HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 12-Tnizrf*/ /g 6",r/ orn, ro''rat frto7''- ,*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452- web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: DRB Number: DR8040605 Project Description: COMMON ELEMENT-INSTALI.ATION OF A HOT TUB FOR BUILDING 12 Participants: OWNER TIMBERFALLS BLDG 12IFLOWERS,11/2912004 Phone: 6170 MOUNTAIN BROOK WY ATLANTA GA 30328 License: APPLICANT JEFF CHELEY t112912004 Phone: 303-570-9661 PO BOX 6525 DENVER co 80206 License: Project Address: 4572 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TIMBERFALLS, BUILDING 12 Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TIMBER FALLS CONDO Parcel Number: 210112303004 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Date of Approvah 1t13012004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Action: STAFFAPR Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO NOV_19-2004 FRi 09:29 AIl CHELEY CAI1PS Ls/22/28d4 13:54 9?84763569 P, 02 PAG€ g3 RECEgVED Nov z s i':irq TOV-COM.DEV. t-/ I -i ffi TOIt?'r0F l'dltP l'l inor E>cterior Alterations gEpaltng'lt # Clmt !l!ty Cb,ehprnent 75 Souh FrqttaF Roa4 Vaal, Cdorado 8165/ tet; 970.{/9.2139 fax: 970.{79.1'152 , web; wlvrr.\rfllgo\r.com Geneml Information: All prsjelt requirlng dcslgn rsrlevr mt$t reefve appEval prlor b submi$lr€ ! tusdng pcrmlt .pdkation. Ple.se reier to 'u\e submiitai requirerren8 lor. it}e podis,riar apFrpval that is reqrc$ed. &1 atFiii3gsn for O€agn ReY{ei{ cannot be scceFed unB all Equircd nfwmadon b rccdved by the @nmurfty Devejoprncnt Dep.rftEnt" TtE rolcct lflfl, rko nc€d to ba rrvituEd by trc Ton'n Coin|c! and/or the Platuirq tnd E tvtonmanEl Cdttmtsrlofl. D€sign re"lew approval bpr€s untcs a buitding germit is issu€d and construEtion cammenccs within or* vcar ofthc approval it,A^pescrlption of the FA}( I'10. 3C337?3S05 TIMEER FALLS }4GNT Application for Design Review Location ofthc Propooal: Lot: PhFi(al Addr63: Parcel N{r.: } Zonlng: t{ame(s) of llailing Owner{s) ame of I'lailing _Blodc '. .h f z.t A9-Y(t:rnt".t ergb Co. A-s$6sor at 97tr328'8540 for oarcel rc.)w {\\r ? oBo GS7 D o-,* -er, Co 80 ZOa Ptnna; jQ!-:E -7 9 :184,1 c-ZoeLl Tvna af u sqns O c-oflcephFt D Nev{ O Arldhion n.. Iq Mks ( an4 Fee: ls0 NA F€E $6s0 $300 $2s0 $x) tt4 No Fe€ tlr t1.00 per sq,are foot of totai sgn area.TO\l f \t r\ r';AlW D- For..crsucdm of a nelr btdldng r derngrebufid, AL \ tur an addHon wl1c't squel! fqag. 1s JagiO p,arV H,ox|o{ t) V \. omnrerdat buitdirg fincfd€s ?50 eddittons & in*Fr+qr$fin4. For mlnor dranocs b bulldinos andsiE lnrorwerfdts, srdr as,For mlnor clengns to buildirys 4{-tiE lnprwer|rts, sEr as, reiarflng. ruhdr€, wirdory httidli4 hndseprB-&E=r arl r€tait$m da!s, eE ror mtrir crrrger b bdddin$ €f,lEth ard mrl fencrsTqroolktg. palndtE rv{nd*r addttiors, |ttainlm wa&. eie S.Dando.t fur '.vrsions t! tanl elready :prtryd by F,:x'tinq 5# oi $! Qeskm Review 8qBrd, irl l orl- C"'<<( ProFzY'leJ n ! PR0OY -- r'. I( zh€ !'lOU-19-3X34 FEI i.3: 14f:if"1 ID: - o{qJ obos N0v-19-2001 FRI 09:28 lA!2212eA4 13:54 AI! CHELEY CAI1PS 9784?63549 IAV IIN ?N?????ANL| | llt llvr J\JJJ | | JU\,\, TII{BER F{LS I{6NT o.o t-tIJ':.o trq c' - ' 'o rrFor a o o L,l a complete of ed$r4 and propet llmr pbnt a Ude reFG and as$da6on, hndlord, and Jolnt oxner, lf applkable, I have ard undemtend tln absrE listed sttmlttrl rcquirc,meirtsl M€GI requicrnenE Indude a wrflta approal ftom a *M TIIIT{OR EXTERIO R ALTERATIOTIS TO BT,ILDITTG AilD STTE IIiPROIIEIIIEI.IT$ - SUBIIITTAL REQUIREilEI|TS t:' is required for propoeals irnrolvirg rninor exterior aiEntons andlor sitc Proposb b add lards€frlng do not requtre DRB approval |l0Sl tlcy irvolve of Fafros, uater Eaft|rt=, gradlrE, o. thr addttlo+ oi relafnlnE yralts. A[ p6g€s of Applacadon *e ompl* Clucldlst is congeted ad s'gEled Sbmgd Topognphlc Srlrleyt, if appficablegte and GadirgiFbflr, tr dpdi3hlF Lan(hGpe Plan*, if applkable /qrfiftec!:ral Elevafl orr*, lf appllcabte &tcrior cdor and rnaEr''iiri sdmples and sF€{if(-dorir Adliffilrtal Rodr Ptars*,- if apglicatrk ugFdng Plrn. anC CLt+|ee(s) br proLro€ed fixt.ses, f npplieble Tlde r€prjrt iiri{udim Sdidtules A & B to verini ourfiEiship arld easeherGr Pt6s of $€ edstin! rile and adj*rnt snrct res, where applbble. y&itlEn appord ftom a condominlum assodathn, iandlod,.and ftrint onner, lf appteble Stte-ryeo'rx Ceotogl(Fii Hazard Report, if applir?ble+ Administ?br and/qr DRB may requlre tJr srbrntsslon of addiEonal dans,dr#4rEt, spedtlcatbm, carnpla ard cftq rfiatsi.als ihdld;6 a n'odei) if d€eftd ne€essary b d€tEnnhe rylrefEr a prored w{ll ompfy u,tur DeCAn Guidelines or lf the of tfie proposal Le not dearly indtcated. tfute Q) copix otthe mtuli.h t ohd vith an 'sra&t f). @r|.crsions with m erter{or danas- tfie $bnnbl P. 03 PAGE 64 l'ltl\.r -19:U34 trFI i3:14R1'1 ID:P|ISE: 3 Nnrr-t o_9nn, cDr no,90ltvv lrJ t-uu'i I l\t \J\JrLu \A/22/2A84 13;54 AI1 CHELEY e?04763sS9 CA}1PS EdV NA ?N????2ANLI I lll ltvr JUJJ I I JUU\, TI}IEER FA-LS I{GNT Dn/I I U'1 Pf,€E 65 JOtTf PROPEiTYOWT{ER IAITIEII APP*OYAT L TTER, L (pdnt name J "CC de*dpufi) - prsr/iOe trE |eter x wriea apprqaldttr a ffi orocr of prop*ty bed at (addEsVhgal dntEd tiltsloq rrhkh ha/€lesl crbfiltbd b the Town of Vail Ao.rrrurify Darelopment Departnent for the poposed lmprovefllertb b be comdeEd at the addrBi ftded above. I rxrderstand that tfn S lmp.oven*nli indudg . o C l', "d /-"LR',l);^ ! fur0€f uncbrend that minor rnc*fica[ons mry !e rnade b $e phns oer S:: cosnse cf $e isr'leL pttf,ess e qslrc cprndhra wih tfr Twnb apflicaHe cDd€s and resrladors. Page 2.f Ltl0Tltaltl l'lOU 19-ABe4 trRI 1g:1441'1 ID:E-r:F . 4 N0V-19-2004 FRI 0gr28 LLlzzl2AgA 13:54 AI1 CHELEY CAIIPS 9784763589 FAX N0, 3033773605 TIMER FALLS MGI.IT P. 05 PAGE A6 ggIdtrqIscloE Rrcf SUirE our€r\^'all Materlels Fasda Soft Wlndo$ls li/irdowTrirn D6rs Doc Trirn lland s De*, F;iis Rues Hahing Cimnrys Trash &barres Gr€enhosses R€Eaning \t/b[s AtEbrLlgftirE Oetef ' lldc: FFFOSD}IATEruALS rlpcdltr(pthl Cdot PleGe sp€cfy ttF dEnufacb$€/s r,arne, ole cdor ttme and nu|$cr a.d #dr a olor dxp. l' !a-tl t-lO-Jtal-i4 qFT '!.i.'l 4OM 7r\. TO:479e839 II Pt?/? -l T hi.s i s a' Ar+'i-7 F rd . 6nr't p+to aF " Golltt Tool K ' ,n4 + -lq I-TTllll:lltittilt!lli! I I t I I,lil;l tltl il;lll!l F I I i-i I I .] i.i I t': ii I ii I I I I I I I I t- -\- I t: t t I I li I J-- I I I I I l ?t t' I I I I II I I I I I ffiIJ-e3-am4 8?:1?P FR(}I: --T I I I .l r-' I I I I I I II i iI I Itf ; 1 : ! II i-r i i. I .' i l II I I, i r , -3n.: li- ii t;rl -l liill! Ili il Prffi:eFEU-e3-eSg4 Tl..E @:#14 ID: C(gric.t V1r" Io'tKi-S .3rA Ft'tc' i* tt ,loovv F rvya +'t{ + ha t|rr r".6 I o c a 1t u'v ' \ 'c' /_\l \-1," i il.qFi-. 'ir' ll - lAt r,L -ol//- 39 Tl"n .Nc,r ,t<cK s ^ MT r*ki" drcK S sr<.- her<. w,t[ aarL\ +r* sn rra.^olry TO\NN OF ni:'- 9, r/- 1rt'tt a' ( 1't 'l r-,tT- &TAFF: re t -IFraj ir.--::.:-2 . ^ q|s^n^f#qmirfur. "] J s-5 -1> [( u'= *:: j \ '--:-=e)_,lf- / :-,r: J r - J\- r "<'\' + - &*-'Gri*+:3 r\ '? .t _, Y iJ= ")5---] l-, t v\ ) i"ri -}.s -l tc J -al l,- \/ -1_ J- I -nt f, 1, j + TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statem€nt Slatement Nunber: R040007191 Anoulrt: $250.00 LL/29/20O4L2:58 PM Paltment Method: Check Init: its Notation: #3684/GORE CREEK PROPERTIBS Permit No: DR8040605 \4re: DRB-tilinor AIt, Conm/titufti Parcel No: 210112303004 Site Addrees: 4572 uEADOlf DR \tAUr Irocation: TIUBEnfaf.rLrS, BUILDING 12 Total Feea: $250.00l'lria Palment: $250.00 Total AIJJ Pnta: $250.00Balance: S0.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current ffis DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250. 00 RANDEE SPA strER\ The Grandee, with its expansive, Barrier-Free design, j- provides plenry of room for a party of seven' Dual F F Moto-Massage iea let rwo people cnjoy a terrific back ,";;!f massage at the same cime. The Grandee is o<remelyMorxl energy efficient, needing only nvo 1.65 horsepower jet pumps to deliver a powerfi.rl hydromassage experience. The WellSpring water feature adds to the overall ambiance, with a tranquil flow of backlit water. Spa Shell & Evcrwood- Cebinct'Ped (bastal Glay or Rcdwood Jedc or Spa Bluc Gnsril Cray or R.{rvood Vhitc Endurol" t{cdrvood 7 rdults a'4" x7'7" x 38"1112.54m x 2.,31m x -97mH 500 gallonJl,893 lirra 1,0O8 lbs./457 kg dry; 6.233 lbs /2,827 kg filled' Exm lerge LED wirh a 5-position dimmcr control Lumincsccncc'' Gcolor systent Blue llminesccnce" 6-color system SpAudio'-rcady 2 Moto-Massage" Jca, 2 Soothing Scven" Jets, I JcrSrrcam'Jets, 2 Rotary Hydromasagc Jeis, 2 Directional Hydromarsagc Jcrs, 26 Precision"' Jets VcllSpring" (exccpt Eudurol" ) lQ 2020'" 23ovl50 amp, 60 Hz Includcs C.F.C.l. protecred subpancl No-Fault". 6fiXhv/230v Vavcnrasre/ 7000: L65 HP Continuous Dury, 3.5 HP Brcakdorvn Torquc each puup SilentFlo 5000' 150 sq. fi,, rop loading, 1007o no-bypass filrrarion I5" tn 15" r,rru'r.r. ? lh ri.nrirv firrm rrrrc I _ ,lt'f, Scating C:pacity Dimcnrionr Vrtcr Capacity Wcight ud. Pced Jede or Spa Blrr Whitc Endurol" Music Option fus (Totzl'p*37) Wrtcr Fcaturc Control Sptcm Heatcr JctPumpl&2 Cirorlation Pump Effective Filtration Arce Vinvl Cnver