HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BLDG 19 (2)c\tt-o t -@d r6. 34 FRoM , Tov coM-DEv-DE I D ,5"64"92452 PAGE I/2 A. Date Receivect by the Community Development Oepartment APPLICATION FOR coNDoillNluwrowNHousE PI-AT REI/lEl,lt/ (rrrre...rt, . Vail Municipal Code) (please print or type) AppLICANT The Bluffs At Tj-nber Falls LLC MAISNGADDRESS 500 South Frontage Road, East, Suite /lll2' Vail 81657 APP LICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Greg Ansden & i'iartv FowlerB. PROPERW OWNER PHONE Q7O) 476-8610ADDRESS Sane as above The Bluffs At OWNER'S SIGNATU MAILING ADDRESS PHoNE (970)476-8610 as above L@ATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS 4469 Tinber Fal1s Court LOT_! 9_ B LOCK- N/L- SU BD I V lS lON33strea3311s F I Ll NG' i,,r- / A 6 tD -,/, ,, ,/ / AppLrcArfoN FEE $100.00 pAl{-100-vcnecx *Jo:loere-%az4o MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include a sile map with the following requirements: The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in lndia ink. or ottrer substantial solution, on a reprducible meclium (preferably mylar) with dimension ot threnty-four by lhirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred leet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one- half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides- Accurate dimensions to lhe nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curyes used to descflbe boundarles. streets, seuracks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. AJI curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, ceniral angle, arc scored distances and b€aring- All dirnensions, bolh linear and angular. are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance anct close withln a limit of one in ten thousand. North anow ancl graphic scale. D. E. F. b. PHONE (970) 476-8610 c. tpon receiving two codss of a coflUob6ilrbma[at dong Uih paytlEnt oiUE aFrcedab tee, tre zonhg drfl|isffir shal roufie me oopy ol ttp slb tmp b [|g brv|r e|Ulleer for hb reviery. The zonlE dmhiilrabr shal then condrcl t'|b lwiew conalTenty. The tomrn arBineer snaf reviry the srtml[al and rgtrn Ofmene srd d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buitdings, units, lo!S, blocfG, and names for a[ streets. JUN-Ot-OO tO'36 FROH , TOI,'COM'DEV DEPT,I D .9?O4792452 PAGE 2/3 An identifacation of the streeb, alhys, parks, and other public arBas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedicatlon thereot to the puHic use- An identitication of the easemenE as shown on the plat and a grant thereot to the publac use. Areas rFerved for future public aoquistron shall also be shown on the plat . A wdtten survey descriplion ot the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant fQure. The acreage of each tot or parcel shall be shown in this manner ax; well. A description ol all suwey monumenls, both lound ard sel, whictr mark the boundaries of the suklivision, and a descriptjon of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major oontrol monuments, the materials which shall be debrmined by lhe town engineer- A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearirg base was determined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as ouuaned in Chapter 17.92 of this title as to the acf/uftrcy of the survey ard plat, and that the survey was perlormed by him in accordance with Colorado Rer/ised StsIhrtes 1973. Tttle 38, Article 51. A certilicate by an attomey admitH lo prac,tice in the State of Colorado, or corporaF title insurer, that the owner(s) ot record dedicating !o the public the public right-of-rmy, areas or facitities as shann thereon are the owners therEof in tee simple, free and clear ol all liens and encu mbrances except as noted. The proper torm for filing of the plat with the Eagle Counv Clerk and Recorder. Certificate of dedication ancl ownership. Should the certificate ot dedication and owneship provicb br a dedication of land or improvements to the puuic, all beneficiaries ol deeds of trust and moilgage holclers on saict real property will be required b sign the certiticate ol dedication and ornership in addition to the fee simpte owner theneof. m. AU ourent taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat- This includes ta,res which nave been tilled but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paU must be ggned on the plat or a statemgnl from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provlJed with the submittal information suling that all ta(es ha/e been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condorninium or toyvnhouse plat shall also indude froor plans, elevatbns and cross-sedions as necessary to accurately determine irdivi&at air spaces ancl/or other ownerships and il the prc{ect was built substantially the same s lhe approved plans. A copy of the oondomlnlum clocumenB br stafi rerrie,\ , to atssure that there are maintenance provisions included lor all commonly owned areas. e. s- h. k. 2. 3. G.APPROVAL PROCESS, BEVIEW CRITERIA . JUN-OI -OO '@. 3E FROI'r. TOV-COI.I-DEV-DEPT. rD.9?O4?92452 PAGE 3/3 notficatiotts lo the zoning adminrshlor who shall transmit the apgroval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within burteen days to Ore applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approvd or require modifications on the plat lor epro|/al or deny approval due to inconsistencies wih tlte odginaily approved dan or failure to make olher required modificatbns of the Sat. H. FILING AND RECORDING The zonirry admanrstrator shall be the final S€natute required On $e plat so that the Degartment of Community Development will be responsiue for promptly recoding the approved plat wittt the Eagle County Cled< and Recoder. Fees lor reoordilE shall be gakl by the applicant. The Community Developrnent Departnent will retain one mytar copy of the plat for their records and will recod the remainirg my'ar copy- l. f this application requires a separate rcview by any local, State or Federal aryrency other than the Town of Vail, the application lee shall be increased by $200-00. Examples of sudr review, may irrclude, but ale not limibd to: Colora(b Depafinsnt ol Highway Acoess Permits, Army Coryo of Engineers 4O4, etc. The appli€nt shall be responsible for paying any puHishing fees which arB in exoess ol 5O/" of the applicdion fee. lf, at the applicanfs request, any matter is poslponed for hearing, causing the maner to be re.pubtlshed, then lhe entire tee for such re- puUicalion shall be pall by the applicant. Applications deerned by the Community Devetop,fiient Department to have sbnificant d,esbn. land use o( other issues which may have a siSnificant impact on Ule community may require reviarr by consulbnls other than town staff. ShouH a determination be made by lhe torrn stalt thal an outside consultant is needed to revierr any application, the Community Development Depanment may hire an outsite @nsultanl, it shall esUmate lhe amount of money necess:ry to pay him or her and this arnount shall be torwarded to the Town W lhe applicant at the 0me he files has epplicalion with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the appucation by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been pa-rd to the consultant shall be returned to the applicanl Expenses incuned by the Toyrn in excess ol the amount forwarded by the application shau be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notfication by the Town. BYLAWS OF TIMBER FALIS PIIASE X ASSOCIATION 464a? INTRODUCTION These are the Bylaws of the Timber Falls Phase X Association (the 'Association") which shall operate under the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act, as amended ("Corporation Act"), and the Colorado Common Ownership Interest Act, C.R.S. Section 38-33.3-101 et. seq., as amended from time to time (the "Act"). Terms which are defined in the Condominium Declaration shall have the same meanings herein, unless otherwise defined herein. The word member or members as used in these Bylaws means and shall refer to Unit Owner(s) or Owner in the Common Interest Community. ARTICLE I OBIECT Section l.l. Purpose. The purpose for which the Association is formed is to: 1.1.1. Govern and operate the condominium project known as Timber Falls Condominiums Phase X (the "Common Interest Community") located within the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, in accordance with the Corporation Act and the Act; 1. 1 .2. Promote flre health, safety, welfare, and common benefit of the Unit Owners and residents of the Common Interest Community; and 1.1.3. Be and constitute the Association to which reference is made in the Condominium Declaration of Timber Falls Condominiums Phase X (the 'Declaration") which is recorded or will be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, relating to a condominium project described therein, in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and to perform all obligations and duties of the Association and to exercise all rights and powers of the Association, as specified therein. Section 1.2. Owners Subject to Bylaws. All present or future Owners, lenants future tenants, or any other person that might use in any manner the facilities of the Common Interest Community are subject to the terms and provisions set forth in these Bylaws. The mere wp:corp. uc\TnDltcr FdL.byhs (6. 14.99)Pagc -l- acquisition or rental of any of the Units, or the mere act of occupancy of any of the Units will signify that these Bylaws are accepted, ratified, and will be complied with. ARTICI,E tr MEMBERSIilP, VOTING MAJORITY OF ow\ERs, QUORUM, PROXIES Section 2.1. Membership. Ownership of a Unit is required in order to qualify for membership in this Association. Any person on becoming an Owner of a Unit shall automatically become a Member of this Association and be subject to these Bylaws. Such membership shall terminate without any formal Association action whenever such person ceases to own a Unit but such termination shall not relieve or release any such former Owner from any liability or obligation to the Association or impair any rights or remedies which the Association may have against such former Owner arising out of or in any way connected with ownership of a Unit and membership in the Association. No certificates of stock shall be issued by the Association, but the Board of Directors may, if it so elects, issue membership cards or certificates to the Owners. Such membership card or certificates shall be surrendered to the Secretary whenever ownership of the Unit designated thereon shall terminate. Section 2.2. Voting. 2.2. L Votes are allocated among the Members as set forth in the Condominium Declaration. If title to any Unit shall be held by two (2) or more persons, then each such person shall be a Member of this Association, provided however, that the voting rights of such Owners shall not be divided but shall be exercised as if the Owner consisted of only one (1) person in ac- cordance with the proxy or other designation made by the persons constituting such Owner. If only one (1) of several Owners of a Unit is present at a meeting of the Association, the Owner present is entitled to cast all the votes allocated to the Unit. If more than one (1) of the owners are present, the votes allocated to the Unit may be cast only in accordance with the agreement of a majority in interest of the owners. There is majority agreement if any one (1) of the Owners casts the votes allocated to the Unit without protest being made promptly to the person presiding over the meeting by another Owner of the Unit. 2.2.2. Yotes allocated to a Unit may be cast under a proxy duly executed by an Owner. If a Unit is owned by more than one (1) person, each Owner of the Unit may vote or register protest to the casting of votes by the other Owners of the Unit through a duly executed proxy. An Owner may revoke a proxy given under this section only by actual written notice of revocation to the person presiding over a meeting of the Association. A proxy is void if it is not dated or puports to be revocable without notice. A proxy terminates eleven (11) months after its date, unless it provides otherwise. The Secretary of the Association must bring all proxies to each meeting where the Owners are entitled to vote and all proxies shall be available for inspection by wp:coa.Uc\Tlmb.r FrIb.bybw! (6. 14.99)Page -2- the officers of the Association and by any Owner in attendance at such meeting. A proxy need not be an Owner. All proxies must be in writing and may be either general or for a particular meeting. 2.2.3. Thevote of a corporation or business trust may be cast by any officer of that corporation or business trust in the absence of express notice of the designation of a specific person by the Board of Directors or bylaws of the owning corporation or business trust. The vote of a partnership may be cast by any general partner of the partnership in the absence of express notice of the designation of a specific person by the partnership. The vote of a limited liability company may be cast by any manager of the limited liability company in the absence of express notice of the designation of a specific person by the ignited liability company. The moderator of the meeting may require reasonable evidence that a person voting on behalf of a corporation, partnership, limited liability company or business trust owner is qualified to vote. 2.2.4. Yotes allocated to a Unit owned by the Association may not be cast. 2.2.5. The Declarant, its successors or assigns, may exercise the voting rights allocated Units owned by it. 2.2.6. Cumulative voting in the election of the Board of Directors shall not be permitted. Section 2.3. Quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in the Declaration, the presence at the beginning of any meeting of the Association in person or by proxy of twenty percent (20%) of the votes entitled to be cast shall constitute a quorum present throughout the meeting. Section 2.4. Majority Vote. The vote of a majority of the Owners present in person or by proxy at a meeting at which a quorum shall be present shall be binding upon all Owners for ail pu.por"r except where a higher percentage vote is required in the Declaration, these Bylaws or by the Act or other law. ARTICI,E Itr ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Section 3.1. Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Owners shall be held at the Common Interest Community or at such place within the State of Colorado as the Executive Board may determine, so long as such alternate location is reasonably convenient to the Owners. Section 3.2. Annual Meeting. The annual meetings of the Association shall be held each year on such date as shall be selected by the Executive Board provided that such meeting shall occur in each year no later than six (6) monttrs after the end of the Association's fiscal year. The Psge -3- fftst annual meeting shall be called by the initial Executive Board of the Association and shall be held within one (1) year of the initial conveyance of a Unit by Declarant. At such meetings, the Owners may tansast such business of the Association as may properly come before the meeting. At each annual meeting, members of *re Executive Board shall be elected by ballot of the Owners in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of these Bylaws. The Owners may transact such other business as may properly come before them at these meetings. Section 3.3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President of ttre Association, by a majority of the members of the Executive Board, or by Owners having twenty percent (20%) of the votes in the Association. Section 3.4. Notice of Associatian Meetings. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Association to cause notice of meetings of the Owners of the Association to be hand-delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail to the mailing address of each Unit or to any other mailing address designated in writing by an Owner, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifry (50) days in advance of a meeting. The notice of any meeting must state the time and place of the meeting and the items on the agenda, including the genera nature of any proposed amendment to the Declaration or to these Bylaws and any proposal to remove an officer or member of the Executive Board. Section 3.5. Waiver of Notice, Any Owner may, at any time, waive notice of any meeting of the Association in writing, and the waiver shall be deemed the same as receipt of notice. A waiver of notice, signed by ah of the Owners before, at, or after any meeting shall be a valid substitute for notice. The certificate of the Secretary of the Association that notice was properly given as provided in these Bylaws shall be prima facie evidence hereof. Section 3.6. Mjourned Meetings. If any meeting of the Association cannot be convened because a quorum has not anended or if the business of the meeting cannot be concluded, then in that event, a majority of the Owners who are present, either in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting from time to time for periods of not longer than one (1) week until a quorum is obtained or until a conclusion can be reached. At any such adjourned meeting, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transactod without further notice. Section 3.7. Mer of Business. The order of business at all meetings of the Owners shall be as follows: 3.7.1. Roll call or check-in procedure; 3,7 .2. Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice; 3.7.3. Reading of minutes of preceding meeting; Page 4 3.7.4. Reports of officers; 3.7.5. Reports of committees; 3.7.6. Election of members of the Executive Board (when required); 3.7.7. Unfinished business: 3.7.8. New business: and 3.7.9. Adjournment. Section 3.8 Roles of Meetings. The Executive Board may prescribe reasonable rules for the conduct of all meetings of the Executive Board and Owners and in the absence of such rules, Robert's Rules of Order shall be used. ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 4.1. Association Responsibilities. The Association has the responsibility to manage the Common Elements and to administer the Common Interest Community, acting through an Executive Board. In the event of any dispute or disagreement between any Owners relating to the Common Interest Community, or any questions of interpretation or application of the provisions of the Declaration or Bylaws, such dispute or disagreement shall be submitted to the Executive Board. The determination of such dispute or disagreement by the Executive Board shall be binding on each and all such Owners, subject to the right of Owners to seek other remedies provided by law after such determination by the Executive Board. Section 4.2. Number and Quolificuian. The Executive Board shall be composed of three (3) persons elected from among the Owners, as provided in the Articles. In the case of Declarant or other corporate or partnership Owners, the officers, directors, employees, partners or agents of such entities may be members of the Board. The number of directors may be increased or decreased by amendment of these Bylaws; provided, however, that the number of directors shall not be reduced to less than three (3) nor increased to more than five (5). Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the period of Declarant Control (as defined in the Articles), there may be one (l) or more members of the Executive Board, who shall be appointed by the Declarant or otherwise elected as provided by the Act. Section 4.3. Powen and Duties. The Executive Board shall have the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Association and for the operation and maintenance of a f,nst class residential planned community project. The Executive Board may do Pege -5- all such acts and things as are not by law, the Articles, these Bylaws or the Declaration either prohibited or directed to be exercised and done by the Owners directly. Section 4.4. Other Powers unil Duties. The Executive Board shall be empowered and shall have the duties as follows: 4.4.1. To administer and enforce the covenants, conditions, resfrictions, easements, uses, limitations, obligations and all other provisions set forth in the Declaration and in the Articles and these Bylaws: 4,4.2. To establish, make and enforce compliance with such reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for the operation, use and occupancy of the Common Interest Community and the Common Elements wittr the right to amend same from time to time. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be delivered or mailed to each Owner promptly upon the adoption thereof; 4.4 .3 . To keep in good order, condition and repair all of the Common Elements and all items of personal property, if any, used in the enjoyment of the entire Common Interest Community; 4.4.4. To obtain and maintain to the extent obtainable all policies of insurance required by the Declaration; 4.4.5. To periodically fix, determine, levy and collect the Assessments to be paid by each of the Owners towards the Common Expenses of the Association and to adjust, decrease or increase the amount of the Assessments, refund any excess Assessments to the Owners or credit any excess of Assessments over expenses and cash reseryes to the Owners against the next succeeding assessment period; to levy and collect Special Assessments in arcordance with the provisions of the Declaration, whenever in the opinion of the Executive Board it is necessary to do so in order to meet increased operating or maintenance expenses or costs, or additional capital expenses, or because of emergencies; 4.4.6. To impose penalties and collect Delinquent Assessments by suit or otherwise and to enjoin or seek damages from an Owner as is provided in the Declaration and these Bylaws; 4.4.7. To protect and defend the Common Interest Community from loss and damage by suit or otherwise; 4.4.8. To borrow funds and to give security therefor in order to pay for any expenditure or outlay required pursuant to the authority granted by the provisions of the Declaration or these Bylaws and to execute all such instruments evidencing such indebtedness ils the Executive Board mav deem necessarv or desirable: Page -6- 4.4.9. To enter into contracts within the scope of their duties and powers; provided, however, that any agreement entered into while a majority of the members of the Executive Board is appointed by the Declarant, must provide for termination by either party without payment of a termination fee on no less than ninety (90) days notice to the other party; 4.4,10. To esablish bank accounts that are interest bearing or noninterest bearing, as may be deemed advisable by the Executive Board; 4.4.11. To keep and maintain detailed, full and accurate books and records showing in chronological order all of the receipts, expenses or disbursements pursuant to appropriate specificity and itemization and to permit inspection thereof as is provided in the Declaration, and, upon the request of any Agency or upon the vote of Owners representing an aggregate ownership percenhge inlerest of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the Common Elements, to ciruse a complete audit o be made of the books and records by a competent certified public accountant; 4.4.12. To prepare and deliver annually to each Owner a statement showing all receipts, expenses or disbursements since the last such statement; 4.4.13. To designate and remove the personnel necessary for the operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the Common Elements; 4.4.I4. To suspend the voting righc of an Owner for failure to comply with these Bylaws or the rules and regulations of the Association or with any other obligations of the Owners pursuant to the Declaration; and 4.4.15. In general, to carry on the administration of the Association and to do all of those things necessary and/or desirable in order to carry out the governing and operating of the Common Interest Community, except as expressly prohibited by the Act. Section 4.5 Managing Agent. The Executive Board may employ for the Association a Managing Agent (at reasonable compensation as established by the Executive Board), to perform such duties and services as it shall authorize. The Executive Board may delegate any of the powers and duties granted to it but, notwithstanding such delegation, shall not be relieved of its responsibilities under the Declaration, the Articles or these Bylaws. If the Executive Board delegates any powers relating to collection, deposit, transfer or disbursement of Association islands, (a) the Managing Agent or others to whom such powers are delegated (collectively, "Delegatee') shall maintain all funds and accounts of the Association separate from the funds and accounts of the Delegatee, O) ttre Delegatee shall maintain all reserve accounts of each association so managed separate from the operational accounts of each association, (c) fidelity bonds or insurance shall be maintained for or by the Delegatee in the amounts set forth in Section 4.14 Page -7- below, and (d) an annual accounting of Association funds shall be prepared and presented to the Association by the Delegatee, a public accountant or a certified accountant. Section 4.6. ElectianandTermof ffice, SubjecttottreDeclarant'srighttoappointand remove officers and members of the Executive Board during the period of Declarant Control as set forth in the Articles, members of the Executive Board shall be elected by a majority of the Owners voting at the annual meeting of the members of the Association. The initial term of one (1) director of the Executive Board shall be for one (1) year, the initial term of one (1) director of the Executive Board shall be for two (2) years and the initial term of one (l) director of the Executive Board shall be for three (3) years and thereafter until such director's successor is duly elected and qualified, unless such director is removed in the manner hereinafter provided. At each annual meeting the members shall elect the same number of directors whose lerms are expiring at the time of each election for a three (3) year term. Section 4.7. Vacancies. Subject to the Declarant's right to appoint and remove officers and members of the Executive Board during the period of Declarant Control as set forth in the Articles. vacancies in the Executive Board caused by any reason other than the removal of a director by a vote of the Association shall be fulfilled by election by the remaining directors, even though they may constitute less than a quorum; and each person so elected shall be a director until a successor is duly elected and qualified at the next annual meeting of the Association. Section 4.8. Removat of Directon. At any annual or special meeting of the Association, duly called, any one (1) or more of the directors may be removed (except those appointed by the Declarant), with or without cause, by the vote of Owners representing an aggregate ownership interest of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the members present and entitled to vote at any such meeting and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created. Any director whose removal has been proposed by the Owners shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, only the Declarant may remove a director appointed by the Declarant. Section 4.9. Organizttionsl Meeting. The first meeting of a newly elected Executive Board shall be held within thirty (30) days of such election at such place as shall be fixed by the directors at the meeting at which such directors were elected, and no notice shall be necessary to the newly elected directors in order to convene such meeting, providing a majority of the new Board shall be present at such election meeting. Section 4.10. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Executive Board may be held at such time and place as shall be determined, from time to time, by a majority of the directors, but at least two (2) such meetings shall be held each year. Notice of regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be given to each director, personally or by mail, telephone, telegraph or telecopy, at least three (3) days prior to the day named for such meeting. Pagc -& Section 4.1I. Special Meetings, Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President, on his/her own initiative, on three (3) days notice to each director, given personally, or by mail, telephone, telegraph or telecopy, which notice shall set forth the time, place and purpose of the meeting. Specid meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President or Secretary in like manner and on like notice on receipt of a written request to call such a special meeting from at least two (2) directors. Section 4.12. Wqiver of Notice. Before or at any meeting of the Executive Board, any director may, in writing, waive notice of such meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice. Attendance by a director at any meeting of the Board shall be a waiver of notice by him/her of the time and place thereof. If all the direct,ors are present at any meeting of the Executive Board, no notice shall be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting. Section 4.13. Executive Board Qaorum. At all meotings of the Executive Board, a quorum is deemed present throughout any meeting if persons entitled to cast fifty percent (50%) of the votes on that board are present at the beginning of the meeting. The act of a majority of directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the acts of the Executive Board. If at any meeting of the Executive Board there be less than a quorum present, the majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time for periods of no longer than one (1) week until a quorum is obtained. At any such adjourned meeting, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transacted without further notice. Section 4.14. Compensolinn, Fidelify Bonds. The members of the Executive Board shall serve without salary or compensation. The Executive Board may require that all officers and employees of the Association handling or responsible for Association funds shall furnish adequate fidelity bonds or insurance in amounts to be determined by the Executive Board. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid by the Association. ARTICLE V OFTICERS Section 5.1. Designation. The officers of *re Association shall be a hesident, a Secretary and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected by the Executive Board. Further, the Executive Board may, in iS discretion, elect one (1) or more Vice Presidents, an Assistant Secretary and/or an Assistant Treasurer. The same person may hold the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. One (1) person may hold concurrently more than one (1) office except that the President may not serve as both President and Secretary. Section 5.2. Election of Officers. The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the Executive Board at the organizational meeting of each new Board and shall hold Pagc -9- office at the pleasure of the Board. All officers, except officers appointed by Declarant, must be members of the Association and the President must be elected from among the Executive Board. Section 5.3. Remaval of Offien. Upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Executive Board, any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, and his/her successor elected at any regular meeting of the Executive Board, or at any special meeting of the Board called for such purpose; provided, however, ttrat only the Declarant may remove an officer appointed by the Declarant. Section 5.4. President. The President shall be elected from among the Executive Board and shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. The President shall have all of the general powers and duties which are usually vested in the office of the president of a nonprofit corporations including, but not limited to, the power to appoint committees from among the members from time to time as may be deemed appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association or as may be established by the Board or by the members of the Association at any regular or special meetings. Section 5.5. Vice President. The Vice President shall have all of the powers and authority and perform all the functions and duties of the President, in the absence of the President or in the President's inability for any reason to exercise such powers and functions or perform such duties' Section 5.6. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Executive Board and the minutes of all meetings of the Association. The Secretary shall have charge of such books and papers as the Exeputive Board may direct, and shall, in general perform all ttre duties incident to the office of Secretary. The Secretary shall compile and keep up-to-date at the principal ofFrce of the Association a complete list of members and their last-known addresses as shown on the records of the Association. Such list shall also show opposite each member's name the number or other appropriate designation of the Unit owned by such member, the percentage interests in the Common Elements attributable thereto and a description of the Limited Common Elements assigned appurtenant to each Unit. Such list shall be open to inspection by members and other persons lawfully entitled to inspect the same at reasonable times during regular business hours. Assistant Secretaries, if any, shall have the same duties and powers, subject to supervision by the Secretary. Section 5.7. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have responsibility for Association funds, shall keep the financial records and books of account of the Association and shall be responsible for keeping full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements in the name, and to the credit, of the Association in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by the Executive Board. Assisant Treasurers, if any, shall have the same duties and powers, subject to supervision by the Treasurer. Page -10- ARTICLE VI INDEMNIFICATION Section 6. 1. Deftnilions. For purposes of ttris Article VI, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: 6.1.1. Proceeding. Any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative and whether formal or informal; 6.1.2. Irdetrnified Party. Any person who is or was a party or is threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding by reason of the fact that he/she is or was a director or officer of the Association or a member of a committee formed by the Association or, while a director or officer of the Association or a member of a committee, is or was serving at the request of the Association as a director, officer, member, partner, trustee, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, committee or other enterprise including, without limitation, any employee benefit plan of the Association for which any such person is or was serv- ing as a trustee, plan administrator or other fiduciary. Section 6.2. Indemnification. 6.2. 1. Except as provided in Section 6.2.4, the Association shall indemnify against liability incurred in any Proceeding an Indemnified Party if: He/she conducted himself/herself in good faith; He/she reasonably believed: (a) In the case of conduct in his/her official capacity with the Association that his/her conduct was in the Association's best interest; or (b) in all other cases, that his/her conduct was at least not opposed to the Association's best interests; and (c) in the case of any criminal proceeding, he/she has no reasonable qluse to believe his/her conduct was unlawful. 6.2.2. An Indemnified Party's conduct with respect to an employee benefit plan for a purpose he/she reasonably believed to be in the interests ofttre participants in or beneficiaries of the plan is conduct that satisfies the requirements of this Section. An Indemnified Party's conduct with respect to an employee benefit plan for a purpose that he/she did not reasonably believe to be in the interests of ttre participants in or beneficiaries of the plan shall be deemed not to satisfy the requirements of this Section. 6.2.3. 'fhe termination of any proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, or conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, is not of itself determinative that the individual did not meet the standard of conduct set forth in Section 6.2. 1. Page -l l- 6.2.4. The Association may not indemnify an Indemnified Party under this Section either: In connection with a Proceeding by or in the right of the Association in which the Indemnified Party was adjudged liable to the Association; or In connection win any proceeding charging improper personal benefit to the Indemnified Party, whether or not involving action in his/her official capacity, in which he/she was adjudged liable on the basis that personal benefit was improperly received by him/her. Section 6.3. Insurance. By action of the Board, notwithstanding any interest of the directors in such action, the Association may purchase and maintain Insurance, in such amounts as the Executive Board may deem appropriate, on behalf of any Indemnified Party against any liability asserted against him/her and incurred by him/her in his/her capacity of or arising out of his/her status as an Indemnified Party, whether or not the Association would have the power to indemnify him/her against such liability under applicable provisions of laws. Section 6.4. Nght to Impose Conditians ta Indemnificution. The Association shall have the right to impose, as conditions to any indemnification provided or permitted in this Article Vl, such reasonable requiremens and conditions as to the Executive Board may appffir appropriate in each specific case and circumstances including, without limitation, any one (1) or more of the following: (a) that any counsel representing the person to be indemnified in connection with the defense or settlement of any Proceeding shall be counsel mutually agreeable to the person to be indernnified and to the Association; (b) that the Association shall have the right, at its option, to assume and control the defense or settlement of any claim or proceeding made, initiated or theatened against the person to be indemnified and (c) that the Association shall be subrogated, to the extent of any payments made by way of indemnification, to all of the indemnified person's right of recovery, and that the person to be indemnified shall execute all writings and do everything necessary to assure such rights of subrogation to the Association. Section 6.5. Non-I;inbility of the Directors, Board fficerc and Declaran. Neither the Executive Board nor officers of the Association, nor Declarant shall be personally liable to the Owners for any mistake or judgment or for any acts or omissions of any nature whatsoever as such directors, Executive Board, officers, or Declarant, except for any acts or omissions found by a court to constitute gross negligence or fraud. PaEe -12- ARTICLE Vtr AMENDMENTS Section 7 .1. Bylaws. These Bylaws may be amended by action or approval of Owners representing an aggregate ownership interest of at least sixty-seven percent (67 %) of the Common Elements in the Project and the number of First Mortgagees specified in the Declaration for particular amendments and any notice of any meeting therefor shall specify the nature and text of any proposed amendment or amendments, provided that these Bylaws shall at all times comply with the provisions of the Act and the Corporation Act. Section 7.2. Preparalinn of Amendments. 'I'he President and Secretary of the Association may prepare, execute, certify and record amendments to the Declaration. ARTICLE VIII MISCELLANEOUS Section 8.1. Notice to Association Every Owner shall timely notify the Association of the name and address of any Mortgagee, purchaser, transferee or lessee of his/her Unit. The Association shall maintain such information at the office of the Association. Section 8.2. Proof of Ownenhip. Except for those Owners who initially purchase a Unit from Declarant, every person becoming an Owner shall immediately furnish to the Executive Board a photocopy or a certified copy of the recorded instrument vesting in that person such ownership, which instrument shall remain in the dies of the Association. A member shall not be deemed to be in good standing nor shall he/she be entitled to vote at any annual or special meeting of members unless this requirement is first met. Section 8.3. Compliance. These Bylaws are intended to comply with the requirements of the Act and the Corporation Act. If any provisions of these Bylaws conflict with the provisions of any of such Acts, as the Acts may be amended from time to time, it is hereby agreed that the provisions of the appropriate Acts will apply. Section 8.4. Charucter of Associalion This Association is not organized for profit. No member, member of the Executive Board, officer or person for whom fte Association may receive any property or funds shall receive any pecuniary profit from the operation thereof, and in no event shall any part of the fiends or assets of the Association be paid as salary or compensation to, or disributed to, or inure to the benefit of, any of the Executive Board, officers or members, except upon a dissolution of ttre Association; provided, however, (a) that reasonable compensation may be paid to any member, manager, director, or officer while acting as an agent or employee of the Association for service rendered in effecting one (1) or more of the purposes of the Association, and O) that any member, manager, director, or officer may, from time to time, be Page -13- reimbursed for his/her actual and reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the administration of the affairs of the Association. Section 8.5, Conveyances and Encumbrances. Corporate property may be purchased, conveyed or encumbered for security of monies borrowed by authority of the Association and/or the Executive Board. Conveyance or encumbrances shall be by instrument executed by the President or Vice Presidentand by the Secretary or the Treasurer or an Assistant Secretary or an Assistant Treasurer, or executed by such other person or persons to whom such authority may be delegated by the Board. Section 8.6. Inspection of Records. Any Owner or First Mortgagee may inspect the Association's records of receips and expenditures at any reasonable time during convenient weekday business hours, and, upon ten (10) days' notice to the Executive Board or Managing Agent, if any, and upon payment of a reasonable fee' not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), any Owner or First Mortgagee of such Owner shall be furnished a statemont of account setting forth the amount of any unpaid assessments or other charges due and owing from such Owner. Further. the Association shall make available for inspection during normal business hours, to any Owner, Mortgagee, Agency, insurer or guarantor of any Mortgage and to any prospective purchaser of a Unit, current copies of the Declaration, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Rules and Regulations, and most recent financial statements of the Association ADOPTED by the Executive Board on , 2000. Gregory M. Amsden Martin J. Fowler Jeffrev Bosboom Page -l+ ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF TIMBER FALLPHASE X ASSOCIATION oeapt In compliance with the requirements of the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act (the "Act"), the undersigned, who is of full age, for the purpose of forming a nonprofit corporation, hereby executes and acknowledges fte following Articles of Inmrporation for delivery in duplicate to the Colorado Secretarv of Staie: ARTICLE I CORPORATE NAME The corporate name of ttre nonprofit Corporation is Timber Falls Phase X Association (the 'Association'). ARTICLE tr PRINCIPAL OFT'ICE The principal offrce of the Corporation is located at 500 South Frontage Road East, Suite ll2, Vail, Colorado 81657. ARTICLE Itr REGISTERED AGENT Gregory M. Amsden, whose street address is 500 South Frontage Road East, Suite 112, Vail, Colorado 81657, is hereby appointed the initial registered agent of this Association, and such address shall be the registered address of the Corporation. ARTICLE IV DTJRATION The Corporation shall have perpenral existence. lrp:corP.Uc\TiEbcr hllr..n (6,1,1.9) Pags -l- ARTICLE V PT]RPOSES A}[D POWERS The business, objectives, and purposes for which the Corporation is formed are as follows: Section 5.1. To be and constitute the Corporation to which reference is made in the Condominium Declaration for Timber Falls Condominiums - Phase X (tle "Declaration"), recorded or to be recorded in the offices of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, and to perform all obligations and duties of the Corporation, and to exercise all rights and powers of the Corporation, as specified therein, in the Bylaws ('Bylaws"), and in these Articles of the Corporation, and as provided by law; Section 5.2. To promote the healttr, safety, welfare, and common benefits of the Owners of the Common Interest Community; and Section 5.3. To operate the Common Interest Community known as Timber Falls Condominiums - Phase X, located in the County of Eagle, Colorado, in accordance with the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, Section 38-33.3-101 et. seq., Colorado Revised Statues. as amended from time to time. ARTICLE VI POWERS In furtherance of is purposes, the Corporation shall have the following powers, which, unless indicated otherwise by the Declaration or Bylaws, may be exercised by the Executive Board: Section 6. 1. The Corporation shall have all of the powers, rights, and privileges conferred upon nonprofit corporations by the common law and statutes of the State of Colorado in effect from time to time; Section 6.2. The Corporation shall have all powers, rights, and privileges conferred upon common interest community associations by the common law and statutes of the State of Colorado in effect from time to time: and Section 6.3. The Corporation shall have all of the powers, rights and privileges necess.uy or desirable to perform the obligations and duties and to exercise the rights and powers of the Association set forth in these Articles, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, Condominium Declaration of Timber Falls Condominiums - Phase X, and other governing documents of the Corporation. Section 6.4. All of these powers, rights, and privileges, listed below, which are listed by way of example, and not by way of limitation, to do the following: Page -2- 6.4.1. To fix, levy, collect, and enforce payment of, by any lawful means, all charges, fines and assessments pursuant to the terms of the Declaration or Bylaws; pay all expenses in connection therewith and all office and other expenses incident to the conduct of the business of the Corporation, including all licenses, taxes, or governmental charges levied or imposed against the Property of the Corporation; 6.4.2. To enforce covenants, conditions or restrictions affecting the Property to the extent the Corporation may be authorized to do so under the Declaration or Bylaws; 6.4.3. To manage, control, operate, maintain, repair and improve Property subject to the Declaration or any other property for which the Corporation by rule, regulation, declaration or contract has a right or duty to provide such services; 6.4.4. To engage in activities which will actively foster, promote and advance the common interests of all owners of Property subject to the Declaration; 6.4.5. To borrow or lend money for any purpose set forth herein, or in the Declaration or Bylaws: 6.4.6. To enter into, make, perform, or enforce contracts of every kind and description, and do all other acts necessary, appropriate or advisable in carrying out any purpose of ttris fusociation, with or in association with any person, firm, association, corporation or other entity or agency, public or private; 6.4 .7 . To act as agent, trustee or other representative of other corporations, firms or individuals, and as such to advance the business or ownership interests in such corporations, firms or individuals: 6.4.8. To adopt, alter and amend or repeal such Bylaws as may be necessary or desirable for ttre property management of the affairs of this Association, provided, however, that such Bylaws may not be inconsistent with or contrary to any provisions of these Articles of Incorporation or the Declaration; 6.4.9. To provide any and all supplemental services as may be necessary or proper; 6.4.10. To have and exercise any and all powers, rights and privileges now or hereafter permitted under the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act and applicable law; and 6.4.11. To exercise any and all powers, rights and privileges which are granted to a common interest community association under the laws of the State of Colorado and the Declaration, Bylaws, rules and regulations, and other governing documents of the Association. *?:corp. llc\Tinbcr Fdb. an (6. 14.99) Page -3- Section 6.4. The foregoing enumeration of powers shall not limit or restrict in any manner the exercise of other and further rights and powers which may now or hereafter be allowed or permitted by law; and the powers specified in each of the paragraphs of this Article are independent powers, not restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph or provisions of this Article VI. ARTICLE Vtr A MEMBERSHIP RIGHTS AND QUALIFICATIONS The classes, rights, and qualifications and the manner of election or appointment of members are as follows: Section 7. 1. This Corporation shall be a membership Corporation without certificate or shares of stock. Any person who holds title to a condominium unit (the 'Unit") in the Common Interest Community shall be a member of the Corporation. There shall be one (1) membership for each Unit owned within the Common Interest Community. This membership shall be automatically fiansferred upon the transfer of title to the Unit to which the membership pertains, provided however, that the bylaws of the Corporation may contain reasonable provisions and requirements with respect to recording such tansfers on the books and records of the Corporation. Section 1 .2. All members shall be voting members and are entitled to vote on all matters and the vote to which each membership is entitled is the vote assigned to its Unit in the Declaration. Cumulative voting is prohibited. No person other than an Owner of a Unit may be a member of the Corporation. Section 7.3. If title to any Unit shall be held by two (2) or more persons, then each such person shall be a member of this Corporation, provided however, that the voting rights of such Owners of the Unis shall not be divided but shall be exercised as if the Owner of the Unit consisted of only one (1) person in accordance with the proxy or other designation made by the Owners of the Unit. Individual co-owners may not cast fractional votes. If a Unit is owned by more than one (1) person, then those persons shall agree among themselves how a vote for that Unit's membership is to be cast. A vote by a co-owner for the entire Unit's membership interest shall be deemed to be pursuant to a valid proxy, unless another co-owner of the same Unit objecs at the time the vote is cast, in which case such membership's vote shall not be counted. The Declarant named in the Declaration, or its successors or assigns may exercise all voting rights with respect to any Unit owned by it. Section 7.4. A membership in the Corporation and the share of a member in the assets of the Corporation shall not be assigned, encumbered, or transferred in any manner except as an appurtenanc€ to trarnfer of title to the Unit to which the membership pertains, provided however, that the rights of membership may be assigned to the holder of a first Mortgage or Deed of Trust as further security for a loan secured by a lien on such Unit. wp:corp'uc\Timb" Fdb sn (6 14 99) page _4- Section 7.5. The Board of Directors of the Corporation may suspend the voting rights of a member for failure to pay any assessment or for failure to otherwise comply with the rules and regulations or the bylaws of the Corporation or with any other obligations of the Owners under the Declaration, or agreement(s) created pursuant thereto. Section 7.6. The members of the Corporation shall be of one (1) class. The class is comprised solely of Unit Owners who own Units as defined in the Declaration. After the period of Declarant Control as set forth in Section 8.6 below, these members shall elect all members of the Executive Board. Section 7.7. The Bylaws may contain provisions, not inconsistent with the foregoing, setting forth the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of the members. ARTICLE VItr EXECUTIVE BOARI) Section 8.1. The business and affairs of fte Corporation shall be conducted, managed, and controlled by an Executive Board. Section 8.2. The Executive Board shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than five (5) members, the specified number to be set forth from time to time in the Bylaws, provided, however, that initially and during the period of Declarant Control (as defined in Section 8.6 below), the Board shall consist of one (1) member whose initial term shall be for one (1) year. When there are three (3) or more members of the Executive Board, the terms of approximately one-third (1/3) of the members of the Executive Board shall expire annually. Section 8.3. Members of the Executive Board shall be elected in the manner determined by the Bylaws. All persons comprising the Executive Board shall be Owners. Section 8.4. Directors may be removed and vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled in the manner provided in the Bylaws. Section 8.5. If ownership of any Unit is held by a corporation, limited liability company, trust, or partnership (general or limited), or any recognized limited liability entity, then in that event, officers, directors, agents, representatives, or employees of said entity may serve as a member of the Executive Board. Section 8.6. Notwittrstanding Sections 8.2 and 8.3 above, Declarant has the sole right to appoint and to remove members of the Executive Board and officers of the Association to the extent of and during the period of Declarant Control. Such members and officers need not be Owners, but shall exercise the care required of fiduciaries of the Owners. nDeclarant Control' begins with the appointment of the initial Executive Board and continues until the earlier of: *":corp.llc\Timber Fith. r (6.|4.99) Page -5- 8.6.1. five (5) years from this date, 8.6.2. the voluntary surrender by Declarant in writing, 8.6.3. sixty (60) days after Declarant conveys seventy-five percent (75%) of the Units to Owners other than a Declarant. 8.6.4. two (2) years after the last conveyance of a Unit by the Declarant in the ordinary course of business, 8.6.5. three (3) years after the first conveyance of a Unit by Declarant; provided, however, that "Declarant Control" is extinguished sixty (60) days after the following events: 8.6.5. 1. to the extent of twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Executive Board (minimum of one (l)) after Declarant conveys twenty-five percent (25%) of the Units to Owners other than a Declarant. and to the extent of ttrirty-ttree and one-third percent (33 ll3%) of the members of the Executive Board after Declarant conveys fifty percent (50%) of the Units to Owners other than a Declarant. Section 8.7. The initial Executive Board shall consist of the following persons, who shall serve for a term of one (l) year, or until their successor is duly elected and qualified: NAME ADDRESS Gregory M. Amsden 500 South Frontege Road East, Suite 112 Vail. Colorado 81657 Martin J. Fowler 500 South Frontage Road East, Suite 112 Vail, Colorado 81657 Jeffrey Bosboom 2121 4h Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Section 8.8. Any vacancies in the Executive Board occurring before the first election of Board of Directors by the Unit Owners shall be filled by the remaining Directors. wp:co!p.Ic\T rEbcr Fdb.rn (6. 14.99) Page -G ARTICI,E D( DISSOLUTION In the event of the dissolution of this Corporation, either voluntarily by the members hereof, by operation of law, or otherwise, the assets of the Corporation shall be deemed to be owned by the members at dissolution in proportion to their respective Allocated Interests as set forth in the Declaration. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS Amendments of these Articles of Incorporation shall require the approval of at least sixty- seven percent (67 %) of the votes present or represented by proxy at either an annual or a special meeting and by the number of First Mortgagees specified in the Declaration for particular amendments. In the event there are no members, or no members entitled to vote thereon. an amendment shall be adopted at a meeting of the Executive Board upon receiving the vote of a majority of the directors in office. No amendment shall be contrary to or inconsistent with any provision of the Declaration. ARTICLE XI INCORPORATOR The name and address ofthe incorporator is: Gregory M. Amsden 500 South Front'ge Road East, Suite 112' Vail. Colorado 8165? DATED this day of ,2000. Gregory M. Amsden wp:corp.uc\.rrmb. Fdlr.sr (5. la.tD) Page -7- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2000 by Gregory M. Amsden, who being by me first duly sworn declared that he was the person who signed the foregoing document as incorporator and that the statements, therein contained, are true. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Noary Public The undersigned hereby consents to the appointment as the initial registered agent. Gregory M. Amsden, Registered Agent wp:corp.nc\TuDb.r Fr[r.|n (6. 11.99) Page -& COI\IDOMINII]M DECLARATION FOR TIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS PHASE X THIS CONDOMINITJM DECLARATION FOR TIMBER, FALIS CONDOMINIT]MS PIIASE X dated this day of , 2000, shall be effective upon recordation and is made by Bluffs at Timber Falls LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Declarant"). Declarant is the owner of certain real property in the County of Eagle, Colorado, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attzched and made part of this Condominium Declaration by this reference (the 'Property"). Declarant hereby makes the following grants, submissions, and declarations: ARTICLE I IMPOSITION OF COVENANTS Section 1.1. Purpose. The purpose of this Condominium Declaration is to create a condominium project (the "Condominium Project") pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, Section 38-33.3-101 et. seq., Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended and supplemented from time to time (the "Act"). Section 1.2. Intention of Declarant Declarant desires to prolect the value and desirability of the Condominium Project, further a plan for the improvement, sales, and condominium ownership of the Condominium Project, create a harmonious and attractive development, and promote and safeguard the health, comfort, safety, convenience, and welfare of the owners of units in the Condominium Proiect. Section 1.3. Development and Use. Upon completion, the Condominium Project will consist of a maximum of six (6) condominium units of which all units are designated for residential use. No additional condominium units may be established on the Property by subdivision of existing units, conversion of non-condominium space, or otherwise. Section 1.4. Condominium Declarutian. To accomplish the purposes and intentions recited above, Declarant hereby submits the Propefty, together with all improvements, appurtenances, and facilities relating to or located on the Property now and in the future, to the provisions of the Act, and hereby imposes upon all of the Property the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, and other provisions of this Condominium Declaration. o@4Ft $?rr€docs\Tlobcr Frls.d€c! (6. 14.99)Page -l- ARTICLE tr DEFIMTIONS Section 2. 1. Allacated Interes8 'Allocated Interestsn shall mean, with respect to each Individual Air Space Unit, a fraction or percentage of the undivided interests in the Common Elements and in the common expenses of the Association allocated !o such Individual Air Space Unit and a portion of the votes in the Association allocated to such Individual Air Space Unit in arcordance with ttre percentages set forth in Exhibit ?' attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2.2. Associ.uthn. nAssociation" shall mean and refer to the Timber Falls Phase X Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation, its successors and assigns. The Association shall act by and through its Executive Board and officers unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the Association or this Condominium Declaration specifically require otherwise. Section 2.3. Building. "Building' shall mean and refer to the building (including all fixtures and improvements therein contained) located on the Property, as described in the Condominium Map recorded simultaneously herewith and within which one or more Units or Common Elements are located. Section 2.4. Common Elements, "Common Elements" shall mean the portions of the Buildings and the Property, as shown on the Condominium Map, except the Individual Air Space Units as defined hereinafter, and shall include without limitation the following: 2.4.1. The Property, excluding improvements on the Property unless specifically described in this subsection: and 2.4.2. The Building (including, but not by way of limitation, the foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supporting walls, fireplace flues, chimneys, chimney chases, roofs, patios, deck, balconies, corridors, lobbies, vestibules, entranoes and exits; and the mechanical insallations of the Building consisting of the equipment and maierials making up any central services such as power, light, gas, hot and cold water, sewer, and heating and central air-conditioning which exist for use by one or more of the Owners, including the pipes, vents, ducts, flues, cable conduits, wires, telephone wire, and other similar utility installations used in connection therewittr and the areas designated on the Map as including those installations; trash rooms and storage rooms; spa equipment rooms and elevators and stairs), except for the Individual Air Space Units; and 2.4.3. The yards, sidewalk, walkways, paths, grass, shrubbery, trees, planters, driveways, roadways, landscaping, gardens, parking areas, and related facilities upon the Property; wp:ftddr\Timbcr Fdit.d.tt (6. 14.99)Page -2- 2-4.4. The pumps, tanks, motors, fans, storm drainage structures, compressors, ducts, and, in general, all apparatus, installations, and equipment of the Building existing for use of one or more of the Owners: and 2.4.5. ln general, all other parts of the Condominium Project designated by Declarant as Common Elements and existing for the use of one or more of the Owners. The Common Elements shall be owned by the Owners of the separate Condominium Units, each Owner of a Condominium Unit having an undivided interest in the Common Elements as provided below. Section 2.5. Common Expense(s). "Common Expenses" means and includes the following: 2.5.1. Expenses of administration, insurance, operation, and management, repair, or replacement of the Common Elements except to the extent such repairs and replacements are responsibilities of an Owner as delineated below; 2.5.2. Expenses declared Common Expenses by the provisions of this Condominium Declaration or the bylaws of the Timber Falls Phase X Association; 2.5.3. All sums lawfully assessed against the Condominium Unis by the Executive Board: 2.5.4. Expenses agreed upon as Common Expenses by the members of Timber Falls Phase X Association: and 2.5.5. Expenses provided to be paid pursuant to any Management Agreement. Section 2.6. Condominium Map. "Condominium Map" or 'Mapn means and includes any engineering survey or surveys of the Property locating the Condominium Units in the Building and the Building on the Property, and depicting the floor plans of the Units together with other drawings or diagrammatic plans and information regarding the Property as may be included in the discretion of the Declarant, as recorded by Declarant in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Section 2.7. Condominium hoiect. "Condominium Project" means all of the Property, which is submitted to condominium ownership by this Condominium Declaration and the Map, including, without limitation, the Individual Air Space Units and the Common Elements. Section 2.8. Condominium Unit. "Condominium Unit" or "Unit" means the fee simple interest in and to an Individual Air Space Unit, together with the undivided interest in the wp:r.d6i\T-mncr FdL.d66 (6. 14.99)Page -3- Common Elements appurtenant to the Individual Air Space Unit as specified in the attached Exhibit ?'. Condominium Unit is also referred to as a Unit under the Act. Section 2.9. Declannt. Except as provided below, "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Bluffs at Timber Falls LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, its successors and assigns, if such successors and assigns are designated by the then Declarant to serve as a Declarant for any specified purposes or for all purposes under this Condominium Declaration, in a written instrument duly executed by the then Declarant and the designated successor or assignee and recorded in the County of Eagle, Colorado. Section 2.10. Declaration, 'Declaration" shall mean and refer to this Condominium Declaration for Timber Falls Condominiums Phase X, as it may be amended or supplemented from time to time. Section 2.11. Director. "Director" means a member of the Executive Board. Section 2.12. Executive Boatd. nExecutive Board" means the governing body of Timber Falls Phase X Association. Section 2.13. First Moftgage. "First Mortgage" means an unpaid and outstanding mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Frgle County, Colorado, which secures financing for the construction or development of the Condominium Project or which encumbers a Condominium Unit, and which, in any case, has priority of record over all other recorded liens except those governmental liens made superior by statute (such as general ad valorem tax liens and special assessments). Section 2.14. First Mortgagee, 'First Mortgagee" shall mean and refer to any person named as a mortgagee or beneficiary under any First Mortgage, or any successor to the interest of any such person under such First Mortgage. Section 2.15. Genersl Common Elsnen&. "General Common Elements' shall mean and refer to all of the Common Elements except the Limited Common Elements. Section 2.16. Indii,idual Air Space Urrr. 'Individual Air Space Unit" means a single unit depicted on the Map and consisting of enclosed rooms in the Building and bounded by the unfinished perimeter walls, ceilings, floors, doors, and windows thereof. For the purpose of defining an Individual Air Space Unit, the terms set forth below shall be defined as follows: 2.16.1. "Unfinished wall' means the studs, supports, and other wooden, metal. or similar structural materials which constitute the interior face of a wall of an Individual Air Space Unit. wp:r!dc.t\Tim!.r Fdrr.d.c, (6. 14.99)Page 4 2.16.2."Unfinished ceiling" means the beams, joists, and wooden or other structural materials which constitute the ceiling of an Individual Air space Unit. 2.t6.3."Unfinished floorn means the beams, floor joists, and floor deck material which constitute the floor of an Individual Air Space Unit. An Individual Air Space unit shall include any drywall, wall paneling, wood, tile, paint, paper, caryeting, or any other wall, ceiling, or floor covering, windows and window frames, shutters, awnings, doorsteps, stoops, and doors and door frames. An Individual Air Space Unit shall further include fixtures and hardware and all improvements contained within the unfinished perimeter walls, ceilings, and floors. An Individual Air Space Unit shall include any heating and refrigerating elements or related equipment, utility lines and outlets, elecnical and plumbing fixtures, pipes, and all other related equipment required to provide heating, air conditioning, hot and cold water, electrical, or other utility services to the Individual Air Space Unit and located within the unfinished walls, ceilings, and floors; provided, however, that an Individual Air Space Unit shall not include any of the structural components of the Building or utility or service lines located within the Individual Air Space Unit but serving other Individual Air Space Units. Section 2.17. Limited Common Elements. "Limited Common Elements" means those pars of the Common Elements which are limited to and reserved for the use of the Owners of one or more, but fewer than all, of ttre Condominium Units. Without limiting the foregoing, the Limited common Elements shall include any balcony, deck, patio, entryway, or porch adjacent to an Individual Air Space Unit, storage spac€s outside Individual Air Space Units and designated as Limited Common Elements serving those particular Individual Air Space Units, parking spaces (but only if they are designated as Limited Common Elements for particular units on the Map), and any individual freplace chimneys and flues in the Building, individual air-conditioning units and fixtures, and individual water and sewer service lines, hot water heaters, and any plumbing or other installation servicing an Individual Air Space Unit, including, but not limited to, all such items designated as Limited Common Elements on the Map. The deck, balcony or patio which are accessible from, associated with, and which adjoin a particular Individual Air Space Unit, without further reference thereto, shall be used in connection with such Individual Air Space Unit to the exclusion of ttre use ttrereof by the other Owners, except by invitation. No reference thereto need be made in any instrument of conveyance, encumbrance, or other instrument. Section 2.I8. ManagementAgreement. "Management Agreement" means any contract or alrangement entered into for purposes of discharging the responsibilities of the Executive Board relative to the operation, maintenance, and management of the Condominium Project. Section 2.19. Managing Agent. "Marnging Agent" means a person, firm, corporation, or other entity employed or engaged as an independent contractor pursuant to a Management Agreement to perform management services for the Condominium Project. wD:redoca\TlDobcr F!!!.d€ca (6. 14.99)Page -5- Section 2.20. Master Association. nMaster Association" means the Timber Falls Property Owners Association, a Colorado non-profit corporation. Section 2.21. Master Declaration. nMaster Declaration' means the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easemens for XXXXXXXXXXXXX recorded in the office of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado on XXXXXXX, 19xx. in Book XXX at Page XXX, as amended and supplemented. Section 2'22. Master Documents. "Master Documents" means the Master Declaration, the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the Master Association, and any procedures, rules and regulations and policies adopted under such documents by the Master Association. Section 2.23. Maximum Rate. "Maximum Rate" shall mean two (2) percentage points greater than that rate of interest charged by a bank designated from time to time by the Executive Board to the best commercial customers of the designated bank for short-term loans and identified as the "prime rate" by such bank as of the date on which such Maximum Rate is imposed with respect to any nmount payable under this Condominium Declaration, or if less, the maximum rate allowed bv law. Section 2.24. Member. Condominium Unit. nMembern shall mean and refer to each Owner of a Section 2.25- Mongage. "Mortgage' means any unpaid and outstanding mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, which secures financing for the construction or development of the Condominium Project or which encumbers a Condominium Unit. Section 2.26. Mortgagee. "Mortgagee" means any person or entity named as a mortgagee or beneficiary under any Mortgage, or any suooessor to the interest of any such person under such Mortgage. Section 2.2'7. Owner. "Owner' shall mean and refer to any record owner (including a Declarant and including a contract vendor), whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title interest to any Condominium Unit; but excluding, however, any such record owner having such an interest merely as security for the performance ofan obligation (unless such person has acquired fee simple title interest therein pursuant to foreclosure or any proceeding in lieu thereofl. Section 2.28. hoiect. 'Project" shall mean and refer to the totality of all the Property, Building, Condominium Unis and Common Elements. Section 2.29. Properly. "Property" shall mean the real property described in the attachedhhibit'A'. wp:.!do€\'l_rDbcr FdL.rlc.r (5. 14.99)Page -6- Section 2.30. Successor Declarant. "Successor Declarant' means any party or entity to whom Declarant assigns any or all of its righs, obligations, or inlerest as Declarant, as evidenced by an assignment or deed of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, designating such party as a Successor Declarant. Upon such recording, Declarant's rights and obligations under this Condominium Declaration shall cease and terminate to the extent provided in such document. Section 2.31. Timber Falls Phase X Associution, "Timber Falls Phase X Association" means the Timber Falls Phase X Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation, and its successors and assigns. Section 2.32. The Timber Falls Phase X Documents. "Timber Falls Phase X Documentsn means the basic documents creating and governing the Condominium Project, including, but not limited to, this Condominium Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association, the Map, and any procedures, rules, regulations or policies relating to the Condominium Projert adopted under such documents by the Association or The Executive Board. Each capitalized term not otherwise defined in this Condominium Declaration or in the Map shall have the same meaning(s) specified or used in the Act. ARTICLE III DIVISION OF BI.]ILDING INTO CONDOMINII.]M OWNERSHIP Section 3.1. Condominium Map. Ttte Map shall be filed for record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Any Map filed subsequent to the first Map shall be termed a supplement to such Map, and the numerical sequence of such supplements shall be shown thereon. The Map shall be filed for record following substantial completion of the Building and the Individual Air Space Units and prior to the conveyance of any Condominium Unit depicted on the Map to a purchaser. The Map shall show the location of the Building on the Property; the floor and elevation plans; the location of the Condominium Units within the Building, bottr horizontally and vertically; the thickness of the common walls, if any, between or separating the Condominium Units one from the other, or one from Common Elements, as applicable; the Condominium Unit designations; designation of General Common Elements and Limited Common Elements; and such other information as Declarant may require in its discretion. The Map shall contain a certificate of a registered professional engineer or licensed architect or a licensed land surveyor certifying that the Map substantially depicts the location and the horizontal and vertical measurements of the Building and the Condominium Units, the dimensions and, if Declarant directs, the square foot areas of the Condominium Units, and the elevations of the unfinished floors and ceilings as constructed, and certifying that such Map is prepared subsequent to the substantial completion of the improvements. Each supplement or amendment sp:rodc\Tirnb.r Frlr.d..t (6. 14,99)Pagc -7- shall set forth a like certificate when appropriate. The Map shall further contain such other information, certifications and depictions as may be required under Section 38-33.3-209 of the Act. Section 3.2. Amendment of the Map. Declarant reserves the right to amend the Map, from time to time, to the fullest extent permitted under the Act. Section 3.3. Division of Propeny inta Condominium Units. The real property and improvements constructed thereon may be divided into six (6) Condominium Units. Each such Condominium Unit consists of a fee simple interest in an Individual Air Space Unit together with an undivided fee simple interest in the Common Elements in accordance with the Allocated Interests in the Common Elements as set forth in the attached hhibit '8". Such undivided interests in the Common Elements are hereby declared to be appurtenant to the respective Units. Section 3.4. Inseparability of a Condominium Unit - Combination of Condominium Units. Each Unit and the undivided interest in the Common Elements appurtenant thereto shall be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, encumbered, devised or inherited only as a Condominium Unit. Each Owner shall have the right to physically combine adjacent Units and to construct such improvements and alter as much of the Common Elements as is necessary for this purpose, provided that the same is done in conformity with all local building codes, goveinmintat liws, ordinances, rules and regulations appurtenant thereto, and the cost of any such ilteration is borne exclusively by the Owner causing such alteration. If one or more Units are combined, such Units may thereafter be separated physically only if restored to their original configuration as shown on the Map. The physical combination or separation of previously combined Units shall not alter the legal description of the Units, which shall retain their status as separate Unis. Upon the combination of one or more Units by alteration or removal of a common *"11, floor or ceiling, the perimeter boundary of such Units shall be the center line of such previously existing wall, floor or ceiling. Upon the physical separation of one or more previously comUined UniS by the addition of closure of a common wall, floor or ceiling, the perimeter boundary of such Units shall be the unfinished wall, floor or ceiling. No amendment of the Map shall be required to effect the combination or separation of Units in accordance with this Section 3.4 or anyihing to the contrary contained herein, no combinations of Condominium Units shall take place without the prior written consent of at least sixty-seven percent (67 %) of the Owners. Nowittrsanding, each Condominium Unit shall always be conveyed, transferred, devised, bequeathed, encumbered, and otherwise affected only as a complete Condominium Unit. Every "onu"y-*, ftansfer, gift, devise, bequest, encumbrance, or other disposition of a Condominium Unit or any part thereof shall be presumed to be a disposition of the entire Condominium Unit, together wiitr att appurtenant rights and interests created by law or by this Condominium Declaration, including the Owner's membership in the Association. Section 3.5. Description of Condominium Unil. Every contract for the sale of a Condominium Unit and every other instrument affecting the title to a Condominium Unit may wD:rldocr\TrEbcr Fru!.dcca (6. 14.99)Pagc -E- describe that Condominium Unit by the Unit designation shown on the Condominium Map and Exhibit '/ " with appropriate reference to the Condominium Map and this Condominium Declaration, as each appears in the records of the County Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, Colorado, in the following fashion: Condominium Unit -, Timber Falls Phase X, according to the Condominium Map appearing in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, Colorado in Book at Page -, Reception No.. as defined and described in the Condominium Declaration for Timber Falls Phase X, appearing in such records in Book at Page RecePtion No. Such description will be construed to describe the Unit, together with the appurlenant undivided interest in the Common Elements, and O incorporate all the rights incident to ownership of a Condominium Unit and all limitations on such ownership as described in this Condominium Declaration. Section 3.6. Separute Assessment and Taxalion Notice ta ,4ssessor. Declarant shall give written notice to the Assessor of the County of Eagle, Colorado, of the condominium ownership of this Property, as is provided by law, so that each Unit and its percentage of undivided interest in the Common Elements shall be a separate parcel and subject to separate assessment and taxation. Section 3.7. Title. A Condominium Unit may be held and owned by one or more persons, frms, corporations, partnerships, associations or other legal entity, in any real property i"nan"y relationship recognized under the laws of the State of Colorado. Section 3.8. Nonpartiti.onabihty of Common Elements. The Common Elements shall be owned in common by ali of the Owners of the Condominium Units and shall remain undivided, and no Owner shall bring any action for partition or division of the Common Elements. No Unit may be partitioned or subdivided, except as provided in Article III, Section 3.4 above. ARTICLE IV OWNER'S PROPERTY RIGHTS IN COMMON EI,EMENTS AND CONDOMIMT]M PROJECT Section4.1. General Common Elements. Every Owner and the family members, guests, tenants, and licensees of each Owner shall have a perpetual right and easement of access iu"., "".orr, and upon the General Common Elements for the purpose of getting to and from the Condominium Unii and parking area of such Owner and the public ways for both pedestrian and vehicular travel, which right and easement shall be appurtenant to and pass with the transfer of wp:rdoc.\Tbbcr F!I!.dB (6. 14.99)Pagc -9- title to such Condominium Unit; provided, however, *rat such right and easement shall be subject to the following: 4.1.1. The covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, and other provisions contained in this Condominium Declaration and the Condominium Map; 4. 1.2. The right of Timber Falls Phase X Association to regulate on an equitable basis the use of parking spaces which are General Common Elements from time to time; 4. 1.3. The right of Timber Falls Phase X Association to adopt, from time to time, any and all rules and regulations concerning the Common Elements as the Association may determine is necessary or prudent. 4. 1.4. The right of Timber Falls Phase X Association to adopt, from time to time, rules and regulations concerning the Condominium Unit, Common Elements/or any property owned by the Association, and any facilities located thereon, as the Association may determine is necessary or prudent; and 4. 1.5. The right of Timber Falls Phase X Association to grant permi8, licenses and easements over the Common Elements for utilities and other purposes reasonably necessary or useful for the property maintenance or operation of the Project. Section 4.2. Limited Common Elements, A "Limited Common Element" means a portion of the Common Elements, designated in this Condominium Declaration, or on the Condominium Map, or by the Act, for the exclusive use of one or more but fewer than all of the Units. 4.2.1. Subject to the provisions of this Condominium Declaration, every Owner shall have the exclusive right to use and enjoy the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to his/her Condominium Unit. The Map shall specify to which Condominium Unit or Units each Limited Common Element is allocated. 4.2.2. lndividual parking spaces located within the parking areas of the Condominium Project may be designated on the Map as Limited Common Elements appurtenant to the Condominium Units and reserved for the exclusive use of the Owners and the tenants, guests, lessee, licensees, permittee and invitees of the Owners of the Condominium Units. All remaining parking spaces shall be designated as General Common Elements and subject to regulation by the Executive Board of Timber Falls Phase X Association as provided in Section 4.1.2 above. wp:r.doca\Timb.t F.ll3.dd (6. 1a.99)Page -lG 4.2.3. Dwlxant hereby reserves the right and grants to the Timber Falls Phase X Association the right o redesignate General Common Elements as Limited Common Elements and to reassign Limited Common Elements to the fullest extent permitted under the Act. ARTICLE V TIIE ASSOCIATION Section 5. 1 . Membenhip. Every Owner of a Condominium Unit shall be a Member of the Association and shall remain a Member for the period of his/her ownership of a Condominium Unit. Each Condominium Unit shall be entitled to vote in accordance with the Allocated Interests set forth in Exhibit "B' attached hereto, to be exercised by the Owner or Owners thereof; Section 5.2. hecutive Board. The affairs of the Association shall be managed by an Executive Board which shall consist of the number of Members which is set forth in the Association's Articles of Incorporation ("Articles") or Bylaws ("Bylaws'), as may be amended from time to time. From the date of formation of the Association until the termination of Declarant's control as provided below, Declarant shall have the right to appoint and remove all members of the Executive Board and all officers of the Association. The period of Declarant's controt of the Association shall terminate upon the first to occur of (a) sixty (60) days after conveyance of seventy-five percent Q5%) of the Condominium Unis in the Condominium Project to Owners other than Declarant; (b) trpo (2) years after the last conveyance of a Condominium Unit by a Declarant in the ordinary course of business; (c) two (2) years after Declarant's right to add Condominium Units to the Project was last exercised; or (d) seven (7) years after the first conveyance of a Condominium Unit to an Owner other than a Declarant. Declarant may voluntarily sunender the right to appoint and remove officers and members of the Executive Board before termination of the period of Declarant's control. However, in that event, Declarant may require, for the duration of the period of Declarant's control, that specified actions of the Association or Executive Board, as described in a recorded instrument executed by Declarant, be approved by Declarant before they become effective. Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of at least twenty-five percent Q5%) of the Condominium Units to Owners other than a Declarant, at least one Member, and not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Executive Board will be elected by Owners other than a Declarant. Not later than sixty (60) days after the conveyance of at least fifty percent (50%) of the Condominium Unis to Owners other than a Declarant, not less than thirty three and one third percent (33 ll3%) of the members of the Executive Board will be elected by Owners other than a Declarant. Not later than the termination of the period of Declarant's control as provided above, the Owners (including Declarant) shall elect the Executive Board of at least three (3) members, at least a majority of whom must be Owners other than a Declarant or designated representatives of Owners. The Executive Board shall elect the appropriate officers, with such Board members and officers to take office upon termination of the period of Declarant's Control. wD:r!do6\Tim!.r Frllr,dcct (6. 14.99)Page -11- Section 5.3. Declnrant Contot, Notwittrstanding anything to the contrary provided for herein or in the Bylaws, Declarant shall be entitled to appoint and remove the members of the Association's Executive Board and offrcers of the fusociation to the fullest extent permitted under the Act. The specific restrictions and procedures governing the exercise of Declarant's right to so appoint and remove Directors and officers shall be set out in the Bylaws of the Association. Deciarant may voluntarily relinquish such power evidencpd by a notice executed by Declarant and recorded in ttre Office of the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle County, Colorado but, in such event, Declarant may at its option require that specified actions of the Association or the Executive Board as described in the recorded notice, during the period Declarant would otherwise be entitled to appoint and remove directors and officers, be approved by Declarant before they become effective. Section 5.4. Authority. The business affairs, administration and management of the Common Elements shall be vested exclusively in the Association. Section 5.5. Voting Nghts in Associatian There shall be one (1) class of Members to- wit: Members shall be all the Owners, including the Declarant, and each Owner shall be entitled to one (1) vote per Unit owned. Where Condominium Units are owned by more than one Owner, then one such person shall be designated as the voting Member in respect of such Unit, by a written instrument delivered to the Secretary of the Association. In the absence of such designation, the board may disallow the votes cast by such Owner. When the same person owns more than one Condominium Unit, the Owner shall be entitled to the requisite number of votes on Association matters for each Condominium Unit owned. The votes of any Owner not a natural person may be cast by any designated representation of such Owner which designation shall be in writing and delivered O ttre Board prior to any such vote. In the absence of such designation, the Board may disallow the votes cast by such Owner. Section 5.6. Owner's utd Associetion's Address for Notices. All Owners of each Unit shall have one and the same registered mailing address to be used by the Association or other Owners for notices. demands, and all other communications regarding Association matters. The Owner or Owners of a Unit shall furnish such registered address to the Secretary of the Association within five (5) days after tarufer of title to the Unit to such Owner or Owners. Such registration shall be in written form and signed by all of the Owners of the Unit or by such p"i*onr as are authorized by law to represent the interests of all Owner of the Unit. If no address is registered or if all of the Owners cannot agree, then the address on the warranty deed for the Unit shatl be deemed their registered address until another registered address is furnished as required under this Section. wD:ftdds\Trdat FtIr.dccs (6. 14.99)Page -12- If the address of the Unit is ttre registered address of the Owners, then any notice shall be deemed duly given if delivered to any person occupying the Unit or, if the Unit is unoccupied, if the notice is held and available for the Owners at the principal office of the Association. All notices and demands intended to be served upon the Executive Board shall be sent to the following address or such other address as the Executive Board may designate from time to time by notice to all of the Owners and Eligible Mortgage Holders: Executive Board Timber Falls Phase X 500 S. Frontage Road East, Suite 112 Vail, Colorado 81657 All notices given in accordance with this Section shall be sent by personal delivery, which shall be effective upon receipt; by overnight courier service, which shall be effective one (1) business day following timely deposit with the courier service; or regular, registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, which shall be effective three (3) days after deposit in the U.S. mail. Section 5.7. Associntion Management Duties. Subject to the rights and obligations of Declarant and other Owners as set forth in this Condominium Declaration, the Association shall be responsible for the administration and operation of the Condominium Project and for the exclusive management, control, maintenance, repair, replacement, and improvement of the General Common Elements (including facilities, furnishings, and equipment related thereto), and shall keep the same in good, clean, attractive, and sanitary condition, order, and repair. The expenses, costs, and fees of such management, operation, maintenance, and repair by the Association shall be part of the Assessments, and, subject to the budget approval procedures of Section 6.3 below, prior approval of the Owners shall not be required in order for the Association to pay any such expenses, costs, and fees. Each Owner shall be responsible for any Limited Common Elements appurtenant to their Condominium Unit. All other common are:n shall be treated as General Common Elements, unless such other areas, pursuant o Section 4.2 above, may be designated for use in conneption wittr ttre Owner's Condominium Unit, which shall be kept the same in a good, clean, sanitary, and attractive condition. Section 5.8. Reseme Account. The Association shall establish and maintain, as part of its budget and out of the installments of the annual Assessments as provided in Article VI, an adequate reserye account for maintenance, repair, or replacement of those Common Elements that must be replaced on a periodic basis. Section 5.9. Owner's Negligence. In the event that the need for maintenance, repair, or replacement of all or any portion of the Common Elements is caused through or by the negligent or willful act or omission of an Owner, or by any member of an Owner's family, or by an Owner's guests, invitees, or tenants, then the expenses incurred by the Association for such maintenance, repair, or replacement shall be a personal obligation of such Owner; and, if the wD:rcdas\Tinbcr Frlk.dcs (6.14.99)PaSe -13- Owner fails to repay the expenses incurred by the Association within seven (7) days after notice to the Owner of the amount owed, then the failure to so repay shall be a default by the Owner under the provisions of this Section 5.9, and such expenses shall automatically become a default Assessment determined and levied against such Condominium Unit, enforceable by the Association in accordance with the terms and conditions of Article Vl. Section 5.10. Detegatianof ManagementundMaintcnanceDutics. TheExecutiveBoard may delegate all or any part of its powers and duties to a Managing Agent, including Declarant; however, the Executive Board, when so delegating, shall not be relieved of its responsibilities under this Condominium Declaration. Section 5.11. Acquiring and Disposing of Perconal Property. The Association may acquire, own, and hold for the use and benefit of all Owners tangible and intangible personal property, and may dispose of the same by sale or otlprwise, and the beneficial interest in any such prop"tiy shall be deemed to be owned by the Owners in the same undivided proportion as their iesiective undivided interests in the Common Elements. Such interests shall not be transferable r*""pt with the transfer of a Condominium Unit. A conveyance of a Condominium Unit shall transfer ownership of the transferor's beneficial interest in such personal property without any reference thereto. Each Owner may use such personal property in accordance with the purposes for which it is intended, without hindering or encroaching upon the lawful righB of other Owners. The transfer of title to a Condominium Unit under foreclosure shall entitle the purchaser to the interest in such personal property associated with the foreclosed Condominium Unit. Section 5.12. Cooperation with Master Association. The Association may contract or cooperate with the Master Association as convenient or necessary to provide services and privileges, such as access to recreational facilities and other common areas in Timber Falls, and to fairly allocate costs among the parties utilizing such services and privileges which may be administered by the Association or such other organizations, for the benefit of Owners and their family membirs, guests, tenants and invitees. The costs associated with such effor$ by the Association (to the extent not chargeable to other organizations) shall be a Common Expense. Section 5.13. Issuance olRules and Regulations. The Executive Board may make and amend reasonable rules and regulations governing the use and rental of the Condominium Units and the use of the Common Elements, which rules and regulations shall be consistent with any applicable requirements of the Master Declaration and related documents of the Master Association and shall be substantially consistent with the rights and duties established in this Condominium Declaration. The Executive Board shall provide thirty (30) days written notice prior to the adoption or amendment of any rules and regulations and provide for a reasonable opportunity for dwners to comment at a meeting of the Executive Board on the proposed adoption or amendment of any rules and regulations. Section 5.14. Enforcementof Documents. TheAssociationoranyaggrievedOwnermay take judicial action against any Owner to enforce compliance with such rules and regulations and wp:rcdo6\'I'_ud.r Fdb.d.ca (6. I4.99)Page -14 with the other provisions of Timber Falls Phase X Documents to obtain damages for noncompli- ance or for injunctive relief, or both, all to the extent permitted by law. Section 5.15. Iitentity of Executive Boatd anil Managing Agefi. From time to time, but no less than annually, there shall be mailed by the Association to each Owner a notice containing the names and addresses of the members of the Executive Board and the Managing Agent, if any. Section 5.16. Implieil Rights. The Association may exercise any and all other rights or privileges given to it by this Condominium Declaration, or by the Timber Falls Phase X Documents, or as may otherwise be given to it by law, and every other right or privilege reasonably to be implied from the existence of any right or privilege given to the Association in the Timber Falls Phase X Documents or reasonably neoessary to effectuate any such right or privilege. Section 5.17 . Books anil Records of The Association. The Managing Agent or the Executive Board, as the case may be, shall keep detailed, accurate records of the receipts and expenditures affecting the Common Elements and shall maintain such other books and records as may be required under the Act. Owners and Mortgagees may inspect the records of receipts and expenditures of the Managing Agent or the Executive Board at convenient weekday business hours. In addition, the other books, records, and papers of the Association, including this Condominium Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Association, as well as any Management Agreement and any rules and regulations of the Association, shall be available fbr inspJction by any Owner or Mortgagee at all times during convenient weekday business hours. ARTICI,E VI ASSESSMENTS Section 6.1. Obligatinn, Each Owner, by accepting a deed for a Unit, is deemed to covenant to pay to the Association (a) the Annual Assessments (see Section 6.4 below) imposed by the Executive Board as necessary to meet the Common Expenses of maintenance, operation, "nd *"nug".ent of the Common Elements and to perform the functions of the Association; O) Special Aiessments (see Section 6.6 below) for capital improvements and other purposes as stated in this Condominium Declaration; and (c) Default Assessments (see Section 6.7 below) which may be assessed against a Unit for the Owner's failure to perform an obligation under the Condominium Declaration or other Association documents or because the Association has incurred an expense on behalf of the Owner under the same. Section 6.2. Purpose of Assessments. The Assessments shall be used exclusively to promote ttre healttr, safety and welfare of the Owners and occupants of Timber Falls Phase X for *D:rEdnt\1-iob.r Frls.dccs (6. 14.99)Page -15- the improvement and maintenance of the Common Elements, as more fully set forth in this Article below. Section 6.3. Budget. Within ttrirty (30) days after the adoption of any proposed budget for the Association, the Executive Board shall mail, by ordinary first-class mail, or otherwise deliver a summary of the budget o all ttre Owners and shall set a date for a meeting of the Owners to consider ratification of the budget not less than ten (10) nor more than fifty (50) days after mailing or other delivery of the summary. Unless at that meeting a majority of all Owneis reject the budget, the budget is ratified, whether or not a quorum is present. In the event that the proposed budget is rejected, the periodic budget last ratified by the Owners must be continued until such time as the Owners ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall adopt a budget and submit the budget to a vote of the Owners as provided herein no less frequently than annually. The Executive Board shall levy and assess the Annual Assessments in accordance with the annual budget. Section 6.4. Annual Assessments Paid Monthly. Annual Assessments to be paid monthly for Common Expenses made shall be based upon the estimated cash requirements as the Executive Board shall from time to time determine to be paid by all of the Owners. Estimated Common Expenses shall include, but shall not be limited to, the cost of routine maintenance and operation of the Common Elements; experuies of management; taxes and special governmental assessments pertaining to the Common Elements and insurance premiums for insurance coverage as deemed desirable or necessary by the Association; landscaping, care of grounds, common lighting within the Common Elemens; routine repairs and renovations relating to Common Elements; common wat€r and utility charges for the Common Elements; legal and accounting fees; management fees; expenses and liabilities incurred by the Association under or by reason of this Condominium Declaration; expenses and liabilitiqs incurred by the Association under or by reason of the Master Declaration; payment of any default remaining from a previous assessment period; and the creation ofa reasonable contingency or other reserve or surplus fund for general, routine maintenance, repairs, and replacement of improvements relating to the Common Elements on a periodic basis, as needed. Section 6.5. Apportionment of Annual Assessnents. Each Owner shall be responsible for that Owner's share of the Common Expenses, which shall be divided proportionately among the Units and as further provided in Exhibit 'B' attached hereto. Section 6.6. Special ,Assessments. lnaddition to the Annual Assessments authorized by this Article, ttre Association may levy in any fscal year one or more Special Assessments, payable over such a period as the Association may determine, for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of improvements within the Common Elements, or for any other expense incurred or to be incurred as provided in this Condominium Declaration. This Section 6.6 shall not be construed as an independent source of authority for the Association to incur expense, but shall be construed to prescribe the manner of assessing expenses authorized by other sections of this Condominium wp:rcdo.3\TiEbc. Frlb.ded (6,14.99)Page -16- Declaration, and in acting under this Section, the Association shall make specific references to this Section. Any amounts assessed pursuant to this Section shall be assessed to Owners in the same proportion as provided for Annual Assessments in Section 6.4 above. Notice in writing in the amount of such Special Assessments and the time for payment of the Special Assessments shall be given promptly to the Owners, and no payment shall be due less than thirty (30) days after such notice shall have been given. Special Assessments are culrently resfricted under the Act. Section 6.7. Defouh Assessments. All monetary fines assessed against an Owner pursuant to the Condominium Declaration and/or Association documents, or any expense of the Association which is the obligation of an Owner or which is incurred by the Association on behalf of the Owner pursuant to the Condominium Declaration and/or Association documents, shall be a Default Assessment and shall become a lien against such Owner's Unit which may be foreclosed or otherwise collected as provided in this Condominium Declaration. Notice of the amount and due date of such Default Assessment shall be sent to the Owner subject to such Assessment at least thirty (30) days prior to the due date. Section 6.8. Effict of Nonpaynent; Assessment Lien. Any Assessment installment, whether peraining to any Annual, Special, or Default Assessment, which is not paid within thirty (30) days after its due date shall be delinquent. If an Assessment installment becomes delinquent, the Association, in its sole discretion, may take any or all of the following actions: 6.8.1. Assess a late charge for each delinquency in such amount as the Association deems reasonable and apProPriate; 6.8.2. Assess an interest charge from the date of delinquency at the yearly rate of eighteen percent (18%), or such other rate as the Executive Board may establish or as may be required by law; 6.8.3. Suspend rhe voting rights of the Owner during any period of delinquency; 6.8.4. Accelerate all remaining Assessment installments so that unpaid Assessments for the remainder of the fiscal year shall be due and payable at once; 6.8.5. Bring an action at law against any Owner personally obligated to pay the delinquent Assessments; and 6.8.6. File a statement of lien with respect to the Unit and proceed with foreclosure as set forth in more detail below. Assessments chargeable to any Unit shall constitute a lien on such Unit. To evidence the lien created under this Section 6.8, the Association may, but shall not be required to, propare a written notice setting forth (a) the address of the Association, O) the amount of such unpaid indebtedness, (c) the amount of accrued penalty on the indebtedness, (d) the name of the Owner e/p:rcdoct\TlEbct Ftll!.dcc5 (6.14.99)Page -17- of the Unit, and (e) a description of the Unit. The notice shall be signed and acknowledged by the president or a vice-president of the Association or by the Manager, and the Association shall serve the notice upon the Owner by certified mail to the address of the Unit or to such other address as the Association may have in is files for such Owner. After the Association mails the Owner such a notice, the Association may record the same in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien for Assessments shall attach from the due date of the Assessment. Following the date the Association mails the notice, the Association may institute foreclosure proceedings against the defaulting Owner's Unit in the manner for foreclosing a mortgage on real property under the laws of the State of Colorado. In the event of any such foreclosure, the Owner shall be liable for the amount of unpaid Assessments, any penalties and interest thereon, the cost and expenses of such proceedings, the cost and expenses for filing the notice of the claim and lien, and all reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the enforcement of the lien. The Association shall have the power to bid on a Unit at foreclosure sale and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage, and convey the same. Section 6.9. Perconal obligalion. The amount of any Assessment chargeable against any Unit shall be a personal and individual debt of the Owner of same. No Owner may exempt himself from liability for the Assessment by abandonment of his/her Unit or by waiver of the use or enjoyment of all or any part of the Common Elements. Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid Assessments, any penalties and interest thereon, the cost and expenses of such proceedings, and all reasonable attorneys' fees in connection therewith shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the Assessment lien provided in this Condominium Declaration. Section 6.10. Subordination of Lien The lien of the Assessments provided for in this Condominium Declaration shall be subordinate to (a) the lien of real estate taxes and special governmental assessments, (b) liens and encumbrances recorded before the recordation of the Condominium Declaration, and, (c) liens for all sums unpaid for a First Mortgage of record, recorded before the date on which the assessment sought to be enforced became delinquent, subject to terms and provisions of the Act. The transfer of any Unit shall not affect the Association's lien except that sale or transfer of any Unit pursuant to foreclosure of any First Mortgage, or any proceeding in lieu thereof, or cancellation or forfeiture shall only extinguish the Association's liens as provided in Section 38-33.3-316 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. The amount of such extinguished lien may be reallocakd and assessed to all Units as a Common Expense at the direction of the Executive Board. No sale or transfer shall relieve the purchaser or fiarsferee of a Unit from liability for, or the Unit from the lien of, any Assessments made after the sale or transfer. Section 6.11. Successor's Liability for Assessments; Subordinatian of Lien. The provisions of the Act shall govern and control (a) the obligations of successors to the fee simple title of a Unit on which Assessments are delinquent and (b) the subordination by the lien of the Assessments provided for in this Condominium Declaration. wp:r.doc.\Tmbcr F!ll3.dc.! (6.1a.99)Pagc -l& Section 6.12. Payment by Mortgagee. Any Mortgagee holding a lien on a Unit may pay any unpaid Assessment payable with respect to such Unit, together with any and all costs and expenses incurred with respect to ttre lien, and upon such payment that Mo4gagee shall have a lien on the Unit for the amounts paid with the same priority as the lien of the Mortgage. Section 6.13. Statemefi of Stans of Assessment Payment. Upon payment of a reasonable fee set from time to time by the Executive Board and upon the written request of any Owner, Mortgagee, prospective Mortgagee, or prospective purchaser of a Unit, the Executive Board of the Association shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount of the unpaid Assessments, if any, wittr respect to such Unit. Unless such statement shall be issued (which shall include posting in the United States mails) within fourteen (14) business days, all unpaid Assessments which become due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinate to the lien of a Mortgagee which acquired its interest in the Unit subsequent to requesting such statement. If the request is made by a prospective purchaser, both the lien for the unpaid Assessment and the personal obligations of the purchaser shall be released automatically if the statement is not furnished within the fourteen (14) business day period provided for above, and if after that period an additional written request is made by such purchaser and is not complied with within ten (10) days and the purchaser subsequently acquires the Unit' Section 6.14. Working Capital Fund. The Association or Declarant shall require the initial Owner of each Unit (other than a Declarant), to make at the time of purchase, a non-refundable contribution to ttre Association in an amount equal to three (3) times the Monthly Assessment against the Unit in effect at the closing thereof. At the time Declarant's control of the Association terminates. the Declarant will transfer control of such funds to the Association (if not tansfened earlier) and a Declarant then owning Condominium Units in addition will pay the Association an amount equal to three (3) times the Monthly Assessment against all UniS then owned by it (unless such payment has previously been made with respect to any such Units). Amounts paid into the working capital fund shall not be considered as advance payments of regular Assessments. Funds in the working capital account shall be segregated with other such working capital funds for the use and benefit of the Association, including without limitation, to meet unforeseen expenditures or to purchase additional equipment, property or services. Such contribution of working capital funds shall not relieve an Owner from making regular payments of Assessments as the same become due. Upon the transfer of his/her Unit, an Owner (including a Declarant if it previously paid working capital funds for the sold Unit) shall be entitled to a credit from his/her transferee Out not from the Association) for the unused portion of the contribution to the working capial fund. Declarant shall not use any of the working capital funds to defray its expenses, reserye contributions, or construction costs or to make up any budget deficits. wp:rcdo.!\Tinb€r Frlr.d€.t (5. 14.99)Pagc -19- ARTICLE Vtr INST'RANCE Section 7. 1. Insurance on Comnun Ehments, Commencing not later than the time of the frst conveyance of a Condominium Unit to a person other than a Declarant, the Association shall maintain the types of insurance as listed below for the benefit of the Owners to the extent that such insurance is reasonably available, considering the availability, cost and risk coverage provided by such insurance, and the cost of said coverage shall be paid by the Association as a common expense. Notwithstanding any of the specific insurance requirements contained in this Article VII, the Association may also consider, in determining the types and amounts of insurance it needs to obtain, requirements of any federal or state agency with respect to their insurance, guaranty, or purchase of First Mortgages. 7. 1.1. A policy of property insurance covering all insurable improvements located within the Condominium Project (including the Units and any fixtures, equipment or other property within all of *re unis that are encumbered by a First Mortgage on any Unit that is held, guaranteed or insured by any federal or state agency, but excluding any other equipment, furniture, wall trimmings, improvements, and personal property) except for land, foundation, excavation and other matters normally excluded from coverage, in an amount not less than the full insurable replacement cost of the insured property less applicable deductibles at the time the insurance is purchased and at each renewal date. Further, said policy shall contain a "Replacement Cost Endorsement' providing that any claim will be settled on full replacement cost basis without deduction for depreciation, and include an "lnflation Guard Endorsement,n and "Agreed Amount Endorsement," and if the Building has central heating or air conditioning a "Steam Boiler and Machinery Coverage Endorsement" with minimum coverage per incident to equal the lesser of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), or the insurable value of the Condominium Project. The Association will also purchase endorsements, and/or coverage on personal property owned by the Association, including fixtures and building service equipment, furnishings, common personal property and supplies. Such insurance shall afford protection against at least the following: loss or damage by fre and other perils normally covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement; and such other risks as shall customarily be covered with respect to projects similar in construction, location and use, including all perils normally covered by the standard "all risk" endorsement, where such is available. The Association may provide the insurance required under this Section 7. 1.1 or under Section 7.l.2below by contributing a pro rata share of the costs of insurance insuring the entire Project, provided such insurance satisfies all of the applicable requirements. wprrcdo.s\Timb.r F!Ik.d... (6. 14.99)PaSc -20- 7.1.2. A comprehensive policy of public liability insurance covering the Condominium Project insuring the Association in an amount not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) including bodily injury, including death to persons, persons, personal injury and property damage liability arising out of a single occurence. Such coverage shall include, without limitation, legal liability of the insured's for property damage, bodily injuries and deaths of person in connection with ttre operation, maintenance or use of the Condominium Project, legal liability arising out of lawsuits related to employment contracts of the Association and protection against liability for non-owned and hired automobiles; such coverage may also include, if applicable, comprehensive automobile liability insurance, liability for property of others, host liquor liability, water damage liability, contractual liability, workmen's compensation insurance for employees of the Association and such other risks as may customarily be required by private institutional mortgage investors with respect to condominium projects similar in construction, location, and use. '1.1.3. A policy providing employee dishonesty coverage to protect against dishonest acts on the part ofoffrcers, directors, trustees and employees of the Association and all others who handle or are responsible for handling funds of the Association, in an amount at least equal to the greater of: 7.1.3.L. the estimated maximum of funds, including reserves, in the custody of the Association at any given time, and 7.r.3.2.three (3) month's aggregate assessments on all Units plus reserves. Such coverage shall meet the following requirements: (a) all such coverage shall name the Association as an obligee; O) such coverage shall contain waivers of any defense based upon the exclusion of persons who serve without compensation from any definition of 'employee' or similar expression. In the event the Association has delegated some or all of its responsibility for the handling of funds to the Managing Agent, the Association may require the Managing Agent to purchase at its own expense a policy of employee dishonesty coverage which fully complies with the provisions of this Section 7. 1.3. 7.1 .4. A policy providing directors and officers liability insurance in relation to their duties and responsibilities in acting as directors and officers on behalf of the Association. 7.1.5. In addition, the Association may obtain insurance against such other risks of a similar or dissimilar nature as it shall deem appropriate, to the extent that such coverage is reasonablv available. $?:rodo6\rfiEber F .ll.3.d€er (6.14.99)Page -21- Section 7.2. General Provisians of Insurance Pohcies. All policies of insurance carried by the Association shall be carried in blanket policy form naming the Association as insured, or its designee as trustee and attorney-in-fact for all Owners, and each Owner shall be an insured person under such policies with respect to liability arising out of such Owner's interests in the Common Elements or membership in the Association. The policy or policies shall contain a standard non-contributory First Mortgagee's clause in favor of each First Mortgagee and a provision that it cannot be canceled or materially altered by either the insured or the insurance company until thirty (30) days' prior written notice thereof is given to the insured, to each First Mortgagee, and to each federal, strate, or local agency who guarantees or insures a First Mortgage on any Unit. The Association shall furnish a certified copy or duplicate original of such policy or renewal thereof, with proof of premium payment and a certificate identifying the interest of the Owner in question, to any party in interest, including First Mortgagees under the Condominium Declaration, upon request. All policies shall contain waivers of any defense based on invalidity arising from acts or neglect of an Owner unless acting within the scope of such Owner's authority on behalf of the Association. The policies shall also contain a waiver by the insurer of any right to claim by way of subrogation against the Owners, each person or entity who is a Declarant, the Association, and their respective officers, directors and members and any of such parties' respective families, agents, employees or tenants. The liability insurance policy provided for under Section 7. 1.2 shall iruure the Executive Board, the Association, and any management agent and their respective employees, agent and all persons acting as agents. Each person or entity who is a Declarant shall be included as an additional insured in its capacity as an Owner and, if applicable, a member of the Board. The owners shall be included as additional insured but only for claims and liabilities arising in connection with the ownership existence, use or management of the Common Elements. Such liability insurance shall cover claims of one or more insured parties against the other insured parties. Section 7.3. Deductibles. No policy of insurance of which the Association or its designee is the beneficiary shall include a deductible clause in an amount which is greater than the lesser of $5,000.00 or I % of the face amount of ttre policy. Any loss falling within the deductible portion of such policy shall be a common expense shared by all of the Owners. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after notice and hearing, the Association may determine that a loss, either in the form ofa deductible to be paid by the Association or an uninsured loss, resulted from the act or negligence of an Owner, and assess such loss as a Default Assessment against such negligent Owner and his/her Condominium Unit, subject o all provisions of this Condominium Declaration applicable to such Assessments. Section 7.4. Insurance Trustee. The Executive Board shall have authority to authorize an insurance trust€e to assist and consult with it and/or to act:rs its agent and attorney-in-fact for one or more of the following purposes: to purchase and maintain the insurance required under this Condominium Declaration; to negotiate and compromise settlement of losses under any insurance; and to collect the proceeds from any insurance, hold such proceeds in trust for the Owners and their First Mortgagees as their interest may appear; and dispose of such proceeds as provided in Article XIII of this Condominium Declaration and the Act. The Association and anv insurance wp:rldocaYl-,Dber Frlb.dcc! (6. I4.99)Paga -22- trustee designated by the Executive Board shall have exclusive authority as agent and attorney-in-fact for the Owners to purchase and maintain all insurance required under this Article, to negotiate, settle and compromise any claims under such insurance, to receive all proceeds from such insurance and apply them as provided under this Condominium Declaration, to execute releases of liability in connection with the negotiation and settlement of claims, and to execute all documents and perform all acts that may be necessary or desirable to carry out the Association's and insurance trustee's rights and duties under this Condominium Declaration. Section 7.5. Association Insurance as Primary Coverage. If, at the time of any loss under any policy which is in the name of the Association, there is other insurance in the name of any Owner and such Owner's policy covers the same property or loss, or any portion thereof, which is covered by such fusociation policy, such Association policy shall be primary insurance, not conffibution, with any of such other insurance. An Owner shall be liable to the Association for the amount of any diminution of insurance proceeds to the Association as a result of policies of insurance of such Owner and for reimbursement to the Association for the deductible under the Association's insurance policy; provided that if such amounts are not repaid to the Association within ten (10) days after the fusociation shall have given notice to the Owner of the total of such amount(s), from time to time, then the failure to so repay shall automatically become a Default Assessment determined and levied against such Unit and Owner. Section 7.6. Insurance ta be Maintained by Ownen, Insurance coverage on furnishings, including carpet, ftaperies, improvements and betterment, wallpaper and other items of personal property belonging to an Owner, and public liability coverage within each Condominium Unit and appurterunt Limited Common Elements, shall be ttre sole and direct responsibility of the Owner(s) thereof, and tlrc Association, its Executive Board and/or the Managing Agent of the Association shall have no responsibility therefor; provided, however, that the Executive Board of the Association may elect to include any such coverage in any Association policy and any costs of such coverage not allocable to the Owners on a uniform basis shall be assessed against the individual Units as an "Individual Purpose Assessment." Section 7.7. Annual Review of Insurance Policies. All irsurance policies carried by the Association shall be reviewed at least annually by the Executive Board of the Association to ascertain ttrat ttre coverage provided by such policies adequately covers those risks insured by the Association. Prior to obtaining any policy of fire insurance or renewal thereof, the Executive Board or the Managing Agent of the Association may obtain a written appraisal from a duly qualified real estate or insurance appraiser, or other person knowledgeable as to replacement costs, which appraiser shall reasonably estimate the full replacement value of the improvements for the purpose of determining the amount of insurance required pursuant to the provisions of this Article. Any First Mortgagee shall be furnished with a copy of such appraisal upon request. Section 7.8. Notice of Cancellation. If any insurance that the Association is required to maintain under this Article VII is not reasonably available or is canceled or not renewed without wp:rrd6\TrDb.r Falb.dcca (6.14.99)Pagc -23- a replacement policy having been obtained, the Association promptly shall cause notice of that fact to be hand-delivered or sent prepaid by U.S. Mail to all Owners. ARTICLE VItr MECHANICIS LIENS Section 8.1. No Liability. If any Owner shall cause any material to be furnished to his/her Unit or any labor to be performed therein, no Owner of any Unit shall under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished. All such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causing it to be done, and such Owner shall be solely responsible to confiactors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his/her Unit, or any improvements therein. Nothing herein contained shall authorize any Owner or any person dealing through, with or under any Owner to charge the Common Elements or any Unit thereon other than of such Owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever. On ilre contary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the Common Elements or against any Owner or any Owner's Unit for work done or materials furnished to any other Owner's Unit is hereby expressly denied. Section 8.2. Indemnification. If, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the Common Elements or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the Owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his/her own cost and expense qruse the same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the Association, or to such other Owner or Owners, within twenty (20) days after the date of filing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save all the other unit Owners and the Association harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees resulting therefrom. Section 8.3. Association Action. Labor performed or materials furnished for the Common Elements, if duly authorized by the Association, in accordance with this Condominium Declaration or its bylaws, shall be deemed to be performed or furnished with the express consent of each Owner and shall be the basis for the filing of a lien pursuant to law of equal amount against each of the Units. ln the event a lien is effected against two (2) or more Units, the Owners of the separate Units may remove their Units from the lien by payment of the fractional or proportional amount attributable to each of the Units affected. Subsequent to payment, discharge or other satisfaction, the Unit shall be released from the lien paid, satisfied or discharged. Partial payment, satisfaction or discharge shall notprevent the lienor from proceeding to enforce his/her righs against any Unit not so released or discharged. wD:raloc!\Tmbcr Frlr.dcct (6. 14.99)P^ge -24- ARTICI,E X EASEMENTS Section 9. |. Recorded Easements, In addition to all easements and rights-of-way of record at or before the recording of this Condominium Declaration, the Property, and all portions thereof, shall be subject to the easements as shown on any recorded plat of the Property, or any portion thereof, and as shown on the recorded Condominium Map. Further, the Property, or portions thereof, is now or may hereafter be subject to the easements, licenses, and other recorded documents, or any of them, as recorded in the records of the Clerk and Recorder for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Section 9.2. Encroachmenfs. In the event that any portion of the Common Elements encroaches upon any Unit(s) or in the event that any portion ofa Unit encroaches upon any other Unit(s) or upon any portion of the Common Elements, or in the event any encroachment shall occur in the future as a result of: 9.2.1. settling of the Building, 9.2.2. alteration or repair to the Common Elements, 9.2.3. repair or restoration of part of the Building and/or Unit(s) after damage by fire or other casualty, or condemnation or eminent domain proceedings, then, in any of said events, a valid easement is hereby created and does exist for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the encroachment exists. In the event that any one (1) or more of the Units, the Building or other improvements comprising part of the Condominium Project are partially or totally destroyed and are subsequently rebuilt or reconstructed in substantially the same location, and as a result of such rebuilding or reconstruction any portion thereof shall encroach as provided in the preceding sentence. a valid easement for such encroachment is hereby created and does exist. Such encroachments and easements shall not be considered or determined to be encumbrances either on the Common Elements or on the Units for purposes of marketability of title or other purposes. In interpreting any and all provisions of this Condominium Declaration, subsequent deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust, or other security instruments relating to Units, the actual location of a Unit shall be deemed conclusively to be the property intended to be conveyed, reserved or encumbered, notwithstanding any minor deviations, either horizontally, vertically or laterally, from the location of such Unit as indicated on the Condominium Map. Section 9.3. Easements for Emergency Ingress and Egress. The Association, through its duly authorized agents, shall have the right in case of any emergency originating in or threatening any Unit or the Common Elements to enter any Units as is necessary to locate and remedy such emergency without request. An Owner shall, upon request in advance at a time wp:rcdocs\Titnbcr Fdb.d..t (6. 14.99)Page -25- convenient to the Owner, permit entry into a Unit for the purpose of performing non-emergency installation, alteration, or repair to the mechanical, electrical or utility services, which, if not performed, would impair the use of other Units. Section 9.4. Utilities. There is hereby created a blanket qsement for the benefit of the Owners upon, across and through the Common Elemenh for the installation, replacement, repair and maintenance of utilities, including but not limited to water, sewer, gas, telephone, electricity, computer, cable, and master television antennae or cable or satellite television systems, if any. By virtue of this blanket easement, it shall be expressly permissible to erect and maintain the facilities, equipment and appurtenances on the Common Elements necessary to repair and maintain water and sewer pipes, gas, electric, telephone, computer and television wires, cables, circuits and meters. If any utility or quasi-utility company furnishing a service covered by the general easement created herein requests a specific easement by separate recordable document, Declarant reseryes and is hereby given the right and authority to grant such easement upon, across, over or under any part of all of the Common Elements without conflicts with the terms hereof; provided, however, that such right and authority shall cease and terminate upon the earliest of seven (7) years after recordation of this Condominium Declaration in the County of Eagle, Colorado, conveyance by a Declarant of all Condominium Units to Owners other than a Declarant, or when Declarant elects to surrender such right, at which time said reserved right shall vest in the Association. The easement provided for in this Section 9.4 shall in no way affect, void, extinguish or modify any other recorded easement(s) on the Common Elements. Section 9.5. Maintenance fusement. An easement is hereby granted to the Association, its respective officers, directors, agents, employees and assigns upon, across, over, in and under the Common Elemenh, and a right to make such use of the Common Elements as may be necessary or appropriate to perform the duties and functions which the Association is obligated or permitted to perform pursuant to this Condominium Declaration, including the right of the Association !o construct and maintain on the Common Elements maintenance and storage facilities for use by the Association. Section 9.6. Drainage fusement. An easement is hereby granted to the Association, its officers, agents, employees, successors and assigns to enter upon, across, over in and under any portion of the Property for the purpose of the drainage of water onto the Property from the Common Elements. Section 9.7. Easements of Access for Repair, Maintenance and Emergencies. Some of the Common Elements :re or may be located within a Unit($ or may be conveniently accessible only through a Unit(s). The Owners of other Unit(s) and the Association shall have the irrevocable right, to be exercised by the Association as their agent, to have access to each Unit and to all Common Elements from time to time during such reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of any of the Common Elements or any utility lines or pipes (whether or not Common Elements) located therein or accessible therefrom, or for making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the Condominium vJD:redG\Timbcr Fr!!.dcct (6.14.99)Page -26- Project, the Common Elements or to any Unit. Damage to the interior part of any Unit resulting from the installation, movement, repair, emergency repair, removal or replacement of any utility lines or pipes not servicing more than one Condominium Unit shall be the expense of the Owner whose Unit such utility lines and pipes serve and such expense may be reimbursed through an Individual Purpose Assessment. Non-emergency repairs shall be made only during regular business hours on business days after twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the occupants of the Unit wherein such repairs are to be made, except where the occupants have no objections to earlier entry for repairs. In emergencies, the occupants of the affected Unit shall be notified of impending entry as early as is reasonably possible. Section 9.8. Declarant's RJgltts Incident ta Completion of the Project. Each person or entity who is a Declarant, for itself and its successors and assigns, shall have and hereby retains or is granted a right and easement of ingress and egress over, in upon, under and across the Common Elements and the right to store materials thereon and to make such other use thereof as may be reasonably necessary or incidental to the completion of the Project, the sale of the Units, the exercise of Declarant's special rights under the Act, and the exercise of Declarant's development rights; provided, however, that no such rights shall be exercised in such a way as to unreasonably interfere with the occupancy, use, enjoyment or access by any Owner, his/her family members, guests or invitees, to or of his/her Condominium Unit or the Common Elements. The rights under this section shall terminate upon conveyance by a Declarant of all Condominium Unis to Owners other than a Declarant or seven (7) years after the recording of this Condominium Declaration, whichever occurs first. Section 9.9. Easements Deemed Creaed, All conveyances of Unis hereafter made, by a Declarant or otherwise, shall be construed to grant and reserve the easements contained in this Article IX, even though no specific reference to such easements or to this Article lX appears in the instrument for such convevance. Section 9.I0. Common Elements EasernenL Part of the Common Elements include easements across, over, upon and under the Condominium Project, which easements are perpetual, irrevocable easements for support and for the maintenance, repair, replacement and reconstruction of the Common Elements, access !o and from the Condominium Project and for use and occupancy of the uppermost portions of the Condominium Project. ARTICL,E X RESTRICTIVE COYENANTS Section 10.1. Compliance With Provisions of Declaraion and Bylaws. Each owner shall comply strictly with the provisions of this Condominium Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and the written rules of the Association adopted pursuant thereto as the same may be lawfully amended from time to time. Failure to so comply shall be grounds for an wp:ndoc.U-rmb.r Fr!r.d.6 (6. 14.99)P^ge -27- action to recover sums due for damages or injunctive relief or both, maintainable by the Managing Agent or Executive Board in the name of the Association on behalf of the Owners or, in a proper case, by an aggrieved Owner. Section 10.2. Use and Occupancy. 10.2.1. Subject to Section 10.2 hereof, Condominium Units shall be used for residential purposes only, including uses which are customarily incident thereto, including short-term and long-term rentals; provided, however, that an Owner may use his/her Condominium Unit only in accord with the applicable zoning, and no unreasonable inconvenience to other residents of Condominium Units is created thereby. The Association is hereby authorized to adopt rules and regulations governing the use and occupancy of the Condominium Units. 10.2.2. All use and occupancy of the Common Elements shall be governed by the Condominium Declaration, Bylaws and Rules of the Association. 10,2.3. Nothing shall be done within or on the Common Elements or Units which could be in violation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, permit or validly imposed requirement of any governmental body. 10.2.4. No noxious or offensive activity nor any activity which would materially increase insurance rates shall be accrued on, in or upon the Common Elements or in the Units. 10.2.5. No animals of any kind shall be raised or bred on any of the Common Elements or in the Units. 10.2.6. Any rental of a Condominium Unit shall be pursuant to a written lease, a copy of which shall be frrnished the Association prior to its effective date; provided, however, no unit shall be conveyed pursuant to a time-sharing arrangement as described in Section 38.33- 110 to 112, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended from time to time. Section 10.3. Declarant's Use. Notwitl$tanding anything to the contrary contained in this Condominium Declaration, it shall be expressly permissible and proper for a Declarant, its employees, agent, and contractors, to perform such reasonable activities, and to maintain upon portions of ttre Project, such facilities as a Declarant deems reasonably necessury or incidental to the completion and sale of Condominium Units and the exercise of Declarant's development rights, specifically including wittrout limiting the generality of the foregoing, maintaining business offices, storage areas, signs, model units, sales offices, parking areas, construction offices and lighting facilities. Section 10.4. Ilse of Common Elements. Subject to the righs of Declarant as provided in this Condominium Declaration, there shall be no obstruction of the Common Elements, nor shall anything be kept or stored on any part of the Common Elements without the prior written wD:r.dc\Timbcr F.[!,dccs (6. 14,99)Page -2& approval of the Association. Except for those improvements erected or installed by a Declarant in is completion of the Project, nothing shall be altered on, constructed in or removed from the Common Elements without the prior written approval of the Executive Board of the Association. Section I0.5. Erterior Changes. Except for those improvements erected, constructed or installed by a Declarant in its completion of the Project, no exterior additions to, alternations or decoration of the Building, including but not limited to any structural alternations to any Condominium Unit or Common Element, nor any changes in walls or other structures, nor installation of window-mounted air conditioning units or awnings or any exterior improvement of any type shall be commenced, erected, placed or maintained, without prior written approval ofthe Executive Board ofthe Association and subsequently approved by the appropriate board or committee of the Master Association. Section 10.6. S4zls and Advenising. Except as hereinafter provided, no signs, including for sale or for rent signs, advertisements, billboards, unsightly object or nuisances of any kind shall be placed, erected or permitted to remain in or on any Condominium Unit, nor shall any sign(s) be permitted in or on the Common Elements, without the prior written approval of the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, reasonable signs, advertising or billboards used by a Declarant in connection wittr its sale of Condominium Units shall be permissible, provided that such use by a Declarant shall not interfere with the Owner's use and enjoyment of the Common Elements, their Condominium Unir, or their ingress and egress from a public way to the Common Elements or their Condominium Unis. ARTICLE XI MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY Section ll.l. Owner's Rights and Duties wilh Respect to Intertors. Except as may be provided in the purchase and sale agreement or other conveyancing documents executed by Declarant in connection with sales or leases to initial purchasers of the Condominium Units, each Owner shall have the exclusive right and duty to paint, tile, wax, paper, or otherwise decorate or redecorate and to maintain and repair the interior surfaces of the walls, floors, ceilings, and doors forming the boundaries of such Owner's Unit and all walls, floors, ceilings, and doors within such boundaries. Section 11.2. Responsibility of the Owner. The Owner at the Owner's expense shall maintain and keep in repair the interior of the Condominium Unit, including the fixtures and utilities located in the Condominium Unit to the extent current repair shall be necessary in order to avoid damaging other Condominium Units or tlte Common Elements. All fixtures, equipment, and utilities installed and included in any Unit commencing at a point where the fixtures, equipment, and utilities enter the Unit shall be maintained and kept in repair by the Owner of that Unit. An Owner shall not allow any action or work that will impair the structural soundness of wprr.dog\Ti4bcr F![!.dE (6. 14,99)Page -?9- the improvements, impair the proper functioning of the utilities, heating, ventilation, or plumbing systems or integrity of fte Building, or impair any easement or hereditament. Except as otherwise provided in this Condominium Declaration, an Owner, or, as the case may be, a class of Owners shall also have the obligation to maintain and keep in repair all appurtenant Limited Common Elements at such Owner's, or class of Owner's, experuie. No Owner shall alter any Common Elements without the prior written consent of the Association. Section ll .3. Responsibilitl of Timber Falls Phase X Association Timber Falls Phase X Association, with approval of the Owners, shall maintain and keep in good repair, replace, and improve, as a Common Expense, any property, real or personal, not required in this Condominium Declaration to be maintained and kept in good repair by an Owner, or by Declarant. Among other things, the Association shall be responsible for landscaping, trash removal and all snow plowing and snow removal from the Common Elements, and if necessary, the Association shall be afforded the right to enter into contacts with independent sources for such landscaping, trash removal, and snow plowing and removal, including, without limitation, the right to delegate certain responsibilities to the Master Association either pursuant to a contract or such other reasonable arrangement beneficial to the Association. ARTICLE Xtr DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION, OBSOLESCENCE, CONDEMNATION Section 12.1. Appointment ol Attorney-in-Fact. Except as may otherwise be provided by law, each Owner by his/her acceptance of the deed or other conveyance vesting in him an interest in a Condominium Unit does irrevocably constitute and appoint the Association with full owner of substitution as his/her true and lawful attorney in his/her name, place and stead (a) to deal with such interest upon damage to or destruction, obsolescence or condemnation of any real property as hereinafter provided, and (b) to enter into agreements regarding the Common Elements including but not limited to leases, righs of way agreements and ingress and egress agreements with full power, right and authorization to execute, acknowledge and deliver any contact, deed, proofof loss, release or other instument affecting the interest of such Owner, and to take any other action, which the Association may consider necessary or advisable to give effect to the provisions of this Condominium Declaration. If requested to do by the Association, each Owner shall execute and deliver a written instrument confuming such appointment. The action of the Association in settling any damage or condemnation claim shall be final and binding on all Owners. No Owner shall have any rights against the Association or any of its officers or directors with respect thereto except in the case of fraud or gross negligence. Section 12.2. The Role of the Erecutive Board. Except as provided in Section L2.7, in the event of damage to or destruction of all or part of any Condominium Unit, Common Elements, or other property covered by insurance written in the name of the Association under Article VII, the Executive Board shall arrange for and supervise the prompt repair and restoration of the wp:rEdoci\ftnbcr F.tls,dccs (6. 14.99)Page -3G damaged areas of the Condominium Project, including, without limitation, the floor coverings, fixtures, and appliances initially installed therein by Declarant, and replacement thereof installed by the Owners up !o the value of those initially installed by Declarant, but not including any furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, or other personal property supplied or installed by the Owners in the Condominium Units unless covered by insurance obtained by the Association. Notwittntanding the foregoing, each Owner shall have the right to supervise the redecorating of his/her Unit. Section 12.3. Estimole of Damages or Destruction. As soon as practical after an event causing damage to or destruction of any part of the Condominium Project, the Association shall, unless such damage or destruction shall be minor, obtain an estimate or estimates that it deems reliable and complete of the costs of repair and reconstruction of that part of the Condominium Project damaged or desnoyed. 'Repair and Reconstruction" as used in this Article XII shall mean restoring the damaged or destroyed part of the Condominium Project to substantially the same condition in which it existed prior to the damage or destruction, with each Individual Air Space Unit and the Common Elements having substantially the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before. Section 12.4. Repair snd Reconstuctian. As soon as practical after obtaining estimates, the Association shall diligently pursue to completion the repair and reconstruction of the part of the Condominium Project damaged or destroyed. As attorney-in-fact for the Owners, the Association may take any and all necessary or appropriate action to effect repair and reconsEuction, and no consent or other action by any Owner shall be necessiuy in connection with that action. Section 12.5. Funds for Repair and Reconstruction. Subject to the provisions of Section 12.7 below, the proceeds received by the Association from any hazard insurance shall be used for the purpose of repair, replacement, and reconstruction. Section 12.6. Insurance Proceeds Sufftcient to Repair. In the event of damage or destruction due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct the improvements, shall be applied by the Association as attorney-in-fact to such reconstruction, and the improvements shall be promptly repaired and reconstmcted. The Association shall have full authority, right, and power as attorney-in-fact to cause the repair and restoration of the improvements. Assessments for Common Expenses shall not be abated during the period of insurance adjustments and repair and reconstruction. Section 12.7. Insurance hoceeds Insuffwfunt to Repair; Special Assessment; Remedies for Failure to Pay Special Assessment. lf the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the improvements, and if such damage is not more than sixty percent (60%) of the total replacement cost of all of the Condominium Unis in the Project, not including land, such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Association as attorney-in-fact, using the proceeds of insurance and if permitted under the Act, the proceeds of wp:ndocr\Timbcr Frlb.dcca (6. 14.99)Pagc -31- a Special Assessment to be made against all of the Owners and their Condominium Unis. Any such Special Assessment shall be a Common Expense in accordance with Section 6.6 above and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after written notice to each Owner. The Association shall have full authority, right, and power as attorney-in-fact to cause the repair, replacement, or restoration of the improvement using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose, notwithstanding the failure of an Owner to pay the Assessment. Any Assessment provided for in this Section 12.7 shall be a debt of each Owner and a lien on the Owner's Condominium Unit and may be enforced and collected as provided in Article VI above. In addition, the Association as attorney-in-fact shall have the absolute right and power to sell the Condominium Unit of any Owner refusing or failing to pay such deficiency Assessment within the time provided, and if not so paid, the Association shall cause to be recorded a notice that the Condominium Unit of the delinquent Owner shall be sold by the Association as attorney-in-fact pursuant !o the provisions of this Section 12.7. Assessments for the Common Expenses shall not be abated during the period of insurance adjustment and repair and reconstruction. The delinquent Owner shall be required to pay to the Association the costs and expenses for filing the notice, interest at the Morimum Rate on the amount of the Assessment, and all reasonable attorneys' fees. The proceeds derived from the sale of such Condominium Unit shall be used and disbursed by the Association as attorney-in-fact in the following order: 12.7.1.For payment of real property ad valorem taxes, special assessment liens duly imposed by a governmental subdivision, and customary expenses of sale; t2.7.2.For payment of the balance of the lien of any First Mortgage affecting the Condominium Unit; 12.7.3. For payment of unpaid Master Association assessments, interest, costs, late charges, expenses, and attorneys' (and legal assistants') fees; 12.7.4. For payment of unpaid Timber Falls Phase X Association Assessments, interest, costs, late charges, expenses, and attorneys' (and legal assistants') fees; t2.7.5.For payment of any junior Mortgages affecting the Condominium Unit in the order of and to the extent of their priority; and t2.7.6. Condominium Unit. For payment of the balance remaining, if any, to the Owner of the Ifthe insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the improvement, and if such damage is more than sixty percent (60%) of the total replacement cost of all of the Condominium Units in the Condominium Project, not including land, such damage or destruction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Association, as attorney-in-fact, using the proceeds of insurance and, if permitted under the Act, the proceeds of a Special Assessment made wp:r.docau-'mbcr FruJ.dcct (6. 14.99)Pagc -32- against all of the Owners and their Condominium Units; provided, however, that Owners representing an aggregate ownership interest in the Common Elements of sixty-seven percent (67%) or more, and sixty-seven percent (67%) or more of the First Mortgagees of record (based on one vote for each Mortgage owned) may elect to terminate the Condominium Project, as provided in this Condominium Declaration; and in such event, the Association shall forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice by the Association's president and secretary or assistant secretary, the entire Condominium Project shall be sold pursuant to the provisions of this Section 12.7,by the Association as attorney-in-fact for all of the Owners, free and clear of the provisions contained in this Condominium Declaration, the Map, and the Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws of the Association. Assessments for Common Expenses shall not be abated during the period prior to sale. In such event, the insurance settlementproceeds shall be collected by the Association, and such proceeds shall be divided by the Association according to each Owner's interest in the Common Elements, and such divided proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts, each such account representing one (1) of the Condominium Units. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be further identified by the Condominium Unit designation and the name of the Owner and designated as an agency account. From each separate account the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total amount of each of such accounts, without contibutions from one account to another, toward the partial or full payment of the lien of any First Mortgagee encumbering ttre Condominium Unit represented by such separate account. Thereafter, each such account shall be supplemented by the apportioned amount of the proceeds obtained from the sale of the entire Property. Such apportionment shall be based upon each Condominium Unit Owner's interest in the Common Elements. The total funds of each account shall be used and disbursed, without contribution from one account to another, by the Association as attorney-in-fact for the same puposes and in the same order as is provided in Section 12.7.1 - Section 12.7.6 above. In the event that the Owners and First Mortgagees do not elect to terminate the Condominium Project as provided above, Owners representing at least sixty-seven percent (67 %) of the total allocated votes in the Association (other than Declarant) and all directly adversely affected Owners may alternatively agree in writing not to repair and reconstruct improvements within ttre Common Elements and if no alternative improvements are authorized, then and in that event, the damaged property shall be restored to its natural state and maintained as an undeveloped portion of the Common Elements by the Association in a neat and attractive condition. Any remaining insurance proceeds shall be distributed in accordance with the Act. Section 12.8. Repairs. All repairs and reconstruction contemplated by this Article XII shall be performed subsantially in accordance with this Condominium Declaration, the Map, and the original plans and specifications for the Condominium Project, unless other action is approved by the Association in accordance with the requirements of this Condominium Declaration and the other Documents. wp:rcdoca\Timbcr Fllls.dccs (6. 14.99)Page -33- Section 12.9. Notice of Damage or Destruction to First Mortgagees. In the event that any portion of the Condominium Project encompassing more than one (1) Individual Air Space Unit is substantially damaged or destroyed by fire or other casualty, then written notice of the damage or destruction shall be given by the Association to each Owner and First Mortgagee of the affected Units within a reasonable time following the event of casualty damage. Section 12.10.Obsolescence. l2.l}.l . If at any time subsequent to the expiration of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the first recording of this Condominium Declaration, Owners representing an aggregate ownership of sixty-seven percent (67 %) or more of the Condominium Unis agree that the Condominium Units are obsolete and that the same should be removed or reconstructed, and adopt a plan for reconstruction, which plan has the unanimous approval of all Mortgagees, then all of the Owners shall be bound by the terms and provisions of such plan. Any assessments made in connection with such plan shall be a Common Expense of the Owners of Condominium Units and made pro rata according to each Owner's undivided percentage interest in the Common Elements as reconstructed, which percentage interest shall be based upon the number of square feet of floor area in the reconstructed Unit as a percentage of the total square fee of floor area in all the Units. 12.10.2. Any tirne subsequent tro the expiration of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the recording of this Condominium Declaration, Owners representing an aggregate ownership interest of sixty-seven percent (67 %) or more of the Condominium Unis may agree that the Condominium Units are obsolete and that the same should be sold. Such agreement must have the unanimous approval of every Mortgagee. In such instance, the Association shall forthwith record a notice setting forth such fact or facts, and upon the recording of such notice by the Association's President and Secretary, all of the Condominium Units shall be sold by the Association, as attorney-in-fact of all the Owners, free and clear of the provisions contained in this Condominium Declaration, the Map and the Bylaws. The sales proceeds shall be apportioned between the Owners on the basis of each Owner's Allocated Interest, and such apportioned proceeds shall be paid into separate accounts representing each Condominium Unit. Each such account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be further identified by the alphabetic designation of ttre Unit and the name of the Owner. From each separate account, the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse the total amount of such accounts, without contribution from one account to another, for the same purposes and in the same order as provided in Sections 12.7.1 through 12.7.6 above. Section 12.11.Condemnati,on. lf at any time or times during the continuance of the condominium ownership pursuant to this Condominium Declaration, all or any part of the Property shall be Aken or condemned by any public authority or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the following provisions shall apply: wp: r.docs\TEb€r F .lb.d€ca (6.14.99)Page -3,f l2,ll.l. All compensation, damages, or other proceeds therefrom, the sum of which is hereinafter called the 'Condemnation Award, n shall be payable to the Association. 12.11.2. In the event ttrat the entire Building is taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the condominium ownership thereof shall terminate. The Condemnation Award shall be apportioned only among the Owners of the Condominium Unis in the Building in proportion to their respective undivided percentage interests in the Common Elements of the Building. I2.lL3. In the event that part but less than the entire Building is taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu or in avoidance thereof, the condominium ownership hereunder shall not terminate. Each Owner shall be entitled to a share of the Condemnation Award to be determined in the following manner: as soon as practicable, the Association shall, reasonably and in good faith, allocate the Condemnation Award between compensation, damages, or other proceeds, and shall apportion the amounts so allocated among the Owners as follows: (a) the total amount allocated to the taking of the Building, or a part thereof, and reat property on which the Building is constructed shall be apportioned among Owners of Condominium Unic in the Building in proportion to their respective undivided percentage interest in the Common Elements of the Building, O) the total amount allocated to severance damages shall be apportioned to those Condominium Units which were not taken or condemned, (c) the respective amounts allocated to the taking of or injury to a particular Unit and/or improvements an Owner has made within his/her own Unit shall be apportioned to the particular unit involved, and (d) the oal amount allocated to consequential damages and any other takings or injuries shall be apportioned as the Association determines to be equitable in the circumstances. If an allocation of the Condemnation Award is already established in negotiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the Condemnation Award the Association shall employ such allocation to the extent it is relevant and applicable. Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payable jointly to the respective Owners and their respective Mortgages. ARTICLE XIII MORTGAGEE'S RIGHTS Section 13.1. Notices. Each Mortgagee upon written request by such holder to the Board, shall receive any of the following: 13.1.1.Copies ofbudgets, notices ofassessments, insurance certificates, or any other notices or statements provided under this Condominium Declaration by the Association to the Owner of the Condominium Unit covered by the deed of trust; wp:rodoc.su_unbcr Frlls.dccs (6. 14.99)Page -35- 13.t.2.Anv audited or within ninety (90) days following the end Association and distributed to the Owners: 13. I .8. reasonable time. unaudited financial statements of the Association of any fiscal year, which are prepared for the 13.1.3.Copies of notices of meetings of the Owners and the right to be represented at any such meetings by a designated representative; 13.1.4.Notice of the decision of the Owners or the Association to make anv material amendment to this Condominium Declaration, the Bylaws or the Articles of Incorporation of the Association: 13. 1.5.Notice of substantial damage to or destruction of the Unit, or any part of the Common Elements; 13.1.6.Notice of commencement of any condemnation or eminent domain proceedings with respect to any part of the Common Elements; t3.t .7 .Notice of any default by an Owner which is not cured by the Owner within thirty (30) days after the giving of notice by the Association to the Owner of the existence of the default: The right to examine the books and records of the Association at any Section 13.2. Mongagee Requests. The request of a Mortgagee shall specify which of the above it desires to receive and shall indicate the address to which any notices or documents shall be sent by the Association. Failure of the Association to provide any of the foregoing to a Mortgagee who has made a proper request therefore shall not affect the validity of any action which is related to any of the foregoing. The Association need not inquire into the validity of any request made by a Mortgagee hereunder and in the event of multiple requests from purported Mortgagees on the same Condominium Unit, the Association shall honor the earliest request received. Section 13.3. No Impairment of Lien. No violation or breach of or failure to comply with any provision of this Condominium Declaration and no action to enforce any such provision shall affect, defeat, render invalid or impair the lien of any Mortgagee taken in good faith and for value and perfected by recording in the appropriate office, prior to the time recording in said office of an instrument describing the Condominium Unit and listing the name or names of the Owner or Owners thereof and giving notice of such violation, breach or failure to comply. However, any purchaser on foreclosure or person accepting a deed in lieu thereof shall take subject to this Condominium Declaration. wp:rldo.i\Timb.r Frlb.dec! (6. 14.99)Pagc -36- t Section 13.4. Consent of Mortgagees Requbeil. Unless at least sixty-sevenpercant(677o) of the First Mortgagees (based upon one vote for each first mortgage owned), and the Owners of Condominium Units have given their prior written approval, the Association shall not: t3.4.1.change the pro rata interest or obligations of any Condominium Unit for the purpose of: (a) levying assessments or charges or allocating distributions of hazard insurance proce€ds or Condemnation Awards, or (b) determining the pro rata share of ownership of each Condominium Unit in the Common Elements; t3.4.2.by act or omission, seek !o abandon, partition, suMivide, encumber, sell or fransfer the Common Elements; provided, however, the granting of easements for public utilities or for other public purposes consistent with the intended use of the Common Elements shall not be deemed a transfer within the meaning of this clause; 13.4.3.use of hazard insurance proceeds for losses to any Unit, or to the Common Elements for any purpose other than the repair, replacement or reconstruction of the Common Elements except as is otherwise provided herein. ARTICLE XIV DT]RATION OF COVENANTS AND AMENDMENT Section l4-1. Term. The covenants and resfictiorn of this Condominium Declaration and any amendments or supplements to it shall run with and bind the land from the date of execution and recordation until December 31.,2025, subject to the termination provisions of the Act. Thereafter, the Condominium Declaration shall be automatically extended for five (5) successive periods of ten (10) years, unless otherwise terminated or restated as provided herein. Section 14.2. Amendmenf. This Condominium Declaration, or any provision of it, may be amended at any time by Owners holding not less than sixty-seven percent (67 %) of the votes possible to be cast under *ris Condominium Declaration at a meeting of the Owners called for that purpose and by an instrument signed by at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Mortgagees holding First Mortgages agairnt any portion of ttre hoperty Oased on one vote for each Mortgage owned), except as limited by any restricted language as contained herein. Any amendment must be executed by the President of the Association and recorded, and approval of such amendment may be shown by attaching a certificate of the Secretary of the Association to the recorded instrument certifying the approval of a sufficient number of Owners of the amendment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Declarant, acting alone, reserves to itself the right and power to modifu and amend this Condominium Declaration and/or the Plat to the fullest extent permitted under the Act. wp: ftdocs\Tmb.r F .I!.dcca (6.1a.99)Pzge -31- Section 14.3. Binding Upon and Inure ta the Successors. The benefits, burdens and all other provisions contained in this Condominium Declaration shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of Declarant, the Association, all Owners and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns. Any right or any interest reserved or contained in this Condominium Declaration to or for the benefit of Declarant may be transferred or assigned by Declarant, either separately or with one or more of such rights or interest, to any person, corporation, partnership, association or other entity, in accordance with the provisions of the Act. ARTICLE XV MASTER ASSOCIATION Section 15.1. Master Association Matters. Each Owner, by accepting a deed to a Condominium Unit, recognizes that (a) the Property is subject to the Master Documents, (b) by virnre of his/her ownership, he/she has become a member of the Ma.ster Association and is entitled to all of the benefis and subject to all of the burdens of such membership, and (c) such Owner is subject to any rules and regulations of the Master Association. Each Owner, by accepting a deed to a Condominium Unit, acknowledges that he/she has received a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Master Association. Each Owner agrees to perform all of his/her obligations as a member of the Master Association as they may from time to time exist, including, but not limited to, the obligation to pay common, civic, and special assessments as required under the Master Documents. Section 15.2. Enforcement of Master Declaratinn. The Association shall have the power, subject to the primary power of the Board of Directors of the Master Association, to enforce the covenants and restrictions contained in the Master Documents, but only as said covenants and resricdons relate to the Property, and to collect regular, special, and default assessments on behalf of the Master Association. Section 15.3. Membership in the Master Association; Recreqtional Facilities. All Owners, upon becoming Owners, shall also become members of the Master Association and subject to the provisions of the Master Declaration, including the obligation to pay certain assessments to the Master Association. The Association may pay such assessments on behalf of each Owner, and in that event, each Owner shall pay to the Association as a part of such Owner's Assessment under this Condominium Declaration an amount equal to the Master Association's assessment for such Owner's Unit. The facilities owned or controlled by the Master Association shall be available to Owners as members of the Master Association for such fees and subject to such regulations as the Master Association, as is applicable, may prescribe. ARTICLE XVI Page -3&wp:r.dd.\Trmb€r FdL.de$ (6. 14.99) I MISCELLANEOUS Section 16.1. Perind of Condominium Ownenhip. The condominium ownership created by this Condominium Declaration and the Condominium Map shall continue until this Condominium Declaration is terminated in any manner provided in this Condominium Declaration or by law. Section 16.2. Supplemental to Colarado Common Interest Ownerchip Act. The provisions of ttris Condominium Declaration shall be in addition and supplemental to the Act, as it may be amended from time to time, and to all other applicable provisions of law. Section 16.3. Conveyanceof CondominiumUnits. trll Condominium Units, whetheror not the instrument of conveyance or assignment shall refer to this Condominium Declaration, shall be subject to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way and all other terms and provisions contained in this Condominium Declaration, as they may be amended from time to time. Section 16.4. Enforcement. Except as provided below, enforcement of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, liens, charges and other provisions contained in this Condominium Declaration, the Articles, Bylaws, or rules and regulations of the Association, as amended, shall be by a proceeding at law or in equity filed in the District Court for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such provision. The Association or any aggrieved Owner shall have the right to institute, maintain and/or prosecute any such proceedings, and the Association shall further have the right to levy and collect charges for the violation of any provision of any of the aforesaid documents, which charges shall be a perpetual lien in favor of the Association against each Condominium Unit. In any such action instituted or maintained under this Section 16.4, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and reasonable attorney fees incurred pursuant thereto, as well as any and all other sums awarded by the Court. Any dispute between the Association and an Owner or Owners and any dispute between an Owner or Owners may be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. The costs of such arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties to the arbination and each party shall bear is own atuorney fees. Such arbination shall be heard in Eagle County, Colorado. Section 16.5. Non-Wsiyer. Failure by a Declarant, the Association, any Owner, First Mortgagee or any other person or entity to enforce any @venant, condition, restriction, easement, reservation, right-of-way or other provision contained in this Condominium Declaration shall in no way or event be deemed to be a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 16.6. Severabilily. The provisions of this Condominium Declaration shall be deemed to be independent and severable, and the invalidity of any one or more of the provisions wD:rd6\Trnb.r Frlb.dcc. (6,14.99)Page -39- hereof, or any portion thereof, by judgment or court order or decree shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions, which other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Section 16.7. Number and Gender. Unless the context provides or requires to the conrary, the use of the singular herein shall include the plural, the use of the plural shall include the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. Section 16.8. Captinns. The captions to *re Articles and Sections are inserted herein only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and are in no way to be construed to define, limit or otherwise describe the scope of this Condominium Declaration or the inlent of any provision hereof. Section 16.9. Conflicts in Documenfs. In case of any conflict between ttris Condominium Declaration and the Articles or Bylaws of the Association, this Condominium Declaration shall contol. In case of any conflict between the Articles and Bylaws of the Association, the Articles of Incorporation shall control. Section 16.10.Restictinn on Declamnt Popers. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, no rights or powers reserved to Declarant hereunder shall exceed the time limitations or permissible extent of such rights or powers as restricted under the Act. Any provision in this Condominium Declaration in conflict with the requirements of the Act shall not be deemed to invalidate such provision as a whole but shall be adjusted as is necessary to comply with the Act. wD:r.doc!\Timb.r Frlb.decs (6.14.99)Psge -40- IN WIINESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being Declarant herein, has hereunto set its hand and seal this _ day of _, 2000. BLUFFS AT TIMBER FALLS LLC, Declarant By: Title: STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. coUNTYoFEAGLE ) The above foregoing Condominium Declaration for Timber Falls Condominiums Phase X was acknowledged before me this _ day of _, 20(X), by as Manager of Bluffs at Timber Falls, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Noary Public c/p:rldocrYl-roDcr Fllt!.dccr (6. 14.99)Prgc -41- EXHIBIT ''AU LEGAL DESCRIPIION A parcel of land located in the South % of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, of the 6e Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Begiruring at the Southeast corner of L,ot 13, Bighorn Subdivision Fourth Addition; Thence North 37 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds West, along the Southerly lot line of said l,ot 13, a distance of 105.00 feet to the common corner of Lot 13 and l.ot 12 of said Bighorn Subdivision Fourth Addition; Thence North 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, along the Southerly lot line of said l.rllt I2,, a distance of 32.17 feet; Thence South 58 degrees 21 minutes 34 seconds West to the Westerly lot line of Timber Falls Phase IX, a distance of 251.24 feet, Thence South 85 degrees 24 minutes 34 seconds East, along the Northerly lot line of said Phase IX, a distance of 84.89 feet; Thence South 04 degrees 35 minutes 26 seconds West along the Easterly lot line of said Phase IX, a distance of 79.50 feet; Thence North 82 degrees 56 minutes 24 seconds East, a distance of 49.23 feet to the Northwest corner of Timber Falls Phase XI; Thence South 69 degrees 19 minutes 49 seconds East, along ttre Northerly lot line of said Phase XI, a distance of 75.97 feet to the Northeast corner of said Phase XI and the Westerly lot line of Timber Falls Phase 1; Thence North 36 degrees 06 minutes 2l seconds East, along said westerly lot line, a distance of 154.96 feet to the true point ofbeginning. wp: r€d6\Timbcr Frtk.ds (6.14.99)Page 42- f,'xrrnlT n3n ALIIrcATED INTERESTS CONDOMINIT'M UNIT AITOCATED INTEREST v6 v6 U6 v6 u6 t/6 The formula for Allocated Interests is an equal allocation among all Condominium Units. rD.!d6\Tb6 hLJs (6. 1a.99 hSs4! Town of Veil Department ot Communhy Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, CO 81657 . *^^.' @to/-{l' a}&'*,i-J<ze* 4. Address: Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL aeceiptr,to. 5/373 oat" (', r{ t CD Account No.Item No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000314 1110 Zoninq and Address Maps ZA , $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Code - '1997 - Volume 1&2 tJ6 $50.95 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 s57.20 001 0000 314 1112 lnternational Plumbino Code - 1997 \JO $s6.00 00 0000 314 1112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 uit $35.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $s3.60 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Fire Code $36.00 001 0000 314 1112 National Electrical Code $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1997 $9.95 001 0000 3141112 Model Enerqv Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analvsis of Revisions to .l997 Uniform Codes $12.7s 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mvlar Copv Fees BF $7.00 001 00003141111 Xerox Cooies XC $0.25 001 0000 314 1 111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1111 Studies. Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 31s 3000 Penalty Fees/R+lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 31s 2000 Off Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees t-l 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee JT $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Siqn Application Fee 51, 001 0000 311 2200 Desiqn Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR 001 0000 31s s000 Building Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovsmsnl Agresmonl Dsposn D2-DEP10 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Soec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.57" (State) - Tax payable TP .001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% CTown) - Retall Sales Tax r7 Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2s00 PEC APPLICANON FEES 001 00003112500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV s500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development District - NEW PV $1,s00.00 001 0000 31.r 2s00 Soecial Development District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Development District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 00003112s00 Subdivision Fees PV too 001 0000 311 2s00 Variance PV $2s0.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Zoning Gode Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zonino PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program )ther -MS I J TOTAL: I __4 Comments:fu*L &"*f Cash - Mon€y order #Check # F:/Even/one/Fomvsalesacl.exs ba' 2y10/99 Tan of Urilffr Cusllllfrl RECTIPT ffi DTE: 6/06/t 0t RECEIPT: 0909016 ___Dt$RIpII0t erY fliil|I il ilt _P$_qr$EE rEE r iln.09 rpu ci( DLffTS T TIIOER FruS IBIDEN DEIRILct( 1851IAIEI 6l%1fr T0Tet 0 ct( flIOfiI ft}ID€RED frn.nTIlf: t{:3?:?tilm.r ft0t.00 . lrflil( Ytx, Fm Yofr pfiYtflrl RECETVED FROM RECEIPT- The Town of Vail \-.{ /;t N9 513?3 N T II' IL: i Permit Numbero Policc RecoipilNumbcn i/By ".li/L-,_.-_-_ o ra itr,TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 June 8, 2000 Greg Amsden 500 South Frontage Road East, Suite #112 Vail, CO 81657 Re; Timber Falls Building 19 Condominium Map Dear Greg: I have conducted a preliminary review of the above-referenced application. Please supply the following revisions (on paper sheets) at your earliest convenience. . Please provide a preliminary title report. . Please remove the "Town Council Certificate" and "Planning and Environmental Commission Certificate" from the plat. Pursuant to Section 13-6-1(C), Vail Town Code, condominium map approval is handled at the staff level. . The addresses on Sheets 1and2 are inconsistent. Please revise. . The condominium unit numbers on Sheet 1 (Note #5) and all other sheets are inconsistent. Please revise. . When your final mylars are ready, please submit the appropriate filing fee for the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's ffice. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, [<(n/*- BrentWilson Planner ll {g orn"urr ro