HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B NORTHWOODS BLDG A UNIT A14I 4." IOI4N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co,us Ptoject Name: Aguirre Residence DRB Number: DR8030252 Project Description: CONDO UNIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADDITION Participants; OWNER KISHA CORP 0202/2003 Phone: C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 461 QUERETARO, ME)CCO 76100 License: APPUCANT KISHA coRP 0202/2003 Phone: C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 461 QUERETARO, MD(XCO 76100 License: Project Address: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR UNIT # A.14 Locatlon: Legaf Description: Lot: Block: A Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM t V V\ll?V Par€et Number: 210108111014 hact 6 Comments: 824 sq. ft. of new GRFA lbVt,3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval= 08107J2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006045 All materials and colors to match the approved Northwoods master plan Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid; $3OO.0O ' SEGERBE[ftrU+J1tH.1 lilflot*LtrTTtr.OF TRANSNflITTAL 1000 South Frontage Road West - #300 vArL. coLoRADO 87657 (970) 476.4433 FAX (970) 476.4608 WE ARE SENDING YOU @-#ached n Under seDarate cover via w{rints D Change order ! Shop drawings D Copy of letter the following items: n Specifications coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION a/z,s/az r4oAre)rta ,4r )Brdt "(alr-nr aTzils tu* a qd/ o, ri 4z a;;42>E /{aeaD 4/rz,/aa ' 'Ls @airzra# At*aa*-i Zz' A ZanVa.-./oounr d,tzbz *z (zu * fuJto=P/ad;rizls4a'srLr>6tttzt/a,/-s,.72 t/tihz ,4ztu-jr*zaz Ph".ftB ' ?/au.*A7 tt THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: d* ^pprouul t/o.,o* ur" n As requested E For review and comment N FOR BIDS DUE {l n n D Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -=- copies for approval n Submit - copies for distribution n Return =- - corrected Drints N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS "or"to AL--zz 4?rre _ ./ \_ ,rn , lf enclo'ures afe not a3 note.d, klndly notlty ue at once, a O Aftachment to Unit Remodel Form - R'1 Draft for Unit A-14 Third Level; r Enclose exterior deck at east bedroom- Fourth Level: r Enclose two existing exterior decks at living room and exPansion. o Floor plan reconfiguration with new kitchen' powder laundry. r Addition of south and west exterior decks' o Addition of new windows and doors' kitchen for room and Fifth Level: oAdditionofapproxirnate|y500squarefeettofifthleve|above existing fourth level living area' oAdditionofgableddormeratfifth|eve|withnewwindowsand doors. rAdditionofexterior|ifesafetyexitstairtofoutth|eve|deck. eF|oorplanreconfigurationwi||accommodatetwonewbedrooms with bathrooms- r Additron of exterior deck' I t a Generale elnllg.lg Existing building exit Etairwell tower to accommodate new door for fifth levelexiting (see Plan). Replace existing spiral stair with more functional straighGrun stair between all levels' Reposition chimney flue at new dormer for better roof drainage. New power and lighting layout plan. New plumbing throughout. +__!._!_9_l r a115. A rc h.i tc c_t s___,. -+ J:+- 3r.,1r.4_Scperber(, MqYhew &mL"Tffi c|nrili inl${ilr.r||r!hi,com iiffi t*ir ,--Ae": tt- t.' *li-;-!lo -1-a 11t1 co lDlDr r Drronc. rur orl .l lst ' .frt:.. Jol 6?:l , 116]I pr,o.ii - ror ' bzr rrsr ,[,t",.i.gi,"jl,l,"rirj :100 e8@' d abztz@ e@,/t-L/go g6@6 64t A26 sPOOr4qtJ(]N tz'aEn E|3 r t:(J6 !t/ a, , sJ lrlo ^o. .. NORTHWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION -R-l Unit Form -R- Urit f! A-14 Srrrt l)rrc: MaYt 2@ Tlrtc lloldcr; KISIIA CORP Orncr: RobcrloAguirru Tar: 4r 22-7Ao-726O Fq:Bottail 6p*x@blucrvin.+.i Coltaclc nppfdcrlrtlvei K[rt A- Sc:Grh.tE Courpeny: Segcrberg, IVlryhcr' & Associntrr' AtchitErtr Tc,I: 676-+47t Pax. 476-e60E Erflflil: troccrbarrld'nnFhs'pott Awbi0:cr: fu:*at k1rae4!fu CoflrDanYt Tel:Fot:Erneil; RGfqaohsos: Conlrrctn: lo k MenJse4 cGrn!l!)!- l'olr tlxl Eroail: Refcrcnc+s; - - | Psmfi Valut Fec lnformation [ , G,C'E Lca.d: ' c06.49 sq. ft. I Asrcrd Utit vrlue | $75{/rq' ft .-.. DCScfijtion of Requcttt nE!. u,riF !.lox d rttrc[ ! rrritLn dcr!'iFrio.r of th! pmred h6ldit|a rll fldlfhDlio|lt F grficrrl €ntrr.nDn ckrncrttr rucn rr cncd'or rtll! $t0tocft rr|d lhE c(IlSltLE(lor rdr!6l,ls fdt tlF PtujL( Se annched Desedption ofREqucfr' ' Ndtc: Square footagc r:clculeliors 5t Bill Picrcc lcnct &rod Moy | 5' ?003 (s* atracbrnent) ffiffi rr.. i""i"qr6o rbrdc b9f,lc At'octrtlnb-t "Eddclirit ltb lt DrtFdlrcl Dr.G.Jtd6€. /2-zaj tsorh.t Arprcral DrE: /- t7-O3 Comllrnf'. yTU-{7D-ir.r. E trt t- t rt'. t r' rtz t / E-MrilI ecr1151fl1t!.rl'n tt , z@@'d dtz, z@ e@/Lt/g@ EE@6 E/-b alE spoo|{qlJoN Norlhwoods Condominium Association 'l'o: 'l'own ol'Vail Fronr: ,larres Akin, Ceneral Mrrnugcr o1'Nonltwoods Cclndominium Association P.O. BOX t23 I vAlL, col,oRADo 81658 3 Cl3,476-3486 l:ax: 103-479-9093 Junc I7, 2003 Rcmodolirrg Plo.iccts I'ho foltowing unit Renrodel has bccn uppreved by the Architccturul Rqview Comnrittr:c ol'Northwoods Corrdorniniunr Association: Unit A-14 - Enclosc cxtgrior dcck on Jr! levr:l Enclose 2 cxisting cxtcrior decks on 4il' lcvcl Adtlilion of 2 extelior dccks on 4'r' level Addition ofgnblccl dornrcr at 5"' level Addition of sxterior life sal'cty cxic stair to 4r'r level dcck Addition ofexlelior dcck on 5"' level Addition ef rrew windows nnd doors all levels Intelior remodul F"irc sprinkler retlofit a Approvals ofthese projects nrc conditionnl on the owncrs tbllowing, the Pruccrlurcs for Approval nf Architcctural Chnngcs Rcqucstcd by Owncrs cstublislred by the Associution, e[ard s, tat"^t A 0!"*- mes B. Akin cncral Manager TAA ' d dnz.z@ e@/ L'c /ga eaa6 64t sPOO|1q.lJoN SOUTHWEST VIEWS ACUIRRE REMODEL BUITDING A, . UNIT #14 NORTFTWOODS vAtt, coLoRADo SOUTH VIEWS ACUIRRE REMODEL BUILDING A, : UNIT #I4 NORTHWOODS VAIL, COLORADO t o Buildino Materials Roof Siding to match existincr to match existinq Other Wall Materials to match existi-nq Fascia Soffits to match exlsting to match existinq Window Trim Doors Door Trim t o Windows Pe1la per Northwoods Standards 3/25/200I Brown PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color to match existing to match existinq to match existinq to match existing to match exisLinq to match existinq to match existing Konnen Brown to match existinq to match existinq Hand or Deck Rails Metal and wood per detail and Northwoods Standards Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notesl to match existinq to match existinq Exterior liqht fixtures to match existing Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of t2l0Zlo7lO2 ! o t o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation, Existing and proposed contour lines, Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Arghitectural Floor Plans: C Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred C Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. CTClearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. sr, Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). { One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was Tcalculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. uf Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Aryzfi itectural Elevations: d. Scale of UB" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred g/ All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. n If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show -, these faces also.y' Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels, /- All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. { tn following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, / "/v ( meter locations, and window details. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building' Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan: Ef Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area tr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ceftificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be orovided on the lLC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner D All property Pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to propefty corners (ie' distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nea rest tenth of a foot o Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location g All easements Page s of t2l02l07l0z ** ********** * * * * * + + + * * * * + * +* * ** + * * ** * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * + +* ++ * t * * * + * *.i * * * * * * * * * *:* * * * * * * * + + ++ * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr ** **** **** * * * * + * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** ****+******+**+ *** **+***** ******** * + *'** **'!** **** ** * Statement Number: R030004261 Anount: $300.O0 07/02/ZOO30j.:45 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: DF Notationi CHECK #L2 682 SEGERBERG AND ASSOCIATES Permit No: DR8030252 T)T)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 21010 81110 L4 Sile Address: 600 VAIL VALL,EY DR VAIL L,ocation: 500 VAIL, VALLEY DR UNIT # A-14 ToEal Feea: 3300.00 This Payment: $300.00 TotaL ALL Pmt6: $3OO.OO Balance: $0.00 * * **** *** ** * * ****** *****++* ** * * * *** * ** *** **** *** ** *** '1. * *** ** * **:+ * * ** *S+** ****** * * * '**.i:t:r ***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DTS]GN REV]EI,'] FEES 300.00 hli;,liFlltlirt i;i ltl', o thr,t ,ti l(. ll!r Ri,rJ .-i,r'h;r.1.t 9it1.,trar'1,., ['.,rd-l"hrr*.x:, ir'.irii,..,r l?.1,,,t1 0,, 'rt. At,.'ltilr'( ' li,rll't l{eilinlir. It.'rirrrr:r r,{.ur,itpr FO( COVER SHEET FRITZLEN |h.' ARCH ITEcTs v^tt, cotoiADo To: Re: Date:5l15lO3 Kun Segerberg 476 4608 Nonhwoods A14 arcas Blll Pierce Fax; Sender: CC: Arhrro Brlllembourg Youshouu receive l pate(s) lncrudiotdrircovetsheer- rf youffiffi;pages, pr.; call (97o) 476-6342 En 11. In rcference b Arulro'r calculation of Aprll I E, 2fl)3, I believe the fotlowint areag are accurately measured:' Main Level Area I Arer 5 Area 6 Upper Laal Area 3 . em5 r r'irr l.,rll \,',r'l !xlhr! | iri\ '',, I Jllt'r:l)i'.. r...l. .Jcil, llrdrrr:rri'r rr ih4: tr. .'.'r,,, t;t(,.'r tJj i iil,,!it. c:il:: [. irrn"ii]...rril.t,1 lri1i'1 11,.'a1 i:rt'q'.\'.iilir:, h:lr'/rJ..', .i l: ,r',,lrt(r. hi,lllrt'',rr,i., lirrrlrlitr;.-..r't.1 ,\,.r..rt r.r[:rf .r Kut tl ".,1 tt OlS tfiis rnorning I met with tn o Town of Vail Planners (warten Canpbell and Allison och9 b.confirm what Ponions of the poposed edditions to Al4 wo{ld be consld'ereJ clFA:-;-" belreve thrt t re Town'r deflnition of GRFA lr an approprlare rtandard ln that rhe Town will be deducting GnFA from the Associarions allocation tir"r"d on he popooed addirlons. As you know the _f3wn {tt bededucting areas the Asrocladon credib to rhe Ownei(le: LCE and arcas filled ln above the existlng Livlng Room). On 0te Lower Level there is no GRFA ercept LCE area. On the Main tevef I calculate 159-9S tq. ft of GRF{nor including dre LCE araa, Common Flues, a small ponion of declr area uldTthg up'per le.,el slal)landlng exct-uAea Uy ttre Town, ind ,r..i ' - assumad o bc under 5 feer'high below ihe sbir. on the Uppcr Lanel I calculae 246.61 sq. ft. of GRFA not includln6 LCE area of common Flues. Based on these calculatlons I believe the Owner of Unit 414 should be llabh for asessment based on a06.49 sq, fL el,25 sq. ft^ t6,2s sq. ft. 30.36 q. ft. 1s1.EE q. ft. 94,73 sq.ft. eoo E 1M-SHCUVfiS 809t9tt016 wd 0e:60 nHJ t0/Lo/80 DATB FACSTMt; TRANSMITTAL JOBNAME JOBNT]MBR. FN(NTJMBR TG COMPANY::o.u FROTVI REGARDING: oc PAGES: FAX# FA)(# FAX* MNVIG plcrsc coolsct thc aboye scndcr al the numbcr bclow ifthcrc uc aly qucstions rctarding 0ris transmission. This fac,similc is inGndcd anly for lhc rdrlrcsscc rnd may contain information ftat is privilcgcd rnd confidcritisl. lf thc rcadcr of lhis mcssagc is not lhc intcodcd rccipicnt" you 8rc hcrcby norificd drat any disscminstion, distributioo or copying of 6is communicarion ir stricdy prohibited. lf you havc rcceivcd lhis comrnunicatioo in rf,ror, plcas€ notify us immcdiatcly rt thc numbcr bclow to anangc its rctum. Thank you. Scgcrbcrg, Mayhcw & Associatcs Architccrs, P.C., A.l.A Main Omc! lo00 South Front.8. Rord w.!t, Suitc 100 o Vail, CO lt6t?D.nvc. Ollicc | 6 I 7 wl',.. S|r!d. S(ir. C2 . Ocnwr. CO 80202 . crn!il I Info@maacl$.com . phonc phortc l0l 9?0 {76 aatl 62t tJJt . fu: 9?0 {16 460t . fa' iol 6lf 2261 hnp://ww* $narchs co|ll roo E 'IM-SHSUVnS 809t9rt026 xvd 6T:60 nHJ t,0/Lo/80 T o ue 24 luh 2003 10:14:54 AM MDT Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Page 1of 9 l0t 7lt otq Date: 06-242003 Property Address: Ar4. NORIHWOODS CONDO SEGERBERG. MAYIIEW rqN S. FRONTAGE RD. #3m vAtr , co 11657 AM: KTJRT SEGERBEJIG Phom; 9G476-4433 Fax: 97G.476ffi Scnt Via Fax Our Order Number: V50001520 From Land Title (M2)Tue 24 lun 2003 10:14:54 AM MDT oa Page 2 of 9 Land Title G.aarte Otrpry \tr..Rqx{rrcIs Date: 06-?/,-2$03 Our Order Numbcr: v5000I520 Property Address: AI4, NORTT{W@DS CONDO Buyer/Borrower: KISFIA CORP., A LIBERIAN CORFORATION Seller/Owner: KISIIA CORP.. A LIBERIAN CORFORATION lf you have nny inquiries or require furthcr essistance, plea.se contect one of the numbers below: For Closing A^ssislancc: For Titlc Assistencc: Vail Title Dept. Roger Avila 10E S. Frontage Rd. W. #203 P.o. Box 357 Vail, Co E1657 Phone: 97O-(16-2251 Fsx: 970-476-4534 Email: Revila@ltgc.com Nted_a map or dircctions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Titlc's web site at www.ltgc. com for directiors to any of our 40 office locetions- ESN]I'IATEGIITTEES Info rrnetion Binder $175. OO TOTAL sl75 - O0 fo-l|l COIiTACT THANK YOU I'OR YOTIR ORDER! From Land Title (M2)T o ue 24 Jun 2003 10:14:54 AM MDT Page 3 of 9 IAD ]ITIE G,TAFNNIE OT'IPAIY INrclCE Orvnen KISIIA CORP.. A LIBERIAN CORFORATION Pmpe.ty Address: A14, NORTHWOODS CONDO Your Reference No. : When rcferrirg to this order, please reference our Ordcr No. V50001520 . CHARGES. Irforrqtion Binder $17s.00 --Totel--$17s.00 Plesse rnske checks poyahle to: Lmd Title Guarsrtee Conrfny P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO E0217 From Land Title (M2)Tue 24 lun 2003 l-0:14:54 AM MDT Page 4 of 9 Chicago Ttflc lrsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc A Our Order No. V50001520 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: A14. NORTIIWOODS CONDO l. Effective Date:,hne 02, 2003 st 5:00 P.M. Policy to be lssued, and Proposed Insured: lnformstion Binder hoposed lrsurcdl K]SIIA CORP., A LIBERIAN CORFORATION 'l-hc estfltc or intercst in the land described or referred to in this Commitmcnt snd covercd hcrein ist A Foe Simple Title to the estetc or intercst covered herein is at the effective date hereof yested in: KISTIA CORP.. A LIBERIAN CORFORATION The lend rcferred to in this Commitmcnt is dcscribed as follows: CONDOMINIUM TJNIT A-I4, AND PARKING UNITS AP-12 AND AP.13, BUILDINGA, NORTHWOODS CONDOMINruM, ACCORDING TOTHE CONDOMINIUM MAP TTIEREOF, RECORDED DECEMBER23, 1975, IN TFIE RECORDS OF TTM CLERKAND RECORDEROF EAGLE COI"]NTY. COLORADO IN BOOK243 AT PAGE ElI AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMTNIUM DECI.ARATION RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975 IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE ErO OF SUCH RECOR.DS. COUNTY OF EAGLE. STA'IE OF COITORADO. From Land Title (M2)Tue 24 lun 2003 1-0114:54 AM MDT ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section I (Requirements) The following are the requlremcnts to be complied with: Ilem (a) Pnyment to or for thc eccormt of the grantors or rnorlgagors int€rcst to he irrqured Page 5 of 9 Our Order No. V50001520 of the full corsideration for lhe estst€ or Item (b) Proper instsunen(s) creafirg the cshte or inbrcst to be irsund mrst bc exccuied ard duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Papnent of all tsxes, chargcs or assessments levied end sssessed agairct the subject premises which ele due and payable. Item (d) Additioml rcquirernen8, if any dlscloscd hlow: 'ITIIS COMMMMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT IIERETO. From Land Title (M2)Tue 24 lun 2003 1-0:14:54 AM MDT Page 6 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT SchcduleB-Scction2 (Exceptions)Our Order \o. V50001520 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the lollowing unless the ssm€ ere disposed of to the satisfaction of the Compsny: l. Righls or clairrs of porties in possession nol shown by thc public rtcords. 2- Essctnenls, or claifiLs of easemcnts, not shown by thc public rccords. 3. Discrcpalrcies, conllic8 in bomdary linrs, shortage in artu, encruechmenLs, end eny facts which a corrcct surcy and irspection of the premises would disclose and which ere not shown by the public nlcor{s. Any lierl or right !o a lieq for services, labor or material llrcrrl,otort or herrafter furnished, imposcd by law and not shown by the public rtrords. Defecls, licns, encrunbranccs, advesc claims or otlnr matlcrs, it any, crcafed., first appearing in the public rccords or attsching sutsequent 0o the effective drte hereof but prior to the dale tlle proposed irsured acquirts of rrcord tbr vdm thc llstatr or intrrr-st or morfgage theneon coven:d by this Commitsn€nl 'l'axcs or sptcial Lss{$srn€nfs which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. o tlre 'freasurcr's ollicc- Liem for unpid wstr:r srd sewer charges, if any.. In additiorq thc owncCs policy will be subject t'o the mortgagc, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B lltrcot. RIGHT OF PROPRII''I'OR OK' A VT'IN OR LODE TO EX'TRACI AND REMOVE HIS ORE TTIEREFROM SHOI.JI,I) ,I'HE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE oR INTERSECT THE PR-EN/trSES AS RESERITED IN UNTTED STATT'^S PATENT RECOruEI) MAY 20. 1905. IN BOOK48 A'I- PAGE STT. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS C-ONS'IRTJC|ED BY 'I'HE AU'I-HOR TY OF'I'HE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UN-IIED S'l'A'l-ES PA'IENT RECORDED MAY 20. 1905. IN BOOK4E AT PAGE 5T1. RESTRICTI\G COVENAN-TS WHICH DO NOI'CON'IAlN A I'OR"t-EIIURE OR REVERTER CI-AUSE, BUT OMITTTNG RIISTRICTIONS, T,I- ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLO& RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS C'oN lAIrtED IN II\iSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER l?. 1965. IN BOOK TE7 AT PAGE 5T5. TTIOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDI'I'IONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS. VVIIICH ARE A BTJRDEN 'I'O THE CONDOMINTUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CON'I'AINI'I] TN INS'IRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975, IN BOOK 243 AT PAGI] El0. 7. 8. 10. ll. 12. 13. CROSS EASEMEN'I'AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 21, 1974 BETWEEN VAIL ASSOC^IA'I-ES. From Land Titl e (M2)Tue 24 lun 2003 10:14:54 AM MDT Page 7 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 (Exceptions)Our Ordcr No. V50001520 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exccptions to the following unless the seme ere di.sposed of to the safisfaction of thc Company: INC., A COLORADO CORFORATION AND VAIL METROFOLITAN RECREATION DLSTRICT RECORDED DECEMBER 23, 1975 IN BOOK 243 AT PAGE EO9, AS IT MAY AFFECI' A PORTION OF SUB.IECI- PROPERTY. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY I-OR ELECTRIC LINES PURFOSES GRANTED TO HOI,Y CRGS ELECTRIC ASSOCIA'I'IOI-*. BY VAIL ASSOCTATES. INC.. A COLORADO CORFORA'I-ION ANT) NORTIIWOODS CONDOIVtrNruM ASSOCTATTON, A COLORADONON-PROI-I]'CORITORATION BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 9, 1979 IN BOOK 285 AT PAGE 253 IN WHICH TI{E SPECIFIC LOCATION OF THE EASEMENT IS NOT DM'INED. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SIIOWN OR RESERVED ON 'I'HE RECORDED PI.AT OF NORTHWOODS CONDOMINUMS. 'TERNTS. CONDTTIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS RECORDED OCTOBER 20, r9r9 rN BOOK 515 AT PAGE 9r3. 14. 15. 16. From Land Title (M2)Tue 24 Jun 2003 10:l-4:54 AM MDT Page 8 of 9 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note; hmusnt to CR.S l0-ll-122, nolice is hcreby given thel: A) The suQject rral proprrty nny be located in a special fsxing districl B) A Certificarc of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction rnay tp obteimd fmm the County Trcasurtr's autho rized agenL C) The information rtgarding special districts and tlre bor.nrdaries of such districLs mey be obtained frcm the Board of County Commissioners, the Comty Clerk and Recorder, or thc Cormty Assqqsor. Note: Effective Septemher l, L997, CRS 30-f 0-406 requns thot all docurnenls rcc€ived for rtcording or filing in the clerk and rccordeCs office shall contain a top msrgin of at lerst one inch and a left, right and hottom nnrgin of at lcLst onc half of an inclr Tlre clerk and recorder may refu.se to n:cord or tilc any docurncnt thal does nol corfonrq except the! thc requircnrnt tor the top rmryin shall not spply to docrtrnenls u;irg forrm on which spa.ce is provided for recording or filing infonmtion at the fop margin of tlrc docrmrcnt Note : Colorado Division of Insursncc Regulafions 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII require.s that'tsvcry titlc cntity shell be resprnsiblc for all rnetl€rs which appear of record prior fo th(l tirne of rccording whcnever the title entity conducb the closing snd Ls re-sponsible for rrcording or filing of legal docurnenls rc-sulting trom the trsnsaction which was closed". Pmvided Oraf Lsnd fitle Guaranttc Company conducts the closing of the irsurtd Uarlsaction and is rcsporrsible for n:cording thc legal docrnrcnts from the trarsaction, exception nunber 5 will not appear on thc Ovyncr's 'Iitle Policy and th l,r:nders Policy when issncd. Note: Affirmativc rnecherric's lien pmtection for tlrc Orrner may be availat e (tlpically by dclction of Excepion no. 4 of Schcdule B, Section 2 of the Commitrncnt lrom the OwncCs Policy 0o bc issued) upon compliancc witlr Ote following conditions: A) Thc lond dcscribed in Schedule A of this corwdtrnent must hc n single femily rcsidence which includqs a condominium or townhor$e rmil B) No lobor or materials havr hren furnished by mcchanics or rqtrriel-rrlen for purpos.:s of conslruclion on the land dcscribed in Schcdule A o[ this Commitrnent within the p&st 6 montlls. C) The Company mr$t reccive an appmpriaie effidevit in&mnifying the Company agairst rm-filed mcchanic's and maleriel-nrn's liens. D) The Company m[st n:ccivc Fyment of thc approprial,e premim E) If thcrc has heen cons0uction, inpmvcmcnLs or major rcpuirs undertaken on the proFfty !o he purchtscd within six montlrs prior to thc Date of thc Conrnitrnent, thc rnguiremenls !o obtain covcragc for rmrccorded liens will include: disclosurt of certain corlstruction infonnstion; financial info rnution as to the seller, tlre buildcr end or th€ conFactor; payment o[ lhc appmpriolr prtmirrn firlly execuled Indemnity Agrr{:menls satisfactory to the company, an4 any additional requirernenls as may be necsssery aftur an ex8minstion of the aforqsaid informalion try the Compny- No coverage will be given rmdcr any cirurrNtnnccs for labor or mslerial for which the irsured hss conlmcted for or agrued to Fy. Note: Punuant to CRS l0-l l-123, rntice is hereby given: This noticc spplies to owncr's policy commitmenLs containing a mircral sev€nmce instrrtrrrcnt exceptio4 or exceptions, in Schcdule B, Section 2. A) Th{tt lhcrc is rtcorded cvidt'nce tlur a mimral cstat€ has hrr:n scvered, leased, or otherwise conveyed [mm t]rc s[rfacc qstate snd Otat lhcre is a suhstantial likelihood that a third psrty holds sonr or all intcrut in oil, ges, olher minerals, or geotherrrnl encrgt in Ore pmpeffy; and B) Thar such minerBl csletc may include the righl lo enter and usc thc pmperty without t}r sutace ontrr's pr:rmi.ssi ort. Nothing hcrein containcd will h deemed !o obligatr the company to pmvide any of thc covcrages rrferred to hercin u css tlr above conditions arc fllly satlsficd. For:lr DIsCL6LRE O9/OI/O2 From Land Title (M2)Tue 24 lun 2003 10;L4:54 AM MDT Page 9 of 9 O a .IOIN'T' NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY F-idclity Netional F-inancial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Ituurence Company and Lsnd Title Guarantee Company July r, 200r Wc rtcognize end ruspert the privacy cxpcctatiors of loday's collsltrncts Bnd the requiruments of applicablc fedeml and -statc priiircy laws. Wl hetievd tlnt irakiiu you awarr o[ liow we use vour non-pubfic rrsonsl intoirmtion ('?ersonal tnlb nnatiof ), and to whom it is discloscd will form the bssis for a rclatiorship ot trist hetween us and the puhlic that wc scrve. This hivacy Stetemcnt providcs lhat explanation. We rrserre the right 3o charge lhis kivary Stnternent fmm tirnc 10 time coruristrnt wilh apf,icablc privucy laws. ln th€ co[rse of our business, wc may collect Personal Inlormation sbout you from the following source.s: '? From applications or other fo rrns we rrceivc fnrm you or your authorized reprrsentotive; 'r Fnrm your truns&ctiorls wi0q or from tht sewicc-s hcing prrtormed by, ts, our affilistes, or otlrcrs-;'r From our intcrnct wch site-si 'r From the public rccords mainlaincd by governmr:ntal rntitics thal we eilher oblain direc y from those cntitiqs. oi fmm our affi lialr:s or othe-rsiand 'k From consuncr or other reporting egencies. Our Polirie.s Rcgarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Pcr.sonal Intbrmetion We maintain physicul, clcclronic and pmceduml .safcgunr{s l,o prohct your Personal lnformgtion lrom unnulhorized uccess or inutsion W'e limit accqss to thc Persongl Information only lo thosc employees who necd such acce.s.s in cormection with pnrviding producf,s or seryices to you or tbr othcr lcgitimale busim"s.s purF)srls. Our Policies and Prectices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Informetion Wc may slure your Pcrsonal Informalion with our affiliaf4s, .such as insurance companies, sgcnfs, snd olher rral rlstslc sclllcrncnt service pmviders. Wr also may disclose your Personal Infornntion: * 0o agrnts, brukers or reprcscntativcs to provide you with servicrs you have rcgueslf,d; ':' to lhird-party conFactoni or.seryice providers who pmvide s{:raicrs or pcrform marketing or other frmctiori od our bchalf: ano '! to others with whom we cntcr inlo joint marketing Bgr€crncnls for products or services that we believe you may find of inlcresL In additiorq we will rlisclo.sc your Pcrsonsl lnlormation when you diruct or give us permissio\ whcn wc sre nlquirud !y law to do so, or when weiuspect fraxdulcnt or criminal activitic.s. We aEo may'disclo-se your Personal lnformation when otherwise pcnirinca try applicable privacy law-s such as, for exahple, wheh disclosurr i.s nu.:dr:d lo enforcc our righls arlsing oul ol uny agrtement Sansaction or n'lationship with ybu 9o qf Uf impoftsnt rtsporsibilities of some ot our affrliahd componies i.c to r€rord docrrncnl-s in tfu public dormin Such-docrrnrnLs- may conhin your Pr:rsonal lnforrnstio[ ' Right to Accsqs Your p"."on"t Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Rcquest Changes Or Deletion Certain statqs afford you the right to access your Penonal Informglion and, rmder ccrlsin circrnrstances, !o find out lrr whom your Pcnonal lnlormation has brcn disclosed Al.so, cerlain.statc.s afford you thc rishl tro rcqric.st conectio4 smcndmenl or delction o[ your Penonal lnlbrmation We reseryr thc right where permitti:d ty law, to charge a rcasonable fee to covcr th€ cosls incuntd in responding to .such tcquests. " All.requosb submittrd_0o_ the Fidelity Nlnorul Tirnncial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurancc Company shall be in writing, and delivercd to the following addrrs.s: hivacy Compliance Offi cer Fidclitv N afionsl Financial. Inc. 4050 Csllc Rcrd, Suitr: 220' Sonta Barhsra CA 93110 Multiple ProducLs or Serviccs [f we prol$t yolt wjth mort Oran onc firuncial pmduct or servicc, you nray receiye mort than one privacy noticc lrom rc. lYe apologiz,c for any inconvenicnce this may csrrso you. Forrn PRrV. POL. OtI DEPARTMENT oF coMMUN,f) ouurroPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO3-0237 Job Address.: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Applied...: 08122/2003 Parcel No....: 2l0l08l I l0l4 Issued ...: 09/15/2003 Project No...: ? q'O >- O^a 2^ Expires...: 0311312004 owNER KrSrrA CORP 08/22/2003 phone: C/O ROBSRTO AGUTRRE PASEO .]I'RICA 461- QUERETARO, MEXICO 75100 Iricense : CoNTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCTATES, rNC 08/22/2003 phone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 vArrJ, co 8L558 License: 117-A APPLICATim BECK & ASSOCIATES, rNC 08/22/2003 phone: 970-949-l-800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81658 Lricense: 117-A Desciption: CONDO UNIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADDITION Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: lll I -HR Type III I-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $449.925.00 Add So Ft: 880 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 +*l**'l i *a'r **:*'ltt * Building---> $2 ,953 .75 Restuarant Plan Revicw--> $0. 00 Total Cslculated Fees-> 95, 008 .69 Plan Check-> Sr,919.94 DRB Fee-------.---> 90.00 Additional Fees----> $0-00 lnvestigation-> $0. 00 Recreation Fee---------> $132 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $5, 008 . 69 Will Call-> 53.00 Clean-up Deposit---> $0.00 Payments------------> $s,008.69 TOTAL FEES--> Ss,008.59 BALANCE DUE---> $0.00 Approvals:Ifem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 09/10/2003 JRM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o9/o3/2oo3 ao Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IEMP 08/25/2003 mvaughan Action: AP 1. plans do not reflect current or needed changes to the existing TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 it:"'-\{^r}t *-\ , r rt ii-.\).r ,4{ -,, \-) PAGE 2 't**tt*:|':f*******+'i'f,t*'i*{.|*'t't*'|t'}****'}'}{.'t't**'t*,f**'t*,t,},t******+*:*'f{.***|i*{t't*'}'l*!t**'i**'l'}'t:t********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 8,03-0237 as of 09-15-2003 Status: ISSUED *{.*******,|t'}'}*'t*******,|t{t'}'}*{''*'}'|'}***{.*'}++****+*!t*,*'**it*{tj|.,t!t**!i**'t***'**++****{t'r***tt'}'t:t'******** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC 970-949-1800 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Parcel No: 2l0l08l I l0l4 Description: CONDO I.JNIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADDITION Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Applied: 08122/2003 Issued: 09/15D003 To Expire: 03/1312004 sprinJ<ler and alarm =f"rn". plans shall be subnittt under separate cover. Stanped/engineered plans required. 2. Contractor shall enaure that ALIJ rneaaures are taken in order to prevent false alarm activation. False alarms due to construction activities will not be tolerated, and will resul.t in prosecution under the false alarm ordinance. VaiI Fire i6 willing to meet prior to demolition to discuss prevention measures. Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS 09/to/2o03 Ls Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tolup applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.IIOUR HOURS IN 'i:^w:OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTO HIMSELF AND OWNET SIGNATURE OF O * + + *'t **** | *+ * ** t * * **l * * * * f t r* * * * + + * * *+ * + i * f t* ** *i+ * ** * + * + * * +* * ** + + * ** + + ** * **** * * * + * * *f * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement * * * +*** | * *** * 'l+f + * * * + + * * * * ++ * + * ** ** + * * ** ** *t+ + +* t ++ * *t + *** +**** * + * * * t t ** * * ** * * * * | ** * * * * * ** * * Statement Number: R030004589 Amount: $5,008.69 09/Ls/200301:18 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Beck BuiLdinc Co. 6777 Permit No: 803-0237 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT Parcel No: 210108111014 Site Address: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Loeation: 500 VAIL VAILEY DR # A-14 TotaL Fees: $5, 008 . 69 Thie Payment ! $5,008.59 TotaL Ar,L pmts: g5,0og.d9 Balance: $0.00 +* * a * * +* * t*+'i * +* + * +*t'|+ *** * l*** ** + *+ ** t * *:! * ** ** * * * * * * * +* * ** t * ** * * * * * * t* * ***+ +*** t * f, * r *** + * + * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts BP OOlOOOO3illiOO BUiLDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES |.lC OO1OOOO31128OO !,IILL CALL INSPECTION FET 2,953.75 1 , 919. 94 132.00 3. 00 5008.bi -r -: | ; ux uLr APPlicATlOfl +t:'/ TOTfi OF ':LLV P rcle c t *: Suiliing Permit -c-?113,[1sr lI!GPP L mecntll !br VED 2003 f 5 S, Froniage Rd. Vril, Cclo rado S1657 - cE r.r rarc roR i )l Fo R !1A;ro N 'I c i ::,:: :.: : ?,'r: n: : 5 l^,.1\;,0 q\Q-rqno:\\aq Yof t:oo -r o,vn ci V3ri R:J )lo Em^?il ad d fess: ntiacior sign ature: EUILDING:5 PL,JMBiNG:s lJ ILL'|- VALUATIoNS. FOR Bt]lLDlNG PERMIT Labor & Materials vwwt.eaQle'co u ni/ com For Parce! # Contact -ca le Coun Assessors Ofiice at 970-329--8640 oltisit "--*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY O ccu ancv Grou Parcel #\o\DKtttol Jcc N.ame.RcurRKE RE Job Acir3ss iira^-, q Legal Desc riPtio n P hon e: hone: 4Z trill- ,.''d ,rl**n rhl CD,ch ii3cJ Desr!..f 3r:fian.:. q4q-nh& ffi 'led;es;tol'on ci "vo.rK' Acdltion ( ) Remocet a =a=ir I Oemo ( ) Other ( ) work class: New 1 1 D* "n EHU exist ai ihis locaiion: Yes ( )*o,P{ \l/ork Type: lntericr ( )ffit't I Eoth}{' [-r wo-ian,tY ( ) tulurtr-iamilY Ccmmercial ( ) R3siaurant( ) Other( ) Type of 6ldg.: Singi3'iarnilY (. NQ4E ffi; o-"llt, Units in this building: of FirePlaces Existing: Gas rt/ood/Pellet ( ) \ruood NOT ALL '.ry- No/Tvce oi Firsolac3s Prooosed: Gas A'?oiralc3s { r-j Ie): ffiarm-E El Yes e of Constructton: Other Fees: ORB Fees: FrE.-ric wav-eer-gf.es Date ec e iv ed: oi t?ai2aa1 o o Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 IOll'N Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklist must be comoleted before a Building Permit aoolication is accepted. o All pages of application is complete I_l I l',{lt d smok.e detectors shown on plans R 1.0 / rypurand quantity offireplaces shown R3,l ,Applicant's Signature: ./ \wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.OOC Date of submittal: Received By: o4!022003 r 65E Northwoods To: Town ol'Vail June 17, 2003 Frorn: Jarnss Akin, General Managor of'Nonhwoods Condominiunr Association Subjecr:.Unir A-t4 - RenlodeliDg prqiecrs Thc following unir Remodel has bc'cn lr)t)roved by the Architccrurul Review Comnriitcc ol'Northwoods Condominium Association: unir A-14 -r Dnclosc cxtcrior deck on ird level o Enclose 2 existing cxlcrior d€cks on 4rr! level r Addition of2 Extcrior dccks on 4,h level . Addition of gablcrl dormer at 5,r' level r Addition of exterior life salcty L:xit stjair to 4rr, level dcck o Addition of cxlcrir.rr deck on 5r" level r Addition ofnew windows and doors all levels r Inrcrior rcmodcl o Firc sprinkler retrcfit Approvals ofthese projccts urc condilional on thc owncrs lbllgwing thc prorcdurcs for Approv*l ofArchitccturol CIrrngcs Rcqucstcd by Owncrs cstublished by fhc Associarion. Renards.g;; K 0!; ,/ J.fmes B. Akin ( fcnoal Manager Nor^ thwoods ' ti .lun 03 1?ro8 ) |,rr at I e\t rv6 rs..!.c-"t'.t= ":_::@6/ 77 /@3 @7e P.@@L p.z . NORTIIWOODS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Forn -R-l Scc dtaclrcd Dcrcri4ion of Rcqucct. r Note: Squelc footrgc cdculaliors pcl Bill Pictcc lener d{cd Miy 15. 2003 (EcG attlchrhcnt) Ttrto lloldcn KISHA C0RP Td: 41 72-7tq,72& Coufrctc Comprny: ScacrbcrS, lt[ryftcr & Associri*' C.C.E l,cascd: r 406,49 rq. ft D.llcfiptio! Of RG{UCft: nar -* t*lcr q lLcl r *ritbr &r.riDtion cf qrc prqrcr irchdirt rtl hodlfErdo.rr D !.nrrd Eo; It cbrzD|t r.Eh ! 6rc.ior rtllr ..d tooS |ltd lh. cxnl'rrdloti roCote fa S. Fric ! '€"/2-2A3 Bord Appoval Duo, (- fi-O3 Nonthwoods )ezo 4zs s@sa aetvtaz azJ P.a@? Attachment to Unit REmodel Form - R-'l Draft for Unit A-14 D esc ri oti o n of Re-o u est : Third Level: o Enclose exterior deck at east bedroom. Fourth Lqvel: r Enclose two existing exterior decks at living room and exPansion r Floor plan reconfiguration with new kitchen, powder laundry. r Addition of south and west exterior decks, o Addition of new windows and doors. kitchen for room and Fifth Level: o Addition of approximately 500 square feet to fifth level above existing fourth level living area. r Addition of gabled dormer at fifth level with new windows and doors. r Addition of exterior life safety exit stair to fourth level deck' r Floor plan reconfiguration will accommodate two new bedrooms with bathrooms. o Addition of exterior deck Ge0eral Comfnents: r Existing building exit stairwell tower to fifth level exiting (see Plan). r Replace existing spiral stair with more between all levels. r New power and lighting layoul plan. o New plumbing throughout. ac@mmodate new door for functional straight-run stair Reposition chimney flue al new dormer for better roof drainage. ScEcrberg, Mayhew & Mrin Ollicci l0lt0 $ostl Ptontrlt Ro!.I - w.i(- suiL Oor.+r Oifitrl t(17 !Yrz.. rir!.t, $uitc C2 crrril i in fo@rMtchrcon Associates Architccts, P.C.. A-l.A' ar$r --it n*', CO- iOiO2 , tbo";r lol lt2l lltt ' -fu: -r0l 621 2262 llh://vww.tGuthl,cotn L:O zT+ ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Location: DRB Number: DRB0302S2 CONDO UNIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADDMON Hh nF.^iVl:-[) bll$ TOI4'Nffi De Project Name: Aguirre Residence Project Description: Participants: OWNER KISHA CORP C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 451 QUERETARO, MEXICO 76100 License: ProjectAddress: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR UNIT # A-14 0202/2003 Phone: C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 461 QUERETARO, MEXICO 76100 License: APPLICANT KISHA CORP e710212003 phonet Legal Description: Lot: Block: A subdivision: NoRTHWooDs coNDoMINIUMs Parcel Number: 210108u1014 Comments: 824 sq. ft. of new GRFA Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/0712003 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005045 All materials and colors to match the approved Northwoods master plan Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO o U AI.ID I' IJ.IJIRN PAGE B2 Ausrut It,2003 Mr. Melisaa Grccaalor Grccorner Dcsip Grup 12 vril Ror4 Sqirc t00 vail CO t1657 RE: Rcsrlre -Albcsr Edk SrylhB Nor6noodr Cmdorinirm Colcx 600 Yail Vltlcy Driw, Utrit A4l4 vrilcO tl6i7 Projcd llo. 030$l Town of Vail OFF!#il OOPY Dcrr Ms. Crrccorarr: DQD EnvLmml cd!oq'.qa-q!D-) i pkrsd rD FUrb e rt* dfu brk qL, corbcd of 3r.pcct.$ciof.dfrE nrsirB ( cx) ilD ttc vE ttEn* b.Od te }h,fu"& crdcftfoa cophr a .' vdl vdLy Rd4 rh Atrr, vd Cohe&. Tb ht q- ;;;;rd _ tu*' 7, zffi :r#RT*", hpEclr, oqr;trcd nrr ercdnrJ uy G-n''i";*ffiir H" eB^l .a ,tE b UND3NSTAITI'ING OF TgE SITOATION D*D |Iodastz|tb rDtpu rrore rcckiry epo&sirnal cavimmml wrirg.irif_Vb olhdd eaoitir h.fl@urcoqLcd ScoPEOFWOnK TDcwckropofrrthispojcacmimcdofanltrkoogh oftDc.rnwrorr,.*glAccUO@ryiebtbt nD' cobir ''bcslot od vill bc fuprcad ty u rrawdqr cividc+ ootrct;Jj.il-_ -;";sd, rgrrdiE bulk F.'prcs of +o i.t fi-6od ryccr roai&, -d F.et$-_ut rn .?ffi irca c a or vidr m **" r? bL q.! of ougcc eor uir iln aa u "*irua n" "&.*- e!.b,rir, .r . Dq/wdllrdgrvrlljoinrqmd r FloriaE lralchl e WrllTcmne . CorrcBar.AAcsiw r Flooring ndl0egive 7dn S,nt , ttrr'dirnr, S.iE lD Uthn.CMetZ2 PrE/ : Ar|1flt-7tnl Fa: t$-7t$7*, ] oot ..ttt aooJ .r.f,:3f, 56Jl JAtt,.,o P'ojocrltqlttr A|bchDcatr U AI.ID D EruIRN PAGE O3 Mr. Mdbtr Gtl .ia ilo.'rroodt UDt A{l{ - A|Dc.b S|'.rty A!!sr ll, 2(Dl ?ry2 AI{AIYTICAL PROCEDURHI Tbc bult ruplol collcctd of nrrpcct ACM crq! ddirqld O DCM s..iuc-attorr,ry, hr , r Nnind Vd6'y I:$odlory actfldiaioo Progro Ofl/LAP) aoclc trboruy !o6r.d b aou.a, coiiJ n" -.ry.;.Accordiag o tto anaft6irat ]ry 6. h-r =et.'tEc nryrca b "qfu?.ri rpn u!fud omn-9lll 16. sautl portionr of rb rqb rut prrcca ia scl* e ltr , Dire-ridfi;fr lrd* Lipid o e g.-rF4iq r,rapperca rql." rnc obs'Ed d tmx 1powo} ua e.6; rr!( .e r Mcour Dbpe*eioa stahing obiccdva lao dr'lctbricr of te fibcrt we corytd b rtc looDl prqcrtb of dc*c ry-tu{rysi3 coror, porrilr, atiacdo ad raad E&to/. !.rrr "o-nifr Dypcrrrdrgorr tnadc byvisd c*hcrby co4rin ofrrbcol6an oht Gi|b. Rf,Itr'L'TS Thc fts Eaviuncnbl Pnoeafuo egcy rd rtc Suc of Cohrdo Ah erlfy Cdd Courbiro, cmfiGrr r nmhl I rsbatoroidog ifrb rcpucd rroofr6crio. L grld; ti * er.e. AcrgrEubft aaetyticrlr?ort' of thc 17 hk rqlcr cdbcrd of r+crt hrdhg-rqib u "firnJr dre cuE.81Ffo, 6raoqiDt'!|Erhl tA ry.r qrnti|rrgaa.t eacaqpdc.rt *., "r.t FbiEdICr atqosey@^l'Onlylcdodrodr TteErrhlrrrttnrir',r...*oaiotutu-;;4-d.crp+ irGe dinig-q rh! ttcrgrrdl Trcucrirl rrdn TF*ilrcryc tuchtutu;it nilrid dil blE lccllrrf !o nled tdldil€nsilr o dcr|lb fu -f'q. o,fe utrl t*tB tc €BEd U oir locdq dtba nrobl E Dt dstsluhcd. Utl&rta nGirt nG g 6rjr4 ^;; udcr6c rr4 c opr r tho vall rrrr Et rrtcrsd- Tb nupcctrn dots rc bdicw tb rdErhl r pcrcr c rI rrttdf,cjur;d--Pd4a il b dy loclbd o tic ciride rrt&, r e mirEo blricr, Tt9 roc,rt .i 6fOc orqlU gA O tc rcic.r.4 md rt& lbir ntirl sill te iupraod by tDc raonrim 6;y;1icr o..6 6 [" A,h;'a ftr nacrid riU bc irycrcd by rtr ruov*io t-udl bc arcrsry fu r lirord rbrffi "..*rfr;;;t nacrirl pic o uyrmri{n rcfuitir:r. ftrccr*rhg n+cct Eerirb illa ;rpqtr.l rs louc dccrlcd fw adc*oc corut Ttc frh o'fmf ruphrtnr$carEd'rltdcrlEport;;t.,"d. - SI'MilINY In nrurnrry, brscd o frc $6hrl rrporr, lhc fooriDg todEhl usst b. raold fru rhc stEon!, by a licorcd ad ccrtified rsbccol fulrfit cotr atr, if raoaioa aciniticr rill bc iarcirg fr.,iri.t CIIFT}IGCOMMENIS D&D aprccitEl ibo @d@i.y to rsril ya rirh yw rsbcloc ry|ilrg ocGd6 d loob foFEd O wting wih ry-s_S !ryJ..r" Eym brc uv q*ni6 n.€lrdhg 6i! rlpni "f fi"dd tb*a ; hoitsE b c.[ .o d (J01r730-7tn. Strcrcly, DTD EI.IVIR,OI.IT'BNTAL CO|ISTILTING, INC. &"Ail cnigD. Aua& / e a'4,-, Dogb A- aurlrr, dflS-f .cmlf'fu::r u t F n I E tt 'a FIJ i 7 >. d .F 6.& ./1 J E x .I .E E cl A ) dzEteo t;o zt 3nu qe-.J €r3us T 3s H3q nw€ec S'd v f 'l r\{ .I rl tl I I I I I -)^l $l .f! (l r{ I EJ 2 z IrI 6 F r! V) s t Y)J H rJ) al sl Eol )1I EI GI EI Erl .1 | d t."i T-N4 r-! 4 l'9 u 5'l al '!l Bl 6E t EA =eo Rd E :> t) tA L9eAE9rEOe J o< 2 F o ts b E I .x T I T B ) E 7 fr E n & u,F z u H o TJ drE:eO EO el tnu q5-l rfus l cs lJco 4szBe9teoe .l ".1 9 -l I &t A. f-'r trl t{ CA n trl \ A u) t4 T z t) B g J a eo o F.\ d z .E z TJ FI & i al al 8l $l EI F,t I drl r0l B*l $E r E lu *H >olxEl $r3 u) et s'd I I I I I I I I I I I I tl nl ?l { I 1 i 3j v ^l I tl Iu t?.fl ,l l< | -11 I Jl 'j ls\lJl { 3l dj 4 I I I t-<l lri '4 I l-!i l8l lsl 1 fi t*lr9 lI-l I 3l I t 3 tl fl ) A :+,li \-l J ,2 -3 1 $l ssl q tr $i s $ I I FJ ,l s I 'l o t 7 .=l a G I UI :1l s AI E r o -t ct l$lo ll IJ .-.'-' lEl el i sl $5 )-1- l") li > qeq q q e s's r E a ; la,tz tr- I t: qqc 't' cqc i'l'I' I AAA A taz L E t- qe -l e.uatcs !t3q r {f IE Fe 6x <Fl cq rJ !d rt 35 EF {F FI p? a.l ?q i{ t{ \'F .. I '.-rt E ,! ' .. : t .O s .E 1 . :.e I .. <'. .. t < .-t rFl '<I :. 'F r.8 d rh .;'e E ''l! 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EvE E Eg; 13!B BFF F:: { <dd idrJ t?Yc aada t:ir FSI,J .{{+ I ?nU qe -l .2ua I Ds l.l3g LSZge SrE o e e'd iEES 38: 8E aP 1Vt i6 U 3F E5 gE rgE PEg Er 3i FF iE F5 d-l A.E 6 F 1 5 ,-.,\ 5r clfi qqt dat *i5 Eti a a IiFEB! :I$ a p j. c !qr I tFeifl9 i iEr ;3 ffF;Ii i l;8 !q iEESgE I Ebd 1r .eeE-r a F;E x E 9-.3 = tr ir3 - E FX ! I u i E E 6 IA OI <=EE!ilr Elo oo!,Clz' IY,P r:l iiE eF.r F z '1 Lr o qQqP Qec eec g'Fr q'8 g'i q9.l oiF qqq ceae :'F gi'r !!.( 9qq cd.r o9- cFci.l =9 srti 60co d E6 i o g. eePE e?te EPeE eee :9e {{i$ 5I$ SJf r|reS otE 'r6$ t. l' zz'l {5$ $$ii i$s5 5r !g :. 3,3, i.. FEFEiFFFEgFFF$FFgFg!F idd addd {!idd {i!i.t {Cd {!, 1, 9 9 .l I t , .l t E > + q c .,1 9 t B c qe-l -cu.I cs x3o dIE:EO EO ZI 3nu 49Z9e9teOe g'd iE-FE 5Ei OT ss ct:zo ot g3 EE erE NE sx iEg Eg* J I rx!5FH tF s,l 5 ::s e e gSsl iFEllFI p.r5n 1: SgEo'Fg !p6a A6 ar.:lt" i gE 3!; 6l iFEEE9 I ? tE; !I iiiixi r fi:E; E Fi eit ' !g=d f z3 r j x5 !o E ! ! tJ rI XF .a< -'{E Ei€i;F ,cg EFE fiIE Ij4ra, E (r't la JF <e EdF gi5 4- I aov E7t iHt a..P g8F oFf, t;2 o o March 18,2004 Mr. J.R. Mondragon Town of Vail Building DePartment 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: AGUIRRE RESIDENCE, NORTHWOODS UNIT A-14 Dear J.R.: Per your request for information on the wall assemblies for the Aguirre Remodel at Northwoods, the following information identifies the assemblies for our R-1, Type 3, 1 Hour building classification. On plan notes, we refer to structural steel columns and beams. These are the following classified assemblies: Columns - GA File No. CM1400 - UL Design X526 - 1 Hour. Beams - GA File No. BM 1137 - UL Design L524. Walls - GA File No. WP 1052. Exterior Wall - GA File No. WP 8005. Exterior Wall (2 112") - STC-45 -Variation 13C. Please refer to the attached sheets and let me know if you need any further information. Sincerely, SEGERBERG. MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS KAS/rt enc. Segerbers, Iyry_!9_w & 4r sociates Arc {6 D'{ hitects^ P.C.. A.l.A. Main olTice: 1000 South FroDIiiec Road \4cst. Surtc De vrr Oll icc: l6l 7 Wr/ee Sirccr. Suilc C2 cmail: info(a'smnrchs.com CO 8f657 . phone: 970 476 4431 . fax: 910 4?6 4608 tt0202 . phoni: l0-1 621 ll55 . fax: l0l 623 2262 httpJ/www.snrarchs com 100 ' Vail. Dcnvsr. CO Kurt A. Segerberg, President , STEEL FMIIE OYPSUTII WALLBOARD Base layor r/.' proprtetary type X gypsum wallboard appllod to b€am cage with 1'Typo S' 12 dr)4fliil| scr€ns 12' o,c. Fao. layer t/r' propdetary typo X 0ypsum wallboatd applied to beam cage wtth 1r/rr Type S-12 drlwall acrews 12'o'c. Jolnls offeot {rom bas€ layor lolnte. seam cage fqldoated trom Nb. 24 gags t/.'x 1r/t' st6ol angles screw attacied to Eteel lolstE at:6adm top flange and No, 25 gage 2rlu' 3lo€l runners hookBd over boam.lower t{ange Ana bupportlng 1it' steol studs 24' o.o. Minlmum beam glze w8x15. (ono hour unres0rlned borm.) Amarlcan Gypeum Company - r/r'FIREBLOC TYPE C BPB Amerlci lnc. - l/r'ProRoc'" Typo C Gypsum Psnols G-P Gypsu'm ' 1lz'loughRocko Rreguarda C taJarge North &nsrlca Inc. . t/2' Fkechock' Typo C Nstonal Gypsum Company - t/.' Gold Bon@ Btsnd FtRE€HlEu CrH Gypsum Wallboard PABCO Gypsum 1/2'FLAME CUReoSupor'Cl Templ€-hliuid For€st Producb Corporaflon - r/t' TGc Unlt€d Stab3 Gypsum Company - 1lz' SHEETROCKo Brand Gypsum Pansls. RRECODEO C Cor€ Flre Test:uL Rl31S-.|91,7.1&75; Based on UL RIl660-7 & €, 11-12€7i UL D€6lgn 1524 GYPSUH WALLAOAFD, STEEL COLUMN COVEB Blro layer t/z' typ€ X gypsum walboard apptied around W4xlg cotumn and held In Dlac€ nith pap€r masklng tape. Seoond tayer r/r. typ€ X gypsum wallboard applisd around column and held In plac€ wlth pap€r masking lap€. Faco layer oih6r No. 24 MSG galvanizad sted cohrnn @ver consisting of two L-shapod 9€cfons with snap-tock sheot steel joints or No. 22 MSG galvanized 8te€l column covgrs conslsting of two L- 6hap€d 8€ctbns witr lap ioints fastened with No.Bx&. she€t metal scrsws 12. o.c. uL NCsOS(l -6), 71 NK2639, 12-?3-75i uL NC505, ZNK|518; UL D€shn X526 uL NC5O$(1.6), 71 NK263g, 12-8-75i uLNCSqr, rNK1518; ULD€dgn)/.ffre CYPSUM WALLBOARO,coLumN covER B||c lay6r r/2' h/ps X gypsum wallboard appliod W4x13 wlth papor magking tape. Socond layer 6lth€r covor conEl8llng of two L-shap€d ssctons wlth MSG galvanizod ste€l column covdrs coffils ng ot lctrts fastoned wih No.8xr/z. sheot melat scr€u,E 12. gypsum wallboard appli€d wirhout horizontal lolnF to drywall scrows 8' o.c. spacod 1 ' lrom vertlcal odgos. corners wllh 1'Typg S drywalt screws tU o.c. in OYPSUU WALLAOARD, GI-ASS IIAT GYPSUil SUASTRATE, STEEL SIUDS EXTERIOR SIDE: One lay€r ry!' proprl€tiary typE X glass mat gypsum Eubstrate (sheathing) appliod parallel or at rlght angles to 33t" ste6l studs 24'o.c. wlth 1'Type S conoslon reslstant screws 8' o.c. at vortlcal gtuds and 12" o.0, al Dorimetor runners. Joints caulk€d with frexlble, non-hardonlng building sealani or cov€red with woather erpossd claddlng or finiEh Eystom. INTERIOR SIDE: Ono layer q!' proprletary typo X gla$ mat gypsum substrate, glass mat wator-reslstant gypsum backlng board, gypsum waltboard, wat€r-r€slstant gypsum backlng board, or gypsum ven6€r bas€ appllsd parallsl or at rlght angles to studs wilh 1' Type S drywall sclev/s 8' o.c. at suds and 12' o.c. at ffoor and csiling runnors. ( LB) Thlckness: 4tl'. Umldng Height Sublect to d€slgn Approx. W€ight: 6 psl FlroTEst: CTC 217r€996. 7-12-90 G-P Gypsum PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOARD - 6lt' D€ns-Glass Goldo Firoguardo GYPSUM II/ALLEOAR D, STEEL STUOS On€ layer 6/r' type X gvpsum wallboard or gypsum von€er bas€ appll€d parallot or at dght angles to aac+r sldo ot3!is'st€€l studs 24'o.c. wlh 1'Typ€ S drywall scrows 8. o.c. at vortical ioints and 12' o.c. at wall porimoter and lrt€rmediate studs. Fec€ layBr V.- typ€ X gypsum wallboard or gypsum vsnser base epplied paraltsl of at right anglas to ONE SIDE li'ith lVC' Type S drywall scr€w8 12" o.c. Jolr s stagg6r6d 24" each laysr and oide. Sound testod with 3r/2. gtass fiber lricllon flt in stud spaca. (NLB)Thicknsss: Umltlng H€lght: Approx. Welght: Flr6 TeEl: Sound Test: 5112' R€fer to Soc'don lV 8 osf Se€ WP 1200 (FM WP-45. 6-1$68; osu T-1770, &61; uLc 79T484, 79T500, 79T497, &21-81, ULO D€slgn W415) NRCC 817-NV, 2-3.81 MMfu\A( March 4,2004 Mr. Charlie Davis Town of Vail Building DePartment 75 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 RE: AGUIRRE RESIDENCE, NORTHWOODS UNIT A-14 Dear Charlie: Per Chuck Coe's request of Beck Building Company, I am submitting for your records some additional clarification drawings for the Aguirre Remodel. The sketches are meant to describe the following areas of construction. Party wall condition between adjacent units. Mechanical room wall. Clarification of eave detail showing beams and fire proofing wrap. Existing roof to new roof connection. Wall and roof section at dormer and lower roof showing wrap of beams and fireproofing. Roof plan with references. Please keep these for your records and call me if you have any comments. We are anticipating beginning construction for phase ll of this project in late April, 2004. Thanks for your help. Sincerely, SEGERBERG. MAYHEW & ASSOCIATES. ARCHITECTS Kurt A. Segerberg, A.l.A. President KAS/Irt enc. Segerbcrg, Mayhcw & Asso ciates Architect s, P.C., A.l.A. r32i7 o o o o I Main OITice: 1000 Suuth Frontaee Road WcsL. Suite Dcnvcr office: !617 wazcc Sircet, Suite C2 email: inlbaa smarchs.co r 300 DeDver. 8t657 . ohone: phoni:: 303 Vail. CO co 80202 9'10 176 4433 . fax: s70 .176 460t1 623 3355 . fax: l0l 623 2162 httptr/wwwsmarchs.conr -l-'1-1JP-w1 I r. V41 l4dr*flc,l I i .i ' l -1 ---''4P1". ll %Iter d(r, ,ll l|'/u_fl@> qdb ,AtL '#'f)*t C @- o o d) wlrt ## r+ fl-;Te ii,r4 t 1r. ftY-n a-tt)o*t ?fL-7-4 - t' ..-tl:fntt. I [+flne'''-"" lYIn*tuYtv Wffif^'1 O>ltr,V>P ,)"trf #EAv:lgffi - e.V?n"floJ 4/(a (Ptn ,8, -Vr%wa++M- Ltw-w lVCz>vW4 'l/4'fWL'a-l?, r-t, zmt ; ,i @r,1ew. Ert*- Pt*Tr*l-nt 6*eeu+'r12s) b*'ra* _-.--ltbt44- It"rwi ffiI) 4,* f,+.(Pr* lY ?'q-lFV*E lra*o fu tm+ ,-{\ , I F *?4F6,r<1aJ --}\ -'A>-'-= Eh--.t // l \(-rT \:-/ 1r7i'z l',D" .f/ll.+ o o \-_fs Irs u\'Lil v._N ..r f\ -r $F 3$ .* l- NF $* q\ \I I t\E I Y\$\ N S. d= l \Il F f t\ul f s lt \ + { f I -1 N b I (\!o L x'+ F t T s L l$ I s \\ \t'f; --ra ;- a \t r llt c.r [-J r\ s s; s : N s s +H$ $$ N$ s.. r[ P -1 E s r-I f tlt ls ttr q $+-1 +3P IT $l $.o 'lI.e< \ls ls ti l$ Itt ---r d t ]e F f'--/ l. q r- A \5 T_ o o lx N$it .$ + -\ ls-lr N F I. . /'\.- S la t. fTt t':l x t\ I:l 1 i T J .5 From: To: Date: Subject: Charlie Davis JR Mondragon 0212512004 10:55:14 AM Re: This is my reply to Chuck Coe in regards to Aguirre Yes I think you covered the items. No matter how hard you try, Chuck will still need some type of clarification. Let me know if I can help any further. >>> JR Mondragon Q212512004 10:17:13 AM >>> Chuck , The following are reply's to your questions, per fax dated 02-19-04 the glass door placement and materials listed on sheet A 3.1 is APPROVED for installation as presented.. Regarding the letter dated 1-29-04 from Fritzlen Pierce Architects: trim above 40 feet is required to be non-combustible (2003 IBC 1406.2.2j fire retardant treated materials are NOT allowed. ln reply to Coe email dated 01-29-04 3:44 pm, discussion between Chuck and JR on items lettered a,b,a,b. The answer is YES to those spefic questions ls this ok Charlie? JR Mondragon Senior Building Inspector Town Of Vail Email jmondragon@vailgov.com 970479-2143 From: To: Date: Subject: "Chuck Coe" <chuck@beckbuilds.com> "Charlie TOV Davis" <cdavis@ci.vail.co.us> 02l1gl20o4 3:23:43 PM Northwoods exterior finishes and other Charlie and J.R.. Review of Bill Pierce's letter to the Northwoods Assn.(Jan 29th,' 04) has brought up the need for some clarifications regarding exterior finishes as discussed at our meeting (Jan.28th,' 04), and prior discussions between the three of us. Bill's letter states that flre retardant him is required by code above 40', In a later conversation with Bill, he said that was per the new, pending, code. \Mrich statement is accurate, and better still, which do I need to adhere to? Could you provide section references, please? Bill's letter also states that soffits should be non-combustible regardless. ls this true in both codes? lf so which do you prefer I adhere to? Again, section references, please. I am assuming that non-combustible means that a fire-retardant treated material will not suffice. correct? The reason I pose these questions is, that previous discussions produced slightly different answers, ie: a.. Untreated trim was discussed as OK to use, without mention of a 40' limit. b.. Fire-retardant treated soffit material was discussed as being applied over an approved t hr assembly, in order to match existing sofiits. The only soffits to be affected would be on the new, added dormer, and a section of roof over the new 4th floor corridor fire-door configuration. I mentioned to you ,Charlie, that this configuration will be changing. The new configuration of the 4th conidor fire-door is described below, as I don't have a drawing of it yet: Sheet A3.1 of Permit set of Plans - left hand side of page on 1 of A3.1 . - Down-page from the intersection of Gridline 1 and Gridline B, is an existing window. lt is proposed to replace this window with a 10 lite door to retain natural lite in the hallway and use the existing fire stairs and access doors without modification. Kurt Segerberg discussed this in person with Greg of the Building Dept. (sorry don't have his last name), and was told that a 20 minute rated door would be sufficient at this location. Could you please verify that rating? We are planning ,at this time, to use a laminated, rated glass to satisfy the safety glass requirement at this location as well. Finally, I will be faxing product and application information (for your approval) regarding the factory-applied fire retardant we wish to use to on the cedar siding as discussed at our Jan. 28th meeting, and in subsequent emails. Thanks again for all your help! Chuck Coe Superintendent Beck Building Co. Pager (970) 904-1300 Email chuck@beckbuilds.com Visit us at www.beckbuilds.com CCI "JR TOV Mondragon" <jmondragon@ci.vail.co.us> FEB. L@.2ap,4 tt 4IPl'l FACS]}4rI,E EECK EUILD o ING CO o -NO. 114-.P. 1__ fU'.*lir.b"-)^a -" ll.t,.-^A"$^ DB'E 4'/o+ srroJ,r 00rr& "".:{ No 411 _ e4be "#Wfidffi"- r*/o,.lQ' hulL0jrru,\ r,rirrt.'f r?r TRlrSr futr GVe$ JO yt/t&i o3- S as7 FEB.7A.?AA4 1:41PN BUILDING CO EECK o 3g'- 3Do o:"'1 oe r-lirrp-,rfu** S h, (;,,,n FACSTT'OFFI#ffi . (}PY N rN{t{-E,\-L'' s$NT,\: r,r,$\ryp\u5(.^\'ul N'hTt" lE : bn:L"'l' H[h,:' ffi# DArE t/arlos ll/q{r,l,n FAX No +71-*4Sa , -q,P r .. 4o'p' ,ur,r., fru Rnhnffir J N..FPAGES d ul/cmU SUILDING A LEGACY CF TRUSI FOR OV:R 30 YEARS o v r€ro -{,#g i fEE.Lg,?aa+ t:A?PyiJl EECK o EUiLp_r[.G .cg I|\O. rNc. 114-P.]---.-..---2ae 38e e23 P. 4 PRODUCT 3ffi, I FTqiretop fE *;yJ*H:::$ 924ELIrE^VOLT.NDE. COIrtmCr txfonWanhil :FLAMESTOP,COM ,rr_#?If1i#;io, F,_1!rArL, inf@lnomarop.com ffiilit*sTop il" wfs.:'g ?,'i" co,pANyr.c.,rscRr'rroN: ffi onaaa powr tilE6iiiiiiiliLs *fi Ivhco t#:1ff:t!*i*i;1Tii'il':trffi3il':T,iir'"** m I,IMITATIONS:t o trot aliluta PASre USES: $iii*ffi$3**#f:lffi{TtrHll'+egctnonssrrchas:,'osrpo.uc*oods',:+ffir+ffi - fl Hlil'nfthffirit$ffiffi tr'#tr*fl#pffi r;r,u'tr ffffSffiHFffinqffihffi#;:;;,,-,APP!-rQATroN:rffim :1;'**nF.'t*;**ffir;qr;#ffi #:j,*i$:.ffi FLAMESPR,EAD 25 AND SMOKE DEVIIPPED 25 IvARRANTY: i's[;:i"ril:"t'1,;itr'iX'ilrl]'iH5$#lf#:mf.W;ffiffilrf,*Hg11ginx.;ffJr".3",rhucecreuud!crFr*ro O2{rUl FLA}dg !firg?, ule n0roduebl ubolc o5 i1 pq4 5y crDEr perrBri}bt ody, Tecbnfcsl Support t596 t5rrs. 3.0 vr,fu (c4r6 d.gir) w8t1l &@tl t tifi',rsa Sodtfflrlf,z't txrne ao W tttlUb conastuc oa aryMskcl Nona EUrLDrtqFp IND. rNc. aas 3s9O3 No.lta-p. -;; FEB.LE."aa+ lr4aPM 5 t\ 'co * iJ- lr1 I !.r x\ cof A6 A- : r-\u2 F( trI .EH RE H x d '?1 r= s !J.{E EX g -ba ID€4.9 E -i rE! 5E € EE ,g b -.,.^' gFEE F€;€ Egg,s €FgEg F$€E; E E q g I! c c tr E .u CJ tse sE;Ex E =t : E 4 A E 's5€:geE*fFElsiE iEE+€4n gEE&r58 .sE*Eei=--:--se EE";e'St :Eg€€,f-*5 EsE:EEF..g -:EHEESE^ E-.rEEF€,8 EEgh=ifE Ei:;8-Es-=;d5E F"'=.9."'iE.g-:n t)!' I 3 6l It at .= al .q, h!..E GI ,E l: c).9 E o ,= a t (! ,E :g !l' ,e ? t) E 5 6- E E 'l l'' . i,B :-|, ad,.,c e EI ,l= { '. lJ tl at E .ts s E:E. .fi..'E .tt I .l:,' IT{ATERIAt SAFETY DATA SIIEET CEEiIICALNAFIE: 9:I{ ET.UEMOUND6: FT.WORI|R,TX 76t3r tt7 -t(E tzz' FAX I r ?_3{t61 7at a3/00 TEIg PNODACT IS NON.TUNCAND I'U$fjy NO THREAT TQ THE ENWRANbIENT FLAME STOP I TM F3"tilH'SH{'EtrLLoN FI-IMMABILITY HE{I.TTI I SOI,UEILITY [Y WATE& DISFE,BSIBLE AFEAN.ANCE IN COU)E WHlrE SPECIEICfiAIZARI' '0 OfUSrft tVn ODOR:NONE FLASHPOTN'} N/A NOSEAIII' TTIROAT CAN DNVELOP ON 0 ING w ALLY H OX.WATER ffifr"*US DECOMPOSITION Ptr.ITDUCTS: ffiffifffil\fffiriw^pftH- SECTION TV.FIRE AND EXPLOSION FIASIIP0INT: N/A m:o*t"ttc rrEDrx usE SELF cerrr*woo prrurrruNo aDr$nffius rN clpsE F*o*u,'y NgILFLAllltrAELg Nots{OMEUSfiXBLE PAGE T OF 2 '- FEB'La'?aa4L t:43Pt'14 ttry"tnt:'tnffiortli. r""sas ]s _NO.11A__P.+___._._ J_. Z. S'ep SU 'LP 1j:5U p.U2 I I ..' FEB.t6.?aa+ r:43pr.1, r.l*tt:1.,.?rrffi#. 2as 3es t, _ lr,rr,*rt SECTION V HEATTH IIAZARD DATA iffi NosE Ar,rD THR'AT MAY DEr{EroP o OFWATER SECTIOIT YI REACTTYITV NETA ffi fr ** ppcorrdsrroN FRoD ucrs $iflHth unnuR NoRrvraL coNrlrrroNs SECTIOT ''I SP,"L ON LEAK PROCEDURES USING TACITITIES USED FO SECTION WU SPECIAT PRECAUTIONS ffiHor*, UIRED SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS TO EE TAKN WIIEN TIANDLIITG AI{D SIORAGE: SECTION X TNENSPORIATION DATA LAEEL::*'NE DoTeLAsgIEIeATIoN: g3 r?Ei& sntsssua3 AGE2OF2 FEB.Lg.?AAA 3:45PM BECK BUILDING CO N0.251 P.1 a FACS TMTLE fu#N'u o FI{OM DA'E a/nl14- FN{ Fc 411445& srr'JEcr N oo B\rg[l+C"#0t,4ttifr I'J:colo{E*rs K b-; 'ffiF,K{t tult.i/jNr, i ,,tsA"'? 'lr'Tfr,ust bVli atvEx J0 ltlRs ! I = o I m n -l o G\ o b" u p k fii .. lE T a n o f;z I r1 I :E G z )r- b, l"ldst ____+- f A I N)t- .L ,:.--,Ert ull -2'd- z m q m x o I -TSZ'Ol.l- A2/43/2684 89:52 :t78476?5 |\'irrl Idl:'i,.rr. .\1.\. .\IJ iIlt,', 1 \,Vriir.rrtr [- fri r. ', ,\i1 itl)at t 1,.:llr\, l1!ni,r)4,-1, liu illiisl f,!in)!(:' FAX COVER SHEET Date; 2l3l}4 To: Jim Akin Charlie Davis Russ Forrest Chuck Coe Kurt Segerberg Fax: irJ PAGE AL FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCH ITECTS vAlL, cot oRADO Town of Vait ffiFFfiffi.ffi ffiffiPY 0s* fiu 949 4335 476 4508 Northwoods siding Bill Pierce You should receive 3 page(s) including this cover sheet. lf caff (97O) 476-fi42 fxrl Ii',iir Lrl tl;rii \,',rll,ir. Iifirr,, |.iili,(l{F ( .I. Vrl!. f-'.,1r 'r.gi13 q11i,i;r I'j i:t.; .::'i).r,r I i. I ir;'( r,:i;:t',4' ii I l I i',i,',:.:1. {,ii,,rr. lritr,r t r.,..,.,1r1 iii\".,rr.,..1ii,t. i hitiri.t j,,.. I lI I 1.r."{,ir(j . \,,,rJl.r'!\r.,{:,lr,,t.i.rl,.r,ri'r..\lr r..{)vIlt !l lIFr iiitrth,!,l.li. \i(i,tti!.tJ1:. From: To: Date: Subject: Charlie Davis JR Mondragon 0311912004 4:38:08 PM Chuck Coe I had a conversation with Chuck today regarding some of the listed assemblies for the Aguire Reconstruction. Chuck stiated that there may not be an ability to obtaina listing for the roof assembly because of the use of fire retardant treated plywood within the assembly. I would be O. K. with that assembly if the plyuood is located between to layers of drywall. Let me know if you agree. Chauck will be callling you next week. Thanks for covering for me while I'm outl Charlie From: JR Mondragon To: chuck coe Date: $n2n004 8:57:45 AM Sublect Fwd: ChuckCoe Dear Chuck, I have recieved the cut sheets from Segerberg Architects and the info supplied is approved and placed in our liles. As for the roof assemblies and others, per Charlie Davis Town of Vail Building Ofiicial as long as the sheathing is BETWEEN the gypsum board this would be acceptable for fire resistrance construction application Thanks. JR Mondragon Senior Building Inspector Town Of Vail Email jmondragon@vailgov.com 970479-2143 Charlie Davis; Greg Denckla; JR Mondragon sEP.?t.?aa4 LL2?-?:N'1 September 21, 2004 Charlie Davis Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 VIA: US Mail Dear Charlie, Beck tsuilding Company obtained the building permit Condominiums, Unit #14, Building A, 600 Vall No.854 P.Z Roberto Aguirre's unit located at Northwoods Vail, Vail, Colorado 81657. Besk Bullding BECK BUILDING CO o - uf1 4/Lr g' Company will release the building permit Should you have any questions please fecl free to contact me at (970) 949-1800. JF Ent?rprises, lnc. Melissa Greenauer, Greenauer Design Group Roberto Agukre BUILDING A TEGACY OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YEARS Po$ofrce Box 401t0 vsllcdtorado e1458 T01970 949 16{,0 td 90949 4S35 becl(build!'c0m f{sT A (2EG61q2eo cotlrafttroL l lrt /r/ Senior Project Mdnager Beck Building Company SEP.?L.MA Lt.IPfr1 BECK BUILD o ING CO NO.B54 P.1 FACSIM ILE TO FROM SUBJECT Btilt tutt9tic 60rrPltY Charlie Davis/ Town of Vail Bryan Brubaker Building Permit Releese Letter - Aguirre DATE September2l,20@ FAX# 970479-2452 NO PAGES 2 COMMENTS For your reference please flnd a copy of the building permit release letter, The orlginal letter will be sent to you via uS Mail. Should you have any questions please feel free to call r.ts. M:\{FFILE$DOCSrAsuheE0MUNlCA\dflJEB\Fd(ES\Chafl . DadE T0\' +2t4004.doc BUIOINC A LEAACV OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YEARS Poqt officr Bor 40lX, VallColondo 6165e ic9709{e 1800 Fax 9?0 94{l.lElil5 beckbulld5,com Jun O8 04 O9:53a .-!'ACSIi.,lfLE cnuctcoe CIAh\1n Do$iA ':c Rltlo. sR, lvtrndxnuaryr ercr t),"1\q \ -t'a su8recr Fii^"$ \F"\\^\ttt^\ No oF PAGE5 A Af WU p.1 alslo+ lrc fi|-aisx @!,tMEICrS Jun OB O4 O9:54a Jun 35. O.f O8: O4a ,:::b::: p.? p.2 West Slope Testing & Inspection 3177 Glendam Dr. Cnand Junction" CO 81504 Phone: 970-434-6988 Cell: 970-260-28M Report #3 Final Ins ection Re ort Date:5'19 Projech Aguirre Remodel Address: Building A Unit #14, Northwoods Vail CO. General Contractor: Beck Building Company Contractor that Performed Work Myers & Company fnspection of shop fabrication or freld work at job site: Field Report: Visually inspected the field welding & high strength bolting at the 5th floor level at the outside stairway area. Visually inspected the field welding& high strengtb bolting at the roof level steel. There were a few items found that needed corrected- These items were corrected and then the welding & high strenglh bolting inspected above was of acceptable quality per the requirements of the AWS Dl.l structural welding code & the AISC Specification for Strucnral Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 bolts, To the best ofmy knowledge this completes the special inspections of the stnrctural welding & high strengfh bolting as described in inspections reports I tttru 3. Inspector/Technician: Douglas E Young Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Btx 970-479-24s2 www.vailgov.com April27,2004 Mr. Chuck Coe Beck Building Company Se^r Ur rq FAx I 1 q?- q33 5 Re: Agurie Residence Building permit #B,0&lO237 Chuck, The Contego Intumescent Latex paint submitted for use on the above stated project has been accepled as an alternative material for use as a fire-resislive assembly. This assembly shall provide an individual prolection of structural steel elements. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Table 6-4 forType lll 1-HR buildings, requires a 1-HR fire- resistive assembly on steel structural frame. The literature for the Contego Intumescent Paint shows conformance to test standards listed within the UBC and shows that this material performs within the paramelers ol the building codes requirements. Please be aware that is approval is not a blanket approval but must be evaluated on case-by-case basis. Ianything further-jg_needed feel free to call me at 970-479-2142 Charlie Davis Chief Building Official Town of Vail f,-p ^".,.""o "r,"^ ASTil El 19.OOa Fire Tests of Building Gonstruction and llaterials GontegoPassiveFireBarrierLatex OveraWlOX49Golumn ProiectNo. 1 6539-1 1 4323 Ju1y21,2003 Preoaredfor: Contegolnternational, Inc. 5815Phoenix,No.4 Dallas,TX75231 Abstract A W10X49 structural, steel column. cLad with a 94.9 mil (0.0949inch, 2.4lrnm.) thick coati,ng o/ Contego Passive Fire Barrier Latex met the requirements of ASTM El19-00a Standard Test Method.s for Fire Tests of Building Construction a.nd. Materials for a fire resistcr.nce rating of 88 minutes. This report and the information contained herein is for the exciusive use of the client named herein. Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. authorizes the client to reproduce this report only if reproduced in its entirety. The description of the test procedure, as well as the observations and results obtained, contained herein are true and accurate within the linrits of sound engineering practice. Thcse results apply only for the specimens tested, in the manner tested, and rnay not represcnt the perfbrmance of other specimens from the same or other production lots nor of the performance when used in combination with other materials. The test specimen identification is as provided by the client and Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. accepts no responsibilitv for any inaccuracies therein. Omega Point did not select the specimen and has not verified the composition, n.ranufacturing techniques or quality assurance procedures. This report does not irnply certification of the product by Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. Any use of the Omega Point Laboratories name, any abbreviation thereof or any logo, mark, or symbol therefor, for advertising material rnust bc approved in writing in advance by Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. The client must have entered into and be actively participating in a Listing & Follow-up Service program. Products must bear labels with the Omega Point Laboratories Certification Mark to demonstrate accentance bv Point Laboratorics. Inc. into the Listi Deggary N. Priest, President Reviewed and approved: July 21. 2003 Date Date: July 21. 2003 ..2-zz--22-''Z L='/'Z,=A William E. tr'itctr. P.n. No. 55296 OmegaPointLaboratories, lnc. 1 601 5ShadyFallsRoad Elmendorf ,Texa s7 81 1 2-97 84 21 0-635-81 00/FAX:2 1 0-635-81 01 /800-966-5253 www.opl.com/e-mail :dnpriest@ix.netcom.com No. 06U9 0l ProjectNo. 16539-1 14323 Contegolnternational,Inc. July21,2003 Pageii 1 4 ry 9 11 Introduction TestProcedure TestSpecimenConstruction TestResultsandObservations Conclusions Appendices AppendixA: Thermocouplel,ocations AppendixB: ThermocoupleData AppendixC: Photographs LastPageofReport ITEDIA.GE TABLEOFCONTENTS ifn .'"rt ?6 "%*oroou L2 T4 25 27 Project No. 165:19-1 14323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 1 IIYTRODUCTIONI "The performance of walls, columns, floors, and other building members under fire exposure conditions is an item of major importance in securing constructions that are safe, and that are not a menace to neighboring structures nor to the public. Recognition of this is registered in the codes of many authorities, municipal and other. It is important to secure balance oI'the many units in a single building, and of buildings of like character and use in a community; and also to promote uniformity in requirements of various authorities throughout the country. To do this it is necessary that the fire-resistive properties of materials and assemblies be measured and specified according to a comm<ln standard expressed in terms that are applicable alike to a wide variety of materials, situations, and conditions of exposure. Such a standard is found in the methods that follow. They prescribe a standard ex- posing fire ofcontrolled extent and severity. Pcrformance is defined as the period of resistance to standard exposure elapsing before the first critical point in behavior is observed. Results are reported in units in which field exposures can be iudged and exDressed. The methods may be cited as the "Standard Fire Tests," and the performance or exposure shall be expressed as "2-h," "6-h," "1/2-h," etc. When a factor of safety exceeding that inherent in the test conditions is desired, a proportional increase should be made in the specified time-classification period. The ASTM E119 test procedure is identical or very similar to the following standard test methods: UL 263 UBC 7-1 NFPA 251 ANSI A2.1 ULC S1O1 The analogous test standard in the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), ISO 834 Fire-resistance Tests - Elements of Building Construction, is very similar to the above U.S. test methods. Its exposure curve, as well as the method used to measure temperatures within the furnace result in a slightly less severe ' ASTM E119-00a Standard Methods of FIRE TESTS OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ANDMATERIALS, ASTM International, Volume 04.07 Building Seals and Sealants, etc. agcA Fo,,, [or \ &., ) guo"oroJ ,( | -l r-l\'-') D . tt qrl i/ '.o Project No. 16539-774:123 Contego International, Inc. July 21,2003 Page 2 temperature exposure than the E119 test for the first two hours. The ISO 834 test requires a slightly greater positive pressure within the furnace. For those reasons, the E119 test can be considered to bc slightly more severe for tests of2 h duration or less, only if the test article is not likely to be affected by a higher furnace pressure. (BS 476 Pt 20 Fire tests on building materials and structures is virtually identical to the ISO 834 test method, as is the new CEN standard, EN 1363-1.) l.Scope The test methods described in this fire-test-response standard are applicable to assemblies of masonry units and to composite assemblies of structural materials for buildings, including bearing and other walls and partitions, columns, girders, beams, slabs, and composite slab and beam assemblies for floors and roofs. They are also applicable to other assemblies and structural units that constitute permanent integral parts of a finished building. 7.2 It is the intent that classifications shail register comparative performance to specific fire-test conditions during the period ofexposure and shall not be construed as having deternrined suitability for use under other conditions or after fire exposure. 1.3 This standard is used to measure and describe the response of' materials, products, or assernblies to hea,t and flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire rish dssessment of the materials, products or assemblies under actual fire conditions. 1.4 These test methods prescribe a standard fire exposure for comparing the test results of building construction assemblies. The results ofthese tests are one lactor in assessing predicted fire performance of building construction assemblies. Application of these test results to predict the performance of actual building construction requires the evaluation oftest conditions. 1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only. 7.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if a.ny, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropridte safety and heaLth practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.7 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. 'Ihese notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements ofthe standard. 4.Significanceanduse 4.1 This test method is intended to evaluate the duration for which the types of assemblies noted in 1 .1 will contain a fire, retain their structural integrity or exhibit both properties dependent upon the type of assembly involved during a -(,9a Fo.$-?or ?o,?- \9 eo4oroG Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. JuJy 27, 2OOB Page 3 predetermined test exposure. 4.2 The test exposes a specimen to a standard fire controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period. When required, the fire exposure is followed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream. The test provides a relative measure of the fire-test-response of comparable assemblies under these fire exposure conditions. The exposure is not representative of all fire conditions because conditions vary with changes in the amount, nature and distribution of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. Variation from the test conditions or specimen construction, such as size, materials, method of assembly, also affects the fire-test-response. For these reasons, evaluation of the variation is required for application to construction in the field. 4.3 The test standard provides for the following: 4.3.1 For walls, partitions and floor or roof assemblies: Measurement of the transmission of heat. 4.3.I.2 Measurement of'the transmission of hot gases through the assembly, sufli- cient to ignite cotton waste. For load bearing elements, measurement of the load carrying ability of the test specimen during the test exposure. 4.3.2 For individual load bearing assemblies such as beams and columns: Measurement of the load carrying ability under the test exposure with some consideration for the end support conditions (that is, restrained or not restrained). 4.4 The test standard does not provide the following: 4.4.7 Full information as to performance of assemblies constructed with com- ponents or lengths other than those tested. 4.4.2 Evaluation of thc degree by which the assembly contributes to the frre hazard by generation of smoke, toxic gases, or other products of combustion. 4.4.3 Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of the passage o/ smoke or products of combustion through the assembly. 4.4.4 Simulation of the fire behavior of joints between building elements such as floor-wall or wall-wall, etc., connections. 4.4.5 Measurement of flame spread over surface of tested element. 4.4.6 The effect of f-rre endurance of conventional openings in the assembly, that is electrical receptacle outlets, plumbing pipe, etc., unless specifically provided for in the construction tested." f^"? 9oo"oro*f Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 4 TESTPROCEDI.IRE Horizontal Test Furnace The 12'x 18'x 7'deep horizontal test furnace is designed to allow the test specimen to be uniformly exposed to the specified time-temperature conditions. It is fitted with 1,2 symmetrically-located premixed propane/air gas burners, located 6 feet below the top ledge of the furnace, and designed to allow an even heat flux distribution across the under surface of a horizontal test specimen. Furnace pressures may be maintained at any value from +0.5" W.C. to -0.05" W.C. at the exposed surface of the test article. The burners, when fully frred, will deliver 20 MBtu/hr total heat input. The furnace consists of a structural steel frame, lined with sheet metal and insulated with a six inch thick layer of ceramic fiber. One wall ofthe furnace contains a personnel door to allow access to the inside with the test article in place. 12'x 18' Horizontal Fire Resistance Furnace The temperature within the furnace is determined to be the mathematical average of thermocouples located symmetrically within the furnace and positioned twelve inches away from the test specimen. The materials used in the construction of these thermocouples are those suggested in the test standard. During the perfor- 394 F9'*- -+o. ?.Q a!9 -oogorgl! Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. 2500 2250 July 21, 2003 Page 5 mance of a fire exposure test, the furnace temperatures are recorded every 15 seconds and displayed for the furnace operator to allow control along the specified temperature curve. For report presentation purposes, the data is saved once per minute. The frre exposure is controlled to conform with the standard time-temperature curve shown in Figure 1, as determined by the table below: Time Temperature (min) ('F) 2000 tL 1750 E lsoo c_ 1250 6 rooo o-E 750 F 5oo 250 0 0 5 10 20 30 60 90 720 180 240 300 360 420 480 68 1000 1300 L462 1550 1700 7792 1850 t925 2000 2075 2150 2225 2300 60 '1 20 180 240 300 360 420 480 Time (min) FiEurel The furnace interior temperature during a test is controlled such that the area under the timertemperature curve is within 70Vo of the corresponding area under the standard timertemperature curve for t hour or less tests, 7.\Vo for those less than 2 hours and |Vo fot those tests of2 hours or more duration. Temperatures of Steel The temperatures at the interior of structural steel elements were monitored using 1.5 mm diameter, Inconel@ stainless steel sheathed 30 GA. type K thermocouples inserted into appropriately-sized holes drilled to the center of each section. Such thermocouples were located in groups ofthree at four levels along the height ofeach column, as described in the standard. The thermocouple leads were held tight to the structural steel by covering them with short pieces of1/a" wide shim stock steel, spot-welded to the steel on each side of the thermocouple lead. Temperature aGA Fo-t-7 oa ?e,?r\ -\9 ooBlroT Project No. I6539-L14323 Contego International, Inc. Jaly 27,2003 Page 6 readings were taken at intervals not exceeding 1.0 minute. The temperatures on each level ofeach test specimen during the test was taken to be the average value of all three thermocouples on that level. The exact thermocouple locations may be found in Appendix A: Thermocouple Locations. Correction Factor When the indicated resistance period is t/z h or over, determined by the average or maximum temperature rise on the unexposed surface or within the test sample, or by failure under load,, a correction shall be applied for variation of the furnace exposure from that prescribed, where it will affect the classification, by multiplying the indicated period by two thirds of the difference in area between the curve of average furnace temperature and the standard curve for the lirst three fourths of the period and dividing the product by the area between the standard curve and a base line of 68'F (20'C) for the same part of the indicated period, the latter area increased by 3240'F.min to compensate for the thermal lag of the furnace thermocouples during the frrst part of the test. For a fire exposure in the test higher than standard, the indicated resistance period shall be increased by the amount of the correction. For a fire exposure in the test lower than standard, the indicated resistance period shall be similarly decreased for fire exposure below standard. The correction is accomplished by mathematically adding the correction factor, C, to the indicated resistance period. The correction can be expressed by the following equation: 2I(A-4")v - sG;Zt wnele: Q = correction in the same units as 1, I = indicated fire-resistance period, A = area under the curve of indicated average furnace temperature for the frrst three fourths ofthe indicated period, A" - area under the standard furnace curve for the same part of the indicated period, and | = lag correction in the same units as A and A" (54"F.h or 30'C.h (3240"Fomin or 1800"C rmin)) .+..1l.'i"'z i";;l"J Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 7 CONDITIONSOFAC CEPTANCE The E119 standard regards the test as successful if the following condition is met: Transmission of heat through the protection during the fire endurance test does not raise the a.uerdge ternperature of the steel at any one of the four leuels aboue 1000"F (538"C), or does not raise the ternperature aboue 1200'F (649'C) dt any one of the measured points. TE STSPE C IMENC ONSTRUCTION The protective coating identification is as prouided by the client and Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies therein. Omega Point did not select the material and has not uerified the composition, manufacturing techniques or quality assurance procedures. The steel column, purchased and prepared by Laboratory personnel, had a 16" x 16" x t/n" thick steel piate welded to each end, to stop the coating from expanding longitudinally, and to make the column self-standing. It was then sand-blasted to a clean, oil free condition, and 72 tlrc" diameter Inconel@ sheathed, 30 GA. Type K thermocouples were attached, three at each of four levels (See Appendix A Thermocouple Locations), by inserting the tip of the thermocouple assembly into a small hole drilled to the center of the steel section. The thermocouple leads were then securely attached to the steel column by placing short pieces of t/a" wide shim stock steel over the wire and spot-welding on either side. The column and thermocouple wires were then painted with a standard red-oxide primer. Representatives of Contego then visited the laboratory facility and spray-applied the Contego Passive Fire Barrier Latex to a dry-film thickness of 0.0949 inches (2.41 mm), with a standard deviation (108 thickness measurements) of 0.0066 inches (0.17 mm). Thickness measurements were performed by Laboratory personnel. Thicknesses were determined at twelve locations at each of nine equidistant heights on the column, the results of which are given in the table below. The twelve measuring points are indicated in the drawing below: Jo"^'? ?a, b"orooU Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 8 11 12 to t2 97.0 87.0 94.0 92.0 96.0 94.0 92.5 91.0 94.5 92.0 99.0 91.0 98.0 90.5 91.0 100.0 74.5 97,0 4 34 94.5 93.0 90.5 100.0 97.5 103.0 96.0 96.5 94.5 99.0 94.0 97.0 95.0 97.0 100.0 97.0 81.0 94.5 567 91.0 97.5 86.5 101.0 112.0 85.0 92.0 103.0 98.5 94.5 105.0 95.0 90.5 92.5 93.5 94.0 96.5 89.0 92.5 89.0 85.5 96.5 106.0 88.5 101.5 89.0 72.0 9 8 7 5 8 104.0 109.0 106.5 98.0 98.0 96.b 106.0 103.0 87.0 2 3 I 2 3 4 o 6 8 I Avg OverallAvg. Std.Dev. I 91.0 98.0 87.5 92.5 87.0 91.0 at).t 92.0 81.5 l0 86.0 96.0 97.5 93.0 90.5 92.0 93.5 103.0 97.5 t2 98.0 112.0 107.0 96.5 100.0 r00.0 90.0 106.0 94.0 100.4 ll 93.5 94.0 94.5 98,5 97.0 95.5 94.5 92.0 93.0 92.5 92.7 93.7 97.4 94.8 98.9 88,2 101.1 89.6 94.3 94.7 2.41 mm 0.77 mm 94.9 mil 6.6 mil Laboratory personnel witnessed the application of material and determined the thickness of the frre protection material. The drying of the frre barrier material was very fast. Nominally 4" x 6" pieces of 20 GA. galvanized steel were sprayed with the Contego Passive Fire Barrier Latex to thicknesses of 20,40,60, 80 and 95 mils. All were at constant weight within 24 hours. The column was left at ambient temperature for a minimum of fi.ve days prior to testing. f^'? 9oo"oro"{ Project No. 16539-174323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 9 The column section used in this evaluation is presented in the table below: ColumnSize Hp/AFactor (m-t) WlDFactor (lb/in/ft) Avg.Coating Thickness lin(mm)l w10x49 162 0..83 0.0949 (2.41) The height of the furnace walls was increased 28" with the addition of concrete masonry units lined with ceramic fiber blanket. The furnace was sealed following the insertion of the column, by covering with a fiber-insulated flat lid assembly. (T\vo other columns, both of them round hollow sections, were tested in the furnace with the W10X49, but are not reported on herein.) TESTRESULTSAND OBSERVATIONS The thermocouples were connected to the data acquisition system and their outputs verified. The furnace was then fired along the ASTM E119-00a time-temperature curve for a period of 93 minutes. The furnace was fired at 12:49 pM on June 26,2003 and the pressure maintained at +0.01 inches of water column (with respect to the laboratory ambient pressure), measured at a point approximately 1 in. under the exposed surface of the test specimen for the duration of the test following a frve minute stabilization period. Observations made during the test are as follows: Time (min:sec) Observation 0:00 Furnace fired at 12:49 Pru. l:20 Fire barrier material turning dark. 2:15 Outer flanges charring and intumescing, but not inside the web yet. 10:30 Some cracking in the ash layer on the outside flange. Inner flanges are intumesced and turning gray. 11:30 Fire barrier material turning light gray. 87:48 Column exceeds allowable temperature. 93:00 Furnace extinguished and allowed to cool. The maximum fire resistance of the beam was determined by a single thermocouple in Level A (top set of three thermocouples) exceeding 1200'F at 88 minutes. The Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 10 average ofall three thermocouples in Level A exceeded 1000"F at 90 minutes. The Contego Passive Fire Barrier Latex intumesced well and the protection remained firmly attached throughout the frre test until around 88 minutes, at which point it began to slough off. In accordance with the E119 test standard, a calculation for any correction to the indicated fire resistance period was done. The correction factor was then mathematically added to the indicated fire resistance period, yielding the fire resistance period achieved by this specimen: ITEM DESCRIPTION TEST VALUE C correction factor -0.11 min (-7 seconds) I indicated fi re-resistance neriod 88 min A area under the curve of indicated average furnace temperature for the first three fourths ofthe indicated period 98 739"Fomin As area under the standard furnace curve for the same part of the indicated period 99 084"Fomin L lag correction 3240oFcmin FIRE RESISTANCE PERIOD ACHIEVED BY THIS SPECIMEN ==>88 Note: The standard specifies that the fire resistance be determined to the nearest integral minute. Consequently, if the correction factor is less than 30 seconds, and the test specimen met the criteria for the full indicated fire resistance oeriod. no correction is deemed necessary. That was the case for this project. Listings and plots ofthe furnace control temperatures and specimen unexposed sur- face temperatures may be found in Appendix B. A photographic documentation of the test has been included in Appendix C. ,Q's A Po', o,\ 9oo*o"oJ Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International, Inc. July 21, 2003 Page 11 CONCLUSIONS The test specirnen identification is o,s prouided by the client and Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies therein. Omega Point did not select the specimen and has not uerified the composition, or ity assurance procedures. The W10X49 structural steel column (HpiA = 162), clad with a 94.9 mil (0.0949inch, 2.41mm) thick coating of Contego Passive Fire Barrier Latex constructed and tested as described herein met the requirements of ASTM El19-00a Standard Tes I MethodsforFireTestsofBuildingConstructionandMaterials for a fire resistance rating of 88 minutes. ofo o? ?"o";ro*c Project No. 15956-105520 Mesa Insulation September 14, 1999 APPENDICES 12 APPENDIX A THERMOCOUPLE LOCATIONS agcA For, oa (.o A"oto* t3 16' -f B" 8" l 1b" i l 2 I r-,'?-- f- 5--l 4 8 liir 9_+r _a, __ ) s-7 LevelC ELEVATION VIEW Note: 1 .5mmslnconel-sheathedTypeK thermocoupleswereinsertedintoholesdrilled tothecenteroft hesectionandtheleads attachedtothesteelbysmallrectangular piecesoft hinsheetsteel,spotweldedtothe steelitem. 10 CROSS-SECTION VIEWS AT EACH LEVEL OM EGAPOINTLABORATORIES, INC. ProjectNo. 1 6539-1 1 4323 CONTEGO Fig. 1 ThermocoplesonWideFlangeColumn Scale:3/4"=1' n-1 Project No. 15956-105520 Mesa Insulation September 14, 1999 APPENDICES 14 APPENDIX B THERMOCOUPLE DATA f^'% 9oo*oro*g t5 Project No. 16539-114323 Contego International Furnace Interior Temperature 1750 1500 't250 tt 0 E f E o e E o F Time (min) 16 II o o 5 o o rL E o Project No. 16539-114323 Gontego International W10X49 Steel Temperature Time (min) Conteoo lnternational Proiect No. 1 6539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 17 wr0x49 wr0x49 w10x4e wr0x49 w10x49 Integration Integration LevelA LevelA LevelB LevelB LevelO Effgstd Furnace ofTurnace ofEllgstd Avg Max Avg Max Avg Time Average Average Average Average Error Temp Temp Temp Ternp Temp (rnin) fF) ('F) ("Fomin) ('F.min) (Vo) ('F) fF) ("F) ('F) CF) 0 I , 3 4 D 6 8 I 10 11 T2 13 L4 l5 l6 t7 18 I9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 29 30 3r 32 33 84 35 36 3? 38 39 40 4t 42 43 /A 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l 52 68 91 254 712 441 238 627 481 814 827 1000 Lo47 1060 1159 1120 rl24 ll80 1129 1240 1171 1300 7249 1328 1355 L347 7423 1364 1453 1381 7443 1396 14r.8 1410 1411 L424 7425 1436 7448 1448 1468 1459 7476 L470 7475 1480 L476 1490 1481 7499 1488 1508 1498 l5l7 1507 1525 1515 1533 L522 1541 1530 1549 1538 1556 L549 1563 1559 1570 t567 1576 1573 1583 7579 1589 1583 1595 1588 1601 1593 1606 1598 1612 1601 1617 1605 1623 1616 1628 1626 1633 1635 1638 1642 1643 1647 1648 1651 1652 1656 1657 1659 1661 1665 rooo -Lo, -L 1670 1676 0 0.00 755 -68.0 3,365 -67.3 7,838 -53 2 14,176 -35.4 22,377 -21 .0 31,931 -12. ] 42,057 -7 .66 52,851 -6.51 64,21r -6.31 76,t7r -6.18 88,631 -5.52 101,305 -4.35 Lr4,L64 -3.13 r27,t94 -2.17 1.10,383 -t.65 153,720 -L_42 167,196 -1.31 180,802 -r.18 194,531 -1.02 208,377 -0.86 222,334 -0.75 236,396 -0.70 250,559 -0.69 264,818 -0.69 279,L69 -0.69 293,609 -0.69 308,134 -0.69 322,740 -0.69 337,426 -0.70 352,188 -0.70 367,024 -0.70 38r,931 -0.69 396,907 -0.67 411,950 -0.65 427,058 -0.64 442,229 -0.62 457,462 -0.62 472,754 -0.61 488,105 -0.61 503,512 -0.61 518,974 -0.61 534,491 -0.61 550,059 -0.61 565,680 -0.59 581,350 -0.57 597,069 -0.54 612,837 -0.52 628,651 -0.50 644,5L2 -0.49 660,417 -0.47 676,367 -0.45 692,360 -0.44 0 242 1,101 3,672 9.150 17,68ti 28,053 38,867 49,470 60,161 7 r,464 83,740 96,900 110,594 r24,440 138,071 15r,533 1ti5,004 178,665 792,550 206,593 220,670 234,743 248,842 263,001 277,24L 29r,578 306,003 320,504 335,077 349.734 364,47 0 379,3r5 394,254 409,269 424,346 439,477 454,646 469,866 485,r35 500,444 5r5,790 531,209 546,730 562,354 578,053 593,82r 609,631 625,484 641,370 657 ,302 673,291 689,337 89 118 772 211 240 264 287 304 321 338 JDA 370 384 397 408 418 427 435 444 452 459 466 472 479 485 491 496 501 )UO cll tto (t1 525 529 534 539 543 548 562 DOO D/-t 576 580 584 589 593 598 602 607 612 01l 90 r3r 194 232 259 284 307 322 338 355 371 385 eo7 408 420 430 440 450 460 469 477 485 492 499 DUC 511 516 521 526 J.t I oito 54r 552 Db.J 569 580 Datt) 592 597 602 608 614 6r9 625 630 636 640 646 652 oat / 90 I l5 168 207 236 261 284 302 319 336 354 370 384 397 408 418 427 436 444 452 459 466 473 479 484 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 529 i).Jo 540 546 oDl 563 DOal 573 578 584 589 594 600 604 610 674 619 625 630 90 122 183 227 25r 277 302 320 354 370 385 397 408 477 437 448 457 466 474 481 488 494 500 DUD alll Jttt 522 528 539 545 550 556 561 567 573 579 586 592 s98 604 610 6r6 622 628 633 639 644 650 t)co 661 89 113 I tro 204 233 257 28r 298 J -t-c 332 349 .tbo 380 aoe 403 413 4r,) 432 439 447 455 467 468 474 480 485 491 496 501 507 512 i) to 527 526 DJO 540 545 549 554 D)d 563 568 ct I 582 aor 592 597 602 608 612 677 Contego International Project No. 16539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 18 wl0x49 wrox4g w10x49 wl0x49 wl0x49 Integtation Integration LevelA LevelA LevelB LevelB LeveIC Eflgstd Furnace ofFurnace ofEll9Std Avg Max Avg Max A*'g Average Average Average Average Error Ternp Temp Ternp Temp Temp CF) ("F) ("F.min) ("Fomin) (9o) ("F) eF) CF) CF) ('F) Time (min) 53 7674 54 1678 55 1682 56 1686 57 1690 58 1694 59 1698 60 1701 61 1705 62 1709 63 7712 84 1716 65 l7l9 66 1722 67 1726 68 7729 69 1732 70 1735 7r 1738 72 t742 73 L745 74 7748 to -t lor 76 1753 77 1756 78 1759 79 t762 80 1765 8l 1768 82 t770 83 t773 u 1776 85 1778 86 1781 87 1783 88 1786 89 1788 90 1791 9r 1793 92 1796 93 1798 705,439 791 <OA 737,816 754,087 770,401 786,770 803,178 8I9,624 836,112 852,636 869,170 885,753 902,374 919,005 935,646 952,306 gti9,001 985,7 17 |,002,448 1,019,202 1,035,975 1,052,769 1,069,594 1,086,452 1,103,334 1,120,238 I, r3 7,166 1,154,111 L,L7 L,077 1,188,062 r,205,06r L,222,087 1,239,134 r,266,21"2 1,273,3r3 1,290,450 r,307,614 7,324,785 r,341,970 1,359,177 1,376,378 708,395 724,472 740,{190 756,749 772,946 789,182 805,457 82L,768 838,117 854,501 870,922 887,377 903,867 920,390 936,948 oKe Aac 970,160 986,81 5 1,003,50r r,020,218 1,036,966 r,053,7 44 1,070,552 1,087,389 7,t04,255 1,121,150 1,138,073 I,I55,024 l,172,003 r,189,009 1,206,042 1,223,r01 7,240,787 1 tR7 qOO 1,274,436 1,291,599 1,308,786 1,325,999 7,343,236 1,360,497 7.377,782 667 623 672 628 678 633 684 638 690 643 695 648 702 653 708 658 7r3 663 720 669 726 674 732 679 739 685 745 690 752 696 759 702 766 770 773 716 779 724 787 732 793 741 800 750 808 760 815 769 829 779 843 789 857 799 872 809 887 820 903 830 918 840 936 852 951 862 968 874 987 885 1005 897 ro25 909 1045 923 1064 934 1084 946 1113 960 1682 1687 1693 1698 1703 1707 171 1 r 715 1719 7721 L724 1729 1731 1731 1733 1736 1739 L7 40 7742 L7 44 1749 1752 1756 1n E,.7 1760 7762 t764 t766 1767 1769 1772 Lt lo 1777 1780 L784 1785 1786 t7a7 1789 r787 -0.42 -0.40 -0.37 -0.35 -0.33 -0.31 -0.28 -0.26 -0.24 -0.22 -0.20 -0.18 -0. r7 -0.15 -0.14 -0.13 -0.72 -0.1 I -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.09 -0.10 -0.10 621 626 631 OJT 642 646 652 656 661 668 680 693 706 728 738 748 / cat 770 783 795 807 819 831 841 853 864 875 887 899 909 924 936 950 964 978 qol to24 r056 l089 1202 663 669 675 681 687 692 698 704 709 720 746 775 803 827 847 866 882 899 92r 943 963 982 1000 10r7 1031 1047 1061 r074 1087 1103 1114 1134 IID.T 1168 1185 1202 12l6 1283 1344 L374 L429 635 640 o+D 650 oDo 659 664 669 674 680 685 691 697 704 712 720 728 746 755 764 774 785 795 806 8L7 828 840 852 864 876 890 902 915 929 943 957 o71 988 1007 ro83 Contego International Project No. 16539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 19 w10x49 wl0x49 w10x49 LevelC LevelD LevelD W10X49 Wr0X49 Wr0X49 W10X49 W10X49 Wr0X49 Wr0X49 Max Avg Max LevelA LevelA LevelA LevelB LevelB LevelB LevelC Time Temp Temp Temp TC#r TC#z TC#3 TC#4 TC#5 TC#6 TC#1 (min) (.F) 0 I 2 3 4 D 6 7 8 I 10 11 l2 13 t4 l5 l6 t7 l8 t9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2S 30 3t 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 4E 49 50 51 52 89 L20 178 216 245 27r 297 3L4 331 348 365 e?o 392 403 4t2 42L 431 447 450 459 467 475 482 488 494 500 506 572 519 525 531 537 544 DDU 556 563 Jbv 575 581 587 593 600 605 611 618 624 630 636 642 649 ooo 662 669 89 lt 1 r63 196 228 257 274 292 309 326 342 357 372 385 396 406 475 423 43L 439 446 452 458 465 470 476 481 486 491 496 501 bub 510 olo 518 523 527 531 535 540 544 548 552 oao 561 565 570 574 579 583 588 593 598 89 t17 t74 21.2 244 270 293 309 327 344 358 386 398 408 4t7 ^r<132 439 446 452 463 469 474 479 484 489 493 498 502 506 511 515 518 523 528 CJJ cJl o+l 552 itoz DO/ 572 578 583 588 594 599 ouo 611 89 120 777 216 245 272 296 312 328 346 363 379 395 408 420 430 440 450 460 469 485 492 499 bt,b 511 516 52L 526 536 547 54',1 552 i)o.1 DOv D'D 580 DOO 552 597 602 608 674 ti 19 625 630 636 640 oato 652 trb / ("F) 89 131 194 232 259 284 307 322 338 377 385 397 408 4I7 426 433 440 447 454 460 466 471 477 482 487 492 496 501 507 511 516 b19 523 528 532 539 543 547 b5t, 554 co/ 560 564 567 Dtl 574 578 06L JftS b6u 592 90 103 146 185 2L5 237 259 279 296 374 347 361 375 387 397 407 415 424 432 439 447 454 461 468 474 480 486 491 496 500 505 509 5r3 518 522 526 D.JI 539 544 548 562 ooo 572 olo 58r Dalrt 59r DYO 601 90 103 146 184 273 235 278 296 314 332 348 363 390 401 410 419 428 437 444 452 459 466 472 478 484 489 495 500 504 509 577 522 527 532 542 548 552 D Oat DOJ Db6 572 583 587 593 598 603 609 614 ("F) 90 L22 183 227 257 277 302 320 ean 370 385 ,lo7 408 417 426 440 448 454 460 466 471 476 481 486 491 495 499 503 508 cl-I DID 520 526 532 538 544 549 ooat 5Jv 564 Jtrtt 574 K7() 583 588 592 597 601 605 609 o _t.4 ("F) ('F) ('F)('F) ("F)('F) ('F) 89 89 119 118 176 173 2L5 212 243 24I 270 267 294 290 308 304 324 320 34L 337 359 354 376 377 39r 386 405 400 4r7 4L1 427 421 437 431 448 44J. 457 450 466 459 474 467 481 475 488 482 494 488 500 494 505 500 5ll 506 516 5I2 522 519 528 525 534 531 539 537 545 544 550 550 tcb DDt) 561 563 ito / coY D'.J D/O 579 581 586 587 592 593 598 600 604 605 610 611 616 618 622 624 628 630 633 636 639 642 644 649 bDU OJt) 656 662 661 669 a <l Contego Internalional 53 676 54 682 55 689 58 695 67 701 58 708 59 7t4 60 720 61 726 62 733 63 739 64 746 85 752 66 758 a7 765 68 773 69 781 70 789 71 797 12 80? 73 816 74 826 75 836 76 847 'I a 6D6 78 869 7S 880 80 891 8l 903 a2 915 8:| 926 84 939 86 951 86 964 87 977 88 994 89 1009 90 1027 9l 1039 s2 1053 93 1068 Proiect No. 16539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 20 w10x49 wr0x49 wr0x49 LevelC LevelD LevelD Wl0X49 Wr0X49 W10X49 W1OX49 W10X49 Wl0X49 Wr0X49 Max Avg Max LevelA LevelA LeveIA LevelB LevelB LevelB LevelC Time Temp Temp Temp TC#l TC#z TC#3 TC#4 TC#6 TC#6 TC#I (trin)cF)eF) 603 607 oLz 617 OZ,J 627 633 638 644 ool 659 oo, 676 686 697 709 722 736 749 ?63 790 803 817 830 843 dDo 869 882 893 906 919 932 944 956 968 980 952 lo04 l016 1028 ('F) o-t- , 623 629 635 642 648 ODD 662 670 679 690 ?01 774 727 741 772 788 804 819 835 849 864 878 893 907 92r 935 949 960 974 987 1.000 1013 1025 r037 1049 1061 1073 1085 1097 fF) 663 669 675 681 687 692 698 704 709 720 746 803 827 847 866 882 899 92r 943 963 982 1000 1017 1031 r047 1061 7074 1087 1103 1r74 1134 1168 1185 1202 7276 1283 7344 r37 4 1429 cF) DY' 599 602 607 610 614 618 621 625 629 633 oJ/ 642 647 652 658 bbD 672 681 690 700 709 720 n11 763 1{b 790 80r 813 827 839 854 870 885 902 921 946 1002 1190 ('F) 606 611 617 622 628 633 639 644 649 ODD ool 666 672 br6 684 690 696 703 709 716 722 730 744 752 760 769 776 784 792 801 810 819 828 837 847 856 867 878 892 987 fF) 620 625 630 ooo 642 647 653 658 664 670 676 682 689 698 708 777 128 740 763 775 788 801 814 829 843 Itc I 872 887 903 918 936 vt -t 968 987 1005 1025 1045 1064 1084 1113 fF) 618 622 626 629 632 O'JD 638 642 645 649 653 659 663 669 ort) 684 691 AAA 708 ILD 725 /oo 745 lot 778 790 802 813 dz5 838 853 dtr.J 877 890 904 9r8 932 947 966 1031 ('F)fF) 667 676 672 682 678 689 684 695 690 ?0t 695 708 702 714 ?08 72A 713 726 720 ?33 726 739 732 746 739 752 745 758 752 ?65 759 773 766 781 773 789 779 797 787 807 793 816 800 826 808 836 815 847 823 858 831 869 838 880 847 891 855 903 864 915 872 926 881 939 891 951 900 964 9r0 977 919 994 929 1009 937 1027 953 1039 972 1053 1106 1068 Contego International Proiect No. 1 6539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 21 W10X49 W10X49 W10X49 W10X49 W10X49 Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace LevelC LevelC LevelD LevelD LevelD Probe Probe hobe kobe hobe Tlme TC#8 TC#9 TC#10 TC#ll TC#12 (min) o I 2 3 4 a 6 7 8 I to 11 t2 18 L4 15 16 t7 t8 19 20 2l qq. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 83 34 35 36 s7 88 39 40 4t 42 4 /t4 45 48 47 # 49 50 61 52 ("F) 89 720 r78 216 245 27\ 297 314 at.t r 348 365 aot 403 412 42L 429 ,14.1 443 450 456 46r 467 472 481 486 49r 494 499 504 507 :)r1 515 519 522 526 529 otta, 535 539 542 546 549 553 ac/ 561 oDo 565 D /.J EJ F1 580 584 eF) 89 102 L+O 183 272 233 255 276 294 311 329 346 .it) r anE 387 398 407 4t7 447 448 455 46r 468 474 480 486 49r 496 500 DUO 509 D l-{t 518 522 526 530 534 539 o+tt 547 552 cDo DOU ooo 570 D ID 580 :)dD 590 JYD 599 fF) 83 101 74r 180 2tt 232 254 274 29r 308 325 341 a F,ry 384 395 405 414 423 431 439 446 453 460 466 478 483 489 494 500 504 509 514 518 523 528 533 oit I 542 547 b5z DDI Dbz ao/ 572 578 583 588 594 599 605 611 fF) 89 116 -t /J fF) 89 117 774 #I cF) 9l 107 2lo 431 736 983 1 113 1096 1119 1163 1233 t322 L375 1.407 L406 1385 1376 1386 1408 1431 1437 r434 7433 1436 L443 1451 7467 1469 1.478 7487 7496 1506 tato 1524 1531 loJo 7540 1545 lcau IDOO -T DDU t-Doo 7576 1586 7594 1602 1608 1612 7617 1621 7626 1633 7637 91 117 tKo 530 922 1109 t7s2 1135 1140 1185 7267 7440 1470 7456 1431 7426 1.444 7469 1488 1495 1496 1499 1505 1513 1523 I. ('I 1537 7542 1549 Il)Dt) -tDof, to lo 1582 -tDat5 t594 1598 1604 1611 1616 7620 L625 I O.tD 1646 IbDD 1662 loD / 1672 7677 1681 1687 1693 1698 91 113 250 495 862 1102 7795 1138 7146 1193 r276 1387 7450 1469 7447 1418 L477 7427 1450 1468 747 5 r473 1474 1480 7487 1498 1-507 1515 1523 1532 1540 r562 1563 1571 7578 I DdD 1589 1595 1600 1605 1608 1614 7625 1636 7645 1652 1653 roo , 166r 1666 1673 7679 1685 91 117 279 577 953 7741 7278 \t52 7742 1178 1270 1386 1466 1493 7472 1444 1439 r+c6 1483 1501 7507 1506 1508 1513 1520 1530 1539 1546 7552 1559 1566 t577 1586 1592 7597 1602 1605 1608 1612 lot o 1619 1623 1635 1645 tbDc 1663 1670 767 5 1680 1685 1692 1699 1.704 92 107 277 469 827 1059 7777 LT42 1138 tL I I 1257 1365 1438 1466 7450 L4L9 1409 1424 7446 1465 7473 r477 1472 7484 1494 1503 1513 7527 1529 !D.t I 1548 1560 1571 7579 1587 7592 1596 1599 1603 1605 1607 Itrl6 1627 1637 1644 7649 1652 t654 1657 It bI 1666 1670 #2 #3 #4 #5 ("F) CF',) ('F) er) 212 failedTC 244 falledlC 270 failedTC 293 failedTC 309 failedTC 327 failedlC 344 failedTC 358 failedTC 373 failedTC 386 failedTC 398 failedTC 408 failedTC 417 failedTC 425 failedTC 432 failedTC 439 failedTC 446 failedTC 452 falledTC 457 failedTC 463 failedTC 469 failedTC 474 falledTC 479 failedTC 484 failedTC 489 failedTC 493 failedTC 498 failedTC 502 failedTC 506 failedTC 511 failedTC 515 faiiedTC 518 failedTC 522 failedTC 526 failedTC 529 failedTC 533 failedTC 537 failedTC 540 failedTC 5114 failedTC 547 failedTC 550 failedTC 554 failedTC bb, Iaued I L 561 failedTC 565 failedTC 569 failedTC 5?2 failedTC 576 faiedTC 580 failedTC 584 failedTC Contego lnternational Proiect No. 16539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 22 W1OX49 WIOX49 W1OX49 w10X49 WIOX49 Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace LevelC LevelO LevelD LevelD LevelD Probe hobe kobe Probe Probe Time TC#8 TC#9 TC#lo TC#II TC#LZ #l #2 #S #4 #5 (rnin) fF) eF) eF) ('F) CF) eF) fF) ("D ('F) eF) 53 587 54 591 55 594 56 597 57 602 58 605 59 608 60 612 61 616 62 620 63 623 64 627 65 632 66 636 67 642 68 647 69 655 7A 661 7r 670 72 679 73 689 74 700 75 7II 78 722 77 733 78 744 7S 755 80 767 8l 779 82 790 83 802 84 814 85 825 86 837 87 849 88 861 E9 874 90 886 91 900 92 913 93 927 588 failedTC 591 failedTC 595 failedTC 599 failedTC 603 failedTC 606 failedTC 610 failedTC 614 failedTC 618 failedTC 623 failedTC 627 failedTC 632 failedTC 638 failedTC 644 failedTC 652 failedTC 661 failedTC 672 failedTC 683 failedTC 694 failedTC 706 failedTC 719 failedTC 730 faiiedTC 742 failedTC 755 failedTC 766 failedTC 778 failedTC 790 failedTC 802 failedTC 814 failedTC 826 failedTC 837 failedTO 850 failedTC 863 failedTC 874 failedTC 887 failedTC 898 failedTC 910 failedTC 922 failedTC 934 failedTC 946 failedTC 959 failedTC OUD 610 615 621 626 o,l r oJr 642 647 653 bov 664 67L OJD 682 687 693 699 705 711 7r8 725 739 747 754 76r 770 778 /oo 791 802 810 820 828 836 845 6Cb 864 873 884 617 623 629 oJa 642 648 bcb 662 670 679 690 701 F]1A 727 74I 757 772 788 804 819 835 849 864 8?8 893 907 921 935 949 960 974 987 1000 10r3 1025 1037 1049 1061 1073 1085 1097 1643 1649 1654 1658 1662 loo / 1671 1675 1679 1681 1682 1687 1687 1688 1688 1691 1.693 rov' 1695 1697 1699 7707 1704 t707 1709 1710 1713 1715 1716 t7t7 17r7 7720 1724 1725 7727 1731 1733 11a2 1734 1733 1722 t704 1710 1716 L72r 1727 7737 I /.tD t7 40 L744 t7 45 7748 17 54 1756 I /bb l rod l rol t764 r roo 1768 777I t772 tl t0 1778 1782 1783 1786 1788 r?89 1793 7794 1796 1798 1800 1803 1807 1810 r811 1813 I6ID 1817 1816 1691 1697 7704 1708 r7t2 17t7 172l 1725 7729 1729 1733 1739 7739 1740 r742 Lt40 r747 7749 r 751 1753 r7 54 1760 1763 1765 7768 1769 L77I r774 1.1n4 r775 r779 1782 1785 r787 r790 L790 1792 t794 1796 1796 1710 t7L5 r722 t726 7732 r737 L7 47 L7 44 1749 1751. 1755 1761 1762 UO.i 1765 1769 r772 1776 1779 1782 7784 1788 1791 L792 1795 1797 1799 1802 1803 1806 1809 1812 1813 1817 1822 1823 1825 1828 1829 1829 lb tD r.681 1687 1691 1696 1700 1704 1708 t7t2 1713 1716 r721. 1722 r723 r724 t728 1731 1733 LIAI 1?40 7742 t746 17 49 1751 r7 54 1756 1757 1760 1762 1764 1767 1769 t773 1775 L779 r779 1?81 1783 L787 1785 I r.l Contego International Proiect No. 1 6539-1 14323 Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace Furnace Lab Probe Probe Probe Probe Temp Ambient #8 ('F) #9 Stdev Temp June 26, 2003 23 Time #6 (min) ('F)("F) 92 111 240 500 842 r080 1195 1160 1L42 1173 1248 1369 1443 1477 t457 r430 r422 1436 1459 7479 1488 1488 1490 1496 1503 IKla 1<9e 1532 1538 1546 1554 L564 r573 1580 1586 1592 IDYD 1598 1602 r606 r608 l6l2 r623 rodl 1641 1650 I t'DJ 1659 r662 roo+ 1669 r6?3 r678 91 r23 268 482 n/1 945 1075 1082 1095 I l.J.) r202 1292 r358 7404 1416 1397 1388 1396 t415 1435 I445 7446 7445 r448 1454 7462 r47l 1480 1490 1500 151 I 1.523 1534 7544 I DCU 1558 I ObJ 1568 lc/r1 r579 1583 1585 1595 1606 1615 1621 1627 1630 1635 1638 1643 1648 1653 eF) 92 109 222 440 733 958 r088 1082 I105 IIDJ 1231 1330 1393 r428 r425 1405 1398 1409 r430 1448 7456 I+DO 't457 r462 1468 L478 7487 1495 1503 1511 1518 r528 IAJ / t544 locl L:)b / 1562 lcb / 1573 1579 1582 1587 t597 1608 _LCr lO 7624 1631 1636 1641 1645 toar loc r 1662 ('F) I ti 28 52 82 70 52 30 l8 t8 23 a9 37 32 22 19 27 24 26 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 29 27 26 25 ZJ 24 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2l 2l 2l 2t 22 22 92 92 92 91 92 91 92 92 92 92 92 93 92 9l 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 o91 I 105 2 198 s 409 4 773 6 1050 I 7177 J lrtit 8 113? I 1182 10 1259 11 1370 t2 1440 13 t47l t4 1460 15 1436 16 1429 L7 t447 18 1473 l9 1495 20 1505 2t 1506 22 1508 23 t5l4 24 1521 25 1534 26 1543 27 1550 28 1554 29 1559 ilo 1564 3l t574 a2 1583 33 1591 34 1597 35 1603 36 1606 a7 1611 98 1615 39 t62l 40 1625 41 1630 42 t642 43 t652 44 1659 46 1664 46 1667 47 1670 48 1673 49 1676 50 1682 61 1689 52 1694 fF) 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 89 89 90 89 90 90 90 90 90 9l 91 91 91 ql 91 o1 90 90 91 9l 91 9l 91 Contego International Furnace Probe #6 eF) Proiect No. 16539-1 14323 June 26, 2003 24 Time (rrnr) Furnace Probe #7 fF) 1683 1689 1695 1700 7705 1710 1714 1718 1723 L726 1730 \734 7737 1738 7742 t745 17 48 1750 t ,/DD L759 1764 1769 r772 r774 7777 t779 7782 1?85 1788 1790 7795 7797 1800 1803 1807 1811 1813 1815 1819 1819 Furnace Frobe #8 cF) I trD.'' 1664 1670 t674 7677 1682 It dJ 1689 1693 1695 t697 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1711 7712 111 a 7774 -L I l-O 1717 L720 t723 r724 7727 7729 7730 773t 1731 r734 1736 1739 17 40 1742 1745 7745 17 43 L741 t742 774L Furnace Probe #9 fF) 1669 1675 168I ItralD 1690 1695 1698 1702 r707 1708 1710 1716 L7T7 1718 1720 1722 1725 7726 7728 7729 1731 17 33 I TJO 1738 t740 t7 43 1745 t,alo r748 1750 1750 1753 1756 r758 1761 L764 'LOO -t 100 -tloo r767 1760 Furnace Temp Stdev ('F) 22 22 23 24 24 24 o,l ,n za 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 28 29 30 30 30 31 30 31 J-l 32 33 38 Lab Ambient Ternp ('F) 53 1700 64 1706 55 77t2 66 1717 57 7722 58 1727 59 1730 60 1734 61 1738 62 L740 63 1743 64 L749 65 1750 66 1751 67 1753 68 L755 69 1758 70 1?59 71 1762 72 7764 73 1766 74 1768 75 177r 76 1775 77 1776 7E 1780 79 t782 EO 1784 81 1787 82 1788 88 1790 u 1793 85 1796 86 1799 a7 1801 88 1805 89 1807 90 1809 91 1812 92 1814 93 1813 93 QA 93 QA oe oa oe (l/ 94 93 94 94 94 94 94 94 o^ 94 94 vi) 95 YD Ito UC i,c YJ 95 94 v:) YA 94 o< 95 96 95 95 Project No. 15956-105520 Mesa Insulation September 14, 1999 APPENDICES APPENDIX C PHOTOGRA,PHS *9sA For, o....:....:...: ( -.a ?^3 ooiltos ProjectNo. 16539- 1 14323 Contegolnternationai,Inc. ,IuIy21,2003 PHOTOAPPENDIX #l: Primed column ready to coat. #3: ThermocouDle attachment.Contego product bucket. $'"^ t? ?oo"o"oJ #2 : Thermocouole attaclment. #6: Spraying the column.#5: Spraying the W10X49 column. Department of Community Devehpment 75 South Fronnge Rod Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97A479-2452 Buililing SafetY & Inspection Serviccs Division TO: .,r/ / /1 .,,, Ch uc-/c L-a<- Community Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2143, direct line FAX970.479.2!52- ^^ri-u"lri g#ndr"lpiq"afeitri;;oa''- FAX COVER SHEET coMPANY xtvn, Be.-/<- FuDC C': FAXNUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: COMMENTS, NOTES: Qlq - /tr60 J.R. Mondragon, Building Inspector/Plans Town of Vail {g *"n"urr^ro o o h ,,#"t$ -{4l MAR.?g.2a/E.4 A.A?Pn BECK zuILDING CO Our Products CONTEGO-II{TJ@ sluminum and stcel sheets, NO.SA3 P.3 Page l ofl Slqtmril rnd box steel columns. $pe Barier I Intuunescent t*! add flv|tlEibet f grurp contego Passive Firc Barder is a heavpbodicd, slngle-part labex dcsigned for us consrmctlon materials such as orlented Strand Eoard (OSB), Structural lnsulate (SIPS),lramlng lumber, plyrrood, trusses, drywall, doors, rnd more. May also b ConEgo International, Inc. P.O. Box 49, Rochester, IN 46975 infio@sontegointerna onal.com, Phcne: l'800-43+6444 nkt , I DwI* v 3lst04 hffn://wnnp.contcgointernational-com./oroducts cataloe.ofu i1AR,?9.?AA4 A\A?PY BECK BUILDING CO lNo. aa3 P,? ,,. -' Fire Retardant I Intumescent Pf Fire Froof Coating { =IrY' Pace I ofZ , Fr&!.&IIU- +b125 ;Elcrrsll . 2l27lo4t Conteso AsrM D335e Adhesion Tcst Re.ult'\ov,uNlo4E 4E!Eg9.!Ig(!+lll . -ciiiiiaioi Goritego ttrin Fltm Flrr Bardet peee.d the sttingant A5TIE119-/U.L-263 on a wroi+-i stf.l liim uiing only an so mll coruirsrJD-ovlt LQAP.rljEIESg$-s,JNAXLIpdf) tfte uffftmate ln #nr Profectfun fur yg/uf trorne df ttts$r|6sF Contego protects most buildlng materials from the rdvages of fire, Contego Intumescent flre barrier products are all non'toxic, non-dermatic, and safe for Pets' When exposed to fire, Contego flre retardant coatings expand to form a tough char barrier fire cannot penetrate, Deprived of fuel, the fire quickly dies. Contego not only helps prev€nt fires, lt minimizes deadly smoke production, one of the leading causes of fatalities ln residential and commercial fires. tntumescent fire barriers are nothing new, but Contego Passlve Flre Barrier Latex represents a quantum leap forward in terms of quality, versatllity, afrordabillty and fire safety"-all in one truly impressive fire proofinE Product. Aoollcatlonsj --T.-I-en t'ra I structur€s ffi H M a a a a a a a a Board) sIP's (Strucrural Insulated Panels) schools Industrial Structures Marlne AppliEations Nufglng Homes Prisons Modular Buildings High Denslty Housing B€nefits r Easy to apply . Non'toxlc,water.based . colorl€sg, odorlGss . safe for pebs rnd People . Non-$alnlng latcx pain!. Mold and bActerlb resistant . Safe for food prep aruEs . Economical . Maxlmum prolectlon flame ba arler . Minimum mll thicknes3 o Added fire sEfety means InsuraFce cogt savlngs . Affordable code Comoliance Contego an Letest SIPA Newsletter ( Henley Wood l,lamet Contqgo to ToP 10o List RESEARCH UPDATE: Xgnitlon Tccting Reeults ContGgo Save5 the DlV ot Bortonrc 819 Dig CO]{TE6O PASSES UBC262 THERMAL BANRIER WITH A 23 MINUTE RATING Gontego Passivg Flrc BDrtier prasca the rigorous 3 corner foom burn tegt Co]|t go Latex Flra Bsrrie! Intumesccnt P€see€ trlFPA TeEt tr{+r' //nnrxrr ...rafenninfarnqfinnql nnyn/3/5104 Omega Point Laboratories, Incj {rn - FindTerting.corn unline laborator y dir cctury Page 1 of2 Eli,3 vveb-tiend ly yersrqr .7 Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. 15015 Shady Falls Rd. Elmendorf, TX 78063 Phone: (210) 635-8100 Extension: 131 Fax: (210) 635-8101 Contact: Jeannette Emmons, Marketing Specialist Email : jemmons@apl.eeq' Website: www.opl.com Omega Point Laboratories, Inc., is a nationally recognized, independent laboratory specializing in the performance characteristics of building materials, systems and furnishings. Performing both large and small scale tests, we offer a complete array of fire resistance, flammability and flame spread testing for all types of materials, products and assemblies. In addition to fire testing, we perform a variety of other standard tests as well as custom test programs designed by our staff of engineers, to meet the specific needs of our clients. Omega Point has the capability to fabricate many test specimens of all common materials including steel, stainless steel, aluminum, concrete, wood and plastics. We also offer a nuclear level quality assurance program that complies with 10CFR50, Appendix B ofthe Federal Code of Regulations and ANSI N45.2. it We perform testing on metallic, non-metallic, elastomers, plastics, and wood ;Qmega Point Laboratories performs test procedures according to ASTM, NFPA, JJILIULC, FM, UBC, ISO, Boeing, CFR, FMVSS, and UFAC, as well as certain military and foreign procedures. a We are primarily a flammability testing facility specializing in construction materials, assemblies and furnishings. Our services extend to include a complete Listing & Follow-up Service. This is a monitoring program that details the manufacturing process and ensures that the same materials and procedures used during the testing phase continue to be employed. The program includes observing production of test specimens; testing specimens; writing a detailed quality control procedures manual; making unannounced inspections; and period ically retesting ra ndom ly selected samples. a http ://www. fi ndtesting. com/directory/printlab. asp?cusid:omeO0 1 418104 Omega Point Laboratories, inca Our certifications include of Building Officials(ICBO), International Code Council (sBccl). a Page2 of2 HUD, GSA, FAA, U,S. Coast Guard, Metropolitan Dade California State Fire Marshall and numerous other State well as many foreign governing bodies. a but are not limited to A2LA, International Conference Building Officials & Code Administrators Int'l(BOCA), (ICC), Southern Building Code Congress Int'l County, Florida, and local authorities as a total of 29 highly skilled individuals 6 Engineers, 12 Technicians and a Omega Point Laboratories employs among whom are 1 PhD, 3 Chemists, dedicated support staff. a ruffi Included in the state of the art equipment used at Omega Point Laboratories is the Stanton Redcroft Cone Calorimeter, FTT Toxicity and Smoke Chamber, Steiner Tunnel, small & large scale vertical and horizontal furnaces, and open calorimetery hoods. http ://www.fi ndtesting.com/directory/printlab. asp ?cusid-ome00 I 4/8/04 PHONE LOG i r' i '" BulL0lllG C C M PA N Y pRoJECr Nool" ..---..-lS^../\.- M^tr DArE 4/rlo+ \r CALLED DISTRlBUTION: tit((JJ ]i! I 5 COMPA.NY lru lre t1AR.?9,?@4 4|6LPt'1 - FACS IMTLE ) BECK BUILDING CO o NO.Arc P.t o ffi DeMA nili- ii B'tU 11 tulL!trE i 0 r Ft tr t F.ur No 47q'A4B^ "u' gfulw C tla,ilr{rc1 +( d R, \Y\.u\ p*oM- thr^$L suE'E* 04pl\tr - BP+6o:_dlf n** COI'ItfEMfs I iUtLUtDr, A,r.,A,i ,r tRugt t\rt( Ordx Ji rEiiLC exteflor From: To: Date: Subject: CC: Charlie and J.R., Review of Bill Pierce's letter to the Northwoods Assn.(Jan 29th,' 04) has brought up the need for some clarifications regarding exterior finishes as discussed at our meeting (Jan.28th,' 04), and prior discussions between the three of us. Bill's letter states that fire retardant trim is required by code above 40', In a later conversation with Bill, he said that was per the new, pending, code. \Mich statement is accurate, and better still, which do I need to adhere to? Could you provide section references, please? lVOb .a..L_e;Ztger Bill's letter also states that soffits should be non-combustible regardless-{this true in both codes? lf so which do you prefer I adhere to? Again, section references, please. I am assuming that non-combustible means that a fire+etardant treated material will not suffice, correct? aHCeLEcT The reason I pose these questions is, that previous discussions produced slightly different answers, ie: a.. Untreated trim was discussed as OK to use, without mention of a 40' limit. Ve t 7 7 (JEC b.. Fire-retardant treated soffit material was discussed as being applied over an approved t hr assembly, in order to match existing soffits. VtS The only soffits to be affected would be on the new, added dormer, and a section of roof over the new 4th floor corridor fire-door configuration. I mentioned to you ,Charlie, that this configuration will be changing. The new configuration of the 4th corridor fire-door is described below, as I don't have a drawing of it yet: SheetA3.1 of Permitsetof Plans-lefthandsideof pageonlof 43.1.- Down-pagefromthe intersection of Gridline 1 and Gridline B, is an existing window. lt is proposed to replace this window with a 10 lite door to retain natural lite in the hallway and use the existing fire stairs and access doors without modification. Coe-lte.f, Kurt Segerberg discussed this in person with Greg of the Building Dept. (sorry don't have his last name), and was told that a 20 minute rated door would be sufficient at this location. Could you please verify that rating? We are planning ,at this time, to use^a -lamjlated, rated glass to satisfy the safety glass requirement at ihis tocaltion as wett. Cr€CtL{ Finally, I will be faxing product and application information (for your approval) regarding the factory-applied fire retardant we wish to use to on the cedar siding as discussed at our Jan. 28th meeting, and in subsequent emails. Thanks again for all your helpl Chuck Coe Suoerintendent Beck Building Co. Pager (970) 904-1300 Email chuck@beckbuilds.com Visit us at www. beckbuilds.com "Chuck Coe" <chuck@beckbuilds.com> "Charlie TOV Davis" <cdavis@ci.vail.co.us> 0210912004 3:23:43 PM Northwoods exterior finishes and other "JR TOV Mondragon" <jmondragon@ci.vail.co.us> , '. 1. :1 .r :, - ; f . .'1 .i'.rli I j\9'r.' r'"1 . .' |qLr i'f, ;'.}'',. 'i. \'J s Condos. ;or finishes meetin From: To: Date: Subject: Charlie, I wanted to follow up with you after our meeting yesterday with Bill Pierce, Kurt Segerberg, and Russ Forest (sp?), regarding non-combustable exterior finishes at the Northwoods Condominiums. I particularly want to verifi7 how our discussion relates to the Aguirre Remodel under Bldg. Permit # 803-0237. I have listed the major discussion points below, as I understand them. Please confirm or correct these points as applicable: a.. The Aguirre remodel will be allowed to proceed with factory-impregnated fire retardant cedar siding , to match the existing siding on the building. A non- combustable exterior siding or finish will not be required at this time. b.. The 3rd floor exterior walls (already framed), will be allowed to remain with 5/B" exterior type-x gyp sheathing, and 5/8" interior type-x gyp board. The above mentioned siding would be applied over the exterior type-x sheathing.( 3rd floor exterior walls are less than 35' above grade, and "primary" structural steel members on this level were fire wrapped, and passed TOV inspection prior to application of exterior sheathing and interior "shell" drywall for the winter "off-season") c.. 4th and 5th floor exterior walls will be framed with metal studs rather than non-com lumber. and "primary" structural steel members will be fire wrapped and inspected by TOV, priof to encasing in an approved thr fire-rated assembly. The required thr assemblies should be ready for submittal to the TOV Bldg. Dept. the week of Feb 2nd, '04. d.. 4th and 5th floor walls will also be sided with factory-impregnated fire retardant cedar siding. The anticipated exterior sheathing for these assemblies is 5/8" type-x gypsum board. e.. Bill Pierce is to inform the Northwoods Assn. that when future need requires re-siding these buildings (individually or collectively), the TOV Bldg. Dept. will require that it be done with a non-combustable siding or finish. The factory-impregnated fire retardant siding discussed above, which will be installed with other work performed under TOV Building Permit # 803-0237, will be allowed to remain in place until all siding on Building A is replaced with a non-combustable siding (or finish) at some future date. lwould also like to verify the following information gleaned from discussions between myself and J.R. Mondragon: a.. The use of un-treated ( no fire retardant) cedar trim components will be allowed for exterior window and door casing, "b_glly-band", soffit, and fascia details, when applied over an approved t hr-rated assembly. ,-/E t ' b.. Non-com'lumbgg.rgay be used as nailing-backer for trim members if encased in a t hr-rated wall or roof assembly. t/E ) And finally, some new questions: a.. Can non-corn lumber be used as a stiffener / nailinq-backer for doors and windows in metal stud wafls, if it is encased within the thr assembly? V €S "Chuck Coe" <chuck@beckbuilds.com> "Charlie TOV Davis" <cdavis@ci.vail. co. us> 0112912004 3:44:05 PM Northwoods Condos. ; Non-com exterior finishes meeting on this project. Many "Thanks l" to both of you. Chuck Coe Superintendent Beck Building Co. Pager (970) 904-1300 Email chuck@beckbuilds.com Visit us at www. beckbuilds.com b.. Can non-com lumber be used in conjunction with metal studs Jo/fotm-Kiqg studs, t!:immers, €tnd _ I headers in metal stud watts, if encased within the t hr assembty? [l&9 7uE( 3 {, ,-6-AS-= Charlie and J.R., I greatly appreciate your willingness to work witMne to resolve the challanges-l'm facing GC:"JR TOV Mondragon" <jmondragon@ci.vail.co.us> s2lqv2s64 69:52 976476439t - FP5 PAGE g2 [.'. r iir Idi.filrrr, \ij\.,,\rt l,,ii11 \{ lli.qlrr 1.. fi,,r,,.. \tr1,r,rr l:)rh'. | 1.".,1;Itij, li,,ir,r |\,, binritit/li FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHTTECTS vAl[, COLORi{OO lanwry 29,20O4 Eoard of Directots Northwoods Condominium Association 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 91657 Directors, Yesterday I attended a tneeting with Russ Forrest {Director of Community Dweloprnent for the Town of Vail), Chadie Davis (Chief-Building Official for the Town "f VriU, ifrrJ Coe (Beck Conshuctlon, and Consuuction Superinbndeni for untt A 141, and rurt se#.U-erg 6rchibct for Unit A 14). The.subject of-the meeting was relaEd to the Town's enfonernent of a provision of rhe :-1,yr"6.::d. rhatprohibjs combustible wood sidtng fmm being insrallsd more than 35 feet above Erade. Afinough this provision of the Code has been included in dre Codes before Nonhwoods was originally buih it har been routinely overlookcd. Therc are countless buildings throughout Vail and Eagle County that do not conform b this provision. .The upper two fl*.f { yll! A 1.4 are generally above rhis 35 foot limir To be visuafiy compadble witr the rcst of ,the buiHing- it is imlonantitrat this addttion be sufaced in wood Jiding.Narurally thls issue affecE the enlirqty of Northwoods, nor iust UnltA 14. A compromise was achieved in the matGr of Unit A 14. Chsck Coe agreed to construct the Level 4 and 5 exhrior walls with metal studs. The interior surfa.","iff U"ilg.;tir-X Syprum Uorrd ,.J:^:f ,;1:n1^l\?:l'T,:!.tf !.an aqglovgu cy.fyr product estabrishid"irhl;, rated assembly. I:"1:11'16, mekhint existing siding will be installed as the exrerior finish material. Chuck will have tne slolng tr€at€d with firc retardant b,y a certified applicator and provlde evidence that this application meets industry standards. lt was agreed. drat ahhoulh 6is instalation does not meet ile'i,],rf;ls ;Jj;requiremenb, it ls safer than the original condition. -,_,,.- - .,t agreed to,prcsent informaUon to the Board on this maftr and discuss replacement of the sroln& throughout the complex, with non-combustlble surfaces. The existing siding, panicularly on the south and west facades is showing deterioration due to wearher expooune. li ota"7i ,baintain the guality of dre exterior facades rhe sidingshovld be replaced rn.trt"ieriiiu*ry ;;;;il". tf the siding were to. be rcplaced lt could be replacel wfth a non-combustible fibeus .Jr"nt ooiro product that resembles wood. There are curentry. rimired patrems auailable ii iiis ;;;t;ii"f which are cornpatible with the currcnt uood siiing parnrn. Thh material was ;"""dy i;illdon Mllage center Condominlums and the Marriot Hotet in'Lionshead. Wood trim (around Ooors.nJ *,indows, facia,etc) i5 Permithd by the code below forty feet. . Above forty feet fi;; reutda;i i#i ,equireo. rn art cases be so,ffits should be non-cornbusti'ble. Ahhough the focus of dre rneedn6.was Building A"a mole imminent danger exists at Buildings D, E and F. rhe rctative tack of access oihe south,iai, ort.sei;iiliil:il;iil wifi the proximity of the evertre€n forisl, which is subject to wirdfirc, ;"1 , ; 6ffiaili'"-ger to the property and the inhabibnb. The Town of vail is aware of the financiaf burden imposed on the Associarion memben over the last few pan due to the inshlladon.of th" rir" ruppl"ron and alarm spbms mrndated by the I ril'x l):,. r 1.1 , azta3l2s64 a*52 s7A4i54l FP5 PAGE S3 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL COLOftADO Town. -The Town requesb that the Associadon begin a siding rrplacement program in the nexr thrce f_rf:,-Il-:^.f:1:l-lltt:l*td over a ftw yean blrowing-rhe initiation *thi ,epracemenr prognm,probabty startrng with Building E and completing wltr Duilding A CC: Jlm Akin Charlie Davis Russ Forrest Chuck Coe Kun Segerberg I tiir i l,r .r \;t.t \. i!1,,r' r'rrirr'.. i.:lr,: thY q.,., J. i/l'i. (,i'l',r;rrl,; ri lt: ii' i'. {r -r,t..'lj'ir.r. J I,.' | ; / r.'/. .t. i.,,,i,,t I l i. ;r"r;r.r,l.n.lr4nr.irll-,,r,,,,rrr r,',1A $ 1.,1.i ri('iiit(t t,.,..ri' BECK BUILDING CO N0.a4a P.1 lutlllta a0t?ttt FAcsrr*rleOrfil:,^MF oFFi'cif'cbpy ilf$E suEJEcr qu's*.-$tl colo{EIrIs DA* h/y'os EN{ Hc 471- a4Sa \^{$rA,t- no or Prcis A "/CatXl C).,"llLC*- ,ttt.u Mr ,i r..A a r. TF{rft w}i <{r|i ja, tEAEt f-b aa t: {b, "a rd i t t ['1 l'lov OZ O3 3L77 Glendam Dr. Grand Junctioru CO 81504 Phone: 970434-6999 Cell:970-260-2844 p." -023-l Report #l 4*lh*W' | (eil['*h#D I rt' Date: lO-2743 r Project: Aguire Remodel Fo^^I+ boa - Offi7 Address: Buililing A-Unit #14" Noithwbodi Vari CO- General Contractor: B*k Building Company Contractor that Performed Work: Myers & Company Inspection of shop fabrication or field.work ali_ob lite.. {ield - most ofthe field welding & high strength bolting at the 4th floor level. Some ofthe welding at the barjoisrc & other misc- items was not yet completed and there were also a few welds that were not visible for inspection (column reinforcing plates & the welds at a beem to column connection angles)- A few welds were found that needed increased in size. These welds were increased in size and then *re weiriing inspecied above appeared to be of acceptable quality per the requirements of the AWS Dl-l sbuctural welding code- The high strength bolting appeared to be tightened to a minimum of snug tight and was acceptable per the AISC Specification for Structural JointS Using AS-IM A325 or A490 bolts- Towii-of Vail I o I I DEC. I.?AA3 E:51PM BECK BUILDING CO ,._ West Slope Testing & lnsPection \--/ 3177 GlendamDr- Grand Junction, CO 81504 Phone: n0434'6988 Cell: 970-260-2844. o NO.AAA P.3 Report#2 Proj ect Aguirrs Remodel Address: Building A Unit #ld Northwoods Vail CO' General Contracton Beck Building Conpany Confiactor that Performcd lVorlc Myers & Company Uoiting at fte 5th floor level &om grid line B to D- The steel beyond grid line D-was to be completed at a lder dafg as was the welding at the bar joisb thd were at the-stair way area. Visually inspected fte wclding at -tn" to3oite on the 4th floor level that was not inspected on the first inspection visit (see rePort #l). The welding & hieb sfiengft bolting inspected above was of acceptable quatity per the requirements ofthe AWS Dl.l strucfi1ral welding code. The higb sfinength bolting appearod to betightened to a mininum of snug tight -d was ac-ceptable perthe AISC Specifiction ftbrication or fidd workat job f@lield field weldmg & high sE€ngth for Stnrctural Joints Using ASTM /-325 or ^A490 bolts. Inspector/Technician: Dotrylas E Young 3lL BECK BUILDING CO F{z Fl EJ F z E fr{o 2 t-o o z H F rd z o rd q Ed -H r-U H z o o E fr{o l-{ t-a tr a e f; U7 Fq E E o s FJ \r H N \t Fa !N R F re N o |{s F k N H F F q F \ B N trr tr =o s a $$ *g$ Fiii *$$$ $3 r$ t $$EF ssFi -\.$* '|il s r\ E t ..{' $r i* *J g 3 q f s ! 5 ..-3 3 6 F Efi EHs FE g (, -\ t<- N a N € C't s a-{qr { s '$ N F N.rS =\ns. R FSI .X .II Fh \J ri{. S'-:l R $$sgs SSSp-S $$$ ts $s$ fb tESr=E 8S:Sa qRil l.r P.6 NO.846 ILDING CO BECK BU o DEC. 1,.2?/43 ?t52qn i 5.r :E E+ -g E*r.! $s EE E; BE e5 !$o-* EE Es E a E f;3 €* ,fr9 i c E E I E!t i t gE E.i ZE Ft $€9E :s EC EE ga 7e EE o-! z7 EE gE E:rta FE I ,ffEgl i:l .i.;.....t"._i . gFF l* H l< I 5 E 6 i E a I I B ,! rE ttF t65 IE? l*$ 1., s IEE t#z t: ET FE s€sE Eg rr! F3 E t c EA E !tl E cl 1 I I P :H -L gE EA = t E E C]v, F;.Et Ei E: I -Gt'C9:tr.l-sri a-:t-' {'qb Nov J5 O3 O8:25a p.1 FACSIM ILE 0Ft=n r n tI f{t-I tt ULl.JI\ BUlr.0lllG CO MPTNY To \.R.lnb^iur$^\ ,*o, tJr.u,$E DAT. t/xfo= FAxNo 4lq^a4Sa suBJEcTqP*-Nil b\, NooFpAGEs "/"Bolh+ dt[q cDo{ T\r^ \ &,sN\, Bo\au,.r!-$u\ u$IX \sL. ^,\!^\ \$\,.\^t, Valti fiOPY Fro lo\-tffi M:\WPFILESi\OOCS\:eMPLA:aBeck Burlding Cc Wotd\Facsimrle 6AC dot gUILOING A LEGACY OF TRIST FOR OVER 30 TEARS '?' r i'.r+.! fr Nov JS O3 O9:26a ChucJ Coc .nt;r=,^ffi -t r ,f o p.2 p.1 WEST SLOPE TESTING & INSPECTION 3177 Glendam Dr Grand Junction, CO 81504 Phone: 97043+6988 Celh 97O-26O-28a4 Fax Transmittal To: Chuck Coe @BeckBuilding I)ate: 1L-1243 Fax#; l-970-9494335 F'rom: Doug Yor.rng Number of pages sent including cover page: 2 Message: Irrspection report for last Fridays steel inspection. I will also mail the reports & the invoice to your office along with my welding inspection certifications. I will tet you distribute the reports to the appropriate parties. Thank You; Doug Young Nov -. -----l- - ls 03 O9:2Fs Chuck Coe -;.ffi West Slope Testing & Inspection 3177 Glendam Dr. Grand Junction, CO 8lSO4 Phone: 97043+6988 Cell: 970-260-2844 Inspector/Technician: Douglas f, fsrrng Project Aguirre Remodel Address: Building A Unit #t{ Northwoods Vail CO. General Contractor: Beck Building Company Contractor that Performed Worlc Myers & Company !.eport: Vis-rrally lnspec,ted bolting at the 5th floor level from grid line B to D. tne steet uevona gria line D was to be completed at a later date, as was the welding itn io joists thar were at the stair way area visually inspccted tne ietaing at the barjoists on the 4th floor level that was not inspectea on the first inspection visit (see report #l). The welding& hieh strength bolting inspected abovewas of acccp-table quality per the requirements ofthe Aws Dl.l stnrctrrat welding code. The high strength botting appeared to be tightened to a Tiolou- ofsnug tight and oras ac."ptabt;-p- the AISC Specification for stmct'ral Joints using ASTM elzs or A49o bolts. p.3 P.? Report#2 P.A2/44 SEP-19-2S43 Aet L2 I,ELJ I E\-N & HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Seprcmber 18, 2003 Bcr;k Btriiding CortPanY Arrn: Chuck Coe P.O. Box 4030 Vaii. Colorado 81658 l-i.nnu'rr'iOl^1. ('itx)l cr!rir!ic.,l. lnc' -5oi{) C:.,.,:11 Road li4 t-: | :1wo, r! .Sp: irrgs, (i':'ir.'r' rr l:' : I (iJ I phcnr, !r70.9,15.7966 FL\ q?0.r)+5.ij.li1 cnr,ril: l:pge,:r4lhpgcot;cclt.crrtit @9 073'[ Joh No. 103 -577 Sub.lcct:ObservationofE'xcavation'ProposeclDeckandRoofAddition'Building A, No't]r*ooOs Conclominiums' 600 VailValley Drive' Vail' Col<lraclo' Dcar Mr. Coe: Asrequested,arepresetrtativeofHepwortlr-PawlakGeotecbnical,I,trc'trbservedthe excavation at tn soU.;.lr,ict oi Stpt"'nt'"' i6' 2003 to evaluate thc soils exposcd for fbundation support. t:h" Iinoings rrf our observations and reconuuendations tbr the foundation destgn arc presented in this report' Tlre services were perfonned in nccordance with our d;;;;;;;f, g;o,..ir"irot eogineering services to Beck Building CompanY, dated SePrember i5, 2003' The proposecl acldrttons wilt be supported by a 4 foot by 4 foot pad footing at the tooting elevatiou of ue tt*er levjl^parkhg structure. The tboting wili be reinforced rvirh #5 rebar antl .ro*"i"a ioto ttt. ."it,t"g footing. The footilg is dcsigped to provide a4ciitiooal bearing area for the proposecl a*.t.oJioof additicrns on the 4d' and 5'b floor' of tsuiiding A. Arr allowaute soit iearing pressure of 3,500 ps1'was itssurned ia the design. Alrbetimeofcrurvisittothesite,tlrefoundationexcavationhad,bcen'o,.nonglevel to12t'eetbelowdte,Oj^'*tgroundsurf'ace'Thesoiiscxposedintheboaomofthe exc;lrvatit-rn consistecl of natural slightly silty sarrdy ggavel with scatLefed cobbles' Thc results of a graclation analysis pertbrmed ont s'*p1t of the-gravels (minus 5 inch tiaction) obtaincd ft; th; 'it' are presented on Figure i ' No free wAter was ellcountered in the cxcavation and the soils were moist' Consideringtheconditionscxposedintheexcavationandthenaturcoftheproposed col.lstluction,'spreadfootingsplacedontheundisturbednaturalgravclsoildesignedfor au allowable soil bearing Pressure of 3'500 psf should bc adequate for support of the pr.rposed adclitlons. ii#'il;tr*J.i toir"u footing areai should,e mr'ristened ancl ccrrrrpactcclorremovedanilrlrcbearinglevelextendedoownto{:eurrdisturbedtratural gravel soils. liackhll should he compicted to at least g0% of sundard Proctor deustry atrd have t tilish'rt'pt to 1""utnt pooa;ng'pithirr at ieast l0 feet of the huilding' Pirri<,.'r J0.l-lJ4i-7ii9 ' Clok,,raio Slnngs ?lg'633'5567 I Silverthtrrne 9?0-468-1989 o P.A3/44 5EP-|9-2A83 481 72 Beck Building Con:PanY .Scpteu:ber lE,2003 P';vP i Tlte recontmenclations submitted in this letrer are based or our obscrvatior: of dre soils exposecl within rhe ioun6ai,on excavation aucl do trot ioclude subsurface extrlloration to evaluate the subsurtace o)nji ioor within the loaded clelxh of foundation influetrce' Tlris stucty is l:lased oo tr,.-*ro-ptiou that soilsbeneath the foodngs have equal or bejtler support thar those cxposed'. The risk of fcrundation movetl]eru may lrc gTeater than inclicated in Lhrs report becausc of possible variations in dre subsurl"ace conditions' In orcler to reveal. tne natuie and €xtent;fvariations in the subsurface conditions beJ.w lheexcavation,rlrillingwouldbcrequired'Itispossibletheclataobhinedby subsurfacc exploration coulcl change dte tccommerrdations contained in thjs letter' If there arc auy quesriotrs or il. we may be of ftlrther assistance, plcase let tts kttow' Sinccrely, II]iPWORTH - PAWLAK O.POIECTTNICAL' INC. Jorcly Z. Adamson, Rev. by: Sl,P JZfuksw atrachmcnt Figurc I - Gndation Test Results ffi fui{/r# toh t!103 571 c&Ftecn sEP-19-2a,43 H-P GEOTECH P.A4/44 fir€ nEroncs 24 Hi. 7 }lR o € I|r. 15 nr( cdalN,,lg||tit. .ll}{. I lltt. L'z UJ F 2 UJ e TJ (,z a @ t-z td lrJ o- .o5 .aD' .9t9 !37 .O7+ '!!I} 's '66 l'la z* +'E DIAME1ER OF PARIICLES IN MILLJMETERS GRAVEL 49 LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE OF: Z SAND 41 %SILT AND CLAY 7 Z 7 PLASIICITY TNDEX % Slightly Silty Scnd ond Grovel FROM: Bottom of Excs'iotion Figure 1 GRADATION TEST RESULTS HEPWORTH_PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. INC.103 577 TOTRL P.A4 TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER KISIIA CORP c/o PHILLIPS s. PO BOX 1403 vArrJ co 81_558 APPIJICA}fI D.P. EIJECTRIC P.O. BOX 71L EDWARDS co 8L632 L,icense:119-E COMTRACTOR D.P. EI,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 711_ EDI,{ARDS co 4t632 L,icense: 119-E Electrical---- > DRB Fee--------- > Invesdgation-- > Will Call---'----- > TOTAL FEES-- > EPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Parcel No...: 210108111014 projectNo t prj og_o++ Pernlt #: Stanrs . . . Applied . . Issued . Expires . E05-0121 Bo5*0137 : ISSUED : 06/28/2N5 : 06129120[5 .: l2l26l2W5 06/2e/2o0s ASSOC/MICHAEIJ PHILIJIPS 06/28/2oos Phone: 97O-926-4L4O 06/2e/2005 Phone: 97O-926-4L4o Desciption: TRIM ELECTRICAL.FOR REMODEL-NEW CONTMCTOR ON JOB Valuation: $4,000.00 Square feet: 2938 :|+l't *'t*t *******+*:t**1**:*,**:t ****+:*++ 9732.25 $0.o0 $0. oo $3 .00 9135.2s $0.00 9135.25 $0. oo Toial Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fe€---- > Payments--------------- > BALANCE DUE.----... > Approvals: ftem: 05000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMEMr 06/28/2005 JS IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMSNT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDC.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all ttre information as iequired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential CodesTqd other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * * *+**** + +++ * ++* **********************S***'l**t**'t*************+* +****+**** * *i.++ *t ***t **:t ,**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement {t******it******+***************************++*+**+++**********+**************r.,r.,t *,r* ++{.**+,tr*** Statement Number: R050000920 Amount: 9135.25 06/29/2OO5L0:16 AM Payment Method: Check PETERSON ELECTRIC hit: LC NotaLion: #2324L/DAVE Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address : IJocation: This Fayment: EP 0 010 0 00311110 0 wc 001000031-1-2800 2101-081-1101-4 5OO VATIJ VAILEY DR VATIJ 6 O O VATL VALLEY DR # A- ],4 T].PE: EIJECTRICAL PERMIT TotaL Fees: TO!A1 ALI.I PMTS : E0 5 - 0121 $13s.2s Balance: S0.00 * * ** ++** ******{.{.********** *'}****** ******+++********+* ** * * ******** ***** ****** **** * ****** * * *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmtE $13s.2s $13s.2s EIJECTRT CAIJ PERMIT FEES WILL CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE I32 .25 3 .00 )0J -6<-z<- Building Permid += B 03-C)73 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION 79-2L49 (InspectionS Electrical Contractor: bFEt EcruzJL Town ofVail Req. No.://q- E Contact and Phone #'s:9ta-?7[-/fi0 DtuE- E-Mail Addresx contractor trt): Tn "A >Dl >;,*.- coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR\ALI OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 4 Oil)'A AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: Contact Eaqle CounU Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # robName: A1UiLRtr rob Address"fu t )/Ltt ,* t ,rv>t//e Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners *u'",11oorpf6 frAufgRf,ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:fBA4 EtturPicf L WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ${ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both t<)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 94 Type of Btdg.: Singte-famity ( ) Duptex ( ) Mutti-family gld Corr"r.ial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (*o b6 Does a Fire Alarm Exist:Yes }Q No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:YesX No( ) ********rr*rr******?f,***j******t<Jr*rr***)t***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****Jrr(*J<*rt:t**rr*t(r<*******t ************\--.t -a'/'ul Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted Bv: Planner Siqn-off:\a5 \\Vail\data\cdcv\lrOl{MSU'liltMlTS\ELECPERM.DOC 0'7 /26t2002 'r' -r f, t ,::a:. -. {.ir']t '!.. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Qrr*r*rNr oF coMMUNrry oru?on"r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0Zs 3o3-o2 3l Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : APPROVED Location.....: NORTHWOODS-600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Applied . . : lll}ttzC04 ParcelNo...: 210108111014 Issued. .: Project No : TRf oi- o7 Le_ Expires . .: owNER KrsHA coRp LL/ot/2004 phone: c/o pHrl,I,rps & Assoc/larcrnrr., pHIrJ,rps PO BOX 1403 vAIIr CO 81658 License: coNrRAcToR FIRE WORKS HEARTH & PATIO TNtl/OL/2OO4 phone: 970-928-8758 P.O. Box 2133 Glenwood Springs, CO 8 L501 License: 243-Vl APPIJICANT FrRE WORKS HEARTH & PATfO INLL/O1/2004 Phone: 970-928-8758 P.O. Box 213 3 clenwood Springs, CO 81601 Lricenge:243-Vl Desciption: INSTALLATION OF A GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2.000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ****,td(***:*:*:l:a:l'h:tltt+++{+l'l*'ia'l'i't'i**+:l:tl(:*,***d.,lir*:**,******,}**,}r.**i.**'t't*** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > ${0,00 Resorara Plan Review-> S1o. oo DRB Fee-----------> $0. o0 TOTAL FEES----> . $3 .00 so. oo Toral Calculated Fe€s-- > go. oo Additional Fees----=-> s53.00 TOIAI Permit Fee-----> Payrnents---------- > BALANCE DUE---"".. > 9s3.00 $0. 00 $53.00 $s3. oo $0.00 ICEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARII,IENT 11/0212004 .tRM Act.ion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII,IENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEIID INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF TIIE 1997 VMC, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BIJDG.): GAS APPI-,IAIICES SHALL BE VEIIITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AlrD SHAITL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLD$.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPIJY WITH CI{APTER 3 A}ID S8C.1017 OF rttE lee? u'c eND crrAprER , ?*"" r.eez rMc. Cond: 31 (BLDG'): BOfLERS STIAIJL BE MOIII{TED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNLESS LISfED FOR MOT]MTTNG ON COD{BUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BI.,.DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ATSALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECTTANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3O (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANTCAI., ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OP TIrE 1997 I,MC, oR sEcTroN L004.5 0F TI{E 1997 IMe. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OB AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIONATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 1 MVNOFVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 rvb APPIIcATIoNI.. no, BE AccEPTED IF INCoMPLECR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Room layout Di Duct Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mecha nica I C-ontractor: 6vo, ul^tvt t-,br4' 4G];, Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 1n q Zg g?sK S,Irtl;^o'7^r , E-Mail Address: contractor sisnature : il/*/fu* COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $'1961;,oo Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcer# A/Ol 06/ l/O/ F'Job Address:5, Detailed description of work: WorkClass: New({) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( R)BoilerLocation; Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family K) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: , of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( (A Gas Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( I ) Gas Logs ($) Wood/Pellet (dt) WoA Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No * * * * * *:F * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * x FoR oFFIcE usE oN LYx * * x * * * r( * * * * * \dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\MECTIPLRM.DOC lg_Y_gcu.gEv. ******rt**,*,r**{.*****{.r.*r.*r!**X.:1.*******r.r.{.**+****#*'}'i*t **********t ****'r**+***** '**:t ***+******'i** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **{. *{!********:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ********** Statement Nuniber: R040007187 Amount: $53.00 1L/23/200403:38 pM Paymenu Method: Check fnit: JS Notation: #7854/FIRE WORKS HEARTH AND PATIO Permit No: M04-0248 Type: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 811-L014 SiIe Address r 5OO VAIL VAIJLEY DR VATIJ Location: NORTHWOODS-600 VAIL, VAIIJEY DR # A-1"4 Tota1 Fees: $53.00 This Pa)rment: $53.00 Total AIrIr Pmts: $53.00 Balance: S0.00 **t *'N*,i'i*,Nx*****,i**'F:F*'f **r.**:1.iN*d.t'trx**x.*1.x.it *i.*t ***** *********r(****** ******,**x**** *** t!,*,t '**x* * * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECHANiCAL PERMIT FEES 4O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHTCK FEES 10.00 L']C OO1OOOO3112BOO I{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Nov Ol O4 1O:49a ri5 tlorrs Heerth tft Patio sbsas s?as 42" 7-Vent Flraptace 59 5i16" ,/ / \\ I '.', (6" Vent Pipe) 27 9/16" I Dimanrlons Allgw tot U4' Clearance al I Slcle$ and Back ol Fir€placo (recommended) +ito s/g'i< l<- t+ tA' 'i 4g u -| 42"'-+i3"1+ p." I lt i ,l -\ \t HowevorO'orearance rs P€'mrtt€d' /y/$va\Y\'ts-d: St*lljl,, t: (Letr) ,< ---- 837/8" ------->r I + i ii I O--r--rl-' r {,---361/10" +i I i l! I .- ..-----. -:. .r^s.E;\\ | ffiHrl i$l_ij,i,:{,"i, M114" I I I I t il TI rl 24', I I ob" +l i"l l- -+_ ( Right) ----"'-" a' * 8 1/8" N o glq" +l 10 5/8,, l<- 12'* 21!3' .t- TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT(, 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : ALARM PERMIT 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Northwoods A-13 21010811 1014 t)rlo I - oee)- Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: 404-0075 B4 -ot3/ .: ISSUED . : 10/20/2004 . : ll/03/2004 .: 05102/2005 OhINER KTSHA CORP C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO .]URTCA 461 QUERETARO, MEXTCO 76100 License: CONTRACTOR THUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8L62Q License:112-S APPLICANT THUI-., ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 81620 License: 1l-2 - S r0 /20 /2004 10/20/2004 Phone: 970-949-4638 t0/20/2004 Phone: 970-949-4638 Desciotion: BRINGING ENTIRE LTNIT UP TO CODE No(hwoods a-13 Valuation:$5,485.00 Elecrical------> DRB Fee-----> Invertigation----> Will Call-----> TOlAL FEES--> $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 s3.00 s440.69 5440 -69 s0.00 s440.6e s440.69 s0.00 Total Calculated Fces-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fe€----> Pa)'ne-nts--------------> BALANCE I]I.JE--.----> of the Town aollicable thereto. Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 11/02/2004 mvaughan Actaon: AF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot p1an, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances REQUEST'S FOR INSPEC'I'ION SHAI,L BE MADE TWENTV.FOUR A'I479-2135 FROM 8:fi) AM - 5 PM. ATTJRE FO OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *jl************+**{.****++*,}*****'i'i****+***************{.*f******************+******+***.}****+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement ** * + +* * * ***{.* + * * ***** *****+*+***'f *****t****+*****f****t******** **** **.****+** ** * *+** **+***** * Scatement Number: R040007047 Amount: 5440.69 1"1/03/200403:01 PM Pa].ment Method: Check tnit: DDG Notationr ThuL Electronics l- 5522 Permit No: LO4-0075 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 81110 L4 Site Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: Nort.hwoods A-13 Total Fees: 5440.69 Th.i c Drlh.nt- . $440.69 Total A_LIr Frnts: 9440. b9 Balance: $0. O0 **t **r.******** ** +** r( * *** * *****f*** ** *********.*+*** ** t ** * ** *+** ******* **** **** * f** * *'3*****,i** ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO3111-1OO FIRE AI,ARM PERMTT PEES 205.69 PF 001000031_1"2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232-00 WC OO1OOOO31].2800 WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ApplrcArroN !l nor BE AccEprED rF INcoMpLErO. r,*r, Project #: _ NVNOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8 o5 oz<L Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION and Phone #'s: - q(3t Town of Vail Reg. No.: PLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Fire Alarm: $ f EIVED 1 5 2004 Contact Assessors Office at 970-328'8640 or visit for Parcer# ?.,lftt OX llt nB lob Name:/r 1irr4 R*14 ia oaa,.rr, (0O lt^'/ l/&, IJ^ Un;t I-BJ- Legal Description ll t-ot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners Nane:e[4 A*,*-Address:Phone: Engineer: Drt",rl SI^u Address: B.*lo?? Fnlco co Phone: q67 - iogt Detailed Location of work:.(i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #)t- | t'l .l EntYL llnif Detailed descriotion of work:<)l-tJl Kri^tiq anll?e unit 3'tF 7o c-4<- RePair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type"f BldSt Sinrie-famif( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family()d Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes gx3 No ( )Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (;d No ( *******,r******************ttrf **r.****J.***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******rr**i*tr*t<********'t************** uP* o7t26rzoo2 Abt . ,, > \6t" Other Fees:Pate neceived: Public Way Permit Fee:Accepted By: Occupancy Group: \Wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITSULRMPERM.DoC /a ({' J?"t 1.i i | &\ "l l#. . 't' '** ot''l--,,,f.o.a., Jnrur rNFoRMATtot* "rurO VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BIIILDING INFORMATION :,7 (/^*/3 Street address & phone Knox box location: Alarm panel location: Alarm silence & reset codes: RPS': NAIIIES & PHONE NUMBERS (work & homel: Owner:cl" Property manager:$^ i Eh- lfh"s Property maintennnce manager: Alarm senrice company: BINLDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main location: Other locations: Electric: Main location: Sub-panel locations: Water: Main valve location: Secondary water valve locations: A<r1^ \(\$gl NYNOFVAILIY HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 47e-213e Gheck allthat applies. '1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initial coniact with our staff immediaie_ slow _or r, , , . l no one avaifable ? 3. lf you were required to wa( how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5432'l Name; (knowledqe; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness ofthe FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for iaking the time to complete this survey. We are commited to improving our service. o MMUNITY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACEROAD vAIt., co 8t657 970-479-2138 OT{NER FORGET-ME-NOT INC c/o FRED oTTo PO BOX 3149 VAIL CO 81558 License: COIflTRACTOR BEEK & ASSOCIATES, INC P.O. BOX 4030 vArr_,, co 81558 L,icense: 1l- 7 -A APPI.IICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P.O. BOX 4030 DEPARTMENT OF CO DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMII-MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDC. Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.......: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 ParcelNo....: 2l0l08ll30l9 ProjectNo. : ?? ?it::3-o1X2_ Permit #: D03-0024 .: ISSUEI) .: 08122/2003 .: 0812912003 .: 02/25/2004 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Information: Rostricted: Building---> Plan Check-> Invcsligation-> Will Call---> Rl Multi-Family lll l-HR Type III l-Hour ?? $ 14,543.00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 $25f.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> $153.31 DIIBFee----------> $0.00 RecrcationFee--------> $3.00 Clean-upDeprosit-> l OTAL FEES-> 08/22/2OO3 08/22/2OO3 Phone: 97O-949-L800 08/22/2003 Phone: 970-949-1800 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 09/20/2oo]- Phone: PASEO JI]RICA 451 QUERETARO, MEXTCO 75100 Desciption: DEMO FOR CONDO UNIT EXPANSION- TO INCLUDE NEW DORMERS AND DECK ADDITIONCONDO IJNIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADDITION # of Wood lrellct: 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 90. 0o $41? - 56 $417.56 s0.00 $41?.56 s417 . 55 s0.00 Total Calculated lrees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee----> Payments--------------> BALANCE DUE -> * i'! * * t **+* ++ t *t1f Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 'fr-3 oz31 Status . . Applied . lssued . . Expires . Phone: 81558 License: 117 -A OWNER KISHA CORP PAGE2 'l tt,f ***+*******+**ar'****tr{.***!***'t*:t,**!t*!**rt**!i**'t**,t***+!t*:[,*****'****rr****{.******,t*********+!t *r(***t,*'**,t*:t,t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D03-0024 as of08-29-2003 Status: ISSUED d( **:1.*{. **** *'N. 'f. * + *4! * * * **'l * * * r. ** ** 't * * * * tf +:f *,t *t!i+*****'r++*'i*'i:}'}+****'}**+*****+'t****'t**'* **rr*'t,f * ******** * *,r*** Permit Type: Applicant: Job Address: Location: Parcel No: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. BECK & ASSOCIATES. INC 970-949-1800 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 210108113019 Applied: 08/22/2003 Issued: 08/29/2003 To Expire: 02125/2004 Description: DEMO FOR CONDO UNIT EXPANSION. TO INCLUDENEW DORMERS AND DECK ADDITIONCONDO LINIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDENEW DORMER AND DECKADDITION Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS rS REQUTRED PRIOR TO ANy FURTHER WORK occuRING oN THIS SrTE. rF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARTSE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}ry WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. oe/28/2003 JRrtt Action: AP IIEM: O54OO PIJANNTNG DEPARII{ENT ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENf IIEM: O55OO PUBI,IC WORKS i1+rtrtt*att ttitt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR ANDOWNEF 1nf AP PLICATIO I- ilU I E- AU!!: l='J IF Ii\JCC V]PLFT- OR, UN rallcL t '. 2E\l PLICA prrrni:ing, mec h an ica I €4EIVED TOWi,IAF YAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. \/ail, Colo rado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORlllATIO N ,qUG 2 r 200J Ccn:ac: ::: ?ncne ; s ',.^.JL;,0 q\q-ts,1or \tas\ Vo+ t3oo G:rr:r;l Cc n iracior' Email ad d ress: ontracior Slgna(ure r^TroN-q.FoR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Me!943i:.)-: UUIYITLC I E:' Y^g ELECTRICAL S oc) orHER: $ D,eM2tr l1 .ttS - BUILDING: $ MECHANICAL: $PLUMEING: S For Parcel # Contact Ea le Coun Assessors Office at 970-328-6640 ol visit wru'e le-cou nl'/. com oFFlc E uS E ON LY*-'*nrt'*+d* Parcel #ID\DK \I\D I Jca 'ic'r'3ss d\a-, n . u-rli € !tr Jcc Name R C Uf Rf, E EIv\DoEl-- Legal DescriPtion eo \rt"Rteo ?nane' 471 T* x r^*,ia.,l+-w ttal,c.L liec.UDesiqner: ancne. qllq-nk& ncln e er: 6e€'€d desclPrion oi "vo-rk: Work Class:- New ( ) Addiiion ( )Remboet 1 ; Repair ( ) Demo D*a "n EHU exist at ihis locaiion Yes (Noff tllot. fyp., lnterior ( ) Exierior ( ) ) Two-iamilY( ) Multi-iarnrlY Commercial ( ) Resiaurant( ) Other( ) Type oi 6ldg.: Single-familY ( s, NoryE ffifr$-g o-.lhng Units in this building: of Fireolaces e!$$-@ wood/Peilet ( ) 'ry9gq_qg! rNood/Pellet ( ) woqq l9I!.1 (NoT ALLo\/vEDf of Fireolaces Pigpo.gg-q ffiAl;AEtist: Yes iAccepted BY: iPEI!-g-g.s!-E Other Fees: itr*A"m*'a or t21?CCi Page 1 i From: To: Date: Subject: JR, I went to the Aguirre site yesterday after our discussion about the 44% asbestos contained in flooring material sample # 414-FL-08 ( client sample # ,from lab results of samples collected 817103). I located the small amounts of asbestos containing material noted in the report, and determined it can easily be encapsulated, without disturbance by our remodel process. The material is currently adhered to the existing concrete floor, and is non-friable. Encapsulation will occur as follows: The asbestos containing material will be covered, in place, by a layer of bituthene, which will be protected and maintained, undamaged. A job specified 1 112" layet ot lightweight concrete will later be placed over this slab (and Bituthene) to encase in-floor heat piping, which will permanently encapsulate the asbestos containing material. I request that you print a copy of this email to place in your file to serve as the lefter you requested yesterday, stating acknowledgement of the asbestos condition and how it would be encapsulated rather than abated. lf you require a formal lefter, please contact me ASAP, and it will be provided. However, I would still request the release of the demo permit on the merit of this email while a formal letter is drafted. Please contact me upon receipt of this email to discuss its content and your responses. Pager - 904-1300 or Main Office 949-1800. Thanks, JR ! Chuck Coe Superintendent Beck Building Co. Pager (970) 904-1300 Email chuck@beckbuilds.com Visit us at www. beckbuilds.com CC:"Bryan Brubakef' <bryan@beckbuilds.com> "Chuck Coe" <chuck@beckbuilds.com> "JR TOV Mondragon" <jmor ffii1:i3,_,",*::i,j#",1i"_ *'a, co us> oFF[i#fi diipv p31 ;.Tq{u03' 07102/2003 Phone: 0710212003 Phone: Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: A Subdivision: NORTHWOODS CONDOMINiUMS Parcel Number: 210108111014 Comments: 824 sq. ft. of new GRFA Design Review Board ACTION FORM TOIW Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Agr Tonrn of vaif projecrDescription: uirreResiden0F',",''"ll GfltrNumber: DRB0302'2 CONDO UNIT EXPANSION TO INCLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADDMON Participants; OWNER KISHA CORP C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 461 QUERETARO, MEXICO 76100 License: APPUCANT KISHA CORP C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 461 QUERETARO, MEXICO 75100 License: ProjectAdclress: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR UNIT # A.14 Fl/AIL Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/0712003 Cond; 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005045 All materials and colors to match the approved Northwoods master plan Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.0O TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Electdcal--------> DRB Fee-=---> I n vestigation *--> Wilt Call------> TOTAL FI]ES:> oF* r,-r oF coMMrrNrrv nevErotENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 ParcelNo...: 210108111014 ProjectNo : ?es6 3 a?:t I OVT]IIER KISHA CORP 09 /28/2004 C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 461 QUERETARO, MEXTCO 76100 Ll_cense: CONTRACTOR PREMIER ELECTRIC CO., INC. 09/28/2004 phone: 910-328-9377 P. O. BOX 141-8 GYPSUM, CO 695 LINDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSIJM, CO 81637 License : 149-E APPLICANT PREMTER ELECTRTC CO.. INC. 09/28/2AA4 Phone: 970-328-9377 P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSW. CO 695 LINDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSUM, CO 81537 License:149-E Desciption: ELECTRICALREMODEL Valuation: $20,000.00 ****i!n(***:i**:r.xi.:*;*x,***,r!*x.'*****r.**,****+:*n*:*,i**:|*,r*:*****1*rt,i.ti****:t *,t*i(*t FEE suMMARY s360,00 50.00 50.00 $3.00 $363.00 Total Calculated Fecs-> Additional Fees------*-> 'fotal Permit Fee-^---> Paym€nts------.-----------> BALANCE DUE-..---.-> Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: E04-0198 G6 3 a7 s-l .: ISSUED .: 09/28/2004 .: 09/30/2004 .: 03t2912005 * * 'i )i *,t,r. t **+***lt '*)t i.*******rr $363.00 s0.00 s363.00 s363.00 90.00 Approvals: Itern: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 09/28/2004 JS rtem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON Wl CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ffltruaU- {LtcT(e( * ** *** * ** * ***********+* *+**********+* * * ***** *:l** **+* **** ******++**** + +*'* ** * * * * *:!*****,i ** * * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * '1. * *,t * * * ***** +**+ ****+******+***i(********** *** ** *** * *** * ****** ** t* * * *** * ** ** +**** * ****'** * SEatement Number: R040006781- Amount: 5363.00 09/30/200408:53 AM PaymenE Method: Check Init: DDG NoEation: Premier Electric Companv 1506 Permit No: E04-0198 Type r EITECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2l,010 8l- L10l-4 Site Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: 600 VAfL VALLEY DR # A-14 Total Fees: $363.00 .rlh i c Di\m6Ft- . $363 .00 Total ALL pmts: $363.00 Balance: S0. OO *+*r( * * ** * *** * * ** * * *+ ** * **** * **,t ****************t***** * ** * * * *t*** * * * + * * **+ * **** *** * * *:****** '* {. ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Current Pmts EP OO1OOO031111OO "EMPORARY POWER PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31]-2800 WTLL CALL INSPECTION FEE 360.00 3. 00 sEP.11'2000 00:52 APPLICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COMPLEfE OR TVWII0FUW 75 S. Frontege Rd- Vall, Colorado 81657 #165{ P. 002/ 002 Buildlng Perrnlt # COf{TRACTOR IN FORMATION +lestrical C.o ntractor: "' tsJe,*i,--e tsrse'.aic O^ ](ro Town of VBll Reg. No,;\\q-E Contactand Phon€ #'s: 3at-'iefit ?:--^.tt lg.u*-.-. ^^' Qs\- B.iit{ E-l.lall AddreFt! COitpLETE SQ, FEET FOR NEW BUTLDS and VALUAIIONS FOR AL! OTHERS (labor & l.lateriElr) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: ConELt I or Yleit Parcel # 2tOt6'SJ\\ rC,\u1 Job Addressr f,rA6\a.'., \srr-oV b.^*J R-\\ t-agal occcriptioi ll Lot:Block;Flllng:Subdlvlslon: Owners Name: ,..lZ-^.V\.'r.f i.\ L\c, |\l: aar-@;t fl, og*JuerAn.r,. l[ Pione: Englne€r:Mdrcss:Phoner t3l e.cr,r.rt g'1t-. Pr:ornr:oEr-- Worl( Cla$: New ( )Addition ( )Renodd(vt Repair ( )Temp Powcr ( )other( ) wo*.|.Yper tnterior 1vJ Exterior ( )Both ( )Ves( )NoC ) rypeoie6j.r Stngtc-femly( ) Dupts<( ) Mutti-famity(Uf C-ommerciat ( ) Restauraft( ) o&er( ) l.lo. of Exlstlry Dwelllng UnlE ln thls bulldlng;No. of Accpnrmodauon Units In thls bullding: Is thts permit for E hot tub: Yes ( ) No M ,1' .. tloes a Fire AEnilt Exlsti- vcs-K7 No (ffiexist: Yes$zf No( ) **.****l**********r.r.*******.i**rr*****FOR OFFICE USE Ol{LY**}*. *-t*'r }l t !t******* ** * *t ** * * * **t** rr t-n 1i \WalMlrr\cdcv\l'( rR Ml5\rEFMrrS\ELECPERM,0(.X:ffieE TOV.COM.DEV. t {t . '8. TOWN OF VAIL ot**r*r oF coMMuN,r" orurroilr*, 75 S. FRONTAOE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTzuCAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0192 Tr,Z-o LSl Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . ^ : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Applied . . : 1010812003 Parcel No...: 2101081I l0l4 Issued . . : 10/1312003 ProjectNo , ?RSOS- O 7X. ? Expires. .: 04110/2004 oWNER KrsnA coRp Lo/0a/2003 phone: C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO JURICA 451 QUERETARO, MEXTCO 75100 r.,icense : coNrRAcToR NEW ELECTRIC rNC, L0/O8/2OO3 phone: 970-949-465]- P O BOX 9s7 AVON CO 8162 0 License: 110-E APPLTCANT NEW ELECTRIC rNC, L0/08/20O3 Phone: 970-949-4651 P O BOX 957 AVON CO 8152 0 License: LL0-E Desciption: INSTALL ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Valuation: $12,000.00 ++r***,r***r***:r,*,1,r*!*,r****r*,i**,i'!,r*:l FEE SUMMARY :l*:i+'t * **:*:r* * * *:a )t,r +:l * * * t,$ * ** Electrical------> 92L5. oo Tolal Calculaled Fees-> 521-9 . oo Additional Fees----->$0. 0o Total Permit Fee----> $219. oo Palrnents---*> 5219.00 BALANCE DUE.---.-.>$0.00 DRB Fee-----> Investigation-> Will Call-----> $0.00 $0. 0o $3 .00 TOTA! FEES-> $21e.00 Approvals:ftem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEMI 10,/08/2003 DF Action: AP ITeMs 05600 FTRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o T 4?9. o TWENTY REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE .FO\IR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURf, OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * **** + + * *,t * * + * * *,* * * + * * * * * * * * ****+** * * * * + * * * * * * * * *,| * * * * * 'f * ** * * * * * * * **** * *** *** ************** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * +******* *** **** ** **** ****+***** **** **t*+*********+******* ****+** *****+*** ************ Statement Nuniber: R030004920 Amount: $219.00 tO/t3/20O3OZ:40 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Init: LC Not.ation: 3?163 / New Electri.c Permit No: E03-0192 Tl?e: ELECTRICA! PERMIT Parce] No: 210108111014 Site Address: 5OO VAIL VAI-,LEY DR VAIIj Location: 600 VAIL VAJ,LEY DR # A-14 Total Fees: S2L9.00 This PaymenL: $219.00 Total ALL prnrs I 9219.00 Balance: $0.00 ** *f ** *t** * *** *{.* *** * ** * *** * ** ******** **** ** ** ***+** ***+**'1,} *******+ *****+ + *ri* *+ + * ** + * * **** * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Acc0unt Code Description Cuf'rent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31i11OO TEMPORARY POI4ER PERMITS lic 00100003112800 l,'JILL CALL INSPECTI0N Ftt 216.00 3.00 { I I Oct-O6-OS tO:52A \r APPLICA 9:T"s5354 P'o? f..rr.o* INcoMPLETE€R XiW 97 O-47 9' 7L49 (InsPecti ons) ano ft'{,1r*ir, t.ltr6 l Electrical Contractor: 75 S, Frontagc Rd. Vail, Cololado 8 coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ iJ l,tiPt .'L AMOUNT OF SQ FI IN STRUCTURE: \ (nequiiea if no bldg- permit # is P Ni..^ T r-ih.( r,1.., (r,v\ f)i J A 1.1. 11,i tf elrft.r!Job Name: 4.ir t 1v r _( [lC*r.rc-.t r.. yr(.(__ OWnefS Name: l'. (, l'li '. I , '.r ir ^r t,r ( L t lttlttt+tt WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(t{ xepair( ) TempPower( ) other( ) 6;* "r Eiu *in. at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( ) ffiil'()D,pl.(juum,famity()Cornmercia|()Res|aurant()other() No. of Accommodation Units in this buildtng: No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot-!qb: yeg_l|-)-Ng ffiFffibisyst"t exist: Ves ( ) Nol l Ooes a Flre Rlarm Exist; Yes ( ) No ( ) Contact 70-328-864O or visit for Parel # ****r*trr***r*****rrr***t+***tl******i****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********'t******t****!****t******** - fh*,,.' h l'.t f Si" ;*1j TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTN4ENP VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMT Permit #: F04-0013 Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR# A-14 Applied . . : 0312912004 ParcelNo...: 210108111014 Issued, . : O5/10/2A04 ProjectNo : Expires. .: owNER KrSHA CORP A1 /29/2OO4 Phone: C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO ,JI]RICA 461- QUERETARO, MEXICO ?5100 License: coNfRAcToR WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTTO3/29/2004 phone: 3O3-792-0022 ?026 SOU'IH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 Lieense: 338-S APPIJICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTIO3/29/2OO4 PhONE: 303'792-0022 7026 SOIIIH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD, CO I011-2 I-,icense! 338-S Desciption: INSTALL RETROFIT SPRINKLERS, TIE INTO EXISTING SYSTEM Valuation: $3.100.00 Mechanical-->s0 .00 Restuarant Platl Rcvi€w-> FEE SUMMARY *r*r*'t*+:t+t'rt***r*'**'t'lr*:t**:r'.ra't'r'a.r*rt'*+*+{**+'tjtra*i(r.+r***tr:r** S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> S484 . ?5 S0. 00 Additional Fees------>90. 00 lnY€stigation-> Will Call.--->93.00 BAIANCE DUE_-----_>$0. oo Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: O5500 FIRE DEPARTMENI 05/06/2004 mvaughan Action: AP upsize pipe off riser in hallway to elimin, fps velocities CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision oodes, design review Plan Check-> $350.00 DRB Fe€-.----.----> 90. 00 TOTAL FEES*---..*> 5484 . ?5 Total Permit Fee-----> $484 .75 Payments-------.--> $4 84 - 75 approve4 Uniform Building Code *o ottorda"n.u, ofthe Tovm applicable o thereto. TELDPEONE AT 479.2135 SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER CONTRACTOR. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWDNTy trROMt:00 AM- 5 PM. * f + * * * i +* *** + * * * *+ * ** +* +** * ** + +* * ** * t + * * * +* * * 'tt *+ +* +t *** * * ** * * *** ** * + * **** * * *t +* * * + * * * + * * * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **f++*********'i ********+++++****+****f*********+*********t***+****l******* ***++{.**********t* Statement Nurnber: R040005784 Amount | $4S4.75 OS/LO/2004L1 :45 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notalion: Western States Fire Protection 04l-40 PermiL No: F04-0013 I!4re: SPRINKT,ER PERMIT Parcel No: 210108111014 Site AddreBs: 600 VAfL VALLEY DR VAIL I.,oca!ion: 600 VAII, VAIJIJEY DR # A-14 Total Fees: $484.75 This Payment: $484.75 Total AIJL, Pmts: 54A4.75 Bafance: $0.00 * * 't * * * * * * * *** * *+ + +* *:[ **+ * ** I + ** * + ** **** * l' ** * * +* + * * *** **+ ** * * +***f + +*:r * * +:] * ** * * +* ** * + * * * ** + * * ACCOI.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curr"ent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES 131.75 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 35O.OO I^IC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o^r. llrqb? Contractor Registration Number Contractors Name Ul MailingAddrett 7O \ G city FPGIA Telephone No. Name System Test Signature Certification No. STATEOFCOLORADO DIVISION OFFIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM O\2 T ,sC F//zr- f . Tc- c SdD u f+g d78.7/aU 4et l) (Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Jurisdiction Comrnents vFes (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner uPon completion and sign-off. FIRE PROTECTION HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL CUT SHEETS FROM WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 S. TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 303-792-0022 Urrqr+..-) Fe-\r+ t (r,V,r oa. lf FOR AGUIRRE RESIDENCE UNIT #14 NORTHWOODS BUILDING A 600 VAIL VALLEY DRIVE VAIL, CO 80657 JOB NUMBER 49910 CHRIS SHEA SUBMITTED BY TOM COAKLEY PROJECT MANAGER 3/2st04 WESTERN NICET 1u_ s- (t* t -f.* BEG O *"'^o:T"i;'iiHi[,1ff11 iEr-Ji'lbEf Aguirre Rasidence Tom Coakley fficarn--Giffixsrtc' o32 Northwoods building A 'td,-", -- 600 Vail Valley Drive Vail Fire Vail tco I zir cod. %J | '"i3Tl'il#, zruo,, 'o-s Manually Calculated Hor. ALF@ Al Ao{@ 100.00 NA NA Node Flow(oom) Nsmbr ol spnnkm Cjdd.d 4 NA AdoPot R..!ltr: P@uG For Rd.ol. Ar4(ri Adl.c!'!t Io Morl Rdnl. AF 100_00 Tot.l w|ld R.qulEd (lnclrdin! H6.. 6tr!rrn.) 195.57 Muimum Ps.!F lhbllhc. h Loop! 0.000 Mdmuh V.lecfiy a!fl. ground 35.07 between nodes 61 and 64 M.rhuh vdedg Undd G@.d 0.95 bet\rreen nodes 1 and 2 w,i.. or6i- ir-eipo. '-=---Tvcr'-. ot At' '., Preo 315.559a1 | Static (psD Residual ta Flow Available a) Total Demand (psi) (spm) (psi) r'' (Spm) Required (pqrl safety Margin (psi) -T06730 -1V.75A- 1s5.57=141.645 30.105 p"gntractor. ,lJ c'nhdor Nunb" -l -l Tom Coakley I Project Manage W€stern Siates Fire Proteclion Phon. I Ei4.il.rh 303-792-0022 I 7026 S. Tucson WaY 303-792-9049 clt l$.t I apcoa. Endlewood ICO I 80112 fr, o ni|.e.e.cno, tnc. is AutosPRlNK@ VR v3.7.65.796 O3n5nOO4 4:58:32PM Page 1 f;tffi Job Numbd:,{99'|0 Repo Oo&rlption: UNIT 14 &, @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc.il AutosPRtNK@ vR v3.7.65.796 OJn5lzgM 4:58:34PM Hydraulic Analysis ^.r Job Number: 49910 Report Description: uNlT 14 Pipejlpe Diqqqter Downstream Elevation UDstream F!or!,,_ - Yelority Hwq___Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Friction Loss Fiftin96 Length Eq. Length Total Lenqth Pressure Summary -.....Route1 DR '222 1 .0550 9'-6- 10'-0 q=??.50 q=22.50 826 K=5.6 c1qq, - Q,Lo4l52 16.143 Sp(-16.143) 17.645 E(3 -0), T(3',-0)7A 10'-€ o-L 16',€ Pf Pe Pv 1 .719 -0.217 BL..- 78 64 LA59.o 0=45.55 10'-0 10'-0 19 7? /-'s-"\ c150 _0.383941 17.U5 27.867 T(8 -0), 2r(3 -0) 't2'-7y 14'-( 26',-7v Pt 10.222 Pe Pv BL 64 6l '!,9 5q 10'-0 10'-0 Q=95.57 \35.07,, C=150 27 .867 cc.cuz 1 .512493 2T(3 -0), r(8'-0) 4'-3y 14'-( 18'-3y. Pf 27.635 Pe Pv FR 61 60 1!?lo 10'-0 0'-0 Q=95.57 16.74 c150 _ Q249926 55,502 63.585 E(5'-0) 10'-c 5'-C 15'-C PI 3.747 Pe 4.335 Pv BL- OU 16 1.5270 a=95.57 16.74 0'-0 4LO C=150 - 63 585 103.840 0.249826 6E(5'-0), 2r(3 -0), CV(l 1',-o), BV, T(9'-0) 98\2'/. 56',-( 154',-21/. Pf 38.521 Pe 1 .734 Pv FR 2.0670 Q=95.57 9.14 C=120 0.086399 43'-€ 16'-( JV -a Pf Pe Pv 5.141 17.341 to 40 -4'-0 -44'-0 103.840 126.322 2E(5'-0), BV(6'-0) FR 40 5 2.6350 -44{^ -46!0 Q=95.57 5-L - c-1?Q 't26.322 128.281 9 02Q4q0 E(g',-2%1, r(16',-5%\ 16',-t 24'-811 4'l'-2y. Pf 1.092 Pe 0.867 Pv fM 5 6l!20 Q1e5-57 -46'-0 -49'-0 0 97_ c112Q 128.28'l 141 .606 0.000363 3E(17' -7 %), BFP(-1 2.000) 't4'-1Y, 52'-9y. 66!1lv. Pf 12.024 Pe 1.301 Pv lJG ? 1 _.6.4000 ,__8_e517 -49'-0 -4g',-0 0.95 c=Eg _0.0002q4 141 .606 141.645 S 't 50'-( 150'-( Pf0 Pe Pv .040 cD.....Route2. DR 78 J,Ql50 Q:?3 j5 9'-6 q=23.05 10'-0 q-4Q_ K=5.6 -Q-=150 16.936 17 .645 0.108876 sp(-16.936) T(8'-o) 0'-€ 8',-C 8',-€ Pf Pe Pv 0.925 -0.217 -r.....Route3. AB 221 1-.9,5_5! 9'-6 '10'-0 a-4f2 e qZ- q=24.72 K=5.6 q:l50 19.492 22.065 0.123990 Spi(-1e.492) 2F13'-O\ Trl3'-O\77 13'-t 9'-( 22|t Pf Pe Pv 2.790 -0.217 1z 1.0550 Q=50.02 10!o '10'-0 18.36 C=150 zt uoJ zt.ddI 0.456614 r(8'-0)l 64 4'-8v4 8'-q 12'-8y4 Pf 5.803 Pe Pv Elr....Route4. DL- 213 1,Q55q o=25.99 9'-6 q=25.30 10'-0 92e _ c 1_q!K=5.6 20.406 22.065 __q_t?9_95e sp(-20.406) E(3'-0), T(8'-0) j 3'-€ M',-e Pf 1.876 Pe -0.217 Pv lant Pipe Lengths ofValves and Fittings (C=120 only) I / Actual Inside Diameler \ o tt -\ Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter | --.- Value OfC 100 130 140 150 Multiplying Factor 043 _ 1.16 _1.33_,__ 1-51 fu. o tu.e.e.cno, tnc. ifllAutosPRlNK@ vR v3.7.6s.796 0312512004 4:58:36PM Page 3 fiHffi BL Branch Line CM Cross Mein DR Drop DY Dynamic FM Feed Main FR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Outrigger RN Riser Nipple SP Sprig ST Stand Pipe Angv b BalV BFP BV cplg CV DelV DPV E EE Eel Eez t FDC IE EE flg FN fT g GIoV GV Hose HV Hvd LtE mecT Noz P1 P2 PIV PO PRV Angle Valve Bushing Ball Valve Beckflow PEventar Butterfly Valve Cross Flow Turn gop Coupling Cross Run Chec|( Valve Deluge Valve Dry Pipe Valve 90o Elbow 45o Elbow 'I 1%o Elbow 22'/zo Elbow Flow Device Fire Department Connection 90o FireLock(TM) Elbow 45o FireLock(Tlr) Elbow Flange Floating Node FirelockffM) Tee Gauge Globe Valve Gate Valve Hose Hose Valva Hydrant Long Turn Elbow Mechanlcal Tee Nozzl6 Pump In Pump Out Post Indicating Valve Pipe Outlet Pressure Reducing Valve Reducer/Adapter S Supply Spt Spdnkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Tum 90o Tr Tee Run U Union WitF Wirsbo WMV Water M6ter Vslve Z Cap ffi nutosentruro VR v3.7.65.796 A, @ M.E.P.cAo, hc.Wn5l2O04 4:58:36PM Job Nunb€r: 49S'l 0 R€port O€s('iption: UNIT 14 Supply at Node 2N 180 160 140 120 'ih CL gr* a a E 60 40 n iso ru 600 750 900 ,050 Water flow, gpm 1200 1350 1500 Stal \ ic Press I f..t. ure 175.0t o a 95.57 \tl \ ith hose st I l..\ Fam\ 95.57 @1 1.6,15 \_ 1067.00 0100 .000 /sren deman d curue Supply at Node 1 175.000 1067.00 @ 100.000 st$rn P6..@ Dcrrd 141.8r5 95.57 @ 141.645 ryn n Ddnrnd (lmlulli! Hq sL.rhrl 1%s7 @ 141.64s fu. @ u.E.e.cRo, tnc. lS autosentHx@ vR v3.7.65.796 0312512004 4:58:39PM Page 5 Bulletin 154 Rev.C Model G4A Quick Response Goncealed Automatic Sprinkler @ E o t 5 (D C) The Concealer@ UL Quick Response FM Standard Response Concealed Sprinkler With a /2" (13mml or 1N" (38mm) Adjustment Features 1. Pushon/Threadoff cover plate attachment with /1' (1 3mm) assembly adjustment. 2. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. 3. Factory installed protective cap. 4. Available in brass, chrome or black plated and white painted finishes. 5. Ordinary temperature rating. Apprcvals & Ustings 1. Underuriters Labortories, Inc. (UL)- Ouick Besponse 2. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC! Quick Resoonse 3. Facbry Muhnl Research Corp. (FM)- Sardard Besponse ' Ught Hazard Occupanicies- No Limitaions . Ordinary Hazard Occupancim Groups 1 & 2 Wet $6tems Only 4. NYC MEA 25&9$E - Quick Response U.S. Patent number 4,880,063. Application The Reliable Model G4A Concealef is the rnost versatile quick response concealed sprin- kler available. lt provides tlrc best form of fire protection while otfer- ing an attractive appearance and %" (13nm) of corcr adjustnent for ease of installalion. The small diameter oush-on/thread-off oover plate assernbly is easily at- tached and blends into the ceiling, concealing the nnst dependable flre potection available, an aLtto- matic sprinkler system. Tte lt/odel G4A ConcealeP is desioned tor use where aes- thetic appearance is important. fficds, hospitals, rnotels and restaurants are but a few of fp applications where it can be used. lt is available in different orifice sizes allouring the de. signer to optimize systern performarce, thereby achieving a verv efficient installation. The trlodel G+A ConcealeP is a UL Listed Quick Resoonse Goncealed sprinkler intended for use in accordance with NFPA 13. FM Approves this sprinkler as a standard response @n- cealed sprinkler intended for use in accordance with FM Loss Pre,rention Data Sheet 2€N. Product Description The Reliable lVlodel G4A ConcealePuses a oroven ouick re- sponse fusible elernent in a slandard style sprinkler franie witfr a dropdorvn deflector. This assembly is recessed into the ceiling and concealed by a flat push-oMhread-off cover plate assembly the pusfroMhreadoff corer plate as$ernbly and sprinkler cup assemblies are held tight by a flexible tooth en- gagernent to the threaded cup. This hreaded engagernent pwides %" ( 13nnn) of col,er adj,ustrnont. The flat cover plale is atached to fie skirt using 135'F (5IC) ordinary lemperature classiflcation soldet forming tp Pushsy'Threaddf co/er plate assembly. When the ceiling temperature rises, the solder holding he flat co'rer plate melts, the flal co/er plate released thus exposing the sprinkler inside to the rising ambient tefiperature. The subsequent fusing of the element opens the wateMay and czuses tlrc deflecbr to distribute the water. Any secure en- gagement behrveen lhe cover plate and cup will assle tfnt the drotrdorn deflector is properly located belol the cerling. The Rellable Automatlc Sprlnkler Co., Inc. , 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon , New York, 10552 lnstallatlon Do not install fre G4A Concealef in ceilings wtrich have posl ti!€ pressure in the space above.. CB a2/sinch(67mm) diameter hole in the ceilino. the sorin- kler is easily installed with the Model G4 Wr6nch. The wrench has drive tanos which insert into the cuo slots. \Mren installing a sprink-ler the wrench is f,rst positioned into lhe sprinkler/cup assemblv until the vwench tanqs enoaqe the drive slots in tfre top 6f the cup (here are [ao sdbbf drive slots in he cup). The sorinkler is then tiahtened into the pipe fitting. Mreh'insertinj or remwing the-w'ench frorn the sprinkler/cup assernbly, cale should be taken to prwent damboe tc the sprinkler.- DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY OTHEF PARI OF THE SPRINKLER/CUP ASSEMBLY Final adiustment of the eover is made bv hand turnino the colrer in the clockwise directi,cn until it is tioht aoainst thdceilino. A protective cap is provided to protecT the-dropicrurrn spriikler deflector frorn damaqe which could occur durino mnstruction betore the cover platdis installed. The cap is factoiry installed in- side the sprinkler cup. Remove cap to install sprinkler, lhen re.install cap until tfe cover plate is installed. Maintenance The Model G4A Concealef should be inspected quarterly and the sprinklw system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, amnnnia or any otlrer cleaning fluids. Remove any sprinkler tfrat has been painted (other tlnn factory appli.ed) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allcu quick re- placernent of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installa- tion, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging to minimze the potential tor damage to sprinklers lhat woub cause improper operation or non-operation. Technical Data Ordering Information 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Nominal Orifice 3. Flat Cover Plate Assemblv Finish 4. Inlet Ty6ie Model G4 Sorinkler Wrench UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Aulomatic and Open Quick Besponse Sprinkler UL Guide Number VNIV (i) Other finlshes and colors are available on so€cial order --Consult faclorv for details. t'r FM App(oval of the painted finish is limited to Mrite and ott*hita paint. All platcd finishes are FM AoDroved. Brioht Brass Bla-ck Platino 6tacK PatnI Off White(") Classlflcatlon Spdnkler Covst Plale lilax. Ambient Ts{Dp, Ordinary 165Fn4Q,10o.F/38rc Spdnkler Inlet Total AdiuEtment Nornhal Oriflce Nomlna us I K Factot Medrlc Thrcad Approvals Sprlnkler ldontlfcation (SlN) Non Adiustable t/r" (13mm)Yr" (15mm)5.6 80 %" NPT (R%) R5415 Non Adiustable /," (13mm)tZ"(11mm)60 Y2 "NPT (Fkl 'l,?,4 R5413 Non Adiustable Yz" f Srnml y{ (10,mml 2.8 40 th "NPr (Rk)1,2.3,4 Rs4t1 Adiustab16 1t/2" (38mml Yr" (15mm)5.6 80 " NPT Male or Female 1.2.4 85418 Adiustable 1/r" rc8mm't ,/:'(11mm\4.2 60 " NPT Male or Female 't,2,4 85413 Adiustable 1%" (38mm)/^" (10mm)2.8 40 " NPT Male or Female 1.2.4 R5412 ]---;nrli$W, ,,M"*,:r=-;J Fig.1 - 1/z' NPT Non-Adjustabte lnlet Fig.2 - 1' NPT Male-Adjustable Inlet Fig. 3 - 1" NPT Female-Adjustable Inlel The equipm€nt prosenl€d in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance wih he latest published Slandards of the tlational Fire Prot8ction Associaion. Factory Mutual Res€arch Corporation, or other 6,m,lar organjzations and also with the pro,/isions ol gor'ernmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manulactured and diGtributed by Reliable have been protecting life and prop€rty lor over 80 years, and are installed and seNiced by th€ most highly qualifigd and repuiable sprinlder oontractors l@ated thrcughotjt fla Unil€d Sble6, canada and fotejgn countries. tha Rollabl,a Autom€llc Sprlnklet Co,, Inc.e) H#r (800) 431-1588 Sales Ofiices Sales Fax (800) 848-6051 (914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices www.rellabl€3prinkl€,..oorn Int€rnetAddtess R€vision lines indicalo updatod or new data. EG. Priniod in USA 06/02, pN 99S9970150 E -" .l' F-nG" AS AiVD dryG. 66 RE'{zffiS@ff C-TVPE, BEA,tufr CLlq.nffi - 3/4".A"nD I-t/4" rffm@Ar @PENmf6S 8tue edngg - FiS. 6$ 3/8 tl:dltt 518 ttdt rcd 0/"{hru 10 erchp&el. 8|le Bqngc- tr|S.661318 thru 56 tuch ryd $ffi&*Sm& rryfth hadened cupnott !6t t !6|, and.tsm mL Ftutrdrn - Bccimnrded br lutuhg ftun !&d bearn qtsc targr tt{doe* dosc ffi.cgrd'glt i (Frs.56)c r-Vg fu6fi-ttu|' - A[ lbsl aonctilcfon c&ntam rtrucarat dxdandce arcoch&d sdft creg Stpe b.rn cb6pr. Ithg be rrcdo ioD G botiurr 0atw of tte b€dtt- @oUd b rlonr hxEilrgftqrr top etgs ufuflt drara*cbided) I,!ry tr hrafled wlth t€t sct€ut in uP or do$,n Dotron" Oftet &dgr 9rruffi unfr*cd rodadrrms* bY dolftrgtFtodtobettnadedompleil.bttuouEh ' fre danp- qpGn dedgrr pcrmlr tupection of ltnead erlgreio - 2rfr- &*Am nhb - Fel 65: add l-ll2'torod kngfh urhm chry b to b€ uaed h eetsaew tp Fo.trqr FEl 6e rddf to rcd tsrdh wh€ndamp b to be 'ured h*t rearrup po€ilorL eprorub -UdenzttardLtbontsisetstadand h.tcy Mtfid Endpdag.pprotpd- Coerlr o RdartSpccilcadon Wry*|.f7fE Ope2S'.od f'hanficnncra Starrdrrdealhn SocirV SF{9, tFc 19 ed 2$ Excoc& r'aqdlsct rds of th€ Nilidd Ftc Plobcfur Areoctodoo (NFPA), hrruUrt*A,qE mdsril sspct VZ ftnr4' dp., lPlodc'O rl.rtrrr.rlv2 hruEi' ma t*i - Phh, Erctr,o.Gdnta4 flDG, and SftlaStcet fu fuJ - frurc run$.r, rcd !fus, dtd ft&tt Ftc.65 FIG.E6 rffi F 1--I EecSrtEt rcE wE -L- 'trffi l_- F_ 1,, _,9 o e s nN-reaEIfti aa w-4 1-3/76 V4 t 7A6 1 1500 -2s- --_ m.a6firF ,489 ---ffi @ ElE IdL- .-ffi A €EE r c D E F mtiD-rr*ifTdi gA frz -4 r-Vt6l-V4 t 7A5 t rsq, ss B-1 {ri-a gA rr2 -4 r-Vt6r-V4 t 7A5 t '{! "n'l' I ItF lt tE rrEuffi M'EAE mtmFEq iFoiao r lt od|roAomtlt# ma.ffi flNWE, TTIRAAT T'OP etrAnd -c" cflds{P wwftil L@c86N[,il'f' Sfiec Rorep - V8 tlru 7l8 irch rod. frcncdon - Fc atmhnhnt to etnrfrral dnpel rrrnfitE rpUrr drrcat e*ec&l[y undGr rcof qtttl barJo&t c.qntnrctin. Tf& chrnp zuft be utd h dr *t rctqrr doqm po.tron ouily' A,dluuodl. - Cb&rnr b fAadfrctrrse Sud' rffir SodW€P{e, Sre t9. ffirtr - ft&r ril Ecctrocrlwcdzsd'(rufu -F$rgs!tr€r, rtd Cti,utdfttdt ttlodc 'tlo mtossdglten sst eqfit' , FTG" 6' tsEI1^fuT Cd.AMP EEf,Ail\ITNC STRAP $!.filr€ls -qE tfruT/8 hctrEdbv4lltru f4 indrhr$ft llderld- Cartm Sud Fmcrion-To*rnse ssne hateofugdb€dn &rFtobemrlrhrrfurgBrdnrq*lt€rdnfrfitbc d apor* - tlndcnnmcrt' t*codec &ud shcn urd tdtr Tolco UJ- t&ted Ft} 65 dd 56 l,ftfrnrd&@ Cblrp. ftletr -lt0. Galrrurtod and Safr{rs Snrt W b - furg rilftr, t 9e lcngb'A-' ad rcd Czc hhg utd $'ilh bam dactP. t{oaa -lf,linuatr'etrrn onStra$ l-- ,18-?lE 4o* t@'V€[rLetu rr c ffi CrG|ACAoG[ttfl FEG. VII STffi,-R@/D CO{/PfS\ffi Srreclup - V4 tlsu l-Vz turlr rod Idqfirru -CrrboalSted eorcdor -Lhed fotcqpfirqgtuo tlrnaded rodr bg.{r.r. f,htfr - Ebcto€ofirrdacd ad Stairlsrr Sterl fficr@y-fumdd.rudrodd!c. FTG.7M SilEM. AED{T.IGEts ROT} COUPT.ING S0E ecrtgp -q/8 x t/4 thru/E r Y4 hclL ltuceld-Caaton Sted fita& -Eqiral€rtr to Fbr ru €:ccept redsb lor ery&g tulo rods d rrr cqrnl duneHt Fffi - EectoGaft'oeert ad Ste{sre $ed toldc Ey - furc ql*cr ad rcd Ca. nre.76 SHORT PArIffiF' STEEI NOD COI'PT.TNG g!.eow-V8 ud Whch rcd ffimrdd-GrbmSlrd &ncdoeu - ttred frr ccntns tnro thradod tod ilog.frrr.Fffi - Ehctrc.G*nrdrd ald SddE f S0od. Ondr" & - furc nsnb.r ad rod &a n ii tl H m & coRoNA. cA (909)737-669S Fig.98 Rod Stiffener rn {, SIza Fange-Secures UB thru 7/8 inch hanget md.'n Mel-GaftonSteel. ,- Functfon--Secures channelto hanger md for I verthalseismbbracing.J Fhtisffilec/trc Galvanized. OrtuBp-Ftryure number. d\fotb4milable in HDG finigh orStainless Steef rnaialiale. IHCORPORATED Ftg.99 rc ;EE FoR€ERvtcEr_Eil?s 3/8 81O 5,m 1f2 1tS0 1010 6'8 18tt 1610 314 g/10 zlzo 7B gno 3:t60 AIf Thread Rod Cwt To tr-engttt 9lretung*glBthru7/8 lnch rodln 1 inch lncrements. fifubrhl-Ca6on Steel. ksclmum Tcm pcilzlft ne-7 5O" F. FIn&/>Plaln W By,-Ftgure number, rod dhrn€br, rd l€nSth, and flnish. itbb-4vsilablo in Electrq-Gahnnlzed ard HDG fkrieh orStainlese Stsol maledab. I fl ?{J I I I I l I a I l I I I I I t I I I I Ftg. 100 Attr T[dread Rod Fultr &-engttts tun',dg8-glB thru 7/8 Inch rcd In 10 bot lengths. kM-GsttonS:te€|. teirtmumTanrpcntur TffF. FkrbFPhln. Odrr8y.+1gurc number, md daln€H, andf,nbh. lloll-,AvallaHe In Hecrro GahnnE€d ard HDG flnlsh or Stelnhse Sbd matgllah. i'i;; FoR sERYrcETEltPlS WEltGlfT :T Q5CF 750'F PEB IOOFT. 111 3E 12 a 63 u l8 Jsg ,2, 300 510 zfi 610 6,10 1130 1010 1810 1610 27lO 2120 377A S$0 49@ 4120 r-111 8000 711{D 1:1t2 t!@ 10970 "71- FIG.2T2 CAPP:a NIBING RTNTG T{ANGER Size Range - V2 thtu 5 inch copper tubing. tdatefial - Carbon Steel Furrcfion - Light hanger with swivel nui for adjustment after installaticn. Approuals - ConJorns to Fedexal Specification WW-H-171E, type 10, l/2 thru 4 inch, and Manufacturers Standardization Societv SP69, type f0. finisft - Copper-Plated Ord* By - Figure numirer and nominal tubing size- 1-L/2 ffi 1 400 1-V2 5-t r"7t4 400 2-t/2 x1 600 3.r/2 1/2 6-3/8 4-V2 7-v2 x 1-3/15 ' z-l/t cT filf{d. wilh watct srcighr le.s than f lP fftbd '*ith r.at r' 4- CT lsc6 $an 3'll'Z IP eith qar.!. 2-Vf CT n\aihble $/itb V2- ihe.d and 4: CT anaibblc *ith 5/8" thtr.d ior Govsratnstt 5PGGS. ffi 40 8lflr iltrErxfl nonKio Pn$lunE lPEnl 0". xrr ffiF to'F !oo'F !oo"t t .95 1.125 1.376 .|.825 21% Lgi6 t.125 3.625 a.128 5.125 6.126 6,16 Yt I lu 1vL 2 4A 3 9U' 1 5 6 I ,269 5m .34{ 5(tr .1.|8 no ,641 2d)Jse 100'1,01 100 lJ{r i00 2.08 zg a.00 s,12 651 .048 ,049 .019 oa5 .085 .065 .0n .083 980 7il afr 724 557 482 4@ 370 3t8 3a8 311 s6 2g # 311 904 713 680 882 621 425 386 3{8 31s 308 2S3 2!S 27A n7 AE 566 118 3GS 420 3n 2g 247 217 .|99 g2 M 82 no 211 zffi . ., NAIEII IffENIUT If,ORNrc PREEEUFE IPBIOI 9.0. Iox wrrl Fr,,grn fitl 1!0.f mar flqf {00rF it5---- nD .o$ .875 1-125 t375 1.625 2,126 2.826 3.1e5 9.625 1.t25 $.12n 0.1?6 o.125 v 1 1W 1ta 2 214 t SU. { 5 6 s ,t98 500 ,Gl6 82 .t8e flL .0.0 613 J62 m ilz $7 .155 Ap .04s {S5 .066 100 .lE0 1m 6tJ 610 SSS tll 865 301 505 r95 316 l4 416 E1 385 xv 217 gfr g5l 3,11 ?19 s7 327 Seo m4 3(r E1 295 167 ?ffi &g 261 l8s tlo 261 2a6 ltS Ln ,1|p 68 5.8S .110 u9 ?a9 8E 182 a5 N 1a7 lo-at ,1A 21t e01 18.i10 200 a0 21 6 o.lr. rctr fiEl flDllDL rilr .- 160"F -o -{86 t0o'w lt87 319 u1 268 25e 8. 215 199 lsr ts7 1N2 t?l 180 IOFF ?5 21'r a4 t8g 16s 186 18 197 1n tec 16 116 los 115 .6it' .u6 r.l25 1.376 lJ?5 2-1u 2.66 3.t26 3.r25 4.12t 6.12t 8,125 9,125 ld v, t ll,( lU 2 2U) 3 N& a 5 6 0 m8 IB2 ,oilE M2 .049 ,(Fg IFE .gt2 .0Es ffi 46 iaSt ztn 282 e64 ss6 926 80 n1 2t5 239 217 205 82 a1 188 '176 l6s 2.6C r.58 1t0 t18 s.gz 16.50 Mueller Indultrler, Inc. tt0 /200 'd €rEI# 'C6tl Bfttntp All dzar are nomlnel. ITddos t sdld gsNvu lNoug 969E-0Zt-e0E 99tZI I0 0Z I Z0 '1nr I ffi lt Uz tft 1 1A lV 2 Zia 3 wd5a5 60 750 .05 lrlg w0t5s1 60 150 .11 lth wol64c 25 250 .19 l'q[. wolsa! 15 En 25 2h wots/t l0 100 l{s 2'/4 wolvs 10 .|00 .55 21+g wo15r t 60 ,66 2tt& AOlm'1m 2J3 lV .-.-.-.-......----------h EDUOI f, a tt z rA W01511 50 7W .06 1l& 96 x u w01624 50 S50 .11 1r9& t k WOIf//f- ffi 7fi -06 11,15 th I t/6 wfl$e 50 lfi Sl 1r9t # t Yl WO|S{7 5o sql -11 11th 1 x $ WOl53{ 26 250 .17 l'*' k 1A * 1A tA 1 'tu lfi 2 a 3 I 5 wodz to t,so .& Y* wolzls 50 ?50. M lt wtt% fi 750 .06 * rrlfEfial 60 50 :10 th $tB0t2{6 25 Zfr .14 ntu wEOl230 10 100 24 q& W0l[rl 10 10 .{g lttb wotzfs 10 100 .59 11A woizgl I 50 :t1 1V6 Wofs 1B 1.1ott{ WO|2S, 1 tE t.sg 1*7a A0lszf' | 10 S32 1[YE A0mgf'1 5 9.00 11*1t rAxlh rl0 IY .1A x tfr . 11( ftr!4 'x li xft thtt* rll rv 9trtl r1A 94x1 rl* .r ff 1 xlr r94 tth 114 1116 I1 1Y2 r2 r1$2 r1t6 wol2or 100 Sm .ll ltt wol205 10(, 7S .oo c6 Wo|& lm S .01 ItAq . W0lzll 50 750 no 4{i wot210 100 1500 .Gl flb WfiIZ/l $ gm .19 xXr w0r22i s0 m .10 1 wglw ffi 7fi .G lb wsolzs 16 25q '15 lC& wslgE 5.t 500 .vl qb wolzl8 50 s oF ta Wo|A|0 50 5@ .11 afr' wolz:lg 50 5m '00 sh wolt4t 25 lfi 2A lf6 vvola? 25 ffi .11 I AOfl2il'50 5o .17 lt wd2tl r0 100 2t lth wglzf,-zi fi n t% wglzE?o n 'u 'lb wolzTo 10 100 Ja tBb wolm p 100 .9E 1 vr0lZfi 1 S0 72 1t/' wole8o 5 60 .t2 * Wol2ls 5 lm ta lltn { Ioote;'lo Eoo .16 t[ 1r^ 'crrl Bronza. All aEce.te tlonmd'llucllcr 1n6srillcc, Inc, s€0/000'd e€EI#Alddtns ! sala g9llvt INoug 9 699-oz t-Eo e 99: zT Tooe, zo'Tnr lAttA 1$xVt rA xlb tlA EAt!7 rlt qL IEi xl{ x9t I r94 r il6 rih rlf w020'11 60 w02019 E0 wo2023 50 wvlffi 50 w0202s 50 w020s0 50 w@066 s0 wrl:tGs 50 w02037 50 wo2040 z5 w02050 25 W02ts.| 25 wcm52 25 w0z$6 20 AqFeS' 10 403826. 10 w@fll 5 A026ts. 10 Aqt$E. l0 w02078 5 AO28t1' 5 AUIru' A AVDE. 1 AWm' 1 AUnA' 1 A01*p' I 750 750 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 2SO 250 zffi t50 200 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 26 zg 20 10 rAc 11& Vtt rAa U, tt zlh rAs 1!4c rf& jfie 1A 4ta. rA ct 4h 1945 9f ,A ,/b ,18 lV.l Yt .2O 1rW tllE 31 1t1s lth .4 ]h 114. 28 rt& sh .99 1l{. r5&. .55 lVrs 1 .4:l rt& !9& .60 1916 11t6. ,91 r/t 1Y. .76 % lYt 2.16 1*{e rg& Z.TA 1ritu 114 2'66 19r 1$G 5.18 1* ZlW It W09821 50 1t00. .02 tl& ,t w09t26 50 750 .ll'l 'rfts $ u,0ga4 25 250 .'10 lr1h 1 U'm641 10 100 .17 lr,tI' # I 'L x 16 rh x s w@n6 fi 2.W .01 h 1A w04l1s E0 1,700 .ll2 u * W02n7 50 500 .01 V' % w@ru n 500 .06 ta t^ won?f 5o s00 ll 'ttt th waqlil 26 260 .15 lt{. 1*i 9t lr rg& 4 1A 100 50 e5 26 10 10 lt v fr ,l fi * 1 1% lfi 2 2L 3 314 { 15 '0 6 wo2003 60 2,0m w02m9 50 1,7m w0lt17 50 7ilt wB0t522 50 t00 w@028 50 500 un01631 25 M ttB0tB47 10 100 W0208'l 10 100 .01 .M, .03 .01 .10 .10 .17 .El .19 .aE t.40 1.gs 271 3.80 t59 11.7s 4f.trt rt 'r w w rA l?[.* *9U il& lt! lrth 1lh tllo 1{4r lrt{6 lrlti zVn 2h 21W 21?6| ?ryn z4iln zrh Iri 4r|f1 41W 4u$ r Caet Ercnre All dzct .r€ nomlntf. TT'IANS } SAId gCNVtI TNOUJI lludlcr Indurtrlcr, Inc. 9699-0?t-€00 L9:ZI I00Z,Z0'Tnf wM 10 wtrmn 10 w02m7 5 wtHr88 5 w@080 2 w@os 2 w02003 1 w02rB7 1 tlv02000 I 1r ef0/t00'a ergT# ffi fiffi t* x1 ASl72l' 10 2S0 -11 1 ,A tA r18/u AO{1S. 10 100 .25t 19{o tr& 1 t'l* Ailaos' 5 G0 .lE 1V 1rye tA x4tf tlth 96 rE rtl rs 'r,2 x14b rlirt 1A ra raf I3 rwk rw xlra x1t{. tl6 11 tstt tzta rnl rz *, r12 r3Df t21/h 1 rgVl r9 11/ r# lk ilta 2 r51tt w06025 zF r50 .0!t lta 21/n W00m0 15 850 .@ 1tA r9{r ' w@16 t00 100 .ls 6 Svt wm$ 2m 200 .t3 I 2r1c w080rl. 25 u6 .10 3 1t{ w$096 5{, 300 .ol 2 11a w00035 50 300 st 1+e 1q,tu w080E2 50 150 .06 1k I til0$60 5 30 .30 6 3fir w08062 't0 120 .18 3t6 2 W00000 25 150 .1S 3 1r94g w06068 25 ffi .'13 zrt lffr W06066 25 ffi .13 Zvt 11h W0063 25 zfi .11 'llt' 1Y, w0ct51 25 zfi .'10 1?h I9{e wottBl 120 120 .23 4 1?A w06061 l0 90 .23 3tt zye woEqz t0 100 .16 ztt 1vr w06ff4 10 100 .16 zyt ltas tV06utg 10 100 .18 2 lvt Wtllw 15 15 .09 1X 6r/n w06005 10 lm "30 a$ ztr W06084 10 100 .29 zUz 11Y{ WEOlll s 60 .62 3v. 2t$ wt0110 s s0 .19 3 ztlx w60lcl 5 50 .36 3rr( ?rtu W60lsl 25 6 .98 4u2 efi wE0lo 1 15 1,52 51h ?t7,t ist l{ltog d.rr cl1 '11 1 u ri Y1 It v I ltA th 2 fir 3 w 4 5 0 I W4B0a 100 2'100 .01 uz. W04m 50 '1,700 .02 ltr wols{ 50 500 .05 lrh wBo4005 50 5m .07 ry w0{ll7 u w804081 25 uno.ofi 10 wwt 5 w040r4 5 w4dqz s .12 rt& .10 rl& ,32 ohr 50 ,70 *r fu 90l 26 l.€0 1l& lt& 1s/v 2 20 211 1*tu ltAa ljd 2 10 3.7e 14& lrt& 116 1 5 6;14 1lt{r 1r4'{a l$tl 1 5 A.10 zti ztr Ah 'f5.87 M 2* 2ah 22.fi llAa 3% EA 62,00 '{lils 41il0 tfl46 r& tk rtA. +16 nh 1A '1i!?|tly flh qh 'f% *dA. Vu .'..*',,,RtDUClllo th t r r 1A W'|(xl68 50 750 ,l .l lluolhr hduatrlr, Ina, Ee0 /90 0 'a ee9I# 'Catt Brcnto All drce ttp notnln!|. IT{AflS r [ard seNvu rNoEil 9599-0et-t0E L9tzl 1002 | z0'Tnf 11A 11 W0t172 10 100 .29 1 x f4 W01173 t0 100 .2e 4h 11A x2 W01178 I 50 .79 11/s fiiA W0.|180 10 100 .41 lY1a xl WOl181 l0 100 .38 lf&2 \115 W01168 1 50 .80 1q& r1!' W0l18S 1 60 .64 1qft th x2 W01107 1 20 .08 11/t x11A WOl108 "l U .gI lt/e ut * AUng6.1@ 1,0S AGer/'flr 500 .rls qh .0g 116' rt a % I 1Y. W01125 50 7m .05 trt6l w0t{$j 50 5$ .08 1}r wol4{€ 50 500 .t5 1.& w0l18s 25 zfi .24 2v WO1{71 t0 1oo 11 21Yn li Yr 96. 1A Y1 1 1U 1{a 3 4 4 5 6 .-'.-".^REOUCtfIO ,t"tor 1qo 2Is M jal wol115 50 l,2oo .ott 4b wot125 60 500 .0E c'e, W8Of 131 50 500 .06 t94d wB0r118 25 2So .11 ry wB0lt03 t0 100 ,u 1w w01171 10 100 .{1 1W f r0117g l0 100 .50 1v wofin 5 50 .cl 1191rl wgt186 I 20 1l;2 1q,4, w011s9 'l 20 '|'.72 1rtu WOl160 1 15 3.71 1ryrl AOlgTt' 'l 20 3.54 lt tE A02008. 1 58.&2ai A@1u-.. I s10.71 2 w01105 50 lfi $/01105 50 1,200 wor113 50 500 w0t1t4 50 760 woltlE 60 2.000 wfila 26 2n .w0t124 50 50() w0ll26 50 ?tl wol120 t5 151) wB'llso 26 zffi w011s2 50 6m w01183 2f cm w01130 25 ffi wcllut ?5 2& Aw47'10 1@ wolt{E 2t 60 wfl1fr 25 250 wotlrl 10 100 vrr011B2 l0 100 w01164 10 100 w01165 10 l(p wo,170 l0 t00 }tt16 rtA tArh rl' rtd t[x|{ xr rw tti 11 xY1 I}t r!4 cht|/t r14 rA xlK r1 xl4 I rlh '. l'lVt tti,ra 116 tlta .06 .03 .09 .06 .02 .17 .@ .06 ,$ .t6 .08 ,06 .1{ .12 .8S .E .13 .ft .40 .18 .18 .51 1 eh. ih 1rll 4{c ,A 1ltu tl{r .1k Yt th 1r& 1rlh 1*h, rA 1.qe 1ltt w nh 1+h % !*.. 'Qqat Btgnts. All alzer ato domlnd. I'laans r gilla goNvrl lNouil Mucller Industrl$, Inc. 9699-02?-e0E 89:?T I00Z,e0'1I)r, 12 EEl / Lol 'd ee 9T# Vl 1 1v llh 2 2+t 3 1 wfi905 50 500 .06 w01906 25 zfi .tr wlyf907 25 ztu .15 '11101908 10 100 .21 w0190s 1 75 .39 w01910 t 50 .68 w01s11 1 25 1.06 tv019t3 1 15 2.05 16r Ell$lfFf d{tt 117 4717 1{ W07002 50 2,000 .ffi lk 9 WsrdH 50 2,000 .01 tk n w07006 50 s,000 .01 w It wwml 50 t,om .92 +b $ W01006 50 2'000 .oil lt % ltB0700s 2E 1,000 .04 ,b 1 $r6ut01t 10 5m .08 W 114 Wsm12 ?5 250 .11 1* fil07013 e5 60 .18 tk 2 w0[al4 1 100 .30 V# ztt w0/015 I 50 .48 1U 3 W07016 t 50' J3 tu 3t+ w0t017 1 25 1.15 th 4 W0l|lt8 | Z0 1.50 T l 5 Am16. 1 5 5,48 %c 6 Anl?E. I 5 S.El llf. 'A 1A 16 Yr Yr .x 1 1tA 1A 2 ae. 3 stl 1 w010ts 100 4,000 .01 tk Wflmg 50 2,000 .01 tAa WOl017 60 1.700 .02 rrte wBoltpz 50 1,000 ,02 lh Wfims 50 500 .0'f W f,t/Eot@l .26 500 .lE Us w801047 l0 ?ffi ,10 !\a W01055 25 25o .15 'Vr W0lffi l0 100 .21 lAt Wm072 1 76 -38 t{a W010lU 1 50 .86 1{6 w010$2 1 26 '1.04 '46 W101fi' 1 20 1.{0 l1a Wl0ld/ 1 15 Zn *4! ] v v 9t h 16 Y{01rm 100.4.0m w01$l 50 2,00s w$qn ffi l,ffr w01908 100 1.000 w01901 26 375 .01 .01 .M .03 .o{ 'Caet Bronzc All cfr6! ar€ nomlnql. ,tTddns ! gald geN\ftt $Nou,t llucllcl InCuetrler, Inc. 959E-0Zt-t0e 89rZT T00e,Z0'Tnr 74 t,E0/600'd rrgI# ,-b !^i..db{a}- \-''t _' |r l-' <i {.' t-o SYSTI,M DESION t3D-t I Tabte 4-4.3(a) Pressure Losses (PsUft) Schedulc 40 Steel Pipe' C = 120 Flow Rate (gPm) 50 45 35 30 25 20 l6 40 l6 Pire Sizc (i") l0 12 L4 t 0.04 I V+ 0.01 I V: o.ol 9- 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.1I 0.03 0.0 t 0.13 0.03 0.o2 0.0 t 0.20 0.05 0.02 0.0r 0.28 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.10 0.05 0.01 0.,17 0.1? 0.0ri 0.02 0.58 0.15 0.07 0.09 0.7 t 0. l9 0.09 0.09 ForSl Units: I g'al - !,?85 Li I psi = 0 0689 bari I fi = 0 J04S $' Teble,f4,3(b) Pressure Losses (psVft) Coppcr Tubing - Types K' L' & M; C = f50 Tubing Sizc (in.) TyPe Flow Bate (gPm) 18 20 40 50 tt 50 9K t6 l4 r2 l0 v,0.08 0.t0 0.1] 0-0:l 0.03 0.03 0.0 t 0.01 0.01 0. I '.1 0.1+ 0.18 0.05 0.0.1 0.0+ 0.0 t t).01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.ol 0. t6 0. llt 0.'l+ 0.0+ 0.0:-r 0.06 0.02 0.0'.1 0.02 0.01 0.0 r 0.01 _ 0.20 0.93 0.30 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.0:l 0.0: 0.0 t 0.01 0.0 t 0.25 0.5|J 0.07 0.0t| 0.00 0.0j 0.0:t 0.01 0.01 0-0 | 0.01 0.30 0.35 0.{6 0.08 0.10 D.t I 0.0:t 0.0:t 0.0{ 0.0 t 0.01 0.0:2 0.+6 0.53 0.6$ 0.r3 0.15 0.t'i 0.05 0.05 0.0ri 0.0:1 0.0? 0.0: 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.6+ 0.7 5 0.97 0.lB 0.20 0.:t+ 0.07 0.07 0.0$ o.0:l 0.0:r 0.03 0.0 t 0.0 | 0.01 o.85 l.(x) l.:8 0.!.1 0.:17 0.31 0.09 0. t0 (|.1I o.{H 0.0+ 0.0ir 0.01 0.0 t 0.r) I : 0.J0 0.Ji 0..t0 0.tt 0.1'.1 (). l:l 0,0,i 0.0r-r 0.0ti 0.01 0.0 | 0.0 t M t. L K \l L K Nl I K \t t- K 0.3n 0.{6 0.+:, 0.5J 0.50 0.61 0. l5 0. 17 0.lri 0. 19 r).1; 0.:10 0.01i 0.0tt 0.0t 0.0t1 0.07 0.09 0.0'.1 0.09 0.01 o.0:1 0.0'_l 0.02 I V:r tirrSl UDits: I gul = li.;t{.-) t-r I Psi = 0'{}{ist} b'rrr I li - 0'Jt)'lt4 m' Table 4-1.3(c) Equivalent Lenglh of Pipe in Fe€t for Steel Fittings and Valves Tees Valves Elbows Fitting/Valve Diamcter (in) 45 Degrees 90 Degrees Loog Radius Flow Thru Branch Flow Thru Run Cate Angle Gtobe 'Y"Globe Pattern Cock Check -{ (i rt -l Ir 6 i gl ! J J ]t -{ I ? '.1 3 I lr,/r I V,: l) ti ll l{) t'.1 1.1 li{ !+ '.1$ +:r :-l i IJ li{ '..t: :r{ Bnr(l r)lr (:filrrr'lc(hrri!rll I'ilP('r' \(' {lll fr'r'Sl Lrritr: I li = lt.3ll{s nt. Table {-4.3(d) Equivalent Lerigth of Pipe in Feet for Copper Fittings and Valves Elbows Tees Valvcs Fitting/Vrlve Diameter (in.) 45 Degrees 90 Degrees Long Radius Florv Flow Thru Thru Branch Run Angle Globe Cock Check Gate Globe 'Y" Pattern i.i o 1? t5 l.) 1.5 1.9 1.5 1.5 tl l.l l3 52 17 {.5 I8 ,{: 2:l 6.0 2:r 53 27 i.5 2i65:}|,9 56804tu l.it 5 {.:t l-5 it 3 5 .t.5 J {.5 6 1.5 1.5 l.ir 5 5 Yr I I V.r lVr ? For Sl Utrirr: I lt = 0'J0{tt m. 1994 Edition TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 #o*rrr*r oF coMMrrNrr" orurrtu* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO3-0229 @s'a zz-t Job Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Applied . . : 10/2912003 Parcel No...: 210108111014 Issued . . : ll/05/2003 Project No : {X3;-O}o 212- Expires . .: 05/0312004 owNER KrSHA CORP LO/29/2O03 Phone: C/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO ,lrtRrCA 451 QUERETARO, MEXICO 76100 License: CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANrCAr,, INC Lg/29/2003 phone: 970-949-A2OO P_O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 81620 I-ricense: 189-P APPLICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INc L0/29/2003 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8152 0 License: 189-P Desciption: rough in heating sheet metal and snowmelt lines for condo. remodel Valuationr $14,000.00 Mechanical-*> $280. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Coll----> # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 $0 . 00 Total Calculared Fces--> $353 . 00 S70.00 DRBFe€-----*------>50.00 AdditionalFees------->$0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES---------> $3s3.00 To(al Permir Fee------> $3s3.00 $3.00 Pa\mpntc------.------> Q161 n n BATANCE DUE-_-..-> * t * +:r* + + * *,t + t r* * r * * | * I * * !r**t+ + | t * r' * + ++t 't:* |,t * ITCM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT !!/o5/2AA3 GCD Acrion: AP IICM: 056O0 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): CoMBUSTIoN AIR Is REQUIRED PER sEc. 701 oF THE 1997 I,Mc, oR SECTIoN 70L 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : TNSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTLTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. so. o0 Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IANCES SIIAL'L BE \IENIED ACCORDfNG TO CHAPTER I AND SIlAtrIr TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE t997 IJIIIC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 29 (Br.Dc.): AccESS To HEATTNG EeurpMENr MUsr coMpty wrrH cuAprER 3 AI.ID sEc.101? oF THE 1.997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond:31. (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI]TMING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Condr 32 (BLDG.); PERMIT,PL,ANS AND CODE AIIAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ RooMS CONTATNTNG HEATfNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII-,ERS SIIALI-, BE EOUfPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 199? llMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordins to the towns zonins and subdivision codes. desisn review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the T licable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S}IALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR 8:00AM-4PM. SIGNATURE OF O ELF AND OWNEF *,f***f,*******+****** **,t **+,r* **+*****+*,1*+*****************+****************** * *** +**+** ***** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement ,ft*****'i**+**,|**,t*{.**************+******************f,****************jt **+******************** Statement Nunber: R030005075 Anount: $353.00 tt/A5/2OO3O3t27 plq Payment, Method: Check Init: DDG Notaeion: Concept Meehanical 7974 Permit No: MO3-O229 Tlrpe: MECIIANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101- 0 811L014 SiTe Address: 600 VAl! VAIJI,EY DR VATL Location: 600 VAIL VAIITEY DR # A-14 Total Fees: $353,00 This Payment: $353.00 Total ALL pmts: $353.00 Balance: $0.00 ********f,'t!t*******'*+**,1.*+*{.{.{.*******'}******* *****+** **'& ** **+**f****+*******{.**+,} ***** *+* **** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts |'1P OO1OOOO3i111()O MECHANICAL PERMIT FIES 2B(].OO PF OOiOOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FETS 7O.OO hlc 00100003112800 htLL CALL iNSPECTION Ftt 3.00 AppucATrortll Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplgoR ,NSTGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical permit #: NVTIOPYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 91652 200 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections) -_ flEOD OCT GU* 27 -fu Permit witt not Ue accepte? wirroffiE6iidffi CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor:(,apce:fr tu a+lhttefiu Town of Vail Reg. trto;Contact and Phorn 7ru Rasex 9,n -ozoo Contractor Sig;ature- COMPLtrE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT MECHANTCAL: $ / f/000.3 Contact Office at 97O-J28-8640 or visit for Parcel #earcet * f ;iffd /e1a6l//o/ rob Name: frau t RleE Job Address: bea LrA t U V.V t CV Dt rE AFtr lh. Btl5a.a A,/&dt to Phou/l,- rlt - ?3 ."g67 zlo Detailedoes@ tte'vYwru SNotanqtt o,at6 frt<:2N D ottl tr, I uer FC^C|ODA- Mrkcl* N"*() Addition( ) Atteration Repair( ) Other( )Paatet+BoilerLocation: Interiorffi Does an EHU exist at this location: Ves 1 I frfo 69 Type of Bldg: Singt*family ( )Commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildfi;No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireptaces eroporuo:Gas ef,lin-nE Gas Logs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Buning (NOTA|.LOWED)tt ****************i(:r'F:r{c**'lFgB gFFrcE usE oNLy***************************** F: /everyone/for.ms/ mechperm coNCEPT MECHAHfaT, rNC. PLUIVIBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX l165 AVON, C0LORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949 0300 office GoPrl October 27,2003 Town of Vail Community Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail. CO 81657 RE: Aguirre Remodel; Northwoods Bldg. A., Unit 14; Vail, Colorado Mechanical Permit Application To Whom It May Concern: We have completed our heat loss calculations for this project. The heat loss for this project is approximately 43,820 Btuh. Calculations are based on 70oF interior temperature and -20" exterior design temperature. This is a remodel project that will receive a new boiler to heat the condominium and provide energy for approximately 500 square feet of snowmelt. The boiler will not be jnstalled until mid-2004. We are roughing in heat and snowmelt lines this fall. There are projected to be eight zones ofbaseboard heat. There will be one boiler rated at 175,000 to 225,000 Btuh input depending on the manufacturer. A 7" diameter type "B" double wall flue will be installed. I have included a mechanical permit application, boiler cut sheet, copies of the heat loss calculations, and a gas piping schematic. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions. Thank you. Timothy J. Rosen, P.E.; V.P./Secretdy ?aD i?-(r(])aa ; 'l)r0 U)tt .5 :9 5 dl _._ ri! t\r i iai 8l t; E: al ;a€i \ lliii r:;i- i ?Es: $;i!.r', \:;Ei. U? ; i, E E: - c.L !_r u "--:?lt : FCqOC p i* d.l 3 il e!; iffi ! 1E! a!'t"B!EE Y: o P r - :H;git n ez ei t Sincerely yours, R Cc: Bryan Brubaker; Project Manager; Beck Buil CONCEPT MECHA]TAL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING o SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-0200 Fax (970) 949-0300 , t-' ' - ' r5 rw i,-il -i. i.....r.. 'lJ ,A t5y .'-t- \ Orrpe I "o..u -o ", E /z oo- CHECKED BY Uz": I t- MNI.IHERM JV /\or-ols1 Hydronic Boif ers Indoor Sizes 50-225 MBTU/h SubmittalData fraorez€ Fercb- tVapnttre '/41- /( l: . - Standard Equipment Venting - built-in draft diverter Design certified and tested by Amencan and Canadian Gas Associations Natural or propane gas Maximum working pressure - water 30 P.S.l., ASME rated Hydrostatic test pressure at factory - 60 P.S.l. Maximum gas supply pressure - Natural - I' W.C., Propane - 14" w.c. Pressure reliel valve - capacit), in excess of boiler input rating Material specjfications as per Section lV, ASME Code Water headers - cast iron per ASME requirements Water lubes - pure copper with integral formed external lins Main burners - aluminized steel Air supply - natural aspiration Floor under boiler - when used on combustible tloor, a special base must be supplied (see installation instructions, Document 1025 & rating plate) Electrical - 115V-60H2-1PH less than 12 amperes 24V lrans- former mounted and wired Pump relay - standard Vent damper and wire hafness (optional in Canada) Blocked vent sa{ety switch (B.V.S.S.) Rollout safety switch 20 Year Limited Warranty - Minimum Clearances, inches mm Left Side, Righl Side, Rear Flue Top Minimum Clearances from Adjacent Construction o t?z 4 102 tcz 23 584 6 152 102 23 584 100 o lcz 102 152 23 584 125 o lcz 102 152 23 584 rYlElEli/Pak A*u,rrf, RerroDa- $fl|Specificqtions Nraz_ o zzq C Choose from 5 elements. Each fits into universal heavy duty Multi/Pak 80 enclosure. l-B=R APPHOVED HOTWATER RATINGS CharF show gTU per hour p€r llncsr foot and watb per linear meter wih 65o.(18.3.C) entsdng air. NOTE: Ratings are for element installed in Multi/Pak 80 baseboard enclosure as shown in drawing, with damper open. Batings are based on active finned length [3 in. (76 mm) less than overall length] and include 15% heating ettect lactor. Use 4 gpm (15.'l //min) ratings only when flow is known to be equal to or greaterthan 4 gpm (15.1 //min), otherwise 1 gpm (3.8 l/min) ratings must be used. l-- D --l ".., I ll.=-------------__-u,z__+{' (89 mm) | Universal enclosure for use with any H-Series heating element SPECIFICATIONS: Furnish and install Multi/Pak 80 baseboard cover assembly as manufactured by SlanVFin Corporation, consisting of one-piece zz^gauge (0.8 mm) bottom, back and top panel, and one-piece 18.gauge (1.2 mm) front panel, tormed of cold rolled steel. Bottom and top edges of back panel shalt be formed to provide channels along entire length, to receive full-height suppon brackets. Brackets shall be die-formed of electro galvanized, 16-gauge (1 .5 mm) quarter.hard cold rolled steel, lor rigid bracing and spring locking. Slide-action expansion cradles, formed of polypropylene, shall be inserted between heating element and support bracket. Cradles shall protect element bottom and sides from contact with brackets or cover, confining element to lree lateral expansion lor noiseless operation. Room-control clamper vane, of quarter-hard cold rolled steel, shall be provided for each length of enclosure, and shall modulate tuily and freely, yet retain any setting through iis arc without protruding knobs or other devices. Support bracket shall be lormed to retain and support damper vane without use of additional pivois. All cover components shall be painted in Nu-Vfnite oven baxed melamine cross-linked Dolvester enlmel. Elemenl 'H"'D" in. mm in. mm H-1 3tq!.' 100 1ri 44 rl-J 31/:' 89 16,!' 41 H-4 tt4' 89 13t.' 44 H-5 3z7t' 98 13t1' 44 H.6X 3zea' 99 11i 44 (51 mm) Cover Assembly CONCEPT MECHAIfrAL INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81620 Phonq (970) 949-0200 CALCTJTAIED 8Y 73l- r Fax: (970) 949-0300 3-o I CONCEPT MECHAMCAL, INC. EEATI,()SS TAKr-OTFFONM N/* lYop€ Yau-.!or I DATE g/ZZ/PI LOCATION V*t4 Colorado EXTERIORDEsTGNTEMP -b' llog-o tlq rtI--r BY TimRosen ARDA oR zol\ne erf,cur"eruo ROOM SrzF:fl,/? f e 8.2'ffi6t ce.Vf illffiff#es+#ff_E GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NETWALLAREA SKYLIGIITAREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING "R' VALTIE -ffi RooMvoLUME, ( A n r g,z) V a.6z rl r ?o2i-:*a.V, BELoW-GRADE WALL: u/* . cRosswALLAREA nzzfi b VLf ?( o. V? x ?o "= c2' 7ea /,7 Yo /, 2'f D FLooRAREA NO,UA OV€EtHilar n(4 cRoss cErLrNc oRRooF AREA NottJ E ,/ HEArLoss (Btuh)= ?1'/o H*L/NeTR"u-,oor = fuoop HEArLoss/sQUAREFoor(Bturr/sq. 6.;= lg.? BrhLkl /? 7r" Wir$o hePor pipe spacing: n Asef ,f a. a5/ Xfo'= 7' ) BY TimRlxen PROJECT INSIDE NUSIGN TEMP GROSS \T.\[ 4I{96 GLASS ARb:\ DOORARb:{ NETWAI,I.TREA FLOOR INT{ CONCEPT MECEANICAL, INC. EEATLOSS TAKE-OFF FORM 7o /er& fafr x o,f ?r ?ao' _-cQ- vaulor8 :!r-F' 3tu NET CEni.\cORROOF AREA paggg 6r\BINc iR " VALIJE IIEATLtrs\ Btrhl=3,ava NOf P).4ouf = 2@ 11gAT L$r\SQUARE FOOT @tutr/sq. ft.; = %, Wirsh. :Jzr pipe spacing = AREA gx loNa CAI,CULATED Bq>ru*, Z €pr*Y ROOM SiiF &70 <e&*i ,Uq, ? RooM\.trLVE,(azo x$.6\ f O ,V? = BELow{P*\DE waIL: N /* tAf .r a.o1/ tr(ou' l4otta €Fps@ cRoss r*r"r66t.r-tEA N/k Not:€ . /4,'/ 87o . /78a 7 BY Tim Rosgn DATE dz;z /oZ PRoJECT '/Ahptt|$?E_ LoCATION Vn| Cotorado INSIDEDESTcNTEMe 20 [xrERroRDDsrcNrE-#" -"4 T7t:- AREA oRzoNEcAr,cuLArED /5eruaru z - tw 7. / - \ {1 RooMVoLUME: (ap y8.4) r aY'37 : fuo t GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SI(YLIGHT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COIGRING URN VALUE CONCEPT MECHAMCAI,, INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OFF FORM NoPA p/,4 ilnp7 , Daselor F BELOW-GRADEWALL: NOr+tE. cRoss wALL AREA eJ o d c,,Ass AREA 91fr ro-+7 ft Qo"' DOORAREA _ O ^ NETwATTAREA /53 4 f ?'os/ x7a"= FLooRAREA rygfl' f fZ t (oo= AVro 7ao l4.o HEArLoss (Btuh) = 4 1"1 he/A ilgr Rovt, ow? AL5 F HEATLoSS/SQUAREFOoT (Btuilsq. ft.; = ( 3, f 14" Winsbo hePex pipe spacing = t I CONCETT MECHANICAL tr{C. HEAT I,OSS TAKE.OFF FORM Y"e. f .$ 8 BY TimRosen DAIT O/z-'Z/o? PROJECT t*euy@ ,__ LOCATION UfttLl Colorado a.1t INSIDEDESIGNTEMP {A EXIERIORD}:SIGNTEMP --A ARnA oRzoNEclrrbrnerrn Lt ur *tq 1Duru+/rrffit ass14grzF: ?to 4a- RooMVoLUME: (q,o )( 4') n P.7? t /-g rB tl7fo BELOW-GRADEWAI.L: NOPA. cRosswALLABrrA fuo fle cr,Ass AREA (Zr A xi,T,tt 4 g et o. n r?oil= &6ffi -o 6ez X 0.ost F?oo=e.g60 DOOR AREA NETWALLAREA FLOORAREA /+ofi*Ir* {o'= ^J/A IIEAT l.oss (Btuh) = /5.eO . lJtr flo,uor:r#'?a fr HEArLoss/sQUAREFoor (Btut/sq. U= /7 I 6tu Aa#fo.o73 6lb',$o GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SI(YLIGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\IERING "R' VALUE 2 t %" Wirsbo hePex pipe spaoing: 1 CONCEPT MECEANICAL INC. EEAT I,OSS TAKE-OTT FORM DAIE tfz-z/oz LoCATIoN Vn+ D(TERIOR q Nopa. BY TimRosen PRoJEcr '&et zE* TNSIDE DEsrcN TEMP ' lo AREA OR ZONE C4r"CUIl\TEn RooM xre= J/p #e,g,S * {0o rb 77ft Ko.ll )'fo"=fl 9Vo %.a 4 ro a;/^qd'= ??o fr -O '' gto x0.D73r?o a-il so +I R..MV'LTME: (St o, fS)x a.71 = BELOW-GRADE WALL: GROSS WAII AREA GI,AsS AREA DOORAREA NETWAIIAREA FLOORAREA -o-- GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGIITAREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA ELOOR CO\IERING'R'' VALUE HEATLOSS @tuh)= Pq Rou'fr*' HEArLoss(Btuh)= 6650 fu"n Dq Ro,r, a*= AqD p IIEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOor (Bturr/sq. ft.) = flT; t" rrg"{of I Colorado TEMP -b i-I;Fr /oSv Yz" Wirsbo hePer pipe spacing: I CONCEPT MECtrANICAL, INC. EEAT IfSS TAKE"OFF FORM puuLrr € BY Tim Rosen DATT flPZ /" O INSIDE DESIGN TBrr'x &_ EXTERTORDE$TGi\ TEMII -*1a) AREAoRzoNEc,ALcur,ATEo I ez M^ "G.RooMsrF: 554 Q RooMVoLUME: (ZSzi't?.s') *o.7?v t.zs , lGGo BELoW€RADE WALL: N OP6 l-, cRoss wALL AREA 1"7oH c,-Ass AREA ?1W Yo.(/t< ?0"= egro DooRAREA '' +1)'- NET*ALLAREA ! W K o.o 5l X b'= 8? o FLooRAREA UOIE GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGIITAREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\IERING "R'' VALI.TE HEAT LOSS (Btuh) = ir6T Ro,* orr {Afha rtaf IIEAT LOSSiSQUARE FOOT @tuh/sq, ft.) = 1/a" Wirsbo hePex prpe spacing: i '-rfrF .--O^ ffrr< o.o5/ 610"=AoTd 23,3 7 a CONCEPT MECHAMCAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE-OTF FORM r"g"Zof BY TimRosen PROJECT ... . nvsmnbusicrq rrMp 7p ARNA OR ZONE CALCUIITTEI) -rHF ROOM Sr7,-F: BELOW.GRADE WALL: GROSS WALLAREA /?o,[ /-O-/ lr tfi-D F RooMVoLUME: &* x|')x e,3? .- DArlE 6FZ/oz LocATroN Vttrg Cotorado ExrERroR orsrdlv rEMp -% /?o x0,o3)fr0':57a NOao pau@ ewosQ GI,ASS AREA - E D.'RAREA € Q < NETWAIIAREA _- ep ^ FLOORAREA -.1' C'' _ GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SI(YLIGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING NRN VALUE HEATLOSS (Btnh)=670 Nq Roq-oor Bq HEATLoSS/seuAREFoof @turr/sq. n.;= L{.q %'Wirsbo hePoc pipe spacing = -- , . i: ''-, i'. "r ' -t,o CONCEPT MECHANICAI.., INC. EEAT II)SS TAKE-OTF RORM BY TimRosen PRorEcf ta u,w-^ 1ffi,r3&/:,lororado rNSrDEDEsrcNiEilo* 70 riruruonriirsrcwd-f" ;23. vrs?or I AREA OR ZONE CArjcuL{TE n _fu1*l r+v RooM sr;r: /?o fre- g' RooM voLtrNa'(nD r 8) Y A . 7? r/'s =@ BELoW-GRADE WALL: /J o u 6. cRoss wALL AREA * Zto # clAss AREA /- '2 '4 \ DooRAREA fu F F o.z3 x?o, __ -/ NETwALLAREA eg? F fA.os/X?d", ELOORAREA cRoss cErLrNc oRRooF AREA 2 ro 4 Xa. o73 Vfb'=bza SKYLIGTTTAREA -p---- NET cEILINGoRRooF AREA / FLOOR COVERING "RU VALI'E HEAT LOSS (Btrih) = 7z:;o /,/tr Rou-our DOft IIEAT LOSS/SeUARE FOOT @tulr/sq. ft.) = A5, O Tz" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing = 6za //?o -L)< t: TO\A[{OFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 oil*r** oF coMMUNr* orurr?** NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0085 B3<t"21 fob Address: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . ; ISSUED Locafion.....: 500 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-14 Applied . . : 08/20/2003 Parcel No...: 210108111014 Issued . . : A8/27 /2003 ProjectNo : 'gq5p3-1;11\ Expires. .: 02/23/2004 owNER KISr{A CORP 08/20/2003 phone: E,/O ROBERTO AGUIRRE PASEO ;II]RICA 451 QT'ERETARO, MEXICO 75100 Iricense; CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANfCAIJ, INC O8/2A/2O03 Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1-165 AVON, CO 81-620 l-,icense: 1_89 - P APPI,ICANT CONCEPT MECIIANICAIT, INe 08/20/2003 Phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1-165 AVON, CO 8L62 0 License:189-P Desciption: ROUGH IN NEW DWV AND PLUMBING FOR NEW BATHROOM LAYOUT. ROUGH IN NEW GAS PIPING Valuation: $12,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas [.ogs: ?? 4 of Plurnbing-> $1s0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> $45. 00 DRB Fee_.-_--.-_-> $0. OO Total Calculated Fees-> $228 . 00 $0. 0o Additional Fees----_> $0. 00 Investigation-> Will Call--->$3.00 BALANCE DUE->90. 00 ITEM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/2o/2oo3 DF Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENf CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an $0.00 TOTAL FEES--*---*> $228.00 Total Peff,dt Fee-> s228.00 Payn1ents-_-...-> S228. O0 t**************** ***++ ****i *******1'*******************t****t****+*********l**f ******+******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 08-2?-2003 rt 10:27:35 08127/2003 Statement *+**+*********f* * **+*****+********l****+++*+*+**+****t*********t** ***+***+****+'i***l******,i* Statement Number: R030004575 Amount: $228.00 08/27/2OO3L0:.21 AyI Payment Method: Check hit: DF Not,ations check S 78 50 concept Mech Permit No: P03-0086 Tlt)e: PLIIMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210108111014 Site Address: 500 VAIL VALI-,EY DR VAIL, IJocation: 500 VAII-, VALI-,EY DR # A-14 Total Fees: 5228.00 This Payment: $228.00 Total AIJL Pmt6: $228.00 Balance: $0.00 **++***+******* ***+*****'t**t*+'i**++**++**{.****+*+***i+**+**************+****+* **f****t+**ti* ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 45.00 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 18O.OO I^JC OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Co ncept o l'leohan i ca I Inc "tl 949 0300 P:2 .f.fo,574 P,?/3 accufate plot plan, and staie that all the inJoroatton es required is. corrach. I.agrec to cOmply wirh the information and plot plan. to mmply with all Town ordinances and stateiJws, and to build thil snucture iccording to the towns zonin6 and subdivisiorr.oa"r aurqnii;u-;l.pitoviJ;Udf;-ililaing ioau and odrer ordinances of the Town applicable thereto, H-5.??.M3 1336PM REOUE$T TOR NTtsCTION SHALL BE MADETWBNIY'POUR PM. AT {?9.2149 0K AT ouR oFPlcB FROM S$0 AM - { 6E orrvrvrn on coNTRAcroK FoR HIMSELF AND owNE! Gw-of vai| Reg. No.: e*^lz G VU L:_t9 p-? 70lVNOPYI 7l S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C.olorado 61657 COMPLETEVALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) tti*t*t*lii*iirl*iit!i*ii**iGii*tGt**t*.FORoFFICE USE oNLYtn*,,'*rn't'r***i**t**ti+tl*tltt*i*tii t00A'U l Address: l- o |*1,1 u'-' 'o 4Z a crri l, /f\ h;t rt ILto0& ?Tln '*" "*, Lt L.1- i^'tLa-^-l Work Class: New ( )Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Btdg.: Single-family ( )ffittRoo*:ntl 133 ffinthisbuildins: I No. ot e"'ttinS owelling Units in this buiHing: 6J ffiningfirePlacetoan Inspectlon Requeet Requested Inspect Drte:' Insp€cdon Area: Slte AddresB: jHffoor,July 05,2005 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A.I'I /qrPrD lnfiormaflon Acihritv: ConttTyp5: Orvnar: Applbrnt: Contactor: Descrlplbn: Nolics: Nolha: Notlce: Comment 8[)3-(}237 Type: A-MF Occupah-cy: KISHACORP B€CK & ASSOCIATES. IhIC JF ENTERPRISES IT{C AMF ilt 1-HR Requested Tlme: 08:00 At - Phonc: 37SO7S Entersd Bf LTILLiTAN K St trs: lnsp Area: ISSUED JRM Phone: 97G94!l-1flX) Phone: 92&5191 COI.JDO UNIT EXPANSION TO IT.ICLUDE NEW DORMER AND DECK ADD{]ION DETAILS SUAMITTED FOR RATED ASSEMBLIES ROTJIED TO JR 3g04 - CDAVIS qCt!t?,@l Stlggord no hng€r pan of thls Job. S€€ fll€ wlth ht€r. l.lew reglst€Ied conlractor r€qukod - 79+B FROBERG - JtiiONDRAGOtI ROUTED TO JRM AND AO FOR REVIEWAPPROVAL . DFLORES Fteouested lnsoection(sl Item: 90 BLDG-Flntl Acllon: Reqmlior: EECK zullDli.lc COfrrPAl.lY/ John Conidrnts: A1{ WLL CALL 1/2 hout notlce 37m799John tuslgngdTo: JTilONORAGON Comnrent nET!9ffififfi FROBERB REGAREIFMMRAIS. A COOE Cof,lPLYlt,lc TEMPORARY FIANDRAIL lS ttlE PREFERRED OPIOtl. THE STARIS BETWEEN THE IstAND 2nd LEVELS MAY BE BLOCKED OFF WTTI PIY VIICOD SCREYT/ED TO T}IE WALL ATT}IE TOAND BOTTEM.TI '-tl fr - rr \ /\//,t t aL-I tl tY t tt_ tr , v r,1rt I ttl nf | ,l/ | t N' nl(t Kdf ") il,)u -l ' ww lr't^il#* ,nspecdonH,rbrY tffir*^lSwu" ttem: 226 RRE DEPT. NOIIRC nON Iv ' lzf I Item: 10 ELDqE€h$/Stod _"_Apptowd- / J t , Tlm6 ExD: COLtni|NS LOCATED I,TIITHIN THE CORRIDoRS ARE I.IOT PROTEC1ED AT TTIIS TME AI{D ARE I.IOT REOUIRED ANY ADDIITO}.IAL RRE.RESSTTI'E PROTECTON O925lg3 tns0eclor: GCD Actlon: t,|c) i{ClTlFlED comment DISCI SSED SPECIAI- INSP€CTOR REOUIREIIIENTS WTH SUPERINTEND NT ON JOB. T}€RE IS COTUMN REINFORCII.IG IN THE UMTBELO/i/. I TOLD HIM VI/E V|ot,LO IM}PECT TTOSE. ALL OTHER STEEL INSPECIION IS BY SPECIAI- INSPECTOR 11n40B lnsDodor: lm Acllon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECIION Comrnent: approved Fimlng In 3rd hvel solllt sirixoved liemlng Sth foor colllng hat chonn€l Item: 10 ELOGFooUnos/Stoel I J l ---Fiz-si6d'Imoe*itor: GCD Aclbn: APAPPROVED ' /1 I commonr IPADFOoTING.SOILSREPORTINFILE. / llltJ Item: 20 BlDeFoundatlorvst ol / llu ltem: 30 BLDGFtamlm o9/24lo3 lnso.dot: cdsvls Actbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOI{ 4I Comment EXlSnl,lG STRT CTT RAL STEEL COLUMN REINFORCEMENT FOt R LOCAllOhts | | GRID DX5"D,3PX1 & BX4 ALL REINFORCED VUI?I VTJELDED PTITES PER PtA|q ] I CONTRACTOR SI-IALL t{OT BE REOIIRED TO REITOVE EXISITMI COI.ISIRt CTION lE/ II.ISTALI ADSNONAL RRE PROTECNON OF STRUCTT'RAL STEEL V COLtni|NS LOCATED I,TIITHIN THE CORRIDoRS ARE I.IOT PROTEC1ED AT 1}IIS TME AI{D \I .i REPT131 Run Id: 3376 07-01-2005 Item: 50 l{em: 70 Inspecton Request 11t1 Comrnsnl: 1210303 Comrfr€nt o5/l9/o4 Comment 06/(}2/(x Comrrent: oe/14(X Comm€nt: INSPECTOR REPORTFOR rAND 8011t1.1c. DATED 1O/27lO3 FOR 4TH LEVEL lnsDector: GCD Actlon: t'lO l,lOTlFlED METIMft CHTJCK COE THIS DATE RE: STRIJCTURAL FRAME. PRIiiI,ARY MEMBERS IN ROOF ARE IfOTED OI.l PLANS. TIIESE ARE TtlE RIOGE tlft4x3E. AND ItlE EAST AND VI/EST RAKE BEAMS W|2X5O, THE NEW TS 12X5.5 AND THE EXISTITIG W14X3O ARE REOD TO BE WTHIN THE WALLASSEMBLY OR IND'IVIDIJALLY !/T,RAPED. 0fl11/M Insp€clor: Comm€nt 4TFl LEVEL sItI LEVEL Ac[on: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION ENCLOSURE COMPI-EIE BlDG'lnsulstlon " Apffoved " 11t1418 lnspector: JRM' Ac{on: Pl PARTIAL lNSPECTlOl.l Comm€nt APPROVED SOFFIT 3RD FLOOR INSUL OITILY 06t11t04. Inspeclor: CDAVIS Acllrn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOI.I Comm€nt 4TH LEVEL EXIT DOOR WALL INSULATED 5T}I LEVEL EXIT EI.ICLOSURE COi'PLETE 11t01tu4 Inspec{or: GCD Ac{on: Pl PARTIAL INSPECflOI{ Commant MID LEVEL PARW WALL INSUTANON. CONSULTED WTTI JOHN ON FIRE STOPPING.11l12t8 !ffi9€clor: JRM Actlon: APAPPROVED Comment Item: 60 BLDG-Sh€€lrock Nall " ADDrov€d " 11i10/03 lnspector: GCD " Actlon: PIPARTIALINSPECTION Comrnont 3rd FLOOR CORRIDOR PATCHll,lc 2 LAYERS CEILINGS 4h FLOOR UNIT FIREPLACE cl{ASE ONLY IIIOWGYP lS TAPED. 11t141O3 Inspeclor: JRM Ac{on: R PARTIAI INSPECTION Comment APPROVED 4TH FLOOR CORRIDOR SHEET ROCK. 1111403 Inspoclor: JRM Actlon: Pl PARTI.AL INSPECTIOiI Comment APPROVED 3RD LEVEL SHEETROCK SKIN Mlt-lOR PATH|NG TO 8E DA'JE. FIRE RETARTANT FOAM TO BE USED TO SEAL SMALT GAPS IN SIEEL PAN OR WLL MUD AND TAPE. 111171C6 Insp€ctor: JRM Acflon' AP APF,ROVED Comrn€nt: 3RD LEVEL SOFFITAND STIJCCO COMPIETE 4TTI LEVEL INTERIOR SHEETROCK COIIPIEIE sTH LEVEL INTERIOR SHEETROCK CONTPLE1E lnspectol: GCD Acllon: Pl PARTL/AL INSPECI]ON 4ot'AND sot FLOOR EXTERIOR fl8 X GYP SHEATHING WALLS, SOfFlT, FAcliA AND AND ROOF. COLUMNS AND BEAMS 2 LAYERS OR INruMESCIEI{T PAINT AND GYP. Acflon: PI PARTIAL INSPECTION SOOFITS ON 511{ LEVEL VI/ESTWALL OF 5TTI LEVEL EXIT ET.ICLOSURE lnsp€do.: COAVIS ccl.rRT. lNsPEcTtoil finqM Insp€ctor: JRM Comment SI-IEET RocK COMPTETE BLDC'-MbG. o9/26/03 Comment 1t/04/B Comm€nl: (H(n/u Comment: 1oailo/. Commcnt: Itom: I BLDGRmI OGr2!Y06 Inspeclor: GCD lc{61; 1P4PPP911|EP lnspoclor: CDAVIS Acllon: PA PARTru APPROVAL FIRE PROOFIIIG OF EXTERIOR COLUMNS lN A BLDG 2 LAYERS s/8'TYPE X USED InsDeclor: COAVIS Ac{on: PA PARTIAI APPRO/AL 3RD LEVEL CEILII.IG EXTERIOR SOI.,TH AND I/IIEST BEAMS AND COIUMNS FIRE.RATIT-IG OF 4 BEAiILS At{D3COLUMNS Acilon: l.lo }{OT!REO REGARDIT.IG A VENT CLEARAT.ICE TO COMBUSTIBLES U.L. LISTED EXlSTltlG METAI- CHIMNEY REOIIRES f CLEARArcE TO COr,lEt STIBLE MATERIAL. DRYWALL/SHEETROCK IS DERNED IN THE 1S'7 UBC AS 1.lc)tCCO,i/|zuSlIBLE MATERIAL. t/liAltlTAlN AS MIJCH CLEARAi|CE AS CAN BE ACHIEVED. I'()I/VEVER 2' lS NOT REOUIRED Inspec{or: CDAVIS Acdon: }'lO tlOTlFlED SOIIE TYPE OF COURT. INSPECIION REQUESTED GENERAL COilTTRACTOR ttOT Ol.l SITE. ELECTRICAL SUB St,@ESTED IHATA PARTIAL FRAI'IT.IG INSPECTIOf{ WAS REOUESTED FOR EAST PARTY WATLS 3RCV4TH LEVELS }IOTSURE IF REOI,,'IRED I.IOANY FUR. NONS MUSTBE PROPERLY PArcHED I ROIJGH INSP€CTON HAVE BEEN COMPLETED REINSPECTION l.TOANY FURTHER CONSULTANONS ATLOI,TIED RESPCIT{SIBIITY LIES T'I'ITI GENEML COI.{IRACTOR TO MAKE SURE ALL ITEMS ARE ADDRESSED Page 17 REPT131 Ac{lon: }{O l,lOTlFlED Run Id: 3376 Cor lnued: Comment: CoMrrrENt: MET UJIT}I JOI{N FROAERB REGARDIT.IG I{ANORAILS. A CODE COMPLYING IEMPORARY FIiANDRAIL IS THE PREFERRED @TION. THE STARIS BETYI/EEN THE 1sT AND znd LEVELS i/iiAY BE BLOCKED OFF WTTI PLY I/\OOD SCREV'JED TO ITIE WALL AT TTIE TO ANO BOTTEM. REPT131 Run Id: 3376 8,46en_ vAtLco,-ToltyNOF _. ___ Requested Inspect Date: Tuesdav. June 08. 2004 ' Inspidon Area: JRtt SIIE AddresS: 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAILVALLEY OR #A.14 A/PrD lnfiormation Aclivity: 80$)237 Tvp€: AMF Sub Tvpe: AMF Strtus: Consn Ty$: _ Occupaircy: Use: lll l-HR Insp tuec: on?ier: KISHACoRP Alpllcanl: BECK & ASSOCIATES. INC Phone: 97D949180O Conttaclor: BECK & ASSOCIATES. INC Phons: 97D949180O DFscrlpdon: CONDO UMT EXPANSION TO |I{CLUDE NEW DORMeR ANO OECK ADDITION i.Totke: DETAILS SUBMITTED FOR RATED ASSEMBLIES ROUTED TO JR 3/5/04 - CDAVIS CoMmonI: ROUTED TO JRM AND AO FOR RE\NEWAPPROVAL . DFLORES @t25to3 Comments: 11t14tO3 Comm€nts: 11/19O3 CommontB: 12lo3y03 Conrmenlr: 05/19/M commenb: ISSUED JRM Reauested Inspectlon(sl Item: 70 BLDO-Mlsc. Requested Tlme: 08:00 At$ Requestor: BECKBUILDERS, INC. Phone: 904-13tn -or- 970.949- conlrn€ntB: court$v wtlh cD or JR/as €rly ar Do6s 4ix5 . Assl$Fd To: JfTNdRACON Ent€red By: DGOLDEN K Actlon: Time Exo: II.m Coflrrncnt!: FIFE-FFOUFITIG:OF EXTERpR CoCUMFfSTf,FA BLDG 2 LAYERS gaTYPE X USED Item Comm€nt3: 3RD LEVEL CEILI'{G EXTERIOfl SOUTH AND WEST BEAMS AND COLUMNS FIRE-RATIhIG OF 4 BEAMS AND 3 COI-UMNS -A'-*;'" n^ \(b"vtf ' 1f^*sPFqrc'.t1 O,Sco SSt uM ,r lnso€cnonHrsbrv tf A,pLtNG tr fi u Ulu4T CLfJlb/r/Llcz rlem: 226 FrREoEpr.NorrFtcAroN..A^..r^r,E .. fb G,"ia..lSn B( f S I [:fr: ?3."['ff.hruL!gl5l*noN..Aop,o""d /D G^BtJsn DCrS I O9/'25/Oil Inspeclor: GCD Action: AP APPROVED I COMM'NIrS: 1 FAD FOOIING. SOILS REPORT IN FILE. t I -/Item: 20 Bl0C-ForJrrdatiorv'Stml \l /'ftem: iiO ELDC'-.Framino c^.-"..-', --ddidod'"tnso.clor: cd€vts Acthn: Pt PARTIAL tNSPEcTloit >E ? ^crmmsr s: Exlsrll.lcsrRtcruRALsrEELcoLUMNnenroRceMevrrqELcp fpNS -(ALUlql GRIn nX5 rt 3 nxt r. Rra ar I tFtNFrxlf:Fn wtTn wFr nFn pt arFq trFFl Dl aN U-Jl GRID DX5,D.3,DX1 & BX4 ALL REINFORCED WITH WELD,ED PLATES PER PLAN q CONTRACTOR SHATL tlOT BE REOUIRED TO REt O\rE EXlSlTtlc CONSTRUCflON TO INSTALL ADOfTIICNAI RRE PROTECTIOII OF STRIJCTURAL STEEL COLUMNS LOCATED VI'ITHIN THE CORRIDORS ARE I{OT PROTECTED AT TH'S TTME AND ARE IJOT REOUIRED AIIY ADD{ITONAI FIRE-RESFmIE PROTECTK]N Inspecls: GCD Ac{lon: NO NOTIFIED DISCUSSED SPECIAL INSPECTOR REQUIREMENTS WTH SUPERINTENDANT ON JO8. THERE IS COLUMN REINFORCING IN THE UNIT BELOW. ITOLD HIM WE WOULD INSPECT THOSE. ALL OTHER STEEL INSPECTION IS BY SPECIAL INSPECTOR lnsp€ctor: lrm Aclion: Pl PARTIiAL INSPECTION approved tramlng ln 3rd &avel soffit approrr.d framino sth lloot c.illno hat charlrel trispector: JRM - Adion. l.lo IIOTIF|ED SPEChL INSPECTOfi REPORT FOR OFFEE FILE. DATED 1O27lO3 FOR 4TH LE\IEL WE LDl.lG AI{D BOLTlftG. sTH FLOOR REPORT DATED 11/7OlO3 WELDNNG AI{D BOI-TII\|G}. Insp€clor: JRM Actlon: l{' l.lOTlRED FILE REPORTS REC'D FROM SPECIAI- INSPECTOR FOR 4TH AI.ID sTH FLOOR BOLTII.IG ANDWELDII-IG. F]LED lnspaclor GCD A€'ilon: l.lo trOTlFlED MET WITH CHUCK COE THIS DATE RE: STRTETT,RAL FRAME. PRN,ARY MEMBERS IN ROOF ARE NOTED Of{ PI.ANS. THESE ARE THE RIDGE W14X38. AND THE EAST AND WEST RA'G BEAMS W12X5O. THE NEW TS t2X6.5 AND THE EXISTING W14X3O ARE REOD TO BE WITHIN THE WALTASSEMBLY OR INDMDUALLY WRAPED. Item: 5O BLDc-lnsulatlon 1M4Q3 Insp€ctor: JRM Actbnt Pt PARTIAL INSPECTION COMMsnts: APPROVED SOFFIT 3RO FLOOR INSUL ONLY It€m: 50 BLDCT Sh€stock Neil REPT131 " epyxoved " Run Id: L9L2 06-08-2004 lnspectlon Re4uert Reporting 6:46 am l triorn: Comments: 11t14tO3 Comments: VAIL. CO:TQWN OF Insoeclor: GCD Aclton; Pf PARTIqL NSPECTION 3rd FLOOR CORRIDOR PATCHING 2 LAYERS CEILI.IGS 4Ih FLOOR UNIT FIREPLACE CHASE ONLY NOW GYP IS TAPED. InsDector: JPM Actic'n: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTTON APPROVED 3RD LEVEL SHEETRCCK SKIN MINOR PATCHTNG TO BE DONE. FIRE RETARTANT FOAM TO BE USED TO 5EAL SlvlALt GAPS IN STEEL PAI.I OR wlLL MUD A}ID TAPE. Itam: 70 flem: 90 11/17103 Comm€nts: o6tu2to4 Comm€nts: BLDG-MhC, 09/26/03 Commenls: 11iO4tA3 Comnlonts: BLDG-Final 1 1,1tUO3 hrsp€cior: JRM Actbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION COMM€NIS: APPROVED 4TH FLooR CORRIDOR SHEET ROCK. lnsp€clor. JRM Aciion: AP AFPROVED 3RD LEVEL SOFFIT AND STTJCCO COMPLETE 4TH LEVEL INTEROR SHEETROCK COI{PLETE 5TH LEVEL INTERIOR SHE€TROCK COiIPLETE Inspoclor: GCD ftrbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIO|.J 4th AND str| FLOOR EXTEROR 5/A X GYP SHEATHII.IG WALLS. SOFFIT. FACIA AND AND ROOF. COLUMNS AND BEAMS 2 LAYERS OR NruMESCIENT PAINT AND GYP. Inspecfor CDAVIS Aclfon: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL FIRE PROOFING OF EXTERIOR COLUMNS IN A BLDG 2 LAYERS s/8TYPE X USED ftrspector. CDAMS Action: PA PARTL{L APPROVAL 3Rb LEVEL CEILING E;(TERIOR SOUTH AI'ID WEST BEAMS AND COLUMNS FIRE.MTING OF 4 BEAMS AND 3 COLUMNS U-L. Ltttrz6 E-ru'onue MLrfrt- Ctrvwurl r?ae*-,recS QvNLhgc€&'aB"szr8,W MtYlwz t fft- Pec','-tailJ, De-4 1tft1. /s rtzr eLL/<- {: G* Sfit@ ffi A dorrl- <o'rnBrsn.g.€ tuttffHlk lh* Lrlf tF*1 A:fiAuct+ Ct-D+Sarwace ,+s CA",q d*)€.€A- )'' lS .,r*J6Z E€._,4trn | ) b-?-6/ 2Ptzz' d Be otIr11'NtU t REPT131 Run Id: LgLz 3332a'2003 hrHP"Jlcqffi*t3rdns Pasco R|aulcbdlmocdDrb:' |nt9.g;!onAn:SllDAddn r: Tlrn Erp: tondry, Sepbmbrr n,Ng c00vALvru-EYoRvArL m0VALVALIEYDRtAI/3 A,F,Dlnbmr.[on Rloucabd lnso.c{or{cl lbm: l0 B|-Oc#ootnqrrsn l xb|: BEc|(aAS8oCnTES,n lcquerb|: BECr(r^EEIC[{|ES,NC Corimrt: Fourd tmgdoA ArsbillrlTo: lnrciffiAGolf^ m- 2"'cs R.cu.rbd Tlrnc: OEr@ At Pfion: El+tS Enu|(lqf DGOLDEN K $il!: l8S{rED I!pA'l: JRil tl ^,|,x't1uq \J t rr \ /'I 't), a/' I U:-,'./ M'IF|CATPX g$rd fforlS.l I 0n Etthl I *o--!*K ln|o.cfloil Hlrbrv btn: U6 FREDEFT.lilr: l0 8LDeFooUil bm: 20 BLDG'Fomd bor: $ fl"O|eFnntr lrm; 60 El,.Do|nsrhi hm: 60 BLDo$hreh lmu 70 BtDCt/U$.hm: S SLDO'FInd REPT131 Rt:n Id: 1305 aTatE 11-21-2C[F 4:07 nm __ ,n"Fqil,EFH,[I3r"*T _ Pasc61 Rceu.cbd lnrpGct D.b: Tu.cdry, l{ouqhb.r Zl, 2fi}5 ' lnrprc{on Arur: SH slt Arrdre$: ffiruihf*oYDRvNl Recue3Fd Tlme: 02;00 Pfil Phon : g?tl!'lG4ld! .of- c.Ig)+ dr€8 Enbmdry IX|OLDEN K A|P/Dlnfbnnrt|on A.ift,ty: EFaplta ?!ne: &ELEC Subllme: Alif' gt!u|s: tSStEO Con{Tgi: Ocflryaiicy: (&r: tntP^Ili: 9H olfThc XlSllA@RP Asrlh|nt DP.ETECTRG PfFrxi 970-9a$4lrt0 Coifircro.: OP.ELECIRIC Fllom: 970-ga6-{14t}Drc.Fdonr ADO 60 AilF sERtrc€ TO SKI LOCKER ROOM FOR EOOT mYERS Reouoetrd Ingocc{ord gl Itcml l{O ELECfllec,R.qu.rbr: D"P. EI-ECTRIC co0unoldlt Acc{rnod To: AGION: At,f SttA}$J Tln Exp: /70 ,f,7.y,u",-J \ fiou'( .4/^// -'22-2cc:5-' lrEgcqiaHls@v ftem: t1O E[EC-Trnn. Poror brn: 120 ELEGRorrgh ham: 13) El-EC€ontuf lbm: 140 ELEe.mhc. llBm: lSO EI-EC-Fhd Rgprl31 Rrrn Id: 39L2 0&292(n5 Ingpectlon Request Reportlng Page 16 4;29 pm Vall. CO- Clty Ol Requested Insp€ct Drte: Inspec{on Arcri Slte Address: Type: SELEC Occupancy: Thursdry, June 30, 2005 600 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A.I4 A/PJD Inltormadon Acltuttv: E06{121 Const TyFri; O$'ner: KlSl-lA CORP Appllcrnt: D.P. ELECTRIC Contraclor: O.P. ELECTRIC Requesbd Inslecflon(s| lErn: 190 ELEC#lnal R.qu€stor: D.P.ELECTRIC Comrn€nb: BLDG A. t14 Asslgn€d To: SIIAHN Acflon: sublg: AllF Phon€: 970"9264140 Phorie: 97G96-4140 Stah|s: lrrcp Area: ISSUED JRM D.scitrlon: TRIM ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL-NEW CONTRACTOR ON JOB , i-- / --(t ,,'1't'i[''/4P Requesbd Tlme: 08:00 At Phon : gX€369 Entcrod 8y: LCAMPBELL K nme Exp: h lnsoecdon Hlsbry ttsm: 11O ELEC-Temp. Power lbm: 120 ELEC-Rouqh lLm: 130 ELEC-Conrlult llem: 14O ELEC-Mbc. tt€m: l9O ELEC-Flnsl REPTl31 Run Id: 3350 o o 07-01-2005 Inspecfron RequestReportng Page20 4:16 pm Vall- CO - CIU Ot - Reouested hso€ct D!h: Tuesdrv. Julv 05.2005 ' Insocdflon Arue: JRt SlteAddressr 600 VAL VALLEY DR VAIL NORTHVUOODSiOO VAIL VALLEY DR # A.I.O A,PID Inlbrmrdon Acltultv: ltl0il-(}248 TvD€: SMECH Comt Typ6: Occupaity: ol|v'hr: KISFIACORP Appllctnt FIRE l/l/ORKS HEARTH & PATO hrc. Coilbador: FIRE l/lrORKS HEARI}I & PATIO ltlc. Descrlptlon: INSTALLATION OF A GAS RREPTACE Reauested lnso€cdon(sl subl6: AMF Phonc: 97G92&8758 Phone: 970-92&8758 Requested Tlme: I | :00 At Phone: 3764799 Enbr€d By: LTILLMAN K Sbtrs: lrEp Ares: tsst Eo JRM lbm: 390 ltlECHflnal R€quosior: FIRE UIf,RKS HEARfi & PATIO, l1.lo' John Comments: IAI{VULL CALL-liz hr nodc./John 37e0799 AsslgrgdTo: JIIONDRAGON Acfon: _ Thme Erp: Insoecfron Hlstorv It6m: lbm: lhm: lbm: Item: tbm: tl€m: Zfl) MECt&Rouh 310 MECFI-haUnO 315 PLMBGoS Pldm 320 tlECFl-Erhauir tloodi 3$ MECtI-SupplyAh 34O MECFMts'. 390 liEc$Flnal REpr131 Run Id: 3376 07-01-2005 Inspectlon Request Reportlng Page 11 4:16 pm Vell, CO- Ctty Ol - Requested lnspect Dab: Tu-esday, July 05, 2005 ' lnspeddonAre.: Gb Slb Address: 600 VAL VALI-EY DR VAIL 600 VAIL VALLEY DR # A-I4 ArPrD lniormaflon !(}$922!) Reouest d lmpeedon(sl Item: 390 MECHflnal : &MECH Sub Actlvlty: Consl Tlp6: Ownor: Applb€nt: Cohbldor: D€scrlp0on: Comment Commsnt OccuPe rrcf Klst-tAcoRP CO}ICEPT MEC|-iANICAI, ltlc COI.ICEPTMECI'IANICAL, ltlC Phon : 97()'9{9(}200 rouoh ln hor$ru sh€€t m€t l rnd snowm€lt llnes tor condo. tomodel ROf,MDTOGREG. OFLORES Contr.dor crlled for snowmalt Inspecdon und€r lhe plumblno permlt numb€r. clllod confsdor and b{l nressaq€ thoy would not bc Eailng th. snowmalt fiof '2 rcaior*, ona calhd wrong p€mlt numb€r arid two ttl€ moctE-ncbl pormlt hasn'l b€Cn .pprorad yst. ltlentbn€d ther6 was a posslt lty Spy wouH bo doubl€ f€e tor thb. - GoENCKLA Phone: 97G94€XI2fi) Roqu*br: COtICEPT MECMNICAL, / John coliments: Al,UttULL C.ALL t/2 hour 1lo'0c€/376-o79!rJohn AsslonedTo: JiilONDRAGOI.J ' Acflon: Tlme Exp: lnspecton Hlsbrv Requested Tlme: l0:30 At ' Phone: 376.079) Entsrod By: LTILLIiIAN K Item: 2fl) MECtI-,Rouoh c6t1710f Insp€c{or: @D Actlon: tlOl,lOTlFlED Comrn nt SEE EXIIAUST I'POO6 It€m: 31O MECFlHea0no " ADorovrd " OS2A(X lisD.ctor: JRM ' ' Actlon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comnr€nt IOO ' AIR TEST FOR INFLOOR HEAT ON I.FPER LEVEL OI.ILY 0F,l28lm lnsD.ctot: JRI{ Aclbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTIOiI CdtIMENt SI'SN.V iELT EXTERIOR DECK TJFPER LEVEL OiILY lOO ' AIR TEST 06/29/U Inspeclot: GCD Ac{on: APAPPROVED Comment HYDROT{CS lmFd TEST. llam: 315 Plil&c.s PlDlm " ADDrovcd " (Jf5l17lo4. Insiector:"@D Actbn: APAPFROVED qqtnlq|nt CdlBlt{ATtOtl CSSTA}.lD BI.ACK IRO}.|MED PRESSURE lspsl TEST. ltEm: 3a0 MECI-l-Erha6t l-loods * ADprovd " 0817/04 lnspeclof: GCD Acllon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Comm.nt ORYER DIJCT IS 52' IA,ITH 3 gYS PRO\,IDE BOOSIER FAN, BATH FAN ON 5OI FLOOR RUN TO RIDGE VENT I.IOT APPROVED. OT.IE SATH FAN IESS T}IAN 3 ;NOT' I/VINTX'W RX UPPER SASH OF DOUELE HTJT.IG U'NOOW. KIrcH€N VENT FROTI 4ih FLooR TI.FU 5TI FLOOR '{OTTTRI, R@F.0d29O4 Insp€clor: oCD Acdon: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION Com'a.nt BATH FAN O$I Sh FLOOR TERMIT.IATED AT SOFRT IN EOO.t1/6/O4 Inspac{or: GCD Ac[on' APAPPROVED commrnr: ITEMS FROM $17-04 APPR. Item: 330 l{ECFI-SupplyAlr REPT131 Run Id: 3376 07-01-2005 4:16 liom: Inspecdon Request 1{€m: 390 MECFI-Flnsl REPT131 Run 3376 ffiff 'n"4ll.[F:Ell3r'n, @" *.q,*"'lilllT"mffi: Jffr, Juryos, 2005 SlbAtfilrt||; t(xt VAILVALIEY DR VAIL c{xt vAtL vAlLEY DR t A.l{ AED$e@lgc[ Rmuefid lnto.oiloilsl tbm: 200 P|'"m+lnJ ESEM.EI'E !bm: zXt PL : CON{CEFIiIEC}{A,I{CAL,/Jolu : Al#t $LL CJILL tiz lto|r nodc./ Jofb 37e07!B IhIEry: . O"O*fneovrd" Slatn ISSIJED lmpAm: JRlt 97G!X9{nO 97O€.€{m0 llvouf. Rc,rJGH rN rflvcAs PTPTNG R.flr.chdTlmc: l0:00Atf - Plpm: 3?EO7S Enbtrdry LTILLilAN K d4# {r h-&- AEdon: Pl P RT]AL ll{tPEcllof,l sor6; mr {C Phom:{c Plron: PLInHNG}FORNEWg ftAOOm 8ED,|I131 3376 Run tr]Hffi --- rtrFl m la t-- (D .l-tt |-r l-.1 |b l<x f llYt lm: 6 l.)aS f;x.,lri S ItrP o l^/ ir O l<: 3 l-rt 3 33 o.< dP a!L (io Ct,>f =-e i; -- o _n m = =pP 2== YP f-o o z CN {n o -{6 z t rn n =-{ 'r1! z=o@ 22 ^ rr., z 'r -t m -l I =z a F F.l E p E r E rl h P I z IT H av F' 3 14 r. z m ut Irl F-ts F H OE =tr <F r><rJ >to ir fn v I lo\ I l< t'rt<*t>o. lts I tt-,It{ lF{ I IN t. o=a'd o>'r- Oa z. t---t c 3= -1 Z m (- m c)--t = r o 2"im nz >m --l > 2 an m c)I z o z -{ o i l =t H F F v) z z ot =tr <F ts >p <p 2fr Y lo lx I l91 lo\ - | ".1 +ol -5 I \ol rl O\l \tl \ol I I t'tl l3 I It! tl+lrn l- lcD IH IE I Itp te lre IF li+ Itrl IF lv)t" I l-l t€ lz lo ll l>l- lm lF,lz t tr r \o t.)o\ I (, l ) N) Fl z rtl E P z ts P F l-l lo t:tz t$l^5tY h.)| . .!lt vt 5lm lo l= le I I I I I I I l-i to t€ lz lo lI t> lr- lm lo lz 1..) O! I (, ul \o \o s \o I .F- (, .r1 -{ {z o I r m 9 s I 14 -.1 t-r mlo El='tz lo ll l> lF tm 16,,lz lo I I I I I I TO q€o!1i-12 za al-'z : z>oo rl<H< >0 ol @d z c -r z (t c F -t z -t I o z t t c m l z t- m t =-t U) z m m m o m o ! l,x z B' I z o i c -t X X N fio<>'n_E m €-, T 'l' z z tl \o z rn { --t m =z a --t z n m !: c _n ONt-z x=uA'r,4-rn P Eo n>_n =zo 6Qo .)'1 z va@ i: g e zt4-_i 11 ZZ { a P> N@= n< = z c)r tt)III N) tq X H ,{a I F rtl x H z H H F z H v, v, I F h { ;E 3 d ' o9o SiFg ='iil6 !i=aro -='< R {o{E<u-' *i*r' c') o:f =-.oo,c f *- C);'E-f Y;i-:i55 19;;6o:: O^.urX c!? ry.* = *id f (og+o O*=D ---=--f+i6 ;taI.d i l1'' .'J-i= Eeis isgP t'^,Af , Jo = ==o=Xigt(D <o-f 0:d P d f 6 =. I sa&i Fu a =.,ERd +a:€,':(,o=. o € o c a c f o l o J o o es s :&.,\ N C. i I \o l.o (Jr gl (Jr '\ L'\\o ;l \o I I I I =z 6 -.1 I o z z F @ F =z o m --{ r !m = ='Tl m m q, m 2 c tTl g. --{ m m i z n m m >{ !t- z -m ^ (D g t- = m 3 m n = ='Tl m m U' s\ + (\ a \ \ss c)o 2 2 n C o {6 z 1t FT F ={ * ,r.' f\l 5$ d o m F$gI e3 R3 ;o i!-rg ta :5 -st 6{3r ag c!za B;1 I !tn i ouE E3FIg ,.l= l.trtrn gE o@ 33 2 Ei rn; I t ><r(>3 >(>( o o :c E; qjj ?E 7,i g! c 2p 8E de tl- =m =o <-{6'd9 aF o ,a -rn v->m oa -{>oF ! t o ;m o o €z m - b @ 2 3 $ ,.o a\i'\l/t t' lN) ts lct t0- t v gf;utO o> o e !c 2 o t s !3 ! I P o < o J ! |l I !r I r\r o f*l o I I t9 r f?'E Itt lo ltii Ei3ii tt EF tt J:t a tl tl qn EI 5F 8i : u,ll ll tl ll z (t -{ o a I z o 6 , a ti c'0 o z !m t 3 U, z m m o tn qr l<" l2 t2 t< t> I T x J { itt a .,| ;,c 1 o an e I ^2 o 2l fnl {l : , 2 t : l2 ID li t; ts I: t: -{1 ; -l |lt o 2 o ! o ] o 2 II tl tr I v t |t I * rt t t, I I tr" c ffi iEl HE ; E gI |.:3' e 6? Fl I =..-f \W cl o t FENI F'N rSll ieNl rFl ll 3le EIE frl' o !m - =t!tn s C o m t o ?c ! H t a o t 2 ! {t n 0 ! o !m t m 3 I 2 o P I c 3 e 6 in o ,() F r z o I o , o C'2 o T a 3 ! an F = .t'l m m Q vALUAlroN n a = -o 3 o I I 6 F P c 3 c 2 o F fi o !6 F o g -0 2 6 afl XI vI hl ; (\x .\ \, ;6 F s a c ^ \ o o (l U I d_ a a o x A .o il I \ ,q a o c N (^d J Y 1l I .-{(J\ \t "$Lf! N o ! .I LN MEMO Michael L. Sanner Architect P.O. Box 667 Avon, Colorado 81620 4 sep 90 Telephone (303) 949-67e0 Re: Aguine Renodel Unit '14, tAt Buildlng Northwoods Condoniniums Town of Vail, Building Dept.atten. Mike Whittaker Dear Mi-ke, As per our telephone conversation today I to confirrn the following: fTo sep o4 p90 am writin6 this le-uter 1. Existing plans for Northnoods done by the office of Fitzhugh Scott, Architects indicate steel beans supporting the roof overhang and the cantllevered decks below. These beans occur in llne with the main exterior wall therefore the walls being renoved at the Jrd and fourth floors should be non-load bearing waLls and the nerv lvalls should also be non-load bearln6. ff the contractor, John Boles, should discover that the framing is different fron this he rrill contact me and I vill have an engineer design an adequate support systerc. 2. The contractor w:ill al-so build all'nalls with elther non-com Iunber or metal studc as per Type II construction requireruents of the UBC. I trust that this covers al1 your concerns. Sanner, AIA ce: John Bolee Slncerely -'"'/ ,. t-lt(i I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rNs THUR FRI REQUEST VAIL t\ii,l t t.'oo* lr;lZ JoBNAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED AM I U PECTION " TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION:. i-'. , rl al; ./1 +t-) r )\-t PM tl,'r 'r' ar'u,,..{-r,'rt (ql() SaPenoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: I PLUMBING: tr n FOOTINGS / STEEL D tr D D tr tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOONDATION / STEEL N ql RAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n D FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR qsqt l ,*ril"toN REQUEST, PERMI DATE T JO T NUMBER OF PROJEC 'o/s B NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON dS' WED THUR FRI -AM PM LocATtoN: t'I \l, ,.ict<lc's. (1,,s i\O h tq CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING NSULATION D POOL / H. TUB z-\'----' tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - n |--l D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nFl_ D FINAL tr FINAL tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FINAL tr FINAL firennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ome /1/ - /*,-rzz tNSPEcroR \ -t.t...... . t \..\ \ \'=_INSPECTION ;, TOWN OF I REQUEST: VAIL I PERMIT NUMBER DATE i,vtr.n;ac!' fi t JOB NAME MON CALLER Ulu PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: /---\TUES /WED/ THUR \_-{,i Ur:i ,- t \1r,.-tlu' L) {) AM ,'- )\ (:[, ,, i7Y BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o r.y. Moue n O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR PERMI DATE NUMBER OF PROJECT rNStctoN TOWN OF t REQUEST VAIL I I {ct t\ TU JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:@D WED THUR FRI - ---{9 PM READY FOR LOCATION: ES +L BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr rEMP. pdrurn MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR 4 O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ^ /-) a',/1\ ^ 7t4 ',-t r\DA-1E /( ''- ,/ ( / \) TNSPECTOR nfrsnoe ltye PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOW .PF VAIL NAME i -'/' !- lL l .r,4"' INSPECTI CALLER : TUES,D THUR PM-z \-- t,i t:J/, r t BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB .- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI CALLER,. TUES BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E] FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED,Z CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /2- 7- /t INSPECTOR The ltens below givlng a perult Please check off FINAL PLUEING INSPECTION'S aeed to be eouplete a flnal C of 0. la the box provlded. COMPTETED before DATE: FINAL UECHANICAI DATE: I}IPROVEMEM SI'RVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: tl tl I I FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE: NXST SIDE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: l___-, M CERTIFICATE OF OCCITPA}ICY DArE: l- 1 -1 (l LAI{DSCA?ING DI'E DATE: FILE NAI{E: a Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect.Addressandphone: fvt ./ ( 3. ^ , ?-t?-AJt ?f', Legal Description: Lol Block F iling Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: run #,,{#'- Date: Staff Approval lf o o I o ,\lrcit.rcr L. -){.f tlncr Architecr P.O. Box 66i Avon, Colorado 8lti20 Ncrthryccds Concloyrlniurn Aesoc 600 VaiI Vattey Dr. Val1, Coloraclo Re: Unlt 14 A renodeL 'felephone (303) 949-6790 5 Aug 9o o. ^,,'$\t'-\ets Dear Slrs, As the alchitecr for l,ir. Aguli.re I arn requestlng approval r'or Mr. Ag { rfs unit r.eJ:todel . {see atrache,l dra'r'1ngs. ) 0n t"he thlr,d fl ,ur an area of ] feet by 9 feet c f tl:e e':<istirrg decr rl.ti be er:c'i Osed. The facade ,,vOulij j-.:i;< the sa:::e as lt <ices; i-,ow r.r:ith tne sat:re windoiv and door, siding and tr"ili bcin5 r.i;:ed.. 'IIre rei;iainin.g decx ilrruld be unaltet'ed. 0:: tne forth floor the kitchan -r,rould be lncr,le^sed by ti:e Earne J ft. by 9 ft. r:rae and, i,rould en,:lo;rr;ar[ of the exi.rrting deck. There *o'.iid be one a\:.rrir1g,vin,lo,,r c,r the scut;:r vrail, /1$ ft . by Z* ft. in size. Als-. ti:c dining rcl;r. riculS be exten,:.ed to enciose a , fL. by 9 ft. portlOn c,f Lne deck. Tiiere i.'Oul d bs 3 double hi_irrg l,i-nCo.,is cf 4 ft. by 6ft. siz-e and a 3 tt. door.ro.,.he reriai.rrhtg riecir. AIl ';ir^;;ri.s anC finishea iyill natch exisii.:g concriL-ol', : .'l i i','-11 blend into the exist.i ng; fal.rtie. lh1 s wirl looir veli'srrrui"] ar io a ur:it t.o the er"st of l.lr. r"guirrere. ln the sa'te bul"ldtng, rlJe ho3e to begln rirls project as soon as posslble and appreciate your prornpt revi_ew a.:rd a-rproval . 't;s c0Ni ffij*.\Dtr Sir,cereli,.--)/.-J-",1 ..i' -'U / '!t'" ';"-''- ",'L',i 1/.,11t ./.,r\ ."" g'.,1-'za,^.--.. -.---t " - "r,l .' .jichae1. l,.u Slun;r, AIA noa- \oqXt+ v.DoNL