HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS SIGNgrq5o(\ C\tnct t{ ttrrrbcr €a\ts Srq\ \,.-'l? 'Da Fee Paid ' 20 - .SIGN APPLICATION 8-s A/ , Name of Projcct Nann of . Perison Subrn'itti ng : submjtta'l by approval can Phone {f 'SZ'E the appl icant be given. Location of Project The fo'llor.ring to the Desigrl Sign submittall information is required for Review Board before a final fee is $20.00. A. Sign t'iaterial t Description of Project .r*.t o-.B. Description of Sign Jtr 'f/14Ju/7. D. Corrnents q'71*r /oe*r?<tN, I . Si to P'lan IIATERIALS Sutll'llTTI0 l'lITll hl'l'Ll CATI0ll 2. Drawi ngs s-novi nq Fnct 'l ocation3. Photortlaplrs slrorvi rrg pro;ro:'c4 I oca t.i o. _4. Actunl rign ____5. Ctrlorcrl :;ia'lii-riiawilig----_-6. l)hol.ogral,lr of s i grt Approvc.rl f ('l' llllll Srrhnittal Di :;;r111tror,t.il {'ot' llllli littlurtil.t.rl 5i e'i A?tiinl i iliioTor: box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 August 25, 1981 Bob Ruder 4496 E. Meadow Dr. Vai'l , Colorado 81657 Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 8-19-81 Rimberfalls Signs Dear Bob: At the August 19 meeting of the Design Revjew Board, your submittal for signs was approved as presented with Timberfalls sign to be backlil -- tubei-be designed so that they cannot be seen. Sincerel Project Application Proiect Name: y'' 't ." Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: seconded by, !9Y/) DISAPPROVAL j::1815'E*Tld/) Summary: 'n/7fi /6/./tF, t3€.-\ )*r'tl t l--'.(; ''.---"----_ E] statt Approval DtrFMRTMENT @F,E@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM XXXXXXX 0r 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES t 0000 41540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS UAPS 1 0000 42413 1988 UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 1988 UNIFORI.I PLUI,IBING CODE r 0000 42113 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE t 0000 42415 I98B UNIFORII RRE CODE 1 0000 42115 1987 NATIoNAL Er FoTRICAL CODE | 0000 42113 OTHER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (M\1,qRs) 01.0000 42412 0x coPlES ./ stuorEs I 0000 42371 rY FEES ./ RE-tttspecloN OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FE= coNrRAcToRs uca,tsEs rEEs I 0000 41330 0l 0000 41413 .SICN A?PLICATTON Br. 1., S,9,1 -,: 'J( Proiect Name: Projecl Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Project Application TZ, J"- ,4tt oct a le j <-a- fn q 6 €""t Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Block Design Review Board Motion by: 1*'* [ secondedrr, /Ut /f , o*= APPROVAL C,on.aezrT DISAPPBOVAL s-'-_ c) Summary: Town Plannero^", ?/ s-ftd D Start Approval I . d'-r' TZU J'- Project Application 1 f t-^ ln's / an. '/;. Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Block Filing (..t+ ,; t ,/- Design Review Board // Morion by: ?'tt'+tr ('l /', lt seconded6, L'/t /lt rc-+Y- Dale APPROVAL --i-().Cn te-p I DISAPPROVAL 5----c) Summary: Town Planner D^t", c / J-/// E Statt Approval fit'-1 I J 33" 33 7 ---/- ?/ t/,t) y r" ', -/--\ -f' -' t')1 ^t,<'t I !,/ \u ')---'-1Gl0* 'aI I' D..J^- rn,-..f(ud e[ crncl AS S OC ICteS lnc, Construction Development trmtrer falls MANAGEMENT COMPANY, INC, oFFlcEs t ., I r, .' APPLICATION SIGN/ATNINC IPPIJICIITON B/14/90 DATE PHONE 476-2323 (PIease NAI'iE OF NN,TE OF ADDRESS NAT,TE OF ADDRESS Print or qrPe) ^..-,pRqrEc'I -- 'Ruder & Assoc Timber Falls Manaqement pERsoN SUBSTTTTNG Bob Ruder pgoNn_476-2323 4496 East Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 OWNER 4496 Robert W. Ruder East Mea Vai I Colorado 8l SIGNITT'RE OI ONIER IOCATTON OF pROJECI 4496 East Meadow Drjve V DESCRIpTION OF pggggglConstructjon, Real Estate. Manaqemement. Timber Falls Condo Assn Offices. THE FOLIJoWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBI'IITTAL BY EHE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN//AWNING (FREE STANDING' I{ALL' PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN I'fESSAGE.@ Trmber Falls Nanage B. SIGN OR AWNING UATERIAL Redwood painted SIZE about OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND I-GO 7.12 so. f HEIGHT OF SfGN ABOVE GRADE 69 inches DESCRIBE L,IGHIING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) eviqting nn, 'n.l ^l^F.^ ^^ '.^^,.1r'ouno gtooe on \^/ooo DosI. LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) for+y foot CONDOIIIINII'U ASSOCIATION APPROVAL - (ATTACH) $2o.oo FEE CHECK n tt,,'/ lr,i./t,, c. D. E. F. G. H. 1.Site PIan Elevations shoning exact location of awning on the building inoto6r"phs showing pioposed location Colored tcale drawing Sample of Proposed materials Photograph of sign if available 2 sign or 3 4 5. 6.XX letters. Ruder and Associ p1a19 ,\ 1.,/,,, Sign Adrninistrator JT FEI-[ f;IPY 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 office ol community det elopment August 1.3, L990 Mr. Robert Ruder 4495 East Meadow DriveVaiI, Colorado 8L657 Re: Ruder Real Estate Sigmage Dear Bob: We have not yet received a Design Review Board application for your freestanding real estate sign. Enclosed is another sign application and we are asking that you return this by August 22 so that it can be reviewed by the Design Review Board at their meeting on Septenber 5th. If you are notable to return this cornpleted application by August 22, we arerequesting that you remove your sign until you submit anapplication to the Design Review Board. If the sign is not renoved, the staff will have no choice but to cite you for beingout of compliance with the sign code. We would prefer not to dothis, but we are responsible for enforcing the sign code in a fair and equitable manner. Please call if you have questions. Thank you for your attention to this natter. Enclosure