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Planning and Environmental Cbmmission
Cornmunity Development Department
Flay 28, l9B5
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su&tgcr: Request for a variance for the va-r nacluet ctr/b conao-mrnruma to convert an emproyee housing unit to office space. Applicant: Vail Racquet Club CondoDiniums
The applicant wishes to convert unix 2 ot Buirding 15 from an employee housing unit to office space. Because of prior restrictions that have been placed on thi-s property, we have requested Mr. Kirch to follow the variance procedures to present this request to the PLanning and Environmental commission. rn December of 1979 the PEC granted a density variance request to walter Kirc h.This variance was granted to a1low rqr. xirch to complete construction of empl-oyee units in Buildings 14 and 15. A condition of the granting of this variance was that the units would be restricted to long term rental to 1oca1 emproyees for 20 years. The vail Racquet club condomi-niums is requesting a variance from this condition so that the adjacent office may be expanded into this unit- The office is used for short term rlntal, "iLes and manaqement functions.
Congideration of Factors
This request is for the expansion of the existing adjacent of f i.ce
epa.ce into emproyee housing unit #2. The use requested is current J-y existing and the expansion wiLl- have no impact on other existini or potential uses or structures in the vicinitv.
The d ree to which relief from the gtrict or literal inte retation en orcement of a cif ation is necesga to achieve comDa t and un orm ty of treatnent amonq sites n the vicinity or to attain the ob ectives of this title without rant ot apectal pr vrlege-
Provision of employee housing is a constant and ongoing concern of the Town of vai1. rn 1979 a density variance was granted to this project to construct employee housing units. The community Development staff supported that variance request and has histor-
witeria and Findings, section 18-62.060 of the
Tu denial of the requesE
TFe r.efqtignship of the requested variance to ollglrxisting
ical1y supported the concept of restricted long term employee housing. The staff feels that the restrictions and conditions placed upon the 1979 variance remain valid and should be respected.
We feel that the Racquet Club Condominiums should atLempt to meet their office space requirements in a manner that will not require compromising employee housing agreements,
other than the dispracement of empJ.oyees due to the loss of this employee housing unitr there are no significant effects on any of the above elements.
The community Action pran addresses the importance of the rore of the town of Vail in planning for long range employee housing needs.
Pgclt, other facgors ?nd criteria as the connission deens applicabte
EO Ene propoE'ed varlance-
I Conmission shall nake the folloning Irnorngs Detore granting variance 3
That the granting of the variance wiLl not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same dist.rict.
That the granting of the variance wirr not be detrimentaL to pubJ.ic health, safetyr or weLfarer oF rnaterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
That the variance is warranted for one or more of the folrowino reason€:
The strict or Iiteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical. hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title.
There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance tha t do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wouLd deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district.
or DoDuraElon, transportatlon and traffic facilities, public
fhe Tovn of Vai.I spends considerable time and energies attempting
to address employee housing needs. The Town has supported and
encouraged through a variety of methods projects involving
enployee housing. The Community Development staff was recently
involved in a County-wide employee housing study. while current
market conditions have aJ.l.eviated the intense employee housing pressures of past years, the conclusions of this study indicate
that providing adequate employee housing is a concern that will
remain an important issue for quite some time. The resuLts
of the study indicate that employee housing units placed within
open market residential housing projects are the most desirabLe
units available to local employees. The study reconmends that
future multi-family projects within the Town include this type
of unit.
The staff cannot support this requegt and therefore recommends
denial of this proposal. We feef that there is not an adequate
demonstration of physical hardship and that approval. of this request would constitute a grant of special privilege due to
the convenience of the applicant.
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