HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG B UNIT B8Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Riedel Residnece Project Description: Greenhouse expansion and Living room windows enlarged Participants: OWNER NECAL S A 03/11/2002 Phone: C/O VAIL REALTY 302 HANSON MNCH RD vArL co 81557 License: APPUCANT Beth Levine, Architect 03lll/2002 Phone: 926-5099 POB 1825 Avon, CO Bethlevinearch@cs.com 81620 License: Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 8208 Legal Description: Lot: Block: B Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108118020 Comments: addition of 96 sq. ft, DRB Number: DR8020049 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. O312912002 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.0O o Apdlcation f,ot Design Reic , Dcpconil d Conrmr.nry (hJ*einan 75 Soun kd|og|e Rcd, vaf, Cdororb t16g d: 9tO.{D.31t9 far: 9}O.{79.1{52 ra!: wwr.ci.vd.6.vj Grn*tl tnlbrnrettqr: Ar gqc nrllumg dcr|gn ra,raf ftl* ttdvr aogrwll rort e.bflritttng € buiLhg Darit |9grcso.r- Fh!6a ''.h' to rh' ri'!'rrfurr "t*..3]lq.q. rrcJliiiiiia.r s rq*;!d- en "iGnq, Ff oad.n R6rrcr.,clIot bt acrlFd urtlt ,l rrqurud hfarisd, ; irfrJ 6y- ttn (ornmun*v Derdopf,tcrrt Dcerrtyrerrt nc Dtgrccr m.y rtto ncd lD E r6rai,lat by urc Tarr ctrur*l ua.rc- fu Ftrrnd mo -Eii"."rnerrAl Corm*sim.h'i' *rLr rprorrr r.Ef t r{G; . bd,,,3 t;i i. t..,rco nr oirlrroii-GqilEiai wis,,n cryrrcltir6rat ryL t tlrtdcd lrlfrlr trr€J t5.! 7rol. ea",hel,:.loZ W R tr o o llrrr: hvvl t30 llItLOpcr*urtootd6tjtnru. io Fr t550 Ffr o,6rddr dr fH OuIfirC a dErqfGbdtd.tlp fior an tcltbo *rE! qJrtt foAge f IAC O iny ,cJ(hnt rt { .,E gr!r!!ll1|J]|Illq-('.fiut rf5C.dnhfff innrircoru:onr).rz:ru F lnrEr cn oas b und{rgE r|d 3E noro,rrlit3, gjct! G,rrruftg. Ddnting, wrrtff .dIlbn$ llUspfri nn ei anc Irttntr{ |!1b' rt.tzo Fo. rnita <'l.,rla3 E Dqldn$ tU jt! frn9lsrurEnt$ Aldr Gv rugng, Fifrttner urhdd adttttrtt, b.dEdri, ftnci "m agal 'frog Efr, (.ts.tin For 'lrdrlcrrs b Crrrs d(t€dy tpqEr3.t e Ftrnning q.t or Ur Ocl*I| RAriff to..d.rb ftr Ofcludondthralrc - terufidfi. r^, Drtrc 4l 2/ //u4/,'llrJrrq: _ f-zAZUtrfXd.{ klA{zf, Iffi(.)ct*nc(r): lffiqfdirr t.il.{AdalGlI; ftFoardcf|,!k O Ssts O Concrpar||Raix llcr Centtru(tton ,d(tur tl||aAtttraoon (,||(ti-hnily/eotn ro.D HiurtrlEr (ttrEbfrrn t/dvol!) OurgtolgpruaPbrs SorrinlArc hit ,, , #ri* o ort.$ ? cENERAL.ntFORMATION This. apptication is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approv'|. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigl rcvicw 'rust rcccivc Dcsign Rc.vicrv approval prior to subnritling for a buii&ng pcrnrit. ior spccinc infornurion, scc thc suburittal rcquirctrtcnts for thc pacicrrlar approval that is rcqJestcd. Ttrc ap-piication cannot bc acccprcd until all thc rcquircd irtforntatisn i'r subnrincd. Thc projcct ntayatso nccdtobc rcvic*cd by rhc Torvn Council and/or thc planning and Environrtlutltal contntission. Dcslgn Rcviov Board applovrl cxpircs onayo"t.Ii a, final approval unlcss a Duilding pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. c. D. E. B.LOCATION UN PNOT,OSAL: L Qucsti Call ttrc Pl;r.raing SrltT:r. .i7:1-l il.J APPLICATTON FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 9?0-328.9640 A. PFTYS ICAL ADDREss: (Ja* elincer-a:4010vrt '0zD ZONING: foTparccl #y TOWN OF VAIL DESCRIPTtON OF THE REQUEST:@4rlhoosa 4-vea FILING: F. G. NAME OF OW1r{ER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: PHONE: trl- Nnv Construction - $200 tr Addifion - l\linor Altcretion - s50 $20 P.O.mXn3r VAII4 COII)nADO 81658 30347G34E6 Fax:3(X147940fr1 Nuftum& Cmdnninim Assffiidim May l8,2flll TO: Tonm ofVail FROItil: Arnro Brillanbog Mc'ab(r of rhc Anhit*-tnl C.oomitt c Tho fotlowilg unit rcmodeh h.vc b€€6 sDprovcd by tho ./Architcctml Rcviav Comittee of No'r&woodc Condombium Assochdo. r IndivktnlOuncrhoj€c-ts: o tJnit B8- Interior remodcl, dak snclodrre 8nd rrcw balcay additi,on. o Unit Ft2 - lauior rtrnodd babmy enclcure md new betcofly additim- o Unit B-13 - Dcc& cocloaro. Approval ofrhosc projeco cc oonditioat on the oynccr fottorring Oe Proccdufes for Approvd of Archltoctural Chengec Requccted By Ovnen c$lblbh.d by thc Associatioo. ' *** **+++++*** **';***i'* +* * ****+**+++++**!******r** **'r* *r,r**i+**r. *rr*{.****rr****+++*t++f+r +*+ + | *+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtEMCNt * ** ** * * ++**ri* * t'*+f,*****+* * + * + + + + + + * * +t * * * t * * + + * * * * * *i******** ** + *,F**++f ttt i+++ ++ * t***+****,r r statement Number: Roooo02035 Amount 3 g3oo,o0 03/Lr/200203t52 pM Payment Met.hod: Check fnit: JAR Notation: L725 BeEh Levine Architect Permi! No: DRBO2O049 T)4)e: DRB _ Addition of GRFA parcel No: 2L0t 0B11BO2O Slte .Address: GOo VAft VAL,L,EY DR VAIL L,ocation: B2Oa Total- Fees: 5300.00 Thls payment.: g3o0.0o Tot.al ALL pmts: g3oo.0o BaLance: g0. 00 **i** * ** * * * *+* + i+**** * '* '* * * * * + * * * + * * * * * *+*+++ +++++ +** * * * * * + * t * f f * * * * * t****r* * ***** ****++***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent pmts DR OO1OOOO31I22OO DESIGN RLV]Et,i FEES 300.00 PO. mX lzll vAt|.' colrRADo 81658 3@,476ffi Fa* 303-{7940fr1 Nuduno& Cmdminiun Asmimim btry l&2(t|}1 TO: To*n ofVail FROfr& Art,t! Brillcdqqg, tvhbcrofthc &rbibtml Commibo Tbo stlwiog rmit rmodolr hrvo ba rmlovcd by the Architcctml Rodsrr cqmitte! of lrlortbnoods CmddunArehdo" r IndivihnlOwncrPqtoctr o uirlt &'8 - Intedor rcoodd, dcl mloeurc aad ruu' bolooy additict. o Unit &'12 - Inedor rcoodcl, batcany eoclcuc and new bqlwy rd&lio o IJnh B.l3 - Doct aploara Apprornt ofrhos. pmjccr uo cmditiooal on tbo ormcrs follouing Oc Pfocedurcc fof Approval of Atchltocturd Chrngcl @Ecrted By Ownerr cdlbtktdbylbo Argoddq- lrrErr Y!.. 1iJ0r,r r f l.lT:rgr '_.ii) |ii!ij-'iilt SCXEDTII,EA Ordcr Number: oto3olo5 l. Effective detc: February 26, 2OO2 at 7:{j A.u. Z . Policy or Pohcies to be issued: (a) A.L.T.A. Orvner's ( srendad) Proposed l:nsured: (b) A_L.T-A- Loar (srandar{) Pmpooed lnsured: lio. U4!,i P. ; ! Amorgr of Insurancc $ (c) r {trscbold htposed l:nsured: 3. The estate or bteregt in the Ilrd described or ref,arred to ia this Commitmeot and covcrpd harpio is f€6 Bl-rlrl€ 4. Iille to ho fee rlnple cstatc or hprosr ir said Iad is et tbe effective date hcrcof vestcd in: fDCrL t.f. (|r to Ftrtc.l r) EDLAT,DO A. tErf,gl (ae to parcol t) 5. Thr Lrd rofcrroa ro b rhis Conmitrnent is de.ssibed as follorys: sEB lTtaqrED LECIL DtScnltrtof turl|ottaal lddr.ar !STATEMENTOF CCARGES Ibcse cbuga ara duc urd payabb bcdoro a Polkt can bc iscucd. EErrcl PEE gZO3-OO o t,-.t.:u r 4l . Order Number: O2O3O9Ot SCHEDULE A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PN,CBr, lr cotrDoil!.Ilrr utIT B-a, AID Prl,trrfc uirtt rP-13, !P-32, IUILDITC B, lloRtltfio(xts cotDotllrrults eceordilg to tle CoadoElliul ltep thereof recorded Xrrsb 14,1979 ta Book 282 .t tage 903 er teecptiotr tlo. L793LO. rld aB alcfilcd ard aercriDcd i-! the Cottdo!.itriu! Dcclaration for lortht'oodr CoratoulDiun!, rt corated D.ceabar 23, L'TS Ig Book 213 et P.9. 81O .s n ceDtio! no. l399SS, as saaitcd by tbe tllril Sr4rpleneet to Coedootlirtn Dcclar.tion for lortbrroodr Condoc.iniuns rccordeil Harcb ll. 1979 iB grc,o* 2AZ rt pege gOZ ..R€c€ptlo! Ao. 1793O9. ?IICEL D: cotrDort$vt{ ultrt E-13, NID ll,axlxc urrts 8r-19. t!-zo lrD stoll6E urlt t3_7,II'ILDII(C B, rltD PAAII'G utllt aP-lt. tottltfooDE corDoErluxS, accordtnE to tbe Cotdod,l!,un t{aD GbcrGot rccoritcd t{|lrch lC,1979 i! root( 282 Bt page 9O3 ar recegtio! Ifo. ,.t911O, alal ao detl,tod and de3crlb€d |.! tle cgt|dotttt$ Declaratto! tor torthroods eoralott|riqlr, r.corded Decsber 23, L97'r5 tt Eook 2t3 rt l.gc 81O as tcccptl,a to. 1]9953, ao aelded by tbc thJ,ril goE)tilclaat to eonddilLu! Dca]'rretio! f or taortlr.oodr Conalci!{lri. rccorate{ ltareL 14, l9t9 i! look 282 tt page gOZ aG lccct tl6 ro. u9309. Oq'IIT Q ETG:T sqlE oF COI.OTTDO iio.u4!|l P. i ! SCHEDIJLEB Sccdon I . Hcr Numbcr: 02oto9ot XEQIJIREMENTS Tb6 fuIlowiDg arp the requireDents ro be co4lied wib: Item (a) Payue'at to or for tbe accouot of the grantors or ruorgagorl of rhe full connidcratbn for fro eso1" or intcreot to bc insured. Item (b) Propar inrmrrr:co(s) crcadng ftr cctaE or irrsrrgt ro be h$rEed must bo cxcc|I3cd and duly fiIed for rccord" ro wit: T " " --'!;-w,,-iE 1. FOR tlTl'$|tttoIrr FqnFoSaS o|rlJt I r.iZLl,0w ,..rrri r-ivLiJlli]ii0 ii 4: rj P. b,'v SCHEDULE B Section 2 Ordcr Number: 02o3O9O5 EXCEPTIONS The poticy or policies !o be iseucd wiII conrain exceprions to tbc following unless the same are diepc€d of to the sedsfrctio! of rhe Company: l. Rigbts or cleiss of parties in poeeeesion, lot shown by rhe pubttc records_ 2. Easemcnts, or claims of cascmems, nor qhown by the public records. Discreponcics, corrflicts ia boundary lincs, shortage in arca, oncroachmcnB, and any facr whicfi a correct surveyand' inspmrion of-dre prcmises would-disclosc and which are nor showrrby rhe bublic rceordg:. " "". .-; ,. I *y:*;1::* I-._lf:- f_::::nicca, Iebor or material hererofore or horeafter turnishod, irnposed by raw and not 3ho\frn by dre public records. Dcfects, liens, encumbrances, tdverse claims or ofter matrcn, if any, crcated, nrst rppearitg in the public rccord3 or^rtta'bing .nrbscquent to the effcctivc dare bcrcof, but priol -b rh9 date the propiicd i"i*"a *.i"i*,of rccord for valuc thc cslaE or intcrest or morEage thereon covered by rhis comrnid,re"t- Unpateaed mining chims; rcservatims or cxc@ti@l in prteo$, or:rl ad autbori2.iag the issurncc tbercof;wacr rights, clains or rirlo ro watcr_ 7. fly .Dd .tI uryrilt teras eld .aeesit€ltc anil lul,uaredecled tar 3atrat. t. the affoct of laclqolole I, rny geaeral or rpecl,tlc rater 6!!crrarcy, fire protecti,or, eoil colaervrtiol or other dLltrict or tlcltlctoq ir .oy ht"r r.r?Lca or Etract l+lrorell.tt arer. t. leEervagtolc ed ercepttona lt lateega, or l€tr rutlorLrilg ttre lssuaace thereof, 'l'rclrrding the rcecrvetio! of thc rLElt of ploprletor o! a vctn or ro{ta to ert cts tld r:||pvc his ore tbrrctru abolld the ser€ be toutat ge peretrate oi iatcrscct tic prcrtlr.r eq re8€avod t! ulitcal gt t.. F.tcrt rcooratcat Hat ,o,Itos tn Eook t8 .r tage 511. lD' lcttrictioac, rlicl do lo colta.Lu . foafeitqrc or ravortor chure. ht od,ttilg r.Etrlctiols, !t ent. basod o! raca, colgr, retrl,giol or srtiolal oal,gfis, tE coDteilcd i! iDstru|Flt rdcordcal D.oerbcr t7 , Lg6, ir Bootr 187 at prt. 5lt. rlF trI . Crore E rcrclt lgrocrclt, datad rrgurt ZL, tgl l bct ?e[ Vnil lrtociatcr, M.,6 color.ralo corDoratioa a!.r vail t{ctro,potitr! rccreatlon D!,otr.lct, rccordcd DcceDcr 23, 1975 1! Booh 213 at trge got, u it tay af feat r po|*'lq of ruDj eet propcrtt'. l^2 - lercnratr, rcrtrLctiolr .rrd rigltr-of -rayr aa cbwe or the plat of vrir viurg€Severtb Ptltag. J3- Eaicletrts, rectr,i,ctlolc atrd right!-of-r'!t'r aa abora! or tbe cordooi!fu|I x,trp of rortlrrooal. c.trilCblurr recordei l.rcb la, 1979 fu Dool. 2g2 at prg. 903 ai L€eDt,.o tlo. t793lo. fl . lc a, ooDititLtr., rraarvatioar, restr|,ctlol6 rDd obllgatloq, as ooDlalled tt coai.iilitr! nscltrttioD tor tortleocdE Cg||dctrlnnr reccrrled DqgG!!.r Zf , LITJ Ccntl,lucd o! !.rt lreta 3- 4. 5, 6. I L,.r . reJl r Cottlarrrtlo! of Schcatulc r - Scctio! z Orttor lu$er: O203O9O5 lr Eook 203 at pago Elo r8 Rcceptior ro- 1399t3 aad as rupptcoalted in tle SuPPlerGDt to thc colatolrtqtun Declaratlon recotdett llerc! lt, 1g7g ta Eoolr 282 at PaEe 902 ea necGpBlot !o. 1?9309, anat all supttl€EaDtr ttr€reto. lt- ate lollqrtlgt n8alrlctiora as cott.iaed ia ttc Dccd rcoorrlcd rugust 3, 198!N b Book 391 at, p:rge 13! ri tlcccptio! !ro. 2f77ls: tlc proper:ty dtercribod lcrci! for . ". .o,.le!g as Lt ebarl ore ueed er a rurkllg cDacc for bia orn qEe erlat beneftt rtDila b. it a! cr.lcr ia lce of a f,ortlwoodr coDdcolDiun Ualt cr tor the use 6!d b6!.fit of rlotbcr oner Ll fee of a tortlnrooila Coldqiliul Unit, .Dd it it pball ever ceace to be ro uacd, tha! to tL. Or.ltor :L! tGa, it bGitg tha rpecifl,c iltaat ol th€ grrutor to crc.t€ . IroaElDllltf of aa?ert€r tltl tbte i!3tflrrr€lt. (R€latirg tq U$tt BF-19) l5 - Ehe fol todag rc6tr1ctl6a. rr coDtel!.at i-D thc DcGd trGcord.d turgurt 3 , l98A h Aoot 122 at tage !11 ar rac.t't,L6e ro. 3l8jtg! thc Dro!,cft.tr deacrt"bcd f,erel-! tor so 1o!g ar it rhall ole uceat el r prrliug alraco lor tte or'|t uac aail botc flt rtbll. he Le e! or,n..r il fee of a iorttnvoode Coldo[iulur UrLt or fcr tte uge rld treae fit of rsother orracr il fcc of e lort&woodr coadoeinino uul,t, erd if lt sbatl eyer ceaae to b6 Eo u6€d, tbs! to tD6 Crrltcr ia fca, lt bcilg tle :pecific ittert ef tbc gr.etor to creat.r . I,o66tDlltty of aeeer:ter Dt' tbt.LrstE|Eert. (telatlag to UBtt !?-t2) lt. I Ded of truEt d.tgd itule lC, l9gt, erecst.d by rjiusrdo A. retkcl, to the luDllc Srqatac of EaEl. courty, to a.curo rI ildcbtcrtlcr3 of iz,o6o,oo0.oo/ l!favor ot tbe larcdo L3tro$al Ertt rccord€d Nt$r6t t, 1t97 Lr Boot( 734 rt ,ago 123 as !.c6prtotl io. 6COO?9. ( r,el.ttDg tc . F.rcel t.) 18. A Dced of tru6t dat€d $tgust ,, ZOOO, ercaqtcd bt'Eilu.r& a. !e*cl , to thc Pobtr ia tnrltcc of Etglc C{rurtl, go r.€ur. ro &rdab"ad[era of g2rtOgrOOO.O0, i.n lwor cf lhc l:rcdc tltloDal EaDl recorded trovsber lt, 2OOO aJ necqrtlot fe.71388?. (relater to .prroat !.,) 19. lrt rlll .I1 erJ.rtbg laatar an6 tceucl€r- It,i i.i i'" DISCLOST]RES htrstront !o C.R.S. l0-l l^lZZ, noricc is bcrcby givca h*: ($ THE strBrEcr REAL PRoPERTY MAY BE LocATED rN A spEctAL IAtflNG DIsrRIcr; (B) A CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE LTSTNG EACH TAXING ruRISDTCTION SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM TIIE COUNTY TREASURER OR TIIE COUNTY TREASURER,S AUTHORTZED AGENT; (C) INFORMATION RECARDNG SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND IIG EOI.JNDARES OF SUCH 9!TRICT$ MAY BEOBTAINED FROM TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, TI{E COUNTY CLERKAND RECORDER, OR THE COUNTY ASSESSOR. a Not': colortdo Division of Rcgutariors 3-5-1, Paragnph c of Anicla vII roquires &ar "Evcry rirlc arity ehall be responsiblc for all oatrers wbich 4pcar of r."otd ptiot o r.hc rime of roooai113 *r,cr.c* d; ;;i;€Nltity conducts tbe closing and is rcsponsibl'e for recording or Eling of logal docuoeno resulriqg from rhc earuacdon vbicb wre closed. ' Provided $at Stewan firle of veit, Ioc. co[ducrs rnc cbsiry or tbe insured trarsacrion and is rasponsiblo for rccording rbc lcgal documrzrrs froo tbo ransacrioa, erception n'mbcr 5 *ill nor appcar on rhc Or4rcr'e lidc Poticy ed rhc I-cadcr'o Tirlc poliqr vbar irsucd. NotG Afrrrnadve Mechuric's Licn Prorccdon for rbc owncr oay be rvriLrblc (r}?iodly by dclcrion of Exceprion No- 4 of Scbc.drrle B, Sccrion 2 of tbc connirncrr &ou rlc ownar'r Policy ro tc ii,sucai upo" coop1iane wirh rbe fo[owilg oonditions: A. tho hnd dcocribcd in Scbcdulo A of 6is commiroqr auot bo I ciaglo frmily roddcncc, wbicb incl[rdcs a condoEiniu.o or (owtrboucc txrit. E' No labor or ltatelitls brve becn 6rni<h-,1 by oecbanics or oaredalocn for purposes of c-,onerucrion on tf,c rond dc.cribcd h schedula A of this coomitmcnr withitr rhc pail 6 Eotrrhr. C- Tho Company must rcccivc m lpprcpriarc a6dNvir indcmni&ing rhc Con9ary again* unfitcd mochuric's md rurerialmen's liqrs. D. IhE ooopany Eust ftceivc pry@ of thc appropriarc prcoium. E. If thltl br bcca construcrion, improvcmc,nu or oajor rrpairs rurdorutar oo lhc prolcfly !o bc Punt s.d, withil six Oontls prior O rhc Darc of rhe Co64itoqrr' rhc rcquirrcocars to obrain concragc for ruuccordcd licos will ircludc: dirclcurc of ccnaia ctnsrrrrction iafoineriol; fiuncirl infornarit ' !s ro tbo scllcr, ttro buildcr rad/or rh @rkrclor; payoor of &o appropriarc proiua; fuily crocurcd Indeandry agrtcordr ,tru$mto-q o rlo coopany; alrd, acy .ddfudnal ,iqir.ocn $ u 1qry to nccerery aftcr an cxaoinarion of fre rforesaid in$ornadon by 6c Coqrny. No coverage will bc giv€n urdcr any circuosunocs for tabor or matorirl for *hich rhc ilsrrcd has contnNclad for q,r rgrccd to pey. NOInING EENEIN COIYTATNED \PII,L BE DEEMED TO OILICATE TXTE COMPAJTTY TO TN,OVIDE AITY OF TEE COYENAGES NETTNNTO TO SENE|N UNLESS TgE ABOrE CONDITIONS ANE FULLYSATTSNED. Order No. O2O3O9O! Dirclorurts (YSDD) Rcv 10t99 ASCD EFGH m(L STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Privecy Policy Notice PUNPOSE OFTHIS NOITCE Tide V of rbe Gramm-Leacb-Bliley rrt (GLBA) gelwally prohitria any fnrncial indqxiotr, ditccrly or throrg!is affiliatcs, fton sbaring loopublic pcrgonal inforraador atrou! you with a nonafdfiarsa urd paiy u1ccs r[i irdudon providcs yorr wib a noricc of irs privacy policicc aDd pracdccs, ruch as rhc xypc of inforEado! 15at i!co_llcas about yor lld the clpgoric6 of pcr:ons; or e.'rides to wf,oo it rnay be discloscd-.' [n compliarrce wirh lhc GLBA, we are-providfurg yeu wit! tbis documnr, which notiffcs you oi rtc gti*acy po[rio and practices ef Stcvrrt Tjtlc Gurrury Cepruy. Wo oey collocr uoPrublic parsnal informarion abour yo{ frorn rbc foll,owhg eourccg: - Ff:roatiou *-c rocaive ftom you, such *oo applicarioas or o6er brus.-- lfionnauon ab(nt your rnnracdons w€ s€cur froo our nlos, or froo our at6li&c8 or oucrs.-- Idoroarion vc rcccivc ftoE & codl ucf rcporting tg€ac1|. - [|forEAtiotr tblt wc rcceive fron otbcrg itvolvod iD your iranc$tion, cuc,h as .bo rcal osare agent or lendor, Unlc$s it is spcciScally srarcd oricrwise in an rmeoded Privrcy policy Notico, no addirionrl nonpubtic ponolal informadon vill bc colleccd abour you, W^omay discloso eny of th,eabove informdoa rbat we collect abour our cusooctr o, foroer curtoocrr [o our affilirtos or o noaffrliarrd third ponios !r porEdBcd by t!rr. Wc elso mrJt disclocc 6ic informedon rbout our <r$tlrrrcrr or formcr cusr{rmcr8 o tha fottowing qypca of nonrf6lietcd cotrPeniet ller pcr'fora oartctiag scrvicc, ('tr our bahglfor rlitb nboa wc bavc joiat-umnieiag agrcc|llanll: - Finanoial ecrvico Ptovidcrs suclt ar compmiee argagod ir bartking, crnc\rulcr fruocc, sccuritios alrd ircnracc.- Non-finucirl 6ap6nief sucb as clvelopc rarffcn ud orbef firl6ltneil &dicc providcn. WE DO NOT DISCI.OSE ANY NONPUBUC PENSONAL INFORMATION AEOUT YOU WNI{ ANYONE FOR ANY PT'RPOSE TIIAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY I,.AW. !^o rcsqct toce!3 ro nonprblic pcrstrt hforioarion abcut ;rou to rhoee eoployccs vbo nced !o kloili rb.r inf3ruad3n.in ordtt_&o providc producrs or svioco ro you. Wo aainr."r pbfiqi, ar"tro"i,r, ta proccOruat sal€gualds lbar coqly wirh fodoral regularims to $atd youl noryublic penonl informrdo_ It No,_OotoS ln-dffl.otE-hc.l9. b&rrii.r B.rq ttldo. Or. lt lF-dlrfra (tltt{D - o BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT P.O. 1825 ' Avon, CO 81620 (e70) e26-s09e (p) (e70) e26_2ee3 (F) TRANSMITTAL Date: TO: FROM: BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT RE: INCLUSTVE: NOTE: copy: fi STEWART TITLE OF ED}VARDS PO. BOX 503 EDWARDS, CO 81632 Please dcliver this to: PATRICK NEDBO COI.TSTRUq"IION TLis fax isfrom: MELANIE LA}.IG This fax wa.s crcatcd at I I-MAR -2ffi208:42: 16.86 It has a total of 8 pages, not includiug this cover shoet. If th€rc are any problens, coutact the sender at92ffi230. C O M MENTS THIS IS THB NORT}TWOODS TTrtE COMMITMENT YOU NEEDED. HOPE TIIIS MEETS YOUR NEEDS. I WnL FA)( Al.I D.IVOICE ovER LATER. LET ME KNow IF you HAI{E Ar.rr euEsrloNs. TI{ANKYOU, MELANIE LAI.IG. Drte: To: Fron: Mondry,Merch llrzffi2 Beft Levene, Archlaa Beth Levene-Rosen Phone -970-9G5099 Frr; Y1V9262993 NGdbo Conc$uction, IDc" Patrisk Ptnnc[Phons 970-E45-r001 Fer: 97&.8/i5-9979 9IncL SubJect fitle Scuchee following. L L t- Ir ! L a L. I t- I t :\ \.{.,.LLi, .Ll [iJ l._r-- 1.."t_ L- i.r'- I t#l qre 'P*t-L. 4,T 4bfifi*J Lc+ o 4(frre L-ffi+v n#LfrppeL ffi*,le b-Mb t*,_ lrffittA#2 rutrafia b t-leNEeU F4@v Wv ?w# Pd,i,Wf qLn .'i'l'' " M_pffi1"L?4 W fie+Vn.ffiu W a+4e . - ':.' '.'.' l W6l,r.fi 91411y4 WYY f74l44 ur$, VtF'l,lft'll ?f?w;-zffiw 'l/,St'1tutt ffirHW Wr*rtlo .2,1ca'2. / %rr,W 7a HCWL W&V l+WlMnwob o o TJMT hzt? s':,:__ o o z (n {n c C)J o z T TTI F 3 { -n! z= >= oo z -l m Is :"- .D -rHO <x I m: 6 (f a )iX.|E= 9.trP o -{J ir O <-.r: -m='-1 aa 1E TI o< dP ag (io ctl >::A-s i; -- 'n 1t m a --{ NFlFI "xx <Iq m :-_ (_ f \a;tn> = ,'\ ,,\ e>"'t- !!tr oz lq mil u) /-l hio F! (, "ll -.D -m co< -l -l o rn m A m -l o z (- (D { m F P z z c,F H i -/'f Ir' c (t' c, L Zi- 8=ZA 'r' >-^2 Y> 9p -lc 8E da 8il ='n a \a >= -{o o> zA nz >m -i> o .r -l m €z m (- z 3 !t r z a rn z H N l=3i#o> t- -t r a) ,X zl tl ol I I I 'Tl r z a F H € .A --{ m t- m lg lz o l'n l<t> a m 9) z 9 ; 3 B o l: F f, fl l I 3 +o {2 o : - ! m 0 z o I 3 N-) I d {z I r m o z 9 I I = li tr c)€ c) I\J I (t (.'l l-t lo t€ lz 1 t<t> l- lm z 9 ts \o I l = U) P a) z Fl F a)H z -r F,l t- _9 o\ I $. F.(, E F F F lo rn 'tl = F. z c) o = z - s' I o\ 01 z tTl F D F t> o m r :l t\) H E rft I 6d3E - (DE di ! ax-€*3 iiP 6-iPi+ :.'< P {os.iR =+qi.;i = =6n C f *- 5isd ",4!) o 5o?r .if0t =6+=r -o J.(o9+o -Oi,io) i D -^'--r+ii JasB { o Jr .J f_o o +U)3l= uei&I=98 eo.a =as;r z'o : f' e: aR ot f 6 ='l 8 d s?'3ua;.,ER6 a X Y-o :luro=. ||o I tri o | |f4 ll> o llz {ilc g I lF! : I lFl ilo : t,r t-f.'' f =.lo !f ;:. @ is. '=(o -o al ot>'9 il\q gl)-\-g ml !) ^t____J Yl. €'''|,> (D sl#zl)- * -l o ol nl -l al ;\Jl f zl il !>l !Yl 6'arl qt ftl =ttl o -l o 'rl <l *atv ml rl 'nl \.- a- z r't 't- m €z m lo ls ! F_ I q, (t) =z o o l z r ! m ]J =-t U> z m m m lz 12 l-It l9 lo tq f- fio<>-nT im *l' ln J € I z z trl I z g)c T f z -t ,TI -l I o z rn I t-r c m IO tr{a)m IF -z zc\ .z = z>9R 'nU r<'+<>o dj lto z c =a ll tl tl tl z rn €7 ti 'rt |---l TN F z _= z m I --t m l, _n P I z H EI X rl z E F r-l ONF zY=m.,f; P Eo F>.n Xzo i;QO o<2 no@ Io 64 os E b 2A---t o6 6 -n2z € x P> N@= v< 3 I 5. \,1 o { o o o z 2 o F F 2 2 o .J m a z . =z 6 -t -l m FI Hgl d,z' Fjc) |U)o:<+l wQt o>,2-l E-.Fr ol I ol rJ4, I fd;l I rd ir: I 6tl *l'\o l,co t\ z z --l ! \J i t- !m E 3 =_r'l m m <J' U' m J x m z c m --l m z m m {o m m z n m m X 3 m o I z t- _0 c = 2 fn m --t ^ t- z c) m ^ g z !m =i m ='Tl m m (t VALUATION t m v =-l z o H F F =m 2 t- t- z o m t-m t- |- 2 @ ,F ts O )( N \c N' N)o\ lO.(,16 (/) ! \u$ \\ sR ., c)o 2 U) c c) =o z T rn =-l - * {+or ma: Jj l:_l ^F>;l- hHE li o -=1..' lrR lT Xl t-- ; ^ o t; i=-l= F=3 li i=:<;i--! ---- o.< { ==o |-.lt ;.'E;€i -i 6 -3 ni >a O='tl ,'\ !(,m T>.<= <m@ >i= !., > r- f-_'l l-l r""r I I 'Tl -rr OF z= >; z INE '' ';i. , \tl.--'.' I 3[ e cil - lt E oll -lll c) >m i>or t-m o- r- { c) o o O -r'ZF ;=o=1z ;o R= oz 9v zo :fi (J I ]- rT r - i t\ lrt l:,li- I t: |- a-t m a n t- z I'r.l N \ r$, ,,1 I \I \r n I lli td llin 15 ll^ li ll'; lF il: tH ll 'lo ll Lt lz tl][ll' K lll" p l-- i lI.- ,i q \'- I€ lz to l-n t<t>I- lm le,z l-l IE lz lo t:t> f IH r()-tO-!- J(D !ao ='< 3€ o, ,; .DcD qt lo) Jr -6'Ir == =9J )- to I )o t tc I ,- |i:'l I .: ) ol ]E oft li 'l 3l -l 3t ='' I ,ri I ;!--t ;l -; ^):xs Yor 9cr <o =.9 -Orl o:1 ;.J ;,@ i lq, ) -a :cJ-: ') _; 'l-q l-=r5() i'n :< =(D- cl(D ci ;al -.: ;s. = -,o oa o-o -J s.<dr =.'-=.@o c= '" c)' oo o:J( f, -( rd:')- .'=,i ,t-t5 i=o, '< o =-cro .--5.-l o_oP =_o l(c (5* oJo o-r. (4(D oo)s.€o-(,{o) OO (De .o' s., /- O. -=-Our f'"t ,o: aA - r 5''\; ,v. r'"1 '-{-:€ ^ NE 3.<;'€ f n +{ io (,. ci X(] (!-' o o € E o o -o' =o tn c.r ol (o! oi o( oC ol: 6( (D; o- ON ir:D-:.(o ef, )a r3 ,<); >(t :l mc s "'io € rt| ol !l o z o o ml ,rl nl )<^ LE rg Lli IA;l8 h.-i "los t\z !1 l,'\a o l,'nz l{g l':,x INQ !ttl o c o z E o o z o trl A E/r 3 o c >r- lt;n >ll=llo llz il^ tt; Jg tol t=i tol t>l l,-l ^t ;l !tl >tl :11 z -{a, I I I o o o =z z I 4 c'I z lr I I I I z - ! o m =TI m m c o ! It o c)x o ! c e ; z r 6 m m m o rn rh m t o .) ln c o !-t --t r .E m ='Tl m m <l Yr -rl "L"EJ ll-^ | sig\'l rr I '.}. I t;' I fl ll .c,l tr >' z z F i z o m Or^>I{-.' ;l -li- t VALUAiION v I r':.1 '-1t (1 >l =r-l>l3 lo t= ! = m m o o c . |il -$ R (\ X az ao mil lst t'o l\o lw .It It lvr O '.{+ -'rn E -{ o E m m 'o --l o z <- qt a -{m \Il 01 \N {'v F. _{ lfr I lNr-n I rDo lut., r-lco -r f-l-r O O Jh -: =tr+lE -nz l-3 "'lr,: f r- I o a,/1 l=.)lEo=l- I rn lrD o- rrl 16.0H I q,o lG(^| -'t v| -r'l l€ F f ^-r tO xr< l./r -rl f rD >r=>< E6) Jt-! O, Hm J a)=o, >r=c+ C:l F.-.r-{Q m.. 5 rr, -.1 J.l\ rt 't:j - t 75 south trontage road, v.il, colorado 8 l657 (303) 476-7000 department of pubtic works/transportatlon TOr FROM: DATE: RE: rn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it Ls unLar.rful for any person Eo litcer, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrls or r.c"ii."l, lncluding trash durnpsEers, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any srree!,sidewalk' alley or public place or any portion Ehereof. The right-of-way on arl Town of vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be strLctly enforced by the rown Lf vail pubri.c works Department. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hour wriEten notice to remove said naterial. rn Ehe event the person so notified does not comply with Ehe notice within the 24-hour cirne splcified, the Public works Departrnent rrill remove sald rnaterial at the "*p"rr"" of person notlfied. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to constructlon' malncenance o! repair projects of any street or al1ey o! any utillties tn the right-of-way. To review 0rdinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your- cooperation in this matter. u>d DaEe i:i VAIL1989 MEMORANDI]M ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOI.IN OF VAIL TOI,IN OF VAIL BUILDINC DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 Read and Acknowledged by: i September 13, 1988 Gordon R. Pierce, Architect 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Attenti.on: Beth Levine On behalf of the Northwoods Condominium Association,this is to conf irfr-ThiftEE FTans T-IEea EuguEt 6;-Tges for Unit 8208 are approved. Sincerely yours, V$$r-u-tr Mrs. Brinkman Manager Northwoods Condominium Associ-ation '3r rNs{bctoN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF ',/, i , il VAIL L',AItr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME MON CALLER TUES l-, ( ' THI ta |/ i.; ,\,,i i l' ..rOa WED FRI AM PM BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ! FOUNDATION / STEEL ;. --.E FRAMING T't "-"'.- PLYWOOD NAILING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULATION D POOL / H, TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL - tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: U TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL {.. O.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE | .' INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W-V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trI trF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t 'z/ / /.f/ ,o,NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PM Bt tr tr tr tr tr V a ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL D FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED a\k -tlT-t -hop INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \.i - ,'\DATE ..-\ - T '' JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t SPE IN CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: 't nl ".,). ,. B n B tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ \\--.--'f \' !t , \-, J\ I SPE IN CTION REQUEST . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF \ ... VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES FRI -\i: THUR \-\:\. \ ': D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR