ruM sENSoR FAX ro: s+gaC PAOE O4-24-OO 1O:24r34 SpeEirAlen Ordadng Inlormatron AYg. ftA' Atg td' Oaldi:. Vm oidn.FWR' 'I I I P24't 5 F241i ] a F2 43n ?2r ia P24r10 Fl 2 I il5 li iw.r3l-rcrpr ta'j F2,11 575K lwca!tcrpr.!'l P:4;5li l,i,tailf.prod) P2 4r l'i< (wc€ihcrtrra') P24'5:5AC IAGE !T) P2t1, t1a.-'t tav|t" Whl|t t -;.. ;5 l:-1 15.,?5 :11 tr I lo 1: ,ia liri: 7! llL: t5/75 15r ts sl rcc 2lrs 16 / a2 r6l 23: b2 F121575W P2 415W F:415 751.{. F:43C',n P24?5S P24r 10!? 21 21 21 21 z1 24 24 24 ?4 l:: 7.1 q2 71 1:ts 165 14 l L a.6d. PZ415A F2 4" 5 ;5i\ P24li^ P24l ICA ,24" al5{A (wca c.pfoolJ F24l5KA lflcaihc,Farcl; Pi{1sWA P2 415t 5r''/ P2 415WA P2.t11oWA ?4 24 2n 2; 2l t5 t5/.;r 1l/ )5 t4s '05 'I tt, :o_q t67 F24ll0KA il|(aihororo.J) - 24 I lc 16: ?o: -a r, ^frx,.a -E;t: tsl r:i:ol- # -lr - 6: ! I I St|obes s 121s r'! s12t5:59J s?,r15 w s 2415 75 Vr' s ?4 30V.' s?4t5rY S?41. Liv{ l€;75 l5 la, r 5 30 t'10 15. It 113 15,'/5 s:215t5 S24-:15 s243C s2415 s24i l0 S:2l:15K l:rr.. thllr p'o.rr) S24: :75K Inc.ihqp"r'') 524 I iK :Y!co:icrpr')'-ll S24' 10K (tlrtihrrro.r. S24r 5tsAi riGE\-, s24'i75av iFVAC) 24 24 24 24 24 12 24 24 21 21 24 1,42 .i3 l4c 15? t;l r 53 191 'lrl 6{ 159 '19' 6a 61 4:r :?3 {s ,t9 a a'aoa S24l5/t S2il'575A s24t5A s24'1CA 5?. ?5 wA S?.r rs 75,rA s?4 75wA s?4l1owA 21 zl 21 24 1t 1lC .t3 12.3 t 4t) 6t) 64 '149 1Sl I I S?4l1c|1A I'rrcatncrp'oo1) - 24 llc l'10 191 -r,rr. /.n .r ,Lr ------------:-- 2a 'E/=a ----7c - - -6--' S24t 5:tiKA {wc6'hc{proo'. S24T5KA i!/ca'ihdpr('ol) f5/'75 49 trt 21 75 1?3 143 4 1,12t24W 12/24 l\A lrl/:a 1O/'.t tl 2/i4( ($:aihc{pr.o::_ 1Zt Za .,1, to,:a -:/ 16 tlc'l?/244 frc 1 2,/ 2,t Ko ||c l2 /24'!r/d 12/24 'ta,/ 25 10/25 lJ/ l9 10/ 1a NA I Syr.a lrE-r I MD. t\4iltw i2r ?!lb ?,1 1,401r{1U?4 24 Srnel footprr.]! l{oLni ng Pt€ic lor S ng a Gang 0n) Suafaar M:!n: Back 8or sk:ri s.lvlF BES S I,IPW SBSw NA $1,1 I I I t I unrYcrsar fliotrniln3 Pla1c. Fop a.cftcnl: _ t.NtF ____ 3 N1FW lvA. i,lr __ tiA NA \tcarfErprost Eack 8or WBt -- ilA \A NA \A !!F,. AScn!) L r$rngs lhdoor rno.rc:s: .J-, L,!C Fi\|, CSFlt, MeA- tlbair.ryrcca nrodcrs: tiL, CSfM islr&c otry;, MEA |'JLC.A]|o'r.lrsc5Pcc:rAi:fFoo|Jtis6redcs|gncl1dwallFa!nto,1iy,A||!tC.6ihciFrooTtfoccbrn,Jstuscv|cavicrp|oof|16c|b oc|35l(b.5''s\'tlcpcrr'5i5i'jcu'.C':hccf.7:3ttt.ilJ'a''*':aU5co{lhc^oA.clsct.2.2j..iol!(vc't'5i'.E|cs!Erbrb'|Iyo.r.hcpC$ndml( a'arrr sFlcrn !o oclcr'r n - :lt acc.pt? D |'\ et css lren ,,: csr€c 6 s:roms a'r 15 / 75 c€rdo6 st,oFs o' hc{n/sndr"s 6fr' tcc- nmc*y, :. .or :O I Zil rodrs ir ,cs+ ticm arr h'rrvslolx au||em dta 5]ss ailc lrjrn s sc'i a: tcm9 3,4tcclromcchantcat l('E and htttt 6uciottrlt ' rWR - t. lr!'6\,n Rcc:ic.l Systetn Sensor Srbs and SerYice SFlam Sanlor Haaqur?ta6 SFatn Sr|lor Canlaa stflan laBor tn Chna 3825 Oh,o Avcrruc Pn: gC5.B12 C;61 Fni 01{.6?5 3 Sr. Charbs, :6017{ Fx 905.8't2.0?71 tx O1t.€6 ?9524.6259 :: ::"",:11t"""- sFrm s.iroi lurcpr srnrn s.n or in stng.!.r.r) bru/r/to4v: Fh: cl1.44.l4o3.z76soc pil: c11.65.273 2z3o 9111-ahls !'' Dcrnand Fx 011.44 l4o3 zl65oi fx: o]1.8€.273.2610 1.8C0 736.76/2 13 vrww-syslctnsltsg c(trr ! 19qg S\5tem Slirof -lhe .imp.rt .e!e!e\ t'E .Vr r. ar.nge rodrr$ ,ipc cfcarDn 5 tqihorr rdicr stfl.m Sr|!3o,- F.r EBt Phi C1 1.95.22. 191 90O-: f x: 011.85.22 73'5,EsAC tllam sa||3oa- austiala Plr: 011.613.54 at,l.14e Fx: 011.61S.54,2a' 112 405.!3&c6' I t99l1 Cr).e;7i I :o 9{l{[.:tj fr:ri :a)laci ESL 405 Polarity Reversat Relay llodules ,Ot Installation Instructlons ,H Dcrcdptlon ESL 405 polarity rcversal relay modules are designed fbr use u'rth ESL 400 Series smoke detectors that hav€ built-in sounders. On aiarm' the module disconnects the detectors from their normal power supply and applies reverse polarity from the notification appliance circuit. Applying rcvene polarir.'- causcs the soundcrs on detectors not in elarrn to activate. Applicrlion f{otct Use tlre following guidelines to delermine rhe appropriate aPplication of th€ rela-v modules: . For 2-wire applications, DO IOT connect pull $arions. hcst dBtectors or other shorting devices. . Use a single circuit module for 4-wire applications. . For 2-wire opplications, use onc relay for each initiating circuil. . Modules can be used to allow secondary relay-controlled alarm functions such as door-release or closing. Inrtallrtion All r,r'iring must conform to National Electrical Code (NEC) and/or local codes having jurisdiclion. The module comes assembled for installation on a standard 4 inch commerpial elecfical box- Use the fotlowing instructions to install the module in a control panel: I. Slide the terminal/circuit board offthe gray plastic mouming bracket. 2. Rernove the two screws holdinglhe plastic mounting bracket to the melal plare. 3. Place double-sided adhcsive rape on the back ofthe plastic mounting btacket and stick the bracket inside the control panel enclosure. 4. Slidc the terminal,'circuit board back into the plastic mounting bracket. 5. Strip 3/8' ofinsulation from each mr.,ductor and insert cach onc undcr the appropriate screw tenninal. Refer to rhe wiring diagams for typical wiring configurations. 6. Tighten the screws and check all wiring connections WARNING: This device may not be compatible with all power supen'ision relays. Wbcn you usc this devicr. on 4-wirs cir€uits, use the ESL 2(X scries powcr supewision relay- ar thc cnd of linc. The ESL 449CTE or CSTE with a sounder thal incorporates an end-of.line/scnsitiviry rclay output may also be used. I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I t t 40li{1 .nd405.03 + 1 Xt ? . K'"i 40$02 and.rc+{X ' Slan&y leaminrl connsctions :o' 9{!,1[iri Wiring Dirgnmr Fr:n iarlac r .l-i{-01.r -i {ij;r, p .) el j I q|Glrn I I I I Tuo Wb. OiE rm fuo tl|. + h,t&rg n Fnlo1 ao$or - la4vDc) + I /g;'* -o \I '"il Fot'Wlra Oirgram Srlcha:t + {!5.0r - r2avDc)+ / .,r"" + g1 \| |'rqtr I \oavoq-0/ gSL 429CS S.f .5 dnola dtltclors EBt aagos Sa'ig lmol(r rnaqd! Cirqi ldrblng [*XF:ff.;.tr ffi] t t I I I I I I I I 24VDC, single circuit potarity revelsal module 24VDC, dual circuit polarity rerrersal module 1zVDC, singlo oircuit poiar[y rev€rsal module 1zVDC, du8l circult polarity reversal module I I t I ESLT gETTEOL 12L5 S1ry Lovgon O.. ?uC8tin, Of 9?062 T.r.r 503.692.4!52 Far 50A891.7566 nt!:rlrlrF.C{|1td.c!fi1 U.S. O ftn.(h 8O,6{7,e556 Tchdcd Srwlce fl0.6{8.2&4 FlIEftc t.to0.{6,te5 S.nkgr r.|.nfi |tI tol{ b cnrngt t adlbrdir r,ltti,rl rdr ttl,gE S.ntd E SgrJip l!L6 F.rA A PxODUCT Of 5TNTROL I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I FILE No.$4 04u2? '@ 14:19 ID :GENESIS 0IBLE SYSTEIF FAX:I 26e 94? O?24 PME 1 Part Nurnber: Description: Compliance: Corrstruction: Conductor No. of Ccnductors Assenlhly TYPE Colo r Thick ness Dianleter Lay t-ength Draln Wlte shi6ld Type Color Thickness f)ianreter Legencl (lnk Print) Proporlies -femperature Raling Operating Voltage Capacita nce lmpeclance DC Resistance Flarr]e Rating GENESIS CABLE SYSTEMS Cuslomer Specificallon 4405 18 AWG 4/C Shielded FPLR UL Standard 1424; NEC Article 760 18 AWG Solid tsare Copper 8 'Iubed jacket over calrled, shielded, itrsulaled cotlciuctorg hsq!allgrl Polypropylens Bik, Recl, Ylw, Grn, Btn, Blu, PPl, PnK 0.006" nom. 0.052" nom" 2 5" nonr, 22 Solid Tinned-Copper 0,00 1 " thick Aluminum/lilytar Jads! PVC Red C 015" nont. 0.206" nont. C.r o.i3 c.lro Syrtornr - ,l ,,{WC l/C (UL} IYPE FPLB €t 7510! - wlo, -- -20 to 75 0c 300 Volts max. 3l) pf/ft norn. 30 Ohms nom, 6.32 Ohrns/M'al 20"C UL 1666 (Riser) I I € GI .lI vt ctl .E GT E l- t rl I I t I I li I I I I I I t FHgF gFEgE EEH=E E-acEE SgqeE EE$EE EEEEE Pl; E]' =87 I il ln l! I''' lD li t: t; lo lo It lo I'tr li lr ll E g si F * g; EEEEEHE ssEs =g E.aEs Ei EFEE FE #=$ EF E=85 =EEA s A GT 3 E :- a- I FIE EE 3E;42 3 v.t i-?l A TI -v'1 i =F = I I 2 t!fr{,#'t"r:ffi, #;Jt*rlte/Nottrlar ro: $+putffi*o ".r,oooo' 18 PoB.r SupFly CahulBtons I I I t I I I I t I I t I I I I T I 174 Appendlr A Pow er S upply Calailnioru Dl r Dt d.os B A.1 The AC Branch Glroult lho !r{S-92m rolultsg connoction lo a eeprreo dodlortcd !2OYAC bnnch clrculr, rvhlch must b6ls5clcd FI16 Alam,Thc bEnch olrsult must connEcl lo 0ro llne ddo of dro urain powar fcod of tho prctccted promirer, No other Cqulp_mcnl may be Powcttd from tlrs iltrr al$n brrnch chcuil, Tlre t,raDch olrouit wit murt run condnuouely, wldroirt irny dicqonnect dcvlccq frorn ths Po$tcr sourEo b dto fir6 ilann control pnncl. Ovccrfrcnt proocdon ror this olmult must comply wilh fuliclc 760 of tbe National Elecnlc|t codo rs wcll as locql codee. uto#t4Awo (2.00 mrnz) winwtrh 6{X) voh insulation for thls bnnch circull, usc Thhlc A' I to dcFrmlno tho mul anount of curerq ln AC arnps, thrt mue! bo ruppliad ro thc fin rlarm ryrrcm, TABLE A-t: AC Sranch qrldt Requlnn nH @ l2oyAC Unlt Type Number of Unlls Culront Oraw (smpa) Tqtal cunsnt Psf Dsvlce MS-92fi) R45-24 Charger I I1 x x 2,' 1.0 2,1 Total AC Branch Cununt ReqqlrEd 2,3 amps *l Bt,o/|illt&4!l I I l1-o5-99 l8;48:39, nl_:_Fireltte/Notiftor To: *asa6ru t'rnR.lg. 1998 12! 1spt4 Nd?IFTER NO. ?34 Pe{|c? Erfply Cthul!|lon. "' '.'', -1--*r,.- PAOE LI P."/4 I t I I I I A.2 The Maln Porver Supply Thc MS-9200 prorrldcr filrcred powerfor opcrarlag thc fira drrm control panel, opcntlng ortornal dovicor rnd opcr_ ating tc rlandby batrry Tto povr'tr frr oporting cr,rcrnnl dcvlcce lr limircd. Ui tuto A-2 (rtonauy or nonalafirr) and Tbbla A-3 (slarm) to datcrmlnc lf exbrnd lordlng ir within dro ctprbllitics of rlrc MS,9200 power *upply. Conconing smoka detectonl rcfcr to tfio rnrnufrctura/s data shce packagcd with oach rmok6 det€ctor !o flnd tho ltendby and f,larm Eurrun! dr.wr o uro ln thc foltowing lablac. Bo curc to powor da6cton ftom TB4, Tbmlnrls 5 and ti,, TA8LE A.2: ['llbrtd lard In Fhndby @ 24VDC . Ertcnul DGvicoF Connechd to IB4 Onty I I I t t I I T I I I oevhr rype # of Devicec Sbn'Dy Cutrnl (erFE)Totl Cumnt (rmp$) Mrln Clrcult Eoard I X 0.08 E 0,08 RjrM-8F [ | I ono mot,x 0.009 oOOf ACM.SRF II x 0.030 I ZDM.I6F { I onc mrr,x 0.un05 AFM-I6Afi ,rnn|.liaf I J ono rn'r. X 0.04 E 11il,,# rr x o,oo2 E AFM.I6ATF AFM.32AF II x 0.04 AFM.I6AF tt x 0,925 q UDA T.F I I ona mrx.x 0.04 I LOM.32F tl x 0.04 LDM.8:}2F T1 x o.N2 r.cD-40 tr I x 0,051 E .0<.1 +WrE $mol Dstcalor I .l g I * L*d n ,o31 Porver Supervlslon Blhy 11 I X O,{fl5 E l0a cP300 rl x 0.m0t3 tl sD300 115 1 x 0.000tJ It .oo5 sD300t tl x q0002 M300 t/, I x 0,m02 B ,ooL M10l tI x 0,(m2, Mtsz tl x 0,otrt ECr-loL,(Ltol x o,w ,ooL c|04 [21 x oflxn E _ , oao,l 1300 rl x om04 q gum Column br Sf|ndby lnd It ,1eL Noter: r. fB4, Tbrminalr | & 21 nonrqslrtcd 24 VDC,2.5 ampr r. TB4 Tbnnfnd a J &,4i frltqtd 24tD€ +l-5% l?/..iPiz rir5lh @ l0 rnVus r. TB4, 'Ihrmlnrls 5 & 6; flltcrcd 24 VDe +l-S% l20Hz ripple @ l0 r1Vps3 4. TB4, lbrmlnels 3 & 4i nonrqscnablo ruxlliary powor, 300 urA s. TB4, Tbrmlnrls 5 & 6 rc$ttrbla rmoko dclcctor potrycr, 3m,nA L Refor to Currcni Llmltatlons on foloylng pryc DrfiDrrt rrrat m I At/oln Atr, tra4{78 11-05-SS 16:46r39 ' ttrR.19. 1998 12s 15PM il?#'*rtte/Notirler ror $lseese PACE 18 ]'to.734 P.3/4 I I I Power guFdy Ca|clrhffom Oavhe llpa # of Drvlce: A|rnrlby cunBm (anps)TolEl c[n€ntt (arnps) Mrln Clrcull Bosrd I X 0.168 =0.16E KIM-8F ( | loncnor. X OJ46---------?-,t'tb ACM.SRF tl x 0.t581 zDM-rcF [ | onc mrr.x o08. AFM.I6ATX AFM-32AX I I onc mu.x 0.056t E ABr,r.l6ATF AEM.32AF tt x 0.018t AFM.I6ATF AFM.32AF tt x 0.056t AFM.I6^F I]x 0.065{ UDACIIF [ ] one max. X O.Ui- = LDM-I2F tl x 0.0567 Reuc.r''"g (el" 1 t l8l X .oz1 F ,i1'{ rcD-40 lt)x 0,054 .os tl l wire s^ol<e s"""lrrr[|.8l X .OtO E .'18 0 Fowgr Supetr,kton Relqy t{ ] r X 0.02i =, lto Addl€'sghtoDwtcar il*ftr,H" x 0,2r E 0,2 Notificarlon Appllrnccs tt0 |x I"ot1l r t,91 Sum Golumn lor Atqrm lord T .3.1 61spst t I I I I t I I I t I I I TAELE A-rB F|lhrsd Load In Alann @ 24vDc - atrt!ilol Devlcer cotrtrccbd to rD4 only Currcnt llmltatlonr of Ennlnrlr: Tts4, Tbrmlnrlc I & 2r1! rmpr TE{, llmlnrlr 3 & 4. O3 rrapr TBil, Tlxmlnalr ! & 6.0.1 omp[ TB I and TB2, eny onc circult J 25 qmpr Tbtal cumnt draw fmm rll lccnrloalr oannot crgcd-1,lqrpr.wirh rtandard XRM"I trrnsformfi tnttlllcd; d.0 unpr wilh bollt tirndffd XRM.I lrurrformcr and opdonrl IRM.z4 mnlformcr lnsnllsd. NorB thgt totd cumnt from Tts4.'lbrmtnrtr 3 & 4 and s & 6 mu$ not clrccod 0.600 rmpr. All RTM.8F REleys rcdvrDsd All el6hC ACM-8RF Relryr rodwtcd on a rlnglo modutc All 16ZDM-I6FI,EDIon All annunclebr lSDr on UDACT Faalvely mrklag phonc call to Ccntnl SFtlon. lf tho nonnally opon @nrsct lr u!ad, surffitr consumpdon Inctlaro| lo 100 mA 1.DM-32P wtrh LBD8 on M302 Monlor Mddula curEnFttmltcd rl 90 mA ln rlrrm Thlc column rnurr not cxolcd total ryrtafl cunanc dnw o16.6 rmpe I. 2. t. 4, 5, 6. 't. E. 9. I I 173 ,lf,f ol0gri Ell ltt[ltJ 11-05-99 lB:46r39 1998 12:15PN Poncr EuFply Oa lcutrtlonr rt: rrrellte/Nottfter NOTIFIER ro, gtqseesa TABI.E A"lr Batlory Crlculadonr Strndby load Rpqrrireo Standby Tlme in Houn Cunent (rmps) X (24 or 60 Houn)Lz8b1 I2't I Alarm Load Cutr€nt (amDr) Requlred Alrrm Tlmc ln Hpurt I 3.4 I' X (1.e,5 minutol -0.084) Add Standby and Alarm Load for Requlred Ampore Hour Battery tl h, rl F l.t Muldply by thc Derrt|ng Fector or 1,2 xt.2 g.s TotalAmpere Hourt (AH) Hequlpo fl.s Norog: l. 7 AH btltsry cur bo lmarad In tbo M8-9200 hclDox 2. I 2 AH to I ? AH brnlfier require rhe Firc.Liro EB. | ?F bstrcry box 3. 20 AH |n 5J AH bmfflcr rcquiru tho Flrcdlro R4i.24 chrlgcr fon horring end charglng bancries ''Dd4f PN t''''ft 1l-O5-99 l5:46:39 mR.19. lSlB 1e:15Pt'l FRt Firertte/Notifier NOTIFIER to, ?34 P.t/4 ro, szcas+esa Po$,.r S$pty Cahuhuo|E I I I I I I I I t l I I t t t I I T l7q Appendix A Pow er S upply Calculmions Bt \1ilE 4.1 The AC Branch Gircuit Ttc MS-92fl1 rtquircs comection b a scparae de dlortd t 20 VAg brflnch clrculq ruhich nust be lqbeled Fitt Alarm.Ttc branqh circuit must connect to tlrs llne eldc of tlu orain power feed of tho prorccud prmiees, No o6er oqulp_ mEnl may be powgrcd fror the flrp alarm br$ch clrcuit, The brsnch oircuir wiro oust run continuourly, wtrholt any dieconnect devlceq from tho powon rourco to dro fir6 alrym conrot pnncl. Ovcmunont protccdon for this cirEuit muit comply with Article 760 of thc National Elccrrlqal code as wcll rs locnl codes. use#14 AwG (2.ffr nrra?) wirp with 600 voh inzulrtion for rhls branch circuit, Usc thble A' I ltt det€mlne dre total lount of curelt, ln AC ampr, ihat murl bc rupplicd to the fire alnrm sy.lrem, TABLE A.t! A.C Branch Circult Reqrdnnenb @ IZ{IVAC unltTlme Number of Untte Cutlent Druw (amps) Tolal Current per Dsvlcs MS-9200 R45-24 Charger I I] X x 2.3 1.0 2.3 Totaf AC ErEnch Curent Requirud EI 2,3 amps pqm.r rtsr8 f,f, 4tdrlr na, ?6tfitt ll-05-99 16:48:39 t"lAR. 19. 199A la:15Pf4 FR# Firerite/Nottfier T{OTIFIER l{o, 734 P.2/4 ro, s?tstesa PorEr EupFly CrkuhdonE I t I T I I I I t I I I I I t I I T I 4.2 The Main Power Supply Thc MS-92fl) prwldcr fflfrnd poqfor opcratlag thc f rc El$m mntrol panel, opaaring axternal dovices and opcr- ating thc rlandby,batery, Tho porrcrfrr operating exrcmnl dcvlces is limited. Ue! ffUtJl,-Z Gtandby or nonalarrr) and Thble A-3 (slafm) to det€rmlne lf external loading ir within the caprbilitics of drc MS-g200 power supply. Conccrning rmoke dehclon: reft,r to thc manufrcturel,s dau sheet packagcd with each smoke detccpr m find the standhy rnd alarm cunenl drawr to ucc ln thc following tsbles. Bo aum to powot dccctors ftpm TB4, ftrrmlnsls S and 6., ITBLE A-zr Flltercd lardin Shndby @ 24VDC - &rcmal Davieoe Connec{ed !o TB4 OnIy Devlae lype # of Devlsec Sbndby Gsmnt (enps) ToEI Cu]r!il (emps) Msin Cirnrlt Bo d I v Ano ?\ U.U! =0,08 RTM-EF [ | ]oncmu,x 0.m9 , 0O'l ACM.ERF tl x 0.030 I ZDM.I6F [ ] ona mrl,x 0.(m05 AFM.I6ATX AFM.32AX I I ono max.x 0.04 AEM.I6AT? AEM.]2AF II x 0,002 A.ry:t-Glryrrxo.{r+= AFM.32AF I I AFM.I6AF tI x o.a25 UDA T.F [ ] onc mrx.x 0.t)4 LDM.12F tl x 0.04 LDM.EiI2F f1 x 0.004 r.cD4t)t tl x 0.054 .o5.1 +U*lqqrrlq*m lZTt x ,ooot ="b27 Powsr Suprnlllon Rrhy J ,t I X 0.025 E . /oo cHm II x 0.00015 sDSm lzLl x 0.00015 , oD3 sD300T II x 0.0002 M300 II x o.s02 a lfio1 17,x 0.0002 .ad I M3(n rl x 0.007 EO-toLx ItLl x 0,000A =. oo2 c304 lzl x 0.0002 I ,o@,1 t300 II x 0.m04 $um oolqnn for Siirffiy ted E .27 6 Noror: t, Tts4, Tbrminalr | & 2i oonragulatcd 24 VDC,2,5 amps r. TB4, Tbrmlnde 3 &, 4i fi ltr"red 24 VDC +h5% 120H2 rlpplo @ t 0 mVrMs l. TA4. Tbrmlnals 5 & 6; fllbt€d 24 VDC +/-5% l20Hz ripple @ l0 mV*5 tt. TB4. lbrminals 3 & 4; noffcsctublo atxiligry poweT, 300 srA 5. Tts4, Tbrminals 5 & 6i resettable smokc dctocior power, 3d) mA G, Refer to CunEnt Limlffions on followlng p*gc : i i I I I l I rl ,] I otaen*||rt;Fl fi.1{ , 09/a*Ht at{ rsrlll I rnl Firerite,/Nottflor ro, szoaseeee PAOE 18 It-05-99 l8:46:39 r'14R. 19. 1998 le!15Pt'l NOTIFIER NO.734 P,3/4 I Fog|ar SrFpfy crlDrrbuom rAELE A-r: Fllh|'d Inrd in Alnm @ 2{YDc . &brtral Dcvlces cobnecbd b rts4 only Oevi:e Tlpe # sf Oavlcer thndFy cqnBnt (ampe) Tolil C{mml (nilps) Maio Cillult Bosld t X 0.t68 =0.t6E RTM-EF I I looorur. X _ O.t46r E tlb ACM-8RF I]x 0.15t3 ZDM-I6F [ ] onc mu.x 0.081 AFM.I6ATX AFM.32AX I I onc mrL x 0.0t65 A8M.I6ATF AEM.32AF tl x 0.0t85 AFM.I6ATF AFM.32AF II x 0.056t AFM.I6AF tl x 0.0654 UDACT.F [ ] ommax.x 0.0756 LDM.32F tr x 0,0567 Rewrt;aa Rcla\ ll3l_ x oolt c . L73 r"ctr-io I' I x 0.054 , o'',l 4-WirESmohe 5auJo l31l x t,onl !l ,3? 0 Povsr Suparvlrion Rclry t{ I x 0.025 5 /a0 Adrrrc*mbte Dwtccr tr]lffi,H- x o.2r =0.2 Notiticaiion Appllrnccs 1/0 |x J,osll E . 170 Sum Cdqnn lor Ahrm lsrd 2.L a(F t -i:: t rr,-1..- t .,. ':j t ,."i ..,, I : I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I l. C\lmnt limltationr of tsmtndlr. '1ts4, Tbrmimlc | & 2 = 2.5 rmns Tga, Tbrmtnllr 3 & 4 - 0.3 amor TB4,'Ibrminrls 5 & 6 - 0.3 q$Ds TB I rnd TB2, any orc clrcult i 15 qmpr Tblel cuntnl draw from rll Qlrnioqh ca ot crcccd 3.6 amps wiilr standryd XRM"I Fsnsformor Inttillcdi 6.0 ampr wilh both rtindsld XRM.I transfrrmcr qnd 0pd0nal ,(RM.24 trtn[formcr Insrsllcd. NorE rhct tofal cunBnt ftom 'Its4, Tlrminslfi 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 mut nof otceed 0,600 ampr. 2. All RTM.8F Reloyr aottvrrrcd 1 E. 9. 3. Alt eiBhf ACM.8R"F Rclrys o+ivatcd on a singlc modulc 4, All 16 ZDM-|6Fl.EDr on 5, AII annuncirtor LED! on 6, UDACT.P aulwly mr*lag phone crll n Conral Shtlon. IncrErrci lo 100 mA |,DM-32Fwlth LBDI od M3m Monlr0r Modulo curtnt-limltod rt 90 mA ln rlrrm TlriS column rruet [ot oxarcd tobl ryrnfl cumnr draw of 6.6 emps If fie notmrlly opcn cortrlct ir urcd. gufiun coruumption I lzE edldtrsd i.., 0!,8/tl F}| r5dtll I I ll-os-gg 16:46:39 FRI Firerite/Notifier to, sz{saseese PAGE H4R.19,.1998 L?ttfin NOTIFIER No.734 p.4/4 Porcr Eupply Orlc Etlon! t t t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t. 7 AH bllt!ry can bo lmatcd in thc MS.9200 brckbox f 2. l2 AH ta 17 AH butaricc requlra rhc Firc.I-ito BE, I ZF brfiary bor i 3. 20 AH to 55 AH brE rios raquirc tho Flro.Lltc R45.24 Charger fr housing and chrrging bgnrdes \ TABIE A,.ir Batlrry Crlculolioru Standby laad Required Shndby Time in Houn Cunent (amps) X (24 o160 Houn).,zl 1 tz.lt Alarm Load Currcnt (amos) Rcquired Alarm Tlmc ln Hours 12,>l- x (1.€'5mirutcs-0,084)_; l,otfl Add Standby and Alarm l,osd for Raquired Ampere Hour B*ttery F h.'1 ,lY =b,1 Multiply by the Deredng Factor or 1.2 ,(.1.2 To'hlAmperu Hou|t (AH) Requhrrl EI 8, I Nonr: @tfillffi tut t 4',!n* Pu tr@t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DRB Fce Job Address Location... Parcel No, ,Project No. Status . . . EApplied.. Issued... Expires. . f \ | h t ^UoFJrft;lFd-zr ISSUED oe /12/rse7 0e /r8/ree7 03/r7 /Lee8 9L403 2 r 000.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 866 = NOTEI THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit €: E97-0205 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS CONDOS, BLDG 2 101-0 B 1- 13 -016 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1l-18, AVON CO 81620 NORTHWOODS P O BOX 123t, VArL CO 81658 E lect ri ca [---> 50.00 Phone: 97094 Phone: 9709491403 Description: REPLACE FEEDER CONDUCTORS TO METER STACVaIuation:E FEE SUI'II'IARY Totat Catcutated Fees---> 51.00 .00 Invest ig6tion> -00 Addi t ional Fees---------> TotaI Perni t Fee--------> .00 53.00 53.00 .oo llil,t catt----) TOTAL FEES__.> 3 .00 51.00 Payments BALANCE DUE----- **li******ti***t***tt*********tr****************t******t********t************************i*****************t*********************** Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09 /76 /1997 LORELEI ACtiON: APPR It'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING DiviSiON: APPROVED BY ART HOUGLAND Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futl the information required, compteted an eccunate ptot ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct, I agrcc to compty lrith the information and ptot ptan, to conpty lrith al.t Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved/ l,Jniform Buil.ding code and other ord'inances of the ToHn applicabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO AI{ 5:OO P ToWN OF VArL, COLORADO Stafemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0327 Amount: Payment Methodr CHECK NoLationz EL774'l 53 . 00 09 /18/e7 12 : 30 Init: LRD 897-0205 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2 1.01-0 81- 13-0 L 6 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS CONDOS, BLDG E Total Fee6: 53.00 Total ALL Prnts: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * *** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION F'EE 53.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 =G= t- F. to N A V) t4 F{ H O a a F]H .) N o p I 1 it) N {, ii H h ! r-l I ti O q) ,,+ tS,r-l ql \-/l I F-l tol r'{ | I z oo Fl I ft{ c4 F H = It{ H FI l-{ ts{ Fl = p Htq r I HSa I 3!H I HXF I 3s3 |FRR I E3!l NER I R3$ |Es[ | si R I HRiE I iiEsl n'Rk'{ | fr r\ ^ 'q I i=EN F,l $E$:*l Sits El frEiiHl FssP tl sF:3 *l F=S: ; rFf F -A. --+r f*a FT i{.r. FFI trn F -ail-,E l-a rlJ lra ra H -l flJ a fr lt F-{ 1+{ I F) -F ar?:€ 11 |e l+\aa H {J +{ E *F{F LI H f,x -l v il-a Ft E O.tFl E LI qp f'Fa .F)tFt f{A. € F!r' t.l ;J'\l '1 1 DATE i:io''': ' 'JOB NAME /i rNseecr}ru rtEeuEsr TOWN qF VAIt ta/z-i ,6a.r|.-/t.r.,,^ ,9 ' \/ .) | TIME RECEIVEO '" AM f]ornrn MON I pnnrtru..;. f....: , /-''' : READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION TUE WED THUR ,.''i FRI AM PM COMMENTS: ELapp Rov E D t:-L Ed_uPoN THE FOLLOWIIG CORRECT|ONS: coRREcloNs .,', :',':1., -. .' ;," ," ." E orsapp RovED E nerNsPEcr Permit No. 000299 VAIt WATER AI{D SAIIITATIOI{ DISTRICT WATER A]{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMITWILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID FULL. NAME OF JOB C z4 7-€ LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION z-a/a Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. it/r 4 V< zzr'd-' GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed Bldg. Dept. - White; - Water and SEnitstion - Green; *r"rrr."3"$*ro.-rrt{g638- x$300.00= Amount675, DATE i TOWN OF FIEOUEEiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen E panrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE AM PM flappRovED fl orsnpp Rov E D E nErNsPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Town of Vail EI;ECTRICAL PERIVIIT ,t rca N^^"N-QRrk!t*/.ffi&. E': Ilate of nppri.ution..-fu-'A - 2-C 'n7..7-.....A Erect ricar contr acto r -, -,{ftfu Q e - -E' lE C-7RI'Q' ^rrrn^r.#**fr-fu APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation 38L $.".--... .........-..--. ,al,1a:l Permit Fee Inspection Fee r Lbz4 THIS FORM BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS n i z 11 E A N:. o<o!cln !^>;z^ <;66 ti v=;b e'6 z^= sY \ t;l N ('il \\J oo.}-/tl - \i,/A :F) VALUATION -{e =-o -l |. E 5 l-I z o E m D 3 -{ t 1 t a { -t -{ D F .tt t- m -l -{ D t- |- -i D m n - o ! ! m D D o m m 3 m z -.t !,D z o tn - l-t + lo ; t> Itr I'F t ;(3\ \N $\ !t { .. o .l 2 z .t t a! I a -l F! t0 t! r.{>-;E \ F F z m m t €z z z o Itt >7 ll .l z E PLUMBTNG!/MECHANTCAL FEF|MTT TOWN OF VAIL ,orr 5/ 5 /lZ ToBNAME tVrpru6/aaa)> 6zm E owNER lAr,. /)-on.tn rE., ADDRESs Bnx z, lA;, coNr*Acro' ( )--* 8,,-etiq i /Ernof,rorr4lng-/J4z tr /t'qb -.'/ n A,L -/ ,d nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ n orsnppRovso OF BUILDING: oF woRK: Zlrrrew E noorlorrr E neruoo.t fl nepntn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER . N Pfl.J 'MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUAnoN $ f(;/- hf.'fl J ,....-, vALUAToN $ )z /7,43L REMARKS:REMARKS: -;-\/-==:._\ PERMlr "(t%27 5-9 '/PERMIT ,=, /Q /35* ) tl 562e DATE TIME tNsPECTGN FTEGIUE=iT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE E pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM D nppRovED florsnnrRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE lNsPEeoN TOWN OF FIEEUESiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fJappRovED D otseppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNs: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DATE lNSPECTOR rNseeGru TOWN OF FEeUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen n panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED MON COMMENTS: TUE THUR FRI AM PM flneeRovED fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNc COFRECTIONS ! orsnpp RovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsret|bt i' JOB NAME OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME BECEIVED AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fl appRovED ! uporv rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE TIME rNseeelbtu FtEGluEsr TOWN OF VAIL RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE n panrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED n upoN rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS D orsnpPRovED COR R ECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE ,INSPEcToR rNseefrru FIEEUEST DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER AIL E orHen E pnnrrnr-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E eppRovED flotsneeRovED D uporrr rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: D nrtNsPEcr CORRECTIONS r':l INSPECTOR hFffart^ra{ DATE DATE '-JOB NAME TOWN OF FIE(lUEST VAIL rNseecOru TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrtal. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FFI AM PM fleppRovED n orsappRovED El nrrNsPEcr I uporrr THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR . . 11:- il\rsPEc(DN FTEOUESiT TOWN OF VAIL ,,.1"-DATE JOB NAME TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: PM FR TUE E penrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB ElnppRovED n orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR .,..:.- l,, r -..::i"----,=.r,:,r?*.,... .,r:1A -'-., i,,,..: i. DATE ,J . i . ,:i ,... r,...r , .- , .:...:: ,.. 1, !J INSPECE}N TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHEn MON, COMMENTS: TUE WED I pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI-AM PM ! nreRovED E orseppRovED ! nerNsPEcr I uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR RECEIVED- AM oO rNsr=?tG* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER E orHen ! pnnrtal.LOCATION BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E eppRovED D uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR oo rNseeCGru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! app RovE D Ll upoN THE FoLLowtNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED ! netNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR 1\rgipEtclN FIEOUEST VAIL OF n orxen fl panrrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM fl nppRovED CORRECTIONS florsneeRovED fl nerNSPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrtoNS: .... . , , : , :___ INSPECTOR lh. Pdal.ry /vrr I DATE rNsPE;iroN TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE flpanrrrl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM fl nppRovED n uporu rse CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORBECTIONS: fl nErNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR DATE "" li ('' ir. " 't t INSFECTIft TOWN JOB NAME ,,' :'' a . ' i OF FIECIUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE E plnrreu. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED E uroru THE FotLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORBECTIONS ! orsaer RovED E nerNSPEcr # INSPECTOR lhtfdmry/vrrl DATE rNsr=Clo* FrEGluEsr r rowN of.".l{lrL - t.- --- '' ! otren MON COMMENTS; TUE n panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nrrNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTO R rNseec(h* TOWN OF FIEBUEST v4rL ,l JOBNAME 1 OATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM cnileR n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrll.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I areRovED ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEnclNl FIEBUEST V A I,'L TOWN OF TIME RECEIVED- AM ! orHrn MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnnnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PM FRI '[ nppRovED ElorsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: CORRECTIONS / ^' -':.- - *) DATE / ,) /-v/L./_./, , / rNspedlrru TOWN OF OATE TIME FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen E penrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM MON COMMENTS: TUE E appRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! otsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! netNsPEcr DATE rNsnec|ru TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE I pnRrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED florsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR oo rNsPEerDrv TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orxen D pennnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 'n.*-, I MON COMMENTS: FRI TUE AM PM E nppRovED E upolrr rHE FoLlowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED E nErNsPEcr INsPECGN TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! panrteu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM .E nppRovED E orsnppRovED fl nrtNsPEcr E UPOTT THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR oo INSPEdO.N ]IEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 7,-"" ,/ DATE TIME JOB NAME I RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHen I pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM E nppRovED n uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORBECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOB rNs"=Olo* TO FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE ' , ''. JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB n orHpn TUE ! pnsrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM MON COMMENTS: f,]neeRovED n uporu rse CORRECTIONS n orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR .,.i t. !.. ..,,':;:r., '.i..' ,!- -- 2'211 ".'--/--' ',,:,;:,-.1 -.aO',.1,.t o,!=, ;.f-:t-2. - 7 )r.,1.p-._,, .-. :/A rNsPEcOL TOWN . lr / -'..,: ro.-' -l) . _I\I ,'FIEGIUEST OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I orurn D panrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR MON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM I nPF,-nov e o fl uporu rHe CORRECTIONS D orsepp Rov E D FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNseeOlorv '.EouEsr TOWN O 't :- t"' .' i DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEH E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE n panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I appRovED n uporu rse CORRECTIONS n orsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR :FI f rrilrrrt 4L.4€,!t rNseefroru nEeuEsr JOB NAM CALLER TOWN I orxen il pnnrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRI THUR AM PM '.1 -'n"--li) i lr : '., y COMMENTS: ., TUE ,.,WED E nppRovED fl uporv rHE FoLLowrNG CORRECTIONS I orseppRovED CORFECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE !t.t|'|nbry,|ld INSPE FIEOUEST oorr@ror*orrA TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER OF E orHen ! pnnlnl.LOCATION ,^, 1!fu @ OR INSPECTION I orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DArE 6. Z?'77 t crN N OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB ! orHen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrral.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E app RovE D fl upou rne CORRECTIONS trDrsAPPRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR Plercc Brlnar & Fltrhugh Sco$ Inc. Architectur€ Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3038 December 27, 1976 Mr. Bill Pierce Bui 1din9 Inspector Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Northwoods Condominlums Building E Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc., Job No. 1615 Response to Plan Check for complinace with Uniform Building Code Dear Mr. Pierce: The following r€sponses are about the Plan Check reviewed by Knud 0. Rasmussen, P.E., of Gingery Associates, Inc., dated November 30, 1976. Enclosed are two sets of the latest plans dated December 24,1976, one for you and one as requested by Mr. Rasmussen. If you have any questions, please contact ne. Very truly yours, PIERCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT, INC. ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING tlichael E. Reece Project Job Capta'in MER/JM Encl osures cc: Jim Viele Dave Irish ITEM I. ITEM 2. NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS, BUILDING E RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK FOR COMPLIANCE I,IITH UNIFORM BUILDING CODE December 27, 1976 In compliance - no comnents. Lofts for Units 12 and 13 have been redrawn on the Architectura'l Work'ing Drawings (see Sheet A-12), each now be'ing under the nnximum of 232 square feet. The building can now be classified as a four story building and in code compliance. The ultimate decision on this item rests w'ith the local Building Inspector. Since it has been indicated that the 1973 U.B.C. is rather ambiguous on this matter, it rny be advantageous to use the .|976 U.B.C. ruling in this case. The bonded tendons in the existing prestressed twin-tee floor panel present'ly are provided with .|.8" of concrete cover. Under the 1976 U.B.C., the separation between the Group B-l and R-l occupancies, as shown in Table 5-8, is shown to be three hours. Th'is figure is reduced to tvlo hours wherc the Group B, Division One occupancy ls limited to the storage of passenger motor vehicles having a capac'ity of not moy€ than nine persons, which is the case of the entire Northwoods project. 0n Table Number 43-A, Item Number 32, for solid slabs, the mjnjmum thickness of insulating material for a fire resistive period of two hours is l%". This figure is increased20% for Grade B concrete and yields a mlnimum thickness of 1.8". Therefore, the parking structure 'is in compliance with the 1976 U.B.C. The Owner-Contractor has tested the spring hinges with doors similar to those corridor doors shown. The result has been that two spring hinges wil'l close a door sufficiently enough to actjvate ffi automatic smoke barrier. Two spring hinges will be used, therrfore, in each case where an automatic smoke bamier is used. ITEM 3. ITEM 4A ITEM 4B-1 Doors Number BI3, l0l, 201, 301 and 401 have been revised to read "one and one-half hour label" on Architectural hlorking Drawing Sheet A-20. Doors Number .|02, 202, 302 and 402 are in compliance. ITEI.,I 4B-2 Door 805 (changed from 806 on previous plan) has been changed to yead "one and one-half hour label" on Architectural Working Drawing Sheet A-20. Doors Number'l 41 , 247,347 and 439 have been changed to read "one and one-half hour 'labe1" on Architectural Working Draw'ing Sheet A-20. ITEM 4B-3 Door Numbers Bl0 and Bl2 have been changed to read "one and one-half hour label" on Archltectural tlorking Drawing Sheet A-20. E'levator Doors have been specified to be one and one-half hour labe1 in the General Notes on Architectural tlorking Drawing Sheet A-20. NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS, BUILDING E RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK FOR COMPLIANCE WITH UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 0ecember 27, 1976 Page 2 ITEM 4C ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM 5. Doors number 803,804 and Bll have been changed to inc'luded closers on Architectural Working Drawing Sheet A-20.- Laundry Doors .|27 and 233 have been changed to include spring hinges to be conslstent with all other laundry doors and corridbr sloragi doors. Doors number-B07, 808, B09, Bl4, Bl5, Bl 6 and Bl 7, in our opinion, need not be labeled since the anticipated items stored in tlrese rooms will nnst ljke'ly not be hazardous naterial. Exit light added in stainray No. I at Door l0l. In compliance - no corments. A. ramp_is provided at the gqrage level instead of one step. See Sheet A-2._ Bgnlps at first floor tevel are subject to a dbcision by the local Building Inspector. Door No. I0l on Sheet A-4 has been changed to swing out. weld plates for stair'landings have been dimensioned on sheet A-'16.The.weight of the T" double channel is determined by the manufacturer to be 9.8 pounds per foot per each 7,' channel The garage ventilation system has been revised to reet the followinq square foot calculations: )(t0 =i76Jffi X4 506;0m :60 -_Blt4t c. F.M. Exhaust The fan selection is as follows: Powerline BB B27, 8450 c.F.M., .357" S.P.I - k Hp. (only C.F.M. has changed). The above fan is the only fan serving the garage under Buildings D & E. 6. 7. 8. o ITEM IO. Square Feet Bui ld'ing E Square Feet Building D Square Feet Total Ceil ing Height Cubic Feet Air Changes Per Hour 9,454 NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUI'IS, BUILDING E RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK FOR COMPLIANCE t'lITH UNIFOM BUILDING CODE December 30, ]976 Page 3 ITEM II. ITEM 12. ITEM 13A. ITEM I3B-I ITEM I38.2 ITEM I38-3 ITEIVI 13C. ITEM I3D. ITEM I3E. ITEM 14. ITEM'I5. ITEM I6. A fire damper has been added between the park'ing area and the rechan'lca1 equiprnnt room on the intake to the exhaust fan. All electrical items have been mounted a minimum of lB inches above the floor in accordance with requirements of the Nationa'l EJectrical Code. The Siamese connections for the Fire Department have been located on Sheet f'l-l at Column Line 28 between Column Lines "S" and "T." Flre Department connections are shown to be four feet above grade. Wet hose cabinets are shown to have the valve 4'-6" above the floor. A note describing the necessary cleanouts for the runs of standp'ipe systems has been added to Sheet M-1. Dry standpipes at Stairuay No. 2 have been moved to floor level landings at Sheet M-3. Also on Sheet M-3n a standpipe valve is shown at Stainray No. I at second fl oor. Landscape p1 ans in conjunct'ion with Building B have been drawn up but not submitted,as Building B js still in the design stages. Howeyer, the plan has been drawn with the local Fire Inspector's previous'ly stated require- rpnts taken into consideration. The Siarnse connection has been moved to the east wall of the parking garage by the Fire Inspector's request. 0n Sheets M2 and M3, at north corridor walls, the fire dampers are shown by a circular symbol with the lower half blackened. 0n previous Northwoods buildings it was established that the exterior walls had to have a one-hour fire resistive period as per code requirements. The l-arr exterl or gypsum sheathing in combination with one thickness 5/8" interior drywall on non-com wood framing would be sufficient to meet this requirement. Because the sid'ing is an exterior application over a one-hour wa1 I, it was established that it not need be fire retardant. Handrails ar€ norr/ shown on plans and detail for run of stair shown in Section I, Sheet A-2. 0thgcry A ssoctb tcc lnc. | :()4/5 Lll T/^J(; L ^Jt ;/NEF.39 2840 SOUTH VALLTJO STfrEET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 8OI ] O TEtEPHoNE 303 751-4860 Mr. Bill Pierce Chief Build.ing Officj-al Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Nerthwoods Condominiurns_- X-uildilrg_,,8',PIan Check for Compliance with Uniform Building Code GAI Job No. 452.024 Dear Mr. Pierce: In accordance wj.th your request, the plans and specifications for the subject project, as dated October 25, L976, have been checked for compliance with the Uniforrn Building Code I lg73 Edition. We enclose herewith the following: Project Data Sheet - ceneral Building Data Preliminary Report - Review.for Occupancy, Type of Construction and Exit Requirements, and for Compliance with Engi-neering Regulations Under separate cover, we have transmitted marked-up plans showing location of all the Code violations cited. We will make our final plan check as we receive the corrected plans. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. Very truly yours, GINGERY ASSOCIATES, INC.4l-fu Knud O. Rasmussen, P.E.Project Manager KOR: ca Enclosures ASSOCIATES DERTL W GINGERT ELMER L. CLAYCOME LARRY A. MULLER BNATVCH (fFF/f)E GLENWOOO SPflNGS, colonADo SIel 303 9454675 November 30, 1976 CIVILENGINEERING/TANDSURVEYING/STORMOSAINAGE/STBUCTURALiTRANSPORTATION/WATEB&SANITATION/COMPUTERSERVICES General Architect:Structural Engineer: Mechanical Engineer:Electrical Engineer:Soils Engineer: Bui.ldi,ng Dj'ta Use: Occupancy I Construction: Number of Stories: Fire Zone: Areas i F_l e44 . tl /(cs Balconies Dcql5 Occupant Load: H - Gross - Units F-1 Valuation 27 ,656 s.F. 9,258 s.F.2.I48 s.F. c $40.00 G $20 .00 @ $10.00 NORTHWOODS - BUILDING "E" Gingery Associates, fnc. Job No. 452.024 November 30, 1975 PROJECT DATA SHEET Pierce Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, fnc. KKBNA, Consulting Engineers Don E. Marek Garland D. Cox Chen and Assocj-ates, Inc. Condominiums Parking Garage croups H and FI Type IV-I and Type I TypeI-onestory Type fV-l - five stories + {t - \ 4 ov eaAPotrr\t€H'L'", ( Nret< rl<ErA i-1c'r'-.1 9,258 s.F. 27,656 s.F. 2,148 S.F. 138 persons 110 persons 47 persons $ I , 106 ,240 .00 185,160.00 2I,490.00 $1, 312 , 890. 00 o Project Data Sheet. Job No. 452.024 Novemlcer' 30, 1976 Page 2 Perm-it Fee Plan Check Fee Summation of Fees $ 1,699.88 _..1.,1.04.92 $ 2, Bo4. B0 NORTHWOODS - BUTLDING "E" Gingery Associates, Inc.Job No. 452.024 November 30, 1976 commentary as to code compliance and supprementar observations i.s as follows : Item l- Building consi.sts of below-grade parking structure, Group F-1 occupancy of 91258 S.F., and condominiums, Group H occupancy of 27,656 S.F., with 2,148 S.F. of balconies. As provided under sec. 1102-a, the parking structure is considered a separate building for the purposes of area limitation and the number of stories. under provisions of this section, the parking structure must be of Type r construction and the allowable area thereof is unLimited per Table 5-C. Per Tabre 5-c basic allowabre area for Type rv-l, H occupancy is r0r100 s.F. Per sec. 502-a, one-third-in"re.se attowea in Fire zone 3. Basic area may be doubled for multipre story under Sec.502-b. uqper building has separation on four sides with minimum separation of 39 feet to Building "D". Allowable area increase per sel. 506-a-3 is (39' - 20') (52/ft.) = 95.0? All-owable area of Type IV-1 construction: (r0100) (1.33) (1. es) (2) -- 52,520 S.F. In compliance, Item 2 on the 5th floor, the areas of lofts of units 12 and 13 are in excess of the allowable areas for classification as "loft,' as provided under Town of VaiI, Ordinance No, 14, Series of ),972,Section 413(a) and are thereby classified as a "story". With such crassi-fication, the building is classed as fi_ve stories,which is in excess of permitted story height under Table 5-D for H occupancy, Type fv-l construction. Job No. 4s2.024' November 30, L976 Page 2 For compllance with code, any of the following remedial measures would be required: 1. Reduction of loft sizes to comply with Ordinance No. l_4. 2. Provide sprinkler protection for the entire structure for additional story height as providecl under Sec. 507. Item 3 classification of the parking structure as a separate building i-s permitted under Sec. 1102-a provicled that the Group F-1 occupancy is Type r construction and provided that there is a three-hour occupancy separation between the Group F-1 and Group H occupancies. Although TabIe 17-A requires two-hour fire resistive floor construction for Type r cl-assification,Sec. 503-c-2 reguires three-hour fire resistive construction. Bonded tendons in prestressed twin-tee floor panels require 3 inches of concrete cover for three-hour rating per riure 43-A,rtem 34. This cover is not attainable wit.h twin-lees of normal design. additional protection is required either by application of sprayed-on fireproofing or introduction of a fire-rated suspended ceiling system. Requirement extencls only to that portion of parking structure below and/or supporting Type IV-1 construction. Item 4 Review of fire doors on Sheet A20: A. Corridor Doors All corridor doors have required one-hour ratingr automatic smoke barrier at silI and, with two exceptj-ons, closure by spring hinges in lieu of other door closure devices. We have researched and found that several manu-facturers produce spring hinges with UL ratings for use with labeled d.oors; however, no menti_on is made in their literature of use with the automatic smoke barriers. In our personal experience, the automatic smoke barrier requires some force for activation, and we recofiu:rend the Building Official obtain assurance of positive door closure with use of spring hinges. Job No. 452.024 November 30, 1976 Page 3 B. Stairwell and ElevaLor Doors Per Sec. 3308-b, stairwell enclosure walls must be of two-hour construction since building is over four stories in height. per Section 3309-a, wal1s at Stairway No. 1 must be of two-hour construction for smokeproof enclos ure. Per Sec. ILO2-a-2, separation beLween garage and condominium units must be three-hour occupancy separation. Per Sec. 503-c-2, all openings in floors forming a 'tThree-Hour Fire-nelistive Occupancy Separation" shall be protected by vertica.l_enclosures extending above and below such openings.The wa1ls of such verticaL enclosures shall be n5t less than two-hour fire-resistive construction, and all openings therein shalt be protected by a fire assembly having a one and one-half hour fire protection rating. 1. Stairway No. I (smokeproof enclosure) Door Nos. Bl3, 101, 201, 301 and 401 are scheduled for one-hour labeI and closer.One and one-half hour label is required under both Sections 3308-c and 503-c-2. Door Nos. 102, 202, 302 and 402 are scheduled for one-hour label and closer and are i-n compliance with Sec. 3309-9. 2. Stairway No. 2 Door 805 (noted as 806 on plan) has three-hour l-abel and closer. One and one-haLf hour label permitted under Sec. 502-c-2. Doors Nos. I4L, 247, 347 and 439 have one-hour label and closer. One and one-half hour label required under both Sections 3308-c and 503-c-2_ 3. ELevator Doors B10 and 812 have three-hour labels and closers. One and one-half hour labels permitted under Sec, 503-c-2. Rating of elevator doors not shown or specified. One and one-haIf hour label reguired under Section 503-c-2. a Job No. 452.024- November 30, 1926 Page 4 C. M_is.cellaneous Doors Door Nos. 803, 804 and BI1 have one and one_half hour labels scheduled but no closers. Closers required under Sec. 4306-b. Laundry doors 127 and 233 have closers scheduled.A11 other laundry doors and corridor storaqe doors are scheduled for spring hinges. Not consistent. Door NoS. 807, B0B, B09, Bl4, B15, 816 and Bl7 to st.orage rooms openJ-ng from the garage area are metal but without labels, No code provision found to govern. but it woul_d appear prudent to reguire l-abels since the storage of hazlrdous material_adjacent to parking areas cannot be governed. Tlom ( windows scheduled on sheet A22 have been checked for egress requirements under sec. 1304. Manufacturerrs riterature shows compliance for units scheduled. Item 7 Per Table 33-A, egress by means of ramp or elevator is required for the physically handicapped. nfevator i-s proviaed; horiever,there is one step reguired at means of egress at the rst floor Ievel and at the garage level. Tfom Q in compliance except that exit liqht should No. I at Door 10I to direct eqreis to Sheet A4 swings into stairwell. This is direct grade and door should swing out. Can be wrapping smoke vestibule at this leve1. Exit lighting found be added in Stairway grade. Item 6 Door No. 101 egress point accomplished Item 9 on to by structural drawings refer to architecturar plans for stairway construction. Detairs on sheet Ar7 do not Show required weigtrt of support channels, thickness of wer.dprates at wairs, and size of anchors in concrete masonrv. Job No. 452.024 November 30, L976 Page 5 ltem 10 As best we can determine, garage ventiration system consists of '7,400 cFM exhaust fan l-ocated in mechanical eguipment room in.Building "E'drawing ai-r from intakes at Column f,ine 15 in Bullding "D" and at Col"umn Line 28 in Buildingr 'rE", On Sheet Ml- of Building "D" drawingsr a 5,600 CFM exhaust fan is specified to be field located. As system has evolved with Building "8", we question whether this fan exists to supplement capacity of the fan provided in Building "E". Sec. 1105 requires one air change every 15 minutes, or 4 air changes per hour. considering onLy the volume below the bottom of twin-tee stems subject to this reguirement, we have calcurated the combined voLume of the parking structure in Buildings ',D,'and "E" to be L36,760 C.F. The 7'400 cFM fan provided wourd produce only 3.25 air changes per hour. Item 11 Mechanical equipment room is one and one-half hour labeled provided below open stairway complete the separation. Item 12 Item 13 separated from parking area with door. Fire damper should be at. intake to exhaust fan to On of of Sheet E2t aII electrical items sha1l be mounted a minimum L8 inches above t.he floor in accordance with requirements Section 511-2 of the National Electrical Code. Review A. rl of fire protection systems: On Sheet M1 , location of fire department Siamese connections not shown. With reference to fire protection details on Sheet Ml ,revisions to Chapter 38 by Town of Vail_ should be shown. 1. Fire department connections shall be 4 feet above grade. 2. In wet hose cabinets, the valve shall be 4'-6"above the floor. The height of the hose rack shall be mounted parallel with the valve. Job No. 452.024 November 30, L97G Page 6 Item 14 Handrails not shown shown in Section I,in plans or detail for run of stair Sheet A2. 3. Cleanout (for construction) shall be provided at juncture of horizontal and verticai runs of standpipe systems. plugged "T" required. C. As shown on Sheet M3, dry standpipe outlets at Stairway No. 2 are shown to be at landings between stories. Sec. 3803-c requires outlets to be at floor 1eveI landinqs. D. E. On Sheet M3, standpipe valve not shown at Stairway No. 1 at second floor. Per Site PIan AI , fire department access to both Buildings I'Drt and "E" is Limited by topography.Plans should be reviewed by the Fire t'.tariha1l- to determine any supplemental requirements. on sheets M2 and M3, ductwork is shown penetrating corridor walls.. Fire dampers are required per Sec. 4306-i:5. Item 15 As specified under sec. 610-6-9 and shown on sheets A17 and Ar8, wood siding is shown to be r x g rough cedar. per To\rrn of Vail, Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1972, Section 6 under Sec. 1705, fire-retardant treated wood is required. Item 16 - I I I' Al_ Unrt / -Bl Lh',J a ( ) u^i*7- \ o) U^,+Y n I Lln;+ e /,Vl - dn{1 t3 o) ils;tt Ct"e+) -f ) dntt ro (Loetl' A ) t)ail a 1(LoF+ J Rl Lr^i f t> {Loe+) - l,'l 7g- e a T iq,3 o g -oo l,s 8t- r-8 ,'ltsLtt-7g El u^tl 7 ltTle-75 Gl -Lln;4 I t't92,-58 HI ilnil8 \ tts,lo-'-A) d,"r*t1 al U,ni*tt l,)tl,aS J ) U^;t 1 'lt 3o8. o K ) tJ^tl tQ L) tlut*g(v.er,- '7Xo ( 1,2 ' a-a 5 Lazz- T t a /,6 75 a 91,4 3 asq- eQ_ alt oe 8- A4 12*q o v o o My-+!ze"as Bld A E Un;* I l,r4 7 0-6J _S tt.2, S7e. oo -- €'-61 j1 0. d_o_ /,7.5 ( t't.s x (aa x _r_ (rl.s x (n" x (1.o x a6.s ) A6 )2.s x,s )rq-{ ) 2.s ) 7 ('16, . g x ft.'.o' x l, a o-l --r'-- - -: 1 3 a6) n) It e g l.tB Uni* e6e-9 97A- O (a, ' x 1^t)(a^t X 7e.o)(.a)'x 7-{) '( etr x E.g ) (,g x lo's 7 /o-s '(ts.Sx to-r)'(7x e,s) l Ic1 1- g $ta- o I7. t3 lee-?s l2-5 I I UniI Y l, sr/ l.?s t - -'- - 88 s.5 _ | 9-25 377 l e6e-i --l 1.0 ) a.5 ) l,{- s ) l?,s ) [ '16,9 x t ' ('?.t x (as,o x (a l.o x o o o o 6) Unit ? .t x ,H; x ( 7tx (ao.sx (t g- s x (3 l,o x (2e x (7x \lo,r ) :5?-zS D tOrS) G.r) a<) a-s) a zZ 819. o 7zs-o *8--6-o 5 I L._ A e-7 2 s-o\ =rt) : Ut,-'t (ae r (,^ 5 .16-i )1) lta o4 17 U^i1 6 (at x /a-s)-- (ax X a( l (2t X q-s/= (Arx tl)> its-tx n,'9)-- (.s y 1o.5x to.s)='(2x ).s ) = ?l/'"r {c/6 a4' > fza- o lq4C I t lt 2 3ra zS'I6a-tr-t3 l?. € U,,-'tJ ('1t- s x I ' (2'o X '(ae -o x (Q't. o X q, o )--a.u ) t.t- s ) -- r; -fJ= 5'lA.:S e.<>-5 o o -s_7.?5 a6-)5 -A'7 3 7zg 786 o T- U^-tt J Uqia 7 ({6.s x '(,t x e(, )q) K Uuti +to 1,58 t-s8 ( 2.tx la- r '(a^x u, (a t x 1.: (a< x tx (/s-s x ( s x to- (2.Ox )-- -s/ )= )-s): ):'to-s .s x la ?-f ) 76)-> 5"a t 11-t 9ta I a a-z> : Ss- 13 t?- t L) 79o -' o o v 7t2.8 Uuil to- Lp-"+ 225- i- e1 e 3-o-AS a 6.e{ o o I q) t (L,s) \ )= )-- )= o (2> iL \ 7-t ) Y ao) U^,1 ( l, t-s (t't (e 1a x il.f X ul-s Xrr 21q,}rt l3a-a t 6> Qt BJ ()^'1 (t"( x (lo.s "€+)a s10q t-1 1, oo 7t o o It