HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOMINIUMS BUILDING 9 UNIT 13.pdf CONSTR�JCTION PERMIT D� � CO�P�OF1�?RM994 O BE KEPT ON JOBSITE , �,��, , . ���` �? � 715 7 Fy�p yg "' PERMIT h10. L�AII O IUI ,� 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II I I I I V V department af community development 2.00CUPANCY GROUP A B E H I R M BUILDING DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 o ELECTRlCAL TO BEFILLEDOUTCOMPLETELYPRIORT4ISSUANCEOFPERMIT F TYPE OF PERMIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION�F WpRK : � PLUFASING I1V 'TALL BA7� VT STA f�AS STOVF. J ❑ BU1l�ING � PLUMBING � MECHANtlGAL 2000.fl0 ❑ ELECTRICAL C F�IJNDATIflN �ME�'�I�ORTG" RD BLDG 9 �k13 TYPE GROUP G.R FA VAWATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT BLK V-1HR R-1 BUILDIhIG PERMI7 ESC. FILING VAIL RACQUET CLUB PLAN CHECK JOB I�AME: TH�JMPSON CONV�RSION ELECTaICAL OWNER NAME ART THOi'�IIPSON NEW( ) ALTERATIdN( ADDITPONAL( ) REPAIR( ; PLCJMBING MAILADQRESS SAhTR DwE�uNGU�tiTS ____ ACCOM�tODATIONUNiTS___ — MECHANICAL ClTY �AIL H 1 GS% P� �iEIGHT IN FT N�.FlREPLACES �ECREATION FEE A�2CFiITECT FIR!'� INSIJLATION_ TYPE THRCaCNESS R-vALLI�E DESIGN REVIEW BOARD M1AAqL ADDRES$ FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT EXT.WALLS USE TAX CITY PH. i --- - ROO� GENERAL FIRM Rnn uAr.�, �p C{)N7RACTQR TOWN OF YAIL REG. NO. 1S�–M rvo E ELEC. GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES FEES WAIVED TELE. ���–��OO HEAT SOLAR WOOD DAN STANEK 12-14-94 F�� ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: BUILDING OFFICIAL � � DATE � _LECTRICAL Y N INITIAL CONTRACTOR TOWN pF VAIL REG. N4. SL GUT ONING ADMINISTRATOR v � DATE TELE. BLASTING 20NING 8� BUkLDING NQTES: FIRM PARKING PLUMBING CONTRACTQR �OWN OF VAIL REG. NO. pE�� TELE. ---- - FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled flut in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I CONTRACTOR TowN oF vA��FtEG. No. agree to comply with the informat�on and plot plan, to cornply with all Tawn ordinances and state TELE 13WS, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Towr� applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM �..r% �.- TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE AND THE OWNER. _ � _ - ? �� ; � CON5TRUCTIQ�1 PERM17 �OTE — CO�PY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSI�E ' � •-, � DATE ' . ;+ PERMIT NO. �011[I Q Y0I 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOM I f I I I I I V U • d2�8f'[f11@(lt Of CORI(illJnit�/deYBlOpfil@flt 2.00CUPAMCYGRpUP A B E H I R M BUILDING Z ELECTRICAL � TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORT�ISSUANCE OF PERMIT DIVISION 1 2 2a 3 4 p F- 7YPE OF PERMIY GENERAL DESCRIPTIdN QF WORK : � PLUMBING � M�CHANICAL �' BUILDING � PLUMBING ❑ ELECTRICAL ❑ FOUNDATEON [� MECHANICAL ❑ �rYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VAIU'ATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT BLK BUILDIMG PE'RMIT ESC. FIL,ING PLAN CHECK JOB NAME: ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME NEW( ) AL7ERA710N( ) ADdITIONAL( ) REPAIR( ) FLUMBING MAIL ADDRESS _ owe�uNG uNirs ACCOMMOQATION UNITS MECHANICAL CITY PH. HEIGHT IN FT. NO.FIREPLACES RECREATtON FEE ARCHITECT FIRM INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MAIL ADDRESS F�ooR CLEAN-UP DEPOSI7 Ezr wa��s CITY PH. USE TAX ROOF GENERAL FiRM CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TYPE ELEG. GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES OF SOLAR WOOD TELE. HEAT �_� FIRM _ ADOITIONAL P�RMITS NEEDED: BUILOING OFF�CIAL � � OATE _LE�TRICAL ' v N INITIAL OI`�TRACTOR TOW�OF VAIL REG. NO. ST.CUT ONING ADMINISTRATQR DATE TELE. e�AS7iNG ZONING S BUILDING NOTES: FI RM PARKING PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOwN pF VAIi REG. Np. DEMO TELE. FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full khe information required, MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I CONTRACTOR TOw►v oF vAi�aeG. No. agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with ali Town ordinances and state TELE. IaWS, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision cades, design review approved, Uniform Buiddin� Code ar�d other drdinances of the Town applicable thereto. OTNER FiaM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. SIGNATURE Of OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTQR TELE. AND TFiE ONJNER. f / �1 •� � �� N�T� — COPY OF PERMIT TO B� KEPT ON JQB51'f'E � ������� ,��i-= � -��� . CONSTRUCTION PERMiT aAT� ��� ���� , , . fi ' „ PERMIT NO. ���-�I� -. F �i 1.7YPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V l�� � ��� degartment of community development 2.00CUPANCYGROUP A B E H 1 R M BU�LDING Z ELECTRICAL DIVTSION 1 2 2a 3 4 0 TO BE FILLED OUT CDMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PE�11uSIT _ � GTENERAL DE$CR PTtON OF WORK : � _�^+`� � PLUMBING . TYPEOFPERMIT ' ,� i/� J �'!,�}Ta-�-� ' ?;�r-� Q �[ � ' � MECHANICAI �G`^�;? ❑ BUILDING � PLUMBING ❑ ELECTRICAL ❑ FOUN[3ATION ' � MECHANIC L ��L �j,� f TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A vn�uaTioN PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT BLK BUPLDINGPERMIT DESC. FILING �� ' � � RLANCHECK JQB NAME: E��crRie��. OW�ER "� ��C?Yl'1 ?��G'1' NEw( ) ALTERATiION( 1 ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR( 1 PLUMBlMG 6AAll AIInRFSS pWELLING UNi7S ACCOMMODATIOI'1 UNlTS _ MECF�AMICAL CITY � � PH. ,�j �lL'J � HEIGHTINFT NO.FlHEPLACES RECREATIONFEE �Y`� ARCHITECT FIRM �NSULATION: Trv� THICKNESS R-VAL�UE + F100� CLEAN�UPt7EPp5�T � � EXT wALLS ` USE TAX CITY PH. ROOF GEhtERAL FtRM TYPE ELEC GAS TOTA� PERMIT FEES CQI�jTF2ACTQF2 TOWN OF VA9L REG. NO. OF SOLAR WOOp / TELE. HEAT � � .�" /y_- / /�c:' � I �;- !'�r� FIRM ADDITIONAL PERI�ITS NEEDED: UILdING OFFIC�AL �! ^ � aA� � ELECTRICA� Y N IN9TIAl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � ! ^ CONTRACTOR TpWN QF VAIL REG. NO, 5T.CU�` O�IING ADMINIS7RATOR dATE TELE BLASTING ZOhIING 3 BUILdIN6 NpTES: F�ft� PARKING PLUMBING CflNTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG NQL ,���p TELE. ��� ' ,�,1.-�� (.J I hereby acknowledge that I heve read this application, filled out in tull the in4ormetion required, MECHANICAL � _� co�pleted an aceurale plat plen, and state that all the intormalion pr4vided as required is carrect. I WN OF YAIL REG. tJ � � V I�� egree to comply with the inlormation end plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanees end stale CC��ITRACTOR laws, and to build this siructure a�cording ta the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design � TE�E � � - i ���G' review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances o# the "fown applicable thereto. FIRiM f � OTHER - __�_..,� .-� �r.kc'�—.� TOw'N OF VAIL,REG NO. IGNATURE OF OWNER OR COrI7fiACTOR F4R HIMSELF Ai�lD THE OWr1ER. ' CONTRACTOR 7E�E. � � ' � �1.41� �?�(, � , r � �,� � ���, • ��i i �� �0�� � �U� TS �vuth Irontaq• rosd . v�ll, colarado E1657 (�o�) 419-2138 or 479�2�34 ollle� a1 tomrnunity devslopmei�t BUILDIr�G PERt,IT ISSUANCE TIME FRA�1E If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Oepartment Approval , Engineer'�s (R�blic Works) review and appraval , a Planning depart��ent review or Health Department review� and a review by the Building �epartment� t�he estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks . Al1 commercial (.large or small ) dnd all multi -family permits will have ta follow the abov� mentioned maximum requirements . Residenti�rl and sma�l pro,�ects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller pro�ects impact the various �bove mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these pro,�ects may also take tne three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department tv exped3te this permit as soon as possible. I , the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. ��� � r � �z_� '� , -:�-_�-�;��� , gree to y�. �� � �-�i� ��.- l � Pra,yect ame �� � �� �`%y Oate Wark Sheet was turne n o � torr�muni ty 4evelopr�ent Department. , � � • . � . i `'��y lQ��� � �a� � 75 south iranlay� road vail, colorado 81BS7 (90�} 479-2139 or 479-1139 o[flce o! community developmenf T0: AL�, C0i3TRACT�RS CURR£NTLYId RE�IS'�ERED W�TH THE TowN OF VAIL FROM: TQWN OF VA2L PUBLIC WO�KSjCOf-II�NNITY DEV��,pp�•IE:fT DAT�: MARCH 16, 1988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION P,A.RKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summazy, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person ta litter, track or depvsit any soil, roc1�, sand, debris or material, includirig trash dum�sters, portable toilers and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, aZley ar publ�c place or any portion thezeoi�. The right-af-way on all Town of VaiZ streets and roads is ap�roxima�elX 5 f�. off paver�ent. This ordinance wi11 be strictly enfarced by �he Tawn of Vail Public Wcrks D�epa�tment. Persons found violat�ng this ordinance wi�,l be g.iven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material . In the ev�nt the persan so notified does not comp�y with the no�ice within the 2d hvur time specified, the PubTie works Departanent will t�emove said material at �he expense of persori notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicabla to cons�truction, maintenance or repair proj��ts of any street or alley or any utf�l.ities in khe ri,ght-a-way. To revfew ozdinance No. 6 in tull, please stop by the Town o� Vail Building Departmant to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this mattar. Read and ackno�rledged by: -_� , ,��� � , . _ � 1_���Lc � f'1 pos t on/Relat onsh p ta Pro ect ( i.e. contr�,ctor, owner) � �- `1 � ` Date . � .