HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS COMMON GARAGEf3t{tot\ G\rnq Ll \rwrbc(h!t.S Cmmon - Go.e6g,,<- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Ptanning and Environmental Commission f I f f- f,^ '"; rr x*a Community Development Department February 27,1995 A request for a side yard setback variance to allow for the construction of a five-car, detached garage to be located at 4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums, Phase lll, Building 9. Applicant: Timberfalls Phase lll Condominium Association, represented by Richard VosslerPlanner: Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VABIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is proposing to construct a five-car, detached garage building along the eastern property boundary of the Timberfalls Phase lll Condominium complex. Phase lll consists of one building (Building 9) which is currently served by a parking lot which provides fourteen surface parking spaces. The proposed garage building is 61 feet long, 21 feet deep and 12 feet tall with a flat roof (including an 18-inch parapet). This building will provide five enclosed parking spaces, with interior dimensions of 1 1.5 feet by 20 feet. The garage building is proposed to be located partially within the side yard setback and parallel to the common property line shared with Courtside Townhomes. The rear wall of the garage building would be located approximately 10 feet from the property boundary, and encroaches 10 feet into the 2o-foot required side yard setback. Thus, the applicant is requesting a side yard setback variance of 10 feet. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Area: Height: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Site Coverage: Phase lll Landscaping: Phase lll Parking: Allowed/Reouired N/A 35 feet - flat roof 38 feet - sloping roof 20' 20' 20' 273,755 sq. ft. (35o/.) 4Vlo minimum 20 spaces Existino 782,157 sq. ft. N/A 20' 20' 20' 55,502 sq. ft. (7.10o/") 41.9% 1 4 spaces Proposed N/A 1 2 feet 20' 10* 20' 55,502 sq. ft. + |.280 so. ft. 56,782 sq. ft. (72.6%) Total 41.00h 1 4 spaces (5 enclosed) '10-foot side yard setback variance requested. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. According to staff, the proposed location of the garage is sensitive to the adjacent Courtside Townhomes. The applicant has located the rear wall of the proposed garage along the edge of the existing parking lot, as far away from the property line as possible while still maintaining an adequate travel aisle to access parking spaces 12-14 on the site plan. There is a landscape berm located on the property line between the Timberfalls parking lot and the Courtside Townhomes. Courtside Townhomes has a vehicular travel aisle and landscaped area along the property boundary between the townhomes and the proposed garage. The travel aisle provides additional separation between the structures, s0 that a minimum of approximately 30 feet is maintained between the rear wall of the proposed garage and the face of the courtside Townhomes buildings. The applicant intends to maintain the existing landscaped berm, locating the rear wall of the garage at the base of the berm and providing a swale for drainage. No landscaping on the berm will be affected. The project is located in the Low Density Multi-Family zone district which requires a minimum 10-foot landscape border between parking areas and adjacent projects. The applicant has maintained a 10{oot wide landscape buffer between the rear wall of the garage and the property line. Staff believes the applicant should consider moving the proposed garage to the south end of the existing parking lot. This would further increase the setback between the rear wall of the garage and the adjacent courtside Townhomes since the courtside Townhome project pulls away from the property line slightly as you move south through the project. The south wall of the garage could be built into the hillside and used to retain the slope in place of the proposeo boulder retainage. 2. The degree to which relief trom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this ti$e without grant of special privilege. The applicant has stated that Timberfalls was originally developed as a second home or vacation home condominium complex. As such, the usual stay was weekend or vacation use and enclosed parking was not essential. Since the complex was developed, many of the units have become occupied by full{ime permanent residents of the Town. Thus, the need for enclosed parking areas and additional storage has become important. The applicant is proposing to provide five enclosed parking spaces for permanent residents of Phase lll. Given the current orientation of buildings and parking, the proposed location of the garage within the side setback is necessary to maintain the current level of parking (at fourteen spaces for Building 9). Historically, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) has supported requests for setback variances to allow for the construction of enclosed garages in other locations throughout the Town. Enclosed parking is desirable and should be accommodated when possible, without adversely affecting adjacent property owners. Staff believes that the impacts to adjacent properties will be minimal. The applicant has adequately mitigated the construction of the garage through the maintenance of the landscape berm and the addition of another landscaped berm along the north face of the garage wall. The new berm will be planted with three aspen, and three lodgepole pine. The south end of the parking lot would also be reconfigured with a small boulder section of retaining wall necessary to accommodate a slight increase in the size of the parking lot at this end. Overall, the proposal provides for an improved parking situation and configuration on the property. It should be noted that there are large adjacent common areas, Areas P and Q, that are general common elements of the overall Timberfalls development. These common areas, north of the proposed garage, could possibly be used as a location for the proposed garage without requiring an encroachment into the side yard setback. This would, however, remove the garage from the general proximity ot the buildings they would serve. Locating the garage in this area was discussed with the applicant. The applicant stated that the location of the garage in the common area would require Timberfalls Phase ll Condominium Association approval. This may be difficult as Phase ll may wish to use this area for their own enclosed garage in the future. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and trafflc tacilities, public tacilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff's initial concern with the request related to impacts on light, air and views from the adjacent Courtside Townhomes. The location of the existing landscape berm, along with the travel aisle on Courtside property, provides a sutficient width or open space buffer between the proposed garage and the Courtside Townhomes. The lower level of the Courtside Townhomes is comprised largely of a garage and entryway and does not have significant windows or views that would be impacted. The main views from the Courtside Townhomes would still be available over the top of the proposed garage from the second level of the townhomes. The applicant is proposing a flat roof to minimize the height of the garage. The proposed height of the garage is currently 12 feet above the existing parking lot level. Statf feels that this would adequately preserve light, air and views from the adjacent Courtside Townhomes. The association at Courtside Townhomes was notitied of the proposed variance. Staff has not received any response from the owners at Courtside. The proposed rearrangement of the parking area will improve circulation, but will reduce landscaping on the project by BZ8 square feet. staft has analyzed the landscaping associated with Building g (phase lll) and teels that the proposed landscaping is adequate. The applicant should ensure that the parking lot is properly paved and drains appropriately. 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or weltare, or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ol this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally t0 othor properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the side yard sehack variance to allow for the construction of an enclosed garage. Approval of this variance would not be a grant of special privilege since the PEC has authorized setback variances to allow lor the addition of garages to exisiing developments in several locations throughout town. The existing configuralion of buildings and parking areas does not allow for the location of garages outside the setback area wilhout adversely aftecting the existing parking situation. The maintenance of the landscape berm and the existing separation of the Courtside Townhomes from the property line should provide an adequate buffer between the two projects. Maintaining the full 2oJoot side yard setback could effectively prevent the construction of the enclosed parking spaces. Stafi feels that the existing location of building and parking areas provides a physical hardship for the variance. B. However, staff recommends that the PEC discuss with the applicant the possibility of locating the enclosed garages on common areas P and Q to the north. As discussed earlier, this may not be feasible due to problems with obtaining authorization from the Timberfalls Phase ll Gondominium Association. Also, this location may not be desirable due to the increased distance of the garages to the building which they would serve. Staff also suggests that the PEC discuss the pros and cons of locating the garage building at the far south end of the parking lot. Staft is recommending approval of the requested setback variance with the condition that the applicant ensure that the existing paving of the parking lot is in good repair and that proper drainage has been provided. Due to the existing heavy snow cover, staff could not determine whether the parking area was adequately paved and maintained. d\pecvn.mos\!mbrf 1.227 ,W,/ll ll =ll, {ll 0_ ll i ull' frllr q9 21i!"s!'xvoH6<a )YfF\,0- t E3tl l! Jl ti {si id o v0I 1 6 uo !tl0i' I F --E-!rE'!' n.- Fofi,cr slgvuv9 lll lsvHd sllvj u3gnll $\! x*6 o 3 sl9vuv9 ilt SsvHd st'tvj u38nt1 6li-l kl>l ,tl :lFIol <t ru lr 6li-! ?i>l 5l :lFIollILlp oI l il l\ ,,diii i; ## % \.1 ?o,rq) ir :IaI o --1 I Ft -xR> rl ilb' a .l+ li !trttr iill ifiii Ir fifr ,|ili| .}- .ij'is IiI! !H 1lri t F _....- \:\,, -\ r\ {lif !! 1l{t \,.'. \\, /\ \\ (-)tN\..-'rI rt r.t:\-\ '--, L.' t--) J '/r. /4 *t'/,/ ii QI \i/tffi o aa o rn\ /61 t ii ! I iI it (J i!ri { a!I V \.\!K{e ir))rNi tJI esfrrl {r;. I rl e .t pl T \) 7 L itli tl f JAr+-1&-1995 1-rtffi . Frrlt a z/tlarta DESI@I DA,rE RECEIVED:DATT OF DRB I.IEETI![G;tttati+**a "E!.ru50 pgs r. A-DESCRIPTIO', eRrER RcHrrEcrs NSVIEST BOAND APPI.IICTTION - lrff'tl OF I/AII., COLQN.IDO P.03 B. TYPE OF RIgrtr{: c. D. F ti. r, .f. Ptroqe G.NAME OF APPI/ICANT, S REPRESENTATMaillng Address:_ 143 t. feea.".r n, oD N€w ConaEructioD (gZO0.O0) Ulnor Atteration ($20.00)---I-Additioq (sso.oo) coscet)rual Review (f0) ADDRTSS: IJEGA,IJ DESCRXPTXON: IJot !r.t ar.trSubdlwieLo" Tf Prgpe-Ly is described bydescriptlon, _ pleiase providiEo Lhis applica t ion. ZONING! |DilF NAME OFMail.ing APPITICA-bII: Addrecs: a meees aud bouadsan a seParat,c theet FEE I zv. uv$ 50.00 $100 - 00 $?00. o0 0{00. 00 TXIRX N0.0333 1egfa1and attach IVE: ___-Uorter ArchltqQls va!!_co --Fry Ftrone H. NA.I'|E qF OrrrNER(sl : "fu'ei'ff.*$%T:"t; DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shoua above,l af? uo be paid at theLime of sulrmigtal . of . the DRB.;ppliFac.ton. LaLer. whcaapp ryins ror - i -u'"r iii Xl "o3ffirtTniiE35l"la*, "li.l"[;"T::eyrlt..rv .-vt cr rlur ICI:.nqI pefmf E, pleaEe ldefreify the aecuraEevaluation of che propoiai. rh; iowo og vaii-roiri--adirrs' rh.r*il1 adjusr, th. f :"*:::ordlne co lrre- eabre oerow, ro ensure me coil{ri'r[liis paid. FEE SCHEDUITE: VALUATIONi c s lo,ooc$ 10,001 t so.ooo$ 50 . 001, $ 150, 0OO$150,001 - s s00,0oo$500,091 , gL,000,ooo APPLICITTONA NTLL |rO! .AA FROCBS6SD JIT''EtDutr OJTNsiR'r SrGIITIIURB Condomiqium Approval if applicable. 01/10/95 13:56 P. 003 TII{BBR FALLS CONDOMINIU}| ASSOCIATION, PHASE rII 4524 East lleadow Drive, 1909VaiI, CO 81657 303-475-9015 January 11, 1995 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development lLl, S. Frontage Road WestVai1, cO 8165? RE: TF Condo Assn, Ph III, Garage Project To [^lhom It May Concern: The garage project, consisting of five single unit garages,to be built on TF Condo Assn, Ph III, property is an approvedproject of the Association. Authorization was granted at the annual meeting of the Association on Saturday, December 3, 1994. m Association, Ph III11s,/ Condominiu: RichaH J. Vossler Pres ident qTtanT\77cra\rt JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availabili.ty of utilities, whethertrunk lines or proposed 1ines, must. be approved andfollowing uLiIiLies f or E,he accompanyi.nq-iife p1an. Authorized Siqnat.ure they be mainverified by the 'DaLe U.S. WesL CommunicaLions 1-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578L Gary Hall HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 9 49 - s892 Ted Husky/Michael LaverLy Heritage Cablevision T.V.. 949 - s530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valtey water& Sanitation District. "47 6 -'t 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 6. * Please bring obL.aining Upperflow needs musL i ldin rmit i o This form is to verify servi-ce availability andlocaLion. This should be used in conjuncCion wiehpreparing your uLility plan and schedutinqinstallaLions 2. For any new consLrucLion proposal, t.he applicanc. must. provide a compleLed utility verifj.caLion form. If a uLiLity company has concerns with the proposedconsLrucLion, the utility represent.ative strbutd nordi.rectly on the uriliry veriiicaLion form Lhat therers a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an at.tachedletLer Lo Lhe Town of vail. However, please keep inmind that i-c j,s Lhe responsibility ot tne ucj.licycompany Lo resolve identified problems. If the utility verificaLion form has signaLures fromeach of Lhe uLility companies, and no commenLs aremade direcLly on Lhe form, the Town will presumeLhaL t.here are no problems and that. the developmen!can proceed. These verificabions do noL relieve t.he contractor ofhis responsibitity to obLain a streeL cuE permitfrom Lhe Town of VaiI, Deparlment of publit worksand Lo. gbrai{r pt.ilitv locations before diqqinq inany public right-of-way or easemenL in the Town of eeLA streeL cuL permit must le oUta:.neO separatefy. Inst.allaLion of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of the properLy owner. a site plan, floor plan, and. elevaLions whenEagle ValIey Wat.er & Sanitat.ion siqnaLures. Firebe addressed. o Fami \ SingIe ZONE CHECK FOR ly Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary,/Secondary LEGAL DEscRrPTroN: .Lot _ B1_ock _ subdivision Timberfalls Phase IIIADDRESS: 4524 Meadow Dr. VailOWNER Assoc- Rep. Richard Vossler DATE:r/30/95 ARCHITECT ZONE DTSTRTCT LDMF PROPOSED USE LDMF IJOT SIZE PHONE 476-5105 BUILDABLE LOT AREA Allowed Existinq proposed Tot.aI (30) (33)Height TOTA1 GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Se bbacks .L A1E - +425= 20'FronL Sides Rear S j. te Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking carage Credi t Drive: t\^^- Lr-,: - --- ---- -!vED Ll,trb t. cqug$ L rIrVuJ_vg d How much of the allowed 250 -.- r, ^ |,4^ ' 1 3) GeologicHazardst..* a.,-,t , t,,ffry:W o ,{'il illil,}Ii'"" ,@ b* *-n4fi4 14 F{tti 0"utVJk""v"(,,; c) nebris F1-ow e # |tfut" ptt*-,uJ L,.,c.-.tt weLlands_ 20, 15', 15, 3,/6' 20 -ReqL:d 6'max. 15 Encl Slope 3 t NO t4 (300)(600) (900) (1200) NA PermiLted Slope 8 % proposed Complies with T.O.V. Liqhting Ordinance Yes X water Course SeLback (30)(s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50e.)r r.b Envi. ronmen t.a 1,/Ha zards :1) Flood PIain 2) Percent slope (< > 30%)NA NA NO NA NA t I tlM (7*\)\ ,viev& Corfidor EncroachmenL: yes_ No 250 Ad<ii tion?Addit,ion is used with this requesc? NO Previous eonditions of approval (check propert.y file); NA 10 _LrsT oF MATBRI4Lg. NAME OF PRO..TECT: LEGAL DESCRTPTION: LOT BLOCK suBDrvlsrotg Tjmberfalls Phase III Garaqes STREET ADDRESS: 4524 Meadow Dr.. Vail required for submit.t.al approval can be liven: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ 4 w/bal I ast The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other v{aIl Fascia Soffi ts wi.ndows Window Trim Doors Materiats NA to the Design COLOR Natural Stonl MDO Plywood -Paint to match NA R. S. Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wal1s Exterior Liqhbing Other 2 X R.S. to match NA NA i.)',il\|' Painted Sheet Metal NA NA Boulder and Timber 100 l,l. Recessed cans Designer: Phone: Morter Architects 476-s 10s B.LANDSCAPING: Name of PLA.,' **"*l,r, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouanti.Ev Size* 3 2u ^2.5" o Comrnon Name ^^^^*115petl Lodgepol e L2' *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicat.e height for coniferousLrees. Minimum heioh**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is5 qa]lon. Scruare Footaqe GROUND. COVERS soD J r. E.IJ TYPE OF TRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LrcHTrNc: rf exLerior riqht.ing is proposed., pleaseshow the number of fixtures and rocacions on a separateli-ghting pran. rdenrify each fixt.ure from t.he liqhtinq pranin the space below and provide Lhe heiqht. above giade. "type ofliqhE proposed, lumen ourpur, ruminous area ano i cut she;t ofthe light f i_xture. (Sect.ion 19.54.050 J) orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (ret.aining wa1ls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indica|e heights of'retaininiwarls. Maximum heiqhL of walls brithin Lhe-front setback is3'. Maximum heighr of walrs elsewhere on Lhe piop"trv is 6, D. A Prti!i5Si,.,nal CCr'Lo'.il'c n MonrER/rf-r.- i-i ITtrI s Proposed Garages Tirnberfalls Phase III Introduction: Tinberfalls Condominiums cornplex is located between Gore Creek and the rrchutesrr of East Vail. The complex consists of 10 completed phases of Ll- intended phases, with a total of 19 buildings. Construction was begun in 1973, and the last building was completed in 1983. The project was conceived to house occupants on a part- time basis such as weekends and holidays, as nuch of East Vail was sirnilarly conceived in the early years. Today, fully 1/3 to L/2 of the complex is occupied by long-term occupants or fu1l-time owners. Phase III or ttBuilding 9rr is located in the Southeast corner of the complex and consists of ten units. several of the units are now occupied by long-term occupants, and the Condominium Association expects this trend to continue. As these owners have spent more and more tine in Vail, their need for enclosed parking and associated storage has grown. currently' five of the owners have need for the proposed garage. The site presently uses 14 outside parking spaces. The Town of Vail zoning regulations require that there be 20 spaces on this parcel, but site constraints only pernit L4 to L6 spaces with lirnited rnaneuvering space and a lack of a snow dump area. Site constraints also do not perrnit attached garages on the property. To place the garages elsewhere on the site would further dininish the number of on-site parking sPaces to fewer than the existing 14 parking places. Further, locating the garages on-site in a non-setback area hrould potentially require the removal of existing mature vegetation. Also of note, the placement of the ltarages in non-setback areas would cause the building to appear to go from the parking lot to its peak. This perceived distance would be 50+ feet. MonrEn Proposed Garages, Paqe 2 The proposal would locate the garages within 5' 4tt feet of the property line. This distance ii required to permit the turning iadius -of a flsuburbantr to be acconmodated in the parking lot's design. This area of the parcel can be used only as parking unless euilding 9 (Phase III) relocates its parking off-site. The Courtside Condominiurns to the East were built in the rnid- eighty's and appear to have attained the Town of Vail's re{uilernents for-on-site parking, with both exterior and enclosed rpi""r. The area adjacent to the proposed garages is a main site .L""=s for that complex and should forever keep a substantial separation between the garages and Courtside Condominiums. The garage design rrplugsrr the building into an existing landscaped berm thal would continue around to screen the street side of the garages. The new result is a garage that would not change the look of ttre site, and would perhaps improve upon the barren landscape. The rrclusteredrr nature of this area of East vail within all the rnuJ-ti-farnily complexes in that area is not compronised by this proposat. ftre clustered nature of the area is also compatible with lhe- design. The existing parking lot currently provides parking for 35+ cars and will be broken up into two parking lots with parking for t_8 cars and 21 cars respectiveJ.y. Additionat parking wirr then be provided throuqh the use of the proposed enclosed parking, which does not presently exist on this site. IETSI I II III IV v VI VII VIII IX x XI TOTAI., PBOPOEID 8I!E covERrcE GRN|D TOTAL 1r 280 ( t .w') (",e,j,u) TOTAI, SITE ARE,A: TOTAT, ATJ0WABT.,E SrTE COVERAGE (35t): EXISTING SITE COVERAGE: 782,L57 273,754-.95 s-Srs{z (f , eou MonrenAncnIECTS Tinberfalls Garages SLte coverage SITE co9lnlCl (!.f.1 L2,835 11,508 4, 108 5,428 4 r27L 5,2L6 3,744 2,349 3 r67O Nor slirr,r 2 1373 {5,6ot y'{ 56,1Y? S'D.im 50 f995 o I. PEC MEETING DATE: T'OR .[' \,AnI.[}TCE for_ any project requesting awilL not be accepted unttl atl A. NE$E OF NPLICA}JT . RJchard J. Voss ADDRESS 176 0ueens CrosFjnq ,,, B. NN,IE OF APpLICANT'S RTPRESENTATTVE__ l{ort-eJ irchirects _ ADDRESS Vai 1 . C0 81687 pHoNE_!.01:4fEE10E _ . C. NAME OF OWNER{S) (typ€rint) ovlNER (s) ADDRESS STGNATURE (S) Richard J- Vossler Pres i d LOCATTON OF BI,OCK ADDRESg PROPOSAL: LEGAL FILING Timberfalls DESCRIPTION: tOT ad FEE s250. oo eern;|L-cr< * 1I!_ggE_rySg BE pArD EEFORE THr CoMMUNTTY DE\,rETOPMENTDEPARTMENT WTLL .ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI, . F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the nameg of olrners ofall_p_rgpegrv adjacenr to the suUject propeiiy TNCLuDINGPROPERTY BEI{IND AND ACROSS STFEEiS, Ai,A i Ji3t Or theirnames and maII j.ng ad.dresses. THE App]-f CaNT WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MATLING ADDRESSES. rr- A pre-application conference hrlth a planning staff member isft:?refy.suggested to determine if airv aJarilonalr-nformation is needed., No appricatioi wi-ll be acceptedunlegs lt is comp]-et.e (srust lnelude all ii"rs reguiied bythe zoning administrator, - fr is tfre appiicirrtr sresponsibirity ro make an appointment, "rii,r, irre suarf to findout about addirional subdttif requiiernent-s.-- rrr. PLEASE NOTE.TI+T 1EEgXglE Appr-rcATroN wftl STREAMT,TNE rHEAPPRO\/EI PROCESS NON_TOEFTNOJECT BY DECREASTNG THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT, "HAT THE PIJANNTNG ANDETWIRONI{ENTET COMMISSTON (PECI MAY STTPITT.AT}I 1r.T.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, HUST BE COMPLTED WITH BEF6FE .ABUILDTNG PERMTT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOI.LOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: 0I/10/95 13:56 TXlIu N0.0333 t^*g:T;. J' rYr r r r, fonren ARcHr rEcrs Ttri s procedurevariance. Theinf ormat j.on ls IDPI,Ictr[roN is regulredappllcationsubmitted. o Applicat,ion Dat CondomJnlums, Phase III P.A4 Phase III P. 004 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 slLT, coloRADO 81652 (303) 876.s400 (24 HOURS) ;l.tnr.r.rrv :(:),, t.gtl'5 l.:.'z l. n 14ehl: lvl r) r" 'l-- $ l- r:\ r' c fr :i. 1: r.i. s: t ri,. 1.4..I ll.;r.ri1:: l"l,'.ti:rclfit,, lJr- i r,ro flr-n*;sr-o;lrJr; at \t;l,i ll. 'vr.xr:i. l. . t,ll..l til:1.4rli7 liliii. r [;:'r-opnrimd lijarac]elr:i! -i-j.mber F.rl Lr; Cpnclos Llflar- 1.,::v 1 i-r I :1. h,i\\,o r clr,r i, st rnrc- iJ thn ri:itrn r.:.{. t}'rB r.i {rir$nr:ncl pr'.n.iec.L ;;rr:i sinoi^rn r,lritil{:, .*l i: {: otr}p rrln V j. nq rnaF .{: nr ;turr.';:r:s$..; n'F h;l:ar.rl re.., j. Rr* .f or- rr:l l'nrvrrnl \r,:l:i. l.. Thr.r 'f j.vc.l pr-clFro::itlrl qaraq.tr.l un:i.tri (on tht: rrorthr:a*;t. corrl{:}r.il{: 'l- h tn .l.cL) fir-{-a ct(..tL u'{: h h r'.1 F(clcl+:'f .1.1. l. arrrj ilehri.ri; l*lnl*rrcl Znnr.lst',i *ho s:nfil"J , \'a:1.anshr,r :r ciri r.! i* m;lppecl i r|1.() tfrr:l ll. nL b r..r'i: fr{:lL i:r 1;i '{: ,:ir. ar; t frcrq;rrnijf,;r :; j. tr':li " l'l'-rel {:- err- r- c':r j, n a[:ove thi+ :;:i. 1:s ,-:nn1:ai.ns ;r ].;:rt^qfl henc:h I':tti:L.|,t;ln{|itllm.*:i't'ri:it.lt*t:i.ilrtt;:,'i:t|tt'rg'j't:t1:ti'wtll;lr'lll r'n;r't:trr':i. i:\ 1 r,,,ri ,1. I ,::l{:.ur6r,, I *flnr:r:.rr r.,ri tl-r .:r.l..t t.hn rn;xFFi.nci r,,rh i. cl-r :i rrcl i. t:::,,t t:t,lr; nn h;,t;t.,:rrd Lo .L-. fr ri $i..Lft" ''i lt+:iri;l ICrt-El o h*s-;r'lCl r::lri [:h{::1 r'n.,ill:]pinU. rronft tt.{: the r*rn:i, t:g; j.E i n ,:|,}nq,:rr- ril: h*:rar-r-ls;n brl1L,, r.rh;.rt elvelp l.anclsc*rp j.nO .f-l.iat fif.n $0? flnncn 'rfl.1. L.r rrl::,.irr i. l.'r r.rFli:i.i..1. "Ironr t-he Frn.i$ct {:.,1 ,::r-*l;rt-,: a b*r-r. i. r.rr. tn .{: I nr^r:::; . l..t:i'.i..|'l]i]:rl;,1t1.]fl{'il{::i'*:ia'|."A1.thcrr".rqh'[|rr,illtrrj..[fi'lr"r.'l'h0|1f.1i]t.'t:i.:|'t]. 'L-. t]r- r-;,i:i. rr " i r-ecnmmerrd s$:i I E en,:linerer-in*t atudiss ,{nr. Eti3l_ri l j.t.y arr,lprfrJr.:rr" f nurrrdaL:i nrr rjr*n:ii1n .{:(}r" eat:h urni. L,, Dr^.i,r:inrrrl( cimg:i. r::tn :i. it ,i:1. $;(:! i rn[:i::r"tsrit: t;.fl l,:sttitlt r..J;i L$r' l; r-clm cle'"gl:aLri 1i.::i.rri:.1 1: l-t cl .[nnn,:J.*=rti r:nt; n1: s,r,t r: fr hr i,r :i. 1. rJ i. ir 11 " ''I'|tt.ll*clnt:it:t*t.tct:i.gt"tn.ft|te:;lafr:tr-i\Qi]t'.trtj,1::git,]:i':|.:l'nnt:ittt:r-t.lllll;t:l{::|lcll ft;ir;,: i*-,r-rJ 'l-s L:l:frerr Ft-':lFrtf-Ly flr €tr c{:.ur-{:!{i q rut- l:n Fr..th1i. r: r-:i'$|-r'[.*;".ci.f.'NfY.,|:lr',r:i'lc|i.f$|i.'r,nfc'lgi,g.{:T.t.,lti'l{':ti,otili.rEt:'llllnt; i: ,:tc i ll, i l;i. r.ls nr" t:tirer- prr"o;::r.lr" h:i ri.!s o+ any 1.,: i. rtrl " ,1..| theilr"u .,:.rr" r,lr q L.r r,.r jI{-- j. nn.; F l. r:;..r:;el r:nntac.h. mr*. Cori:iir.rI t:i. n r:1 tlern). orl i TIIIBERFALLS PHASE III ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS 1. Courtside Condominiums Rodgers Dockstader Box L762Vail, CO 81658 ATTN: Steve Ankerholz 2. Tinberfalls Phase If Richard Quetsch4320 Cottage Grove Parkray Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 ?mmitment To Insure . ALTA Commitment - 1970 Rev. ifij 0l-0 SEPUBLIC NATI0NAt llTtt INSURANCt C0MPANY, a l\.4innesota corporarion, heroin called the Company, for a valusble c0nsideration. hereby commits to issue its polcy 0r policies 0f lille insurancs, as identifred in Schedule A In favor 0f the proposed Insured named in Schedule A. as owner 0r mongagee 0l lhe eslate or inerest covered henby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A. upon paymenr ol the premiums and charges therelor, all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and I and l0 the Condirions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitrnent shall be effective only when rhe identity ol the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or polrcies commnted lor have been insened in Schedule A hereof by rhe Company. erlher at rhe ime ol the issuance ol this Commrtmenl or bv subseouent end0rsement. This Commrlmenl is preliminary to the issuance 0f such pohcy or policies 0l trlle rnsurance and all liability and obfigations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months afler rhe elleclive date hereof or when the policy or policies commilled for shall nsue, whichever lirst occurs, provided that lhe failurc l0 issue such policy or policies is not ths fauh of the Companl. CONOITIONS ANO STIPUTATIONS l. Ihe term "mon0age", when used herein. shall include deed of uusr. rrusr deed, or olher securily instrumenl. 2. lf rhe proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect. lien, encumbrance. adverse claim 0r other matter alleclnq the estate or to the Company rn wnring, rhe Company shall be rclieved kom liability for any loss or damage resulting lrom any act of reliance hercon to the extent the Company is prejudtced byfal|ureo|theproposedlnstttedtosodisc|osesuchknow|edge.|ftheproposed|nsuredsha||disc|0sesUchkn0ed0el0 acrual knowledge of any such defecr. len. encumbrance. adverse clarm 0r olher maller, the Company at ns option may amend Schedulc I 0f lhrs Commnmenl ac[ordingly, bul such amendmenr shall n0r relisve the Company kom liability previously incutrcd pursuant lo pamgraph 3 0l these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liabrlty of the [ompany under this Commitmenr shall be only r0 rhe named proposed Insured and such panies comply wrrh lhe rcqurrements hereol 0r lb) r0 elmrnate exceptions shown in Schedule 8, or lc) to acquire or creale the esrare or Inleresl 0r mongage thereon covered by this Commilmenr. ln no evenr shall such liability erceed the amounl stated rn Schedule A for the polcy 0r policies commined for and such ability is subjecr to the insuring provrsions and rhe C0ndrrions and Sflpulalons aod rhc Erclusrons lrom Coverage of the form ol policy or policies commitred for in favor ol the proposed Insured whrch are hereby rncorporaled by reference and made a pan ol this Commitnent except as expressly modrfred herern. 4. Any acuon or aclrons 0r righrs 0f acrion thal the proposed Insured may have or may brinq Bgainsr the Company arising out of the srarus 0f rhe title ro rhe estale or interest or the slatus 0f rhe morlgaqe thereon covered by thrs Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provrsrons ol thrs Commrtment. STANt]ARD TXCTPTIONS In addnron r0 the malters conmined in the Conditons and Sripularrons and Exclusrons kom Coverage above refened to, this Commitment is also subject to the lollowing, 1. Bights or claims ol panies in possession not shown by the public records. 2. [asements, or clarms ol easemenls, n0l shown bv the oublic records. 3. Oiscrepancies. conllicts in boundary lines, shonage rn area, encroachmenls, and any facts which a cormct survey and inspectron ol the premrses would disclose and which are nol shown by the publtc recotds. 4. Any lien, or nght to a lien, for serurces, lab0r 0r marenal theretofore or herealter lurnished. imposed by law and nor shown bv rhe oubhc rccords. 5. 0efects. liens, encumbranc€s, adverse claims or other mallers, if any. created, fint appearinq in the public records CommIment. lN WITNtSS WHEffE0F. Old Bepublic National Tide Insurance Company has caused rrs corporare name and seal to be hereunto alfired by its dLrly authonred nfficers on the date shown m Schedule A. l0 be va|rd when c0unlersigncd by a validating olficer or other authorized signatory. Jfro^q -flutr''- Authoti?cd Signatuy OFT forn 2582 OI.D REPUBTIC NATIOiIAL TITLE IIISURAiICE COMPAiIY A Stock Conpany 400 Sennd Avenue Sourh. Mnneapolts. MnnesIta 55401 t6l2t3/l.ntl 8y A,,es, 4, /?*,2 Seuetaty A t0, c o M M r r M E N r SCHEDI'LE A Our Order No.: V25238-3 For Information Onlv - Charges - ALTA Owner PoIicv($6slHR.) - $25O.OO--TOTAIJ-- 9250.00 ****WITH YOUR REMITTAI{CE PLEASE REFER TO OI]R ORDER NO. V25238-3**** 1. Effect,ive DaEe: OcE,ober 2L, L994 at. g:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: ItAtTAt' Owner's Policy lO-L7-92 Proposed Insured: CO}ilDOMINII]M UNIT 9O].: RTCHARD E. LANGER AND CHRISTELLE LANGER CONDOMINIUM IJNIT 902: ROBERT E. RUTLEDGE AND JII,IJ S. ZIMMERMAN CONDOMINIIJM UNIT 903: DONA,ID F. SCHNEIDER AND MARY M. SCHNEIDER CONDOMINII]M ITNIT 904 : THEODORE E. WOLK AND GERALDINE J. WOLK CONDOMINII]M UNIT 905: STEVEN C. NORDBERG AND E. CI,ARK PORTER CONDOMINIU}4 UNIT 905: BARRY S . GOLDBERG A}TD KAREN E. FLOMEN GOIJDBERG PAGE 1 AL?A COMMITMENT SCHEDIILE A Our Order No.: V25238-3 COIIDOMINIUM UNIT 907: THOMAS hUOEWALO AND LYNNE BERTRAM CONDOMINIUM UNIT 908: NANCY J. WIIJHEIJMS CONDOMINIIJM I]NTT 909 : WANDA J. DOTY CONDOMINIT]M IJNIT 91.0 : RICHARD .J. VOSSLER AND MAGDA O. VOSSLER 3. The estate or interest i-n the land described or referred t.o int,his CommitmenE and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. TiEIe to the esLate or inE,erest, covered herein is at. theeffect.ive daLe hereof vest,ed in: CONDOMINIUM UNIT 9O]-: RICITARD E. LANGER AND CHRISTELLE LANGER CONDOMINII]M UNIT 902: ROBERT E. RUTLEDGE AND JILL S. ZIMMERMAN CONDOMINIUM UNIT 903: DONAIJD F. SCHNEIDER AND MARY M, SCHNEIDER COITDOMINII]M I]NIT 904 : THEODORE E. WOLK AND GERALDINE J. WOLK CONDOMINIUM I]NIT 905: STEVEN C. NORDBERG AND E. CI,ARK PORTER PAGE 2 Ar, l, coMMrrMENr SCHEDUIJE A our order No.: V25238-3 CONDOMINIUM UNIT 906: BARRY S. GOLDBERG AND KAREN E. FIJOMEN GOI'DBERG COITDOMTNII]M I]NIT 907 : THOMAS RUDEWALD AND LYNNE BERTRAM CONDOMTNII]M I]NIT 908 : NANCY J. WILHEIJMS CO}ilDOMINIUM UNIT 909: WANDA J. DOTY CONDOMINIIJM IJNIT 910 : RICHARD J. VOSSLER AND MAGDA O. VOSSLER 5. The ]and referred to in this Commitment, is described asfollows: AREAS EL, RL, P AND Q! TIMBER FALLS CONDOMINII]M, PIIASE III, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINII]M MAP THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 8, 1.975 IN BOOK 242 AT PAGE 253 AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOM]NIT]M DECLARATION RECORDED OCTOBER 30, ].975 IN B.OOK 242 AT PAGE 713, COUN:TY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COLORADO. SAID AREAS ARE GENERAI-, COMMON ELEME\ITS APPURTENANI TO coNDoMrNIIlM IINITS 9Ot, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 90?, 908, 909 AND 91-0, TIMBER FALLS CONDOMINII]M PHASE III. PAGE 3 oto COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order # V25238-3 The followi-ng are t,he reguirements t,o be complied with: 1. PaymenE to or for the accounE of the grancors or mort,gagors oft,he fuIl consideraEion for the est,ate or interest Lo Ee-insured. 2. Proper instrumenE (s) creat,ing the esE,ate or interest to beinsured musE be executed and duly fiLed for record, t,o-wit: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONI.,Y, AND NO POIJICY WILL BE ISSI'ED PURSUAMT HERETO. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETTIRN ADDRESSES ON DOCUMENTS SEMr FOR RECORDTNG!! PAGE 4 ALO coMMrrMENr SCHEDUI-,E 8.2 (Except,ions) Our Order # V25238-3 The policy or policies to be issued will contain except,ions t.o t,hefollowing unless the same are disposed of Eo Ehe saEisfacEion ofthe Company-: 1. St,andard ExcepEions l- Ehrough 5 prinEed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments noL vet cerEified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against. said land. B. Liens for unpaid wat,er and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September L3, L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491 AND fN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 13, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. ].0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 491 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 13, 7.902 IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 492. t_r-. THosE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICITONS, WHICH DO NOT C.ONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM I'NIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 30, L975, IN BOOK 242 AT PAGE 713. ].2. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF TIMBER FALLS CONDOMTNIUMS, PTIASE ITI. 13. PERMANENT ACCESS EASEMENT AS RESERVED ON AREA Q BY TIMBER FALLS CoRPoRATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION, AS RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED OCTOBER B, 1975 IN BOOK 242 AT PAGE 263 AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECI-,ARATION RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1975 IN BOOK 242 AT PAGE 713. 14. DEED OF TRUST DATED SepLember 23, :992, FROM RICTIARD E. LANGER AND CHRISTELLE LANGER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF UNIVERSAL LENDING CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SIIM OF 977,OOO.OO RECORDED SepE.ember 29, 1992, IN BOOK 590 AT PAGE 300. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO TROY & NICHOLS, INC. IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED Noveniber 09, 1992, rN BOOK 593 AT PAGE 830. PAGE 5 o ,lo ENTCOMMITM SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Except,ions ) 15. Our Order # V25238-3 (AFFECTS CONDOMTNTUM UNIT 901) DEED oF TRUST DATED June 23, L992, FROM ROBERT E. RUTLEDGE AND ,JrLLS. ZIMMERMAN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF EMPIRE OFAMERICA REAIJTY CREDIT CORP., A NEW YORK CORPORATION TO SECIIRE THE StM OF$89,500.00 RECORDED uTune 30, tgg2, IN BOOK 583 AT pAcE 624. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC., A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED August 30, l-993, IN BOOK 6i-B f|. l' rfl\r.I1 :, 5 . (AFFECTS CONDOMINIUM UNIT 902) DEBD oF TRUST DATED Aug:r.lst 3L, L993, FRoM E. cr-,ARKE poRTER AND srEvENC. NORDBERG TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR THE USE OF DIRECTORS MORTGAGE LOAN CORPORATION, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SIM OF $1"25,000.00 RECoRDED Sept,ember oB, t993, IN BOOK 6LB AT pAcE 814. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO EXPRESS AMERICA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, A CORPORATION IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED July 08 , 1994, IN BOOK 644 AT PAGE 935. (AFFECTS CONDOMINIUM UNIT 905) DEED OF TRUST DATED Augusl ].1-, 1-994, FROM THOMAS RUDEWALD AND LYNNE BERTRAMTO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $114,300.00 RECoRDED AugusL 12, T994, IN BooK 647 AT PAGE699 . (AFFECTS CONDOMINIUM I]NIT 907) 1-8. DEED OF TRUST DATED April 04, i.994, FROM NANCY J. WILHELMS TO TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST WESTERN MORTGAGEINC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO SECURE THE SLIM OF 992,62s.0011, L994, IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 47. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO GREAT MIDWEST BANK RECORDED May 11 , 1,994, rN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 48. J-b. 17. Irll1 YUIJLI L SERVICES, RECORDED May SSB IN ASSIGNMENT 1-9. DEED OF TRUST DATED ApTil 25, 1994, FROM NANCY.J, WILHELMS To THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF ROBERT B. OLIVER TO SECURE THE SI]MOF $7,000.00 RECORDED May l-l-, t994, IN BOOK G40 AT pAcE 49. (ITEMS ].8 AND 19 AFFECT CONDOMINII]M UNIT 9OB) 20. DEED oF TRUST DATED May 28, L976, FRoM RTCHARD J. vossLER AND MAGDAO. VOSSLER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI-,,E COI]NTY FOR THE USE OF FIRST DENVER MORTGAGE COMPANY TO SECURE THE SIIM OF $49,500.00 RECORDED June 15,1,976, IN BOOK 246 AT PAGE 986. f flL:tla A r,OA COMMITMENT SCHEDT'LE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # v25239-3 SAID DEED OF TRUST '{AS ASSIGNED TO TI{E BARBER COIJNTY SAVINGS .AND LOA}I ASSOCIATION IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED SepEehber 30, Lg?6, IN BooK 249 AT PAGE43. (AFFECTS COITDOMTNIUM UNIT 910) PAGE 7 tAND Iro, cuARANTO coMpANy t. l DISCLOSI'RE STATEMENT Required by Senat,e Bil-I 91-14 a) The subjecE real property may be located in a special caxingdisErict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdiccion may be obEained from Ehe County Treasurer or Ehe CounEyTreasurer's auEhorized agent. C) The informaEion regarding special district,s and the boundariesof such disEricts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or t,he County Assessor Required by Senat,e Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due lisEing each t.axing jurisdiction shalL be obEained from the CounEy Treasurer or the CountyTreasurer's authorized agenE. St'o: MIKE McGEE TODD OPPFI\,;HFiMEF. to RAI|DY STCUDERBr:turn Town Planner PROJECT: I NTE R -p E PA RTM E NTA L FLEVI-E]V ,r:;1", AZ, A" COMMENTS NEEDED By: ilc BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:he'h,*f 4y * Vr"-7 t,.i, sr'/.e e,rA4Z- DATE SUBMITTED:. DATE OF PUBLIC HEAHI Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: -Ieni tt^qr\r€iL.Datc: tlr5 h6 Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Comments: acadirll cant he 6 E€eer \no,n z,\ - 1l looFr uye fck^r n/tn1 \ N te necessAr.l hece lfserr tYE 9a(r.nlrar a(oihaqL ip"\to? NlcoA a' 2ot cI forlrot c^c'rntniq\ o,Jt lc sg,.. r< - (rooe asetrr\ts reclr:rced on ert\\er €\de of, oz-o'l'.'rcrd.iuq) ftcrl toP & b"no.n oc o$ ., frlecrl qlardscao^2 e,o*,lcun8\n\e' Firo Dept.: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Date: Distributed to the Fire Department, public works, and Landscaping - -i_ _ _--_. _ qlt ^Jl,l I \OZr\s?f . .,'\\ / '. '', .1,\ l/\ ' l/ " q,/ / .tu.W ! I \.\ -1!','i, t+ 4. ,j\ tarZr \.: ,'x rS .. ,, '.-/ r! ii lll I 2 'l-l--- -'." \\ '€it,-- \ FJ":'----' \'N+-\-' \ u,.,,':j.r:( { \,, Y '.-r u* F 5'3 5 lR,r,/ " <1 / i-:-/;... I t -./, s\ii,\-s.\-- /' GREG HALL TODD Return to OPPENHEIMER RANDY STOUDER Town Planner Landscaping: Datc: Dale: Fire Dept.: ;;;r' zza-"/ oare::Z - 'tt'?'2 |E Tzaz'-ez 274 "--V-n Zt*>'*Jcomments: o /+a., 7 6 d=-/ c/s;/-r'zz<-9- , E &&--',..-r -rfo 'a:nh,a< (?'ou1 6'o-ln*unJ I Distributed to the Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on if / PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: I DATE OF PUBLIC HEABING INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW b sse /u (-rr;6.^ 6l/r I COMMENTS NEEDED BY: )/E BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: &" rfr--f gaV*fi Tazayr )" t'fu *AZ-'"< f {/ t Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: f,rBlqr e$f#bq Richard Quetsch 4320 Cottage Grove Parkway Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 9nck y .ER ARCH ITECTS A Pfofessional Corporation '143 East Meadow Drive C,ossroads at vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 ERARCH ITECTS A Prolessional Corporation 143 Easl Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5r05 Courtside Condominium Rodgers Dockstader P.0. 1762 Vail, C0 81658 Attn: Steve Ankerholz rER ARCH ITECTS A Prglessional Corporation 143 Easi Msadow Orive Richard J. Vossler 176 Queens Crossing Dayton, 0H 45458 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 27,1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of VailMunicipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the Ricci Residence located aI2576 Davos TrailiLot 5, Block E, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Nancy Ricci, represented by Galen AaslandPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a major amendment to SDD #5 (Simba Run) to allow for modifications to the previously approved development plan for the Savoy Villas Development located on an unplatted parcel at 1100 North Frontage Road. Applicanl: Walid SaidPlanner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion of the Aasland Residence located a| 2527 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: Galen AaslandPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a CCI minor exterior alteration to allow for an addition to the Golden Bear retail shop within the A and D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeVLots A and B and a part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis Planner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a proposed change to the Land Use Plan from Park (P) to Low Density Residential (LDR) for a parcel owned by the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, located at 967 Vail Valley Driveffract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailValley Consolidated Water District, represented by Pat Dauphanais Planner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU located at 4040 North Frontage Road/Lot 3, Pitkin Meadows. Applicant: David Hilb Planner: George Ruther o 7. A request for a front setback variance to allow for the redevelopment of a residence located at 226 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Vail Village 'lst Filing. Applicant: John Krediet, represented by Steven Riden Planner: Randy Stouder 8. A request for a side setback variance to allow for the construction of a new garage located al792B,7944 and 7948 Potato Patch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch SuMivision. Applicants: Cogswell, Clark, Willson and Ludwig, represented by Richard Hempleman . Planner: George Ruther 9. A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located at 4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: RichardVossler,TimberfallsCondominiumAssociation Planner: Randy Stouder 10. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 Cascade Village to allow for the completion of the Westhaven Condominiums (The Ruins) located at 1325 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, SDD #4. Applicant: Gerald Wuhrman, General Manager of the Westhaven Condominiums Planner: Andy Knudtsen 11. A request for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district and site coverage, slream setback and common area variances and conditional use permits to allow office on the third floor and to allow an outdoor dining deck to provide for the redevelopment of Serrano's, located at 298 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks and Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: Andy Knudtsen oo +(t 5o TOWN OF VAIL RECEIPT }iO, DEPARTME\T OF Co:|lfl U^-lTl' DE\El,OPrrlENT S MADE PAYAELE TO TO\VN OF V IL ii; T E. E :E IE ACC'OIJI|IT NO.ITEM 0 0000 4 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0 0000 424 l5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s54.0u 0 0000 424 | 5 UNIFORM PLUMI]INC CODE st9.00 0 0000 42415 LTNI F'ORM M ECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 0000 4241 5 I.'IIIFORM FIRt CODE $16.00 0 0000 4241 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICN L CODI]$3 7.00 0 0000 4lJ l5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 4 548 BLUE PRINTS {MYLARS);7.00 0 0000 42412 XI]ROX COPIES s0.25 0 0000 4 STUDIES 0 0000 42412 TOVFIJDS COMPUTIJR PROGRAM $5.00 0 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-I},ISPECTIONS 0 0000 4 t tJ2 PL^N REVIIIW RE-CHECK FEll IS40 PER llR.l 0 0000 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FITES 0 0000 414 | 2 CONTRNCTORS LICENSI:S FIlES 0 0tlo0 4 4tl SIGN APPLICATION FEE li20.00 0 00004141_l n DDITIONAL SICN^ GE FI:li IS 1.00 PF-R SQ.FT.l 0 00(x) 4 40 '))-- VTC ART PROJI]CT DONATION.o 0000 rt PRE PAID DhSICN Rl:VlEw IIOARD FlF.5T>-uffittoo-rrz371 INVESTICATION F I;I: (BUILDING) J 0000 4 ll0 TOV PARK]NG FUND 0l 0000 22027 IOV NIlwSPn PliR DISPIINSER FUND * 01 0000 21il2 TAXABLE @ 1% (STATE) * 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE @.IOl" (TOWN) U 0000 42371 I]UILDING INVESTICN TION OTIIER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 4 JJU ADDITIONAL GRFN "250 $200.|JU 0l 00004 330 CONDITIONAL USI] PERN,IIT s200.00 * :t00000 4 330 IIXTI:RIOR ALTERATION ILESS TllnN 100 SQ.FT.l s200.00 0 0000 4 330 F-XTl:RIOR n LTLRATION [\lORt. TIIAN 100 SQ.Fl..l s500.00 0 0000 4 JJU SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI s I,500.00 ts, -0 0000 4 JJU SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $ 1.000.00 0 0000 4 JJU SPECIAL DEVIJLOPMENT DISTRICT [MINOR NMEND s200.00 01 0000 4 l I JU SUBDIVISION (0 0000 4 330 VAzuANCI:s250.00 5D- urT00tr4l T30 ZONING CODIJ AMBNDMENTS s250.0u 0 0000 4 330 RE. ZONING $200.00 OTHIIR OT}IER ITOTAL: -.1nf1 - W/ -&50, "o_l cAsH [._]REC. BY: FILT COF Y reasons. They also want to install a wash facility so they can reuse the water used for cleaning eguipment. The VRD wants to use a new wash water system to eliminate the sump problem which smells at times. They also want to save water and money; with this system, it recycles the water so they can reuse it, The system also filters out many contaminants in the water. Bob Armour stated that the PEC is looking at a Land Use Plan change. Chris Kempf, a neighbor, who lives at 1358 Vail Valley Drive, was concerned that at the time the landscaping is done he wants to see more than just saplings. He wants more than just a little landscaping and wants this area totally blocked from his view. Bob Armour asked if the fence is an issue. Chris Kempf would like to see the fence removed and would like to see the property separated with a berm and landscaping instead. Henry Pratt stated that this is the wrong place for the maintenance facility. Russ stated that staff has not located another site, or thought about moving the facility. Ernie stated the Vail Recreation District has looked into moving the facility but they did not lind any places near the golfcourse to relocate the building. Greg Amsden stated that the building was put in before the Land Use Plan was in effect so it would be "grandfathered" and is in favor of the change to the Land Use Plan. Craig Denton stated the VRD has put everything on hold as far as the landscaping and building until the zoning change has been dealt with. Bob Armour reviewed the criteria and stated that it makes sense to make a change to the Land Use Plan. In the long range scope, the change helps the neighbors and fits the scope ot the request. Bob also said that the property is owned by the Town of Vail. ll we can have VRD move the tanks at VRD's expense, it is a benefit to the Town to have it done. Jetf Bowen moved to recommend approval ol the amendment to the Land Use Plan. Greg Moffet seconded the motion. lt was a unanimous approval with a vote of 6-0. Craig Denton asked about Town Council concerns and when they would need more plans and information. Russ clarified the process for Craig Denton. 5. A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage t0 be located at 4524 Meadow Drive/Tim Condominiums. Applicanl: Planner: Richard V inium Association. Randy Stouder TABLED INDEFIN]TELY Jeff made a motion to table this 6-0. Planning and Environmenlal Commission Mffch 27. 1995 Minutes nitely and Greg Amsden seconded. Unanimous voteitem YWs" 5. lF rHrs rrEM MAy EFFE.T youR p'opERry F'L t c0P r PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwillhold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town ot Vail on March 27, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major exterior alteration and site coverage variance to allow for the expansion of La Tour Restaurant and the Gotthelf's Gallery located in the Village Cenler Building, 122East Meadow Drive/a portion of Block 5E, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Craig SnowdonPlanner: George Ruther 2. A request for a height variance to allow a satellite dish to be located at 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 240, Crossroads EasVLot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant; Bill Wilto. representing RE/MM Vail, Inc.Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a modification to the Land Use Plan from Open Space to Public - Semi- Public and a rezoning from Natural Area Preservation to General Use to allow lor the redevelopment of the golf course maintenance parcel located al 1278 Vail Valley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Ernie Bender, representing the Vail Recreation District Planner: Russ Forrest 4. A request for a setback variance to allow for an expansion to the Redpath residence located at2692 Cortina Lane/Lot 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant Bob Redpath Planner: George Ruther A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located at 4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant: Richard Vossler, Timberfalls Condominium Association Planner: Randy Stouder Published in the Vail Trail on March 10. 1995. s,ia'qs fl"N Pt-*q po u"J -P sc'"/ a"'l1""nf letlvrs ^,*lre^A1 been clon, h,' i)re'io't> 'znJ' It MEMORANDUM The existing GRFA figures established on october 6, 1993 were based upon notes and calculations in files dated January 16, 1985 and January 30, 1992 and include GRFA additions prior to October 6, 1993 also noted in files. The "allowable GRFA" figure is based upon calculations provided by Kyle Webb, arch[@UMorter Architects, dated January 30, i992. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Buildino 1 2 3 4 5 o 7I 9 10 1l 12 14 l< 16 17 18 lo n TOTAL Allowabled GRFA: Less Exisling: Rennining: Note to Planners: Timberfalls File Planning Statf August 1, 1996 GRFA Calculations # of unils 4 4 5 o 4 4 10 10 6 6 9 10 o nol buih o 'I 16 '171 ,520 sq.tt. 132.878.5 sq.tt 38,641.5 sq.fl as of 1 0/6/93 10/93 lo 8i1 /96 4,914 4,914 6,678 6,463 4,9146,658 15.5 4,940 9,728 10,278 6,207 5,934 10,654 7 ,937 7 ,937 1 1 ,759 8,113 6,744 nla 8.471 J€435S 15.5 t37t A'll 'ltF9.as oic|c€$- 6,673.s '132,878.5 squsre t€€l t\3,2<1 .5 When you issue a building permit for Timberfalls, have Planning Secretary update this memo on both the buildang summary chart and the chronological history chart on the second page. The chart is filed under f :\everyone\lau ren\nemos\tim ber.801 Timberfalls GRFA addltlons by Unir # and Date. ,r Da'le 7t1gl94 GRFA 15.5 use bay window Unit # 602