HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 810dt',n" Review Action tH TOWN OF VAIL /E 2l,rrseT Category Number oate ///)6/?3 Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description:AJ/ h€tt arnr{aul Owner. Address and Phone: nr.nit".v@Address and phone: m r, t(, /op r l Fr r/.r 447(t frts{ tt4earlout )t? , t'irt- *t"o F/ar-l Legal Description: Lot _ Block- Subdivision zone District L Drtl F Project streetA aar""", 4f /tt,fas / /f p a r/out )/(. Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval Ezstatf Approval conditions: Ttf o{ ue,' wir'r{,, sl','/l Le a/, i,'nJ a d2 >fu */ a4' <t t t4 ,,r, ,' /, .,,1 n, fa s I Jc r r. /; Town Planner rt^^/AZ/dif --q DRB Fee P* paid d &,t . I / /?,.;d ' it\ |Datet ll/J6lq j Consultor en Admlnlstracl6n 6"^ J, Xur g SpaMa.^ 4'q .Iuly 19, 1993 Mr. Thonas Casteel PresidentVail Managenent Company 201 Gore Creek DriveVail-, Colorado 6f657 Dear .l"lr. Casteel : As I.roent,ioned to you by ielephone on July l6th,I would like to receive perraission f'ron the Tinber-Falls Condoniniun Associationr Phase If, to i.nstalla window in the 1iving-dining room of Unit +910,of which f and my wif e are owners. The wal_l areato be affected will be next to the living roonterrace, and woul-cr be approxi.nately 6 f t. wide and5 ft. high. As you know, nany other owners withinPhase II have installeci simi.l-ar windiows. I appreciate your offer to coordinate this reguestwith the board menbers of the Association, and ifpossible, it wouid be ideal if I could receive alesponse which would pernit ne to install the windowbefore the winter season. Many thanks for your prompt attention to this natter.If you should have any question:;, I would be giadto Answer then. &r*, drr?"""fu Karen Livings+-on Livingston +^N|onn$urment,Corqrerrtg Septenber 28t LggS stephan f. LivlngstonC{^--- r.--r. ---!:ff: ie chapulrepec11000 Uexlco, O.fl Dear t{r, Ltvingeton, :lTffirt*?1.:1: three board nenbers approvals ror thE tnsratratlon shourd you have any queetione regarding thrs natter, please f,eerfree to contact ne -at ny office-. \k":{:!frtu^ ceneral Manager of Operat{one 201 Core Creek hive r Vail, G,londo g165? (303) 1?6'1262 r l'800'911.vAtL r hnv.' 89i,J853 r Fa*rmil c (303) 4?9.962+ : sEP AB '9! AB:q4 VFIIITCETLTY SF-R'/ICE5 INC. , ol l.3x ) Xflmrrrge g€ptanbar 3r 199! TOr Boasd of Dircctort, firflb.tFalltf phaer II FRoMt Vall l{anagrnant coEpany REI wlndow lnstallatlon, unlt gto Drtr Board of Dtrcotorrr l4r'.Jtrphrn F. 1l_vtngq.g6n, thr ownar-ot TLnberrar.'r..unrt 810.. brsrrq'.iertad errnlrglon to insci:t l_bly rrrrr-r"'ii'unrr a1o. Thi,i'n*arlreldn wlr.r.,lf rclnticll-io *ri'urn-aJw-rri"in* g't ar rhownln th. encioaad pfatuii,-- It 1r undrrstood..ly |{T. . Llvlngrtol fhf! rhr Eoard,s approval Lrcont{nsent upon 1'i11 - {v:;|iiii-llirl;ii;s -',iir -il.e.seary bulrdrns Fiil:ii,ilf ,'ti'u"Illi"*.,:1"1'/.*'F,*'jli*#$'ff '#'",r'.*fi 'jr:libo prov tdr d a r I p ari a r n 1 n j - ai"liiriniiiri ;;T;-$ii;ce rha r ao ! . Ycur rlgnaturr bgioy wlll rrrvc rE ruthordzetlon by ltribctFAlli,phrse ii tcr Mr. ;.,-ivi.nsat-n ro t-lrein-r-;il b,;ilii,;g pennlt rnd Tos,no! ValI approvel for eaf4 bii ijngor,, tnegrllrtlon-, 6lncetalyf -*O- ---;--= brsnd tax lrenrmltlr memo t87l +^ Stove Mcsptdd€nProperty Managatr Approved byl C*r^.fftr/r*roExEErffi l0l Oon Clcck Drtve r Vrll, Colondo Bl6J? (303) 176'1262. 1.800,91,{,VAIL r hnver 6gS,lgJ! r Frcrrmttc (303) 1?9,961,1 +6fr ranngerrrentt:o,.qre.'ru Septenber 3, 1993 Tot Board of DJ-rectors, TlnberFalls, phaEe If FROMT Vail ManaEenent eompany RE: wlndow installatlon, untt 8I0 Dear Board of Directors: Mr' stephan r. livlngston, the owner of Tlmberralls, .un't g10, hasreguested per:nLss1'on to instati a bay r+inao"-ii-unrt ero. Thls:'nstalratlon vrirl, be._ldenticai- to trrE'wln-aJw"lf'Lnrt 90r ag shownln the enclosed prcture, rt is understood-by Mr. r,ivingstor fh+t the Boardrs approval lEconti.nsent upon r.irl r_,tvinjsiori-"I_._"if.,.r;n-ii+-ill.*=".y buildinsperrEits anc approva:-E from irr lorr-""nlng_nunlcipalicy,s such as theToo'n of va1l and -E-111g county o1a "-nat rrnrerri:.rs, phase rr sharlbe ;rrcvlded ar1 pertalnins do"urn""tation as evrdence thereof. Your slgnature b:10y vrlrl senre as authorlzation by Tir,berFal's,PhaEe fr for Mr. Livlngri"n to o!t"r" "ila-f,iirt-ing permlr and, tswnor valt approvat ror jaid t;t ;;;;;,^; r"liirl*tiii". Slhcerely, Or fY1 n-x/{lf t'lcwddlA Steve McspaddenProperty I,Ianager Approved by! Ha::o!d Shavr 201 Gom Crcek Drivc r Vril, Colondo g165? (303) 176'+262 r 1-800-94{.vAIL r hnvct g93,i853 r Facsimrre (30r) 419-9624 Debra Brody ,9^,Il{crnn$errwnf, C onqrernry Septetnber 3, 1993 Tor Board of Dlractors, TinberFalls, Phaee ff FRoll! vail Managenrent conpany RE! window lnstallation, unlt 810 Dear Boerd of Dlrectorg ! Mr, Stephan F. 1,,1r'ingaton, the ownetr of Tlnrberfatlsr unit efo, has reqr.lested permtsslon to lnstall a bay window in unit gto. ThIslngtall.atlqn !1111 be ldentlcal to the window in unit 90] as shown 1n the Enclosed pictura. It ls understood by Mr. Llvlngston that the Boardre approval iscontingent upon Mr. Livingston obtalnlng all. heceesary buildingperrnite and approvals frort all governlng nunlcLpalityrs such as the Town of t/all and Eagle County and tha! TlnberFalls, Phase IT shall be provided all pertalning docu:r,entation as evidence thereof. Your slgnature below will serve ae authortzatlon by finberFal.Is, Phase II fcr Mr. Livingeton to obtaln sald bulldlng pernit and Tounof VaiI approval for said bay wlndow lnstallation. Approved by:_ _ Torn Kaufnan SincareIy, A+,. rTl^o ! t\>p1)t t lQilaanan Steve Mcsbldden Property Manager Dffidv---n/a.a75- /t,{* 7"1/}7ca"* ,.l 't 201 Gorc Crerk hive o Vail, Colondo 8165? $0\ +?6.1262 r 1,80).944-VAIL r Denver893-3853 r Facrtmltc (tOi)l?S'CeZ+ Harold Shar+ PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION-: ADD OF TIMBER FALLS RE rEvised 9/4/9L COIPRADO W I NDOI.I TO D I N I NG AREA IN UNIT 810 DRB APPLICATTON . IOWN OF \TATL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****t**** TSIS .IPPLICATION 9III.I. NOlr BE .ICCEPIIED ITNTIL .eLL REQUTRED INaORMATION IS SITBUITTED*******t** I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (S200.00)yyy Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0 ) c. D. ADDRESS: 4516 EAST [1EAD0lrJ DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI Block SubdivisionTimber Falls Phase II Unit 810 If property is described by a neets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separaLe sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: tDMFE. F. G.NAME OF APPLICANT:Stenhan F. Iivinost-on I,OT AREA: If reguired, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current Mailing Address;sierra Fria 755 Mexico. 0.F.. Mexico Phone 5215 ) =596.2240 NAI4E OF APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: I{r. Robert Ruder East Meadow Dr i veMailing Address :!l!.,9 Vai I . Col orado 81657 Phone 303-476-0640 I. NAI'{E OF *STGNATIITE (S) :Mailing Address-: Mexico. D.F. Mexico Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of subnit.tal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit,, please identify theaccurale valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according to the table belovr, to T K. ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: 6) VALUATION$ 0 - s 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 . s 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000I Over $1r 000,000 * DESIG}I REII'IIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YE"AR .AFTER EIT{I! APPRO\IAL UNLESS A BSILDING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED A}ID CONSTRI'CTION IS STARIED. **NO IPPIJTEATION }TTLIJ BE PROCESSED WITTTOUT OTINER'S SIGNATURE 1 FEE $ 20 .00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $.100.00 $s00.00 II. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application neeting with a rnember of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to deterrnine if any additlonalapplication information is needed. IL is the applicantrsresponsibilit.y to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal reguirements.Please note that. a coMpLETE appJ-ication will streamrine theapprovaL process for your project. III A.fn addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and t.ape the project sit.e toindicate property 1ines, building 1i_nes and build.ingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be complet,ed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that. stakingdone duringr the winter is not buried by snow. The revieer process for NEht BUILDINGS normally reguirest.wo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their developrnent proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finaiapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have nocasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket. until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning adrninistraLor, be approved by t.he CornmunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not after the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition.proposals not. visible from anyother 1ot or public space. At the tine such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includ.eLetters fron adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacentcondominium associat.ion stating the associationapproves of the addition. ff a property is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow aval-anche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and theowner nust, sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardrepolt prior to the issuance of a building pernit.Appricants are encouraged to check with a-Tbwn plannerplio-r to DRB application to determine Lhe relationsnipof the property to all napped hazards. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans tbe insioefaee of the exterior structuraL rall.s of thebuilding; andb. fndicate with a dashed line on Lhe site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. B. E. t. If DRB approves the application wit.h conditions orrnodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of- I Uuitding permit G. o LIST OF MATERIALS NAI'{E OF PROJECT: Timber Falls unjt 810 LEGAI DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS -. 4524 East lvleadow Dri ve DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Add window to dininq room area lhe following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING }ATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAT COLOR Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials match exist-ino Fascia Soffits Windows Wi.ndow Trim Doors Door lrim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. I,ANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED mef r-h ov i ct i nn mafch ovi sfinn PLANT MATERfAI-.,S: Botanicat Name Common Nane Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TP"EES *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Mininum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6,lee!- t PLANT MATERIALS: BOtANiCAI NAMC PROPOSED SHRUBS cot*o,ou*.Ouantit.v Size* , EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *lndicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qa11on. Tvpe Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS soD DI!.EJU TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and Locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify eacb fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret.ai-ning walls, fences, swimmingpools, et.c.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum helght of r.ralls within the front setback is3 feet.. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. }T $ ,,,, \>FT -:Qe"F-t o |el$ iN ;) lr i l\nir-!s PI.F A cF TO1VN OF VAIL D E PA RTi\{ E}i T OF CO ivl]V1 L;]'I ITY D EVELO P }IENT' S.TLES ACT]ON FOR}{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,\}IE 81657 \{t)n) 0t co30 1)5<0 zcNl\'o tu\D .r. DD R.ESS liA-PS 0l LT-3C12415 | It\--lfOR-\{ BUTLD'..^'O CODE 0l 0000.r2115 I u),"lFoR\.! PLUI6NG CODE 0l com.12.r t5 I U;"rron-rt l,i;cH/..}\'lci.L coDE ol oooc{1{li I uxrroRr{FIREcoDE ol 0000 42.115 | N,rnoiv,.lL i.rEcTPJcAL CODE 0l 0000{2115 |oniEn coDE;DOKS B LUE PRDTIS $IYl.iN0t 0.1]0.{1513 0l cr30l {2112 | ):Er.ox coPFs / s'iuDiEs 0l c,oc{r2r7t i puxet.rv ru;si RE-i.,.'-sPEclloNs 0l c4c-c.{ l]i2 i tL,ri.{ RE\.i5v R.E-C}liCK FE5 [Sr0 FER l;R.l 0l ,:,C'00 42i21 OF' I:OUR,S t\SPECNON FLES C ONTiI,', CTO RS LICL\s ES FI.ES0l 0co3.l1{12 0l c.!co j t330 t^-.-^..---IuIfr:K f tsEJ SICN APPL]C,\TIO,''I FEE.01 0100 1l1ll 0t 000041{13 lADDtTIoN,lljsloNAGE F;E {Sl.ol;.,ER. S 0l croci2ji0 l\Tc ART PRO'ZCT DON'\ION PRE P,UD DFJIGN.q,S\'iEW BOARD F:E 00J042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PER.}IIT COI'{PUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 1' x 0l 0000 42371 rNvEsTrGATroN FEE (BUILDING) rorAl DUE: ;2o- .._ q! 0300 11310 I ADDITIONAL OXf .{ -2Jt}^ \' 0l coco jt330 lcol..Dt'noNALUSEPER\{IT 0t c00c41330 EXTERIOR ALTTRA]ION ILESS THA.I.{ ICO sQ.N" 0l 0030.tt330 EXTERTOR ALTi:.qAlloN lrioRE THn-\ lC'l SQ.F|. 0l o!00.r I SPECI^L DEVELOF.\,fE}iI DISTR,JCT 0t 0co0{}330 0t 00C\1 dl:]10 rsPEcL4 EVELOPTfE T DI STRICT I ]\"Ir.-O R A]\I A\D 0t 0cro,? 41310 0l 0000.iljio ;viRI 0l c900 i1330 tzoNTh'c coDE t"VE-.-Dl,tEr,rTs 0l 000041330 :':S.:r COI t lvl EIITS ::ui.:: x * * * rk * * * *