HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 18fS.4rocr 8\cn1 q
Trrnbrr C4\\S
Untt t8o\-?
rl Ssign Review Action lft
Category Numbet
Building Hame: Tt na.tuzrlr kr\\--
Owner, Address and Phone:
Legal Description: [ot- Block- Suooiuisio@ zone District
Project Street Address:
Address and Phone:w
Motion by:
-Be#l€taff Action ;\-"--voE:-=-"---..-
Seconded by:
n Approval
fl Disapproval
AStaff Approval
L ruirr".- [f lRlrrt_v--.
Town Planner
oaa: )r,ttqtt,t t-D,1b
'l \J
DRB Fe€ Pr"-paafu.Dd
t.al.d AllT l,a
rNeoMPr'ETB APPr'reATroNs l.r'iAY Nor BE S1HED%ED FoR REttrEw.
a meets'and bounds legral
and attachon a separate sheet,
to this applicaLion.
VAIJUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo
$10,001 -$ 50,ooo
$ 50, 001 - g 150, 000
$150,001 - $ 500,000
9500, 001 91, 000, 000g Over $1,000,000
, FEE' $ 20.00
$ s0.00
$200. 00
OITNER(SI SIGtrl[ATUP',jE:Mailing Address:
APPrJrcATroNs nrrJrJ Nor BE PRocEssED wrrfrow owNER's sr@tlilruR.E
Condominium Approval. if applicable.
DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at. thetime of submittaL of the DRB application. r,lter, whenapplying for a building per:rnit, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of VaiI will adjust thefee according co the tabLe below, to ensure the correct feeis paid.
,> t-
f-/>$,,,L/.'y1t c'
New construcrion ($200.001 _)Cuinor Alrerarion ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) conceprual Review (g0)
If property is described bydescription, please provide
6353 S. Hanover Court
Englewood, CO 801I I
luly 22,1996
Ms. Marilynn Savalas
4459 Timber Falls Court, Unit # 1802
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Lynn,
This is a letter of confirmation for your approval of the new plan which the owners of the three
units on the East side of Building #18 would like to extend the size of our balcony on the north
side of the building together. An architect, who is your friend, has already visited the location and
is preparing an architectural design for this proposed modification. If all Building #18 owners
approve this new plan, we will then proceed with this plan instead of the plan which you
presented to all Building #18 owners and received everyone's approval earlier.
On the other hand, if the new plan is not approved by all Building #18 owners, then you will
proceed with your original plan for extending the north balcony of your unit only.
We are sending you this letter on behalf of you, Mr. and Mrs. Cleary and us. If you are
comfortable with this plan, please sign below and return it to us in the enclosed postage paid
We would like to thank you in advance for your support of this plan which will provide us more
enjoyment of a building which is already one of the best situated in East Vail.
VerLtruly yours,
../;,,,.\,,,, - -\'- C /;.,-/ //4-rl / ,////Y ,0 L6ne---
B'enjamin and Alice Chao
Approved by:
cl t '1,4 2cl , Mqb
/ Date
Marilynn Gardner Savalas
4459 Timberfalls Court # 1802
Vail CO 81657
June 1E. 1996
Homeowners of Building 18
4459 Timberfalls Court
Vail, CO E1657
Dear Friends:
I am considering enlarging my living room porch. lwould like to make it double the size
it is now. This means it would extend onto our building's common property. The present porch
extends about 72 inches from the msin building. I would like to extend my porch oul another 72
inches and keep the present width.
I am pretty sure construqion of the adclitional porch space would entaii concrete
footings for support. The additional T2inches would not encroach on the existing black top path.
lf cost permits I may want lo have some stairs down to the ground.
I have not spoken to an architect or builder yet. lf you approve my idea, I will then talk to
my architect for him to draw plans. (My architect designed our condominiums.) lf you approve of
my new porch, I will also need to present the idea to the design review board.
Would you please sign the form at the end of this letter and get it back to me? Thank
you for your kind attention.
l/we approve of Marilynn Gardner Savalas' plant to double the size of the porch off her living
,' ,. '' l, ll 'i , r4a,'
,1 / t. - ' ' i,signed----i:--------------r------- Dale-- J-'-''.!+--:: -.--' ', "'''
Marilynn Gardner Savalas
4459 Timberfalls Court # 1802
Vail CO 81657
June 1E. 1996
Homeowners of Building 18
4459 Timberfalls Coufl
Vail, CO 816s7
Dear Friends:
I am considering enlarging my living room porch. lwould like to make it double the size
it is now. This means it would extend onto our building's common property. The present porch
extends about 72 inches from lhe main building. I would like lo e)dend my porch out another 72
inches and keep the present width.
I am pretty sure construclion of the additional porch space would entail concrele
footings for support. The edditional T2inches would not encroach on the existing black top path.
lf cost permits I may want to have some stairs down to the ground.
I have not spoken lo an architect or builcler yet. lf you approve my idea, I will then talk to
my archilect for him to drew plans. (My architect designed our condominiums.) lf you approve of
my new porch, I will also need to present the idea to the design review board.
Would you please sign the form at the end of this letter and get il back to me? Thank
you for your kind attention.
l/we dpprove of Marilynn G_ardner Savalas' plant to double the size of the porch off her living
'"". .,*qq;*^\ \_\5.\\Signed--:------l--:-- - Date------
\J$^ \q, t,\..\t\ \t \ \
Marilynn Gardner Savalas
4459 Timberfatls Court # 1E02
VailCO E1657
June 18, 1996
Homeowners of Building '18
4459 Timberfalls Couil
Vail, cO 81657
Deer Friends:
I am considering enlarging my living room porch. I would like to make it double the size
il is now. This means il would e)dend onto our building's common prcperty.The pres€nt porch
extends about 72 inches from the main building. I would like to extend my porch out another 72
inches and keep the present width.
I am pretty sure construclion of the additional porch space would entail @ncrete
footings for supporl. The additional T2inches would not encroach on the existing black top path.
lf cost permlts I may wsnt to have some stairs down lo the ground.
I have not spoken to an archilect or builder yet. lf you approve my idea, I will then talk to
my architect for him to draw plans. (My architect designed our condominiums.) lf you approve of
my new porch, I will also need to present the idea to the design review board.
Would you please sign the form at lhe end of this letter and get it back to me? Thank
you for your kind attention.
lAre approve of Marilynn Gardner Savalas' plant to double the size of lhe porch off her llving
rcom' fi'r"1'rg,,- J' (Z^-t- ,1 - .r,, ./E//,7-.-rL .. vl \:r. ,' , .- v \_ - Le.-_J-
Signed---41-- --_----- Dat'''.4' n - /-./J_/) r t / / -/""// -L-U L l. -42-:,
Marilynn Gardner Savales
4459 Timberfalls Court # 1E02
VailCo 61657
June 1E, 1996
Homeowners of Building 'lE
4459 Timberfalls Court
vait. co E1657
Dear Friends:
I am considering enlarging my living room porch. I would like to make it double the size
it is now. This means it would extend onto our building's common prcperty.The present porch
eldends aboul72 inches from the main building. I would like to extend my porch out another 72
inches and keep the present widlh.
I ein pre:ty sure conslruction of thg adCitional porch space would enteil concrete
footings for support. The additional T2inches would not encroach on the existing black top palh.
lf cost permits I may want to have some slairs down to the ground.
I have not spoken to an architect or builder yet. lf you approve my idea, I will then talk to
my architect for him to draw plans. (My architect designed our condominiums.) lf you approve of
my new porch, I will also need to present the idea to the design review board.
Would you please sign the form at lhe end of this letter and get it back to me? Thank
you for your kind attention.
lAive approve
f Marilynn Gardrp
Marilynn Gardner Savslas
4459 Timberfalls Couil # 1802
VailCO 61657
June 18, 1996
Homeo,vners of Building 16
4459 Timberfalls Court
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Friends:
I sm considering enlarging my living room porch. I woultl like to make it double the size
il is now. This means it would extend onto our building's common property. The present porch
exlends about 72 inches from the main building. I would like to extend nly porch out another 72
inches and keep the present width.
I am pretty sure conslruction of the addiiiorrai F,orch space yrouid entail ccncrete
footings for support. The additional T2inches would not encroach on lhe existing black top path.
lf cost permits I mey want to have some stairs down to the ground.
I have not spoken to an architect or builder yet. lf you approve my idea, I will then talk to
my architec{ for him to draw plans. (My architect rlesigned our condominiums.) lf you approve of
my new porch, I will also need to present the idea to the design review board.
Would you please sign the fom et the end of this letter and get it back to me? Thank
you for your kind attention.
lrlre approve of Marilynn Gardner Savalas' plant to double the size of the porch off her living
room.4'4on"_ _1!
6353 S. Hanover Court
Englewood, CO 801I I
July 23, 1996
Joseph and Mary Cleary
4459 Timber Falls Court, Unit # 1806
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Joe and Mary,
This is a letter of confirmation for your approval of the new plan which the owners of the three
units on the East side of Building #18 would like to extend the size of our balcony on the north
side of the building together. An architect, who is a friend of Ms, Marilynn Savalas has already
visited the location and is preparing an architectural design for this proposed modification. If all
Building #18 owners approve this new plan, we will then proceed with this plan instead of the
plan which Ms. Savalas presented to you and received your approval earlier.
On the other hand, if the new plan is not approved by all Building #18 owners, then Ms. Savalas
will proceed with her original plan for extending the north balcony of her unit only.
We are sending you this letter on behalf of you, Ms. Savalas, and us. If you are comfortable with
our plan, please sign below and return it to us in the enclosed postage paid envelope.
We would like to thank you in advance for your support of this plan which will provide us more
enjoyment of a building which is already one of the best situated in East Vail.
Approved by:
Very truly yours,
/? c/'4)t"-'i"r^,,"'J C/.,---
\C- " , ./.1
I7/ //?u/"/e
..--t / t/ /, /' 17 0/ "/Date
Marilynn Gardner Saveles
4459 Timberfalls Court # 1E02
VailCO 81657
June 1E, 1996
Homeowners of Building 1E
4459 Timberfalls Court
v8it, co 81657
Dear Friends:
I am considering enlarging my living room porch. I would like to make it double the size
it is now. This means it would eldend onto our building's common property. The present porch
e)dends about 72 inches from the main building. I would like to er.tend my porch out another 72
inches and keepthe present width.
I am pretty sure construction of the additional porch space would entail @ncrele
footings for support. The additional T2inches would not encroach on the existing black top path.
lf cosl permits I may want to have some stairs down to the ground.
I have not spoken to an architect or builcler yet. lf you approve my idea, I will then talk to
my archit€ct tor him to draw plans. (My erchitecl designed our condominiums.) lf you approve of
my new porch, I will also need to present the idea lo the design review board.
Would you please sign the form at the end of this letter and get il back to me? Thank
you for your kind attention.
size of the po.rch off her living
rePsrIzELL,/PRocRErE al3 s26 O3
P. I.a-12-l996 l1'58AM
6353 S. HanovcrCourt
Englewood, CO E0lll
July 23, 1996
Ivir. John C. Scbierholz
do Elastizdl
6553 46th Street N., Suit 906
PindlasPark, W 34665
Dear Mr. Schierhola
It was very nicc to ha\rc met you in one of our homeowncrs meeting Dot too long ago-
Rpr€otty, Ms. Var;f:fnn Savalas s€nt you s letter asking yonr approal for e*cnding the size of
her balcony on the uorth sidc of the building; Her plaa was approved by all owners 9{guildtos
#lE. Sincc theD, the owners of east side of our btrilding got togethetr and came uP with a new
proposal to erc€ad all our balcony togcther. Aa architect, who is a friend oflvfs- lvladlynn-S"*t.s
hss akeady visited the location and is prepuing an architecorral desip for tl:' qr_oposed
modi6catioa g' att nuilaing #18 owners approve this new plan, we will then proceed with this
plan instad of the plan which lr[s. Sarnlas prescdod to you end rcceived your approval earlier.
On the othcr hand, if the new plan is not approved by atl Building #18 ownerE tha Ms- Savalas
witt proceed with hcr odginal plan for octending the north balcony of hcr unit only.
' +:'
comfgrtabte v;th or:r pla+ ldease srgn below and return this lEtter to us in the eudosed Postage
paid envdoPe.
We would like to thank you in advance for your support of this plan whicb will provide us more
enjoyment of a building which is already one ofthe best situated in East Vail.
.\-,L 3.u'n--
_ tfulqt
Approved by:
hry PeM/. j/*,^ '' /'A/L d" la't 2n 24- Q'"'
A rl- * H/;%^ ^z'L'*r"'t' f il-'o''/1
6353 S. Hanover Court
Englewood, CO 801l1
JulY 23, 1996
Harold and Betty Dennis
6N476 Flendale Road
Medinah, n 60157
Dear Hal and Betty,
It was very nice to have met you both when you were passing by Vail not too long ago.
Recently, Ms. Marilynn Savalas sent you a letter asking your approval for extending the size of
her balcony on the north side of the building. Her plan was approved by all owners ofBuilding
#18. Since theq the owners of east side of our building got together and came up with a new
proposal to extend all our balcony together. An architect, who is a friend ofMs. Marilynn
Savalas has already visited the location and is preparing an architectural design for this proposed
modification. If all Building #18 owners approve this new plan, we will then proceed with this
plan instead ofthe plan which Ms. Savalas presented to you and received your approval earlier.
On the other hand, if the new plan is not approved by all Building #18 owners, then Ms. Savalas
will proceed with her original plan for extending the north balcony of her unit only.
We are sending you this letter on behalf of Ms. Savalas, Mr. and Mrs. Cleary and us. If you are
comfortable with our pla[ pleas€ sign below and return this letter to us in the enclosed postage
paid envelope.
We would like to thank you in advance for your support of this plan which will provide us more
enjoyment of a building which is already one of the best situated in East Vail.
Very truly yours,
S-.ir-,: *f' C/*-'Fz ut- &<--
Verijamin and Alice Chao
Approved by:
Mr. Harold C. Dennis
6353 S. HanoverCourt
Englewood, CO 80lll
July 23, 1996
Benjamin and Alice Chao
6353 S. Hanover Court
Englewood, CO 80lll
Dear Ben and Alice,
This is a letter of confirmation for your approval of the new plan which the owners of the three
units on the East side of Building #18 would like to extend the size of our balcony on the north
side of the building together. An architect, who is a friend of Ms. Marilynn Savalas has already
visited the location and is preparing an architectural design for this proposed modification. Ifall
Building #18 owners approve this new plaq we will then proceed with this plan instead of the
plan which Ms. Savalas presented to you and received your approval earlier'
On the other hand, if the new plan is not approved by all Building #18 owners, then Ms. Savalas
will proceed with her original plan for extending the north balcony of her unit only.
We are sending you this letter on behalf ofMs. Savalas, Mr. and Mrs. Cleary and us. If you are
comfortable with our plaq please sign below and return it to us in the enclosed postage paid
We would like to thank you in advance for your support of this plan which will provide us more
enjoyment of a building which is already one of the best situated in East Vail.
Verv trulv vours.6,:;^,-tr cr*--/-l
)J, ?1///T/^ fu 6-€^
Henjirmin-and Alice Chao
Approved by:
6353 S. Hanover Court
Englewood, CO 801I I
JulY 22, 1996
Tim and furn Schmitt
5081 S. Franklin
Englewood, CO EOll0
Dear Tim and AnrL
This is a letter of confirmation for your approval of the new plan which the owners of the three
units on the East side ofBuilding #18 would like to extend the size of our balcony on the north
side of the building together. An architect, who is a friend of Ms. Marilynn Savalas has already
visited the tocation and is preparing an architectural design for this proposed modification. If all
Building #18 owners approve this new plaq we will then proceed with this plan instead of the
plan which Ms. Savalas presented to you and received your approval earlier.
On the other hand, if the new plan is not approved by all Building #18 owners, then lzls. Savalas
will proceed with her original plan for extending the north balcony of her unit only.
We are sending you this letter on behalf of Ms. Savalas, Mr. and Mrs. Cleary and us. Ifyou are
comfortable with our plarl please sign below and return it to us in the enclosed postage paid
We would like to thank you in advance for your support of this plan which will provide us more
enjoyment of a building which is already one of the best situated in East Vail.
-l q/,^-
Benjamin and Alice Chao
-/ i'). lt\| ! /1. | \./ /.
Approved by:
Mrs. Ann Schmitt