HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 1204li _ :,:- +trid rt:ti.r ,}ttt\N -+r.41, i"rs! ^ jir- , i'. . :i DCgn Review Action Folr TOWN OF VAIL tt \ catesoryNumber I [9 o"t" hmP \*,1Q eroiearuam", F\Ov,uf r" \ tjtt'\r\o'*l ,rdr[u{v'r,-' Buirdins ru"r", ftrvrl>r r{a\\< L:"wIr/: ProjectDescription: rif;{l t'tql^J l,$llV-\;il Owner, Address and Phone:C.b-a+ I t e f"\c,we.r-- ArchirecUcontacr, Address and phone: ( ,VTrf \t,.t- $ttW Vo^a, ,lFrr> -Lb 2 Q, \Jrxr] ( , I :l;tlr':F> 44-'t c?t z Lega|Description:Lot-B|ock-subdivisio@ZoneDistrictth}F Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by:Vote: ! Approval ! Disapproval \sarnncrovat Seconded by: Conditions: (_/. 4/' lJ:)\,tr t,,i ^' 4 cr,,'ir,'rn- r.aL...t lll1 f9l DESIE{ REVIEW BOARD APPIJICATION ' TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: tt*itttltltl** INCOT{PIJETE APPIJICATIONS I'TAY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR REVIEW. I. A. :ltl:artrt***!ai PROTTECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construct,ion (g200.00) X lainor Alt,eraEion (g20. O0) Addi tion ($s0.00)ConcepLual Review ($0) c.ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCR1 Subdivision If properEy description, t.o Lhis appl PTION: Lot 6 is described byplease provideication. , Block a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and atLach tL/4 E. F. I. ,t. ZONING: NAI{E OF Mailing APPLrCAlirr, ct/44azzr Fzaaaz, Address: Phone G. H. NAME OF APPIJICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE,ualtins eddres s z tfu*1{Zf Phone Wfffr NAl,lE OF OWNER(S):/,*Htzs Fzxtatazg OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Phone APPIJICATTONS WIIJIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WTTEOW O'{NEN "' .TGIuA?T'RE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at. the Lime of submitLal of Lhe DRB application. tater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accuraLevaluation of the proposal . The Town of VaiI will adjust thefee according to the lable be1ow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. ,rr- ,-,r^, n XP "rrr* orln'i ^.rrr/-f'4, FEE SCHEDULE: VAI.IUATION$ o-$ 1o,oooi i;, tti - i ru, Uvu $50,001 -$ 150,000' $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100. 00 $200. 00 $400.00 $s00 .00 DESIGN REVIEW BOAXD APPROVAIJ E:KPIRES OI{E YE,AR AF'ITER FINAT APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUILDING PER}TTT IS ISSUED Al{D CONSTRUCTION Irfl I ili ""4 (A iI IS STARTED. 80 rm II. A pre-applicaEion meetinq with a member of the planning staff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication informaLion is needed. rL is the applicant.'sresponsibility to make an appointment. with t,he st,aff to deLermine if there are addiEional submiLLal reguirements. Please note Lhat a COMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTTCE REGARDING AI.,L SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeLing subnittal r"q,]it.*erru", Eheapplicant mus! sLake and t.ape Lhe project siLe t,oindicat.e property 1ines, buildingr lines and buildingcorners. AlL trees to be removed must be taped. Allsit,e tapings and staking must be completed prior to the one site visit. The applicant must ensure that sEaking done during the winter is noL buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUUJDINGS normally requires two separaEe meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. epplicants who fail Lo appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meetinq daEe and who have not. asked i.n advance that discussion on their iten beposEponed, will have their items rernoved from the DRB agenda until such time as the itern has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development DepartmenL staff (i.e. a fonnal hearingbefore the DRB may noL be reguired) : a. Windows, skyliqhts and similar exterior changeswhich do not alLer the exist.ing plane of thebuilding; artd b. Building additions not visible from any other Iot.or public space. At t,he time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must include letLers fromadjacenL property owners and/or from the agren! foror manager of any adjacent. condomj,niurn associaLionstaLing the association approves of Lhe addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pIain, debris flow,hretland, etc. ) , a hazard sLudy must be subnitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged Lo check wibh a Town plannerprior to DRB application lo deLermine the relationshipof the property Eo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construct,ion: a. C1early indicate on the floor plans the insideface of Lhe exEerior structural wal.ls of thebuilding; and iJ. iuriiuale witir a dashe<i iine on Lhe slt,e plan afour foot. distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the applicat.ion with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the application for a buildingpermi t . IJfST OF MATERIAIJS NA}4E IJEGAI, OF PRO.JECT: DESCRIPTION:LOT_ BLOCK SUBDTVISION A. Eo Ehe Design COI,OR NUgtr (ASnqsf fur-tv Cawnizz- STREET ADDRESS: 1-.oc( r^nuc,ot-p<-t+s The following information is Review Board before a final BUrIIDTNG MATERIAI.TS : Roof Siding Other wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Tri-m Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chiuureys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining Wal1s Exterior Lrighting Other L,ANDSCAPfNG: Nane of required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OP MAtrERIAIJ Designer: Phone: B. PTJANT Marelr,s: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name c.*O x. "Ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Miryimum caLioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height forconiferouslrees. Minimum heioht for eoniferoustrees is 6 feet.**IndicaLe size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 gallon. Twe Square Footade GROUIID COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METI{OD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTINGT If exterior liqhting j.s proposed, pLease sbow the nuriber of fixtures and locat,ions on a separateliqhtinq p1an. Idencify each fixt.ure from the li;hting planin the space below and provide the height above qia.de, -tlpe oflight proposed, lumen out.puL, luminous area and a cuf sfreLt. ofthe light fixture. (SecEion 18.54.050 J) n OTHER LAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaininq walls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) please specify. Indicat.e heights of ret.ainingrwa11s. Maximurn heiqht of ',/fa11s within the front setback ii3' . Maxirnum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6r oo TOWN OI. VAIL Rtct:lPt No. Dl:,PARl lllliN l ()f (:olvli]IuN l' DttvDl,0Pi]I&N1' /(, D^'E- p-_-,o- _'rE ct lt;ctis llr^ Dr, PAYAnt,rTo TolvN ol'vAlr, acctnNa No.L I,M NO. tAX CO6AI^A. TOTAL 0 0000 4 540 ZONIN(J AND N DI)RIJSS MN PS $5.00 0 0000 424 UNIF()RM I]UILDIN(; CODI $54.00 0 0000 424 UNII.ORM PLUMIJINC CODIJ 0 0000 424 5 UNIT.()I(M MI'CIIN NICN L (-ODI: 0 0000 424 5 UNIFOI{M }.IRI; CODIr 0 0000 424 5 NATIONAL I]LI'CTRICAI, C()DI 0 0000 424 u I l ilit( col)lt tJ(x)KS 0 0000 4 54tt IJLUIJ I'RI N'I-S ( MYLAITS) !'t 0 0000 424t2 XIiROX COPlliS 0 0000 424 2 STUDII'S 0 0000 42412 l1)V l' liliS COMPUTI :R PR0(iRAi\4 0 0000 4237r PIiNALTY l' lllis / RI1-INSPUCTIONS 0 0000 4 JJL I'LAN I(liVIIiw RI:-CIIIiCK Flili [$4() PlrR IIR.I 0 0000 42332 O}.}. IIOURS INSPI'CTION I.IiIiS 0 0000 4 4 ')(1)N l I(nC-l Ol{S LICITNSIiS Fl:l:S tr l. ":! Li.; ti:r t.Jl fi: 'tl 0 0000 4 4 3 SICN APPLICATION T'I'I s20.00 ,.t .Y']: 0 0000 4 ,l 3 ADD|l'TONAL Sr(jN^(;ti t;riti ISt.00 PtiR sQ.t'T. 0 0000 41410 VIC N RT PR0JI'CT DONNI'ION 0 oo(r4.ffi1 PRI] PAID DI]SIGN RIiVIIJW I}OAIID FI 70 o 0000T2371 rNvrisr-rGATl()N [,tIi (uutLDlN(;) J 0000 45 |0 TOV PN RKING FUNI) 0 oooo 22027 I-OV NIJWSPAPI'R DISPI]NSIiR FUNI)* 0l 0000 2l I l2 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) * 0t 0000 4t0t0 TAXABLE (@ 4% (TOWN) 0 0000 42371 IJU ILDI N(i lNVl:STI(;ATION iA) 4iif ii& L; n$ m tr ot't I lil( frtU Atsl'LICA'l loN I,EUS 0 0000 4 130 n DDITIONAL (;t{FA "250"$200.00 0 0000 4 JJU CONDITIONAL USIJ PIiRIVIII $200.00 0 0000 4 330 I .x-I:RIOR n LTI:RATION tLliSS TIIAN 100 SQ.FT.l $200.00 0 0000 4 330 tix-l:l(lOR n LTITRATION IMOltll TIIn N 100 SQ.l"T.l s500.00 0 0000 4 JJU sl,l_('ln L l)lrVI:L0l'Ml:N f I)ISTI{lCT tNl:Wl $ I,500.00 0 0000 4 330 SPITCIAL DIiVIILOPM liNT DISTRICT tMA.lOR n NlliND $ I,OOO.00 0 0000 4 330 Sl'lrClAL DliVlrLOPMltNT DISTRICT fMINOII nMliNDl $20u.uu !f $i00000 4 330 SUI]DIVISION 0 0000 4 3_10 VN RIN NCI,$250.00 0 0000 4 330 ZONIN(i C()l)l: AMI:NDMI:NTS $250.00 0 0000 4 330 Rti - zoNtN(;$200.00 oTiltiR OTIII]R lToTALt Z' ",,*,u*,. hl--htul 61, l,n h/o> t-"v ^, / icKrr- rr,r.ol l *o..rr.&/y'U