HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN PARK UNPLATTED LEGAL (5)scol'E otr wonK Dcscr ipt lon of Mate_t: jj_1l.lan0_L:tUqf l,latthervrs & Associates will furnish all the labor and rnateriala necessary to inetall a TORO automatic underground sprinkler aystem at Bighorn Park, as per plan of JuIy l98l by L. IJ. ilohnaon Distibuting Co., Denver, CO; to include the follorr-ing, and with the following substitutions: TORO *179-56-01 Monitor II automatic controller 2" reduced proasure principle b-qckflow preventer 83 TORO series #540 sprinkl_er he[ds (valve-in-head type) PvC pipe distribution system pump & pump station installation to be billed @ time + materials electricity to pump & controllerl by others t. Status Princ ipa I Engineer Landscape Architect Project Coordinator Irrigation Repairman Supervisor Dr6 ft sporson Laborer Special Coni:ultirril: CASIT 54Oe R;r^khoeu/Lo:t*ler w/ oper-at()I. I'I1E SCITIiDTJLE S45.00 service Il:::rl-u--tsete $40. 0O $35.00 $30"00 $ 2 2.00 call + 920.00/hr. 9 20' 00 $18 .00 $ 18" oo r-'o 5, I plri:; 2() Ilercent- $48.00 THE TANDPLAN OESIGN GROUP 3535 S. SHERMAN ST., SUITE 2OO ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 1O llarch 4, 1-981 SITE PLANNERS & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS RECREATIONAL PLANNING LANDSCAPE DESIGN INSTITUTIONAL PLANNING FEASIBILITY STUDIES LAND PLANNING Mr. Pat Dodson, Director Parks & Recreation Dept. Town of Vail?. O. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 8L657 REF: Letter of Agreeurent for Planning Services on the K-C ?roperty, Tor.m of Vail Dear Pat: As per our on-site discussion at the K-C property, February 27, I'm fo:cvarding this letter as a fo:mof agreement for those services we discussed. To briefLy reiterate that discussion, I have outlinedthe key iteurs and services you are requesting frmLDG. We will perforr these services in a rel-ativelyshort time frame and for a uaximum fee of $1,500.00.The final product wilL be a sketch plan of the pro-perty, indicating the following items: 1. The property line of the park, the approximatse acreage and distinguishing features, such as:the pond, Gore Creek, existing vegetation, exist-ing roads and inrmediately adjacent off-site uses. 2. Contour lines approximating the thew gradingtt which is currently being constructed by theTown. Also, a very rough grading plan indicat-ing what additional- earthwork may need to takeplace to compl-iuent the work being performed by others. Ihis grading pl-an wi1-l be based onin-the-fiel-d observations and is not intendedto be an accurate representation of the existingconditions. Its prime purpose will be to graphic-ally characterize the ground slopes, benching for open fields, benns for buffering views and generall-y portray the land as it needs to be tofacil-itate the proposed park uses. Mr. Pat Dodson Town of VallVai1, Colorado 8L657 -2- 3. fhe proposed park uses, in quick sketch form,illustrating autmobile parking, open playfields, pond restoration, walks/trails, play ground area, natural areas left undisturbed,foot bridges and landscaping. As stated earl-ier, the final product will be anillustrative sketch plan that will be used by the Park/Recreation Depattment to graphically comunicateto the Town the potential- recreation value of theproperty. I,Ie also understand that at a later tine(earLy strmmer) a more comprehensive study of thispark will be funded by the Parks Dept. At that time an accurate site topo map of the existing condj-tionswill be developed. Ttris, along with the otherrelated studies and design, will provide the Townwith a detailed pl-an and cost estimate for the pro- posed park inprovements. We are currently developing a base map frmr the topodata you supplied to us l-ast Friday. Once the site has been substantialLy graded by the contractors that you are dealing with, we will make a site trip to conduct our in-the-fiel-d obsenzations. ltris will be the forxrdation on which we shall base our t'rough gradingt'plan. From that point, vte can very quickly prepare the sketch plan and return it to you. If you agree \'rith the contents of this letter and the fee maximum, please return one copy of the letter to our office. lle are proceeding with the work, so pl-ease notify me imediately if you have any questions. Sincerelv-J\r ff,&n--r'ftatv zV' Dennis StrahPrincipal DS/jr Enclosure Pat Dodson, Director Parks & Recreation Dept. Date A .t /a '{ tny thcerl rllt- EKNIBIT A Coveling the Land in thc Stete of Coloredo, C<runty of Eagle t ' ' Describerl as: t. A parcel of land situated in the sE t of Section 12, T5S, R80t{-, of the 5th P.M. Dagle County, Cdlorado more partlcularly described a s f o.l lovrs : Eeginning at a point on the south line of said Section 12, whence the soutbeast corner of sald section 12 bears s 89053t24" e, 532.00 feet said point being co;nmon wlth a Parcel conveyed to JACK A. wItKfN and recorded ln Book 2ll' Page 520 tagl'e Counby recordsi Thence N 89053',24" W, 335.25 feet to a point on the Northerly Iine of .luniper Lane sald point being on the arc of a curve to the left having.a r.dllu! ol I85.OO fe.t and 6 chord bearlng }f 74048 "18', r{, 96,260 fcct, Thence on the arc of 3ald curv€ 97.38 fcct to Tangency); ,fhence N 89o53'2a" r, l5l.5l fect to . Polnt Headoe Drive, saldt Polnt belng on thc arc of having a radlua of 10t.10 fcet and whoee long 5\'23" w, 1ll.{6 feltt tho P.T. (Point of on the East line of a curv€ to the l€ft chord balrs N 30o 'fhence on the arc of .ttd curv€ 117.10 fect to th€ P'T', Thence N 6200{'00" lf, 248.61 fa.t to. Polnt on the Northerly I ine of Moadoe Drlva, Thcnc€ N 2?o56'Oo', l, l82.lo to r PotFt on th. southerly llne of said t{i tkln Patccl I Thence s 88007'38' l, 19.83 l..tt Thence s 68015r27r !r l?1.51 lcotl Thenco S l3o58r03. t, t?l.Bt !a.tt Tlrenc€ s 19051'52' !, 195.00 fartt Thence s 09002rlar l. 201.85 ta.tt Th";;; s 6?026.02. t; f23.2t fa.t to the polnt of beqlnnlrrq, County of Eagl€, St.t. ol eolorrdo. ExcEpr rhe folloulng Prrc.lr.* ?,:. r.-, A parcel of, rand rlturtcd la thc sFt 9l Scctton'I2' trbenshlP 5 3"5ii'1"^"is"-iii=w"ii Ii-it'. ott' Prlnelgrr r'rldl'n' nor' Ptr- ticurarly described.I'rJi"i""It -adi;itti !t I Point ehrch 1r | ',r sE corn.,r or """Ji"iiil-l"rn"r,ip 3-€ath. nrns. 80 we3t ,,r Lhe 6th PrinciPrr'ilirirl"t- in"t'ie x 89o5i'2{' td 867'25 f,..,t to a polnt or, ttc arc of ! curvGt -th'nco N ?lol8't6' l| .r["g it. "t"ia-ii t}t"-gut"t i6'-26 tc"t to th' truG . irrl or besinninsr ;;";; i-'Cg"irirl: r 161 '6r feet; thcnc6- , r,rrrr tle arc of t .,rti"-ittitrt- t"Pt"1r!1-"--chord bcrrlng ll 3I! ";i,,i 'ii'-riilsi-r""ti^ii";;-lr ez"ol'oo:^tr rs0 reet thcnce N ""t 'oo" E tr7.40 r"";";;;;"; i-eiSoiioo' n ras'13 faett thence '." .'6'00" t{ 99.43 f "Jt'I"-'tf'"- truc lFlnt of bcglnning' L gl i !o,r,l,*r$;# rs:3 F i",r"dgFt?a:.: "o*! i ei";f $;*,$;i ;i;! :ti59,r"ibr^il iid8 ;:,i:SeEElgIS;i q2i; ;;;:b5v! iE:rBi $;iE ;i;!r'!i;;!;e: F;s,qr itBeEEI;t.g;*;; gFf :d?""6 aitg:;;:{ii:r;;E;; $:ig:;:;;r:I?g:git:;,I;;i c i gi J i; s : E E; r i il ; !el nr ;€ rd; E ; sE;;; [;li sBE.!:;iel';::aFE.rE FEj ii:iE fj iI,i:; a i'$ t : : : i E ; E ; ; il" i' g : =' # f I :; i: ; 3;.e 6 €r'e 5 s :,'i e .g-i : .d r s i c €- ; $5b jrea:i3io.E;-i E!.1 q,E;r|uqiii:i Eif, ;a;irisirneg ; ol -rt !Ft o !l : ll r,ol FJ UIt9gl .'ot ,it iart l!!t o, PI o c q, a, o Er .,O ..rr?tlfcau|BEokooralQtlH,!o4QrC!caJ|}!tA,,ro.eo i 3.3 fl!qjJko,,=l iOC.cI " ii t ul(rx'll!l)aJr'{c..ild '.,CnclarO..{..O-..\<O.,.1 2xtq,qllA9u,auOCcJ+ ,,1 q, ,h i oir . o52E 3l 3-9.4rD cl fi .a -.a Iilti F! c 9.V\talqF 2t rr ) =; ^l 3 € - 6.Jl { u rr ulrl .C .r OalJuE2Oil i g i o :l a !l r.1il c,; H., ?4OL.€41t4 .rOC'ttEt6ttcc|6 :r ct\{JttEXl...tOqtEO>o,65 S? 6.()4(l..{4 io!lo <E>9 t\,OA z?cO'.IT CJ(,(, rtc rroOr! ,<00l (, 9A vE zo EO !)6 qtdOl{!.ooo4U |!] ,dlrl <' l!.ol !.d-l I. :t Ir. il u,' .q hl 4r-r Yl:c _ ,rl)< zl €!: hl ()zlcl rj9t € 5 !q #** igIigiFiIi:;F I j\-F c;* F!5ar I,J -\s ) >*. 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(|.P 0, knt O.'rc ln ZAA h t.l .Or,< "tr,! o q . !| aN 2 aJO qe |l|tq|E A tt >6,1 Q Uor IOr{ Eri! at-r 01 cc,.{o rJ o o rto Ict (rit o.t lJI E -b -E .JOrr Ut U6 Cr{U .,, E--6't 3. Frlr ot. o o"; 3U OFo.qn aJO .J JJ.x i,6 qrA AE i! CE'6 aoaj .JZ 2 utB ,..3 nta "{./c {r "'-: 6i.i o'' ,,r E o .". 8."n 3 R9" eE r! "o "1.:i o'J r' !6 o ,r€ E t.r nt8 - tr€ :I E ag I5.- oEr Fr oa! .< -3 uro '{oo ?5o nl t'- :,< I.rEO 4r.O0 sr rJca ;LA .98 :U5' S,,i , 30" ": i - l/l .4 d..{ 9 c !, iJ: E :i "9F. oo a a.a a .u e r: .c.o-<r "'! oE e :.t* o ' I EA ""3t n9"j; : G,: .?r .ru c9. o trt|!tq, t! ,-lc. {o r! o oal (,) !t-r 0 o ..1 ao.. |/|.r , q, E {, . 1t t{ roo.!,a ta .9 lr.d l. B0ro iL 3 A-t Ct ,|<I .'{ o coo trko 0 !j 0et qo .,t E a,tt I t| rr : dr.r{9 ql OF C r>l |!.\ O $.iO U =, ,g q.O.O O a\ . I .r O \o I_ E. lJ.,{ . ta urS G . |,t/|+ t6,: |!E dl .tZ Fr I Eci i u,I rn H rn l!.i o L,r -.4 '< qlE A .9 o I O..'{ > . ,c O o!8,< ={ s - '! .!.iF oi C t!3 aJ o\ > 6.-{ <)OI !t l' O'{ .! tI '. @.{ !.4 t, orE 0,3 rt r E^ ! - c-{\o O C}rF t 2, .l .o O>r.Zectl Oc, d .dt .t,| (J:! o!],'.{ EOo<d e, O er- oc olbt !,).FF rr.qO F t/'l o { u -i r. ua, U OC.'r uCO o,er{ ..1 .XO trO rr CO E'o..raa Clr a lntulru u 0, E !r0 arc cro>- cJ. '\(^ O.qtr< C, t-4! .c '! ,C C,.!ttt .C<94 ElJ|Jr,: l. li'< .,F FE lr E.e6 t< ''l r II I I I II J I I I I I J DATE OT IIIETING: ITBIIBENS PRESENT: ACTION TAKE:{ BY BOARD: , fl' / r-lorroN,fu/nt - - - - sEcoNDED ur'/n-l0f AGAINST: at il VOTE: APPROVIiD: ; DISAPI)ROVIiD: ABSTENTION: SUI\IIIATIY: { t! ?f;olJl't{.l ;f!l il.{ :.3.hd i\l uJ 7{t 't j B \t )' t ,l 'J 1l'tJfllt,l .J PATJL g.AMPSON 1f,,*1, JulV 81 19?7 Torn of VaLl VaiLr Colorado Dcar l[r. Dobson: ($q I rn thc crner of a 6.1+63 ecre percel knorn as KJ.C. of VatI (ffag Artlrurrs Court) in East Vail-. I ras in Veil on June 3obh to nake tlre first payrent of $1r9lr0 on the pavtng essessnent and to contact a ourbe r of people rcgarriing the developnent rnd sale of this properby. fith $31800 il paving assessnent paynertr a year plus taires, I donrt feel I can continue to rait aay longer 1n the disposition of this property.. Ideat\y thi.s Land. shouldnrt be developed becausc of Its rvater and park slte advantages anC I would personelJ'y prefcr lt be used in tbis ray. In talking to Ste! Bern- steinlhe ueggected I put in a letter to you ur current thinking on this property and on what basis I would be willing tc sel1 it. In tatking to geveral Vait rcal estate people it seens clear I could develope it as duplex honesites and rpa}ize in ercess of $2001000 afLer paying any pavlng, planninge utilitya'end real estate comission costs. I ar tllLing to gel1 lt to the Torvn of Vall on either of tro approaches. If re are agreed that $200;O0O is a fair pri,ce, I rill sell it at that figurer 0rr I au rilllng to accept the fair narket valoe judgnent of 3 appraiocrs. r oon€ foll woulci choos€, ooc I u ould chooset and a tlrird they rculd choose. In either clse, the price ohould not be srbject to reduction for further pavlag assessnent paynents. P1ease let ne hear fron Jrou soon. CCr Sta,n Bemstein .Iin Ianoat hy^au J Aprll ll, 1977 Mr. John Dobson, l.layor and Vall Town CouncllVall, Colorado 81657 Gentl emen: I am the owner of the 6.463 acre portlon of the Klng Arthur's Court land at Vall whlch ls under consfderation by the town as deslrable land to be purchased and converted lnto a park area. I have walted patlently for over a year now for the Town to cometo a declslon ln thls matter and flew out to Val] ln November to meet wlth the Councll and dlscuss the matter wlth you. I understand progress ls belng made and that there ls a strongllkllhood the Town wlll seek voter approval for the flnancfalprovlslons needed to mrke a number of land acqu{sltlons, Jncludlng thfs one. I have kept thls property off the market ln an effort to glve Vall a clear path to acqulrlng it and uslng it for the publlc good...but am naturally concerned at the wlsdom of doilnq thlsfor what can seem llke an endless strfng of months. I rrould appreclate some lnd{catlon of the seriousness of your lnterest and, lf strongly lnterested, how soon you feel you could be ln a posltlon to make a comnltment. I wlll look foryard to hearlng from you. Slncerely, Paul Sampson PS/dk cc: Jlm Lamont, Town of Vall PAUL SAMP6ON dI t I I0Hl| box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476.5613 office of the town manager April 27, L977 l'[r. Pau]. Sampson Greenbush RoadCharLotte, Vermont 05445 Dear Itlr. Sampson: Th:lI you for your letter of April LL, 1977, regarding the6.463 acre portion of Ehe King Arthur Court'prc,frerty.- The Town Council discussed the matter at its April 19thmeeting. The council wishes to notify you that any future land acqui- I \sitions will not be consideied until the outcome of a pudlicelection on the Real Estate Transfer Tax is known. The electionhas been scheduled tentatively for Ju1y. Subseguent to apositive election result, the council ioirr ue in a position toestablish priorities on its land acguisition program. The council does not wish to hinder any plan which you may beconsidering for disposing of the propeit!, at this t-ime. a,JAD/sjm ,,t [] b. Sincerely, t PAUL SAMPISON P. O, BOX itt FREEDOM, cot tte-?0!t Autust 2t L976 lr'. Terry Lerger,' torrn llanager Box 1O0 Ve1ll Colorado Dear llr. I6nt9r: Thle la to conflrm ny tclephonc c<.rnversgtions vitit JLn t*rnont ro5aniiog ny offer to sell t ire parcel cf lend referrrsdto as i(fuU Arthurrg Court to tbe Twn of Vsil. I an wi1),14 Uo sel-1 lt lor ;I65rcc0 anc unocrstanci you are lncludlng that anount as a rrnaxfuun pricen ln t he Seplenber Iand Acqulsitlon -ij oild Issue. I understaad f urt,hcr thet I shou 1'.r the ,jond Is gue rE- ceive votcr approvcll you till then want to 3o through an appreleal proceoure before coaroittln; the tonn of Vall to a fical prlce. Althou4b I havo tJ€en approachec !r, cieveloptent 5,n- t.rloto eeking acceas to thls landl I *1L1 urit until septcnL.cr and ecllon by the 'lown of Vai1, I sin'p$ fccl il i,s sror€ rrri6htrr tlrat ttrls plece cf land be usad 8E a pyk tlran prlvately developod. I rrill be 1o touch illth Jin L- nont a5r,ln i-n ..epteri.oer. Slneere\t, CC: tlb -Llront -^. .\ \ o ttozT / /;n dt4"r .rr-u ,'t .*o*- .+ t*+cfn-A&etz '/ /1" {<1/ Yd,/. % VIo,taT/l' /ffi-.fl' l-z-TtR*s t C?.{L& Xc'twri cL4 ,/244../L c/d-.fkt*,/ /*a(L cd {Zrf, {aaN 7/L{o ,/4-u-' 5!r-tn-<^ 'V4? 4/rt rty'tt A CI7r . / /. / --.',p TLI4 ,/4-u-' 5!r-tn-<^ 'V4? 4/rt rti,/tt futu-c.<- Q*-fr,or=-. /q /na-r-r,--/;t-' .zt4d offic %: &u-'Lz-'r,./i'J A*-o /L.-- / '/t- 'h* k) ffi. (t''-t- ,::4' {O,*A-/3- tu<- y."r.- rc-/,+tf A{<-* C') /'J.r+r. ll lt / .t .-(J , g-& -to --/u-h /4. Q"n-.-o- fr(* TTr-4* h-J* *-a t/u-*.' .laa'''a--.'ft*^ d-l**r{r*tA- l*Z c/,*h'o .to^-(,r;A, , / ,1 I /.-^-+Cl^'^-+0'4,'t- ^t/*tcLa-" { /r-t oyAlt---* 4 A,u,- %^Y /x.,r!" y'ot. ,#a/ ttX<zt,-t rcr4Y ./ (r-, \ o o =9 na'/-;fl'd d f/* f-,-.-,h;,<-,act^td fr.yU "WU"X H,"- -?t ^',- g Ya,A-,CL fr.fH "!!Lyd.H4' -2t,,,! g 1/a'a-, p*t".rTrX **';' d/,^; a,-71-4*1 , ,L lon-a ft*"^,rr',-A-, dd f/-! ,JL :N fu? ,-rtt1.4-rta "')"L4&,U* fta44.?7-1ro.z.r/n4-*- -.-; J.{41e, !o' nsr'q,'in^tl r 9- a+'L ,c<rtEar-h +r.r- ,,/,u-. AF.- /*,rrtbs 74a;-rr- /.! *-*Q * .<-/r o---,-' Tj*)u N-u, &fz.-- fl,- ee-Lr/4 , .V I er t ,-r--- .'r -l /UUA VtuoL.nff*..-lL fu Mh, * .f(* fu2,*' ;-y' cutrv<-z--n- PU'r *rt a-- "JLr- ,y?L^--(&-Gr9-"rf/L,b cL- / Ao-k H'** /ffiLcl, ,("--l' *+u---U0{v 3/-,*,/ hw I.t J /iJt<z* c. pA,!,_ 47lf F"*a Vt"/r-,! ,fu Ya,-l- , Q44-z-./r. frr,, Z; /rsv I S hl /. /. 3- ,LO-t-e ,nr^-t-.^V 7./-, Afr.n' -9 +"*^t-*"uC c4-- A-t</z, a^^4 L-" "' /r-*A *d , eLn- zwqfioy L fo1**d" ^/"',* ,***-tjt 6Wo Ettue' Me Mo Tor Gerue 6r*,r** FRonr dsnnl Aoc*rF Re: ldtA Aeo*.rrlr G.,n7 fue f:o trlADe+r.nttr lVArevaENA^tcE Ar.lD AOaelpoxrFNJ oP Trt- Agle Gleo 4"6+ptat, tt tt RgcoHr+eNoeD TrtAt Tl+E lunec ,PRu,1eer Be euaireo As As UNTAFc Bu,uoi.r6 A) Pen 5e.1,"^, 'eoD or- f$E Urg,etrr', BrsruDrrS Goe, r lltl FDrporr 2 Pgtg eA$9€D T6 g. kr<augD. OP,rqrr.rrt- G^rt1e-.,?.oa, Tt-t€ \eca \YAr \rNDeI\ f.1.fE tl*re.rgrepou ee frt€ 47r1e oe Gul*reo, Durrrrr) aF t{rus,g. A 47oe \\6Rb oBgElL \vat pUtc.su $par.r Te Pe-1ef h TfE 5rt* A^rD 3rr-r- FirrTrrr- \\6Rfr C€AI€D. A Baep Flrql.,.-1 It tr, Er.r-or-rri Pgn^+.f tltrrco: 67o,e \\.anl. onD€t i Penn.7 !6,rreo: The t)raa lq vAi A aR96tL T.a HaT Trr€ 76 .a+a'P*rrcu ?ytPn [Ae|Es Ar.rD rrd Psr SNerr talo €gQ$r*.iiFn Tf , P-J €e7 \rAi l. e. u. la AiE "t )I f\bv 7, I9 .lA^, ?+ )\ 5'nrs ADo,io'reu :;mrraTuarr- f'{gHoERt veca lEgoco . A6 THCt€ MEl.1Oces V€R€ Nov rog?,rr+ED , 17oP \lorglr 6r1oGR WAt lttueD. Pcre ftr LAc.L or F.se1, ABapooert> ED. 1v4€vtcAi apEt, Rrar+,.r6 l-hrr Deer oFg;BJ:JptK, ArrO Ef€r,tlATto tr AeB e)PGL -ur.,rPtoTEe-jf.g,.,\r.rDn'€rrprb' AtTo It ,u AvAuArlc,++a l2atnr tT tt FEuf TlrAr Pho1u.,f Stslotrr-o Dc Derraurcaeo lass Rnrn^reo 'fo NAT$RAL €-io,1.ox. (n+ig a156rr Rer*u.*6 eVeFl Trtru6 tNG-Lu9rx5 Couc.rr.{ [G VAtlt Aso FacTrqtr) . l,--,l lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-56r3 December 23, 1975 off ice of the town manager l4r. Robert C. Smith Smith and Lewis, Attorneys at Law 90.l E. Broadway Columbia, Missouri 65201 Re: King Arthur's Court - Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Smith: The Town of Vail staff has thorough'ly reviewed the avalanche report prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. for the subject property, and have also submitted the report to the Colorado Geological Survey for review. The Conmunity Development Department wjll recommend acceptance of the report by the Town Counci'l and wil'l further reconrnend that the exjsting buildings presently located in the avalanche path be removed. A Public Hearing will be held before the Town Council for the Town of Vail on January 20, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building. All interested parties will have an opportunity to present pertinent information before a fina1 dec'ision is reached by the Council. In order for the report to be formaily reviewed by the P'lanning Commission and the Town Council, please forward l5 additiona'l copies of the report, as required by Sectjon 16.501 of the zoning ordinance, no'later than January l0'.|976. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Yours truly, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Zoning Admini strator cc: Robert l,l. Hubbard - Silver State Savings and Loan Steve West - Cosgriff, Dunn, French & Seavy Jon M. Zall - Atler, Zall & Haligman Colfax National Bank Norman Robinson PUBLIC NOTICB PLEASE TAKU NOTICE that a recently pre- pared avalanche report indicates the following descri"bed properties are located in a major avalanche path and struc- tures nray be subject to destruction: Bighorn Townhouses located on Tracts A and B, . Bighorn Townhouse Subdivision; Tracts C and D, Bighorn Townhouse Subdivision, Section 12, Town- ship 5 South, Range 80 lVest, of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, Colorado. Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Fifth Addition A portion of Lot 2, Block 7, Bighorn Fifth Additi-on King Arthur's Court - A portion of the property more fuLly described as follows: A'oarce'l of'land situated in the SE 1/4 of Section i2, T5S' RBqH of the tagle County, Colorado illore particular'ly desct'ibed as follows: ' Beginnlng at a point on the South'line of said Section 12, whence the Southeast coiner oi said lection '12 bears S 89053'241t E,532.00 feet said point lging conrnon with a parcel conveyed to JACK A. t{ITl(Il{ and recorded in Book ?ll, Page 520 Eag)e County recordsi Thence N 89o53r24" l,l, 335.25 feet to a point on the l'lortherly 'line.of ,Jun'iper ^^iinc-iaia point being on tlie arc of a cuive to thc left havin! a radius of 185.00 feet and a chord bearing f'l 74"48'48" l.l, 96.260 feet; Tlrcnce on the arc of said cufve 97.38 feet to the P.T. (Point of Tangency); Thcnce N 89o53t24" 1{, 161.6.| feet to a pojnt on the East'line of l4eadow l)rive, s^aid pofnt being on the aic of a curve to thb left havfng a radius of I0B.j0 feet and i.rhose long chord bears ,N 30"55123".1'1, '111.46 feet; Thence on the arc of said curvc 117.'10'feet to the P.T.; Thence N 6i"04'00'.t/; 248.64 fcet to a point on the Northerly line of I'leadow Drive; Thence N 27o56'00" E, 482.'10'to a point on the Southerly'l'ine of said Hitkin parcei Thence S BB"07t38" E, 49.83 fcet; Thcnce S 68"l5t27u E, 274.54 feet; i Thcnce S 43'58105" E,17B.BB fecti : Thence S .l9"5.l152" E, 195.00 feet; I Thcnce S 09'02'44" E; 203.85 feeti iFl;iri.li".it'i,;" E: iii:ii iEIi't' tre point or besinninoi foltv or l1]e, statc Copies of avalanche reports are on file with the Department of Community Development, Nlunicipal Building, Vail, Colorado. 6th P.l'|. DBVELOPIUBNT S. Toughill Administrator It t \r\N\.N.t R-$\$. tx \\\' \ \ ,\ Ft'\N.. o\-r\ \\N-..\N $ '-7.) F 9J(ooo { i;ssR .g(I Er E qs9 :FE 8 : flF9af BoI ;'-.- ; \ \ os (trfl() (\:qa (o (/l -p Me^/lo Geue dsnnl 6r*,1j* FRonr Atoc,c,rF Tor fue fo lllADe+uAfL: fVArulENANeE Ar.O AoerlpexrEl.lJ oP Ttts AhJ€ C-r1cO C6F^pLil , tT I E pgs5;qagsags Trtet Tl+s Eualcc .*o*loo Bg C,t^etseO As As UNIAFu Buruoir6 at Pen- 5e.1io^, ?.oa 6F T$€ Uu,Rsnr-. Brs,uur13 Goe, .' lltl €Drpo^r 2 Putg cAaJg€D To gC krraugD. DPtqrrrrt- G,o"Tgsenou Ttst€ \eca \YAi \rrtDeR. f.r+E tl*.n.r9ref6$ ee fH€ 67r1e oe Gd*roo, Dvrrrrrl aF t'tlurrr{\. A 47oe \woRtr' 6F.oElL :vrrl pLr*.sr> $F6hl The Pe-1ef h Tn€ lrnrrre A^rD ,,\,r-r- FireTr+rr. \\6Rfr <6At€D. A Eaer Hrtpn-1 lt & fi,ur-er-rri Re: K.E Aet*.,rJr G.,ny fiFERrt.T I ftr,leO : 27te \\irilE onSER.l Peeo*.7 !6, ueo: l. ?. ?, la AiE ", )I I{a/ 7, }9 .JA^, ?+ ) D1 S'nrs aRDBlL T6 [.4eer rrte zg Psp SNerr tolo Req*r,*.tr.eurr, ADOriotreu Sfnrr.TuGee frr{gn*E6gt VEI?- XTE.OCO . A6 THet€ M*'rOcrs \\/e-R€ Nor rrsslrr..r-aD , 17oP VorgL 6ttuG!t. VAt lr)ueD. Pue 1-rr LAc-lr. or F.l.ror Pe-.1Gc7 tVr3 ABapoqrrD ED. The Praa l€..r vAr A" l2Apc u 1yorci fteg,r r*b ,rl wFtEngAr apEx R^ar-r,*r6 l.}no Deer.I s,.WiRJiJRr#, Ai|O EXc,aUeTorrl ARB OPg}J -r;pPtoTEc1fg, As\rDn Errpd: ?-t7t f 6 fu AvALArrc.rrir Parrr tr t3 FEuf T?rAr Fh?tr.-f Stbsr-o Dc DehA|.rslrEtr Ao.r9 tkTrnrre.E To Naarrrru d"orT3og. (n+ir l\ter<*rs &ar*u,"6 trVeE1 ?ttrl6 tN<.Ltrg'n6 Cagc.rr.€ FG VA\.!t A.rp Fc7,rr8a) . l' il I I I I I t I I I t I I i tI I I i I : I K. A. C.AVALANCHT STUDY VAIL, COLORADO Prepored For Donald .f. Thornos King Arthur's Court Developmenl Ronold L, Holley Avolonche Consultonf Sept, 1975 I I il il il il il I il I t I I I I t I t HYDBO-TRIAD,LTD. September 19, 1975 Mr. Donald .1 . Thomas 1.3555 Co]iseum Drive Chesterfield, Missouri 63107 Dear Mr. Thomas: Enclosed is our report on the Ayalanche Study for the so-called MC Avalanche Path. The study was performed in accordance with our proposa'l letter of February 28, L975, The probab]e avalanche runout zones have been defined, and a discussion of the impact of the avalanche on potent,ial development within the King Arthur's Court has been included in the report. If there are any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, ,-- -t/ /^J"/e M{? f\4 Ronald L. Halley, P.E./President I RLH/mh Encl: Report ll IE 7500 w. MlsslssrPPl AVE. - surrE l0 LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226 PHONE 309-934-2477 r -,_g-:'- : ---i -_--:-:::-- _:-._:--::::::-= I t I t t KACAVALANCHESTUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS Page - Introduction I t.Location r' Terrain 2 Geo'logy 2 Vegetation t Historical Ava'lanche 0ccumences 5 I Genera'l Gore Va11eY 5 t KAC Avalanche ' Ava'lanche Zoning B KAC Avalanche Analysis Character of the Avalanche Path 12 Snow Depth vs. Recurrence Interval 13 Runout Zone Analysis 16 2LConclusions and Recommendations LIST OF FIGURES I I I Figure I Genera'l Location MaP Figure II Avalanche Path Figure IIi Avalanche Path Profile Figure IV Zon'ing MaPI I t I il I I I I I t t I l I I I I t KACAVALANCHESTUDY INTRODUCTION This study of the avalanche path Iocated in the Bighorn area of the Gore Valley was authorized by Mr. Donald Thomas, one of the owners of property sited in the valley floor below the avalanche path. This particu'l ar avalanche path has generated a considerable amount of furor within the county and the town of Vail over the past two to three years. The various publ'ic discussions concerning the XAC avalanche path will not be reviewed herejn, as most are a matter of record. This study js based upon the physical facts of the s'lide path, the mountain meteorology producing the snowpack conditions found in and adjacent to the Gore Creek Va11ey and an avalanche analysis including definition of modes of the ava'lanche and dynamic consider- ations. The runout area is defined by a red zone (relatively [jg6 ppe6- ab'le occurrence with high i;iject pressures) and a blue zone (r"elatively remote occumence probabi'lity and lower probable impact pressures). These zones are general 1y in accordance with the Swiss Avalanche Zoning Planl, although modified somewhat to fit the Gore Valley. Locati on The KAC avalanche path is located on the south valley wa'll near the Bighorn area in the eastern end of the Gore Valley. The Town of Vail has recently annexed the valley sect'ion including the Bighorn ' area and the runout zone is within the Vail Town limits- The location of the KAC avalanche is shown on the general location map, Figure I. I I o Terrai n The general temain of the Gore Creek Valley is high'ly condqcive to major climax type avalanches, especial'ly along the south val 1ey wa11. The ridge line extending from Vail Pass, between Black Gore and Main Gore Creek on the north and Turkey Creek, Two Elk Creek and Mi]l Creek on the south, ranges in elevation from 10,800 feet (3300 meters) at VaiI Pass to 11,800 feet (3500 meters) at the point between the headwaters of Two Elk and Mill Creeks. The valley floor at the Bighorn area is approx'imately 8500 feet (2600 meters). The valley shows the U-shaped characteristics of the glacier action during the Pleistocene epoch and the upper portions of many of the major avalanche paths have njvation or small "hanging" glacier hollows. The terrain fonns steep slopes down into the valley with slopes often exceeding 38 degrees (78 percent) and frequent cliff bands of the more resistant rock members ('l imestone and sandstone) of the Minturn Formation. Geol og.v The Gore Range is one of the major massive uplift sectjons of Precambrian crystalline rock typical of the mountainous regions of Colorado. The uplift fault block forming the main element of the range 'is flanked by metamorphic ane'isses and by the sedimentary for- mations extending westward. The two major faults flanking the range are the Gore Fault which bears roughly north-northwest and the Frontal Fault which trends approximately paral 1el . I I 3" t l I I gI The Gore Fau'lt can be easily identjfjed in the field' as it is h'ighly visjble traversing through the area east of the top of Vajl Pass then northwestward cutting through the Main Gore Creek just upstream of the confluence with B'lack Gore immediately upstream of the Bighorn area. l,lestward of the fault, the sedimentary rocks of the Minturn and Maroon Formations are very evident. The Maroon Formation confoimably overlies the Minturn Formation. The Maroon Formation consists of red mudstone or sha'le, siltstone and fine-grained sandstone. The Minturn Formation can be identified by the distinctive beds of coarse grained gray to reddish sandstones, conglomeritic sandstone, sandl and silty shales as well as the pinkish gray to gray ljmestone beds. The c'liff bands that are evident a'long both sides of the f'lain Gore Valley between Bighorn and the Vail Village ienter are the more res'i stant sandstone and limestone members of the Minturn Formation. The cliff and diagonally cut..arroyo within the lower end of the KAC avalanche path are exposed portions of a limestone member of the formation. Vegg!ation The MC avalanche path extends from the valley'floor, 8500 feet elevation (2600 meters) to near timberl'ine at 11,!00 feet (3400 meters) and traverses basical'ly three ecosystems. The va1 ley'floor can be described as a meadow vegetal type system that up until the early 1960's was intermittently used for meadow hay production with some irrigation and livstock grazing. The ditches are still evident in the field. I t I I I I I I t t I I I I rl il il il I I I I I I l I t I I I I Above the valley froor to an approximate erevation of 9000 feet (2750 meters) extends a nixed stand of open aspen groves, smal] meadow pockets (derived p.imarily from geologica] factors) and 'rodgepore pine or Douglas Fir. There are a few scattered ponclerosa pine in t-his zone. From 9000 foot upward, the primary vegetal types consist of relative'ry dense forest of Engelmann Spruce, subalpine fir: and lodgepole pine. The grassy or shrub-covered meadow area along the bottom of the ephemeral KAC stream and on the northeast aspect sloping.into the stream is the relat.ively frequent avalanche release zone. The valley walls and adjacent mountains throughout the Gore valley area are part of the l,lhite River National Forest and therefore are under the jurisdiction of the u.s. Forest service. The current zoning of the valley .floor within the privatery owned land is shown on Figure Iv. This indicates the bulk of the valley floor irnmediately adjacent to the runout area of the ava'lanche is currently zoned "Low Density Multiple Fami1y". The Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, is apparent'ly two-family residential as is Tract c and 0 of the Bighorn Townhome Subdivision. t t HISTORICAL AVALANCHE OCCURRENCES General Gore Valley The Gore Va'l 'l ey has seven major climax type ava'lanche paths a'long the south valley walt that have been identified between the village area and the confluence of B'lack Gore and l4ain Gore. These avalanche paths have been named prinarily by Forest Service personnel and from west to east are as follows: Cl ubhouse Frontage Road Waterfa'll King Arthur (KAC) Vai I Meadows Another large avalanche".path is'located east of the B'lack Gore - Gore Creek confluence on B'lack Gore that has been designated as the Siberja SIide. This ava'lanche path may impact the new Interstate I-70 al ignment. In between these major avalanche paths are numerous small s'l ides and wet spring type s'lide paths that wi1l require i'lose examination in case of any potential development in or near the runout areas. During a heavy wet spring snowfall of May 6-7,1973, many of the wet, spring-type slides along the valley wa]l slid. Fortunately, these wet spring type avalanches have minimal runout djstances and no existing structures were jeopardized. o I I t t T I I T I I I I I - I t I I l t I a Discussions with old-time Gore Valley or Minturn residents, as related by Jim Gregg, U.S.F.S. and l^lhit Borland, indjcate the'last major climax avalanche cycle in the val1ey was during the 1940's, although some comments wou'ld indicate major avalanches may have occurred in the early 1950's. Examination of snow course records vrould indicate 1943, 1947 and 1952 as being the most likely years for major avalanche occurrences. Exact determination of these reported occurrences would require detailed interviews with older local residents and examination of the meager climatic data available for that period. While detailed newspaper research and persona'l intervjews have produced good information on the history of various major avalanche paths in the San Juans Silverton dr€d2, it is doubtful that local newspapers in Eag'te County wou'l d have included the same detail, since the Vail Pass Highway, U.S.6, is relatively new (1930's) and few of the local ranchers "wintered" in the Gore Val 1ey. K A C Avalanche Detai'led examjnation of the tree grorvth in and adjacent to the KAC slide path indicates major avlianche act'ivity within the past 30-35 years. Other najor avalanches have occurred within the past 100 years. The old burn area that is clearly visib]e, see Figure II, at the head of Mill Creek has been a factor in avalanche activity in the 1930's and 1940's. The forest fire apparently burned iust..to the upper edge of the KAC gu1'ley drainage. The resultant open area with the prevailing west wind up l.lfll Creek would aggravate snow deposition loadfng on the steep upper slopes of the KAC avalanche path. The exact date of the Mi] I Creek fire'is not known, but due to the rather common practice of I I setting forest fires to obtain jobs fighting the same fire during the t depression years, the early 1930's is a likely period. Whatever the I source, natural or man-caused, the burn area has definitely been a factor in avalanche activity on the IGC avalanche. The burn area is I slowly revegetating, slowly, mainly due to the elevation and is ho'lding more snow at this time (personal observation, winters 1974, 1975).t I I I I ..-'. t I t t O?a I I t I : I TI I III I I AVALANCHE ZONiNG Ava'ranche zoning is a face' of mapping of natural hazard zones such as geological hazards, froodprain mappfng and snow and.ice avalanches- The swiss have progressed further in physical and legal definition of ava'lanche zoning 1'4, bra various mountainous areas within the united states have either passed or are contemprating avaranche zoning (vis, Resolution of the San Juan County Regional planning Commission, adopted November 5, 1925; Avalanche Zoning for the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska and Avalanche Zoning Ordinance for the City of Ketchum, Idaho). An interesting aspect of the Ava'lanche Zoning Ordinance of the city of Ketchum (sun valrey), Idaho is allowing owner-occupfed sfngle-famiry homes within a so-cailed "Extreme Avaranche Hazard sub-Zone,' with the stipulation that the owner may reside in the dwelling year_round, but the dwelling may not be rented,.between November l and Apri.l 30. The swiss avalanche zoning standards may be generalized by the fo1 lowing three categories: White Zone: Terrain.is free of avalanche hazard. It might beaffected b.y tl,q af r blast of duii avatinc'tres tnepressure of which does not exceed 100 iti;;;u*i-(rrg). per square meter (20.5 pounds per sqra"e'i6ot). . -, Red Zone: Terrain which is exposed to frequent and powerfu'lava'l anches. This mbans avalanches"wiir,, ' '..3"0[!33'ff 350'oji,:,T:i':oHH ?il.;'iil",return period of 30 years'or less; --.a pressure of more_than 3 tons per square meterand a return period of 90 yeari o"'i"rl. The blue zone is a transition zone between white and J"ed. This area is affected onty seiJom or slighilt-by avalanches. This means avalinches have: ;1..1 pl::sure of more than 3 tons per square metertover bUU- pounds per square foot) and a 'return periodof more than 90 years; BIue Zone: I I I I I I I I I I -- a pressure of I to 3 tons per square meter and areturn period of more than 30 yearsi - a pressure of 0.1 to 1.0 tons per square meter (20to 200 pounds per square foot). These zone definitions set forth the relative avalanche activity . and probable impact loads, the zones do not set forth what deve'lopment actfvities are allowed within these zones. Allowed or disallowed . activities within the zones must be established by the local or I .regional public agencies. The fol'lowing excerpts from ',The Avalanche Zoning Plan" by Hans Frutiger are pertinent: "Now it will be possjb'le to determine bui'lding specifi-catjons for the different zones. These will prohibit'constructionin zones unfit. for.development. ' Defjnitions,'however, a"e neiesiary.For example: building reitrictions could not be applied to the - construction of underground structures such as watdi'reservoirs,' or to temporary buildings used only in summer. It might also bipermissible to allow farm buildingi such as haylofts ind surrnerstables, which are protected by aialanche contiol structures.0n the othei hand, buildings c6nnected wjth big traffic orgathering of people such as hotels and schoo'ls-might be excludedfrom the blue zone. The zone of trans'ition, especially if jt is broad, can bedivided into smaller seitions. This cin be done by diitinguishing between more and less endangered areas. It would be lllogical to-require building reinforcements to have the same load capacityg! thq edge of the "red zone" as on the edge of the "white zone".Therefore, avalanche pressure bands with ranqes from 3.0 to 2.0tlnL,2.0 to 1.0 tlnE and 1.0 to A.0 Unz cai be provided. Eventual'ly, a plan for evacuation must be drawn for the transitionzone. The right to effect evacuation must also be contained inthe regulations of the ava'lanche zoning p1an. In practice the community authorities can only achieve an evacuation wjth thehelp of an Ayalanche l^larning Service. It hai to give thetechnical advices. Therefore, such a conrnunal servjce has tobe provided necessarily for every settlement having ,'blue zones". As ga1 be seen, the transition zone (blue zone) occupies a specialpositfon.- A comment must be made now, which could have a1 ready been mentioned in the chapter dealing with legal aspects. Beciuse 10I I l I I I I t property rights should be protected as rnuch as possible, the federal judjcial practice requires an unquestionable legal foundation in order to effect general building restrictions or building 'limitat'ions which must be evoked as a result of avalanche danger. It is the transjtion zone that leads to problems and which makes it idfficult to arrive at decisions that satisfy public and private interests. It is inherent jn the peculiarities of avalanches, especially the ones that occur at greater time jntervals, that their extent and there- fore their potential to do damage, can only be estimated. Therefore, sma'l 1 errors can be introduced even by qua'l ified plan researchers, since no one is in the position to state obiectively what exactly wil'l happen. Such a possibility should not be a reason to decide in case of doubt in favor of the landowners since this could result in a decision whichis neg'lecting the appropriate safety requirement. l,le'should be aware that a wrong decision can have catastrophic conse- quences.tt The definition of the Extreme Hazard or Red Zone, as.used in this analysis, is basically the same as recommended by the Swiss and can be stated as follows:t I t I I I l I I I I Red Zone: Blue Zone: Temain which is exposed to frequent and pOwerful ava'lanches. This means avalanches with: 1) a pressure of 200 to 600 pounds per square foot (1 to 3 metric tons per square rneter) and a return period of 50 years or less; 2) a pressure of more than 600 pounds per square foot (3 metric tons per square meter) and a return period of'100 years or Iess. Terrain that is a transition between the red and white zones. This area is affected relative'ly infrequently (t00 years +) or slight'ly by avalanches' This means ava'lanches have:l) a pressure of more than 600 pounds per square' fobt (3 metric tons per square meter) and a return period of more than 100 years; 2) i pressure of 200 to 600- pounds'per square foot (1 to 3 metric tons per square meter) and a return period of more than 30 years; 3) b pressure of 20 to 200-pounds per square foot (0.1 to'1.0 metric tons per square meter) and a return period of less than 50 years. il I I I I I The 30 year recumence interval used in the Swiss Avalanche Zoning Plan is probably due to climatic cycles that have been established in the Alps. The modifjcation to 30 year, 50 year and 100 year utilized herein is to p'l ace the avalanche zon'i ng on a more comparable basis to the existing U.S. Federal Flood Insurance Act which uses the 50 and 1.00 year recurence t t I t I I I I fi dt hil I KACAVALANCHEANALYSJ! Character of the Aval a[che path -. :i, ,vertical drop of approximatety Z:SO feet (720 meters). . aF *!ra r..-t--^r- the start of the runout zooni, or edge of va] ley floor to '. .: lne relea:The release zone consists of o : L:rq r:<rl L u r Ene rl :" end of the path. I I free of significant trtree growth due to geol ogi calI conditions, slope and frequency of avalanches and the upper area with a significant stand of timber but showing evidence of avaranche activity both as "string" slides and more general releases,. These two areas are de] ineated on Figure III and are of almost equal areal extent,26.6 acres and 26.9 acres (10.75 and 10.85 hectares) The lower area has an atit'ost due east aspect ancl has local steep sections of 40-42 degrees (g4-gg percent), arthough the nominal slope for the majority of the area is 36 degrees (73 percent). The bedrock in this area is exposed in many locations as narrow cliff bands and dipping rock surfaces. soil cover is shatow and shows evidence of rerativety rapid soil creep due to *re'steep slope and relatively weak rock-soir interface. with the predominate grass- shrub ground cover, the winter snow cover has very limited frfctionar strength at the ground surface. I il I I I I I I I I I 13 The upper release area js not as steep as the lower area and possesses a deeper soil mantle and a sign'i ficant stand of timber. Average slopes in this upper re'lease area range from 32 to 36 degrees (62 to 73 percent) although the upper end has local slopes of 38 degrees (77 percent). The snow deposition from the Upper Mill ,.,',,Creek basin has been s'ignificant jn the past due to the burn area, but with the re-vegetat'ion continuing, this factor is becoming less of a problem for the upper release area. : ' . Snow Depth vs. Recurrence Interval : The west side of the Gore Range has a strong orographic uplift condition that generates the relatjve abundance of snow that makes the Vail ski area known internationally for good dependable powder snow. Snow measurement courses for this area consjst of.the Department of Agriculture Soi'l Conservation Service stations .at Shrine Pass and Vail Pass plus the snow courses maintained by Vail Associates near the Patrol Building at the top of the ski area and near Mid-Vail. The S.C.S. Shrine Pass snow liiuru. measurements were initiated in 1942; the Vail Pass course in L952. The VaiI ski area measurements were initiated jn 1963, although some mjsce'l laneous measurements were conducted as early as 1950. The S.C.S. Snow Depth Frequency Analysis published in 1.974 (data through 1971) indicates a one percent probability (100 year recurrence interval) snow depth of 77 inches (1.95 meters) for the Shrine Pass course and 86 inches (2.3 meters) for the Vail Pass course for April 1.. The ten percent probability (10 year recurrence I I I I I I I I l4 interva'l) snow depth is 76 inches (1.7g meters) for the shrine Pass course and 73 inches (1.95 meters) for the vail pass course. In an analysis performed by whit Borland5 in 1972 on the clubhouse Gulch Avalanche and using the nine years of record from the vail Associates station, the 1.00 year recurence interval snow depth was ,' ,,-- ; . ind'icated to be. approximately 140 inches (3.0 meters). This record is:extremely short for a reliab]e frequency analysis, and the course ' character such as wind deposition and aspect are not fully defined at this time. These snow depth frequency relationships cannot be used'directly : ' in avalanche analysis for a variety of reasons, but primarily due to the fact that the maximun snow depth usually occurs in April which is after the peak period of slab avalanche activity in the central Rockies' which is norma'l 1y late December to mid Marchn and that the avalanche activity is the result of cumulative factors within the 'snowpack, such as snow genesis, resulting largely from temperature history of the snowpack. As an example, the following is a list and date of occurrence. of the avalanche accidents or incidences within colorado as listed in "The Snowy Toments", both the January 1967 and the March 1.975 editions. These two editions cover the period 1.910 through 1.971. April 2, 1926 November 18, 1951 January 18, 1957 February 24, 1957 Apri'l 8, 1957 February 12, 1958 Apri'l 29, 1958 March 19, 1960 II I I I I I I I I Black Bear Mine Arapahoe Basin Arapahoe Basin St. Mary's Lake Dam Slide (Berthoud) Loveland Basin Berthoud Pass La Plata peak ' -."')-' '' 15 I Aspen Arapahoe Basin Loveland Pass Twin Lakes Dotsero Red Mountain Pass Homestake Lake Geneva Basin Loveland Pass Arapahoe Basin:. .Aspen Highlands 'Leadville Niwot Ridge Love'land Basin Redcl i ff Breckenridge Red Mountain Pass Breckenri dge Snowmass Aspen Mountain- Aspen : Pole Creek, San Juans Vail February 23, 1961 November 24, 196I January 7, 1962 January 21, 7962 March 4, 1962 lrlarch 3, 1963 January 31, 1965 December 20, 1965 January 7, 1967 November 26, 1967 February 15, 1968 : February ?4, 1968 r: January 26, 1969 January 27, 1969'r' . January 29, 1969 December 25, 1969 March 2, 1970 I t I I I il il il il il t il I January 10, 1971 . February 27, I97l March 6, 1971 March 16, 1971 0ctober 17, l97I November 28, 1'97L This list does not represent a ful'l assesstnent of the critical ava- Ianche periods during the various winters but only when people or property during the winter season the maiority of avalanche incidences occurred. were invo'l ved'in snow avalanches. By month, this wou'ld be: MONTH 0ctober November December January February llarch April The October incident It does give an indication of when NUMBER OF INCIOENCES involved elk hunters crossing a snow fil'led 1 4 2I 6 o 3 gul I ey. sult of a The Black Bear Mine incjdences on April 2 occurred as the re- 14-day storm cycle starting on March 22, 1975- The Dam Slide i ntenseon April 8, 1957 was released by artillery fire after a very spring storm. It was, however, a hard slab, size 5 (very'l arge) that evolved into a m'ixed powder ava] anche during passage doln the avalanche slide path. t6 I I I I I The po-int of this discussion is to jndjcate the probable higher .! - r --lrisk during the late December to mid March period and that not iust total snowpack depth but snow genesis, temperature and storm history are maior factors in developing high hazard and recurrence interva '',,'data for.avalanche activity. .'i' , : For this analysis of the MC avalanche, two different snowpack -r-*rL- .,^h^ ^v t consfderations.depths were examined as to maximum velocity and runou These snowpack depths were 59 inches (1'5 meters) and 78'5 inches :-:.']: - .. .-,'' (Z.O meters) and these depths have been taken as equivalent to the average release area snow depth for the two recurrence intervals used in the Red and Blue runout zone definitions' Runout Zone AnqlYqis. The detailed analysis of the avalanche dynamlcs and runou,t zone definition involved: 1) assessment of the types of avalanches that can occur at this location, j.e. loose snown slab, powder' h,et snow avalanches or mixed type avalanches; 2) definition of the release zone, slide path dynamiaa uni'runout distance and impact pressures for the more critical types of avalanches. A detailed discussion of snowpack genesis, avalanche types and dynamics will not be included herein, as this information is discussed trt depth jn the various refer- ence books. The loose snow ava'lanche can occur on this avalanche path' but would involve on'ly the top layers of the snowpack resulting from a particular storm cyc'le and would be limited in areal extent and runout djstance. In all probabi]ity, the loose snow avalanches wou.|d be I l I l t7 I I l l I associated with the1ocal cliff bands in the steeper sections of the release zone(s) and the cliff area near the bottom of the s)ide path- The wet-spring type avalanches have occurred relatively frequent on this slide path, but those or:iginating in the re1ease zone(s) do not carry through the relatively flat section, Sections B-B and .. C-C on Figure III, midway down the s'lide path. Debris from wet spring avalanches in this section were observed by the author in the spring of 1973 and 1975. An extremely large wet snow avalanche could theoretica'l ly carry through this section, but the bulk of the snow wou'ld lodge !n,the ravine or arroyo cutting diagonally across the slide path below the lower c'liff band. The critica't type of avalanche for thjs major slide path in determining runout distance and impact pressures in the valley floor are the s'l ab avalanche and powder ava'l anche or a mixed slab-powder avalanche. Typically in the Central Rockies, the powder avalanches originate as soft slab avalanches and through slide path geometry or velocity considerations evolVE rapidly into powder or nixed state aval anches. For the KAC avalanche path with the gu1'ly section near Section A-A and the lower cl'iff band, the mixed state or the powder avalanche wi'l'l be the condition of the snow mass as it enters the valley floor- A ful'l-b1own powder avalanche as would be defined by the equations and criteria of Voellmy would tend to be confined due to the restrictions within the mid avalanche track and due to the approximately 30 degree velocity vector change from the release zone into the slide path- I I I 18 This analysis is based upon the method utilized by Frutiger on Juneau, Alaska and Twin Lakes, Colorado ayalanches which utilizes equations of Voellmy and Salm. The primary equations are: - ranfu) + Froude Number ,r2t = nE- where if F{_1 if F>1 P1_F/;T streami ng shooti ng ) flow flow lJhere: V = ve).ocity (avg.) of the snowrnass at theindicated by the subscript P =+v2(r+ 'W'= il= point e = coefficient of ground friction (m/sz) (+oo to 6oo m/sz) /t F = friction coefficient (O.f to 0.3) angle of ground surface from horizontal density of. snow, subscripts indicate whether state'rs snowpack, flowing snow or deposited depth of snow I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 19 I g = acce'teration of gravity, 9.82 n/sec? A = cross sectional area of flowing snow S = runout distance, meters The ana'lysis indicates the initial slope velocities within the release zone are in the lower part of the range that could, under proper conditionso evo'lve into a powder avalanche. An analysis of flow regime indicates for flowing snow mass, the Froude Number is greater than L and thusly "shooting flow" would exist. Calculations were made for both a flow'ing mass and a mixed condition flowing and powder ava'lanche. The field evidence was utilized to estab'lish the cross sect'iona'l area at the various points and to establish the . historic range of velocities at the cliff and rock nose area. The traiectory for the snow mass coming off the clfff was ca'l - culated for various potential ve'locities and it was found that all velocities be'low approximately 42 meters per second (95 miles per hour) wou'ld allow the rno* rus to impact uphi1l of the rock nose (in the arroyo) and this area would have to fill before the remainder of the s'l'iding mass would carry on through to the valley floor. Sections across the c'l fff-rock nose area were measured in the field and the volume of snow to fill this area fs qPproximate'ly 38'000 cubic meters. l^Jith an jnitial density of 0.20 gm7cm3, a deposited density of 0.35 gr7cm3 and an average release area depth of 1.5 meters, this arroyo would absorb snow from eleven u.r", (4.4 hectares) of the release area. This vo1 ume and the attendant turbulence and energy loss for the remaining snorv crossing the arroyo are definite factors in any evaluation of this avalanche path. ,.".jfusEl;:::::' :-:-::i::^:;:::::ffi:::::::;::ffi="?:;=--;:a;.E:=;:==:*@:=.-i*;"lr;lrd!ntrir!rrr*i!*r1 OzoO Consideration was given to the possibility of a powder avalanche with velocities in excess of 42 meters per second at the cliff. Velocities in excess of 42 meters per second under conditions of a large powder avalanche on a relatively open s'lope is very possible as velocities as high as 90-100 meters per second have been reported... ' Due to the geometry of this slide path and the evidence from the trees l'be'low the rock nose, it is the op'inion of the author that the probability : I of a full-blown powder avalanche with velocities in excess of 42 meters -..1, , per second is sufficiently remote as not to be a design case for this particular avalanche path, given the adopted runout zone definitions. The ca] culations for the runout distance and impact pres-sures were made based upon equations of Voe'l 'lmy and Sa'lm and. the evidence ..ob.tainedinthefie1dfromtheavalanchepath.Av91ocitvvectoq change of the s1-iding snow due to the geometry of the cliff, arroyo and rock nose is evident from the debris on the rock nose. This was considered in the runout zone definition. I CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . The concrusions deriyed from this study are shown on Figure II, . i.e. a High Hazard or Red Zone of avaranche runout that has a maximum and an Intermediate Hazard or Blue . ,Zone width of 60 feet. The definition of the zones is given under the chapter !,Avalanche Zoning,' of this report. '.' A case might be made to define the limits of the runout zone on the basis of conditions that wourd occur on a more infrequent, i.e.' considerably greater than 100 year recurrence interval, since the potential for loss of life exists. A parallel could be drawn between the conceptual design philosophy cu*enily utirized in the design of dams and spillways in which the design floods are based upon probable Maximum Precipitation (ptrtp) and pt4 Flood type events and definition of ava]anche runout zones. The swiss have considered"ihis problem in the evo'lution of their avalanche zoning criteria and the conrnents of Gaudenz Bavier of chur contained in chapter xv, page 157, of,,Ava] anche.protection in switzer- land", Genera'l rechnical Report RM-9, March 1972, are pertinent. "De Quervain has expressed himself rvith regard to theavalanche catastrophe of 1969 in Davos as ioilows rerativeto this prob'lem: 'If one wishes to eiclude ait possiUlerisk by. taking as a basis of zoning not only tfre'ieguiaravalanche activity but arso ail is6lateo r,iitoricii"events,then various well-known localitjes would have to-pia-eentire_regions under the ban.' And again he writls: ,Thus, probably in the future there will remain a residual risk, -' whether because. in- the. space_ of centuries one must acceptone enormous catastrophe or because more frequent.ly onemust reckon with less intense damage."' The Swiss, while living with avalanche problems of far greater magnitude than we experience, to date, in the United States, have adopted a rationa'l , practical approach to the risks involved and the zoning l imitations. " Since two of the Bighorn Townhouse and some of the uncompleted MC buildings 1ie partially in the Red Zone and partially in the Blue Zone, some consideration by the Town of Vail'will be necessary to . \establish a policy for these buildings and the potential inhabitants. \ - .Various alternatives are available which range from allowing continued : construction and occupancy to restrictive zoning and not a:l lowing habitation within the avalanche runout zones. Another possibility is ava'l anche defense structures, either retarding structures in the release zone or protective structures .jn the runout zone. . Retarding structures in the release zone would be on National Forest land and would require considerable cooperation and coordination with the U.S. Forest Service.,..The cost of these structures would be relatively high and environmental impact considerations will be si gn i fi cant . Defense structures in the runout zone would have to be massive to afford protection to the buildings and would require careful design to insure a reasonable degree of protection. It would be premature at this time to define, fn detail, the structure that would be required, but the construction costs for fu] 'l protection wou'l d be at least $200,000. I I I I I I I I I I I I I r .;i&lwcs";:::"a ",-*-.^--"a*:triaa-i=?:*58otr!iJ,"r!tn:fRi!*'rt*Ynsar.-at-.f'rt 23 If there were no bu'i ldings lvithjn either the red or blue zones, the most propitious action would be to exclude any constructjon wjthin either zone. The KAC deve'lopment, however, has several buildings under construction; and the Bighorn Tovrnhomes have been completed and occupied for several years. The buildings on the KAC development that lie within , the red zone should not be comp'leted for habitation during the winter months. Any building that is completed within the red or blue zone shou'ld be assessed for potential damage to adjacent structures in case '' :'' structed on the,::,1 f a maior avalanche. If additional build'ings are con '' MC property, the new buildings should be sited out of both the red and b'l ue zones. The Bighorn Townhomes present a somewhat d'ifferent pt:oblem in that these bujldings have been completed and occup'ied for severh'l "years. There is definjtely a hazard invo'l ved for these buildings and any wjnter inhabitants. Based upon "Encounter Probabilities for Ava'lanche Damage" by Ed LaChapelle, Alta Avalanche Study Center, March 1966,.and considering a fifty year'life for the building and a fifty year recurrence interval for a major avalanche, the chances for ava'lanche damage to these buildings is approximately six out of ten during the expected life period' I il il I il I N il I I I I I l REFERENCES l. "The Avalanche Zoning P1an", by Hans Frutiger, USDA Forest Service, Translation No. 11, July 1970. 2. "Development of Methodology for Eva'luation and Prediction of Avalanche Hazard in the San Juan Mountain Area of South- western Colorado, INSTAAR, December 1974. 3. Cold Region Science and Engineering, Part III, Section A-3 "Avalanches", by Mal co'lm Me1 lon, May 1958. 4. "Avalanche Protection in Switzerland", Genera'l Technical Report RM-9, March 1975. 5. "Evaluation of the Snow Avalanche Hazard in the Valley of Gore Creek, Eagle County, Colorado", INSTMR. 6. "Clubhouse Avalanche, Vail, Co'lorado", l^thit Borland, Ju'ty 1972. 7. "Racquet Club Avalanche", }lhit Borland, December 1972. 8. "Avalanche Forces and the Protection of Objects", by Sorunerha'lder, translatjon by E. LaChapelle, A1ta Avalanche Study Center, November 1967. 9. "The Snowy Torrents, Avalanche Accidents'in the United States 1910-1966", Dale Ga'l lagher, Ed., January 1967. 10. "The Snowy Torrents, Avaldnche Acqidents jn the United States 1967-1971", Knox l'lilliams, March 1975. 11. t'On the Destructive Forces of Avalanchg5", VoellfirJ, Trans. No. 2, Alta Avalanche Study Center, March 1964. 12. "Snow Frequency Analysis for Co'l orado and New Mexico Snow Courses, t974", April 1974. 13. "An Example of Damage From a Powder Ava'lanche", M. Martinelli, Jr. and K.D. Davidson, 1966. 14. "Guidelines and Criteria for Identificat'ion and Land Use Contro]sof Geologic Hazard and I'lineral Resource Areas", Co'l orado Geological Survey 1974. 15. "The lleather and Climate of a High Mountain Pass in the Colorado'Rockies"n Art Judson, November 1965. 16. ',Aval anche Zoning for the city and Borough of Juneau, Alaska"' Hang Frutiger, JanuarY 1972. 17. "San Juan County, Colorado Avalanche Zoning Reso'lutions 18. ',Avalanche Zoning 0rdinance forthe city of Ketchum, Idaho" 19. ,'Encounter Probabi'l jties for Avalanche Damage", Ed LaChapelle' March 1966. 20. "Snow Avalanches, A Handbook of Forecasting,and-Control Measures"'--- - -:lu.s.D.A. Foiest Service No. 194, Rev, 0ctober 1'968' I I I I I I I ! I tr.iseEia. - - scolell"=2OOO IGURE T K. A. C. AVALANCHE PATH vAtL, coLoRADO CENERAL LOCATION MAP HYDRO-TR|Aq LTD. 75OO llest Mistissippi Ave. Suite OIO Building A Lokevood Colo. 80226 Sept , 1975 N t --t\7A =----=)) box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 o office of the town manager November 30, 1976 Colfax National Bank 590.I East Colfax Denver, Colorado RE: [ing Arth'trrs 'nur+(-as cliscussed with Pauj l'lilliams of Silver State Savings) Gent I emen: As we discussed by phone, the foundatjon under the building being s0ld to Dave Elmore must be removed and the site returned io its natural condition. The Tor,rn of Vail requests the cooperation of Silver State' Colfax National Banknand Paul Sampson, who owns the remainder of the 'l and, to get the construction debris and foundations cleaned up. Mr. Sampson has approached the Town of Vail regarding the Town's possible purchase of his portion of the site. Perhaps Silver State and Colfax National would also want to speak with the Town Council about this possibility. o3 ,- /^..1 fr-,".7+t..,.-- ---gnc"lasu.res Sincerely, DEPARTIIENT OF COMryION I TY DEV EL O PJ4EN-T | 4'f) ,1' vd4'r-4--'- z'-- l'1 TV/ Diana S. Toughi I 1 .. Zoning Adnli n'i strator Lt"-t' box 100 vail, colorado 8'l657 (303) 476-5613 a off ice of the town manager November 26 1976 S i ncerel y, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUf'IITY DEVELOPIIENT .* /, {n/ ,4-d-r.L4-7 t*-'z' y,.z': & j/'../ Oiana S. Toughiii (' Zoning Adrnini strator Mr. Paul 1,li'll iams Si I ver State Sav.ings.|500 Grant Denver, Colorado 80203 RE: King Arthurrs Court Dear Paul: As,we discussed by phone, the foundation under the building being sold to Dave Elmore must be removed and the site returned to its natural condition. The Town of VaiI requests the cooperatjon ofSilver State, Colfax Nationai Bank, and Paul Sampson, who owns the remainder of the 1and, to get the construction debrjs and founda-tions cleaned up. Mr. Sampson has approached the Town of Vail regarding the Town,spossible purchase of his port'ion of the site. perhaps Silver State and Colfax National would also want to speak tllith the Town Councjl about this possibi lity. t?r/- ( Encl osures ' \ 7,\.\ t luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 December 22, 1975 IIr. I\[ax Barz Eagle County Clerk EAgle County CourtEagle, Colorado Re: Public Notice office of the town manager and REcorder House of Avalanche Danger The Town of Vail wishes to file the attached public noticeas a matter of publie record 1n an attempt to warn present and future property owners of possible avalanche danger inthe speciflc Bighorn area listed on the public notice. As we discussed by telephone, could you please file thenotice for each parcel or condomlnium listed on the public rDtice. If there is a filing fee, please bill the Town. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, DEP OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT iana S. Toughill AdministratorZoning NOAH A. ATLE R RONALD I. ZALL EDWARD I, HALIGMAN LAWRENCE A. ATLE R JON M. ZALL LAI\.RENCE M. HENRY ALAN B. LOTTNER JACK SI LVE R FIICHARD I, AROWN TH EOOORE Z. GELT Arr.sn, Za.tt- rNn He,r.rGMa"N A PROFESS IO N AL CORPORA'ION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 7IA SEVENTEENTH STREET. SUITE 8OO DENVER, COLORAOO AO2O2 December 17, 1975 MAX P. ZALL oF cout{sEL AREA CODE 3O3 Ms. Diana Toughill, Assistant P1 anning Director Planning Department Town of Vai'l Vail, Co]orado 81657 Re: K.A.C. of Vail Our File E-75-31(5-257) Dear Ms. Toughi 1'l : Regarding the above-named condominium project, please be advised that this office represents Silver State Savings and Loan Association which is the owner of "Unit 4" thereat. My client acquired tit1e to said property by virtue of its statutory foreclosure of a loan secured by said unit through the office of the Eagle County Public Trustee. It is my understanding that the President of Silver State Savings and Loan Association--Robert l^l. Hubbard--has previously met with you concerning certain problems raised by your Department with regard to the location of said condominium pnrject. Further, it is my understanding that you intend to bring this matter to the attention of the Vail P'lanning Cornnission at its January, 1976, meeting. You may consider this letter as a request for you to send advance notice of any such meeting to the following parties: Robert l.l. Hubbard, President Silver State Savings and Loan Association.|500 Grant Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Mr. Jon M. ZallAtler; ZalI and Haligman Attorneys at Law Suite 800, 7]8 - lTth Street Denver, Co]orado 80202 You had previously advised my client that a minirnum of fifteen (15) days advance notice would be given so that he could prepare for any such l'leeting and be adequately represented thereat. .Arr.an, Z.e,r,r. rxs Hrr.r or,a,rr,r Page 2 I shall look fonrard to your written Plannlng Gomlsslon ffeting whereat Jifllbjk Certified Return cc: Receipt No. 836235 advance notice with regard to the proposed the above matter will be discussed. Very truly yourc' ATLER, ZALL AND HALIG}IAI{ a Professional Corporation o (ft nGsSILVER STRTE SRUI ISOO GRANT STREET OENV€R. COLORADO 8O2O3 TELEPHONE 3O3l292.3OOO November 3, 1975 Diana Toughi | | Bui lding Department Clty of Vail Vai l, Colorado RE: KAC of Vail Dear Mrs. Toughi I l: Please be advised that \de have made contact with Mr. Don Thomas. He has agreed to forward to us a copy of the report prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. of Lakanood, Colorado. As soon as I receive saidreport, I will call you for an appointment to discuss the particularsof this report. I can assure you that Silver State Savings and Loan Associationls making a concerted effort to try and clarify the questions that surround this particular piece of property. lf there are any questions, do not hesi tate to call upon us. Hubba rdobCrt !J. President 9-,/zg"*-.t@r", -Ma-.ru-t 9-" 4.2,r-€ -%,2qq,--"zg g"d/ 9."",2-Q @.y". w.6. q.*.e/ gfa*-q-"zry Ul.€at.@*"2*"y -V-A""Za -/k""r,t anZZt ,7A2"- ar'4)s4?-J/4/ October 27, L975 Ms. Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Planning Department Municipal BuildingVail, Colorado Re: I(AC of Vail (Dijit Corporation) Dear Ms. Toughill: I am writing to confj-rm our conference on october 2l ,1975. It is my understanding that you were going to furnish me with copies of the file on the I(AC of Vail matter so that we could see what could be resolved. In addition, I was going to obtain for you a copy of the avalanche study prepared by Mr. Don Thomas' con- sultants. I have written for the study and will forward it to you in the irnmediate future. It would be appreciated if your secretary could send me a copy of the information you have in your file on the KAC of Vail property. I also would like to receive a map showing how the flood plain Limitation would affect this property so that we could determine if there is any land avail-able for use. In addition, would you please furnish me with the name and address of the planning department for the County of Eagle so that I can find out the status of the county's position on this matter. We are anxious to see if sonething can be resolved so that I(AC of Vail can at least salvage part of their investment by developing a portion of the property or 'in any eventr get this matter finally resolved. cerely yours, ert C. Smith Rcs/jr HYElFICl-TFr GENTLEI4EN },\'E ARE SEI'DIi,G YOU Dnrrncurn tl.*I I PI.ANS I/\ PRINTS I fJcoev oF LTTTER fl cHmee onnen UIDER SEPERATE CL I spectrtcATloNs tr COPIES DATE N0,DESCRIPTION 6//5 .{. {t- Vz'etALrr,aL- Trrq z.Y THESE ARE TMNSMITTED AS CI{ECKED BELOId f, E Fn RA-UR1(S fl Reenoveo As sr.tsMrrrED n appnorm AS NorED E nrrunru r'on iONS tr tr U FOR APPRO/AL FOR YOUR USE AS REOUESTED FOR REVIEI{ AI'ID COIVI4ENT RESr,rH,,rrr- iSFiSio[t- srBMrr - S?E+F?r[?Tr- RETURN . CORRECTED PRINTSCORRECT t_t ..j..wY To*2.& ' zrfu rnrzhu- V Jil/,-n-,V/, /O PETER COSGRI FF JOH N W. DUNN ROBERT H. S. FRENCH V. G. SEAVI JR. STEPHEN C. WEST Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Department of Community Development P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: KAC of Vail Dear Diana: In accordance with our phone conversation on Friday, April 4, I am rrriting to request copies of the material in your files on the above noted project. I am acting as local counsel for Hillix, Brewer and Myers of Kansas City, which firm represents some of the limited partners in the KAC venture. It would be of great help to us if you could forward to me copies of everything in your files including that which the Colorado Division of Housing forwarded to you. In addition, because we anticipate litigation which might involve some of the documents in your files we would appreciate your taking special care to preserve any files you have concerning KAC. Thanks for your help on the phone on Friday. I hope our requests do not cause you any serious inconvenience. Sincerely,9a*- Selvv LEAOVILLE OFFICE: P. O. BOX ll LEADVI LLEI COLORAOO A0:+6I(3o3) 4s6-laas EAGLE OFFICE: P, O. BOX 146 t:AG LE, COLORADO gt63l (303) 3eA-637i April ?, 1975 LAw OFF|cEs CosoRrrq Dururu, FnErucx & P. O. Box saA BRECKENRTDGE, CoLoRADo 80424 (303) 453-2901 Stephen C. West rNsPECfclN Ty"ZlLt,,',1' TowN oF v-/\J F|EEUEST VAIL DATE t -JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER....--.-. ! ornen E pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: FRITUEWED i. THUR AM PM E appRovED DISAPPROVED fl nerNsPEcr fl upor'r rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR t\, i81ef,!o1 'tldQ;Et<otcc!c)ao2 9> -(o6ozo= rm l\'N oro }E .-t o D m o D!! Eo Io2 0 1 -oi o-7 :!|-zc, t n fio z z9 o.ll a szo 2nl = = -{mt f0 = D C,IIo2 ! m!Dt o _cFIzo !mt =I o'!t.ll oJ !, azo -lG) - - et -l =l- B srI z o ! m! 3 I { -l0-l |- t!root DtfiD -{o-{ -o-{ ,m .rtroo, ! m t Io tn oItl3nt2{at >FEt{o><gFi: t6E o>g iEEtrto>gER >6? e7Z>=E9;H :!i ^E'iir-EEEE'l>FE<<Erd !- zo moT zoo tn,lno q oz> l 5l! 4 zt{ o z€ orl F IA (-Ii u 1)'t (r :A \' c. \f- 9l N ir: o< cm 'Yz^ <Ya6 : z S" rm N11 (^)O AI VALUATION -{o ==, e -I E s t-I z o p< lrl D 3I 1 -{{ r 'nt- m t- t- -l D m 'll- rll m m mz{ czo m!;;ri z ;zo m -tm r,d>F>3!dt'l€+ o>h- <u :o> -i] iii,aI> o>: =A:;d:=si<:Zr",a> 9=>9.4aYzz>aza>=i>-z;,'oz6us :Hg$FJZ 63. 'lZ.i-:> d<actf- :;::; :f'r,{nat a o c €z o zt oi t- z oI mt- m =-t h z m t- m z n € 7 N: o<o!cm!/1>;z^<2. Otttl €5 _+oz 9> Jfi NN oJo SI VALUATION -{e ==, o -l ll El-I z o I<trl 3, 1 -t -t>-n f tn -t i -- > m 'tl- m D: ln Dv)m mz -t czo m otoftr:-;r z z m -l m r-.€>F>5lo L =-ro>c/)- <u3::!;6F.,;P> o>= :;:;r!:EfiI<:ZFlc> ootll =? > c:rYzzZ Q>*z i,:o=50i ^Xidq!- i, Fi: "'Z''r,1 a z ;'. > dool* '-]<ET:>'d-l> 3Fi<Ei; - z moxT n =-t z ,l l! o o ez oc Fl o "l INSPEC IION RECORD (For Deplrtrnent Use Only) Phone 476-2310 advance notic€ rgquirad for insp€ctiont rrlonru rs ro BE PosrED oN JoB SITE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR o hours REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAL DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE (9z 6J SETAACK FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING STEEL STEEL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FFAME FOOF IN G ROOM VENTI LATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING (INT) FINAL 2 lll APPLIANCE SYSTEM FINAL z 62 Jq WATER SUPPLY & DIST. DRAIN & WASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL E F llJ UJ SERVICE ENTRANCE ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDER ISSUEDT RELEASED: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: NOTE: rx rs CARD IS TO HAVE BEEN BE AETURNEO TO THE BLDG. OEPT. MADE TO AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF AF TE FI ALL REOUIRED INSPECTIONS CE RTIFICATE OF OCCU PANCY. tnt'in u tfli l!. [.; l'l ,1 l, t. [; t [] l' I l t't t box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-56r3 office of the town manager December 30' 1974 I1r. Dorrald J. Thomas 6444 East Hampden' Suite J Denver, Colorado 8022? Dear Don, In your most recent letter to me you suggested that it was-your opinion that the Town of vail should not, or woiia not, bring any action against The King Arthur's couri Proiect ior-a period of one year' I believe it necessary therefore io ctarliy the Towhis posit1on in ttris matter so that there are no misunderstandings in t'he future' 1. The Town of vail wil'l not issue any building permits or occupancy ii"*itl rnlif rrii' iitn".s an envjronm"ental iqrpact report is prepared accordins to ilri"Ipij'iiuuru-riroutsionl-iji Ordiirance Nb. 8 (series of 1973). ffre envirohmental imfagt report rnust clearly indicate that the existing o. b";pil"J UuiiOingt-5n in. site are not endangered by natural phenomenon.' The dwners anOTcr developers. have one year from the date of unn."uiton (septemb.t i2, 1974) tb submit said report to the Town of Vail. 2,TheTownofvailwillpermittheovmers,developersormortgage io*pi"v to iake such necessary remedial steps to minimize further J"i!"ii,rution until the abovd matler is resolved' 3. The Town of vai l sha'l l requ i re that the si te suffound i ng ex i sti ng buildingsandfoundationsbebroughtup_tosafestandardsasdeter- mined by ttre Ciriei-SuiiainS 0fficial. The present s.tate of the pro- iect present, i it.u" and present danger to numerous chjldren and lross'country skiers whc frequent the area' IhavediscussedthesematterswiththeTownManagerandtheTownCounc.il. They concur witn tne-inove-p'sition. ii,.""itft'i"ytuu" instructed the Chief Bui.lding 0fficial to proceed with bringing the site up.to an acceptable level of safety. your full cooperatioi *ilt be appreciated. Further' I o have notified rrther interested I can be of further assistance Si ncerelY, Page two. YOR OF VAIL parties of the Town of in this matter' Please Vai'l's Position. If contact mY office. 'eR&A^ Terrel I J.\Si DIRECTOR OF NITY DEVELOPMENT ,.-'. (NU h December 27, 1974 l4r. Nornan Rob{nson " P. 0. Box 388 Bryn l4rwr, Pennsylvanla ]9010 Dear l'lr. Roblnson: I enJoyed talklng wlth you whlle youlvere ln Vall' sorry I mlssed you when you stopped by to plll up the avalanche report. The follow- Ing are peop'le that the Colorado Geologlcal Survey and the Torn of Vrl] feel ar.e qual{fled as experts to prcpar.e cornplete avalanche Feporb for a proJect: Art l,lears (Nm under contract to Co]orado Geologlcal Survcy) 630 South 46th Bou'lder, Co'lorado Telephone - 499-0989 Charles Leaf 4412 Erst I'tulberry Fott Colllns, Colorado 80521 Telephone - 221-0050 Hans Fruplger Swlss Federal Instltute for Snow and Avalanche Research 7260 ldelssflubJoc/ Dados $*ltzerland Norm l{llson Lake Tahoe, Calffornla Petcr Schaerer Dlvlslon of Bulldlng Research Natlonal Research Councll for Candid 3350 l{esbrcok Crrscent Vancouver 8, B.C. Pete llartlnelll U. S. Forcst Servlce Forest and Rrnge Experlmnt Statlon Fort Colllns, Colorado Telephone - 482-7332 :-. \- lornn Roblnron Oaccnhr 17'. l9r1 Pagc 2 o lh hopc you rlll bo rbla to gct rll of the problenc stralghtencd out wlth the IylC pruScct rnd procccd wlth the avalanche rtu4y and po*lblc dcvclopnnt o? tie rltc. If yor dccfdc to prccecd wlth the avrlanche 3tudy, plcare let us knm whom tou have chosen to prcpane lt so rdc mlght work wlth them to gct tjrr beft posrlble Infornatlon. If re can be of furthcr scrvlce' plcase glvc us a crll or l lcttcr. Yourg truly, 0EPARTIIEI{T 0F CS|{UNITY oEVEt0PtlEt{T Dlana S. Toughlll Zonlng Affnlstrator dt $rrvnn $,t-r'rrQavrxcs\--_., ^"" I5O O GRANT STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 TELEPHON E 292-3OOO Deoenber 10, 197L !{r. Jerry Aldrlch Box #1@Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: l'tre have a loan on the one condominiurn completed in the K.A.C. of Vall proJect. Because none of the other units were ever completed, our unit is exposed on the west slde to the el-ements. ft ts our urgent request that you allow us to ueather proof our unlt. We have already sustalned sone water danage due to leakage. VIe propose that re be allowed to flnish roofing the unlt as rell as enclose the west slde of the unlt rrith sone sort of plastlc sheeting. There may be other minor pre- ventative nalntenance necessary to weather proof the unit that we are not aware of as of this noment. these measures for the nost part are of course temporary because of the clrcurnstancee but we believe they are necessalXr to preserve our lnvestment until- the project' hopefully is re- suned or untll sone deterrninatlon ls nade as to the furure of the proJect. I'.le feel confldent that you can recognize the hardshtp placed uDon us and look forward to a fevorable decision fron you. Thank you for your consideratlon ln thls natter. . Ficke o o 1 Jurisdiction ot D;"'- .t?4-t;- Appticant to complete numbered spaces only. '57;'o:V o n' C), o / BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THtS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT East Vail t$ser trtrcxeo,sxeer) or\rfrER MAIL aooFEsg ztp ptoNE 2 Hing Arthur condominiums Drau.jer l44B vair sL657 (38lD 47G-3?49 CON TiACTOR', ,,,' r|lnq Arlnur Lonoomln1ums Dr'auer l44B 8165? . LTcENSE vO- (303) 476-3749 ARC!{IIECT OR DEsICNER MAIL AOORESS PHONE LICE:{SS NO,4 Henneth C. Maetzold 1440 So. Emerson, Denver GO, 744-1267 ENGIIIE€R MAIL AODi€SS b Anderson & Hastinqs 12& Brvant - pHoNE ver l3D, -422-3796 6 SiLuer State Savinos &Denver uenver USE OF EU IIOIN C 7 Condominiums 8 Clasofwork: El NEW EAoDtTtoN I TERATION C R AIR CMOVE DREMOVE l0 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation ol work: $ I1 .- *:": pcnru cxe6x eee / 74 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Fire Sprlnklerr Requlred lyNNo Fr6. ot .qDwelllnq Unltr \-/ ARKING SPACEST NOTTCE .i \ SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REQUIRED FOR ELECTBICAL, PI-Ui/8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOTTION}NG. \ THIs PERiilIT BECoIVES NULL ANo VoIo IF woRK oR coNstRuc. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WtTHtN 60 DAYS, OR IF coNsTRUcTIoN oR WoRK ISSUSPENoEo oR ABANDoNEo FOR APEaIoD oF 12o DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WoRK IS cbM-MENCED. ., \I HEREBY cERTlF./ rHAT I HAVE READ ANo ExAMtNEo rFltsAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE sA.ME TO BE TRUE ANO COR.RECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNINOTHISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, TH- GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OFI (:AN(:FI TI.IFPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTBUCTION - OF-THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON.K464:4-r -i .// n ^ stot,rfLREtF (rlPtF ros.:a attf*Eet2ao ^GEr\f ,,/ (0ArE ZONING HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT PLAN Cl-IECK VALIDATIOI'r M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. 76 7v^ .{a a ,zc' ; STATE OF COIORADO o - DrvrsroN oF HouslNG Denver, Colorado CORRECTION NOTICE 1575 Sherman 5t. Phone 892-2776 Job I ocated er.2 e 4?. e!(1..... . .(h... B. * / *e (/. I have rhis day inspected this structure and these premiset and found the following violations: /- ,("r>*- Z<t&4'4 -Z +2" ft '(/aez-'f'eq ,/7/4 /Ac ?7" Entsi-i4r6' z, dpnce- 1jpr7-/a 4/4s7a 44 6'Lh'rEzCd/r'€Et77c'(E' ^ ; ";;: rl:; ' ''ho's i I'e z*srn LL'.D 'a 'rtE 6'o /6. TT).'JO foV- - D' >'1'a;1t4 s '+ E 2 i8'^ t'1' Ca ' t *''-EZ' /Ct py - BcTft FtreaPLA ce's --l/eg: k '7'ucr*e<'e'p */ ;;:^ t/..!u ulJ:i ;;::;:;: |'f:"m lr Gugr4-L'€?-/ _ <-/=/. <7<){- (/(:C /.A, ;&!/ n/,ta._ f::::::",=1,""7o) sr,pF ei= or€-q/$ fllai'F -*a'-'))o^_-,elnry f ,a."g &u"eap 5, .: :,""ffi!!;:;-2- p-,' a,' J ;4'r'4; */Yqu are hereby notified thal no more work shall be done upon these premises unlil the above violaiion3 are cortected. When cor- reclionr have becn made call for inspection. o *e.. h. :?.{. t..!.1-....to....... Phone892-2776 !'6bruaty 20, L9?3 K.A.c, ot Vail Dnalrcr llaa8vall colorailo 8165? AITEMION: [rr. 80b€rt Batley Gentboonr on Februaly I 1973 an lnlpcctlon rat nnads by ttto Dlviaion of llowlrq of, tha DtJlt Itooat fnc. l'inufactuttrq faclllty of Labanon l.ttsrourl. Tbl'tt LnslnctLon ng nado 10 the cqnPtlryt of !tr. FraDk Ealh, Gcrural Hanrg€r fot Dtjit llc{Et and l'tr. li6n lraataold Arehtt€ct for K.A.c. of Vall. Thc lnlpection tn- cLudedt an exaoinatlon offthc $411 panal conrtructlon proosss' roof panel frantrg and bathroocr Eodtrlog. eftlouqU thc plant uaq not ln fu11 pnoduction' the inalrctl'on lndtcatsd an ararsn€gt by thc hanufacturar of the rced for a atrgr€l quau,ty cgntrol organlzat!.on and ths naintenance of coilttttnsy Ln production, It ia filt thrri thc inspctton coupled rlttr the arglncrirq and talttng tng edlegr:atc to cortlfy tha etart of nanufacturrr of thc vall panclg. rcof Inrnls and bathxoo conr rnodulea. r{hen f,ull production bag besn achiouadl tn tlre ltjit facilltiec. anothor inslpction vill bc uaita to lnrurc nalntBnanc€ of lrolpr Brocedurcl. Tbc inFo4pratLon of thsrc butlilfg csEDrrntt lnto thc derlgrr for thn bulldtngrc at K'A'c' of Vatt Ls aleo aut}or&cil. Tlre bulldtrq fpnnlt fon tha ftrgt thrcc butldtngs of, tha K.A.c. ltroJact ttlll not b. lsg\ldl pcndins sltpt of t}rc flrn1 plans. Atl futura bulldlnEa rill requtla alpLicatlon for build- tng pcrrdEs, Or€ FstroLt f,or eactr butfdirrq wil'1 bs lssuod' All Lnrpcctlons slll ba nads aB rcgutnd for on-slt€ projects. Slne -r€ly JI,B/'Ih cc: Fnnk llaeh. DiJtt Homes P O. Bo)t 343 I-,ebanon Mistouri 65536 J. L. Blo.ck n€sidGntl4l con gtruqt ion and Inatractlon Englnccr Inc. l I i I l I I I I 1. Legal Description: Building No. 03i Hing Arthur Condominiums, in accordance urith ,!:the Declaration,'rqclrded on May .B, 1973, in Book 229, at _Page 26, and Condominium f"lap, rdcorded on June 27,1973, in Eook 229 at Page 926 of the Eagle County records, County of Eagle, State oF Eolorado, subject to any and al1 easerents and rights-of-uay of record. K.A.C. of Voil, o Colorodo Limired portnenhip (Diiit Homes, Inc., Missouri Corporotion, Generol portner) Februa ry ' Re: DUIT QuallEy Mr. Jack Brock n.rol !:anual Colorado Dlvlslon of Houslng Room 701r 157 5 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado Dear JAck: Enclosed.are two (2) coptes of the DlJtt Quallty ConErol Manual.. for the DiJlt llanufacturlng Plant ln Lebanon, Mlssourl . It should be noted tbat K.A,C. as a Colorado LlmlEed ParEnershlp purchases the DlJlt l,iall Sectlons on an trarns length'r basls fron the DtJIt Plant and then uses these Sectlons ln the constnrctlon of the ?orrnhouse Condomlniun ln ValI. Our purchaslng wlll be ln :rccorclance vlth the lall Sicttors that nere test€d ln Denver and for whlch ve have supplted you complete tesE data. You wtll note that thls !4anua 1 now includes U.B,C. as a reference standurci. Yours. trul y, RAB/ bb cc DtJlt Corporatlon, St. Louis DlJlt lttanufacturlng Plant, Lebanon Ken I'laetzold, Archltect Eurincrs Offics . Drowor Nunbcr lil48 , Voil, Colorodo 81657 . (38) 476-1749 Gcncrsl Offico . Sulre 15/0 . Denvcr Club Euilding . 518 - lTth Street . Denvcr, Colorodo 80202 . (3Gl) 825-8lll 2 ' L973.,, ?- -- j Mr. Jack Brock Colorado Dlvislon of Hous lns Roonr 704 1575. Sherman Street Denver, Colorado Dear Jaclc: Thls will conf lrrn orrr telephone convirsatlon and Ehedlscusslon we had In your offlce Jan. regardlng the abovedrawlngs that had been prevlously submlEted Eo your offlce.Thls letter w111 also provl<le a docurD€nE for your recordsauthorlzlng the release of these drawing to E. Swensson. As we had ment I one<-r' to you previously, Ir:e ;r-1.e lot u.slngthese drawlngs in any of our construction r,.tre to the problenrslncurred In the englneeting r.evleru. RAB/bb &rrinco Officc . Dower Nunbcr 1.,[,{8 Gencrsl OfTicc . Sulta 1570 . Denver Club Euilding . K.A.C. of Voil, o Colopdo Limired porfnenhip (Di;it Homes, lnc., Missouri Corporoiion, Generol Portner)3 fi.i--. . . F {" :'"' r'^"' :'-- January 3O.,.1973 Re: Eldon Svensson Eravrlngs . Voif , Colorodo 81657 . (308) 476-3749 518 - lTth Streel . Denver, Colorodo S0202 . (38) 825-8lll CF i-iu-.'.. \ KENNETH C. MAETZOLD At{ii lTt(T '.03^ -1^- .^ul.rlttla tYllaJ] DEtlvER' COLORAOO' AO2IO 7aa-126| . PHO E ' ?4a'123t I*4O SOUTH E$IERSON STREET ..t JanuarY 26, 1973 l,lr' Robert A. BalleY K,A.C. of Vallr LTD Drarer 1tr48 VaIl, Colorado subJects K.A.C' o! vallr LTD Heador Drlva & JunlP€r Lan€ - Pood Parcel, Eaat Vall ' Eaglc CountY, Cotorado Dear Bob: IvlsltedthesubJectproJectonJanuery23and24.Constnrcttonofthosecondfloor panGls tor the rrrst ti!.niousg unlt n""'ri-ploer"o", .tta Ehe follonlng ltens vcre dtactresed wlEh you 414 (or) the proJecE foreaen: l.Heavytlnberrldgebeaustnthoelzesrequlred'(ltecTlnoyletterEoyou dared Jan. 22, tg73t rrers nor "".ariv-il"iiitr".- Therefore the posslbllltv of uslng a glue'lailnaicd bearn ras stuf,ied by th: -t-t*:::t"r englnccr and the follolrlng etzes approved: 5-l/B'-r-iii-"""0-llt*". \ 13!", uelng 314" ot t\" laolnated nenlb.rs wttn f/t ' 24oa pl"'f'- i:-rla'l x 15't lanlnated beao oeet- lng tho "pecfti."tion FaB locared l"i-"iff- O" uecO for th€ flrst unlt' The beaa wlll be epllced clos€ Eo tt'" iii"iror BuPportlng eolumr' coluoa connec- tlon dctalls and bcan spllce a"t"fi "-""t.- a*"ign"a by the sEructural englneer anddravlngsno.x.landX-2p".p.'"aghtteaEth6project!obefollor:edln cons Snrct t On. 2. Stnce thc orlglnal locatlon of tha 4x6 post (lnterlor suPPoft for rldge beao) vould have been iocated at thg aool"Io'trr"""to"a f,loor llnen closet' the post oay bc novca a maxlule of ,o. ,or"la-itr" i*t"t ot the unlt and tocated at Ebe lntsftr€ctlonoftheErooalnbedroonvallsofttresecondfloor.Toaccomplleh thls changa th€ follorlnS strucEural addlglons are nccessarys a. Ilre lanlnated rldga bean ,,rii-u" epltced at approxlaately 24'| fron EhG 4x6woodP;;;-;;iitil""ttre;spltcedetall'onDravlnsx-2' b'A4x4rroodpogtshouldo.p"lilii"edoneacheldeo!thepartlElonat the llraE floor dlrectly belor the 4x6 post' c.AddltlonalsolldroodblocklngshouldbesecuredbetgeanfloorJolstaof the flrst and second floor to"piovlde contlnu-ou9 solld bearlng from ths 4 x:6 to it't steel beam below the flrst floor framlng' d. Ihe colutn connect lon detall slll be the sain€ -as shorrn for "Exterlor colurnr-FronE'r on drawlng x-1, ;";;;; lt,rr, "r,ontt-for 'rlnterlor colusdt'r' e. It *111 not be necessary to- io""- tftu steal plpe colunm'et the baseuont level Eo accoupllsh thls change-ri-arrl eteel bea'r ls adcquate eo Eake Ehe conc€nrraE€d load froro the nerr colunn locaElon aboYe' tlr, Rob€rt a' eaf f - Psgs 2 - L'26-73 3. conBtrrrctLon of the foundatlon wall. uncler th€ stone- -f lreplace wall can bo of, nasonry trocr rns;i"l-oi at. conc:rEte ;;tta.ir"" wau shll|tl on the orlgtnal dravlnge. use 8" t""tl"y-iri"! ::""t119 ii*itrv on' the concrets psd footlns and contlnulng to the helgbt of the "t"i"*i"it" on trt" naln portlon of the foundarlon l'all. sri"ii-ft. exlsctng "J";;;;i"g roos into Jolnts of the mas- onry block wall. rnil--portton of the t;;;;ty blick coneEructlon should be srouted goltd.""a "jiiril""i-"rii "Etnd:;;';i' lur-o'vall Elec averv other colrr'€r. Thc aEone faccd portlon of _ttre iirrplu"u '411 sho'id b€ con'trucled vlEtr 4n mlsontlr uro"i'ut"[ up' relnfor"ta'"ifi-ttandard 4' dur-o-vall tles elery othar .o".""r-*d etaniard "tt*g;tti-tnchorr at Jolnts ln stone to masonry block. Plearc contacE oc lf VsrY trut Y Youra t l Fcu4' Kcnneth C. Maetaold Arcbltect KCX'!/c6 cc: Hr. Jacb Bmck Mr. John Park therc ar€ any questlona ragardlng thla report' ''1 il I i ,- -,',it1 I ii , \., l 1',4 t ...' .: . .r.Fr \5,> r.* ! :,r -_._* '!{"iKENNETH C. MAETZOLD .:.- : ffi DqXVER . COLORADO . aOZ to 744-1265 . FHOI{E . taa-1167 141J-.:, sourH Ei,lERsoN STREET ; Jaouary 26, L973 Mr. Jaek Brock Dlvlston of Houslng State of Colorado 1575 Shernan St. - Rooo 704 Denver, Colorado 80203 SubJecE: R.A.C. of Vall, LTD Meadorr Drlye & Junlper Lane Pond Parcel , East Vall Esgl e Colrrrty r Colorado Dear l,lr. Brock: . -jAiiii,i i!,?3 i\.!.r i: r.--. | ,r- r ,; r,:,:\- i .;p[ liGUS:i{A I an encloglng wlth thls letter the follovlng naterlal to keep you ttrforoed ofprogress and declslons made on the flrst unlt belng constructed on the subJectproJect: 1. Letter dat€d Januae 22, 1973,to Mr. Robert A. Barrey relaEl,ve co an in-spectlon trlp to the proJect on Jsn, l9th.2. Letter dated January 26, 1973rto Mr. Robert A. Balley relatlve to an ln-spectlon trlp to the project on January 23 and 24.3- r prlnt each of dravlngs x-l and x-2 dated Jan. 23, 1973, showlng rtdgebeero, colulur, and purlln detalls.4. 1 prtnt of the ftrst unlt plan and lral l sectlolrs (earller prlnt sent toyou wlEh letter dated Jan. 18r X973) narked to shor changes as e:qlainedln the letter to Mr. Robert A. Balley dated.Jan. 22. l{e have worked closely vtlh Mr. Batley and the consttlrctlon forenen on the proJecGto accotlpllsh the structural changes nec€ssary to acconoorlate the flrsE unlt con-sEr:uctlon wlth the orlglnal prefabrlcated nal1 panels. All structural declslonsand the enclosed drawlngs have been approved thru the structural englneerlng flruof Anderson and Hastlngs consultlng Englneers, Mr. John park belng ln charg- ofthe proJect fron that offtce. He rl11 contlnu€ our lnspectlon and coordln.at I on of th€ flrst unlt untll success-fully corpleted, and wtll keep you lnfor:rred of, any further declslons necessary.k'e are presently conpleElng plans for the typlcal fourplex townhouse buildtng, and vlll submtt prtnts Eo you when conpleted. Please contact ne lf there are any quesetons relatlre to the constmctlon of theflrst unlt of the K.A.C. of Vail projec!. :i _ cc: i'lr. Robert A. Ballev I'lr. John park Jinurrt 22r t97! Mr. Sobett it. Delley K.A.C. of valt, LtD Dnvrr l4C8 Yetl, Coloredo SubJ.cCr K.A.C. of Tell, LTD !t..dor Drlr & Junlper Lrm Porid P.re.l, Eert Vatl [rg1. gouncyr Colorrdo D€.r Bobt i\';=l i*,, ]--.- .r,l: jt. " l:' -.',".. I r'\,11 r t ^r:-'. "-, . _\r'-l: ir..t' _>;'i{t -t I Thla lottrr vlll sonltrm dcelrtonc rnd dtncBtver glven durlng ny vlclG to the proj.cE on Prldey o! lrlt nret. Thr consBnrctlon of thc llrat totttUrout. unlt Y..' ln progrcru, ulEh llret lloor pr.frbrlcrced p.nolt borlcally tn plrcer lncludlng bathrool nodulrr. Conrtluctlon ol thr r.cond (loor trenlng rt.! .trrtcd durlng tlr ran. dat. A prtnt ol drartnga rhoulng typlcsl eall Eactlons dnd a e&etch of the tlrct tloor plrn (datod f -t&73) el!h addltlonal rt$cturrl colunns and beaos added to rupport thc accond tloor lruntng nas revleued $lth your Frank Haeh, and i'larlon. Thlg drar lng chored the addltlon ol &x6 rrood poste Bupportlng c 2-2xlo nood b.aa along, tho tro Grlcrlor end walle and Ehc cGntor parEltlon, thc rrcod boal carrylng thc 2xlo lloor Jotstr etth Jotr! hengert, Locallon of th. 4x4 poata vrr urled ttor thl drerlng tn rocr .rerr to tcconntodate wrll p.ncl ! atrrady ln poeltlon th. totloptng declalona and dlrccttYea wcrc gtven at thc olte: l. ?lrc 4 x 4 posta rrlll be located on thG outslda of the ser! extettor vall (dtvldlng partltlon bctrccn unlte) as ahorra on thG drarlng. 2. ttrr4 port! at' th€ ccncer pertlGlon rtll be loootcd on th6 rres! aldc (ontrt atde) o! the wall panell, rprccd at approxtitatcly 4r o.c.t tno of tht Portr beln6 located at Ghe lnglde corn $r of cha bedroon eloset (neorceE entry .r€a). the ocher poeta rhall bc evenly spaced bcB?sen doors of tho well length.3. 4x4 poete etong th€ €aec rrell shall be spaced at 4c o.c. on the tntcrlor surlace oner Jotnts ln the exterlor vall panels. Polte wlll not io rcrlulrod tor Chr porElon. o! rall corrrrd by thc b.throor oodulca. AC thr brthtooa aodulor bloeklng thoul<! be placod dlnctly on lhe top channol ol tha bsthroil trell extendlng to th. undrrglde of thc 2.2xlo boan. Tttc 2-2rl0 been ahalt cxtend from the 4*4 portr contlnuoult ov€r tha bathroon ooduleg. 4. Tlre 416 poet rho;r ln thr eenter prrtltlon rnd extendlng lo'iupport -thcrtdgo born aborc rhrll be cut lnto thc srlt panct lnd locrBed dlrictly lbove th. rtml po.t oolurrr of th. loer trvcl . Ttto pot! crn br ln tro lrngthr rltfr e rpllco plrt. .t th. r.cond floor lovrl. t{r' Robcrt Dalloy - Prg. 2' l'22'71 to A 4xO *trod port rhrll b6 lrutslled on th. ccntcr llno of thc unlt at thr rr' trrlor facc of thr eouth erll' thlt poet to extend to thc under 6lde ol thr rldgc bcan lroc thr ttonr lcdgc beloy. Thr bottor porCton of Bh. port lhould b. Gr.at.d fot roleGure prolrctlon. Thlt poet thould bi rqourrlt .nchor.d lo thr lraolng neubttl ac erch floor ltnc rnd to thc foundetlon vrlt' l. gottd 2rl0 blocking should br lnrtellcd batlrcen floor Jolrtr brlor .tl 6td potttr end bclov tho beerlng rell of Ehr bathrool rodulor' 7. ih. rt!. t.qutr.d tor Utf ridgr beel le 6116 or 6 r 22., thc rttr rtqulrod lor purltne-eupportlng thc prclrbrtcrtcd roo! prnrlr tr 2rl2 rlth r ?r8 plate on elthcr rldr. 11rc 4x6 port dercrtbod ln llrn 4 abov. rot r?qulro tFo tectlonr, but drould^bc rpllcrd rt thG tecond floor llno urlng tro nctal ctrnpt 7ll6n r l4n long vtth 2 ' t/8t bolCr on eech rldc of thc rpllcc. ,f Slapron lypc CC potE csp abould bc urod to lnchor th. rldgr borr to. th. top of tbr 416 port. Ploceo cont.c! or tl thorr.r. rnt qu.ttlou r.trnlltrg thlt rePorl' Vcry lnrly tq!!r Rcilreth C. Hrrtrold' ' -- Archltrot rOr/rr Iil 0Rtrs 82s-3207 TTSIING I.ABOR DENVER, COLORADO 80223 ECEI flldr1as?,F.3 DtN$t,_ , 3FftQls,tii,y Vf. ' It Prepared for Dij it Homes, Inc. at the request of Anderson g HastingsConsulting Engineers lr i.: COTUITTIERCIAI 22 LIPAN STREET REPORT OF LOAD TESTS ROOF AND WAIL PANETS OF MANUFACTURED BY DIJIT SANDWICH CONSTRUCTION HOMES INCORPORATED \\,,\. r\Identificat[on No. January 9, L973 AT . ,,, :,1,f {qt: S COPE Load tests vlere performed on roof and wa11 panels to deterninestrength chzrracteristics of these panels. Roof panels were sub-jected to unifornly djstributed loads in accordance with loacltest prccedures set out in ACI standard 3rg-7r. wa11 panels were I.,:leg^under. conpressl'"'e loads in accordance with ASTN{' DesignationL 72-b8. This report sunlnarizes results of these tests. RC)Ol: PANhLS Roof panels lr'ere 14 t X 4 r X 4rt in dimension. panels rvere constructed oI 3/4,, plyrr'ood frarnes, having a topcovering of 3/8" exterior plylr,ood, a bottom covering- of l6 S?g" aluminum, and fitled njth polvurethanc foanr. Adetail of roof panel construction is ihorvn i_n Figure No. 1 LOAI] 1'LST PROCI]DURE Panels were pl.aced on a hori-zontal frame with the e<1cesupport they lu'i11 reccive when used in construction. paielst'ctc loadctl by placing lead ingots unifor.nrly over theeNt.crlor surfacc. Deflections under load were measured !f aial gages placed at 4 equa1l,v spaced midpoint-of-span10cat10ns. Test load for panels was deternined in accordance rviththc Building code Requirements for Reinforce<l concrete ofthe Arnerican Concrete Tnqf itrrre rACI Standarcl 318-71) .rest load ;;' -;q;i;;i";;";;"0.;s "(1.4 Dead Loact + 1.7 Li.veLoad). Test loads were applied in 4 equal increnents.Load-deflection curves are presented in Figure No. Z forthe three panels tested, and for the avera[e for thosethree panels. Panels tested conformed to load testretluirenrents of ACI 318-71. Panel No. 3 rsas re-loaded toderflection data for this test isThis panel was unloaded, allowedagain re-loaded to approximatelyload without failure. Load andin Ii.gure No. 3 a higher 1oad. Loadalso shown i-n Figure No. 2.to recover, and then was3 tines the original test recovery cll rve s are shown Load-deflection data tabulations for each of the jpanels tested are presented in Table No. 1. Re-1oad datafol Patrcl No. J are prcsentcd in Table No. Z. hAI,i, i,ANLLS I'AN]]I. CONSTRUCl'ION Ittall panels trere 4' X g' Xfranes lr:cr€ corr-structed of No. 3" il] dimension, Panel1 Southern Ye11ow Pine. -1- Studs at each edge 1^/ere composed of 2 - 2 -1/ 2 X 1, - 5/8" rnenbers glued togetirer. The top nlcmber rvas a single2-1i? X 1-5/8" member. The bottorn frame mernber was a 17 gage steel channel. Ilxterior sheeting wits 3/8"e:<teriol pJ,l'rvood. Interior sheeting was 1/4" decoratort)'pe plvrr'ootl . Panel lvas f i11ed with polyurcthenc f oam.Dc'tai1 is shown i.r'r Figure No. 4 . LOAD TllSl' PR0CtTDIJRE Partels r\'ere placed in a load franLe ancl subjected to colnllressive loadi,ngs in accordance lr.ith ASTI,I Designation 1: 72- [,8,"Stanclard lr{etlicds of Conclucti.ng Strengt}r Testsol Pane l s {or lluildinu Construction. " 'I'est loads r{ere applied by a calibrated hydraulicj ack in 2000 1b increncnts rvitl.r recovery allowed betweenlortd rppl ications. Conrpression of the panels werc tnc'asured by dial gages placed in pairs at the panel corners. LoaJ -eonrpress ion data for test panel s are presented inFigurcs Nos. 5, 6 A 7, and average values for tl-re threepartel:; tested ar-e presented in Figure No. 8. l,ateral cle i lcc tion under load rvas measured at panel mi,d points.i)eflettion-1oad data a]'e prcsented in Figurcs 9, 10 €r 11, atrd ar.erage values for the thlee test panels are presentedirr Fi.r,ure No. 12. Lcrad-conlpressj.on-deflection test data are presented inTables .:l , 5 & e f or the three panels tested. Panel No, 3 t"a,= srtb j ectecl to a maximum load of 32 kips lvlthout f ailure Please advise ne if you desire further jnforrnation rcgarrling test procedures on test data. COMN{ERC iAL STING LAI]ORATORIES .J FD Ray, Jr 3069 J 't*t f 't",. p4 -k t -2- CARL J" RAY, JI.] 06s f' . a f,.}'.. !ta TABLE NO. LOAD - DEFLECTION DATA, LOAD TESTS OF DIVIT ROOF PANETS l'anel No. ].OAD DEFLEITION - INCHES lbs.P-:l Pt. L Pt. 2 Pt. 5 Pt. 4 0.048 0.07 4 0.101 0 .t27 0.138 0.014 0.028 0.053 0. 081 0.099 0.109 0. 002 0.072 0.115 0.148 0. 178 0.194 0.006 0.061 0 .092 0.723 0.1s2 0.157 0. 002 0.062 0.104 0.130 0.153 0.164 0. 008 0.0s6 0.104 0.143 0.165 0.191 0.00s 0.082 0.118 0.148 0.175 0.189 0.008 0.063 0.106 0.L26 0.160 0,173 0.009 0.014 0.039 0.066 0.096 0.114 0.000 0.068 0.105 0.L27 0.149 0.159 0 .0I2 0.063'0.113 0.732 0.152 0.159 0.005 Average 0.048 0.086 0.117 0. 146 0.16s 0 .005 0.065 0.095 0.125 0.150 0.161 0.009 0.054 0.094 0.117 0.141 0.151 0.006 1450 25.9 0.0512900 51.8 0.0854350 77 .7 0.113!,800 103.6 0.1451i800(After 24 hrs) 0.1590 (After 24 hrs 0.007 Recovery ) Panel No. 1900 51.8t350 77.7;800 103.6 i800 (After 24 hrs)J (After 24 hrs Recovery) Panel No. 1450 25.92900 51.81350 77 .75800 103.6 5800(After 24 hrs)0 (After 24 hrs Reco rery); tu. Identification No. E-9703 Janirary 9, L973 ?lti 'r1' t. rO TABLE NO LOAD - DEFLECTION DATA RE-LOAD OF PANEL NO. LOAI) nsfr"_ DEFLECTION - INCHES 1bs.Pt. 1 Tl+ 1rL. L t"* 0.048 0.085 0.114 0.r44 0.173 0.198 0.223 0.273 0.316 0.335 0. 360 0.484 0.034 Pt. 3 0 .024 0.054 0.07r 0.t.00n 1?o 0.152 0.L82 0.203 0 .263 0.301 0.330 0 .347 0.517 0 .025 0.019 0.057 0.085 0.099 0.r27 0.146 0.168 0.186 0 .728 0 .252 0.277 0 .288 0 .392 0 .043 Average 0 .023 0.051 0.079 0.104 0.732 0.156 0.180 0.202 0.251n ?R7 0. 308 0 .326 0 .434 0 .032 Pt. 4 1450 25.92900 51.84350 77.75800 103.67270 129.88750 156.310225 782.611700 208.9 I.JI/J IJ5.J14650 ?6t.616125 287.917600 314 . 377600(After 24 hrs)0 (After 24 hrs Recove ry) 0.020 0.04s 0.076 0.103 0.r29 0.r52 0.173 0.197 0 .247 0.278 0 .299 U . JI..L 0.345 0.0?6 Ident i fic at ion .Ianuary 9, 1975 No. E-9703 TABLE NO. WALL PANEL NO. 1 LOAD -C OMP RE SS ION - DEFLECTION DATA LOAD Kips I A 6 10 72 T4 16 18 20 zz 0.008 0.017 0.061 0.044 0 . 0 59 0. 069 0.082 0.094 0.105 0.110 0.137 0.001 0.004 0.008 0.011 0.014 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.055 0.039 0.049 0.010 0.035 0.060 0.100 0.155 U.IO5 0 .200 u-t/5 0.310 0.380 Set 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015 0.01s 0.015 COMPRESSI0N- Inches Maxinum Set DEFLECTION- Inches Maxinun Identification No. E-9703 Japuary 9, 1973 TABLE NO. 4 IVALL PANEL NO. 2 LOAD - COMPRESSION - DEFLECTION DATA COMPRESSI0N- Inches DEFLECTI0N- Inches Maxirnurn Set Maxinum Set LOAD Kips 2 4 6 10 I2 I4 l6 18 20 22 0.008 0.017 0.061 0.080 0.092 0.104 0.115 0.125 0.134 O.L7L 0.183 0.004 0.004 0 .032 0.045 0.0s1 0.056 0.060 0.063 0.063 0.075 0.078 0.020 0.040 0.065 0.080 0.110 0 . 14 5 0.180 0.210 0 .260 0.355n ?o q 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.015 Identification No. E-9703 January 9, 1973 z 7e' ex- Eet orz, PLY\,/OO D AC.GEOLJtr' =/<+> >/<t \roo-D =?EA,T)ee zc| x4tt x =/4tF2L1)/OOD ?c-)LlUeeJl]'ANE - - Fa)^.l-i - !-- (--, \'EE ALUI-{N ILJF] AV) \.7 26 GAGE -- 4">< r /?" PL-I,vo(]{)FB,5.HE 2y/a.t' x. ra/a D#.CE. @tJt,:L=;r -5;1rr -rJclr.-lEg I Nc . DE|\$/TY Otr FC)LYllzE:TrlANE f=OAH: 3272=r = <n1 o- f- lG. f-Fi r l . t----------* I I: : : : : _-_-_-:-_-_- :_- : : : : -_ -l s a I . -T L- Il)E -N l- l- Ue { tal * lo - tt/Oon 3-FE\,/S ---I I 7 ,/+/ =t', + ro - \,.bctDSc€EVS--=..- +'x I.cl x =.,zer EX-rE.E-roR {t_ '0li1"F: :,+ \ \ \l POLYUEETIJANE. FOAM' ALL OVE? PLYVOOD 6 EOU? .lllc, 11 GAGE. 3T€EL C+]ANEL 2t/2" xtE/at ToP FPA.tvE - ?L1 \/o oD [/.A LL P/ NELDEC9 6TOe f1 ?E t /a, ;,crtot r (e r 1et' x t z/an) =1 ttoz' I'4'xa'x r/4 2 t/2',x3 /': I | | F.n YELLOV -rc)€'r.T|+Ee / N= I €ou-n-.te'EN P:NE / DENSITY c1L roe nFl r-1"' E eloa. Dt lll +-.1c)1-193 lNc rta.r..Jo" 4. K.A.C. of Voil, o Colorodo Limiied Podnenhip (Diiit Homes, Inc., Misouri Corporotion, Generol porfner) Burincrs Officc Dower Number l,l.l8 . Voil, Colorodo 81657 . (3Gt) 116-3719 Gcncrol OFicc . Sullc 1570 . Dcnver Club Building . 518 - lTth Street . Dcnver, Colopdo 802O2 . (36) 825-8lll July 10, L972 Mr. Terry Minger, Town Manager Vail Municipal Building Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: K.A.C. of Vail, Ltd. preliminary plat "pond parcelr' situated in the Southeast L/4 of. Section 12 , T5S , R80I^I of the 6th P.M. Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mr. Minger: Attached is a copy of the preliminary plat plan for the above property which vre are sending you at the direction of the Board of County Conrmissioners of Eagle County. This is for your information and review, and comment if appropriate, and is in accordance with Colorado Senate Bill Ntrmber 35. The information attached is for your use and you may keep thisfor your fi1es. If you have any questions concerning this de- velopmenf, you may talk to the County Planning Commission of Eagle County or you may call our office. We will be happy to supply additional information. RAB/s1s Enc. K.A.C. of Voil, o Colorodo Limited Portnenhip (Diiit Homes, Inc., Missouri Corpomtion, Generol Portner) July 30, 1972 Mr. Terry Minger Manager, Tovm of Vail Vail Municipal Building Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Preliminary pLat information, K.A.C. of Vail, Ltd.trpond parceltt property situated in the SE 1/4, Sec- tion 12, T5S, R80W, 6th P.M. Eagle County, Colorado. Dear Mr. Minger: Attached is the report from Chen and Associates, Incor- porated of Denver. We mentioned in our July 8th letter to the Eagle County Corunissioners that Chen and Associates had conrpleted their soils investigation and that their re- port would be forthcoming. The attached is a detailed report of this study and should be added to your fol-io on preliminary plat inforcmaEion for the above property. truly, Robert A. Bailey RAB/sls Att rd lurlncs Offlcr . Drouor Numbcr 14.18 . Voil, Colorodo 81657 . (3(B) 176-3719 Gcooml Ofrlco . Sultc 1570 . Dqrvcr Club Building . 518 - lTrh Sreet . Danvcr, C.olorodo 802m . (3fi|) 825-8lll Yours YvA=-fref *1 box roo r vail, colorado 8i657 9a4v Dtt'-iC*'..,.,r o 303.476&T' August 30, L972 Ll<- L*1 \5 dku4,'.. county Planning commission T Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado Gentlemen: In accordance with section 3.05.02 of the county subdivision recrulations, the Town of Vail submits to the County-planning Coinnission its review of the preliminary plat entitled' "K.A.c.of Vail." The following points were raised: (1) Have the proper flood plains been defined on Gore Creek? (1) 50 yr. storm(21 100 yr. storm(3) Design flood plain The proper location of the flood plain would have an effect up- on the required 30t setback for construction. (2) Will the existing ground cover remain intact along the stream bank? We believe that no burming should take pl3ce within the public easement adjacent to Gore Creek. (3) We have determined that the existing pond functions as a settling pond to remove Po-tential sil-tation from excessi-ve snow and rain runoff. To alter the present size of the pond would be to increase the probabil- ity of siltation in Gore Creek. (4) Having reviewed the soil rePort' t.te are con- cerned that the present aquifiing function of subsoils will be disturbed, therefore, creating an adverse affect upon the migra- tion of ground water which supplies Gore Creek Because of the interference with ground water flows, it may have a polluting effect. lnttn o eP(s)Reviewing the proposed drainag the following comments: lan, we have (A) Provision should be made to trap run- off fron paved areas to collect oi1, . grease, trashr and sil-t. (B) The drainage easements are now 10' in width. The County Subdivision Requi- sition requires a mininun of 20' 'in width. (C) That during and after construction, a Iandscaping plan be submitted so as to assure the minimal siltatios of Gore Creek and erosion of the site. we reccm- roend--that a performance bond be re-quired of the developer by che Countyto assure compliance with this stipula- tion. (6) Having reviewed the site plan the following com- ments are made: (A) The proposed parking along the County road requires that vehicles back into a heavy traffic area causing a clear' and distinct hazard. (B) The configuration of on-site interior parking does not separate pedestrian and bike traffic, thus causing a danger from near-blind backing into a traffic right-of way. The density of the pro-ject will generate heavy vehicular traf- iic that necessitates adequate pedestrian and bike separation which has not been defined on the'plan. (C) The configuration of the parking creates danger to cars traveling al-ong the pri- vate drive. A provision should be made to reduce traffic {Jd. \ <pztvu-> (D) Enough sPace has not been provided for snow removal. Plowing onto public roads is not allowed. This could have an effect on the number of parking sPaces available to the Project residents. (E) In terms of fire control , insufficient access to each building is interferredwith due to the configuration of the parking adjacent to each structure. &-*'o Ftw-e l3z1 peerr,. 1 FAt B t"oT Dr9 li<-x-fi,o fo | lo,eqc,-1 uoc.alr'c-- | -"- g,53G/rnA4Mf 1\ol7l-Q b,b PE+7rtlra.trrO { ' In applying the Uniform Building Code, to the siteplan we find that the distance between structuresis inadequate. The UBC requires 10r where as sep-aration of some structures is much less. This could have serious consequences for fire control. In relating said project to the Surrounding region, the'following points should be considered: (A) We feel that the construction of thisproject is bn obvious departure fromthe past and present use of this land' which may have an adverse effect uponproperty values in the area. We suggestthat property owners in the district be contacted as to their views concern-ing the project. (B) The property contiguous to the project should be taken into account, regarding proposed roads, easements, and general (@) ltrz t>t-r>r<-rrteh-orr.e1333-1=t o T Lt,-v1r> ,or{acznr i -1e, 1be<:Ja,\-rvr Fcq (?D. (9) In considering the recent statement dy the VaiI <4c7:'-Er1e+u]t . Associates that timits will be set on the numberL'rva^r(r3'ct€^.'-'.t> of skiers using the mountain, we feel that ac)t'r. alz-u;rT€ balanced density should be sought in the valleyRe<'-rzu.1roi-r which reflects the nountiin capacity. We feel -Fn<-l L-'';i%.* that this project only aggravates the current imbalance which is presently emerging in thevalley. The Town of VaiL regards the area in which rrK.A.C. of Vail" is located as coming under annexation within the next few years. It is thepolicy of the Town Government to reduce densitiesrather than increase them. It is for this reason we would recommend that the area in East Vail besubject to, and compatible with the future plansof the Town of Vail. The very existence of this subdivision will create pressure upon already strained recreational facilities in the town for which no, or limited financial benefits will be realized. In conclusion we recornmend that this preliminary plat not be approved subject to further study and conformance vrith thepoint raised herein. t7l (8) Sincerely,tu'y ^Terrell l. ltingU Town tlanager TiIM,/cb VA )'rrq-A,c,14! o chen and associates, CONSULTING ENGINI I lnc. ERS soil. r four{DATloN t|tGltttrRrNG 2600 WEST 2nd AV€NUE, SUITE t 1924 EA9T FIRSI . r DENVER, COLOTADO t0219 CASPER, WYOMING 8260I . 303l9tt-1ur7 307t231-2126 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR THE K. A. C. TOI,/NHOUSE PROJECT POND PARCEL, EAST VAIL EAGLE CCUNTY, COLORADO Prepared for: K. A. C, OF VAIL DRAWER 1It46vail, cor-oRRoo 81657 I 1! { 't 'i .l 1 Job No.8253 Jufy 24 , 1972 F t tj .t TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcLUs | oNs SCOPE SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCT ION SUBSOIL CONDITIONS FOUNDAT I ON RECOMMENDAT I ONS FLOOR SLABS SURFACE DMINAGE IIISCELLANEOUS FIG. I - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FtG, 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIG. 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIG.4 - SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS F lGS. 5, 6, and 7 - GMDAT | 0N TEST RESULTS TABLE I - SUI4HARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESUTTS APPENDIXA-sPEcIFIcATIoNSFoRPLAcEMENT0FcOMPACTEDFILL I I I I 2 2 t 4 4 -'- 'lj I CONCLUS IONS The proposed totvnhouses shoul'l be founded with spread footings placed either on the '| ovrer dense sands and gravels or compacted structura I f ill with des ign pressures ' pre - caut ions , and deta i l s g iven as d iscussed ' SCOPE This report covers a soil and foundation investigatlon for the K. A. C. townlrouse project to be located on the Pond Parcel, east Vail, Eagle county, Colorado. The report presents the rnost desirable and safe typc foundat ions, allovrable soil pressures, water table conditions' and deslgn and construction deta i I s. S I.TE COND IT IONS Atthetimeofourinvestigationthesitewasvacant.Thesiteis located south and west of Gore Creek. A large pond, approximately l0 to 15 feet in depth, was located on the north end of the site. A small ditch ran diagonally across the south end of the site carrylng water Into Gore creek. Two test pits had been previously excava ted by the owner to examine the subsoil conditions prior to our investigation' PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ve understand it is proposed to construct 83 townhouses on this slte. We expect the buildihgs wilI be of rnood frame construction without basemcnts ' Thc exact lOCatiOn of the townhouses was not known at the time of our investi- gatlon. \,le understand that the pond wlll be fllled except for thc extreme northwest end and construct lon wlll take place in thc fllled area' t SUBSOIL CONDITIONS Subsoil condltlons at the site were erratic. In general, they consisted of 2 to 6 feet of loose, silty sands and sandy clays overlying dense sand and gravel, The consolidation characteristics of the upp". sands and clays are presented ln Flg.4. Gradat ions of representative samples of all rnaterials are presented In Figs. ! through 7. The relative density of the sand and gravel stratum ls lndlcated by the standard penetration blow counts In Flg. 2. Free water is quite near the ground surface over the majorlty of the slte. In general, the depth to ground water measured at the time the tcst holes were drilled was on the order of 2 feet below the exlstlng ground surface except for the south end of the site where the ground water hra s at least l5 feet belorv the existlnq qround surface.o FOUNDAT ION RECOM},IENDAT IONS We bel ieve the nrost desirable and tolnhouses is spread foot ings . The fo I shou ld be observed : founda t lon for the proposed ign and construct ion details safe t vpe lowlnq des (1) Spread foot lngs placed on the dense sands and gravcls beneath the exlsting topsoll, sltty sands and sandv clays should be deslgned for a max lmum soll pressure of 4,000 psf. This foot lng system may bc used on the west and south areas of the site. (2) In the areas where flll will be required, the footlngs may be placed dlrectly on the flll. The area to be filled should have thc topsol I strlpped and the exlsting upper soils compacted. The structural fill should consist of a well graded sand and gravel placed at its oPtimum -3- fiioisture content and compacted to at least |002 standard Proctor density or 75i:. relative density. Footings placed on the fill should b'e rles igned for a nnx imum soil pressure of 3,000 psf . In qhe areas where the subgrade soils are soft clays, at least 4 feet of fill must be.placed beneath the footings. Guide specifications for the selection and placement of compacted fill are presented In the Append lx. (3) Under the above pressures, we estimate that total settl ement wlll be on the order of l! inches and maximum differential settlement across the townhouses will be on the order of 3/4 of an Inch. (4) Loca I soft pockets of soil found within the loaded depths of the footings should be removed and replaced rvith a compacted structura I fill or the footinos extended to the lorver firm soils. (5) Cont inuous foundat ion vra I I s shou ld be re in forced toD and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least 'l O feet. (6) Exterior footings should be provided rvith adequate soil cover above their bearlng elevation for frost protection. FLOOR SLABS The on-site soi ls are suitable to support slab-on-qrade construct ion. Any flll required beneath the f loor slabs should consist of clean, granular soils placed at their opt imum moisture content and compacted to at least 903 standard Proctor density. Guide specifications for the selectlon and placemcnt of fllI are included in Appendix A. Slabs should be separated from all bearing members wlth a positive expansion joint and adequately relnforced. A 4 inch layer of free draining gravel should be prov ided beneath the floor slabs to distrlbute the floor loadlnqs. o -4- SURFACE DRA INAGE. The following drainage precautions should be observed during construc- tion and maintained at all times after the torvnhouses have bcen completed: (l) Excessive weIting or drying of the foundation excavat ion should be avoided dur ing construct ion. (2) Backfill around the townhouses should be moistened and compacted to at least 85? standard Proctor density. (3) The ground surface surrounCinq the exterior of the toh,nhouses should be sloped to drain away from the townhouses in all directions. (tt) Roof downspouts and dra ins should d ischarge wel I beyond the I imits of all backfill. M ISCELLANEOUS This report is preliminary in nature. A minimum of test holeS were drilled for this investigation. lt is important that. the excavat ions for each of the townhouses be inspected by a soil engineer to determine that the foundat ion conditions confornr to those assumed ln this report. CHEN AND ASSOC IATES , INC. Rev lewed Bv Fu Hua Chen, P. E. HH/dlr [\ \ --/ o. o Hole 4 O Hole lo Hole 2 a Scalc: l" = 90' #8263 LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES F 19. I F trJ l! tl I zo tr lrlJ lrJo Hole I g 1 . _92.0 Hole 2 r.=78.0 Hole 3 Et .=73.5 'Tf'l' Holc 5 E | .-84.0 8/9 i.,C- 10.0 -200=27 LL-20 P t-3 10/3 15/6 2)16 VC-2.9 DD-101.6 -200=10 19/6 tlC=9.8 -200=8 13112 50/o 21/6 VC-12,6 DD=105.1 -200-10 hz t{c-40. 3 99-/6. 5 -200.50 LL-33 Pl-10 6/6 10/12 8/12 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES 3112 c- 19. 3 -200=72 #8263 Fl9. : FLJ UJ 14 I -o F L, lrj LEGEND: tvr 0l F i I | , sand and grevel , wl th cobblel loore, br*n, rplst. ?4 Topso i | , s i lty sand, dark brown, npi3t. l-J clay (CL), sandy, very soft to stiff, occa3 lonally sand lcntcs, reddirh brorrn, wet. W Sand (SN), silty, loose, reddish brovrn, moist. Sand and gravel (SP-GP), clean to slightty silty, nur:roui cobble, denic, redd ish brown, mist. L Undirturbcd drive samplc. The synbol 8/9 inal cater thrt 8 blows || of a 140 pound hann:r falIing 30 inches wcre rcgu ircd to drlvcf the sampler ! inches. Indicates sample obtained with a 2 inch outside dlencter stand.rd spllt spoon sampler. -> Indicates elevation test holc caved. -- lndicetcs free watcr loro'l *urured at the timc thc test holcs wcre drilled. NOTES: (l) Test holes wcre drillcd July 6, 1972 with a 4 lnch dlamctcr cont inuous f I i ght posrc r auger (2) Elevations of tcst hol.s wcrc taken from thc topographic map furnishcd to us by thc ohrncr. (3) WC o lJater Contcnt (l); DD - Ory Dcnsity (pcf); -200 . Pcrcent Passinq No. 200 Sieve. { ,"Olcates elevatlon of practlcal rig refusal on cobblc. I o #8263 LEGEND t NOTES Flg. 3 >e^ I url q) l-o 5 O cHEN AND AssocrAa APPLI EO PFEStURE - I.' APPLIEg tiE!tUiC - r.t Sryel l-Conpl idotion Tcrt Rorultr x0 I .9 I 0)t-o^E/ o cA- | Fi9. 4 Nolurol Ory Unit lfright - gcl Noturol tloitiur. Conlrni - I0.0 garcqnl resS to s i rty at dep Loturol Dry Unit frignt . - 75.6 gcl l{oiurol Nortlura Cont.nt - 40.3 gorcenl wettin #8263 O Cxex_ rxo AssoctArl Lontultrng Eng ln€er3 Soil ond Foundotion Engineering 2600 WEST 2nd AVENUE. SUITC 7 DENVER, COIORADO 802I9 CLIY lO lr Lt ' ro.r- rtatr,cr cRAvEL 7 7o LloUlo LlMlr saMPr.! oF SiltY cLty rr!rltrcr mr trL? (ro.- tLrltrcr 20 5an(l 66% srr I th PLASrt.,rrY F ROM INOEX Hole I at ANO CLAY lNo€x Hdle 2 lO tlo lo at d6pth 8r-0" orfrrFl !' t'f 00aalI! coatL I I ca-2 Fis. 5 tra.a a{a o o I a ! I oa a o a it ! I a a t aaI t oa a tttat t tI f 27% 3To dcpth 3r-0" -.1 l;iI o ERAVgL Ltouto 43 9o LIMIT s,rNo 47 % slLr PLASII(]ITY1o g rave IoF Sand and #8263 GRAOATION TEST RESULTS O Cxrx_ axo AssocrArl LOnSul nng Eng I n€€rr Soil ond For.rndotion EngineerirB 2600 WEST 2nd AVENUE, SUIIE 7 oENVER. COTORAOO 802r9 aOt|| lrn a r'r ' l'\ cli olt ar. 0rrtt r t I t!4. a rrl ,:.oat I - a it:oat t of f to ao to o ! I I a a c t <l t I (,a r; --- | 7 :-:-1{. _1 i. T;+,I. I tlr !so' rrr fit. r rtl xit( la a'l Ettrl Itr cLAy trrllrrcl to trLl lia-tLat''cl GRAr;EL 53 % saNr, 39 To str- r e,No e,LAy Ltctulo rtMt'r qo Pt asrt(-tr'r' INDEX saMFLE oF Sand and qraVel FR.)\r HOle 3 oottL a t o 87o -lo at depth 3r-0r' It |ln a r|t tr|. ClaY ttrllrrc,l tO lrLt r|(r-t!at?,Cl cotaLtl s,ANL) 561o sr L r AND c(.AV o/o PLAsrl{:lr\' INoFX saMr,LE oF Sand and qravel FRo(.r Hole 4 at dcpth l8'-0" oRAVEL J4 o/o Lroulo LtMtr 1o 1o 1o cA -2 r. rg. o#8263 GRADATION TEST RESULTS O Cxex_ axo AssoctotO Lon3ulllng Engln€ert SoiI ond For.rndotion Errgincelng 2600 WEST 2nd AVCNUE, SUITE 7 DENVER. COIORADO 8O2I9 ,g aII I t I o cRAVr:L 0 % LIQUIO I IMI I 5aMPLr oF Sandy srrr ANo cLaY 60 7o .rcrry rNoex 1O o/o FRor.r Hole 5 rt depth 3r-0rl T0h clay 40 olo cLa lrt ia. a lra cLlY t?!lllr€l ?o 3rlt rlo.-r!.t?icr 22 1o sl,.r aNo cLAY FLA S I ICITY INOEX rRoM HOle 5 at TEST RESULTS o ! ! t I I t! aI a ()a a t9 ao a0 cotaLl I GR AV€ L LIQUIO 6lo saNo LlMl r o/o oF Sandy cl ay GRAOATION 72 olo 7o dcpth l8t-0" ca-2 F lg. o : E I oI f #8263 ta,, a\ F J o v, ilr tl tltl ll s ||!['-ll (/) 1 I lal>lalLl" l"l'o l@lt^ !..) o c o a o oL c|! o u1 o U o t )tl F(Jo-22:aau t!-c!>u Lt) lrJtt1r!<<)(acL(Lz |!\(\C! FT I1 tllloFo lrJ F G t! I an Ix: trF 19 lrJ ==^ =i'iZu-8r I c93c :ES H(', n tlff9- 5 H;t :Eb Iv, tr =J (9tr UJ @cu,FF F6I^;;s- -- A.l 3-3i3 =J CN il I tl6> < st r"-e-Xlurl: Eo2 o \{)o \of.\ -l I Jr!<Er/ )^ 3Ej<oz, o o o\ c\.1 co (\o\I I EE @ o o _l I I I L,JoI Gf |Jr _l I I e o2 ooa o FJfo ul tr FqaFurTF :x-tr;oo tt F : ir'zl-o iJTLuo G { : Efo SUGGESTED MINIMUM GE NE RAL A sol I eng lneer backf i I I compaction. method of placlng and completed fill. IIATER IALS Liquid Limit - Z (ASTtt oes ignat lon D-\23-66) G reat er than 5030-50 Less than J0 COI4PACT ING SO I L I Minus f200 Slze (AStt'l 0es ignat ion D- I t40-51{) l0 10 40(n The Preparat ion of Natura I Ground : I'lo brush, sod, ml-terial, or stones in maxirnum dimenslon shall be olaced in the fill. f rozen materlal or of 6 I nchcs or'greater This distribution of tlre r.,rtr:r ial on the f ill sha'l I be such as to avoid the formation of lenses, or layers of .naterial differlnq substantlally in characteristlcs f rom the srrrroundinq n'raterial . The materials shall be delivered to'the backfill surface at a uniform rate, and in such quantity as to permit a satisfactory construction procedure. Unnecessary concentration of travel tending to cause ruts and uneven compact lon shall be avoldcd. Before placing the success ir,,e layer, al I ruts and other hol lows rnore than 6 lnches ln depth shall be regraded and compac ted. After dumping the fill material on the backfill surface, the materlal shal I be spread by approved methods in approximately hor lzontal layers. These layers shall not be greater than 6 inches ln thlckncsg aft.r conpact ion. Hoisture Control: The material ln each layer, whlle bclng compacted by ;ilfffig,;h-at-l-onta in the amount of molsture required for opt lmum compact ion as nearly as ls practlcable, as determlned by the Solls Englnccr and the moisture content shall be uniform throughout the layers. The Contractor nay be required to add the necessary moisture to the flll matcrlal at the borrorv source lf, fn the oplnion of the Soils Enginecr, lt 1s not possible to obtaln unlform nplsture content by adding water on the flll surface. t APPEND IX A SPEC IF ICAT IONS FOR THE PLACEI'1ENT OF CO}TPACTED F ILL shall be the 0vrnerrs representatlve to control the The Soils Enqineer shall approve the materlal, the _ compact ion , and sha I I g ive a wr ltten approva I of the The soils used for connpacted fill beneath interior floor slabs shall be non-swell Ing for the depth shown on the dravrin5rs. Solls mcetlng the followlnq crlterla wil I be considered non-sr.relling: x8263 a -?- C,mpact ion: When the noigture content dnd con,.i it ion of each sPread layer E?; satE7actory, I t shal I be conrpacted by a method approvcd by the Soils Engineer to at least !02 standard Proctor density for materials support incr floor slabs only, and to l0Oz for rnaterials suoportlng foundatlons. A standard Proctor test should be perf or.red on each typicat fill material and freguent denslty tests of the fillmust be taken. Normally, 4 to 8 passes of a sheeps toot roller are suggested for the first trial. The feet of the roller shall extend approxinrately 8 Inches in clear projectlon from the roller's cylindrica'l surface and shall be spaced as to provide approximately one tamper foot per 100 square inches of ro.1 ler area. The roller shall be prov ided vrith cleane:' bars so designey' and attached as to prevent the accumulat lon of rnaterlal between the tamper feet. The roller shall be the type whlch can have lts weight increased by the addition to the drurns of water or sand, or both. The welght of the roller, when frr lly loaded shall be not less than 4,000 pounds per lineal foot of the drum. PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST, ASTM 0698-70, METHOD A Essentially, Proctor density i:. derineC as the dry denslty obtalned in the laboratory by compact inq mlnus l-inch soil at the opt lmum molsture for conpaction into a l/3C cubic foot r.rold in 3 equal layers, using 25 blows of a 5j pound, 2 lnch dlameter hamlrer dropped l2 Inches. COHPACT ING COHES IONLESS FREE DRA IN ING HATER IALS When compact ing cohesionless free draining materlals such a3 sands and gravels, the rnaterial shall be deposited in layers and compacted by treads of a crawler type tractor, surface or internal vlbrators, smooth or pneumat lc rollers, hand or povJe r taroers, or by any other means approved by the Soll Englneer. The thlckness of the horizontal layerr after compactlon shall not be more than 6 inches if compact ion is performed by tractor treads, surface vibrators or slmllar equlpmenti or not rnore thsn the pcnetrat ing length of the vibrator head if comoaction is performed by internal vlbrators. The materlal may be ponded or flooded to aid in the compact lon, lf speclf ically approved by the Soi ls Engineer. The relative denslty (drv) of the conrpacted materlal shall not be less than 752 as decermi ned in accordance wirh ASTH 020!/9-69, Relatlve Densities of Cohesionless Soils. The relative density tests are completely different, and arc not to be confused with the Proctor test descrlbcd above. The relatlve denslty, tests wlll be made by the Solls Enqlnccr. The relative denslty of a cohes ionless free draining soil, expressed as a percentag€ 'ls defined as lts state of compactness with respect to the mogt loose and rrtst compact states at which it can be placed by laboratory procedures ' The relative denslty wlll be based on the following formula, where ln the maximum density is the hlghest dry unit vreight of the soll, mlnlmum denslty ls towest dry unit welght of the soll, and ln-place denslty ls the dry unlt welght of the soil ln place: Relative Denslty (3) - Hax. Den. x (ln-Place Den. - Min. DenJ x 100 {8263 .,,.,, vhM r.iJ - riL v, ; ' AMERICAN I.I\ND TITI.E ASSOCIATTON COMMITMENNT . 197O RCV. t-al''rfl[ HETLE itNS{,.!R U Jr E ANCE NESOTA o cotvDlTto[\ls Ar\rD sT!PULATloi\ls STAI\IDARD EXCEPTIOI\!S B. Rights and claims of parties in possession. C. Mechanics', Contractors' or Materialmen's Iiens and lien claims, , - I 'O*u*'. il,)kTGAGFE TITLE POLIfl *l.1-@K;1, :-'lJT-8!rCl,!qN BINDER '- 'i' ' - - \$t iA,,, 1,si1l,616eiq- -_llFl@;,d/4\,= [orvrearuv :iUR v .'/ fi"*P,Ar\rv on ffirn-l a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota . TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company,' for a valuable consideration. hereby commits to issue its policy or policiei of title insurance, as identifiid in' Schedule A, in favor of the propoied Insured named in Schelule A, ar o*te. or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land ilescribed or referred to in Scheilule A, upon payir"-nt of the premiums land charges therefor; ill subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and tb th6 eonditions and Stipula- tions herdof. This Commitment shall be effective onlv when the identity of the proposed lnsured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have be6n inserted in Schddule A hire6f by the Company, either at the time^ of t6e issi.ance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement, This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obUqations h^ereunder lh"U c"a." and terminate six rn6nths'after the effective date hereof or i when ihe policy "or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such pblicy or policies is not the fault of the Company. .t l, The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security in- strument. 2, If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or othei mitter affecting the estate 6r interest o, -origogi thereon covered by this Commitmeut other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shail be relieved from liabilitv for anv Ioss or damage resulting frorn any act of reliance hereoft to the eitenl the Company is prejudiced by failure'of the propose? Insured io so disclose such knowledge. If ihe proposed Insured 'st al ai'sct"or" s"uch knowleclge to'tlie do.p"ny, or if the Company otherwise acq"uires actuil knowledge of any such defect, lien, encum6rance, adue.se^ cliim or other matter,'the Company it its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accor&ngly, but such antendment shall not relieve the . C'ompany iiom liability previously incurred pursuant to paraliaph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations, 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and ,suchparties iicluded underfheiefinitionoflnsuredin t\e fo.rm ofpolicy or pglicies coinniitt"d for and only for aitual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertakins in'sood laith'(a) t6 -combly with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule" B, ir (") to acquire o, cr"it" the estate -or interest or mortgage thereon covered by-this Comrnitment, In no event shail sucli liability exceed the amount stated in Schelule A for the policy ol policies committed for and such iiability is subieci to the insuring provisions and the Conditions an?l Stipulaiions and the Exclusions from Coverage'of the form of policy or p"olicies com- mitted for in favor of the frroposed Insured which are hereby incor[orated by referenie arid mide a part of this Commitment except as e:xpr^essly modified herein. ' 4, Any action or actions or rights of action that the Company arising out of the -status of the title. thereon cirueied by tEis Commitment'must be based on the.proposed Insured may have or may- bring against to the estate or interest or the status ot the mortgage and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exglusions from Coverage ' above Seferred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: A. Facts which would be disclosed by a comprehensive survey of the premises herein described, of record, D. Any change in title occurring subsecluent dat-e of issiance of the TITLE POI-tCy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officeri ori the date shown in Scheduie countersignedby a validatin! officer br other authorized signatory. ', if any, where no notice thereof appears to the effective date of this Commitment and prior to the corporate nape and A, to be valid when frn-e lruslnnrvce OT; i;R ; x,i..,!"/,: on fiflrrvrursorA o ;,M FORM t45 " REV,7I ALTA COMMITMEI$'I' -1970 Rev' ' , '{pplication No. , GV-706 SCFIEDULE A ]' EfiectiveDate: May 12r 1972' at 8:00 A.M. 2.iPolicy or Policies to be issued: ' - ' ' ,'ar,ra- owNER's poI,lcy Form B-lep? $ 939,009.00' Proposecllnsuredr K. A. C. 0F VAIL, LTD. ' a Co]orado Limited PartnershiP 'ALTA" LOAN POLICY 1962 Bev. (Amcnded 1969) $ 1001222.70 'Proposedlnsured: G0RE MNGE, LTD., q Colorado Limited 3. The estate or interest in the land described or rbferred to in this simple, and title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in; GORE MNGE, LTD., a Limited Partnership 4. The land referred to in thls Commitrnent is described as follows: ,r, rssUJ^v THliouGH ty/orrtcn ot; GO[?E VALE-EY, T[T[-E CoMPANV vAlL, coLoRAoo 81657, Phone:338'5947, ' AC303 ,; it: Partnershi P ' Commitment and covered herein is a fee LTD., a Colorado Limited Thd following are the noted. Ail documents is located. scx"lED[.r[.E B-I : requirements to be complied with prior to issuance of said, policies, uniess otherwise must be recorded in the office of clerk and recorder of the county in which said property o 1. Cert'ificate of limited partnership' for K. A. C. 0F VAIL, Partnership, must be recorded in Eagle County" Warranty Deed from GORE MNGE, iTO., a Limited Partnership, to K. A' C. 0F VAIL, LTD', a Colorado Ljmited Partnership, conveyi.nl subject property. Deed of Trust from K. A. C. OF VAIL, LTD., a Colorado Limited Partnership' to the public Trustee of Eagle County for ihe us6 of G0RE RANGE LTD., a Colorado Limited . Partnership, !o secure the sum of $100;,22,2110. ' ', sCU{EDUE.E 8.2 In addition to the items recited,on th-e face of this Title Binder, and the Conditions and Stipulations and Exciu' sions ftom Coverage in the Corip ar/yi s osurl form of policy, the policy or policies to be issued hereunder shall not be construed as insurin g against: 1. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasuret's office. 2. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land, (Treasurer's certificate of taxes due has been ordered). 3. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 4. Deed of Trust dated September 30,'1970 from G0RE RANGE, !T?r:..a Limited Partnership' tt the pub1ic Truiiee of Ea91e County for the use of PAUL SAMPS0N to secure the sum of $.|49,]97.OO recorded 0ctober 9, 1970 in Book 2'lB at Page 855' ,5. Reservations contained in patent from the United States recorded September 13, i902, in Book 48 at Paqe 49] summarizeU ii.foiiows: Subject to right of the proprietor.of a vein or lode t6 extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be r0un0 r0 penJtrai. or inierieil-irie-piemiiei-rrereoy granted and there is reserved from the iandr fiir.ov rjiu*ted right.of way'thereoi ior-aitirrei or canals constructed by the authoritv of the United States. ,^ ..| a -5, v 't TITLE BINDER PAGE TI^JO GV-706 |'|eadow Drive; }ill tki n parce'l i Eag'le, State .SCHEDULE A (Continued) 3. The 'land referred to in this Commitment is described as fol'lows: o A parcel of land situated in the SE'l/4 of Sect'ion 12, T5S, R80W of the 6th P.M.' Eagie County, Co'lorado more particulariy described as fo'llows: Beginning at a point on the South'line of said Section'12, whence the Southeast corner of said Section i2 bears 5 89"53124" Eu 532.00 feet said point being common with a parcel conveyed to,IACK A. I{ITKIN and recorded in Book 211, Page 520 Eag'le County recordsl Thence N 89o53r24'r l.l, 335.25 feet to a point on the Northerly]ine of.luniper Lane said point being on the arc of a cuhve to ihe left having a radius of'185.00 feet and a chord bearing N 74o48148" tl, 96.260 feet; Thence on the arc of said curve 97.38 feet to the P.T. (Point of Tangency); Thence N B9o53r24u W,16.|.61 feet to a point on the East line of Meadow Drive, said. point belng on the arc of a curve to the'left having a radius of108.10 feet and whose'long-chord bears N 30o55'23r' !..J, 't.|1.46 feet; Thence on the arc of said curve 1'17.'10 feet to the P.T.; Thence N 62o04'00't W,248.64 feet to a point on the Norther'ly'l'ine of Thence N 27o56100'r E,482.10 to a point on the Southerly'line of saJd Thence S 88"07r38u E,49.83 feet; Thence S 68".15'27u E, 274.54 feet;' Thence S 43o58'05'r E,'l 78.88 feet; Thence S 19'51'52'r E, '195.00 feeti Thence S 09o02'44" E; 203.9s feeti Thence S 67"26'02t1 E, 123.29 feet to the point of beginrling, County ofof Colorado. , i rt ,u,,-ofto PERrrrT orrr'.iroN t2 /? ot ),','v lt Of /nL I Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. TItarr , | 1vo I DESCi.lflste rrreoreo sx:erl owN El At r. aDDiE33z,4zrIt^l t[torar- - 7tQ n', {,,v/e,tb..( 3 / llAl-./. | ./ \ MAIL ADORESS l1 tt5ot l/u,L t71 1i v,{ AFCHIIECT OR OEsIGNER t€ MAI L ADDR ESs PHONE LtcEr{5E NO, ENGINEER 5...- MA II ADON E5 S PHONE LtcENSE tttO. LEN DER6*MA IL AODRESS AiANCH USE OF BUILOING ,/ 8 Crass of work: tr NEW FAoolTloN D ALTERATToN fl REPAIR n MoVE El REM0VE i a th o J u oo P\ 10 Change of use from 11 Valuation ol work: $ 1)j,o'PERMIT FEE /o' D SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of 81d9. (Total) Sq. Ft. APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE AY,'A<LJa)OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. SIGNAIUiE OF COI{ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IAPPLICATION ANOALL PROVISIONS ( TYPE OF WORK WHEREIN OR NOT,PRESUME TO GIVI PROVISIONS OF ANCONSTRUCTION OR THE C, :- /J SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERIY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK. t\{.o. 4\ cAsH iir\xu-.'l l' {'' b,,/t( LOs ROALET a PASADETA! CALTFOiXtA 9llOl INSPECTOR NEORDER FhOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFEF|ENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS O 6(' 30.Form ldt,l +69 F oINSPECTION RECORD DATE REMAR KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS; SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. r;"/ P 8n D*! fltr (lcT /,',,., 1 t974 itanuaqit 8, 1974 !Jtr- Kenneth DLaetzoldl L44O south Eloerson . Danver, Colonadb 80tll0 DgarI'ta. Maetzoldr -' ; ,. Encloged ts tho only copg receiued by thts offlce for the KAC of Vatl proJect tn Eaglg County- Th€ plans sere revicrmd briefly but nsvar etr4rroned. SlncE work bn the poject has ceasad the Dtviston of Houslrg lE revoklng ' alf pesoitg ard voJ.dtrgr all pe:eol.t applleatlons, Any f,uture work to bs under- tal<en on thte Project will regulre appLlcation for a rerr perrnlt. The pomlt apgrlicatlon wiit havE to be uads to tle Eagle County Bulldirg Degnrtlent ln nagle, Colorado,sinca they rE,w have Jr:rlsdictlon oeer aL1 rrew construstlon to bo undartalatr Ln Eagle County SLnceralY, J . L. Broclt Reeldenti.al cor€t:rtrctlon aud Insiectl,on grginesr Jr.B/dh Xu'{encloB'reA{wW RECEIVED JUN 2 | 1974 0c0L 0J planning & ircvct, Bagto County. Colo, aZ" Qnrt*;-/ e/**1 a'L I( N Ol lo!+ (Y)o t./)(n E,o: UJ 70 =(P(/)co zo nO ilc)t-i^ an Lz tr= U.t\\o ,^oY+=fiz trJ t4 j7J 6"zuJ \, Zo\ :J-iX =F\z6Q; o. Jttly ?, L972 PcoJect ?205) Ifdrologr Report - K.A.C. of Vall- .The only strgan whlch nay lnfluence the deslgn of thc K.A.C. of Vall Cornplex 1s Gore Creek, whlch 1s a trlbutary of the Eagle Rlvep. The watershed area upstrean from the dwelopnrent oonslsts of htgh nowrtain trrrdra and alplne forest. The U.S. Goologlcal Surrrey nalp- talns tno gagS.ng statlons upstrean fron the denelopment, one on Gore Creek and the other on Back Gore Creek, The eonblned peak dlscharges st these gaglng stetlons were uaed to construct the follorlng flgure to conpute the 2J-year frequency flood of 1000 cublc feet per second for these watershed ar€es. The swface drainage ecross thls parcel l-s epherneral in natwe r con- ststlng prinarlly of early spring runoff. The topographlc lnfluence regarding dralnage ls nlnlnal rlth the neJor portlon of rwroff skirt- 1ng the developed area to both the oast and nost. Z ,,r =7Y>\J< zy -LJd< ZY;o>() IJJ (f) ,aY LJ IY oqt! ocNq s \ k oq \ \ \\: \ \ a l/.) ot o b, o,3 ao NJ :-a"o+'S3'c - Q oo-ljl .Jo ,^.-L[€N=IN| K. A.C. oF VAtt_ VAtL, CoLo F L c, .,: " ?;J.";-.,:.1" L'* o LY 3 | e PPoJ 1Z0r"- ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CoNSULTING ENGINEERS . REGISTERED LANO SURVEYORS 803 COLORADO AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWOOO SpRtNGS, COLORADO 8160l :Og-gCS.6SrZ soil. t t0uNDATloN TNGIIITENING 25OO WESI 2nd AVENUC. SUIIE 7 1924 EASI FIRST. . = chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS r DENVER, COTORADO 80219 CASPER, WYOMING 8260I . 30319t5-1597 307t234-2126 Subj ect: Mr. R. A. Ba iley KAC Vail, Limited Drawer ll+48 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Bailey: This letter is to certify that we are in the process of makinga complete soil and foundation investigation for the subject development. At the present time, we are drilling test holes to determine thesubsoil conditions and obtain samples which will be returned to ourlaboratory for further testing. After completion of drill ing andlaboratory testing, we will prepare a complete report provlding founda-tion recommenda tions and other problems which may be encountered withsubsoil and foundation conditions. ly'e anticipate the completed reportwif l be finished about July 14,1972. We will submit the desired numberof copies as soon as the report is finished. . Based on the prel iminary information we have at hand, it appearsthat very granular soils occur throuqhout the site. !{e also understand some fill is to be placed on the sitt. At the present time we do notanticipate any unusual probl ems with the proposed construction. lf we can provide additional information, please let us know. Yours very truly, cHEN AND ASS0CtATES, tNC. July 6, 1972 Soil and Foundation Investigation for KAC Townhouse Project, Pond Parcel, East Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Job No.8253 R i cha rd RCH/bn F g) |n \'o ,^ ct) tio: LIJ>x (r@ zo nOi:-iJ il()t- az LIJ --:*d a-.- o "i= lri LlJv) zr! -.\ (,zo\:- (o =X-aoz6Q; a ApYIJ- L7, a972 Iiing Arthurts Cor'rt c/o Dijit Iiomes Inc. 1'].0. Box 22p Chesterfield, l'io. 5301? P'E: Project ?2053 Dear Sir: Rrr suant to our conversation of Aprli l-zt L972t I have cond'ucted' an engineering feasibility stud.y of yowt parcel in the Bighorn subdivision 5th Addition -- Vail, Colorado. 1rne ?.5 acre trac'c, lies aclJac-eat to and. southvcst of Core Creek, about i/e *ffu from State llighvay 6 an4 approximately 5 miles east f,ron Vail, (rUJ(J! Cl\LU. Tne property lies severai hwld.:r ed. feet fronr the foot of the nearest rnountain and. ln no appar ent d.anger of snov slid.es. ftrere is very little elevatior., change exc ep'{; for an approximate 4 foot bench rihich d lrnid.es the property into trvo relatively ftat areas. Thcre is a pond approximately r?5-reet in d.laneter on the north side ad.joirrlng Gore Creek. The majority of the properiryappears to be cotnposcd'of river Sravel and sand.. Due to the snor,r cover at 'i;his tirae, it is d.ifficult to predict the rnaterlal bn the higher bench, but it is probabLy several feet of overburd.en on top of river gravel and' sand'' these conditions should tend. themselves vrell to any building projects on the property' I:i buiS-d.ings are to be located. in the existing pond. arca or iir "Lirc area along Gore creelc, soil boring shouLd, be done to facilitate foundation d.esign. In tlie event that sonc ear:bh fills are req'olred. for filJ-ing portiors of the pond,, there are fiLl maierials available from an existing Sra.vcl pit in Avonr'vhich is about B niles lrest of vall, or 13 miles vest of ihe site' Tbere are lrater, selrer, and elcc'tricity services in the lmmed.iate rlcinity of the parcel. Sincerel-y yours, /.\.: I Il/ r{ r, 1 J\ " .;rt- ;1, ./'/.,-*\ Roger Hocking \i m & Ls 10049 ra l1 t-,,- E!-aaar.-a.a.q 7 ==q>L,< tr< t! a.)z1;o trr I o t Jr! t;,/a 1;a'ii-],s-J * u. s. covERNMENf FRINTtNo oFFlcEr l97a-466_769 U;{ITSD STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGI?ICULTURE 50!L CONSERVATION SERVICE L/*fu,f;-*f rt,lj rzAA*L- tu*f '/i/r*:/ DArE: Z2/Z o 7-/3-7 Z-, /t .-"r)- '1{i f"t,r.( "- C- z't-nt"----2-r,-z---,. /-r L/, ,f1 --A,a-E,{C C/h't4L/Q7t "7- ,#*,u*,-. .-.trv.n-./ r =-/*"1"Q/ AL--'L gt*-eL,t- ./<L/t .u'Yr'.a-.+ff, le / l RONALD I. ZALL JON M. ZALL LAWRENCE M, HENRY ALAN B. LOTINER I RVI I.IG GRIMEg MAX P. ZALL, oF couNss|- ZhL'u, ZALL & IIENI{Y ATTORNEYS AT LA\^I AUITE IltTO DENVER CLUB BLDG. DENVER, COLOFAOO 6OZ0a PHONET aq3 se6.slt r June 2,1972 Mr. Robert A. Bailey Di jit Homes lncorporated 2 Goddard Avenue Box 229 SpiriL of St. Louis Airport Chesterfield, Missouri 63017 Dear Mr. Bailey: Ron has been in Court all week and has asked me to review rhe questions which you set out in your letter to him of \Itay 17, 1972. After a thorough review of the Interstate Land Sales Act and the regulations pertaining thereto drawn by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, i! is my opinion that ihe proposed condominium sales of Dijit Homes in Vail, Colorado will not need lo be registered as required under the Act or the iiegulations thereto. My opinion is based on a reading of the Act and Regulations. The lnterstate Land sales Act was developed to curtail certain unscrupulous practices in the sale of unimproved lots in a subdivision. The sale of condominium units by definition is not a sale of an unimproved lot in a subdivision. A condominium unit as defined in C. R. S., 1963 g llB-15*4 means an individual air space unit togetherwith the interest in the common elements appurtenant to such unit. The same section defines general comrron elements to mean the land on which a building or buildings are located; the foundations, columns, girders, beams, etc. Although nowhere in the Act or Regulations is the term Iot defined I feel that the sale of a condominium unit cannot in any common usage form fall within the ordinary rxeaning of the word lot as used in the contexl of the Statute. To date there has been no holdings either administratively or by the Federal courts as towhether a condominium unit is a lot. Assuming though for argument sake that the court would find a condominium unit to be a lot which would require a registration form to be submittedrthe Act and the Regulation provides for certain exemptions from the registration piovisions. Section 1702 g) of the Act and Section l710.l0 (c) provides that the sale or lease of any unimproved land on which there is a residential, commercial, or industrial building or to the sale or lease of land under a contract obligating the seller to erect such a building thereon withln a period of two years is exempl from the registration provisions of the Act. As you can Page 2 now see even if the Courts would consider Lhe sale of the condominium unit to be a sale of a lo! we would clearly fall under lhe exemptions since as I understand your plans you are going to sell built condominiunr units. In reference to your question about the Intraslate Exemptiotts, il is quiLe true thal lhe revised Regulations of January 27,1972 irave deleted this lnirastate exemption. [-lowever, I believe wlren I orilinally spoke lo you about the lnterstate Land Sales Act I informed you that besides the Intraslate exemption we could also rely on the statutory exemption cited above. Enclosed please find a copy of the latest llousing and Urban Development Rules and Reguiatioirs which you requested. lf you need additional copies of this Regulation lhey can be obtained without cost by writing the Office of lnterstaLe Land Sales ilegistration, Department of Housing and Urban Developntent, Washington, D. C. 204il. I hope the above information has answered yourquestions. lfl can be ofany further service or if any further explanation ofthe Act ancj Regulaiions is required by you please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, /l t.,'.) '/i AIan B. Lottner ABL,/fas En closure ,i ' '-7--'..' /,/ .,,'\ '- ,' , .t ' \-'-\Jiirt \. \\ \ pubif,c $ervice Com,tpalu;r of Collonado tray J5, L972' Ii:r. Robert, Bailey K.i.C. of Vajf Doar Sirl Natural- Oas serrrice ls prosont\r avaiLabl-E to the Pond ParceL deveJ.oprnent in the Bighorn aroa east of Vail. his aroa is served frorn a two inch (2,t) naln Located ln Junlpor Lane. If we may be of furthor sorwlce, pLeaso contace no at tfie Vail. Offico, firblic Servico Co, of Colo. l+76-5{165. - Errrest Henry, / i 4/ 6-Yrru4- l*J4utry Eaglo Co. }ist. Ifgr. 7 PubLic Sorylce Co, of Colo. May 16, L97Z Robert A. Bailey I(AC of Vail P. 0. Drawer l44B Vail, CO Bi,657 RE: King Arthurrs Court of Vail Electric Power Dear Mr. Ba il ey: Be it known to the Planning and Zoning Commission of Eagle County' StaEe of Colorado, that the }loly Cross Xlectric Association, Inc. is the cerEificated electric public urility in Section 12 of Township 5 South, Range 80 Wesc of the 6th Principal l4eridian. This Association has underground elecrric power cables buried in the north side of Meadow Road which borders the I(AC of Vail project" Power to the I(AC of Vail project can be accomplished if appropriate contractual obligations are made beLr^reen che developer and this Association. S incerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSoCTATToN,JNC. cc: Taylor Garnb I in CMK/ep EORE VALtiY L]ATIR DISTRiCT Vai.1, lJciorado May 16, 1972 KAC of Vail Drauer L44B Va11, f,olorado 81557 triith reference to your inquiry conceininq Gore VaIley {rlater District service to your land parcel, please be advised that ine sun3ect parcel is r.,uithin the Disirict and an existing 6r' main is in the adjoininE rrad. In the event extension of existi.ng service lines r,rould be required to facilitate Vour propBseo development,,it uould be necessary for you to suomit engineered plans and specifications for approval by the Soard' The Soard requires that any line extenslon be built in accotdance uith all of the rules, regulations, plans and specifications of the District' that before any csnstruction 1s under+,aken the approval of the 3oard be obtained and that follotring the completlon of the line, the bullder shall convey the line to the Jistrict free and clear of aII tiens and encumbrancas, provide the 0istrict r,rith tr,-ro or more sets of las builtsrr, and pI|ovide the District uith a Certificate of Chlorination. Distrlct tap fees and usage rates can be furnished upon request, Thank you for your inquiry, and please do not hesitate contaciing the Board i.f further information is required. Attention: Gentlemen: Roberr A. Eailey very tq James A, Reinecke t President JAR : ndr UrPPE,id EA,SLE ti I"LLE :( ;iAili lir'fl cl'{ D[STlt,lcT P.O, ilox 437 Mintuin, ColoraJo Siii'i5 t4ay t5, t97" l1r. Robert A. Bailey KACofVall Box 1ri48 Val1, Colorad.o 81657 Dear Mr. Balleyr In answer to your request concerning sewer servlce 1n the Blghorn area east of Vall we quote the follorlngt Sanltary sewer servlce 1s avallable tn the BlShorn ?,613 o The iap fee 1s $ 55O.OO per dwelllng unlt pl-us $ 10.00 lnspectlon fee. Servlee cha.rges ars $ 5. J0 per nonth per unit and are btlled on a quarterly basls. If other lnformatlon 1s needed please contact thls offlce. GCfrE Ur,,.EY,,iaT:t .rISlrt-.lT VAIL, DOLCRADi,J JuLy 6,1972 l',iril o l' \/rti I VaiI, f,o Iora cio Gentlemen: hli r refercnce to vouT proirosed 80 uni t de velaprnent in BiqhoIn, lrl iiri11Ll lrrr lrrlVirrr:tl l,lt,rl, 1.lr\r lirlrrr \/,.rllrty [i'-rt,r'tr' llinl'r it'1. ltrrn ttrltttr than sufficient capaclty to accomodal{r your tlatcr rEquif,Elments. The Jistrict has just completed a ma,joI additi0n to the system' increasing both pump capacity and tank storage' If more detailed informaiion is required, please feel free to contaEt our engineer; Mr. Hen Richards of Richards EnEineers Vail , Colorado. YouTsi vErV trulY, necke Eagl-e County Commissioners Juiy 7, L972 North Side of Gore Creek: 1. Four and Ten Trust ComPanY c/o Roger Smith Security Title Company 1701 West 72nd Street Denver, Colorado 2. High Country EsEates, Inc. c/o M.M. Lawrence 248 West Conrmercial Street East Rochester, New York L4445 West Side of Subject Site: 1. Erl Ellis 1955 Albion Street Denver, Colorado 80220 2, Denny Jackson & Allen Cook t-c/o Denver Club Building Denver, Colorado 80202 3. Carolyn Ashbaugh l2l0 Ridge Road Littleton, Colorado 80210 4. Cass Zabinski 70 Lansing Street Aurora, Col-orado 800f0 Southwest of Meadow Drive: 1. Tracts C & D Eagle County Development Corporation 1860 Lincoln Street Suite 1300 Denver, Colorado 80703 ADJOINING PROPERfi: O\^INERS OF RECORD (Continued) rJ c111! s County Commissioners7, L972 2 Southeast Side of Meadow Drive 1. Robert E. Cox Box 488 Scottsbluff, Nebraska Between 1. East of 1. & South of Juniper Lane: 2. 6936L Hans Broumka 1683 Reed Street Lakewood, CoLorado 80215 C.E. Livran & D.A. Dirrrick 3640 East Easter AvenueLitEIeton, Colorado 80120 Juniper Lane & Subject property: Georgia E. Ke11ey 3144 South Columbine Denver, Colorado 80210 Subject Property: MTA Associates Wright, Reinecke and Keltonc/o Kelton and Associates PLaza Building, Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8L657 o EXITIBIT A Thence on the arc of said curve ]l7.l0 feet to Thence N 6io04'00', H, 24g.64 feet to a point on Thence N 27"56r00r' Thence S 88"07r38" Thence S 68"l5t27rl Thence S 43o58105" . Thence S 'l9o5l r52'| Thence S 09o02r44'l Thence S 67"26r02"of Colorado. Attached to and made a part of Deed of Trust dated \lay 26, L972, gLven by K.A.C. OF VAIL, LTD., a Colorado llmlted partnerehip to the Publle. Trustee of Eagle Counly, Coloradg. A'parcel of land situated in the SE 'll4 of Section 12, T5S, RBOl.l of the 6th P.l,l. Eagle County, Colorado more particularly described as follom: Beginnlng at a point on the Soqth 'line of said Section l?, whence the Southeast corner of sald Sectlon 12 bears S 89053'24x E,532.00 feet sald polnt belng coqunon wfth a parce'l conveyed tb JACKA. HITKIII and recorded ln Book 2.11, Page 520 Eagle County records; Thence N 89o53r24n l.l,335.25 feet to a point on the Northerly Lane said point belng on the arc of a cuive to the left having feet and a chord bearing Il 74o48148" ll, 96.260 feet; Thence on the arc of said curve 97.38 feet to the P.T. (point of Tangency)i Thence N B9'53r24u li, 16l.6l feet to a point on the East line of l4eadow Drive, saidpoint being on the arc of a curve to thb left hav'lnq a radius of 108.10 feet ind whose long chord bearsr,N 30oSf,Z3', l,l, lll.46 feeti llne of iluniper a radius of 185.00 o the P.T. i the Northerly line of Meadow Drivei Southerly llne of sald HltkinE, 482.10 to a point on the E,49.83 feet;E,274.54 feet; E, l7B.Bg feet; E, 195.00 feet; E, 203.85 feet; Et .123.29 feet to the polnt parcel; o of beglnnlngr'ty of Eagle, State ! \r \t o \ s$ .l) ss -I $ s cQ 0 o o o K.A.C. of Voil, o Colomdo Limited Portnenhip (Diiit Homes, Inc., Missourl Corporotion, Genenql portner) lurh.$ Offlc. . Drovor Numbcr l{,18 , Voil, Colorodo S165Z . FG|) 176-3719 Gmcrol Ofrlco . Sulrc l57t) . Dqrvcr Club Eulldlng . 518 - 17$ Stroct . Dcrvrrr'C,olorsdo 8O2OA . (38) S25-Slll July 8, L972 Board of County Cornmissloners of Eagle County Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Col-orado Gentlemen: Attached is the preliminary plat for the K.A.C. of Vailttpond parceLrr property containing 7.6L acres. The attached binder lncludes all the detailed information that you requlre for the approval of our preliminary plat. Additionat infor- matlon le also lncluded whtch substantlates some of the ltene that were discussed at the Eagle County Plannlng Corunlsslon Meetl-ng on May L5, L972. A11 of this information is submlt- ted for your approval . An index of the documents included is as fol-lows: ARTISTIS REMERING OF K.A.C. COIIDOMINIIIMS There will be eighty-three of these located on the site as shown on the preliminary plat. The elevations !til1 all be somewhat similar and there wilL be trdo or three floor plans available in this design. PRELII.TINARY PI.AT . VICINIW I'{AP Eldorado Engineering has prepared a vicinity map showing the location of this property. The metes and bounds description of the property and identification of sur- rounding ownership are indicated on this map. This nap shows existing facil-ities and natural features (i.e. utl- lities and topography) of the pond parcel as it ls now. I-,EGAL DESCRIPTION A copy of the tegal Descriptlon, which is a part of the Deed of Trust, is enclosed. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS There are no restrictive covenants at present on this property. This Ls substantiated by the enclosed copy of the Title Insurance. Whereas there are no present re- etrictlve covenants, K.A.C. will be imposlng restrlctlve (Continued) Board of County Commissioners of Eagle GountyJuly 8, L972 Pase 2 (Restrictive Covenants Conttnued) covenants on the purchasers of the condominiums through a condominiurn agreement whlch wiLl be sub'mittedat a later date TERMS OF UTILITY DEDICATION There is no requirernent for reserving side-Lot llnes, inthat, the utillties generally follow the private road which extends through the property. These details are shown on the attached drawlng. Areas held in cotmon are made'avallabLe.for utility, access, and drainage ease- ments as required. PRELIII{INARY PI.AT The preliminary p1-at is attached and includes the name. of the proposed development, the name and address of the owner-developer and the firm preparing the prelininaryplat, and the total acreage of land and acreage lntendedfor each type of usage. The utiLity easements are noted on the prel-iminary p1at. The utillties and private driveplan and profile are shown on separate drawings. Thereare no public buildings or facilities proposed. The pre- lirninary plat does show the location of proposed condo- miniurn facilities with revised contours, and the pro- posed access easement along Gore Creek. PRELI},TINARY PI.AT . UTILITIEStJater, sewer Lines are shown al_ong with the source of gas and eLectricity. Also noted is the availability of addi-tional utility easements. AVAILABILITY OF UTILITIES The letters from the various utility companies (i.e.water, sevrage, electricity, gas) are included as previously sub-nitted to the planning commission on May 16, 1972, Anadditional Letter from the water district ansqrers a ques-tion raised in the planning cornmission which concerned not whether water is availabl-e, but rather whether water is avail-able at the site in sufficient quantity. The enclosedLetter from the Gore Creek l{ater Dlstrigt answers this courpl-etely and specifically indicates how a fomard think-lng water district has completed early plannlng and en- larged their plant and facilitlee in anticlpation of de- (Conttnued) velopments guch es thls. ADJOINING PROPERIY: The owners of record Eagle County records. Board July Page of 8, 3 County Conrmlssioners of Eagle County L972 SINERS OF RECORDof adjoining property are from This list ls enclosed. PRELIMIMRY PI"AT - PRIVATE DRIVE PI,AN AIID PROFILE The private drLve grade ls lndlcated al.ong wlth the sewer grade where appllcabl,e. DMINAGE STT'DY The general drainage conditions and the Twenty-Ftve Year Flood Study have been'compLeted by Eldorado En-gineering. This report is encl-osed. SOIL TESTING We have engaged Chen and Associates, Incorporated of Denver, who have completed their soils investigation, and their report will be forthcoming. The encl-osedletter from Chen and Associates substantiates that there are no problems in building in the area as nag also earlier indicated by Eldorado Engineering. Thesoil boring recomnended by ELdorado Engineering has been completed by Chen and Associates at the recom- mendation of Eldorado Engineerlng. These letters are enclosed. SOIL CONSERVATION The description of ground cover in the area and re- cornmendations for pLanting are to be included in a Departuent of Agriculture report. This report is being prepared through the cooperation of the Eagle County So11 Conservation Dlstrict. Their letter is encl-osed. OPINION I,ETTER FRC['{ ATTORMY REGARDING REGUI,ATIONS WIrH H.U.D. PER I.AND SALE. ETC. We have had our attorneys, ZaLL, ZaLL and Henry of Den-ver, research the possibl-e requLrement to flle with the Housing Urban Development (Office of Interstate Land Sale Registration). The ettorneyts ilopinLon letterrlstates in effect that thls does not apply to our de- velopment and that we are not requLred to file. o (Contlnued) Board of July 8, 4 Gounty Cornmlssioners of Eagle County L972 o The precedlng requlre. tfe approval lnformatLon reepectfully what we undergtand you for your actlon and constitutes subnlt rhlg 1y youre, Robert General RAB/sle o e!i E!l E :L iE E3 l=gt :!rgFEitrtErr- !E -:l!! !! Et EE .6.t EE -G E€ g SI]PDR SDCI]R'co. A OIYISION, OF ACORN gNGTNEERII'G CO. Clty of Indullry, CA 91744-0527 lTEt 0lY n0Da,ltuttEn FIXTURES R(,UGH.IN DIMENSI(,NS VIEW IS FROiI FIXTURE SIDE 3. 1-1l2" NPTfemaleflushing inlet. 4. Waste outlet furnished with 4" no-hub connection. 5. Four 5/8"-11 anchor lappings. NOTES: 1 . Hinged seat with tamper-resistant fasteners. 2. Back supply flush valve. l8lz" IOP VIEW sr0E vrEw PnoDucT UAY SHOW SOME AVAiL,.SLE OPI|ONS 1000 MODET NUIIBER Etooo Compact Toilet OPTIONAL VARIATIONS F-eC Enviro-Glaze For color selection See brochure. SPecifY color: {u€g-l TECHNICAL DATA: Toilet is fabricated entirely lrom type 304 stainless steel including all reinforcing. Toilet is all '14 gage excepl for internal reinforcing which is 16 gage. Construction is all welded and exterior is polished to a No. 4 satin finish. Contoured integral toilel seat has high polish sanitary finish. There are no unsanitary open seams, voids or crevices. Toilet is blowout jet type with elongated bowl. Toilet trap is lully enclosed, has a minimum 3-'l /2" seal and will pass a 2-518" ball. Toilet requires a minimum of 25 PSI while flushing. lnternal piping and titlings are stainless steel. Wall llange is structurally reinforced. Toilet is completely secured from the rear with rustproofed mounting hardware. Regularly lurnished trim includes a concealed flush valve with chrome plated pushbutton and an 1170 hinged white plastic toilet seal. lpprovctl lor ilrnulaclurlng Slgnaluro Tltlo 0ato Company rrrr'E coiltpAcr Blowour JET ToILET OFF FLOOR lllE rsSu€0 8t17t8S i€$3E0 91610i, carlt00 xur|ti 1m0 Fg E;-liE EF l6 gE r! Eg EA E: Ei !l rS 3s-d EE !E 0 SIIPER SECI]R Pftr\E. CO. A DIVISION OF ACOAN ENGINEER'NG CO. CitY ol Industry. CA 9t 7'l'l-0527 0w noott rux$i FIXTURES NOTES: 1. Pushbutlon valve and brackel. mounting ROUGH.IN DIMEilSIONS VIEII IS f[OH FIITURE SIDE outlet. Three l" holes thru-wall lor valve pushbullons and deck mounled filler supply. Thru wall & P-lrap assembly. 2. ? Deck mounted tiller. 1-1l4" NPT female 5. e PRODUC| UAY SHOW SOME AVAILABLE OPTIONS 1010 MODEL NUMBER SELECTED Eroro-r Lavatory with' Cold OnlY Valve tr toto-z Lavatory with Hot and Cold Valve OPTIONAL VARIATIONS ffitc Enviro-Glaze For color selection, See brochure. specify color: k(sgr{- See B-7M Valve Assembly Part Numbers Sheet for further delails. TECHNICAL DATA: Lavatory is fabricated entirely from 14 gage type 304 stainless steel with exterior polished to a No.4 satin linish' Construction is all welded. Cabinet inlerior is coated with sound- deadening, fire-resistant insulation. Lavatory bowl is reclangular 14-1/2" x9-1/2"x6" deep. Fixture has an intergral multi-hole last drain and stainless steelelbow waste. Lavatory is completely secured from the rear with rustproofed mounting hardware' Regularly furnished trim includes a B-7M Cold Only chase mounted pushbutton valve assembly, deck mounted filler, thru wall and P-trap assembly. Valve has 3/8" NPT or optional 3/8" NCT inlets. Exposed trim is polished and chrome plated. Fixture requires accessible chase for installation and maintenance. Approvod lor ilrnufrclurlng Sl0nrlurg Tllls 0rla Comprny .r. WALL HUNG LAvAToRy WITH PUSHBUTTON VALVE AND DECK FILLER 0ltt rt!u:0 6tr7l83 iafrl:0 10ru4s6 t010 crtrtfi rul|.l Ed€E E:-BiE 5E5T t; €3r! sgEEe3 J.:gs E3 Eistgt Ei :t EEEE E€ @ SI]PEn' SD co. A D'VISION OF ACOFN ENAINEERING CO. Cltv of f ndwlfy, CA 917a14527 tfcr 0tY r00:t iurlci FIXTURES stDE vtEw R0UGH-lll l,l M Etlsl0 tls vlEr ls FRo[ FltTUnE SloE Four 3/8" anchor tappings. 1 -1 /2" NPT female elbow waste outlet. Thru wall and P-trap. t{OTEST 1. Beehive strainer. 2. Flush valve. 3. 3/4" NPT male llushing inlet. 4. 5, 6. pnoDUCf MAV SHOrv sorrg AVA//.,,,BLE OPTIONS IIODEL NUTUIBER E(togo Back Supply UrinalI oPTtoitAt VARIATIONS Stec Enviro-Glaze For color selectlon, See brochure. SPecifY color: 66GN TECHNTCAL DATA: Urinal is fabricated entirely lrom 14 gag€ type 304 stainless steel. Construciion is all welded and visible welds are ground smooth. Exterior is polished to a No. 4 satin finish. Fixture washes back wall. Urinal is washout type. Flushing connectlons ue3l1" NPS male. Bottom of urinal issloped toa 2-1l16" holethrough which passesth€ threaded portion of a beehive dome strainer, secured by a locknut. Beehive dome strainer has mor€ than 3 square inches ol lree area. Regularly furnished trim includes concealed flush valve with chrome plated puJtrbution, beehive sirainer, stalnless sleel w83te elbow, and thru wall and P-trap. Fixture is furnished with four 3/8" stu&, nuts and plate wash€r3 for concealed anchoring. AnproYrd lor ihnuf rc$rlng Slrnrlurr Tlllr-lhh Compml WASHOUT URI}IAL o^ft ll10t0 8117183 icvrtt0 SNel t030 c^tA,ot rrlli gd 5sF5 iE =E=3l€ E.E r! !=.=:3 Er !E E! .E: sfr:a =a-d EE EEG=-t g ST]PER' SECIIR'co. A DtVtStON OF ACOFTV El./G'i/EEII'NG CO. City ol Indusiry. CA 91?44-0527 |lt*0lY rODtI NUTlEN FIXTURES TOP VIEW srDE vrEw R()UGH.II{ DIMENSI()NS VIEW IS FF(l}I FIXTUSE SIDE NOTES: 1. Bubbler. 2. Bubblerrecommended installation is 33" above finished floor. 3. Drinking lountain waste connec- tion 1-1l4" NPT female. 4.Drinking founlain supply connec- tion 3/8" NPT male minimum stub- out 4" trom finished wall. Thrce 3/4" holes lor anchoring drinking fountain. Thru wall and P-lrao. b. zl" -T,. PRODUCT MAV SHOW SOME AVAILAALE OPIIONS 1040 MODEL NUMBEB $,tolo Drinking Fountain -eq 6eent TECHNICAL DATA: Drinking fountain is fabricated entirely from type 3O4 stainless sleel including all reinforcing. Cabinet, bottom and reinforcing are 16 gage. Construction is all welded with visible welds ground smooth. Exterior is polished to a No. 4 satin finish. Fixiure is f actory piped and tested. Internal piping and f iltings are bronze, copper or stainless steel. Valve is contained within cabinet. Removable bottom panel is provided lor installing mounling hardware and making supply and waste connections. Bottom panel is secured with tamper-resistant machine screws. Regularly furnished lactory installed trim includes pushbutton valve with flow control, chrome plated cast bronze non squirt bubbler secured f rom the bottom, thru wall and P-trap. Regularly furnished mounting hardware consisls of three 5i8" studs, nuts, reclangular washers and one exposed security nut. Approved for lllanufrcturlng Slnnalurr Tlilc 0rls Company tll DRINKING FOUNTAIN Dlrt rssut0 6t17l8g itYtst! 10t1t86 cttlL00 l.urlfi 1ilo 3!i 3eF5iErl E3 lggr r! Fg EA sEgrE!!iE-aEI AEgtl EI,a ;{tE E€ g SI]PDR SECI]R . co. A DtVtStON OF ACOI|TV FtVGI/VFEF/NG CO. City of lndustry. CA g'1744-0527 |ltr 0rY r00Et rurlEi ACCESSORIES STAIIILESS STEEL Fiberboard backing. Waterproof tape. Welded anchor nut. Bolt. I l0l TEMPERTO GLASS & PLEXIGLAS- NOTES: 1. Bequired wall openings. 2. Frame. 3. Mirror. 4. 5. 6. -l l-_," PAODUCf MAY SHOW SOM€ AVAIL,BLE OPIIONS 1102 MODEL NUMBER SELECTED ! rrot With Stainless Sleel Mirror E flot-t with Tempered Glass Mirror E ttot-z wilh Plexiglas'Mirror P31102 With Stainless Steel Mirror '! 1102-1 With Tempered Glass Mirror E ltoz-z Wilh Plexiglas'Mirror ' Trademark Rohm & Haas OPTIONAL VARIATIONS E-fm Fronl mounted ! -EG Envire'Glaze For color selection, See brochure. SPecifY color: b€EE{ TECHNICAL DATA: These mirrors are designed for use in all areas where mirrors are subject to breakage and theft. Mirror fealures a seamless 14 gage type 304 stainless steel frame with exposed parts polished to a No.4 satin finish. Back of frame is provided with special welded anchor nuts and is furnished with 1/4"-20 bolts. 1101 & 1102 Stalnless Sleel Mlrrorr are the highest quality obtainable. They are reinforced with 1/2" thick fiberboard backing. Mirror is type4fi) stain less sleel polished to a mirror finish. Care should be taken in cleaning the mirror, as abrasive cleaners will damage the finish. 1101-1 & 1102-1 Tempered Glasr Mlrrorc have 1/4 thick tempered glass mirror, which is reinlorced with 1/4" thick fiberboard backing. lt is held to backing with special waterproof tape, which seals the edges lrom moistu re and insulates the m irror f rom shock. Tempered glass has fou r to f ive times the strength of comparable plate glass. lt is extremely difficult to break and if broken, the mirror will crumble into small harmless crystals. Reflective qualities are equivalent to plate glass, although subjecl to minor imperfections and slight distortion under some light conditions, due to tempering. Surface is highly scratch-resistant and is easy to clean. 1101-2 & 1102-2 Plerlglas Mlrorg have 1/4" thick plexiglas mirror. Construction is similar to tempered glass. Plexiglas is almost unbreakable, having about fourteen times the strength of glass. The rellective qualities are excellent; however, the surface is subject to scratching and care must be used when cleaning. Powdered household cleansers should never be used. lpprovsd lor lllrnulrclurlng Shnrlure Tltlo Company Drh rrr'E FRAIIED lilRRoRs SECUREO FRO]II BACK OF FRAI{E OATE ISSUT! 6t17t83 mvr3c0 9tr1l8/', c^ltt08 tut{ttt fi01 & t102 F€ 3s-B!E !E'= Er b6 E-t r! aE a=it cEgr E-IE EIa: 5tr F3 -d iEEr E€ g ST]PDn' SE . co. a oryfsroir oF rcoRfl €n orivEEFrirc CO CltY ot tndurtrv, CA 917a4{5.27 rlt !n t!0.t rurts ACCESSORIES PRootJcT UAY stlow sot,E avatLAau oPftotls iIODEt NUTBER SELECTED Etrf toe PusVPullplate ffirgs Grab bar - 36" Ftt* crab bar- 'ta" TECHNICAL DATA: 1103 Push/Pull Plate set. Comprising ol a push plate and pull plate with handle. Manufactured lrom stainless steel with satin finish. 1133 Grab Bar,36" long, manufactured from 1'1/2" O.D' stalnless sleel' l13f Grab Bar,48" long, manulactured from 1-1/2" O.D. stainless steel' Approurd lor ilrnulrclurlng Slgnrlurr T1ilc Comprnl PUSH/PULL PLATE & GRAB BARS oalt rssut0 9t1f 186 tavrla0 cr toe xurla 1103, 1133, I 1134 g€ 3;-l ;t€3 bt gs rt rgt3fEEI EI EIrlsl3trt IE !E g SUPNII SE . co. A D|ViS'ON OF ACORN ENO1NiEAiNO CO. Clty ot fndultry, CA 9'17./{6i2f Ftl Trr r00tl rulaal ACCESSORIES |fll 1112 1t t3 piooucf urv sxorr so$E avatuaLE orftotas MODEL I{UiIBER SELECTED Ertrr Dual roll, surface mtd. b rttz Surface mounted tr1113 Semi-recessed TECHNICAL DATA: 1111 A surface mounted, aluminum dual roll capacity, tissue dispenser, with high impact, and durable plastic spindles. 1ll2 A surface mounted, chrome plated, tissue dispenser. 1113 A flush mounted, semi-concealed tissue dlspenser. lpprovrd lor ilrnulrclurlng 8l0n!lur! Tlrh hmornY flsAUE DISPENAERS D rI ||l|r.lulft6 tl|n uttto| || rrl ttfl, fl't2. I ttrS iili 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 otfice of the town manager August 24, 1981 Mr. Robert Beebe Moses , }{i ttemyer, Harri son and l.loodru ff, P. C. 1002 l,lal nut Street , Su i te 300 Boul der, C0 80306 Dear Rob: The Town of Vail has recently completed the acquisition ofall land desired around the KAC Reservoir with the intentionof building a neighborhood park in the area. In developingour plans for the park it is desired that we install anirri gation system to maintain the park site. It was recommended to us by Mr. Jim Collins that rather thantap into the domestic water supply for irrigation, lveinstall a pi;.p'i ;,',; ti,::e:ci-';:ii-ir,;;.je; io iraw vlaterfrom it for irrigation purposes. This intention was arrived at in consideration of othertradeoffs wh'i ch are an issue between the Town and the water districts. We are not constructing a reservoir, however, would not want to undertake any actions which may not be appropriate. If there is any reason to pursue this matter furtherplease feel free to contact me. Sinc;e,rely yours, //" r/ lr/1,/ l'- "-R{chard Caplan Town Manager cc: Jim Col l ihs-UEVSD+at Dodson-Recreation Director luwn n llfll 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Mr. Jim CollinsDistrict l'lanagerVail Water and Sanitation District Bi ghorn l^later Di stri ct 445 Uni on Bl vd. , Sui te 123 Denver, C0 80228 Dear Jim: Th i s I etter wi I I serve to cl ari and commitment relative to the 1. Service and repair of pl ow'i ng of Va i1 Sewer Treatment Plant. off ice of lhe town manager July 14, 1981 fy the Tovln's understanding fol lowing three matters: Town fo un ta i ns and snovt- Pl ant and Gore Creek Water Perm'i t and inspection fees relative to the Vail Sewer Pl ant, and Tap fees and water service at the K'ing Arthur's Court (Bighorn Park) sjte in East Vaj'l . i. Fountajn Servjce and Repair/Snowplowing. Thisto confirm that the Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitatjon Distriwill be responsible for maintaining services on the two water fountains in Vail. The Town would expect to payfor any necessary el ectrjcal work performed by contractors such as New Electric as well as parts. I do not expect that the Town would pay for the cost of routine servic'i ng performed by Di strj ct empl oyees unl ess you woul d prefer such record keeping and reimbursement. If this is the case, then we. would also keep actual costs for manpower associated w'i th snowp'l owing the Vail Sewer Plant and the Gore Creek Water Treatment Pl ant. I woul d prefer not to do so and I eavethe understanding that D'i strict empl oyee time and Town employee time for snowplowing not be billed. Regardless, we will continue to snowolow both of these District facil ities is LL rli Mr. Jim Col I ins July 14, 1981 Page 2 I knoW that we currently have some Serious maintenance problems at.the fountain adjaceni to the Covered Bridge. llle would.expect that over the next twel ve months a moderate capital expenditure witt have to be made to mod'i fy and correct the entire system. ihit u.t'i on should significanily reduce the majntenanc-e required. once the repajrs are iompteted. 0ur Publ ic lllorks staff wiil work with your siaff on revjewing the best long-term alternatives. ?. Vail Sewer Pl3,!t-Ill-!- jnd Permits' First, Jim, 1et me comment on two st f June 4, 1981' First' ut you know, it is fu11y apprbprjate that the EPA pay.for standard p.ririt fees and other obt ilitibns wh'ich may be 'imposed by cities 'countjes or special di striits. I am confjdent that EPA not only endorses such' obl i gati ons but routj nel y expects that projects j n which they are involved should not be exempted' Secondly, building permit fees are designed to cover the yelr- round cost oi the stafiing and operation of our bu'i1d'i ng inspection r.iponsibilit'ies. Desp'i te misunderstand jngs by the Vai'l Trajl ' the towh Council has stateb its pol icy on numerous occasions, which is jn conformance to most other municipal ities, that the costs of luilOing'i nspection, plan checking, and related processing requi.re- ments s6ould'be on a pay-as-you-go basis. In a year of extraord'inary construction, it may be that the Town ends up with greater revenues than expendiiures. - Equal'ly, as in years of low construction we ;;d rp subsid'zing this fuirction due to the necessity of majntaining a permanent and piofessional staff, This year has been extraordinary in'the amount of buildjng permits jssued, however, a majority of ttr ese projebts are ones iirit require two to three years of construction wh.il e all the fees are pa'i d in one single year. -As you know, as a home rule municipaiity there.are many equ'itable una'*o.e comprehensive ways for the Town tO rai se revenue than Uritajng perinits. To hav-e a general purpgse government rely on one tim6 ?ees of any nature would be sorely unadvjsable and iikely impracticabli. So much for philosophy, let me address this specific matter. Based upon the building valuatjon of $5,620,000. the total appropriate ilermit fees would Ue $43,860. I should note that this bxcludes our recreation amenities fee which our Town Council ip..iiicatiy acted to exclude special djstricts due to their public niir.". ThA Town Council has never taken such forma'l action on iny of the other.fee components. Let me list all fees for you: a: t'lr. Jim Collins July 14, 1981 Page 3 A. Building Permit B. Pl an CheckC. El ectri cal InsPecti onD. Plumbing InspectionE. Mechanical InspectionF. Desi gn Review Board G. Recreation FeeH. C'leanup Deposit $ 13 ,800 . 8,070. 4 ,460 . 860. 15,870. 300. -0- 500. TOTAL $43,860 After our discussion and consideratjon of this matter, I believe that a fajr assessment would exclude the building permit fee, Design Review Board fee (although as a courtesy this project shouid have been taken to them due to jts magnitude), and the cleanup deposit. It is my understanding that y9!r staff has already requested that these plans be checked which we have initialed,'and that e'l ectrjcal plumbing and mechanical inspections performed by the Town wi ll be required. Therefore, !h9 !lspectionf..t utsociited with those necessary services total $29,260 rather than $43,860. I hope that this clarifies this issue. should you have any need for iurther clarification I would be happy to discuss this with you di rectly rather than through newspaper assumpti ons ' This is to confirm your offer to Mr. Steve Patterson regarding the wiving of a tap fee -For jrrigation purposes in this park in return for a commitment to pump water from the creek and/or storage pond at that site. I feel that the Town can and should seek to irrigate this park site with creek and/or pond water' I would make such a commi tment to be ful f i I I ed wi thi n the next t1ao years. I woul d 'l ike to reach such an agreement as long as we have the following understandings: A. There may be utilization of the existing tap (3/4'inch) should the Town put in drjnking fountains and/or rest- rooms i n the futilre ' Shoul d thi s occur we coul d and woul d revert the exi sti ng s i ze tap from a 'l arger tap with the understand'ing that no additiona'l fees would be required for such uses ' Arthur C ourt llla ter l,lr. Jim Coll ins July 14, 1981 Page 4 B. That we have a written l ong-term agreement and/or . authorization by the approprjate water djstricts' aliowing the Town to use creek and,/or pond water for irrigation purPoses. I hope that these two cond'it'ions appear reasonable and satis- iactbry. i appreciate your cooperative attitude on this matter I hope that this letter sufficient'l y clarifjes these three issues. e'l y yours ' R'i chard CaPl an Town Manager cc: Larry Rider-Town AttorneY Steve Patterson-Bu'i lding Iri spector n6c, Pat Dodson