HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG B UNIT B7 . • T . . � t -�,,�;�,_��,: D�esign Review Ac�.�c�n Form Tf144'������IL �' TO WN 4 F VAIL �'i�ojcct NaiYic: N1urpliv Residence �'r�tijc�C Dcscr��tion: Dcck cncl<y�lirc (h�rncr, Acldress anci i'�icmc: X.�vier Morphy 100 Vail V�Ilcy Urive, Vail �76-Sa2S .Architcct/('�mt���t. Addreti� ar�c1 I'1i����c: Kurl Se�erber� 11}0!1 �. Fronta�;c liu��d West, Vail �t7(i-�a33 f'rojcct Strcct Addretis: 600 ti'ail �`allcy l}rive, cuiit B207 I_,c�af I�cscri��tion: Northw�ods C'or�doniin'rums, �'ail �'illage 7lh �'arccl Numhcr: I3uilclin� NaEn�: N�i-thwo�ds Bldg. � ('tm�n�cnt�: Boa�-d / �taf'f' Action Moti��n by: C'la��k B�•ittain �ction: �'lppro��ed 5ccc���dcd hw: H�ns Woldricl� Votc: �-0 (�onditiunti: 1. That the kitchen window fi# in more with the upper panes next�o it. 2, That the existing b�lcony be repaired. 3. Tha# the offset on the first floor be revis�ted and worked out with staff. ��c�wn Plan�icr: ('hristie Barion natc: 5/2(�/98 URl3 I cc Prc-['aid: 20.O1� ' , - . , ,�, Qucstions? Ca! c P3an�ins Staff at 479-2128 y , 1 , � . . . � . ♦t ` ` +� APPLICATION FOR DES[GN REV[EW APPRQVAL � �aw�vo�YArL '� _ �.F1�I�RAL INFORMATfON . Ti�is application is far any projcct requiring Design Rev,iew apnraval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcview must rcccivc Dcsigrt Rcview approva! prior to s�bmitting for a building permit. For spccific information,scc thc submittal requircments for the particular appraval that is requested. Thc application cannot be accepted un#i�all the required information is submitted. Thc projcct may also�ced to be reviewcd by thc Town Couneil and/or the Qianning and Environmcntal Commission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr finai appraval unless a building permit is issucd and canstruction is started. A. DESGRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: �G{� � � I B. LOCATiON OF PROPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK: FILING: U����O '�� � t'HYSICAL ADDItESS: ��� �-� ����0���U I C. ZONMG: d �G' �tC'l� �'�' S�7'� ' D. NAME OF OWNER(S}:� l�.�� I l�r����� I MAILING ADDRESS: �� ���U p�' U �'� PHONE: Z�� I � E. OWN�R(S)S[GNATURE(S): F. NAME OF APPLICANT: V ����� I MAILiNG ADDRESS: �v � �� � �• Ci � 4 nHONE: , �� ��3-- — ' G. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: /, l�� —�60� � ❑ Ncw Construction -�204 Construction ofa ncw building. '��"1� � ❑ Addition- 554 Includes any addition where squarc footage is added to any residential or cQmmcrcial building. , Minor Altcration- S20 Includcs minor changes to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts�such as, reroofing,painting,window additions,landscaping,fences and retaining walls,etc. I CJ Conceptual Review- SO For any application where the applicant wishes to meet with Design Review Board to determic�e whethcr or not the project generally complies with the design guidelincs.The DRB does nat vote on conceptual reviews. � DRB fees are to be paid at thc time of submittal: Later,when appiying tor a building permit�please identify the accuratc valuation of tl�c proJect. The Tov�m of Vail will adjust thc fec aceording to the�rojcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLiCATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE �EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SUUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO$1657. : ... . ......:..:..: ...;..::.. _. ..... ,..,.... .........:.:.:............ . ;;y;;i ..:fi'w ^ti,f:. :..yµ. .. . •. '.?'�f i } .{•'i i ::•�� +.?. �:'c::%'•i;ii P::i:ic'�'v�iirio:`:?}5'�'.':+i� ... .:: - - .... . �d•.: ' ' .i'.;i�'•M... f •"� Y�. �,y.�. .., 'F�fr Offc�'Usa�Dn��� � ��'rr �„'��:�'�' .:1.� � : . „ ' � z,. ��� ..f��" '... : .„ ,: :: , ;.<• , y��[ xr 1 �+ . KN, .���'� : .. .-•_• � .:: ,;.��. .. :. ;�"�� � ♦l •*,�,,.,"�._ 'G$?�;!ha�fi?�`v�r::fi�;'. S�+C4 ,�y ,�,�..Wwn,�w+r : _ �� 1 . . ,;j... •�;;i �' �' ��.: . o � ':: ��'_,. ,- tav;x3,..,;(�: yr.��J�y:. h 4 wW� i+W } �r {t/ �1 Y � JtC'_ ''Applicah4�a DatG;,,,,�'�' �`� � .�`!���ar�g L?afe �'� �� ',��_�,:w, ,:. .. ., ...., r = �..� .�...Y,... ..... :.:... .. :.. ....... .... . . ... .,... ... . :;. ... � :<{ £w w .. .. . .. ..::$ •,. .•.. .�,,.f..:.�•:::::;.x.;�::::n:• UPdatad 1197� 04/15/98 MIE 15:33 FAX 5201859 PERFOR CENTRAL l�002 � 04/,13/9$ ffiON 09:13 FAB 1 870 476 4 P6A VAIL _ I�OOE ' .. ,., � � � QucsRian�? Cai(t�lanning StatT'et 4 79-2 R Z8 �, . .. ._.. .. . �ti APPLICATION F4R DESICN REVIEW APPROYAL r.. 1V�V� r�1L _ . � � �NERAL INF�RMA•��ox , This application is for any projcct requr�ng Dcsig;n Rcv,iew ap�srdval. Any project raquiring dc�ig�rcvicw m�st rcccivc Dcsign Rcvecw��ppcoval priur to submittirtg foc�building permit. For s�xific intormatiott,scc thc aubmitta! rcquircmcnts for tho particutsr approval that is rcquestcd. Thc a�lication cannot bc acceptcd until dl the rcquired informativn is submittcd. Thc�roject may also nood to bc tevicwed by thc Town Cvunci[and/or thc Plsnning and Environmental Con�misaon. Dcsien ReviGw Bo�rd approvstl cxpires onc yca�a[tcr final sppravat unlcss a buildiag pc�m�t i:issucd�nd con�tructfon 1:ttartcd, � A. DESCRfPTIOr'OF THE REQUEST: ���� ' B. .LOCATION 41=PRQPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK: F[L[NG• ���6 ' � PHYSICAL AL'�DItFSS: � � �� c. zoranvc:�d �U _ � � . D. NAME OF QW NER(S): � MAIL�NG ADDRESS; � ��' G- � PHa E: ��i�. £. OWNER(S)S[GNATUItE(S): � ���� � � , � � . F. NAME�E APf'LiCANT: � �' NfA1E,��1G ADDRESS: f�U S �' ���, . G o , �HONE; �. TYPE QF REVIEW AND FEE: O New Constructton-�200 Construction flf a new buildir�. _ 0 AddiNon- SSO lnciudcs�n,y add�tian wher�e squarc foasge is addod to any rrsidet►t�al or I � comrncr�'tal building. ; �Miaor�U#cr�tiao- S20 Includcs minor changex to buitding�an$sitc impcovcmcrita�such es, rcroofin8�Pauntmg.vinndaw sdd�dons.Isndscapu�g.fences and rda�mng svells,stc. O Con�cptuAl �te�►icw- SO Fa any applicadon whcc+c We applicant wishca to mcct with D�sign Review 8osrd to dctermine whether or not the project genc�ally complies with tltie dcsign guiddinra.Tho DRB dncs nnt vote on coaccphral reviews. � DRB ice�ecc to be paid st tha ti,me of subm�ttal: Lata,when applying ior a building perntit�pleasc idaidfy I thc accw�atc v�lusdon of the projoct. Thc Tovm of Vail will adjust the feG ncoording ta thc pro�oct valu�an. PLEASE SUBNIIT THIS APPLICATLON,ALL SUSMCTTAL REQUIIiEMENTS AND THE I+'EE?Q THE DEPARTMENT OF COMM[!NL'fY DEVELQPMLN'T,75 S4UTH FRONTAGE ROAD� VAIL,COLORADO$1657. w��' _ ;�'_ �;�� ' . � �� _ ?� .:, � . > .. �,: : . . "°' `���''� ^,- �,c�,., ; 'i..�'^•�;� '� �• .a ::t•.r�nr sx ` . •4� ,� �o-X�#�:tr�J y� .g' '�. ��;����ti '$k .�. . . ' �� � � LiST OF PROhOSED MATERiALS . BUILDING�vlATERIALS: TYPE OF MA7'ERIAL: CQLQR:* Roof ' /'�` �' ' ' Siding �C �����' `.'vi� il�"7° ���. Othcr Wall Materials Fascia - Softits Windows !/�,a� ��`�/' �"a,/�,��} ��'�� Window Trint �� ��� , ��h� �/l,� ! � Doors Door Trim . Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings ��r�'�/ �/l� ��'�'� ��. Chi�uncys � Trash �nclosures ' � � Creenhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ' �/�'�� �l� _ � ��� �• * Plea�e specify the m�nufacturer's color,n�imUer and attach a sma14 coEar chip ** Ail exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase inaicate thc nua�bcr of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixiure type and pravide the height above gade,lun�ens output,lununous area,and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. 2 Updated 6/97 ii � I I ' �—__ � i � I � I I \ \ \�\ I —�T \ I' ' __��, --� � ' ___�-----------__ �------- -- � ---- __d � _�_.__. _ _-- � � 1�;,, ---�. �—��:- - _T..._ _ . _�._ _�_�_ _ -- � - ---_ ; � _ - � -- _ - , , � _ ; , ,; ; ; , ,� i � -� ; , , �� � � � � � '� ! ''� ,�� � � ' '1 I I' -- �--_ I � � ��, � � I I �' � �' 4 -- � ,`----i`�-- —�i ��= — — . I k ,�`' T 5 . ; � ,� ' . � � . � i I� I � � � 1 — � j� . � � b i _.. � � ' � ; _ � � � '] — — — — . � � � �. — — -- — — -- , I � �� �_ q _ . � , � �� — .� . . , __. � _�_ I ` I I � I I .� �.�I� Y�'�- _ .__ ..� . ..� � .. T � \ \`\ ..\...1.\.\` \ �` 1: ! � I � � � . 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(970} 476-4433 AnEn�Tio FAX (970) 476-4608 �f TO T /W� 1 V• �N, V RE: �lw�f TJ!'� ��Ca�'l � /'�/ WE ARE SENDIIVG YOU � Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: > ❑ Shop drawings J�Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION � � ��� �� I/IV !LU�. l.talJ..�t��,�S /�t���Gy�llTa�U THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belvw: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submiited ❑ Resubmit copies for approval �For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution / L ❑ As requested � Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints > 0 For review and comment ❑ — _ ❑ F�R BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFfER LOAN TO US REMARKS � �'vv� r�] r�. I COPY TO • SIGN�D: If enclasures an9 noi as noted,klndly notlfy u at oncB, From:Arturo Briflem4ourg Ta:Kurt Seger6erg Date:4/1i/9B Trme:1:53:42 PM Page 2 af� . • � � � NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM AS30CIA?ION P.O. Box iZ31 Vall, Colorado 8i658 303-476-3486 Fax: 303-479-9U9� I April 17, 149$ I To the Tawn of Vail: The follawing unit remadelings have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee of Northwaods Condominium Association. , ■ Unit S-7 —Balcany enclosure. Approval of these projects are conditional on the owners following the Procedures for Approval of Architectural Changes Requested By Owners established by the Association. Yours, � I� Arturo Srillembourg I President I � I �i • P�E ARCH TECTSER P C.AS�CAATES a��4�OG, 4 o e ����44Q� IF , � 1000 South Frontage Ftoad West-#300 � VAIL, COLORA�O 81657 (970) 476•4433 DAT�� Z! � � '°B"o.�„! 0��. d �J I �'AX (970) �476-4f08 ArrENroN �-�,v - �4 To 0 w�s 4 J� If iL RE. UfC�I� ��JR�nIt�lE i UN l'T" F�- �. cr+cr+�S WE ARE SENDING YOU " Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: > ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Pians ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Capy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ! �? No►,�- S �'e,..Q� 1��7�-G/" � /�-���-t G4 z- t f-a r�� r�A �-�4- �-r�-a rt-�-5 w � "z—► P � �Tj�J �-�C_. . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belaw: ❑ For approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval �For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit�copies for distribution ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections p Return corrected prints � ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS f/�'� �—�— �+Vr��17't�'�i 7�f�S Te� �w4 S x`,f�'�t-1�-1}'T�o,� �-- ��S�Lf,/�1 �l�►V� rJ f? /�""�l'�•O 1� �O !'7 ur�. J�' a�{-i`� S D�N � 1Vo�- d�P.g tt �- . � G.�9z�. +�I�T S�:G�e��BE�LC, r `�� f�/� ✓� T7 r�nl v � COPY TO �� � �`�"�� SIGNED: s��"] �L��-�"�'Tl V !f enelosures are not as noisd,klndfy notlfy us at once. . � � � � ` � '�: e : ; . 1"'_ y � ; . ^�f. � �'��. .- .. .°� � •_ p..;r,' �, � `� *�-� . � . - . _ , � . ..!-T..?t!'! 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M�',�'�a^ +. � '-'trR .. > �.�. .�'q,..�','� Q . � ^y ti �`d �i ,��',f 4�`i .. _:f° , a , I ,. . • .F • .. .. � ;, ��:: `n �_ • _� � . � r __ ,,a.�,:�. �,� ���_:. y-«�i'� .w� ._.._ i": . �. .�;,;r�•,��, ,.� Y �- � � ���ra �; . .,, ,f „ ".`�w _ �ne ��,.`�` � , „ � - .r;$ • � . ��; '�i -F ' s 'b • � ... y � `;t-. � `4 � _ ..F r,�a-�1_._�,>�-..�R� � `` . -'�` -"�`-a.�. '� • � ' . .. � My �; - � r�>� ���i i _`-��.a._..�„ ...y,, 1, „¢�,�'i y!'�ryy�',��.v + Ic I I�I.J � "1�1 ti + +-' r.—_ � , � � 1,r� ��t—r +- c� (r;_ — �l�'�, � TOWN OF VAIL �DEPARTMENT OF' COMMUNITY DEV�LOFMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAZT�, CO 81657 • -) 970-479-213$ ' NOTE : THIS FERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JQ$SITE AT ALL 'I`IMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERNlIT Pei�nit # : B98-013 9 Job Address : 600 VAIL VALL�'Y DR Status . . . : APPR�VED LoCation. . . : NORTHWO�DS LTNIT B-7 Applied. . : 06/Q1/1998 Parcel Na . . : 2101-081-18-007 Issued. . . : Q6/O1/1998 Project No. : PRJ�B-0102 �,xpi�es . . : 11/28/1998 APPLICANT STERLING HaMES INC Phone: 970-926-7153 P O BOX 170, AVON CO 81G20 C�NTRACTOR STERLING HOMES INC Phane _ 970-926-7153 P O BOX 170, AVON CQ 81620 OWN�R MORPHY JAVIER AL�,IAREZ MONTES URALES 520, MEXICO C�TY 1�000 �",�vr� . �� . Descrip�ion: Cfean-up ep it f n KITCHEN/BATFi REMODEL/B�LCONY ENCLOSURE appraved �� Occupaiicy: Rl Multi-Family amount � , , �`' � Type Construction: V 1.�HR Type V 1-�iour date �, r , �� ���� Ty�e Oceupancy: �Ialuation: 50 , OOfl Add Sq Ft : $p Fi1'eplac� 3nYormatiotn: Rc^oLrir_Lcd: y NOf Ga3 A�plianceq; #UP Ga, Lo9�: qOf Wood/Pa11�t: ......,.....+......�.....y��.�+.++++...�.......ww..rW.WW�.. F'EE SUMMARY .�....x.,.........w�......�..�a........�.....�....��.y�.�..-...� Eiuildinq-----> 45U.00 Rentuaz�ant Plan Review--� .00 Total Ca]culated Feec---> 1,1Y1.5o Plan f'heck---> 319_So RRH F'ee-----------------: SU.00 Additional Fees---------�� ,p�� inveoLiy�tiun;� .00 Kecreati�n Fee-- � -------> 80.0� 'Potal i'e.rmit Fee--------:• 1,191.50 will call----> 3.n� clean-Up llepooit--------w 250.00 Pa}�cne�st3----------------> :`u,uu TOTAL FEBS- --- �--------? 1,S9I.5[7 Hf�I.ANL'F: DUE------°------> 1,1'11.50 +aaaa...��.a..a.�r�r,�rrr+w+aa+as+aii.+�r�rrara.a�.ww«•rrv�rryrrr�rrWatra+.r��.ar�a.raaa.�.aa..�a•��ywar�arrarr+a+ai..a+ir.....�+wwrwr Itein: 051f1d BUILDING DEPARTMENT De t : BUZLDING Divisi.on: O6/Ql/Z998 CHARLIE Action- APPR CHARLIE DAV�� z�em. 054(}0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLANNING Divisio�z: 06/01/1998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PLANNING 06/Ol/1998 CBARTON Action: APPR APPR BY CHARTON Item: 05600 FIR� DEPARTMENT Dep� : FIRE DiviSion: OG/O1/�998 CHARLIE Action.: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PLTF3LIC WORKS Dept : PUB WORK Div�ision: OG/O1/1998 CHARLIE Action: AP�R N/A ♦t�r��ew����W��Y/yyiitit#+#i��Yi4�ir�4�.Ffif�#iih;l�i�tili�iitLt�iYi+lidMYrTY4iYYYW�hWtY+4+T+if�+4ie+rrwr�tKKfifwwnvr�fYYY4vvttM1�FMifir�t�iaili See �age 2 of this Dacument for any conditions that may apply to �his pennit . DECLAkP.TTON� I hei-et,y ach.nuwledge that I have read thia� application, filled out in full the inform�+tion required, completed -an accurate plot plan, and otate that a11 the intormation provi�ied -ao requix�ed in cc,,rrect. I agree [o comply with the infolmation and plot plan, to com�Sy with aIl Town ordi.nancea and etate la�^o, ai�d to build thie etructure accox-�3io�y ku [he Tawn'o zoning and ouLdivi�icn code�, deaign r�view approved, Uniform Huildinq CudP and c,ther ordinance3 of the Town applicable thereto. REQUE�T; FOR IN�FECTIONS SHALL BE MADE T'r7ENTY-FOUFt HDUHS IN ADVANCB HY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT �UR OFFICE FROM 8:ua AM 4:ryn PM Send Clean-Up Depoai.t To: STERLING HOME.^� sIGNF�TURE OF OGdNER GR CONTRAC';'GR FOR HIM.^,ELF AND OWNER ` 1 � � •iwtl�ti�lrlik�ri+i+iiiie++�ie7trr4*wr�at++iiairai�r#}siiit+i+ar ToWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ww*tM+i��il�rMir+++tiii+iai�rifr+rY4ir�iiYkiwri�a+ti�tiiiiiiiir+ 9tatsmnt Nuaber: REC-0410 Amaunt: 1�171.5� Ofi/04/99 13:10 Paymeat Method: CHECK NotaGion: 4764 Init: 9B� '--�- ------------- ------�------------------------------- Permit No: 598-0139 Type: A-M[� App/AbT MF SUILB PBR Qarcel No: 2201-Q81�18-067 Sita Address: 600 VASL VALLEY DR Location: NORTHWOODS UNIT B-7 Total Feee: 1,191.50 This PaymenG 1,171.50 Te[81 ALL Pmte: 1,i91.5❑ Balance: .00 � rtrrr+r+�aaarark+�li.t�Y+k�rarirri+r�rrrw+4rrrrrr�r+rr�y�+asayaaa+rt+ I Aeeount Code DeeGription Amount 88 00100003111200 6UILDING pERMIT FEES 490.00 DR 00100003112200 DE3IGN REVIEW FE6S 30.00 PF OO100D03112306 pLAN CHECK FEE9 318.50 AD OO10000Z403100 CL�EANUp DEPOSITS 250.00 i RF 11100003112700 RECREATION 8EE5 80.00 i WC 00100003112800 WILL CAI.L INSPECTION FEE 3.OU I `-'-^___`__--'----"---'--'-----`--------------'-'-----------�-- I i I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . � � •r��r�r�yls�rr��rr��►err��rr�avr�ar�r►rwrrti+rtyrttrt*t�rrrr�errt� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAI)o BLSLG41fIt •rrraaaarirWrrrrr►rrr�wr�rrrrrrrrarr+airraaa+ai�ttirt�rwrr�rr�ae Statemnt 1tiFUmher: R8C-641a Amount: 153.60 06J04/99 13:11 Fayment Method: CH6CIC Notatipn: 4764 Init: PBM -------------------------------�-------------------------------- Parqtit No: P90-0072 T�pe: B-PLMB pLUMBING P6ftMIT � �� J 8arca2 No: a102-081-26-007 � � „ i Site Addresa: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR ` �� L.� Lacation: NORTHWOODS UNIT 8-7 600 VAIL VAI�LEY DA Total Feee: 153.00 Thie Payment I53.00 Total ALL Pmte: 153.00 Balance: .00 ftti++l++#it+iiii+ii}iiiti#iitif►►i+fiWliit*e*t�l�Ft�l�Ff+iYaYywrWiw Account code Daecripeion Amount PP 00100003111200 PLtTMBING PERMIT FEES 1Za.a0 PP 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 WC OOlU00U3212800 WILL CAI.L IN3PECTYON FE$ 3.00 -----------"'------'-'-'---"-"-----""------------�--------- I I I I r . • i rrr�fii���*trrrrr�e�+rr*er*rer*re*rtt**trrtiirteerrrr*rrrrre�wa• TOWN 6F VAIL, COLORADO 9catemrit I rrrr.aaa+artr*er��e+rerr+�r*rwrarrrr�a++r*rrret�*rrre*�wrrwr*r+r Statemnt Number: REC-0410 Atnount: 75.00 06/04/98 13:I2 �I Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 4764 Init: PBM -----°----------------------------�------------�-----'---------- Permit No: 696-0123 '15rpe• B-ELEC ELECTRICAI, pERMIT ' � ■ � /`�. I par�el No: ZZa1_aas_lB_�OT II � g � l� � � Site Addraee: 600 VAIL VAGLEY DR ,� I Location: NoItTHW0�D8 UNIT H-7 600 VATY. VALLEY DR ToCal FBeBe 75.00 I Thie Payment 75.Op ToCal ALL Pmte: 75.00 �� Balance: .00 I a+t+++rrrrat+wrrrt*�r►rrrrWwrar+ri�i+ar++irr�f�rrrre*rrwrrr�r�rwa � Acwunt Code Description A�aounc EP QOlOb003I11400 EI.BGTRICAL PERMIT FEES 72.00 li NTC OU100003I12800 WILL CALL IN3PECTFON FEE 3.00 I I I I I I I , � • TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF C�NII�'iUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOT� : THIS PERMIT MUS'�' BE POST�L� ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMSING PERMIT Pennit # : L'98-dd72 I Job Address : 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Status . . . : APPROVED Loc�tion. . . : NORTHWQODS UNIT B-7 600 'VApplied. . : 06/f}1/199$ Parcel No . . : 2101-D$1-18-007 Issued. . . : 06/01/1998 Project No. : PRJ98-01Q2 Expires . . : 11/28/1998 APPLICANT STERLING HONIES OfnTNER MORPHY JAVIER ALVAREZ MONTES URALES 520, MEXIC�O CITY 11000 CONTRACTOR WEICH PLUMSING AND HEATING Phone : 97�-845-0311 ATLAS HEATING, P . 0. SOX 8284, AVON, CO 81620 Description: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation: 8 , dQ0 . 40 ����++.�F���,k+.+,aa�tr�+krrrryrrrrvr�Ww:rrrrr�rrrrrwrwri�,aa�.a FEE ,SUh1MARY ++++++++i+++�t+tarai+a+irwrw+rwwwrfw.+wx.r���+.x�w�tryarr�.rr Plumt�iny-----> 120.00 Re�tuarant Plt�u ReviFw--� .00 Total Calculated Fee3---> 1ti3.V0 Pl�.n �'h=ck�--> �n.nn TUTRL FEES--------� -+ 15?.nn Fl�-�ditional Pees--------� .On Icive.�ufiqation> .00 Tutal Permit F!�e--------� 15.3.U0 Wi11 Call , a.00 Fayment�--—--------- � .an 6ALANCE DUE______________ 15?,00 �.aaaa.aaa��aa+.....,r.erw.ww�r�r�,�r.,.�wwww.�.+.�x:.e�.a�aaaa.a�a:rtarr�.ta+t+.+..rirtr.rar+a.ra.rara+a+w+,eaaasa�aa.aacaa+..arw.+a,r++w Itern: fl51fl0 BUILDIPdG DEPARTMENT De t : BUILDING Division: 06/al/199$ CHARI�I� Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVI� Item: 0�600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE DiviSi�oti : 0�/Ql/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A C(7NDIT�ON OF AJPPROVAL 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED Td CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . .�...�.......��........................«......�........�.��..,...................,...........�..�....t.....����.�...,,,............. DECLARATIONS I h�.�i�•h�y ack�jowlP�lqe that I h�ve read ttri:� appli��.ati�_�n, filled �aut in full the infurmation reyuiied, �.�rmipleted an accua-ate plot plan, and ata�e �hat al.l rh� infcnmation piovid€�d a� required is cuiiect. i agT-ee to comply with the infarma�ian arrd E�1��t p]an, to �_omply with all Town c,rdinances anc9 ��c:�te ].aw�, and Co build thio etructure accor�3ing tu i ht• Tnwn'e zoninq an+7 subdivioion :-ode�, r3e�iyn 1'P.V]BW appr�ved, Uniform $uilding Code and uther �rdinances of the Town applicabl.e thex-eta, REQU�.^,T� F'oR INSPE�:TIONS �SHALL BE MADE TWENT'Y-FO[SR HovRS IN AoVANCF,' flY TELEPHuNE AT 479-2138 nR AT OUR oFFicE F'HaM d:uo AM 5:00 PM �TC:1VpTlIRR f>p' 11WNER UR CONTRACTOR PQR HIMSELF AND OW[JER . , � � TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0123 Job Address : 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Status . . . : APPROVED Location. . . : NORTHWOODS UNIT B-7 6fl0 VAppl.ied. . : 06/O1/1998 Parcel No. . : 2101-OS1-18-007 Issued. . . : 06/O1/1998 Project No. : PRJ98-0102 Expires . . : 11/28/1998 APPLICAN'I' STERLING HOMES OWNER MORPHY JAVIER ALVARgZ MONTES URALES 520, MEXICO CITY 1100d CONTRACTOR SIG SEAR ELECTRIC, INC. Phone: 970-390-9221 P. 0. BOX 474, LEADVTLLE, CO 80461 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR BATH/KITCHEN REMODEL/BALValuatian: S 4, 000 . 00 r�r�rwwwr�WW,rw�rrv�wwwrar��+�r+���rx�+�t:r�rr,e*tr++rf,et++�*e.e.e FEE SUMMARY �'titYt�trMiNiF4tii4ii4'�Yi�4i�Y��kk*ftt*fti#ttttti#titif}pk�Yl�F�k*i** � Electrical---> 72.00 Total Calculated Fees---� 75.00 DRS Fee ---> .00 Additional Feea--—-----> .�0 Investigatlon> .00 Total Pez'mit Fee--------> 75.00 will Call----> 3.00 Payments _ .00 TOTAL PEES---} 7b.0o BALANCE �UE---------- > �s.oa �Mirb*M***k�FL*k'M*M�M�Mk�Mi�**�FM4i*+�1#+#+++t+f+it+t+i+t**t+i#ti+tttt4itt++tt+}i*i�yiy/*1f*tV**'k*R*�R**k******+*t*+1*T**1fttYYW�kW�YWWWw�Yt+fYatt Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept : BUILDING Division: 06/O1/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIB Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Divisi�n: 06/O1/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A WWWWW1WViVkWWWWhVWWWWWWWWiit###k#'kh***#i*****M***************tti***i#T�RtffftYYfiFiYi+'�F+'f4tt4t�YittYtiikiiYithYri�N�k�Y�Y}#***k*i****tt**t CONDITION OF APPROVAL I . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CQDE COMPLIANCE. •v,�wawaawaaaawwwawwwwwrMrraiaarr+iartwaw+++iar+i+arriraaarrararaattaaaarrrar+awr+a-riiiaa+*aaa+aa+ataaaart+++aw�r*��xrxarxrtrwrrwtr♦ D�CLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infozmatipn requixed, completed an accurate plot plan, and etate that all the infoi°[tcation provided as required ia correct. I agree to comply with the information ahd plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancee and atate lawe, and to build Chia atructure accoLding to the Town'e zoning and eubdivision codee, de�ign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FQR INSPBCTIONS SHALL BE Ml,DE TWENTY-POUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T£LEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATUFtE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIM9ELF AND OWiVE$ � � � 'i � TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTM�N'I' Ok" CQNINIUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE RQAD VAIL, CO 81657 -� 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS pERMIT MUST BE PQSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF aUILD PERMIT Permit # : B98-0139 Job Address : 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Status . . . : FINAL Locatian. . . : NORTHW�ODS UNI�' B-7 Applied. . : 06/O1/1998 Parcel No. . : 2101-d81-18-007 Issued. . . : 06/04/199$ Project No. : PRJ98-a102 E�ires . . : 12/01/1938 APPLICANT STERLING HOMES INC Phone: 970-926-7153 P 0 BC�X 17(}, AVON CO 8152 0 CONTRACTOR STERLING HOMES INC Phone: 970-926-7153 P 0 BOX 170 , AVON CO 81620 OWfdER MORPHY JAVIER ALVARE� MONTES URALES 520, MEXICQ CITY 1100� -r����omm. �@\/. ��5�����ian. �:fean-up ae sit Refund KITCHEN/B.�Tki REMODELfBALCONY ENCL�SURE approved Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family �mOi�I1t .(� Type Construction: v 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type dccupancy: C�c���' � (� 07 Valuation: 50, 000 Add Sq Ft : 80 Fireplace Information: Reatricted: Y #OE Gaa Appliances: #Of Gaa Loga: #of wood/Pallet: atrrwe+++++iaaaaaaaryrs�+rairaaaaaarra�aia�a�r�aaaa��+++�+t FEE SUMMARY ar�taairia�a�art+�ta*irrara+++ai�++r�*��wrwwa�a+�aa++wrr,rrr Suilding-----� 490.60 Reatvarant Plan Review--> .00 Total Calculated Feea—-� 1,191,50 Plan Check---> 310.50 �RB Fee-----------------> 50.00 Additianal Fees�-------> .na Inwestigation> .6� Recreation Fee-----��---� 80.00 Total PermiL Fee--------� 7.,191.50 Will Call----? 3.04 Clean-Up Depoait-----—> 250.06 Paymente-------------> 1,191.5o TOTAL FF.E;S--------------� 1,191.50 SALRNCE ❑0E------------> .00 i+.�i�iiiiiiiiiYLi+t+iiiiai�iiiiiaaii++Yii�Yaiiiaiiiitttfk+'tiii.Yiiiii#itt�t+i�iiiaiiiiii+iiiaiiaiiai+�bL}}ikiitirfiit4iiiiMiii+iiiirili Item: 051Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De t : BUILDING Division: 06/Ol/199$ CHARLIE Action: APPR CHAFZLIE DAVI� I Item: 0540� PLAI�NING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLANNING Division: 06/01/1998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO PLA�IV�NG 06/Ol/1998 CBARTON Action: APPR APPR BY CSARTON It m: 05600 �'IR� DEPARTMI�NT Dept : FIRE Divisiora : 46/�O1/1.998 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Deptc PUB WORK Division: 46/01/1998 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A r+�ar�rwwwtrerr►vra�rarrrwr*err�rrafas+��irrarro►�rt�t+srorrrrrrtwrrxwrsrtrr��+r�eWrWrriwa+arrrrartrrwW�rrxtoarrrrtrrrearrri�rati+rr See Page 2 of this Document for any cont3itions that may apply to this pe�nit . Decr axaTZoe�s I hereby acknowledge that I hava read thia applicatian, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot p1an, and otate that all the information Qrovided ae required is correct. I agree to comply with the infarmation And plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanceo and etate lawa, and to build Chie structure according to the Town's zoning and subdiviaion codee, deaign review approvad, Unifol-m Buildinq Code and other ordinancee of Che Town applieable thereto. � RE¢UESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE T4JENTY-FOL7R HOURS iN ADVANCE HY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 6R AT OUR OFFICE FROM B:dD AM 5:0❑ PM Send Clean-Up Depoeit To: STERLINC3 HOME9 SIQI3ATURE �F OWNER OR COHIT'RACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ,.. � � i i **********************�*****�************************�****************�*****�*** CONDITIONS Pexinit #: 898-0139 as of 10/21/99 Status : FINAL **�******#*******�****�r*******t*********,r,r****�**�***�*�***�***********�****��** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUFLD PERMIT Applied: 06/O1/1998 Applicant; STERLING HOMES INC Issued: 06/04/1998 970-926-7153 To Expire: 12/O1/1998 Job Address: Location: NORTHWOODS UNIT B-7 Parcel No: 2101-08?-Z8-007 Descrip�.ion: KITCHEN/BATH REMODFL/BALCONY ENCLOSUR.E Conditions: 1 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TQ CHLCK FOR CODF COMPLIANCE. 2 . ALL P�NFTR.ATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BPs SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3 . SMOKg DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL $EDROOMS AND �V$RY STORY AS PER SFsC.310 .6 . 1 OF THE 1997 UBC. 4 . FIRE bEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUTRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5 . STRUCTRAL PL�NS ARE REQUIRSD TO BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO A FRAMING INSPPC"TION OCCURRING PREPARBD 10/Z1/99, B:59:Oa DBPDSIT REFUNU BEPORT-UPDATB PAGE 1 PROGRAM MR415U xown of Vail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CT39T-ID CIT3TOMBR NAMB TYPE CHARGH DEPOSIT DEPOSIT-ADS AATUSTMENT AFTER-R6FUND COAE DESCRIPTION TR-DATB AJ-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUHT AMOUNT 1071 B98-0139 STEiZI,ING HOMES A2 DEP08 DEPOSIT 6/04/9B 10/21/99 250.00 256.D0 25a.00- .00 ------------- -------°----- ------------- ------------- TOTAL FOR CUSTOMER TYPE: D2 256.00 250.00 25a.OD- .60 __°_-------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- GRAND TOTAL: 25D.00 250.00 250.00- .00 pEPOSIT COUNT: 1 � G/L BATCH CFtEl►T6D: BATCH-02689 1999/10 IISBRID-SPOPECK AP HELD COUNT- 1.00 AMOUNT- 250.0� � � � NOTE — COPY OF PERMIT TO BE K�PT ON J0661TE �'�C��y�, '�\� \_�'G- '��+C` . - GONSTRUCT�UN PERMeT � � ,����� DATE MAY 25, 1987 , �+ PERMIT N0. ��L:�1 ! t��� � r�l 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V department of community development 2.00CUPANCY GROUP A � E H I R M BU�f�DIHG Z EI_ECTRICAL � TO 8E FILLED OUT�'+_`MPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSURAECE OF PERM{T DiVlSION 1 2 2a 3 4 p � GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOR!( : < PLUMBING ' TYPE OF PERMIT �}��(F �!AI in� �rT � �rnnnn� � � - �, F H�i n.,� �,.. � ,-�r�P�7 X �}' a �( BUILDING ❑ PLUMBING REUSE SAME WINDOWS SIDING & STAIN TO ' MECHnNACn� _ � ELECTRlCAL ❑ FONJ�VDATIO�V MATCH. ❑ MECHANICAL [j 7YPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERM6T FE�S LEGAL LOT BLK I I BUILDING PERMIT 64.00 DESC. FII�ING PLAN CHECK ��•�� .IOB NAME: NORTHWOODS B-7/Morphy ELECTRICAL --� OWNER ME a vren 0 Y"� y NEW( ) ALTERATIQN( ) ADd1TIQNAL( REPAIR i ) PLUMBING �` � X1 C0 1 �/ ! MAIL ADDRESS . , „ DwHLUNG UNItS ACCOMMODATION UNITS MECHANICAL � CITY PH. HEIGHT IN F7, n10.FIREPLACES RECF2EpT�dN FEE 65.00( .70 pe r RFA ARCHITECT FIRM �(����� P�€��F INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DES�GN REVIEW BC}AR� �� MRPL ADDRESS FL�OR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 1 OO.OO � EXT.WRLLS O . O �� C17Y PH. USE TAX � GENERAL F�►�M ��� VAIL BUILDERS, L�D Ro"F � CQNTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TQFE E�ec. As TOTAL PERMIT FEES • '-'�� � SOLAR UMOOD TE�E. - "EAT GARY MURRAIN �j, June 1 , 1987 FIRM THE ELECT. C0. ASSOC. ADDITIDNAL PEAMITS NEEDED: BUILDINGDFIFICIAL DATE ��ECT��Ca� �_� Y N �N�T,a� RICK PYLNiAN June 1, 1987 T4WN OF VAIL REG. NO. - - CONTRACTOR S7.CUT �' ONINGADMINIS7R14TOR � DATE T��E. 949-1662 BLASTING � L. ZQNING & BUILDING I'�tOTES: FfRM PARKING PLUMBI�JG CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. Na. DEMO ` TELE. FiRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appfication, filled out in full the information required, MECHANICAL completed an accura4e p9ot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correc4. Y GONTRACTOR TOwM OF vniL REG. NO. agree to eomply v�rith the information and plot plan, to comply with aIP l'own ordinances and state rE��. laws, and to build thPs structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approued, lJ�iform 8ui�ding Code ar��ot�her ordinances g#-tF��'�q�nrc��plica e tl� retcr.� OTHER FIRM ._ c , �:.. --y- , . CLEAN UP T0: � ^.� '� �;� � - ., . �_ � `� {__� TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ---__------ `�- , ' —� , �' ��' �.,,, ., SIGNATURE l�F OWNER OR C�NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TEGE. � ` �q ,` � � AND THE OWNER. Ihe priniery�va�i ��� �\����,�t�2� ���.� � � ! � . �;�� CD�JSTRI�CTiON PE�RMIT �OT� — CQPY F PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JflBSl7� � aATE � �� THE FOLLOWLyG IS NEEDCD FOR FILING PERMIT: j+ �,�,� 1. Letter from condo assn . (IF APPLICABLE) �Q�f� � ��� 3.TYPEOFCONS7RUCTION i ii u ivv 2, 2 Sets pf comg�lete drawings�ex lanatian department of cvmmunity developmr_nt 2.00CUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R M BUILDING � � � (�j� *****PLEASE FI LL OUR WH�R� THE (X) MRRKS ARE ! DIVISIO�k 1 2 2a 3 4 Z ELECTRICAL � TO 8E FILLEQ OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE dF PERMIT O YPEO� PERMlT �ENERALdESCRIPTlONOFW"RK:—������ Q PLUMSING �( G I/V � r � , i J /\ �UILDIIVG � PLUMBING ���E ,.�a�� ° sL�:.1• +,�.��- �,;i�',y, , > MECNANICAL x // EL�CTRICAL ❑ FOUNDATION ���� .� �c��-� -fr� ,�?f=? (�`� `� �j ;� ��� ❑ MECHAf�ICAL � , TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT F�ES XLEGAL LpT BLK �,i- � �� �� -j � �/�GG. °L BUILDINGPERMIT DESC. FILING � GG PLANCHECK 3 Z c� � JQB NAME: O� __ ELECTRICAL `f S- �� M ME � OWNFF2 A �I�( �['_�l ,Z�',�G¢'t ' NEW( } ALTERATit)N( ) ADDITIONAL( REPAIF2( ) PLUMBING � � DRE � / / / DWELLINGUNITS ACCOr.4MODATION ITS MECHANICAL CITY PH HEIGHT IN FT. NO.ciREPLACES RECREATION FEE .7U (�F �OS r �� ? ' ARCHITECT FIRM .��(�' � Cr,�e',�����_-�i YNSULATIOIV: PE 'THICKN S R-VALLUE DESIGNREVIEINBOARD - � FLOOR C�EAN-UP DEPOSIT (�OG� �" CITY PH EXT.WALLS USE TAX /�� , G�' 6 � � � RooF GEIVERA FIRM X CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ��,,�,� �� TYPE ELEC. �qg - .. oF TOTAL PER FEES �{O� . `--- TELF. o��� HEAT SOLAR % WOOCl�' � � `' � �-- �� FIRM�r�Gf�i`'�1 , /�� c:'�S � ADdITIONAL PERMiTS NEEQEO: BUSIDIN L DATE '� � ELECTRICAL ����� v N INIT�AL � CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ST.CUY � � `y — ° — — — — — — — — e��`� �1 _ ?ONING AD IS TOR DATE TELE. �`o ��� BLASTWG F RM ,�(.' /� ZONING 8 BUILDING NOTES: PL�M B I NG pAqK1NG i CON7RACTOR TOWN qF VAIL REG. NO DEnnp i TELE. FIRM �.'.' � I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, � MECHANICAL completed an accurate plot pla�, and state that afl the information provided as required is correct. I CON�RACTOR ToVrN oF vqi�REG. No. agree to comply with the information and pVot plan, to comply rvith afl Town ordinances and state zE�E. laws, and to build this structure according to t�e Town's zoning and subdRVision codes, design , r�view ap�roved, Unifarm Building Code and other ordinan f the Town �pl� le thereto. OTHER FiRM `/ r 1 , '-� - f X �'rr, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. SIGNATURE OF OWNEA �R GQNTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CC��`JTRACTOR TELE. AND THE OWNER. thepriniery�„�i - . • * . �. �,.. - � ,, �O�i� �� - - �' 2 . ��, �'`'��r �i►.�o�,�z .,� �'.� '�,l�o ' � Gr � ( .v� � __ �#� �, �i�' �` _ -�--�` �~� � � �� , ,� ;���� , ; � , � _ , , � ' �"' , ; � � � �T�'� ---. ; �. I.P� ?�Y,�`r i I ! 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' •�� 'I �� �i� • j ' �i ;•� ... ��; � ` �� � ; ' ( =�-=--�� �', � ` , ; � i! �-_ . _ � � � ,, E I �: ,. � i ��__. -,� � a ��t---•---�--�t--�'" ; '—�-----_�y ' I : ' I —— ---------- i j t_._ . . . .. . �_ � '�' � ' � � ----- � � �.. _ —�--�--�— I ? � ,� �� � � � _ __ fi� ; � f � � �� I � � f � � � � ' - -- '' ; i , � E w-f��:��.;�- --- ' � j _- - _ � - — I � { _ ,i , � _. , � � �...T__-.—T--r I \ �_.--_^—�� � �� � � � ! � , - _-�-�-=- � i�----� , � � � ' � i • � � ! �-� , � � �..i!;�f�-�+ --�-- -- � ; h _ -- � _ � � ' � � � ' �- �� i �; � � . � f�� I �- � � !� �, ;;f - � � � ��..�. ���l�...�g --= -, . ��-�--� - - .� . -- -� - � � - -t------- ' , , � � _ �=T-r-�� . - � �,-,---- � �� (��A� �, ___--- - - � - � ' � � •' , , !, hKE�!'�.•abfE.lc.i :-5--- ---f:J� � __ , �_____ . -_..--� � � ���ot'V�'4�I • ' . � � � ' � '� . • 1 � I ♦ 1 4 �- �I � . � � � ' � �-� . � ' � •�_.' . !�-� �'H�'.��" ��� �!} �� a'' , b ' �1��l�� t� . 2"own of Vail � �(�� , , ;;amrnuriity I�eve�o�:ment � � `� � To whom it rnay conce�ne; mhe boarcl members of �he I�orthwoocls c';ondominium �ssac. �ive full a�,�;roval to �roceed with the remodel o�' LTnit �-f, which has recently been �urchased by Navier i�?or�.hy. �rde welcome our new owners and feel this renovation will benifit the �ylar;.�hys as well as the ;�worthwoods Condominiums. Our as�ociation apreciates tr�e caa�;eration in which you have shown us in the �;ast and loo'� forv��rd to working with the Town of Vail concerning fut�zz�e projects. < '' -��;n � r � \ �► � —���-�d ',�3ort��wood '�ondos. A�ent Project Applieation � Date • Project Name: Project Descripiior�: Cantact Person and Phone � Owner, Address and Pho�e: ' % Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descripkion: Lot , B9oek , Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Board � Date � Motion by: �� Seconded by: I, APPROVAL t)ISAPF'ROVAL Summary: � Town Planner � St�ff Approv8l Date: I�eprintary vail � • _ INSPECTION REQUEST. P�RMIT NUMBER OF PRpJECT TOWN QF VAIL DATE ___� JOB �AME — CALLER READY FOR I'�SPECTION: MON TUES WED T�1UR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: ❑ FOOTINGS / STEEL L7 UND�RGRQUNb ❑ FOUNDATION / STEEL ❑ ROUGH / D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING ❑ ROUGH / WATER � ROOF & SHEER ❑ GA5 PIPI�JG PLYWDOD NAILING ❑ INSULATION ❑ POOL / H. TUB ❑ SHEETROCK NAIL ❑ ❑ ❑ _ O FINAL O F1NAL _ ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: ❑ TEMP. POWER ❑ HEATING ❑ RQUGH IJ EXHAUST HOODS ❑ CONDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL � APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECTI�ON R�QUIRED CORRECTIONS: _ � �ATE INSPECTOR tne pr4mery�vad FIf�AL INSP�CTI�N'S COMPLETED ' The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please c�eck off in the box provided. � �INAL PLUMBING DAT�: � �INAL MECHANICAL D�IT E : �_I k FINAL ELFCTRICAL �AT E : ` FIf�AL Bf�ILDING � TEMPORARY C of 0 , DATE : � -_ ��` � QATE : 1 ~� CCERTIFICATE OF OCCUP'AfJCY DATE: