HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 404,r-m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject ame: Timber Falls DRB Number: DRB010103 Project Decriptaon: New baY window Participants: OWNER BROWN, CAROLYN 04/2512001 Phone: C/O CAROLYN STRINGFELLOW 1785 COYOTE POINT DR coLoMDo SPRINGS CO 80904 License: APPLICANT BROWN, CAROLYN 0412512001 Phone: 719-632-6'162 C/O CAROLYN STRINGFELLOW 1785 COYOTE POINT DR COLOMDO SPRINGS CO 80904 License: ProjectAddress: 4500 MEADow DRVAIL Location: unit #404 legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TIMBER FALLS CONDO Parcel ilumber: 210112301017 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProval:05/11/2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Cond: 0 (pl-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: CON0004717 (PLAN): Colors and materials to match odsting Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: S20'00 AFR-63-Or 15,3? FRoM,To1|I)M-DEV-DEPT.itj ffi rt --.1 ,oo fpntffifrF APPucArtoN FOR. DESIGN REUEW AFFROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION Thb Epplicatin is for any projert rcquiring Design Revie,rr approval. Any preject rcquiring design revier.r must reehe Design Rqrlelv approval prior tD subrnitttng for a bulldlng pemfr. For specl{lc Informauon, see the sutrnital requicrnenE fur he parEular approral that b requested. The adiation cannd be accepted until all he required hforIrEuon b submttted. The project rnay abo need b be eryiewed by ttre Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrr*ntal Commission. Dcsign Revicw Board approval expircs one year aftcr final approral unlcsa e butding permit b issucd and conrtruction ir st rtcd. DEscRrPno$,r oF THE R|EQUEST: ar.*;;'::,,"ffr',lnn,nn siarr at -;:::, 2'/3 B. c- D. E. F. G. LOCATION OF PR0FOSAL: Lol-:tsLOCK;- l-iUl,lG:&,1O PARcE- *= )., t 0I ( 7l olOtl (Conbct €agb Co. Assessors Officr: at 970-328-8640 for parorl #) NAlrE OF Owr€F(S): MAILING.ADDRESS: OfrYt{ER(s) I{AI'EOFAPruCANT: SAMG IVTA,II.SIG A}JRISS: Pflfi,lE: TYPEO;- RTVIEW AND FtL:tr New Conrtruction - i2O0 Construction of a new building. EI Addttirtt -tso Indudeo arry addition whsrs 5qu6rq fuotage is adde! b any residential or c-drmeraial hriHino. E Minor Alteration . f2O tncludes mrnor dranges to burldrngs and ste rrnprovements, such as, rer@firp, pdirting, windcr.i additions, lardscaping, foncs arrd retahing walb, eh-. DRB fe€s are b b€ pard at the ttne 0f grbrnibL $19r, whqn spptying fur a building pernit, phese -rdeftiry the accurde \raluation of the proi:ct The Town of Vall v{il adjust ttre fee accordlng b the project \ratuat on. PLEASE SUBUTT THIS APPUCAnOil, A1g,g"t-* REQUTREMEilTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTIIEI{T OF CO}IHUilITY DEVEITOPiIENT, 75 SOUTH FROI{TAGE ROAD, VAIL COLoRADO 41557. H, 'ii: ;lJ'";ff" ff';",*ulo"' IffiiE caro' sp€r [nrt.r St[s ]op"rtv ]yft"agtnttnt' Inc' 4 r;(l)ll)(ll.ltNlt'Ll {t HOMr: RENIALS April 19,2001 obo T* I I I I I I i Re: BaY window approval Pres,Jenl Design Review Board: has approved of the baY window' This letter is to inform you that Trytbo Falls has giveq ;ffi ;$ "" io ctorvn i*14oPl t1 b,', g : ::t1;:* :ffi;ft; ut tr" .""0o airlressd as 4496 East Meadow ffir; ildi v.it, co 91657. Atso, the Board of Directors t€37-E310 lr0.970{?635| p.olt. 't +,}.16 E rl lvlr:rdoll'f)rirr r Voil, Cglorado 816'57 I 1970)r FAI (970) 476'350, ' t'M'it: dmbcrtill$r{il'rwt 1D,3764732432 PAGE 4./g Que$ions? Can Utrning gatr e 479-2138 MIIIOR AITERATIONS TO THE E'ff ERIOR. OF BI.'ILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEIiENTS GET{EML TNFORMATIOI\I This application applies b dranges made tea srte or efterior aheratlons of a buikting. Any altcration in which additional building square footage is added will require an.addltlons" applicattfi. I. g,JEMrrrA_ REqJT8EMHITS F._- Phobs fi Sketdes which clearly convey the exisinS condrtions. El Ffmtos or sketches which Ctearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). tr Alt rderlant specifications fpr the proposal induding colors and materlals to be used. condominiurn Associatron approvirt (ir apptrcabe). If the intent of the proposal s nd dearty Indkdted, the Adminisretor may cleEnnine that addidonal mdterials arE necessary for the review of the apflicauon. n tr oo AFR-a3-or 15,3a FRoM ' TovJM-DEv- B4IBG.IIAIEBEIS: -Roof $ding otlEr wal Matedah Fagcia soffrF Windora Window Trim Doors DoorTrim lland ry Deck Raib FIues Flashing CtrimneVs Tra$r Enclosures Greenhous€s R€hnrrE Walb Erterlrr Ughthg OdE DEPT .lD '37O4?32462 PAGE 6/9 TYPEOF MATERIAL: lhMIR - 6LOR: ,iulp- Nl& rulA ,iv.qk\ (Plq.r .r-l M ^\Ll, (-rdtr / lvt N l(\ /LL A a{c[ (tl,r AII A /ln /vl/( ln * Pbase sp€ciry the rnanufidrrer=s cohr, number and athch a gnoll cdor dtip +* A[ o(E br fightho EilJ$t ryEet tfie Tq$n-9 tigltirB Ordinane 12-11 5]. If e)drfix ligftirE b pfopcd, please irdrcate tre number of fi(orres and loatins on a eparate fgfting pbn. Iclenfi each lutue type and proviJe the heigit abo,e Eradq lurncils output, luminus arca, and atbdt a cut sheet of the lbhdrU fifires. o AFR -@3 - E r 1s,sE FROM, TOI}N-OEV-DEPT.rD,s"o4"l4s2 PAGE B/3 PSqfsED-t4lDgeaelre Eohnical NatrlF!:SizeF: PROr{SEr) TRESAND SHRUBS: DqSNNG TREES .IiO BE REMo\'ED: *Min-mum deolluous tre€s - 2 itch caliper conlferous U€e6 - 6 feet in heEht shrubs ' 5 gallons SquarsFrx)iaEe: GROUND COVER soD sE@ IRRIGATIOiI TYPL OI. EROSION CONTROL OTHER I-ANDSQqPE FEATJRES (retaining walls, fences, sninrning pools, etc,) Please specit.v. IndiEte top and bolEorn dsradons of retaining ralb. tvlafiium height of walb wlthh the ltont seback b 3 feer. Maximum hei'ght of ffdlb dsewhere on the properV s 6 feet. ot ApR-a3-@r 1s,38 FRott, Tov(' M-DEV-DEP'r.rD,s7s47:s2 PAGE 7/S UTILIIT LOC/ATIOfl YERIIICATIOII ThE fiorm b to vwlfy service avatabilaty and bcation for oeu/ constructjcn ard shouu be used in conjunctbn with preparuE lour utility plan and Schertuling instalations. The locatim and availability of uofiftes, whe$er they be nUin Eunk jine$ Or 9mp06ed lines, mllst be approved and verfied by tfie folbwing utilities for the accompanying site plan. U.3- West Curtmu n icatbns 1,800422-1987 45&6860 or 948-4530 RJblic seryi:e Company 9495/81 (Gary HalD FbtyOo6s EletrbAssoc 94+5892 Cfed Husky;John Boyd) T,C,L 94*5530 (Ftoyd Salza4 ftgle River Water & Sanibtion Clstrict * 47G7480 (Fred Haslcc) 1.These Autharedsjqnat!$e Date /' .// * Plea'e king a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when AHaining Uppef Eagle Valley Water & SaniEltion signaarres. Fire flo"v ne€ds must be addressed. I,IOTES: 1. If the utitrty \.erncau,{xr form nas Egnatures frfix eact o{the utilty $npan-l.:s, and no cornmenls are nrade dirwdy on dri torm, the Town witl pr€sume that thete dre no prob,lsns and t}e 2. devdogment can prDceqd. If a utility cornpany hry concems wiut ilE proposed onstructDn' the uttlty r€pt€sentative shall note direcdy on ttle util:y fornr that there is a prouern whidr rre€ds to be rmofued. The Bsue sfroukl tlrn be in an atbched letter to the Torvn of Vail' However, pleilse l(e€p ro mind thar it is the of the ut{lty company and dte appIcant m resoive ldentified Pmblems. cb not relhve th€ contractor sf tfle r€spot?sibtity to obtail a Rlblt Way renntt from thc of hrbf6 Works at tie Torvn of Voil. l..ttilfrv locatbns must be obtained before dioging n any Fublic rightof'way or easqnent within tfie Town of Vail. A-bU!&!hS-@ts!L@ Publb Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaErFL. tf *li***'lt**'t'l***'t**it+**f *l't***++i*'l t*rt**a******t**t*f **t*!t****++t't***t't*t*t't't*'t*f **t.+*****t* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO srd€m€ort*+l+f+**l*tlt'l+||*'tt'|*l+**+i'tt+{r*+'t+{'l**rr'f***r+'}+**rr*+r**'ta**+f*r'tf**rr*+++tt***a+*+*++*** gtatement Number: ROoOOOOE3T Anpunt: g2O.0O 04/25/ZOOLO4:00 ptt Pa)ment llethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 833 Permit No: DRB0101O3 Type: DRB - Minor Alteratlon Parce1 No: 2101123 0101? site Address: 4500 t{BADoI{ DR \rArIJ Irocation: Total Feee: $20.00Thia Payment: $20.00 Total AIJL Rrts: SZ0.O0 Balance: $0.00Ittt'lt*t*i*+tt {t'f *tt *t}*** *t* * *f ****rt**1"}'} *t++ t+**i{r'}f *t *+*t+*'}*+ {ri't***++*+***tt,t*+tt*ttttt*tt**t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pnrLs DR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 *tlt'l*****l'|rt **{r *'a* ** t * **'t * **,t***+++tatt,t**,f *,* !t*t**ll**tf tlt**+f ****rt** TOWNOFVAIL, COLOMDO stateinenri*ttt*t*'i't*t*t'i'f*t+***+***tttt*+**t*'i******'t**t+**t*+*'t+t********,t*,t,|a**++t*tttttft*ti*,t,i*,t* Statement Number: ROO0OOO637 Amount: 920.00 04/25/}OOLO4:00 plrl Palment lrlethod: Check Inlt: JAR Notatlon: 833 Pernuit No: DRB0101O3 Type: DRB - ttinor Alteratl.on Parcel No: 2101123 O1O1? Site Addregs: 4500 Ir{BADOn DR \/AIL Locat lon : Total Feea: $20.00Thia Payment: g20.OO Total AIrIJ ttnts: g2O.Oo Balance: $0.00l|llt**il*l*+*'lt***t*tt+*+t't**'i**lr*'ttt*****+f+++t**tt*t*****tt+'ttt++'t*'i*t*tt,t*tftt**t*iftt+l** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts DR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^, FEES 20.00 o * *,lt****f +l+'l** lt'f t*f *