HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG B UNIT B15TOWN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Pernit #: Mxfiuu/s V Vl/ryt ,4 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES B9 6-0080 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 05/02/7996 riluea.... 05/02/L9e6 Expires. . : 1O/29/L996 Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel No.. Project No. NORTHWOODS B4I5 2101-0 81-18-015 PRJ96-0060 BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894t VArL CO 81658 BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VArL co 81658 DAISY,INC 2121 AVE. OF THE STARS, LOS Phonez 3039494244 Phone z 3039494244 ANGELTS,CA 90067 ffirHrtrffi***hrffii*rit* F EE SUHI'IARY Bui tding-----) z35.OO Restuarant Ptan Reviev--) .oo Totat cal'cul'ated Fees-> 616'75 Ptan chcck---> 152.75 DRB Fee-------- tnvestigation> .oo Recreation FeF------> 76.00 Tota[ Perrit Fee---> 616'75 Uif.f, cal,l,---> J.OO c I'ean-l,JP DePoslt-------> 1OO'OO Payments------- 616'75 TOTAL FEES---------> 616 -75 glLAt{Ce OUe-- Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING DiViSiON: Description: KITCHEN DECK ENCLOSURE OccuPancy: R1 Type Construction: V Type OccuPancY : VaLuation: Fi feptacr Informrtion: Rest ri cted: MuIti-FamilY 1-HR Type V l-Hour 18, 500 #0f Gas AppI i anccs: AN AEtion: APPR N/A Add Sq Ft: 76 #0f Gas Logs: p v Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 6s/ozl1996 DAN Action: APPR II,CMJ' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT o176t /isg6 DAN Actionr APPR fof Hood/Pal. Lct: Division: Itbn:' 05500 PUBLIC WORK$6E7ri2t1gia:pifr---- "Att'ion: APPR N/A Dept: PUB WORK Division: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apPly to this permit. DECLAMTIONS t hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptic€tion/ f il,l,ed out in futl, the infonmation required, conPl"trd.an !ccur!t? plot ft"n, "'na state thit al,t the inforrnation provided as requi red is correct. I agfer to conpty uith thr informtion.nd ptot pl'an, to corpty vith at,t Tosn ordinances and state tavs, and io buil,d this structure accord'ing t? !*. T:Il:-:oning and subdivision codes, dlsign reviev approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the ToHn aPPticaote tnel!9* Item:'05 05 /02 /19 Ttbm:'05 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 Send Ctesn-Up Deposit To: BAIIER ,r 5:00 Plt **********************************************:t********************************:t CONDITIONS permit #: 895-0080 as of 05/02/96 status: rssuED ******************************************************************************** permit, T]rpe: ADD/ALT l'IF BurLD PERMTT Rpplied: a5/02/1996' - -a!pri"i,"; #yflrioit iffib**** ," I*ff:: iZ,lZ?;,1\Z?E Job Address: Location: NORTHWOODS 8415 Parcel No: 2101-081-18-015 DescriPtion: KITCHEN DECK ENCLOSIJRE Conditions: -1. FTEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IA}ICE. 2. ALL PENETRATIoNS IN WA],LS'CEILINGS,AND FLooRs To BE SEAI,ED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AIL BEDROOMS AND EVERY SfoRY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI IS REQUIRED BEFoRE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. oo to *******************************************!.******************** TowN OF VAIL, COLORADo * statemnt ************!t*************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0129 Amount: 50'oo 05/02/96 08:53 -p"Vtt."t Method: CD Notation: PRE PAID DRB Inj-t: DS ADD/AI.,T MF BUILD PER **************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No: Location: This Payment Account Code 0r_ 0000 41331 896-0080 TYPe! A-MF 2101-0 81-18-015 NORTHWOODS 8415 Total Fees: 50. 00 TotaL AIJIr PmtE : Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES 6L6.75 50 .00 566.75 Amount s0.00 TOWN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArlf co 81657 97 0-479-2t38 Etectri cat-> DRB Fee lnvcstigation> Ui L l, ca t t--> TOTAL FEES_> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-00?3 APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116' MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BoX 1116' MTNTURN CO 81645 owNER DArsY, rNc 212l LvE. oF THE srARS, LOS ANGELTS'CA Description: KITCHEN DECK ENCLOSURE **l*r*r*******r* FEE Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. 50.m .00 .00 3.00 53. m NORTHWOODS 8415 2101-0 81-18-015 PRJ9 6-00 6 0 StatuE...: ISSUED Applied..: 05/02/1996 riiued...: 05/02/L996 Expires. . : 10/29/L996 Phone: 303827 57'12 Phone: 303827 57 7 2 .00 51.00 53.OO .00 90067 Valuation:1, 500. 00 SUI4I,IARY Total, c8LcuL.ted Fees---> 53.00 Additionat Fees------> Tota[ Pernit Fee-------> Payoents-------- BALANCE DUE-__ Item:06000 os/02/ts96 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DAN ACIiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovtedge th.t I have read this appLication, f il'l'ed out in futl' the infofoation required, conPtet'd an plan, and statc that aLl. the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to conpl'y vith the inforBltion i;-;;r;it,,iin "tt royn ordinanccs and state [avs/ and to buil,d this stfuctune accord'ing to the Town's zoning and codes, design reviev approved, unifor! BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toen appticabtc thereto' ,r' accurate PLot and ptot ptan, subdivi sion REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIOI,IS sHALL BE IIADE THENTY-FoUR HoURs IN ADVANcE BY IELEPrc)E rt ti,9-a158 oR AT ouf,6ittcE FRoil E:m Ail 5:00 Pi ANO OIJNER oo ol * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * ** ** * ** * ** * * * ** * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * !* * * * * ** * * !t * * TowN oF vAIt, cor,oRADo *******************:********************************************* statemnt Number: REc-0129 Anount: 53'oo 05/02/96 08:55 Payment uetnoa: ci Notation: #6?03 Init: DS - Permit No: E96-00?3 Tlr!)e: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL Parcel No: 2101-081-18-015 Location: NORTIIWOODS 8415 PERMIT 53.00 53 .00 .00 This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: WILI, CALI, INSPECTION FEE *****************************************************!t**********Il'r^rl Lt Amount Description DescrrP ELECTRl ICAL PERMIT FEES 50.00 3.' 00 ,rt co*stcrro?'VfflT'"* , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COI{PLETELY OR IT !.IAY NoT BE AccEpTED U X******** * * *********** *:l* * * ** * PERI.IIT fNFORI{AUON ******** *************** ******fl) ,, ,r [r{J-Buildins I i-Plunbing [{-Electrlcat [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other t | - tl "io ".r., M Job Addre ss. &p7/tLvt)t G j. /-q PERI'IIT /I C | /-y'. ,,.C( 6 Architectz ffi7 e - 1ToF- r Address: en.4/6-l/;s ceneral Description: r{ork class: [ ]-Nevr tyl-orr-tution [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other -\ Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accorunodation Units; / cas Logs !{ood/Pell"t_L **** * ******* * ************ * * * ***** OTHER: $TOTAL:W **************************!t Town of VaiI Req. No. //8-B Phone Number: -z' "r-14 Town of vail Reg. No. E r /SL Phone Number: -,qi} l. =7 Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: t Address: Electrical Contractor:Address: V,Cy lt6- .Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ***************** ** *************FOR OFFICE USE *******************************BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUT.|BING PERTYfT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERI{IT TEE: ELECTRTCAL FE8: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'I.fBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAI'I'RE: #tu". and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances lT* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** * VALUATf ONS durr,prlrc: | /V flaC ,- ErscrRrcAt z s / ,ft V,*ttcf_ Hckc t/qFp, 'u4.{ 1974 /Btt_ c: C g/ / 9& 75 soulh tronlage rord Yeil, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: olflce of communlty dGvelopmcnl ALL CONTR,A,CTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTSRED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOV'N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMT,NITY DE\IELOPMENT l.fARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !{ATERIAL STOR,,,AGE rn suurmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfur for any person to ritter, track or deposit ""y-r"ir,-rJ"i, sand., debris or uateriar, incl-uding trash dunpsters, portabre toilets and worlmen vehicres.upon any streetl sia"waixl-;ii;y or pubric pI?:" or any portion theieof. itre r:.ght_of_way on aLl Town of Vail streets and.:g"g" is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance r11] b.. =t"_iEirv--lnforced bv the Town of Vail Pubric works DeDartment. persins found .riirr"ti"i this ordinance virr be siven a 24 hour writien--n"ii""-t"-;;;;;"."id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within the-24 hour.t*"-=l""iii;d,"ti"-i"[ric works Department will remove said nateli"r it-ir,"-'""iIi"e of person notified. The provisions "r-trri=-"rai".ill ;fr5ii not be appricable to c-onstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the ,igti_._r.y. To review ordinance No- e in furt, prease stop by the Town of Vail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. riani you for your cooperatj.on on this natter. to Project (i.e. contractor, oerner) 75 loulh |rontsge road t.ll, colorrdo &1657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce ot communlty dcyclopmont BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI{E If this perylt requj.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (pubiic,orks) review and app"ouut,' a piinnini'blpurtment review or Heatth Departnint review, .nii'u-".uiJ ;i-;il;";riioing Department, the estinated time ror-a iotat ".ui"n-foy"Li!'as rong as three weeks. f]] cgnnngrgial ('Iarge or smar'r) and ail murti-familv permits will have to follow the above menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentiar and.smali projects shourd take a 'r esser'amount of time. Hoiever, if residenti'al or smar l er .projects impact the various -auove riniloneo departments with reoard to-necessai"y "euie*,,"r"r. p"oj..ii"*y a'l so take the three-week period. Every attempt wi'rl be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. /;,rFi1.*.*J-- *,--7.r,znttcrrIs .t - r '-ffilecT-Nffi- W Communi ty Develoomont Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: O MEMoRANpuO ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed thal requires lhe use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl actess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" rnusl be obiained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C9.r.nrlu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answersd allthe above ou hrrnrr 2.-',/.ffin 1) 2) NO d Y X X 3) 4) s) 6) { { X Job Name /9 ignature Date O otisn Review actit Foilr TOWN OF VAIL ALc-v,t ProjectDescription' 4 xAC--lD<B (+ fC.-- Category Number Project Name: Building Name: o"" APri\ Z1 , { b Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvOontact. Address and Phone:+, Legal Description: Lot _ Block Project Street Address: Comments: ?soc( Subdivision Zone District Motion by: Seconded bv: E Approval ! Disapproval fu-st.tt Approval Conditions: DRB Fee "*-ono -l['50 . oP *q-L . zEt4?\/v EXl6TlNq EAILI r.16 +TF1 M + t'LA+HlNq NIU r^l i,' ,^t^I L + Nl r,l D2r,.l6 N E hI t" rJAlI + hl 1 r,l D2 r"J6 bzpz-ooyr 1 EX4lNq LIAJ-L tJ +{ l-E t-J,".r-r-, ll I Npr|l 4 W* - Extaflt& F-EYEI&1.trlt + DfrAtld UJAdL rI-4-+eu .N ri tll ,.t ln !f 1d t .Lt r a J u.l ir s -l Vr M i a s.l _f _{s : rFl ^ ! ila Unln- h- +15 I'Jciv:t;vt,:,/,r4 .vAiL, cct-cvr\Dc) 9Go2- /|\=,Z,'\Y.J3AC?F. aaoo: U r..lr-r qboz b-4i5 NoE:fH vJcaw - \/AlL,cclnz.;=cr; t L iltr^r LlrA"rlxn t ---x-@-KlAr-N4- ---- r.lEU c.grLilJat -t"WTcj] EA(|6TIN4 r)evlwo€ r4"<lc*+ vxl+ ilau da*(wu4v d- u.l -., ,^=+-r ,-.. r I trll 1 _,1 ?lvu/x I I L, l\ '/+ -- t'-o" oFiC'd"6py I H il ffil gi ol )<cr <z HE !I z d ta iic m' l,c T o - a m o fl (f rn T a I (Jr $ {s (t { {t}' <EO (:l^-J -'c,c vE T trt T g-1 Z " ! - c3 t-r r- l- f1 f:c;= .) -{ z'!i (fxB OIFr 3 c:{ F-l in .l.lFr> 0 Cfl BI-Ilt<r- € !--r F Elf LrJtr3 G^Zr ul -E u -.1 m rs \>rd /.-1 ?- MT ;0 ,ou U} (JF >z (, q,l o c CG in + iP+ -F=fr"'+>z a'0 c ^mz Yn6 f,a"m px< >= R*(/)i frm m>r- ll lo <z m -Tl b QEd /-.n :sg {o 5 @!! + N(LO JO 5 EE,S oDo $H CL h a fi z rl == E E o >i 69 '': tt ;-r .o o =n .rl o @ |'I I tn o (!c m a z m :.i -1) rJ ii 2r '\. r':_l ...: i:r ''C F-r I ii ti r-c' Cl zr 9= oo r'r >drz nl m-.1 o< z .-{ ctt og z Ey m-',J t= ori ctt>o9 'm m x J'O trE (trfr o z Rcr :am uz \Jll|g!1>-i t- =E ffiil !.IJ o m z r,m 5E En -8 m _lv tn | --t +F la lo lft It t-l ld lz -1' I *=:+ !'rl --. -r t= t"t- t_l<t* l-u |-t t-\ Itr lz-l+--l-, t.i.l I | (-l oi -t- I Trt ii ln ti lc ii l=||il l-c il I rr1 i: l4 i, t: li -Il -i ri S lr 1=| +n | :j' I lo I I I I +.t + +"t +r -t'Fr v ?-l I I I I I I I .F :1. .l., I I E 4 o m a I .It _i z g a -{o m CD g.'t -l z o m a o I ll -J z T 4 o m a) I -It --{ z 0 m (n o -I z B 4 I m g)o t =z 3-4 o m (t o ll =o z B-4 a m @ c) n I o z = o |lt lt t - m 2 o o ! F REF,rr3r I O r.hiN rfi uArL, ;orfrc I A7/@s/ca 66t37 RE0UESTS FOR INStrECTItrN bIORK SFEETSTOR: 7/ 3/96 trFIGiE AREAT EG . Activity: Address; Locat i on : Far.ce 1 : Description: AppI icant r Owner": Cont r.act or. : N0RTHI^|trUDS 8415 e1a1-8r81-18-Ol5 KITCHEN DECK ENCLOSURE EFIGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC DRISY, INC EA6LE UALLEY ELECTRIE €96-et073 7/ 3/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUED Conrtrr AAtrT Oce: Phone; Fhone l Fhone r UEe: 3t|3Se7577;3 3o34e7377e Inspect i on Request Informat ion. . . . . Reer.restorl DEE-EAGLE VALLEY Req Tine: €t8:6O [omnents: LOCKBOX Items r"equested to be Inspeeted... OO19A ELEC-Final Inspection History..... .Item: 0411O ELEtr-Tenp. Fower' Item: 80140 ELEtr-Rough $6/A6/96 Inspeetorl LV Item : tZtEl30 ELEC-Eondr-tit Itemr A@L4Q ELEC-Misc.Iten: AAf90 ELEtr-Final trhone t 8"c7-577?spl - 8415 Act ion Conment e --'v- Tine Exl -{+i-;; .< --- - I I ,l 1,1 \l v - -e -?f' Act i on : APF,R APF ROVED ;:;:ii* Zr6:s7 -r?'*,;o*'?[HoP[,13,1'mfl'i31t R: 7, r,eB . Activity: Addness: Locat i on: Far.ee I : De sen i pt ion: Appl ieant: Owner": Contr aet or': 896-faA8A 7/ 3/96 Type: A-MF NORTHT^IOOD5 8415 e I ql1 -m81 - 1 A-er 15 HITCHEN DECH ENtrLDSURE BAUER HOME IFIF,ROUEMENT DAI5Y, INtr BAUER HtrME IMPROVEMENT Oce: Fhone: trhone: trhonel 3q!3q494?.44 3er39494e44 PAGE AREA: Constr! FIMF Use: V l-HR CD 5t at rls : I SSUED lnspect ion Reque st Requestorr BAUER Req Time: tZll:ElO Items' reqr-rested to raAOgA BLDE-FinaI Infor'mation..... Conrnent s : GARAGF be Inspeeted... Fhone z 949-7867 CODE s3rzr50 DOOR LOCR BoX SpI Item: Item: It em ! Iten: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: It em:Iten: It em: Item: Item: It em: Item: 'A6AlA BLDG-Foot in gslSt ee I AA0ZA BLDG-Foundat i on/St ee I 64534 FLAN-ILE site trIan AAASO BLDG-Framing @6/A6/96 Insoector: CD Aetion: AtrtrR RPPRUUED Notes: trflTCH ALL FENETRATITINS WITH FIRE RATED I{RTERIALS a[]a4a * * Not on File * * rAAASm BLDG-Insulat ion AAA60 ELDB-Sheetnock Nai I o,6/Lfr/96 Inspeetor: EG Action: AFF'R ApFROVED AAIZTSSI * * Not On File * * TAOATO BLDB*Misc. BOtZtgtA BLfiG-Final tZtASsA BLDG-Temp. tr/O AA531 FIRE-TEMF'. C/A ae'5ie F,H-TEMp. Cltr fztla:j33 F,LfiN*TEMF,. C/Q rZ'Cr337 F,LffN-FINAL C/0 AA538 FIRE_FINAL E/O BtZt539 trtf-FINAL C/O fAfAS4A BLDG-FinaI C/0 I I I s dq Ni trl \l i li l;:(g T I ll itl I \l I 3 i o ol CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY: 2z ..., /o,-/,:DATE: 2r4r 'e/ VENDORNAME, &'rta-rl VENDORNUMBER DESCRIPTION OF EXPEI SE: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFUND FORBP #,AfZ- oota NAME oF JoB: 2*.z-- -ZArJ..t /o.l . -e-Z-.-'.-r- ACCOTJNTNLIMBER C (oooo zzooz AMOUNT O.F REFUND:f ,za.as DATEAPPROVED: i ,y'r4z^ APPROVAL SIGNATURE: TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Permit #: 895-0285 D e p artm e nt of C o mmunity Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. NORTHWOODS 8415 2 101-0 81- 18-015 Status. . . epplied. .Issued... Expires. . Development I S SUED oe / 05 /ree5 oe/12/1.ee5 03 /ro /ree6 BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VAIL CO 81658 BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VAIL CO 81658 DAISY,INC 2121 AVE. OF THE STARS, LOS Phone: Phone: ANGELTS,CA 90067 303949 4244 3039494244 \rt it Description: BALCONY ENCLOSED Occupancy: Type Constructi-on: Type Occupancy: Valuation:5/000 #0f Gas App ti ances: Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs:#0t l.lood/Pa I let: *****ffi#ffi********:t*ff********fiffi**********ff*#** FEE SUtlllARY **********rr*t*S**********Lff**fftrrr*ff***lr****ff**#**** F i rep [8ce ]nformation: Restricted: R1 Multi-FamiIy V 1HR Not i-n table! Restuarant Ptan Revi erF-> Recreat ion Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposi t-------> Bui Lding-----> Ptan Check---> 95.00 61 .75 .00 20.00 Totat Catcutated Fees---) Additional, Fees-------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------> .00 Investigat ion> .00 tli [L Cal,!----> 3.00 100. 00 Payments > 279.75 ToTALFEEs------------>279.75BALANcEDUE---_---------> 'F**************-,t*****to|'t*irffiff(******tffi*/ctitJrJ(*********ffi***********************ff*#*********ff**#*ir*Jr*****************d(* Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divisionr REOUESTS FON INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IlADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/05/1995 DAN Action: APPR It,e-m:, -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09/05/1995 DAN Action: APPR Itbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/05/1995 DAN Action: APPR Itbm:' O55OO PUBLIC WORKS 09/05/1995 DAN Action: APPR **irt************/r*lr***i********rr******lrJr************ft*M*t#*********************#*ff*****#*itrr*ff*********************t* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fu(t the infornation required, coRpteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that atl the infornEtion provided as requi red is correct. I agfee to compty w.ith the iniormation and ptot pl.an/to comPty vith al.t Town ordinances and state [aHs, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisiln codes, design review approved, Uniforn BuiLding code and othef ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: BAUER {2 *"n"uo r*", OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF .*.Toll4i0FH4 ************************************Jr************************** 75 South Frontage Road Rd#F'6lor&s 8951028s CONDITIONS as of 09/12/95 Department of Community Development Status: ISSUED tr*griw,_ztfiqi&rlS9************************************:r*************.************ FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Appl,icant: BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT 3039494244 Job Address:Location: NORTHWOODS 8415 Parcel No: 2101-081-18-015 Applied: o9/05/t995 Iseued:.09/12/L995 To Expire z O3/LO/1996 Description: BALCONY ENCTOSED Conditions: 1. SUOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN oF THE 1991 UBC. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF THE REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.1210 TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS STARTED. {7rn*oruo Statemnt Nudber: REC-0068 Amount: Palrment Method: CK Notationt 6422 o **************************************************************:** TO9IN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Permit No: 895-0285 Type: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Parcel No: 2101-081-18-015 Location: NORTHWOODS 8415 Total Fees: This Payment 229.75 Total ALt Pmts:Balance: .00 ************************************************************!**** 229.7s 09/L2/.95 13!40 rnit: JR Account Code 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILI, CALI-, INSPECTION FEE 279.75 279.75 Arnount -30.00 95.00 61.75 100.00 3.00 a' vv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt ************************t**************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0063 Amount:so.oo 09/05/95 tL222 Payment Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID DRB Ini-t: DS 895-0285 Type: A-MF 2101-081-18-01s NORTI{WOODS 8415 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER Total Fees:50.00 Total ALL Pmts: Bal-ance: ************************************************************rl*** Permit No: ParceL No: Locationr This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 Deecription DESIGN REVIEW FEES 279.75 50.00 229.75 Amount 50. 00 Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Arclritect: Block Job Address: dOO 9 cCzldgfurfuza,iling SUBDIVIS ION: Address: tnO g.F%e *>, ^teT- p:n. f4-r'453 ceneral Description:9crA 1/6s Number [ ]-Repair t l-other_ of Accommodation Units: / Gas Logs_ Wood/petl et/d ********************************* OTHER: $ToTAL:-- Plunbing Contractor: Address: * ********* * ***** *********** Town of Vail Reg. N}.lle-6 Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFICE USE ***** ******* * ***********r******BUILDTNG PER}fIT FEE: PLUITIBING PER}TIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERIIIT TEE: EI,ECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CTIECK FEE:ITfECHANICAL PI.AN CEECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: Work Cl.ass: [ ]-New p{-Ota"r.tion [ ]-Additional Number of Dnelling Units t / Address: Electrical Contractor: Address; BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! ,?trl4-trohE a?o il/PR, 9//58 CI.E,AT UP DEPOSIT BETIIND TO:c,E:Y* d'ot'sEP 5 13!5 l'OV.CO|\/IM. DEV. DE Av? I^14Lt2 b -,.futlttu.>, -LUtVw tr4e<- ?-+Uud vn/\4Atrd VgaT'T, I -,---:---:::I-rti It -?vtryve d.tlfrn'P ) \, l^{4'LL I 4 \ze:tft: ftE ANWdn - vrve@v1a FL&l -_.Ft{tln+.| A/.2 _?ttre.1e? w &+teq/,>ga+16T -.--x ut Vall Comrnuntty 00ment Z*-PW;4 O aerll t Health \\|l ./\\ Ilv,lwll r-r rli C: Frre qDproved -&-aPa, PlTv.stSnnd et&Vxle\J a\J tAggf .t2 e? ? idity of Permit Sec.(c) 19 U.8 C Ihe ,|ysuance or granfi soeciiications shall not dpprovdl 01, an/ violat [ .r pErrl rt or appro\rrdt cl pte,'5 g' conslrued to be a oe.rfiit ior. or , of any of the provisio.-,s oi this or ct any othcr of the iur;sdication. The issuance a Cermit bsed uoon , sp-"citications and other data n,lt pr0vlnt thc cial from thereafter req u iring ;orrection gf errors in plans, spccitications and iata." :2 Iown ot Vail RTIAL FLOOR P SCALE: l/4r = t'-Qr FICE COPY 47'-+Vzr 1. zt-ur t, ot-s'/i't, l-vl tii ,k^;eA'iw^ Picrtc Scg.6c€& Arrcircr &rf,itc.t3 P.C. A-Il NORTHWOODS UNIT 8415 REVISION:,.f N.,Shcct: 1of3 ILrr: l3-l t)r.eD.l@.qb PARTIAL ELEVATIO Town ol vail ---i- SCALE: l/$r = 1t-gr CE COPY ,; 5tl z FYLaAT?V VJN.Oav&)1 NeFI I'-.TNI?AVI TA. It.-tAa trrTa(#.-fE? Nthl tTtQtt-JG,. l-+\faH e<J?ttttsJG2. S;hccc 2ot3 NORTHWOODS UNIT 8415 RDVISION: Nled4 eatf. vJ'Nraav{"1 (aee ?t"^+J> eeuc"V Aee v+61e?v2t14 'ta v? @l er.ltzTtNG town ot vail OFfICE COPY -1-c<' SCALE: l/Q'= tt-Qt Shccc 3of3 REVISION: NORTHWOODS UNIT 8415 Dlrte. QJ'i'11 o ,']l I T I t rl 1HECKRIESAEST ffi"*- 2z'-2.jAlg ,lzy't NAME OF JOB: eccornrnwruBER 01000022002 AIVfOUNT OF REFUND: DATEAPPRoVED' l.;!7' APPROVAL SIGNAIURg I PE INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 PERMIT NUMEER,OF PROJECT DATE ,' READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM PM PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TU8 tr o tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS I] SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL 'B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 i l .l THUR FRI f .". tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DA'E ,l ''' '1'JOB NAME MON . '.i CALLER TUES READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WEQ .Ttr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING rr FtooF & sHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING .E INSULATION T] SHEETROCK tr POOI / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t' PERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED I ltr _ lo ,,,-'*o'-l-- .- tr APPROVEU -"I CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR o o olgn Review Action roll TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block Project Street Address: r" ". Comments: {-agqe/'Staff ilction Motion by: ']', .'Vote: Seconded by: 'i ,611 Approval I ! Disapproval ;l Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-oaid a la,LD t rivic.d S71?/9t DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI,ICATION ' TO9IN OF V DATE RECEIVEDI DATE OF DRB MEETING: t!ttl*tt*it .,i;l'i I. *tr**l***l DESCRI PTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsErucLion --F-addiciot ($50.oo) ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($20 ' 00) ConcepLual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOC -- B1OCK _ Subdivisio o r(aerHe+iaas' canla<ar'vzt4= rf properEY is described bY aesit:.-pt'ion. Prease Provide Lo this aPPlicaLion' F.APPLICANT: (YAqIYE -\EO,--\F.P'..'''Address' rr+qaffir-nP/' Eu=o' . 4=4//ead a..'.,t--t - Plagr\g v/a tl? 76a NAME OF APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATTVE: ?, +17 H. NAME OF OWNER (S) : OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: f/4fr 2a' sctgTr'- e-'' ' '-' ' " qeac -----1- i]norre 1/a t/z '1& APPI'ICATIONS WII'1, NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOI]T OWNER'S SIGNATUR,jE Condominium Approval if applicable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above' are Eo be paid at Lhe Lime of submiaa"r'oi-che one applicaCion. Later, when applying for a uuiiAinq permit' please identify Lhe accurate varuation of Lhe';;;;;;"i' rne -town of vail will adjusE Ehe fee accorcirng to ine^ caff* belovr' Eo ensure Lhe correct fee Ftrtr C'HETNTIT,E: VALUATION .'' $ o $ 1'0'009 6 i0, coi ; 50, 000 $ 50. oo1 $ 1s0,000 s15O.ooL $ s00'000 s5oo, oor s1,000 ' 000 $ over $1.000.000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAI UNI.,ESS A BUII'DING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. a meets and bounds on a separace slree c '1 orra l and ag E ach ZONING: NAME OF Mailing Mailj.ng Address:7a-47O:e4Z T J. gr+ 500 P FEE $ 20.00 Q JU. UU $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAT, ISSUED AND CONSIRUCTION : ., --; ,l Ib IJ4r!r. JLN-12-1995 L6rz? CF{IRLES T. ffiHEtJ DESIGNS +1 314 5?5 41?5 P-W. -_ 'r.-lz-:.e* 1r;; +* i.-.;*€,,,-Dt ra..=' - **i!!is t?s aL?6 P'@' / - t-1.- vrtrF slrg ltl"rf IIID rrlTrrcltrr'r ' 1ffi1 ot vrt&' gf,d$ Drr? ilfffvEt Drlrs c! Dt! tctulG: rtatt.att! t. ttolti rrrritrotll: R.tttE ol tFttle: F. :#t ffi ''ili8l$, (3roo' gor #l}:fl*:"-"il3i oo' c, D. tDgltt5:,W* *€E DGtirrPiiltr Lt' -:-!:f-- == -- =-F tu lofrG: .@ C. ilrE o? lDEtlclri'r rfn||lt+t|tlfnt z ryt+- Y&-tdtr;;; ;{^ r#-.Flift ,'tui:e tW nw 5E tl i|ecE Jt urrfEl/rt o.ltr', stifftrt canaoiliut rgtrtosrl tf .|nllc.bl' ' !!! FEI: DFI !rcr. .l rtrq.D lD9,. t lte ro bc-tBi' '3 t'!' ;1;-;a ruEriu't ol'trr. Err..tDll€rrl.o' +l!t!.. tD- iicivrrr- ior -i -rullltrv grrrlr, Dlrtr -16'!Bity- 3L 'rs6lrrlr friuisl5" ci rar rroFiri:--t-t'; -rs'a o! v.tl YllL "trrrE-ul'c.i-ij6iriro co inc- riu!-c Drlr. to dtnrp tlt' cltr'cl lrr ir '|itl. J. Fr TFFEISIEr vrl,dltror /r 0-t 10.000 I i?. ci'- ' 5 5a . iii I to'ool r ric'ooo 1150.091 ' r 'eD. !00 t9!0 , gFr - tl,00o , ooo r- oitrf rr. coD. ooo 'JilF,ffi 'l?#tr#;lfi ff#||'jE'l#'* rl f,$$lD - li.?ffll$tl#i.H^B t?:L*'l#''31""" 7et | ?o,00 I s0.39 rlo0 -o0 tr99.oo laD0 .00 tto0. co tt. TC'T* P.€ rlf lleC Martir. TOTNL P.82 z Fvtzo\ev ANoa*V 1 Ngr..l v-Ixt7 4 Ta- N-Gr Frrf ,rl rFr\ l.]\/ THE ., i/AlL -i/iEW BOARD EVATI6N,. ,\!V4N'q? -- SCALE: t/8', = l'-0" -.-InNN{at | , tt'&hr'- tN'r e&Fe--rE- t{E=N QteEJd,. t4aSTAH e<lt.n'tNb, NORTHWOODS UNIT 8415 MAHEW RESIDENCE REVISION:Shcct: 2of3 b."t o) -', t9.12 o o d'ot' I eL.t hJtN I I I I er-f*?aNtq. I I I 2 ?-Y,iuan=Ue N4af('H I N-EJ^I ,l' 4ry4or ' 6f$ aw v,bLLq t2'-?aoVtfr .>- t4t'rd 7Yn,_ Lqtev r+qe . ?LUUU \A/ - -1: :- :.rl:--:--:r- _--'t -a-::::---:::l-rrl -?wve sYv//-t}.Je ) \, t,lALL 4 ffi ?-e!b-E u-{ntltza.t^4u \ rf- lr ri .-_J r2"p@1,4 a Fvcrezl F tt-LtlzTa-l .a1;2 ?t,e*'-=O O-Nev/.^F41116-T frrc..-^,| _-J --.afu bftvg\aF €t**txtr4,u ^,t *1eej Z a? ? DESIGN REVIE\A' \utt v' nS U r'r1t,,fi,. Pl-nl{NER: SCALE: l/{t = 1t-ga +i'-41/zn t- 4t- yr ,- qt-pt/attt. tl-tor NORTHWOODS UNIT 8415 MAHEW RESIDENCE REVISION:Shcct: 1of3 Datc! F2 '.L9 -o7 o o N€rr^l 4 ?(vft.v.lx?er'{tt &ee 7t,l+1> eedzY Aeq *%1e3 Wte Ia W@l er\ttiTtN<o ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4r = l'-Qn NORTHWOODS UN|T B4I5 MAHEW RESIDENCE REVISION:Shcct: 3of3 Drlct qr.a 'qq *ofr*ooos coNDoMlNluM Assoctn* P.O. Bor 1231 Vail, Colorado 8165E 303-476-34E6 Far: 303-479-9093 August 11, 1995 Mrs. Nadine Ascaraga Unit B-415 Northwoods Condominium 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Northwoods Unit B-415 Remodel Dear Nadine: On behalf of the Northwoods Condominium Association, I hereby give approval for the proposed Unit B-415 Remodel. This approval is given on the understanding that you have read and acknowledge the Association's rules regarding all remodels. ln approving this remodeling project, we could look only at those design issues that affect the Association and can not be responsible for structural, mechanical, construction details, means, methods and procedures. We cannot assume any responsibility for compliance with Town of Vail Zoning, applicable building codes, ADA (the American Disabilities Act) or Asbestos Abatement if necessary. Yours. President ' 't!tl utr I i l\,i&t' Artrt t .. TAV.C(j/YIi|4, DT|/, lsign Review Action Ct TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef ^ .\ .--, r,oa" Apr i\ Z f '1 la Project Name:- :vcv -([\f \r-,c"-\-L,,-<-., Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVcontact, Address and Phone: Motion by: .- Board{,$taffAction ) Vole: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval A StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner o"t". \),, ,\ 7 tl , ''i k DRB Fee e.."-p"io 1{50 c>c;'F>-[ '"""-;;;;:N REvrEw ,ofr ApplrcArroN roooN o, uC), coLoR-ADO DATE RECEIVED I DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. *rt*****tt ********** DESCRI PTION : TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsLruccion ($200'00) -?-eaairio.' ($50'00)-{:l::,tl:i'ft:iil'' t 33 ; oo' c. D. E r \nntFqq.nJ)u.\ur v ' aarrt*@2-A'.4tf LEGAL DESCRI PTION '. L?} Subdivision i"tai l ing Address : :f properEy is-described by a meecs a:rd bounds 1egal descripcion, p''t"!I-pioviaL on " "Epl'iltt-in""u and aEEach so Lhis aPPlicauron' zoNING . ,FU/'tu ?AUA -/4r)/T p/57p/c7 )f ? NAME oF APPLTCAN"'s REPRESjTNT Block Phone I. J, APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOIJT OWNER'S SIGNATUPd Condominium Rpproval if applicable' DRB FEE: DRB f ees, qs .shoyl-"!9l?: are Lo be paid aL Lhe :irne of submicc"r'oi Ehe DRB applicaeion' LaEer'' wl'Ien ;;;;"i;,- ;: : :" :":i*::"fffi"ljn' :,'$31 i'*Y, i"3"ji!i'ii! va 1ua E. i on ot Lne ree accorclins r-o i;;";;;i* uniout' -lo "ttt""te Lhe correcE f ee t"lai l j. ng .Addres s t ge64 9/o57 NAME OF OWNER(S): is paii. t2V FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION':/'5 o $ 1o'99q ; lo,oc:' ; 50'YY9 i so, oor $ 150, gqq $150,001 $ 500'000 s500, 001 9i, c00,000 $ over $1'000'000 DESiGN R.EVIEt^| BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES l,Fpiover, uNr,ESS A BUTLDTNG PERMTT rs iS STARTED ' s 20.00 I f u ' IJU $100.00 $200.00 9400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI' ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailinq Address:Phone LIST OF MATERIAI,S NAME OF PROJECT:a. I,EGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUIL,DING MATBRIA]TS : Roof S i ding OLher WaII Materials c/'\f f i fq Windows Window Trlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Ch imn ey s Trash Encl0sures Greenhous es Re raining waI Is Ervr- 6ri nr I.i rrh f i na f vr s4Yrrer.r: o Lher reguired for submiebal co the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIA.I,COLOR SUBDIVISION NA/% Designer: Phone: ^1.A. - N,A, - b.LANDSCAPTNG: NAME Of lY,/lr- From: Muro Brillcmbourg To: Ray Story Datc: 4/16/96 I'rne: 10:06:38 b Pagc 2 ol 2 NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION P.O. Box l2 31 Vall, Colorado 81658 ""11"n'J-';if 1t", April l, 1995 To the Town of Vail: The following unit remodelings have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee of Northwoods Condominium Association. I Unit - Al8 - Three balcony enclosures, extensive remodeling of the unit and a remodeling of the loft including the addition and a bathroom and a closet. r Unit - B- I 5 - One balcony enclosure and kitchen remodeling. r Unit - E-6 - One balcony enclosure in a bedroom. r Unit - E-12 - Three balcony enclosures and kitchen remodel. r Unit - F-7 - Extension of first floor to include ski locker and extension of bedroom. Conversion of mezzanine level to add a bedroom and baths, including the addition of a dormer to the roof and an exterior stairway. r Unit - F-8 - Extension of first floor to include ski locker and extension of bedroom. Conversion of mezzanine level to add a bedroom and baths, including the addition of a dormer to the roof and an exterior stairway. Approval of these projects are conditional on the owners following the Procedures for Approval of Architectural Changes Requested By Owners established by the Association. Yours, Arturo Brillembourg President EOtuD AFP&rCrrto{ . lforr ol vlIL' qoi{or.lDo 9ATE Rf,cEr\rED, -a- -DAfE OF DRB lGElf!|G: - -..*.-.rrorrtttt t. t. ?. I. tlaaatlat|l E8qtlqiLilllKlll'AiugN : t€ prqrssly 1l a..slibcd bv 3 DaGlr a$C-!gu!g!- r!!|:1,^--.. tter.irlpclon, glaltG Provlac on I lclratrge t!6eE rtld tlraaD Eo tlria .rrtl icaBJort. zoNtNG: freL ry..ffi At-*U4 $$|! OF lPPsrcnrt: -"1!S!l r|.iting ^A$e...-.. -.tt nuDL!?* 1??. =46 firy+.. ,' ardPr.El'r +peLter?torts t Ln4 ,| ltcEEDOLzD EEn PErrEr' - NA|IE or Ot|rlERl3l: ? DeSCALe1.tOtlt. ka,'aV AtzFa? f1'+-tafu e4{4" .4t2f TtPt 0F nwt6r: Nav contcrucllon (1300.001 --J{iDor Al!?rrtion {320'00}--Flaal iion tt50.00t concel,Burl Revls' (fol ADDAESIIJ: *t 7@ t'44; L€Gl! o8SCRrFlrCr: L9! - Blocl Subdiv:!iOD '-E' '-'? -a -.r:6,I'l --4ttz:lL- lnE OF AppLtctlT.s trttlra,?rrtt/E 1 Pa*t haolsF, a *st.. noitn" *ut."r, g Appt te tto s ,ttL& Ner Dt ,rae3 sE *nrtroot (nE's slcmtuRl condorinl uct lDDroval it rpDltcablt. oio rEe: Dla g3el, rr tltorrD rlava. lxa to b. gelll !! Ehc r1'i6 o! suDrt gral of thr Dlr atpllcrbio!- Lelar. shrn irDlvinc ?ot I D4rildfnq p.r[l8' ' Prrata icr$rtty Ebs rccurace viiuier6n-og ibi pr"poirr. Tht i@ttt o! valt Yill rdju3E Lh. (Gr lcc9rdioq to thi tdDla bolot ' t(' elEure thc correcc tac rs pa rd. EELIAID;-j--*.jEGE-!L---0d!!r- rv! - F r leI{Er8tLE, VALUATION'/ w2 r 0 t \0.000 f?0.00 i i3.30i t :i0'000 I 30.to r ro.ool I 130.000 t100.00 t I5o ' ool t loo' goo t2oo ' oo r5oo,0o! fr ,000.000 !{00.09 I Ovrr ll,000,000 35c0.00 9l3tts r5rE il DollD lsPtgvl& !rP:!*sS q!|t trrl Arfll nlxr'r. ApsBo\rr! Itt{?,tr3 ^ sotlrDlo tlnHl? r9 Is$tD l}E edfltaocTlor 13 6Trtta9. .!liag AddaG!6 ! i(/V "CUIVIMI, DEV. DEPT z a -:I $ E P I '-1 z o cfr<aop2, 1 t:2r.. - scv4lrh)=oN gl7- q INIJ + .r-t-t -- h. Nl /- I i Vn 71/z fj- ll ti/l I 'l \-'--l l-''Y/ \) 14 ' lztatga tl aal>Afl'4.4 tlht# aEfl*a).-Zlz:*lae f1,N Eva++d-'ovt ?x)yal &7NlJ-9ixi lpL+t-!?t{t-l rF, |faN __.-_ bfll+t* ltalxla :.'t 9t.!,a(,1-\ n rreil 1 IE t n d s f- J 3 J n - 7 vr4ovE EXlsTrFlC KAt Lt FJr, d.-TEl M 4 7tA*HlNcl [] Er^l c"'1 xALL + h.ll Nl nrH4 .^ lha-l+,4e1lJa r||r.JtAq 7et1 " hJlt'lPt,')1" -l;1.----+-.EEr4o,/€ Fl|sTlfler lJ,".LL,tl|Npzil IWq- _ .LT. .vv-oz.ar4 +r 1 - 41€T1t& F.EYv-tq ,e-,-e LDe14lla Uu.rrf h- +tg K)orcy*vtccuz) - va.tL, ccLcz.qDo 9Ga2- A?.<?.YRA^F. itl . .-t t--V)u i{!f \) 3l{EEf I ot?. L-ll-q6 ,/)I