HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT A17,r-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Appollo Green at Northwoods DRB Number: DR8020255 Prcject Description: Enclose balcony, add dormer with loft and new deck addition Participants: OWNER Apollo Green LLC 08/7212002 Phone: 501 Silverside C.arr Exec 100 Wilmington DE LOS ANGELES CA 19809 Licenser APPUCANT NedboConstruction 08lL2lZ0oZ Phone:845-1001471-3519Tom Box 3419 Vail, CO Rlsiesbo@aol.mm 81558 Licenser ProjectAddrcss: 60oVAILVALLEYDRVAIL Location: A17 Legal Descraptlon: Lot: Blo€k A Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel l{umber: 210108111017 Comments: EOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 091I4/2cp,3 Conditions: Cond:8 (Pt AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison ochs DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 Ff ug O? 2O O?r ?Oa Eustaquio Contina . it]i 29. rS96 : OSpU eoB0 c0NsiRUCTl0N I o 9?O 476 r+651 No 4154 P p.1 \it Application for Design Review Depattment of Communtty Development 75 South frontaga Roadr vait, colorJdo 8r6t tel: 970.479.2139 fa* 970,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.ul General Info rmation: AX projects reguiring design revew mus recerve appforal prbf to submitting a bultding permlt apPlicatiofr' Plea3e refe, to rfre suLmittat requirements for the Darticular appro\61 that s requcsted. An applicatio for Desbn Re\4ew canoo! be acceFed uo6t all required information is received by the Communrty Developm€nt Depa(ment. The iropa mav also need to be rerllewed by the Town Council and/or thp Plannhg and Environrnenf.{ Commisgon' 'Oesitn review approvlt leps6 unl€si a buildiog pcrnit is issued and consttrrction oommcnces wlttln p.rcQf No,i qln /o tr t I t o /? (contact Eagle co. Asses:or at 97O'328-86rK! for parcel no.) Zoning: /Yl<n n f.''**Yt rL / Name(s! of owner(s): Namc of ApPlcant: Mailing Address: $50 P!5 tl'00 Der sgu.tre foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 Fot con$ructrcn of a new building o( d€mo/rebuild- $300 For an additbn whae square footage r added to any residert'al or commercial brrllding (lncludes 250 additrons & interior cDnveFions)' 1250 For minor danges to buildings and slte imProverncYrts, st ch as, reroofing, painting, wrndow addtpns, landscaplng, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For mrnor changes to butuings and site lmprovemenB, such as, reroofing, painttng, windor, rdditiont trndscaptng, tences and retaining walls, ek. S20 Fot tevisiotts to plans blrcDdY approved by Plannrng Sbff or the OesgD Review Aoard. No Fee 3!t/9 Type of Review and Fee: o s,gns O Conceptual Review O New Construcbon )( lddrtion O Minor Alteratiofl (multl-familY/commercial) f] Mrnor Alteration . (5inge-family/duphx) O Ch.nges to Approved Plans D SeParation Requ€st ,r*ffi onc ytar of the ePPloval. Descriptlon of the Rqquest: Lo€.tion of the PrcPoJel: Physical Address: Lot:-8lock: Owner(s) Signatut€(s): E-mail AddrF€c: For OfficePse OnlY: Fee Paict: -ffi check t{o \ t-' 82i5.'l ' ' =-;:-- +.r tvA lt R u'- ,.-. SPt.f0 !ttf' ROCX LINCO or lc|,r 62r 7.1'-.!" -.-- 1 ,/) B2t9 2 ' ,- wAT€R vllrt (rro.1 E22J l/, - 5FEt0 OrP t.lt'59 05- R*99.2J' L- 55.19' LCr5a.66 ! C8-S 30'51'l l' w ,/ ll 0l OWLINE .Y'), 6220 5'u 8?Il6! . CR05S tAStr/eNT ACriEEL{tNT . (tsrroR 24.i, PAC;[- 809) i. PART IOF. TRACT B Lt^:[,rl r- L L.l- .l-! l.r"-r:,L t:i:i., L'IIL r trc/ ( lrts ) --o N) NJ $ : 8?12.0 .8?r0 0-821 iC VAUL I .rprcD ) t. f.- cuha ,r ECTULDIR ( r'rP ) Otr'J o o o o #*'*,'** s7'25 47e6467 ROSSDAVIS PAGE O]. Land Title Guarantee ComPan CUSTOMER D]STRIBUTION Dater 05-09-?002 Qur Order Number: v275807 Property Addrers:'unir A-rz, AI{D PARXING UNIT AP-7, BUILDING A, NoRTHwooDs coNDoMINIUMS ROBINSON MITCISLL & ASSOCTAIES IOO E. MEADOW DR SUIIE 7A VAIL, CO 81057 Attn: ROBBYROBINSON Fhone; 97tr477-?153 F{x: 97tr477-2155 EMail: robby@robbymitch.con $qnr Vla Courier*'i FERNAI.IDO LERDO ESIRATEGTA TOTAL/I\4EDIANO ESCOEEDO 718/PI5O 1I DEL MIGUEL MEXICo DF 11590 Atrn: MEXIco DF 11590 Phone: 525-555-455036 EM I: grqo@estrategiatolel. org Sent Via US Poshj Sefvlcc FALL RIDGE VAIL 3I2 N.V. CORP. LATHAM &WATRINS 633 W sTH ST. M000 Los ANCELES, CA e00071 Ann; DONAI-D EAKER Phone: 213-485-1234 Fax: 213-891-8763 Sen Via US Postd SeNice LAND T1TLE GUAMNTEE COMPAM 108 s. FRoNTAOE RD. w. #203 P.O, BOX 357 VAIL. CO 81657 Ann: Danlella Stol? Phofler 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-{75-t1534 EMail: dfloli?@lgc. com ROSS DAVIS, IR.. ATTY AT LAW P.0. BOX 190 vArL, C0 81058 Phone: 970-{75-Z{l{ tqm DOIVIRY s8/s7/2s42 87i25 4isB46t ROSSDAVIS PAGE 02 Land Title Guarantee ComPanY YOUR CONTACTS Date: 05-09-2002 Property Address: UNIT A-I7, AND PARKING UNIT AP-?, Buyer/Borrower: FERNANDO LERDO Our Order Number: V275807 BUILDING A, NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Seller/Orvner; FALL RIDCE VAIL 3I2 N.V,, ANETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION If you havs any inquiries or requlre furtler assistance, For Closlng Assistance: Danielle Stoltz 108 S, FROMAGE RD, W. #203 P.o. Box 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 970-{76-2251 Fax: 970-{76-4534 EMarl: dstolo@ltgc.com please contact one of the numbers below: For Title Assistance; Vall Title DePt' Roger Avila IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD, W, #203 P'O. BOX 3s? VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 970'476-2257 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: ravila@ltgc,com amapor( rectioDs to for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web sl(e at &'n1,1'-ltgc.com r 40 otficd locatiois. ESTIMATE OF TITLT FEES A.lta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletlon of Standard Exceptlons l-3 (Owner) DeleUon of Standard Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Repon SCH# R009367 has been ordered from Eagle Cty $1 ,S35.OO $30.00 $10.o0 $15 . O0 Form CoffrACT THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! g8/47/2OgZ O'l':25 41e64Ft ROSSDAVI5 PAGE 83 Chicago Tltle Insurance ComPanY ALTA COMMITMENT Scheilule A Our order No. V275807 Cust. Ref.: Properry Addressl "U-lur"e:ii, AND PARKING UNIT AP-z, BUILDINC A, NoRTltwooDS cONDoMINIUMS l. Effectlve Date: March 29, 2002 at 5:00 P.M, 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's PolicY l0-17-92 Proposed Insured: FERNN.IDO LERDO $800,000.00 3. The estate or interesr in the land desdibed or referred ro in this Commitment and covered herein isl A Fee Stnple {. Titte to the estate or lnterest coyered hereln ls at the effective date hereof vested in: FALL RIDCE VAIL 3I2 N.V., ANETHERLAINDS ANTILLES CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commihnent is described as follows: CONDOMINruM UNII A-I?, A}ID PARKING UNIT AP-7' BUILDING A, NORTHWOODS CONDOMIMUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOIUINIUM MA? THEREOF, RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975, IN THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF DAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE 81I AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMIMUM DECLARATION RECORDED DICEMBER 23, 1975 IN BOOK Z{5 AT PAGE SIO OF SUCH RECORDS, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ROSSDAVIS PAGE A4 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdonl (Requlrements) Our Order No' V275807 The followtng are the requircments to be complted with: Iten (a) paymenr lo or for the account ofthe grantors or mortgagors of t}e full consideratlon for the estate or interest to be brsured. Item (b) Proper instnrurent(s) crearlng the estate or lntercsl to be iosured must be executed ard duly flled for record, to-wit: Irem (c) Payment of all taxes, cbarges or assessmeil$ levied ald assxsed against the subject Prenlses which are due and payable. Iten (d) Additional reqrdrements, if any dlsclosed below: 1, CERTIFIED COPY OF RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING EOARD OF THE FA'LL RIDGE VAIL 312 N.v., A NETHEBLANDS ANULLES CORPORATION (AUTHORIZING rHE SALE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND rHE EXECUTIoN OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS)AND RECITINC THAT THE BOARD HAs BEEN DULY AUTHORIZSD IN THE PREMISES DY THE CORPORATION. SAID RESOLUTION MUST BE PROPERLY CERTIFIED BY AN OFFTCER OF THE CORPORATION WITH TI{E CORPORATE SEAL ATF'IXED. SAID RESOLUTION MUST BE SUBMI TED TO AND.APPROVED BY LAND TITLE GIJARANTEE COMPAM BUT NEED NOT BE RECORDED. 2. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEIVIBER 16, 1988 FROM FALL RIDGE VAIL 312 N.V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. TO SECURE T}IE SUM OF $225,OOO.O{) RECORDED DECEMBER 08, 1988, IN EOOK {96 AT PAGE 602. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAs ASSIGNED TO GREAT MIDWEST SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIAUON IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED DECEI{BER 20, 1988' IN BOOK 497 AT PAGE l{5. 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTYDEED FROM FALL RIDGE VAIL 3I2 N.V., A' NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION TO FERNANDO LERDO CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY' THE FOLLOWNG DELETIONSA.TODFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY' NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPilONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. 6E/67t2442 87i25 47ea46T a8/s7/2as2 87i25 47s646fu ROSSDAVIS PAGE A5 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Order No. V275607 Contiurued: UPON T}IE APPROVAL OF TI{E COMPANY AND THE R$CEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVTT. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE CENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR I\{ATERI.AL FURNISHED AT THI REQUEST OF FALL RIDGE VAIL 312 N,V., A NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SI{ALL HAVE NO LTABILIIY FOR ANY LIENS ARTSING FROM WORK oR MATERLAL FURNISHDp Ar THE REQUEST OF FERNANDO LERDO. NOTE; ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCU${ENTS REQURED UNDER SCHDDULE B-I. NOTEI UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO RE,{D: TAXES AND ASSES5MENTS FOR THE YEAR 2OO2 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCiIEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE W,A'TER AND SEWER CHARCES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. AAIO7/2062 b7:,25 Ottr4.l,ROSSDAVIS PAGE A6 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Secdon2 (Exceptions) Our Order No' V275807 The policy or policies to be issued w I conraln exceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Righs or claims of partles in possession not sbown by the public records' 2. Eesements, or claims ef s6ss1enB, ilot shol,vn by the public records' 3. Dlscreparlcies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage ir area, encroachmenls, and any facts whlch a conecl survey and lnspection of the prenrlses would disclOse and whlch x1s ne( shorryn by ore public records' 4, Any lien, or right to a llen, for $en|ices, Iabor or materlal (hererofore or hereafier furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public records, 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or o(her matters, if any, created, fint appearing in the public records or artaching subsequent ro the effectlve date hereof but prior to the datc the proposed insured acquirer of record for value thi estate or int€rest or mortgage tbereon covered by this Comrnttment' 6. Taxes or special assess!1ents which are not shor n as existrng liens by &e publtc records. 7. Llens for unpaid waler and sewer charges' tf any' g. In addlrlon, the owrer's pollcy will be subJect 1q the Dorrgage, if any, notod in Seaion t of Schedule B hereof. 9, RIGT{T OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HTS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREIdISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY ?0. 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 511. IO. RICI{T OF WAY FOR DITCI{ES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNIT€D STATES PATEM RECORDED MAY 20, 1905' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5II, 1I. RESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT COMAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESIRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR' RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORICIN, AS CONTATNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1965, IN BOOK 187 AT PACE 5I5. LZ. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDIIIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICfl ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMIMUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 23,1975,IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE 810. 13. CROSS EASET{ENT ACREEMENT DATED AUGUST ZI, Lg74 BETWEEN VAIL ASSOCIATES, a8/a7/2a62 @7125 47s64:l ROSSDAVIS PAGE 01 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sec.donZ (Ercepttons)Our Order No. VZT5807 The policy or policies to bc issuetl will contain exceptions to the following unless the salne are disposed of to the satisfactlon of the Conpanyl INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND VAIL METROPOUTAN RECREATION DISTRICT RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975 IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE SO9, AS IT MAY AFFECT A PORTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY' 14, EASEMEI'IT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR ELECTRIC LINES PURPOSES GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, BY VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AND NORT}TWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCTATION, A COLORADO NON'PROFIT CORPOMTION BY INSTRUMENT REC0RDED MAY 9, 19?9I^I BooK 285 AT PAGE 253 IN WHICH THE SPECIFIC LOCATION OF TI{E EASEMENT IS NOT DEFINED. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF NORTHWOODS CONDONflNUIMS, 6E/67/29A2 A7125 z r7sa46l ROSSDAVIS PAGE E8 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant t0 CRs 10-11-1e2, notice ir hereby gjven that: A) The subject real lroperty mry be located in a speclal ta'{ng dtstricl' . . bi * Crrtin .rr of iols Uue UitUltg each taxing jurisdicdon may be obtuned from the Couty Treasurer's authorlzed agent' C) The trrformatioo r.guraitt"g special distrlcls and the boundades of such districts may be obtained from ' the Board of Count! Comhissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessot. Note: Effective September t, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documeno received for recording or filing in the clerk and reiorder'r offlce shall contain a top margin of al least one ltrch and a left, riSht ald bottoFr mugtn of at least one half of an incb. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document &at aloeinot confonn, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to docuoents using fornrs on which space Is provi-detl for recording or llling iuforuratlon at the top mugin of the document, Note; Colorado Dlvlsion of Insurance Regulatlons 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires {at "Every ttrle entity shall be responsible for all ma ers which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenevei the title entity conducts the closlng s1d ie responslble for recordlng or fiIi1g of tegal ' doclosnts resulting from the tl'aosactlon whlch was closed". Provided that Land Tlde Guarantee Company cotdrctithe closlng of the iusured transaction and ls responsible for recording the legal^<toiumens from the trarsacdon, exceptron nudbor 5 wiU nol appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Pollcy wben issued. Note: Affirmative mechanlc's lien protection for the Owner may be availablo (typically by deletion of Excepdon no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitnen( flom tte Owner's Policy to be issued) upol compliance wtth &e following conditions: A) The land desciibed in Schedule A of thts commi(ment must be a single famtly residence which includes a condominlum or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechaaics ot materlal-men for purposes of construcuon on the land described in Schsdule A of tbis Commitment wllhin lhe past 6 months. C) The Cornpany nust receive an appropriate affidrvtt tndemni$ring the Comparry against un-ftled mechanlc's and materlal'men's liens. D) The Corrpany must recelve paynent of the approprif,(e premium'- E) 11 there his bien consrruction,lmprol'ements or major repairs undertaken on lhe Property to be purcbased wlthin six monrhs prior (o rhe Dale of the Comrnlment, the reqtdrements to obtain coverage for uarecorded liens will includel disclosure of certain co[structlon infonnation; ftaancial informatlon ff 1q the seller, the builder and or tle conractor; payment of the appropriaie premium fully execgted Indemnty Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any addldonal requirements as may be necessary after an examinatlon of the aforesaid lnformation by the Compary, No coverage will be glven under any circumstances for labor or materlal for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Putsuant to CRS 10-11.123, nodce is hereby glven: A) That there is recorded evldence that a mineral eslate has been sovered, leased, or othem'ise conveyed from the surface ertate ard that tbere is a substandal likelihood tbat a thfud Party hotds iome or all lnterest in oil. gas, other milerals, or geothermal energy in the Propeny; and B) That such minelal estate may include the right to enter and use the pmperty without the surface owner's permission. Thls rrotice appltes to gwner's policy commitmenb containlsg a minerat sevetance insrument exception, or excaptions, ir Schedule B, Section Z' Nothing herein contained wlll be deemed to obllgate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully sathfied. Forn oISCL0SURE AB/87/26s2 97i25 4 lso4T ROSSDAVIS PAGE A3 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fideliry Nationat Financlal Group of compantes/chicago Title Insurance company and Land Tide Guarantee ComPanY JulY l, Z00l s"1'::1"8;tii.11g,,trB11illiJfi:i'J.ffi1'.""$:L:sili,"li1,Tl')tf.f$[ilit!'{.'si''lHsii!!:il$jiltT' ',Hf*t#j ff;1H.#tritt#i$Tst,'i$ililljl'""i*t":in'1*'ll,n'nifi![tiJ 3iffisihl: $fio"f6r'o'n Statement from lfune to time consistett wlth aPPuca0le pnvacy nws' In the course of our busines, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: ' From aopllcations or other forms-we receive fron you or vo-ur authorized representatlve;- i,iffi i5lffiitiirji,n-iiiitr"',iii'oil'ttr?i;-ililes $eiis pirfoddbt';us, o'ur affiuates, or others; " Frorn bur hternet web sites;- iffiii lhi ;iit]6il;rds-.;iint.in.O ty govetnmenral entities that we eitlrer obtain direcdy from those entities, oi from our altiliates 0r o6ers; ano + FrOm Cotlsumer or o(het reporting agencies. Our policies Regarding fl1s fletectio$ of the Confrdenttality and Securlty of Your Personal Information We ilralntain Dhwical, electronlc and proce4ural s{gggards to protgct yo;r Personal Informatlon from.unauthorized ;##;'fii;diiil.irv.'ii;r1tii;.;idiil peridnJrififdE-atibf orilv t6 those.employees udo need such acces in ioiiiei[iri',ttrfi'i,;i,ii'al'if-proAncts oi ilrvlc* io you or for other l6gitimate buslneis purposes. Our Policles and Practices Regarding the Shartng of Your Peronal Information We mav share your personal Information wlth qur aJfiliares, sugh as iryqrqtrce companies, agents, and other real estate s-edemeit service prOvlders. We also may disclose your fcrsonal lnromsrron: * to agents, brokers or represen(atives to prqvide you with senices you have- requestqd;- i; tfiA;a.ry;i.:rrnrofi 6'r-Giilli:p-rbilaeiJ "'1'o piovide seri'ilds or perforn markeung or olher functlon's ori our behalf; and - ri*i"rtiliiiil-iltroii fri inier lnto joinr marketlng agreements for products or serrices that we believe you may find of interest. In addiuon, wo will disclose your Per-sonal Informarion when you direqt.or give us permision, when we art reguired [vE*id?; ;0, b?*l'en wei'iiiici'tliuEuldi,iG Ciiminii-ii'ri"itiis. we afso maytlsclosp yogr Personal . . idi"iin":rjon,i[ti;ii;rfi'*;il;fiirGfibi a;pitcii,te piiiacy illis such as,.for ex4inple, wheir dlsclosure is needed to enforce out tighls arising but of my dgr6dment' uan$acuon or relauonstup lvlttr Jou' One of the important responsibilldes of somg of our- aff$iated comparies is to record documens in the public domaln. Such documents may cotrtain your Personal lntornauon' Rlght to Acces Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletlon Certain states alfortl you the rieht to access yoff fersqnal.Informadon and, 8der. certall circumstiances, to find out idiif,ii,i-yo"ilii$iailnf-b-rilAriil!ililie_i itEcl,tji{ ako, certain sutes afford ygl thq right to requ-egt - i-"'..itiiiti, afrioliiiint dd;i';iffi;i'voii-Fi,"oi,ifintoirn"tionl LVd ieserve the rigbt, wher! Pernltted bv law, io chirge a reasonable fee to cover tle cbss incurred in responding t0 such requests' All reouess submitted lo lhe Fidelity.Naltgrral Finanqial Group of Companies/Chicago Tlde llsurance Company shall b'e ln writing, and delivered to-the followint addfess: Prit l6y Qespliance OfFrcer [at'Jg,lil[1i,'l finano;f ' tnc' Satrta Barbara, CA S3l l0 Multiph Products on Services lf \,vs plpvide you with more &an one fbanclal. product or service, you may rua.in. rnote rhan one privacy notice from ris. We apologize for aly inconvenience this may cause you' Fon PRI V. POL. CH I $m In g &=tsNaaq'rE[EVl;iNn NO.356 $iso fris :E$ o O fi G,I h N0.365 P,?/5 DESIGN RESORT o HuG, l.lAV? 31 18Pll ft rl I u 3 LI \5 .I/-/ / . I \P, 425 N0. 355 ,9'tl a N I s f+ .I JU F{< $. n. t-'9's -t -a --tl r R -l x._s: E^'\: $l -n I qJ Ei lrl .r)s ,' lrI- i[- i.=lll !t-q -! 'q, llub. 1. Cs01 3: LgPtvt n I !*F. 4-\ \ i I I i I I l I 'l I I I x' ,FT X 'v s t \ ;, P"r ,p n I '1. * ***+*******+*** **+*++++* * *+++* ****+++** *+* +* * *** **+*+++*+*++ * ****++*+*+++* *+*+++*+***+ +* ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **** * ** ** * +* + *+****+* *+* * *+*+* * ++**t** * **++** * *** *+{.+*'} * + ++***+* +**** *+*++* * **+** * * **+**+{. ** Statement Nuhber: R000002866 Amount: $300.00 08/72/200203:51 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init : JAR Notation: 22604 Nedbo Permit No: DR8020255 Tl4)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 21010 8111017 Site Address: 600 VAIL VALL,EY DR VAII L,ocation: AL7 Total Fees: S300.00 This Payment: $300.00 Total A],L Pmts: $300.00 Balance: S0.00 * * * * * + * * * *,1. * * * * * * * * **,1.**** * * ****** ** * *** * 'N! * ***** ** {.* '1. il *,}* * *+* *'F{. *,1** * ** *'} * * ***:} * * * * * *****:f :t* ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI/ FETS 300.00 6rDau 1cc ftt7 A t .-1 A-tl ELIL u-/;L\- Krf-rlgrj Vei+r-.. i-_ i${rr rr-.s tT -:t lL-iil llrTl,lir.iil iHiir ll lii tr+'t-.il1il i'l I lilj I ll I ttil rI *i-l :illl i:-lil -jj[I lial'. i;, rll -ll lTl I i lr li I :',;;tt --- ,-.-ri|: llili i]iii,,lllil rl I -_ffi iiiiii;ii ii .t [:;l fl lii b4 L_iltl l I i li, rf,iil ilil tii lLl[t =u lT--r iirTr ;lir*l-; ' i i ;:-l-i i i i ,:tr i I . 1--l._, i r,!iii !l*,I _-fT.i =,ili=.==t I r;l -a;1'J7azaal- - o 6.1) rrr d d Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web; www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Apollo Green at Northwoods DRB Number: DRBO3O114 Project Description: Addition of 1 skylight and 1 window Pafticipants: OWNER Apollo Green LLC 04/U/2003 phone: 501 Silverside Carr Exec 100 Wilmington DE LOS ANGELES CA 19809 License: APPUCANT NedboC,onstruction 0411712003 Phone:845-1001471-3519Tom Box 3419 Vail, CO Rgesbo@aol.com 81658 License: Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: A17 Legal Descrlptionr Lot: Block: A Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108111017 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter Date of Approval= 0412512003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condr CON0005818 All materials must match existing and conform to the Northwoods master plan Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Description of the Request:AiY\ f,6f frk -', t LIJ ,'L' Location of the Proposal: Lot:Block:Subdivision; Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2457 webi www.ci.vatl.co.us lv+LF 1,/'/rrtN{ ICF, IOI4IAI General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submittrng a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An appllcation for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is recerved by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. -L,.a,'--L;3 O Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):?4a;*' 44ez"u/ Mailing Addressl Phoner t! Owner(s) Signature(s): _! Name orApplicantt fiTfi-tza- f,,';'n?Lt y'aA nfvVih" { qr'Lf/t";/rc--'x'/ Maifing Addresst ,/'){t/*/L 1('. i'( ,Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: I Signs I Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-fami lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr X D $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already Desiqn Review Board. No Fee approved by Planning Staff or the RIl.eiVEi, F"o"'8ff'uPr" on't' Application Date: Planner: E-mail Address: P.O. BOX 1231 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 303-476-3486 Fax: 303-479-9093 NortlwoodsC.ondominiumAssociation To: Town of Vail ' From: Dick Michaux, President of Northwoods Condominium Association Subject: Spring 2003 Remodeling Projects 'lhe following unit Remodels have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee of Northwoods Condominium Association: Unit Al7 - addition of west of the chimney Approvals ofthese projects are conditional on the owners following the Procedures for Approval of Architectural Changes Requested by Owners established by the Association. %w PurPt"rr # B-oz-o3oa ' 1t 3-t'f-',fi"t ,J'jilY* U t..i;"i /-1 -i7 ^0/./- . y.\) // | , UtrY Lk t"t" o --\r I U:-:i-::; o- -,1 i s. i:,c,,.i r: g. 2-:'rt.'-:'.itth ;,_- t(l.' \lar'rt'r;;vA;' o o a a tl :o ili ,1 i Ji ,n \v z'u 1Z n Ir J F,f i+ F4 (Jri''rl J'$a0 /l F!{r R H*F T {rBn U ) J AI x :r v l"< ,Ll !e e I r,\ F-X:- ?f ryr :tL r-- u -t."''; :'; i l' i"',.,''i,f i G.r t-/ta, .r G/ , \- I \ dE\ qHgH \- o P.O. BOX l23l VAIL. COLORADO 81658 303476-3486 Fax: 303-479-9093 Nortlwoods Condominium Association To: Town ofVail April 3. 2003 From: Dick Michaux, President of Northwoods Condominium Association Subject: Spring 2003 Remodeling Projects The following unit Remodels have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee of Northwoods Condominium Association : Individual owner Projects: uni, e r {Go east wall of loft \__--/ Approvals of these projects are conditional on the owners following the Procedures for Approval of Architectural Changes Requested by Owners established by the Association. Fo ?eP"4rr+ P--t-.,2 r-,?-lt? T) '.t L-\J->-r-' s Wpfuil To /tl*r4 *#- NoTtft,tfuog /'tl{Nw furyrug, Lr,,n:T)c-' t; L&fte' r--)(Te-dz/E> "t ': _' ,. 1:,*.,.,1i'.;...1I ,:::r1 '.i j lj :.1r,-.'it:i t.. i..l i r'.1-:,crt i r, 3-',.\'',.'!'* L.--'. -. lci 2 i I +- i : rl I i -.- ---- --.-..-- !)i ii }:1 'ti i {ll; i l;' Y ll';s'lil ;, 811 c o tr s T R u c,|,gls'4 su':srD ) S+lirl*:l .un*.',ffi,f"**o'*'o' N0.9626 vo?, 2/2 uilrr TVPE: Yltlil.ERstllELD olf,Est sEr FAn^uElparll ?F? u/6Aa* |l|€LE:UGT' llrndng* {6SIru B,O ra!.$!6 St/|Ett m 4r Pflcll t 8/'tz , drsg o*WDTtl a?88 Ht}affT 7t€l;1 cpEg{r|l Lro!, t{yFOT. {t/a0il TPACfiR ll,ra?6 72,142a Ir.tfl3 +tltl3 JAIB .1l. fr tLt{12 {rl|t3 ,lGIl2 ut.dn:rdd, octob.lgq ,nlruNo rcAl'E i lr{ l|uuBER oF s]l flE PRoG. OEI. I ERRORIiP-D-E *l.**+****rt{r**'t't*'}**+++**+***'t**t****,t***t,*,t{r*|l**+**{rtr,}*,i,i*,t*{.*i****,tr.***N{.,(i,t+*lr*!tt,t,t*+*tt,t** TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Sbrement * *'l* * * 'l'** * t' l'r * * 'i t! t' x't * + | * * t +* *+ ++ + +f,r * * * +* * ++ + + + * + + * + * r +rf* *tf* * * f* | r*f * * r + ..i ***** * * * * * t tr * * * *Statetnent Nurnber: RO3OOO3S21 Amount: g20.00 04/L7/2OO3O4;t^O pM Pal'ment Method: check rnit: JAR Notation: 23950 Nedbo Construction Inc Permits No: Parcel No:Site Address : Location: ThiE Palmeng: DRB 0 3 0114 2r0ro 8777077 600 VAIIJ VAI'IJET 477 T)T)e: DRB-Ch9 t.o Appr pl.ana DR VATIJ $20.00 Balance: 90.00 '*,* *'* ** * * * | * ** t * rt r* * 'tr * * * * '*!* * ** ** + +*+**+*+*f+*+++++++*+****i+*f,*+*******r!**r r. i.,r | +,* + * * *{.,. *,* * tt * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Curnent Pnts DR 00100003r12200 DESiGN REVIEI,] FEES 20.00 TotaL FeeE: Total ALIr Pnta: $20. 00 $20. 00 TOIVN QF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, cq 8r657 970-479-2138 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIT, CO 81658 License: 251-A APPI,ICAI{m Nedbo Construction NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 802-0308 fu'o/ c)/"\ L (J., -tL- ccrc!,r -f>\ s A fv,C, ! a.L. (i'( t:'6 1 ,'-r t 1( Box 3419 VaiI, CO Rkjesbo@aol , com License: owNER Apollo creen IJIJC 09/L6/2oo2 501 Silverside Carr Exec l-00 Wilmington DE LOS ANGEIJES EA ].9809 L,icense: Desciption: Enclose balcony, add dormer with loft and new deck addition remodel kitchen/baths paint tile carpet sprinkler system 09/t6/2oo2 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 09/16/2002 Issued...: 10115/2002 Expires...: 04/13/2003 Phone: 970-845-1-001- 09/L6/2002 phone: 845-1001 471-3519Tom Phone: 8165 8 Valuation: $406,500.00 Fireplace Information: Restristed: Y lluilding--> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call--> Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family III l-HR Type Ill 1-Hour ,>,| # ofGas Appliances: 0 $1, 968 . 00 R€stu8rant Plan Review-> lr ,27 9 .20 Pf,$ fse------> $0.00 Recrcationlree------> $3.00 Clean'uPDePosit---> TOTAL FEES-> Add Sq Ft: 540 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 $0,00 90. 00 $81.00 $0.00 s3,331.20 'lbtal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee------> Paynent5-.------t BALANCE DUE__> $0.00 $0. oo * ** * t t* r *rt *t,| * +* + Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ao/L5/2oo2 JRI{ Action: o5/L2/2o03 JRuI Action: rtEM: O54OO PI'ANNING DEPARTMENT Lo/o4/2oo2 ao Action: o5/t3/2oo3 ao Act,ion: AP AP REVISIONS APPROVED AP AP skylight revision DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT .A -rl 6 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location......: 417 ParcelNo....: 2l0l08lll0l7 Project No...: ? f\ g./.C^c"1 IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,TENT Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS 't'll||ll++t,ill:l*:la**atati''+,ftflrtt**:t*taaalaa+,1,1'lt**:tlttatllaatrt+ll'll:i,ljataaaaaattt{.tttt*ltiitaaatatra,tt!t* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALI- BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE ,. , /' l 'l i.b L-JL 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM- OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 * * * {. * * 'f + + 't * * * * * *:t * r*:t * * * + +,t !* * * !* * {' * *:* ***++****'+***rtri!t* +++****!t**:i*{.****+:i******{. tr * *,k,k * '* * * + * * * * *,} * *,t * * *:} *:f * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0308 as of 05-16-2003 Status: ISSUED *'t'1.'*+{.*****rt**:t***+ +** ** ** '*,t *)*****+*+'t *'f * * * *:} * *:t 't * !F + +:t !** * * * * 't,t * *:} ***+ + * + * * * * *,* * *:t * * * * *:i * + * * * !* * * *:* * *,t !fi* * + PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 09/16/2002 Applicant Nedbo Conshuction Issued: l0/li/2002 845-1001 471-35l9Tom ToExpire: 04/13/2003 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Al7 ParcelNo: 210108111017 Description: Enclose balcony, add dormer with loft and new deck addition remodel kitchen/baths paint tile carpet sprinkler system Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINCS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. tl UNS Project #: Building P-ermit #: MVIIOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 BUILDI l, etc.! (t OR IN Town of Vail Email address: Contractor Siqnature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BU For Parcel # C ***********r#**r******t***sr****FoR oFFlcE usE oNLY***r*l!Hrr**$++'k*s**+r*****r***** LDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ JOO,ooo ELECTRICAL: $ lo,aos OTHER: S hK,:J?'O PLUMBING: $ S?reo,MECHANICAL:$ f,,ooct TOTAL: $ </69,ooo ontact E Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www..com Parcel # Q.ta/atrt/o/ry robNan* 4oo//o 64660 /l c JobAddress:- @U4rc U/IZIZY 0'{//F --- '-E-A tn uArc (o f,t st Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: 4.btZlcuoo OS ownerilffi^ Gff^., ALC Ad d res s : fr t -P. : /,.'E g.nf t fSrra Pnone:??6- o2iz Arch itecuDes i g n "''r?A r s7d,t- /Addtess:S, tr12 flrFil4u" u''non"tqil-.t (/ Engineer: //etrl Address: Quy' ?52 /4/L (o $/eSS Phone:?V4 Cpl Detailed description of work: EuCzosn /t4Lc.,4,' / u A4.rt,e,a/ 64Lca'vry-. /uz,u {?of.+tt t-<oFa F".u-al ,ariZria"i)SaTttt , Parur, Tr4 c.*z.a.r- flp''tcttt E/Jrt-''* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel p\ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interiorld Exterior;iQ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo (X Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ftommercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t Y No. of Accommodation Units in this building: (y No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq(/) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes b{ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (\f \VailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 81ffifi. *s\{E Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development A Project Name: A/otzo 6lzrzz<) <te Project Address: This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit application is accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Archltect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Dlans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown o o o o a o [l tr a o u o o o o p Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Work) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed toby: 6*r //ru. z-zsn- Project Name: tl Dal'ei q//y',, 1 F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 Print name tl APPLICA ION'T UILDING PE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 L-o'3C ***i*t*t*+*r******t**+*t*rr****ROUTING INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****i*s****fi***r*r************ C:\windows\Desklop\DFLORES INFo\Revised Bldg permit.doc PLANNING DEPARTMENT: TO:o DRB RE : YORN Planner ,BJ^ir911s.1r14t.*; CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: NEbt]g Ciir\r.; i,tUCilON INC' Town of Vail Reg. l{o.:Gontact and Phone #'s:Pwul q77 oz;b ATTENTTQIh, dG, (3o3),T'q1 t\33 COMPLETE R ED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT :abor & Materials REVfSED AMoUNT: $/SHffis ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISED TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Eaqle Countv Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit .com Parcel# zt tc rofr lf lotT robNanre.kppLl0 Job Address: A t7 ,a/oPfrtl"lOo D e Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name.4F L@.Address:Phone: g/4f-/oo/ ArchitecuDesigner W gW Address:Phone: Ensineer: r'/*j4 Address:enone /ql-/ jV / REASON FOR REVISIONS: BUILDING DEPARTMENT: 10t16t2002 r0lryN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMITS REVISION GHEGKLIST: BUILDING PERMIT #E-cz -o3o( JoB ADDR Esst I//,f A'nr'Uor'Tfuldl THIS CHECKLIST MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORT REVISON PERMIT APPLICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: o NEW REVISION APPLICATION FILLED OUT . PAGES OF DOGUMENTS BEING REVISED o PAGE #'S BEING REVISED MUST BE HIGHLIGHTED oR EALLOONED REASON FOR REVISIONS DRB APPROVAL IF NEEDED 3 SETS OF REVISED PLANS ARCHITECT /ENGINEERED DRAWINGS STAMPED Appllcantts slgnaturer ' Date of Submittal:os--09-o3 Recelved By: ' KRM coNSULrANrs. rNc. P.O. BOX 4572 ' vAlL, coLoMDo 816s8 (970) 949-9391 (FAX) 949-1577 Denver 'l €00-984-9391 FIELD REPORT Sox-o3rot TO: Nedbo Conslruction ATTENTION: Patrick PROJECT: NoTthwoods A-17 JOB NUMBER: PRESENTATSITE: Pau|o, PatTicK, And LoTen STATUS OF COMPLETION: Completed DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: WEATHER: 0207-13 5t14t2003 4:00 pm 4:45 pm cool & sunny This was the final additional bonus specifications. framing observation for this project. All room adjacent to the stairwell appears of the rough structural framing including the to conform to the structural drawings and APPROVEEI Community Dcv3:r. 't O:P: . i:l Bullding Safeb' & Inspcc:.:l Seruicog S.ctioo t06.a.l tno Ei orf fryq d P:rtnlt llc irsuaao or jranting of r pcrd c rpvrl dflf lrifadot !d compuuiol rlull iot bc cooctnrd o to I prt' b c r grcrel o(, uy vidrtb d oy of tic ptovirbof ltdr 6d. cd-t db c&ro C to lsitOfi, hrmiB pr€rumiog ro girE rffit 5 t$le c cld tb pu,t6 d tl codc or othcr ordiorc of thc Jrrbdtdo *rll loa b! vdial Th issulrg:-d.15prmit ba.r€d oo DlE,.Fdicdo rt dbfirI ror prcvcrP8ELiLhg oflicial from tdcaItct ltqddlt b mrcdo d crg.r b arid plsns, spccificabons and cnhcr data, or fron pol&f bEnU Wtor lhiDFg@f[5tfoBtig#t r l:'r {, Tichtios ot dir oodc c of o^rED5- lq-4. '_------'-:-- d 'I N iiril :.'ii,i ilriii l.* _' t- \ .' ./l ' '\ -,/ F-- i\r 1\} f\i I t' -tt -i -i'L---i J N0,3b6 \P,4/5 ., \\ AU\5, t,1gt4< J; l yFrl KLSUI< I UL51GIY l.I $ I + F ,9'' 1i#!,t'taq c*tr a! \3 F lr R x e{ \ -\\5 I I i I r,i. ril 'rii rE JN i$rll i.a llr! -n I 6,J s: J t\- hf"+'ll (r\ F*P .#- r -Il ll I .t I $l I 5i I \l I llr q -t {\I s -"-"r-1 .--...__,_-:__ c q I q F F d.' fr al v {J T, ] '!l lu ;l_u rl TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2135 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Al7 Parcel No...: 2l0l 081 I I 0l 7 Project No : OWNER Apollo creen LI_,C LL/L8/2OO2 501 Silverside Carr Exec 100 Wilnington DE IJOS ANGELES CA 19809 I-,i-cense: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES C(C:oZ-0z(q Permit #: 402-0077 .: ISSUED .: 11/18/2002 . : 04101/2003 .: 09/28/2003 Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . CONTRACTOR THI'L EIJECTRONTC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L620 IJicense: !!2-S APPI-,ICANT THIII-, ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, eO 8]-620 License: 112-S Desciption: INSTALL NEW FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation: $3"289.00 Phone: lr/L8/2002 Phone: 970-949-463A L1,/1"8/2002 Phone: 970-949-4638 Electrical-----> DRB l;ee-----> Investigation----> Will Call----> TOTN L I:EES-> $72.00 $0.00 s0.00 $3.00 $?s.00 $75.00 $0.00 s?5.00 $7s.00 s0.00 Totsl Calculated Fees--> Additional Ices---------> 'lotal Permit Fce---> Paymcnts------------> BAI,ANCE DLJE_:..> Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT 02/05/2003 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I a$ee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town appli thereto. RIQUESTS FOR INSPNCTION SHALL BE MADf, TWEN'TY-FOUR HOURS IN T 479-2!3!fROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SICNA OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *+**** * * * *** *,r*** **** * * f,************< ** +** ** *** ** r. * * * + * * * * '1.:l * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * !t *!N***** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnted on l)4-ll1-2003 il 12:16:33 04t0t/2003 Statement ,1.+**,t ** ++*+* ***+ **** ****+* ** * +**+*******,r****+*** +****i*'r+****t ***i.r.it i. **{.* *r. * *. * + * * * t} r. t***** * Scatement Number: R000003492 Pa)rment Method: Check El ectronics Amount: $7s.00 IL/22/2002!1 :51 AM Init : L,C Notation: #L5225/Tt,iu]-. $75.00 * * *** 4.* * * + **{.*** * ** * * *++*+**** ***** * * + * * * * * * * + * * * + * +* * * * * ****1** ****:}tr***** t** * ****r. *+****:t** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : I-,ocation: This Payment 3 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111400 hJc 001000031i2800 402- 0077 2 L 010 811- 1-0 t ? 600 vArt VALLEY A17 Descrl pti on T)4)e: ALARM PERI4IT DR VAII, Total Fee6 r Tota1 ALL PmtE : BaLartce : Current Pmts $7s.00 97s.00 s0.00 TEMPORARY POI{ER PERMITS h/ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 72.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D02-0050 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : lSSUtlD l-ocation.......: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied . . : 08/30/2002 Parcel No....: 2l0l08lll0l7 Issued...: 09106/2002 ProjectNo.: ?2 lr rt Expires...: 0310512003 a o.r\\o c l--.-.-^- '' OIINER FALIJ RIDGE VAIL 312 NV' '\ 08/30/2002 PhONC: I MR. DONALD BAKER, ESQ 533 W 5TH ST STE 4000 LOS AIIGEITES CA 90071 License; CoNTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 08/30/2002 phone: P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIT, CO 8155I License: 2 51-A APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 08/30/2002 phone; 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAII-,, CO 81658 License: Desciption: DEMO FOR INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $25.000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 liireplace Information: Restricted: # ofGas Applianccs: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ,t * * + * * * *:. ** 't i.ttr*:*1. Building---> $295. oo Restuamnt Plan Review--> 50.00 Total Calculaled Fees-> $4s9. ?5 Plan Check--> $191 .75 DRB Fee----------> $0 . 00 Additional Fces------> S0 . 00 Investigation-> $0.00 Rccreation F€e-----------> 50.00 Total Permit Fcc-----> 5489.75 Will Call---> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit-----> $0-00 Payments------------> $489.75 ]OTAL FEES--------> $48e. ?s BALANCE Dr.iE-.--> 50.00 Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT og/3o/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEI{:r + a,t** r ** * ** + + + l,l r See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate ptot ptan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applj 7 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV Send Clcm-up Dep8it To: N/A OFI'ICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *t**{.***t**+**:}*****!*!t*+***********+*!***!t*****++:t******:S**+****'i**:************d.+**********:t +*** jl.*r.***+*r. CONDITTONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D02-0050 as of 09-06-2002 Status: ISSUED **+'h ***'l'***** *++*:i*** ** *!k* ** )F** **** ** * *+*!r***** +* * * * * * * * * d. * + * *:t,t ** ** ** **** * *** 'i 'f * * 'f *****+** ***:i***:F***** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 0813012002 Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 09/O6DA02 970-845-1001 To Exoire: 03/0512003 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR ParcelNo: 2101081 11017 Description: DEMO FOR INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMITIS GOOD FORASBESTOS ABATEMENTONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWINC THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE.IF FURTHERQUESTIONS AzuSE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 4'19-2250. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * + * * **'*tl **+**+*** * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * **+* * * ***+******,t(i. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratemenr *****+ *** * ** *********** ** *+**********+ *******+*+** ** ******++***** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * *,*,** * Statenent Nurnber: R000003035 tunount: g4g9.7S 09/06/Z!O2O2:56 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init; DDG Notatlon: Nedbo 227 4I Permit No: D02-0050 T)4)e: DEMO. OF PART,/ALL BLDG. ParceL No: 21010811-1017 Site Address: 600 VAII-, VALL,EY DR VAIL Localion: 600 VAIII VALLEY DR Total- Fees: 5489. ?5 This Payment: 9489.75 Total Alrrr pmts: 9489.?5 Balance: 90.00 *!*,1.+** ** * * + ******* *** * * *********** ** ** **** **+*{.**{r*,t* * * * + * * *:* * ** * * * ** * * 'r f, * * * * * * **lf* ** * * * * *** ACCOI-INT ITEM LIST: Account Code 0escription Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 295.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 191.75 l4lc OO1OOOO3112BOO hJILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO tl APPLICATION WILL N coM o OR 97 O- 47 I - 2149 (Inspecdons)s TOVNOFWNIy 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ng TRACTOR INFO General Contractor: 'a Gnts'rZ,t-Zr=/ Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $ t OTHER: $ )ltua 'D$ou, PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL:$ ?t"oo For Parcel # Contact Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit fffi 'J,tfJtJfrrK&""eptedwithoutparcernumber) Job Name: A po <to 6 Rf-,Ztl LLC (tP u.lrc u,4q.z Filing: .r/L/a rf t4/L Pnone: gqn -oJ ? 3 Architect/Desig n"r.(rq / E TJ,L/Address: Je3a F'atslt Phone: 7r7, _t/ // Engineer: KKrq Address: Po7 cttzz l/,4t c G, , /6f, y Phone: ?)6 +? ?/ Detailed description of work: . DE.ttocrr/uu ,ft).e 1t/rrzzti prt,a aani Work Class: New ( )Repair( ) Demoffi Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No Type of Bldg.: Single-family (Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No, of Existing Dwelling U No. of Accommodation UniG in this buildino: let ( ) Wood Burni Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Other Fees: F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly* * * * - c /\\\-.4 '/** * *Rtll* ****** * * * * * ******** ***** *r.m q)mffi 3 pt effi Questions?'Callthe Building Team at 479-232s Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: ,A.OatJo 6rz -r^ , < t-C Project Address: { This checklist must be ompleted before a Building permit applicatrbn is aceoted, All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily comprex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkins or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrinq Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 seG of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown 0 D o o u D tr o tr tr tr 0 0 tr o o ,/ Applicant's Signature: Date of submittall F : / every on e I f or ms I bldperm2 Received By: HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (9701 479.213e Check allthat applies- 1. Which Deparfirnnt(s] did you contiact? Building .- Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB Was your initial contact with our staf immediate_ slow no one available ? lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof? Was this your first time to fle a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you:54321Name {knowledgq responsiveness, availability) Overalleffectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best lime of day for you to use fre Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commifred b improving our service. 1 L fi IDtrrY0F WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES No__+ Does demolition work being performed require the uqe of the Right-of-Way, easements or 'No<public property?YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? No -f YES NO Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO_{ Is any drainage work leing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES- NO X Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NOY Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO V -----'-- If:nswer s NO, ryrking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-Zl9B I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUEMONS. lob or Poect Name; Date Signed: e4 s74<rc7/cv, bntractor Signature F : / e\/ ery on e / f orms I bl d pern4 TOWN OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 4B hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be and depth of work). This may be drawn on submitted indicating dimensions (length, width the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being r'eceived, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Deparrtment will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November fsth. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 r . /,*- Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Proiect Name: Darct FAey'\ Print name F : ev ery o ne / f or ms / bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PW*:[ ['T T T ! Parcer#:I I [ ! - [ ! I - I [ - I I n ls- Brds. Permito,E I I'I I n I 1.Job Nam€Street Address n n n-n (lrunknowncall Ll LJ LJ I I 479-2138 erf.o) Excaveting Contraclor Name Mailing Address TOV Contractor's License Numbor REOUIBED (, zlp City Phone # 4. Start Date Work is lor (circl6 one) Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expkation Oate) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED, 7. 8. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surtaces underneath the A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922'19871 Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 10. aa 12. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922'1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476'7480, ext. 1 14) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922'1 987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970'479-2198) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)' permittee must contact Publlc Works Deoartment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will resrlt inTorteiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charglng the contractor a reinspection fee. I cerlify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility "orpany agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notilied as requirecl. contractor'E signature o{ Agreemant ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTBUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. u$E DASH LINES FOR CUT. Pdnt name cloarly Date of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CUTVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REqUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depatment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culveft installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below, (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBTTED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, ditt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirtr snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notice and Penaltyr It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code, (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-I AND 7.3A-3! PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord, 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will compfy wirh the above code provisions: n , ,//^' lrqr* Position or Relationship to Project: // Dare Signed: __VJS*]__ Print Nam F:/everyone/foIms/bldpennT ,*m ]. ,,;,iil,ffiht#fil, IOWn rrf tl^:r telt g7}.4n.2l3g tax: 970.479.2452 prorect -",", gfif'ff;$.f;iPi eb : www c ua,. co us u m ber:,, Proiect Description: Addition of 1 skylight and 1 window Partlclpants: OWNER Apollo Green LLC 501 Silverslde Carr Exec 100 Wilmington DE LOS ANGELES CA 19809 License; APPUCANT Nedbo Construction Box 3419 Vail, CO Rkjesbo@aol.com 81658 License: Project Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Legal DescripUoni Lot: Block A Subdivision: Parcel Number: 210108111017 Comments: 0411712003 041 L7 12003 Phone: 845-1001 471-3519Tom Location: A17 NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUMS Motion Byl Second By: Votei CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SrAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 0412512003 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail i:taff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond; CON0005818 All materials must match existinq and conform to the Northwoods master plan Planneri Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Date: To: F rom: Pages: 4tr7 t03 Town of Vail Charlie Davis Phone: 970-479-2142 tr'ax: 970-479-2452 Nedbo Constructlono Inc. Patrick Pinnell Phone: 970-845-1001 Fax: 970-845-9979 4 incl. Subject:Apollo Green Job Unit A417, Northwoodr Condominiums TOV Permit# 8-02-0308 Proposed changes to originally approved design at loft area. l. Move master bathroom to new location at west end of loft 2. Make original master bathroom design a master closet 3. Eliminate closets as originally drawn on approved plan \ \ Tl)p_4. Install operable skylight over master batfuoom ffi) Si,-,6,5, Add eastfacing window atloft.@ // flrflryvvy' I t,\ ,--.(7{'oi--(i-,r \ fr, ,'.\1 ,\r/, Y\ ,Y,,,V \ ,4,". I ! I I ! I i - li.'.r-_f-z-i3i::.Fi: 1 ,i , d:cis'1', a. '7:=,."-",:i;4 o/Ai i :-----.-. -r r i:l )i l:.iii I :._----'j ii-_;i | ,:i i2 :r.l :. a. n it ''t; fti a : t. ,,, I nlil;i tA-7'\-./ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL. co 816s7 970-4'19-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Al7 ParcelNo...: 2l0l08lll0l7 projecr No , ?kl .,,i J a A,\ OlilNER Apol1o creen LI-,C 501 Silverside Carr Exec 100 Wilmington DE LOS ANGEIJES CA 19809 License: CONTRACTOR SWEDE I S METAI., FAB P.O. BOX 801 MINTI'RN, CO 8154 5 License: 239-M APPIJICANT SWEDE'S METAL FAB MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0252 -iq,. 1 t-:.>{:^6 Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 11115/2002 lssued..: 04/2112003 Expires. .: 10/18/2003 Lt/a5/2oo2 Phone: LL/L5/2OO2 Phone: 970-331-3336 L7/15/2002 Phone: 970-331-3335 P.O. BOX 801 MINTURN. CO 8154 5 IJicense: 239-M Desciption: INSTALL ONE HUMIDIFIER SYSTEM Valuation: $5,200.00 Fireplace lnforrnatitrn:Rcstricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 {.1. * t,i * l' * *,},*,*,t * * f * Mechanical--> 5120.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S0.00 'lotal Calculated Fees--> S153.00 Plan Check--> S30.00 DRII Fee-*--------> 90.00 Additional Fees----.---> $0.00 lnvestigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----------> $1s3.00 Total Pennit Fee-----> $153 .00 Will Call---> $3 .00 Payments---------------> $1s3 - 00 BALANCE D[JE-----> $o. oo ftem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEN1I L7/20/2002 GCD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1017 oF THE 1997 I'MC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (FI-,DG.): PERMrr,Pr-,ANs AIID coDE AltArysrs MUsr BE pogrED rN MECHANTcAL RooM pRroR TO Al.I INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 3,0 (BLDG. ) : DRATNAGE oF MECHANTCAL RooMs coNrArNrNG HEATTNc oR Hor-wATER suppr,y BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FITOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 199? IIMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2t49 OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *+ + * * * * * * * * *. * * * * + * + * * * * * * *,t * ***+++** * * * 't * * * * * * + + * * * !N. * * * * * * * * * + * + * * * * * 't ************* ****** * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Starement *************+******!t*ti*****:l**+***'|**********+***** ****+*****'i**** **,*********+********* *** * Stat,emen! Number: R030003932 Amount: 9153.00 04/2L/2OO3t1 :53 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Swede's MetaL 1060 Permj-t No: M02-0252 Typle. MECHANTCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-11017 Site Address: 600 VArL VALLEY DR VAIIr L,ocat.ion: 417 Total Fee6: S153 . 00 This Pa)ment: $153.00 Total ALL, pmts3 $153.00 Balance: $0.00 *** *+**'i******** **+ **** *** **+* *'t * * '* * * * * + * * * * * :t * 't ,| t * * * * * * * 't {r * * + + * * * * * ***+* ** '} * * * ,1. * {. * * * * 1. + * * *:t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunr"ent Pmts l4P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERI1IT FEIS 12O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 l4iC 00i00003112800 I,'IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 I ApplrcArroN wrlr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErS olyNsfrEsDf - 6J Project#: I ru'vr MWNuFvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) without the following! MR PR ff,fi. :":::: "*'"'"'"AW Puvlr r**??,?rcfr 1,%*o Flue, o D tr x Mechanical Contractor: ,,,,,1(l ; : ;)),,l,rl -]rl Town ofVail Reg. No.l and Phone #'si 3(/(, tt 7C l[c., . 3'/{ rc E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT Labor & Materials * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * x FoR oFFICE USE ONLY* * ** * * * * * * * * * Conta(t Assessots Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # d+ J1<^ ,,s,c; yt ,c!.t Job Address: f" cc' 1,t t) t ! ltp I lt 1 Dd tti.'il fl -r) LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: oyx.glsflame: (! -., -. - Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: -l__ ,- 'i(Al / c;, -,= i ,., ,, i,.C ,i.-" a '\,{-i. ,,,.., WorkClass: New( ) Addition(71) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruo PO TypeofBldg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) MultFfamily/,{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:x No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noflype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) rov{otp.bEV.\WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PER MITS\MECHPERM. DOC o PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE CHECK LIST FOR NORTEC'S RESDELUX Customer Address Equipment Location Date Last Inspected Serial# Date of this Inspection Inspected By Humidifier Company Name ModelNumber lnspect. Check. Clean. and Adjust all items listed. srEAM GENERATORS............,.. ........................t1 Replace cylinder, check drain valve, and fill valve. suMp AND DRATN L|NES........... .....................tr Clean sump and drain lines and make sure drains and drain lines are free of restrictions. Check for leaks and proper water level. STEAM D|STR|BUT|ON................. ..............................D Check steam line sloping, no leaks, no condensate around blower pack or distribution nozzle. GoNTROLS ..................tr Humidistat, check for proper operation. All electrical terminals for tightness. Disconnect switch, check operation. KEY: O - Okay 3 - Needs Additional Service fl - Repair or Replace Remarks: -16- @ / o - 15 - o SPARE PARTS LIST AND EXPLODED VIEW. RESDELUX o Item Number Part Number D_escription 1 51-9002 i Cylinder type 202 158-1820 Steam distributor kit J provided in the section tiiled OPERATION FoT a TRouBLEsHoorlNG \ ilS,;rtfl:3;:3ffin:'ins prease contact vour eLEASEREAD ]ll:,:=.:L"$t=t#*t \ . *nun contactins your locall"?l:::::1Yt^ij neJeFr**cj^,c'spEctptc DrAGNoslc \ t ili*lE'i::ll;,ffi:nJJtins u"i"run'li]i?ll vrEssnces. \ '""""r1r;;."r.r',"i"rru"r has been obtained for 1 . Ensure the installation.dgtail -Tifo^rn:'Yli'ff \ reference purposes't'J:?,ffiffi;ffi;tained in the lnstallation \ o *n.n"ver the troubteslryli"g -tl"^tt^.T.d]llt" "Jion of tnis manuar. \ . ;;Hffi*,i'njn. 'uin p9?:.tlll,^*".10 "" 2. Understandins ihe Principl" "i 9!::tl::.,:i[. '. \ ffi;iion' ut tne main control board' :irTi;'ruil:"'nLtn""1i^s A basic description is I DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES - TROUBLESHOOTING Tabte #4 ' Troubleshooting Guide I 1?11032 158-1830 Sleam distributor Steam blower pack rhe REsDELUX controrer prov des a nu,mr"l ".Ti;;,',Xn#;"":iliJY"1T:.::,J:XtI:":i:":"::E';J[""#?Yll: nnnrui"I'i*,x*,il'n**:ffi l:l jli;il:"'l;;b'"'ihe'{abe 158-1821 Steam Hose 4' long 158-7104 Cabinet front door I I i 185-3104 Lock assembly with keys ll 8 145-6000 Drain valve complete [_ I _ ___' 1324002 Drain valve coil Tt"Ibly 10 132-6004 Drain valve o-ring I _ _l' I _,, "_':"*"Yl__ - , Y:'"' :l'"']"'v-- ii _ ,, _ _.1_ _13i Y\ ,_ Fl!:ru! u.'il!ry_ | 12 I 149-5072 Brass fitting with gasket it ,_ll 13 158-1450 Fill cup assembly kitwith hoses and ctamps l-14 \ 132-'1216 Drain canal round ] 163-1 026 Gasket for round drain canal t- '135-4012R Cylinder plug RED ;grt _,_"rlr."trrs BLACK ou"r. "uu,nt o':'":']: T:jilli;li^ "" suoorv water) LJ* *dt"t conductivitY' 3l3ii,?'1"" "'.p".qs" ;;;; ir rilt valve leaks (not holding supplv waterl' :1,"j.*[1.fti;Sl;; ;::- pressure may arso cause very conductive water conditions' iffi"l iffi'th; ' was the humidifier short cycling? cvtind-eJl{1;nrvalve check for short cycling il'ilil'l" ffi;;*s-"usrrtilt:"'-**1{fi1/;1i"il"l dqteqtlgl.lslru i'ni,itncaurorhumidtv..r'qgddl:**["g.YT'lf::,il-"'"'il1""iX ;j[i' -' on with call tor numrortv -' t::ld':';;t;ui'j" can be at fault [J'rffi;;;"'.' i;,93jyj[T8itYl]iil5i;,ifiiiir [yllfl+].hffi il Ji l'll! sls "$'?'{ff o o o*" .'on' "'tio n s !o Are power wires connected to proper terminals on the cylinder? I?1still]i"% cvrin der tvpe I off off No power to the lCheck for maln power supply fault' board rurn power switch'to 'Dl?y^P:;5;"t[']tt31?: ;3'J'%':";i:?;:l'"* isound of solenoid)' checK conl When no sound present' :1"** f"t" (replace with 1'5A if needed)' traniformer (v'oltage 'no''o o"'JiJ"tl'i6ffi""i'n iut" holder and lground screw)' l 1 ash off lsequence i 2 flashes in Off sequence l_y,r"tuLu:r-9y[n_9: Power Supply complete 158-1312 , Blower Fan Assembly 15!-2326 Wire "jt*.'"" fgtllwer pack _f8 1395,-_ 158-131 I 23 ,A Not Shown / fl2c.hes ln sequence End of cYlinder life - change cylin der' Check water level in the. cYlinder' sh^ould ;ii;;ii i;; f;"'ins if water level lower or exPected. 6iiuin"o6 Cvrinoer' clean drain valve be about 3/. full' cylinder life shorter tnan GND LI N L2 llO-l 20 Voc I 1O-.l20 Voc CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELUX MODEL RESDELU)VC r^t =SiEP DOWN TRANSFORNIER REMOTE BLOWER PACK CONNECTION GREEN YELLOW HIGH LAMPS Ktr>UtrLU^ WIRING DIAGI{AM No' RSD0001 Rev H Novembcr 15' 1999 off 12- 1i J lrl *1 z <E l! uJ dtr Yo |,U>O=<r &x lrt -l- lrl z6 r^a ZH Eq9 =z oq ul -,t-l ao EEs s6=(D(Jcd cf gr H L _5 r- & (h Fr U j F z c-)z frl r-l a z c!, tT,'i F B J -U (J s \f,(\n > ,-l f Y-1 z lrr X D F >F *u)tr '-f o<JZ X= r-'r liEl U) |-c t '= ?j 3 3 ^ ,-.1 {-r 4< fEt aZut iil 'r, F(&?-Z >E* B-rEB8 AUBAE +{LraiCrl Fr '-{ ;i tJ. c''g> v, g=<q <<* -kail ET$58 TF-A5 A I,7 lJl t F!DfV- ts o<7 :-!+?F GI F{ E >.H EEXB ^/ ! Fi r-!--//-/.\ ;- |li ri \, , ,r.! r'i rr ca: F 2F=9 <Fta lJi ->v 'HlgrHlgffiF ial la- V F =6e U a(-) O # rll 1N lG r+s ArA aa ,:\ FI :> o o PROCEDURES AND TERMS USED IN DIAGNOSING PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION _ .Th" conductivity of the water within the cvlinder must be controlled in order for the humidifl"ri6 -- function property. The filt and Or"in iut"r riu.iOu maintained. Filling too quickly can ""u." ou"i-",ipinS and automatic shutdown or biown fuses. flttino iol slowly can cause insufflcient steam ortpui "no" '-" foaming. Water supply pressure should be between 2s and 110 psig. oiii;i;rg too stowty ..n ""r."'--'over-concentration and malfunction due to foamino.These are just some example, or *nat can io'*ritng it the fill and drain rates are not maintained. FILL RATE _-, Fitl ratg: of suspect units should be checked. Fitl rares snoutd measure nominally at 1" to 1_112,, of vertical rise in water level in the cylinder in one minute. Clogged fill vatve wiil cause lower fill rate. The fill valve strainer is removable and can be cleaned.'- " DRAIN TIME Manual drain time of a half full cylinder takes approximately 25 seconds. lf time measurements are longer, repeat with the external drain disconnected (and Orainin.q into a oaifj to verify that the externat drain is impedi,io no* irli',still does not drain, check for a ctogged ;ff;;; "; ' drain. . A clogged strainer or drain valve will cause shortened cylinder life. Determine wnat causeO tne strainer or drain valve to clog in the first place. . . Do not assume that if a strainer and/or drain valve is clogged that it is to blame. ff tne extemai Urain ias been.impeding flow then waste accumulates resultino in a clogged strainer or clogged drain. Clean the drain valve and install a fresh cvlinder.Then measure the manuat orain time witn-anii"iti"rt the external drain connected. ls the externar Uiain'--'impeding flow? NORTEC recommends an open external drain line. See the Installation ,".tion of tni.manual. RATED AMPERS This refers to amps listed on the humidifier spectltcation label. - 11 -13-:l Form 02-58 SHORT GYCLING When the 'on time' of the humidifier is less than ten.minutes upon a call for humidity. l, ""rr".t'rf]ort , \ .., .,.,. m:H'r?i*',il:'ffiimni6mxJtt;;n:1; I ) as low as 25% of rated output, thus extending tn" *-time'requiredi. rrirLi, i,ltput. Excessive short I :l:liS,T3y cause higher water conductivity (mineral content) than designed for the unit. FOAMING _ A phenomenon which can occur in water when impurities, .already in the water, reach an "r.".1-concentration as result of boiling "way pui"'*ate, anO the, continued boiling action agitating itre "ontain"J - water. The humidifier electronics ".i O""ign"JtJ-prevent this occurrence although in extremie cases water will foam with litfle concentration, makino it necessary to have the drain time of the water,contained in the cylinder, increased. Foaming is normally caused by short cycling, - *rt.i"teO"Or"in, o,back pressure. The foam, generated in these Insrances, is conductive and may lead to a false full cylinder indication if the level of ine ioam "ppr*.n-".the top of the cylinder. BACKPRESSURE . Restrlction of steam flow caused by imorooerlv stoped sream tines, etbows "nrngintthl Ji'["ti#'lr the steam flow from horizontal to-veiicat *tn""i " - condensate drain leg, and any plumbing detail allowi the accumulation of condensate. MONITORED LEG . Refers to the primary wire, to the cylinder, which loops through the curreni sensing device on tn. rn"in elp rnls wire is terminated at i-he red ;yti";"; il;'at the cylinder. WWW.h midity,com RESDELUX Steam Humidifiers illation, Operation, aintenance and leshooting Guide tr Inst Trou o IMPORTANT: READ nfrf e ga guide to be teft with equipment owner. o ry IIOfteC' RESDELUX www.humidity.com Steam HUmidifiefS I nstal lation, Operatiotr, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide o o I IMPORTANT: READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. This guide to be left with equipment owner. Form 02-58 1505691 REV. A o Table Of Contents INSTALLATION RECEIVING & UNPACKING EQUIPMENT PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKPOINT HUMIDIFIERCONFIGURATION. . . LOCATION & MOUNTING HUMIDIFIERS STEAM DISTRIBUTOR NOZZLE (in duct location) STEAM HOSE INSTALLATION. CONDENSATEHOSE(supplied). . . . . BLOWER PACK CONNECTION . CABINETMOUNTINGTHEBLOWERPACK . . . . REMOTE MOUNTING THE BLOWER PACK PLUMBING. WATER SUPPLY LINE . . DRAIN LINE. ELECTRICAL. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENTLY CONNECTED RESDELUX ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELU)OC LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING AND INSTALLATION . CONTROLWIRING . . CONTROL INSTALLATION OPERATION 1 1 1 1 1 z 3 3 4 4 5 6 o 7 INTRODUCTION.. .......7 RESDELUXOPERATION . . . . . .7 MANUALCAPACITYADJUSTMENT ........8 OTHERPOTENTIOMETERS. ......8 MAINTENANCE 8 STEAMCYLINDER . . .8 WHENTOREPLACETHESTEAMCYLINDER ........8 HOW TO REMOVE THE STEAM CYLINDER . . . . 8 HOWTOINSTALLTHEREPLACEMENTCYLINDER... ......9 MANDATORYCLEANINGOFTHEDRAINVALVE . .... . . .9 EXTENDEDSHUTDOWN . . . . . .9 TROUBLESHOOTING 10 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES PROCEDURES AND TERMS 4n 14 - TROUBLESHOOTING USED IN DIAGNOSING -, - INSTALLATION 1. REGEIVING & UNPAGKING EQUIPMENT Check packing slip to ensure ALL material has been delivered. All material shortages are to be reported to NORTEC within 48 hours from receipt of goods. NORTEC assumes no responsibility for any material shortages beyond this period. lnspect shipping boxes for damage and note on shipping waybill accordingly. Afier unpacking, inspect equipment for damage and if damage is found, notify the shipper promptly. All NORTEC products are shipped on an F.O.B. factory basis. Any and all damage, breakage or loss claims are to be made directly to the shipping company. PRE.INSTALLATION CHECKPOINT Ensure that available voltage and phase corresponds with humidifier voltage and phase as indicated on humidifier's nameplate label. Ensure that the dedicated external disconnect switch is of sufficient size to handle the rated amps as indicated on the nameplate label. Refer to local codes. Report any discrepancy immediately. Figure #1 *5g1et 2. 3. 4. o' z. ? -1 HUMIDIFIER CONFIGURATION To avoid any danger, never operate the humidifier with a door off. To open the door, use the key to unlock, lift door up slightly and pull door forward. LOCATION & MOUNTING HUMIDIFIERS RESDELUX Series humidifiers are designed to mount on a suitable wall or vertical surface. Do not sit on floor due to additional clearances required for plumbing, electrical, and control access holes. The clearance dimensions shown in this manual are for reference only and are the minimum required for maintenance of the humidifier. Local and National Codes should be consulted prior to final location and installation of the humidifier. NORTEC does not accept responsibility for installation code violations. 1. Location of the humidifier should be below and as close as possible to the steam distributor location or blower pack. Net output will be reduced as a result of heat loss through long steam hose. For front clearance requirements for access during installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, see Figure #2. Figure #2 Clearance Reo ui rements Where possible, mount humidifier at a height convenient for servicing. To mount the humidifier use two #8 screws, 2" fong, and secure into a standard 2"X4" wood stud or equivalent structure. Make sure humidifier is level. z. 4. NOTE: Localandnational codesmaydeviale. Ploase consu lt applica bl6 codes forclearance requirements Min.36' Fmnbl CleaFnce I Y Figure #3 Wall Mounting Detail 6. DO NOT mount humidifier on hot surfaces. 7. DO NOT mount humidifiers in an area where freezing may occur. 8. DO NOT mount humidifiers on a vibrating surface. 10. DO NOT mount the humidifier to a duct or olenum. STEAM DISTRIBUTOR NOZZLE (in duct location) 1. When installing the steam distribution nozzle of ihe RESDELUX humidifier it must be located in the supply duct at least 4 feet from any obstructions such as bends, fans, filters, etc. to prevent wetting (see flgure #4). Figure #4 Steam Distributor Nozzle in Duct Location Figure #5 Steam Distribution Nozzle Mounting Arrangement Figure #6 Steam Plumbing Arrangement Above Humidifier 4. Steam distribution nozzle below top surface of humidifier: The steam hose must first rise to the minimum height of 1 ft (305 mm) above the top surface of the humidifier and thereafter slooe a minimum 5o in a uniform manner toward the nozzle. A separate drain line must be provided for condensate that collects at the steam distribution nozzle (Figure #7). Figure #7 Steam Plumbing Arrangement Below Humidifier o I 2. 3. The steam distribution nozzle can be mounted in the bottom wall or on the vertical walls of the duct. lf the duct wall is more ihan 3/4" (20 mm) thick, the nozzle will have to be mounted from the inside of the duct. Remove internal insulation material if necessary. (See figure #5). When the steam disiribution nozzle is located above the top surface of the humidifier: The nozzle must be at least 1 ft (305 mm) above the too surface of the humidifier. Locate the steam hose so that it slooes at an anole of at least 20' (Figure #6). ;IL o ry IIOfteC' RESDELUX www.humidity.com Steam HUmidifiefS I nstal lation, Operatiotr, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide o o I IMPORTANT: READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. This guide to be left with equipment owner. Form 02-58 1505691 REV. A o Table Of Contents INSTALLATION RECEIVING & UNPACKING EQUIPMENT PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKPOINT HUMIDIFIERCONFIGURATION. . . LOCATION & MOUNTING HUMIDIFIERS STEAM DISTRIBUTOR NOZZLE (in duct location) STEAM HOSE INSTALLATION. CONDENSATEHOSE(supplied). . . . . BLOWER PACK CONNECTION . CABINETMOUNTINGTHEBLOWERPACK . . . . REMOTE MOUNTING THE BLOWER PACK PLUMBING. WATER SUPPLY LINE . . DRAIN LINE. ELECTRICAL. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENTLY CONNECTED RESDELUX ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELU)OC LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING AND INSTALLATION . CONTROLWIRING . . CONTROL INSTALLATION OPERATION 1 1 1 1 1 z 3 3 4 4 5 6 o 7 INTRODUCTION.. .......7 RESDELUXOPERATION . . . . . .7 MANUALCAPACITYADJUSTMENT ........8 OTHERPOTENTIOMETERS. ......8 MAINTENANCE 8 STEAMCYLINDER . . .8 WHENTOREPLACETHESTEAMCYLINDER ........8 HOW TO REMOVE THE STEAM CYLINDER . . . . 8 HOWTOINSTALLTHEREPLACEMENTCYLINDER... ......9 MANDATORYCLEANINGOFTHEDRAINVALVE . .... . . .9 EXTENDEDSHUTDOWN . . . . . .9 TROUBLESHOOTING 10 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES PROCEDURES AND TERMS 4n 14 - TROUBLESHOOTING USED IN DIAGNOSING -, - INSTALLATION 1. REGEIVING & UNPAGKING EQUIPMENT Check packing slip to ensure ALL material has been delivered. All material shortages are to be reported to NORTEC within 48 hours from receipt of goods. NORTEC assumes no responsibility for any material shortages beyond this period. lnspect shipping boxes for damage and note on shipping waybill accordingly. Afier unpacking, inspect equipment for damage and if damage is found, notify the shipper promptly. All NORTEC products are shipped on an F.O.B. factory basis. Any and all damage, breakage or loss claims are to be made directly to the shipping company. PRE.INSTALLATION CHECKPOINT Ensure that available voltage and phase corresponds with humidifier voltage and phase as indicated on humidifier's nameplate label. Ensure that the dedicated external disconnect switch is of sufficient size to handle the rated amps as indicated on the nameplate label. Refer to local codes. Report any discrepancy immediately. Figure #1 *5g1et 2. 3. 4. o' z. ? -1 HUMIDIFIER CONFIGURATION To avoid any danger, never operate the humidifier with a door off. To open the door, use the key to unlock, lift door up slightly and pull door forward. LOCATION & MOUNTING HUMIDIFIERS RESDELUX Series humidifiers are designed to mount on a suitable wall or vertical surface. Do not sit on floor due to additional clearances required for plumbing, electrical, and control access holes. The clearance dimensions shown in this manual are for reference only and are the minimum required for maintenance of the humidifier. Local and National Codes should be consulted prior to final location and installation of the humidifier. NORTEC does not accept responsibility for installation code violations. 1. Location of the humidifier should be below and as close as possible to the steam distributor location or blower pack. Net output will be reduced as a result of heat loss through long steam hose. For front clearance requirements for access during installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, see Figure #2. Figure #2 Clearance Reo ui rements Where possible, mount humidifier at a height convenient for servicing. To mount the humidifier use two #8 screws, 2" fong, and secure into a standard 2"X4" wood stud or equivalent structure. Make sure humidifier is level. z. 4. NOTE: Localandnational codesmaydeviale. Ploase consu lt applica bl6 codes forclearance requirements Min.36' Fmnbl CleaFnce I Y Figure #3 Wall Mounting Detail 6. DO NOT mount humidifier on hot surfaces. 7. DO NOT mount humidifiers in an area where freezing may occur. 8. DO NOT mount humidifiers on a vibrating surface. 10. DO NOT mount the humidifier to a duct or olenum. STEAM DISTRIBUTOR NOZZLE (in duct location) 1. When installing the steam distribution nozzle of ihe RESDELUX humidifier it must be located in the supply duct at least 4 feet from any obstructions such as bends, fans, filters, etc. to prevent wetting (see flgure #4). Figure #4 Steam Distributor Nozzle in Duct Location Figure #5 Steam Distribution Nozzle Mounting Arrangement Figure #6 Steam Plumbing Arrangement Above Humidifier 4. Steam distribution nozzle below top surface of humidifier: The steam hose must first rise to the minimum height of 1 ft (305 mm) above the top surface of the humidifier and thereafter slooe a minimum 5o in a uniform manner toward the nozzle. A separate drain line must be provided for condensate that collects at the steam distribution nozzle (Figure #7). Figure #7 Steam Plumbing Arrangement Below Humidifier o I 2. 3. The steam distribution nozzle can be mounted in the bottom wall or on the vertical walls of the duct. lf the duct wall is more ihan 3/4" (20 mm) thick, the nozzle will have to be mounted from the inside of the duct. Remove internal insulation material if necessary. (See figure #5). When the steam disiribution nozzle is located above the top surface of the humidifier: The nozzle must be at least 1 ft (305 mm) above the too surface of the humidifier. Locate the steam hose so that it slooes at an anole of at least 20' (Figure #6). ;IL o ry IIOfteC' RESDELUX www.humidity.com Steam HUmidifiefS I nstal lation, Operatiotr, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide o o I IMPORTANT: READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. This guide to be left with equipment owner. Form 02-58 1505691 REV. A o Table Of Contents INSTALLATION RECEIVING & UNPACKING EQUIPMENT PRE-INSTALLATION CHECKPOINT HUMIDIFIERCONFIGURATION. . . LOCATION & MOUNTING HUMIDIFIERS STEAM DISTRIBUTOR NOZZLE (in duct location) STEAM HOSE INSTALLATION. CONDENSATEHOSE(supplied). . . . . BLOWER PACK CONNECTION . CABINETMOUNTINGTHEBLOWERPACK . . . . REMOTE MOUNTING THE BLOWER PACK PLUMBING. WATER SUPPLY LINE . . DRAIN LINE. ELECTRICAL. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENTLY CONNECTED RESDELUX ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELU)OC LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING AND INSTALLATION . CONTROLWIRING . . CONTROL INSTALLATION OPERATION 1 1 1 1 1 z 3 3 4 4 5 6 o 7 INTRODUCTION.. .......7 RESDELUXOPERATION . . . . . .7 MANUALCAPACITYADJUSTMENT ........8 OTHERPOTENTIOMETERS. ......8 MAINTENANCE 8 STEAMCYLINDER . . .8 WHENTOREPLACETHESTEAMCYLINDER ........8 HOW TO REMOVE THE STEAM CYLINDER . . . . 8 HOWTOINSTALLTHEREPLACEMENTCYLINDER... ......9 MANDATORYCLEANINGOFTHEDRAINVALVE . .... . . .9 EXTENDEDSHUTDOWN . . . . . .9 TROUBLESHOOTING 10 DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES PROCEDURES AND TERMS 4n 14 - TROUBLESHOOTING USED IN DIAGNOSING -, - INSTALLATION 1. REGEIVING & UNPAGKING EQUIPMENT Check packing slip to ensure ALL material has been delivered. All material shortages are to be reported to NORTEC within 48 hours from receipt of goods. NORTEC assumes no responsibility for any material shortages beyond this period. lnspect shipping boxes for damage and note on shipping waybill accordingly. Afier unpacking, inspect equipment for damage and if damage is found, notify the shipper promptly. All NORTEC products are shipped on an F.O.B. factory basis. Any and all damage, breakage or loss claims are to be made directly to the shipping company. PRE.INSTALLATION CHECKPOINT Ensure that available voltage and phase corresponds with humidifier voltage and phase as indicated on humidifier's nameplate label. Ensure that the dedicated external disconnect switch is of sufficient size to handle the rated amps as indicated on the nameplate label. Refer to local codes. Report any discrepancy immediately. Figure #1 *5g1et 2. 3. 4. o' z. ? -1 HUMIDIFIER CONFIGURATION To avoid any danger, never operate the humidifier with a door off. To open the door, use the key to unlock, lift door up slightly and pull door forward. LOCATION & MOUNTING HUMIDIFIERS RESDELUX Series humidifiers are designed to mount on a suitable wall or vertical surface. Do not sit on floor due to additional clearances required for plumbing, electrical, and control access holes. The clearance dimensions shown in this manual are for reference only and are the minimum required for maintenance of the humidifier. Local and National Codes should be consulted prior to final location and installation of the humidifier. NORTEC does not accept responsibility for installation code violations. 1. Location of the humidifier should be below and as close as possible to the steam distributor location or blower pack. Net output will be reduced as a result of heat loss through long steam hose. For front clearance requirements for access during installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, see Figure #2. Figure #2 Clearance Reo ui rements Where possible, mount humidifier at a height convenient for servicing. To mount the humidifier use two #8 screws, 2" fong, and secure into a standard 2"X4" wood stud or equivalent structure. Make sure humidifier is level. z. 4. NOTE: Localandnational codesmaydeviale. Ploase consu lt applica bl6 codes forclearance requirements Min.36' Fmnbl CleaFnce I Y Figure #3 Wall Mounting Detail 6. DO NOT mount humidifier on hot surfaces. 7. DO NOT mount humidifiers in an area where freezing may occur. 8. DO NOT mount humidifiers on a vibrating surface. 10. DO NOT mount the humidifier to a duct or olenum. STEAM DISTRIBUTOR NOZZLE (in duct location) 1. When installing the steam distribution nozzle of ihe RESDELUX humidifier it must be located in the supply duct at least 4 feet from any obstructions such as bends, fans, filters, etc. to prevent wetting (see flgure #4). Figure #4 Steam Distributor Nozzle in Duct Location Figure #5 Steam Distribution Nozzle Mounting Arrangement Figure #6 Steam Plumbing Arrangement Above Humidifier 4. Steam distribution nozzle below top surface of humidifier: The steam hose must first rise to the minimum height of 1 ft (305 mm) above the top surface of the humidifier and thereafter slooe a minimum 5o in a uniform manner toward the nozzle. A separate drain line must be provided for condensate that collects at the steam distribution nozzle (Figure #7). Figure #7 Steam Plumbing Arrangement Below Humidifier o I 2. 3. The steam distribution nozzle can be mounted in the bottom wall or on the vertical walls of the duct. lf the duct wall is more ihan 3/4" (20 mm) thick, the nozzle will have to be mounted from the inside of the duct. Remove internal insulation material if necessary. (See figure #5). When the steam disiribution nozzle is located above the top surface of the humidifier: The nozzle must be at least 1 ft (305 mm) above the too surface of the humidifier. Locate the steam hose so that it slooes at an anole of at least 20' (Figure #6). ;IL o STEAM HOSE INSTALLATION 1. ' The length of the steam hose must not exceed 4' (1.2m). 2. lt must not be restricted in any way (e.9.., a kink resulting from a short radius bend). Avoid condensate traps in the hose (See Figure #8). Figure#8 Steam Hose Routing Avoid Water Traps 4. Use wall clips (p/n 158-5001) to supporl the steam and condensate hoses and maintain 1" clearance from the wall. The connection can also be made with 7+' copper pipe with 1" thermal insulation rated for 215"F(1 01'C). GONDENSATE HOSE (supplied) Under normal circumstances, when the steam distribution nozzle is above the top surface of the humidifier, the condensate hose is routed back to the top of the humidifier and fed through the opening provided to the fill cup. Cut the ends diagonally and simply insert /2" in the appropriate hole in the top of the humidifier. Install a 3/8" copper tubing trap at the lowest point in the condensate system. Connect to the hose with a clamp Figure #6). BLOWER PACK CONNEGTION The RESDELUX humidifier can be purchased with an optional blower padk for direct room humidification. The blower pack is field installed on the RESDELUX humidifier cabinet or located remote from the RESDELUX humidifier. The blower pack is powered directly frcm the RESDELUX control board. lt cannot be powered separately. On a call for humidity, blower fans are powered and remain powered for about two minutes after steam production is interrupted. Cabinet Mounting of the Blower Pack The RESDELUX blower pack comes with a bat;ic hardware kit. The kit contains all the hardware required to cabinet mount the blower pack. NOTE: Mounting of the blower pack must be performed before the RESDELUX humidifier is installed and wired. L Remove the RESDELUX humidifier and blower pack from their shipping boxes. 2. Place the RESDELUX humidifier upright on a flat surface. 3. Remove the 7/8" knockout on the top of the RESDELUX humidifier. There are two knockouts, select the one closest to the large, open ing. 4. Put the power leads from the blower pack through this opening as you position the blower pack on top of the RESDELUX humidifier 5. Push the blower pack forward until the locating tabs on the bottom of the blower pack with slots in the top of the RESDELUX push forward to engage. 6. Use two Phillips screws with star washers in the Blower Pack screw support tabs to secure to the RESDELUX unit. 7 . Remove the front door and service cover from the RESDELUX humidifier, 8. Connect the power leads for the blower pack to terminal P7 on the RESDELUX control board located next to the capacity adjustment potentiometer. 9. Use the short piece of steam hose and hose clamps supplied with the basic hardware kit to connect the steam cylinderto the blower pack steam distributor. Installation of the blower pack is now complete. For instructions on mounting the RESDELUX humidifier please see the location and mounting sectlon. J- Figure #9 Blower Pack Cabinet Assembly Remote Mounting of the Blower Pack 1. The remote mounted blower pack should be located at least 7' off the floor to prevent the discharged steam from coming in contact with pedestrian traffic or any obstruction. When installing the remote blower pack, ensure the primary voltage to the RESDELUX has been switched off at the electrical panel, or that it is unplugged (RESDELUX/C). Find a suitable location for mounting the remote blower pack. The surface should be flat with adequate clearances for the top, side, and front: Table #1 Clearances of Remote Mounted Blower Pack Minimum slope of steam hose is 20'. Steam lines longer than 5 ft require condensate irap installation (see Figure #6). RESDELUX blower pack has two teardrop (or keyhole) openings on the back of the cabinet for mounting purposes. They are located 8 /." aparl, and 1" from the top of the blower pack cabinet. Measure the screw locations and use two #8 screws, 2" long. The screws should be anchored in a standard 2" x 4" wood stud or equivalent to ensure adequate support of the biower pack and connecting steam hose. 2. 3. 4. Minimum Ceiling Clearance inches (cm) Minimum Side Clearance inches (cm) Minimum frontal Clearance inches (cm) 18',(45)18" (45)60" (150) -4- Steam absorption space size in inches for ambient humidity 300/0 RH, toom temperature and selected sieam outoub of RESDELUXhumidifier-,,,\ + -'t ^*thf .1 H 12'12 6 16"1e' 18"10" Figure #10 Steam Absorption Distances 7. Remove the 718" knockout on the too of the RESDELUX humidifier and insert the closed finger grommet into the opening. Put the power leads from the blower pack through this opening. lf the wire leads are not long enough field splice the additional requirement, or get a wire extension kit (P/N 1502326) available from NORTEC. NOTE: lmproper wiring could damage the blower pack or RESDELUX PCB. Remove the front door and service cover from the RESDELUX humidifier. 10. Connect the power leads for the blower pack to terminal P7 on the RESDELUX conlrol board located next to the capacity adjustment potentiometer. 1 1 . Replace the electrical service cover and front door. Once the power is restored the RESDELUX humidifier is ready for service. PLUMBING For humidifiers installed in some cities including the City of Los Angeles: A city-approved springJoaded double ball CHECK VALVE must be supplied and installed by contractor on each of the potable water inlets to each humidifier. Recommended valve manufacturer: Watts Regulator phone number 508-688-1811. Size: Depending on supply line 114", 3l8 or %" NPT inletand outlet. Model: #7. o B. All water supply and drain line connections should be installed in accordance with local plumbing codes. I WATERSUPPLY LINE U 1. z- J. 4. The Humidifier is intended to operate on potable (cold) tap water. lf the raw water is very hard, NORTEC can provide longer cylinder life on softened water; however, softened water is more conductive and more corrosive. Some hardware changes may be required, at the time of order or in the field. DO NOT supply hot water to the humidifier. Minerals will adhere more easily to surfaces and the fill vatve's small flow regulating orifice could become plugged. ALWAYS supply and install a shut off valve in the water supply line dedicated to the humidifier to facilitate servicing. Use /." O.D. copper to within 4 feet of the humidifier. Reduce copper to 1/4' O.D. and connect to the factory-supplied 1/4" olive compression fitting under the humidifier. Figure #11 Drain Connection Figure #12 Drain Pump (if necessary) NoTE: Seam ho6e 6hould nol eaci boltohof B funtEl Aircap {- 7/f 0.0. Colper-) Pip6&7/r l.D. Hc!6 (Nol Suppli6d) /++ tl tl ll Cl.mpArd z8'1.D. Hose Fa&rySupphd \ Coipcr Reducar To &rveAstunnel orah (By ohels) (uin.llru'00J 2. 3. 4. DRAIN LINE 1.The humidifier is equipped with a 7/8" O.D. unthreaded horizontal drain outlet from the drain canal on bottom of the humidifier. A field-supplied funnel or reducer(see Figure #1 1) is recommended. lt will prevent backup in the drain pan and in the cylinder due to partially blocked or poorly installed drain lines. The drain line shouid not drain into a sink used frequently by personnel, or where plumbing codes prohibit it. Route to a floor drain or equivalent for safety reasons, since drain water from humidifier can be very hot. Keep drain lines as short as possible. Keep drain lines sloped down, not level and not up since low spots in drain lines will accumulate sediment and cause backup. The drain line should be 718" O.D. copper pipe or larger. Do not use plastic pipe for drain lines. Each drain line from these humidifiers must be routed without dips or sags to terminate above the flood level rim of a city-approved indirect waste receptor. ELEGTRICAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENTLY CONNECTED RESDELUX 1 . Check and ensure that available voltage and phase corresponds with operating voltage and ohase of the humidifier as indicated on the humidifier nameplate label (see Figure#12). 2. Ensurethat an adequate power supply is available to carry full humidifier amperage drawn as specified by rated amps on the humidifier nameplate label refer to local codes. Figure #13 Primary Voltage Supply Wiring for Hard Wired 110-120 Vac Hookup 6 [gs]Et T GND L1 N 208-240Yac Hookup F tste-tdl l(9/l lsls sl T TTT GND L1 N L2 3. A dedicated external disconnect must be installed. Do not exceed the maximum circuit protection amps as indicated on the nameplate label. 4. Connect ground wire to cabinet ground clamp. Do not use the neutral wire as a ground. 5. External wiring sizes must be in accordance with national and local electrical codes and by-laws. 6. Wiring is fed through holes in the bottom of the cabinet to terminal blocks respective to the supply voltage being used (see figure #12). ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELUX/C t.The external wiring must comply with local and national electrical codes and must be installed by a qualified electrician. lf you have any questions regarding ihe following instructions, contaci a qualified elecirician. Check available power supply and resolve any wiring problems BEFORE installing and operating the unit. The 120 volt humidifier operates on 11.5 or less amps and may be used in any properly wired, general purpose household receptacle. See Table #2 for specifications for individual branch circuit reouirements. Table#2 Suggested Individual Branch Circuit For your safety and protection, this unit is grounded through the power cord plug when plugged into a matching wall outlet. lf you are not sure whether your wall outlet is properly grounded, please consult a qualified electrician. The wall outlet you use must match the plug on the units power cord and must be within reach of the installed unit. DO NOT use a plug adapter or extension cord with this product. See Table #3 for receptacle and breaker information. Table #3 Receptacle and Fuse Types LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING AND INSTALLATION Control Wiring Controls are available from NORTEC as accessories. lf controls were not ordered with the humidifier, they must be supplied by others. The following information is relevant to all controls, factory supplied or othenvise. A, B and C (see Figure #14) or any on / off controls are to be wired in series (only one path for cunent) across terminals 1 and 2 on the low voltage control terminal. Caution: This is the "common" wire from the transformer that is connected to the ground. lt will short on/off control loop if it touches a grounded metal surface. A - Wall or Duct Mounted Control On/Ofi Humidistat: Wired to close when there is a drop in humidity and open when the setpoint is reached. Set io desired % RH. B - Duct Mounted Safety High Limit On/Off Humidistat (if used): Wiret to close when there is a I Figure #14 o 2. ? 4. Rated Volts 1 15 Amps 15 worrouflet O Fuse Size 15 Time Delay Fuse Plug Type (or circuit breaker) Nameplate Amps 11.5 AWG Wire Size* 14 AWG- American Wire Gauge * Based on copper wtre at 60o C temperature rating External Wiring Of On/Off Controls 5. o drop in humidity and open when the safety setpoint is rea,ched. Set to approximately 85% RH as a safety to help prevent saturation and wetting in the duct (not required when using blower pack kit). C - Duct Mounted Safety Air-Proving On/Off Switch (if used): Wired to close when sensing air flow and open when no air flow is sensed. Used as a safety to prevent saturation of the duct when there is no air flow (not required when using blower pack kit). 1 . NORTEC offers various versions of A, B and C to suit each application. In general, A is essential for in space applications, C is essential for induct applications, whereas B is highly recommended in ducted applications. 2. Field wiring from the humidistat to the humidifier and between devices should be a minimum of 18 AWG and kept as short as possible. 3. Low voltage control terminal strips are provided in the electrical compartment. Internal sides are factory wired. External sides are for field wiring. (See Figure #14). 4. Each humidifier is supplied with a wiring diagram inside. O Control Installation 1. 2. Wall Humidistat: Mount any wall humidistat (control or high limit) over the standard electrical box at a height similar to a typical thermostat. Any wall humidistat should be in a location representative of overall spa@ being humidified and not in the path of the blower oack or air supply grille. Do not mount on an outside wall where temperature fluctuation can affect the control response. Duct Humidistat: Mount the duct humidistat in a location representative of overall air humidity, (usually the return duct). Do not mount it directly in front of the steam distributor or in a turbuJent or mixing zone. Mount it where the air's humidity and temperature are uniform and representative of spaces being humidified. High Limit Duct Stat: Mount the duct high limit humidistat downstream of the steam distributors far enough that, under normal humidity and air flow conditions, steam will have been fully absorbed (typically at least 10 feeQ. lt must be located to sense high humidity only when uniform and representative air is over-humidified or approaching saturation. Duct Air Proving Switch: Mount the duct air-proving switch so that it is able to sense air J. -7 flow or lack of it. Wire it to dose when air flow is sensed and open when air flow fails. 5. Check operation of all on/off controls before starting the humidifi er. Note: For wiring interface with a fan, see wiring diagram provided on page 13. Steam humidifier will turn on fan when increase in humidity is required. OPERATION INTRODUCTION The NORTEC RESDELUX humidifier is designed to provide clean steam humidification at an economrcal price. lt utilizes NORTEC's patented electronic Auto-Adaptive internal control system for high efficiency and low waste of water and electricity. RESDELUX OPERATION When the humidifier is first turned on, the controller starts with a self test procedure, which takes about 10 seconds. The test consists of activating for a short time the drain valve, fill valve, and power relays. The sound of the working solenoids is an indication of valves operation. Green and yellow lights flash during this time. lf there is no call for humidity, the humidifier is standing by and green light flashes. When control loop is closed, the green light is steady on and the humidifier starts its operation. The controller waits 10 seconds before energizing the on-board relays. When the relays energize, heating voltage is delivered to the cylinder. After a 30 second delay, the fill valve is activated (if the output from the cylinder is below 100 %). lf controller detects increase of amperage above allowed range, the unit will activate drain valve for 2 seconos. During operation, the controller measures the rate at which water is converted to steam and thus the mineral content of water inside the cylinder. When this rate exceeds the design optimum, a drain of the cylinder takes place. The amount of water drained is just enough to keep the contained water at design levels. During start up, when mineral content in the water is low, water will reach the top of the cylinder at which point the yellow indicator light will come on. This is normal operation with a fresh cylinder. After a period of time the water level will drop and the yellow light will turn off. High water level in the cylinder also indicates that the cylinder is near the end of its service life as electrodes become coated with minerals. The yellow light coming on more often would be the first indication of approaching the end of ihe cylinder life. A flashing yellow light indicates a fault of the humidifier and the controller shuts off the humidifier. Please refer to troubleshooting section. For periods of time with no call for humidity, longer than 2 days, the humidifier automatically drains water from cylinder. MANUAL CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT The RESDELUX humidifier is rated in lbs/hr of steam output capacity. Set to 100%, it will operate at full output until the humidistat has sensed that the humidity has reached setpoint, it will then stop when the control circuit 1-2 is interrupted. (Figure #13). lf the humidifier is oversized, the humidistat will be quickly satisfied (less then 10 minutes) and stop the humidifier. As the humidity level drops the humidistat starts the humidifier again. lt is quickly satisfied and stops again. The resultant short-cycling can be easily overcome. A manual capacity adjustment potentiometer is provided on the RESDELUX main PC board to increase the runtime to about 1 5 minutes. lt is marked "CAPACIry ADJUSTMENT" and is adjustable from 25 to 100% of operating rating. OTHER POTENTIOMETERS Do not adjust any other potentiometers on the PC board. They are factory-set and not to be adjusted in the field. MAINTENANCE WARNING! DISCONNECTTHE UNIT FROM THE POWER SUPPLY BEFORE SERVICING. The plumbing and electrical compartments contain high voltage components and wiring. The access door is equipped with a lock. Access should be limited to authorized personnel only. Note: Review periodic maintenance. Checklist on page 16. STEAM GYLINDER WHEN TO REPLACE THE STEA,M CYLINDER After a period of operation (not on initial startup), the water level will approach the top of the cylinder. -8- '!! I e10 It E E o (average operatin g hours) Figure #15 Water Conditions vs. Cylinder Life (Life varies from 500 to 2000 operating hours, as illustrated in Figure #15.) The RESDELUX control board constantly monitors unit performance and will shul down the humidifier and alert the customer to change the cylinder. The yellow light will flash 4 times in sequence. HOWTO REMOVE THE STEAM CYLINDER It is advisable to keep a spare cylinder in stock throughout the humidification season. \rVhen ordering a replacement steam cylinder, always quote the three or five digit model number on the label applied to the cylinder or quote the unit's serial number, model and voltage located on the spec label (nameplate). 1 . Turn off the water supply to the unit. 2. The used cylinder must be drained completely before removal. lf the water has just been boiling, allow it to cool before draining. Push the ON/OFF/DRAIN switch to the MANUAL DRAIN position. Leave it in this position just long enough to drain the cylinder (usually not longer than 3 mln utes). 3. When completely drained, push the main ON/OFF/DRAIN switch back to the OFF position. 4. Once drarned, disconnect all power supplies to the untt. 5. Open the front cover door. 6. Cylinder plugs are attached to the primary voltage cylinder wires. Remove cylinder plugs from cylinder pins by pulling vertically. 7. Using a slotted screwdriver, loosen the steam hose clamp(s) and pull the steam hose off the cylinder vertically. o o 8. The cylinder is now ready to be lifted out of the , unit. CAUTION: Cylinder and any undrained water might still be HOT. 9. Remove the used cylinder as previously described. NORTEC does not recommend the use of any acid solutions to clean the used cylinder. Always replace a used cylinder. HOW TO INSTALL THE REPLACEMENT CYLINDER 1. Reverse procedure should be followed to install a new cylinder. Main power supply to the unit must be disconnected until the cylinder is completely installed and reconnected. 2. The cylinder plug wires are color-coded in Figure #16 Reassembly Of The Drain Valve A,nd Fill Valve accordance with colored dots beside the electrode pins on the top of the cylinder. See Figure #16. 3. This color-coding must be adhered to when replacing cylinder plugs on pins. 4. The electrode plug with the orange wire always goes on the single pin surrounded by a plastic shoulder. 5. Ensure that cylinder plugs fit snugly on the pins. 6. lf a cylinder plug becomes loose the cylinder harness must be replaced (PN-158-1305 see parts list). MANDATORY CLEANING OF THE DRAIN VALVE Always clean the drain valve before installing a new cylinder since the valve port may be as dirty as the used cylinder. I I Mabslioorr | | Conn€cthTabs Prunoor spnre J- sleevs d -____ _I HotdingCoil .-. 1. Note the ring terminal for drain valve green - ground wire is sandwiched between the drain - valve body and drain pan. -9- 5. 6. 7. Remove the two screws securing drain vafve body to the drain pan. Disconnect the two slip-on terminals from the two tabs on the (24 Vac) drain valve coil. Remove the hose clip and hose connection from drain valve body. The drain valve assembly is now free to be taken to a sink for disassembly and cleaning. Remove the snap-fit red cap from the coil assembly and slide coil off the actuator. Loosen the actuator with a wrench and unscrew from the plastic valve body. Clean the exposed core, spring and plastic drain valve port. The tapered end of the spring must be installed toward the solenoid. Reassemble and tighten the actuator 114 turn past hand-tight. Clean out the end of the hose. then reconnect it to the drain valve body with the clamp. Inspect the o-ring to make sure it is in good condition. 11. Fit mounting screws through the drain valve body, one through the ring terminal on green ground wire. 12. Push the two slip-on terminals back onto the two tabs on the coil. The terminals, although not identical, are reversible. WARNING: To prevent the possibility of electrical shock the green ground wire must be reinstalled before power is restored. EXTENDED SHUTDOWN Before disconnecting power to the humidifier at the end of humidification season, ALWAYS DRAIN the cylinder first. Otheruise, the electrodes are subject to harmful conosion which shortens cylinder life. Do NOT leave the switch in the DRAIN position indefinitely as the drain coil could burn out. Leave the switch in the OFF position and "open" the main external fused disconnect to stop power to the humidifier. Close the shut off valve in the water supply line feeding the humidifier. Lock the cabinet door(s) to prevent unauthorized tampering. All doors are factory supplied with keyed locks. DO NOT LEAVE THE KEY IN THE LOCK. ACCESS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. 8. 9. 10. TROUBLESHOOTING PLEASE READ THIS SECTION BEFORE REFERENCING SPECIFIC DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES. 1. Ensure the installation detail conforms with the recommendations contained in the lnstallation section of this manual. 2. Understanding the Principle of Operation is an asset when troubleshooting. A basic description is provided in the section titled OPERATION. For a more detailed understanding please contact your NORTEC representative. When contacting your local representative or NORTEC for troubleshooting assistance, please ensure the serial number has been obtained for reference ourooses. Whenever the troubleshooting steps indicate a problem with the main PCB, first check all connections at the main control board. o A DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES . TROUBLESHOOTING The RESDELUX controller provides a number of messages to simplify troubleshooting procedures. The following table presents fault messages displayed by the controller, their meaning and possible corrective actions. Refer to the following section for detailed information about terms used in ihe table. TablelM - Trouhleshooting Guide On On Maximum water level inside cvlinder This usually happens on initial start-up after replacing the cylinder (normal). Water is concentrated with minerals inside the cylinder. Let unit run, yellow light will disappear when the unit is at full output. This may take a day or two.o Off Off No power to the board. Check for main power supply fault. Turn power switch to 'Drain' position. lf drain valve is activated (sound of solenoid), check connection to the board or board itself. When no sound present, check fuse (replace with 1.5A if needed), transformer (voltage should be present between fuse holder and ground screw). 1flash sequence Off Over current. Operating amperage exceeded 13O% of rated amps. Water is drained from the cylinder (drain valve on for 10 min.). Check drain valve operation, drain time, possible drain restrictions. Check if fill valve leaks (not holding supply water). Back pressure may also cause very conductive water conditions. Was the humidifier short cycling? Check for short cycling. o 2 flashes in sequence Off No current detection for 30 minutes with continuos call for humidity. Check water level in the cylinder - should be more than /"full. lt not check fill .ate, 24 VAC voltage on fill valve terminals (unit must be on with call for humidity - green light steady on). Verify fresh water supply to the humidifier. Leaking drain valve can be at fault (minerals blocking the plunger). lf cylinder is more than % full, check primary power, connections to the cylinder, continuity of wires to cylinder. Are power wires connected to proper terminals on the cylinder? (Color coding) Possibly wrong cylinder type. Low water conductivity. 4 flashes in sequence Off End of cylinder life - change cylinder. Check water level in the cylinder, should be about % full. Check for foaming if water level lower or cylinder life shorter than exoected. Change cylinder, clean drain valve. -10- PROCEDURES AND TERMS USED IN DIAGNOSING PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The conductivity of the water within the cylinder must be controlled in order for the humidifier to function properly. The fill and drain rates must be maintained. Filling too quickly can cause over-amping and automatic shutdown or blown fuses. Fiiling too slowly can cause insufficient steam output and foaming. Water supply pressure should be between 25 and 110 psig. Draining too slowly can cause over-concentration and malfunction due to foaming. These are just some examples of what can go wrong if the fill and drain rates are not maintained. FILL RATE Fill rates of suspect units should be checked. Fill rates should measure nominally at 1" to 1-112" of vertical rise in water level in the cylinder in one minute. Clogged fill valve will cause lower fill rate. The fill valve strainer is removable and can be cleaned. DRAIN TIME Manual drain time of a half full cvlinder takes approximately 25 seconds. lf time measurements are longer, repeat with the external drain disconnected (and draining into a pail) to verify that the external drain is impeding flow. lf it still does not drain, check for a clogged strainer or drain. A clogged strainer or drain valve will cause shortened cylinder life. Determine what caused the strainer or drain valve to clog in the flrst place. Do not assume that if a strainer and/or drain valve is clogged that it is lo blame. lf the external drain has been impeding flow then waste accumulates resulting in a clogged strainer or clogged drain. Clean the drain valve and install a fresh cylinder. Then measure the manual drain time with and without the external drain connected. ls the extemal drain impeding flow? NORTEC recommends an open external drain line. See the Installation section of this man ual. RATED AMPERS This refers to amos listed on the humidifier soecification label. -11 SHORT GYCLING When the 'on time' of the humidifier is less than ten minutes upon a call for humidity. To correct short cycling, all humidifiers have a capacity ad1ustment which allows the output of the humidifier to be reduced as low as 25!o of raled output, thus extending the 'on time' required to maintain output. Excessive short cycling may cause higher water conductivity (mineral content) than designed for the unit. FOAMING A phenomenon which can occur in water when impurities, already in the water, reach an excess conc€ntration as result of boiling away pure water and the conlinued boiling action agitaling the contained water. The humidifier electronics are designed to prevent this occurrence although in extreme cases water will foam with little concentration, making it necessary to have the drain time of the water, contained in the cylinder, increased. Foaming is normally caused by short cycling, a resbicted drain, or back pressure. The foam, generated in these instances, is conductive and may lead to a false full cylinder indication if the level of the foam approaches the top of the cylinder. BAGKPRESSURE Restriction of steam flow caused by improperly sloped steam lines, elbows changing the direction of the steam flow from horizontal to vertical without a condensate drain leg, and any plumbing detail allowing the accumulation of condensate. MONITORED LEG Refers to the primary wire, to the cylinder, which loops through the current sensing device on the main PCB. This wire is terminated at the red cylinder plug at the cvlinder. I l0-]20 Voc Hooku LIN L2 [sle]-s-l I el,s ls I GND I lAl t\\7./l T I l0-.l20 Voc CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELUX MODEL RESDELU}7C EXTERNAL GND I tAl l\71 T tOW VOLTAGE REMO]E BLOWER PACK CONNECTION llortec RESDELUX WIRING DIAGRAM No. RSD0001 Rev. H November 15, 1999 o o 1a z <(r I.L IJJ 0atr o7i LL= uJ>?i &x IU- EE effi 1E E. 19 =z oq Lrl -,FJ slo UEs ;6s E o t .= ,= L ; 3 3 CI .s L- Ci = .lfffil ,ii,riwl rifff i&t -\ >!;5s o<)z ,< <r l--, A --r & r-r FEl a -.]TTI J -.] (n F O t-r z U z frl ,l -1 z c.t, FTr F ,-.1 -U Q s1'(\ f, '-l rYl z la X D F nil x< *Et ^Zg)iii'r.C &?z EEfl ']{B-r!EB aSFa$|JFca#t'l HFrr'!A('l g> Q,4-<a<<? -3s3! EE$59 g=;fiF ,-.BgYZ *t-' + ?F t\t ri *zE'a--rt\ =tiE A/ ! lEl r-r l-1 ) ./ 11 ^\+lqF \J t-/ /r/\ r-I* E:'3 9 g.lo ?3Rh rr) '.- (J ,,- fl, 'HlgeHleE:H ry(t v- =til U aQ o S rlr 1N lD &c/] ^'-- H x> -13- -.v o o 1 51-9002 1 Cylinder type 202 2 | '1 58-1820 Steam blower oack Drain valve o-ring 131-3244 Brass fitting with gasket Fill cup assembly kit with hoses and clamps 132-1216 Drain canal round 163-1026 Gasketfor round drain canal 158-3511 Power control board (provide unit serial number when ordering). 158-3120 Transformer 12Ol24Vac 1 58-3126 ?l_ 20a Wire harness - drain & fill valves Cylinder plug BLACK Wire harness - cylinder, complete 158-131 1 1 58- 1 312 Blower Fan Assembly Wire extension for blower pack 132-8810 t Steam Hose (Specify Length) 158-5OOl j Steam and condensate hose support bracket (Specify Quantity) Condensate Line (Specify Length) SPARE PARTS LIST AND EXPLODED VIEW. RESDELUX 1A I 158-1821 Steam Hose 4' long 158-7104 Cabinet front door 185-3104 Lock assembly with keys 145-6000 Drain valve comolete 132-6002 Drain valve coil assembly / @@ o o o -15- PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE CHECK LIST FOR NORTEG'S RESDELUX Customer Address o Equipment Location Date Last Inspected Serial# Date of this Inspection Inspected By Humidifier Company Name Model Number lnspect. Check. Clean. and Adiust all items listed. STEAM GENERATORS............... ........,...............D Replace cylinder, check drain valve, and fill valve. suMP AND DRA|N L|NES........... ...............................tr Clean sump and drain lines and make sure drains and drain lines are free of restrictions. Check for leaks and proper water level. STEAM D|STR|BUT!ON......... ..... ...............................il Check steam line sloping, no leaks, no condensate around blower pack or distribution nozzle. GoNTROLS ..................o Humidistat, check for proper operation. All electrical terminals for tightness. Disconnect switch, check operation. KEY: D-okay [ - Needs Additional Service O - Repair or Replace Remarks: - to - o LIMITED WARRANTY NORTEC INDUSTRIES INCORPOMTED andior NORTEC AIR CONDITIONING INDUSTRIES LIMITED (hereinafter collectively referred to as THE COMPANY), warrant for a period of two years from date oF shipment, that THE COMPANY's manufactured and assembled products, not otherwise expressly warranted (with the exception of the cylinder) are free from defects in material and workmanship. No warranty is made against corrosion, deterioration, or suitability of substituted materials used as a result of compliance with government regulations. THE COMPANY's obligations and liabilities under this warranty are limited to fumishing replacement parts to the customer, F.O.B. THE COMPANY's factory, providing the defective part(s) is returned freight prepaid by the customer. Parts used for repairs are warranted for the balance of the term of the warranty on the original humidifier or 90 days, whichever is longer. The warranties set forth herein are in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied by law. No liability whatsoever shall be attached to THE COMPANY until said products have been paid for in full and then said liability shalt be limited to the original purchase price for the product. Any further warranty must be in writing, signed by an officer of THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY's limited warranty on accessories, not of NORTEC's manufacture, such as controls, humidistats, pumps, etc. is limited to the warranty of the original equipment manufacturer from date of original shipment of humidifier. THE COMPANY makes no warranty and assumes no liability unless the equipment is installed in strict accordance with a copy of the catalog and installation manual in effect at the date of purchase and by a contractor approved by THE COMPANY to install such equipment. THE COMPANY makes no warranty and assumes no liability whatsoever for consequential damage or damage resulting directly from misapplication, incorrect sizing or lack of proper maintenancc of the equipment. THE COMPANY retains the right to change the design, specification and performance criteria of its products without notice or obligation. IIorteG' www.humidity.com Cylinder Last Replaced: MTH/DAYI/R o Model#: Serial#: Cylinder #: MTH/DAYATR NORTEC INDUSTRIES INC. 826 Proctor Avenue Ogdensburg, NY 13669 Tel: (315) 425-1255 e-mail : nortec@humidity.com MTH/DAYA/R @ LR-35859 NORTEC AIR CONDITION ING INDUSTRIES LTD. 6 2740 Fenton Road jqcr6\ Z onawa, oN K1T3TZ 6"r*h z Tel: (6'13)g22-Oi - I r$e4 | lrr Fax: (013) urr-ili}o \/ =r o & E65185 A WMH COMPANY o STEAM HOSE INSTALLATION 1. ' The length of the steam hose must not exceed 4' (1.2m). 2. lt must not be restricted in any way (e.9.., a kink resulting from a short radius bend). Avoid condensate traps in the hose (See Figure #8). Figure#8 Steam Hose Routing Avoid Water Traps 4. Use wall clips (p/n 158-5001) to supporl the steam and condensate hoses and maintain 1" clearance from the wall. The connection can also be made with 7+' copper pipe with 1" thermal insulation rated for 215"F(1 01'C). GONDENSATE HOSE (supplied) Under normal circumstances, when the steam distribution nozzle is above the top surface of the humidifier, the condensate hose is routed back to the top of the humidifier and fed through the opening provided to the fill cup. Cut the ends diagonally and simply insert /2" in the appropriate hole in the top of the humidifier. Install a 3/8" copper tubing trap at the lowest point in the condensate system. Connect to the hose with a clamp Figure #6). BLOWER PACK CONNEGTION The RESDELUX humidifier can be purchased with an optional blower padk for direct room humidification. The blower pack is field installed on the RESDELUX humidifier cabinet or located remote from the RESDELUX humidifier. The blower pack is powered directly frcm the RESDELUX control board. lt cannot be powered separately. On a call for humidity, blower fans are powered and remain powered for about two minutes after steam production is interrupted. Cabinet Mounting of the Blower Pack The RESDELUX blower pack comes with a bat;ic hardware kit. The kit contains all the hardware required to cabinet mount the blower pack. NOTE: Mounting of the blower pack must be performed before the RESDELUX humidifier is installed and wired. L Remove the RESDELUX humidifier and blower pack from their shipping boxes. 2. Place the RESDELUX humidifier upright on a flat surface. 3. Remove the 7/8" knockout on the top of the RESDELUX humidifier. There are two knockouts, select the one closest to the large, open ing. 4. Put the power leads from the blower pack through this opening as you position the blower pack on top of the RESDELUX humidifier 5. Push the blower pack forward until the locating tabs on the bottom of the blower pack with slots in the top of the RESDELUX push forward to engage. 6. Use two Phillips screws with star washers in the Blower Pack screw support tabs to secure to the RESDELUX unit. 7 . Remove the front door and service cover from the RESDELUX humidifier, 8. Connect the power leads for the blower pack to terminal P7 on the RESDELUX control board located next to the capacity adjustment potentiometer. 9. Use the short piece of steam hose and hose clamps supplied with the basic hardware kit to connect the steam cylinderto the blower pack steam distributor. Installation of the blower pack is now complete. For instructions on mounting the RESDELUX humidifier please see the location and mounting sectlon. J- Figure #9 Blower Pack Cabinet Assembly Remote Mounting of the Blower Pack 1. The remote mounted blower pack should be located at least 7' off the floor to prevent the discharged steam from coming in contact with pedestrian traffic or any obstruction. When installing the remote blower pack, ensure the primary voltage to the RESDELUX has been switched off at the electrical panel, or that it is unplugged (RESDELUX/C). Find a suitable location for mounting the remote blower pack. The surface should be flat with adequate clearances for the top, side, and front: Table #1 Clearances of Remote Mounted Blower Pack Minimum slope of steam hose is 20'. Steam lines longer than 5 ft require condensate irap installation (see Figure #6). RESDELUX blower pack has two teardrop (or keyhole) openings on the back of the cabinet for mounting purposes. They are located 8 /." aparl, and 1" from the top of the blower pack cabinet. Measure the screw locations and use two #8 screws, 2" long. The screws should be anchored in a standard 2" x 4" wood stud or equivalent to ensure adequate support of the biower pack and connecting steam hose. 2. 3. 4. Minimum Ceiling Clearance inches (cm) Minimum Side Clearance inches (cm) Minimum frontal Clearance inches (cm) 18',(45)18" (45)60" (150) -4- Steam absorption space size in inches for ambient humidity 300/0 RH, toom temperature and selected sieam outoub of RESDELUXhumidifier-,,,\ + -'t ^*thf .1 H 12'12 6 16"1e' 18"10" Figure #10 Steam Absorption Distances 7. Remove the 718" knockout on the too of the RESDELUX humidifier and insert the closed finger grommet into the opening. Put the power leads from the blower pack through this opening. lf the wire leads are not long enough field splice the additional requirement, or get a wire extension kit (P/N 1502326) available from NORTEC. NOTE: lmproper wiring could damage the blower pack or RESDELUX PCB. Remove the front door and service cover from the RESDELUX humidifier. 10. Connect the power leads for the blower pack to terminal P7 on the RESDELUX conlrol board located next to the capacity adjustment potentiometer. 1 1 . Replace the electrical service cover and front door. Once the power is restored the RESDELUX humidifier is ready for service. PLUMBING For humidifiers installed in some cities including the City of Los Angeles: A city-approved springJoaded double ball CHECK VALVE must be supplied and installed by contractor on each of the potable water inlets to each humidifier. Recommended valve manufacturer: Watts Regulator phone number 508-688-1811. Size: Depending on supply line 114", 3l8 or %" NPT inletand outlet. Model: #7. o B. All water supply and drain line connections should be installed in accordance with local plumbing codes. I WATERSUPPLY LINE U 1. z- J. 4. The Humidifier is intended to operate on potable (cold) tap water. lf the raw water is very hard, NORTEC can provide longer cylinder life on softened water; however, softened water is more conductive and more corrosive. Some hardware changes may be required, at the time of order or in the field. DO NOT supply hot water to the humidifier. Minerals will adhere more easily to surfaces and the fill vatve's small flow regulating orifice could become plugged. ALWAYS supply and install a shut off valve in the water supply line dedicated to the humidifier to facilitate servicing. Use /." O.D. copper to within 4 feet of the humidifier. Reduce copper to 1/4' O.D. and connect to the factory-supplied 1/4" olive compression fitting under the humidifier. Figure #11 Drain Connection Figure #12 Drain Pump (if necessary) NoTE: Seam ho6e 6hould nol eaci boltohof B funtEl Aircap {- 7/f 0.0. Colper-) Pip6&7/r l.D. Hc!6 (Nol Suppli6d) /++ tl tl ll Cl.mpArd z8'1.D. Hose Fa&rySupphd \ Coipcr Reducar To &rveAstunnel orah (By ohels) (uin.llru'00J 2. 3. 4. DRAIN LINE 1.The humidifier is equipped with a 7/8" O.D. unthreaded horizontal drain outlet from the drain canal on bottom of the humidifier. A field-supplied funnel or reducer(see Figure #1 1) is recommended. lt will prevent backup in the drain pan and in the cylinder due to partially blocked or poorly installed drain lines. The drain line shouid not drain into a sink used frequently by personnel, or where plumbing codes prohibit it. Route to a floor drain or equivalent for safety reasons, since drain water from humidifier can be very hot. Keep drain lines as short as possible. Keep drain lines sloped down, not level and not up since low spots in drain lines will accumulate sediment and cause backup. The drain line should be 718" O.D. copper pipe or larger. Do not use plastic pipe for drain lines. Each drain line from these humidifiers must be routed without dips or sags to terminate above the flood level rim of a city-approved indirect waste receptor. ELEGTRICAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMANENTLY CONNECTED RESDELUX 1 . Check and ensure that available voltage and phase corresponds with operating voltage and ohase of the humidifier as indicated on the humidifier nameplate label (see Figure#12). 2. Ensurethat an adequate power supply is available to carry full humidifier amperage drawn as specified by rated amps on the humidifier nameplate label refer to local codes. Figure #13 Primary Voltage Supply Wiring for Hard Wired 110-120 Vac Hookup 6 [gs]Et T GND L1 N 208-240Yac Hookup F tste-tdl l(9/l lsls sl T TTT GND L1 N L2 3. A dedicated external disconnect must be installed. Do not exceed the maximum circuit protection amps as indicated on the nameplate label. 4. Connect ground wire to cabinet ground clamp. Do not use the neutral wire as a ground. 5. External wiring sizes must be in accordance with national and local electrical codes and by-laws. 6. Wiring is fed through holes in the bottom of the cabinet to terminal blocks respective to the supply voltage being used (see figure #12). ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELUX/C t.The external wiring must comply with local and national electrical codes and must be installed by a qualified electrician. lf you have any questions regarding ihe following instructions, contaci a qualified elecirician. Check available power supply and resolve any wiring problems BEFORE installing and operating the unit. The 120 volt humidifier operates on 11.5 or less amps and may be used in any properly wired, general purpose household receptacle. See Table #2 for specifications for individual branch circuit reouirements. Table#2 Suggested Individual Branch Circuit For your safety and protection, this unit is grounded through the power cord plug when plugged into a matching wall outlet. lf you are not sure whether your wall outlet is properly grounded, please consult a qualified electrician. The wall outlet you use must match the plug on the units power cord and must be within reach of the installed unit. DO NOT use a plug adapter or extension cord with this product. See Table #3 for receptacle and breaker information. Table #3 Receptacle and Fuse Types LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING AND INSTALLATION Control Wiring Controls are available from NORTEC as accessories. lf controls were not ordered with the humidifier, they must be supplied by others. The following information is relevant to all controls, factory supplied or othenvise. A, B and C (see Figure #14) or any on / off controls are to be wired in series (only one path for cunent) across terminals 1 and 2 on the low voltage control terminal. Caution: This is the "common" wire from the transformer that is connected to the ground. lt will short on/off control loop if it touches a grounded metal surface. A - Wall or Duct Mounted Control On/Ofi Humidistat: Wired to close when there is a drop in humidity and open when the setpoint is reached. Set io desired % RH. B - Duct Mounted Safety High Limit On/Off Humidistat (if used): Wiret to close when there is a I Figure #14 o 2. ? 4. Rated Volts 1 15 Amps 15 worrouflet O Fuse Size 15 Time Delay Fuse Plug Type (or circuit breaker) Nameplate Amps 11.5 AWG Wire Size* 14 AWG- American Wire Gauge * Based on copper wtre at 60o C temperature rating External Wiring Of On/Off Controls 5. o drop in humidity and open when the safety setpoint is rea,ched. Set to approximately 85% RH as a safety to help prevent saturation and wetting in the duct (not required when using blower pack kit). C - Duct Mounted Safety Air-Proving On/Off Switch (if used): Wired to close when sensing air flow and open when no air flow is sensed. Used as a safety to prevent saturation of the duct when there is no air flow (not required when using blower pack kit). 1 . NORTEC offers various versions of A, B and C to suit each application. In general, A is essential for in space applications, C is essential for induct applications, whereas B is highly recommended in ducted applications. 2. Field wiring from the humidistat to the humidifier and between devices should be a minimum of 18 AWG and kept as short as possible. 3. Low voltage control terminal strips are provided in the electrical compartment. Internal sides are factory wired. External sides are for field wiring. (See Figure #14). 4. Each humidifier is supplied with a wiring diagram inside. O Control Installation 1. 2. Wall Humidistat: Mount any wall humidistat (control or high limit) over the standard electrical box at a height similar to a typical thermostat. Any wall humidistat should be in a location representative of overall spa@ being humidified and not in the path of the blower oack or air supply grille. Do not mount on an outside wall where temperature fluctuation can affect the control response. Duct Humidistat: Mount the duct humidistat in a location representative of overall air humidity, (usually the return duct). Do not mount it directly in front of the steam distributor or in a turbuJent or mixing zone. Mount it where the air's humidity and temperature are uniform and representative of spaces being humidified. High Limit Duct Stat: Mount the duct high limit humidistat downstream of the steam distributors far enough that, under normal humidity and air flow conditions, steam will have been fully absorbed (typically at least 10 feeQ. lt must be located to sense high humidity only when uniform and representative air is over-humidified or approaching saturation. Duct Air Proving Switch: Mount the duct air-proving switch so that it is able to sense air J. -7 flow or lack of it. Wire it to dose when air flow is sensed and open when air flow fails. 5. Check operation of all on/off controls before starting the humidifi er. Note: For wiring interface with a fan, see wiring diagram provided on page 13. Steam humidifier will turn on fan when increase in humidity is required. OPERATION INTRODUCTION The NORTEC RESDELUX humidifier is designed to provide clean steam humidification at an economrcal price. lt utilizes NORTEC's patented electronic Auto-Adaptive internal control system for high efficiency and low waste of water and electricity. RESDELUX OPERATION When the humidifier is first turned on, the controller starts with a self test procedure, which takes about 10 seconds. The test consists of activating for a short time the drain valve, fill valve, and power relays. The sound of the working solenoids is an indication of valves operation. Green and yellow lights flash during this time. lf there is no call for humidity, the humidifier is standing by and green light flashes. When control loop is closed, the green light is steady on and the humidifier starts its operation. The controller waits 10 seconds before energizing the on-board relays. When the relays energize, heating voltage is delivered to the cylinder. After a 30 second delay, the fill valve is activated (if the output from the cylinder is below 100 %). lf controller detects increase of amperage above allowed range, the unit will activate drain valve for 2 seconos. During operation, the controller measures the rate at which water is converted to steam and thus the mineral content of water inside the cylinder. When this rate exceeds the design optimum, a drain of the cylinder takes place. The amount of water drained is just enough to keep the contained water at design levels. During start up, when mineral content in the water is low, water will reach the top of the cylinder at which point the yellow indicator light will come on. This is normal operation with a fresh cylinder. After a period of time the water level will drop and the yellow light will turn off. High water level in the cylinder also indicates that the cylinder is near the end of its service life as electrodes become coated with minerals. The yellow light coming on more often would be the first indication of approaching the end of ihe cylinder life. A flashing yellow light indicates a fault of the humidifier and the controller shuts off the humidifier. Please refer to troubleshooting section. For periods of time with no call for humidity, longer than 2 days, the humidifier automatically drains water from cylinder. MANUAL CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT The RESDELUX humidifier is rated in lbs/hr of steam output capacity. Set to 100%, it will operate at full output until the humidistat has sensed that the humidity has reached setpoint, it will then stop when the control circuit 1-2 is interrupted. (Figure #13). lf the humidifier is oversized, the humidistat will be quickly satisfied (less then 10 minutes) and stop the humidifier. As the humidity level drops the humidistat starts the humidifier again. lt is quickly satisfied and stops again. The resultant short-cycling can be easily overcome. A manual capacity adjustment potentiometer is provided on the RESDELUX main PC board to increase the runtime to about 1 5 minutes. lt is marked "CAPACIry ADJUSTMENT" and is adjustable from 25 to 100% of operating rating. OTHER POTENTIOMETERS Do not adjust any other potentiometers on the PC board. They are factory-set and not to be adjusted in the field. MAINTENANCE WARNING! DISCONNECTTHE UNIT FROM THE POWER SUPPLY BEFORE SERVICING. The plumbing and electrical compartments contain high voltage components and wiring. The access door is equipped with a lock. Access should be limited to authorized personnel only. Note: Review periodic maintenance. Checklist on page 16. STEAM GYLINDER WHEN TO REPLACE THE STEA,M CYLINDER After a period of operation (not on initial startup), the water level will approach the top of the cylinder. -8- '!! I e10 It E E o (average operatin g hours) Figure #15 Water Conditions vs. Cylinder Life (Life varies from 500 to 2000 operating hours, as illustrated in Figure #15.) The RESDELUX control board constantly monitors unit performance and will shul down the humidifier and alert the customer to change the cylinder. The yellow light will flash 4 times in sequence. HOWTO REMOVE THE STEAM CYLINDER It is advisable to keep a spare cylinder in stock throughout the humidification season. \rVhen ordering a replacement steam cylinder, always quote the three or five digit model number on the label applied to the cylinder or quote the unit's serial number, model and voltage located on the spec label (nameplate). 1 . Turn off the water supply to the unit. 2. The used cylinder must be drained completely before removal. lf the water has just been boiling, allow it to cool before draining. Push the ON/OFF/DRAIN switch to the MANUAL DRAIN position. Leave it in this position just long enough to drain the cylinder (usually not longer than 3 mln utes). 3. When completely drained, push the main ON/OFF/DRAIN switch back to the OFF position. 4. Once drarned, disconnect all power supplies to the untt. 5. Open the front cover door. 6. Cylinder plugs are attached to the primary voltage cylinder wires. Remove cylinder plugs from cylinder pins by pulling vertically. 7. Using a slotted screwdriver, loosen the steam hose clamp(s) and pull the steam hose off the cylinder vertically. o o 8. The cylinder is now ready to be lifted out of the , unit. CAUTION: Cylinder and any undrained water might still be HOT. 9. Remove the used cylinder as previously described. NORTEC does not recommend the use of any acid solutions to clean the used cylinder. Always replace a used cylinder. HOW TO INSTALL THE REPLACEMENT CYLINDER 1. Reverse procedure should be followed to install a new cylinder. Main power supply to the unit must be disconnected until the cylinder is completely installed and reconnected. 2. The cylinder plug wires are color-coded in Figure #16 Reassembly Of The Drain Valve A,nd Fill Valve accordance with colored dots beside the electrode pins on the top of the cylinder. See Figure #16. 3. This color-coding must be adhered to when replacing cylinder plugs on pins. 4. The electrode plug with the orange wire always goes on the single pin surrounded by a plastic shoulder. 5. Ensure that cylinder plugs fit snugly on the pins. 6. lf a cylinder plug becomes loose the cylinder harness must be replaced (PN-158-1305 see parts list). MANDATORY CLEANING OF THE DRAIN VALVE Always clean the drain valve before installing a new cylinder since the valve port may be as dirty as the used cylinder. I I Mabslioorr | | Conn€cthTabs Prunoor spnre J- sleevs d -____ _I HotdingCoil .-. 1. Note the ring terminal for drain valve green - ground wire is sandwiched between the drain - valve body and drain pan. -9- 5. 6. 7. Remove the two screws securing drain vafve body to the drain pan. Disconnect the two slip-on terminals from the two tabs on the (24 Vac) drain valve coil. Remove the hose clip and hose connection from drain valve body. The drain valve assembly is now free to be taken to a sink for disassembly and cleaning. Remove the snap-fit red cap from the coil assembly and slide coil off the actuator. Loosen the actuator with a wrench and unscrew from the plastic valve body. Clean the exposed core, spring and plastic drain valve port. The tapered end of the spring must be installed toward the solenoid. Reassemble and tighten the actuator 114 turn past hand-tight. Clean out the end of the hose. then reconnect it to the drain valve body with the clamp. Inspect the o-ring to make sure it is in good condition. 11. Fit mounting screws through the drain valve body, one through the ring terminal on green ground wire. 12. Push the two slip-on terminals back onto the two tabs on the coil. The terminals, although not identical, are reversible. WARNING: To prevent the possibility of electrical shock the green ground wire must be reinstalled before power is restored. EXTENDED SHUTDOWN Before disconnecting power to the humidifier at the end of humidification season, ALWAYS DRAIN the cylinder first. Otheruise, the electrodes are subject to harmful conosion which shortens cylinder life. Do NOT leave the switch in the DRAIN position indefinitely as the drain coil could burn out. Leave the switch in the OFF position and "open" the main external fused disconnect to stop power to the humidifier. Close the shut off valve in the water supply line feeding the humidifier. Lock the cabinet door(s) to prevent unauthorized tampering. All doors are factory supplied with keyed locks. DO NOT LEAVE THE KEY IN THE LOCK. ACCESS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. 8. 9. 10. TROUBLESHOOTING PLEASE READ THIS SECTION BEFORE REFERENCING SPECIFIC DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES. 1. Ensure the installation detail conforms with the recommendations contained in the lnstallation section of this manual. 2. Understanding the Principle of Operation is an asset when troubleshooting. A basic description is provided in the section titled OPERATION. For a more detailed understanding please contact your NORTEC representative. When contacting your local representative or NORTEC for troubleshooting assistance, please ensure the serial number has been obtained for reference ourooses. Whenever the troubleshooting steps indicate a problem with the main PCB, first check all connections at the main control board. o A DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES . TROUBLESHOOTING The RESDELUX controller provides a number of messages to simplify troubleshooting procedures. The following table presents fault messages displayed by the controller, their meaning and possible corrective actions. Refer to the following section for detailed information about terms used in ihe table. TablelM - Trouhleshooting Guide On On Maximum water level inside cvlinder This usually happens on initial start-up after replacing the cylinder (normal). Water is concentrated with minerals inside the cylinder. Let unit run, yellow light will disappear when the unit is at full output. This may take a day or two.o Off Off No power to the board. Check for main power supply fault. Turn power switch to 'Drain' position. lf drain valve is activated (sound of solenoid), check connection to the board or board itself. When no sound present, check fuse (replace with 1.5A if needed), transformer (voltage should be present between fuse holder and ground screw). 1flash sequence Off Over current. Operating amperage exceeded 13O% of rated amps. Water is drained from the cylinder (drain valve on for 10 min.). Check drain valve operation, drain time, possible drain restrictions. Check if fill valve leaks (not holding supply water). Back pressure may also cause very conductive water conditions. Was the humidifier short cycling? Check for short cycling. o 2 flashes in sequence Off No current detection for 30 minutes with continuos call for humidity. Check water level in the cylinder - should be more than /"full. lt not check fill .ate, 24 VAC voltage on fill valve terminals (unit must be on with call for humidity - green light steady on). Verify fresh water supply to the humidifier. Leaking drain valve can be at fault (minerals blocking the plunger). lf cylinder is more than % full, check primary power, connections to the cylinder, continuity of wires to cylinder. Are power wires connected to proper terminals on the cylinder? (Color coding) Possibly wrong cylinder type. Low water conductivity. 4 flashes in sequence Off End of cylinder life - change cylinder. Check water level in the cylinder, should be about % full. Check for foaming if water level lower or cylinder life shorter than exoected. Change cylinder, clean drain valve. -10- PROCEDURES AND TERMS USED IN DIAGNOSING PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The conductivity of the water within the cylinder must be controlled in order for the humidifier to function properly. The fill and drain rates must be maintained. Filling too quickly can cause over-amping and automatic shutdown or blown fuses. Fiiling too slowly can cause insufficient steam output and foaming. Water supply pressure should be between 25 and 110 psig. Draining too slowly can cause over-concentration and malfunction due to foaming. These are just some examples of what can go wrong if the fill and drain rates are not maintained. FILL RATE Fill rates of suspect units should be checked. Fill rates should measure nominally at 1" to 1-112" of vertical rise in water level in the cylinder in one minute. Clogged fill valve will cause lower fill rate. The fill valve strainer is removable and can be cleaned. DRAIN TIME Manual drain time of a half full cvlinder takes approximately 25 seconds. lf time measurements are longer, repeat with the external drain disconnected (and draining into a pail) to verify that the external drain is impeding flow. lf it still does not drain, check for a clogged strainer or drain. A clogged strainer or drain valve will cause shortened cylinder life. Determine what caused the strainer or drain valve to clog in the flrst place. Do not assume that if a strainer and/or drain valve is clogged that it is lo blame. lf the external drain has been impeding flow then waste accumulates resulting in a clogged strainer or clogged drain. Clean the drain valve and install a fresh cylinder. Then measure the manual drain time with and without the external drain connected. ls the extemal drain impeding flow? NORTEC recommends an open external drain line. See the Installation section of this man ual. RATED AMPERS This refers to amos listed on the humidifier soecification label. -11 SHORT GYCLING When the 'on time' of the humidifier is less than ten minutes upon a call for humidity. To correct short cycling, all humidifiers have a capacity ad1ustment which allows the output of the humidifier to be reduced as low as 25!o of raled output, thus extending the 'on time' required to maintain output. Excessive short cycling may cause higher water conductivity (mineral content) than designed for the unit. FOAMING A phenomenon which can occur in water when impurities, already in the water, reach an excess conc€ntration as result of boiling away pure water and the conlinued boiling action agitaling the contained water. The humidifier electronics are designed to prevent this occurrence although in extreme cases water will foam with little concentration, making it necessary to have the drain time of the water, contained in the cylinder, increased. Foaming is normally caused by short cycling, a resbicted drain, or back pressure. The foam, generated in these instances, is conductive and may lead to a false full cylinder indication if the level of the foam approaches the top of the cylinder. BAGKPRESSURE Restriction of steam flow caused by improperly sloped steam lines, elbows changing the direction of the steam flow from horizontal to vertical without a condensate drain leg, and any plumbing detail allowing the accumulation of condensate. MONITORED LEG Refers to the primary wire, to the cylinder, which loops through the current sensing device on the main PCB. This wire is terminated at the red cylinder plug at the cvlinder. I l0-]20 Voc Hooku LIN L2 [sle]-s-l I el,s ls I GND I lAl t\\7./l T I l0-.l20 Voc CORD CONNECTED MODEL RESDELUX MODEL RESDELU}7C EXTERNAL GND I tAl l\71 T tOW VOLTAGE REMO]E BLOWER PACK CONNECTION llortec RESDELUX WIRING DIAGRAM No. RSD0001 Rev. H November 15, 1999 o o 1a z <(r I.L IJJ 0atr o7i LL= uJ>?i &x IU- EE effi 1E E. 19 =z oq Lrl -,FJ slo UEs ;6s E o t .= ,= L ; 3 3 CI .s L- Ci = .lfffil ,ii,riwl rifff i&t -\ >!;5s o<)z ,< <r l--, A --r & r-r FEl a -.]TTI J -.] (n F O t-r z U z frl ,l -1 z c.t, FTr F ,-.1 -U Q s1'(\ f, '-l rYl z la X D F nil x< *Et ^Zg)iii'r.C &?z EEfl ']{B-r!EB aSFa$|JFca#t'l HFrr'!A('l g> Q,4-<a<<? -3s3! EE$59 g=;fiF ,-.BgYZ *t-' + ?F t\t ri *zE'a--rt\ =tiE A/ ! lEl r-r l-1 ) ./ 11 ^\+lqF \J t-/ /r/\ r-I* E:'3 9 g.lo ?3Rh rr) '.- (J ,,- fl, 'HlgeHleE:H ry(t v- =til U aQ o S rlr 1N lD &c/] ^'-- H x> -13- -.v o o 1 51-9002 1 Cylinder type 202 2 | '1 58-1820 Steam blower oack Drain valve o-ring 131-3244 Brass fitting with gasket Fill cup assembly kit with hoses and clamps 132-1216 Drain canal round 163-1026 Gasketfor round drain canal 158-3511 Power control board (provide unit serial number when ordering). 158-3120 Transformer 12Ol24Vac 1 58-3126 ?l_ 20a Wire harness - drain & fill valves Cylinder plug BLACK Wire harness - cylinder, complete 158-131 1 1 58- 1 312 Blower Fan Assembly Wire extension for blower pack 132-8810 t Steam Hose (Specify Length) 158-5OOl j Steam and condensate hose support bracket (Specify Quantity) Condensate Line (Specify Length) SPARE PARTS LIST AND EXPLODED VIEW. RESDELUX 1A I 158-1821 Steam Hose 4' long 158-7104 Cabinet front door 185-3104 Lock assembly with keys 145-6000 Drain valve comolete 132-6002 Drain valve coil assembly / @@ o o o -15- PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE CHECK LIST FOR NORTEG'S RESDELUX Customer Address o Equipment Location Date Last Inspected Serial# Date of this Inspection Inspected By Humidifier Company Name Model Number lnspect. Check. Clean. and Adiust all items listed. STEAM GENERATORS............... ........,...............D Replace cylinder, check drain valve, and fill valve. suMP AND DRA|N L|NES........... ...............................tr Clean sump and drain lines and make sure drains and drain lines are free of restrictions. Check for leaks and proper water level. STEAM D|STR|BUT!ON......... ..... ...............................il Check steam line sloping, no leaks, no condensate around blower pack or distribution nozzle. GoNTROLS ..................o Humidistat, check for proper operation. All electrical terminals for tightness. Disconnect switch, check operation. KEY: D-okay [ - Needs Additional Service O - Repair or Replace Remarks: - to - o LIMITED WARRANTY NORTEC INDUSTRIES INCORPOMTED andior NORTEC AIR CONDITIONING INDUSTRIES LIMITED (hereinafter collectively referred to as THE COMPANY), warrant for a period of two years from date oF shipment, that THE COMPANY's manufactured and assembled products, not otherwise expressly warranted (with the exception of the cylinder) are free from defects in material and workmanship. No warranty is made against corrosion, deterioration, or suitability of substituted materials used as a result of compliance with government regulations. THE COMPANY's obligations and liabilities under this warranty are limited to fumishing replacement parts to the customer, F.O.B. THE COMPANY's factory, providing the defective part(s) is returned freight prepaid by the customer. Parts used for repairs are warranted for the balance of the term of the warranty on the original humidifier or 90 days, whichever is longer. The warranties set forth herein are in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied by law. No liability whatsoever shall be attached to THE COMPANY until said products have been paid for in full and then said liability shalt be limited to the original purchase price for the product. Any further warranty must be in writing, signed by an officer of THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY's limited warranty on accessories, not of NORTEC's manufacture, such as controls, humidistats, pumps, etc. is limited to the warranty of the original equipment manufacturer from date of original shipment of humidifier. THE COMPANY makes no warranty and assumes no liability unless the equipment is installed in strict accordance with a copy of the catalog and installation manual in effect at the date of purchase and by a contractor approved by THE COMPANY to install such equipment. THE COMPANY makes no warranty and assumes no liability whatsoever for consequential damage or damage resulting directly from misapplication, incorrect sizing or lack of proper maintenancc of the equipment. THE COMPANY retains the right to change the design, specification and performance criteria of its products without notice or obligation. IIorteG' www.humidity.com Cylinder Last Replaced: MTH/DAYI/R o Model#: Serial#: Cylinder #: MTH/DAYATR NORTEC INDUSTRIES INC. 826 Proctor Avenue Ogdensburg, NY 13669 Tel: (315) 425-1255 e-mail : nortec@humidity.com MTH/DAYA/R @ LR-35859 NORTEC AIR CONDITION ING INDUSTRIES LTD. 6 2740 Fenton Road jqcr6\ Z onawa, oN K1T3TZ 6"r*h z Tel: (6'13)g22-Oi - I r$e4 | lrr Fax: (013) urr-ili}o \/ =r o & E65185 A WMH COMPANY 5 BROAN MODELS L400L. L500L. L700L I LOSONE SELECP VENTILATORS In-Line . 120V Page 1 WARNING TABLE OF CONTENTS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR IN- JURYTO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: 1 . Use this unit only in the manner ir ended by the manufacturer. ll you have questions, contact the manufacturer at the address or telephone number listed in the warranty. 2. Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely faslen a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel. 3. Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by a quali- fied person(s) in accordance with all applicable codes ind stan- dards, including fire-rated cons-truction codes and standards. 4. Sutticient air is needed lor proper combustion and exhausting of gases through the flue (chimney) of fuel burning equipmeni to prevent backdrafting. Follow the heating equipment manufacturer's guideline and safety standards such as those published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and theAmerican Society for Heatiftg, Retrigeration and Air Con- dilioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and the local code authorities. 5. When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do nol damage elec- trical wiring and other hidden utilities. 6. Ducted fans must always be vented to the outdoors. 7. To reduce the risk ol fire, use only metal ductwork. 8. It this unit is to be installed over a lub or shower, it must be marked as appropriate for the application and be connected to a GFCI (Ground Fault Interrupter) - protected branch circuit. 9. Never place a switch where it can be reached from a tub or shower, 10. This unit musl be grounded. CAUTION 1. For general ventilating use only. Do not use to exhaust hazard- ous or explosive materials and vapors. 2. To avoid molor bearing damage and noisy and/or unbalanced impellers, keep drywall spray, construction dus1, etc. off power unit. 3. ]f ventilator ls Installed In an uncondldoned space (such as an attic): Surround the ventilator with thermal insulation - to min! mize possible condensation. 4. Please read specification label on product for further informa- tion and requirements. This manual is divided into sections as follows: . "WPICALINSTALLATION" This section shows a common installation in new and existing, frame construction. - Mounting (new construction) - Mounting (exisling construction) - Wiring - Ducting (straight{hrough blower discharge) . 'mouNTtNG oPTtoNs" . "wtRtNG oPTroNs" -Wiring Plate Position . .DUCTING OPTIONS' - Blower Discharge Positions - Ducting (right angle blower discharge) . "USE AI{D CARE" . "SERVICE PARTS" . "WARRANW" Installer: Leave this manual with the homeowner. Homeowner: Use and Care information on page g. 5 MODELS L400L. L500L. L700L BROA1| Page 2 TYPICAL INSTALLATION TYPICAL INSTALLATION MOUNTING (New Frame Construction) WIRING 10" ROUND DUCT Blower {actory-shipped in horizontal discharge position. 4%" x18y;' TO lO"ROUND TRANSITION I I Mounting brackets factory-shipped in position for i/2" ceiling material. CEILING JOIST (24'centers sho\/vn) I 1O'ROUND DUCT 41/2" X 181/2" "33HIW" 'P-l';s?ldii Factory-shipped unit installed in new canstruction. MOUNTf NG GxiSEnS Frame Construction) 4V;' X 18%" TO 10" ROUNDTRANSITION 41/2" X 181/2" TO 10" ROUND TRANSITION 1O'ROUND DUCT 10" ROUND DUCT MOUNTING SCREW MOUNTING BRACKETS (Attached to opposite sides of housing & upside-down, so housing is flush with finished ceiling) CEILING JOIST (24" centers shown) Factory-shiryed unit installed in existing canstruction. TOP/ BACK OF HOUSING l2OVACLINEIN/ Ventilator can be wired from outside of housing. Use LIL approved connectors to wire per local codes' Two ways to connect ductwork to a factory-shipped unit. NOTE: Make sure the shipping tape is removed from the damper flap and that damper flap opens and closes freely inside the dubtwork. Use duct tape to make ductwork connections secure and airtight. DUCTING (Straight-through blower discharye) -- ROOF CAP 41/2" X 181/1' TO 10'ROUND TRANSITION \t \ 10" ROUND DUCT \ I I \ 5 MODELS L400L. L500L. L700L BROA]{ Page 3 MOUNTING OPTIONS DUCTING OPTIONS |p-ztn" -4 MTT-T tl tA-2O hex nuts secure mounting brac*ets to housing. Loosen and re-tighten or remove and replace nuts as necessary for desired mounting bracket position. BLOWER DISCHARGE POSITIONS Blower and duct connector in straight+hrough dis- charge position. (Factory shipped) Mounting brackets in factory - s hippe d po s ition. (Outlet parallel to joists.) (New construction) M ounting brackets fl ipped over and mounted to outlet sides of housing. (Outlet parallel to ioists.) (ExislingL construction; Blower and duct connector in right an&le discharge position- M ount in g b r ac ket s mounted to outlet sides of housing. (Outlet perpendicular to ioists.)(New conslruction) M ount ing br ac ke * fl ippe d over to give approx. 1 " more clearance. (Outlet parallel to joists.) (New construction) M ountin g br ac kc t s mount ed to top of sides of housing. (Outlet parallel to joists.) (New or exisling construction) Mounting brackets flipped over and mounted to top of sides of housing. (Outlet parallel to joists.) (New or existing construction)right anpile discharge. WIRING OPTIONS USE AND CARE Ventilator is designed lor continuous operation. lf desired, it may be controlled using an ory'off srvitch or a solid-state, variable speed conlrol. Follow wiring instructions pac*ed with control, and adhere to all local and state codes. and the National Elec,trical Code. l\ WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock, ll, disconnect from power supply betore servicing. To clean blower assembly: Remove access panel, unplug blower lrom housing, remove blower mounting nuts, and caretully remove blower from housing. Use appropriate vacuum attachment or a soft cloth and mild soap or detergent to clean blower discharge area and whee|. DO NOT ALLOW WATER TO ENTER MOTOR. MaKe sure blolver assembly is compleiely dry belore reinstalling. Motor is permanently lubricated. Do not oil or disassemble motor. DUCT CONNECTOR DUCT CONNECTOR Change dower & ducl c{)nneclor positions br right anole discharoe. 11/z' to 21/a' I Y ITTTT] ll l<-pa"-d l0 3A' to |1-ztv". -+1 MTT-TN tl m-r-T-Tn tl E-ztn'-4 DUCTING (Right angle blower discharye) 10" ROUND 4WX18t/2" TO lO"ROUND TRANSITION Typical ductwork connection to a ventilator converted to H*".x HORIZONTAL POWER CABLE CONNECTION Wring plate mounts to side or top of housing. r=MODELS L400L. l-500L. L700L BROA1| Page 4 SERVICE PARTS SERVICE PARTS KEY NO.PART NO.DESCRIPTION 1 2 .t 4 o 7 I o 10 11 12 13 14 IE 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 970147 44 97014729 98009449 97014822 99150415 98005512 99150471 98005513 99400035 97006039 99260477 97014745 991 10805 9800s399 99080486 99080487 99080488 97014794 99100497 99160380 99250399 99260305 99250254 93260456 Tg9l 97014817 9701481 I 97014821 98009464 99420470 99150472 99.1 50591 Housing Assembly Mounting Brackel (2 req.) Duct Conneclor (2 req.) Damper Flap Assembly (2 req.) ScrewS-18x%(18req.)* Wiring Plale Ground Screw, 10-32 x Y, (2 req.) Wire Box Cover Strain Relief Bushing Wire Harness Nut, %-20 (12 req.)* Scroll Assembly (2 req.) Blower Wheel (2 req.) Inlet Ring (2 req.) Molor (L400L) Motor (L500L) Moto/ (L700L) Motor Mounting Bracket Rubber lsolator (4 req.) Screw, 10-24 x 7/8 (4 req.)* Washer (4 req.)* Nut, Hex 10-24 (4 req.)* Washer (4 req.)* Nut, Hex Flange 3/8-16 Scroll Mounling Channel Blower Assembly, Complete (lncludes Key Nos.5 & 11-23) (L400L) (Ls00L) (L7ooL) Access Panel Access Panel Nut (4 req.) Access Panel Mounling Screw (4 req.) Screw, 10-16 x ZB (4 req.) 6j'" 67 -25 w i-A.: %\) -5 11 t-10 ____./ I \ 13 I 14 ",,.'1 .t\ I BLOWER ASSEMBLY 15 Order replacemenl parts by PART NO. - not by KEY NO.* Slandard hardware - may be purchased locally. WARRANTY ,.. -.--;{B',,--'21-W,17 .-7r'ot(-.ffi 19 ENOAN OI{E YEAR UMITED WANRANW Broanwarrantstotheorigina|consumerpulchasero|itsproductsthatsuchplodUctstti||be''ee'romde'€c|sinmateria|sor!ro.kmani|!P]oJ.sgs1o.dg91'9 OTiOiNAI OT,TCITASC NENE INC ruO OTXER WARRANTIiS, EXPRESS OB iMPLIED, INCLUOING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIEO WARBANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FIiNESS FoR A PARTIcULAR PURPOSE. During this one-year period. Broan will. at its option, repair or replace, without charge, any product or part which is lound to b€ delective under .rormal use and seNic€. fgts WAnRnruiV ObES NOT EXTENO TO FLUORESCENT LAMP STARTERSAND TUBES. This warranty does nol co!r'er (a) normal maintenance and s€rvice or (b) any produc'ts orp;rtswhichhavebeensubjecNtomisuse,neg|igence,accident,improp9rmaintaoanc€orlepair(olherthanbyBroan),lau|tyinsta||ationorinsta||ationc| inslallation instructions- ThEdurationofanimp|iedwarrantyis|imiledtotheon€.yearperiodasspeci|iedlorth9expleaswarranty'Somestatgsdonotal|ow|imi|ationonhow|onganimp|;waIiar|a$s' so lhe abow limitalion may not apply to you. BRoAN'S oBLIGATIoN To REPAiR oR-REPI.AoE, AT BHoAN,SoPTIoN, SHALL BE THE PUBCHASER,S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE NEMEDY UNDER THIS WARNANTY. AROAN sxAr-r- rlot ee LAgre roR lr.rcroerutnr. coNsrquer.lrraf oR spEctAL oAMAGES AF StNG our oF oR lN coNNEcrloN wlrH PRooucr usE oR PERFoRMANoE. Some slates do not allow the exclusion or limitation ol inckt€ntal or consequendal damages, so the above limitation may nol apply lo you. This waffanty givea you specific legal rights, and you may also have other dghts, wticfi vary fiom slale to sEte.lhis_ warranty supers€des.all prior warrartiss. Toqr.ra|ify|oiriarraniysarvice,youhud1a1notify.Broan;Ifeadd.ess$ateab9|oworte{ephon€:1.8o0637-'|453,(b)9ivelhemod9|n ne hatuie of any defbd in lhe product orpart. Ai tne tirne of requesting waranty service, you must pr€sent evidence ofths original purchase dale. In the U.S., co act: Broan-NuTonc LLC, 926 West State St.eet, Hafford, Wl U.S.A. 53027 ln Canada, contac-t: 8,oan-l{uTonE C.n.da, 11,|{} fristar Drive Mississauga, Ontario LsT lHg (905-670-2500) 9€1042725E 5 MODELOS L400L. L500L. L700L BRCDAN OPCIONES DE MONTAJE OPCIONES PABA CONDUCTOS PAgina 7 LA COLOCACI6N DE Las tuercas hexagonales de 1A x 20 aseguran las abrazaderas de montaje en el alojamiento. Afloie y vuelva a apretat o quite y reemplace las tuercas segUn sea necesario para colocar las abrazaderas de montaje en la posici6n deseada. Abrazaderas de montaje en la posici6n ajustada en fdbrica. (La salida queda paralela a las viguetas) (Estructura nue\r'a) Abrazaderas de montaje wfteadas y montadas a los lados de Ia salJda del aloiamiento. (La salida qLieda perpendicular a las viguetas) (Estructura exislentq) k-S+,Ocm--+l Conector del ventilador y del conducto en posici6n de descarga derccha por del ventilador. (ajuste de fdbrica) Cambie la posici6n del conec'tor del ventilador y del conducto para una descarga AEgalgJecte, Abrazadens de montaje montadas en los lados de la sal i da del a I ojam iento. (La salida queda perpendicular a las viguetas) (Estructura nus/a) Abrazaderas de montaie wlteadas para permitir un espacio adicional de aprox. | " (2.54 cm). (La salida queda paralela a las viguetas) (Estructura nveva) COLOCACf6N DE DUCTOS (Descarga 1ngulo recto det ventiladoil Conexi6n tipica de los conduclos al ventilador cambiado a descarga dngulo recto. USO Y CUIDADO El ventilador est6 disenado para operar continuamente. Si se desea, se puede controlar usando un inlerruptor de encendido/apagado o un contml de estado s6lido de velocidad variable. Siga las instrucciones para las conexiones electricas quevienen empacadas con elcontrol, y observe todos los c6digos locales y estatales y el C6digo Eldctrico Nacional. A, ADVERTENGIA: Para reducir el rlesgo de Bul r una descarga /L el6ctrica, anles de dar servicio alventilado. descon6ctelo del I suministm el6ctrico. Para llmpiar el conjunto del ventilador: Ouite el panel de acceso, desconecte el ventilador del alolamiento, quite las tuercas de rnonlaje d6l venlilador y cuidadosamenle saque el ventilador del alojamiento. Use el aditamento apropiado de la aspiradora o un pano suave y iab6n o detergenle suave para limpiar el erea de descarga y la rueda del ventilador. NO PERMITA QUE ENTRE AGUA AL MOTOR. Asegorese de que el coniunlo del ventilador est6 completamenle seco anies de volverlo a inslalar. El motor e$a perrmnentemente lubricado. No lubrhue ni desmonte el motor. Abrazaderas de montaje montadas en Ia parte superiot de los lados del alojamiento. (La salida queCa paralela a las viguetas) (Estructura nua/a o existente) Abrazaderas de montaje wfteadas y montadas en la parte suwrior de los lados del alojamiento. (La salida queda paralela a las viguetas) (Estructura nueva o existente) OPCIONES PARA LA CONEXION ELECTRICA l+- S+,0 "tn -->l trTTT] tl POSICIONES DE I-A DESCARGA DELVENTIIADOR CONECTOR DEL CONDUCTO Cambie la posici6n del conector delvenlilador y del conducto para una descaroa anoulo recto.- -l VENTILADOR CONECTOR DEL CONDUCTO 24,1 a 26,7 cm k-S+,ecm+l TIITT-TN tl 27,3 a 29,9 cm k- st.o cm -j 4vi x 18w Io 10' (11,4 X 47 a 2q4 cm) TRANSICION COLOCAC|oN DE I-A PLACA DE CONEXIONES La placa de conexiones se monta a los lados o en la parte supe or del alojamiento. j."\\<% ur"roil"'f6J..- I I . ../ CABLE DE lVi nuueutao6tt # 'U&+CoNEXTON'FV> HORIZONTAL L/ -a DEL CABLE DE ALIMENTACION 5 MODELOS L400L. L500L. L700L BROAN Pdgina I PIEZAS DE SERVICIO PIEZAS DE SERVICIO CLAVE NE.PIEZA N!.DESCRIPCION 1 2 3 4 o 7 t'I 10 11 12 13 14 to 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 97014744 97014728 98009449 97014422 99150415 98005512 99150471 98005513 99400035 97006039 99260477 97014745 991 10805 98009399 99080486 99080487 99080488 970'l4794 99100497 99160380 99250399 99260306 99250254 93260456 ::?9.:fl 9701€17 97014819 97014821 98009464 99420470 99150472 99150591 Coniunto del alojamiento Abrazaderas de montaje (se req. 2) Conector del conducto (se req. 2) Coniunto de la solapa de compuerta de tiro (se req. 2) Tornilfos, 8-18 x 1/ (se req, 1 8)* Placa de conexiones Tomilfos de conexi6n a liefta, 10-32 x yz (se req. 2) Cubierta de la caia de conexiones Buie de alivio de iensi6n Arn6s de alambre Tuercas, %-20 (12 req.)* Conjunto del caracol (2 req.) Rueda del ventilador Anillo de entrada (2 req.) Motor (1400L) Motor (L5001) Motor (1700L) Abrazadera montaje de motor Aislador de caucho (se req. 4) Tornilfos, 1O-24 x7l8 (se req.4)* Arandelas (se req. 4)* Tuercas, hex 10-24 (se req.4)* Arandelas (se req. 4)* Tuerca, hex pestana 3/8-16 Ranura montaje de caracol Gonjunto del ventilador, completo (lncluye clave Ne.s 5 y 11-23) (14001) (15001) (L700L) Panel de acceso Tuercas de panel de acceso (se req. 4) Tornillos de montaje de pane de acceso (se req. 4) Tornillos, 10-16 x 78 (se req. 4) d;\ .z "Lt/ -9 6-7 10 ____./ _-;'& MV 11 I 9./ t t '13 I --- 13 Ai'l a\ CONJUNTO DE VENTILADOR 19 ?I 18, \12. I I to Ir |1l I 1tr 23 -,dt' ,.,2o 11 Pida las piezas de repuesto por Ne. DE PIEZA, no por Nq. DE CLAVE * Herraie eslendar, se puede comprar localmente. GARANTIA j\refi- GARA TTA u trAoA DE BRoa DEu Atio B@an|egaran|izaa|consumidorcompradororigina|desUsplodUctosqueta|esproductosestalAn|ibtesdede|ectosenmateria|esom6no( de compA original. NO HAY OTRAS GARANTIAS EXPLICITAS O IMPLICITAS, INCLUYENDO, PERO NO LIMITADAS AGARANTIAS IMPLICITAS DE COMERCIALIZACION OAPTITUO PARA UN PROPOSITO PABTICULAR, Our€nte este periodo de un aio, Broan reparar{ o cambiari, a su opci6n y sin cobro, dralquier producto o Fieua qs€ so €ncuentre delecluosa bajo uso y sewicio normal. ESTA GARANTTA NO SE EXTTENDE AARRANCADORES DE LAMPARAS FLUORESCENTES Y TU8OS. Esta garantia no cubre (a) mantenimiento y sewicio normales o (b) .iralquid producto o ciones de inslalaci6n. impllcita, por lo que esia limitaci6n talvez no se aplica al caso suyo. LA OBUGACION OE BROAN DE REPABAR O CAMBIAR, A OPCION DE BROAN. SERA EL UNICO Y EXCLUSIVO REMEDIO AL COMPRADOR BAJO ESTA GARANTIA. BROAN NO SERA RESPoNSAaLE PoR DANos INoIDENTALES. coNsEiUENTES, O ESPECIALES oUE SURJAN DE O EN RELACION A EL USO O DESEMPENO DEL PRODUCTO, AIgUnos eslados no permiten la exlusi6n o limitaci6n de daios incidentales o conse€uentes, por lo que esia limitaci6n o etclusi6n lal vez no se aPlica en su caso, Esta gararfia le da derechos legales especiticos, y usted pued6 len€r otros d€rechos que varian d6 estado a estado. Esta garantia reemplaza todas les garantias adleriores. Paracalifca]parasericiobajoestaga'antia,usieddebe{ainotficalaBloanen|adi'ecci6nq pieza y (c) describir el defecto en el producto o pieza. Al solicitar servicio bajo la garanlia, ust€d debe presedtar eyidencia de la l6cha d€ compra original. En los Estados Unido6, llame: Bro!n.!{uTon6 LLC, 926 West Staie Slreet, Hartlord, Wl 53027 (l-800-637-1453) En Canada, llame: B.oan-liuTon. C.nadr, 1140 Tristar Orive Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1Hg (905-67G2500) 990427zsE 'I---MODELES L/t00L. L500L. L700L BRCDAil Page 9 VENTILATEURS LOSONE SELECT@ Montage au plafond/mur . 120 V AVERTISSEMENT TABLE DES MATIERES POUR REDUTRE LE RTSQUE D'|NCEND|E, DE CHOC ELECTRIOUE OU DE BLESSURES PERSONNELLES. OBSERVEZ CE OUI SUIT: 1 . Utilisez cette unit6 seulement de la fagon pr6vue par le fabricant. Pour d'autres renseignements, contactez le fabricant A l'adresse ou au num6ro de t6l6phone qui se trouve dans la garantie. 2. Avant d'effectuer une r6paration ou un entretien sur cet appareil, coupez le courant au tableau d'alimentation et verrouillez celui-ci pour emp€cher que la tensaon soit remise accidentellement. Lorsque le venouillage de la d6connexion n'est pas possible, mettezbienenvue un signal d'averlissementtelle qu'une 6tiquette, sur le panneau d'alimentation. 3. L'installation et la oose des lils 6lectrioues doivent etre etfectu6es par une ou des personnes qualifi6es conformement a tous les codes el normes applicables, incluanl les normes de construction en rapport aux incendies. 4. ll taut su{fisamment d'air pour une combustion appropri6e et l'6chappement des qaz Dar le tuvau de la chemin6e de l'equipi:ment brOlant dJcombustible 6ur pr6venir un contre-cou- rant. Suivez les instructions du fabricant de l'6quipement de chaulfage et les normes de s6curit6 telles que celles publiees par la National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) et l'American Society tor Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) et des autorit6s du code local. 5. Lorsde lacoupe ou du pergage dans un mur ou un plafond, prenez soin.de ne pas endommager lesfils 6lectriqueset lesautres utilit6s drssrmutees. 6. Ladecharge des ventilateurs a conduit par l'6vent doittoujours se faire a l'ei6rieur. 7. Pour r6duire le rsque d'incendie. utilisez seulement des donduits de ventilation en m6tal. 8. Si cette unite doit 6tre install6e au-dessus d'une baionoire ou d'une douche, elle doit €tre marqu6e comme 6tant a[propri6e pour l'application et 6tre connect6e A un circuit d6riv6 prot6ge GFCI (intenupteur de circuit en cas de d6faut de mise d'la tene du neutre). 9. Ne placez jamais un interrupteur dans un endroit otr il peut 6tre rejoint d'une baignoire ou d'une douche. '| 0. Cette unit6 doit 6tre mise e la terre. ATTENTION 1. Pourventilation generale seulement. Ne l'utilisez pas pour6vacuer les vapeurs ou materiaux dangereux ou que peuvent exploser. 2. Pour dviter d'endommager les coussinets du moteur et des tur- bines bruyantes evou mal 6quilibr6es, assurez que l'unit6 motrice est exempte de poussidre provenant des murs en pierres sdches et la construction. 3. Sl l€ ventlltteur est install6 dans un endroit non conditionn6 (tel qu'un grenier): Entourez le ventilateur d'un isolant thermique afin de r6duire toute condensation Eventuelle. 4. Veuillez lire l'etiquette de spr6cifications sur le produit pour d'autres renseignements et exigences. Ce manuel se divise comme suit : . INSTALI-ATION TYPIOUE Cette section montre une installation standard dans un bAtiment en cours de construction ou d6iA construit. - Montage (construction en coulrs) - Montage (construction termin6e) - CAblage - Inslallation des conduits (ddcharge de soufflerie dans ligne) . OPTIONS DE MONTAGE . OPTIONS DE CABLAGE - Position de la plaque de cablage . OPTIONS D'INSTALLATION DES CONDUITS - Positions de la d6charge de la soufflerie - Installation des conduits (d6charge de soufllerie droit angle) . UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN . PIECES DE RECHANGE . GARANTIE Installateur: Remetez ce manuel au protpri6taire de maison. Propri6taire de maison: Mode d'utilisation et soin dr la page 11 5 BRCDA]I MODELES L400L. L500L. L700L Page 10 INSTALLATION WPIOUE INSTALLATION TYPIQUE MONTAGE (Construction en cours)CABLAGE enrnEe rzovcnl Le ventilateu Deut 6tre branchi depuis I'ert6rieur du boitier. Utiliser des cannecteurs homologu4s UL pour les branchements, conformement aux codes locaux en vigueur. INSTALLATION DES CONDUITS (ddcharge de soufflerie dans ligne) REMARQUE :Veiller ir retirer le ruban adh6sif d'exp6dition du volet du registre et s'assurer que ce dernier s'ouvre et se ferme librement A l'int6rieur du conduit. Utiliser du ruban adh6sif pour assurer et etancher les raccords des conduits. CONDUIT CIRCUI.AIRE DE 10 po (25,4 c SOLIVE DE PLAFOND 24 po (61 :'l"nu"' Apparcil insta 6 dans un b^timent en cours de construction. MONTAGE (construction termin6e) CHARPENTE 2 X 4 (c6t6 large en bas) TRANSITION 4Y2 X '181/2 au 'lO oo (1'l,4 x 17 au25,4 cm) circulaire CONDUIT \ CIRCULAIRE DE \ TRANSITION 4YzX lgYz au 10 Po ('11,4 x 47 au 25,4 cm) circulaire 10 po (25,4 cm) SUPPORTS (fixes aux autres c6t6s du boitier et a I'envers pour que le boitier soit au ras du plafond fini) I MATERIAU DE PLAFOND FINI VIS DE FIXATION SOLIVE DE PIAFOND 24 po (61 cm) centre \ CONDUIT CIRCULAIRE DE 10 po (25,4 cm) Appareil insta d dans un betiment ddiA construit. CONDUIT COUDE CIRCULAIRE DE 10 po (25,4 cm) \ CONDUIT CIRCULAIRE OE 10 po (25,4 cm) \ Deux manidres de nccorder les conduits A un appareil pr6mont6. '5 MODELES L400L. L500L. L700L BRCDAN Page 11 OPTIONS DE MONTAGE OMO{S DINSTAjANON DES CONDU]TS 3,8 a 6,4 cm k-s+,e cm --rl h-sl,ocm--rl Des 6crous A six pans %-20 fixent les supports au boitier. Desserrer et resserrer ou retirer et replacer les 6crous si n6cessaire, selon la position d6sir6e pour le support. [+gr,g .mJ l+s+,ecm-J Supports en position prEassembl6e (Sortie paralldle aux solives) (Batiment en cours de con- struction) Supports fixds de part et d'autre de la sortie du boitier (Sortie perpendiculaire aux solives) (BAtiment en cours de con- struction) Suppotts rctournas et tix6s de patt et d'autre de la sortie du boitier (Sortie perpendiculaire aux solives) (BAtiment d6jd construit) Suppofts retournAs et fix6s sur le dessus, de part et d'autre du boitier (Sortie paralldle aux solives) (Batiment en cours de con- struction ou deja construit) Raccord de soufflerie et de conduit en Dosition de ddcharge dans ligne (pr6assembl6e) Raccord de souffle e etde conduit en Dosition de dAcharge droit anote Supports fix6s sur le dessus, de part et d'autre du boitier (Sortie paralldle aux solives) (Batiment €n cours de con- struction ou d6ia construit) Suppofts retournes pour donner environl po de d6g ag e ment su pp | 6 me ntai re (Sortie perpendiculaire aux solives) (BAtiment en cours de con- struction) k- Sa,O "r -+l h-sl,ocm--rl INSIAIJ-A11OI,I DES CONDUITS (dechaqe de sorfiede dmit angle) UTILISATION ET ENTRETIEN Le ventilateur a 6t6 congu pour une utilisation continue. Si d6sir6, il peut Ctre command6 i I'aide d'un inlerruoleur marche/arret ou d'un r6gulateur de vilesse a semi-conducteurs. Suivre les instructions de cablage lournies avec le 169ulateur et respecler tous les codes locaux et provinciaux en vigueur, de m6me que le Code national de l'6lectricil6 A, AVERTISSEMENT: Pour diminuer les risques de d6chalge L alecttlque, d6brancher la source d'alimentation arrant touta O op6ration d'entretien. Pour nettoyer la soufllerle : Retirer la panneau d'access, d6brancher la soufflerie du boitier, retirer les 6crous de tixation de la soufflerie et retirer d6licalement la soufflerie du boitier, Utiliser un accessoire d'aspiraleur approprid ou retirer la grille et nettoyer a l'aide d'un chiffon doux et de savon ou de d6tergent doux pour nettoyer la zone de decharge de la soutflerie et la roue. NE PAS LAISSER D'EAU S'INFILTREFI DANS LE MOTEUR. S'assurer oue la soufflerie est compldtement sdche avant de la rdinstaller. Le moteur est fubrrlif en permanence. Ne pas lubritier ou demonter le moleur. OPTIONS DE CABLAGE La plaque de cAblage se fixe su le c6td ou sur le dessus du boitier. POSITIONS DE LA DECHARGE DE LA SOUFFLERIE Modifie( la position du raccord de soutflerie et de conduit pour une decharoe droit anole. RACCOBD DE CONDUIT RACCORD DE CONDUIT aEi'"ff - TRANSITION 4Y2 X 181/2 au '10 po (11 ,4 x 47 au 25,4 cm) circulaire Raccordement de conduit typique A un ventilateur convefti er, d6charge droit angle. PLAOUE DE CABLAGE '5 BROA]{MODELES LrtooL. L500L. L700L , Page 12 PIECES DE RECHANGE PIECES DE RECHANGE LEGENDE N. DE REF.DESCRIPTION I 2 3 4 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 97014Y 44 97014728 98009449 97014822 99150415 9800551 2 99150471 98005513 99400035 97006039 9S260477 970147 45 991 1 0805 98009399 99080486 99080487 99080488 97014794 99100497 99160380 99250399 99260306 99250254 93260456 :::*l 97014817 9701481 I 97014821 98009464 99420470 99150472 99150591 Boitier Support (2 oblig.) Registre (2 oblig.) Ensemble de clapet de registre (2 oblig.) Vis, 8-18 x % (18 oblig.)* Plaque de cdblage Vis de terre, 10-32 xY2 (2 oblig.) Couvercle de la boite de ceblage R6ducteur de tension Harnais A fils Ecrou, %-20 (12 oblig.)* Volute (2 oblig.) Roue de soufflerie Bague d'arriv6e (2 oblig.) Moteur (1400L) Moteur (L500L) Moteur (L7001) Support de montage de moleur lsolant de caoutchouc (4 oblig.) Vis, 10-24 x718 (4 oblig.)* Bondelle (4 oblig.)* Ecrou, Hex 10-24 (4 oblig.)* Bondelle (4 oblig.)* Ecrou, Hex Flange 3/8-16 Barre de montage de volute Soufflerie, ensemble(inclul n' legende set11a23) (L400L) (15001) (17001) Panneau d'access Ecrou de panneau de access (a oblig.) Vis de fixation de oanneau de access (4 oblig.) Vis, 10-16 x Z8 (4 oblig.) 'u -u 4 a f+z +'8/' '-5 t/, -l 'sct 2 I \\\3 I )s -,T/ \ I y- 13 ."'-t-r- -rl 18 I I lq i 11 I ENSEMBLE DE SOUFFLERIE Commander les pidces de rechange par num6ro de r6t6rence et non d I'aide du num6ro de l6gende.* Visserie slandard - Deut Ctre ache.t6e localement. GARANTIE GARANTIE LIM1TEE D'UN AN DE BROAN Broan garantit a l'acheteur consommateur original, de ses produits qu'ils sont ex€mpts ds ddtauts dans les matieres premigres ou la main-d'oeuvre pour,une p6riode d'un an A compter d€ la date d'achat original. lL N'Y A PAS D'AUTRES GAHANTIES, EXPRIMEES OU IMPLICITES, INCLUANT MAIS NON PAS LIMITE AUX GARANTIES IMPUCITES POUR FIN DE COMMERCIALISATION ET DE CONVENANCE DANS UN BUT PARTICULIEF. Pendant cette periode d'un an, Broan, a son choix, reparera ou remplacera, gratuitement, tout produit ou pidcs qui s'avere defectueux sous ulilisation et service normaux. CETTE GAMNTIE NE COUVFE PAS LES DEMARFEURS DE LAMPES FLUORESCENTES ET LES TUBES. Cetle garaniie na couvre pas (a) l'erdretien et le service normal ou(b)buproduiloupicceendommag6parsuitedemauvaisu6age,n6g|i9ence.accidert,entretieninappropri6our6paralion(autr9qu'epai6roan1,mauva installation contraire au mode d'inslallalion recommandd. La dur6€ de toute garantie implicite gst limitoe A une p6riode d'un an l3l que sp6cifi6 pour la garantie exprimde. L'ENGAGEMENT DE BROAtt DE REPARER OU DE FEMPLACER, AU CHOIX OE BROAN,SERA TASEULE OBLIGATION EXCLUSIVE SOUS CETTE GAMNTIE. BROAN NE SE TIENDRA PAS HESPONSABLE DES DOMMAGES DIRECTS, INDIRECTS OU SPECIAUX SURVENANTA CAUSE DE OU EN RAPPORTA L'UTIUSATION OU LA PERFORMANCE DE SES PRODUITS Cotte garantie vous donne des droits l6gaux 6p6cifiques et ll se peul que vous ayez d'autres droits. Cene garantis annule tout€s lss gararties pr6c6derites. Pour ls sarvic€ sous garamie, vous devez (a) aviser Broan 6 I'adresse ci.dessous, (b) donner le num6ro du modele et I'identification de la pidce et (c) d6crire la nature de iout ddtaut dans le produit ou la pidce. Au temps de demander le service sous garantis, vous devez pr6senter une preuve de la date d'achat original. Aux E.[J., comuniquez avec: Broan-l.luTone LLC, 926 West State Stre€t, Hartford, Wl 53027 (1-800.637.1453) Au Cansda, comuniquez avac: Broan-NuTone Canads, 1140 Tristar Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5T lHg (905-670-2500) 99042725e TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-4't9-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: Al7 Parcel No...: 2l0l08l I1017 Project No : ? R:)C\i 0,.c q, OI1INER Apo1lo creen L,LC 501- Silverside Carr Exec 100 Wilmington DE IJOS A}TGEIJES CA 19809 IJj.cense : CONTRACTOR SWEDE'S METAL FAB P.O. BOX 801 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License z 23 9 -ltl APPIJIEANT SWEDEIS METAL FAB P.O. BOX 801 MII{TI]RN, CO 8164 5 I-,icense z 239 -Yl MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0044 k), OyE Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 05/07/200J Issued. .: 05/1212003 Expires. .: 11/08/2003 05/07/2003 Phone: 05/07 /2003 Phone: 970-331-3336 os/07/2003 Phone: 970-331-3336 Desciption: VENTINC OF 4 BATH FANS, VENTING OF RANGE HOOD Valuation: $500.00 Fireplace Information; Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * * *,F,*,i * *,i,l t * + +,* + * Mechanical-> 520.00 Rcstuarant Plan Rcview-> $0.00 lotal Calculatcd Fccs--> $28.00 Plan Check--> $5.00 DRB Fcc----------> $0.00 Addirional Fees-----> $0. O0 lnvestigation-> $0 - 00 'I'OTAL FEES--------> $28.00 Toral Permit l;ee-----> $28.00 WillCall---> 93 - oo Payments------------> 928.00 BALANCE DUL-----> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 05/09/2003 GcD Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FfRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELTD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond:23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]"997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:32 (,Br-,Dc.,): PERMrr,Pr,ANs AND coDE ANAr,ysrs MUsr BE posrED rN MEcI{ANrcAr RooM pRroR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: l0 (BLDG.): DRATNAGE oF MEcHANreAr, RooMs CoNTATNTNG HEATTNG oR Hor-wATER supprry BOILERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1-022 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR :::::::-::?i;-l---'-1'lTi--'-'1l-]-.i.TI;|l|.{|*l.********t*l.:llil*+l*:*:l+*.,t:*'}*|.|*+***,i***{.*l}****l++l*++l+|* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNEI '**l*******************,t**+************+****+*+++++++**+++***t+*++*++*+++++++**+**++++****++* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * f * + * * * * * * * * 'i * * * * * * * ** * * 'l * + * * ++ *+ + * * * ** * + + * * +* * + + ++ + + + *** + * * + + + + * + +* + + + + + | * * * ++ + + * * * + * * Statement Number: R030003952 Amount: 928.00 05/L2/2OO3L1 :24 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Swede's Metal Fa.b 1058 Permit No: M03-0044 q/pe: MECTANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 8111017 Site Address: 500 VArL VALLEy DR VArL Location: A17 Total Fees: S28.00 This Pa)rment: $28.00 Total ALL PmLs: $28.00 Balance: S0.00 *++**+**++ +**** * ++**+ +++*+f +**+ **+***+* ++**++ **+*+*++* ** * * + * * * * * * * * * + + + * * + * * * * + * + * * * * * + * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO I4ECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 5.00 l^ic 00100003112800 !,iILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2t49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the followino: Provide Mechanical Room drawn to scale to include: ''wa-oLn MWIIOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Room Di Air Duct Gas CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 7'/.{ <y- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $ ; ct'cc- Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit www.for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit# is provided above), 2 / r) t07 I Il (\t') Job Name: (L(*c''.--Job Address: 6( c' ,(' I r )7i ll{'7 f l\- r,iZT/,, .-tr,-tr\,.,' , r )r,, if t4 - I / Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: , loiitrlr.-,- ..r'(*/) t'.',r1/-. r)z;r th,.f, i,... .',1-' ?,r,.-s, dr,..C' WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(/) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family f) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpeof FireolacesExistinq: GasApoliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ******************x*****FoR oFFICE USE ONLy******xx*************x***'1.*** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off:Accepted Bv: DRB Fees:Date Received: F: /everyone/forms/ mechperm f l!.. "t I t \ :i .la rf_ t'. ;,"r'\Y., t 't t 3 t','*nli: l$ \ ; I {'t TOWN GF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0021 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : TSSUED Location.....: Al7 Applied..: 0412812003 ParcelNo...: 2l0l08lll0l7 Issued. .: 05/0212003 Project No : O,1Z\-DZ L\ LLc 1 Expires . .: 10/29/2003 OI{NER Apollo Green IJIJC 04/28/2003 phone: 501 Silverside Carr Exec 100 Wilmj,ngton DE LOS ANGEIJES CA ].9809 I-,icense: coMrRAcToR KErrLy'S QUAr,rTy PIJUMBTNG SF,F.O /28 / 2OO3 phone : 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, eo 81631 License : 279-P APPLICANT KELI-,Y'S QUAI-,ITY PLITMBING SEP.04/28/2003 Phone: 970-328-6093 P. O. Box 3187 Eagle. CO 81_63 i_ License: 279-P Desciption: ADDINC ONE TOILET LAV AND SHOWER CHANGING ONE TUB TO A SHOWER. RELOCATINC THE KITCHEN SINK, REPLACINC TUB AND SHOWER,RELOCATING ONE LAV AND TOILET Valuation: $4.500.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? 4 ofGas Appliances: 1? # ofGas Logs: 1? ll of Wood Pallet: ?? ,i * + *,f t * *+,t +,f t * * *,t Plumbing--> $75 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $95 - 75 Plan Check--> $18 . ?5 DRB Fee-------> $0. oo Additional Fees--------> $0 - 00 lnvestigation-> S0. 00 TOTAL FEES---> $96 .75 Total Permit Fee---> $96 .7s Will Call-> S3 .00 Paynrent5--------;' $96.75 BALANCE Dt.'E-----> $o . oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/2e/2oo3 DE Action: AP rTEMI 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FoR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ********* *'*t* ** * * * * * * * + * + * + * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******,****** ************+** * * * * * * * * * * i * + ++ ++ ++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * *** * ** **************+ +* ** * *+****** ** ******* **** *t*,* ****** *****++***rf *'!****,t* *tt**++**+**** ** Statement Nuiber: R030003898 tunount: $96.?5 OS/02/2OO3t1 :29 AM Palment Method: Check Qual ity Init: tc Notation: #1455/KeIIy's Balance: S0.00 ***'***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * ***,t 'i * * lt ****lt* *** ***** +*+*+**:t ** * ******+*+*. Permit No: P03-0021 TIG)e: PLIJMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210108111017 Site Addre6s: 600 VAIL VAITITEY DR VAIL Locat.ion: AL7 This Payment: $96. ?5 Total Fees: $96.75 Total ALL Pmts: $96.75 Current Pmts ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description PF OO1OOOO31123()O PLAN CHECK FEES 18,75 PP OO1OOO()31112OO PLUMBiNG PERI4IT FEES 75,00 |"IC OO1OOOO3112BOO t^jILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO APPUCATION WILL uilding Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) t- CONTRACTOR. INFORMATI Plumbino Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No,: 2'71 - ?Contact and Phone #'s: E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VAIUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Assessorc Office at 97O-328-8540 or visit Pa # zrorog rr ror'l Job Name: U*.1- L- tn F-1. LJccdJ'Job Address: A.:o V*!z, N,t-.1a;c(S 'l .(o. 9l Filing: Owners Name: Appa ttc G/r<to1 t-l,c-O t i,ly6.af iate Phone: gq 5 - Loo t Detailed description of work: ldd,*1 Q-lornl^*, "t-1,.- ll'lt*-, 9i WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alterationf{, Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-familyVJ Commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No PLUMBING: $ ldOra ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************r('t******** CErvEo APR t : trJriJ rov'corutlE! \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\I:ORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC 07t26t2002 ef.r! pf tg'$ *d) Y/&t'$ .;1t*.. f CU-T 8$f"flt *ffi"HHlA"Fu t*t At7 ArPrD lnfoflrrtton AcrhAr gr?-(xng Tt!.: AHF GonrlTni: Occugctrh Orr|.|: ArolbGrr.nLLc ADDlh.|t tftdbocor$ucflon conh.cbn 1cD80 conF-TRl,rcTtotl Ocgflon Corn'nfil hrn: 60 ilDe'mumon OAUIOO hcDclor:Lm: 80 BLtxishc.boc*nhl 0&24/6 rlocbf'Coffi|r]rb: m[t317 E"tc 0r rM6 Frl,ll'1 c-p!"60 Otc fitISUIJllED ATID WRAPED YI,ITH APFRCruNOFRAiltlO. rTt{At{D Ln htc R(rl||. TO FLOOR PttNS, rtYOUT, L{on: APAPFnOVED Et{G LETIER APPROVNG ^LI STRIrcTLRA. REI/ISED FLOOR FLAN Aailo.r: Ar{on: bm: n)i.|n: E BlD&lillrc. BLDGFhd Rr$||sEd ln3plc't pan: Uvdnreilry, A.igud{,6. AtG ln3Dtc;tlon Al||: lnr|SIbAdrtrUr: IOO VAL VAIEY DR VAL $dl: l9SlJED hcpArca: frm Plloffi: E4+1m1 471€613Tqn Pllo|r: g7$a{Sloot : Enclm bdcooy, dd dom.r !ilh loll and mr tlodt .ddl0on rsnodd fffit.|vh0E FXi fli crrFa spdr{d.t t flfiHrrs notmD To JR AnD ^..rspN F.R REvEwAppRo\ra - cDAvrs SubT\,D.: Al,lF [hr: $ l-HR Coflrflr.rt rutd b fm |||d plmffig ftr re\,levtpp|ord - DFLORES cdl977-{Xn4 Tina Ep: In|oacdon Hlrbrv lJlr: ?28 lmr l0 Lou 20 lnu 3O Cod||trfirt: 0vtg03 ConI|rdrE: &quectdTlmc!- Plro : (F:(loAt E77{Il,1 DGCII.DEN T REPTl31 Run Id: L224 3*l?froo' *Hl'JfliF$ffitp"s '*"' Requcchd lrcpcct grbr Uttdmcdry, Augu$ 0i, 2003 - lmo.s;uonAl| i JR Slblilftlrr..: 6{10 VALVATLEY OF VAL At7 A.tirilt:Conrtfrri: CtrfrLr: Applk nt:Crtfrclof: Dscdntlon: Cmrin.|lt r/Xtafi).|4 - TIF: BMECH SubTpe: AllF thur: ISSUED OocuFitcf (he: lncpAra: JR ADo{o6rul LLC SWEDE'S TTETAL FAB Fhor: 97{1331-3H}36 SyyEDEts t ETA FAB Phorp: 97o.331"it3i5 VEifTlMl OF 4 BATH FAI.IS. \lENTll.lC OF RA,ttlClE FIOOD foubd b gr.g 'or r$,hnmFflolal - DFLORES ArPrD lnlbrmruor F|oqaci!{t hsp€cilorilrl Ar.ftn$l To;- Adon: Insoradon lllsbrv llrrn: 2O0 MECH-Ro.rEh 0&r3v0g I Rccu$HTlme: 08;@At ' Pllon : 9ru€31-3336 \Efitn$q,T OOOTD€N K I Ac0on: PA PARTI.AL A]PRq/AL 3t0 31e 340 :KXt 340 fl tHn:!r: fraflr: lbm:l5n:l.'|r: '--) C."(ToP /*Jo"O cir{ AJc-r- tM-ffit€O B,,. o o(bez frT r+i s 7-t(t4L t?rz,-r,bJ€O k{frf/' t'U CF ifas C tfrfrc@ lbrru 3e0 ilECH.Flnd Rcqu.dor: SWED€'S lllETA F Cmimenlr: Un[A17. wll c[ 977. REPT131 Run Id: t'224 R.quflfrd Int9.ctD.b:h|p.CtanA'| l Blblrllt|ecr A/PIDlntumrile! Rcqrecbd lnroccdon(cl lbmr 200 il.re+hd Rnr*c I(ELLI'S OUALITY PLtlFf,\F SEil,|CE [iE Cd|irr|ltl: utlAlT fl cd gfl.o,el Aa.lonr.l To:- Acfron: ngq/.;M5 hrocclbntllrbnt ffi1, eueurto3,2003 COO VAILVALLEY DRVAIL At7 *18: *irpAlr: JR[l s|ltr$ EslfiD Pllon: 97D.4t840S 97S34&€u! TO A SI€I'UER. RELOCATNO TI€OlrEtwAl{DTOI€T Rrqurrid Tlmr:-. Phom: EnndEr APIPPROI/EO APTPPROryEO APTPPRO'ED 0E:@Al Itwtadm ooorJeN K TlnrE4r 2lo 250 260 2S hr:lnt: htr: bm: bm:htt: Lm: lcdon: AcJon: Ac0on: ) l^\ ?,rnc I Vo*o$ffif,'J / ^l ro I r' ''frrl il @ Cn> (ru,tZ REPT131 Rtrn Id,: L229 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELO 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 802-0247 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR Applied. . : 77/11/2002 Parcel No...: 210108111017 Issued. . : 71/ll/2002 ProjectNo : ?(lTOl. -O3OO Expires. .: 05/10/2003 OI^INER FAITIJ RIDGE VAIIJ 3l-2 NV ].L/L7/2OO2 Phone: * MR. DONAID BAKER, ESQ 533 W 5TH ST STE 4000 LOS ANGELES CA 90071 License: CoNTRACTOR BROTHERS EI-,ECTRIC, INC. LL/Lt/2002 Phone: 3O3-624-61-L7 P.O. BOX 2973 EVERGREEN, CO 80439 I-,icense: 151, -E APPI-,rCANT BROTHERS ELECTRIC, rNC. LL/L\/2002 Phone: 303-624-6LL7 P.O. BOX 2973 EVERGREEN, CO 80439 License: 151-E Desciption: all new electrical Valuation: $10,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Trrtal Calculated Fees-> $1.83. oo Atlditional Fces-----> S0 . 00 Total Permit Fee---> $r83 .00 Paynrenl.s-------2 $183 .00 t0r-J i^,--"A, '-(-{u,lA-ff DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT ADN hcttttuq \-/ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DRB Fee------> Investigation--> Will Call-----> Electrical-------> 5180.00 $0.00 $0.00 s3. o0 TOTAT- FEES-> gr-s3 . 00 BALANCE DUE-_>s0.00 Approvals:ffeim: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEMT [./1-1-/2oo2 df Acrion: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond : l-2 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fu1l the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE T\,!'ENTY-FOUR HOURS INSDVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI APPLICATION WILL NOT Electrical Permit #: Building Permit #: NWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) c/t Q.gf-rc ntc. Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:(Ana Q)o s?t. Sqs/ E-Mail Address: 7,( AMoUNTOF SQ FrIN STRUCTURET I b O ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: $ /O 0O0 = Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: ryopaupo I pycF robAddress: boo Ufltt 6p ^UAIL Ut)ti ort'ooot t) ) Legal Description Loti Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: M /\/ou €-lxq4tLAt'/v0 kot's c WorkClassr New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes( ) No( ) ll DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***************************q*1i)** **= <\\ - Ti_l. - r \-- r\ zv Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: x,t \\Vail\data\cdev\FORN4S\PERM ITS\ELECPERM. DOC 07 t26/2002 r!T'r 1: r' "f" { ilt I'ir '\ I {.o o; " l , rrr ,r...!*_ .,,.f 'r. ,.' t t: 'l i slo*" '{ f.rr. I ::l TOWNOFVAIL FIREDEPARTMENT VAILFIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 816s7 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMIT Permit #: F02-0071 65.]e2K'l 9o/-oo@ Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR, #17A Applied . . : 11/04/2002 Parcel No...: 210108111017 Issued . . : ll/14/2002 ProjectNo t Vq.9A436Q Expires. .: 05113/2003 ol\INER FAITIT RIDGE VAIL, 312 NV LL/O4/2002 phone: I MR. DONALD BAKER, ESQ 633 W sTH ST STE 4000 LOS ANGELES CA 9OO7T L,icense; CoNTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTILL/04/2002 phone: 3O3-792-OO22 7025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 8 0112 Iricense: 338-s APPLTCANT WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTI]-L/04/2002 phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGI,EWOOD, CO 8 0112 License:338-S Desciption: EXTEND EXISTING l3R FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $3,000.00 +:r+ +'f * + +t * ++ *,1,* M€chanical--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> FEE SUMMARY +l*r{r*t:t:t:t*'}*:*:}*,t**:}*,}:r*,r,4'r**+r***'}'r:*'r'r:r'r:}'r:r**'r*'r*****1*r** 90. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $0. OO Additional Fe€s----> $?8 - 00 Total Permit Fee-----> Pa]'ments--------'-'-> BALANCE DUE-----> *'| +t l a t'l *** a* l *+,1 ItEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 560 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S15.00 DRBFee--------> $0.00 TOTATFEES..-------> 93.00 s?8.00 $0. 00 978.00 s78.00 s0. 00 LL/L4/20O2 dt Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'!,IENI 1t/t4/2oo2 df mike v on II/ 7L/ 02 Action3 AP per signed application by mike vaughn 1111 Action: AP released per permits application being sine, CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RDQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN ADVAI\CE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479.2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE O CTOR FOR ELF AND OWNEF *1.*f+ ***,1**** *'F* *t * * * * * * * ,1 * * * * 'r * * * :l 'l* * * * *. * *+ + * * * * * * + **,t**+* **++:*1.*** ****** ** **** * * ***+****** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * **** *rl'l't ******+ *** * *** ****+******* * *** *+********+* ****** ****** * * ********** Statement Number: R000003440 Amount: $28.00 LL/L4/2002!0:29 AM Payment Method: Check fnit: LC Notation: #1119/shad T. Lewis for Western Stat,es Fire Permit No: F02-0071 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcef No: ?LO7OBLIL'L7 SiCC Address I 5OO VAII VAI,LEY DR VAIL Location: 500 VAII VALTEY DR, #17A Total Feess $78.00 This Pa)ment: $78.00 Total l\LL pmts: 9?9.00 BaLance: 50.00 ****** **** * *** * ***** **** * * * *:tr * * * * * * * {r * + *:tr*+**'tr*+**** **,}'t *** ********** * *:* * *********** ******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Cunnent Pmts l4P OO1OOOO31113OO I,IECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 60.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 t^lc OO1OOOO3112BOO I,IILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 3.OO Rug ?2 Ol 11:51a Vail Fire Dept Vail CO 3'7rJ 473 ?L76 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado FoTm"l Rd. 81657 Sprinkler Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2a35 (Inspection s) R Fire sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following- Permit application will not be accepted without this information: . *.,4 Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.LC.E.T. Level III (min) stamp. Equipment cut sheets of materials.frwL* Ll6t8lll6t7 :-rydr.at',c calculations. '.4 State of Colorado Pli istration Firesprinkler: $ 3 .4,65..2 p.1 a a State of C Plan Reg form. ,Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. Contact Assessors Off,ice at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel lt iDftel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) \f robName: ilogH toazlg hDbs furittz )ob Address:b* YAtt- v*lav fulvc Legal Description ll t-ot: I -f A ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners trtame:ggralH uUl E naaress:1^ YAt- vAtLEa ryl.ll nhone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work:krrri1 lJ (i.e., floor, unit #, A bldg.#) Detailed description of work: ExTEND 6atgflt6 l3?- he6 &nJ,*a* SuSr€pl. WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (t* Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type of Btdg.: Single{amily ( ) Two-family ( ) Mulh-family ( r}' Commerclal ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling LJnits in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinc: Does a Fire Alarm Exrst: Yes (rJ- No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (!f No ( ) AppfiS$ffifelH'^RM pERMrr (Labor & Materiars) gwn of Vail Reg, No.:Contact and Phone #'s: L4;7--7- Other Fees:Date Receaved; Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted By Occupancy Group: t' t .g.l.ir-. r..:1 -rir.'.f, . r. 'tri!,1+T,i 1!F 'aa tr. r'tl t ' i tirnq* u ';' "ir \ Frug 12 o1 11:51 u', Itirl Delt:,,,f,1 t,} to s7o-17s ?176 P'l -'_ __ _-_.; _ APPLIcATI' :t wrLL Nor BE ACCEPTED IFINcoMPb?l;J?f #lllffiozr_a " ,to ffi Fc: 'norutalY + :mivnffiY p ffi, prinfter strop drawings are required at time of permit sultmittal trd 75 i. r.rontage Rd. nrusi. include the follovring. Permit application will not be accepted viii Coto.aiio 81657 without this information: . ' r\ Colorado Registered Engineer's stamP or N.I.C.E,T. Lt uel III (1, tt) ?qnutt. zl\t8lllotT't: stamp. Equipment cut sheets of materials. J lydraulic calculations. 'd State of Colorado Plan Registration form. ,Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire 4r-? Protection Contrac: for I ,:el $t Contact Assessors )ffice at 9 7O-3 24:QQlO-9ry!!!! Parcel #(Requ ffif:no Uta+ pCimlt # is provided above) Job Address: WorkClass: New( ) Additiorr( ) Remodel (r'* Repair( ) Retro'fit( ) Other( l L., ffiG.-srgt"L"*ty ( ) l'wo-famity ( ) Multi-familv (t-,)- Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thi" building:No, of Accommodation Units in this builditr Ooes a fire ntarm Exist: Yes (.-)- No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (' COMPLETE.'ALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (LAbOT & MAIETIAIS) Firc Sprinkler: $ 3.OOO.Z *t *,tti/.********n*+t'*'******'t"t**trrr*er'++FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**t':tei!:''i:'rtr*r'*Jrlr'r:l:!rt'!***+*+:t:t*:i**t**** Other Fe' Wa Occupancy GrouP: Job Name: rllr,lzH ,,rr,ro.l< hilDs Aiil Locatiofif wd[li.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Fire Sprinki :r Contractot:Contact and Plrone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: .irrkpernl $r"q 4tq Lt1 L nf -i \ "/\'! ^ftlJrvui Ul JOZ 303 rt2S-S205 E- -o o roz- oFrl , r Wcst,'^-' St*+, (r,^. 4" ) r_,Nr l' @w Dri6 rrLE: Thind Floon Sorinkter Revisions rnorcr, fl67.thwoOdS BUitdi A, Unit L7 SKFP_01 rL/8/02 l/8' = L''0'tfC srftw . fnt ,ioltcnoal tnf |ln h BFPE t O.lr ttltto O-s. alia. o',l rr/8/0? o i"*:,? q.t ?,fi'rT*#f u r.f -. q.f, 1 itl F 'lr* (lrr?+:' J Nov I I OA I l:00r Pcrrv B. l.lrttheur3 303 .t2S-92O5 p.2 o -"'----' ', '. \ --\ +l \\ ,'--- -$tt -\\',l: il,_;. lll ' ) l:: li-il {ftIli.T]l 3l :k:l J{,r'1r-t ifl#H,)"l.lli t,uq&lT-":. ff -:-:---'=i I - ffis_,._,_=l!='=./.f,,-l-l rl ll (9 \v @w t! K'.L\{:t. w TTf'H\ W IL DrG rtG: Fourth FLoon Sprinkter-Ee!,sions ProFi tao. 0e-D33e rnorcr: fr167'f,hwoods BuiLdirag A, Urnit 17 . .. 4 urE srrErY . rrf,E tf,orEfln' nG artlt J!L, oFPE .o.|a ralr oir. catD E Jr,v"-ut Sctll l/8' = l'-0' oolo| tt/8/0? 5raran no. SKFP-02 lu..d tort NEDBO Const R.t|'bn 0ct.! fl/8/0e Nov 1l Oz ll:Ooa P.rrc B. llattheu,r 3O3 42S-9e05 p.9 @w ltl -l \1=f o\ *l ._--\ \ . I '"--l I c, I '. li rl ll-f ._ ll +l _tl 4l /tl / ll x ll .tl I 'r;ll ll h-. dffith o '%#- o'" rn"e Fi€th Ftoor Spninkter Revisions PDl.ct xo 0a-D332 r*orcn [rlsntfr*oods. Buitding A, Unit ,A\ ::l\ ur[ g^,trY . 'nG Pm|fctDL ' trc rlld ,,t\\ 6F?E t cli zelttlo h|rt' !-." lEt nt^l}''r' ScolG l/8' = l'-0' Dolar tt/g/o?SKFP-03 l ld toa NEDBO Const Itrlalo|! Dol|'i LL/A/02 P.s llov ll 02 llrOl.l{ov I O Oz O6: 31P PerFU B. ilagtheu,3 JiIra RCY"'=303 rtzg-S205 t:(\ LO o q t\ : c, (IB6 - arOo .'6oo (I ,\tJC)cL--f Ac . '{g o,y€; (J/Orn6. > l,/'clt,, f;. 6 ! o rJ a.n, a o o t\ ct <J o r 1\ n 3 z z I o- B!9 9i I o E r:EET:aralo.c\€|c)t'€ <c)c|-r |JlC)c,rt ci ci ci ci fJ c/ Cl(} BB TI FE*,C EotJ o|ar-Lt)::;,1 E 5ii;3 a- E-gr 'i'# fr 3 6' ,1P g ,9 H (:! a E f z E'o o 7&\ao lJ (J .tn 61 +h 3a zA (t5d) a.ns*o.td t{bv ll 02 ll:Ola llov tO Oa 06!3+P PeFFy B. liagtheu3 JcOe Reucs 303 rtzs-S205 3UJ-J\'rt-cJv" It-o7-2002 P.6 PAGE I SUBMITTIL SERIAL NO: 2016T|YI xonrgwooos coNDOMTNIUlls 600 VIIL VALI,EY DR vArL, coro 80657 SI,DG A UNIf I17 AqTUAL SPR FI.OW tii5$t K-FA'B'R PREssItRB FN: NwBtT.llYD cPltl GPl.l 17{ .47 PsI 19-76 18-92 19.55 Lg. t7 73-51 GPM 73.51 GPM 147.50 PSI FIOW TEST RESULTS 3ii3l"t"nnt"r.rr. oo nu,ii'si6uu ioo . oo Psr e 1067 ' oo CITY PRESSURE AVAITABLE AT 73'5 SUI.GIARY OF SPRI}TKI,EN OUI TIOW5 r.0r L8 - 67 ro2 18-27 103 18.5?106 r8.oo lg. OO 4.2o 18. OO 4.2O 18. OO 4.20 18. Oo 4 -2O TOTAL WAlrER RNQUINED FOR, SYSTEM TOTAL WATER REQUTREUENT PRESSURE REOUIRED AT O MAXIUUM PRESSURTI UNDAI.AHCE IN I.oOPS . O'08 PSI i,ihxiiiuii vdrcGrnr rt-Fifss 26'eB FPs Nov I I OZ 1l: Ola tlov J o Oa OC: 3'rP 24 101 Penng E. llattheurs Jesq i-a RcrteF Pipe Fitsings size I rN Devlces 303 {2S-S205 P.? 11-0?-2002 pAGE 2 glliffi fsliH.flrie i 3el " u' VAIL, col! 8o6b/ FN: NIISI? '}IYD 25 21 I' 055 o 18, oo BN ---L-------26 lo3 o r8.s7 t."; 24 26 l'o55 o 18-57 BN BIDG A UNIf AI7 I,ocation ut;t Fron To GPM 27 LoA e 18. oo 25 1o2 e 1B'2? 2sDO 18-OO Q 36.27 23 Q 36 -27 Equiv Iriction Pressure G"gttr "3iiF" sunrmar' L O.5O c=15o 3-T 18'37 (Io4) F l-OO '2 -O '22 i ;:;o o-o68e PF o'24 L 8-25 c=150 tP rc'1e ( z7) F 8. OO rE O'O0 i ri. is o , o6r'e Pr ,|' f2, 1 zsr L o.50 C=1so r4 19'5s (lo3)i i:3i o.o,,o FF -3'tr2 L 8.2s C-15o gT L9'5e 1 261 F o,oo PE o'oo i ;.24 o.o73o PF ,3:i3 t r*l L 1.50 c=150 fT 18'92 (Io2) F rr-oo PE -o'22 i ii.so o.o?o9 PF o'8e L 18.so Cc150 F 19'59 ( 25) i -i.oo PE -o-22 i zi-'io o.251e PF 6'e3 b t2,66 C-15o PT 26-30 ( 23)F -o.oo Pn o'oo i ri.66 o.2sre PF ,]..\es 1 zzt t o.5o rlso IT 19'?6 (r0l) I t:gt o.orr" BB -3:'"3 L 17.50 C=150 PtI 20'r1 ( 241 i :l:gn o.,uo.3F -9:3? L 6-33 C-150 PT 29'44 ( 22'F u.oo PE o-{3 i to:at o.e3oe PF l8'eJ L 22.OO C-150 Pf OU'to 1 2I) F a-oo PE 9's3 i. rO . OO 0.9309 PF 27 .97 2t 22 t. o55 gN F=E F=T F=E F=0 p='r/E F=zE/E f-o 1. 055 BN l-o55 DiN t-055 BN z2 zl 16 Q 19.67 24DQ 18 - 57 Q 37 -24 22DQ 36-27 Q 73.51' 2L Q 73-s1 t' O55 r=T BN I-055 E=T,?E/28 BN l. o55 t=28/T BN 1.O55 F=T BN t'lbv ll O2 llrOla nov 't O OZ o6:3SP Pernu B. llattheurs ;osf easo: 303 4e9-9405 uou -uJJ - c:rvr p.8 11-0?-2002 PAGE 3 iHRilffi s"" 831]1"! $ i39]'n" ioo vnll VAEr,eY DR vArL, coro 80657 FN: Nrt5l7.HID BLDC A UNIT A].7 Loqatien Flotr IN Frorn To GPlit 15 t6 Q 73-51 Q 73-51 13 to o ?3.51 Erdrriv Priction Prcsgufe iZiitn r.oss surrulary -il'--- psi,rrt pSI 4-oo C-15o PT 86'26 ( 16) 'i:gB o.3483 3F i:33 r?-83 C-150 PT 90'79 ( 15) ;;-;; PE o.oo ;;:;i o. rs3t! PF 4 .5e r.so c=150 PT 9s-38 ( 14) e:oo PE o-oo i-.ai) 0. L538 PF 1' rs 3.oo G15o Pf 96.53 (:'3) 3;:oo PE o-oo is.oo 0.1538 Pr 6-oo e.so c=I2o Pf lo2'91 ( 1I) o.oo PE 4-12 g.io 0.0532 PF o-5r 9.50 c=120 PT 10?.16 ( 10) o-oo PE 4.L2 t:54 o'0532 Pr o'51 e.so c:120 PT l1l'79 ( e) o. oo PE 4.L2 g.so 0.0532 PF o-51 tt.so C=120 Pt 116.42 ( 8)-s-oo PE 4-98 ro-so o-0512 Prf o.88 29-50 c=120 Pf rz2-28 ( 7) ii. oo PE o-22 lo.5o o'os32 PF 2.6s 32.25 CErooo PT 125.19 ( 6) o' oo PE 13 '97 32,25 0.0011 PP 0.04 2-oo c-120 PT 139-20 ( s) ro.oo PE 0'oo iz.oo o.os32 PF o'64 I5 14 Q ?3. s1 Q '/3.5r a ?3.51 Q ?3.5r Q 73.51 Q 73. sl Q 73. sr Q 73. sl Pinc ritting::siZe g Itl Deviccs r,29r P=1I BN t.521 F=T FHI r,527 F=E ru1 t.521 E T,Ev,E/2Gv 'cal FMT. 2-067 F-o Ft{ 2.067 F-O FM 2. D67 F=0 F!l 2.067 F-E FU 2.06?t=2E/t,cv F![ 2.061 F=o F3 2.06'l H l'lt F T ). F T L F t L r T T L F T L F L I T L F t L r f L F T II ro 1L 10 Nl]v ll 02 ll:Ola Nov.lo O? 06: 35P BLDG A UNIT 417 l.oCagion Frot$ To x4 a PerrV B. l'lattheurs r.3l; R.re5 303 r+29-9205 JUJ F it !t!.| rgv t P.9 Lt-o7-2OO2 PAGE 4 i8R[I[8y*" $[t8ul $ i 3ft3'" -' $fll"Y^l3#ttEI'o" FN: Nwsr?-HYD Flott plpe Fittinds Equiv Frlction PressuEc :in" 5iF ;;i;" d[v'" oliiF. sunnar' 6.065 L r1'?: c=120 ffi tt?.l! ( 73.sr "'";; F'sE [ 3l:33 o,ooor i,F o.02 6.055 _ r' 1l-?? c=1000 *# tll;3t ( zr.sl -'-:- F=o I ,l:33 o.oooo i'F o-oo FR 6.065 - L 1.99 c=12o # tt3:13 ( 7r.51 " ; F=r i 3l:33 o.ooor i'F o.or 6-400 L 119'99 c=14o lI ttl:33 '73.5r -'--- t'=r,Gv,2E I ,33.33 o.oooz iF o.oe PT 147.5? ( 4) 3) 2) o)