(.ivr\rr"r 6attl
75 south lrontrge road
Yail, colorado 81657
(303) 47$2138
(3(B) 4792'139
January 2, 1990
office of communlty development
Mr, Bob Ruder
4496 East Meadow DriveVail, CO 81657
RE: Operation of Real Estate Office out of Timber Fal1s
Dear Bob:
f am writing this l-etter to confirrn the staffrs approval of theoperation of your real estate offiee out of Tirnber- Fa11sCondorniniums. You submitted to staff numerous pieces ofinforrnation documenting the existence of your reaL estate officein the ?imber Falls Condominiums. I thought it night be helpfulif r quickly list responses to our requests for information thatyou have provided:
1. Docurnentation of the existence of Timber Fal_ls
Management Conpany before I975: you providedj-nformation showing real estate transactions dating backEo 1972. fn addition, you provided a Town of Vailbusiness license approved in l_979 for a realestate office.
Docunentation that real estate was sold through this
company before L975r As stated above, you provj_dedcopies of transactions having dates earlier than l_925.In addition, the real estate being sold not onlyincluded Timber Falls Condos but properties outside ofthis complex.
A description of each business which would include thenurnber of employees and o!/ner of the business. Seeattached letter dated September 22, 1989.
4. The date the business began operating out of the Tirnber
Falts location: You have provided documentation that
the business was in existence as early as L972.
5. The sguare footage allocated to office space for eachparticular business. Ttre total existing office space is
840 square feet whlch is also the original square
footage for the office used for Ruder-Reinecke
These were the staffts prinary concerns with the real estate
office. We believe you have answefed all of our questions
concerning whether the real estate office was a grandfathered
Thank you for alt of your assistance in providing this
infornation to us. Happy New Year!
{futan ft,t-
Kristan Pritz
Senior Planner
cc: Peter PattenLarry Eskwith
.Iimber Fal I s ,nit OOI(
4496 East Meadow Drive
The offi ces of
Robert lrJ. Ruder Inc.
Timber Falls Managememt
Mechani cal
room f or b il dg
I nc
-"-'T-*',-i'-ll'rllu; iiNi;(!iillli,il'-[
offi ce
iitlll.-..-.-.---- | I' -.
of f i ce
of f i ce
offi celrecept ion
ftobert v (ud8r,*
Vail, Colorado 81657
-l : .'.
(303) 476-5708
Septenber 22, 1989
Town of Vail0ffice of Connunity Devel.opnent
75 Soutn Fronlage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657
Attention: Kristan PrLEz
Re: Business Llcenses
Dear Kristan,
real estaLe.
4496 East Meadow Drive
.i.'.:' .
I have received your letter of September 19, 1989, and am very happy to abUenpt to .clear up bhe issues of coneern, about the operation that I own and nanage, andrun, out of Tinber Fal.ls Condonj.niun, Unlt #402. This buildlng was built in Lhe
sutrmer of 1972, duri.ng the fall of 1972, we moved into t,he space and began using it
as an office. At that tine the offiee in Unit #402 had three functions and Lheoffice continues to have the same functions; f. it operated as a constructionoffice for tbe construction conpany, 2. wiLh the conpletion of the first phase
of Tinber Fa11s, rre began the nanagenent, of that eniity, J. and the office was .also used as a sales office for the Timber Falls conplex as well as other pieces of
The above functions have continued !o take place fron 1972 to the present. Duringthe sumner of 1988, I thought it appropni.ate to get ny brokerrs license. ,Toelininate any quesLlons or confusion, Ias! spring, I went out and acquired thatlicense. The brokerrs Iicense is now beld under one of my existing
corporaf ions, Tinber FalLs Management company, rnc. . -.: ,.,: .1!ri11i1ir;1 ,,,t{ith that as a backgnound 1et ne answer your speeifie questions. 'l'r,." I i', ':li..:i;i:'
1. Roberb W. Ruder Inc., operates Ruder-Reinecke Constructlon.rJ'i;jtt.i:':. Final Flair as a dba. The construetlon company bullds and develops 1n ;i.'.'' the Vall Area. The Final Flair, is just a nane, to allow us to bui',i',,,, .certatn lfens lhat sone conpanies <to not Ilke Lo sell to constructiol',.,conpanles, like ttle, carpet, draperles, furnlture, etc. Because nany .:.of our customers are fron out of town lt ls a great servlce to them.
Timber Falls Managernent Co., Inc. has been the arm of the organizatlonthat bas nanaged the Tlnber Falls Conplex. Ttrat operatlon has been inexistence slnce 1972. l.le also began managlng other properties in the :neighborhood and continue to do so. Our operation through tlne has noL
changed very nuch. As the governnent agencies, that regulale ouroperaflons, change their requirements or nequlre different licenses(1ike the Town of Vai1, or lhe Colorado State BeaI Estate Connisson) wehave always been very willing to conply. The largest.change 1n
employees fron tlne to tine 1s 1n the construction conpany..-'The natureof that business is seasonal and we always have nore people ln thesumner. The upkeep of the Tinber Falls conplex and the adJoinlngpropertiea that we nanage also require oore belp in the summer...
,i -r
ol.r. | .--'-.
ftbbert v. (uder,n.l\ r
Town of Vail
KrisLan PriLz
Seplenber 22, 1989
Page 2
2. The business began operation in Lhe fall of 1972.
3. The office is ln Unit #402 and has not changed Location since thebeginning. The unit conlains about 840 square feet and has not changedin size since the original construction. The office usually has five orless people working in 1t. These people work in all of these functions
so we have never thought it necessary to allocate specific spaee to thedifferent functions.
4. The square footage has remained the sane since 1972. The original
use of the unit/space (one business, with different functions) has never
5. Parking in the area has never been a problen and conti.nues not to be.0ur biggest parking problem is due to long-tero renters, wibh too many
autos, and the problens in !he winter, when the these cars are not noved
on a regular basis, to al1or.r for the removal of snow.
I believe that it is very appropriate and within current Town of Vail zoning for a
complex ]ike Tj.nber Fal1s, to have on-sight nanagement. In order Lo perform allof the functions, of an on-sight nranager, an operation llke ours is required.On-sight managers are asked to get involved in aII aspects of second horne
ownenship, including but not limited to; long-tern and shorL-term nanagenenL,
accounting functi.ons, nai.ntenance and upkeep of the units and the complex.Given the expectations and denands, of the owners of Tinber Fal1s units, an on-site offlce, has becone an integral part of bheir investnent, and has been slnce
I hope this Letter answers all of your questions and concerns. Our operation has
been continuing ln each of these capacities since 1972. Durlng that period wehave operated a constructlon sonpany and contlnue to do aoi operated a
nanagenent flrn ancl continue go do so; and have sold none than one hundredunlts, all out of this offiee. I think of the current licenses as being a
hous ping procedure on ny pant.
Rob rt W. Ruder,Pres ident
RI.IR: knJ
cc: Rlchard G Sander, Att,orney
4496 East Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5708
75 3oulh frontage road
Yall, colorado 81657
(303) 47$2138
(303) 479'2139
otlice ol community development
November L4, L989
Mr. Bob Ruder
4496 East Meadow Dr.vail, co. aI657
Re: Business Licenses
Dear Bob,
.I an writing this letter to remind you that the staff still needs
documentation that real estate was sold through your company beforeL975. Peter Patten received the information from you verifying thatyou sold Timber Falls units before ]-975. However, we must documentthat real estate outside of Tinber Falls was sold through the office.
Please address this as soon as possible. I would appreciate hearing
from you by November 20, 1989, Thank you for your help on thismatter.
cc: Peter Patten
K's\onQ',\+Kristan Prit2
Senior Planner
75 soulh l.onlage road
vail. colorado 81657
(303) 4792138
(303) 479-2139
olfice ol community developmenl
October 26, l-989
Mr. Don Morse
P.O. Box 2973
Vai1, Colorado 81658
Re: Ruder and Associates ReaI Estate
Dear Don,
Mr. Bob Ruder has applied for a business license for the Ruder &
Associates Real Estlte office at TirnberfalLs. Our understanding is
that you are very interested in the staff's position on this issue. tr{e
are slill in ttre process of working with Bob on whether or not the real
estate office is allowed. I have included our correspondence on the
office issue for your inforrnation. If you have any further questions,
please feel free to contact me at 479-2138-
Sincerely,rt I n.t
drrttun Yr,tt
Kristan Pritz
Senior Planner
cc: Peter Patten
ftobert v Brd8i,,.
October 16, 1989
Ms. Kristan Pritz
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road
VaiI, CoLorado 81657
Re: Business Licenses
Dear Kristan:
I am writing in response to your letLer of October 5, 1989. Yourrequest for information that is as much as seventeen years o1d hasplaced quite a burden upon us and, until I have soine clearer
understanding of what exactly you desire, I am not sure that I can
respond meaningfully.
Timber FaIls Corporation owned, developed and sold the Timber Fa11sprojecL. The fasl new condomi.nium was so1d, I believe in 1985.Certain raw land of Timber FaLls Corporation was sold as recently as1989. Construction, management and sales activities have beenconducted at 4496 EasL lvleadow Drive continuously since 1972.Throughout this time our offices have been used by bobh Timber FaIlsCorporation and outsj.de brokers and sales agents for meetings,
showings, and closings of both sales and re-saLes. In approximately
1980, management responsibilities were delegated to Robert W. Ruder,Inc. In 1988 we disovered that Lhe business of Timber Fa11s requireda real- estate broker's license and I immediately obtained such a
License under the corporate name of Timber Falls Management Company,Inc. Ruder and Associales Real Estate and Management is merely atrade name. This entity now handles the leasing, managemenL, and
sales acLiviLies previously performed by Timber Fal1s Corporation and
Robert W. Ruder, Inc.
Hopefully the above summary will answer your questions. Should youdesire additional information I might suggest a meeLing to discuss
Robert W. Ruder
R}JR: kmj
cc: Marc Musyl
4496 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5708
75 soulh frontage road
Yail, colorado 81557
(303) 47$'2138
(303) 4792139
October 5, l-989
office of community developmenl
Mr. Bob Ruder
4496 East.s Meado!,r DriveVail, Colorado AL65'7
Re: Business licenses
Dear Bob,
Thank you for responding to ny letter concerning your business licensesfor Timberfalls Management Cornpany/Ruder & Associates ReaI Estate,
Ruder Reinecke Construction, and the Final F1air. I am asking thaL yousubmit to staff, L) documentation of the existence of Tinberfalls
Management Company before l9'75, and 2) documentation that real estatewas sold through this coropany before L975. I would appreciate it ifyou would submit this to the Cornrnunity Development Department byOctober L6, 1989. Thank you for your help in this matter.
t) I O,\K^.I-". Yr't\lll \l lqt \ rl I \-b
Kristan PritzSenior Planner
KP: Ir
Peter PattenLarry Eskwith
75 3oulh ftont ge ioad
vall, coloiado 81557
(303) 47S2138
(303) 479,2139
September l-9, 1989
offlce ol communlty deYelopment
Mr. Bob Ruder
4496 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado aL657
Re: Business licenses
Dear Bob,
The Comrnunity Developnent Department is ln the process of reviewingyour three business licenses for Tinberfalls Management Conpany/Ruder &
Associates ReaI Estate, Ruder Reinecke Construction, and the FinalFlair. In the staff's opinion, Ruder Reinecke Construction Conpany is
considered to be a grandfathered office space. The staff considers
Ruder Reinecke Construction to be a business office as defined by the
zoning code in Section 18.04.260. This section states:
ItBusiness office means an office for the conduct of
general business and service activities, such as officeor real estate or insurance agencies, brokers,
secretarial , or stenographic services, or offices forgeneral business activities and transactions, lrhere
storage, sa1e, or display of rnerchandise on the prernise
occupies less than 10t of the floor area.
In order to make an accurate deternrination of whether or not
Tirnberfalls Managenent Conpany, Incorporated/Ruder & Associates Real
Estate, and the Final Flair are businesses that rnay also be operated
out of your Timberfalls location, the staff is asking for the foltowing
1. A description of each business which would include the nurnber of
employees and owner of the business.
2. The date the business began operating out of the TinberfaLls
3. The square footage allocated to office space for each particular
4. The original sguare footage for the office area used for RuderReinlcke Construction when it was initlally started.
5. The available parking for all three businesses on sLte.
The staff would appreciate it if you would provide this information tous by Monday, Septernber 25, so that we may discugs it in our upconJ.ngstaff meeting on Septenber 26. Thank you for your cooperation on thisrnatter. As soon as we get this infornatLon, we wiII try and give you apronpt decision on the business licenses.
KP: Ir
cc: Peter Patten
i) 1 n I
Senior Planner
September 22, 1969
Town of VailOfflce of Comnunity Development
75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657
ALtention: KristanPritz
Re: Business Licenses
Dear Kristan,
al N{**r nr
p* q |q?sc
I have received your letter of Septesrber 19, 1989, and an very happy to attempt Loclear up bhe issues of concern, about the operation that I own and nanage, andrun, out of Iinber Fal1s Condoniniun, Unit #4O2. This building was built in the
summer of 1972, during the fall of 1972, we moved into the space and began using it
as an office. At that time the office in Unitlt402 had chree functions and theoffice continues to have the same functions; 1. 1t operated as a consbructionoffice for the construction conpany, 2. with the conpletion of the first phase
of Tinber FalLs, we began the managenent, of Lhat entity, J. and the office was
also used as a sales office for the Timber Falls complex as well as other oieces ofreal estate.
The above functions have contlnued to take place from 1972Lo the present. Duringthe sunmer of 1988, I thought, it appropriate to get my brokerrs License. To
eliminate any quesLlons or confusion, last spring, I went out and acquired thatlicense. The brokerr s Iicense is now held under one of my existingcorporations, Timber FaIIs Managenent Company, Inc.
Hith that as a background lef rne ansvrer your specific questions.
'l . Robert W. Ruder Inc., operales Ruder-Beinecke Construction and TheFinal Flair as a dba. The construction eompany builds and develops in
the Vail Area. The Final Flair, is just a name, to allow us to buycertain itens fhat some companies do not like to se11 to construction
companies, like tile, carpet, draperies, furniture, etc. Because manyof our customers are fron out of town it is a gneat service to then.
Timber Fall.s Managenent Co., Inc. has been the arnof the organizatlonthat has managed the Timber Falls Complex. That operation has been ln
exisLence slnce 1972. We also began nanaging other properties in the
neighborhood and continue to do so. Our operation through time has noL
changed very nuch. As the govennment agencies, that regulate ouroperations, change their requiremenbs or require different licenses(Iike the Town of Vail, or the Colorado State ReaL EsNate Connisson) we
have always been very willing to comply. The largest change in
employees fron tlne to tine is in the construction company. The natureof that business is seasonal and we always have more people in thesunmer. The upkeep of the Ti.mber Falls complex and the adjoiningproperties that we rnanage also requine more help in the summer.
4496 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5708
Town of Vail
KrisLan Pritz
Sep!enber 22, 1989
Page 2
2. The business began operation in the fall of 1972.
3. The office is in Unit #402 and has not changed }ocation since thebeginning. The unit contains about 840 square feet and has not changedin size since the original construction. The office usuaLly has five orless people working in it. These people work in aLl of these functions
so we have neven thought it necessary to allocate specific space to thedifferent functions.
4. The square footage has remained the same since 1972. The original
use of the unit/space (one business, with dj.fferenl functions) has never
5. Parking in the area has never been a problero and continues not to be.
0ur biggest parking problem is due to long-term renters, with too many
autos, and !he probfems in the winLer, when the these cars are not moved
on a regular basis, to allow for Lhe removal of snow.
I believe that it is very appropriaLe and within current Town of VaiI zoning for a
complex l-ike Timber FalIs, to have on-sight management. In order to perform allof the functlons, of an on-sight rnanager, an operation Iike ours is required.On-sight managers are asked to get involved in a1I aspects of second home
ownership, ineluding but not limited lo; long-term and short-berm management,
accounLing functions, maintenance and upkeep of the units and the complex.
Given the expectations and demands, of Lhe owners of Timber FaIIs units, an on-site office, has become an integraL part of their investment, and has been slnce
197 2.
I hope tbis letter answers all of your questions and concerns. Our operation has
been con!inuing in each of these capacities since 1972. During that period wehave operated a construction company and con!inue to do so; operated a
management flrn and continue to do so; and have sold more than one hundredunits, all oul of this office. I think of the curnenL licenses as being a
hous ping procedure on my part.
Rob rt trl . Ruder,Pres ldent
RWR: kmJ
cc: Richard G Sander, Atlorney
4496 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5708
-/' Itlu-4o
75 south Mage road
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 479-210s
ofllce ol town manager
September 15, 1989
Mr. Douglas Hiller
Presi dent
Bighorn Rentals
P.0. Box 400
Vail, C0 81658
Dear Mr. Hiller:
Thank you for the letter to the Town Council concerning your allegations
about the firm of Ruder Reinecke operat'i ng a property management businessin violation of Town 0rdinances. This was brought to our attention by the
Town Council last week and the Community Development Department js
investigating the a1 |egations.
Someone from the Community Development Department may want to ta1 k to you
about your a1 legations at some point. lrte appreciate your interest and
concern, and hope that this jssue can be resolved satisfactori 1y.
Rondall V. Phillibs
Town Manager
Counci I
'-1. b E;
To th€ ',':i I Tawn acuncrL
It +pps+Fts tlt.+i tir*
manigement busi ness
nak-e thrs charge for
t rr'nr rll t F:u,J*r F.:* t nerl,-e has
in violation or tbe laws of
the fol loerr no reasons.
,=pened a F,rrfF,erty
tfirs town. We
Tlrey do not h3ve a business l lcense to operate a pr.'pert )'
nanagement companr.
They do not have a home occupancy permit and there is aquestion as to whether they qualif), as they do not resrde
rn the burlding that houses thelr office.
They are present Iy rnanag rnq propert ies other tlran
Timbertal ls rrom therr Ti.mberf alls office.
The to$rn rorceC East Vai I Rentals tc firove fronr the trorne they
oper3ted rn because ot complarnts about traffic. Wfien East
Vai I RentaLs tr Ied to return t.o tlrerr o]d Trnrberf al ls
locar ron trrey were tolcl by Elob Ruder that he didn't wantthe incrEaeed traff ic er tlter.
It seenrs to us that traffic is traffic and we wonder whyrt rs no l,lrruer .: proL'leur for Eob Ruder?
BriJhorn Rentals purchased the house that it operatEs from
st,Bclf icall/ hecause tlie honre rental conlL!arrv was qrand-
f atheri,l in to the Iocation. We coul,l have spentconslderalrly Iess nioney ol'r arrother locat r.orr, but kre \dere
t,:Id that r.t wasrr't allowed.
Tfie f act tliat I'tr. Ruder operate+q the condo assoctat rorr
cloes not glve hrr[ the right to do short term rentals ashe cloes rrot represerrt loo% of tfte property or'rrrers.
we would 3pprecrate it rt you qrould address this matter at your
next lneet i n,.l . l{e would like to ftave rt resolved soorr so as toavoid unneces.sary legal act 1on.
Doug las Hr I
Piesldent,(qia- ss3r-/
cc:Mike Caeroppo
l"ler v Lapr ri
Kent Rose
Eri.,r Affel,lt
John SIevrn
Toft SterIiL,=rg
Gar I Lowentllal
Srncerelv, - V
'/z-l \\ t .-1"\(1 a, t '4 (\-'
August 30, 1.989
Robert Ruder
Ruder-Reinecke Construction Company
4496 East Meadow DriveVai1, Colorado 81657
Dear Bob '
This letter is being sent to clear
concerning the Business L,,icense Ordinance NO.
as it concerns your various ventures.
vob - b-sT)<
up some confusion38, Serles of 1988
As I undersLand it, you
operating from the same location
Reinecke Construction; 2l The
Management CompanY.
have three types of businessesin East Vail. These are 1) Ruder-Final Flair; and 3) Tinberfalls
Per the ordinance (see enclosed copy) , section 5.04.040 12 (b) ,
',a business license shall be paid for each business in different
categories of the business categories set forth in paragraphs
5.04.040 B(1) -(10) hereof".
Ruder-Reinecke Construction falts under the construction
business category, The Binal Flair is an interior design compaly
and is consi-deied in the servlce cauegory, and Tlrnberfalls
Management is a property management conPany. Each one falls in a
dif f6rent cat.egory, thlerefor-e each one needs to be licensed
where more than one business is operated in the same premises,
and aII the businesses are owned by ine same person or groups of
p"i"o"i, one business shall pay rOOt of the licenging fee-s, Td
Eicrr aabitional business snait -pay ?5t of the applicable fee for
that business tYPe.
Therefore, Ruder-Reinecke would owe $243.?5 (construct^igt-:
zone 2), Final'rlair would owe $182.81 ( service - zone 2 = $243.75
r ist ai secondbusiness). You paid $393.?5 on March 29, 1989' so
the balance due for these two buslnesses is $32'81'
For Timberfalls ManagemenL, the fee schedule is slightly
different ("". "t"ioture).- A flit fee of $182'81 (243'75 x ?5t)
plus a per unlt nanaged fee (of 917 f,or units In Zonel,for unlts ln Zone2) is due. You need to calculate the
nanaged in each zone, multlply that figure tl.mee the per
and add the flat fee to cone up with the total duebusiness. The per unlt fees are to be pald at 100t.
and $12.?5t of unltsunlt feegrfor thlg
f await your check for the balance of the flrst two
buslnesees, and the apptlcatLon for tfunberfallel the fee gchedule,
and the cbeck. Please call.ne aE 479-2L25 tf, you have any furtherquestions. These licenses were to be obt,alned before you etarted
Danlelle HlId
Sales Tax Adrninistrator
---!Qo** oF vArL, coLoRADo
t, . x
f i.,J . (,'r' r '
'/ h 1.'i -j t,
must be tvo€d or
E] nerer sALEs rAX LtcENsE
ls required lor any.person lo engags in the business of selling tangible personal property and c{
vr@s a rsrat and lor bolh merchants located within the Town of Vail and those merchants wilho
Town' but who make sales and deliveries of tangible personal propedy into the Town ol Vait by r
common carder orlheir own conveyance,
E eusrNess LtcENsE
ls. required_for anyp€rson to maintain, operate, conducl or sngage in any business activity on prr
within the Town olVail.
fl exeupr rNsTtruloN LrcENsE
Basic Activity?
Type of Olnership:
Sole Proprietor
Parlnership X Corporation
" ,{?'?'{"r'372
ls required lor non-prolit, charitable and local governmenl organizations, which are exempl kom paying
sales lax, but may be required to ollect sales tax. Financial slalemenls showing sources ol lunds and-
expenditures lhsroof, aiicles ol inorporalion and bylaws may be requested with lhis appl'tcation.
Business Aclivitles (Note all activities conducted under this license)
Retail Sales (Specify): Intpnior neqign
A separat€ application must bo filed fof €ach busi
Trade Name of
Name of Ownership (if lhan trade name):
Business Address:
ls your business i kom yourhome? X No4496'East Mead6fr-_Yes ([om.e.,Occunation Permit Application reCuire$)
81657Vailing Address: -=-
Robert l.l. Ruder
sha Z0
-ocal Manager-Represenhtive :
itate ol Colorado Sales Tax No
-ocal Business Phone No.476-5708
Name ol person preparing Sales Tax Beturn:Kathryn M. Jensen
Chooseone: 1_Employee _AccountanUBookkeeper _Othe(Specify)
Business Phone No. (lf dilferent than above):
Do you currently file your slate sales tax lorm
Cq Sr.b Zt Pho.r No.
Federaldentiticat;sn t{e. 84-0820204
x Quarterly
NAMES AND HOME ADORESSES OF PARTNERS OR OFFICERS 0F BUSINESS (athch additional schedule it necessary)
Elizabeth M. Ruder Secreta
tln.l So&l S€Jr{y $0.
Kathryn M. Jensen
l{fio I so€/ s&ralty t{0.
Streams i de 81657
X No Datebusinessbegan 6/l/80
Existing Business _ Yes _ No (lf yes complete)
Former Orne/s Name Former Ornels License No.
Former Name of Business
Number of employees all localions seasonal ?0 year around 8 Number of square feet (6rcsPt lodooriotob)
(Susan Scanlan)
(Dick Duran or Mike McGee)
| {uife uottica, Kristan Pritz, or Rick Pylman)
(Gary Murrain, Joe Norris)
(Brian Tenett)
Zoning .
Robert W. Ruder
"-^^. ^..-- q575 Streams ide Ci rcl e ' Vai 1
Phone No. 476-670R
sutsmems madi lBoin ars msde in oood laith Pu6usnl to lho^Town olvFlF' Munrp3lc'odo and l0lt€ Dolt0l
Pres i dent
(Required by Ordinance fl38, Series of 1988)
TRADE NAME Robert W. Ruder, Inc., dba Ruder-Rejnecke Construction Co., The Final Flair
MAILING ADDRESS 4496 East Meadow Drjve, Vajl, C0 8.l657
Zone 1 - Cascade Village to Manor Vail (Southside ol lnterstate 70.)
Zone 2 - West Vail, Sandstone, Golf Course Clubhouse, East Vail.
tTz -A\
Pres i dent
OrowH oF vArL, coLoRADo O
Mail To:
Town of Vail
Sales Tax Administrator
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
A ssparate application must be filed for each businoss location In Vail.
Applicalion must b€ typed or printed, and complelely filled out.
Business Activities (Note all actvities conducted under this licens€)
Retail Sales (Specify):
Lodging:property management
Professional (Specify)
Service (Specify Type)
Other Real Estate Sales
Product or Service Sold:
ls requked tor any person lo engage in lhe business of selling tangible personal property and c€rtain ser
vices at rstailand for both merchants located within the Town ol Vail and those merchants rvithout th€
Town, but who make sales and deliveries ol tangible personal properly into the Town ol Vail by mail,
common catrier or lheir own conveyance.
E ausrNess LrcENsE
ls requked for any person to mainlain, operate, conducl or engage in any business activily on premises
within the Town of Vail.
E exeupr
Basic Activity?
Real Estate and Management.
ls requked lor non-prolit, charitabls and localgovernment organizations, which are exempl from paying
salestax, but may be required to collecl sales tax. Financial statements shorving sources olfunds and
expenditures theieol, ancles of inmrporation and bylaws may be requested with this appkation.
]rT:]il1,::lP^..^.-.ri'n.,FelT|tr|JffH8!.,{..nrcd:'.1'fi[1iuu.w.ls,|nunt_PlT5trylrade Name 0l tsusrness:
Name ol OwnershiD (if other than trade namel: Robert. lrl ' Rrrder -"- "-'
ffi;;;;;;.'4i-96'''rilt'freiooii orive -, vait coto ,-- 816?7
ls your business
Mailing Address:
lrom yourhome? xxx No Yes (Home Occupation Permit ApPlication required')
. Robert l^l. Ruder same 476-0640
Local ManagerRepresentative:''Mi. - "- - -
State of Colorado Sales Tax No apFrl i ed ror
Local Business Phone No
Federal ldentification No 84- 1 099058
Namg of person preparing Sales Tax ps1uln' Kath Jensen
Choose one:
Employee x AccountanVBookkeeper
-Other(Specify)Business Phone No. (ll dilferent than above):
Do you currently file your state sales tax lorm
NAMES AND HOME ADDRESSES OF PARTNERS OR OFFICERS OF BUSINESS (attach additionat schedule it necessary)
Robert W. Ruder 521-56-1512 Eroker 476-0640
n t loa|a| tsaqrly tto Pid|a ll(l
New Business xx Yes
No Date business ors.n gq i.]:89
Existing Business _ Yes _ No (lf yes complete)
FormerOrne/s Name Former Olne/s License No.
Former Name of Business
Robert l.J. Ruder Inc.
Ruder-Reinecke Const
0 Number of quare leet (ercapr lodo$ttoteb) -ryNumber of employees all locations seasonal 0 year around 0
Health (Susan Scanlan)
(Dick Duran or Mike Mccee)
1! ltr,lite l,tottica, Kristan Pritz, or Rick Pylman)
(Gary Munain, Joe Nonis)
(Brian Tenett)
Zoning .
..*u Tom Hofer John Helmering
srostAddress4508 East Meaoow SreotAddross 4509,East Meadow
p1p66 pe. 476-5303 p;,ons xo. 476-5303
I declaro. ud.r penalyf periwj'{the secord/6d0, tt]fl1lhis applicaton has be€n examimd by ms' lhal lho
$atements msdi trol{ 8n ria#jn omO tair/pudrfunttd lho a Town 0l Va'h' Municixl cod€. and to lhe bost 0l
(m|rl b. D.r&i L!.ly o6po.du. |r. brh-., l ..orid. patE . dfr..., aL.)
(Requlred by Ordinance f38, Series of 1988)
TRADENAMETimbeT Falls Management Co. Inc. dba luder and,A:sociate: Real Estate and
managemenl uompany lnc.
MAILING ADDRESS 4496 East Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657
Zone 1 - Cascade Village to Manor Vail (Southsido ol lnterstate 70.)
Zone 2 - Wost Vail, Sandstone, Golf Course Clubhouse, East Vail.
1 Zone 1 5 7l,ne2
Ffatfeeforzone 243.75 X .75
#ofunils 5 X 12.75 x fee$ 63.75 1 X 17.00
$ 182.81
3 80.75
,,uT 6t 7,
-lv La vvn
\t a.:<-
- e- Qo ^-r ra
4qS.?t x )c7,
3?3- t{
Ergh;rrn F*nt.g1g
F.O. Box 4OC
Varl, CO 81558
f .i? ia9
Dear Hs. Prrtz,
Thank-you for looking rnto the Ruder Reinecke situati.onVail. I am very unhappy with the business he has openecl
he has no right to operate for the following reasons.
l. I bought Bighorn Rentals and the house it was i.n for
money because it was the only location grandfathered
real estate office.
ln East
and feel
a lot ofin for a
z.The town nade East Vail Rentals novetraffic. When they trieal to return
said he didn't hrant the of f ice there
tJhat nakes hrs of f lce generate les,sVail Rentals office would have?
because of complai nts onto Timberfalls Bob Ruder
because of the traffic.traffic than what East
3. Hr. Ruder rs managing properties throughout the valley fronhrs office rn East VaiI as well as operating a real estateoffice.
I do not see hon Mr. Ruder would qualify for a home
occupation perruit because he does not Irve in the buildr.ngthe offrce 1s in. Then there is the traffic question again.
It !s my understarrdrng that ltr. Ruder ftas what was supposedto be a temporary permit for construct ion and decorating.
As there has t,een no construction in over 10 yearg and theadjacent property is now for sale $re see no reason for thosepernits to continue. If he is allowed to operate a realestate and rental office then am Ito assune I could operate
another business at my address? I have thought about openinga landscape business.
Mr. Ruder will undoubtedly tell you that because he operatesthe home ownerg associat ion he can operate a ghort ternrental office and a real estate office. I feel this !.suntrue. The home olrners associat ion entitles him to have anoffice to conduct the business of malntenance and upkeep forthe property, not selling it or renting it.
If he managed lOO% of the units the bone owners associationcould entitle hrn to do whatever they wanted lust as The
Racquet Club, Willons, Lodge Torrer, and Montanerogassocrations do. But the fact of the natter is that he doesnot represent all of the hone owners. We manage several ofthe properties at Tinberfalls as do several other conpanies.
I suppqs6 1561 rf Mr. iiuder rs aI lowed to contlnue to operate
Lre could nlake the ar,Juntent ttrat w€ cc)uId rent one of the
unrts and open an office to better serve our clients.
I than}.-you agaln for takinq the ttnre to looF- rnto thrs problenr.
I am sure your 'luick- response wi l1 neqate the need f or ]egal.
act lori.
Sirrcerely, ,/
/.\,..i._ ,t ,.
.,7;, ',\/'t/
[,ouq 1=rs Hr I te'r'
Pres rden t , BHR
To the Varl Town Council,
It appears that the firm of Ruder Reinecke has opened a property
rnanagtement busi ness in violatrgn of the larrs of thts town. We
make this charge for the follor{ing reasons.
1. They do not have a busrnegs license to operate a property
management company.2. They do not have a home occupancy permit and there is aguestj.on as to whether they gualrfy as they do not residein the bur.Lding that houses their of f ice.3. They are presently nanaging propertles other thanTimberfalls from thei.r Timberfalls office.4. The town forced East Var] Rentals to move from the home they
operated in because of complaints about traffic. When EastVaiI Rentals tried to return to their old TimberfallsIocatlon they were told by Bob Ruder that he didn't wantthe rncreased tratfic either.5. It seems to us that traffic is traffic and $re wonder rdhyit rs no longer a problem for Bob Ruder?6. Bighorn Rentals purchased the house that it operates fromspecifrcally because the home rental company hras grand-
fathered in to tbe locatron. 0Je could have spent
consiclerab ly less money on another locat ron , but $re weretold that it wasn't al Iorred .7. The fact that Mr. Ruder operates the condo associatron
does not glve him the right to do short term rentals as
he does not represent lOO% of the property osrners.
Be would apprecrate rt rf you would address thrs matter at your
next meetlng. We would like to have it resolved soon so as toavoid unnecessary leqal act ion.
Douglas Hi I lerPresrdent, BHR
cc 3Mrke Cacroppo
Herv Lap t rr
Kent Rose
Er ic Affeldt
John Slevin
Tom Steinberg
Gai 1 Lohrenthal
To the ToHn of Vall,
As a stxteen year prop€rty onner at Tlmberfalls, I an Hrltlng toprotest the proposed Ruder-Reinecke property rental offtce atTlnberfalls. Such a rantal offlce would create a slgntflcanttraffic problen, whtch could be e danger to the chtldren llvtngln the 6F€Br and scverc treffie congestlon on lleadoe, Drlve nhlch
was never bullt to handle beavy trefftc. Ttre traffic generatedby Mr. Ruder's Tirberfalls dcvelopnent offlce alreedy causesproblenlt, especlally 1n ulnter.
In additlon, I understand that the Ruoer-Rclnecke propcrty rentrlofftce ls operating Hltbout tbe regulred Town of Vall ltcenge.Thtn gltuatlon should stop, and I belleve the llccnsc ahoutd notbc grentetl .
Lsi/r9ercly, \2d,{^(&^,M
Owner, Tlnberfalls 5O2
42 west meadow ddya
yall. colorado 81657
(303) 476-2200
Augiust, 4, 1 989
Bob Ruder
Timber Falls Condominium Associatlon
4496 Meadow DrLveVail, Colorado 81 657
fl.e deprrlment
Re: Fire Inspectlons
Dear lft. Ruder,
After our conversatj_on this morning, I feel lt is necessaryto attempt to clarify some of the lssues we discussed.
First let ne assure you we feel very strongly that the lawsshould be uniformry applied. we strive to be consistent and haveapparently been guite successful 1n this endeavor. We do however,attempt to work with people to resolve problems, grantingextensions where warranted, accepting alternatives whereappropriate and applying code j_nterpretatlons to achieve a
"reasonable degree" of fire protection.
This has been our policy since the days you were on the FireBoard.
Secondly, I do agree that the wood shop in Timber FallsBuilding I and the landscape shop in Building 16 are indeed,"private propertyr" and that our- right of entry was b1z yourconsent. You do have the right to dernand a search warrant beforegranting entry in the future.
We have historically provided the Timber Fa1ls complex withflre prevention inspections and with few exceptions, rre have foundthe omplex to be maintained in a relatively iafe conditlon. Ourinspectlons have been llmited to the common areas and those areasknown to us that have a ttcommercialrtt ttindustrialrtt or"manufacturingtt aspect. I venture to say most commercial,industrial, nanufacturlng or construction related shops areprivate property.
We have had only one occaslon that I can recall where theright of entry was denied. This occasion occurred several years
3l;:T Falls 1e8s
ago and was resolved when the owner of the business was contacted
dlrectly. we can however, honor your request to obtain such
authorization lf you wlsh.
Third, I would like to briefly recount the course of eventsrelated to last yearts inspection. As you nay recall, we
conducted an inspection of the Tirnber Falls complex on the 15th of
June, 1988 and issued a Correction Notice the same day. One ofthe items on the Correction Notice pertained to the storage of
combustibles beneath the buildings. A review of the Fire
Department's records indicates we have cited the storage of
combustibles in the basements since at least 1984.
The lssue baslcally is that the Fire Code prohibits the
storage of combustlbles in a concealed basement or attic unlessthe space has a one-hour fire ratlng. Last yearr you agreed to
meet wlth cary Murrain, Chlef Buildlng Offj.cial and me, to review
the conditlons in the space known as the wood shop in Building 8,ln order to make a determination as to wether the use constltuteda "vr@d working shop" as defined in the Building and Fire Codes,to determine if the use was ttgrandfatheredr" and to deterrnine ifthere were alternative methods to address the hazards presented \zsuch use.
That neeting held in July last year, resulted in an agreement
between the three of us, that you would either remove the
combustibles from beneath Building 8, or provide for a fire rated
enclosure in the btick room. We also agreed that the paints would
be stored in the fire rated cl-oset and t.llat you would limit the
amount of wood work and painting to a minimum and restrict the useto flnish wood trim materials.
We rmrtually established
November before the start. of
lnspection of the space this
a deadline for completion to be inthe ski season. I,,1y physical
July revealed that the work had been
Wlth r.espect to the rethodology, I would like to point outthat we did not "stick to the letter of the law[ and subseguentlyclassify the space as a wood working shop but rather came to anutual agreement whereby we could achieve a "reasonable degree" ofprotection. This was achieved as a result of working together,establishing operational conditions and providing for a fire rated
compartment in the storage area of the basement. Several nonths
were allowed for compliance.
With respect to the 1989 inspection, we feel we have
attempted to resolve the problems in a like manner. On June 15,
1989, Techniclan Overcash conducted an inspection of the Timber
Falls cornplex ln the conpany of your representative. Right of
entry was granted by your representative. The results of the
inspection and a Correctlon Notice were lssued the same day. A
date of JuIy 25, 1989 vras set for eompllance.
l#:"5 Farls t ser
Your representative requested the Fire Departmentrsassistance in helping hin determine exactly what items were inneed of attention. At his request, I accompanied him andTechniclan Overcash on a review of two specific areas, the woodshop and the landscape shop. We did order him to remove a one-hundred pound cylirder of propane from within the interior of thelandscape strop. we reviewed the agreements rnade between you andGary and I last year, rnade reconmendations as to how to store theflammabre liguids, offered arternatlves and told him to contact usif he needed any further assistance. The meeting \ras very cordiarand it appeared there would be no further need of my assistance.
The next event occurred on or about Thursday, July 27, 19e9.r received a phone call from Pan Hopkins stating she had been toldshe had to remove some boxes she was storing in the basement ofone of the brirdings at rimber Falls. she stated she was told shehad to remove the boxes by order of the Fire Department. she arsostated she was going on vacati.on the next day and wourd be back in10 days ( approximately Augrust 1 Oth ) .
Pan Hopkins explained she was building a new house and wasstoring some materials ln the basement until her house wasfinished. she wanted perrnission to leave the boxes there untilabout October 1. I told her I had no problem letting her leavethe boxes there until she returned fron her vacation but that Iwould dj-scuss this matter with the Chief upon his return to theoffice the following Monday.
f then received a second phone call from her and was told shehad been ordered by Bob Ruder to have the boxes removed before herreturn from vacation. r called the Timber Falts office and spokewith Kathy Jensen. Kathy told me she was told by Rick, therepresentative with whom we met during the Jnspection, that theFire Department was "going to shut them down" if they didn'tcomply bry the 26th of July.
we scheduled a neeting at l,lr. Ruderls request for the nrcrninqof Augmst 4th, 1989.
I have since learned that on the 25th of JuIy, 19A9, one daybefore the compliance date on the Correction Notiee, that Mr.Ruder spoke with and sent a letter to, Ir4r. Tom Hopkins, reguiringthe removal of the materials stored in the basement of Building 9.
As a result of our neet,ing with you on the 4th of August, fnow understand another party also has materials in storage withinthe same unrated basement. You did not offer the name of theother party but you did note the other party vras a resident ofBuilding 9 and that the Hopkins are not.
It would seen that it is both reasonable and fair, to allowthe Hcpkins time to remove tllei.r possessi.ons from the basement inBuilding 9, and arlow the other unnamed party the same ratltude.
3:l:X Falls 1e8e
The storage of combustlbles in the non-fire rated portion of the
basement is technlcally prohlblted and the combustlbles should beremoved. Ttris would lnclude all of the conbustible rnaterialsstored ln the basenent, lncludlng the wood frame wlndows, theltems stored ln the rpn-fire rated otrnerrs closets, and the itemsapparently belonglng to the Hopklns.
Itre storage should be removed on or before August 14, 1989.
f have discussed this matter wlth Chief Duran and made RonPhlllips, Town lbnager, alrare of the issues. Please contact ne ifyou deslre more lnformation or wlsh to dlseus this matter.
Mlchael MeGeeFire lihrshal
cc: Dick Duran, Fire Chief
Ron Phillips, Town ManagerLarry Eslsllth, City Attorney
Gary Murrain, Chief Building Official
Pam Hopkins
42 west meedow drlvr
vatl, colorado 81657
(303) 476-2200
August 4, 1 990
Pam Hopkinsc/o Snovdon & Hopkins Architects
201 Gore Creek DriveVaiI, Colorado 81 657
flre deparlmenl
Re: Storage at Timber Falls
Dear Para,
The issue of temporary storage 1n the basement of TirnberFaIIs Building t has become a priorlty item.
Last week in our trfione conversation, I recall stating thatthe issue of a minor arnount of storage in an unrated portj_on of abasement was not a priority itern at that point in time. f alsorecall telling you I had no personal obj ections to you waitinqtuntil you returned from your vacation to resolve the matter.
I also recall you telling me you had not been advised by theAssociations representative, Bob Ruder, until just recently, thatthe storage \ras required to be moved.
I advised you ttrat I had a neeting scheduled with t4r. Ruderon August 4th, 1989, and that I would discus this matter withChief Duran also.
I net with I{r. Ruder at 11:00 A.M. in his offlce, on the 4thof Augustr at which tj-me we dissussed the issue, went an looked atthe storage and then concluded the neeting.
The original inspection was conducted by Technician Overcashon tJte 16th of June, 1989. A compliance date for the citedviolations was set for JuIy 26, 1989. The Fire DepartmentCorrectlon Notj-ce cited a code violation for storage lnunprot.ected portions of the basement with a notation of Bulldings8 and 15.
Addltional lnformation tr,as become known that affects thepriority level of this lssue.