HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 18 (5)F. oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Timber Falls Building #lE Project Description: Deck Extensions at North Side of Building #18 Owner, Address and Phone: Timber Falls Phase IX Association, attn: Ron Seibert, 4459 Timberfalls Ct. #1803, Vail, CO 81657, 476-7480 xllS Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: same Project Street Address:4459 Timberfalls Ct. #18 Legal Description: Timberfalls Condominiums,Building l8 Buildins Name:Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 4129199 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved Extensions will be constructed to match existinq extended decks. FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAT-\99\TFALT^s I 8.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2 | 2tl APPLrcArroN FoR DESTGN REVTEE\iitBHAbeive c CENERAL INFORMATION p oTTn n APR 2 z rc99 This application is tbr any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvierv approval. Any project requiring dcsigu revierv must rcccive Dcsign Revicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For specific infomration. sec thc srrbmittal rcquircnrcnts tbr the particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot be acccpted unril all thc rcquircd information is subrnitted. The pro.jcct nray also necd to be rcvicrved by the Torvn Council and/or thc Plaming and Environrncntal Conrnrission. Design Revicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd.grrert:Pt-t I A. DESCRIPTIoN OF THE REQUEST: lttFF,l cF DEz,l- -F -TRJ3 t lc4f 3q=s oF B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_ FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#: lh avrrl. [-- e.z.(Contact Eagle Co. Asscssors Oflcc at 970-328-tt640 for parccl #) ZONINC: Ebstcertrut- C. D. E. TOl'ifN OF VAIL E*F>T.tilGa FE-4< oFl cftDglTE 6ttrE oF +tA$E. :B*IL^t2t,-l(' NAME OF O\\h.IER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: -?o t&3 pHONE: -t-to - 47L .-14Eo x llb PHONE: Constmction ola rrc'uv building. Includes any addition rvhcrc squarc tbotage is addcd to any rcsidential or corrrnrcrcial building. Includcs minor clrangcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions, landscaping. fcnccs and retaining rvalls. ctr;. c.NAME OF APPLICANT: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): MAILTNC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIElV AND FEE: D Ncrv Construction - $200 D .Addition - $50 fl Minol Altelation - $20 DRB fccs are to be paid at the tinre of subnrittal. Later. rvhcn applying tbra building pcrnrit. plcase identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust the fec according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBN{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBIVIITTAL REQUIREI\IENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTI\TENT OF COIITNIUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO E1657. LIST OF PROPOSBD NIATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:*BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Softits Windorvs Wirrdorv Trinr Doors Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails f-r*g,axttll/^tG t**'t Flues Flashiugs Chirrlrcys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctairring Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Plcasc specify the manufachlrer's color. numbcr and attach a small color chip ** All sxterior lighting must tncet the Torvn's Lighting Ordinance I 8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, pleasc indicate the nunrber offixhrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identiiy each fixhre type and provide the height above grade. lumens output, lunrinous arca, and attach a cut shoct of the lighting fixnues. Updated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Conrnron Nanrc Qunntity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimurn rcquirenrcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trcqs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL ,.; OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUdES (retaining walls, fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate top and bottom elsvations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the ftont setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of rvalls elsewhere on the propcrty is 6 feet. UTILITY LOCATION YERIFICATION This fonn is to vcri& servicc availability and location for ncrv construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith preparing your utility plan and schcduling irrstallations. The location and availability of utilitics. whcthcr thcy bc main tnrnk lincs or proposcd lincs. nrust be approvcd and vcrificd by the follorving utilities for thc accompanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Siqllaturc Datc U..S. Wcst Conrnrunications | -800-922- I 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Prrblic Scrvicc Conrpany 9.19-578 | Cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Htrsky/John Boyd T.C.t. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc River Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * Pleasc bring a site plan. floor plzur. and elevations rvhen obtainirrg Upper Eagle Valley lVatcr & Sanitation signafures. Fire florv necd.s rnust be addresscd. NOTES: I.If the utility vcrification lbnn has signatucs f-ronr cach ofthc utility courpanics, and no cotunletlts are ntadc directly on the tbnr, the Torvn rvill presurne that thcre are no probleurs and thc developmcnt can procccd. If a utility conpany has conccnrs with the proposed construction, the utiliry representative shall note directly on the utility vcrification tbmr that there is a problem rvhich needi to be resolvcd. Thc isstre should thcn be dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Torvn of Vail. Howcver, please kecp in nrind that it is the responsibility ofthc utitity conrpany and the applicant to resolve identified problems. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtaiu a public Way Pennit frorn the Departmcnt of Publio Works at the Torvn'of Vail. Utility locations nrust be obtained before dieging in any public righrof-rvay or eascmcnt rvithin thc Torvn ofVail. A 2. J. Updarcd 6/97 II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application confercnce rvith Toum of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd ur less thc nlandatory pre-application tnceting has bccn conrpletcd. It is the applicaut's responsibiliry to schcdulc this nrccting by calling 970-479-2128. TIIVIE REOUIREMENTS The Design Rcvicrv Board nreets on thc tst and 3rd Wednesdays ofcach nronth. A conrplete application fbrm and all accolnpanying uratcrial tnust bc acccptcd by thc Conur,urity Developnrent Dcpartnrcnt a nrinirnum ofthrce and a half(3 l/2) rvccks prior to thc date of the DRB public hcarilg. REVIEW CRITERIA Yotr proposal rvill be rcvicrvcd fbr compliancc rvith thc Design Guidclines as set tbrth in Scction 18.54 of thc Municipal Codc. NO'|E TO ALL APPLICANTS: If a properry is locatcd in a nrapped hazard arca (i.c. snorv avalanche, rockihll, floodplain, debris florv. rvctland. ctc). a haard study nlust bc.subnrittcd and thc orvucr nrust sign an affldavit rccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuance ofa building permit. Applicants are cncouraged to chcck rvith thc planning staffprior to sr.rbrniftal ot'a DRB application to determine thc rclationship ofthc propcrty to all rnappcd hazards. Basic Plan Shcct F'orrnat. For all strvcys, sitc plans, landscapc plans and other site inlprovcnrcnts pians, all ofthc follorving tnust be showt. I . Plan sh cet size nrust be 24" x 36" . For largc projccts. larger plan size may bc allorved.2. Scalc. 'lhc ntinimurrr scalo is l "=20'. All plans must be at the sanre scale.3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrori,. 5. Title block, projcct nanrc, pro.jcct addrcss and legal description.6. lndication of plan preparcr, address and phone nurnber. 7. Dates oforiginal plan preparation and all rcvision dates.8. Vicinity nrap or locatiou Illap at a scalc of I "= I .000, or largcr.9. Sheet labcls and nunrbcrs. l0 . A border rvith a nrininrurn lcft side ntargin of 1.5". I l. Nanrcs ofall adjaccnt roadrvay.s. 12. Plan lcgcnd. For ncrv constntction and additions, thc applicant must staks and tape the projcct site to indicate properfy lines, proposed br-rildings and building conlcrs. All trees to be removed nrusr bc taped. The applicant lutrst cnslrre that staking done during thc rvinter is not buried by snorv. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to thc day of the DRB mecting. Applicants who t'ail to appcar betbre the Design Revicrv Board ou thcir schcduled mecting date and '"r'h o havc tlot askcd in advancc that discussion ou thcir iteul bc postponed. rvill have their iterns removcd tionr the DRB agcnda urtil such tirrie as thc item hil.s becn rcpublished. lf the DRB approvcs the application rvith conditions or rnoilifications, all conditions of approval nrust bc rcsolved prior to the issuzurcc of a building perniit. III, w. B. D. E. Updated 6/97 STAFF APPROVAL Thc Administrator may rcvicrv and approvc Dcsigu Rcviov applications, approve rvith ccrtain moditlcations, dcny thc application. or may rcf'er the application to thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board for dccision. All staff approvals arc subjcct to firral approval by thc DRB. Thc tbllorving types of Design Revierv applications nray bc staff approved: A. Any application fbr an addition to an existing building that is consistcnt rvith the architcctural dcsign. nrltcrials anrj colors of thc building, and approval has becn rcceivcd by zul authorized utcntber ofa condonriniuni association. if applicable; B. Any application to modity an cxisting building that does not sigrtificantly change thc existing planes ofthc building and is gcnerally consistcnt rvith tlrc architecnrral dcsign. materials and colors ofthe building. including. but not linritcd to cxtcrior building finish matcrials (e.g. stoncrvork, siding. roof trraterials, paint or stain,). cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fenccs. antennas, satcllitc dishes, rvindorvs, skylights. siding. nrinor conrrrrcrcial fhcade irrrproventcnts. and other similar lllodil'lcatiolls: C. Any application for sitc irrrprovcurents or Inoditlcations including. but not linlitcd to. drivcrvay nroditications, sitc grading. site rvalls. removal or trrodifications to cxisting landscaping, installation of acccssory stnlcturcs or rccrcational facilitics. ADDITIONAL REV]EW AND FEES A. If this application rcquires a separatc revicrv by any local. state or F'cdcral agcncy othcr tharr thc Torvn of Vail, thc application fcc shall bc incrcascd by 5200.00. Exanrplcs ofsuch rcvierv. may irrclude, but are lot lirnitcd to: Colorado Dcpafinlent of Highri'ay Acccss Pcrmits, Army Corps of Enginecrs 404. ctc. ts. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsible for paying any publil,-hing i-ces rvhich are in exccss of 50% of thc applicirtion fbe. I t-. at thc applicant's rcquest. any Drattcr is postponcd for hearing. causing the matter to be re-publishcd. thcn thc entirc tbc fbr such rc-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications dcenrcd by thc Cortrnlurity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartntcnt to havc design, Iantl rtse or othcr issucs rvhich nray havc a signiliczurt impact on thc conrrnuniry ntay rcqtrirc rcvicrv by cousultants in addition to Torvl statl'. Should a deterniination bc madc by the Torvn staffthat an outsidc consultant is necdcd, thc Conrnunity Dcvclopurcnt Dcpartrncnt nray hirc the consultant. Thc Departrnent shall estirnatc the alllourlt of money ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this allount shall bc ibnvardcd to the Torvn by the applicant at thc time of tiling an application. Expenses incurred by thc Towl in cxcess ofthe anlount lbnvardcd by the applicatiou shall bc paid to the Torvn by the applicant rvithin 30 rlays of notit'rcation by the Torvn. Aly cxccss trinds rvill be returned to thc applicant upon rcvtew cotnoletiot-t. VI. Updatcd 6/97 o o r\os D,tfh+ht h /,fr,r/*1,J e"ssl t t lhrJ 7t, t?f f J, V/t'-Yy U* ) % efre fr'' "//o'"'*'^ f e/^^4 fi. t^r^',t 1tr0 l ) /tug a^-/ /80s f 4 //"q t &,,t't, tf) A, .,,.I^/- .e- '4J1 /r/","- 6 \/"*fr tfoztul/?0/ ry r*r/,/*tL % v'7ry1*,W4u /Lr"l* PA.?f E'^ =vIYt,{,u (vedl,i.t ;taasr 1 Date Receiver APR 2 z ru99 ,rlL- ----J-_.:i,1 ;l :l (i,') / i 'ffvrtbme' -\t vlt.L'A Jit^zoo, o './zai 't/, t .1, ( / li li ')*y,* O llgfuLjq .6 ( u:&-{il-J<. Ua,-!, Co KlbET A* J6!"''. r a tts/u/tr l,n ,:rn-!., 4 o-U{.47 Xq7'k49 atn'g*".(*w ,J',^u /"s 6-"; d., o,^ arrtL.t"0.J cfig.<^4 ;rr*rr*o4<- , ] ,^,rr" p.rt4>.<-++, tr; 6 ,-'*; ,* ,/*4 .C''.n., tk *- raL 4t'+y&'< , 'W ,t*rt ,e h-*V .-c/'- /.,.-ri,Jcu-t ,utL/ k UdL,., c,r-{- oA *&At#- u-;'U) 'k' h*;1 ," ,,ntf.inth .st?, GrI a4-- Ln'-l-r{oQ!)o 6-dqu4t":*-, (t*.=rgrA i.^* g't^<lx d."ft^'- W ,U-wqnA ? A /-t olr*l-oll offl*- cw,'n c,wN -{-*4qa4 .,j+-fu C bvil? C"b'ft* 6e /L4'4 e-Ie'"/L*- ? L/4n ;y,*t t/<.,J*:1Jr."qn8_o--) fu/ 4^e-/l- e^#+ a-J &'nS- a ri,o f ,)^ H" f -f/ 'rr",4"1.j" nae-<* fu< urnn,&^rcL4 /-er &r"d4! ,t-.n a . ta;JA-frtl\ ,!r"eJl!,:( ? .l!ao Arhel, mrku, lrl',^-cn<te-, J /4rTf,")l" 4A. .B..al"h +e (t st a t,')ltoa-J).r^r 0p"LO a.4uo- ,/-"J1" 4a u."4 N a- (4Te*'t:@ €:fu a-J W ,Jel,e-A. d'2lwJft rurr'.-L" a\ p-rt" 4l*n -" ,*-.i!,,trf .P,l*.T*;,,,4-., +.n-U"l"""t;"^^ Og-Jt^ qe-t- u4\ &-&- ---ry "d^ry A4'',*,4"t4r" /n* y )r$'r^ f-*U- ,@l4ru f,** n<,.j^u .t s4z,qa n\ */eA, J1r)\, 7h-1h,, I 1 - +J^ )^ t l/^tit ,l/t / 'J- -tJ /-J Loy ,44 k*- / l/rz,-l uU! uL^f .H-n/ 1.-Ll Ua.1 / ,,t --;l-/ ,a&-,.'y1r,t4z"o It l4ye4.1 tAU -*zn-t-f a-"J J9v,t_'u&ato*o L\A,.,J\ .r"Jt! /; dt-,W 6 6,r'1, )tt;"r,.n l),l;h!*.a ? ss /t to,*l /,lr--f- A o*., ft &oa06 c c : ]r;"nr"/d&. en*r^-,.";,r-" Awai4hnfr,r\"(t/&-m-\/