HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E & F VVMC PHASE I ADDITION 2001-02 REPORTSA6bso-ool-A €i.FArr$tarr foiFi- St cl.ritrra- r \ lcaua Si,bf-"i+,+d y$n f+ptxo pfad,.rd* rh ltcu of . tf,rf;g Evisrclq $ eoistrs ES's hrts { b.- t\c [p:as* lrrt{6 de cfrl... 1 A*,r a(go O f.t{rtrs : O-i1aaa1.\4g . ..f,.rCif* alotrue i*9... iJatt A{. Cor5'rrs toqlr &,S.1 {{.r- Cr{}t{igf ,.',-!:,i:," _t138L_ :-.-.--'...- --.--- t, -,' r. - =j-i":- at,i. -:. :l;Eii:iiilijlit iiQ. .--.a5lrp-:skA . I T :. ;r V ;=l-'L:":::11.1. :.3i-r'*l t,r-1..,i::: A .i-.Plftrrr1.L -v :. '.:'.-.} i-1 .-.- '- !: 'r::r= l-i SUhrLIlTl'i- ir'F' Li ;).1:C Str;;iiiti{ ::,'.r:.",': j s:r:,.t ss i! gellelEl c3irTiles€ r.J:';l ti: a-:r;;i:':c1 C[:i;;i::[t3. $ubesBlraclcr ic ?siiij ri:i;'i-;it-ih;1ti q:i€littes a"'rd $'sld cai:diticits lcr prcp;i :i.j rnrr,'i.:leis inelEileJlon oi iJiis''ir'f,*, ApFrc!€i sliai! ,i!: l,si:i'ie sui:isntiacb! ct suFpll€i ir.m l€spofisib jtll'.! i,--i ei:ilih- crf i;i',.irjii'-.lir3 ii'orfl ihs Cc$liaet Dcarfl":ii:. r"e, gfi{.1-r.-.- - rh etaatig si g6+aLtg f,*^ ELlt{.aa*tr cls g,ra.t' $4t+ :1:t6,ae i{ go$otko41 e"oe{4 t'caL duefl&q,le L.oe p\frr€ fc{ {re" + r€\ro+rrfgr/iaiL ar:Enst.SUBM|TTAL proi."r*_?yoni[? D No exceprions taken y:TfiXlJ fJ Reviseoand resubrnt ffi -;;;;-,_ -_.2-,,... resuoir i l_l Rsjecter!, see rernerksa*#naz*,- D-rlu/o>.- i+lHlfrffl$j*l:ijtlr:','ii,.iirl:i::i: i: .,,.:r1,;:-.-]I',r,rli,,;i;,3 ''.'"i"cr f fiJ*i"i]iiii.li,,i".fi m,i;#iiy;m*:r;*:i*;ii*,,jj;,.*^ as noted FRON :FRX NO. :Jan. A4 2688 ag:AAPV P4 H **$ I ign il Hsl $ J.z o ChD l,t l trt! trolJ- iltfl tl u elF-l6tl NI --rI i I I I I J Et€.r6 F I I i I I I II (J o E Eot+!9 EaB@ .-E (o t4) F2 BIElr] =BeI flr-\ | 3t -Jo r{t3 t Etv caJ > c' -lo- e6ed 5 t c*J Jan. 84 2AAA A]:AAP\ PsFAX NO. :FR0N r \ s .id (1 ...' {,( '6 t te- :| t.ll s 3 q3 H **E $;$$ t nsl $ : 6: E} C)J -Jo--'eFed I rCcr, <bF- I I I I I II qo c EoBie;bgt c{ F@ bE \EFo) Fz tUE o Ef ul ==z =f) IU' =u- JJ = ?l OIOI =l >l r'{g $ .3tf A-INO 3Sn 33tjlo uoJ FFX NO. :Jan. O4 2AAA AgiAzPYt P4 H u*$ $ fiE$ fi HFi $ N]e!t OJ\l zoo9 HHE +E s3s EEsEE EAEE=g BIE*IHHH Fzo;oa eit UH€ Hx .f Psor-)Y=?rEEdd6=slfSEiILS!taO!l6rLEYRtz lzEEnE;l*HEFl3 HItEHEEF ++ t+ .r+ ++ [+ fol!+AI EbE I I I I I I I * a a BE3EPts96H6 Fid sl -r- I I I tuE ra) I Il. 2 EgFt>e€aei6 HBtc=-zJSF -*F: xIiHE 6a t ri E4 >g b) aJ n kl I tltttltl l*l L9J -1o-eBe4 a\l i ArNo 3sn 3clllo uoj d J5 c € (f ,5 tt -s E+ * .8 6l .s I o<v Itl3sHt;J c3eir Lss rl$ 5\:) s,s Jt BJ $.g f 5 .t 4 't ti,sl3l sl r.$,,\f .s t< I rl: FROt"t :FAX NO. :Jan. 84 28AA A9:43Pfl P5 *l H u*E $fiE$ il n€l $ oH5=sSY dE" E 3gE il E q 9Egs '.,r o =los:-+ol- t\l oot O)Y (Js uJ = dE i+H*"u,F". Ey ?FHEE 3EHSE gHfigE '#,*EE HlEEEqiZIF()o.TDF 14E F, I I I I t ---i--I I I (\=r-6+ao l tII J t II TI\t II II 1 E, IIJu EFo ^23EE*,u9d:ptf,qE =ln = -o*tdv3lrtJ :. o[-lL crr r_ E 'i rTt F 6 rE 6I.itg.!oI J T I ? ? a. o OJJ: -;o-e6a4 H IF r cr) A]NO 3Sn 3Crjlo uoJ o o U ,su $ :[i{ #5i il HFI $ o o Jz UJ UJ LLr\ .Y 6 tL --r I I I I I E "(o ,- I I I I I .i E -ro@:'FO(DNFar .i lr) (\ (9 o E r^O N:i <-N i l I I I I I l l c -ro EN c/i 3i fil iJIvl?i{ai{, PIi'l I I I -A: N UJ lz =2< tljrE =>z-orL>is =8 \,stt I s .J' L b r$ I i .o r iit!; * r':15I >*HNcfil*'a xl2 t txt u 8t:l z_ JlJl = Lt- lzl * 2l=l 5 A)31F ><irl.nt ,t ul2l'it z olzl 9l bsYui il ='(=l\,, .lF - \a L\r+ d \],- a f ! (1 0)J -1o-a0e6 FRON : Oz/OL/OZ lS:01 FAX C10 O{S 2709 FRX NO. : BAL@ Jan. Q4 2AAA AyAApn p3 + ARCE IIIERIAI.S 1d003 I u*$ $ iti t nfx $ l ,"1 qo E Ec9R; rf) aa ;-Fqt|:) <\lFg t7 \ .! v E5H FEE 5e E+Fo\6 {-,g B \ur {{ Jsrf<\'6\ ( -i\9l;( r,\b-/ .Y. Ir!l 11l o\\l +) t5\1)v\ FEros \F FE \u- \-I ldu-)h\ rYDIr- r EulEtu B5 atoro ElrlFut >* tr 8Jl! (9z F(Ax 1rl 0to 9 @Xl! C''I Pjt I el Enl xrII I u,l bI E\,,l H L] EFi; > c, t EltI -;o__e8a4 FR0f'1 : FFIX NO. :Jan. E4 ZAAA AgiA2pM p3 H **g $m$ o[l ltt)l l?lo t€l lsJ ED q, -) >'a -lo-e6pd Jzo UJ ct)J uJ C)trIL EI PI o (|',) =z a Et',5 |\ I I t =F@Fr- ai xlr<l cvlFI..\| (\t Iol EI a\ E-lEl ct o E cooK' Elc{ \=t !f(f) (o <r ce F ,ei.€ 0 {9q $t $ Cla IE \v tL6u,I U) UJa UJJo- lz iF "trO tr(9 IJJtI =Y C]<r -lol TIJa m .= fi2o?EhrEJ<TJJ +i [;F Fl fiqs 8t fi=H uiJ @ 5 s rAtEloIJlo lc) I LlJtz, IuJ'tr.i&'9: E! U)E E'at e, I F.i' L\I daa' .urJ\l L\ Aqboa - ool 'A 6nPA*5-:rrr foirgt. gt l9l.i6pL, .l kata $r.b6++a rritb {1F4/..4 ptadue* fz- ilcaa(ti6,g . th l;ca *f . "$.r6itt- ,.irfir:.j:" -L$eL-_- .r ,: l --,: _:,_.'-:- i :::_i.-L;.:q'-, --.i- .. r- -.:i-, i..-/ i...-.-.-.- -, i,;\vl':. i:,in i:]-tAi- i.j{.}. *o5*Srp:sol-A :- ;:-?,P V r':el;i;'il'- =of*-r* .r.-:,i,.se ,{} r.-F:{cl-:j,; ff ",: ;,; i *i :-.sua*,t-,qtL: i::ii r.- ; ' I I E'iEi.-i::-];i- rcp. irt'irl'i:d ci'rllr es It Seneral ecrFilaftca g",!lii:it: i:;i!:ee: C['sum:fite. $u:JcaliirEctot io iretil:i ':i.:;i.,;::iars, qrer'rtities erJ field ssnCiii€tils icr propal' ::r':J ils:i:ieie lrcblia'ilon ei ihls i;Jcrk, Apprur'.,e| Glreil ' r.r', :;r:::js sti!:,.so!iti&c.bf sr €lppii3i i;cm a€sponsibiliili .r',.:r: ei,:i"*::,'i qr:';laiions iicm he CeFiiact alorunsai.-. ,,. . -&1d.--_---*r:ee: s&[!]*, - ar sr*st. . {u,Oig €vi5t}3 $ Ssis+rg E{': hci< g tos t\c leas* too',L 1ir{6 de .e,^t... | 6na a.t So O [a[gcr: ob*rurirlg... lJat{ Ef,t &el6'Ar ri.' a{.ta4g d gatabg fcart,. otFer^atc etu gtolr in m s1s{€,*5 i{ *"refi^r,rg *tet{4 lcou arrc7*a\11, &,*|r -iL fur'co U*rE, p\8412 {:ll \rec + Jt\to+ C^r+t^€g rrfgn/ia& SUBMITTAL | | No exceptions taken LJ Revise antl resubrnit 'Qpproved as noted ffitJ:T'"1ii:f 3,",,| ll::-':?.-":,j".. rr ir'+sr;.,*;". .., ., l i$H1i8,i:ij'-'l#iiil;i:i',.ii#;,1:::;, . i,,1;:-,; 'ii,;+l':i:;::':"c 'ro,ectJlr:i;.cii ar ir,! slr.i lnr'i,,r"i,".',^il .'' treL;r,,,i. .^.. i, 1,.,.,i-,,r,,,, J i.. ; ::,-r . :. j.. ir:.!6ins ot att riad,:i iJrj ioi.irinii"to.y FRON :FAX NO. :Jar,. @4 2AAA AgtAAPn P4 5 t _s !r\r) €r? :} s H **B $ iEg fi msr $ Jzor! at)D EI(.) tr lJ- IL n l,,l I 16 Itol n tlll tltl L$J wlFI(\tl NI -T I I I 1 I,, i"€ F cto E Eot*!g Eh =@ tE t-l I eE .oF F2tu =lr.l o =Eeotl) -Jo r Etl$ {Y >6 -lo- eFed FRDN :FEX NO. :Jan. Z4 ZAE@ Ag:@EPll Ps (l +, o I Eq ?t, 67 H Fs[ $ fili t HEI $ c.Ie!t(\ll zooP 9HE Er*A* EEsEE EHEE=g E|F *IHEE F2q u-6QOt UH= Hx .f flE Eft=EAH rrr -l 5 ui EYE=E6o;*EilBt=f=uloos *t$HaFE= ffigHAEE ++ fou-B(Y BE3E= =86Y6F?d e * t I-r- I I tuF L) I IJ. l-2 EEFt=eco:3tH8o =?zllr=:n6 $Eb EIEEEr|.l -{x= RlSrg 5 .!1 a d 4 H ntlI bl > tr) oJ -1o-eEe6 ot\l; A]No 3sn Sclllo uoj s d Jit s t' l'.5 ta:l .:lIt+ d:f * s)4 e 3 < \s,63txt ;.9 .d:!3ir \sb Jan. E4 2AAA A9:AAP\ P4FAX NO. : t$5ql .rJ I(6 $i tc g tP Jrb j .l 'r+ tlt L F\l r.$ 4t <' FROI'I :FAX NO. :Jan. 84 2@AA 89iZ3Plt PS I I En E BFI ${[ H$io: x- o- albtt & 9q E$E si di Hgi c\r I-\| NI Tf1l CD ot= '6faa \) oH5 = (t)10)SY dE" gB gE il E q o@; n593(.r :'+oFAI oct)o )< - C)f ItrE 1E r(?) x.E #ifEE EEgEff EHEEH ',EEFaE rrl aE IJJ tr o^z 9EE*:?uJ9d>ptE q E =l a) = -a*tdYg !_r I J :: olll lL c\ v- A]NO 3Sn 33tJlO UOI -p-e6s4 $ .L s CD rPc- \L J sl 3$- o o I H *uu $ iii{ #58 N nsr $ a o (J ; -c a)J lo Jz t.u l LL LL E. LL i,E Nd .i E rqX (o-FOCON!r .ar -i c => N o utLN:i 5 'F\ C') E <\I c3 fl*J ,v E $l{riilil ;r .: (\l uJ z ="1 F =2<L!-E(n u) =>=orr- > =s=3 v Yv s J\-or s * dltjr d>t HO -',Hlx (r /x{ ! qEl = LL jzl * 2t=l; b)31F )<l r I.-' ' t^ ujQJ'it Z olzlcoi tr F(rr, ill frEH -n Lv { F {$ 1' evsd FRX NO. :Jan. A4 26ei8 Eg:AApn p3 + ARCE ilATERIAI.S 1400io2/0L/oz I u*H $ iti t nfx $ l ,r$ oo e +R ; t'it ao ;-FCrrrl (\lFg tr <l .! v $Et|lV \b * b s$rr+ s a ) .r, I.6\ \E} r,\ .tr-/ tr, I.l(l 1)r/ -ll,( 3\</3\! tuF FE \\J.F- Fl )0u)b\ 'lpl.!- r b). sra.t Fzl!Elu az bto.o u(t, f, =:z. E ? 5lil etl 6 u, 8Jlr(,z Faxl! EoI F.J'x IIJo(Y)l Fjt I IJI F(rl s,nt xrrr I uJ HKE[fr -p-e6e4 I :iig! I 5ctt I H **$ $m Jz UJs) llJo ILtLl KItrl o a., Bz a (J o E cootoi< .r.:ii r- |Frla\ r<llgi c\t I. F.l c.{lot !f Cf) (o <r 6?.E F ;oF t\ I I I I r#Il+ .l ls5 lix ei 'eil lJ-6 TJJo- U) tU U) UJJo- )z,<tF:trO:i E.o IrJhr =-lYiC).<lJ.@[ UJJ @ 5g r (l) IE l9lo lc) lHiIru' (L-9:2l{-U)a $ :F r- cit r l-ltol lElo lfil Lg L!a E.E E=(nEht5J<UJ -^,fTEil 5gH Fl r"TE 8l fi=H ," E-lEl iiitiilr!iilii x ftt oJ -Jo-e6ed FR0f'1 : FRX NO. :Jan. A4 Z@AA A9: AZclN p3 YrA ,5r(l L i q''t- r" tt -Y 'l f?l -;s.? a, tto L\I da A ,tJI .X TRANSMITTAL To: '(owot rF vor, - ,^r- L\ALti€ o^tis PROJECT NUMBER: ADDRESS:PROJECT: yu",, p SUBMITTAL NUMBER: DATE: pptrpaPtrn av. We transmit to you hdrewith the following items: tr Shop Dzl'ings 0 Copy oflcn:r O ConFact Documcnt(s) D Mill Ccnificatcs EACH STAMPED COPIES OF THE ASOVE ITEMS 0 Brochurc(s) E Spccifications tr Sarples B Schcdulc(s) WINGNO. ?LEASE RETURN f urg.uunturc COPY TO: DATE RETLTRNED REQUESTED: REMARKS: @t V+ tU, r-a,c\r iF pu lnaa,tc t-1 qols-ias or qecd.'a{olneirt oa, eoluol bal,jts. THE AAOVE TTEMS ARE TRANSMITTED IO YOU: O FOR YOUR APPROVAL O APPROVED o llllgvED as NoTEo, SUBJECT TO COMPLTANCE wtTH REOUTREMENTSAND ANY XOTAITONS OR INDICATED O REVISE ATID RESUBMIT MAXING ALL GORRECTION NOTEO O DISAPPROVED. REVISE AND RESUSMII PROMPTLY O FOR YOUR PRICING AND COSI BREAXDOWN X FoR YouR FrLEs ANDioR REFERENcE D FOR YOUR REVIEWCLARIFTCATION ANO REMARKS By: f"ry, hdn Barry J Monroe. HCBECK, LTD. o o o wa,-ml I SUB /IISSION OF FLeAtfnnmITY & FLAPTN SPREAD TEST REPORTS WA/TC PHASE T EXPAA T@AT TO: TOptAr OF VAIL VATL FTNN DEPT" O TABEL IF COIVTHNTS: .N" EXTTRTOR COAWIVG 2" SFilIVGLES 3. EMAATSTON JOTNTS 4. CARPET5, VCT 6, PATIVT O 7" WALLCOWRTIVC8, STUCCO 9" CLASS BLOCK trO. FLOOR f{ATCfffiS Ln" LINOLELI /[ FfOOn A" SfffiET WNYL CETLTNG o ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD . A subsidiarv corporation of the EVALUATION REPORT Copyright o 2000 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc, Accrediled by lhe American Nalional Slandards Inslilule WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 -2299 International Conference of Building Officials ER-3804 Reissued November 1, 2000 Filing Category: EXTERIOR COATINGS (060) STO ONE.COAT STUCCO SYSTEM STO CORP. 38(]O CAMP CREEK PARKWAY BUILDING 1400, SUITE 120 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30331 1.0 SUBJECT STO One-coat Stucco System. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: The STO One-coat Stucco System is a proprietary mixture of porlland cement, sand, chopped fibers, water and proprietary lngredients reinforced with wire fabric or metal lath and applied to substrates of expanded polyslyrene (EPS) insula- tion board, gypsum sheathing, fiberboard or plywood. The system is installed on exteriorwalls ofwood orsteelstud con- struction. 2.2 Materials: 2.2.1 Fiber Reinforced Stucco System: The factory-pre- parcd conccntrate is a mixture ofType I or ll portland cement complying with ASTM C 150-94, Type E glass fibers and pro- prietary additives. The concenlrate mixture is packaged in 80-pound bags. Five to sevengallons ofwaterand 180 to 200 pounds ofsand are added to each bag in lhe field in proportion to the bag weight and mixed in accordance with the manufac- turer's recommendations. A premix, containing sand in addi- tion to the ingredienls specified for lhe concentrate, is avail- able ln 80- or 1oo-pound bags. Forthe 8o-pound premix, 1 to 1rl2 qallons of water are added in the field, and for the 106-iound premix,2 to 21l2 gallons of water are added in the field. Color and bonding adhesives are added in the field in ac- cordance with the manufaclurer's instructions. 2.2.2 Sand: Must be clean and free from deleterious amounts of loam, clay, silt, soluble salts .and organic matter. Sampling and testing must comply with ASTM C 144. Sand must be graded within the following limits: for horizontal joints. See Figure 1 for joint detail. All boards must be recognized in an evaluation report issued by |CEO ES or lhe National Evaluation Service. See Section 2.7 for board identification. 2.2.4 Lathi Wll,eFabric Lath: Minimum No.20 gage, 1-inchgaF vanized steel woven-wire fabric. Lalh must be self-furred or furred when applied over all substrates except unbacked polystyrene board. Self-furring lalh for coatings must comply with the following requirements: 1. The maximum total coating thickness is 1/2 inch. 2. Furring crimps must be provided at maximum 6-inch inter- vals each way. The crimps must fur the body of lath 1/s inch minimum from the substrate after installation. 2.?.4.? Metal Lath: Complies with Table 25-B of the code. Furring and selfjurring requirements are as set forth lor wire fabric lath. 2.2.5 Gypsum Sheathing Board: \ '/3ter-resistant core gyp sum sheathing complying with ASTM C 79. 2.2.6 Fiberboard: ivlinimum ri2-inch{hick asphalt-impreg- nated fiberboard complying with ANSyAHI A 194.1 as a regu- lar density sheathing. 2.2.7 Plywood: Minimum 5/16-inch-thick plywood with exte- rior glue for studs spaced 16 inches on center and minimum 3/8-inch-thick plywood with exterior glue for sluds spaced 24 inches on cenler. Plywood complies with UBC Standard 23-2. 2.2.8 Caulking: Acrylic latex caulking material complying with ASTM C 834. 2.2.9 Weather-resistive Barrier: N/inimum Grade D kraft building paper complying with UBC Standard 14-1 or as- phalt-saturated rag felt complying with Underwrilers Labora- tories Standard Specification 55-A. The weather-resistive barrier is required over all substrates except for EPS board where the barrier may be behind the board. Application ofthe barrier complies with Section 1402.1 oI the code. When applied over any wood-based sheathing, the barrier must be a minimum two layers of Grade D building paper as set forlh in Section 2506.4 of the code. An alternative to two layers of Grade D building paper is as follows: One layer of Grade D building paper with a 60-minute water-resistance rating, plus one layerofEPS or XEPS. The EPS oTXEPS must have hori- zontal tongue-and-groove edges meeting lhe requirements noted in Figure 1 . 2.2.10 Fibers: The fiberglass slrands are Type E, approxi- mately 1/2 inch long, for short-term benefils during initial cur- ing. 2.2.11 Admixtures: Proprietary ingredients added to rm- prove quality of the coating. RETAINED ON U,S. STANDARD SIEVE PERCENT RETAINEO BY WEIGHT a 2 PERCENT Min. No. 4 No. 8 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 0 t0 30 10 95 u t0 40 65 90 r00 2.2.3 Insulation Board: Expanded, polystyrene (EPS) insu- lation board has a nominaldensity of '1.5 pound percubicfoot, a Class I flame-spread classification and a smoke-density rat ing not exceeding 450. Unbacked boards are 1 to 11/2 inch thick and have Vs-inch-high tongues with compalible grooves Eta u lion rlorlr.)f ICBO Evaluution Se ir b.rscl. Erdualio rep lion far uso oflhe subjecl rcpotl, This repo is basetl upof indepe lent lestso t! r;ulb atrtl/or other.tak., bti loes rro( lros ot i tlrliel,$to utty' Page 1 of 6 ER-3804Page 2 of 6 2.2.12 Miscellaneous: All trim. screeds and corner tein- forcement must be galvanized steel or approved plastic. 2.3 lnstallation: 2.3.1 General: The exlerior cementitious coaling is applied by hand troweling or machine spraying in one or two coats lo a minimum 3/6-inch thickness. The lath must be embedded in the minimum coating thickness and therefore cannot be ex- posed. The finish coat,,if required, must be applied per STO lndustries, instructions. Fasteners for lath must penetrate 1 inch minimum into wood studs. Flashing, corner reinforce- ment, metal trim and weep screeds must be installed as shown in attached details. See Figure 3. The coating is applied at ambient air temperatures ranging from 35'F to 120"F by applicators approved by STO Indus- tries. The weather-resistive barrier must be applied as set forth in Section 2.2.9. An installation card, as noled in Figure 2, must be on the jobsite with the name of the applicaltor and the product to be used before any weather-resistive barrieror exterior sheathing is installed. Also, see Seclion 4.6 ofthis re- port. 2.3.2 Application Over Open Framing: The wealher-iesis- tive barrier is placed over open wood studs spaced 24 inches on cenier, maxrmum. The EPS board described in Section 2.2.3 is lhen placed horizontally with tongues faced upward and is temporarily held in place with galvanized staples or rooling nails. Vertical butt joints must be staggered a minimum of one stud space from adjacent courses and occur directly over studs. The lath is then applied tightly over the polystyrene board and fastened through the board to wood studs with No. 11 gage galvanized roofing nails or No. 16 gage galvanized sta- ples spaced 6 inches on center with a minimum f -incir pene- tration. Staples must have a minimum crown width of r/g inch. Stapling is permitted only in Group ll wood species. Care must be taken to avoid overdriving fasteners. The lath is applied with 11/2-inch end and side laps. Application to minimum No. 18 gage (0.0478 inch) steel gal- vanized studs, is similar except that No. 8 self-tapping screws are installed at 8 inches on center. Screws musl penetrate studs and track at leasl l/a inch. Steel stud spacing is 16 in- ches on center maximum. Wall bracing in accordance with Section 2326.1 1 .3 of the code or acceptable alternate is required. Outside wallcorners and parapel comers are covered with extra metal corner rein- forcement. Weep screeds are installed at the bottom of the wall in accordance with Section 2506.5 of the code. Galva- nized steel 13/s-inch J-shaped trim pieces are installed at oth- er areas where foam is exposed. At windows and doors, butt- ing J-trim metal edges must be caulked. Holes for hose bibbs, electrical panels and other penelrations of substrate surfaces except those caused by fasteners must also be caulked. The coating is applied after caulking as described in Section 2.3.1 2.3.3 Application Over Solid Backing: Fiberboard: Minimum 1/2-inch-thick fiberboard sheathing is installed directly over wood or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0359 inch) steel studs spaced 24 inches on cenler, maximum. The fiberboard is temporarily held in place with corrosion-resistant staples, roofing nails. or self-tapping screws. A weather-resistive barrier of two layers of buiiding paper is applied over the flberboard prior to lalh or optional in- sulalion board. The lath is then attached to studs through the sheathing with fasteners and spacings as described for insu- lation board in Section 2.3.2 of this report or Table 23-l-O of lhe code, whichever is more restrictive. All walls must be braced in accordance with the code. Exposed sheathing edges are protected with screeds. Holes in the substrate sur- face are caulked and the coating applied as described in Sec- tion 2.3.1. Gypsum Shealhing: Minimum 1/2-inch-lhick, wa- ter-resistant core gypsum sheathing may be installed direclly on wood or minimum No. 20 (0.0359 inch) gage steel studs in a manner similar to fiberboard- Gypsum shealhing is fas- tened in accordance with Table 25-G of lhe code. A weath- er-resistive barrier is required over the gypsum shealhing orior to installation of the metal lath and coaling as described in Section 2 3.2. Minimum 1/2-inch-thick EPS insulalion board may be installed over the barier prior to the lath and coating. Plywood: Plywood is applied directly lo wood or minimum No. 20 gage (0.0359 inch) steel studs under condi- tion set forth in Section 2.2.7 of this report and Table 23-l-N-1 of the code. The.weather-resistive barrier, wire fabric lath and coating are applied as described for fiberboard. Minimum 1/2-inch-thick EPS insulation board may be installed over the barrier orior to the lath and coatin9 2.4 One-hour Fire-resistive Assembly: 2.4.1 First AssemblY: 2.4.1.'l Interior Face: One layer ol s/8-inch-lhrck Type X ovosum wallboard, water'resistant backerboard or veneer Sise is applied parallel or at right angles lo the inler,or face of 2 by 4 wood studs spaced 24 inches on center maxlmum. The wallboard is attached with 6d coated nails 17/s-inches long with a 1/4-inch-diameter head, at 7 inches on center to studs, plates and blocking. All wallboard ioints musl be backed with minimum 2-by-4 wood framing, taped and treated with joint compound. Fastener heads musl also be trealed with joint comPound. Exterior Face: One layer of minimum s/s-inch-tnick Type X water-resistani co(e ltcated gypsur I t sheallrir)g 48 itr- ches wide is applied parallel to sluds wilh No. 11-gage galva- nized roofing nails 13/4 inches long with /,116-rnch' or 1/2-inch-diameter heads at 4 inches on center at board edges and 7 inches on center at intermediate studs. The sheathing is nailed to too and bottom olates at 7 inches on center A weather-resistive barrier is required over the sheathing. The lath and wallcoating are then applied as described in Section 2.4.2 Second Assembly: Interior Face: One layer of 5/s-inch-lhick U S Gypsum Company, FIRECOOE C' gypsum wallboard is applied vertically to the interior [ace of the wood studs spaced 16 inches on center maximum. The wallboard is attached with No. 13 gage galvanized parker nails. 1s/s inches long and 8 inches on center to sluds. plates and blocking. All v/allboard joinis must be backed with minimum 2 by 4 wood framinq taped and treated with joint compound. Fastener heads musl also be ireated with joint compound. Three-and-one-half' inch-thick R-11 paper-faced mineral fiber (1.45 pci density) batt insulation is installed in the wall cavily. The maxin.run.r stud height is 8 feet. 2.4.2-2 Exteior Face: Building paper, EPS board galva- nized wire mesh and the STO One-Coat stucco mixture rs applied as described in Sections 2.3 .1 and2.3.2, excepl lhai the foam insulation is attached lo the wood studs wilh No. 1'l gage galvanized roofing nails with 3/s-inch-d iameter head ar 8 inches on center along edges and studs. 2.4.3 Third Assembly: 2-4.3.1 Interior Face: One layer of 1/2-tnch U.S. Gypsunr Company FIRECODE C gypsum wallboard is applred vertr- cally to lhe interior face of2 by 4 wood studs spaced 16 inches on center maximum. The wallboard is attached vvrth galva' nized parker nails 11/2 inches long with a 0.1 2-inch shank dr- ameter and a 1/2-inch head diameter, at 8 inches on cenler to studs, plates and blocking. All wallboard iornts nlusl be backed with wood framinq, taped and treated. along with the Fastener heads, with ioint compound Three-and-one-half- inch-ltrick R-1 1 0aper-faced nonlinal 1 .45 pcf denstly mineral Page 3 of 6 ER-3804 fiber or 0.6 pcf density liberglass batt insulation is inslalled in the wall cavity. Exterior Face: One layer of 1/2-inch water-resistant core regular gypsum shealhing is applied parallel to studs with No. 13 gage galvanized parker nails, 11/2 inches long with 0.30-anch-diameter head at 8 inches on center along all board edges and to studs. A weather-resistive barrier is re- quired over the sheathing. The wire fabric lath and wall ooal- ing are then applied as described in Section 2.5 Noncombustible Construction: The stucco system may be installed on exteriorwalls required lo be noncombustible construction as noted in Sections 2.5.1 lhrough 2.5.7. 2.5.1 Interior Finish: One layer ot 5/s-rnch-thick Type X gyp- sum wallboard complying with ASTM C 36 is applied verlically to steel framing wilh all edges blocked. Fasteners are No. 6 by 1 l/a-inch-long corrosion-resistant self-tapping screws fas- tened lo board joints at 8 inches on center and intermediate localions at 12 inches on center, All ioints are taped and treated with ioint compound. Intermediate fasteners are treated with compound. 2.5.2 Steel Framing: Minimum 35/6-inch-deep. minimum No. 18 gage (0.0478 inch thick) steel studs spaced 16 inches on center, maxrmum. 2.5.3 Openings: Wall openings are framed with minimum No. 18 gage framing. 2.5.4 Exterior Finish: One layer of minimum 1/2-inch-thick gypsum sheathing complying with ASTM C 79 is applied hori- zontally to the steel framing with No. 6 by 11/a-inch-long corro- sion-resistant self-tapping screws spaced 8 inches on center at all framing locations. 2.5.5 Stud Cavity: A R-13 unfaced fiberglass insulation manufactured by Owens Corning Fiberglas is fit into each stud cavity. The insulation has a minimum nominal 6 ounces per cubic foot density, is 35/6 inches thick, and long enough to achieve a friction fit. 2.5.6 Insulation Board: Insulation boards are placed hori- zonlally. Horizontaljoints have a tongue and groove configu- ration. Allverlical buttjoints must be light and occurover stud framing, Vertical joints musl be staggered. Insulation boards are temporarily held in place with galvanized staples, roofing nails or self{apping screws. 2.5.7 Stucco Coating: Stucco coating includes application of one layer of Pyro-Kure 600 vapor retarder manufactured by Fortifiber. Pyro-Kure vapor relarder has a maximum flame-spread of 25, a maximum smoke-developed rating of 30 and qualifies as a Type 1 , Grade A weather-resistive barri- er in accordancewith UBC Standard 14-1. The vaDorretarder is installed over the sheathing in accordance with Section 1402.1 ot the code. Expanded polystyrene insulation bbard with a nominal 1-pound-per-cubic-foot density is installed at f -inch thickness horizontally in running bond to the sheath- ing. Reinforcentent consists of 1 inch by No. 20 gage galva- nized steel self-furring woven-wire tabric lath. The lath, insu- lation board, and vapor retarder are positively fastened to the steel framing using No 8 by 21l2.inch-long waferhead self- drilling screws spaced at 8 inches on cenler to all framing members. The stucco is applied at a r/6 inch minimum thick- ness in accordance with Section 2.3 of lhis report. 2.6 Miscellaneous: 2.6.1 Inspection Requirements: Building department in- spection is required on lath installation prior lo application of the coating, as noted in Section 108.5.5 of the code. 2.6.2 Control Joints: Control joints must be installed as specified by the architecl. designer, builder or exterior coating manufacturer, in that order. In the absence of other details. conventional three-coat plastering delails must be used. 2.6.3 Curing: Moisture curing by fogging the finished watl lightly wrth water is required for a minimum of 24 hours after coating application. 2.6.4 Soffits: The system may be applied to soffits, provided the coating is applied over metal lath complying with Table 25-B of the code in lieu of wirefabriclath. Metal lath fastenino must comply wilh Table 25-C, except the lenglh must be rni creased by the thickness of any subslrate. 2.6.5 Sills: The system may be applied to sills at locations such as windows and other similar areas. Sill depths 6 inches or less may have the coaling and lath applied to any substrate permitted in this report, provided lhe coating, lath, weath- er-resistive barrier, and substrate are installed in accordance with the appropriate section ol lhis report. Sill depths exceed- ing 6 inches must have subslrales of solid wood or plywood. The substrate is fastened in accordance with Table 23-l-O oi lhe code, over which a double layer o[ a complying weath, er-resistive barrier is applied. The coating,lath, and optional EPS board are applied in accordance with Section 2.3.2 of this report. 2.7 ldentification: The factory-prepared mix is delivered to the jobsile in water-resistant bags with labels bearing the following infoG ma(ion: . Name and address of manufacturer and evaluation reDorl numben . ldentification of comoonents. . Weight of packaged mix . Storageinstructions. . Maximum amount of water and other componenls that may be added and conditions that must be considered In determining actual amount added. . Cunng Instruclions. Polystyrene foam plaslic insulation boards are rdenlified in accordance with their respective ICBO ES or NES evaluation reports. Additionally, the board density must be noted. For in- sulation boards applied to walls required to be of noncombus, tible construction as noted in Section 2.5. each board must be idenlified along one edge, and one board from each insulation package identified on both faces. with the ICBO ES report number, lhe bldck molder nanre and the qualily conrrol agency name. 3.0 EVIOENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance wilh lhe ICBO ES Acceptance Critefla for Cementitious Exlerior Wall Coatings (AC11), dated Septem- ber 2000, and test reports rn accordance wilh UBC Standard 26-4. 4.0 FINDINGS That the STO One-Coat Stucco System described in this report complies with the 1997 Uniform Building Code',', subject to the following conditions; 4.1 The material and metltods of installaticn c.)',rply with this reoort and tlre manufacturer's instruc- OnS. 4.2 Installation is by contractors approved by the man- ufacturer. 4.3 The STO One-Coat Stucco System may be applied to walls required to be of noncombustible con- struction in accordance with Section 2.5. 4.4 The system is recognized as a one-hour fire-resis- tive assembly when complying with Section 2.4 of this report. The design stress for the system de- scribed in Section 2.4.1 is limited to 0.78 F'- and the Page 4 of 6 ER-3804 4.7 4.84.5 maximum stress may not exceed 0.78 F'c at a maxi- mum ,e/d ratio of 33. The following load limitations apply to the assem- bly in Section 2.4.2 o( 2.4.3, whichever is less: 4.5.1 1,000 pounds per stud. 4.5.2 Design stress of0.78 F'" in accordancewith Section 2307.3 of the code. 4.5.3 Design stress of 0.78 F'cala ma\imum teld ratio of 33. The interior of the building is separated from the EPS board with a thermal barrier complying with Section 2602 of the code such as 1/2-inch regular gypsum wallboard applied in accordance with Table 25-G of the code. An installation card, as shown in Figure 2 is left at the jobsite for lhe owner and a copy filed with the building depariment. The allowable wind load on the system with wood studs 24 inches on center maximum is 35 psf posi- tive or negative- For minimum No. 20 gage steel studs spaced 24 inches on center maximum with solid substrates, the allowable wind load is 52 psf posiiive or negative. For minimum No. 18 gage steel studs spaced 24 inches on center with solid substrates, the allowable wind load is 56 psf. For minimum No. 18 gage steel studs spaced 16 inches on center maximum, with foam plastic substrates, the allowable wind load is 53 psf positive or nega- tive. Supporting faaming must be adequate to resist the required wind load. )ort is subiect to re-examination in lwo years. 4.6 FTGURE l-roNGUE ArlRg+l?9XFron .^"o Job Mdre6s: ST0-Qne{oarsttrcr0.,slsrem STfl co.porarion ICBO Evaluacion Service, Inc. Evaluation RePort ER- 18 04 Date of Igsue Date of Job Completion Plastering Contracto r Name: Addres3: Telephone Nunber: Approved Contlactor NuNber: Thia to to certlfy that the exterior coatlng system on the building exterior a! the above address has been installed in accordance vith the evaluatlon report specified abov€. SignaCure:of authori zed rep(esentative of plastering con t rac tor This installatioo card .nust be Presented to the bui ldinq inspe(:to( atter completion ot work dnd before final inspection. Da te This report is subiect to re-examination Page 5 of 6 ER-3804 o DETAILS FOR ONE COAT STUCCO |lOT€. wi.. ft@.' Pl.s|'.i G.aJid o r|.ro.r FL^98 &c t€r Prolrdsd ut Aat.r 6rqr|d Del.r --r-o.,rE co^I stucco + sTYA€rae SHTG. 2x SIUO o.{E co^tsnrco l'x20 GA. wlRE couPFEssp.r Fn .. O'c P€AA/|€IER ATT^CHgErlT FOAM STiEATHINCz N rL or.l FLANOE t' r m GA WIA€ MEStr NAI!€I] IYPE FR^M€ zr./^r(oN FL T]G€ SLIDING DOOR COMPRESS|oO FII N€CESS. RY IO PREVENI wat€R PENEIR^!O.i PERIM€fER NAILII.IG ON FTTNGE SrqL! 8€ .' O C. CORNERATo UET^I FRAUE $nllr GRO(AIO PFOVOEO COMPRESSION FIT-METAL FRAME ?, STUO @A1 Sn CCO APPROVEO CAULxTNG goLl SHE IHII.IG 2 r SILL PtITE l',20 GA. WIRE _"l rrETA! YBtu L J w€EP scnE€D 1',20 G^. wtRE UASONRY wooo on MFTA|. AauTu€n.' SILL FLASHING PLASTEfI GROUND NOT€S: I. WHEN USING SHEATHING OTHER THAN FOAM. THESE OETAILS SHALLAPPLY IF OTHER TH^N 1" THICK SUASTRATES ARE USEO. GROUNDS MUST BE ALTEREO TO MAINTAIN PROPER PLASTEF THICKNESS. 2. A WEATHER.RESISTIVE BARRIER IS APPLIED BEHINO FOAM SUBSTRATES AND BEHINO OTHER SUBSTRATES FIGURE 3 Page 6 of 6 ER-3804 STYAEN€ S$rO -.--r- oil€ co^r srlrcco ---J 20 (r4. wrTH r€lt+{-r ?. STt O ?. STLJO :'. ZO G.^ wlA[ o(€ coAl sr[Jcco IOTE i C.rr..q rrE $,ooo Plllrr o.r lrisl^l.llo ov€F FO^X-Nj'I! TXROIJGHlorll To FRJrr.r|r€ .'J*Forlr PLA}{r O.r car€ alarl wtrx PI STIC W^SXER ^T Er^CH STUD IO '.|Lo fi pL.^c€ ('{r|t STUCCOEO o^r€ co^r STLJCC' $,OOD SOFFIT DET. 2 x SruOS qlE co^r srucco 9rEArHftC l'r :O G,r' l'nRE canN€a A|o SOUABE CORilER. BULLNOSE CORNER PrrEr C.o Slbrll & Boyor.a o. S&a.d Fo.d 9rrnwro o.r T@ I Fe,t.. d ?u4tl Oood1r, vY'ro Fodn a Orn6d t * ^aE D,..a Soa 8&c' EXTRA B€INFOACEI.'E|j.l oftE LAYEA 15. OR IVTO LAYERS PLASTER xR^Fl .- t.^P o( ErI.l^c€ t,AP 2- ov€R fLA-gr{RG O.{ eOOf StD€. ? AAf,| FLASNING ^l.!0A6 FO€ REROOfING aeoura€0 crrE cc,dr sr\aco r-.20G^ wc€ SH€AIHING oa{€ t YEF 15, Oe ? LAY€RS PI-ASI€F (R^Ff 6'L,AP ON €ITEB|oA 'TCE T L^P .'. F@' FL-ASHING PI.BAPET & FLASHING DETAIL ,. GA G.I ' Ft-Asa r DFP l'ra)G.^ r.nR€ ror}r sfc.Ar.ilnJcr._.a &../R ftJ|'sr'l|a6 Frrslra6 EXTE.{O rcOf DrC raaIEAtAtS u" rv tt a o/Ea roP aiEs tz' PLrtr@ sr{rc. r' IXIC'( STVREN€ 8H€. IXfiG o,rE co^r sn',cco ov€ R r' r 20G.A ratR: r,€SH Oi€ @^r 6rL€CO2. SnO $/OOD FRAME DOUBLE FACED PARAPET FIGURE 3-(Conlinued) sw 5' sPLlsx cr.i F@F @vE GABLE OR DECK FLASHING Desert Ton Brownwood' Teok fbl ovoihbl. i^ GnP|o Llse Brownwood Hioh Stvle or Hr'qh Rrdqe n;l a aldse *;E sedint' Use Teok Hioh Svle o,. Hiq[ R'dqe Hi; A Ridse *iti Seo6nt * High Style' Hip & Ridge.with-Seolont ovoiloble in Denver ond complon servr.e qreo5. tllgn Kroge Hip & Ridge wirh Seqlont qvoiloble in lrving, Hou5lon ond Denver lerYl<e dieos' .-,F. 1 ..f 1-r ',r '..{:,.\-\ir,p.'5 !1;"i3ll-,11- €-il$-lt'" !oi,o-t+7ies\<sltuu: t"t-uv;' vJ\4-.- r.l7,ni - p't:-iYf 3>{ {t%lt * srl'v'lV'-{>' Driftwood Onyx Block Estote Groy Use Driflwood t-tigh S_tyle or High Riy'ge, Htp 6 Rtdge wth )eotonl Use Onyx Block Hioh Si.yle or H;qh Ridoe uii a ddg. nitli Sealont' Use Esfole GroY 'liqh sryle or High Rrdge Hii & Ridge *h Se.lontl Sierro Groy Shosto White r.lor ow .U. in lrying, houton, O.n".r Erv'.. 0160! ls.€ mop . Choteou Green Use Sierra Groy Hioh Svle or Hiqh Ridqe nii a Rlidge *;tli seolaht' Use Shosto Whie Hioh Sh/le or Hiqh R;dqe n;i & niCse -'tF Sech7t'' Use Choteou Green Hioh Svle or HroA Ridqe n;p' & Aidge n'rt Sealo'-nr' t owcnr corning :trivcr to !((vrnt.ly |'cpradrrre photogrophs o{ shingles. Due lo m-onu{ocluring.vorionces,,lhe limilotions of the printing Procet5 ond lhe vorior,ons rn noiuror rr'h.ng, ,.,,"'i l;$;il.1|,.';;"i;i:;"'il, 'ii;;l;;;;;.i frorn lhe ph;to. the prtch ol vour roof con ols; impoit h"- <' 'l'i"gL . looks on o home. we ,ugg.rr lrot.you "i";; ;;idd;;i.i.or r.r".oiiltinii6. io q.i o tun", ideob{ rhe oituol color' To occutstely iudge your ehrnsre ond <olor <hoice, we .ecommend rj.t yili "i"* ii.iitn o'.tu6t ,o"t *iti- q iiiit' ii-iLi 'o yo,r own roof prior io mok;ng your iinol sele<lron' w'tt-) u) o w en s c o r nin g c a m Roofing Aspholt Shingles High-pelfonnar,ce Owers ConLing shil$es are engineered to slay beautiful yeax after yeax. . Strong F?bargloJ mal core ensues sFuctural durabiliby, fire reststance and will not absorb moistr:re . . Weathering-grade asphalt coating ensues moisture resistance. . Mineral grarules prctect shingles hom 1l7prfharino rnd roind Dirnensionol Shingle Hip & Ridge Color-matched Owens Corning Hip & Ridge prorides enhanced beauty at the roof peak. . Helps protect ridge vents from weathering. Owens Corning Rooftng System Peformnnce = BeuutA Roofing, Ventilation arid Waterproofing Underlayment. These are the essential components of your rools performance. Owens Corning veniilahon products are esential for lasting beauty and rcof protecrJon. Proper ventilation provides a continuous airflow tlrough undereave vents and out the top of the roof though ridge, roof or gabie vents. Ventilotion helps: . Flush out darnagmg heat ard moisture. . Prevent ice dams in the winter. . Prevent structural damage from moisnle condensation in winter and excessive heat n sunmer. . Prevent prematue agin8, cracked shingles enrt donlr vnrnino . Prevent heat from uarBfernng down inlo Living areas in sununer. . Provides enhanced axchitectuIal appeanmce. Waterproofing Underlaymu$ owens Cnrning waterprcofing undedayment prctects below the surface. . Applied in valleys and on the eaves of sloped roofs. . Protects against normal waier flow around valleys, vents, clumneys and skylights. . Helps prevmt roof deck damage from ice dams and wtnd- driven rain. A number I5 or number 30 breather-type fell underlayrrcnt should cover remainin8 sheathing to protect roof deck ftom wate! damage. GfJZ 7TTffi SYSTEM THINKING'ra*adH ._ft(rtilrrllrr( M a k e s t h e D,iJIe r e n c e - OWENS CORNING WORLD HEADOUARTERS OI'IC OWCNS CORNING PARKWAY ToLEDO. OHIO, USA 43659 Syetom ThinkingP, S'/sr6m Ad',,ant3goo 3nd thc colo. Pll'lK are registered trademarks of Owens Cornlng. T-1E PINK PAN-HER rM & O 2000 Lnrted AnisE Co'p. All nghts reseryed. Printed in U.S.A.- December 2000 Copyright @ 2000 Oweos Corning Pub. No 5-RR-22994-B (lrving, Houslon, Denvet Compton) :,1\.4,.,.,i:: :.',,1 {.o|1fl; '' :-r1".-'"ji.:.'.. io METAFTEX FTOOR FIRE BARRIER FiIH Balco's Standard Floor Fire Barrier is 2 Hour Rated for Joint openinEls up to 12" (305mm). Contact Factory for 3 and 4 Hour Ratings. Jtf l\. .at\ I -{l,qt,. I I oprilll ' | *r\' 2FFB Metaflex Floor Fire Barrier is Designed to Accommodate Joint Widths over 12" (305mm) Wide up to 36" (914mm) Maximum Openings, While Maintaining a 2 Hour RatinE. A floorjolnt cover (of minimum thickness 1/8" [3mm] aluminum o. 20ga. gatvanized) is requlred with the floor fire barrler lor raflne. !\rarnock H€rseyMg E-Feo fo | ..'\ .''t-'' 't5r ?rr*ro*'€F2H-Floor Fire Banier MaximumIype oponlng nH02 2' (51rn) t2H04 4' 00ann)F2H06 6. (152mm) F:tH08 8. (20?lln) F2|/'U L2' {305lm) Use R2H ffi Roof Ere Bafiier 2FFB. tloor Fire Barier IllaximumType opening Mininum Slab Thickness 4.1 t), [l{l'|n) 2tF8.7.5 15. l381nnl 2FF&9 18. 1457nn) L 1 t)' (114mm) 2FF8,10,5 fi.F&N 2tF&13.5 2tFS15 2tF&16.5 2FFB.18 2I' 1533r|I') 16l0rnrn) 27' 680ntr) 30' (l62mml {838oxn) 36' (914ftn) (114nn) l1 t). 6l4nnl {1140m) t1t), {114fin) 41/2' 0t4trn) a1n, 1114ttm) {o Use 2RE for Rool Rre 8afiier | --r..EXISTING ro ExlsrlNc/ ..@{+9- NEW TO EXISTING FLOOR COVERS '{9- f '--"- !f't | .r" Gymnasium Floor Sedes Type A I lro 1', (2amrn) 2', (51mml 1" (?timl 2', (51mml L' (25mnl 2' (51mm) 1. (25mm) 2' (5lfln} 1' (25rHn) 2' (51ftn) 1100 1400 1720 7420 0FE 1S/0FE-1D/GtE-1P GFE 2SlCFE-20/GtE-2P GC.1 GF.ls/G F1D/G F.1P 0F2S//e F.20/G F.2P 3" 4r14', (76.nrn) (10&nm)4', 5 r14', (102mm) (l33rnm) 3', 4 tl4', {i6nm) {lc&nmlA', 5 tl4', (102mm) {133nm) 4 3i8" nla (111mm) 5 3i8' nla (137mml 31i8" nla (7-omm) 4 r/8" nla [10trn) 4 3i8' nla (11!fln) 5 3/8" nla (137mn) i:,i'u, J':';F-- ii::-=:t'4"i *a'-'-.=! ,.---J:'-*'2t".-' "' Sight Line Series Tlpe A cR-2 cn-3 2' nla n/a (51fln) 3" n/a nla (76lruTl) Existing to ExistinflNew to Existing Iype A I SIGHT LINE COVERS tioor to Wall Systerr Arso Available - Soecitu CRL. .-&,r-w/ '1.90_, T E)(B.2 E)(&3 EX84 8X8.6 E)(8t2 EXBI 3 EXBI.4 EXBr"-6 z', 15lndi 3' (76mml 4', (i02mn) 6" (152irm) 2" (51mml 3" (76mm) 4" (102mm) 6', (152mm) 1102n'm) {178mm}6" e" l127nlm) (203mml 6" 9" 1152nrm) {229nm) 8', 11" i203mm) (2?9mm) 3', 4112" {76mm) (114nm)4' 5112', {102mm) (140mm)s', 6112" il2imml (165mm)]', 8r12', (178mml pl6mm) .Jl i\ Available as 2 Hour Rated System - Balco Fire Bafiier Systens are Tested in , .. . Accordance with ASTlvl E 1966 and are Listed with omega Poinl Laboratories, Inc. (Contact Balco for Additional Fire Ratlngs) l o LL METAFLEX WALL FIRE BARRIER i) .\tcafo/-s'r'-\-.^tt, %r*^ro*€ Available as 2 Hour Raled System - Balco Fire Barier Systems are Tested in Accordance with ASTM E 1966 and are Lisred with Omega Polnt Laboratories, loc. (Contact Balc'o tor Addational Fire Ratings) Wall fire barrier may be instalted coverless or in conjunction with a jotm cover sysrem. Wall Fire Banier Type A Minimum Wall Thickness Maximum Type opening Maximum 0pening A Minimum Wall Thickness 2WF&1 2WF8.2 2WFB.3 2WF84.5 2WFB.6 2WF8.7.5 2WFB.9 2t" 12' 1533t n) (305mm) 24', 12'(610rnn) (305mm) 2t' 12" {636mml (:05mn) 30' 12',(762mm) (305|||nl JJ lZ(838mm) (30tnn) 36', 12',(914mm) l305mm) 2' 6"(51mml {152mm)4" 6"(102qm) (152mm) 6' 6',(152mm) i152nrnig', 6"(229mm) (152mm) 72', 6"(305mml (152mm) 15', 6"(381mml (152mm) 18" 6" l457nm) (152mm) 2WF8.10.5 2WFB.L2 2WF8.13.5 2WF&1s 2WF&16.5 2WFB.18 )' Use 20ffi _ for Ceiling Fir€ Barder 18 .J SNAP.ON WAIL AND CEILING COVERS wDlwDc SERTES OPTIONAL LAMINATES Stainless Steel or Brohze Available. WD/iltDC Series Type 1" i25mm) 1' i25mm) 2', {51nun) 2' l51|lml 3' (760l1)) 3" (i6mml {102mm) 4' (102rnrn) (2tim) lsl|rn) ACL.1 L' 2'(25mo) {51rnrn)AC{ 2' 3'(51r|In) (?6mm) ACt.2 2* 3',(51mm) (l6mm) AC3 3' 4' ii6m'n) (102mml ACt.3 3' 4"(76mm) {102nm) GP.1 GPL.1 GP.2 GPt'2 GP.3 GPI.-3 20 ^ Extruded Alum num cover Plate,-\*f Standaro Archfequrar Class ll Anodt?ed I ert'uOea I'uninum Sub.Channel (6063T5r. -(2) Standard Mill Finish tor WD Series. Y Standard Architectural Class llAnodrzed i tor Vinylines Series '(gF Extrucjed Santoprene Insert i -(t)- Wall construction - By Others -/a!- Lav ln ceilrng- Bv orherss/ , Available as 2 Hour Rated System - I Balco Fire Sader Systems are Tested ffi- rr Acco'dance w tn ASTM E 196b and a e ]t Listed wrth 3rrega ro.r t I abo.aror,es. Inc. (Contact Balco lor Add tiona Fire Rarings) I -d"00)i- Movement Capabilities ' 100% and 50%--,,\ 1-sgi ,i w0.1 wDc.1 t4,0.2 WDC.2 3 1/8" (79fl!0) r 1rl16' (43rm) 4 518', (117mm) 3 tl4' {83mm) 6 r/8" l156mm) 41u16', {119mm) 7 5/8', (194nm) 6 tl4' {159mo') WD,3 WDC.3 WD4 WDC.4 Vinylines Series lype A TypeType ti 1E/oi (2tnn) ({tmm)I', 1v16', l25mi) (l?mm)2' 2518" {51mm) {6?mml2', r [116'(51mm) (43mm) ?. I (/e' 06mn) l92mm)3" 211l16', {76mnj {68mm) i25mm) GML.I 1" (25mm) GM.2 2' {51nm) GMr..2 2' (51mm) GM,3 3' 06mm) 4', {1i2t|rm) 2112" 16ann) 5' (l27rfln) 3 rl2' (89mm) 6', (152mm) 411)' l114mml 3', (76mml WD GMr..3 A4/3Al2AE2 11.:69 3A3346244I EB BERGER II.[PAGE A3 ^v Wamoct( lters€ry "J:=El* 4100NS 4100sL 5100sP PFP/PHV 120{3 2 How 2 Hour 2 Harr HorEontEl or Vertical Erpanslon/Control Joints Tesl $tandards: ASTM E+14, UL 1479, UL 2029, ULC S11E-M9S**L-Rating At Ambienl < 'l CFM[in Ft resr Furnace rnternar r"''o};x?:Hii:T'$,:#'"Ef[ll.o.,''l. of water) Minimurn Max- Jolnt Mo/€mglt - Compression 1", Extension 0' Jolnt CoBst'qctton Type Verlical end Hortzonbl JoinG Horlzonbl Jolnts wlth neEl cgver plab Horilontd JohtE wilhoot cover plah Mrr Flre Hq*e/Ftrr Tenrpyuicnh "F'Ratlng "FH'Rating "FTH'Rrling 2 Hour 1T 2 Hour 1T 2 Hour NrA 2 Ho|' 2 Hour ||!!d ot taro! Jolnl gystem Design lnstructions na tdr' to s"r a''olr $hrl 1. Penctrating hem: For selice penebations see systern Design FS/pHV 120{1. 2. Floor/Geiling or Wall Assemlillee: ASTM E-1 1 I and CANliLc bi oi ,p fu -z hour rated fioor/ceitingor wall agsernblies conforming to as foltorrvs:a) Gast in place normal-or_light densif concrBt€ floor/ceitirrg assemblies having e minimum qrose section lhickness of 4 %' (1l4rnm) or;b) C.aet in .place concrete nalt asiemuties havtng a minimurn cross sedion thickriess of 6"(150mm) or;c) Hollo$, or concrete filled unit masonry (conorcte block) $rall assemblies latd up w1h mortarhaving a minimum cfos$ section thicknEsi of e'(2OOmm1.3' .Flr€stop Systam Component lt PFP Partsrers - Firest6p 410ONS* (non-sag) for verticel orhorizontal appllcalions 9t_11-o_o.s!-'(selfJweling) ror naizontil aplicationl'h a minimum rryet filmthickness %' (6mm) or 510osP" (masiic) for reiic,at or horizontal ddplrcations sprayecl into plece wilha minimum wet film thickness of 1/8''(3mm). Atways overlap OiOoSp" onto the surfaos of thesubstrate a mininrum of. %" (13mm). rio noi min stoosr hrestop mastic when sprafng, u;eguipment capabte of applylng materidl a$ sirpplied_ 84/3U2AA2 11: Ag 343346244t EB BERGER INC PAGE 62 o .o AssemblyRating-2Hr Joint Width - 3" Max 1. FloorAssembly - Min &1/2 in. thick reinforced normal weight (140 - 150 pcfl sfuctural concrete. 2' Jolnt_System - Maxwirlth oJioint is 3 in, The joint sptem shall conslst of the following:A- Packing lleterlat - Min ?-1lrl in. thicknesl ot niin 4 pcf mineral wool batt insulJtion firmly pac1<ed into op€ning as a pefiraneff fotm. Packing materiel to be recessed from toi surface of f,oor es required b acoommodale the required thickness of lill matedal.81. Fill, Vold or Gavity Materlal' - Seatant - Min 1/8 in. thicknees ol fill materlal applied wihin the joint. flush with top surface of floor. Pagaive Fhp Protocffon partners* - 5100Sp82. Fil[ Void or Cavity Materbl' - Sealant - As en altemate to the above, min 1/4 ln. thickness of fill material applied urthin the joint, flush with.top surface of floor. Peselve Fite Protection pt nensm,4100NS,410OSL, 48OODW 'Bearing the UL Classificalion Merking*Formerly Firestop Systems Inc. ,65/L4l2gAZ A9:37 383346244t EB BERGER INC PAGE AL System No. WW-S-0032 Assembly Rating-2 Hr Joint Width-I-I/e in. llax 1. tttlatt Assembty-Nonbearino Z hr frn ralart auncrr*. ..,.rl^-.J,-!..J assembly.constlucted of the irate.iats ano i; tti. #J#l aliHri;'irlrr'itl ll9jyi{t t u4'G'eries warl Jr FJ*-tion'o.iis];'iliil"ul Fire Resisrance ?tr:._i9pil,!!ojls._t1.toltgnlns.onrtru"ti"oni".lu-res:n. rruus_t' t| 5_f /6 ln. ffioe Dy t_7/4 in deep corrosion protected min25 MSG Steet ctiannets.Jteei,trj ,puiiii"frofio"'e*ceea 24 in. 0(.B. lVallboard, Gypsrm*.. ,-.sJegFed in tt" inaiuiaJltou?il3:ijit,:hlilllf svpsum warrboard, as z. Jotnt 5ysten-Max widfr of joint is 1_q/Z in". The ioint system shaLLconsist of the fo[owino: A. Fi[ Void or Cavlfo Mrterialr_Min 1.-I/4 in, thickness of fillmateriat apptied witfin th.e;"i1t, nrl'h *iti{laif, surface of wal.l.^ -. Minnesota r.tinins. g llfd; c;l_ Fi_z6bii' #i.ii_zooo*8. Steet Cover prate_-Mi1 e9 ifilg $fi"r*,i lo"ver prate sized tooverlap walt a min df a.in..on boih siaes oioi*ing, plate attachedto either one side or both sides;i;rlt;ft;hit"dJ'continuous fo, the _"_-_=_"nlire height of opening.'5eenng the UL Oassificition -tr{arhns jl*:T*'::j :::,:l t rat'g bv 3 M Fi rc P"i;'" ;; d ;---''from the 1999 edition ortne Lrnre ne;;;;:;;il#'; -! I New Page I oflPage I BEST COPY Iq:r,$i #&{.}3 ,rtt igii;. {rt?i ti't8h t{i*t**.r'r l*rvtt:t,L"t13::rri t:ittir:+t :r$l?3 l"lBif Fi?ir {:3"'..":j U'ri1.r:lllttit. ir*rirlt?risr {:3l'{:}} j;;'4'ir::i3..1 { .... ...... _.. II lt(rt'lrg t t'l{.nr1trf,Sg {,fi,Si{ ::'i l: l':*Jirr}u{a truhwb;!x1:i, t8.: t{'xl 'g; ;}l}'i}r''''r Xli{i {:nt'q i l; ilr,^-.]* r, io,t,,r, h$+rltr;'il, I.ilirl!, I I .... ...... _.. II lt(rt'lrg t t'l{.nr1trf,Sg {,fi,Si{ ::ij : l':*Jirr}u{a truhwb;!x1:i, t8.: t'1'xl 'g;;}l}'i}r''''r Xlir:t r'n*# ? i; ,l;ltt1,,;,iil; v:i+4.trgtr. h{'r{'J';';l }.ilirl:, 1 :...,i. itl{Jr.!iili,'; t{'liiliir{ frri',i1+i 'f'r'rjt i qsffiwmffi4a#.t rffi 'ff*.ffiffi {#s4ff#dILABLE lrrira Jig,'ir'. ;.l:ir 1..S.4,.a.r 1:i,::i1 1+{rl'ii{1, :lt:i tt'} j:r,:l:l:r:t 'l. irt'r! ltt:il*lri, f.i.l il'iiril;:l;.]i 1'riit'ir.{:ii ft3':l,ilxit, l"rriifrriti$lt}}r ;ir'.{3tr#erf }ii.;liirr{.: i}...,3}.,'p1911;;flt1114 f.lertrinitls' tl*t f',fi.;lt $ir+*}.lt:i1rr,.ii'{Irttli|*l''!ri'i;rI'i]E,r.:dli'lit1iiJ3iHil,,i.]|:j|t<.+1el{,"r.'1$,l'i't i::}i.J;t:ie'iii4l'i*1'{'i'i}''J#J'l..j'.:'$.li'ir1{r.j{'!ji3?s{+'l1{'iJ;iiiJ's':i{-l'iilt;'i,J.ftj;{'},i5l.;i'rg$liJt!i.il ,:,itz;alri+liarlti}1.t:(ai:i'i:1$'r.ri*irrfi;l:ril..c'r:{a1'l'r4rrti,nti'rcii|iliil-iii.+(:t;l..'lis;+.'i{i$.tf'ii..;rtt.li;}iii'illlg iiii.rrirg,*idi ;$li:diFtlirl ltr*tiijltiitrr 1r*<1*',,:+. lltc iil<t#t'n'nr*r',} irr*;rali+t1luiiitrrrll'olt,rtr:+tl*..at:{:}1tif...i1f?i{:*.l11f'"n;$.iF.*x'1;rr.r.rii.;li*g+lr*li.li.'ii.iluti. !iirh';i.l..?,ilei.',,\1}i1lEill.J4ji:ai4in11.iiiqttfi'r'',X'iii':I#ii1t}'(f!!']-ti'.ln[ri;l:il.f,:"'i ..r!ii.ti.;'ji;tttitt}i!{lj',ri'I,}Jn{i'.i}'!i8'.+rt.,,i..I.tvt.iil'rri'fii,r.il'nai':i$i"'.f1i:+rt.j'3;#|j.i{:|4iI# r'.sl,irl liir r-.,.r',*r+j.iO{..i {}t ftt \rlr'.r'r:"-{j fi,}3l jil:t:g{11;1. tlhtrt (:,1,1/o1{ t'rlt: lll..'ir4+il{irr ii.{lrj* l..t+}lrr+ i.l.,,r.hi ,l.;ti{ri.Fit li.rr{$}jit ' i.fti{ilr,. iiii }.?I{i lirt,nl:"1' E$,li":ii' itrr.srt$ lt{f rnpr.i, .l;lt:-:.}:,tJ 'f e5J tir.d?r|ftr: i.gir'.1:illj, f l{rrrd,rlB gtt:i*'r&. iii:rtfii,..*iiiiil: i.ila..F .i-\:'le.i.r ,i8h*i*(ir: {.lild li";r+i.J .tr,ll:lrr:r i + rr li. i. i1,'tlf lli.il ".ii-rr{ i{l,nrill j]!*,;sidiq+,jrlr*'}i+':i{'1:...f.::l.'''..:.:.i*t..iai:r'{::,:il:t'|.{'ti|l*.+r.?.i,.{l*lii:|'l'{ i',jl|.ii:i1il.i.i'r.:i''r.<+lri.'#llil.l,*at'ii:i .i.-t!,,fr:i:i r.. L.j iirtir:i 1i.::r..:fj iirr.rrjj ill li'jitlil ut+ ?.i ;, i:t' {.tr.r}1t$ r:inlld J'd,{i}'fl 'r.t {.,r.rn:y4ir.1i 1i .. .. . ....i.lli.'1.i1v-:L'"#l: .f::?t r:.+ari-::r::!.{ ::++r:rrq..J i.l 7_.1 .Jli$l:f;lf) 'f f.l ,lll l:lJilil;' http:l/'.8081/catalos/productTesting/RadPanel/RadPanelD7006.htm s/9t2002 New Page I Page I ofl i. i.:.:i:': :i:i::?. j, 1t:ri:ii1:i1.:ir: irr:t: i :j ! :.i :;:: : :: :;: :t 1l:::;1i:.1: i::tj:*ni: :.iij:. : ::r;:* ;,.Iii:;t,i:':i.t .ii::t,iil {ffiffi ffi Htr{i$** T'W$ryIlffi ffi {'#Ps#Str{V frr:.,.g +r{i:3+ :::i:!}. a{.3 r iitll: 1;raitli:, ??fi:iiii:lli i.i:jtt*i., {ti.lti}1. i.:i+iJi..li, :!r:.:i.,i:!ii 'iitlil'l: '..!.41 i?*$'.i l"!li. :r1::iA: i l?::,'ri;':ii:!:;: i:l:i:.|! tiltti :.:!.!:t*t ':Yi;..rt.),,'<lrg{:s{..rl{.ii.tr4j}i Irarlra?, In'i ilt.,t};'fi : ! 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TA$T ESFSRT siffieP,st'RsSSrnM, lnb sroccdurc 's Heglvnrd {D }neasum ril8'n"itif,dl f0ril4nt ftux a(,ylgrltr} utJu. {rt horlx$fl{a$|.fntr{lr,l[qd fl4dJf {v\rRftr}g $,rlt$$rn$ $}:p$tsfi tf R f{.3$rins lgrrillfn in ** *4$tfh*nher lvhlsfi FfAqH:S$r gr$de$ rBdlant hest w{rrgv *frvirortfinflt fno in'rLracsd t1di#}t flu$ 3h}urtalas dt* (l$rfn8t r.sdid$on te$eft llg$lv l* lftpfis9 dlt tlle $do{ x* {1f a b{.ll,dtfiv rrhB6E u$pgr $,urfacGs {to hsi}rlGd hT flirn4$ sf carnpirtffrsst" Thq tett rRsilit }s nn avera*t rfiN:icalr*dlgnt iln'x rrutte{Fqtrarf crt urhkh lndiffitst $ts tse€l Bf ra{imt n€au 6n6etv roifgircd ia3u*tshr ?lqm* stqssdl*ll*tx ll] th{ ftrrsfrlf} qvra.lr. Ttl*urutir}r{y, il a roorn- fire fs*g rqrlrnptre a r*{riont fl Y thal irceeatv th{r lticaf l*vsi ixr a ,:eltius{" f1o6r .d}$grt|lF *v5r.*m.flafn4 $Fread will not dc$,r. . i 5!.1!:.'.t: ri\ .rarrvijd \c:y' q*iiir irrvrt$"r i.*y.rtn:..-..,v.r.i:ir.M:r i,q\Nr+ tn i.. D:$rjSr: \\\.K r4 ,Hdita x*ie ,x! tbii. :\t,\t\rr v:r,'ra#r$iiEinSa<erallrfiL${4l'i^(}''rw't|r'r'ti:&:$rvi,,aw}ctrNsl,}tlrNfrr.rrr:*tlrd\v.yjdrriA\rn3vtirti$a,eiJrrr+t({i:. *4trirot p/ P5"t d J4. $.:io-;r^." {rr i{$d il.rt tj r.tii:1 r,:i+ ta\6.a$r. r l'|rf \tr:..'/4:n ni Minr:.,,?.or{ rr*l\.r r,\1!3{^.ta iia6 ia,?{rdil.ri-{ }fi*.a*"\. \lt:{ a6$t ;Ctier: .arir to rh\r1 ri+riiir. tel-tl \'4 I ad4 t\.r4i}ir. ri\at^! ,i h/4,v.J, .ri:n)ri rf + .:.ii .bd,r. :};,rrra +iti( trw e,lj')it+itli..I\.*ila*rt>ri: a*,.,1{n /4r iv n*$t r4vr-r{r!.i:,.''i(..r)lrinrr3:rir..: \}..},r &}-r.ri.:+r'4 ?i 4 ,ll6r$(,tLnr{ Ftr..n nsdfbrl RA ,lntt{?tr6-?t$-ti.vr'l F*t. fnd-t?36ilB" http.//'8081lcatalog/productTesting/RadPanel/RadPanelD7806 htm 51912002 D7806 Page 2 of3 TE$Tf,EFgSlFr*fasaiEnal T6$tinu lahoratory lfta. 09ssosf : .IISTE $?J1S&! *r$g #sr,ffiJtlr* hLLp.11168.241.242.50:808llcatalog/productTesting/RadPaneliRadPanelDT806.htm 5l9l).OO) t*f#4$n n$dL$lslir" .?[C.e$$.*!H hWJ1168.241.242.50:808llcatalog/productTesting/RadPaneVRadPanelDT306.htm ffia1tl$!t' rtrr ?t* Page 3 of3 €*uuetlC'Arct i 51912002 New Page I Page I of2 17 col{l'tElfrf f t rE$n Hfi Q}tnfr,ilT Foot O{H€s 36 S8$. $f S $mll }taufroo Strani c,osee* 6oorgi*.io?3p tidg**e {agf,t g:9.ffi,,F*tn$e fiBdl trjedoa# *cfiltNuskrd|t-t*ffi H *dln6prn Indwi*i*"r. ln* 6l+rgvw.Vl4lnl* t*srt{buft*$t$$-tt?} Dcu*ubcr&Ufll S$rohenrrrrlr$T**t fert llt(hod: lht {sct wu* crraductrd tn lotrrd*nct wl{ft tfts i$t}rl Rrd ft*t rtdponse st rrdard *ffi^y?, $peci,flc Optled 8ea*ity st $t?d,b 66sfrfr{d [y $olid ],firtrru'rfs" lt frfividd$ l rsn6rr$ s{ d+terrhinhg 3p{titic dFtical de&sity of sngk€ Ssrrdr{t{d by *nlld ntrrskl* au+rn*ed irr *$ vffti(st po*ition lm* $P€0.ltlc crpdiure crmdithn*. lt fu inrsnd*d {nr {$ ln r*ne4frh erd dnrebprr&t and nol r! a bc*is fw rtplemry ptpnr6g^ Vrlutsd{ftr$*d uerpdflr}0 rftsNpsdr$fli tr}$tod .ftd {,$t to bxrs(rsrdd.rsd htr€r$$t lurrdlrflsntsl Srspedisd oi thn mat*rirL [Notx $o*ttoei &i sf tha netl$d xpe{lfir{ lhtt nnr*rids r+i& I Fl$$tr*iildutcd turfficrr bo teEte<i In ssdl orisrrtltlon ln mch mode. Cerpel i$ EI€nrFt b+ctBa* d$r {rr avalhblo $ sholt. dlut aprclmat orlrn$ttnft in tcrlxs of leagt& *rrd vridt}i hat ns rtatbtifrtl} silytilicanr tff?{l o{r r}* *ptcific optltrl deulty oblninxl nrirrs fib ft*l rirrsrod {R*fawrner Hiruchlcr. nr.-Msrre{a kt "$mokc Rmulh frcrn a Set of Ovtr 1(S C*,ryetl In Ora trl8$ Hnoka (1hlnt+r, $uriaticsl Anetyrk rnd l$vnsti${rtl0rr {t Af{€$$f ftchrt * fir? *ltd nkftre*. VoL ld, Na, !, l#8" fp. l2i-lSg.}|. Mtt(fir{ T**trd? Dlllrl+n: Nrmo; Fdtsra, il$rrrh{* h{fQ$xlr$s?: Rogirtltl(*mh*r: 'lksf Nu$ksr Ts$86tt1* Isw Vtrtu* !{S D?TSStdtF dstrS ilg9r$$0 sc*re$$ hc* liherr Fx* l*C*lght; Tolrt 141*i5ht: frinrry Bxklng: Sscondwl ft*Ing: Ldrnlnalgi Cf l.lylo* ?l"filoafyd} l!.mszfy$ fi*typropylmr Saiailr -fffmfilllffcls.f(l*F" ill f,?trt '1 I2 {s t* S t.5 rnin{rts! tr* 8il.fl minuler [f,B Ynrrd ts Utilr Bc lhn {cErreq,tsd} l* 75 $r $.3 ?9 u lil$llr *.1 1I liltr ls ?s s{l.flt rs I ns I5 1S.S I $4 1 lln t7-* I t1 I 17 ,firlf.{ 1 Iflo Av*ragaDl$ l.$nkutrc :|v*ngr 0s € 4,,11 aninut*s Av*,uge Qnr Avenga Drn loo*aclg{l n 8fiti 8{ I t0 96 v5 Connmshl Tax8ng *umprny "@ f qF:1r'-*@FTf i$if ifl Tfi ffi .;;d;il,r$f rlI rqtdrr|ti$, -{Ba ttSt rrrt r pr.rurLd in rlh trF r qnt r#c tr ttn *rda ldt oA ee rrt rsrnrsir iidhiir ifasrtt *aooi r* .*/ii".ru?rr+ai. I http'.il168.241 242.50:8081/catalog/productTesting/Smoke/smokeD7796 htm 519/2002 NewPage I Ptge2 of2 t -,U IH#TAD TD fiT SilNE? httpt1168.241.242.50:808ltcatalog/productTesting/Smoke/smokeD7796.htm i! ! I I o," 51912002 Page 1 of2" New Page I : Nr*c: Vlrtnt*{F P{ttara./Color 9fn6 I &7 futftud{r http'.1/ f,tpo*lfnnDor00-n1il, 8{rllfigror Indurttw, trnrr J Lxr* {hl*ncrdel Clqlc €lugo*"Yirgin*r Strurntlkllfiy Tc*r toft l,t EKxfi [ THrfi il{i (s}trol PoKOti{B FftfiF.l2l5 Smfr }{s*&n St'€et"$alluo, Sr0Igtr9lribwi.a (!oE sinr'3ffii.Faeslmle 80fi! als.e6. Tr,fl:NuSq$l{BL€ Novcnrbcri"l UHlt"ulrr&cr *f'$el tqiuturttur*cn SlfXP{ Trrt Fta*drr* Tfte llsnmsbiXtf rr,# d{fi.fmiu# ln mcurdm*r ulllr Title 16 ffft {h*pcr Il, 9ulr.1u1 O, P*rt:16.9i1, St4ndflr<f jlr t*6 $.$,fdsr Flcnne0dily { faryrb lrld Rr6r f}T l*}tl, counonly refened k the $Il l{lt, Ternlmln6yr for prporec o{ tftic tc*t *n indlcldwl rtrccinrn nr*+* t}te llFI gri{ntla tf th* rhn pordcrr dc*r rrtt fitffid te wl*dn 1,0 lndr of thx *dgr ol tha hoh in thc fl*llofn6 lram*, Th* *crrytr &rreif{r i{ br*ed orr r.r le art ? of I rFoc{nron$ mceting rhe Tc*t Clfterie in wdor for the mrtarhl ro {o{ttafi thlr rtrndrrd. Mrt*rirl Trrt*dr Coermonhltw*ng&npury *Mg*S I T,t* Y$drr it F ni{d.liu }it .,.ItrdF. lrc t'l}{ dir*l ,t {r&r * it aafi'}S.r. f St fr {sa b tb fifini & t!il$r.{*l $rqfr,l.rf.tst 48r (^.cl I rrdtan'{izJ. Ilc lsl r|s(rF lwiatnd tr 8* B!*a .e!& nft & lk u.3*e l.&t r*a ,r, |dr r*ea;} i'rialiy dfn,'mf ,.ta,aair* .( fi{Crr !r|! 5/912002 . New Page I Page2 of2 l gdrrd. r&db&i gsddrBk *dil6*$l fr iti i*rl l *4*{ }tr' t*'rld 5 }rt ryd{rtfr' *rf;a ir; '* i$ss*rtfd'u'[ rcr l qtfoqld$hs4as**Mfi*nFfi+#.'c.1'.Jsi.{HisJffis-e4.!{T.rFE+i?l{sfl*rs?flf:st'f,t* .,., . * , ?ssrErl ro Br $fHu.$ i i http/1168.241.242.50:808llcatalog/productTesting/Flamm/FlammD7796.htm 51912002 I.lilt'tid iil;i{*ii: ffigFrcililFriErrlffi ffiffil$rffir*f, rusfiq rmM fltr@t8:H ffffi69lwrgl. trBfl rgrgsir,{ffi6SSt HItrBl@iiH Style: Vestal Pattern. D7806 Color: 354 Linen Face Yarn: Antronr$ Legacy Nylon lr ith D-uraTech,S) Soil Protection by DuPontlO For lest doio, specificqtion informotion. ond other i somple sizes; please cail toll-free: (800) 523-5647. Lees Durac.o[or' 0y Lres Unibondo by Lees 'Wean Lifetime of carpet. No more than 100,6 face yam loss by weight in normal use. Static: Lifetime of carpet. Edge Ravel: Lifetime of carpet. Guaranteed no edge ravel in normal use (no seam sealers required). DclaminaUi* Lif.time of carpet Guaranreed no delamination in normal use (no chair pads required). Ti..rft Bind: Lifetime of carpet. Ouaranteed not to zippeq wet or dry. 80O / 523'5c/,7 lees Corpefs @ A Divislon of Burlington lndurkies, Inc. Visit us at www.leescarpets.com 'U.S. Pohnt 5,085,667 ond otho6 DurocoloP by l-,ees Lees' patented* revolutionary dyeing technology provides permanent stain resistance and light fasmers f.,r commercial ust:. Sliohf color voriotions moy o.iur from de lot to dye lot. dt&TD Antron'Legacy I National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101 Page I of2 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION LIFE SAFETY CODE 101 CODE AND REGULATORY INFORMATION This document reviews the flammability requirements for resilient flooring products in accordance with the recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101 . The following sections ofthe code are referenced: Supplement 5: Fire Tests for Life Safety Code Users: lnterior Floor Finish - Floor coverings are required to be tested in accordance with NFPA 253, Standard Method of Test for Critical Radiant Flux of Flooring Covering Systems Using a radiant Heat Energy Source (ASTM E 648). This testing scenario was specifically developed to address floor finish concerns. lt evaluates the tendency of a floor covering material to propagate flame across its surface in a relationship to a given energy source over a period of time. The Code recognizes two classes of interior floor finishes: Class l, minimum critical radiant flux value of 0.45 watts per square centimeter, and Class ll with a minimum value of 0.22 watts per square centimeter. All of Johnsonite's floor installed products (i.e.: rubber tiles (except Terra-Tu0, all stair treads and nosings, and resilient mouldings) meet and exceed the Class I requirements of the Code. Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish - Wall and Ceiling materials are required to be tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning characteristics of Building Materials (Steiner Tunnel Test) (ASTM E-84). The Code attempts to limit the relative rate of flame propagation and smoke development on wall and ceiling surfaces. (Note: This requirement onlv applies to products installed on wall and ceilinq surfaces. Due to the wide spread misunderstandino of this requirement. the federal oovernment (GSA) (DOD), AlA. and other specification qeneratinq qroups are eliminating anv reference to this requirement in reqard to lnterior Floor Finish materials since it is not applicable.) The Code provides three classifications based on the Flame Spread lndex (FSl) and Smoke Developed lndex (SDl): Glass A FSI 0-25 SDI 0450 Class B FSI 26-75 SDI 0-450 Class C FSI 76-200 SDI 0.450 lncidental and Trim Finish - Wall and Geiling materials, which represent 10 percent or less of the total wall and ceiling surface area can have a Class C rating when tested to NFPA 255 and can be installed with Class A and B materials without reducing the classification of the total space. http://www.johnsonite.com/techdata/section2,A{FPA101C.HTM 511012002 t' National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code l0l Page2 of2 Johnsonite Resilient Wall Base and Resilient Mouldings, which are wall mounted, meet the requirements of a Class C rating and typically represent less than 10olo of the total wall and ceiling surface area, therefore; meet the requirements for Incidental and Trim Finish. Revisiol 4, Released August, 1999 http ://www johnsonite. com/techdata/section2,A{FPA1 0 I C.HTM 5/1012002 , Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology SPECIFICATIONS, PRODUCT TESTING and TERMINOLOGY Page I of6 The following synopsis provides a review of various material and final product testing, which is performed on our products, as well as, many of our competitors. Frequently, we experience a situation where confusion results from the lack of familiarity or inaccurate interpretation of terminology, product testing, and product specifications. This document was developed with the intent to provide a "laymen's" knowledge of the technical and/or analytical aspects of product testing and terminology and its significance 10 our products. Specifications: Rubber Floor Tiles: Federal Specification #SS-T-312b and the new federal replacement specification, F-1344, developed by the ASTM, provides dimensional and performance criteria for product acceptability. The SS-T-312b requires that all tiles, both pattern and smooth, be produced to a total thickness tolerance of +/- .gg5'. The ASTM F-1344 permits a tolerance of + .015"/- .00S" for pattem tile and +/- .005' for smooth. SS-T-312b, Type ll, Rubber tiles must have a durometer or hardness not less than 90 and a modulus at 10% elongation not less than 400 pounds per square inch (psi). The F-1344 permits a hardness not less than 85. Most specifiers in the commercial and military communities continue to reference the "oldef' Federal Specification SS-T-312b. All Johnsonite rubber floor tiles meet both soecifications. Solid Vinyl Floor Tiles: ASTM F-1700, standard specificalion for solid Vinyl Floor Tiles provides dimensional i. and performance criteria for product acceptability. Due to the wide variety of solid vinyl floor tiles currently available on the market, the specification,s classification structure includes the following classes and types: Class | - Monolithic; Type A - Smooth Surface or Type B - Embossed Surface. Class ll - Surface Decorated; Type A - Smooth Surface or Type B - Embossed Surface. Class lll - Printed Film; Type A - Smooth Surface or Type B - Embossed Surface. The specification provides dimensional tolerances for size of +l- 1t16" (0.4 mm) for 12" x12" (30.5 mm x 30.5 mm) tiles and a thickness tolerance of +/- .005" (0.13 mm). 5trot2002 . Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology The specification also includes requirements for flexibility, residual indentation, chemical resistance, squareness, and dimensional stability. Johnsonite Safety Stride Solid Vinyl Floor Tiles are Class l, Type B products and conform to the requirements of this specification. Rubbbr and Vinyl Stair Treads: Federal Specification RR-T-650d, Composition A (Rubber) or B (Vinyt), Type 1 (Smoolh) or Type 2 (Designed) addresses the dimensional criteria of the product. The only performance requirement is for rubber hardness of 90 +/- 5. ASTM is currently in the development stages to replace this specification and is expected to be completed in the next two (2) years. The dimensions and thickness of the treads are the manufacturer's standard or as specified in the order. Length and width tolerances shall be +/- 1/8" (except rubber treads, which are permitted to be longer) and a thickness tolerance of +l- 1132". All Johnsonite rubber and vinyl treads meet the dimensional criteria of the specification. Rubber and Vinyl Wall Base: Federpl Specification SS-W-4oa, was cancelled by the General Services Administration in October of 1995. lt has been replaced by ASTM F-1861 , Standard Specification for Resilient Wall Base which is a dimensional and material performance specifi cation. The new ASTM specification provides for three types of materials: Type TS - Rubber, Thermoset Type TP - Rubber, Thermoplastic Type TV - Vinyl, Thermoplastic Wall base height tolerance is 1% the nominal height of the wall base. The thickness tolerance for.080 gauge wall base is + .015"/- .005" and for..125" (1/S,) is +/- .015". (Note: Johnsonite manufactures .080 gauge wall base to +/- .005" and 1/8" t0 + .005Y- -015'.) The length of the wall base cannot be less than as specified on the package. The angle of the cut can be g0 +/-5 degrees. The material must pass tests for flexibility, resistance to staining and light aging, chemicals, and dimensional slability. Johnsonite Rubber and Vinyl Wall Base meets the dimensional and material performance criteria of the specification. Vinyl Mouldings: http ://www j ohnsonite. com/techdata./section2/TERMS.HTM Page 2 of 6 5/10t2002 Specifi cations, Product Testing and Terminolo gy The manufacture of these products is not governed by any known specification. They are specialty products. Terminology and Product Testing: Hardness (Durometer): This test is performed to the requirements outlined in ASTM D-2240 and utilizes a hand-held instrument called a "Shore" gauge. The gauge consists of a spring-loaded indentor and has a scale reading from 0 to 100' The indentor is applied to the surface of the test material and the hardness of the material is obtained from the reading on the scale. The higher the reading, the harder the material. Hardness testing is used primarily to classify materials and no simple relationship exists between hardness testing and indentation or any fundamental property of the material. Hardness readings are also used as control measures to ensure that the proper amount of oils and/or plasticizers have been entered into the material formulation. Without these oils and plasticizers, the product can become much stiffer and difficult to manipulate, as in the case of forming wall base corners. Tensile, Elongation, and Modulus: These tests are performed to the requirements outlined in ASTM D-412 and provide informaticn regarding the elastic properties and uniformity of the material composition- The tests are performed on a pulling apparatus or Instron, utilizing stamped specimens developed from finished products. The test specimen is placed in the machine and the amount of force to pull it apart and eventually break the material is recorded on a chart recorder. Tensile values are recorded in pounds per square inch of force required to pull the material until it breaks. Elongation values are recorded in the percentage of stretch the material can withstand before breaking or in simpler terms, if the specimen is 1" long before testing and breaks at 2", the elongation would be 1 00%. lf 1" long and breaks at 3", the elongation would be 200o/o and etc. Modulus values are obtained by determining the pounds force to pull the specimen 100% its pretesled length or as required by the specification. Example: A rubber band requires very llttle force to pull apart, therefore; its tensile value would be very low, but its elongation would be high, since you can stretch a rubber band several times its original length. Abrasion Resistance: This test is performed to the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM D-3389 and uses a piece of equipment called a "taber abrader". A 4" x 4" product sample is weighed and then mounted into the machine. The machine is equipped with a motor drive, which abrading wheels are attached. Based on the specification requirements, the abrading wheels are weighted and the machine is cycled for a specific number of cycles. Afterthe test is completed, the sample is reweighed to determine the amount of material loss on the specimen. http ://www. i ohnsonite. com/techdata/section2/TERMS. HTM Page 3 of6 st10/2002 . Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology Page 4 of6 This test is an attempt to determine the wearability of a finished product, bul due to the wide range of variables in actual installation environments, ihere is no direct relationship between the test results and the longevity of a producl. The lest results can be used to classify and compare similar products only. The tegt results are given in grams loss per cycle or revolulion. The lower the value, the better the wearability. (Note: Typically the harder the malerial, the lower the abrasion value. The wearability of a product is conlingent on many other test values. i.e.: resiliency, indentation, tensile strength, elongation, and etc. Indentation: This test is performed to the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM F-1914. Standard Test Method for Short Term and Residual Indentation of Resilient Floor Covering and provides a reference to the resiliency of a product and reported in the prircentage of mass loss or compressive state of ihe product after testing. The test is performed with actual production specimens. The specimens are mounted into the test apparatus and a weighted load is applied to the surface of the specimen. The load is mounted atop a 1/4" diameter foot, which contacts the specimen. The load is applied for 10 minutes and then removed and the depth of the depression is measured to determine the initial indentation of the material. The specimen is measured again t hour later to determine the residual indentation or the material's capability to recover from a load. These values typically relate to dynamic loading such as a high heel shoe applied to the produci's surface and its ability to recover from the load. The lower the residual indentation percentage value, the better resiliency of the product. Static Load Limit: This test is performed 1o the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM F-970 and was developed to determine the resiliency of a product when subjected to heavy loads and the product's capability to recover when the load is removed. The thickness of an actual production sample is measured and then a weighted 1-118" diameter spherical fool is placed on the product's surface for a determined amount of time. The amount of weight and time is determined by the specific product specification. The 1-118" diameter spherical foot is typical of most commercial furniture, appliances, and michinery found in many commercial and residential environments. When the lest time requirement is satisfied, the load is removed and the product is allowed to relax for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. After the relaxation period, the pr.oduct lhickness is once again measured where the foot made contact to the product surface. The difference between the initial thickness ofthe product and the thickness after the test provides the total amount of permanent indentation the product has incurred as a result of the testing. Most of the specifications developed for rubber and vinyl flooring products have adopted an 125 pound load for a period of one ('l) hour as the criteria for the test. This load would represent a piece of furniture or an appliance with a total weight of 500 pounds based on the assumplion that the furniture or appliance is supported with four (4) feet. , http://u.rvw.johnsonite.com/techdata,/section2/TERMS.HTM 511012002 Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology Coefficient of Friction: The federal and industry standard for testing coefficient of friction or the slip resistance of a surface is tested to the requirements, as outlined' in ASTM D-2047, which utilizes a friction measurement machine, commonly referred to as the James Machine. The test utilizes a shoe sole grade leather material attached to a weighted plate. The leather material is pulled across the surface of the specimen and the friction resistance is recorded on a graph. The test procedure is designed for determining "dry" coefficient of friction measurements only, but many manufacturers perform the tests by applying a mist of water to the specimen surface and obtain "wet" friction values for their products. Due to the wide range of probable variation due to the lack of any specifics relating to water application to the specimen surface, the "wet" values should be considered only as reference values. The Federal Standard for flooring materials and floor finishes is 0.5. This value of not less than 0.5 meets the requirements for compliance to Rule 5 on "The use of terms slip retardant, slip resistant, or terms of similar import," of the Proposed Trade Practice Rules for the Floor Wax and Floor Polish Industry as issued by the Federal Trade Commission on March 17, 1953, The A.D.A recommendations are 0.6 for accessible routes and 0.8 for ramps, but were developed utilizing an apparatus and test method not currently recognized in the industry. Since the release of the A.D.A. document, several committees have meet with the A.D.A. and requested clarification. The outcome of the meetings resulled in the A.D.A. recognizing the ASTM D-2047 test method and federal standard of 0.5 for defining the term "slip-resistant surface", as listed in section 4.5 General and Floor Surfaces. The values of 0.6 for accessible routes and 0.8 for ramps are recommendations and will be eliminated from future revisions. Mostmanufacturers involved with the ASTM Resilient Flooring subcommittees, responsible for developing flooring specifications and test procedures, have adopted this procedure (D-2047) when reporting coefficient of friction results for their respective products. These specifications relate to Johnsonite's rubber tiles, vinyl tiles, rubber and vinyl stair treads. Johnsonite's rubber products exceed all requirements. Vinyl tiles, treads and nosings exceed the recommendations for ADA accessible roules, but not ramps. Fire and Smoke Product Testing: Critical Radiant Heat Flux: This test procedure was developed for testing the resistance of flooring materials to support a flame and is tested to the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM E-648. The test is performed with actual product samples. The tesl specimen, measuring 10" wide by 41-112" long, is glued lo a reinforced concrete board and placed in the testing apparatus. The radiant heating panel is positioned al an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the specimen. The specimen is exposed to radiant heat for a specified time and lhe amount of wattage is calculated to determine how much radiant heat is required to produce a flame on the material. The test is peformed three (3) times and the average of the tests are used for reporting critical radiant heat flux of a material in watts per square centimeter. Page 5 of6 htto :/iwww.iohnsonite. com/techdataisection2/TERMS.HTM 511012002 . Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology Class I applications require a minimum of 0.45 watts/sq. cm. and Class ll require 0.22 watts/sq. cm. The higher the wattage value, the more heat and time required for the sample to support a flame. All 0f Johnsonite's rubber and vinyl tiles, rubber stair treads, vinyl stair treads and nosings exceed the requirements for Class I installations. Flame Spread Index per ASTM E-84 (Steiner Tunnel Flame Test): This test is for determining the burning characteristics of wall and ceiling materials. Unfortunately, many specifiers confuse this requirement with the ASTM E-648 Critical Radiant Heat Flux lest for Interior Floor Finishes. The Steiner Tunnel Flame Test (ASTM E-84) is only required for Interior Wall and Ceiling Materials. Due to the number of incorrect product specifications, the federal government developed a task group in 1997, in conjunction with the GSA, DOD, AIA and many other military and civilian specifying organizations, to eliminate any reference of this test requirement in Interior Floor Finish specifications. The test procedure utilizes actual production samples, measuring 24" wide by 24'lohg, are glued to a reinforced concrete board and suspended from the ceiling of the tunnel chamber. The samples are exposed to a high-intensity flame, similar to a blow torch, for a specified time. lf the samples ignile, the flame duration and smoke generated is monitored and calculated into a flame spread index and smoke develooed index. The classification of Droducts is as follows: Class "A" = Flame lndex of 0 to 25 Class "B" = Flame lndex of 26 to 75 Class "C" = Flame Index of 76 to 200 All classes must have a smoke developed index less than 450. Page 6 of6 Johnsonite hopes this document has provided the information and clarification required to assist in proper product selection, but if additional information is required, please contact your local Johnsonite distributor or Johnsonile Customer Service at 1 -800-899-891 6 for additional assistance. Revision 5, Released January, 2001 http ://wvw.j ohnsonite. com/techdata./section2/TERMS.HTM 5110t2002 IE !.i ';! ,1-.= --=; E' rl:-;!l.FJ (:'{ G!!i-stirr,iii,=T/l.U=1,:Ji.iFl€;l:il"-J€$T:-ijj I r g,t;g.,.ig3 ).i. i:l-i; -s r..AViil"i?A F$rl ,!FPfr$,''IA:. llaitJi!||li: ! 1;il. :-'- ir--l 1!:\X i l:i,iFi.: _t ii+iili;;l;; f:r:i:..,:": -..r;.:,. r: t i.-_=Er::l m:;\-,i;s:t:: :.r:iir .:.ti;:t;r?.?: !--;,Jlitlnn:i:e. 3,,l)isFk.rhi h .ie::,;r : li:-:---s --;:. :-iJ:.liiifrei a";:: i:;.j :::r;;lih,r-e i:; l::p,:i.;rl jjrn:li?ie ln$,allati:rit *i. i,lis iriti,i!, l.rplavri :ir:,!i :.-1r . :;i..-: +, I r;-r'- l-rg-:t oi E:ttF-;ic: ii "itr itsa. - ...,.,,. '., '.-..--. -r:- -:-{ .ili{ic:. r: :;:;, i:.;,+-.i.r,:t _i hr* . ,-,: t- E- F t-l $iir;'r,,-j, Di,fi#!l;:is $UBir;Si-Ir{ i"lO. ,ffiffiffi{, ,hrhlo. *lfrqt _ ir .Bi"r*F i.r! SEAj*f!N3S gLJEI+llTTf{L Fcn AFPROVAL REBUEMNIFI. ffi' LIl'l .i;rnqlosj,*,i 3i_t: a-1 FE! -. .-xi saMfl_e I i sutsM;TTAL Fe*AJ J}IFfifriiIAT:O:,'I i'-r--.- r i':';]_T 3g *" P tffsrsi eor.dir,I3s lq,iih fte ##:il""t13ttr1}. --$ribccnfabr t" i=.,iq, 82/ 08 / 02 FRI 10;52 FAli 71t 85{ 2700 : IORK IYALLCOI:ERINGS Y@RK CONTRACT @Juot o FEBRUARY 8,2OO2 ', g. Llt >-ra r''fu,in l-, q{ ATTN:'fp6! uoe' Ya;idttzv Macti cr"l I RE:2X1852 aldT{1789 As you requested, YORII WALLCOVERINGS certifies rhat all our wallcovering patterns flom the STUDIO SOURCE collec[on rnect thc requirements of cless A flame requirements qdth flame ratings iu the range of 0-25. These ratings were determined by the ASTME-84 tunnel test method and are not intended to reflr:ct hazards presented by these or any other products under actual lire conditions. We hopc that this infonnation will bc of help to you. Sincerely, YORK CONTMCT -R*,* fr"Ar,$.' Pamela Gallagher Customer Service Reprt:sentativc 750 Lindcu Avcnuc, P.O, Box li 166, York, PA t7 405-5t66 c Q 17) 8464456. FAX (71 ?) s43-S6j4 ' ' v g' ...L. :Al'I i iar '91'sElE;t5'ir: E!!E€{b5€&{ FAE:E3 {,{ixfx aiSgtA:!iiJgsgss <AOAaad6ctroa'aC'Oa!IITIT ugBgE ii g I{ttlI I o :l! o-8.e 8.'r'I6 & ol I .8oo6l! .r d fo'tJ 6+i.ll 3,E X€ e..Ei$i€ do E4 o fl hoal b <El a,lg IE .g Eog i F d6I o oo Ial s E IE .z Io* H .F o B? b. a,e F FII.oI 3 a E F nl s .Q ll I.iESg$ BALl $r b€<lt s'E| 'at{tIAIE.rG Sr +,c ll € & 5tl E 3o4 ,ib { evl 6loro8.tl}0 Yr..l .Fpgilo;IE .t d E d u c *:: s a 'l!€ s o E E J &, ll ?.F g t o s JdI! 5 8 8rt i H a ^{E,3ILHF,.qti UO E{ ,\ .l ET:l I?gi TE EE€a -8J. TN ,l. FT .dEB{I3.|g .:. B ST ridc dEsBrE .F;E: EE?r TF f$i; dIo 8.9.d o 3$trd{das .*.EE'tif t:E SEfi3 Ri SIIE.si TE H2ag E 3o€ ct FE!to F.EdE ESeI f$ TEgt ;2A --o E E.tf't I E,tc, €[ ff, ?€etv-E3[;*rf,tr 3E t,x cl I.x a eI* €sail.l:>? 5sri fE FO!€ J.9 ,Ets_.E| rtE€ d ,! ..:tI FI a: o tp x ?I !l a .s CL E E E g c E .: & g F $;l. .t E ; .e .c f, € iG.- Ft!,9tl .$' al 'tl aIat e :r3'H*d8!c Egl3€E8:T5lJn €P *oFrIPo 'an€& ri !rgtY ? $$Eg Ef3fl i I;#tsE[! Effi I;I i. g$ U'c4 d tht4 TAn ttv) d- ti IAt4 0v).Avtf )v,A a,t) .Aa f/)vt v,ut A v)u ut CA v)v,U' ?A .Jta a- EIA v a A CAut c v)a a q. e o- v)at)u)u) A (nIA q u)thf v,o UJat,f U) ? U'Ut A at,u, o- mu)utut o- vlvt AI(lt $ (t E I Ig a $ .!tI clt.t ts I I At.l F $ l I cltI F g E E I I E90 d el.lIn ci <,i B $ B F{ tl 6 I IttI d I E ? ..i I Eaa E $ a Ejg dItv, E r!l E ? T!l E 2 |.: !aI g llx x.:II!IA d F T t' B { T Ef IT E 8 ,o hE 'Etle ot J ,aF vat E EU ,t E ' >r J!Of? ao I EIt I Il:,! tb It .A E' Pio Ic5 '6 d U' E(J I5il a, u Icg .9 u 01, I ,g o G 'g d bt) I6 t'o q,c',t E '8 E 'd|lx -U E ot p oa, .E Dtl B:c tt E CA(l E lt EE & B al* Ev, Dot, c ut v a F tcl(, 0t) E 8c '6 e E E o al a i |.o !o at !l jl a 5 I F t S9NIUSAOJ'I1V.$ xlIOI 08LZ VgS LIl, YVC !9:0r IUrI 7o/go/Zooro a o2/08/o2 FRI 10:57 FA.X. 717 86d 27gS . cty YORK WALLCOYERINES \T@RK L: 0 N 1'R "\ (:'1' : cojlljvlE RCIAL vl NYL MAIN TENAN cE G UIDE 1. To clean a stain, begin Llsing warm water and a clean sponge and towel' 2. lf stain is still apparent :Use a mild detergent (like lvory liquid)Wth the clean sponge. Blot dry with a clean towel.,A 50/50 isopropylwater blend can also be used. 3. For more troublesome siains, spray cleaners (like 409 or Fantastic) c€n be used , 4. Do not use harsh solveflts such as paint thinner or gasoline or any abrasives (such as Comet cleanser or Soft Scrub). : 5. Begin cleaning by starting in a spot lhat is less noticeable. Experiment Dy using procedures outlined in steps 1 and 2 before prooeeding to harsher sprav cleaners mentioned. @ oo0 zsO Lindcn Avcnuc, P.o. Box 1i166. York. pA t2405-5t6e . Vvl846-44s6 . FAX (71l) 8s4-97st Vinyl Wallcovering Submittal wc1 wc2 wc3 wc4 VWC 5 wc6 VWC 7 VWC 8 Koroseal Matrix, Light Tiger Eye M121-05 Essex Stoneart 2, SP-5743 Trail JM Lynne, Mimosa Leaf MIL-4312, Casablanca Symphony, Concerto, Flax Accent, M50438COA Studio Source Volume 4,2Y1789 Elegance Stripe Studio Source Volume 5,U1852, Basillica Scroll Symphony, Kora Caramel, A250494M Symphony, Kora Blue Sage, M505051(A i.rrr\. .1:- 4;8,1, /.t,'hsseK-,4. i JcBrs. - 1i4.?ot{* I $ff si,u:irT"trAl- "F0 AmCEdnTECTs i. S,JSMITfiALhi$, i , *A3l&=sil-:*- i i-i sriop r K* sr;Br.r$T.qLFoR !r+ ilRAl$lN$s 'tA rqpPRsvAL I !'T r:r'.ratoa tJ gesusrnmrnu itJ: cUT il-l '* j $d -nnl:ir. ffi -ffiHffi,[ff i Ret{elved only as t$ gisnotol cdri}pliaii{rs erili: he Con'.reat Dncuals'Tts. gubngEt'Eetrrr ts -.rcrifu {:m---,.!i$c:re, q06niliies $nd flekl condEi:iis ilirr pr?pet e* *ei?F:e?,-? inrhllqiictr Ef hls war*, AFpre-.4 riRli ::,J! refix.re Rr&lsrh€el3a s &upFlisr ittsn !("sij?rr,:'!!' 'oi ?':r'A l.:f cicjv!...,fri: e tn.n !h" C$: ril*)i i1.. - a.1bfn4 '; L'ltr'ovo National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101 Page 1 of2 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION LIFE SAFETY CODE 101 CODE AND REGULATORY INFORMATION This document reviews lhe flammability requiremenls for resilient flooring products in accordance with the recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101 ' The following sections of lhe code are referenced: Supplement 5: Fire Tests for Life Safety Code Users: lnterior Floor Finish - Floor coverings are required to be tested an accordance wlth NFPA 2S3, Standard Method of Test for Gritical Radiant Flux of Flooring Covering Systems Using a radiant Heat Energy Source (ASTM E 648). This testing scenario was specifically developed to address floor finish concerns. tt evaluates the tendency of a floor covering material to propagate flame across its surface in a relationship to a given energy source over a period of time. The Code recognizes two classes of interior floor finishes: Class t, minimum critical radiant flux value of 0,45 watts per square centimeter' and Class ll with a minimum value of 0.22 watts per square centimeter' All of Johnsonite's floor installed products (i.e.: rubber tiles (except Terra-Tu0, all stair lreads and nosings, and resilient moutdings) meet and exceed the class I requirements of the code. lnterior Wall and Ceiling Finish - Wall and Ceiling materials are required to be tested in accordance with NFPA 255, Standard Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (Steiner Tunnel Test) (ASTM E-84). The Code attempts to limit the relative rate of flame propagation and smoke development on wall and ceiling surfaces. (Note: applicable.) The Gode provides three classifications based on the Flame Spread Index {FSl) and Smoke Developed Index (SDl): Class A Fsl 0-25 SDI 0450 Class B FSI 26-75 SDI 0450 Class C FSI 76-200 SDI 0-450 lncidental and Trim Finish - Wall and Ciiling materials, which represent 10 percent or less of the total wall and ceiling surface area can have a Class C rating when tested to NFPA 2SS and can be installed with Class A and B materials without reducing the classification of the total space. http ://www j ohnsonite. com/techdata/section2A{FPA I 0 I C FITM (GSA) (DOD), AlA. and other specification oeneratino qroups are eliminatinq anv reference to this requirement in reqard to lnterior Floor Finish materials since it ls not 5/10/2002 ! National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code l0l Page 2 of 2 Johnsonite Resilient Wall Bese and Reslllent Mouldings, which are wall mounted, meet the requirements of a Ctass C ratlng and typically lepresenl less than 10% of tho total wall and ceiling surface area, therefore; mecl the requirements for Incidental and Trim Finish. . Ravlrlqr 4, RelflEod Augult, 19s I 1t I I tthttp://wwwjohnsonite.com/techdata/section2/l.lFPAl0lC.IlTM 5ll0l20L2 ,, o Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology Page I of6 ^ SPECIFICATIONS, PRODUCT TESTING and TERMINOLOGYv The following synopsis provides a review of various material and final product testing, which is performed on our producls, as well as, many of our compelitors. Frequently, we experience a situation where confusion resulls from the lack of familiarity or inaccurale interpretation of terminology, product testing, and product specifications. This document was developed with the intent to provide a "laymen's" knowledge ofthe lechnical andior analytical aspects of product testing and terminology and its significance to our products. Specifications: Rubber Floor Tiles: Federal Specification #SS-T-31 2b and the new federal replacement specification, F-1344, developed by the ASTM, provides dimensional and performance criteria for product acceptability. The SS-T-312b requires that all tiles, both pattern and smooth, be produced to a total thickness lolerance of +/- .005". The ASTM F-1 344 permits a tolerance of + .015"1 .005" for pattern tile and +/- .005" for smooth. SS-T-312b, Type ll, Rubber tiles must have a durometer or hardness nol less than 90 and a modulus at 10% elongation not less than 400 pounds per square inch (psi). The F-1344 permits a hardness not less than 85. Most specifiers in the commercial and military communities continue to reference the "older" Federal Soecification SS-T-312b. All Johnsonite rubber floor tiles meet both specifications. Solid Vinyl Floor Tiles: ASTM F-1700, Standard Specification for Solid Vinyl Floor Tiles provides dimensional r. and performance criteria for product acceptability. Due to the wide variety of solid vinyl floor liles currently available on the market, the specification's classification structure includes lhe following classes and types: Class | - Monolithic; Type A - Smooth Surface orType B - Embossed Surface. Class ll - Surface Decorated; Type A - Smooth Surface orType B - Embossed Surface. Class lll- Printed Film; Type A - Smooth Surface or Type B - Embossed Surface. The specification provides dimensional tolerances for size of +l- 1116" (0.4 mm) for 12" x 12" (30.5 mm x 30.5 mm) tiles and a thickness tolerance of +/- .005" (0.13 mm). I http : //www.j ohnsonite. com/techdata./section2/TERMS. HTM 5/10/2002 Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology The specification also includes requirements for flexibility, residual indenlalion, chemical resistance, squareness, and dimensional stabilily. Johnsonile Safety Stride Solid Vinyl Floor Tiles are Class l, Type B products and conform to the requirements of this specification. Rubb'er and Vinyl Stair Treads: . Federal Specification RR-T-650d, Composition A (Rubber) or B (Vinyl), Type 1 (Smooth) or Type 2 (Designed) addresses the dimensional criteria of the product. The only performance requirement is for rubber hardness of 90 +/- 5. ASTM is curently in the development stages to replace this specification and is expecled to be completed in the next two (2) years. The dimensions and lhickness of the treads are the manufacturer's standard or as specified in the order. Length and width tolerances shall be +l- 1t8" (except rubber treads, which are permitted to be longer) and a thickness tolerance of +l- 1132". All Johnsonite rubber and vinyl treads meet the dimensional criteria of the specification. Rubber and Vinyl Wall Base: Federal Specification SS-W-4Oa, was cancelled by the General Services Administration in October of 1995. lt has been replaced by ASTM F-1861 , Standard Specification for Resilient Wall Base which is a dimensional and material performance specifi cation. The new ASTM specification provides for three types of malerials: Type TS - Rubber, Thermoset Type TP - Rubber, Thermoplastic Type TV - Vinyl, Thermoplastic wall base height tolerance is 1% the nominal height of the wall base. The thickness tolerance for .080 gauge wall base is + .015Y- .005" and for .125,'(1/8,,) is +/- .015,'. (Note: Johnsonite manufactures .080 gauge wall base to +A.005,'and 1/8" to + .005Y- .015".) The length of the wall base cannot be less than as specified on the package. The angle ofthe cut cah be 90 +r5 degrees. The material must pass lests for flexibility, resistance to staining and light aging, chemicals, and dimensional stability. Johnsonite Rubber and Vinyl Wall Base meets the dimensional and material performance criteria of the specification. Vinyl Mouldingsl http ://www johnsonite. com/techdata/section2/TERMS. HTM Page 2 of 6 5/10t2002 Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology The manufacture ofthese products is not governed by any known specificalion. They are specialty products. Terminology and Product Testing: Hardness (Durometer): This test is performed to the requirements outlined in ASTM D-2240 and utilizes a hand-held instrument called a "Shore" gauge. The gauge consists of a spring-loaded indentor and has a scale reading from 0 to 100 The indentor is applied lo the surface of the test material and the hardness of the material is obtained from the reading on the scale. The higher the reading, the harder the material. Hardness testing is used primarily to classify materials and no simple relationship exists between hardness lesting and indentation or any fundamental property of the material. Hardness readings are'also used as conlrol measures to ensure that lhe proper amount of oils and/or plasticizers have been entered into the material formulation. Without these oils and plasticizers, the product can become much stiffer and difficult to manipulate, as in the case of forming wall base corners. Tensile, Elongation, and Modulus: These tesls are performed to the requirements oullined in ASTM D-412 and pruvide infonnation regarding the elastic properiies and uniformity of the material composition. The tesls are performed on a pulling apparatus or Inslron, utilizing stamped specimens developed from finished products. The test specimen is placed in the machine and the amounl of force to pull it apart and eventually break the material is recorded on a chart recorder. Tensile values are recorded in pounds per square inch of force required to pull the material until it breaks. Elongation values are recorded in the percentage of stretch the material can withstand before breaking or in simpler terms, if the specimen is 1" long before testing and breaks at 2", the elongation would be 100%. lf 1 " long and breaks at 3", the elongation would be 200o/o and etc. Modulus values are obtained by determining the pounds force to pull the specimen 100% its pretested length or as required by the specification. Example: A rubber band requires very little force to pull apart, therefore; its tensile value would be very low, but its elongation would be high, since you can slretch a rubber band several times its original lenglh. Abrasion Resistance: This test is performed to the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM D-3389 and uses a piece of equipment called a "taber abradef'. A 4" x 4' product sample is weighed and then mounted into the machine. The machine is equipped with a motor drive, which abrading wheels are attached. Based on the specification requirements, the abrading wheels are weighted and the machine is cycled for a specific number of cycles. Afler the test is completed, the sample is reweighed to determine the amount of material loss on the specimen. http://www.j ohnsonite.com/techdata/section2/TERMS. HTM Page 3 of6 5/1012002 Specifi cations, Product Testing and Terminolo gy This test is an altempl lo determine the wearability of a finished product, but due to the wide range of variables in actual installation environments, there is no direct relationship between the test results and the longevity of a product. The test results can be used to classify and compare similar products only. The tesl results are given in grams loss per cycle or revolution. The lower the value, the better the wearability. (Note: Typically the harder the material, the lower the abrasion value. The wearability of a product is contingent on many other lest values. i.e.: resiliency, indentation, tensile strength, elongation, and etc. Indentation: This test'is performed to the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM F-1914, Standard Test Method for Short Term and Residual Indentation of Resilient Floor Covering and provides a reference to the resiliency of a product and reported in the pdrcentage of mass loss or compressive state of the product after lesting. The test is performed with actual production specimens. The specimens are mounted into the test apparatus and a weighted load is applied to the surface of the specimen. The load is mounted alop a 114" diameter foot, which conlacts the specimen. The load is applied for 10 minutes and then removed and the depth of the depression is measured lo determine the initial indentation of the material. The specimen is measured again t hour laler to determine the residual indentation or the material's capability to recover from a load. These values lypically relate to dynamic loading such as a high heel shoe applied to the product's surface and its ability to recover from the load. : The lower the residual indentation percentage value, lhe belter resiliency of the producl. Static Load Limit: This test is performed to the requirements, as ouilined, in ASTM F-970 and was developed lo determine the resiliency of a product when subjected to heavy loads and the product's capability to recover when lhe load is removed. The thickness of an aclual production sample is measured and then a weighted 1-118" diameter spherical foot is placed on the product's surface for a determined amounl of time. The amount of weight and time is determined by the speciflc product specification. The 1-118" diameter spherical foot is typical of most commercial furniture, appliances, and mbchinery found in many commercial and residential environments. When the test time requirement is satisfied, the load is removed and the product is allowed to relax for a period of twenty-four (24) hours. After the relaxation period, the product thickness is once again measured where lhe foot made contacl to the product surface. The difference between the initial thickness ofthe product and the thickness after the test provides the total amount of permanent indentation the product has incuned as a result of the testing. Most of the specifications developed for rubber and vinyl flooring products have adopted an 125 pound load for a period of one (1) hour as the criteria for the test. This load would represent a piece of furniture or an appliance with a total weight of 500 pounds based on lhe assumplion that the furniture or appliance is supported with four (4) feet. : http ://www.johnsonite. com/techdata/section2/TERMS. HTM Page 4 of6 5/10t2002 Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology Coefficient of Friction: The federal and industry standard for testing coefficient of friction or the slip resistance of a surface is tested to the requirements, as outlined, in ASTM D-2047, which utilizes a friction measuremenl machine, commonly referred lo as the James Machine. The test utilizes a shoe sole grade lealher material attached to a weighted plate. The leather material is pulled across the surface of the specimen and the friction resistance is recorded on a graph. The test procedure is designed for determining "dry" coefficient of friction measurements only, but many manufacturers perform the tesls by applying a mist of water to the specimen surface and obtain "wet" friclion values for their products. Due to the wide range of probable variation due to the lack of any specifics relating to water application to lhe specimen surface, the "wet" values should be considered only as reference values. The Federal Standard for flooring materials and floor finishes is 0.5. This value of not less than 0.5 meets the requirements for compliance to Rule 5 on "The use of terms slip retardant, slip resistant, or terms of similar imporl," of the Proposed Trade Practice Rules for the Floor Wax and Floor Polish Industry as issued by lhe Federal Trade Commission on March 17. 1953. The A.D.A recommendations are 0.6 for accessible routes and 0.8 for ramps, but were developed utilizing an apparatus and test method not currently recognized in the industry. Since the release of the A.D.A. document, several committees have meet with the A.D.A. and requested clarification. The outcome of the meetings resulted in the A.D.A. recognizing the ASTM D-2047 test method and federal standard of 0.5 for defining the term "slip-resistant surface", as listed in section 4.5 General and Floor Surfaces. The values of 0.6 for accessible routes and 0.8 for ramps are recommendations and will be eliminaled from future revisions. Most.manufacturers involved with the ASTM Resilient Flooring subcommittees, responsible for developing flooring specifications and lesl procedures, have adopted this procedure (D-2047) when reporting coefficient of friction resulls for their respective products. These specifications relate to Johnsonile's rubber tiles, vinyl tiles, rubber and vinyl stair treads. Johnsonite's rubber products exceed all requiremenls. Vinyl liles, treads and nosings exceed lhe recommendations for ADA accessible routes, but not ramps. Fire and Smoke Product Testing: Critical Radiant Heat Flux: This test procedure was developed for testing the resislance of flooring materials to support a flame and is tested to lhe requirements, as oullined, in ASTM E-648. The test is performed with actual product samples. The test specimen, measuring 10" wide by 41-112" long, is glued to a reinforced concrete board and placed in the testing apparatus. The radiant heating panel is positioned at an angle of approximately 45 degrees lo the specimen. The specimen is exposed to radiant heat for a specified time and the amount of watlage is calculated to determine how much radiant heat is required lo produce a flame on the material. The test is performed three (3) times and the average of lhe tesls are used for reporting critical radiant heat flux of a material in watts per square centimeter. Page 5 of6 5/1012002 Specifications, Product Testing and Terminology Class I applications require a minimum of 0.45 watts/sq. cm. and Class ll require 0.22 watts/sq. cm. The higher the waltage value, the more heat and time required for the sample to supporl a flame. All of Johnsonite's rubber and vinyl tiles, rubber stair treads, vinyl stair treads and nosings exceed the requirements for Class I installations. Flame Spread Index per ASTM E-84 (Steiner Tunnel Flame Test): This lest is for determining the burning characteristics of wall and ceiling materials. Unfortunately, many specifiers confuse this requirement with the ASTM E-648 Crilical Radiant Heat Flux test for Inlerior Floor Finishes. The Steiner Tunnel Flame Test (ASTM E-84) is only required for Interior Wall and Ceiling Malerials. Due to the number of incorrect product specifications, the federal governmenl developed a task group in 1997, in conjunction with the GSA, DOD, AIA and many olher military and civilian specifying organizations, to eliminate any reference of this lest requirement in Interior Floor Finish specifications. The lest procedure utilizes actual production samples, measuring 24" wide by 24'lohg, are glued to a reinforced concrete board and suspended from the ceiling of the tunnel chamber. The samples are exposed to a high-inlensity flame, similar to a blow torch, for a specified time. lf the samples ignite, the flame duration and smoke generated is monitored and calculated into a flame spread index and smoke developed index. The classification of products is as follows: Class "A" = Flame lndex of 0 to 25 Class "8" = Flame lndex of 26 to 75 Class "C" = Flame Index of 76 to 200 All classes musl have a smoke developed index less than 450. Page 6 of6 Johnsonile hopes this document has provided the information and clarification required t0 assist in proper product selection, but if additional information is required, please contact your local Johnsonite distributor or Johnsonile Customer Service at 1-800-899-8916 for additional assistance. Revision 5, Released January, 2001 51t012002 o ':t,){:,,=:;"=,"aa '*'"l : {j ,i=r ':yTn . i:. frjr,3s,\{f;r _l_ttKl_ _ ._ I ::i r! i=it liriiijllTi,,tL']t=O A\H63['iti{ iEtuj ii-.S ;', .,. r3uB$;i!'i*f,irl-[,]{}" $ --Sft6J.aost."A-- -: ;i irl r":lr' ;R;;Jsn'* I i=-l efiri,i-Ofi t, d1, fl easunru:rr*r. i-l $'JEr.iffT,AL tfiinll--i l:\iFARilJi,.i!"!$I\i :?:r?,: -:J :rr! rji t:} S.;i€?el c;::telisir:e l,,i?-; ;jg'":,li:c: !i::t:l!mnllts. Guhtnrf.rFjsiT y re;.iil'':ii:i'iclii13- iiil,.,l?tiilei €_tii leiri crrqillons in,, rr,:1,,.:.1Fd {j:r.-',ir!eB insialieji$n si Llls risi.!i. ,tpcnwi sir,,il-r-.i y.;!e:.': sr,:.:;,;r:lt;ecFr Bt Fll[.,plLi h.:ir, t"a,r..,... ,,, j .'- -: --' :'l '.,:;t,jior[ irli.i l1s.(:o-.i..Frl -;, . ftfd . :,;=ii t- t- or, ,l ffie."d+:E h:r!.r rL i:-: .$i&F ;.-J i.lfi4i$t!hlcS .si Mii.{lTl"AL F*R ,T\FPROVAL BF.SUSMit-ip.L ;F;fl'1.!-ss rCIB lro. .=|.!t$t'*_ $rlJ [-s fifi it ir-fiA!=' fO iA F-tCFnfi THfJr S x' ll=t t"-i [1 'ur^nrn-r [=l susRtliriAlFa*r-j tFiFo.iMAj":cN foi e*':}f6 ir de'{laiia"" r."* ilJblniii;"J":;.;,,:;;. :lB!i::ti+ flf as rr i:!"iisgt co$. iaiRa ulih ,fie'jgT,"Fr;i Dofirr:€nh, $&bcsatiej:ior to F.qtlifir:nsnsto:..tr. qrrsn$tes qnd .fielJ crnriittorrd il,, ,;;;;i'lt.'c x.or{:et: ineta.ilatkrn of his woik. ,a.pln,,_=r riaii ,J;;11:Trf'"llf:f r or euppirar ircrn rcs; ;;d;ii,rl .r:1.. . CONTRACTORS FOR:. Stone Masonry Marble Granite Stucco Plaster Concrete Flatwork Decorative Concrete _ Water Features Fireolaces It THE t ;', f:=r a::j! /-7i: *t.1:... r; -1 iY!--irJ L -= i-r= :(! ::Jt: , :ii i1 '""lir ..., i.i ; i ... :," :i .: r,; ji. ,* .i l; ..1' "i;; .;. ;.i : Fjtri. i I { t .es & Benefits .d-c0mponent ,{eady to use: easily mixed wirh water on lhe Job site Polyrner-modified Excellent adtesion; increases ijurabili- ry and freeze/thaw resislance High polymerl cement ratio lmproved flexural streng(h resasts cracking Creamy smooth co|lsistency irowels on easily. increases job sile procluctavity '.:i i:. .:, t. t,l Vapor perrneable Allows sullstrate lo brcalhe nar!16lly: resists blisrers causccl b/ rapDec vapor High build Appry to Za rn a s,nqie pass; teooi savrn9s Factory hlended Portland cemenl Ass!fes pedonnance mtx retio low cement ratio Less alkalinity.less hee linre. less elilorescence Eagged powder product Less solid wasle lhan pails: freezing or0tection nol fequired prior to lse No deterioratiDn @ 60 cycles,.r1.01 ,o* ol te G-P Gypsum Corp 9*!lrHg' DENVER VAIL ASPEN T.ETTE,R OF TR ANSMITTAL il > 30 - 0ypsum Shcarhlng" > 15 - EPS Board* > 100 - Concrere Block -4r > 40 - Dens-Glass!, Gold" > 100-Concrete .andardlmpactClassificarion Pass 28 days 28 days 770153091 MEMBER: Buitding Stone Institute Marble Institute of America t pm.{;$t iaS-{^'t+r.' &*t tl,orrao*t, f tr U r\r69,* at-i tu v1s--(1. www.slocorp.com 'iti,',',i.,,i", u .,.'.'',.:, ,..;;.. .,. ,if ';tti,,r, r, 1i1'*i;;i.,,it,,il '' :t:.,.. !i'ii ': : : - J irl'ti.ti.;;i.i: . : :'i* ir+'f ;,,r'r,,i ; |i i;ryr,:,' ii''', " fi :: ".-,.'.',..:", ,.,r' .;,r S{o Mgdjur11fattf, .. i,. ;, Sto Essence Finishes Technical Data ItSr NE5UU5 307 Sto Swirl Finish 306 Sto Medium Sand Finish 310 Sto Fine Sand Finish Division 7 sla fssence iinishet arc rea{ii. nixed, acrylic-based enerior cr inteior texirrc i;:tithes tlstd as a deoraiive anC pruetive wall co,1!. itg cver prepar4li gs!'tcrete, ndson4, aitd piater tubsi?res a d ii 5b ixteriot Insulation a!)d Fin;tli SysIems. Features & Ben efits Vapor permeable Allo\,r/s substrate lo breathe naturallv: resists blislers (aused by rrapped waler vapor Surface Burning A5TIVl 8.84 < 25 Flame Spread 0 < 450 Smoke Developed 5 flexibiliry ASTM D.522 4" Mandrel bend Water Vapor Transmission (U.5. perms) ASTM t-96 Method-B 28 days Moisture resistant Repels wateri lesists winri driven rair", A(celerated Weathering ASTM G-53 2000 houa No deleterious e{fecs @3000 hls Water-based safe, non-toxir: deans up wilh yl,/arer Chalk Rating ASTi\4 D42l2 5000 homs 8 (10 = best on scale l- 10) Yellowness Index AsTM E.3] ]5000 hours 0,58 (0 = no change, 2 = barely discernable change) Freeze-lhaw Resistance EIMA 101.01 60 Cycles No delelerious effecrs @ 60 cKles l/lild€w Registance ASIM 0.32 73 No gro\Mh @28 dayt No growth @ 28 days 5.rll !pray Resrstance ASTIV B.I 17 300 hours No deleterious effects @ 300 nours Wind Driven Rain Fed n-C 5558 24 hour drivino rain No water peneration Water Resistance A5TN,I D-2247 14 Days No deleterious effecb @ 28 dav5 Abrasion Resislance ASTM 0"968 528 qt. sand No cracking, checking or loss of film integrily @ 528 q6. Tensile AChesion (psi)EllvlA l0l.0l No failure on lhe ilFS pass adhesive. base coat or finish. Minimum 5 psr. ASTM C-297 28 days > 80 to concrele Fire Resisrant nStM t-ttg No effect on.fire pass resistance raling of existing rated arsembly www.stocorp.com Sto Essence Finishes 107 Sto Swirl Finrsh 305 Sto Medium Sand Finish 110 Sto Fine Sand Finish Coverage 5to Swirl tinishr 130-150 fl' ( 1 2.1- 13.9 mt) oer oail 5to M€dium Sand: 120-140 ft'(11.1-13.0 m') per parl 5to Fine 5and Finish: 140-170ft'(13.0-15.8m,) per pail Coverages may vary depending on applicalion technique and surface conditions. Packag ing 70 lb. pail (32k9) 5helf l-ife l2 monrhs. if properly stored and sealed. Storage Prorect lrom extrerfle neat, ireezing and direct suniight. Surface Preparation Concrete and masonry surfaces: Surfaces musl be free of all bond-inhibiting malerialt including din, efflorescence, form oil and other foreign mater. Loose or damaged material musl be removed by warerblasting, sandblasting or mechanlcal wire brushing and repaired. Avoid acclication over irregular surfaces Resurlace, patch or level surfaces to reouired tolerance and smoothness with appropriate 5to leveling mate- rials. Refer ro ASTM D'4258 and ASTtvl D-4261 for complete details on merhods of preparing (ementitious substrates for coatings. sto Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (ElF5): Surface musr be free of all bond. innibiting mat€rials. Gypsum wallboard surfa(es: Wallboard musr b€ laped and fasienefs sponed u/rth joint com- pound. Re{er to A5TM C-840 and gypsum lvall. ooarc manufac:u,er's literature. S,Jrlace musl be free ol dust. di11 and other bond-inhibiring materials. Sur{ace must be primed with approoriate Sto Primer. Mixing l,4ix. with a clean. rustJree electric drill and pad- dle to a unilorm consistency. A small amount of (leao waler may be added ro aid workabilily. timit addirion ol warer to amount needed to acnieve the finish lexture Application Trowel: Appiy sto Essence Finishes with a clean stainless sleel trowel to a rough thicknesi slight- ly more than the largest aggregale siz€. Use the trowel to scrape the material down a uniform Io tnicknegs no greater that the largest aggregate Health & Safety Health Pre(autions Produ(t rs \,varer-based. As with any chemr(al cons(ruQron Orodu(t exercise care !41-en nan. dling. Satety Precautions Use adequare v€nlilation. Safety goggles and protective gloves are recommended. Remove contaminaled clothing immediately. First Aid SKIN CONIACI Wash lhoroughly ,r/ith roao and water. EYE C0NTACi Fiush 'mmediately wrrr r;iqr ior l0-15 minure5 and contac a physi(ian. RESPIRATORY PR0EtElVS: Remove affected person to fresh air immediately and (ontaci a physician. HY6IENE:Wash hands immediately after use vVash clothin_o before re-use 5 pills Collect with su[able absorbenr m.ieriai su(h as conon rags. Disposal Dispose 01 in a(ccrdance with local. slare oi Iederal regulaiions. Warning KEEP CONTAINER CTOSED WHTN NOT iN Usi, KEEP OUT OF REACH OT CHILDREN. NOT FOR INTERNAT CONSUMPTION. FOR INDU5iRIAi USE 0NLY Consult the Malerial Safeiy Dara Sheet fo' 'unher heatth and saie'l ;nicrn - rjo ' LIIvIITED WARRANTY THIS PRODU(T 15 SUEJECT ]O A Yi Rii i :N Ut\4tTED \r/ARRANIY U/HtCl.l CAfr 8E CS fAti.l:D fREE 0F (HARGi FR0M: 5to Corr'r., Eo)i.11609 Atlanta, CA 10136-5609: Tel ,loa.3116 1665 Fax 404'146--l I I9. Sto Corp. P0.8ox 4460-0 Atlanta. CA 30316 iel: 404-146-1666 Toll Free: 1 -800-22 1-2197 Fax: 404-146-l1 19 www.stocorp.com MHNffiHHr[]u[nr size. use the trowel lo s(rape the material down a uniform thickness no greater than the largest aggregate size. Achieve final texture by floating with the appropriate trowel in a figure eight motiont stainless steel trowel for Sto Medium Sand and 5to tine Sand (pebbled texlure {inish) and plastic float for 5to Swirl Finirh (rilled tex- ture).Once applied, the working lime is up to 20 mjnutes depending upon material, ambient temperatures and surf ace conditions. Spray: Apply Sto [ssence Finishes with a hand- held gravity-leed hopper-type sprayer, texture spray pump machine. or other appropriate equipment. Apply even coat lo ensure full rover- age of the surface (Soray application is noi rec- ommended lor 5to Swirl Finish.) IMPORTANT. Apply finish in a contrnuous appli. cation, always working ro a wet edge to elimi- nate cold joints. Minor shade variations may occur from batcn to batch kefer ro batch num- ber on pail). Avoid installing separate batches side-by-side and avoid applicalion in direct sun- light. Protect from rain and lreezing untrl (on''plerely d ry. Luflng,uryrn9 5to Essence Finishes dry overnight under normal conditions. Drying time varies lvith temperature/ humidity and surfare conditions Clean Up Clean tools and equipment with v,rater immedi- ately after use Dried material can only be removed mechanically. Limitations U9e sto Essence Finishes only rvhen surface and ambaenl temperatures are above 40' F (4' C) during application and drying period. Dark col, ored iinishes are not recommended for use over Ixrerior Insulation and Fjnish Systems (ElF5). Select finish colors with a lightness value 0f 20 or greater when usecl as pan of an flt system sto Essence Finishes should not be used 0n v,/eatherexposed horizonlal, below grade or water immersed surfaces. 5loped surfaces: minimum required slope is l:2 (27') and maximum widlh is 12" (100 mm). Increase slope for northern climates to prevent accumulalion of i(e/snow and water on sudace. Periodic inspection and increased maintenanre of coating may be required. 5P155 l0/ o"c 3.1/00.e? 02 1000 vfli ;6C9 tt I Vitrablok Gallery.Page 1 of I l[ntnn Elass Blnnks lm. ll you need any Iurther infotntation aboul ou t glass block please call us (973!537-8080. fax us {S73136l'4460. enrail us al kglassbloh{al aul.com Glass blocks are an excellent materials also for an application in walls for which heavy demands are made in fire safety of premises. Glass brick walls resists in the case of fire more than 60 minutes without any integrity failure. PreviouslHomelNeX Dweloped By KSwebstudio. http : //www. glassblock. com/vitragallery6. html s/10t2002 Vetroarredo Gallery.Page 1 of I lhtnn Elass Hnuks lm. ll you need any lurther inforrnation about our glass bloch please cull us (973!537-6000. lax us 19731361 '4460. email us al kglassblokEf aol.com PreviousjHomelNext Developed By KSwebstudio. Vetroarredo offer the following advantage: Thermal insulation, a fundamentalfactor in today's world where energy saving are prime requisite. Acoustical insulation, for better protection against noise. Elimination of condensate, to prevent the glass from misting and humidity from accumulating on the walls. Fire resistance, ihat makes it possible meet strin gent safety standards High resistance to acids in aggressive ^^.,i.^^a^^{-tttIv (Jt!|tgtttJ Frostproof, so it can be used outdoors in various climatic conditions High mechanicalstrength make it possible to build horizontal, pedestrian bearing and vertical structures Easy, low cost maintenance, and absolutely sanitary High transparency to allow natural lighting in rooms that do not open to the outside. http : //www glassblock. com/vetrogall ery6. html 5/1012002 glass block, glasspanel, blocks Page I ofl http://www.vetroarredo. com/?ases/e m.tecnicaoff.html 5t10t2002 glass block, glasspanel, blocks Page I of2 F'RE RES'STANCE AND REACTION Considering that glass, by nature, tends to break quickly when subjeted 1 thermal shock, structures made of Vetroarredo glass blocks offer a good lt of safety. In fact, they create a valid fire barrier since they are subjected 1 quality controls that raise the mean resistance standard. The purpose of t tests is to veriff the panel's stability, its hermetic qualities and thermal insulation over time. Reaction to fire is the degree to which a combustibl material reacts to fire. Materials are divided into six categories from incombustible, that is fire-proof to highly flammable. Glass products are m of minerals and belong to class 0 that is, inco4qQqstlUe lnatqrials. CERTIFIED FIRE RESISTAN CLASS (minuutes CERTIFIED FIRE RESISTANCE CL/ Pare - Flamr ln cord witl 90 60 In accordance with Italian Ministry of the Interior circular N"91 test specimen Dimensions Vetroarredo (cm 19X19X8 19X19X8 ngle panel 24X24X8 24X24X8 sat. 24X24X8 ngle panel ngle pane! 15 15 30 Dimensions , Vetroarredo (cm Test specimen Coupe - feu 19X19X8 24X24X8 ngle panel 15 15 httn://www.vetroarredo.com/Pases/e carsicur.html 511012002 glass block, glasspanel, blocks Page2 ofZ : NTERNALPRESSURE The pressure inside Vetroarredo glass blocks is lower than atmospherir pressure. Therefore, in the event of breakage, the glass fragments tend t converge towards the inside of the glass block instead of projecting outwa ThiJ is vitally important when it comes to limiting damages and injuries Dimensions (cm) Surface design and commercial name Certified medium absolute pressure (mbar 19X19X8 wavy (O) smooth (T) =440 =437 24X24X8 ffil IS!!OL =397 =4O4 30x30x8 wavy (O) smooth (T)IL =384 =359 glass Ulotk, uttrabtot ;uetroarredo, glass, block, glass wal[, wall, glasspanel, europe glass, europe glas blobk, glorr block work, glass block florence, glass blocks, blocks, glass italy. blocks florence, blocks block florence, block italy, glass design , glass design florence, glass design italy, glass italy, glass florr http ://www.vetroarredo. com,/Pages/e-carsicur. html 5n0/2002 ballcDvcr:y iT =r9a';'+EatrtrEl JJ6O;=!rat Es 3; o* Ep =5 atlt! ;d E. i!: I E,I !: ! gi; i,l!":, i i;f Sll;ii ii; rllif: i i; =--l{!3i €!; ilsrEiFIr{lli!aisJ 3r"3 sEEF o 33o- -o. ir:o >: zi t-.t -s: tA oxo (D o- t^o(/, --* t@o a>_d9 aX h5<.>ts(, ,'tq; ',ouEi =- ?u3^L u=i3 Fi!z<Bv= ...?lbr.r<F:,F9==A>i;6= o-3 AEo E3: :^2-5xP e -?;aE. ir:Tss a69<6o -slle;F6EiE6-u!t0ij 'ESsgiF; o!l -a =o-Z r!,]qoe6z r . ll (ll it\\cl :-a-.u..._ =->z 6<t= -l Hl I - - 5 E +$ e<. .d 'l'tvJ3^0 bI 58 ?5 o q@ I sE dq 4d.6iE:sFi: :Eg 5 dl SIqa(!a I 99 !4'R 5;a o'E iR r N 't :)tho I oo z = v ' r-r-- /f_-T-llol / I loj iT il rrJt t/ | | liiffi i[:li ffi:l n ilil !i lrlf 9=t a{}-: ,.c] 'i :: r.: * '; :t - i.;,n .:. ,ir,.g r . t;!:ti =-- U: >,3 i: x: 71 t- n!-i & 4, c..l o (J dJ f, a)o a.ci LIJF(f) e.o z 6llJE t=} 5 ar: nl J Ir\.a OO c'.)ra ><orn -Cl N,c(n' Fo _l- (na L!o>ttZr- L!fao >-tr) t^z-A6<(o.9n o:--iZ, -@n.l2 .= c) o \-, o(,()(J r,- J o, , --r- X:F =-r! (I) o- q) l o fco L-L'E:)(n .^, J(o(Jl (, r\ (n;i xLLJ J" ,(orl trNr^) \--l \--./ l I LJ I..J ca l-! "-\l E c.J r.rl?r"(Y4 L-L- : f"l (-) 00IN 4r vt.Cl ll 4Id -J a F z. <u C'(l U7 O f-)s\Jc\ ^\\) (^' .s\) Lt-iF z U) c.CJ .7-r 6 = i* {;'.= rv =,E(; P FJ-4Y,<u. ; t.v LIJ11-z* )^l;=63,; -":a =r-'\ ;{ Z Z t-; E I L, I a\. =fv ,- --.: -: 5 0 c.fi rA -t ) () V1>>lt .'' CY A - LIY Z J J,--Y. Z .. ..:LI-l i---: -r- L]-lE= # E =-- .. .. *.:Cnt 'EIJJ=Y -L.J Lr- trj > O == ^ -<ry =x =\Jffa-J \J LJ (J LL :f -J-a l lI ! v >^o \_/ C) F- - (f) -L =z Z L.!) = ^0-oUT._ tJ) = 1l\ol___v l toF C) Lr- - 0ozt,t-)A (\o-o_.,^xa LIl--lr ==>.l-, -r _--_.1 -z_ z=o 4O I)A<z-o =o ^,2(-: /-\v(t mJ o !_.1 o- o_ <f t..--.. t ,_) w ))y Lr-.1 Lr-.1-- l- (o \ r'no= I Iri;> "'L L!_\L! -r t,t-r ()F;-<LJOa c.^CJ2_F\J z_ t-t Orvi.d-4Z=E t/1 -') - .\ /-t llxXY,-- : \J LL-.] *(oOdLi- l) LI.-J FL_ L!-= (Y z- -(r<L1,12. O-!!/-1/Z-\rr<, \,,/ a.< r: I I (l,-' '-.', :_ " , (J -r- { Zi l- \./ ,/'<=->I r,r-- ..)*'_ .. 7l { ___.t * L!.1 <FJ-FtIJz<,-L-(-\ a't' /-, - --\'/ !.L \s-, .-L _z<'Ja9 I\4. I '$ \-. LINOLEUM FLOOR MARMOLEUM. REALIFRESCO/VIVACE 1. PROPRIETARY PRODI.'CT NAME / MANUFACTURER 1.1 Proprietary Product: Marmoleum RmliFrescolVivace Marbleized Linoleum Sheet Resilient Fl00r Cov€ring. 1 .2 l\ranufacturer: Forbo Linoleum, Inc. Humboldt lndustrial Park Hazleton, PA 18201 Phone: (800) 842-7839 (s70) 459-0771 Fax: (570) 450-0258 1.3 Proprietary Product Description: 1.3.1 Constructi0n: Marmoleum is a homogeneous fl00r covering made of primarily natural materials c0nsisting of linseed oil, wood flour, rosin binders. dry pigmen6 mixed and calendered 0nto a naturaljute backing. 1.3.2 Physical Characteristics: (dimensions are approximate) Width ...., 79" (zMeters) Lengh .. . . 105 Linear Feet (32 Meters) Gauge ., , . l/10" (2.5 mrn) Backing,..Jute 2. PRODUCT PERFOWANCE AND TECHNICAL DATA 2.1 Fede'al Specif ications: ASil/ F2034 Slandard Specification for Linoleum Sheet Flooring Meets or exceeds performance characteristics 0f LF-475A. l\,|leets or erceeds National Building Code of Canada 1g8o-Section 9.31.5, [,,leets or exceeds National Defense Canada-Schedule 010000-09666-01 . 2.2 Static Load Limit: ASI]U F-970 - 450 Pounds Per Square Inch. 2.3 Slip Resrstance: Meets or exceeds Feoeral Standards and A.D.A. recommeidations o[ .6 f0' flat surfaces. 2.4 Flexibllity: Will not crack or brmk when bent around a 1.4' (35mm) diameter cylinder (See Table ll of ASTM F2034 when tested in accoF dance with.ASn/ F137). 0 2.5 Fire Resistance: 2.5.1 ASTM E-662/NFPA 258 (Smoke Density)-4so or less. 2.5.2 Asllvl E-648/NFPA 253 (Critical Radiant FluD-class 1, 2.5.3 F.M.V,S.S.-302-Meets or exceeds, 2.5.4 CAN/UCL - S 102.2 - M88 Flame Spread Rating and Smoke 2.6 Resi$ance to Bacteria: Marm0leum provides a self-sanitizing quality in the form of a bactericidal effect. Tests indicate that Marmoleum has a sterile zone around the material, inhibitinq contaminanls such as staphylococcus aureas. 2.7 Cigarette Resi$ance: Marmoleum resists cigare(e burns. Burning cigarettes will lmve only a brown mark, which can be rubbed out using steel wool or a scouring pad. 2.8 Chemical Resistancer ExDosure time one hour. Diluted Acids - Sulfuric, Nitric, Hydrochloric, Acetic, Lactic, Citric .. .No effect Sodium l-lydroxide . . .. .Softening Ammonia, . . . . . . .Poss Softening Soda Solulion, Soap Solution (Slightly Alkaline) . . .No dfucr Gasoline, White Spirit, Parafin, Benzene, Toluene, Methyl Alcoh0l, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, EthylAcetate, Elher, Acetone . . . . . . .Poss Dulling Mineral oil, vegetable Oil, Animal Fat . .No decl Blood, Urine, Excrement , . .N0 effect Lipstick.. ....No dfect Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Peroxide 3Yn...... .....No dfect Hot Chili Pasle, Shoe Polish, lodine... . . . . . . . . .Shining Betadine.. Silver Nitrate Bitumen . Methylene 81ue ......,.. saltwater . ....Nodfecl **Marm0leum is NOT resistant t0 prolonged exposure t0 high alkalis. 2.9 Light Fastness: Light fastness 0f at least 6, depending 0n color. (Blue scale maximum is 8), Refer ro ASTM F2034. 2.10 lmpact Sound Reduction: 6 dB. Meets 0r exceeds ASTM 492 for lrnpact lnsulation, 2.11 Ca$or Resistance: During 25,000 cycles of 3 wheels each loaded with 66 lbs.; n0 damage. 3. INSTAIIATION 3.1 lhe installation of Marmoleum flooring should not bEin until the work of all other trades lEs been completed, especially overhead lrades Areas should be cleaned, fully enclosed, weathertight with the perma - nent HVAC system set at a minimum 0f 68' F (20'C) for a minimum of 72 hours prior to, during and after the inslallation. Ihe flmring material should be conditioned in the same manner. Areas to receive flooring shall be adequately lighted to allow for proper inspection of the sub- straight, installation and seaming 0f lhe flooring and for final inspedion. Wood floors stnuld be double construction with a minimum thickness ol 1 inch. The floor must be rigid, free from movement and have at least 18' of wellventilated air space below. Floor mverings cannot be inslalled over wmden subllmrs built on sleepers over, on, or below grade concrete floors. Floors shall be smooth, flat, level, permanently dry, clean.and free of allforeign material such as dust, paint, grease, oils, solvents, curing and hardening compounds, sealers, asphalt and old adhesive residue. Concrete shall lnve a minimum compressive strength of 3500 psi. Patch and repair minor cracks and other imperfec- tions with portland-base patching compounds. D0 not inslall floor corv- erlngs over gypsum-based leveling or patching compounds. Floorcov- ering should not be installed over expansionjoints. Enpansionjoint cott- ers compatible wih the floor covering should be used, lt is essential that moisture tesls be taken on all concrete floors rqardless 0f the age 0r grade level. The test should be a calcium chloride te$. one test should be conducted for every 1000 sq, ft. of flooring (minimum of 3). The test shsld be corducted around lhe perimeter of the room, at columns and where moisture may be evident. Ihe moisture emission from the concrete shall mt exceed 5.0 lbs p€r 1000 sq.ft. in 24 hours. A diagram of the area showing the location and results 0f each lesl should be subm itted t0 lhe Architect, Genera I Contractor orEnd User. if the test results exceed the limitations, the installation must not proceed until the problem has been corrected. 3.2 Adhesive: Forbo Linoleum 1910 Adhesive (US) F0rb0 Linotack 414 (Canada). Lay material into wet adhesive. Trowel-1/16" square nolch. Spread rate- appro)(. 150 sq.ft./gal. 3.3 Heat Welded Seams (OPT|ONAL; BUT RECOMMENDED): For seam- less, hygienic, watertight installation requirements, use Marmoweld color-matched welding rod as manufactured by Forbo. Welding rod dimensions: 4mm diameter; C0il:'165 feet. 3.4 Flash Coving (OPTIONAL): Flash-cove Marmoleurn approximalely 4" up wall (or desired height) at outside edges of floor covering. Use rec- ommendd Forbo adhesive for coving application. 3.5 lnstallation Manual: Refer to Forbo Linoleum In$allation Manual for comDlete installati0n requirements. 4. AVAILABILITY AND COST 4.1 Available through authorized Forbo Linoleum, Inc. suppliers through- out North America. Contact Forbo Linoleum, Inc. or authorized supplier for cost information. 5, WARRANW 5.1 Limited s-year $,ananty. For complete details, contact Forbo Linoleum, lnc. 5. MAINTENANCE 6.1 After installation is completed, allow 5 days for adhesive to properly bond and cure before implernenting initial maintenance procedures See Forbo Linoleum's Maintenance Manual for complete details. 7, TECHNICAL SERVICES 7,1 Samoles: Submittal samples for verification and approval available upon rEuest from Forbo Linoleum, Inc. Support Services. Samples strall be submitted in compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Please fax all sample requests to (570) 450-0258 or visit our website at www,forboLinoleumNA.c0m. AccepEd and approved samoles shall con$itute the standard materials which represent materi- als in$alled in the prqject. 7.2 For cunent Installation and Maintenance Manuals, Architect SDecificati0m, Product Specifications and other technical data, contact Forbo Linoleum's website at wlw.forbolinoleumNA com 60wMDW03/0'l Armstrong Commercial Flooring * "rrno r",1" r,iri:,ri::i Category: Linoleum Floors Product Line: Marmorette Description: Features the fine marbling characteristics of classic linoleum. Physical Data Product Attributes: 3 gauges for options in performance and installed cost. 36 subtle neutral and vivid accent colors for all commercial interiors. Page I of I Form(s): Sheet 6.5 ft (2.0 m) Wide x 98.4 ft (30 m) Max. Length Reference Specs: ASTM F 2034 Standard Specification for Sheet Linoleum Floor Covering Fire Test Data : ASTM E 648 Critical Radiant Flux Class l- 0.45 or more wafts/cm2 ASTM E 662 Smoke DeveloDed 450 or less Numerical flammability ratings alone may not define the performance of the product under actual fire conditions. These ratings are provided only for use in the selection of products to meet the specified limits. Static Load Limit: ASTM F 970 (modified) 250 psi (17.6 kg/cm2) Gauges: 0.080 in (2.0 mm) overall (nominal) 0.100 in (2.5 mm) overall (nominal) 0.125 in (3.2 mm) overall (nominal) Durability: 0.080 in (2-0 mm) - Good 0.100 in (2.5 mm) - Good 0.125 in (3.2 mm) - Excellent Maintainability : 0.080 in (2.0 mm) - Good 0.100 in (2.5 mm) - Good 0,125 in (3.2 mm) - Good Resilience: 0.080 in (2.0 mrn) - Good 0.100 in (2.5 mrn) - Good 0.125 in (3.2 mm) - Very Good Approximate Installed Cost (per Sq. Ft.): Sheet 0.080 in(2.0 mm): U.S.: $3.00 to $3.50 0.100 in(2.5 mm): U.S.: $3.50 to $4.00 0.125 in(3.2 mm): U.S.: $4.00 to $4.50 http:/iwww.armstrong.com/commflooringna/print_a datalagejsp?item_id--355 5/9t2002 MATERIAT SAFETY DATA SHEET I. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Name: Armstrong / DLW Linoleum Products Description: Oleoresinous Flooring 'r._--D.!P43tM_EM__o_r.I_B.1lIy.-9_B-r4I!_o-.U.!N.r_o.3M4IJ.9.t!..-._.Shipping name: Not Classified. Hazard Class: N/A. lD t: I'VA EMERCENCY ONLY CONTACI CHEM-TEL -1.800-255-]924 I. HM|S mtnl Health =0 Flammability = 1 Reactivily = 0 IV, PRODUCT CONTINI requiremenls of Section 313 of SARA litle lll and 40 CFR 172. All components are on TSCA inventory. This p.oducl does NOT contain asbestos. Armstrong/DLW Linoleum Products Prepared 5/00 - Replaces 4/99 Armstrong World lndustries, lnc. P.O. Box 3001 Lancaster, PA 17604 (7"t7) 396-2328 or (7171 396-2935 V. HAZAROOUS (Chemical ldentitv; Common Name) None C.A.S. No.OSHA PEL N,iA DTSCRIPTION AND INCREDIENT IN These oleoresinous flooring products are produced for residenlial and commercial use. They come in a wide variety of designs, styles, colon and sizes. MISCELTANEOUS INIORMATION Each of these products is classified a5 an "article" according to litle 29 of lhe Code of Federal Regulations, OSHA Part 1 9l0.1 200(c). Thev are fo.med to a specific shape or design during manufacture, have end u5e functioff dependent upon their shape or design, and do nol release any hazardous chemical under normal conditions of use. VI. PHYSICAL DATA XII. SPECIAT PRTCAUTIONS APPTARANCE: Malerial dependent. BOILtNC POINT (degrees H: N/A. VAPOR PREsSURE (mm HB @ 20 degrees C): N/A. VAPOR DENSITY lAir = l): N/A. PERCINTVOLATILE BY WEIcHT (30 min. @ 275 degtees F): N/A- EVAPORA- TloN RATI (8utyl Acerate = l): N/A. SOLUBTLTTY tN WATER: N/A. SPEC|F|C CRAVTTY (H20 = tl: N/A. pH: N/4. PRECAUTIONS TO 8E TAKEN lN HANDIINC AND STORACE: N/A. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: l'.yA. WORK SITE ENVIRONMENT: Inttiallv there mav be a potenlial adverse impact on indoor air quality within thegeneral work area dur- ing the installation process. Therefore you should advise the building manager or oher appropriale person that: . lt will be necessary to establish and main- lain adequate ventilation of the work area, wilhout causing the entry of conta- minants to other parls of building and . Persons wl]o are sensitive to odors arrcVor chemicals should be advised to avoid the wo* area during this process. x t. WARNtNC i6E pR iViouSiy insiAllrDlf-at-o R eotiif ilC DO NOT SAND, DRY SCRAPE, BEADBLASI OR MECHANICATTY PULVIRIZE EXISTING RESITIENT FLOORING, BACKINC OR LININC FELT. THESE PRODUCTS MAY CONTAIN IITHER ASSESTOS FIEERS OR CRYSTALLINE SILICA. POSSIELE CANCIR AND RESPIRAIORY TRACT HMARD BY INHAI.AIION. AVOID CRTATINC DUST. SMOKING 8Y INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO ASEESTOS FIEERS CREATTY INCREASES THT RISK OF SERIOUS EODIIY HARM. RFCI'S (Resilient Floor Coverint lnstitute) RTCOMMENDED WORK PRACTICES FOR REMOVAT OF RESILIENT FLOOR COVTRINCS ARE A DEFINED SET OF INSTRUCTIONS ADDRESSED TO THE TASK OT REMOVINC ALL RTSILIENT TLOOR COVERING STRUCTURES. xtv Noltct Various Bovernment agencies have regulations Boverning the remolal of in- place asbestos-containin8 materials. If you contemplate the removal of a resilienl floor covering structure that contains (or is assumed to contain) asbestos, you should determine whether such regulations apply. The information presented herein is supplied as a guide to those who handle or use this product. Safe work practices must be employed when wo*ing with any materials. lt is important that the end user makes a determination regarding dte adequacy of fre safety procedures employed during the use ofthis product N/A - not aDolicable or not available N/K - none knou,n or not kt\ow|i VII. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HMARD DATA FLASH POINT NiA. FLAMMABLT RANCE: LEL = NiA; UEL = N/A. EXTINCUISHINC MEDIA: Water. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHIINC PROCEDURES: Protect fire fightels from toxic products of combustion by wearing seltconlained breathing apparatus. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: None. VIII. HTATTH HMARD DATA PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF €NTRV N/A. TARcEt ORCANS: l.UA. EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: N/A. SKIN AND EYES: N/A. INHALATION: N/A. CARCINOCENICITY: NTP: No; IARC Monographs: No; OSHA Regulated: No. MEDICAL CONDITIONS CENERALLY AGGRAVATED 8Y EXPOSURE: N,(. FIRST AID PROCEDUR€5: N/A. SKIN AND EYES: N,rA. INHALATION: N/A. INGESTION: N/A. IX. RTACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: 1..I,/A. INCOMPATIBILITY: N/A. HAZARDOUS DECOM-POS TION PRODUCTS: N/A. HAZARDOUS POLYMERITITION: N/A. X. SPItt OR TEAK PROCEDURTS 5TEP5 IO BE TAKEN lF MATERIAL lS RELEASED OR SPILLED: N/A. WASTT DISPOSAL MFIHOD: Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State, and Local Waste Disposal Regulatiolrs. XI. SATT HANDTING AND UST INFORMATION VENTILATION: l.VA. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: N/A. SK|N AND EYE PROTECTION; N/A. Folm 4€579 5rc0J a.:1i iif'B ,F:.frr;! 4,3.o,::i _Ea at\. | .ieB.L.a. Jq7tt___ S i*f B frA f; TTAL "-i-s A. }q*FI FTFCT$ $;=i.".t-,4i_ NS. Fl -qi-r*p fT .,rr rrl;'-npi'.-*r:,,rss E ""f,l1ll#?{-* il -t;i.- f, n:sunuri,+r- t:l-) !== *.,*,ff s.ni*;i.r t' ii,F$S..ft;tr ::i,g,j:d trg Es i, ger€::jj ,sji\uihr.r?e ;,.iin i.i€:::Tlll !*"T?r.:::. s:jb?f;Eiia;t:r ta,.:rii,. Tlelsions,. Eue:.:ritr€ ?_.)d fisid ccndiiiors e, pi"i# :Tj.:tfrh.i i$si",iier-ol: qf trjs ,,rrycii(. .qppr""..ai nir.-it:I f-rtteye eubEi:i,tt-d,cini Ni Er-tBriia? ir.'. =o"'* *iiiurJi.,i'l;-i;iH E;,lff._.ffi#l#l,', ht{-.-r+€: [-t l? _ o s /.., ;:-r'_'_-;l--- - .'* ,-- MARMOLEUM, FRESCO ?RCR Barbados. FOR ADDITIOl.IAL SAMPLES: Tott Free 800-842-7839 tax 570-450-0258 EnaiL info@fl.-NAcom www.forboLinoleumNA.com fbd5olttitt||l|ri- 4 ernti.o for Business - Specifications Page I of2 You have O items in your Filr : 5pt:r:ilir;r iir:rln Login now or Rcgister as a new user. Technical Data Slip DIN 51130: class R9 ADA: pass Residua I Indentation EN 433: 0.04mm Fed Spec SS-T-3128 Type 3: <BVo Chemical Resistance DIN 51958: very good Fed Spec SS-T-3128 Type 3: very good Sou nd Reduction DIN 52210:4db Light Stability ISO 105 802: 7 or better Dimensional Stability EN 434: <O.257o Fa.l q^a. qq-T-?1 tR Type 3: <0.020" per ft Flexibility EN 435: pass Fed Spec SS-T-312B Type 3: pass Flammability IMo 4653 (16): pass DIN 4102: class B! ASTM E648: 9.6 Kwlmz ONORll 38O0/381O: class Q1/81 ASTM E84: flame spread 31 Wear Layer Thickness EN 429:1.Omm Wear Group Classification EN 649: class 34.43 Castor Chair Resistance EN 425: pass Underfloor H eating Su ita b le NT Fire OO7: class G BS 476 Part 7: class 2 Swiss: ciass 5.3 French: class M3 'iil::j: ,:t i ,1 i i ::: ,:i,:, i: i ::j:1,' :: r i .ri::i::r.i. il:{ itli lil.il iiii i ,ri " i: i: '. ,;l ,.;1" , .,;. ii I.i.:. Abrasion Resistance Thermal Resista nce EN 660-1 (thickness loss): 0.077mmDIN 52612:0.021 Km2lW ''i:il: :::.: :! ii: : :i:::.::::: 1. Scopc A. Furnish materials, labour, and other equipment necessary to complete vinyl tile flooring and related work! as required on architectural drawings and/or Amtico Company Limited installed instructions. 2. Materials A. The flooring shall be manufactured by The Amtico Company Limited (Amtico). B. The manufacturer of the flooring must be acredited to both lso 9oo2 (Quality Management System) and ISO 14OO1 (Environmental Management Syst€m). C. Product: Shall meet or exceed the performance characteristics specified under BSEN 649. Thickness shall 2.5mm Wear Layer shall be 1.omm in thickness Style and sizes shall be as per the published Amtico Product Reference Guide. 3. Structural A. Fire Resistance: Amtico products meet the requirements of the BS 475 Class 2 and DIN 41O2 Ctass 81. B. Residual Indentation: The product will have a residual indentation of O.o4mm or less when tested in accordanc€ with EN433. C. Slip Resistance: The product, when tested to DIN 51130, will meet or exceed the R9 classification. 4. Preparation of Surface A. For satisfactory performance, the surface must be cleaned of all foreign material which may be detrimenti to the adhesion of the flooring. If patching or levelling is required a cementitious patch must be used. B. Thoroughly sweep or vacuum surface before installation. 5. Installation of Material A. Installation procedures should comply with BS 8203 (British Standard Code of Practice for the installataon sheet and tile flooring) and be in strict accordance with The Amtico Company's published Technical Manual a shall not begin until the work of all other trades has been completed. B. Handle and store product according to Amtico recommendations. Leave material in unopened labelled. original cartons until needed. Store at temperatures between 18"C and 27oC for at least 48 hours before, during and after installation. C- The adhesive \Nill be Amtico SF or Universal 2-part Adhesive. the appropriate Amtico adhesive is required all installations involving Amtico products. http ://www. amtico. com/nsie_business/specifi cations. asp 5t10/2002 Amtico for Business - Specifications Page2 of 2 6. lldntcn.nc. A. After ths floor has b.en Install€d lt should be cleanod as p€r Amtico malntenanc. Instructlons. - ,: ttltn.'h \u,+;;;;u;;;;;;;,"rr.##ffi ttiinti;iti';ti'nnt http ://www. amtico. com/nsie_businesVspecifi cations. asp 511012002 . Mannington Mills: Commercial Flooring o ffi y$ilHfl{-T,qT CLOSE WINDOW Page 1 of I FIRE TEST DATA COLLECTION TEST DATA ArchlTextures ASTM E-648 Crltlcal Radiant Flux - 0,45 WATTS/CM2 or more, Class 1 ASTM E-652 Smoke Denslty - 450 or Less BloSpec ASTM E-648 Crltlcal Radlant Flux - 0.45 WATTS/CM2 or more, class 1 ASTM E-662 Smoke Denslty - 450 or Less Flne Flelds ASTM E-648 Crltical Radiant Flux - 0.45 WATTS/CM2 or more, class I ASTM E-662 Smoke Denslty - 450 or Less CustomSpec II ASTM E-648 Critical Radlant Flux - 0.45 WATTS/CM2 or more, Class 1 A5TM E-662 smoke Denslty - 450 or Less Essentlals & Deslgner Essentlals ASTM E-648 Critical Radiant Flux - 0.45 WATTS/CM2 or more, Class 1 ASTM E-652 Smoke Densitv - 450 or Less Insplratlons A5TM E-648 critical Radlant Flux - 0.45 wAfis/cM2 or more, class 1 ASTM E-662 Smoke Denslty - 450 or Less Magna ASTM E-648 Crltlcal Radlant Flux - 0.45 WAfiS,/cM2 or more, Class 1 ASTM E-662 Smoke Densltv - 450 or Less Mannlngton Assurance ASTM E-648 crltical Radiant Flux - 0.45 WATTS/CM2 or more, Class 1 ASTM E-662 Smoke Densltv - 450 or Less LlfeLlnesd ASTM E-648 Crltical Radlant Flux - 0,45 WATTS/CM2 or more, Class 1 ASTM E-662 smoke Denslty - 450 or Less Brushwork ASTM E-648 Crltlcal Radlant Flux - 0,45 WATTS/CMz or more, Class 1 ASTM E-662 Smoke Denslty - 450 or Less lnsight ASTM E-648 Critlcal Radlant Flux - 0,45 WATTS/CM2 or more, class 1 ASTM E-662 Smoke Denslty - 450 or Less http://www.mannington.com/commercial/technical/fi re detail.asp 5/1012002 Mannington Mills: Commercial Flooring Page I of I -- MANNTNGTON O l,f,it* (a,w,tA$:: FrrAl closE wINDOW STATIC LOAD LIMIT COLLECTION TEST DATA ArchlTextures ASTM F-970lmodlfled, p.s.i. (k9/cm2)soo (35.2) Blospec ASTM F-g7olmodifled, p.s.i. (k9/cm2)700 (49.26) Flne Flelds ASTM F-g7olmodlned, p.s.l. (kg/cm2)s00 (3s.2) Customspec Il ASTM F-97olmodlfl ed, p.s.l. (kglcn2)100 (7.04) Essentlals ASTM F.970/modified, p.s.l. (kglcm2)75 (s.28 Insplratlbns ASTM F-g7olmodifled, p.s.l. (kg/cm2)7s (s.28 ) l.lagna ASTM F-g7olmodlfied, p.s.i. (kqlcm2)s00 (3s,2) Mannington Assurance ASTM F,970/modifled, p.s,l. (kglcm2)700 (49,26) LifeLlnesn ASTM F-g7olmodlfled, p.s.l. (kglcm2)700 (49.26) Brushwork ASTM F-g7olmodified, p.s.l. (kglcm2)7s (s.28 ) lnsight ASTM F-970lmodlfled, p.s.l. (kglcm2)175 (12.32 ) http://www.mannington.com/commercial/technical/staticload_detail.asp s/10t2002 ::.':i. i i.:.:,l i.'r,',,:,.:: il t.r: ll l.::.:;i,lii' i'i:.;:i.;i'iii,,.,.,'...-... 01t*1j.r.CI ?-" A i:lu:-:..jij i,li llT;,:.1. S., i-ri:::r.:!: a l.i.! . Fr::!ii Il.iFt: ::r,i ,'..-; i|:.i Vf& ) i',"1 .,.! :. ' :. '\1 .', ,: 1.,::l':;,'.t- l"i;f, .,i .. i:-1ij /i .-.':i :.-..:'J'.1- . iir:rl',,i .i.l;ii i*'f a:i-li 1....1 X,. ''':,r'''l'i-= ' i r::.:lr"'l:'a :.1 .r.'i::: ls !:11r::tetr:.::,ri:::".,!i.i.!,::c ir:iii i,t; :.-!it1:'i:..i :jt,',it.n:tj:;. Sjlti: l '1-.t: ii:-::.::ii j:.r .r:ti;1jf l.; -.: :i,, -, : -. i:i=: .-ti :.-:l:i .l:.: .. '. : .. 'jl::; i.:ir,.-; :i'i,r::i:..;:it :ii.:tE:ia.'ii:i:i ri i:lrh i;;-.,:t.,,':,:,,rt:.j,i; ritali it,r: :--::jy::rj ti,'C-.:: ji:ir':.j:.5i i:i *ti:;.ri!j,r: i:,..:i:, ,iei 1;jt.r::il;lli i.rt.i:i)aE r.: ::.n;iijjc:.ri.- ',;',xit iite :.:,.:ir!t...ll ].:;-:l.iir,rj-,i::. ,,,, --.1?rtbL---.-- :-reis: -___l:-t-_g?. _ ,;..,,... 'iAl-Ltri\l Sl!O i/ ASSCCIAl':S SHEET VTNYL CEILING Armstrong Commercial Ceilings j fltttlrlorl rle, irlr MElvIBE,R CENTE.F VievvlfgulEllder Page I of2 Fire Per Depending or llre-safe cons compliance. Fire Resis The fire resisl enlirety and il the spread of structural int€ Class A Class A ceilin less - lhe reql applications. :, iil:l ii,,llil $ilF O r,, rfixtrnrrg uriweEfil{irffi flEtt-. tsl CDrfttlsrcial Ceiling* H oere $rlect-A-Coiting fir$lr$s C€ilfhgfi $,.. 8y l:tr'€dsai {:st*f.rrT 9" :B{ l.rriel S<lr.6,n F B'tt {ter.J,rr,:ixt&v Crit}iie ts Arclnts(dB & gp("rsiltk6 p i-eei'lingl' :Brovss€ ${rspsfl$is{r Syst€ fiiii Brsr.rss AsC*.r t;edl Wslts Erd'vr${} ne$igr} Solt tlffii$ Cre€t€ A Spe cl$afqdes F Cre.vt+ A $l'sr .P Frtrt Jt O\L.r l'i.!t6 k q'1-slr 9.}r-,:4s.s t" (} <16, trt}latur'a Teelt{es} tfl lotnrgticn F 'fwhLir'A . .tr.rl ft,4 LrD*lt F FAbs il' ?rr.tdli*teri $" litnirtffralc4 b 'Ll:;tn'elig | 6k1*:xr*-y P AU I eEg cE|rt5{s Locats A... l, Dirb iltutDr F" irr{tJd4{.Jurxit a:trr Sr A.:r.'Jrrtrrr*) l4d:rr.{sryfitAtirrl :Einvirsrm€nt8l lnlor Enstion Performance Criteria - Fire Resistance Meet code requirements with assemblies. fire resistive ceiling (Product Name or ltem Number) co to Commercial Flooring Hom€ for mor6 product types. Armstrong Fire Guard Products: Include specially formulated ceilings in a variety of textures Are the only Armstrong products approved for UL assemblies Even include specially designed suspension systems Local building codes, which require fire-safe construction for many building applications rely on two ratings to evaluate compliance: r Flame spread rating of a material r Fire-resislance rating of a construction assembly These ratings are based on ASTM standards, and compliance is determined by several independent, nongovernmental testing services such as Underwriters Laboratories. lnc. Flame spread and fire-resistance ralings are lwo separate lssues, and they must be addressed independently in selection http://www.armstrong.com/commceilingsna./performance_criteria fire_resistance.jsp cErLhrGs 5t10/2002 : Armstrong Commercial Ceilings Page? of2 o i and specifrcation. Fot more Informatlon, see: Meet Code Requfuementsi Wh Fire Resistive Ceifrno Assemblies. Home I eomqorddrFroors | ffifffiJrJi,ElH.,,ffiraffi' cabrnets | | euutnrmsrror o20ol Atrrufons- Al tlghts r$.rwd. I Trrms and Condltlons. I Priva6, Policv. I o a .i http://www.armstrong.com/commceilingsna/performance_criteria_fire_resistancejsp 511012002 Meet Code Requirements AssembliesWith Fire Resistive Look For This lcon idenufying Fire Guard ceilings ttvoughot t this catalog. Flame Spread Rating of a Ceiling Material (ASTM E a4) The relative rate at which a flame will spread over th€ surface of the material. This rate is compared against a rating of 0 for inorganic reinforced cement board and a rating of 100 for red oak. Class A ceilings have flame spread ratings of 25 or less - the required standard for nost commercial applications. Armstrdng Fire Guard Products: . Include specially formulated ceilings in a variety of textures . Are the only Armstrong products approve.d for UL assemblies . Even include specially designed sus- pension systems Local building codes, which require fire-safe construction for many building applications, rely on two ratings to evaluate comDliancel ' Flame spread rating of a matedal ' Fire-resistance rating of a ggn:kggtjo! assemblv These ratings are based on ASTM standards, and compliance is determined by several independent, nongovernmental testing ser- vices such as Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Flame spread and fire-rcsistance rctings arc two separate issues, and they must be addressed independently in selection and sDecification. ASTM E 84 Tunnel Test vields flame soread and smoke-developed indic6s Fire-Resistance Rating of a ceiling Assembly (ANS|/UL 263 - ASTM E 119 and NFPA 251) The degree to which (measured in hours) the entire assemfily, not individual components, withstands nre and high temperatures. Specifically, it is an assembly's ability to pre- vent the spread of fire between spaces while retaining structural integrity, The resulting fire-resistance rating relates to the assembly in its entirety and is published or classified in the UL Fire Resistance Directory. For Canada Flame spread Rating of a Ceiling Material (CAN/ULC - SIO2M) The relative rate at which a flame will spread over the surface of the material. This rate is compared against a rating of O for inorganic reinforced cement board and a rating of 100 for red oak. The required standard for most commercial anolications. Fire-Resistance Rating of a ceiling Assembly (cAN/ULC - SlolM) and ANS|/UL 263 - ASTM E 119 and NFPA 251 The degree to which (measured in hours) the entire assembly. not individual components, withstands fire and high temperatures. Specifically, it is an assembly's ability to pre- vent the spread of fire between spaces while retaining structual integrity. The resulting fire-resistance rating relates to the assembly in its entireiy and is published or classiFied in the UL Fire Resistance Directofy. 188 Techline . I-877-ARMSTRONG . option : Two types of fire-rated construction assernblies pertain to acoustical ceiling systems: Roof/Ceiling Assemblies Ceiling system, lighting, HVAC outlets and other penetrants through the ceiling, the plenum. roof support structure and roof assembly including deck, insulation and rooling system. Floor/Ceiling Assemblies Ceiling system, lighting, HVAC outlets and other penetrants through the ceiling, the plenum, structural system. subfloor and fin- ish floor. t|CIt ^tousllcrr Use only Fire Guard Products for Fire-Rat€d Assemblies Armslrong ceiling panels and suspension s)6tems listed in fire-rated assemblles are designated as Fire Guard products and are identified with the Fire Guard icon through- out this catalog. Fire'Guard Ceitings are specially formulated to provide enhanced resistance against flame spread, smoke generation and/or structural failure. Fire Guard Suspension Systems have a patented prenotched expansion telief to help maintain structural integrity of the ceiling: selecting the Right UL Fire-Rated Assembly 1. Establish the hourly rating needed to meet code requirements. 2. Determine the existing or planned building el€ments, including structural, mechani- cal, electrical and finish materials. in the fire-rated assembly. 3. Refer to the Fire Resistance Rating Summary on pages 190-191 to determine the UL design numbers and ceiling sys- tem products that correspond to the fire- rated assemblies that meet your needs. 4. Refer to the Fire Resistance Selector on page 19 for a list of Fire Guard fire resis- tive ceilings. 5. Review performance data for specific Fire Guard ceilings and suspension systems throughout this catalog that meet your design criteria for final selecuon. @mstrong 0951o/ARM BuyLine 0729 Troubleshooting Tips - UL listed designs designate minimum ceil- ing panel thickness. For example. if a 5/8" "Type P" product is specified in the assembly, a 3/4" "Type P- product may also be used. However, scored Fire Guard ceiling panels are considered 5/8" thick. not 3/4". . All penevations through the ceiling, such as light fixtures and HVAC outlets, must be taken into account in determining fire-rated assemblies. For applicable assemblies. Armstrong Fire Protection Board (ltem #850), nominal 2' x 4' x 518" or thicker Type "P" board with nondescript surface pattern and containing a U.L. Label provid- ing both Surface Burning Characteristics and Fire Resistance Classification Ratings is available for light fixture and air duct outlet protectlon. . Any deviation From the listed assembly, such as the addition of thermal insulation, substitution of a specified product or lield painting of ceiling panels. must be approved by local authorities. . Certain types of building assemblies, such as wood truss construction, are not currenfy rated with acoustical ceilings. However, a relatively new design (P265) provides for acoustical ceiling assemblies in metal buildings. Ceiling Resourc€ls Available to You: . Summary listing, Fire Guard ceilings - page 19 . Summary listing, UL Rated Ceiling Assemblies - pages '190-191 . Solutions Newsletter, "Fire-Rated Assemblies" - CS-3115 . TechLine assistance - 1-877-ARMSTRONG (Option 3) www.ceilings.com I'l o nog. o 0rfoo 189 ! UL Fire Resistive Ceiling Assemblies co||cREla T|LE Srll CONCRET€ ON FULL CELLULAR D€CK {-Horr-Concealed r'id Ao11 (21-41 2-1n-12" x 12"iP stg" 3"H0('--{once3led G.id A012 (31.41 2-1n'12" t 1Tt P 5t8'25 FLUTED BLEND DECK CO{\ICRETE ON RISBED OR CORRUGATED DECK N('hb€.s in g.rcnlhcsc. a{c orillnd ULI dc5ign numbc.!, T 56e dosign derars '^ uL Dr€crdy Techline . 1-877-ARMSTRONG sorc u.ir 9i2o9 tro no longor svaitriloi son6.t6sigG Include additional sizos. . Option 3 CONCRETE ON FLAT OR 1. Hou--Concealed Crid lo11 (zt-a)12'\'12'.P None 3-Hor-Concealed Ciaid Ao't2 {3t.4)2-1n'1T | 12',P 576 5 3-Hour-E xposed Grid Aztl (95-3)24- x 48"iP .r PC 24 1,2 A21Z IZOO-31 2-1n"4a' t 4B"i PC 36" r 60"; Pc 30' r 60"; PC z5 158 1, Z D218 3-1t4"24" x24'i BF 24" r24" to 30" x6o"tP 24" x24'ro36'x60"ol 48" x 48-; PC 518" (P tr Pc) s4" En 24 576 1,2 2-Horf-E rposed Crid Am21216.21 2-ln'18- x 48'; PC 36' r 60"i PC 36" x 36"i Pc 30" r 60"; P o. PG 30' r 3o'; P or Pc 24" r60't?q PC 24" 1 48"i P.y PC 24' r 36"; Por Pc?4'\24"iPc'j'C 20" r 60": P or Pc 24 516 1,2, 1 3 (1 hr mlt) D216 2-1n"24' | 24'i BF 24" , 24" ln 30" | 6o'i P 24- x 24" ro 36" \ 6(J' d 48' x 48{; PC 5/€'lP or Pc) 34" IBR 24 576 1,2,1 3 (1 hr onlt) a21O l22O-21 2-112"24" x48"tPcfPC 24' \ 24": P cr Pc 9A'24 575 --Concealed Ctid G033 (21&3)3.n'l2'r l2"lo 12" r 36" or 12' x 12' ro 24'r24'iBF,P,o(Pc 14'FF or P) d 5A'FC] 25 288 3"Hour-Exposed C.dd G256 3-n"24" | 24"i gF d P 24" \ 48'i P ct PC 54'P or PC) or J4'€Fl 24 255 1,2 2-Hou-Conce6led crid GO28 (92.2)2-1n'24' r 24", SF ot ?!4. Gnol 5A'{P} 576 5 GO31 (287.2)2-1t2''l2' x 12'to 12'x 36'o. 12" x 12" \o 24'r 24'iBF,P,or PC y4' (BO o. 5A'P d PCI 25 2AA Go23 (322-2)z-1n''12" ,12'i BF d P 24' ,24'i SF u P 21 288 5 2-Hotr-Erposed Gdd G258 2-t2'24" x 24'i BF q ? 24"x4A"iPafPc, tE" lP or Pcl or Y4" (BR 24 1,2, 1 G25A 2.tn'24' | 24' 24' | 4A' P P 5A',24 113 1, Z G2l1 2-314-24' \ 48't P2r * 6O"t P w t7 1,2 CONCRETE ON METAL LATH. RIBAED OR CORRUG,ATEO D€CK 3-HoLr-Conataled c'.id G038 3-114"12" x 12"i P 12" t 24". P 14 8l G030 (57.3)12" x 12- ro 12" x 36" al 12" | 12" \o 21" x 24"i BF d P 3/4" 3-Hoor Gid G229 1232-31 3- |4"24" x 48"1P tx Pc 20 576 1,2 2-Ho{-r-Comealed Gid GO22l2A5-21 2-1D"12" t 24"i AF d P y4"l6 GO28 192.4 2-tn'?4' | ?4': SF ct ?Y4' (BF) or 5A'P) 576 5 G038 2-ln'12" | 12"t P 12" ,24"i P l4 8l G032 (8.21 2'12" | 12"i P 5A' 2-Ho{n-Erposed Gdd G2O9 (48.2)24" | 1tri P .x Pc 24"r24'iPcrPc 9d"8 Non€1,2 c21a t24.J,2l'24" x 48"iP d PC24'r24\PqPC20-,(60-;PdPc sts"24'576 1,2, 4 G21O l2s}4 z-1n'24'x24\BFC'P 3t4-24 113 1,2 GzlA Q4-2'2-1n'24'x48'iP$PC 24" , 24"i P B 1,2 G21t (53-2)2-1n'21'x18',PdPc 24"r24'iPcr?c ?0" x 60'; Por PC 8 1,2 G229 1321-21 2.1n'24'x48"tPdPC 24" | 24"i P 20' t 6O't P cr PC 20 576 1,2, 4 G212l210.2l 2-1n'24'x48"tPcfPC 5A'8 1,? 190 o[c( cotinucn(xr rYPa lMtnl tMAxm.lM FIXIURE O{ICT 'EIEINAIIO'I PITEIRITION o:/100 frl lir:/loo tt:l @mstrong CONCR€TE ON METAL LATH, RIEBED OR CORRUGATED OECK (CONI) G.id G2{3 {23G4'?-1n 24' | 48"1 ?l6' 20" t 610'i P 576 1,1 1 G236 (21.2)2-1n'24' | 48'iP None 24' x 24"i P None 1,2 G250 2-12'30" i{ 60"; P or Pc 20' )1 60'; Po. Pc 24' x 48-: P cy PC 24" \ 24'i P 20 113 1,2 l-cu-Cance6led G'|d GO27 0-11n1 2'12- r 12'; BF d P Yl- (an d 218 576 5/8" (P) GO?S 121-11n1 24" | 24'lgForP y4. {BD d sE" {Pl 576 1-!br-{'(posed G.id G2,a'l (32-11 24' x 48'i P 24' x 24"t P None 1,2 WOOO DECK/CEIUNG ASSEMBLIES DOUSLE-PLY WoOD loR PLVwooD), 2 x 1o WOoD JolsTS 1 -tlorr-Concealed G.tt LOO419.11 NA 12- \ 12'i P 3J4' d 98"None Norle 5 LOOS 1?: x 12'i BF 6r P 17 r2f igF dP v4'(BR 5A'{Pt l4 BI L20s (30.11 NA 24' x 48'; P 5/8"110 1,2 L21o (51.r)24' x 48'i ? 21' x 24't P 24 221 '1,2.1 3xaWOODJOISTS 1-1/2-Ho.r-E)(po6ed Gn ulo8 (8-11l?1 2.1' r ,18-; P or Pc 24' \ 24-: P None lJon€1,2 ROOF/CEILING ASSEMBLIES STANDING SEAM EXF()SEO METAL ROOF 1.121 1.th(a- €xp6ed Crkl P2S5""Se€ Deshn Details -24'r48'iP.rPC 24" r24\ P cr PC y4- iP) sa'(Pc) 24 I WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO USE THIS CHART lf you ars unfamiliar with UL Fire Resistahce Rarings, begih with a rsview o[ meeling Cod6 Requiroments. pgs. 188 & 189. As explained there, these rat,ngs aae applied to cer- larn types of roof/ceiling and fl od/celing conslrl,(.lion assembli€s, which are tested and assigned hourly raiinos mandated bv bu drng codes or oiher building safety requirements. REMINDERS: 1. uL tests late an entire assembly. No ceiling or grid product alone conslituies a fire rated assemDty. 2. You can use only the specific type, size 6nd minimum thickness of Fire Guard ceilings q g.id identified in each assembly. 3. This table is a guide. To purchase a copy of the uL Directory: Underwrilers Laboratoaies. Inc. Publications Stock 333 Pfangsten Rd. Nonhbrook, lL 60062 (Tel.l 847-272-8800, exr. 42612 or 42622 KEY TO PANEL AND TILE TYPES PC = FINE FISSURED Ceramaquard #605. 607 & 668 AF = CIRRUS 1579P - Allothe, products designated Fire Guard in this catalog 'Allows flat-board fixture protection "Concrele plus insulation thickness "'Plank plus insulation thickness"" Square edge ceiling panels only KEV TO GRID SVSTEM TYPES 1 =AFG snd FST 60m - PRELUDE Fire Guad and XL Fire GuaJd wrth steel cap 2 - AFG-A and FST 5fl)0A - PRELUDE PLUS FiTe Guard and XL Fire Glald with alominum cap 3=FSL-SILHOUETIE Fire Gusrd Boh-Slot 4 =FSLK - SUPRAFINE Fire Guard with steel cap 5 = Concealed Suspensron System [see Desiqn Daraits in UL oire;rory) 3 o o"! o' 3 0)f, o nog, the, o o Q. f,(o aa o 3g oa CONCRETE PLANK 2-Hou-corr:e6led ciaH POOi (RCra.2l 2"12" \ 12'l BForP Y4" (sD or sa" P) 't26 POO{ (RC+a 12' | 12'i BF d P 3/4' UGHTWEIGHT INSUI..ATING OECK 2-tlou-Exposed &id P215 {Rcz/a.a PC dus 24" x 48'i 24" x 48"; Gyperm 8d. Sl8" PC plut 12- Gwsrrn Bd. 57 1,2 P219 2'24' 1 4a'i PC pltE 24' r 48"i Gyosvrn 8d. gY PC olusl2' C,ypsun 8d 57 1,2 P25t 2-34- Min ro 6 y,l_'2{"x48";PdPc 2.1" x 2{'; BF, P, or PC 20" r 60'; P cY Pc 54" F or PC) 3/4'tsFl 24 576 1,2I '1-12-Hd.r-Exposed Crid P231 3 -3n"-24' \ 48"1P 24 1,2 1 -tb{r-Erposed G.id P2r5 (RCe1l 24' x 48'i P 5A'57 MINERAL.FIBER, GLASS.FISER, OR COMPOSITE ROOF INSULATION ON FLUTED METAL ROOF OECK l -,lz-Hdr-€ xpced Crkl P22S 1' Min to Unlimiterl Mar 24'x4a'iPdPC20'r60";PdPC 5A'.24 1,2 P227 21" x48"iPc}PC y4" {P)24 255 1,2 P25|J 1'Min to Unlmned Ma,( 24'x48'iPc'Pc24'a24'iPct?c v4'n sa" Fc) 21 113 1 'tkir{rpnsed crid P2O6 {RCl8.11 r" Min & Max 24" , 48'i P 16 113 1,? PzrO nc+l1 1'Min& Mai 24' x 48': PC 1.2 P?l1 IRC$r)1" Minto 2'M6r 24" x 48"i PC 5V 57 1,2 P225 1' Min to 24" r48'iP('PC24-r2a':AF,PdPC20-x60";P(rFC 5/8" F or PC) or s4' Bn 24 s76 1,1 3.4 P227 1" Min to 24"x48"i PdPc 21'r.24"iPdPC 24 1,? P250'"1- Min to Unlimiled M6,( 24"r48"iPrrPc. 24'j|24",PcrPc v4' F) s/8',PC) 24 STRT'CTURAL CEMENTAA'Od).FIBER PLANK 1"1r-l-LM-Exposed Gb P253 2.12" Min to Unlimited lvlax"' 24' x 48't P 24' r.24'i AF 20' r 60"; P 5/€- e) v4- (sF) 24 254 1, ?.1 I .Hod-Exposed G.il P253 2-1n' Min to ljnlimired M6x""24'\48"i?dPC 24" x 24"t dF, P ct Pc 20" tAI)'tP crPc 5A' e o. PCI Y1'{BR 24 576 1,Z a POUREO GYPSUM CONCRETE OVER I/2" GYPSUM FORMBOARD 1- 12-tb.r-€ rpos€.| Clij IRMA ONVERTED ROOF MEMBRANE ASSEMBLY) 191 l.Hor.r-Exposed Crid R217 0rL C6n.d.) 2" Min to Unlimited M6x 24" x.48"iP d PC 24' | 21"1 gF 24 255 ilmbeB L p8rq{h.c no diqad UL I ddrign nnbeB. ItD dt slz6 ar. no ldgd.vala6b; soru desig.3 ltElde ..btidal $r8. I s6 d.3br d6nir3 kr uL Dir.ciory Jun-2{-02 08:55rr FtorHLI IESlGll Iuc 21.2flD Mr. Charlb Dgvis Torva of Vdl Burlding Deprunem 75 Souft Fronrage Rosd Vril, Colfirdo 8f657 Rc: Vail Vdlcy Medicel Ccflcr - Pbasc I ErpoDsioD +7?00160277 T-308 ?.02 t-L7 Arcb.(cctue BED€s&€l PtatMg tL€.3 EaCO h4{-rb Derr Mr. Devis: Tbenk pu for yor dme roday ir drscussng r$ issr of fye-safing n rhe roof crpusion joift Erscd r4o qr searer8arion ed cxn joinr rcvic* of lb building codc, nG will not bc r4lttd odd 6rF' srfiDg itrsulluotr ro rhr.o joilr r$s6bly- ln summadon, w egroc rbrr excepioo no. 8 of t907 UEC pragteb ?06.f rylict to fiB projccl sinr:c rhc brulding is [Ae I, FF" and no art. sqprration wall is rcquired. Uyor hrw any qrcsrions q rddirionrl cotDncDB cgdtti4g rhie, plcusC do aol bcsitUe e call me- Simertty. ffi'ailutatttr't*- Russeu r1,. Sctlnrl. AIA Virr; Prcsrdcrr 9t(x'r.04(t.t5) Cc; Sua Ad.rgon, WMC DougWorha4 Thc Bcck Gmtp Io[l McWillams, Weslero Skicj Sr-rE€ AX) 820 ift! Sleer UsU Dcrver. OO gBn-1219 72fJ%omla. 94/6ogm blode$g[ coa Exco,r,olg5.,* o November 15, 2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Subject: Mr. Doug Workman South Wall Footing Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-3446 we made a site visit on Tuesday, November i3, 2oo'l to observe subsoils below the south wall footing. Subsoils were excavated to within 1 foot of bottom of footing elevation along most of the wall alignment. The subsoils exposed generally consisted of native, clayey to silty gravel with cobbles. In our opinion, the soili observed are suitable for support of the wall footing. At the time of our visit, soils below most of the south part of the addition andpatio had been stripped to expose the native, clayey to silty gravel. Excavation depths generally varied from about 4 to 6 feet below planned fioor slab elevation. The exposed native soils are acceptable as a platform to place structural fill. We recommend all areas below the addition footprint and patio be excavated to simitar depths to reach the acceptable native soils, prior to placement of structural fill. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON, INC. ( I \ rlh\b^-r--y- Iwn ,t{lnesD.Kettoss /( Sfaff Geotechn ical Engineer JDK:JM:cd (5 copies sent) on this project. lf you have CTL/TI-'IOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTER DFirvE r GLENW..D ""^,*3"o, S?o'*llH*.,='lu3'J5ff.: ta November 15, 2001 The Beck Group P.O, Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Mr. Doug Workman Subject: Structural Fill and Backfill Ambulatory Surgery Genter Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-3446 We provided recommendations for backfill adjacent to footings and column pads and structural fill below floor slabs in two letters dated November 1, 2001. Structural fill and backfill should consist of a cDoT class G aggregate base course or similar soil. A,s outlined in our site grading recommendations, structural fill should be placed in loose lifts of 10 inches or less and moisture treated to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. Structural fill ptaced below interior floor slabs should be compacted to 100 percent of standard Proctor (ASTM D 69S) maximum dry density' Structural fill under exterior concrete flatwork should be cornpacted to at least 95 percent of maximum ASTM D 698 dry density. At this writing, we have observed placement and compaction methods of backfill adjacent to some footings and column pads at this site. A significant percentage of the backfillwas placed in small, confined areas. Nuclear density tests indicated backfill densitiesof lessthanthe recommended 100 percentof ASTM D69g maximum dry density. However, based on our observations of backfill placement and compactive effort applied, we judge the backfill density is acceptable. we anticipate structural fill above tops of footings and column pads can be compacted per our recommendations. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTEF DRrvE r GLENW..D """,*3"o, S?o'*lIS:.':'lu3'.T5F:.: _o o We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON, INC. o THE BECK GROUP AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER JOB NO. GS-3446 /l \1,^.--> {,fl,* Jffnes D. Kelloss U(l S$Aff Geotech2ial Erig ineer +i{ f";1.\+.(! November 7,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Subject: Mr, Doug Workman Excavation lnspection Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-3446 (O we made a site visit on Monday, November 5, 2001 to observe subsoils atfoundation elevations in the excavations for column pads 1F, 1H, 1J and twomasonry column pads on the 1 line. The subsoils observed at the bottom of thefooting excavations and our recommendations are summarized in the table below, we appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you havequestions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTUTHOMPSON, INC. \rFmes u. ne ogg v S'taff Geotechnical Engineer JDK:cd (5 copies sent) CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 cENrEFr DRrvE r GLENwooD ""*,"3"o, S?o'^tolH:.,=,1u3'#55f.: x//' acceptable bearing soil silty, gravel, cobbles, boulders silty, gravel, cobbles, boulders acceptable bearing soil o iQ November 7.2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Mr. Doug Workman Subject: Excavation lnspection Ambulatory Surgery Genter Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-344G we made a site visit on Thursday, November 1, 2oo1 to obserye subsoils atfoundation elevations in the excavations for column pads 6D, 7D, gD and 3J. Thesubsoils observed at the bottom of the footing excavations and our recommendations are summarized in the table below. we appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you havequestions, please call. Very Truly Yours TUTHOMPSON, tNC. th-*-\ v,,% J6mes D. Kellogg" Staff Geotechnical Engineer JDK:cd CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTER DF VE r GLENwooD ""*,*3=o, S?o'"lIS:..,=,1u3'r|555.: clayey, sand, gravel, cobbles acceptable bearing soil clayey, sand, gravel, cobbles o (5 copies sent) ,o November 1,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81520 Attention: Subject: Mr. Doug Workman Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Genter Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-3446 (o As requested, we made a site visit on Thursday, October 25, 2OO,l. The purpose of our site visit was to observe soils exposed below the proposed atrium and several column pad excavations in the south part of the addition. Significantamounts of existing utilities and debris belowthe proposed atrium will be removed. Voids resulting from removal should be backfilled with a cDor Glass 5 aggregate base course or similar soil. Footings constructed in the atrium should be backfilled with the same soils. Backfill should be placed and compacted as outlined in our site Grading Specifications (Job No. Gs-3224, letter dated July 26, 2001). The subgrade soils below the proposed atrium floor slab should be sub- excavated to a depth of at least two feet below the bottom of the slab. The excavated soils should be replaced with densely compacted, structural fill. Structural fill should consist of a cDor class 6 aggregate base course or similar soil, placed and compacted as specified in our Site Grading Specifications. we were asked to observe subsoils exposed in excavations for column pads 3D and 3F. The footing excavations were not completed at the time of our visit. we recommended excavation bottoms be extended to depths at which native gravel is exposed. We should be contacted to check that suitable soils are exposed at bottom of footing efevations when excavations are completed. /{h/,/'/ CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE I GLENWOODSPR|NGS, COLORAOO8lSOl r (970) 945-2809 _o We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this projecl lf you have questions, please call. Very Truly Yours GTI/THOMPSON, tNC. o THE BECK GROUP AMBUIATORY SURGERY CENTER JOB NO. GS-34,t5 R f./.r;r*i;0 tIDK:JM: io 2 ^-. November 1,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Subject: Mr. Doug Workman Excavation Inspections Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3r146 We made a site visit on Tuesday, October 30,2OO1 to observe subsoils at foundation elevations in the excavations for column pads 3D, 3F and 3H. The subsoils observed at the bottom of the footing excavations and our recommendations are summarized in the table below. Column pads should be backfilled with a CDOT Class 6 aggregate base course or similar soil. Backfill should be placed in lifts, moisture treated and compacted as specified in our Guideline Site Grading Specifications (Job No. GS- 3274, letter dated July 26,2001\. Significant structural fillwill be required under the south part of the addition. We recommend removal of organics, debris and existing fill below the proposed addition footprint. Structural fill should consist of the soil recommended above for backfill. Recommendations for placement and compaction of structural fill are )4^ ) outfined in the Guideline Site Grading Specifications. T" CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRIVE T GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 T (97O) 945.2809 Clayey sand and cobbles Clayey sand and cobbles Acceptable bearing soil o o We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this proiect questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTUTHOMPSON, INC. (5 copies sent) lf you have THE BECK GROUP AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER JOB NO. c5_34,to #i% *## o 10 November 1,2001 The Beck Group P,O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Mr. Doug Workman Subject: Excavation lnspection Ambulatory S urgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3446 We made a site visit on Wednesday, October 31, ZOO1 to observe subsoils at foundation elevation in the excavation for the atrium stairway column pad. The subsoils observed atthe bottom of thefooting excavation and our recommendations are summarized in the table below. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON, INC. t \ \ ltn\ | t) v^t/I/\)*-,zz- "' *n;;f Jf,tnes D. Kellogg vU Staff Geotechnical Engineer JDK:JM:cd (5 copies sent) on this project. lf you have CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234cENrERDRrvErcLENwooD""*,r3"?)"?ou*!IH:..,='lu3'.T5F-L: "q/' Clayey sand and cobbles Acceptable bearing soil o o October 17,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon. CO 81620 Attention: Subject: Mr. Doug Workman Excavation Inspections Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3446 ,o We made a site visit on Monday, October '15,2001 to observe subsoils at foundation elevations in the excavations for footings 7G and 7J. The subsoils observed at the bottom of the footing excavations and our recommendations are summarized in the table below. We appreciate the oppoftunity to work with questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON. INC. you on this project. lf you have | \ \ ./^,\ I r) l/ll\ fr,^z-.)'- {LU-VT Jaly'es D. Kelloggv/ St:ff Geotechn ical Engineer JDK:JM:cd (5 copies sent) CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDRTVE r GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 Acceptable bearing soil ;;P. 99-er.,:;.tt +y.-*;" o o October '17,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon. CO 81620 Attention: Subject: JDK:JM:cd (5 copies sent) Mr. Doug Workman Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3446 As requested, we made a site visit on Wednesday, October 10,2001. The purpose of our visit was to observe drilling of several borings in the hospital courtyard to estimate the depth to native gravel soils. Borings were advanced by Hayward Baker using an air-track drill rig that was on-site for grouting operations. Cobbles and boulders were encountered at depths between 6 and 6.5 feet in all three borings. Based on our observations during dritting, we estimate the native gravel, cobble and boulder soil is located 6 to 6.5 feet below the footings in the courtyard on grid lines D and F. This estimate is based on limited subsurface information and variations in the actual depth to native gravel should be anticipated. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON, INC, on this project. lf you have l)-""---\ LU* J{mes D. Kellogg vV Staff Geotech nical Engineer CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE r GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLORADO 8160r r (970) 945-2809 i_o ,1, ,/ September 24,2001 t/ The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 Attention: Subject: Mr. Doug Workman Excavation Inspections Ambulatory Surgery Center Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3446 We made a site visit on Friday, foundation elevations in the excavation at the bottom of the footing excavation in the table below. September 14,2001 to observe subsoils at for column pad 4E. The subsoils observed and our recommendations are summarized o We appreciate the questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTLiTHOMPSON, INC. JDK:JM:cd (5 copies sent) opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have I*,--> (Lfl"n, #nes o. Kellosg A/ aff Geotechnical Engineer o CTL/THOMPSON, IN(-. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809234 CENTER DFIIVE T September 14,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 A,ttention: Subject: Mr. Doug Workman Excavation lnspections Ambulatory Surgery Genter Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3446 We performed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed construction underourJob No. GS-3274(reportdated March 29,2001). We recommended column pad foundations be supported on the undisturbed, native gravel soil' As requested by you, we made a site visit on Friday, September 7,2001 to observe subsoils at foundation elevation in excavations for 4 column pad foundations. The subsoils observed at bottom of footing elevations and our recommendations are summarized in TABLE A below. TABLE A We made a second site visit, as requested, on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 . Our observations and recommendations are summarized in TABLE B below. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDRIVE I GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 815O1 T (970) 945'2809 Acceptable bearing soil Excavate to native gravel, cobbles Acceptable bearing soilNative gravel, cobbles Consult with Haywood Baker TABLE B We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. lf you have questions, please call. Very Truly Yours CTL/THOMPSON, INC. /t\\)"*- D L-il,kr' J{lnes D. Kellogg 0 / S{aff Geotechnical Engineer (5 copies sent) THE BECK GROUP AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER JOB NO- GS-3446 Excavate to native gravel, cobbles [T.H ill'nt fii o c-'e"*"t** ,o Gompaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OESERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOW\ ABOVE WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. oArE; 0112312002 REPORT NUMBER: 3'l lOs Hul\,leen: G53453 1or SUEJECT PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL (O ' ESTIMATED BY A ONE POINT sPEclFlcATloNSi 100 MOISTURE Wrr}IIN ./. oF t\rAX \4UM +l-2 ASTM 698 % OF OPTIMUM TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: MOISTURE ADOEO 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT SEVERAL DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED AS REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR WHERE BACKFILLING OF UTILITY TRENCHES WAS DONE. TESTS 33 AND 34 INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED TO APPLY ADDITIONAL COMPACTION AROUND TEST NO. 35 AND NO RETEST WILL BE NEEDED. THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED THAT THE AREA BELOW THE DRAIN AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE EXISTING BUILDING NEEDED ALL TRASH REMOVED FROM THIS AREA AND A HEATER PLACED HERE TO THAW THE AREA BEFORE PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE, IN OUR OPINION. FILL COII,lPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATEO BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.{S}JJ-Jf IN OUR OPINION, FILL COI/!PACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) scoPEoF oBSERVATION: IFULLTIME: Q eentootc, oru cauL BAsrsiM coNrucroRs oR cLlENt s REpREsENTATIvE ADVTsFD CWC vuMil SCOTT LOGAN ;';."4;Pier;nffi DB \\cruTHoMPsoN. rNc. / \- , I '.- L)i''t {-'tlwt''l.s1 tEs I NO.LOCAT1ON DEPTH TYPE LABOMTORY cot\t- PAC l'lON v. SOIL WPEMAx DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY MCU. ?'t 43'W, 9'N OF SE CORNER OF SLAB 0.0 NUC I 138.0 7.O 138.0 4.7 100 12s ABC SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING 34 EO'W 4'N OF SE CORNER OF SLAB 2.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.0 138.0 5.4 100 c, ;5 ABC SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING 35 8O'W 4'N OF SE CORNER OF SLAB 1.0 NUC I 138.0 7.0 136.0 5.3 99 It ABC SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: o Gompaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 GTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF flLL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIEO COI\4PACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL I\,,IEETS SPECIFICATIONS. 0111612002 roe ruuuae* GS3453 REPoRT Nur\,4BER 30 sHEET 1 op SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO UTILITYTRENCH BACKFILL ,f ' ESTIMATED BY A ONE POINT SPECIFICATIoNS: 100 MOISTUREWTTHIN % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D698 % OF OPNMUM TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: NOT OBSERVED MOISTUREADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT J= TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRAGTOR REQUESTED COMPACI1ON TESTING ALONG THE UTILtry TRENCHES BELOW INTERIOR SLAB. TWO TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN THIS AREA WHICH INDICATED SLIGHTLY LOW COMPACTION. THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED TO APPLY ADDITIONAL COMPACTION AND NO RETEST WILL BE NEEDED. WE OBSERVED ADDTTIONAL COMPACTIVE EFFORT. FURTHER TESTING WILL BE PERFORMED WHEN REQUESTED. IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION I\4EETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED EYOUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEgT NO,(S) IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPAC?ION DOES NOT I\]IEET SPECIFICATIONS AS TNOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.{S) FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB sCoPE oF oBSERVATToN: !FULLTTME; Qeenroorc, oH cnlL EAsts:M coNTRAcToR s oR CLr€NT's REeneSeNuwe nffED CWC n crurHoMpsoN,rNc. Dpl {--bu,^,,L-e*,SCOTTLOGAN ' -1 TEST NO.LOCATION FEET Itrsl TYPE LABORATORY FIELD coM- 'ACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY ot\rc%DRY DENSITY MC% 31 43'E,2'N OF SW CORNER CF 0.5 NUC I 138,0 7.0 136.0 5.3 -99 " r.5 ABC INTERIOR SLAB 32 12'E.3'N OF SW CORNER OF 0.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.0 136.0 4.8 gg' f.5 ABC INTERIOR SLAB APPRoVED BY DAN DCnn/NlNG, FIELD MANAGER 'o Gompaction Test Report CLIENT THE BECK GROUP CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS DArE: 0110912002 JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 29 SHEET 1 OT 1 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 sPEctFIcArloNs: 100 % oF rrAXrMUM ASTM D698 THts REPORT PRESENTS optNtoNs FoRt\,tED AS A RESULT Mo,sruREW,rH,N +t'2 % oFop'MUM ?,5.tiA?3:ffiYfJ':|f,Ir:lht=tK"rtHfllbt"Hr+,f TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMEI.IT AND NO. OF UNITS: 2IUMPING JACKS MorsruREADoEo BY I)GAROEN HOSE THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT AND NO, OF UNITSi 2)TRACKHOES UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SITE TI{E CONTRAGTOR ADVTSED US THAT TESTING WAS NOT NEEDED FOR COMPACTION SINCE THIS ARE,A WAS GOING TO BE RE EXCAVATED TO PLACE SEWER PIPE. WE ADVISED THE CONTMCTOR TO CONTACT OUR OFFICE WHEN FURTHER COMPACTION TESTING IS NEEDED. - tN ouR oPrNroN. FILL coMpAcrroN MEFTs spEcrFtcATroNs As TNDIoATED By ouR oBsERVATtoNs AND TEsr No.(s) No TESTS CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED, TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OFiNIONS ON WHETHER THE FIL! MEE-TS SPECIFIC,ATIONS. eflv PERFORMED CTUTHOMPSON, rNC. ts\ n. cwc NO.LOCANON DEPTH I IFE LABORATORY FIELD coM. PACTION o/o SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY t\4c% o I lN ouR oPlNloN. FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPEC|FTCATIONS AS INO|CATEO By OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) - scoPE oF oBsERvATroN: I rull rrue; fl eearoorc, or call BAsrs;lTcoNTMcroR's oR cLrElrrs REeREsENTATNE ADVrsEo SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB Compaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON. CO 81620 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS o DArE: 0110812002 REPoRTNUMBER 28 JoB NUMBER: GS3453 SHEET 1 oc SUBJECT PHASE I EXPANSION & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO ro ' 95% COMPAC'ION REQUIRED 100 MOISTURE WITHIN % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D698 70 0F OPT|MUft THIS REPORT PRESENIS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT. AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORTAND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIIVlES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL I\4EEIS SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE OF COMPACNON EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNTTS: MOISTURE AODED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT 1)GARDEN HOSE 10.15 INCHES TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNTTS: 1)TMCKHOE 1)SK|D LOApER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR CONTINUED TO BACKFILL ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING. TEST NO. 29 WAS PERFORMED ON EXTERIOR WALL BACKFILL BELOW THE PLANNED SIDEWALK. TEST NO. 30 WAS PERFORMED ON UNDER SLAB FILL. BOTH TESTS TNDICATED SATISFAGTORY GOMPACTION, IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OESERVATIONS AND TEST NO.{S}29, 30 IN OUR OPINION. FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED EYOUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.{S) scoPE oF oBsERVATloNr DFULLTTME: Qeenoorc. oH clt-L BAsrsiMcoMrRAcToR,s oRcLrEN"s REpRESENTATTVE ADV|sED qltc crurHo'PsoN, r{c. !)1+'t" SCOTT LOGAN % ,oH t'r.R, FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB NO.LOCATION DEPTH rtrEl TEST ryPE LABORATORY FIELD COI\,1- PACTION SOIL TYPEMAx DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY PCF MC% )o 2O'E.45 OF SW CORNER OF 2.5 NUC 138.0 7.O 137.0 5.4 gs,1.5 ABC INTERIOR SLAB 30 7'E, 4'N OF SW CORNER OF INTERIOR 2.0 NUC 138.0 7.0 138.0 5.1 100 - 1.5 ABC SLAB 1)TRACKHOE w/ SHAKER HEAD APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER o Compaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 DArE: 0110712002 REPORT NUMBER: 27 CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoBNUMBER GS3453 1^-IUF 1 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO ,o MOISTURE WITHIN 100 % OF MAXIMUIU +l-2 ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT. AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED, TEST OATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. TYPEOF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE W/ SHAKER HEAD 1)JUMPING JACK MOISTUREAODED BY THICXNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE 10-15 TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)SKID LOADER ItrSl NO.LOCATION IEJI I TTE LABOMTORY FIELD coM- PACTION Yo SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY ot\4c%DRY DENSITY PCF t\4colo 28 35'E. 5'N OF SW GORNER OF 1.0 NUC J38.0 7.0 139.0 5.2 100 + 1.5 ABC INTERIOR SLAB ' ESTIMATED BYA ONE POINT PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR BEGAN BACKFILLING AGAIN FOR INTERIOR SLAB ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING. TEST NO. 28 WAS PERFORMED AND INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S}28^.r, MrI-ULI IN OUR OPINION, FILL COI,|PACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oEsERvAroNi trFULLTTMe fleenoorc, oH clr-L BAsrs:M coNrMcToR's oR cLrEr.rTs REPRESENTATTVE ADvrsqqcwc f-\ crurHoMPsoN, rNc. L)f"t d-btt*r'\ SCOTT LOGAN FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB APPRoVEo BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS o DArE: 1212812001 .roe Nuueen: GS3453 REPoRT NUMEER: 25 SHEET 1 or 1 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoV,ITIoN -VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO o SPECIFICATIONS:100 MOISTURE WITHIN ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM % OF MMIMUM +l-2 THIS R_EP,ORT PRESENIS OPINTONS FORMED AS A RESULToF_o_Ui oBSERVAIoN OF FILL PLACEMer,rr, rs ,iveii;-' IIFIE9I9_s19wN ABovE, wE HAVE Reueo upor.i iiicoxrRAcroR To AppLy rHE NEcEssanv corurplCrrvEEFFoR-r AND MotsruRE ToAcHTEVE specrFred - '- col\lpAc-TroN DURING TrMEs wHEN oun oesERven rs NorPRESENT, AND AT LOCATTONS OTHER Tner.r THOSE ' - '-' IESTED ,TEST DATA ARE Nor rHE soLE aasrs ioioprNroNs oN wHETHER THE FILL MEETS speCrrrcnnor,,rs. TYPE OF COMPACTIoN EoUIPMENT AND No. oF UNITSI I.IOISTURE ADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: ]l :::::]::: ::: ::::::l::: :^'1' :"j"'''*.,o", o, ,"o,.o,,D 8y ouR ossERVAIoNs ANo rEsr No (s)rN ouR oprNroN. F'LL COM'ACTTON DOES NOT MEEr SpEcrFrcAroN. o, ,"o,"or.o ,"or^;i.-Jff.;"o';:"r. "*" NO TESTS PERFORMED ]"o". o, or..*o'o",I ruu- rrue: fieearoorc. ou crr r RAsls;Mco TMcroR g oR gLtEN I,s REPRESENTAT|VE ADV|SED CWC SCOTT LOGAN DB 2)TRACKHOES - PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR BEGAN P+gNg.|]L-LSLONG SOUrH stD-E OF EX|STING BU|LDING roDAy. rHE MATER|ALAPPEARED 7o HAVE FRosr tt$.-r15-.qoNliaiidi irirj?rev wouro spii'eo'iiE iliienrar- rH appRoxr'ArELy1i?3[ ?ff:. ^D rHEN pLAcE Gnouro ieniii!-br-ii"u'n_ Hexr 'EEK. co'pAcroN wrLL BE D.NE D tr cTUTHOMPSON, tNC. NO.LOCATION rtrE I LABORATORY coM- PACTION oa SOIL TYPE MAX DENSIry oN4c%DRY DENSIry MCt" APPRoVED BY D@ .O Compaction Test Report CIIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS DArE: 121171200,1 Joe NuiraEn: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 25 SHEET 1or1 SUBJECI: PHASE IEXPANSIoN & VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL VAIL, COLORADO RENOVATION CENTER (o SPECIFICATIONS:% OF IIAXIMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPTNIONS FORMED AS A RESULToF ouR oBSERVATToN oF FILL pLAcEueHr, ns wer_l rs THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE WE HAVE RCUCO UPON rNEcoNTMcroR To AppLy rHE NEcESsnRy conapeclvi EFFORT AND MOISTURE TOACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOTPRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE - -' TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT T}IE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. % OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE AODEO BY THICKNESS OF L|FT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: NO.LOCATION ryPE LABOMTORY coM- ACTION o/o SOIL TYPEMAX DENSIry FUF oMc70 DRY DENSITY MCo/o ON MINI PILES FOR FOOTERS ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING. CWCuNtL coGGrNs rs FTNTSHED so rHEy HAvE access ro sr6cxpilEo Naiinii, *r./,-4/"lL y( I lNouR oPlNtoN' FILL coMPAcrloN MEErs sPEclFlcATloNs As lNotcATEo ByouR oBsERVAIoNs ANDTEST No.(s) No TESTS PERFoRMED -[|NouRoP|N|oN,F|L|coMPAcTloNDoEsNoTME€TsPEctFlcAT|oNsAs'ND|cATEDBYoURoBsERVA,'o*.o*o,esffilscoce or oesERVATtoN: Iruu rtr',,e; p centoorc. o* crtL BAsrsil-lcoNr*croRs oR cLrEr.rrs RE.RESET{TAT''E ADVrsEq - ^/\ i\ scorr L.GAN crurHoMpsor.r, rNc. '!-.W' sl-be-rr^", t q _J PROGRESS REPORT COGGINS CONTINUED WORK HAS DELAYED BACKFILLTNG BEFORE PLACEMENT. DB APPROVED 8Y DAN DOWNING, FIE'D MANAGER Gompaction Test Report CLIEMT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, co 81620 SPECIFICATIONS:., OF MAXTMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: CTL/THOMPSON, INC OATE: 2SULT|NG ENGINEERS 1211712001 - .roa NuueeR: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 25 SHEET 1 oT suEJEcr: PHASE tEXPANS|ON & nenollitou VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO o ---_- % OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULTOf_Or.JR oBSERVATTON OF F|LL plACErver.rr, eS w[il-J'THE TESTS SHOtanI ABOVE, WE HAVE REr-rEO UPOr.r rXicoNrmcroR To AppLy rHE NEcESsanv cbnrpnCrrVi EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECINCO _ ' ' ' _ coMpacroN DURTNG Tr\rEs wHEN ouR oasiiveR rs HorpR-EsENT, AND AT LocATroNs ornen rrtlru rnosE - '- ' TEsrED. TEsr DATA ARE Nor rHE sole e,csrs ibioprNroNs oN wHETHER THE FrLL MEErs spEcrrrcnrrors.'!IOISTUREADDED gY THICKNESS OF LIFT fiPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT AND NO, OF UNITS: tEsl NO,LOCATION LABOMTORY coM- PACTION ./" SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY oMc%DRY MCo/. INCHES PROGRESS REPORT COGGINS CONTINUED WORK OII-MINIfILES FOR FOOTERS ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING. CWC 3l|"??Ttr3=",ffrfirlLrNc uNrrl cooerni rs"nnrixEdi6 rrEy nave rcCeiiro ir6cKprLED MATERTAL lN ouR oPlNloN' FILL coMPAcrloN MEETS sPEclFlcATloNs As INDICATED ByouR oBsERVATtoNs AND TEsr No.(s) NO TESTSIN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFTCATIONS AS INDICATEO BY OU*O"""U*'O*' O"-O;'*-" lcoee or oeseRVATloN: DFULLnME: i7]PERtoDrc, oNcir RAsrs;r"r.o*T*cron,c oti cLrENT. REpxEsENrATvE ADVrSED /Qo^J/ 'Al xr PERFORMEDl D CTUTHOMPSON, INC, i I SCOTT LOGAN DB DAN DOWNING, o Gompaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 % OF MAXIMUM MO ISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS; DA1E: 12l14l2$O'l roa NUMBER GS3453 REPORT NUMSER:24 sHEEr 1 oF1 suBJEcr: PHASE IEXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT' AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS' o % OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE ADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT INCHES TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT THE GROUND HEATER WAS STILL LAYED OUT ON THE FILL AREA, WE CHECKED TO SEE IF THE HEATER HAD BEEN TURNED ON AND IT HAD NOT. WE ADVISED DAVE ARCHULETA WITH BEGK THAT THIS HEATER SHOULD BE LEFT ON TO REMOVE FROST FROM THE GROUND. SHORTLY AFTER TALKING wlTH DAVE THE HEATER WAS TURNED ON. COGGINS CONTINUED TO REPAIR THEIR GROUT MACHINE THAT HAD BROKE YESTERDAY BEFORE ANY GROUT GOULD BE PI-ACED. THE MACHINE WAS FIXED AND GROUT BEGAN BEING PLACED AROUND NOON. FOUR TEST CYLTNOERS WERE MADE FOR STRENGTH TESTING. NO BACKFILLING WAS DONE TODAY. NO TESTS PERFORMED D! IN OUR OPINION. FtLL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS TNOICATED BYOUR OBSERVATIONSANO TEST NO.(S) IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO'(S) SCOTT LOGAN FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB NO.LOCATION DEPTH I-Etr I LABORATORY coM- PACTIC MAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY PCF MC% !ruu_rnre; ! eearoorc. or.r cn-L MsFrEcoNrRAcroR s oR cLIENTS REPRESENTAIvE ADVISED JIM W COGGINS . _ CTUTHOMPSON, INC.b"F- &**i.% APPqovED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 CTL/THOMPSON, INC co}suLTING ENGINEERS ./DATE: REPoRT NUMBER 24 SHEET 1 or SUBJECT PHASE IEXPANSION & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDIC.AL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO 1A141200'l - JoBNUMBER GS34S3 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORIUED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVA]ION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT ANO MOISTURE TO ACHIE1/E SPECTFIED COMPAfiON DURING TII\,IES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. 'IEST OATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. iO SPECIFICATIONS:% OF MMIMUM MOISTURE WTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: % OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE AODED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNTTS: PROGRESS REPORT THE GROUND HEATER WAS STILL LAYED OUT ON THE FILL AREA. WE CHECKED TO SEE IF THE HEATER HADBEEN TURNED ON AND 1T HAO NOT. WE ADVTSED DAVE ARCHULETA WITH BECK THAT THIS HEATER SHOULDBE LEFT ON TO REMOVE FROST FROM THE GROUND. SHORTLY AFTER TALKING WTH DAVE THE HEATER WASTURNED ON. COGGINS CONTINUED TO REPAIR THEIR GROUT MACHINE THAT HAD BROKE YESTERDAY BEFOREANY GROUT COULD BE PLACED. THE MACHINE WAS FIXED AND GROUT BEGAN BEING PLACED AROUND NOON.FOUR TEST CYLINDERS WERE MADE FOR STRENGTH TESTING. NO BACKFILLING WAS DONE TODAY. T-'I IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECTFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) NO TESTS PERFORMED _ I lN ouR oPlNlON, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SFECTF|CAT|ONS AS INO|CATED By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND rEST NO.(S) -!scoee or ossERVArtoN: Irttt-r ttr.rr; E peptootc, oH crlL B^srs;gcorrrMcroR,3 oR cLrEr.lrs REpREsENTA rrviruvrsED JrM w coGGrNs,\- t \ SCOTT LOGAN crurHoMpsoN, rNc. L-?ft'J 4---Ot-'tnt-r,r't-o.\ rteon DB AFF|<(JVEU uy DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER I I NO.LOCATION FEET IESI LABORATORY coM- PACTION v. SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY MCOA o Compaction Test Report cLrE}n: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 oArE: 1211312001 "roa Huueen: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 23 SHEET -L OF suBJEcr: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO GTLffHOMPSON, ING CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT' AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TTMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST OATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS' SPECIFIcATIONSi 7o OF MMIMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMEN'ANO NO. OF UNITS: .N OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE AOOED BY THICXNESS OF LIFT UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SITE THE GROUND HEATER WAS STILL LAYED OUT OVER AREAS TO BE BACKFILLED' NO BACKFILLING WAS BEING DONE AND CWC WAS NOT PRESENT AT T}IE SITE. BEFORE LEAVING THE SITE we nronueo eecx rHlr webtD Nor BELIEvE THE HEATER wAs TURNED oN AND THAT lr sHouLD BE. coGGlNS GoNTINUED TO PREPARE FOR PLACEMENT OF GROUT BUT HAO NOT STARTED THIS PROCEDURE' ,(h/,Pttl ' / \)- "{' TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 'NoURoPtN|oN.FILLcoMPAcT|oNMEETSsPEctF|cAT|oNsAs|NoICATEDBYoURoBSERVAT|oNsANoTESTNo.(s) NO TESTS PERFORMED IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS TNOICATED BYOUR OBSERr'ANONS ANO TEST NO'(S) scopE oF oBsERVArloN: IFULL TlMEt Q eenroorc. or.: cnlL BAsrs;McoNTMcroR's oR cLlENTs REPRESENTATIVE ADVlsEo JIM w/ COGGINS - " SCOTT LOGAN FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB o= NO.LOCATION UEF I II TYPE LABORATORY coM- PACTION % SOILTYPEl\,,lAX DENSIry oMc%DRY DENSITY MC% crurHoMPsoN, tNc. t\ ,o]-_ti|"-' APDROVED BY DAN DOWNING, Gompaction Test Report CLIENT THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON, CO 81620 CTL/THOMPSON, INC L FIq I CONSULTING ENGTNEERS,/lzllglzool / Jos iruMeea: GS34s3 REPORTNUMEER: 23 SHEET 1 oT SUBJECT: PHASE IEXPANSIoN a neNoEiloru VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO SPECIFICATIONS:% OF MAXIMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: THISREPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULToF_out oBSERVAIoN oF FILL plAcEureNi riweiiX IrHE rEsrs sHowN ABovE, wE HAVE Rerreb uporu iiicoNrlAcroR ro AppLy rHE NEcESsARibbMpiCirvi EFFO€T AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPCCTPNO ' - "-- COT\/|P4CTION DURTNG TIMES WHEN OUN OASERVCR IS NOrpREs_ENT, AND AT LocATroNs orxEa +rlr.r rndiE ' '- ''"' TEsrED.,TEsr DATA ARE Nor rHE soLE elsrs FoioprNroNs oN wHetHER THE FrLL MEETS spiclrrclrrorus. % OF OPTIMUM MOIS]UREAODED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT UPON ARRIVAL AT THE S|TE THE 9!99.!D HEATER WAS STILL LAYED OUT OVER AREAS TO BE BACKFILLED.No BAGKFILLING wAs BEING-D-o.ltr allo cwt ivni',l6i"phe-senr lr rHE srrE. BEFoRE LEAVTNG THE srrEwE INFoRMED BECK rHAr wE Dlo Hoi-eeiL-vi?iliiliiien was run'Eo 6r'rHE iiei rr snour-o BE. coccrNsCONTINUED TO PREPARE rON PUCCUEI.I;b} iNiJ-Ui'EiiHAO NOT STARTED THIS PROCEDURE. I lN ouR oPtNloN' FILL coMPAcTloN MEETS sPEclFlcATloNs As INDICATED BY ouR oBsERVATroNs ANo rEsr No.(s) No TEsTs pERF6RMED DlNoURoP|N|oN,F|LLcoMPAcTloNooEsNoT|\,|EETsPEc|FlcAT|oNsAs|ND|cATEDBYouRoBsERVAr,o",o"o,..il;t# t- L . IEJI NO.LOCATION I It E LABORATORY coM- PACTION '/o SOIL TYPEDEPTHl!,tAx DENSIry rLF oMc%DRY DENSITY PCF MCyo ANU rEs I N(].(s) lDOPE oF oBSERVATIoN: f,ruIu II,Ie; Q eeanolc. on caTL EAsIs;McoMTMcToR,s oR cLIENTS REPRESENTA1VE ADVI5EDJIM Compaction Test Report CTIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON, CO 81620 ' ESTIMATED 8YA ONE POINT sPEClFlCATloNsr 100 % OF MAXIMUI\,{ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM CTLffHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COIVPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE Itrs r EU- rEJIu^lAAi(trl\\JI llic-\JLtr !1AJl5 rUK OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL IVEETS SPECIFICATIONS, DArE: 1211212001 .roe Nur"raEn: GS3453 REPORT NUMEER: 22 SHEET 1 OP SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO o MOISTUREWITHIN ryPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO, OF UNITS: 1)JUMPING JACK 1)TRACKHOE w/ SHAKER HEAD I!!OISTUREADDED 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS R€PORT CWC ADVISED US THAT THE GROUNO HEATER WAS SPREAD ON THE GROUND YESTERDAY AF|ERNOON AND REMOVED THIS MORNING SO BAGKFILLING COULD CONTINUE. SOME BACKFILL HAD BEGAN FOR THE INTERIOR SLAB AREA. THE SURFACE OF THE AREA WHERE THE GROUND HEATER WAS PLACED APPEARED TO THE FREE OF VISUAL rcE. rcE cHUNKs wERE oBsERVED rN THE srocKplLED BAcKFTLL MATERTAL. sNow AND lcE wAs oBsERvED l tN THE AREAWHERE THE pRopANE HEATERwAs Nor pLAcED. FREEZ|NG TEMpERATURES coNTtNuED THRouGHour "/L, I THE DAy. No HEAT wAs BEING AppLrED To rHE FRozEN AREAS DuRTNG THE DAy. THE coNTRAcroR ADvrsED .A/wl us cRouND HEATERS wtLL BE usED AGATN ToNtcHT. coGGtNs AND soNS HAo coMpLETED DRILLTNG THE ' I t .l (continued on Sheet 2 oI Repotl 22 ) Ili= -'l IN ouR oprNroN, FILL coMpAcroN MEETS spEcrFrcATroNs As rNotcArED By ouR oBsERVATroNs AND TEsr No.(s) 264 Pv E lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL COMPACTTON DOES NOT rrFFT SPFC|FTCATTONS aS NnTCATFO Ry O|lR oBSFR\/aTrnNs ANn TFST NO.(S) 26,2t scoPE oF OBSERVATToN: fFuLLTTME: QcenrOorC, On crlL BASIS;E CONTMCTOR,S oR cLtENTS REpnesENTATrvE Meo CWCh" crurHoMpsoN,rNc. L->W *!-b-.^,,nrr* SCOTT LOGAN _*\ FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGER NO.LOCATION ryPE LABORATORY FIELD ,ACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMco/o nov DENSIry I-LT tvlc% 26 55'W.4'N OF SE CORNER OF 3.5 NUC 138.0 7.0 136.0 'f 'l 99 1.5 ABC RETAINING WALL 264 RETEST NO.26 NUC 138.0 7.O 138.0 7.0 100 1.5 ABC 27 4O'W,2'N OF SE CORNER OF 2.0 NUC 138.0 7.0 133.0 6.7 96 1.5 ABC RETAINING WALL Gompaction Test Report cLrENrr THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 100 MOISTURE WITHIN TYP€ OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: 1)JUMPING JACK % OF MAXTMUM ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE I1AVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED CON4PACTION DURING IIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED, TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEEIS SPECIFICATIONS, DATE: 12I12I2OO'I :OB NUMEER: GS3453 REPoRT NUMBER: 22 sHEEr -3_ o, suBJEcr: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO o 1)TRACKHOE w/ SHAKER, HEAD MOISTURE AODED BY THICKNESS OF LJFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UN TTS: 1)TRACKHOE IEJI NO.LOCATION OEPTH IEJI I YHE LABORATORY FIELD coM- \cT|c lo SOIL ryPEIVAX DENSITY oMco/o DRY DENSITY MC% ' ESTIMATED BY A ONE POINT PROGRESS REPORT (Continued from Sheet 1 of R€port 22 ) FOUR MINI PILES AT LOCATION C.1. BACKFILL GONTINUED ADJACENT TO THE RETAINING WALL, THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED TO APPLY ADDITIONAL COMPACTIVE EFFORT TO THE AREA OF TEST NO. 27. 1| f rN ouR oprNroN, F'LL coMpAcnoN MEgrs spEcrFrcATroNs As TNDTcATED By ouR oasERVATroNs ANo rEsr No.(s) -- r-] IN oUR oPINtoN. FILL coMPAGTIoN DoEs NoT MEET SPECIFICATIoNS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSEFO/ATIONS ANO TEST NO,(S) SCOPEOF OBSERVATION: I--IFULL TIME; iIPEAIOOIC. OH CAIL BAS IS:i-I CONTRACTOR'S ORCLIENTS REPRESENTATIVE AOVISED SCOTT LOGAN DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 oArE: 1211212001 REPORTNUMBER: 22 SUBJECT: CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS loe tur,laen:_GS3453 SHEET 1 oe _2 PHASE IEXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO SPECtFtCAnoNS:100 % OF MAXIMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNMS: 7H|CXNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT THIS R-EPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULToF_OrJR OBSERVATTON OF F|LL pLAoEr,.levr, eS WeiL1-S- ' rHE TESTs sHowN ABovE, wE HAVE ReLreb up6i r-ifcoxrRAcroR To AppLy rHE NEcEsseni cbl,lpr&viEFFO€T-AND MOISTURE TO ACHIg/E SPECIFIED '-'"' cor4pAcnoN ouRrNG TIMES wHEN oun oesEivEn rs ruorPRES-ENT, AND AT LocATIoNs oTHER TI.IAr,r riosE ' - .-, rEsrED. _TEST DATA ARE Nor rHE sole ansrs pbR oprNroNs oN wHETHER THE FrLL MEErs spiblnillor.rs. ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM iffiffix,"',i,?1'"TH^'J,_:.i^["3i3.X?J:T,y,f;.JA*:pj#.: g3o^uj,,_D IFUFRDAYAFTERNooN AND REMoVEDIltT?li'i3"..iS1"#'+,_#l?:l$.f.g:ylyjli:*i:i&{r1"fi?,J."nl.n"I5["fiI?^T.'FilRgLiiffijtJ[iiH[5ii,=_?1,,ji,.=_?EiHlnE"T"{:$.l{iiilEir.ff_{."Et\i3ilJ.xTffii?ii::?,u,",^,_ifi?,F:""#ilny.'ffi.o"":S5xill*itiS*li:i.il,"a"if.f[?J_??:?i5i'T$S?"l"Jl55gE:ffi.X illX'^i:'^AHliT'-li'Ji331Hi,:tix#.tlj:"r,i'flf l#ji5-ii#iff 0i3J?:H+ff.TiXXEio,ou'.Jg'"?:1"["E:+l#T,ii,]."ffJ#^?"* lf"X##1.* ffiii,it";',T^',lT#lE:S,"SJ]""?^XilS.T \ r us cRouND Hearens wrrr- ie uiiJatari +lii,'e;:T"tHff;,is'$s^Fr:^"f;billir"r?itffiflift1?J ,I f r::::::lNloN F.LL coMpAcrtoN MEETS spEcrFtcATroNs As rNDrcArED By ouR oBsERVATroNs ANo rF.qr N. /et (continued on sheet^2 I :::::i:::. :::::::l::l lTr **rFtcAroNs As TNDT.ATED By ouR oBsERVAroNs ANo rEsr No.(s) (continued on sheetA2 or Report 22 ,tw.lo, aoA ANorEsrNo.(s) 26,21 scoPEoF .BSERVATIoN: TFULLTIME: Q eentootc, ot celL BAsrs;la coNT*croR,s oR cLrENrs REpREsENTATT'E ADVTSED cwc SCOTT LOGAN DB ! ss'w,4'N or se coRruEnEr 40'w,2'N or se conr.rERt'p ESTIMATED BYA ONE POINT 1)TRACKHOE W/ SHAKER HEAD CTL/THOMPSON, INC. Compaction Test Report CLI€NT: THE BECK GROUP P.O, BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 ' ESTIMATED BY A ONE POINT SPECIFICATIONS: MOISTUREWTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMET.IT ANO NO. OF UNTTS: MOISTURE ADOEO 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL VAIL, COLORADO CTL/THOMPSON, tNC REPORT NUMBER: 22 SHEET 2or) RENOVATION CENTER {00 y.oFMAXrMuM ASTM D69g rHIS R-EPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULTOF_OIJR OBSERVATTON OF F|LL pLACEMerln, eS w+r_iJ ' THE TEsrs sHowN ABovE, wE neve ner_eb uporu iiicolrrrre6Top 16 ^ppLy rHE NEcESSmvbblapnCrrvi EFFORT ANO MOTSTURE TO ACHIEV6 SPECIFIEDcor,,rpAcJroN DURTNG Tlr\rEs wHEN oun oesiRvEn ts NorPR-ES_EJ']T, AND AT LOCATTONS Orlen rnnr,r TFrOIE - '-' TEST,ED.-TEsr DATA ARE Nor rHE soLE elsrs ioRoplNloNs oN WHETHER THE FrLL rureErs spictHcerror,rs. % OF OFNMUM ryPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: FOUR NINI PILES AT LOCATION.C.1. BACKFTLL CONTINUED ADJACENT TO THE RETAINTNG WALL.WAS ADVISED TO APPLY ADDITIONAL dOM-'PAC;Ii; iiiO.ii ,O rrrc AREA OF TEST NO. 27. tr lN ouR oPlNloN' FILL COMPACTION MEEIS SPEC|F|CAT|ONS AS |NO|CATED By OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) -l rN 0uR oPlNjoN' FILL coMPAc'IloN ooEs Nor MEET spEcrFrcA'roNs As TNDT.ATED By ouR o&sERVAT,o*ro"l rar*av scoPE oF oBsERvATloN: IFULLTIME: Ieenlootc' ot't cell BAsrs;-coNT*croRs oR cLrEr,irs REpRE.ENTATN€ AovrsED 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT (Continued trom Sheet 1 of Report 22 ) SCOTT LOGAN THE CONTRAGTOR Ayr' CIUTHOMPSON, tNC, o Compaction Test Report cuENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 sPECrFrCATroNs: 100 % oF MAxtliuM IIIOISTURE WTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNNS: I)JUMPING JACK CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1211112001 .roe NUMeEn: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER:21 1or2 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO ASTM D698 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT. AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIIUES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR CPINICNS C!.I $JI.-IETHER THE FI!.!- [,IEETS SPECIFICATIoNS. % OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE ADOED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT 1)GARDEN HOSE PROGRESS REPORT COGGINS BEGAN DRILLING THE FIRST HOLE TODAY FOR THE FOOTER AT LOCATION C.1. T}IE CONTRACTOR ADVISED US THAT A CONSIDERABLE AMOUNT OF GROUND WATER WAS ENCOUNTERED AT APPROXTMATELY ,I5 FEET. CWC WAS PLACING BACKFILL ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE RETAINING WALL BELOW THE PLANNED INTERIOR SLAB. WE RECOMMEND THAT A HEATER BE PL.ACED IN THIS AREA FOR APPROXTMATELY 48 HOURS TO REMOVE FROST BEFORE ANY BACKFILLING BEGAN. A GROUND HEATER ARRTVED AT THE SITE AROUND NOON AND WILL BE USED OVER NIGHT, ICE CHUNKS AND WATER WERE STILL BEING SHOVELED OFF THE ROOF INTO THIS AREA. BLANKETS WERE BEING PLACED OVER THIS AREA TO HELP PREVENT FURTHER ACCUMULATION OF SNOW l-'l lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL coMPACTION MEETS SPECTFICATTONS AS tNOTCAIED By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) 1| n tN ouR oPtNtoN, FILL coMpAcroN DoEs Nor MEET spEcrFrcATroNs As INDTCATED sy ouR oBsERVATloNs ANo rEsr No.{s) scoPE oF oBsERVATIoN: nFULLT|MEi Q eentootc. oH celL BAsts;U coNrRAcroR,s oR cltENTS REpRESENTATIVE AovtsED CWC NO.LOCATION DEPTH TYPE LABORATORY FIELD col!,|. PACTION to SOILTYPEMAx OENSITY ot\rc%DRY DENSIry PCF MC% TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTANO NO, OF UNITS: 4t-. (Continued dn Sheet 2 of Reiiort 2i ) NO TESTS PERFORMED .Dro-*.,,SCOTT LOGAN DB CTUTHOMPSON, INC. (o Gompaction Test Report ctEMr: THE BECK GROUp oArE 1211112001 roar'iut'raen: GS3453 P,O. BOX 8529 REPoRTNUMBER: 21 sHEEr 2 op 2 AVON, GO 81620 suBJEcr: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO SPECIFICANONS: 1OO % OF MAXMUM ASTM D698 THIS REPoRT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS MOISTURE WTTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMEMTAND NO, OF UNITS: 1)JUMPING JACK CTL/THOMPSON, ING CONSULTING ENGINEERS % oF oPrlMUM rHE TEsrs sHovvN ABovE, wE HAVE RELTED upoN THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT ANO MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION OURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR CPINIOTJS ON \T.'!.'IETI.'IER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.MOISTURE ADDEO BY THtcKNEss oF LIFT _ '""*t" WPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)GARDEN HOSE NO.LOCATION LJET I r| FEET tESl I Y I-E LABORATORY FIELD coM- PACTION "/o SOIL ryPEMAX DENSIry PCF OMC0/6 DRY OENSITY MCo/o PROGRESS REPORT (Continued ftom Sh6et I of Report 21 ) AND WATER ON THIS SURFACE AND TO PREVENT FREEZING, f-j rN ouR oPrNroN, FILL CoMPACTtON MEETS SPECIF|CATTONS AS TNDTCATEO By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) i- IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICANONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OESEF$r'ANONS ANO TEST NO.(S} scoPE oF oBSERVATTON: !FULLTTME: !eenrOOrC. Or CelL BASrS;n CONTRqCTORS OR CtirENr-S REPRESENTATTVE AOVTSEO SCOTT LOGAN 'i--., r\'. crurHoMpsoN, rNc. j_i:," . .. ., _ . .1 .,.1..1 FIELO REPRESENTATIVE SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO 100 % oF MAXTMUM ASTM D698 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND I\,IOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED, TEST DATA ARE NOTTHESOLEBASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. MOISTUREWTHIN O/! OF OPTIMUM TYPE OF COMPACNON EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: MOTSTUREAOOED 8Y I)GARDEN HOSE THICKNESS OF LIFT INCHES COGGINS BEGAN DRILLING THE FIRST HOLE TODAY FOR THE FOOTER AT LOCATION C.1. THE CONTRACTORADVISEO US THAT A CONSTDERABLE AMOUNT OF GROUND WATER WAS ENCOUNTERED AT APPROXIMATELY 15 FEET.cwc wAS PLACING BAGKFILL ALoNG THE NORTH stDE oF rHE RETAINING wALL BELow rHE pLANNED tNTERtoRSLAB. WE RECOMMEND THAT A HEATER BE PLACED IN THIS AREA FOR APPROXIMATELY 4E HOURS TO REMOVEFROST BEFORE ANY BACKFILLING BEGAN. A GROUND HEATER ARRTVED AT THE SITE AROUND NOON AND WILL TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 't)TRACKHOE Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON, CO 81620 1211112001 .roe Nuirae* GS3453 REPORT NUMSER: 21 SHEET CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS oF2 TEST NO.(S) BE USED OVER NIGHT. ICE CHUNKS AND WATER WERE STTLL EEING SHOVELED OFF THE RooF INTO TlltsAREA. BLANKETS WERE BEING PLACED OVER THIS AREA TO HELP PREVENT FURTHER ACCUMULATION OF SNOW - rN ouR oprNroN. F'LL coMpActoN MEET. ,r..,r,*r,o*. i, rNDrcAlED By ouR ossERVAtoNs ANo rEsr "o ,., t"-tilf+;t?TtJait3ff?T tt .l f] lN ouR oPlNloN' FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECTFTCAT|ONS AS IND|CATED Sy OUR OBSERVATTONS AND.-- SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB scoPE oF oBSERVATION: f FULL l-ll\rE: Qeentootc. ot't c,rr-L BAsrsr U coNrmcroR,s oR clrENTs REpREsENTArrut AovrsED CWC crurHoMPsoN, rNc. ;-"'. 't--"irf*''" NO.LOCAT1ON DEPTH I-EE I TYPE LABORATORY FIELD coM- PACTION Yo SOIL TYPEMAX oENSTTY PCF oMco/"DRY DENSITY TUT MC% APPROVED BY o Gompaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P,O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 SPECIFICATIONS; 1OO % oF MAXIMUM iIOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COI,|PACTION EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITSi I Tf I crurHoMPsoN, tNC I l=C I cor.tsurrrruG ENGINEERS 'tatlnool / JosfiuMaen: GS3453 REPoRT NUMEER 21 SHEET 2 or 2 SUEJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO ASTM 0698 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ASOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TII\,IES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENI, AND AT LOCANONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. % OF OPTIMUM MOISTUREADOED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: NO.LOCATION LABORATORY |.IELLJ coM- PACTION % SOIL ryPEMAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY MCyo 1)GARDEN HOSE I PROGRESS REPORT AND WATER ON THIS (Continued ftom Sh€et 1 of Report 2i ) SURFACE AND TO PREVENT FREEZING. n lN ouRoPlNloN' FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIF|CAnONS AS TND|CATED SYOUR OBSERVATTONS ANO TESr NO.(S) _ I |[tlounoe|N|oN'F|LLcoMPAcT|oNDoEsNoTMEETsPEc|F|cAT|oNsAS|NDlcATEDBYoURoBsERVAl|oNsANDTEsTNo.(s) scoPE oF OBSERVATIoN: DFULLTTME: ! eeatootc, or ceLL BAsrsiIcoNrRAcroR.s oR cLrENTs REeREsENTAIvE ADVJSED l:\i \ ,: ., -f L" u4rrtl.€ SCOTT LOGAN crurHoupsoN, tNc. L_/it.-z 'u-tri. _) APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON. CO 81620 % OF MMIMUM MOISTURE WTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS oArE: 121'1012001 roe ruuBeR: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 20 SH€ET 1 oT SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO o % OF OFNMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OSSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACT]VE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION OURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE EASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHfiHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.MOISTURE ADOED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT f T THE CONTMCTOR CONTINUED REMOVING SNOW FROM ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE EXISTING BUILDING AND REMOVING IT FROM THE SITE. WE ADVISED THE CONTR,ACTOR AGAIN ABOUT HEATING THE AREA TO BE BACKFILLED TO REMOVE ALL FROST AND SNOW. CWC AND BECK ADVISED US THAT A GROUND HEATER WOULD ARRIVE AT THE SITE IN THE MORNING AND WOULD RUN UNTIL THE FOLLOWING DAY BEFORE BACKFILLING BEGAN. WE ADVISED THE CONTR,ACTOR T}IAT THE WATER FLOWING OUT OF THE DRATN AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE EXISTING BUILDING NEEDED TO BE STOPPED. WATER tS FLOWING BETWEEN THE BUILDING AND THE FOOTER FOR RETAINING WALL AT THE BOTTOM OF FOOTER DEPTH. COGGINS BEGAN DRILLTNG TODAY FOR MINI PILES (Continued on Sheet 2 of Rsport 20 ) lN ouR oPlNloN. FILL coMPAcloN MEETs spEctFrcATroNs As INDTcATED By ouR oEsERVATtoNs AND TEsr No.1s1 NO TESTS PERFORMED IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.{S) scoPe oF oBSERVATION: xFULL TtMEi SCOTT LOGAN crurHoMPsoN, rNc. F\ - , n24*'/ {-S+<a*' nz"q !rearoorc, on call sAsrs;EjcoNTRAcroR,s oR clrEl,r'r-s REpREsENTAnvE AovrsED CWC FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB tEsl NO.LOCATION DEPTH LABOMTORY coM- PACTION Yo SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY rLi oMc%DRY DENSITY PCF MC% TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 CTLffHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS OATE JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMEER: 20 SHEET 2oe SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO NO.LOCATION DEPTH TEST LABORATORY FIELD coM- 'ACTION SOIL ryPEIVAX DENSITY oMcvo DRY DENSIW MC% SPECIFICATIONS:% OF MMIMUM MOISTURE wlTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: % OF OPT|MUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORI\,IED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONIMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIEO COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TSS]' DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS, ry l'fr-/l'+'rr,rr9a.3 MOISTURE ADOEO 8Y TFIICKNESS OF LIFT PROGRESS REPORT (Continued from Shaet 1 of Report 20 ) FOR FOOTERS BESIDE GRANE PAD. NO PLANS WERE AVAILABLE FOR THIS FOUNDATION GHANGE. IN OUR OPINION. FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATEO EYOUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) IN OUR OPINION. FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED 8Y OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) SCOPE OF OBSERVATION: IFULLTtME: !EENOOIC, OH CII-I. BASIS:DCONTRACTOR'S OR CLIENTS REPRESENTATIV VISED CTUTHOMPSON, INC. D tr SCOTT LOGAN TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: FIELO REPRESENTATIVE APPRoVEo BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT FRESEi']T, AND Ai LCCA;ICNS OTHSR TI.IAN T HCSE IEJIEU. ItrOI UAI,\AKCI\|\'/I INtr N\JLE EA5I5 FUt.< OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. cuENr: THE BECK GROUP DArE: 1210812001 .roaNuMaen: GS3453 P.O. BOX8529 REpoRr NUMBER: 19 sHEEr 2 or 2 AVoN, co 81620 SU8JECT: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO sPEclFrcAioNs: 100 % oF MAXTMUM ASTM D698 TH|S REPORT PRESENTS OP|NIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS % oF oPrlMUM rHE TESTS sHowN ABovE, wE HAVE RELTED upoN THEMOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENI AND NO. OF UNITS: 1)JUMPING JACK 1)TRACKHOE W/ SHAKER HEAD MOIS1URE ADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT TypE oF EARTH Movrne eoupuetlr lruo no. oF uNrrs: 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPoRT (Continued from Sheet 1 of Report 19 ) IN THE STAIR WELL AREA, THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED HEATERS WERE NEEDED BEFORE FUTURE BACKFILLING WAS DONE. Tl IN OUR OPINION, F|LL COMPACTTON MEETS SPECTF|CATtONS AS TND|CATED By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) I lN ouR oPlNloN. FILL COMPACTION oOES NOT MEET SPEC|FICAT|ONS AS |NDICATED By OUR OESERVATTONS ANO TESI NO,(S) /w' scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: fFULLTIME; !eentootc, on cnll BAsrs;I coNTMctoRs oR cLtENl's REPRESENTAIVE ARtsEo {*\ scorr L.GAN crurHoMpsor{,rNc. Dgru =L)'an'*"a-3 APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER NO.LOCATION uEt Itt FEET I TTE LABOMTORY col\r- PACTION yo SOIL ryPEMAX DENSITY oMc%DRY OENSITY MC% ' ESTIMATED BYA ONE POII.IT FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Gompaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GRoUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 8.1620 CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 12t0812001 vOATE: REPoRT NUMBER 19 SUEJECT, PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO Joa NuueEn: GS3453 SHEET 1 op 2 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN A8OVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COI\4PACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURNG TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCAIIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATTONS. ' ESTIMATED BY A ONE POINT 100 % oF MAxlMuM IVOISTURE wlTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE ADDED BY THTCKNESS OF L|Fr tNcHES scoPEoF OBSERVATIoN: nFULLTII\'lE; Qeentootc, ot celL BAsrs;McoNTRAcroR's oR cLrENTs REpREsENTATtvE AovtsED CWC ^i\ r\ SCOTT LOGAN crurHoMpsoN, tNc. !.-n inr. . U:a,,*^,, TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPM€NI AND NO. OF I.JNITS: 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT A SITE VISIT WAS MADE TO PERFORM DENSITY TESTS ON FILL BEING PLACED FOR INTERJOR SLABS. THE CONTRAGTOR ADVISED US THAT THE STAIR WELL AREA WAS BACKFILLED ON FRTDAY AND TODAY THEY HAD BEGUN ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE RETAINING WALL. THIS AREA BETWEEN THE RETAINING WALL AND EXISTING BUILDING WAS COVERED WITH SNOW AND ICE. THE ICE WAS BEING CHIPPED AWAY WITH SHOVELS FROM THE SURFACE BEFORE FILL WAS BIENG PLACED. AT THIS TIME NO HEATING UNITS WERE BEING USEDAT SITE. BACKFILLED AREAS WERE BEING COVERED WTH BLANKETS AT THE END OF THE DAY TO PREVENT FURTHER SNOW ACCUMULATION ON SURFACE. FINAL TEST RESULTS INDICATE SATISFACTORY COMPACTION (Continued on Sheet 2 of Report j9 ) fN ouR oPlNloN, FILL coMPAcIoN MEErs spEctFrcATroNs As tNotcATED ByouR oBsERVAloNs ANo rEsr No.(s) 25,24A IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATTONS AS INDICATEO BY OUROBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) 4/- g T FrELD REPRESENTATtVa- DB NO.LOCATION DEPTH FEET tEsl LAB ORATORY coM- PACTION o/o SOIL TYPEl\rlAx DENSITY ot\4c%DRY DENSITY MC% 24 2'8, 6'5 OF NW CORNER OF STATR W '1.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.O 137.0 c.5 99 .z r.5 ABC SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING 24 RETEST NO. 24 NUC 1 138.0 7.0 138.0 5.1 100r 1.5 ABC 25 4'lll/, 5'N OF SE CORNER OF STAIR W 1.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.0 't38.0 4.O 100r' 1.5 ABC SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BUILDING o DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Gompaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 95 % OF MAXIMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COIVIPACTION EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACNVE EFFORT AND I\4OISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. 1 o ASTM D698 ./6 OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE ADDED BY 1I{ICKNESS OF LIFT INCHES WPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: rFU|.,I(EJ5 FETUlt I A SITE VISIT WAS MADE AS REQUESTED BY THE CONTMCTOR TO PERFORM DENSIW TESTS ON FILL BEING PLACED FOR A FOOTEFYRETAINING WALL AROUND FOOTER 8.2. TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED AND INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. THE CONTMCTOR ALSO INFORMED US THAT BACKFILLING WAS GOING TO BEGIN TOMORROW AROUND THE RETAINTNG WALL ALONG THE SOUTH SIDE OF BUILOING. IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OESERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S)22,23 IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIF}CATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: IFuLLTIME: !eenootc, ot crt BAsrsrU coNTMcroR's oRcLtENTs REPRESENTATVE AovtsEo CWC t4 o= SCOfi LOGAN crurHoMPsoN, rNG. |.. tt\JJ,W s1-J.&1a..,, t {p-\ APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGEF=FIELD REPRESENTAIIVE DB 12tO512001 v JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 18 SHEET 1 oT SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO NO.LOCATION OEPTH FEET tE5l TYPE LABOMTORY FIELD PACTION vo SOIL ryPEMAx OENSIry PCF oMco/"ORY DENSTTY PCF MC% 1Z 4'S. 1'W OF SW CORNER OF c.0 NUC 'l38.0 7.0 136.0 EE 100 1.5 ABC FOOTER AT B-2 23 2'N, 2'E OF NW CORNER OF 0.0 NUC 138.0 7.O 133.0 7.5 96 1;t ABc FOOTER AT B-2 ' ESTIMATED 8Y A ONE POINT IiTRACKHOE W/ SHAKER HEAD Compaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 ' ESNMATED BY A ONE POINT SPECIFICATIONS: 95 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS /DArE; 1210412001 v JoBNUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBERI 17 SHEET 'l or SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER vAtL, coLoRADO MOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMEI.ITANO NO. OF UNITS: NOT OBSERVED .6 OF MAXIMUM ASTM D698 % OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIEO UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST OA-IA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL I\4EETS SPECIFICATIONS.MOISTURE ADOED BY THICXNESS OF LIFT oE TRACKHOES AT OUR SITE VISIT THE CONTRACTOR STATED THAT THE AREA AROUND TEST NO. 21 FROM THE PREVIOUS DAY HAD BEEN REWORKED AND WAS READY FOR TESTING. RETEST NO. 21AWAS PERFORMED INDICATING UNSATISFACTORY GOMPACTION. WE OBSERVED ADDITIONAL COMPACTIVE EFFORT APPLIED TO THIS AREA AND NO RETEST IS NEEDED. IN OUR OPINON, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUROBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL COMPACION oOES NOT MEET SpECtF|CAT|ONS AS |NOTCAiEO By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: I FULL TlillE; I eenrootc, oH cnll BAsts:E coNTMcroR's oR cLtENTs REPRESENTAT|VE SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB AovrsED cwc F\1\.-:*+77^*. 214 tEol NO.LOCATION DEPTH FEET Itrsl I YPE LABORATORY coM- PACTION v. SOIL ryPEMAX DENSIry oMc%. DRY DENSITY PCF MC% 214 RETEST NO.21 NUC 138.0 7.0 133.0 6.5 96' t5ABC WPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNTIS: CTUTHOMPSON, INC. Compaction Test Report CLIENi: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 ' ESTIMATED BY AONE POINT SPECIFIC TIONS: 100 MOISTURE WTTHIN CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1210312001 " .roeruurvreen: GS345J REPoRT NUMBER 16 sHEET ! or 1 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM 0698 % OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACNVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST OATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR BEGAN PLACING BACKFILL AROUND FOOTER 2.8 ON FRIDAY. TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED ON THIS PREVIOUSLY PLACED BACKFILL, TEST NO, 20 TNDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. TEST NO. 21 INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY COMPACTION, THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVTSED THAT THIS AREA NEEDED ADDITIONAL COMPACTION AND WILL BE RETESTED. IN OUR OPINION. FILL COi.IPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS TNDICATED BYOUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICAT|ONS AS INDICATEO 8Y OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.IS} scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: f FULLTIME| [ eentootc, oN cnrl BAslsiM coNTRAcroR,s oR cLlENt s REPRESENTAT|VE AovlsEo CWC ^{y' o=21 SCOTT LOGAN L4&rcTL/rHOMPSOi.l, lNC. NO.LOCATION TEST TYPE LABOMTORY coM- PACTION thttwee MAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY MCo/a 20 1'E OF FOOTER AT 2.B '| .0 NUC I 138.0 7.O 140.0 6.7 1oo + 1.5 ABC 21 1'W OF FOOTER AT 2.8 1.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.0 129.0 7.1 G 1.5 ABC TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: DB APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BEGK GRoUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 100 eo oF MAxIMUM MOISTURE WITHIN TYP€ OF COil|PACTION EQUTPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: OATE:JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 15 SHEET 1 oT SUBJECT: PHASE IEXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO CTLITHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIEO UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL I\4EETS SPECIFICATIONS. ASTM D698 +l-2 % OF OPTIMUM MOISTUREADDEO 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE CKHOES THE CONTRACTOR WAS PLACING THE REMAINING 6 INCH OF FILL ON TOP OF THE VAPOR BARRIER tN THE COURT YARD AREA. COMPACTION OF THE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE HAD NOT BEGUN AT THIS TIME. BACKFILLING ALONG SOUTH SIOE OF EXISTING BUILDING ALSO WAS COMPLETE UNTIL THE FOOTER AND WALL COULD BE POURED. BACKFTLLTNG W|LL THEN CONTTNUE tN THIS AREA TO SUBGRADE OF SLAB. I -'',/,/\ /t t ,/ ,/ IN OUR OPINION, FILL COIIIPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIoNS As INDICATED 8Y oUR oBsERVATIoNs AND TEST No.{$ NO TESTS PERFORMED IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEFT SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATEO BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: f FULL TIME: I eentootc, ot't clt-L BAsFiM coNTucroR,s oR cLtENT,S REpREsENTAT1yE CTUIHOMPSON, INC, SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB R:EDCWC L)..!,'-. , I T TEST NO.LOCATION DEPTH FEET IE>I LABORATORY TIELIJ coM- PACTION Yo SOIL ryPEMAX DENSIW PCF oMc%DRY DENSITY MCV' TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: APPROVED SY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Gompaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 OATE:JoB NUtvtBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: SHEET 1 OP SUBJECI: PHASE IEXPANSION & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO ASTM D698 +l-2 % OF OPTIMUM CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OSSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACNVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TII/ES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DA]A ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. 1 o ' ESIIMATED BYA ONE POINT 100 % oF MAXIMUM IT.IOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO, OF UNITS: 3)JUMPING JACKS MOISTUREADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARfH MOVING EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE PROGREgS REPORT THE CONTMCTOR BEGAN APPLYING ADDITIONAL GOMPACTIVE EFFORT TODAY TO THE ENTIRE COURT YARD AREA. THREE JUMPING JAGKS WERE USED TO COMPAGT PREVIOUSLY PLACED AGGREGATE BASE COURSE. RETESTS AND TEST NO. 19 WERE PERFORMED AND INDICATE SATTSFACTORY COMPACTION. a T SCOTT LOGAN . crur'oMpsoN, rNc. b.*, NO.LOCATION FEET TYPE LABORATORY coM- PACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSITY MCo/o 15A RETEST NO. 15 NUC 138.0 7.O 141.0 5.2 100 + 1,5 ABG 164 RETEST NO. 16 NUC 138.0 7.O 140.0 5.3 100 + 1.5 ABC 19 1O'E & 1'N OF NE CORNER OF 0.5 NUC 138.0 7.O 139.0 5.8 100 + 1.5 ABC PILASTER AT 6.D ,a/ IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPAC1ION MESTS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANDTEST NO,(S)15A, 164 & 19 IN OUR OPINION, FILL COIVPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: EFULL T|ME: ! eentootc, ott clr-L BAsrs:iT coNTMcroR's oR cLtENTs REPRESENTATIVE ADV|SED CWC DB DAN DOWNING,FIELD MANAGER o Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 oArE: 1111912001 REPORT NUM8ER: 13 Joe Nu^,eER: GS3453 1or SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PTACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TOAPPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACNVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. 17, 18 15, 16 '"r-,"5 ' ESTIMATED 8YA ONE POINT SPECIFICAT|ONS: 100 % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D698 YO OF OPNMUMiioISTURE wlTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: MOISTURE AODED BY IHEKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE 12-18 TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNNS: 1)LOADER 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTMCTOR WORKED SATURDAY PLACING FILL INTHE COURTYARD AREA. AGGREGATE BASEcouRsE wAs MIXED wlrH WATER BEFoRE pr-acer,,telli a'rub coMpAcrED wtrn e iurvrptNa .lAcK AND A WALK BEHTNDSHEEPSFoOT' APPROXIMATELY 2'2.5 FEET oF eri- pr-ldio. TWo DENstry rEsrs wERE pERFoRMED ANDINDICATED UNSATTSFACTORY COMPACTION, TTTC CON_T-N.qCTOR WAS ADVISED ADDITIONAL COMPACTION WASNEEDED' Two rEsrs WERE PERFoRMED As FILL wAs ieixc pucEo aLoNG sourH srDE oF EXrslNG BUTLDTNG.BorH rEsrs 17 & i8 rNDrcArEo sarrsracroni c6upeciioH. /, )"1l_J/ I lN OUR 0PlNlON' FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPEC|FloAltoNs As TND|CATED By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.{S) -M lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPEC|FtCAIONS AS INDICATED By OUR OBSERVATTONS AND_,v TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: I FULL TIME: i7 pentootc, ot caLL elss;McoNTn,lcroR's oR cLrENTs REeRESENTATTvE AovqEo CWCI \/, ' scoTT L.GAN crurHoMpsoN, rnc. .!--i?>4.'- DB I t- NO.LOCATION DEPTH tE5l LABORATORY coM- PACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX oENStry oMc%DRY DENSITY lrlC% 15 10w, 3's oF 8-F 0.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.O t3z.u 5.9 6)1.5 ABC 16 5'E OF CENTER OF STMP 0.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.O 129.0 6.1 tes ) 1.5 ABC FOOTER AT 7.A 1O'E OF NE CORNER OF 2.0 NUC 138.0 7.0 140.0 4.7 1oor'+ r.5 ABC PILASTER AT 3.D 18 12'IA' NW CORNER OF 0.5 NUC 138.0 7.0 141.O 5.8 1oo + ||.5 ABC PILASTER 3-F DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report cLrEtn-: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON. CO 81620 CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS o OATE: REPORT NUMBER: 13 SHEET tt^-ItvFl suBJEcrr pHAsE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO ././ 1111912001 - Joa^iuireER' GS3453 o ' ESTIMA'ED BY A ONE POII.IT SPECIFICAIIONS: 100 MOISTURE WITHIN % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D698 % oF oPTt\4Uii THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OESERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT. AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE COI'{TRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFTED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE SASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMEI.ITANO NO. OF UNTTS: I)TRACKHOE w/ SHAKER HEAO MOISTURE ADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE l--1-l! ouR oprNroN. FILL coMpAcrroN MEETs spEcrFrcATroNs As TNDToATED By ouR oBsERVAToNs AND TEsr No.(s) 17' 18 Q6-Du* oprNroN, F,LL coMpAcroN DoEs Nor MEEr spEcrFrcA'oNs As rNDrcArED By ouR oBsEFr/AroNs ANo rEsr No.(s) 15, 16 '12-18 TYPE OF EARTH MOVIi'IG gOUIPI EI TINO HO. OF UNTTS: 1)LOAOER 1)TRACKHOE THE CONTMCTOR WORKED SATURDAY PLACING FILL IN THE COURTYARD AREA. AGGREGATE BASE COURSE WAS MIXED WITH WATER BEFORE PLACEMENT AND COMPACTED WITH A JUMPING JACK AND A WALK BEHIND SHEEPSFOOT. APPROXIMATELY 2.2.5 FEET OF FILL PLACED. TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED AND INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY COMPACTION. THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED ADDITIONAL COMPACTION WAS NEEDED, TWO TESTS WERE PERFORMED AS FILL WAS BEING PLACED ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING. BOTH TESTS 17 & 18 INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. t, -/Ycope or oesenvATroN: ]FULLTTME; !eenroorc. olr CALL BAsrsig coNrmcroR's oR cLrENTs REpRESENTATTvE AovrsED CWC SGOTT LOGAN CTUTHOMPSON, INC.D,i*&**., FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB TEST NO.LOCATION OEPTH IEJI LABORATORY cor\4- PACTION % SOILTYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSIry MC./" ,t( r0'w. 3's oF 8.F 0.5 NUC ,1 138.0 T.O 132.O to a,)1.5 ABC 16 5'E OF CENTER OF STRAP 0.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.O 129.0 6.1 6r)1.5 ABC FOOTER AT 7-A '17 1O'E OF NE CORNER OF 2.0 NUC 'I 138.0 7.0 140.0 4.7 100 + 1.5 ABC PILASTER AT 3.D 18 12'W NW CORNER OF 0.5 NUC 1 138.0 7.O 141.0 5.8 1oo + ,|.5 ABC PILASTER 3.F APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGER Gompaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 DAIE: 1111612001 REPORT NUMBER: 12 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NU|\{BER GS3453 SHEET 1 op 1 suereo: p;149g I ExpANSloN & RENovATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO o SPECIFICATIONSi 100 O/! OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D1557 % OF OPTIMUMMOISTURE WNHIN TYPE OF COMPACNON EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND IVOISTURE TO ACHTEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION OURING T]MES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASTS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. IMOISTUREADOED 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTMCTOR CONTINUED TO PLACE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) ALONG SOUTH S|DE OF EXISTINGBUILDING. TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED IH PNEVIOUSTY PLACED MATERIAL, TEST NO. 13 INDICATEDsATlsFAcroRY GoMPAcrloN. TEST No. tc neouneo nootrtoHnl colrpAcroN. iiicoHrnacroR wAs ADvrsEDTo AppLy ADDTIoNAL coMpAcroN. No neresr wtr_u ei NEEDED. IN OUR OP'NION. FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BYOUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) 13 lN ouR oPlNloN. FILL coMPAcrtoN DoEs Nor MEET spEcrFrcAloNs As TNDTcATED By ouR oBsERVATroNs A"o ,arii6G M PERroDlc, oN CALL BAsts; M coNTMcToR,s oR cLtENTS REPRESENTAT|VE AovlsEo CWe-\ .r-ro"r.on,,n". l);t*,r =I-L /Ayw' !u 14 scoPE oF oBSERVATION; r FULL T|ME; SCOTT LOGAN OB /L4al rr,4-R TEST NO.LOCATION DEPTH rtrE I IEJI LAAORATORY FIELD cor!t- PACTION SOILryPEIVAX DENSIry oucvo ORY MCo/o 13 2'E OF NE CORNER 0.0 NUC 138.0 0.9 4.5 '! o0 + CURVE NO. 1 OF PILASTER,JOB NO. GS.3481 14 3'N OF NW CORNER 0.0 NUC 138.0 6.9 136.0 4.4 t99 CURVE NO. 1 OF P]LASTER JOB NO. GS-3rtBl APPROVED gY DAN DOWNING, rICIO rr/|NTIffi Gompaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GRoUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 100 % oF MAxIMUM MOISTURE WMlN +l-2 TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE w/ SHAKER HEAD DArE: 1111612001 J REPORTNUN4BER: 12 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NUMBERi GS3453 sHEEr '1 op 1o o SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO ASTM D1557 % OF OPTIMIJM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT. AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORTAND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST OATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.MOISTUREAODEO 8Y THIEKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNTIS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRAGTOR GONTINUED TO PLACE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING. TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN PREVIOUSLY PLACED MATERIAL. TEST NO. 13 INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. TEST NO. 14 REOUIRED ADDITIONAL COMPACTION. THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVIS TO APPLY ADDITIONAL COMPACTION. NO RETEST WILL BE NEEDED. N OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTON MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATEO BYOUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) OUR OPINION. FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: IFULLTTME; fleeRroorc, ol cnu BAsrs:McoNTRAcToRs oR cLrEr{'r-s REPRESENTATTVE ADVTSED CWC SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB ED /w NO.LOCATION DEPTH LABORA'ORY coM- PACTION '/o SOILryPEMAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSIry MCo/o 1? 2'E OF NE CORNER 0.0 NUC 138.0 6.9 140.0 tlE i00 + CURVE NO. 1 OF PILASTER JOB NO. cS-3481 14 3'N OF NW CORNER 0.0 NUC 138,0 6.9 136.0 4.4','/{t CURVE NO, 1 OF PILASTER JOB NO. GS-3r181 CTUTHOMPSON, INC. 13 14 Gompaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 SPECIFICATIoNS: I OO % oF MMIMUM CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS oArE: 1111512001 rce HUuBEn: GS34S3 REPORT NUMBER: SHEET 1 oT 1 SUSJECTI PHASE IEXPANSIoN & RENoTITIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDTCAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO ASTM D1557 IVOISTURE WITHIN +l-2 % OF OPTIMUM TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNTIS: THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORI\,,IED AS A RESULToF ouR oBSERVATToN oF FILL pLAcEMENT, As wrul as ' THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RCUEO UPOru rNECONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARV COVPNCIVC EFFORTANO IVOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOTPRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FiLL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. I,|OISTURE ADOED BY TH|CXNESS OF LIFT GARDEN TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNNS: 2)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRAGTOR CONTINUED- TO PLACE FILL ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF THE EXISTING BUILDING. ONE DENSITYTEsrwAs PERFoRMED lN PREvloLl-sLY PuceDiAdiFlLlnlo tt'totcnreD uNsATrsFAcroRy coMpAcroN.THE GoNTRAcToR wAs AovlsED ro appr-Y eobnidNrir-t-drvrpecroN. No RETEST wLL tsE NEEDED. IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS TNDICATEO BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.{S) lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL coMPAcrloN DoEs Nor MeET spEcrFtcATroNs As rNDrcATEo gy ouR oBsERVATroNs AND ,raiG.6 - f."o". o, orsERVA.oN:flruu rrue; Qeenroorc. oru carL EAsrs:McoNrucroR,s oR cuENTs REeREsENTATvE ADVTsEoCWC ! M SCOTT LOGAN CTUTHOMPSON, tNC. i\ n,:=='==' :, ,!-)/- -' -l' It-,-,,r,"-- AT-KUVEI/ EY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MAN&ER- 12 NO.LOCATION DEP]H LABOMTORY coM. PACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSIry MCo/o 1', 14'E,2'N FROM NE CORNER OF FOCTER AT 3-H 0.5 NUC 138,0 5.-o 1a-, i 4.1 -df- GURVE NO. 1 toB No Gs{4sl INCHES DB Compaction Test Report CLIENT THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 sPEClFlCATloNs: 100 MOISTUREWITHIN DATE:JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORTNUMEER: 11 SHEET 1op1 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO tTllI l=rd It________:____l 11115t2001 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS ,O % OF I'AXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D1557 % OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORI,4ED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE. WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT ANO MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOTTHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEET S SFECIFICATIONS. TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE W/ SHAKER HEAD MOISTURE ADOEO BY THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNTTS: 2)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER GARDEN HOSE NO.LOCATION DEPTH I YFE LABORATORY coM- 'ACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY oMcvo DRY oENSTTY PCF MC% tz ,ICE,2'N FROM NE CORNER 0.5 NUC {38.0 6.9 137.0 4.1 7'l oURVE NO. 1 OF FOOTER AT 3-H ,oB NO. c5-3481 PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR CONTINUED TO PLACE FILL ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF THE EXTSTING BUILDING. ONE OENSITY TEST WAS PERFORMED IN PREVIOUSLY PLACED BACKFILL AND INDICATED UNSATTSFACTORY COMPACTION. THE GONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED TO APPLY ADDITIONAL COMPACTION. NO RETEST WILL BE NEEDED. ouR oPrNroN. FrLL coMpACTroN MEETS SPEC|F|CATIONS AS tND|CATED By OUR OESERVATTONS ANO TEST NO.(S) UR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICAIIONS AS INOICATED BYOUR OESERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S)12 SCOPE OF OBSERVATON: SCOTT LOGAN LjFULLrME: M pERroDrc, oN CALL BAsrsiMcoNTMcroR's oR cLtENTS REPRESENTATIVE ADV|sEDCWC c?urHoMpsoN,tNc. b1rr"", S-\^*r.g FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB APPRoVED 8y DAN DOWN|NG, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 SPECIFICATIONSI 1OO % oF MAXTIVUM +l-2 1 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND I\4OISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COI\4PACTION DURING TII\4ES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER TFI,AN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT fiE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL i,lEETS SPECIFICATIONS. OATE:JoBNUMBER GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 10 SHEET 1or SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENovATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO t r-' Ill=Jl 1',11141200',1 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS . - .10&11 ASTM D1557 % OF OPTIMUMMOISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNtTSI 1)TRACKHOE W SHAKER HEAD MOISTURE ADDED 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR BEGAN PLACING AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABG) UNDER SLAB AONG SOUTH SIDE OF TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED AND INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPAGTION. BUILDING. ^t1lv/r g ! IN OUR OP'NION. FJLL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED EYOUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATEO BY OUROBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.IS) scoPE oF oBsERVATIoN: I FULL Tr[,rE: p eennorc, oH cltL BAsrsiiT coNTRAcroR,s oR cLtENTs REpREsENTAT|VE ADVtsED CWC SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB NO.LOCATION DEPTH TEST TYPE LABORATORY FIELD coM- PACTION v" SOIL TYPEMAx DENSIry ot\lc%DRY DENSITY PCF MCo/o 10 8'E OF NE CORNER 1.0 NUC 138.0 6.9 't 38.0 5.4 100 CURVE NO. 1 OF FOOTER AT 3-H JOB NO. GS-3la1 11 EAST SIDE OF FOOTER OF 1.H 1.5 NUC 138.0 6.9 140.0 4.4 100 + CURVE NO. 1 JOB NO. GS-3rt81 TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD M,A.NAGER Compaction Test Report cL;Err: 1;1E BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 100 DArE: 1111412001 REPORT NUMBER: 10 suBJEcr, PHASE I EXPANSION & VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL VAIL, COLORADO CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoB NUMBER: GS3453 1or1 RENOVATION CENTER g lN ouR oPlNloN, FtLL coi',|pecror uerrs sPEclFlcATroNs As TNDToATED By OUR OBSERVAIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TII.4ES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOTTHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. 10 & 1'1 MOISTURE WITHIN % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D1557 % OF OPTIMUM TYP€ OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTAND NO. OF UN[TS: 1)TMCKHOEW SHAKER HEAD MOIS]UREADDEO BY THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR BEGAN PLACING AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) UNDER SI-AB AONG SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING. TWO DENSITY TESTS WERE PERFORMED AND INDICATED SATTSFACTORY COMPACTION, .r. i---l lN OUR oPINION, FlLr COMPACTION OOES NOT |\.'IEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVAIONS AND TEST NO.(S)v _^__-__-_- _scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: I FULL lMEi E]eenoorc. or celL BAsrs:iTicoNTMcroR's oR cLtENTS REpREsENTATtv€ ADVIsEo CWG crurHoMPsol, rNc. l..r liL-)i'"t tl--I*"','n'3SCOTT LOGAN FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB NO.LOCATION DEPIH FEE I TYPE LABORATORY coM- PACTION vo SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSIry MCo/o 10 8'E OF NE CORNER {n NUC 138.0 6.9 138.0 5.4 100 CURVE NO. 1 OF FOOTER,AT 3.H JOB NO. GS-3r181 11 EAST SIDE OF FOOTER OF 1-H 1.5 NUC 138.0 6.9 140.0 4.4 1oo + URVE NO. 1 JOB NO. GS-3it81 APPRoVEo BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 GTLffHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS o DArE: 111121200'l J roe HuMae* GS3453 REPoRT NUMSER 9 ssEer 1or1 SUEJECT: PHASE IEXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO FOOTING BACKFILL THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS.IHE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE REUED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL I\4EETS SPECIFICATIONS. ,a ' TOP OF FOOTER MOISTUREWITHIN % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM Dl557 % OF OPTIMUM 95 OE TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: THICKNESS OF LIFT PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR HAD PLACED ADOITIONAL FILL AROUND FOOTERS ALONG 1 LINE. ONE DENSITY TEST WAS PERFORMED AND INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. WE ALSO OBSERVED THAT WASHED ROCK HAD BEEN USED AS BACKFILL AROUND THE FOOTERS OF J.3. IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BYOUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION OOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) scoPE oF oBSERVATIoN: n FULL TIME: I eenootc, or cl,u. BAsrs:M coNrucroR's oR cLtENTs REeRESENTATIvE ADVIsED LES 11111 CWC SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB TEST NO.LOCATION ,1 DEPTH FEET TYPE LABORATORY FIELO coM- PACTION v6 SOIL ryPEMAX DENSITY oMc70 DRY DENSITY PCF MCo/o I NORTH SIDE OF FOOTER 't.0 NUC 't 38.0 6.9 131.0 5.9 t 95 CURVE NO. 1 BETWEEN H.1 AND F-1 JOB NO. GS.3/181 TYPE OF EARTH |\,1|OVING EOUIPMEMANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1}LOADER CTUTHOMPSON, INC. DAN OOWNING. FIELD Gompaction Test Report CLTENI: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 ' TOP OF FOOTER SPECIFICATIONS: 95 MOISTUREWITHIN CTL/THOMPSON, ING CONSULTING ENGINEERS/ 1110912001 - roe nuruaen: GS3453o TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: {)JUMPING JA.CK DATE: REPORT NUMEER: 8 SHEEI 1 oT 1 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO FOOTING BACKFILL THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. o % OF MAXIMUM +l-2 ASTM D1557 7. OF OPTIMUM 1)TRACKHOE W SHAKER HEAD MOISTURE ADDED BY THICXNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR CONTINUED BACKFILLING FOOTERSALONG.I L|NE WITH ROAD BASE. ONE DENSIW TEST WAS PERFORMED WTIICH INDICATED UNSATTSFACTORY COMPACTION. THE GONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED TO APPLY AODITIONAL COMPACTION TO THIS AREA. NO RETEST WILL BE NEEDED. THE CONTRACTOR WAS OBSERVED USING WASHED ROCK FOR BACKFILL AROUND FOOTER AT 3.D. THE CONTRAGTOR BEGAN REMOVING TOP SOIL FROM SOUTH SIDE OF BUILDING SO FILL PLACEMENT COULD BEGIN IN THIS AREA. M lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL COiTPACTION MEETS SPEC|F|CATTONS AS tNOICATED By OUR OESERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) I n lN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT |\.4EET SPECTFICAI|ONS AS TND|CATED 8y OUR OBSERVATTONS AND IEST NO.(S),-- Irull lue I eeatootc. oll calL BAsls; i7 coNTRAcroR.s oR clrE]lrs REpREsENTATTv€ ADVTsEDCWA crurHoMpsoN,rNc. !-.)r4r"r' {-,}*'^"r,1sSCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB AppRovEo By DAN DOWNING, FTELD MANAGER NO.LOCATION uEt lt-1 rtrtrl LABORATORY coM- ]ACTION '/o SOIL ryPEIVAX DENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY MC% 8 WEST SIDE OF FOOTER 1.H 1 1.5 NUC 138.0 6.9 130.0 6.2 94 zuRVE NO. 1 JOB NO. cS-3481 Compaction Test Report CLIEMT; THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 oArE: 1110812001 REPORTNUMBER: 7 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL VAIL, COLORADO CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoBNUMBER GS3453 lorl RENOVATION CENTER ,o 95 % OF MAXIMUM MOISTUREWITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUtptnENT ANO NO. OF UN|TST FOOTING BACKFILL THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND I\4OISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER T1IAN THOSE TESTED, TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETFiER THE FILL ME=TS SPECTFICATIONS. D1557 o/. 0F omr,l|uM MOISTURE AODED 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR BEGAN BACKFILLING FOOTERS ALONG 1 LINE TODAY. ONE DENSTTY TEST WAS PERFORMEDAND INDICATED SANSFACTORY COMPACTION. IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS TNOICATED 8Y OUR OBSERVAIIONS ANO TEST NO.{S) lN ouR oPlNloN. FILL coMPAcrtoN DoEs Nor MEET spEcrFrcATroNs As TNDTCATED By ouR oBsERVATIoNs ANo ratil6^ scoPE oF oBSERVATjoN: f] FULL TtME; Qeennorc, oN cnlL BAsrs:UcoNTMcroR.s oR cLrErrs REpREsENTATTvE AovrsEDCWc M T SCOTT LOGAN DB FOOTER AT F.' CTUTHOMPSON, INC. ; r'\." r!-J3?'4/...J 1 o Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BEGK GRoUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 a-l crL/rHoMpsoN, rNc I lE I coNsuLING ENGTNEERS / 1110812001 v .roeNuMae* GS3453 REPORT NUMBER:sHEEr 1 or SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO FOOTING BACKFILL ,o { 95 % OF MAXIMI.JM I.|OISTURE WITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: D1557 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS. THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOTTHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE flLL MEETS SPECIFICANONS. % OF OFNMUM HEAD MOISTURE ADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT 1)TRACKHOE PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTMGTOR BEGAN BACKFILLING FOOTERS ALONG 1 LINE TODAY. ONE DENSITY TEST WAS PERFORMED AND INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION. M lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPEC|FTCAT|ONS AS tNDTCATED ByOUR OBSERVATTONS AND TEST NO.(S) - I lN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPEC|FTCAI|ONS AS |ND|CATEO By OUR OBSERVATTONS ANO TEST NO.(S)_v scoPE oF oBSERVATION: DFULLTTME: Qeenroorc, olr clLL BAsrs;qcoNTmcroR,s oR cLtENTS REpRESENTATNE ADVIsED CWC SCOTT LOG.AN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB CTUTHOMPSON, INC.>-{}-,',,'iS NO.LOCANON DEPTH FEE I TYPE LABORATORY COl,l- PACTION SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY oMco6 DRY OENSITY MCo/o 7 SOUTH SIDE OF z.J NUC 138.0 6.9 133.0 6.4 96 URVE NO. 1 FOOTER AT F.1 JOB NO. GS-3481 TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: APPRoVED 8Y DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GRoUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON, CO 81620 DAIE: 1110112001 roe ruuae* GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: 6 SHEET 1 OE SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOW! ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACNVE EFFORTAND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETiiER THE FILL MEETS SFECIFICAT|OiiS, (o SPECIFICATIONST 100 % OF MAXIMUM MOISTUREWNHN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNTTS: ASTM D1557 % OF OFTIMUM MOISTUREADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE 1)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR HAD COMPLETED PLACING TMPORTED BACKFILL MATERIAL CONSISTTNG OF GLASS 5 AGGREGATEBASE COURSE AROUND FOOTERS AT 3F & 3H. TWO TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN THIS AREA. THE CONTRACTORWAS ADVISED THAT BOTH TESTS DID NOT MEET COMPAGTION SPECIFIGATION. BOTH AREAS WERE REWORKEDAND TEsr No. 6A wAs PERFoRMED AND REsuLTs INDTcATED sATtsrncrony cbupaciroH. TEsr No. 1 tsACGEPTABLE BASED ON GONTR.ACTORS EFFORT ANO EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. 6AM tr ",.s}--) NO.LOCATION ucrtn t-trEl TYPE LABORATORY FIELD coM- PACTION Yo SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSITY PCF MC% NORTH SIDE OF FOOTER 0.0 NUC 138.0 6.9 132.0 7.0 f")CURVE NO. 1 JOB NO. GS-3481 o SE CORNER OF FOOTER 1.0 NUC 138.0 6.9 130.0 3.8 6;.CURVE NO. 1 JoB NO. cs-3481 6A RETEST NO. 6 NUC 138.0 6.9 139.0 7.2 t/ 1oo + CURVE NO, 1 JOB NO. cs-3481 ryPEOF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENI ANO NO. OF UNTTS: -{v" IN OUR OPINION' FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS TNDICATED BYOUR OBSERVATIONS AND TEST NO.(S) lN ouR oPlNloN' FILL COMPACTjON DOES NOT MEET SPECTF|CATTONS AS |ND|CATEO By OUR OBSERVATTONS ANO TEST NO.(S)5&6 scoPE oF oBSERVATION: IFULLTIME; Q eenootc, oru celL BAsrs;M coNrRAcroR's oR cLrENr-s REpREsENTATTvE ADVTSED LES KIWC Scofi LOGAN crurHoMpsoN, rNc. | .).f,a.--! -{}anuu, DB APPROVED 8Y DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER Compaction Test Report cLrENr, THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGlNEERS JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER: SHEET 1 OT 1 suarecr, p;145E tEXPANSIoN & RENovATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO f---lIl tlll=dl 111011200'l tESl NO.LOCATION ItrSl TYPE LABORATORY FIELD coM- PACTIO|\ SOIL TYPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSIry rur t\4c% 5 NORTH SIDE OF FOOTER 0.0 NUC 4(l 132.0 .,^oc CURVE NO. 1 JOB NO. GS-3481 o SE CORNER OF FOOTER 't.0 NUC 138.0 6.9 130.0 3.8 94 CURVE NO. 1 JOB NO. GS-3481 6A RETEST NO.6 NUC 138.0 6.9 139.0 7.2 100 + GURVE NO. 1 JOB NO. GS-3481 SPECIFICATIONS:100 MOISTUREWITHIN TYPEOF COMPACTION EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF I.jNITS: 1)JUMPING JACK % OF MAXIMUM ASTM D1557 THIS R=PORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMEO AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT. AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCANONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARs NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. % OF OPTIMUM 1}TRACK HOE W/ SHAKER HEAD MOISTURE AODEO BY THICKNESS OF LIFT GARDEN HOSE TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 1)TRACKHOE 1)LOADER ',"o,*o,,",o*',lLLco|.|PAcTloN|\,|EETssPEclF|cAT|oNsAs|NotcATEoBYoURo8sERVAT|oNs^NDTEsTNo.(s)gvl.-. r- lN OUR OPINION. FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSEF0TAT|ONS ANOTEST NO.(S) 5 & 6 --scopE oF oBsERVAIoN: EFULL TlvE: leenroorc, or'r cr,r-L BAs$iM coNTRAcroR's oR cLrENts REPRESENTATI\€1ovIsED LE9-W CWC N.lNc. L)iW ti-I't{,/"^R SCOTT LOGAN PROGRESS REPORT THE CONTRACTOR HAD COMPLETED PLACING IMPORTED BACKFILL MATERIAL CONSISTING OF CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE AROUNO FOOTERS AT 3F & 3H. TWO TESTS WERE PERFORMED IN THIS AREA. THE CONTRACTOR WAS ADVISED THAT BOTH TESTS DID NOT MEET COMPACTION SPECIFICATION. BOTH AREAS WERE REWORKED ,/I , ANO TEST NO. 6A WAS PERFORMEO AND RESULTS TNDTCATED SATTSFACTORY COMPACTION. TEST NO. 1 lS rN ACCEPTABLE BASED ON CONTRACTORS EFFORT AND EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE. / / FIELD REPRESENTATVE nFl APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER o Gompaction Test Report cLrENr, THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON. CO 81620 % OF MAXIMUM MOISTURE WTTHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS| CTLffHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS oArEr 0912512001 JoB NUMBER: GS3453 REPORT NUMBER 5 SXETT 1 OT 1 suBJEcr: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS % OF OPTIMUM THE TESTS SHowN ABoVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CON]RACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISruRE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT. AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINTONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPIIIE}{T ANO NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SITE THE CONTRACTOR HAD ALREADY POURED SLABS AT GRID LINES 4D AND 4E. AFTER DISCUSSING HOW GRAVEL WAS PLACED WTTH THE CONTRACTOR WE DO NOT BELTEVE THAT THE APPROXIMATELY 3.5 FEET OF GR.AVEL PLACED AT GRID LINES 40 BELOW SLAB WAS COMPACTED APPROPRIATELY. NO CONCRETE TEST WAS PERFORMED ON THE 5 YARDS OF CONCRETE POURED FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED SI-ABS DUE TO SCHEDULING DIFFIGULTY. r-]|NouRoP|NioN,F|LLioMPAcTloNMEErssPEctF|cAT|oNsAs|ND|cATEDBYoURoBsERVAT|oNsANDTEsT"o.t.l--ErW r--t lN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO (S) --.t scopEoF oBSERVATIoN: IFULLTTMq Q eenroorc, oH catl BAsF:McoNTMcroR's oR cLrENTs REpRESENTATvE AovtsED TROY W MOISTURE ADDED BY THICKNESS OF LIFI :cLTENTS REPRES ENrArlvE AOVISEDTRqY W crur'oMpsoN,rNc. j-,r.'.."'s2M)i,t"",.'a\ SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB lE5l NO.LOCATION UEF IH LABOMTORY FIELD coM- PACTION SOIL TYPEMAX DENSIry oMc%DRY DENSIry MCo/. APPRovEo BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGER o Gompaction Test Report cLrENr: THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 DArE; 0912412001 REPORT NUMBERi 4 CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS roe HUueER: GS3453 1or1 suBJEcI: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO SPECIFICATIONS:% OF MAXIMUM MOISTUREWITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTANO NO. OF UNITS: THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT oioun oesenvertoN oF FILL PLAcEMENT, AS w+L As ine iesrs snowu ABovE, wE HAvE RELIED uPoN THE c6r.rrnncron ro nPPLY THE NEcESSARY coMPAcrlvE iFronr rulo uotsruRE To AcHlEvE sPEclFlED COrtrplCfrOr''r OUnING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER lS NOT PNCSCNT, AHO NT IOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE resreo. iesr onra ARE Nor rHE scLE BASIs FoR oFiNroHs ott wHsrHER THE FILL MEETs sPEclFlcATloNs' % OF OPTIMUM MOTSTUREAODED BY THICXNESS OF LIFT TYPEOF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT NO AODITIONAL FOOTING EXCAVATION OR BACKFILL HAS BEEN DONE SINCE OUR LAST S|TE VISIT' THE coNTRACToR pLANs To pr-aiiliiCOxiMATELY 3 reEr oiusneD 3/4 lNcH RocK BETWEEN rHE roP oF FoorlNG 4.D AND THE CONCRETE STJE.-WE iCaOMMENO THAT THE WASHED ROCK BE COMPACTED WITH VIBRATOR IN LIFTS NOT TO EXGEED 12 TNCHES tN THICKNESS. II.I OU i OP II.IIOII. TIU COMPACTION MEETS SPECTFICATIONS AS INDICATED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO'(S) |NoURoPtN|oN.F|LLcoMPACTIoNDoEsNoTMEETsPEcIF|cATIoNsAsIND|oATEDBYouRoBSERVAT|oNsANoTESTNo.(s) scopE oF OSSERVATTON: -FULLT|ME: ll eenoorc, oH clt L SAslsiM coNlRACTOR',S ORCL|ENTS REPRESENTATIVE CTUTHOMPSON, INC. DAN DOWNING, FIELD MGR. FIELD REPRESEI{TATIVE NO TESTS PERFORMEDtn NO.LOCATION DEPTH TYPE LABORATORY coM- ACTION Yo qr'\[ Tvl'tr MAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSIW MC% o DB BY JOHN LING, P.E. Compaction Test Report CLIENT: THE BECK GRoUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON, CO 81620 CTLffHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 0910712001 roauuueen;_ GS3453 REPORT NUMSERi 3 SHEET a Or 1 SUBJECI: PHASE I EXPANSIoN & RENoVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO o SPECIFICATIONS:% OF MAXIMUI/l MOISTUREWITHIN TYPE OF COMPACTION EQU IPM ENT AND NO. OF I,JNITS: % OF OPNMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORI\4ED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTMCTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TOACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS.MOISTURE ADDEO 8Y THICKNESS OF LIFT TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMENT AND NO. OF UNITS: PROGRESS REPORT A VISITWAS MAOE TO THE SITE AS REQUESTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR DENSIry TESTING TO BE PERFORMED UNDER FOOTER PADS. WE ADVISED THE CONTRACTOR THAT DENSTTY TESTS WERE NOT NEEDED AND THAT OUR ENGINEER WOULD VISIT THE SITE TO INSPECT THE FOOTER EXCAVATIONS. lN ouR oPlNloN, FILL coMPAcrtoN r,[EETs spEctFrcAnoNs As rNotcATEo sy ouR oBsERVATtoNs AND TEsr No.(s) NO TESTS PERFORMED IN OUR OPINION, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATEO BY OUR O BSE RVATION S ANO TEST NO.IS} f T SCOPE OF OBSERVATION: SCOTT LOGAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DB Iruu- rue Ieenroorc, or cnL BAs6:q]coNrucroR's oR cLrENrs REpREsENTAnvE AovrsEDDOUIi WORKMAN crLrHoMPsoN rNn )t' " vYl qEcn5oN,lNc. { ),(;r' -{}}e4,nr.-Pt9.Fr*-W .ar+5 APPROVEO BY DAN DOWNING, FIELD MANAGER TEST NO.LOCATION DEPTH WPE LABORATORY coM- 'ACTION % SOIL ryPEMAX DENSITY PCF oMc%DRY DENSITY PCF MCV" Compaction Test Report CTL/THOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COMPACTION DURING TIMES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT PRESENT, ANO AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOTTHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL I\,IEETS SPECIFICATIONS. cLlENr: THE BECK GROUP oArE: 0812'|'2001 roa ruuae* GS3453 P.O. BOX 8529 REPoRT NuMEER: 2 sHEEr 1 or 1 AVON, CO 81620 SUBJECT: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. COLORADO CRANE PAD ' ESTIMATEO BY A ONE POINT SPECIFICATIONS: 98 % OF MAXTMUM ASTM D ,I557 THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT MotsruRE wrrHrN +l-2 % oF oPTIMUM TYPE OF COMPACTION EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: 1)SMOOTH DRUM ROLLER 1)JUMPING JAGK 1)WATER TRUCK rHrcKNESs oF LIFT 8-10 TYPEOF EARTH MOVING EOUIPMEN'AND NO. OF UNITS: 1)LOADER,I)SKID LOADER THE CONTRACTOR HAD COMPLETED PLACING 3/4 AGGREGATE BASE COURSE FOR CRANE PAD AND WAS PLACING ROTO-MILLED MATERIAL UPON OUR ARRIVAL. THE MILLED MATERIAL WAS REMOVED FROM THE TESTING AREAS SO THAT ONLY BASE COURSE WAS TESTED. TESTS 2, 2A AND 3 INDICATED UNSATISFACTORY COMPACTION. TEST NO. 4INDICATED SATISFACTORY COMPACTION ANO MOISTURE CONTENT. STEVE WITH BECK CONSTRUCTION AND LES WITH CT'VC WERE INFORMED OF THE TEST RESULTS. i--.'] IN OUR OPINION. FILL COi/PACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATEO BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO,(S) M lN OUR oPlNlON, FILL COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INDICATEO BY OUROBSERVATIONS ANDTEST NO,(S) 2,2A,3, SCOPE OF oBSERVATIoN: Ll FU!L T'lVEt glPERloolc, oN CALL EAsls;lyl CoNTMctoR's oR cLlENTs REPRESENTATIVE 1oVlsED LES WqWCJ \z .. -z 4 )x"r."."r 'crLrTHoMPsoN, lNc. :-; ir - SCOTT LOGAN Fl*F FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB NO.LOCATION UEF I11 rEE I tE>l TYPE LABORATORY FIELD coM- PACTION % SOIL TYPEMAX DENSIW PCF oMc%DRY DENSITY MCo/" 2 NE CORNER OF CRANE PAD 0.0 NUC 136.0 6.0 132.0 7.7 97 3/4 INGH ABG 2\ RETEST NO. 2 NUC 136.0 6.0 128.0 6.6 94 3/4 |NCH ABG 3 SW CORNER OF CRANE PAD 0.0 NUC I 136.0 6.0 124.O 8.2 91 3/4 |NCH ABC 4 SE CORNER OF CRANE PAD 0.0 NUC ,| 136.0 6.0 134.0 6.4 99 3/4 |NCH ABC APPROVED BY DAN DOWNING. FIELD MANAGER Gompaction Test Report CLIENTI THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 ' ESTIMATED BY A ONE POINT SPECIFICATIONS: 98 MOISTURE WITHIN l-r_r-lll=Jl 0812012001 REPORT NUMBER: suBJEcr: PHASE IEXPANSION & VAILVALLEY MEDICAL VAIL, COLORADO CRANE PAD CTUTHOMPSON, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS JoBNUMBER GS3453 1os'l RENOVATION CENTER % OF MMIMUM +l-2 ASTM D1557 O/. OF OPTIMUM THIS REPORT PRESENTS OPINIONS FORMED AS A RESULT OF OUR OBSERVATION OF FILL PLACEMENT, AS WELL AS THE TESTS SHOWN ABOVE, WE HAVE RELIED UPON THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY THE NECESSARY COMPACTIVE EFFORTAND MOISTURE TO ACHIEVE SPECIFIED COIVPACTION DURING TII.4ES WHEN OUR OBSERVER tS NOT PRESENT, AND AT LOCATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE TESTED. TEST DATA ARE NOT THE SOLE BASIS FOR OPINIONS ON WHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFICATIONS. TYPE OF COMPACTION EOUIPMENT ANO NO. OF UNtTS: I)VIBRATORY SHEEPSFOOT 1)JUMPTNG JAGK MOISTURE AODED BY THICKNESS OF LIFT WATERTRUCK 8-10 INCHES THE CONTRACTOR WAS PLACING 3/4 INCH AGGREGATE BASE COURSE (ABC) FOR THE CRANE PLATFORM. A DENSITY TESTS WAS PERFORMED ON THE FIRST LIFTWITH UNSATTSFAGTORY COMPACTION. THE CONTRACTOR APPLIED ADDITIONAL COMPACTIVE EFFORT AND A RETEST WAS PERFORMED. THE RETEST INDICATED SATISFAGTORY COMPACTION. WE DID NOT OBSERVE THE EXCAVATION PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ABC. IN OUROPINION. FILL COMPACTION MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICA?ED BY OUR OBSERVATIONS ANO TEST NO.(S) IN OUR OPINION. FILL COMPACIION DOES NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS AS INOICATED BY OUR O BSE RVATIO NS AND TEST NO,(S) SCOPEOF OASERVATION: EFULL'IIME QECNIOOIC. OI.I CAIL BASIS:M COMTRACTORS OR CLTENTS RFPRFSFNTATIVF ANVTSEN LES w/ CWC g f SCOTT LOGAN FIELO REPRESENTATIVE DB TEST NO.LOCATION UETI N ItrJl WPE LABOMTORY coM- )ACTION SOIL TYPEMAX OENSITY oMc%DRY DENSITY tltc% ,| 1():S, 7'W OF NE CORNER OF 0.1 NUC I 136.0 6.0 125.O 5.1 92 3/4 rNCH CRANE PAD ABC 1A RETEST NO. 1 NUC 'l 136.0 6.0 133.0 5.3 98 3/4 INCH ABG TYPE OF EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENTAND NO. OF UNITS: o crurHoMPsoN, tNc. !"'.- \!-: i*' {-}.u.".,,'.cs? 5t6L P\ogc-rcrenrh R Porr+ n U NTEMMOUNTAON TF LJ ESTONGo Goonu^mv Yes coLoRADO DtvtstoN 2965 Sourh Shoshonc Englcwood. Colorado g0l I0 Phonc 303,761.0650 r-800.742.5621 FAX.l03-761-0658 Customer PO # Spec/Code nffi Dav of Week TDate ?-\2' Hours of Shift AM to Mileage to \Q3 Mileage From \b3 Operator Per Diem REMARKS: Total Hours Today _ Total Mileage ?-Ob- Assistant _ Customer t/ I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer cTL Tllc.,npsou &ecr Csusr)Job# \ ' O"t" ROBERT POLLOCK AWS C;WI # 91121211 ICBO CERT. # 0878521-85 .o Signature Rd,e) H, P"UDtE O crL/THoMPSoN, rNc. CONSULTI NG GEOTECHNICAL AND MATER IALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO81601 . (97O) 945.2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVOltl, co 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAT'I P1 acement Type I ns pected : flGrade Beam [-lstructural Slab [-ls'l ab-on-Grade [lr.t t Reinforcin Stee'l P'l acement RePort Date:Job Projecf; Locati onl Total Time: Mileage: 0ther tr JG. [nier cap Icot urn Pl acement Locat'ion :,o / /Mtr"rcement- cons truct t 0n was placed in general conformance with approved drawings and standard pract ice. !o.ti.i enci es Noted : Rei ns pect'i on 'i red ,4.I ns pe ctor: _O Field Copy ror (!o.L Reviewed By: cTL/THOMPSON, lNC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADOSI60l . (97O) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type inspected: [-lcrade Beam Tstructural Sl ab [ott e f]Ri er cap l-ls'lab-on-Grade q7/ [lcot*n f,wutt Placement Location: p[neinforcement was placed in genera'l conformance with approved draw'ings and standard -construction practice. l_lDefi ci enci es Noted: Reinforcinq Stee'l Placement Report Date: / '2 ^O 2 Job N0.,49- Proiecl| VdX vLocationlffi Total Time: Mi1eage: Re'i nspection Required? ,/U CI I ns pector:Field Copy To: Reviewed By: I crulrHoMPSoN, rNc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8l6Of i97O) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type Inspected: f erade Beam f Structural Sl ab fnier cap i-lst ab-on-Grade [wurr Rei nforci n Steel Pl acement Report Date:Job Pro jecff- Locati onl Total Time:Mi l eage: I cot urn Placement Location: o -,,z/I a',lfei nforcement c ons trucl r 0n LlDe fi ci enci es was placed practice. Noted: in general conformance with approved drawings and standard Reinspection Required? \Jo I ns pector:F'ie1d Copy To: brt . Rev'i ewed By: | "t.ltHoMPSoN, rNc. CONSULTI NG GEOTECHNICAL AND MATER IALS ENGI NEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8l60l . (97O) 945-2809 THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 AttentioN: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type Inspected: [-lGrade Beam l--lstructural S lab amL fRier cap |-lst ab-on-e raoe Reinforcinq Steel Placement Report Date: pf a Job '$,ylr P r^n i aFf. Locati onl Total Time:Mi Ieage: ! cot urn Pl acement Locati on : o -....r-r-- l"zlRei n forcementt-J cons tru cul on was placed in general conformance with approved draw'i ngs and standard practice, !o.fi ci enci es Noted: Field Copy To: Reviewed By: /w,Reinspection Requi red? *6l I ns pector: O crL/THoMpsoN, rNc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADOOt60l . (97O) 945.2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type inspected: Terade Bean [structural Sl ab Inier cap l--lsl ab-on-e raoe f cot urn Pl a cement. Locati on : [iflatr Rei nforc'in Stee'l Placement Report Date:Job No.GsgllProj ecti /y1 Locat i onl Total Time:Mi l eage: '.-.- lZ|6inforcement cons lrucI l0n was p'l aced i n pract ice. general conformance wr'th approved drawings and LlDefi ci enci es Noted: Reinspection Required? No I ns pector:Field Copy To: Reviewed By: | "t.ltHoMpsoN, rNc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOO SPRINGS. COLORADOEI60l . {97O) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAII Placement Type Inspected: [-lGrade Beam [-lstructura] Sjab [eier cap l-lsl ab-on-Grade Rei n forci n Steel Placement RePort Date: D r"n i oTFT Locat i onl Total Time:Mi Ieage: ?-t--Yog-\ttt4 I cot rrn Placement Location: [wur i -t''ll6-i nforcement c ons ! ru cf,'l on was p1 aced in general conformance w'i th approved drawings and standard pract i ce. Io.ri ci enci es Noted: o Reinspection RequiredZ N o I ns pector:^AField Copy To: $ecIL Reviewed By: ILO "t.rrHoMPSoN, rNc.' CONSULTINGGEOTECHNICAL,A.NDMATERIALSENGINEERS 234CENTERDRIVE. GLENWOOO SPRINGS. CoLORADo 81601 . (97O) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type Inspected: flGrade Beam l-lstructura'l S lab Ieier cap I-l s'lab-on-crade Rei nforcinq Steel Placement Report Date: lrlra/aa,r Job Proj ectl Locati on : Total Time: Mileage: []wurtlcotrrn Placement Location: ? |-lReinfo".ement was p1 aced in general conformance with approved drawings and standard -construction practice. gdurencies Noted: I il I ns pector: Reinspection Required? b\c> o Fi e1d Copy fo: 0ca!c- Reviewed By: o CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTI NG GEOTECH NTCAL AND MATERIALS ENGI NEERS 234CENTERDR|VE. GLENWOOD SPR|NGS. COLORAOO 81601 . {970) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 MR. DOUC WORKMAIII Placement Type Inspected: [-lGrade Beam fleier cap [-lst a b-on-Grade [wurr Placement Locationr Bd"&" \- F + I - t{ , \- F t_r -/-l-fi6intorcement was p1 aced in general conformance with approved draw'i ngs and standard -cons truction practi ce. f_lDef i ci enc ies Noted: |_lstructura'l S lab effi, PA,:.fu f cot r*n o Rei n forci n Steel Placement Report Date: P roj ectl Locati onl Tota'l Ti me:Mi l eage: Reinspection Required? Nlo I ns pector:Fie1d Copy To: g."L Reviewed By: -i CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER ORIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 81601 ' (97O) 945'2809 I THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVOlrl, co 91620 MR. DOUG WORKMATTI Placement Type Inspected: Grade Beam l-lstructural Sl ab fnier cap [-ls] ab-on-Graoe I cot urn lwut r placement Locat'ion, P,!*l-. * 3-t, l-5, t-H * 0*-.. t-3- r t-tt ,O F*", '* N-u, D-Y, ' B6** b-r . rr-a -r-/'I a{Rei nforcement c ons Irucl l on was placed in general conformance with approved drawings and standard practi ce. f]o"ri ci enci es Noted: Rei n forc'i nq Stee'l Pl acement RePort Date Proj Loca Tota I Time: Mileage: Rei nspecti on Requi red?_No__ i ns pector:o f\AField Copy ro: Ilad& Reviewed By: o CTL/THOMPSON, INC, CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO a160l . (97O) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVOIrt, CO 81620 MR. DOUO WORKMAN Placement Type Inspected: flGrade Beam f]Rier cap [_ls'lab-on-e raoe l-lstructural Sl ab na-,sM lwur r o -,.. lZ|6intorcement was placed 'in general conformance with approved drawings and standard -construction practice. [_lDefici encies Noted : Reinforc'i nq Steel Placement Report Date: \\apol Job N .tu341r Proj ect[ Locati onl Total Time: M'i leage: l-l co turn placement Location, l- F , 3"Ja- t- F a 'l - tt Reinspection Required? \) " I ns pector:Field Copy ro: [\qr]u Reviewed By: O CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLoRADO 8t6Ot . (97o) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 Avolrl, cO 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type Inspected: [-lGrade Beam feier cap |_lslab-on-Grade f*lstructural Sl ab @Kse f cotrrn [wut t Reinforcinq Stee'l Placement Report Date:Job No.:65.34\l Proj ectl Locationl Totai Time: Mileage: ,o Placement Location: - --./'[fReinforcement was p1 aced in general conformance with approved drawings and sta construction pract i cg. f]o"ri ci enci es Noted : ndard ,rl^/ Re'i nspection Required? NO Inspector:Field Copy r., \o.,e Ar.jr.[rf, Reviewed By: E-.'rrEJlI crurrHoMpsoN, rNc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPR|NGS. COLORADOSt60t . {97O) 945.2909 THE BECK CROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVO[{, CO 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAI{ P1 acement Type [-lGrade Beam [nt er cap [-lsl ab-on-crade Rei nforci nq Steel Pl acementSteel Pl acement Report Date: \\Job No. :C*'341tProjectl Locati onl Total Time: Mi Ieaqe: I ns pected : f]Structural Slab zr{6'"leh l-lcot urn Pl acement Locat'ion : flw.t t - ---'[_'-ff,einforcement was p'l aced in general conformance with approved drawings and standard construction practice. f o"ti ci enci es Noted:ry, Reinspection Required? \JO I ns pector: ,o Fieid Copy To: Reviewed By: t CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8l60l . (97O) 945-2809 THE BECK OROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 MR. DOUG WORKMAI{ TGrade Beam Pl acement Type I nc narl od . I SlabI l5r rucrura fleier cap l-l sl ab-on-Graae './-Wtn"" tr*fi-d P"J U f,wut I Reinforcinq Steel Placement Report {t\'3+i Total Tjmer Mileage: Date: rol4tla.','r Job No. D nn i eFIl Locat i onl [_l cot urn Placement Location, 3-bI -/'t' lf6ntorcement was placed in general conformance with approved drawings and standard - cons truct i on pract icE. !o"ri ci enci es Noted , r9N' Reinspection Required? 5\6 I ns pecto r: Rcvicwcd B,(D Fi e1d Copy To: t CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO8l601 . (97O) 945.2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVOII, CO 81620 MR. DOUC WORKMAN Placement Type I ns pected : [-lstructura'l S lab '..'.?. R61tn", tr#.r PJ - []wut t Location:3- s T3- -t ---/lgf{einforcement was placed in general conformance with approved drawings and standard tr;":.*:,", l",.:,'*' *' Reinforcin Steel Placement Reoort flefc.Job No.6s-34Ftt Proj ect- Locati onl Total Time:Mi l eage: i-lcrade Beam lRter cap |-lSI au-on-e rade f]cot*n Pl a cement Reinspection Required? b\o Inspector:Field Copy To: Reviewed By: CTL/THOMPSON, INC, CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SFR|NGS. COLORADO Bl60t . (97O) 945-2809 Client: THE BEcK GRoup P.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 Attn:I.iR. DOUG I./ORKI'IAN Placement Type Inspected: lll Grade Beam l_lstructural Sl ab 0ther Inier cap I ILO rumn l-lsl ab-on-Grade [wur r Reinforcinq Stee'l Plaqement Report Date: /O-/b 1t I ob No. ,4, Prn iarT. Locat i on : Total Tirne: Mileaqe: Placement Location:- f- ^ |-; /,^'z e4 Tliz - /*t 7/;t 4lt"o^Q | /a->t+t Rei n forcement onstruction was p'l aced in general conformance with approved drawings and standard pract i ce. I no li ci en c'i es No ted : Reinspecti on Requi red? N 0 Tncnorinn' Reviewed B o Fi eld Copy To: CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS 234 CENTER ORIVE . GLENWOOO SPRINGS. CQLORAOO 8 ]60 I . ENGINEERS (970) 945-2809 REeEIvFD ocT 15 2001 BEE< 3/7/ Client: TH BECK GRoup R'.O. BOX 8529 AVON, CO 81620 Attn: Pl acement t-ype Inspected: flcrade Beam l-lstructural S lab Ieier cap |-l sl au-on-erade i_l cot rrn ^tVo.n"'#"J,'^-ji !wur r Pl acement Locati on :4 -'/i -..i ,f ,,<-/ ffieintorcement was placed in general conformance with approved drawings and standard construction practice. [O.ti ci enci es Noted: Reinforcin Steel Placement Reoort Date: /A-ob No Drn iart .4 Locati onl Total Time:Mi l eage: Rei ns pecti on Requi r"d? __2 9..-....- I ns pector: Reviewed B O tteld Copy To: O .TL/TH.MPS.N, rNc. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8I60I . (97O) 945.2809 THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Placement Type Inspected: [lGrade Beam feier cap Stuo-on-r"uo. Rei n forci n Steel P'l acement Report Date: 1lz.ot Job No. :6f -Proj ect: L oc a t'i onl Total Time:Mi l eage: +1t [-lstructura'l S lab rJ\Eotn". c"\"*.^ oJ ! co trrn Pl acement Locati on : flw.tt ?,lati"" @ 4D /it r /_ l -C--l v 'vr n osA (4. 't E I<l 1 \ /2\ <tJl45-on-qr4dg (:L - I{ Rei nforcement ons truct ion was placed in general conformance with approved drawings and standard practi ce. [lDefi c'ienci es Noted: Reinspection Requi red? N" I ns pector: rO Field Copy to, -fk. ?.J. G.,*o Reviewed By: CTL/THOMPSON, tNC. CONSULTI NG GEOTECH NICAL,A.ND MATER IALS ENGI NEER S 234 CENTER ORTVE . GLENWOOD SPR|NGS. COLORADO 8160t . (970) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUO WORKMAN Placement Type I ns pected : [-l Grade Beam Istructura l S lab I lPler Lap l-ls'lab-on-Grade Vlzt !cotr*n Placement Locat ion: [wurt o Re i nforc inq Stee l P cement Re port Job Mi 1 eage: P roj ect- Locationl Total Time: Rei n forcement ions truct i on was placed in genera'l confonnance wii,h approved drawings and standardpnactice. f,oeti ci enc j es Noted: Reinspection Requi red?^/O I ns pector: Reviewed B a Field Copy To:h c 9e J< THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date; April 12,2002 Report fD: C4740 - GS - 3471 project: PHASE I .!,rp:ANSTOTV & RENOVATI/ON supplier: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 2 STABS ON ROOF/ 1 SLAB ON 3RD FLOOR, 1 SI.r'.B ON 2ND FLOOR Cast Date: 03/15/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket 12004775 Truck Number: 9802 Batchlime: 7:42 TestTime:9.'00 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @28 days Properties of Goncrete (ASTM c143'c231, C138, C1064) Density Temperature 141.4 pcf. 61 deg. F Slump 5 in. Air Content 4.e% Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) o ffir."l Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive Percent (lbs.) Strength (Psi) of fc Type of Fracture 1 7 4.00 12.57 49,500 3940 Average:3940 99 2 28 4.00 12.57 62,000 4930 3 28 4.00 12.57 61,000 4850 Average:4890 122 CTL/Thompson, Inc. '11by: Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'NG ENG/NEERS SzM CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. CTL/TF{OMPSOB\!, lNlL. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpRtNGS, COLORADO 81501 r (97O) 945_2809234 CENTEFI DRIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHA,SE I EXPAMSTON E RENOVATION UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 2ND FLOOR EAST HALF SLAB ON DECK Date: April 2,2002 Report lD: C4738 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Gast Date: 03/04/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket:12004715 Truck Number: 77 Batch Time: 10;33 Test Time: /7:50 Concrete Mix: 4081 Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, C231, C138, Cl 064) Density 144.4 pcf. Slump 9 in. Air Content /o Temperature 60 deg. F Compressive Strengths (AsrM c3s) o 'ffi['l Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTL/Thompson, Inc.cc: LAFA,RGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENIER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'NG ENG'NEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERN SKTES, 'NC. ry GTLi-i'!-iOM PSCN, ! g\iG, CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpFlTNGS, COLORADO 81501 . (970) ,o45-2809 by:Drr.D*-,'= DowningDan I 7 4.00 12.57 71,500 5690 Average:5690 142 2 28 4.00 12.57 86,000 6840 e 28 4.00 12.57 86,000 6840 L Average:6840 171 234 CENTEFI DFIVE t tt THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAIIS/ON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLOR,ADO Location: 2ND FLOOR EAST HALF SLAB ON DECK Date: March 11,2002 Report lD: C4738 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 03/04/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004715 Truck Number: 77 Batch Time: /0:33 Test Time: /1;50 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138' c1064) SpEcified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump g in. ,/ Alr Content % Density 144.4 pcf. Temperature 60 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c3e) Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'AJG ENG'NEERS s2,n coNsrRUcTtoN WESTERNSK'ES, 'NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 8160.1 I (97O) 945_2809 I 7 4.00 12.57 71,500 5690 Average:5690 142 Dan Downing 234 CENTEF DRIVE I THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I F)(rPAwSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 2ND FLOOREASI HALFSLAB ON DECK Date: April 2,2002 Report f D: C4737 - GS - i471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 03/04/2002 Ticket: 12004708 I Batch Time: 9:14 1 Concrete Mix: Specimens Made By: SL I Truck Number: 109 | Test fim9. !0:m 4081 Gompressive Strengths Specimen N umber Age in Days Diameter (inches) Area Load (sq. inches) (lbs.) (ASTM C3s) Gompressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Type of Fracture Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump 7.25 in. Air Content 4.1% Density 143.2 pcf. Temperature 55 deg. F I 7 4.00 : 12.57 69,500 5s30 Average:5530 138 2 28 4.00 12.57 84,000 6680 3 28 4.00 12.57 86,000 6840 1,, Average:6760 169 CTL/Thompson, lnc. -\ -'l or, !)?v w:3 Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, 'NC.BIERBACH CONSULT,,VG E/VG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. .,l )b4/ CTL/'tr'HOMPSON, iNG. CONSULTING ENGINEERS cLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO s,l501 | (970) 945_2809?34 CENTER DRIVE ' THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I A(;PATVSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 2ND FLOOR EAST HALF SLAB ON DECK Date: March 11 , 2002 Report lD: C4737 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 03/04/2002 Specimens Made BY: SL Ticket:. 12001708 Truck Number: 109 Batch Time: 9:14 TestTime:70;20 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Goncrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138' c1064) Speclfted Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 daYs Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Number CTUThompson, lnc. Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fcAge in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MED'CAL CENTER HLM DES'GN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'NG EVG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION I/YESTERN SKrES' ,NC' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DBIVE r GLENWOOO SPRTNGS. COLORADO 8l60l r (97O) 945-2809 1 7 4.00 12.57 69,500 5530 v Average:5530 138 THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR' DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE t EXPATVSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL' COLORADO Location: 2ND FLOOR SLAB ON DECKWEST HALF Date: March 28,2002 Report lD: C4736 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Batch Time: 8150 i Concrete Mix: TestTime: 9.'50 | 4081 Ticket:, 12004687 Truck Number: 9826 Cast Date: 02/27/2002 Specimens Made BY: SL PhYsical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 daYs propertles,* Concrete (ASTM C143, C231, c138' C1064) slump / Air content Density B.S in. / 6.1 % 137.8 pcf. Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Load ComPressive (lbs.) Strength (Psi) Percent of fc Type of Fracture CTUThomPson, lnc.LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC, BIERBACH CONSULT,,VG ENG'NEERS S2M CO'VSTRUCT'ON WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. w, bft''' D*-,,^< Dan Downing commeng:cyl,NDERsWEREDISTURBEDAFTERPLAaEMENTINGUREBox. CTI./TE-iOMPSON, ING. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2409 Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) 234 CENTER DFIIVE I 7 o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Projecf PHASE I ilPAMTON E RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 2ND FLOOR SL,AA O,V DECKWEST HALF Date; March 8, 2002 Report f D: C4736 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/27/2002 Specimens Made By: SL lickel:. 12004687 Truck Numbert 9826 Batch Time: 8:50 Test Time: 9;50 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143' c231, c138, c1064) Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump / 8.5 in. "/ Gompressive Strengths (AsrM c3s) Specimen Number CTUThompson, lnc. Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'cAge in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture *, FY+^'' =D*^*.,"S, Dan Downing Comments: CyLTTVDERS WERE DISTaJRBED AFQER PLACEMENT lN CURE BOX. CTL/TI.IOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 oENTER ORIVE r GLENWOOD SPFIINGS, COLORADO 81601 I (970) 945-2809 cc: LAFARGE VAI L VAL LEY M ED I CA L CEIITTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULI,'VG ENG'A'EERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERN SKTES, I'VC. 7 4.00 12.57 52,000 4140 q Average:4140 104 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Specimen Number CTLiThomPson, lnc. by: Date: March 28,2002 Report lD: C4735 - GS'3471 Supplier: LAFARGEProjecfi PHASE t a@ANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 2ND FLOOR SLAB ON DECKWEST HALF Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) Age in Days Dr- DowningDan Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Load ComPressive (lbs.) Strength (Psi) Percent of fc Type of Fracture 13 cc: LAFARGE VA,IL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC' B'ERBACH CO'VSULT'NG ENGTNEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. Comments: CyL/NDERS WERE DISTURBED AfiER PLACEMENT IN CURE BOX' I t)/|t il ov1ltvtur/\' CTL/THOMPSON' IT{C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE ! GLENWOOD SpRtt'tCS' COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 Batch Time: 7.'24 Test Time: 8.'30 Ticketz 12004681 Truck Number: 9944 Cast Date: 02/27/2002 Specimens Made BY: SL Prope Slump 7.5 in. rties of Concrete (ASTM C143, C231, C138' C1064) Soecified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 daYs 1 7 4.00 12.57 66,000 5250 Average:5250 131 2 28 4.00 12.57 84,000 6680 r 3 28 4.00 12.57 83,000 6600 ! Average:6640 166 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Aftention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE t EXPAlvSrOi' & RENOVATIoN VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: zND FLOOR SLAB O,V DECKWEST HALF Datet March 8, 2002 Report lD: C4735 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/27/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004681 Truck Number: 9944 Batch Time: 7:24 Test Time: 8:30 Concrete Mix: 4081 PhYsical Specifled Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of Goncrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138' c1064) Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture by: CTUThompson, Inc.cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, lNC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS S2M CO'VSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'A/C. Commen(s: CytlNDERS WERE DISTURBED AFTER PLACEMENT lN CURE BOX' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER OFIIVE ! GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 8.1601 r (970) 945-2809 ? 1 7 4.00 12.57 66,000 5250 r' Average:5250 131 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project PHASE I D(P.AIVSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: ROOF Date: February 22,2002 Report lDi C4734 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/13/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticketz 12004626 Truck Number: 9826 Batch Time: 12.'03 TestTime:7:75 Concrete Mix: 40320 Physical Properties of Goncrete (ASTM c143' c231, c138' c1064) Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump ,/ 6.5 in. ,,/ Air Content 2.6% Donsity 116.6 pcf. Temperature 56 deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen N umber CTUThompson, lnc. Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fcAge in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT''VG ETVG'NEERS SzM CO'VSIRUCTION WESTERNSK'ES, 'NC. fl*, CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpF|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 1 7 | 4.00 12.57 67,000 5330 Average:5330 133 h 234 CENTER ORIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: ROOF Date: February 22,2002 Report fD: C4733 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/13/2002 Specimens Made By: SL licket: 12004616 Truck Number: 9826 Batch Time: 9:09 Test Time: /0;50 Goncrete Mix: 40320 Physical Specmed Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231' cl38' c1064) Slump ,/ Air Content Density Temperature 8.5 in. / 2.8 % 146.4 pcf. 47 deg' F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Number CTUThompson, Inc. Age in Days Diameter (inches) Area (sq. inches) Load (lbs.) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture 1 7 4.00 12.57 61,000 4850 Average:4850 121 by: cc: L,AFARGE VAI L VALLEY M ED I CAL CE'''TER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'NG ENG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. tl ,w GTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS cLENWOOD SpR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I E)(PANSTON & RENOVATION UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: ROOF Dale: February 22,2002 Report lD: C4732 - cS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Gast Date: 02/13/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004609 Truck Number: 140 Batch Time: 7.'24 Test Time: 8.'45 Concrete Mix: 40320 Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of Concrete (AsrM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Slump 7.5 in. Air Content 2.5% Density 145.8 pcf. Temperature 54 deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. NNuyr I l., t,\ cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'A'G ENG'NEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERwSKTES, 'NC. M* CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SPRTNGS, COLOFTADO 8',1601 r (970) 94s-2809 1 7 4.00 12.57 69,000 5490 Average:5490 137 234 CENTER DRIVE I THE BECK GROUP P.o. Box 8529 AVON CO 81620 AttentiON: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL' COLORADO Location: 3RD FLOOR SLAB ON DECKWEST HALF Dale: March 8, 2002 Report lD: C4730 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE c231, c138, C1064) Density TemPerature 141.2 pcf. 52 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Gompressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture CTUThompson, {Fc. nDf"/ {-lx.,r-r",,-q\ Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. CTL/TI-{OMPSON, INU. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpRtNGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 94s-28os Gast Date: 02/07/2002 Specimens Made BY: SL Ticket:, 12004577 Truck Number: 9966 Batch Time: 8;36 Test Time: 9;30 Concrete Mix: 4081 Slump I in. ,/ Specifled Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 daYs Specimen Number Physical Properties Age in .Days of Concrete (ASTM c143' Air Content 6.0 % Load (lbs.) 1 7 4.00 12.57 65,000 5170 Average:5170 129 2 28 4.00 12.57 80,000 6370 u 3 28 4.00 12.57 84,000 6680 o Average:6520 163 234 CENTER DF]IVE I THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I D4rPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLOP'ADO Location: sRD FLOOR SLAE ON DECKWEST HALF Dale: February 14,2002 Report lD: C4730 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/07/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket:. 120045T1 Truck Number: 9966 Batch Time: 8.'36 Test Time: 9;30 Concrete Mix: 4081 Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Propefties of Concrete (ASTM Air Content 6.0 % Q143, C231, C138, C1064) Density 141 .2 pcf. Slump ,/ 7in. / Temperatu16 52 deg. F a Specimen N umber CTUThompson, lnc. Gompressive Strengths Diameter Area Load (inches) (sq. inches) (lbs.) (ASTM C3e) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Age in Days Type of Fracture o' h*','&-t",.R Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY M ED I CA L C ENT ER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT'NG EIVG,,VEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION wEsrERrvsKrEs, r /c. 5Io-<--4o.v 0n,l V (l -'v'"' A /^lyu CTL/THOMPSON. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 81601 | (970) 945-2809 1 7 4.00 12.57 65,000 5170 v/ Average:5170 129 234 CENTER DRIVE T THEBECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EJ(f,AMSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL' COLORADO Location: 3RD FLOOR SLAA ON DECKWEST HALF Datei March 8, 2002 Report fD: C4731 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/07/2002 Specimens Made BY: SL Ticket: 12004580 Truck Number: 9835 Batch Time: 9:17 Test Time: f 0:40 Concrete Mix: 4081 plrysical Properties of Goncrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Speciffed Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump ,/ 5.5 in. ,/ Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c3s) Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (Psi) of fcLoad (lbs.) Type of Fracture I 7 4.00 12.57 69,000 5490 Average:5490 137 2 28 4.00 1 12.57 85,000 9760 L 3 28 4.00 12.57 | 86,000 6840 ( Average:6800 170 Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDI CAL CE'ITER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULIT'VG ENG'NEERS SzM CONSTRUCTION WESIERNSK'ES, 'NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS cLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTO/V & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: iRD FLOOR SL.AB ON DECK WEST HALF Date: February 14,2002 Report fD: C4731 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/07/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket:. 12004580 Truck Number: 9835 Batch Time: 9;17 TestTime:70:40 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138' c1064) Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @28 days Slump S.S in. r./ Air Content 5.5% Density 142.0 pcf. Temperature 46 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (AsrM c39) Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Load (lbs.) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc {-o.v. I "ly -l "rvw.W J4" Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. uy, N = \==='.=-Sarf,tff-'hs .r cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DES'GN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULI,,VG EN'G'NEERS SzM CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SKTES, rNC. .-l71'{€-- GTL/TI{OMPSON. INC- CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 I 7 4.00 1 12.57 69,000 5490 Average:5490 137 234 CENTEFI DFIIVE r THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I UPAMSTOw & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 3RD FLOOR SLAB ON DECK4EASTHALF Oale: March 8,2002 Report lD: C4728. GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/06/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004553 Truck Numbet 9826 Batch Time: 6:57 Test Time: 9;10 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM C143, c231, C138, C1064) Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump ,/ 7 in. ,/ Air Content 5.6% Density 141.4 pcf. Temperature 56 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c3s) Specimen Number CTUThompson, lnc. by: Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Gompressive Percent Strength (psi) of fcAge in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CONSULT'NG ENG'NEERS s2M CONSTRUCTTON WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. CTI-/THOMPSON, lNC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 I (970) 945-2809 12.57 t, 67,000 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPATVSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 3RD FLOOR SLAB ON DECKlEAST HALF Date: February 14,2002 Report lD: C4728 - GS - i471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/06/2002 Specimens Made By: SL licket: 12004553 Truck Number: 9826 Batch Time: 6157 Test Time: 9:70 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231' c138' c1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days SlumD I in. ,-/ Air Content 5.6 % Density 141.4 pcf. Temperature 56 deg. F Specimen N umber Age in Days Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture t 7 4.00 12.57 54,000 4300 v Average:4300 108 CTUThompson, lnc. *, DPt "D"^'^''"'< Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULI'NG ENG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC.aF-oc {o,t/. M* CTL/THOMPSON. INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 815O1 r (970) 945-2809234 CENTER DRTVE T THEBECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 AttentioN: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAMS/ON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: iRD FLOOR SLAB Ow DECK/EAST HALF Date: March 8,2002 Report lD: C4729 - GS - 3471 Supptier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/06/2002 Specimens Made By: SL licket: 12004561 Truck Number: 46 Batch Time: 8:57 TestTime:11:00 Goncrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Goncrete (ASTM c1€, c231, c138' c1064) Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Temperatura 53 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen N umber Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Gompressive Percent Strength (psi) of fcLoad (lbs.) Type of Fracture 1 7 4.00 12.57 49,500 3940 Average:3940 99 2 28 4.00 12.57 58,000 4620 r 3 28 4.00 12.57 61,500 4890 ../ Average:4760 119 CTUThompson, Inc.cc: LAFARGE VA I L VALLEY M ED I CA L CETVIER HLM DESIGN,INC. B'ERBACH CONSULI'NG ENG'NEERS S2M CO|'/SIRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES,INC. CTL/TI-{OMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SpF|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 by: 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTOw & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 3RD FLOOR SLAB ON DECKlEAST HALF Date: February 14, 2002 Reoort lD: C4729 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 02/06/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Tickel:. 12004561 Truck Number: 46 Batch Time: 8;57 Test Time: 11;00 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days of Concrete (ASTM C143, C231, C138, C1064) Air Content Density 5.3 %141.8 pcf. Propedies Slump a in. u/' Temperature 53 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Number CTUThompson, Inc. Diameter ,Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fcAge in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture bf- cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENIER HLM DESIGN, INC. B'ERBACH CONSULT'NG EIVG'NEERS SzM CONSTRUCTION WESTERNSK'ES, /NC.a^- -r o.v- CTL/TI-IOMPSON. INC. Dan Downing I I j CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORAOO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 1 7 4.00 12.57 | 49,500 3940 V Average:3940 99 234 CENTEF DRIVE T January 30,2002 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, GO 81620 Mr. Doug Workman Compressive Strength of Masonry Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3471 Gentlemen: As requested we have performed compressive strength testing for the masonry construction at the subject site. The samples tested were grouted block prisms constructed by the masonry contractor. 7 The compressive strengrth at 28 days was within the project specifications. ,/ Test results are presented on the attached Table No. 1. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. Please call if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager DD:db (6 copies sent) CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORAOO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 Attention: Subject: CTUTHOMPSON, lNC. }\|:\l)7ll "L -.btn'^r,taq ,O o Table 1 ^ - THE BECK GROUP PHASE I D$ANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER JOB NO. G5*?471 3220 4 33g0",g160r' 'o o January 22, ZOO? The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 91620 Attention: Mr. Doug Workman Subject: Compressive Strength of Masonryphase I Expansion I nenovationVail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-3421 Gentlemen: As requestel-r-: .r"u" performed c-ompressive strength testing for themasonry construction at the subje;i;;i;. Ihg ":;;;r;" ,;l;r;"r" 2 inch mortar::ff :fil:" rrom job site ;*"J g'd " ; J urocr piisliJ;;;"ilJ". by the mason ry ./ / The compressive strength at 2g days_was within the project specifications forIortar' grout and brock prismJ. i;r-;;; are presented on fhe attached rabre No. 'r r"" nlfffiil::",,tj""":tportunitv to work with vou cin this project. ptease catl Very truly yours, CTL/THOMPSON, INC. Dr*, &*^,,-ig Dan Downing, Field Manager DD:cd (6 copies sent)Kfu h/,r CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 2 34 cENrE R D R,vE r c L EN wooD " ".,,uS"?S:yJ^Ili 8", ?glir:r:*; o Table 1 28 DAYS 74360 / 4230 ./ 4360 t/ 28 DAYS 2830 ,/ 2690 / 2610 ,/ j I I THE BECK GROUP PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER JOB NO. GS-3471 28 DAYS .t o January 22,2002 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO g1620 Aftention Mr. Doug Workman Subject: Gompressive Strength of Groutphase I Expansion E n"nou"iLn Vail Valley Medical Centei --' Vail, Colorado Job No. cS-3471 Gentlemen: This letter presents resurts of raboratorytesting performed on grout used formicro piles. The groutwas fietd mixed ov ioligin" "nd Sons. samples were obtainedprior to pumping operations. ft," "ompielIivl strength was aeteimined at an age ofz and 28 davs. The 28 day strength i"r"i[-# "o"ve trrt-splcinlll't'r#9tn or s000 psi. ,n," ,"I",ill,lXlt are presented on Table No. 1. lf vou have any questions resardins Very truly yours, CTL/THOMPSON, INC. h.r\.UfrJ {-irr-T.'r'r,'z,s< Dan Downino Lab oratory/Fr:e ld M ana g er DD:db (5 copies sent) CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234cENrERDRrvE.GLENWooD""*,"3"?g:o'":IJ::",: |.8,#r.=F_*: ry 1 i t,.-_ I T i -.v TABLE 1 o o THE BECK GROUF lifr"iril^H"tH,,ERENovA'oN 3,340 6,7701 7,330 - 6,150 6,000 7.500 11,ooo /. to,50o /I vrrrvv ,/ 'to.soo / E Date; February 27,2002 Report lD: C4719 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH COTVSUIr,NG EA'G/TVEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, '/VC. THE BECK GROUP .P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I DeAlVSrOfV & RENOVATTON UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTER AT AE AND 1E TO gE AND gE Cast Date: 01/29/2002 Specimens Made By: SL licket:, 12004530 Truck Number: /40 Batch Time: 8;25 Test Time: 9..50 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Goncrete (ASTM C1 43, C231 , C138, Cl 064) Specifled Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump ,/ 4.5 in. / Compressive Strengths (AsTM c39) o "ffi[?'Diameter (inches) Area (sq. inches) Percent of fc Type of Fracture Load Compressive(lbs.) Strength (psi) 1 7 4.00 12.57 46,000 3660 Average:3664 92 2 28 4.00 12.s7 61,500 4890 3 28 4.00 12.57 63,000 5010 Average:4950 124 CTLffhomp Dan Downing CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpF|NGS, COLORADO 81501 r (97O) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE T a THE BECK GROTJP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: February 6,2002 Report lD: C4719 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Project: PHASE t EXpAlVStOw & RENOUATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VA.IL, COLORADOLocation: FOOTER AT AE AND 1E TO BE AND gE I Srecimen N Umber Compressive Strengths Diameter Area Load(inches) (sq. inches) (tbs.) (ASTM C3s) Compressive Strength (psi) Age in Days Percent of f'c Type of Fracture CTUThompson, lnc."' '?ff=**'= cc: AFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CO,VSULI,'VG ENG,,VEERS SzM CO'VSTRUCTION I,yESTERVSKTES, //vc. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERSGLENWo.D spRrNGS, coLoRADo B.r601 r t-ol rli.,"o" i i I Cast Date: 0l/29/2OU Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004530 Truck Number: 140 Batch Time: 8:25 Test Time: 9..dO Concrete Mix 4081 Physical Specified Strength (f c) aO00 psi @ 28 days Properties of Goncrete (AsrM cl43rcE1, c1d, cE6q l':To ./ Air contenr Density 4.5 in. ,,/ 6.0 % 139.8 pcf. I 7 4.00:1Z.SZ1rc,ooo ',.3660 lv,' Average:3660 92 234 CENTEF DRIVE T t THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: February 22,2OO2 Report lD: C4718 - GS - 3471 Project: PHASE I D(PAJVSTON & RENOVATION Suppfier: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: TNTERIOR SLAB ON GRADE ALONG SOUTH S/DE OF E)flSTING BUILDING' Cast Date: 01/25/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket; 12004502 Truck Number: 77 Batch Time: 7.'tt Test Time: 8.'45 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) SpEcified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump 4.25 in. Air Content 4.0% Density 143.4 pcf. Temperaturg 52 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Number Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTLiThompson, Inq* nL-)f,"/ {-}>t..,u.a;i, Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULT''VG ENG'NEERS SzM COA/SIRUCTION WESTERA'SK'ES, 'NC. l/ ,tu CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpR|NGS, COLOFADO 81601 r (97O) 94s-28O9234 CENTER ORIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOU? WORKMAN Project: PHASE t E)(€.AwSTON & RENOUATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Date: February 6, 2OO2 Report tD: C471e - GS _ 3471 Supptier: LAFARGE LOCAt'ON: I/VIER/OR SI.AA O'V GRADE ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF EXISTING BUILDING. physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 2A days ofGoncrete (AsTlu c143, c231, C15t;c1064) Air Content Density Properties Slump 4.25 in. "/4.0 % 1/B.4 pcf. Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Temperature 52 deg. F o Specimen Number CTUThompson, lnc. Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Gompressive Strength (psi) Age in Days Load (lbs.)Percent of f'c Type of Fracture by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH COA'SULr,A/G ENG'NEERS szM COIVSTRUCTION lyEsrERrv SK/ES, /NC. .\ / x/,t CTL/THOMPSON, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERSGLENwooo spRrNGS, coLoRADo 81601 r r-ol noi-aron f --- I Cast Date: 01/25/2002 Specimens Made By: SL Truck Number: Z7 BatchTimei 7:11 ;--cd;A;Mi,c Test Time: 8.'45 i nOrt 1 7 4.oo I t z.si 57,OOO I 4540 Average: | 4S4O 114 o 234 CENTER DRIVE T ta THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I E-)IIPANSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLOR.ADO Location: SL,AB ON GRADE COURTYARD t' Date: February 18,2002 Report lD: C4717 - cS - 3471 Supplier: L,AFARGE Cast Date: U/142002 Specimens Made By: SL ficket:. 12004479 Truck Numben 9826 Batch Time: 7:3/ Test Time: 9:00 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM C143, C231, C138, C1064) Slump a.5 in- ,'/Air Content 4.0 % Density 143.2 pcf. Temperature 55 deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen N u mber Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompqoq, Inc. f\J4r/ {_-bvun',,aq hv. \ Dan Downing cc: L,A,FA,RGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CONSULT'NG EVG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION LYESTERN SK'ES, /NC. ef<^r<- <-.n l/ | 'r'lrY' CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 81601 I (97O) 945-2809 CTL/THOMPSON. INC. I I I 4.00 12.57 56,000 4460 Average:4460 112 2 28 4.00 12.57 70,000 5570 ./ a 28 4.00 | 12.57 69,500 5530 v Average:c0cu 139 234 CENTEFI DRIVE . THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOIJg WORKMAN Date: January 29, 2OO2 Report ID: C4717 - GS - 5471 Supplier: LAFARGE Project: PHASE I AeAwSTOil & RENOVAT,ION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: SLAB Ow GRA DE COURWARD l'O Specimen Number Gompressive Strengths Diameter Area Load(inches) (sq. inches) (tbs.) Age in Days (ASTM C39) Compressive Strength (psi) Percent of fc Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG''VEERS s2'y corvsrRucTtoN WESTERN SK'ES, 'TVC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTTNG ENGINEERSGLENWo.D spRrNGs, coLoRADo e1so1 r rszol sa5-raj" /(.y ).[ I ! { Cast Date: 0l/18/2OOt- Specimens Made By: SL Ticket:. 12004479 Truck Number: 9826 Batch Time: Z.'31 Test Time: 9..00 Goncrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, cz1ac13d-T064)Specifled Stren$h (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days | 4.O0 t 12.57 ./56,000 4460 Average:4460 112 Dan Downing 234 CENTER DRIVE T 7 o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: February 6, 2OO2 Report tD: C4690 - GS - 9471 Supplier: LAFARGE Project: 9HASE I EX1AIVS/O,V E RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADOLocation: D.i, C.1 ?ILASTER Compressive Strengths (ASTM C39)o Specimen N umber Age in Days Percent of fc Type of Fracture Diameter ,Area(inches) (sg. inches) Compressive Strength (psi) Load (lbs.) CTUThompson, lrtrq. ,r. rlF*' &0,.{-,-.R o"n-*ning- - cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DES'GN, INC. BIERBACH CO,VSUTr/NG EJVG/'VEERS SzM CONSTRUCTION !yESrERVSKrEs, /rvc. ry' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. . CONSULTING ENGINEERScLENwooD spR'NGS, coLoRAoo 8.16oi r rgzol g]ize* Cast Date: 01/03/2002 Specimens Made By: WR Ticket: 12004393 Truck Number: Z9 Batch Time: 7.'S0 Test Time: 4..09 Concrete Mix: . 4081 physical propert rryrhlfl:rlsl ;;::,. "/ aircontent Densitv rempe'ture2.6 % t&.6 pcf. S9.deg. F r iz@ 47,500 3780 Average:3780 95228 | n.oo 12.57 71,000 5650328 i 4.OO 12.57 69,000 5490 Average:5570 139 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECKGROIJP P.O. BOX 852s AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Specimen Number CTUThompson, Inc. Project: PHASE I EX9ATVSTOTV & RENOUATION UA,IL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, UA!L,' COLORADOLocation: D.l, C.l ?ILASTER Date: January 11, 2002 Report tD: C4690 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFAR3E Gompressive Strengths (AsTM c39)o Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches)Compressive Strength (psi) Load (lbs.)Percent of f'c Type of Fracture cc: LA,FARGE VA I L UA LLEY M E D I CA L CE'VTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSIJLTING E'VG"VEERS SzM COA'SIR UCTION yyEsrERMKrEs, /rvc. 4 ,lll' L-- :CTL/THOMPSON, tNC. c LE N woo D " " *,,', S"?$:H:IJ: :",:lu3:i"=ff": Cast Date: llnilr\Or- Specimens MadeBy: WR Tickett tZOO43gJ Truck Number: 79 Batch Time: I..50 Test Time: 4..09 Concrele Mix 4081physicat Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of _tlT_o ,/ Air content Density3.75 in. J 2.6% -;;; 1 7 I 4.oo 12.57 47,500 3780 Av€rage:3780 95 Dan Downing o 234 CENTER DFIIVE I o THE BECK GROIJP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE t EX4AIVSTON & RENOVATION VAIL V,ALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: D.l & C.1 Date: January 91,2002 Report fD: C46A8 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 01/02/2002 Specimens Made By: WR Ticketi 12004JT6 Truck Number: i40 Batch Time: 77.'36 Test Time: 7:30 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, citt, c1064)Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 2g days &.,.*, ',- v by: Compressive Strengths (AsrM c3e) Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.)Type of Fracture CTUThompsoqalnc. hv. q- cc: LlAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EVG'/VEERS S2M CO'VSTRUCTION wEsrERN SK/ES, '/vc. b Comments: 2 GA,LLaNS ADDED AFTER 'AMPLE wAs )BTAINED CTL/TFIOMPSON, INC. 234 c E N r E R D R I v E r c L E N woo D " " *,, 3":S:"'*:IJ: : "., =,1u3'"T5ff ": Ir I 7 4.00 12.57 65,000 5170 Average:5170 129 2 28 4.00 12.57 76,000 6050 '/3 28 4.00 12.57 78,000 6210 Average:6130 153 Dan Downing THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: January g,2OO2 Report tD: C4688 - cS - 3471 Supplier: LAFAR9E Project: PHASE t APATVSTO,V & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADOLocation: D.1 & C.l Cast Date: U/OA2OO2 Specimens Made By: WR Ticket: 12004376 Truck Number: /40 Batch Time: 11:36 Test Time: 7..30 Concrete Mix: 4081 physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of C -alyt ,/ Air contanr Density 1.75 in. V z.Sy, ;;. -O ^ffiil;' Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) CrUrhompso"Up_ Dan Downing Commenb: 2 GALL'N ADDED AFTER SAMPLEwAs TAKEN .Age in Days Compressive Strengths (ASTM C3s) Compressive Strength (psi) Load (lbs.) Percent of fc Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAI L VALLEY M E DI CA L CE'VTER HLM DESIGN,INC, BIERBACH COTVSULT/NG E'VG'NEERS SzM CO'VSIRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES,,IVC- ttld IJil' CTL/THOMPSON, ING. 234cENrEFDRtvErGLENwooo""",^3=?S:H:JH:",1 juB#*=SI": _,tr;4.00 ltZ.st 65,000 5170 Average:5170 129 o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOIJG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I ilPAwSlOl/ & RENOVATTON UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: SLAB-ON-DECK 2ND FLOOR IN FRONT OF ELEVATORS Date: January 17, ZOO2 Report lD: C4711 - GS - J47t Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 12/20/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004337 Truck Number: 9824 Batch Time: 12;28 Test Time: 7.'55 Concrete Mix: 4081 Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Prbperties of Concrete (esTM c143, C231, C138, C1064) Density 141.6 pcf. 'o Specimen N umber CTUThompson, lnc. Compressive Strengths Diameter Area Load(inches) (sq. inches) (tbs.) (ASTM C3e) Compressive Strength (psi) Age in Days Percent of f'c Type of Fracture by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EA'G'IVEERS s2M CO^TSTRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, 'NC. DAVE ARCHULETTA W BECKWAS INFORMED OF THIS BEFORE 4/ CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTER oRrvE r cLENwooD ""*,*3"o, S?.'*:IS:"'=|3'#5*.: Dan Downing Comments: PUMp TRUCK pRtMED |NTO MIXERTRITCK PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE I I 1 7 4.00 12.57 41,000 3260 Average:3260 82 2 28 4.00 12.57 54,000 4300 3 28 4.00 12.57 53,000 4220 Average:4260 107 o THE BECK GROIJP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE t APA,VS/Oi, & RENOVATION UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Lccation: SLAB-ON-DECK zND FLOOR tN FRONT OF ELEVATORS Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Date: December 27, 2001 Report fD: C4711 - GS - J47I Supplier: LAFARGE o Specimen Number Age in Days Percent of fc Type of Fracture Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive(lbs.) Strength (psi) by: CTUThompson, Inc. Dan Downing Comments: PUM4 TRUCK 1RIMED INTO MIXERTRUCK.PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. Dr^, CI,^"--,ts cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY M EDI CAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSIJLTING ENG,,VEERS sz,v corvslRUCT|ON I/YESTERNSK'ES, /NC. DAVE ARCHULETTAWBECKWAS INFORMED OF THIS BEFORE CTL/THOMPSON, INC- CONSULTING ENGINEERSGLENWOOD SpRINGS, COLORADO 8160.1 f (970) 945-2809 I I I i Il- l I o Cast Date: 12/20/2001 v Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004337 Truck Number: 9824 BatchTime: 12:28 Test Time: /..55 Concrete Mix: 4081 Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Pro Goncrete 6srur Air Content 5.1% c143, C231, C138, C1064) Density 141.6 pcf. perties of \,/in. \,-/ I 7 4.00 12.57 41,000 3260 Average:3260 82 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN CTUThompson,Jnc. or. L-*F^' *[L^'-'"= Dan Downing Datei January 4,2002 Report f D: C4708 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGEProject: PHASE I EX2AMTOw & RENOVATTON UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: RETAINING WALL FR1M 2E wEsr ro gilesrtNc BaJtLDtNc ALoNc 2 LINE INcLUDtNc ptLAsrER ATB-2 Load Compressive Percent of f'c Type of Fracture Cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CO'VSULI/'VG ENG''VEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SKIES,INC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945_2809 I I t_ I Cast Date: 12J06/ZOOI Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004192 Truck Numberr: 96i3 Batch Time: 77;26 TestTime: 12:40 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties ofconcrete (ASTM c143, c231, C138, c1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump ./ 3.5 in- / Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Average: 2 28 4.00 12.57 70,500 5610 3 28 4.00 12.57 66,000 5250 Average:5430 136 o 234 CENTER DR'VE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: December 13,2001 Repod fD: C4708 - GS - g4T1 Supplier: LAFARGE Project: PHASE t |-/rpANS/OfV & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: f;-E{ewwo WALL FR1M 2E wEsr ro ExtsnNG B:ILDTNG ALzNG 2 LINE tNcLtJDtNG prLAsrER AT Specimens Made By: 12/06/2001 SL Tickel:12004192 Truck Number: 9673 Batch Time: 71;26 TestTime: 12:40 physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days Properties of concrete (AsrM ctt,.t.138rc1064) Slump ,/ Air Content Density 3.5 in. / 4.6 % 142.4 pcf. Temperature 59 deg. F Specimen Age in Diameter Area Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Load Compressive Percent of fc Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. a\i)q*t {.}2.'"-,'"q, bv: -).- Dan Downino Average: 4060 102 cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSIJLTING ENG/,VEERS s2,tt colvslRUCTtoN WESTERN SK/ES, /A/C. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS. COLORADOsrSOl r (97O) 945-2809 v 4.oo 12.57 : st,ooo--1-ioao 234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG W)RKMAN Project PHASE I EX4AwSIOw & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VA:IL, COLORADO Compressive Strengths (ASTM C39) Date: January 4,2002 Report lD: C47O7 - cS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE o Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTLiThompson lnc, . !)'i,^/ cc: LAFARGE VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERNSK'ES, 'NC. /'h/. ' ,,1\tr' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 c E N r E R D R I v E r c L E Nwo o D " ".'' 3"?S?"'.:Il1 :.,11t3'#5"5L: by: Dan Downing I Location: WALL AL1NG 2 LINE FR1M 2E To EAsr oF 6E FoorER AL}NG 2 LINE FR1M 2E To gE Gast Date: 12/04/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12004142 Truck Number: 9824 Batch Time: 12.'55 Test Time: /-'50 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Goncrete (asrrut cras,c231, C138, C1064) Density 139.8 pcf. Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slumo a.5 in. ,/ 1 7 4.00 12.57 50,000 3980 Average:3980 100 2 28 4.00 12.57 64,000 5090 /3 28 4.00 12.57 65,000 5170 Average:5130 128 \ R--{:l,r,1.,/.J!'/\R __.) o THE BECK GROIJP P.O. BOX 852s AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: December I l, 2001 Report tD: C4707 - GS _ g47l Project:PHASE t U4A,VS/O,V & RENOVATTON Y::: ,r::::M_EDtcAL cENrER, vAtL, coLoRADo Suppfier: LAFARGE i#'#r"oZrr* AL'NG z L,NE FR*M 2E ro sEcast Date:lidiEddl ticXet:tZOOl@ Concrete Mr:iSpecimens Made By: SL Truck Number: 9g24 Test Time: 7.'S0 4081physical Specified Strength (fc) !!0 nsi @ 28 days Specirnen Number Temperature 62 deg. F o Age in Days Diameter (inches) 4.00 Area (sq. inches)Percent of fc Type of Fracture Compressive Strengths (ASTM C3s) Compressive Strength (psi) Load (lbs.) 12.57 50,000 Average: CTuThompsorklnc. n\ av, L4*j {-}n'sa".'a\ Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EiVGI'VEERS sz,lt colvsrRUCTtoN WESTERN SK/ES, /iVC. I t,,,-. CTL/THOMPSON, INC.coNslJl.TtNG ENGtNEERscLENWooD s.,R'NGS, coLoRADo groo.,-i i}rr "Ir_T", 234 CENTEFI DRIVE r o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVoN co 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I AeAlVSrOil & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTER AT B-ARETA]/NING WALL ALONG 2 LINE Date: January 29,2002 Report fD: C4706, GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 1t/28/2001 Specimens Made By: SL ficket: 12004045 Truck Number: 45 Batch Time: /2;79 Test Time: 7;30 Concrete Mix: 4081 phys Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days of Concrete (ASTM C143, C231, C138, CroM) Compressive Strengths (ASTM C3e) 1 7 4.00 12.57 30,000 2390 Average:n9a 60 Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAILVALLEY MEDICAL HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH COTVSULI/NG EA'G'A'EERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, /NC. commenb: THE O1N9RETE,DRIUER INF1RMED us \HAT THE REAso/v FoR THE I IN sLUMp wAs IHAT THE puMpoPERAToR PNMED INro rHE MIXER raucxEeroiE puu{nd.'iitd'toli tilii pucED rN rHE BorroM oF FoorER8.2 NoTE: oNE CYL\NDERWTLL BE resio ei i6'-oevs. )f-y CENTER CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234cENrEFDRrvErGLENW.oD""",^3"?S:"'.t^IJ::",=,1t3'J5ff ": Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f,c Load (lbs.) I 2 28 4.00 12.57 42,000 3340 3 28 4.00 12.57 45,500 3620 Average:3480 ..874564.00 12.57 53,500 14260 ) Average:.l2A()107 CTUThompsonJnc. Iby:- DP* D Dan Downing O rr, "r"*GRoupP.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOU? WORKMAN Date: December 26, 2001 Report tD: C4706 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE ; r Physical pro 1/Specified Strength (fc) /K,,^ofConcrete r@ i_4000 psi @ 28 days ,r4 11/28/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Truck Number: 45 6.4 % 12004045 BatchTime: ITli Test Time: 7:30 Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) ' V/' Density 137.2 pcf- Compressive Strength (psi) yftemparature 59 deg. F o'ffiil?' CTUThompson*.,(rc. Ior, ' -'W- *D**,5 Dan Downing WESTERN SK/ES, /iVC.2oy!r:trHE coNcRErE DRtvER TNF,RMED (JS rH.,{,'ri3 i'{;1,'"Y::?!,F^o^tT:!F^eY PyyP wAs rHArrHE puMprN;;; w;.iftE rHrs L'AD wi{ iticEttn.frE ;T,r;i,,o,rr#ou^ CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERScLENWooD spRrNGS, coLoRADo e.,oorl i-ol "r-#r* Age in Days 7 Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) 4.00 12.57 4.00 30,000 2390 Average:.: .-;::!l) 12.57 : nz,ooo-i Average: Load (lbs.)Percent of f'c Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG/NEERS S2M CONSTRIJCTION r/ 'i+,u l--,- L 28,-affi 234 CENTER DFIVE I THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: Date: December S, 2001 Report fD: C4TO6 - cS _ 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Specimens Made By: 11/28/2001 sI Truck Number: 45 BatchTimei 12:19 Test Time: 7..3O Specified Strength (fc) Physical Propertiesof@ c231, C138, C1064) Density 137.2 pcf. Temperature 59 deg. F 4000 psi @ 28 days Specimen Number j7 CTLffhompson, Air Content 6.4 % Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Age in Days Diameter (inches) Area (sq. inches) Load (lbs.) Averagel ; Compressive Percent of flc Type of Fracture: 4.00 by: Dan Downing szM COIVSTRUCTtoN ZESTERN SK/ES, //vc. ,ry ' COMMENTS: THE CONCRETE"PJ?!:I'\]NFORMED US HAI,T.!-I.REASO// FOR THE 8 IN SLUMP WAS THAT THE PUMPg::RAroR PRTMED tNro rue nxen'ialii'fii6[t rrn,un. tiii 6io'iie's'rrocro N rHE Borroi oF FoorER j I !2.5? topoo 'S-D*--,.'; | -- I cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGII,IEERS CTL/THOMPSON, INC. o 234 c E N rE F D Fr I v E r c L ENwoo D " ".,, S"?S?",.:IJ: :",ijugl|r:ff": ,o November 23,2001 The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon. CO 8'1620 Attention Subject: Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager DD:cd (5 copies sent) Mr. Doug Workman Compressive Strength of Grout Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, Colorado Job No. GS-3471 Gentlemen: This letter presents results of laboratory testing performed on grout used to enhance the strength of the soil for foundation support. Compressive strength was performed on ten (10) sets of cylinders cast by Hayward Baker personnel during jet grouting operations. The compressive strength of the grout mixed with the on-site soils ranged from 410 psi to 2,070 psi with an average of 860 psi at an age of 28 days. Test results are attached. Compressive strength tests were also performed on 3 cores obtained from below footings 3E and DE after jet grouting was completed. The cores consisted of on-site gravels with grout. The compressive strength was determined at approximately 28 days and ranged from 1,400 psi to 2,715 psi with an average of 1,950 psi. Test results are presented on Table 1. lf you have any questions regarding this report, please call. Very truly yours, GTUTHOMPSON, INC. /w' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE I t TABLE I ,o lI{E BECK GROUP PHASE I EXPANSION AND RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CTUT JOB NO. GS.346I I- THE BECK GR)UP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUQ WORKMAN ,/ Datei October 22, 2001 Report lD: C2974 - GS - 3471 Supplier:Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: #35 ' Gast Date: 09/24/2001 Specimens Made By: Ticket: Truck Number: Batch Time: i Concrete Mix: Test Time: 7.'30 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Slump Air Content Density Temperature I psi @28 days _ in. % pcf. deg. F i Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specified Strength (f c) Specimen Number GTUThompson, Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive {lbs.) Strength (psi),o Age in Days Percent of fc Type of Fracture oy: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC, BIERBACH CONSULT'NG E/VG'TVEERS s2M CONSTRUCT/ON THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, 'NC. Dan Downing CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLOBADO 8.t601 r (970) 945-2809 28 3.00 , 7.07 ,(D 234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAIVSTON & RENOVATION VAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Locationr #45 Date: October 22, 2001 Report lD: C2975 - GS - 3471 Supplier: cast Date: 09/24/2001 Specimens Made By: Specified Strength (fc) i Ticket: Truck Number: Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, Batch Time: Test Time: Concrete Temperature deg. Fi nsi @28 days Slump in. Air Content % c23,|, c138, C1064) Density pcf. io Specimen N umber Age in Days Gompressive Strengths Diameter Area Load (inches) (sq. inches) (lbs.) (ASTM C3e) Gompressive Strength (psi) Percent of fc Type of Fracture 28 : 4.00 1 12.57 28 4.00 12.57 5,800 460 28 4.00 12.57 4,900 390 CTUThompson, Inc. 410 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EIVG'A/EERS S2M CONSIRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES. /NC. by:Dr **,-'13 Dan Downing CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPFTNGS, COLORADO 8 r 601 r (970) 945-2809 o 234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: 436 Date: October 24,2001 Report lD: C2973 - GS - 3471 Supplier: Cast Date: 09/26/2001 ; Ticket:Batch Time: i Concrete Mix: Specimens Made By: I fruck Number: I Test Time:. 10:00 Physical Specitied Strength (f c) psi @28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM c1€, c231, c138, c1064) Slump in. Air Content % Density pcf. Temperature deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) o Specimen N umbei CTUThompson, Inc. Age in Days Dan Downing Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive (lbs.) Strength (psi) Average: : 980 Percent of fc Type of Fractu re VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CO'VSULr/NG E,VG/NEERS S2,tt CO,VSfRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS. COLORADO 81601 I (970) 945-2809 o 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANS/ON & RENOVATION VAIL V,ALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: H7 Date: Ocfober 25,2001 Report lD: C2976 - GS - 3471 Supplier: Cast Date: 09/27n001 Specimens Made By: Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, Ticket: Truck Number: Batch Time: Test Time: Concrete Mix: Temperature deg. F c231, C'138, C1064) Density pcf. Specifled Strength (fc) psi @28 days Slump in. Air Content % Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) S pecimen N umber CTL/Thompson, Inc. Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) 4.00 12.57 12.57 Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Age in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture 28 9,300 740 9,800 Average: i 750 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH COIVSULzffG E'VG''VEERS s2M CO^/STRUCT|ON THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, //VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPFUNGS, COLORAOO 81601 I (97O) 945-2809 730 ", .l)-"- Do'--'5 Dan Downing 28 4.00 i 12.57 9.200 :o 234 CENTER DRIVE I THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: #76 Date: October 26,2001 Report lD: C2980 - cS - 3471 Supplier: Cast Date: 09/29/2001 Specimens Made By: Ticket: i Batch Time: Truck Number: I Test Time: Physical Specified Strength (f c) psi @28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM c1 43, C231, C1 38, C1 064) Density pcf. Slump in. Air Content o/,/o Compressive Strengths (AsTM c39) Temperafure deg. F .O tffif"","Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture 1:28t4.00 112.5i 5,000 400 2 28 4.00 12.57 , 5,600 450 J 28 4.00 ) 12.57 7.000 560 CTUThompson, Dan Downing by: VA I L VALLEY M E D I CAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC, BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS SzM CONS]'RUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, /'VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORAOO 81601 I (97O) 945-2809 o 234 CENTER DRIVE t o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR, DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: #27 Date: October 29, 2001 Report fD: C2983 - cS - 3471 Tests Supplier: 10/01/2001 Batch Time: Test Time: 72;00 Concrete Mix: Specimens Made By: Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Specified Strength (f c) psi @28 days Slump in. Air Content Dens ity pcf. Tem perature deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Diameter AreaSpecimen N umber Age in Days Percent of f'c Type of Fracture(inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive (lbs.) Strength (psi) 1 28 4.00 : 12.57 25,000 1990 ;1830 i2390 i 2 28 4.00 12.57 23,000 3 28 4.00 12.57 30,000 CTUThompson, Inc. o, D/^., 'D"-"^3 Dan Downing Average: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CONSULTING EA/G/'VEERS s2M CO/VSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK'ES, //VC. GTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORAOO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 2070 ,O 234 CENTEFI DFIVE T o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTON & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: #47 Date: November 1,2001 Report lD: C2982 - GS - 3471 Supplier: Specimens Made By: 10/03/2001 Ticket:Batch Time: Test Time: Concrete Mix: Physical Specified Strength (f c) psi @ 28 days of Concrete (ASTM Air Content o//o c143, C231, C138, C1064) Density pcf. Properties Slump in. Temperature deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) ,O Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. 1\ i:\.oy, J-)1,"s {-bw-""\ Dan Downing ':t' 710 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING E/VG''VFFRS S2M CONSIRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPBINGS. COLORADO 81601 I (970) 945-2809 o 234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Altention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COI:ORADO Location: *37 "/Oatei October 30,2001 Report lD: C2981 - GS - 3471 Supplier: Cast Date: Specimens Made By: 10/02/2001 Ticket: Truck Number: Batch Time: Test Time: 7:00 Concrete Mix: Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM C143, C231, C138, C1064) Specified Strength (fc) psi @28 days Slump in, Air Content % Density pcf. Temperature deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) o Specimen N umber Age in Days .!..-..n i,'*' Diarneter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Type of Fracture Load (lbs.) Average: CTUThompson, tn":, by::y-3 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULI//VG EAJ6'A/EERS s2M CONSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. Dan Downing CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLORADO 8t601 I (970) 945-2809 12.57 : 15.000 234 CENTER ORIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL. COLORADO Location: #6 GROUT / Date: Novemb er 6,u2OO1 Report lD: C2996 - GS - 3471 Supplier: 10/09/2001 Specimens Made By: Physical Specified Strength (fc) Ticket: Truck Number: Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143,c231, C138, C1064) Density pcf. Temperature deg. Fi psi@ 28 days Slump in. Air Content % Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) O speciment. Number Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTL/Thompson, Inc. "\\ayt L)|,"-l {-)>v'",'a< Dan Downing VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENIER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING E/VG/NEERS SzM CONSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 ,O 234 CENTER ORIVE I ,o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 .Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN RENOVATION CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Date: November 7, Report lD: C2995 - GS - Supplier: 200 347 ,1 1 Project: PHASE lB(PANS/ON & VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL Location: #1 GROUT Cast Date: Specimens Made By: Ticket: Truck Number: Batch Time: Test Time: Physical Specified Strength {f c) : psi @28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, C231, C138, C1064) DensitY pcf. Slump in. Air Content % Temperature deg. F Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) ,O specimen! Number Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) offc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. Average: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CONSULr/NG ENG/NEERS s2M COwSTRUCTTON THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLOBAOO 8160r r (97O) 945-2809 by:b;'r-' =D-.,-,'^3 Dan Downing _o 234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: December12,2001 Report lD: C4705 - cS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE COLORADO STEP FOOTER AT 7.D AND 7.C, PILASTER AT 6.D AND WEST Project: Location: PHASE I AGA,VS'O'V & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER,VA,IL, GRADE BEAM AT 7.F, FOOTER AT 6-F, SIDE OF 6-D Gast Date: 11/14/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket:. 12003739 Truck Number: 9944 BatchTime:11:11 TeslTime:. 12:20 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Specified Strength (l'c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM Clitit, C231, C138, Cl064) Temperature 64 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c3e) in Diameter Area Load Compressive Percent Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG'NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION ryESTER'VSK'ES, 'NC. ,(w' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTER oRtvE r GLENW..D ""*,r3"o. S?o'":IS:",='lt3x)55-5": Specimen Age CTUThompson-!3c. 1-.1!)f*t {*b-^"'3 by: - Dan Downing of fcI74.00 12.57 62,000 4930 Average:4930 123 2 28 4.00 12.57 77,000 6130 J 3 28 4.00 12.57 74,500 5930 \./ Average:6030 151 o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Specimens Made By: SL Date: November 23,2001 Report lD: C4705 - GS - 3471 Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION Supptier: LAFARGE VAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: GRADE BEAM AT 7.F, FOOTER AT 6-F, STEP FOOTER AT 7.D AND 7-C, PILASTER AT 6-D AND wEsT Cast Date: 11/14/2001 Tickel;12003739 Truck Number: 9944 Batch Time: 71:71 festTime:. 12:20 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days of Goncrete (ASTM c143, c231, C138, C1064)Properties Slump 4.5 in. J Air Content 4.3 % Oensity 142.4 pcf. Temperature 64 deg. F SIDE OF 6.D (a'' Specimen :1i74.00t12.57 162,000 Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Load Compressive 4930 Percent of fc Type of Fracture Age in D iameter Area Average:4930 123 LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EA'G/NEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. CTUThompsoRlnc. ' L')f"r &.'--,rg by: Dan Downing /V, CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER OR|VE r GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO a1501 r (970) 945-2809 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Aftention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAwSTOA, & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: PILASTER AT 1-F AND BETWEEN l-F AND l-H Date: December 7, 2001 Report lD: C4704 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 11/09/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12003597 Truck Number: 9966 BatchTime:11:02 Test Time: 72.'00 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties Specifigd Strength (fc) Slump ./ 4000 psi @ 28 days 4.25 in./ of Concrete (ASTM Cl 43, C231, Cl 38, C1064) Air Conlont 4.7% Density 141.8 pcf. Temperature 58 deg. F Gompressive Strengths (ASTM c3e) ,?Specimen Number Age in Days Dan Downing Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive Percent(lbs.) Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EA/G'A/EERS s2M COTVSTRUCTiON WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRIVE T GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO815Ol T (97O) 945-2809 1 7 4.00 12.57 53,500 4260 Average:4260 107 2 28 4.00 12.57 71,000 5650 r 3 28 4.00 12.57 70,000 5570 r' Average:5610 140 o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Altention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAIJSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: PILASTER AT l-F AND BETWEEN l-F AND 1-H Date: Novernber 1 6, 2001 Report lD: C4704 - GS - U71 Suppl!er: LAFARGE BatchTime: 11:02 Test Time: 12;00 Cast Date: 11/09/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12003597 Truck Number: 9966 Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days Specimen N umber Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) c231, C138, C1064) Density 141.8 pcf. Gompressive Percent Strength (psi) offc Physical Properties of Concrete (AsrM c143, Slump ,/ 4.25 in. v Air Content 4.7 % Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Temperature 58 deg. F Age in Days Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompsoc. Inc. ['fDft/ {-.bt+'v,t'tq-... _) Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. B I E R E A CH CO'VS Ut,?'JV G ENG''VEERS s2M COwSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES, 'NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INL. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpR|NGS, COLORADO 8.1601 r (97O) 945-2809 7 4.00 12.57 53,500 4260 v Average:4260 107 234 CENTER DRIVE I o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: December 6, 2001 Report f D: C2992 - GS - 3471 RENOVATION Supplier: LAFARGE CENTER,VAIL, COLORADO l-H AND BETWEEN 1-7 & 1.H, FOOTERS AT 6-D,7-D AND BETWEEN 7-D Project: PHASE I FJ(PATVSTOTV E VAILVALLEY MEDICAL Location: PTLASIERS AT 3-J, 1-J, AND 8.D Cast Date: 11/08/2001 Specimens Made By: Sl ficket; 12003560 Truck Number: 79 Batch Time: 12:58 Test Time: 2;70 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (AsTM c143,c231, C138, C1064) Density 142.4 pcf. Temperature 67 deg. F Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump 5.25 in. Air Content 4.1% of fc 1 7 4.00 12.57 60,500 4810 Average:4810 120 oI upecrmen Age tn Gompressive Strengths Diameter Area Load (ASTM C3e) Compressive Percent Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULI'NG E'VG"VEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTER'VSK'ES, 'NC.tu CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 Dan Downing 2 28 4.00 12.57 79,000 6290 r 3 28 4.00 12.57 79,000 6290 ./ Average:6290'157 CTUThompsqp. Inc.!)f- t)*,-,,, 234 CENTER DRIVE I THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: November15,2001 Report lD: C2992 - GS - 3471 Project: PHASE I D{.PAN9ON & RENOVATION Supplier: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: P,L/STERSAT 3.J, 1-J, 1-H AND BETWEEN 1.7 & 1.H, FOOTERS AT 6.D,7.D AND BETWEEN 7.D AND 8.D Cast Date: Specimens Made By: 11/08/2001 st ficket:. 12003560 Truck Number: 79 Batch Time: 72:58 Test Time: 2;70 Physical Specifisd Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM Air Content 4.1 % c143, C231, C138, C1064) Density 142.4 pcf. Slump / 5.25 in. ,/ Temperature 67 deg. F (o Diameter Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) Area Load Gompressive Percent Type of Fractureof fc 60,500 4810 Average:4810 120 cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG''VEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK'ES. /NC.4/' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 Specimen Age in 4.00 12.57 CTL/Thompson, lnc. l-. i\uv: t,tf.z -.L,.i"r-*,=.,r.--, Dan bowning J ,o 234 CENTER ORIVE ' o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I F)4PANS/Ow & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLCRADO Location: FOOTERS AT I-F AND FOOTERS BETWEEN 1_F AND 1-H Ticket: 12003502 Truck Number: 77 Date: December S, 2001 Report lD: C2991 . GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE BatchTime:11:12 Test Time: /2:20 Concrete Mix: 4081 Cast Date: 11/07/2001 Specimens Made By: SL ,o tffir""l CTUThompson, Inc. Physical Properties of Concrete tesrrvr cr+s. Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @28 days Slump 1.75 in. Air Content 2.4% c231, Cl38, C1064) Density 146.8 pcf. Temperature 67 deg. F Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) 4.00 12.57 Load (lbs.) 72,000 Average:5730 81,000 Average:6560 Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc 5730 Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG/IVEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, /TVC. Gompressive Strengths (ASTM C39) 4.00 : 12.57 28 i 4.00 12.57 Dan Downing /w' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 815O1 r (970) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Altention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Date: November15,2001 Report fD: C2991 - GS - 3471 Project: PHASE I E-,XPAw-c/ON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS AT 1-F AND FOOIERS BETWEEN 1-F AND 1-H Suppfier: LAFARGE Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) l Sp€cified Strength (fc) Slump / Air Content Density Temperature t?^ft,l ^^t /^\ ,o -t-,.- la aE t^ -/ a t o/ .t tc Q ^^t A7 daa E I4000 psi @ 28 days 1.75 in. / 2.4 % 146.8 pcf. 67 deg. F ', Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) ,o Specimen Num ber Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompson, Inc. bv: D>t'"'t)"-'""R tra" tr"l**s Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CO'VSULr/ilG ENG'IVEERS s2M COwSTRUCTTON WESTERN SK'ES, /NC. 4,' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 Tickelc 12003502 Batch Time; 11:12 Truck Number: 77 i TestTime: 12:20 Cast Date: 11/07/2001 Specimens Made By: SL 234 CENTER DRIVE T o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR, DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS AT 3-J, 1-J, l-H AND BETWEEN l-J AND t-H Dale: December 5,2001 Report fD: C2990. GS - 34Tl Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 11/06/2001 , Specimens Made By: SL Ticket:12003403 i Truck Number: 79 Batch Time: 7;08 Test Time: 8.'25 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c1iB, c231, C138, C1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days Slump /3in. J Air Content 3.2% Density pcf. Temperature 62 deg. F Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) O S_pecimen 1 Number Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Load Compressive Percent(lbs.) Strength (psi) of f c Type of Fracture by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG'NEERS szM COIVSTRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, /'VC"/0/ CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 I (970) 945_2809 4.00 l 78,250 4 i 2E 4.00 i 12.57 ,, 76,000 | aoso CTUThompson, Inc.\ nLlf{ {')tr't*t'?t3 Dan Downing _o o THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE IEXPANS/ON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS AT 3-J.1-J.l-H AND BETWEEN l-J AND l-H J Date: November 14, 2001 Report fD: C2990 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 11/06/2001 Ticket: 12003403 I Batch Time: 7:08 i Concrete Mix: Specimens Made By: SL j Truck Number: 79 Test Time: 8;25 4081 Physica! Properties of Concrete (ASTM C143,c231, C138, c1064) Specified Strength (1"c) 4000 psi @ 28 days slump / 3 in. J Air Content 3.2 % Density pcf. Temperature 62 deg. F ^/- 1 S pecimen Num ber Compressive Diameter Area Strengths (AsrM c3e) Load Compressive Percent(lbs.) Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture Age in Days (inches) (sq. inches) CTUThompsopJnc. n\!)-tu .v-.-b*,'t3 hr,. Dan Downing Average: ), 5090 I 127 LAFARGE VAI L VA LLEY M E D I CA L CE,VTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG//VEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, /'VC. ,ky' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 81601 r (97O) 945_2809 o 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.o. Box 8529 AVON CO 81620 Afitention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE, E)(PATVSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: PILASTER AT 3-D,3-F,3-H Date: /Vovember 30, 2001 Report fD: C2988 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 11/02/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12003314 Truck Number: 96f3 Batch Time Test Time 11:50 1:00 Concrete Mix: 4081 Specified Strength (fc) slump 4000 psi @28 days 5.25 in. Physical Properties of Goncrete (AsrM Air Content 5.8% c143, C231, C138, C1064) DensitY 139.6 Pcf. Temperature 62 deg. F ,a specimen\ Number Compressive Strengths Diameter Area Load (inches) (sq. inches) (lbs.) (ASTM C39) Compressive Strength (psi) Age in Days Percent of f'c Type of Fracture 1 7 4.O0 12.57 tU,000 3500 Average:3500 88 2 28 4.00 12.57 63,000 5010 v/ 3 28 4.00 12.57 62,000 4930 L/ Average:4970 124 CTUThompson,'""D- .Dr,."^,,= Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULII'VG ENG'NEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERffSK'ES, "VC. \J ot*<-f7r' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 o 234 CENTER DRIVE T Date: November 9, Repoft lD: C2988 - GS - Suppfier: LAFARGE 200 347 1 1 THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTOw & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: PILASTER AT 3-D, 3-F, 3-H Specimens Made By: TickeB 12003314 Truck Numben 9613 Batch Time: /1:50 Test Time: 7.'00 Concrete Mix: 4081 Temperature 62 deg. F 11/042001 SL Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @28 days of Concrete (ASTM c143, Air Content s.8 % c231, C138, C1064) Density 139.6 pcf. Properties slump / 5.25 in. q Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) o Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompson,lnc. - r.z -'Y-h*v.e'rrtsE by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG/NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION n"l.THEBECKGROUP '7' WESTERN SK/ES, /'VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INL. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO81601 I (970) 945_2809 Dan Downing Do€ 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTER AT 3D Dale: November2S,2001 Report lD: C2987 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Gast Date: 10/31/2001 Specimens Made By: Physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days Ticket: 12003160 Truck Number: 9829 Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, C231, C138, C1064) Density 140.2 pcf. Load Compressive Percent(lbs.) Strength (psi) of fc 47,500 3780 Average: Slump 4 in. Air Content 5.9 % Compressive Strengths (AsTM c39) Concrete Mix: 4081 Temperature 65 deg. F Type of F ra ctu rero 'ffil[?'Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) CTUThompsqq{ lnc. f\L)f", sl--Li..-,,.n,q Dan Downing by: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGIA/EERS s2M COIVSTRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, /,VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SPFUNGS, COLORADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 Batch Time: 9:76 Test Time: t0i25 ?! i 4.00 t, 12.57 | 64,000 o 234 CENTER ORIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANS/Ow & RENOVATION VAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTER AT 3D /J Date: NovemberT,2001 Report fD: C2987 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 10/31/2001 / Specimens Made By: Ticket: 12003160 Truck Number: 9829 Batch Time: 9:76 Test Time: 70;25 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c1it:l, c231, c138, c1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days slump / 4 in. J Air Content 5.9% Density 140.2 pcf. Temperature 65 deg. F Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) ,O specimen ' Number CTUThompsqp, Inc. ,\W.L)*,^.,'5iw'_ Dan Downing Age in Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture '. cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING EA/G/NEERS S2M CO'VSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SKIES, INC.I CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpR|NGS, COLORADOa1661 r (970) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAwS/Ow & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOIERS AT F3 AND J3 Dale: November 27,2001 Report fD: C2986 - cS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, C231, C138, c1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days Slump 5 in. Air Content 6.3 % Density 138.6 pcf. Temperatur€ 70 deg. F Cast Date: 10/30/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12003130 Truck Number: 9824 BatchTime:1:11 Test Time: 2;40 Concrete Mix: 4081 , O tffir""'" CTL/Thompson, lnc. byi Age in Days Diameter ,Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG//VEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, //VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SPRTNGS, COLORADO8I601 r (970) 945-2809 Load (lbs.) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Type of Fracture .t 7 4.00 12.57 48,500 3860 Average:Jl;iilj 97 2 28 4.00 12.57 64,000 5090 / 3 28 4.00 12.57 63,000 5010 Average:5050 126 234 CENTER DRIVE I THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS AT F3 AND J3 / "/ Date: /Voyember 6, 2001 Report lD: C2986 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 10/30/2001 -/ Specimens Made By: SL Ticket 12003130 Truck Number: 9824 Batch Time: 1.'77 Test Time: 2.'40 Concrete Mix: 4081 Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @28 days of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, C138, c1064)Properties Slump 5 in, ,/ Air Content 6.3 % De nsity 138.6 pcf. Temperature 70 deg. F O specimen,. ' Number Compressive Strengths Diameter Area Load (inches) (sq. inches) (lbs.) (ASTM C3e) Compressive Strength (psi) Age in Days Percent of fc Type of Fracture crurhom Pso ^W- Or.',^,, ,= Dan Do',vning oy: cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. EIERBACH COIVSULflAIG E/VG/,VEERS S2M CO,VSIRUCTION ( THEBECKGROUP z\{, WESTERN SK/ES, //VC. / GTL/THOMPSON, INL. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLORAOO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 t 7 4.00 | 12.57 48,500 i 3860 J Average:,iii'5t t 97 234 CENTER DRIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAII- COLORADO Location: GS SLAB, J5 SLA8, E4 FOOTER, DO FOOTER Date: Noyernber 19, 2001 Report lD: C2984 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Specimens Made By: 10/22/2001 SL Ticket: 12002797 Truck Number: 9826 Batch Time: 7;36 Test Time: 2.'50 Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Slump / 2.5 in. /Air Content 3.3 % Oensity 142.6 pcf. Tempe6ture 63 deg. F ,o Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) Specimen Age in Diameter Area Load Compressive Percent Type ofNumber Days (inches) (sq. inches) (lbs.) Strength (psi) of fc Fracture Average: i 4340 ) 109 'l 4.00 12.57 75,500 : 6010 r'' 4.00 12.57 70,000 Average: CTUThompson,cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CO/VSULilNG ETVG/NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, 'VC. bf,- &,,,^,,*3 Dan Downing lId by: CTL/THOMPSON, INO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpRINGS, COLORADO81501 r (97O) 945-2809 ,o 234 CENTER DRIVE T ,o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I A(.PANSION & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: G5StAq JS SLAB, E4 FOOTER, D6 FOOTER Date: October 29,2001 Report lD: C2984 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 10/2A2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12002797 | Batch Time: f.'36 Truck Number: 9826 I Test Time: 2.'50 Physical Specified Strength (f,c) 4000 psi @ 28 days of Goncrete (AsrM c143, Air Content 3.3 % c231, C138, C1064) Density 142.6 pcf. Properties Slump 2.5 in. /Temperature 63 deg. F (O Compressive Strengths (ASTM C3s) Com pressiveLoad CTUThompson, Inc. \\\ t\, \- r \by: -!.)4ny' {-,bt<,v.t^?a- Dan Downing *) Specimen Age inNumber Days Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches)(lbs.) Strength (psi) Percent Type of of fc Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG/AISERS S2M CO,VSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK'ES. ,,VC, ,rw CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS SPF NGS. COLOFIAOO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 IO 234 CENTER ORIVE T THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOIERS, G7, F5, G5, J7 Date: /Vovernber 15, 2001 Report lDt C2874 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 10/17/2001 I Ticket. 12007258 i Batch Timel 9;02 i Concrete Mix: Specimens Made By: ZB i Truck Number: 9944 | Test Time: 11:00 't 0811 Physical Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064)Properties Slump /5in. J Air Content 3.0 % Density 136.5 pcf. Temperature 78 deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) ,o Specimen Number Age in Days Type of Fracture Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) CTUThompsen. Inc. n\' t \" " _V _fuunu,rr.<:--4v \- ,-) Dan Downing by: cc: LAFARGE VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CO'VSULr/NG E'V6/TVEERS S2M CONSIRUCTION WESTERN SK/ES, //VC. /v/, -o CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 94s-28O9 1 t 4.00 12.57 4.00 | 12.57 234 CENTER DRIVE I o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project PHASE I EXPAwS|ON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS, G7, F5, G5, J7 Datet October 24,2001 Report lD: C2874 - GS - 3471 Supplier; LAFARGE Cast Date: 10/17/2001 Specimens Made By:. ZB Ticket:12007258 Truck Number: 9944 Batch Time: 9:02 Test Time: /1:00 Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231, c138, c1064) Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days Slump ,/ Sin. / Air Content 3.0 % Density 136.5 pcf. Temperature 78 deg. F Compressive Strengths (AsrM c39) (o Specimen Number Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture Load (lbs.) 4.00 12.57 29,000 Average: 2310 'i'i; 58 crlnhomnT\F *D,^,_,.5 Dan Downing by: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING ENG,,VEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES. /'VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 ! (97O) 945-2809 -o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSION & RENOVATTON Date: November1,2001 Report fD: C2763 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS AT4 LINE AND H LINE AND 4 LINE BETWEEEN H AND J LTNES Gast Date: 10/03/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Tickett 12002159 : Batch Time: 1:20 Truck Number: 9826 Test Time: 2.'35 Concrete 0740 Physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, C231, C138, C1064) Density 140.8 pcf. Slump a.5 in. / Air Content 3.8 % Temperature 70 deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39) I,O Specimen N umber Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture 4.00 12.57 54,500 Average: CTL/Thompson. Inc.cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULr//VG E/VG/A'EERS S2M CONSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, //VC. ,7* CTL/THOMPSON, INC, by;D'r", *Do^,.,,',,q Dan Downing CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 815O1 r (97O) 945-2809 o 234 CENTEFI DRIVE T 1o REC;IVED 00T 16 2001 BEC<THE BECKGROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON CO 81620 Aftention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project PHASE I EXPANSTON & RENOVATION Date: Ocfober 10, 2001 Report lD: C2763 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTERS AT 4 LINE AND H LINE AND 4 LINE BETWEEEN H AND J LINES Specimens Made By: 10/03/2001 st Physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @28 days of Concrete (ASTM c143, c231,c138, c1064)Properties Slump 4.5 in. / Air Content 3.8 % Density 140.8 pcf. ficketj 12002159 Truck Number: 9826 Batch Time: Test Time: O Specimen Num ber CTUThompson, Inc. Compressive Strengths Diameter Area Load(inches) (sq. inches) (lbs.) (ASTM C3e) Compressive Strength (psi) Age in Days Percent of fc Type of Fracture i_o cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH COAJSULT/NG E/VG'NEERS S2M CO,VSTRUCTION THEBECKGROUP /{N'r WESTERN SK'ES, /NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE . GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORAOO81601 r (970) 945-2809 1 7 4.00 12.57 I 54.500 4340 ,/ Average:4340 109 0an Downing THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Altention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I E)(PAIVS/Ow & RENOVATTON vAlL VALLEY MEDTCAL CENTER, vArL, COt:ORADO Location: FOOTER PAD D LINE AND S L1NE Date: October 18,2001 Report lD; C2759 - GS - 3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 09/20/2001 Specimens Made By: SL Ticket: 12001790 Truck Number: 9966 Batch Time: 2;57 Test Time: 4.'t5 Specified Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143. Slump 4.25 in. c231, C138, C1064) Density 141 .6 pcf. Air Content 5.2 % Compressive Strengths (AsTM c39) Temperature 70 deg. F iO Specimen Number CTL/Thompson, Inc. Diameter Area(inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of f'c Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC, BIERBACH CONSULTING ENGINEERS s2M COA/STRUCTION THE BE1K cRoUP /W. WESTERN SK'ES, /NC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 4.90 12.57 ) 68,000 Average: 234 CENTEF ORIVE T io THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPANSTOi/ I RENOVATION VA,IL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTER PAD D LINE AND 5 LINE Date: Sepfember 27, 2001 Report f D: C2759 - GS - 3471 Suppiier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 09/20/2001 . Specimens Made By: SL Ticket; 12001790 Truck Number: 9966 Batch Time: 2:57 Test Timel 4.'75 Concrete Mix: 4081 Specifted Strength (f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Specimen Number Physical Properties Slump 4.25 in. Age in Days of Concrete (AsrM Air Content 5.2% Load (lbs.) c143, C231, Cl38, C1064) Density 141.6 pcf. Temperature 70 deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39)io Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture CTLffhomfrqn. Inc. A W,.,1 .l'*bpr.^r,"rue by: -Dan Do'*rning cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN,INC. BIERBACH CONSUL.T'NG ENGI'VEERS S2M CO /STRUCTION THE BECKGROUP WESTERN SK'ES, /NC. I 7 4.00i12.57i50,500 4020 Average:4020 ,101 CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DR|VE r GLENWOOD SPFINGS, COLORADO81601 r (970) 945-2809 o THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8529 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I A(PANSTO/V & RENOVATTON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTING PADS *F.4-D AND +J Date: October 15, 2001 Report fD: C2896 - c5.3471 Suppfier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 09/17/2001 Specimens Made By: DD Ticket: 12001646 Batch Time: 9;25 TruckNumber:9802 TestTime: 77;05 Physical Specified Strength (fc) 4000 psi @ 28 days of Goncrete (ASTM C143, Air Content % c231, C138, C1064) Density Temperature pcf. deg. F Properties Slump in. (o Specimen N umber Age in Days Compressive Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Strengths (ASrM c39) Load (lbs.) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Type of Fracture CTL/Thomffon, Inc. ra or, W'W*^'3 Dan Downing cc: LAFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN.INC. BIERBACH CO,VSUII/ /G ENG/NEERS s2M CONSTRUCTTON ^ I THE BECK CROUP lrtN ' WESTERN SK/ES, /NC. t 7 4.00 12.57 49,000 3900 Average:"r$s$ 98 4.00 : 12.57 63,000 (D THE BECK GROUP P.O. BOX 8s29 AVON CO 81620 Attention: MR. DOUG WORKMAN Project: PHASE I EXPAwS/ON & RENOVATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, VAIL, COLORADO Location: FOOTING PADS 5-F, +D AND /t-J Date: September 24, 2001 Report lD: C2896 - GS - 3471 Supplier: LAFARGE Cast Date: 09/17/2001 Specimens Made By: DD Ticket:. 12001646 i Batch Time: 9.'25 i Truck Number: 9802 I Test Time: 11:05 Specified Strength {f c) 4000 psi @ 28 days Physical Properties of Concrete (ASTM c143, C231, C1 38, Cl 064) Density pcf. Slump in. Air Content /o Temperature deg. F Compressive Strengths (ASTM c39)(o Dy: Specimen N umber Age in Days Diameter Area (inches) (sq. inches) Compressive Percent Strength (psi) of fc Load (lbs.) Type of Fracture CTUThompson -lnc.Uf"/cc: AFARGE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER HLM DESIGN, INC. BIERBACH CONSULTING E/VG/NEERS S2M CONSTRUCTION THE BECK GROUP WESTERN SK/ES, //VC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE I GLENWOOD SPF|NGS, COLORADO81601 r (970) 945-2809 Dan Downing 4.00 12.57 i 49,000 Average: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL I no Hot-K { irnt tn P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug'Workman Date: 03126102 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results March 14,2002 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. CTLiTHOMPSON, INC. ^;] ill,v hr*, .|t .,.,,,..t t\ ^^ l-t^..,^innuat I L./rJvv I rg Laooratory/Field Manager cTLiTl-i o Ml trsoNl, I F{c. CONSULTING ENGiNEEFS 234 CENTEA DRIVE i GLENWOOD SPFINGS, COLOFADO 81601 ' (97O) 945.2809 (t -j WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: cS-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: March 14, 2002 t(r TYPE OF INSPECTIOfu/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS O1.1-98 Sect. 6.'10 tr n n tr n tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1.'1-98 Sect.6.13 Decking AWS Dl .3-89 Secl. 4.5 High Strength Bolt Alsc Spec. for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect. I & 9. Anchor Bolts Project Speciflcations o Location and Description of Work: WELDS,AND BOLTS 1. See af€ched. At the tjme of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports tt U mremnn0uNTAIN o6 ESTONG ,/fi\ fiy;l iF, t1 T\lfv'lllll^tll7l!\lr'l\t Operator Per Diem Eo\pzY Po\\adc Yes COLOR.ADO DIVISION 2965 Soulh Shoshonc Englewood, Colorrdo 801 l0 Phonc 303-76I.0650 l-E00.742-5621 FAX.3 03 -761 -065 8 I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO # Spec/Code Date 3- \4-O Day of Week T\\UR-. Hours of Shift 2',OA tM to l-'.Ao f M Total Hours Today $ Mileage to Mileage From \OO Total Mileage \Oo ' Nox Assistant Customer Repreisentative bRN bo\)N]NG REMARKS: Customer qTL Thbr\trSN loU+ -q ROBERT POLLOCK AWS CWI # 91121211 IMO CERT. # 0878521-85 sisnature X"*tft' PoSc*- . LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck GrouP P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 03119102 Proiect: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I ExPansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results March 4, 5 and 12,2002 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information' cTurHoMPSON, INC' Dp. &^'-""ig Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager .i\[XW CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234cENTEFoRlVErGLENWOoDSPRINGS.coLoRADoSl60lr(970)945-2809 o WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck GrouP Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I ExPansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 Inspection Date: Field ReP.: March 4, 5, and 12,2002 rar WPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE n T T Visual Weld AWS Dl.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid DYe Penetrant Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.10 Hiqh Strength Bolt AlSc spec for Structural Join-ts Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts' Sect B & 9' n n tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1.1'98 Sect. 6 13 Decking ' AWS Dl .3-89 Sect. 4.5 Anchor Bolts Project SPecifications Location and DescriPtion of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See aftached At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below' Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached' Specific intormation is presented on the following inspection reports ! *o=*o*uNTAtm coLoRADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshone Engtewood. Colorado 801 l0 Phone 303-761-0650 t-sc0-742-5621 FAX-303.76r -0658 -_r r_ II ESTING o Gr*trAmv Customer Job# Yes I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Mit""g" t" \qo Sileage.From 56 Operator Per Diem tlo -X- a'rcl^rvrer PO f . ==spec/code nw-q nr.r-ooiesTrt\ R-2'5- ?:Lik{s'; Aceielant Customer Representative DFtN bo\f N\Nc5 o ROBERT POLLOCK Aws cwl # 91121211 rcBo CERT. # 0878521'85 Signature I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Date MARCH 5.2002 Hoursofs6ix s,go -lfrE@ Mir""s" to tlg- tvtileage From 103 n-^,-+^' lntr trtrRGl ISON Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Spec/Code AWSD1.1-2000 na,, a{ \Aroak TUESDAY Tcial l'tours TodaY 8 Total Mileage 206 Assistant crtto'*E;Pt"*.Utit* DAN DoWNING 2965 South Shoshons Englewood, Colorddo 801 l0 Phone 303-761-0650 r-8N-142-5621 FAt-303-761-0658 [ roremnnoumrArm Customer CIL InuNlrDur\ tut.E'l+1,:i""' J;b# vAtL vALCY MEDIcAL cENTER Per Diem Yes NoX REMARKS:oNTHISDATE,4!EIRASoNrc]9!{DESTRUCT|VEEXAM|NATIONWASPERFoRMED tNSPeClOtt REPORT. l.T.C, INSPECTION REPORT Customer GTLTHOMPSON(GLEI!4PD Job# VAILVALLEYMEDTCALCENTER Date lrrtARCH 5.2002 ItouootSf,ift S'go -T.@ Mileage to 1(X) Mileage From 100 Oprerator KB/IN JOTNER pir olem-v* o X customer Po # VAILVALLEY MEDIGAL QETTFF spiJcoo" nws Dt.t-ot.+ s lsrM ngzsAngo DavofWeek TUESDAY Total Hours TodaY 8 HRS Total Mileage 200 Assistant NA CustomerEpreJentative DAN DOLIVNING 2965 South Shoehone Engle$,ood, Colorado E0l l0 Pbonc 303-761-0650 t-8&-742-5621 FAX-303.761{65E [ *n=*tu0uNTArN REMARKS: ON THIS ONTE, I VISU oescnepmtcEs LlsT. o o [ roremnnoumrArm STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT 2965 Souh Shoshone Englewood, Colorado 801I0 Phone 303-761-0650 t-800-742-5621 FAX-303-7614658 Page 2 ofl Cu$omer Job/Repouc MARCH 5 2002 ::: Hours of shift--sEE-Pc' LAM to -AM Mileage to SEE PG. 1 Mileage From - Operatar KEVIN JOINER -. -- Per Diem Yes -- No -i.- Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MEq' CF!glEF.-- io.JCoO" AWS D1.1-D1'4 & ASTM A32s/A490 Dav of Week TUESDAY Total Hours TodaY SEE PG' 1 TotelMiteage SEE PG. 1 ^ ^-i,.r^-t NA CustomerR-entative DAN DoWN|NG ii P66P gCRggN FRAMING PIAN. iffi tNcoRREcrLY. cRIDLINE , AND NOOT SCNCCN FRAMING PI-AN. di SCNECN FRAMING P|.AN. F- FRAMING PI.AN. I . | .. , , , , , :: lEareacceptableexceptwhererection or engineering drawings an noted.ffin strensth rasreners were instatted p.e.r appliga,bl-e fJ[,tJ:::19''::"'i::T,::#:f"ff:S'iil#'['ilT:y"3i:"J"HffT":'u]:'11ffi:9ilil"fi;'p."1iiir11d'"",::i."':*l::,"n'"* l'lg;iJ"i* fr,:'ifi'Jililil:: ffiT,ff1.if'H:li';Hil:iii{filri" elnidr{-,^,-Liquidfenerrant unrasonicsX fi : ffi ;#ffiJ';#; ;;t i ns ;i-re,iu i ;ed byrhe aipr i ca ore Aws we rdi ns cvode. vyttluD wsl I qr.er IvtY' rw .'- '. , rt^ v trititttert reports hevc bccn submittod. (Structural P1""1) I-"1-==; ..;,^.lx*;mH'L'3*:iH:i':#;H':ililil?;:H, ;or;*o' "ii"n"i'*' ;f:::i:,Y':disposilioned bvthe ens'neer ffil!ffi'ffi;;J"iiJil,.,irr X ; comptere _ ereclion inspeclion ror rhis projec{. lnsDec{or KEVIN JOINER C/^,6 n llmremnnoumTA[N 2965 Sourh Shoshone Englewood, Colondo 80t l0 Phone 303-761-0650 r-800-142-5621 FAX-303-761-0658 cUsToMER/PRoJEcT: CTL THoMPSoN (GLENWOoD SPGS.) P.o'# VAIL VATLEY MEDICAL CENTER AuthorizedBy lf'C' Job # VAILVALLEY MEDffi QualityRequirernents-SectionNo. ITCOASECTIONII'I ProcedureNo' AWSDI l-2000 Tecbnique Information:- Mat€rial Thic.kness 5/16 - 3/4" WeldJointAWS CJP SINGLEBEVELWITI{BACKING -- vachine KRAUTKRAMERBRANSoNUSN-S2 S11tlflkiffiffi;mre#"xsl4' -- Frequencv 2'25Mlz Rebspect after rework R€rna*s Weld ldentification QuathtY Acc€pt Reject BOTTOMFLA}iGE I.913 lEA 1EA BACKTNGINCORRECTw2 Flz lEA 1EA. lEA 1EA BACKING INCORRECT w1 F/1 lEA 1EA TOPFLANGE 1EA.TOPFLANGEiEA -BACKINGINCORRECTJt4lEA1EA. BACKINGINCORRECTw5 F15 1EA.1EA 1EA.I EA.BOTTOMFLA}IGE WELD UNDEIU{TTFJ} D12 lEA 1EA. BOTToUFING & _v4 2EA 2EA TOP FLAI'IGE ONLYREJECTABLE WELDS ARELISTED ABOVE. ALLWELDS ONROOF SCREEN WERE U.T.ed. '|'*SEE REMARKS. Inspector KEVINJOINER l*vel II DaylDne T1JES'315102 Assistant JOEFERGUSON HoursofSffi SEEPGI TotaiHo:rs SEEPG'I .n'. U mrcRnnouNTA[N 2e65sou(hshoshone - Englewood' Colorado 801 l0 Phone 303-761'0650I f;.*+fi,*;*tF,l-45"UiUtj'l\tr: E l-800-742-5621 FAx'303'7614658^- -r : t:'i{,i:- '":f /6\. -]i *:, ":, -.,'- [EomRANV L oUTSTAND|NGD|SGREPANGYREPoRT customercrLlFlg4PSg=!!9J-E4ryP9=D) "u"ot"ttolffiJow vnrr-vnr-r-evffi sPec/code- ffi obtot*""t, operator KEvtn i6in-lR- - customer Rt o Ker,n f-t :. U mremnnouNTAIm 2965 South shochone Englewood, Colorado E01 l0 Phone 303'761'0650 r-8W-1 42-562r F.dx.l03-761.0658 I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Gustomer CTLTHOMPSO!{G WO D J"# "tntwnitEv l,teorcru ceNren Date MARCH 12.2002 11ou,=o1g6;n S'gO 7.-t Milease to 100 Mileage From ruu Operitor KS/!N JOINER -' -PerDiem Yes no--L- sgrsrlffi Dav of tlJeek TUESDAY ioiat nours fooaY E HRS Totral Mileage 204 Assistant NA ,'tt"t"t n"Pt"*"t"w" DAN DOWNING REIvIARKS: oNrHlsoot='ott'*^o'"T,o,E[PT.?F,? ^ 5ffiff oECNEPMCES UST. o I NlIAON customer CTLTHOMPSON (GLENW@ Job/Report # VAIL VALLEY MED. CE Date MARCH 12.2002 - - - Hours of shift-sEE-Pc.'L AM to - nn Mibage to SEE PG. 1 Mileage From - Operator KEVIN JOINER .. -- Pir oiem Ves --.- No X STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO # VAIL VALLgy MED' CEN]ER - . spec/cooe AwS D1.1'D1.4 & ASTM A325lA490 Div of Week TUESDAY Toial Hours TodaY SEE PG' 1 Total Mileage SEE PG. 1 Assistant l'lA ,, Customernepresentative DAN DOWNING 2965 South Shoshone Englewood, Colorado E0110 Phone 303-?6t{650 1-8m-742-5621 FAX-303 -761-065 8 Page 2 ofil pReuousr-v oN o.D. LlsTS. FtaDtg ;^CEF rr-rte;e The;bofi items ha\re UeenJfiffifrfEEinst erection or engineering drawlngs an o lnsDeclor KEVIN JOINER n ll mremnnouNTAIN 2965 South Shoshone Eoglewood, Colorado 80 I I 0 Phonc 303-761-0650 l -800-742-5621 FAX-303-76146581,.':r i.,.,./fi\ ,": [Dom ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION SUMMARY Machine KRAU lrXarVsx t*t"t"" ""- - nE-lvf1z--- iffi hrequenc'-r o Reinspect after rewcnk Remarks Weld ldentidcation Qunttty AccQt Reject YESlEA1EA1.913 1EA 1EA YES YESw2 I EA.1EAF12 1EA YESw1lEA lEA 1EA.YtsS F/1 lEA lEA YtsS Jl4 I EA.1EA YES YESffi w5 1EA.r EA.F/5 I EA.1EA.Dlz 2EA.YESa42EA -ONLY RE ECTABT4 WEMS ARELISIED EEOVE. ALLWELDS ON ROOF SCREEN -WEREU.T.ed. **SEE REMARKS. ?ItrW€ctor I a'lat n D av/Date TIJES' 3ll2lo2 ' a TotalHours sEE PG'l HorusofShift SEEPGI .Assl.llt8trl t\,^ o6 296J Sau& Shcshone E gle\rood' Colorado 80i iC Phone i03-?51-CS'<0 i#;1f i%" DISCREPAilCY REPORT ?lS"'iinr Bff,- OUTSTAHDIHG H dv of Week TUESD'flr Customer RePresentawe- o Ker;n LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 03107102 Project: VailValley Phase I Expansion & Job No.: GS-3479 MedicalCenter Renovation WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results February 26,2002 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOO SPRTNGS, COLORADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 lnspection Date: Field Rep.: February 26,2002 RP TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS Dl.1-98 Sect.6.'10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.10 tr T T u u tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.13 Decking .989 Sect. 4.5 E AWS D1 High Strength Bolt etsc spec. for slructural Joinls using ASTM A 325 or4490 Bolls, Sect. 8 & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect SDeciflcations Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports n II NTffiM@UNTAON q? Ll esruroo salsE ss_DlyrslgN 296-5 South Shoshone Englewood. Cotorado 801 l0 Phone 303.761-0650 t-800-742-5621 FAX -303-761 -0658 AssistantNorCustomerRepresentative EtRlt bo\Nt\r\iLG Go*u^*o I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer Customer PO # Job#Spec/Code R\^rE bl .\ Date Z'"tp- S2.DayofWeek TuEs. Hours of Shift s'.os AM to -\1!Q- AM Total Hours Today (a Mileage to \S3 Mileage From Total Mileage \S3 Operator Per Diem R.c'Lpq't R.'\\qe-L Yes REMARKS: ROBERT POLLOO( Awsc:wl # 91121211 ICBO CERT. # 0870521-85 Sisnature K.l-a,) \\. RoAIB{> r '--.ltui LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 02125102 Project: VailValley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TMNSMITTING: Weld and/or bolt insoection results FOR DATES: Februarv 12.2002 REMARKS: See attached summary reports for information. CTUTHOMPSON, INC.Nr\Ufu/ {*-br-^,,,no\ilKN Dan Downing LaboratoryiField Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE I GLENWOOD SPBINGS, COLORADO 81601 T (97O) 945.2809 WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUM MARY Client: The Beck Grouo Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: cS-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: February 12,2002 RP TYPE OF INSPECTIONiAPPLICABLE COOE Visual Weld AWS D'1.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect.6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1.'1-98 Sect. 6,10 n T T tr T l Ultrasonic Weld AWS 01.1-98Sect.0.13 Decking 1.3-89 Sect. 4.5 E AWS D High Strength Bolt Alsc spec. for structurat Joints Usihg ASTN4 A 325 or A490 Bolts, Sect. 8 & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect SDeciflcations Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observ ed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports U mremnnoumrArm a ll trsromo!z- Go*u^*o Customer Mileage to \O3 Mileage From \b3 OoerJtor RsbERT b\\ocji Per Diem Yes REMARKS: Job# COLORADO DIvISION 2965 Soulh Shoshonc Englcaood. Colofldo 80t t0 Phonc 303.761.0650 r-800-?4?-562t FAX -103-?6 l-0658 Spec/Code Dav of Week TU ES. Toial Hours Today '1 Total Mileage ?Ob Assistant Customer Representative DRN bo\A.tNlNe I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO # trto / ROBERT POLLOCK AWS CWI # 91121211 rcBo CERT. # 0878521-85 Signature RS,e) H', Pf-elt\L LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 02112102 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results January 24 and February 4,2002 o REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. Dan Downing Laboratoryi Field Manager 4/1// CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEEBS 234 CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 I (97O) 945-2809 io WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SU MMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: January 24 and February 4,2002 KJ TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS Dt.1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1 .'1 -98 Sect. 6.10 n u u tr n T Uttrasonic Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.'13 Decking AWS D1.$89 Sect. 4.5 High Strength Bolt Alsc spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect. I & L Anchor Bolts Project Specifications Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the ti on, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. screpancies were observed, please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection rePorts NT€tsilflOUNTAIN Customer CTLTHOMPSON(GLEN Job# VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER O"t" l-{ours of Shift IQQ_ AM to 3:00 PM Mileage to _j!9_Mileage From 100 Operator KEVIN JOINER 2965 Soulh Shoshone Englcwood, Colondo 801 l0 Phone 303-761-0650 1.800-742-5621 FAX-303.761-0658 Page I of! Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Spec/Code AWS D1.1-D1.4 & ASTM 4325/A490 DayofWeek THURSDAY Total Hours Today 11 HRS Total Mileage __-.?00 Assistant N/A I o I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT 57'.;..;41';;;,:.' ', U .es ,E$m,*g,, Gt*ud*o Per Diem Yes NoX Customer Representative DAN DOWNING REMARKS: ON THIS DATE, A VTSUAL AND/OR OTHER NONDESTRUCNVE EXAMINATION WAS PERFORMED ON CONNECTIONS, EMBEDS, PRECAST, DECKING, SHEAR CONNECTORS, BOLTED CONNECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED ERECTION OR FABRICATION INSPECTION REPORTS. 'o Signature COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englcwood, Colorado 801 l0 Phone 303-761-0650 r-8m'-142-5621 FAX-303-?61-0658 STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT Customer CTLTHOMPSON(GLEN Job/Report # VAIL VALLEY MED. CENTR Date JANUARY 24.2002 Hours of ShiftjSELPG._L_ AM to _ AM Mileage to SEE PG 1 Mileage From _ Operator KEVIN JOINER Per Diem Yes SEE PG.1 No Page lof 2 Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MED. CENTER Spec/Code AWS D1.1-D1 .4 & ASTM A325/4490 DayofWeek THURSDAY Total Hours Today SEE PG I Total Mileage SEE PG '1 Assistant N/A CustomerReoresentative DANDOWNING ULTRA.SONICALLY TESTED ALL MOMENT CONNECTIONS ON THIRD FLOOR LEVEL OF VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CJP COLUMN SPLICE WELDS EXHIBIT UNDERFILL ON CAP OF WELDS, LOCATED ABOVE 2ND FLOOR LEVEL, GRIDLINES G/7 NORTH AND SOUTH, AND J/7 NORTH AND SOUTH.OHIS ITEM WAS ON A O.D. LIST DATED 121'IEIO1. THIS ITEM HAS NOW BEEN REWORKED AND FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE AT TIME OF THIS HORIZONTAL WELDS MADE BE TWO WELDERS HAVING WELDER OUALIFICATION RECORDS SUBMITTED INDICATING TESTING IN FLAT POSITION ONLY.IS ITEM WAS ON O.D. LIST DATED 1i,18101. WELDER QUALIFICATIONS HAVE NOW BEEN REVIEWED AND ARE FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE AT TIME OF THIS UNDERLENGTH, UNDERSIZE, OR MISSING WELDS ON 2''X2" X.BRACES BETWEEN BEAMS ON 2ND FLOOR LEVEL. APROX. LINES G-H.2, 3.5-4 AND H.7-.J,4-6.S ITEM WAS ON O.D. LIST DATED 12118101. THIS ITEM HAS NOWBEEN REWORKEDAND IS FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE. UNDERSIZE WELDS ON W18X4O BEAM/COLUMN CAP PLATE CONNECTIONS ON 2ND FL LEVEL. ALL LOCATIONS.ffHIS ITEM WAS LISTED ON O.D. LIST DATED 1?,18101. THIS ITEM HAS NOW BEEN REWORKED AND IS FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE. The above items have been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted. All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable ASTM specification unless otherwise noted. All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and eleclrodes unless otherwise noted. Welds checked by Visual and: Radiography _ Magnetic Particle _ Liquid Penetrant _Ultrasonics f, Welds were cleaned after welding as required by the applicable AWS Welding Code. , ^. Mill test reports have been submitted. (Structural Steel) Yes No X ! ttems marked as rejected are to be conected, replaced, or repaireO, untess othen^,ise dispositioned by the engineer. This report represents: Partial X ; Complete erection inspectior!,for this project. Inspecto!-(cwt / oc-1\ 2965 South Shoshonc Englcwood, Colorado 80110 Phonc 303-761-0650 t-8w-'142-562r FAX -303 -761 -0658 Page I of2 Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Spec/Code AWS D1.1-D'1.4 & ASTM A325lA490 Day of Week MONDAY Total HoursToday 10 HRS Total Mileage 200 Assistant N/A Customer Representative DAN DOWNING REMARKS: ON THIS DATE, A VISUAL AND/OR OTHER NONDESTRUCTIVE EMMINATION WAS PERFORMED ON CONNECTIONS, EMBEDS, PRECAST, DECKING, SHEAR CONNECTORS, BOLTED CONNECTIONS AND OTHER STRUCTUML COMPONENTS AS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED ERECTION OR FABRICATION I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer CTLTHOMPSON(GLEN Job# VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CE Date FEBRUARY 4.2002 Hours of Shift 5:00 AM to 3:00 PM Mileage to 100 Mileage From 100 Operator KEVIN JOINER Per Diem Yes NoX INSPECTION REPORTS. Signature 'l *o=**'uNTAIN 2965 South Shoshone Englcwood. Colondo 801 l0 Phonc 303-?61-0650 L-8ffi-142-5621 FAX -303-?6 l -0658 STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT Customer CTLTHOMPSON(GLEN Job/Report# Date FEBRUARY 4.2002 Hours of Shift_..,SEE PG._l__ AM to _ AM Mileage to SEE PG 1 Mileage From _ Operator KEVIN JOINER Page ! of! Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MED. CENTER Spec;/Code AWS Dl .1-D1.4 & ASTM A325/4490 Day of Week MONDAY Total HoursToday SEE PG 1 Total Mileage SEE PG 1 Assistant N/A CustomerRepresentative DAN DOWNINGPer Diem Yes SEE PG.1 No The above items ha\€ been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable e)cept where noted. All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable ASTM specification unless otheMise noted. All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otherwise noted. Welds checked by Visual and: Radiography _ Magnetic Particle - Liguil Penetrant Welds were cleaned afier welding as required by the applicable AWS Welding Code. Mill test reports have been submifted. (Structural Steel) Yes NoX Items marked as rejected are to be corrected, replaced, or repaired, unless otherwise dispositioned bythe engineer. This report represents: Partial X ; Complete erection inspectionJor this project. Ultrasonics X llem Description/Remarks Disoosition Accepted Rejected O.D. List Yes/No 1q ULTRA.SONICALLY TESTED ALL MOMENT CONNECTIONS ON ROOF LEVEL OF VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ADDITION.X 16.ULTM-SONICALLY TESTED BEAM SPLICES BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR LEVELS. WELDSATTHE FOLLOWING GRIDLINES EXHIBITED INCOMPLETE FUSION TO BACKING BAR. J/5 AND FJ4.tx 17.VISUALLY INSPECTED DECKING PUDDLE WELDS AND TEC SCREWS ON THIRD FLOOR LEVEL OF VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER.X 18.VISUALLY INSPECTED AND PING TESTED SHEAR CONNECTING STUDS ON THIRD FLOOR LEVEL OF VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER.X 19.VISUALLY INSPECTED WELDED CONNECTIONS ON BENT PLATE AROUND PERIMETER OF THIRD FLOOR LEVEL OF VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER. ./ia \\/ #1,:\ /*.\. O '".".,t'-rurruIR .\ \. ""rr-' .V\"'z,V ,(D Inspector /cwl /oc-1\ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 01nolAz Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: Weld and/or bolt insoection results FOR DATES:December 26.2OO1 REMARKS: See attached summary reports for information. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. \. r\DfnJ {--br'<''-'t1?2'7 ri il ju { .Vd'*v Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager BESrcoPy t AVAILABTE IYI-LLrtLr\rLl llIrJ'. Err, IlLrlI r\Ef \,f\l rJullllylAr\| Client: The Beck Group Inspection Date: December 26,2OO1 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Field Rep.: KJ Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS 01.'1 -98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.'10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.10 tr D tr n T E Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6,13 Decking 1.3-89 Sect. 4.5 E AWS D High Strength Bolt AlSc Spec. lor Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect, 6 & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect Specifications Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. LJ Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. BEST A COPY AVAILABLE | | -;^,ir*.'. ..,.., .'"i.-- lJ! I litAi)lJL\ lt- llA.Alvlll\AI l\Jl\ D U lVllYlAl( rvJ'/or-\ )ro \y/\t rr,u|.r#JNu, CUSTOMER/PROIECT: CTLTHOMPSON(GLENWoOD) P.O.# VAILVALLEYMEDICAI CENTER AuthorizedBy DANDOWNING I.T.C. Iob #- Quality Requireln€nts-Section No. AWSDl.l Procedure No. ITC-OA-II.I Technique hformation: AS PER AWS Dl.I-SECT. 6. Mlterial Thickness ll2' &314" Weld Joiat AWS SINGIE BEVEL W/BACKI}I'G Machine KRALffi(RA]vERUSN 50 Trarsducer 314"X3/4" Couplant ULTRA-GEL Frequency 2.25 MIZ BEAM TO COLUMN REMARKS: WELDS LISTED ABOVE ARE ALL BEAM TO COLIIMN CONNECTIONS AT GRIDLINES LISTED. LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 01108102 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results December 13, 14,18 and 26, 2001 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. Inspection are for shop fabrication. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. N!-)l*'/t,tq_-,O6,4,b-lr'/1r= -) Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER OR|VE . GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO81601 . (970) 945-2SO9 ,ry,( )/tO WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: c5-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: December 13, 14, 18 /-l\JJ and 26, 2001 TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS 01.1-98 Secl.6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.10 n l n tr T tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect.6.13 Decking .3-89 Sect. 4.5 E AWS D1 High Strength Bolt Alsc spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect. 8 & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect Soecifications Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the Discrepancies were observed, please quality standards sited above unless noted below. see the attached. Speuiliu irr[orrrralion is presented on the following inspection reports o GOMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STFEET DENVEF, COLORADO AO2E3 3O3 ,/ A258777 client: VAL VAL4/il&. Cf<. Project: SA/4€ Contractor: 2 tflr<dK oate: /*/34/ Project No.: (a fi477 Inspector: 4T REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION LocationandDescriptionof Work:W/AL/WpA6p4gVrcq,4lm/{@t6 aF Fau- nt44@,U /4& -o7y a6e<rurzzz6l4t iler%fumtrAt LtzTp4,va% -TA/SPA-@N E</n-. Report No: yr/--/il ield Welding: Types of welds: FAZZfu/ Welding Positions Used:f lnspected: /AAtda'' ecceptea:ftfu) b Discreoancies Noted: I stanoa rd or code:Al)S O/, / -;ffi Weath er Conditions : ft1 /d< Type and Capacity of Machines:'/l)B44 Elearodes:4/F / wetd sizes: t /Z'/ 34 SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of Welds Made: I OO "6 4AV<Are' aeiectea;gfl 3e *ffi'fl: Field Copy 1o' ;7;-' t ' t-Reviewed By: COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVEF, COLOFADO AO223 3c3 ,/ A25-3207 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS C< LIFAI\ O I FIEE I Report no.4s g+zQ Weld identification Material thickness Weld ioint AWS Welding process Qualily requirements - section no. Fiemarks o, E o: !t: q, 9@ F-e FCg o(J clt! E LL olq)J Decibels Discontinuity o (! 5v o a tD>(Eg ot- =.E :Y Ol o.J E (! P! ?id<t E:i E€ *=d3lrA fr,.MAR,'1 IffiA trAsr roQ -'7a)A t.Z +L 6 AO'.EryABE 3 Asr Brrrl-l 7D'A /-z 47 fl€As7'TaP-2 4t'4 /-z 4Z B 5 r'4ST 87771-e r'2'A tz +z 2 6 Wtr,ST TD*7/A /"2 42 B 7 b{6T rn?- |7a'A /-z h_B 8 W€ST EN-E 7A'4 rZ 4=aw& 877n3 7/"A /-z +z a \ 10 k^mn(// t2zA 1'1 as- TaP- /7D,A t.z 42 a A@A413_gETEt4-)7d A /t 42 3 13 asrTaP-7 72'A T,Z z a 14 ano6nn2 vo-/J E ry a 15 t6T rzf-t /A /z %?, to N6TffiF 7n'lJ /z 4Z B 17 W6z T?P-2 72'A t.z %awg BZrzvS 7//A /z--'rz z \ 19 20 scREEN DIM: H- oorrt ,aea.Z. ZizilLsve, pse KZaCZ s/il v COMMERGTAL TESTING LABOIIATOHIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON. INC. 22 LIPAN STFIEET DENVEFI. COLOFADO 40223 3O3 /.8254777 o^r",tU-/f-2/ Project No.: (a fi47? Report No.: W'-ff , InsPector: 4f REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING TNSPECNON Location and Description of work: 1764t/L ,<UO A44qfuV,rcqnfnln4tgaF Fuu_ tu/qeotu)U _ 4/_€iE -a7y A6@46'fmffi ail client: VAL VAL4 ,/4Q.6f<. Project: Sr4/4 € Contractor: 2 tflr<&- I Standardor Code:Ad)S O/,/-fu Weather Conditions: A /q< Type and Capacity of Machines:,HOBA,3 Etectrodes'fl/F /3a weld sizes: t /z'/ 3/+ SUMMARY Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: 1O0"6 CaV<aae aeiectea:/fl Discreoancies Noted: ield Welding: Types of welds: FaZtfu/ Welding Positions Used:f lnsoected: /AAt6 e""pt"a,/OD 7 o Field Copy To: - " 'Reviewed By: GOMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVER, COLORADO AO223 3O3 / A25-32O7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS 22 LIPAN STREET Reporrno. rZS3?n Weld identification Maledal thickness Weld joinl AWS Welding process Ouality requirements - section no. Remarks -o E q) : o .9X5-o q, H6 l- (! q) (t Eo l!o) Decibels Discontinuity .9 (E E; o o) qt>(r-9 o o =Y< .:: o :i:o) o 6:9i-a f;:9;;&€4 -= 5Sc Ft.mnPE 2 t253A 3 AS7 TOPI 7A I t.z r/z fl Acz:ffiv674-ffig/z-t va A l-z n o FASTnP-?70'A /'z q7 oAsr Frz'?z 7A'A tt ry B 7 'h/srTarz'l 70'A I'L 17 I I wgBT%l 7a'A t'z rz Btt'672F3 7/,a l'z qL I 10 wgBrn'2 /o'A I'Z ,/>I n/ 'Il IJ 14 15 to 17 18 19 20 SCOPE: '<E A9IV-SA S/N:prl/)Ey d scneer't oru:./a I oorr, 42o/. CALIBRATION SETTINGS cern: 47 REJEcT: TFANSDUCER: ",* &6Zy'E *r.ZE lr?Zsze,t6Htfu 'o*o* F4o METHOD:tuvnA TEST N,,IATERIAL;4sza -sa REFERENCE STANDARD:ni kba< s// 7#5?5 The above welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 6C ol AWS ,,., ( @ ,structural Welding Code. Test date Technician . ._ih_ri_, ;o., ,1i= :*,, ..,,.". COMMEIICTAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON' INC. 22 LIPAN STFEET DENVEF, COLOFADO BO2e3 PO3 ,/ A25Q777 34 o^t", lE /fr-O/ Project No.: Q fi47? Report No.: 1f-4ft4lnspector: 4J. ield Welding: Types ol welds: FaZzfu/ Welding Positions Used: f Insoected: /AA% a"t"pt"at/Oo 7 SUMMARY client: VAL VAL4/ZQ . ff<, Project: S.</4€ Contractor: 2l flrA& REPORT OF VTSUAL WELDING INSPECTION Location and Description of Work: VEAAL ,<lO l/F&4gt/lCqWlFoF Ftlu- ruV€TMu .u;Zk-a7y a6i@4EAril rz614t aail @'ru_fub Ar,aL7z4.?A% -T//S PffiN ru<rrl- . O Standard orCode:7Q^Q$ O/,/-ffi Type and Capacity of MachinesTHOEK,T We ath er C o nditions C4 /A< Electrodes:C,/F / weld sizes: t /z'/ 3/+ Total Lineal lnches of welds Made: lao?t 'ov<Are Discrepancies Noted: Field copy To' - t/zr4 Reviewed By: COMME]ICIAL TESTING LABORATO]IIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVER, COLORADO AOez3 3O3 / A?5-32O7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS << LIFAI\ - I FIEE I Reportno. 4.=3y'*l weldidentirication E/1 (t f€Maleriaf thrckness /, 79' Weld joint AWS Welding process Quality requirements - section no. Remarks o E o J o.9h o !9o FE, Fd q) Qo-E LL o,oJ Decibels Discontinuity o (' EE a) c)=(! =Y< .:: .!f c q) J 6. nla:-: i;s E= o=-.c ft.mapl< BSq.A 3 FA=7 TAP- 1 7t'A t.z 4Z a MCEfrABl'E €ASTatVT - l 7a A It 47 u c FxlSTra/-Z 7D'A t-z n ,457677fl'3 7t'A l.z 4Z 2 7 }VFSTPP. /D A /z +z B I ,v€fam I 7a'A l.z ?z I ',/H TDP'3 7/A lz 1z a '10 fi€sT Erm-z 70',/I'L qL 2 \l/ t1 JFlll-Sno12 ')D 'A t.x t+2 (o Ail&fABre 5P4tl-5?2o77 sPql-EHa72 14 5/4tl-spana 15 5P+tl-sPttrl) 16 sPlll-SP-2aB SP4/) 5P2o77 t6 3P4tl-5ffi72 \ 19 20 REJECTT q SCFIEEN DIM:GATE: raea. Z. Erzt/Z.t r,, 6E!, The above welds were Drepared and tested in accordance with the reouirements ol 6c ol AWS D1.1 (WO \structurat wetding code. o COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATOEIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 2E LIPAN STFTEET DENVEFI, COLORADO 40223 3O3 ,/ A25-O7 77 client: v/M- vA4q /va. cT< . Project: S/nf7/ € Contractor: fuZ@ oate://-p64/ Weather Conditions: Qp4p Type and Capacity of MachinestA/&A Etectrodes:gf,lT-/ - 7il weldsizes: /,U-/4" SUMMARY Project No: AS34n Report No.: 1ff6;71 lnspector: ffi Welding Positions UseO: F Location and Description-of work: lfulAC ,WP AC;K@MO d,4/m/,@/1d otr tuLL P=:l/ffiw/1/a, aw oN @ rzazgaa'4W\/%<afra44 telogA ANa lffi+r4 , O stanoa ra or coae:rQ7fr pl / -2rc @rierd werdins: -2Types of Welds:hf , Total Lineal lnches of Welds Made: /A/6 ef@46 tn"p""t"o,./2/F Reiecteay/Rewetdedyfl Accepted: ZtrF Dscrepancies Noted: GFEGOFY A.JARVIS o Field Copy ,o' ZTZZ/&(Z Reviewed By: GOMMERCIAL TESTING L/ABORATOBIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC- DENVEB, COLORADO AO223 3O3 / e,25.o777 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Beport no. 22 LIPAN STREET wetd dentitication,&1/ tA/ Material thickness wetaioinrtws T-TA7lVT Welding process Ouality requirements - section no. q) E q) J c o.9: o I 9o FO o o E LL tfto Decibels Disconlinuity (! E; o) c() o>tr-Q (E jf fi<5 c l!h :Y oJ :9'l -q.:9 F :l 9;ltri g 7 at, o>b c A 1 fr,nApl t2to3A P/.. | 'T+R 7/r A /z 4Z fr *zffitGL€Fl.2 T*R tu'td kz qz I 5 E- 3 7+R 7f ,A /.2 qz 7t 6 4.4 ToB tu'A /.2 4Z 1 STEE", EF/,7d'A l.Z 42 a I tr E&/' t4/-H a',4 r.7 9Z a \r Z./774P2. 10 t284A PZ,. / TlR 7a'4 /.2 qz 2 12 fr.2 r*<U'A /-z 4Z B 13 E. S TfB 'il'A rZ 4Z I 14 A. 1 Tt'E 7/A /-7 42 a 15 sr EAA r.Ft v'/0 t.z fr 6 to {s*zl t*F1./n r7,..?z a w 18 20 REJEC'I: ? SCREEN DIM: 'U GATEI e ANGLE The above welds were prapared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 6C of AWS Ol I f .@ ) Structural Welding code. Test date Technician: l\4anufacturer or LEVEI: LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.0. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 01lOBl02 Project: VailValley Phase I Expansion & Job No.: GS-3479 MedicalCenter Renovation WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results December 18,2001 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. CTUTHOMPSON, INC, bf", D-'-'5 Dan Downing Laboratory/Field M anager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTER o.rvE r GLENW..D ""*,*3"o, S?o'*:I:Tn.r=juBSr:5:": o o WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: cS-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: December 1E,2001 RP TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1.l-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.10 trr tr tr tr l Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.'13 Decking .3-89 Sect. 4.5 E AWS D1 High Strength Bolt Atsc Spec. for structural Joints Using ASTI\4 A 325 or 4490 Botts, Sect. I & 9. Anchor Bolts Project Specifications o Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports il mremm@gmrAoru H_ours of Shifl 6'.OO AM to S:Oo --Tttll Mileage to \S3 .l\4ileage From \SB- Operator Roberr.-r Po\\sex - COLORADO DIVISION 2965 Sourh Shoshonc En8lcwood, ColoEdo 80t 1O Phone 303-?61-0650 l-8m-742-5621 FAX-303-761{658 Page \ ofl_ CustomerPer Diem Yes REMARKS: I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO # NoX Customer Spec/Code-B$_S bl.l ,RS-rra e=z< _- DayofWeek TugS.,- lotat nAleage ?.ffi Assistant ROBERT POILOCK AWS CWI # 91121211 rcBo CERT. * 0878521-85 o Signature il myemnn'u*rAoN COLORADO DIVISION 2965 Souah Shoshone Englcwood, Colomdo 801lO Phone 303-761-0650 r-800-742-5621 FAX-3 03-761 _0658 STRUCTURAL STEEL EREGTION INSPECTION REPORT Customer cTL rhor osor.r Geqr c-oNsr>Job/Report # SoBq' Date Hours of Shifl AM to Mileage to Mileage From Operator Per Diem NoX AM Customer PO # Page'Z of5_ soectcoae;pffi Dayof Week TUES; Total Hours Todav Total Mileage AssistantCustomer .. Yes The above items have been checked against erection or-engineering_drawings and are acceptable except where noted.All high strength fasteners were installei per applicable ASTM specification unless otherwise noted. fl:H?']i:J:: t,:T::T:1:I.q::ll'_"-o-19lo"*,!'in!-".""pt"ore procedures and erectrodes unress othena,ise noted.ffi "'#5i,' "''"" ;li]:gii:J'*welds were cleaned after werding as-requiieE o!-tne appticaote AWS werdind6ooe. rMill test reports have been submitted. (Siructurat St"jiV". -'" ffil?J:'f::J:j:l::l?0"1i:,to be corrected.j*r-";;;, o;;"p;i|"ed, ,d"..'{"tr.,. -,p"sitioned by the ensineer.This report represents: partial / ; C;plj;--' erection inspecti his project. I,nspector Rc,ag\+ \\ . Pr\Q0\Je. ROBERT POLLOCK AWS CWI * 91121211 ICBO CERT. # oa7E521_A5 UNTAIN STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT COLORADO DIVISION 2965 Soulh Shoshonc Englevood, Colorrdo gol l0 Phone 303.76r-0650 L-8M-142-562r FAX-303-761-0658 Page '3 of5_Customer Job/Report #jge!3 Dale \Z-\8 -s\ Hours of Shift Arrrr rn M eage to .-_--:-:Mileage From Customer PO # 1"1!:9uDay of Week -l-u Total Hours Today Total Mileage AssistantCustomerRepres@ .., Operaror Ro,\e:el- Po\\6-e-\(PerDiem y". F The above items have been checked against ereciion_or engineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted.All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable nsirrl specification untess otherwise noted.All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otherwise noted.welds checked by Visual and:.Radiography ----------= tiagneiic particte -- Liquid penetrant _Ultrasonicswelds were cleaned after werding as requiiec oy the appricabre AWS werding code.^ Mill test reports have been submitted. (Siructurat Steel) yes ffi t-- - ltems marked as reiected are to be corrected, replaced, or relliredffiEs otherwise dispositioned by the engineer..-v This report represenis: partial X - ;;;piete _ erection inspection for this Droiect. Inspector R.A{r} H. Po$q{S. ROBERT POLLOCK aws cwr # 91121211 ICBO CERT. $ os7Es21-85 | roremnn'u*TArm STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South ShoshorE Englcwood, Colomdo gOt IO Phonc 303.761-0650 r-80f-,142_5621 FAX-303 -761 -0658 Page '* oi5_Customer nours of Snrft - Mrleage to:----_ Mileage rroTl- Job/Report #Customer PO # Daie l?.-Spec/Code Day of Week Total Hours Today .-peraro, GF.....:vsrtsq,Total Mileage AssistantPerDiem y". F Customer Representativ@,,.: The above items have been checked against erection or-engineering-drawings and are acceptabre except where notec,.All high strength fasteners were installe-d p.r.ppli""nt" ASTM specification unless otherwise noted.All welding was performed by qualified *"lo",s il.ing acceptabre procedures anJ erectrodes unress otheiwise noted.welds checked bv Visual ":1$d]:n-t_"flt -'- il;g"etic particte - Liquid penetrant -uttrasonics Welds were cleaned after welding as re_quiieO bl-tne applicable AWS Welding Code.Mill test reports have been submilted. tsiructui 6i"urr v"" Nn \zItems marked as rejected ".iu.tg.be "ori""t"o, r"pi-""Jj, iiip"*0, ,rr*.'linfi*" oep"sitioned by rhe engineer.Ints report represents: partial X ; Complete tnspector RJxl.F \. afilnde_, ROBERT POLLOCK AWS C1^rI * 91121211 ICBO CERT. t ouE521_85 ;tl U ' !:i'' MFtrRM]OUNTAIN STRUCTUR,AL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englewood, Colorado 801 I0 Phone 303-761-0650 l-800-742-5621 FAX-3 03 -761_065 8 Page '5 of_5_Customer Customer PO # Spec/Code Day of Week TugS . ' Total HourstoaF Total Mileage Assistant Customer nep , The above items have been checked against erection. or e_ngineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted.All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable Rsfla speciRcation untess otherwise noted.All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otherwise noted.welds checked by Visual and: Radiography ---------= ti"gn"iic partiire -liquid penetrant --- uttiasonicswelds were creaned after werding as requrieiTftne appricabre AWs werding code. ^Mi||testreportshavebeensubmj1ed.1siructurjStee|)YesJ ltems marked as rejected are,to be coirecled, replaced, or relfiEElnG. oin6EElil-"positioned by rne engineer.This report represents: partiar X ; comprete erection inspection for this project. tnspector Rap.cir \. RRlrdF - ROBERT POLLOCK AWS Cl'l'I * 91121211 IC80 GERT, * 0r7E521-E5 \ oFZ COLORADO DIVISION 2965 Soulh Shoshonc Englcwood, Colorado gOl lO Phonc 303-761-0650 1-8m-7 A-562r FAX-303-76t{658 OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCY REPORT Job#__&_t9______ \ '- Date \Z-t8-6\ Customer PO #Speclc.ooe.nur@ Day of Week -fuES. Operator Rs\eet Po\\oelc - Customer Representative oRr+ soffi-- LJI\ I E REPORTED ITEM NO.DESCRIPTION DATE ITEM CLOSED \2-t*-1.\l z glsrR olaiD,Ei.ga- qn ^,& )><^"Aq .sratli F.R. ,\-^\b s* ";:,-$*dro* d;*dt""^---a- €.,r,-rEdo,ct..qb.s,- s'^ .r' a^A^.-'!F -l\i5. Ntr-r. \2-\8-O\q cJP c^l,^rmu" ..s"Dieo. u"dls ,qrrhig*lr .r$t\s,$,N!- o^ \.ao & .Nq9\b,,9t$tnh Nr.*-q "trb, .llr nnrf\ r-.lodsn \2-\s-o\\o tt*rira"a\ua *A\*. 1ac-\.'*d-q- f^, (z\u \ z--------- .^'"S\q"* \*;",.^re$.q, q^\s!r$As$b*- .r.-s.a^\> q,^r$rnrldt6\ rnl ,'net^ro i.Ti,-a ; tl* ";*i*^(to: -'L. ffi .!*"'o Gln\, ffi.$ar< z,E \!oar;, .*firil { .!ee}1r .-+l*ro*t, (\' . \ 6 '.s*s.ru,, urril )trn-o l'- .r\rf .9 '+..,.o z r+P 99.-r,. 'rr(\ .m,nt\* o"l4}. .s.rr","nr *O' oo < lyffinr. ?ls^o!F I e"f,^rii/o. e *nx\-dis"f-bddh -i^Ia\\Jt - Signature R"9xfr-\, PSlx)_ ROBERT POLLOCK AWS C1 'l*91121211ICBO CERT, * 0E7t521-85 n lli u N._Ttrmm{DUNlrA0N 5Fi,i ri$ryF+n i:' {f€S'W[ffiG =_-i: ry !,r:..i,.:'^ i.: i ffr]. -. rri it';' x... ,, t90nEPAmv Zor? COLORADO DryISION 2965 South Shoshonc En gle,rood, Colorado 80 1 lO Phone 303-76 I .0650 t-EW'!42-5621 FAX-303-7614658 OUTSTANDING DISGREPANCY REPORT Customer PO # _Specicocienw@ Day of Week Tugs. Customer ne a i R,OBERT POLLOCK AWScl|It91121211 ICBO CERT. * 087E521-E5 Job#__8oES-________ \ ---- DATE REPORTED ITEM NO.DESCRIPTION DATE ITEM CLOSED l2-\l-o\\\\ln).ru\s"^al\, .rvtN,uts o,Jo,5 -^ l'* en r*ol-Q- X - -lr..N$. , l$uresx Sxg^crrs, * z*rs-. XLlru !rn+}--, q.oo ^Al- *dd !,r,".-,\) Gr&.t . a.s-4- q|.t\ \{.\- J.+-te *\ qsc t12-. 3<5 t^rQ\-b rr,"olsn\^trt$, B\ qccr',ql. \q ,.^rasi.b .^n^!s'i'r.q t\ i *-O\ "" b"r,M>q\ -a.J tz-\g-o\\3 U.nborrniao u"clds o, rN\8v4o l,qoernlqd,t,r-c) e-qp e\fis trn,anFi,v^tr" o,. etl9. e-!>fi, 1o,l*\.--"-- q$9 !.,+c.ffA+.. Cr*s: )-ct. KlEsil Signature Htsr[il TrG[t0108lts Itt 2973 F. Road I Grand Junction, CO 81504 (9'to) 2s6996s PINNACLE CONSTRUCTORS INC. Welder Qualification Test Record Page I of I DOUG G 2-PINNACLE WQTR No. DOUG G 2-PINNACLE WPS No. Preouatffled Welder Name DOUG GRIFRS Welder ld q2i .33_514a=- Process (lable 4.10, ftern (10 FCAW Trans'fer Mode (clvlAw): Short-Clr. ii Globular I, Type Manual I Machine i Seini-Ar.[o E Nurnber of Electrodes Singb A Mufiple E CunentrPolarty AC - DCEP tr DCEN tr Position Oable 4.1 O, ltem (,t)) 1 c Wdd Progression: (tabte 4.1O, ttem (6)) Up tr Down fl Backing flable 4.10, ltem [4J Use Backing I Materbl/Spec. A36 to A36 Thickness (Phe): Groove ( in ) i.0 Fillet ( ) Thickness (Pipe^ube): Groove ( ) Fiild ( ) Record Adual Values Used ln Qualificaflon Gas/Flux Type (IaHe 4.10, lem p)) NrA Othar ':0625"WIRE'. Qualincation Range FCAW Shott-Chcuiting fl Globular I Spray E Mantral 11 Machine E Semi-Auto I Arno E Single E Mutiple E AC tr DCEP O DCEN A UP tr Down D VWh Backing E lAlihotn Backing E All Group t & ll Materials .12s - unti.it"a ---in--.- .125 - Unlimited In .125 - Unllmlted in .125 - Unlimited ln "Qualified to Backoouoe .0625"wlR8 EtxT-xx VISUAL INSPECTION (4.8.1) AcceFable Yes 1G - Face lAcce6aUte mlet Ted Results (4.3023 and 4.3O.4.1) Fradure Ted Rod Pen#ion QC-lt No. 01{55 Organization Interprded By Organization Test No. Date We, the unders(7ned, certify that the s{atements in thb record are corecl and lhat the tec welds were prgmred, weUeO) te$ed in accordancs wih the requkerner s of seclion 4 of At,lSl/AWS D1.1, ( 2m) o o IUESITRT ITGHTO1OOITS oii 2973F.Road I GrandJunction, CO 81504 (970)2s6996s PINNACLE CONSTRUCTORS INC. Welder Qualification Test Record Page 1 of 1 ROttI R I-PINNACLE WQTR No. RON R I-PINNACLE Welder Name RON REECE WPS No Prequalified ' Revisbn Welder Id 521-19139 Psls l l r16/^n0l Variables Record Adual Values Used In Qualificatlon Process (Iable 4.1Q ltem (1)) FCAW Transfer Mode (GlrlAW: Short-Cir. E Globular EType Manual E Machine D Semi-Auto El Number of E,ectrodes Single tr Muitiple E CunentrPolarity AC tr DCEP tr DCEN E Postion (Iable 4.10, ltem (4) i-G Quanncation Range EEAW Shott-Circuiiing E Globuhr E Spray I Manual E Machine [] Semi-Arno I Ano ! Singla tr] Muliple. tr AC tr DCEP tr DCEN E PUISCd tr Up o Doarn E Wdh Backing E tMhor.rt Backing - tMh.lnsert F l^rthorrt lnsert E All Group | & ll Materials.12s - untr.it"o -- iJ-- .125 - Unlimited In .125 - Unlimlted in .125 - Unlimited in - >24.0 in Spray - Auto E Pulsed tr Weld Progressbn: Gable .,t l O, ltem (6)) Up O Backing [aHe 4.1O, ltem [Q] Use Backing E Consumable Insert (GTA\A/)Use Insert E Materhyspec. A36 to A3G Thickness (PHe): Groove ( in ) 1.0 Fillet ( ) Thbtness (Pipe/tube): Groove ( Find ( Diamder(Pipe): Groove () Fild ( ) _ Doryn E Notes - >24.0 in 'Qualified to Backoouqe Filer Mdal fiable 10, ltern @) Sp€c. 4520 Class. E/lT-l I F-No. ETXT-XX Gasr'Fhx Type (labte 4.1O, ltern (3)) NtA Other ,(bzf w|RE .-.0625'WtRE A5.20 VISUAL INSPECTION (4.8.1) Acceptable Yes GUIDED BENDTEST RESULTS (4.30.5)Type lnesul Type ResuI 1G-Face 1G-Root Accelable Acceilable Appennce Fraclure Ted Root Pendration F et Test Resuls (4.O.23 and Filld Siz6 D€scription Inspecied By SCOIIJ- MAXWELL, AWS OG-1* No. 01455 Organizarion WESTERN TECHNOLOG|f,.E*Q 11/2ru2o0i.4r// / RpoocRApHtc rEST RESULTs ( ./aw s\ Macroetch Film ldertification No.Resull Rsma* Interprded By Organization Ted No. Date w6,theUnde'signed,cedirythatthegatemefltsinthisfeco'darocorrec1andthatthetedwelds,n-ffi teded in accodancs with the requirerner sof section 4 of Al'lSyAWS D1.1, ( m ]F&{ctuJrtt9BNing Sa*F".f Manufacturer PINNACLEcoNSTRUC Aq6Tq!4dBy \r"t(XSV.{tk Date 11r26tzoe1 rrt$Trnr rlGHt0lo8lts . alo 2973 F. Road r Grard Junction, CO 81504 (970) 2s69965 PINNACLE CONSTRUCTORS INC. Welder Qualification Test Record Page 1 of 1 GRADYW l.PINNACLE WQTRNo. GRADYW I-PINNACLE Welder Name GRADY WRIGHT Welder ld 522,1'31543 I/VPS No. Preoualified Revbion 0 Pgts I I tt 6/'00I Variables Record Actual Values used ln Qualification Qualificatlon Range EI^ AIA' Short-Circuiting tr Globular E Spray E Manual [] Machine E Semi-Auto E Arrto E Process Cfabb 4.10, ltem (1)) FCAW Transfer Mode (GIrlAlA/): Short-Cir. fl Globuhr E Type Manual [f Machine E Semi-Auto E Number of Eleclrodes Single trl Multiple D Curenl,/Polariy AC tr DCEP [] DCEN E Spray tr Ado E Single I Mutiple E AC- DCEP C DCEN I Puls€d Posllon (Iable 4.1O, llem (a)) lG WeH Progression: Oable 4.10, ltem (6)) Up Backing flable 4.10, ftem fQl Use Ehcking tr E tr Down E Up D Down E tlWh Backing E \Mhorn Backhg D Comqrnabb Insert (GTAW Use Insert tMih Insert E lMfihod Insert - MaterbUSoea A36 to A36 All crouD | & ll Materials Thickn*s (PHe): Groove ( h) 1.0 .125 - Unlimited .125 - Unlimited .125 - Unllmiled .125 - Unlimited Fillet ( ) Thickness (Pipertube): Groove ( ln in in in in Fild ( Dhmder(Pipe): Groove ()>24.O Fiild ( ) _- >24-O 'oualitied to Backoouoe Filler Mdal Oable 10, ltem €)) Sp€c. A5.20 Class. E/l7-11 F-No. s'rxT-xx Gasr'Flux Type (fabb 4.10, ltem B)) Other .O62t'w|RE.*.0625'W|RE VISUAL INSPE€TION (4.8.1) Acce$able Yes GUIDED BEND TEST RESULTS (4.30.5) Type Resul Tvpe . iResult 1G-Face lAccedable 1c-Root lA"""ot"Ul" Appearance Filld Ted Resuls (4.3023 and Filld SEe Macrodch Fradure Ted Root Pendration DescriSion Ins@ed By SCOTT L MAXWEIII_AU/S OC-1t No. 01455 Organization WESTERN TECHNOLOGIE-96U 11/2tU2001---m RADroGRApHrcrESrRESULrsr4.3o.3.l) -,/ollN- Film ldentificstion No.Resut Rernark lrnerprded By Organization Test No. Daio Wq the undetsigned, certify that th€ daternerts in thb record ate conecl and that the led welds were weuea,iNZ teded in accordance wih the requkernents of s€ction 4 otAtISUAWS D1.1 , ( Manufac{urer PINNACLE CONSTRUCTORS lNC. Arnhorized By Date 11/26/2001 \ WE$IERT TIGTITOIOEII$ tIl 2973 F. Road t Grand Junctiorl CO 91504 (970)2569965 PINNACLE CONSTRUCTORS INC. Welder Qualification Test Record page 1 of I WES KI.PINNACLE Qualification Range FCAW Short-Circuiing E Globuhr I Spray E Manual ! Machine E Sem;Aulo E A'to O Single I Multiple E Ac tr DcEp Cl DCEN a pubed tl Up o Down E l/wh Backing E t4'thout Backing E VWh Insert E Mhout Insed tr .125 -125 1t1 1.ta - Unlimited in - Unlimited ln - Unlimited In - Unllmlted tn - >24.0 in - >24.0 in 'Qualitied to Backqouoe o .0625. WIRE MSUAL INSPECTTON (4.8.1) Accedabte yes GUIDED BEND TEST RESULTS : 1: . i WQTRNo. wESKt-prNNAcLE weleiltamJ@Ertlrn*"to. @-_- ^"u""n ' Record Aclual Values Us€d In eualmcation Process (Iable 4.1Q ftem (i)) FCAW Transfer Mode (GMAVV): Short-Cir. E Globular g Type Manual E Machine E Semi-Arno trl Number of Electrodes Singb A Muiiple E CunentrPolarfty AC tr DCEP ! DCEN A Poetion (fable 4. tO, hem (4)) .r c Weld Progression: ftabte 4.10, ltem (e) Up tr Backing flabtra 4.10, ttem fZ)J Use Backing E Materhuspec. A36 to 436 Thicknes (Phre). Groove ( in ) i.0 Frlet ( ) Thickness (Pipertube): Groove ( ) Filtd ( ) Diameta(Plpe): Groove ( ) Find ( ) Noteg Fller Mdal (Iabte 10, hem CZ)) Spec. A5.20 GaVFlux Type (Iabt€ 4. 1 O, ttem (3) 1G - Faca leccegaUe Filla Ted Resuls (4.30.23 and QC-l{ No. 01{55 Organization Organization Ted No. Dato wq tho undersEned, certify that the satemer(s in this record are correcr and that the ted werds wer";;;teded in .c€ordsnce h&h the fequirem€nts of sec{on z+ of A}rsr/AWs 01.1, ( m r€trq4$otweHtto cod ETXT.XX UUESIENT TEGTITOI.O SITS a l..) 2973L Road r GrandJunction, CO81504 (e70)256996s PTNNACLE CONSTRUCTORS lNC. pascl of 1 Welder Qualification Test Record GRAoYw 1-PINNACLE WQTR No. GRADY W 1-PINNACLE Welder Narne GRADY WRIGHT Welder fd 5224&|549 VVPS No. Prequalified Revisbn 0 DaIe 11t16t20o1 Varlables Record Actual Values Used In Qualitication Qualincat ion Range FCAWProcess Oabl€ 4.10, ltern (1)) FCAW Transfet Mode (GttIAW): Sho -Cir. - Globuhr E Type Manual E Machine tr SemLAno E. Number of Electmdes Single E Multipe E cunentrPolarfty Ac tr DCEP o DCEN E Spray tr Arno E Short-Circuiting E Globular I Spray E Manual E Machine E Semi-Auto E Ano E single ts Muliple D AC 5 DCEP C DCEN E Pulsed EPulsed Posilion (fable 4.10, hem (40 lG Weld Progressbn: Cfabb 4.1q tem (6)) Up Backing fable 4.1O, ltem fi) Use Elacking fj xt C Down D Up tr Do$m D trVlh Backing E Wrthout Backing E Consurnabb Insert (GTAW Use lnsed VVth lnseri E \Mithout lnsert D MderhUSoec. A36 to A36 All Grouo | & ll Materials Thickness (Plate): Groove ( h) 1.0 .125 - Unlimited .125 - Unlimited .125 - Unlimited .125 - Unllmited Rllet ( ) Thickness (Pipetube): Grcove ( ln ln ln ln in mH( Dhmder(Pipe): Groove ( Fiild ( Nc{ss )>24.0 )_- >21 0 'Oualified to Backsouoe Filler Mdal (Iable 10, nern @) Spec. 45.20 Class. F/1T-l 1 F-No. ETXT-XX GadFlur Type (Iable,,t.1O, ltem B)) .0625'w|RE VISUAL INSPECTION (4.8.1) AcceFable Yes GUIDED BEND TEST RESULTS (4.30,5) Type Result Typ€Resu! 1G - Face iAcceotaHe 1c-Root lAccedable Fillet Ted Resuls (4.3O23 and Appe€rance Filld Size Macrodch Fradur€ Test Rocd Pen€tration DescriSion lns@ed By scoTT L. |UAIWELLTAWSOCII No. 01-055 Organization WESTERN TECHNoLoGlEgrh 1l/242001 Zfr/ RAorocRiqpHrc rEST RESULTS (,,f.3o.3.1) ,Znws\ fim ldentifixtbn No.Result Remark lderprded By Organization Ted No. Date We, the undersigned, cedify that th€ datemerds in this record ar€ conecl and thal the ted welds were welded,i\c/ teded in accordance wlh the requhenrerds of sec{ion 4 of ANSUAWS D1 ,1 , ( Manufaclurer PINNACLE CONSTRUCTQRS lNC. Arthorized By Date 11/2612001 \ o T{tSTTRil TTGIITO1OGIES flt- 2973 F. Road i Graad Junctioq CO 81504 (970)256996s PINNACLE CONSTRUCTORS lNC. pascl of 1 Welder Qualification Test Record BoBBY D 1-PINNACLE o WaTR No. BoBBY D 1-PINNACLE WPS No. Preoualined Weldet Nam6 BOBBY DAWES Welder ld 522-27.4010 p7l6 1't,18l2n0lRaisbn O Quallflcatlon Range SMAW Sho -Gircuiing E Globular ! Spray [] Manual E Machine F Semi-Ar.rto E Ar.rto C Single E Muttiple - AC tr DCEP E DCEN C PUISCd E 1G. 2G. 3G. rtc. I F. 2F. 3F. 4F Up tr Down tr lAfith Backing E Wlhorn Backing - Wfrh lnsert tr VWhout lnsei E All Gioup | & ll Materials .125 - .75 in .125 - Unlimited in .125 - .75 in .125 - Unlimited ln >24 0D >24 OD - _ in 'Ouallfled to Backoouoe F70XX and Lower Slrendth Eledrodes F4 and Lower Varlables Record Actual Values Used tn Qualltlcatlon Process (fable 410, ltem (1)) SMAW Transfer Mode (GI\LAW): Shod-Cir. O Globuhr E Type Manual El Machine tr Semi-Ar.rto E' Number of Electrodes Single E Muliple E CurrenUPohrly AC D DCEP A DCEN O Spray E Auto tl Pulsed tr Posiion Oabl6 4.10, ltem (4)) 3G. rtc Weld Progression: (table ,1.1O ltem (6)) Up Backing ffabb 4.10, ltem (7)t Use Backing Down E Consumable Insert (GTAW)Usa lnse Materiafspec. A36 to A36 Thickness (Phe): Groove ( ln ) Fillet ( Thickness (Pipeitu be): Groove ( -375 E tr - ) ) Diamde(Pipe): Groove ( mrd( t Fillet ( ) _ Class" F/018 F-No. 4 GadFhtx Type (fable 4.10, ltem (3) :.(xher i f lg' Dh. Etecirode -5/32' Dla. and Smaller Filler Meaal Cfable 10, ltem (a) Spec. A5.1 USUet tnSpeCTlON (4'8.1) Acce$able Yes GUIDED BENO TEST RESULTS (4.30.s) Type Resut Tvpe Resul 3G - Face 3G - Root AcceSable Accedabls 4G - Face 4G - Rool AcceFabl6 AcceFable Find Ted Results (4.30.23 and Filld SizeAppearance Fradure Test Rod Peneoation Macroetch Inspeded By SCOTT L. MAXWELLTAWS QC-1r No. 01455 Organizalion WESTERN TECHNOLOGI,Ej'{R 32rU2c01 frr/ RADToGRApHTcTESTRESULTs( .y'iLrN D€scridion mm ld€rtification No.Resul Remark lnterpreted By Organization Tec No. Date We, the undersbned, certify that the datements in th'rs record ar6 correct and that the ted welds wete leded in accordance wlh the requirernents of section 4 of At',lSl/AWS D1.1 , ( Manufacturer PIN NACLE CONSTRUCTO RS INC. Authorized By wE$rERil TE0r!flo[08tt$ att 2973 F. Road I Grand Junction. CO 81504 (970) 256e965 PINNAGLE CONSTRUGTORS INC. Welder Qualification Test Record We, the undersigned, certify thal the statements in this record are correct and thal the ted welds were prepared, welded, leded in accordance with the requirern€flts of section 4 of ANSUAWS D1.1, ( pagc 1 of 1 DERRICK D I-PINNACLE WQTR No. DERRICK D 1-PINNACLE Welder Name DERRTCK DAWEq Variables Record AclualValues Used ln eualificaflon Process (fable 4.10, ltem (1)) SMAW Trans{er Mode (GMAW): Short-Cir. E Globular E Spray [1 Type Manual I Machine E Serni-Auto E Auto ! Number of Eledrod€s Single I Mu[iple tr Cunent/Polarty AC ! DCEP A DCEN D pulsed C Posftion [fabb 4.10, ltem (4)) 3G WBH Progression: (Iabte 4.1O, ltem (6)) Up tr Backing |fabh 4.10, ttem (7)] Use Backing E Comumable Ins€rt (GTAW Use Insert D Materiauspec. A35 to A36 Thickness (Plate): Growe ( in ) Filtd ( ) Thickness (Pipertube): Groova ( ) Fillet ( ) Fillet Mdal (IaHe 10, ltem (a) Sp€c. A5.1 Class. Ft018 F-No. 4 GasrFlur Type (fabte 4.1O, ltem @)) Other ' lE* Dla. gectrode--,. Short-Circuiting [i Globular E Spray - Manual E Machine E SemiArno O Auto E Single E} Munipb tr AC D DCEP ts DCEN C Pulsed E 1G. 2G. 3G, I F. 2F. 3F UP E Down E \N[h Backing E Wthor:t Backing -i All Group I & ll Maierials.1zs - .zs --- in --,,- .125 - Unlimited in .125 - .75 in .125 - Unlimited in 'Qualified to Backoouoe E70XX and Lower Strenqth Electrodes F4 and Lower VISUAL INSPECTION (4.8.1) AcceFable Yes GUIDED BEND TEST RESULTS Fracture Test Rod Pendration QClt No. 01i55 Organization MDIOGRTqPHIC TEST RESULTS ( Ted No. Dat€ Manufadurer Authorized '. lr;;il:;;;r*croN, coLoBADo 81505. TELE'H.NE (s7o\ 24s's77o 'FAx (s70) 241-e77o *ELDER, wiiorxa oPEnoro. oR TAcK WELDEB quAuFlcATloN TEsr REcoRD UJ. r'r\r ^v'v* LOPE Type ol WeldEr Nams Welding Prmeduro Specilicalion No' Varlabl6s Groova Fillet Thicknass: (Pipeiluba) Dlamstet: (PrPs) Gfoo\r€ Fithl Filler Metal flable 1'10' lten (3)l Spec, No. Oass F.No. Gas/Flux TyPe frabb 4.10, ltem (4)l Olt|er Orqanizafon mm Eentilicauon ltrnbar Poces€/fyge lrabte a.10. ltern (2)l pn"rtoa" iiinitu or multiPla) ffEbb 4.9. nem (S)l CunenUPohdtY Posluon lTabls 4.10. llem (5)l Weld Frogresslon Fablg 4.10' lram (7)l BacklnE ffES ot NOI lfobls 4.10. tlsm (8)t MateriJvipac. fiabto 4.10, ltsm ('l)l Base Malal Thlckness: (Flatel Us6d ln oualllicaton Quatilicanon hango 4t{ Dl, TEst Numbar 0als FOR CONVEI'INONAL & COMPLEX STFUCTUBES r No, Dalo ln 4 Gaoovg Fillel o F6rt6Jks Film ldenrifialton ' Numbar vlsuAL lNSPEqrloN (4-S- 1) AcceptablE fYESbr NO -GridEd Bsfft Trrt F€rulb (4'30-5) naotocRAPHC resr RESUI.IS (/t:3{t-3'11 i,ranufacfursr or c onvaaotfnnwl€" CO^*l+7u*W A'nhoft€d 8v Rernarks &SUPPLY,INC. FOR CONVENNONAL & COMPLEX STBUCTUHES ROAo r GFAND JUNCTION, COLOBADO 81Sos . TELEPHONE l9'ir'12or.tnD . FAX (970) 241-9770 Type ol Wetdar Namo,Fll ldanliliost"rr No, Welding Procodura SpecitGtion No.Dats { r Ell.),\r Varlabler lpo.rrfyp. flabls 1.t0. ltem l2!l EteBuode (shgb or nul0prol Fabii C.9. trarn (9)l CursnuPohdv Posilion lfabte 4.t0. lten (5)t Wlld FrogrBsslon ffrdo 4.10, [€m (41 Bacrhg (YES or NO) fhbb 4.r0, trlm (g)l MaratulrSpec. firbrd a.lo. |lsrr (t)l Blse Matrl : ' ThicknEs; (Platel Grmvr Fiil8l Thlduress: {PipaAuba} Growe Fittet Dlameler: [Plpa) Gloove Fittot Frller Matat ffablo 4.10. llsm lql Usad h Oualilicallon l,i: .:i; ! :L1,'6:\.'.t\ td{ j.;"i;:'r i:T' .:_..'.ti"t it ! ..rt: ; ':iiI Spea No. Ctss! F,No, g*/Flur TypB ffabtc a.t0, ttem [4)lOther (Deseibst$rj 0ryarizalhn lnterptlled by vrsuAL tH$ PJqnOl| (.t.8.t ]Ac€€ptrblo a?Es br NO _ guldad glnd Trrl 8lltlltr l43o5l Fasult Typa E'|d {30.4.1} Srs (l:30.3.1) Rlm ldsntllcErbn ' Numbar Tasl N umt €toryani:ation Dsle WT$IERil ITGHTO1OEIES tit 2973F.Rod t GrandJunction, CO 81504 (970) 256996s PINNAGLE CONSTRUCTORS INC. Welder Qualification Test Record Page 1 of l DERRICK D 1-PINNACLE WQTR No. DERRICK D I-PINNACLE Welder Name DERRICK DAWES \A/PS No. Prequalified Ranision 0 Welder ld 52331-1828 Date 'l r rl6tZl01 Variables Record Aclual Values Used In Qualincatlon Process (Iable 4.10, ltem (1)) SMAW Tnnsfer Mode (GMAW): Short-Cir. D Gtobutar D Spny D Type Manual E Machine tl Semi-Auto E-i Arto E Number of Ele<trodes Single El Munide E Cunent/Polariy AC D DCEP A DCEN tr pulsed tr Posiion Oabl€ 4.10, ltem (4)) 3G WeH Progression: Oable 4.10, ltem (6)) Up Backing ffable 4.10, ltem f/[ Use Backing Consumable Inse{t (GTAYV)Use lnsert Maleriaysp€c. A36 to 436 Thickness (Plate): Groove ( in ) .375 Fi[d ( ) Thickness (Pipetube): Groove ( Fiil6 ( Dhmder(Pipe): Groove ( Fillet ( ) _ Notes Filbr Mdd (fable 10, ltem (Z)) Spec. A5.1 a 5J tr Dom Class. F/018 F-No. 4 GasiFlux Type (fable 4.1O, ltem (3)) Other" 1r8" Dla. Ele.cfrode *.- Qualiflcatlon Range cl,^lAl Short-Chcuiting - Globuhr E Spray C Manual E Machine Cf Semi-Ar:to E Ano E Single E Mutiple E AC tr DCEP E DCEN r--r putsed C lG. 2c. 3G. I F. 2F. 3F Up A Down E Wnh Backing I Wihorn Backing - \Mih lnsert E IM{hout Insert i All Grouo | & ll Materials .125 - .75 in .12s - !!.n!im_tell_ in .125 - .75 in .125 - Unllmited in >24 0D >21 OO - _ in 'Qualitied to Backaouoe A5.1. A5.5 F7oXX and Lower Strensth Bectrodes F4 and Lower 5r3?' Dia. and smaller VISUAL INSPECTION (4.8.1) Acce|able Yes GUIDED BEND TEST RESULTS (4.30.5) Type Resu!Type ResuI 3G-Face lAcceotable 3c-Root lAcceptable Appearancs Filld Ted Resuits (4.3O.23 and Filld Size Macrodch F aciure Test Rod Pefletration Descridion Inspeded By scOTI L MAXWELL /AWS QCJr No. 01-055 Orgnization WESTERN T EC H NO Lc6tQErte 3t24!2oo1 % 1 MDrocR/ApHrcrEsrRESULTs( ./lYts-\ Film ldentificgl io n No.Result Rerna* We, the undersigned, cediry that the datemerts in thb recrrd ara cone{i and that the ted welds were preparea, weiaea)tt te<ed in accordance with the requiremeflts of s€cibn 4 of AI.JSUAWS D1.1, ( z@)-lgctt{Et WfinS tod+Sed. Manufacaurer PINNACLE coNsTRUcToRs tNc. Rrttrodz"a svW Dat6 312612001\ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 12127101 ' Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMIfiING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results J 1'/ '/ '/ December 3, 4, E, 7 and 10, 2001 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. Inspeciions are for shop fabrication. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDRtVE r GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 ! (970) 94s-2809 o WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Exoansion & Renovation Job No.: G5-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: December 3,4,5,7 nl and 10,2001 ryPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.1 0 n tr T n I l Ultrasonic Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.13 Decking AWS D'1 .3-89 Sect, 4.5 High Strength Bolt Alsc spec, for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect. B & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect Soecifications ,o Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were obseryed,'please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports COMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC' 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER. COLORADO 40223 crient: VgL VAUE/ A4z' CfZ. Project: S4n€ Contractor: 77PE 3O3 / A?58777 oat"t,/Z- 3-a/ Project No.:fi534ry Report No.: l/TL/T InsPector: REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION ffi Location and Description of work: l6///4L 444 4rffia/% etr ft/lL @/€f%q @/V /,//^6A <,*- PbVAs FLA/VA€ oN-@C 77fl7a/ /ASoA O stanoa, d or code:fl/)S O/1/-7PO Weather Conditions: /M Type and Capacity of Machines:/y'Apr${tuaEtectrodes'6//T-/ wensizes?/15- t'/2" Totat Lineal lnches or welds vaoe:/2/6 /b//&06€ aeieAea:/ Discrepancies Noted: SUMMARY @Field weldins: rypes of welds: At"fi'f' Welding Positions Usea,f, y' Insoected: /A27 AcceDted: /AO"y' o pEenn GREGOHY A JARVIS 95060171 I Fierdcopv@ Reviewed By: GOMMEEGIAL TESTING LABORATOFTIES dd LtFAt\J D I r_rcE I A DIVISION OF GTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVER. COLOtrA.DO AO2e3 3A3 / 425-3?O7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS ,."", y'& IrAzE,rZA. ffi. Reponno. ASS/T? Weld identification Malerial thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Ouality requirements - section no. aenarks P6E TA FZJflNG€ c |!.9i =-O qEJECf: Y SCREEN DIM: /{/ GAGAfN: 7 Z- IEJECI: ->=-scHEEN ulM:l-gz- r'A I E:-Zy:-:92----: ,^ro.4.2 I ANGLE REFERENCE STANDARD:DgK& >' The above welds were orepared and tesled in accordance with the requirements ol eOMMEHCTAL TESTING TABONATOFIES . .: : A DIVISTON OF CTL ,/ TTIOIy/|PSON. INC. alz uPA l STFGE - oE^tvg. COt-OHAtro e@zA 3tlFt / B?33 contractor: ffiruz fnspector: Cf HEPOFT OF VFUAL WELDING INSPECTION Location and Description of work: UbzA Z A:XA4m/A@n/ S &iWm4O ^/s*ap FAEEc4T@.i'd@s bR Ws-Dsr gEt ';i2dw&5#3fftnET=*P-r/1/sPa77^t !,,"*, *g- Vru/g'/ZA C:TZ' Project :Wn€ €tandard or coae:1(4plji1)/, /18 Qeatner Conditions: eY'A< Type and Capacity of Machines:A)@4il- Etec*odes:{///-/ //o84tr werd sizes: %-%n' Dae: /3-#a/ Proiest No.: Q 547? Report No.: j,4- @Fietdwelding: Types ot w ews: Ft/ef4a44 Welding Positions tssed: F Inspeced: /OO% Accepted: /t2't SUMMAHY o Total Lineaf lnches oi Welds Made: /AA/ PK'6€ Aeiectea:/Rewelded: / Discreoancies Noted: GREGOHY '! JARVIS 9560471 Field Copy To:tupE Reviewed BY: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor:Technician: Architect or Enqineer:Job No.: @Mark I No. I @Size I Type Iffi Totat -l lnches I '-'--1 No.ot -l Pieces I----7 --1 ^"**l *1."1 NDE IMethod I 7 T o M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLORADO AO223 303 / A?5-3?O7 EOMr|,IEBCIAL TESTTNT' IABORAT|IETES A DtVtStON OF CTt- ,/ THOMPSON, tNC. 2e uPA l STFfEET DEN\/EFI' COr nFAnO ao223 3oi3 ,/ €,25'3fi7 o, ilient:Ve-Vrury,r'@ffi, Projecf S4/Z€ contractor: rupE, -.,Stanciarci or Cocte://1):iD/, H8 Q""rr,", Conditions: ef€< Type and Capacity of Machines:4nl@t) Electrodes:(//y' / werd sizes: %-%n' Date: /i?.-5-21 Project No.: /9 5 gg7 7 Report No.: W' @Fieldweldins: tnspector:Qf REPOFT OF VTSUAL WELDING TNSPECTION Location and Descrigion of work: yLseaz qxK4zV@A/s Mmlna Ms/,Ep F/a6W n?rreaqs PR WZ-DSJ ?!F, ryozzrrs nib qtT NaLry, _s€€ .sr%p-T/16pa7:7^l,ie1r7#rce Peca /zARKS' rypes ot waa",fr&{/4a'a< Welding Positions Used; F SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches orwelds Made: PA/Ar'e'@ nspeaea:/O2o6 Relecied:4 Accepted: /22t4 Discreoancies Noted: o CNE@RY A JAFVIS sm0171 Field Copy To:tuEoF Reviewed BY: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST v PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Piece Mark Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Total lnches No. of Pieces Accept Reject NDE Method t347 E +7 S/tr--V/-fnff /,T EAB AD / NAJE u \y / il4A 31,{\I I tft ! It M 22 LIPAN STFEET DENVER, COLORADO AO223 3O3 / 425-3247 o COMMERCIAL TESTING LABG'TIATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL / THOMPSON' INC. EE LIPAN STFIEET DENVER, COLORADO AO2E3 3O3 '/ A25-O777 client: VM- ttAUsll ZA' ff4, Project: =An€Contractorr%& D.*: /V- 72/ Project Nt.'e,53/7? Report No.t l/-Fff Inspector: 4f REPORT OF VISUAL WEI-DING INSPECTION Location and Description of worx:lE//r2L 7F Fdl/z rey€Tptplv //#Zi -PAEs z ga<n eqAffi tV recern4f<E FSSA O stanoar d or code',r(6 l2tr / -2AM @Fietd wetding: Types of *"u'tsl@ Welding Positions Usea,f, y' Weather Conditiong&/€ Type and Capacity of Machines,r/Q4ZXq ewctroaes'flF-/ weld srzes: 7d- / 34' SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of werds v^a".rU/5 /AEl% lnspected: /AAt6 Rejecred:$"Fan/--PA/WAn aewelded'1?Accepted: "2 7 Discrepancies Noted: GRMCEY A JAF/IS Reviewed By: COMMERGIAL TESTING LAEORATOTIIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC- 22 LIPAN STFIEET DENVER, COLORADO AO?E3 3O3 ,/ A25.3EO7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS LZ fnlLa-f fZa' C1, Reporrno. ,f:3/4 Weld identification Malerial thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Quality requirements - seclion no. Remarks o.9; Wasareo brtfsy CALIBRATION SETTINGS ;;;,42- l-^rrr"r, d scseeNo"a:./O uorr, /oo6 ,^eo ZZfm,4L ,,*.52{.21r ANG'. 7an TEST MATERIAL:As72 50 FEFERENCE STANDARD:A&'?"'Ybz sllzfsal5 above welds were oreoared and tesled in accordance wilh the requiremenls of 6C ol AWS O',., ,Z&O lstructural Welding Code,requrremenls l{-,w- ) o GCIMMEFTCIAL TESTING LAEIOFATCIFIIES A DIVISION OF CTL/THOMPSON' INC' LIST OF OUTSTANDiNG D]SCREPANCIES tfu-V ''*zr@.ffi Project *r.,65347 oate: /* 7-A1- Pro ject fi Inspector: o I Date I tem No.rted Locati on Date Acce pte d ease--lorl- {%c€tJ{(4 4.,_/, vzL alEra 4L4S=^,o, @o,ffio 22 LIPAN STtrEET DENVEF. COLOtrIADO 40223 3l)3 / l51=--Jen,/ COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATOFIES A DIVISION OF CTL / THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STFIEET DENVEB. COLORADO AO2E3 3e,3 ,/ 8258777 REPORT OF VISUAL WEI'DING INSPECTION Location and Description of work: RAV=fAffiN AFTAZ NA, / A/AT@ oN O_Q . /ET DFTF? / A - 7-d / uzrRreon% ffi aF *:.r%&%5=7re eN PzAT€#/ya.,/ ffizaty' aaA C^ -e7/.A/.+retE g= = H4 Fn Er@{T€O /vavre,ffi4 Er:-a rza<rs Na7€o av *aFzrus&rertv2r'v'G'54 €- crient: l/M- y,QUq/VQ q<" Project: =4/Ze Contractor: ZZryrcK, O stanoard or codeA/' /'2eO Weather Conditions: Type and Capacity of Machines:fr/afiVQff Electrodes'€7,lF / werd sizes: %/4" SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of Welds Made: ,/&'l aeiected'.p Discrepancies Noted: Dare: /7/H/ Project No.:4r5344 Report No.: lf4 lnspector: 4{ @t Field welding: rypes of *"r0"'7t21*,4 Weldins Positions U""a, $rt ll z/ Inspected: /aAQ Accepted: /QAk Field copy To: ;fupz Reviewed By: COMMERCIAL TESTING LABOTIATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL / THOMPSON, INC, 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEB. COLOFADO 40223 3O3 ,/ 425.32A7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Y,W V/44€ a-TZ. Reporrno.,g6<4 Weld identification lvlaterial thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Quality requirements - section no- aenarxs t4.2 ft. ,?FP'472 lJ2- f (! .9 ;i PEdsrs 2a,ttg)/Z:i::ry*'' o'^r,rrr, rO scaee*otu:/2 aorr, 1a%. '"ilWEzrZ,^eo z z€z4Z s'E,.a€;&f^*n, z4'METHOD:etfficr TEST MATEFIAL:rt578<r)REFERENCE STANDARD:blZWc< sZ/ 7r*s above welds were oreDared and tested in accordance wilh lhe reouiremen:s ol 6C of AWS Dl.1 (.44-<z \ Structural Welding Code.t4, yeal prepared requiremenls SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Weldino Contractor: Architect or Engineer:Job No.: Technician: Piece Mark Weld ISize I%.%1 Weld IType I F/u€T-1 Total IInches I_=. 1 No. of IPieces I--7-1 Accept I-11 Feiect I NDE Method*F--l 126I F tZt23 A t2</t28sE 8S IzRS}8S i/lr / t2554 SS 4i-/54 frzzqlV tr /vT-lrf -,t o M 3CJ3 / 425-3207DENVER, COLORADO 4022322 LIPAN STFEET M LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Project:! Inspector: Date rted Locati on tfu-vru m Project r,.,os347f Date: /* 7-A / Item No. /%C€,'255 a -a ss-D, @a,ffia'evJ easealotl << Ltf'l{t\ i= tFEE I DENVER. COLOtrADO 8t]283 INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO # Spec/Code g\AtS Day of Week 'fu Total Hours Today COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englcwood, Colondo E0t lO Phonc 303-?6t-0650 r-8@-742.5621 FAX.303-761-0658 Page \ of_!__ Hours of Shift (p'.6S AM to _ Per Diem Yes _No X totatMiteage eo- Assistant - - Customer Customer CTL -lton R.OBERT POLLOCK AWS CWI # 91121211 tcBo CERT. # 0878521-85 o n U N.TtrRNNOUNTAON COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englewood, Cotorado 801 l0 Phonc 303-?61.0650 t-8w-1 42-5621 FAX-303-761.0658 Operator Per Diem Yes STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT NoX Page'2 sf5_ Customer PO # Total Hours Today Total Mileage Assistant Customer o o The above items have been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted.All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable asfrrl specitication inless otheruvise noted. All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otheryise nored.Welds checked by Visual and: Radiography - vagnetic Particle - Liquid Penetrant _Ultrasonicswelds were cleaned afler welding as requiieo by tne applicable AWS welding bode. Mill test reports have been submitted. (Structural Sleel) yes No XItems marked as reiecled are.to be conected, replaced, or repEi_eo, ,nt"rs otnZilGE offisitioned by the engrneer.This report represents: Partial f, ; Complete - eiection inspection fot' 0iis project. lnspector F,"f'€ft \\ . Peerarh. ROBERT POLLOCK AWS CWt # 91121211 ICBO CERT. * 0876521-8s Date l2-\8-O\ HoursofShift m Mileage to -_- Mileage From 8- o l]roo=**'umrAoN Hours of Shift Mileage to Mileage From STRUCTURAL STEEL EREGTION INSPECTION REPORT AM to specrC.ocje Rrt@ Day of Week TUES, Customer PO # Total Hours Today Total Mileage Assistantcustomernepr@ COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englcwood, Colorado t0l l0 Phonc 303-761.0650 l-80G742-5621 FAX-303-76 I _0658 Page 3 of_,l_ Operator Ro\gEr Po\\o-c-\< --Per Diem Yes ._- No X Cu s to mer__..!jf,[. f\l Job/Report #l3ell The above items have been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted.All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable ASiM specification unless otherwise noted. All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otherwise noled.Welds checked by Visual and: Radiography - Magneiic Particle - Liquid Penetrant _Ultrasonics ^Y:19. were cleaned after werding as reguiieo ny the appricabre Aws-wehing code. Ji1l]Lt9.1 reports have been submitted. (Structurat Steet) yes N; y--llems marKect as rejected are.to be corrected, replaced, or repaired, unless othdnvise dispositioned by the engineer.This report represents: Partial X ; complete eiection inspection for this project. lnspector R.*{Dr $. P&Dq+. R,OBERT POLLOCK aws cwl * 91121211 ICEO CERT. t OaTlstl -r< n U NTtrtsNNOUNTAON o COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englcwood, Colorado 801 tO Phonc 303-761-0650 l-800-742-5621 FAX-303-76! _0658 Page '4 of_5_ STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO #Customer: lTL qom+SoN 6EcK C.oN6f) Job/Report #_€-OS ' Date H.ours of Shift_nU to ----- Rfr Mileage to _Mjteagg prom]_Total Hours Today Operator Kobsn_T Ys\\se.) Total Mileage AssistantPer Diem yes --- No X -- Customer Representative bnN D6v0NrNc. Spec;C.ocie.qul@ Dayof Week TtreS. o The above items have been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted.All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable RsiHl speci-Rcation inless otherwise noted.All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless othenvise noted.welds checked by Visual and:.Radiography - fiagnetic Particle - Liquid penetrant urti".oni..welds were cleaned after werding asle{uiieo oy tne aipricabre AWS-werding bode.Mill lest reports have been submitted. (Siructural Steel) yes _ No l(Items marked as rejected are.tobe coriected, replaced, ";;p"""d, ,"t*s oinEilise oepositioned by the engineer.This report rcpresents: partial X ; Comptete erection inspection for this project. lnspector R"txxlF \. Q*!rde_, ROBERT POLLOCK AWS CWI * 91121211 laRrt r^FD? + trat.E-. -' o I m.remimouruTAom Hours of Shift_ AM to Mileage to Mileage From COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englewood, Colorado 801 l0 Phonc 303-?6!4650 l-800-742-5621 FAX-303.?6t-0658 Page '5 of_$_ STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT Customer PO # Operator Robger R-\\sc-i. -.-- Per Diem Yes _ No X - Spec/cocie-g$tffi Day of Week TugS . ' Total Hours Today Total Mileage Assistant Customer o ( o The above items have been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable excepl where noted.All high strength fasteners were installed per applicable esina speciRcation Jnless otherwise noted.All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otherwise noreo,Welds checked by Visual and: Radiography - lvtagneiic Particle - Liquid penetrant _Ultrasonicswelds were cleaned after welding as requiied oy tne a[plicable ews weld'rng bode. Mill test reports have been submitted. (structural steel) yes _ No y Items marked as rejected are.lo be coriected, reptaced, or repaiEi, uiiEs otn6G?spositioned by the engrneer.This report represents: Partial X ; complete _ erection inspection for this project. lnspector R^fu+ \. RRQI{Y ROBERT POLLOCK AWS CWt * 91121211 t-olrt -ED? o \ oFZ COLORADO DIVISION 2965 Sou(h ShoshorE Englcwood, Colorido g0l l0 Phonc 303-76t{650 r-800-742_5621 FAX_303_761-0658 OUTSTANDING DISGREPANCY REPORT Cuslomer Job#_t8o Date \?.- Operator Customer PO # Spec/Code Day of Week 'Tues. Customernepres@ sdsf=_\__e&*- ROBERTPOTLOCK - AWS CWr | 91121211 ICaO CERT. t o87E52l_85 2oy? COLORADO DIVTSION 2965 South Shoshonc EnSlcwood, Colorado 801 l0 Phonc 303-761-0650 l-800-742-5621 FAX-303-76t{6s8 OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCY REPORT Customer Job# 8o Operalor Bo\Et':f Peil\cc-l<- - Customer PO #_Spec,lC.oce.gg@ Day of Week Tugs. ' Customer ne DATE REPORTED ITEM NO.DESCRIPTION DATE ITEM CLOSED t2-lls \t\\t^").q^\g^^dlt. *rnbuts O urrrss ho l^..c-\t\-iZ-z/o-ot - o- z'* at q^o,lL X - -l>lNsb- l'&*^r*9,\ j1,csrfi\.s-,\) -,.. ?-NB. l},tc,tr !,q^r{SL, qooJl,r{- Coid $N* il qesr't\L. :g6 r^r8&> x^I-vNurfr-S.lB\ qoo*nL. \3 qrq9is ".rrih.lL.q4c.\ i *,O\ ,^rlonu>q\ \2-\g -o\\3 U."nburr.liao. t^,cSls o,.,. v.llBr 4O f,$rytll qAr-t^/Z -za-o/ e-ot t\dfs tr.nanft*.t'rs, t'^ Zs9 el>+r., &a'e\.\r q9g !,eqfi;a (re9: ).d4. KlE5il Signature RS€ft R. ?oQllct ROBERT FOIT-OCK AWS ctA'I t 91121211 ICEO CERY. # 0678521-85 o I o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO g1620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 12/2OtO1 Project: VailValley Phase I Expansion & Job No.: cS-3479 MedicalCenter Renovation WE ARE TMNSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results November30 and December 3,2OO1 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information.tnspections are for shop fabrication. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. \r. ,:l'. .i _:f-.",.. ",( l-".' -'- ,t'-. |._:;, Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager t-- I CTL/THOMPSON, INC. a34cENrERDRrvErGLENwooD"".,n,S"?g:"r.llln:R.,i |el|r.=F-*: o WELD/BOLT INSPECTTON REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Grouo Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: cS-3479 lnspection Date: Field Rep.: November 30 and GJ December3,2001 ryPE OF INSPECTION/APPUCABLE CODE trr T Visual Weld AWS Dl .1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic particle Wefd AWS D1 ..1-98 Sect. 6.1 o Liquid Dye penetrant Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.10 High Strength Bolt Llsc Spec. ror StructuralJoints Using ASTM A 32S or 4490 Bolts, Sect. I & 9. Anchor Botts Proiect Specitications tr T T Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect.6.13 | | Deckino AWS D1.3-89 Sect. 4:s Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the iime of our inspection' the items observed met the quarity standards sited a'ove unress noted LJ Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. i i I Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports below. COM ME RCIAL_ TE STI NG LAEORATORI E Stpl.vlgroN oF crL,/ THoMpsorv, lr.,rb.ee LrpAN srBEFr oeruven, coioi""E'eEJ." ao' ,/ e,,sn,777 Location and Descriplllqr *r*: w4r4L frilo//awl% w2F Fdu reNtrKT@/v-@? < ; i; r&A L @w ffine aA/ sv'sp r,o94z6|z asa s _ s€€ s,wpT/\/sP@n a/€< z6T rup-*<: pa,e4i crient: Vntt VAll€y /UA CfA. Projecr: SAn€ Contracror: @ZAp- standard or code;retreg Ol /_:Aa Weather Conditions: Ca /Q Type and Capacity of Machines:. _.a4_4trElectrodes:4:ZTfl ,, o'-ffiwetdsizes:fu- i h oate, //-?O/ Project NI.OS3+77 Report No.: l7f- 1,6 Inspector: 6 Total Lineal lnches of werds Mada. -zh4- * aeiecteo.gy' ffelds Made: /2AZ AIA44A1 aeweaeP Discrepancies Noted: @,Fierd werdins: rypes or waasEffute: Welding positions uLa,F I tnspecteA: ,/122/ Accepted: pAV GRE@FY A. JAFVIS Fierdcopyrc,% Reviewed Bv: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Welding Contractoi: Architect or Enqineer: Date://- Job No.: DENVEF, COLORADO 80223ME2 LIPAN STREET 3A3 ,/ a25-O777 GOMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES e e L, pAN srREEr i3^jyJR, :H"?[St":l"tHo M p so M #;t e- L|LK. Reporino. @12 Y::::i,Y:;T::J Weld joint AWS Welding process Ouality requiremenis _ section no. Flemarks REPOFT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS (! REFERENcE sralrEnEd above Welds were prepared and tested in ar:nn..r.^^^ -,;....-;ted in accordance with the requirements of 6C Manufaclurer or contractor COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIESA PtvtstoN oF CTL ,/ THOMPSON.lNb.e? LrpAN srFEEr oervven. Eoio-n""E LEJ=" Bos ,/ aes.,777 crient: /4W VeU_q/Ze Cf< Project: S4X/V€ Contractor: @bR Location and Description of Work: funZ A,UO Z/AEA^Z; @2F Fau' Pa/^{.<'+tu/u ^/t/€(bi' I*o vaa/< L q{ar,@^6nw w?br-**, j standard or code: ,trilf Dl/ _rua Weat h er C o nditi o ns. I z €4V Type and Capacity of Machines rQdtr Electrodes.fl/V/3& werd sizes: %- t h" rotal Lineal lnches or welds *^0";/oo7Wro<Ue; Inspected: /pZ Hejected: 8*r-fwgO a"*aa"ajfu14q2ccepted: /aATRe9<W5,4/1/o ?as pt*, mp@ aN /?Sa /Discrepancies Noted: oate:p$4y' Project No .4 5 34 ry Report No.: |FZ/T lnspector: 6d ery Fietd Wetdins: /i rypes of weus:ff//&' / Welding positions UseA: f I o GREGORY A JART'IS Field Copy n:7qpEa"Reviewed Bv: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Wetding Contractoi Architect or EnginEr; Technician: Job No.: E2 LIPAN STREET DENVEtr, COLOtrADO AOE23 3O3 / a25_O777 COMMERCIAL TESTTNG LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC.DENVEF, COLOFADO AO223 3cJ3,/ a25€777 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS 22 LIPAN STREET V Y €l tr - Reportno.e.<g4-? Weld identiticalion Matedal thickness Weld joinl AWS Welding process Quality requirements - seclion no. Femarks c) -o E c o = n<r14 Eo.9: o 9ahE, F(E o (gIL E LL o)J Decibels Discontinuity o E-Y o rro o .Y;<g o Sor q) J o (! P! =.6 \ =':^ ;irig dsbncd 1 ?1. I -|-eP 7A'A tz s?a a Lz t7+l /-/.s'.975,8K ..,-,-.-aa 2 Pc t Krn v I fz s<a az ,.r(J-,q7 rz-2 %-+-re il A lt 45 42 4 al",%7 @Azrc.7 tr/nL 3T?P tu ,A /.2 q7 4z 3 tZ 4s'92<ReucL:TA@a- ckn7r'I J 1-r',slI SZ &z zz *//,Ea ?aso 7 ffi z_7/'/-z /-z ,c ,&.?Ds @u-2A+z 4Z E 17 ,%,frs 4rr71g ?,/-/)I 2.. 4 rmt 7/I /.7.s/g I ,F+8E -ar -2 -4- - .--= I 4(J-<T/ ('t-{) 10 11 El : PLgTd 70 A /1 .12 az /q(GnnUe,<l -P.-z Er77r 70'/l /.2 tfz 7 - 13 14 tc 16 ; 19 20 nenEnence stlruDenD-- l\4anufacturer or SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: U& Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Technician: Job No.:(9 Piece Mark Drawing No, Weld Size Weld Total Inches No. of Pieces Accept Reject NDE Method /VT=/.IT,D //W'-rtTIVy /I / / ,| /l29B 3n V/ty )/I \ wo a7 R#tALr 7 NO,VT6IT = 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLOFADO 80223 303 / 825-3207 COMMETTGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A. DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STREET OENVER, COLOBADO 80223 3O3 / 825-3?O7 REPOFT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Reporrno. es34p Wsld identilication i\,'laterial thickness We{d joint AWS Welding process Ouality requirements - section no. Remarks o E o = .o o.9hE-o o 9okE) F(! o (! LL E LL (D-) Decibels Disconlinuity o m EY o o o> o =Y<.iJ c .9 !i:!J)co.J o (! 9! P*;tie s= dsh III4A E.FL 70'A rz sz zlz 3 t7 /,8 2.56 ,,ffi Arr*r u,-1) ?// I4A TFFL 72',A l.z +z A@T 3 t 20-7 D a@-TPL. ] TE 70'A lz 5l 4Z -3 ;(-€"2.?9 /,OU Acaq er-D 5 PL. A TM ?D.n kz 54 42 z tg?1,5"a^trB Ac.Aq o Pt. 3 TaP p'A /-z q7 47 3 iz .<.so 2.Sz ),ffis Rqw cz'A 7 Pz. 4'raP 7/I /,2 n Aeffi 8 PL. I &74 7d'A rz 4Z A(rePTft.2tu 7d'A /t)+z AEEIT '10 PL. 3 6777)7t A /.2 4Z ACC4e7 'I 1 P4. 4 6m7 fr A /.2 <2 ,f7 z tB /,?S 2./30 d.a29 A@cL-o Pt.3 Te 7d A l.z 4Z 6 R l -atrcel -14 15 ISTTT P(AT$ 16 No, € ?rf 70'A /.2 {z 5 Aclr-tr '17 no. o ]4/.Td 7d'4 /z 4Z 5 A@ 18 NO. ? 6-&7/1 7r'4 /-z qz 5 Arc '19 No.9 h/B/r?j 7d'A /,2 4Z s ACc€tr 20 GNN] 42 REJECT: "" il62," ornr. 72' '49 The above welds were prepared and lested in accordance with the requirements of 6C ot AWS O, .t f 242 I Structural Welding code. restdate ,/ '-;7e ' Manufaclurer or contractor Fleviewed byTechnician: "--^ ./ /- 2?. ffi} ! i ----i-.-. '"-r..'-- " : ;'::'1+-:-W eorvlMERcIAL TEsrtNG lABoRAToElEs -nn A DMgoN oF crL ,/ THooy.PsoN' tNc- Y* aEl upa t srFEEr oEr\t\GF. crLonAtttt ao223 y / ?23c, oEtient Llw tlrulq.,/za- m,, Dae:/*-?6o/ project *4 ,t/u' (;/K" Proiecrt No.:Q53q77 Connaaonftzt@ ReportNo.: W=AT nsPector: e.{ REPOFT OF VISUAL WEU'ING INSPECNON Location and Description of woailfrsztAL a*/44h/ffi//S re<ftKl44o vsi;P-rns,qaqT@ n'azgixs PR wtuS) eEZ uO CifS irVp fuLT HaL$, s€€ stbpttrsPazzr|,leZV7tr ruR {Eca /7,4R'<-s-'W ',7;ajs2(.K fuaro or coae:/4!]iQ/, /18 Weather Conditions: U fA<@ Fietd weldins: Type and Capacity of Machinest4Ud,,t) evctroaes:Q/F/ rc&tr wefd sizes:%-€/n' SUMMARY TotalUneaf lnchesof Welds Made: Z%A/ffi Reieaed: /Bewetded'1y' Types otwens:F/@f$A4 Welding Positions Usd: F f nspected: /DO t6 Accepted: /AZ Discreoancies Noted: o cnr6op" t . ,rou6,qrrc fuprz El or riarerorl Elrr' GOMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATOTIIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVEF, COLORADO AO223 3c3 ,/ e25-3207 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Report no. Weld idenlitication Material thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Ouality requirements - section no. Remarks 22 LIPAN STFEET o E o: c .9 (!3b o f Fr! o(J(! LL E tl-oJ Decibels Discontinuity (! EY o o> o (! o.-:=Y< .:v o )Y 9) 5 i.:c (DJ osoa >.! 6 o>c 1 // /3 A €.FL 70'A rz 1z 5 .A..€ft-AEre 2 ///3,4 w,tr/7a-A /,2 #5 I J ///7A €,Ft 7d A /,2 qz S ,///7A tt/.Fl 70'A l2 +L 5 \t/ 5 7 I 10 1l 12 14 '15 to 17 18 19 20 scREENotu:/4 o oorr, ,rro.z.25nU' ,,r._.-orur, 7At REFERENCE STANDARD:738/S The above welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 6C ol AWS Ol: t Z1@ tstruclural Welding code. yeal Tesl date N/anutacturer or contractor Feviewed byTechnician: n.,^ .//--#- SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST - PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Technician: I Piece I Mark Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Total Inches No. of Pieces Accept Reject NDE Method ffi/et'rr W-47t///74 t7 I///qA /g 7a- sh t/LrEttr \ a I L 303 / e25-3207DENVER, COLOFADO AO223CE LIHAI\ b IHtrtr I o LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 12111101 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt insoection results ,,. ,./ ./ November 26, 27 and 28, 2QQ1 REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. lnspections are for shop fabrication. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. ".2...r rraJq --') Dan Downing LaboratorviField Manaqer CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPR|NGS, COLORADO81601 r (970) 945-2809 Nr, WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SU M MARY Client: The Beck Group Project Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 lnspection Date: Field Rep.: November 26, 27 and 28, 2001 r:l TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1.1-98 sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1 .1-98 sect.6.10 n tr tr n T tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS 01 .1-98 Sect. 6.13 Decking AWS 01.3-89 Sect. 4.5 High Strength Bolt AlSc spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A490 Bolts, Sect. I & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect Specifications Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below' Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached' Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports -- *-aTr4"w GoMMERCTALTESTTNG L/ABOHAToFIES ' 'btaa A DlvlsloN oF cTL '/THoMPSoN' lNc'a w3t a=...=';-..-r'^^n F]rl2zg gOS ,/B25-3?o7W.Jth az uPAN srFlET oErwEt' crr'.cFAco e,o,223 ^r,.T- ! ^ ,a..:2 t/- crient lM,l4ref lZA K Project Contractor: -V/AR Type and CaPacitY of Machines A)q aearodes:Q/V/ PoALg werd sizes: %-%n' ryp es ot w eus: ftzeT/4aA Welding Positions Usd: F tnsoected:72/A Accepted: /Att/ SUMMARY o Total Lineal Inches of welds Made: /aM aKre aeieaea:1y'aewetdedp Discrepancies Noted: fnspector: ffi REPOFT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION LocationandDescrigionolylo,yr't7fr 5zlAL€-X4f :|ZU-@/VSMmln42 vNSNoP FAs@:q.frffiElds be wao1,9E- =rew{9e74#vryF7'sr'5p'r/1/sPa77^tUaZpyry' sffin&zEr-' 1t,-0",0 or coae:/4)$P/, /18 r weather conditions: e4a< @ Field welding: GBE@RY A, JAFVIS Ei^lzt /^nmr Tn'ffi%Reviewed BY: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST v Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Engineer: 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLORADO 80223 3o3 / e25.32A7 GOMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INgJ a2 LI'AN STREET tenr"en, cor-onaoo 40223 3o3 '/ a25aea7 BEPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Report no. Project a8429- weldidenrtricaiio frZL rH/ Matei|al |fiiddness .//. 2-? z weroiointews 7@-T vle1iingorocess F44) =, , , , , , Flem arks SCOPE: "o*ur, 7At nefeREruCe SrlNOlnO'o The above welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 6C Test date Technician: of AWS Di.1 tfuO ,structural Welding code' Manufaclurer or contrador Reviewed bY ,-..-.7f Date . ,--d.-i#..- '. -.'-:.- .e-*' ' '-'E'r.Ftnt ?Ee?llllGi LABOHATISEIEEiW coMMEBctAL TEsrlNG laBG -nJ a ovrslortr or ry-/-loMPSoN' lNc' *IiJt+tt: 2z IJPAN sTFEET E\wd;oidid'aoias s)3 '/ 82fi8' --- '- .t. t A) >.tt,-/l ^--nEuent VM VAuEYrnA, A< 4SgqZ? Project: "---- v ? ' \\ Project No':Q contradtor:7q7|/zorz ReportNo': rnuT fnsPector: { Location and Description of work |1buA z a-l(!@tt/ s M4/!q ^/ s/./ap FA E@, q-fr& @s tee wg-Ds, (zfft r-;oz*'ffi#ffi*{ffi. 'f^ff&ztur-'- j*y:::::r:l:fft @Fieldweldins: '**:'H;)^"nt^""'ffff?r rvpesor wens:fra6/4an wetd sizes: %-€/n t welding Positions used: F Totar Lineal lnches of werds Made: pa/Yra,w-a,InsPect eat '/ooo/ Rejected./ s.i;fugrl ^"*",0"o,,-ffiAccepted: /oD% DiscrePancies Noted: o GREGOFY A JARVTS Ci^lz{ l^nmr Tn'tuzrzB Reviewed BY: LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 11128t01 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMTTT]NG: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results November 9,12, i3,15 and 16, 2001 o REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. lnspections are for shop fabrication. o Ir- i I l ,N, CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 .ENTER DRrvE . GLENWooo ""","3"o, S?o'*llH:".,:lug$r:55.: Laboratory/Field Manager WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARYp Client: The Beck Group Proiect: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 November 9,12,13, 15 and 16, 2001Inspection Date: Field Rep.:GJ TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect.6.1O Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.10 n !r nrr Ultrasonic Weld AWS Dl .1-98 Sect. 6.13 Decking .3-89 Sect. 4,5 T AWS Dl High Strength Bolt AtSc Spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A49O Botts, Sect. B & 9. Anchor Bolts Project Specifications o Location and Description of Workl WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted betow. please see the attached.Discrepancies were observ ed. l- Ij o Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports COMME]IGIAL TESTING LAtsOTIATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC.cc LrpAl\ tjf HEET DENVEB, COLOFADO AO223 3O3 ,/ F,254777 client: Ve t/A/LEy/nA, qK. Project: gn€ Contractor: ZDnIZ& oate:,t/- /-O/ t/ a Standard or Code../4419,OI \-AAO Weathe r C o nditions.Q2 l/ffi Type and Capacity of Machines: ';n'::w{h:* SUMMARY Total Lineat lnches of Welds Maoe:/22 o/ =-i Inspected: /227 Reiected7y' Discrepancies Noted: Aewelded:/Accepted: /227 o Project No;GSS/Z? Report No.: W4 Inspector: 6 @-'eid werdins: rypes or waa",F?ftZeT Welding Positions Used: f Locati o n a n d D e sc ri pt'gf " i yvq\i wsan z a.4/mv'+Tz/1/s @ av:Nap frffi4,+zq?,rzgVF#,&Z reE e4<5, €NA Ctkqryta BaU /JAL#. .% sH*liwm:ztvCttec2-fu ,, 6za / A//2 z/F&s@ @ eF r?z t- fubr<,l^Vwqzs aN A E€,qn sF%T;1,@z,c/l F4NA€3 A/uo A6w fEG H/AE/< |.?OGA GRE@RY A.JARVIS ! | -' 4-ri"ncopyff.&.UE(l Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Welding Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Date: t/- Q- Technician: o M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 8O223 303 ,/ a25-3207 o COMMERCTAL TESTING LABOPATORIES A DIV]SION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC.ap LfpAN srFrEEr DENVER. coLoRAD- eoies aog / e?s_B?o7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Reporrno.4S4-: Weld identilication Malerlai Weld joint AWS Welding process Quality requirements - section no. aetN 4Z "r,,rrr.99!eeNom:/l earc ,EaZ--Z€ffi ,,rr- i I t- Manutacturer or contractor Reviewed by Date ././ - COMMERCIAL TESTING LASORATORIE SA DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC.p2 LrpAN STREET DENVER, coLoRADo aoaae eoe l aesi)z) client: l/AZ UAztg rZA, &_ Project: Sr4Z€ Contractor: .-' ryW oate://-/?O/ / l Standard or code'./t!//,Ei Al /-ZDD We ath e r C o n diti o n s : U f/A, Type and Capacity of Machines: ,pgpq Electrodes:6f7f ,l Weld Sizes: qfT/ 3& SUMMARY Project No.&53/n Report No.: W--tr fnspector: { @ Fierd werding: rypes of wetdsrF/*&f weldins positions U*d$ y' Location and Description of work: tbaal nA/A /ffi&1%qAm/%2F FaLL fu/gHQ7WVmSoN %/Z//2643€oL4re &u/v@?/1,Lg -_ ^16z//4 4 €@Ws,.</a<rqFffia,.ze.fu-,ap =* Tota|Lineal|nchesofWe|dstvlaoe:,7D2,/a,mlnspected:/'2a/ Rejecred: 4l//pr4,rui/ aewetded:g/ Accepted: ?gZ Discrepancies Noted: S€€A2ffi o GRE@BY A JARVIS Field Copy to, - i^Reviewed Bv: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Welding Contractor: Architect or Enoineer: Date:,//-e Technician: a M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLORADO 80223 3O3 ,/ A?5-3207 GOMMERGIAL TESTING LABGIRATORIESi A DIVfSION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC.DENVER, COLORADO 8oee3 3O3 / a"5a7r7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS 2A LIPAN STREET Weld identitication Material thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Ouality requiremenls - section no. o-o E o 5 o (neb c) E !E 9'F(t' q) LL E Y q)) Decibels )iscontinuity .E (! EY o c o> (! <5 .9 E' o-) Eg(DagtP i. (! =Y66< E ]4 dsc.l l ? tt&4,a-rzII4A WFL U-agA €'FL 70'A t.z 4Z a ACET7/A /z fl g A@7',A /z fr-E 4@ ; x24A-Ez ?'t4 t.z +z qZ +xo 6"2.%o,@ Ma-t--z E| I '10 11 13 '14 tc to 17 t6 J9 20 Test date Technician: Manufacturer or contractor CtrIMMEFICIAL TESTI]\|Gi LAEIOFIATCTFIIES A DIVISION OF CTL/THOMPSON, INC. Project )AZ- 1/A@./ru- AK project ^r., 6 54ff rnspector: z/rTAKlrz-i out", //-,/p-O/ I tem No. Date Re po rted DateLocati on Acce p te d Pa ge of o 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO SO223 3O3 ,/ A?5-O777 COMMERCIAL TESTTNG' LABORATOrIIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC.EA LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO223 3,A3 ,/ A?5.3?O7 Project: fM-YnUgmQCaM Contractor: egz Types otWetdgF44, H/ Welding Positions Usea: F e"""prca,r/2% o a^t , 7y'/JO/ / Project No.:G534 7? Report No.: VT6 Inspector: eT REPORT OF VISUAL WELDTNG INSPECTION Location and Description of work: w//4L 4/u0 //{Kl1SaAJrc eqMlE 2F F//&HV€T@/v yl/€US oN gffirn Fh4A/66? Kns€ Pa+ras oN %a€ /n4,<5 //7Srn.EUAL a<Arml@tA kp<fru av sryaP,@@WZB6- s€ s/,W{rtt5@@rU a,y* 4, - Standard or Code: furgi 2/ /- ?8 Ow."tn", ""^onor",7yefr ' <-/ (Shoo od Field Weldino;\.---7 Type and Capacity of Machines://ABr'{ Electrodesgf 7/F/ 3AA weld sizes: / k -/ /2" SUMMARY TorarLineallnches of werds Made: /Z/U Arere nrp""t"6./H/ aeiected4/ Discreoancies Noted: /#l\'trgdrircnvs *S1'z Fierdcopy ro:fu44 Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Welding Contracton Architect or Enqineer: Date:r//-,-o 3O3 ,/ A25-O777DENVER, COLOFADO 8O22322 LIP,AN STREETM COMMEECIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVER. COLORADO 80223 3o3 ,/ A?5-O777 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS 22 LIPAN STFEET Reportno.KSn Weld identmcalion Material thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Quality Bemarks K//&V-Sa S/N:all/sy I'i:UryT: r.,",, d scaee'ow./D1aarc,-Q-d6- #W%*ro2,25.f,//Z s,rr,&6Y,,H' o*n, V,2'METHOD:ETNCT TEST MATERIAL:,45n-fl bi;;1<Zz sfu1645 |}n" "uou" *,"lds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 6ColAWS ol.l t @ )$ructural Welding code Manufacturer or Tecbnician: o GOMMERCIAL TESTING L/ABCIRATOFIIES A DtVtStON OF CTL / THOMPSON, tNC. 2? LIPAN STFIEET DENVER. COLORADO 80223 3O3 ./ A25-O777 crient: yM- /ra/HZfaZ CZ. Project: S.4/ZE, contractor: fu/d o^t"'r//-/€2/ r Project N.,G53477 Report No.: 7Va-T lnspector: 6{ Location and Description or work: KA/S@@/U /1D' / n/@ ryv b,D asf bMA 7f1fu7 -' a&tLsa4& a04/ffi/@1/;;FaZVA\/ l,(rup petfuZ rllA 7'A/rz<rzap<t&affiAZ tMa ztfr4gh^_ 8n/m/#/a/16 12F E/L,EIEE@,,ffi .T(Quzztt/ 7a 8K€ Pre -fu, rz,qZ4 t// /442oE€*rwffiiiffi*Hr*T;*reiarcI standard or code: p/ /'-ta& --7Weathet Conditions?t.>t-/F.- (Shop o/Field Welding: Type and Capacity of Machines:7y'DffiFT Etectrodes'4j/ff/ "-% Types orwetds..F/2,/k wetasizes:sf_/h.* werdins positions u**f SUMMAFY lnspected: lQAitTotal Lineal f nches of Welds tlaae;/O2Z ae4ctedlP Discrepancies Noted: aewetded.P Accepted: /2Az @EGOEY AJAFVIS o Fieldcopyrc,%.Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Technician: Job No.: 3O3 / 825-0777DENVER, COLORADO AO223<d L|F-AI\ 5 tHtt: I a COMMERCIAL TESTING LABOFIATORIES A ?tvlstoN oF CTL / THOMPSON, tNc.22 LIPAN STFiEET DENVEF, COLORA,DO EAEZS 3O3 ,/ Fj25-32cJ7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Reportno. A-<3474 Weld identification Material thickness weld joint AWS Welding process Quality requirements - section no. Remarks -o E- @ = N€b cc o F(E o, t6II E rL o,o-) Decibels Discontinuity (! €ys-e o co Q)> (5 .Y;i<5 co o) (D J 6 +Ev Y' -^ At€g dsbcd 'I /124A prL 70'A tz 4Z t5 HirD;trT-V7= 2 ullA €. Fz r'a n /z lE I ffi/_!!fA lp-FZ /a'A /'z q at_t26A €-fl.z'A /z +z ?,//e/' -c'-r-/-z A /-7 qz ....2-b 6 7 '10 11 12 13 14 to 18 19 20 ? GATE: REFEFENCE STANDABo] above welds were prepared and tesled in accordance with the requirements of 6c of AWS D1 .1 ( @ lstructural welding cooe. Test date Technician: Level: tr,i'' \ff, C.'MMEFT'TAL TESTTN', LAEr.,HAT.,FrrEs .. W A DlvlsloN OF cTL/THoMpSoN, tNc.U LIST OF OUTSTAND]N Project ^".,634no^t", //-/24/ Date I ten No.rfo/Locati on Date Acce pted Pa ge of Project: Ins pe cto 44,44 cza6A eaTB)l _o 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEFI, COLOFADO AO223 sOe ,/ 825-A777 GOMMEIICIAL TESTINI3 L/ABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL / THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLOFIAOO BOE23 3O3 ,/ A23.32O7o Client: lnspector: ClT o Project: f&V4UgmQCaM contractor: az?gz HEPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION ne*etd"dZ Accepted: ,/AA? oate: //-/$-2/ / Project No:85347? RePort No.: lEal-T Types of WeWs:F44, P/ Welding Positions Used: f -o En=Z- PL,+T€: oN fuZe i,q,<E ///8A AAn Location and Description or work: B44L 4/U0 Z/ffiH^Sffi q4mlW// ) F Fa u ruErMa' i,Tazb s oN gA /n- FhqUG 6 // ffi,4, WAL 44rm//@4/ t<rry/Z4 an/-'ffiffi Standard or Code:&?E D/ /-?6 , Oweather conditions:&1,/64 @Fierd werdins: Type and Capacity ot Machines :7a/)$/{ Etectrodes'41//f / %A weld sizes: t /+ -/ ht SUMMARY Totat Lineal lnches of welds Made: //2% zZR& |r'spected:/paf neiected:/ Discrepancies Noted: GFEGORY A JARVIS Field Copy ro,&zb<Reviewed By: o COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC.<c LlpA\r\ 5 |HEET DENVER, COLOFADO AOp23 3O3 ,/ e23_g?a7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Reporrno. es4-f Weld identilication Matsrial thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Ouality requirements - section no. Remarks o (D c Et!eb o !E !1,F(E (, (Elt E lr- lf) o)J Decibels Discontinuily E(E vi o o na o, .o(!f .:g ;<5 oJ 6:gi-o+Etsa(g iv'7^ ^&fg dSd 414444 7d A t'z 50 42 4!t .g ',H 3.t2 /,o7a Ur4SSl- 4g_@lub^t.''-ft-/o 4 /-z %2a Aa€F-3 |IAA €.FL 7a',A /z 53 4 Itl *//-D*3"6s /.4$r'/A<-f) arl&T&A w.rt 7tr /l tl 4 /a rr- e..-\_a t-A--Atr l6 7 8 9 10 11 14 tc to 17 18 19 20 "" rrro'Qo uorr, E@e< above welds were prepared and lested in accordance.with the requirements ol 6c ol AWS ol : tz&o lsructural welding code. j I I l- Test date PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer; o 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLOFTADO AO223 3O3 ,/ 425-3207 ) LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.0. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 11123101 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results November 1and7,2401 ,o REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. Inspections are for shop fabrication. CTUTHOMPSON, INC.N Dr,* D*.* Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTEF DRIVE T GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 I (97O) 945-2809 o WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Grouo Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: c5-3479 lnspection Date: Field Rep.: November 1 and7,2001 GJ and DH TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.i O Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS Dl.1-98 Sect.6.'10 n T T T Tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.13 Decking 1.}'89 Sect. 4.5 tl AWS D High Strength Bolt AtSc Spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect. 8 & 9. Anchor Bolts Project Specifications o Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1, See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attacheo. specific information is presented on the foilowing inspection reports o o COMMERGIAL TESTING LABO]IATO]IIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STBEET OENVER. COLOBADO AO2A3 3O3 / A?5.O777 Client:oate: //-/-of / Project No.: fCrOJ Report No.: Project: ,/6,2 Ud//t*t /'4"d Q4^rt4 c Contractor: Z: ;"'"t-r.- 4-t t/v\ d hzp @or Field Welding: Types of Welds:f"114! Welding Positions Used: SUMMARY F/"/, t/o,i. -7r, 15^;p,,lo, tnspected: /Nq, Location and Description of Work: 7Q ,O s,"no"rd or Code: / uS D/./ Weather Conditions: C ht 4 Type and Capacity of Machines: Electrodes: Weld Sizes: /y _S/a Total Lineal lnches of Welds trrtade: Reiected:ai Discrepancies Noted: ._o fnspector: Dil REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION Rewelded:Accepted: )<yT. Field Copy To:Reviewed By: ; SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Engineer: Technician: Piece Mark Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Total lnches No. of Pieces Accept Reiect NDE Method | /^ds AI itt< n s t? -z:q; I oln VT I /2D I T<I I I o /)34. E ?L /tt t)a) A e2 .J td" o I/?o ^!,|D /23d 1>?a o /2-af, e 28 I n ,/.a3a B 3D I tt a )2?o S 3A I o LA/3 A /3 t a t2A ta I o/2 a &() .o M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLOFADO 4O223 303 / A25-O777 COMMERCIAL TESTING LREORATO]IIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STtrEET DENVEF, COLORADO AO2E3 3O3 ./ A25.Q7 77 oate: /y' 74/ / Project No.:O5347? Report tto.' lT'6 lnspector: ffi Location and Description of *o,( 1&HL €X/yml/tW/USR%:4;H2aN =.tJe rlgffi t4d7z gd /aR /'t/€6, @s,ENC CUT=,WO ^fuZf AAES- -s€s{of-rtus@NZ t t?ctr /Bn c wzA L ntvo a4,<n -saAre- W o F Fztu mUaRre@il wa6 eA/ E44rv SP/ T€{TNp-aGt/ rZaU6€A^/A h/€Kt4<e aF r%G rz/X.€,< ' 3=rk, or code: fuxyt D/, / -zpD weather condition l(?vQ (ShgggFleld welding: Type and Capacity of Machines: /ifi".nQf3aA rypes otwens,Ffu , /) ,',1 Weld Sizes: Z/A, /Z Electrodes4l/;f / weldsizes: U b"%:7i b"%::Welding Positions Used: F crient: vM /Arel//4& . cTp Project: 54/nd Contractor: SUMMARY Tota|Linea||nchesofWe|dsMade:/2/'6za//%nspected:/Do/ Aewelded;d Accepted: /A27 Discrepancies Noted: GRECORY A" JAM/E .o \./-.--- Fierdcopy T"Ym/az Reviewed By: o PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST Dale:. /./- Technician: Job No.: Piece Mark Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Total lnches No. of Pieces Accept Reiect NDE Method )2flA 2q Vtr,-76 F/2167 N/,4 //v7- )2%A t6 ')/I )73q A .<g tu/a/EP I VT-nr t2Dk -to fuJET /VT't."dA at /I t30i K AJ l73f.,K ?/-,I l tatSZ 13 / /242C // )av3,4ffiB */I 7rt#/-/'///2//t )// 12a/ A b/ teoBC o8 / ///24 /2 a I it tRD t2 ) 1t teD /p'///a.F /2 /'J/7eB ,/,4 l \ F I { o M :: DENVER, COLORADO 8O22322 LIPAN STFEET 3O3 / 42.5-3207 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 11/08/01 Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results October 23,24,25,26 and 30, 2001 o t REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information, Inspections are for shop fabrication. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. N rF- f\t$,u "[-hr..,^,,1s1 Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRTVE r GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLOFIADO 81601 r (97O) 945-2809 ,o WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: G5-3479 Inspection Date: Field Rep.: October 23,24,25, GJ and 26 and 30, 2001 DH TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS Ol .'l -98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect.6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.10 n u T n tr u Ultrasonic Weld AWS D'1.1-98 Sect. 6.'13 Decking .3-89 Sect. 4.5 E AWS 01 High Strength Bolt Alsc spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A490 Bolts, sect. I & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect Specifications ,o I Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attached. At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. ,o Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports COMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATO]IIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. E2 LIPAN STREET DENVEF. COLOFADO AO223 3o3 ,/ A254777 client: VM- YAUEy/V€A. AK,, Project: Sl</ry€ Contractor: fu/AK Date:7/)fie/.,/ -f stanoa ra or coae4/82/ /-22D We at h e r C o nditi o ns'2/d Type and Capacity of Machines,NA Electrodes: N/A weld Sizes: fU/A SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches ofi,qrH#/aae:///t/ fut&Are lnspectea:/2?7 neiected/d Rewetdedy/Accepted: ,/227 Discrepancies Noted: @r Field weldiae*-- ,o Project No.:4534fi Report No.: fr- lnspector: 4 Location and Description of WorX: /81/44 6X@ RrZF/@ a/vslbF &tr@ rv€/76<sFa,< /a%, eoF€s/ €NO 6/FS A/1.0 pLT,</aZ€s, s6€ SeFTasrcqenl///&6-T Field copy n: fuQE Reviewed Bv: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Weldino Contractor: Architect or Engineer: o M 3O3 ,/ a25-O777DENVER, COLOtrADO 4O22322 LIPAN STREET 22 LIPAN STREET Projecr: ,r't/./ UeA%n"/ ca'ufu,t- Contractor: Z,;/d- Date'.7p-S'/-O/ Project No: aArG n"oort No., d3g/ry lnsPector:;4/ REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION @ot Field Welding: Types of wetds:fi-l-/ub Welding Positions Used: fta-*//d,, {"q' lnspected:7e4o ,o Location and Description of \Nork: y7 * p,/aaUllu/.,-tJ/wrj//A# &t A"tr Lo-{22/ , a,^zj ,^/ "--t, Se4 U^rz/c&*;fr ^Standard or Code: ,lds A l. I -lrVeather Conditions : Uza'- Type and Capacity of Machines: Electrodes: Weld Sizes: y'V- slA Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: Rejected: 7 "r+/r* Discrepancies Noted: NfVr_a SUMMARY Rewelded: I *U-AccePted: tOflO Field Copy To: - "y: Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: t./.; I Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enoineer: Date: 7 O-)4- Technician: Job No. g@S_ Piece Mark Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Total lnches No. of Pieces Accept Reject NDE Method /)ag R g 'tq - Vu lllrv IJ VT/e/v A /a I t 2a94 ?-d t 2id. E ?6 i2i6 r /L 7 + t)t} A /)29 A 2a I t)t? € /))" f 28 I ))1< j 3S D)3 B L*I nle A r6 /C at I /)tz, E /b I ))t? B '?1 o?d t.2 V< A 3S /27< a '"<I I /)7< D 35 I /e35 E 3S \y I 2E LIPAN STFIEET DENVER, COLOtrADO E}0223 3O3 ,/ 825-0777 COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC' 22 LIPAN STREET OENVEH. COLOFTADO 40223 3O3 / A25'O7 7 7 Client:Date:76-25 -O ) Proiect No.: 4d- h<< Reoort No.: 9du ,/7?Project: ,/*)/ U",//zr4 4"r1' Cp-nfe,oo Contractor: €;U-t InsPector:P# REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION I StanOardorCode: Ads 3/'l Weather Conditions: Ae-a--/( Type and Capacity of Machines: Electrodes: Weld Sizes: /q- 5/A Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: Rejected: /5'-J/.//Z Discrepancies Noted: Nav.,-e- SUMMARY ,o @ or Field Welding: Types of Welds: Welding Positions Used: F/21., Ud,,, ko6 lnspected: ,&O Rewelded :73 "il/t nccePted: 16 o%> Field Copy To:Revrewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: i,/- .' Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enoineer:sqTf o" M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLORADO 4O223 3O3 / 425-0777 GOMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STREET OENVER. COLOFAOO AO223 3O3 ,/ A2547 77 Date:16,26-O/ Project No.: @€€Project: L/a;/, t/.L./&aJ /Qz/ A'yA4 Contractor: 2u*&/2-L (Shof, or Field Welding: Report No.. 6.53 qry lnspector: D/f REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION Types ot wddsif,/.# Welding Positions Used: SUMMARY flo*,J.,/.t lN.lU. lnspected: rDOVO Rewelded:/Accepted: 7oo4o Location and Description of work: y( 6t^ /p/au//zAz/ /r* ^R/t/44ut Standard or Code: /tttS At. / Weather Conditions: t*_a-.L Type and Capacity of Machines: Electrodes: weld Sizes: /q- 5/t/- Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: Reiecred:pJ Discrepancies Noted: /L/n t_t_ o Field Copy To:Reviewed Bv: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST Technician: Job No.: ?OO= PROJECT: i./-' Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enoineer: Ji-Fiete ] Mark Drawing No. f wetd Size Weld Type Tolal lnches -- No:of -l Pieces ;"*1 Reject NDE Method t2py Al v t/.t^ Vra 'lr:L&l-,tl o t/T/)a4 a )9 I I o I t)?5f ?<I D /2)?3 /f I I 0))n3 A 3 I ots3?€3+I I o tA/bF /6 I I / 1)* E 2fr I o/2)*D z*I I e/alq 3 /Ll I o /e3< 7 3s s o -3< A 3</I I 6 o" M 3cl3 / 4258777DENVER, COLORADO AO22322 LIPAN STREET COMMERCIAL TESTING LABO]IATO]TIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STFIEET DENVEF, COLOFADO 80823 3O3 ,/ A25.32O7 lnspector:241 Location and Description of Work: E/"t-.t/ "*,fAZ?^, {v\ S4 N* S<2. d'-<Zz-.;t, r Field Welding: Types of Welds: fd/"4 Welding Positions Used: f/^4,U'"rX.rd/4&rliot ,o Discrepancies Noted: tl/ rl.,t_ Project: d 4r.,/(/&/4.u, /4r/ G^2, Contractor: /r.""/t J ,oil:liT:"::::^:';,3"d Type and Capacity of Machines: Electrodes: Weld Sizes: 3/n - Vn Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: Relected: gfi REPOBT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION SUMMARY lnspected: /OOZ) Rewelded: ql Accepted: / AO% Dare: /o-3o-a/ -/ Project No.: qOO3 Report No.: Field Copy To:Reviewed Bv: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST l Technician: PROJECT: t,4: Architect or Enqineer: [-Eece-lI Mark I Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Tolal lnches No. ol Pieces Accept Reject NDE Methodw;-Alnt? e,l 5 tq - 4,---1 I :: /-a3o F 3C-g 5 /3{/ A .tl I t t ?{.F "<I /) .// a I I tst7f./?I ,/--JzX a )9 I I t-)Qr>2 LD I I/)tq r /g I/))7 A L3 Ijr/t B u/l I tD7(,-l I I3+t J/)"* B sf<2 ) t)ot A I Itzt) )r)'/I i)/l D tl I I _o" M 22 LIPAN STREET 303 / A25-O777DENVEFI, COLORADO AO223 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 8'1620 ATTN: Mr, Doug Workman Date: 11l0gl01 Project: VailValley Phase I Expansion & Job No.: GS-3479 Medical Center Renovation WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt insoection results October 22,2001 .,o REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. Inspections are for field wells. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. N b** "D*r-,.i3 Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE I GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORAOO 8.1601 r (970) 945-2809 .o I WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SU MMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: G5-3479 lnspection Date: Field Rep.: 22-Ocl-01 KJ TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.10 tr D tr n tr tr Ultrasonic Weld AWS 01.1-98 Sect. 6.13 Decking AWS D 1.3-89 Sect. 4.5 High Strength Bolt Alsc spec. for structural Joints using ASTM A 325 or A490 Bolts, Sect. 8 & 9. Anchor Bolts Proiect Specifications ,O Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS 1. See attiached. At the time of our inspection. the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. see the attached.Discrepancies were observed. please Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports gr NTAON Per Diem Yes NoX Customer PO # VAIL VALLEY MEDTCAL CENTER Spec/Code AWS D1.t-Dt.4 & RSna RJISlRqgo- DayofWeek MONDAY Total Hours Today 4.5 HRS Total Mileage 200 Assistant N/A Cuslomer REMARKS: ON THIS DATE, AVISUAL AND/OR OTHER NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION WAS PERFORMED I.T.C. INSPECTION REPORT Customer CTLTHOMPSON(GLEN Job# 7902___ O"t" Hours Mileage to '100 Mileage From 100 Operator KEVIN JOINER , q9!984P9_PIy!Sro!. 2965 Soulh Shoshonc Englcwood, Colorado 801 l0 Phonc 303-761-0650 l-800-742-5621 FAX-303-761-0658 Page I of! oN CoNNECTIONS, E|!,IBEDS, PRECAST, DECKTNG; SH OTHER STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS AS LISTED ou THenTTAcffi INSPECTION REPORTS. o t:f. ,* ., .i) COLORADO DIVISION 2965 South Shoshonc Englewood, Colorado 801 l0 Phone 303.761{650 t-8m,-742-5621 FAX.303-761.0658 Cuslomer CTLTHOMPSON(GLEN Job/Report #__7907-. Date OCtHoursoisnittffi Mileage to SEE PG. 'l Mileage From -- Operator KEVIN JOINER STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION INSPECTION REPORT NoX Customer rO n UO,|. UOrrr" trO,.OL E?nn?#fr 2 Spec/Code AWS D1.1-D1 .4 &ASTMA32S/A490 Day of Week MONDAY Total HoursToday SEE PG. 1 Totattvtiteage bEffi Assistant - N CustomerPer Diem Yes THE FOLLOWING INSPECTION WAS PERFORMED @VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER IN VAIL. ULTMSONICALLY TEST FULL PENETRATION FLANGE CONNECTIONS ON COLUMN TO BASEPLATES (o THE FOLLO\A/IT.IG GRIDLINES: 7@ J, s@ J, & 4@ J. ALSO V|SUALLY |NSPECTED IVEB TO BASEPLATE CONNECTIONS AT SAME LOCATIONS. REF: AMBULATORY SURGERY/ WOMENS CENTER FOUNDATION PLAN S2.1 & S4.O DETAIL BASEPLATE ryPE',A'. The above items have been checked against erection or engineering drawings and are acceptable except where noted. All high strength fastenefti were installed per applicable ASTM specification unless otheryyise noted. All welding was performed by qualified welders using acceptable procedures and electrodes unless otherwise noted. Welds checked by Visual and: Radiography - Magnetic Particle _ Liquid Penetrant XUltrasonics .-rWelds were cleaned after welding as required by the applicable AWS Welding Code. , lt4ill test reports have been submifted. (Structural Steel) Yes No X\ ltems marked as rejected are to be corrected, replaced, or repaired, unless otherwise dispositioned by the engineer. This report represents: Partial X ; Complete _ erection inspectionJo; {his project. Inspector .. I 'O LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: 10123101 Project: Vail Valley Medicat Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: GS-3479 WE ARE TRANSMIfiING: FOR DATES: Weld and/or bolt inspection results October 2 - 5,8 -12, 15 and 17,2001 io REMARKS:See attached summary reports for information. Inspections are for shop fabrication. CTUTHOMPSON, INC. Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Man ager ,w CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234cENrERDRtvErGLENW..D""*,.3"?S?"u.t^I$t"=jt3'|5*.", WELD/BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SU MMARY Client: The Beck Group Project: Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Job No.: cS-3479 lnspection Date: Field Rep.; October 2 - 5, 8 - 12, 15 &17, 2001 TYPE OF INSPECTION/APPLICABLE CODE Visual Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.9 Magnetic Particle Weld AWS D1 .1-98 Sect. 6.10 Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect.6.10 n n T tr T tr Uftrasonic Weld AWS D1.1-98 Sect. 6.'13 Decking 1.3-89 Sect, 4.5 T AWS D High Strength Bolt AtSc spec. for structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or 4490 Bolts, Sect. 8 & 9. Anchor Bolts Project Specifications ,o Location and Description of Work: WELDS AND BOLTS '1. See attached, At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the quality standards sited above unless noted below. Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports COri,IMEHGIAL TESTING LABORATTTTTIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. ae UPAN STF|EET OENVEF|, COt-ctFAEtO AOz2g 3o,3,/ E,F,5€?57 943/?ANDRE,6a N W<as a- Client: Project: VP- VAU.4 Aasn Contractor: ZrumK&. ZlO _standard or coae:/47)]i1)/, /18 r eVeather Conditions: e/& Type and Capacity of Machines:A)@l) ebarodes:(/1f,/ ilO&Otr weld sizes: %-/n' SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of Wetds Made: /A%ar'ere aeiectedQ Discreoancies Noted: Date:/O'A-O/ Project No.:QgJl// Report No.: \f lnspeaor:4]f, Field Welding: rypesotwens:Ft/,rs7j/fa,4< Welding Positions t,lsed: F lnspected: /AOr Accepted:/DOad FaR ,qNfiet lquNffi:ftiffi -a"Ni!fub ' Location and Description orilo*i t it="U Z €X@ S Mrulil40,us,ybP -/?A??g€RS,AR W&DS) &ES -NO ezt-Ts ANO &LT NaL$. s€€ slbp_T/1lspazzit,ieaE /sT rcR PE€€ 44<4=yftf"w O CNEGORY AJRI'IS Field Copy h:fu/Az Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: YA{L VA Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Date: l0-2-O I Technician: Job No.: o M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLOFADO AO2E3 303 / A25-O777 WELDER, WELDING OPERATOR OR TACK WELDER QUALIFICATION TEST REcoRD Type of Weldett'lut"^ --^ ^=,tloullYngYla ldentificatron No. KWelding Procedure Specification ruo. --7ilo1-09 --Iil Date 9-24-01 Record Actual Values Used In Qua jification Qualification Range o Varia bles Process/Type [Table 4.10, Item (1)] Electrode (single or multiple) [Table 4.10, Item (8)] Current/Pola rity Position [Table 4.10, Item (a)] Weld Progression lTable 4.10, Item (6)l Backing (YES or NO) [Tabte 4.10, Item (7)] Material/Spec. Base Metal Thickness: (Plate) Groove Fillet Thickness : (Pipe/tube) Groove F tet Diameter: ( Pipe) Groove Fillet Filler Metal [Table 4.10, Item (3)] Spec, No. Class F-No. ffable 4.10, Item (2)l Gas/Flux Type [Table 4.10, Item (3)] Inspected by Organization Interpreted Organization Test Number X o st Number Date we' the undersigned, certify that the statements in this record are correct andprepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of section 4 Structura I Welding Code-Steel. Authorized by that the of AWS test welds were vrsuAL TNSPECTTON (4.8. 1) Acceptable YES or NO Guided Bend Test Results (4.30.5) Appearance Fillet Test Results ( and Fractu re Test Root Penetration n et 5rze Macroetch Describe the location, nature and size of a crack or tearina of the ecrmen, Film Identification RADTOGRAPHTC TEST RESULTS (4.30.3. 1) Film Identification Manufacturer or Contractor Zimkor Industries, Inc. D1,1, COMMEFCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEFI, COLORADO AO223 3o.3 ,/ 82E,-32Q7 Client: Project: VlgL VA 4A/ l,/affiA L contractonfu&z_4u2. Date: //?34/ Location and Description of work: p1(pffi@ 577-4p7'X6Pa-@tV ^FaE Filz riiuezb,+ptv W€e @\rf aE4/E€4€L€Op6€ e zls o, RooT oPdA,/A - O ",rcR EAcg &aa6€ \No RaN DFF--TASS -7/STAZA ,{T €D€€ DF FIAN&sHaK ?u-ES ANo /no/nffieN/1/€.-fu/V PffiS ! cNToP,<nto 6aP/4 Fa< 4xaTzUaaZZS rammlt .fstandard or codeV{4rgD/ / -W We ath e r C on diti ons'A, €4F Type and Capacity of Machines,/B@ Electrodes:f 7/f/ 3e Weld Sizes:- Project t'to.,&5347? Report No.: W- Inspector: ffi -4 U, Field Welding: rypesof *^*/ffi Welding Positions Uilea: f SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of Welds tAade: /E/ "-lnspected: /2AV aeiected'.!y' a'/ Accepted: /PVRewelded: o Discrepancies Noted: CfiEGOffY A JAR\AS Field copy rc:fu&/Z ,^ cvl Reviewed Bv: I ,/ SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST il PROJECT: VA{L VA Date: 1613--61 Weldinq Contractor:Technician: Architect or Enoineer:Job No.: 22 LIPAN STFEET DENVEF, COLORADO AO2P3 303 / 4254777 COMMERCIAL TESTING LTABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 2P LIPAN STREET DENVER. COLORADO 80223 3c3,' A25-32Q7 Client: Project: Ve VAU-€Y HOSP. Contaclor:7/'41ry ZND. oate: /D-4O/ Project No: 4S 34 7? Report No.: ff ElectrodesgTff / Weld Sizes: / /2" o lnspector: e.T REPORT OF VISUAL WELD]NG INSPECTION Total Lineal lnches of welds Made: /A27 Za/&Qre lnspected: /Z 7 ncceptea:r,&7 Discrepancies Noted: @. Fibto iVetoins: Types of welds: FZ|Z re/Y Wefding Positions Used: f Location and Description of Work: OES€<I/@N OF FaU PAU€K{fuV t€LD-A/ PRDCES t6/J V,4@C,WU 2F PK€HATA^/O-ltrEQ PAss -TE4|P</WKE CflEqaP Ky ZNFKAR5O HER/n0/4{t6Q- PF"CE /4,4<K 3oo/ A if Standard or Code'.rQ/$ O/r/-M Weather Conditions: C(A< Type and Capacity of Machines:,@r{T3& SUMMARY GFEGORY A TAFVIS Fietdcopyrc'%Reviewed By: .-. GOMMEREIAL TESTTNG LABORATOFIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 UPAN STREET DENVER. COLOFIAbO 40223 3O3 ,/ .A25-32O7 Glient: Proiect: lML t/Az€!/ /4€O-trK'o^t", /?5-O/ Type and Capacity of MachinestA)AZI) Etectrodes:(//f / wetd sizes:/6- %n' ilo&4tr SUMMABY o contractor: AZHOE Location and Description of Work: ybUA Z €X4<M/MOA/ S Mfu<m@ 2i-i\i;p- rliriq;a;6-navges lo< wapl &res) 7NO a[rs ANO QLT NoLds: s€€ sr%p-TA/sP@zNZieZf /sf ruR Ptrce /z4RKs- aStandard ot codet/1/'lts:O/, /18 Weather Conditions: e /€r<@ Fietd wetding: Project r'n.t6347? Report No.: |f Inspector: { rypes or w ews, FtZasT/4aa4 Welding Positions tlsed: F tnspectea:/p12af n"""6rat/H/ Toral Lineat lnches of wetds Made: /a2/2Kr% Aelected: / Discreoancies Noted: GfiEGOAY A JAFUS FieldcopyTo'fu Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST :O PROJECT:Datei ldz Weldino Contractor:Technician: Architect or Enoineer:Job No.: o M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEB, COLORADO 80223 '5nJ / dd.c-5cLj / COMMERCIAL TESTTNG LABORATOFIES A DtvtsloN oF cTL ,/ THOMPSON, tNC. E2 UPAN STFIEET OENVEFI. COLORAE}B AO223 3o,3 /.A25.32O7 oate'/ffi4/Client: Project: VA/L VAU{ .t/EO' tr'<- Contractor: ^Standard or coae:7Q/)SD/, /18 vWeather Conditions: e/A< Type and Capacity of Machines:A)@Zl) Etectrodes:Q//f,/ ilO&tr werd sizes: %-%n' SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of Welds Vaae:,tzu2E(% @ Fietd wetdins: rypes ot w ews : FzaT/4aA4 Welding Positions Used: F lnspected: /OOr Accepted: 75%Rejected: 6 "FaU.fu/ yv€LO Discrepancies Noted: s€€ &'ffi I Project N".'45 34 7q Report No.: l,f-ff fnspector: tr REPOFT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION Location and Description of work:f thszuL 1-X'4/r1a/@A/ s Mfu<m60- ,NSioP ii4tre€D-nav6#,aR Wtu, &Es) rMo ca-rs Alvo 4LT NaL6s, s€€ .shryZtsPAzzrrl;ieCt< ZsT ruR Pece /v4R/<s.llr4sttrc- Axrqfztzhf/ail F-azt<tnaA aV &Lre\/ i€ao' E uzirztv zb sse PL4-TE - €67 n'o ,ve=r rz+re GREGOBY A JARI'IS Field Copy ro' ft?PF-Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST U: Date: /@ Technician: PROJECT: Weldinq Contractor: Architect or Enoineer: o M DENVER, COLORADO 8O223 303 / 425-32A722 LIPAN STREET ,.p" I/M fnk/ Z€/2. ffi. Reportno 6SSq-f Weld identilication N4aterial ihickness COMMERCIAL TESTING LAEIORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL ,/ THOMPSON, INC. 2E LIPAN STREET DENVER. COLORADO AO2E3 3O3 / A25-O777 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Weld jolnt AWS Welding process Qualily requirements - section no. Remarks lVI co Cl-9k ZEas,v-fl s/N:akYs/CALIBBATION SETTINGS ;t;;, +€ --^rrrir, d sc*EzNotu:/o? uorr,loV TRANSDUCER:e,^&VR **Z,Kfrfl2 srze,.i6.5g-Hl orn, 72'METHOD:&A,,r/tr TEST MATERIAL:4€7460 REFERENCE SIANDARD:b;d"Ezb/< s//v z?3a4s above welds Test date were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements ol6C of AWS ,,.a t ?B ,structural Wetding Code. Manulacturer or Technician:Reviewed by EGIMMEFIGIAL TESTING LAEICIFIATtrIFIIES A DIVISION OF CTL/THOMPSON, INC. LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Project *"., &5347? Inspector ,ArTA,<IT-S oate: /O-g€/ Date Date rted Locati on Acceoted Page / o -----7- f/ Project: l tem No. o ,IVAKK E@SA Fazc Pav wa_o oN €A5T FLANffi TD n EtrA 7,SS-A E /,o55,,D€N-N A Atr& KERS. io 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO223 303 ,/ e25-O777 o GOMMEIICIAL TESTING L/ABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL / THOMPSON, INC. 22 LfPAN STFEET DENVEF|, COLOFADO 80223 3O3 ,/ A25-32O7 Client:Date: j/*?4/ Project: I/@YflIAmQCAM Project No.:G5347? Contractor: AngZ Report No; \ff4ff ?e2A rltandaro or codeAAl$ O/ / - ?6 Weather ConOitions:&l/€4 Weld Sizes: Type and Capacity of Machines:fl4847 Electrodes4f 7/F/ t /+-/ /z' Tota|Linea||nchesofWe|dsr,laae:,/22%z/7%€nspectea:/P7 Aewelded:y'Accepted: /ADZ @Fierd Werdins: Types of wetds:F44,. H/ Welding Positions Used: f SUMMARY Aqected:g/ o lnspector: eT REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION Location and Description oi work: rel//QL /4/U0 l/ffi4-{ffi eqmlf@1E )F tu&ruv"iMru'irfszbs oN EgAn Fh4A/6€S -o g,?s€ PLA-T€S oN %a€ /4QKKSS&/4) Discrepancies Noted: GFEGOfiY A.IARUS Field Copy To:Reviewed By: COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATOFIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. E2 LIPAN STREET DENVEF. COLORADO 80223 3O3 ,/ A25-3?O7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS t/41/ t/|,'t* rZaf CZ:l faz a"po,tnozfi;!.#7?- Weld identification Material thickness wetdjoinlAws T-JU1F Welding process Qualitv reouirements - section no. Rer,atks 2)Z- Ta ,re€ G€b PP'asrvsa s/N:M4Y5Y CALIBRATION SETTINGSuo,*,42 -^rrr"r, Lr" rr.*oru' /O//ctt=, 1bo6 TRANSDUCER:METHOD:€,or,r4{ TEST MATERIAL:A€h4.)FEFERENCE STANDARD:EC""gZ a,z sA/ZBA/S above welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements oi 6C ol AWS O, , t ?,fr ,structural Welding Code. Test date SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST PROJECT: Weldino Contractor: Architect or Enoineer: Dalet /C>q-O Technician: Job No.: Piece Mark Drawing No. Weld Size Weld Type Total Inches No. of Pieces Accept Reiect NDE Method 26o14 J ta-VB 2eaA 2 I20toA/o v I o M 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLORADO 80223 3O3 / 425-0777 db .':'"'' .,.. - W COMMERCIAL TESTING LABOTIATIrFTES ^n3 A DvrsroN oF crt. ,/ THoMPSoN. tNc. W&,y?z ae upAN srFtEET EEr{vEFl, @LoFAoo B,o22g 3oB /.a25'32o7 ^r,--U-- -Datet /Oy'/2-O/ Project No.:QS $(/f Report No.: |4- fnspector: e{ REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION Location and Description of work tLsuez €X4rrza74227ys Mffilx60- M-s/r;p- irq-tiw;b-nev8&s pR ws-D, &Es) ^/o ar6 AND fu_4 NaL€S, s€_€ stbPZtllSPA7Z^liecrcTsT Peca /vnR/<s- ,q::,"::;: ::::sf*% Type and Capacity of Machines 4)Az)) ewctrodes:(//y'/ tWAAtr wetd sizes:/5-/n' @ Fietd wetciins: SUMMARY Client Project: VAIZ V/LLLT mA Cf< Contractor: ruZOZ Discrepancies Noted: rypes ot w aa"t ftz,az/qan& Welding Positions used: F Inspected: /2A7 Accepted: /tA 7 Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: /AAZAKre Rejected:g/aewetdedy/ o GEEGORY A JAFI/IS Fleld Copy TcftryrcZ Reviewed By: SHOP INSPECTION CHECK LIST .Q PROJECT: Weldino Contractor: Architect or Enqineer: Date:/62- Technician: o M DENVER, COLORADO AO223 343 ,/ A25-32O722 LIPAN STFEET COMMERGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. EE LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLORAOO SO2E3 3O3 / A25-32O7 Client: Project No;4.S 344 Report No.: /T-qT Inspector: G"[ REPORT OF V]SUAL WELDING INSPECTION Locarion and Description of Work: WAO A/pZZffifl% @ )F Fil/J- reVerpww w% o/v ce/Zfry/v7o&s€zzKT€ - F4. r4AKK ANo aoD64 Project: Vr%- VfrZ4/rZA G Contractor:Z--;-/ZVKAZ (-5!919 Field Weldins: alTypes of Welds:/ -/ Welding Positions Used: F Inspected: /P'6 Accepted: ?O 6 iltandard or Code'.,Q$ 2/,/^?6 Type and Capacity of Machines:A/AEQE| Ewctrodes'fiff / 3OO weld sizes: | /+ " Total Lineal lnches of Welds waae:r/227 Rejected:$-m Discrepancies Noted: -<€€ 2:o,E/- o Weather Conditions: &/6< SUMMARY Rewelded:4y' / Date:.b/D4/ GRE@FY A JASVIS Field Copy To:Reviewed By: COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVEB, COLORADO AO223 3c3 ,/ 825-3207 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS E2 LIPAN STREET 14ft /:1 i' ', a r',', ^"r,n^".P,5347? Weld identification Material thickness Weld joint AWS Welding process Quality requirements - section no. Remarks .9h '- -A SCOPE: KE-//S J-50 S/N:eHySy CALIBRATION SETTINGS o,o,r' 42 --^Ere,x, d scaEEn',,,v:/Daoorr'Q? TRANSDUCER: e, a2&,4 *Ea.M*,.6Z5f.fu? o*cLe 2n METHOD:Za/w-4{ TEST MATEBIAL: Y4€7e-SA REFERENCE STANDAFD;DsZ Ele s/'v 7%A4S above welds were prepared and lested in accordance with the requirements ot 6C of AWS O,.', , ?B ,structural Welding Code. Manufaclurer or conlractor Reviewed by Date OM ro Page of CCIMMEFICIAL TESiTING LABOFLATtrIFIIES A DIVISION OF CTL/THOMPSON. INC. LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Pro ject, yr1/Z VA Lry /A C .Project No. : tnspector, 4,{AEJFS oate, ,/O-/0-O/ Date I tem No.rte d PZ. FLA/UE trAlL N 4M4 7Nst4'DaN iutP€O o 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO223 3O3 ,/ 825-0777 GOMMERCIAL TESTING LABOFIATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STBEET DENVER, COLORADO E|0223 3c3 ,/ A25-32O7 Client: @\)sf€ N otr 1aP-C-trC,/4AZK aewetdedl4 ,-DTypes of Welds: tr . Welding Positions Usea: { lnspected: /2Dz a"""pt"a,/DD% o Discrepancies Noted: Project: YM- /A//E)/ /il62 CTZ Contractor: fuW Location and Description o{ work: €ANS:@T/aaV Of. !fl !!;/2No,n mrmr4^ oate'/h,//4/ Project N".AS 347? Report No.: |rTl/T Inspector: G{ REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION aoD6R €AST FLANa€ @rFietd wetdins: ,,$tandarc ot code'r4/t S A/, / -?g Weather Conditions: UY'A< Type and Capacity of Machines Etectrodes'(//f / 3@ werd Sizes: / /1" Total Lineal Inches of Welds tt^a"t/O2% aeieaeo:jZ SUMMAHY CREGOBY A JAFVIS Fierdcopy rc, ZzZ/2/Z Reviewed By: GOMMERCIAL TESTING L/ABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVER, COLORADO AO223 3A3,/ A2s,-3207 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS 22 LIPAN STREET l/fl// urul€y a azl C Reporrno ASV/A Weld identitication Material thickness Weld ioint AWS Welding process Ouality - sectlon no. Flemarks ""^rr o,*/D 4 norr, ",rr-85)r79oo*n, 7D " above welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements ol 6C ol AWS Manulacturer or contraclor Reviewed by Dale 1:-*! r o ctrlMMEFtCtAL TESTTNG' LAElclRATctFilESi A DIVISION OF CTL/THQMPSON, INC. LIST OF OUTSTAI'IDING DiSCREPANCIES Project No, : tn=r""ror, 4;{A,<lf-f oate: ,/D-/O-O/ Project: ,O 0ate Item No. DatertedLocati on Acceoted Page FU/UK FUL -' )1 -ar-tt t.t- N 4agz4 7Ns@aN rul,€6O o 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO AO223 3OB ,/ 825A777 COMMEFGTAL TESTINGi L/ABOI|ATOR|ES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 2E LIPAN STBEET DENVEB. COLORADO AO223 3O3 ,/ A2+3e;O7 REPORT OF MAGNETIC PARTICLE EHMINATION OF WELDS Quality requirements - section no. WELD LOCA]ION AND IDENTIFICATION SKETCH The above welds were prepared and testsd in accordance with the requirements ot the American Wetding Society AWS D1 .1, ( 2<2(E \ Structural Welding Code. year Technician:Manufacturer or contractor restdare /o-//-ol Feviewed by Date 'Jl"J."ffflT',Eac Eoc o tr Residual E Continuous Half-wave COMMEBCIAL TESTTNG L/ABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON. INC. 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEB. COLORADO AO223 3O3 ,/ 8,25.3207 r-r t l[.oate:/Oy'Z€/ Project No.:GS347? Report No.: lFe{T lnspector: e{ @Fierd werdins: Types of WeWs:F44, H/ Welding Positions Used: F TotalLinea||nchesofWe|dsMade:/z2a%zZ2/ru€|nSpected:/a26 Rejected: 6 oFaA PAJ Discrepancies Noted: Rewelded:4 Accepted: "5% S€€ O.P-rFT o Project: f,%Y4@mQCaM Contractor: eVgZ REPORT OF VISUAL WELDING INSPECTION Location and Description of work: 6AnL A/UO l/ffiH<An% *4mt/tr@/A F Fae@vern+nfr-iM€z"bs arv gEA,rn F4A/66 ? g,as€ PU4-faS oN %aC lnQKE Ae34 ,Janoaro or code:fi72$ O/ /-76 -We at h e r C on diti o ns :&L/6€ Type and Capacity ot ttacnines:71/12$l{ Etectrodes'{//f / %' weld Sizes: t /+ -/ /2" SUMMARY TRlnr*' Fierdcopy rc, fubZ Reviewed By: COMMERCIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVTSTON OF CTL / THOMPSON, tNC. DENVEB, COLORADO AOP23 3O3,/ A25.3?O7 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS 22 LIPAN STFIEET Vnr' f4tt azfz4t fr<. Reportno, 4Sg/Ff wetdioentrtication F- 44L FA.,/Materiat thickness /, gi-''^ Weld joint AWS Welding process Ouality requiremenls - section no. Renarks l4ffik - o o.9h SCOPE:K6-dsi/a S/N:eflysy CALIBRATION SETTINGS;*4 3' "" aete&, d s" rr o,r'/4 o oorr, //dZ TRANSDUCER: s,N UryK__**.ZZ€d*Z s'e,.Gx.H* orn,- m o METHOD:e/1/m{ :a'iwb REFEBENCE STANDARD:Dsc-Bz;ry -s// 7?sg/s above welds were aaprepared and lested in accordance with the requirements ot 6C of AWS D1.1 ( t 2 \ Structural Welding Code. Manulacturer or contractor Reviewed by Date CtrlMMEFICIAL LIST OF OUTSTANDiNG DISCREPANCIES Project:Project *r.rES347? o tnspector: lgrTARIfF oate, /O-g€/ Date Item No- DatertedLocati on Acceoted Page / o ---.7- f/ ,O .rryRKK PASA Fazt Pav Wa-o oN 5T CUSS-, e D5€ " O€qT/J AN r/(,M€5. s,4m6 K€9, 22 LIPAN STREFT DENVER, COLOFIADO AO223 3A3 ,/ 8258777 o GOMMERCIAL TESTING LAtsORATORIE€i A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STREET DENVEF, COLOFADO AO223 3O3 / 8254777 client: /,g- VnZg /AA {tK Project: =A/Z€ Contractor: Z.ZVTpZ Date: /2-/54/ Project No.:Q53478 Report No.: lrtT-ClT lnspector: CT" Location and Descript ion otwoklk//\6re6ru/V AF-?-,'n /VA' / Na@ oN A.A /-/-<TA.<TA /a-6-a/ - lBaaZ- 4/u0 7!fi</49A/.% TffiCreN aF,?sFMlUA, R att/ruu-puerA@zV h/€Lp /QTFaIA/E D &s€PK/€ ou @_c,g'hikz-/j/o: ;esA _ _ffi^ {sz<rffi AaE6ta/-?B weather conditionyz4y6( @ Fietd welding: Type and Capacity of Machines Etectrodes'gi/7f7 3AA rypes of wetds: Fzzz ftN Weld Sizes: / 4 '/2 Welding Positions Used: rC SUMMARY Total Lineal Inches of Welds Uaae: ,1OOT lnspected: /AOZ Rejecred@ Accepted: /OA f Discrepancies Noted: GRE@BY AJANIS 95s0171 o Field Copy To'7- 'Reviewed Bv: COMMERCIAL TESTING L/ABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. DENVEB, GOLORADO AO223 303,/ 825-3207 REPORT OF ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS Report no. 22 LIPAN STREET wetd idenrilicalion 242 -t@l/ Marerial thickness /. 3' Weld joint AWS Welding process Oualitv reouiremenls - seclion no. Remarks (!.9h SCOPE: K6-t/sA/-sa S/N:e/{f5}/CALIBRATION SETTINGS ;t^,;," 45 " ""^e.+q: d ," rrro,*,21aarc' JbV TRANSDUCER: "^ @ r^ra &ffi&Z ",rr. 64, 7s?'o*ur, 7a a METHOO: TEST MATEFIAL;<4572-fr REFERENCE STANDARD:osC Ej s/u Z%A4< above welds were prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of 6C ol AWS O't.a t ?9 lstructurat Wetding Code. Manulacturer or contractor Reviewed by Date ./? -. o CCIMMEFTCIAL TEsiTINGi LABCIHATCTFIIES A DIVISION OF CTL/THOMPSON, INC. LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Prn iarf'Project u".' &5717? Inspector: Date I tem No. n-+^t,rq uq rted Locati on Acceoted f/e ./o.-----7- ''G //rR/(r PnSA Fazt Pgv Wa-O oN 5T -€l =- lt\AJ-*Affl C/Ass-/7 e 5€ ,, D€PTJ Alil Atr€K '5p&€s- 22 LIPAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 8cJ223 Pag 3O3 ,/ A25-O777 COMMEIICIAL TESTING LABORATORIES A DIVISION OF CTL,/ THOMPSON, INC. 22 LIPAN STFIEET DENVEFI, COLOHADO 80823 3O3 ,/ 4254777 Dare: /4-/va/ Project No: G5347? Report No.: \f lnspector: 4 REPORT OF VISUAL WE Location and Description of wort<i WUAL €XA//6/kTAVNS Rrcenq? aN s'loP FA6trott6o /n€/nB% FaK h/€LDS/ CoP6l €ND C67s A/1to E atr llaLd fuK reG ,4Ar<Ks 2oo7A ANo apqA_,;geZ ezVA A N e_ K € tr78_ t4/€a rry<,re q@PdaVx-ep @z_etuEQL ^ rzzz,t6_Auo apD tat d on1 779 ' /M.' Vnuasr,rV€O. €R. Rry I sranoard or Code://)S Ql,t -2@ Weather Conditions: COt/< @rField Welding: Type and Capacity of Machines: /',%T Elearodes'.Q/f-/ Types of wdos:fuEf ^-/ </ /. Weld Sizes: 7t- =rA - Welding Positions Used: F SUMMARY Total Lineal lnches of Welds Made: /A2% A/KAG nspeaea:/Z0 7 Acceoted: /U 7Rejecled:4 Discrepancies Noted: client: yffi- vA?JE7'rn€o- qR Project: SAn€ Contractor: fupfz GFEGOFY AJAfrVIS 'O Field Copy To:Reviewed By: FRIN :I^EBB CRANE SERJICE FAX l'U. i 91P,2433a46 Sep. 28 z@AL A7i54An WEBB CRAilE INL P.O. 80X 55366 GRAND JUNCTION, CO, 815O5 ' 970-242-36s6 TEL 970'z{7')ul5 'FlU( coPt DATE: TO: FROM: 1.23'ot- =ob--E!C-g3|-tgrt NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: { o FROM : UEBB CRAf'IE SERUICE--_-C-da/E IUTEBB_ qFqV FRX N0. i 91A2433@6 sep. 28 2401. a7:544n P2 a -.t wEBB cRAllE €ERvlcE rc sx sftrl ul ta no D GR xonJHgrloil@trs 37q25+.s22$|orE 97U?.2-7666 FAX {N RACE STREET DElfvtRCOW2l6 C}2:F@ PHONE s2$'S6€l FAX posr(lrt EIIYAFF@E|&T g7lls+o&z Ptpl{E 970{ar414 Flx ANNUAL INSPECT ION REPORTJf O1VER CRANE nil Location: tt "l OFLOAD FR0l'1 :UEBB CRRNE SERI,'ICE FRX N0. | 91A2433o46 Sep. 28 2A81, A?ts5en P3 WEBB CRAT.IESERVICE ,(D FRq'l :UEEts CRRNE SER'ICE Qane Sep.FAX NO.| 91A2433@i6 28 2AA7 A?:554N o FoLLowtNG EREcnoils Alg tilsAssEilBuEs Sariaj Jrlunber ?, 1't1J;-d3: Ye* d tilatutfiacrue" J'333""' -" unit * . 9.3.(.-.!1.t....'.- "'.'' Frrameq occ.re4 aner he first ireetglt! Actrel free standing height M arinrum capacity at p point "':- ""'?''f' -o' 9"' ttgl Countuiib ballast " "-""""""'-" "t"L'o-'?"? " " " Ilql Base baltast "'!*'.'tr.'q'9""--'Fgl po,ver supprv:,!t'tr'l -tf" l : *' -/"*l*"" "" " Theundersiged lml 5ffi ffi #iru:gm#"*timlm l':r"inrPerv and *" :n" pra"g.t*i.l...*p--i...r.*.'.......o"t"...l.:9h.g..!.........'.......... S'gnafrlte of he canB Ere@r Signature 9f thePb sib Fot€man - . ^---5 -.1 -lrtF!-Pro|l ' n:seqr'4s :3IruES ]NUU] LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman April 8, 2002 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center GS-3528 Date: Project: Job No.: WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Spray-applied fireproofing inspection April4,2QO2 The materials measured meet project requirements for thickness and densitv. This report cqmpletes fireproofing inspection for this project. CTUTHOMPSON,INC. '. rt Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager cTL/TrioMPSON, tiltc.CONSULTING ENGINEERSGLENwooD spFrNGs. coLoRADo 81601 r r#ol blujr'og : 234 CENTER DFIIVE r SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION Job No. : Project: Client: GS-3528 Phase I Expansion VailVattey Medical The Beck Group Date of Measurements: & Renovation Center Technician: 3rd Level Framing April 4,20e2 F\N Location of Measurements: tr tr T Primary Beam Secondary Beam Bar Joists Restrained:ENo Notr E E YesTr T \/aq Required Density: Reguired Strength: IJ 150 pcf. psf. i L-.- I lrl coturn L-J F tuleO F loors l-l ot'", Req. Thick. fioJ 15/16 10t16 l--l y." UL Design No. N-782 N-782 '.-Y. Thick. iid 1 4t16 UL Design Nq O Thickness Requirements civen By: @ Herblan lns ulation Painted: Oiled: Scale: ryPE OF SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING:Monokote MK-6/Hy PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Density Taken: Bond Taken: REMARKS: rHrcKNEss AND DENSrryrgJJ:trJ5D FrRE RESrs'vE ,or=*,orE-| Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: GS-3528 April 4,2ooz contractor: DD Thickness of Material on Beam or Column Thickness, in51617 Vail Valley Medical Center 3rd Level Framing The Beck Group Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Column G-7 Primary Beam H Line between 4and5 ffi :-,) liiif-lliill-trliil \rl:: I a- mIFi,i!.i:rtir-I-:Fi vg. n.) REMARKS: n /,1 y/ a Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Location Column G-7 Average (pcf): v DENSITY DETERMINATION FOR SPMY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING ASTM E 605-93 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: 3rd Level Framing \rD-JCZU April 4, 2002 Required Density: ,|S.0 DD Length Thickness. in (in.2l3l4 '15.3 Remarks: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: March 5, 2002 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center GS-3528 WE ARE TMNSMITTING: FOR DATES: Spray-applied fireproofl ng inspection February 27,20Oz REMARKS:The materials measured meet project requirements for bond strength. >+- =D*.-,,r //ry CTUTHOMPSON,INC, Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDR|VE r GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 r (970) 945-2809 o oo z ; a o th =(., IL oq) (n ozo cq ^lI.rn anEo. 5g ulE ozulrl/IL =o"o o- ozogl o oJ- ^vtE HCqo +J o.E< 5 aso.6l!J@ =!e uJoEc< tl,o (g o (E =o.: ,2 at,ot q) lt. E' .9 o- CL I |g oee e3oAo lll :!aElJ tEOtrzooEOIE .E c, oo =o oo th Q() l< .9 dI oo = o IUF(Jz lrJtr-tJ ll- IIo ut o- LFo c,o fil .9or lto0,oE rJ o) lF mF=9.EsE 7, tt :i o F" i\Z !l|'=aLJ I-r-o\lIJTLI J (ov o, c\i ; o !,o-co Lr) rn (! c Ef, LL (g c E = LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: February 25,2002 Phase I ExPansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center GS-3528 WE ARE TMNSMITTING: FOR D,ATES: Spray-applied fireproofing inspection February 20,2002 REMARKS:The materials measured meet project requirements for thickness and density' l,l crurHoMPSON,tNc. h {trXr/>* t-_}t^'-''^3 t/ Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDR|VETGLENwooDSPR|NGS'coLoRADo81601r(970)945-2809 Job No. : Project: Client: Location of Measurements : TYPE OF SUBSTRATE MATERIAL Primary Beam Secondary Beam Bar Joists Restrained: Density Taken: Bond Taken: SPRAY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION GS-3528 Date of Measurements: Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center The Beck Group lrl cotrrn l--l Ftut"d Floor. l-l ot"t Technician: February 20,2OO2 DD tr tr n Roof Req. Thick. (in.) 15/16 10/16 UL Design No. N-782 N-782 Paa Thick. !.oJ 1 4t16 UL Design No. x-n2 Ye ENo Thickness Requiremen iven By:Herblan lnsulation SUBSTRATE COND]TION Painted: Oiled: Scale: TYPE OF SPRAY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING :Monokote MK-6/l-lY PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Yesil D n NoE E E yes yes Required Density: Required Strength: 15 150 pcf. psf. REMARKS: Project: Job No.: Date: Technicianl ASTM E 605-93 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: \JD-JCZ6 February 20,2002 Contractor: DD Thickness of Material on Beam or Column Vail Valley Medical Center Roof The Beck Group fri,-Tffint'.-Trn --T-\ liil ,--.-)liil,/ li:l L- lli:ll--.] liiil \ r-..-# l::l \L_ F:::.,ili.dif,iT'.Ir-i3 1 5t16 14t16 1 8/16 1 4t16 r 6/16 1 6/'16 1 10/16 I 8/16 1 4116 14t16 11t16 1 4t16 Thickness, in vg n.l r( AAvg. n. Member T ary Beam F-4Between6&7 Primary Beam 7 Line between F & G Column F5 REMARKS: Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Location Column D-5 DENSITY DETERMINATION FOR SPR,AY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING ASTM E 605.93 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: Roof Lr--JCZO February 20,2002 DD Required Density: 15.0 Thickness. in 4 Average (pcf):1 5.1 Remarks: tuFoz |l) LL o E z tr (J J ozo ,.r lLtr9E|r- IJJE oz ut lo..(/)c z o o o ^U'iii q 4o. 'Lan luE uJt tt l!o' IJJL F b t a;jh5 ](ltttouJgtJr-G-(t) kTJEFO.|O(9zoo o 0, 6 .9orEar O,o= dgN=€o>; sG=c? Esso..rrEg '-i0J1!'doFr-Oclo--t o =o o oot () l.l. o (t) o o oo c G otr o oo u, oo .noo lca @ F() trt ;oo E c) 3 o 0q) = = (6 o=o tr LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 8'1620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: February 12,2002 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center uJ-JJ.Zt' WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Spray-applied fireproofing inspection February 6,2002 The materials measured meet project requirements for density and bond. Thickness measurements indicate that this requirement has not been met in all locations. CTUTHOMPSON,INC. \!)f"/ Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager I l^ .tt. \l 6y\lvyt' I CL: Err'..'r-t.o'U,fu' CTL/THOMPSON, INC. 234 cENrE R D R rvE r G LENwoo D " " ",'39S:yJIS:r,=]u,9Lf.:ff : SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION Job No. : Project: Client: \,D.JCZU Phase I Expansion Vail Valley Medical The Beck Group Date of Measurements: & Renovation Center Technician: Second FloorLocation of Measurements : TYPE OF SUBSTMTE MATERIAL Primary Beam Secondary Beam Bar Joists Density Taken: Bond Taken: February 6,2002 DD tr tr tr . Req. tntcK. (in.) 113t16 '10/16 J -- yE5 UL Design No. N-782 N-782 Thick. U!.1 I tl Design No. l-_l cotu.n Ll r- tureo F toors l-l otn"t Restrained: Painted: Oiled: Sr'=lo' ryPE OF SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS No HerblanO Thickness Requirements Given By: SUBSTRATE CONDITION Insulation Monokote MK-6/HY Required Density: Required Strength: NoE E E Yestr tr I t3 150 pcf. psf. REMARKS: THICKNESS AND DENSIry OF SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIA ASTM E 605-93 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location:Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: (JJ-JCtd February 6,2002 Vail Valley Medical Center Second Floor Contractor: The Beck Group DD Thickness of Material on Beam or Column =P- ) li:lf---l llil l-.- | l::l I -___L_r l:!l !_ llTi':ifEff,:.-IEil Member T Thickness. in51617 Primary beams located on column Lines 3E.g and F between 4.5 and 5 and 5 and 6, respectively, does not meet project specifications Avg. Req. Avg. rimary Beam Column Line 3E.8 Between 5 and 6 Primary Beam Column Line 4E Between 6 and 7 Secondary Beam Column Line 4E.5 Between 6 and 7 Primary Beam Column Line F Between 4.5 and 5 REMARKS: t: o Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Location Primary Beam Column 3E.8 Between 5 and 6 Remarks; DENSITY DETERM INATION FOR SPRAY-APPLIED FlREPROOFING ASTM E 605-93 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: Second Floor \J 5-.5CZd February 6,2002 DD Required Density: 15.0 width tn. Average (pcf):1 5.1 o t- atzA tfi ar !ltrc? EIL 5o IJJE T Fozulav lLEo an o- arz !, (D oOn l!!q = ^o6 +JtFr -l.o- 'ia;j<t6 =.ga o .,rrt O lr -tv J u) -ut ^i: Ppr;aFC)oOzoolU w =J ll. TLo ||l |,t LFo F o G =c!o9=X>-- c,dE ori s(E=c? i{(/) >9-o i\ lt; o Fz:dtz gi'do IFLOUQTL- J o ru =o u, ood q, ll. G v) o o oo o E o oo o oo ooo l< t- O m ro so) N o 0)-c uJ(rJ q) c: C E = E G 0) m (g .E (g() 6)o B rD IJJF z .t ,. o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: February 12,2002 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center GS-3528 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Spray-applied fi reproofing inspection February 11,2002 REMARKS:The materials measured meet project requirements for thickness. CTUTHOMPSON,INC. x\_l \a.u^J "l L_ .. . t =Dan Downing ) Laboratory/Field Manager (.c: firnr-lTov,QWo r CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS GLENWOOD SpR|NGS, COLORADO 81601 I (970) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE SPMY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION Date of Measurements:Job No. : Project: Client: \.'D-JCZO Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center The Beck Grouo Location of Measurements: TYPE OF SUBSTRATE MATERIAL Primary Beam Secondary Beam Second floor Req. UL Thick. Design (in. ) No. 113t16 N-782 10i16 n+782 Technician: l-l coturn Ll Frureo F loors Req. Thick. fill UL Design No.tr tr tr No Herblan lnsulation Required Density: Required Strength: Bar Joists /=--\Restrained: , U 2 Thickness RecuiremLsdiven By: YesT tr n NoE E E Density Taken: Bond Taken: SUBSTRATE CONDITION Painted: Oiled: Scale: ryPE OF SPRAY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING:Monokote MK-6/HY PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS no no 15 pct 150 psf. February 11,2002 DD REMARKS:Reinspection of items form February 6, 20OZ is acceptable. L THICKNESS AND DENSITY OF SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL ASTM E 605-93 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: lrb-JCZO Vail Valley Medical Center Second Floor Tha Rantz flrnr rn| |,v eve,r v, vvi, Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: February 11,2OO2 DD Contractor: Thickness of Material on Beam or Column l':Ir:E;'qTEIil--r\ l!!l -)liil/L---_-l|iilr f_r liil\f tl,:il{-fliiII-:f:F-Er Member Tvpe Avg. In. Avg (in.l Column Line 3E.8 Between 5 and 6 Primary Beam Column Line F Between 4.5 and 5 Ktr, v MARKS: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: February 12,2002 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center GS-3528 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATES: Spray-applied fi reproofi ng inspection February 11,2002 REMARKS:The materials measured meet project ,/' reouirements for thickness. t/ CTUTHOMPSON,INC. r"-f\!)f/ {-}'-^/'13 Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager ],,1 4/* .a/f CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER DRIVE t GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 (97O) 945.2809 o t i SPMY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION Job No. : Project: Client: GS-3528 Phase I Expansion VailValley Medical The Beck Group Date of Measurements: & Renovation Center Technician: Second floorLocation of Measurements: TYPE OF SUBSTMTE MATERIAL Primary Beam Secondary Beam Bar Joists Restrained: tr tr n Req. Thick. !!.1 1 13/16 10/16 UL Design No. N-782 n+782 Req. Thick. 0E-) UL Design&l--l cotrrn l_l Frut"d Froo* [-l otn"t fo NoE E E Yesu T n REMARKS: '-O C9" E N. Thickness Requirements Given By:Herblan Insulation SUBSTRATE CONDITION Painted: Oiled: Qea la' ryPE OF SPMY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING: PROJECT SPECIFTCATIONS Density Taken: no Bond Taken: no Reinspection of items form Monokote MK-6iHY Required Density: Required Strength: 15 pcf. 150 psf. February 11,2002 DD February 6,2002 is acceptable. frillHl THTGKNESS AND DENSrryr"J::tr;5D F|RE RESrsrvE MATERTAI Project: Job No.l Date: Technician: Phase I Expansion & Renovation LrD-JCZO February 11,2002 DD Location: Vail Valley Medical Center Second Floor Contractor: The Beck Grouo Thickness of Material on Beam or Column Ff:F:fi'fB-r\ l::l ,-- iliit/---l lillf---'r lllil\ r-._!_ l::l \_ r,E: ii?.:trii!!!tiEii3 Member T Beam umn Line 3E.8 Betvveen 5 and 6 Primary Beam Column Line F Between 4.5 and 5 Thickness. in otl Avg. n. Req. Avg. n. REMARKS: o t o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: February 12,2002 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center Lrb-J Cl6 WE ARE TRANSMITTING: FOR DATEST Spray-applied fireproofing inspection February 6,2002 REMARKS:The materials measured meet project requirements for density and bond. fnicfness measurem that this requirement has not been mffi cTUTHOMPSON,tNC. i"'W.Lln--,'5 Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTLiTHOM PSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234CENTERDBIVE I GLENWOOD SPFINGS, COLORADO 81601 T (97O) 945.2809 Job No. : Project: Client: Location of Measurements: TYPE OF SUBSTRATE MATERIAL Primary Beam Secondary Beam Bar Joists Restrained: SPRAY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION GS-3528 Date of Measurements: Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center The Beck Group Technician: February 6,2002 DD tr tr T Second Floor Req. UL Thick Design Cn.J Ne" 113n6 N-782 10/16 N-782 Req. Thick ji!,1 pcf. psf. UL Design No. o NoE E E YesT T I Density Taken: Bond Taken: yes yes 15 150 REMARKS: l-l cotrrn n Flut"d Floor. Herblan lnsulation Monokote MK-6/HY Required Density: Required Strength: l---l n+r,o.,tan\ t-r -"'"' lE/" E No Thickness Requirements Given By: SUBSTRATE CONDITION Painted: Oiled: Scale: TYPE OF SPMY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS io THICKNESS AND DENSIW OF SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIA ASTM E 605-93 Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Member Between 5 and 6 Primary Beam Column Line 4E Between 6 and 7 Secondary Beam Column Line 4E.5 Between 6 and 7 Primary Beam Column Line F Between 4.5 and 5 REMARKS:beams located 5 and 5 and 6, Phase I Expansion & Renovation Lr:)-JOZO February 6,2002 nn Location: Vail Valley Medical Center Second Floor Contractor:The Beck Grouo and F between meet project specifications Thickness of Material on Beam or Column tn 7 on column Lines 3E.8 respectively, does not AVg. Req. AVg. ln..T'o"m#L Primary 4.5 and'o FT,"r-!ii.:f -:i:-;::I::-:f l:f i3 --r--.. liil -1l liilL - lllillafiil\t-- Fin.r_,iliiEll_:,1':rj Thickness, o Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Location Primary Beam Column 3E.8 Between 5 and 6 DENSITY DETERMINATION FOR SPMY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING ASTM E 605-93 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: Second Floor trD-5CZo February 6,2002 DD Required Density:15.0 pcf Length width Thickness, (in.ztJ Average (pcf;:15.1 '/ ln 4 o o Remarks: ii z l.f) 3 e.l q) 0) -co UJc., c) .c c E 6 E(! q) co (! E.E o_ C,(l' o q) (D cizogl .-t l!i'i'i ('l Eo. 5otu ozul ..tro'O O- ozo o J ^U' IJJ -1 o- l! @ lrJE uJt J II u-o ul o- F z F E o = .9ooE oL IJ. Or- cLO I\ (EoL.uAott, aeeeio =J5trf(utDa.P(I,IIJY -,w-l +q6E!'uc rsO()cz.99E r.r.l .E o o =o oho .13?ooa(Jo j-()o!'=NG,tr R=d Fa'* oE nrr F> it;;6 E=Q =JGrn) :>;;.lJ \:, lrel. "?o)1t 'p'€ l-i ^ + o LETTER OF TMNSMITTAL The Beck Group P.O. Box 8529 Avon, CO 81620 ATTN: Mr. Doug Workman Date: Project: Job No.: November8,2001 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center Lr5-JCZd WE ARE TMNSMITTING: FOR DATES: Spray-applied fireproofing inspection November 1.2001 o (l REMARKS:The materials measured meet project reouirements for thickness and densitv. CTUTHOMPSON,INC. o W -D*.-,.'"R Dan Downing Laboratory/Field Manager CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS r GLENWOOO SPR|NGS, COLOFIADO 81601 ! (97O) 945-2809234 CENTER DRIVE o SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING INFORMATION Date of Measurements:November 1,2001 /Job No. : Project: Client: lrD-JCZO Phase I Expansion & Renovation Vail Valley Medical Center The Beck Grouo First Floor Columns DD Location of Measurements: TYPE OF SUBSTRATE MATERIAL Primary Beam Secondary Beam Bar Joists Restrain ed: Density Taken: Bond Taken: Technician: l?l cotu'n Ll Frureo F roors f, otn.t Req. Thick. cd UL Design No. Req. I n tcK_ IjIt 1 4t16 UL Design No.tr n f t Thickness Requirements Given By: SUBSTMTE CONDITION Painted: Oiled: Scale: TYPE OF SPMY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING: PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NoE E E YesT T tr l-l v". YEJ yes 15 lqn pcf. psf, ENo Herblan lnsulation Monokote MK-6/HY Required Density: Required Strength: REMARKS: o THICKNESS AND DENSITY OF SPMYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIA ASTM E 605-93 Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location:Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: GS-3528 November 1,2001 Contractor: Vail Valley Medical Center First Floor Columns The Beck Grouo DD Thickness of Material on Beam or Column rffiTiniF,,n --'l*\ llil __ )liil/'[---l ti:il--r lliil\ r--g l:: | \J_ mT:;f :ilii':rif .-t=il Avg. Req. Avg. n. um D-5 1st Floor I REMARKS: o Project: Job No.: Date: Technician: Location Column D-5 1st Floor Length (in. ) DENSIW DETERMINATION FOR SPRAY.APPLIED FIREPROOFING ASTM E 605-93 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion & Renovation Location: 1st Floor Columns L, D-JCZO Required Density: 15.0 pcf DD width Thickness. in in. )2l314 Average (pcf):21 .3 Remarks: ;l' o ; th 3 o th =c) IJJt- .1z tr) o lJ- o E = O zoo a.| l!iii U, .5 a1l ul Fozrrl =ut'o o- ozoql o ^u,iii q Jo.o- l!(t) trl tr ultr J tl- u-o uJ TL F o ; O t-oo u- IA iI a;'| .= l(EID. PIIJ Yt-lFFA. o-$lcFCtoOz tn o- Q) E .9 6OoEcl> JC) FFfi;-(')EEui>'ov .,2..^ '-:01*'F*dn; ^..- f- o =,o o o.c) tr o) IL o I Gl- Q oo { (E o) o o oo ooo .Yo @IF (n o ( z tr J