HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 1403TOWN OF VAII-, DEPARTMENT OF 75 S. FROI{ITAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-4'19-2138 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: 998-0256 JOb AddTCES: 4470 TIMBER FAI'LS Location. ..2 4470 rfffiffiS Parcel- No. . : 2LO1--!23-08-003 Project No.: stsatus...: ISSUED #lAOApPIied. . : 09/03 /L998 rssued-..: 09/03/L998 Expiree..: 03/02/L999 crgf APPLICAIiIT COrirlRAETOR OWNER HOMESTAKE BUII-,DERS CORP P O BOX ?52, EDWARDS gL6I2, HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP P O BOX 762, EDWARDS 8L632, TODD WILLIAI',! H 1?15 DAVON tN, NASSAU BAY TX Phone z 970-476-L1'25 sAr{DSToNE crRcLE, VAIL co Phone: 970-476-LL25 sANDsToNE CrRctE, vArt' co *Of GIRE Logs I *of, wood/Pal1.t: oR 890 oR 890 77058 RED RED DescrlpEion l REPI.ACE EXISTING WINDOW WITI{ MAT(IIING Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family T).pe Constsruction:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuat,ion: Fireplace Informacionl R66crlctcd! y L,200 *of ort APPI lanceg: Add Sq Ft: ti*tt{*it****r.*'t*t**t**i***i*rr*..ltt****ttPEEsut.ll|Aalttrr'*r,itt,tt*li*ttir.J***t*r*r*r*lt*t**r***rJll*r'***i*'r Buildj.ng--__-> 4l'00 ReBEuatanc Pran Rcvicn__> oo Total calculal€d F"d_-_> 90'66 Plan check---> 26'66 DRB Fee---'---- 20 oo Addlbion'L 86es---------> '0o Inv€Etigation> .oo Recreation Fec---_-_-__-> 'oo Tocal PellliL Fec--__-__-> 90'65 wirl carr----> 3.oo ;:il1-;:":::::1._.::' :_: ,"::: ffill';;;:---- -------: ",ll 'i * * it * i a i r ei r r * * * r tt? * i'? * t * * tt * J* r ri* r'ti t * * t *' r rEem: o51oo BUTLDTNG DEP.ARTMENT -Pept: BUTLDTNG Division: g ?zg?, i ?i g ;""8h#;"E5i8ft*f;R+. i:::::: oHn, : pr,ANNrNG Divi s ion : 667dtt169b .rnu -4'qtr-gqi AFPR APPRovBD rITem: O55OO FIRE DEPART{I,IENT DEPU: FIRE DI.ViSiON: 9?$?/t??8oo$t1""r" w$fikb""' AP'.K N/A Depr: pnB woRK Division: 6b7'dili66b ,rnr'l Action: APPR N/A itt+t*iit*irr*r see page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any condiuione that may apply Eo this permit ' DE CIARAT ION9 I hereby ackno$l.dE. chats I havc r6rd lhl6 ePPlicatsion' fllt.d ouE ln fulL gh€ Lnfollletsion r6qult'd' co!lP16!ed 'n acculage ploc pfan, and 6tagr rhab al,I Chc lnforrnation provlaed ae requlred ls corlcct' I agr" !o cotply nirh ghE lnforrtaBlon and pIoE plan' co coflply tlllch al] ToFn ordinanccB and staca Lave, and Co bulld chi6 gErucEur€ accordlng to ghe to$n'6 zanlng and 6LrbdiviElon codes,d66lgnrcvlawapprovod,unlfo:'rBuildlngcodcandothcrordlnanceEofthcTotrnapplicablebheraEo' REQuEsTsFoRINsPEcTIoNgs|{AI]IJBEuADETwEt[Ty.Fol'Rtlol'RsINADVANcEBY*,," gend c1ean.t4' D.po.l.ts To! HoMESTAKE BI.DRS drsr,BruRts 08 omrn on coNln.AcToR roR HIMSEI,F AND onNER ****!t*********************************************************************t*!t*** coNDrrro-Ns,^^ rssnED ...::Ti:.t;.???;l??l *** * ** **-. -...?i:?:.t.ZtZ|/Zl** ** * **** *il?lli;.;iiii * * ** * * * * Permit \rpe: ROO/AL,T MF BITILD PERMIT- -aijprr"lit ' sffisteKr BurtDBRs coRP 970-476-LL25 APPlied: 09/03/L998- i-eeued, 09/03/L994 to su)ire z 03/o2/r999 ilob Addregs: Location: Parcel No: 44?0 TIMBER FAIJLS CT *1403 2101-123-08-003 DescriPtlon:;;pifcB ExrsrrNc wrNDow wrrg MATcIITNG ""11'F*13' r*"""*roNs ARE RE9'IRED ro cIlEcK-l9l-coDE 2 . ALL "en*tdii6G-r-li Eeu''s' cert'r*cs'AllD Fr'ooRs ro WIT'H AriI APPROVED FIP.E MATERIAL' ' 3. sMoKB o"teifr6i6-aiG- nroutlgo t* Ar-,r-' BBDRooMS AIID -- AS pue sec.1210 0F TIIE 1991 IlBc' 4. FrRE o*pa*iiiffi i'i'pnovaL' rs FJEQUTRED BEFoRB Al'l':r STARTED. COMPI-,IAI{CE ' BE SEAT'ED BVERY STORY WORK CAIiI BE This PaymenE o 90.65 Total ALL PmLs: Balance: o **J***************************t**************+*t*******t******** TolfN oF vArL, coLoR,,ADo r rr!rr,.i&+, sEaEemnE ******************************t********************************* statsernnL Nunber: REC-0445 Amount ? 90'65 09/08/98 09:12 -!i[!r! y:iri: E:-::-l=i:i_ zvs - -------li:::-1v- Pearlits No: 898-0256 qrpe: A-MF ADD/Ar',T MF BUITJD PER Parcel No! 2101-123-08-003 sicl Address ; 4470 TIMBER FAJ''r.,S cT Location: 4470 TMBER FAI.L'S cT f1403Total Feeg:90 .65 90 .65 .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *ii** * ** * * * ** * * * ** !t **...:: - - AmountAccount eode BP 00100003x11100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 41.00 20. .00 Description EUTLOTNC PBRMIT FEES DBSIOI REVIEW FEES PI,AN CTTECK FEES wrr.l cer-,r., INSPECTION FEB 20.00 26.656.65 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGB ROAD VAIIJ ' CO 8L657 970-479-2t38 APPITICAIIT COtil:TR.ACAOR OWNER ,JOb AddTCEAZ 4470 TIMBER FAI.,I.',S Location. . . t 4470 TrIIBER FAL'IS Parcel No. . ; 2LOL-L23-08-003 ProJect No.: HOMESTAKE BUII.,DERS CORP P O BOX ?52, EDWARDS 81532, OR 890 HOMESTAKE BUILDERS CORP P o Box 762, EDWARDS 81632, oR 990 TODD WILLIAII'I H 1?15 DAVON IJiI, NASSAU BAY TX 77058 PSD RED er stsaEuE...: IssttED CT #l-a0APPIled. . : 09/03/L998 Iisued. -., 09/01/L998 E)q)ires. . : 03/02/L999 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEI'OPMENT NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ']OBSITE AT ALL TIMES A.DD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PermiL #: 898-0256 Description: REPLAC-E EXISTING WINDOW WIfiI MATCSIING Phone z 970-476-L]-25 SANDSTONE EIRCLE, VAIL CO Phone: 970-476-LL25 SANDSTONE CTRCIE, VAII-, CO +Of Cla6 Lo96:*Of Wood/Pall"ets | OccuPancY: R1 Tlpe Conatruction:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplacc InfornaEloni R6EtsrlcEed: Y Multi-FamilY 1, 200 *Of OeE APPIiance€: Add Sq Ft: i**t***t*t**tir * * i * * * * t * * t * * ' i + t ir i t I t * + I * + I I FEE SUMIIARY t ' 'r t * t t * t ' t t t t * * * * * * t * t * * * * ' * * r * Building_____> 41.00 ResEuarant Plen R'vi'tt_-> oo ToLal calculah'd F6"--_> 90'55 Plan check---> 26'65 oRB Fce--------- 20 o0 addlclonel' Fcc6-'-------> oo Inva€tsigabion' '00 Rocreacion Fee- -____--> 00 Tot'al Perdit Ft'--_--__-> 9o'6s will carl----> 3'oo clean-uP DePooib--------> '00 Pa!^ienb6 - - - - ' - - - 90'65 toTAL FEES-'---- 90'55 BATANCE DUE----- -oo r ritrltt',' * t tit I IECM: O51OO BUII,DING_DEP.ARTMENT _ -PEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: f g}$i ruaE ;1il',^-';;;igg}g*ym ffiilH:'fn' : pr,ANNrNG Divi s ion : Ir.hm: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI'{ENI --- Deptr: FIRE Division: g?if,?r[g?3;"it!";r;-*_tE6."' APPR N/A Depr: puB woRK Division: 6570tt166b-,tRu- Action: APPR N/A see page 2 of Ehis Document for any condiEions thaE may apply to this permic' DE CIARAT IONS I hGreby ecknoul6dg6 th^c I hav. r.rd this ePPlicalion, fill'd ouE in full th' lnf,orm'gLon r'qulr'd' corq)l'Ced an accLrlibc pIoE p]an, and 6tatc rhaL aII cbc infonaglon provldld ae ieq,,ft"a 16 cotr'ct ' I agror co coopty rtttr gho lnforoaclon and pIoE plan' Eo conply rrlth all Tovn ordinq.ceE end eEate 1acs, rnd to bulld Ehis oExucEule accofding to ch6 To{nrE zonlng and olrbdivldion cod.6,deaignrevl6{approvcd,UnlfornBulldlngcod.andoghc!oldlnanccgof,thcTot.nrpplicabl€cherBEo. REQu8sTgFoRtN8PEcTIoNssIdALLBEMADETwENIy.FotIRItoURgINAD1hNcEBY,",," scnd c16an-up DoportE To t HOMESTIKE B1,DR9 {iffi;- or omlR OR COTifRACTOR lOR HrM68l'F AND OWIIIER *************t******************!t*********************************************** coNDrTroNs._- rssItED ...::TT1:.t;.1??;l??l**************?ili.l?t*t?l*****"**..::i:Hi.iiii********* Permit Tlpe: aoo/ALT MF BUII-'9-PEgttrT- -AOPii"ii't: TIOMESTAKE BUIIJDERS CORP 970-476-1L25 Applied: 09/Ol/t998- i'ssuea' 09/03/L998 to Br.pi-r"'- o1/O2/t999 ilob Address: Loeation: Parcel No: 44?O TIMBER FAI-,IS CT #1403 2toL-1.23-08 -003 DescriPtion: REPI,ACE EXISTING WINDOW WITII MATGTING ""l1tF+;13' r*rn*.*roNs ARE-- REqulHP-I9.TlS*o133*"oo" 2 . Ar.IJ PEl'TETd;i6i'G-riiEer'16'cirirrqcs'AllD Fr'ooRs ro WITII A}[ EPPNOVEO FIRB-MATERIAL' 3 ' sMoKE oets-d6RE-dG- nrouly-o rN Ar-.r'' BEDRooMS AND-' as-pnn sec.izro oF THE 1991 ItBc' 4. FrRE ospo*i;;ffi Gpnowr rs nsourneD BEFoRB AlrY STARTED. COMPLIANCE' BE SEAI,ED EVERY STORY WORK CAIiI BB ***************************t*******!r**************************** TowN OF vArL, cor.oRADo L,r!.r..!+*! stagemnu ***************************************************!r************ ScatemnE Number: R3C-0445 Atnount ' 90'55 09/08/98 o9;L2 -!ir!:! r!T1: E:-:--I#:l: ::'-'--- - ------li1!:-1Y- Permits No: 899-0256 'Ilrpe: A-MF eop/al'T MF BUIIJD PER Parcel No: 2101-123-08-003 site-aaaress: 44?0 TrI'IBER FAr'Ls gr tocatsion: 4470 TIMBER FAL'LS cT fl-403Total Feee:90 .65 90 .55 .0090.65 Totsal ALL Pmts: Bal-ance:This PalmenE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *i * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * **,.,:: - - Amount Accounts Code BP 001000031111'00 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Description EUTLOTNC PERMIT FBES DBSIGII REVIEW FEBS PI,AII CHECK FEBS wir,r, cau, rNsPEgrroN FEE 41 .00 20.00 25.65 3 .00 \Y:EL rt l,tut W 0<lM+ pERMTT AppArcATroN F9X.M( D^rEz wi6ttti4g- "I :oncact Eaglc Councy Assessors 0fflce l.%3lo;?".i.1b1 ',"5) !...- ToWN oF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON+ !.,- ir.owN oF VAIL CoNSTRUCTION pEtu\lIT /.r - APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT }tAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI ]l * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LegaI Description: Lot_Block )wners Name i lrchitect:Address: ;eneraL Description: \-';\i-nuirains 1 l-Prumbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechani-car [ ]-other ,oot ru'.' Ut. lttrarr H.'i^rrJJ rob Acrdre "=, tork class: [ ]-New t)4-efteration I tumber of Dwelling unitst I -Ad itionaL Nunrber [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accommodation Units : Gas Logs_ Wood/pe1let ******* ** * *** * **** * * * **tt *rt * * * * x ** OTHER: $ TOTAL: { tumber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances) -- ' * * * * * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * * {.* * * * * * * * * rt:t * VALUATf ONS a]UILDING: $ ?LUMBING: $ lAoo , ou EI,ECTRICAL: $ I MECHANIcAL: $ **** cotlTRj\INFO \ddress:a ilectri-caI Contractor: ,ddress: )Iumbing Contractor: -tl-^--.\tlLrl- gJ> . lechanical Contractor: \ddress: r i<rt rkrl rt*rt:l******** * rr* * * ** ** * ** ***FOR }UILDING PERMTT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMI.T FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: |LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: L'ION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * { Town of Vail Req. r.ro. tDO IPhone Nunber: 4;ilb- ltE-- Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nuhber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. No. Reg. No. Reg. No. OFFI CE USE *** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt rt * * * x * x BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: :omments: VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO:V\nustlta ba brs bv,pvatcn 6qt W St,,&h*U,r,t/\/ iL -o 75 south lronlage road va il, cotora do 8165 7 (303) 479-21.38 or 479_2t39 r.lra\ . Fpr)t!f . DATE: <lTnTEr..n. o ltlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TOFN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKs/cotfi,ruNlTy DEVELOpIIENT ITARCH 16 , 19 I I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In surnmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or aepo=rt.any soil, rock, sand, debrisor materj-al, including tri=n-Sripsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. fpon any street,, sidewalk, alley or publicptace or any norribn th;;";;:--in. risrrt_oi_;;i-"n alt Town ofVaiL streeti ana.roads is approxinately 5 ft. Lff pavement.Thi.s ordinance wir:. ue =;.i:ii;^enforcld-ly-ir.,!-r"..rn of VaitPubtic works neoarrmenr:--;;;=;n= i;;;;-riLJii^g this ordinancevrill be siven a 24 hour ,-iil"n"r,orice t;-;;;;;; said mareriar.rn the event the person so notified.g?...rot comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time ipecified, tne public worksDepartmenr will remove said nareii"r -ii-ih;^';*;;;=e of personnotified' The rrrovisioni-"r- tni= ordinance snarr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ^.int"nun9e or repair projects ofany street or alrey ". .ry'"liiiti"="i; ;;"-;i;;t_"_""r. To.review ordinance No. e in fu11, please stop by the Town of:::i"::i13i'9,";fli:'n:*"::""ilii" a copv. ri'unj. you ror your Y ead andracknowledged by: d-Ai{#arZ_ 'itl'trI ntracto(i.e., owner) lnwn n llal 75 south ,ronlsge road vall, colora do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 olf lce of communlly devclopmerrl EUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If thrls permi.t lequires a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department Approva.l ,Engineep''s. (.publii Hopks) reyiew and approvar,'a iiannini-b.p.rt .nt I::] :I^::.H.tlln- gttu.tmint revi ew, and' a reuie, Lv-iii""iri r ai nguepartment, the estinated time for a tota'l review inay take as l6ngas three weeks. Al I commercial (i arge or sma'l'l ) and al'l mu] ti -famity permi ts wil Ihave to follow the above rnenti6ned *axirrr requirem'enli. 'iesioential and.sma'l 1 projects shourd take a 'r esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrailer projects impact the various auou. meniloneddepartments rri.th regard'to necessaiy review, th;;; ;;;j;.'t, n'uya'l so take the three week period. - Every.attempt vril'l be T:ge by this crepartnrent to expedite thispermi.t.as. s.qon as possib'l e. - I-' th. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty 0eve1 o5rment Depa rtarept. MEMORANDUM TO: ALL CONTRACTORSFRoM: TOWN oF VA|L pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLtc WAy pERMtT'tS REOUIRED Job Name:' Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding ihe need for a "Public Way permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed . that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public prope(y? 3) ls any'utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diiferent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used ior staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community :Development? . . lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town' of Vail Construction Inspector, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Conlractor's Signature DateJob Name o e\ How it relates to Building Permits: 1)Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. 2) l[ yes was answered to any ol the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 15th. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Tolvn of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. 4) 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ' The.above. process is.for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 1sth.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year it work is not complete. 6) cdpway o 75 3outh ,ronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792 t 38 (303) 479-2139 office ol communlty development NOTICE TO CONTRJACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effect,ive June 20, 1991, the Town of VaiI Building DeparE.ment has developed the following procedures to ensure thaL new construcEion sites have aclequately esEabtrished proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Tovrn of VaiI roads or sEreets. The Town of Vail- Public Works Department wiJ-l be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacenb to Town of Vail roads or slreets and the installation of temporary or permanenL culverts at access points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval nrust be obtaineo prior to any requesL for inspecLion by the 1'own of VaiI Building DeparLmenL for foot ings or Lemporary eLecl-rica1 or any ot.her inspecL,ion. Please caII 479-2160 to requesL an inspecEion from the Public I'lorks DepartnenL. AIIoU-a minimum of 24 hour noE.ice. AIso, Lhe Town of VaiI PubIic tlorks DeparLment vrill be approving aIl final drainage and culverL insLallation with resulting road padching'as necessary. Such'approval must be obEained prior to Fj.naI Cert.if icate of Occupancy issuance. :ili ,OM,IOFVAIL i Sorrtlr Frontagc Road ail, Colorudo 8/,657 )3-479-2138 / 479-2139 AX 303-479-2452 D cpa rt u c nt ol Cotuntui ry D ct,c lop t t r t, t t t XNFORMATION NEEDED }IHEN APPI;YING FOR A MECHANICAI PERMIT t. z, HEAT LOSS CALCUTATIONS. TO SCALE FIJOOR PLAN.OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUTPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN }TECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LTNES. 4. NOTE WHETTIER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WIIJI-J ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM. FAILURE .IeO PROVIDE IHIS INFORMATION }IIIT DEI,AY YOUR PERMIT. ilsign Review Actfin Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Todd Residence - Timber Falls #1403 Project Description: Replace window to match existing adjacent rvindorv owner. Address and Phonc: william H. Todd,4470 Timber Falls ct. #1403. 479-9062 Atchitcct/Contact. Addless and Phonc: Homestake Builders Corp.,890-4 Sandstone Circle,476- I125 Projcct Strcet Addrcss 4470 Timber Falls Ct. #1403 Lcgal Description: Timber Falls #1403 Parccl Number: C'ornmcnts: Building Namc: Motion by: Sccondcd by: Vote: Conditions: 'I'own Planner: Brent Wilson Datc: August 18, l99g Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved FTIVERY()NE\DRB\APPRoVAI,\9S\ToTJr',fi I II DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 t t\ Qucstiorrs? t,n. Pla;rning Statiai 479-l i 23 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For specific infomration, sce thc subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc applicatiou c:lffiot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd intbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct rrray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torm Council and/or thc Plannirrg and Environnrcntal Contnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. ^PTION ERE UEST: n* B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:FILING: PFrySICAL ADDRESS:* tA|. K: C. D. E. F. C, PARCEL #, JlIl ltz 0X001 (Contact Eagtc Co. Asscssors officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC PHONE: OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADD PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nerv Construction - $200 tr Addition - Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building, lncludcs rlinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts. such as, rcroofing, painting. windorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc idcntiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTownof Vail will adjust the fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. H. '@ I\{inor Altcration - $50 $20 TOY{N OFVAIL o BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Softits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door 'I'rinr lland or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosurcs Crccnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Pleasc specify the manufacturer's color. number and attach a stnall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate the nunrbcr of fixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identi$ each fixture type and provide thc height above grade. lunrcns output. luminous arca. and attach a cut shect of the lighting fixhres. Updated 6/97 rul.,iyN AFVAIL o o N{INOR ALTERATIONS TO TIIE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IM PROVtrtVI DNTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applics to changcs uradc to a site or extcrior altclations ofa building. Ary altcration in rvhich additional building square footagc is addcd rvill rcquirc an "additions" application. I. SUBMII'TAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or skctches rvhich clcarly convcy the existing conditions. Photos or skctches rvhich clcarly convey thc proposed building or sitc altcration(s). All rclcvant spccifications for thc proposal including colors and nratcrials to bc uscd. Condonrini u rn Association approval (if applicablc). lfthc intent of thc proposal is not clearly indicatcd, thc Adnrinistrator may dctcmrinc that additional nratcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvicrv ofthc application. V. STAFFAPPROVAL The Administrator may revicrv and approve Design Rcvieiv applications. approvc rvith certain modifications. deny the application. or nray reltr the application to thc Design Rcvierv Board for decision. All staff approvals arc sLrbject to final approval by the DRB. The follorving types of Dcsign Revicrv applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for tui addition to an existing building that is consistcnt with the architcctural desigrr.' r']aterials and colors of thc building. and approval has been rcceived by an authorized mernber ofa condoniniurn association. if applicabl c: B. Any applicarion to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly change thc existing planes ofthe building and is generally consistent with the architechrral design, materials and colors ofthc building. including. bLrt not lirnited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework. siding. roof rnaterials, paint or stain,), cxtcrior lighting, canopics or aumings, fences. antennas. satellite dishes, rvindorvs. skvlights. sid.Ing, nrinor cornnrcrcial facadc improvcnrcnts, and othcr similar moditications: C. Anv application lbr site inrprovements or modifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway rnodifications. sitc grading. site rvalls. rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of accessory stnicture.s or rccreational f'acilities. o o 0 oo k- n,v\(t t/,llrdn A.1til *qU1^lo,,rlrlt6, C*t tt/,vh Aba Vo^L,U fttosq 7:rr*dttfirt'of Wi *Tb' n i ",rrfrrA *x$,yw^L' n^l rt4t* W uuatj t u"h Urlt*^til"t' gLt;r\ = YL+hiL 87/2ElI99A A7:17 974-358-685S'{. r|JL-il-lu ruu u:!J Afl ltBLfttts.t}|c[tT NCIN-RADIOLOGY PAGE g2 Firt{r. e?tQ5og p. I /,,(, /{ /9?gfr /+03 a:,,s,fn ffi^,7 %- tu'// "'f/""rto 6',/r*ffi5 fu ffi3%^_,%iry-r lizia/ft4tvttrrt %'' .frrrl t*drrr*;{ oru -rt // ,ho{a.' ,W ,,d{"r'**; % n"rr*/ * ur_^{ ,}"tffi"fr*,. 0."rnfr/ 6ri' FI{'A Jrp-rlt W'* U F*r,il*i /-F-4( I(F|M-u*rr l,* PrID(4!t7e vaL rll rE4Elo 81858 lsTol sHss|gl lFNq 94€Ir577 ome, 1r/tq/a g na* lgoq-c4 N CLARIFICATION/CHANGE I have reviewed the sketches of the proposed window to be cut into the exterior wall of this unit, on the south side. The unit is at ground lev'el, and the wall is a bearing wall ftom the roof and two floors above. The rough opening size is-6'-Cf wide. I recommend a header of (3F2x12's or (21.,1 t/i x 9 14 LVL'S' ln either case, a double 2x6 trimmer should be used to support each end of the header. PROJECT: E RFI REGORD (rrrro*tt (erur- TaDD) N MEETING NOTES COPY TOr H4ME€-fAl<'= E'/''-crEe'l 8qO RED 6Ar rDt-': I E ai P3LE' SIGNED: RL:l-'I 131 ltn/le/.i8 8-/:4+ REAUEST:i FUR INEjFECTIOI! I.JORP' SFIEEI'',j FtiR:1Ol1el")S I ype: # 14143 [-,ar"c:e I ! i::ltll*113 -ras-raru Llcc: O ,o** or: vArL. coL'RAoo ' I i ?iE,AGE AREA: CI) Deser'iptron: REFLACH t]XIST]NU WINI-rlJt^J lrlTH MAfLi[{ING Hppt reant : l{UFlESTxPit hUiL.DERS {;UfiF' iiwnerr IULIID ldILLIHi\'l H L.oritrActorr ll0Mt:$IHKE HUiLD|i:Rl$ LLiR[.' l.rrspection Reqr-rest Inf ormation. "... Us e r Fhtlrre' *7Qt-176-- I I liS I-'trone I [-'hone ! tTrZr^4 /6"-t t il5 j -1 ileqt-1s5 1 r:i' : iiHlil5 f IE Req Time: kl'llOO CommentE: tJNI-l Iten!r reqr-rested to be Irtspected.. 'i0ff50 bLDG-Firral Fh0ne: 479-9tdt'c I4IA3 . tlct ion Lomments l ime Ivp I I I I I I I I I I 1.. I I I I I I I I I I lrr s pect ion Hi s t ony, Item: tZtti;l51tZt driveway gi'"arje f in.il It en : rltuttzrltzr LILDG-F oo b irigs/5t ee I I tem: r/ltaBlra BLIJB- F c,,.rndat ron/5teeI Iterl: trttZtSlre) l-'LFrN-lLC Site Flarr I t em :: riiuZlll|.frZr BL-Dlj--F r-aim i n g . u\\/3tAl\B Irrspector': JIiFi Hc'tronr-r-r({ oil'int" Iteml tl|.lrzr4t/r d * N()L Un Frl.e i.t {ifll i l/,r V.ri:r:-.i kr trLri6 - Irr sr;.[;rb :i un l benr: lal'Zllat,Lt Fl-LrG- gilreeti,iick .l f e m : tlk:l|zl8[l .x i6 lrlrr ''L Lrri I i ]. e I t e m -r Ulkltlr 7tJ trLDLi- Fl i sc. Iter; t:||Zr6-jtt t\Lbli.-]-] naI .[tem: i]l/.tji)Li i:{LU[i- l'titnF,. l-/t) .lttrrn: krurSrl F ifiE'-tLFIF" t/U .t t e frf r r,irdSJ;j F tl --i El4F , t." i u .tt Eiur I rilrilS;l t-'Lfrht- fLir4f"'. Lil't ltem: ?)$5rl FLtrt'l--F:IllHL L/u I t e.tn I ulUtSJg f I RE -Fr J. l,liiL L.i D ILeur; tLrtZl539 Ftt-FIhlAL- L/O l+.Bm! fi(r54fr BLL)G-l-'inaI UiLi Ir* lrl,:r r I