HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 7 LOT 19 LEGALTOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479 -2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e parun ent of Conu nun iry D eve lo pme nt June 7, 1993 Mr. James S. Mandel Brownstein Hyatt Farber & Strickland, P.C. 22nd Floor 410 Seventeenth St. Denver, CO 80202-4437 Dear Mr. Mandel viilrrl uh, eury{ 'Jc'Fe. ,{* +l,4qs WhN1 ' at ,thlqg Cba"rhJ We received your letter dated June 2, 1993 concerning the property on Lot 19 in the Bighorn Subdivision. We will place your letter in the permanent {ile for that property with a notation to notify you if and when the Town takes any official action in regard to the building or landscaping of that site. Please feel free to call myself or Jim Curnutte if you have any questions regarding that parcel or our ongoing eflort to revise the Town's tree care policy. Sincerely, Russell Forrest Senior Environmental Policy Planner aJ &il",)"WBnowNsrprx Hyerr Eelt'Ba & Slnrcx Arronx-eys e.r L.aw TWENTY.SECOND FLOOR ZTIO SEVENTEENTH ST R EET DBNWER, COLONADO TELEPH ON E (303) 534-6335 TELECOPTER 1303) 623-t 9s 6 June 2, L993 Department of community Developnent Town of vail 75 s. Frontage Road VaiI, co 81657 Re: Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision 5th Addition, East VaiI, Colorado Ladies and Gentlemen: My wife and I are the owners of one-half of the duplex Located at 5035 n. Main Gore Drive (a portion of Lot 20, BLock 7, Bighorn Subdivision 5th), which is imnediately adjacent to Lot 19. As a result of the prior actions taken by the present owners of Lot 1-9, whon I believe to be Howard J. and Mary Jane Avil, which included the wrongful cutting down of an enormous evergreen this past wj.nter, we are extrernely desirous of having the opportunity to participate in any design review, building permit, Iandscaping review, drainage diversion or other Town of Vail approval process involving Lot 19. Because there rernains on Lot L9 a centuries-oId evergreen, one of the largest in East Vai1, as well as a tremendous amount of protected willows and vtetlands, we are obviously very concerned, based on the previousty reported event, that any activities on Lot 19 be properly scrutinized and undertaken in a manner which strictty complies with applicable town, state and federal laws and regulations concerning land use, wetlands, and environnent. We would therefor respectfully request that a copy of this Ietter and an appropriate notation be placed in the applicable file for Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn 5th, indicating that we have asked that we be notified of any type of tand-use application filed regarding Lot L9, so that we may have the opportunity to participate in the reviehl process if warranted. AII we desire is to see that proper respect is given to the environment, the neighborhood and applicable laws. 1,b,u h,t trlr crr,eNn. P.C. Jarnes S, Mandel Town of VaiI June 2, L993 Page 2 JSM/bsn cc: George Lanb, Design Review Board Mike Arnett, Design Review Board Bob Borne, Design Review Board SaIJ.y Brainerd, Design Review Board Fred & Diane DiDio ':: Russell Forest Your cooperation is trenendously appreciated. Very truly yours S. Mandel 6qh"" a-'''- 'l tr+ tq, blp 7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department cf Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fzx:97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.€omc€*ttuMw oevELoF$€}lT Project Name: SHEFRELD RESIDENCE Project Description: Participants: Project Address: 4998 MEADOW DR. Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DRB Number: DR8060109 REPI.ACE DRIVEWAY CONCRETE WITH STAMPED COLORED CONCRETE. owNER SHEFRELD, LYNDA S. - JAMES 041t712006 1999 IRREVOCABLE TRUST 5465 HIALEAH DR JACKSON MS 39211 APPUCANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING 0411712006 Phone: 970-827-5735 P.O. Box 340 Minturn co 81645 License: 152-M 4998 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Lot: 19 Blockr 7 Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON 2101-131-0402-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. O4l2712O06 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007970 iar ln r.nnctn rr.tinn the annlicant chall nhlaln Tnwn nf Vail grhlir WnrtcPrior to @nstruction, the applicant shall obtaln Town of Vail Public Work Department approval of a construction staglng plan. Cond: CON0007971' Prior to construction, the applicant shall obtaln Town of Vail apprwal of a Rerrocable Right-oFWay Permit for all o<lstlng lmprwements within the Meadow Drlve right-of-way. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I ttr-,r. lr (lti ltl:(l(la .lrm Sheff reld , o4}l7/?006 07::]5 l,t.\ 970E175?J4 Jerry Stblcy PIbnB INC { Minor Exterior Alterations :i o:r 52t; :rti:t4 p--. o N 6)of o \ o -o taool Application for Desigrr Review Ocp!rtrnqnt of Community Dcvelopmcnt 75 South Fronbge RgrO, veil, Colordo 81657 rd: 970 a79.2128 td:9m 479.2152 wcb: wtvr.vailgov.com Gonoral Informatton; All proJedi requlring d€sign .€ri€w.nust re.eive appro\ral prbr to s!,bmfting a Duilding pcrmtt agplic ion. Please r€'reI to the srbmlttll r€qui.ernenB for thc prrtic!]Lr approval that ts rcquestcd. An rppliiation for D6ign Relriew cannot b€ dcepted unbl all requirrd Inlormatbn is receiy€d ty ti€ Comfudfy O€vdoprnent Depanment. T]|e proFct nray also need to br r€vic!,/ed lry tie Town Cot.rlcf and/or the Planoing and Erwironrn€ntal Commissloo. D€sign revie* lpDfoval laps€3 unlc3s a bulldog pcnntt tr bsucd and construdron co.nricncfs wlttrln one year of t re aptroYrl. Descti of th€ I rcl -, Il,ocrtion of t rc Prop{fsal: tt:I t Elock: { subdiusion: Parcd ltto-: "l Zonang: Name(s) o? Owner(s): Owner(s) Signau|rc(s): E-mail Addr€ss: Typ€ of Review and F€e: O 99ns 0 ConceptualRev€w 0 New Consi'uctlon O Addlrjon C Flinor Alterarion ( multj-farnrt/co.nmerc ia l) |[ Nlinor AltErdtion (singlefamily/duplex) C Changes to Approved Plans O S€paration Raquen a{S Phone:: 9d?-.sal 3./ S50 P!5 tl 00 p€r squa.! noot of tobr sigo area. No Fe€ $650 For construoon ol a nevr buildrng qr d€rno,/reb r,/rlc, t300 For an addition trhere squarE foota4€ 6 added to a,ry resident al or comrnercjal building (includes 250 addilons & intenor cmverspns). $50 For mirFr chanqgs to bulldlngs and site irrprovements, such as, re-rootlng, ffIntlng, wlrldow addldorB, landsce ng, fencsq and rerainlnq walls, et(. $20 For minor changes to b,rildngs and sit€ lr,nDrcvements, such as, re-roofing, painting. wrndow ddit;{rns, landscapino, fences aod a€:tairxrxJ wdll5, etr. t20 Fat revis|or's to plcns already ipprevcd by Plitnnrng Staff or lh€ Oasbn Revb^l Bonrd. No Fee Ptrysier Address: 499 e qeo,Jo,'t D f . (Contact Eagle @. Asrssor at 970-128-86,10 for parcel no.) Nam€ of Applicant: rg*ff*?p* *.o*. bETg ,,, J Meetir€Dat!: €'t? - aA DRsNo.: F: \('ev\f Onr4S\Permlr!\Pr'lning\OR8\6_mi6or_ah-1 l -23-2005.do.P.qe 2 ol 13 \rl13l2OO5 * ******'l 'l{'*t*****t+{r**'}***r***f ++++r.'t***'t*******r*******r+tt**r*****t+t*+f ++++ttt tf l++++++*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starem€ntaa***l**f'l'il"tf*a***+**+***+*'}**+*****f*t+f++++*+t++**a***++++t++a****+*{'****t*****a*t*****t* Statement Nrrriber: R050000394 Amount: $20.00 04/L7/200602:27 pMl Palzment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 30878/aIERRY SIBI,EY PIJT'UBING Permit No: DR8050109 q/pe 3 DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DI'PParcel No: 2101- 131- 04 02 - 0Site Addreas: 4998 MEADOV| DR VAIIr L,ocation: 4998 MEADOW DR. Total Fees: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00ttt***lll++l+++*+++++f+**++*++*tt*t****t***tt**l*++i*t+**t+******++*tt**'i*+*++t*fftt++++f++* ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmtE DR OO1OOOO3IL22OO DESIGN RE\':TEV| FEES 20.00 Hpr 17 OG O8:51a , O4/L7 /2000 07:36 FAtrir ! I I I i Jim Sheffield s70827327{Jerry Stbley Plboa 'O[IT PROPERTY OwlIER UYRITTET APPROYAL LETTER 303-526-S634 INC P.1 @ oorzoor *-m ,, trnn ^"^l Ta mcs S{ e{6e //a joint owner of property rocated at (address/reqal descriptjon) *1 ? 8 tlrt ea"/p ",t D r ; r. provide this letEr as writteo approval of the plans dated which ha\Ae been submiued to the Tovn of Vail bmmunity Deretopoent Departmcrt for the popos€d improvements t0 be completEd at the addrcss noted abo\e. I understand tfiat tne proposed imgrovernents indude: I further undcrstancl that minor modifications rnay b€ rnade to tie ptans ov€r the @urse of ule review process !o ensure cornpliance with the Town'S appticaDle mdes and regulatiOns. (Date)--4*/--12.-?-oF F: kdcv\Fol, 5\pc.F$s\pr.nnh9\DRS\d6_minor_a\,-U-23.20o5.&c Pag€ 2 of t3 rv23no03 Brickform Concrete - Stone Textures - FM-100 What is Decorative Concrete? Product Gulde . Texturing Systems Border Tools Page I of6 FM-100 Rough Cut Ashlar 24" x24" (60.96 x 60.96 cm Red, Yellow, and Blue Rough, hand{ooled stones, arranged in an ashlar patterr Have a question about this product? o o o Creative lmage Mats Flexible Mats . Brick Textures Slate Textures Stone Textures Tile Textures . Wood Textures o Graphic lmprints 6 HR Texture Mats 6 Liquid Release o Overlay Mats ^ Seamless Skins o Step-Liners 9 TexluringAccessories Coloring Systems Staining Systems Resurfacing Systems . Countertop Systems r Stenciling Systems 3 Sealing Systems . Maintenance Systems About Us Technical Latest News Gallery I I I I a a a Additional lmages - Vlew Slldeshow >> More in this catogory FM-l00 FM-1000 Opa Lock Stone S/C Rough Cut http://www.brickform.com/product.php?product id:50 4tr1t2006 za/f, skfi O , Jr///rut'-ru 2/ " ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.,OPMEIiIT Y THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT PRO.JECT TITIJB: SHEFFIELD RESIDENCE Sit RefUnd NEw (sFR,P,/s,DuP) PERMIT PermiE #: Address: I-,ocatsiOn. . . : Fffcel No..: Project No.: PEE SI]I'!{ARY Rccleaiion Pce__---___--> cLaan-up Deposit--------> 50o.00 PayB€nE€- 5,264.3 5 TOTAI, FEES-a,264.35 EAIANCE DUE---- '00 see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions Ehat may apply uo this permiL' AIL TIMES B98 - 0317 STATUS...: ISSI]ED App1ied..: L0/a6/1998 Issued. . .: LL/'1"9/L998 E>rpires. . : 05/Le/t999 Phone: 3034200056 Phone: 3034200055 TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479 -2L38 NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up D approved amount date 4998 ME,ADOW DR 4998 MEADOW DR 2l-01-131- 0 4-020 PRJ98 -01-22 .A,PPLICAI.IT SHEFFIELD HOMES 5777 WADSWORTH301, ARVADA co 80003 COMTR.AETOR SIIEFFIELD HOMES OWNER DescripEion:NEW SFR OccupancY Dwellings Private Garages Building-----> Plan check- - - > Invcstsigati.on> -oo rii Il CaIl----> 3.00 6777 WNSWORTH3o1, ARVADA co 80003 AVIL HOWARD ,J & MARY .IANE 9845 GRBENSVILI-,E CfR, LITTLETON CO 80T24 Table Date: 05/L7/L996 Fircltlacc Inforrdatsion: Re6lricted; Y 97.80 25.55 SubtoEaI:Total Valuation: Town of VaiI Adjusted ValuaLion: *of Gas Appliancca: 2 *Of Gas Logs: Type zone 2 V-N zone 2 v-N 2,32O.O0 RestuaranC Plan Revicl.- - > 1.5o8.00 DRB Fee------- Nuriber of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feetr Units: 001 Valuatsion 478,L44.20 L6,74t.80 494,886.00 494, BB5 . 00 494, 886 . 000 *Of wood/Pal1et: Division: Division: Division: 4 ,889 655 5 ,544 ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/t6/1998 CHARLIE Action: NoTE ro/29/L998 CHARLTE Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARI'I"IENT LO/L6/L998 CHARLTE AcEion: NoTE tO/29/L998 iIHI]NT Action: APPR ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT'IENT LO/]-6/L998 CIIARIIE AcEion: APPR rtem: 05500 PuBLrc woRKs LO/L5/L998 CIIARLIE ACIiON: NOTE LL/rg/L998 TPARTCII Act,ion: APPR ITCM: 05550 ENGINEERING 10/]-6/L998 ClrARL,rE Action: NoTE LL/L*/L998 TPARTCXI Action: APPR .OO Total CaLcul'ated Fecs---> 5'264'35 200. OO Additional Fees---------> '00 ?33.35 Total' Pcnoit Fee-__--_ _> 5,254'35 DePt.: BUILDING Division: PI,ANS TO CHARLIE charlie davis DePt: PT,ANNING Division: PTANS TO .JEFF H DePt: FIRB N/A DePE: PIIB WORK PI-.ANS TO PT]BWORKS approved see nocices DePt: ENGINEER PI,ANSTO PI]BWORKS approved see notices DECI,ARATTONS I hereby acknortedge thac I havc -ead Ehis aFplication, fil1ed out in full the infohdecion requj-red, couPletsed an accuraEe plot pl,an, and 6!atc Chats all the inforEaeion pi:ovidcd as lcqlri-ed is corrcc!. I agree to coEpLy l.ith the infohnation and PloE PIan, co coBply si.Eh alt Tor.n oldinallccr and staic 1ava, and to build thia rtruceure accolding Eo Che Totn's zoning and subdivieion codc6, deaigm ravj,er apploved, Uniforo Building code and other ordinanccs of ehe Toen applicable th€leEo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHAr,r, SE UADE TWENTY- FOUR HOT RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPAOIIE AT 419-2L3 send clcrn-up Depogit To: ,telilEs SHEFFIELD GNATI'RE OF OWNER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** Permit #: B98-03i-7 CONDITIONS OF APPROVA]-, as of 02/15/99 ******************************************************************************** SI, t.US: ISSI]ED Applied: ]-0/L5/L998 rssued: LL/]-9/L998 permit T\pe : NEW (sFR, P/s, DI'P) PERMTT Applicant, : SIIEFFTELD HOMES ilob Addreas: 4998 MEADOW DR Location: 4998 MEADOW DR Parcel No: 2101-1-31-04-020 ******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONS ******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROaIECT WILL FSQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMEIiIII SIIRVEY. SUCI{ sttRVEY SIIALL BE SIIBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIoR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2 . ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR I.'ESS, AS MEASURED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTIJR,AI. MEMBERS OF TIIE FLOOR TO THE T'NDERSIDE OF THE STRUSITJRAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIREETI.Y ABOVE. TOSDI OF VAII. DEPIRI'IIEITT OF @IIIIT'NITT DBVEI,OPUBfT 75 3. !RO|tAICI ROID vArt, co 01557 970-179-2Lte @ITDITIONg .. ot o2/Lal99 a tt |,a tttaf I tatlttt at t t t ttt tttttt attta, ti !rttr'ratt I t tttr ta '* r*i J P.: its :q't G! nBrf (afR,P/a.urP) PBR$IT rPPUrd: Lo/L6lL99' At rlic.!!t ! gtlBFFtlltt Hot.lBg I"u'd: 11/19l199e 3o3a2ooo55 to Eqrl':rqt O'/at/1999 atob Ldae!! 3 {t98 lltlDolf m Irocltsion. 4998 l{EtDOlf DR P.rc.l No! 2101-131-04- 020 Dc.crlption: NE I S'R condltlona . 1. TtlIA PROitECf tfll.r. REQUTRED A ltrrB ruPRolrtgEm aoRttEY' gl'cll SI'R\'!Y SHA'.Ir BE 8I'BIIIITID IIID IPPRo\'-BD PR'IOR TO REQT'EST POR I tnllt8 r[sPBcrloN. 2. ATTTC gPACEg gttl!& HAVE A CEIt,t}tG HEICHT OP 5 'BEI OR LESS' lg tlll6lrR8D FRO0| rHr TOP SrDE OF TtrE gl8ucfttRlt llHlBBRlt oF TI|E TTroOR IO TITB I'I{DBRAIDB OF Tt$ AIX'UCN'RrIJ IIIIIBER8 OF TIIE ROOF DIRECrI, TBOVA. r ii tn tttt a i 'l ti riatti PcniE *B9l-0317 gErEua: lggIrED TOfiN OF rr,, COTTORIDO strtaurlt rat t, *J t * ti lr rr itrata aa*a* t i i ailr trrrrrtr rrtra t tttt ta t irr*r trtrtt s,064.3s 02lLA/t9 Latgagcrt.ltrg lfuEber: R8c-oa9a lrcung: P.lrnonc ti.tlrod: CR [ocrgion: 01{a trit: it P.!It! lfo 3 P.rccl lfo t sita lddrcrE ! LocaEiod: fhi6 P.l/[.nt B9C-0317 TyP.r B-BI'ILD lfEW 2101-13L-04-020 {998 rrEADOr DR .99S HEIDClll DR total Fcaa. 5, 064.35 ToErl jlll. PEc. I (!'FR.P/9,DI'P} PE Belanca: 5,26t.35 5,264.35 i ia t ttairirtti t.i ttttt AccounE Codc BP 00100003111100 PP 00100003112300 AD D2 -DEPO8 RF 11100003112?00 tfc o0100003112800 Ir.. crlpt ion BUII,DIIIG PErulT FBEA PLI!| CIIECK FEES CLElm'P DEPOAITS RACnEIIIO|I FEES ntt! clr.L ll|gPBclfld FEB leutlt 2, 320. 0o 1.50a.00 50 0. o0 ?33.35 3. O0 oC' o gEHt c Fe d .lA- 0ct oo <; o o o o o o o o IUEAo D A EEr' ooo H AIl.atEcU g ! |l o to ..EiEHaoHEO txaOA TA FI b 5 a E all All!r-r :rLHl|||EO!EAq|Io CE6A!r ET n3ca A Ea fE Er e t, F.26*t H E F:T HB Er A E il IH 6 E g ErEaaaa toE" E EdB 5" B A E IlH aA Feo Ig o B I& FIHqlIEo oo ODa! I,l caa> IIlrEa0a&Ac'Ero t!a! oAAF Office Pfr+1;gl"?[ Xili'- SiIi :$"ff ip77 t#,J*"- DArEs PERI.IIT /' YBs rre'rr'/ / Lesal Descriprion z t oc_11! BLockJ_ ,r\!\S_ owners *^^.rW{{ur""". lrltz ffi Pwa-Qa> t[-a,rirai-ng J 3-elunrbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibar I J-other Job Name:'d DA. Architectt fu*-f A. ,fulac.rf Address: fro. /p/"5 *aia.4/nn. 747-z*t work clas=,- I{-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwer-ling units t ( Nunber of Acconmodation units : o ^ ryFmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances 2--Gas Logs_ Wood/pelletvl**********************'r*********** vALUATToNs *********************************-v-;, riurlpruc.- + l feE ELEcTRTcAL: $ ^,.t iir?r- rrPruMBrNc: T.- ;#;i#:::: F-__r r.lJtJlrrJrrt\:. + MECHANICAL: $ - tu ; : :: i . : : :i :: : i : :: " " y) y:-:9yR)eroR r NFoRMATT oINFoRMATfON *********,t * ***** *lr** ** * *** * TOTAL: $ Contractor: S/EffaAddress: - "' T:::^"5 y:ir leq. no.4d,i^^gPhone Number: ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEEI OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ?own of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. No. Town of Vail Req, NO.Phone Nurnber: FoR oFFrcE USE ***************-**************** BUf LDfNG PIAN CHECXr,rtde: PLUMBTNG PI,AN cHEcK TEE: -]li.- #EH+;ll rr,aN canckoKq q$ CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT:.ilTOTAL PERMTT BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: o3-s76 -295 4^ Sl^.{k.td lgLL7 rYteadt,rt/uvL c-otda,n. co go +o [.i r<- ISLEAN UP DEPOSIT RE?IIND 1lO:t 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROI'I: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETot{l't OF VAIL TOI,IN oF VAIL pUBLIc WoRKS/cottfI"ruNITy DE\rELopI,rENT IIARCH L6, 198I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE to rn sufiunary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is untawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ""y-"liri-r]ik, =und, debrisor haterial-, including trash hu*p=t..=, portabre toilets andworkmen vehiclesplace or any p"..I:i'tf,:I":::"",ii."li;Hil5;_ili"l."5ri"fl*i-",VaiI streetl and.roads 5s approxirnately s ft. Lff pavement.rhis ordinance ,il] b".;a.i:Ii;"enforced by the Town of VaiIPubric works Departrnent- persins found vilr.[i,..,g this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written'notice t"^r".;""r =aid rnateriar.In the event the person so notified.ao.=-nll"'I"ipay with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-=pu"ified, the put:.ic VrorksDepartment vrirl remov€: said rnare;i;i-;I-ih;^^;";:;=e or personnotifi'ed' The provision=-"r- tni= ordrnance sharl not beappricable to c6nstruction, rnaint"nan"" o.-r"pui. p.oiects ofany street or alrey or any "litiai;;"i; ;;"';i;;i_"_""y. To review ordinance No. e in fuII, please stop by the Tor+n of:::i"::ii3i"3.";f,i:'il:it"::."utlin a copv- ri,u,.,i vou ror your Y ead and acknowledged by a:nY'S fs;G t o - 6-?6 (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 !oulh ,rontage toad v8ll, colo ra do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 olllce of "orrunity devclopmerrr EUILDING PERIiiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAI.IE If thi.s perrni.t requires a Tov/n of Vair [ire Department Approvar,Ensineer''s (publii r,lopks) reyiew "nJ'ipirouai,'i'pj'.-iiirnf"b.pu"*"n,review or Heatth Departm6nt review, unl'u-r"uiJ Li-i;.';";ritarngDepartment, the estinated time for'a lotar ""ui.n-iluv"iu[i'u, tongas three weeks. All commerciar (rarge or sma'r 'r ) and a'r 'r murti-family permits wi.r .l have to follow the ibove rnent'i6neJ-mi*ir* reguirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd take a resstr amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrarler.projects impaci the various above mentioneddepartments r'rith regard'to-necessary review, tn.i. i."j..t, ,uyalso take the three weet period. Every attempt vri'r r be nrade by this dcpartnrent to exped.i te thispermrlt.as s.qon as possible. - - -- v'rrLv ' LL e I-' th" undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and timeframe. Commun'i ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT" DEP.ARTMENT IS REOUIRED z+. t,/Job Name: 2QrnZ /J (<z sDate: ' - - ptease inswer tn@arding the need for a "Public Way YES Permit': NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dif{erenl access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? answered allthe s;{evr*.o- Ul"/^t{a Lv;veoo7 F Date \./e\ 4) 5) 6) 7) B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way permit" must be oblained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9ry1u1ity Deve.lopment. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction lnspector, at 479-2158 I 5 have read and above questions. SignaturelsJob Name Contra rc/e/A: TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8t657 970 -479 -2138 Job Address...: LocaEion... . ..: Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMEI{I OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MEclaNICAL PERMfT 4998 MEADOW DR 4998 Meadow Dr 2101-131-04-020 PR,J98 - 0122 AT ALL TIMES M99-01_37 Phone: 303-827-5736 Phone:303-927-5736 28, 000 . 00 *Of Wood/Pallet: ToLal calculated Fee6- - - > I DEVELO scatus...: ISSIIED Applied. .: 09/23/L999 rssued. . .: tO/20/L999 E>qpires . .: 04/L7/2OOO PMENT iIOBSITE Permit. Description: Valuation: Mechanieal for new SFR (in-floor heat/snowmelt) $of caa Logs: 2 FEE SUI'IMARY APPLICAIiE .IERRY SIBLEY PLIJMBING P O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR,JERRY SIBLEY PI,IJMBING P o Box 340, MrNruRN co 81645 OWNER SHEFFIELD ,fAMES & LINDA 5777 WADSWORTH BIVD, ARVADA, CO Fir.place Inf onati.on: Restricled: Y *of eas Appliances: Mechanical---> Plan Chcck- - - > InveEcigation> s{i1l caLl ---> Restuarant PIan Revieu- - >560. OO 140 . OO . oo :l,oo . o0 ?03.00 Additional F€6s--------- > .0O TOTTI FEAS-- ---703 . O0 BUTLDING DEPARTMENTKATHY Action: NOTE RoutedCIIARIJIE Action: APPR charlieFIRE DEPARTMENTKATIIY Action: APPR N,/A Total Perlli.L Fee--------> Pa)deng6--------- BAI.ANCE DUE. -.. 703 .00 703 . OO .00 Dept: BUILDING Division:to Ch-arliedawisDepL: FIRE Divj-sion: IEem:05L00 09 /23 /L999 09 /24 /L999Item:05600 09 /23 /Leee CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIEI.D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR IS REQUIRED PER SEe. 70L OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALTATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTI]RES INSTRUCIIONS AND TO CIAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1.997 IMC.4, GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACEORDTNG TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.BOS OF THE 1-997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI,ilT MUST COMPL,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.]-017 OF THE 1997 I]MC AI.ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJIV|ED ON FLOORS OF NONCOIITUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS I,ISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE A}IAI-,YSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANIEAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST.8. DRATNAGE OF MECIIANICAII ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. r-022 0F THE r-997 IJMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** Iv DEC[.ARA:TIONS I h.r.hy .cknorl.dg. th.t I h.r.. r..d lhl,. qDlic.tiorr, fill.d out ia full th. info!| tid! r.quli.d, coq .t.d.! rccur.c. ttlotpl.n, r.d rg.c. th.t .Il tba lnfo: .tiour provldrd rr rrguired ir corrrct. I r9?.. Eo caqrly d,th ttt. lnfonacion .nd plot. pl.rr. to cfiply yith rll Tor!! ordinrnc!! .rtd .trea 1.r., rnd to butld lhia rgructura rccording !o ch. Torn, a eoting rnd .ubdlwi.lon codca, dcrlgn r.vicr approv.d, ttnlfon luilding Codr urd gth.! ordlnanc.s of ghc To'rl .Irptlcrbl. characo. Rlet !6tr8 FoR rltaprcrtolut ! qrr. BB ^"" *-W ilP * -".yoR Ar orn orrrc! lRof,i .!oo At| s:oo ir srclqrrrRr op onr{En oR c'o*lrnlelon, loR HrxaELF AND oHNER ,}\/t u/ C - : - l -lo|o| Or VlIL, @IronlDO gt.E.Dnt r a r rrJaaaa a aat ra*ra aaaaa aaa a tt ttt t r a rrra aaa*ta t aartaJ a{rrrt a|,r aa gcrB.@rt tfu[b.!: REC-0574 lrcunC !703.0o 10/20l99 11r 35 Prtrr.nl l.f.lhod: Cf, loCrglon: 2?''B!lgI'EL8x IniE: ,tl{ P.rrllc lIo: r9t-013t BD.: E-l|ECf, XlcdltlclL P! tT P$c.l tro3 21,01-131-0{-020 Sitc lddtlc!!: a993 llBlllfl Dl Loctgion. {999 lL.dor Dr Tl.l. Prt/lanc Totrl !rar: 703.OO ToE l ltr& PaC. t Bahnca: ?03 .00 703.00 .00 t€courrC Ha lraacrl,trt,Lon llP 00100003111300 rlcl|lrlcllJ PIRI|TT PBBS Pt 00100003112300 Ptnr cHlcf, FBlg $c 00100003113800 lfrl,! c,aIl& llfgPBcrlorl FBE lDrlnE 560.00 140.00 3.O0 [ ] -Building [i.//]^-pluxbing [ ] _EIectrical trl / tf ttJob Name z Vjhefli. /,./ Job Address: Legal Description: Owners Name: Architect: [y']-Mechani-caI [ ]-other Ta.|- uL) E l nnlz SUBDIVI S ION : Address: Address: General Description: e \-,r -/work class:- [.'i-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional 1 r-Repair [ ]_otherNunber of Dwelling Units: BUTLDTNG: $ PLUMBTNG:. + Sluo.oo Address: ELectrical Contractor: Address: qf*utt and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances4' Gas Logs -? wood/pe11et__ /T***'t*tt'k***********:t****)t***)r***** vALUATToNs rt * *:r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * rk * * * * * ,r * ****, t*:2 rfuF,cffin*oaati on un its :2&F,&xnt EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $MEcHANrcAr:. $@ ** * * ** *** * * * ** * ** )k * * rr * * * * )t,rTown of Vail Rcg. NO.Pnone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg . NO. l.?t_/ larl "non" Nunrber: kZ't-*rQ-- Town of Vail Reg. No. /3,/_p --^ Phone Number: _kr1-gfr-: lii/efrLq9- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * jilfr *. * * * *BU.TLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: SLtrMBrNc PLAN cHEcr( .Fi;;MEcHANTcAL pr,AN cHnck rrn, .-- 'IlF1.DE ^ mr,-\r\r- \-r1-q,A I I(JN -t !E : -.....-..- CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATUR.E: Contractor:CTOR INFORMATTON ' ffiPhoneNunber:Plurnbing Cgntractor: Address: Mechanical- - Contractor.: Address: * * * * * * * * * * "ll)gthotttg$"Su,q,s r[#c;BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERHIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: NDN FFF. VALUATTON \ e!r..!Jr ur rr.c,!.{JJ r l. x-LruND To: t l -------- I icLEAN UP DEPOSIT R_EPIIND TO: I 75 soulh lron la g e road vall, colorado 8l SS7 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o f tlce ol communlty developm enl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TotN oF VAIL puBLIc ltoRKs/col,8,ruNlTy DE\rELopt.lENT ILARCH 16, 19BB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & T.TATERTAL STOR},GE -tn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unLawful for anyperson to titrer, track or a"po=ii.;;;-r;iri-rlir,, sand, ctebris;5r1fi:;'ilii"il"r"dins rrash iu.p=t.r,, portable roilers andplace ". ";;-;;:.1::".f,:I":::"";i..ii;ilii5l;:i":";lrill:#-".Vait streets and.ro"a=--i!-Iip.o*i*ut"iv-s-rt. -i* pavement.This ordinance will be ;i.;:Ii;'enforced by the rown of VaiIpublic I'Iorks n"oarimentl--i.rr'"ns found .,ril,r"fin.J thi-s ordinancevilI be given a 24 hour ,.iil.n'-notice t"-i"i;"" said naterial.rn the event the person so notified.does ""i"'I.ipay with thenotice vithin the 24 hour time specified, the public FlorksDepartrnent vrirl remove said rnateiiil .*t the expense of personnotified' The orovision= "r- [rri= ordinance shart not beapplicable to ctnstruction, *uint.nunge g.r repair projects ofany streer or arrey o. _.y'"liiiti."= in ti.^iiifrt_u_".y. To reviev, Ordinance No. e in fu1l, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii:i'9,":[i:'*:ll"::""ii]:-n a copv. r^nun,, you ror your dac owledged onlRelatio (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh rronlrge road vrll, colo ra do 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otllc€ ol communlty devolopmen t BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMIIE If thi.s permi.t requ,i,res a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (publ'ic r'lorks) ruvi""'unJ'ipi.ouui,"i'pj'.'i ,iiif"o.pu.t "ntreview or Hearth Dep.artmint i"ui"n,-unl'u iuuiu; ;i"iii;";ritoins Siri[ll;',1;ull: "'.iruted time roi'u-totur review may take as lons All commercial (lurg:^of small ) and all multi_family permits wiilhave to follovr the above rnentioned ruxirrr requirements. Residentiarand smali projects should tJr<e J-ieiier amount of time. However, ifresidentiat or snratl:",pfoiu;ir-i;p;;; the various above menrioneddepartmcnts with regard to-necessiFv.r.viu",-th;;; ;;;j;.t; *yalso take the three'week period Every attcmpt vrilr be made by this crcpartnrent to expedite thispe'rni't as s.qon as possible. - c^Pgur Lq L I, th" undersigned, understand the plan check piocedure and t'mef rame.. Cornmuni ty Devel opment Depa rtrnent . TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: P/7s Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? l,- ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propeqty?. ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dif{erent access needed lo sile other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done af{ecting the right of way, easements, or public properly? ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit" required? A.ls the right of way,easements or for stdging, I have read and answ J/*; B. It no lo BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes 1o any of these queslions, a "Public Way permit' muslbe obtained.'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developmenl. . lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction lnspeclor, at 47g-21ffi. need lor a "Public Way YES Permit-: NO r ,{ { ( 1) 2) o,l 4) 5) bl 7) B) V { public property to be used parking or lencing? {ffuestions. (/.- Job Name Contracto/s ature Date TOWN OF VAIL DEPARII'IENT OF 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L39 COMMT]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI'MBING PERMIT PMEI{T ,'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P99-0087 o DEVELO ON Job Address: 4998 MEADOW DR Location. .. z 4998 Meadow Dr Parcel No. . : 2101-131-04-020 Project No. : PRiI9A-0L22 A,PPLICANT JERRY SIBI-,EY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, MrMruRN CO 81645 CONIR.'ACfOR .IERRY SIBI-,EY PLIIMBING P o Box 340, MrNruRN co 81645 OWNER SIIEFFIELD ,IAl'lES & LINDA 6777 WADSWORTH BLVD, ARVADA, co DescripEion: Plumbing for new SFR rrrirrr.*rrr*rt* tttarrJtt+ir*ttttt*r*ir*trtir FB8 9I'UUARY PlunblnE-----> 755.00 RrEtsuarant Plan Rrviee--> '00 Total crlculeted F€e6---> 959'25 PI.n Check---> 191.25 TOTAL FEES----- 959'25 Additional Pec6---------> 'oo Invc6tlqatsion> .OO Total P'nnlc Fee--_-____> 9s9'2s will calt----> 3.oo P'l'ucnts-------- 9E9'2' AAIANCE DUE... - ii'rtt'r,rit*il'rlll'rrrr'''r'r,Jt.r***ttt'J*'tt*t'****t,'*.'ttt*tlt**t*ri'i'it*,',ttrrf*''*t',tl*t*Jtirrt''rttti SEatus...: ISSI]ED Applied..: 08/]-3/]-999 Issued...z O8/L9/1999 E:<pires. . : 02/L5/2ooo Phone: 303 -827-5736 Phone: 303 -827-5736 ValuaEion:51, 000 . 00 IEem:05100 08 /13 /L999IEbm:05600 08 /L3 /L999 BUILDING DEPARIIIENT - Depp: BUILDING Division:-$Iffi-;;;tfit+Ep1 enen Approwed pBEptT "t* Division: KAi'fuv ---[CEioni APPR N/A * *rJ*,r *Jr i., t tr*t,l r t *ai*l}tr ri t ttri r*airiart ttt*rar*rrrrtrrrJt t* rr* rJrttitt tr tr.. tt rittl t*'**t* tat* '*t't 't*t.,r' ttlt t tt * ' t 'tt t t r rt** f,' '' t CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIEITD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR coDE CoMPLIAIiICE ' .r9at*t*tt*1ttt'rjtttt'lriirr*ttait*it*t'****,'r*'tattt*t**t.}r+lrl1|,ttt**i*it,t*t.ttittarr*'r*'t*rr*riritl*.j|*.**|.i DECIJARA'TIONS I h.raby rcknor1.dg. thre I htv. reqd ghis aPpllcBCion, flll.d out in full tht infordagidtl rrquiicd' couPlct'd rn rccur't' ploC plan, .nd 6g.!. that all chr lnfol,dallon ptovided al rcquired i. corrcct ' I lgrGG to conply xltsh thq,lnforEatsion 'nd plol Pl'an' tso corlply yieh alL Eo*n ordinanccg and scata J.ave, and to build thiB 6cruceu!6 according !o the To$rr'F toning tl1d subdivieion coda6, daaign !.vie9 approv€d, uni f,oro Butlding coda rnd othcr ordinences of th' Toln apPlle'b]e th6r'to' REQI'89T9 FOR INSPBCTIONS SHA'J!' BE UADE TWENTY-FOI'R HOUNS IN AD\IANCE BY T s?oo A s: oo Ptt FOR HIMSBIJ! AND OTINSR lfl o! \nrr,. €iranxx, ggrctrrl tttttaliirr!ta!ra'itatttta,r!ta!ttlrtirt!rttarattttlittaattrtat!atiiiii!|!r!atttt ttrBcEtc lNrb.r ! Rlc-0151 lDutrE !t39.2s oaILgIt' Lrt22 P.lr!.nE faaclrod t Ctt lfoc.clon3 270L1I Atl;.]t hlcr it D.tri! Ie! P99-00t7 q4t.: E-9lS Plrc.l for 2101-131-0{-010 8lC. tddr..r ! {991 lllDoi a LcoltloD3 lt9e $.aaol Dl PI.T B O DINXIT ttllr Pryrnt lottl laaa: t59.23 l|oE l l!! Prt . lallnca. 959.25 95t.a5 .o0 lDunl ?65. 00 1r1.25 1.00 ttttaaaarattrtattttttttal,aattatatlaa,rtaaaataatt*riaa"rtttt"t"tt lccount Coda D.rc!lpBlon pp oo1oooo31112oo Pt.mDlc 9lRrlT tllS Pr 00100003111300 PLlr c lcR tll6 iC Oo1OOOO3112aOO ltt! Cl&& DtAPtClId llE I DEVELO PMEI\TT ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #z 899-0252 .fob Address: 4998 MEADOW DR Status - _ Locat.ion. ... 4998 MEADOW DR applied. Parcel No. . : 2l_01_-131-04-020 Issued. .Project, No. : PRiI98-0t22 hcpires. COI]RTESY ELECTRIC COMPA.I{Y Phone: 303 1355 SOUTH .]ASON STREET, DENVER, CO. 80223 COURTESY EL,,ECTRIC COMPANY Phone: 303 1355 SOUTH ,JASON STREET, DENVER, CO. 80223 SHEFFIEI,D ,JAMES & LINDA 5777 WADSWORTTI BLVD, ARVADA, CO Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW SFR valuation: .00 FEE SUMMARY . : ISSITED.: LL/L9/L999 .: LL/L9/t999 .: 05/L7/2OOO -778-8180 - 778 - 81_8 0 TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}frIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMENI OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICANT COTITRACTOR OhINER EIecErical---> DRB Fee Inveetsigat ion> will call----> TOTAL FEES- - - > Total calculated Fee6-- -> AddiEional Fces- - - - Total Permit Fee--------> Payflents BAI,ANCE DUE-.. -. 205.00 .oo .00 3.00 204. oo 204. oo .00 208.00 208.00 . o0 Item:06000LL/Le /t999Item:05500LL/re /te99 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEN| Dept: BUILDING Division:KATHY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER:KWFIRE DEPARTMENTKATHY Accion: APPR N/A DepE: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL l_. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,,IANCE. DECIJARATIONS I heleby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled ouE in fulL Lhe infonnation required, completed an accurate pfot pl,an, and 6tate thats aLL the information provided a6 required ie correct. I agree t.o codply with the informalion and plol plan, !o cohply lrith all Tordn ordinancee and 6Eat.c 1ar6, end to build thia struclure according to the Toirn's zoning and subdivieion codee, deaign review approved, Uniform Building code and oEher or.dinances of the Town applicable therelo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENIY-FOUR HOIJRS IN A.D\,aNCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR IT OUR OFFICE PROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM **** *** *** *** *** ******** *?******** ****** ********* *l**** ** *** TOWN OF VAII, COLOR,ADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statsemnt Number: REC-0594 Amount: 208.00 Lt/22/99 !2:48 Payment Method: CHECK Not.at,ion: #29390 Init: CD Permit No: E99-0252 T\4ge: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-131-04-020 siE,e Address: 4998 MEADOW DRtocat.ion: 4998 MF"ADOW DR Total Fees:208.00 Tot.al ALL Pmt.s: BaLance:**************************************************************** Account eode Description EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMTT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPE TION FEE This Palzment 208.00 208.00 .00 Amount. 20s.00 3 .00 Sent By: CoURTESY ELECTRIC; 303 777 1593; ,^ ;""'Jl ;::":" : : : ::'l"i;',"J'I" -. ;,,' "':: ;: I / Y 24 D I'---^, -J,"if-eJ9.?^19'o3l!i - tD.s704?924o TowNoFVA|LcoNsTRUcT|oNPERMITAPPUCAT|oNFoRu ,t Buildi'g( ) Legal DesiPrioo: I.or ltnbcr I F'.kDs wood/PcUa Nombor atd T)4le I I BUILDING: tL-- PI-I,'MBING SI'I Gcucrel Coutrector: TonnofvanRsgisdionNo. E4q-O?5a mone# Tann dvail Rcgts*ion No-- \3.9--E-Jp3 777'qqh .-- EgEtsllge[|r?EeE: Torr! of Vait Rrgi$ration I'io.Phorc # nr*ttoicrl Contractor:Add$ss: Phone # lvlEc LrL\lC '\L $ Etcctrical CooB*ior: /(r>ueT(\l f)1ci?t._ (O. Address. Tom of Vail Rcgisraion No- Mte@le @rrr(yAssessort ofice at 97&3284640fot ParcdI )t r*.a r 3)-Q.-iI3J-Q9-O a C) Dats i \ ' \4 'qq n*-"+ AQ l ' O'3 17 ' ' rouNaoc: She-SreJd.- roelg SEL-- JdAddrts: Pluubilgt r BIock :lldni&t:L{M€{beicat ( ) OrrlcfisN@a:Address: Alchitcct:Address: Dcscriplic of Wo* CIes$6 Alrcrmon ( )erlditiorul( ) Rpair( ) Ottt€r( ) Numbcr of .tccommodaion Units: OrHER: I TOTAL S g o_!q8a!:TOR INFORMAnON Addrtss: Phone #- AddrEss FOR OFFICE US€ ZONING: Otlcr( I Ptdc# Page s/9 PAGE g/ \g PP,TqA . Ol?2 units -. I - of Firc.placcs: Gas Ap'pliaoc6- - . f,. Cus L€E !aL!AI!ols B-EC:Rlc,r.I. $ Date Receiverl Nov 1 q 10quBUILDING:--t- CLEATTI UPlEPqSilI SIGNATURE: Sent By: CoURTESY ELECTRIC; Attn.: To: From: Date: Re: T-Eg6Fi 303 777 15S3;Nov-19-99 10:37AM;Page | /9 CourtesY Electric Co' 1356 S. Jason St. Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 303-778-8180 Fax:3O3-777-1593 Fax Cover Sheet Fax Phone 47o q712LtD / *LL L' The info.mation includ€d h lNs facEitnileis cdfidenliat and is in|Erld fo' ttlc lfyou hlve received thiE by eror' pl€ase dspose otit immedialdy ar 4tt, 'qt4'at37 fi, ) narrEd tsceiver only. lhe ssnder. Receavecf: 11/1'/gs 4t52PM; g7a47g2452 -> couRTESY ELECTRIC; Page g ;"il;' ;^ffi ;r*u*r,o* rrJil;O"o'o* ro*" PAGE 9/ls- NOV_ ra_99 17 B 5A FROM: T.OV- Date: Cofdact tlEagte Courrty Assessors ofce et 970*328-8&40 for Parel # Paftet#alOil3lO4nAO ,,*rr Bqq - 03 ia . \ ^o *0,*, 4g4X-. fflct\ltr: l\R'Job Namc: Building ( ) I*gal DescriEioa Phmrbing r I flol:rrr"l id Mecbani€l ( ) Lot- Block- Oft€r( ) OuncrsNanc: S+{affl e.lD . --. Address: Afthi&rl:Addres: Phone# Phone# x D€scri,ptioo of Job: Wo*Class: Neo t,rJ Alteradon( ; edditioral ( )Rcpair( ) Other( ) Numbcr ad Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances a?_ Cas Logs V,PJ.UATIOl(S BLIILDING: $EJ,ECIRIC,AI $ PLIIIVSING $lvEC}Ld\ICAL $ Gcnenl Cootractor CONTRACTOR INFORMANON Town of VaiI Regislration No' Addnss: Phone # @S.l_99!trac!gr:Address: Phone # Plumbior Cog9ector: Numbcr of Dwcllbg Umts; . I Town of Vail Rtgisration No- Towtr of Vail R.egisu'ation No. Mechanicu! CpFlractor: Town of Vail Rcgisrarion No- Number of Accommodarion Unir: OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Wood/PeUet Addrc.ssi Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLFAN UP DEPoslr REFUI'ID TQ: " --' " ' -" ' - ;lp't; L (ttfere d't.r"ft) t )t((r-r*r '['r-- v Courtesy Electric Co. 1356 S. Jason St. Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 303-778-8180 Fax: 303-777-1593 Fax Cover Sheet Attn.: TO: From: Date: Re: MESSAGE: K+r rrt Fax q7o'q7q'aq{) eno".4 Tb .4f, . 2,li,Y xJ, J FAreD3TI., 1 nus.t y'4l tt t(ilJulie Wiley I Office Manager N.Rlthrc \i lt tr {TtoN, ST.t-6 (^N-fQrV-Top- +' tMASTI.B.< t t( Cl\6{5 ao:,,yt-. 6,-'xori.. oo L,. The information included in this facsimileis confidential and is intended for the named receiver only. $ lrrt<rrf.4tlq frp Afrrl hr+8lutY lf you have received this by error, please dispose of it immediately the sender /o/fl B/K,iO 6i/a,at 5z- stsatsus...: ISSIIEDAppried..: 04/27/L999Issued...: 04/27/1999 Ercpires. . : Lo/24/L999 Phone: 303-420-0056 Phone: 303-420-0056 ValuaLion: FEE ST'MI.IARY * ** * ** tt * * ir t.*r. ITEM: OSOOO ELE TRICAL DEPARTT,TENT DEPT.: B!'ILDING DiViSiON: Q4/27/1!99_9 KATIry Action: APPR Approved per-charrie ie bm;' o56oo- Fitlr oepARTI'{ENl Dept: FrRE Division: 6a7zz/t999 KAiTTY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CB. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoxlcdge !ha! t havc rlad EhlE applicallon, fiLled oqt in full Lhe infornatslon requirod. coEPleted an accurate ploB pl.n, rnd 6caEc Ehag all chc lnfomatlon provldcd 16 rrgullcd 1! co!roc!. I aglee co cosPly itlh lhc inforEation and Plot plan, !o colq)ly xitsh aLl to|.n ordinrnc.s and 6tat. ltsE, and to build lhis .tsructure according to th€ Torrn'6 zoning and oubdlvieion codea, deeign tevicr approwed, Uoiform Building code and oEher ordinances of Ehe Tort! applicablo tharcto. TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARI1IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E99-0051 Job Address: 4998 MEADOW DR Locatsion.. .: 4998 Meadow Dr. Parcel No. . : 2101-131-04-o20 Project No. : PRiI98-0122 APPLICANT SHEFFIBLD HOMES 6777 VtADsWoRTII3ol, ARVADA co 80003 CONTRACTOR SHEFFIELD IIOMES 6?77 WADSWORTH301, ARVADA CO 80003 OWNBR AVIL HOWARD ,f & IvLARY ,fANE 9845 GREENSVILLE CIR, LITTLETON CO 80124 Descriptsion! Temp power only s00.00 BI€cgricaL---> DRB Fc. Invaatlgacion> wlll CaLl----> TOTAI. FEES--. > ToCaI Crlculaeed Fe..- - - > Addilional Fee6^-- --- ---> Total Perrlil Fee- -___-_> Pa)amenE e- - - - - - - - BAIANCE DUE- -... - oo .00 . oo 3 .00 53 .00 53.OO .00 53.O0 53,00 . oo RAQUBST€ TOR TN9PBCITIONS SHA',TJ BE }IADE TWEATY - 8OT'R HOURS TN A.DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT {?9'2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE FBOM g:OO Ar| 5IOO 9M **** *:r * * ** *!r * * *** *******t* *** ** *** *** ** *** ********l** *****t* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaEennE ******t!t**********************************i********************* Statsemnts Number: RBc-0509 Amounc: 53.00 04/27/99 LLz06 Pa)ment Metshod: clIEcK Notation: #3951 Init: I(Mw Permit No: 899-0051 Ty;le: B-EIJEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-131-04-o20 SiEe Address: 4998 MEADOW DR L,ocat,ionz 4998 Meadow Dr. Ttris Palment Total Fees: 53 - 00 ToEaI AI-,L Pmtss: Balance: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AccounE Code Descript.ion AmounE s0 .00 3 .00 53 .00 s3 .00 .00 EP OO1OOO031114OO TEMPORARY POWBR PERMITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO !{ILL CAI,II INSPBCTION FEE TowN oF vArLlbNSrRUcroN pERM,t aficATroN FoRM INFORI{ATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTT,D Contact the Eagte County Assesso,.s Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcet # Parcet # ZlOl'tg | -Otl - O2.O Pz5 qB- o tzz Phone# Job Name: Building( ) Plumbing( ) ElectricallQ Mechanical( ) Address: other(X RrtT Aa"n Legal Descripio n' ut | 4 ^eto"t Z ,li"* 6r'?- /tO t r,r S4s'Ui;ri*- *'.., tu-., S hg*{.U / Address: Architect: Description ofJob: Work Class: New ff) Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repau ( ) Number of Dwelline Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Number and Type of Fireplaccs:Gas Appliances Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ SOO -- otherqo Tcs( Po*rt Wood/Pellet €BUILDING: PLUMBING General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION $. $ OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Address: Phone #3os-szr- - z$sLf Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Electricar conrractor , 9ln41n! / t{O w$**r' Town of Vail Reeisration No.Phonc # Plumbins Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Tonn of Vail Registration No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Printed by Charlie Davis 9/22/99 8:03an From: Char].l-e Da\rl-sTo: Greq Ha1].subject: frrd ! sheffl.e].d Res :::NO{IE::: :-9/20/99::7:37am:: As a condition of re]-ease of thisBui]-ding' Permit, a. hydro].ogy stuaty isrequl-red prj-or to a framing inspectl-onoccurring- Mr. Streffie].d caLJ-ed f.astFriday stating tlrat the reprot bas beenrecierzed by f.ou .Is this true and if Eothl-s off in Sierra andcondtion. Tharrks C . D. Frvd:by 3:Greg:HalI:::::9/ 2L/ 99::6: o4pm::F!/d to: Cttarl-ie Da..rzis could you signremove ttre II I dl-d recierze it and tris report is ok- eouldcan Lta.\re Tom sj-gn off or if youwou]-d appreciate it thanks. F\'d:by : :Ctrarl ie-Da\rl a:9 / 22 / 99::8 : O 3am::Fvld to: Greg HalaCC: Charl-ie Davl-s It's been done .resDonse.Ttranks for your Page: 1 ocT 1 { 1g9s Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CoLorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED PERMIT STATUS Contrac'tor: JEBRY SIBLBI PLIIXBING Address: p-o- Box 34o, I{rNI'IIRN. co 81645 Date Permit was applied for : Balance due: $703.00 9123199 permit#: n99-0137 Plan Chcck Fec:$ 140.00 Job rddress: 4998 UEAIX)I{ DRI Owner: JAHES SHEITIEID Job dcscription: UECHANTCAL FoR NE$I srNcLE RESTDENCE OUR SYSTEM SHOWS T}IE STATUS ON THIS PERMIT TO BE OTJTSTANDING. IT WAS APPLIED FOR, BUT HAS NOT BEEN PAID II.OR NORSIGNED FOR TIIE CODf, ON EXPTRED Pf,RMITS REQUIRES US 'l'O COLLf,CT THE PLz\N CHECK FEE IF APPLICABLE. TITIS WILL AFFECT TIIE ISSUANCE OF PER\TITS THAT YOU APPLY FOR IN THE FUTI]RE. IF YOU HAVE DONE THE WORK WITHOUT THIS P[RMI'I'WE AR.E Rf,QUIR.f,D TO CHARGE A DOUBLE Ff f. !\/1E -{R-E .{LSO PL,\CING A LOCK ON YOUR CONTRT{CTOR LICENSE WITICH WILL PREVSNT Y0U F'ROM GT,'TT!NG ANOTHER PERNIIT UN'fIL THIS TS RT,SOLVT,D. Pfease c:rll 179-2139 or come into our office at your earliest convenience to let us knorv how you rvould like to proceed- Thank you. $RECYCI.ED P.\PER H? zABfiF I;3 jr,fr h Xii F 2lEs26Q< .F4'zUtll-d<Jtr.lhxti;'A> =eEsp<aNXEEi;x'*-l2 nYv,',4, B69A EfiFil HIErz HUTTEkdfreir56Hr =-oFlvErEEHH'915?: 3$A;?So.qE:zz47i EBg';Hla<tEUgEI BaSFiisSer E9H6iesErl;iF)irrtr2ii14r;8xffifid;cJ*rDluS?Ei*9"= EQ6e;24 * 9EEd .J ^- , =\J^/Fl frUFE3 5oE b1 Z -i <.t ..1 -,r - ^l2 ?,,, ??-EE3 E EE EEa H flE Hf; fiHH,E.,EE-,,,, ie EegE:tgHsBBHBHss:3FEF U E3 HH HHH E EH E3 =- 5: =:= = :f, =I .,1o. 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(n zp ,9?96>:>tY-Jf< "=J= !.). tL >+l>fE uJq,oia da8LL>JIITTF r.r.r F ( Aq-' c\Ioooooo- F><IIOUJ y !a l1 O N F- tO f.- @ N rg3".xRx&6Nx:93P9 2Nzfi E.Fz o-z Lt -C)F oot k UJtr -F (n E[!F U)FtllooJ C) E. r.lJI L- [!F f U) E I..IJF(o o uJ tr) IF str)oouJ tt-l E.ozf N F d]oul(D =o "-P ouJoo zN co L!1;H B P K p @ I + p p Fol- oo k\ rf)slo oo pR5 =ffi,'f; 3 -d) tlt(L F uJIL F trooJ l-L tr) Ja o F 3 E o to FE<b8U o o o @o< -i5il9 P \ .' t TUo = (f) oJ() t-lul rp( "g,--r? o H3c p -bqfr Ia6< refi ?rZX r-E<r! o lrJ 3&X 3xE F: ___ tl ll ilt_ - I i I iI I I I iio w {\ _tr,i ts- $-+jP\ -9 rL R ilJfl iiritIrrliil I r9.<lI *-tL lv t) 'l tf) , -r)'r, :.| l'\g x-i' (-g) Gs -5.5 $-' You aa t'su IF I I _l I )0 ()' . {y .' {) lrl inr-r-ltlltlIrrt_--- *_--r-t--- 99Z5-IZ8-026: xel ll LL r(a ']'lI dsf?n'd gt:?I 66, tz das BURNHAM GAS-FIRED HOT WATER BOILER Quality home heating you can count on. lf you're inv(.stigatine a heating systenr fbr I'our ncu' home, or if you'rt' replacing an erld, irrcffitient. or worn-out h(\ilcr, a gas fired hot rvater boilcr fl.onr tlurnhanr is the honre hcating ilrvr'stnrent that's right fbr 1'ou. Burnhant's Sr'r.it:s 2,\ boiler irfters yt.ru all tht'bcnefits r)l hrrt tvater heat togethcr sith thc r(i\,rnt.lgcs (rf qualiry cast irrrn collstnlction and advanced e'ngureering. \\'tien ) or.l spccily tlurnhanl, you gr-t honle heating that is crrmfbrtable, econcrn.dcal, and reliahlc all fi.onl a boiler that's sale, quiet, and ficld proven in thLuantls of installations. A clcan bLrrning. cnergl eflicient hcatilrg systcm is ln!)rr. inrportant now tlrln t'r'er belorc .\ntl Bunrh,lrn s gas- lired hr'rt water b!)ilers retlucc 1'early heating bills anti can pal lirr thcnrsel','cs in fue l savings .rl!rnc. Burnhanr ScLics 2A gau boiler, you gt't morc usable heat lor your dollar. Burnham makes heating your home with natural gas a practical investllent roday, and one you'll appreciate ovcr the years. Hydronic heating-the home comfort advantage Ileat and conrfort go hand in hand at Burnham. The Series 2A gas boilcr generatcs hot watcr which is transmitted through pipes ttr heat every room ol ycrur home. t\nd because water absorbs heat sc-r quickly, it can be circulated cfficiently through your house and its temperature accurately controllcd. This typc of horrre hcating,. relelrcd ro as lrydronir heating, has proved itseli over the years to be the most etTective and ectrnomical comfort systcm available. So it's not surprising that it's the preferrecl heating choice of knowlcdgeable architccts, engincers and honreowners. A well designed, properly rnainttrincd hydronic systern will provide you with long term conrfbrt and econonry. You'll never cxpcrience hot and cold spors or drafts so conrnlLrn with fbrced air systems. lbu won't bc bothered b1 airborne dust, snroke, odor, or gerrns being carried fion room to roonl. i\nd hydronic syste ls can bc casily' zoned, savine f el while providing conrfortable tL'nlperatures in the various living are'as of your honre. ln short, hydronic heating is elcttncr, more vL'lsatile, altd nrore comlbrtablt' than altcrnati'"'e hcating systenls. r\nd urunham is ycrur ke1 to the hyd|onic hrating atlvantage. 5eries ZA. The home heating standard. The Series 2r\ gas boilcr delivcrs clcan, quict, and reliablc hlrrnc heating ccononrically and cllicit'ntly year after year. Its cast iron construction provides lifetime durability and dependability. When equipped with a hrel saving vcnt damper and electric ignition, the Series 2A achieves annual efliciencies in excess of 82%. The Series 2A is complctely tactory assembled and fire tested and requires only minimal hook-up to put it into operation. Consequently, you rvill save tinrc and ntoney on installation. The Series 2A ofters you quiet, ellicient conrfort. You won't erper icncc pLrlsing vibrarions nrmbles or roars f ionr your basement. Hca\y insulation and quict burning stainless stcel burners ['t you save nlc]ney on fuel without ;r noisy reminder cvery tinle the heat grres On. America's Boiler Company Ivvh0n you sclcct a Bulnhanl hLrilcr-yrru re huyirrg more tltan jtrst ht'at. Burnharr has earned a rr'putation f or quality and dcpcndability going back to 1856. .\nd Burnhanr is dedicated to insur ing that your Burnham boiler r'rpelatc's cfticiently and eflectivcly. lrr fact, all Burnhanr rc-sidential gas br)ilers arc facrory lire tested, and the Series 2A carries a 20 year lirnited warranty on the heat c\cnarlger. Thc Scries 2i\ boiler is a smart Irt'rrrt'lrcalirrq thoir,t'. ll s ellicient. It's salb. r\nd it's prict.d aftbrdably.'lhe Serics 2r\ brriler is available in a range of sizes to iloseIy rnatch your hcrnrr,' s hcat ltrss ftrr thc optimurn in t llicicnt opcr ation. \Vhe'n you conlpare Ieatures, tuel ellicicncy, boilcr life, sat'ety, and r'ase of nraintcnance', you'll see.,vhy Burrthanr is .,\nrerica s boiler aonlpany. i't,'i;};.ffi The scries 2A boiler can providc over 82C , 'oflh of h€at tbr every dollar spent on q.ls. ll )'our present iroilcr is likr nrany oldcl q:Ls br-rilcrs, it s probabll' opr'r'ating;rt an annuai cfticrrncy ol Lrth, 60'/ . \\"hich nleans ntuc h erf thr' hcat 1'ou paid tor is going right up the citintnr'1. SL) whr'n you upgrade to ;r BURNHAM 5ERI5 2A HOT WATER GAS BOILER DOE Heating Capacities 51 to 244 MBH Dependable economy- Dependable warmth 'l'he Serics 2A hot rvater hoiler conrbines the dcpendability of a convcntional proven design rvith the cconorny oi gas. And with an annual cfficiency of up tt.r 82.2'l" the Series 2A could save you hundretls of dollars in a single hcating scason. At the hcart of evely Series 2r\ is a durable cast iron heat cxchangcl that enhances energr efticiency and improvcs boiler performance. Rugged cast iron scctions designed lvitlr hundretls (ri hcat cxtrJcting pin> nin l tsv, i zzrl zt so;i wring optinral heat fronr the gascs. In addition, the vertical fluc design assures you of maxinun heat cxlraction "lnd cr (rllorniral operatio . Its cilst iron construction also lesists nrst and corrosion, exrending the lifc of the boilcr All in all, the Series 2A boiler providcs durable and dependable honre hcating year after year. Designed to fit tight closet installations Thc St ries 2A boiler was designcd spccif icallr- lof honles wherc spact' is a prcnriunr. 'l htr cLrntrols and gauet' are locatcd up Iront so the Serics 2A can bc installcd even in c[)se closct situations. It is ideal for condontirtiunts, tr)\vnhrruses and honles \vithout basements. 'I he Scrics .2A is equipped rvith split controls: an operatinrihigh limit control, a transforrncr and a circulator relay. By using oll thc shelf separate controls instead trl a combination control, Burnharn has simplifie d control replaccment and reduced replacclncnt costs. I'he location of the controls also nrakes regular sc'n'ic.ing casier. The safe, home heating alternative Your lanrily's safety is inlinitcly more inportant than firrl savings. Therelbrr-, the Scrics 2.\ rlesigrr int..rpor;k's il br'(\J([ .uf.r\ ,)l safety Ibatures. lior exanple, c.tch slanrlalr d Serics 2A boilcr has .t tinlr. prLr\ cn satcty feature rvith its rrrvn backup system. If you losc pilot llarnc. a therrnocouple supcn'isLtr se ncls a signal to a r('dundarlt gas val.,'c cutting oll the gas l)trrv. 1'ht' r cdundant gas ','alve is basicirlll a 209]^ Dimensions and Standad Equipment . ,'r,'31.t l z.l,lll v n" 'L I-37-l Deluxe lnsulatcd lacket | {" Ctrculalor Wptpbg to boller PrEryufe'lfrop"ratule Gaugc Bullr-ln Atr Fllmlnation HlgD urdt Clrculator Relav ltansformer a;d tu.nctiotr Box 10O% Shut{fr CoEbinadon Step Op€ning Cas Valve Sratnl€sE Stcel Burners ASME Safety RcUd valve Drdfthood V€[t DaDpcr'Itug-In Conncctlon raz I so'r"lir so[ c?,- i :z-i'szI -r I45t 37 r" 8 52 Left Side Vicu'Front \new Right Side \tew *ELECTRICIGNMON Optional spark ignired pilor (Et) is available on all sizes for natural 6r LP gas. Coupled wirh a redundant gas valve the system shuB down on loss of pilot flame within .8 sec. goes on safety shutdown. *'"$'.j*"iltr?TfiliJ:Jff:l ll I following shutdown. tf after the length of time the pilot is not re-established the entire system SAVING VENT DAMPM_ Increases annual efficiency and saves fuel dollars. Automatically closes the flue after the burner shuts off and reopens it again before the burner comes on. Available as op- tional equipment-mounts and wires easily, includes prewired con- SElurl*ralriSPECIFICATIONsAfuiERICA'S EOILER COMPAAI/ SER|ES2ARAnnGS Nanrar&Lp Gas S@tS, @ Water only-]o PSI working pressure DoE heating capaciry and annual cfficiency are based on U.s. Government standaro tests. Rating Footnotes: (1) A c A ratings,shown are for insEllations at sea level and elevations up ro 2.ooo ft. For elevarions above 2,ooo fi. A.G.A. ratingj should be reduced at the rare offow percrnr (4%) for ea(h t.00O ft. above sea level. (2)NetI=B=nradngsshownarebascd-ornormalr-=B=R.ppingandpickupallowanceofL15.consullEurnhanforinstallarionshavingunusualpipingandpick-up requirements such as internrittenr systcm ofop€ration, exlensive piping systems, erc. Optional Eguipment: nection harness with plug for use on all 24v. Standing pilos or EI control systems. Optional vent damper not available in Canada. Ilffi Hyd.onks Diviion Lancaster, PA | 7604 Form No. 415&6/9GtlOMa Prinled in U.S.A 'e | 9O0 Burnham Corporation 75.9 74.9 76.0 76.6 77 -2 77 .7 78.3 74.9 4xt5 4xl5 5xl5 6xl5 6xl5 7xl5 7xl5 8xl5 8xl5 I Bar,q-tL-jg| L( e DUw> -3sE rlt Gak-rop - 6oa_ ItsQ. 6au- J FP - botcK L s ?q 'rco / :- tle 7 3I Cf ptt 1'/tG &o' e''@'7o REF,.T T 3 T A6/L4.EAAE OB:83 REGUESTS _ IFISF€.f,TN :I"IORK SI-IEETS' FOR: 6./L4/?A ffctivityr 898-OSl7 6/ l4l?A Type: B-BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Addr ess: 4998 MEADOW DR Loeation: 4998 MEADOI.I DR Frarce I : plOl_l3l*IZ,4*OEO Description: NEtl SFR Fppl icant r SHEFF IELD lJOl{Egi 0wner': AVIL HOtdflFD J & MARY JANE Contractor: S|HEFFIELD lJOMEs TOWN 0F VAIL, COL0RnD0 F.A6E AREtr: 7 CD Ocer OO07 Use: V N [:hone: 3O34E|ZOO56 Fhone: F,hone r 3O34E0IOO56 Inspect iern Request Infornation. . . . Recr-restor: JIl4 SHEFFIELD Req Time: tZtBrtZt6 Conmentsl t"lILL Items reqttested to be Inspected... 'ZIO54A BLD{!-FinaI C/O CALL Act i on Connent s Tine Exp Inspeet ion l-listar'y. .. . ,, Item; tlritgtzl l FW*Temp. access/drainage ltenr tArZrSAe F,h,l-Ronqh gPade Item: tzttztStnS Ft4-F:inal driveway gnade tA9/E?/99 Irrsrrecbor: CD Action: Nr:tesl -l iie nequired hydroIogy report WorkE and approverJ by {!ir'eg Hal @7 /e7 /99 Irrspecton: JRlvi Act ion: AFFR Itern : taAAelA BLDG-Far-rndation/5teel @7/e9/99 Inspechor: ART Action: NR A7/3A/99 Irrspector': JRl4'' Action; AFFH Notes: FfiD5. FRnVIDE ULEARfiNCE ON RE-FAR 1'0 Item: ql05;il FLAN-ILC For-rndat io4r F larr Itern : S$OSO S[-D6*Insulat iort Al /e3/60 lnspector; JRM Iten: {ilZrUr6O BLDG-S|reetrock Nai I l6le$l9-1^ Inspeetorl ART lftE/A&/6A InsPector: JRlrl Notesr BE T flND G Item :'arA'zi7'l' BLD6-FIi. $u. NO ' hydro I oqy repor't rect d has ' t:e en recievbd try F'r-rbIic I SOILS REF'ORT $UBIIIITTED Not Ready for- inspection AF.F,R EiUF'F.ORf MATS IN FORT4 Itein: lZlAOlUt FLD6--Fc'ot ings/St eel A7 le3/29 Inspector-: JRltl flctiorr; t-'tl [:'ARTIAL OK ON FOOTINGS t'lotes! NO INTERIgR F'ADS READYI CONTRACI"OR I.|EEDS TO SUFFLY fOU I.'I1H SOILS REtrORT,HYDROLOGY STUDY.FIELD STAMF'ED ].'LffNS ARE REGIUIRI:D TO BE BI{ SITE. 1A/A3/99 Irtspectorr ALLISON Action: AFFR AFFROVED Item: rarztS8m F,LRN-ILC Site Flan LA/'e7/99 InspectorI trLLISON Action; AFFR looks gottd I Item : €[Zrurs|z| BLD6-Fr"aning frl/f3/n$ Inspector: CD Acticnr DN see note Not'es: pllrnbing and mechanical r'ough insepctions nuEt be complet and approved prior to ar framing inspection. The General Contraetcrr hets been not if ied AI / tgiAA Irrspectort CI)Action: AFtrR AF.F.ROVED Notes: -compl ete attic act:ess instalation -install fire blocking at vert to hot" assembly and at stair stninger where pernenent stairs will be eonstrltcted Hct i on l AfrF'R AF F'ROVEI) Action; NR No sheetrock on Eite! Action: AtrFR AFFROVED CEILING tdILL ry\ rdTs) I ohoz o) ,,vepto - q -1t vf *^opv?W Lee ge /r\+q g 's sevuY2 (- ffi t)/3 IPUI:{-..$CJ-]tJ rl+r!lt?]O ! ua:}I O/ll ItJNI:{-t'l,l 6lg'AB rua+I 0,/3 IUNIJ*NUI,I i"fGru !ua{J I.JOSIl-lu :..ro1;:adsu1 A$/Z; /EW O/3 "'Jl^lT.L-NU.l,l i:!lg00 ! uaq. I )l.L : 'ro lrad s u; fr$/ee/ngt 0 /:l "lhl3l -t'ld esiJraur : |tl 4 4 7 111U :-.ro1;:aclsul nfi/i:.e./EA n/3 "clua_i-961q fiegratA ! aqI ; arlecs pue 1 pa puoU H,J,lS : uo r +itu g11 pa no,,rrldg u,J,Ju : uo r 4JU * luaua"rrnha,.r 'lda0 'EptE H,JdtJ : uoxi.rg SNIO-lInfl NOHI S,JHU1 flNU l.N3l^ldlnil3 fl3UIn03U .1UA0Hd'JU 5Hu0l'1 o3 I N3fi Flq : uo r +iu gNIJ0OUdUSIUM NOIIU0NflO:J Ud,JU ! uo r lrt E6/\I/GFa+ou Euorl,fa.d.ro:l ll,Jd6 : t.lor +Jt i 1HU :.roqraclsLrl ilfi/Ae/gfr SE}HUUS] Ot UO00 CJSd "rH Sf5r''r rH flU0-l* SHOJ"33.l.lCt 3)lOlr.lS U3nOf,t{n'- 3UUt'lflUUH SS3H_$3 -lrHtSNr- .[3ncl X3 UO:l NOIIUNIWUSL lN3il -]]UISNI- s1-13r4 r',r00Nlt4 553HSt .]ru H5 INII-" s++ J-33U.J.fi *tTt'J_[sNI- SN I.IN I Hd 3I18fl..J OJ uo I H3.r.xf-l-]tr I'1Dbl3H- flNH EINIt{lJtrT,J ;€a4oN !,{ol;rarlsul nn/ | | /En It?t.tx-{-cr0'lrl i?60fim : |lle+J fJUg r*{n q.;rarlEu I 6erl*k_T/F0 va/trlg :HoJ s133HS HUOf"l t"il.3fd$Nl - 5l"53nnlH gg':SE ,ilAlae/rr/94C3 !U3UU s 39Ud ' rlotu0-lo3 ''lIUA Jn Nfin.t I C I IdSIJ o ooI N N tatNo\o\o(J h! Eo o F EI co E Io gI Y q, z Y\16\0tr'l\'-6 'J) ;9 B=T F.: Q IO AT.- iidN" o'{ n ' n-9 tt! I uuq bc a Ei5U 8. 9 u3r9 ^f"6-' -lt ! 8,0 3 rr ,i- flR3;' fr.'E .q:F<il -! rriFUb q: o|!f- t; T IIt' . rol -L T I yl _\ i!^v!;^* a eRt1,,$l1o n . s $$R; : Fr.i Fd iT;$tlEr=nETje##i:i-fEF rTt; a;::f;H I TIiSII;{iEe ! Ir n:I"Ilx:ra;i!i,x 5ii'E ffiei;i;3 ff, "e: b !l#Xg;?'e,pir I E6>4i $ si4E! E T >E r k otriir; ;Ti:* t r.t Ht1.:Hq H: E JlQ;;q ;tsH: srlE6E^6 !:F : d! u iaSq 6 'Q t,:quu66oEEH {;t H$E*H€bIEEdE:aFu! t 0 XXXXXl;:eaE;; E Uz:d! II EHqH.J i: oElE!r e tr' Fr f,'alEFa,! gHF E:AEgE6A Bg$3 - r o,.{oo,,,o o39l ..gq |l3;i6 6i!*;; u^3! 6..:xns*",-.^ Jl- *--'9=:tQo!ne o *od Qu_ | Hs$F: Ef;i +:ffii;EiiSi xS;, ll-.^-".."- [,l e s 99.1 Flqqnqtr Efi+fini H58xeE Sltepnrto B?g-o 8:'{9 ri ?' t--l t--.1 ?-----l R l! tr- 't..13-..*T;'HE 6I (4' rrrq nza4 FiNo-I "i HE!!..q{ 0'HiHpHd! r.SFXrxdq 6 6-r- Ci.-tr' hqqEtnln N33a;d !'. a- F. HSfiH-- lloo ol! -:l 9l I.rl I 'ii GI rnl -1. I Fr r. 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[ !ri6 SS H ,Q eE^;atti ,f de, f, .la- H-^ e.,II: i e Ew g3iltrl F Eb:.3 r d UJ E; H d d qil^r'Fl: UE Egdirild >6 r" 6al .,Y qFEl fi -U-uE1 EE :dE8E x+HH*,E E IEbEA . -?a .\ b r4 E4.il tr Q EefiE Ec:aFDEET(fi. .oE =E*,.H4!i e__qIa!dlElldHoEJl0 n'8d s qSl ':1,"ri:J!E+{ f :!E 611! ir !.! r: r:. r,Er, ll gue=85 Hdu6u6u E ssEfiE$3 AAEERiK: fi -d trl Rm H': FXI II aqqqq I999C asRE;= Hoollr r orn !.t *;p-^ p-^-* t- vl H -(rDa tiltss Hz3 l^ qfTBH!r{ - o!!86', 6Xicr\ orr p: 'i.ou,o)rrEAO I x f -!;H6.Edi oci I c6PdEA U --aI|rJ( dld) rl ! - * v.r ,r.r fl .rr E O O 6 aa a a all a o o o oll o;;';il;rD ..{ ll oll' il ia 9a>d>n >:oea eUUO() 4Fklaa F o9P. 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' ot. cB ii A J,.j,I!FFB;+ ?: I e.J,46a' tt 6n' ioroc-Hlnri v'r-{ l!!41s -\oq il crrs EEA.r?'iTEiq;' E:: .loodctts Frx d.l:;. AEcn- n--':Eii xtl ii-^-- *qqe lil o' F. o HFi PiN|. "Iil t L- '\-J 8e'1 ri,-{ r-l \D H{o( ts"tf-'r-: g:"1 a4iq e{i t3-^ I o.ox'tn H$H Q.r.r r.. Urz -qgH o tr trl ilEEJJ '4-aE96., o'(.rQ_or.{>: ,i i E'6- o (4.: sCEB& g AU O CEPdEA U ; h EJ( b) FUO ,r.r u.r ,r.r ,- ll * o l! ! aI Ea & & all o, o o o oll od; ';il; @ r.{ ll o ll d tl II ia )4 -'l Orl O Juuoo /.FFAE F z ;6E3 .=.E €( E i:a -c:.8 i-!3:F = .-: EgF:-:Ei:!/ J q.= !":il.-Ei9i:; ri .t :.i;\ := :.ro:!is;; ir: -:" .== i! e'l a.: a. 1== =i:!,ci i; 'i+zE \ E! e e !t!.FE;:;ar::=<::,.e1, -r2-'=l.l:o = =?: : !-:'\ ip: 5 := i Es: -:s:: i =:J;Eii=!rr.! ! 9 k:: ? 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H ir r{ r.{ tt !-{ i .1 .l oa-rFi.{!.ltl6l lr r' I rrrr' oorn€o|o6\o6ll d tr '.. r{ II ll .{.16!r u)@roor t !!t tl .J OX3>d o ti -o d -lrNQ -r i .tl lr50xo>!) ; o lra H OO :'l oll5 r HI(.i tl ,q7a, .F a '.{ EiCr(,> uJo.<- zIJH t=f\l Ii o go!+HH(t t) =5 n .6 E|!u):riu) --:F3.j*5 i':orI .4J6,S;. Xo: Ho ;.F=ro6 ?E B,r t sodoo !/| 14 iio .. IUJ()O I Irt-*a .e *a Fl .efi:3;ls .r!?.{-, JqJg <PeBs F ,i;,Eii iEiiiiiiiii iltillliiiil $i:iiiiliiii a^H@i: -i iE -6e kNiig Eo g o3 Ei oo F. Eluo =fJ ooJJ UJ :< o Gz .clo-) tl oDbah ai oD6 o) f J =z nc o o ! F ?F..o| !uo o- r! 4.8qg >=F< o c .i/, 5--------l5.tc'g .o I T?ro E___l5 t:lqle lcL. -F !.{ i i{ N C r{ !_l o .d i rr rr r{.{ o oFFrrr{ital or,lJ)ror6tl')ll r{ r.,i ll nt ,4 tl lJ ox3z! Fi)Exlq:U u11 EE: Htd (, i; ; FrOO> llt(JL)=..- fi,6.JHto) UJOF 3= v, .. 35 ? .6I:q?g e 6-NliiP -e 4:1EE i.E=r'g ? E s,i s sodoo o uJ or ,:r o1cE6uJoo I -lrI e! -ale FE5:lE ;Eis *eP33 F is .'!.i!:E.i*is! E! si?i .:E:.E Y"E!€t,9;i:b.I E!;.r F ! €l.:,I EE Er;i?sieB-:I;€ :; i =aiiE lp?:.=::;bo;' o 3!iils:i!r:li SiIEi:iE::r:*gEi5ls;;.EE 5;9!!: t 6iSiEE rri E Evi!6 <:EFRit;aaSE;-;:t; SEI: r e€,iEii!iii ii:;Hi! i:Es;giiEir:ii i!iigi;i: r"; ! i E ii*# ii: ! e,:. E a : ii:EifrEi *igiE3s3.! eP;31:tE;EEEfI: ?iiEiEii t;F€i;:A iiiiiEiii;E:FiE:SeEt*--A:€{ i!!3b3i;iE:C;Taxu)iE -r iEr63 zEnHii AEN4.s,,"\4 <t(;58\m14E3; o|Io o o 3 d oo t-F tr uJ trl =)J(,oJJ tu :< o E .Ez o-) tl oDiCD .!\r l!ot) 6 C') o l )olz Fz o ^G:E I ;- o(J 3 Fto F;..Et uJo FNlgo- .! i.uo-Eo-q>=F< o + A-----_.-----1Y**+ -o T YI.o E--------r N t:lcle lcL. 1---- ftYr, r , tl qil o o ll dE ll , oX3:E! ! -I1r,.{o F)EEEEU OH RO PQ a!t qn5'n H>(i gsE aaac, uJoz -u.-9 IuJ \" o g9tgs dE36 8^ -E=ar oq 6a'odo g3-.5ii!-s 4J6.5 K r!,!:Ho;.FE33:! *o:1 F5nci6ri .a ul ijo ., ur()0 I_l_ 5$3tl; 9-o-ro iEiE *Pess F uiiii!ii cEiiiiiii;i iiiiiiiiiil :iiiiiilEiil $iiiiiiiilii(t, H@iE -t :€J6E kilEgg Eo o lrJ =si oo F t uJdl =J (9o luY ir; E(gz Ilo-) tl (D =ofFog ODtn c', Eo v, l =z ot IIJ o I oo ' F?? .) luoFc{ 5eql! =c F< o ,*d---------'isFA .' t-I .t ? a-I rr:l 6-.------1 t:lqle I' L'id -iN !-n. tl o o o ll I nt'E tl ! oxB>d Er)Ex4lEO oF. FO O t'] E E.{ lu 'r i3F i Oer >r H>4-{ ssE BOt, u,l .\l zIv ul'o .UJN5 doFgH !, ,, ;6 3 *sir oqt 6do.,Lriro -v=-8.j*5 ]i9 o !r Br: c ! <,iI,* 3.i=roB:: sq s Bodoo o -' ul jj uroo I I ;i5sla iEgE -,JUJU <9egg 5 giiiliii;li r:eiiiiiiF€l iiiiiE;t3EiS iiiiiiiiiiii *iiliiliiiil @;@iEf;E 5[iig Eo a II> e oo F E IUo =fJ(,oJJ UJY o E Gz .o II ODPcD -u\r iIoD6 o) o f aD tt, z zo EIu - o ] F o o tI ||O .f Io Trti-----l tlcle l.lcL. - o tl .'E ll ! ox3>d l.='Fx@>U o l.! lro t4& HO oN5 H>< j j; ou o H li4> lu nOfi -;tur^. (\\ oJgo!+ 6I =6 : -sir oq 6*3-q 33r.t515s[ I,! x Ho ;.F=r'e:: sq a roEoo (, -? ul no .. uJoo I ;F5$16 ;E;E CPeEH F iiiirilill; iiiiiiililii *iiiilaliili AHU' iEf,;E kBEgg *l ?t itNl O\l O\lol \ll INl I>l l1 ll l<ltl tal I t/) |I rrl lFl dlrl EI E Io lrJY (l, r!z o ffn' o .c I O|! =l ? d\=l \at! E r-{ o FrA ,E >() -a .r U 3-HOU o! o @ !-aq)06 a&3o.ti o.ioa '' !'dqJ0c 60 rrO{ 6 .'r Crr! ! oc(0ol !) 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E; h T !.F:i Flln;.S; HT iE. ,F lg 8i 86";'i3 j i EeUE E t.!iFDEEr,! ,. rZF e Pfi rYcHi 16. u'!Jip q 6l 1.^ n, ! H., r.{ r.r V g. J8 H ;; b.: -J-99Pl t -eUUE MlJ 6Ax X o - EFE:.I <;nfi-.vtF' =4,: .,.,. < Q u.A 8CC 8ee aee aqq Eee *ee t! s.{ !r1n oETf H-trv. 04.n rn REhii 6 d;; H!-' E l.l o..F. 666 E-'- u,... u..,.0 ,s POFrF -t]D EH sflIt,) dt! - olt96', 6X ot-rpv !'d boJ,:odolQn 0.;r x l -i-; E c6' 6' 'f,{ OU . CE&d8A U ; ;--Cl|.J( Ul FUA **,-"rtl'- &aaa 9. o o o oll o; i ';ll ;o ft oll' lt li .o prJ |lorra ':UUUO 1F. F., O lc H h3 E.S r ^:5-iS:F: S E .-:i!p;c-= :--u.i u.=3=; E.! E.= Z5z Z=.::E+ ",i:is;; !- -1 U. i :.= .= r=- az --.a;= -=t_:tr: i=r. E r.! 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N t'.Pfr; H Q.!.D lr-10, F LI aJ F F 9 ( M ll oz ilg E6 o..{gt_or{ p: r{U|UJlddo,q -l AXt, q.:T X T.9; E ri'6d N AU i CEPdAA c : i;--EElJ( Ul '!-6 0FrU cl *,,.,,,.r,.r1i,..o . o o E&AAA A o o o oll o o F ao ll in@ ,.r ll oll- |l ,51'E> d> 6 JQFo ,rUUUU d,FFlq4 F = E:r;;iE;l iEE'iii;:ii: ieriiliiilil :iisiiiii:ii JEi:;:E;:;I: $iii+iEiii; A eqrt :3 -c-,;4 i; IFI : :J'-tl) 2t t =Nr::5t t/t -: L ^:N 3; Eatt t:Yla ai It 00'o /oo'o oo'o,/oo'9 ffiir--\-il il 1l_ ' z ,e ,sr -\U--.' 3.&r T 3HO9ZS oo'o /oo'o 00'o./oo'9 *N.lTTr-T-[ ','\- ti _.u-:-rl ir--Z '9 ' 6l '::? gA4 T cHo9zs oo'o /oo'o oo'o,/oo'9 E--fi=T-F-.r{-_ I U -r'-\-llll-{z- Z .9 ,EZ \v- vM JT cHo9 zs 00'o /oo'o oo'0,/oo'9 cHos zs 00'o /oo'o oo'oloo'9 s------ . .j-\l ). z nz ,6 -i'- .E at T cHoszs 00'o /oo'o 00'o./oo'9 lt il )' z ,,2 ,€,r N]Z' s.A r cHo9zs 00'o /oo'o oo ' o,/oo '9 wZ 'z ' Lr -\'z- cln T 3rro9zs 00'o /oo'o 00'o/oo'9 'i_irr-r-r-]r-r---N.ilillt -9-'-\\L ll }l/-z 'z ' Tz '\t7- cn T cHo9zs 00'o /oo'o oo ' o,/oo '9 ffin-\il il1"''z -z ,92 -\z €Il1 T JHO9ZS 00 'o /oo'o 00'o,/oo'9 z .z ,62 NJL" vn cHo9zs 00 'o / 09' Ea oo' o /92' 6 cHo9zs oo'o /oo'o 00'o,/oo'o -___nt=1-\11.+1I ,,s . plzN!r'- ".,{"€cHoEzs oo'o /oo'9€oo'o/vz'v p \.' -:-. F "'-_,:==- ., zrLts V ^.T sHOEZS oo'o /vv- 91 oo'o./oo'9 IT.IT,r. 1,..- Ts 3HO E ZS oo' o /sz'97 oo'o/oo'9 o .o ,t \.-'. xg g 3HOSZS oo'o /oo'o 00'o./oo'9 o ,,o ,?.eg T cHog zs 00 'o /92'9a 00 ' o,/oo '9 "€ F Iiv\2..,ctroE zs oo'o / sz' 9I oo'o/oo'9 l--ltAB .€ ror %1 -,_E/^ --v''| -.'-/'7t cs I 3HO9ZS oo 'o /sz'9a oo'o/oo'9 I ,,8 ,OT r-,------4 - lN-:VDr'- Ers iT cHo9zs oo'o /sz'9r 00 ' o/oo '9 B ,,8 | OT v.,iT cHoszs 9Z -sT /SZ'9r oo'o/oo'9 .o , Tz 3HO9ZS 9z'9r / 9Z' 9r 00 ' E,/oo '9 ro ,az SHOgZS 00 - o /92'9r 00 ' o/oo '9 AL4.'B ,,TrrV _ ^24 ^ ^ Ec I SHOgZS S9NI'IIIIE{1'O EC.I IA s\r.r s ti h l- Il I or ssnul x rV o!4 I ;o I e6ed 3HO9ZS : €rorH3.trr{E JATUARY 27, 1997 TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LATERAI BRACING RECOMMENDATION FOR GAALE VERTICALS 'TJBC COdC. Thc dcsign assrmptions arc: The Eacimum Gable Srud gacing is 16" O-'C' T!: *:t* pcsip dravity Load is 80 PSF. Thc ma.,<imum Eavc is 2'-0'. The na.dm'm Mean Roof Height is 25 fcet- Thc minimrur Desip Valucs for thc Gablc Stud are: Fb = 550 psi, Fc = 550 psi, Ft = 225 psi' If the above conditions are not met, sPecial design is required ( by others )' Wind Spccd Exposrrc C 70 90 90 100 lI0 120 reJere ncc ANSI/TPI I - I 9 9 5. ?X6H2WHALER Maximurn unbraccd lcngth ia thc weak axis ( ftinl6 ) 2x3 2x{ 4-74 444 3-5{ 34{ 244 2-34 5-54 4-10{ 4-24 444 3-5{ . . 3-l{ The inlormation above is a recommendation. lt is the responsibility o/lh€ buildi.ng designer to indicate size, location, and attachments lor all permanent bracing as required by itcsign analy. sis. Please rod \(TYP.) 8d INTB BLOCK. \'-- l0d 45 MAX. AN6I.E BPACE RIDGTD SHEATHIN6 ANGLE BRACE ?X4SPACEDFROM TRUSS PEAK PER BUTLDING DESI6NER. TRUSSES AT e4" 0.c. (TYP.)45 MAX. ? X 4 STIFFENERv/10d AT 8" 0.c. 2 X 5 8L0CK 6AILE VERTICAL TRUSS CD ct) to O Page ofI3I9o ATCHJOE}: S25OHc Da.Le: 09/ 09 / 99 Bartruss 5305 St.eele St. Den.r'er, CO 40216 303-294-O554 Sa..l-es Retr) : Bob Heinze 9-9-99 Quote# KeLJ-ogfg Lurnber (Dlrane Carta.g'l-ia. ) M:5aa-0574 F: 366-O329Po rr \Oi 63) .Tob : Shef f ief-d Residence4qqg F4sADor*rVAIL.. eO Loading: aO 17 24 . OO "O. C. 'o OTY :CRIJSS ID SPAI:i1 PITCII O\ZERI{ANGS s2 50ltc l-30'6 - OO,/O. OO L6.2s/ 16 . 2s s250HC 'l 30' 6,'6. OOlO . OO )-6.25/ ]-6.25 s2 50HC 1 5"6. O O,/O . OO 16.25/ 16.25 25oHC l-30' 6"6-OO/O.o0 L6.2s/ L6.25 2 50HC 1 AE 30' 6"6. OO,/O. OO l-6.25/ ]-6.25 A.F 30 | 6"6.OO,/O.OO L6.25/ L6.2a s250HC 2 *.o'"/nl r._ 4' 6" C 6.OOlO.OO o.oo/ o. oc s250Hc l-Ar( ,..-1 2 | LO" 3 ....-'...''11 ':.., G== 6. OO,/O. OO L5-44/ O. O0 s250Hc l_Ar, .-) 2 , s" 11, .-11-- F-.-_- 6. oolo . o0 ]-5.44/ O . OO s2 50Hc 1 AM .,--') o'1o" ..(1 6.OO,/O.O0 L6.25/ O. OO s250HC 1 AN 6' 3"10 4.24/O.OO 36.OO/ O. O0 250Hc BA 25'10'6.OO./O.OO l-6.25/ ]-6.2 250HC l_10 ,l 6. OO,/O. OO L6.25/ L6 .25 s250HC 1 CA z--N 21' O" €6. OO,/O. O0 o.oo/ o.oc s250HC 6. OO,/O. OO o.oo/ o.o0 s250Hc 3 cc - --11'-*.. 20, 7" Of.: ll .),---.- 6. oolo. o0 L6.25/ O. O0 @(rl @ @ eAlEcltJoB: E25Ollc paE 3of 3 rp J-I Z TRI'ss rD I ll oo s'PAI PITCII O\'ERI{ANGS s25()HC 1 ttEl ', 6n 2 6. OOIO - OC oo. ool o- o0 s250lrc I '* --^\,:' 6t' 2 6.OOIO.OC o -oo/ o. o0 st25()ttc 1 YIF -.-T..- 3 | 6n 2' -\- -z -\ 6. OOIO . O0 o.oo/ o. o0 raieccJ.J.ancorrJ rtcmrl [lITEM QTY DEgCRIPTIOII43 1 Hrrttg2S-2{{ 6 rrus2 A ll5 5 r.us24 {5 1 SI'L24 4'l 1 SrtRz4 4a 1OO t12.5 Anctrora Pric. rraaicl for 30 dayr. Eubjcc! to ltcrj-ficrtion of, qqarttitf' and dimenciong. Str'.ciaL lrr3trrrctiont: (0((((rJ000m0r0 0 0!J l'lJ l! !l$, 2 ((((((00000000 ttl |t.r( (0000((( s250HC Kellogg Lunber Sheffield Residence dfl $ fl ff fr fi fi fi fig 2 ((((((00000000 0 0 0 trJ L-')( ( ( ( (0 s250HC Kellogg Lunber Sheffield Residence I o h ^^ 't Qdf+ t€ t a,= )*-l'- : i: : ::" -' ==*:,it PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 19, BLOCK 7, BIG HORN SUBDIVISION VAIL, COLORADO SdrJ -/rff F WP Koechlein Consulting Engineers, Inc. Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228-2845 LAKEWOOD (303) 989-1223 SILVERTHORNE (970) 949-6009 (970) 468-6e33 (303) 989-0204 FAX (s70) 949-9223 FAX (e7O) 468-6939 FAX SOILS AND FOIJNDATION I}IVESTIGATIOI{ PROPOSED RESIDEI{CE IJT 19, BII)CK 7, 5TII ADDITION BIG HORN SIIBDIVISION vArt, @I0RAX) Prepared for: Dan Leary c/o Val1 Associates, Inc. P.0. Box 7 Val1, Colorado 81658 Job No. 89-61 Novenber 16, 1.989 TABLE OF COI,ITENTS SCOPE SI'MMARY OF CONCLUSIOI{S PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIOT{S STIBSI'RFACB @IfDITIONS IOUNDATION FTOOR SLABS BEIOIJ GRADE @NSTRUSTION IOT'NDATION DMINAGE SInFACE DRAINAGE LD'fiTATIONS VICINITT MAP IOCATION ETPI,ORATORY TEST PITS IOGS OF EXPI,ORATORY TEST PITS TTPICAL I{AI,L DRAIN DETAIL Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. I t 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 7 7 I 2 3 4 SCOPE This report presents the results of a soils and foundation investi- gation for a proposed residence to be located on Lot 19, BLock 7, 5th Addition, Blg Ilorn Subdivision, Vail, Colorado. A descriptlon of the subsurface conditions found in the exploratory test pits, recommenda- tions for foundation construction, criteria for design of foundations and our recommendations for slab-on-grade construction are presented in the report. The report vas prepared based on conditions found in the exploratory test pits and our experience rith similar subsurface condi- tions in the vail area. The reconmended foundation is influenced by the proposed type of building and anticipated foundation loads. hte should review our reconnendati.ons when the plans for the buiLding are finalized. A sunmary of our conclusions and recomnendations is ore- sented in the following paragraphs. S{JMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS 1. t Subsurface conditions consisted of 1 foot of topsoil underlainby sandy, gravelly, nonexpansive clay to a depth of 4.5 feet.Beneath the clay, a clayey, gravelly, nonexpansive sandoccurred to the naxinum depth explored of 10 feet. Cobbles and boulders were found in sone of the soils. Practical refusalvith a backhoe occurred in TP-l at a depth of 7 feet. No free ground uater was found in the test pits at the time of excavation. I I I I I t t I I t I I T I I I t T I 3. 4. The residence tion systen. Slab-on-grade ment. -2- oay be constructed rrith a spread footlng founda- construction is possible rrith a lov risk of nove- 5. Drainage around the residence should be designed to provide forrapid removaL of surface runoff and avoid concentratioo ofrater adjaceot to foundations. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION At the tine of this investigation the p1ans for the residence had not been finalized. A single farnily residence or duplex was being con- sidered. Preliminary plans are for a 2-story structure rrith a possible basenent. The structure rri11 be of wood frane construction rrith cast- in-place concrete foundation ra1Ls. Slab-on-grade floors are antici- pated in the garage and in an unfinished basenent if constructed. Maximum colunn and wa1l l-oads were assumed to be those nornall-y associ- ated with light resldentlaL construction. SITE CONDITIONS The site is located at the southvest corner of Meadow Drive and Main Gore Drive. The slte is relatively 1evel with a general slope downward in a northerly direction tovards Meadov Drive. Meadow Drive is approxinately 2 feet higher than the property. The ground surface on the adjacent l-ot to the south slopes steeply downward at about 3:1 (horizontal to vertl"cal) to L,ot 19. The top of the slope is approxi- nately 20 feet higher thao tot 19. A residence is constructed on the I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I -3- adjacent Lot 20. A possible rock outcrop is at the southrrestern end of the slope on Lot 20. Lot, 18, which is locared west of Lot 19 and 20, is vacant. vegetation on the site consists of rsil- lords at the southeastern corner of the lot and tal1 grass on the remainder of the rot. overall site drainage is to the north and west. SIESTJRFACE CONDITIONS subsurface conditions were investigated at this site by excavating 2 exploratory test pits at the locations shom on Fig. 2. The excava- tion of the test pits and soils observed in the test pits were logged by a representative of our office. The Logs of the Exploratory Test pits are presented on Fig. 3. The near surface soils consisted of topsoil to a depth of 1 foot underlain by stiff, sandy, gravel,ly, nonexpansive clay to a depth of 4.5 feet. Beneath the clay a nedium dense to dense, clayey, grave1ly, nonexpansive sand rdas found to the maximum depth explored of 10 feet. Practical refusal with the backhoe occurred at 7 feet in test pit TP-l. cobbles were found scattered throughout the sand and clay in both test pits. Boulders, about 2 feet in dinension, vere found in test pit TP-l in the sand and c1ay. No free ground yater was found in the test pits at the time of excavation. FOIJNDATION The near surface soils beneath the topsoil at this site will sup- port foundations. rn our opinion, a spread footing foundation systexn 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. I I I I I I I I t t T I I I I I T I t -4- rmy be used to support the proposed structure. The spread footing foun- dation systen should be designed and constructed in accordance wlth the folloring criteria: Footings should be supported by undisturbed natural clay and sand solls beneath the topsoil. Sol1s loosened by machine excavatlon should be cleaned fron the foundation excavatiooprior to placing concrete for the footings. Wa11 and colunn footings may be designed using a naxinun a11on- able soil bearing pressure of 3,OOO psf. The minimun dimensions for a column footing should be at least 24 inches square and for a continuous wall footing should be atleast 16 lnches ride. The footlng nidths nay be greater than the nininun depending on the loads of the structure. 4. Continuous foundation rraLls should be reinforced, top and botton, to span 1ocal anornalies in the soi1. Pockets of soft soils may occur in the botton of the excava- tj-ons for footings. Where soft soils are found they should be renoved to expose firn soils and then replaced sith lean con-crete or conpacted soil,s. The on-site soils or approvedinported granular fill are acceptable for compacted fiL1. ThefiLl should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture condi- tioned, and conpacted to at least 95 percetrt of the nodi.fied Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM f1557) or 100 percenr of the standard Proctor maximun dry density (ASru f698). The foundation soils contain cobble and boulder sizematerial. Renoval of cobbles and boulders fron the botton ofthe footing excavations can result in rough excavationsurfaces. If this condition develops during construction, the depressions in the botton of the footing excavation can befiLled with lean concrete or conpacted fil-l. The fill should be pLaced and conpacted in accordance rrith the reconmendations presented in the preceding 5. 7. Exterior footings should be protected fron detriuental frostaction. Normal depth of frost protection in the area is 4 feet beneath the exterior ground surface. 8. Ttre foundation excavatioos should be inspected by a representa-tive of our office to confirm that the subsurface conditions T I t I I I I I I I I T I I I t I I I -5- are as anticipated. In addition, the placement and conpactionof fill or backfill materials at the slte should be observed and tested by a representative of our office during construc- tion. FLMR SLABS Slabs-on-grade are anticipated for basenent and garage Levels. The subsurface soils at floor slab elevations may consist of stiff, sandy, gravelly clay or rnedium dense, clayey gravelly sand. These soils niLl support proposed floor slabs rrith Iow risk of movement. We recommend a 4-inch layer of granular free draining material be constructed beneath all floor slabs to provide a moisture break and uniform support for the s1abs. Fill may be needed beneath the floor slabs rrhere depressions occur due to renoval of large cobbles or boulders during excavation. The fill nay consist of on-site soils or approved inported granular fill. No gravel larger than 6 inches should be placed in fill areas. The fil,l should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned if needed, and compacted to at least 90 percent of the nodified Proctor maximum dry density (ASII'! D-1557) or 95 percent of the standard Proctor roaximun dry density (ASTI'{ D-698). The placernent and conpaction of fill should be observed and tested by a representative of our office. BELOW GRADE CONSTRUCTION Below grade construction nay be influenced by the boulders found in test pit TP-l as well as the practical refusal rrith a backhoe that I I T I I T I I I I I I t t I I I T I -6- occurred at 7 feet in test pit 1?-1 . The boulders observed in the test pit nere as large as 2 feet in 661l6um dinension, however, larger boulders are always possible. The excavating contractor needs to be aware of the presence of boul-ders. Practical refusal- yith the backhoe in test pit 1T-1 at a depth of 7 feet indicates that an excavation below 7 feet may be difficult. No free ground vater was found when the test pits were excavated. They vere excavated at the time of year when ground yater is at the lowest flow. If the excavation for foundations is done during snow nelt, free ground water couLd possibly be found. K)TJNDATION DRAINAGE Surface vater frequently flows through relatively perneable back- fill adjacent to a structure and collects on the surface of relatively inpermeable soils occurring at foundation elevation. This can cause uet or noist basenent conditions after construction. To reduce the accumu- lation of surface moisture adjacent to basement wa11-s, we recommend provision of a foundation drain. The drain should consist of a -inch diameter perforated pipe encased in free draining gravel. The drain should be sloped so that water flows to a sump where water can be removed by punping or to a positive gravity outlet. Recomnended detaiLs for a typical foundation wall drain are presented on Fig. 4. I I I t I I I I t I I I t I t I t T t -7- STJRFACE DRAINAGE The site is relatively 1eve1 and appears that surface drainage from the area may collect on the site during spring run off. The rrillows and tall grass on the site indlcates that sufficient vater is present sone- tine during the year to prooote the growth of this vegetation. The surface drainage of the area needs to be carefully evaluted and planned for vhen the building is constructed. This may necessitate the raising of the site grades around the conpleted building. If the site grade is raised, ye advlse that the topsoil be stripped fron these areas and stockpiled before placing fill. Any fill placed on the site should be placed in thin loose lifts, moisture conditioned if necessary, aod com-- pacted. Upon conpletion of the fiLl the topsoil roay be replaced in landscaping areas. The ground surface surrounding the exterlor of the building should be sloped to drain away fron the buLlding 1n all direc- tions. We recommend a slope of at least 12 inches in the first 10 feet. In addition, the backfitl around the foundation wal1s should be moistened and conpacted to at least 90 percent of the nodifled Proctor maxinum dry density (ASII'I D-1557) or 95 percent of the standard Proctor naximun dry density (AS${ f698). LIMITATIONS Although the test pits were spaced to obtain a reasonably accurate determination of foundation conditions, variations in the subsurface conditions are always posstble. lJe should observe the completed excava- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I -8- tiotr to confinn that the soils are as indlcated by the test pits. The placenent and compaction of fill should be observed and tested. The design criteria and subsurface data presented in this report are valid for 3 years after the date of this report. If ve can be of further report or in analyses of foundation vlewpoint, please KOECIILEIN @NSI]LTING ENGINEERS service in discussing the contents of this the proposed structure fron a soils and cal-l-. 4sy "h)Jho.* H.n Wllllam H. Koechlein, wHK/ek (4 copl-es sent) I I t I I I I T t T T I I I I I t t t SGALE: 1'= 2OOO' JOA ilO. E9-8.1 VICINITY MAP FIG. t SGALE: 1'=60' I I T t I I t I T I I t I t I I T t I GOREMAIN DRIVE =oo ul: lrl Go LOT 20 LOT 1O TP-1 I I TP-2 PROPOSEO SUtLDtt|O LOT Tt FIG. 2 LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS JOB ilO. ae-6r T I T I I T T T T I t I T I I I t t t Ot-''tr-O 10- LEGEND: TOPSOIL CLAY, Sandy, silty, molst, stiff, dark brown, occasional cobbles and boulders, nonex.Dansive. SAND, gravelly, sllty, cobbles, moist, medium dense to dense, red brown, ye11ow btor^rn, nonexpansive. SAND, gravelly, siltv, cobbles, boul-ders, moist, grav, brown, nonexpansive. Practical refusal in cobbles and boulders with a backhoe. NOTES: 1. Test pits were excavated with rubber tlred backhoe on 11/6/89. :2. No free ground water was fouud at the tine of excavatl-on. 3. These l-ogs are sub_l ect to the explanatlons, linitations and conclusions as contained ln thls reDort. 0-l I -l IIL -_ a arlo rl||IL =a Glrlo a a ? ,a a a ,d '.::ir: :::..o: j.'j.: 1.:i'.'-':.. .:t:: ij;.i: ,.'..::. .ri.1:':':..i 1 t a t a JO8 1rO. a9-Ct LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS Fto. t TO 2 I o I T I T I T I I T I t T t I I T T I I CLAYEY IACXFILL BE LAID OX A ALO'E l rt l|| CX At.D l r.l l]|cll DRAtX. IIO T E: DRAITI !HOULD BE AT LEAST c txcHEa BELow tottol oF TOP OF FOOTIIO AT THE HtsxEEr ?otrt Ailo tLo?C DOWIIWARD TO A POEITIYE GRAYITY OUTLET OR TO A SUIP W}IERE WATEF CAX !E FEIOVED AY PUHPI}IC. AELOW.OSAOE WALL IIt"ALL WASHED r rr2 ttcH To t{o- a oRAvcL WITH LEgg THAI'l 3l PASgIXC tHE t|O. 200 S|EYE OF Atl APPFOVED I'AIIUFACTURED DBAIIIAOE SYSTET. t l' rtt. CIAYCL COIPACTED EACKFILL (8EE FEPORT FOR BACXFILL RECOr|XE}{OA?tOlt8) 4II'C}I DIATETEF PERFORATEO PIPE. THE OEAIT EHOULO RATOIXO BE'U'EEX DFOP PER FOOI OF PROYIDE PVC SHEETIIIO OLUED FOUI{DATIO]II WALL TO BEDUCE IOI9TURE PEIIETRATIOil- JOB NO. 89-Ol TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL Fro. a MAY-12-OO 1t'OS FROM . TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. o rD '3"O4 452 Sqodviim: Addreds: DEVELOPER IMPROVETIIENT AGREEMENT "92o l/4 THIS AGREEMENT, madg and enterect into this Zz day ol /ylal-, rey byan<!among Sh4fFre'ld hfotl,r€s (hereinaftercaltedT'e ;oevefopeO,anOtneTO-WN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town") and the "Bank")- (hereinafter called WHEREAS, the Devetoper, as a condition of approval etfis Sheffie(4 R'esrUcuce- plans, dated I o ' Zb ,19%., wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateralsutficient in the judgmem of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of cenain improvements set forth below: and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateralto guarantee petformance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount of$(125eh ot the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT +?,300 5ce 1, tPo Y tAs thqry rcRMAT ilock-a PAGE L-+^4saa.pir^'3 51uc-a6 Aa&,{ltr, ^c e.vovqveevt . tte.4 sc-y<ten 'q rt,,"*f-r- 6'- 8' *o t( \VAI L\DATAEVERYONBFORMS\DIACASH.DOC I of4 MAY-,12-OO r I , O5 FROM.TOV-coM o-DEV-DEPT.ID,3?@4 452?92 o PAGE 2/4 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutualcovenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment anllnaterialnecessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or beforeJt^t\ Slt2ooo - TheDevelopershall complete,inagoodworkrnanlikemanner,all improvemenF as listed above. in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the otfice of the Community Developrnent Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, dnwings, maps, specificatiorrs, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the abovlreferenced govemmental entities. All saicl work shall be done uncler the inspedion of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as afiected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Depanment_ 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set lorth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follonrs: A cash deposit ac@unt in the amountot$ 8,100O to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security foi the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any lime substiMe the collateral originally set fonh above for another lorm of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements refened to herein and the perlormance of the terrns of this Agreemefi. Such acceptance by the Town of afternative cotlateral shall be at the Town, s sole discretion. 4- The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specifiect in this Agreement prior to the completion and acreptance of the same, nor shall the town, nor any officer or employee thgreof, be liable for arry persons or property injured by reason of rhe nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by tire Developer. , The Developer hereby agree! to indemnily and hold harmless the Town, and any of its otficers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which ttre FTEVERYON E1FOFIMS\DIACASH.DOC 2of4 MAY- l2-@@ 1 1 , c'6 FROM, TOV-coMo-DEV-DEPT.tD,9?94 452?92 o PAGE 3/4 Town or any of its otticers, agents or emptoyees may become subject to, insofar as arry such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respecl thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, ctaim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to arry other liability which the Developer may nave. 5. lt is mutually qgreed rhal rhe Devetoper may appty lo the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category ot improvement al such time as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all bhhs and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvements. 6. lf the Town determines, at hs sole discretion, that any of the improvements contemplated hereuncler are not constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth in this Agreemenr on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the leuer of credit as necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such funds upon written request from the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to release of the funds to the Town nor shall the Bank be required to verify independenUy that such improvements have not been completed as required by rhis agreement, but shau release such lunds solely upon fie Town=s wrinen request. lf the costs of eompleting the work exceed the amount ol the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit 0r may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against sudh property. lt the permil holder fails or refuses to complete the cteanup and landscaping, ad defined in his chapter, such tailure or refus2l shatl be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material lor a period of one year after acceptance of all work reterred to in this Agreement by the Town it such work is located on Town of Vail property or wihin Town ot vail right-of-way pursuant to Section 17.1 62s0. . 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed -by all parties hereto- F:\EVEEYONBrcRMS\DIACASH.DOC 3 of4 MAy - t2-O@ I I , oG FRoM: TOv-COM-DEv-DEPT.tD,9?O4 452 PAGE 4/4?92 o Dated the day and year first abovewrinen. srArEoFc9LoRADO )J-".ff.,nsq,. )ss. COUNTYOF Effit€ ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowleclged before me this9/ "rl-day ot V'Y4z/ ,4d OV Ja*"s g. S h-f+ ,. /J . I Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission exgites:51:3- o 2- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. Sheffra(d ffovntas Wtness my hand and officialseal. My comm'ssion expires: F:\EVERYONAFORMSDIACASH. OOC 4 of4 t'p.Y-tt-?@€ 1A33Et Poxs Af[icc Box 92i AYps'\i\, Colo"ado 81 6?7 97 O -524 -5 25g' 97 o - 59 4-lt?it 1 f ar Mny 10,2N0 Shcffreld Homes Sheffreld Residcrrcc 4998 Mcedow Dr Lot l 9/Block TBighorn 5th Addition SECTION A. IRRIGATTON SYSTEM. JOB DESCRTPTIoN rl- Tcrryorary stnbcc system ftr '15 deys ftr sccded arces Uplr..Cnsr L.ndscaPiry Inc uiit onv gtlaraila? seed€d arca' Trcts itrd sluttb's are mt cowred undcrone yea grnrantcc withthic rysterrl COST: $s00.00 PAYMENT PLAN: 507c dwr Prynat ead behncc rpon conphliol' S}€FFIELD IEI€S o ppe,n Crust Lot dsc-aPing, J 3E3 423 8823 P.82/U o l.rc., YL[- IflY-7t-zaflfj tqt$IELD HO,ES 363 4?3 ffi23 P.83/64 U.C.L./page 2 of 3 ShefEeld 5/10/00 SDCTIONB. LANDSCA?ING. JOB DESCRIPTION ftl. Landscaping bid bcgins a$er all backfll, rowh Sradbg, and topsoil sprcading arc conplctc. Bouldcr placenr'nt urd plaot rnatcrial irusplaming arc not includcd in cost. Plam trccs and slrubs to plan. Filtcr fiber udpr rock 2 to E ' diameter. lE" offofhorrse and drip lfup. Remalung areas SFded ad sccdcd wilh wildflower ard nativc Eres6 secd, tben mulched with gtraw. Apply tactiEer. All nraterials arc fertilized. Site clea&d of all lan&capc dcbtis. S}IEFF o Il-{atcdf! Spruce Spruce Aspen Aspcn Wctland shmbs Wildflower secd Narive grass seed Fertilizer Tactifier/srraw Filrer fiber Rock COST: S8,t00.00 PAYMBNT PLAN: 507. dorrn prymcrl, 257. rflcr trcc! rnd rlrubr are phnted rnd balence upon conphtion. NOTf,: TREES AND SHRUBS ARE NOT COVERED UNDER ONE YEAR GUARANTEE. MATABIALL.IST Si2. 6ft 8ft 2.O"diant 2.0" diam clump 5gd Amount 4 4 3 3ll 2lbs 40lbs 50 lb,s 5,760 sq ft 230 sq ft 3 cr yds "[bn l,tflY-7t-?gm l6t9 SFEFF o IELD I€T,Es 383 423 8823 P.U/U U.C.L/Page 3 of 3 Strffield 5/10100 Only seedcd ueas ale gua$ut€d oge Ft o*.try icc reaboclaot if peytrcnt for sbove bitt items "rr o, -v t*toili;#; d l$:tioc atc ;€ceitrcd in firll Gnuantcc does rrct appty if unaer poir'i"iili'* *rditions rutrtid b ruroplanted or if auarantcp work rras nor #;ffi;u;tt cntst rads""pirrg lle' Trccs and shrubs Iie not cottered urdcr orr ycar guarurcc' A 3o/o sermoilh servicc clurge wilt beassessod,T 3 Oitt" **foU* tryrid 30 days from aare oistatcnpnr. f Uppcr &rst LrndscaPing Ir I requircd to rctaio rrr attonry to co[ocr ttre amounr a*, "iir-J, e" m"i",a-*tu be paid by rbc owrrr or nanr' l}tis conrrsd sball govcrn dr entLl tgrectrnt betqreeo Contr#tor/Owg ard Upper //crrstt'"d;;;;;*'This"opvotil;ott-"tspcnorlcsrllpreviotscodrs'q6.u' a Doug Wcinheimcr Uppcr Cnsr LulscaPing Inc TOTfl- P. g'4 oo C' F 0at 'liozo.'.oo-oaF o FOEoi) "'8F otII ooo o F cto o n C)o o F c oF oo o F AH llHIOHO T lI t :A HElcct[a?r -eg I].l| O'rE coi3g-E ct F o F IUF oAtt a cIql o 6o E t' 6 dIr FT:egz5H(J!EooF. Fr lr oaatoaAirllq\oao o AHEA ETB' cI E HF. AB E3E'( e dEit (0 A E t{ Fl HE Er 6l.l Etgue cII 6"H :tB 6u AH d =lt) IIo : II * H.lti5 ElE A 3L.t E l.t{ Ee.I o: o ttD ESE-*!aa oLEao Iro t EE8 RECEIPT - The Town ofVail -/l--^ I,n, Slol* ,re : (i-) , I N9 51308 *.r*ro rnou [4 r^4"- s ' Sl-'o,wi "-' t' { r-\ \ nar /n DOLLARS S lLl +UVi" Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers HOw PAID-- Cash-Che.* \ t \ oo C' F 0at 'liozo.'.oo-oaF o FOEoi) "'8F otII ooo o F cto o n C)o o F c oF oo o F AH llHIOHO T lI t :A HElcct[a?r -eg I].l| O'rE coi3g-E ct F o F IUF oAtt a cIql o 6o E t' 6 dIr FT:egz5H(J!EooF. Fr lr oaatoaAirllq\oao o AHEA ETB' cI E HF. AB E3E'( e dEit (0 A E t{ Fl HE Er 6l.l Etgue cII 6"H :tB 6u AH d =lt) IIo : II * H.lti5 ElE A 3L.t E l.t{ Ee.I o: o ttD ESE-*!aa oLEao Iro t EE8 RECEIPT - The Town ofVail -/l--^ I,n, Slol* ,re : (i-) , I N9 51308 *.r*ro rnou [4 r^4"- s ' Sl-'o,wi "-' t' { r-\ \ nar /n DOLLARS S lLl +UVi" Permit Numbers Police Receipt Numbers HOw PAID-- Cash-Che.* \ t \ t Town ol Vall :partment of Communlty llevelopment 75 S. Frontege Road Vall, CO 81657 o \ r'r, f r Ilr,rdr,-).\ t\"-l+1€tdztF-R\(-I.""5;-neceiptt'to.5L7O-(- o^t -'-?-?-ud Account No.ftem No.CodE #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoninq and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 1&2 tJE ss0.9s 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildins Code - 1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 314 1't12 lnt€rnational Plumbinq Cocle - 1997 CB $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 cB I $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform M€chanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Cod€CB 00 001 0000 314 1112 National El€ctrical Code .00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 .95 001 0000 314 1112 Model Eneroy Code - 1995 10 001 0000 314 1112 Analvsis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes lC 7q 001 0000 314 1112 Oth6r Code Books ^o 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Print6y'Mylar Copy Fees $7.00 001 0000314 1111 Xerox CoDies XC t4 001 00003141111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60)MS .00 001 00003141111 Studies, Master Plans, etc.l,rS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Fle-l nspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re{heck Fee {$40/per hou0 001 0000 315 2000 Otf Hours Inspection Fees 001 0000 312 3000 Contrectors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Appllcation Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sisn Application Fe€SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Revieur Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 001 0000 31 5 3000 Building Investigation F€€PN 001 0000 240 3300 Dwelopsr lmpro/smont Aoreemsnt O€DGil D2-DEP10 AD I -) M.\ r'v: -:Lt\. _ 001 0000 312 1000 Ro8taurant Licgnse tee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Soec. Assess.-R€staurant Fe€ to Co.DeDt.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable TP '001 0000 3101100 TarEble @ 4.0% (Town) - Retall Sales Tar Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPUCANON FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV .00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Dwelopment District - NEW PV $1.500.00 001 0000 311 2500 SDecial Devslooment District - Maior Amend PV 1.000.00 001 0000 311 2500 SD€cial D€vdopment District - Minor Amend PV .00 001 0000 311 2500 Subdivision Feas PV 00 0000 311 2500 Variance PV .00 001 0000 311 2500 Zoninq Code Amendments PV .00 Re-Zoning PV .00 001 0000 319 3100 Gre€nstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:t?,+oo.' Comment8: ..-\ i\l.o{-t.r^ to \t-'FR nld\r"o"t- F t-cash - Money order #check # t{{ Recelved byz t-<,- I F/Ev€rl,ons/FdnE/Sal€scl.sx€u10t9s Torn ofrrr CtFT|llfR D0TE: 5l?3/S 01 ssiltR Ltf,Rllltl116l l8?l r LilM $fFFIEID tYilDE SIFFIELD Uril RTCEIPT rrr RECEIFT: 9009451 RntnT IP lrl fE79[.99 $D 0(C[: lll DIn Fffi L|lI lgrBTrEI&In| 5TH IT}IEX DETAILct( lll fle7ff.fr MTE: 5/fl3l00 TII[: 1{:54:{? T0rfl. cr€fi 3U700.90 RiouilT TEr{DfffiD fte700.00 Tlffi( YdJ FllR Ynn pf,YlfllT! RECEIPT - The Triwn of Vailzt-^ ' Ng 5130g)ArE >l LLI oD .lo - REcETvED ppsv L,1 At-\'.- : S u'" u-' e ' t D9LLARS r, 1711,)0'D Pcrmit Numbers Police Receipt Numben HOW PAID-Cash-Che.k\ \ \nyf{Co'r,ri i''.-''* ID:o TI/WI'IOFYAIL Depanment ol Puhlic Works & lTq4spofiation 1309 Ell:hornDrive Yail, Colordo 8l 657 970-479-2158 / Fax: 970'479'2166 Jirn Shcffield 28227 Meatlrlw lark f)rive Ooldcn, Colorndo 80401 I)ear Mr. Shcfficld: When your homc on Mcadow lanc in East Vail was suhmittql frrr building pcru)it, wc noticed that thc survey that was subrnittcd with the buikling pcrmit w:rs diffcrcnt than thc survuy lhat wurr submittcrl at thc timc of thc Shff/DRB application- The survey submittcd at lhc timc of builrling permit showed a substantial watcrcoursc through the centcr of the site. Duc lcgitimatc naturc of lhs differences in the surveys (ucw culvcrts and wBlcrcourse$ werE frrund whcn the $urvcyors wcnt out to pick up the wct land boundary), a building pcrmit was issuod. However, corrditions werc attachcd k thu pefinit, wlrich rcquirc a hydrologic study of thc silc aud watorqrurses to be donc as wcll a propcr sizing ol'the rEnruted channcl. 'l'he outlet for thc wotcr may also neal to be rcestablislrcd as wr-.ll as rr culvcrt installcd bcncath your prolxrsed driveway. Thc hydrologio study and sizing will nced to hc designcd by an cuginccr licclrsud in thc State ofColorado. Tho study and sizirrg will also need to be cornplctcd bcforc your finit fiunring inspcction on yt'rur pnrject. I'leasc call rnysclf at (97O) 479-2169 or Grcg llall, 'l'own Engineer, rr (970) 4?9-2160 if you havc any qucstirrns. Sinocrcly, -Tbtr, lPattrft Tcrri Partch Prcjcct Enginecr 'l'own of Vail CC: (ircg Hall JctTHunl 2LtOO No-001 P.024'0oFEB 1 Bbu*- $"*' ^r I ta\.Y [\9\t,>+k ol Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Sheffield Project Description: single family residence Owner, Address and Phone: James & Linda Sheffield,28227 Meadowlark Drive, Golden, CO 80401 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Robert A. Mach PO Box 18195, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address: 4998 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn 56 Parcel Number: 2101 13 104020 Buildine Name: Comments: Prior to issuance of a building permit, one complete set of building plans incorporating all issues must be submitted. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Hans Woldrick Seconded bv: Clark Brittain Action: Approved w/ conditions Vote: 4-0 Conditions: l. East end of residence will be re-designed per DRB discussion, so that it balances architechturally, staffto okay. 2. Either soffit or rafters are okay for west end. 3. Proposed landscaping in front and sides of residence must be shown on plans. Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: 10-9-98 F:\EVERYONE\DRBV{PPROVAL\98\SHEFffiL DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200 Qucstions? Callfblanning Staff at 479-2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL (t \lg'oiLz- CENEML INFORMATION This application is for any piojcct rcquiring Dclign R-cvicw approval' Anv projcct tT::::^t-1"..t::: ::T"t:t:*;;;J:il;i;;';.;ilil;"ipi".'," sibmitti'ng rbr a buiiriing pcrnrit. For spccific inromtation. scc thc submittal -.lr.L^ -^^..:-a,lfi:#ffi,1;,h;;il;;il;;;oi,iu,i, rcqicstcd. rhc appiication TT",:: i:::1T1,:::l^"x,:._i::::.,0;ffi;;|til. ilffi;;}il; f.oi""t n,uy also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc 1'own council and,/or thc n'."""'.1q::o Environnrcntal Cornmission. Drrign Rctior" Board approval cxpires one year aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started' DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: PIIYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:2 t O 113 / 6 4ozo(Conract Eaglc Co. Asscssom Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) B, TOl,/yN OF VAIL C. D. E. G, ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAII-ING ADD owNER(s) SIGNATIJRE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: H. ]'YPE OF REVIF,W AND FIIE: E ttcw Construction - $200 Constnrclion of a ncrv btrilding' E A4dition $50 llcludcs any atldition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to arry rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building' E Minor Altcration - $20 Includcs rninor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcntcnts. such as, . rcrooling.painting.windorvadditions.landsoaping.fcnccsandrctaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at.thc timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit' plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. Thc Town of Vail will atljust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL, coLoRADO 81657. JLSTrustgoP/%zz IvIAILINC ADDRESS: -r' lrl-?-"1 8I \'/ | t l (n+ tt :.i ,.S4. ..:3,14*1'. ,, $.7/ : ? -r.' !)(ca-t ' ';! ..; ,,Ha,ns !'li , C/.J,.,: 1'y )y'-'s:'tl .'.', L /"k " ',iv-s,:li :'i rii ,i r '.li Ha,s":li' ' 8.,,-t Ji( ( '. $ruL' ff " A.' tlor 7 affL"f.L rtfosJ p.--ff*s ..t,,,*( "(.. o!.-< )."F,- (r*( -lo-. L-f4^ ) Urf frof '5'u*- bt ro"- tuo{ /:n.- (../J s Lrono(^' ? g. *Lu - t o"g n ..- f"d+ ),J. AAn--- 3*-J* oa- { . Ql.u. ,. J<c.-s JrJ. +1*d 1< .,,.* roof ar ){: qn 9.^/--,-'l -e - ^.4 Ja-.*.r (tl-t, t solue,/<.. (f.l /,^*, ) f;-.-5 a,. e. ..*J- -l g)/*, --.-l *L',"u,n+ -.,^*;-' ,^1 rt:r?: ) ,t-st e*( s/t"-C.,t -(. f*"^ v saft.-t- aLta',-aL 3'f (oC"t /'{t' o- '-"a/ "*, atlct o-^- o(.s-l (-On* /-ff ar^. c--35f *.t t,fl.-\, nu* lt /.-( (r.f+*9 4J "a l/tross .rr,L. 'sy'.otor. o/.--J^ .-.t*,r/1_t oot Q /r.** ,) .-Sl/.' or g:,.- /.- co/r, a,t?/l. /f t^oaf / '.,r 5,*, ar 7L,^+:rs a.67 e-(k-*^7 ,- a6{ yf,CncJ-. )e n*:vu €r-a-rs,'.t6..*,+ t l'\ '' C.-'* qcf Ootqc6J^- ;f ra^**n^ ( :l( '. -a(n^."eSL - sAt, 6s -k 5//, ac e- sl^ 4ary':r^ u^i.'/ a- cr '/ c /-*"t* It o^* c,-tt o-rA ?a-..r/ ,' )F-'c.r S or/a -s.- 'ts \.n - I {Dt't" ^o.'- n-+1. eLt.r f-l'- roa/c I | ' sA r,^,-. L =tA - c;')a!;si.f tp - tA /t r/an'f /uL 5;,nrl :o^ t t'nu Q'*.4 .-:// & ot>-s a/- /^--s a;1t-t gl,'aec n'f :f Au- . coJ. /z\t f.le 4,. 1--.o* a.'n\""' -e '-*r .ur-Ul 6--//'- JL t*7\'s c:J,r 6u trzr-5 Sa-c-' *f Sts A3- &fa3 //:- ..r - e,T.<O - L"o >b oo ?3G-/z 6 drryt,tu"5 44X %9zes ,. .L?*4 t tz$. . fdft,nJt/gaa- 12 f1. ,p/..t I ..i.---. i I ,l,t Traditional Look 6025-12 Black Fin rs h Cast Aluminum 6025- 1 7 Verde Fin sh Cast Aluminum Clear Giass Dia., 10 . B L, 19 ii4 .01., 45 1/4' [4ed iu rn Base.One 100w max. Clear Bulb Recom m en ded Rugged Ast Aluminum In A 8921-12 Black Finrsh Cast A um num 8821-17 Verde Frnrsh Cast Alumtnum Clear Glass W., 67/8.BL 173la oExt 6il8' Ht. frorn Ctr. Dt 0ut et Box, 5 3/4 Medium Base.0ne l00w max Ciea r Bulb Recommenoed 8836- 1 2 Black Fin sh Cast Alumrnum 8836-17 Verce Fmish Ca si Alumrnum Clear Glass '/1 ,12 3/4 .8.1., 25 1/2". Ext,ll ]/2' HL. frunr Ctr. ol 0utlet Bo,r: 20 3/l Candelabra Base. Three 60w max Clear Bulb Recom m en ded 8837-12 Black Finish Cast A uminum 8837-r 7 Verde Finrsh Cast Aluminum Clear Glass W, 12 3/4 .BL.,353/8 . Ext, Ii 1i2' Ht. from C". of Oui'et Box: 20 l.'l Candelabra Base. Three 60w max. Clear Bulb Recom men ded 'l' '.,...-' sstlllll! - ti -- - 8836-12 8836-17 8837-12 8837-17 ODesrgn Copyright Sea GuLl Lighting Products Inc. 8822-12 8822-17 8231-12 Black Frnislr C.t st Alumrnrrm 8231-17 Verde Finish Cast A,.. . ,- Clea r G lass Dta., 12 314' . B.1., 25 t, z Fits 3" Post (Sold Separatetyy Candelabra Base o Three 60w max Clear Bulb Recom men d eC 8822-12 B lack Finish Cast Alu m inu nr 8822-17 Verde Finrsh Cast Alum inunt Clear Glass W: 6 i/8" . B L.: 10 3/8" . txt.: 6 7/g" Ht. from Ctr. oi 0utlet Box, 5 J/J" l\4edium Base o One i00w max. Clear Buib Recom menderj 8823-12 Black Finish Cast Alu rninurn 8823-17 Verde Finrsh Ca st Aluminunr Clea r Glass W., I0 . B.L. 28 1i2 . [xt., 10 lr,2' Ht. trom Ctr. of 0uilet Box, 15 1/2' lVled iu m Base . One l00w rnax. Clear Bulb Recom mended 8824-12 Black Finrsh Cast Aluminurrr 8824-11 Verde Finrsh Ca st Alurninurn Clear Glass W.: 10" . 8.1,, 20' . Ext., 10 1/2' Ht from Ctr. ol Outiet Box, 15 li2 It/edium Ease . 0ne 100w rnax. Clear Bulb Recommended 8825-12 Black Finish Ca st Alurninum 8825- I 7 Verde Finish Cast Alu rn inurn Clear Glass W., i0" . B.L.: lB 1/2 . txt, 10 1/2" Ht. from Ctr. of Outlet Box: 5 ' Itiledium Base . One 100w max. Clea r Bu lb Recorn mended -_a i'i @Design Copyright Sea Gult Lighting products Inc $frf gUfl ocr 7. oo flo/errlrc FaEte"a , U/hgr4,t CA<--UAVatG /ftzP 'z/'ue 9liqa42o4 Qdhrc s 8o36 - lZ ag9c-/z 4 seoPe Gc.Es w/- o/ <let7 x c &.199 :**= = /{4 .&. 3- Ze as.+-V EuE> ??Ax : &=z*% -eqZL_ _ 6;-&/4 4lr'' ?o A/h'/,l ag,c_/z 4 sQoPe _cqGt #r oz o4tr x c a{4g9= /{4 .&. s)*.,1s-= : &;gzatws4AXa/4V Ea& .-=, -Q-=& - ii ii = 2; il. iat z 11, 'o ai'4 ll li I lt li laA6-U*.- { &^-^s, (,'/*te 9q',4 sh^c/rs q-tie +" ^, l( ronLfl C losq- \ r 7 4 t-!9t t-"t o---t I - I' tutf*l\ a),r A\ . t,,1).^.8'a C".^c*^g ^:({3o' c\ \ ,.t^'i,\'I' -{-C orr^-i\ \c.^-\ I co.,.*r.r.r : ca,^J:{:..,} -to'/oI lu):eJ -- Io ''-30 3,t Mo.'U r' go^>'h.-ctr-'c- 6.^* - >lt*It dllr.b -fl^,>(.., oh Printed F-rom: Jeff Hunt To! Terri Partch Sub j ect : ferd: Shef f ie1d p.lans :::NOTE::: :-9/a6/9A:I1 The p1ans for the residence and are be1ng routed. The fi]-e name "Sheffiead" under WordDerfect. t\.d.-by: :Terri:Part-ch::9 / 2t / 9a-:7 F\^rd to: .Tef f Hunt, Terri Partctr : 2 3am:: wet la rrdis :26pm:- 'r'r, computer gave me a hard time wnen I tried to pu1]- up th€ sheffie].d f i1e. It said that it was j-n an unsupported format??? Who knows what's wrong wi-th the si]-l-y th.ing. Here are the corunents for ttre plan: 1.. Pl-ease pror,ride a tit].e report and a stamped s ur\rey. 2.The existing 50 contour on the east s j-de of tfre dxive i-s conf using. Does it cross ttte driwe? If so' ttre driveway has some areas that vti1.I need to be regraded to be be]-ow 1Ot, or heated. If norrJ, p]-ease define the nel!, proposed 50 cont ou r - 3. Is iL acceptable to disturb tbe wet.lands? Does the wet.Iands designation trave to be done by someone witLr a 1icence or degree of some sort, or can lt be just anyone who decides to draw a l-ine on a p].an? f don't know for sure- It might be rdorth discussing the wet].and regulat1ons in DRT. Thanks. Terri Partch beiv' 6,*4. "rd '{. d-h ,+J'\ Cdlt ^n)-("1".,t ln" Page: o >*erP te-D !. *:\r\'-t , ro'*. f .- - ? ll :o1 \".*t.. o\.,n o..l s\*rts {vjt- Vtlg .^ .lt--rr.'ts - s-^. 6 (-: a )t", (o.,"^/t...'*t - rzuf'r'ft *fo 3rJ'i\ q1 f cuic) ,f t{* frt \ :r t\+)^1 c, ,$ - ,/ * )sB -*r S\n,.f ,-/ s+"f{ ot<'A - ryf^ 5lt-i.'l I Ptcr u Agenda last revised 4/16/98 gam DES]GN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, April 15, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Bill Pierce Brent Alm Hans Woldrich Clark Brittain Brian Doyon (PEC) SITE VISITS 1:00 pm 1 . Cole - 4410 Glen Falls Lane2. Yaros - 51 19 Black Bear Lane3. Sheffield - 4998 Meadow Drive4. Bakalar - 780 Potato Patch5. Texaco - 2313 N. Frontage Road West6. Dauphinais - 1803 Shasta Place7. Riverhouse Condos - 83 Willow Place8. Vande Garde - 223 Gore Creek Drive9. Vail Athletic Club - 352 East Meadow Drive Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:OO pm 1 Election of 1998 Chair/Vice-Chair. 2. Vail Athletic Club - Conceptual review of the proposed tree removal plan. Mike 352 East Meadow Drive/Parcels A&B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 LTD. Partnership, represented by Stan Cope & John Perkins CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 3. Dauphinais - New primary/secondary residence. George 1803 Shasta Place\Lot 16, Block 0, VailVillage West Filing #2. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED 4. Yaros - Addition to existing residence. George 5119 Black Bear Lane\Lot 8, Block 8. Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: JMP Architects, Inc. CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 5. Riverhouse Condominiums - Exterior remodel. Dominic 83 Willow Place, Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Applicant: MFI lnvestments, represented by Larry Deckard, Architect MOTION:Brian Doyon SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That there be trim around windows on all sides. 2. That the stone pilars be raised to the bottom of the deck. 3. That the approval is subject to approval of a variance on the deck. 6. City Market - Amendment to sign plan. Christie 2107 N. Frontage Road West\Vail Commons. Applicant: Linda Roberts TABLED UNTIL MAY 6. 1998 7. Gore Creek Grille - Amend previous approval. Christie 223 Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: T. Michael Ditch TABLED UNTIL MAY 6, 1998 I Cole - New single family house. Christie 4410 Glen Falls Lane\Lot 11, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Timber Creek Logs, LLC CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 9 Texaco - New freestanding sign. George 2313 N. Frontage Road WesVTract B, Vail das Schone #1 . Applicant: West Vail Texaco MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 6, 1998 WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. lf the applicant fails to appear on May 6, 1998, the sign shall be removed. 10. Vande Garde Residence - Dormer and sunroom addition. Christie 223 Gore Creek Drive, Creekside Building\Block 58, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Larry Vande Garde CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 11. Red Sandstone Affordable Housing Development - Conceptual review of 18 unit Dominic development proposal. 945 Red Sandstone Road/Part of Parcel A, Block D, Lionsridge Filing 1. Applicant: Town of VaiL CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 12. Sheffield - Conceptual review of new single family house. Christie 4998 Meadow Drive\Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn 5th. Applicant: James & Lynda, represented by Robert Mach CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 13. Bakalar - Conceptual review of new single family residence. Christie 780 Potato Patch /Lot 17. Block 1. Potato Patch. Applicant: Tom Cole, represented by Morter Architects CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 14. BMS Partnership - Conceptual review of final design of secondary unit. Christie 24 Beaver Dam Road (45 Forest Road)\Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Steven James Riden, AIA CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE Staff Aporovals Walker - Deck roof. Dominic 51 1 E. Lionshead Circle, Varl 2llPart of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: William Walker Alphorn Condos - Replaced retaining wall. Dominic 121 West Meadow Drive/Lot D, Vail Village 2nd Filing Applicant: AlphornCondoAssociation Cunningham - Interior conversion. Christie 1319 Greenhill Court, Unit B/Lot 24, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Barry Cunningham Villa Cortina - Heat and resurface parking. Christie 22 West Meadow Drive/Lots G & H, Vail Village Second Filing. Applicant: VillaCortinaCondominiumAssociation Gorsuch, Ltd. - Remodet. Christie 263 E. Gore Creek Drive/Lot C-E, Block 5, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Gorsuch, Ltd. Byrne - Addition of stone veneer to top of retaining wall. Christie 45 Forest Road/Lot 33, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Ron Byrne and Associates McDougall - Changes to approved plan. Christie 2955 Basingdale Boulevard/Lot 15, Block 6, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Tim and Mary McDougall Burgermeister - Deck addition. Dominic 1502 Buffehr Creek Road/Tract A, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Applicant Michael Burgermeister The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located al the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479- 2356 TDD for information. Agenda last revised 5/7 1 1 am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May6, 1998 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Brent Alm Bill Pierce Clark Brittain Ann Bishop (PEC) Hans Woldrich SITE VISITS 1:45 pm 1. Sheffield - 4998 Meadow Drive 2. Cole - 4410 Glen Falls Lane 3. Logan -815 Potato Patch Drive 4. Scolnick - 2935 Basingdale Blvd.5. Gomez - 600 Vail Valley Drive, Northwoods C-16. Vande Garde - 223 Gore Creek Drive Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Election of 1998 Chair/Vice-Chair. . Chair - Brent Alm. Vice-Chair - Clark Brittain 2. Logan - Lighting program. George 815 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 2. Block 1. Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Kent & Vicki Logan MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-O APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the driveway lights be shielded with landscaping to be approved by staff. 3. Texaco - New freestanding sign. George 2313 N. Frontage Road WesUTract B, Vail das Schone #1 . Applicant: West Vail Texaco MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the sign be brought into compliance with the sign code regulations and the PEC vanance. 2. That the stone base match the stone at the Roundabout. 4. Vande Garde Residence - Sunroom addition. Christie 223 Gore Creek Drive, Creekside Building\Block 5B, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Larry Vande Garde MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED THE REVISED SUNROOM PLAN WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1 That the roof section on the west elevation be removed. 2. That the railing treatment be modified to be a 42" high horizontal rail with vertical rails to match the size of the Gore Creek Grille railing (no balls on top of the vertical element). 5. Cole - New single family house. 4410 Glen Falls Lane\Lot 11, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: Timber Creek Logs, LLC MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: Christie 1. That the stone on the foundation match the stone on the fireolace. 6. Gomez Residence - Add GRFA and remodel. Christie 600 Vail Valley Drive, Northwoods Building C-1, Pinos Del Norte/ Vail Village 7th. Applicant: Mr. & Mrs. Gomez, represented by Ray Story MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the dormer be moved over to line up with the windows below. 2. That the balcony enclosure be popped out by 2'. 7. Scolnick residence - Conceptual review/separation request for a single family residence. Christie 2935 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 19, Block 6, Intermountain. Applicant: Jay & Sheryl Skolnick, represented by John Railton MOTION. Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED - Separation request CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 8. Sheffield - Conceptual review of new single family house. Christie 4998 Meadow Drive\Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn Sth. Applicant James & Lynda, represented by Robert Mach CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 9. City Market - Amendment to sign plan. Christie 2107 N. Frontage Road WestVail Commons. Applicant: Linda Roberts MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED - Bright Horizons amendment to sign plan. WITHDRAWN - City Market sign. 10. Gore Creek Grille - Amend previous approval. Christie 223 Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: T. Michael Ditch TABLED UNTIL MAY 20, 1998 Staff Approvals Treetops - Replacement of retaining wall. Christie 452 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 1st. Applicant: Jeff Brown Monfort - Kiss the Moon - Replace windows and doors. Dominic 281 Gore Creek Drive/Lot D and E, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Christine Monfort Skolasinski - Remodel. Mike 4214 Columbine Way #S/Bighorn Tenace Subdivision. Applicant: Joe & Lauraine Skolasinski Ski Club Vail - Addition to existing sign. Mike Gold Peak Ski Base Applicant: Vail Resorts Singh - Addition of 29 sq. ft. of GRFA to entry. Dominic 1229 Spraddle Creek Drive/Lot 9, Spraddle Creek. Applicant Mr. Singh Louthan - Interior addition. Christie 4966 Juniper/Lot 8, Block 5, Bighom Sth. Applicant: Robert & Ann Louthan Dugan - Replace/extend existing deck landing. Christie 2642 Kinnickinnick CourULot 5, Block 2, Intermountain. Applicant: Suzanne Dugan Stewart - Replace door and add window. Mike 3880 Lupine Drive/Lot 148, Bighorn Subdivision 2nd Filing. Applicant: William & Tana Stewart Vail Cascade Hotel & Club - Upgrade exterior railing. '1300 Westhaven DriveA/Ail Cascade Hotel & Club. Applicant: Randy Linberg Casa Del Sol - Relocate two trees. George 2065 West Gore Creek Drive/Casa Del Sol, Vail Village West Filing #2. Applicant: William Scanil Westwinds - Parking lot regrade/pave and lights. Dominic 548 S. Frontage Road/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st. Applicant: WestwindsCondoAssociation Rams Horn Condominiums - Replace concrete pool deck with pavers. Mike 416 Vail Valley Drive/Lot A, Block 3, Vail Village 5th - Tract F-1. Applicant: Diane Milligan Montaneros Condominiums - Changes to pool area/relocation of spa. Dominic 641 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: MontanerosCondoAssociation Squash Blossom - Exterior improvements. George 198 Gore Creek Drive/Lots A,B,& C/Block 5C, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: John Cogswell Vail Village Fire Station - Repaint. Dominic 42 West Meadow Drive/Lot H, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: John Gallegos The Wren Condominiums - Window addition. Mike 500 South Frontage Road/Part of Tract D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Bill Berlinghof Montaneros Condominiums - New fence material and concrete columns. Dominic 641 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filins. Applicant: MontanerosCondoAssociation His Word Christian Book Store - New sign. Dominic 141 E. Meadow Drive #C-136/Cross Roads Plaza. Applicant: LuAnn Shapiro Mike Vail Trails Chalets - Deck addition and railing alteration. Dominic 413 Gore Creek Drive, Units 11 and 12Alail Trails West, Lots 1-6, Block 4, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Mr. Mayfield Golden Bear Store - Temporary site development sign. George 286 Bridge StreeVLots A, B, part of C, Block 5A, Vail Village '1st. Applicant: Fritz Dietrich Simba Run - Exterior changes related to remodel for conference space. Dominic 1100 N. Frontage Rd. WesULions Ridge 1st. Applicant: Simba Run Resort Condo Association Mauzy Chalet - Revised roof Dominic 2704 Larkspur Lane/Lot 6, Block 3, Vail Intermountain. Applicant. Ren, RKD First Bank West Vail - Wall sign. Dominic 2271 North Frontage Road WesVLot A, Tract C, Vail das Schone 3rd. Applicant: First Bank Shearer/Friedman duplex - Replace entry roof. Mike 1 150 A & B Sandstone Drive/Lot 15 A&B, Casolar ll. Applicant: Diane Shearer Scheidegger - New Primary/Secondary approval extension. Dominic 2450 Chamonix Lane/Lot 7, Block B, Karin's Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Karin Scheidegger Vande Garde remodel - Dormer addition. Christie 223 Gore Creek Drive, unit #2/Block 58, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Larry Vande Garde The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April3, 1998 Robert A. Mach POBox 18195 Avon, CO 81620 4998 Meadow Drive Lot 19, Block 7, Bighom 5th Addition Dcar Robert: I have reviewed the plans and necd to have the following itcms submitted:.- l. Please provide a titlc report.," 2. ls there an existing culvcrt or wetlands on this property? u,- 3. Please showthc existing and proposcd 48 and 52 contours on your site plan. 4. Yourproposed grading cxcccds 2:l in a few spots, plcasc conect. r-5. Your curb cut excccds the maximum 24' allowcd. 6. Your driveway will not drain well. The drivcway grade is 0.3% which is below our minimum grade requiremcnt of 0.5% r,.- 7. Please place an 18" culvert underneath your driveway to allow for cross drainagc. Thc culvert needs to have at least 12" ofcovcr. ,--8. Pleasc provide the rcst of the application package (materiaKlist, landscl-ping, utilff verification, ctc.). "t g. Pleaseprovidc ridge lines and heights on the site plan so I can calculatc building heights. 10. Pleasc providc a lighting plan including S! qtr"cts and lumen calculations. e,' I l. Thrce parking spaccs are requircd for this dGniilg unit. Show third space in driveway. uz'12. Show snow storage arca. 13. This application will bc scheduled for a conceptual rcview with the Design Rcview Board on April 15, 1998 since the application is incomplete at this time. Bring samples of materials to the mecting. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at479-2454, Vcry trulv vours.(t{;til4QhthJ Christic Bartcin Town Planner Rc: {g "noto" '"r TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 April3, 1998 Roben A. Mach PO Box 18195 Avon, CO 81620 4998 Meadow Drive Lot I9, Block 7, Bigborn 5th Addition Dcar Robcrt: I havc rcvicwcd the plans and nced to havc thc following itcms submitted: u/1. Plcasc providc a title rcport (A & B). ,-,. ,,a ..r-2. Plcasc provide the rcsr of the application packagc (matcliils list. landscdping. utility vcrification. etc.). I have cncloscd the shcets folyou to fill out in casc you no longer have thcm. 3. Pleasc plovidc a lighting plan including cut shcets and lumcn calculations. 4. Pleasc providc samplcs of building materials. The Public Works department witl complctc their review when the completc packagc of materials is submittcd. This application will bc schedulcd for a final rcvicw with the Dcsign Rcview Board when I havc rcccived a complctc application packagc. Ifyou have any questions. plcasc call mc at (970) 479-2454. Re: {g r"n"uor^ro Datc: Lcgai dcscriprion:Lot 11' Sloct 7 fi[ng Addrcss orvncr Architcct Zonc disrict Lot sizc Allorvcd /', ', /-Af2ualn:r,- '2'2 ZONE CHECK Phonc Existing - Phonc'/41- 10'17 --Proposcd usc i'(ta-{2.-h-..^{-t Buildabl e arca_ Total tfa*| / -/'. (3}{tt Front Sidcs Rear ?( *'/ t jT--Eq- ITITl N/4 20' t5' l5' >9zs'l | "t'' 8 n hoposcd stopc / n N N I ) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) ia 3) Wetlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) A /a 5) Geologic Hazar45 ,-z b) Rocldall rV2 c) Dcbris Florv Ai Prcvious condirions of approval (cbcck propcrry nr): TAZ- lufhg fun/ l jr.l:fi ^^f U"ffrrl /nf -'av&'-/- I Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: .-l/^ rotar cR.FA ry5 * 8Q =_22.75 675*) - * 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 ad ti on Doc.s this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? NO Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd Mth this rcqucsr Rcmainin p 4q?-qT Sitc Covcngc ?O7' Hcight Sctback I-andscaping Rctaining Wall Heights Parldng Proposcd (3ool(@)(eoo) (r2oo) Pcrmittcd Slopc Ycs- t10. -2424-+ A.:---J- =+ffi Minimurn l4(_5c,b 7,t I Al P rn'i'^,l 2^ tTl1l l ) 2..- encloscd Garagc Crcdrt Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc {inishcd gradcs less than 2:i (50%) Enr.ironmcntaL/llazards No DESIGN REVIE\Y CI{ECKLIST Projcct: Q SURVEY "/ Scalc ,"/ Benchmark ",/ Lcgal dcscription J Lotsizc .'/ Buildable Area Easemcnts Topography Scalc CRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU ,/ I _e_ Trees Utility Iocations Spot clcvations Q BUILDING ELEVATIoNS './ Scale Color\4aterials Roof Pitch E LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trces Proposed bces MlSCELLANEOUS J t/ L/ - ,r/ /---72 w Title rcport (A & B) .a' ---> t/ N-Je CondoApproval !/{ tJt _/Uti lity verifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utiliti es (underground) Vierv Conidors Varianccs Plat restictions ^t /A ---/./-J N/* B FLooR PLANS -au/ , _tt{ ,'/ ilt,q_L /' i:le I00yr. floodplain -v! wat* Course Sctback /-r' Envtronmcntal Hazards ._>> EI SITEPLAN ,/ t--> in NIA Scale Building Hcight Encroachments Setbacks ,'/ Site Coverage -,' Eavcs/Ovcrhangs(4) -/- DeckVBalconies \.,/ Gangc connection ." Site Gradc\Slopc rla Retaining Walls r /A Fcnccs ,/ Parking/Garagc ,/^ / ,Envcway (acccss and gradc) t/ Snorv Storagc t / Fire Access Sep- 14-98 ll:O5A Rottert and Jennifer Mach 970-949-7049 P.Oloo GRAND WE.S7- A DESIGAJ GROUJ" O arctl ecture . planning . cad tecrl,p,k}gy AvTNr/o,(: EzE(7 a.,///-=aa/ Z'r/.-t/ f&zare ".e -%r' Ze /"2.*t? 4a?ua*rt c?'L/44'1/ / a/V-tz'*( y'?lr4 & r/ry A/'a / 5'"/;//'-a4 /*( --Ae' #tfr24/ 'v€z-4/'az' //eT // E/oc< 7 FZA**rt 'ft/ '+=zrVe"/ -ar-/zt l/ama"/tJrE rue27 /f 2G ' #"/e-Y*/t @d-z-#E'' ' /e -' PzzL< zdl -2.,e--- z'-a>-r dT 24/ A. a/44td'/;/ad6" 4. /4a/.7- az*, %, ha*Ari,*& 970-949-7049 o P.O.Box 18195 r Amn.hlorado8l62o Sep-14-9€| I I: O5A and Jennifer Mach 970-949-7049Roberto P.02 4,M^ MONTANE Krn-- EI{VIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS, Ltd. Mr. Jim Sheffield 58227 Mcadowlark Drive Goldcn, Colorado 804O1 August 19, 1998 DearJim; Plea.se find enclosed your U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ,104 Pcrmit Numher 199875335. Plea-se review its applicahle general conditions. As wc discussed before, protcction in the form of silt fences and othcr standard crosion control dcliccs should be installed to protect the remaining wetland area on your propcrty. I uould also recommend mainteining the exlsring wetland shrube to minimize furure potential slope ercion. The work in the wetland arcrs should be completed by March 1999, when this Nationwide Pcrmit is schedulod to erpire. This mcans that ground dlsturbance within wedand areas must be complete. Howet'er, you may be eble to request an cxtcnsion if the ncn' regulations allorr'. Plca^.e give us a call if you run into thlc situation in March. ln addition, once th€ worlc is complere you must complete and submit thc ccrtification form stating you complicd with rhe conditions of the permit. It has been a plcrsure working with you. Again, I apologize for the delay due to Mike Clafiey's racation. It is somctimes difficult to knon'his wcckly scbedule. If you have any qucstions, plea-.e feel free to call me. Montane Environ mcntal Solutioru Enclosures: Permit Invoicc (e7o) 32a-6t5d - r., r(rNr / F;x (97O) 46g{450 Sep-14-98 l1:06A Rob ittw tOarl:tt|ot ot erto and Jennifer Mach 97o 9-7049 DEPARTTENTOF THE ARTV U,S. ^RIY ETGHEEA D|STRIC'. sACNATSXIO coFPS 0r EIOtrf€ERs 1323 J STNCCT SACHATE TO. CALIFORNIA 9$r..89A2August 7, 1998 ( 19987533 5 ) -94o P-03 Re$rlatory Branch Ms. Anna Higgins MonLane EnvironmenEal Solut,ions, ltd. PoeE Office Box 3611Vail, Colorado 8L558 Dear Ms. Anna Higgins: We are responding to your requese for a DepartmenE of che Anrqr permit to construct a single-family residence located in theBigHorn Subdivielon in East Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Theprojects is located within Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 80West, Eagle County, Colorado. The Chief of Engineers has j-ssued nationwide general perrnit(NwP) number 25 which authorizes the discharge of dredged or fillmaterial in waEers of t,he United St,ates for thie purpoae. l{e have determined that your project will not affeet threalened or endangered speciea protect.ed by the Endangered Species Act. your project can be constructed under this authority provided the work meeta t.he conditions listed on the enclcsed information sheets- You must, eend a signed letter of certlfication to the Corps ofEngineers within 30 days after completion of the work (seegeneral condition number 14). A copy of the certificationatatement is included for your use. This verificat,ion is valid unEil NlJp 2E expires. Currently,lmP 25 e:grires on December 13, 1998. Hor,rever, t.he Corps haspropoeed to ext.end the expirat,ion of NWP 25 to March 28, 1999(See July 1, 1998, Pederal Register, 63 FR 35040). The Corpsdecision on the expiration date of NldP 26 wiII be published in tshe Federal Register. Sep-14-94 ll:06A Rob and Jennifer Mach 97O 9-7049 Avenue, Room 142 erto -94o P -O4 -2- tfc have asaigned nurnber 1998?5335 to your-Project' Pleaee reter"fq-itris-nu;6er in any correspondence with this office' If you have any questions, please conlacE Ms' taybourn or Mr' tilg'i"v-"i--Lr,ir-"tiice-oi telephone number (970) 243-Lt99' exten5ion 13 - w\ rthhrestern Colorado ory office Grand ilunction, Colorado 81501-2563 Enclogures Copies Furnighed: Mr. Robert caskey, colorado Division of l|ildlife, 711 IndePendent Avenue, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 Mr. PauI von Guerard, Subdistrict Chlef, U'S' Geological Survey,---76a iorizon Drive, Suite 125, Grand .tunction, Colorado 8l-506 Eag1e Countsy, Post office Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631 Sep- Irt-98 11:06A and Jennifer Mach 97O 9-7049Roberta-94o P-05 cEnTIElcaTroN ot ctupr.rtloN Permit, File Number: 199875335 county Vfhere llork wae Performed: Eagle Name of Permittee: Bighorn Subdivision Dat.e of Permit, IEsuance: 8/7/98 Upon compleEion of the activity authoriied by this Permit, and aiy miuigaEion required by the Permit, please 9lSIn this ceitificition and retuln it to the following address: treatclB Colorado Rcgulatory 9fflcoe U.g. ll.u1r, Corps of Bugl,acaragacrlssoto DictrLct .{02 Rood Avesue' Roo 1'12' Gr-nd iltrnctloa, Coloredo 81501-2563 Pfease note that your permitsted activity ie subject to a compliance inspection by an U.s- Army Corps of Engineers repiesent,ative-. If you- fail to coruply wiLh the permit issued to you, you are sr:bject t,o permit suspenEion, modification, or Levocition. If you have any quest.ions abouE Ehis certification, please t,elephone the Corys of Engineers office in Grand rlunction, nunber (970) 243-1199. I hereby certify that Ehe work authorized by the above referenced permit has been compleled in accordance witsb Ehe terme and condiBions of the sald permit, and required mitigatiotl was compleEed in accordance wit.h the permit condit,ions. Permit I)Pe: NW 25 Sep-14-98 Il:06A ln and Jennifer Mach 97O 9-7049Roberto-94o P-06 NATIOI{WIDE PERVIIT 26 HEADWATERS AIVD ISOLATED WATERS DISCHARGES (Section 4(X) fhe. Co.+s o-{_Engineirs has issued a nationwidc general permit authorizing discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolaled waftis provided: a. The dischargc does not cause lhe loss of more than 10 acres of waters of theUnited States. - b. !h9 qe5minge notifies the Disnict Engrneer if the dischargc would cause the lossof waters of the United States greater thur onc acrc h accordance wlO ttre 'Notificarion"general condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, includhg wetlands, the notification must also include a delineahon of affecteO special aquaiic sites, irictuaingwetlands. (Also see 33 CFR 330.1{e}); and, .c. .mP dirciarge,-including all attendant featurcs, both tcmporary and permanent, is part of a single and complerc project. Foi 4" pgrpo_19 of this nationwide permit, the acreage of loss of waters of rhe United Sutes includes the filled area plus waters of the United Stites that are adversely affected bv flooding, cxcavati_on or drainage as. a rcsuit of the projecr. -The.ten-acre'increased b'y -ymitigation plan offered by the applicant or required Uy tre Oistrict Engrneer. Subdivisions: For any real estate subdivision qeated or subdivided aftcr October 5, 1984, a notification pursuant to subsection b. of this nationwide permit is required for any discharge which would cause the aggrcgate total loss of watcrs of ihe United States for the entire subdivision to exceed on-lttacrc. Any discharge in ury rcal estate subdivision which would cause the aggregate idat toss of warcrs oathe Uni-ted States in the subdivision to excecd ten (10) aciEs is not authorized by this nationwide permit; unless the District Eneineer exemba a particular subdivisioi or parcel by mal'ing a wrinen determination that: 6iiililiil',r"1-aria curutative adverse enironmeital etrects 19ul-d be minimal and the iii,oiil'-i*it;; h"d. aft t October 5, 1984, but prior to January 21,.1992, cnlnmitted ilb;dfJ t"*uic"i in rcIiance on IVWP 2'6 witil regard to a sirbdivirion' in oirsumetgrser where ir wo'ld be ineqrii[-urc to frustrate rrit ioi*iiri"nt 6.ct ed expectadb-ns,. o-r (2) .that the individual ana cumutatiit-;'iveise "-nviionment1;Efis would be ririniqr{' high qudity wedands woutd not be ;r;;it-"fi;t d, ana-rn"". would be al.gv.qall benefit to thc aouaric environment. one rhe exempuon " "rd6uirrro ior a sub-divisiqn, sujsequelt-l-9! -,ffi;ilG;;i 6i'iiii"ia"A property bwners mav-proceed using IiIWP 26' For purPoses or NwP 26, the term "toilt""i"'iuu'ti"iti""" ;itniF iilcrpc!{-P--include sircumstances where a landowner * e.;;iilr; di"ia.l a to"iiiuna in'to smaller parcels for the purpose of selling, conveying, ffi:'ill;;;tf'lqi::'e;ffi1fi-1"t9- qTS: rhis wourd incrude the cntire area ot a residential, commercial ot i'tfto tiif""state-subdivision' including all parcets urd Parts thereof' Sep-14-94 ll:o7A Rob and Jennifer Mach 97O 9-7049erto-94o P -07 A' GENERAL coNDrrroNs' The following general conditions must be followcd in orderfor any authorization by a nationwiJi iiiiiil'n be vatid: l' No activity may cause morc than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. . 2. Any srnrcture.$,fl_,llgori"a shall be properly maintained, includingmamrcnance to ensure public safery. ^"^^.,-3-' Appropriate,-g.T-:toT and siltation contrors must be used and maintained inellectrve operating conditi.on during constnrtion,.urd aI eipoied s6'ii ano other fills must bepermanendy srabilized at the eadi*t po"-ti".[re dar;: -- v"rvr* *,r' 4' No activitv--may,substandalty disnrpt the movement of those species of aouaticlife indigenous to the watftg1$fidinffirc speies-t"hiii-noilrly ,igrare rhrbugh rhear€a, unless the activity's primary purpoiJ iii"Hip6"d -..-. ...,.,,,. 5' Heaw eouipment working.in wedands must be placed on ma*, or other measuresmust be raken to miiriirize soif Ostu?Uancll-* 6' The acrivirvrnustcompry y-ith-any-rygional conditions which may have been ll5# iI $: !il:I Engineer rid g j bff r'ii. iiJir"iJ i""i ."11l,0;n'. ioniiiio,il s,*"r"rt-"r$rjf;ihq*#i$;ip,i*{.$i*",*l;hTiji:jl;;. inclusion in rhe svstcm and Scenic Riveri mav Service- 8. No activiw or its opcration may impair reserved tribal righs, including, but notlimircd ro, resen'ed 'i,"r.t tiehG--d1;.t ;ii,,iid liir ri,il,i"ifrel,1il 9' In certain statej,. ut-individual state water qualiry cenification must be obtained orwaived. IN c.{LlFonrvre, cm,LmeiabN G ilib'iJtr{h;,:"'in Nevada, cenificationis re4uired in Truckee and carcon Ri;; D;i""io. rr-uan -i t:ororado, certificadonis NOT required. 10. No activitv is authorized under ury nationwide permit which is rikely tojeopardizc- the continied e*rrcncc-orl'ti'tJii""a or endangeled specres or a spc",qr Pr.oPgsF.for.such designadon,.as identified unueirtriFedefi-Erdfi;"t"d specTes-acr, orwhich is likelv to destroy or-adversely modifi the ciitiJtr"Uiaior'iucrr sp6cies. Nori-f{..nl_ permiirees shall riorify rh" Di'rd;i;lineet ii -y litr"d $;l;;'or*"iri-""r ffiL,might be affecrcd or is in thri vicinity of rhe iroiecr ana iui noriiein work on the activitv until notified by the District Engineer rhat thi riquirements of rhe gtaangerea spcciei Acr' havc been sadsfied and that the activitv is authoriled- Information on the location of threatened and endangered species andtheir crirical habitat can be obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sen'ice and National Marine Fisheries Senice. Sep-14-94 ll:O7A and Jennifer Mach 97O 9-7049Roberto-94o P-OA ll. No activity which may affect Ilistoric prcperties listed or dlgiblc foi listing, in the National Register of Historic Places is authorizbd,-until thc District Enginccr las complied with the provisions of 33 CFR 325, appcndix C. The prospectivc permittec must notify the Disrict Engineer if the authorized activity may affect any histodc propertis listcd, determined to be eligible, or which rhe prospective perminee has rcason to belie\re may be eligible for listing on the National Redsterof Ifistbric Places, utd shall not begin thsactivitv until notified by the Disuict Eneiri'ees that the requfuements of the National Historic Pieservation Act liave been satisfid and that Oe acdvity is authorized. Information on the location and existencc of historic resources can be obained from the State Historic Presenation Office and the National Registcr of Eistoric Placcs. 12. Notification: a- Wherg -requir{ b;t the terms of the nationwide parmit, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engi-neer as early as possible ana *ratt n6t Uegiin ttie activiiy: (l) Until notified by the District Enginecr that the activity may proceed under the nationwide permit with any speciai'conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or, (2) If notihed by the District or Division Engineer, that an individual permit is required; or, (3) Unless 30 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the notification urd the prospective permittee has not rcceiveC notice frcm the District or Division Eneineer. Sublequently. the perminee's right to proceed under the nadonwide permir may -be modified, sispen66d, oi revoked ont! in aciordance with the procedurc set lorth in 3 CFR 33o.5tdx2). - b. The nodfication must be in wridng urd include the following information ud any required fees: (l) Name, address and telephone number of the prospective permittec; (2) Location of the proposed Projccq (3) Bnef descriptrqn of the proposed pr.oiectt !he-!1ol-Tt't-PP-1t::-d.i:Tj -d indirect aAneriinvironminrat'effats ne frdbt would cause, .'d alv other natlonwroe permits, regional sqqr$;;it'&'i"airi[i,i]-tiiit"d.;i intended t6 be used to authorize arly Part or nc proPosed proJect or ariy related activity; (4)whererequiredbythetermsofthenarionwidepermit'adelincationof affected sp*i"i iquatic sites,'includiitg wedands; and, (D A sfatement that the prospectivc pcrmittee has conacted: (i)TheU.S.FishandlVildlife.Servicc/NationalMarineFisheries Service rcgarding tr,. ir"r.,ilJdi'tii-i;ea"-1f[l1.aiot proposed.for listing) endugered or threatencd spectes Jiiiiiiif fitUi"t in ttte icrmii-aria ttraf may be affected by the Sep-14-98 tl:O€|A and Jennifer Mach 97o 9-7049Roberto-94o P-09 ryp::*.pj:i13_d -y availabte informadon provided by those agencies. (Iheprospecnve permrttee may contad corps Districf offrces roi usFwSnu,rs ageniy contacrsand lists of critical habiat); 0i) pc State Historic Presewation Office regarding the presence of 1ny hislgric properties in ,lF_!:rri, *.e3 lh..ti,;i-6"- "irtt.ii il,'frJproposea project; andthe available information, if airy, provideO Uy tfrat agency. c. The standard indivjduai permit application form (Form ENG 4345) may bc usedas the notification but m3s1.c!arly- i4oic"te-'tf,-"t it is a pDN and musr incrude dr bf rheinformarion required in B (l-t, rif Ccni-rat dondition 12. d' In reviewing an activiry under the notification procedure, the District Engineerwilt first derermine wh-erher rhc giy-iry *iit-;ilffi;#;; ffii',orr indiuidua o,cumulative adverse environmenrar eneits oi *in-il;ffiry tl'tiililiiuri" interesr. Theprospective permittee may' at his..opti.on, suu*rt a prgpotsd mitigation plan with thepredischarge notificadon io..cxpediti ttre process gi uie biittlit"g"gineer will consider anvoptional midgarion the appricairt has incliaea-il ,bi;;pdiii'ai,'jiii'id;h.d;il;;;;adverse environmenal effbca of rlte propotca *ort are'minima. -Tlii nirt i"t Engineer wiilconsider anv comments from rederaiani St"t" *;*i;r.';-"#;td;e proposed -activity,s compliance-wirh. the rerms and conaitioni 6lti" *oonwroe permrts and ihe need forq{tig3tiol to reduce the project's. aductrc en"-itonmental effecs to a minimal level. TheDistricr Engineer wil, upon rec:ip!_o{_a_6-tin-cation,-pro"-ioiir;;i;reltG.!.-aisiri:ri transmission' overnisht mail or other expeditious manner) a copy to the appropriate officesof the Fish and wild-tife.q.i"i;; Stdnlfitii*rource or wat6f quariry agency, EpA and, ifappropriare. the_i',Iarional Marir1d Fisheriej-iervi"i.i--i[iIi di;;#fr;; of NationwidePermir number 37., rhese agencies *iil- r6-h""" Hu" ""rlnlitili'H;rn the dare and themarcriat. is transmitted, to Llcphone tSooist i-ci er,;i-";ii;";i"LJio t" providesubstandve. site specific. comments. r so conacrca---6t qr. d;iy;'ti" oirni.r Engineer wiilwait an addidonai- l0 c^rendar caii uero-rl -rilf,ng a qecr$on on ue norification. TheDistrict Eneine€r will tully co-n{g pelcr-comfiens rcceivcd wittrin *rc sliifrra tir"frame, but-w'iJl provider-d rcsponse to-th"'r.i*r"e agency. The District Enginecr willindicate in the aidministrative rboro usoci"tJ"rio each notifrcarion that rhe resourceagencics' concern-s were considered. Applicants are encouragJ iopro"iae the corpsmultiple copies of notificarions to.expediie agency notirrcatiofi. -Iad; biltd; Ed;;, determines Jrat t}e activiry complies-wirh urE rerins ano conaitions of ttrJniUon*lJe p"r-it urd that the adverse effects are minimal, he will notify the perminee and include any' conditions he deems necessary. If rhe disrict Engineir Aetirmines that the adverse-effects of rhe proposed work are moie thur minimal, thei'he will notify the applicant either: (l) That rhe project does not quality for authorization uder the nationwide pcrmit and insnict the applituri on rhe procedures'to seek authorization under an individual PerTrul; or, (2) That projcct is aurhorized under the nationwidepermit subject to.the aDDlicanr's suUhitting mitig'ition proposal thar *ould reduce the ad19ne effccts to the ;iffi;';fi. ' ii,it"miiieition-piopSut-t"ii be approved PJ_*"-Dj:Fct.Engineer.prior to ffiffi;tt4;o;i:-!?rrre pJgspqhve pcrriltee eliiu to su6mit a mitigation Pl$'qe b-iiiiiti E"iineer will e*peiirioisfy review rhe proposed mitigation plan, but will not ;.;ffi;#?';;;;f id;f,inotiiti"tion-ptoJeo,it*'r tr," neiaaverie effects of the project Sep-14-94 ll:O9A Roberto and Jennifer Mach 97O 9-7049-94o P-to (with the mitigation proposal) are determined by thc Distict Engincer o bc minimal, the bisricr Engin-cer will piovid-e a timely written iesponse o thc {plicant informing him that the project can proceed under the terms and conditions of the nationwide Pcrrlit. c. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current mcthod rpquired by the Corps. The perminee miy'ast ttre Corps !o delineate the special aquatic site. Theft may be some dday if the Corps does the dE{ineation. Furthermore, thc 30 day perid will not start until the wetland delinearion has been compleed. f. Factors that the District Engineer wiil consider when determining the acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigatibn include, but are not limited !o: (1) To be practicable, tbe mitigation must'be available ud eFablc of being done considering costs, exisdng tcchnology, and logistics in light of overall project pu4roses; urd, (2) To the exent appropriate, perminees should consider mitigation bankins and other forms of mitigation inctudin! contribudons to wetland tnrst funds itrictr contribire to the restoration, creation, rcplaccment, enhancement, or preservation of wetlands. Furthermore, exarnples of mitigation that may be appropriate urd practicabte include but arc not limircd to: reducing the s?e of the projirt; es'tiUt6tring buff& zones ro prcrecr aquatic resource values; utd rcplacing the loss oT aquatic resource values by creating, restoring, and enhancing similar functions and vdues. In addition, mitiguion must address impacts and cannot bc used to offset the acrease of wedand losscs that would occur in order to -meet thc acreage limis of some of the natioinwide permis (c-g. frve acrcs of wetlands cannot be created to change a six acre loss of wetlurd-s to a onc acre loss; however, the five created acres can be used to reduce the impacts of the six age loss). B. SECIION 404 ONLY CONDffiONS: In addition to the Gencral Conditions, the following conditions apply only to activities that involve the discharge of dredged or fill material and must be followed in order for authorization by the nationwidc pcrmits o be valid: l. No discharge of dredged or fill material may occur in the proximity of a public watcr supply intalce cxcept wherc the discharge is for repair of thc public water supply in?^ke structures or adjacent bank stabilization. 2. No discharge of dredged or frll material may occur in areas of conccnrated shellfrsh production, unless the discharge is directcd rclated o a shdlfrsh production, unless the discharge is directly rclatcd to a strillfish harrresting activity authorizcd by Nationwide Permit 4. 3. No discharge of dredged or fill material may consist of unsuitablc material (e.g-, rasfr. OCU;1, car UoA-o, etc.) a;d material dischargcd'must be frec from oxic pollutans in o*ic'amounis (scc Section 307 of the Clean water AcO' 4. Discharges of dredged.or fill marcrial hto waten of ttre'united states must be ffi xs#;i"J$f$,H$iffi"*sttiffi*Li"hE"tl'"1?#'?'!'i;""$*i?; rcgulatcd activitY' Sep-14-98 ll: IOA R and Jennifer Mach 970-949-7049oberto P-1r . 5. Discharges in.ryawning arcas during spawning seasons must be avoidcd to the maximum extent practicablc. 6. To the maximum extent prrcticable, discharges must not pcnnanently restrict or impedc ore passage or normal or ex'pccted hig[r flows oi causc the rilocation of the watcr (unless the primary purpose of the fill is !o impound waters). 7. If thc discharge creates an impoundment of water, advcrsc impacts on the aquatic system caused by the acceleratcd p:tssage of wuer and/or the rcstriction of its flow strali be minimized to the ma:rimum extent practicable. 8. Discharges into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must bc avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 9. Any temporary fills must be removed in their entirery and the affected areas retuned to the preexisting elevation. C. FIJRTHER INFORMATION: 1.. Disrict Engineers iave. the authoriry to determine if an activity complies with the terms and condidons of a nationwide permit. 2. Nationwide permits do not obviate the necd to obtain other Federal, state, or local permir. approvali, or authorizations required by law. 3. Nadonwide permits do not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 4. Nadonwide permis do not authorizc any injury to the propcrry or rights or others. 5. Narionr*'ide permits do not authorize inrcrference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 6 P .12970-949-7049 Etdo ,F-giaIe€ HEEI HgEt€3E flEEiiIB .Es l; glE: X5.eg El or H H.: aE B EI;E"Ei.EEq* glE- NEiEEE= E|:5l,iEnE-ei EIEE EIE E.*E E E glF - EB;EE Ee ggF TIEi EE *E fl; E6IiFE gE: 9E F EIE;i e aa fE; 3l; E ;,i;,i slu =:tqiEEeE'= EIE: 3F$i7r3€ Els* Fl*peE'IEV 9sEgl€>pE:e-o zt6-9'IlqEE=59- q.gi ilEg Eo E'1b 8l €lEE eE E sE El=g216;El=cg ':lggd;:Fe.9rE ,ibE gg EFEAE EEHE-o.EAEd <A Sep-14-98 ll:LOA Robert and Jennifer Mach o- -<E-lltc!-€z^=PdE-.9:9i^-:9:c6-16J=9-E6-E-= ='eEO.=E'-oO.itHE5=.2'filr:tiil.iseoUqFOE-ol 9 oE-rr *:9 E O €lPts ?,6 E;e ! -rl (, -i -E E'; lz - !t -C-t_ .c !Y < az;, >.t 5l::gE;E;E€gAlE EE;?; E -ly! E t o.- -'- - oNf+i Eq-o99-626 ile EiE;;s; Ezlagd"E=EKd'ElE:E'HeEEeE trt - .:B v F{ = 9= o d dlE9-oiJe-rE-t9etEEEa-aFFiE<tE--q::AxEc EliE'-*E I: fr I I f slBE;EE# H€€ E-=:EflaE€€E g €E EEEgEi g o eLa c,.oAI Laat E.!t,IJi!ItrE ut orIt Irrltttt I Jot 01'li lrll { I I I JIt q "1.. lr I i I IJJIFoz,IJo =o- l-l tFrtlIE lliliill E H o B H $liEgEE l!l.c E El€ 3 flEa frl;$ :|a E Flft : :t:s i El.E; "rciPu-3 Eto. 10 o (! o CDo 3t .9 o()o o ;cr!;-5E'=dg .:7a! =.r69x6 otzlcrEO!(JXro5 .! cDo9.9o =!,:',140.eE ooCcD6io= =o.ltho6-5 o- oF c H€'=Es* icE? rE:cEE:g = EEQ-6PEE qE -Ft= > - L:'= .s H -,b.oe :EFX€;E ;; EE=-=eE s::"-eEF q€€€E;tg:CgE-6., g;gEE €EA.EiE.i. tulrsEEEEEbE EiE E FE:€ gEgiEEEE qEE; ifEiEEEE09X Eis'PE e:E*!;=E# .t iag:EieaigliEiaaiEaEEtEiEaia,[ ffilll,ffi!g{! ffiffiElg? P. 13Sep-14-98 ll:llA Rob and Jennifer Mach 970-949-7049erto H U) fl g E 6 EEr.-eB!E :I E-: ird AEE598 !stE oorOarOel TOWI,I OFVAIL Departnet of Communiry Development 75 South Fronrage Rod ValL Colorado E1657 97A479-21s8 FAX 970-479-24s2 Re: April3, 1998 Robert A. Mach PO Box 18195 Avon, CO 81620 4998 Meadow Drive Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn 5th Addition Dcar Robcrl: I havc rcvicwed the plans and nced to havc thc following items submitted: l. Please providc a title repoft (A & B). 2. Plcase provide the tcst of the application package (matcrials list. landscaping, utility verification. etc.). I have enclosed the shcets fol you to fill out in casc you no longer have thcm. 3. Pleasc plovide a lighting plan including cut shcets and lumen calculations. 4. Please provide samples of building matcrials. The Public Works deparlment will complctc thcir leview when the complete package of matetials is submittcd. This application will bc schedulcd for a final revicw with the Dcsign Rcview Board when I havc rcceived a completc application packagc. Ifyou have any questions. plcase call me at (970) 479-2454. Very trulv voul's. Unawh44?JL nnstre Eanon Town Planner €g**"u"^'o TOWI,I OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 97A-479-2138 FAX 97A479-2452 April3, 1998 Robert A. Mach PO Box 18195 Avon, CO 81620 Re: 4998 Meadow Drive Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn 5th Addition Dear Robert: I have reviewed the plans and nccd to have the following items submitted: L Please provide a title report. 2. Is there an existing culvert or wetlands on this property? 3. Please show the existing and proposed 48 and 52 contours on your site plan. 4. Your proposed grading exceeds 2:1 in a few spots, please correct. 5. Your curb cut excceds the maximum 24'allowcd. 6. Your driveway will not drain well. The driveway grade is 0.3% which is below our minimum grade requirement of 0.5% 7. Please place an 18" culvert underneath your driveway to allow for cross drainagc. The culvert needs to have at least l2" ofcovcr. 8. Please provide the rest ofthe application package (materials list, landscaping, utility verification, etc.). 9. Pleasc providc ridge lines and heights on the site plan so I can calculate building heights. 10. Please providc a lighting plan including cut shects and lumen calculations. I l. Thrce parking spaces are requircd for this dwelling unit. Show third space in driveway. 12. Show snow storage area. 13. This application will be scheduled for a conceptual review with the Dcsign Rcview Board on April 15, 1998 since the application is incomplete at this time. Bring samples of materials to the meeting. If you have any questions, please call me at 479-2454. Verx truly vours.(lttn+Nh'Q, Christie Barton Town Planner {P *"n""to""' Communi,fi.n.lopment Plan Routingl.t Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee, Fire Works Retum To:Christie Barton Date Routed:3t24t98 Retum By:4^t98 Project Name: ProJect Address: Project Legal: Project Dcscription: Sheffield Residence 4998 Meadow Drive Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn 5th New Single Family Residence Approved _X_Denied (cite detailed rcasons) Approved with conditions COMMENTS l.) Is there an existing culvert or wetlands on this property? 2.)Please show the cxisting and proposcd 48 and 52 colltours on your site plan. 3.)Your proposed grading exceeds 2:l in a few spots, please correct.. 4.)Your curb cut exceeds the maximum 24' allowed. 5.) Your driveway will not drain well. The driveway grade is 0.3%, which is below our minimum grade requirement of 0.5% for drainage. 6.)Please place an I 8" culvert underneath your driveway to allow for cross drainage. The culvert needs to have at least 12" of cover. T. Partch reccived: 3125198, reviewed 3127198. returned 3l30l98, Date received: Reviewed by:Date rcviewed: L c\eD,,r)! dr)n, rlt lirfln oo t AM ER I C AN LAN D T TTLE ASSOC I AT I ON OWNER'S POUCY ( 10-t7-92) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERACE. THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Missouri colporation, herein called the Company, insurcs, as of Datc of Folicy shofln in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated thcrein; 2. Any defect in or lien or cncumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack ofa right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenscs incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the cxtent provided in thc Conditions and Stipulations. In Wtness Whereof, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to bc signed and sealed as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countersigned by an authorized signatory. ISSUED BY: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Rd. W, Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 476-2251 Fax (970) 476-4534 CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By: AzQ ,/ Presidcnt W-r",-"t fu Ur^^"- U secrctary By: ALTA Owncr's Policy (10-17-92)06 0067 106 589 EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The follorylng mattets arc exprcssly excluded fmm the coverage ot this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, cogts, attorneys' tees or expenses which arise by reason ol: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning taws, ordinances, ot rcgulalions) testricting, rcgulating, prohibiting or relating to (D the occupancy, use, or enioyment of the land; (li) the characte( dimensions or location of any impmvement now or her€after erected on ihe land; (iii) a separarion in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel ol which the land is or was a part; or (iv) environmental protection, or lhe eftect ot any violation ot these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except to the extenl that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notice ot a detect, lien or encumbrance resulting lrom a violation or alleged violation atfecting the land has been rccorded in the public records at Date ol Policy. (b) Ary govemmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notice of the exercise ther€ot or a notlce of a detect, lien or encumbrance resultlng fmm a violation or alleged violation aflecting the land has been Ecorded in the public Ecords at Date of Policy. Rights ol emlnent domain unless notice of the exercise thercot has been recorded in the public records at Date ot Policy, but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred prior lo Date ot Policy which would be binding on the rights ot a purchaser for value wlthout knowledge. Delects, llens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matlers: (a) created, suftered, assumed or agreed to by lhe insuted claimant; (b) nol known to the Company, not recorded In the publlc records at Oate ot Policy, but known to the insured clalmant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the dale the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting In no loss or damage to lhe insured claimanl; (d) attachlng or crcated subsequent to Date ol Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained It the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or inlerest insured by this policy. Arry claim, which arises out ot the transactlon vesting in lhe lnsurcd ihe eslale or Inter€st insur€d by this policy, by reason of the operation ot lederal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditols' rights laws, that is based on: (i) the transsction creating the estate or interest insured by this policy being deemed a traudulent conveyance or traudulent transler: or (ii) the tran3action creeting the estate or interest insurcd by this policy being d€emed a preterential transter except where the preterential transfer results tmm the lailure: (a) to timely record the instrumenl of transfer; or (b) ot such rccordatlon to lmpart nollce to a purchaser tor value or a iudgment or lien creditor. lel 301-3294 o coN DITIONS AND ST]PULATIONS 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS The tollowing terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured;: the insured named in Schedute A, and, subject lo any rights or b;te;s;s the Company would have had against the named insured' those *nJ"u"il"o io the inteiest of the named insured by operation ol law as J"tintrlif,"O from purchase including. but not limited to, herrs' drstributees' J"ui"E"". survivors, personal representatives, next of kin' or corporate or tiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage' ici "knowtedqe" or "known": actual knowledge, not construclive knowl- "obl oi noric" it ich may be imputed to an insured by reason ol the public i""'-ai ai oetineo in this policy or any other records which impart construc- tive notice of matters atlecting the land. {d) "land": th€ land described or relerred to in ScheduleA, and improve- r"'ni" lffi""O ift"r"to which by law constitute real property' The lerm "land" Jo""-"ot inctude any properiy beyond the lines of the area describod or ieJeneO to in ScheduleA, nor'any iigtrt, title. interest, estate or sasement in abuttino stre€ts, roads, avenues' alleys, lanes' ways or wateMays' but nolh- in-g her;in sttaf i;odity or limit the extdnt to which a right of access to and from the land is insured bY this Policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage' deed of trust, trust desd, or other securlty instrument. afl "oublic tecords": records established under slate statutss at Date of poiiiv iJitt" purpose of imparling constructive notice of matte-rs relal'ng to r""t ;rooenv tb purchasers for valuo and withoul knowledge Wilh.Iespecl to biiii"'ribii"j 5itt " Eiitusions rrom coverage, "public rscords". shall also r"irO" "i'ii'.ittental proteclion liens filed in the records of the clerk of the iJnireO StaiJs Olstrict court tor the district in which the land is located' (o) "unmarketabililv of the title": an alleged or apparent matter atlecting tn.]iitr" io tr'" i"nd, riot excluded or excepled from coverage' which would "niiG i'put"t'".er of the estate or interest described in Schedule A to be reteased irom the obligation to purchase by virtue of a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable title. 2. CONTTNUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF TITLE The coverage of this policy shall continue in lorce as of Dats of Policy in fa"oi of anlniir"o onty io long as the insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase mon€y mongage oiven uv a ourchasar from lhe insured, or only so long as the insured shall i"ue r"birit'v uv t"json of covenants ol warranty made by the insured in any ir"nit"r' ot 6onu"yunce of the estato or interest This policy shall not contlnue i" ioi"l t t"uot 6t any purchaser trom the insured of either (i) an estate or int"iJ in the land, or iii) an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given to the insured 3. NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT-'Ttre insured strall notity ths Company promptly in writing (D incase ol any litioation ;s set forth in Seition a(a) 6etoq (ii) in case knowledge shall come to ;;'i".;*d h;;"r"oer of any ctairir of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest' as insured' and which might cause loss or dam- aos for which tho Company may be liable by virtue of this policy' or (iii) if title to lh% estate or interest, as in!ured' is rejected as unmarketable lf prompt notrce ;;;tl; be giu"n to tt'e company' ihen as to the insured all liability ol the Company strittterminate with regard to the mattetor matters lot whlch prompt noticL is'requiteo; provided, ho;evs( that lailure to notit,'the ComPany shall in no ii"e preiu<iite tha rights of any insured under this policy unless the c"r.pinv "f,aifu" pre.iudic;d by the f;ilurs and lhen only lo the extent of the projudice. 4. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS; DUTY OF lNsuREo CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE (a) UDon written request by the insured and subject to the oPtlons con- tai)'?ali-dliiiiit-o oirirei; ci,noitions and stipulations, the companv' at its own cost and without unreasonable dolay, shatl provide lor the delense of an iniur-J,n tifig.tion in which any third pariy asserts a claim advers€ to the title oiini"i""t iiin"ured, but onty as to rhose srated causes of acrion alleging a J"i""i, iiln ot.n.rmbrance oiother matter insured against bythis policy' Ths 6i,iti,liiu '"r'"ii ni""lhe risht to select counsel of its choice (subject to the il;i'"iiii"l;;t;o to ouiecitot reasonable cause) to rspresent the insured as io"itroi" tiat"o c"uses oi action and shall nol be liable lor and will not Pay the ieei of any other counsel. Ths Company will not.pay any fe-e-s' costs or "ro"n""i incuned by the insured in tire detense ol those causes of action which allege matters not insured against by this policy' (b) The bompany shall have the right, at its.own cost' 10 institute and ordsbcuto anv action or proceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion 'tiu U" nec"i".w or deiiraole to establish the title to the estate-or interest' as i""i'iO, Jt t'-Jp.i""t or reducs loss or damage to the insur€d' The Company mav taks anv aDpropriate action under tho tgrms of this policy-.whether or not iiir{rrroe ri"6e tLreundet, and shallnot thor€by concede liability or waive any prouiiion oi tt'i" policy. ll the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph. it shall do so diligently. (c) whonever the company shall havs broughl an action or inlerposed a deiense as required or permitaed by the provisions ol this policy' the company riv iri*" "iv tiiig;tibn to final d'elermination by a court of competent iur's- Oiiiidn anO express-ly reserves lhe righl, in its sole discretion' lo appeal lrom any adverse judgment or order. iol tn atl cases wnere this policy permits or requires th€ Company to prose- ""i;'o;;-;'d;for. the delen;e of anv action ot procesding, the insured shall r""uie iolne Cotpany the tight to so prosecute or provide de1ense in the icrion oi proce"Oing, ind att ippeats therein, and permit the Company lo lili. li'ir! ooiio". itr" name iri tne insured for this purpose' whensv€r ;;id"d d iti; a'o m pa nv, ttre insured, at the company's expense' shall give inJ c"riiiiv "rr ,e"ionjute aid (i) in any action or.proc.eeding' securing euiOJnc", oU'r.ining witnesses, prosecuting or delending lhe actlon ot pro- "".JnS,'oi "ft".tirig settlement, and (ii) in any olher lawlul act.which in the ooinio;ot the companv may bs necessary or desirable to establish the title to id;;;i;6 ;; iilerelGJ instireo. lf ttre corirpanv is prejudiced bv rhe railure ol itte iniureo to turnlsh the required cooperation, the Company's o..bligalions to it'J i^""ilo ""0.t the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obliga- iioir io JeiJna, prosecute' or continue any litigation, with tegard to the matter or matlers requiring such cooperation. 5. PFOOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE ln addition to and after the notices required under Section 3 ol these Condi' tionsinO-stiprtations have been provided the Company'. a prool ol loss or iili:*Jirq;;!J i;o sworn ro uy ttt6 insured claimant shall bo furnrshed to the c;;;;; iittrrngo davs alterihe insur€d claimant shall ascerta'n ths lacts Jrtinl ris'e ro tne foss or damage The proof of loss or damage shall describe in" Oiie"r ,". or lien or encumbrance on the title, or other matter insu;ed lb"riili tni't-p"ricy which constitutes the basis ol loss or damage and shall i6G. io iit" "*ont possrble, the basis of calculating lhe amount ol the loss or Jmiq". f f tn" Cotpany is prejudiced by the tailure ol the insured claimanl lo ;il;;ii;;;";itd p,6ot bt tbss or damase' the companv's obligations to i;;l;;iej unoer tne policy shall terminale. including any liability.or obliga- iior, iJJ"ieno, ptosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such proot ot loss or damage' In addition, the insured claimant may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authotized representative ol-lhe Company inA snatt produce for sxaminalion, Inspeclion and copying' at sucn teason- ible times and places as may be designaled by any authonzed Iepresontative oi tne Compuriy, all records' books, ledgers, checks, correspondence ano r"t.*"0j, w'hether bearing a date before oI aller Oate of Policy' which r€asonablv oedain to the loss or damage Further' il requesled by any aulho- iiiJ r"p,i,Ji"i"ti"J ol the Company,-the insured clarmant shall granl iis oeimission. in wrilino, lor any authorized repressntative ol th€ company lo Liamine, 'nspecl and coPy all records, books, ledgers' checks' cortespon- i"ill urio .[torunda in tire custody or control ol a thrrd party' which reason- ISiv jJ"i" i" in! toss or damage. Ail inlormation designated as confidential tu itre,nsureO claimant provided to the Company pursuant to this Seclion ii"ir noi o" Ji""r"sed to others unless, in the reasonable iud-gment ol the ijo.o"nu. il is necessary in the administlation of the claim Failura ol the riur'J iraimant to submit lor examinalion under oath, Produce other reason- aolv reouested information or grant permission lo secure reasonably neces' ;;; i;[-t;;;; lr;m lhird pa;ies as required in this paragraph shall termi' nat; any hability ol the Company under thrs policy as to thal clarm 6. OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS; TERMINATION OF LIABILITY ln case of a claim under this policy, the Company shall have the following additional oPtions: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount ot lnsurance' io pay oi tena"r payment ol the amount of insurance under this policy tooether wilh any costs, attorneys' lees and expenses incurted by. the insured iriimant, wnicn were authorized by the Company' up to the time ol paymenl ol tender ol payment and which the Company is obligated to pay' uoon the exercise bv the Company of this option, atl liability and obligations t" il5i".ti"l ,"o"ttnG poticy, oineitran to make the payment required' shall i"-inii", including any liability or obligation to defend' prosecute' or con ii^i," "^vlitig"iio",-ano tne poticy strall-be surrendered to the company lol cancellation. (b) To Pay or Othenyise Settle With Parties Other than the Insured ot with the Insured Claimanl. (i) to oaY or olherwise settle with other parties tor or in the name ol an inruiLJ.iaiinint "ny claim insured against under this policy' together wilh an\ iosts, attorneys' fees and expenseJincurred by the insured claimant whict *"* Lui'ri"tiilo ov tne comiany up to the time ot Payment and which tht Company is obligated to PaY; or (iit to oav or otherwise settle with the insursd claimant the loss or oamag( oroJii"O ioi ,nO"t this policy' togsther wilh any cosls' attorneys' lees an( 6;;;;;;tlil;A uy the iniure? claimant which wer€ authorized bv lh' Ciitirji"v ,p t" m; tiine of payment and which the Company is obligated t( pay. Upon the exercisg by ths Conparaeraphs(b)(i)o,r,'r,,n""o#"11/,$;llJmj:T1f,,',::";i'"".'"iJrl: policy lor the claimed loss or damags, other ihan the payments reeurred to bemade, shall.lerminate, including any tiability or obti!atron to defdnd, prose_ cute or continue any litigation. 7. DETERMINATION, EXTENT OF LIABTLITY AND COINSURANCE This policy is a contract of indemnity against actual monetarv loss or dam_age sustained or incurred by the insured ctaimant who has suffered loss o,damage by reason of matters insured against by this policy and only to the extent herein described. _ (a) The liability ol ths Company under this policy shall nol exceed the least ol: (i) ihe Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A: or. (ii) lhe dilference between the value of the insured eslate or inreresr asinsured and lh6 value of the insured estate or interest subject to the defect,lien or encumbrance insured againsl by this poticy. (b) In the event tha Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A at the Date ofPolicy is less than 80 percent ot the value of the insured estate or inreresl or the full consideration paid for the land, whichever is less, or if subsequent tolhe Oate ol Policy an improvement is erected on the land which increases thevalue ot the insured estats or interest by at least 20 percent over the Amount otInsuranc€ stated in Schedule A, lhen this policy is subjecl lo the fo owing: _ (i)where no subsequent improvement has been made, as to any partial loss, lhe Company shall only pay the loss pro rata in thc proportion that theamount of insurance al Date of policy bears to the tolal value of the insured eslate or anlerest at Dale of Policy; or . (ii) wh€re a subsequent improvemenl has been made, as to any partial loss, the Company shalt onty pay the loss pro rata in the proportion that t20percenl ol thg Amount of Insurance stated in schedule A bears lo lhe sum oflhe Amount of Insurance statsd in Schedule A and the amount expended tor the imorovement. The provisions of.this paragraph shall not apply to cosls, attorneys'tees and-expenses lor which the Company is liabto under this policy, and shall onlyapply to that porlion ol any loss which exceeds, in the aggregaie, 1O percent otthe Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A. . (c) The Company will pay only those costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in accordance with Section 4 of these Condiiions and Stiouiations. 8. APPORTIONMENT lf the land described in Schedulo A consisls of two or more oarcels which are not used as a single sile, and a Ioss is established altecting one or more ofthe parcsls but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a oro rata basis as il the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to lhe value on Oate of Policy of each separato parcel lo the whole, exclusive of any improvemenls made subsaquent to Date of policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each parcel by lhe Company and the insured at the time of lhe issuance of this poticy and shown by an express stalemenl or by an endorsement attached to thrs policy. 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) lf the Company estabtishes lhe ti e, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures the lack of a right of access lo or trom the land, or cures the claim of unmarkelability ot ti s, all as insured, in a reasonablv diligenl manner by any method, including titigation and the comptetion ot ani appeals theref rom, it shall have fully perlormed its obligations wilh respecl to that matter and shall not be liablo for any loss or damage caused the;eby. (b) In lhe event ot any liligalion, including litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability tor Ioss or dam- age until lhsre has been a final determination by a couit of competent jurisdic- tion, and disposition ot all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title as insured. _. (c) The.Comp€ny shall not be tiable for toss or damag€ lo any insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the insured in set ing antctaim oi suit without the prior written consenl of the Company. 10. REDUCTION OF INSURANCE; REDUCTTON OR TERMTNATTON OF LIABILITY - All payments undsr this policy, sxcept payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expensss, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. 1 I. LIAAILITY NONCUMULATIVE It is exprsssly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall.be reducsd by any amount the Company may pay under any polic! insuring a mortgage to which exception is taken in Schedule B or io which thirinsured has agreed, assumed, or taken subiect, or which is hereafter gx- eculed by an insurad and which is a charge or lien on the sstate or interest describ8d or reterrsd to in Schedule A, and the amounl so Daid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to the insured ownsr. 12. PAYiIENT OF LOSS (a) No paymont shall bo made without producing this policy for endors6. mont ot th€ paymsnl unless thg poticy has boon lo$ or dosir6yod, in which case proof ol loss or destruction sha b6 turnished to tho satisiaction ol the Company. Roo.der Fonn No. 8256 (ncv. l0-t7-921 ,_ !b]-ry_l9i Lilbitlly and thafxte_nt of toss or damage has been definirety rixedIn accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations, the loss or damageshall bo payable within 30 days thereatter 13. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (a) The Company's Right of Subrogation. Whenever the Company shall have setfled and paid a claim under thispo cy,.a ngnt ol subrogaliOn shall vest in the Company unaffected by any actot the insured claimant. The. Company shall be subrogated to and be enti ed to all nghts andremedies which the insured claimant would have had againsl any pe6on orproperty in respect to the claim had this poticy not been isiued. I requested bythe.Company, the insured ctaimant shall transter to tha Compan| art rignfsand remedies against any person or property necessary ln oideito peiectthis righl of subrogation. The insured claima;t shall perinit the Company tosue, compromise or set e in lhe name of the insured ctaimant and to use tnename ol the insured claimant in any transaction or litigation involvrng lneserights or remedies. lf a paymenl on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss ot theinsured claimanl. the Company shal be subrogaled to thesa riqhts ind reme-orss tn lne proportron which lhe Company's payment beara to the wholeamount ot the loss. .. lf loss should result from any act of lhe insured claimant, as slated above,rhar aci.sh3ti nol void this policy. but the Company, in that event, shall berequrred to pay onty thal pa rl of any losses insured against by lhis policy whichshall exceed lhe amounl, if any, lost to the Company Uy reason oi theimpair-ment by the insured claimant of the Company's nght of subrogation. (b) The Company's Rights Againsl Non-insured Ob gors. The Company's raght of subrogation against non_insured oblioors shatl exast and shall include, without limitation, ths righls of the insuredjo indem-nities, guara ies, other policies of insurancs oibonds, notwithstanding anyterms or conditions contained in those instruments which provide for subioga'-tion rights by reason ot this policy. 14. ARBITRATION . Unless prohibited by applicabte taw'€itherthe Companyorthe insured maydemand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbiiration Flutes of th; American Arbitration Association. Arbitrable matters may include, but are notlimited to, any conlroversy or claim between the Company and the Insureoarising out of or relating to this policy, any service of the Companv in connec-tion with its issuance or the breach of a policy provision or other obliqation. nttarbitrable mattsrs when the Amount of Insurance is $1,OOO,OO0 orless shall be arbitrated at the option ol either the Company or the insured. All arbitrablemallers when the Amount of Insurance is in excess of $1,OOO,OOO shall bearbitrated only when agreed to 5y both the Company and the insured. Arbitra_tion pursuant to lhis policy and under the Rules in effect on the dale thedemand for arbitration is made o( at the option of the insured. the Rutes inettect at Date of Policy shall be binding upon the parties. The award may include attorneys' fees only if the laws ot the state in which the land is tocatedpermrt a court lo award a orneys'tees to a prevalling parly. Judgment upon rne award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any COUrt havingjurisdiction thereof. The law ol the situs of the tand shall appty to an arbitration under the Ti elnsurance Arbitration Rules. A copy of the Flules may be obtained from the Company upon requesr. 15. LIABILITY LIMITED TO TH|S pOLtCy; pOLtCy ENTTBE CONTRACT ^ (a) This policy together with a endorsements, if any, attached hereto by lhe Company is the entire policy and contract between th; insured and the iom-pany. In interpreting any provision of this policy, this poticy shall be construed as a whole. . (b) Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, anowhich arises out of the status ot the title to the estate or intdrelt covereo hereby or by any action assening such ctaim, shall be restricted to this policy. (c) No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made except by q.writing ondorsed hereon or attached hsreto signed by either the president, iVice Pr€sident, the Secrstary, an Assistant Se;retary:or vatidating officer orauthorizsd signatory ol ths Company. 16. SEVERABILITY In lhe event any provision ot the policy is held invalid or unentorceable under applicable law, the policy shall be dCem6d not to include that orovision and all other provisions shall remain in full torcs and effect. 17. NOTICES, WHEFE SENT All nolicos roquired to be given the Company and any statsm€nt in writing required.lo bo tufnishod tho Company shall inctude the numbor ol this polici and shall b€ addr€ssed to the Company at ths issuing ofiice or to: Chlcago Tltle Insur?nce Company Clalms Deparlment i7| North Clark Street Chtcrgo, ntnots 60601-3294 Poticy nl ct"u 26o7soForm AO/CHI Order No. V260790 Amoung $300, 000 .00 SCHEDI'LE A Address LOT 19 BIGHORN 5TH ADD 1. Policy Dat,e: April 2L, L998 aE 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Insured: .IAMES E. SHEFFIELD AND LYNDA SHEFFIELD CO-TRUSTEES OF'THE JLS TRUST DATED APRIL 9, ]-994 3. The est,at.e or inEerest in the land described in this Scheduleand which is covered by Ehis policy is: .4, Fee Simple 4. Title to t,he esEaEe or inE.erest covered by this policy at t,he daEe hereof is vest,ed in: JAMES E. SHEFFIELD AND I,YNDA SHEFFIELD CO-TRUSTEES OF THE JLS TRUST DATED APRIL 9, T994 5. The land referred Eo j.n this policy is siEuaEed in EAGI-,ECounty, Colorado, and is described as follows: LOT 19, BLOCK 7, BIGHORN SI'BDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PITAT THBREOF, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. I,AIID TITLE GUARAMTEE COMPANYPage 1 This Policy valid only if Scbedule B is at,tached. r ' Form Ao/cHr oru?*o v26o7so nolf",, No. crEu2oo?eo SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against, loss or damage (and the Companywill not, pay costs, atEorneys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: General ExcepE,ions: 1. Right,s or claims of parties in possession not shown by chepublic records. 2. EncroachmenLs, owerlaps, boundary line disput.es, or other maLters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey andinspection of the premises. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by Ehe public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a 1ien, for services, labor, or maLerialheretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by Iaw and not shownby Ehe public records. 5. 1-998 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6. LIENS FOR I]NPAID WATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF A}TY. 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepEerdber L3, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49]-. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENA}TTS WHICH DO NOT CONTA]N A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED NovembeT 25, L966, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. 9. A FIVE FOOT WIDE STIP ALONG ALL IMTERIOR LOT LINES IS DEDICATED AS TITILITY EASEMENIS FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS AS NOTED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. 10. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOITIN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. Page 2 ,lorn*.rn*"o* t"*' ". TYPE OF MATERIAL: 7 il/* -/ ' BUILDINC MATERIALS:COLOR:+ /44,412E furtZ; /A,UZE y'lrt'kAt Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirrr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr * Plea.se spcciff the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All cxterior lighting must meet thc Town's Lighting ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate th-c nuitber offixturcs and locations on a scparate lighting plan. ,Ideltiff each fixhrc type and provide ih" hright uboue grade, lumcns output, lutninous arca and attach a cut shcot ofthe lighting fixturcs' .r' Updated 5/97 I. I - .tunJs;LLLetfs-tEPmnoorili"9'1"9*9.nnrfer Mach e7a-,,4i--.rtr#!Sra ''"o ,.o",..05,.-lF."s.B, ,, .JJI utjM -lnvon, coLoRA;f--, r"J- E-ro ATftJ: rd)rL, H HI Hl"ffiT,#H.*j:::!!rcdoa rrr drara Do srca ia ca,riwilrro.,Il m*fr:*y1l].y:la;, "8 il ;;,. -..;m;',ffi *,fl ;"ffi ,5-g1115rinci-1r'npoecrri..r.,,*i"r,".6.';;;;;:#iliiffi &Trff *f;eo|||crnyin|liaflrr. U5. lt'sri grrr;.urhrrift i-;iii:-?:!.t';; a3i.iitco i,- ?at-ijii tzrt tl .Cll * tiiDlk E;irtc Cirl:ir,iF 2g_s r/;€2?Gri!!::! 4t?s,+y lleiyCrsElpicArc. Pf9.-3;9! Tcdtft*t Jctr1r ford r.c.t. ttt; ta9-ttto flqdtblc Feoln Div+v lllrrp * Sr-i:;*ior t lirrrt4 r a?6.latll F.t l lfrr.l.. ;Iffi: ffil::Sil .*:gfiDoc w|'fn olrr,rrns una4 firgtcvr||ry wr,"I s|rir.,ioe NO?E!i: t.lftltc utilirv ,.cific{tor fan|r hr *ignrrrrcr fhn'r cr.:h ofrr. ir;frrv .{yrnaiFr. rrvr ,..ffiffi:ffi*g- thc iorm thc tosn *,rr d.ro rfu t.,p r'. nn dcnrr r,* lff UilfV COfr-nrqv hrf macqrrc rrhh rrr+*ql .."arrrrrs r*1t',lfirr gArnf::!!:irt :b!!norodirrgly m rhc rtliry vdfierric. a.rri lrrr;,:;; 'rc *s,,c rio.iiir-, ii".i.,r ; :" ;;; ;; ;;H*ffi,'*'* #lccrr in minrl riu i ir thc rcr idertr6cd rrroblgrs rrritilip 6f f|c ptifit-v n"mlrrav eri rha mrli.rnr r^ ;,j';-' tfcc scinCffinr ae n Elicr_c thc canrrrmr af tte rrreor*h:H,!, ,n nbh r hrhfir lfruP,"rrir fronr ric Dcn''nol mn xi.-wiJ.;;",.;;JiJ iil;;G;.;:.?rtr-red hcfr.|t ftilrtt h rw-nblk adr*--* -'dr** gitiirr rlc Ton orvrit ah|ircm Dqlrir ir rir j norii wry;;; ;il;;;ir.crr"!^*, 3. ETIiAPILTCATIOTI CONFENENCb: 1 q.tl{ JaJ| ! r,ua(: u?H6, 1-..qot dG3 r to j5_a1-rrlr {il.s{'i.eiFrr'r f ty'/.. fto.a 6t3tz--t6-O!6 U5, 15. gB U2:01 PM I(AVON, COLORADO.- P01' fu Cu-.t. :g.glrLr,r-^..rr'|rvE.[r'lr.Al|i,|g-Awirusrb ThiS fOm is tO vCfifi Scrvicc availabitity rnd lomdon for ncg cprstnrclioa .nd rhould bc u'cd in ci,rri*nctio{r With prqrrring yqir Uliiiry plan rd Schcduirng Inliaiidtrons. I hc aocltrort l|id rvetladlrqf Ot siiiiirei. wncur6 thc)r bc nrain tnrnk iins or propo|'scd llncs. musi irc lPfrto\,cO rnO venfieo by iirc r-oi'lo'wir'9,'.rsiiiics r-o.- i'iro rccomprnying silc Pian. vt ra T--JJtlatl -1wts Al<la, h..ll:-. rF---r..- ar\t!rlallriarrt A---or --'., 'tl-12,, ..v4-'at'i: Aurhorhcd Signrhrrc fi t -/ti-n- [ /-k^f'a^i i--'-t tF a f.ta -i -r Dltr (itrlactj i ia t I A a:--. rr^tl lloly Crom Elccric Anoc. 949,-<!t92 Tcd Hurly/John Boyd r'.c.r. :1/,36 949.5530 Flovd Solrzr laha2.'1 -tFt a ^o rl - .\- 6lc-s qtitqrqcA \)r ;lh €\^a0 I Faoh Qiwr.e W*r & Sa"ir"rir.a fliclrir_.t r a7A.1a$r Frcd l llelce -vR^i0q ' Plcasc bring a sitc nlan. floor olan. nnd clcvations whcn obtainino Unncr Esolc Vallcv Wernr & Sanirnrion siurrnturc*. Firc flcw nccdr rlrrcl hc a.ldr...Fr..l NOTES: !. lfthc Utililv vcrifrcation fornr ha-s sirnntrrrcs fronl cech nfthc rrtilirv ennrnnnicc. rnd nn commc[ts erc nradc dircctlv on thc fornr. thc -Iown wrll orcsunrc lhar thcrc arc no nrohlcms and thc dcvcloorucnt crn nmcs.d 3- Thcsc veriflcgtions do not rtlicvc the conlrector of the rsnonrihitirv rn ahlain r Arhlic rlfev Pcrmit fom thc Dcnanment of Puhlic Worte rt thc T.twn of Veil lhil y lar=.idan! rq.rgha oblaincd bcforc digging in any nublic righr-of-*ay or cas:crncnr within rhe Tnu,n of Vril A building. oCrnit is not 8 hrblic Wuv ncrmit rnd must bc oltaincd rcnarlctv Pf, F,.APPLICATION CON FERENCT.: 2. 4 Uadrcd 6/97 r,lcsl^l raJtuu.e puE 1raqou d€9:IO aE_gI _,(EW aiv{00at TO'd 6O0L-6t6-OL6 m'v . e2. 1998 8: 14AmMqy-2f-98 ol:49P t- HJLY CROSSRotrert and VT.IIL.fennf f€|^ Mach nru.ts Dltr P_Ol P.1 This forrn is to vcrify s,svice aveibbilify fnd localion fot nc}r' CotLsblction rnd shoutd bC uscd in clnjuaction il; ffi;"; il';tttbd;a Jla,ri"g i*rattations. rhc location and evailabilitv of utilitics. whahcr -flrcy bc main mrnk hncs ot ptqroccd lincs. ,nusr bc aJrproted end verified by thc following utilitice for thc rccompanying sitcllan. Arfu&slSitlebltg U.S. Wcst Comnrutiohons l-1r0c922-1987 16r-6s60 o.t eA[il?t9 En, o* Public Scryicc CotnFsny -*u ?G'z-4o97GaryFtall #tTeKtft Hoiy Crbs Elocrric Assoc. e4e-Srte2 ,/ 4q4 Ted Husky/JotnBoYd r.c r. tt4kzr, ll( 949-5530 noyd Sslu"N'qt-: LL ' Eaglc Rivcr Warcr & S:anitation District a 4',16.74t0 Frcd llasle *P Ae po. c{cosnqA'b\g$ ds^*p. \sd\$ot0rn q - t-o:lt i-p-rs : plcnst bringa sirc plan, floor |lan. arrd clcvatiorrs *tor obtaining.Uppcr Eaglc Vatlcy Water lE Sonitation $gnalurcs. Firc flow nccd* nru*r'bc addrcrsed. NOTES: I . lfrhc utitiry vcriflc*ion form has signalurcs f.om cqch ofthc utility companics, aad no _ comrnc1b arc fiarlc dircctly on thc form. thq Tqrn will prcqsttrc t},it ih-{c ilt no problc-tng 3.1d thc doroloPrEnt cflr-Irwc.d 2. .lfo utility conrpnny har conccnrs with thc paopotcd eonstsuction, thc utility rcprcsortat-vc shall , notc dircaly on thc urility vcrificrrion fonn thet thoc is a ptiblem vhich ncsds to bc rcsolvcd Tho issuc shoutd th6l bc &tailcd in an afiaohcd lcttcr io ths Tortn of Vail. Howcvcr, plcaso kccp in rnind rhat it is drc rcqrowibility of thc utility corqrny and lhc applicant lo rcsolvc - idtrrlifiod Pro[lcmr. 3. Thcsr; vcrifc*iors do not rdievc thc contactc of thc rccporsibility to ohain a hrblic, lilay ' . parnit ton rtic Ogpqtrnort of fuHic Worts rr thc Tom of Veil. Utility lqetionr musl bc - OritrAf*lig.aifdng h.ny ;rblic rigbt-of.sry or catorncnt within the Tovrr of Vail. A . irimii4rannit b n{f rfirblic r['qy Dcrrait zrd npsf bc obrrirrcd,sgpen clY. r. PR$APiLJCnrroN cqNtFRENcE .,, Upddcd 5/9? a This form is to vcrifi scrvicc availability and location for new conshuction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics, whcthcr thcy ilc nrain -trunk linc.s or proposcd lincs, muit bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc accompanying sitc Plan. Authorizcd Signaturc Datc U.S. Wcst Communications | -800-922-1987 46lt-6860 or 949-45.30 ,-.-cl4'i -rt7f rrt< Public Scrvicc Colnpanyrf iFr ?oz 4617 Gary Hafl 4o7ok'f e Holv Crbss Elcctric Assoc. sig-sasz N 46tO Tcd Husky/John BoYd 't'.ct xlll 74x t'r> lb4 -949-5530 /' eNtq nloyo Satazar +{ iZ l flaglc Rivcr Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc a?kleL S'22 I 3. $<. As g o* q\ko\*{b,;\* 'd.u-p . q -l0-qq * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Water & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc flow lrccds lrrust bc addresscd' NOTES: l. If thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs from cach ofthc utility companics, and no commcnts arc ma<Ic dirc,r:tly on thc fonn. thc Town will prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcms and thc dcvcloPrrtcnt can Procccd. If a utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction, the utility rcprcscntativc shall notc dircctly on thc utitity verification form that thcrc is a problcm which nccds to bc resolved. Thc issuc should thcn bc detailed in an attached letter to thc Town of Vail. Howcvcr, pleasc kccp in mind that it is thc rasponsibility of thc utility company and thc applicant to rqsolvc idcntificd problcms. The.se verifications do not rclieve thc conbactor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from thc Department of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilig locations must bc obtained beforc digging in any public right-of-way or caserncnt within thc Town of Vail' A PRE-APPLICATION CON FERENCE -t' Updated 6/97 mAY zl 'gu l3: lU t! t-adrJ-g-r -ltct tira- : l. .l'F P*GL - }1!r I ti6be-.r. |i ;er,., iier ilia.gh SZO-;+S|+= UTILITY I OCAIIIINJEEIIICAIIO! ble t- . r, .1. :-^ -,.^:l^t^:ti.r, --J larrfian f^r h.tr, .nnrlnrcfion nnd chould bc uCCd in conruncoorf InN lortll a! lt vLt.,, at ?.ev3'3'rgv.'rv 4'e'-*r"- 'n' '- .-.,.:r:r. -r^- --r -h.l!iti^-;nchllori.mc Thc location snd svailabili$ of utililica, rrhdftEfwlrlr lx\1r4.r.5 ,v{. ut.rr., -L--L- --:- H.-r, r:r- a. *^rnaal tinrc nr*rt hc ennrovcrl-end vcrified bv thc followinn utililics for thotarr;l rrv a..ar.. - -------..i-- -io^ -l-*attr,vt I {r6r.t...6 rD.v ld.r Authgizdsitsattrc U,S. Wcs: Conmqdiestions ! -toGq??- l 987 t168.6860 or 949-4530 -- Public Scnricc ComFnY -x*tt+ ?Gz 1057 Gan' Hall 4o7aK'l a Holy Cbsc Elccric Ascoc. e4e-ite2 / 4rt0 Tcd HuslrY/John BoYd T.C.l. 94r.5510 Floyd $ralrr MOV 2l '99 tlci 3t4 4-3,/-?B-+----- r l rl \\ t tFe 4O p<.:r q.hd\gd $/\:iF.*Sr{so$. |lglc Klv6 rl Ercr dt Sarllalon Lr$1ncr ' 4ro- 140u l'rco na.llcu - nr---- L---- -ir- -r^- nae.e *roa --/ r|l.I,erinnq urhcD obteinins Un961f,xglc Vallcy Water & Sanitabon- i'lt dn9 a'lrtt6,6 ntrt lr.sr'. "vv' E:-^ at^r,r h^-,lc -!r,or hc addrc-sscd- r,r/liFC' z. lfthc rrlilitw vcrificatifi fotm has sigraturc-s from cach ofthc utilily cornF€nics' at|d no "o-**'.ro *dc dirtctly on thc iorm. thc To*n will prcsUnrc that th.1c erc no problcms alli lhc dcwlopnrcnt can rtrocccd. lf a utititv co-tsry har conccrns with thc pro'poscd cooslnrdlon' thc utiltty rg'rcscrrciivc siraii *i Ot"afv * tfr".'tility vcrifrcdion form thgt thcrc Is a Froblcm whictr ncctis io irc r*viv'*i' ft *;**o "fn*fa thcn bc-d€,tlilcd in on arlgchod lcttcr to lhc I orn ofVaii' Howsvcr' pirIesc kccp in nrind that it is thc rceponsibility of thc utilrty company 8nd thc appiiceni ie 'csoivc idcnti6cd problcms. Thcss vgificdiorls do not rclicrvc thc GoDtirclor of iito rcspon:iiriiiiy to ob-.aii' a hrblic Yr'' cy .rr !r tt.:rt!-t---..i^-. -...a|r^pcrmit fiom thc Dcpartrn€ot of Pubhc worls at nc I o\NIl ol v n . v.lAugr.radrrstllTr-v: . - ,. --.:.L:- .L^ f ^-- atl/oll A obtginodbcfd,'gdiSgioSinarrypubiicrigirt.of-wayor.c&ie{titg|ii*i.uiiniircigtti.si.ig|l.i PRE APPI-|(JL[ llrNLlltlt'Ef $a]O.A :j-0-?r,r1 I 3. UDdstcd 6D7 . 9?e 949 ?94,e PeGE - alt I x.* TOTAL PAGE . AB I \t ^\.1 .A'lrcn{\ {.{o.fYqQ- .t' xx November 18, 1992 On November 16, 1992, the Community Development Department received a complaint (Lorelei Donaldson took the message), from Jim and Mindy Mandel (476-8139), owners of half of a duplex on Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn subdivision, 5th Addition. The Mandel's said that someone was cutting down a large tree on the lot next to them (Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision, 5th Addition, 4998 Meadow Drive). Russell Forrest and I left to investigate the complaint within 5 minutes of the call. We arrived at the lot to see the Mandel's waiting on Meadow Drive along with the guy who was doing the cutting. The tree was approximately 50' high, and 24" - 30" (D.B.H.), and had a wedge cut out of it half way through the tree already. We introduced ourselves to the gentleman who identified himself as John Avil (479-9245). He was driving a blue Jeep Renegade, plate #PZC 750. John said that his dad owns the lot and told him to cut the tree down. His dad's name is Howard Avil (220-8381). I asked him why his dad wants the tree down and he said that his mom likes lots of sun and wanted the tree removed. We told Mr. Avil that it was a code violation to remove or destroy vegetation, or otherwise alter a site, without prior DRB review and approval. We told him not to cause any further djslulbance to the site. I asked him if the tree removal was necessary as part of an approved . plan for the property. He said his dad just bought the lot about a year ago so he did not think so. Russell and I decided that, for safety sake, lhe tree which Russell had determined was already as good as dead, should be brought down. The Mandel's commented to us that a nearby hill was used frequently by children in the area for sledding after school. We told Mr. Avil that before we would allow him to bring the tree down, we wanted to get a picture of it, so we would be going back to the office to get a camera and to check the file to see whether or not a previous approval had been granted. We told John we would be back in a half hour and that in the meantime he should go call his dad to see whether or not the property had some sort of development approved for it, and that his dad should call me immediately. Russell and I came back to the office to get the camera and to check the file. lt turns out that in April of 1990, the "Leary" residence received DRB approvalfor a single family home on the property. Approval of the plan was given a one year extension in 1991, but expired in April of 1992. ln any event, the approved landscape plan did not involve the removal of either of the two large trees on the property. Russell and I went back out to the lot where we met John and a friend and Todd Oppenheimer. Todd was there to estimate the value of the tree. Later another friend of, J<ihn-> ddf'3-snoweO up and they proceeded to attempt to drop the tree without much luck. Sirb6 I 'las late for a rneeting b3ck at the Ter".,n cffices, ! asked Russe!! te dri,re nne back tc the office. Russell then went back out to the lot where he saw them eventually drop the tree. The tree landed in the willows north of the property and not in the intended direction, which was west. November 17,1992 At approximately 11:00 A.M. I received a call from Mr. Avil who introduced himself as Bud. He said he was not aware that he needed approval to remove the tree and apologized tor the confusion. He asked what he needed to do next to make things right with the Town. I told Mr. Avil that our options are to issue a citation and order to appear in court or require payment for the value of the tree, in either cash or landscape materials, or possibly to submit a development plan for the property which shows significant plantings to compensate for the removal of the tree. I told him that I was going into a staff meeting that afternoon and I would discuss the issue with other staff members and call him back with further information. November 19, 1992 rLfr I met with Kristan to discuss the appropriate course of action. She sugglested that we ask Mr. Avil to submit a DRB application to amend the landscaping on the lot(to provide a letter of credit to assure comparable amount of vegetation was planted in the Spring. 2:00 P.M. I spoke with Bud about what he needs to do. He agreed with what I suggested, which was: Submit DRB application and fee to amend the landscaping on his lot. Provide a site plan showing what he will remove and what he will replace. Provide a letter of credit in the amount of the value of the tree which was felled to assure that the compensatory plantings are actually done in the Spring. Submit everything on or before December 6, 1992. (. Project Application Date Name:" 7* n*..eC - )'(-4 64-(-Project Project Contact Description: Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone:tQ 1a S- ?;o-egc*l gle57 Architect. Address and Phone: N /rl Legal Description lol i? . ato"r riri^s 5 , &Lef,^n/, suL . zo^" P/9 Com ments: a o^," 7/^'fr= "DIT*EEEEr'$F- Design Review Board lLt i ke /4Motion by: Seconded oy -s-o - g^A=- s {,;, q./y fn Town Plan ner:^," -fr'/'=E Statt Approval Y-..EL: o July 15, 1993 Town of Vail - Design Fleview Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Chairperson: Thig letter is in reference to my January 6, iggo Dosign Review Board application , Project Name: Avil tree removal( amendod landscape plan request). At this time I am requesting an extension of the date by which the tree$ will be plarrled on my property acording to ilre clisposition of mY aPPlication. In April of this yeaf, I contracred with saBelt Landscape & Maintenance company to plant the required trees. The week bafore Memorial Day of this year, I met with a representative of saBell at th6 site and we placed five stal(es and $aBeil ftags on my property where the five trees wer6 to be planted. At this time I received verbal commitment from seBell that the trees would be planted the week following Memorial Day. on JunE 16, 1993, lcallEd Jim cornuth and reft a message that it would bE the beginning of July before the trees would be planted. Jim and I exchanged messages and agreed that the time frame was alright, but Jim would like a lEttcr from saBell confirming, Jirn Oornuth received a fax copy of the letter addressed to me. attachod, stating that the trees would be planted in late August or early September. Jim cornuth called me on Monday and said that a formal request for oxtension ehould be subrnitted to the DRB, and that he had scheduled its hoaring for wednesday, Juty 21, 1993. Jim further suggested that I contact other nurseries in the area as possibte replacements. I have been doing this , but without too much Eucceso so fer. I also called SaBell, and they told me that they would try to pult the ptanting date into the middle of August, and agrocd to call Jim Cornuth about the situation. 15oJul93 15:55 N0.031 P.02 .r ,,v ffissnoero N URGENT ! CAME TO SEE YOU N RETURNEDYOURCALL CAME TO SEE YOU ! RETURNEDYOURCALL ANTSTO SEIfQ A MES ESSAGE FOR; ,^"" SoP+ A^aterS DAIE v @relrexorueo ! CAME TO SEE YOU f] RETURNED YOUR CALL YOU ! WILL CALLAGAIN Y-..EL: o July 15, 1993 Town of Vail - Design Fleview Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Chairperson: Thig letter is in reference to my January 6, iggo Dosign Review Board application , Project Name: Avil tree removal( amendod landscape plan request). At this time I am requesting an extension of the date by which the tree$ will be plarrled on my property acording to ilre clisposition of mY aPPlication. In April of this yeaf, I contracred with saBelt Landscape & Maintenance company to plant the required trees. The week bafore Memorial Day of this year, I met with a representative of saBell at th6 site and we placed five stal(es and $aBeil ftags on my property where the five trees wer6 to be planted. At this time I received verbal commitment from seBell that the trees would be planted the week following Memorial Day. on JunE 16, 1993, lcallEd Jim cornuth and reft a message that it would bE the beginning of July before the trees would be planted. Jim and I exchanged messages and agreed that the time frame was alright, but Jim would like a lEttcr from saBell confirming, Jirn Oornuth received a fax copy of the letter addressed to me. attachod, stating that the trees would be planted in late August or early September. Jim cornuth called me on Monday and said that a formal request for oxtension ehould be subrnitted to the DRB, and that he had scheduled its hoaring for wednesday, Juty 21, 1993. Jim further suggested that I contact other nurseries in the area as possibte replacements. I have been doing this , but without too much Eucceso so fer. I also called SaBell, and they told me that they would try to pult the ptanting date into the middle of August, and agrocd to call Jim Cornuth about the situation. 15oJul93 15:55 N0.031 P.02 .r ,,v ffissnoero N URGENT ! CAME TO SEE YOU N RETURNEDYOURCALL CAME TO SEE YOU ! RETURNEDYOURCALL ANTSTO SEIfQ A MES ESSAGE FOR; ,^"" SoP+ A^aterS DAIE v @relrexorueo ! CAME TO SEE YOU f] RETURNED YOUR CALL YOU ! WILL CALLAGAIN + .,EL: o t5 o Jul YJ 15 r 56 N0 .031 P .03 "t DRB/July 15. 1993 Page 2 I balieve that I have tried to execute the conditions of my application in good faith. For this reason, I request en extension of the planting date to the middle 0l September, 1993. I wiil continus to worl( wlth the contractor to pull up lhe planting date. Fespect! 4800 E. Meadow Drive, Unit Vail CO 81657 or: 9870 E. Mineral Place Englewood CO 80112 Ailachment copy t0: Jim Gornuth Planning Department - T. O.V. ',, o o #;1'$; MAIf{TENANCE COI,|lPANY -.It TE Jui 15 93 o 15:56 No.031 P.04 fltfur/,,nerT .- ;- .,.ARTISTS IN COMMEFCIAL * RESIEENTIAL LANDSCAPING E I'/AI NTENANCE Datsr To: Phortp; From: Phone: Re: Bud, July 6, t993 Bud Avil 8870 E. Mineral Place Englewood, Co. 80112 220-8381 Jody Daniels, Rcgiona) Manager $aBells Landscaping & Maintenancc Co, t',O. Box 1025 Eaglc, Co. 81631 328-64er 'I'ree planting at owncrs vacant lot ( Meadow Dr. area) This lelter ir to confiun ow a€xeement to plurt the following tr€es ASAP; (l) I' Lodgcpolc lrinc (2) 12'LodgcpulePinei (2) l0'Lodgcpole I'ine TOTAT COSr f 1500.00 QUALTF|CATIONS ' Contractor provides initial watering and guying of troos,i Owngr to watcr lrecs thcreafter f,t twica/we* for the ffrst month and oncdwcck until snow fall. Removc guys on trccs aftcr thc sooond ycar. I rrn eorry obout tho dcloy in planting your kocor duc to the cttrsmc demrnd on tfees this year my diggcr has not providod all the trees I had contractcd with him, Wo will still oomment to our price in any casc, but it looks lihe now that rhc trocs will not go in until latc August or cnrly Stltembct. Thmk 6;;i.r' faxpc; JimCornutb(47g.2451)'PlemingD4t'T.O.V. budavil (303) ?8E.02o8 ?9Or SOUTHSANTAFE DFivE ENGLET4OOO,COLOhADO B0rr0 FAX (303) 76e-050t _.JJtLr-,l s-e5 sAT 1 Datc: To: Irhonc: From: Phonc: Rc: Bud, fax cc: budrvil ,.,AHTISTS IN COMMERbIAL - NESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPIN6 & MAINTENANCE 4:5 o 75 P-A2 Thie lotter ir to confirm our agrcan€nt to plant thc following toec ASAP: (l) S Lodgopole Pine (2) l2'LodgcpolePine (2) l0'LodgepolePine TOTAL COST $1s00,00 QUALTFTCATIONSr Contractor provide initial wrtering and guying of rrees.* Owncr to r+ater trcca thereiftcr at uiae/wcek for thc firgt month and onoc/wcck untit snow fall, Rcmovc Aryr ort trEEE rfter the seoond year, I tm sorry about the dolay in plurting your trces, duc to thc cxtseffic demand on tr€cs ihis ycar my digger hac nol providcd all thc rccs I hrd contracted with him. Wc will still commcnt ro our price in Eny casc, but lt lookg tlkc now thar thc nees wilt nor go in until latc Augr$t or carly Scptombcr, Thanlc edene in regards to thir mrttcr. July 6. 1993 Bud Avil 8870 E. Minorrl Plecc Englewood, Co.80ll2 220-838r Jody Daniels, Rogional Managu Sa8ells Landscaping & Maintemancc Co. P.O. Dox 1025 Eaglc, Co, 81631 328-5491 Tiw planting $ owncrs vrcant lot ( Meadow Dr. arce) Jim Cornuth(479-2452)-Planning Dept. T"O.V. rr*i,S fiIAINTENANCE COMPANY (so3) ?89-020t e901 BoUTH SANTA FE DFIVE ENGLEWOOD,CoLonADo 801 10 FAx t3co 788.0507 .aa 13:14 N0.017 P.02 July .|9, 1gg3 Town of Veil - Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Fload Vail, CO 81657 Dear Cheirperson: This ie a follow up letter to my letter of July 15, 1ggg, that reguests an extension of thc data for planting trees on my property( rcferencs to my January 6, 1993 Design Review Board application , project Name: Avil tree removal( amended landscape plan requost). In the July 15, 1gg3 letter, I rcfcrrcd to the faot that Jirn Gornuth of ttre plannirrg Dcpartment suggested that I pursue other sources for ths needed trees, I would llk€ to report on my search as of this date, In all seven landscape designers or nurseries were contacted, The results are listed here: l. Ellison Land Design:- They informed me that they do design worlt only and refErred me to Fitz & Gaylord. 2. Matthews in Avon:- Bill King said that he would call me on Friday, July 16, 1903, Bill aalled me on Monday, July 19, ig93, and said that in his search he was unable to locate any Lodgepoll pines, He suggested that he might be able to collect some in the fail. EL: o IY Y a Jn I 3. WeEl Canyon Tree Farms:- Don McGirr told me that ho elght foot trees, maybe a couple of tens, but no twelve 4, Stevens:- I lEft a message for Mike to call me, but as has not rEturned my call. had a couple of foot trees, of this time hs 5. Fitz & Gaylord:- | am waiting for Lorin to cEll me baek. 6. Alpine in silverthornei They are supposed to call mo on Monday, July 19, 1993. TEL: DFB/July '15, 19gg Page 2 7, Gernot Heinrlchsdorff, ms that Lodgepole pinas them. Bespectfully, 4800 E- Meadow Drive, Unit g Vail CO 81657 or: 8870 E. Mineral Place Englewood CO 0011A Copy to: Jim Cornuth Planning Departrnent . T. O. Katie Troutwine Festivals Director Vait Vailey Arts Council 13r15 N0.017 P.03 A.$,1.A. Landscape Architect:- Gernot informed are lumber trees and not many nurseries carry I Y YJ - Jul I belisvs that the above information indicates a good faith effort toresolve the issue. while we felt that the issuo would be resolvod in uunb0f 1993, untortunatoly it was not. saBell says that they can acquire theagreed upOn tr€es end plant them by ths middle of september 1gg3, if notEoolsr as they indicated thoy would try to do. we thsrefore request thatthe Board grant Our ptoposal to continue with the contracted route that isboing presentod to it. we will be represented at ths wednesday, July 21, lggg Design Review Boaqd meoting by ourdaugrrrar, Katie Troutwine, p. o. Bsx g19r, Avon oo,8r 620, V. t66l ? iiilf !,ilti O BnowxsrnrN Hyerr Femnn & Srnrcxlelro, P.C. Arron-xeys -e,r L,rw TWENTY-siECONO FLOO R 4IO SEVENTEENTH S'REET Iarnes S. Mandel Departnent of Community Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Lot 19, Block5th Addition, Ladies and Gentlemen: DENrIBR. COLOEADO TELEPHO N E {303) 534-6335 TELECOP rER (3c)31 523-r 956 June 2, 1993 Develor)nent 7 | Bighorn Subdivision East VaiL, colorado My wife and I are the owners of one-haIf of the duplex located at 5035 E. Main Gore Drive (a portion of Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision sth), which is irnmediately adjacent to Lot 19. As a result of the prior actions taken by the present owners of Lot 19, whom I believe to be Howard J. and Mary Jane Avil, which included the wrongful cutting down of an enormous evergreen this past winter, we are extremely desirous of having the opportunity to participate in any d.esign review, building perrnit, Iandscaping revi.ew, drainage diversion or other Town of VaiI approval process involving Lot l-9. Because there rernains on Lot 19 a centuries-old evergreen,' one of the largest in East Vail, as well as a trernendous amount of prot-ected willows and vretlands, vre are obviously very concerned, based on the previously reported event, that any activities on Lot Lg be properly scrutinized and undertaken in a manner which strictly complies with applicable town, state and federal laws and regulations concerning land use, wetlands, and environment. We would therefor respectfulJ-y request that a copy of this Ietter and an appropriate notation be placed in the applicable file for Lot 1-9, Block 7, Bighorn 5th, indicating that we have asked that we be notified of any type of land-use application filed regarding Lot L9, so that we may have the opportunity to participate in the revier^t process if warranted. All we desire is to see that proper respect is given to the environrnent, the neighborhood and applicable Iaws. To?rn June Page of 2, 2 Vail L993 Your cooneration is tremendously appreciated. Very truly yours es S. Mandel. JSM,/bsrn cc: George Lamb, Design Review Board Mike Arnett, Design Review Board Bob Borne, Design Review Board SaIIy Brainerd, Design Review Board Fred & Diane DiDio'Russel1 Eorest ['BANK OF VAIL 17 vArL ROAD VAIL, COLORAOO 816s7 303-476-s686 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT DATE: January !2, t993 AUoUNT: $l-,500.00NUMBER: 880-9240 EXPIRATION: August 31, 1993 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concern: We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available by your drafts drawn on the FirstBank of Vai1, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, at sight for any slun not exceeding the coEal of ONE-THOUSAND-FM- HUNDRED-AND-NO/100 ($1,500.00) on the accounc of Howard J. Avil and Mary J. Avil . Each draft nust bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn Under Lecter of Credit No. 880-9240 dated January 12, l-993, of FirstBank of Vail , Vail, Colorado. " Each draft must be accompanied by a statemenc by a duly authorized officer of Town of Vail stating that this draw is in conneccion with funds needed for the account of Howard J, Avil and Mary J. Avi1. The anount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this credit, together with the date of negotiation, nust be endorsed on the reverse side of the Letter of Credit - We hereby agree that drafts drawn under this Letter of Credit and in compllance with the terxns, shall be prompEly honored if presented to FirstBank of Vail on or before August 31, 1993. 4 Andrew Senior H. Hancock Vice Pres ident AHH/wd l -tt-?3 J d"a/-J &)n t-Lfkr'<- a'L a- ft+^ f& P;'tu'. Q.r r"' J'/''"* / t/-s' Frs ' W llve Project Application arl..nar* L an<,.s).L.-[;;Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address'and Phone: *L"le #"q!,4*^,L 71- 7a -S etf so*, G lAw E, he")"up dt,,t< - 0";#,,/*'(,c,9/€s7 Architect, Address and Phone: '{* Legal Description: Lot vBlock / . Filing comments' R L. &F Lo€ 4w Iezt ^)6-f a-.) Sque q,s abr<- Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board L{.O'**J't'*t /, /o^" t// /qv C-A E't'rt,- GeaSc Lq*'h a<)-3u'-< DISAPPROVAL DZ"_tAe l-rv<=oK *1"e-Sqeulq a = b'&LL &CCo*.1p - A -- t? tqLL k + {+"t**,o L G<sset< l"ryk(f€f,J,u *F /6-\ {+wc= .,.. fLz Town Plan ner . ,. I :.,- r_ .a.. -- / E statt Approval DESIGN REVTEW :00 BO.ERD AGENDA :qffif$,# P.M. .ii1c.,-fr. \i76'rc6Y 6w."tt{(<t SITE VTSITS 1:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. 1 Regal - 1079 Sandstone Drive. 2 Daupbanais - 1500 Lionsridge Loop. 3 zeli - 2LGL N. Frontaga Road West. 4 Cortina Chalets - 2662, 2672 & 2682 5 Curtin Eill Sports - L74 Gore Creek Vail.6 Vai]- Ski Street. Cortina Lane. Drive./Tbe Lodge - 254 Bridge at 7 Cinnaraony Buns Transportation Rentals/Curtin llill. Sports - 241 Frontage Road East/vaLL Center. 8 9 10 11 Strauss - 483 Gore Creek Drive. Kalkus - 324 Beaver Dam Road. Kelton - 1034 Hornestake Circle.Lawler - 4939 Meadow Driwe. Gordon - New 2632 Cort,ina MOTION: primary/secondary residence.'Lane/Lot 5r Block B, Vail Ridge. SECOND:i. . VOTE: TD TD2. Curtin Hill Sports - New sign. 174 Gore Creek Drive/The Lodge at Vail.MOTfON: SECOND:VOTE: .- Sign'variance. TD -VaiI Village 1st. . ': .:VOTE: o AVIL TREE REMOVAL On November 16, 1992, the Community Development Department received a complaint (Lorelei Donaldson took the message), from Jim and Mindy Mandel (476-8139), owners of half of a duplex on Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn subdivision, Sth Addition. The Mandel's said that someone was cutting down a large tree on the lot next to them (Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision, sth Addition, 4998 Meadow Drive). Russell Forrest and I left to investigate the complaint within 5 minutes of the call. We arrived at the lot to see the Mandel's waiting on Meadow Drive along with the guy who was doing the cutting. The tree was approximately 50' high, and 24" - 30" (D.B.H.), and had a wedge cut out of it half way through the tree already. We introduced ourselves to the gentleman-who identitied himself as John Avil (479-9245). He was driving a blue Jeep Renegade, plate #PZC 750. John said that his dad owns the lot and told him to cut the tree down. His dad's name is Howard Avil (220-8381). I asked him why his dad wants the tree down and he said that his mom likes lots of sun and wanted the tree removed. We told Mr. Avil that it was a code violation to remove or destroy vegetation, or otherwise alter a site, without prior DRB review and approval. We told him not to cause any further disturbance to the site. I asked him if the tree removal was necessary as part of an approved plan for the property. He said his dad just bought the lot about a year ago so he did not think so. Russell and I decided that, for safety sake, the tree which Russell had determined was already as good as dead, should be brought down. The Mandel's commented to us that a nearby hill was used frequently by children in the area for sledding after school. We told Mr. Avil that before we would allow him to bring the tree down, we wanted to get a picture of it, so we would be going back to the office to get a camera and to check the file to see whether or not a previous approval had been granted. We told John we would be back in a half hour and that in the meantime he should go call his dad to see whether or not the property had some sort of development approved lor it, and that his dad should call me immediately. Russell and I came back to the office to get the camera and to check the file. lt turns out that in April of 1990, lhe "Leary" residence received DRB approval for a single family home on the property. Approval of the plan was given a one year extension in 1991 , but expired in April of 1992. In any event, the approved landscape plan did not involve lhe removal of either of the two large trees on the property. Russell and I went back out to the lot where we met John and a friend and Todd Oppenheimer. Todd was there to estimate the value of the tree. Later another friend of John's dad showed up and they proceeded to attempt to drop the tree without much luck. Since I was late for a meeting back at the Town offices, I asked Russell to drive me back to the office. Russell then went back out to the lot where he saw them eventually drop the tree. The tree landed in the willows north of the property and not in the intended direction, which was west. November 17,1992 At approximately 11:00 A.M. I received a call from Mr. Avil who introduced himself as Bud. He said he was not aware that he needed approval to remove the tree and apologized for the confusion. He asked what he needed to do next to make things right with the Town. I told Mr. Avil that our options are to issue a citation and order to appear in court or require payment for the value of the tree, in either cash or landscape materials, or possibly to submit a development plan for the property which shows significant plantings to compensate for the removal of the tree. I told him that I was going into a stalf meeting that afternoon and I would discuss the issue with other staff members and call him back with further information. November 19, 1992 /+l I met with Kristan to discuss the appropriate course of action. Sne suggdsted that we ask Mr. Avilto submit a DRB application to amend the landscaping on the lot$ provide a letter of credit to assure a comparable amount of vegetation was planted in the Spring. 2:00 P.M. I spoke with Bud about what he needs to do. He agreed with what I suggested, which was: . Submit DRB application and fee to amend the landscaping on his lot. Provide a site plan showing what he will remove and what he will replace. Provide a letter of credit in the amount of the value of the tree which was felled to assure that the compensatory plantings are actually done in the Spring. Submit everything on or before December 6, 1992. December 9, 1992 11:00AM Called and asked where application was. Left message on machine to call me today. 5:15 PM Called and got John. I asked him to call his dad and tell him he missed the deadlins and to call me tomonow. December 14,1992 I called Bud's office and left message lo call me. Bud called me back and said he was having problems getting the letter of credit. I told him don't worry about that now, just submit application and he said he would have it by Monday. December 21 , '1992 Application received. January 6, 1993 DRB meeting. jim\AVILTREE I.PROJECT INF'ORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ff property is described by li".a s/alsL COLORADO nenJ A.n d ($200.00) X uino. Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review (90) BIogk APPLICATION - TOI{N OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICI,TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIED ITNTIL AI.L REQUIRED INFOR!{ATION IS SUBFTIITED********** I tl B. Plqn. 'Y t), t'177 hlfath*''t ' | //d tlt description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If required, applicant must stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: a currenc H. I. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE z g.znnc- . 5,./f . Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Lat.er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify t.heaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwilt adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE,9 0 - $ 10,000 $ 20.00$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50.00$ 50r 001 - $ l_50, 000 $100.00 $150,001 - $ 500, 000 $200.00 $500,001_ - $1.,000,000 $400.00$ Over $1,000,000 i $500.00 i* DESIGN REVIE9| BOARD APPROVAL EXPIR,ES ONE IEAR AE'TER FINAI. APPROVAL I'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT.IS ISSUSD AND CONSTRUCTION IS SIARTED. **NO APPI.ICATION WILI. BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE t- .t. v NAME OF O$INERS: STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addres .,ta, '. Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Pioject Application Owner, Address and Phonei Architect, Address and Phone: ta1Legal Description: Lot I / , Block / , Fiting Com ments: APPROVAL Design Review Board Date ,_,.1 orseFFnovnl Summary: ,! ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS PHONE PHONE zoNE DISTRTCT tr .7/ . 1) PRoPOSED u"u [ / :l = r.,,or srz5 ,,. { *'_-i '', , Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping netaining Wall Heights Parking carage Credlt Drive: Environmenta l/Hazards : Does this reguest lnvolve a How much of the allowed 250 3'/6' Reqrd ( 3 oo ) (6dci)leoo) ( 12oo )/i rt,'i i Pennltted Slope JBS- Actual SloPe 2) Percent sloPe 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debrl.s Flow 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?Addition is used-ffiGis AIlowed (3o) (33) A//). (42s) .' , t/' - L,'/ I ----' 201 15 1 15r (3o) (so) <---* .-4 1l- t, I Existing ProPosed Total -.:r \t -t- I ---1-- --Y-l i-E::-_!-J Date approved bY Town Enginee.r: . :r . I 'i- r' ./ , t 1.) Flood Plain )t t / /\ r [/t ' ' It i,'', ' r { l't\ 10 dguest? cotoRADo aaaalaatat TNIS APPIJICAUON I9II..I., NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIIJ ALL REQUIRED INFORITATION I8 SUE!.IIITED raaaaaaaaa PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OT VAIL, DATE APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: X ttew Construction Addition ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision *h If property is descrJ-tfed by Minor Alteration c. D.rct lQ Block 7 a meets and bounds on a separate sheet appllcant rnust P_rovlde a current5. L legal anddescription, please provide attach to this application. E. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If requl-red, stamped survey showing lot area. G. H. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone- $o$ 10, OOt- $ 50, ool sL50, oo1 $500, 001$ Over - S l-o, ooo- s 50, oo0- I l5orooo - $ 5OO, o00- $1,ooo,ooo $1, OOO, OoO FEE s 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50. OO $100. OO s2Oo. o0 s300.0o Conceptual Review .'1NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM: *-r- .Malling Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (8) SMailing Address:1 Phone Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildinc perrnit. FEE SCHEDULE: J. K. VALUATION rNo APPITICAIfON IILIJ BE PROCEA8ED IIITEOUT OrttERrg SIGIIATURE ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE PROP0SAL: , , t /- rn€ rnvrv"^''-*rn* q"t +nL- vuporf @,0 0 r',r^^,-",'1LW PUSLICIIORKS , | , \-/ ,rrll ,tl, l l , 4,/(( /,t o IHTER.DgPARTIIENTAL REV I El,| P?,OJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTED:DATE oF PUBLTc nuwne *4.4 CCI.',".1ENTS NEEDED BY : P.eviened" uv: Gcaq., F,tl oate 4!lq l%2 Connents: ( , FIRE DEPARTI.TENT Reviewed by:Date Conments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT ?t"'ti a l5" cr'-? e*Li;rJ 6 5t e^"L S;Jz- o[ &lro- "^A. A\:" erovi J-e- cr"r c-->qi,,-tl| | , U ^,-. I -T ac"teul"c d,, c"Jd eon.,l{ {r0,,^_ Jr:,ne_ a*, r );rn*rrlr*o d;4<'vt VQ.tsnt s,ruf [l^r,* rnJ- _lk S+*--+ . ' { ldrJ; nbn,'"+t4= "n c)r-^ttN lr",n_. Reviewed by: Conilerrts: Date 'tr' .;. ji REC'iTATiOT DEPARTI.:eNT DateRevlewed.by: Co;;ents: UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB tot_-i1_ito."_1_rnme $u*te,t *ku Arr,rt'".t ADDRESS The location of utilLties, whet.her chey be main trunk llnes or proposed J-Ines, rnust be approved and verlfled by the followlng utlll-ties for the accompanyingslte p1an. Authorized Slenature Da te Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harty Moyes Public Serv j.ce Company 949-s781 Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-s892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty lleritage Cablevislon T. V. 94 9-55 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Distrtct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee N0TE: These verificatlons do not relteve the contracLor ofto obtain a st.reet. cut permlt fronr the Town of Vail, Works and to obtain utillty locations before dtggtng "-26 - ?a 3=2L-"o hls responslblllty Depattment of Public in any publlc righc- ermit is not a street.of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A buildlncut perml-t. A street cut permit must be obtafned separatefy. This form 1s to verlfy servlce availability and locatlon. This should be used iu conJuncEion wlth preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. *(Please brlng a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper EagJ-e Va11ey I'later & Sanitation signaEures) !t Repreeentlng Title Insurance Conpany of l{innesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER January 10, 1990 Our Order: V14398-3 BttYER3 .../ollrttnt J. LEARy AlrD roRr JEllI LEARy SEIJ|ER: ROBERT t. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KrEF AND GARyC. KIEF ADDRESS: CI'SER 1 Attn: SHARITIAN VACATION PROPERUES DEI,IVER IN VAIIJ RI'NS 1 Attn: iIOHN NII,SSON ooPrEs 2 Attn: FIRSTBAT{K OF VAIL DELIVER IN VAIIJ RI'NS 1 AttN: KEVIN PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al'! Pl.t LAilO T|TLI CdARANTEE COfvfiqNY 'I 08 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-9015 710 Kipling Street lakewood, CO 8021 5 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworfh Suite I I 5 !akewood, CO 80235 988-8s50 I 1990 Grant Street Suile 220 Norihg lenn, CO 80233 452-0149 '19590 East Main Streei Parker, CO 80134 Sill-4900 108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 176-2251 MINNESOTA TrrL,E /N 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420.021r 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora. CO 80014 7 5l -1336 l8l0 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-410l 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Sreckenridge, CO 80121 453-2255 5l2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Wahsalch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 63,1-4821 Gommitment To Insure /ssued firouglr the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321- | 880 8621 E. Hampden Suite | 00 Denver. CO 80231 750-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemite Denver, CO 80237 691-2837 : ALrA "frlrrrr.{ENr O SCHEDULE A Application No. Vl-4398-3 For Information only - Charges - ALTA Owner Po1icy $518.00Alta Lender Pollcy $5O.OO $zo. ooTaxcertitl-to*oL-- $5g,.oo With your remittance please refer to Vl"439g-3. t. Effective Date: January 02, 1990 at 8:OO A.M. rrALTAn Ouners t s Policy gll_5, oOO. OOForn B-197O (Anended l_O-17-70) Proposed Insureds DANIEL J. I.,EARY AND LORT JEAN LEARY nALTArr Loan Policy (1970 RevLsion) Proposed Insured: FTRSTBANK OF VAIL $8 O, 5O0 . 00 l. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthls Cornmitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple l, Title to tbe estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: ROBERT J. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KIEF AND GARY C. KIEF t. The land referred to in this Conrnitnent is described asfollows: r.,oT 19' BrocK 7' BrcHoRN suBDrvrsroN, FrFTH ADDrTroN, AccoRDrNGTO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF >AGE 1 ALrA t"urrrrrENr SCHEDULE A Application No. V14398-3 COIORADO. )A,GE 2 ALTA '"MITMENT SCHEDULE B.1 (Requirenents) Application No. V1.4398-3 lhe following are the reguirenents to be conplied with: t. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or rnortgagors ofthe fulL consideration for the estate or interest to be-insured. l. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: i. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. I. WARR,,ANTY DEED FROM ROBERT J. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KIEF AND GARY C. KIEF TODANIEL J. LEARY AND T-oRI JEAN LEARY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. '. DEED OF TRUST FRO!,! DANIEL J. LEARY AND LORI JEAN LEARY TO THE PUBLICTRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE ST'MoF $8O,500.00. AGE 3 ALrA lon!rrrMENr SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. V14398-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefolLowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaLd water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RrGHI OF PROPRIETOR OF A VErN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REl,loVE HIS ORE THEREFROI-! SHOULD THE SA}4E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI{ISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September L3, L9O2, rN BOOK 4sAT PAGE 491. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE UNfTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13,L9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIoNS' IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN, oR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CON"AINED rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED November 25, 1-966, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. L2. A TTVE FOOT I{TDE STIP AIONG ALL TN?ERTOR IOT LINES IS DEDTCATED AS UTTIJTTY EASEUENTS FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS ASNOTED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. 13. EASE}IENTS, RESERVAIIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. PAGE 4 Project Application o^," & lt:10 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesat Description' ao, {? , etock 1 , p;1;ns APPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval Tirlx l*Wrcq, Tntihy ka4^* djuvrewl;owtA d)raru;tju Al VL^ la,,',t ,l % hW 1- +-q0 V/4h W 11 | IU4- l,,Mos *vu\* fufu"*< \Mt!1 l,^ bl'.,vvrntv's- tuww tu$ad"lr* u*rc4M $* u,T"ff\o*o t,<- eant ^ff\U I't'tw | 6- --; vuL oI<l DATE OF DRB MEETII{G. NW 1,111O DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Oetermiirb if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibjlity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE app] ica- tion wi'l I streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ltt . fftu .' r{J APPLICATION DATE: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot t1 b Block h 1 al-{r\zonlnq I t J C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s :loo Filing ht4ilue Sreutgol da Ftunr. bx !oD' Vat, telePhone 411''^" 'i) D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Qsa*a lt - ftA+.t*o , h,cu' nUq Address ?-f*t. a?h x/arc , to. telephone 14q-u1qo E. NAME OF OWNERS:?x*l*4; ? Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000$5o,0oi-$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 l^,; Lea telephone 411-ZoA " be paid at the tjme a bu'ilding permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appficant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be martLa. This work must be completed before the DRB v'i sits the si te. Z. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval- 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be rePubl i shed. nature " .:ar, . 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Admjnistrator for approval: a. 14jndows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the buiiding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed tloT qny other lot or public space, which hive had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the additjon; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding' o ,c 0F PR0JECT: .dGAL DESCRIPTION: LIST OF MATERIALS "pi n*eel d.o* tu^(e>Nxrua'{b- , STREET ADDRESS: ,,/ oescntPTloN oF PR L The fol'low'ing jnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revjew Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Ui ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'l ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT ]'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES €xl+r+l|c-lREEs.{0 gE_REMOYED of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name ceo*'- o\Ffu.# 1l8. A,noa* 1lb@* ,, d*fiE ceoe- .(1^f' tL 1l?' \0N ,,4- a4 rr-"".- &^f, e ltb d6oo r.trl(lE Pa".crvc I hrou-<6mv wlzl, Common Name tuss-EP-rLfu*. €.<3uEr,x< t(t"n L fuxo*1 F<+lt-. n6.tu^ otlrr# Hor* I ?ratr-' floba".1 C.nkt)'DaU,to LuHt(E I +, Vtk*"ovw r,rrtlo^6 Quani ty L5 L d -^,^ *w d -n,^ sftll Si ze* ,iL L'1. ,'* n At for conifers. (over) *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indi cate hei ght " PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Si ze A - 91* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Square FootageType rl'4*tA- d,t Wret",5 ,e ,,,!!r,, -_^ ^_ ^1._ s0D Norre SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHERILANDSCAPE FEATURES walls, fences, swimming pools,etc.) Please specify.( reta i ni ng F{o*z; I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: ,l\l'tD lgeRl DFeRTffiON ;lo-'t- l'l Fil jnq buutat + qJl_*oO ---------i--------i- Phone \(t-t 11o Proposed I lr 92 -tl ,hezs Block 1 ADDRESS: OI,INER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTR PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Lnr tzt 7t' 14 aF Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear lrater cours e ld( aae zzlal Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng l,lal l Heights Park ing Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Dri ve: Sl ope Perm'i tted Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche A'l I otted (30)(33) avt t) ktua\ -L 2btb't,Li 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) > 2-b -, I> >E 4-^.q -Eg r&r(otttu T"{*1. tglg b66 ln i) Lge:75 5o 2-5 ?2b (1oo) (50) 6<) Lt> 400 ) Slope Actual Tect tw' k' ) a)^ -)'21)04 c Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Date: Approved/Di sapProved ? A0 -q0 Staff Sig UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB Lor_]l__ir.ocr*]_F rL rN G ADDRESS The locatLon of utilltl-es, whether they be maln must be approved and verlfied by fhe followlngslte p1an. Erunk 1lnes utlllties for or proposed llnes, the accornpanylng llountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Servlce Courpany 949-578r Gary Hall Iloly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted llusky/ltlchael Laverty Herltage Cablev1slon T. V. 949-5s30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltatlon Dlstrlct 476-748Q Fred Haslee Da te + 2?6 tud {a -2" "-za - ?a ?'26-?0 NOTE: These verlflcatlons do not relleve the contractor of hls responsibltlty to obtaln a street cut permlt fron the Town of Va1l, Department of Publlc Works and to obtaln utllity locations before dlgglng ln any pub11c rlght- of-way or easenent ln the Town of Vall. A bullding perml! ls not a streetcut permiE. A screet. cut perniE must be obcal_ned separately. Thls form ls to verlfy servLce availability and location. Thls should be used ln conjunction wlch preparlng yout utillty plan and schedullng lnstallations. *(Please bring a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon signatures) #;1'$; MAIf{TENANCE COI,|lPANY -.It TE Jui 15 93 o 15:56 No.031 P.04 fltfur/,,nerT .- ;- .,.ARTISTS IN COMMEFCIAL * RESIEENTIAL LANDSCAPING E I'/AI NTENANCE Datsr To: Phortp; From: Phone: Re: Bud, July 6, t993 Bud Avil 8870 E. Mineral Place Englewood, Co. 80112 220-8381 Jody Daniels, Rcgiona) Manager $aBells Landscaping & Maintenancc Co, t',O. Box 1025 Eaglc, Co. 81631 328-64er 'I'ree planting at owncrs vacant lot ( Meadow Dr. area) This lelter ir to confiun ow a€xeement to plurt the following tr€es ASAP; (l) I' Lodgcpolc lrinc (2) 12'LodgcpulePinei (2) l0'Lodgcpole I'ine TOTAT COSr f 1500.00 QUALTF|CATIONS ' Contractor provides initial watering and guying of troos,i Owngr to watcr lrecs thcreafter f,t twica/we* for the ffrst month and oncdwcck until snow fall. Removc guys on trccs aftcr thc sooond ycar. I rrn eorry obout tho dcloy in planting your kocor duc to the cttrsmc demrnd on tfees this year my diggcr has not providod all the trees I had contractcd with him, Wo will still oomment to our price in any casc, but it looks lihe now that rhc trocs will not go in until latc August or cnrly Stltembct. Thmk 6;;i.r' faxpc; JimCornutb(47g.2451)'PlemingD4t'T.O.V. budavil (303) ?8E.02o8 ?9Or SOUTHSANTAFE DFivE ENGLET4OOO,COLOhADO B0rr0 FAX (303) 76e-050t _.JJtLr-,l s-e5 sAT 1 Datc: To: Irhonc: From: Phonc: Rc: Bud, fax cc: budrvil ,.,AHTISTS IN COMMERbIAL - NESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPIN6 & MAINTENANCE 4:5 o 75 P-A2 Thie lotter ir to confirm our agrcan€nt to plant thc following toec ASAP: (l) S Lodgopole Pine (2) l2'LodgcpolePine (2) l0'LodgepolePine TOTAL COST $1s00,00 QUALTFTCATIONSr Contractor provide initial wrtering and guying of rrees.* Owncr to r+ater trcca thereiftcr at uiae/wcek for thc firgt month and onoc/wcck untit snow fall, Rcmovc Aryr ort trEEE rfter the seoond year, I tm sorry about the dolay in plurting your trces, duc to thc cxtseffic demand on tr€cs ihis ycar my digger hac nol providcd all thc rccs I hrd contracted with him. Wc will still commcnt ro our price in Eny casc, but lt lookg tlkc now thar thc nees wilt nor go in until latc Augr$t or carly Scptombcr, Thanlc edene in regards to thir mrttcr. July 6. 1993 Bud Avil 8870 E. Minorrl Plecc Englewood, Co.80ll2 220-838r Jody Daniels, Rogional Managu Sa8ells Landscaping & Maintemancc Co. P.O. Dox 1025 Eaglc, Co, 81631 328-5491 Tiw planting $ owncrs vrcant lot ( Meadow Dr. arce) Jim Cornuth(479-2452)-Planning Dept. T"O.V. rr*i,S fiIAINTENANCE COMPANY (so3) ?89-020t e901 BoUTH SANTA FE DFIVE ENGLEWOOD,CoLonADo 801 10 FAx t3co 788.0507 .aa 13:14 N0.017 P.02 July .|9, 1gg3 Town of Veil - Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Fload Vail, CO 81657 Dear Cheirperson: This ie a follow up letter to my letter of July 15, 1ggg, that reguests an extension of thc data for planting trees on my property( rcferencs to my January 6, 1993 Design Review Board application , project Name: Avil tree removal( amended landscape plan requost). In the July 15, 1gg3 letter, I rcfcrrcd to the faot that Jirn Gornuth of ttre plannirrg Dcpartment suggested that I pursue other sources for ths needed trees, I would llk€ to report on my search as of this date, In all seven landscape designers or nurseries were contacted, The results are listed here: l. Ellison Land Design:- They informed me that they do design worlt only and refErred me to Fitz & Gaylord. 2. Matthews in Avon:- Bill King said that he would call me on Friday, July 16, 1903, Bill aalled me on Monday, July 19, ig93, and said that in his search he was unable to locate any Lodgepoll pines, He suggested that he might be able to collect some in the fail. EL: o IY Y a Jn I 3. WeEl Canyon Tree Farms:- Don McGirr told me that ho elght foot trees, maybe a couple of tens, but no twelve 4, Stevens:- I lEft a message for Mike to call me, but as has not rEturned my call. had a couple of foot trees, of this time hs 5. Fitz & Gaylord:- | am waiting for Lorin to cEll me baek. 6. Alpine in silverthornei They are supposed to call mo on Monday, July 19, 1993. TEL: DFB/July '15, 19gg Page 2 7, Gernot Heinrlchsdorff, ms that Lodgepole pinas them. Bespectfully, 4800 E- Meadow Drive, Unit g Vail CO 81657 or: 8870 E. Mineral Place Englewood CO 0011A Copy to: Jim Cornuth Planning Departrnent . T. O. Katie Troutwine Festivals Director Vait Vailey Arts Council 13r15 N0.017 P.03 A.$,1.A. Landscape Architect:- Gernot informed are lumber trees and not many nurseries carry I Y YJ - Jul I belisvs that the above information indicates a good faith effort toresolve the issue. while we felt that the issuo would be resolvod in uunb0f 1993, untortunatoly it was not. saBell says that they can acquire theagreed upOn tr€es end plant them by ths middle of september 1gg3, if notEoolsr as they indicated thoy would try to do. we thsrefore request thatthe Board grant Our ptoposal to continue with the contracted route that isboing presentod to it. we will be represented at ths wednesday, July 21, lggg Design Review Boaqd meoting by ourdaugrrrar, Katie Troutwine, p. o. Bsx g19r, Avon oo,8r 620, V. t66l ? iiilf !,ilti O BnowxsrnrN Hyerr Femnn & Srnrcxlelro, P.C. Arron-xeys -e,r L,rw TWENTY-siECONO FLOO R 4IO SEVENTEENTH S'REET Iarnes S. Mandel Departnent of Community Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Lot 19, Block5th Addition, Ladies and Gentlemen: DENrIBR. COLOEADO TELEPHO N E {303) 534-6335 TELECOP rER (3c)31 523-r 956 June 2, 1993 Develor)nent 7 | Bighorn Subdivision East VaiL, colorado My wife and I are the owners of one-haIf of the duplex located at 5035 E. Main Gore Drive (a portion of Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision sth), which is irnmediately adjacent to Lot 19. As a result of the prior actions taken by the present owners of Lot 19, whom I believe to be Howard J. and Mary Jane Avil, which included the wrongful cutting down of an enormous evergreen this past winter, we are extremely desirous of having the opportunity to participate in any d.esign review, building perrnit, Iandscaping revi.ew, drainage diversion or other Town of VaiI approval process involving Lot l-9. Because there rernains on Lot 19 a centuries-old evergreen,' one of the largest in East Vail, as well as a trernendous amount of prot-ected willows and vretlands, vre are obviously very concerned, based on the previously reported event, that any activities on Lot Lg be properly scrutinized and undertaken in a manner which strictly complies with applicable town, state and federal laws and regulations concerning land use, wetlands, and environment. We would therefor respectfulJ-y request that a copy of this Ietter and an appropriate notation be placed in the applicable file for Lot 1-9, Block 7, Bighorn 5th, indicating that we have asked that we be notified of any type of land-use application filed regarding Lot L9, so that we may have the opportunity to participate in the revier^t process if warranted. All we desire is to see that proper respect is given to the environrnent, the neighborhood and applicable Iaws. To?rn June Page of 2, 2 Vail L993 Your cooneration is tremendously appreciated. Very truly yours es S. Mandel. JSM,/bsrn cc: George Lamb, Design Review Board Mike Arnett, Design Review Board Bob Borne, Design Review Board SaIIy Brainerd, Design Review Board Fred & Diane DiDio'Russel1 Eorest ['BANK OF VAIL 17 vArL ROAD VAIL, COLORAOO 816s7 303-476-s686 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT DATE: January !2, t993 AUoUNT: $l-,500.00NUMBER: 880-9240 EXPIRATION: August 31, 1993 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concern: We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available by your drafts drawn on the FirstBank of Vai1, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, at sight for any slun not exceeding the coEal of ONE-THOUSAND-FM- HUNDRED-AND-NO/100 ($1,500.00) on the accounc of Howard J. Avil and Mary J. Avil . Each draft nust bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn Under Lecter of Credit No. 880-9240 dated January 12, l-993, of FirstBank of Vail , Vail, Colorado. " Each draft must be accompanied by a statemenc by a duly authorized officer of Town of Vail stating that this draw is in conneccion with funds needed for the account of Howard J, Avil and Mary J. Avi1. The anount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this credit, together with the date of negotiation, nust be endorsed on the reverse side of the Letter of Credit - We hereby agree that drafts drawn under this Letter of Credit and in compllance with the terxns, shall be prompEly honored if presented to FirstBank of Vail on or before August 31, 1993. 4 Andrew Senior H. Hancock Vice Pres ident AHH/wd l -tt-?3 J d"a/-J &)n t-Lfkr'<- a'L a- ft+^ f& P;'tu'. Q.r r"' J'/''"* / t/-s' Frs ' W llve Project Application arl..nar* L an<,.s).L.-[;;Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address'and Phone: *L"le #"q!,4*^,L 71- 7a -S etf so*, G lAw E, he")"up dt,,t< - 0";#,,/*'(,c,9/€s7 Architect, Address and Phone: '{* Legal Description: Lot vBlock / . Filing comments' R L. &F Lo€ 4w Iezt ^)6-f a-.) Sque q,s abr<- Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board L{.O'**J't'*t /, /o^" t// /qv C-A E't'rt,- GeaSc Lq*'h a<)-3u'-< DISAPPROVAL DZ"_tAe l-rv<=oK *1"e-Sqeulq a = b'&LL &CCo*.1p - A -- t? tqLL k + {+"t**,o L G<sset< l"ryk(f€f,J,u *F /6-\ {+wc= .,.. fLz Town Plan ner . ,. I :.,- r_ .a.. -- / E statt Approval DESIGN REVTEW :00 BO.ERD AGENDA :qffif$,# P.M. .ii1c.,-fr. \i76'rc6Y 6w."tt{(<t SITE VTSITS 1:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. 1 Regal - 1079 Sandstone Drive. 2 Daupbanais - 1500 Lionsridge Loop. 3 zeli - 2LGL N. Frontaga Road West. 4 Cortina Chalets - 2662, 2672 & 2682 5 Curtin Eill Sports - L74 Gore Creek Vail.6 Vai]- Ski Street. Cortina Lane. Drive./Tbe Lodge - 254 Bridge at 7 Cinnaraony Buns Transportation Rentals/Curtin llill. Sports - 241 Frontage Road East/vaLL Center. 8 9 10 11 Strauss - 483 Gore Creek Drive. Kalkus - 324 Beaver Dam Road. Kelton - 1034 Hornestake Circle.Lawler - 4939 Meadow Driwe. Gordon - New 2632 Cort,ina MOTION: primary/secondary residence.'Lane/Lot 5r Block B, Vail Ridge. SECOND:i. . VOTE: TD TD2. Curtin Hill Sports - New sign. 174 Gore Creek Drive/The Lodge at Vail.MOTfON: SECOND:VOTE: .- Sign'variance. TD -VaiI Village 1st. . ': .:VOTE: o AVIL TREE REMOVAL On November 16, 1992, the Community Development Department received a complaint (Lorelei Donaldson took the message), from Jim and Mindy Mandel (476-8139), owners of half of a duplex on Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn subdivision, Sth Addition. The Mandel's said that someone was cutting down a large tree on the lot next to them (Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision, sth Addition, 4998 Meadow Drive). Russell Forrest and I left to investigate the complaint within 5 minutes of the call. We arrived at the lot to see the Mandel's waiting on Meadow Drive along with the guy who was doing the cutting. The tree was approximately 50' high, and 24" - 30" (D.B.H.), and had a wedge cut out of it half way through the tree already. We introduced ourselves to the gentleman-who identitied himself as John Avil (479-9245). He was driving a blue Jeep Renegade, plate #PZC 750. John said that his dad owns the lot and told him to cut the tree down. His dad's name is Howard Avil (220-8381). I asked him why his dad wants the tree down and he said that his mom likes lots of sun and wanted the tree removed. We told Mr. Avil that it was a code violation to remove or destroy vegetation, or otherwise alter a site, without prior DRB review and approval. We told him not to cause any further disturbance to the site. I asked him if the tree removal was necessary as part of an approved plan for the property. He said his dad just bought the lot about a year ago so he did not think so. Russell and I decided that, for safety sake, the tree which Russell had determined was already as good as dead, should be brought down. The Mandel's commented to us that a nearby hill was used frequently by children in the area for sledding after school. We told Mr. Avil that before we would allow him to bring the tree down, we wanted to get a picture of it, so we would be going back to the office to get a camera and to check the file to see whether or not a previous approval had been granted. We told John we would be back in a half hour and that in the meantime he should go call his dad to see whether or not the property had some sort of development approved lor it, and that his dad should call me immediately. Russell and I came back to the office to get the camera and to check the file. lt turns out that in April of 1990, lhe "Leary" residence received DRB approval for a single family home on the property. Approval of the plan was given a one year extension in 1991 , but expired in April of 1992. In any event, the approved landscape plan did not involve lhe removal of either of the two large trees on the property. Russell and I went back out to the lot where we met John and a friend and Todd Oppenheimer. Todd was there to estimate the value of the tree. Later another friend of John's dad showed up and they proceeded to attempt to drop the tree without much luck. Since I was late for a meeting back at the Town offices, I asked Russell to drive me back to the office. Russell then went back out to the lot where he saw them eventually drop the tree. The tree landed in the willows north of the property and not in the intended direction, which was west. November 17,1992 At approximately 11:00 A.M. I received a call from Mr. Avil who introduced himself as Bud. He said he was not aware that he needed approval to remove the tree and apologized for the confusion. He asked what he needed to do next to make things right with the Town. I told Mr. Avil that our options are to issue a citation and order to appear in court or require payment for the value of the tree, in either cash or landscape materials, or possibly to submit a development plan for the property which shows significant plantings to compensate for the removal of the tree. I told him that I was going into a stalf meeting that afternoon and I would discuss the issue with other staff members and call him back with further information. November 19, 1992 /+l I met with Kristan to discuss the appropriate course of action. Sne suggdsted that we ask Mr. Avilto submit a DRB application to amend the landscaping on the lot$ provide a letter of credit to assure a comparable amount of vegetation was planted in the Spring. 2:00 P.M. I spoke with Bud about what he needs to do. He agreed with what I suggested, which was: . Submit DRB application and fee to amend the landscaping on his lot. Provide a site plan showing what he will remove and what he will replace. Provide a letter of credit in the amount of the value of the tree which was felled to assure that the compensatory plantings are actually done in the Spring. Submit everything on or before December 6, 1992. December 9, 1992 11:00AM Called and asked where application was. Left message on machine to call me today. 5:15 PM Called and got John. I asked him to call his dad and tell him he missed the deadlins and to call me tomonow. December 14,1992 I called Bud's office and left message lo call me. Bud called me back and said he was having problems getting the letter of credit. I told him don't worry about that now, just submit application and he said he would have it by Monday. December 21 , '1992 Application received. January 6, 1993 DRB meeting. jim\AVILTREE I.PROJECT INF'ORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ff property is described by li".a s/alsL COLORADO nenJ A.n d ($200.00) X uino. Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review (90) BIogk APPLICATION - TOI{N OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICI,TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIED ITNTIL AI.L REQUIRED INFOR!{ATION IS SUBFTIITED********** I tl B. Plqn. 'Y t), t'177 hlfath*''t ' | //d tlt description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If required, applicant must stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: a currenc H. I. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE z g.znnc- . 5,./f . Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Lat.er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify t.heaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwilt adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE,9 0 - $ 10,000 $ 20.00$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50.00$ 50r 001 - $ l_50, 000 $100.00 $150,001 - $ 500, 000 $200.00 $500,001_ - $1.,000,000 $400.00$ Over $1,000,000 i $500.00 i* DESIGN REVIE9| BOARD APPROVAL EXPIR,ES ONE IEAR AE'TER FINAI. APPROVAL I'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT.IS ISSUSD AND CONSTRUCTION IS SIARTED. **NO APPI.ICATION WILI. BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE t- .t. v NAME OF O$INERS: STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addres .,ta, '. Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Pioject Application Owner, Address and Phonei Architect, Address and Phone: ta1Legal Description: Lot I / , Block / , Fiting Com ments: APPROVAL Design Review Board Date ,_,.1 orseFFnovnl Summary: ,! ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS PHONE PHONE zoNE DISTRTCT tr .7/ . 1) PRoPOSED u"u [ / :l = r.,,or srz5 ,,. { *'_-i '', , Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping netaining Wall Heights Parking carage Credlt Drive: Environmenta l/Hazards : Does this reguest lnvolve a How much of the allowed 250 3'/6' Reqrd ( 3 oo ) (6dci)leoo) ( 12oo )/i rt,'i i Pennltted Slope JBS- Actual SloPe 2) Percent sloPe 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debrl.s Flow 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?Addition is used-ffiGis AIlowed (3o) (33) A//). (42s) .' , t/' - L,'/ I ----' 201 15 1 15r (3o) (so) <---* .-4 1l- t, I Existing ProPosed Total -.:r \t -t- I ---1-- --Y-l i-E::-_!-J Date approved bY Town Enginee.r: . :r . I 'i- r' ./ , t 1.) Flood Plain )t t / /\ r [/t ' ' It i,'', ' r { l't\ 10 dguest? cotoRADo aaaalaatat TNIS APPIJICAUON I9II..I., NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIIJ ALL REQUIRED INFORITATION I8 SUE!.IIITED raaaaaaaaa PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OT VAIL, DATE APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: X ttew Construction Addition ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision *h If property is descrJ-tfed by Minor Alteration c. D.rct lQ Block 7 a meets and bounds on a separate sheet appllcant rnust P_rovlde a current5. L legal anddescription, please provide attach to this application. E. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If requl-red, stamped survey showing lot area. G. H. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone- $o$ 10, OOt- $ 50, ool sL50, oo1 $500, 001$ Over - S l-o, ooo- s 50, oo0- I l5orooo - $ 5OO, o00- $1,ooo,ooo $1, OOO, OoO FEE s 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50. OO $100. OO s2Oo. o0 s300.0o Conceptual Review .'1NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM: *-r- .Malling Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (8) SMailing Address:1 Phone Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildinc perrnit. FEE SCHEDULE: J. K. VALUATION rNo APPITICAIfON IILIJ BE PROCEA8ED IIITEOUT OrttERrg SIGIIATURE ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE PROP0SAL: , , t /- rn€ rnvrv"^''-*rn* q"t +nL- vuporf @,0 0 r',r^^,-",'1LW PUSLICIIORKS , | , \-/ ,rrll ,tl, l l , 4,/(( /,t o IHTER.DgPARTIIENTAL REV I El,| P?,OJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTED:DATE oF PUBLTc nuwne *4.4 CCI.',".1ENTS NEEDED BY : P.eviened" uv: Gcaq., F,tl oate 4!lq l%2 Connents: ( , FIRE DEPARTI.TENT Reviewed by:Date Conments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT ?t"'ti a l5" cr'-? e*Li;rJ 6 5t e^"L S;Jz- o[ &lro- "^A. A\:" erovi J-e- cr"r c-->qi,,-tl| | , U ^,-. I -T ac"teul"c d,, c"Jd eon.,l{ {r0,,^_ Jr:,ne_ a*, r );rn*rrlr*o d;4<'vt VQ.tsnt s,ruf [l^r,* rnJ- _lk S+*--+ . ' { ldrJ; nbn,'"+t4= "n c)r-^ttN lr",n_. Reviewed by: Conilerrts: Date 'tr' .;. ji REC'iTATiOT DEPARTI.:eNT DateRevlewed.by: Co;;ents: UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB tot_-i1_ito."_1_rnme $u*te,t *ku Arr,rt'".t ADDRESS The location of utilLties, whet.her chey be main trunk llnes or proposed J-Ines, rnust be approved and verlfled by the followlng utlll-ties for the accompanyingslte p1an. Authorized Slenature Da te Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harty Moyes Public Serv j.ce Company 949-s781 Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-s892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty lleritage Cablevislon T. V. 94 9-55 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Distrtct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee N0TE: These verificatlons do not relteve the contracLor ofto obtain a st.reet. cut permlt fronr the Town of Vail, Works and to obtain utillty locations before dtggtng "-26 - ?a 3=2L-"o hls responslblllty Depattment of Public in any publlc righc- ermit is not a street.of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A buildlncut perml-t. A street cut permit must be obtafned separatefy. This form 1s to verlfy servlce availability and locatlon. This should be used iu conJuncEion wlth preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. *(Please brlng a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper EagJ-e Va11ey I'later & Sanitation signaEures) !t Repreeentlng Title Insurance Conpany of l{innesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER January 10, 1990 Our Order: V14398-3 BttYER3 .../ollrttnt J. LEARy AlrD roRr JEllI LEARy SEIJ|ER: ROBERT t. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KrEF AND GARyC. KIEF ADDRESS: CI'SER 1 Attn: SHARITIAN VACATION PROPERUES DEI,IVER IN VAIIJ RI'NS 1 Attn: iIOHN NII,SSON ooPrEs 2 Attn: FIRSTBAT{K OF VAIL DELIVER IN VAIIJ RI'NS 1 AttN: KEVIN PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al'! Pl.t LAilO T|TLI CdARANTEE COfvfiqNY 'I 08 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-9015 710 Kipling Street lakewood, CO 8021 5 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworfh Suite I I 5 !akewood, CO 80235 988-8s50 I 1990 Grant Street Suile 220 Norihg lenn, CO 80233 452-0149 '19590 East Main Streei Parker, CO 80134 Sill-4900 108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 176-2251 MINNESOTA TrrL,E /N 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420.021r 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora. CO 80014 7 5l -1336 l8l0 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-410l 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Sreckenridge, CO 80121 453-2255 5l2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Wahsalch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 63,1-4821 Gommitment To Insure /ssued firouglr the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321- | 880 8621 E. Hampden Suite | 00 Denver. CO 80231 750-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemite Denver, CO 80237 691-2837 : ALrA "frlrrrr.{ENr O SCHEDULE A Application No. Vl-4398-3 For Information only - Charges - ALTA Owner Po1icy $518.00Alta Lender Pollcy $5O.OO $zo. ooTaxcertitl-to*oL-- $5g,.oo With your remittance please refer to Vl"439g-3. t. Effective Date: January 02, 1990 at 8:OO A.M. rrALTAn Ouners t s Policy gll_5, oOO. OOForn B-197O (Anended l_O-17-70) Proposed Insureds DANIEL J. I.,EARY AND LORT JEAN LEARY nALTArr Loan Policy (1970 RevLsion) Proposed Insured: FTRSTBANK OF VAIL $8 O, 5O0 . 00 l. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthls Cornmitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple l, Title to tbe estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: ROBERT J. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KIEF AND GARY C. KIEF t. The land referred to in this Conrnitnent is described asfollows: r.,oT 19' BrocK 7' BrcHoRN suBDrvrsroN, FrFTH ADDrTroN, AccoRDrNGTO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF >AGE 1 ALrA t"urrrrrENr SCHEDULE A Application No. V14398-3 COIORADO. )A,GE 2 ALTA '"MITMENT SCHEDULE B.1 (Requirenents) Application No. V1.4398-3 lhe following are the reguirenents to be conplied with: t. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or rnortgagors ofthe fulL consideration for the estate or interest to be-insured. l. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: i. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. I. WARR,,ANTY DEED FROM ROBERT J. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KIEF AND GARY C. KIEF TODANIEL J. LEARY AND T-oRI JEAN LEARY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. '. DEED OF TRUST FRO!,! DANIEL J. LEARY AND LORI JEAN LEARY TO THE PUBLICTRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE ST'MoF $8O,500.00. AGE 3 ALrA lon!rrrMENr SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. V14398-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefolLowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaLd water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RrGHI OF PROPRIETOR OF A VErN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REl,loVE HIS ORE THEREFROI-! SHOULD THE SA}4E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI{ISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September L3, L9O2, rN BOOK 4sAT PAGE 491. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE UNfTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13,L9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIoNS' IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN, oR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CON"AINED rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED November 25, 1-966, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. L2. A TTVE FOOT I{TDE STIP AIONG ALL TN?ERTOR IOT LINES IS DEDTCATED AS UTTIJTTY EASEUENTS FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS ASNOTED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. 13. EASE}IENTS, RESERVAIIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. PAGE 4 Project Application o^," & lt:10 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesat Description' ao, {? , etock 1 , p;1;ns APPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval Tirlx l*Wrcq, Tntihy ka4^* djuvrewl;owtA d)raru;tju Al VL^ la,,',t ,l % hW 1- +-q0 V/4h W 11 | IU4- l,,Mos *vu\* fufu"*< \Mt!1 l,^ bl'.,vvrntv's- tuww tu$ad"lr* u*rc4M $* u,T"ff\o*o t,<- eant ^ff\U I't'tw | 6- --; vuL oI<l DATE OF DRB MEETII{G. NW 1,111O DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Oetermiirb if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibjlity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE app] ica- tion wi'l I streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ltt . fftu .' r{J APPLICATION DATE: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot t1 b Block h 1 al-{r\zonlnq I t J C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s :loo Filing ht4ilue Sreutgol da Ftunr. bx !oD' Vat, telePhone 411''^" 'i) D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Qsa*a lt - ftA+.t*o , h,cu' nUq Address ?-f*t. a?h x/arc , to. telephone 14q-u1qo E. NAME OF OWNERS:?x*l*4; ? Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000$5o,0oi-$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 l^,; Lea telephone 411-ZoA " be paid at the tjme a bu'ilding permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appficant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be martLa. This work must be completed before the DRB v'i sits the si te. Z. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval- 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be rePubl i shed. nature " .:ar, . 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Admjnistrator for approval: a. 14jndows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the buiiding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed tloT qny other lot or public space, which hive had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the additjon; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding' o ,c 0F PR0JECT: .dGAL DESCRIPTION: LIST OF MATERIALS "pi n*eel d.o* tu^(e>Nxrua'{b- , STREET ADDRESS: ,,/ oescntPTloN oF PR L The fol'low'ing jnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revjew Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Ui ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'l ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT ]'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES €xl+r+l|c-lREEs.{0 gE_REMOYED of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name ceo*'- o\Ffu.# 1l8. A,noa* 1lb@* ,, d*fiE ceoe- .(1^f' tL 1l?' \0N ,,4- a4 rr-"".- &^f, e ltb d6oo r.trl(lE Pa".crvc I hrou-<6mv wlzl, Common Name tuss-EP-rLfu*. €.<3uEr,x< t(t"n L fuxo*1 F<+lt-. n6.tu^ otlrr# Hor* I ?ratr-' floba".1 C.nkt)'DaU,to LuHt(E I +, Vtk*"ovw r,rrtlo^6 Quani ty L5 L d -^,^ *w d -n,^ sftll Si ze* ,iL L'1. ,'* n At for conifers. (over) *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indi cate hei ght " PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Si ze A - 91* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Square FootageType rl'4*tA- d,t Wret",5 ,e ,,,!!r,, -_^ ^_ ^1._ s0D Norre SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHERILANDSCAPE FEATURES walls, fences, swimming pools,etc.) Please specify.( reta i ni ng F{o*z; I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: ,l\l'tD lgeRl DFeRTffiON ;lo-'t- l'l Fil jnq buutat + qJl_*oO ---------i--------i- Phone \(t-t 11o Proposed I lr 92 -tl ,hezs Block 1 ADDRESS: OI,INER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTR PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Lnr tzt 7t' 14 aF Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear lrater cours e ld( aae zzlal Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng l,lal l Heights Park ing Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Dri ve: Sl ope Perm'i tted Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche A'l I otted (30)(33) avt t) ktua\ -L 2btb't,Li 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) > 2-b -, I> >E 4-^.q -Eg r&r(otttu T"{*1. tglg b66 ln i) Lge:75 5o 2-5 ?2b (1oo) (50) 6<) Lt> 400 ) Slope Actual Tect tw' k' ) a)^ -)'21)04 c Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Date: Approved/Di sapProved ? A0 -q0 Staff Sig UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB Lor_]l__ir.ocr*]_F rL rN G ADDRESS The locatLon of utilltl-es, whether they be maln must be approved and verlfied by fhe followlngslte p1an. Erunk 1lnes utlllties for or proposed llnes, the accornpanylng llountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Servlce Courpany 949-578r Gary Hall Iloly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted llusky/ltlchael Laverty Herltage Cablev1slon T. V. 949-5s30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltatlon Dlstrlct 476-748Q Fred Haslee Da te + 2?6 tud {a -2" "-za - ?a ?'26-?0 NOTE: These verlflcatlons do not relleve the contractor of hls responsibltlty to obtaln a street cut permlt fron the Town of Va1l, Department of Publlc Works and to obtaln utllity locations before dlgglng ln any pub11c rlght- of-way or easenent ln the Town of Vall. A bullding perml! ls not a streetcut permiE. A screet. cut perniE must be obcal_ned separately. Thls form ls to verlfy servLce availability and location. Thls should be used ln conjunction wlch preparlng yout utillty plan and schedullng lnstallations. *(Please bring a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon signatures) #;1'$; MAIf{TENANCE COI,|lPANY -.It TE Jui 15 93 o 15:56 No.031 P.04 fltfur/,,nerT .- ;- .,.ARTISTS IN COMMEFCIAL * RESIEENTIAL LANDSCAPING E I'/AI NTENANCE Datsr To: Phortp; From: Phone: Re: Bud, July 6, t993 Bud Avil 8870 E. Mineral Place Englewood, Co. 80112 220-8381 Jody Daniels, Rcgiona) Manager $aBells Landscaping & Maintenancc Co, t',O. Box 1025 Eaglc, Co. 81631 328-64er 'I'ree planting at owncrs vacant lot ( Meadow Dr. area) This lelter ir to confiun ow a€xeement to plurt the following tr€es ASAP; (l) I' Lodgcpolc lrinc (2) 12'LodgcpulePinei (2) l0'Lodgcpole I'ine TOTAT COSr f 1500.00 QUALTF|CATIONS ' Contractor provides initial watering and guying of troos,i Owngr to watcr lrecs thcreafter f,t twica/we* for the ffrst month and oncdwcck until snow fall. Removc guys on trccs aftcr thc sooond ycar. I rrn eorry obout tho dcloy in planting your kocor duc to the cttrsmc demrnd on tfees this year my diggcr has not providod all the trees I had contractcd with him, Wo will still oomment to our price in any casc, but it looks lihe now that rhc trocs will not go in until latc August or cnrly Stltembct. Thmk 6;;i.r' faxpc; JimCornutb(47g.2451)'PlemingD4t'T.O.V. budavil (303) ?8E.02o8 ?9Or SOUTHSANTAFE DFivE ENGLET4OOO,COLOhADO B0rr0 FAX (303) 76e-050t _.JJtLr-,l s-e5 sAT 1 Datc: To: Irhonc: From: Phonc: Rc: Bud, fax cc: budrvil ,.,AHTISTS IN COMMERbIAL - NESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPIN6 & MAINTENANCE 4:5 o 75 P-A2 Thie lotter ir to confirm our agrcan€nt to plant thc following toec ASAP: (l) S Lodgopole Pine (2) l2'LodgcpolePine (2) l0'LodgepolePine TOTAL COST $1s00,00 QUALTFTCATIONSr Contractor provide initial wrtering and guying of rrees.* Owncr to r+ater trcca thereiftcr at uiae/wcek for thc firgt month and onoc/wcck untit snow fall, Rcmovc Aryr ort trEEE rfter the seoond year, I tm sorry about the dolay in plurting your trces, duc to thc cxtseffic demand on tr€cs ihis ycar my digger hac nol providcd all thc rccs I hrd contracted with him. Wc will still commcnt ro our price in Eny casc, but lt lookg tlkc now thar thc nees wilt nor go in until latc Augr$t or carly Scptombcr, Thanlc edene in regards to thir mrttcr. July 6. 1993 Bud Avil 8870 E. Minorrl Plecc Englewood, Co.80ll2 220-838r Jody Daniels, Rogional Managu Sa8ells Landscaping & Maintemancc Co. P.O. Dox 1025 Eaglc, Co, 81631 328-5491 Tiw planting $ owncrs vrcant lot ( Meadow Dr. arce) Jim Cornuth(479-2452)-Planning Dept. T"O.V. rr*i,S fiIAINTENANCE COMPANY (so3) ?89-020t e901 BoUTH SANTA FE DFIVE ENGLEWOOD,CoLonADo 801 10 FAx t3co 788.0507 .aa 13:14 N0.017 P.02 July .|9, 1gg3 Town of Veil - Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Fload Vail, CO 81657 Dear Cheirperson: This ie a follow up letter to my letter of July 15, 1ggg, that reguests an extension of thc data for planting trees on my property( rcferencs to my January 6, 1993 Design Review Board application , project Name: Avil tree removal( amended landscape plan requost). In the July 15, 1gg3 letter, I rcfcrrcd to the faot that Jirn Gornuth of ttre plannirrg Dcpartment suggested that I pursue other sources for ths needed trees, I would llk€ to report on my search as of this date, In all seven landscape designers or nurseries were contacted, The results are listed here: l. Ellison Land Design:- They informed me that they do design worlt only and refErred me to Fitz & Gaylord. 2. Matthews in Avon:- Bill King said that he would call me on Friday, July 16, 1903, Bill aalled me on Monday, July 19, ig93, and said that in his search he was unable to locate any Lodgepoll pines, He suggested that he might be able to collect some in the fail. EL: o IY Y a Jn I 3. WeEl Canyon Tree Farms:- Don McGirr told me that ho elght foot trees, maybe a couple of tens, but no twelve 4, Stevens:- I lEft a message for Mike to call me, but as has not rEturned my call. had a couple of foot trees, of this time hs 5. Fitz & Gaylord:- | am waiting for Lorin to cEll me baek. 6. Alpine in silverthornei They are supposed to call mo on Monday, July 19, 1993. TEL: DFB/July '15, 19gg Page 2 7, Gernot Heinrlchsdorff, ms that Lodgepole pinas them. Bespectfully, 4800 E- Meadow Drive, Unit g Vail CO 81657 or: 8870 E. Mineral Place Englewood CO 0011A Copy to: Jim Cornuth Planning Departrnent . T. O. Katie Troutwine Festivals Director Vait Vailey Arts Council 13r15 N0.017 P.03 A.$,1.A. Landscape Architect:- Gernot informed are lumber trees and not many nurseries carry I Y YJ - Jul I belisvs that the above information indicates a good faith effort toresolve the issue. while we felt that the issuo would be resolvod in uunb0f 1993, untortunatoly it was not. saBell says that they can acquire theagreed upOn tr€es end plant them by ths middle of september 1gg3, if notEoolsr as they indicated thoy would try to do. we thsrefore request thatthe Board grant Our ptoposal to continue with the contracted route that isboing presentod to it. we will be represented at ths wednesday, July 21, lggg Design Review Boaqd meoting by ourdaugrrrar, Katie Troutwine, p. o. Bsx g19r, Avon oo,8r 620, V. t66l ? iiilf !,ilti O BnowxsrnrN Hyerr Femnn & Srnrcxlelro, P.C. Arron-xeys -e,r L,rw TWENTY-siECONO FLOO R 4IO SEVENTEENTH S'REET Iarnes S. Mandel Departnent of Community Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Lot 19, Block5th Addition, Ladies and Gentlemen: DENrIBR. COLOEADO TELEPHO N E {303) 534-6335 TELECOP rER (3c)31 523-r 956 June 2, 1993 Develor)nent 7 | Bighorn Subdivision East VaiL, colorado My wife and I are the owners of one-haIf of the duplex located at 5035 E. Main Gore Drive (a portion of Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision sth), which is irnmediately adjacent to Lot 19. As a result of the prior actions taken by the present owners of Lot 19, whom I believe to be Howard J. and Mary Jane Avil, which included the wrongful cutting down of an enormous evergreen this past winter, we are extremely desirous of having the opportunity to participate in any d.esign review, building perrnit, Iandscaping revi.ew, drainage diversion or other Town of VaiI approval process involving Lot l-9. Because there rernains on Lot 19 a centuries-old evergreen,' one of the largest in East Vail, as well as a trernendous amount of prot-ected willows and vretlands, vre are obviously very concerned, based on the previously reported event, that any activities on Lot Lg be properly scrutinized and undertaken in a manner which strictly complies with applicable town, state and federal laws and regulations concerning land use, wetlands, and environment. We would therefor respectfulJ-y request that a copy of this Ietter and an appropriate notation be placed in the applicable file for Lot 1-9, Block 7, Bighorn 5th, indicating that we have asked that we be notified of any type of land-use application filed regarding Lot L9, so that we may have the opportunity to participate in the revier^t process if warranted. All we desire is to see that proper respect is given to the environrnent, the neighborhood and applicable Iaws. To?rn June Page of 2, 2 Vail L993 Your cooneration is tremendously appreciated. Very truly yours es S. Mandel. JSM,/bsrn cc: George Lamb, Design Review Board Mike Arnett, Design Review Board Bob Borne, Design Review Board SaIIy Brainerd, Design Review Board Fred & Diane DiDio'Russel1 Eorest ['BANK OF VAIL 17 vArL ROAD VAIL, COLORAOO 816s7 303-476-s686 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT DATE: January !2, t993 AUoUNT: $l-,500.00NUMBER: 880-9240 EXPIRATION: August 31, 1993 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concern: We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor available by your drafts drawn on the FirstBank of Vai1, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, at sight for any slun not exceeding the coEal of ONE-THOUSAND-FM- HUNDRED-AND-NO/100 ($1,500.00) on the accounc of Howard J. Avil and Mary J. Avil . Each draft nust bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn Under Lecter of Credit No. 880-9240 dated January 12, l-993, of FirstBank of Vail , Vail, Colorado. " Each draft must be accompanied by a statemenc by a duly authorized officer of Town of Vail stating that this draw is in conneccion with funds needed for the account of Howard J, Avil and Mary J. Avi1. The anount of each draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this credit, together with the date of negotiation, nust be endorsed on the reverse side of the Letter of Credit - We hereby agree that drafts drawn under this Letter of Credit and in compllance with the terxns, shall be prompEly honored if presented to FirstBank of Vail on or before August 31, 1993. 4 Andrew Senior H. Hancock Vice Pres ident AHH/wd l -tt-?3 J d"a/-J &)n t-Lfkr'<- a'L a- ft+^ f& P;'tu'. Q.r r"' J'/''"* / t/-s' Frs ' W llve Project Application arl..nar* L an<,.s).L.-[;;Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address'and Phone: *L"le #"q!,4*^,L 71- 7a -S etf so*, G lAw E, he")"up dt,,t< - 0";#,,/*'(,c,9/€s7 Architect, Address and Phone: '{* Legal Description: Lot vBlock / . Filing comments' R L. &F Lo€ 4w Iezt ^)6-f a-.) Sque q,s abr<- Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board L{.O'**J't'*t /, /o^" t// /qv C-A E't'rt,- GeaSc Lq*'h a<)-3u'-< DISAPPROVAL DZ"_tAe l-rv<=oK *1"e-Sqeulq a = b'&LL &CCo*.1p - A -- t? tqLL k + {+"t**,o L G<sset< l"ryk(f€f,J,u *F /6-\ {+wc= .,.. fLz Town Plan ner . ,. I :.,- r_ .a.. -- / E statt Approval DESIGN REVTEW :00 BO.ERD AGENDA :qffif$,# P.M. .ii1c.,-fr. \i76'rc6Y 6w."tt{(<t SITE VTSITS 1:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. 1 Regal - 1079 Sandstone Drive. 2 Daupbanais - 1500 Lionsridge Loop. 3 zeli - 2LGL N. Frontaga Road West. 4 Cortina Chalets - 2662, 2672 & 2682 5 Curtin Eill Sports - L74 Gore Creek Vail.6 Vai]- Ski Street. Cortina Lane. Drive./Tbe Lodge - 254 Bridge at 7 Cinnaraony Buns Transportation Rentals/Curtin llill. Sports - 241 Frontage Road East/vaLL Center. 8 9 10 11 Strauss - 483 Gore Creek Drive. Kalkus - 324 Beaver Dam Road. Kelton - 1034 Hornestake Circle.Lawler - 4939 Meadow Driwe. Gordon - New 2632 Cort,ina MOTION: primary/secondary residence.'Lane/Lot 5r Block B, Vail Ridge. SECOND:i. . VOTE: TD TD2. Curtin Hill Sports - New sign. 174 Gore Creek Drive/The Lodge at Vail.MOTfON: SECOND:VOTE: .- Sign'variance. TD -VaiI Village 1st. . ': .:VOTE: o AVIL TREE REMOVAL On November 16, 1992, the Community Development Department received a complaint (Lorelei Donaldson took the message), from Jim and Mindy Mandel (476-8139), owners of half of a duplex on Lot 20, Block 7, Bighorn subdivision, Sth Addition. The Mandel's said that someone was cutting down a large tree on the lot next to them (Lot 19, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision, sth Addition, 4998 Meadow Drive). Russell Forrest and I left to investigate the complaint within 5 minutes of the call. We arrived at the lot to see the Mandel's waiting on Meadow Drive along with the guy who was doing the cutting. The tree was approximately 50' high, and 24" - 30" (D.B.H.), and had a wedge cut out of it half way through the tree already. We introduced ourselves to the gentleman-who identitied himself as John Avil (479-9245). He was driving a blue Jeep Renegade, plate #PZC 750. John said that his dad owns the lot and told him to cut the tree down. His dad's name is Howard Avil (220-8381). I asked him why his dad wants the tree down and he said that his mom likes lots of sun and wanted the tree removed. We told Mr. Avil that it was a code violation to remove or destroy vegetation, or otherwise alter a site, without prior DRB review and approval. We told him not to cause any further disturbance to the site. I asked him if the tree removal was necessary as part of an approved plan for the property. He said his dad just bought the lot about a year ago so he did not think so. Russell and I decided that, for safety sake, the tree which Russell had determined was already as good as dead, should be brought down. The Mandel's commented to us that a nearby hill was used frequently by children in the area for sledding after school. We told Mr. Avil that before we would allow him to bring the tree down, we wanted to get a picture of it, so we would be going back to the office to get a camera and to check the file to see whether or not a previous approval had been granted. We told John we would be back in a half hour and that in the meantime he should go call his dad to see whether or not the property had some sort of development approved lor it, and that his dad should call me immediately. Russell and I came back to the office to get the camera and to check the file. lt turns out that in April of 1990, lhe "Leary" residence received DRB approval for a single family home on the property. Approval of the plan was given a one year extension in 1991 , but expired in April of 1992. In any event, the approved landscape plan did not involve lhe removal of either of the two large trees on the property. Russell and I went back out to the lot where we met John and a friend and Todd Oppenheimer. Todd was there to estimate the value of the tree. Later another friend of John's dad showed up and they proceeded to attempt to drop the tree without much luck. Since I was late for a meeting back at the Town offices, I asked Russell to drive me back to the office. Russell then went back out to the lot where he saw them eventually drop the tree. The tree landed in the willows north of the property and not in the intended direction, which was west. November 17,1992 At approximately 11:00 A.M. I received a call from Mr. Avil who introduced himself as Bud. He said he was not aware that he needed approval to remove the tree and apologized for the confusion. He asked what he needed to do next to make things right with the Town. I told Mr. Avil that our options are to issue a citation and order to appear in court or require payment for the value of the tree, in either cash or landscape materials, or possibly to submit a development plan for the property which shows significant plantings to compensate for the removal of the tree. I told him that I was going into a stalf meeting that afternoon and I would discuss the issue with other staff members and call him back with further information. November 19, 1992 /+l I met with Kristan to discuss the appropriate course of action. Sne suggdsted that we ask Mr. Avilto submit a DRB application to amend the landscaping on the lot$ provide a letter of credit to assure a comparable amount of vegetation was planted in the Spring. 2:00 P.M. I spoke with Bud about what he needs to do. He agreed with what I suggested, which was: . Submit DRB application and fee to amend the landscaping on his lot. Provide a site plan showing what he will remove and what he will replace. Provide a letter of credit in the amount of the value of the tree which was felled to assure that the compensatory plantings are actually done in the Spring. Submit everything on or before December 6, 1992. December 9, 1992 11:00AM Called and asked where application was. Left message on machine to call me today. 5:15 PM Called and got John. I asked him to call his dad and tell him he missed the deadlins and to call me tomonow. December 14,1992 I called Bud's office and left message lo call me. Bud called me back and said he was having problems getting the letter of credit. I told him don't worry about that now, just submit application and he said he would have it by Monday. December 21 , '1992 Application received. January 6, 1993 DRB meeting. jim\AVILTREE I.PROJECT INF'ORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ff property is described by li".a s/alsL COLORADO nenJ A.n d ($200.00) X uino. Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review (90) BIogk APPLICATION - TOI{N OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICI,TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIED ITNTIL AI.L REQUIRED INFOR!{ATION IS SUBFTIITED********** I tl B. Plqn. 'Y t), t'177 hlfath*''t ' | //d tlt description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If required, applicant must stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: a currenc H. I. NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE z g.znnc- . 5,./f . Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Lat.er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify t.heaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwilt adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE,9 0 - $ 10,000 $ 20.00$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50.00$ 50r 001 - $ l_50, 000 $100.00 $150,001 - $ 500, 000 $200.00 $500,001_ - $1.,000,000 $400.00$ Over $1,000,000 i $500.00 i* DESIGN REVIE9| BOARD APPROVAL EXPIR,ES ONE IEAR AE'TER FINAI. APPROVAL I'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT.IS ISSUSD AND CONSTRUCTION IS SIARTED. **NO APPI.ICATION WILI. BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE t- .t. v NAME OF O$INERS: STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addres .,ta, '. Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Pioject Application Owner, Address and Phonei Architect, Address and Phone: ta1Legal Description: Lot I / , Block / , Fiting Com ments: APPROVAL Design Review Board Date ,_,.1 orseFFnovnl Summary: ,! ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS PHONE PHONE zoNE DISTRTCT tr .7/ . 1) PRoPOSED u"u [ / :l = r.,,or srz5 ,,. { *'_-i '', , Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping netaining Wall Heights Parking carage Credlt Drive: Environmenta l/Hazards : Does this reguest lnvolve a How much of the allowed 250 3'/6' Reqrd ( 3 oo ) (6dci)leoo) ( 12oo )/i rt,'i i Pennltted Slope JBS- Actual SloPe 2) Percent sloPe 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debrl.s Flow 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?Addition is used-ffiGis AIlowed (3o) (33) A//). (42s) .' , t/' - L,'/ I ----' 201 15 1 15r (3o) (so) <---* .-4 1l- t, I Existing ProPosed Total -.:r \t -t- I ---1-- --Y-l i-E::-_!-J Date approved bY Town Enginee.r: . :r . I 'i- r' ./ , t 1.) Flood Plain )t t / /\ r [/t ' ' It i,'', ' r { l't\ 10 dguest? cotoRADo aaaalaatat TNIS APPIJICAUON I9II..I., NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIIJ ALL REQUIRED INFORITATION I8 SUE!.IIITED raaaaaaaaa PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRIPTION: DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OT VAIL, DATE APPLICATTON RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: X ttew Construction Addition ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision *h If property is descrJ-tfed by Minor Alteration c. D.rct lQ Block 7 a meets and bounds on a separate sheet appllcant rnust P_rovlde a current5. L legal anddescription, please provide attach to this application. E. F. ZONING: LOT AREA: If requl-red, stamped survey showing lot area. G. H. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone- $o$ 10, OOt- $ 50, ool sL50, oo1 $500, 001$ Over - S l-o, ooo- s 50, oo0- I l5orooo - $ 5OO, o00- $1,ooo,ooo $1, OOO, OoO FEE s 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50. OO $100. OO s2Oo. o0 s300.0o Conceptual Review .'1NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM: *-r- .Malling Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (8) SMailing Address:1 Phone Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of issuance of a buildinc perrnit. FEE SCHEDULE: J. K. VALUATION rNo APPITICAIfON IILIJ BE PROCEA8ED IIITEOUT OrttERrg SIGIIATURE ERIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE PROP0SAL: , , t /- rn€ rnvrv"^''-*rn* q"t +nL- vuporf @,0 0 r',r^^,-",'1LW PUSLICIIORKS , | , \-/ ,rrll ,tl, l l , 4,/(( /,t o IHTER.DgPARTIIENTAL REV I El,| P?,OJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTED:DATE oF PUBLTc nuwne *4.4 CCI.',".1ENTS NEEDED BY : P.eviened" uv: Gcaq., F,tl oate 4!lq l%2 Connents: ( , FIRE DEPARTI.TENT Reviewed by:Date Conments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT ?t"'ti a l5" cr'-? e*Li;rJ 6 5t e^"L S;Jz- o[ &lro- "^A. A\:" erovi J-e- cr"r c-->qi,,-tl| | , U ^,-. I -T ac"teul"c d,, c"Jd eon.,l{ {r0,,^_ Jr:,ne_ a*, r );rn*rrlr*o d;4<'vt VQ.tsnt s,ruf [l^r,* rnJ- _lk S+*--+ . ' { ldrJ; nbn,'"+t4= "n c)r-^ttN lr",n_. Reviewed by: Conilerrts: Date 'tr' .;. ji REC'iTATiOT DEPARTI.:eNT DateRevlewed.by: Co;;ents: UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB tot_-i1_ito."_1_rnme $u*te,t *ku Arr,rt'".t ADDRESS The location of utilLties, whet.her chey be main trunk llnes or proposed J-Ines, rnust be approved and verlfled by the followlng utlll-ties for the accompanyingslte p1an. Authorized Slenature Da te Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harty Moyes Public Serv j.ce Company 949-s781 Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-s892 Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty lleritage Cablevislon T. V. 94 9-55 30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Distrtct 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee N0TE: These verificatlons do not relteve the contracLor ofto obtain a st.reet. cut permlt fronr the Town of Vail, Works and to obtain utillty locations before dtggtng "-26 - ?a 3=2L-"o hls responslblllty Depattment of Public in any publlc righc- ermit is not a street.of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A buildlncut perml-t. A street cut permit must be obtafned separatefy. This form 1s to verlfy servlce availability and locatlon. This should be used iu conJuncEion wlth preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. *(Please brlng a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper EagJ-e Va11ey I'later & Sanitation signaEures) !t Repreeentlng Title Insurance Conpany of l{innesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER January 10, 1990 Our Order: V14398-3 BttYER3 .../ollrttnt J. LEARy AlrD roRr JEllI LEARy SEIJ|ER: ROBERT t. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KrEF AND GARyC. KIEF ADDRESS: CI'SER 1 Attn: SHARITIAN VACATION PROPERUES DEI,IVER IN VAIIJ RI'NS 1 Attn: iIOHN NII,SSON ooPrEs 2 Attn: FIRSTBAT{K OF VAIL DELIVER IN VAIIJ RI'NS 1 AttN: KEVIN PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al'! Pl.t LAilO T|TLI CdARANTEE COfvfiqNY 'I 08 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-9015 710 Kipling Street lakewood, CO 8021 5 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworfh Suite I I 5 !akewood, CO 80235 988-8s50 I 1990 Grant Street Suile 220 Norihg lenn, CO 80233 452-0149 '19590 East Main Streei Parker, CO 80134 Sill-4900 108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 176-2251 MINNESOTA TrrL,E /N 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420.021r 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora. CO 80014 7 5l -1336 l8l0 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-410l 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Sreckenridge, CO 80121 453-2255 5l2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Wahsalch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 63,1-4821 Gommitment To Insure /ssued firouglr the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 321- | 880 8621 E. Hampden Suite | 00 Denver. CO 80231 750-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81 301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemite Denver, CO 80237 691-2837 : ALrA "frlrrrr.{ENr O SCHEDULE A Application No. Vl-4398-3 For Information only - Charges - ALTA Owner Po1icy $518.00Alta Lender Pollcy $5O.OO $zo. ooTaxcertitl-to*oL-- $5g,.oo With your remittance please refer to Vl"439g-3. t. Effective Date: January 02, 1990 at 8:OO A.M. rrALTAn Ouners t s Policy gll_5, oOO. OOForn B-197O (Anended l_O-17-70) Proposed Insureds DANIEL J. I.,EARY AND LORT JEAN LEARY nALTArr Loan Policy (1970 RevLsion) Proposed Insured: FTRSTBANK OF VAIL $8 O, 5O0 . 00 l. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthls Cornmitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple l, Title to tbe estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: ROBERT J. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KIEF AND GARY C. KIEF t. The land referred to in this Conrnitnent is described asfollows: r.,oT 19' BrocK 7' BrcHoRN suBDrvrsroN, FrFTH ADDrTroN, AccoRDrNGTO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF >AGE 1 ALrA t"urrrrrENr SCHEDULE A Application No. V14398-3 COIORADO. )A,GE 2 ALTA '"MITMENT SCHEDULE B.1 (Requirenents) Application No. V1.4398-3 lhe following are the reguirenents to be conplied with: t. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or rnortgagors ofthe fulL consideration for the estate or interest to be-insured. l. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: i. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. I. WARR,,ANTY DEED FROM ROBERT J. KEIF, ROBERT EDWARD KIEF AND GARY C. KIEF TODANIEL J. LEARY AND T-oRI JEAN LEARY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. '. DEED OF TRUST FRO!,! DANIEL J. LEARY AND LORI JEAN LEARY TO THE PUBLICTRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE ST'MoF $8O,500.00. AGE 3 ALrA lon!rrrMENr SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. V14398-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefolLowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions I through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaLd water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RrGHI OF PROPRIETOR OF A VErN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REl,loVE HIS ORE THEREFROI-! SHOULD THE SA}4E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI{ISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September L3, L9O2, rN BOOK 4sAT PAGE 491. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORTTY OF THE UNfTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13,L9O2, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIoNS' IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN, oR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CON"AINED rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED November 25, 1-966, IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 445. L2. A TTVE FOOT I{TDE STIP AIONG ALL TN?ERTOR IOT LINES IS DEDTCATED AS UTTIJTTY EASEUENTS FOR THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS ASNOTED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIFTH ADDITION. 13. EASE}IENTS, RESERVAIIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FIFTH ADDITION. PAGE 4 Project Application o^," & lt:10 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesat Description' ao, {? , etock 1 , p;1;ns APPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval Tirlx l*Wrcq, Tntihy ka4^* djuvrewl;owtA d)raru;tju Al VL^ la,,',t ,l % hW 1- +-q0 V/4h W 11 | IU4- l,,Mos *vu\* fufu"*< \Mt!1 l,^ bl'.,vvrntv's- tuww tu$ad"lr* u*rc4M $* u,T"ff\o*o t,<- eant ^ff\U I't'tw | 6- --; vuL oI<l DATE OF DRB MEETII{G. NW 1,111O DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to Oetermiirb if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibjlity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE app] ica- tion wi'l I streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Ltt . fftu .' r{J APPLICATION DATE: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot t1 b Block h 1 al-{r\zonlnq I t J C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s :loo Filing ht4ilue Sreutgol da Ftunr. bx !oD' Vat, telePhone 411''^" 'i) D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Qsa*a lt - ftA+.t*o , h,cu' nUq Address ?-f*t. a?h x/arc , to. telephone 14q-u1qo E. NAME OF OWNERS:?x*l*4; ? Address DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000$5o,0oi-$ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 l^,; Lea telephone 411-ZoA " be paid at the tjme a bu'ilding permit is requested. FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appficant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should also be martLa. This work must be completed before the DRB v'i sits the si te. Z. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval- 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be rePubl i shed. nature " .:ar, . 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Admjnistrator for approval: a. 14jndows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Plane of the buiiding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed tloT qny other lot or public space, which hive had letters submitted from adioining property owners approving the additjon; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding' o ,c 0F PR0JECT: .dGAL DESCRIPTION: LIST OF MATERIALS "pi n*eel d.o* tu^(e>Nxrua'{b- , STREET ADDRESS: ,,/ oescntPTloN oF PR L The fol'low'ing jnformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revjew Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Ui ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'l ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT ]'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES €xl+r+l|c-lREEs.{0 gE_REMOYED of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name ceo*'- o\Ffu.# 1l8. A,noa* 1lb@* ,, d*fiE ceoe- .(1^f' tL 1l?' \0N ,,4- a4 rr-"".- &^f, e ltb d6oo r.trl(lE Pa".crvc I hrou-<6mv wlzl, Common Name tuss-EP-rLfu*. €.<3uEr,x< t(t"n L fuxo*1 F<+lt-. n6.tu^ otlrr# Hor* I ?ratr-' floba".1 C.nkt)'DaU,to LuHt(E I +, Vtk*"ovw r,rrtlo^6 Quani ty L5 L d -^,^ *w d -n,^ sftll Si ze* ,iL L'1. ,'* n At for conifers. (over) *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indi cate hei ght " PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Si ze A - 91* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Square FootageType rl'4*tA- d,t Wret",5 ,e ,,,!!r,, -_^ ^_ ^1._ s0D Norre SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHERILANDSCAPE FEATURES walls, fences, swimming pools,etc.) Please specify.( reta i ni ng F{o*z; I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: ,l\l'tD lgeRl DFeRTffiON ;lo-'t- l'l Fil jnq buutat + qJl_*oO ---------i--------i- Phone \(t-t 11o Proposed I lr 92 -tl ,hezs Block 1 ADDRESS: OI,INER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTR PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Lnr tzt 7t' 14 aF Hei ght TOTAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear lrater cours e ld( aae zzlal Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng l,lal l Heights Park ing Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Dri ve: Sl ope Perm'i tted Envi ronmental /Hazards :Aval anche A'l I otted (30)(33) avt t) ktua\ -L 2btb't,Li 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) > 2-b -, I> >E 4-^.q -Eg r&r(otttu T"{*1. tglg b66 ln i) Lge:75 5o 2-5 ?2b (1oo) (50) 6<) Lt> 400 ) Slope Actual Tect tw' k' ) a)^ -)'21)04 c Flood Plain Sl ope l.letl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Date: Approved/Di sapProved ? A0 -q0 Staff Sig UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB Lor_]l__ir.ocr*]_F rL rN G ADDRESS The locatLon of utilltl-es, whether they be maln must be approved and verlfied by fhe followlngslte p1an. Erunk 1lnes utlllties for or proposed llnes, the accornpanylng llountain Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. 1800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Servlce Courpany 949-578r Gary Hall Iloly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted llusky/ltlchael Laverty Herltage Cablev1slon T. V. 949-5s30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanltatlon Dlstrlct 476-748Q Fred Haslee Da te + 2?6 tud {a -2" "-za - ?a ?'26-?0 NOTE: These verlflcatlons do not relleve the contractor of hls responsibltlty to obtaln a street cut permlt fron the Town of Va1l, Department of Publlc Works and to obtaln utllity locations before dlgglng ln any pub11c rlght- of-way or easenent ln the Town of Vall. A bullding perml! ls not a streetcut permiE. A screet. cut perniE must be obcal_ned separately. Thls form ls to verlfy servLce availability and location. Thls should be used ln conjunction wlch preparlng yout utillty plan and schedullng lnstallations. *(Please bring a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitatlon signatures)