HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 19Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Timber Falls Condominiums Project Number: PRJ00-0079 Project Description: Replacement of two windows on north elevation of building #19 (Gore Creek side) Owner, Address, and Phone: Bluffs at Timber Falls, LLC. 500 S. Frontage Rd. 8., Ste. l12 476-8610 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Greg Amsden 476-86t0 Project Street Address: 4469 Timber Falls Court Legal Description: Building #19, Timber F'alls Condominiums Parcel Number: 210112300001 Building Name: Timber Falls Condominiums, Building #19 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Staff approved with I condition l. Color and width of window trim shall match trim of existing windows on building Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: o4llTloo DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Project Name: Timber Falls Condominiums Questions? Catt Opnnning Sbfr at479-2138 MIT{OR ALTERATIONS TO THE trTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or eDterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS /d Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the eristing conditions. { Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). d All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to beused. EilrilS TfF sAr/t€ 4s oaiCirl*r7 AtfrDvrD.,/6 Condominium Association approval (if applicable). d If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. ffi t.-,._ ..'r+.#.-r-r, Exisriua Coopiiiod5 , EIEVA NORrH EWh, RIDOE HT. bfr3'-1n HT. :-----_' z. e qu&'€. Bpn 17 OO 12: l9P msdo en Davis & Fourler RE S7 ?6-8637o-4o p.2 Blulfs atTimber Falls LLC 500 South Frontage Road East, Suit€ l12 Vail, C,olorado 81657 April 17,2000 Town of Vail - Community Development Dept' c/o Dominic Mauriello 75 South Frontage Road Vail CO. 81657 RE:nor Exterior Alteration BldC. #19, Timber Falls Condomiaiums Dear Dominic: The Bluffs at Timber Fallg IIC, is both the developer and current owner ofBuilding #19 Timber Falls. Since the Condorninium Association has yet to be hrme4 this letts shalt serve as both the condominium Association and owner approval ofthe proposed aherations. the U"yo of U"it *1906 has requested modification of living room and dining room windows on the north elevation ofthe building. If yor have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at 47G8610. Thenk you for your time and consideration regardiw this matter- Sincerely, V<ice: (9?0)-476{610 A Colordo tjmited t l$illry Cannanv Far {970}476SG}7 ,f,a TOUIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970 -479-2138 APPI-,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descript.ion: New residential 5-plex K.C. COMPANY P.O. BOX 341, AVON, CO 8L620K.C. COMPANY P.O. BOX 341, AVON, CO 8l_520 TTMBERFALLS CONDO ASSOC 4500 MEADOW DR, VArrJ CO. 8L657 TotaL Pefitlit.Fee--------> 10,066.95 Pa!'nentss- - -- --- 10,066.95 BAIANCE DUE . oo . oo tro+ *\\,* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TrMES )3r1f..'-.-,t'. 5'.f 't o -f,,rt[r^\ ..\\-, C\ NEW MI]LTT-FAIjI BUILD PERM Permi-t 899 - 0146 Job Address: 4469 TIII,IBER FALLS Locatsion. . .: 4469 Timber Fal1s Parcel No. . : 21,0L-L23-0L-000 anr0unt date cT stat.us...: ISSIIED Ct..,BIdApplied. . : 06/08/L999Issued...: 07/27/1999 E>cpires. . : 0L/23/2000 Phone: 970-926-0565 TOV/Cdh?nE., D69; e 2 6 - o s 6 6 Clean-up Deposit Refund, )rapproved -**\-- Fileplace Information: Restricted: yes +of cas Appliances: 5 *Of Gas Logs: *Of Wood/PalleC: FEE SUI'IMARY BuiLding-----> Plan check- - - > InvesEigacion> wi 11, calL----> 3 , 74O.0O 2, 43!.OO .00 3 .00 USER VAI,UATION: Restuarant PIan Reviee > DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee------- cl.ean Up Deposit------- - > 850, 000 .00 400.00 2,'t 42 -95 750.00 10, 066 .95 ToEal Calculated Fees- --> 10,066-95 Idditsional Feea------- -> IEem: 051-0006/LO/1,999 05 /28 /L999It.em:05400 o6 / ao /.reee06/L4/L999Item:05500 06 /28 / L999Item:05500 06 /LO / L99905/29 /A999ILem: 0570006/22/Le99Item:05550 o6 /.Lo /.L999 06 /29 /1999 BUILDING DEPARTMENT EGOODELL AcLion: NOTE EGOODELL AcLion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT C'GOODEI-,L AcEion: NOTEDOMINIC Act,ion: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTMIKE M ACTiON: APPRPI]BEIC WORKS GGOODEI-,L Accion: NOTE LSANDOVA ACTion: APPR EIiIVI RONMEIiITAL HEALTHKATI{Y AcTion: APPR ENGINEERING GCOODEI-,L AcLion: NOTEKAT}IY AcLion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division:RouLed to Ga?v G. O"or, PLANNING Division:Routed to Dofuinic M-see conditionsDepI: FIREappvd pendind spkfr plan- DESI:- PI]B WORKRouted qo Gr-eg/LeonardapproveoDePt: HEALTHN/A' DEPE: ENGINEER RouEed to Gr-eq,/L,eonardApproved per Greg Diwision: Divlsion: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions that may apply tro this permit DE CI,A.RAT I ONS I hereby acknowledge thac I have read this applicati.on, filled out in full the information r.equired,completed an accuraCe plot plan, and Etaec thats all Ehe infordatsion provided a6 required is correce. I agree tq compLy sith i n f onnat i. on Lo comply eitsh all To$n ordinances and stat.e J,awe, and Eo bui.ld thia structule accotFing t-o Ehe and codes, deeign revicw approvcd, Uni,fonn Building code and other ordinances of the REQUESTS FOR INSPECIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWENTY. FOI'R HOURS IN AD\TANCE BY TBLEPHONE CE PROM S:O0 AU 5:O0 PM and plot plan subdiviaion send clcan-Up Deposit To: K.C-company POR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 899-0146 as of 07/27/99 Stacus: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit. Tlpe: NEW MITLTI-FAM BUILD PERM Applied: 06/08/1,999 Appticant: K.C. COMPANY Issued: O7/27/L999 970-926-0566 To E>cpire: 0L/23/20O0 ilob Address: L,ocaEion'. 4469 Timber FaIIs Ct..,BIdg #19 Parcel No : 2LOL-L23-01--000 DescripEion: New residentj-a1 5-plex Conditsions:1. Rock veneer required on aII faces of retaj-ning wal1s 2. Must obt.ain permission lett.er for any off-site grading 3. Fire flow Lo be worked out with Fire DepartmenE 4. ALL EXTERIOR GUARD RAILS MUST BE 42'' HIGH (SEC. 509.2, L997 UBC) . 5. PLEASE COORDINATE WITH THE FIRE DEPART REGARDING THE REQUIRED ALARM SYSTEM AND NFPA 13R FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, 479-2250. 6. IMPORTAM NOTE: A SECOND, SEPARATE EXIT IS REQUIRED FROM THE BASEMENT (SEC. 1004.2.3.2, '97 UBC) . PLEASE PROVIDE REVISED PTANS SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS REQUIREMENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, BUT IN ANY CASE PRIOR TO SCHEDT'LING ANY ROUGH INSPECTIONS.7. AI.,L WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH TIIE 1997 I]BC, 1996 NEC, 1998 IMC OR 1997 I]MC, 1994 UPC OR 1997 IPC, OTHER APPLICAELE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL & ADOPTED ORDINAD{CES OF THE TOI^IN OF VAIL, & THE APPROVED ARCHITECT-PREPARED & ENGINEER_STAMPED PI,ANS. aol{ll oF vllL, c9LoRlDo sr..r.ong rrrr t t t t tf t t arrr, rr a!| a tt tt at a t t ri r rrr *ttt ttt t tt a rr r ri. rr* *r a ttrtt t:atttttttattrrttlrttatttata'rtr t tr t ttrtrr. +. rtr:rt gcagaEnE Nrdbcr: REC-O5{a lrcunU:9,466.95 o7/27/99 14t3L Prlr!!.nE llrthod: ct( Not-gion: *lo32/bluftB ats rnic: Lc P.rilit No: 899-01{5 ?,)rp. I MF BUfLD NEW lil(rIrTI-FA BUIIJD Parccl No: 2101-123 -01-0oO gltsr Add!c.E: aa69 TII'BBR FAITIJS cr Location: {{69 ?iub.r Pall. cc.,BIdg ll19 ToErI F4.: Lo, 066.95 Thia Pa)rncnE 9,866.95 Toral lll! I,[lE !10, 066.95 Brlance !,00 a r r r a a a |, rr r i 'r ri AccounE Coda Dc!cripEion BP OOIOOOO3].11100 BUTI,DING PBRI'IT EEES DR 00100003112200 DEgrot RBvrEn FBBS PF 00100003112300 PIIIN CHACK FEES ID D2.DIPO8 loouttt 3 , 7{0. O0 200,00 2,,131. O0 750. 00 2.712 .95 3 .00 CI.I}NUP DEPOSITg RF 11100003112700 RECRAATTON FBBS wc 00100003112800 tfIIrL cAlrrr INgPac[rqf !88 ar-- rowN o F vAr L GNS rRU croN p ERM rr Aptc^' o :?;l,' or t4B INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTT,I) le-qggry As_sessors O,itce at 970-328-E640 for Parcel # - Ol -Ooo Pemrit # robName: rip\\W(hUS Duiuoru6 f l'l nuifOing (,,/Ptumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Brock- Fitinc Lil !J1-- sttutision ItARt LFAul cawd o$me.s Name: Pzivilht.x.h €;I\"\^s.$lls &fr66r"rr,q'', 9. ft"'*,TAooao E ^ tlAttc" vttl;' su'r€$tor,.+ Architect: J.:r xlin lOsC SllFcr+163ti B,rdt Dcrr,[C, 8"?ton"u ]c]'y6l - g)'tL1 I t-. . Description of Job: NJU Work Class: New (A) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( ) 5l Address: I Contacl the Ea Legal Description: Lot Repair ( )Oher ( Number of Accommodation Units: Gas LogsNumber and T1,pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: S ,'O,A,N CC PLUMBING $ Additional ( ) bldl l,l O Wood"/Pellet VALUAT!ONS ELECTRJCAL: $ MECHANICAL $ OTI{ER: $ TOTAL $Eso, ooo- R',cr', ^c.ap"s-.W chrrsrtwreee.E=:=.:f,i?i':''ff'TK, t Co^r*" i[Do gcl 3Llt Artou iiiuz, Frt21- 4otb General Contractor' l\. L Ldn\0enn lht Address: rzLr l)c/ r\ JEI I nVUV Lv oru(.t' Town of vail Registration No L{ 6 5 ti prrone *Co) qLb- og$ C.1 31a - 6gqt Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Reeistration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mes@: Town of Vail Regisrradon No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE Date Receiveci JUN - ii 1999 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: pepard Dcg {€el $ Szoo'oo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CIJ'RRENTLY RECISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PI,JBLIC WORKS AND COMMUMry DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof. it is unlawful for any person to litter. track or deposit, or cause to be lifiercd. tracked or deposited. sand. gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require anv person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof. or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes arother to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravcl, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time hercin specified. thc Director of Public Works. or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand" giavcl, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any oth€r material to bc removed from anv street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereofshall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricitv line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thcreto; 2. To deposits of sand- dirt or materials necessary for the protection of thc public safcty; and 3. To public arcas designated for thc dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Pcnalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations. and upon being found guilty ofa violation hcreunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l of this code. p. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlawful tbr any person to fail or rcfuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and aay such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Dircctor of Public Works, as provided in subsection B herco{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereundcr, be Read and acknowledged Position or Relationship to Project: t | (i.e. contractor or owncr) lIt Date: h /3|q1 Ctt rlrsfc,'Pnrz.Z F I < H a'L TOWN OF VAIL Depanment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) revierv and approval. a Planning Dcpartment review of Health Department review, and a review by thc Building Departrnent, the cstimated timc for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requircments. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. I{owevcr, if residential or smaller proj ects impact the various above mentioncd departments rvith regard to necessary rcview, these projects mav also take the thrce (3) week period. Evcry attempt will be made by this departncnt to expeditc this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. r/n Agreedtob]', KU [DflP4NJ Project Name: Work Sheet was turned into the Communiw Developmenl DeDt. {p *"n*o"*o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: ."UBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A.PLIBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED DATE: PLEASE ANSWERTI{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A YES \,/ NO 2. Is demolition work being performed that requ;/s rhe use of the RJght-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NOI_ NO ,/J. 4. 5. 6. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YEs J No Is a different access needed to the site other than the existine driveqav? YES *,/ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained *Public Way Pennit" applicarions may be obtained at the Public Work's omce or at Commudty Dwelopment. If you have any quesions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. ALL TlrE ABOVE QUESTTONS. / t"J *" "tni{-Vy, easements or public property to be used for stagnC, parking or fencing? B. If NO io Se. is a @i"g staging or fcncing plan required by Community Development? YES NO t., '{c cot-,t',,1 Companv Name ,, JIs any drainage work be/ng done tlnt affects the Right-of-Way,YES_ No__v_ 7. 8. Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way Permit" required? YES easements. or public property? Rug 13 99 IO: l0a e?o - +ze - s5 t t pDtrqg . o l"rirb RffiXW TOV.COl'/iil4. DEV, DEPT,PEAK IAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK IAND SURVEYING. INC. PEAK CIVIT ENGINEERING, INC. 970476-A644 . Fll,y.9704764616. lO0O L|ON'S RtOcF t_oop . vl\lt, co 8t657 8lt3l1999 Mr Greg Amsden AMS Development, Inc. Re:Timber Falls Building #19 Site Plan Bcnchmark Dear Greg, This letter is reguding the elevation discrepancy discovered on said project. The benchmark referenced on t}e Site Development plan, which is indicited as being the "Basis of Elevations" (MH 026), does not conelate with the existing elevations on the site. utilizing the Benchmark referenced in the lener from Intermountain Engineering, Inc. dated August lQ 1999 (c.P. #222), does appear to match the elevations and topography as shown on said site plan It is my recommendation that any references to a project benchmark in the construction documents be changcd to indicate the correct benchmark rhus, the building elevations and site grades as shown would match the new project benchmark- Please feel fiee to call me if I can be of any furrher assistance. Sincerely, ----7,r(d. Sam Ecker, P.L.S =--- aB/ral1939 17166 o 976-94 9-9339 o INTER-MTN ENG. .'ti'n 4 ar-\'f IAJo I I i:': '-J T0vlf0i'ii,i, I IntepMountairr LFagtneertngl'a Augurt lq 1999 Ivlr. GrcgAmrdcn AMS Dwelopment, Inc. Tlrc Wrcn b,uilding 5fl) SotrthFrontagc rcad E. Suite l12 V8il, CO t1657 Via Fax: 476-8617 RE: Sitc 19, timber Fsllr Project No. 98-00323 Dear Greg: A rite bcnchmart has bcen established for the reftrenccd property to be C.P. #222 with rn elevation of 8507.31. This point is msrkct with r PK nail in the existing arphah in ttr parking tot ard is located S 6%5' W, 96.7 feet ftom the eouthwest oomcr of Sitc 19 and S 76"59' W., 56.t feet frorn the conrcr common to Sitc 19, rrd the most easterly corncr ofPh$c 9. Ifyou havc rny firrthcr guestions pleasc call. Dusne D. Fehringer, P.E. & itl GE Cl-Xltl ataoa t]-tl.!|tE 8392 Ciodiri,ental Dtui(b Road, Suit€ 1107 . Ulrblon, Colo.odo 80127 r Ptrcne; 303A'4E-622O. Fex: 3$€aE-6526 77 lrelcslt Road, f2m o 8ox 978 . Avon. Colorado 61620 . Phone: 9701949-fi72 o F'pm cgwer Di€ct: Eg3-1531 PAGE 81 nrt I hIt'.f uL t r-'Ir' I TOIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21,38 APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER R&HMECANICAI.,LLC 1047 CI{ERRWAIE ROAD, BOI]IJDER, R&HMECHANICAI-,LLC 1047 EHERRWALE ROAD, BOULDER, TI}IBERFA],IJS CONDO ASSOC 45OO MEADOW DR, VAIL CO. 8L657 ISSI]ED oe /20 /L99e L0 /2L/L999 04/L8/2OOO Phone: 303 -543-9894 Phone: 303-543-9894 38, 000.00 #Of wood/Pallet: TotaJ. Calculated Feea-- - > DEPARTIiIEIVT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIANICAI PERMIT Permit #: M99-013a Job Address. . . : 4500 MEADOW DRLocaLion 2 4469 Timberfalls Ct. Bldc 19 Parcel No. . . . . : 2t01,-L23-01--000 Project Number: PRJ99-0168 Status. . Applied. fssued. . $cpires. 803 03 80303 co Descripti-on: Valuation: Meclranical t.o install 2 boilers in mu1t.i-familv Filcplace InforEagion: Restsricted: Y #of cas Appliancea:*Of cas Logs: FEE SUMMARY Mechanical- - - > Plan ch6ck- - - > Inveet igacion> will call----> 760 .00 190.00 .00 3 .00 Re€t,uarant, Plan Review--> .0O DRB Fee-------- .00 TOTAT, FEES----- 953.00 Addi.Eional Fee€---------> ,O0 953.00 Total Perhit Fee------- -> Pa).urents------- 953 . OO 953 .00 EAIANCE DUE.-.. .OO Item: 05100 09 /2t/1999 L0 /2L/a999IEem:05600 oe /21/L999 BUILDING DEPARTIIENTI(ATIIY Action: NOTE Routed to GGOODELL Act.ion: APPRFIRE DEPARTPIEIiITKATITY AcLion: APPR N/A DCPI : BUTLDING DiViSiON: Ga?y DeDt : FIRE Divisi-on: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1.997 I]MC, ORSEEIION 701 OF TIIE 1-997 IMC.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO EIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPTIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND STALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE ]-99? IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI.IT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O1-7 OF TTIE ].997 T]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SIALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOIVIBUSTIBLE CONST. TJNI,ESS LISTED FOR MOI]IiTTING ON COIVIBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PI,ANS AIiID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPE(TION REQUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COI\fTAINING IIEATING OR HOT-WATER STJPPLY BOILERS SIIALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 OF TIIE 1,997 UMC, OR SECTION 1-004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.PROVIDE 18'I-WIDE I]NOBSTRUCTED PASSAGEWAYS AROI]ND APPLIAIICES FOR MAIN|ENAIVCE & REPI,ACEMENT IN ACCORDA}iICE wrTlt sEc. 1017.1, 1997 IIMC. *************:t**********************************************!r*:l***************** DBCI,ARJATIONS I h.rrby acknorladgr chrc I hav€ rc.d chi6 application, fLll.d out in foll bhg infornatj,on rcquir.d, couplct.d ul accuntse plol plan, .nd .trtc chat .lI thc infold.tslon providcd as required i6 co cooply rith all Torn ordl,nancrE and stat. 1ar6, and to build to the Toh'. zoning.nd auEiviaion cod.., d..ign rGwi€r approv.d, Unifora Building eodr .nd othor ''of Cl)t Tovn applicablc thcr.tso. RBQI ESTS FOR INSPECTTONS AHAr,r, BE UADE Tl{3tfTl-lOUR HOTTRS UIJ79-2L35 OR AT OUR oFFICE PRONi g:00 All 5:oo Plt gIOINTI'RE OF OIIIIER OR COIITRACITR FOR HIr|SBLF AND o I|m ot \ttrl,r cddlDo aErCa8lt gc.gdrt llurb.r: ntc-o579 lDrr|t: 953.oo Lolzrltg Lt.lt Prlrxnt !|thoar Cf, llot tl,on | 15a!91r/RE llcll tnlt: 'tX P.!rl,g ior ttt-ol3{ tlt.! B-t|!ct rlcBlrlcll, plRfft Prlc.l tro! 1101-1u 3-o1-oo0 glE. lddria.r i {5OO tlllDo|' DA Iocrtr,on: aa69 Tirb.rfrll. cE Bldg 19 Toc.l L..3 953.00 ltl. P.trrcE 953.00 l|obl tIlIJ hc! r 953.00 E lrnc.r .00 lccoutrG coda DaacttpcioD lDurrt l|P Oo1000031tlloo ttcHlf,tclE PtRl|tt tlla 760.00 pr 0010ooolt12too PLlt cutcr tlta 190.00 LC 00100003112800 IIIrI' Ct&L llfgPlGllQlt tll 3.00 ,rowN oF vASoNSrRUcroN 'ERM', orll,.AroN ,J#oo 'o tto* INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) Contact the Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-E640 for Parcel # parcet t ZtOi -tZl: Ol' ooo on", ?f,Zof ? I r<P %ot/b rob Name: 1 l aBEg FAUS B LD G + Permit # /? Buildine ( ) Legal Description: Lot Ovvners Name: arcnitcct: JOHAI G. M*?-Tl N Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical Block- Filing- Address: Other ( ) subdivision TtHoFP pAtts Description of Job: Work Class: Nc*{)Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accornmodation Units: Wood./Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Number of Dwelline Units: Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeistration No. Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANTCAL L37@-_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Plumbing Contractor: 603o3'2715 rownofVairRegistralionNo ltr'/14 - ..Phoncr(ta)513-?F75 ::::: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: svs -?tr?s CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: t FROM: DATE: SI.JBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TT{E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMTJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROEIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thcreoi it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be lificred, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof.g. Notiie: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti! and require any person who violatcs or causes anothcr to violate the provision of subsection A hereof. or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. ln thc event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, mav cause ary such san4 gravel. rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. dcbris or any other matcrial to be removed from anv street or alley at tho expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hcreof shall not bc applicable: t. *ittrin the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair projcct of any strect or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line. telephone line or any appurtenancc thereto: Z. To deposits of sand. dirt or matcrials necessary for the protection of thc public safetv; and 3. To public areas dcsignated tbr the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to tle notice for rcmoval provided in subscction B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations. and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section I -4- l of this code. E. ilotiic; Penalqv: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to complv rvith the noticc of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof. and any such pcrson shall, in addition to pa_vment of the expense of removal incurred by'the Director of Public Works. as provided in subsection B hereof. upon being found guilt-v ofa violation hcrcunder. be Read and acknowledged bY: Position or Relationship to Project: ftt CAL (i.e. contraclor or owner) o^r", qf zofqT \ TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval- Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Dcpartment review of Health Deparhnent revicw. and a review by the Building Department. the estimatcd time for a total revrew may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follorv the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Hor.vcver, if residential or smaller proje cts impact thc various above mentioned dcpartments rvith regard to necessary review. these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will bc made by this dcpartment to expedite this permit .rs soon as possiblc. I. the undersigncd. understand the Plan Clreck proccdurc and timc frame. I also understand that if thc pcrmit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pa,"-' thc Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it ma1' affect future permits that I apply for. Agrccd to bv: Projcct Name: Datc: Work Sheet was tumed rnto thc Community Development Dept. {S *tn"uo ror", / TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT; IS REQUIRED JoBNAME: TtntscL FAut 5 BLDG1*19 DArE: q/lalqt PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOMNG QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TTIE NEED FOR A*PI.IBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is tlus a new residence?*, ,/ ^o -)- Is demolition work being performed that requireslhe use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? VES- NO'4 vXS ,,/ NO NO4. 5. 6. '7. 8. Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? Is a diferent access needed to the site othcr than the existins dnvewav? YES NO ,/ f#t *U"*H*P" done that affects the tught-of-Way, e:sements, or public property? Is a "Revocable Rrght-of-Way Permit" requred? YES A. Is the Right-of-Waycasements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO ,./ B. If NO to 8A, is a ydcing staging or fencing plan required by Cornmunity Development? YES NO ' If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained- "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at thc Public Work's oflicc or at Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. NO'/- Company Name o^r,' q/Zofq? 2. l. J. 5. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traflic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may aiso be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offrce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one ( I ) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself'. NOTE. The above process is for work in a public way ONLY.. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4. 6. Senl, b:, : Rl{ ftECl{AHI CAL seF- 17-99 O7 !25 f l.on 30355ir I477)Page t/ | T ncru t fi,r,r$ Wlrl (!tcl Kl ltr.t U, tttF-$I4 h,qF.r.urf .oferl,, t 2 J I _f,YnalE-u rx ot l?blonrl,' ltl ,07 1c''{2 q '70\ ,1o ,0 j0 D77 lzr?v ? 7o ll,zze \1 ,o{/'3,Y1{7o 31,'{Y7 )ya 3f)tf 3l ,/Mr,ru "0 t000 f.?1)ofr /, 70 3),uYd rtu- K+ ( >hr s,u I i- % -- ,r-tgn &rBb-t,'rG.r(4fr -eJJ,S\q h1L, -niT^ rrsrt rtruil3 A ADOR€ISS J ADreSS:_ pEil?r B? 71ot4b ffiti rtar xi ,/r,w fr@ rorr.mrnr.f L rlrElM flfut tz &frr,l24Fq Sar -29-99 97 t36Sef|l, b:t cRH ll|ECHANICFL lFof.l 3035541977) BA II CAST IROI\, GAS FIRED, HOT WATER BOILERS O BUILT.IN Df,,AFT DIVERTER FACTORY A IISETIBLED ANO WIRED 8 S|ZES DOE HEATII IIG GAPAC]TIES 30,000 to 221i,000 BTIJTHR II o cltR"owN I B!il.hffidiYefb( 0o€ Eprll swith . h dr ,.ocl sfihee d frr gretoo drdtr tnder. one Rdod sr{bn -1 (rblot(ll of isnc roiloul hfird ,rmtrfncnt onc Frc?c6$ lilt tnofl. (tlslurd Gs) Basa aod ltue g€ ma e of comocion {tsicbnt almiobd, Eel. irsdc in eiohlsErs- esutitU only 31-3,E fidpeh rcight Vematle lns*Soo. 'ntob ad ci qdalo. cet bentor rled at M c right sl(l3 of bqlet tDr :nnvti€f[ olos€-b-.rrd oa mdti rc inrllltanr. Buner mat*old as t tI ar sutdy and rctnn bpoll$ e e anargcd hr rbhl or l€fi, hand C0l rl. Balst tr am€l sFcli 'det, lnEust?d wih fbo.gh6s b Fe 'ent wtCtl heal loss. xxLFR=Cnq{gAREr|^EOt CASTIiOT{, |tinn tt|bL hsrl tl|r|. on rttu(Jtd lrbtli.r|l|lettrffisffiHffi"goe€)@ hy{tr€.tlc.ly tltrd h r mgfnum wsloE gr|un ot 50 Prl h tcr.r6.n{. mi-s.u.r" snmrd ftc|tl lmlokr.' MEA 63-91 E AIF f i5'g68G)€off) PEqe 2 UI!TENARRAXTV Ofi HlCi Of,sT lRottl BURI{ERS h,n tttdtlot a,,ifad, .J..at Podt. Al hhlcr rn cqhcarcd to Producc cl..t !(|mh8, 'rtddt art! Pollu[ot!. i3..L.kt"l.t tdl I Verrthol{il lor.J S.nc by!RH hECl{ANICAL . Sprll Srf,tctr. Roll-out Swtch. 1-tl.f i qrcljlator tEfl lto€ S.F-29-99 g7 !3? cRowN / fruee r STANDARD EQUTII,TIENT f .oA 3935541977)?a9e 3/ 4 _. C*pt"tely Flcbry AE .rrrbled, pruryipd rnc, Crabrl'F ocluxe 8.kcd Enamel :lba Jad<a: ::T::itI Limirand r.tsy (Lsr.sE) ilobrted Vmt Damocr ffiiffif* trun'Bwncna. ffiffift3ggi,5** t t a o a a L I t 6 -lil A.O.A, lLcuf.ttlt 3t.6D0 ?0.000 | 06.000 ito,00o '4t.000 l0.oo0 l,Li la llos. Th3 Rdino! m.rked 'Nat 1.6=F or Gquivalent dirEct cagl iron rdi 0l undef normal Condigons ald ( n€l I=BER V\r 3r ,rfinOr tfirn I1.tS h accordan€ mfr ne gac uEnoard si puHished by the Hy u5|l r t,000 otu,n, = Brtr;[ ,lsu,r,rl!4..ltorl. Z.mo i. nU4, gaoL ,;.H#d'J'.$#F r rtd!.Al I i nt of aL fo, .arl | .OOO e lffi?ffi#ffi*"1'ooor'onry' Ralin$ ind€le tls armu, t00n aaat boit|r wilt take crr!ld ttHltlostdh coob,ol. TherI D6sed on en 4bwenco of'6 shosn n the l.BrR lrfifcs l |stit c. _Sruf Ptd.ddtrb pA lenF x: At{t$9I35 Sclection of-bortrr sieg stlould bc b*rd.uDoo. .Net Output atRdhto,tr BTU pcr hou? berrrg cqud O Ure cercr.farJtear-.lct ot thc b{Jimlg I hc rnanuhdrrt snaxrd ba on$n d bdorr sdeding !]fg tn,rtet"ti.ns rrayim u,$sud ;rins d pd:;'' - rcquir.|n nt!. CROWN .BOILER CO.-iPO. sox radt 3333 PfioitE: 2t5.ttltt0{ ---Ti- ,t--. ' ta | \' , _ _ _ \_ fu\rt f I I hFn ,y A8t. ! aO A I F.l7S A6F-2r0 aaF-2at A6F-?EO ' #|l?[E * dtil|Eirm |'t e/ricct to ch.nEo TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FROT\TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970 -479 -21_38 DEPARIIIENT OF COMMTJNTTY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT .A,I.L TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F00-0002 Job Address. . . : 4500 MEADOW DR Locat,ion : 4469 Tinber Falls et Bldq 19 Parcel No. . . .. z 21-01-L23-01--000 Project Numlrer: PR l99-01-58 status...: ISSIIED Applied. . : 01,/L7/2000 Issued.. -: 05/12/2000 $cpires . .: LL/08/2OOO APPLICANT CONTRASTOR OWNER AI-,LI.ANEE MEOIANI CA]-, PO BOX L207, GYPSUM CO 81537 ALLIANCE MECHANICAL PO BOX L207 , GYPSIJM CO 81637 TIIVIBERFALLS CONDO ASSOC 4500 MEADoW DR, VArL CO. 8a657 *Of caa Appliances: Valuation: *Of Gas Logs : Phone z 970-524-740L Phone: 970-524-740L 28, 000 . 00 #of wood/Pallet: Description: Sprinkler sysLem for bldg #19 Fireplacc l[foroation: RestsricEed: FEE SI'IIMARY Mechani.cal---> Plan check--- > Inve6tigabion> will call- ---> 140. OO 3.OO .00 .00 703 .00 703 - 00 759.00 Restua.lane Plan Reviev- - > DRB Fee-------- TOT,AL FEES- - - -. Total calculaced Fees- - - > Additional F6€s------ -- -> Tot.a] Pennit Fee--------> Palmenc6------ - .> 75a.oo BAI-1NCE DUE..-- .OO Ileqr_i.Q5190 BUITDING DEPARITVTENT Dept: BUILDING Division:0I/L7/2000 KATIIY Action: APPR N/AITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T DEPT: FIRE DiVJ-SiON:01,/L7/2OOO KATITY ACTiON: NOTE PTJANS TO MCGEEO5/L0'/2000 MrKE v Action: APPR appr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS f heieby aclo:onlcdge that I hawe rcad ghis application, fil,Led out in fu1l t'he infonnat.ion requircd, coupletsed an plan, and stahc tshats all lhc inforEalion provj.ded ae required is corroc!, I agree to conply l,ith the inforualion to coEply rith all Tonn oldinancee and Etat6 lawe, and to bui.Id this Btnrcture according tso Eha town, s zoning and codes, design revie!. applovcd, tjnif,orn Building code and ocher ordinances of t'h6 Tosn applicabLe thcleto. accurata trloc atld plot plan, gubdiwiEion g: OO .A.tl 5:00 Plt STGIBTURB OF OIJNER OR COITTRA TOR TOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER tlt***t!}l**aaalt*l***l*i*+!t*tl***ilta!aaatt*l}t***tt**t*t*+i+rttt**t*t TOm[ oF VAIL; CoI-TORADO , Statennt * I il rl t + +* * tl !t t*i rl rl * t tt * I * + l}l t + * + * t a * I r * + t t * * t t l} t ** a * *aa + * t:t* jl * t *l rl gtatemnt Nur0ber: REe-0527 Arnount :'158 .OO 05/12/.OO 09 .L6 PalmeDt ethod: 5125 tilotatioir: ALL,IANCE UECIIAIII Init : .tN Penut No: P00-0O02 Type: P- SPRNK SPRINIS,ER Parcel No: 2101.-123-01-000 site AddresE: 45OO ti{EADOw DR Location: 4469 ?inber Pallg Ct Bldg 19 Total Fees; T'his Palment ?58.00 Total AIJ., hts: Balance: PERI{IT t!t*t***t*t*it***l!rttll*l***l***it***rr*l**!ttrl**:ll**t****t*****tt!r Aceount code Deecription MP OO1OOOO311],300 UBCHANICA! PERMTT FAES PF 00100003112300 Pr,Al{ CIIBCK FBES cL 00100003123000 coNlRAeFcR LICBIAES wc 00100003112800 wrLL cAr,r, INSPECPToN FEE 758 . OO 758 . 00 .00 Anount 560.00 140. OO 55.OO 3.00 TowN oF vALGNSrRUcrroru pennn,, ort.o' PASQ. olrcS 4r:Y ,, ,oa ({ BtDq Contad the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet i Ztot -lzj. Dl -oo(> Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbrng ( ) Lot Block Job Address: Electriczrl ( )Mechanical ( ) Filins Subdivision Addrcss: Architect:Address: Description of Job: Work Class: New (lf Alteration ( ) Additional ( ) Number of Dwclling Units: I Numbcr and Tlpe of Fircplaces: Gas Appliances- BLTILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING $MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION @-9ss!r@r:Addrcs Town of Vail Reuisuation No.Phone # Rcpair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pcllet oTFIER: s 2& a+a TOTAL $ ' Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Regisuation No. Plumbing Contractor: Townof VailRegisfationNo# Phone # qgflM*h",'i""r co*.".tor,M *,aro,Va /sx tx ) €t f s o,n-t (3 HC ? 2 Town of Vait Registration No. :t5) - < Phone #2 2a -93 zct FOR OFFICE USE .lAN 1 ? 2000 ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: rJ)oLLCffnP e-xnD 4lq9Llc EtPrD - 3/qa Date Received 't*'ICODf, BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCIIASE UPON IREQUEST*** flP.' Ia .,0 u33{3P ,"q .' l 'Fffim@ 811-ot 4b |JHS I noO O yu,t Pfu,l"ui7 AQUAPEX@ 'AwyL,,?e sft@p Seailauut-z .- - F -- - F&-Lto>go Pe'ser,o,fila.'ts by Wl FlElBcl *^J;f,\{:fr{; te rcstolr alarr AQUAPEX@ Firestop Sealant by Wirsbo provides the ultimate in fire protection for AOUAPEX@ Professional Plumbing Systems. Tne sealant works 0y ehminatll'lg llre oxygen In the fire a{fected area, proventing combustlon. AOUAPEXT? Firestop Sealant remarns llexible whrle wilhstanding temperatures tlrat axceed all North American temperature test requlrements. typrcally 1832'F (1000'C)for up to two hours lt does not weaketr over time, and tts tlextbiltty prov€nts th€ datlger of it loos€ning or {allrng out ol the space due to pipe movernenls and tem' perature changes. The product has bccn tested snd rs listed to ASTM E-814 by Warnock Hersey, an ICBO accredited third party testing agency Extensive testing has showr\ that AQUAPEXo Firestop Sealant will last the life of the structure, provrding the ultlmate saiety and fire protectlon lo mullr family and comntercial buildings and their inhabitants 6 .s 'I@ P ft | e ssional Phtfitbiilg Sf sldtrs orth Amertcatl building codes state lhal all multi-tenant structures and commer- cial trrrildirrgs mttst have fite protection That is, a firestop is requrred every time a plumbrng systern penetrates a lirewall or a lire separatron, No ollrer ttrestop 0n the market rs as safe, proverr, affordable and easy lo use as AOI-tAPEXc.o One Cornponent Firestop Sealant. AQUAPEX9 Firestop Sealant is tested to be compatrble wrlh Wrrsbo AQUAPEX{ (Engel Method) tubirrg only. ll is not lested for compat- ibility with other FEX systems, or witlr CPVC. Aciing as both the lirestop and the smoke stop, the sealant gives the AQUAPEXG' Plumbrng system a unrque fircslopping advantage over olher Inetal and plestic plumbrng systems. The product has olso cxcccded the temperature rise (T), trre (F) and hose strearn (H) ralings com- monly required in builclirtg construction Copper oioe. because of its excellent thermal conductiv' \-ity, cannot pass tho temperalure rtse ratrng O-^^- .. lifircbo company O-'- 5925 l48th Strser West, Appte Vailey, MN SSta4 Dlrign ilo. fe/pHV t20-ogSantL peoctntbne _Horizonlal or Vertical (Floor$ Or Waltsl ^_ -Unit€d Star€s Standard AS-T-Me-r rS ind'i'iYM f -eracanaoren sransard cAx/ULC S loi aio dn-lviiiC'S-iii:i.,res Wirsbo Cross-Lrnr.eO porylthytene (p€X) lo t" tD ;i;PvC process and supply't ipe to 3" lD uopper Ftpe and tubino ro 4" lt) Ponelrating Malenal & Size Max Hole St2e Annular Sp"oe th" - 1"Yr" - 1"U2' .1"U." I Fko-F' raling and 2 Hll und 2 HR ond a | il'l Fire/Hoso "l'l l' rating land2HR l and2HR t and 2HR c Temp Rarrng 'FTH'rdtkE I and 2l.tR l and2HR O Mln fr,rougnOWP 6rn 7rn Sllt pt61s peneratron delail Through ConCretg or Wall detailqoncrete bbck wafi doteil Syrtcrn Orrlgn lnrtructiont Through concrete flmf detail ", l-toeder otrrlo perletratrcn detail €)I o '| Penerfnrins tren) See raire . e!{owg, Tee,s and couptrngs can plu]lfg.,ip l,rrlop sy$ern. Do nol u$e this sysrem, i1iiillir!,fiifli:Jll1'iliJl?"il t'i;.d6;iiliidipip^-." bo;iici iv",ilio'ipioo,.,* and sysr.,,rs desi'ns2 Floo/Ceitrng o. wair eiiSmories. F*r' ere'e''r's \rs)rsrrs ar Arr rrre rated ASTM E':]9-*q.gAYULc s10t floor/cerrrng^/var assembrres or, ;i F:i|ffiiil:yilfl,: ,l$i::,1xu.x".;lff''J#,,fil',,;,.d,:*{H"j;T;}lr ,h chn$$s 4,h (112 m,n) o,q) cor)crete btocx wal a1s_1n9.119;.mi,r,iirr'ini.il^"i, e" (200mm; or:u, *1f9.9,v.erum Watt Board (GWnl ,ssemur,is-l'"'"". i.'lr*i';iffA'tit!bot;,XJ','s,|L!|l?fil,e;:l.,il*,.1^Tl,ny," f,re ftrred Gunr gt each srcleor assL,,,rbrye, , .,.^:''ijl?uq[0'il['#J:iltijf,*i]if;iili.JF-s;tH:"i,':i:"'ii['"'"'::'#,;,",,,, "0".", u,;:;:,,"' i::l!i,lj3.lifli.',"'ilf'Jili,l;:f"illl$::ffii',;?g91;1r be used as I s,ns,e componenr ror servrcoo) uoncretc csre,'bri*r' '1t1t"' 191fieeF ililti;fl111ai'aLrirum oeprrr s' 1- (2s nvn)or i rnininrurnsearant depth of 'ri. (12 mml wtrr, g. or a.o ro. 'o'Jniiiy_miner4 woor csnprisUj,iix i,rto lre annutsr space 0s aliilt' r\:rterisl rhis product csn ue n'siaiiJln'iiL r,,. nrpored;;did;il;; s;de) on rhof/ceirins essem. :1"fi!:t',i",iil,i:*f:l3rili: wrsbo AeuApExe Firesbp searanr rrre<r ro rhe h,* croprh o'he mernbrnne on ig;:l1]iilt?3li:llll:fi'frH.:T',iililffi1:ilf,1:.':"1?" whore,he annu,(rr srrs'c rruus nor excc,]o ,2,lhe lifcstop irlslallaton. ' -v vrYvs ^dv'.rr\'rr t,,r urtrer rorrnng malerial can be used anct rclr in tne pi,ri]iar,oi arre, gARTIICX IIERSCVrrtFro 'Wlrno|Gl Nc'rey Lirt d and L.telod prcdr.als.f@,b.r.iaJAreq, TOI,IIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970 -47 9 -213 8 APPI,ICAI\I| CONTRACTOR OI{NER Electrical---> DRB Fee InvesEigat ion> will cal.l TOTAL FBES. - - > Job Address: 4500 MEADOW DR L,ocaEion. . .: 4469 TII{BER FAILS CT, Parcel No. . : 21,0t-L23-01--000 Project No. : PRJ99-0L58 DEPARTME}IT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI\TT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES AI,ARM PERMIT Permit #: A00-0016 Status. . BLDApplied. Issued.. Expires. . : ISSITED.: os/t2/2000 . i 0s/L6/2000.: Ia/t2/2000 APEX SECT'RITY GROI]P 1429 GRAND AVENUE, SUITE APEX SECTJRITY GROI]P 1.429 GRAND AVENUE, SUITE TIMBERFAI,LS CONDO ASSOC 45OO MEADOW DR, VAIL CO. D, GLENWOOD D, GLENWOOD 8l.657 Phone: 9'70-945-2]-52 SPRTNGS, CO 81501 Phone: 970-945-2152 spRrNGs, co 8r_601 DESCTiPIiON: INSTALL FIRE SYSTEM ON 3 FLOORS IN BI.,DGVAIIIATJ-ON:10, 580 . 00 r*rtri'i*rr**rrit**rrrirtt**** FEE SUI,IMARY 198,00 .00 . o0 3 .00 201.00 201-00 .00 201.00 .00 TofaL CalculaEed Eees---> AddiLional Fees- - Tocal Per(lit Fee--------> Payments-------- BAIANCE DUE.- -. IEEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiilT DEPI: BUILDING DiVJ.S1ON: O5/L6/2OOO KATITY ACTION: APPR N,/AiEbm;'o5eoo FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:05/T6/2000 KATTIY ACTiON: APPR VERBAL OK FROM VAUGHN CONDTTION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknowle€e lhat I hawc lead bhis applj.cacion, fi11ed ouc in fu11 the inforinalion required. coEpleEed an .ccuraLe plol pIan, and 6gate that all che infordation provided as r:equircd i6 correct. I aglee to conpl.y with the informatsion and pfoc PLan, to conply \rith all To!,n ordinanceE and stsate lalrs, and to build t'hiB Btlucture according go tshe Toen'a zoning and Eubdivisj'on codes, design revi,eB approved, uniforo BuitdinE code and other ordj"nances of th€ Town applicable theleto. REeUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SIiAIJL BE MADE TWENTY-FoIIR HOURS IN AD\'ANCA BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2I3A OR AT oUR oFFICE FRO!.{ s:00 Alt 5:0o PM COMTRASTOR t*ttt***t*tt*t**i!lt**rl*!t+*tat******tli**+t**i*+t*ttl*ll*'rf ****** TOIIN OF VAfIr' C€IPRADO ,gtatennt ***t*tttt!rr*+***!t*ti*ar*trl***t+tt*i\rl}ttta!l*tra!a*t+it+*t'tt*ii!trlla:l StateErt Nuntrer: RBC-O629 Amouat:201 .o0 05/L6/gO L6:3L Init: ilNPalEreut liethod: 2044 !{otation: APEX sEcURInf PemiE }{o: Parcel No: site Addreaa: Location: This PalueBt A0O-0015 q/p€: F-AIJARI'! AIARITI PERIIIT 2101-L23-01-OOO 4s00 !'IEADOI| DR 4469 TIUBBR FALLS qr, BLDG 19 Tota-L Fees : a*tl**ttl*il*t*rt|tttt******rl++*+i***t***l*t*t++*l*********t***tlt* 201.00 Total Ar,r, ltts: Balance ! AccouD't Code Deecriptiou EP OO1.OOOO31114OO BIJBCTRICAIT PER IT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CALI, INSPECTION FBE 201 .00 201 .00 .00 Anount 198 . OO 3 .00 TOI{N OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIvIENI OF COMMT'NITT DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 899-0154 Job Address: Location. .. z 4469 TIMBERFAL,LSParcel No..: Projects No. : pRr.I99-01G8 APPI.,IEANT DANTCI ELECTRIC 1838 SILVBR EAGLE COTJRT, IJE.ADVILIJE, COIERA TOR DAI{rCr EIJEqTRTC OWNER 1838 SILVER E,AGLE COURT, I-,EADVII.,IJB, TII{BERFALLS CONDO ASSOC4500 MEADOW DR, VArL CO. 8L557 Description: TEMp powBR valuation: l_0o.oo FEE Si'T,TMARY Status...: ISSITEDCr, BLDGApplied. . : 09/02/L999IsEued...: 09/02/L999E:<pires. . : 02/29/2000 Phone: 719-485-0603 co 80461 Phone z 7L9-486-O503 co 80451 Elcctricrl---> DRB Fe€ hve6tsigation> wl11 cr]1----> TOTAIJ FBES-..> TotrL calculaled Fcc6- - - > Addlglonrl Fc€s-------'-> To!r1 Perbit FG€-- -- - -- -> Painr.nlE- - -- - - - - EAIANCE DI'E.. - - - ,12 .00 .oo . o0 3 .00 {s ,00 45.O0 .00 45.OO 45.O0 -00 It,qM: -O6OOO.-EILE-CTRICAIJ DEPART}TENr DEPE: BUILDTNG DiWiSiON:9?/02/!99-9 KAflry -ecr-ion, Ai;Fii-appnovsD pEi-ftwrt€n: 05500__Fr!u1 DEP4,RTMENT DepLr FrRE Division:09/02/L999 KATI{Y ACEion; APPR N/A rtrirl*rriiirr* r9t rrtt.rrr.r rfi CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1- FrEr-,D rNsPEerroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDB coMpLrANcE. rrrlrrtlrrrrr*ritr*iatta*'rafrit*ltrrr*rt,rrr*iara i *r,rr*rri*t*rrti tr*rr?riirr iaa r**Jtt r DECI,ARATIONS I her.by acknoll.dga tshrt r hrvr rerd th{€ rpplicrtion, fitlcd out in fuLl th6 ilrfolorElon rcqulrcd, coulrl.Eea lt1 rccur.r,. ploc.Plqn, and 6t.tc lhtt .11 rh. lnfonEtion provj.dcd r! !equi!.d i. cor!.ct.. I .gr.! !o cortrply !,ith lhc inforoacion end ploc phn,to corPly nilh r1l Toltn ordln.nc.E |nd itsace 1,.*E, .nd to buil,d th16 rtluctsurc according to ch6 Torn, e zonlnE .nd .ubdlvl..ioncodes, desigrr tcvicv approved, uniforo Buildlng cod6 rnd o!h.r ordLn&c.. of lhs Torn applier.ble lhcreto. REQT'ESTE FOR INSPE TIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TI{ENTI - FOUR HOURS IN AOVAI{CE BY * *** ** * !t * * *:l * * * * * * * * * !r ** ********* StaEennt **********t*********************!r*****!t*****!t*!t****!t************ SEatermt. Number: REC-0556 Arnount,:4s.00 09/02/99 L4;L7 Palments MeEhod: CIIECK Notatsion: #1931/DAIIICI Init: KMW Permit, No: 899-0154 \pe: B-ELEC ETJECrRICIL PERI'IIT I,OCATiON: 4459 TI!'IBERFALI.S ET, BLDG 19Total Fees: 45.00 ThiB Palment 45.00 Totsal ALL, Pmtss: 45.00 Balance:.00 ************!t*****!r******************************+***********:t*:l AccounE Code Descrl-ption Amount, 42.O0 3 .00 o ***o ******** ** *** ***** *** *** **!t * TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO BP OO1OOOO31114OO EI,BETRIEAT PBRIT{IT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, EAI,L INSPB TION FEE Building ( ) ,Legal Description: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block I TOWN OF VACONSTRUCTION PERMff NPIICATION 'Offq.. O II4g INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL Bf,, REJECTTD contacr the,Easte coqtv Assesso4q orifice at s7o-328-8640 for parcer # f3?qq,O l4 bp*a+ \lbf -tJ3:0/-nnct G**vr"I._,\;,rAD , - "^r", QfTfgq P".-it# - - -x ror Name: Tcnt{r Fcu[LS na oaa**' \4t4 ltns-r Q.;LG (I , E vu) Electrical (Mcchanical ( )Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Additional ( )Repair 1 I Oher ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet ELECTRICAL: S IOO69 MECHANICAL S fi#Address: Description of Job: Work Class: New OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: ul Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: X)Alterarion ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: b NumberandTypeofFireplaces: casappriaoces a{ 6 Gaslogs-ri7- BUILDING: $ PLUMBINC $ General Contractor: VALUATIONS Town of Vail RegistrationNo @Phone #. Etectricat contracton Da 4Al €-L Z[V0"{if t L Address: Town of Vail Rcgistration No.t t4E pr,o". * (4?D go- ill4 Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgistration No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAILPTIBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNITYDEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-r0: DEPOSITS ON PLJBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlauftl dcposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposil or cause to be littered tracked or dcposited. sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and rcquire any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereo{ or who has in the Director's employrnent a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow. ice or any other dcbris or material within twentv four (24) hours after rcceipt of said notice by the Dircctor of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time hercin spccified, the Dircctor of Public Works. or other authorized agent. may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. debris or any other material to be removcd from anv strcct or alley at the expcnse ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hcreof shall not bc applicable: l. With.in the immcdiate area of any construction. mainterumce or repair project of any street or allcy or of any watcr main, s€wer main, electricity linc, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thcreto: 2. To deposits of sand. dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alterhative to the notice for rcmoval provided in subsection B above, any person lvho violates or causes another to violate the same. mav be issued a summons to appear beforc the Municipal Court of the'l'own for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hercunder be punished as provided in section l-l-l of this code. E. Notiie: Penalry': It is unlawful for any person to fail or refusc to comply rvith thc notice of the Dircctor of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expcnse of rcmoval incurred by thc Director of Public Works, as provided in subscction B hereof. upon being tbund guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Scction 1-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Codc: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Positron or Relationship to Project: (i.e. confactor ol owner) o"", ?bfqg TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Develo pment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAME If this permit requircs a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Enginccr's (Public Works) review and approval. a Planning Deparfinent revicw of Health Department rcvierv. and a review by the Building Deparhncnt, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) wceks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family pennits will have to follorv thc above mcntioned maximum requirements. Residsntial and small projccts should take a lesser amount of time. Horvever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned dcpartmcnts rvith regard to necessary rcvierv, these projects may also take the three (3) weck period. Every attempt lvill bc made by this department to expcditc this permit as soon as possible. I. the undersigned, understand thc Plan Check proccdure and timc frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I rnust still pa,v the Plan Check Fee and that if I tbil to do so it may affect ftiture pcrmits that I apply for. Agrccd to b.v: Projccl Nalne: Datc: Work Sheet was turned into the Comrnunitv Develooment Dept. {i *o'"""o"" TOWN OF VAII-. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMI]NI TY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI'MBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0107 APPLICANT CASEY PLIIMBING & HEATING Phone: 9'70-925-L946 P.O. BOX 1830, EDWARDS, CO, 328-7339/949-3830 8L632 CONTRACTOR CASEY PLI]MBING & HEATING PhONE: 970-926-1946 P.O. BOX r-830, EDWARDS, CO, 328-7339/949-3830 8L532 O$INER TIMBERFALLS CONDO ASSOC 45OO MEADOW DR, VAIL CO. 8L557 ilob Address: 4500 MEADOW DR LOCATION...: 45OO MEADOW DR TIMBER Parcel No. . : 2L0L-1,23-Ol--000Project No. : PRiI99-0158 SEaEus...: ISSIIED FAlApplied. - : 09 /L5/L999Issued. - -: O9/2L/L999 E>rpires - .: O3/1-9/2OOO Valuation:50, 000 . 00Description: PLIJMBING FOR NEW SIX PLEX FEE SU!4UARY Pl.uubing-----> Plan Check- - - > Inve6tigat ion> will CalI - - -> RestuaranE Plan Revieir -> TOTAL FEES- - Tolal cal,culated Fee6- - - > Additional Fees-- -- - ---> TotaI Pc!_r!iE Fe€--------> Palmenta------- 750. O0 1S? .50 . oo 3 .00 .00 940.50 940 .50 . o0 940.50 940 .50 BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO IECM: O51OO BUITDING DEPARTMENT DEPt,: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/L6/L999 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItqm:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/L6/L999 CIIARLTE Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoeledge Ehat I have lead this applicaEion, filled ouE in fufl bhe informatlon required, complotcd an accuraEe plot pl,an, and shate t.het all. Lhe infoflnalion provided a€ required iB correct.. I aglee Lo conply l|i.Eh the informatsion and plot plan, to comply irifh all Town ordinances and state 1aws, and Co build Ehis aEructure according to the Tosn's zoning and subdivigion codc6, design revicw approved, Uniforn Buj.Idinq code and oCher ordinancee of the REQUESTS FOR INgPECTIO}IS SHALL BE MADE TI{ENIY. FOT]R HOURS IN JIIII/ANCE BY e:Oo Al.l 5:oo PM appljsable theretso. OR COMTRA TOR FOR A.T{D OWNER ll(X Ot VIIL, (:()IOnIITO Ittrtrrnt St tcrtc nEb.r 3 nEC-0553 lDutrE l 94o.50 o9l21199 08:3r D.t'!.nts !|.clpd: C8 l|ot tlon3 *13la/CfAry Inits. tC P.rriC t|o: P99-O1O7 Tl'p.: B-tl,lG PLIIBII,C Pl ll Prrc.l ro: 2101-123 -O1-0OO git. lddrcar; aS00 IETDOt m Loclglon ! a500 IlrDOi DR IDBIB lt!'l,g Itir P.t[.nt Total l.a.: 9ao. 50 lotrl NJ, ht. r Balanca! 9to,50 940.50 ,00 Accourrt codc D.lcrlpElon 9P Oo10000r1rl2o0 Pr,rEII6 PlC||lT tlls Pt 00toooo31123oo PLrf, cHacR tlta lrc Ooloooo3112eo0 |fILt cl&! lrgPlello|f rEE lrcurt 750.OO 187.50 3, OO rowN oF 'ALGNSTRU.T.N 'ERM,, orfl,"AroN F.RM INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TTE APPLICATION WILL Bf,, R,EJECTED Contac,t the Eaqte Countv Assessors Office at g7O-32E-8640 for Parcel# P po,,a *.2/ f,1 -/27_-4 - CC C ?effi1- otLB ,^r. ?,- /f- 9 ? naN*,", f/7 Ttwtp& fetzs noxa,ess: //A? Vu&/ f*zc< numuingp( Legal Description: Lot_ Block Filing SuMivision owners N^ ", K(. ("r^am/ Itl (Address: Architect: Permit # Building ( ) tls Elecaical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New Mr Number of Dwelliire Units: Alteration ( ) c^ Additional( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Receive, Numbcr and Tlpe ofFireplaces: ON lpptinces / ? Gas Logs--7- BUILDING: $ PLTIMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: own of Vail Resistration No. oloT Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contraclor: Torvn of Vail Rcsislration No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL S Phone # Addrcss: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SEP t s laoo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMLT\ITY DEVELOPEME}.T'T JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE S2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlautrl for any pcrson to litter, track or deposit. or cause to be littered- tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud- dirt. snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Noticel Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subscction A hereoi or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud- dirt snow. ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In thc event thc person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Dircctor of Public Works, or othcr authorized agent, may causc any such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow. ice. debris or any other material to bc removed from anv street or allcy at the expcnse of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicablc: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any watcr main, sewer main. electricity line, gas linc. telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or matcrials necessarv for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said matenals. D. Summons: Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes anothcr to violate thc same, mav bc issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Towr for said violations. and upon being found guilty'of a violation hcreunder be punished as providcd in Section l-ul-l of this codc. p. t totiie; Penalty: It is unlawful for any pcrson to fail or rcfuse to complv with the noticc of the Dircctor of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to palment of the cxpense of removal incurred b-v the Director of Public Works. as provided in subscction B hereof. upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder. be punishable as provided in Scction l.l-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to hoject: Darc: 7/f- I ? TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDTNG PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval. a Planning Deparhnent review of Hcalth Department revicw. and a review by thc Building Department. the estimated time fbr a total rcview mav take as long as three (3) weeks. All commcrcial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to fbllorv the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residcntial and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Horvever, if residential or smaller proj ccts impact the various above mentioned departnxents lvith rcgard to necessary revierv. these prqects mav also take the three (3) week pcriod. Everv attcmpt will be made b1- this dcpartment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigncd, undcrstand the Plan Chcck procodurc and time frame. I also understand that if thc permit is not pickcd up by the expiration datc. that I must still pay thc Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it rna-v affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet rvas tumed into thc Comrnunity Development Dept. {g *""'"""o 'o'"' o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, I999 WHEN A *PIJtsLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED PLEASE ANSWER T}IE FOLLOWING QI]ESTIONNAIRE REGARDING T}IE NEED FOR A DATE: "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': L Is this a new residencc? YTjS/( NO -r. Is demolition work being performed that rcqug91thc use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public propeny? YES_ NO 4' Is any utrlity work needed? YES V NO - l_T- vsZK- No4. Is the driveway being repaved? 5. Is a different access needed to the site other tlun the existing driveway? YES 6. 7. 8. Is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Pennit" requircd? YES NO A. Is the Right+f-Way, eascments or public propeny to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO_ B. lf NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Devclopment? YES If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at thc Public Work's office or at Community Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Conbactor Siglature Date: NO *or Is any drainage work being done th,at affects the fught-of-Way, easements, or public prop€rty?YES_ NO X/ Companv Name 1 2. J, A..i_ 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERIVIIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffrc control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one ( I ) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be laxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5m. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TOSIN OF VATIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L39 Elcctsrical---> DRB F.G Inwc6t igation> wt11 cell----> TCfrAlJ FEES- - - > EIJECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 4500 MEADOW DR Locagion. . -: 4469 Timberfalls Ct Parcel No.. : 2101-123-01--000 Projects No. : PRiI99-013L .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E99-0195 Stratsus...: ISSITEDApplied..: LO/LL/L999Issued...z to/LL/L999 Exlrires. . : 04/08/2OOO DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVBLOPMEIiIIT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLICAIiIT DAIIICI ELECIRIC Phone:719-486-0603 1838 STLVER EAGI.,E COURT, LEjADVTLLE, eO 80451 CONTRASTOR DANICI ELECTRIC PhONE: 7L9-486-0603 OWNER 1838 Srr,VER EAGLE COURT, LEADVrLr.,E, CO 90451 TII'TBERFALLS COIIDO ASSOC 4500 MEADOW DR, VArL CO. 81657 Description: Electric for new 6-plex and conduit undValuation:55,000.00 FEE €UUMARY Totel celcule!.d F6.s_--> 995.00992.00 .00 .00 3 ,00 99S.00 .00 995. OO 995.00 AddiEionaL Pec6---------> Total P.roiC Pcc--------> Pr) trcnlB--_-_-_- BAIiANCE DUE....- .OO*"*";;";;;;;";;;;;;;;;# ;;';;;;;;;;,""'""L,/L!/L999 KATIIY Act,ion: APPR Approved per-ketIEam;'65660-prnt DEPARTMENI --_- :- -DepL: FrRE Division: LO/LL/L999 KATIIY ACTION: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIETD INSPEEIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}TCE. Jrara** r.ar*irtllrrii 1*** rti *tt*rr * t i * DECLAR,ATIONS I hercby .cknoel,.€e chtts I h.ve r..d tshi,. rppLlcatlon, filt.d out tll fulI Eh. inforuaElon rGqulred, corlpl.g.d r|n rccuratc Plol plrn, and 6t.g6 Ehri r11 thc lnforn.llon provid.d a6 lcquir.d l. cgr!€c!. I rgr.r !o couPly eiEh ghe inforDrBlon rnd Plot plan, tso couply rlEh rll Tovn ordinancc! rnd.htc 1ar6, end co build ghls dErucgule rccording go Che Toun'6 zoning and Eubdivi.lon coda., dc.iEr! rcvlcr, rpprovad, IrniforE Auilding Codc and o!h.r ordin.nceE of ch. Tovn applicabl. Chereto. TBLEPHONEREQUEgTS FOR TNSPEdTTONS SHAltr BB I{ADE llfEl+Tr-8OUR HOURS rN ADVaNCE BY ******************************:t**************t****r*ifr *********** TOWN OF VAIL, COT,ORADO sEat.emnt*********************+!t**********:l****************************** statemnL Nurnber: RBc-0574 Amount; gg5.0o Lo/LL/gg 15:29 __::T:i:_T:::::: crrEcK Norar,ion: #1018/Danici rnir: KMw permir N" ; -;;; - ;;;; - - -*yp" ; -; -;;;;- - -ilil;c^r-;;il;- - - parcel No: 2101_123_01_b-oosite Addreas: 4500 MEADow DRLocation: 4469 Timberfal_ls Ct This Payment Total Fees: 995 .00 Tot,al ALL PmE,s: 99s .00 995.00Balance: - 00*****i*********:t**********!t************************************* Anount, 992 _ 00 3.00 Account Code DescriptionBP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICT,L PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL EALL INSPEqTION FBB TO!'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROTiTTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L65'7 97 0 -479 -2]-38 El6ctrical---> DRB Pa. Inv..llgaCton> wlIl crll----> TOTAti FBEA- - - > DEPART!4ENT OF COMMT'NITT DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED BLECTRICAI PERMIT ilob Address: 4500 MEADow DR L,ocaLion. .. z 4469 Timberfalls cE Parcel No.. : 2loL-L23-01-000 Project No. : PRiI99-0159 ON JOBSITE AT AI,I., TIMES PermiE #: 899-0195 StaEu8...: fSSI'ED Applied. . : Lo /LL/1,999Isgued...: IO/Ll/L999 Ercpirea. . : 04/09/2OOO Phone: 719-486-0603APPLICAIIT DANICT ELECTRTC 1838 SILVER EAGIJE COURT, COI{TRA TOR DA}IICI EI,ECTRIC I.,,EADVILLB, CO 80451 Phone: 719-486-0603 1838 STLVER BAGLE COltRT, LEADVTLLE, CO 80461 OWNER TII,IBERFALLS CONDO ASSOC 4500 MEADOW DR, VAIL, CO. 8L557 Descripcion! Electric for new 6-plex and conduiE, undvaluation: arir*i**rrrr.rr FtsE SIn{r.rARY 00 325.00 .o0 .o0 3.00 328.00 32S , OO .00 328.00 Tolal cel.culatGd F6..---> Addlcl.onal Pcca----- _--_> ToErl, Pcrlic F.c---_--__> PaFcnt6-------- 323.00 Bti,ANeE DUE----- .00 ll a a J * ,, a r a r r r r r r r r i 'i r 'r r 'r i r i ll r * r * 'r * t * r, ,, !t rr t a t t a 1 r Itrem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTIIENT _ DeB_ts: BUILDING Division: l6/tl/199-9 lrafirY Ag:gign-i APPR Approved per-kw rEbm;' 05660- rrne DEPAi.ffiENi Dept : FrRE Division:LI/LL/L999 KATITY Actsion: APPR N/A rr arltrt ijt**r ttr*rl*'rtt rra* i *i i CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIEI-,D INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. iri irrrrri'atrtt DECI,ARA:TIONS I hrlaby rcknorl.dgG ChaE I hav. r.ad tshi6 applic.tsion, fill.d outs in full Chc informtion r.quircd, coEPLegcd en rsculeCc pIots plan, rnd Elacc Ehrc r11 th. inforB.tlon provLded ar r.qulr6d i.€ corrrct. I ag..e co cooPly eltsh th. infold-ation and PLots PLan, co coElrly ri.Eh rl,1 torn ordinrnc.. |lid st.tc lar6, lnd to bulld chi. structurc eccording co ch. torn'. zoning end.u.bdivislon cod.., dcsign rcvier tpprovcd, Unifofitr Building cod. |nd othGr ordlnrDc.s of th. foi.n .PFllcrbla ghsleco. REQUBSTg FOR INSPEETIONS gI{A',t, BB MADE TI{EMIII.FOUR HOURS IN ADVA}TCE BY TEI,EPEONE If {79'2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROIi| 6:00 AI' g:OO ***:t**********!t*!t!ttl*tl****rt****************!t**!t****************** T9TT oT VAIL, CoLORADO srar,emnE*****!t*********:t*il***:l*!r**!r************************************* Statemnt Number: REC_O57S Amount: 32g.Oo Lo/LA/gg 13:32Pa]rmenE, Method: CIIECK Uoeat.ion, #1021,/Danicl rnl.E: KMW Permit No: 899-0195 flpe: B_ELEC BLECTRICAL PERMITParce1 No: 2101-123-01_-ObOsit,e Address: 4500 MEADoW DRLocation: 4459 Tinberfalls Ct This Pa)ment Total Feeg:328.00 Total ALL Pmt,E: 328.00 328.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * !r ** * !r * * * *?il*::i.. ** :l * * * * * * * ; 99. -Account Code Description a,ro'ngEP 00100003111400 EI_,ECrRiCAL pERIt{rT FEES 325. O0wc 00100003112800 wr[L CALL INSpECrroN FEE 3.OO rowN oF vArcoNsrRucroN pERMrr AptrcAroN FoRMP6qq'ol5l INFOR]VIATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contac't the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for P^arpel #-^arpe b?tqq- 0t+b '10 Building ( ) .D Plumbrng ( )etectricat }1! Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: Description of Job : Work Class: New Number of Dwelling Units: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Alteration ( ) (, Number and T1,pe of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ Address: Phone # Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE Permir# Eqq -oSl na ,laa,*,,'1414 -l'r n'.btrfr-JLS Cl' Mechanical ( )Other( ) Filing Subdivision Address:Phone# Addinonal ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood.iPellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $'lt3-1 9, 55,OoO MECHANICAL $ CONTR,ACTOR INFORMATION G€neraf Contractor: *h Address: - ,o\*' phone # OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ 8?8 glwr Town of Vail Regisuation N". . llq'l Phone # Plumhing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Registration No. Date Received ocT 11 $99 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PTJBLIC WORKS AND COMMTJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE A. B. c. D. E. CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) Unlantrl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be linered. tracked or deposited, sand. gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice. or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Dircctor of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks. mud dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event thc person so notified does not comply with the noticc within the period of time hercin specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel. rocks, mud. dirt. snow. ice. debris or any other material to be removed from any strect or alley at the expense of the notified. Exceptions: Thc provisions of subsection A hcreof shall not be applicablc: L Within the immediate arca of any constnrctiorL marntenance or repair prqect of any street or allcy or of anv water main. sewcr main. electricitv line. gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand dirt or materials necessan'for the protection of the public safety: and 3. To public areas designatcdfor the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the noticc for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate thc same. may be issued a summons to appear beforc the Municipal Court of thc Town for said violations. and upon being found guilty ofa violation hcrcunder be punished as providcd in Section l-.1-l of this code. Noticel Penalty: It is unlawful for anv person to fail or refuse to cornply with the notice of thc Director of Public Works as provided in subscction B hereof, and any such person shall. in addition to payment of the expense of rcmoval incurrcd by the Director of Public Works- as provided in subsection B hereof. upon bcing found guilt-v ofa violation hereunder. be punishable as provided in Scction l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledgcd by: (i.e. conlractor or owner) Position or Relationship to Project: : at tFozo9.oOE F l.ozo!'.o oiE o. o o o <; F F o G; o F 6 EIE o &E a0D o o o E(,7 e dE :i Ego :Eo:.ae o ..8AD688"l.l28.ACIoo IA ti xA!I(a B II tt H P qlIUHl.l d8 VTA !r t!6A!l EE toEI taEH a f. lr2'ED:osu e F, l.AZfBFIH|(I Ee FHHEo9dItaa TF 6 a E E xl. Eot{it{ictorfl 4E,8 EE E 68 e :.ql B EF frfro Hc a B ts t{H o F x ; o l.|D caI> IIr.!aI o1Eao g E9BAAI. I b0 o U o0 Ebg.s.E ;EE=; a9 s s id E x€E., "i,JE F!tr-c qJ:.=,<.i i.s " E.i;Epi 1=.s=i*?:.E.r 4{ EgZ::EE Eig:iil c +E E si E'i€EE E E€tE;E !E+ E:€ I-e= E i tr-!'J - E d 2 Tf EEE r( o I oos( , I I I I I \oJr<rl ^lAI I I I I Id o z -l rl '5 O 6 t- r'1 oa) (.)q) .|- (.) (.) vd) ,- -= =3.E .a? 5'.9sE PE =v;(JE.E bbI _5.5€E 6 A E€3-8 E 3aI-.= P€;- _jaE- =:EX(E:e = s'i.Ex: :=E:90 :xc e .3: :g=gsE (D 3.:-'! - =.-e.E i Qie7E' P- q, q) .edE.282 I ooq,I:I?EE 6h!.^Ycr5e9O F>> Qz A, -U QAv FrAv FdF U -f* Fr tv. rd Q s f..r{O => O Es E$aF\ E:e s"€;€ q,X3$S^vts^r-l \*X.L B.x'q \Ss* F8:,! rn 'l\JF-S REPT131 Rm ld:87 8:28 am Sierra Computer Syeteme Rcq. h.prd Dd.: Thur$lrt, Octob.r 12, 20lp trprc-tbn fura: GRG SlteAd&esr: 45{nHEADOWORVAIL 45M TEADOW DR TilAER FALLS AIPrD trocndon Adivity: P9&0107 Typo: SPLMB Cond Tlpc: Occuponcy: Applcad: CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING Omcr: TIMBERFALLS CONDO ASSOC Contsactof-- CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING ,,./T) Descrtfllon: PLUMBING FOR NEW SIX PLF/I A\K4 Rcq.FCor: lbc Stb Typc: NAPT , $atus: ISSUED Usc: lnsp A|ca' GRG Pfionc: 97G92&19f6- Phonc: 97GC2&1946 Rct;$d.dTfne: fi:{l0PI Phon : 3S23E7 EdcTed By: LCAMPBELL K UNIT 1906 ONLY: w|LL CALL PLEASE ALqo Ac"o n (1o c laduui(y\ rcA, J,-hr(rhr"f loor 1a-*rj I!.tXn- {'(n 't''//"" ,t(ffIql' re7:14?1[-_ .___ -VA|L,CO-rOW[OE_ R€quesbd Insp€ct Dab: lo|day, Jlnurry 28, 2OO2 Inspecton Area: G(, SlteAddress: 440S ntAER FALLS CT VAIL +468 Tlmber Falls Ct,Bfdg #19 ArPrD ln$ormatlon Actlnltv: Const Tyf6: Pairel: Appllcant: otmor: Confrclor: Descdption:l*dc.: Irlodce: Coanmant: 899{)146 21011zsx(m K.C. COtlPAl.lY Typ€: MF zulLO Occupency: Rl Sub Tv!€: NAPT(Ae: V l-HR PhorF: 97&92&0566 Sffirs: ISSUED Insp Ar€s: @ TIMBERFALLS CO}'DO ASSOC K.C. COtr,lPAllY Phone: 9?0'.926-0066 l{erv rcidenlbl Fplex Rlln6p.dhn tor C/O denb{t 112402. TCO corditlons sut nol corn9let€d. - BGTBSON Slte dlituftancg t6rrc€ & d&sdon bonhr r€qd tor parmll - GGOODELL Rhhard C6pl€3 ca[€d to,r CO lmgoctbn on Ttmt$. Fell. t would not bsue or slqn o{? on a ft|.l undl .ll $rory b renroved arid able to lmp€ct sib.-Looldng at posslbh 6srly summ€r o[ Ax)l. Rkh.d undersiood. - LSAT{DOVAL Reouested lnspectlods I Item: 537 PI-AN-FINALCTO Requ€Cor: K.C. COlrPAt{Y comm€nts: 39()6842 Rkh AsshnedTo: CDAVIS Adlbn: Requested Tlme: 0E:00 At Phon€: 97(l''PH)666 Enterod By: DFLORES K Tlme Exp: m: #*:i:fiac';+ivb'*'g€ AilA Item: 5(B Pw-Flnaldr&flyry arade I Ifth'm: lO BlD6Foo{imry'Siee I " ADDro\red * LA OfllzTlSg- hspeclor: CD ' ' fttbn: APPR APPROVED | |cofnrn€nts: erceDl Dada I I ttGflr: 20 B|.Dc-Foun<tatb|1/Sfail " Appror,ed - V(xy10/99 ln3p.ctor: CD Act{on: PA PARTIAL APPRq/^L Com|l|Gnts: PARTIAL APPRq,ALGvtoEg Insp€ctor: CD Adbn: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPAI.ICY Comments: ADDTL COMIIS - COMPLETE PAIIEL INSTALATION AllD CORNER TIES AT EAST END 09/2ry99 Insp€ctor: GRG Acilon: PA PARTICL APPROVAL Cornm€nts: ALL BUT SOTJTH ENTRANCE0921/*l Inspector: GRG Comments: S. ENTRANCE l.lOT READY1(}(899 lnsD€cbr: GRG CommorilB: S. ENTRY& OTHER COLUMNSn m: sao PLAI+|LC S[e Pbn - ADfiorrsd " O.UlgOO hEpeclor: CO Commentr: llc .outed lo dornlnlc O4124ffi Inspeclor: DOMINIC Actlon: NR t'lOT READY FOR INSP€CilON A.IIor|: APPR APPROVED Actlon: l.lONOnFlED Acllon: APPR APPROVED [r / r'\wro "t il4' ,', V,U (-b A Insoccton Hlsbrv nem: s21 plAr+tlcFoundatronpfan "ADoroved ' 4l ,rNN *ffi#gf $ffi;goelttsolt" Actron: APPRAPPRo!/ED / /yL ?U - t_, ^ ? laaa; REPT131 Run Id: 1290 01-2'}1002 ldr: I.|n: InrpecilmR-cqucst Page 5 t' BLDEFNMhO {xl(n/(xt -hroo6r: CD A.iloo: PAPARTLAI AtPRovAComrd$ cxi.otodry/fuEmrnyory(pln hErado|: -@ - A.ilofi: COCERTFICATEOFOCCTPANCYCoour. !: ADDTL Comlls - s9rryr9g{.dlh. Dtodtlou,il b3 ur.dtof r0sdrfirtrdrndrtds. hovlda *och| hcpecton rqxrtrltron compleb comDhb D.hfr|ns of d poneffionc llmuhg lkorcEthro.3..mDfc$!pc[ bp 9bf! dr|.fD hctof proD.rrpflclm hcil grcqnr DbcfrogA.f Ft|bqtlnof|ohbUtFre mFlhgffiil dc ec6 r(|tl |re l5clglg lrd (nop c*Ei$!p at plbr,ft.r l*mbhg F|rffiona l|tv. cr.d.d r n tch h tr.log phbSOBLDGheUF[on -AoorocO-(Efl5rm hD.cbc JRil- Acilon: APPRAPPROT/EDcofirturb: APPR YWTH COhlDlItOtrlSi(xi,la/m h69.ctor: fitl A.Jon: COCERTIFICTITEOFCICCIP I.ICYCo||rn€dr: ADDTL COI|I|S . TO ADD NA|. ruiTES U}HERE TftS9h|(I,COT|PLETE CAI,,LKT\B OF ALL PENETRAT T.ISJ'IIL PI-AIES RE@ AT GAS TTfE BE}DShm: f,, BlDersh.docf Nil CY17,m FED.cbr: cRG COITNr|IE: EXT. GYPSI,'I' SHEATTT{G... AcIIOn: PAPARTIALAPPRCA,A O{/:lUm trD.cbc eRCl A.ilon: APPRAPPRCruEDCoffir.r6: REMAIiEER AoPRO'i/EO...Oilrzgm fiEoeclor: GRO A.lbn: COCERTFICATEOFOCCUPAI.ICY Cofln nl3: ADDTL COUilSi - TOI-O CHRIS ON PflOf\|E Ttl T STEEL BEAtrtS & COLtnffqS DO I.EED TO BE F.lD mUALtY PROTECTED FOR l-HR RRE RESISTAIICE, EXCEPT T}|AT Al.lY ON TOP FLOOR STFPORThIG RC'OF O}[.Y I.IEED I.IOT BE NDN'TOUALY PROTECTED, MAY BE vnT}TI.{ ASSEI{BLY. CTRN; SAD T}EY TYOI.,I.D BE t'ShIO SPRAY FIREPR@FII.|G} TO PROTECT TTE STEEL STRI.'CTIJRAL MEMBERS TO t.}N.,R, OS07/OO Fspedor: GRG lcdon' PAP RTI/{LAPPROVA Conrn r{3: E. SID€ + I I4YER LIDG w(E/07100 lrl3D€cbr: GRG A.ilon: COCERnECATEOFOCCUPAI.ICY COilN''dr: ADbTL COT'IMS. EAST 3 UN]TS COMPLETE. I}.ICLUD${G 2 LAYERS O}.I CEILIT.IGS, ALSO LOOI(ED AT 1ST LAYER ON LIDS IN WEST 3IJI.IITg. WEST 3 OfiER-W I.IOT COTIPLETE. O6/2Om [lsDecbr: CD A.ilon: PAPARTIALAPPROVAT Co.rrn nl3: n'.af unlrl$t,lg}3.lqls O7,G/[X! ln p.clor: JRtl Acfoo: PA PARThL APFRO\rAL Corwnenb: APFR B/fSEMEltlT ENTIRELY O7,mOO [l39.ctor: JRM Acdon: CoCERTFICATEOFOCCIPAI.,ICY Comm€nlr: ADDTL COIiMS - CEfLll.lG LID l-lAS 2 LAYER S TYPE X nom; 70 Bl-DGMhc. " ADprovbd - Od02/00 bEDoctor: .rRm Ac[on' AFPRAPPRO\rED Comr.|il3: APmWmHCOilEITK)N Od0-210O ksD.cbr: JRM Adon: COCERTIFICATEOFOCSLFAIICY COfi'N'IT!: ADDTL COTil'S. TO COIFLETE REAR CPLI'MNAI@ DECK ON TilDDLE TEVEL [em: S) BLDeFh.l *Alproved" An2n1 hspocbl: GRb Ac0on: APAPPRCn/ED Conf,mnt3: Al prevbus bulldlm cod6 cor€ctlo,r|t comdet , hclrdlm .ddlUoo of h.ndrsll b &d( for Ur{1$t & ftpbcdn nil of dilEg.d t$n toir,i, & a[ coo.fruclFn on h||l(f,ng .pps|r b b. cofnpbLd.hn: Sfl) BIDG.'TilD.C/O "Apgluld-Gf'19,6 hc9.or: GRG -' A.ilon: APCRAPPROITED|CORRECTEIRECU)Conmdlb: 5OF6L ITtlCXFCnTCO ory|S,(D lrcrclor: GRG Acdon: @CERTIFICATEOFOCCITP T{CY Coilfn€Ob: ADDTL COilIIS . APPROVED FOR T@ RE BUN,Dr.|G COOES. ST,B.ECT TO T}€ {XVt7/00 kspector: GRG Acilon: COCERTFICATEOFOCCTPANCY CO'|IilTNE: ADDTL COMMS . EXTERIOR GYPSUII 8}€ATTIhG WAS YOSTLY DC'NE, APPRO\GD TO COI/ER AT.IY THAT WAS COIIPLETE AT TN|E OF T\FPECTIO$I. TON.D RICH TO RESC}€DIJLE W}|EN ALL WAS OOIPLETE. ALL SI{EATI{hIG WAS 5A EITERER FRE. RE$STNE TItrE. ASO TOID }[t| I UVOI.|LD CFGCK TO SEE IF STEEL COLt,,tIiIS AIID BE^ilS TYOLi.D T.IEED TO BE hDII/DI.'ALLY FFE FROTECTED. FOLLoI,I/$IG CONTXT|oNTS: tI EXCLTD€S TJPPER LE\GL t,T{TIt lfi,rsTALso r{AvE T.C.O.]R TOACTT'AL R FOR r,t{T 1901.IEFI\FTALED NSNBASEIENT:.ELrA€OtKtTRtr, DICAPPEDLFT,& WORKS&FNE D€PTS. l(I/O.gm h3D.&r: GRG Ac0on: IIRI{OTREADYFORINSFECTOI.IcomsrrD: Lt{T lgF. co}rTR cToR C,ANCELLED.IM}ffIO hCD.C5fi GRG AcJon: },TR}.IOTREADYFORhISPECTIONcoflnrils: tnmts.collTR cToRcAl.tcEtIED.l(ylztn k|lp*br: CRO A.0on: APAPPRCnED Conilte|rb: t lrIT 1906. BLDG @DES TCOON.Y. ALSOCOnFRTED l.*R SELFCLOShIG D@R AT l{EC}tAl,llCAL R@tl. LdYER LEVEL. Ff,{AL FhIAL REHT131 Rnn Icl: L29O 01-28-2002 Inspec{on Request Reportlng Page 6 __ vAlL. co -Towtrl oF GYAYOO lmpoctor: Comments: APPROVED LS- Approv€d - Itsm: s.j:l PLAI+TEMP. CJO " ApFo\r€d " 09/19/00 Inspclor: ALLISON Conurents: $rllfi cordluons try{Woo lnsD€ctor: ALISON Acdon: COCERnFCATEOFOCCUPATICY Corrnor{s: ADTL COiIMS - pttlttt dowrFponl ori boct ol buldlng p.int .ll t rrili b rdch polnt roof ysnE b nrdch .Lh re.r $alr .ldn ril l;.,[il nrctcr rtld rddnioftl po|.[dlh* n3m: 537 PtAl+F[.lAL C/O Acton: APPR ATPRO'VED Ac{bn: APPRAPPROVEO tHl3O1 FEpa6r: b-S Ac{ofl: DND€MED Cofirmad!: All rranE mu$ b. palnt d t0 m.ich bulkllng s)(brlor.llem: 538 RRE-FIMLC/O -Apsored-, qq2q{)l tEp€ciof: mvaqlhan Acdofl: APAPPROVED Item: 539 PIV-RMLC/O "ADDrored"0{l23t01 InBp.ctor: LS Acuon' CONDAIoPROVED/CO}|D|TIOi,|S Comrnents: DKAII.IAGE FROII PARXII.IG tOT AI.ID ROOF DRAIN ARE CAUSII.IG WATER TO FLO/T, DOWN STEPS TO LOVI/ER UMT OI.I WEST SID€ OF COi'PLEX. TTIERE 15 A DRAIN PIPE BUT MAY llOT BE BIG Etlot GH TO }IANDLE THE WATER. tilENTlClNED TO RlCl-Y K.C. COTiPAIIY. HE WAS TOTAIG CARE OFISSUE. O1n4tA2 |nspoctor: LS Actbn: APAPPRO\GD Comments: AltPRovED PER LEONARD ftem: 5il0 BLDC'-FkEI CYO031301 lmoecto.: GRG Actlon: tlO l.lOTlFlED Comments: A[ irlher ssroclsled p$miti tlnrled. Thts p€fmlt rho ]ras tlncl bulldlng codG ir|spedoni s?pro\r!|3. WaffiE ihly on fire, prrnning & publ|c rriodG Flnrl gO rpFro\''t. REPT131 Rurr Id: 1,290 flug 13 99 lO:lOa PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. 370-47 ) 6-8616 AU6 17 TO\/.CO|I4I , DEV, DEPT, PEAK IAND SURVEYING, INC P5AK C]VIL ENGINE€i?ING, INC. 97A476-8614 . tPJ<97A476^A616. tOoO LION'S RTOGF rOOp . VAiL. CO 8t65i/ 81t3n999 Mr. Greg Amsden AMS Development, Inc. - .".---*:, ---].---'-. Re. - "Timber Falls Buildine #-li.-fire-Fiil-BFncnfrff- Dear Greg, This.letter is regarding the elevation discrepancy discovered on said project. The benchmark referenced on t}e Site Development plan, which is indicated as being the "Basis of Elevations" (MH 026), does not correlate with the existing elevations cn the sile. Utilizing the Benshmark referenced in the lener aom Intermountain Engineering, Inc. dated August lq 1999 (c.p. #222), does appearto match the elevations and topography as shown on said site plan. It is my recommendation that any references to a project benchmark in the construction documents be changed to indicate the correcr benchmark. Thus, the building elevafions and site grades as shown would match the new project benchmark. Please fbel fue to call me if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, --'7r41. Sam Ecker, P.L.S. 6Aiiali399 77| n8 o 978-949-9339 e INTER.MTN ENG, Tf,'| 1.,n i,i:,: IUY='"v' :ri.' t,,'i it I Inter-Morrntairr /lLElglneertngr.a- Atgud lq 1999 Mr. GregArnsdcn AMS Derrelopment Inc. Thc lltrcn building 5{X} South Frontagc rord E. Suitc l12 V8il, CO t1657 Via Frx: 47646?7 RE: Sitc 19, tinber Falls Project No. 9E-0o32S Dear Greg: A rite bcnchmar* has bcen esrablished for the reftrcnccd properry to bc C.P. 1222 wilh an elemtion of E50?..31. Tlus point is markcd with e PK nail in the odstrng asphalt in thc parking lot and ir located S 625' W, 96.7 fe*:t from thc southwcrt comar of Sitc 19 and S 76"59' W, 56.E fcct fiorn tln comcr common to Site 19, rnd the most easterly comcr ofPhasc 9. Ifyou havc eny furthcr qucstions plcase call. Duanc D. Fehringer, P.E. l! 8392 Conlin€nlal Otvi(b P.oad, Suite t107 . Lllll€ton, Colocdo 30127 r Phone;3&, 148-022() r Fax: 3O3l*18-6526 77 luelcalt Road, *200 t Bor 978 r Avon. Coloracb 81620 , Phons: 97ff9495072. F/om Denwr Disct: 698-1531 PAGE 61 i'ii I it,: ,; I Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Timber Falls Buitding #19 Project Description: Construction of a new 6 unit condominium building Owner, Address and Phone: Bluffs at Timber Fall, LLC ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Greg Amsden, 500 S. Frontage Rd East, Suite I12, Vail CO 81657 Project Street Address: 4469 Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lot 19, Timber Falls Parcel Number:Building Name: PRI99-0040 Comments: 1. Must obtain Fire Department approval of fire flow. 2. Provide stone veneer on all exposed surfaces of concrete retaining walls. Motion by: Bill Pierce Seconded by: Melissa Greenauer Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:4/22199 Board / Staff Action Action: approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 t March 25, l999 Kurt Davis 500 S. Frontage Road East, Suite I 12 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Timber Falls-Site l9 proposed 6-plex Dear Kurt: Thc Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC), at its April 13, 1998 meeting, found that Phasc X (Building #19) of Timber Falls has a vested development right for one structure in the cxact fomt size, dcnsity [6 dwelling units], and configuration as Building #18 and that anything in addition to or diffcrent than specifically that, will requirc a PEC review and approval of an amended plan. The actual building footprint of Building # I fl or 20 is 2,353 sq. ft. which does not includc the covered stairs betwccn the two halves of the building. The proposed footprint of Building #19 is 2,353 sq. ft. which also does not include the breezeway bctween the two halvcs of the building. The proposcd breezeway for Building #19 is approximatcly 732 sq. ft. in arca, which is approximately 432 sq. ft. largcr than on Building #ltt or 20. The proposcd Building #19 also does not utilize all of thc Gross Residential Floor Area that it would allowed by the April 13, 1998 approval due to building height. sitc covcragc. and newcr Building Code restrictions. It has bcen determined by thc Building Division that thc breezcways (covered stairs) that exist on Buildings # I 8 or 20 do not meet cunent minimum Building Codc standards for exiting. The Building Division has also determined that the proposed breezcway for Building #19 is the minimum necessary to comply with the Building Code. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Community Development Department that the proposed footprint and breezeway for Building #19 complies with the intent of the PEC's April 23, l99tl dccision since the change in Building Code has created the need for a larger breezeway. Page l of2 This decision will be reported to the PEC at it's April 12, 1999 nreeting. Any affected person wishing to appeal this decision shall do so within l0 days fromthe date this decision becornes final. Ifyou have any questions, please call re at 479-2148. Sincerely, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Planning c: TomMoorhead, Town Attorney Timber Falls Master Homeowners Association Page2 of2 FILECOP? TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 24, 1999 Kurt Davis 500 S. Frontage Road East #112 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposed 6-plex Timber Falls Site l9 Dear Kurt: The Community Development Departrnent has completed a review of this proposed project. The following list of issues must be addressed prior to a final review of the proposal with the Design Review Board. Plcase address thc followins: l.The site coverage proposed for this site is 3,085 sq. ft. The PEC approved the same amount of site coverage as the previously recognized Bui lding # I 9 (or Building #20). The site coverage of that building is 2,653 sq. ft. (2,353 sq, ft. of building footprint plus 300 sq. ft. of breezeway, as digitizcd from Shcet A2.1, Datcd 813198, prepared by RKD forprevious submittal). Therefore, the proposed plan is 432 sq. ft. over on site coveragc. Plcase rcvise the plan accordingly. ('9te re.',sA Lf ,a,n\etk.') Show how access between the proposed development and Building #18 will be maintained. Show the location ofthe proposed and existing path on the site plan. Please also provide a site plan at a smaller scale showing this entire sitc, Building #18 and 20 (whole building), and the parking area in ftont ofthe adjacent buildings. Cleariy show the existiug and proposed improvements in front of Building #20, including all vegetation and landscaping being removed and any being proposed. I recommend contacting the Association for Building #20 in writing to let them know how their parking is being affccted with this request. Also, it is my understanding that a master association has been formed for Timberfalls. If this is the case, an approval letter from the master association will be necessary to proceed through the review process. 4. Please indicate a limits of disturbancc line on the site nlan. Provide a note that a 2. J. {,7 *un"uo'n'u O. ,:, r,r4 ,',o,e- 't*""." I I consfuction fence and siltation banier will be erected on this limit Drior to construction on- site. Please move the dumpster from its proposed location to the east eud of the parking area, a\ryay fromBuilding #20.. Please provide elevation drawings oftheproposed enclosure. Provide samples of building materials. The DRB at its last meeting reviewed the plans. They recommend trying to obtain a greater roof pitch. 8. The Fire Department has indicated that there a need to study flre flow and hydrant locations to this site. Please contact Mike McGee to determine how you might go about making this determination. He can be reached Lt 479-2135. 9. If you are able to grade offof the property, you could eliminate several of the retaining walls. You may want to cxplorc this possibility. 10.Youareproposingtosavea16"coniferon-site. Thistreewillnotbeabletobesavedbythis development. You should redesign or provide some mitigation for this tree. I 1 . Please show a rip+ap chase and rip-rap lined ditch to carry runoff from parking area. Also, tle drainage to the west crosses the property line. You may need to provide a lined swale in this area ifyou are not using an established and vegetated swale. Please revise the plans and resubmit to me by April 7 to remain on the April 21 DRB agenda. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Planning o 5. 6. Page 2 of 2 ohn G, nfrtio - Architect CREAT]VE ARCH ITECTURAL DESIGN PIIONE: (303) 861-8794 FAx: (303) 66r-8794 johngmatin@Jev€st net Memo Frcm: Drt E Re: Dominic ilauriello Chief of Planning, Tom of Vail, Department of Community Development 75 S. Fontage Rd Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 47$2138 otrce (97O) 47*2452tar< John G. Martin unTtw Tirlcerfalls #19 - Proposed 6dex Dear Dominic, The attached sr-bmittal drawirEs address the March 24 list of isslres with the folloMng exceptims. No. 3 - The drawings shc^ / the relocation of vegetation and parking spaces in tont of Building *20. The approval letter from the master association and owters of Building #20 is forthcoming. Greg Amsden is $ill negotiatirg with the Timberialls Associatim. You may contad him with updates m he negotiations and any concems you have regardirE this item. No. 6 - We would like to use the samples of building materials used on the color board for Tallpines Lot 2 house. The materials and colors used will be the same. lf lcan get those back from you at an appropriate time, I can constud a new materials board. No. 8 - Greg Amsden is cunently investigating previous development information about the nearest firetrydrant. When we have that information in writing we will meet with Mike McGee and diso:ss this rssr.le. No. 9 - Negotiations with the Timberfalls Association mentioned earlier are also concemed with the issue of grading and landscaping onto neighboring properties. Greg 5t6"n has the latest information about this issue. Thank yor, Date Recetvet APR o ? ru99 &a.zf:-z' John G. Mariin a Page 1 Hmsden,Fourler RE 9?O-.*76-8637'l;;';oAPR-29-1999 15:81 ENTERPRISFS AR{ll. 20' 1999 To: Tcnrn of Varl Plaon-ing Staff Re: Uti.l'iEles,. SiLe 19 Timberfall-s Fax #476-863? T.imberf:alls'Assoc-iatlon- pLeesenlly owns aII the remaining g'round not' deeded' to existi'ng Timberfalls Condominiurn"Agwci:rLi'ons. I'f thi's' pr'oPeEty needs to be utilized to provide access for utilities to"Fite 19, that access t^ri.lf be granted:: ff you:.h'vE'any guestions ini-ghi+ 'rcgac4'. pl€.a.se'd.o.:not'. hes'i:-te'tq to contact me. 4-/ffi37 P.O7/61 iates partner TOTfl- P.A1 r.ffiEIE ',tt Fr tant-Sra.EIEFI'HTnl ffitFEAlE fEr^tr5mlr* ar|8 STlY{GtrnrutrE*ilEt --r cE-.|t-z I "g .?t\-t o #r" trt; '9 6;rb ni G d6 tl-_o onlltnq mrIlx:9 CFUl r89.. ox - nlL 9DsLi<"9S...l9S o66 (o rO fr"i rr ui ilfg$l t r.tt H{x oftl <: =i lit pI B[ rtl oo ru t I tAroTaacnc Yv.l 7e'tf .rd t'f t'^NI I,'Ivw 5 NIIN Tcnltl o 0W Tu,s tfirt4't!4/' rlrlea-flne lqler af fute cole @Te/arrfe eXiE celt/afcrl P/ fz- flrte 4iaq'arta ( lir{zrtrrf ttue erfrire bqlllinqtfuf if ,{oe,1a4V fuu_te ryF#fry,rir,'f#ffiI w'til agfi'auf lt" &kY L7:23 N0.001 P.01ID: MRY 12'01o lf,*-" Com*inity Developttnt ntn Routil -- t Thnber FallsBldg' 19 a58o Meadow Driv! Timberfalls Sub Derrieal (cite detailed reasons) ----APProvcd with corrditions Approvcd Ireg t lall, Public Works Proioct Name: Projoct Addrcrs: Projcot t'cgal: Project DescriPtion: 4rr ,i '. 'l' ,rin, i.\ '-__# l(cvicwul bY: ?" Printed by Dominic Maurie 3/25/99 17am From: Dominic Maur1e11oleo: Greq Hal]., M1ke McgeeSubJect: fwd: Timberfa]-].s :=:NOTE==- ==3 / 25 /99=:7 ! 31am--I am qoing ahead and faxing my commentsEo tshe a.pp].j.canc. f wi].]. ].ets tslrem know tso eltsher contsact you direct'].y or btratswe w111 forward Irour conrmentss l-a!er. Ttranks, Dom Fwd=btz ! =Mike-McQre e=:==3 /25 / 9 9:=8: 12am--Fwd to: Domlnic Mauriello Our on]-fr comment (er) were we raeed todecermine f j.re f low and revl.e\^r f irehydranE ].ocatslons for comp]-l.ance. t FILE Cur r DESIGN REVIEW BOABD FINALAGENDA Wednesday, March 17, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community D,evelopment Oepartment 11:30 pm O Discussion of development of A-Frame site located at Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Brent Alm Hans Woldrich Bill Pierce SITE VISITS 1. Hoversten-95 Forest Road2. Antlers - 680 West Lionshead Place3. Marriott-714 Lionshead Circle4. Timber Falls -4469 Timber Falls Court5. Tall Pines -2239 Chamonix Lane6. Bridge Street Building - 281 Bridge Street7. Shaper - 2645 Bald Mountain Road 8.Driver: George 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Sonnenalp - New canopy on east side entry way. 20 Vail Road/Part of Lot K, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Johannes Faessler MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Bill Pierce APPROVED W]TH 1 CONDITION: MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 1. That the relief panels on the wall adjacent to the canopy edge shall be painted to match. VOTE:3-0 3:00 pm Brent z-Cummings residence - Final review of a new single{amily residence and Ty,pe I employee housing unit. 1835 West Goie Creex Drive-/ Lot 20, VailVillage west 2nd Filing Applicant: Greg and Janice Cummings CONSENT APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: Jeff "\ 1. That the stonework around the windows next to the south side door be eliminated.2. That the windows be centered on the south side of the garage.3. That brackets be added to the south side deck. 3. Hoversten residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. Jeff 95 Forest Road / Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Philip Hoversten, represented by Snowdon & Hopkins CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Leach residence - Final review of a single-family residence. Jeff 1390 Buffehr Creek Road/Envelope B, Parcel 4, Briar Patch #8. Applicant: David & Jody Leach, represented by Ron Diehl MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS; 'l . That the exterior finish materials receive staff approval.2. That a staff approved limits ol disturbance fence be required. 5. Shaper residence-Conceptual review of new garage. Jetf 2645 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Village 13'n. Applicant: Steve Shaper CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 6. Antler's - Conceptual review of the establishment of Special Development District No. 36.Jeff 680 W. lionshead Placei Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7. MarriotVGore Creek Club - Conceptual review. George 714 Lionshead Circle / Marriott Mark. Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, Inc., represented by East-West Partners CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 8. Meadowbrook Condos - Conceptual review of an exterior remodel. George 1933 Buftehr Creek Road/Lot 41 . Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicant: MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That the DRB recommends the new deck railing should appear similar to the existing wood railing.2. That if stone around the base of the building is not an option, an alternate color of stucco with a relief band at the top be used and that this band be varied/broken in height from exterior wall to exterior wall. 9. McDonald's - Sign application. George 2'l 11 N. Frontage noaOlt-ot 28, A resub of Lot 2, Vail das Schone 3'd. Applicant: McDonald's MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the sign have a matte finish. 10. Bridge St. Building - Final review/paver replacement and snowmelt system for walkway. Dom 281 Bridge Street/Lots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Mark Cadmus, Bridge Street Condo Association MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 6 GONDITIONS: 1. That they provide an 8" soldier course.2. That irrigation be provided to planters and trees.3. That a new light fixture be provided in the planter at the north end on Bridge Street and that the existing fixture be relocated to the planter on the south end of the property. 4. That the paver color match the blend used at the Austria Haus in a herring bone configuration.5. That the flue vent detail be approved by staff.6. That the tree species be worked out with staff. 11. Tall Pines - Conceptual review of 2 duplex structures. 2239 Chamonix Lane/Lots 1&2. Tall Pines Subdivision. Applicant: Paint Brush - Tall Pines G.P., represented by Kurt Davis TABLED 12. Timber Falls Building #19 - Conceptual review of a new 6-plex. 4469 Timber Falls CourVUnDlatted. Applicant: Greg Amsden TABLED 13. Glen Lyon Office Building - Conceptual review. 1000 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision, Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE Staff Aporovals Bakalar residence - Minor revision to previously approved plans. 780 Potato Patch Driveilot 17, Block 1, VailPotato Patch. Applicant: John & Christine Bakalar Dom Dom Dom Brent TOV Community Development Dept. - Remove garage doors and replace with windows. Dominic 111 S. Frontage Road Applicant: Town of Vail BrentGolden Peak Ski Base -Window frame addition. 458 Vail Valley Drive/A ponion of Tract F, Vail Village 5'n Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Tutog - Loft addition. George 22 West Meadow Drive #302A/illa Cortina Applicant: Robert Tutag Axelrod residence - New garage addition with storage. Dominic 2578 Arosa DriveiLot 1, Block C, Vail das Schone #1. Applicant: Arthur and Judith Axelrod Bowen residence - Fle-siding of 2nd floor of house. Allison 5047 Main Gore Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Bighorn 5"'. Applicant: Peter G. Bowen Jewels of the West - Sign-wall. Jeff 225 Wall StreeUBlock C, Vait Vittage t". Applicant: Bob Akkad Goolsbee residence - Deck extension. Brent 1 450 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 23 Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision. Applicant: Charles & Carol Goolsbee Higuera residence - Porch enclosure. Brent 1 406 Moraine Drive/Lot 3, Dauphiais-Moseley Subdivision. Dr. Gilbert & Margaret Higuera Mitchell residence - Addition of exterior stairs. Brent 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1. Applicant; Mr. Mitchell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. gu..r;onrQ:ai thc i'ii,:.ning Sraiiai -l , >-- l-lJ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RBVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION lrtylS - 06+o This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccive Dcsign Revicw approval prior to subniffing for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot be acccptcd until all thc requircd infbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Plaruring and Envirouurcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc.ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:Anc*iircrupn r€v TOWN OFVAN L. n E. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: .L9 B,{f€Tft F{+JNC PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL X. l t ot - ( L| - oo - oo I (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-E640 for parcel #) F. C. ZONINC: LDH F. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: ONE: OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS:SAII€ A( ouril€/lJ PHONE: SAPIE Construction of a new building. Includes any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial buildrng. $20 lncludcs nrinor changes to buildings and site improvcmcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the tirnc of subrnittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identifo thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fbc according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 81657. H.w)EoF REVTEW AND FEE: EI New Construction - $200 tr Addition - E Minor Altcration - $s0 o gUtLoINC VlteRIALS, LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:.2 '*6 ATft<uL€, piz.fAzLA.L.) / Ce.,ccLE:< !;fte*f tl 'l {r [7A,.rr.gp Fu+r,t( tAr,,i'itr D'-1 t'ia7c,11 r/+y i/^ I'J 4, 5{e 9rT€ Ptt*x: Foc't-e€P tv/*LL,(> - 6Fta Si-ra Fc-ftJ S{ € *ft,crwq c L"r- 3tt7,,7 ,^**"#^Y*a Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door J'rinr l'land or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chirnncys Trash Enclrisurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting+* Other i Please specify thc nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip +*All cxtcriorlightingmustnreettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate the nunrbcr of fixhrcs and locations on a sqraratc lighting plan. Identis cach fixture type and provide the height above grade, lunrens outp'ut, lunrinous arca. and aftach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtues. Updatcd 6/97 o PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanlc Conrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc+ dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous hccs - 6 fcct in hcight shnrbs - 5 gallons Squarc Footagc PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL t E E. /-^.t.-)p<(."+ F t FUy -_Li4{-L,c * Mininturn rcquircntcnts for lanrlscaping: Typc oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURESlretaining walls, fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) pleasc specifu. Indicate top andbottom clevations of rctaining walls' -Maximtrnr height of walls rvithin t-he fiont setback is 3 flet. i,taxirnum hcight ofwalls elscwhcrc on the property is 6 fect. Uldatcd 6/97 Suir.oirrc Sirg *J9, frlrea fiu-s G^latlido't) UTTI,IT}' LOCATION VERIFTCATION This form is ro vcriS scrvicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availability of utilities. whethcr thcy bc rnain tnrnk lincs.or proposcd lincs. must bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilirics for thc accompanying sitc plan. Datc see. eHqc-L{-c?= 7 4 / 2-26-?? (ds ,t"u Pc<.,e" l./ron,t &"r. ) =-\ '-^ '4--7erz' La,:*:_ Loc ry'ozr/"cA z q'fi- 5t1? U.S. Wqst Comrnunication.s | -800-922- I 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Conrpany 949-578 | Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5It92 Tcd Husky/J.olur Boyd T.C,1. 949-5530 FIoyd Salaz;rr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & .Sanitation District * 476-74811 Frcd Htslcc Authorizcd Signaturc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signlturct. Firq llorv nccd.s rnust bc addrcsscrl. NOTES: l. Ifthc utility vcrification fornr has sighaturcs fronr each ofthe utility companics. and no colunlcnts arc tttadc dircctly on thc forrrr. thc Town rvill prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcnrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. lf a utility company has conccms with thc proposcd construction. thc utility rcprcscntativc shall note dircctly on thc utility vcrification form that there is a problcm which nceds to bc rcsolvcd. Thc issuc should thcn bc dctailcd in au attachcd lcttcr to thc Town of Vail. Howcver, please kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to rcsolvc identificd problems- Thesc vcrificatious do not rclicvc thc conhactor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcnnit front thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must bc obtaincd bcforc digging in any public right-of-way or cascnlcnt within thc Town of vail. A 2. 3. Updatcd 5/97 PAGE.AA? Thir fonn is to vcrify scrvicc av.ilabiliry nnd location for ncw coosrruerion ard shoutrt hquscd in conjuncrionlvith nrcpnrinS your utility ptan anrl sctrcduting instattrrtions. Thc locarion ana a"ait"lit;g of urilitiss. whdhcrthcy be miin trunk lincs or pccrfoscd.lincs, *rit rr a1r."cd ald vcrifkd uy rt,o:r"io*ng ufilirics for rhcacconrparying sirc plan, AurhoriaCtd Signatrrrs Air&U.S. West Co{nrnunrcations . r -800.922- | 987 468"6860 or 949-{5t0 Prrbtic Scrvice Cunrpany 949.579 | Gary Hall Holy Cors Elcctric Assoq; 949-5892 Tcd HuskylJohn Boyrt T.C.r. 949-55.10 Floyrl Salazir Eitglc.RivcrWatcr &.Sanitnion Disrrict r 416i4il1 Frcd ltt*lcc - 6* flfnr,rt Fr- pust o,l-fu *u ^76e J -+t -q7 ' I'lca'sc bring a sitc phrn. floor phn. nnd otcvatioor whcn obtaining uppr Eaglc valtcy watcr & sa^irrrtr onsrgrroturcll. Firc llol nccds rnust bc addrcsscrl. . NOTES; I ' lf thc utiliry vcri{ication fornr has sigmtrrres front cach of the utitity compapics, and nocollurrcnls etc nradc dircctly on lhc tbrm, thc Town rvilt prcs(nnc th"t th.r" qc no prgbtcn6 andthc dcvclopnrcnr cao, orocccrl. .lfa wility conrpnny..hasconCcmr,urith the proporcd construutron, thc urititl rcprcscntativc shallnotedirrctty on tha utitity vcrification form that thcrc is aproblcm which "i",f'. a ,r" *of"of .fic'iss*c shorild tho' tc dctaircdin'an atech'cd rctrer to thc Toud of Vait. Hovcv6, pJsur. l"lg Ttld_ll.t it is thc rcsponsibility of rhc ,r$frg .omr,*y"nO in" "ppf ir* io"oofr" /. 3; idortifitd problanrs., Iy":,X:1*"#.gT:::g::.lfj:fq:!,1gf tlc rcspoosibiliry ro obrainasrrbric,way*,wa) :,TT:P*:THnt*fubric worh at rhc rown'of vair. u,iri,trfocitionrrr,rrLls ghgi+Cd bcfqc di |;gilrg in any publ ic righr.of_ way o. *..n*nt. *ri riltt$tqtfrc'l'o\r/n vf Vnl. f, FI,,[ *AVON, COLO*U Suir-oir-ra Srttr *J9, Tilbea frlr^s Gu.uotlipirrru 'rfi-st11 U.S, Wcr{ Comnrurr igntionr | -tt00.912. | 987 468-6860 or 919.4.{30 hrblic Scrricc COnrFany 94t tTlr I &ry Hnll Holy Crts Ekc|as A*\oc, e{9.51192 Tcd litrrikyDolin lloyrJ r',c,t, 94 9.55:t0 Floyrl Sirlaz:rr Elglc ltilcr Wnlcr & Snnit;rrion Olilriu . 476 74ttl l rtd I litrlcc r2. itl. gg L-ti: FEg 2e-99 01 11? PM Fr:2 P'45 ujt t.l r r, LqJ+tTl o LvlJr I Frcaatofi Thir fonn ll to vcCry ucrvisc rvrrilublliry rnd location fcr ncw q96.51rugtlon anC thosld bc rrscd in corjrrncripa *irrr nrnl''nnn ii:ll':lriT |;]ll:::li':l::, i;u, I {i1rluurL Tlulrrurr[urlyrtlu,ldlril[llft'ulll!l,l,rrt!t[ .ru l rccont pnnying sitc plnn, Itr& 'h6hL o? / ci'it ' l'lc,rsc lrrirtE a site plirn. floor pl;ur. rrrcl clcvatiu:rt wlrcn otrtainirrg Upper liaglc Vallcy Wltcr & Sirrril;rliorr sigttiihrtctt, Firc tlutv ltccds rrrrrsl bc nrllr u:.ssd. XOTI;S: I.lf thc utility vcrilicarion ftrrrn has siB'naturcs fronr cach of thc ulllity contpi,nics, oril no co[\r cfltii arc iurrlu rtircctly on tlrc f0rrrr. thc Town r,vill prcsutrtc that thcrc itrc no l]rot)lr:lllt iutd thc dcvclqtrtrcrrt c;rrr prucccd lfa utility con)pirny hlr conccrns with lhc nroposcd constnrction,llrc utilil/ tel)rcscntr(ivc thxll ntic dircctiy un thc utility vcrification lbnn thal thcfc is a goblcrn which nccrts to trc rc$Qlvcrl, Thc its.'c rhould tlrcn bc dctailcrJ in flo stt chcd lcttcr 16 rhc Town of Vril, llowcvcr, |lcasc kccp itl rttlnd rhqt it is tlic rcspon:iibilltl cf th"- uiility conrpany and tlrc alplicant lo rc.solvc irlurti6cd problcnrs.._ Thcsc vcrificltiurrr d{r fir)l r,;licvc lhc c(rrtr ctor cf tlrc rcrnonsibility iu oblain a I'rrhlic Way Pcnnrt fronr thc Dcp,rnnrcnt o l' Fubl ic Works at l hc l pwn of Vail, Utililv locati.Q[l_UufSllc oblairrcrl,llc{prc drrlpiltg irr arry nublic right ol wny gr cirscr)lcnt withitr tfic'l(tvrt of Vnil. I Lrrildi nurcnDil is nor.q,Prrblic W-avJcrnrir and UUUI lc o btai nsd-aspsaGb. 4 1t6.1$crt ht9tr r I r I I I I r r I r r I r I I r I I !.,=.= E E E. l 1 Aulhmizcdliiqnrrurc ll.4 u' tn ' Timberfalls Building #1 9 Vail, Colorado Developer, Amsden, Davis, & Fowler Vail DRB Submittal Date:3-15-99 Materials and Golors Roof Material: Celotex 40 year Asphalt Shingle Color: Weathenruood 2x4 tascia over 2x12 Sub-fascia Color: Superdeck DB 1906'Valle/' Deck Posts, pickets, railings: Color: Superdeck DB 1906'Valley" Allvertical board and batten siding, All horizontal t&g cedar siding, All cedar corner trim boards, Allwindow headers sills, and trim in wood wall All "belly-band" cedar trim boards, All cedarT&G soffit boards, Color: Superdeck DB 1906 Valley" Lower base stucco (darker) Color: SW 2051 "Beach House" Upper stucco (lighter) Color: SW 2053 "Coast Point" All window headers, sills and trim in stucco wall Color: SW 2051 "Beach House" Aluminum Clad Wood Windows Color: "Rustic' -T?,rr"r}-.tls ,ara1^ t'fy Y+*<ri af S So€dy glo6s ponels. tulid &oss 6 hghl. (i0 W Mox. (C) Hgl. 32ya, Wrdlh 16', t{dnsrcn l7', fl,Jl lrom canld ol K.97O3 OLDE BRICK@ wollopenn0 l?r' U I lisled lor wol locoioo K.9909 EI RUSCANIM X.99O9 OLDE BI?ICKA' K.99O9 OLDE BRONZFA S€€dy gloss pon€ls. Solrd Eross l-liohl, I50-W Mox. (M) 9N' Squore, Hgl. 20tt' U.L. lrsled lor w6l locolion oo Land Title Guarantee Company Date: March 0l, 1999 BLUFFS AT TIMBER FALLS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5OO S. FRONTAGE RD. E. #II2 vArL. co E1657 Enclosed please find the title insurance policy for your property located at TIMBER FALLS, SITE 19 Please review this policy in its entirety. In the event that you find any discrepancy, or if you have any questions regarding your final title policy, you rnay contact Title DeDartment Phorc;9'10-476-2251 Fax:9'10-4764534 Please refer to our Order No. Y260826 Should you decide to sell the property described in this policy, or ifyou are required to purchase a new title comnritment for mortgage purposes, you may be entitled to a credit toward future title insurance premiums. land Title Guarantee Company will retain a copy of this policy so we will be able to provide future products and services to you quickly and efficiently. Thank you for giving us the opponunity to sewe you. Sincerely, I-and Title Guarantee Company o LTG Policy No. CTEH260E26 Our OrderNo. V260826 IEGAt DESCBIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN TTIE SOUTH ONE HALF OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST, OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDAN TOWN OF VAIL, EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BECINNINC AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT I3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FOURTH ADDITION: THENCE NORTH 37 DEGREES 15 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST, ALONC THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 13 A DISTANCE OF IO5,OO FEET TO THE COMMON CORNER OF LOT 13 AND LOT t2 OF SAID BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FOURTH ADDITION; THENCE NORTH 22 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST. ALONC THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 12 A DISTANCE OF 32.17 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 58 DECREES 2l MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST TO THE WESTERLY LOT LINE OF TIMBER FALLS PHASE IX A DISTANCE OF 251.24 FEE'|; THENCE SOUTH 85 DEGREES 24 MINUTES 34 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF SAID PHASE IX A DISTANCE OF 84.89 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 04 DECREES 35 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST, ALONG THE EASTERLY LOT LINE OF SAID PHASE IX A DISTANCE OF 79.50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 82 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 24 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 49.23 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TIMBER FALLS PHASE XI: TIIENCE SOUTH 69 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 49 SECONDS EAST. ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF SAID PHASE XI A DISTANCE OF 75.9'] FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PIIASE XI AND THE WESTERLY LOT LINE OF TIMBER FALLS PHASE I; THENCE NORTH 36 DECREES 06 MINUTES 2I SECONDS EAST, ALONC SAID WESTERLY LOT LINE A DISTANCE OF 154.96 FEET TO TTIE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. I {rr LTG Policv No. CT8H260826 Form AO/Clll Our Order No. V260826 Schedule A Amount $250,000.00 l. Policy Date: Janulry 15, 1999 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Insured: BLUFFS AT TIMBER FALLS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Sinrple 4. Title to the estate or inlerest covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: BLUFFS AT TIMBER FALLS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this policy is descrlbed as follows: SEE A'I-TACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPIION This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee Company Representing Chicago Title Insurance Compnny o LTG Policy No. CTEH260826 Form AO/CHI Our Orrler No. V260826 Schedule B This policy does not insure agairst loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attomeys' fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: Ceneral ExcePtitltts: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of tlte premises. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1998 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS AND ANY AND ALL ASSESSMENTS. 6, RICHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER I7, 1902,IN BOOK 48 A'T PAGE 492. 7. RICHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 17, 1902, IN BOOK 48 AT PACE 492. 8. EASEMENTS AS GRANTED TO UPPER EAGLEVALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENTS RECORDED JUNE I3, 1973 IN BOOK229 AT PAGES 550 AND 55I, 9. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 24,1973,IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 653 AND IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 28.1974IN BOOK 233 AT PACE I30. 10. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR CORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY. 11. PEDESTRTAN AND EQUESTRIAN EASEMENT 15 FEET IN WIDTH ALONC THE SOUTHEAST BANK OF GORE CREEK AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED APRIL 3. 1968 IN BOOK 2I2 AT PACE 637, 12. EASEMENT AND RIGIIT OF WAY 20 FEET IN WIDTH ALONC THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF oo LTG Policy No. CTEH260826 Form AO/CHl Our Oldcr No. V260826 Schedule B SUBJECT PROPERTY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 26,1965IN BOOK 188 AT PAGE 113 FOR USE OF PEDESTRIANS AND EQUESTRTANS AND PERSONS USING MAIN GORE CREEK FOR FISHING PURPOSES. I3. RESERVATION OF A TEN PERCENT NON-PARTICIPATING ROYALTY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1962 IN BOOK 166 AT PACE 407. 14. DEED OF TRUST AND SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED JANUARY 6, 1999 FROM BLUFFS AT TIMBER FALLS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF TIMBER FALLS ASSOCIATES. A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP TO SECURE A PURCHASE AGREEMENT. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE CENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTINC FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF TIMBER FALLS ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISINC FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF BLUFFS AT TIMBER FALLS, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. tAND TITTE GUARANTEE COMPANY Date Marcb 07, 7999 Case w60826 PoLicy CT8H260826 Loan # ENDORSEI{EIIr 100.31 Property Address TIMBER FezLS ' SITE 79 Owner BLUFFS AT TIMBER Flt&S, I'IJC ' A COLORADO LIMITED LIABTLITY COMPAIiI'T The Company hereby insures Che Insured against -?. oss l/hich the fnsured sha-l-l sustain by reason of physicaT, but noc aesthetic, damage to improvemenEs existing on the Land at Date of Policy or consEruced chereon thereafter, resufting from the exercise subseguent to the Date of PoTicy of any rights co use the surface of the .l.and under the minera] interesE referred to in Exception IVo. 6 of Schedule B (nthe minera] rights't), subject, however, to the folLowinq terms and conditons: 1. The Insured sha77 notify the Company promptiy in writing jn case knowTedge shall. come co an Insured hereunder of any actual- or threatened exercise of the mineraL riqhts. 2. The Company sha-l-l have the right, aC jts cos|, to take any action which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable in order for Ehe Company to avoid or minimize Lhe extenr of its TiabiTicy under this endorsemen9, including, but not Limited to, any or al7 of the foTTowing: (a) In the Company's own right, or in Ehe name of the fnsured for the Companyts benefit, co instituce, prosecute and pursue to finaL decermination any proceedings at faw or in equity, or before any municipaT, administratiwe, or reguTatory tribuna-l or board; (b) In the Companyt s own right, or in the name of the Insured for the Company's benefit, fo conpeL Ehe giving of security bond or undertaking by the person or persons from whom E}le Insured is entit-led by law to such security, bond or undertaking, and in the same amount or amounts to which Ehe Insured would have been so enCitl.ed had this endorsement noL been issued,. and Page J. of 2 Representing Chicago Title Insurance Company o NY o I.AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPA EI,'IDORSEMENT 100.31 (c) to retain or be paid out of any such security, bond or undertakinq, or out of any compensaEion or funds recovered by the Conpany or Ehe Insured, such amount as wi77 reimburse the Company for a77 pawents made to the Insured by the Company by reason of the jngurance afforded by this endorsement, together wifL aLl costs and extrrenses incurred by the Company in connection therewith, including attorney's fees. 3. No righcs, benefits or defenses are inEended to or sha-l-l be deenied to fTow ot be made awaiTabie to any person or entity other than rlre Insured by reason of the insurance afforded by this endorse- ment, and the fnsured agrees Ehat a77 of Ehe Insured's rights and remedies against third parEies relating to the subjecE matter of this endorsement sha.l.L be deemed to have remained intact, in clle same maruler as jf this endorsernen t had not been i ssued. This endorsemen t is made a part of said poTicy and is subj ect to the Schedules, Condi tions and StipuTations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof, Page 2 of 2 Representing Chicago Title Insurance Company ZONE CHECK o*,, ,llzl lq\ f-.gut Address #/? Owner G Architect Zone district Lot size Phone Phone Proposed ut" 6 Plcd. Buildable Allowed Existinq Proposed Total ='Wrl: o * /o,LG6 = G.6e64 Remaining 6t14Total GRFA .-*rlrta +(425)(675*) =.--- -Seconda4rCfs++:_ + (425) (675 *) =_ SiteCoverage &r Jce,lo* ,-^+91on. Ft' - = t P* PeL orn*t ,i'J,E#:'W'Jii,pYY')r^^. Does this request irivblve a 250 Addition'l Lrff - How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reques0_ NZd-__ sirc'rn"^-^^ ^^- | I^ '^'' 4lsTTTEzt't?r9'e**1 O 3N,Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking ?v/ €trX3:+ Front Sides Rear Fa_F a rAi^J pur,u"l.r of \i bl4"r4/ &. l5' Minimum 4ft 3' /6' a___l_L_Require Garage Credit Driveway Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50%) Environmental,/Hazards 4) water Course Seback (30) 6D- 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow nvaiwche 6k ?e{ b"fu.J rc(*l' b) Rickfatt oR (cr lL*.rJ refxf ' c) Debris Flow _ Previous conditions ofapproval (check property file):_ lL O Enctosed (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope _% Proposcd Slope % vn t/ No v"s \/ No l) Percent Slope (< f0% 2) Floodplain y' a 't Pl4 3) Wetlands Is the property non-conforming? Describe: pia--- DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project: tr SURVEY Scale tr FLooR PLANS Benchmark GRFA Legal description 250 additional GRFA Lot Size Buildable Area -- crawl\Attic space EHU Easements Topography 100 yr. flood plain Water Cource Setback Environmental Hazards Trees O BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scale ColorW1aterials Roof Pitch Q T.ANoSCapEPLAN Existing trees Utility locations Spot elevations E SITE PLAN Proposed ffees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Scale Condo Approval Building Height Title report (A & B) Encroachments Utility verification form Setbacks Photos ofsite Site Covemge Building material samples Eaves/Overhangs (4') C.O. Verification Decks/Balconies Sun\Shade Angles Garage connection Utilities (underground) Site Grade\Slope View Corridon Retaining Walls Variances Fences Plat restrictions Parking/Garage Turning Radius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access ),---=- r.. -- ir r r)ti-v t rr4bet-+4,lJts o EPbcri a(_ IiNON , IEEIII I(-O7O7 TTRUSCANIM |(-9707 0LDE URIcK@ x.97O7 OLDE BtloNzEo, -. S€odv qloss Don€13 Solid &oss l'lighl, !M) iol I 2 7.', Wrdlh 5 h', €iotrslm 6 cunlsr ol woll openng 5' u L. llslod lor X-97OA ETRUSCAN N ' x -970s oLDE aR lC K@ t<I(:HI,ER IIGHIING A2J / TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 25,1999 Mr. John Schierholz Cio Elastizell 4703 Dolphin Cay Lane 5 St. Petersburg, FL 33711 Re: Your letter dated December 28. 1998 Dear John: I am in receipt of the above-referenced letter you sent to Dominic Mauriello, Chief of Planning. I apologize for the delay in this response, but your letter included no return address. I obtained your mailing address through the Eagle County Property Appraiser's Oflice. With regard to permitting procedures for your proposed garage addition, please find enclosed a Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) application. Once you have submitted plans to our office and design review approval has been granted, your contractor(s) may apply for building permits. With regard to requiredrsetbacks, the Town's "Low Density Multiple-Family" zoning regulations require a minimum setback of 20 feet on all sides. Depending on where you choose to locate your proposed addition, it may be necessary to provide additional information regarding geologic hazards on the property. In most cases, a stamped letter from a consulting geologist will suffice. If I can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerely, h,,.---ut- a2'-- -- - Brent Wilson Plannins Liaison O{fi cer $'nnuo'uo December 28, 1998 Dominic Mauriello Building Department Townof Vail RE: Development of Building l9 Timberfalls This past summer and fall owners of our building talked with you and met with the Planning and Zoning Commission about the development of Building(s) 19 at Timberfalls. I would like to remind you of our continuing interest and concern about this development with emphasis on the fact that this development could essentially land lock the pool and tennis courts serving Timberfalls. As you may recall the development ofForest Glen forced road access to the pool across propoty of Timberfalls Phase IX, Building 18. On occasion, we have blocked assess across our property. In light ofthe continued usage without our permission, we placed a large rock across the road. We would like the original developer to cure the problem he has created before he land locks this facility with a new building. I would also like to inquire about the permitting procedures and any set back required for the construction of garages for our building. The south side of the west boundary of our property provides an excellent location. The garages would back up to an avalanche burm, and hence, be partially hidden, have little impact on view lines and be serviced by already existing driveways. These garages would cover a portion ofthe road that has been used as access to the pool. The owners of our building have talked about building garages for several years. we have considered placing them in the area currently used for parking, but the location would block daylight and view for the first floor and a portion of the second floor. As we have analyzed the alternatives, we have concluded that the west prop€rty line is the best location for garages. Very tmly yours,w//- John C. Schierholz President Timberfalls Phase IX TOWN OF VAIL D epa rtme nt of C ommunity Deve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 9, 1998 Greg Amsden Amsden, Davis & Fowler 500 South Frontage Road East, Suite 112 Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Timberfalls Development Potential/Bighorn 4th Unplatted Dear Greg, At your request, the Town of Vail Community Development Department, with the aid of the Town Attorney, has reviewed the status of the development potential for Timberfalls. Upon review of Chapter 19 of the Municipal Code, the Colorado Revised Statutes, the Town's files and the materials you have provided, we have not seen evidence that indicates that all ofthe requirements of the vested property rights provision of the Municipal Code and the Colorado Revised Statutes have been met. I have enclosed a copy of Chapter l9 for your review. The Town files are available for review at the Community Development Department. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me. You can reach me bv telephone aI 479-2145. Sincerelv. |L+Ro.:e,-t George Ruther,-AICP Senior Planner R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney {P *'"'""'o""r to 't2-19412-19-1 SECTION: 12-19- 1: 12-19- 2i 12-19- 3: 12-19- 4i 12-19- 5: 12-19- 6: 12-19- 7: 12-19- 8: 12-19- 9: 12-19-'r 0: 12-19-11 : Purpose Delin itions Notice; Hearing Approval Procedure Effective Date Of Approval Vested Property Rights; Duration Notice Of Approval Exception To Vesting Of Property Rights Payment Of Costs Other Provisions Unaffected Limitations 12-19-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this Chapter is to provide the proce- dures necessary to implement the provi- sions of Colorado Revised Statutes tille 24, article 68, as amended. (Ord. 2(1991) $ 1) 12.19.21 DEFINITIONS: SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Shall mean and be limited to a final major or minor subdivision plat, or a special de- velopment district development plan. VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: The right to undertake and complete the developmenl and use of property under the terms and conditions of the site specific development plan, and shall be deemed established upon approval of a site specific develop- ment plan. (Ord. 2(1991) $ 1) CHAPTER 19 VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS 12-19-3: NOTICE; HEARING: No site specific developmenl plan shall be approved by the Town Council or any Town board or commission as applicable, until after a public hearing proceeded by written notice of such hearing, in accor- dance with Chapter 3 of this Title. Such notice may, at the option of the Town, be combined with the notice for any other hearing to be held in conjunction with the hearing on the site specific development plan for the subject property. At such hear- ing, persons with an interest in the subject matter of the hearing shall have an opportu- nity to present relevant or material evidence as determined by the Town Council or Town board or commission as applicable. (ord. 2(1es1) $ 1) 12-19-4: APPROVAL PROCBDURE: The action of the Town Council or Town board or commission as applicable for approval of a site specific development plan shall be in the same form as that re- quired to approve any request being con- sidered for the subject property in conjunc- tion with the hearing on the site specific development plan, such action being either by ordinance, resolution, or motion as the case may be. lf any action by any board or commission is appealed to or called up by the Town Council, approval shall be deemed to occur when a final decision of the Town Council is rendered approving the site specific development plan. The approv- al may include such terms and conditions as may be reasonably necessary to protect the public health, salety, and welfare, and the failure to abide bv anv such terms and Town of VaiI t. -o -v 12-19-4 conditions may, at the option of the Town Council or Town board or commission as applicable, and after public hearing, result in the forfeiture of vested property rights. (ord. 2(1ssl) $ 1) 12.19-5: EFFECTIVE DATB OF AP- PROVAL: A site specific devel- opment plan shall be deemed approved upon the effective date of the approval action relating thereto by the Town Council or the Town board or commission as the case may be. (Ord. 2(1991) S 1) 12-19.6: VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS; DURATION: A property right which has been vested as provided for in this Chapter shall remain vested for a peri- od of three (3) years. In the event amend- ments to a site specific development plan are proposed and approved, the effective date of such amendments for purposes of the duration of the vested property right, shall be the date of the approval of the original site specific development plan, unless the Town Council or applicable board or commission specifically finds to the contrary and incorporates such findingin its approval of the amendment. (Ord. 2(1se1) S 1) 12-19-7: NOTICE OF APPROVAL: Each map, plat, or site plan or other document constituting a site specilic devel- opment plan shall contain the following language: Approval of this plan may create a vested property right pursuant to Colorado Revised Sfalules title 24, article 68, as amended. 12-19-8 Failure to contain this statement shall inval- idate the creation of the vested property right. In addition, a notice describing gener- ally the type and intensity of use approved, the specific parcel or parcels of property affected, and stating that a vested property right has been created, shall be published once, not more than fourteen (14) days after approval of the site specific develop- ment plan in a newspaper of general circu- lation within the Town. (Ord. 2(1991) g 1) 12-19.8: EXCEPTION TO VESTING oF PROPERTY RIGHTS: A vested property right, even though once estab- lished as provided in this Chapter, pre- cludes any zoning or land use action by the Town or pursuant to an initiated measure which would alter, impair, prevent, diminish, or otherwise delay the development or use of the property as set forth in the site spe- cific development plan, except: A. With the consent of the atfected land-, owners; or B. Upon the discovery of natural or man- made hazards on or in the immediate vicinity of the subject property, which hazards could not reasonably have been discovered at the time of site specific development plan approval, and which hazards, if uncorrected, would pose a serious threat to the public health, safety, and welfare; or C. To the enent that the affected land- owner receives just compensation forall costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred by the landowner, including but not limited to all fees paid in con- sideration of financing, and all archi- tectural, planning, marketing, legal, and other consultants fees incurred after approval by the Town Council, or Town of VaiI i .l 12-1 9-8 applicable Town board or commission, together with interest thereon at the legal rate until paid. Just compensa- tion shall not include any diminution in the value of the property which is caused by such action. D. The establishment of a vested proper- ty right pursuant to law shall not pre- clude the application of ordinances or regulations which are general in na- ture and are applicable to all proper- ties sub.iect to land use regulation by the Town, including but not limited to, Building Codes, Fire, Plumbing, Elec- trical and Mechanical Codes, Housing, and Dangerous Building Codes, and design review guidelines. (Ord. 2(1ee1) S 1) 12-19-9: PAYMENT OF COSTS: ln addi- tion to any and all other fees and charges imposed by this Code, the appli- cant for approval of a site specific develop- ment plan shall pay all costs relating to such approval as a result of the site specif- ic development plan review including publi- cation of notices, public hearing, and review costs. At the option of the Town, these costs may be imposed as a fee of one hun- dred dollars ($100.00). (Ord.2(1991)$ 1) 12-19-10: OTHER PROVISIONS UNAF- FBCTED: Approval of a site specific development plan shall not consti- tute an exemption from or waiver of any provisions of this Code. pertaining to the development and use of property. (Ord. 2(1se1) 5 1) 12-19-11: LIMITATIONS: Nothing in this Chapter is intended to create any vested property right, but only to imple- 12-1 9-1 1 ment the provisions of Colorado Revised Statutes title 24, article 68, as amended. In the event of the repeal of said article or judicial determination that said article is invalid or unconstitutional or does not apply to home rule municipalities such as the Town of Vail, this Chapter shall be deemed to be repealed, and the provisions hereof no longer effective. (Ord. 2(1991) $ 1) Town of Vail TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Dev e lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 Standard GRFA: Density: Building Footprint: Parking: Novembcr20, 1998 Jon Martin Via Fax 303-861-8794 RE:Timber Falls - proposcd building #19 Dear Jon: This letter is intended to clarify the development plan limitations for Building #19 in Timberfalls. The PEC approved the development plan of Apnl 13, 1998, which limitecl the approval to the exact size, location, and form as Building #18. Since that detcrmination staff has determined that the GRFA lbr Building #19 may equal that of Building #20, instead of Building # 18. Below is a list of tlevelopmcnt restrictions for thc site of Building # l9 based on thc development plan and Zoning Regulations. This list assumcs the general fomr of the building in similar in charactcr to Building #18, as any substantial dcviation frum that fonn will require PEC approval. Limitations 7,27 5 sq. ft.* per clevelopmcnt plan 6 dwelling units per development plan 2,353 sq. ft. + arca ofcovered stairs** per development plan pcr code Note: *A zone check of building #20, reveals a total GRFA of 7,275. +*Thc figure of2,353 sq. ft. was taken from plans provided by applicant, specifically, Sheet A2.1, tlated 8/3/98, and prepared by RKD. Additionally, all developmcnt standarcls (i.e., firc access, vehicle acccss, etc.) must be adhered to. If you have any questions, pleasc call me a|479-2148. Chief of Plannins {,p *""'"""o "n'"* AUG-26-98 A9.23 AH P.etlo AMfi l)evelopment, llnc. August 26. 1998 Dominic Mauriellu c/o Town of Vail Planning Dcpt. 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Sitc #19, Timber Falls VIA FAX: 479-2452 Dear Dominic: Ron Riley has requested a meeting be held with you, Tom Moorherd, Marty Fowler and me regarding the development of the abovc described propeny a$ soon as possible. Ar you are aware, my company, AMS Development, Inc., has been working on this parcel for approximately ninc monlhr and gtill has no direction or response from the Town of Vail regarding zoning on this parcet. Over S14,0il) in costs have been incurred and eVS Devctopment does not intend to spend rny rdditional dollars until the Town of Vail can givc us some definite parameters regarding allowable GRFA, density, parking and site coveragc, Thc cxisting zoning is defincd as low dcnsity multi-family and the applicant's proposed townhomc dcvelopment wrs within al! the parameters of this zone district. The planning stsffr€commsnded denial and the Planning Commission followed suit with a 6-l vote for denial. This parcel has distinct development rights yet thc Town of Vail has given thc applicant no direction in which ro process fhese rights. Thc applicant, with monetary ceution, is now rcquesting what the nsxt step is? tr's cxirc.rnely difliculito adequaiety seek developmcnt of this parcel when thc the applicant has bcen instructcd nor to speak to the planning staff lt's cvcn more difficult when the staffpolicy is to scek the mosr restrictive inierprctationin zoning mstters with little or no dosumentation available (remember that a majority ol'thc Timber Falls development wss construc'ted underth€ zoning artd building authority of fhe Town of Vail), ls the "mosl restristive intcrpretalion" in the eyes of the Town of Vail cquate to pq development at all'l The appticanr is interested developing this site within the existing zoning. The applicant is also intcrested in clcining up whal sppears to be a very confusing dwelopment plnn. Wc ItG op€n to suggcstions, but arc rtymicd by what has occurred ovcr the past ninc monthr. Lst's meet cnd get some poritive direction on this parccl!! lfyou have any questions, don't hesitate to fax me at 47G86t7 . Sincerely, cc: Tom Moorhcad Robert McLaurin Russell Forest Ron Riley sden, President 9701,476"861O ,476,t|h37 il"rontrgc ltoed it'.alt, $tc' I 12 Veil, ('oloredo E1657 Y \)sr yi'i ir r r c fl\Lt * rr <- I lir ( J VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1998 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. Frank Johnson 2. Dominic Mauriello J. Nancy Sweeney Kathy Langenwalter 4. Russell Forrest Site Visit of Vail Valley Tourism & Convention Bureau. (1 hr.) Site Visit and Appeal of PEC Decision re: Timber Falls. (4S mins.) An appeal of a Planning and Environmental commission denial of a request for an amendment to a previously approved development plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 rimber Falls couruunolafted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overturn, or overturn with conditions, the Planning and Environmental commission's decision denying the applicant's request. BACKGROUND MTIONALE; See the attached memo and plans for a detailed description and background on the appeal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Town council uphold the planning and Environmental commission's decision denying the applicant's request, in accordance with the staff memorandum. Update of Checkpoint Charlie Upgrades. (10 mins.) Lionshead Master Plan Review. (5 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review schedule of meetings for completing the Lionshead Master plan. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The purpose of this work session is to review the proposed schedule for reviewing and approving the draft Lionshead Master Plan. A complete draft of the Master plan is proposed to be presented to the Town Council and planning and Environmental commission on october 20, 1gg8. Approvar of the plan through a resolution is tentatively scheduled for November 17, 1ggg. The schedule will provide approximately 28 days for the public, Town Council, and planning and Environmental Commissron to review and comment-on the plan. Preliminary Draft of 1999-2OOO BiennialBudget. (30 mins.)5. 8. Y. Information Update. (10 mins.) Council Reports. (10 mins.) Other. (10 mins.) Executive Session: personnel Matters. (30 mins.) Adjournment - 5:30 p.m.10. ! NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE)il||||l THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGUT"ARWORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, l0/13198, BEGINNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl cHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWNG VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,10l20t9&, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. lN Tov couNctl cHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY,1ol20l98, BEGINNING AT 7:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctl CHAMBERS.til|tl Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 479-2332 voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENDA.WS /'- -' ! Sally Low 3072 Nelson Dr. Lakewood CO 80215 John & Sheila Vercruysse 330 Allison Ct. Greenwood IN 46142 Marilyn Heller 4530 S. Verbena Ste.324 Denver CO 80237 Barbara Lashley Box 451 'Walters OK73572 Robert Ruder 4496EMeadow Dr. Vail CO 81657 492 S. Cedarbrook Boulder CO 80304 Olaf & Jennie Holobaugh 5400 Mohawk Rd. Littleton CO 80123 16 Butterfield Ln. Littlerock AR722t2 Rita Ryan 7 Huntwick Ln. Englewood CO 80110 Gor.., Marshall 19495 Biscayne Blvd. Ste. 300 Nonh Miami Beach FL 33180 352 Adams St. Denver CO 80205 Llsa a,. llevln -6.rrk 72251Black Has/k Trail Conifer CO 80433 3280 \fade Ct. Colorado Springs CO 80917 John Schierholz c/o Elastizell 4703 Dolphin Cay Ln. 5 St. Petersburg FL337!I estwood Hills 1410 12th St. Grafton \flI53024 Thomas Ec Susan \Tashing Melvin Brody Roger Palmas Carolyn Brown Benjamin & Alice Chao 885 Lomas Azcarrag 1785 Coyote Point Dr. 6563 S. Hanover Ct. Mexico DF Mexico 11000 Colorado Springs Co 80904 Englewood co 80111 Joseph Cleary Frederick Cohn Roben Duch Box 680 Cricket West 221 Quail Ridge Circle v/^z taMN 55391 3154 Markway Rd. Highlands Ranch Co 80126 Toledo OH 43606 Stuart Ginsberg Mark Griffin & Janis Harrison Arthur & Rebecca Hailand 43 Lawrence Farms Crossway 4479 Timber Falls Ct. #2006 22 Gouvenor Ln. Chappagua NY 10514 Vail CO 81652 Sr. Louis MO 63124 Martin & Catherine Hanneman Dennis Harold M. Terrv Heller Richard 6c Darlene Hanneman 6425 Glendale Rd. 4990 S. L^f^yrtt" 23980 Shooting Star Dr. Medinah IL 60157 Englewood CO 80110 Golden CO 80401 F. Patrick & Barbara Maloney Marca Associates Ltd. Marion & Kathleen Pestinger Margaret & Andrew Peters Richard Perry Trust 632E 3rd 5818 S. Fulton \Vay 1367 E mule Train Dr. Beloit KS 52420 Englewood CO 80111 Tucson AZ 85737 Antonio Holbein 2I7-I04 Simon Mexico DF 18 Mexico Sally Veitch 3280 \flade Ct. Colorado Springs CO 80917 Marjorie Holyoke 8cJohn \filson Box 1204 Scottsbluff NE 693 63 -1204 Uperry Investments I., Corp. 3550 S. George Mason Dr. Alexandria VA22302 John & Dorothy \fl'alter andJohn & Janet Monahan 1635 Foothills Dr. S Golden CO 80401 Marion & Kathleen Pesting 632E.3rd Beloit KS 67420 O*rr"" &Jeffery Tarr 1056 S. York St. Denver CO 80209 Betty \flillaman 1458 Green Hill Coun Vail CO 816s2 Timber Falls Association 4496 Meadow Dr. Vail CO 81657 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Councll of the Town of Vailwill hold a hearing on an appeal of a Planning and Environmental Gommission denial of a request tor an amgndment to a previously approved develoPment plan for the Tlmber Falls Devetopment, located at 4469 Timber Falls GourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden. The hearing will be held on October 6, 1998 at 2dX, p.m. or soon thereafter, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. The application and information about th_e appeal are available for public inspection during reguldrotfice hours at the Town of Vall Community Development Depanment, 75 South Frontage Road. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Sion lanquage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- ZSBS, fdlephone toi the Hearing lmpaired, for information. F r \EttERYoNE\cot t{cIL\nEQUBSTS\9 8\tlnb.rfa. doc Mul''lo' JUN-O I _gtJ I2 .54 I-ROI.I , LANU I I fLE GUARANTEE PAGE 2./ I *!b 4i,e,e?g a-3a6 9'a16 JDT NNEYIS s,,Hl LLrE'S ti/?e/?a r?:r= PG r OF 6 EE6LE COUNTV CLERY'' COLOROO9 AccEss g;\sE!'t;NT 40 DOe o. @a loi lf il' r,i'r,;;ii'?'^' ;i ( -GrenEqr" I . R : C I f A i S: tD,1Et7Q)4764534 o REC .ao ^:!"Jl?,#.ifJ,'::fHIS ACCE95 JUN OI :JtJ I2.54 }ROM, LANIJ II r'LE GUARANI'EE r D , l s, ?04 76q 5 34 PAGE 3,/I of thi.s Acces3 Ea3€nene. shall be obllgated to nainiai:r' geptir e:.)d !o hakE tuch irnpr ov e;:\e "ti' to ittt g"ti:ncnt P-arceI' including' bul not Iinited to, :treets"--c'*it ' -gutto""' :19:-1"Ikt and pede3irirn ai6le5, aE are nece3gtty o: at"iiuble to p:ovide td"q'urte rngreEB and egress ove: anc ""ittt irtt-ba6oner! Parce!' Ey such accap- eence, Grant€c hercbY ,il-iit*'C"tnto; frorr any and rll obligatrons or liabrlitles vrtn respoct- to she nainie:rance' rcPalr or ioprove- i"ni''"t Lhe Eascoe:rt Percel ' l. Grantor hcleby reEelve6 lhe righl to use the E'ScRent Por.el for any rnd alI lal'ful PurPoselt' 5. The tcrns and provisions of -this AgseeFent shrll' binding upon .nd ,,tu,a io'lho benctit of any succes3or ordncrs ahc property or th€ Een;it-lea parcel' o: any portion lherco!' )ss. (h€ !or69oin9 ^in3trultent wrs hcr eb-y- acknor'rladged before ne ;*:s;,:",ik,+#s;:,.."..J'iii",%"0';:::,ii'l:::::l: shiP. be ot t! c, N o TIHBER FAtLs ASSOCIAT9Sf ' Coloredo gc;re=a i PArlnershiP gTATE os coLoFADo I ) 9s ' couNTY oF -l rlf.^r.o:.:e:.'nr iuiSTi" "'"" nn"ol io':XT Tifftt ?:t?"i.I:.nr. $-iiv 1i . =Q*'tf+*,=*--_='l! I i "afr'ru.rt, fot",-*#*a=n * "-' io'r.'".'" io' g ;.;'.ror p ar tne i - 6hip. $tTNESc nY hand and oiflcial tea!' !{y comni 6 s }'o!r cxPires:Ut Ctrtt|lbslon DOlIl llo,. 2A No'. try STATE OF COITORADO ) m ru og| N({ 6 oo€ eIt vl E ur ro|a c COI'N?Y OF EA^SEHENT . TFA AlX: SlrF 09/18/90 WTTNESS tnY hand ind offi.cial 3eeI. My cortc\;s6lon cxPlres: N(rtary -2- JUN-EJ I _lttJ I2. SS FROM LAND I I f LE GUARANI'EE rD,197(,4764S34 4!r!!!--l A ?RICT Or LUr! lr:llc tl lrz sou:H l,/2 oF SEc::cN 12, TouNSHlpI SOUTi{, R XCg t0 gEST, Oa :rE 6' t lR:sc:pIL XER:O!,J, Co:.tttt-0t ;lcIJ, StATg OF CCr,aRlcO, 0t5ca:383 As eOl:,OlrS; e3!4{EVC:}tC AT T:{S SCUTI{ERVHo5T CaNEn or. lc? 17, gtcHoRv sUBC:v:SIoN FoUeTH IDO:?Io!{; :?{!NCE SOU:H t6 OECREES .3 Xlygtss00 SECOS-aS trEsi ALONC::lE SASTERIY L:yg of I ?LRcZL COVI|EIES:oC{ICIGO 9ISHOnF AliO RSCORDEO I:{ DESD BOoK :!r At prct I:J,:AGiJ CCUti?y RECORJS, A O:str.i,rcE or 13r.02 FEET tO r' pOtNT ONt:iE soutfiEnl-Y ilcl{T or {tY itNE oF rEtDoil DR:v}:, t}ic tauE DotN?oF EEC!F[!]rO; :rlENc! SoUtll 16 DECiEES .l Ntyntl3 oo SECCNDSsEsr Alryc iKE Elsitnl.y LiNt of A ?ARCEL col{vtrEo :o cfirc coatcHoLY l'ND RECOnDED rN gEED BOOK l3a Ar p^6t riJ, Erct-E COttNtt RECOnDS. r' D:ttNrcE or t99,at IEET TO A polr{t Ot IyTIRI'?CIIO rf lfl{ Tl{E rEst LINE or THE souTatrEs! t/. sornHttsT r/.. sEeltort!t: rxEllc! !loR?r{ oo oEGREES 20 slrru:gs oo sEc3NBS tEsr attt.tfrEEr. AtoFC lHE sEgl LINE OF tHE soUTl{l.EST l/a SOOTI{Er5I 1/., SECAIOF r? TO Tt{! SOUtXEASI CORNER Or NORTHETTST l,/a sounftrlsTl/.. sEctloN r:, StlgNcE Nottl{ 19 DECnEES 3r l{tt(rTES OO sICONDSuEst, 11:1.90 FE!T, Al.cNc :HE sOU"H LINE OF NOlrEI,rSl r/a solrTt{rrEsT l//., sEcTrcN :,2 to lN :}t?ERs8c:I0N sltlt a IJr! EE nINC SOUTX ;6 DECSaES .l gIn:ES 0O SECO:rDS r.Est ?notl lPoINI ON tlfE sourll :lNt oF loT ll, EIGHoLv suBDlvlsrox founTlr ADorllON olslANr r91.o4 FEET r{ORTlt gt oEGRIES 00 r{r}rL:Es oo SicoNDs tizsT rFoH I SOJi:{[Asf coR\Er Or lrt II, t8tNc|' tfo8ttl!6 oECREES .1 XtFr-:tS 30 SEcoriDS EASI 1166.00 rEET 'O'SIIDpotFt orl l:tE scu::fERll :.iNE ot IrT ll, BIC;lol,{ 3t:DDr\E!!:or. FOURTX AoDIT:ON: ll{ENCE 90UTt{ El D:oREES 00 lt:yUlts 00 SSCOI|DsEAsr, l9l.O. FEE:: tl{ENCE -iOnTR 22 :ECaEES OO !{:NIit!S 0O SgcottDs glst 297.76 FtEt; ?flEICE SOCTH l7 oEcRlES ft Sglt'lfs C0i:ccNos E SI:0t,00 FEEI; fliENCS goU:H 60 SECREES r0 ltllnnEs oO 9ECOND' a:S? 'tl.3r rEEl tO THE SOU:HE St CORXER O? rrt lt O? SArt ?oL'RTll ADDITTON; tllE Cl Sottlll !6 OECnEES 06 XtFUlEg lt gECONDS rrf,3t 212.0r fEET to fHE PoINT oF sjBvttuRt Or A EnW?C 7 E LZta rurv:Nc A n DlUg Of 129.7I rE::r tt{lt{C! O}l l:lt? r.tcOt SAIO 3JRv8 1rt.79 rEE? to Tr{E Potltt OF :AF?EXCYT ?f,Etcl soLTB Jt DEOelf,t r! H$nttEs 02 sEcoNos Ersr r.g...t l!8t To :r{E TR|E to:H? Ot !t6ir{Nl c- L{, A fRtcT or ralto LYrNc IN TltE sosiu l/2 or sEcrloN 12, t;r|lisHl P t 30r.:I{, R-l,ltct to t tst of txE 6TH Pi;ticl?tL !{ltrDrxl, EloiJ COUNIY, COI.oRADO, EONE P^.RTIC':I-\RLY DTSCRISEO AS TSLI'I'5: EECIFNTNG AT :liE SOl:ll{EnNl(OSt CORNET OF lrt 17, glcsonx SttDDwI3lOta rOgRtX loottlotf t ttlEtrc! SoJtB l e o:('lllt .l xll|ltlls oo S!.COND3 I.EST rt NC rflE :TSTERLI LlNg Or A PAIeEL COrrr'EYto tO ct{tc c{r BrcxonF A!'D nEconDED tx toox i83 Al 9^cf, rlr ot trt EACI.3 Cortrrrr nlcoRDs, l DtgtllrcE ol t02.tr f!?? ?o a Potlfl oN tltE NORTIID.RLI RlcK! O? 'rtlY L:NE OF vEAm;, oRIVE (lrE oora ORt\rl !81!{c DESCTISED iN A}t EISEXET{I ANo nrcH: oF qrY Fnox cl{Iclco SICltOEr Cortor^llot{ To E CLE CourT\' sEvEloPtttll? cotton.tttor BECoIDED Ir IOOX zrl tt PICE 2(t. E,\GIE ccl,-lrly FECOnotl t THESCE ]'ont8 3l DECTEES r3 X!!{L:!S C2 sEco}:as UEST A:pt{c sAtD RtclfT oF HAr L:Nr A OIST^IICE Or t94.60 FEET To I POiN: Of cljtvltsRE ot r cL?.vE fo t1(! RIc?r1 HAV:N6 A Rlorus oF ?9.?l FEE? !i0 r cEr.tnll ANGII ot at OEGIEES rt !{iNIrTtS 20 gEccs:sI T!{ENCE o}l tflE lnc ol SAID C\TRtfZ I2I.36 FEET TO tI{I POTNT Of :TVCENCY; THENCE NORfX !e ogcir!3 06 !{l:{u::s l3 sEcolrDs Ets: A l:.;i\NcE cr 22t-ll lE!: to ?t(! sounfflsr coRlrEl o? Lc" 16 cl sl:t routtll rDDlttoN, tHEltCE SO('rX at DIGiEES OO |1;);'.jlEs OO 9ECoND3 E St ttt.l9 FEET TO ttlE tlUE Pollr! Ot 8EC:sr''l:IC; EXCEPT FOR A T"'ACI o? tlND LYIN6 !X rHE SOUttt 1,/2 0F SEC:iov 12, TogNSl{t? 3 SOU:|{, e Nc! lo h?st o? Txz 6rH ?Rr:{cIPA!, s:R;f:Av, EACIJ COtttY. co:,oRADo. r{?Rg p^8TlcJl-lnlY DEScRlSsD As tol.lrtis: PAGE 4,/I fr) oo ,.(n o N e oo I e nI!! IIatoot'l <t Paqe I of 4 .r {.,1\l !rr :J Ll lz,5S FROI'!: LAllU tltLL GUARAN.IEt tD, t!|704764S34 PAcE S./l o c) BEcir.NINc At rxE Sott?Hf,&\'r':os: coRysR or LCr lr, DtCtfORrSufolvl3lotl IOURTH IDDI!IoN' :HESCE SOUT!{ 16 oEctttEs 11 |{I|{LTES OO SCCOIIDS gI5? AT,oNG tHE EASTIRLY L:SE CF A PMCEL COIIVEYED tO CHICA@ llcf,ORir A.r.:D R.ECCRoSo iv 0!E0 loOK l8t, PACE llr, Ercil cotil'rlv REcoRDs, l OtsTlNcE 0F 282.e8 F:E? to A ?o:lfl os ?Hl voRttt8tr.l R:ctlf Ol lJlY LiyE OF YEA9or oRIVE; ;}{Efcz NOR?I| tl DECnIES 1r rlSUtSS 01 SECOI{oS ijEST ALCyC SAI) Rlcll? OF rrAY LISE A D:SILVCE CF rr!.:3 FEg! :O A PC::i;r :HE]"-CE NOn?H )0 DlciEES (. HIyTJTIS t8 sf,Cot{os Ersr 213.1? iEsT :c A Po:!6 oN 1ltt souflrlRl.t tlrrE Ot I.T 16 . EICI{CLv SUgDlvlS l0 rctnfl AOOlTrOltr ?tENcl socTH ag oEGnErs oo x:l{uiEs 00 stcolfD3 l5r 221.ar Ff,ET lrsrlc ?HE soutHEnLY :-:sE or r.ors :6 llfD It ltcl{oRN sulotvlSrolf rocRtll ADDri:o:t ?o :'dr Po:llf cF EEciliNrllc, Ar0 A !a cr or rl.rio LYuic 1:{ :HE so'J:t{ !{ALt Or 3Eellota 11, T9nNsxrP 5 SortlH, 8.L\cE 8o crst, oF :t{E 6:!l ?tIr-ci?AL xEtlDllx, COUNIY o? t crI. stltr or colon oo. cLE ?ART:C.:iltlY :Escltlto A5 FOtlpTS lSCltNtNC At t{E ETStEiLY c3Rrrtt .ot L: 3, llcttolr| srjrDivrtror Fosn:s looltror r ?YEscE soii?rl a7 ossll?t o0 xDtLatS oo Itcoxor z\st, e.l.oo tEgr Dis:L\cs; :lt! cE sourll lt 9l{'lttl oo xtiJrrrE! oo slcorfDs E^ST rr.9a tEsT DlSTAlrcl to ltlt Non:lHllSltRLY coRNEt ot tt{E ?r c" HEaE::{ otscntlzD: Txf,xc! souTx !6 DEGRTT {t xlNutfs o0 sEcoNfs Llst, ?06'1r r!!t otsrrflc! to tK! sou:t{H5?EnLY COFjIER OF TH! ?Rt3 }rEnlrx gEtctulf 0 r tK!xc!, Nonlt{ ll DE6REES .a rtM;TEs tr sEcor{os Llst, ata't3 lEEl Drltaricr to:ttE sotJttolEstEatY coRltER o? tHE lr cl lrlllll| O15CIIDED; tazxcr Nottfl !! DlCrrEs t. H:lruiEs oo SEcor.Dt lll", att't? rzEr olsTlxst :c TlrE NoRfiInEstfRLY CORYEn O? T E :lu\cl HgBtlx DESCnlIgD t t!{z!tc! sount 6. DZGREES to tll{uT!3 oo sEcoNos Etsr ' 6t.92 rEgt o tS?AllcU !O t Dorrflr fltENct Stl'rH lr )ECREES oO XlLurf,t oo iicoiror rst, tlt-oo rlrr DlttAt{cE to ttt! ttrc:e o? tlcD tlo, rocrntlr rtatt N. rrsD@lt lcnot3 ^ st8tD ot lrNo tlrn rErr t iicrrx'rr.oxo-iiro- t^rlut! to r ! Erst lotnrDnr rlNt ot L/l ''oiii6Dr'surorvttiox toqRfil tDDrr:oN, sutJEc? To a nlcrr ot car foR a ruluc MtlD cFllltlD ovEt slrD 8ASSXEX? rI Doct lcxT R.ECOROEO XAACR 15, it?: rN BooK :20 AT PlcE t:. EXCEFI: A TS CT o? tlltD LY!ilc tN "x! sou"fl KA:? or slcllolr 12 ' totn|strIP i ;ir-rtTfl nLxcc ro rEst o? Tl{E 6tH PRrxc!9lL nErtotlx, counrY o? gecrr,--strtz ot colpR Do, ltoRE PAI?rcstLRLY DlscLllEo lt FOLI'r|s : 9ECIFNTNG rr ttf! sourHrrlstgRLY eoR.riEn oF LT 3 ', llcrorx sulDtvtslox PountR ADDlii6r. ixrrrcs xot:lt 6' oEcnlfs to xllrl,rES oo sleorDs utsr t..Li E;i-it!il;;ie sou::rgngv LtHs oF:ot ' ol 5AID SUtDlvISIOx t ;H!HC! sortrrl II oECnEES 16 nlltuTEs oo s€coNDs tfist rl7'!' FIET i6-i-ioin-6r-$r r^nc or A 63 Foor el':rs cjlvf, trtlosE cE:rrER irr.ns xong I 3EGREEs ta r{rNulEs oE szccvDg -E^sr 65'0.' ;fft t ttrila!- gritsnlv rt'ro xonrxsrstER:i aicxc rllE tec ot sr:D ii-ii,oi- njroius crnva t.-ee rEEt :o a rorsr oF rl\6arl' rflENcE xong ir orcnEEs al :{:$tEs oo SEcorDg elst t8'11 rzE: Yonl cR LE55 to 111! POII.T oF BlclllxrNc ' 5 l.} ol oo nlN e oFt g ort o sltlrt 9.1ce 2 of 4 ..;u.'i ., i :i.J ::.:-L I li0l"t LAttU lttLL cUA!<ANI|-L lD.lsl"04?c4534 ^}l0 ExctPt tIxDEr t^us coN00HlyiL-'{s Ac:cRDlyc :o :l{E co}iDot{ll{ tL':l ll P RECOIOUO NOI|EIIEER 1., i9t: :1, Eoox 226 AT 9lGE 219 L{D As oEtzyEo AltD DEScntgED !v :xE coNooKrNrL-:r cEc:.^.R^:';ol{ nrcoRrEDyovErrtt la, 1e7r tll 8oox 2r3 At Pl6l 2tl, coL'!|:l ot Elcu, 9:Atr o? colltADo, A5o axcEPTlNc ;'IEREFnOX :llllrt 'ALSco:lDotttx:u:'1, Pl{lsE :i Acc.RDi:\-6 :o Tl{t Covm:{rrrl'l FIP RlcotDzt JNfulnv a, !t7. :$ aooK :12 At PACE 't.. lrlD As DEIINf,D AllD DE3ctrrzD rN THE COrloOX:vlL1{ tgcSnATlON nEcotDED JllfL:lrt ., lgra ix loor ltl Ai PAoE 7.J lltD RrREcoRoES rzlnl.:trY l. ltt. l:l EOOX :tt t? 9Ac? 2rr, CcU:{tY ot llcll, sTr:E ot c0l6nADo, rlso ExcEEI:yG EREFncx T::{SEI( FAT-I.5 coNDoIfINILX, PHTS? III, ACCORoING :O ?tlE ColfDol{llllL.ll .elP :xEnror REconogo ocrttltR t, le?r r!{ Boof, 2.2 At Pr.l t61 LrlD A5 otFtNED AND DISCnIBID t!| ?Ht coNDoHlNrsH ofct^n^Trolr RtconDEo oc?olEl :t, l9?3 lN loot ra2 Ar PICZ 7ll, Cott rr or EAGLE, sl^tl or colr8,f,F? Al.3o lrct7rlNc Snznlraor trlllrE tll ts co ooxlxl'-1{. 9|{rsl rv, AcconDtyc ?o tfi! colloollrHltjl{ t{ P e.EconDED Nov8t Der la, rt76 :x EOO|( l5O At Pt6Z 26a ^,\D As OETIHEO A.{0 Dlscnrllo llr tfit corr&xu{:un DEclrxarto RlcoROtO Novt8lEn 2a, lgta lr{ lool ?lo )3 tl'! e6r, eoL.lfrr o? Ercr:, 3trrE ol colrn^oo, Al.'o lxclPll'l.a tlrEltrSotl ?In8R rAlJS CONDOFTNIUX, t[rsE t , AccorDl c to trc? ioimxrxrux r.rt r f,nlot rrcotoEo !{ovtHBEn rr. t97t rB lool 2.1 lt tlc! t6t xlfD ls ortrtf,D rt|D DZSCRTIIO lX 1t cONDO:itX:i2i otcrrrl?totr REcoRD!9 rtovf,ttlER 19, i,t7t lll toor 1a2 lt tlcl te., corffi cr l^clr, stAtr ot cot RAoo. ri-so ?xctpfltlc fi{tltrlor TIrrzP trrrJ ccNDolltNltt s Pttl3E vl, AccorDlNC To tf,t coumxrxrrnr rlP ffcoRDEo ocToDER (, le?! tN loor 276 At Plcl i;'6-Aio rr o2?!NED Atto orscntlED r rHr aofDox:lltltl DEcl n ?:ox iaioilzp octortn . , rttl rN roor zto a! Prc! ro), rxD NGtfDlGrt ggnrio n c!to!,o llovEt{lEt 6 ' l97l lil rootr l7l -AT Plcz lt9 'i6rli'nr or ![ctr, stlt? o? colonlDo. At.so Exct?llxc tgtnlrFotr rrxetl rrr:.9 collFllttlrt{, Pt{AsE vlt , rcconDtxc to tlll coltooxtlnrr HrP THEn!O!, RECORDED DEcEttlrR 1, Lt79 lN lOAf, tt5 at' iAcr 6ta . AlrD 19 DEtirrlo !r. Ttrl coxDotlltrrur gtctln tlott ntconogo DEaa{lER 7, 1979 tx rr aet At ?lal att, cotffrlf-o'^^ 3 Lrcu, srrrr or .oaonrm, rio- rilirrcn ricororrc t6 me elnoto = co!{FxtNtult r P nlcorDtD DrcErlrR le, ttTt tx-roox le6 At PltE =116 AND rs FrtatrEr ozriFr6'ix -td rxirroro colDorrxror 5 orcuretror mionozo oicaote l t , rgtt tr. !oo: lta lt Plct te7 , iourcr cr 2tctr, ttlrr oi corcnroo, lISo ExclPrrNc rlottltloll tr!{!aR rluJ COI{DOtCNrlrl{s . FRAS! vt ! ! ' -AccoRDrxc ?o trl iiiiiirii6Fnrcinozo oifilsii i' ree1t1-Door-tr: ^t t^cl etl' iii-ixi-Eorrpoiixrrn nri-niconozo otcerrre l' lero' t toor-lrr--ii'piii ;?l; in nrr ez-coioi-t'i-rrt rrcrr c99lr(' coLR Do ct.rnr ixo'iiEoioii, -irco erczrtrrc ntErlrloll rtltlzt- r^lls Aiooiii-rltt{s'riirsz rr, riiororxc to Tltz cotl@^}rrttrux :llP iicoi'dib-iacarrEl 10, ttrt tN lgotr :l!-rt 9Acl rlt rxD rs ottrxuD tND DEscrtllD ii-nc' coioorllnry-9E9!+nrrlot rlccRDlD ;;;fin1o,-irrr rr robr rrr ^t ?lc?^!t?'-c!sllrl ol trr;.l.c' ;ii;i;t ioiori-, uid-iichrrc rtrnsn"r-rnolr ? ut Affisiisdt. - -inrir ril fCcoioirz to rlt-co-NootctllEr Ilat rscorDrD lucssr lr, rjir-ii-'ii5i-rir ir r4cr trt IID It Dlttrto ^rtD DttcttuD rr rltr i6io6iidlli g6stirrrrlox-ntcorDto ^ocusr:1. rt3t :N loox r"" ii"iiCi''iii,-ioL=r:t " Ercl'' ti^lE ot cobum. rArrE i,; i n (jlo : 6 oo N o oo{l Io oan o o r! !Ort A.\D EXCSPT A PrtcEL ot tlixo sr!,-ITED INTIE 5 ou?li -o{9:I}tl-ot sectlox 12 ' Tct.':gsx: ? l som , nlNcE ro uEsr, oi-rxi'Ilxri int xcr prr-rsetcrrr ' toro( of vr:'-' ::5- cou{tr. corrn^Do. "^ro i^iiir-iiiiic- ii6iu-ii"?!G:$LY cEscstsED ^- '-"-.;sr 8ECIrIt|tNC AT TXt SOUT'IIEISTERLY ccRIER ot L?^3' f,ICNcr.{ sglDrv:s:cr ::-a- ADorrrolt; IHENCE Alrt{c iii-i;uri rivE oF s^ro suBo:v;s:oN ?tlE fcl-'::55 -o cpunsEs: :- souTlt 6t DEGREES oo t{rNttiEs oc sEcolrDs ElsT A o:sil{cE ot 2'8'oo ;:E? 2. SOUrX tl DEOREES OO lttt{ttrEs Oo SECON9S EAST A orsr^NcE Of 90'00 99:r T1IENCE IjAVING SAID 5OUTX ;.I:{8, SOUTI{ 1I OECTfES J] XINUTES ?5 CICOJOs ;E5: p-.ge I of 4 JrJN u I -9u 12, Sti FROM, LAND I t'lLE GUARANI.EE r D , 197e'4 7E,4534 l f,!s:l,:\-ag cr a56- i9 :!ii; :.-:::;:i S:'-:.'? :t :::aiis :: :::::'-':9s :l sa.:::;:i dESi r, :IS;Alscg Ol :!'t.9i i-:!l; l:':!::ag 30'-:!{ al :53e5:9 :2 !'lIvtr:ls :6 gZCoNgS A C:Stl.rcE cr r7?. i; i:::: :r.iiric: rcR:r{ :: cScaEgS (( r,.::i'J::s i: 5ec3NC3 rESr A OTSTANCg OF 5r2 .26 tZE, :O r PO!X: 3N :HZ EASI ::XE CF :-3: !, llcxoRr Es:At€g: :l{E}tct JcllH 1l oz:rEgs l6 !{:sJ:gs oo sEccyus gls: lr.oNc sl:f, EAS: L:NE A D!S:I]:CE OF )51.:l i:9::: I ?O::ii 3:{ iHE SoUfl{[ASTtail n:Gi{; 0f '.;AY Ci L:i:E Ci SUCCa; 3.itE I :Ls:;Cg r:rs: Sl:t trcK: 0F l{At. l.,99 iEE: AI,!:C l:tE AAC Or A Ct, 00 FeOt Rtt:(s CgR:rE ;0 ::.t9 :19: nxosE rarso cr{oRo lElls Nonrx 36 cEctEEt i0 rt:NulEs tr sEcoNDs EAsi, a DISfI|CE 07 7r.0e rEET to A golxt or tNcEycy' tHEIcl cos:tyrrl!16 ^tolc al:D Rtcr{t oF rJlY ||oR?l{ 1l DECREES .] 3t}:u:E9 OO SECOI{Dt EL3t ^ DrS:AtrCE Cr.a.Jl ?EET TO r eotvt oF TxE 50U:n -,::tE Or gAlD DlcrORN SUaOIV:3ICN, roct:x AD0ITiON: tHEvCE AI,NC 5Al0 sO'J:l{ ::ifE, scg:t 6. DEcnlEg lo r:ltl':Es oo SECOIrOS E st t D:s?ANcg Ot to.!0 F!!:: :HEXCE colltlt!':$C ALO$6 SA:l sct-':!t L!t!. soutl{ r: DecrEfs 0o t:!iJ;Es 00 sEcot(os Els: A D:S:r.!iCE or tli.co FEU:: lo ?tt! !:ttr{? 0t SEGrvl{lNC. a35€39 B-54o 0-r'?o ro/z'/9A L2:l'eg60Fe PAGE 7,/I ?r9e 4 0f 4 JUN-u l -9u 12 : S7 FROtll , LANL .l t I LE GUARAN'I'EE flItlIRl D EVSi.o Pr,?rff @ YP 1IJ,19704764S34 PAGE g/l SIEI? B I cFl|.arDt .,I I,,'N Oi_:jtJ I Z.stj FROM. LAI.ID 'II I'LE GUARANI'EE 63663" Et-s.o o-49O lol:e/?o r::t3 r'GaoFg znl2!I_s ::!{glR FI:LS cONDOg:!i:UvS ACCOa0:NG iO i'C9 CO:r-DOll!N I ii:t !!A2 ?scOR0ED liOvEllBgl '14, L1i2 ill 9C0K 226 A? ?469 219 ALD AS DEFI'\-ED AND DSSCRIBED :N :HE CONOOsrNiJll D:C:rll:rOS RSCCRDEO riOvE!,lBE3 :{, i9?2 ir 300K 226 AT ?iCt li8, C0'.jtirY oF gAqLE, slAiE oF COLCRAOO; ::]'lS:R !ALi-S COTDCx:Nig!'1. P!i453 ii ACCORDi:'lG To tPg ccNDCHIr.:ijr !,.AP aECoRD8D JA:'lUllY 6, i97a :v gcoK 212 lr 2AGE ?{l AND AS DEiII{9D AXD OESC3iAE' iN:!I: CC\DCIIINIU!{ DSCLARATICN i:co89el J^NUARY {. l97a :N gCOt( 232 A? P.\cE 7al AND t:n,EcoRDED riirura: r, :974 :N 90ol( 233 A? PACE 2il. CoUF-?Y 0l E-\GLE. s:A?g Or COIOnTOC; TiYBER Fi!!S COi'lDO!{IHIUx, P:'lsE i:J, ACCORDIliG :O ::ta cbsoo:r;yrun :r.t? :ltIREOF RECCROEO CCToBEn E' i975 !:l aoox 2{2 AT PACE 26] IND AS CE':XED ATiD :ESCRIE€O I!I iT:A CC!'IDO$;NiU!{ iic:-r.nuion FicoRDsD ocrcBsR lo, igtg tN 9oo( 2r? A? PAcE ?l !. CCUI|:y OF EAC:E. STAiE 0F COLoRIoO: T;:{8En FALLS ccNDolliNlUx ?I{ASE :V. TCCORD:NG TO :H9 CCIiOOHililUt :'l? RECORDEo NOVE!iaE& 2{, 19't6 rlr aoox 2so A: PAGE ?5r IND ls oEF:lrEo AND DEscl:8ED rN i!l: coNDolrnjluH DECL.LlT:ON RscoRDlD NOvElrDEl l{, lt75 lN soor 250 A: ieca zel, co!:a'dY oF EAG:.8, s?AtE Ot coloRADo; ?IgcEg FA.LLS c6noorts::,t's. p$r\sE v, AcconDtNG To ?uE coNDolrltlu!'t li^ P ?llEREoF iecontreo NohxgsR 10, 1977 rx B0or 262 At PAGE 365 AIID a5 DErllED i.rio .-oliitraeo rN tHE coNDolttNrlrll DEct Rr"roN REcoRDED llovExlEn ii-. irrz itr aoor 262 At SAGE 966, coull?Y oP zAGLE, stl:E oP io;cnloo, ftt<BER FALLS coNooHtttIUHS, Pf,AsE uI, rcco&Dtxc To txE ioxobiiuiux r.r.rt RgcoRDED gc?oBER ., lelr rN Boox 2T6 Ar ?tGE :05 riii-ii oiirnto rio Dtscn;EEo :rt rhE coNDosltlrux oECLARAI:cN iliospro oc:obER .. re?! iN Eoor 276 lr oAcE 203, Am NttllDltEN: ix;i$o niCoioeo NovErlEn 6, le?a rN Boox 278 At PAoE r75. cowtY oi trc:.s. s?lrE of coLoRtDo: Tr!'t!En rl:,l,s coNmnrNlgr. PllsE v:: 'rccoeo:si io :ns ccNDosrliux toP THEnEoP, RECoRDED DECETSER 7. iiic rx Boox 295 Ar PAGE 65{, AND AS DEFTIED lN TttE CoNDonIIgUH oicuretiox RaconDED DEcEtoER 7, letg rN Doox 293 A? PAGE 6tl' corntc oF ElcLE, stliE oP co4RtDio, Ar'D FURTSER rccoRDllrc to rllE Nlnroso coNDoltlNtLll !{AP tEconoED DECEIIDER 19, l9t9 IN lQof, 296 A?--r-lie : le rio rs FuntEER DEFTNEo rx tFE AxENDED coNDorlurulr o:iir^r.nrr r ox nEcoRDED DECETGER 2r. 1979 iN soor Zt6 Ai PA(iE l2t, aouNit os secle, srlrs oF colon Do; a:HBIR tlr.'ls coxDol{: N luxs 'pxrse vrrr, lccbiDrNc TO 138 DEC! nATrOll TECoRDED OECET{B8R L l98O rN SOOI llt lt PAGE 97lr ArD ittE coNDo!{:!lll'x Hll RECoRDED oecrxgrr, t, lt8o, lN aoof, !l! At PA62 t?1, couNTY Q? EIGLE, s?^iE oi'coronroo, :tHaeR PILLS coNDo!( r ltittl{s Pl'lsE :x, AccoRD:Nc TQ THE coNooirxrstt tr^p REcotDED oEcElgE! i0. lgCl rN Boor lll A: PAGE I'9^!fDASDSPINEDATIODESCS:BEDIN?SECONDOHINISXIJECIJRITTONricoroeo oEcEroEB to. r99i t!. aoox 313 l.l PAGE 19?, couxfl oP ircle, srrte oP coloRlDo; ?rHrE" FA!:.s coNoollr:ltufis, PplSE xI' ACCOFD:NG T0 tsE CONOOT{rx:urr |4Ap RECCRDED TUGUST 22' i903 It{ BOOI ]66 AT PAGE 285 IND A5 OEFI!i9' AND 9ESCR!88D t$:HE CONDOIT:IIIUII oi:cunrt:cx REcoRDEo fucus? zz, lgsl IN soox 366 At PAGS 30{' ccuN?Y oE E^CLE. S'ITE 08 coloR Do. ID,l97a'478453q PAG E g/ I @ 88=49 AH"o*f' ' -"" o Grcgory M. Amsdcn 2635-8 larkspur lanc Vail, Colorado 81657 Mrrch I l. l99E Town of Vail - Community Devdopment Dept. 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 VIA l'AX: 4$-24.\2 Re: Resignation from Planning and Environmental Commission Drnr Mikg Creorge, Rced and Company: I rm writing to inform the sta,ffal th Tou'n of Vsil tut I will not be reapp$ng for another term on rhe Plannin! and Environmental Commrsson. The mrin reason is the rccent increasc in my real estate busincss dug tO dwelOpment v€tltures in the Vail, Avon and Edwards areas I hsw thoroughly cnj6yed serving on ri'tir Commission rnd I have grined valuable insight in thc mechanics gnd procc.r ;n"6tveO in pfinning and dwctopmcnt. The past stvcn yc4rs have shown mc that thc Town of Vail is quite fortultate to have a wetl qualificd rnd profe'rsional planning stall I havc great regecl for rhesc individuali and their eforts in deatlng with the corutant work load and thc dccision making rcsponsibilities thcy perform. I will always bc svailablc to the planning deprrtment and future Planning Commissions to enswer any querrions regarding past dwclopmerrt history in the Town of Vail. If you have ury questions, don'i hesitatc to contac{ me at 4?Gt6lO. Tlrank you for thc opportunity to serve this community! Grcg Amsdut P.6L AMS lDevenoprnrlexrt, Inc.JL' October 5, 1998 Town Council c/o Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Materials for Review of an Appeal ofPEC Denial of an Amendment to an Existing Development Plan (Site #19, Timber Falls) Dear Bob: Enclosed are additional materials for your review ofthe above reference appeal at the October 6ft Town Council meeting. The photo analysis supports the historical approvals by the Town of Vail of amending development plans and changing the architectural format of a project to improve both the vizual impacts of architecture as well as upgrading landscape plans. This analysis shows that new development favors less density and larger floor plans. Thank you for your time and consideration in this reviewing this material. Sincerely, (97O),476,8610 9701,476t8637 500 South F'rontage Road East, Ste. 112 Vail, Colorado 81657 1L*,\\dur:;:tffiirc !)I ut ;, =1,obo>.= P!d 6:A E -,P -^E E8'€ ' F8Ei E:E6 ohtr3 5F3 =R B.F3 -E X E 5b 9Fi?gH!! s5'E ft.flHF $e; gE F Ii J' (t).! o2lA= aE Hgs 9': E€S F.Y O= ',EE9H.q (l) - (D-o* llriE!)o2d.?4.8jgEg.€ AEE€;;H ae Sr€HSsHg EE-">.x e EFEi*;€t En sPX'Ec.id b>e''<(!>x(!- ooii a .:? - () EgiEfr EF€ FE F'$EE$ EEfinE so(a q(t an rasolo cl tr c?dUKcl i=8Et\ c) a 4)(.) o *: E0 r')$€r- xra(a ,tiuu) raN€\ oEq) 6)aJociC EI (J Gl aJE\O ;(ar- dtct€o)(rt ln(ao\t(\l E t frEl.9 El FEI NE62Gl ,;:el,9vr' E\o q) €{taE ct) =\o Nrt)ta -+J}-.'r: u0r.= 8S'F H-E d{'g o rh 7 v4 0i Hrt ilr-'l t-l >E9av rrx(9 €(a d aA laclrA Fr da.A |,nt\.ctt* riau, $ra \0 tr H N t € nd \oN\o tr) il3Ql:fr Hl #g DI { rh z Ua z F1 €(tl FLrA eilz a=H JFli.a F{Hl* o =\o o to rla ahc€ € .g| F{il qa 3l F'= E+l UE'F.gl Bg \o EI aj Fl fr t{ Fr o\ :fr Fa Ia a Fl z z z N ,W,1+4bJ ^p/"fu.fr1t Original Development Plan 2-3 BR Condominiums Past Approvals of Amendments to Existing Development Plans Timber Creek Amended Plan Large 3 BR Duplex Units .$,WA b,a *ff&n( ,tl<l1t J oo Snruce Creek Townhouses Original Development Plen 3 BR Townhouses Amended Development Plan 3 BR SingleX'amily Homes a,geL* Millrace Condominiums Original Development Plan 1,2 and 3 BR Condominiums Amended Development Plan 3 BR Duplex Units *@l^r Briar Patch Townhouses Amended Development Plan Large 3 and 4 BR Single.Family Homes Aneb^f The Vallev Condominiums Original Development Plan 2 and 3 BR Condominiums First Amended Development Plan 2 and 3 BR Condominiums Second Amended Development Plan 3 and 4 BR Single.Family Homes ,l*Pb 770 Potato Patch Original Development Plan 3 BR Townhouses Fint Amended Development Plan Larger 3 BR Townhouses kppaL+ kqd[t'* TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department October6, 1998 An appeal of a Planning and Environmental Commission denial of a request for an amendment to previously approved development plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Appellant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden.Planner: Dominic Mauriello r. WEJEI_PRoEEEII Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted, generally described by the appellant as Site #19 or Building #19. II. STANDING OF APPELLANT sraff believes the appellant has standing to file an appeal in this case as RAD Five L.L.C. is under contract to purchase this property from Ron Riley, the owner of the subject property, who is also a member of RAD Five L.L.C. III. BACKGROUND List of attachments: - Exhibit #1 - Appellant's appeal form- Exhibit #2 - "Approved Development Plan" - April 13, 1998 PEC approval- Exhibit #3 - Denied (proposed) Development Plan - August 24, 1998 PEC denial- Exhibit #4 - August 24, 1998 - PEC Memo- Exhibit #5 - August 24, 1998 - PEC Minutes- Exhibit #6 - July 13, 1998 - PEC Memo- Exhibit #7 - July 13, 1998 - PEC Minutes- Exhibit #8 - June 8, 1998 - PEC Memo- Exhibit #9 - June 8, 1998 - PEC Minutes- Exhibit #10 - April 27, 1998 - PEC Memo- Exhibit #1 1 - April 27, 1998 - PEC Minutes- Exhibit#12-April 13, 1998-PEC Memo- Exhibit #1 3 - April 1 3, 1998 - PEC Minutes A. Summary The following is a summary of the background on this proposal and appeal. Attached to this memo are all of memos to the PEC which contain details about each proposal to amend the Timber Falls development plan. Although quite redundant, each memo and proposal was slightly different. The memo from April 13, 1998 gives the most history and background on the request. Timber Falls was annexed to the Town of Vail in 1974 (Ordinance No. 13, 1974 and Ordinance No. 20, 1974) in accordance with Chapter 20, Annexed Areas, of the Zoning Regulations (these annexation regulations were adopted in 1973). At that time, Phases 1 and 2 of Timber Falls were already constructed (see Exhibit #2 for phasing). The property which was annexed included what is currently called Timber Falls and Forest Glen. No annexation agreement was developed or approved with this annexation. The annexation ordinance includes the statement that the land was annexed "without special terms or conditions" which we believe indicates that no additional development rights were granted to the landowner. The property was zoned in the interim by an emergency ordinance (Ordinance No. 23, '1974) and ultimately zoned Low Density Multiple Family (LDMF) by Ordinance No. 26, 1974. Since no annexation agreement was established for the property annexed, the land, in statf's opinion, is subject to the LDMF zoning adopted for the property. From 1975 until 1982, approvals were given by the Town of Vail for phases 3 - 'l 1 . These phases were reviewed and approved by the DRB and were evaluated in accordance with the development standards of the LDMF zone district (i.e., GRFA, density, building height, etc.). In 1991, this applicant (same individuals, ditferent company title) applied for a Special Development District (SDD #27 Forest Glen). &iS SD catued out a 7.5 acre parcel (gbeled as "Future Development" on the development plan) from the original Timber Falls glevelopment to create a separate and stand-alonq development This SDD was evaluated based on the underlying zoning of LDMF and on a survey for the property. The development plan which the applicant is claiming is a binding (vested) development plan on the Town of Vail was substantially modified from the original plan by carving out this 7.5 acre parcel and therefore has produced density and GRFA implications to the Timber Falls parcel as it exists today. B. 1998 Events r The Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC), at its April 13, 1998 meeting, disagreed with the staff opinion that the entire development should be evaluated in accordance with an overall survey of the property and found that Phase 10 (Building #19) of Timber Falls has a vested development right for one structure in the exact form, size, density [6 dwelling units], and configuration as Building #18 and that anything in addition to or different than specilically that, will require a PEC review and approval of an amended plan (see approved development plan attached as Exhibit #2). Building #18 is a single, multiplejamily structure containing 6 dwelling units and 6,541 sq. ft. of GRFA. Building #19 is the only building not conslructed on the development plan. . Subsequently, on April 27, 1998, the PEC gave the applicant direction that they had a right to request an amendment to the development plan by proposing single{amily and duplex development, but that the impacts to the site should be similar to the approved development plan. . On June 8, 1998, the PEC gave the applicant general direction that the proposal for 4 dwelling units (2 single{amily and 1 duplex) was not in keeping with the scale and character of the area and that there was excessive site disturbance and bulk being added to the site. mpeslgJrlxFge*3$es'om{h€€fl* . On July 13, 1998, the applicant returned to the PEC with a proposal for 2 single- family structures and 1 duplex structure, for a total of 4 dwelling units., The PEC again expressed the same concerns that were communicated at the June 8'n meeting. The applicant tabled the discussion so that they could develop new plans to address the PEC concerns about scale, character, and site disturbance. . On August 24, 1998, the applicant return lo the PEC requesting approval of an amended development plan for the site of Building #'19 (see Exhibit #3). That proposal provides one building envelope and a total of 4 dwelling units. The building envelope is approximately 7,400 sq. ft. in size and the building footprint shown is approximately 4,830 sq. ft. in size. C. The D,enied Development Plan -August 24, 1998 The August 24plan provides tor7,325 sq. ft. of GRFA. The PEC, at its April 13, 1998 meeting, determined that the applicant is entitled to the GRFA contained in Building #18, which is 6,541 sq. ft. Additionally, staff has digitized the floor plans for Building #20, which the applicant refers to with respect to GRFA for Buibing #19, and has determined that Building #20 contains 7,275 sq. ft. of GRFA. Staff also analped this site in accordance with the LDMF Zone District. This site, looked at as a stand-alone building site, would allow for 8,'180 sq. ft. of GRFA, and 5 dwelling units. However, staff does not believe this site can be carved away from the Timber Falls development and looked at as a separate development parcel. This could result in making the remainder of the development nonconlorming with respect to density. Removing acreage from this project would result in a lower allowable dwelling figure for the project. The nonconforming use section of the Zoning Regulations does not allow a property owner to increase or exacerbate a nonconforming condition on a parcel of land. The August 24 proposal includes 6 enclosed parking spaces and 6 surface parking spaces, for a total of 12 parking spaces. The Zoning Regulations require 8 parking spaces, or 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The proposed access modifies the parking area and amount of landscaping directly in front of existing Building #20. The same number of parking spaces are maintained, but they are moved approximately 7' closer to the building. There is a letter from the management company representing the owners of Building #20 expressing concern over the development of the site for Building #19. D. Comparison Of August 24, 1998 Plan To Previously Approved Development Plan Staff has prepared a comparison of the August 24, 1998 development plan with the previously approved development plan. (that plan approved by the PEC on April 1 3, 1 998) and the previously approved development plan with parking (as developed by the applicant). Statf has analped these plans two ways. First, staff has provided an analysis of the building footprints on all three concepts. This allows the site to be analyzed as to building bulk and mass located on this parcel. Second, staff analyzed the amount of "site disturbance" proposed for each plan. For this analysis, site disturbance is the area of building footprint, plus any paved drive aisle or parking area. The ditference in building footprint from the Aug.24 proposed development plan to the previousfy approved development plan (April 13) is 2,477 sq. ft. of additional mass/footprint. The difference in site disturbance from the Aug. 24 proposed development plan to the previously approved plan (April 13) is 6,777 sq. ft. of additional disturbance. The difference in site disturbance from the Aug. 24 proposed development plan to the previously approved development plan (April 13) with parking on-site (as developed by the applicant) is 1,287 sq. ft. of additional disturbance. Plan Aug.24 Proposed Development Plan July 13 Proposed Development PIan ". I )usly Approved Development Plan Apfil 13, 1998 Previously Approved D€v€lopment Plan with Parking Area Foot Pllnt 4,830 sq. ft. 5,362 sq. ft. 2,353 sq. ft. 2,353 sq. ft. Building Envelooe 7,400 sq. ft. 8,556 sq. ft. nla nle Paved Area 4,300 sq. ft. 3,913 sq. ft. None 5,490 sq. ft. Slte Difference from Dlsturbanco Proposed 9,130 sq. ft, nla 9,275 sq. ft. n/a 2,353 sq. ft. 8,777 sq.ft. 7,843 sq. ft. 1,287 sq. ft. E. Discusslon of Denied Plan Staff believes that the proposed bulk and mass (footprint) being added to the site is a substantial departure from the previously approved development. The proposed massing utilizes much more of the site than the approved development plan. Staff believes the proposed use is much more consistent with the adiacent multiple family uses than the July 13 proposal. Additionally, the proposal will have a greater physical impact to the site, which staff believes is a substantial departure from the approved development plan (April 13) for the site. Staff also believes that the development provided, which shows Building #1 9 in its original massing with the addition of parking, clearly demonstrates that the site can be developed with less physical impacts to the site and with substantially less building mass (footprint). lf the applicant wishes to proceed with the development of Building #19 as a replica ot Building #18, the applicant may proceed with a DRB application. Parking for all uses on- site is required. F. Zoning vs. Development Plan The appellant , throughout this process has been changing its arguments with respect to devolopment rlghts on this property. staff, since the very beginning (even back into the 80's), has believed that zoning should detsrmine the development rights on the Tlmber Falls property as a whole, iust like the Town does on every multiple family development. Staff has asked the appellants for a survey of the property from whlch to determlne the development rights as they apply to this property as a whole. A survey was nevsr produced. The appellant chose a different course of action and asked the PEC to ignore the zoning on the property (LDMF) and look only at the "approved development plan" (a term only used in the Zoning Regulations in reference to an SDD) for the Timber Falls project. The appellant was successful at convincing the PEC to accept the development plan as determining the density on the site and disregard the density established by zoning. The appellant, since that decision was made on April 13, 1998, has attempted to mix the two approaches, a little zoning here and a little development plan there. Staff believes the approach must be either one way or the other, they can not be mixed and manipulated to suit the appellant's project. The staff also made the appellant aware that if a survey showed that there were no remaining development rights on the property, that the appellant had the right to apply for a Special Development District (SDD) in order to propose additional development. This avenue was also rejected by the appellant. IV. NATUREOFTHEAPPEAL The appellants are appealing the PEC decision denying the amended development plan because appellant believes it has been aggrieved and adversely affected by this action as detailed in the appellant's statement attached as Exhibit #1 . V. REOUIRED ACTION Uphold/Overturn/Modify the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the amended development plan. The Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The required finding is listed below: Findinq: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Begulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Town Council uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of the amended development plan subject to the following findings: 1 . That the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) have not been met as they related to density on this property. 2. That the proposed development plan is a substantial departure from the approved development plan (April 13, 1998) due to the increased site disturbance and building footprint, which has a potential detrimental effect to the site and surrounding uses. f \sveryone\pecvnomos\timbf 006 lEt.ibi+ * | s6A - u,! oJg ot^,{l"; lt APPEALS FORM REQUrRED,1'RT3i1"JT$:,1,"*$$1TTI'^"^",*:,Xy^"^'1X30^%t/dfcr PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION A.ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEALED: B. c. DATE OF ACTION/DECISION: NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERING THE DECISION/TAKINC ACTION: , MAILING ADDRESS: D. PHYSTCALADDRESSTNVATL: .s4il6 A.f 4tA5 ,"o*", 41t"-8L1D LECAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL: E,SIGNATURE(S): NAMEoFAppELLANrtsl, RAD F;vs LLC % GREa *HJDH-J Page 1of2 F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel ofland? W If yes, please provide the following informarion: are you an adjacent propcrty owner? Yes _ no lf no, give a detailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggrieved or adversely affccted person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or furthered by this title. The alleged advorse interest may be shared in common with other members of the ' commrurity at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. 4aDEE ATIA(IIEN P?EI,IO G. Providc the names.and addresscs (both person's rnailing address and.properfy's plrysical address in Vail) ofall''. ownerq Of.propcrty.wtrictr are the subjcit ofthe app:eiil ind all adjacent propcrty bwners (including properties separated by a right-of-way, stream, or other intervening baniers). Also provide addressed and stampcd envelopes for each propcrty owner on the list. t H. On scparate sheets ofpapcr, specifu the precisc nature ofthe appcal. Please cite spccific code sections having relevance to the action being appcaled. I. FEE: $0.00 . 'd ':. \ Page 2 of 2 F.Does tbis appeal involve a specific parcel ofland? W lfyes, please provide thc following information: arc you an adjacent property owner? Yes lfno, give a detailed explanation of how you are an "aggrieved or adversely affectcd person." "Aggrieved or adversely affected penon" means any pcrson who will suffer an adverse effcct to an intcrest protccted or furthered by this title. The alleged adverse intercst may be shared in common with other members of the !, i{, _( G.-'-t \ r.1 ' , t{.. (. H. I. for '. n ,)s ''' il fr ''1.;r ' r d u11.,,- Page2 of2 An Appeal or#ooiog and Environmental co-trion Decision of August 24,1998, Regarding an Amendment to an Existing Development Plan for Timber Falls The Appellant is appealing the above referenced decision and requesting the Town Council overturn such decision to allow Appellant to proceed with the proposed amendment to the development plan. t History: ,g1O...": The first eight buildings of Timber Falls Condominiuts *er{co1q1ructed under the authority of Eagle County priorto annexation of East Vail into lgtowqiffVallin 1974. Buildings #9- #18 and Building #20 were constructed from 1975 tarl983 gnder the authority of the Town of Vail (see Exhibit "A"). The original developmeryfgfriep[{the original developer is the current owner of the parcel) was to create modest si2etiltonrh-um units spread over the parcel. The original developer chose to only utilize a portion of the GRFA and site coverage allowed under the Low Density Multi-Family zone district (average 2-BR condo at Timber Falls is approx. 1,000 sq.ft. and the zone district allowed for approx. 1,600 sq.ft. per unit) at the time. The developer saved Site #19 as it was the premiere site in the entire development with regards to views, creekside location and proximity to amenities. AMS Development, Inc. ('AMS"), signed a purchase contract with Timber Falls Associates in December, 1997, to purchase and develop the final parcel within the Timber Falls develop- ment. AMS approached the Town of Vail Planning Department in January, 1998, to determine how to process the existing development rights for Site #19, Timber Falls. Several approaches were discussed including amending the existing development plan, a minor subdivision and even a Special Development District. Amending the existing development plan was mutually agreed to be the most effective approach. On April 13, 1998, the PEC confirmed the density of Site #19 as 6 dwelling units. AMS then proposed amending the development plan to accommodate 2 smaller single-family residences and one duplex structure (see Exhibit'8") resulting in a decrease in density of 2 units. On July 13, 1998, the PEC gave AMS general direction that the single-family/duplex proposal was not acceptable and AMS suggested a townhome approach which appeared to receive a more favorable response. On August 24, 1998, PEC denied the applicant's request for an amendment to the approved development plan for Timber Falls (utilizing a townhome plan for 4 units) stating the following reason for denial: The proposed development plan is a substantial departure from the approved development plan due to the increased site disturbance and building footprint, which has a potential detrimental effect to the site and surrounding uses. Reasons for Appeal: The appellant has been aggrieved and adversely affected by the action taken on August 24, 1998, by the Planning and Environmental Commission ('?EC") to deny a request for an amendment to the approved development plan for Timber Falls. The Appellant's proposed I. amendment is not a substantial departure from the approved plan an<[ is very similar in nature to other amendments to development plans approved by the Town of Vail since 1990 (ie: changing structural format from condos to townhomes or townhomes to single-family residences). The appellant requests that the Town Council overturn the PEC's denial for the following reasons: l. The approved development plan was created in the early 1970's to address the developer's desire to construct smaller condominium units for both locals and second home ownership. Twenty-five years later, this same design is not only outdated but does not provide adequate parking under today's standards. The appellant desires to develop less density with more desirable floorplans and architecture. All required parking shall be on site and the building height on the south (entry) side of the site shall be two stories (versus 3 stories in the 6-unit building). It is unreasonable to expect the appellant to maintain a building footprint or site disturbance parameters for a outdated site plan that does not meet current parking standards within the Town of Vail. 2. The appellant's proposed deyefopment plan is well within all applicable zoning regulations (density, CnFAdte coverage, height limitations, setback requirements and parking and fire codefr5es) for the low Density Multi-Family zone district as described in Sections tZ-AD\f gugh p-Of-f t of Article F in Chapter 6 of the 4. 3. The difference in between the proposed townhome plan and ment plan. It should be noted thaf the planning staff did not consider the covered 5. stairwell portion in the center of the 6-unit building (approx. 300 sq.ft.) as site coverage or site disturbance. This structural element not only adds to the bulk and mass of the building, but also disturbs pre-existing site conditions. The appellant has agreed to relocate existing aspen trees within the proposed site disturbance area and to replace 50% ofthe trees that do not survive such relocation. The appellant has also agreed, at it's expense, to preserve the existing landscaping and parking in front of Building #20. The "potential detrimental effect" to the site is that the site will go from an undisturbed natural state to a developed property with an approved structure and landscape plan. The appellant understands the desire ofneighboring property owners to keep this site undeveloped, but this parcel has been a piece ofprivate property with vested development rights since the beginning of Vail. If neighbors were so concemed about it remaining undeveloped, they should have considered purchasing the parcel to accomplish their goals. The "potential detrimental effect" to the surrounding uses does not exist. A new townhome structure (4 units) with on-site enclosed parking and an approved landscape plan will improve and enhance adjacent buildings within the Timber Falls project. The density of 4 townhomes versus six condominiums will also decrease vehicular traffic within the Timber Falls project. The proposed townhome use is 6. consist€nt *t oo"n* prop€rty uses a *, "r,",rtEast vail. 7. The appellant qgreed to 7 of the 8 approval conditions in the staffrecommendation in the August }4bPEC meeting. In summary, the appellant firmly beliwes that the proposed plan is a better dwelopment plan with respect to the impacts to the urrounding neigbbors than the original6-unit buildfutg designated for this parcel. d i Exhibit "A" History of Timber Falls Condominiums Ownership The Timber Falls project has been under the same ownership (Timber Falls Associates) since original work began to develop the property in 1972. Eagle County The 21.8 acre site was received Sketch Plan approval from the Eagle County on January 3, 1973,for Lots l-7, Timber Falls Subdivision. The lots were zoned multi-family and each lot was to contain several condominium buildings. The breakdown is shown below: Lot I Future site of Glen Falls Subdivision. Lot 2 Avalanche area and recreational amenities. Lot 3 Buildings 17, 18, 19 and 20. Lot 4 Buildings l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Lot 5 Buildings 14, 15 and 16. Lot 6 Buildings 10, 11 and 12. Lot 7 Buildings 8 and 9. The owner performed extensive avalanche studies, which are well documented in the remaining files at the Eagle County Planning Department, to satis$ zoning authorities at the time. The avalanche area was required specific mitigation and only recreational amenities were allowed to be constructed in this area. Buildings #l-S (44 units on 2.5 acres) were approved and permitted through Eagle County prior to annexation of the Timber Falls parcel into the Town of Vail on November 4,1974. Town of Vail The Town of Vail annexed the subject property on November 4, 1974. Annexation documentation on file at the town does not reference any density or developer improvement requirements. In 1976, a development plan Town was filed with the Town of Vail outlining the overall Timber Falls site plan and showing a total of 19 building sites (there was no Building #13). Buildings #10, l l and 12 were approved, permitted and constructed between 1976 and 1978. In 1978, the Town of Vail Planning Department requested a master plan be submitted outlining the proposed'build out" for the remaining development in the Timber Falls project. According to the owner, this plan was submitted and approved by the Town. The approved Master Plan defined the remaining development as 7 buildings containing a total of 48 units. The breakdown is shown below. Building #14 Buildine #15 7 Units 7 Units Building #16 Building #17 Building #18 Building #19 Building #20 Total Density l0 Units 6 Units 6 Units 6 Units 6 Units 48 Units The approved plans for each ofthese buildings, excluding Building #19, are contained in the files of the Town of Vail. Both the approved site plans for Building #18 and Buitding #20 (See Exhibit "C") specifically denote the proposed location and size (similar to the 6-unit configurations in Building #18 and Building #20) of Building #19. Buildings #14 through #18 and Building #20 were all constructed in accordance with the approved building and site plans on record at the Town of Vail, and the Master Plan filed in 1978. The Planning and Environmental Commission determined, at it's April 13ft Phase reference to Building #18 at this meeting was an arbitrary assignment of a building number as all buildings were thought to be approximately the same size by both the planning staffand appellant. The Town attorney, Tom Moorhead confirmed this at a later PEC meeting. It is pqlicy at the Town of Vail Comnunity Development Department that the planning staffmake the most restrictive interpretation possible when face with zoning matters with unclear parameters, thus staff recommended the 6,541 sq.ft. GRFA number contained in Building #18. Exhibit "B" The Chalets at Timber Falls June 22. 1998 The applicant, AMS Development, Inc., is proposing to amend a previously approved development plan for Building #19, Timber Falls Condominiums. The previously approved development plan consisted of two 3-story structures containing 3 condominium units each (total of six units) connected by a covered stairwell structure (see attached photos of Buildings #18 and #20, Timber Falls Condominiums). No formal plans were ever filed on Building #19, thus the planning staffat the Town of Vail researched GRFA figures of the adjacent buildings and determined that Building #18 contained 6,541 sq.ft. and Building #20 contained7,275 sq.ft. The staffalso determined that the current site under consideration, given the existing Low Density Multi-Family zonrng, could accommodate 8,.180 sq.ft. of GRFA. After several worksessions regarding zoning issues and development concepts for Building Site #l9,the applicant researched constructing a duplicate of Building #18 on the subject property. Such a building would require 12 new parking spaaes on site under current zoning and the location of the actual structure (a0' high) would be pushed toward the edge of the 40% slope areas and create a more visible exposure to neighboring creekside property owners to the north (see attached site plan). Since site disturbance appeared to be an important issue at the June PEC worksession, the applicant decided not to pursue a condominium building development. The applicant is proposing to construct three structures, one duplex and two single-family residences, on the property commonly known as Building Site #19. The applicant is requesting a total GRFA number of 7,325 sq.ft The applicant is proposing specific building envelopes tbr each of the three structures. All parking shall be located within the proposed building envelopes and the applicant is proposing a 2-car garage for each residence. Propertv Use The condominium approach to developing Building Site #19 would create a product that appeals exclusively to second home ownership. A single-family or duplex approach (smaller 1,825-2,020 sq.ft. floor plans) would attract local ownership as well as second home buyers. The Vail Valley is now seeing a good number of retired and semi-retired couples moving here as full time residences. The availability of new single-family and duplex residences with smaller floor plans is almost non-existent. A good example of the demand for this type of product is Innsbruck Meadows, where 7 of the 17 units constructed are occupied by local residents. Such results would not occur with new condominium products. Parking As discussed above the applicant is providing a 2-car garage with each residence proposed. In addition, two guest spaces per residence are proposed. Although garages do create more site coverage, they eliminate the view ofan exposed parking lot required for a condominium building. In addition, the parking areas proposed by applicant allow for better use of landscaping buffers than the 12-car parking lot required underthe condominium approach. Fire Department Issues The applicant's architect, Rich and Krusin Designs, met with Mike McGee regarding fire department access issues. Fire engine access and tum-around information provided to the planning staffwas acceptable to Mike McGee, but the actual structures may be required to be sprinklered in the Design Review process ( submittal of the actual plans). The applicant acknowledges this may be a requirement in obtaining architectural and structural approval of the proposed project. Trees The applicant is proposing to protect all existing evergreens on the site as well as several ofthe aspens exceeding 6" caliper. The applicant field verified 23 aspen trees in the 4" to 5" caliper category scattered throughout the site (see applicant's tree location site plan). It is the applicant's intention to relocate these trees (those located within areas ofsite disturbance) to areas adjacent to Buildings #18 and #20 to buffer the proposed structures. The actual survey indicating the existing location ofthese trees shall be provided in the Design Review stage of this development. A tree relocation plan as well as a tree mitigation plan will be discussed in the Design Review process. Site Coveraee and Height Issues The applicant's proposal increases that portion of the site covered by structural elements, but decreases the amount of site covered by asphalt (when comparing it to the condominium building approach) The lower building heights in the proposed duplex and single-family structures act as a compensating factor, as well as the dispersed nature of the structures. Landscaping between driveways can also soften the front elevation as one enters the property. The applicant feels the visual impact of this proposal is mach less than that of a 3-story condominium building. Comoatibilitv to Surrounding Properties Site #19 at Timber Falls is bordered by the following property types: Condominiums, 900-1300 sq.ft., 2-3 BR tloorplans, older structures. Single-Family residences, 4,000-7,000 sq.ft., 4-6 BR floorplans, new structures. Duplex and Primary-Secondary residences, 1800-3000 sq.ft. floorplans, a mix of older and remodeled structures. East Condominiums, 900-1300 sq.ft., 2-3 BR floorplans, older structures. The applicant believes that smaller duplex and single-family structures (1,825-2,020 sq.ft.) are well suited for this site and very compatible to surrounding properties. The Design Review Board shall administer to the specific architectural compatibility and details of the applicant's proposal upon approval ofthis amended development plan. South West North b & & !-{ E 'F() :ti (E9 8& -5<Aa.l tD!.1 di;..t Eo\5 !q=9.gdo;9bFEUoo s)atYa!eti(l)9trr* 9^o)- o!(Je F* *Etx= .E .,e -!l !.€Egca 9ci vroo)< -g v-E+-v,E9()E8eFT -\cEI # HFl d - Y onEI F r E gE o,l 'rr=-*ESl $ X I ..r,()l ri ! c\ - \o..=l soar F. daof i c.,a)..rf !? u) O, u,iif .t) .p_ a O:1 vr C -ct XE-s F 5 > ttEEI NEl t-: \o o ,+, -€l -1 ,ad -l q a i) ,a:ltl .t .2 - qo-:l c < XEo{ $ ) c t}F!41 lr..r -l 6hl .i ' t-' ^r*.r I sr/)8l ss)Fl 'Ec >l *. - :6l: s a =ld.Ee3{l oE c.i i)El q^€ q F61 6rr=o il o il) oocl ct ol t'-€\a\v1 ii aaa \oqso\\O \Oo c.l$sc.r cl o)b0(sL.Et Ibl ,.b-cgo9l l'a(J.=EI A 6.E Ejit|OAAA d6) r_r Fg<'u +r ;-1ofo\l l€ ltlol.:I(Al Gr g 8'sEl 5. sl$ fl tgq ts.i g El sEE $E:#fr:l b b 8:E I sr H =t EttF *: *ETI 19l€I .El Frl v\arD q) oodG, \O taltr| cilO\ i-. F'. cti .P .t) .P .P F cid d d ciatt a ah oh aD F- cil Fr \O <>\c.|ra)ooFi t\ \O Ocf -l od d ..i6F* crl O C-l-.lr| N 12-6F-1 12-6F-3 CHAPTER 6 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ARTTCLE F. LOW DENS|TY MULT|PLE-FAMtly (LDMF) D|STR|CT SECTION: Multiple-famity residential dwellings, includ_ ing attached or row dwellings and condo-12-OF- 1: Purpose minium dwellings. 12-6F- 2: Permitted Uses 12-6F- 3: Conditional Uses Single-family residential dwellings.12-6F- 4: Accessory Uses 12-6F- 5: Lot Area And Site Dimensions Two-family residential dwellings. (Ord.12-6F- 6: Selbacks 8(1979) S 4.200) 12-6F- 7: Height 12-6F- 8; Density Gontrol 12-6F- 9: Site Coverage 12-6F-g: CONDITIONAL USES: The12-6F-10: Landscaping And Site following conditional uses shallDevelopment be permitted in th; LDMF District, subject12-6F-11; Parking to issuance of a conditional use permii in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title: 12-6F-1: PURPOSE: The Low Density Bed and breakfast as further regulated by Multiple-Family District is intend- section 12-'r4-18 of this Title.ed to provide sites for single-family, two- lamily and multiple-family dwellings at a Dog kennel. density not exceeding nine (9) dwelling units per acre, together with such public private clubs. facilities as may appropriately be located in the same district. The Low Density Multiple- Public buildings, grounds and lacilities.Family District is intended to ensure ade- quate light, ai1 privacy and open space for public or private schools.each dwelling, commensurate with low density occupancy, and to maintain lhe Public park and recreation facilities.desirable residential qualities of the Districtby establishing appropriate site develop- public utility and public seryice uses. ment standards. (Ord. 30(1977) g 4: Ord. 8(1973) S 4.100) Ski tifts and rows. Type lll employee housing unit (EHU) as12'6F'2: PERMITTED USES: The follow- provided in Section 12-19-6 of this Titte. ing uses shall be permitted in the LDMF District: Town of Vail 12-6F-3 Type lV employee housing unit (EHU) as provided in Section 12-13-7 of this Title. (Ord. 8(1992) 5 16: Ord. 31(1s8s) $ 4: Ord. 20(1982) $ 5: Ord. 2o(1s77): Ord. 8(1973) s 4.300) 12-6F-4: ACCESSORY USES: The follow- ing accessory uses shall be permitled In the LDMF District: Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-14-12 of this Title. Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhous- es, attached garages or carporls, swimming pools, patios, or recreation facilities cus- lomarily Incidental to single-family, two- lamlly or low density multiple-family resi- dentlal uses. Other uses customarily incidental and ac- cessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. (ord. 21(1eea) $ 12: ord. 16(1976) $ 1(a): ord. 8(1973) S 4.400) 12-6F.5: LOT AREA AND SITE DIMEN. SIONS: The minimum lot or site area shall be ten lhousand (10,000) square feet ol buildable area and each site shall have a minimum frontage ol thirty feet (30'). Each site shall be of a size and shape ca- pable of encloslng a square area eighty feet (80') on each side within its boundaries. (ord. 12(1s78) S 3) 12-6F-6: SETBACKS: In the LDMF Dis- trict, the minimum lront setback shall be twenty leet (20'), the minlmum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the 12-6F-9 minimum rear selback shall be twenly leet (20'). (ord. s0(1s78) $ 2) 12-6F-7: HEIGIIT: For a llat roof or man- sard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty five feet (35'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty eight feet (38'). (Ord. 37(1e80) S 2) 12-6F-8: DBNSITY CONTROL: A. Gross Residential Floor Area: Not more than thirty (30) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hun- dred (100) square feet of buildable site area; provided, however, that single-family and two-lamily dwelling units constructed in the Low Density Residential District shall be entitled to an additional two hundred twenty five (225) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) per constructed dwelling unit. Total density shall not exceed nine (9) dwelling units Per acre of buildable site area. B. Exemptions: All projects that have received final Design Review Board approval as of December 19, 1978, shall be exempt from lhe changes in this Section as long as the Project commences within one Year from the date of final approval' lf the project is to be developed in stages, each stage shall be commenced within one Year after the completion of the previous stage. (Ord. 16(1991) $ 2: Ord. 19(1979) $ 5: Ord. s0(1e78) S 18) '12-6F-9: SITE COVERAGE: site cover- age shall not exceed thirtY five Town of Vail 12-6F-9 percent (35%) of 17(1se1) S 4: Ord. the total site area. (Ord. 8(1e73) S 4.507) 12-6F-10: LANDSCAPING AND SITE DE- VELOPMENT: At least forty psrcent (4Oo/ol ol eech slte shall be land- scaped. The minimum of any area qualify- ing as landscaping shall be fifteen feet (15') with a minimum area not less than three hundred (300) squaro feet. (Ord. 19(1976) S 5): ord. 8(1s73) S 4.509) 12-6F-11: PARKING: Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 10 of this Title. No parking shall be loceted In any required front set- back area, except as may be specifically authorized in accordanoe wlth the provi- slons of Chapter 17 of this Title. (Ord. 8(1e73) $ 4.510) 12-6F-11 Town of Vail -6q (, t E 6 3. U E E a {t:t€ H5; E e"iE.,: i!i &"; a: i & { ;!:67 :t..i; C 3 o i=o9z. < r-r ii u .g t" z >6i a Eo6 9 99 b;. I P t IpE.iH6e'a iiiii .d56 b b b i - e= r >Ji,:4-: 15 ! - q a6; I€€ g 3 ;E3 = -3:6 6 3ii5 x .: .g -6 o-- &= t.E t :!? P:€ , - e= i; EELE gEr'.i X € Z 3:;;c !i I F > E,!€ v ES .[ca,9REb 3x;s ! i.Et E!i s 9:r'.! X € e 3x;sXiilE-!tE .q<i. H F 5 c +;;s E g X-c o; u!> E!€ g 6S F€€ 1- 5Ej!i EIdi B: EAts.' uits g E E 9s!+;E3 b; X;E!9SE uit g I E frs!+;E! b; x J E€9 SE n 1: L R E Hsi+;E! E.; isE!egt a€ !;i E 9st+;E! E.: X s Ete r!Etlt; *J EE9 SE e+ >63 .EEE b i.r i., 3 E€ bnana ,E T*bnlh I 1,:b?,;,E ET ?. -i H< > EBX x.9s-: F - &8.8 o? -;5A!€: Ig s <i F!€: x"5 ! E => t 99. €.s.H: 5 c !r> e s$rt, .iA Ed .:6 :&^r 6.\o a" .! t!5;o\E N E€ E? c3 E g.a a'a &, - ?E?,rqt;lr ! E IEEEf"E Ei;rigr .J (! c :E Eo Y()b.i ?o0 xF AN - Crl #EAc)'o c) o= cJo cJo 7s =.o-u, = th .: .= .2 I SEa''Ei5e '- o0cg cJ ii .YE:= -=t<f :s;ti i= (! H=.z-u,* 6lc--! (JF ,H A.U E!= 'J.zyt;.Ell gQ -.4 :atr-aU,z. {.) o 6 - .r EHEE itbt ^.,A,n -E id .9 .oot- .i (, 6gF at- it Fffr,Lt*z yrr),r_ "tf.c(l- \> \ $.,.)z\ '+L,^ \ 7-.^ \a- IJJqJ UJ if ;l :a tllui L.Ll C' C -t a z oozo () aJJ 1l- iJ.-ttll*a c0 F cttt9oa - u4 dIv4 T # 6oi I t- -- I\i \,, ]---.,.-- - -_ -\-.., --_>,_S+. t - ':'t.....i,>.-J -." frts --t-=:::\:1.- $** ,|'.'{"\ 2\ ruiYru*N. \\lRrr t ::i::: I I ru=s BsilgW==-i$ffiNll= +-i+=*=:_-----___- l\..._/,'-- Rig A- ll,-!R llfdn: ll's =9 llr{gil>g llZ .".$5E$s.,,J /: H*i .H Y-,' il .,' Lot'19 - Timber Falls Rayldo!, to Pravloudt ADprovad l)araloprlaEt PL! 3* ftAztl d. ts'I +t1 Erhi\rl*tf MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: August24, 1998 SUBJECT: A request for an amendment to a previously approved development plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls Couryunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. BACKGROUND The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), at its April 13, 1998 meeting, found that Phase X (Building #19) of Timber Falls has a vested development right for one structure in the exact form, size, density [6 dwelling units], and configuration as Building #18 and that anything in addition to or different than specifically that, will require a PEC review and approval of an amended plan. Subsequently, on April 27,1998, the PEC gave the applicant direction to amend the development plan by proposing single-family and duplex development. Subsequent to that mesting, on June 8, 1998, the PEC gave the applicant general direction that the proposal was not in keeping with the scale and character of the area and that there was excessive site disturbance and bulk being added to the site. There was concern expressed over the impacts to vegetation on the site. On July 13, 1998, the applicant returned to the PEC with a proposaltor 2 singleJamily structures and 1 duplex structure, for a total of 4 dwelling units. The applicant tabled the discussion so that they could develop new plans. The July 13 minutes and memo are attached for your reference. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting approval of an amended development plan for the site of Building #19. The proposal provides one building envelope and a total of 4 dwelling units. The building envelope is approximately 7,400 sq. ft. in size and the building footprint shown is approximately 4,830 sq. ft. in size. The plan provides tor7,325 sq. tt, of GRFA. The PEC, at its April 13, 1998 meeting, determined that the applicant is entitled to the GRFA contained in Building #18, which is 6,541 sq. ft. Additionally, staff has digitized the floor plans for Building #20, which the applicant refers to with respect to GRFA for Building #19, and has determined that Building #20 contains 7,275 sq. ft. of GRFA. Staff also analyzed this site in accordance with the LDMF Zone District. This site, looked at as a stand-alone building site, would allow for 8,180 sq. ft. of GRFA, and 5 dwelling units (see Zoning Analysis). The proposal includes 6 enclosed parking spaces and 6 surface parking spaces, for a total of 12 parking spaces. The Zoning Regulations require 8 parking spaces, or 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The Fire Department has determined that these dwellings will all be required to be sprinkled per the Uniform Fire Code requirements. The proposed access modifies the parking area and amount of landscaping directly in front of Building #20. The same number of parking spaces are maintained, but they are moved approximately 7' closer to the building. There is a letter from the management company representing the owners of Building #20 expressing concern over the development 0f the site for Building #19 (attached). The site is located in a High and Moderate Debris Flow Hazard, High Severity Rockfall Hazard, and a Snow Avalanche Area of Influence. The applicant has provided a site specific geologic hazard report addressing these hazards. The report finds that there is no impact of these hazards to this site. An owner affidavit is required to be submitted with the Design Review Board application for any development on this property. III. COMPARISON OF PROPOSED PLAN TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN Staff has prepared a comparison of the proposed development plan with the previously approved development plan and the previously approved development plan with parking (as developed by the applicant). Staff has analyzed these plans two ways. First, staff has provided an analysis ol the building footprints on all three concepts. This allows the site to be analyzed as to building bulk and mass located on this parcel. Second, staff analyzed the amount of "site disturbance" proposed for each plan. For this analysis, site disturbance is the area of building footprint, plus any paved drive aisle or parking area. The difference in building lootprint from the proposed development plan to the previously approved development planis2,477 sq. ft. of additional mass/footprint. The difference in site disturbance from the proposed development plan to the previously approved plan is 6,777 sq. ft. ol additionaldisturbance. The difference in site disturbance from the proposed development plan to the previously approved development plan with parking on-site (as developed by the appficant) is 1,287 sq. ft. of additional disturbance. The change in site disturbance from the July 13, 1998 proposed plan is 145 sq. ft. less site disturbance. rv. prscussroN Staff believes that the proposed bulk and mass (footprint) being added to the site is a substantial departure from the previously approved development. The proposed massing utilizes much more of the site than the approved development plan. Staff believes the proposed use is much more consistent with the adjacent multiple family uses than the previous proposal. Additionally, the proposal will have a greater physical impact to the site, which staff believes is a substantial departure from the approved development plan for the site. Staff also believes that the development provided, which shows Building #19 in its original massing with the addition of parking, clearly demonstrates that the site can be developed with less physical impacts to the site and with substantially less building mass (footprint). lf the applicant wishes to proceed with the development of Building #19 as a replica of Building #18, the applicant may proceed with a DRB application. Parking for alluses on-site is required. ZONING ANALYSIS Plan Aug. 24 Proposed Development Plan July 13 Proposed Devebpment Plan Prwiously Approved Developm€nt Plan Previously Approved Development Plan with Parking Area v. Zoning: Hazards: Lot area: Buildable area: Standard GRFA: D€nsity: Building height: Landscape area: Foot Print 4,830 sq. tt. 5,362 sq. ft. 2,353 sq. ft. 2,353 sq. ft. Bulldlng Envelope 7,400 sq, ft. 8,556 sq. ft. nla nla Paved Area 4,300 sq. tt. 3,913 sq. ft- None 5,490 sq. ft. Allowed Buildlnq #18 6,541 sq. ft. 6 dwelling units nla nla Site Disturbance 9,130 sq. ft. 9,275 sq. ft. 2,353 sq. ft. 7,843 sq. ft. Dlfference from Proposed n/a n/a 6,777 sq. ft. 1,287 sq. ft. Low Density Multiple Family High and ltloderate Debris Flow High Swerity Rockfall Snow Avalanche Area of Influence U,064.7 sq. ft. (0.782 acres) 24,269.8 sq. ft. (0.557 acres) Allowed LDMF 8,180 sq. ft. 5 durelling units 38'sloping 13,625.88 sq. ft. (40olo) Proposed 7,325 sq. ft.- 4 dwelling units 38'sloping 24,934.7 sq. ft. (73old Note: *A zone check of Building #20, reveals a total GRFA ot 7,275. 3 VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the applicant's request for an amendment to the approved development plan for Timber Falls, subject to the following flnding: 1. The proposed development plan is a substantial departure from the approved development plan due to the increased site disturbance and building footprint, which has a potential detrimental effect to the site and surrounding uses. Should the PEC decide to approve this development plan or a modified version, the PEC should consider making the following conditions: The site plan shall meet all development standards utilized by the Town of Vail and that this approval is accepted only as a preliminary grading and layout plan. A detailed plan shall be required prior to scheduling for DRB review of the proposal. The building envelope be reduced in size to correspond with the building footprint (4,830 sq. ft. in size). At least 50% of the Aspen trees located on-site shall be relocated or replaced on-site on a per caliper basis. Prior to DRB review of the proposal, the property be appropriately platted. The plat shall include the building envelope, all proposed easements (including off- site access easements), development standards (including number of dwelling units, GRFA, parking spaces, and site coverage) and include the following note: All future development will be restricted to the area within the platted building envelopes. The only development permitted outside the platted building envelopes shall be landscaping, driveways and retaining walls associated with driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) will be permitted to project beyond the building envelopes not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (Vz'l the distance between the building envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (7+) the minimum required dimension between buildings. The applicant shall revise the total GRFA for this development site to 6,541 sq. ft. 7. The site area and buildable area shall be limited to the area shown on the survey provided entitled:Site 19, Timber Falls, dated 3/31/98, with project number 98-0032S, prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Inc. and stamped by Duane Feringer, P.E. and P.L.S. 26626. 8. The applicant shall provide written approval of owne(s) of the parking area in front of Building #20, tor all modif ications proposed for the parking area. FIEVERYON E\PEC\ITEMOS\98\TIMBF824.W P D 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. oo oqr t oil *\to \*n iso \ +o c o t o o ii" .:;flffi g== H ffi +!"r<-\ kj/ €) 950 *t$o" \}Jo o oEzf-(H F oo EIo V) "*r3AOT, * I Lot 19 - Timber Falls LrLlo. !o Hou.lt ADProrql lr.'.lq,Eaot Plrr L-- I I I \- \.|f =^R _;' ,Ajd' I4g tof\-lI \J.\R R*...----T'lK\. , X-il\X\ I /<ry>\, )q / "+-..$;d aC F,t F *f. ,,, =lE4-d r rllF/fr; H Pllo$! ! "ll5 ZNIIE FEF $F IIHril Ii ll'o!^ijr =9 llF*u* Hlltsi 6ll { rl NN--y.NSNSiln/ ..-N\SSI5 ><\,/fr:. ..;F --- I'------*--r ,, --r---t _ )\-----,___ --- -- '*-o,. i-''- Lot 19 - Timber Falls RGvlddr to Hourlt AptFortal lraralopEaGt PLn J IEi:I 62 9 \') I I I I I I I .!v *K> k3/ F - llrg:ilrdoilA 'llFglloIa llf4HllvilullFlil<llFlllr{ llvllrg il<il [a1zFl :gF z [dr Y^f:"\x'4'*N\ i iir i,*r r**r''*l)"/< *1P,. \'i,,",,.",,. " ruf+ ,,'-*\;;{- $ _ ,,Rfl" trl "------:a=-;- $:l= - . $ - i - -i$:s+: -\g-= i ji.;it 'i*ixHr *;5$S'--:Y {ffitg '// ,r\ t,, // tt/ /./ r".-i; llr) @",, rl' I Lot 19 - Timber Falls Rtnd@r to Hordt Approrrd ltdrttoDEtat PlrD l--" !l3 ih t*I t \i \,, '\l \{ As€: -hEF dF6r! iiifu =sqz! qH'{ E$* 6 ,\rr -Ao o 5_---9ffi--r li:----l- --.-'1 -----:----------i-- :i:*SsSS-.--11-l-ri-a\s_-___=-__i_-____\\_ .- -'-i- \--'\ -.:.;=-----*-- - -'\ Lot 19 - Timber Falls RGrlddr to Hoqdt ApEco'rtd It nLpE6t PLr e PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 24, 1998 Min utes MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERSABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greg Moffet Dominic Mauriello Galen Aasland George Ruther Diane Golden Judy Rodriguez John Schofield Ann Bishop Tom Weber Brian Doyon Public Hearinq 2:00 p.m. 1. A final review of a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail Interfaith Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/ Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Vail Interfaith Chapel, represented by Gwathmey/Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Brian Doyon recused himself from this item. Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of lhe staff memo. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments and if the commissioners had any comments. Galen Aasland asked about parking requirements if the basement space was used. John Schofield made a motion with the additional conditions that there be a provision to provide access to lhe streamwalk and that parking be added if the basement is finished. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-1. 2. A request for an amendment to a previously approved development plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dc,'ninic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff mem^ He explained the difference between this plan and the previously approved plan being 1300 sq. ft. and thar uru p,: '1^"^ l'"- l'.-i a deficient parking plan. Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minutes August 24, 1998 Greg Moffet disclosed for the record that Greg Amsden was a customer of his, but that he felt it did not present a conflict. He then asked if the applicant had anything to add. Greg Amsden, the applicant, said the number 2,353 sq. ft. did not include the area of the building where the stairway was making a 1,000 sq. ft. differenee and that site coverage had been a point of contention. He said Timber Falls had approximately 780,000 sq. ft. and that site coverage was 35% for this zoning. He said there was 65,000 sq. ft. of site coverage, which was well under 1/3 for the whole development and that the amount they were asking for was such a small amount. He explained that this project was a scaled down scenario, but said it needed to be marketable and that the last alternative was to build another building. He said the townhome format had decreased being in the setback and the biggest difference was putting all the parking on site. Greg Moffet asked why lhere was so much more parking with this plan. Dominic Mauriello said that this needed a vehicle turnaround area, which the previous plan had not accommodated for. Greg Amsden asked if there was any way to reduce the asphalt area and preserve the trees. Jack Snow, the architect, said the turnaround area was required by the Fire Department and Public Works. Greg Amsden asked to move the parking back 7', which would provide 19 spaces as part of the plan and also preserve the trees. John Schofield said 30' from the asphalt to the building lakes out landscaping, not trees. Dominic Mauriello said the plan showed 22'trom the parking to the building. Greg Amsden said the adjacents would lose the view of the lower portion of the mountain, but that there were no view corridors established here. Greg Moffet said, referring to Bob Borne's Innsbruck situation, the PEC gave him flexibility to get staff approval on some changes, Greg Amsden said they would keep the footprint of the whole building. Dominic Mauriello said, regarding Condition #8, that the owner of the parking area had to give permission. John Schofield asked who the owner was. Greg Amsden said Ron Riley. Greg Amsden said the encroachment of 2' belonged to the Association and that they needed 7,275 sq fl regs;ding Conclition *16 and th"+ the.v had to have it. H- said outside "tairurells didn't count for GRFA. Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minulcs August 24, 1998 Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. Mel Brodie, a neighbor, said he was concerned about the site disturbance. He stated that at the 7/13/98 PEC meeting, the PEC was concerned about site disturbance and that this was not an improvement, just shuffled around. Chris Morrison, residing at the duplex al 4494 Streamside Circle, said after walking the site, you could see this was putting a 1 0 lb. project on a 5 lb. site. She said she was here to speak in opposition, as the pine trees would be stressed. Joe Clary, President of Building 18, Phase 9, said that Building 2O had 6 parking spaces and that multiple occupants had to double park for that building. He said it this project is approved, tenants won't be able to get in and out with the parking doubled up. He also said there was no way to access the swimming pool or tennis courts, after the garages are built, so we have to figure out an access before this is built. He felt the path should go through Riley's land. He said that trucks cannot maneuver around and there won't be hardly a tree left, if this project is approved. He said it has to be a smaller development. He mentioned that the snow from Building 20 gets pushed down to where this project will be. He said the access to the pool by car and by people had to be addressed. Marilyn Heller, from Building 18, wanted to bring to the PEC's attention that the approval of the original Building '19 was in error and that the parking was not adequate for Building 20. She said 12 spaces were needed, not 6. The footprint had too much going across the footpath to the swimming pool and we don't want a footpath down steep stairs. She stated there was a signed contract between Ron Riley and Rad lV, but Rad lV had Ron Riley on the Board, therefore, the buyer and the seller were the same. Greg Moffet said the PEC was not permitted to look beyond the applicant Rad lV. Dominic Mauriello said the action taken today would not take development rights away from Timber Falls. Tom Weber said he was concerned about the parking in the common space and lhe main problem was with the footprint being almost twice as much as what was out there. He said that views from surrounding areas would be impacted. He said if the applicant was proposing more site disturbance, he would like to see the project lower than 38'to benefit some of the neighbors, as the project seems too tall. Brian Doyon said his biggest concern was the bulk and mass and now it is twice the mass. He said he sees more opportunity lo go under the building and that flat roofs could drop some of the height. He said he was reluctanl on bringing the parking 7' closer to the building and with a non-conforming house, the applicantwould have to gei parking up to standard, which isn't happening at all. John Schofield said this was tweaked a little, but not enough. Galen Aasland said he appreciated ri r.r' parKrng moved away from Suilding 20. Planning and Environmcntal Commrssron Minutcs August 24, 1998 Greg Amsden said the existing development plan is not just Building 20 and we were looking at Timber Falls as a whole. Galen Aasland said that the Board has responsibility to the applicant and to the neighbors. The approval plan was for a building in similar scale with Building 19. This proposal is significantly larger than lhat and he couldn't support it. Ann Bishop said to take the comments from the neighbors and this is substantial departure. Diane Golden said the original parking had to be in the common area and was not well thought out and she then asked who parked down by lhe road. Greg Amsden said that Building 18 and 20 were the Association's problem and not the developers and that all our parking was on-site. Greg Moffet asked how much enclosed parking would have GRFA above it. Greg Amsden said all of it. Greg Moffet said what your plan does was to pull cars offthe road and put them in garages and have lower density in terms of units, therefore reducing the lraffic and parking demand on this site. He said he thought the neighbors should be in favor of this. He said the PEC approved a plan that was very close to this. He said we as a board approved a whole bunch of aspens and he thought this was truly pretty close to something he could approve. He then said the approved development plan had no parking on the original plan. Greg Amsden said the applicant was going to the DRB with the approved development plan Dominic Mauriello said parking had to be accommodated somewhere and the DRB would determine that. Greg Amsden said he had no say about parking on the rest of the site. Galen Aasland made a motion for denial. Brian Doyon seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-1 , with Greg Moffet opposeU. 3. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Ruther Dominic l/larrriellg g:.'^ -- . ',';lew c"' - :l:ff ;iiemo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Planning and Environmcntal Commrssron Minutes August 24, 1998 B.f'*t.+ t o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Gommission Community Development Department July 13, 1998 A request for an amendment to a previously approved development plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourUunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), at its April 13, 1998 meeting, found that Phase X (Building #19) of Timber Falls has a vested development right for one structure in the exact form, size, density [6 dwelling units], and configuration as Building #18 and that anything in addition to or different than specifically that, will require a PEC review and approval of an amended plan. Subsequently, on April 27, 1998, the PEC gave the applicant direction to amend the development plan by proposing single{amily and duplex development. Subsequent to that meeting, on June 8, 1998, the PEC gave the applicant general direction that the proposal was not in keeping with the scale and character of the area and that there was excessive site disturbance and bulk being added to the site. There was concern expressed over the impacts to vegetation on the site. The applicant is requesting approval of an amended development plan for the site of Building #19. The proposal provides 3 building envelopes (A, B, and C) and a total of 4 dwelling units. Building envelope "C" would contain a duplex structure. The applicant has provided a site plan of building site #19 (no building forms or plans have been provided, per PEC direction). Building envelopes "A" and "B" would allow for 1,950 sq. ft. of GRFA each and building envelope "C" would allow for 3,425 sq. ft. of GRFA for a total site GRFA ot 7,325 sq. ft. The PEC, at its April 13, '1998 meeting, determined that the applicant is entitled to the GRFA contained in Building #18, which is 6,541 sq. ft. Additionally, staff has digitized the floor plans for Building #20, which the applicant refers to with respect to GRFA for Building #19, and has determined that Building #20 contains 7 ,275 sq. ft. of GRFA. Staff also analyzed this site in accordance with the LDMF Zone District. This site, looked at as a stand-alone building site, would allow for 8,180 sq. ft. of GRFA, and 5 dwelling units (see Zoning Analysis). The proposal includes enclosed two-car garages for each of the dwelling units located on-site. The Zoning Regulations require 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. The applicant has provided 4 parking spaces per dwelling unit (2 enclosed, 2 surface). The applicant has revised the building envelopes to exclude areas of 40% slope or greater and areas where there is a substantial number of conifer trees on-site (Building envelope "B"). The Fire Department has given approval of the general layout, but has stated to the applicant, that structures, based on final design, may be required to be sprinkled per the Uniform Fire Code requirements. The access to the site has been modified in order to work more efficiently. The proposed access modifies the parking area and amount of landscaping directly in front of Building #20. The same number of parking spaces are maintained, but they are moved approximately 7'closer to the building. Staff has not received any indication from the owners of Building tt'20 as to the acceptability of this modification. There is a letter from the management company representing the owners of this building expressing concern over the development of the site for Building #19 (anached). The proposed plan no longer shows a pedestrian path easement on the western portion of the site. The site is located in a High and Moderate Debris Flow Hazard, High Severity Rockfall Hazard, and a Snow Avalanche Area of Influence. A site specilic geologic hazard report and owner affidavit are required to be submitted with the Design Review Board application for any development on this property. The applicant's submittal, as well as correspondence received from adjacent property owners, are attached. II. COMPARISON OF PROPOSED PLAN TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN Staff has prepared a comparison of the proposed development plan with the previously approved development plan and the previously approved development plan with parking (as developed by the applicant). Staff has analyzed these plans two ways. First, staff has provided an analysis of the building fooprints on all three concepts. This allows the site to be analyzed as to building bulk and mass located on this parcel. Second, staff analyzed the amount of "site disturbance" proposed for each plan. For this analysis, site disturbance is the area of building envelope/footprint, plus any paved drive aisle or parking area. The difference in building footprint from the proposed development plan to the previously approved development plan is 3,009 sq. ft. of additional mass/lootprint. The difference in site disturbance from the proposed development plan to the previously approved plan is 6,922 sq. ft. of additional disturbance. The difference in site disturbance from the proposed development plan to the previously approved development plan with parking on-site (as developed by the applicant) is 1,432 sq. ft. of additional disturbance. Slte Dllference from Pavod Area Ol3turbance Proposed 3,913 sq. ft. 9,275 sq. ft. nla None 2,353 sq. ft. 6,922 sq. ft. 5,490 sq. ft. 7,843 sq. ft. 1,€2 sq. ft. Plan Proposed/Amended Development Plan Bulldlng Foot Prlnt Envolope 5,362 sq. ft. 8,556 sq. ft. Prwiously Approved 2,353 sq. ft. n/a Develooment Plan Pr€viously Approved 2,353 sq. ft. nla Develooment Plan with Parking Area il. DtscusstoN Staff believes that the proposed bulk and mass (footprint) being added to the site is a substantial departure from the previously approved development. The proposing massing utilizes much more of the site than the approved development plan. Additionally, staff believes the proposed use is inconsistent with the adjacent multiple family uses. This is not to say that multiple family development and single{amily/two{amily are always incompatible, but in this specitic instance, given the location of the parcel in relationship to the adjacent buildings, statf believes the proposed use is inconsistent with the remainder of the development. Additionally, the proposal will have a greater physical impact to the site, which staff believes is a substantial departure from the approved development plan for the site. Staff also believes that the development provided, which shows Building #19 in its original massing with the addition of parking, clearly demonstrates that the site can be developed with less physical impacts to the site and with substantially less building mass (footprint). lf the applicant wishes to proceed with the development of Building #19 as a replica of Building #18, the applicant may proceed with a DRB application. Parking for all uses on-site is required. tv. Zoning: Hazards:High and Moderate Debris Flow High Severity Rockfall Snow Avalanche Area of Influence Lot area: 34,06/..7 sq. ft. (0.782 acres) Buildable area: 24,269.8 sq. ft. (0.557 acres) ZONING ANALYSIS Low D6nsity Multiple Family Standard GRFA: Density: Building height: Landscape area: Allowed LDMF 8,180 sq. ft. 5 dwelling units 38'sloping 13,625.88 sq. ft. (40%) Allorred Building #18 6,541 sq. ft. 6 dwelling units Proposed 7,325 sq. ft.' 4 dwelling units 35'sloping 24,789.7 sq. ft. (72%) nta nla Note: .A zone check of building #20, reveals a total GRFA ot 7,275. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the applicant's request for an amendment to the approved development plan for Timber Falls, subject to the following findings: {The proposed development plan is inconsistent with the character and massing of the area and the remainder ol the Timber Falls development. The proposed development plan is a substantial departure from the approved development plan due to the increased site disturbance and building footprint, which has adetrimental effect to the site and surrounding uses.A .. r'P"\ant'r^l 2. 3. The proposal is inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town of vail and is potentially detrimental to the environment. Should the PEC decide to approve this development plan or a modified version, the PEC should consider making the following conditions: The site plan shall meet all development standards utilized by the Town of Vail and that this approval is accepted only as a preliminary grading and layout plan. A detailed plan shall be required prior to scheduling for DRB review of the proposal. All grading associated with buildings on-site be contained within the building envelopes. At least 50% of the Aspen Trees located on-site shall be relocated or replaced on- site on a per caliper basis. Prior to DRB review of the proposal, the property be appropriately platted. The plat shall include all building envelopes, all proposed easements (including off-site access easements), development standards (including number of dwelling units, GRFA, parking spaces, and site coverage) and include the following note: All future development will be restricted to the area within the platted building envelopes. The only development permitted outside the platted buiHing envelopes shall be landscaping, driveways and retaining walls associated with driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) will be permitted to project beyond the building envelopes not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (t/z) lhe distance between the building envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (%) the minimum required dimension between buildings. Prior to DRB application, the applicant shall provide a site-specific hazard report and a owner hazard atfidavit for the development in accordance with the Zoning Regulations. The applicant shall revise the total GRFA for this development site to 6,541 sq. ft. The site area and buildable area shall be limited to the area shown on the survey provided entitled: site 1 I, Timber Falls, dated 3/31/98, with project number g8- 0032S, prepared by Inter-Mountain Engineering, Inc. and stamped by Duane Feringer, P.E. and P.L.S. 26626. The applicant shall provide written approval of owners of the parking area in front of Buifding f20,tor all modifications proposed for the parking area. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. F:\EVERYONE\PECWEMOS\98\TlM BFALL.71 3 Qo" Chalets at Timber Falls The applicant, AMS Development, Inc., is proposing to amend a previously approved development plan for Building #19, Timber Falls Condominiums. The previously approved development plan consisted of two 3-story structures containing 3 condominium units each (total of six units) connected by a covered stairwell struature (see attached photos of Buildings #18 and #20, Timber Falls Condominiums). No formal plans were ever filed on Building #19, thus the planning staffat the Town of Vail researched GRFA figures of the adjacent buildings and determined that Building #18 contained 6,541 sq.ft. and Building #20 contaned7,275 sq.ft. The staffalso determined that the current site under consideration, given the existing Low Density Multi-Family zoning, could accommodate 8,180 sq.ft. of GRFA. After several worksessions regarding zoning issues and development concepts for Building Site #19, the applicant researched constructing a duplicate of Building #18 on the subject property. Such a building would require 12 new parking spaces on site under current zoning and the location of the actual structure (a0' high) would be pushed toward the edge of the 40% slope areas and create a more visible exposure to neighboring creekside property owners to the north (see attached site plan). Since site disturbance appeared to be an important issue at the June PEC worksession, the applicant decided not to pursue a condominium building development. The applicant is proposing to construct three structures, one duplex and two single-family residences, on the property commonly known as Building Site #19. The applicant is requesting a total GRFA number of 7,325 sq.ft. The applicant is proposing specific building envelopes for each of the three structures. All parking shall be located within the proposed building envelopes and the applicant is proposing a2-car garage for each residence. Pronertv Use The condominium approach to developing Building Site #19 would create a product that appeals exclusively to second home ownership. A single-family or duplex approach (smaller 1,825-2,020 sq.ft. floor plans) would attract local ownership as well as second home buyers. The Vail Valley is now seeing a good number of retired and semi-retired couples moving here as full time residences. The availability of new single-family and duplex residences with smaller floor plans is almost non-existent. A good example of the demand for this type of product is Innsbruck Meadows, where 7 ofthe 17 units constructed are occupied by local residents. Such results would not occur with new condominium products. Parkins As discussed above the applicant is providing a2-car garcge with each residence proposed. In addition, two guest spaces per residence are proposed. Although garages do create more site coverage, they eliminate the view of an exposed parking lot required for a condominium building. ln addition, the parking areas proposed by applicant allow for better use of landscaping buffers than the l2-car parking lot required underthe condominium approach. Fire Denartment Issues The applicant's architect, Rich and Krusar Designs, met with Mike McGee regarding fire department access issues. Fire engine access and turn-around information provided to the planning staffwas acceptable to Mike McGee, but the actual structures may be required to be I al of the u",r,0,.?U. The applicantsprinklered in the Design REview process ( submitt acknowledges this may be a requirement in obtaining architectural and structural approval of the proposed project. Trees The applicant is proposing to protect all existing evergreens on the site as well as several ofthe aspens exceeding 6" caliper. The applicant field verified 2rlaspen trees in the 4" to 5" caliper category scattered throughout the site (see applicant's tree location site plan). lt is the applicant's intention to relocate these trees (those located within areas of site disturbance) to areas adjacent to Buildings #18 and #20 to buffer the proposed structures. The actual survey indicating the existing location ofthese trees shall be provided in the Design Review stage of this development. A tree relocation plan as well as a tree mitigation plan will be discussed in the Design Review process. Site Coveraee and Heisht Issues The applicant's proposal increases that portion ofthe site covered by structural elements, but decreases the amount of site covered by asphalt (when comparing it to the condominium building approacQ. The lower building heights in the proposed duplex and single-family structures act as a compensating factor, as well as the dispersed nature of the structures. Landscaping between driveways can also soften the front elevation as one enters the property. The applicant feels the visual impact of this proposal is much less than that of a 3-story condominium building. Comnatibilitv to Surroundins Pronerties Site #19 at Timber Falls is bordered by the following property types: Condominiums, 900-1300 sq.ft., 2-3 BR floorplans, older structures. Single-Family residences, 4,000-7,000 sq.ft., 4-6 BR floorplans, new structures. Duplex and Primary-Secondary residences, 1800-3000 sq.ft floorplans, a mix of older and remodeled structures. East Condominiums, 900-1300 sq.ft., 2-3 BR floorplans, older structures. The applicant believes that smaller duplex and single-family structures (1,825-2,020 sq.ft.) are well suited for this site and very compatible to surrounding properties. The Design Review Board shall administer to the specific architectural compatibility and details of the applicant's proposal upon approval ofthis amended development plan. South West North OO Burr,urnc #18. Tnrsnn F,ll r,s Conlorunruus Buu,orxc #20. Trnrrnn Felr,s Coxnourntuus qfld tqoEdotaaoq sIIBd roqullJ, - 6r loT o Rvy'' fAG 3 d*) &e ,e;ir It t *so tr , t -\ a..---_P *$q >\)a 8s*s2 sVEkE 3trdR _69Uzi a<< f- .' '![a$ gaR st', t $*/._ ft .tir 3l Fl r9 z F1A Fl Fr -u) a frla FrA HA t\ t\ t\' s.t\ t7 \r -\.\.1 \ \ l\ I I R{ t.{ tt I ,I- d z rhOzi) tt Z dH<X tL lr.l (/'.''.. \DzoJ o .a- -n)o o ct(L / 6-b to.+-+:- -.!. /0o z6rd')LL -to,uoxv-uz\ zU \J j2 /^o9 J ul ,r- z F1r F{zH" >tlAtlAilvtl Ff llHtl>tl tEl llollaI El tl(nll otl Allz-.,oildtril; F{il=_ F{ R..__-yl I /+9 lrrtd tq.Erdol.^oq sIIBd reqrull - 6I loT ,t6 - )I\ d'g; ,7# b9 t fr,F $I I I <.\)ro / \ &f,-.*--' ./E:6 ,,' ---l\:--11-\--:1 $ffi-\**5&S; ', tr'...'\. _-R-uQ R \ ',. ''' 1-'Pi9-$--,"."''\ 0H=V-: ','," ,H.5f#+--., '\,, j) i,* ---'f .,/ ' -tf,v,"-- f,d -o I I Id Ilt-" t\ l\ R 3$ dH aa r.-Dtrt t4 d6 \, ; U'.-"..i.^ -&un \ $-.>a\, '-ra,_,\vz \4 UJ TU Aoi' i)t4Oi t:l :< L!ul lit E J 3 b E Bolrl p t\ I j 'cot'lFI .ol a 3 =oozo O aJJ 1! lJ-lUiC0i =F cttt9oa2 u4 dt4 g7lAAl1998 LLi26 303-71 Z-AXIS PAGE O1 Dear Ur- htrlelll.: Irur writlng to you 1a order to protest the proposed slte plan atrendnent for S{tc 19 at Tiuber Falls Condoolnlums. Ito a condomtntun orruer of f,ulldtng rgraEo$tE8ruB"l*Eeraerrt of the gesoctarlon of that bulldlag, and am speaking on behalf of oyaelf as sell ee others Ln uy butldtng. lte prlnary teaSon t e noved into the Tluber Falls co@unity vas our apprecla-tlon of the harmny that erlets between the developnenc 1t6elf, and the beautlful vlew8 th6t the natural setglng provldes. UsfortunateLy, ttre proposed aoetrd[tnt to slte 19 rculd creaGe a atront negatlve lnpact on our adJacent bullding as well aa the entire co@unlty. lhls l-s due to tlre diacotd created by the denelty of ttre propoaed anenduent coupl,ed rtlth the lncoasl-steucy of the propoeed plan to the erlstltrg conpLex.. I rpprecl,af,e the opportunlty to express the comunlty concerus over thls proposed ef,enduan!. Please feel free to coltact Ee should you have any questl.ons about our concerns: 303-796-060f. 3-8299I Slncerely yours, j Date Reeeivgd ,-, JUN rz 1998 ,/Nr/Vcril ll{crncrffenrent Corn4rcrng June 10, L998 Mr. Dominic Mauriello Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado A1657 Dear Mr. MaurieLlo: I represent the management, company for Timber FalLs Building 20.f would l-ike to express the concerns of Ehe owners of this propertywith regards to the proposed new development adjacent to it.- My understanding is that the new building will be on1y 22 feet fromTimber Fall-s Building 20. This is obviously very close. We wouldask t.hat the elevat.ions of the new building be softened by havingthe rooflj"ne go away from the existing Timber Falls buildlng and/oihavj.ng just one story this close to lessen its impact. There are currently only 6 parking spaces for the Timber FaLlsbuilding 20. There shoul-d be 15 spaces. We cannot have theparking reduced at all. Any reductj-on wouLd leave less than 1parking space per unit. r would appreciate having these concerns presented to the committeeevaluat.ing this new development. Should you hawe any questions,please feeL free to call me at 475-4262 5l_^t --eLY r Ste cDonald 207 Gore Creek Drive r Vail, Colorado g1657 (970) 476-4262 . l-800-944-vAIL r Denver 893-3853 r Facsimile (glu 4z9-9624 President. I 0137rE2012 PESTINGER DIST ,uly t, l99t DqufubF. MurinloS€d6Il- TomdVd T5FrurlgFRod vd, co. Et6t7 Rc: totl9 'Iimbcr Fdb DsrrMr. I\[ruridlo: Whcn w puclulod our condminium .t 2001 Tirnbc Frb h l9gl, wv nrrc infqncd of tb Lrr 19 Dgtdopncnr Ptn" wuc rr rroqty objwt lo t|||ili S on [ir m ftr . nn$cr of rperanr inchdiry lrc Lct of ruinilo *ccrr ad 6c rtcfirclim of ttrc rrpcn gnDE, wo d lorst wEs ewuc of ttc pa.|Dl, dcwlamcr wtru wl Frch&d lto uritDqqry rt owno thcir puting use ltd bnir b lrc b thcb rldr Brilling 20 har onV dx prErhg phc6 a rhc prcrcnt timc wtiohb totilyh|d4n rc; hc rypovcd phn rpcan todhindc et lcuc two of thc dL Thir L nd r€ccptrh|c. 'lhe popacd ecvotopnan pln b rbohrly iuppmrb fc Lor 19. Ir igtrss ttc irp.ct E ttc airc comflsx rnd ravhhcr ilr bcany of thc liF by ceowding rhc bl wiul ovenizc bnildiry nd pilEmcil. It h.. dl of Orc p,roblcnr qf trc otigilrl TD(qr,Edprqd h uo of Ffh& hil thc rcEil bccrmcr mqu of r rey comrq o.p6idly in tbc cwnt of ftc. ThE prryncd huihting wrruH rrner rlitity rtir lim h Rffit et Wo rtugly nrgc d.nirl of erry dorcbpmcot on L,ot 19 bsyord thc ufuiml poporet, nd rcqu.'t out 6c rpprocO FoF,irl bc rwiritcd in rcuu o,f dcqt||E prtlrg nrd *cerq n&ty, {.lihdirtubmcc. Thrnk pu for pu wul ur thir riuraiur. P01 Siaccrcly, ./)-( \& a**c-.t f<' ('< -'qa<)-)J Gtr& tr(dlccnPcrtingc BuldLrszo (2001) hxl*l*r Brian Doyon said granting this would be a grant of special privilege and that having so many cars was not a hardship. He stated that behind the existing garage, there was plenty oi spacewith no impact and that didn't require a variance. John Schofield asked Bill Pierce if he had explored Brian Doyon ,s option. Bill Pierce said it would be a hardship to extend the garage underground. Luc Meyer said the land on the west side of the house was part of the tract system in Potato Patch. Greg Moffet stated that this request was a tough one. He said the PEC volunteered to enforce the rules and this was a special privilege, as it was based on the fact that a garage worked better lhere. He said if we granted this, we would be drinking variances from a fire hose. Bill Pierce said lhere was a difference, as a garage required that a car had to fit into it. He stated that this property was entitled to 4 enclosed parking places, as it was a duplex lot. Dominic Mauriello apologized, as he thought this was a single-family home from reviewing the floor plans. Greg Moffet said that made a big difference. John Schofield made a motion for approval. Ann Bishop seconded the motion. Greg Moffet stated, for the record, that because of the policy that the Town wants ample enclosed parking on a permanent basis, he would support the variance. Galen Aasland said, in the future to add GRFA in the setback was not appropriate. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0-1. 8. A request for an amendment lo a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overyiew of the staff memo and added that a hazard study had been received stating that the site would not be impacted. He also said he had received several letters from neighboring property owners. Ann Bishop left at 4:30 p.m. (This was the last item on the agenda). Greg Moffet disciosed for the record that he did business with the applicant, but that it would not affect his decision. Planning and Environmcntal Commission Minutcs July 13, 1998 creg Amsden, representing RAD lv and himself, showed the perspective and how low the building sat on the site from the west elevation, as seen from Bald Mounlain to the project. He said it was 6'-8' lower than Building #18 or #20 and was stepped back. He said, as viewed from the property across the creek, it was lower lhan a condominium building. He stated that the opportunity to replace trees was lessened dramatically, if a 6-unit building was there instead of this proposal. He said that the parking scenario was better than outdoor parking. He reminded the PEC that staff was taking a conservative approach in relation to what this site could handle. He again stated that they were going from a potential condominium building to smaller single- family units. Dominic Mauriello said that this was a substantial departure from the plan and potentially detrimental to adjacent neighbors, as the proposal encroached closer into buildings in that development. He said this development was zoned multiple-family and by introducing single- family dwellings into an area zoned multiple-family would be potentially inconsistent with what was built there. Greg Amsden said he was not interested in dropping the GRFA. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. Marilyn Heller, an owner of a condo on the east side of Building #18, said she would be impacted with whatever went on that site. She said it was a very large footprint and that one of the single homes would go over the path that was an access way to the swimming pool, tennis courts and recreation area. She said it would be very close to her patio, impacting the view and taking away the trees. She said the original plan did not take parking into account, which was also a problem and needed some rethinking. She stated that the sewer line needed to be looked into, as they needed to be careful not to cross over the existing sewer line for Buildings #18-#20. Mel Brodie, who lived directly across the creek, said this was just a huge mass of buildings with these three separate structures. He said the 35' high condo would be replaced by 3 buildings ranging in heighi 32'- 35' . Dominic Mauriello made a correction on #2 o'f the findings in # V.- Staff Recommendation. He said it should add the word "potential," before the word "detrimental." Tom Weber stated that what was approved was the right to build the same building as Building #18 or#20. He said he was being asked to depart from what had been approved. He said the proposed plan caused more site disturbance and was closer to the neighboring buildings. He said he would like to see some investigation of putting the parking into the existing common area. He said that this proposal had more impact than the previously approved plan. He said because of the way it looked and its use being such a departure from the original plan and it affected the neighbors more, he wouldn't be able to support the request at this time. Brian Doyon echoed what Tom said. He said that the PEC only approved the master plan and that this was a large massing in the footprint. He said that this was a condo project and the parking was intended to be in the common area the same as the resi of the area. He thought that trees should be replaced 100% caliper per calrper. Dominic Mauriello said it was reasonable to replace al 50% caliper per caliper, if replacing a large number of trees. Planning and Environmcntal Commrssron Minutes JulyJ3, 1998 Brian Doyon again said to add as much caliper per caliper as could be accommodated. Greg Moffet asked if the garages were counted in the GRFA figure. Greg Amsden said, no. Brian Doyon suggested that moving the parking lots closer to the balconies on Building #20 was a concern. Tom Weber said the common area slarted at the exterior wall of Building #20. Greg Amsden said Building #18 owned their own parking and that Building #20 did not own their own parking. He said that Ron Riley had granted easements for the building to have access, but he owns the common area. Brian Doyon said to have a car parked 10' from your window was a detrimental effect. John Schofield said the site disturbance for three foundations was much more and that access pinned in by parking wouldn'l function. Therefore, he said realistically, the site disturbance was substantially more and the access was not accessible. Galen Aasland said he had concerns with the site disturbance and if it couldn't be demonstrated that the site disturbance was the same, the applicant shouldn't get GRFA . He said he did see merit in enclosing the parking. He said for this to be approvable, the scale would have to be consisteni with what was on the site. He said he believed that the applicant could build signiflcantly more upwards to 35' and that his biggest concern was the footprint and the building mass and bulk, so he would have trouble supporting this. Diane Golden stated that this was a great departure from what was previously approved. Greg Moffet said the problem in hand was that this was uncharted territorywith an approved development plan. He questioned single-family houses in the middle of this project. He said he was hung up on the bulk and mass of the garages. He said there was an additional 2,500 sq. ft. for the garages. He said he wanted to see covered parking, with no more bulk and mass. Greg Amsden summarized that the single-family approach didn't seem workable with the Commission or with the staff, as there was too much disturbance. He said they needed to put the parking on the site. He thought they would have to put a condo building here or put a townhome scenario. He said he would like to table this and come back with a townhome scenano. Galen Aasland said a townhome would fit into the neighborhood better, having a common wall. He then made a motion to table this item until 8/10/98. John Schofield seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of tj-o. 9. A request for a worksession of a major exterior alter:ation in CC2 and the establishment of a Special Development District for the Antlers at Vail, located at 680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Planning and Environmcnlal Commtsston Minutcs July 13, 1998 tl I -, -- r0yiN lql/nt7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Tlmber Falls Building 19 hot tub DRB Number: DRB010414 Project Description: Concrete slab for portable hot tub Participants: OWNER TIMBER FALLS ASSOCIATES r2lr7l20Ql Phone: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Maximum Comfort Pool & Spa l2lI7l2O0I Phone: 949-6339 Julie Grimm POB 2670 Vail, CO 81658 License: Project Address: Location: Building 19 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TIMBER FALLS CONDO Parcel Number: 210112300004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:0I12812002 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005176 That the two existing aspen trees to be removed must either be relocated or replaced elsewhere on the site. Cond: CON0005177 That a Developer Improvement Agreement for the relocation or planting of two aspen trees shall be executed prior to the issuance of an electrical permit. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Coloraclo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application b br any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. Please reEr b the submittal requirements for theparticuhr approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Do/elopment Depafinent. The proFct may also need b be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construcUon commences within one year of the approval. o .-i\J 'o \h! Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block: Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): ili Owner(s) Signature(s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E New Construction $200D Addition $50 F Minor Alteration E Changes to Appmved Plans Tirn (Contact Eagle Co at 970-for parcel no.) For construction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is added to any residen0al or comm€rcbl building (includes 250 additbns & interior conversions). For minor changes b buildings and site improvements, such as, rermfing, paintiru, window additions, landraping, Ences and retaining walb, etf,. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design R6/iew Eoard $20 PLEASE SUBMIT THrS APPUCAION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII, COLORADO 81657. :: SHANNON KNAL rl-i, v*\r- 4 \i1ii.-'\1 l-lLllilflllil trOO/ 'q SIPA L/ O gHorptrip B..o- .1, _o8., '.. rr!!L,.,,. .,/ Lo.r t.t .. t-(,..)J 1t'1J 1tt),")-r S rla\ t d -t(:,. iolat 97A 90:l''J019 fl'rrls(falrb@rn.l)svar/cor]l Eagie'ValBusnessCenlel Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS I014{\I General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements, Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditionsxo Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specificglions{oqlhe proposal including colors and materials to be used.o Lighting Plant an{Cut-sheet(9) for proposed fixtures, if applicable @ wiineriapproval fbM'd6minium association or joint owner, if applicable-f The Administrator and/or DRB mav reouire the submission of additional plans. drawings.speof ed necessary to determine iec! vvill comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly , Please ies of rhe materials noted b,ith an astcrisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: tr Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) tr Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: indicated. Buildino Materials UST OF PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SoffiE Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specifo the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip, All exterior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Development Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe light fixtures. rt TIMBERFALLS PHASE X ASSOCIATION IOOO S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST SUITE 2OO VAIL, COLORADO 81657 97047 6-{6,02 F tX 970t767928 E-Mail - juliejag@colorado.net December L0, 2001 Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern: This letter 1s to confirm approval of a hot tub spa for TimberfallsBuilding 19, Phase X. Please contact me should you have any questions. Very truly yours, lie Grimm Reeves .rt *tt't*+l't+l**lltltl:t**'t+f *|tf lt'|'t:a*tt*l"i{t{'**'t*a***lt**i*+*a+++*f **t*'l'}*t+l{t*'l't***tt*'l***'t'ltll** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO stste,ment *ttt****rtf t*tt**+tt'ltt{rttt*t**f lf ++tt+**'tll*t'}*'l*f f ++t+'}'} lt **:l**:}**'}*+*****'lt'}'}f !tl**'}'t'}***+++ Statement Number: R000001838 Amount: $20.00 t2/L7/2OOLLL:35 All Payment tlethod: Check Init: JAR Notation: 028269/tlaximrm Comfort Pool & SPa Pbndt No: DRBO1O414 T14re: DRB - llinor Alteration Parcel No: 210112300004 Slte Addreee : Location: Building 19 Total Fee6: $20. OO T*ris Payment: 920.00 Totat AL J Rnte: $20'00 Balance: $0.00 **tt**t*f+t+**t**'rtt****'|*****'t**{"t{rf'}****al**'t***f*+********'}*:tl++*****r****t++l+*******r*a ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR ()O1()()()()3I122()O DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 20 .00 U o _l\t ip. 42'HEIOHT RAILIN6 6ry /.,oo( \&'^z 'ili*{':.}i COPYFIL E Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w December 19, 2001 Julie Grimm Reeves Timberfalls Phase X Association 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Timberfalls Building #19 - Proposed hot tub (4469 Timberfalls Court, Bldg. 19 / Bighorn 4' Addition) Dear Julie, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Application for Design Review for the proposed concrete slab and hot tub at Timberfalls Building #19. Our records indicated that a "Temporary Certificate ofOccupancy''has been issued for Building #19, however, there are still outstanding conditions ofapproval for Building #19 that have prevented the Town of Vail from issuing a frnal "Certificate ofOccupancy." These outstanding conditions must be completed then inspected by Town Staffprior to thc issuance of a "Certificate ofOccupancy." Design Review approval of the proposed concrete slab and hot tub will not be issued until a final "Certificate ofOccupancy" has been approved and issued for Building #19. Our records indicate that the following items are unresolved conditions ofapproval from the issuance of the "Temporary Certihcate of Occupancy" for Building #19: l. AII vent covers must be painted to match the building extcrior. 2. Drainage from parking lot and roof drain is causing water to tlow down steps to lower unit on west side of the complex. There is a drainpipe, but it may not be big enough to handle the water. The proposed location of the concrete slab and hot tub will require the removal or relocation of two existing aspen trees. This proposed location is acceptable to the Town with the condition that the two existing aspen trees eithcr be relocated or replaced elsewhere on the site. Since the winter season is not suitable to planting or relocating trees, the execution of a Developer Improvement Agreement to ensure the future relocation or planting of two aspen trees will be required prior to Design Review approval of the proposed concrete slab and hot tub. Please fmd enclosed both a Cash Deposit and Letter of Crcdit format Developer Improvement Agreemcnt form. Ifyou have any questions or corunents, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, U2- 21 --7.-z-- Bill Gibson. AICP Planner I Town of Vail Enclosures:. Developer lmprovement Agreement form (Cash Dcposit Format)r Developer lmprovcmcnt Agreement lbrm (Lencr of Crcdit Format) {g *n'uo'^"' CCIP YFIL E Depa ment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 rrww.ci.vail.co.us Ianuary 28,2002 Julie Grimm Reeves Timberfalls Phase X Association 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 200 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Timberfalls Building # 19 - Proposed hot tub (4469 Timberfalls Cout, Bldg. l9 / Bighorn 4b Addition) Dear Julie. The Town of Vail has recently issued a final Certificate of Occupancy for Timber Falls Building #19. Since this issue has been resolved, Town of Vail Staff has issued conditional Design Review approval of the proposed concrete slab and hot tub for Timber Falls Building #19. As you are aware, the proposed location of the concrete slab and hot tub will require the removal or relocation of two existing aspen trees. This proposed location is acceptable to the Town with the condition that the two existing aspen trees either be relocated or replaced elsewhere on the site. Since the winter season is not suitable to planting or relocating trees, the execution of a Developer Improvement Agreement to ensure the future relocation or planting of two aspen trees shall be required. Please hnd enclosed both a Cash Deposit and Letter ofCredit format Developer Improvement Agreement form. Please complete one of these forms and submit it to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (910) 479-2173. Sincerely, 1./.4//*2-- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail Enclosures: vb /Jr'(_ o Developer Improvement Agreement form (Cash Deposit Format) . Developer Improvement Agreement form (Letter of Credit Format) {S *rn"uor "o :=r: r!ilr a c' o tt.f i) , , ,Ll lt imnt( THIS COULD BE THE MOST RELAXTNG PART OF OWNINGYOURSPA. This emblem means that each Hot Springo spa is made by a company whose qualiry systems are ceftified to be in accordance with ISO 9001 - the highest international standard for design and manufacturing excellence. lVhat's more, our certification comes from Lloyd's, one of the most demandine and prestigious registrars in the world. Vhich means you can feel confident knowing you bought the best spa made. Isn't that what relaxation is all about? SopursrrcnrED DESIGN. Pnrututvt PRooucrroN Since 1977, the makers of Hot Spring spas have been the market leader, and are the only three-time recipient of the spa indusryt prestigious John Holcomb Silver award for technological innovation. Ve meticulously design our spas using the most advanced computerized systems available. And you can see our attention to detail in the thoughtful little extras that go into every spa. Before each spa moves from one stage of production to the next, it must be inspected and approved by a trained technician at over 100 checkpoints. And before shipment, each spa is filled with water and completely tested to ensure all systems are working properly. All these extra details add up to a Hot Spring spa. Built for a lifetime of relaxation.' Hot Spring sp,rs trc the u'or/di n unbcr onc stlliug hnnl. I lr_y't'c uutlt h.y Vtttrint lvlttutfiu turiug, ottr of,llasco (orpont tio tri J,uni/1' oJ conptttics u'l )o\ t f rod | / t'ti .l,o I I tnt t t irt.l,urtr lnntr fir qtnli4, it t, u( - I)ltl Itutts. I),tldrrt l,t rdultrr,.,I ltrilht ubitttt:'utr/ t1)tttl' nlot't'. Since 1986, Oonsancrs Digrst /ns raxd spas Jinrr titnt.t. F)ult titu', a :pt fion tltr nut|us of' Hot Spring sptts lns rcciute/ n lJcst lJu!"/tu'ird. No ot/ter spa rnfl nulltturcr lttr rnnke that dnin. Tig.r RiY.f Bcngol' l99E Hot spiing" Clo.ric" 1995 Hol Spring' Sovereign' | 992 Hor Spring' Home Spo' 1986 t---------J .-____--l i.--__l I II,TE llr. (,r.rr,1.,. ',itlr ir. | \ I , . r I r \ i \ , . I I . r r r i , lr.. ,l,.rirltt. 1rt,,', t.1.' 1,1.1'1, (jl :(jLjrr r(,r .l l).ln\ ()i \!\rr. \rLrl|111 .ilirtr\\i\ ,,tt.t , I L I ,. ] I I I , , I I . I I .,,rttli,tr. I )Lr,tl \lrrto \l.r'.,r-e 1,r' 1.r rrr,, |.{)1.1. .rl()r .l r(llill. l).r.1. rl.l\\,rg! .r Lir, r,rrr. Lrr. \r,] rtrlr t',r,r \\.r,,. nr,r.L.t .'r lJLrrl,\ ,,r'. rr r: rlr. (,r.r r,1,, l: iil., lr.rrir1 r\',(, \lrr\ in Lr r,. \r.rrirrs ( .r|:rr itr l)irrrrrrsi,rrrs \\l tlr (.r1';rLin \\ L i{lr r \1,,r \lr L.ll 5p.r (,rl,irrcr lishr lcrs I l<,r,rl jcts i-t .1t I - , l/ /\ Itl r\l