HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT A18l. Q-r".-{4^"r-bc)4g I oil*t"u"T oF coMM.JN,r" o.urrot^,kt(OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: MO2-0206 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR #A-18 Applied . . : 09/3012002 Parcel No...: 2l0l08l I l0l8 Issued. . : 1010712002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 1010312002 OI^INER TORGOVE, HOWARD H. 09/30/2002 phone: 1020 15TH ST STE 302 DENVER CO 80202 License: colfTRAcToR HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (THE) 09/30/2002 phone: 970-A27-9523 P.O BOX 670 MIMTURN, CO 8154 5 License : L7 4 -lr! APPI_,ICAIIr HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (THE) 09/30/2002 phone: 970-827-9523 P.O BOX 670 MIMTI]RN, CO 8l_64 5 License : L74-Y! Desciption: CONVERSION OF WOOD FIREPLACE TO GAS Valuation: $2,379.00 Fireplacc Information: Rcstrictcd; Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pollet: 0 Mechanical--> $50.00 Restuannt Plan Review--> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S?8. oo Plan Check--> $1s.00 DRB Fee-----------> S0.00 Additional Fees----> (979.00) Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES------------> S78.00 Total Permit Fee-----> So. oo Will Call---> 53.00 Paymcnts------------------> So. oo BAI.ANCE DUE-----> S0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o9/3o/2oo2 DF Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{:r CONDITION OI.- APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTTON 701_ oF THE l_997 rMC. Cond:23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALTLTATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CI{APTER ].0 OF THE L997 IJMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS AppIJrAbrcEs "*il"" 'ENTED AccoRDrNc ro TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 199? t]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS To HEATTNG EQUIPMEMT MUST coMPI,Y WITH THE 1997 t]MC AND EHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SIALL BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. UNLESs I-,ISTED FOR MOT'Ii|TTNG ON EOMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORTNG, Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRiAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. ffiil*;";'i*i**'r******:t*****)t'r**rtrt**r****'**********'r***'r'r** *'jr'r********t** * I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is conect. l agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoDing and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQt'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEN',l y-l;OUR HOURS IN ADVANCIT ll AT 479-2I49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM, OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET cHAPn 8 AND sHALr EHAPTER 8 OF THE i"' '"". CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPI]Y sEc. r_022 0F THE 1997 UMC, OR Pmject#: Buifding Permit #| Oa2 - oztz Mechanical Permit #: t-1 o o o o 75 S. Frontage Rd. lcal Room Air Duct MechanicalContracton-Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact andPhone *,s.- So, 7. 7a27. coMRAqTOR INT.ORMATTON CoMPLETE VALr.,4IIION FOR MECHANICAT pl - ---------.-. enUlrur& Maferialql , Canbct at 97O-or visit Does an EHU exist at this location: for Paret # Phone: Phone: 'l Wood Burning (l'r,,- i ,-,..jV/ED) NO (X) Nofiype of Fireclaces pmpc-;r. ,, Cj ---_ tS fnts a COn! :r -. rn ( oq// /olal Work Class: lrlew ( )Aiieration (X) Repair ( ) Boiler Location: Interior f I e*turi* 1-lTFu,1 ) Tvpe of Bldgjingre-famiry ( ) Duplex 1 1 Urrt-r.riry,1tc) commerciar ( ) Restaurant ( ) orher ( ) No. of Existing Dweiling Units in this buildlno:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: F: / evcrTon6/fonn3/ nrcdrpcrm TJLTIM.{TE MODELS lt" -,'.t i+:i i'<x Jlir,.r'.';.. .. 90 NOT STORE OR USE ClSOUUrrn on OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND TJQIjTDS IN Tm vrcrMTY OF IErS OR ANY OTHERAPPIJANCES. ::. {': '': i,'r ', ; 't;iii.,; . . 'R YOUR SAFETT OR YOAR SAFETY WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS . ., I. DO NOT TRY TO LIGIIT AI{Y APPLIANCES.2. DO NOT TOUCH ANY ELEiTRICAL SWITCHES; DO NOT UsE A PIIONEIN Y0TJR BIIILDING. 3. Ilvf,::rl:'^?:Ly CALL yOt R GAS St ppLIER FROM YOTJR NEIGIIBORS PHONE. FOI,LOW YOUR GAS SUPPLIERS INSTRUCTIONS. -4. IF YOU CAN'T REACf, YOT'R GAS SUPPIJER, , - CALL YOt R IIRE DEPARTMETT. ,.S:..:::l:,lrii BEUSED IN A FULLY VENTED NON-COMBUSTTBLE, EIREPI.,ACE... I. WOOD.BI]RNING ' '- - :;; l-*1j.i,,1.,, PLEASE READ CAREFIJLLY BEFORE 1. ) 3. 4. 5. This log sct is dcsigncd for use abscncc .oJ local codcs, with the with natural national fuel gas only. gas code, GAS LOC STIZE It, 21'ur 30r. FIREPLACE MNMUil DTMEIISIONS'i wmTE ., . pFI'rF ii'. flftgfif ::u' ... L. .,.N ,21. '" - 14r .',:', m. :1 l4i n'1{' n t0' 35i . ;.ii,;ir+{t-,;:"$+€;='tEi' ,. l :'6' A fireplace screen must be r1 daci when uiing gas ro9.r9Fll d.r9 "tn#$fifii# for:comdustion ai, arc frwiaea,thc screen shouldhave^opening(s) forintroducrionof igmtijsd-q.*ft;.F_EAssnooiiMffilE opENyHEN BTTRNTNG ro ALLowan, ron sare corrm.{-s;Sb;g6fly"6',$Fic;?,'r;":;,t,;r -',,i,;',7 ' Theminimum inlei supglyp.qcss*;;;ilfu";;;Ti=ru;i$;H?t shar be 5.0 inches of war€rcorumn. The maximum inlel sriliplv fressiire shall ue z.iincie s "f iil--ifif i6iffiia-fji5 ti til6ri*#; for best rc.surts.r.- ''s''uqi 'rur urr vd'vE ourug any prcssure teslne of$c gas supply,system at tcst pressurcs equal to or less than%PSIG. 1".- , ,,.. rI. . -:vlr._:,6: -?....-1 .. ---1,-. IMP TANT INFORMATIO{coNT.) theapplianceandtorepIaceanygasconnolwhichhasueenunae,*atei.]...;.-"' m:u(Imum lnrct supply prsssure shalt be 2.5 inches of inffii6ftinffi(df,r"":5 ii.l€ioniinended for bcst rcbults).-Minimum gas service line to fireplace: 14',. -, .' .l-1$S. *#f::,.*;:r_-,i,:r.-- ;!..., , shut-offvarve musr be n'nea o'i ano gas log ,"t aiscb'if$iH'fo; rfrd'E"rHnpii ii,rrcm when rcsting of thai system at test Prcssures in excess of 14 PSIG 6.s xne.), : ldgii tog set-must bc isoied from the gas systems by closing manual shut off valve during any pressure tesdng of thi gas iupptv system at t"st Dressures ecrrar rc nr lecc WARNING WHEN USED WITHOUT FRESH AR;UNrr rVr,Ii CrVg OFF CARBON oDoRLEss' PorsoNous cAs. YoU MUST MAKE ATIEeUATE p-RovlsloNs FoR AND FOR COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION AIR SUPPiY....I ;?,.Ii.]:.. IIi: : MONOXIDE, AN ACCESSIBILTTY .-.;;, ;;j,. . :.;ii.-;,j ''..r-:: .: i ..cn N n nAr t u F 6 l{tli,qrilDtv, l. 4, 7. Adjustable Wrench (6") Open-End Wmnch (7ll6tt) .:., Pipe Thread Sealer . (Non-Hardening) 2. 3. ';:.-t- i . 1.ill e: lower burnerpan with finevermiculic. i.owcrpan should bc fil (Fig. 4). C,overfine vermiculite tr Ues in lowerpan with embcrs, Also .PR PE .'1. Crcating a more realistic looking burning log can bc achieved by placing little sr.-.-.. -. -. rber marcrial in the log cracks and grooves wherc there is flame presenl 2' Dark soot buildup makes logs look chared. Soot can be removed with a small paint brush as desired. 3. Always close screens when unit is on. Always open glass doors when unit is on. 4. Do not obsruct the ignition hole at the base of the scent holder with embers. 5' The front base log and the rear base log have to stay where indicated, however, you can rotate the twig logs around for a different appearance. 6' Installation time should be about one hour. Double check all work. If not experienced, call your local lueplace shop for insmllation service. Note: Instaltation shoutd be done by a licenied or qualifiel gas man. YSTE GUID a 7 A.G.A. DESIGN i 2i21.71-1993 F TABLEOTSP,JXIiJS O --2,3 The Uni-Line 712 series pilot ignition system features flame rectification with solid-state logic and flame sensing to provide automatic sequencing that will ensure proper operation of an intermittent pilot ignition device. The 712 series pilot ignition system features quick and easy installation with complete in-depth instructions and trouble shooting information, The 712 pilot ignition systems are availablewith one of three different gas valve types to fit a wide range of fumace applications. Depending on the model of gas valve used, 712 systems are available to handle applica- tions up to 750,000 Btu (natural gas). See ordering chart for the exact specifications ot each 712 series pilot ignition system. UNhLINE GAS ORDERNO. VALVE IGNITION UtllT DESCRIPTION LOCKOUT MODELS. LOCKOUT TIMING IS 90 SECONDS 712-005 722-079 112^ x 112 780-845 (Lockout) Universal odel - Gas valve has natural gas pressure regulator set at 3.5,, WC. A separate L.P. gas pressure regulator set at l1 .0" W.C. is also incfuded. 170,000 Btu Max. Nat. Gasl272,000 Btu Max. L.p. oas. 712-006 700-056 314" x 314" 780-845 (Lockoul) lJniversal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure regulator sel at 3.S' W.C. A separate L.P gas pressure regulator set at 11.0" W.C. is also includsd. 350,000 Btu Max. Nat. Gas1560,000 Btu Max. L.P gas. 712-008 720-070 112' x.314' 780-845 (Lockout) Unlversal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure regulator set at 3.S, W.C. A separate L.P. gas pressure regulator set at 11.0" W.C. is atso inctuded. 200,000 Btu Max. Nat. Gas/320,000 Btu Max. L.p qas. 712-009 700-059 l" x'l' 780-845 (Lockout) Universal Model - Gas valve has natural gas pressure regulator set at 4.0" W.C. A separale L.P gas pressure regutatbr sbt at tt.O'W.C. is arso included. 720,000 Biu Max. Nat. Gas/1,152,000 Btu Max. L.P gas. NONLOCKOUT MODELS-CAUTION: DO NOT USE ON L'P. GASAPPLICATIONS 712-015 720-072 112'x314" 780-715 (Nonlockout) Natural Gas Only - Nonlockout. Valve has 1/2" side outlets. Pressure rsaulator is factory-set at 3.5' W.C. 200,000 Btu Max. 712-016 700-056 314" x 314' 780-7'15 (Nonlockout) Natural Gas Only - Nonlockout. Pressure regulator is factory-set at 3.S" W.C. 350.000 Btu Max. 712-017 720-070 112' x 314 780-715 (Nonlockout) Natural Gas Only - Nonlockout. Pressure regulator is factory-set at 3.5' W.C 200.000 Btu Max' 712-019 700-059 1'x 1' 780-715 (Nonlockout) Natural Gas Only - Nonlockout. Pressure regulator is factory-set at 4.0,' WC. 72O,OO0 Btu Max. Natural gas. 712-022 722-079 112 x 112' 780-715 (Nonlockout) Natural Gas Only - l{onlockout. Pressure regulator is factory-set at 3.S" WC. 170.000 Btu Max' ' The SP845 lockout ignition contol used in th€ 712 sories Uni.Kits, providss gos€conds of sparkJollowad by a six minute timo delay (purge) period b€twean ignition sttempts. Aner thrse tries, if no pilot name is s€nsed, SP845 goes Into I t hourrotl(out pgriod. At th6 end ofthe t hour lockout poriod, if th€ demand for h€atl6 stitl prossnt, unit rspeats the thre€ tdes ior ignition. , ,, , * t {I i GASVALVES The Robertshaw gas valves used in the Uni-Line 712 Series kits are A.G.A. design certificd to applicable A.N.S.l. standards. Gas valves ihat are included In the 712 Series pilot ignition systems have a built-in, slow opening feature for soft ignition characteristics at the main burner, except the 712-005 and 712-022 kits. 7200 tPER-S7C (712-008, -015 and'017 kits) Electrical 24 volt,60 Hz Ambient rating - 40'F to 175"F - 40oC to 80oC Capacity (maximum regulation) 112" x314" straight through Pressure regulator (factory-set) * Adjustable 3" to 7'w,C. t Adjustable 8' to 12" w.c. 2000 TPER.HC (712-005 and -022 kits) Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz Ambient rating - 40'F to 175"F -40"C to80"C Capacity (maximum regulation) 112" x 112" shaight through Pressure regulator (factory-set) Input voltage Transformer SPECIFICATIONS 3.5" W.C. Nat Gas' 11.0' W.C. L.P. Gasf 170,000 3.5" W.C. Nat Gas 24VAC 50/60 Hz 24VAC l20VA minimum TOOO BDER-S7A (7'12-006 and -016 kits) Electrical 24 volt, 60 Hz Ambient rating - 40"F to 175"F - 40oC to 80.C Capacity (maximum regulation) 112" x 314" straight through 314" x 314" straight through Pressure regulator (factory-set) 'Adlustabte 3" to 7"w.c. 7000 DERHC.STC (712-0Og and .019 kits) Electrical 24 volt. 60 Hz Ambient rating - 40'F to 175'F - 40'C to 80'C Cap.acity..(maximum regulation) 1" x'1" 314" x 1"* 314" x314"* * Using reducer bushings included in the 712 kit. 300,000 350,000 3.5" w.c. Nat. Gas* 720,000 530,000 450,000 Pressure setting factory set 4.0" W.C. natural gas field adiustable from 3" to 7" W.C. IGNITION CONTROL UNITS Robertshaw ignition control units used in the Uni.Line 712 Series kits are A.G.A. design certified to applicable A.N.S.l. standards. sP715 USI (712-015, -016, -017, -019 and.022 kits) sP845 (712-005, -006, -008 and -009 kits) Safety lockout timing (780-845) Spark rate Relay contact ratings Pilot valve Main valve Combined load Flame sense current Maximum total current load Flame failure reignition time Thermostat anticipator setting Ambient rating Relative humidity See footnote* 3 to 4 sparks per second 1 amp at .5 PF 1 amp at .5 PF 1.5 at .4 PF .7 trA DC @ 25"C l24VAC 1.5 amp .8 seconds maximum .7 amp -40'F to 175"F -40'C to80'C 95o/o noncondensing at 104"F The SP845 lockout ignition control used in the 7j2 series kits. orovides 90 seconds of spark followed by a six minute ttme delav (ouroe) oeriod b€Meen ignition alt€mpts. Afrer three tries, if no oitot tiame is iinsea. SP845 goes into a t hour lockout p€riod. At the end of the t hour lockout period, Itthe demand for heat is still present, Unit repeats the three tries for ionition. 200,000 P R E I N STAL LAT| Orf,trSTR U CTt o N S CAUTIONS The Uni-Line 712 Series Pilot lgnition System must be installed you, the installer, follow these installation instructions word for by a qualified installing agenly with Lue regard for safety. woriandwithouttakinganyshoficuts. Takeyourtimeinstalling lmproper installation coutO resutt in a hazardous condition. this system, make sure it is working properly before le-aving the job siie. Failure to do so could result in a service call back' :l::1|t'STJ1ffi1lii1}j!'iffi:1:iir"i'i:,i:i:irT":"H: rhispirorlsnirionsvstemmustbeusedonrvonappriances code, ANSl2223, and the Nationat Etectricat cod. ANSI/NF';i equippedwith an atmosphericgas bumer' u.seon direct'vent No. 70. rrJr ror Er't'Lr rvdr \'uuv ,.rroul\rrA type appliances and power burners is prohibited. rhe Uni-Line 712 series pirot rsnition system has been de- 3i;:':J"T*""r?',$r:i.'ji,:i:l$.:lHil,..:f ijl,,ll',lll?,YJ.i signed for an easy installation, however, for the system to svjtem could result in a hazardous condition. function properly and to give trouble free service, it requires that L.P. GAS APPLICATION - (lncluded L.P. Gas Mixture) Use the lockout models only (712-005, -006, -008, -009) unless the unit is installed in a well-ventilated area such as a rooftop application. In this case, a nonlockout model may also be used. In no case should the appliance be inside a dwelling or building when used with L.P. gas, unless a lockout model (712-005, -006, -008, -009) is used. NATU RAL GAS APPLlCATION Use either model type: Lockout models 712-005, 712-006, 712-008,712-009 or nonlockout models 712-O15,712-016, 7 12-01 7 . 7 12-01 9, 7 12-022. AMBIENT TEM PERATURE LIMITATIONS Be sure the installation of the Pilot lgnition System will not exceed its rated ambient temperature range: -40oF to 175'Fl 40'C to 80'C This is extremely important when the application is being made to a rooftop unit in cold climates. DEFINITIONS Atmospheric burnor A burner employing the energy of a jet of gas to inject air for combustion into the burner and mix it with the jet of gas. Direct vent A system consisting of (1) a central furnace for indoor installation, (2) combustion air connections between the central fumace and the vent-air intake terminal, (3) flue gas connections between the central furnace and the vent-air intake terminal, and (4) a vent-air intake terminal for installation outdoors, constructed so all air for com- bustion is obtained from the outdoor atmosphere and all flue gases are discharged to the outdoor atmosphere. Flame failure response time The period of time between loss of the supervised ignition source or the supervised main burner flame and the action to shut off the gas supply. Forced draft burner (See Power Burner) lnduced-draft burner A burner which depends on the draft induced by a fan beyond the appliance for its proper operation. Input rating The gas-burning capacity ofan appliance in Btu per hour as specified by the manufacturer. Appliance input ratings are based on sea leveloperation and need notbe changecl for operation up to 2,000 feet elevation. For operation at elevations above 2,000 feet, input ratings should be reduced atthe rate of4 percentforeach 1,000feetabove sea level. Lockout time The period of time between initiating the lighting proce- dure and the action to shut off gas flow in the event of failure to establish proof of the supervised ignition source or the supervised main burner flame. Reinitiating the lighting procedure requires a manual operation. Maxlmum regulation The high limit of flow below which is found acceptable regulating characteristics. Power burner A burner in which either gas or air, or both, are supplied atpressures exceeding, forgas, the line pressure, and for air, atmospheric pressure; this adddd pressure being applied at the burner. A burner for which air for combus- tioh is supplied by a fan ahead of the appliance is commonly designated as a forced draft burner. Qualified service agency Any individual, firm, corporation or company which either in person or through a representative is engaged in and is responsible for the connection, installation, repair or servicing of gas utilization equipment or accessories, who is experienced in such work, familiar with all precautions required, and has complied with all the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. PREINSTALLATIC I NSTR U CTIO NS @. US TheAGApreinstallation safetyprocedures listed beloware builcting. Turn on clothes dryers. Turn on any exhaust intended as a guide to aid in determining that an appliance fans, such as range hoods and bathroom exhausts, ls properly installed and is in safe condition for continued so they will operate at maximum speed. Do not use' operate a summer exhaust fan. Close fireplace This procedure is predicated on central furnace and 9iIp:T ltSftgrcompletingstepsTthrough12,itis broirerinstailations'equipped with an atmospneric sal L?5i:.,::T.ffi1*:iTJ$B:,%"iJ?liJSl,itli;burner(s) and not at the direct-vent type. tt shoutd be ^;;;J^: - - ' recognized that generalized test procedures cannot anticipate all situations. Accordingly, in some cases, 8. Place in operation the appliance being inspecteo. deviation from this procedure may be necessary to Follow the lighting instructions. Adjust thermo- determine safe operation of the equipment. stat so appliance will operate continuously. A' This procedure should be performed prior to any 9. A. Determine that the pilot is burning prcperly and attempt at modification of the appliance or the that main burner ignition is satisfactory by inter-installation. rupting and reestablishing the electrical supply to B. lf it is determined there is a condition which could the appliance in any convenient manner. result in unsafe operation, the appliance should B. With a manometer, determine manifold pressure be shut off and the owner advised of the unsafe in order to match input after the new control is condition. installed. The following steps should be followed in making the 10. A. Visually determine that main bumer gas is burning safety inspection: properly; i.e., no floating, lifting or flashback. Ad- 1 . conduct a gas leakage test of the appliance piping just the primary air shutter(s) as required' and control system downstream of the shutoff valve B. lf appliance is equipped with high and low flame in the supply line to the appliance. controlorflame modulation, check for proper main 2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper size burner operation at low flame' and horizontal pitch and determine that there is no 1 1 . Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening after blockage or restrictions, leakage or conosion or other 5 minutes of main burner operations. Use a draft deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition. gauge, the flame of a match orcandle, or smoke from 3. Ail gas equipment must have an accessibre manuar a cigarette' cigaror pipe' gas shutoff valve installed in the gas supply line 12. Return doors, windows, exhaustfans, fireplace dampers upstream of the appliance. lf a manual gas valve is and allotherfuel-burning appliances to theirprevious not in the gas supply line within six feet of the appliance, conditions of use. and inan accessible location' oneshall be installed-' 13. Applicabteonly to warm air heating appliances.shut off all gas to the appliance and shut off any other cieck both rimit control and fan "o#oift,. prop"' :1",:i"Hl:i":'#lf::iliff:[""'""J#,iff"* ;ffi?j]:fi,T[ffi11";""5il1:",:..,:;ji:Hffi11: 4. Inspect bumers and crossovers for blockage and blower motor and determining that the limit control conosion. Inspect all wiring for damage, conect any acts to shut ofi the main burner gas. defects found. 14. Applicable only to boilers: 5. Applicable only to warm air heating appliances Inspect heat eichangers for cracks, op"ning. l|' ^ fl"#HlHJhat the circulating water pumps are excessive corrosion. 6. Appllcable onlyto boilers, Inspect for evidence c. B' Test low water cutoffs, automatic feed water water or combustion product leaks. "' conhols' pressure and temperature timit controls and relief valves in accordance with the 7. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors and manufacture/s recommendations and instructions windows and all doors between the space in which to determine that they are in operating condition. the appliance is located and other spaces of the '^la- fl - \,US SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES P R E I N STALLATI O N ISTR U CTIO NS TESTING THE EXISTING SYSTEM Before starting installation, a safety inspection of the appli- ance must be performed, see PRE-INSTALLATION SAFEW INSPECTION PROCEDURES ON PAGE 4. Once safety inspection has been completed, continue as follows: 1. I Check that the existing pilot is a thermocouple type used with an electromagnetic safety. Some manu- facturers use bimetal type pilots wired to the valve operator. lf the application has a bimetal pilot, see REPLACEMENT PARTS ordering chart on page 16 for pilot adaptors that are available separately. 2. I The Pilot lgnition System is designed to be adapted to the existing pilot. NOTE: Robertshaw and AGA recommend that the original pilot be used and in its original position. 3. I Locate the rating plate on the appliance and determine the input rating (Btu per hour). The input rating (capacity)forthe Pilot lgnition System must be equal to or greater than the input rating of the appli- ance. See SPECIFICATIONS on page 2 for Pilot lgnition System Capacity or Input Rating. 4. I lf electronic components are installed in an area subject to water (dripping, spraying, rain etc.), then means shall be provided to protect the components. 5. I To ensure proper operation, the appliance transformer must be rated at: 24 volts/2OVA (minimum) 24 volts/40VA (minimum) - When used in con- junction with an Automatic Vent Damper. The output of the appliances transformer can be determined bY the following stePs: A. Compute the curent draw by adding the cunent drawof the Pilot lgnition System (.7 amp)to the current draw of any associated valving, relays' dampers or other devices operated by the transformer. B. Multiply the total current draw computed in "A" above by 24 volts. This will give the total VA (Voltage-Amperage) required. C. The totalVA (Volt-Amperage) required should be equal to or less than the VA rating ofthe appliance kansformer. D. lf the total VA (VoltAmperage) required rs greater than the VA rating of the transformer' replace it with a Class 2 transformer of acl- equate rating. 6. I Cycle the furnace ON to ensure it is working properly. lf ihe transformer, limit switch orthermostat are faultY the ignition system will not function. Check the performance characteristics of the pilot flame. The flame should be impinging on the thermocouple an0 be blue in color. lf not, you will need to adjustthe pilot and/or clean the orifice and pilot tube. Be sure thal inlet gas pressure is adequate. 1 Turn OFF all elechical.power and gas t'1 the appliance before attempting to disconnect wiring and gas valve. To shut offthe gas, use the shutoffvalve in the supply line to the appliance. lf a manual gas valve is not in the gas supply line within 6 feet of the appliance, and in an accessible location, one shall be installed. DO NOT USE THE GAS COCK ON THE GAS VALVE, 1 Remove the thermocouple and pilot tubing from the existing gas valve. a You may encounter two methods of gas valve wiring. Determine from the diagrams below which one you have. Disconnect the electrical leads from the gas valve. A. TWO TERMINAL CONNECTION Disconnect the two wires connecting the gas valve. B, THREE TERMINAL CONNECTION lf three terminals on the gas valve are used, two wires may be connected to a common terminal. Remove these two wires first and wire-nut them together. (Three wire nuts are provided in the kit.) Now, remove the othertvvo wires from the existing gas varve. TRANSFORMER a ig = 10. ; Remove gas valve and/or controls containing the main valve, regulator and safety functions from the manifold. These functions are built into the new replacement gas valve. 11. I Remove the pilot assembly and disconnect the thermocouple from the pilot. The pilot will be rein- stalled back into its original mounting position. 12. 1 Inspectthe insideofthe pilottubing. ltshould befree of any scale or other foreign matter. Clean or replace if necessary. We also recommend that the pilot orifice be cleaned to ensure optimum system operation. IGNITOR / SENSOR NOTE: On some pilot applications a special adaptor 3. kit is required. These adaptor kits are shown at the bottom of page 8. Ordei these pilot adaptor kils separately if needed. 1. Assemble the combination ignitor/sensor assembly by sliding the mounting bolt through the mounting bracket I NSTA LLAIO I'I I N STR U CTI O N S ASSEMBLY The ignitor/sensor can now be positioned for proper sparking and sensing. To obtain the best ignition characteristics: The ignitor/sensor tip should be located on a horizontal plane with the top of the pilot gas exit port. The tip should be located 1/8" (recommended spark gap) from the edge of the pilot hood. Be sure that sparking will occur in the path of the gas flow. Excess "wire or rod" should be cutoff. Tighten the mounting bolt firmly so that the bracket assembly will not move or change position once the pilot is installed. See figure #3. as shown in figure #1 . E' E'6 STAR WASHER FIGURE #1 2. The lgnitor/sensor bly is ready to be attached to furnace oilot. Slide mounting bolt with the ignitori sensor bracket down through the thermocouple open- ing of the pilot frame as shown in figure #2. Install the retainer nut onto the mounting bolt and tighten finger tight. FIGURE #3 4. Bend the tabs to the ignitor/sensor mounting bracket down and around the pilot bracket frame. Using a pair of pliers, crimpthetabssotheygripthepilotbracket. Thiswill hold the electrode assembly firmly in place as shown in fioure #4. FIGURE #4 rl tl tl FIGURE #2 I NSTALLATToN I lCrnucno Ns o Y IGNITOR / SENSOR 5. When selecting the ignitor/sensor tip location, remember 7 . the spark will jump the narrowest gap available to the nearest ground metal. Ensure that this gap is always at the point you select and not to the main burner, furnace chassis, burner manifold, or a part of the pilot hood where there is no flow figure #5. The tip must be in the pilot flame for the ignitor/sensor to function properly. FIGURE #5 6. After crimping the ignitor/sensor mounting bracket tabs and selecting the point for the ignitor/sensor tip to soark to: A. Measure the distance from this point to the ignitor/ sensor rod figure #6. FIGURE #6 B. Measure down the ignitor/sensor rod this distance plus 1/1 6" to allow for bend radius figure #7. DO NOT BEND YET. ASSEMBL CAUTION: ALWAYS HoLD THE IGNITORJSENSOR ROD BETWEEN THE CERAMIC AND THE BEND YOU ARE MAKING. THIS WILL PREVENT DAMAG- ING THE CEMMIC INSULATOR. PILOT FLAME MUST NOT IMPINGE ON THE CERAMIC PORTION OF THE IGNITOR/SENSOR ASSEMBLY. Holding pliers firmly on the ignitor/sensor rod at the distance measured, use finger pressure on the ignitor/ sensor rod tip to slowly bend it in the direction desired - towards pilot hood figure #8. lf tip is too long, cut off excess. FIGURE #8 NOTE: lgnitor/sensor tip must be in pilot flame for the lgnition Control Unit to function properly. 8. Reinstall pilot assembly back into its original mounting position. NOTE: Pilot is not to be relocated or altered, lf replacing the pilot becomes necessary due to wear or damage, an exact replacement must be used. SPECIAL PILOT ADAPTOR KITS These special pilot adaptor kits are NOT included in the 712 kit. They must b6 ordered separately. CARRIER, BDP PILOTADAPTOR KIT Includes allthe necessary parts to adapt the Canier, Bryant, Payne and Day/ Night model 732 or 733 pilot to Uni- Line's 712 Series flame rectification pilot system. oRDER 1751-716 MAGIC CHEF, GAFFERS & SATTLER PILOTADAPTOR KIT Includes allthe necessary parts to adapt the MagicChef, Gaffers & Sattlersheet metal pilot to Uni-Line's 712 Series flame rectification pilot system. oRDER 1751-712 FIGURE #7 tNsTALLllor'r tNsrRucrloNs GAS VALVE GAUTION: lf bleed tubing is used, do nol allow maln Uuin"t ot pilot flame lmpingement onlhe tubing as tfriJ*iff eventually cause clogging of the tubing and imoroper regulat6r operation. lf bleed tublng is not uslo, itr" regulator vent must be properly shielded from moisture. 8. Check to see that a sediment trap is present in the gas supply line. lf one is not present one must be installed to preventdirt from entering control. See fig-,,, ",;ure#9. Allpipingmustconform- " - to local codes and ordinances and with National Gas Codes (ANSI2223.1 and NFPA No. 54.) 9. Flame must not impinge on regulator vent tubing if used it may clog and cause gas valve to malfunction. 10. All components must be securely mounted with screws, bolts etc., within the appliance. 1 1. Wiring must conform to local codes and ordinances. A high limit switch is required in either the 120V or 24V side of the transformer. 12. Make certain all wiring connections are tight. GROUND TERMINAL GROUNDING TERMINALS SEDIMENT TRAP (Down) FIGURE #9 TO CONTROL INLET INSTALLING THE 1 . Installation and servicing of gas appliances and ignition systems must only be performed by gualified personnel. 2. Turn off gas and electricity before starting installation or service. 3. When replacing an L.p. control or a natural gas control, new control must have the same regulator setting as the old control, or as specified on the appliance rating plate. 4. To install or remove control, use inletboss. Donotgrip body with pipe wrench or vise. 5. Installation and servicing of gas appliances and ignition systems must only be performed by qualified personnel. 6. Make sure gas piping is pressure tested before control is connected. High pressure can damage control caus- ing a hazardous condition. 7. Make sure piping is clean and free from burrs. Apply a small amount of good quality pipe thread compound suitable for the gas being used. Thread compound should be used sparingly on male threads only, leaving the first two threads clean. INSTALLING GAS VALVE 1 . Locate ground terminal connector. WARNING: GAS VALVE MUST BE GROUNDED TO PREVENT BURNOUT OF GAS VALVE TERMINAL CIR- CUIT BOARD. A. The 7000 Series Gas Valve is included in the following kits: 71 2-006, -009, -0 1 6 and -0 1 9. Attach ground terminal connector to the top of the gas valve as shown in Figure #10A. B. The 7200 Series Gas Valve is included in the following kits: 712-008, -015 and -017. Attach the grounding terminal to the gas valve as shown in Figure 108. C. The 2000 Series Gas Valve is included in the following kits: 712-005 and 712-022. Attach the green ground wire in the wiring harness to the terminal on the gas valve as shown in Figure 10C. 2. Install the gas valve so gas flow conforms with inlet gas flow indicated on the valve body. A wrench should only be used on flat surfaces of the inlet boss. Never use a wrench on the body of the valve as this may distort the casting. 3. The valve should be mounted with the wiring terminals at the top for easy access in installation of wiring and fixture service testing. Do not mount valves upside down. 4. Connect the pilot tubing to the pilot gas outlet. Use the fittinq provided and tighten for gas seal. Do not bend the tubing afier tightening. 5. Regulator vent. Both valves have a built-in vent limiter. The regulator vent is tapped so a tubing adaptor can be installed if vent tubino is required by local codes. GAS SUPPLY FIGURE #1(lA FIGURE #1OB FIGURE #1OC I NSTALLATION I NS|)U CTTONS MOUNTING AND WIRING THE IGNITION CONTROL UNIT 1 . The 712 series pilot ignition kits include a six-wire (blue) harness assembly. This harness assembly connects the gas valve to the ignition control unit. Wiring-up the ignition control unit is as follovtts; A. Attach blue wire to terminal "PV" lpilot valve, pilot gas). B. Attach red wire to terminal "MV" (main valve, main burner). C. Attach gray wire to terminal "TH" (thermostat). D. Attach green wire to "GND" terminal. E. Attach black/white wire to terminal "MV/PV" (common;. NOTE: The white and black wires are assembled into one quick-connect terminal and it is normally attached to the MV/PV terminal. However, the GND, MV/PV and TR terminals are electrically identical, and the green, white and black wires may be attached to any of these terminals. 2. lf the appliance has an automatic vent damper, verify that damper is in the full open position. We recommend that the 712 series kit be installed and tested as instructed in SYSTEM CHECKOUT PROCEDURES prior to connecting vent damper into the system. Therefore oroceed as directed below. 3. In order for the flame sensor circuit to function, and to prevent burnout of the gas valve circuit board, the ignition control unit must be grounded. A. Locate the green wire in the six-wire harness. Be sure that this wire is connected to the GND terminal on the ignition unit and to the gas valve - see page L B. Locate the separate ground wire included in the 712 kit. Connect the "ring" terminal to the mounting screw that attaches the pilot assembly to the furnace. Connect the other end to the "TR" terminal on the ignition control unit. 4. The six-wire harness is used to connect the ignition control unit to the gas valve and to the thermostat control circuit. Determine which gas valve type you have (7000, 7200 or 2000) and proceed as directed on pages 11,12 or 13. 5. Some appliance wiring may result in one terminal of the secondary side of the transformer being grounded. lf this condition exists, damage to the transformer may occur if the two wires (black and gray) in the wiring harness are connected improperly to the two wires removed from the old gas valve. lt is necessary to determine which wire is grounded before proper con- nection to the wiring harness can be made. This procedure is quite simple. See figure #11. A. Be sure all gas to the appliance is turned off. Make sure the two wires removed from the old gas valve will not touch the furnace chassis or each other. B. Tum on the electrical power to the furnace and set the thermostat to the high setting. C. Set the test meter to the 24 volt scale. Touch or clamp one meter probe to the chassis of the furnace' D. Touch the other probe of the meterto each wire, one at a time. E. lf no meter reading is obtained, the two wires removed from the old gas valve may be connected to either wire (black or gray) in the new wirinc'r harness. lf approximately a 24 vott reading is obtained at one wire, that wire must be connected to the gray wire in the wiring harness. GROUND TEST FIGURE #11 LEAK TEST AND SYSTEM START 1. Set thermostat low. Set anticipator at .7 amp. 2. Turn on main gas supply. 3. Using a leak test solution, check piping for gas leaks to the gas valve. 4. Turn manual valve or push selector arm on the gas valve to on. 5. Set thermostat to high sefting. 6. Sparking should begin atthepilot. The pilotwill not light immediately due to air in the gas line and in the valve body. 7. When pilot gas is ignited the flame impinges on the flame sensor and the main burner will turn on immediately. 8. Set thermostat to desired setting. 9. Proceed to SYSTEM CHECKOUT PROCEDURES. With the SYSTEM CHECKOUT PROCEDURES com- pleted and the system operating properly, the vent damper can be wired into the system. The thermostat wire is connected to one side of the "end" switch circuit. The gray wire in the new wire harness is connected to the other side of the "end" switch. The end switch is only closed when the damper is fully open. WARNING: Vent damper must be in the fully open position before the ignition system is energized. Failure to verlfy this may cause a serious health hazard to occupants, 10 TOOO SERIES GAS VALVES When installing kit numbers 712-006, -009, -016' a.nd -019, refer to the wiring diagrams shown below. I nls illustrates the wiring methoO-wfren using a 7000.series gas valve. The wiri-ng connections at the gas valve are as follows: A. Locate the 4" white jumper wire in the kit. B. Attach one end (quick-connect) to one terminal of the solenoid valve. Attach the other end to the screw terminal "TR" on the gas valve operator. C. Connect the white wire in the wiring harness to the quick eonnect terminal at "TR". INSTALLADN I NSTRUCTIONS D. Connect the red wire to the "TH" terminal on the gas valve. E. Aftach the blue wire which has a non-insulated connector to the solenoid pilot valve. F. Attach green wire to the ground terminal on the gas valve. See figure 10A on page 9. G. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the "lGN" terminal on the ignition control unit' H. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 5 on page 10 and proceed as directed. TOOO GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING TRANSFORI\./lER -l l- SPARK GAP 1/8' _COMBINATION IGNITOF/SENSOR WHITEJUMPER NOTE: TERiIINALS MV,PV, TR, AND GND ARE COMMON. TWO" wtRE (BLACK & WH|TE) OU|CK CONNECT IIiAY BE I1{STALLEDTO ANY OF THESE TERMII{ALS. IGNITION CONTROL DAMPEB END SWITCH CIRCUIT OAMPER MOTOR POWER SUPPLY -l l- sennr ere vo, _COMBINATION IGNITOF,/SENSOR TOOO GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING WITH VENT DAMPER NOTE: TERMINALS llV/PV, TR, AND GND ARE COMMON. TWO- wrRE (ELACK & WHITE) QUTCK CONNECT MAYBE INSTALLED TO ANY OF TH€SE TERMINALS.WHITEJUMPEB TH PV SENSE rGNrroN counou "ufi TB GND 11 I NSTALLATION IN*UCTIONS 72OO SERIES GAS VALVES When installing kit numbers 712-008,712-015, and 712-017, refer to the diagrams shown below. This illustrates the wiring method when using a 7200 series gas valve. The wiring connections at the gas valve are as follows: A. Attach the blue wire which has a noninsulated connector to terminal "P" on the gas valve connector. B. Attach the white wire to terminal "C". C. Attach the red wire to terminal "M". D. Attach green wire to the ground terminal. See figure 108 on page 9. E. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the "lGN" terminal on the ignition control unit F. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 5 on page 10 and proceed as directed. 72OO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING TRANSFOBMER NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR, AND GND ARE COMMON. TWO. WIRE (BLACK & WHITE) QUICK CONNECT MAY BE INSTALLED TO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. TH PV SENSE rcNrTroN coNTRoL M#; GND IGN -l l-. SPARK GAP 1/8' T2OO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING WITH VENT DAMPER DAMPER END SWITCH CIRCUIT OAMPER MOTOR POWEF SUPPLY NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR, AI{D GND ARE COIj|MON. TWG wrRE (BLACK & WH|TE) QUICK CONNECTMAY BE INSTALLED TO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. TH PV SENSE MV tGNtTtoN coNTROL Mv/;; GND IGN -l l- sPrnx cnP tla' 12 I N STALLATIO.I I N STR U CTI O NS . 2000 Series Gas Valves When installing kit numbers 712-005 and 712-022, referto the diagrams shown below. This illustrates the wiring method when using a 2000 series gas valve. The gas valve connections are made by a plug-in terminal. A. Attach green wire to ground terminal. See figure 10C on page 9. B. Connect the wire from the pilot ignitor/sensor to the "lGN" terminal on the ignition control unit. C. With all wiring completed to this point, return to step 5 on page 10 and proceed as directed. 2OOO IPER GAS VALVE TYPICAL RETROFIT WIRING NOTE: TERMINALS MV/PV, TR, AND GND ARE COMMOI{. TWG WIRE (BLACK & WHITE} QUICK CONNECTMAYBE INSTALLEDTO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. IGNITION CONTROL --+l l+ SPARK GAP 1/8' 2OOO IPER GAS VALVE ryPICAL RETROFIT WIRING WITH VENT DAMPER DAMPER END SWITCH CIRCUIT NOTE: TERMI ALS MV/PV, TR, AND GND ARE CO}IMON. TIVO WIRE (BLACX & WHITE} OUICK CONNECTMAY BE INSTALLEDTO ANY OF THESE TERMINALS. TH PV SENSE rGNrloN corurnor- "u[]TR GNO IGN : 13 SYSTEM CH ECKOTT PROCEDU RES The initial installation portion is now completed and ready the steps outlined below to ensure proper and safe opera- forfinalsystemcheckout. Thecheckoutprocedureslistea iio;. if you encounter any irregularities, refer to the below must be followed. While there are redundant safety TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE on page 15. features built into the system, it is imperative that you follow 1. I Check all wiring connections. 2. I Turn on main gas supply and put the manual valve or selector arm on the gas valve into the "ON" position. 3. I Turn on electrical power. 4. I Thermostat set high. 5. I Sparking begins, pilotgas ignites. 6. I Pilot flame on ignitor/sensor, main burner on. 7. I lf the ignition control unit is a SP715, with main burner on, cycle thermostat off then on. System will turn off and immediately on again. 8. I With the main burneron, turn the manualgas valvetooff position. Wait until allflameisout. Turn manual gasvalve on agaln. A. Sparking will begin as soon as the pilot flame is out. B. Pilot ignition takes place when gas flow is restored. 9. I lf the ignition control unit is a SP845 (lockout), with main burneron, turn manual gas valve off. Sparking will begin when the pilot flame goes out. After g0 seconds the system will go into time delay (6 minutes) and sparking will cease. ThesPS45 lockoutignitioncontrol usedintheTl2seriesUni-Kits,provides90secondsofsparkfollowed by a six minute time delay (purge) period between ignition attempts. After three tries, if no pilot flame is sensed, SP845 goes into a t hour lockout period. At the end of the t hour lockout period, if the demand for heat is still present, unit repeats the three tries for ignition. 10. I Check manifold pressure and compare the reading with those obtained in the PREINSTALLATION SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES. Adjust pressure regulator (if necessary) to match the original input. 11.I y;5us11t determine that the main burner is burning properly, as it was during the PREINSTALLATION SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES; i.e., no floating, lifting, orflashback. Adjust the primary air shutter(s) as required. 12. f lt is absolutely necessary that the system be cycled normally (thermostatically controlled) through at least three complete heating cycles. Set thermostat to a temperature slightly higher than the existing ambient. Allow appliance to cycle ON and run through a normal cycle. Do not manually shorten the cycle. 13.I 4. Applicable only to furnaces. Check both the limit control and the fan control for proper operation. Limit control operation can be checked by blocking the circulating air inlet or temporarily disconnecting the electrical supply to blower motor. Determine that the limit control acts to shut off the main burner gas. B. Applicable only to boilers. Determine that the circulating water pumps are in operating condition. Test low water cutoffs, automatic feed controls, pressure and temperature limit controls, and relief valves in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation to determine they are in operating condition. 14. I The initial checkout procedures have been completed. lf the system has functioned normally, return thermostat setting to its normal setting. lf appliance has automatic vent damper, complete its interface with 712 system as directed in step 9 on page 10. The qualified installing agency must completely fill out and apply the yellow appliance conversion sticker to the front of the aPpliance. Leave these and all other instructions with the nomeowner. 14 rRouBfisHoortNc GUIDE PTLOT IGNITION SYSTEM / FLAME RECTIFICATION / IGNITION CONTROL UNITS SP715 / SP845 THERE ARE FIVE POTENTIAT. PNoeLil,I CONDINONS WITH THE THERMOSTAT SET HIGH: TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING TEST YOU WILL NEED A VOLT /OHMMETER. REFERTOYOURAPPROPRIATEWIR- ING DIAGMMS. SHOWN ON PAGES 11, 12 ANd 13. The ignition control can also be tested, using the Uni-Line ignition control tester, part number 900-575. PROBLEM #1 : Thermostat on, no spark, no pilot gas. Possible Causes A. No main power B. Faulty transformer C. Faulty thermostat D. Faulty limit E. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: 1. With poweron and thermostat set high, setyourtest meterto the 24 volt scale. Probe terminals TH and TR. lf you do not read 24 volts, the problem is not the ignition system. Perform normal system checks of main power, transformer, thermostai and.tne limit control. lf you do read 24 volts at TH and TR the problem is in the ignitionsystem. Check for loose or defective wiring lf wiring is good replace the ignition control unit. PROBLEM #2: Have spark, no pilot gas flow. Possible Causes A. Main gas supply turned off B. Manual valve on gas valve turned off C. Faulty primary valve in the gas valve D. Faulty wire connection E. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: Set test meter to 24 volt scalo. 1 . Be sure main gas valve (gas cock or selector arm) is turned on' 2. With gas on and the system sparking, probe terminals Pv-and TR. With 24 volts atthese terminals and pilotgas does notflow, replace the gas valve. 3. lf you do not read 24 volts at terminals PV and MV/PV replace the ignition control unit. PROBLEM #3: Have Pilot gas, no sPark' Possible Causes A. Def€ctive ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring B. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: Set test meter to ohm scale' 1. Disconnectthe wire from the IGN terminalon the ignition control unit. 2. Touch one meter probe to the tip of the ignitodsensor rod in the oilot. Touch the other probe to the quick-connect at the other end of the ignitor/sensor wire. 3. lfyou have continuityfrom the tip of the ignitor/sensor rod to the connector and no spark, replace the ignition control unlt' 4. lf you do not have continuity through the wire and the ignitor/sensor, check for looso wire connection in the wire' Reoair as needed. 5. Check to see if spark shorts to furnace through a cut in the ionitor wire. PRoBLEM #4: Have pilot flame, main bumer will not tum on' Possible Causes A- Faulty main valve coil in the gas valve B. Faulty ignitor/sensor and/or lts wlrlng C. Grouhd wire not attached to furnace chassis D. Flame rectincation signal from pilot to ignition control unit weak E. Faulty ignition control unit SOLUTION: Set test meter to 24 volt scale' i. witn pir"t Rime on ignitor/sensor -probe terminals-MV an-d MV/PV on the ignition control unit. lf you read 24 volls nere' but not at the gas valve, there is a loose winng connecllon' Repair or replace as needed. 2. ff vou do read 24 volts at MV and MV/PV and the pilot flame is impinging on the ignitor/sensor rod, the problem may be: A. Faulty ignitor/sensor and/or its wiring B. Faulty ignition control unit C. No flame rectification signal to ignition control unit 3. Set test meter to the ohm scale Set thermostat low - system off' 4. Check continuity through the green ground wire .between. the pilot mounting bracket and the ignition control unlt Kepalr or replace as needed. 5. Check continuity through the green ground wire between the gas valve and the ignition control unit. Repair or replace as needed. 6. Check ignitor/sensorforcontinuity, through.the sparusensorrod' Also, ch-eck ignitor/sensor ceramic for cracks. Repair or replace as needed. 7. Reconnect all wires thal were disconnected, including the ignitori sensor wire and the ground wire. 8. Set thermostat high. With the pilot buming and the flame on the ignitor/sensor rod, if the main burner does not turn on - replace the ignition control unit. PROBLEM #5: Short-cycling of main burner. Main burner turns off bafore the thermostat is satisfied. Possible Causes A. Draft condition pulls pilot flame away from ignitor/sensor rod B. Incorrect thermostat anticipator setting C. Pilot flame gets smaller when main burner comes on. D. Faulty limit control SOLUTION: 1. Check the thermostat anticipator setting. Set to .7 amp. A lower setting will cause short-cycling. 2. Set thermostat high, with main burner on, observe the pilot flame impingement on the ignitor/sensor rod. A. lf pilot flame is small and drafi condition pulls flame from ignitorisensor rod the burner will turn off and then on again. B. Adjust pilot flame higher or clean pilot orifice. C. Bend ignitor/sensor rod closer to pilot flame. 3. lf flame impingement on the ignitorisensor is stable and the system short.cycles, check the limit switch. 4. Set test meter to 110 volt scale. A. When the system cycles off, probe the switch terminals of the limit switch. B. lf you read 110V or 24V across the switch terminals the ' limit switch is open. Replace the limit switch. S. A pilot flame set too high will also cause burner to short cycle. Pilot flame lifis over ignitor/sensor. 'REpLAcEMENT pnQrs FoR uNr-LrNE ztilrnres UNI.LINE ORDER NO. FACTORY MODEL NO.DESCRIPTION REPLACEMENT GAS VALVES 314" x3t4" . Includes (2) 3/4" to 1/2" reducer bushinqs. pressure regulator ls factory-set at 3.51_\ry.C,_!C&ralggs. Field adjustable 3" to 7'r W.C. 1" x 1". Includes (2) 1" to 3/4" reducer bushings. High capacity gas valve 720,000 Btu natural gas. 1,150,000 L.P. gas. Pressure regulator factory-set 4.0" W.C. natural gas. Field adjustable 3" to 7" W.C. 112" x314". Includes (1) 314" lo 112" reducer bushing. Pressure regulator is factory-set 3l:l /e-IEluralSas. Field adjustable 3" to 7" W.C. 1/2" x 1/2"..Press.ure regulator is factory-set 3.5" W.C. natural qas. Field adiustable 3 to 6' W.C. 780-715 JT' IC US1715U Nonlockout Nonlockout Models. Flame rectification system. Use with gas valves 7000 BDER.71OO DER, SP715 & SP7.I5A. 780-845 sP845 NU-3-60-5 Lockout LockoutModel. The SP845lockout ignition control used In the 712 series Uni-Kits, provides 90 seconds of spark followed by a 6 minute time delay (purge) period between ignition attempts. Afte. three tries, if no pilot flame is sensed, SP845 goes into a t hour lockout period. Ai the end ofthe t hour lockout period. if the demand for heat is stillpresent, unit repeats the three tries for ignitlon. REPLACEMENT IGNITION CONTROL UNITS PILOT SOLENOID VALVE Uni-Line North America, PO. Box 2000, Corona. CA 91718-2000 USA - G;;-- .-* VALVE OPERATOR 24 volt gas valve operator without pressure regulator. For Nat. Gas or L.P. Gas. 7000 Series only. 24 volt gas valve operator with pressure regulator set at 3.5" W.C. For Nat' Gas only. 7000 Series only. 1750.006 N/A "D" pilot solenoid valve. Use with gas valve 700'056 only.mn 1751-016 N/A "0" pilot solenoid valve. Usewith 1"x 1" high capacity gas valve 700-059 only. REPLACEMENT IGNITOR / SENSOR REPLACEMENT WIRING HARNESS Mounting bracket, mounting hardware and 24" lead. Replacement wiring hamess (6-wire) for 712 Series pilot ignition systems Exceot 712-005 and 712-022. Replacement wiring harness (6-wirG) for 712-005 and 712-022 pilot ignition systems. to 1-963A -, t \ SHYTEEH 1410 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING TNSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION This 1410 remote control system is specifically designed to remotely conhol the operation of a gas appliance that uses a millivolt gas valve. The remote system is powered by 110-120 VAC, yet only a "dry contact" (no power output) is made on the output side cf the remote receiver. FCC REQUIREMENTS NOTE: THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FORANY RADIO OR TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MOOIFICATIONS TO THIS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD VO]D THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT. H TRANSMITTER nl 41 tI ri- tI ,*i+r\=l' lt til il .ffi,.[ ca tl tl L_/ REMOTE RECEIVER SHYTECH This transmitter operates on a 12V battery (included) made specifically for remote controls and electronic lighters Before using the transmitter, remove the insulation tab protecting one end of the battery in the battery compa(ment. It is recommended that ALKALINE batterles always be used for longer battery life and maximum operational performance. This remote control functions on one of 255 security codes programmed at the factory. The transmitter sends either an ON or OFF signal to the remote receiver when either button is pressed. The signal light on the transmitter illuminates to indicate the signal is being sent to the remote receiver. When plugged into a standard 110-120 VAC receptacle, the remote receiver operates on commandg from the transmitter or from the slide switch on the face of the receiver (This switch is to be used during a power outage to operate the appliance manually). The remote receiver is manufactured with a "dry contact'relay in its circuitry that operates like an on/off switch, however, no power or current passes from the 110-120 VAC input side to the wires leading from the output side of the remote receiver. When plugged into a slandard 110-120 VAC receptacle and activated, the remote receiver will open or close the circuit it is controlling without introducing outside power or current. This 1410 remote conkol svstem can be us€d in simplified installations to control a millivolt gas valve without any additional relays or components. WARNING THIS REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM MUST BE INSTALLED EXACTLY AS OUTLINED IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS COMMPLETELY BEFORE ATEMPTING INSTALLATION. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY DURING INSTALLATION. ANY MOOIFICATION OF THIS REMOTE CONTROL OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS WILL VOID THE WARMNTY AND MAY POSEA FIRE HAZARD. The 1410 remote control svstem is designed only for use in millivolt gas valve installations by an electricran c,r apor: . also damage the remote , .J slil'TECH l{10 RF\' 11"'1 Any other use is not recommended unless certified WILL cause damage to the gas valve and may : our local electrical inspector. Incorect wirino connections lR.*l i\l _'j WIIRING MILLIVOLT VALVES TEFM||I,A|- OtOCr( oit il!u!/o(t OO NOT WIRE ANY OUTSIOE POWER DIRECTLY TO THE MtLLtVoLT GAS VALVE. Only energy generated by the thermopile should be attached to the millivolt gas valve. Use of this 1410 remote receiver in-line with thermopile-generated energy is permitted. WIRING ELECTRONIC SPARK TGNITIONS The operation of a 110 VAC1?4VAC power transformer used to power an electronic ignition module can be controlled by the remote receiver as illustrated. NOTE: THE 110-120 VAC/ 24VAC, transformer may be purchased from your appliance dealer, or an electronic parts distributor. lf the remote receiver will not easily plug into the 1'10-120 VAC ouflet, a short extension cord consisting of 18 SPT-2, 105C wire may be installed between the ouflet and remote receiver. Both ends of the extension cord must have polarized connections. A short e)dension cord may be purchased from your appriance dealer or an erectronic parts distributor. BATTERY LIFE Life expectancy of a 12V alkaline battery in this 1410 transmitter should be at least 12 months. \{Vhen the transmitter no longer operates the remote receiver from a distance it did previously (i.e., the transmitte/s range has decreased) or the remote receiver does noi function at all, the battery should be checked. The transmitter can function with as little as g volts of remaining po\^rer before the system will not operate. ELECTRICAL LOAD RATINGS FOR INDOOR USE ONLY .@,, H5* .y__ Appliance LrD I EU control ELECTRICAL RATINGS Input: 120 VAC; 60 Hz Output: 2.5 A; 24 VAC/60H2 or 24 VOC BATTERIES: Transmitter 12V Alkaline (A-23) Remote Receiver 1'lO-120 VAC: 60 Hz Operating Frequency: 303.875 MHZ FCC lD No.'s: transmitter - JATTM-I300N; receiver - JATAP-1300N Canadian ISC lD No.'s: transmitter - 2439 10.| 522i rcceiver - 2439 i11 S22A LIMITED WARRANTY This REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM is warranted for 12 months from the date of purchase or installation to the original purchaser to be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Damage to this SYSTEM caused by accident, misus€, abuse, or installation €rror, whether performed by a contractor, service company, or owner, is not covered by this warranty. The manufacturer will not be responsible for labor charges and/or damage incurred in installation, repair, replacement, or for incidental or consequential damages. Batteries and any damage caused by them are not covered by this warranty. Some states, provinces, and nations do not allow exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights that vary by state, province or nation. FOR TECHNICAL SERVICE, CALL: u.s. rNoulRlEs 8881672-8929 or 219/453-1703 Website: skytechsystem.com CANADIAN INOUIRIES 87 7 I 47 2-3923 or 90sl 47 2-32OO SKYTECH 14IO RE\r. 02,,t)2 I Ps$g'i'i 'Jr:lL li:.j 'i"J',';'ii Jl' ile;1,r!l:'.i l4$fiii.;i. ilirf.ri i:tr.,'li.;,p :tt''eiii!rt:t .i3. ;ili--l: iir:lt:.:-11:it:: .f4f€ii1.,.. r"1. :.,t'r{. :r:i{lis!1.r 0fil \:j:i J4l."i.i: ;;;r- !tr..tl- i:i''.. r,iil- I,i/,i-Li- i L:ii;'n. ?$ Start$i rir':1r"JF-!J Ir!: rt .dr5,'\ rQtr't l1-l':itr'.1 rlr 1i1 'l;;'r-r; i,|,.'i!' 1r's'j i:rhr|..r!, ,r;t ,..;:r jl .t-:rfi;,.i. f:tiitrli:r: :iiii r:l;1r Si:il ;.r.ii..:tV fiI{;;: .i,.it S i/is l I Jii"...j':'r'l'lPr ,ii'f,::;f i".! . {lr!rilrx{:1;i fi.": ir: ti-.iir:. :i::tiliri,5.f..i_ir.!$rr4';1i" iri{J iit'!i'r. -i i. FiiIB-;*t Filir:,li ;laJrrljclst djj:ri.ii ih !:r:r:ijAN{}i. ii J': ir'1 ::r,,:.'Ji':i:; l' CiriTlilrEir.?X. !tll!.i- (.i-',Li- Oi?g,', "i r' t 3ii;..-.) ';*:;ir-n;rr,','l I r) r .itr'lct.,i-{?Ji{l;,;ii \llr, ,:, : : \'ih '-., ' ?i-lr lgr-:ii il} inil :i r0 i,11.. t,.i ,.i€iIh.i; .J; $ i'i.,,i.4e.-i.:.1: i:lri; in -ilC f./i! {-..r{-L l1,lr1,!i 1i"".,:1"":i":i.t l-'lE,.,4 :,,Ji-hl! i\i: l.;i!i fi,c€1-i.1 i,,'i;:L :-r9{: !.dE(-:t'i. 1..it6i ';,r.. r F;u"r:tsi.rd i inr*: l.l$:{,rU r'{fri ;:;,9.i; 9. ..j,'i;_l;":,-i,,irbil.: F-:rt*ttrtl 47 .-'.:Af,4::)tit'' I r ,i / '.'-, r i+ ! "t l t-l l ! ' l L.' '. .\tn V \1r,,^ 9' ,4 )o,n'"' il'5 [(b VI /v LxW /t I U l ,,oj"^ NJU L\' () \np Ail' I \ /^ ri\t vl t t l.ill A^ [N- \il\f il\v\l \ \/D { ilr.rn Id: 53ff F(]i l-..'T:r :.::1 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9 -2138 Job Address Location... Parce1 No. . Project No. 600 VAIL VALLEY NORTHWOODS BLDG 2101-0 81- 1 1-018 PRJ97-0027 DR Status. . . A UNIT 18AppJ.ied.. I ssued. . . Frrn i ra c APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone:p.o. Box 34t9t VAIL, CO, CELL# 47 I-4BBB 81658 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Phone:p.o. Box 3419, vArL, co, CELL# 471-4BBB 81658 OWNER TORGOVE HOWARD H 1020 15TH ST STE 302, DENVER CO 80202 Description: REMODEL BEDROOM/BATHROOM 970-845-1001 970-84s-1001 Occupancy: Rl Type Construction: V Type Occupancy: Valuation: F i reptace lnformat'ion: Restricted: 266.65 DRB MuJ-ti-Family l-HR Type V l-Hour 43, 000 li 0f Gas App t i ances: Add Sq Ft: 55 dof Gas Logs: TotaL Permit Fee--------> .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 1,085.65 50.0O Addi t iona I Fees---------> 55.00 250.00 .00 1,085.65 1,085.65 accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subdi vi si on ***************************************l?lll*l5li;;;;;;;;;;;;**i********lilii;fi-***llillli-lli;;;;;;;;;****i************il?*** ITe,m: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:o4/.01/.1997 CHARLTE ACaiont Noie plelis To cHAFiin-------'- -* O4'/07'/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAVTS I9eni ,9!4q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:04/.07/.1997 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DIRk 04'/07'/1997 DIRK Action: APPR DDM It'em:'05600_FIRE DEPARTTTENT __-_ --,_ Dept: FIRE Division:O4/07 /7997 CHARLIE Aciion: APPR N./A Item:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Divj-sion:o4/07/1997 CHARLTE action: AppR N/A ****t****************************#*******************************************************************************i************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowtedge that t have read_this apptication/ fil,l,ed out in ful,L the information required, compLeted an ptan, and state that alt the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to conrpLy riith tit" in'for."iion to compLy with atl, Toun ordinances and state taus, and to buitd this structuae codes, design reviev approved, uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances o{ the A- rK DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0045 #ot tJood/Pa t tet: *********************************************************** FEE SU t4ARy *****************************t**************************** Bui Ld i ng-----> Ptan Check---> Investigation> llitL caLL----> 441 .0O Restuarant P[an Review--> .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 C tean-lJD DeDosi t-------->Paymen I SSUEL) 04/07 /ree7 04 /01 /reel 1o /nL /'t aq1 '"t "'/ ---' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE I,IADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ing to the ToHn's zoning and Send CLean-up Deposit To: NEDSo CoNSTRUCT ******************************************tr************************************* CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0045 as of Oa/I4/97 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Perrnit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied: 04/07/1997 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 04/07/1997 970-845-1001 To Expirez t0/0a/7997 Job Address:/ Locati-on: NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 18 Parcel No: 2101-081-11-018 Description: REMODEL BEDROOM/BATHROOM Conditions: 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAIJ. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. F'IRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI-, IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY I^TORK CAN BE STARTED. o ION o SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OIJNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number! REC-0259 Amount: 1,035.65 A4/I4/97 09:50 Payment Method: CHECK Notationr #12453 Init! CD Permit No; 897-0045 Type: A-MF ADD/AT"T MF BUILD PER Parcel. No: 2101-081--11-018 Site Address: 600 VAIL, VALLEY DR LocaTion: NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 18 Total Fees : 1, 085 . 65 This Payment 1,035.65 Total ALL Pmts: 1,085.65 Balance: .00 ********rr****************r(************************************** Account Code Description AmounL O 1 O O O O 41310 ,. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 441 . OO 01 OOOO 4t332 PLAN CHECK FEES 286.65 01 OOOO 22002 CI,EANUP DEPOSITS 25O.OO 30 OOOO 45032 RECREATION FEES 55.00 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 E Iect ri ca [---> oRB Fee Investigation> l,i Lt Catt----) TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0046 OWNER TORGOVE HOWARD H 1020 15TH ST STE 302, DENVER CO 80202 Description: ELECTRICAIJ FOR REMODEL Valuation . 2,000.00 *********************************************************** FEE SU14IARy ********************************************************** Job Address Location. . . ParceL No.. ,. Pro ject No. APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P o BOX 975, EDWARDS CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q EI.,ECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 21_01-0IL-11-0L8 PRJ97-0027 co 87632 co 81632 Status...: ISSUED lBAppIied. . : 04/.07 /te97 Issued...: O4/07/1997 Expires. . : lO/04/1997 Phone: 3039263675 Phone: 3039263675 53.00 .00 51.00 53.00 .00 50.00 .00 .00 5.00 53.00 TotaI catcutated fees---) AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Paymen BALANCE DUE---. **)ti***************)t****)t*******hht****t********************{tld,****tt**tdt*****t********i******************************************* Deptr FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2, ALL WORK MUST COMPLY !\']TF 1996 NEC *******************l************************************************************************************************************** DECIJARATTONS I.hcreby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, fiLted out ih futt the intormation requircd, compteted an accurate ptot PLan, and state that att the information provided as required. is correct. r agree to compty riith tfie iniorrnation ano plot itan,to.compLy with atl' Tolrn ordinances and state [aus, and to buiLd this structure according io-the Town,s zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, tlniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipticabl,e thereto. - Item: -O6OOO EI,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT O4/07/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR rlbm:. 056OO T'IRE DEPARTMENT DepT: BUIIJD]NG Division:FOR ERNST REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,k * * ** * ** * * ** * * * * * rk * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0259 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #12453 53.00 04/14/9't 0er5o Init: CD E97-0046 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2 t- 01-0 81- t" 1-018 600 VATL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS BLDG A UN]T 18 Total Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313. 01 0000 41336 Description ELECIRICAL PERMIT FEES W]LI.J CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53. 00 .00 Amount 50.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE Pernit PLUMBING PERMIT AT AI-,L TIMES P97-0026 Job Address Location. . . ParceI No..Project No. I S SUED o4/07 /Le91 04/o7 /ree7 LO/04/res7 794L4 600 VA]L VALLEY DR StaLus. . . NoRTHwOoDS BLDG A UNIT 18Applied..2101-081-11-018 Issued...PR,f97-0027 Expires. . Phone: 30382 Phone l 30382794I4 Description: PLUMBfNG FOR REMODELT VaLuation: 10,000.00 *********************************************************** FEE SUt4l'|ARy ***********tt********************************************* APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P o BOX 2L56 | VArL CO 81658 OWNER TORGOVE HOWARD H 1o2o 15TH ST STE 302, DENVER CO 80202 P Lumbi n9--*--> Plan check---> lnvestigation> tli l, L Cal. L----> RestrErant P lan Revi e|.,--> TOTAL FEES_--.-- Totat Ca Icutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> Total, Permit fee--------> 190.50 .00 190.50 190.50 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on 150.00 37 .50 .00 5.00 .00 190.50 BALANCE DUE..--*******************************************Jr************************************************************************************** Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/07/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Itbn:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALI-, WORK MUST COI{PLY WITE 1994 UPC ************************************************lr********************************************************************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in futl. the informati requi ned,ptan, and state that a . the information provided as required is correct. I agfee tq to comply Hith al,t Torrn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure codes, design rcview approved, Uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Ie Hi th the T an ion ing and REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOTIS SHALL SE IADE N'ET{TY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ORA OF F ICE SIGNATURE OF FOR HII'ISELF **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt *******************************r.******************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0259 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notationt *12453 190. s0 o4/t4/97 09:51 Init: cD Permit No Parce1 No Site Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 .01 0000 41332' 01. 000 0 413 3 6 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WIIL CALL TNSPECTION FEE P97-O026 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2101-0 81-11-018 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 18 Total Fees:190.50 Tota} ALL Pmts: Balance: 190.50 190. s0 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 150.00 37.50 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number Descript j-on: MECHANICAL FOR REMODEL Fi reptace Information: Rest r i cted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #t M97-0042 MECHANICAL PERMIT 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT ].8 2101-0 B 1- 1 1-0 1B PRJ97-0027 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. , I S SUED 04/.07 /7ee7 04 /07 /ree7 10 /04 /reel ; APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHAN]CAI.,, 1111 SOUTH gTH, GRAND JUNCTTON CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAI] MECHANICAL 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTION OWNER TORGOVE HOWARD H 1O2O ],5TH ST STE 302, DENVER CO co 81501 co 81501 802 02 Phone z 827-5'124 Phone z 827-5124 fof Gas App t i ances: Valuation: dof Gas Logs: L r 0oo. oo ,/of tlood/Pa L Let: ********t(****************tr****t(*ii************************* FEE SUll14ARY *******************i************************************** ilechani cat---) P Lan Check---> Investigation> l.l i l. L ca t l.---->Payments DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have rrad this apptication, fittcd out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subd i vi si on to conpty vith att ToHn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this-structure according to 's zoning and codes, design review approved, Llniform Bui|,ding Code and other ordj,rfCnces of t e Town appl to. REQUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IAOE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 20.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> 5.00 oRB Fee---------.00 ToTAL FEES------ 5.00 .00 Tota I Catcutated Fees---) .00 AdditionaL Fees--------->28-00 Total Permit tee--------> 28.00 .00 28.00 > 28. OO BALANCE DUE---- *****************************************ir**********************************r(****************rr*************tr******t(*************** Item: 051OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: O4/07 /T997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARL]E DAVIS It,em:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DeDt: FIRE Division: CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** STGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIiISELF AND OIINER AT <9-oUR ofFlCE F Rol.l 8:00 Al,l 5:00 Pl'l **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0259 Arnount| 28.00 04/14/Sz os:st Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #12453 Init: CD M97-0042 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2 101-0 81- 11-018 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 18 Total Fees:28.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location i This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4r3r2, 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 Descript j-on MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 28.00 28.00 .00 Amount 20.00 s.00 3.00 o \ ,/_- . ^ ,/Foold z EA*6d - ./l\lq -- t-- lafd .*.Ct.llo. ------z)\ !!nx -- aOpr|n $tL CilECK RDQUEST VENDORNUMBER:7 DESCRTPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN Up DEPOSTT REFUND FOR Bp *8V/-rlal NAMEIFI)B: Z, a,Lz ACCOUNT NUMBE|T: /Ot OOOOZZOOZ AMOLINT OF RIIFUND:,'}\ DATE APPITOVID;kso*^ ^ 2- -qg APPROVNL STGNATURI]:AlnL, o a o o Rf:.F' l l :lI 1{ll'ir'.i iir Lja:rI1...., llflt..tlltf:ri)i..i j;'.:r'i!,r /rJ;t sr'iri t- i:iFr,.,l J[;li-i-t.i FUil it'.]i:iiii:illION td{:-,ftH i:ir-.li!:ETi:;i l::tjli:1i::1,,:ltr/(:l;;' Pf.ifil:: .t Jl iqREFl ; {.:i' .-J.-l;.l|l-l:.rid.ii.''|i],1J4:::::.1;::::J'jl:|t}"i"1-ir'r*l3*j'1t''L]i|l]ri;*''|rit':i,j]i,l:iijr:tj(.tiigtr.,rtri ;'r-, r:t c! .1 t ' r,r r:. il : f' ul (it t.l il i l- {J fi i.. i .. F. Y ;-r fi l....':' t:;r'1. .1. i:r r, : r',li-rli l I il4lli.it)S Bl.-t'i:j ii i.ii'j.1. -i f. i-i [:'",rt ,.:i,, .i i ;:i i r./r i *ill,li i. - i I *01Fi L'i: e. r.: r'i Ft, i. dlr inF L; lt"]f.l i. i''ill irr)F i:itr--firli.;[,:i. i)1",I!.1 1 r':rtr1, : !:i !i.Ji.jf: :-ilii::.[: -l- iYi i:: t'l -i t]r i iY;l-: t" iiilliii l l .i)1. i-j'",rn g i' : -l i j l rlii( J ii l:: i"{i.l'v'}Aiifj ! { lllrii. r'i",-:i. Ii'r tli-l L.ii'Jl; :ir'it:: h: l it1lliNIi-il. i'li i"i;r:il'.i .li-.Fl[.. l]r c;;l lJEet l.'h:iril :t i-{;: i'- i:;;:;li, 1,,i i r.) r't e i il'l ir.r n i.: I iJi:''.l - 'ti 7i:;'jf .1. r i r,, p.' tr i.: l, i ir l li e cl t..r i.l !i L l1i,,.i '.i": t l, il , . i:l f l::Li - i?t,'ci -l jrir er iiij,ltli$ l. 't it r.t 5 i'r-r f.l r.,t i: :', i; ix iJ t i:, ti'ri:';),:i !,jr f"l[;ll t.; |.l. . [ .i. I r,r .l lil l.ji.fitat l. {rr;. .,,. l\ ! iii: fi r,i i-' L. 1:j ril ri f-, ri L r ; [11.. i.] i:i . l: r,: .i irsperi.eiJ" " " l:tl-ii'riie: t4l:'t. ,: :].,iI i.i:i , t,,.ti..L. ilF]i...L. r;"1-f1't{ !},jrg*I: .i;1;r U ' ! 1... !,., :il ,il L: t'r'1: 5 i ) - i..li\l .t -i T i iit rr [:iq t. :1.!i::. l.i€i:l:.i.*rr Ii j.iitoi',;. ", " " .i.t: e nr I tlttri;i;tli) lrl{:_i.":ii iir:, r..Lrlr'i I L i+ r',r r v]rZ;l4l/l l-ri,-itli;l -i:],;L i; !-:'r Ir .1. i; r. rrr * t/t tZt.;i 1r;j lri[:.Ljl-i.. i.ll;.). lj .i r, il .i t Brit ; Ul"n.ii:'v'l l4Fi:i { - !.: ')i ir ,r ! I :i 'ir: .i l erl l tuttfr.J,,iUl l'1i-(lti i::li.i'.,f )i !/ i i i: rlr I I.ifl,i'11.4 i!ll': l;l { i'l I t! r': , Ji;crtttl UJA;i!)[r lYlE:rF'i 'r !f,,r.il i. ir r-l i lt: Lr li t; ilir' f,l . TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #3 E97-0046 Job Address: 600 VAII.,, VAIJLEY DR StaIuS. . . : APPRoVED Location...: NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 18Applied..t 04/07/t997 Parcel No.. : 210L-081-11-01_8 rssued. .., 04/07 /1991 Project No. : PRJ97 -0027 Expires . . : IO'/\4'/Iggj APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER TORGOVE HOWARD H 1020 15TH ST STE 302, DENVER CO 80202 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Val-uation | 2, 000.00 *******lr|tff***ffi***ff*'H******ffi**ffrffiiffi**ffi******** FEE SUt4t4ARy *ffi***********ff*******ffi**ffiffi**************** Phonet 3039263675 Phone: 3O39263675 ELectri cat---> 50.0O DRB Fee lnvest igation> .00 Ui l,L Catt----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 Total Calculated Fees---> 53.00 Additional, Fees---------> .00 Tota[ Permit Fee--------> 53.00 Paynents-------- BALANCE OUE----- *ff.tHrffi***********************ffi*ffi#*****ffi**ffi*ffiffi**ffi*****Mffi****************#ffi****i******** ITEM: .06000-EIJECTR]CAL DEPARTUENT DEPI! BUILDING DiViSiON:04/oi /t997 CHARLjE Action:-AFFn-r'on ERNST Item:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***i.******#*****'r****!f*tt**}t.*tttht*irt#*t*|l****t *#,tt#tJd**H,HdtJ,HtJtLlrl t)tl*rld*tttt*Jt*,,rJtffitttffi,f'*i,dt''J,ff*,** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIQNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AIJIJ WORK MUST COMPLY WITfr 1996 NEC tt****rl*#**#********f,**#ffi*rtffiffi#****#*#ffi*Hffi*ffi*#***iffi*****************************ffi**ffi:t*** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow tedge that r have read_this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futl, the information required, compl.eted en accurate plot ptan, and state that att the informat'ion provided as required.is cornect. I agree to compty riith tfie iniorrnation and pt.ot il,an,to compty lrith atL Toun ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structune according to'the Town,s zoning ana subdlvision codes, design revieu approved, lJnilorn Buil.ding Code and othef ordinances of the Tovn appLicabl.e thereto. REAUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE }IADE TI,ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2138 OR AT oUR oFFICE FROI| E:OO A 5:OO p SIGNATUREOTbffi PERI.IIT # - t APPLTCATIoN MUST BE EILLED OUT COI'|PLETELY OR IT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED U r****** ***** *tl**!t******* * **** ** PERI|IT TNFORMATTON ************ **** ***** ********rl [ ]-Buildins t l-pturnbing t Jr-Erec]ri9al [ ]_Mechanibat [ ]_other rob Narne: H,v# iirqn,,e k?t#*Ju,.==, Loo-ueil UalLu 0"". tirinn ,uuorurrrn*,%Legal Description: Lot Block ohrners Nane: Ho,-rl^roQ To L)e- Address:P\.79t-gooo Architect:Address: General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratton g4{6ditional J llnepair 1 1-otr,"- Nunber of DwellLng units, I Nunber of Accomrnodation units: Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Req. NO..|YU'L Phone Nurnber: qlGSF Town of Vail Ree. xo.l7("-D Phone Number: lqS- Cd PLUMBING PI,A}I CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL p[9f;1 ef,rcr' rEilit -RECREATToN Ft&i;:i: ,,. t'ri,S \,r F -w v.\!..-rJr J.\./rt .Fi.G,IL a ,. - \- .'f . CLEAN.UP DEPO|SIt* -,. rorAL rnrurrll'$Estp3 Mechanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE *******************************BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANTCEL PERMIT FEE: AUTLDTNG PI.AN CIIECK FEE: ELECTRICAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: neq. Ho../gO-E ctEAl{ lrP DEPOSIT RESIn|D /)n/6c TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: M97-0042 Job Address. . . Location Parcel- No..... Pro j ect Nurnber 2101-081-11-0t 8 PRJg 7 -002 7 fssued... Expires. . APPROVED 04 /07 /7ee7 04/07 /ree7 LO /o4 /\ee'7 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Status. . . NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT 18 Applied.. APPLICANT STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL phone: 827-5i24 1111 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81501 CONTRACTOR STONE SHEETMENTAL MECHANICAL Phonez 827_5724 1111 SOUTH gTH, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81501 OWNER TORGOVE HOWARD H 1O2O 15TH ST STE 302, DENVER CO 80202 Descripti-on: Valuation: 1,000.00 MECHANICAL FOR REMODEL Fireptace Information: Restnicted: #Of Gas Appliances: #Of Gas Logs: fof Utood/pal.Let: *****************l******************'t********************** FEE SUI'lltARy ******************************t*************************** l'lechan i ca [---> 20.00 Restuarant P[an Reviev--> .OO TotaL Cal,culated Fees---> 28.00 Ptan Check---> 5.00 DRB Fee---------Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES------[i l, l. Ca L l,----> 3.0O payments------- BALANCE DUE----*******tt******************************************************************t******t********i***************t*********************** Item: ,O5IOO.EqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILD]NG Division:04/07/7997 cHARLre action: ApFn CnenLrE DAViS Item:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTB.ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITf, 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknou ledge that I have read this appl'ication, fiLl,ed out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required.is correct" I agree to compl.y with tire infonmation and pl.ot itan,to compl'y t.,ith al'L Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io'the Town's zoning anU subdivision codes, design rev'ieH approved/ uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the rown a[pticabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSP€CTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,JENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 6:00 Afi 5:OO PM SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIi,ISELF AND OIINER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * J. ** * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0256 Amount: 50.00 04/0?/97 L4t0Z Payment Method: CHECK Notation: PREPAID DRB FEES Init: CD TOWN OF VArL, COr_,ORADO Statemnt B9'1 -0044 Type: A-MF 2 L01-0I1-1l--006 600 VAIL VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS BI,DG A UN]T 6 Total Fees:50.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment, Account Code 01 0000 4L33r ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 1,468 .25 s0 .00 1r 418.25 Description DESIGN REVTEW FEES Amount 50. 00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P97-0026 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 2101-0 B t-- 11-018 PRJg7-0027 APPROVED o4/07 /ree7 04/07 /tee7 ro /04/1,ss7 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Status. . . NORTHWOoDS BLDG A UNr[ 18Applied.. APPLICANT GUARANTEED PI,IJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56 | VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PI-,UMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2t56, vArL CO 81659 OWNER TORGOVE }IOWARD H 1020 15TH ST STE 302/ DENVER CO 80202 Issued... Expires. . Phone: 3038279414 Phone: 3038279474 Description: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation: 10, 000 . 00 'ffi****lr****'t******#***#ff********************tr**lrt* FEE SU ifARy ***ffi*#t**************ffiffi**i**********t**ff***Plumbing-----) 150.00 Restuarant PLan Reviev--) .OO TotaL Cal.cul,ated Fees---> 190-50 Ptan Check---> 37.50 ToTAL FEES------Investigation> -0O TotaL perm,it Fee--------> 190.50 t,|i LL caLl,----> 1.00 payments------- BALANCE DUE---_*****************ffiff******L************ffi*****f*************ffffi**ffiffii*t************ffi****ff************iri***S***** Ilerni ,O51qO EUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/07/I9e7 CHARLTE action: ADFn cHanLrE DAViS-Iten:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *******#*ffi******************#*#****************ffiffi*#**i.**i*******s*t**********t*L*********t*****************i**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ErELD INSPEqTTQN$ ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALI-, IVORK MUST COMPLY WITR 1994 UPC *##*ffi******tr******ffitr*****ff****i.tr*********s**********************ffi******************************ffi****#******* DECLARATIONS I _ hereby .acknoH ledge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLl, the information required, compl,eted an accurate pt,ot pLan, and state that at( the information provided as requifed.is correct. I agree to compty riith tire information and ptot iLan,to.compl'y with al'[ To]rn ordinahces and state Laws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ondinances of the lovn appticab(e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TI'EIITY-FOUR HOURS III ADVANCE BY TELEPK'NE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROTI 6100 ATI 5:@ PTt SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELT AN'bUNER TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Locat.ion. . . Parcel No.. Project No. NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P o Box 341,9, VAIL co NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P o Box 3419, VAIL CO TORGOVE HOWARD H 1020 LsTH sr sTE 302, 600 VAIL VALLEY DR dSTqH#i,i;13 PRJ9 6-0046 Statue...: APPROVED AppIied..z oa/B/I995 riiuea.,.t 04/24/tge6 Expiree..: Lo/2L/L996 Phone: 3034754305 Phone: 3034764305 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEI'OPMENT ,I -\8 NoTE:THISPERMITMUSTBEPosTEDoNJoBSITEATAI.,LTIMES noo/alr MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 896-0065 8165I 8165I DENVER CO 80202 FEE SUIIIIARY Bui tding-----> EE4. OO Restuarant Pl.an Rrvi ey--> .OO Tota! Catcutated Fees---> 2'327 '& Pl,rn Check---> 574-fo DRB F!r-------- -------'-v 1OO'm Additionat Fees--------> '00 Investigation> .OO Recreation Fee----------> 266.N Total' Permit Fee--------> ?'327 '60 t,i Lt calt----> :.OO cteEn-up DePosi t--------> 5m'00 Payments------------a 10o-0o TOTAL FEES_-----****************i Description: REMODEL AND ENCI',OSE DECKS Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: v Type OccuPancY: RL Valuation: FireDtace tnfornation: Restricted: Y Multi-FamiIY 1-HR Type V L-Hour Not in table! t35 | 625 #0f Gas Appl.iances: Add sq Ft: 266 ,Of Gas Logs:#Ot t,ood/Pal' I'et: Dept: BUILDING Division:IIem: O51OO BU]LD]NG DEPARTMENT 64/1+/tgga olot Actioli APP irbm:' 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT 64724/\996 DAN Action: APP sFARtlaitNt-- Depti PLANNTNG Division: Eiona APPR LAUREN APPRoVED ---- /24/L996 DAN ACtiON: APPR 6mt' 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT 724/\996 DAN Action: APPR hm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTUENT 04 /24 /L996 DArl Action:It'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORK$ TMENT !!on: APPR N/A Dept': FIRE lJttPu. r rr\'s DeDt: PUB WORK Division: p Division: Item:'05500 PU 04/24/1996 DArr ORKS Action: APPR N/A ffiffi See page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that rnay apPly to this permit' DECLARATIONS I h.r.by acknovl,cdge that t have read this appl,'ication/ fil,Led.out in ful,t the infornation rcquired, GorPl'ctcd an accurltr ptot pl.an, and state that att the infornation pro;ided as rcquired is corrcct. r !9r.r to corpty vith the intorrttion and p[ot ptan, to conpLy r{ith au, Tom ordinrnces and state [avs, and to build this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and suMivisim codes,'disign reviej1 app"ouJ, unifo.r Buitding codc lnd other ordin.nces of tha Tovn appticabte thereto' REouEsrs FoR rtspEcrloNs SHALL BE flADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-213a oR AT ouR oFFtcE FRol{ 8:00 All 5:00 Pl{ Itbn:'.05600 FI 04/24/L996 DArl Tt-'ern:'05500 PU Scnd Ctean-Up Deposit To: NEDB0 "a ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0065 as of 04/24/96 tatus: APPRoVED *******************************************i**l********************************* permir rype: ADD/ALT MF BUrr-,,D PERMTT Applied: 04/,?1/,!2?6- Applicant: NED'Bo coNsrRucrroN tisued: 0!/.2-!/'\229 3034764305 To ExPire: l0/2L/1996 Job Address: Location: NORTHWOODS A-18 Parcel- No: 2101-081-11-018 Description: REMODEL AND ENCLOSE DECKS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.'IANCE' 2. AL,,L PENETRATIoNS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SSALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECToRS ARE REQUIRED IN AL,,L, BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI-, IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5.ASTRUCTUALENGINEERMAYBEREQUIREDToAPPRoVEFRMING BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL OK FRAMING INSPECTION. o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT NO?E: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: E96-0056 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Location. .. : NORTHWOODS #A-18 Parcel No.. : 2101-081-11-018 Project No. : PRJ96-0046 APPLICANT DOUBI-,,E Q ELECTRIC P O BoX 975, EDWARDS CO 8L632 CONTRACTOR DOUBI.,E Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS co 8L632 OWNER TORGOVE HO}TARD H 1020 15TH ST STE 302' DENVER co 80202 Description; TNTERIOR REMoDEL t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Valuation:7, 600 .00 FEE SU}IilANY Total caLcul,ated Fees---> 147 -6 Status. . . applied.. Iesued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30392636?5 Phone: 3039263675 .00 147.00 .00 147.W APPROVED o4/23/Lee6 04 /24 /tee6 LO/2L/tee6 Etectricaf.---> 144.00 DRB FCC Investi gati on> tli LL cat L----> TOTAL FEES---> Dept: BUILDING Division: .m 3.00 147.N Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL PEPARTTENrT 64/24/tsss olot Action: APPR Additionat Fees---------> Tota I Pernit Fc.-------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcfeby EckDoyl,.doe that t have read this apptication, titted out in futl the infornation required, colpleted !n rccuPlte ptot pr"",-ii'a "iit. ttrit att tne into"nation provideo as required.i.s correct. .I agr.c to co pty uith thc infort tion rnd ptot pt!n, to corp[y yith ltt Torrn ordinences and etirtc trvs, and do buiLd this structurc according to thc Torrn's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign rcviev approvcd, uniforn 8uiLding code and other ordinanccs of thr Tom aPpticabtc th.rcto. REouesrs FoR tilspEcrroNs sHALL BE I|ADE TuEr{Ty-FouR t{ouRs r{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHoI{E AT 479'?J,!a oR AT oun oFFIcE fRotl 8:m rt 5:m Pr SIGNATURE OF OiIIIER OR COITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OUNER *i************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIt, CoLORADO statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0126 Arlount:1OO.Oo 04/24/96 08:44 Payment Method: CK Notation: PRE PAID DRB Init: DS **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Locati-on: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 996-0065 TlPe: A-MF 2101-081-11-018 600 VAII-,, VALLEY DR NORTHWOODS A-18 ADD/A].,T MF BUILD PER 2,327.60 100.00 2 ,227 .60 Amount 100.00 100.00 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total Feee: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr-,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: P96-0035 PLI]MBING PERMIT Job Address: 500 VAIL VALL,EY DR L,ocation... : NORTHWOODS 18 Parcel No.. : 2101-081-11-018 Project No. : PRJ96-0046 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLI'MBING & HEATING P o Box 2L56, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLIJMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56' VArL co 81658 OWNER TORGOVE HOVIARD H 1020 15TH ST STE 302' DENVER co 80202 Deecription: INTERIOR REMODEL NORTHWOODS 18 Valuation:1 8, 025 .00 fEE SUIIIIARY Restuarant Pltn Rcvi e},-->.00 Totlf. Catcul,atrd Fcca---> 359-25 Statu6...: APPROVED Applied. .t 04/23/L996 riiued...t 04/24/L996 Expiree..: LO/21/L996 Phone: 30382794L4 Phone 2 30382794L4 Pl,unbing-----> P[rn check---> Invrst igation> Ui It Catl'----> ?85.00 71 .?5 .00 5.00 TOTAL FEES-----Additional Fcca-------> fotal Permit FGe-------> Paynrnts------ BALANCE DUE---_ .q) 359.25 .00 359.25 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEUIT-64-/2+/tsse oxt Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI, ffit****r***t******* DECLARATIONS I hefeby acknovt cdge that t have read this appl,ication/ fitl,ed out in ful,t thc informtion raquircd, cooPtcted !n accurate P[ot ptan, and stltc that al,t, thc infornation pro;idcd as requircd is corrcct. .I ?gr.c to GolPty uith th. infofmtion rnd ptot PLan, to coDpLy Hith att Torrn opdinanccs and st;tc [aHs, lnd do buiLd this structure according io thc Tovn's zoning lnd suMivisiotl coAesr'a'.sign revieu approvcd, uniforr BuiLding Codc lnd other ordinances of the Tovn appticabtc thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TUEITY-fOUR HOURS til ADVA}ICE BY TELEPIIOI{E AI 47Y213E OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROII 8:OO AIi 5:OO PII - |*Contact Eag.le Counry e""""f Office sj,"t'97,t-328.,.8640 for parce_l /l . TowN oF vArL coNsTRU xpARcEL /t:.Jtnl Ogl r\otg PERMTT AppLrcATro-N lv DAIE: q-))-4t PERI'IIT /I CTTON FORM Architect F P Address: 8a^ )lt1 L/+, l, (- ,yr.-qzc t 2L General Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration []Q-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_ Number of Dwelling Units, I Nuhber of Accommodation Units: Eler:trical Contractor: Address: DRB FEE:#tmrJ.- fu -t)oj *1 Plunbing contracto.r _@_F Address' - ,rnn r*,Mechanical contractor: I ' - \J\'/ Plunbing Contractor: \> 1-lt--L? Address: BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'IECHAI{ICAL P}.:F}TIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: one Town f vail nes. no. / 7A-P Phone Nunber: 9S? .tF- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'I.TBING PI,AN CHEEK FEE:I,TECHANICAL PIAN T.HECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: ZGQ CLEAN-UP NEPoslT3 TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: Q|j,EAN ItP IIEPOSIT nEnND T0: tl /- /0/-+i ttot tattu tat taltl', I I I 'l t. I t I I I I ;XTEND NShI EAFTE3T.TD I{EET }J3?4, FOAF l7l, liq. h,ALL HEADERa (vnrv) ll'l' qL!1 t\IF tu/z r6n -l I I ! I tl il ,tl I I I I I ,l:* l- I lz f.- l' ,l VL TD EJ(3 {r H f.l Ir N I I I I I I r1 rl rl ri rl ll rl -ll Efr. 2.3 ,i I I I I I I I t f; I I f; t t, I I tl F -t- -l -t -{ ROOF FRAM'N +/1/r,tt ilM crnsur'rurs, rNc.iilfgfirArn|lnp Aro oEStGN t;j I : T ftr,,| coNsuLrANrs, tNc. '|ilN,gruRAI CIIGINEEFING AND DESIGN trot |.aftt rar ..lt3tt taE[..tl n G40t& ataa I I I I I i I .-,! NOTE' T}119 FT,AMINq IE g}IONN AA /'aSVMED, v3]lFt ALL 3EAM tl 61237 AND CgrErNq ,o4.TtoN3 r--lID--- ExFttr|q LEVEL FLooR FETAM{Nq TAFT oRTHhtooDe lf ra + hqlqb t , o I I 'l I t,rl r.l TEND NE'J RAFTER.S , MEET E'1€-74, F.I)OF )Tq. BRaI. hIALL HEADERS (veerry) ROOF FRAMIN KRM coNSuLrANrs, rNc. STRUCTUML EI{GINEERING AND OESIGN r.o. lor aSt2 YAL. COLOnAOO alaSa ttol ta]tlll f^x a{}trtt I I I { I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1'17" r le et! F srfz l(rt' ,j I f.-- lr i 'l I trJ l- I I l\ F VL FX. TO exs 1r *P t)l/l l-j Ir \ I I I I I I ri rl rl I rl rl li I rl -ll (zt Xra I I I I I I I I I I l' t, I I I t I -t*-t- I -t -a +/1/ 7b N o erH WooD 6 {F la ftr,a coNsuLrANrs, rNc. O STRUCTRAI EIIGINEERING AND DESIGN ?.o. lox a6t2 YAr- GOTOiADO tta6a '1 *1 _..r-_l ," ttot Llllll tax ltt rltt NOTE; THIg FF.AMINq lg SHoNN As A"'gut'tF.D VEBIFY ALL BEAM 9lzE9 AND SEAR| Nq LOCI+TlOrts ---F-1i ii ,: II Ex tSTtNq rbFT LE VE L FLOOR FRAM lN(? 1/t1/7b NoRTHNooDe # tA o o I I o REpT131 TOWN OF VRIL.T COL-ORADO FA6E 4 Il/:E.o/96 O6:58 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:11/86/96 lLEel eD l Activity: Addr"ess: Locat i on : Far"ce I : De scri pt i on : flppI icant r Owner: Cont r-act or' : 896-Afa65 | I /-c6 /56 Type : A-MF 6EIO UAIL. VRLLEY DR NC]RTHWT][]D5 A-IB eIrA1-0SI-I I-rzr1g REMODEL AND.bNCLO5E DECKS NEDBO CONSTRUCTION TORGOVE HOHARD H NEDBO CONSTRUCTiON Status: ISSUED Constr.: AMF Bcc: R1 Use: V l-HR F,hone: 38t347643018 Fhone: Fhone: 3Et347643O5 Inspection Request Information.... Reqr-sss1 or : CARL-NEDBO Req Time: O1:ftO Comments: Items r.eqt-rested to be Inspected... StArAgrZt BLDG-Final F,hone: 989_3rZrg4 Aet i on Time,Exp Inspect i on Item: Item: Item l Item:"Item: HistoFy..... AA510 dr.ivenay grade final U'O010 BLDG-Foot ings/St ee I OEIAE'A BLD6-F or-tndat i onl5t eel AO5;:O PLAN-ILC Site F'lan A0E3O BLDG-Frarn i no fut n tsa Inspect orl: ct) Notesr ADD FACI{ OUTS T0 otao4rzt * * Not Bn File * AtZtASra BLDG-Insulat i on A3/eLl96 Inspectorr CF OrArA6rZr RLDG-Sheetr.ock Nai A3/ei /96 Inspector.: DS 06/la3/96 Inopeetor"l DS tzrnta8flr * * Not on File * AAATA BLD6*Misc. AA'A9|Z' BLD6-Final rAA53O Bl-DG-Temp. C/n IZIA531 FIRE_TEMF,. C/O 0053e F,t^J-TEMtr. C/A UO533 PLAN*TEMF" C/N @Q537 PLAN-FINAL C/D OO53A FIRE-FINNL E/O 48539 F,n*FiNffL C/0 AO54O BL.DG-Final C/B Action: AFF'R bIINDOI^J HEADER IN * Actionr APPR Act i on: PA Action: AtrFR flPF.ROVED BUNK RT]OM AF'PROVED trARTIAL AtrF'ROUAL AF,PROVED 1., Iten: Item r It en : It en: Item: ltemr Iten! Item I Ite),j It'em: ./t*r, :'Item: Item: Item: ULfAHTS " OKRt{ cons KRIVI coNsuLrANrs, tNc. I HC.39491577 STRUCTURAT EIICS'IERINC ANO OE$Gil t,o. rox 671 va. co(oiADo l!||r tlrc] aar.|x1 fAx a4llltt X 1.1- I i I I I : I I -J,--I I /r-t\i' I I I I I t i t,, ra io" 0U {a.||,| fo 011 EX$TG. l"Jla gTEEL bFAM E{9T4. gloFlNq -rl IA" C-CHANNEL5; ,,"*kk 4f (fi-dxrlz' esrBgv_ NEN ROOF FRAM IN NoeruWooDs +ta +/1/'l(' REVISED +/uo lqu t_t m 0 - m o m o m I z t!m -{m l, (t m p z z<CM <z H6 z ?a =i-r n T c fl o - a m o T o rn T a I ci m z o r-81 lRl | -zl tcl t<l I n ol l-'i'l l-l tl L_l za.i -l n1 .t\, ,..r s i.r i-it F !_a -" Cr - !:l l a !-: -!-7 -. .' L:.,-.1 ill .ai !:l 'q (. 't 'z -- .'' iil r-i zr- i-l -i j>z '--! -.. ; { ;'r.. i- -r il ti d m o o o o o ! z d 6 f T o 0 z o a z o ;i l'\j fi ...i1 iJ: i x>+vF= T>"z aac o+= fia"m nX< >:j 8r -'.It m>-n <z m -r'l o tD QE.d :.ag {o t Pd +NOO E&F oo $B CL 6' oo ct> lr_m{o< c z -{(t (D o- z =f m'-! =z iir gri a>oo 'm m x --l .rr ri r:2= o z >r\xm t!z \Jlr! 2# --1 t- =tr -P HHi \n m z >tr =s 1m -o o m f, tt z 3 I ; 2 o c= 1t AZ = 6 @ o G)C m n (t z m r.! a- rTl ;:1 !r - r:'r-'?i tri:>. tc a z g __1 -o -{ z :a iil -,1 .l-:- ri ! g -l o m g)o !'t -l o z B 4 Cf m (t = 6 z B -i o m (n ! =z m (n 'Tl ; -z B 4 m @ o !J o z B ll m a - --{ z g- -l_o m CO o E -l z -n- 4 o m a 5 --.t z P--{_ o m U' I ll =z o tfl F t {'g f:l z -.1 o o ! f) Frorn: A|t(ro B.,llrnbourg To: Rolly Nedbo Dat!: dl,196 Tlm€: ?:19:20 PM NORTHIr'OODS C()NDO|lt t N I (r M A$$OC:tATloN P.O. Bor 12Jl Vall, (lolorado 81658 J 0J-476-J {E6 lar: 30J-.0?9-909J April I, 1996 'fo the Torvn of Vail: The lbllorving unit rertroddlings havc becn approved bv the Archilcctural Review Committee ol' Northrvoods Condominium Association. Unit - B-15 - One balcony'enclosure and kitchen renlodeling. Unit - E-6 - One balcony enclosure in a bedroom. Unit - E-l2 - Three balcony enclosures and kilcheu remodel. I-Jnit - F-7 - Exlension of first floor to inc,lude ski locker and extension of bedroom. conversion of mezzanine level to add a bedroorn and baths. includins the addition ofa dormer to the roof and an exterior stairwav. Linit - F-8 - Extension of lirst floor to include ski locker and extension ofbedroonr. conversion of mezzanine level to add a bedroom and baths. includine the addition ofa dormer to the roof and an exterior stairwav. Approval of these projects are conditional on tlre owners follorviug the Procedures for -{pproval of Architectural Changes Requested Bv Owners established bv the Associarion. l-ours. Arruro Brillembourg President Pagc 2 of 2 I ! T I -4,{p1 4 lQQJar: rtt-fa-a? r I .),FJrl/,?08:! - SrriJ :-l1Tii , r. ,.o.. I cor-Drv-ctrr.,o'""".f ., Q*ruus I Lnll ]lt,; flr.titlll titrtl at a79-ll Zt A??UCATION FOR DDSICN TIVIEW A?PROVAL ,\-\tr LOCATION OT If,OFQfAI,: PHTSICAI ADDTESS; ZONTNO: NAI{EOf O$NER$: HAlUItoaD0llss: owrut6)$CilAr \AMEOT ^PIICANT: lfi':-NLI?CL )D U*'l Utt PHONI: a5- M^lLiiw ADDRlsri:_ Pl{oNE c. wtgotrEvlEwANDrEE. O t{crClrtr'<6...StllC Cq*rnrrofrnr$hiUng ttO lrclrda rry &ou wt:r r5rlrt for3r rr ddc{ o ot nidn*id c cltrrirl btilding tlO ltrltdonin*cfujctslulCi|rma *! irTrqrm. edt c rfl.idtrt. t-fir8. ui{or 5diru. lrrlEln} fg ||.l ntiritl 'vdlr. 68. OGccptrlt trr{t. t0 lqryrp|lcltarlnrlrlpticliuiArrrrilDqr ltryir* Ecd udacrrrinc r^cl.. or rrc dr. ppr Srrtity onptit $rt rhc dai3 jn&hc. Ttl DRS dc cl vce or corql cvlr*r, DRt fr tr to br. Fd r Uc ul' of |,htitl. L{tr. rl.r| tgtnu &r r ha ldilt f'|mt- ttrc id.lnt tlte sr-t&rio oatL pretG. Tb ?ea of vril .riu dlu. tI flc rccfh3l tlr grq!6 v$drn. ?rrAtl grrillT tltrl Attuc^Troil a|r ltjt]ttrr^L rf,{unDi|lrlt AIrD Tir FZt to TttE ocrerrul,|JT Ot col|rft,r{try DEvtLolifu{l, r3 30ufl{ rtoNtAof, t{t^D. v^rL cot (IAE laf7. F Adilrlm- Ef :llf.i r|tr!|b|. tDril0F GENFNAL {IIIFOTMATIq! Thir rgrlkrtc n for uv p{ra nguug Dr7 &lclqr qrt'oral. A,|y FqG rqlllirrl dlaF rsrror rrrr rcrivr Ddrr Rwisrv rmranl lrid ro rD!i[h; ttr r hrlrlag prnrrir Fa odfie infoardsr. rr de rlralll (q'rmr flr &e plrrrlr: gwd tlr r rqrdd Ttc ryldsrro crnrr lc rcc6il uJl rll Or qulr{ inlbrrdqr ir r6;rauorl. Th min ary dr ncd to b avicretl by Ss To*rr Colril ll0or 6: ?bin| Ed -caUrrqrnarll Con|rrrtsr. Hg trrlr llrl 79urr rrDlrrr lr yrer rfirr fiqf q;rqvrl rBltt I DflorgDlllrtrtrlr{dr..rrrctilbnr.r.. Norfrrwools 6i4, l.i , 1* E llr' 9i14 P ..11"' tAGt tt I .!L_ l4t-"-- oFFtr! rf 7. .{. D;scnlPrtoxOFrttzffiquEsr, o 0 zw.. !A^! rll*, A ' l- I t>,-t, |".8-rll"ogta^ - B c, D, e F. lrtdrltd t'r I]UILDING MA'f EITIAI-S:TYPE OF MATERIAL:CO-LQ.R:* MnreH *t sz' Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia ,i Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trinr l{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Tmsh Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting++ Othcr k-bo E]€attr) -BPau*s hSooQ IDDD A/'A * Plcase specify thc nranufacturer's color, numbcr and attach a small color chip ** Ail extcrior lighting must meet tho Town's Lighting ordinance 18.54.050(J). tf cxtcrior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a scparate lighting plan. fdeltifv each fixture type and providc ih. h"ight.boue grade, luurens output, lunrinous arca, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixfurcs' Froil Arltto l'rnmoo.'g I o |ttt sro., NORTHWOODS CONDOTil NltlM AtlsOClATrON F,O. Eot I lJ t l'rll, Colorr tl o ll65t .'lli',i.';i"!,1', Septcmber 20, 1996 fo thc 'Iotrn of Vail: The lirllowing unit renrodelings have been approrcd by' *re .Architectural Revierv Committee ol' N ortr rt'rrcd s Condominium Association. r tlnits.{13 and .{15 - Balcony enclosures and Kitchentrathroom rernodcling. r l.lnit A.1t - Continuation of Fall 96 rcrnodel. r ,,unit A6 - Puio clrue ovct ovcrhmgi4g brlcocy eod gcocrd rcorcdc[ing. r Unit . D. | 2 - Extensive rernodel tral adds nerv dormers tr: roof. Approval of frese projects are conditional on tte orvners fiollorving the Procrdurcs lor Approvrl of Arclritcctuml Chenges Requcsted By Chrners establish€d by the .\smciation. Yours. Arturo llri llernhturg, hcsident o t I rotur'r orr unr-nr'- ---_l ^rrrrrrno. t/ot/ / DtPARI t\T (rf COt t It L-\-t-fr. Dr:\.tC t_0 r )t t:T .-r- tl()Jr:'cr / o l'A4-4 ' ct tl"cNs it^ Dr'_ p^1,^nl-E TO TO\\'N O!- \'Atl. rirwlIUil DIxCt6DI-- l. 0R tir-i' l_ Ul,i B I N (ifODi;---- :l:SCOi\lI'UT-m' ALI'\' l:l:l:s.l / Ril-lNSPECTIO iitu I { slirsP I lc-IloN-t - I l r a^T tO tr S- tlil'l:NsllsT;ii ti s _--- r t r r o-Ir,rT-Sl ciNIetFITi lI^ utttI,.{if; Nll N-Slh_-r ; r : r t llr STENSI;]I T u L\;itTtrIZ,., { . sZ-1s]i\rn '\#iiltf"n'qir,";+H +lr|-oi-1t0llll CASIIT lcrolXOtt/ tlt.OLt *..,b1- -r[tJt-{ flF .Jtrr r L l"li;cel I aneous Ca:":h fi4- rri -:li Ilr'1i,rl::l Fi+':* j. r, t. +| ::::i;! Fic r.:r":,r_.rrr i. if t;:1t 1,t ii[.r]fi r:r r::r::{i l':tTFiur::T I';1.t, !:1f.,' ",Lrrr '1. t'|:,r"r,:li: red .:, I teni paid B 1 u!rurj,+ J i,:i i. *'.ir t-:l-1.*.,gi,ir1 i - ,:, 1. i_r ! - '-t ir ,j :, Ii1i:,' |-tp1p1 F[E-Tr]F:riir lt; '::i i:1 , t:ir:l Rrarc'un t Esid 5lJ. t:1ij r:r r:lr-r { i THtrrt-{k-:. r,rEtJ r1r;,i-.i 1" ,__3;.f ,i4, F ir;:[:l:] l-l'll:i RECEIPT-F rTomof Vail D^rE(- 7 ,F?7 Nf 4?g41 RECEIVEDFROM ADDRES{i Fermit Mrmbers HOW PAID-Cgh-Check,// il$ 'r::- - i ral4_F'rr o*gn Review Action Folr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date 4-7-27 Project Name: Buifding Nune: 4/i;fzrHt -lc:.<ibs - At ' ,uT.' t ,;v ( A uru tT / 8 Proiect Description: Owner,AddressandPhone: t4zt,,-Arzr 't' CAi?ci - Tc,tF r^r,,.t€ /oz o / { lh { Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: z- (o Legal Description: Lot _ Block-Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: - 4- Zone District <DD ' 4- ,A ./ ,/ H7 1; nl I /\ - "6 I t/1 oy o{I\'*.'t ^-,3 a- P /-tT Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: I Approval 3 Disapproval (staff Approvat Conditions: o^t", /- 7-77 ar!a,' *r t. I I tl lv * A. c.(rEqo,rYAten *4l1jr2 ru +*xzo {rv:.*16L% fi1wot w? se4QftxzJu) 4.2+(zl"ar;mt4lnc+t)- '4d )Lr aad€ Aoe i7 izt) !! 4 x? q Y F 4l1?v4 u1 | "w--w- EAilEL ?,vHuNatl AADINET UElt 1vr-rl'r z,.tzE U .* ou€fe ;j/eFlti IEN I^ALI ffi !t I zt-dtra.L L{-dyv.o. r 4d'11p I __1------------- .nL4., Ag9|Trattl il arrcnile -t'4 A44l&, o I 2 a t_J (\ --7 T_ i--:a il P:@E:G ---TF F. +x $