HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 5TH ADDITION BLOCK 7 LOT 17 LEGALDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL/ co 81657 g7 0-47 9-2l^38 NOTE: Job Address Location. . . ParceI No.. Project No. THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT Perrnit #: ^r r mTME'QillJJJ f rrrsv 896-0271 APPL]CANT MASTER SEALERS INC 1612 MATTERHORN c/ vArL co CONTRACTOR MASTER SEAI-,ERS INC 1612 MATTERHORN C/ VAIL CO OWNER ROBBINS JAMES D & JEANNINE Po Box Ir21 t vArL co 81658 DescriPtion: REROOF SAME WITH SAME OccuPancY R3 type-Conitruction: V N Single FanilY Residence Tvpe V Non-Rated 4948 MEADOW DR 4948 MEADOW DR 2101-131-0 4 -018 ttrof, / 81657 F .00 .00 .00 100.00 10E.25 Status. . . AppIied.. ---,.^.1l-b>us\.r'... Expires. . Phone:3034 Phone:3034 Tota I Ca I'cu Lated Fees---) Addi t ional. Fees---------> Tota! Permit Fee--------> PayDents-----------.-a BALANCE DUE---- I S SUED os /oe /tee6 0e /oe /tee603/08/Leel 7 6397 5 7 6397 5 VaIuaLion:13 / 600 Add Sq Ft: F i repLace InJolmation: Restlicted:#of Gas APPIiances: *****ic***irt*rrt***tr*****#****rri**t*tc'rHrd*t#-i-:ilYT-:::\SUllt'tARY flof Gas Logs:#of Hood/Pa t L et: *******t*****'Hr***t*******irt*'ri***'ri**d***H.*t(#r***** Bui Lding-----> P Lan Check---> Invest i gali on> 1., i Ll, Catt----> 185.00 1ZO.Z5 .00 3.00 qud. z) .o0 408.25 au6. z) .00 Restuarant P lan Revi ev--> DRB Fee--------- Recreation tee----------> cl,ean-UP DePos it--------> TOTAL TEES--_--- ffifit,iiiir 6STtozYBiB' BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' gtl**t-.^SEiiRi,tii: .F{1li$rrtfth&Bfti on'* 'Ft$ll-g--tRk+"' : APPR cirani,ie Action: APPR CHARLIE N/A N/A N/A DAVIS lJsP L . UYFJu. DePt: BUILDING PLANNING F IRE PUB WORK Divi- s ion : Division: Division: Divis i-on : See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may DECLARATlONS apply to this Perrnit' lherebyacknowtedgethatlhavereadthisaPP|'ication,{i|'|.edoutinfutl.theinformationrequ.ired,conPletedan ptan, and state that att re iiio"rnaiion p.ouia"a "" r"qui.io-i" correct' I agree to comPLy with the informatton to conpty u.ith al,t, rorn o.oinui.". and state taws,.and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zRnlng ano codes,design..ui",.pp.oulii'.iiirl'iie"jidi"gi6o.ino-otn..-o'oinuncesoftheTownapp[icab[ethereto] REouEsTs foR rNspEcTroNs SHALL BE |ADE TI,IENTY-FoUR HouRs lN A0VANCE BY TELEPHoNE ^t "YYY2Ifi accurate Pl'ot and ptot P tan, subdi vj send ctean-up Deposit To: ltAsTER SEALERS INC steHltunr of ol.lNER ron rtt,lsrli AN0 oUNER ******************************--.-:??:.?************************************* ':i?:ll?ii{? I * * * * * * *::?:l?;;; ;. I::Yl? * *. *.,, * .::iTt:.t1.??l;??11.**********..."::'-.ti'*-**'******....;;;;; z. oosn/,ors /Lss-9 ffiti:"l*e:: fi1"',ti"i;ill'"#'?RcP'RMrr i::kF':"'l:!)"'Y'i:"2" ii?=it:L:1i iiii F,l!?llti' "ffii63Btiiil" "tr, t*" ,.- n^,.,rritions ****************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS **l 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI'IANCE' f**'f##:H,l. - "*. . . . - . . *#f$: Tig*$jl*nffi;;l-' *B:??'- '*0, . ru cot.iiii;T:"": ,_..*********ll ihis Payment it"ottttt coa" bi";;;; 11'"'"9 3i?"9'"inrE'fi R!{1 r FEE s "i"i,-a!;:g*.1i 3ffi-;;-m??:ll: roo . oo 3.oo [i ;;;a n^t^tntn1 Bi ;;;a '.?o,o^1li ;;66 n':-22 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81657 s7 o-4'79-2I38 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: B96-0271 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 4948 MEADOW DR 4948 MEADOW DR 2101- 131-0 4-018 STATUS...: ISSUED Applied..: 09/09/7e96riiued...: 0e/09/7ee6 Expires. . : 03/08/7997 Phone : 30347 63975 Phone : 3034'7 6397 5 APPLICANT MASTER SEALERS INC 1612 MATTERHORN c' vArL co 81657 CONTRACTOR MASTER SEALERS INC 1612 MATTERHORN C' vArL co 81657 OWNER ROBBINS JAMES D & JEANNINE F PO Box 1127' VAlL', co 81658 DescriPti-on: REROOF SAME WITH SAME Occupancy: R3 type-Conltruction: V N SingJ.e FamilY Residence Tvpe V Non-Rated Valuation:13 / 600 Add Sq Ft: F i reptace lnformation: Restlicted:#0f Gas APPt i ances: * ************ rri*u*icr***#r***urt'tir'ffit-iYi:-:i:i -:E E\ S Ul'tl'lA RY dof Gas Logs:dof uood/ Pa L l.et: **:tfi r*** **rctri# ***ir**fi **t'ffi *****#**J'.**#r*l:*::*** Totat Catcu Iated Fees---> Additional tees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- Bui tdi ng-----> P tan check---> Investigation> Ui Ll. Catl'----> 1E5 .00 120.?5 3.00 .00 .00 .00 100.00 408.25 4V6. Z) .o0 4U6.1) 4U6. Z> .00 Restuarant P tan Revi ew--> DRB Fee--------- Recreat ion Fee----------) ctean-uP DePos i t--------> TOTAL TEES------ *ffiffi1II BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' gt* I T - "^ B E i RRi'"fi i'T:tFtFFtBu'tfiFiBfti' ""'^ 'BfiBlle-.aRk+"': APPR ciARLiE Acti-on: APPR CHARLIE N/A N/A N/A DAVIS r-/Ef, u . usl,\.. BUILDING PLANNlNG F'TRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Docurnent for any conditions that may DECLARATIONS REouEsTs roR rNspEcTroNs SHALL BE tlADE TlrENrY-rouR HouRs lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE * **tyy=y apply to this Permit' Iherebyacknowtedgethatlhavereadth.isapPt'ication,fit|'edoutinfu|.|.theinformationrequired,conpletedan plan, and state that uaa.n"'inio.nliioi p.ou'la"o....qui."J-ii "o..".t' I agree to conPl'y uith the informatlon to compl,y lrith au. forn orornan"l. Inl-.a!a" lavs,.and to LuifO this structure according to the ToHn's zqnrng ano codes, des.ign r.u.,.r .pp.ou"dl"u"ir".i Buitding code and oitt"t -o.a i nun... ot the Tovn appticabl'e thereto: -_ accurate and ptot subdiv ptot Ptan, Send ctean-UP Deposit To: l'tAsTER SEALERS INC SIGNATURE OT OI.INER AND OUNER *********! coNDrrroNs ' ..::?:t?;;;1.t.::Y1?,.******'"*l::{lt.{t.:....,. ,::'.Ti:.t1.??1;9?1'".:.:.". "::::.:;;;. 'r"- - - iBElliI " ""',,':lz!ilzlZ2,ir*t=.*tt : H:tti;;ltJ.:'i"""ERMrr 13"$;i;;; "oi'1"0e'1ttst g:l t?*Ii::; i3i3 $Efo3*'"1" !"tl:t"'*:-- t iror-r31-04-0rE "ffii6iP, liffi o'rTI{ 'AME -- n^,.Airions ****************************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Condittons tt*l 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ERE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI'IANCE' 408.25 Totar "i"ura"t9i-r**************', Pafrnent i,..oont coae '"i?$i"!'#*Yl:. '""3i,'oi"iF:ti""1? rh!s 100,o.oog.oo.00ti';il; 1i'.'.:3lH*;;";?R:ll?*l'"il:'*f X"+;-'-9I j'-: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Fi reDtace Information: Rest ri cted: Bui Ld ing-----> P lan check---> Investigation> .00 tli L l. ca l.l,----> 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permit #t 896-027 I 10a.25 TotaL Permit Fee--------> ON MASTER SEALERS INC 1612 MATTERHORN C, VAIL CO MASTER SEALERS INC 1612 MATTERHORN C, VArL CO ROBBINS JAMES D & JEANNINE PO BOX II27, VATL CO 81658 Job AddressLocation... Parcel- No. .Project No. 4948 MEADOW DR 4948 MEADOW DR 2101- 131-0 4 -018 81657 8r657 F Status...: APPROVEDApplied..: oe/09/1996Issued...: 09/09/7996 Expires. . : 03/08/1997 Phone: 3034763975 Phone: 3034763975 #Of l,lood/Pa L l.et :dof Gas Logs: .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> Description: REROOF SAME WITH SAME Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Constructi-on: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:13,600 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances: ************ffiftffiff#*#******ffi**ffi*ffi******* FEE SUMIIARY *********ir***ffi**ffi****irirffi*ffi***********ffi** 185 .00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-->1?0.25 DRB Recreation Fee----------> CLean-Up Depos i t--------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .00 .00 100.00 40E - 25 .ru6-z) .00 408.25BALANCE DUE---.Jrrffioffi **ff ffi,hffi(*iffi *ffi **ffi ffi #d***rrirJr***ffi **tr**ffi **ffi ***rrtrl** Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depts BUILDING Division:09/09/I996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAViSIteln;'.054q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT_ _._ Dept: PLANNTNG Division:09/09/I996 CHARLIE Acti-on: APPR N,/AIts'em:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTYENT Dept: FrRE Division: 9?/09/\29_6-CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIte.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:09/09/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A ***ff **ffi ****ffi **ffi ****ffi ttrtrffid**ffi **lrtffi ffi ***ff ffi ** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovledge that I have read th'is application, fil,Led out in futl, the intormation requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compt,y riith tire information and pl,ot ptan,to compty trith a[L Tolrn ordinances and state taws, and to buil.d this structurc according to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved/ Uniform Buil,ding codc and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROti 6:00 An 5:OO ptl Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: I'IASTER SEALERS INC SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER Page 2 ************************!k******************************************************* CONDITIONSPernit *r 896-0271 aB of 09/09/96 Status---: AppROvED *******************************************************************!************* Pernit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: MASTER SEALERS INC 30347 63975 Job Address: 4948 MEADOW DRLocation---r 4948 IIEADOW DRParcel No--: 2101-131-04-018 Applied--z 09/09/L996Iesued---:. 09/09/L996 To Expirez O3/O8/L997 Description; REROOF SAME WITH SA}fE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI'IPLIANCE. ^ fContact Eagle Counry e"""""f Office O if "c 970-328-8640 for parcel ri.-_ TowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN IPARCEL ii : 3-.t4z e/a/azf pEllV ?zzt/?'v'a '"*tr1orf;'r'FEry;:o*' PERUIT ij APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ********** ************** *** ** PERMIT fNFORI.|ATION ***************************** I j-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ] -other "/*n -Job Name: 6)- y'oaAt -s Job Addressz ?a?F --e€azzt- a-e-.-zr Legal Descriptions Lot/7 ato.,x-Z Flins {fuffiffi,"F-;.r*-- Owners Name: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Description: Work Class: [ ]-Ne!r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I j-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling units: _ Nunber of Accommodation units: JfiDer and T149e of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ cas Logs wood/pellet_v3********************************* VALUATIQNS ** ** * ******* ************ **** *****'! - €q6 -OJ1 t 'lJi3lil8: +- fiH$T$t:*: :- - err:r: t- ze-.a.e- r pLrJMBrNc: $ MECHANTCAL, $----- iorAl,; +-Yt*************************** CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATToN ***************************tY:::::l.contractor. a-:,-7a ss,aa.<<7c Town of Vail Reg. No.}>/-fAddress: *.a. €a_>Phone Nurnber: ?z;-;*- Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO.Plurnbj-ng Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERI'ITT FEE: I'{EC}ANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLI]MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION .:->erB-< aa. €a+ J-F.azA--J .-Zz-c.SLEAN I]P DEP,OSIT RXFIIT{D ??2t ..-o,,2 ca pdtt luwn n ||al 75 south frontage roed vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'ECT: offlce of communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WTTII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VATL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT ITIARCH 16, lgBB CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn'summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit. u"V-="if]'"J"i, sand., debrisor materiar, including trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicr-es.upon any streetl =ia.""ixl-;ii;y or publicprace or any porti6n tn.i"oi. --Tf." right-of-way on arr Town ofvail streets and.Ig"g= is approiinately s ft--iti pavernent.This ordinance w11] re.;a"i;Il;"lnforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works Department- persins found ril,:."[i"g this ordinancewill be qriven a 24 hour writien--i"ii."-t"-;;;;;;"="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within the-24 hour.time-specified, the pullic worksDepartment wilr remove said matei:.":- "i-it."I"pIi"e of personnotified' The nrovisions "r-irri= ordinance strrtt not beapplicable to c^onstruction, ,iiri"rr..,ce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitres in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i.::il:i"3"":ii*:*":a-.";;;1" a copv. riani vou for your ------4__E_zosri:ionlRef@ acknowledg e (i.e. contractor, ovrner) luwn 75 south trontegc rord uril, colorado &1657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otllce of communlty development BUILDiNG PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer"s (pub'r t. I?rftr ""vi.n una'.pp"ouui,' a ptJnnrni-ieparrnentrevjew or Heatth Departm!nt review, anl'.-reui"; ;i'iil;";riraing SSoi[HE.,h.ll: .'rt'uted time to"'u-totur """iii*i.v"i.[!'"u rons All commercial (rarge or smat) and a'r multi-family permits wilrhave to fo] low the above rnenti6ned ririruo, requ.i rements. Residentia.rand smarl projects shourd trt. J-i"iier'amount of time. However, ifresidentiar or smarler,projects impaci tn" uu"iort;;;;. ,Intion.o 1:?1riT:nr:, with regard to-necessiiy-review, these projects mayalso take the three week per.iod. Every attempt will be made by this departnreni to expedite thispermi t as soon as possjble. - - -- !"rEs' eg ,-' I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.inreframe. vr d Commun i ty Develonm^'it DeDartment. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit.: YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting ihe right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community Develooment? ol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215f.. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) NO ./7 ,/ _/ /, / /. / 3) 4) 5) o/ 7) 8) lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or atC9.ryi1u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please cail Charlie Davis, the Town Job Name 'ddzz- Conlractor's Sig 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check tist provided with a buildino oermit apptication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way', is required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 13Og Vail Valley Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must fietd verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controlistaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmifted for approval through the winter. sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a iite plan for the job. submit completed application to the Public works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai mayneeded. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being received, but ptease allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building permit" to be released. please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: " The above process is for work in a public way only. " Public Way Permits are valid only until November isth. " A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4) 5) o) 7) cdlp'vay 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2, De partm e nt of Comn u n i n Deve lopme nt IltFOnUAIIOf, IfEEDED mlEN A.PPLflXc FOR A ttECItNtfCAL pERllff HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PtAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQU]PMENT DRAlrlN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM. sHot{ srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTTON AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FATTJURE ro PRovrDE THrs rNFoRuarroN vrrll DELAI YouR PERurr. 3. 4. luwn 75 south lrontige .oad vall, colorldo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47e2139 otlice ot communily development NorrcE To coNTRAcroRs/omlER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, r99L, the Town of VaiL Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buirdingsj-tes along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads of sureecs. The Town of vail public lforks Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacLnt to Towrr of vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construclion site.such approval must be obtaineci prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Buirding DepartmenE for footinoq nr l- em.\r\r^ -\'eleccrical or any ocher inspeltion. please ..iI ;r-rikO ";; requesE an lnspection from the pubri-c works Department. A110w aninimum of 24 hour notice. .L-lsc, the Town of vail public works Department wirr be approvingall- f ina-l drai-nage and culvert insta-l-l-ation with resurti-ng ,oa6pacching as necessary. such approval must be obr:ined n-i.1r i.\Fjnai Certificate of Occupancy issuance. REtrTlsl TOTJN OF VflIL, COLORADO A9l?5/96 O6:58 REtrUESTS FOR INSPECTION TJORK SHEETS FORI 91"5/96 PAGE AREA: CD Activity: Address: Locat i on r Parce I : Deseription: Appl ieant : Owner; Eontraet or: 896-0?71 9/?5/96 Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED tronstr: ASFR 494A HEADOhI DR 4944 HEADOI{ DR elal-131-64-S1B REROoF .S0UE_I{ I.TH'.$q!-4F IIASTER SEALERS INC ROBBINS JAHES D & JENNNINE fIIASTER SEALERS INC Oec: Fhone: F Phone: Phone: Use: U N 3034753975 3034763975 Inspection Request fnforration.... Requestor: lrlichael Req Tirez o,BzQB Corrents: rain Iters Fequested to be Inspected... EQU9O BLDG-Final Phone:476-3975 house Aet ion Corrent s Tire Exp Inspection History.. . .. Iter: OO51G driveway qrade final Iter: AOO1O BLDG-Footings/Steel Iter : o'0,9,?.6 BLDG-Foundat i onlSteel Iter: OOSEA PLAN-ILC Site trlan Iter: SSO3O BLDG-FraringIter: OOO4O * * Not on File * * Iter : AO05O BLDE-Insulation Iter: 0&060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Iter: ObOAA * * Not On File * * Iter : Ao,BTg BLDG-ltlisc. Iter: OOG9O BLDG-Final Iter: OO53O BLDG-Terp. C/O Iter: oo'546 BLDG-Final C/O CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY DATE za /<,/ga VENDOR NAME VENDOR NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE cLEAN up pnposrr REFUNp FoR Bp1/fu- A-?2/_ (To be used for General Ledger output) ACCOUNT NUMBER ot oooo 22002 DATE DUE APPROVAL AMOUNT $/A A oz t c UJ F.-r.- a UJ r.lJu- F =Etu \N\NN\ Ol (/) U) z trl - lcorq t9J L^ C.l pr v ,'l<o tFd >? =cd UJ o F- t--Iz zz ID uJFoz z o) f d) 06 z z Vr P. E n K F l.f: =F x L! tro =I l! oF Fzoo o z3o ut z { IA tl tl tl tl tl tl I tl tl tl ti z l:] FI .:x;ur; BbE;H F.9R€! ?E 3 8* Ff,c=()! E::d ^.:; o.: H :fri;:a-: -F: OT EP !:E E't:*>5 sgEE}H ;€t:5'Ee;i6t;5t Eo=-o"(EPo*! .q; a qr::*:Ee '(/)."OOiiu F !'l O iEEEs' EsEg=-.€E; !:o('E-ee*i : E:,!s*= c e 3;!-- E !A:E,i:Feg ;g;E q 9oq, -{esggx \T c!t'-\Tc! T E uJ z o = :< uJ- z -F uJ UJ z co o- J 2 = X uJ uJ TLz tr uJ oa UJE (r o 3I llJezo6u, o. UJ z tt/J x F uJo u) uJ uJtt F =IJ F F (Jz 6!l J -F uJ uJ z 6 = (L J z I UJ Fl ts ts NOrlVnrVA Yt =Z tr- 6z;9 a tu J E z Lu >& -- z = <ooz>(J (J()z o-Y-x j31 lrEr ta t1 lr'l lc2 t< l*lh lo l!< lc)IF lEIHl(Jtzt< lc) z E = g cr o-f o- F F\ u. a Xt*xj z tr_ o {t tr g. uJF 3 z tltlll I tszlzOatrt!<oo< >;>E 6o<z - ff,-9z -F -ro3iOI ><X X X Fl F. =F o oz YE o- o uJo Jl<li-l zl zl UJo UJ uJzaF (r uJ J z E o uJl-) zY (-) I o- z F Jlaz ,.1.) 3c I I I I,',, .|, ..': I .Y .v)-'t,.2-), A ./a/r,z/u3 utF U)o -z F(Ll!Y uJo t- =>P lu:(r .1co Ofi lc^ uJ tlli-Fl,zo a , tllzltolIHI-lE ItFl l<l+Erldf,ltltzltdllollErl(9FI H-11^ tz F-- -J IJ- Fl = zH llJ z -) zl EIa H14 Ez. !'l-J*l CN lrlE<1j 4 F X tn trl o --f = c! I i FlFI E F trJFH lr,lAHA G \o X uJ o - = .$F F I z > F i'1 ts4trl H(n Fl U) =tr I r.- z o l!t J t! z3oF N |-\ N ul ul =(E tr z ol! J ILoz 3oF = tr oz ou, ) l!o z 3o =tr oz o u.l J a 6z3I uJ tr t- C -'r lr) L! F- t\ =tl5 \o \oO F'r-. 'ir \T ul F IO E <F tJJ <zErlJF(52o <oOF t< ;F =z,-uO -() ,n *,>Y =<Z&fF'.6 iN :IF7<) =*Y,z =g E ti\ = lJz Eq)onLIJ 4-l nt]n z ze coo =z O- l! )..i5 =Ei o u.r- E.b4__ LX]LJt] F uJ(L IJJoz lo2 FEI (L JFuJ-h= .! LIJ>(LOL9o\UJx>Er- J u.l F !' o e, o ':: Eot) AO ar- o>F r.Q -:*=i E =E. lrJ o-zo F(J D E. 6zo() c'.. LrJ OF -J .- HC'+JE{ roE() c I I I I pr (J Bl 1 u1 nl ri 1 tl il F llf-l l$l l"l s $(Fr"l I o ^J 5 '/'/'/'/;/g/g/,/H '{; N tJ1lr, Ll.' Lr- tt, I I ^t J-15 Ilx {Ui ' l!?..'z :tlE i t,qql=',17 tv v, UJF z z ) lo.t .)l r!'l.Jtq,1tt,1> 1-lo ItrlotFlot< lzlolo I lLlzioi 1l ci JO' tg )o :l!..,.l() lo,.a -ir''',\ lot. 1.a\' (r\ | a!\ tDio.\ o-\g>. x> )) : : I : i ;*\ - o ..\ : q\! - =\\: O-\ tc 2:.g \ )oio,ot t:''= d) c o l E. 3.; 0) ot. r1'a\' '3." ag, -cDi o.\ E\o-\ .g\ o) I . .:v cj .! .9:.3 )cft!|ra' ., 4:,33,C(.) 5 3t, i€! i.! ( '-. F'ta-nt d-: !.;* --F O E:F -6O? -E -co:F atr6E ;3();cJtt 1c).= lof:rd) ,ad'==' pJ 'rE^(uog C(gt-3 a, q);';cs 0) : (Ji: : o, a/l ,(JtE .9 ,a 9c !;. a.)O!F>= -t5';.i_ >.: LcsO O; c"ltef"c.,-(o:E o,- : o- J* c )'. o :oo :l 3D' >'=' OJ (, (:;'; i(Jc.9o_ !f *=:c)c( =l-r = o- ii-c:=S ;rJ: ?- o l- c.cv r rOE: -(!€: o'- o- r(g- B'io >.' .r:. o) :-lc!otr91 l;totc,tLlctoT;IE!6F:l.=Ilei:,f =rd: j I clH'-(| =.| -.:| :!l=!| -c (i! == (!: al (! -' c)rc -a86. ct er:;'s;;3, (J'"(sP ( >..Y r.o oi -oc -(-JC >uJFI<F,z ,.\YZo< J E <lol =l<lJ;l< NOrlvn'tvA .7 6a \J \:I -i ur x 3 =4:i(. .! O. :l<5=^=iE9o:>Y(J\Jz d(J>(JFo| '..i tu tuu,z at,F UJ J zo F lat9lilot+ lF I Ilullo- l;i ol FI{l 6l<l ii o I z tr I 2 z tr ooo I I I v,Fz 0 ==i ; c ( z o uJ il>l 6'l 3lo! z tir! <l>l rr-Iol zl 3lol z qJl :l -rl<l illr,| zl3l = z J t! x9 ;C):<gE { --.r O<Fsc)t!< oZo c) J<O0u)tu uJJO ,\ ,Ol r.r1 l-nll C)-J e*,ll tl,SE ?*"li =5*Nftb. I Eirg: >oYFz<) ;,2 =o :P;o =< iz !9- - o-(5o-. =< cJ o.F ts UJ _. o-r!'o oo F X I IIJFoz f.,,-'t !-><G ll,!oqvttcao:s ^tre.- Y.^ <i,< ? -Y-iici= .l r,J O -== F ::: q ==>E=*t9=t'l o-i -iOdJr- X=u,gzj VEJ; :- g.l -o * .t-i 'li= z- - F E Lrlo-zo F C)3 (nzo() D!! z..o =< =z :Jot! t! J."i5 -=5 6d= r! rL F-l bln tli VAIL1989 MEMORANDIJM ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WIT}I THE TOI\rN OF VAIL TOIfN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPART}IENT MARCH 15, 1988 OR-DINANCE NO. 6 75 south lronlage .oad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 department of public works/tra nsportatlon T0:. FROM: DATE: RE: rn surnnary, Ordinance No. 6 states lhat it is unlawfur for any person rolltcer, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or materiil, includingtrash durnpsters' porcabre toilets and workmen vehicles upon any streeE,sidewalk, a1ley or public place or any portion thereof. The righc-of-wayon arr rown of vail streets and roads 1s approximarery 5 fc. off p"*r"."ni.Thls ordinance will be strictly enforced by the town tf Vail public worksDeparlment. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given 24-hourwriEcen nocice to remove said uraterial. rn the event the person so notifieddoes not comply with the nocice wiEhln che 24-hour t.ime specified, thePublic works Deparcment will remove said ma!e.ria1 at the L*pens" of personnoEified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable coconstructlon, malntenance or repair projects of any screet or al1ey or anyucillties ln the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu11, please sEop by the Town of vail BuildingDepartment to obtain a copy. Thank you for your- cooperation in this matter. \r ) ,) s , (i rNSltoN REeuEsr ,TOWN OF VAIL ., .t, ' TUES -I WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , ,', ,''t'/DATE | | .; L : i' t't JoB NAME t' I INSPECTION:MON AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING i tr ROUGH / WATER BOOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMI DATE /- ,. /.:.,1 T NUMBEF OF PROJECT ,a -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i '?, ,-, ;., ,... i- .,.., ,-,' ,.., \. L-- .. '.\i..-1t-.r\'r'-, llritf, i - -',,-l '',)' . -..r<:TUES WED THUR 'FRI AM ,' PM JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:(\rr i- BUILDING: O FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r__1 ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr FINAL tr FINAL EuEcrRrcar: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL -tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -;-oot= --.I ', "F7' INSPECTOR z E = uJo- f, a LrJtu lJ- = uJ t. i' \,i $iE . o\ c..t z F1N F-{ P-l F z l9J lo ) z = IJJF o E F FIz o z z g) uJF z z o = € =z )t!o =I LL o ) ! g oA =ot- ol o c .c: q o o c 0) .s = E = f !q) o ; .0) 0) dipi9UE"t: e n€ *E E 8F'! g. : o Y.9c-o> C::E- 6.o; =PF-F >= X cY'-(! d 6 3.: -=>6d E ON =Ftr,^ eEUi €eeP!!: c ",.Y= t6i o- o o--o=-o(E: O-(/)# og)E o-.c(Ucv - c_!J:o(!='-);):9q:F= !::= **ca eei 3;,E: =P d;et () >.=o(!=x i!"=9<sE 6_r..9 ^ Fio!;9E-o - eFgg $.i-\t.rl tr = IJJ z 5 uJI z o- aF u,J uJ z = Jo- 2 - uJ = uJqJ z tr UJ uJ o 3 UJ lrl z 6 uJo 6 (L t!o o- ?z u, x F UJ U)f, o uJ t,l,J LL E UJ F z oJ 3 () e.Fo uJJ uJ 0z6 l 2 ur = a H H NO[VntVA a/) t-r FI a F-lrJ H h zH H3 Fl Fl H .J)zH ; =zt- 6z>!l g UJo uJz N (\I >t -I ztr^ rP z>-OOQZl.r.< v= (LY>x i(\i l= lrrr l= lF-l t< lE-r lcalz t;lolH I F-r lf-r lolz t;leIrI] lE-rt< [I] H ts]--{ FrF' H z tr t! cr o o- f tl.l(L F E ad t z E o I4 rg,z tr uJF 3 Il.tz Itl LzlzOa <oo< > iii>dR,!do<z Iz 91 -1 T;o3trOI X X x X Fl (_) F z z (! o o ot(/) cola0 <. -l zl zl o uJ u.tt!za tr cc uJt! .J z Eoo(![<-o+ l (! UJz O IF z F 5az t! o a1 oo(l a 3 i ca I .l).3 ) ol Eilhl zlEl EI(jl t-{l FCt' z l! JE { F J Fl H F 14 r-lrI] (t az ut =z (D zH zHzz rI1- € EH F: tl.l =z t'\ 0a(\ X tJ-l o J 6l\o\o I\o j (! Fl E =E tr oo J- = F = tr z uJ = z 3 H ts Fl H H F =ttr I -$ z ';llJ = l!oz 3 F -$ I .+ o\ ui) ulF =tr oz o uJ .J ILoz Bot- oz ci UJ IE J a z3oF =(r z ,; ul J a z 3 F IJJ) llJF E IJJz3 FO UJL <F IJJ <zEt!F(nZo =Fo UJ.J I Y Y = zt- =#]F:z <; :/F7() =tiz =o- (_) t ti. = rJz O <- <-la?.-a ."i3,!/v= ==3dd= NEtr z zz coO>z O- t! uJFodl -)zo F luY IIJ dl F L uJ coo-o\ trlu ^:ll-l oRl tzl'l UJbkzo a llJ o- LL E< otQ6APvcr cdJ>_EJr- =uJr-E h>Et-fv(, i iii E 66 oF,,, t x>6=Fo ".to-tt; ut c0 F rR\'+ /Il=\ / t/ -\\- -/ / | ttt-<-J-)e -..= I ts =Elrlo-zIFof E,Fazo(J tr!Ll 6 F E I oz E = uJo l$r :El6 I I I I I I l- t6 tE tzr6 I I l." .Ft<ro I I I I lo. IFt<( laz. t= '=O(',;iOdlpnE9UhaE =e*€!EE33:c.= t! r- (!Ffc;o .9Up:0a.g: o.: *!it:: i E;EE E : E.Y; ieale EE:E! r"; se g o=-o"(g: O+aJ.q=d9E ;fiE:€ :EE g"= EstSE - oi g; B*:€€ o I;EJ 3HlEE,c-=-> T; F: i s{: E I iE$ea - =ZZtL tr ^ 6z X l Z:lE 9 of, aoEz'-ooon(JzX !t <( euJ- =R 2 dN<5 ) E F uJ Jl<l;-| zl zl ,. >|o uJo uJ LIJz U)F t!(! z Eo IU F o ulFodl -zo t-o- uJY UJ co ot-t t uJ o- ll.o (L UJ t-oz z =< =z ILL ."i6 =Fi6il= = =llJ o- Ll. llJoz loo F ; o- JFul-h=dil>o-Olr9o\UJx>fiF-J -ttr uJ dt F Co Ecloo o .E t E Eo|J o go E 6o. |DIt ts =E UJo-zo F() :)EFazo C) nntr C --IG J TD F = u- uJ z 6 -) uJ z lrJ o c E =E llJ = = Fo tr oz uJ rL z39 II z (, IJJ = l! z3 F 2 tr z li uJ a lt z3 t! tr z UJ = oz B =(r TL oz uJ < u- z3o uJJutF uJz3 F tu tsI Otv <F(rO t,r,J <zF I.IJ F <oOF i<ir (EXF-z; /^\a*5 >Y =<a.t =F)zrr- o <^YFz() =tiz -o Ei\ = \JZ O <(Jal2-': ^-f aNDtr IZlolo Itrto I q,,lzI cv <F YZq< lt! tn: o o U' F z o J € z t<to I II I I I la t= Itol ': I r0l I I .l ) ) 'tg to It lJ- == LU J F F I ptia I I s;E:fi II c.9-!5 1I €:8ie :E F.;E:€ iF :3€ iH F =;5!$,\fl 9.s::\E;E-i;5 .' B :.;_!Fr]E c9c;P/ \f=35p1'Jj 668.=-o 1lo;>bB {I c)CO,NCII =:-c,-c di=55-:! Y I - - v >.- \:.= ^ ilr r'jg:ibnF.[i s s b\\i O.J O--= \ |o=- o g Xj€lE >< =*:fI X=i;58c)I F PO ;: .:; b E F =:'.-:-..-?;= ., o= a, O5;: = ='! :;;s 3 s=EeE-=->i:5sgl'3 or q HFs;-i:::3'; -o.i:: I I I \n LU u-lu- = LU o- x o rtt c_ ll^ tltr - |<ll4 llotlll^ill llrl tol lotl Eil O ltq il l=i:t>ta j= 3l zl zl 3 I I 2 z9ra <oo< =:::o: <z aa (,,z= r!Oj- =>ca -=oi r.r, .l ZZ!20e3;SP E ?o5b!)=1r< q;)o- l,>(JFo| .jd o = q (); .. >l u, q,lwz an J zo oo o II I t- J f U 3 (Jcl(J o (J q. z =l r!<tt F <l()l =l<IJ =l<a lt-9lo NOrtyn tv^ ^c.. tr., c\F --r.-Ha3.rE(.rC( (J cLtl H r!o- -r -.,tF =< Cr -J 14 ..rrh- c)Evc 5 ;':r! t'^ Ll(/|EtOo IBoslUJ.f) cJlrJ c -l.=o=l(J El_ _ olE E UIol(5 L(!l = tF c-l 3I- vriO o, rJlJ-J cJId;-lL-Jcwl X 8l TJ il l+l F-cr: N} CIJ\Yfvl t uJ U) TDo.) zo Fo-u, UJ CD o-F b UJ -. O---i- . tr', \tor,- |i-lo--- |o ,l t:11qJ' ,., 9E >< zo F(J a7o(J F E trl Dt! J:xYY;-=s qE>rbl r.r-f E==<,Gul!ac\/|l =o:< !te.+ Y €=5 a i tJ O ;=F-r-€ =:-:q==>:- J t-ls= 3 =lO= r! =lEdi.'l -+ (J ^li.-! vl::- > 9l:- o 5l 3H E -Ie<j-:tri ar, -t!io .r z,-o :<co2z =>JOq!! I^ol$ I fi- \$ $- Iutl yrl q! h\F U'I :lot zl 3lolFI ll J lt .( t1 t+ l\rit\ f tr \)'lr 1Irl E 3o/FI :6 ll 5 =3 ilg 2iiF lFY,z li o ==P II F- :9 ;C),- <oF t,t ..J ..l1 :) J a\4 {-l =iil = .lFt ol I I I I I trl q ctI = J -l =O \4 x S d i( .{ .l I o -I rtl cr 11 -0.n K =z o-t ( -+ -0 <1 (l f:ll YI J<()ou)trJ L! JO /-;\:\--l/i='w/ F ,=1:' =";-..t''t , 75 south f rontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF' VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l_5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplgce or any portion thereof. The right-of-.way on al1 Town ofVail streets and.roads is approxirnately 5 ft" 6ff pavenent"This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Tovrn of vailPy!]ig works Department. persons found violating this ordiDancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not, comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puUt-ic WorksDepartrnent wilr remove said materi.ar at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. ttrank you for yourcooperation on this rnat,ter. Read and acknowledged by: Posi-tion/Relationship to eroject 1i.e. contractor, owner) Date INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRi \ READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING E tr tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR gffis'lor PERMI L'AIE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER - |NSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE Project Application Date t Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: llption: Lot I , Block I ZoneLegal Descri Comments: Filing Design Review Board Motion by: - Seconded by: - Date: Town Planner d s,"r Approval <:,, (t Project Appllcatlon / t.t' i? on" 't i-:I f/Y Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ll "1 I Filing , Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPBOVAL Summary: l-l'r-J f ( r-' Date: Town Planner 6. st"tt Approval o:'r'APPLICATION DATE:August 22, I9Bg DATE OF DRB I4EETIi,IG:Sept. 7, 1988 DRB APPLICATION *****THISAPPLICATI0NI,|ILLNoTBEACCEPTEDUNTILALLINFoRMATI0NISSUBIIITTED**ttl** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meet'i ng with-a pl anning staff member is strongly suggested to determine it any"aiiiiionuf information is needed. No application w'ill. be.accepted untess it is complete (must il:1V9:-uil ilutt required Uy tfre zoning administrator)' It is the appiiclni;l ieiponsiUility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aaaitiinaf submittal requirements. Please note that a Cp1'1PLETE applica- tion wi' streamii';; th; approvar'process for.your project by decreasing the number of cond.itions of i'dptJtlf -ihui in"'Ong may st'iiu1atb. -Rtr- cbnditions of approval must Ue ielotvea before'i u'itaing permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRi PTION :Remode 1 B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 4948 Meadow Drlve Legal DescriPtion Lot 6't'x Bl ock Fi I i nq Biehorn 5th. Zon i ng Duplex NAME 0F APPLICANT: Jeannie and Jim Rebb*ns Address 4948 Meadow Drive telephone 415-Jh@- D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Duane Piper Piper/Architects I Addres s tJox 5)bu Avon, C0 81620 telePhone q4q 7o7t+ Jeannie and Jim RobblnsE. NAME OF OI.INERS: S igna ture Addre ss 4948 Meadow Dr.telePhone L76 1662 DRB FEE: The fee wil1 be Paid at VALUAT I ON $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,oo1 -$ 150,ooo $150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo $5oo,ool - $I,000,000$ Over $1'000'000 the time a building FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 oermit is requested' IMPORTANT NOTlCE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appficant must stake the site to indicate propliiV iin"t und building-.o.n.it. Trees that rvill be removed should also be.irii,a. inis wort< tuii'Ui-.otpjeted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. 1i1s revietv process for NE!|l BUILDINGS rvilI normal1y involve tvto separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval ' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Q91r! at their scheduled meeting and who have'not asked for u poitpon.tent will be required to be rePubl i shed. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE OISTRICTS iilli ffiBtock z Fif ing Bisr,.,'., s,,bdiv.-5th. Add. AOORESS: 4 OWNER Jim and Jeannie Rohhi ns Pnone a76 166? ARCHITECT Duane Piner Hnone-g4glg7l- ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei gh t Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rea r Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence,/Retai ni ng 'rlal'l Parki ng Credi ts: , Garage Al Ioled cf (30)(33) 4461 s.f. 1676 e F 'I 784 s.f . 20' 15' 15' f?n\/(n\\vvl \ vv, '... 442t e.f. 13,260 s.f. none__--- (300) (600) (eoo)( 12oo) (so)(1oo) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Pro po s ed ----25I-{Garage ) 'r63? a.f,. - -f533-+--f . -4.4- 75, t) ano JU N/A 1620 s.f. 19,500 s.f. none --i:- 600 0 50 )no o Reg fd ' 50' Heights Mechani cal Ai rl ock S toraqe :.. Sol ar Heat 0rive: Slope Pertnitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazai'ds : none HazardS none Comrnentsi GRFA rc'io"' wao icn- by field measure: No plars of exisbirrg sEructure could be found. Zoni ng : Date: Slooe Actual ""t Ava lanche n.rn p F'lood Plain ,,.,,.-,,.," Slope ,,or,e+ Wetl ands Geol og'ic Approved/ D'i sa PProved * ll I _4. Opr a { oooi! rtFoFdcoI 3?oo oaloFo o! E0 oo oonIfxoa ao d. ooo oal'- o o .s! '5a s .Egto EaoEI August 25, L988 Department of Comunity Developnent 75 S. Frontage Rd. 1{. Vail, C0 81657 Re: Robbins ReirodeL 4948 Meadon Drive. Vail, CO Staff: Please note the acconpanying drawings for a remodeL to a guest room. Addition wiLL increase GRFA by 18 s.f. All materiaLs and colors areto match adjacent materials. New roof pitch to dorner ls the same as adjacent roof forns. t to design review procedure 18.54.060 A.2.a., Irn requesting ew of this item. t24- e*L : cl."L e &[lt'' Sincerel-y ; an x<z'; *>'^2 9; OjZt---l cp< lz ilz,n -t -i;: -.{ c)o> c) 2nJm7z>m --l > o_r =mo €z m t z =m Foqg =v, u(Dtt o(D5o(D cr CL ,gf, uiAo>'r r- --{ F t-x :!t-z I l3fo lo l'1t l= I It(rllcr l=I> IF II o r| c)-i -o I I 3I o 3t=tlrl>lr'l-l<t>tloltoltnlt3 I l'l-llItl = l- rn I !I B F I = -t- to5 c)og 5 c+ F1tlog lclI'r' lc+ to I -.t I = t- 0 m c) = - =:t- o m ,n - =-Er-7->. €l // \\ =L( j '\ =\9 I€>/ ooz(n {nco =oz clot.olifl<ltr6 tlo ,+l-n O t.: ol'+ ot:3t=3t'..1 c 7 .Dg ott ao <trP tn>= /-\ /'\o; -' >f'l- -n -oOr- z=o@22 z zt- Tmn =-{ .-l m I IF9 IJFFItpo P m zo t]QU UL]LI (= _) (Jt ct)(o ONF 222m:l; 4-P bo n)'Tl =za)a \' no<zaaul f o d 4 ^= c: 2 altoo o'nzz € zm€ im --l z 1 z m , cz(!zOlo.=?0)mr-:trmd(,E!oi= ^';z mmo9r.OoeQ=3:5ztho glr9e2 c)zrooo;;?3iFBi=) =;Hr= ;a" 3 ao --r VALUATION -, a- =12-ta='--1,>;r=7 -t->F>:!-t-a>,- <tr r>-Jl > a>: :::.:Eiz;i":zF,a> lic -J I xf : > - I ==!'z () Z r-\ qn ..': m ;: --t c)o> o aa--l mnz>m --t > z m o z--t o--t m I z o-1.1z; p< 1Z Tr r- r- -1 Zl'l I,It-l I l''ll-r| -5.x l=t> l; l<t> lFt> OB =I><F t>lo B r -l-l I oB-r l>.<F t>l0lo |m r Irl I I l< l. E l= l> t; o = _0 I l o m DL]N r- - IE I]L_tLl CIo .ol--r ll<rlf6l"' =lolTolrcllT6t4 =t=3t'..r c ; og o 3o =FP tFz YPl- z= >= z zt- ooz U){Fco{ oz !mfr ={ m an m -{ z c)zrooo;;qi3FqP)e 6tnl E 2 =- 3 Ac) -.1 czozoao=P0) trmoE;+!oi= ^ '.i.1zc) mmott.ooaQ=r!l243 te2c61 ON; E= F Eon>n =2a)tn a oo<zIOU' Io 6 { ^<(-,-z <./, ' --lo6 o-n2z € x z t>e tElm | -.tlt lz z'c)l Tt. 0r -l I I I I I t. ol>--ll.tnr I I I I I VALUATION i{ >:d_j, : :E -:4; a > l. *:-' F> 3 _ ,- t=- > a>:. I: ?:;!z:a- . :z n', > \ataE3i-lx. '-v>a<' ===z zlz'>:zt - 7 i a.a,47cf; t, ,'' \ti';i. \,'7\:-1 + \'.'1,:i: $.. :1:.' \' :" ^-r S., -' a ? c >. -:l:-=: '?iiii m 3 =2 'N#roN REou;it TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL :.,c"-APFROVED':.- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE.1i- ,2, ,+e.. INSPECTION REQUEST- TOWN OF VAIL/\ tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE J READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER -Eeeeaoveo - CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr,INSULATION O GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n E tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o+ir(nr-tr FINAL ( rt - ' ',, t DATE (. \ t i\ . l\ I - .,) / -INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR CALLER I' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK rf tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL O FINAL ELE D1 gir trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH o o o EXHAUST HOODS -CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .) t )'- ,'' )DArE : '- / ,/ ,4 L- INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ; INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST. VAIL AM PMINSPECTION: CALLER ESl(WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: o o o { E tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND d noucH / D.w.v. F ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB o O FINAL T] FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr D o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr O FLD}AL tr FINAL '{rdepaoreo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE Lta f, z-INSPECTOR -..,,,2 rNsttoN ',; , irl?** o'REOUEST' VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR THUR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr FoUNDATToN / srEEL b nouopr lo.w-u.| r\':-(.),"rl H FRAMTNG E EOTJGH 7.r,vffftn i'\ ,lY'o irusuurroN - tr GAs PTPTNG -O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -r-r r-r _ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: trTEMP. POWER- - trHEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -n|-r_ tr FINAL D FINAL ,,'E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED FRI DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME -tJ-:-- -:t- INSPECTION,I . TOWN OF 'f ,It : REQUEST " VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER ir.,:, {1 TUES WED i Ai, ----------------^|v. Mo)/ti ,D 1,"? i'V1/'/ r t' .tt- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr E ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL o tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE it: :ii JOBNAME CALLER 15,READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON 4. i r.i' iii, .,,.,t', ., t': THUR FRIWED AM PM Bl D tr E tr tr tr U ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND il ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT c -_. tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsPtnoN REouE6r TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED .THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t, L. ri DATE INSPECTOR 'a I INsP}TIoN REoUE6T tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:'; LOCATION: ' 'i ,'if JOB NAME tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING:PLUMBING: trFOOTINGS/STEEL -; ,,'/: ;..:tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB D tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL , .I , :i, It] ',1 ' t,' I tlINSPECTOR ;i l) i i'! t !' il n' Ptlnl'rY;vd' DATE I t J t;' l:lt.: l.-l,' l-t3 t\lO l<tt*Nt3 llltlItltill Srtll 9- zti li :'; nta ll nz),j ll I' rnol! ll c)n-r c) ll :{> sii 3 j la: tn'i lr l{).r-l< t'. Itol tfihle lsIt_ltl:lltltltltt $JIglrbl FI (Jr- tn til ctAc))'' a- _I r_ a- v. \o:.r rq r-: =f..: .r tvlrr O l-Y n 14 ft< :f-r ;. (D :t tJr_lt_l t]t]Lf ,' o ;rn \-{ c)oz(n*{ c) =Oz f,-l g { ::T9rrl ._ L- 4o= - ,- ,-'!o;" a- 'Tr -o OrCCz<c, ctz2 o6)zo' -2.r fn Irl m = .-r6rRT > ::1n m '{m :1o |:]I J 7, _o n >-2 (:z rrA r E\ll "N!' o<ia Iozcz tltltltl oz:ioOcrrnOS-n6zti;r q rnm9P2di3:i E art2Zao{ -i C ),z --{ 7c, <=7zORi<:i io a:r o<, )r 2 c) zac (Jz c)t z ^ c! c'N-To*; af4-P Eo6>.r|Y.za,aqoc)<77Ov'-od ^ ri-:5s E;z a.ao6 o'nz2t ;a r\rcJ= -.1:' ta a 2J c: --{o-{r =m f c o -o c I o r rn m ^ m I 'Tl mm UI z i -! Io$ S.L b u 3 ||i \-r t\ \)U CN C., t>* ..: :: >- <c .-==-r'i!-a>:-:.:=-t;=. :-rr =r31,a:ll:3i 7.rJ- , ir: .:- ,C>-r:-=,'.:1> . i:; t_ z a. vALUA] IOi.I .D c 2 rn o o (:c =- (-fn z I a:'\ _) JI\) | J\ll .',rsii$,l lrlr (! o t) Ol.21olonl ilr ;!'l o z c) >, c) 26 -l o () =z -{ oo 7 ?.,ro 4c-aa_ TZTse o Project Appllcation ,/2 -.P,?, Proiect Name: / \ '/ 4)/"' / Project DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: ("ffi{adress and Phone:?21 Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board ,^r" ,1,l" l. a t tt/j Motion by: Seconded by:--\ /'7.,'t,.lt- APPROVAL.,/ '..-: _.---.--_----' DISAPPROVAL , t'/*rzur,/ Chief Building Official |\\s N l r.J E utc ut u, z z -<E F2ul Eultt UJ o F ltl G Jtt ul F J J I ul G IE Jt! J F F ! .E=r=H o z -oJ -l o lre -, -ot- - I € 2 F z () 2 J z a 2 z .1: F lrl Ll z (!-t -t >ot'l 2*N =o=o= -ot 2 Fqqd6Flc14(, t>;(J:z:< urfA(J>oFO - .\i d -{e - =,e -l E?b l--I z o !t!l 3,l Fn-oo D! m -t -l t- t- -{ m 11t- m> D m m =mz { I D tz fi t{ a a > ll o 'l z z |, rl F: 'l .l ,l z |n m - l-{ I IY E IE ;A E\N HEir ;{i s ?\ P Irt i 6<o!-m>;*o :zoah:D-l9ViE =z 9> zd= rm N 't'l o6 c- f .'r$ t\l tt. i: PHF3 VALUATION a\ 3 €z z>zoIt z ,l ',]o tzIt o z 'l o.l IIt 9 IIUSPECTI}U TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM D nppRovED fl upor'r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl orsnRe RovED n nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME tNsPEcTt.U TOWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL PM ! orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM fl nppRovED E orsnppRovED f] nerNsPEcr D upou rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 eilelrEr$2eq$9 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER IAl,,rt, IrNseebrltlru HEouEsr E.*G,L.E*.GOUNY f]ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE , rxui')PMFRI fleppRovED E uporu rxe CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o Legal Ormer Environn'enta'l/Hazardsr Aval:anche . Fl ood P'iain Sl ope ZONE C}IECK for sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DiSTRICTS Architect Proposed Use t /1 sto"uZ-Firins U' " t*'^- -- - Zone District Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required 15' Proposed Landscaping: Required Parking:Requi red Drive.: Slope Permitted .$laterccurse-required /t.4 Propfsed GRFA: Auor,red i 4;lblA /Aq/&= GRFA: Prima'ry Al1 or.red / Primary Secondary A1 I orved Secondary Proposed Site Coverage: A1loived Propo.''ed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc: ed ActuaI Gorrments: Z.ri'c' @rD'i s.:'pro.''cri D.'.te: '3D ,-( box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 4vL office of the town manager July 2, '|975 Mr. George Bo1 t P.0. Box I794 Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Mr. Bolt: Unfortunately, your check has been returned to us as the incorrect amount. lle would appreciate it if you could reissue the check to us for the correct amount - $l9l .91 . Enclosed you will find a copy of the check you issued and our statement from the bank. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Finance Department. Si ncerely, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /i ek encl osure ffir;,ar-^-^"-- tgAmer I T r dcpoFit of aodry I tcm llctcd Incorrectll tcm I listcd bu t not v Itcnr w ith depoall not errot ln rddition rorrr rr dcporrt '., l -39-r)-0-91-l / nov i, -*3J=-iQ-C;),'-l'.""'"'<)':__Oo Ilv Ttltc'N oF V rl tc-{r:.n-ne...l i\c c' t1n'( frrt u:; t 5 Ql --76 -b Account Nd.(i o-.! r-Ar4 o,-$-tt"sl - "" $-/_(i/-_q!):th dcDosit llgtcd FIE BANK ')F VAIL vAlL, coL:'RADO lV€hrve cotrcc(ed you s-- t )D^, :? /- r D s te 6 e4'?f ,J.-i._)r Cl ,(r rJ ( -.., L) il\ '' j (l\ rl ,l I i\l .rl .j : !.):, (!- (rl t, l t-a"'..=F '\:: r-,*:-r=r'.""*'i=a:"rr r "r'-r'i:":;ff-tlll -i:rii:;::i l'r'_"_l'j;i '_"' :"r::i_ ' * - -'- ' _ '*l ,tf. jn. t. J.1.0 il Gconcn U. bn Or-tvr: r\. llot.r l' f;li| tn'. l\t.-1"'lBr..J. (Vu'^/:,::;.TiL vailrcolorado u,,, ofll0llrfts[$[r] el1 l'0 lnrr' tttO L/' !'i stl.rErl:.1!j:,-.-t,1?a-ji.-.-.ri:-,a.iJ i::.!i5l.m:ra r 1.\ q al1t::r.a;ir'4 'l:'i:'-i'r *i r"; '1- oE?f6rii?Tr?iidT *'@r,,.!.#4 vatll colorado a,an L jirrrl nc::1 l-'.-.':J/sil[ 3G L]rr'I0 Ll l',,O I 5 r.NsPEGfl.,N . TOWN OF FIEOUESiT VAIL I DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnRrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED ! nErNsPEcr n upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS / DATE INSPECTOR PLUMEIING;/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL E OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E r,rew E/ ooot'rro* E neuooel ! nepa'n RIPTION OF WORK:7.t 'l u /utz* f; rt PLUMBING: NUMBFR 53 -P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN s 73-65r*VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT FEE ft 7,SA PERMIT FEE ffi DATEAPPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ ! orsappnoveo tif{t# r 3F8 rNsPEc?oN TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHsn MON COMMENTS: TUE ! penrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR L-tbiL-,/ht !?qdo5FoFHI ttr {|:!tH= "'tlE Fl g{ z F (D :N h)\ ;('.li :\ iriift -l\' i\ !N: ll:I:\'f\ :l z,IC'Srdrtlt!dE6-E.E59E6=3.E'F',..'rR6!ro-Lj--ocF ItLop It 7to Ftt, oFlotoE a P(DF0g.oir$irt: N i+i>iWi\ i-,$ Fot)ooo:iift\ \i-\it:9\\ :l\ ta : I Po)5 ?? i N lB ? : N d \ N \\ fa l0 o E o lo f i{:r i\\ i i0 a-\] (.1it ! (Do Ft F] o Ft D'() al ! ol0 E iti9! rt\ar:.\... ^i)\ i>.-r,r,r I it:\ c.{ottr6 $sFits- 5az1oo tr\i i.)tl\ l), h. HSror. nettt -t'U) '!l > -< zztro Ertozlao=zo?lF ha :t \ otrOFI Eg tr 'U! E EE 2z o DESIGN RSYIEW BOARD DATE OF IIEETING IIEMBERS PBESENT: APPROVED: .1- DISAPPROVED: SUUIIABY: tsY BOARD: INSPEC oTI clN FIEBUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM JOB NAME ! ornen I pnnrrnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM P'lilMON COMMENTS: E nppRovED ! orsneeRovED D nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowtNG coRREcrtoNs: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE o z *H:od&c() *f ts E .Egl 4 oul uJ z lllozg Fzu, =lt ul F ut Eoo t! gJ E Fo FoF ul Jrt ttr ul o g z -0J -l E => lre =,-et- i !tL, .i uJ aF x llJ z Y Fo t!tt E uJ z o !o uJ uJt! Y q, Ioz) z o ott ut F z ulJ trl tt z lrlI o ut lJ- (.) uJ o- a/, UJJY2 ul G tl. ut 4- z F o z F E ulo ozf, 3 Fz J s gt 2 E ottt o u, t! oz 9' z z J lt z 9 u, Jul I, :.N -0-Gt z F9qi6FE20*>X(J:z6Sulo.o>oFO ;.i z, Go3 t!o 2 9 aothulo lEgl z tr 9 J uJF o I ul oo J a E (9 =tt l - 6 \ F J r;r i*iaa3- uJo o o o z o =FooE "lti, l Project Applicatlon ProiectDescripl;on, Q\engn A.t.t,rr o,,, Owner Address and Phone: /r-?\sT- Ua,r, C.' ,lra-{-- Architect Addr€ss and Phone: f)^* .ztr, Fototplrr(-L ?ttzl 1pL- 3LsS Legal Description:t-ot lY ,etoct 7 ,riring 'l Zoning Approv6d: Design Revlew Board Motion by: DISAPPROVAL ,1*ro-.- Chiel Building Official t tl c F-lrGt9=z=,Oet -lgrr> II 3!i 2 =rn a -{ -n- fi D 'nt-oo n = ARCHITECT m ln3lnz-l 2o m o!ofr'- -t i:fia z ;z |n -tm .€>F>=ldlrl€#o>(,,)- <u F>"=- > o>: :- Y;rl:=;r<lzri,o>", Q>otlo'l-x =2 > a <(YzzZUzU:D= ,> t z.;o=6oirilfi3Fi2- -'- -: .z; _> d."dr- 'lizE:. ^2 -.4>r;!5; z 'l a 7 ..] o l- D2 rn 7 D - N: o< >;z^ <Ya6!-{9Pi- -l z 9> o"zo= NN (,O |nz m - m o = =o2 'tt E x VALUATION rNS"=.fro*FIEBUEST VAIL JOB NAME TOWN OF DATE TIME RECEIVED- AIVI PM CALLER n oruen TUE n panrral LOCA TION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMM E N TS: VENEER-_ ROOF PARTIAL LOCATIOI{, STANDPIPE FIT{AL WDCs E appRovED ! uporu rte CORRECTIONS n orsnpPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR oINSPECTIc'N ...;-.|.t.'1. FIEBUEST VAIL oor. 6/ z-?/79' JoBNAME TOWN OF a TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E plnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR l\ A g-.- E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR !"r m N z m N: 5io!cm>;z^ o6t-tv7E;i z 9> NN rro I z |n - m =i z 't1 € -lm n tro =z !- , ln I- t m - E-7 { l!z C, oo 2o m D =z D n D m ! l z 3oA m 1l |nz- m -t z = I m z7 l-ma U) m 'Tl m nx :r € l- t- ft z =D m |n mt- z n-l 3m tt- z b'n T sza =-t z 'n -t ; 'lli -oa .n E ; 2 z m : t--im : = oI: 1 |n 2 - ''l € VALUATION c- z m-m o l- -c3 z C) I m o -a 2 'tl @g |- 92o m = mt- m -.t 6 - t' z o mo n m m o'n'tl : r- 2o 'nn :r 7 zo -{ m .n c zo o m |n0 mI I E -|r-lre,g=z=oo -l ARCHITECT l- u m! 3 -{ -t t- t- D 'nt- In : m m mz-l th ;zo a- m 'i o zoI- U t t .j o ,J z z -t i .l -t -.1 \v-bo).:co€i ca'< x> - o- ''>o ;2F:z rn oc Isl > aza;> -AZ: Jo ! az; co()l, O V.4\ zoo mT m o! !=;I z t->z o |n x DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF MEETING: MEMBENS PRESENT: November 10 I977 ir -*G- :trEE:tllttttl.:. LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP r' RON TODD FFF::AfilillIffF SUBJECT; George Bolt Residence - new entry LOT , BLOCK_,FILING ACTION TAKEN MOTION VOTE: BY BOABD: 7.^.- sEcoNDED av: R i SHOptt-'J) AGAINST: ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED: DESICN NEVIE1V BOARD DATE OF IvIUETING: ACTION }TEMBDRS PRESENT: SUBJECT: TAKIJN BY lr{OTION: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPIiOVUD: SECOMED BY: AGAINST: ABSTIINTION: FOR: SUlrlltlAl-iY: r r.:-.Btx \'-/ t t .7. ', w. ./, \-t4 - L . / Al)l) I r (jir lr t. tt?i,//7 ' l' l "'y'"(t'"r<2'r'7"' oo W'tr**turoiinn un* 0 ^ /r'"ut 0fli""';:ii,*:"! , ,*ri#r"'ffd ,tantfit r' ' ,r.rnnsf''" 1--- -q '' 'uuct{ {o"- '' o(r* trl., _€*.,, /,-*,a.,;;Y .\ hpE'D/ru& w'|f --.?E--t##;4 :l!,Fe =i-a=i=&ffi#E#, t t ,:)b4::--=4 ",JU.tlol I L. I \- r.--,,.Da Lc LIgr n{ I{ATnnrALS .nn NAMII oF PRoJEc, RoL\;n,', {(es;/z'.cf LEGAL DEScRrprr oN 17 LCr-.2- -srocrcuihnnLbl (t4l FTLING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The to A.) following informationthe Design Review Board BUILDING MATBBIALS: Roof Siding. Other Wa11 Materials Fascia Sof fits Windows T{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash 'Enclosures Greenhouses Other PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color / t -r'rtltt lta4diA EviiI,4J ,/l-j,1l/thoct/., tdGd e Atit (Vegetative, Landscaping and Ground Cover) e.r.nerl. lrrh.r, . kur/d^r ur,ll, L&/.4 l,{aterials including Trees, Shrubs, C onunon lrlame Size 7u € lPE Quantity ,.o4 F . \$^a1 - \ Itt :" ":tq* 1-n ^ il *rts \o cr.t v'" o - tt"rS\n xI u ").ur , + .(,(, J"L ,.J (^aUA'',! *or't.'(b\ \Jr" Uoo"y'Jv [t .//'to Ct/rtn Ct{* ht" ri--iit'... - -l' ' Page 2 Plant Materials Continued Botanical Name Conrnon Name Quantity SLze C.) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Wal1s, Fences, Swirmning Pools, etc.) (Please Specify) ,t,--\,<-J2 DaEe DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CIIICK LIST NAME OF PROJICT LEGAL DBSCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Prelim Final Approval Approval Comrnents A. Building Considerations Building Location on Site Buildin g Con f i guration Appropr iat.enes s with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forms Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Access onto Site Sndf Removal Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation Landscaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Retaining Wa1ls Accessory Structures _ C. Miscellaneous considerations Other CommenlsD. IIINAI. AIPITOVAL Zorr inX trrlninis; L r:ir t or box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 June 4, 1980 Dear Design Review Board Applicant: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT department of community development l Enclosed is_your Design Review Board project Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project incluiting conunents froilthe Board. rf you recei.ved approval from the Design Review Boa.rd, you mustmake any corrections stipulated by the Board and brin! ihe revlsedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building permit. No slte work may be commenced until tle ievisions are afproved bythe Town Pla"nner and two sets of working drawings are submittedto the Building Department. If yog have any questions, please do not hesitate to call theTown Planner at 476-5613, ext. ZSg. U |'gEl-.- I\,E TI iEl^ cL.o-c . - -.r\L\ ar '5? E \ ,/-: