HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 18 (4)rOil0# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Schierholz Residence DRB Number: DRB020151 Project Description: Enlarge 3 existing decks Participants: OWNER SCHIERHOLZ, JOHN C. REVOCABL05/22I2002 Phone: % ELASTIZELL 4703 DOLPHIN CAY LN 5 ST PETERSBURG FL 33711 License: APPLICANT Morter Architects 05/2212002 Phone: 476-5105 Doug Granade 227L Frontage Rd W, Ste. C Vail, CO 81557 License: Project Address: 4564 TIMBER FALLS CT VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TIMBER FALLS CONDO Parcel Number: 210112311005 Comments: Hazard Report on file, BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovalz 0610312002 Conditions: C-ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005305 Materials and colors to match existing decks Cond: CON0005306 Geologic Hazard Acknowledgement Form must be submitted with building permit (for each owner). Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: 325O.OO May-21-oz 05 .I?.P eOatze] I corp ,f uu" o=-=P -02 General Information: one year of th€ rpproval. Description of the Request: Application for Design Review Defiartflrent of Community Development 75 South Froniage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 fax: 97A.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us JA__ ffi L All proleds requtfinq design review must receive approval ptror to submitting a building p€rmit applicati0n. Please refer to tne subrnittal requ,r.ments for the partlcutai approval that is requened. An application for Design Review cinnot be accepted untri atl requrred informabon is r*eived by the Community Development Department, The piolect 6y also need to be rcviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommrssion. beilgn reui.* approval lapses unlers a buildang permit is issued and constructlon commences wlthin -exltr*//s phyeicalAddress: -..- 44St -l rnloA/r-b*J-- iearcer no,r\-2!4--! ?1-l.1 G#t{lEaete co. Assessor at s70-328-t}640 ror parcel no.) Zonine.: . ..V.V!l-- Name(s) of owner(s): 6A^ 2-S-A,"-l'/t- Lqcation of the Proposal: Lot:----.Block:- 11/4fZf1nUS Mailing Address: ;[-! owner(s) Signature(s) : t bo,*e e t h, W.2l./,-Sni!*L-. 6;1, to rttgT- E-mall Address: Phonet 476'l/o-tFax. t+76- 07t9. $50 Plus 51.00 per squar€ foot of total sign area, NO FEE $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an add(jon where square foohqe ls edded to any residential or commercial building (inctudes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. Sucn as, L r. rerooftng, Fatnting, window additions, landscaping, fences-Sd;- r- ' y' | t' ret.lining wall5, etc. l; r, 520 For nr,,ror changes to buildings and site improv€mcnts, such a!, \r a ' ' i' iilil;1 rgroofrng, painting, window addltions, landscaping, Fences and retaining walls, ctc. $20 For revisiotts Lo plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Dcsiqn Rcvicw Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: O Signs iJ Conceptual Flevrew [] New Conslrucion n Addition {Mtno, Alteration (multi-family,lcommetctal) O Minor Alteration (srn9 le-fa mily/duplex) [J changes to Approved Plans . separation Request tk//2t'' .L& Ma)/-21-oz 05: r. sP Elt i ze'l I corp lll/{jw YWs 0or'lpotttNtun t rxrrrr.trNfa 19, VVt/( fVf (PStoN | -=- o=-=P -07 uv v (rl'J I I0 PROPOSED MATERIALS TvDe of lrlaterlel ColorEullding Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia 5otfiE Windows wlndowTrim Doors Door Tr|m Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosores Greenhouses Retalning walls Exterior tighting Other Io $q(ow gib ll Io -Nffrr.rl Fwb il ll I t Yt trTotI 0u (t t1ffivff wu ll ll tuJtr_rJ_w!_ Notesl | - r-'l Please specify the rnanufacturer's name, the color nanre and number and attach a color chip. T0 fikft\ 7v'(z Page 6 of L2lo2/07/02 Ma)/-zz-o? rl:l5A | "..a. s)/stcms | -=" .tt=P -O2 May ?1 ,2002 To The Town of VaiI! A meetlng ot the o$ncrB of flnberfalla(Buirdlng 19) was held on Novcnber 23. 2001 at that meeting the owners approved the thc west side of the building aE shown by Morter Architects. Also, at the meetlng, prellnlnary aPProval as deplcted on the Morter Plant. €ondontnlun Phase Ix addltton of decks on on the plane PrePareil war glven for garages MaJr'-zl -o? o5:12P Ostize1'I cctrP I tt- o=-=P-O3 @ TOH|Y |'TlfAIL'/ JOI?{T PROPERTY OWNER WR,ITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description) -. a4g 0t TZ)"Al/t--Qo'r.t r, (print name)- .! t',f C. SJ qblV-a jotnt owner of property tocated at (address/lesal (Date) provlde thfs letter as writ[en approval of the plans dated lYl ry ^2/r-lnA--which have lnen submitted to the Town of Vail Comrnunity Development Department for the proposed lmprovements to be comoletecl at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed lmprovenlents include: ..'1"'/^ h'/a.-L o( 3.) - a. s .r+.y ... I further understand that mlnor modifications nlay be made to the plans over the course of the review Drocess to ensure comDliance with the Town's applicatrle codes and regulations. q-M' Page 2 of l2l02l|7l02 o ARTHUR I. MEARS, P.E., INC. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road l6 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 TeWax:970-641-3236 anmcars@rmii.com May 19,2OO2 Mr. Doug Granade, AIA Morter Architecls 2271N. Frontage Rd. W. Suite C Vail, CO 81657 RE: Timber Falls Condos, Building 18 - Avalanche exposure to proposed north decks Dear Mr. Granade: I conducted a site inspection of building 18 yesterday. The purpose of my inspection was to evaluate the exposure of three levels of proposed decks on the north side of the building. These decks are indicated on MorterArchitec{s plans dated"5101l02'" Substantial changes to these plans may invalidate the conclusions of this letter. The "Timberfalls" avalanche is channelized immediately to the west of building 18 by guiding berms designed by Hans Frutiger of the Swiss Federal Institute of Snow and Avatanche Research and built in the mid 1970's. Flowing debris from "design- magnitude" (1OO-year retum period) avalanches in the Timberfalls path will be contained by these berms and will discharge onto the tennis courts and into Gore Creek. The dense flowing snow will therefore not impact building 18. Low-density powder blast from the design avalanche may reach portions of building 18 but will possess minimal destructive pressure. The powder blast and its effects will be discussed when construction on the south and west exposures of the building is considered in a subsequent letter report. However, powder blast will not affect the proposed decks on the north sides of the building. Because the proposed decks will not be reached by the design magnitude avalanche or by associated powder blast, mitigation at the decks will not be required. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, OCh^/l filpa,u< Arthur l. Mears, P.E. Avalanche-control engineer Mass Wqsting . Avalanches . Avalanche Conrol Engineering oo s sB \s\J \)- \s{,S€ €+ F- \r' o € g F T r\)_ <\\s,\-FJ QZali s SFG-€SSER !r> \*s3 q,- g+< Fs $3Fs sJs :+ \s- \ =5F N s&\- sstr lI .1,,t' dti z6 BG R 1 I I a \=s N\ NseaF-- 9 i6 -) sS.r G+.S+t,- lsT_ E E,6$-ss3 sZ gF L<( tj- latrt s '-5 \$6 tJ\A rss+G c''r s.Fts o ),-n:q. ,! 'vll {r ss Tsv R\L s5a.t( -.b,-s I I I, ,' r! ll , I. JI 'D . !r' I l,tr ! LDI .t :'tJ I)ll{ {.J. t T1 rl {,J 1' ,,' r .f' ir? :'- lEri,'i:.'Ji* .J F ..':i' it.',.; ln,, ,;:i . "r\'s3 v\>l- NF b+ }S:<\-