HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E & F VVMC PHASE I ADDITION 2001-02 PERMITSot!-'! 'F bo c) (.) c) O ;E:;g etgiEE lI;;EEEL eie€gE;+ I gl EgiiEe iEI'gI'I€:EgcE =l I dl et;eE€ ge5 frl I H rl AEEEE> ;itHlg|EE!; ;I I BI E eEE FI aI ;I A E;$ Hl al :l q g€E 3l Rl zl I tHa 3l El 3 :l :99 | *l ll rl E.g: q =l I =l nr ;;; : Ig J;Ii-.E .E ii i€6€ E a E E g g;s i ; F E E E E 6 8 $ Ilelcg I- (Jz R.l -U Qc F=Av F4F (J -f= -E'lt tr1(J '6 E v)Or..9S>xbSU)he,X6S. 5*{ N8.Rs€ € x€ae S e-t>,yryS $:s t Aar 'b A =s".s'<gsEt'i N % *..rEIRS = s>F.{ TOV/I\IOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8T657 l,M79-2138v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 8014353 ]ob Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.......: 181 W MEADOW DR ParcelNo....: 210107]01013 Project No. : (Q.'.SO| - t(+f' oro+OWNER VAII, CIJTNIC INC 181 W MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO 8165 7 L,icense: CONTRACTOR HCBECK, I-,TD. ATTNI iIAMES LEWfS 1?OO PACIFIC AVE., STE. 38OO DA!I,AS, TX 7520L License: 119-A APPI,ICANT HCBECK, I-,ID. Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 1L/08/2001 Issued... : 01./1.4/2002 Expires. . .: 07/73/2002 LL/o8/2ooL Phone: L1./08/200L Phone: L!/08/2o0L Phone: 3o3-466-9665 Broonfield ATIN: ,JAMES I-,EWIS 1700 PACTFTC AVE., STE. 3800 DAILASI, TX 75207- License: Desciption: DGANSION TO EXISTING FACILTY Occupancy: 11.;1,'1..2 Type Construction: I FR Type I Fire-Resistive TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: 7,471.,663.00 AddSqFt 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood peller 0r***r6*l*r**hr*F **i* FEE SUMMA Building-> 923,?56.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $O-00 Total Calculated Fees-> 539,700-40 plan Check-> 515,441.40 DRB Fee-> g5oO.OO Additional Fees--> 10,808.98) Investigation-> $O.OO Reffeation Fee-> $O.OO Total Permit Fee-> 528,891'42 Will Call-> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit-> $o.OO Payments--> 528,891'42 TCTTAL FEES---_.-_.> S3e,7oo.4o BALANCE DUE-> S0.00 Approvals:TEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT OL/LOITOOT CDAVIS ACTiON: AP ST'B,JECT TO FIEI-,D I INSPECTIONS -Ma-ke note of corrections and conditions listed on permit Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMENT Item: L2/20/20OL George red-lined plans 0560O FIRE DEPARTMEIiE 0L/!L/2002 mvaughan o! / 1,L/ 2002 mwaughan telecommunication, phone, Item: 05500 PUBITIC WORKS LL/2L/2001 r,S Action: AP See notes on Action: AP Action: AP fire alarm and or cable tv usage. Action: DN ISSUES WITH interstitial space issues sha1l be satisfactorily solved prior to issuance of e/o. Use of smoke gTuard product sha1l be allowed only if approved and stanped letter from mkk or other approved engineer are on record. Interstitial space shall not be breached after visual inspection. Any intrusion into this space will be approved prior start of work by TOV building and fire departments. This includes Iater projects that may require additional wire runs for computer, IMPRO\IEMENTS WITHTN RTGHT OF WAY. APPROVAI, FROM TODD OPPENIIEIMER WHO f S WORKTNG ON PROiIECT WII,I, BE REQUIRED. ISSUES IS REGARDING W. MEADOW DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENT PRO.]ECT. L2/20/200t Is Action: AP all issues are worked out and Todd o. has given George R. plans for approval , some adj ustment maybe required. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATUREO OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF O P"" it#:801-0353 PAGE 2 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as of.0].,-'l.,4-2002 Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBTIILDPERMT Applied: 77/08/200'1. Applicanu HCBECK LTD. Issued: 01/14/2002 303466-9665 Broomfield To Expire: 07/13/2002 ]ob Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL l,ocation: 181 WMEADOWDR Parcel No: 210107101013 Description: EXPANSION TO EXISTING FACILTY Conditions: Cond: L (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQTIIRED TO CHECKFORCODE ff:su:f;,* Patient Evacuation plan required prior to a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Engineer of Record (FPE) is required to approve SmokeGuard system for elevator smoke migartion system. * * 't * * * * * * * * * * t+ * * {. + + * {.,t * * * {. * * * * * * * * + + *,1. 'lt * * * * * ** * * * * * * * '1. {, * +**** * * * * * * + + * * * * * * * * * * * l. * * * * * * * {t l. 't * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-14-2002 at 10:39:27 011L412002 Statement +****+** * ** * * * ** * * *+ +* * +* ** *** * * **** i * * +* t * * * *+ + * * * **********+******++**+++lt******t****i*f ** Statement Nuhber: R0OOOO1888 Amount: i28,e9L.42 OL/L4/2OO2L0:39 Al|l Paltment Method: Check Init: CD Nolation: #93 580413 Permit No: 801--0353 q4)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PER"l,fI Parcel No: 21010 7101013 SiCe Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAfIJ Location: 181 W ME;ADOW DR Total Feea: 528,59L.42 This Payment: 528,89]- .42 Total AIIJ PmtE: i28,89L.42 Balance: $0 ' 00 ****** *****+t+*** * * * * * + + * + * * * * * * * * * *{"t****!t** * * * + * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * d. *,} * * * * *** ******'l'**'l *:l' ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BU]LDING PERM]T FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO h]ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 23,756.00 500.00 4.632.42 3.00 o MEMORANDUM All architects, contractors, and surveyors doing work in the Town of VailTn' FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Toitrr ,)FFi* Department of Community Development July 21 , 2000 Survey Requirements qlY Accor:ding to Section 108.1 of the Uniform Building Code, "A survey of the lot may be required by the building official to verify that the structure is located in accordance with the approved plans.' The following survey requirements apply to all new construction and additions meeting certain conditions identified in Section ll.A. Please contact the project planner if you are unsure if the project requires an rLc. l. Survey Requirements All surveys must be stamped and signed by a registered land surveyor. On all surveys and lmprovement Location Certilicates identify the benchmark used lor the basis of the elevations. The same benchmark should be used throughout the construclion process to insure that the measurement of a building is consistent. In addition, the same scale (1 :1 0 or 1:20) should be used on all surveys and lLCs throughout the construction process. Allowable benchmarks include sewer inverts, section comers, and property corners. Manhole rims, the asphalt in streets, or fire hydrants are unacceptable. Architects and builders should be aware that. discrepancies exist in established monumentalion in the Vail Valley. Please consult a surveyor to verify monumentation prior to developing plans for a site. ll. lmprovement Location Certifacate after the foundalion is poured (Foundation ILC) A. Within three weeks following lhe approved foundation inspection, a Foundation ILC is required for projects which meet any of the lollowing characteristics:1. The building is within 3 feet oi any setback line, property line, or required distance between buildings2. The driveway grade is greater than 10%3. The building is within 6 inches of the maximum building height allowance 4. The project involves 3 or more separate structures on the property 5. The project has received a variance for height or setback. The Foundation ILC must be submitted to the Town of Vail tor review and approval within 3 weeks following the approved foundation inspection. Compliance with this requirement is the sole obtigation of the registered contractor. lf an ILC is not received and approved within 3 weeks, the Town of Vail may issue a Stop Work Order, in accordance with Section 104.2 of the Uniform Building Code. B. Required information tor a Foundation ILC:1. Dimensioned footprint ol the building2. Elevations of the top of loundation walls3. Elevation of the garage slab4. Grade ol the centerline of the driveway, measured in 20 tl. increments 5. Distance of structure to the property line6. Notation of existing materials on the structure at the time of the survey lll. lmprovement Location Certilicate prior to a framing inspection (Framing ILC) A. A Framing ILC will be required prior to any framing inspection to verify the structure has been built in accordance with the approved plans. No framing inspections will be scheduled until the Framing ILC is approved by the Town of Vail. --1 o TOl'dN OFVAILI tt-Required inlormation for a Framing ILC: 1.ldentilv roof ridqe ooints - on the survey prepared for the iraming inspection, indicate the highest points ol the roof ridge. All ridge elevations must be shown on the lLC. The ILC must be at the same scale as the originally submitted pre- construction survey. The planner will overlay the survey on the approved building permit plans. The roof ridge points identified on the ILC should align with the roof plan on the Town's set of Building Permit plans. Roof heioht - on the lLC, the surveyor must note the roof malerial on the highest point of the ridge. The ridge elevations must be measured to the top of sheathing. The planner will add the dimension of all other materials (except a cold roof venl). Ridge height will be measured to the top ridge of the sheathing. On the attached diagrams, the poinl identified with an asterisk is the top ridge ol the sheathing. A cold rool vent, not exceeding 12 inches in height, measured for the sheathing to the top of the shingles, is considered an architectural projection and will not be included in the height. Setbacks - when specifying the distance of a setback on the lLC, note the material existing on the structure the day of the survey. Indicate the proposed finished exterior material and its dimension on the survey in order to determine lhe linal distance oi the setbacks in the same way that will be done for height. lf ledges or supports for rock veneer or any other facing material have been built into the foundations, measure the setback to that exterior point (see diagram on following page). Final distance will be measured trom the outside edge of the exterior wall material. Recommendations The Town of Vail suggests that a registered suryeyor stake out the foundation prior to excavation or pouring. Additionally, after the foundation walls have been poured, we encourage that a surveyor shoots the elevation of the top of foundation walls. With this informalion, contractors will be able to accurately estimate the final height before the struclure is built. Contractors will be able to compensate in the construction process to ensure that the structure does not exceed the height limit. Requirements stipulated in the Town of Vail memorandum dated July 21, a 2. tv. Signature 4o I-- o 35V Permil Number Legal Description: Lot- Block- Print Na ^il V,t Filing- o .t -il-lfb f , tl*{lnl&-t I It, TI{.tsi\lf=i , HJI t-l\Jiq! L.1l -ry1 Fcl*i IIIntluo tLrolsl'Bt €t E'ol FI =l a & .B 5 E $s E E .L! ,.r -\<E; s- !ic,=\-e lr t I'I f I , I I I I ,^ tsr &l QrOIFJt \+lrt >l \\ T \L a s =g $is BI ; LT +1,J nt- \' , H- f,. .1.,L : 1nl]{' :-{ -} :fJ$ d!i 1l d c- rJ n -* o l,:- n d {' d Fl trI -!- Jj tq{ rt IU c_ +-E-_+-1 l. u1 4u{ ,d l- .ul r{ {1 !l1 6! {ti {i t-{_t,9 \-{ E->. I I I I I 0 ul L 0{ \5' Z ., iT [- { I I I I _q J_- .{ J -1 ; {o lo ;*4rFgI LI -T 2<\3 ,i t'v ul J tr d_ BIL t! ht J 11 -F r.{ II I I I IItr.. -7 d rrl {t\ .Y t-+nOXfr i(.a\seJtuf:(.tI' riil- v--u --n- f\-fl -t iid+' *-g d.e,= 11 r tr=+d dlu,p \TJ {.-..T FU !-f \.i ltl 8"r d, I It. i I I It n{l\lI\J tr iiE4[ IE EI FJH ' 11t j N , I I I I d_ .. I{l -i. -( I I I.l I I I I i I I I/, l. ,t'. rrZI \)JIL .t?t .1.tts qrs \h\ SN'<t .\s\-? uJ{ )c Y tt.a ,o\r.. t3^gr? m-.:tgF rNcoM p,ErE oR uNsrc N E D Project #: CONTRACTOR ORMATION offi t--n, mwnopwnlY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) General Contractor: HCBcc,a,Ln'P Contact and Pfpne #'s:'Pova 2)ea1+1*{-@e)zo Town of Vail Reg. No.: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMTT (LAbOr & MAtCTiAIS BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: S OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: s 7,r/7/. (rL| For Parcel # Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328'864O or visit Parcel# ZIOIO (application,wilhot be acceptiid.,friihotit f :rrce[ number) robName: Vail latby t/ilro/ tenkr-ffi3+.l t yl U. H.atow l/f:JoDAooress: Vatt, co 8/657 Subdivision: vil v,itoq- Owners Name: VVHC ?ru)u7f-lrtzAddress: I 7l U. Hrrlorfu ,{a:,l,Lo enone:(.10v\ZIf-io*t.6,;Lnfr.Ycnuc(, Engineer:1149 ConSv*Address: 745o 6. kfo4rc> Detailed description of work: ' on/ &faaaton ]o €tqshna Ft.r/, WorkClass: New( ) Addition (v{Temoael( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ).Multi-fumily( ) Commercial (v/ nestaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: pNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: p /4 Wood Does a Fir€ Sprtnkler System Exist: Yes ( l,f No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes (11 No ( ) *****i********************************FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* *** ** rr ********* ***** *** *!t *** **!t** **rt* of Construction: fijreUdr fiFfYil ftf.' Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5.2-10: DEPOSITS oN PUBLIC wAYs PRo}IIBITED 1d Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street" sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. g Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Work may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director/s employment a perSon who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. ,/ff Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or c;ruses another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation -, hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. Vt g( Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such penon shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection I hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14.1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-LAND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTTNGTRAFFIC&IMPoUNDMENTAUTHoRIZED t/ No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance.. (Ord. 2(1968) ! 1) rly' Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of tiis Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this MunicipaliV, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten doltar (910) impoundment charge. (ord. 2(1968) g 3; ord. 28(19s1) s 1) I have read and will comply with the above codd provisions: Position or Relationship to projecr F :/rvcryone/fonns/bld perm 7 DMINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: ,/rn" Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. ,/m"Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or.streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Lmnard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. 6/ Xso, the Town of Vail Public WorK Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: (wl /,tlq NrJ,oJ tuk'-' I tlllltlol suu l/ore4Nrh) Signature F:/everyondforms/bldpermG .?-a .,/"(lagc I 47onito,-' BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projec6 impact the various above mentioned departmenB with regard to necessary review, these projecls may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every aRempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F:weryon{forms/bldperm3 Signature projecr *" ", l/o;l l/otlot l-/d,,J C.* IDarc: ll ltlol ---r-r *- 4*+ / 67ttt+'""- PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifl7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The iocates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building PermiY'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way PermiY' with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. It il ltkl@ F:/everyonqforms/bldperm5 ttre above. TVWN AF WHEN A "PUBLTC WAY PERMrr" rS REQUIRED ,Y (urt:.,rt^ri'r*;y*]i o I - otoY a) rcdy 6a:d' w^' 4q \tl PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": performed require the us9rcf the Right-of-Way, easements or YES- No v No ,,/ No/ o Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- Is any drainage work bglng done that affects the Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ No__tZ_ No L/ Is the Right-of-Way, eaternents or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO t-.' If answer is NO, is a pa;fing, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO \-/------.-: If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permif' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public WorG at 479-2198. Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit' required? NO \'/ THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. t 21, -"e*-r'- ffuge- I Lv/tnaeu-. f,,v,t- 6gioci,n7 J.J,:t, Srftwn).2 t*?J Fr?'*/ 5r^"*7 *Y fi"r,4 lrSrrm,nhon a# t/edt-'d.,'o aieh"7- Jes'7n-b7 fu-r: Job or Project Name: Date Signed: LltD. F:/everyondforms/bldperm4 ir*lr-'$,* afeh ""y- J"t,tr*- b7 1z^'-rav. Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 I0l,t1\ Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: r' This Checklist must be completed before a Buildina Permit application is accepted. Ua Rtl pages of application is complete td Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Nl|r o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if prqect is a Multi-Family complex rz/ Complete site plan submitted *o Public Way Permit applicaUon included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) 5c" /vtOl - 0 tl8 o,g Staging plan included (refer to Public Work checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe "llo*id on .o"d*"". "nd rhoulde.,rlvithout *ii "GTttlo|- -Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring /r.u,ooa4r €uAn,tL&.+DoPooZF OloY Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Q*,*oty Subrntrl.d ,$v*pol -"0oz9 o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on sfucturai plans (All Commercial and Multi fanilfi {aS O\1OZ| Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Scer*DOt - uOZV Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: ,/ f"U floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 seG of plans for MulU-Family and Commercial) { winao* and door schedule o \r' t-f n[+ o F r/everyoneforms/bld permz Received By: FO%38 RE0DNOt/ -7lr/rJ! TRANSMITTAL ?PrU- a-lsl. TO: Totryn of Vail Dept. of Comm. Developrnent PROJECTNUMBER: 14391 ADDRESS: 75 S. Frontage Road PROJECT: Vail Valley Medical Center Vail. CO 81657 SUBMITTAL NUMBER: PHONE/FAX NO: 970479-21 38 DATE: fnrc1 ATTN: Gary Goodell-Chief Building ffical PREPARED BY: Doug Workman We transmit to you O Shop Drawings E Copy ofleter hercwith the following El Cortrsct Documen(s) tr Mill Certificaes items: tr Sketch tr Mfg. Literature tr Bmcfur{s) tr Specifications tr Samples O Schedu($ ITEIWDRAWINGNO.COPIES DESCRIPTION DATE I I Building Permit Application 4 Sigred &, S€81€d Consfudbn Doqrtrents (PlaN, Specs. & Add€ttda) PLEASE RETURN EACH STAMPED COPIES OF THE ABO!'E ITEMS COPY TO: DATE RETTJRNED REQUESTED: REMARI$: THE AAOVE I'EIs ARE TRA 8TITTED IO YOI': t/ron vorn rppnovr O APPRO/ED O APPROI/ED A8 TOTED. AUBJECT TO @IIPUANCE WTTH RECUIREIIENTA AI{O ANY iIOIANONS OR II{DICATED D REVISE AND REgUBIIIT XAXIT'IG ALL CORRECTION NOTED qSAPPROVEO. REVISE ATD RESUBN|T PROIIPTLY FOR Yq'R PRONG ANO COST BREAXDOYI'T{ FORYOUR FLES ANIYOR REFEREICE FOR YqJR REVIEWcLARFICATION AND REIARXS o tr tr tr By: Doug Worl<man A.S.r. NO. 16 September 9,2W2 Document or Section N/A N/A Document or Section Name N/A Yail Valley Medical Center Construction Documents' 15 October 2001 OFFI(E Da% Jcf<LtutulJ Ll79 -5098wtvv The information contained in this A.S.I. contained in the Project Manual and on the Contract Documents. TOWN OF YAIL Acknowledge receipt of this a.s.i. by Document or Section 08172 Hardware & Schedule 08172 Door Schedule Third Floor B. Deleted Documents and Sections: The sections idenrified below shall be deleted from the project AppLIcABLErorEEunorucffiTf;F."5frffiF1#ffi AiJffii"affi;eotulnrcoF;41ffi ix;; ;il;;,-# - d''.- saoc*g- rar..otcrrq{ ff e?ffi il ;"ffi ff ;ffi '".i;ca!' 1gg:*:i:1"gtr'SA. Revised Project Manual Pases: fi*T:tfi#. ;il;G;td'- d"ra "l b:o:;:$:""*:3} rhe reptacement pases identified ffi#lhtt$U€ffi Project Manual sections. Revised $tid{A.djg!the text and a [A#] notation in the niargin identifying that the revision was made. Areas where inforrnation has been deleted are identifuing by €ddn€€uf the text and placing a [6#] notation in the margin. Insert replacement pages into the hoject Manual ahead of the pages they replace. APPROVEDtr Serulce issod! o> aee- D€pr Pratpuua$JsEltl Plotnturl , Us' DArolcws*.rrrAtf Document or Section N/A C. Added Documents and Sections: Document or Section Name The sections identified below shall be added to the project @eo stP ? 5 2002 HLM98{Xnr.04 A.S.I. NO.16 D. Deleted Sections requiring Revised Sections: The Sections identified below shall be deteted and replaced with revised new Sections from the Project Manual. Section NIA Drawing no. See Above Section Name N/A Revision See Above Vail Valley Medical Center Construction Documents 15 Ociober 2CI1 APPLICABLE TO TIIE DRAWINGS: A. Supplemental Drawings: Indicating revisions to the respective Contract Drawings. Contract Drawins Number Suoolgmental Drawine Number 41.03 Thtud Floor Pran Supplemental Drawing sD-lg, sheet l of 3 B. Drawing Revisions: Incorporate the following revisions into the respective contract Drawings. IILM 98007r-04 PROVIDE MAGNETIC HOLD'OPEN HARDWARE @ D(ST|NG DOOR PROVIDE VIT.IYL SHEET DOOR PROTECNONAT PUSH SIDE ACROVYN BUMPER GUARD TO MATCH D(ISNNG NOTE: FINISHWAU_ TO MATCH EXIST|NGLOBBY 4 REVTSED WALL CONSTRUCTTON 3RD FLOOR LOBBY t REVTSED WALL CONSTRUCTTON DETATL SCALE:112" = 1'-0" SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 18 SCALE:1/8" = 1'{' PROJECT: VVIIC PHASE I ExPA{sIoN PROJ. NO-: gtOO7l-O.l DAfEt OgtOgtO2 DR.8Y: RT ISSUED WITH: A.S.I. No. 16 DRAWING TITLE: I}IRO FTOOR PLAI DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) AT.O5 DENVER, COLORADO SHEETlorS sEcnoN08712 STORAGE A. Ilrrdwar,e Group S-llIHinge RequirpdLockset LKtrl Closer DCOI Bumper BB0l [storagefunction]@ DOOR HARDWARE A N D SCH ED U T.E E+z oogc-o /(<4*.c J t^J so1w0lEeol M. flani. pcvitt- Clr>cr fi,uz>t^t/t-tzu+i7 NtLll E,r.nplqEler'*n- 4zrru t"all slopl [non-raled or ratcd opcning]Uaafler- el-r? N/D/ D. B. Ilardwarc Group S42Hinge Required Loclc€t LKffl lsbrage function]Closer DC03 . $rea6crstip WS04 tsrmokc sea[ C. EardwareGmq$fil Hrye Requir€d L.cbet LK07 [srongefurction]Clm DA03 [nulti-point hold openJ lVeatherstrip WS0l DoorBottom DB0t Tlreshold TIl03 Ifardwrre GmupS{X Hinge Required Locksct LK0? [storage furction]Closer DC03 Buryer BB0l [wall stopJ Wcathersfrip DoorBottoqr DB0l Tluestrcld Tl{03 [non-rated openingl Ilardwcrre Group S.{15Hinge R€quft€d Lockset LKfi [stqage fi$ctiooJCloser DC04 Weatherstip WS& [smokesealJ Fhsh Bolt FB-2 [one leafJ UNL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Consttt&on Docwnet9 lSOqobt2tnl nr.Mg&nn-u 87ILI3 F(o5E$r E' u)- o- (|' e 6 EIo @o =JI -9 tto EE ,39f€ooEI *E Fa9r EE>oot3t EgEI ss3t .., RtcD AUG 1" 7 2001 HLM Design August 15,2001 Architecture Engineering Piaming Mr. Gary Goodell Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center - Phase I Expansion Dear Mr. Goodell: This letter is intended to serve as documencation to the comments offered bv C-West Code Consultants. We will respond to each item listed by C-West. Project Manual: Division 2 specifications shall be submitred, including but not limited to: selective demolition, hazardous abatement, earthwork, soil stabilization, and pressure grouting. Response: See attached Addendum No. 2, A.S.I. No.l, and Response l,etter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. S1.0, General Notes, 1.B: Live loads for storage rooms #'s 237,238,239, and 272, on tlte 2nd floor, re: A1.02, shall be designed for 125 PSF in accordance with UBC Table 16-4.18. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheet 2 of9, and Response L,etter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. S2.l, Grids I - F.5, and I - H.5: Footings noted as Type F appear to be incorrect. Verify that Type E footings are required per footing schedule on S1.3 Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheet 3 of9, and Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 52.1, Grid C.5 - 6.5: Footings for stair landing support column is requfued, re: A1.01, and section 1/47.08. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheet 4 of 9, and Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 52.1, Grid 118 - AE to BE: Demolition drawing A0.10, keynotes #8 and #10, indicates the removal of existing concrete columns and stair wall. Confirm that existing foundations will be removed and will not conflict with new footings. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. 1 sheet 1 of 9. Cbr€go,IL Dallas, Tx 1. 4. 5. Suite 2750 707 17th Street Denver, CO 80202-3427 303. 299.9042 tax 299.9040 \,vww- hlndesigm.com Gary Goodell August 15,2001 Page 2 6. 52. l, Grid A - 2: Exterior concrete stair and site retaining walls are indicated on architectual plan A 1.01, and South Elevation A7.00. Design and detail retaining walls to resist soil pressures per UBC section 1611.6. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheets 5 & 6 of 9, and Response Irtter from Bierbach Consulting Engi neers. 7. S2.2 and S2.3, Grid A - CE to DE: Demolition plans A0.11, and A0.12 keynote #15, indicate new hoistway door openings cut into the concrete elevator shaft walls. Verify that the lateral bracing capacity of the existing elevator core is not reduced. Reinforce core walls as required at new openings to maintain lateral bracing integrity. Responsel See attached Response l,etter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 8. S2.2, Grid C.2toF.z-BE to 6, and grid D to G-5 to CE: Short purlin member sizes shall be designed, or confirm minimum size to be W18x55 per General Notes on S - l, 20. Steel #2. Response: See attached and Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 9. 52.2, Grid7 to 8 - C to J: Architectural plan A1.02 indicates a ramp to a floor landing at elevation 60'-6". Designate and detail framing as required. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheet 7 of 9, and Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. lO.52.2,Grid6.5-H.5:BoilerRoom/PumpRoom#276isindicatedonA1.02. Indicate approximate size, weight, and location of boiler room equipment per UBC table 16 - B.7, and verify floor design load capacity. Detail concrete curbs around boiler room as required. Response: See attached Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 11. S2.3, Grid A - 7: Verify W24xl04 girder is cantilevered for support of Wl2 and W16 purlins. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheet 8 of 9, and Response l€tter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 12.52.3,GridAtoF-&to8:Confirmthatdriftingplusslidingsnowhasbeenconsideredfromtheskylight per UBC appendix sec. 1644.4, not apparent in submitted calculations. Response: See attached Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 13. S2.3, Crid C.5 - 3.8: Section 7/5.3 referenced indicates 'X" bridging between beams. Clarify locations and extent on plan. Response: See attached Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 14. 55.1, Keynotes #5019, and 5021: Please specify diameters of Hilit Kwik Bolts and H. S bolts. Gary Goodell August 15,2001 Page 3 Response: See attached Response Irtter from Bierbach Consulting Engineers. 15. S5.4, Section 6: Detail deck support at valley beam condition, re: S2.5, Grid d - 2.5. Response: See attached A.S.I. No. I sheet 9 of 9, and Response Letter from Bierbach Consulting Ensineers. Please notify Russ Sedmak or myself if any question should arise ftom this response or if we need to provide additional information. Sincerely, 6=%tn- Bany R. Veen Associate Architect 980071.04(0.6) BRV:brv E!%' JSSELLA. \\, ww RUSSELL A. SEDMAK Cc: Stan Anderson, WMC 5707 WEST 6TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80?14 Bierbach Gongultlng Englneers, Inc. /\'4= -=- 303-233-5838 FAX 303-233-0516 structural Consultants August 14,2OO1 Mr. Russ Sedmak, AIA HLM Design USA, Inc. 7O7 17'n Street, Suite 2750 Denver, Co.80202-3427 RE: @ca,quo t f eoor Vail Valley Medical Center - Ambulatory Surgery Addition (C-West #2O1155) Dear Russ; Below, are my responses to the review questions posed by C-West Code Consultants. 1 . Regarding the project manual, the soil stabilization and pressure grouting are combined into one specification (Section O22OOI Permeation Grouting. That document is attached. 2. The live load for the storage rooms will be 125 pounds per square foot. These areas are designed to support that load. The general notes will be changed to reffect that design. See attached sheet 2 of 9. 3. The footings were intended to be type E. The footing type and reinforcing has been revised. See attached sheet 3 of 9. 4. The footing for the stair has been completed. See attached sheet 4 of 9. 5. The existing footing is to remain only the column and wall are to be removed. The new footing bears onto the existing footing as shown in sections 3 and 4 on sheet 3.0. Notes will be changed to reflect this condition. 6. The site wall has been designed and added to the drawings. See attached sheets 5of9and6of9. 7. The opening in elevator core walls of the existing shaft were planned. There is not a reduction in the lateral capacity. Our firm was the EOR on that project. The openings at the second level already exist and are larger enough for the new elevator stop. The openings at the third will be cut. 1 8. The beams are W12x14's as indicated on the dimension line shown between lines 5 and 6. 9. The ramp will consist of steel studs that frame over the structural floor as shown on the attached sheet 7 of 9. 1O.The floor was design for 150 pounds per square foot (see sheet 2 of 9) because the boiler has not been specified at this time. 11.The floor framing is revised so that the w16x26 spans from line 6 to 8 as indicated on the attached I of 9. 12.The sliding and drifting was included in the design. l3.Thediagonal bracing(key) noteismissinginSectionTlS.3. Thekeynotenumber 5004 should be added. The size and spacing is indicated in that note. 14.The diameter shown as a question mark (?) in notes 5019 and 5021 should be 0.75 inch diameter bolts. 1S.The valley beam condition is shown in Section 1915.4 and on the attached sheet 9of9. Please call me if you have any other questions, or if you need me to expand any of my responses, Sincerely, Steven E. Bierbach, P.E. enclosures SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOUTION SECTIONOIT32 - SELECTryE DEMOLMON PART I -GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division I Speciflrcation Sections, apply to this Section' T.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Demolition and removal of selected portions of a building or structure. 2. Demolition and removal of selected site elenrents. 3. Repair procedures for selective demolition operations. B. Related Sections include the following: l. Division I Section "Summary" for use of the premises and phasing requirernents. 2. Division I Section "Work Restrictions" for restrictions on use of the prernises due to Ovrrner or tenant occupancy. 3. Division 1 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for preconstruction photographs taken before selective demolition.4. Division I Section "Photographic Documentation" for preconstmction photographs taken before selective demolition. 5. Division 1 Section "Ternporary Facilities and Controls" for temporary construction and environmental-protection measures for selective demolition operations. 6. Division I Section "Cutting and Patching" for cutting and patching procedures for selective demolition operations, 7. Division 15 Sections for demolishing, cutting, patching or relocating rnechanical items. 8. Division 16 Sections for demolishing, cutting, patching or relocating electrical items. I.3 DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site, unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing constnrction and deliver them to Owner ready for reuse. C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare them for reuse, and reinstall them where indicated. VAI L VALIEY MEDICAL C E NT E R DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME CowtructionDocun enls Architectural Supplemenfut Instruction Number One 15 August2(MI HLM98007t-M 01732-1 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOUTION D. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.4 MATERIALSOWNERSHIP A. Except for items or materials indicated to be reused, salvaged, reinstalle4 or otherwise indicated to remain Owner's property, demolished materials shall become Contractor's property and shall be removed from Project site. l. Historic items, relics, and similar objects including, but not limited to, cornerstones and their contents, commemorative plaques and tablets, antiques, and other items of interest or value to Owner that may be encountered during selective demolition remain Owner's property. Carefully remove and salvage each item or object in a manner to prevent damage and deliver promptly to Owner. I.5 STJBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For frms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstraJe their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, narnes and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. B. Proposed Dust{ontrol and Noise-Control Measurcs: Submit statement or drawing that indicates the rneasures proposed for use, proposed locations, and proposed time frarne for their operation. Identify options if proposed nrasures are later determined to be inadequate. C. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: l. Detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with starting and ending dates for each activity. Ensure Owner's on-site operations are unintemrpted. 2, Intemrption of utility services. 3. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. 4. Use of elevator and stairs. 5. Locations of temporary partitions and rneans of egress. 6. Coordination of Owner's continuing occupancy of portions of existing building and of Owner's partial occupancy of completed Work. D. Inventory: After selective demolition is complete, submit a list of items that have been removed and salvaged. E. Predemolition Photographs or Videotape: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements, including finish surfaces, that might be misconstrued as damage caused by selective demolition operations. Submit before Work begins. F. Landfill Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance ofhazardous wastes by a landfill facility licensed to accept hazardous wastes. HW98M71.M UNLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER 01732.2 DEMOI.ITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Documenb Archile ctuml Svpplcmental I nstraction Number One 15 Aagust 2(Nl 1.6 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION QUALITY ASSURANCE Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced frnn that has specialized in demolition work similar in mat,erial and extent to that indicated for this Project. Professional Engineer Qualifications: Comply with Division I Section "Quality Requirernents." Regulatory Requirernents: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. standards: comply with ANSI Al17.l-1998 and NFPA 101 sec. l2-l to 12-6 and l3-l to l3-6. Pre{emolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirenents in Division I Section "Project Management and Coordination." 1.7 PROJECTCONDMONS A. Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area- Conduct selective demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted. Provide not less than 72 hours'notice to Owner of activities that will affect Owner's operations. B. Maintain access to existing walkways, corridors, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. 1. Do not close or obstruct walkways, corridors, or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from authorities having jurisdiction. C. Owner assumes no responsibility for condition of areas to be selectively demolished. 1. Owner will maintain conditions existing at the tinre of inspection for bidding pu4tose as far as practical. 2. Before selective demolition, Owner will remove the following items: a. Artifacts, fumiture, fixturcs, equipnrent, or any other museurn possessions that may interfere in the immediate area of imProvements. D. Hazardous Materials: If hazardous rnaterials af,e encountered in the Work. 1. Hazardous materials will be removed by Owner before start of the Work' 2. If materials suspected of containing hazardous rnaterials are encountered, do not disturb; immediately notify Architect and Owner. Owner will remove hazardous materials under a separate contract. E. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site will not be permitted. F. Utility Service: Maintain existing utitities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTE R DEM OUTI ON AND STRA CTA ML F RAM E Consfiaction Documen8 Architectaral Supplanental Instruction Number One 15 August 2(Nl A. B. c. D. E. HLM 98U71-04 01732-3 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOUTION l. Maintain fire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations. I.8 WARRANTY A. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during selective demolition, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing wananties. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 REPAIRMATERIALS A, Use repair materials identical to existing materials. l. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used for exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 2. Use materials whose installed performance equals or surpasses that of existing materials. B. Comply with material and installation requirements specified in individual Specification Sections. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3,1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped. B. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirenrnts indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. C. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and reinstalled and items to be removed and salvaged. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. E. Engage a professional engineer to survey condition of building to detennine whether removing any elernent might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or adjacent structures during selective demolition operations. F. Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from selective demolition activities. o VAI L UALLEY MEDICAL C ENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTAML FMME C onstraction Docaments Architectwal Supplcmentul Insfruction N umber One 15 August2MI HAM 980071-04 017324 I i SECTION 01732 3.2 UTILITY SERVICES SELECTIVE DDMOLITION O A. Existing Utilities: Maintain services indicated to remain and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. B. Do Dot intemrpt existing utilities serving occupied or operating facilities unless authorized in writing by Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during intemtptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to Owner and to authorities having jurisdiction. L Provide atleastT?hours'noticetoOwnerif sbutdownof serviceisrcquircdduring changeover. C. Utility Requirements: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utilities serving areas to be selectively demolished. l. Owner will arrangp to shut off indicated utilities when requested by Contractor. 2. Arrange to shut offindicated utilities with utility companies. 3. Ifutility services are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before pqceeding with selective demolition provide temporary utilities that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of service to other parts of building. 4. Cut offpipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valves, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. 3.3 PREPARATION A, Dangerous Materials: Drain, purge, or otherwise remove, collect, and dispose of chemicals, gases, explosives, acids, flammables, or other dangerous materials before proceeding with selective demolition operations. B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. l. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around selective demolition area and to and from occupied portions of building. 2. Provide t€mporary weather protection, during interval between selective demolition of existing construction on exterior surfaces and new construction, to prevent water leakage and darnage to stnrcfure and interior areas. 3. Protect walls, ceilings, floors, and other existing finish work that are to remain or that are exposed during selective demolition operations. 4. Cover and protect furniture, furnishings, and equipment that have not been removed. C. Ternporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures for protection of existing building and constnrction, in progress and completei, from exposure, foul weather, other construction operations, and similar activities. Provide temporary weather tight enclosure for building exterior. VN L VALLEY M EDICAL CENT E R DEM OUTI O N AN D STRA CTU RAL F MM E Consfritction Documen* Architectuml Supplcmatal Insbuctbn Nuntber One 15 Augast2Nl HLM 980071-H 017i2-5 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION L Where heating or cooling is needed and permanent enclosure is not complete, provide insulated temporary enclosures. Coordinate enclosure with ventilating and material drying or curing requirements to avoid dangerous conditions and effects. D. Temporary Partitions: Erect and maintain dustproof partitions and temporary enclosures to limit dust and dirt migration and to separate areas from fumes and noise. E. Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain shoring, bracing, or stnrctural support to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of construction to rerrain, and to prevent unexpected or uncontrolled movement or collapse of constnrction being demolished, l. Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of selective demolition. 3.4 POLLUTION CONTROLS A. Dust Control: Use waler mist, temporary enclosures, and other suiAble methods to limit spread of dust and dirt. Comply with goveming environmental-protection regulations. l. Do not use water when it may damage existing construction or create hazardous or objectionable conditions, such as ice, flooding, and pollution. 2. Wet mop floors to eliminate trackable dirt and wipe down walls and doors of demolition enclosure. Vacuum carpeted areas. B. Disposal: Remove and transport debris in a manner thar will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. l. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. C. Cleaning: Clean adjacent stnrctures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. 3.5 SELFCTIVEDEMOLMON A. General: Demolish and remove existing constnrction only to the extent that is required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. Proceed with selective demolition systematically, from higher to lower level. Complete selective demolition operations above each floor or tier before disturbing supporting rnembers on the next lower level. 2. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining constmction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and VNL UALLEY MEDICAL CENT ER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Constntction DocumenE Architectuml Supplemental Instructian Nwnb er One 15 Augast200I HLM 980071-04 01732-6 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOUTION chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. 3. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. 4. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, zuch as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable fire-suppression devices during fl ame-cutting operations. 5. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. 6. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials and promptly dispose of off-site. 7 . Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation. 8. l,ocate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on zupporting walls, floors, or framing. 9. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. 10. Retum elements of construction and surfaces that are to remain to condition existing beforc selective demolition operations began. B. Existing Facilities: Comply with building manager's requirements for using and protecting elevators, stairs, walkways, loading docks, building entries, and other building facilities during selective demolition operations. C. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architect items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. D. Concrete: Demolish in srnall sections. Cut concrete to a depth of at least 314 inch (19 mm) at junctures with construction to remain, using powerdriven saw. Dislodge concrete from reinforcement at perimeter of areas being demolished, cut reinforcement, and then remove remainder of concrete indicated for selective demolition. Neatly trim openings to dimensions indicated. E. Roofing: Remove no more existing roofing than can be covered in one day by new roofing, Refer to applicable Division 7 Section for new roofing requfuements. 3.6 PATCHINGANDREPAIRS A. General: Promptly repair damage to adjacent construction caused by selective demolition operations. B. Patching: Comply with Division I Section "Cutting and Patching." C. Repairs: Where repairs to existing surfaces are required, patch to produce surfaces suitable for new materials. VAI L UALLEY MEDI CAL C ENT ER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL F RAME C ons tru ctio n Do c um e rrt s Architzctuml Sttpplcmental I nstuction Nunber One 15 August 2(MI HLM 98M71.M 01732-7 SECTION 01732 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 1. Completely fill holes and depressions in existing masonry walls that are to remain with an approved masonry patching material applied according to manufacturer's written recommendations. D. Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend restora.tion into adjoining construction in a manner that eliminates evidence of patching and refinishing. E. Floors and Walls: Where walls or partitions that are demolished extend one finished area into another, patch and repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. hovide an even surface of uniform finish color, texture, and appearance. Remove existing floor and wall coverings and replace with new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance. 1. Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Provide rnaterials and comply with installation rcquirements specified in other Sections of these Specifications.2. Where patching occurs in a painted surface, apply primer and intermediate paint coats over patch and apply final paint coat over entire unbroken surface containing patch. Provide additional coats until patch blends with adjacent surfaces.3. Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to demonstrate integrity of installation. F. Ceilings: Patch, repair, or re-hang existing ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform appearance. 3.7 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISIMD MATERIALS A. General: Promptly dispose of demolished materials. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. B. Buming: Do not burn demolished rnaterials. C. Disposal: Transport dernolished materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. ENDOF SECTIONOIT32 VNL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTARAL FRAME Construction Documenls Architectwal Supplzmental Instructian Numher One 15 August 2001 HLM 980071-04 01732-8 SECTION O22OI PERMEATION GROATING o SECTION0220r-PERMEATTONGROLTTING PART I.GENERAL The work covered in this specifrcation consists of providing all labor, equipment and materials, and performing all operations, in connection with the required structural penneation grcuting hereinafter specified and as outlined on the contract drawings. 1.OI INTRODUCTION A. Structural permeation grouting involves the injection of chemical grout' B. In situ soil types: granular as determined. C. Applications: from field tests. I.O2 INTENT The intent of the permeation grouting specified herein is: L lncrease the bearing capacity ofthe soils indicated. 2. Stabilize the soils under or near existing footings to allow for excavation. I.O3 STANDARDS AND REFERENCES A. All testing to determine specification compliance will be provided by an independent testing agency retained by the Owner. Regardless of the method selected, the sanre test method shall be utilized both before and after the soil improvement work in order to provide the most accurate assessment of the degree of improvement obtained. B. Reference documents as provided to the grouting contractor shall include: 1. This specification. 2. Projectdrawings: a. Foundationplan, Sheet 52.l b. Engineer's existing underground utilities plan in the work area. 3. Project geotechnical neport. 4. Contract docufiEnts. VNL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRACTUML FMME Corctttction Docunents Architectuml Supplemental Instructiott NO. I 15 August 2(MI HI-bl980071-04 0220r-1 SECTION O22OI I,O4 DEFINITIONS PERMEATION GROATING Permeation Grol.' pressure injection of chemical grout. Field Quality Control Representative (FQCR): The individual given specific tasks identified in this specification. SCOPEOFWORK The work shall consist of performing, monitoring and testing permeation grouting within the limits indicated on (Sheet S2.1) and to meet th€ acceptance criteria presented in Section Three of these specifications ln connection with the permeation grouting prograr4 as shown on the drawings, the grouting contractor shall provide all labor, rnaterials and equiprrent to accomplish the following items of work. l. Installation and removal ofgrout pipes. 2. Furnish and inject permeation grout. 3. Record permeation grouting process including pressures, depths injected and volumes for each location. 4. Follow permeation grouting program. It shall be tbe grouting contractor's responsibility to determine and implement the system and criteria to ensure that specified improvernent id achieved. The work shall include a pre-construction grout test. The allowable load as a result of the grout injection shall be determined by load tests on a sample of material indicated by the Owner's Representative, the General Contractor and the Project Geotechnical Engineer. Contractor shall conduct load tests in accordance with ASTM Dll43, standard loading procedure. These tests will be conducted at no additional cost to the Owner. No additional grouting shall be installed until test reports of test section are received and approved by project Geotechnical Engineer. Test Grout Procedure: Test grouting shall be of type and shall be placed in manner specified utilizing identical equipment, nrethods, and materials for all grouting. Test grout data will be used to verify design load. If test grouting fails the load test" additional test or revised confined shear strengths may be ordered. SUBMTTTALS The following shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative by the grouting contractor rrit the bid documents. 1. A list of at least five, previously completed projects of similar scope and purpose for approval by the Owner's Representative. The list shall include a description of the projecl relative size, and contact person with phone number. A. B. 1.05 A. B. l.06 A. c. D. VAI L UALLEY M EDI CAL CENTE R DE M O UTI O N AND STRA CTU RAL F RAM E C o nstruction Do c ume rrls Architectural Supplemental lwtraction NO. I 15 August 2(NI HLM 980071-04 02201-2 SECTION O22OI PERMEATION GROUTING B. The following shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative by the grouting contractor with the bid documents. 1. Resumes of the management, supervisory, and key personnel, for approval by the Owner' s Representative. 2. Chemical grout specifications. 3. Field test procedure. 4. Work procedures and control criteria (including volurnes and pressure for each stage). 5. A detailed Work Plan for the area, specifying the locations and grout-pipe installation procedures. The Work Plan shall show the basis for establishing grout target volunres at each primary and secondary grout port. 6. Copy of test grout results performed under Section 1.05. C. The following shall be submitted to the Owner's Representative by the grouting contractor during the work: 1. Accurate and timely records of all permeation grouting. These records sball include, but not limited to: a. Grout mix and gel tirne b. Injection date and timec. Injection pressure and rate d. Injection volunps e. Exact injection location In addition, t}is data shall be displayed in an acceptable chart-type format that facilitates rapid visual evaluation of the results of the work. This display shall be updated daily. 2. Any change in the predetermined grouting program necessitated by a change in the subsurface conditions. r.o7 QUALTTYASST.JRANCE A. The permeation grouting progranr, including installation of grout pipas, shall be performed by a specialist grouting contractor with a least ten continuous years of documented experience in permeation grouting. B. The grouting conffactor shall provide experienced management, supervisory and key personnel as required to implement the compaction grouting program, as follows: l. The project rnanager shall have at least five years of continuous experience in permeation grouting, with at least the last two years in the firll+ime employnnnt of the grouting contractor. 2. The superintendent shall have at least five years of experience in permeation grouting. VAI L VALLEY M ED I CAL CENTER DEMO UTIO N AN D STRU CTU RAL F MME C ons truc tio n D o c urne nts Architcctuml Supplzmental Inshuction NO. I 15 August2(NI HLM98M7I-04 02201-3 SECTION O22OI PERMEATION GROUTING 3. As detailed in Section 1.06 of these specifications, the grouting contractor shall provide: a. Evidence ofpervious perrneation groutingprojectexperience. b. Evidence of management, supervisory and key personnel experience.. C. The owner's Representative will ensure that procedures and documentation conform to these specifications. PART 2 - EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 2.OI GROUTINGEQUIPMENT A. All permeation grouting equipment shall be of a type, capacity and mechanical capability suitable for doing the work. B. The grout shall be of the continuous mixing type and shall be capable of supplying, proportioning, mixing and pumping the grout with a set time between 5 minutes and 50 minutes. Batch-type system will not be permitted. C. Each main pump shall be equipped with recording, positive displacement meters. The meters shall be constructed of materials that are non-corrodible for the intended products and shall operate independendy of the viscosity of the metered fluid. The purrping unit shall be capable of varying the rate of pumping while maintaining the component rations constant. D. The pumping unit shall be equipped with piping and/or hoses of adequate capacity to car4r the base grout and reactant solutions separately to the point of mixing. The hoses shall come together in a "Y" fitting containing check valves to prevent bacKlow. The "Y'fitting shall be followed by a suitable baffling chamber. A sampling valve shall be placed beyond the point of mixing and the baffling chamber, and shall be easily accessible for sampling mixed grout. A water flushing connection or valve shall be placed behind the "Y" to facilitate flushing the grout from the mixing hose and baffle between grouting sessions. Distribution of proportioned grout, under pressure, to the grouting locations shall be monitored by separate, automatic recording, flow rate indicators and gages. E. Chemicals shall be stored in metal tanks, zuitably protected from accidental discharge by valving and other necessary means. Tank capacity shall be sufficient to supply at least one day's worth of grouting materials so as not to interrupt the work in the event of chemical delivery delays. 2.02 GROUT PIPES A. Grout pipes may be installed horizontally, inclined, or vertically to obtain the specified minimum grout coverage. The grout pipes shall be the sleeve-port type. After being placed in a borehole, the sleeve-port group pipes shall be encased in a continuous brittle mortar sheath. An internal double packer shall be used to inject grout at a specific sleeve-port. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL C E NT ER DEMOUTION AND STRACTUML FRAME Construction Docurne n8 Archirccnral Supplemental Instttctbn NO. I 15 August 2(MI HLM 980071-04 02201-4 SECTION 02201 3.01 A. B. 3.02 PERMEATIONGROUTING A. Grouting Mixing Method PERMEATION GROATING 2.O3 GROI.]TMATERIAL Structural chemical grout will be composed of liquid sodium silicate, approved reactant, water and accelerator, if required. The design chemical grout mix shall be such that, wben injected into the substrate, the unconfined compressive strength of the grouted soil shall average at least 75 psi. l. The base material for the structural chemical grout shall be liquid sodium silicate, which shall have a specific gravity of 1.4 to 1.5 and a silicate to soda ration in the range of 3.?-O to 3,35. The minimum sodium silicate concentration shall be 50 percent of the mix by volume. The sodium silicate should be delivered in sealed containers or certifred tank truck and shall be accompanied by tbe supplier's certificate of origin. Sodium silicate in ungelled liquid form, while not considered toxic, is strongly alkaline and shall be handled by authorized personnel only. 2. The reactant shall be oforganic base type and shall, when properly mixed with the other grout components, provide a pennanent, irreversible gel with controllable gel times. The rezulting gels shall exhibit less that 2 percent syneresis in injected sample in 30 days when mixed with appropriate amounts of sodium silicate, water and accelerator, and shall not exhibit objectionable odors such as ammonia. 3. The accelerator, if required, shall be technical grade, water soluble calcium chloride or other approved metal salt and shall contain a minimum amount of insoluble. 4. Water used with grout shall be free of impurities that will affect tbe grout. All grouts shalt have a gel time between l0 and 50 minutes, with most grout having gel times in the range of 20 to 40 minutes. Samples shall be obtained for get tinr checks at least once every hour of pumping or for every 1,00O gallons of grout, whichever is more frequent' PART3 -HGCUTION B. SITEEXAMINATION Prior to submitting a bid price for the permeation grouting, the grouting contractor shall conduct a site inspection, No existing utilities shall be damaged during the grouting procedure. 1. The method of injection for permeation grouting shall be the conrtnuous mixing method, with the proper amounts of sodium silicate base material, water, reactant, and accelerator automatically proportioned and continuously supplied at proper flow rates and pressures. The batch system of mixing shall not be permitted. VN L UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME Constructian Do cumen:B Archiredurul Sttpplemcntd Insfrucrion NO. I 15 August 2(MI HLM98M71.M 02201-5 SECTION 02201 PERMEATION GROUTING 2. The base material and the water-accelerator-catalyst solution shall pass through parallel separate hoses to a suitable baffling chamber near the top of the hole. A sampling cock, to allow frequent gel time checks, shall be placed after the baffling chamber. Suitable check-valves shall be placed in the grout lines at the proper locations to prevent backflow. B. InjectionProcedures L Using double packers, chemical grouts shall be injected into the design zones through grout ports in the sleeve pipes. The grouting pressure for any one pipe shall not be more than 2 psi per foot of overburden. C. Temporary very high injection pressures will be permitted to crack open sleeve-ports, but these pressures will not be permitted for longer than a one minute duration. In the event, the rate of injection into any one port shall not exceed three gallons per minute. Retain paragraph and subparagraph below if required. Limit hours of intemrption, if applicable. 3.03 FrELD QUALITY CONTROL A. All permeation grouting shall be performed under the inspection of FQCR. B. Monitor and log the permeation grouting operations forboth depth and width of the grout zone. C. Prior to the comrnencement of tunneling through a grouted zone, the contractor shall demonstrate, using either sampling methods or geophysical rnethods such as radar, acoustic velocity measurements, or other means, satisfactory to the engineer, that the grouting zones have been thoroughly impregnated an stabilized with chemical grout. Tunneling through grouted areas shall not commence until the chemical grouting work has been completed and accepted by the engineer, areas and production work shall be done by the FQCR. 3.M TESTINGANDINSPECTION A. The grouting contractor shall provide at the site necessary chemical quality control testing apparatus, including but not limited to: hydrometers, pH paper, and all other devices that are required to conduct chemical material acceptance tests, chemical proportioning tests, and grout quality tests for proper quality control of the work. B. Tbe grouting subcontractor shall submit certified laboratory testing results documenting the required performance of the proposed chemical grouting at least 30 days prior to the conrmencement of injection operations. PART4 - PAYMENT 4.OI METHOD OFPAYMENT A. Grout pipe placement shall be measured for payment on the basis of the linear length (in meters) of grout pipe properly placed, measured from the ground surface to the bottom of the pipe. HLM 980071-U VNLUALLEY MEDICALCENTER 02201.6 DEMOUTION AND STRUCTAML FRAME Construction Documenh Architectural Supplemental Insbuction NO. I 15 August 2001 SECTION 02201 PERMEATION GROUTING B. Injection of chemical grout shall be measured for payment by the gallon of liquid chemical grout properly mixed and injected. C. Mobilizatior/demobilization shall be a separate lump sum item. L Twenty (20) percent of the contract lump-sum price will be paid following completion of moving onto the site, inctuding complete assembly in working order, of all equipment necessary to perform the required chemical grouting operations. 2. The remaining eighty (80) percent of the contract lump-sum will be paid when all equipment has been removed from the site and fhe areas cleaned up. D. Quality control and testing will be paid under the chemical grout items per gallon and will not be paid separately. E. Testing may be priced as a lump sum or unit price based on the methods specified. END OF SECTION VAI L UALLEY M EDICAL C ENT E R DEMOLTTION AND STRUCTAML FMME Construction Docwnenfr Architectural Supphmcntul Instruction NO, I 15 August 2001 HLM98M7I.M 02201-7 A.S.I. NO.1 August 15,2001 The information contained in this Addendum modif,res, supplements or replaces inforrration contained in the Project Manual and on the Drawings and is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents. Acknowledge receipt ofthis addendum by placing the appropriate addendum number in the blank on the Bid Form. APPLICABLE TO TIIE PROJECT MAI\UAL: A. Revised Proiect Manual Pages: The replacement pages identifred below include modifications made to 1@!ginal Projeci Manual sections. Revised or added information is indicated by f type in the text and a [A2] notation in the margin identifying that the revision was made. Areas where inforrnation has been deleted are identifying by €trikitg€ttt the text and placing a [A2] notation in the margin. Insert replacement pages into the Project Manual ahead of the pages they replace. B, Deleted Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be deleted from the Project Manual. Document or Section N/A Document or Section N/A Document or Section o1732 02201 Ouantity of Pages N/A Document or Section Name N/A Document or Section Name Selective Demolition Permeation Grouting Added Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be added to the Project Manual. Vail Yalley Medical Center Phase I Expansion HLM98fiI71-04 A.S.I. NO.1 sl^lt DeigD D. Deleted Sections requiring Revised Sections: The Sections identified below shall be deleted and replaced with revised new Sections from the Project Manual. APPLICABLE TO THE DRAWINGS: Supplemental Drawin gs: Indicating revisions to the respective Contract Drawings. A. Section N/A Contract Drawing Number AO.IO DEMOLITION PLAN S1.O GENERALNOTES S2.1 FOI.JNDATION PLAN S2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN S2.3 THIRD FLOORPLAN S5.4 SECTIONS Section Name N/A Supplemental Drawine Number Supplemental Drawing SD-l, sheet I of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-1, sheet 2 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheets 3-6 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheet 7 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheet 8 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-1, sheet 9 of 9 B. Drawing Revisions: Incorporate the following revisions into the respective Contract Drawings. Drawing no. AO.IO DEMOLITION PI-AN SI.O GENERAL NOTES S2.I FOT'NDATION PLAN S2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN S2.3 THIRD FLOOR PLAN S5.4 SECTIONS Revision Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheet I of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-l, sheet 2 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheets 3-6 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-l, sheet 7 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-I, sheet 8 of 9 Supplemental Drawing SD-1, sheet 9 of 9 Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion HLM 980071-04 SPECIFIC DEMOLITION KEY NOTES @ exrsnno cwsuu Bo Ro pAlTtnoxs ro BE RElro!;ED FoR NEwsrRt cnnlr E BERS. @ ecsnna srern ro BE RErrovEo FoR Naa, srRucruM[ EtrBER. @ e<rsnxo noonro BE RE o\GD lr{o sAwcur FoR r{Ew arRUcruML coNcRErE pAD Foonltoa @ ocsmro ooons lo BE Relror,,ED FoR tcw srnuctuMl MEMBERS. DooR AssErB.rEs ro BE sAlvAGEo lt{D RaJsErr, coN{IRAc(n m! LocATE STORAGE AREA FOR OOOR ASSEiIBIJES A'{D XEEP THEM PROIECT€D FROM I'AITAGE UHNI REUSE, fel otrsrno plumgrG Ft ftuREe ro BE REflovED FoR NEw grRUctuML EuBERa l\[r B€ sALvAGEo lr{D RzusED, cot{rRlcrfi wtr LocArE - Eromoe lREt FoR FofiuREs Ar,rD xErEp rHEm pRorEcrED FRon DAM GE UNT|L REUSE @ cr scrurea ro eE RELocAlEo our oF coNgrRucnot{ AREAs sr oaERg. cr scAnNER To BE pRotEctED FRof, DAM GE ultfllREUSE E'(|aTIMI COI,RWARD EART}I TO BE REMOVED FOR l{E/V STRUCIUML I,IE[I8R$. REFER TO SIRUCTUML ORAIiUNOS. @ e<rsnrc wnoovv sygTEM To EE REliro\rED. SCALE: NO SCALE @ na,rove ocsnrc RertroRcEo cor{cRErE srArR rmrr lln, ,r' ERtcK VETGER @ narora ocsnre Gynsrlr Bo RD FuRRr{G. @ aeuove roxnox oF aqsrxl syRt cruul- srtf,, tMlrvurx4 BRIcKVENEERAT odyuDe EY a{" T tt @ ne,rove o<rsrrro ExrERroR pAvER gnrsrE!, AND AssocrarED uriosc prlro @ .asnno nrcner sHAugr G d.o6uRE To BE RErc\iEDALoflo rMDt ExltiAuar DucryroRK REFER To llEclt tttclt DRAut Gs. @ ocsnrc uautiDwr{ooirysysrEx ro BE REuo\,,ED rt}R iuwco srRucnott, EA\rE Extsrrt<t rrEE srEEL cor-t Mt€ wlr{ FIRE pRooFrNo rtrrADT. 6i) o<snrc corcnere E E\rAToR prrAnD TRENcfi. cooRDNATE o<rErlroF Errgval- - rvtx rery corgtnugno* () eosnno gcnroq uArt Ar{tt wl{Dolty sysrElr lo E€ Rf,Ly RE[ovEo tpo - coiplE loN oF pitAsE | @NgrRucno . @ oruvmor or srrrx uNDER ExrsnNo onlDE EEAx ro BE cooRBrrtllED. REFER To srRt cruRAL DRAW <t PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION SSUED WITH: A. S. I. NO. 1 DRAWING TITLE: DEMOLITION PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, HLM PROJ. NO.: 98O071-04 DATE: O8l15/Ol DR. BY: BV SHEET (S)A0.10 DENVER, COLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD. 1 SHEET1or9 @ o<tsnrc coxcnst @urrrNs ro BE REMovEo, Err;ING pADs ro REuarN. REFER To slnucrunlL oRAr ,rNGs, SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET PROJ. NO.: 980071.04 oa/15/01 DR. BY: SB t!tn(L o rO oou E.IJJ6 m +lo DATE: tt-a o_ rr)c\ u-l C) EoF(n Lri |J.J U) ozo oJ tJ-ooE a:)J o_ Fr(J lrl =Lzl a*96 ozJ15-za<E.T F8n> e.i rt LL U) o_ oo at)Eoo Evo(J oz azotr c)o -l J.'; JYi< oo)h_ r- OztrL! v.o + =oz.a ha o_ o @ ab-OO<oOEJ .--l.r.J'-< .J q$',:t';'ili? fiit: il"ffil' z() @|rlo z. o L.laf a L-JF Z -J M LJZ LJO DRAWING TITLE: GENERAL NOTES 2or gDENVER, COLORADO DRAWING AFPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) ST.O FOOTING SCHEDULE TlPE SIZE LXWXDEPlH REINFORCING A 3'-O"x3'-O'xl'-8" B 3'-6"x5'-6"x1'-8' c 4'-O"x4'-O"xl'-8' D 4'-6"x4'-6"x1'-8" E-5'-8'x5'-8'xl'-6"6-#7 EACH WAY I,I'lt-3 ro'-9"* )'-+ E-(43'-4") l-E-(43'-4') 1-t -{-!i sl - 11" L 2'-4 IJ 10'- o -l({2'- :t5I3 -11' o I (\I I b bb SCALE:Vgn - lt-On ^TPROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPA|.ISION UISSUED WITHI A. S. I. NO. 1 PROJ. NO.: 9BOO7|.O4 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET3or g DATE:o'l/15/01 DR. BY: SB DRAWING TITLE: FOUNDATION PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES To CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.1 HLM DENVER, COLORADO c{ I * I >< I-t,L_ I rl Ir OL L-,1 J IJ TT+ g-,tl I SCALE:thn . lt-On d{3',:ffi'ili?fiTT!l-ffi]'PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: O8./15/O1 $ft. Sf: SB SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET4or 9 DRAWING TITLE: FOUNDATION PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET HLM (s) 541 DENVER, COLORADO r-- IWt,L---F---il_L__ I I JW----=_-T t---l I I ---€r4l+o I o) ,'-ul 8") o" It= L I ri'-rr f' EXIS'TING FOO1INGS ARE AT THE SAME LE\EL AS lHE NEW FOONNG. CONNNUE NEW WALL FOONNG O\ER r}IE TOP OF THE EXIS11NG FOONNGS TO THE FACE OF lHE EXISTING WALL. AT lHE IVALL FACE, CHIP A 2' DEEP X 24" HIGH X E' WDE POCKET IN THE UVALL TO MATCH lHE TOP HALF OF IHE NEW GRADE BEAM. PROVIOE 6-#5X2'-8" LONG DOmLS, DRTLL AND EpOXy 8" |NTO THE WALL FACE. SPACE DOIIELS EQUALLY O\ER THE DEPIH OF lHE GRADE BEAM. COAT lHE CONCRETE INTERFACE WTH THE SAME TWO PART EPOXY BONOING AGENT S?ECIFIED ELSETiTIERE. SCALE: yta't - 1'-Ox o'T3',58';'illiifiTT il'ffi),PROJ. NO.: 98OO71-O4pfift: O8l15/O1 Pft. Bf: SB SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. DRAWING TITLE: FOUNDATION PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) HLM SD--] s2.1 SHEET LAYOUT POINT DENVER, COLORADO 5or g 6079: f6 of 12 inches on center full height. Provide o 1'-'l1" long hook otthe bottom of the footing. 6080: f4 of 6 inches on center. Provide stondord lop eoch end. 6081 : f4 of 6 inches on center, ploce with 2 inches of cover in the top ofthe footing os shown. 6082: ff4 ot 12 inches on center, 6083: 2-f5 ploced in the top ond bottom, continuous. EL. 47'-+" c.r-nr- alo\)LU l. t-"-77 1/2"=1'-0" - -- q$'..:$'ilil?,llT il'ffi],PRoJ. No.i_lE00ZLq+SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 DATE:oa/E/01 DR. BY: SB DRAWING TITLE3 FOUNDATION PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET HLM (s) s2.1 SHEET -oF I fi t:t F-16083 a<<- I I l ------z t I+6082 at fa 6082 I X LO 6079 6080I6081 I+ 6082 a a o It :_-]l \: :{l -2"at- IL 6082 1'-6"3'-6" DENVER, COLORADO (rl _lt\({ FO@ I ot b.".jF toEE:f;:6tt;gE EIBq6EOFlvtr9aI3Fis55B,i:Ea Ea HEH*8fi; SCAE:!/t6 " ' 1'-0" eH',:ffi'il)iiliTil'ffii'PROJ. NO.: 98OO71.O4 DATE: 08/15/01 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 DR. BY: DRAWING TITLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAI,I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET ( HLM s) 522 SHEET DENVER, COLORADO 7or g ?? -a- vlxelA' $o xv N t_ L_ SCAE: Vt' - 1'-o" PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUED WITH: A. S. I. NO. 1 PROJ. NO.: 980071-O4 DATE: O8l15/Ol Pft. Bf: SB SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET8or g DRAWING TITLE3 THIRD FLOOR PLAI\I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.3 HLM DENVER, COLORADO VI)(ETA. ru>-'vlxzlA. 89xVZA| SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD. 1 SHEET FOLIa PROJ. NO-: 980071.04 DATE3 O8^/15^/Ol DR. BY: SB DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.4 L.J(9 z. )l! lrJI o_l F .11 I -l LrJIJFI (9 5l o-'lrl ?ala )<l ; Hl q ol a l5 L'-l H 8l -* cr|Hl=-l ull z.il j =l Bl-il =c-rl H 0-l-l F LrJal SCAE: ,/J' . 1'-0,, AUJfoo6fz. T.FC)z4ObJ C) d{3'5E';'il)'iilTT: !l'ffi], DRAWING TITLE: SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT HLM -a _l Ldt!Fa o:oa 9or gDENVER, COLORADO ADDENDUM NO.2 July 24,2001 The information contained in this Addendum modifies, supplements or replaces infomration contained in the Project Manual and on the Drawings and is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents. Acknowledge receipt ofthis addendum by placing the appropriate addendum number in the blank on the Bid Form. APPLICABLE TO TrrF PROJECTMANUAL: A. Revised Project Manual Pages: The replacement pages identified below include modifications made to the original Projeci Manual r""tionr. Revised or added information is indicated Uy f type in the text and a [A2] notation in the margin identifying that the revision was made. Areas where information has been deleted are identifying by eiriking$* tlrc text and placing a [A2] notation in the margin. Insert replacement pages into the hoject Manual ahead of the pages they replace. Document or Section N/A Document or Section N/A Document or Section Ouantity of Pages N/A Document or Section Name N/A Document or Section Name Site Preparation Earthwork Temporary Erosion Control Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion Deleted Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be deleted from the Project Manual. C. Added Documents and Sections: The sections identified below shall be added to the Project Manual. 2too 220p 2270 HLM98007l-04 ADDENDUM NO.2 D. Deleted Sections requiring Revised Sections: The Sections identified below shall be deleted and replaced with revised new Sections from the Project Manual. APPLICABLE TO TIIE DRAWINGS: Supplemental Drawin gs : Indicating revisions to the respective Contract Drawings. Section N/A Contract Drawing Number A0.13 DEMOLMON PLAN 52.I FOTJNDATIONPLAN S2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN S2.3 THIRD FLOOR PLAN S2.4 ROOF PI.AN S4.O COLUMN SCTIBDULE S5.4 SECTIONS Drawing no. AO.I3 DEMOLTIONPLAN 52.I FOI.JNDATION PLAN S2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN S2.3 THIRD FLOORPLAN S2.4 ROOFPLAN S4.O COLUMN SCIIEDTJLE S5.4 SECTIONS Section Name N/A Supplemental Drawine Number Supplemental Drawing SD-1, sheet consisting of I 42" x 3O" drawing and 19 E.5" x I 1" drawings. Revision Supplemental Drawing SD-1, sheet consisting of I 42" x 3O" drawing and 19 8.5" x I l" drawings. B. Drawing Revisions: Incorporate the following revisions into the respective Contract Drawings. Vail Valley Medical Center Phase I Expansion HLM 980071,04 SECTION O2|OO SECTION O2IOO - SITE PREPERATION SITE PREPERATION O PART'GENERAL PART 1 . RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division I Specification Sections, apply to the provisions of this section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Asphalt removal. B. Curb and gutter removal C. Sidewalk removal D. Sod removal. E. Tree removal F. Topsoil sripping, G. Clearing and grubbing. H. Concrete pavernent removal. I. Sanitary sewer removal. J. Storm sewer removal. 1.3 GENERAL A. Protect benchmarks, stakes and similar items from damage. B. Protect and maintain existing utilities and underground work which is to remain. C. Protect improvements on adjoining properties. D. Protect existing trees and other vegetation. 1.4 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 022W - Earthwork. VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL C ENT ER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTU RAL F RAME C o n stra ctia n Do c ume nts Addendum Number T\vo 24lul1 2001 HLM 980071-04 02100-I ' SECTION02100 B. Section 02665 - Water Distribution Svstems. C. Section 02720 - Storm Sewage Systems. D. Section 02730 - Sanitary Sewage Systems. I.5 SI.]BMITTALS A. Contractor shall submit a list of all items to be salvaged. F. Sidewalk removal. l. Remove concrete sidewalk to limits shown on the drawings. 2. Remove to nearest joint beyond limits or sawcut full depth. G. Sod removal. 1. Remove sod to limits shown on the drawings. 2. Sod will not be re-used on this project. H. Tree removal. VAI L VAI-I,EY MEDICAL CENT ER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME C o nstractio n D o cam e nt s Addendum Number Two 24luly 2001 PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.I REMOVALS A. Asphalt removal. B. Remove asphalt pavement section, including any base course, to limits shown on drawings. C. Sawcut pavement full depth. D. Curb and gutter removal. SITE PREPERATION O E. Remove curb and gutter to limits shown on the drawings. 1. Trees shall be flagged for removal prior to doing any work. 2. The Contractor and Architect shall walk the entire project and verify all trees to be removed. HLM98M7I.M 021M2 ' SECTION O2LOO SITE PREPEMTION 3. Remove stumps and root system to a depth of 36 inches. I. Concrete pavernent removal. J. Remove asphalt pavement section, including any base course, to limits shown on drawings. K. Remove to nearest joint beyond limits or sawcut full depth. L. Sanitary sewer removal. l. Remove san. sewer line to limits shown on drawings 2. Cap ends of active lines to remain per local san. sewer agency requirements. M. Storm sewer removal. 1, Remove storm sewer line to limits shown on drawings. 2. Cap ends of active lines to remain per local storm sewer agency requirements. 3.2 COORDINATION A. Contractor shall coordinate street barricading with local entity prior to blocking any traffic lanes on any street, B. Contractor shall obtain a traffic control permit from the local entity. 3.3 TOPSOL STRIPPING A. Strip topsoil from limits of construction to depths encountered in a manner to prevent intermingling with the underlying subsoil or other objectionable material. B. Stockpile topsoil in designated onsite area for re-use on this project. 3.4 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Clear area within limits of construction of shrubs and other vegetation, except for that indicated to be left standins. B. Completely remove roots. C. Use only hand methods for grubbing inside the drip line of trees to remain. 3.5 RELOCATIONS HIil 980071.04 VAILVAI,I,EY MEDICALCENTER D EM O LITIO N AND ST RU CTA RAL F RAM E Construction Do c uments Addendum Number Two 24 July 2001 02100-3 , SECTION O2IOO SITE PREPERATION A. Sign relocation. 1. Remove all signs to be relocated as shown on plans, and stockpile in designated on-site areas for re-use on the project. 2. Install existing signs in locations indicated on drawings. Install signs per detail as shown on drawings. B. Tree Relocation. 1. Trees shall be flagged for relocation prior to doing any work. 2. The contractor and architect shall walk the entire project and verify all trees to be relocated. 3.6 PROTECTION OF BENCHMARKS. STAKES AND SIMILAR TTEMS. A. Protect all existing benchmarks, stakes, and control points within the limits of construction. All survey control points disturbed during construction shall be reset and documented with the appropriate agency. 3.7 PROTECTION OF EXISTING IJTILITIES, I.JNDERGROUND WORK, AND ADJOINING PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS V A. Protect all existing utilities and underground features to remain within the limits of construction. Contractor shall coordinate construction near existing features with the appropriate agency requirements. . B. Protect all adjacent property improvements during construction. Contractor shall repair all damage incurred at their own expense. 3.8 PROTECTIONOFEXISTINGTREESANDOTI{ERVEGETATION Protect existing trees and other vegetation indicated to remain in place, against unnecessary cutting, breaking or skinning of roots, skinning or braising of bark, smothering of trees by stockpiling construction materials or excavated materials within drip line, excess foot or vehicular traffic, or parking of vehicles within drip line. Provide temporary guards to protect trees and vegetation to be left standing. 3.9 DISPOSAL A. Removal of material 1. All materials removed shall become property of Contractor and shall be removed off-site and legally disposed of. HhU 98OO7I.M VAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER O21OO.4 DEMOUTION AND STRUCTURAL FMME Constraction Docunen6 Addendum Number Two 24 July 2001 . SBCTIONO2|OO 2. Buming of waste materials on the site is prohibited. END OF SECTION O2IOO SITE PREPERATION VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 021M.5 DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FMME Construction Documenh Addendum Number Two 24luly 2MI HLM 98U71-04 , SECTIONO22N)EARTHWORK SECTION O22OO - EARTHWORK I.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division I - Specification Sections, apply to the provisions of this section. 1.2 SECTION INCLUDES A. Preparing of subgrade for building slabs, walks, pavements and footings. B. Excavating and backfilling oftrenches. C. Structural backfill. D. Sheeting and shoring. E. Select fill under floor slabs and footings. F. Imported fill. G. Bedding material. H. CompactionrequirementVmoisturecontrol. [. Overexcavation. J. Rock excavation. K. Section 02270 - Temporary Erosion Control. L. Section 02720- Storm Sewerage Systems. M. Section 02730- Sanitary Sewerage Systems. 1,4 REFERENCES A. The latest issue of the publications listed below and referenced to thereafter by basic designation only, forms a part of this specification to the extent indicated by the reference thereto: B. Excavation: OSHA Standards. C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASI'1Vf) l. ASTM C 33-90 Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates. 2. ASTM D 698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil- Aggregate HLM 98M71.04 VAILVALI;EY MEDICALCENTER O22OO.I D EMO LITI ON AN D STRU CTU RAL F RA M E C o nstru c tion D oc um e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 lull 2001 . SECTION02200 EARTHWORK Mixtures Using 5.5 lb (2.49kg) Rammer and l2-Inch (305mm) Drop. 3. ASTM D 1557 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using 10 lb ( .5akg) Rammer and l8-Inch (457mm) Drop. 4. ASTM D 2487 Standard Test Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes. 5. ASTM E699 Criteria for Evaluation of Agencies lnvolved in Testing, Quality Assurance, and Evaluating Building Components in Accordance with Test Methods Promulgated by ASTM Committee E-6. 6. ASTM D 1556 Test Methods for Density of Soil in Place by the Sand{one Method. 7. ASTM D 2167 "fest Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method. 8. ASTM D 2922TestMethods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). 9. ASTM D 3017 Test Method for Water Control of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). D. "Geotechnical Report." I.5 DEFINITIONS A. Excavation consists of the removal of all materials of whatever character encountered to Subgrade elevations indicated within the right of way, unless noted otherwise, and subsequent disposal of excess materials removed. B. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific direction of Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Engineer, shall be at Contractor's expense. L Under footings, foundation bases, or retaining walls, fill unauthorized excavation by extending indicated bottom elevation of footing or base to excavation bottorn, without altering required top elevation. l,ean concrete fill may be used to bring elevations to proper position, when acceptable to Engineer. 2. In locations other than those above, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations of same classification, unless otherwise directed by Engineer. C. Additional Elevation: When excavation has reached required subgrade elevations, notify Engineer, who will make an inspection of conditions. If Engineer determines that bearing materials at required subgrade elevations are unsuitable, continue excavation until suitable bearing materials are encountered and replace excavated material as directed by engineer. The HUt 98OO7I-04 VNLVALLEY MEDICALCEMER 022W.2 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTUBAL FRAME Construction Documents Addendum Number Two 24luly 2MI ' SECTION02200 EARTHWORK Contract Sum may be adjusted by an appropriate Contract Modification. Removal of unsuitable material and its replacement as directed will be paid on the basis of Conditions of the Contract relative to changes in the work. D. Muck Excavation: Muck excavation shall consist of the removal and disposal of mixtures of soils and organic matter not suitable for foundation or material. E. Rock Excavation: Rock excavation shall consist of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock which cannot be excavated without blasting or the use of rippers, including all boulders or other detached stones having a volume of V2 cubic yard or more, as determined by physical or visual measurement. F. Import: Import shall consist of approved material obtained from outside the right of way, required for the construction of the project. G. Pot holing: Pot holing consists of exposing and verifying the location of existing utilities at locations as directed. H. Over excavation: Over excavation consists of the removal of all materials of whatever character encountered to a specific depth below subgrade elevations indicated. Unsuitable material shall be removed from the site, and the remaining suitable material shall be replaced and compacted to specified limits. I. Subgrade: The undisturbed earth or the compacted soil layer immediately below granular subbase, pavement section, drainage fill, or topsoil rnaterials. O J. Structure: Buildings, foundations, slabs, tanks, curbs, or other man-made stationary features occurring above or below ground surface. K. Structural Backfill: Imported or on-site soil material placed for a specified depth beneath floor slabs. L. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs: Imported soil material placed for a specified depth beneath floor slabs. 1.6 QUALITYASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: Perform excavation work in compliance with applicable requirements of the local entity. B. Testing and Inspection Service: The Owner will employ and pay for a qualified independent geotechnical testing and inspection laboratory to perform soil testing and inspection service during earthwork operations. References to "Engineer" in this specification shall mean the Owner's soil testing service. C. Testing Laboratory Qualifications: To qualify for acceptance, the geotechnical testing laboratory must demonstrate to Architect's satisfaction, based on evaluation of laboratory-submitted criteria conforming to ASTM E 699, that it has the experience and capability to conduct HLM 98OO7I.O4 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER O22OO.3 DEM O LITIO N AND ST RACTU ML F RAM E C on straction Docume rrts Addendam Number Two 24 Jull 2MI t.7 SECTION O22M EARTHWORK required field and laboratory geotechnical testing without delaying the progress of Work. PROJECT CONDITIONS Site lnformation: Data in subsurface investigation reports was used for basis of the design and are available to the Contractor for information only. Conditions are not intended as representations or warranties of accuracy or continuity between soil borings. The Owner will not be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn from this data by the Contractor, Additional test borings and other exploratory operations may be performed by Contractor's option; however, no change in the Contract Sum will be authorized for such additional exploration. Existing Utilities: Locate existing underground utilities in areas of excavation work. If utilities are indicated to remain in place, provide adequate means of support and protection during earthwork operations. Utility Service Intemrption: Should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation, consult utility owner immediately for directions. Cooperate with the Owner and utility companies in keeping respective services and facilities in operation. Repair damaged utilities to satisfaction of utility Owner. 1. Do not intemrpt existing utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or others, during occupied hours, except when permitted in writing by the Owner and then only after acceptable temporary utility services have been provided. Provide a minimum of 48-hour notice to the Owner, and receive written notice to proceed before intemrpting any utility. 2. Demolish and completely remove from site the existing underground utilities indicated to be removed. Coordinate with utility companies for shutoff of services if lines are active. D. Use of Explosives: Use of explosives is not permitted. E. Protection of Persons and Property: Barricade open excavations occurring as part of this work and post with waming lights. l. Operate warning lights as recommended by authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavernents, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earthwork operations. I.8 SHEETINGANDSHORING A. Contractor is responsible for protection of existing utilities that are to remain in place during and after this project. The responsibility of method is left to the Contractor; however, a sheeting and shoring plan should be submitted to the Architect for review prior to starting any excavation. This sheeting and shoring plan should be complete and attached calculations and be prepared by a Colorado licensed Professional Engineer with experience in shoring. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTUML FMME Construction Documents Addendum Number Two 24luly 2001 B. c. HLM 980071-04 SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK I.9 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit test results from a certified testing laboratory for all imported soil material. The number in parentheses indicates the number of tests to be submitted from each source. B. Imported Fill: SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK l. 2. J. 4. Gradation (I) Source Liquid Limit (l) Plasticity hdex (l) SwelUConsolidation (1) Gradation (1) Source Liquid Limit (l) Plasticity Index (l) SwelUConsolidation ( 1) c.Beddins Material: Gradation (l) Source D.Select Fill Under Floor Slabs and Footings: l. 2. l. 2. l. 2. J. 4. 5. E.Structural Backfi ll Material: Gradation ( l) Source PART- 2 2.1 SOILMATERI,ALS A. Satisfactory Soil Materials: Material generated from site excavation free of vegetable material or other deleterious substances, rocks greater than six (6) inches across, containing no frozen material, and comply with ASTM D U87 soil classification groups GW GP, GM, SM, GC, SC, CL, and SP. B. Unsatisfactory Soils Materials: Are defined as those complying with ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups ML, MH, CH, OL, OH, and PT. C. Baclfill and Fill Materials: Satisfactory soil materials free of clay lumps, rock or gravel larger than two inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation and other VAI L VALLEY M ED ICAL C ENT E R DEMO LITION AND STRUCTU RAL F MM E C on stru c tion D o c um e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 luly 2001 HI.,M 9EM7I-M 02200-5 ' sEcTroN02200 EARTIIWORK deleterious matter. D. Pipe Bedding: (Wated Washed natural stone; free of shale, clay, friable material, sand, debris, graded in accordance with ASTM C 33 within the following limits SIEVE Sr7F PERCENT PASSING 3/8INCH No.4 No.8 No. 16 No.30 No.50 No.100 No.200 100 t0-100 36-93 20-80 8-65 2-30 1-10 0-3 E. Pipe Bedding (Storm Sewer): Washed aggregate free of shale, clay, friable material, sand, debris, graded in accordance with ASTM C 33 within the following limits: SEVE STTF PERCENTPASSING 3l4lnch 9O-l0O 3/8lnch 20-55 No.4 GlO No. 8 0-5 F. Pipe Bedding (Sanitary Sewer): Washed aEgregate free of shale, clay, friable material, sand, debris, graded in accordance with ASTM C 33 within the following limits: SEVE STTF PERCENT PASSING 3/4INCH 90-100 HLM 98OO7I.O4 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER DEMOITTION AND STRUCTU RAL F RAME Construction Documents Addcndam Nwnber Two 24 tuly 2MI ' SECTIONO22M EARTHWORK /8INCH 20-55 No.4 0-10 No. 8 0-5 G. Structural BacKill: The fill material shall meet the requirements for Class I Structural Baclf,ill (CDOH), Section 703.08: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 2-cH No.4 No.50 No.200 l0o 30-100 10-60 5-20 H. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs and Footings: Imported soil material, free of clay lumps, rock or gravel larger than two (2) inches in any dimension, debris, waste, frozen materials, vegetation and other deleterious matter. Select fill material shall also meet the following additional criteria: 1. Liquid limit less than 25. 2. Plasticity index less than 6. 3. PercentpassingNo.2OOsieve,5-20. 4. Percent passing No. 16 sieve at least 80. 5. Less than one (1.0) percent swell of a sample remolded to select fill specifrcations. I. Imported Fill: The material shall comply with ASTM D 2487 soil classification groups, SM, SW, GC. orCL. PART3 -EXECI-ITION 3.1 STABILITY OF EXCAVATIONS A. General: Comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. B. Slope sides of excavations to comply with local codes, ordinances, and requirements of agencies having jurisdiction. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space restrictions HLM 98U)71.M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 022M7 DEM O I.IT IO N AND ST RA CTA ML F MM E C on stru c tion D o c um e nt s Addendum Number Two 24IulY 2MI SECTION O22OO EARTHWORK or stability of material excavated. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in safe condition until completion of bactdilling. 3.2 DEWATERING A Prevent surface water and subsurface or groundwater from flowing into excavations and from flooding project site and sunounding area. B. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Remove water to prevent softening of foundation bottoms, undercutting footings, and soil changes detrimental to stability of subgrades and foundations. Provide and maintain pumps, well points, sumps, suction and discharge lines, and other dewatering system components necessary to convey water away from excavation. C. Establish and maintain temporary drainage ditches and other diversions outside excavation limits to convey rainwater and water removed from excavations to collecting or runoff areas. Do not use trench excavations as temporary drainage ditches. 3.3 STORAGE OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS A. Stockpile excavated materials acceptable for bacKill and fill where directed. Place, grade and shape stockpiles for proper drainage. B. Locate and retain soil materials away from edgg of excavations. Do not store within drip lines of trees indicated to remain. O C. Dispose of excess excavated soil material and materials not acceptable for use as backfill or filt. 3.4 EXCAVATIONFORSTRUCTT]RES A. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 foot, and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to permit placing and removal of concrete form work, installation of services, and other construction and for inspection. B, Excavations for Footings and Foundations: Do not disturb bottom of excavation. Excavate by hand to final grade just before concrete reinforcement is placed. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive other work. C. Excavation for Underground Tanks, Basins, and Mechanical or Electrical Structures: Conform to elevations and dimensions indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 ft; plus a sufficient distance to permit placing and removal of concrete form work, installation of services, and other construction for inspection. Do not disturb bottom of excavations, intended for beating surface. 3.5 EXCAVATION FOR PAVEMENTS. CIIRB AND GUTIER AND WALKS A. Cut surface under pavements, curb and gutter and walks to comply with cross-sections, elevations and grades as indicated within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 feet. HLM 98OO7I.O4 VAILVAILEY MEDICALCENTER O22U).8 DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FMME Co nstruc tion Do c urne nts Addendum Number Two 24 tuly 2001 . SECTIONO22OO EARTHWORK 3.6 TRENCHEXCAVATIONFORPIPES A. Where trenching occurs through pavernents, the existing asphalt pavement and curb and gutter shall be sawcut and then removed as shown in the Details. Asphalt edges shall be kept straight for better bonding of asphalt patch to existing pavement. B. Excavate subsoil to the lines and grades required for storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water piping to the existing utilities. C. Cut trenches sufficiently wide to enable installation of utilities and allow inspection. D. Excavation shall not interfere with normal 45 degree bearing splay offoundations. E. Hand trim excavation. Hand trim for sewer bell and spigot pipe joints. Remove loose rnatter. Remove lumped subsoil, boulders, and rock up to l/3 cu yd (0.25 cum), measured by volume. F. Correct unauthorized excavation at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Correct areas over-excavated by error by filling with bedding material. H. Spread excess material across proposed landscaped arreas, or as directed. 3.7 OVEREXCAVATION A. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10 foot. B. Remove unsuitable material, and replace in over-excavated areas at compaction limits specified in thib section. 3.8 COLD WEATHER PROTECTION A. Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 35 degrees Fahrenheit. 3.9 BACKFILL AND FILL A. General: Place soil material in layers to required subgrade elevations, for each area classification listed below, using materials specified in Part 2 of this Section. l. Under Grassed Areas: Use satisfactorv excavated or borrow material. 2. Under Walks and Pavementsr Ur" ,u,*r*,ory excavated or bonow material. 3. Under Piping: Use bedding materials as shown on the drawings, or as specified herein, where required over rock bearing surface and for correction of unauthorized excavation. HLM 98M71-04 VAILVAILEY MEDICAL CENTER 022M.9 DEMO LITIO N AND STRACTA ML F RAM E Co n struc tia n D oc u m e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 IulY 2001 SECTION O22OO EARTHWORK Behind Walls: Use sffuctural backfill material. Backfill Excavations: As promptly as work permits, but not until completion of the following: Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. Inspection, testing, approval, and recording locations of underground utilities have been performed and recorded. Removal of concrete form work. Removal of shoring and bracing, and backfilling of voids with satisfactory materials. Cut off temporary sheet piling driven below bottom of structures and remove in manner to prevent settlement of the structure or utilities, or leave in place if required. Removal of trash and debris from excavation. f. Permanent or temporary horizontal bracing is in place or horizontally supported walls, 3.IO PLACEMENTAND COMPACTION A. Ground Surface heparation: Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstnrctions, and deleterious materials from ground surface prior to placement of fills. Plow strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than one vertical to four horizontal so that filt material will bond with existing surface. When existing ground surface has a density less than that specified under "Compaction" for particular area classification, break up ground surface, pulverize, moisture condition, and compact to required depth and percentage of maximum density. B. Bacldill and Fill Materials: Place bacldill and fill materials in layers not more than eight inches in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than four inches in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. C. Before compaction, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide plus or minus two (2) percent of optimum moisture content. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum dry density or relative dry density for each area classification. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. D. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures or piping to required elevations. Prevent wedging action of backfill against structures or displacement of piping by carrying material uniformly around structure or piping, to approximately same elevation in each lift. E. Control soil and fill compaction, providing minimum percentage of density specified for each area classification indicated below. Correct improperly compacted areas or lifts as directed by the Engineer if soil density tests indicate inadequate compaction. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOUTION AND STRUCTUML FMME C o n structian Do c um e nt s Addendum Number Two 24luly 2001 +. 5. HLM 98M71.04 022M10 . sEcTroN02200 EARTHWORK F. Percentage of Maximum Density Requirements: Compact soil to not less than the following percentages of maximum density, in accordance with ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor Test), l. Under Structures, Building Slabs and Steps, Pavements, and Curb and Gutter: Compact top 12 inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent of Standard Proctor Density. 2. Under Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Compact top six inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 90 percent Standard Proctor Density. 3. Under Walkways: Compact top six inches of subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill material at 95 percent Standard Proctor Density. G. Moisture Control: Subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture conditioned before compaction; uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade or layer of soil material. Apply water in minimum quantity as necessary to prevent free water from appearing on surface during or subsequent to compaction operations. H. Overlot Fill: 1. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent above optimum moisture content. 2. Non+ohesive soils -2 to +2 percent of optimum moisture content. I. Select Fill Under Floor Slabs: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent of optimum moisture content. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent above optimum moisture content. I. Structural Backfill Material: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent of optimum moisture content. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent above optimum moisture content. K. Fill Under Pavements and Sidewalks: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent of optimum moisture content. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent above optimum moisture content. L. Under Structures: l. Cohesive soils 0 to 4 percent above optimum moisture content. 2. Non-cohesive soils -2 to +2 percent of optimum moisture content. VAI L VALLEY M ED ICAL CENTER DEMO UTION AND STRUCTU RAL F RAM E Constraction Doc ume nts Addendum Number Two 24 luly 2001 HLM 9E0071-04 022M-11 . SECTIONO22OO EARTHWORK M. Remove and replace, or scarify and air-dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compaction to specified density. N. Stockpile or spread soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compaction. Assist drying by discing, harrowing, or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value. 3.I1 GRADING A. General: Unifornrly grade areas within limits of grading under this section, including adjacent transition areas. Smooth finished surface within specified tolerances, compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are indicated or between such points and existing grades. B. Grading Outside Building Lines: Grade areas adjacent to building lines to drain away from structures and to prevent ponding. Finish surfaces free from irregular surface changes and as follows: C. Lawn or Unpaved Areas: Finish areas to receive topsoil to within not more than 0.20 foot above or below required subgrade elevations. D. Walks: Shape surface of areas under walks to line, grade, and cross-section, with finish surface not more than 0.10 foot above or below required subgrade elevation. E. Pavements: Shape surface of areas under pavement to line, grade, and Cross-section, with frnish surface not more than V2 inch above or below required subgrade elevation. F. Grading Surface of Fill Under Building Slabs: Grade smooth and even, free of voids, compacted as specified and to required elevation. Provide final grades within a tolerance of V2 inch when tested with a l0-foot straightedge. G. Compaction: After grading, compact subgrade surfaces to the depth and indicated percentage of Standard hoctor Density for each area classification. 3.r2 FmLD QUALTTY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Section 01400 - Qualily Control. Testing laboratory services are the responsibility ofthe Owner/Contractor as directed by the Architect or Engineer. B. Quality Control Testing During Construction: Allow testing service to inspect and approve such subgrade and fill layer before further bacKill or construction work is performed. C. Density Tests: Perform freld density tests in accordance with ASTM D 1556 (sand cone method) or ASTM D 2167 (rubber balloon method), as applicable. 1. Field density tests may also be performed by the nuclear method in accordance with ASTM D 2922, providing that calibration curves are periodically checked and adjusted to HI,M 98OO7I-04 VAILVALLEY MEDICAL CENTER O22OO-12 DEMOI.ITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME C o n structio n D o c am e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 lult 2001 SECTIONO22OO EARTHWORK correlate to tests performed using ASTM D 1556. In Conjunction with each density calibration check, check the calibration curves furnished with the moisture gages in accordance with ASTM D 3017. 2. If field tests are performed using nuclear methods, make calibration checks of both density and moisture gages at beginning of work, on each different type of material encountered, and at intervals as directed by the Engineer. Footing Subgrade: For each strata of soil on which footings will be placed, perform at least one test to verify required design bearing capacities. Subsequent verification and approval of each footing subgrade may be based on it visual comparison ofeach subgrade with related tested strata when acceptable to the Engineer. Paved Areas and Building Slab Subgrade: perform at least one field density test of subgrade for every 2,000 square feet of paved area or building slab, but in no case fewer than thre€ tests. In each compacted fill layer, perform one field density test for every 2,000 square feet of overlaying building slab or paved area, but in no case'fewer than three tests. Foundation Wall BacKill: Perform at least two field density tests per lifts at locations and elevations as directed. Curb and Gutter, Walks: Compaction tests shall be taken every 100 feet and/or as directed by the Owner. H. If in the opinion of the Engineer, based on testing service reports and inspection, subgrade or fills that have been placed are below specified density, perform additional compaction and testing until specified density is obtained at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.13 EROSIONCONTROL A. Provide erosion control methods in accordance with the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and in accordance with any plan issued with conaact documents. 3.I4 MAENTENANCE A. Protection of Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and Reestablish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted areas to specified tolerances. C. Reconditioning Compacted Areas: Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify surface, reshape, and compact to required density prior to further construction. D. Settling: Where settling is measurable or observable at excavated areas during general project w,uranty period, remove surface (pavement, lawn, or other finish), add backfill material, compact, and replace surface treatment. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of surface or finish to match adjacent worh and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOI.ITION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME C onstruction Do cam e nts Addendum Nuntber Two 24luly 2MI D. E. F. G. HI^iI 980071-04 02200-r3 SECTION 02200 EARTNWORK O 3.r5 DrsposA,,oFEXcEssANDwAsrEMATERrALs A. Remove excess excavated material, trash, debris, and waste materials and dispose of it off the Owner's property. END OFSECTION O22OO VAI L VAI.I,EY M ED ICAL CENTE R DEMOUTION AND STRACIAML FRAME Constractian Dmanents Addendam Number Two 24 Jaly 2001 o HLM98M7I.M 02200-14 ' SECTION 02270 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SECTION U27O - TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PART I -GENERAL 1.I RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division I - Specification Sections, apply to the provisions of this section. I.2 - SECTION INCLT.JDES A. Silt fence adjacent to perimeter curb and gutter or as shown on plan. B. Straw bales as required or as shown on the plan. C. Construction rock vehicle tracking pad. D. Other erosion control devices as directed by the Architect, or required for permits to control erosion and sedimentation. 1.3 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 - Submittals B. Section 02200 - Earthwork C. Section O272O - Storm Sewerage Systems. 1,4 REFERENCES A. The latest issue of the publications listed below and referenced to thereafter by basic designation only, forms a part of this specification to the extent indicated by the reference thereto: B. "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, - Volume 3, Best Management Practices, "Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (LJD&FCD). I.5 REGT.JLATORYREQUIREMENTS A. Obtain Erosion Control Permit from goveming authority. B. Contractor shall be responsible for preparing report. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Completed Erosion Control Permit Application. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FRAME C on struc tia n D oc um e nt s Addendum Number Two 24 luly 2001 HI,LI 98M71.M 02270-t . SECTION02270 TE MPO RARY EROS ION CONT RO L B. Erosion Control devices other than specified silt fence, straw bales and construction rock vehicle tracking pad. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SILTFENCE A. Provide silt fence with reinforced backing and staking materials. B. Mirafl Envirofence 10550, Mirafl Siltfence 10800 or approved substitute. 2.2 STRAWBALES A. Straw bates shall be standard 36" x24" x 18", with stakes. 2.3 CONSTRUCTION ROCK VEHICLE TRACKING PAD A. Six inch minimum thickness of V2 - 3 inch crashed rock. 2.4 GENERAL A. All other erosion control devices shall be as specified in the "Urban Drainage Storm Criteria Manual". PART3 - DGCUTION 3.I TMING A. Install temporary erosion control devices intermediately following completion of rough grading site demolition and rough grading. B. Keep temporary erosion control devices in-place until site is landscaped and/or paved. 3.2 SILTFENCE A. Set posts. B. Excavate a 4" x 4" trench upslope along the line of posts. C. Install fabric. D. Backfill and compact excavated trench. E. Followmanufacturer's installation zuidelines. 3.3 STRAW BALES VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOI;ITION AND STRUCTU RAL F RAM E Construction Documents ' Addendum Number Two 24 "luly 2001 HI.il{98M71-M 0227&2 , SECTIONO22TO TEM PO P"ARY EROS I ON CO NTRO L A. Excavate 4" trench the width of the bales. B. Install straw bales with edges tightly abutting. C. Stake each straw bale with two stakes. 3.4 MAINTENANCE A. Contractor is responsible for maintaining temporary erosion control devices throughout project. B. Remove and replace straw bales that have become sediment laden and ineffective. C. Remove and replace silt fence that has become damaged, sediment laden, and./or ineffective. END OF SECTION 02270 VAI L VALLEY M ED ICAL CE NT ER DEMOLITION AND STRACTUML FRAME Constructian Dmuments Addendum Number T\uo 24.Iull 2001 Hlf,it 98(n7r-M 0227G3 F--ll rllcri. I I I -+lo F-(4{114',)--r I +t+s'+r I I 1'-11' scaE: !4" - 1'-0". EFt_ CT: WMC PHASE IEXPAISION PROJ. NO., 98O071-O4 DATET O7f21rO1 DR. BY: BV SHEET (S) S2.1 DENVER, COLORADO ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWING TITLE: FOUNDATION PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, HLM SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- ] lgp20 --i-@]!tu_]- . --l SCAE: Vc" - l''ou PROJECT: VUIC PHASE lEXPAl,lSlON ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DATE:07t21/O1 ORAWING TITLE3 FOUNDAT]ON PLA},I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.I DENVER, COLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 2or zo - - -f-+- t@.€ K-(43'-2') :18-Y-(44'€1 : - I K-(4s'-21-t I I I -d. 1' s-(lz'-21 I _l I It- l- SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET3ep20 SCALE: h" - 1'-0" PROJECT: WlrC PHASE I EXPA}.|S|ON ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 07t21tol DRAWING TITLE: FOt'I,IDATION PLAI,I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET TLM (s) s2.1 DENVER, COLORADO i(+ I -l L $l +oz.a P-(43',€') _t- l+- I I-Isu -l,--_ ScALEt /s" -1',-0't PROJECTI VVUC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION pROJ. NO.: 980O71-O4 DAfEz O7121/o1 Pfl. Sf: BV SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWING TITLE: FOUNDATION PLA|{ DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.1 HLM DENY!!.99!9Im0 J____f^ 71 | 1442'-4 T I 4gp 20 w10€6 . €) Rf;oi PROJECT: VVMC PHASE IEXPAI{SION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PROJ. NO.: 98OO71-O/[ DATE: O7f21lO1 6.lf: BV DRAWING TITLE: SECOND FLOOR PLAI.I DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.2 {{ SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET5sp20 SCAE: Va" - l'-0" s o} F SCALE: Va't - l''Ot' PROJECT: VVMC PtIASE I EXPA.ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 07t21t01 DRAWING TITLE: THIRD FLOOR PLAI{ DRAWTNG APPLIES To cONTRACT DoCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.5 DENVER, COLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 6 or__20_ 88NNxxrt rt;5 I I IIJ a'-o91 SCALE: ,/r'r - 1-0". CT: VVMC PHASE 1 EXPAI{SION pROJ. NO.: 9EOO71.O4 DAIEz O7/q1/O1 DR. BYr BV ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWING TITLE3 ROOF PLAT.I DRAWING ApPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S2.4 DENVER, COLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 7s720 I 1ryldFOLES. TYP. TYP. FLGS. TYP. WEB 6ft- 1.75X$€ wtTH I 9n6'HOIES VT,EI.D AII ARCX.JNO, TYP. BASE PLATE ryPE'A' SCAE: vf - 7'-Ot' PROJECT: VVIIC PHASE I EXPAI{SION pffQJ. },1Q.: 980071.o4 ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 Qnrrz o7t21/ol DR. BY: BV DRAWING TITLE: COLI'I'N SCHEDULE DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT OOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S4.O SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 Eor 2O flsrcr. @ SCAEI /r" - l'-0' SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET PROJECT: V\ilC PHASE I EXPAI.|S|ON ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PROJ. NO.! 98OO7|-O/+ QSflz O7/21fOl Pft.lf: BV MAWNG TITLE: SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) Ss.it HLM DENVER, COLORADO 9sp 2O [secr @ SCALE: /att . 1t-9t' PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAT{SION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PRoJ. NO,: 98Oo71.O4 DATE:07f21to1 DRAWING TITLE: SECTIONS ORAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET HLM (s) s5.4 DENVER, COLORADO SUPPLEMENTAL DRAW]NG NO. SD- 1 SHEET 10 Or 20 q el q lv SCALE: W - 1''O" SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET 11 or 2o PROJECT: WUC PHAS€ | EXPAIISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWING TITLE: SECTIONS PROJ. NO.: 9A0o7t-O4 DATE: O7f21lO1 Pft. Sf: BV DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.4 HLM DENVER. COLORADO I srcr @ SCALE: 7a" . 1-O' SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 PROJECT: WMC PHASE IEXPA.ISPN ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PRoJ. No.i--9E00Zl,o+ DAfEz O7l21tO1 Pft.flf: BV DRAWING TITLE: SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT FILM DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.4 DENVER. COLORADO SHEET 12 96 20 { srcr @ SCAE: /4" . 1'-0" CT: yyyg PHASE I EXPNSION pftQJ. frlQ,r 98O071.0'l SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD. 1 fSSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DArEt o7t21to1 Pfl. Bl: BV DRAWING TITLEI SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRrcT HLM DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.4 SHEET DENVER, COLORADO 13 9p 20 2\ secr. @ SCAE: 7r" . 1'-0u SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 PROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PROJ. NO.: 98Oo71-O4 DATE: O7/21/O1 Qft. $f: BV DRAWNG TITLE: SECTIONS DRAWING APPLES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.4 HLM DENVER, COLORADO SHEET1,[ Of 2O I srcr @ SCALE: il" - 1'-0" SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 PROJECT: VVMC PHASE IEXPAI.ISK)N ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 DRAWING TITLE3 SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET HLM SHEET 15 gp 20 Key Notes Series 5000 notes: 5000: Beoring plote 1'x12" x12' with four beveled holes for plug weldlng the column reinforcing to the plote. ProMde I' of grout, except ot some locotlons, the grout depth moy be os smoll osth' . Vedfy thlckness In the field, Wdd the beom to the beorlng plote with 5/16- thlck flllet weld thot ls 4- long on eoch slde of the flonge. Center the weld on fhe center of the beorlng plote. 5001: Provlde o I 12' web stiffener of eoch slde of the column beoring' this sfiffener moy be used to meet the requirements of detoll .|209' 5002: 13x3x.25 conflnuous deck edge support, 5003: 16x4x.375 (LLV) contlnuous deck edge support. Weld slmikrrto ffi2.W: LM..1875X-Brocing spoced of 48' centers. Provlde two rows deep ot eoch locollon. Connect lhe brocing to 3/8- full depth web stiffeners ot eoch slde ond provlde o guset plote ot the intenectlon. Weld the web stlffenens equol to 50% of thelr length on line side wlth 3/16' flllet weld. Weld lhe LM.frodng with o totolof 5 Inches of 3116' flllet weld ot eoch end ond intenection. 5005: L6x4x,5 (LLV) contlnuous deck edge support, Wdd wlth /r' fillet weld 4' long of 12- centers on eoch slde of the 6' leg. 5006: Extend the slob, deck ond top reinforcing into the upper stolr londing. 5007: Contlnuous plote 3/8'x5' with h- diometer deformed onchor slud thot is 16' long. Spoce fhe D.A,S. ot 16' centen 5ffi8: $#5 contlnuous In o 16- deep bond beom. 50O9: Contlnue fwo of the three #5 bond beom bors through bond beom under the door openlng. 5010: For verficol woll reinforcing. see 3049 ond the generol notes sheet sr.0. 501l: Provlde o continuous bent plote, equolto the flonge thlckness tftot motches the slope of the romp. The bent leg of the flonge exfension sholl be 3' long ond used os o beodng ledge to supporl fhe deck tronsltlon. Weld the plcrte to lhe edge of the flonge with o full penetrotlon preguollffed butt weld. 5012: Cut eoch of the beoms shown on the plon to motch the desired romp slope. Weld the beoms bock together wlth o pre'quollfied full penetrotlon weld. 5013: For shoft woll locotlon ond support detolls, see the Archltects droMngs. 5014: Exlstlng second floor froming to remoin. SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET 16 9p 20 PRoJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAIISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 07t21fo1 DRAWING TITLEI SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.1 . S5.4 5015: Continuous top ongle, similor to 1210, with the horizontql leg sized to miss the web of the beom. 50.l6: 14x4x.25 contlnuou$ just obove the ceiling line to supporf the bottom of the suspended sfud system thot stobilizes the window system of the wolkwoy. 5017: 13x3x.375 kicker from the stud support (5016) to the bottom of eoch lntersecting purlln, Weld fo the bottom of the pudln ond lo oVc' guset plote In the 14x4. WeH slmllorto 5004. 5018: Drlll ond epo4y a #6fl'4' long 6Inches Into the exlsling beom. Spoce fhese bors ot 12- centen, Core drilllng ls requlred to Instoll these onchors. 5019: L6x6x.5 continuous with %" diometer Hilti Kwlk Bolt ll thot ls embed 6- into fhe beom foce. Provlde 13/16- diometerhole In the ongle thot ls 2' from the top of the ongle. 5020: Deck direcfion vqrles, see the plon for the deck spon directlon, 5421: 2-L 3/8' wlth the moximum number of %' dlometer hlgrh strength bolls in the OSL. The legs ogolnst the plote sholl be 3', ffi22: Foce plote th'95'x14' with 6-314' diometer Hllti Kwlk Bofls llthot embed 6- Into the concrete ond ore instolled In l3/t6' dlomefer holes. Provide o top plote thot E lh'x6'x14' ond is tull penetroflon welded to the pote on the foce. This ossembly ls instolled on th' ot non-shrlnk grouf on the top of the beom whlch hos been prepored by Instolling o l- deep pocket lorgerthon the top plofe. Core drllllng ls required to instolltheseorrchon. 5023: Provlde o L3x3x.375 tie between the tube steelstuds. Ploce the tube steel woll sfuds in o like plona similorly orlented so thot L3x3 tle con lop flot onto eoch stud. Weld with 5' of Va' weld eoch end, ffi24: T%tu,25 woll studs ot 16' c"enfen. Typicol ot suspended stone veneer. 5025: Stone veneer is foundotlon supported ot the full height stone plers olong line one. 5026: Verticol movement stud supporf cllp thot hos the copoclty to develop the connection volue lhted in the wollsfud schedule (Detoll 130O, Sheet Sl.3). The cllp must provlde o positive mechonicol connection to lhe sfud ond not ollow the sfud to move in ony dlrectlon, but ollow the beoms to deflectverlicolly. Provlde o clip of eoch sfud. The qfiochrnent to the support ongle is required ond must motch orexceed the outstondlng leg copoclty, 5027: Between the typlcol studs (1300, Sheet S1.3) provlde the tube steel skyllght supporf frome os shown in Section 1 15,4. Ihe lost tube vertlcof thot ends to the roof frorning occurs neor line C ond west of thot locotion, the tube frome contllevers obove thew24x1&. Ploce one tube verticol In the corner of A4, ond then contlnue the frome oround the corner, north on llne A to llne 7. SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD-1 SHEET PROJECT: WMC PHASE I EXPAI.ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 07t21/01 ORAWING TITLE: SECTIONS DRAWING AFPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET HLM (s) s5.1- S5.4 DENVER, COLORADO 17 97 2O ffi28: Tube steel support frome, Provide o TS6x4x,5 vertlcolond TS6x6x.375 horizontol ot the skyllght support elevotlon os indicoted on the Architects drowings. Spoce the verticols <rt every skyllght horlzontol mullion but do not exceed 4'4" centers. Weld the fube to the top of the beom wifh o 3/16' fillet wekl oll oround, Ploce o notch In the continuous edge ongle os requlred to weld the verflcolto the beom. Weld the horlzontol fube to the verlicolwith o prequollfled portlol penetrotion butt weld, 5029: L3x3x.375xl'{-, weld to eoch supporf fube ond to eoch stlffener with 3/16' fillet weld, l'{)' long, 5O30: TS6x4x.5 verticol ond 2-TS6x6x.375 horizontols uhere the boffom horizontol continues onto the contileverTS6x4x.S descrlbed inffi27. The verticols exfend from the lhird floorto the roof ond ore not only welded to the beoms with 5029, but wdd to eoch support ongle (l28,l2l0) wlth o 3/16' fillet weld eoch slde. Between eoch member of the support frome, fill the woll wlth typlcol woll sfuds (1300) of 16- cenferc. Weld the sfuds to eoch support ongle os detoiled In Section 415.1. Horizontofs weld to the vertlcols wlth o prequolifled butt weld. 5031: Conflnuous 3/8- thlck benf plotes with 4- horizontolond verflcol legs. 5032: Cope the wl2 purlins os shown ond provlde ath'x5' wlde beorlng plote thot mqtches the flonge copes os shown, Typlcol top ond bottom every purlln. 5033: Bent plote 3/8- wlth 4- legs. 5034: Conflgurotlon of the beom plote ls on exomple. exoct slze ond shope by the fobrlcotor. 5035: When the deck spons the opposite dlrectlon, provlde X-broclng os descrlbed in 5004. 5036: W10x60 sfub column with momentweld to the zupportlng beom os shown In detoil 1205. Provlde web stffieners In the beom to rnqtch fhe column flonges. Where the beom wldth ls les thon the stub column, flt the stlffeners to the top of fhe beom flonge to ollow lhe sfub column to be fully welded. 5037: Sloplng frome moment connectlon is similor to detolls 1205,1206 wlth fhe oddltionol stiffeners os required to motch eoch flonge qt the connecflon. 5038: At the low side of the column, weld o plece of wl2rl9 to the column to motch the extenslon of the typlcol purllns. 5039: Cl2, contlnuous olong the foce of the exlsting elevotor shoft. At the woll locqtlons, provide o 3/ Inch dlometer through bott ot 12 Inches on center, top ond bottom of the chonnel. Spoce the botts of 6 Inches oport ond stogger by 6lnches. Exfend fhe horlzontol leg of the deck bent plote, l ' beyond the flonge of the Cl2 so lhot the SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 PROJECT: WtlC PHASE IEXPA}ISION ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PROJ. NO.: 980O7r-Ol DATET O7t21tO1 DR. BYr BV DRAWING TITLE: SECTIO,IS DRAWING APPTIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.1 . S5./I HLM DENVER, COLORADO SHEETlE or zo horizontol leg of the openings is 12" . At the woll locotions, provide o 16x4x,375 ond onchor to the woll os described in detqil 5019, Wdd oll plotes to the Cl2 flonge os shown In detoil 1209. 5040: Provide o door support ongle os required by the shop drowlngs, unfes othenrise directed, ossume oL4x1x,375 (LLH) is required. Weld to the 1209 wlth the some weld osthe 1209 is welded to ils beom. 504l: Provide TS3x3x.25 column with o cop plote thot ls 5/6 lnch thlck 9' long ond 6- wide. Boft lhe cop plote to the beoms wlth 4-314 Inch dlometer bolts. Provide bose plote % lnch x 6'x9' wlth 2-314lnch dlorneter'HlltlKwik' bolts drllled 6' lntothe centerof the joist below. Ploce the bose plote on one inch of non-shrink grout. 5M2: Foce plate k'r25'xl4' w'rth 6414' diometer Hlltl Kwik Bofts ll thot embed 6- Into the concrete ond ore Instolled In l3/16- dlometer holes. Core drilllng ls required to instollthese onchon. 5@3: Foce plate h' fr2'xl4- with 5-gl4' dlometer Hllfl Kwik Bolts ll thot embed 6' lnto the concrete column ond ore fnstolled In l3/16- dlometer holes. Core drllllng ls requlred to lnstollthese onchors. 5044: MCl8, tulllength of elevotorshoft InstollMCIS priorto cutfing the new efevofor holes, Anchor the MC'|8 to the shoft with I - dlometer bolts ln poirs of o 12' verticol ond 9' horizontol goge. Anchorsholl be ploced in the wollthot is remolnlng. Wollopenlngs to motch the woff openlngs on fhe lowerfloors, SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 1 SHEET 19 or zo PROJECT: VVllC PHASE I EXPAI{SON ISSUED WITH: ADDENDUM NO. 2 PROJ. NO.: 98OO71-o4 DAfEr O7/21/O1 DR. BY, BV DRAWINC TITLE! SECTIONS DRAWING APPLIES TO CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, SHEET (S) S5.I - S5.4 TRANSMITTAL mL-a$6v RE0DN0v-72001 ?wbt- orol_Atbf TO: Town of Vail Dept. of Comm. Development PROJECTNUMBER: 14391 ADDRESS: 75 S. Frontage Road PROJECT: Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, CO 81657 SUBMITTAL NUMBER: PHONflFAX NO: 970479-2138 DATE: finn1 ATTN: Gary Goodell- Chief Building Offical PREPARED BY: Doug Workman We transmit to you D Shop Drawings tr Copy oflener herewith the following E Contraa Docunren(s) tr Mill Cenificates items: O sketch [] Mfg. Literature 0 Brochur{s) O Spocifications O Samples tr Schedul{s) ITEIvflDMWINGNO.coPlEs DESCRIPTTON DATE I Building P€rmit Application Signed & Sealed Consfuction Docun€nts (PlanE Spe6s. & Addsnda) PLEASE RETIJRN EACH STAMPED COPIES OF THE ABOVE ITEMS COPY TO: DATE RETURNED REQUESTED: REMARKS: THE ABOVE ITEi,S ARE TRANSIiIIITED TO YOU: t'roa voun nppnov* O APPRO'ED O APPROT'ED AS }IOTED, SUBJECT TO OO$PUATICE V{ITH REQUIRET'EI{IS ATID AI'Y iIOTANO S OR INOICATED tr REVISE AND RESUBIIT MAKITIG AL CORRECTION NOTED DISAPPROI/ED, REVISE AND RESUBIIIT PROMPTLY FOR YOUR PRICING AND COST BREAKIX'I,VII FOR YOUR FITES AND'OR REFERENCE FOR YOUR REVIEIV'CLARIFICATION AND RETARKS n o tr o By: Doug Workman {'offi mwv0Fytnw 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9-2749 (Inspections) $tQ -m-.:[0, rNco M P LE'E oR u Nsrc N ED Project #: CONTRACTOR RMATION General Contractor: H C Bot'r, Lv-P Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Pfgone #'s: l> o v t, h)oz*t*,,s - (Ze)Zt o-. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LAbor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL: $ 7. q7/ ArV For Parcel # Contact Ie Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or Parcel# Zlo,07l OIOl3- (application.will*nbt be acceptiid..raiitfroiit: difcel tumber) robName: Vaithtq Uile/ C"rkr-ffi37,1 t yt U, H?Mow L)t7JoDAocress: Vatt, co 9/6r7 Legal Description Lot: 6 Block:Filing: 2*subdivision: vdl v, ttot- Owners Name: VVnC Address: I fl p. Hrrlo.fu, Vdl,Lo llenone:(Qtu)tl7f_frrz Architect/Desig ner: ftgSq T+iq,Address: 7 07 ng6h.6u ;|Lnfr ,>co{4a eno"e'74Zp4f-?o*o Enginenr. HLvL Consv*. 6rr+,Address: 73.50, 6. rytJ::'n2 tutz loc ehone:(iuv)1o-k oo Debiled description of work: -fuynlt,ton ?b frrshna fr;,/,{,-l WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Aofhltt'Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (kI No. of Accommodation UniB in this building: prrlp Nofl-vpeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuming( ) Noflvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas ApDliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumin! (NoTllLQWEq) DoesaFireA|armExisLvesMt'toF1tMcaFireSprink'|ersystemExistYes(VNo( visit tJ Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5.2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBTIC WAYS PROHIBITED lE Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track ordeposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravei, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any stree! sidewaik, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. r/ Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt,.snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after re-eipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agen! may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. |/ Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a vioiation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. Ul/ Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition topayment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section I4-l of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance O (1979). CODES 7-3A.1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPoUNDMENT AuTHoRTzED 6y' No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper sUeet or highway maintenance.. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) rtrl Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unat[ended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or ctuse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicte shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (ord. z(1968) S 3: ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and will comply with the above codd provisions: Posirion or Relationship to project: o DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: ,/rn"Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. ,/n"Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or. streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. g{ llso, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancy issuance' Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: (wl /,tlq tlrJ,ul tn/n"- I tlilltlot ouu Uarzhh) Signature F:/everyondForms/bldperm6 fl.ot, t &panlio'--'l BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand hat if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Signature Projecr ^"^"' l/o;l '/of/q t7d,,J h' toarc: llltlo( --]=rF : weqondforms/bldperm3 L,- 4*. / &7o"ta,"'"- TVWN OF PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch oF work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. > Submit completed application to the Public Work! office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and inigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. > The Public Work's Construction Inspector will feview the application'and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. > As soon as the permit is approved, the Building "Building Permif' to be released. Please do not "Building Permifl. ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY, Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th, A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. Department wiil be notified, allowing the confuse the "Public Way Permif with a It il lrkl ar"*-,rt"" F :/s/eryone/f orms/bldperm5 the above. No L/ THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Company Name - /lx,o I &ftnai.*'/ f',v,t- hgioci,n7 J.^^,,ift $rfz*-)np &aJ F??'4/ t ""*2 *fL +"i dkr^,,nhin o/ r/rd"*,o*(,n ;i,ah"of Jes'7*- b7 lz^'rav' F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED * (r*L&o7flrn";fh(w 0l - otDY N rcdy ot"d' v'- 4q lol' PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YES_-________,_ NO Does demolition work being performed require the us9rcf the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES- NO--Z- B o No ,t/ No/ Is a differenf access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YEs- NO-4. Is any drainage work bglrg done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propefty? YEs_ NO l-/ Is the Right-oF[ut,jPunts or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? If:nswer is NO,is a y\inS, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way PermiY' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2t98. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-Z3Zs IOII'N Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Checklirt must be completed before a Buildino Permitaopliation is acceoted. g/ Rtl pages of application is complete . rd Has DRB approval obtained (ifrequired) Provide a copy ofapproval form N lt, o Condominium Association letter of approval attached ii project is a MultFFamily complex rcl Complete site plan submitted fro Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) 5rc y'uI Ol ' 0 | 68 o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,oarkinq or material storaoe af f owed on roadwavs and shoulders without wriften approvat Pr* fi ooaIJ { ,tbarrld $Fnt>o t - ^o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is.occurring..ft-cv,ooall 5r,bn,tJa.**Dot-ooZ7 OloV dz' Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Q*,*4 Subr'ud.J $/*DOl'\ozg o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi fanilfi fue$A-0028 Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection 5ce,*Dzl - 1OZV Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Date of submittal: d fn floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) d winao* and door schedule o d ,d rl* a Applicanfs Signature: F r/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: September 27, 2001 HI,I,I DesigD Arclftecture Engineenng Plarudng DaUs TX Mr. Gary Goodell Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center - Phase I Expansion Dear Mr. Goodell: Thank you for the time spent with us on Tuesday ofthis past week, discussing the Phase I project and the interim remodeling work ongoing on the First Floor. As a follow-up to our meeting and for the benefit of our client, I wanted to write this letter as a recap of our discussion. l Beck Construction is in the process ofconducting structural work within the existing First Floor Labor and Delivery Unit, which is now unoccupied. They will be reconstructing walls, doors, fixtures, and utilities being removed now, for re-occupancy by late November, 2001. 2. HLM Design will provide a set of construction documents for the interim remodeling work, which will include an architectual floor plan, an electrical plan, and any minimal details. This minimal set of construction documents will be issued within the next two weeks. 3. Plumbing and HVAC plans will not be required, since the work involves essentially relocating and reinstalling existing fixtures and equipment. A prior set of construction documents was issued to the Town of Vail, to relocate mechanical equipment. That work is already under way. Medical gas systems in this area will be re-certified by VVMC upon completion of this remodeling project, and a copy of the certification report will be provided to the TOV Building Department. 4. The reuse of the First Floor l,abor and Delivery Area will be limited to a period of time between late November, 20O1, and late July, 20O2, after wtnch time, the L&D unit will be moved to the new Second Floor Women's Center. At that poin! the existing First Floor space will no longer be used for inpatient care. 5. Very few existing walls in the existing First Floor area extend to the structure, and no known corridor wall rating exists within the suite. It will be very difficult and expensive to go back and reconstruct all internal hallways to meet a l-hour fire/smoke rating per curent cdes. One other alternative discussed was creating a rated wall through the space and adding cross-corridor doors in order to subdivide the suite further, to meet the code limitation of5,000 square feet for a patient sleeping suite. Upon further review of item 5. above, we wish to propose that instead ofcreating an additional separation wall, we take other measures to repair and replace portions of the suite perimeter walls, which will be more permanent, and which also are part of a fixed public corridor. This work includes replacing the existing suite entry doors and frames with a fully labeled assembly, and patching holes and other openings in the conidor walls above ceilinss. Suite 2750 707 17th Street Denver, cO 80202-3427 299.9042fax 299.9040 hlmdesigm.com Gary Goodell September 27, 2001 Page2 The reason for this proposal is twofold: First, the additional disruption and cost to construct a separation wall ttnough the middle of the suite is extremely high, due to existing conditions which we have re-confirmed since our meeting. Those conditions include some existing hard ceilings, which would have to be removed and reinstalled, adding rated doors, ductwork and smoke dampers which do not currently exist. This may also result in a delay for completing the project in time to meet the hospital's need to accommodate the sharp increase in patient census during the start of the ski season. Secondly, we have calculated the existing suite as being approximately 5, 650 squme feet in area, which is relatively close to the 5,000 square foot limit in the UBC, for inpatient care suites. Because of that, we believe that we are providing a safe environment for re-occupancy, without unnecessary additional expense to the hospital. We hope that you will agree with this assessment of the situation, and our proposed solution. If you have any concerns regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to call me. Otherwise, we will proceed with the completion of construction documents as proposed. One other item we discussed concerned the intent ofthe UBC relative to rated wall construction. We interpret Table 6-A as a requirement for all permanent partitions to have a wall composite rating of I hour, for the extent of the wall itself, not the overall room assembly. One-hour assemblies will be created wherever corridor, smoke separation, or other occupancy requirements are determined. Thank you once again for your efforts in assisting HI-IVI Design and WMC in the completion of this very important project for the Vail Community. Sincerelv. Ail!!xhuw+ Russell A. Sedmak, AIA Vice President 980071.04(0.6) Cc: Stan Anderson, WMC Brice Jackson, The Beck Group John McWillams. Western Skies Nov 15 2001 TO\/.CO[t'l[lI. D[V. DEPT. dffiffi HLM Desigtr Arclutecture Engineering Planning November 9, 2001 Mr. Gary Goodell Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center - Phase I Expansion Dear Mr. Goodell: This letter is intended to serye as a follow-up to discussions which have taken place between HLM Design and your office, regarding the interim remodeling work ongoing on the First Floor at WMC. The issue discussed pertained to the lack ofrated corridor wall assemblies within the existing Inbor and Delivery suite, which is being reused for the interim period of construction, from November 30, 2001, through July, 2002. This L&D Suite is slightly larger than the 50fi) square feet allowed for patient sleeping areas. To recap the scope of remodeling work in this area, Beck Construction is in the process ofreplacing portions of walls and rooms which were disrupted dudng the installation of new steel columns supporting the new structure above. All existing rooms will essentially be put back into their previous condition, with some minor modifications, and new finishes. Once the overall Phase I project is complete in late July, 2002, this area will be closed to patient care until further conversion and remodeling is proposed and approved by the Town of Vail. Very few existing walls in the existing First Floor area extend to the structure, and no known corridor wall rating exists within the suite. It will be very difficult and expensive to go back and reconstruct all internal hallways to meet a I -hour fire./smoke rating per current codes, or to sub-divide the suite any further. In Russ Sedmak's letter to you dated September 27,2OO1, HLM Design proposed that we take other measures to repair and replace portions of the suite perimeter walls, which will be more permanent, and which also are part of a fixed public corridor. There were a number of details listed in Russ's letter, which supported this proposal, particularly with regard to existing conditions, and potential schedule impacts. It is also my understanding that the existing building is fully sprinkled and equipped with smoke detection throughout. Chi.aqo,IL Dallas, TX AA-0003430 Suite 1100 800 North Magnotia Avenue Orlando, FL 32803-3866 407. 422.7066 Iax. 422,7067 I/y!VW. hlmdesign.com Gary Goodell November 9, 2001 Page 2 Due to all of these factors, I believe that HLM Design's proposed remodeling plan is appropriate for the temporary use ofthis space as a patient care suite, as it currently exists. Additionally, the proposed remodeling of the existing hospital conidor walls within the same smoke zone, is a tangible life-safety improvement for the general facility, and will stay in place even after the existing L&D suite is decommissioned. Also, the fact that the Labor and Delivery Unit will be staffed 24 hours per day whenever patients are present, represents a higher level of safety for all occupants of the facility. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these conclusions, please do not hesitate to call me. JSP:RS:cab 980071.04(0.6) cc: Stan Anderson, WMC :l/ - -_ ..-.{ - | \ -" Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 HX 970-479-2452 wtvu/.ci.vail.co.us Re: November 18,2002 Mr. Doug Workman Project Administrator HCBeck 100 Technology Drive Suite 3 1 5 Broomfield Co. 80021 Vail Valley Medical Center-Phase I Final Certificate of Occupancy Dear Doug, This letter is in response to the letter received by HCBeck on October 31, 2002. As a result ofthe letter, we have had a couple ofphone conversations regarding the final certificate of occupancy for the latest phase of the Vail Valley Medical Center expansion. A Final Certificate of Occupancy has been approved by our office on October 31,2002. This approval has been granted with condition that all items listed in yow correspondence are addressed. Listed below is additional information in an attempt to clarify any issues that still may be ofconcem to you and your client. For convenience, I have provided a copy ofthe original correspondence with this letter. Items #1., 3 & 7 have been identified as being completed without any additional information. These are minor housekeeping issues such as removal of construction materials, patching floor penetrations etc. ... Item #8 Install handrail retum has or will be completed ASAP without additional explanation. Forreference, 1997 Uniform Building Code Sec.-I003. requires handrails to be returned to a newel post or terminated with rounded ends. Item #2, gypsum drywall board is not required at the inside face of the exterior wall due to the building's exterior wall being located more than 40' from the property line. This was my mistake due to reviewing the wrong construction detail on the approved drawings. {p uno"or^"o PageZ Items # 4, 5&6 are items required by the Vail Fire Departrnent. The specific reference sections to use regarding these items are as follows, Item *14, ANSI 17.1 regulates the requirement for elevator recall. It has been confirmed with Rick Payne of NWCOG (elevator inspector) that the requirement for elevator recall shall use a smoke detection device to activate the recall ofan elevator. Infact, the use of a heat detection device is prohibited by ANSI 17. I . Also, the Fire-Protection-Engineer (F.P.E). of record, Brian Mescham of MKK Engineering, has required that the recall of the elevator be as stated above. Ifthe design is to change, the F.P.E. ofrecord shall have an opportunity to review any changes and provide input prior to the revision being installed. The Town will also require evidence that the new design has been approved by the F.P.E. of record prior to the changes being implemented. Item #5, the isolation valve for the fire standpipe in the southeast stairwell is required as part of the equivalency design submitted by MKK Engineering as an altemate, as requested by WMC. A straight forward interpretation of the UBCiITIFPA would have had the standpipe installed as part of the east water entry station. VVMC requested a change for fear they would incur additional expense and difficulty when the next phase of construction came on line in the future. Item #6, the additional guardrail at the top of the WMC's roof is a no-brainer because of the location of the required roof manifold/standpipe. During an emergency situation, the use of the upper roof manifold and its close proximity to the roof edge, the prudent thing to do wouldbe to install an additional guardraiVbarrier as a fall protection device. The UBC Sec.-509 is not as clear in it's text as the location of this situation provides when viewed from a firefigbter's perspective. I do agree with the guardrail requirement on the roof portion of the building due to the location of a standpipe in that area and the opportunity for an accident to occur during an emergency. The intent of Seo-509 is met once the guardrail is completed. In closing, A Final Certificate ofOccupancy has been granted for Phase I ofthe Vail Valley Medical Center as of 10/31/02, with the conditions that the items identified above are addressed. These items may also be addressed through a written corrective action by the Vail Fire Department using the 1997 Uniform Fire Code Sec. - 103.4.1 "Authorization to issue corrective orders and notices" and Appendix Sec. VI-D "Model Citation Program" If you have any further questions feel free to contact me at970479-2142. Chief Building Official Town of Vail i o Odober 31, 2002 Mr. Charlie Davis Chief Building Oflicial Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 Soulh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: VailValley Medical Center- Phase 1 Final Certificate of Occupancy Dear Chade: As you are aware, on Friday, October25,2002, the Town of Vail Building and Fire Departments mmpleted a Final Certificate of Occupanry Inspection forthe above referenced projecl. This inspedion was requested by The Beck Group, based on the fact that all conditions or requirements indicated on the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Inspection report, relating to Public Works, Dept. of Planning, Fire Dept. and Building Dept., were completed. As a resull of the abovementioned inspec{ion, the Building and Fire Departments have indicated additional mnditions or requirements trat must be completed priorto attaining a Final Certificate of Ocanpancy. These additional requiremenb are as folb,an: 1. Remove all atic stock materials from within the ld floor shell space. 2. Provide gypsum board drywall at the inside face of the exterior walls of the 13t floor shell space, The basis for this requirement is unknown. This area of construclion has no wood or combustible materials present and to our knowledge is nol required to be a rated wallassembly. Fufier explanation is requested. 3. Fh+caulk penetrations through deck above in the ls floor shell space. 4. Disable elevator recalt capability prior to shunting in the event the elevator shaft or control room heat detectors are activated. In the event a heat deteclor is activated and the elevators are shunted, it is possible that personnel may be trapped in tre elevator bet'rcen floors or whatever the location of the elevator is at the time of shunting. lt is lhe opinion of he WMC, The Beck Group and the Design Team that this onfiguration may not present the safest scenario possible. Further explanation is requested. 5. Install isolation valve with tamper switch and separate drain in the 1d floor shell space for sprinkler standpipe line that extends to the roof. The basis for fris requirement is unknown. This is not believed to be a code requirement, but rather a preference of the Fire Dept. Further explanation is requested. 6. Install additional guardnil at stairwell roof. The basis for tris requirement is unknown. This is mt believed to be a mde requirement, but rather a preference of tre Fire Dept. Furher explanation is requested. 7. Remove extra RTU filters from wiftin the enclosed metal roof structure' 8. lnstall handrail retum at the base of the stairs in flre new atrium' HcBeck 100 Technology Drive, Suite 315 . Broomfield, Colorado 8o0zr . 303 466 9665 fax 303 466 9667 . BECKGR0Up.c0M As you are also aware, tfre deadline on this project to attain a Final certificate of occupancy was oclober gl,'2l}2,Although it was disappinting to discover the above mentioned additional items, it was more Oirrpbinting, rnd somewhat surprising, to hear that the Final Certificate of gccupancy was being -itfif,lfO p.'i,jitg completion of these itims, as they will certainly not be mmplete prior to the October 31st deadline. I would like to note that had these items been included in the mnditions or requirements of the T.C.O. they would be mmplete al this time. As you can imagine, the addition of work after demobilization oi ,onri*&ion ptnsonnel only inoeases ttre schedule and cost of the work. The Bed< Gncup is mgnizant of the excellent'working relationship and cooperation we have had with the Town of Vail throughout ttis ctra1enging project; hoiyever, the Orwrer and Construction Team feel that these recent events do not promote tnl spirit of cooperation that we have experienced in the past' I would like to acknowledge that ltems # 5 & 6 were previously mentioned by the Fire Dept.;.however, it *ai neuer undenstooO tnit ne Final C.O. was contingent upn completion of these items, since they uere nor-not o rr a mndition of T.c.o. As I noted in the list above, the basis for ltems # 2, 4, 5 & 6 are unclear' AaseO on our fnowtedge and discussions with the Design Team, they do not appearto be mde requirements; however, we are not certain of the specifrc Town of Vail requirements' Since these items result in added dollars to the project, on behalf of the owner, I am requesting additional clarification or effiation for rEuesting theseitems, or would like information about pursuing the appeal process for tlpse items. ln dosing I lrould like to nole that we have been authorized to proceed with all items in an efiort to r*p.O',t tnis pto.ttt. In retum I rlrrould request trat the Town of Vail expeditiously review the necesity lor ftri.rt * Z q, b A O anO if il is determined that they are not mde requirements, please enterlain the idea of itrrirs th'g iira Certificate of occupancy after mmpletion of ltems # 1, 3, 7 & 8. Subsequently, ltems # 2' 4, 5 & 6 will be further reviewed and completed if required. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and please call should you have any queslions or need additional information. Final Certificate of OccuPancY Dotrg Workman Projecl Administrator HCBeck Bob McLaurin / TOV Stan Andenson / WMC Clifl Eldridge /WMC File 4oPt 5 MEDICAL AIR TESTING AI\D SM.VICD, INC. 508 VIOLET STREET, GOLDEN CO 8&O1 PHN 303-279-2491 FA)( 3$-n9-7 132 NI?A99JOB STTEVISIT amv: l|-la-ow coNrRAcron' A/4S PO:I{ATS JOB #MAS JOB # /t' 5 p oW . Ji;t tz6 t- of Mcdical Air Testing and Service, Ino. har tested tlrc followirg eqnipm.entforprop€toperationp€TNFPA gg q edition. O4rgcnotdea Vaournn Oldsts Mcdical Airotrt€b Nihogpnoufl€b AirCmprcgsor Nihons Orido otrtl€b Erac Odgtr CaatmDoxide otdtts 0 Araa AlarmPanels0_T 0-TT L 0 0:L COMMENTS: T tllgfftr AlarfirPanels 1) vaorumPunes ShrOffVahEs 0 N{oifoli{s Othcr: t/ Mceb the minimrmr NFPA 99C Heahh Carc Facilities Stddard to which fre facihy was b,uih. Doos not mcet the minimrmr NFPA 99C Health Care Facifilies Standadto wttich the facifny was built. Notq NFpA 1999 4-1.4 rtNtB$ ..An ocirting syrt€m tlEt ir not in cEict complimco rith 0re provirionr of the gbndeld slul be pernritted to bc continuod in uro ar lmg ar the outrority-having jurbdiction has dstdrfnod tlrrt nrch ure doer rdt cottitutc t itiltirc't hazsrd to life." Pleare contEst ur fot rctcrtig ifmquircd. Tts intuuption of any critical nodical gr rhdl be dre rolo rcrponribihy oftho Ho4iht It fu lhe horyibl'r reeponribiftty to fufonn sll hocPibl penonrol of ftttu of ryoEttr' Signsd (Facilitiol Anthorizad Reprortntetive) Signod (MedicalAh Teding rnd Service) FPR-eg-e€@ 1e:r.e FRS4:BEO< Ur{C D€974 477 tLa6 fgt97A4794n P.W1,/W FAX TRANSIvIITTAL Veil Velt+.y Madicai Center _ pha.aei Ftraqrbn MESSAGE:.ttt hve neleaw Q 00NFiDEIIilUTY NoTlcE lnfi bcsi4ie odalrs eilM tMiffi fi nat aN w 4t*y ytwec ud utidt E irladed rflr fute_we d ltc Atuyssoe(s) nanel lfrlr'. U: yat ae n Ue & *&'i W *gqy*o. aggf /E!,ro/rs&b fo d#wlu] k lo tite itewd*4*n1 m ile h#v rrdi'd itd ny &swwrn " qa i 6 m, q rddry d uy adfr, h rtu.oo? &e Eds,, of hniw infundtn' nar b striilv profltiltil tt yw hott tiiii,J r*-ron* n *, pl*z t iliil trs tt',.-Jiflery w t#drr' n,tt tetunlre 3n{r,s tdEsri?rih to us a tta OaW .ddms vpU S Agsbl SrrA 6fr8 -lilU8/0f , ,. ......i:.!:.,.: r. ,, . ...t,-,-a r:rr.r :!..nne,.i.l-.. .,. i.r,...r ..rr., :. .: , WP TELEPHONE NUMBER: I b.u lA.u.i? Anbd 4n akteaa,le {.t O+a* oo, ufutS,A ;o.if5 h4o e .lho wt/.(. l- f+rr 0lO o+ d, h|(td! Ll's t"wdg t UL r6-trJ. ,.lEr.n. Uo aw l/.?rS,l9, * uSa 4vt (orl.ui5 atl4nlc htlerc vb. tttto tail*in.t wtaetl ftV \ts i r,u. owAaag i\a 6ll. L ix bo eqSr { 6tx'[i ft(t t"ttd t .1h", [wt+ 1\a !ut14 ar oplatt& + {t. tt 4eta6 4w* bae, o k-c+ \nt Euv h,!*t r1.rv +rtrls BarryJ.Monroe- (970)14i"|.110s (ph) (970)477.1106 fax .{r.lr S?qca, a, aqLt- TO-IAL NUMtsER OF pAGES: pndudirs co$d AFR-ag-a@ 1e:14 FR(}I:BECK (^m EXF 974 4n LLW mz97@47n4*P.W/W I I \ Qp I rl r. -f= --" STI Drewing Not To $F t6 {oim: CorErete fhor to concr€t€ floor (Flg. l) or concrete froorto @nct€l€ wall (Frg. z). Minimum floorthicKreee shall be #112,. Maximum ioinr witlth Shall be 4". Mineral wool bett, nominal 4 pc'f, instalted (with grah running perpendicuhrto tloor) to f @th. S€e installation note. Specsed@ PEN300 or PEN300 S/L Seahnt. Mhimum 1lf ffcloess ol fill rnaterhl applied withh lhe ioint, flush wilh top surface of the concrete floor. 16hryuv ig. ;rtt tlt.v wd. Q | *z= (o' v{cet t'tr..' tji-v^--\-----t*/""y_rr_,,31j Installation l{ot$ Uncoanpressed mineral wool widlh must be a minimum of 2.0 ractuel ltint wi,th lor rtaximum tesled..morrormnt of t3096 Example:4' joint x 2.0 = 8.f uncompressed m.n. 'o;r i:i.i.i;..;::i; a ,i.t.....i,i;i, Figurr 2 3 Hour Rated Firestop For JointApplications In Concrcte Floors Using SpecSe'aiO iensil l.lOTE: The trodris us€d in lhb &sign ry{em have . ASTI', El19 0lG/T . 800 Qder o 30% Compr€ccim e Edansldl Proicdl,|arrc: Addr€s Inetaller Address: Signaur: NOTICE: This lntonnat'bn b hbndod tor enginedng purpo€ss only an$ is ba6ed upon htomal & lhid pany bafng uririch wo bcliew lo be accuralo. Tho 1J66r mu6t dFtermhe the $itabilily of il|e producl ard ti€ derri$ to the appli:ation. Sirce th6 use ot Fe ptoduct b beyiond our corrtrol, Specilied Tedrnologies lna's only r€6ponsibilityr ohall be to rctund or ropt.ca mst€rlals lound to be dclcqivo as Fr our standard way 8m) 3 Inc- 2 Somarvill€, NJ 08876Evcn* Frca: ( FIu: (90E) scFS€lI3 FfltEon D6m6,rd: (888) 5466800 wlflw.slifiro€bp.com AFR-?e-eAe, 15ree FR0l43Eq( U(,'lC D€ FAX TRANSMITTAL Yail '-tetley iaedlcal Csllar - Phaee 1 Expansioi SU?J gir rt -,r M=S AG E: tar{. 978 4TI LLA6 TO:.97A41n4*.P.WL,EBI Fe&j A"r Arglr:,g yar .^ {edS 6ci tfV" +- AVc:qtu o A.11ts ;h (^.^7 *tlre {tr:ags) .{La Wi,.ootr , & l\tr fff pdlthn s*&A-!- h?e "r': 14o(L ,rtafurrrJ ua( L ar4:('al.^tr Vo a'o" ^C? , 5;aglo ?:vu ol *colcrco I ,{t,reatss Barry J,- (S70) 477-1105 (ph) (s70) 477'1 1 06 fax TOTAL OF PAGES: (rduiru cover) DATE: TIME: IL[4t u3 Fmrt if qot^ tttcr& tA&&La* htraol'rt. l\l o @NHDWTIALI OIItE: Thir jacei'r0o corhire ortf/prldlhraaiivt*rrnfolpyarsoDolegW4tui4sc adiltalth'rrer*xl,ryig]ltts use of lne AddtDssae(s) ntncC atuve. t W sto td lhs i4sded ed;ierf" u he eiadoyee or a!8 , /espon$itle fq ffiwin? il tolhe htll1ird wjsctt yu ue hlE!/y rriifrsd ,t al &y d$s3/nir'didr u coplitrg d thds (ffiinfls, u lahlrg d any adi|i/. h rcliurF 0r, lrre cu?tenb 0t,i,!t*W intunBliilr\ nay bE sitatlqpftned. I IN haw twiyF,d tth Iacslntre h enw, y'ee ,s tDliiy us Eur.fdRt$l by teffin vi nilm Ite ed{G i'6c.si,tdlo lo us dtg bskry atCPf;i ia U.S fodai $ru;cg I I 601 - 0l0&tl ,:"' ? (. !...: i .. '.... ' i +:,.;.;ri: IIi .r 'tl::.'tt r':il!! ':f i jr' :: jii, .j.' ; TELEPHONE NUMBER: {i'q. +rtb FPR-€:W, 19:ae FR0'|:EEO( tlr'lc O€978 477 tL6 I Ouantiqv of Pages N/A Document gr Scctisn Name N/A TOz97W&4*.P.W..ZB7 ASJ. NO.11 April 19,2002 The informuion contained in this Addendum modifics, supplements orreplaccs infosnation contained in the hojcct Manual and qn the p1gwings and is hereby made a part of tbe ContractDocumens. i Acknowledgc receipt of this aAOcnapm Uy placing tlrc appropriarc addcndum number in the blank on thc Bid Form. APPLICABLE TO TIIE PROJECT IIIANUAL: @* A. I neviscaProjectffanualPag"s: \ The replaceDsnt pages ident'died Low inctuOc modificauons made to the odginal nojegi lvlflual scctions. Reviscd m added ipforrnation is indicatcd by E1ffitype in thc tclt and a [A#J notatim in the margin irtcnrifying that thc rcvidon was made. +readwnsp infwation has been dcbrcd are identifying by s5dtinpEt thc tcxt f,nd dt*irb a fa#J notation in thc margiu. Inscrt rcplaccocnt psgps into the Projcct --Murual ahcad 9f thc pagcs they rcplacc' a 1 C. AddcdDosuments and Sccti,ons: I HLM9E0ffir.04 Vait Valley Mcdical Centcr Constrmtion Dcumctlts 15 Octobcr 2{Xll D. I RPR-ee-ao@ 15:aa Fffn:BECK VWC E)<P t I \ AS.l. NO. rr o tiom the ProjcctManual. Scction N/A APTLICABLE TO TEE DRAffiNGS: CZ.t Craaing & Drainage PlAn 46.00 Interior Elcvations A5.fl) Door Fraqre & Window A5.04 Msc.Detirils A5,04 Misc. Details I 979 ATt 11A6 TO.97A47914*.P.W3tW7 @* The Sections identified below shall be 4clcted and rcplaccd with revised ncw Scctions A. Supplemental Drawingg: I I Indicating revisions . [t* *p.rl"c Contract Drawings. Scction Name N/A FnlI Size Sheet 42" x,30" ftnSizcSfcet 42" x3U' Fgfl Size Slect 4T x30" Supplcmanlal Drarving SD-13, shcct I of 4 Supplcmcndal Drawing SD-13, shcct 2 of 4 Supplemental Drawing SD-13, sheet 3 of 4 Supplencotal Drawing SD-13, sheet 4 of 4 B. 40.01 SitePlan Ct,l SitePlau CZ.l Grading & Drainage Plan A8.00 hterior Elcvations 45,00 Doorhame & Window A5.04 Misc. Details A5.(X Misc. Details Full Sizc Shcct 4t' x3U' Futl Sizp Shoet4?'x 30" rl|lil sizb Sheet4?'x30" Supplcpcntaf Drawing SD-13, shcct I of 4 Supplepental Drawing SD-13, sheet 2 of 4 Supplqfnentdl Dtawing SD-13, sheet 3 of 4 {uppl Drrwing SD-13, shsct 4 of 4 , II I I I Vail Valley Mediqal Ceutcr Construcdon Documents 15 October 2001 ,40.01 Sib Plan \ct.t Site Ptan APR-ea-e@@ 15:e? FRO4:BEq< VUI',IC $e 974 477 LLA6 wvc 6. BLUESCHEME VT'VC 5- RED SCHEME V\,lC ,.f ' GREEN SCHEME TO.974479.4e P.eB4/@7 STAINED ST2 rrwoD BASE STAINED Sl'iI vrooo slLL ANDAPRON STAINED S1':I 8r, \ VVMC PHNE I EXPAI'|SI0N WITH: Ai S. l. NO. 11 oNE| o1t14to2 I DR. BY: Bv I , SHEET (S) A8.00. ' - TITLE: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS APPLIES TO CoNTRACT] DoCUMENTS \ SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD.jJ SHEET - I or-A APR-?2:?062 15:ee FROMTBECK UVMC EXP 97A 477 Lte/6 SCALE: 1/4's1'{' TOt97W794*.P.@eE/W7 SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 10 SHEET -LorJ- ROJECT: VVMC PHASE I EXPAISION PROJ. NO.3 98OO71-O.[ pf,lf : 0l/10/O? OR. BYi ., , BVSSUED WITH,A.S.l. N0. 11 WING TITLE'.DOOR FRAI,IE & WINDOW TYPES. EXTERIOR HEAD, JAIIB & SILL DET WING APPLIES TO CONTRACT OOCUMENTS, SHEET (S).Af,98-- im-ar'-egE 1s:?B FRo't:EEe( ur'lc E€gm 4Tl Lt6 SANDSTONEVENEER 3,MINWTH l'AR SPACE .). 1IE IIr \\ T0.979479.4y- P.W/W 3'[IIN. SANSTONE cAP. PROV|OE3T (MIN.) LENGTHS ct)tu OL FrI IIJT ,/,//r, b\ \\ # 5 RE BAR FOR CONCRETE RE]NFORCEMEMT #5 REEAR FOR CONCREIE RANFORCE[|ENT (< -nllmrr*'']ANIboffnlrc S..ar,"'.' 1 t RETAINING WALL DETAIL o uiEl I IIt I*l V \ .qI \\:\,e ,2:# DJ, FROJECT' VVMC Pl'tASE I €XPAIISION ISSUID Wl'THt A. S. l. N0. 11 DRAIVING TITLE: MSC. OETALS pflQl_ frlQ.: stl0oTloa DNEt 01,A91ML gg. gY: - . ,,. BV DRAWTNG.APPLIES TO CONTRACT ooCUMllNTs, SHEET (S) A5.04 HLM , I OENVER.COLORADO sc&e NOSCATE t'ICALE! No SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. SD- 13 SHEET5-or 4 Fffi:&:ew. 15:?3 FRO'I:EECK Wt'lC EXF CONCRETE SIDE WALK 919 4Tt ILt,6 TOr97O47n4*. cotlcRETE SIOEt/tALK sr.A8oNGRAOEGlRArt l'lAX SLOP 1:12 t 5 ) I @'A'EST ANO SOUTI.I SIDE dr soevuN.*nAtrP I I t t- =l-l I,+- \ \ I rli/,i SCALE SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWING NO. sD- .Ll SHEET4or,l 'D - v,' 'vlo v v v v -'v t v 't v . " FRo.rEct' vvMc PHAsA I ExPAt{stoil 'l PRoJ. No'!-. e8oo7l-o4 ISSUED WITH, n. S. l. NO. 11 DATE'----041-1e102)5ULU VVliln- fr. J. l. l\v. llr -' DR. BY, BJ onlvtrr.rc rtrue, itlrsc. pETALS DRAwrNc APPLTES ro \coHtRlcr DocuMENTs, SHEET (s) ls,.E-- TRANSMITTAL TO: Town of VailBuilding Dept.PROJECT NUMBER: 14391 ADDRESS:75 South Frontage Rd PROJECT: Vail Valley Medical Center Vail. CO 81657 SUBMITTAL NUMBER: PHONflFAX NO: 970-479-2138 DATE: '1115102 ATTN: Charlie Davis PREPARED BY: Doug Workrnan We transmit to you B Shop Drawings D Copy ofletler herewith the following tr Cont&cl DocLtned(s) tr Mill Cdtificat€s Iterne: tr Skdch E ME. Liientur€ tr Brochur,{s) tr Sp€cifcations tr Sanples tl Scfiedul{g ITEIVI/DRAWING NO.coPtEs DESCRIPT1ON DATE Firc Alafm Sygcm Point Surrmry, Record ofconpletion and S€quencc ofOperatioms 2 InsDedion R@ns (x2) fom Brian Thomspr at MKK Cotmrlting Engilrcers J Schimer Enginwing TCO Inspection Rcpct 4 Elsystor Inspcction R@rl fom Ric.k Payne 5 lvt€dial Gas C€itif colions 6 Shre Boil€r lrupcction R€ports 1 fryAC TGs & Bshrc€ R€port PLEASE RETIJRN EACH STAMPED COPIES OF THE ABOVE ITEMS COPY TO: DATE RETI.'RNED REQTJESTED: T}|E ABc|tlE nEF ANE TM'ISIITTE!' TO YOU: O FOR YOUR APPRoI'A O APPROVED tr APPROT'CID AS IIOIED, 3I'B'BSI TO CCPI.IAIICE IIH REq,|REIE}|IS aD at{Y otAnoits oR t txcATED tr REVIIiE A'{D RESUgflIT IAg G Al- @RRECTtr'i| iIOIEI' B DBAPPROVED, REVBE AIID RE3UBf,IT PROflPILY O FOR YOI.|R PFqllG AIID CGT BREAIOOTI'I XFOR YOI'R F1EI AI{IYOR REFEREI{CE D FORYOIN RET'|EWCIABFCATIO}I AIID REIAfi'(3 e;n workman HCBECK, LTD. P.?OCT W 'A? @?IT?PN SIMPI-EX DENVER 9q04guroH .p!slno ;lolol =l<lclxrul ;0 .F BI G uJFz uJo Jsotrl E 5Jc d uo.rtelg EuFyvadnE o1 leuBtE urtly tJlj lHeuEl ot-5AF =o Ebo o o 5rz =UJFo o NFPA ;-1 M RECORD OF COMPLETION Name of Protected Property: Address: Rep. of Prolecled Prop. (name/phone): Aulhority Having Jurisdiclion: Address/Phone Number: .. - 1. Type(sl of System or Service fTrJ NFPA 72, Chaprer 3 . Local ,''' 'l lf alarm is transmitted to location(s) off premises, li6t where received: E E NFPA 72, Chapter 3 - Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantily of voice/alarm channels: Single: - Multiple: Quantity ol speakerc installed: Quantity of speaker zones: - Quanlily ol telephones or lelephone jacks included in system: NFPA 72, Chapter 4 ' Auxiliary Indicate type ot connection: Local energy; Shunt: Parallel telephone: Location and telephone number for receipt ot signals: BFST copY AVAII.ABLE E NFPA 72, Chapler 4 - Remote Station Alarm: Supervisory: l-l NFPA 72, chapter 4 - Proprietary lf alarms are retransmitted to public lire service communications cenler or others, indicate location and lelephone number of the organization receiving alarm: lndicale how alarm is retransmifted: E NFPA 72. Chaoter 4 - Central Station The Prime Conlractor: Central Station Localion: Means of transmission of signals from lhe protected premises to the central station: McCulloh - Multiplex Oigilal Alarm Communicator Two-Way Fadio Means of transmission of alarms to lhe public fire service communications center: One-Way Radio - Olhers (a) '.-l (b) System Location: Orqanization Name/Phone Representative Name/Phone Installer t.. Supplier { Servico Organization \ -,....".. ; ",, Localion of Record (As-Buill) Drawings: Localion ol Owners Manuals: --iLocalion of Test Reports: - . .:: : : A contract, dated for test and inspeclion in accordance with NFPA slandard(s) is in effect.No(s). dal6d 2. Record ol System lnstallalion (Fill out aller inslallation is complet€ and wiring checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but prior to conducting operational acceptance tests.) This system has been installed in accordance with the NFPA standards as shown below, was insoected by '' ,.. . : '. "- on.:'. .l -r-- includes the devices shown belo\rr. and has been in service NFPA 72, Chapters 1 3 4 5 6 7 (circle all that apply) Signed: Organization: Adv-1142-2 Part 1 of 3 3. Becord ot System Op€rallon r' ; All operationat features and funclions of this system were tested by )''' ;rri . "5;i' ' ": r on, ';l ; :' ' : -j and lound to be operating properly in accordance with lhe requiremsnts of: NFPA 72, Chaplers 1 3 4 5 6 7 (circle all that apply) NFPA 70, National El@ttical Code, Article 760 Manuf acturer's Instructions Other (specify): Signed:Date: Organization: 4. Alarm-lnitiailng Devlces and Chculls (use blanks to Indlcate quanltty of devices) MANUAL (a) - Manual Stations - Non coded, Activating - Transmitters - Coded (b) - Combination Manual Fire Alarm and Guard's Tour Coded Slations AUTOMATIC Cover4ge: Complete: (a) .u Smoke Detectors (b) - Ouct Delectors (c) )t Heal Deleclors (d) .li sprinkler watertlow switches: (e) - other (list): - lon ri; photo lon - Photo FT - RR ::j- FIIRR - RC = - Transmitters - Non coded, Activating J Cod€d 5, Supervisory Signal-lniliating Devlces and Circuits (use blanks lo Indlcale quanlity of devices) GUARD'S TOUR (a) - Coded Stations (b) - Non coded Slations, Activating - Transmitters (c) - Compulsory Guard Tour Syslem Comprised oi - Transmitter Stations and - Intermediale Stalions NOTE: Combination devices recorded under 4(b) and 5(a). SPRINKLER SYSTEM (a) lf coded Valve supervisory Signaling Attachments Valve Supervisory Switches, Activating "i Transmitters (b) - Building Temperature Points (c) - Site Water Temperature Points (d) - Site Water Supply L6vel Points Etectric Fire Pump: BEST (e) - Fire Pump Power COPY (D - Fire Pump Runnins AVAILABLEg) - Phase Reversal Engine-Driven Fire Pump: (h) - Selector in Auto Position (i) - Engine or Conlrol Panel Trouble 0) - Fire Pump Running Engine-Driven Gen€rator: (k) - Selector in Auto Position (l) - Control Panel Trouble (m) - Transt€r Switches (n) _ Engine Running. Other Supervisory Function(s) (specify): 6, Alarm Notlflcatlon Appllances and Clrculls Quanlity ot indicating appllance circuils connecled to the system: Types and quantitios of alarm indicating appliances inslalled: (a)- Bells - Inch (b) - Speakers (c) - - Homs (d) 4 Chimes c,-ffi:; - Visual signals Type: - wifi audible f i 'wlo auoiote -'i' (g) - Local Annunciator 7, Slgnallng Line Clrculte Ouantity and Style (see NFPA 72, Table 3-6) ol sign ling line circuits connected to system: StYle: '1 -.: i AHJ - White; Owner - Canary; Branch - Pink; Siie Copy - Goldenrod Quantity: i At't-1142-2 Part 2 of 3 8. System Power Supplies (a) Primary (Main): Nominal Voltag-e: r.'i'J't( Current Rating: Overcurrent Protection: Type: :': : r Current Rating: Location: (b) S€qondary (Standby): -._ i 4.BEST :V- cCIpY AVAILABLE ' r Slorage Battery: Amp-Hour Ratingstorage ua[ery: Amp-Hour F{allng ,,.- Cafculated capacity to drive system, in hours: 24 .'*! 69 Engine-driven generator dedicated to fire alarm Location ol fuel storaoe:-i!::----i:-.,-:--{ (c) Emergency or Slandby System used as backup to PrimaryPower Supply, instead ot using a Secondary Power Supply: - Emergency System described in NFPA 70, Article 700 - Legally Ftequired Standby System described in NFPA 70, Article 701 _ Optional Standby System desc bed in NFPA 70, Article 702, tvhich also meets the perlormance requirements of Article 700 or 701 9. System Sottware (a) Operating System Sotwvare Revision Level(s): -(b) Application Software Revision Level(s): -(c) Bevision Completed by: lt:-f; " .','l]}::r: <, ',, ,t.- . ;i".!;,."r;,d' r (name)(firm) 10. Comments: (signed) tor Central Stalion or Alarm Service Company (rifle) Frequency of routine tests and inspections, il other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standards(s): (dare) System deviations lrom the relerenced NFPA standard(s) are: or Alqrm Service Company (rifle) Upon coni'pletion ol the diqtem(s) satisfactory tes(s) witnessed (if required by the authority having jurisdic'tion): (dal€) (signed) represenlative of the authority having jurisdiction (litle) AHJ - White; Owner - Canary; Branch - Pink: Site Copy - Goldenrod (date) Adv-1142-2 Part 3 ol 3 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL 9550130C node : l- rev: LL SYSTEM POINT SI]MMARY Page 1 !0:44:05, FRI, 06-SEP-02 System Point Sunmary (ascending by zone nane) : Zone Name Custom Label POINT SI'MMARY ZONE Device Point PNIS ?ype Type Code b IGJ SIG4 srG5 SIG6 SIGT SIG9 s rcl0 SIG].]. SIG12 SIG13 AUX3 AUX4 AUX5 AUXS AUXT AUXS AU.^v AIIX1 O AUX11 AUX12 AUX13 AUX14 AUX15 Atx16 AIIX17 AUX18 AUX19 AUX2 0 AUX21 AU^-Z Z AIIX23 !|UJlZ + AUX25 AUX2 6 T T'J FB4 li .Etf, I' EJO EEl' rl'o FB9 FBlO I ELZ SSIGNAL RVISUAL RVISUAI.,, SSIGNAL RVI SUAI, SSfGNAL SSTGNAL SSIGNAL SS IGNAI, SSIGNAL SS IGNA], DHOIJDER DHOLDER DHOLDER DHOLDgR RRELAY RRELAY RRELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RRELAY I!.IL!A I RELAY RELAY REI,AY RELAY RETAY REI,AY ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF 1ST FLR CHIMES 1ST FLR STROBES 2ND FLR CHIMES 2ND FLR STROBES ( 4OO9 } 3RD FI.,R CHIMES 3RD FLR STROBES ( 4009 ) SPARE STGNAL CARD 9 CIRCUIT SIG9 SPARE S IGNAI, CARD 9 CTRCUIT STG1O SPARE STGNAL CARD 9 CTRCUTT SIG11 SPARE S IGNAL CARD 9 CIRCUTT SIG12 SPARE SIGNAL CARD 9 CIRCUIT SIG13 SPARE SIGNAI, CARD 9 CIRCUIT SIG14 BASEUENT DOOR HOLDERS F]RST FLOOR DOOR HOLDERS SECOND FLOOR DOOR HOLDERS THIRD FLOOR DOOR HOLDERS 1ST FLR WOMEIiIS CENTER SMOKE DAMPER 2ND FLR LABOR / DEL IVERY SMOKE DAMPERS 3RD FLR ABUMLATORY SURGERY SMOKE DAMPERS AUX RELAY CARD 3 RELAY CKT AUX1O 2ND FLOOR CORRTDOR ALARM TO 2OO1 PANEL 3RD FLOOR ALARM TO 2OO1 PANEI, 2ND FL. ADMINISTRATION AUTO TO 2OO1 PNL 2ND FL. ADMIN DUCT DET TO 2OO1 PANEL lST FL. SPEC.PROC AUTO TO 2OO]. PANEL AUX RELAY CARD 4 RELAY CKT AUX16 SIGNAL SILENCE CONTROL TO 2OO1 SYSTEM RESET CONTROL TO 2OO1 3RD FLR STEADMAN-HAWKINS SMOKE DMPR CNTI AUX RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX2 O AIIX RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX21 AUX RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX22 AUX RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX23 ATIX RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX24 AUX RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX25 At,X RELAY CARD 5 RELAY CKT AUX2 6 AIIX RELAY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB3 AUX REI,AY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB4 AUX REI,AY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FBS AIIX RELAY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB6 AUX RELAY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB? AIIX RELAY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB8 AI.IX RELAY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB9 AIIX RELAY CARD 3 FEEDBACK PT FB1O AiIx RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB11 AIIX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB].2 VATL VALLEY MEDTCAI 9550130C node: L rev:11 SYSTEM POINT SUMMARY Page 2 10:44:05, FRI. 06-SEP-02 System PoinE Summary (ascending: by zone name ) : Zone Name Custom Label Device Points TVpe TYpe POINT SUMMARY ZONE cont inued PNI S Code TI III J FB14 FB15 I llro EE!I FB18 FB19 FB2 O tEzt FB22 E EZJ FB24 ! EZ) ! jJ40 Ml--t- M1-2 M1-3 M1- 11 y1L-L2 ML-1"3 Mt -14 M1- 15 Mi- - 16 Ml- 1- ? M1- 18 M1- 19 M1-20 M1- 21 r'tL-22 M1-23 ML-24 Ml_ -2 5 M1-2 6 v11_ - 27 M1-34 M1-3 5 M1-40 M1 - 41- Ml-50 M1- 51 ML-52 Ml-53 M1-54 M1-55 M1-56 ML-57 GENIAM RZAM RPHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO RZAM HEAT AIJ!(vu! PHOTO RZAM DIf.)TO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO GENIAM GENIAM HEAT T{FAT ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOPF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF ONOFF FTRE !(t!ti!A r DUCT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE vst40KE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE RELAY HEAT PULL VSMOKE RELAY SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE SMOKE WATER so HEAT IJE AT AUX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB13 AUX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB14 AUX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB15 ATIX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB16 AUX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB].7 AUX RELAY CARD 4 FEEDBACK PT FB18 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB19 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB2O AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB21 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB22 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB23 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB24 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB25 AUX RELAY CARD 5 FEEDBACK PT FB26 M1-1 MONITOR OF 2OO]- PANEL ALARM M1-2 1ST FLR SMOKE ROOL DOWN DOOR M1-3 2ND FI,. ISOI,ATION RMS EXHST FAN +5 M1-11 1ST FLR STEAD-HAWK ANX FILE RM ENT M1.-12 1ST FLR STEAD-HAWK A]l{X MAIL ROOM M1--]"3 1ST FLR STEAD-HAWK ANX OFFICE 1 M1-1.4 1ST FLR STEAD-HAWK ANX OFFICE 2 M1-15 1.ST FLR STEAD-HAWK ANX HALL M1-16 1ST FLR STEAD_HAWK ANX OFFICE 3 M1-17 1ST FLR O.R. 5 HALLWAY M]"-18 ],ST FIJR O.R. 5 SUBSTERILE M1-19 1ST FI-,R O.R. 5 HALI.,WAY M1-20 1ST FLR O.R. 5 WORKROOM M1-21 1ST FLR STEAD-HAWK ANX OFFTCE 4 M1-22 ].ST FLR STEAD-IIAWK ANX OFFICE 5 M1-23 1ST FLR FACP M1-24 1ST FLR O.R. 5 RECI.,INER RECOVERY M1-25 1ST FL. TRAIIMA SERVICES OFFICE M1-26 ]-ST FL. PHYSICAL THERAPY TUB ROOM M1-27 1ST FLR ALTERNATE ELEV RECAIL M1-34 1ST FLR O.R, 5 JANfTOR CLOSET M1-35 lST FLR O.R. 5 RECLINER RECOVERY M1-40 BASEMENT I-S. ROOM 141-4]. BASEMENT T. S. ROOM DA.I4PER L{L-50 1ST FL TOBBY 129 M1-51 1ST FL LOBBY ]-29 M1-52 1ST FL LOBBY 129 M1-53 1ST FI, I.,,OBBY 129 M1-54 1ST FL SPRNKLR WATERFLOW M1-55 1ST FL SPRNKLR TAMPER SW M1-56 1ST FL SHELL SPACE M1-57 1ST FIJ SHELL SPACE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL 9550130C node:1 rev:11 SYSTEM POINT SI]MMARY D=^6 3 IU : +e : Uf, f.F(J-, uo-bt!-ul System Point Summary (ascending by zone name ) : Zone Name Custom Label Device Point Type Type POINT SIJMMARY ZONE coneinued PNIS Code M1-58 M1-59 ML-60 IY.I J. - O -L Lrlz - a t'42 - 4 M2-5 M2-6 \12 -7 M2-8 I"t2 - 9 rq2-70 M2-L1, r42 - L3 M2-L4 M2-15 M2-r5 M2-1"7 M2-18 M2-L9 I,l2-20 v12-21, r'42-23 N12 -2 4 M2-25 M2-26 M2-2'7 M2-28 Nrz-29 M2-3 0 M2-31- M2-32 M2-33 M2-34 M2-35 M2-3 6 rn2-37 M2-38 M2-39 r42 - 40 Nr2- 4! M2-42 HEAT HEAT PHOTO RHEAT ADRPUL ADRPUL ADRPUL PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO RZAM PHOTO PHOTO RZAM RZAM HEAT PHOTO RPHOTO PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT RPHOTO HEAT RPHOTO HEAT PHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT _ttEA L HEAT HEAT t{!lalT PHOTO HEAT PHOTO HEAT HEAT VSMOKE HEAT PULL PULL PULL VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE RRELAY VSMOKE VSMOKE RRELAY RRELAY HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT HEAT VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE M1_58 1ST FL SHELL SPACE M1-59 1.ST Ft SHELL SPACE M1-60 BASEXqENT ELEV EQUIP ROOM M1-51 BASEMENT ELEV EQUIP ROOM M2_1 2ND FLR LABOR/DELIV MATN LOBBY YI2-2 zND FLR I,ABOR,/ DETJ IV RECEPTION M2-3 2ND FLR LABOR,/DELIV LDRP HALL M2-4 2ND FLR ATRIUM BOILER RM HALL EAST M2-5 2ND FLR ATRIIJM BOILER RM HALL WEST M2 - 6 2ND FLR ATRIU}{ BALCONY EAST M2-7 2ND FLR ATRIUM BAI,CONY CENTER M2-8 2ND FLR ATR]{'M BALCONY WEST M2-9 2ND FLR ELEV LOBBY NW SMOKE DOOR M2-10 2ND FLR ATRIUM SKYLIGHT WEST M2-1]. 2ND FLR ATRIUM SKYLIGHT EAST 142_T2 2ND FLR BOITER RM HALI SMOKE DOOR M2-13 2ND FLR W SMOKE DOOR M2-14 2ND FLR STEAM BOILER ROOM M2-15 2ND FLR LABOR/DELIV C-SECTION M2-16 2ND FLR POST PARTUM RM 8 M2-17 2ND FLR LABOR/DELIV RECOVERY M2_18 2ND FLR POST PARTUM RM 1]. M2-19 2ND FLR POST PARTUM TOILET RM ].1 M2-20 2ND FI,R POST PARTUM RM 10 I,I2 -21- 2ND FLR POST PARTI'M RM 10 TOILET M2-22 2ND FLR POST PARTIJI4 RM 9 M2-23 2ND FLR POST PARTW RM 9 TOILET M2-24 2ND FLR LABOR/DELIV CLEANING SUPLY M2-25 2ND FLR POST PARTW RM 8 TOILET M2.26 2ND FLR NW EQUIPMENT ROOM VI2-2'7 2ND FLR ATRIUM ENTRY TO LABOR/DELV M2-28 2ND FLR POST PARTUM HALL WEST M2-29 2ND FLR PUBLTC ELEV LOBBY M2-30 2ND FLR POST PARTW HALL WEST M2-31 2ND FLR POST PARTI]M HALL CENTER M2-32 2ND FLR POST PARTUM HALL EAST M2-33 2ND FLR LABOR/DELIV O.R. CORRIDOR M2-34 2ND FLR LABOR/DELIV SUB-STERIIJE M2-35 2ND FLR ViOMENS LOCKER ROOM M2_36 2ND FLR WOMENS LOCKER ROOM M2-37 2ND FLR MENS LOCKER ROOM M2 - 3 8 2ND FLR MENS I.,OCKER ROOM M2-39 2ND FLR LABOR/DELfV JAN CLOSET NW M2-40 zND FLR LABOR,/DELTV STAFF LOUNGE M2-41 2ND FLR LABOR,/DELIV JAN CLOSET SW M2-42 2ND FIJR POST PARTIJM SOILED UTII.,ITY VAII, VALLEY MEDICAL 9550130C node:1 rev:11 SYSTEM POINT SUMMARY Pagie 4 10:44:05, FRI, 06-SEP-02 SysEem Point, Surunary (ascendinq by zone name) : Zone Name Custom Label Device Poin! fype Type POTNT SUI,IMARY ZONE cont inued PNI S M2-43 t42- 44 r42-45 M2-46 r42 - 47 M2-48 M2-49 tt!2-50 M2-51 v!2-52 M2-53 1"12-54 M2-55 v12-56 r'12 - 57 M2-58 Nr2-59 M2-60 NI2-67 tq2- 62 tvlz-oJ r42-64 y12-65 r"42- 66 v!2-67 M2-68 vr2- 69 Nrz-72 142-7 3 r'42-7 4 Nt2-15 M2-7 6 M2-77 M2-78 M2-79 M2-80 M2-81 vt2-82 M2-83 r42-84 M2-85 M2-86 M2-81 M2-88 PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO RPHOTO PHOTO HEAT PHOTO PHOTO RPHOTO GENIAM . GENIAM PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO RPHOTO RPHOTO PIIOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT _tu1AI RZAM RZAM PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSUOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE WATER so VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VS!.{OKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT RETAY KtsiLAI VSUOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT M2-43 2ND FLR M2-44 2ND FLR M2-45 2I{D FLR M2-46 2ND FLR M2-47 2ND FLR M2-48 2ND FLR M2-49 2ND FLR M2-50 2ND FLR M2-5]. 2ND FLR M2-52 2ND FLR M2-53 2ND FLR M2-54 2ND FLR M2-55 2ND FLR M2-56 2ND FLR M2_57 2ND FLR M2-58 2ND FLR M2-59 2ND FLR M2-60 2ND FLR M2 - 6 ]- 2ND FLR M2-62 2ND FLR M2-63 2ND FLR M2-64 2ND FLR M2-55 2ND FLR M2-66 2ND FLR M2-57 2ND FLR M2-68 2ND FLR M2-69 2ND FLR . M2-7O 2ND FLR M2_7]. 2ND FLR M2-72 2ND FLR M2-73 2ND FLR M2-74 2ND FLR M2-?5 2ND FLR M2-76 2ND FLR M2-77 2ND FLR M2_78 2ND FI,R M2-79 2ND FLR M2-80 2ND FIJR M2-81 2ND FLR M2-82 2ND FLR M2-83 2ND FLR M2-84 2ND FLR M2-85 2ND FLR M2-86 2ND FLR M2-87 2ND FLR M2-88 2I[D FLR POST PARTI]I,{ CLEAN UTILTTY KITCHEN LABOR/DELIV S SIJEEP RM #2 STAFF TOILET RM 252 STAFF CORRIDOR STAFF SHOV.'ER RM 251" STAFF TOILET/ SHOWER VEST LABOR/DELIV N SI-,EEP RM #]. STAFF OFFICE RM 247 CONFERENCE RM 248 NURSERY CORRIDOR NURSERY ISOLATION NURSERY JANITOR CLOSET NURSERY HOLDING NI]RSERY RECEPTION LOBBY 270 SOUTH SPRNKLR WATERFLOW S PRNKIJR TAMPER SW LABOR/DELIV WAITING TOILET LABOR/DELTV WAITING AREA LABOR/DELIV SOUTH HALL W LABOR/DELIV S HALI., W CEN LABOR/DELIVSHALLECEN LABOR/ DEIJIV SOUTH HAI'L E LABOR/DEIIV EAST STAIRWELL LABOR/DELIV LDRP STOR WEST LDRP-I WINDOW LDRP- 1 LDRP- 1 TOILET LDRP WEST EQUIP ROOM 237 LDRP-2 WINDOW LDRP-2 LDRP-2 TOTLET LDRP-3 WINDOW llJtatL-J IJDRP-3 TOILET ELEC RM 275 EAST ELEV SMOKE CURTAINS EAST ELEV SMOKE CURTAINS LDRP-4 WINDOW LDPR- 4 ll-rrl!,- lI LDRP W lutalt- f Ll-Jli-t(- l LU.t/t{- f, TOILET CEN EQUIP RM 238 WTNDOW VAII VALLEY MEDICAL 95501-30C node: L rev:11 SYSTEM POINT SUMMARY Page 5 I0:44:05. FRI, 06-SEP-02 System Point Summary (ascendj.ng by zone name ) : Zone Name Custom LabeL Devi.ce Point Type Type POINT SUMMARY ZONE cont inued rl\J _L ) Code M2-89 M2-90 M2-9t I!12-92 r42-93 Nr2-94 r,42-95 r42-96 r{2-97 M2-98 M3 -1 t43-2 M3-3 M3 -4 M3-5 M3-6 r43 -7 M3-8 M3 -9 M3-10 M3-11 r{3 -t2 M3-13 M3-L4 M3 -1,5 u3 -16 r43 -L7 M3-18 M3 -19 M3-20 r"t3 -27 vt3-22 M3-23 Nt3 -24 M3-25 M3-26 Nr3-27 M3-28 M3-29 M3-30 IV]J-JI L\)-)Z LV]J-JJ M3-34 M3-35 M3-36 PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO RPHOTO HEAT HEAT RZA.!I HEAT PHOTO ADRPUL ADRPUL ADRPUL RPHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT PHOTO PHOTO HEAT PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO HEAT PHOTO HEAT PHOTO HEAT HEAT PHOTO VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT RELAY HEAT VSMOKE PULL PULL PULL VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKX HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE HEAT VSMOKE HEAT HEAT VSMOKE M2-89 2ND FLR LDPR-6 WINDOUI M2-90 2ND FLR LDPR-5 M2-91 2ND FLR LDPR-6 142-92 2ND FLR LDRP E CE}I EQUIP RM 239 M2-93 2ND FLR LDPR-7 WINDOW M2-94 2ND FLR LDPR-'/ M2-95 2ND FLR LDPR-? M2-96 2ND FLR LDRP EAST EQUIP ROOM 240 M2-97 ELEV RECALL ACTUATOR M2-98 2ND FLR TELCOM ROOM M3-1 3RD FLR AMBL SURG MENS LKR TOILET M3-2 3RD FtR AMBL SURG NURSE STATION 2 M3-3 3RD FLR AI{BL SURG NURSE STATION 1 M3_4 3RD FLR AMBL SURG EAST STAIRS M3-5 3RD FLR AIqBL SURG PUBLIC ELEV M3-6 3RD FLR AMBL SURG LOBBY M3-7 3RD FLR AMBL SURG W WOMEN LOCKER RM M3-8 3RD FLR AMBL SURG W WOMEN SHOWER M3_9 3RD FLR AMBL SURG MENS SHOWER RM M3-10 3RD FLR AMBL SURG MENS LOCKER RM }{3 - 11 3RD FLR AMBL SURG NORTH CORRIDOR M3 -12 3RD FLR A.}.{BL SURG STAFF LOIJNGE M3-13 3RD FLR A-}IBL SURG E WOMEN SHOWER M3-14 3RD FLR A.I4BL SURG E WOMEN LOCK RM M3 -15 3RD FLR A!,{BL SURG NORTH CORRIDOR M3-16 3RD FLR ArrBL SIJRG EOUIP R!1 322 M3-17 3RD FLR AMBL SURG OR CORRIDOR M3-18 3RD FLR AMBL SURG O.R. RM *1 M3_].9 3RD FLR AMBL SURG O.R. RM #2 M3-20 3RD FLR AMBL SURG O.R. CORRIDOR M3-21 3RD FLR AUBL SURG O.R. RM *3 M3-22 3RD FI.,R AMBL SURG O.R. RM *4 M3-23 3RD FLR AMBL SURG O.R. CORRTDOR M3-24 3RD FLR AMBL SURG BIO I{AZARD M3-25 3FD FLR AMBI SURG SOILED UTILITY M3-26 3RD FLR AMBL SURG MINOR PROCEDURE M3-27 3RD FLR AMBL SURG DECONTAMINATION M3 -28 3RD FI.,,R AMBL SURG \TANITOR CLOSET M3-29 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PATHOLOGY M3-30 3RD FLR AMBL SURG DECON JAN CLOSET M3-31 3RD FLR AMBL SURG STERILE PROCES 1 M3-32 3RD FLR AMBL STIRG STERILIZER CLOST }.{3-33 3RD FLR AMBL SURG STERILE PROCES 2 M3-34 3RD FLR AMBL SURG GAS STORAGE M3-35 3 R"D FLR AMBL SURG BULK STORAGE M3-36 3RD FLR A},{BL SURG DR CONSULTING VAII VALLEY MEDICAI 9550130C node:1 rev:11 SYSTM4 POINT SUMMARY Page 6 10:44:05, FRI, 05-SEP-02 System Point. Sunmary (ascending by zone nane ) : Zone Name CusLom Label Device Point T\4)e Type POINT SI]MMARY ZONE conE. inued PNIS Code M3-37 M3-38 M3-39 M3-40 M3 -41 t43-42 M3 -43 M3-44 M3-45 r'13 - 45 v13 - 47 M3-48 M3-49 M3-50 M3-51 M3-52 M3-53 M3-54 M3-55 M3-55 M3-57 M3-58 M3 -59 M3-50 M3-61 M3-62 M3-53 M3 -64 M3 -65 M3-56 M3 -57 M3-68 M3-69 M3-70 M3-71 t43 -7 2 M3-73 M3-7 4 M3 -?5 M3-76 r"13 -7'7 PHOTO RPHOTO PHOTO MBZAI.{ MBZAM PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO HEAT HEAT RPHOTO PHOTO HEAT RPHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO ?HOTO GENIAM HEAT PHOTO VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE WATER ca) VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE HEAT HEAT DUCT VSUOKE HEAT VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSMOKE VSI1IOKE VSMOKE HEAT rTqMnLF M3 - 3 7 3 RD FLR AMBI., SURG TOBBY TOII.,,ET M3-38 3RD FLR AMBL SURG LOBBY M3-39 3RD FLR AMBL SURG CEb]TER HALL M3-40 3RD FtR AMBL SURG S PRNKLR FLOW M3-41 3RD FLR AMBL SURG SPRNKLR TAMPER M3-42 3RD FLR AMBL SURG WAITING M3-43 3RD FLR AMBL SURG CENTER HALL M3-44 3RD FLR AI4BL SURG P.A.T. OFFICE M3-45 3RD FLR AMBL SURG NURSE WORK-]. NW M3-46 3RD FLR AMBL SURG NURSE WORK_]. NE }.13-47 3RD FLR AMBL STIRG GI PACU WEST M3-48 3RD FLR AMBL STIRG GT PACU N ENTRY M3-49 3RD FLR AMBL SURG GI PACU EAST M3-50 3RD FLR AMBL SURG NURSE WORK-2 NE },13 - 5 ]. 3 RD FLR A.I4BL STIRG NURSE WORK- 2 SE M3 -52 3RD FLR A.}48I.,, SI'RG NSRSE WORK-2 SW I{3-53 3RD FLR AMBL SURG NOURI SHMElil]I M3_54 3RD FLR AMBL SURG WOMENS LKR TOII,T M3_55 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU M3_56 3RD FLR AMBL SURG NURSE WORK-2 NW M3-57 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU TOII.,,ET M3-58 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU TOILET M3-59 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU TOILET M3_60 3RD FLR AMBL SURG O.R. /PACU HALL E M3-61 3RD FI.,R A}IBL SURG O.R. /PACU HALL W }13-62 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU TELE RM M3-63 3RD FLR AMBL SIIRG GI PACU HSKPNG M3-64 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU SUPPLY AIR M3-55 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU HALL M3-66 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU ELEC RM M3-6? 3RD FLR A.I4BIJ SURG PACU PAT. ELEV. M3-68 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU PRIVATE RM M3-69 3RD FLR AMBL SURG STAGE 2 RECOV W M3-70 3RD FLR AI4BL SURG NURSE OFFICE M3-71 3RD FLR AMBL SURG OFFTCE 320 t43-72 3RD FLR AMBL SLIRG BUSINESS OFFICE M3-73 3RD FLR A},IBL SIIRG CLINTC ADMIN OFF M3-74 3RD FLR AMBL SURG PACU SOILED UTIL M3-75 3RD FLR AMBL SURG E STAIR TAMPER M3-76 TOP OF ELEV SHAFT M3-77 TOP OF EI.,,EV SHAFT \ r77ll\-\- MKK CONSULTING ENGINEERS' INC. Mecianical, Elecirical, Enorgr & Teclmolory 7350 Eas Progt€fs Phc$, suite lfi) Frrglevood, @ 801 11 (303) 721{6m o Fax (303) 721{200 wwwJrkkqrt.com Odober8,2002 Mike Mcgee, Depu$ Chief/Fire Marshal Town of VailFire DePartment 42 W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: VailValley Medical Center TCO Fire Alarm Report - Actions ltems MKK Job No.: P017396.CD Dear Mike: This is to document the ac{ion items taken and planned as part of the completion of the addition at the referenced facility, resulting from Ure July 25, 20fJ,2, Firc Alarm Repoftfor Temponry Ceftificate of Occupancy, by Kenneth Ball of Schimer Engineering Corporation. This report identifies items bolded as needing to be completed prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. This letter oovers all bolded items and the status or plan for these items. Page 2 of the report, under the 'Fire alarm shop drawings submiftal" heading indicates subsequent field changes were rcquired ag a result of this review (see below). In addition, the fire alam drawings did not accurately relay the sequence of operations relating to rnechanical and nurse call sysbns (i.e. dampers and elevator shafi supply fan), nor did they accurately reflect the location of all devices. The fire alarm drawings are being modified to accurately relay the sequence of operations relating to mechanical and nurse call systems and location of devices. These drawings will be provided by the contrador with the final Certificate of Occupancy (CO) package. Page2and 3 of the report, under the "System Design Revierrr/' heading addresses five items. These items are listed below, followed by the planned action or action taken: l. As required by Section, NFPA 72, in arcas wherc beam depths exceed 1ft {12 inchesl, smoke senslng detectorc are required in each beam pocket This condltion exists in all electrical, mechanical and blecom 100ms. Action: All detection devices in electrical, mechanical and lelecom rooms are heat detectors. Section 2-3, NFPA 72, pertains to smoke detectors. Therefore no ac{ion is taken. Gr€d Falls Montana Atlanta Georgia Billings Montsra Cheyeme Wyqning Ilenver Colorado Crand Junction Colorado v<< Mike Mcgee, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal October8,2fl)2 Page2 2. As required by Section 2-2.4.3, NFPA 72, if beans project more than 18 inches below the ceiling and are more than eight feet on center, each bay formed by the beams shall be treated as a separate space. Action: No instances of this configuration were identified. Therefore no action is taken. 3. As required by the uniform mechanical code, dampers shall be provided with an approved rneans of access, large enough to permit inspection and maintenance of the damper and its operating parts. During the cource of our survey it was estimated that over 5096 of the fire/smoke damperc access panels nrere located at such a distance that maintenance could not be provided to the operating internal parts. Action: All dampers are provided with access doors in accordence with specifications. Due to tight spaces above ceilings and some limitations for easy acoess, some dampers ale more difficult to aooess. However, no dampers are inaccessible. Each damper aooess was field verified. 4- As required by the UBC a shunt trip is required for the traction elevator. This will requirc the installation of heat sensing devices and controls. Action: Shunt trip capability was provided for the elevator. 5. The vbual and audible notification appliances within Group I Occupancies are considered to be performance based in the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail Fire Department is aware of the UFC exception for audible notification appliances in Group I Occupancies, although it b the rcquirement of the Town of Vail that all arcas within Group I Occupancies be annunciated. As this reguirement relates to this proiecq a[ areas where audible coverage is less than ambient, visual notification appliance shall be inetalled. This includes OR"s and offices on the Third Floor. Action: As discussed via telephone, the following modifications are planned: . On the third floor, the strobe notification devices located in Men's Lockers 326 and Women's Lockers 331 will be replaced with chime/strobe notification devices.. On the second floor, the strobe notification devices located in Staff Lounge 257, Men's Lockers 228, and Women's Lockers 261 will be replaced with chime/strobe notification devices. The above adions, when complete, should allow CO to be issued as it relates to the fire alarm report identifying deficiencies. v<< Mike Mcgee, Deputy Chief/Firc Marchal Odober8,2002 Page 3 Please call if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Brian Thompson, P.E. Life Safety/Fire Protection Engineer BOT/bot cc: Doug Workman via fax (970) 479-5029oc: JRH v<< MK_X COI.lSUL,ll.liC ENq L{EpIS ! I N c, lr'lccharical. [ilcclrtcal. Fncrgt & Tcchnrrlogr 7.i50 tasr Progrtss Placc. Surlt lilt) l:nglr$ood. ('O 8()ll I I i{l-i ) 7: l-b6(n . Iar I i(r-i) ?l l -0:(xt \1r\r mllrnt com October 9, 2002 Mike McGee, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal Town of Vail Fire Department 42 W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Cenler Phase 1 Expansion Interstitial Space between first and second floor, defined by column lines CE, 9E. J. and 6. MKK Job No : DM13332.00 Dear Mike: This is to document the construction results of the referenced projecl and interstitial space. As you are aware. during construction I made several visits to the site as a Special Inspeclor for the owner. My role being monitoring the construction of the interstitial space so that it could be considered a safe space not requiring additional life safety and fire prolection features. I am happy to report that the finished construction and occupancy of the interstilial space complies with the features described in my letter dated January 9,2OO?. For the purposes ot this letter and documentation of the requirements surrounding the finished construclion, I am restating the requirements of my January 9, 2002 letter with applicable currenl features identified following each requirement. 1. The space must be kept free of combuslible materials. All construction and occupancy malerial musl be non-combustible. Anything occupying this space must be non-combustible (plenum rated cable, no plywood, no root covering material). The roof covering material that has been added to the floor of the interstitial space to prevenl leaking into the existing first floor area must be removed entirely to eliminale combustibles in the space. Cunent Features: The interstitial space is free ol combustible malerials. Exlenslve labor was spent by the contactor in removal of the roof covering material. 2. The interslitial space musl be completely enclosed as an airtight space wilh fire raled construction. All six (6) sides of the space must be made airtight to prevent fugitive gasses (un-burnt combustible gasses) escaping a fire in adjacent areas from migrating into the interstitial space. Accomplishmenl of this includes but is not limited to lhe following: a. Closing off the area on lhe west side, cunently open to the elevator lobby under floor space. The inlerseclion of the interstitial floor/ceiling and sides must be iighl. This division is at column line 9E. b. Removal of the form insulation (pink expanded foam insulation) on the .,\tlanlo Billings Chcrrnnc l)cnrcr (;raBd Junclion (;rcat Falls(ierrn:ia l\'loniana \l'romine ('olorado ('olorado \,lorttana v<< Mike McGee, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal October 9.2OOz Page 2 west side used for the construction of the existing struclure. All of this insulalion must be removed so that it only resides outside of the interstiiial space.|tshouldbeobviousbyvisua|inspectionthattheinsu|alionis removed above lhe interstitial enclosure. c. The interstitial spac€ on the north side musl be closed off lrom the atrium area with the intersection of the interstitial floor/ceiling and sides being airlight. This division is at column line 6. d The interstitial space on the easl side must be closed off from the adjacent roof covering and Phase ll areas with the inlersection ol the interstitial floorheiling and sides being airtight. Thts division is at column line J. e. The interstitial space on the south side musl be closed off from the adjacent above ceiling space added as a result ofthe first floor build-out. This division of the spaces must occur at the existing exterior wall on the south side al column line CE with the intersection of the inlerstitial floor/ceiling and sides being airtighl. The space above the first floor lay-in ceiling, south of column line cE musl be closed ofi from the inlerstitial sDace.f. All penetrations through any of the six (6) sides musl be treated as a fire rated penetralion to mainlain an airtight enclosure of the interslitial space. All duct penetrations are to be vertical through the interstitial space and in separale enclosed vertical shafts. g. The sleel slruclure in the interstitial space musl be provided with fireproof coating to comply with the construclion type of the building' lt is crucial that the sequencing of the plumbing piping, fire proofing application and steel deck application be such that ihe fireproof coaling is maintained throughout the process. The primary structural members need to be provided with fireproof coating and coverage should be adequaie for the fire raling needing to be achieved. Fireproofing should fill the voids created by steel deck flutes on top ot the flange of the primary slructural members. Flules placed perpendicular to primary struclural members should be filled as part of the sequencing of installation. This may be difficult with the available height of the interstitial space Flutes placed parallel to primary slructural members are even more difficull to fill and again, the sequencing of installation is crucial to achieving this as best as possible. Cunent Fealures: The division at column line 9E is closed and tight- AII of the insutation on lhe west stde has been removed and was verified during visits to the sile. Ihe division al column /rne 6 is closed from the atium and is tight. The interstitial space or? the east edge rs closed off from the adiacent rool covering at column tine J. lf column line J is opened back up as a result of Phase ll work, the features of the interstitial space must remain for life safety features (spinklers and detection) lo be exctuded from the space. The division at column line CE ls c/osed and tighl. Penelrations have been treated as fire rated penetrations. Veflical shafts exist for veftical duct penetrations. The steel structure in the inlerstitia/ space is v<< Mike McGee, Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal October 9.2002 Page 3 provided with adeguate fireproof coating. 3. To increase the reliability that the construction features creating separation of lhe interstitial space from adjacent areas are adequately inslalled and performance is correc{ in regards to creating an airtight space, it is recommended that a Special Inspector be utilized on the job site at lhe interstitial space throughout completion of the conslruction. Currenl Features: I served as Special lnspector for lhe owner. 4. The Vail Fire Deparlmenl reserves the right to utilize discharge of a smoke bomb in the interstitial space to identify potential leaks in the six (6) sides creating the interstitial envelope, at completion of the interstitial space. Currenl Features: With salisfactory results of the construction of this space. I recommend there is no need lo test fhe space for leaks. 5. To increase the Vail Building and Fire Department's confidence that this interstilial space is conslrucled as indicaled above, Charlie Davis of the Vail Building Department should be contacted ihroughout the construction to allow inspeclion ot the construction progress and quality of airtight joints, fireprooftng, etc. Current Features: Chadie Davis visited several times throuqhout lhe construction of the interstilial space. 6. Automatic sprinkler protection and detection within the interstitial space is not required once lhe interslilial envelope is constructed and maintained as an airtight space. Additional venlilation is not required for the inlerslitial space as long as the interslitial envelope is constructed and maintained as an airtight space. Cunent Features: As long as the interstitial space is maintained as l uras constructed. there is no need for automatic sprinkler protection, detection or additional ventilalion. 7- This interstitial space musl remain as designed and described above throughout the life of the space. lf lhis interstitial space is used differently than described above, the Fire Department reserves the right to withdraw the Certificate of Occupancy for this area. Future Features: Mainlenance of the interslitial space to remain as il was constructed is vilal lo the success of fhis space remaining a safe space. v<< Mike McGee, Deputy Chiei/Fire Marshal October 9,2002 Page 4 Recommendation It i" lny r"*rr""dation that the Vail Fire Department support the approvalofcertificate of Ociupancy as it relates to the construclion of this inlerstitial space without life safety features such as aulomatic sprinkler protection, delection or additional ventilation. lt is also my recommendaiion thal lhere is no need for additional lesting of the space for ail tightness. Please call if you have any questions or comments. cc: cc. Russ Sedmak, Architect HLM rasedmak@hlmdesign.com Doug Workman, Projecl Administrator HCBeck dougworkman@beckgroup.com Stan Anderson, V.P. Facilities Vail Valley Medical Center anderson@wmc.com RRR JRH -a SicnnMEn Eruenueep.rne ConeoBATIctN g5o NDTANA STREFr, SU|TE 5OO L GOLDEN. GE 8A4O1 L qHONE (3@) e79-89@ L FM t3O3) 279ASO5 FIRE ALARM REPORT FOR TEMPORARY GERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORADO SEG Project No. 2402025-000 Prepared For VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER July 25,2002 @ 2002 Schirmer Engineering Corporation Fire Protection Engineering t Code Consulting t Bisk Control t Security Consulting VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, CO July 25,2OO2 sEc 2402009-001 INTRODUCTION This Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCOI report outlines testing of fire alarm system for the Vail Valley Medical Center located in Vail, Colorado. Fire Alarm Testing of the structure was conducted July 11th through JulV 22nd,2QO2' Vail Valley Medical Center is a two-story addition to a single story low-rise building (equaling three stories). System performance is based on criteria expressed in the approved fire alarm drawings. GENERAL The testing and inspection program for the fire alarm system at the Vail Valley Medical Center was conducted in three phases. The first phase consisted of equipment documentation and system design review. The second phase included inspection and testing of individual components of the fire alarm system. The third phase consisted of overall system testing based upon fire scenarios and incorporated the integration of various components of the mechanical system, l, Review of Documentation The design team and contractors submitted manufacturers' data sheets associated to the fire alarm drawings and listing information {or all devices in the fire alarm system to the third party test inspectors. Those devices include the following: Fire alarm initiating devices. Fire alarm control devices and systems, Control hardware. Monitoring devices. Based upon review of the data sheets, Schirmer Engineering Corporation (SECI believes the above list of items to be in accordance with applicable codes, standards. .A VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, CO Julv 25,2OO2 sEc 2402009-oo1 In addition to the data sheets for the above-mentioned items, the following items were cursory reviewed at the project site: Fire alarm shop drawings submittal. The above information was reviewed to verify that system installation is in conformance with the applicable codes, subsequent field changes were required as a result of this review lsee below). ln addition, the fire alarm drawings did not accurately relay the sequence of operations relating to mechanical and nurse call systems (i.e. dampers and elevator shaft supply fanl, nor did they accurately reflect the location of all devices. System Design Review Schirmer Engineering Corporation conducted a walkthrough of the tenant improvement (addition) areas to review installation compliance with NFPA 72 and the Uniform Mechanical Code. Smoke detectors, heat detectors, visual notification devices, audible notification devices, door hold open devices, the fire alarm control panel and backup power supplies were visually reviewed. Subsequent field changes will be required as a portion of this review (see belowl. 1, As required by Section 2-3.4.6,1 , NFPA 72, in areas where beam depths exceed 1ft 112 inches), smoke sensing detectors are required in each beam pocket. This condition exists in all electrical, mechanical and telecorn rooms, 2. As required by Section 2-2.4.3, NFPA 72, if beams project more than 18 inches below the ceiling and ale more than eight feet on center, each bay formed by the beams shall be treated as a separate space. 3. As required by the uniform mechanical code, dampers shall be provided with an approved means of access, large enough to permit inspection and maintenance of the damper and its operating parts. During the course of our VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. CO July 25,2OO2 sEc 2402009-001 survey it was estimated that over 50% of the fire/smoke dampers access panels were located at such a distance that maintenance could not be provided to the operating internal parts. 4. As required by the UBC a shunt trip is required for the traction elevator. This will require the installation of heat sensing devices and controls, 5. The visual and audible notification appliances within Group I Occupancies are considered to be performance based in the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail Fire Department is aware of the UFC exception for audible notification appliances in Group I Occupancies, although it is the requirement of the Town of Vail that all areas within Group I Occupancies be annunciated. As this requirement relates to this ploject, all areas where audible coverage is less than ambient, visual notification appliance shall be installed. This includes OR"s and offices on the Third Floor. ll. Individual Unit Testing SEC developed inspection and test sheets for each device type based upon the information submitted. The completed test records for this project are located in Appendix A of this report. Third party inspectors witnessed each test and confirmed acceptability of all devices. Devices, which passed inspection, were marked with the name of the inspector and date. Devices that did not pass inspection were marked failed or other comments were attached. Individual devices tested and significant test findings are as follows. See later section for further description of integrated system operation. Area Smoke Detectors Area smoke detection is provided for tenant floors as required by code. Full area detection is provided within all tenant improvement areas. The area smoke detectors noted above initiated fire alarm and mechanical actions as required (closure of fire/smoke dampers, closer of smoke resistive boundary doors and roll VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 4 VAIL. CO Julv 25,2OQ2 sEc 2402009-oo1 detectors closer of and visual downs, and activation of audible and visual notification devicesl. Smoke detectors within elevator lobbies initiated elevator recall. Heat Detectors Heat detection is provided for tenant floors as required by code. The heat initiated mechanical action as required (closer of fire/smoke dampers, smoke resistive boundary doors and roll downs, and activation of audible notification devices). ln-duct Smoke Detectors The air handling systems providing over 2,OOO cfm of supply air are provided with an in-duct smoke detector. During the course of our testing, these detectors were tested on each fan. Upon activation of the in-duct detectors the associated fan unit shutdown. Waterflow Switches All waterflow switches located on the tenant improvement area floors activated active alarm sequences. Closer of fire/smoke dampers, closer of smoke resistive boundary doors and roll downs, and activation of audible and visual notification devices were noted. Valve Supervisory Devices Each valve supervisory device located in the tenant improvement area was tested for functionality. Upon closure of these devices a supervisory signal was relayed to the FACP. Fire/Smoke Dampers Combination fireismoke dampers are installed in supply, transfer, and exhaust ducts related to the Vail Valley Medical Center. Each fire/smoke damper was tested to insure proper function in accordance with the approved design. The dampers were also tested to ensure the fail-safe feature (close upon loss of power). VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, CO July 25,2OQ2 sEc 2402009-001 Visual Notification Appliances Each visual notification appliance (strobe) was confirmed to operate upon activation of an alarm condition. Visual notification devices were also noted to be synchronized as required by NFPA 72. Audible Notification Appliances Each audible notification appliance (chime) was verified for proper operation. Doors and Hold-Open Devices Smoke zone barriers are required to provide a smoke-tight separation. Each door separating a smoke barrier was verified for door hardware, closing devices, and smoke seals. Magnetic hold-open devices were verified to energize and de-energize as required by the fire alarm sequence of operations. Backup Power Supply The backup power supply was tested for supervisory signal. Upon loss of battery power the backup power supply sent a distinct supervisory signal to the FACP. FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) The FACP was tested by use of external initiating devices. Each device was properly addressed and annunciated at the FACP. Won-Door The Won-Door associated with the first floor lobby was tested for operation. Elevator Roll Down Smoke Guards The elevator shaft is required to provide a smoke-tight separation to the event floor. Each roll down smoke guard separating a smoke barrier was verified for hardware, closing devices, and proper smoke seals. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL, CO July 25, 2002 sEc 2402009-001 ilt. Elevator Shaft Supply Fan The elevator shaft supply fan was verified for proper sequence of operation. Upon activation of an elevator lobby smoke detector this fan was activated. Positive pressure was noted at the shaft. General Building Construction Each smoke zone was inspected to verify that unsealed penetrations between smoke zones did not exist. lntegrated System Operation Testing The next phase of testing included activation of initiating devices and verification that all appropriate control functions occurred in accordance with the approved fire alarm sequence of operations. The sequence of operation functions was verified for each initiating device on the project. The testing operations and results for Vail Valley Medical Center are as follows: Floor 2, 3, and First Floor Lobby The 2nd, 3'd and First Floor Lobby are passive smoke/fire zones. Upon activation of a waterflow, smoke or heat detector alarm in the first floor tenant spaces the smoke/fire dampers closed, magnetic door hold-open devices and Won Door on the floor de-energized and released, Audible and visual devices were activated and a distinct alarm signal was sent to the FACP, Upon activation of a waterflow, heat or smoke detector alarm in the Second and Third floor tenant , the smoke/fire dampers closed, magnetic door hold-open devices on the floor de-energized and released, audible and visual devices were activated and a distinct alarm signal was sent to the FACP. In addition, upon activation of a smoke, heat or waterflow devices on Floor 2, the nurse call system was paged. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER VAIL. CO Prepared By: SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORPOBATION Reviewed by: SCH IRMER ENGINEERING CORPORATION July 25, 2002 sEc 2402009-001 Floor 1, 2, and 3 Elevator Lobbies and Associated Elevator Machine Rooms Upon activation of a 2d or 3'd Floor elevator lobby smoke detectors, primary recall of the elevators was initiated. Upon activation of a 1o Floor elevator lobby smoke detector secondary recall was initiated. Upon activation of the heat sensing devices at the top of shaft and within the Hydraulic Elevator Machine Room, the shunt trip was activated, shutting all power to the associated elevator cabs and svstems, Emergencv Generator Testing On Jufy 181h,2OO2, a test of the fire alarm system on emergency power was conducted. The fire alarm system at the Vail Valley Medical Center was first activated (Floor 3) on normal power. The appropriate sequence of operation of the equipment occurred. Opening the main breaker then interrupted the utility power serving the fire alarm system. The fire alarm system transferred to emergency power with no loss of volatile memory. SUMMARY The Fire Alarm System at the Vail Valley Medical Center is operating within the limits of its design as noted in this report. All items noted in bold are required to be completed prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. ( Glen Sar ke, P.E. Manager Kenneth D. Ball KDB:GS/k Engineering APPENDIX A A TEST SHEETS a Smoke Detectors Waterflow Detectors a Duct Detectors Manual Pull Stations r Heat Detectors |!I I uJlo 0- aFz I,TJ oO vfo Eoa o Em v aE.oFoul(Laz Ftu IIJIq t-U' lJJFzOs ='b.= F OAo g; r .!O f .._j = EH#_-! 4'52 = ==d \otsoo \ Go Eo =\o\\ s \r\ s _rlolv.lF1 z1o C) uJYo U) uJ (J TUl> l@t0t< lo-la luJIFt< Itr 12_ o c) al,o oo oo uto ()(Jo F a uJF 6zlzz q oo o (to oo o tllE 0) d]J tJ- (\ o oo tr d) o -9tJ. c6I o =o x.dlJ o -9ILo (\l Y, a |r E(t E o o -9Lr E(Y) .=o a) tno l,rJ Y(v) a @tu oo N NI(\l (v) C\l ol (v) I(9 = $I(r) lI-o UJo o- aFz uJ oO =(D o oY U)troF() uJ(Laz F IIJ IIJ -U' FolUF EoE =o = ..:i-.\ IIJ lllY :(OJ <O]L == \o*.soo \i Got\Eo E o\\ s \r\ s =l SI $l 5l !l EI HI trl =lql ultal dltlFIzlolol uJIYIoi a ut F C) ul aa o- la IUJIFt< Itr t= () OOF a[!F 6z:)zz th attq)oo tt lrJ '|r tr :,(t oo E(tt o tr !, (') 3 tr LL (\l EoF Ll- ol U) U' uJtoo Y Y(.) o)|r)(\$l o! = (ELo @ coo =@ () )z' TLoFO lrJ tL U)z D ct?iia= rg E I.IJk>t- t- z2 o IJJ aut a uJ a lrJ a uJ a UJ a UJ q) lt.l U) UJ aut @ uJ a UJ a uJ q lrJ @ut (n ul a llJ q) llj alu U)lu u) uJ @ uJ a I.IJF:O<o OO)l-z<z @ul u) lJJ U) uJ @ut o IJJ U' uJ q lU o IJJ o UJ U)tu @ut Q uJ U)ut UJ a I,IJ (n UJ a IJJ o UJ (n ul a uJ o IJJ o tr| uJt !O+tz IL FaTxllt @ z tr 5 o j tl.€cN (Y) I o-o tL tJ lJ- Fq (\ o,(\ co (D -d tr F @ rO o,N odtoJ x.JIL Fo rO I = o)N c0 cooJ x.Jtl. 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(L lo Lu ulJuj Fz UJ llta @o@ I = =o n 5g lu tuJ UJ Fz IJJ uJ U) Fo trl J I u u. lrJJotr d] l EF x.Jt! zN T$l F @ul =JJ I =tr trllj ot l EF trJILoz(\ N Fo l! zooJ f d.F trJ LLoz(\ C\ t uJFz uJo z J EF tJll-oz(\ l.- ot F @ uJ =zoOJ dt ftF tr tl- ozolI<\l F U) ut F-(t J )<a d.F tJILozN N FQ TIJ =FI =Y U) =l E. k x.JILozC\ (\ zIF uto J lrJoto @ J uJ LL oz<\ l() (\ @ lt- & Fao(L x,Jl!ozN(o c{ E. u.l Lut Jlljo E.oo J x.JILozN F N U)a I.IJtroo (7'ol rO = rtr) c{rr,rr)f-to @() = o)rr)(oi t $l rr)IN (o N = I\ C\ @(\ o (\l c{ rn N (0 I6l = F N o ct o- \otsoo \ .uEE6 SF TF En EH=es o ol< Eoa o o t(D EoFOul IL U)z DC4>-AYcD= tr5 E3 t- t- =2 a[!U) UJ atu @ uJ u) uJ alu a uJ aul a u.l uJ a uJ q trJ aul a uJ a uJ a lrJ U) IJJ U) uJ U)ul a[!a uJ o I.IJ k8oc)frz<z U) IJJ out allt U)lu (n UJ a uJ aut Q t a uJ a lJJ U)ul @ llJ llJ a llJ @ llJ atu @ uJ a IJJ a[!alu a uJ tIJtr Fx (L Fao o- tJILozN 6 N E. F lrJJoF Ftr Fao tJ lJ-ozN o, N FutJ F t Ft o- F @o(L e.Jltoz(\ (\ ol o, d. Ft n F U) trJIL IJzot C!nl N J&(L a(,zz UJJo J1! E.otrlI v.JtLozNs(\(\ Ful -J F tr F E. (L F U)oo. t.Jtloz(\ lr' o,lI(\ =tr -z IIJ o- llJ =UJz d. -JIt zN $tI OJ J uJo troI o|- rfFz uJ e.t tJIL ozN NN C! Fq Lll =JJ T |-t n FQ n tr -Jtt ozol N c1 c0 J x. F uJ)t! =dl x. tr ozN NIN Fa UJ =JJ T F E. o- F @on tJILozN (\ x. uJFz lrJo JJ T F st! F @o(L x.JlL ozN (o N F ct) uJ JJ T Fx. F U) 0- x.J u- oz(\ C!(') N x.o IJ Etr O t o J uJ LJto trl J t troz C\ ct, N ulJ EulFq) d]la J uJ t d] J tJL oz GIs C! = g. ulY() t-\ J (!)z uJ B e.) Ll- zN C\.J oo E. E. uJY :-az uJ o3 t tr oz C! N M ulY oJ 9)z UJ Jtl-ozol f\cf) (\l tuY J (!)z uJ tiloz(\t CO (\l FutaoJo @t tz -) J uJot c0 J tJ[Loz oJ o) N uloz ;u-3 Q tJILozol $ N aa uJtoo @ C! = N N(\ = ol(\ $l $(\ I(\l rOol N @(\ (\l Nc\l N $l N o,(\ (\(Y)(\ = (o C! = ol (\I = (r) (f, c! sr (f)(\ rO (f) al f\ c\,1 CO c\I o)(r) C\ = YN = @ o c\t c)o) IL \o*.soo \ $H SE TF Fn EHiug q)l< E U) cq) o 6d) occoY U)toFO TU(L U)z Ds? ac*2 Ef;k> t-F 2_2 a uJ a uJ U) lrJ @ IU Q uJ a uJ @ UJ U' lrJ a IJJ @ IU a IJJ U' UJ U) lrJ (t> UJ U)l!@tu q) uJ U) lrJ U) llJ o uJ a uJ @ul autl-()<. c)OC) z<z U) uJ a uJ a IJJ ct) IJJ U) uJ q, uJ U)ul o UJ a IJJ @ lU U) Llj @ lU @ lrJ alu U)t!ct) UJ C) uJ a IIJ U) uJ U) uJ aIJ @ uJ LrJt EaFutooJ z - J u.l E. dl 5 tJt! oz(\l Y(\l F =tr IJJJoa fF (L F(n oo. t lI. oz6l NT(\l F =F:)z tuJ Ft (L Foo o- x.JIL ozN Y(\l z uJro EY tJIL oz(\Is N ol:ft tr o- lrJ uJJ U'o J UJo E.odt - 4 IJzN lto Y(\ t> (\t ro(\l tr F lrJJ Ft!u- FU' tJltoz(\ (o YN g.oo x.o C) ILII Fo e.J lJ-oz(\l N Y(\l loc{ E E, IJJ =oTa tJ-l! Fa trJtl- z6l @s(\ Falu d. uJ3 T U) IL LL F E.Jll oz(\ o) YNl> :tt t ul uJJ U'z Jttlo E.o (DI e.J tJ- oz$loIN t-9(\I x. IJJOtru- tl-t!s|_a uJu- ozol oI co{N u UJozulu lrJ LLzo(J t.JIL oz(! (\l rr, N troot o t IIJ @& z d. oz$t (Y) lO N zoFtoL t UJ U) z trJIL ozNsrO N FulaoJ toFz 1 IUaaf lz e.Jl! ozc\l lOlO c! zoJoT t uJ @trlz d.J t-Loz OI(o rO C\t z tr UJ C) UJt IY ul U'IYfz tJu- ozolr\rr) (\l TF .JoQ f-(\l dlgloJ uJIL LIz C\I @rr, (\l = 3oJu-t llJF BtulJYz M (L @ e.Jt! ozc\l O) t.C, <\ = 3 U) E, LlJo. F E. uJJYz e.(La t LL oz(\|o(o N F UJJ6j- oz E = J UJoto (D J x.Ju- zN (o <! uJt oz E 3 trot d) J EJIL oz(\ N (! U)a uJuoo Tot GI T(\ (')st ol tf Y$t ro Y o,l YN FTN = TN Y OI orr,(\ro o| c.,lro N (o r<)(\ q ro GI rr)r() N (oro N = t\lO (\l @ro C! o)ro (\l o@ C! (o <\ C\(o C\ @ (Y) c) ct)r!(L \o*tasoo \ ,gEE6 SE bF El -. lllr-y.iS; leH o ol.f!(! (E @ o o =odt 6 Y av.oFO IU(Loz DC4>= NY{2rro EHk>t-F z2 atu u) uJ o IJJ q) IJJ U) llJ U)ul (n llJ (t) uJ @ uJ a tU @ ut U) t,u @ UJ a UJ a IJJ @ uJ (t) uJ U)a UJ CN uJ a IU U) uJ aut E8oofFz<z a uJ a lrJ U) LIJ @ul @ uJ a IJJ U)ul U) lrJ U) uJ o UJ a IIJ aul Q UJ a uJ U) uJ Q uJ U'ut TU a u.l U) UJ U) UJ U)lu uJt 3 JJ T :EFfo CN J uJ E. 5 t IL oz(\ (f,(o (\l z uJ() 3 JJ Ia Julo E. o .J EJILozNv(o N zuto uJ JJ Io uJo E.o tll J trJll oz$l ro(0 <\ uJ JJ TrF -!oU' J uJo Eo!o 5 trJ lJ- z$l (o (\,1 JJ uJ3t F U)Fa lrl J lrJ Eodl J trJILozN F N =ooz ; (L d.oJ E,JILozot oi I C\I x.aJ t tr z(! NI o,l F uJl Y (Lt 3 tJt! oz <\| N N F-(fjN Fzul (L lo llJ Fu)t! = oJ trJILozN c!F- N 3 oz =N o. oJ tJILozc\ N (\l AI u J tJ LLozN $f- (\,1 FulJ oF C\I v.oJ J LJzN rr,N C! 3 z =(f, ot 3 tJLozN r\ (\l Cr, (L EoJ x.JILoz(\l NN(\ F UJJ F C') (LtoJ tJILoz C\ l'- (! =oz =Y to -t e.J TL oz<! o,l N Y0- E, J t. z c\t m @ (\l F uJJ F T(L &.o: Jt! zNtco N (f,({ E -(Lf Lltz ut =(Lt IJJ trJttozc{ rr) N =ooz 3 tr) (L o x.JIL oz(\ (o N LL oJ t.J LLozN F@ (\l |r, t!toJ tJIIoz(! co I$l a U) IUtoo s(o $t rf)(0 <\N N (\l = o)(o 6l t-(\F (\l Nf- N (f,t- N tf* N t\IN (ot\ $t t-N $l r\ N N @ N (f) (\l Y c! = (J C!C! t- N <\I @ s c) N{L \olhasoo \ .uEE6 SE }F En rr tlJ.ty.iS; EEH o o o.Y g oa oo uJ- g? \- -l+o ag. tr5 E3 2z aul U) llJ a trJ aul o uJ U)lrl a IJJ a Lu o IU q IJJ U) uJ UJ @ IJJ aul alu auj U) UJ allt U)lu U) IU a)[!@u a tlJ k8oolrz<z aut a IrJ a uJ U)ul @ UJ U)u U) t.IJ attl a uJ U) UJ (n IJJ o UJ (n uJ (t lJJ U) UJ U)ut (n ut U) uJ atu @ IU atu a) u.l ut x. = z =ILEoJ tJ lJ- z(\l N toJ d.J tJ- ozc{ N (o o- oJ E,J lJ- ozN ot N CD(r,(\l IY (L ulzut ul o- oJ tJtl. oznt olo, N 3o z 3t\ o. J tJILozcl (o c! N n J Jll.oz$t $o, N 1\I(LtoJ x.JII zol q) I(! t(\ & (L o IJJ uJ (L&o J e.J lJ-ozN(o o) c{ oF F JJ o UIE lIJJ utt-o) N oo oJ lrJF v.Ju-oz(\ c{ = F. lrJJoFtr:<J (!)z UJ E. -! @ J m E,JlLo (o I(9 olzotr F CN @tu U) 3z (/) J d) tJILo (7) C! zo F Faaul u)tr z tlo J co e.J lJ- oIY (o o =U'F U) uJ(tt J co trotr Y(Y) lrJJul O d) l LL(, E. U) Jm tJ E, |l) (r) dl d)oJo E. U) J co tJ LLo (J (0 t UJ:a C) Jz UJ =3 (9 l U) J tJIIo t- (Y) t UJ =o-U)z LU 3 =ot @ c0 tr. orr u E uJ3oIo (!'t zlu fa J @ tJltot o, = at lrJY a'\ J c)z IJJ tf U) Jd] trJILotr o tr t o TFEoz E u) -)o trJt!otr (f, = luoz J u-t! Fa Vfa -to = tJtLot cf) sl a U) Llltroo @IN oo) N = (\ c! C! (f,o, N = so) N rO ot (o o) OJ No) C\ = C{ = N (a (') I(o Y rr,(o (f, N CD (.) lr) c)o) o- \otrsoo G @ U) E.oFO uJ(Loz \r ,uEEA SF }F El EH:es o.Y c l-o @ c -9o Ds?aia= }B EIUk>t- t- z? @lll @ IJJ a uJ aul U) IJJ @ uJ @ul @lu a lrJ oul a trJ U) tJJ U) lrJ a uJ (t) UJ atu aul @ UJ a uJ 6 uJ @lu U)tu aul E8OC)fFz<z (n UJ aut U)r!u) uJ U) IJJ U)trl U) lrJ (/) lu a IJJ @ llJ a uJ U' llJ aut U) IU U)rl U)trl a t,rJ aut U) uJ a lrJ aul (t llJ IUt llJ =o U' U)zul o =ut o la Jcl t.J lJ-oE(') (') c6 v. tr IJJYOoJ Qz LrJ o3o la tJ t.Lov.(")\t (f, o v,o -Fv.oz o l CI' Jdl d.Jtl. oIY (o ro (r) (\l GI(v, t n a uJ trl u) J (D cJu- x.(r) (9 t E. ooto o f U) J(Il x.JILotr CO N (v) :tb t e. o(,t:) v) Jct tJIL ot(f, @ (t NIt tr o Elo Jgl x.JtL x.(") o, (t too Ex.oo t,.i o f, U' Jo2 tJILo (9 a CO +t M 4o f U) Jdl = trJ lJ-o E. <?) N (o = * E, 4 oIYf U) Jdl tJu-o E.(a olN (a E E o t. otr:) U' J tD t.Jlt ot(9 (Y) o.l (r.' o N 'r @ off U) Jdl =tJ lJ-ot(t 9 o,l F =F o IJJJ @ o l U)J d] =tJt!o(Y (a c! uttrfo IJJoot oz E a Jdl tr Jttot(a (o C\| z tr z sz oulo o o J(] tJt! v. N$l Fluo J Fz -) a Jcl EJ tJ-o E.(o @N oJ Tt- (L o u.l U) Jfn tJlLoE (f, o) (\,1 F u.l oJoz zoo uJ IJ otr:) 6 tr tr o (f,o(r, (no lrJ(J t. ulJ ulFQ C'tlU' Jfn tJlJ.otr(', (f, F uJ U)oJo IJJ NJ E uJ F oE J (D = trJlL o(f c) (\l(o c{ U'a uJ tro UJJ ],uFU' o a Jd! t troE(t (Y) (o2 ul(, v.oF U)a o otf U) J m trJlLot(a v? aa UJtoo (o \t I(f, ro c4 (t F (') = @ (o g) (t, o(\l (f, (\ = (\(\ (') (9 C! (D 9(\l (') = rn c.,t (oN (f, r\N (o (\l (f) o,N (7' o c! (o (f)(o (o \f (f) (f, 6 oo,(q o- \oIttrl troo 6 co ot Y atro F.O I,IJ(L U)z \ $H SE a.F Eg FH :es oL Lfila oo D(4>xAYa;*2*o EHk> z? U) u.l a IJJ (/) uJ U' tu U) IJJ U) IJJ @1!a u.l a uJ @ [lJ altl a IIJ @ IJJ a uJ a uJ U)[!@u a UJ U) UJ a IJJ aul a uJ E8oofFz<z @ ]JJ U) uJ @ uJ u) IJJ a tIJ a u.l a LlJ (n uJ u)ul @ uJ Q lrJ a UJ a uJ llJ a uJ U) uJ a lrJ U) UJ @ LIJ at!a uJ IIJtr IIJo toF @ YJ dl f, U) Jdl tJ lJ-o E, r.r) ('' = z E:) U)z tr t U) J co tJ lJ- tr(r) (0 (v) F IJJJ oF o cooJ(,tfa) J @ t trot (f, r\(r, (f, dloJ o &. a Jo x. Jl! (Y) m JJ tr lrJFz t U) J tJl!oE (f, (a (f) = 3 Jttt llJJYzt(L (9 fa J d) tJtt oE (Y) T(9 z F =tfo J co trJlL (f, oln(t uJo ILlro v. rJ.lFz UJ t o x.J TL o (Y) 1 ur tru-o H 0- tf U' Jto x.Jl! otC' I Y (f, =z Yto =lrJo E. -lz tr cl) J t.J lJ-ot.(t ro T C') IUz YEo =uJ Qt z ot @ J tJl! o E. co v cf) F @ luJ3 ;6 x. q J @ =t J L.|- tr l- Y(9 tFz IJJz f(J n ;; x.fa co tJIL tr 1(., Fa IU fOfII ;i f,a J(D x. Jl! o]Y(') ot Y(r) UJz c'il Y o =IU U) E.lz t U) J trJtL E.(o ro (r, uJ @ $,1 Y o3 ul z f U) J tJIL o (f) ro c) =u) ol uo =UJ U) z la J M, troIY (f)(\to c6 |_z UJ To loz o l @ J @ = trJIL o (Y) I = J oFtYJ (!)z TU o =C' IY :)u) J(D tJILo IY c) $ro (f) = -1 0- o l U) J c0 tJIL otf =z(\ :l E ulatr z(,t a Jdl e, Ll- oE cr) co a @ LUt.oo ro(t (o (f, (o = r\(')o(7' (Y) (D c)T(7' = c\tJ(t) (r, Y tT c!', (r, T<f (o Y(9 = N Y = Y o) Y to ro I(f) = (\l r.c, (o (9 ro I(f, = trr) |r,Io I(f) tr) = ts (E(L \o\hfsoo Eo o oY atoFOut(Laz \rGr €H SE d.F En rr IJJ.-y,i SH =eH ol4 o a o DU?dia= rJ- o f.ti o = LrJ<> z2 o uJ o IJJ o IJJ a uJ o UJ a UJ a uJ U> uJ t/') UJ @ UJ a @ uJ a uJ U) lrJ u)ut U)ul a UJ Q lrJ U) uJ u) LlJ aut E8ooIt-z<z @ uJ U) uJ aul ql!aul aut U) IJJ @lu aut aut a uJ (n uJ U)ul aut U) uJ aut @ul a llJ @ut olu uJtr F IJJJ 6F o (L (, f,(n J @ EJu-o Nro co F IIJJdF o (L e.l @ Jdt tJILo (9orO (') F UJ oF (L trf @ Jdl tJll IJtr(o o)rO d) IJJ JJ I :)o (L tr.i t a Jdl x.JIL af) =JJ -1. o (L tY o :) @ Jdl e, -JLL o CO (a UJJulF o- x.fa Jcl x.JIIo (\l(o (r' (,znY @I l o- x.f U) J d) v.JILo co (o J 0-(L f @ o n fq d) e.Jl! x.(qs(o = JJ 't' o (L (, x.l @ Jdl t TL t(o rO @ (f) outJ uJ l (L tfa Jdl v.JIL tr (f) (o IJJJ UJ F f(J (L o fa Jdl tJ lJ- o (Y' f-(o (') u luF t(L () (L x.:) U) J tJII o IY @@ (f, =oo tJJ (\l tU f a a 6 e.JIL o o)(o (r, UJ trt! IJJ v.f,z o u. (t) CD e tro (o N I(o N (f, tu LL-lt (/) J c0 = trJll-ot I- UJ tr lJ-oa U)ttlz @ @ ot o co t trot co C!t- LL LL =o ()zf tf u) 6 tJtL u. CO F\ C) J :) o TU oa lo x.l U) J @ trJ |'-\t vF- E. lrJ o- =s =U' ul an trf U) J c0 = tJ tJ_ tr rON (f) FIL Ia uJJ uJ tLo (L Ft\l'- (f, a CJ) Lu&oo Frr)I(Y) rl) (.) o) 1() (9 (o (7'(o (\t(o (Y) (Y)(o C", $ (') = @ (t, r\(o (o (o cD i! (r, = N c\lt- (o (Yt f- (f) vr\r.r)f- (f) t-F. @ co C' N(L \o+rasoo E d) o Y a x.oFO[!(Laz \r .gEE6 SE d.F Er SHies tr4Hr'v+$ftAlflift|Eljlffi Rick Payne, Director, Elevator Inspection Program 970468-0295 od 108 or els,rator@nwc.co9.co.us To: From: tr M /e,l;'J C-/, /f/ <t 42..h a,/4tz e frasz tr w n { tr /b/6 th"r4'lf"d(&t g Dab: f,-z;-& Project Name: Elevator Plan Review Elevator Test and Inspection Location permit Number zlzw6 AZ.a7 Elevator tYwJ ,U/" t / c//- ,4,ra The plans have been revfiwed and found to conform to all applicable ANSI 17.1 and UBC codes The elevatorr/ @r at the above location was inspected and tested on 6f- - '' and a: TEMPOMRY Certificate has been issued. FINAL Inspection Certificate has been issued. NO certificate is being issued. Commenb: Signature 97H6&O295 . Fax 97H6&1208 . wvw.nwc.cog.co.us lf ortrwest ColoiaAo Council of Governments r PO Box 2308 | Silverthorne . CO . 80498 rrDla ttr ttarl13 tutct.rr GAS SYSTETVERIFIGATION OF MEDIGAL PERFORMED BY: MEDIGAL AIR TESTI]IG A]rD SERVICE. 508 VIOLET STREET GOLDEI|T GO 8O4Ol (3O3) 279-2491 LoGATIoN: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER '8I WEST MEADOYY DRIVE. vAlL, GO 81657 coNTRAcToR: ENGO MPASS- MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 5080 AVON, GO 81620 JOB: GERTIFIGATIOI OF AITIBULATORY SURGERY/ WOltiENrS CENTER RENOVATION o THrs DATE, JULY 12 t 16,2002* ETY DESGRTPIIOX t03 oxYGEI OUTI'E'S i :,,.96 oo IIITROUS OXIDE OUTLETS .l :,:: 07 14 UEDIGALAIN OUTLETS 'lv 3t SHUTOFF VALVES :'!! 06 ILAR :PANELS,,,:, :,';: ol TASTER ALANM PAXELS oo AIR GOMPRESSORS Olr: i,i.'l vERtFtcATloN ls PER NFPA 99, 1999 EDITION. THE FI]{DINGS ARE ATTACHED. REMARKS: r ANY MODIFIGATIONS, OR ALTERATIONS TO THE MEDICAL GAS SYSTEII SHALL EINUIRE RE-VERIFIGATIOII. ls oocunExT corstsrs oF 40 PAGES. PAGE OI OF 40 (^c\J 'jiii: 5O8 Violet St. r ' :. . ' ,::', ,ijr6olden, CO 8O4Ol , :. .' ri,.::.iFfiiilie:303-279-13o4 Fax:.303-279-7132 1-A00-A63-3247 Medical Gas Equipment: Service, T€sling, Verification TESTING qUALITY ASSURANGE Any or ail of the foltowing have been used in the testing and analysis of the Medical Gas SYstem: - NST Model G2OOO Medical Gas Analyzer, S/N O59' - Foxboro Modet MIB portable Ambient Air Analyzer, srN 274405. - Ainsworth Model A-2OO DS AA Series Balance, Readability of .Ol mg' - 25 mm membrane PTFE Filters. - NYAD Model MA-l608 Trace Dew Point Monitor, s/N 1993' - Miniox I OxYgen AnalYzer. MEDTGAL AIR SYSTEMS' lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Dater JULY 12&16' 2002 Page:2 OUTLET TESTING PROGEDURES 1) Establish proper labeling of outlet. 2, Gheck for leakage with proper adaptor inserted. 3) Check latching mechanism. --------4f---Gh-ecfEtafie-pre-s€5ul6;PCTfo-im vacuum inlet performance test.4.3'4.2.1. 5) Perform operational pressure test per - 4'3.4.f .3(h). 6) Perform medical gas concenlration test per'4'3.4.f 3(i). 7l Perform cross-connect - per - 4-3.4.f 3(a). 8) Per{orm valve test per - 4- 9) Perform flow test pet - 4-3.4.f 3(c). 1O) Perform piping purge test per - 4- f f ) Perform piping purity test per - 4-{0. 121 Pedorm medical air purity test per - 4-3.4.f 30). f 3) Perform medical air quality test per - 4- MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&{6' 2002 Page: 3 ZONE VALVE TESTING PROCEDURES {) Gheck for proper location/condition. 2, Check for proper labeling per - 4- and 4' 3) Gheck for leakage per - 4- and 4-3.4.1.z(el. 4l Properly label valve per rooms or areas controlled. 5) Per{orm valve test per - 4-3.4.f .3(b). MASTER ALARM PANEL TESTING PROGEDURES f ) Gheck for proper location. 2l Establish that power is on Life Safety branch. O 3) Establish "Power onD Indication. 4l Establish visual and audible alarms (r3Push To Test'). 5) Gheck high/low set points for all gases by removing and subiecting each pressure/vacuum switch to a known source of dry Nitrogen. 6) Check for proper operation of all Change Over/Reserve-ln-Use alarms for all gases supplied by manifolds or alternating bulk systems. 7l Gheck for operation of all reserve alarms. 8) Gheck operation of high dew point alarm. 9) Gheck operation of high lemperature/high water level alarms. MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12816. 2002 Page: 4 o AREA ALARM PANEL TESTING PROGEDURES 1) Gheck for proPer location. 2l Estabfish that power is on Life safety branch . per - 4-, 3) Establish "Power OnD Indication. 4l Establish visual and audible alarms ("Push To Test')' 5) Establish Proper tabeling (Per Zone and Gas)' 6) Observe existing pressure/vacuum reading of alarm panel for each gas' 7l Observe existing tow and high alarm points for each gas' 8) Establish actuat tine pressure with catibrated gauge' 9) Galibrate to actual line pressure per Manufacturers' recommendations' 1O) Establish and set high and tow alarm points per NFPA and Manufacturers' recommendations. .ll) verifil actual alarm set points by removing and subiecting each pressure/vacuum transducer to a known source of dry Nitrogen. MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS' lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12&16, 2002 Page: 5 HlGH PRESSURE ]I'IANIFOLD TESTING PROCEDURES f ) Gheck for existence of duplex line regulators. 2l Gheck for source shutoff valve and pressure relief valve. 3) Gheck for changeover from primary lo secondary bank. 4) Gheck for proper setting of primary regulators, line regulators and change over pressure switch per Manufacturerst recommendations, 5) Gheck for leakage. MED|GAL AtR SYSTEilS, !NG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12&16. 2002 Pager 6 VAGUUM PUMP CHEGK LIST 1) Two or more units (Removal of any one (f ) unitt the remaining pumps are sized to maintain vacuum at 100% demand). 2l Automatic activation of backup unit with local alarm. 3) Power from emergency electrical circuit (gen set). 4l Independent etectrical controls - (Shutdown of any unit electrical will not effect operation of remaining pump(s)). 5) Receiver drain without interrupting vacuum serwice. 6) Alt piping between pumps, receiver, discharge and inlet line shall be L' M, ACR copper or corrosion resistant metallic tube (i.e. stainless steel or galvanized steel). 7l Exhaust tine discharged outdoors, remote from any doorr windowr air intake and prolected against infittration of contaminants, precipitationt etc. g) lf disposing of waste aneslhetic gases, pumps shall be water sealed or have merit materials in compression chamber- VAGUUM PIPING CHEGK LIST 1) L, M, ACR copperr stainless steel or galvanized steel. 2l Atl valves shall be labeled, and any type that does not create flow restriction. 3) Piping labeled every 2O', and at least once in or above every room and each slory traversed. Arrow pointing towards the pump. MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. tnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&16. 2002 Page: 7 MEDICAL GAS & VAGUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: PREP/REGOVERY VALVE LOCATION: GORRIDOR 3t9 OUTSIDE MINOR PROGEDURE SEE PAGE 'O4 TOR EXPLANATION OT TESTING PBOCEDUNES 'EST ?ESTINS PROCEIIURE' GAS AREA SERIIED LABELED zoNE/GAS SEE I'OTE I l-5 o2 PREP' REGOVERY YES/YES 2 :t€r'i :vAG. 3 5 :ii16r; tEs?GO}IUENTt DA'E RE?'D nEP'D BY AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATIO N: NOTE, (..) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER tN THIS GOLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS' lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 128{6' 2002 Page: 8 MEDIGAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: PREP/REGOVERY sEE PAGE fos roR EXPLAI{ATIoN Or TESTING PngIE9glE TE3T IESTITG PROGEDURE9 noox LABELEO GAS DETECTED GA3 STATIG PBCSSURE (Pslcrhgl FLOW RATE (sGFrl FLOW PNESSUIE (?sl6PHG) 3EE '.OTE 1 1-1'a PACU 3O5 F vAc vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8"HG ,,i,2 l-l , : ::::PAcu 3Os:F 'VAG:,,:il:VAC i: zo"tlGl;i 5iO:,:!8?HG::,i :.':J,::': 3 1-11 PAGU 3O5 F 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG '::4 ,l rit I ::,",:,:,.,,,o2.:62:,ii: 56 tS|G.,,;: '3;5:,,, ,,,r:::52.PSlG 5 1-11 PAGU 3O5 F vAc vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8"HG 6:1.1 i F:: :VAG;; I \rAC::.':i :::i:l:::'l::l;,::l ;;,20!l!!G1.;;; :i tEltHG:l::r!! 7 1-11 PAGU 3O5 F 02 02 s6 PS|G 3.5 52 PS|G ii 8; :i :!-ill,,: :l iil .!: ::i PACU ;i: r:.,.il ,:Ozt:,,:,,:1"O2":ttl 56 PSIG,::::,3j5i ;52:PSIGlili 9 1-11 PAGU 3O5 E VAG vAc 2O"HG 5.O IA"HG ito .,lt!,{:: ' r:: , :r i jBAGU!3O5 iE:: :: :i::.:,:r6,2':tt:::ro2 :r 56 PSIG 3.i5 :52 iSic;,.',il: ii:)r ,, r,t-lI PACU 3O5 E o2 o2 s6 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G D: :. -,,, ,,, rr:: fl:llti i, :, :;:.i.VAC:: r!':ri 2OaHG:'1,:;:5,o!:. :r,il8rHG,:r .13 1-'t 1 PAGU 3O5 E vac vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8"HG 52,.PSIG. : : :: :::::::.|:::::::::: rl{l'ii,l ,,:: :l rl fl .:l ;,,.:::i;ii iO2:,, :rroi, ::,:":r:i13i5:;: t5 1-l I PACU 3O5 E 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG 'r l6ii l;tfl.t ivrd 241 5;Q:::,::I8l:HG i:ii iiii,,'li 17 1-11 PRIVATE ROO'S 306 VAG vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8"HG ,f 9,,,:ir ::: :tllt:. :il:::l ::::':Oi::::o2 ii :ii3;5i: ::i iir!52:iFSiGir:i::itr:l:ii::l l9 1-11 PRIVATE ROOM 306 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG :20,,,:ilii:rvAc VAG.,.. .,r r:19':116,!l:: is;Oi iO:HG:::I: TEST COlf,HENTS DATE REPID REP' DBY lrqre. t,.t wteet.s stlnoanos, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE tt MEDTGAL AtR SYSTEMS' lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&16. 2002 Page: 9 MEDIGAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET COLUIIN REFER TO LAST PAGE v MEDICAI AIR SYSTEilIS' lNG. o ZONE:E SEE PAGE flO3 TOR EXPLAIIATION OF TESTTTG PROGEDURES -- TEtT tEstlLG PNOGEDUREs roox LABELED GAS DETEG'ED cl3 STAT!G PFESSURE lPslC/.hg, FLOW IAIE IsGFX) Flow PRESSURE (PsrcPHc) SEE lIOTE 21 ,t-1r STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D vAc VAG 20"HG 5.O I8"HG 02 : ,,,02 :56 FSIG::i3.5 i52::FSIG: I ii:i: :. : 22 1'-itll"",':';: ''' STAGE 2 RECOVERY 305.D.. 23 1-11 STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D 02 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 s2 PSIG ,i ;VAC.,"2o:iHG:r:,:iilS:HG ::;:: :.ia:::,1;: tl.ttir:,:STaGE ;,,:VAG.:: ir is:o l 25 1-11 STAGE 2 REGOVERY 3O5 D VAG VAG 2O-HG 5.o I8-HG ,:26t: r::,.,,: :lfl'l ,STAGE 2 RECOVERV 3Os 1 ,o2 ,',::,:O2::,56:,PSlG::i :,3.5 t: !i. 27 1-11 STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D o2 o2 55 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG ,.?8",ti:lrt::r :i ,:1,. SIAGEi2 iFEcovFnY 399!,D" i 2O:'HG::i :C.o t8:HGl I ii !:ititi : ,il 2O'HG 5.o IA'HG29{.{ t STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D VAG vAC i: i; ::lflli!r: , :l ii '.:::O2),tt':: rr :rQ2:t: :r'55rPS!G:t3.5i:i::::52:FSIG:.l t::r}l,;:;: 3l l-r I STAGE 2 REGOVERY 3O5 D 02 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG !, ,: ri:i:.lil Y,305'rDri vAc, i, i :: r,VlG., r ii r;5.Oi:i i ;:i6::HG 33 1-l I STAGE 2 REGO\,ERY 3O5 D vAc VAG 2O'HG 5.O {A'HG :3.5: :i::l :ilSali :i ; iiO2:i; ii r52;PSlGr:l 35 1-',',STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG ::;:VA€:r;:l :l9iHG::::i;il:::iriit:l!1.: l ::36,:iir:::: :li.'l.l :: : :;r:!r:::.VAC;: t. r5;O:i:: : 37 1-1',STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D vAc vAc 2O'HG 5.O I8'HG i:asi::i:r, ,tl:il { r,',,,,,,:i,,6i2,' ,;t'1,:O2;t;';!:52:P.S!G:li:i:,i!r:.::::::: 39 l-11 STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG :::r iilfii:. ::::: til- ::ii : i :: : STAGE:z REC()lEry Jgg !:VAC:.iri ,.VAC :::r:f 6:trtG::,:.: TEST couluENls DATE REP'D NEP' DBY :',..,':., Inspector: DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY t2&16, 2002 Page: lO MEDICAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER tN TH|S COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDTGAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG, Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY {28{6, 2002 Page: ll ZONE: PREP/RECOVERY SEE PAGE 'O3 FON EXPLANATIO]I OF TESTI G PROCEI'URES TEST TESTIIIG PNOGEDUNE3 nool LAETLED GAS DETEGTED GAI SIATIG PNESSURE (Pslcrhg) FLOT RATC (sGFrl FLOf, "NESSURElrslcFlrGl SEE I'OTE 41 1-11 STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D vAc vac 2O"HG 5.O 18"HG l, ,t-l'l .' ,]D il l. O2,,:r.02; l;,,,,56 Pslc,i 3;5:r i ;52:PSIG-::::1 | : :il 43 {-{ I STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 D o2 02 56 PSrG 3.5 52 PS|G 11,',',,i,,1:1tr 1,; vAG,, , ',, iil.8l+lGr:::: 45 1-11 STAGE 2 REGOVERY 3O5 D vAc VAG 2O"HG 5.O I8'HG it;l{ rr,i :i !t i: c,2t :ti :::o2:::56 :2:E' .:: 47 7-11 STAGE 2 NEGOVERY 3O5 D o2 o2 56 PStG 3.5 52 PSIG 48.,.,,,1:11,:: , :r2O-HG:.;; 49 1-l,t STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 C vAc vAc 2O"HG s.o I8-HG !r50 r:li;i Or:i riiS:IAGE:2!iRECOVEBY i305 G ::;:Q2.t ::,:3..5.::ri i:52;iPS-lG,: 5{1-11 STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 G o2 o2 56 PS|G 3.5 52 PSIG :.,..;i;ii . ..STAGE 2 RECOVERY :3O5:C ,, ,,,,vaG. .,l::2a:xo:,:i::,18I}lG;i J53 1-11 STAGE 2 RECOVERY 3O5 C vAc vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8'HG ,, 91,,,,r :,,,1il ii:: r:., r1:r:i :vAc,i:ii:i r; :'iVACr:r:ili:ii2O:iHGi: ;: 55 1-11 STAGE 2 NECOVERY 3O5 C o2 o2 56 PStG 3.5 s2 PSrG :159,r:;I rsTAGEl2: nEC.OVenV,,aQ5,c,,,,::.:',i 02i :l,r :,:::i:iO2',,,::,:. ..3i5ii:l:52::PslGi::::':,i{r:r;:l 57 1-11 PREP 3O5 B vAc vAc 2O"HG 5.O t8-HG rr150l;ri ,:r.ill{i: ::.' :. :. ::.. pREp:3O5 E, . ,, ii VAG: ::::vA'cl 2OilHG ii ::::: sio i:i ,f:8::HG:i: iili i riiliri s9 | l-tt PREP 305 B o2 o2 56 PS|G 3.5 52 PSIG oo:,,,1 ,, r-if .., .:: .PREP.3O5'B' ,: :.:.:..:: ,O2:,i'::i,O2:::::',:56:FStc:::::':3.5!r:i :: ::ri:i:,i TEST GOItUEltTS DATC NEP'D REP' DBY ,: 1,,,',., ,,., : :, t, I : ,: ':,: :,,'::.:,.. :, .,:<.1'M@:, ., ::: ,. ., ,,j MEDTGAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: PREP/REGOVERY NOTE: ('.) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&'l61 2002 Page: 12 SEE PAGE #O3 TOB EXPLANATION OF TESTING PROGEDURES TEST tEstltaG ?NOGEDURES ROOI LAEELED G S DE'EGIED GAt Stallc PRESSUNE (PslG/-hs) fLow N,AIE (scrxl FLOW 'RESSURE(?srGP,|Gl SEE TOTE 6l 1-11 PREP 3O5 B vAc vAc 2O'HG 5.O I8"HG ,,e,i,1:1i PRtP,3O5:3 :VAG.,:r:vAc i:. '201HG:i5;0 ialxC,, , ,:: :rr i 63 1-11 PREP 3O5 B o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G 164::r, r,,r, r,PREP,3O5:8 :. r: :,:',62t,: 3;5;l:l I i, i,;o2 ;t !52:PSl Gr:: : 65 1-11 PREP 3O5 A vAc VAG 20"llG 5.O t8-HG ,:QF,1:l il r: ,,::PREP::3Os A::' l:ir::i::vacl 2o;:16 r,,.:iie ,. ,,,, . :i!'.,, ,t,, 67 1-11 PREP 3O5 A o2 o2 56 PS|G 3.5 52 PSIG ii i-.li: : l t! i ]PREP1305 A,,o2 o2 :r 3.5 , i 69 1-t I PREP 3O5 A VAG vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8"HG {;l {i r :iiiiii ::rP.RE? :3O5rAr,:' :r;r:rr .VAG , VAC r::: ;20-HG:,5;O I8lHG a.;a. 7l 1-11 PREP 3O5 A o2 02 56 PSIG 3.5 s2 PSIG l'.r ,, ii ::1ll 1l, i; riil ::62 i::.:iO2, :,r,:56rPSIG 'il ,1,'3;5:,,S2iPS|Gi i:i 73 ;.,it, 75 tltl 77 ,7O:: 7S :00 TEST GO UEr|TS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDICAL GAS & VACUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY VALVE LOCATION: GORRIDO AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: N NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNC. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12&16. 2002 Page: 13 MEDIGAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&16. 2002 Page: '14 SEE PAGE fO3 FOR EXPLAI{ATION OF TESTING PNOCEI'URES tE3t tEttmG PNOGEDUNES noor LIBELED GAS DE'EC'ED GAt statlG PNESSURE (PslGrhs) FLOW NA'E (scFxl FLOW ?RESsUNE (PstGFHGl 3EE TIOTC 1 1-11 o.R. I t|2 N2 175 PSIG s.o 170 PS|G :2 1:11 :Oz r3:5. r:r,r rS2rPSicr r:Jt 3 1-11 o.R. I 02 02 56 PStG 3.5 52 PSIG ::4::i.::, ., i-lit .: : ,: r O.RiiJ:r :i ir ti vAc ,9;3 :l:l.ii :iif i: ::::::: 5 1-11 o.R. I vAc vAc 2O"HG 3.3 I8'HG r'8:r:;:.O.Ri::t i,,,,,,:, l:r: :;;EVAG 7 1-11 o.R. I EVAC EVAC 2O"HG 5.O t8"HG ;:8 l:l t r; ;:'!:i,,t:, ,VAG:1 .:VAC :.:5i9r ia:uc IT: : I 1-1',o.R. I vAc vAc 2O"HG 5.O t8"HG :: :,:: O2,'ti r,':56 PSIG iirli ,i l:r: .,1 1,-1',o.R. I o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G l'!tilfl:l t;: :: i. :: ::;':iO;llll{:: :: t:'illA: ,: :i ,,:: lllAi ,,:ii ; 115O,;PStG;;;1; l3 1-'1.,o.R. I MA lta 52 PS|G 3.5 50 PS|G t5 17 ::i8: t9 2o.;,:::: TEST coulsENls DATE NEP'D REP' DBY OUTLETS ON GAS ARM SHOULD BE BLANKED OFF MEDTCAL GAS & VACUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY VALVE LOGATTON: GORRIDOR OUTSIDE O.R.2 SEE PAGE SO4 FOR EXPLANATIOTI OF TESTTNG PROGEDURES 'EsT t€sTDlG ?ROCEDURES GA3 AREA SERVED LABELED zoHE GAs SEE 1{OTE I t-5 MA o.R.2 YESfYES :, :: :, :::, :ti: tti: :o.Ri 2 3 f-5 N2 o.R.2 YES'YES ,1::t;5:::r:;:::,,1,:Y46,:,:l, l, '1,, ,, ,,' I ,: :::::t :: ,:.::,,Olij:2:, :rt:Y€S/VESi :::I l: :: ::ri i 5 TEST GOIIMEI{TS DATE REP'D REP'D BY AREA ALARM PAN ELS/LOGATION:- SEE PAGE fos FOR EXPLAI{ATTO OF TESTING PROGEDURES TEtT tEsT|llc PNOGEDUTE3 GA3 IT{DICATEO PRESSURE IABEIED zor{ElGAs INDlCATCO LOW AI,AR[ IXDIGA'E! HIGII ALARN vtsual stG'|At AUDISLE SIGNAL 3EE xotc 1 :2 3 :li:4:ii l 5 :::;,6:l:ll TEtT conHENIS DATE iEP'D nEP'D rY NOTE: (".) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER tN THIS GOLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE o MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. lnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12816' 2002 Page: '15 MEDIGAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET o ZONE: SEE PAGE *O3 FOR EXPLAXATlO}I OF TESTING PROGEDURES rEtT 'ESTI|.G 'ROGEOURES noor LTBEL:D GAS I'ETECTEO GAS 3TATrc ?nEssunE (PslGrhg) ttow n?E (scFrl FLOU PNESSURE lPslG,'HGl SEE '.otE 1 1-1'l o.R.2 EVAC EVAC 2O"HG 5.O {8"HG ?ii r:1-1/,:,,r VAC,.l :: r,:vAG: ,r 2O"HG 5.O 'A-HG 3 1-11 :j 'VAG 2O"HG 5.O IA'HG f::;:!: : il-ii ,O2':::l ::t ii,o2 :: 56 PSIG.,' ::3;5 !52:,PS G:i!; 5 t-t I o.R.2 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG rOi , i ;lrll ,o:R::2 nA,rl r:52 pS G:3;5:50iFS!G:r: l r ,i'l.:l 'i t,,,, , 7 1-11 o.R.2 r2 N2 t75 PStG 5.O t70 PstG :3;.:.42 ,::O2,lr:::i 9 1-11 o.R.2 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G rl O:.:! rVAbi ,:i :: i,2O:IHG, !r,:I t: : 3.3:t .'l:l HGir!;l :i,:i.l .r, I i .'r:rii 11 1-11 o.R.2 vac vAc 2O"HG 3.3 IA"HG ;i iir ,' tfflil;i::2 ;!-vAG,,,2o::HGr , ,sio:':::: t8::]lG:::::ii .J{3 .l-.,.,o.R.2 N2 t{2 175 PSIG 5.O 170 PsrG ,ir: l5 :rl-Fil 17 ii8:i.. t9 TEST GOM'SENTS DATE NEP'D NEP' DAY OUTTETS ON GAS ARM SHOULD BE BLANKED OFF NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MED|CAI AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l28l61 2OO2 Page: 16 MEDICAL GAS & VACUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY VALVE LOGATION:D S sEE PAGE fO4 Fon EXP! AREA SERVED LABELED zoNE GAs SEE NOTE TEST 'ES'INGPROCEDURES Gll 1 t-5 IA o.R.3 YES'YES ,:::2:::,fi5: :: ::r t'.,921 :: --:::'--;:-------: -- - : .,, ,.,, . , ',: . : : oji;'3:Y€S'YES 3 1-5 t{2 o.R.3 YES'YES '.4,1 iliVACI :;l :::::::l 5 lilli i tEsl coMtiENtS DArc RE?'D REP'o BY -ll, --: . : : : : :: : AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: @ ANy LETTER tN THts coLUMN REFERTo LAsr PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS' INC' Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&16. 2002 Page: 17 MEDICAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET 'ZONE: SURGERY NOTE: (r') MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. tnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 128{6. 2002 Page: lE SEE PAGE #O3 TOR EXPLAI{ATION OF TESTING PROCEDURES IEST tEstD{G PNOGEDUNEA FOOX LABELED GAS DEIEGIED GAS STA'IG PRESSURE (tslGrhs) Flow NATE (scFI) FLOW PnESSUIC {PSrGFX6l SEE I{OTE 1 t-tI o.R.3 N2 t|2 175 PSIG 5.O {70 PSIG 2 l:11 '"'O.R;,3 ' ,o2 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG 3 1-11 o.R.3 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PStG a:)'l lil il viG:,AG 20-HG,5;O:::t8iHGr,i .r. 5 r-11 o.R.3 vAc VAG 2O-HG 5.O {8"HG i:'rG ,t-11 EVAC vAC 2O::HG: :iSiO:r8l 7 1-11 o.R.3 EVAC vac 2O'HG 3.3 IA'HG :8-,:: , 1-{l:j :r ' ,, ::r'r O.n;3 ,':j: :: : !:i:ivAC ,:t:vAc 20:'HG 343 t8::HG..,..i ::) t::i t*::t t:t::: I 1-11 o.R.3 vAc VAG 2O'HG 3.3 'A-HG riOi.i , ,: r r'l-tflr: :::li!,'! :,t ilO:fl.r 3:,,,,,:l :l:,':::: : rO2r:, :",O21 56:PS'IG: :l r:s:5 : rr52 PSIG:: il ii lii i:}lirl iillt;r::r:t:!t:i:i:: 1r,1-1'|'o.R.3 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG ,,, l'itili :r , r, :l r': lIlA TA ;3;51, ,',,iso,:FslG:::. l3 1-11 o.R.3 MA BA 52 PSIG 3.5 50 PS|G ::14.', {5 r!6::.: 17 19 TEST GOHMETTS DATE REP'D NEPI DBY OUTLETS ON GAS ARM SHOULD BE BLANKED OFF MEDICAL GAS & VACUUM ZONE VATVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY VALVE LOGATION: GORRIDOR OUTSIDE O.R.4 SEE PAGE #04 FOR EXPLA?{ATIO}| OF TESTING PROGEDURES tEsf tEsttNc PFOCEDURES GAS AREA SENVED LABELED zot{E cls SEE NOTE 1 t.5 NA o.R.4 YES/YES :::..: : 1;5 3 1-5 ;t2 o.R.4 YES/YES :t-5 .v'AG :ili lii OlRria ri , : : :, : ,, . r:,: 5 tcst GOMMENTS DA?E REP.D REP.D BY AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: SEE PAGE #O5 FOR EXPLANA'IO}I OF TESTING PROCCDURES TEST TEStI]aG PROCEDURES GA'IXDICATED PRESSURE I-ISELED zoNErGAs I1'DIGATED IOYY AI-ARM IlIDIG ?EO HIGH ALAR}I VISUAL 3IG}IAL AUDIBLE SIGNAL SEC r{otE 7 t :t:2. r'. 3 :iia 5 tESt COIIIIENT3 DAIE iE 'D RE?.D BY NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER tN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. Inspeclor: DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY l2&16, 2002 Page: l9 MEDICAT GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THls coLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12&16' 2002 Page: 20 SEE PAGE fO3 TOR EXPLANATTOX OF TESTING PNOGEDURES TEtT rEsrlllG ?TOGEDUIES noox LTBELED GAS DC'EGTED GA3 3'ATIG PIESSUNE lPslGrbgl Ftow trE (3cFr) FLOU PRESSURE {PSTG,'XGI SEE 1'OTC ,|1-17 o.R.4 tt2 f2 175 PslG 5.O .t70 PslG :2:r.i't,,, ,,:, .. ,' .. ::O.n.:f : EVAG :.:EVAG i: ::26;'66r ,s,0:i8-HG f 3 1-11 o.R.4 EVAG EVAG 2O-HG 5.O I8-HG i:f VAC.'.,i:,::: ;l: '.,. i'.'O.Riia: :,2o':HG ft8:!HG;.J * i:; 5 1-1'l o.R.4 vac VAG 2O"HG 5.O I8-HG :6 ::,: : : tl.'a1::: :: ::' :.:: ;! o.R;:f :::,02:t56 PSIG:3.51 i,:: 52:PSlGi' 7 1-11 o.R.4 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG i:3 ,.,:,ll;11 rO.Rlt/f ,:::N2::,,: :jN2 r:t75' PSIG 5:Or T* I 1-11 O.R. rt o2 o2 s6 PSrG 3,5 52 PS|G 'lO,1r, ilii.. ', l: :; :i:OrRl:a ',11,r|o/::'oa 56 PSrG 3;5 :.,ti: ri ii ,lt 1-','l o.R.4 VAG VAG 2O'HG 3.3 18-]tG l:ll r:;i l:tili i.ii :i :: :rO:R;:f:. :r:,313:18:IHG::: l3 1-11 o.R.4 EVAG El,AC 2O-HG 3.3 I8"HG :t-4.:i: l5 :t6':ii 17 t8;:::: l9 .tz0:t, TEST GOMME1{TS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS & VAGUUM ZONE VATVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: SURGERY VALVE LOGATION: GORRIDOR OUTSIDE MINOR P SEE PAGE fO4 FON EXPLANATION OF TESTT'iIG PROGEDURES ?EST tEsrll{G PROGEOUTES GAS AREA SERVED LAaELED ZONE/GAS SCE NOTE 1 1-5 02 UINOR PROGEDUBE YESTYES rVAc nlxonpnbceDURE . : ' ..,,,::2:,l15 3 r"il:::'i::':',,, l 5 IEsT cortfEltt3 DATE REP'o RE?.D BY AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: NOTET (-.) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THls GoLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDICAL AIR SYSTEilS' tNG' Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JUtY 12&16.2002 Page= 21 ZONE: SURGERY SEE PAGE fO3 FOR EXPI.A}IATION OF TESTTNG PROCEDURES tESt tEsTttaG PNOCEDUBES BOOI I BELED GAS DEIECTED GAS ST TIG tnEssunE {PslGrhgl FLOU RAIE tscFr) FLOW PRE33UTE lPsrGFlrG) SEE ]IOTE 1 1-11 TITIOR PROCEDURE vac vAc 2O"HG 5.O '8"HG ::2-l:11'l ,::N2 N2,',:,izs isrc r; ,:s;0 :: t: ::t:tr:: : i: : 3 7-71 TITfOR PROCEOURE vAc vAc 2O"HG 5.O t8-HG ::f ,:r r i ,,: :i t-:li o?,,i56 rStG r 3;5r i52:PSIG::i 5 i:i6i: 7 iSii: I i' lOr::i 11 {3 ;,11,11 l5 1l6i:::: 17 :10,: l9 TEST coumENTs DATE NEP'D REP' DBY | | t: ::: : : ::.::t:t: 4, ii!! :: : ti :. :VAI-VE lN:GElLl:::i :,:lll:i:: l: li'4:1,;'::,: ,l i! : MEDICAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNC, lnspector! DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY {2&{6, 2002 Paget 22 MEDIGAL GAS & VAGUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: NURSERY VALVE LOCATION: GORRIDOR 241 OUTSIDE NURSERY SEE PAGE #04 FON EXPLAXATIOil OF TESTII{G PROGEDURES 'E3T tEsrrxG PiOGEOUiEt GA3 AREA SERVED LABETED zoNE/GAS SEE NOTE 1 l-5 o2 NURSERY YES/YES , :: i2i i:::i:,,!il;s: j,J i :i 3 t-5 VAG uf,sEnY YES/YES :al 5 :r.,!li: i l: ,.: .., ,,:.. :. :: ' I IE'T coirt Et{Ts DATE REP'!REP'o BY AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: nore, t.;l MEETS STANDARDS, ANy LETTER lN THls coLUMN REFER To LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY {2816' 2002 Page: 23 sEE PAGE #O3 FOR EXPLANATION OF TESTING P4OCEDURES TEtI rEstltaG PNOGEDURET ROOX LABELED GAS DE'EG'ED GAS 3'ATIG ?NESSUTE (PslGl.hsl FLOW rATE (sGFX) rLow ?NESSUNE (PslGFXGl 3EE L(,?E 1 .t-1,1 IIURSERY 'UIA MA 52 PSIG 3.5 50 PslG ',2 1';/,a,lunStnv o2:",,:,:toz 56,PSIG s;i,.52:PSiG t:::r t 3 t-lI 'IURSERY vAc vac 2O"HG s.0 I8"HG aa ![:l:ilil ,.:r :.fltA ,,;; lMA r52i"SlG.3;5 i :i !5o:PSlGii. s2 PSIG51-11 ilURSENY 02 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 :IG 1 rt il :r ::'iil :ii:.i:nu,Ra;it ;; VAG,: iVAG ,':r2OllHG 5;O 1. 7 1-t {NURSERY MA MA 52 PslG 3.5 50 PslG :taz 56:PSIG :52,PSlG::i ::!!:':: :.,: a .ii :1 ::11::: :o2r i: I 1-'11 . NURSERY VAG VAG 2O"HG 5.O I8-HG rii r:ilt4,,,:::52 fslc ,3,,5., ,. r: 5OiPSIG:::,:::I T::::ib.i xunsenv lllA::l 'tl 1-.,1 NURSERY o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G l.r:t;l t VAc,:,::.lrAG..i :.i:20!?lG l ,, .5;O,. I ;:,, l8i'HG;,,, l3 1-11 NURSERY MA TA 52 PSIG 3.5 50 PslG .:t-l !i'l{;,O2:,;,,O2l r: ;56,PSIG: i ::;:r3;5.::,t:,:52:PSlGr:: : {5 1-17 NURSERY vAc VAG 2O"HG 5.O t 8']rG :ie:::,,r jl:ll;!:. .,il ;,;;1l1;;;;.i,J"lt . .. . ISAii.ilA,..:,.::52 PslG :,,,, :3.5i:,: :i::::,5O P-SlGi,:i ii:;! il:ae::::;:ili: 17 1-11 IIURSERY 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 s2 PSIG :20::HG 'o :' ,: l :: r: !,,:tt:l:: ::i ,10;i ., .l;{tl ::VAG: t9 t-t {tsoLATlON 245 vAc VAG 2O'HG 5.O I8'HG ,20:,illt::,: ..ir i:,::VAG:: :,!'vAG,;:.; :,: 5.O,,r 'EST cottl{E1{TS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: NURSERY ffiARDs'ANYLETTintnrxlscoLUMNREFERToLAsTPAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS' lNG. fnspector: DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY l2&16, 2002 Page= 24 MEDICAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspeclor: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&'16' 2002 Page: 25 ZONE: NURSERY SEE PAGE #O3 FOR EXPLANATION OF TESTII{G PROGEDURES rE'3T tEsTDaG PROCEIIUTES ROOX I"ABELED GA3 DEIEG'ED GAS STATIC PnESSUnC (PslGrhe) FLOW RAIE (sGrrl FLOW PNESSURE (PsrG,lltG) SEE "OTE 21 1-11 tsoLAT!oil 245 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G '22,,:,:.l-1'|,02 ::5G f slG !:,3:5 ::,:: :i,:r. ::::: 23 1-11 tsoLAT|olr 245 ilA MA 52 PSIG 3.5 50 PS|G ,' ,",, ::1l'itr r: :: :ISOLATIO]l:245:: : ::::, :,:,rtAi ':i, lYlA ri i,13;5 25 1-11 rsoLATtolt 245 TNA MA 52 PSIG 3.5 50 PS|G tit i;ti !1r{ r tS-6rAiron,2i5, ,,: ,r ,:,,:O2,::,:. O2: :: ;r 58 PS|G ,3:5 ,;52;;PSIG;; I 27 t-11 tsoLAT|oN 245 vAc vac 2O-HG 5.O I8"HG i: ll ,i: 28:: 29 ,30.i: 3t G33 i3a:ii 35 ii3G:..:: 37 3S ,tO,. TEST GOUHENTS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDICAL GAS A VAGUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: LDRP {-7 VALVE LOCATION: GORRIDOR 241 OUTSIDE LDRP I SEE PAGE fO4;OR EXPLANATTOT OF TESTII{G PROGEDURES TE3?TESfING ?ROCEDURET GAS AREA 3ERVEO lABELED zot|EfGA3 lEE atotE I l-5 o2 LDRP '-7 YES/YES '2 :7;5 : t::| :i:IVAC:it: ::: ;: :: :::tDRPi,l.-7 YES/VES 3 :J.:ii: 5 ::6i TEST GOMMEHTT DA'E REP'B REP'D BY AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: CORRIDOR 241 AGRoSS FROM LDRP 3 SEE PAGE #O5 TOR EXPLANATION OT TES'ING PROGEDURES tEst tEsrrxc PROCCDURE3 GAt INDIGATED PNESSURE LABELED zoNE/cas I1{DICA'ED LOX' ALARf, INDICATED HIGH AI-AR[ vtsuat SIGNAL AUDIE|.E SIGI'AL 3EE t{otE 1 1-7 02 55 PS|G YES/YES 43 PSIG 67 PStG YES YES :,.?::,ii:. :il.7i :ii.:i..VES :.:: .' YES 3 :at:i :: 5 6: TEtI coIitEN?s DAT: iEP.D RE''D !Y NOTE: ("*) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER tN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEilIS, lNG. lnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&{6. 2002 Page: 26 sEE PAGE fO3 FOR EXPLANATION or TEsil]lG PROCEIURES TESI TE3TIIIG PNOGEDUNET FOOI !ABELED GAS OE'EGTED GA3 SllllG PRESSUNE lPslGrhs) Ftow RAIE lsGfnl FLOW PiE3SUNE (rstGr.Hcl 3EE taotE I 1-11 LDRP I .225 o2 o2 55 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG t,t'2 | ):: 02 ':o2 5,6 PslG,:3;5r :r::52: PSIG ,:,:,:l :1t,.,: 3 1-11 LDRP 1-225 vAc VAG 2O'HG 5.O t8-]rG a ,1.:lllr ,:!,,::,:,!LDRP:,i,:::225 :62 .56,P5lG,3;5.:::52;PSIG 5 t-11 LDRP ' .225 vac vAc 2O-HG 5.O .t8'HG G llrt I t-DRP;;l 1,225 ,,:;:vAG..:i vac ,20':HG,,:,,,i;O.,' ,,.. 7 1-11 LDRP I.225 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG ,irJ :.O2t :.,:, ',Oi: , , : ,, 3'j5r : :ttt52 F SIG:il:l: i iil;i't i ll li:l I 1-11 LDRP 2.226 VAG VAG 2O"HG 5.O tE.HG 1:!a1,226':,i:,,',,,Y46:: l l ;5;Oi rr::rs::HG:r,.il ilil :: ,::+t.:i 11 1-11 LDR? 2 -226 o2 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG il :il ll: r:LURP;2 ;;12n :42 02:::,t tt t :.;56 PSlG .i. 3;5,r..ii :52;PSIG::,:':*i: -'13 +14 LrtR? 2 - 226 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG titl:::: iil-DRPl2ii.22!6 i: :: lili \|ACi! ri ::r ,ZO'?HG, 'i:.ii:l ;15;o;;1,:'.al {5 1-',1 LDRP 3- 227 o2 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG '{6 1-;11 .,;LDRP '3..',22V:'., ,':i:ii ,, ,,o2 r02,, rirr :3;5::,i r!r!2 PS!Giii:i ll: t:r:ir:* r::l:i:: :: 17 1-11 LDRP 3.227 vAC vAc 2O"HG 5.O I8'HG :r iai::r il:rilli :: ii i.l r;:iD'in ai: --, ...1 .- .l::;::o2,,,o2., ,.i . s6 PSIG ,,rr,3;5::,,: i::: :52.P€!G::!::lrllil :,:ii t9 1-11 LDFP 3.227 vAc VAG 2O'HG 5.O I8'HG . ! r:.ir:llii :i i: !DRP 3: TEST GOUISENTS DATE REPID REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: LDRP l-7 NOTE, (-.DEETS STANDARDS, ANy LETTEi lN THls coLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS' lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY {2&l6t 2002 Page= 27 MEDICAI GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: LDRP I -7 NOTE: (..) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AtR SYSTEils, lNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2&16' 2002 Page: 28 SEE PAGE fO3 FOF EXPLANATIOX OF TESTING DROCEDURES tESt TEsl1LG PNOGEDUNES nool LABELCD Gl3 DEIECTED Gl3 S'ATIG PIESSURE lPslGrhgl Ftow R,ATE (sGFIl FLOW ?NESAUIE (PSrGFlrGl SEE I{OTE 21 1-11 LDRP 3.227 o2 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG ','21 rlil:l :: :; r:io2rj :rO2 .3.5.,52 j SIG::r: 23 1-11 LDRP 4.224 vAc VAG 2O'HG 5.O I8"HG ,24',,lr-lil,r ,::: :::'rVAG ri :; IVAC :,: ,2O!:HG:::::q ;5lO;1;; ;:: ti: 18:lHG: ; 25 1-11 LDRP 1.224 o2 o2 55 PSIG 3.s 52 PSIG :',2G::::r .. . l!.1{'o21'02 I !56,PS|G:!:l:i52 PS!G|: 27 1-1'|,LDRP 4- 228 o2 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG :24 :, ,:::, l-:11 ,: IDRP,4;:228, :,': :r r:, i\rAC :r..2O::HG i:: :llO!.:: : :l81HG::r,::::lr.:l 29 1-11 LDRP 5.229 o2 02 56 PS|G 3.5 s2 PSIG i3Oi :, r.,,' : l-:l t| ,,,iLD.RP: -5.: :229 I ri:::,r ir.::o2.'tl :::o2',:: ::':56:?StG.1:Sl5::':::,52 PslG;:: : rl ::li:.: : 3l 1-11 LDRP 5- 229 vAc vAc 2O'HG 5.O I8'HG }:;,,,':ii, ilDRP,5::229:,,: ,,,;o2,, ,,55 PSIG::::;:,:3;5:l: 52:PSIG::]:::'::'*.|::|::.:' .U 33 l-t I LDRP 5- 229 vAc VAG 2O-HG 5.O I8"HG :34.t ;f rf f . :'::i .:t;i : r:,:::'l-DRP:5. :229 'i i::: :::l r\rAGl:::l 'r,: ,I|AC:iii .:i:i20"HG':: r.i:i':5;O:i:i l8::HGir!:li 35 1-','l LDRP 5- 229 02 o2 s6 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G : :ll:ll! !: :: ::ri 6:i23O 1()21 ;1 ,r O2,::: ::rrt 56 ,; 1; 315::52::PSIG:il :rr l:::ll:,: 37 1-11 LDRP 6.23O VAG VAG 2O'HG 5.O t8"HG :i :: ;i:iltftl:i| :l i :. i i !,':lDRPi6-.23Oi,.'i.:!i :i IVAG ii :l :VAC,:2O::HG ri i:5r0i i:.51:i lii!: 39 .l-11 LDRP 6.23O 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G ,1o..::,:,r: .rltl:l :IDRP:6::23O:::;::::::,r::,:O2:,62 55 rPSlG.liiri !3;5::::52 PSl Gr:: TEST GOTf,UE]ITS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE; LDRP { .7 NOTE: (..) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS, lNG. tnspector: DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY {2&16' 2002 Page: 29 SEE PAGE #O3 TOR EXPLANA'IO]{ OF TESTING PROGEDURES 'E3T tE3t|laG PNOGEDURE3 noox I'BEIED GAS DE'EGIED GAS 3lalrG PRESSUNE (t3lGrhsl rtow NATE lscrl) FLOW ?RESSURE {PSTGPXG) 3EE XOTE 1,1 t-t t LDRP 6.23O 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIG 42 : l.-1 ll :: ' | :::iLDRP G;' 23O VACI , i ::rr::vac t,:tz0'tHc ",',5;O : : ,:l t8.:'H9r::::rr: : :l: 43 1-11 LDRP 7. 23I o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 s2 PSIG 11 lil ,1 : ;:o2 :,o2,"56,PSlG::. ,3;5r ,52,,PSlG.::r:.,,:111,:;;1 45 1-11 LDRP 7.23I vAc VAG 2O"HG 5.O I8"HG 46:ii:,fr1f ,' :LDRP'7- 231,ol',.',t,,56lPSIG:i 3i5r,5l;PS G: :t. 47 1-,1,1 LDRP 7.23I vAc vAc 2O-HG 5.O I8"HG l-irt :TLDRP:7: 23{', : : r:,:::.VA9: :::YAG:::: :i 2O::HG:'i,| 5;O:l8::HG::: ,:!i: :: 1, ',ir,,','; 49 l-{ I LI'RP 7.23t o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G l:50. 5l :isl:: 55 :r:5Q.:i 57 ;!50:::: 59 :60. TEST GON ENTS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS & VACUUM ZONE VALVE A ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: POSTPARTUM l-7 VALVE LOCATION: GORRIDoR 24l OUTS|DE ROOM2 SEE PAGE #O4 FOR EXFLA ATION OF TESTING PROCEDURES YEIT IES?ING PROCEDUiES GA3 AREA SERVEO LABELED ZONEIGAS sEE NOTE 1 l-5 02 POSTPANTU[ 1.4 YES/YES 1,,,:,:YES/YCSTi11.5 I ,, 3 ,,:4 5 , rG IE!T cotrirEl{t3 DATE REP.D nEP'D BY AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAT Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. Date: JULY 12&16,2OO2 Page: 30 MEDICAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER tN TH|S COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDTGAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY {28,16, 2002 Page: 3l ZONE:POSTPARTUM SEE PAGE #O3 FOR EXPIANATION OF TESTIIIG PNOGEDURES rEst tEsTDaG PNOCEDURE! noox LABELED ca3 DETECTED GA3 STATIG 'RESSURElPslGrhe) FLOW RATE (scFxl rLow ?RESSUNE (PSTG,,HGI SEE IIOTE 1 1-11 POSTPARTUIt 1.232 02 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G :2t:,:POSTPARTU Vti' tt: ztl :i .,. VAG,:i ::: :VAC: l:ri ris'j0r; i i8::HG:::: :i ,.if, 3 1-11 POSTPARTU]II 2.233 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 s2 PSIG 4::tl:1tr,2O-HG :l:,9'o;:iii! ,18:HG:::,:::::i ::,]: t t::::::: :] 5 1-11 POSTPARTUT 3- 234 o2 o2 s6 PS|G 3.5 52 PS|G r:e:r l1!ll;; ;r1; ;;TPARTU]f,3;. r23{: ,;,: ,lVa 2o::xa: 7 1-1,1 POSTPARTUT 4.235 o2 o2 56 PS|G 3.5 52 PSIG 8:: :j : ,, l-l{' i,ir YAGiiii,i : '5:O; ,,.1 :r:! !i :!:lt:::: :::l I ::f.O.i {{ '"ll-{:r; 15 .i:15:;:r: ,,7 :::tgt:l l9 TEST GOmIE1|TS DATE REPID REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS & VAGUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: G-SEGTION REGOVERY VALVE LOCATION: GORRIDOR 24'l OUTSIDE RECOVERY SEE PAGE fO4 FOR EXPLANATION OT TESTII{G PROGEDURES TEST rEslll{6 PROCEDURES GAS AREA SENVED LABELED ZONE'GAS SEE I'OTE I l-5 02 G-SECTIOII REGOVERY YES/YES 2:'{f5 YES|YES 3 ,:,,j| : 5 tESt GOStrEN?S DATE RE 'D REP'D BY l, : ! AREA ALARM PANETS/LOGATIONT NOTE: ("r) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THts coLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AIR SYSTEMS' lNG. Inspector! DAVID WACHTL Date: JULY {2&16' 20O2 Page: 32 MEDICAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET NOTEr ('*) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MED|CAI AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY {2816, 2002 Page: 33 ZONE: C-SEGTION RECOVERY SEE PAGE #O3 FOR EXPLA}IATIOX OF TES'ING PROGEDUNES tEt? 'ESTI||G 'BOCEDUNE' ROOI LAEELED GAS IIEIEC'ED GAt StarlG PNESSUTE lPslGrhs) FLOW RATE (sGFX) Ftow PnESSUtE (PrrG,')rcl 3EE ,.OTE ,|1-11 REGOVERY 264 vAc vac 2O'HG 5.O 18-HG 2 lill,, r r i,VAC vAc ZOi:xC,5;O:::.::t8lHG; r l f f ,.'ri |, 3 1-11 RECOVERY 264 o2 o2 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PSIC i!.,4:: ::t;i'i,,:':l ::56rPSlG,; ,,3;5 : ,,.::r: :r,nEcoVEavr2ei'!,i! (l2r: :':'o2,,r: i52:PSIG::,: 5 1-11 REGOVERY 254 o2 o2 s6 PStG 3.5 52 PStG ,'.:,:,O2 ,:::stS,,1,,..i:ii6irli;r ,, ;r{rli: r: ii,i ;1 1 ;'trEQOVE_RV..26e i: r ii i ;5,6- !s!G;; I r, ilZ PS19r::: 7 1-11 REGOVERY 264 vac vAc 2O-HG 5.O I8'HG ra lrlft RE-CoVEBy,264 :j:iVAC::i: ::i2OlHG :5,:O i: :: 18lHG:ri:r::: :!!::.a::::::r:: I ,tl O-:. 11 # :iif a.';:: {5 l6 j:i 17 i8 i::: t9 .,20::: TEST GOMMENTS DATE REPID BEP' D3Y MEDIGAL GAS & VAGUUM ZONE VALVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: G'SEGTION O.R. VATVE LOCATION: CORRIDOR OUTSIDE C-SEGT|ON SEE PAGE #O4 FOR EXPLAI{ATIOI{ OF TESTII{G PROGEDURES rE.T IESTING PROCCDUNES GA3 AREA SERVCD LABELED ZONE,GAt sEE t{otE 1 1-5 02 c-sEcTtoN o.R.YES/YES tzt,:l :: : ,{i5 i!.:;: :YES/YES, : , :it:r:::i:it l: 3 ;.:;:rll:::: 5 ii;::6,1 TE3T GOIlNEIIT3 DAIE REP'D REP'D rY . , ,; ,il::llllii AREA ALARM PAN ELS/LOGATION: MEDICAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. lnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY 12816' 2OO2 Page: 34 NOTE: (*") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS GOLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDICAL GAS AND VACUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET ZONE: G-SECTION O.R. NOTE: (") MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER lN THIS GOLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDIGAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. tnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY {2&16. 2002 Page: 35 SEE PAGE #03 FOR EXPLANATIOT{ OF TESTIXG PNOGEDURES TEST tEslllaG PNOCEDURES noor LABELEO GAS DETEGTED GAS 3rattc PNESSURE (?slGrhrl FLOW i.ATE (sGFXl FLOW tnEssuRE (DSTGPXCI SEE I'OTE 1 t.1 I c-sEGT|OI| O.R.266 EVAC EVAC 2O-HG 3.2 t8"HG . 1 :1;11 :3;5 l,12:.,:iVAC,ii: ;r:,,,:11,,,: ,':. 3 1-t I c-sEcTtolt o.R.266 VAG vAc 2O"HG 3.5 t8"HG ::4:,1:1ll::.,:,,:::.:,::02::,:::,:5G PSIG 3t5 5 1-11 c-sEGTrOil O.R.266 02 02 56 PSIG 3.5 52 PS|G t:6 : : .:1.11 6;i;:zoSi:r:, r56,PSlG 3:5!','O2:'.::',|Oz ;52;lfStGlj;1 7 1-1',G-SEGT|O'| O.R.266 vAc vAc 2O'HG 5.O I8"HG r8, :1'.11',:,:'.,:i:,G-SEGTION' jO;R':,26G :';:, : :o2:r,:rr:::::,,OZ,'.'i:.:,56'PStG:'3.5,,,,,;:i!52::PS!Gr:::: I 1-11 c-sEcTtoN o.R.266 VAG vAc 2O'HG 5.O r 8")tG i, 1O.:t,t :l ttl:ll: :: :: :Ii c-sEcTlOl{::O;R:'266 lr: i iO2i :ri :42 :9.5.: t,:::l: !52:PS G::.iili :i ilr;lt. ;iri jil 11 e ::llil:::: l5 ,l,rl6,;,; 17 ti:l0ti ; l9 ::2O.:: 'EST GOUUENTS DATE REP'D REP' DBY MEDIGAL GAS AND VAGUUM MASTER ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET MASTER ALARM PANEL/LOCATION NOTE: ('*) MEETS STANDARDS, ANY LETTER IN THIS COLUMN REFER TO LAST PAGE MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNc.Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY t2itt6, 2002 page:36 o ON: G CR t SEE PAGE #04 FOR EXPLANATIOI{ OF TESTING PROCEDURES TEST TESTIl{G PROCEDURES SIGNAL SET POt'|T VISUAL SIGNAL AUDIBLE SIGNAL SEE NOTE 1 1-7 OXYGEN LINE PRESSURE LOW 45 YES YES t1t :::::'2:',:11.i :r:;r:i65: .r;i:ryES: ,:;iiit:i:i*:tii: 3 1-7 MEDIGAL AIR LINE PRESSURE LOW 42 YES YES la i;i r,4r: ;YES;;::,:,:::l l::i: 5 1-7 VACUUDI LINE PRESSURE LOW 12"HG YES YES aa .:,1.l:6.::'.'::,,',,ii6,,1 r,,rYES.rr:,; 7 .l-7 NITROGEI{ IINE PRESSURE LOW 140 YES YES aa ilii;i.:r:i! r:i:7:.l: i: I :ii:;::t* -ti :l 9 1-7 NITROGEN RESERVE I}f USE YES YES a- :.:..io'..i,.'..:..,.::.....,.:,ln ,13 :i; l4:.:;:: l5 :t:tl6::::.::.i:,:;:: TEST GOMMENTS DATE REP.D REP.D BY MEDICAL GAS MANIFOLD DATA SHEET MANIFOLD SEE PAGE #06 FOR EXPLANATION OF TESTING PROGEDURES TESTING PROCEDURES USED: I.5 mlxuractunen/ IIODEL IUMBER I SERIAL I{UMBER GAS LEFT BANI( PRESSURE PS!G RIGHT BAI{K PRESSURE PSIG LEFT PRIMARY REGULATOR SETTING PSIG R!GHT P RITUIARY REGULATOR SETTING PSIG CHANGE OVER PRESSURE swrrcH SETTING PSIG LINE PRESSURE SETT!I{G PSIG CHE]trETRON N2 rroo 600 300 300 175 200ro8t400r co'ltME]|TS DATE REP.D REP'D aY NITROGEN TANI(S iIUST BE SECURED TO WALL MANIFOLD SEE PAGE #06 FOR EXPLANATIO}I OF TESTING PROGEDURES TESTING PROCEDURES USED: uaxurecrunrn/ tyroDEL xuusgn t SERIAL NUMBER GAS LEFT BANX PRESSURE PSIG RIGIIT BAT{K PRESSURE PSIG LEFT PRIMARY REGULATOR SETTING PSIG RIGHT PRIMARY REGUIATOR SETTING PSIG cr{AlrGE OVER PRESSURE swtTctl SETTING PSIG LIIIE FRESSURE SETTIl{G PSIG GOMMENTS DATE REP.D REP'D BY MED|GAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG.Inspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY {29{6, 2OO2 page: 3Z MEDICAL VAGUUM SYSTEM DATA SHEET MEDICAL VACUUM PUMP PUMP NUMBER MODEL/SN MOTOR HP RATEDvoLTAGE I narronups pump #1 BECKER V4.25tE7747370 10 460 | as.l : ,.i .tuMir#2 :, aoo ir ., .. i"; pump #3 PUMP NUMBER OPERATING VOLTAGE OPERATING AMPS IIIGH OIL TEMP SEAL WATER PRESSURE pump #l 46o,t460.t460 9.3/tO.O/9.5 . .. : : ::,: ,j ,, ,, - l-:l-... .,, 460|46O/46O; ,; .,;:!f-::i::,::i; I :: I :,1 pump #3 i,.:i,,,,',.',.;,,.,i;::,;: i: :: l:: tiiti t:!::l .,'t :, ,'.,, ' ,,,, :,''. ':, ,,, io16"HG- TIMER LAG 2 vAcUUM SWITGII COMMENTS DATE REP'D REP.D BY ,,,',1,',,.,'....,,,,,',',....,.',.,..,..:.,,.'.,,.i.';1.1..,:,,,,,,',.;i i.:i :l.i I l,,:: :t::,:. :; ::::i :,,t: ::,., :,::,:::,:: :::::,,,, ., ,,i .., ,:.: :: ::: j': ,:,: :::: ,:,:,.',.,,:,.;,, ,.: :;i: :.:'.,i.:: , .,: ,. ,. ,:,.'i: :..:,. ..:::!:t::i:::i fuEDtcAL AIR SYSTEMS, tNG.lnspector: DAVTD WAGHTL Date! JULY ,2itr6, 2002 page: 3g PIPING PURITY TEST dFPA 99, 1999 Edition Section 4- Piping Purity Test States: (f) Piping Purity lesf. For each positive-pressure system, the purity of the piping system shall be verified. The testshallbe fordew point, totalhydrocarbons (as nethane), and halogenated hydrocarbons, and compared with the source gas. This test shall be performed at the ouflet most remote ftom the source. The two tests shall in no case exceed varialion as specified in the Maximum Allowable Variation Table, which follows. The test shall be performed with the use of oil-free, dry nitrogen gas. Maximum Allowable Variation Table Dew Point (DP) Total Hydrocarbons as Methane Halogenated Hydrocarbons 5"C @ 50 PS|G 1 PPM 2 PPM Results of Test I -MEDICAL AIR - MECHANICAL ROOM= SOURCE Source Gas DP -260F Furthest Outlet Dp -260F Variance 0 \rceGasTH 0 PPM FurrhesrOuUer TH_TE- V"riance--oil tn,:,tj o.*#st- Furthest outlet HH-!*!!!!__ variance-! PElv!_ Sample is within specifications. Results of Test 2 -OXYGEN - ISTFLooR TIE IN = SoURCE Source Gas DP -260F Furthest Outtet Dp -260F Variance__.,1[_ Souroe Gas TH 0 PPM Furrhesr OuUet fft_T-p!\4_ Variance___ll pllvt Source Gas IIH 0 PPM Furthest outtet t+t .s-M v"riance-lEffi- Particulate <.lMG Sample is within specifications. Results of Test 3 -MTROGEN - MANIFOLD = SOIIRCE Source Gas DP -260F Furthest Outlet Dp -260F Variance_-.,10 Source Gas TII 0 PPM Furth€sr Outler TII___.1Q-!!!I Variance__..11 !lgv!_ Source Gas IIH 0 PPM Furthesr Outlet HH_ja_B!![_ Variance_llE!4_Paniculate <.lMG Sample is within specifications. MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. lnspector: DAVID WAGHTL Date: JULY l2tl6. 2002 page: 3g MEDICAL AIR SYSTEMS, INC., HAS INSPEGTED THIS SYSTEM FOR ADHERENGETo NFPA 99 GAs AND VAGUUM sysrEMS; 1999 EDrrroN. o Tl{E FOLLOWING ls A tlsr oF DEF|C|ENC|ES AND/OR AREAS OF GONGERN: COM}IENT A. ARTIGULATING ARMS WERE BEING INSTALLED IN O.R.S I-3 WHICH WEREPROVIDED lVlrH MED^|CAL GAs ourLETsr THAT WERE Nor corNc To BE coNNEcTED.THESE OUTLETS }IUST BE GOVERED TO AVOTD GONFUSION. APPROVED Byr lN GASE oF EMERGENGY, oR FURTHER AsstsrANGE PLEASE coNTAcr Us AT 3o3 -zzg-249{ - tN srATE GALLS,oR t-800-863-3247 _ ouTstDE OF GOLORADO. MEDIGAL lnspeclor: DAVID WAGHTT AtR SYSTEilS, fNG. Date: JULY 12&16, 2002 pager 40 RTCE'VED llltcr !tlu r EF ':4*F'EFCT, IIG VERIFIGATION OF TEDICAL GAS SYSTEN AlrD SERVIGE lllc.PERTORXED BY: ilEDIGAL ffN TESTI]IG 5Ot YIOLET STNEEI GOLDEX, GO to.lol (30r) 27e-243r LocArlolr: VAIL VATLEY ilEDICAL CENTER IEI WEST TEADOW DRIVE vAtL, GO t1657-5O50 GO}ITRAGTOR: EIIGOT?ASS XEGHAI{IGAL P,O. BOX 50t0 AVON, GO E1620 e"t Gr scAx 200{r VER|F|GATTOX l3 PER NFPA tC, tteg EplTlof,. THE rl}|Dl]lcs ARE ATTAGHED. iErrARX€: ' A]lY ]|ODlFlCATlOllS, OR AITERATIOIIE TO fHE HEDIGAL GAS EYSTEI SHALL 'TEU!RE RE-YERIFIGATIOIf.G oocuxExr colrsrsrs oF 5 PAGEs. TAGCAOF 5 OGTOEER Medical Gas Equipment: Service, Testing, Veriticalion OUTLET TESTING PROCEDURES f ) Establish propGr hbellng of outlct 2l Ghcck for leakagc with plopcr adaptor Insertcd' 3) Check latchlng rnechanlsm. 4) Gheck st|tiC prctsure. Perfornr vacuum intet performance tcst'4t'4'2'l' 5) Pcrfornr operatlonat prerourc tcat pct'+t'/0'f 3(h)' 6) Perfornr nedical gts Gonccntretlon test pcr - +3'4'l'3(l)' 7l Pertotmcross-connect' pGt'' S) Perfornr valvc tert pcr - +3'4.1'3(b)' 9l Perfonn flow test pcr'C!.f.1.3(c). f 0) Perforn piping purgc t3!t pcl - 4't.4"t'3(:)' f f) Perfonn plping Purity teet por - + 121 Pcrform medicat eir purityr test per'+3'4.1'3(l)' f 3l Pedorrn medicel air qualitSr lert per'+3.4'1'4(b)' uEDlcAL AIR SYSTEHS' ING- tnspecton SGOTT JUSSET Datc: OGTOBER 2tt 2001 Pege: t ZONE: }IEDICAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTTET DATA SHEET I$ED|CAL AtR SYSTEilS, lNG. Inspeclon SCOTT JUSSEL Date: OGTOBER 23' 200{ Pagel 4 itEDtcAL AtR TESTTNG AND SERV|CE, tNC,, HAS TNSPEGTED THIS SYSTE]N FOR ADHERENGE TO NFPA 99 GAS AND VACUUT SYSTEIIs; l99o EDlTloN. Or= FoLLowtNG ts A Ltsr oF DEFtctENcrEs ANDToR AREAs oF coNCERt{: I{OXE }IOTED AT THIS TITC. APPROVED BY: tN GASE OF EMERGENGY, OR FURTHER ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT US AT 303-279-249{ - lN STATE GALLS, oR l-800-863-3247 - OUTSIDE OF GOLORADO. }|EDlcAL AIR SYSTEilS, lNG. Inspeclon SGOTT JUSSEL Datc: OGTOBER 2tr 20Ol Pagc:5 ttrlct 5OB Violet St. Golden, CO 8O4O1 Phone: 303-279-19O4 Fax:303-279-7132 .. 1.800!863-32fi II lo"' trttlxc ltlu l, lIC.rr4 VERIFrcATION OF MEDICAL GAS SYSTEM PERFORMED BY: MEDICAL AIR TESTING AND SERVIGE tNG. 5OE VIOLET STREET GOLDEI{, CO 80401 (303) 279-2491 LocArloN: VAIL VAttEY MEDICAL GENTER I8' WEST MEADO}Y DRTVE vAtL, co 8{657-5059 coNrRAcroR: ENGOMPASS MEGHANICAL P.O. BOX 5080 AVON, cO 81620 NURSERY ON' vERlFlcATloN ls PER NFPA 99, 1999 EDtTtOt{. THE FTND|NGS ARE ATTACI|ED.IEMARKS: 'Al{Y MODIFICATIONS, OR ALTERATTONS TO THE MED|GAL GAS SySTEIf, SHALL ]ourne RE-vERtFtcATtox. US DOCUilENT CONSISTS OF 9 PAGES. PAGE I OF 9 ON THIS DA AUGUST 30 OXYGEI{ OUTLETS NEDIGIL AIR OUTIETS SHUTOFF VALVES f,AsTER ALANI PA}IELS Medical Gas Equipment: Service, Testing, Verification TESTING QUALITY ASSURANGE Any or all of the following have been used in the testing and analysis of the Medical Gas System: - NST Model G2000 Medical Gas Analyzer, S/N 059. - Foxboro Model MIB Portable Ambient Air Analyzer, S/N 274405. - Ainsworth Model A-200 DS AA Series Balance, Readability of .0'l mg. - 25 mm membrane PTFE Filters. - NYAD Model MA-{G0B Trace Dew Point Monitor, S/N 1993. - Miniox I Oxygen Anatyzer. MEDTGAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNC. Inspector: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 30. 2001 Pagel 2 OUTLET TESTING PROGEDURES f ) Establish proper labeling of outlet. 2l Gheck for leakage with proper adaptor inserted. 3) Gheck latching mechanism. 4l Gheck static pressure. Pedorm vacuum inlet pedormance test-4- 5) Perform operational pressure test per. +3,4.'1.3(h). 6) Perform medical gas concentration test per - +3.4.'1.3(i). 7l Pedorm cross-connect - per - * 8) Pedorm valve test per - +3.4.{.3(b}. 9) Perform flow test per - 4-.3.4.f .3(c). f O) Pedorm piping purge test per - 4- .,tll Pedorm piping purity test per. +3.4.{.3(f). 121 Perform medical air purity test per - +3.4.'1.3(i). {3) Per{orm medical air quality test per - + MED|GAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspector: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 3O, 200'l Page: 3 ZONE VALVE TESTING PROCEDURES 'l) Gheck for proper location/condition. 2'l Gheck for proper labeling per - 4- and + 3) Gheck for leakage per - + and * 4l Properly label valve per rooms or areas controlled. 5) Perform valve test per - +3.4,f .3(b). MASTER ALARM PANEL TESTING PROGEDURES 1l Gheck for proper location. 2l Establish that power is on Life Safety branch. 3) Establish cPower Ont lndication. 4l Establish visual and audible alarms ('3Push To Testt). 5) Gheck high/low set points for all gases by removing and subiecting each pressure/vacuum switch to a known source of dry Nitrogen. 6) Gheck for proper operation of all Ghange Over/Reserue-ln-Use alarms for all gases supplied by manifolds or alternating bulk systems. 7, Gheck for operation of all reserve alarms. 8) Gheck operation of high dew point alarm. 9) Gheck operation of high temperature/high water level alarms. MEDIGAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNC. lnspector: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 30' 2001 Page: 4 AREA ALARM PANEL TESTING PROCEDURES 'l) Gheck for proper location. 2, Establish that power is on Life Safety branch - per - 4- 3) Establish cPower Ont lndlcation. 4l Establish visual and audible alarms ("Push To TestD). 5) Establish proper labeling (Per Zone and Gas). 6) Observe existing pressure/vacuum reading of alarm panel for each gas. 7l Observe existing low and high alarm points for each gas. 8) Establish actual line pressure with calibrated gauge. 9) Galibrate to actual line pressure per Manufacturerst recommendations. f 0) Establish and set high and low alarm points per NFPA and Manufacturers' fecommendalions. 111 Verify actual alarm set points by removing and subjecting each pressure/vacuum transducer to a known soulee of dry Nitrogen. MED|GAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. lnspector: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 30, 200{ Page: 5 MEDIGAL GAS & VAGUUM ZONE VATVE & ALARM PANEL DATA SHEET ZONE: NURSERY VALVE LOGATION: AGROSS FROM NURSES STATION SEE PAGE il04 fOR EXPLAIIATION OF TESTIIIG PROGEDURES TEAT TESTINC PAOCEI'UiEA GAs AREA SERVED LABEIED zoNElcas VALVE IEAKAGE PAss/fAtL 'l l-5 HA NURSERY Y E5/YEA NO P 3 t-5 VAG If UBSERY YEA/YES tlO P 5 TEST co EN'S DATE REP.D REP'D BY ; | :.:, ',: rr; ::: I rt: r::: .".'...... ,,, ,, ,, r: ::::: :::: . i':.::::::i t'!:!',t,! I,,,,: ' :,,:!:,,!,,...!.,.... ,,..'',,: ,, AREA ALARM PANELS/LOGATION: NURSES STATION MEDICAL Inspector: SGOTT JUSSEL AtR SYSTEMS, lNC. Dale: AUGUST 30. 2001 Page: 6 MEDIGAL GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, lNG. Inspeclor: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 30. 200{ Page: 7 ZONE: NURSERY SEE PAGE '03 FOR EXPLANATION OF TE6TING PROCEI'URES IEST TECTING PROCEDUNES noo||I.ASELED GAS ITETECTED GA3 sTATIC 'RESSUBE(PslG/-ig) Ftow RATE (scFx) FLOW ?RESSURE (PSrG/'HG) IEAXAGE PASS ralt 1 1-11 NURSERY (rSOL.)lNA TA 55 PSIG 3.5 53 PStG NO P i,1.;2,,;.,:;: ::::::::]-::]: ]i oli).,'A2,,,:'.:t)t,: 3 1-11 NURSERY (rSoL.)vAc VAG I7"HG 4.O I5"HG NO P ::]]'-::.':::]::::]:]:HA .:,,5.5 PSI,G; 5 l-11 NURSERY (rsoL.)o2 o2 57 PSIG 3.5 55 PS|G YES P "u"iini irsoil:f ,....,irii,*e....... 7 1-11 NURSERY (rSoL.)NA IA 55 PSIG 3.5 53 PSIG NO P ::i::il::::ti::t:: 3i5;i;t::i ::: :;:: ]ji ::: ::: iiiiiPiiii: 9 1-11 NURSERY (rsoL.)VAG VAG 17-HG 4.O I6"HG NO P .ii ir,.;i i..l:,lii r':i.nAri:.,s;;cr;i :i:,lirii:i ,ti: :,. ;,i,'lP,'i',r. 11 1-11 1{URSERY (tsOL,)o2 o2 57 PSIG 3.5 55 PSIG YES P :,,,r,,,vAc,,;,t.,:j,ii:t,tAC,!:ii;:ii ,,,;;,,1',ttOt.,i,. : .,. I :it :.. 'Pr:,i,: .i, J t3 1-71 NURSERY (tSOL.)HA UA 55 PSIG 3.5 53 PSIG NO P ::li ::::.:'::: ::: :: :::::,:! ::::.:: i,,, l,l!,n,,,,,,,,,,,,.1, :, :.'::..: ., ..,,lo2 ,: ,l i'.ii.i"..ii {5 1-11 NURSERY (|SOL.)VAG VAG 17"HG 4.O I6"HG NO P 1il t :jl r::rfi: :ii rr: .i: ::::::::::::::l:::::]:::]: .:,.i-ei.cl.i''.''55 tsrc:i:1 17 1-1'l NURSERY (rSoL.)o2 o2 57 PSIG 3.5 YES P ::i .:::i:.:::.:::: . r8;,,.i : :il:l:::l'Acji:l i:i :l , ii"ile i, ..i i',4'.,io'i.iit' ,,b"ilAi.,.li l:,,, ,NO,l .,i,,i t9 1-11 NURSERY (tSOL.)IrA irA 55 PSIG 3.5 NO P l: ,,3;r5,ti tt.:,ss ,P"rC ,,l. TEST GOHTEXTS DATE RE?'D REP' DBY MEDICAT GAS AND VAGUUM OUTLET DATA SHEET MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. ZONE: NURSERY lnspector: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 30, 2001 Page: 8 MEDtCAt AtR SYSTEMS, tNG., HAS tNSpECTED THtS SYSTEM FOR ADHERENGE TO NFPA 99 GAS AND VACUUM SYSTEMS; 1999 EDITION. IIHE FOLLOWTNG lS A LIST OF DEFTCTENG|ES AND/OR AREAS OF GONGERN: NONE NOTED AT THIS TIME. APPROVED BYs tN GASE OF EMERGENGY, OR FURTHER ASSTSTANCE PLEASE GONTACT US AT 303-279-2491 - tN STATE CALLS, oR 'f -800-863-3247 - OUTSIDE OF GOLORADO. MEDTCAL AtR SYSTEMS, tNG. Inspector: SGOTT JUSSEL Date: AUGUST 30. 2001 Page: 9 FORM H.3 MANUFACTURERS'DATA REPORT FOR WATERTUBE BOILERS As Required by the Provisions ofthe ASME Code Rules, Section IV l. Manufrcturcd and c€rtificd by 2. Manufactured for J. Location of installation 4. Unit id€nlification (cRI9 (d].wing Do.)(y..r buih) 5. The cbemical and physicsl properlies ofall parts mcel thc requircnrnts ofmaterial specificariors ofrhe ASME BOILER AND PRESSITRE VESSEL CODE. Thc dcsign, constructioB and wo*rnanship conform to AsldE codg scction Iv, _Ug!_ 2o0o r{oNE (yr.r)(Codc C.!. rb.) rlndicate if(l) seemless; (2) tusion wcldcd " Indi tc if (l) n.q (2) dishcd; (3) ettipcoidal; (4) hcmisphgical 6(c) Headcrs m. caI Heads or cnds Hydrc. lcst, psi. (sh!pc; n||'l tt oc. no. lhickn6r) 6(d) Staybolts NONE 1-n'r:pcc. no; aLrnffi Pirch _ in. Nct ar€a _sq. in. Design ;ncssurc_psr (tuppon d by onc bot) 6. (c) Mud drum: 6. (a) Drums: No.Insidc Diamctcr, irL lnside Lengrh Ft.In. Shcll Platcs Tube Shcets Tubc Holc Ligrment Efiicicncy. % Mat'l Spcc. Grade Thickncss, in. lnsidc Radius, in. Thickncss, in. Inside Radius, in Longitu- dinrl Circurn- fcrcr[ial 5.761"9.687s"sA-53B .432 1 5.7.61"7't0.9t2s"sA-53B .432 37 No. Longitudinal Joints Circum. Joints Hcads Hydro- Static Tcsl. Dsi No. & Troc. EIIi. ctctrc? No. & TvDe Em- cicncv Mar'I. Spcc-, Gradc Thi(*ncss, in.T)pc*'Rrdius of Disht(2)E5 5A-516 GRADE ?O .500" 2 r(2)E5 sA-5 16 6RADE 70 .500"I 6. O) Boiler tubes: Dismd€r Thickn€ss .Mat'l Spec. No., Gradc No How Anachcd 1.500".095"sA-178A E2 FERRULES Oox or d'|uci|' or round; ]nrr'l rpcc, no; rhiiocls] (for rca. hcedcr boilcrq cldc aiz.l lhrDc Hcads or €nds NONE ltydro. tca, psi (rh.F; n.fl spc.. no. : rhiclDcas) and Putpose (ir cf, outkl drain. etc.)No.Dia. or Sizc Typc How Allachcd M8t'l Nom Thickness Reinforcement Mrt'l Localion INLET I 6.000" NPs FLANGE WELDED sA-I05 150#WELD IOWERDRUMOUTLEII6.000" NPs FLA}.IGE WELDED sA-t05 150#WELD UPPER DRT'MSAFETY VALVE I 2.000" NPs CPLC WELDED sA-105 3000#WELD UPPER DRUMLWCOI0.750"NPS CPLG WELDED sA-105 3000#WELD UPPER DRUMVENTI0.?50" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-t05 3000f WELD UPPER DRt'MI I-III(MUMI,I EK I 0.500" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-r05 3000#WELD UPPER DRI'MPRESSI.'RE GAGE I 0.500" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-r05 3000#WELD I.'PPER DRI.MAQUASTATS.500" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-r05 3000#WELD IJ?PER DRT'MPRAINI1.500" NPs CPLG WELDED sA-t05 3000#WELD LOWER DRT'MIAND HOLES 2 2.75 X 3.615-COVER STRNG BACK sA-51G70 0.37 5"NONE I.JPPER & LO!,Ir'ER Form H-3 @ack) {Hcding surfac. to bc *amped on druE hcads. (This h.dhg snfc Dot to bc used fof dclcc- midng minirmrm safrty vdv€ c?acity 12. Manufacturer's Partial Data Rcpoas property identifiod and signed by Commissioncd lnsp€ctors have becn fumished for the following ilems ofthis rcport: (D.n. of pr4 ir.rn rut'lbc(, mfi'r lrnq I / I I Ficld lly&o Tc*, p6i 240 13. Remarls:NONE CERTIFTCATE OF SFOP COMPLTANCE W€ certiry thaf thc natemcnts mad3 in this dats rcporl arc corect and that all details ofdesign, mterial, construction, and workmanship ofthis boiler corform to S€ction IV ofthc ASME BOILER AND PRESSIJRE VESSEL CODE. 'tI' Ccrtificale of Authorization no. o*" 5129lzoaz ,,*"0 Boilcr constructcd by at 3184 r EXCELLENCE AVENUE- PUE.BLO C0. 8l00I t, thc unacrsignc4 trotOing a ratid conr.ission issueO E fni National Boarrt ofBoiler and hessrre Vessel lnsPcctors and/or the st|lc o( proYincc of---19!O@&- "na "-ptoyej'uy ' Hanrpono stfaM goILER ofcr havc inspectod psrts ofthis boiler rcferred to as data itcmsl!-:iJi ib,l[g.it-!q- "na haue c)."-lnea V"orf""n re"t P-t'tal Da 8nd stale that, to thc bcst of my knowlcdge and belie{, the manufacturcr bas construcrcd rhis boila in accordance with scction !V ofthc ASME BotLER AND PRESSIIRE coDE. By signing this ccrtificatc ncithcr thc ilsp€ctor mr his crnployer rmkcs any warranty, expresscd or implicd, conccrning thc boilcr dcscribed- in lhis Msnufacturcrs' Dala nepi. fJnlcrmo"c, neithcr thc inspcctor nor his employcr ihall be liabl; in any rnarmer for any pcrsoml injury or property daDBgc or a loss ofary kind arising aom or CERTIFICATE OF SHOP INSPECTION CERTIFICAIE OF FIEID ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE Wc ceniry thrt tbe ficld assembly construction of all p6rts of this boil6 confornt with the requirements of SECTION IV of the ASME BOILER AI{ID PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. 'H- Certifi cate of Authorization no. o^. S lbtW sie".a J4c. cERrrFrcArE oF ndf,6 AssEMlLy rNSpEcrIoN t.r. ^, tr6vin.. .,r C 0 L 940 p? I- thc undcrsiened- hofdine a valid commission issued by rhc N8tiogal Board ofBoilcr rnd Pressurc Vesscl lnspectors aDd/or the slatc or Ptovincc of t- tt - e" ."7 fu ;;;ii;*- - hfSA tf j hlvccompandsratemenrsinhislvtanufacturst.hta.Rceo.rtwtqtl:YP]t: andstatGthalr||pan,,"f"oudto".@notinc|u&dinth€certificareofshopinspectiot!havcbe€'|'iffPcc1edP'T.Pd:Yl* fie best of my inowledge and beticf lhe ln.n]offir-,''rIilffii.--r-^-ffi66Tit consruct€d and assemblcd this- bg,ilg.in accordanc€ wilh Scction lv of lhc ASMEl[lc ocsr tJr rrry |(lrowrguBs --- -.4; tL 2a BOILER AI.{d PRESSRE vESSEL CODE. Thc describerl boil€{ was inspected and srbjccted to a hydrostatictcsr of l|fuLlsi . Bysi8Fingthiscqtifcateneitherrheinspectornorhisemp|oyernnkcsinywaranty,-cxpresscdorimplie4.conc€rninBthcboilG'dcscribedintllisManuf8ctu-IcIs'Da nipoi. nirrt "morc, neither the inspeaor nor his e-mplryi shatt ue )iqble in 94rv,,p9nner 'for any pa'sonal injury or poperty dalugc or a loss of any kitd adsing fiom or FORM H-3 MANUFACTURERS' DATA REPORT FOR WATERTUBE BOILERS As Required by the Provisions ofthe ASME Code Rules. Section IV l. Manufacturcd ard cenitied bv 2. Manufactured for 3. Location of insrallation .4. Unit identification rnd ddr.33 ofpnh|3.r) NONE E0-r00w4-t60-l (cRN)(dr|wing ro.)-6#*'"-r- #r5' The chemical and plrysical properics of all ports mea the requircnrrls of nnterial specificarions of thc A5ME B9ILER AND pREsst RE vEssEL coDE- Thcdesigr! consrrucrion and workmanship conform to aSME ddr, Secrion lV, i99E 2OOO _ NoNE Ocr) 6.h No.lnsidc Diamacr, in. Inside Lcngth FT,in. Shcll Plates Tube Shccts Tub€ Holc Ligamcrl Efficiency, 7e Mat'l Spec. Grade Thiclncss, tn, lnside Radius, in. Thickncss, in. Inside Radius, in. Longitu- dinal Cirsrnr' fercntial 5.761"8',9.6t75"sA-538 .432 37,|5.76r"7'r0.9t2s"sA-538 37 No. Longitudiml Joints Circum. Joints Hcads Hydro- Static T6i. Dsi No. & Tvpc. Effi- ciency No. & TyDe Efr- qctrcy Mat'l. Spec., Grade Thickncss, in.TDer t Radius of DishIl(2)t5 S.4-516 GRADE 70 .500" 2 r(2)85 S4-516 GRADE 70 .500"Irlndicsrc if(l) s€arnlcss; (2) fusion welded 6. (c) Mud dnrm: " Indicare if (t ) flar: (2) dishcdl (l) c ipsoidal; (4) hcmEphcriEi 6(c) Headers no. Heads or ends Hydro. tcst, psi. (3ht,q rn.t'l5p... no. $icbcs3) 6(d) Staybolts NONE 1ra'trp* no.;ai-ffi Pitch _ in. Nc{ area _sq. in. Design prcssurc_psi (tuPPod.d by on. boh) Hcads or cnds Hydm. tcst, psi 6. O) Boilcr tubcs: Diamctcr Thickncss Mat'l Spcc. No., Grade No How Attrachcd 1.500".095"sA-t78A a7 FERRULES (bor or rhlFo! d lund; m||'l3Fc. ro.: rhltrcar) (for $a hcrda toitcrs, n|tc rizr; strf (rh.p.; mfl spc.. oo. ; ti6lo6t) Purpose (inlct, outte( drain. etc.)No.Dia. or Sizs Type How Attached Mat'l Nom Thickness Re inforcpment Mat'l Location INLET 6.000" NPS FLA}.IGE WELDED sA- t 05 t 50#WELD LOWER DRT]MOUTLETI6.000" NPS FLA}IGE WELDED sA- 105 t 50#WELD UPPER DRI'MSAFETY VALVE I 2.000" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-t05 3000#WELD UPPER DRI,IMLWCOI0.?50" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-r 05 3000fl WELD IJPPER DRUMYEI\ I I 0.750" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-105 3000#WELD UPPER DRUMr rr-g^lvtvJvlE I .ctl I 0.500" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-105 3000#WELD IJPPER DRI.'MPRESSI.JRE GACE I 0.500" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-105 3000#WELD IJPPERDRUMAQUASTATS30.500" NPS CPLC WELDED sA-t05 3000#WELD UPPER DRTJM)RAIN t 1.500" NPS CPLG WELDED sA-r 05 3000#WELD LOWERDRUM 'HAND HOLES 2.15 X 3 .875"COVER S1ING BAC(sA-516?0 0.375"NONE T'?PER & LOWER Fonn H-3 (Back) /7 {Herting $rrfaoe b bc aampcd o'l drum hcads. {This haiag srfc not to b. used fot d.l6- miDirg minimur! srf€ty vdw cTacity I l Ficld Hydo Tcs, psi 240 13. Rennrks: NONE CERTTFICATE OF SHOP COMPLIANCE Wc certit that thc statements made in this data rcpon arc correct and that lll details ofdesign, material, constructioD, and workmanship ofthis boilcr conform to Section lv ofthe ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE. "H" Crertificalc ofAuthorization no. 31.691 - :4./ qxpircs @ mt" i/z?/zpz- sien"a Boiler constructed by UNMRSAL BOTLER WORKS- INC. al3r84l EXCELLENCE AVENUE. PUEBLO CO. tl00l l, the uDdersigDc4 holding a yslid commission issucd by thc National Board of Boiler and Press:urc Vess€l Insp€ctors and/or ihc stalc ot provincc ol-Lq!.@Cg,- and cmploycd by HARTFORD STEAM BOILER ofCT have illspected parts ofthis boiler refered lo as data items 4- 5. 6a- 6b- 8a. 9- l0 and have cxamined Manufacturcr's Panial Data Rsport for ilems _llglE _and stale lbal, lo thc bcn of my knowledgc and belict the nranufacrurcr has constnrctcd lhis boiler in accordancc \rith Seclion lV ofthc ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE CODE. By signing rhis cerrificate neither the inspcctor Dor his cmployer rnakcs any waranty, cxprcssed or implicd, concerning the boilet d€scribcd in this Manufactutcrs' Data Report Fuihcrrnorg neidr€r thc inspecror nor his employer shall be liable in any nranncr for any personal injDry or propErty danrge or a loss ofatry kind arising fiom or conncctcd vith this insD€ction. Commissions ;/Zt) CERTIFICATE OF NEU) ASSEMBLY COMPLIANCE Wc c€rtiry that th€ ficld asssmbly crnstruction of atl parts of this boiler conforrns with thc rcquir€mcnls of SECTION IV of the ASME BOTLER AJ'ID PRESSURE "H- certificate of Aulhorization no. '3J i , 62 "*n",-)/!)afh z, z*l - crdilicd |rd coo3tudri fi€ld |ssd b) cERif FrcATE oF Frdr/AssEMBLV lNspEcrroN A 2\ t ^ .., , -,, ^isircd by thcNationrf Bosrd of Boiler and h€ssure vessel Inspectors and/or the satc or ywince of !!!!frf11fr-onI, tbc undasigned, holding lvali and $atc that all pans ref€fi€d to as data itcms havc compered statcments in lhis Manufacturcr's Data Repon w h thc dcscriH boil6 not includcd in the certi8calc ofshop itrspeclioR hsve b€c'| iDsp€clcd by mc 8nd that to BoILER ANt PRESSRE VESSEL CoDE. Tbe dcscribed boiter was inspeacd and subjected ro a hydros"m tJoi 2 f D pri. By siBning this c€nificate neither the inspector nor his employer makes auy warranty, cxprcssed or irnplied concerning the boilcr d€scriH in this Marufactutcf,s' Datg Report. Furth€f,morc, neither thc insp€clor nor his for any personal injury or Foperty darnagc or a loss ofany kind arising from or Datc te 20 (N{'l Bd (incl. .ndong6tB). .|riq prov., |hd no) PROJECT LOCATION ELEVATION ARCIIITECT MECH. ENG. CONTRACTOR BAL. CREW DATE GENERAL INFORMATION VAIL.COLORADO 8500" HLMDESIGN MKK CONSULTING ENGINEERS JP GRITTITH. JOHI{NEY HOLT AUGUST 2OO2 INSTRI]MENTS USED CALIBRATIONDATE: OCTOBER2OO1 SER# VELOMETER Shorridse ADM-S?0 M961031 ANEMOMETER - Davis A./2 Ball Bre. JPG-17 SPEED INDICATOR - Biddle 9920 786293 AMMETER/VOf.ffvrefen nurc EZ SZSO00 MAGNEIIELIC caCn - pwyer 0-1'0". 0-2.0" W.C. JPG 12 & 13 PRESSURE AAGE Wiess Gause 0{0 Dsi IPG 3l PREsst RE GAGE DIFFiR. Shortridge HDM-300 W99036 PYROMETER Alnor2300 E JPG-20 THERMOMETERS Raytek sTK JPG-36 METHOD OF BALAI\CE supply Diffrrsers are read with a captue hood using a shoruidge Air Data Meter. Supply reg]sters were read with an anemometer and flow tube. gxhaust and retum inlet registers were read with Shorfidge Air Data Meter and flow Hood. DDC Velocity sensors on VAV and FPB boxes were calibrated to actual flow measured with Air Data Meter. Heating and Chilled water $ow rates were measur€d with a differential pressure r on the IPG 15610JOCK EGHIFFITH CEFrNF|Cf,NON 3043 Stamp*:88009019 Issue l)are: 04/10/02 EQUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQUIPMENT INFORI4ATION UNIT# RTU-1 (SUPPLN MAKE YORK MODEL# CR-1030 DWDI-AD.75 SERIAL # AALMO1O899 RATTNG 46,000 cFM @ 3.0 ESP IIIOTOR DATA MAKE BALDOR H.P. 75 PF/EFF 86/195 TYPE PH. 3 MTED SPEED 1775 MEAS.VOLTS VFD-430 sF. 1.15 RATED VOLTS 230/460 MEAS. AMPS VFD€6.9 FR. 3657 RATEDAMPS 170/85 STARTER DATA MAKE MODEL SIZE ENCLOSURE CI-ASS THERMALS (EXISTING)AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED) AMP MTING OTHER VARIABLE FREOUENCY DRIVE DRTVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE 184X58 SF BORE SFX215/16" DRIVER SHEAVE 94X5BSF BORE SFX23/T BELT SIZE BP112 No. BELTS 5 DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE |NITrAL\FTNAL RPM 815/815@ 54 HZ FINALAMPS VFD€6.9 PRESSURE INFORiIIITIOITI PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER lN 4.30"ouT 1.20"DROP 0.90' HEAT COIL tN -1.20"ouT -1.25"DROP 0.05" cooL corl tN -1.25"ouT -1.60"DROP 0.35" l FAN ]N -1.60"ouT 2.0"RtsE 3.60" Tstenlil HUMTD lN 2.0"ouT 1.90"RrsE 0.10" REMRKS: FINALLED ON MIN (26%) OSA WITH ALL VAVS ON CALL FOR MAX COOUNG MAINTAINING 1.2' DUCT STATTC @ilHz. DUCT STATIC SET @ '.1.3" O uJ ot(L oz EulE =l =z = ollJE5oluE (t =z uJo.o t--o lrJ otr IL ozz llJLo oz EuJr oL!E fo llJE Fo[!-o E..L oz ElrJI 3 2 = oulE Do uJE o =z llJGo |o =F \-< '\ ,r:!f -<.S o[! o E, o- oz F ur- =f z = oultr la lrJE o =z uJo-o olu ou(L o uJ?o E,& ozz uJGo ozz uJ(Lo oz El!- f =z = Fo UT otr o- o r,rJ o0to- oz F ul =D === Fo uJ ouc o =z uJo.o oz F u.r f =z = o uJ oto- oz E UJE o uJ &.fg trJG F C) UJ ot(L oz Eutr ol! E, =o UJtr Oul-otr oz E uJ =f =z = o uJg g ulE (9 =zlljo-o F o 14Uz .l FO H Oul o OLo. =f =z = oultr fa LuE l-o uJ otr o- ozF uJI J zlr o lrJ oE(L EQUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQUIPI4ENT INFORI{ATION UNIT# RTU.1 (RETURN)MAKE YORK MODEL# CP.IO3ODWDFAF/5 SERIAL# AALMO1O899 RATING ITIOTOR DATA MAKE BALDOR H.P. 20 PF/EFF 85/94.1 TYPE PH. 3 RATEDSPEED 1770 MEAS.VOLTS VFD385 sF. 1.15 RATED VOLTS 230/460 MEAS.AMPS VFD'20 FR. 2867 RATED AMPS 7Ol3T' STARTER DATA I MAKE HITACKI MODEL L3OOP-220H BRM SIZE ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS (EXISTING) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATING OTHER VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE DRIVE DATA DRIVENSHEAVE 2OOX2BSF BORE SFX23/16" DRTVER SHEAVE 94X28 SX BORE SXX 17/8" BELT SIZE BP144 No. BELTS 2 DRIVE CHANGE BELTCHANGE lNtrlAL\FINAL RPM 665/665 @48lJZ FINALAMPS VFD.zO PRESSURE IITIFORIIATION PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEATCOIL IN OUT DROP cooLcorL IN OUT DROP \FAN lN -0.70"our {.30"RlsE 0.40" J IN OUT RISE REllllRKS: RETURI ,l FAN TRACKS STATIC PFIE ssuRE rN MrxED AIR PLENUM. FINALLED @48HZ- oz E UJ- =D =z = o u,t E, fa uJE ozz uJo-o Fo lrJ'ao E.(L oz EulI =D z = o uJg. loulE oz.zlltGo F C) UJ oE(L =f =z = o uJ G,5oul E, F o tI]Uz F] FA M () uJ dEo- EQU]PMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQUIPI,IENT INFORI.IATION UN]T# EF.1 MAKE GREENHECK MODEL # CUBE-18G10-X SERIAL# 028,24917 RATTNG 3880 CFM @ 0.66'TSP IIT,TOR DATA MAKE MARATHON H.P. 'l PF/EFF 72IU TYPE TDR PH. 3 RATEDSPEED 1740 MEAS. VOLTS 48H80-480 sF. 1.'r5 RATED VOLTS 20&230/160 MEAS.AMPS 1.7.1.G1.6 FR. 143T-80 RATEDAMPS 3.A1.6 STARTER DATA I MAKE TELEMECANIOUE MODEL LC1DO91O SIZE ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS SETAT 1.6 (EXISTING)AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP MTING OTHER RANGE 1.25TO2.O DRN'E DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE AK51 BORE 3/4" DR]VER SHEAVE IVP4O BORE 7t8" BELT SIZE AP25 No. BELTS 1 DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINALRPM 13OO/1300 FIMLAMPS 1.G1.S1.6MAxAMPS PRESSURE INFORiIATION PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEAT COIL IN OUT DROP cooLcorL IN OUT DROP l FAN IN NOTACCESSIBLE OUT ATMOSPHERE RISE ,IN OUT RISE REllllRKS: REQUIR ED = 2810 CFM FINAL = 2 820 CFM. ozt- uJ- =f =z = oultr =aulE o =z uJo-o o IU ot TL EQUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL VALLEY IIIEDICAL EQUIPMENT INFORI{ATION UNIT# EF-z MAKE GREENHECK MODEL# NOTAG ON FAN HOUSING SERIAL# MTING 4965 CFM @ 0.47'TSP I'IOTOR DATA MAKE BALDOR H.P. 2 PF/EFF 8286.5 TYPE PH. 3 RATEDSPEED 1725 MEAS.VOLTS 480-.480.f80 sF. 1.15 RATEDVOLTS 23u4ffi MF3S. AMPS 1-7-1.t1.7 FR. 1457 RATEDAMPS 5-4N.7 STARTER DATA I MAKE TELEMECANIQUE MODEL LC1 DO91O stzE ENCLOSURE CI-ASS THERMALS SET AT 2.7 (EXISTING)AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATING OTHER RANGE 2.5 TO 4.0 DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE AK'g BORE DRIVER SHEAVE IVPSO BORE 7t8" BELT SIZE AP31 No. BELTS 1 DRIVE CHANGE AK65 BELTCHANGE A28 INITIAL\FINALRPM 955/1170 FINALAMPS 2.&2.*2.7 PRESSURE TNFORIIIITION PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEATCOIL IN OUT DROP coolcotL IN OUT DROP r FAN IN NOTACCESSIBLE OUT ATMOSPHERE RISE J IN OUT RISE REllllRKS: REQUIRED = 4800 CFM FINAL = 4&45 CFM. oz. uJr =l =z = oulEfo uJ E. oz2 UJ&o F o EIUz F] FO / Fo LrJ otr o- F O F4Uz -l F M o uJ oE(L EQUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQI'IPI,IENT INFORI{ATTO{ UNIT# EF.3 MAKE GREENHECK MODEL# CUBE{984.X SERIAL# O2B2€85 RATTNG 300 cFM @ 0.19"TSP I{,TOR DATA MAKE MAMTHON H.P. ',v4 PF/EFF TYPE SS PH. 1 FIATED SPEED 1725 MF3S. VOLTS 120 sF. 1.35 RATEDVOLTS 115 MEAS.AMPS 3.7 FR. 48z;RATEDAMPS 5.0 STARTER DATA \ TTIAKE NONE MODEL ' slzE ENCLOSURE CI.ASS THERMALS (D(ISTTNG)AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATING OTHER BUILT IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DRIVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE AK41 BORE 3/4" DRIVER SHEAVE IVP25 BORE 1t'iL' BELT SIZE 3L18O No. BELTS 1 DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINALRPM 1090/1200 FIMLAMPS 3.9 PRESSURE II{FORIIATION PUMP IN OUT RISE FlLTER 1N OUT DROP HEATCOIL IN OUT DROP cooLcotl IN OUT DROP - FAN IN NOTACCESSIBLE OUT ATMOSPHERE RISE ,IN OUT RISE ll !D = 3fl) CFM FIML = 3'l 0 CFM. EOUIPMENT DATA PROJECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQUIPT'IENT INFORI4ATION UNIT# EF-6 MAKE GREENHECK MODEL# SP-7-QD SERIAL# O2BOO559 RAT|NG 50 CFM @ 0.06" TSP l,lOTOR DATA MAKE FASCO H.P. N.G.PF/EFF TYPE U7381 PH. 3 MTED SPEED 950 MEAS.VOLTS 120 sF. 1.0 RATEDVOLTS 115 MEAS. AMPS 0.8 FR.RATED AMPS 1.0 STARTER DATA I MAKE NONE MODEL srzE ENCLOSURE CI-ASS THERf',ALS (EXISTING)AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATING OTHER BUILT IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DRryE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE BORE DRIVERSHEAVE BORE BELTSIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELT CHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FIMLAMPS 0.8 PRESSURE INFORIIITTIOTiI PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEATCOIL tN'OUT DROP cooL corL IN OUT DROP r FAN IN ATMOSPHERE OUT NOTACCESSIBLE RISE ,IN OUT RISE REIIARKS: REQUIRI iD = 50 CFM FINAL = 100 3FM. DIRECT DRIVE ONE SPEED. EOUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQT'IP!4ENT INFORI,IATION UNIT# EF-7 IIAKE GREENHECK MODEL# BSQ-10G.4.X SERIAL# 02F,20717 RATTNG 1,000 cFM @ 0.5" TsP ]IIOTOR DATA MAKE MAMTHON H.P. 114 PF/EFF TYPE SS PH. 1 MTED SPEED 1725 MEAS.VOLTS 12O sF. 1.35 RATEDVOLTS 115 MEAS. AMPS 4.4 FR. 4Z RATEDAMPS 5.0 STARTER DATA I MAKE NONE MODEL srzE ENCLOSURE CI.ASS THERT\IALS GX|SNNG) AMP RATING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATING OTHER DRTVE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE AK3O BORE 3t4i DRIVER SHEAVE NN-25 BORE 112l BELT SIZE 31180 No.BELTS I DRIVE CHANGE BELTCHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM 14{IO/I430 FINALAMPS 4.4 PRESSURE II{F(NilATION PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN OUT DROP HEATCOIL IN OUT DROP cooLcorL IN OUT DROP 1 FAN IN ATMOSPHERE ouT 0.10"RlsE 0.10' J IN OUT RISE REIUIRKS: REQUII tl iD = 1ffD GFM FINAL = 1 c r20 cFM. EQUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQUIPT.IENT INFOR}IATION uNrT# UH-14 CrYP)MAKE MESTEK MODEL# VS62 SERIAL# c02783777001W1 RATING 960 CFM il)TOR DATA MAKE FASCO H.P. 1n0 PF/EFF TYPE U8B1 PH. 1 RATEDSPEED 1550 MEAS.VOLTS 12O sF. 1.0 RATEDVOLTS 115 MEAS. AMPS 2.1 FR.RATEDAMPS 2.1 STARTER DATA I MAKE NONE MODEL srzE ENCLOSURE CLASS fiERMALS (EXISTING)AMP RATINIi THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATING OTHER BUTLT IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DRIYE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE BORE DRIVER SHEAVE BORE BELTSIZE No- BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELTCHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FINALAMPS 2.1 PRESSURE IilFORf.l/lTIOttl PUMP IN OUT RISE FILTER IN our DROP HEATCOIL IN OUT DROP cooLcolL IN OtJT DROP I FAN IN OUT RISE J IN ouT RISE REIIARKS: REOUIRED = 960 CFM FIML = 880 CFM- EOUIPMENT DATA PRO]ECT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL EQIJIPI{ENT INFORI,IATIOT{ UNIT# CUH.I I,|AKE MESTEK MODEL# F-1000-06 SERIAL# 0/,l15l02 RATING 544 CFM I.IOTOR DATA MAKE GENERAL ELECTRIC H.P. 11',10 PF/EFF TYPE PH. 'I RATEDSPEED 1O5O MEAS.VOLTS 12O sF. 1.0 RATEDVOLTS 115 MEAS. AMPS 1.0 FR.RATEDAMPS 1.34 STARIER DATA I MAXE NONE MODEL - srzE ENCLOSURE CLASS THERMALS (E(STING)AMP MTING THERMALS (REOUIRED)AMP RATINq OTHER BUILT IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DRilE DATA DRIVEN SHEAVE DIRECT DRIVE BORE DRIVERSHEAVE BORE BELT SIZE No. BELTS DRIVE CHANGE BELTCHANGE INITIAL\FINAL RPM FINALAMPS I.O PRESSURE IilFORT{ATIOiI -- PUMP JlrN I FTLTER litl,t i:{t- HEAT COIL lllNffi -: REIiARKS: REQUIRED = 544 CFM FINAL = 53 llouri-lluutl-llouriF-liour llour llourl- i5 CFM. RISEt:- DROP -f DROP DROP RISE -!El!l=RISE ooz E uJo F uJ 5 T UJ oz F E AHlr= zI kF U) t tUFs o lrjFU' (t) J Io UJ = lu F C)ul'aotL U'(,z Fl- uJo F 5 F tu oz F E AHr.L> zI kFa F a tqUz F] F Et!F 3 u =q ,t!Ur =lo tr IJJF =o- llJF U) o J Io uJ ul J F C) LIJ otr o- U'oz FFulvt ozF g. F FJ]Uz F] g 14 F* 3 I =r\s\-|s -<A.-gS E Ltu 3 o UJ o U) J Io uJ = tu J Fo LlJ oE(L o IPGENGTNEERIN G VAILVALLEY MEDICAL I PU''P DATA CHILLER DIST.(;HILLE|a lJI-'. PUMP #FG.'PC-2 MAKE BELL & GOSSETT BELL& GOSSETT MODEL#1510;3BG e.1?!-9E tsl0;3le!J!9lE SERIAL #ct1166{1 820 ctr16642 820 RATING 2s0 GPt g Eql ru 290 GPlt @ EO',Hq NOTOR DATA MAKE MARATHON TARATHON HP PHASE 15 3 15 3 TYPE FRAME TDC 25/T TDC 25/.T SF PFIEFF 1.15 79.5,9{.0 t.l5 79.5r9t.0 RATED SPEED 1760 1760 RATED VOLTS 208-2301450 208-230J460 RATEDAMPS 39119.5 39r'19.5 STARTER DATA II',AKE SOUARE D SQUARE D MODEL 8s36DOH30S 8536DOH30S THERMALS RATING sET @'19.5 sET @ rg.s OTHER RANGE I5.O TO 45 RANGE ts.O TO 45 TEST DATA MEASURED VOLTS INITIAL AMPS FINAL AMPS '12.9-12.9-12.4 13.3-13.0-12.7 PRESSURE DDATA 2 PII'/iPS RUA"V''YG 2 PUMPS RUA',V"YC SHUT OFF IN OUT 28.0 PSI 66.0 Psl 36.0 Psl 74.0 PSI SHUT OFF RISE 38.0 Psl 88 FT HD 38.0 PSI 88 Ft HD FULL OPEN 1N OUT 27.0 PSI 62.0 PSI 34.0 PSI 69.0 PSI FULL OPEN RISE 35.0 PSI 8t Ft. HD 35.0 PSI 81 FL HD FI}.IAL IN ouT 27.0 PSI 62.0 PSI 3/r.0 PSI 69.0 Psl FINAL RISE 3s.0 Psl 81 Ft. HD 3s.o Psll El Ft HD REOUIRED GPM 290 GPS 290 GPt FINAL GPM 270 GPt 270 GPM REITARK!,. |:AIII:ES IISFN ON PUUP NE,qOINGS. CHILLED SERVES ENTIRE HOSPITAL IN UNKNOWNrrAr En I n = Tll$E. T-FAGE. a i GENGIAIEERING W VAILVALLEY MEDICAL PUMP DATA HEATING HEATING PUMP#PH.'PH.2 ITLAKE BELL & GOSSETT BELL & GOSSETT MODEL#1510;2.sBB 8.625 BF tsl0;2.5 BB q.6?9-qE SERIAL#clf,fl6${tl820 cMfi65{2820 RATING 210 GPm @70'HD 210 GPt @Iq_Eq NOTOR DATA llil,AKE US ELECTRICAL US ELECTRICAL HP P}IASE 7.5 3 7.5 3 TYPE FRAME FD 2137 FD 2137 SF PF/EFF 1.15 79.i+r88.5 1 .15 79.4r88.5 RATED SPEED 't765 1765 RATEDVOLTS 208-231y460 208-2301450 RATEDAMPS 21-2W10 21-20t10 STARTER DATA IT,IAKE SQUARE D SQUARE D MODEL 85025C02S 8502sc02s THERMALS RATING SET @ SET @ OTHER RANGE 6 TO 18 RANGE G TO I8 TEST DATA MEASUREDVOLTS 480-480-18{t 480480.180 NITIALAMPS 9.2-9.2-9.2 9.6€..t€.6 FINALAMPS 9.2-9.3-9.2 9.6-9.4-9.6 PRESSURE DATA ONE PUNP RUA''V'flG oxe punp RUNN,NG SHUT OFF IN OUT 24.0 PSI 56.0 PSI 30.0 Psl 63.0 PSI SHUT OFF RISE 32.0 PSI 74 FT HD 33.0 PSI 7G FL HD FULL OPEN IN OUT 18.0 PSI /+0.0 PSI 18.0 Psl 40.0 Psl FULL OPEN RISE 22.0 PSI 5I Ft. HD 22.0 PSI 51 Ft. HD FINAL IN OUT 18.0 PSI 40.0 Psl r8.0 Psl 40.0 Psl FINAL RISE 22.0 PSI 51 FT HD 22.0 Psl 5t FL HD REQUIRED GPM 210 GPtf,210 GPil FINAL GPM 2.15 GPt 240 GPttl REMARKS PUMPS LEFT IN WIDE OPEN POSITION. NEW COI WATER CIRCUTJATING IN EXISTING EQUIPI'ENT II {srRuciloN AREA @ too% DESIGN WATER FLOW. S UNKNOWN. PAGE. o I IPG ENGINEERING ffiJiirETI I VAILVALLEY MEDICAL PUMP DATA CHILLER CIRC.CH]LLER CIRC. PUMP #PCH-1 PCH-2 II/|AKE BELL t GOSSETT BELL& GOSSETT MODEL #80 4X7 5.75 BF 80 5X7 5.750 BF SERIAL #cMr169{rlB20 cMfi70 RATING zfl' GPlr @ 25' HD 350 GPm @ 25',HD MOTORDATA lrlAKE US ELECTRICAL MARATHON HP PHASE 3 3 5 3 TYPE FRAME DF4 1guil TDR 184.'MV SF PF/EFF Lt5 nn5.5 t.t5 85.5r82.5 MTED SPEED ,t7i]5 1725 RATEDVOLTS 208-23U460 2(l8-23U.f60 RATEDAMPS 9.6€.24.6 14.8-13.46.7 STARTER DATA MAKE SQUARE D SQUARE D MODEL 85025C02S 85025C02S THERMALS RATING SET @4.8 sET @6.7 OTHER RANGE 3.0 TO 9.0 RANGE 3.0 TO 9.0 TEST DATA MEASURED VOLTS '180-48{l-lE0 480-{80-180 INITIALAMPS 3.7€.5-3.6 FINAL AMPS 3-73.5-3.6 PRESSURE DATA SHUT OFF IN OUT 35 PSI 49.5 PSI 37.0 PSI 51.0 PSI SHUT OFF RISE 1.1.5 PSI 35 FL HD r4.0 Psl 32 FL HD FULL OPEN IN OUT 34.0 PSI 44.5 PSI 35.0 PSI 45.0 PSI FULL OPEN RISE 10.5 PSI 24 FL HD 10.0 Psl 23 Ft. HD FINAL IN our 34.0 PSI 44.5 PSI 35.0 PSI 45.0 PSI FINAL RISE 10.5 Psl 24 Ft. HD 10.0 Psl 23 FT HD REOUIRED GPM 200 GPt 350 GPM FINAL GPM 2OO GPM 350 GPM RE''AR'(S PORT GAUGES USED ON PUiIP READINGS. PAGE. IPGENGTNEERIAIG I !:::::::=:::: IW I nruxemxa I PUMP#RPRru.I [rlAKE BELL & GOSSETT MODEL#80;2.5X9.5R 7.27a8 SERIAL #cilfi7o-ol c20 RATING 75 GPn @?q ry MOTOR DATA ]UAKE MARATHON HP PHASE 11n 3 WPE FRAME TDR 182JMV SF PFIEFF 1.15 70n5.5 RATED SPEED t150 RATEDVOLTS 20u23U46,0 RATED AMPS 5.2{.0r2.5 Siaaren oere i,AKE SOUARE D MODEL 8502SC02S THERMALS RATING SET @ 2.5 OTHER RANGE 1.5 TO 2.5 TEST DATA MEASURED VOLTS 480-r8{t-4E0 INITIAL AMPS 2.6-2.7-2.6 FINALAMPS 2.0-2.1-2.0 PRESSURE DATA SHUT OFF IN OUT 23.0 PSI 37.0 Psl SHUT OFF RISE 14.0 Psl 32 Ft. HD PSI FL HD FULL OPEN IN OTJT 15.0 PSI 26.0 PSI PSI PSI FULL OPEN RISE 11.0 PSI 25 Ft. HO PSI Ft. HO FINAL IN OUT 15.0 PSI 26.0 PSl PSI PSI FINAL RISE lt.0 Psl 25 Ft. HD PSI Ft. HD REQUIRED GPM 75 GPM FINAL GPM 78 GPM REMARKS I-FACE. o o ,G ENGIATEERTNG VAILVALLEY MEDICAL | :: ::::=::=- PUMP DATA BOILER C]RC tt(JILE}( 9llar, PUMP #PB.I PB.2 MAKE BAL A GOSSETT BELL & GOSSETT MODEL #&;6X7 6.0 BF s0;sxztIE SERIAL #cnl167{ll c20 cMl167{2 C2q RATING 3Zr GPt @ 1q F|9 320 GPi' @19:_89 MOTORDATA MAKE MARATHON MARATHON HP PHASE 1ln 3 1112 3 TYPE FRAME TDR 182JMV TDR 182JMV SF PFIEFF 1.15 70n5.5 1 .15 70n5.5 RATED SPEED 1150 1t50 RATED VOLTS 208-2301460 208-230r/160 RATEDAMPS 5.2{.0r2.5 frnrEnDare lvlAKE SQUARE D SQUARE D MODEL 8502SC02s 8502SC02S THERMALS RATING sET @2.5 sET @ 2.s OTHER RANGE 1.5 TO 4.5 RANGE I.5 TO 4.5 TEST DATA MEASURED VOLTS 480-r8{t480 4s0.f80-{80 INITIAL AMPS 2.4-2.3-2.2 2.4-2.3-2.3 FINALAMPS PRESSURE DATA SHUT OFF IN OUT 24.0 Psl 30.0 PSI 23.5 PSI 29.0 Psl SHUT OFF RISE 6.0 PSI 14 Ft. HD 5.5 PSI 13 Ft. HD FULL OPEN IN OUT 22.0 PSI 26.0 PSI 22.5 PSI 27.0 PSI FULL OPEN RISE 4.0 Psl 9 Ft. HD 4.5 PSI IO FL HD FINAL IN OUT 22.0 PSI 26.0 PSI 22.5 PSI 27.0 Psl FINAL RISE 4.0 Psl 9 Ft. HD 4.5 PSI 10 Ft. HD REQUIRED GPM 320 GPM 320 GPill FINAL GPM 33s GPtf,335 GPM I-FTGE-o o o IPG ENGTNEERING VAILVALLEY MEDICAL PUMP DATA BOILER CIRC PUMP #PB€ [,lAKE BELL & GOSSETT MODEL #80;3X78 6.500 BF SERIAL #clrl168-01 B20 RATING 160 GPM @ l0'HD MOTOR DATA MAKE MARATHON HP PHASE 3t4 3 TYPE FRAME TDR 145.JM-70 SF PFIEFF 1.'15 MTED SPEED l1/t!t RATED VOLTS 208-23014€0 MTEDAMPS STARTER DATA MAKE SQUARE D MODEL 8502SC02S THERMALS RATING sET @ r.6 OTHER R.ANGE 1.5 TO 4.5 TEST DATA MEASURED VOLTS /$0-480-f80 INITIAL AMPS t.8-1 .8-l .7 FINAL AMPS 1.6-1.5-1.6 PRESSURE DATA SHUT OFF IN OUT 2r.0 Psl 28.0 Psl SHUT OFF RISE 7.0 PSI 16 Ft. HD PSI Ft. HD FULL OPEN IN OUT 20.0 Psl 24.0 PS Psl PSI FULL OPEN RISE 4.0 PSI 9 Ft. HD PSI Ft. HD FINAL IN OUT 20.0 PSI 24.0 psl PSI PSl FINAL RISE /r.o Psl 9 Ft. HD PSI Ft. HD REQUIRED GPM 160 GPM @ r0'HD FINAL GPM 165 GPI|I REi'ARKS PAGE. TO\^/NOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 flO-479-2138 -NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D01-0028 ]ob Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.......: WMC - center section of bldg ParcelNo....: 210107707013 ProjectNo.: ?? € PSOL-OlO-+ OltlNER VAIL CLINIC INC 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 I-,icense: APPI,ICAI{:T HCBECK, I,TD. ATTN: iIAMES I-,EWIS 1700 PACTFTC AVE., STE. 3800 DALI,AS, TX 752OL L,icense : 1l- 9 -A CONTR,ACTOR HCBECK, I.,TD. Status.. .: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/11./2001 Issued...: 09/17/2007 Expires...: 03/1.6/2002 o7 /tL/2ooL Phone: 07 /Lt/20OL Phone: 303-466-9665 Broomfield 07/LL/2OOt Phone: 303-465-9555 Broomfield ATTN: iIAMES I-,EWIS 17OO PACIFIC AVE., STE. 38OO DALI,AS, TX 75201. I-,icense: 1l-9 -A Desciption: Phase I - demo,/structural foundations & frame Occupancy: I1.1 I1.1 Type Construction: I FR Type I Fire-Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: 2,735,503.00 AddSqFt 0 Fireplace Information: Restdcted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas I-ogs: 0 # of Wbod Pelter ****H FEE SUMMARY ****€*** Building--> g9, 548 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $o . oO Total Calculated Fees--> 516, 25? . 20 plan Check--> 56 ,206 .20 DRB Fee--> g5OO . OO Additional Fees-----> 55 , 58s - 58 ) Investigation-> SO . OO Recreation Fee-------> $O . 00 Total Pelmit Fee----> S10 , 6?1 - 62 Will Call--> $3 . 0O Clean-up Deposit-------> $O . 00 Payments------------> SrO ' 6'1)' .62 TOTAL FEES-------> 576 ,2s1 .2o BALANCE DUE----> S0. 00 Approvals:I€elm: O5l-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o8/27/2oor eRe Action: AP : 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O9/O6/2OOL Georgle Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT ,8/08/2OOL MVAUGHAN Action: AP Hospital and eontractor shall be equally liable for any false alarms related to this project. Both parties shaLl maintain daily checks t,o ensure that system is safed as to prevent non-emergency activation of the system. Transmitting of false alarms is prohibited Lmder municipal code, Town of Vail . Hospital and contractor sha1l ensure that all agreed paths of egress are maintained completely free and clear of any storage, equipment, rubbish, or any other encumberence. Failure to comply with this order will result in issuance of summons and complaint under the Unif orrn Fire Code. Hospital and contractor shall agree that any change to aIry part of this plan will be agreed to, in writing, by all parties, including but not limiced to the fire department, building department, and any other permit sigmee. Further changes may be required based on field lnspecEron. Item: 05500 PtBL,IC WORKS os/os/2o0t Ls Action: AP APPROVED FOR DEMO. FINAI, BUII,DING PI,ANS MUST BE APPROVED BY PI]BI-IIC WORKS. TODD O. IS WORKING ON THE W. MEADOW DRTVE STREET IMPROVEMEMTS. OUITSIDE BUII,DING IMPROVEMEIITS TIIAT WILIJ AFFECT THE STREET WII-,I, BE THE ISSI'ES. !nug" 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application" filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 Send Clean-up DepoEit To: n/a SIGNATURE OF OWNER R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 Permit #: D01-0028 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 09-17-2001.Status: ISSUED PermitType: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: 07/71/2007 Applicanr HCBECK LTD. Issued: 09/17/2007 303-466-9665 Broomfield To Expire: 03/1'6/2002 Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: WMC - center section of bldg Parcel No: 210107707073 Description: Phase I - demo,/structural foundations & frame Conditions: Cond: CON0004936 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECKFORCODE ff:sil:il*, This is a partial permit authorizing only demolition and structural frame work and is being issued under the provisions of Sec. 106.4.1, 3rd paragraph,1997 UBC, as adopted by the Town of Vail. Cond: CON0004970 Work is subject to response to C-West Code Consultants plan review from HLM Design dated 8 / 15 / 0L & received by Town of Y atl I / 77 / 01 , including response from Bierbach Consulting Engineers, Inc., including revised Division 2 specifications and structural details, dated 8 / 14 / 07. ******* * * * * * * t + + * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * ****+ t***+t ******t+** *****tt'itf ******'}+ '1. * * ** 'l' * ***r. * ***+,}*** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement *,f * ***{.* * ****r} * + * * * * {. *,} * * * * * * * * * * * *t*** **+**** *+***** ** * * *,}*i.{.****{.*,} **i.* **+{. * * ***** ** ****,1.* Seatement Number: ROoOOOI4OO Anount: S10,571 .62 09/L7/2001.04:09 PM Payment Method: Check f nit : L,C Notation: #93 5653 3 3 /HCBeck D01-0028 Tl4)e: DE[4O. OF PART/ALL BIJDG. 210L07101013 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL wMC - center sectsion of bldg $LO , 67L .62 Total Fees: $10 ' 67L.62 Total ALL Pmts: $]-0,67L.52 Balance: $0.00 ** * * * * f * * ** {. * * ** * * a +* ** * ** ** * +* * * * *+ * * * * ** * ** * * +* * * * * ** * * {. ** * * * *+ {.l. * * +* * t * * * * ** + * * * * * * * * * * {. + ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addreeg: Location: This Palment: Desc r i pti on BP 0010000311i100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 t^lc 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIE|,.j FEES PLAN CHECK FEES l,.JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 9. 548 . 00 s00.00 620.62 3.00 MWII OFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 tt APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNEDfii""t t: ---'-?-glo,t-o to+ Building Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2l49 (Inspections) .I>ol*.ooztrSeparate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: llChocr, LTe Town ofVail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone ou O \tJorKme.n 2 2V -2to'2't'14 COMPLETE VALUATIO NS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LaboT& BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OfiER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL: s 9.224. Lq7 tl rl Parcel * *****rr**************** * ** *** ******* * * FoR oFFICE USE ONLy* **rr****** *** *,r *,f * *** * ****,f ** of Cortstruction: # Conhct Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit l,t l* FarceF# Zl O 107 | 0l Al5- (application'"wilfin'ot tre' acceptdd;rfflthoiit piirret numtierl lob Name: Va.il Volll Hdrc,.l tc*cr-7lloo )rob Mdress: ,rf/;,! ll"lfft7 Lesaf Description I r-ott F I etoct: fl rilins, 24 ll suuai,ri"ion, y'n; t tltl^1e- Owners Name: \/VHL f ehone{Q7o)4fl- tilZ Phone: (.2pE) 2l?- ? 0 4D Address:5707 U. brJltapanret, (0 enone(go7)?/7-4877 *'F"EJ,ij:;'' " *'iL,,l,.) tu d^6, 7 i frun a WorkClass: New( ) Addition(r,t' nemodet( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterioi( ,--s.th6 Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) no ( )v- No. of Accommodadon Unflr in this buildlng: a/4 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves6,rf RECO JUL 1.1 ZOOI \ "\91 Vail Valley Medical Genter - Phase 1 181 W. Meadow Drive Vail, Co 81657 HCBeck - General Contractor Jobsite Personnel Directory c0ni nurng our pu fslr rl ol Emplovee Todd Berry Doug Workman Barry Monroe Steve Ganison David Archuleta Wayne Hoffman Title Project Manager Project Administrator Project Administrator Superintendent Superintendent Field Engineer Cell Phone # 303419-4998 303-210-24M 303419-3018 303419-5743 303419-5745 303419-5749 HCBeck 100 Technology Drive, Suite 315 .Broomfield, cotorado 80021 . 303 466 9665 fax 303 466 9667 . BE0KGB0UPC0M I0!f'N Project Name: Project Address: Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Vail HcJ,"il L^Ic. -fl*1. J ttl+ / This checkh'st must be completed before a Buildino permit aoplication is acepted. / Rtl pases of apptication is comptete (?rar;o llry flrit 4f' 6''lct'?''nt h&H'; N'*) ,{ tlas DRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy ot approval form o Condominium Association letter of approval atlached if project is a Multi-Family complex / Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) (6+l*;,"1 o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.uarkinq or materi?l stora - alfowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval (frr-ltcor-zia1 ../ Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring J r.Et- Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fa;ily) ,,{ fun floor plans includlng building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family andCommercial) ,o windowanddoorschedute (r" .b.fnrld,/ -rh t,oV t'D.(>. ,d Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) .'/ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) rd Soils Report must be submltted prior to footing inspection o Fire resisUve assemblies specified and penetrdtions indicated (For+hcoi,.1) o Smokedetectorsshownon.plant (fo lc- fr,tt{2J v-'d* toofi C",it>)) f/,f o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown ApplicanYs Signature: Dat€ of subm ttta, 7f rcf o) F:/everyoneforms/bldperm2 Received By: o,/ Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5.2.10: DEPoSITS oN PUBI.IG wAYs PRoHIBITED P/unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. U/ Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public WorK may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or caus€s another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. g/ Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as proviled in Section 14-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Publk Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section L4-l of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-7 AND 7.3A.3: PART(ING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPoUNDMENT AuTHoRIzED ,/t/ No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper sUeet or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) ug Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the condiUons prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 424-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle b be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (ord. 2(1968) g 3: ord. 28(19s1) s 1) I have read and will comply with the above codd provisions: Positjon or Relationship to project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bl d perm 7 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBUC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below:. .dn" Town of Vail Building Department has developed the followin! procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. ,.{ The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or.streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail BuiHing Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2t98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. ,.{ Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: final Such drainage approval F: /everyone/forms/bldperm6 Signature BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineert (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also undersLand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name:Ht)ttrl trnqn _(lec I TOWN OF How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions tiren a puUtic WaV permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. NoUce sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifl7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffc control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locauons of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). Thisplan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sfgtln of w_ork being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work)' This may be drawn on the traffic control ptan or a site plan for tne ion. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or denythe permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being ieceived, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. $; soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the'Building Permif to be released. please do not confuse the '.public way permif, witn a "Building Permit". NorE: The above process is for work in a public way oNLy. public way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new public wiy permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November l5th does not mean an automatic renewal. F :/everyone/forms/bldperms the above.IT 7y'o/o t Date Signed WHEN A "PUBUC WAy PERMTT.IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLIOWTNG QUESTTONS REGARDiNG THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": NO r/ Does demolition work being performed rgquire the use of the Right-of-way, easements orpublic property? YES tl NO_ Is any utifity work needed? YES_ NO_y'_ Is the driveway being repaved?YES No/ Is a differentaccess needed to the site other than the existing driveway? yES Is any drainage work |eing done that affects the Right-of-way, easements, or public property?YES NO { o D Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES Is the Righ+oFway, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES t/ NO_ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by public Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "public way permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2798. ALL THE ABOVE QUESnONS. HL6t,L, n->. Contractor Signature Company Name Job or Project N.^u,, VAil Vttlt Date Signed: Is this a new residence? yESa 0 a n a a NO YES-- NO F :/everyoneforms/bldpenn4 '7 /to Lr-fl^"" I July 6,2001 Mr. Ron Drey C-West Code Consultants, Inc. 2801 Youngfield Avenue, Suite 300 Golden, Colorado 8M01 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center - Phase I Expansion 1. Estimated construction valuation: 2. Total Permit fee: 3. Plan review fee: 4. C-West appropriati on: 5. TOV Permit Balance: HLM De6igrtr Architectue Engineering Planning ch€dou., ltc ChiqD. tr, Ddla!, TX Odaftlo,IIL Dear Mr. Drey: This letter is intended to serve as documentation of the plan review fee for the above referenced project. We have based the calculation of the fee on Table I -A of the Uniform Building Code, 1997, and the following project information : $9,200,000.m $ 31,438.75 (from Table 1-A) $ 20,435.19 (65% ofvaluation) $ 18,394.37 (90% of planrcview fee) $ 13,044.38 (l1ne 2, minus line 4) We have advised our client that a separate check must be issued to C-West Code Consultants for the $18,394.37 amount, and presented at the time of plan review, along with four (4) final construction documents sets, un-stamped, and one (l) copy of the soils report and the structural calculations. We understand that we will deliver the stamped and signed record sets directly to Gary Goodell at the Town of Vail. As communicated to you recently by telephone, we are planning to have the above documents in your possession by Tuesday, July 10, 2001. Once received, your irnmediate attention to this project will be greatly appreciated. Ifyou have any questions about the above information, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, 2 .th A A^.,.,'tf&illtHrrurue Russell A. Sedmak AIA Vice President 980071.04(0.r) Cc: Stan Anderson, WMC Gary Goodell, TOV Suite 2750 707 17th Steet Denver, CO 80202-3427 303. 299.9042 fax 299.9040 llmdesigE.com PKtot-otox rowN oFvnr*DO1-0026 c-wEST #201155 FOUNDATION & STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER (PHASE 1) ADDTTTON & RENOVATTON WEST MEADOW DBIVE, VAIL, CO PAGE 1 of 2 07t23t01 APPLICABLE CODES: 1997 Uniform Buildlng Code (UBC) 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMG) 1994Unlform Plumblng Code (UPC) 1 999 Nalional Electrical Code(NEC) CABO/ANSI A117.1-1992 Accesslbllity Standards (C/A) NOTE: This review is !!gq!!ec! to the Foundation and Structural Frame Components construction documents by HLM Design and are dated 07/09/01. Documents have not been sealed and signed. A) Occupancy Classification: Groups 11.1 & 11.2 UBC Sections 301 & 308 B) Type ot Construction: Type l-FR UBC Sections 601 & 602 (sprinklered throughout) UBC Section 503 & Table 5-AC) Location on Propertyr North South East West Proximity to Property Line 28'+ 47'! 34't 391 or Adjacent Structures D) Atlowable Floor Area: Unlimiled UBC Section 504 & Table 5-B E) Height & No. of Stories: Unlimited UBC Section 506 & Table 5-B F) Bevlew Commenls 1. Project Manual: Division 2 specifications shall be submitted, including but not limited to: selective demolition, hazardous materials abatement, earthwork, soil stabilizalion, and pressure grouting. 2. 51.0, General Notes, 1.B: Live loads for storage rooms #'s 237,238,239, and 272, on the 2- floor, re: A1.02, shall be designed for 125 PSF in accordance with UBC Table 1 6-A.1 8. 3. S2.1 , Grids 1-F.5, and 1 -H.5: Footings noted as type F appear to be incorrecl. Verify that Type E footings are required per footing schedule on S1 .3.. 4. S2.1 , Grid C.5-6.5: Foundation for stair landing support column is required, re: A1 .01 , and section 1147.08. 5. S2.1, Grid 11E-AE to BE: Demolition drawing A0.10, keynotes #8 and #10, indicates the removal of existing concrele columns and stair wall. Conf irm that exislino foundations will be removed and will not conflict with new footings. 6. S2.'1, Grid A-2: Exterior concrete stair and site retaining walls are indicaled on architectural plan 41 .01 , and south elevation A7.00. Design and detail retaining walls to resist soil pressures per UBC sec. 161 1 .6. 7. S2.2 and S2.3, Grid A-CE to DE: Demolition plans A0.1 |, and A0.12, keynote #15, indicate new hoist way door openings cut inlo the concrete elevator shaft walls. Verify that the lateral bracing capacity of the existing elevator core is not reduced. Reinforce core walls as required at new openings to maintain lateral bracing integrity. 8. S2.2, Grid C.2 to F.2 - BE to 6, and grid D to G - 5 to CE: Short purlin member sizes shall be designated, or confirm minimum size to be W18x55 per General Notes on S-1 , 20. Steel, #2. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER (PHASE 1) ADDITION & RENOVATION WEST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL, CO PAGE 2 of 2 07t23101 TOWN OF VAIL # c-wEST #201155 FOUNDATION & STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 9. S2.2, Grid 7 to I - G to J: Architectural plan 41 .02 indicates a ramp to a floor landing at elevation 60'-6". Designate and detail framing as required. 10. S2.2, Grid 6.5- H.5: Boiler Boom / Pump Room #276 is indicated on 41 .02. Indicate approximate size, weight, and location of boiler room equipment per UBC table 16-8.7, and verify floor design load capacity. Detail concrete curbs around boiler room as required. 11. S2.3, Grid A-7: Verify W24x104 girder is cantilevered for support of W'|2 and W'|6 purlins. '12. 52.3, Grid A to F - 7 to 8: Confirm that drifting plus sliding snow has been considered from the skylight per UBC appendix sec. 1644.4, not apparent in submitted calculations. 13. S2.3, Grid C.5-3.8: Section 7/5.3 referenced indicates "X" bridging between beams. Clarify locations and extent on plan. 55.1 , Keynotes #5019, and 5021 : Please specify diameters of Hilti Kwik Bolts and H.S bolts. S5.4, Section 6: Detail deck support at valley beam condition, re: S2.5, Grid D-2.5. C-WEST CODE CONSULTANTS Ron M. Drey, CBO rcBo #60998 14. 15. -Ju l-?0-01 0?:57pr Fror-Hlll ESl0ll Jsly 2Q 20ot Itlr, Gay Goodall Cticf Buildiag Insperor Towr of VniI 75 Sou& Fronuge Roid VliLColsdo8t657 Rc: Vail Vallcy Mcdical Cenrr.r - phroe I Erpaasiou Dcs Mr. Croodcl: TLb leta is iorcdcrt ro savc rs docrurauion of 6e pha nvrcw &c approacb for fto Vait valtey$[t-$:_PF*,t Erpueion- In *d. ;;-*"i;';sr rygoprierc fee scDcdutc fc rbeFqefl, u/E ltrl€ devclopcd turo pot nrial scenaios for co|rsid|:trda ; folows: L TOV Concucdon For Sch:dnlc, rad sD.cificDEiEt bfaado!: 1- Bsriolrd cmsucdoa valuarioo: 2 Totrl Prruir fco: 3, Phn rcyrccr fo: 4, C.Wc$ approldariou 5, TOV Pcror Batame: IL fl)V Conncdon Fcsctcdulc (Frsr ItrcLMI d rpeiEcprrojcrtidomrion: |. E$isncd con$nqioD vrluatioa: 2. Tbtrl Prrqlr fcc: 3. Phl revrw fcg: 4. C-W*tapgqriariou: 5. TOV Fetnit Sdrncc: +3032te00fi T-870 P.0l S&rc ?t0 7dt l7' slrt D-rd,Qturrm-q2? 303. 299t0{l br 2t9-9rr{o ww*.thepo F-888 lItaDc{B ,llaltralcffi $e,z@om.6 I ?!,ryq (fi0mfi)vTrbtcz00)S l8,8tl.0O (6J*ofpcrsftfcc) ! !9,93o.m (90,tDofpturlvirvfcc) t l2,Ol0,0O (lhc 2, min6 linc 4) Ie,200,(ru"d)$ ZS,9O.D (fionT0vTabtc2@) ! ?t,940.m (t00tbofpcrmirfte) | 2f,,W.Q 19t}b ofpiu rrvicw fccl$ 2,894.0 (ti[e a r;uus litrE 4) Erscd upoo d: rbore scarri)g,-s! rcco cod drc frsr sqsio h*od rbove, as lhe bc*oprion 6rwMC and oc To*r of Va'. wc rccogrir" drt ;i ;H;;E jruidicrioc of Tov ro enfq* d,. FasrTrrck funir Foe. Irur virh o poirt o*-,honDr apfr;h ;dd uually resrdr in a dgtriG*,,n &..r.sero lhe aDosur rcccivod by rbc Tora, fo,,t or*rrh-p.mri... wMC bas aLcdyissucd a rtacrarc chect to c-wcat codc coor'Irem for trEJ94,3? r,hich wnsbascd gpon rhc IIBC Tnbte I-,{ fcc ccF_f,rl., po ,t ir-rp."ffi r"q, ,. Wlrih rhat anounr rcprtscnu rn"overplyucnf of rhc ptau rwiew fce lJ ur."i,eor u-foiir*.$i;,fi ;y;;;.&r uddirional wsl rcquind o rbcir parr tbr Edc;;;;liple b scrs, which is rbr ir.nt of rrc FssrTtrck Pqmir- we riin* tis anugFncrr is fair ro L-wcsr a,ra-,-u, ,u oo"rsity or wMc ,,crdrgaq addirioorl chcct b rrF oonlutratrr - Jul-?0-01 0l:57r FrorHLI trSlOl t,tryuood.Il Iuly 20,200t Pagp 2 +30329ee0fi T-870 P.0t r-888 llowevcr, na do-rrqucgt on bcbatf ol'VVMC rtrar fu ovedl pcmir foe bc rrdrr:cd ro arrormr fq dc-oratpayocu" fc rbe otaa rcvicw poniol of ric fte. so tha il oot p...i, f.. ornr will nrach $esrulard rov fcc strci,rt. nir '.io.rion ".uia-ilouriil i rov n u, aaame of sr0ja5.6r(rl2'0lo.o) minus $r,a6+37). Ir.is_.flr uoa.ttreoaiog ,lur rti, tov g-rir nahacc nogro t a* ,aooissuiog of rhe perorr for rqsnrrton, Plcasc_rrrpond o rbs lelld !r yo|.r c,ctiost oppcuniry, rc rher re ney essist il rb coafrurim ofdcse fte utrngearnrs If Srou hrw ay gucedons reguding &c above irf@ilioo, plcasc do nor hcsiurc o crlt rrc, Silratly, ffidjbffiillth- Rsssclt,r- Serturh nfrt Vice Presirlcat et0o7l.04(0-5) Cc: Sun An&rroa, VIMC Dtuhic Madcllo, BAf Brarl Arsocircar I!c. EcOJULTT?OOI TRANSMITTAL TO: Town of VailDept. of Comm. Development PROJECT NUMBER: 14391 ADDRESS:75 South Frontage Rd.PROJECT: Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, CO 81657 SUBMITTAL NUMBER: PHONE NO:970-479-2138 DATE:7111101 ATTN: Gary Goodell - Chief Bldg. Official PREPARED BY: Doug Workman We transmit to you herewlth thefollowlng items: tr Shop Drawings tr Copy ofleaer tr Contrsct Docurrn(s) O Skctch tr Mill Ccrtificabs El Mfg. Litlraur tr Brcchure(s) E Specifications tr Sanples tr Schedule(s) ITEM/DRAWINGNO.COPIES DESCRIPTION DATE Building P€rmit Application 2 Sign€d C-onstuction Documcnb x,ith Spcsifications for [krm. / Strucu.ral P€rmit GcoEchnicsl Rcport 4 Arb6tos / L€ad Paint R€ports PLEASE RETURN EACH STAMPED COPIES OF TTIE ABOVE ITEMS COPY TO: DATE RETI.JRNED REQI'ESTED: REMARKS: Attsched is also two (2) copies ofa letfcr from HLM Dcsign stating thc known non<onpliant conditiqr in the cxisting building. THE AEOVE ITEI! ARE 1RANS ITIEO TO YOIJ: A FOR YOI,R APPROVAL O APPf,OVED O APPROI'ED AS IIOTED. sI'BJECT I1O OO'IPI,IAI{CE WITH REQUREIIEI|TS AND ANY OTANO S OR INDICATED Sincerely, By: Doug Workman HGBECK, LTD. DISAPPROI/EI', REVISE AND RESUBMIT PROiIPILY FOR YOUR PHCIM' AI{D COST BREAIOOYVN FOR YOUR FII.EE AND'OR REFERENCE FOR YOUR RffEW'CLARFEANOT AI{D REIIARKS o q o o d$$Dgpe ranrc nac ) "[rlot W{ot-ot07 fficD JUL t6 2001 TRANSMITTAL TO: Town of Vail Dept. of Comm. Development PROJECT NUMBER: 14391 ADDRESS:75 South Frontage Rd.PROJECT: Vail Valley Medical Center Vail, CO 81657 SUBMITTAL NUMBER: PHONE NO: 970479-2138 DATE:7113101 ATTN: Gary Goodell - Chief Bldg. Official PREPARED BY: Doug Workman We transmit to you herewith the following items: D Shop Drawings E Copy of letter O Contract Docum6n(s) D Sketch tr Mill CertificaGs tr Mfg. Literatur€ tr Brochure(s) E Specilications 0 Sarnples tr Schedule(s) ITEM/DRAWINGNO.COPIES DESCRIPTION DATE I Building Permit Application with O\€rall & Partial Floor Plans 2 Sicned Construction Documents for I.S. Room Relocation PLEASE RETURN EACH STAMPED COPIES OF THE ABOVE ITEMS COPY TO: DATE RETURNED REQUESTED: REMARKS: I would like to meet with you to discuss this wort and the poesibility ofexpediting the permit issuance ifpossible. THE AAOVE ITEi'S ARE TRANSMITTED TO YOU: FOR YOUR APPROVAL APPROVED tr OTSAPPROVED, NEUSE AND RESUBMIT PROI'PTLY O FOR YOUR PRICING Al,lD COST BREAKDOWN O FOR YOUR FILES AND'OR REFERENCE . - tr FOR YOUR REVIEWTCLARIFICATION AND REMAMS By: Doug Workman HCBECK, LTD. Ofo" ri",n nr" ) flEcDutrtzoo HLI/I DeEign Architectrre Engrine€dng Planningr Dear Mr. Drey: This letter is intended to serve as documentation of the known or assumed non-compliant existing conditions that we are aware of at this time immediately adjacent to the Phase I project. Within our campus master plan we intend to recti! these problem areas upon completion of the Phase II and III projects. In the Phase II project we will remove the 1967 building completely as well as the parhng structure, and in its place a new Medical Office Building and new parking structure will be erected. During the future Phase II project we already have solutions that will correct item nos. 2. and 3. below. Any conditions that we are assuming exist relative to no. 4. and the elevator lobby at level I under item no. 1. will most likely be corrected when the entire l97l level I area is fully renovated after the Phase II project. This is when adequate parking will be in place to support that occupancy. The existing 1986 building to the West has elevator lobbies at levels |,2, afi 3 that do not comply with section 1004.3.4.5 of the 1997 U.B.C. We are addressing the lobbies at levels 2 and 3 under the Phase I effort. Tlre existing 1978 building to the North has a horizontal exit at level 2 releasing to the South thac has four 6" stair risers within the egress path. Also, because of the existing corridor width, double egress door 2?3- A/B does not conform to a minimum 3'-0" door width at each egress door panel. This situation will be corrected in the future Phase II project occurring to the East, at which time the existing Pharmacy within the 1978 building will be relocated. Space within the 1978 building will then be freed up for an ADA accessible ramp that will serve as the horizontal exit and by-pass the condition described above. Proper width double egress doors will also be installed along with the new ramp. The vertical shaft area at level 2 has an exit releasing North into the existing 1978 building and the same situation as clarified in item no. 2. is the result. Also, it is assumed that the 1978 level 2 building area of approximately 8,437 square feet is a "Suite" condition. If in fact the above stated is a "Suite" then the exit condition takes issue with section 1007.5.9 no.4 of the 1997 U.B.C. Ttese situations (ifin fact the suite assumption is true) will be corrected when the future Phase II project to the East is constructed and an egress corridor will be further extended east to an outside exit. This future corridor will connect to an established corridor constructed in the Phase I effort. It is assumed that there are code violations within the level I area of the 1971 building, which is not at this time being fully renovated. Conditions such as rated walls not extending to structure or lack of fire dampers at rated wall conditions could be some of the issues that exist. July 9, 2001 Mr. Ron Drey C-West Code Consultants, Inc. 2801 Youngfield Avenue, Suite 300 Golden, Colorado 80201 Re: Vail Yalley Medical Center - Phase I Expansion CDie€D. I! D.llas, tX Onand,o. Fl I 2. ). 4. Suite 2750 707 17th Steet Denver, CO 80?02-3427 'ln'l 299.9042iar 299.9040 hlrndesig!..com Ron Drey Iuly 9, 2001 Page2 It should be noted that the entire area will be fully vacated as of approximately August of 2W2. Howeve\ all exiting egress corridors will be fully maintained. Hopefully this information will assist you in your Phase I project code review and also give you a better understanding of futre project work as well. If you have any questions about the above information, please do not hesitat€ to call me, 980071.04(0.1) MDJ:mdj Cc: Stan Anderson, WMC Gary Goodell, TOV Sincerely, MarFDfrlfi-son. AIA .IIAR-2F?OOI THU 05130 PH CTL GLEl.lilooD SPRIIIGS FAl| l{0, I 070 945 74ll P.m WcDutrr,zror-lt H Mareh 29;2001 Vall Valley Medlcal Center 181 West Meadow Drlve, Sulte 100 Vall, GO 81057 Altentlon: Ma Sten Anderson Subtect GeoteclrnicallnvesUgatlon Ambul.tory Surgery Centcr Addlfion Veil Veiley Madknt Genler 181 Wwt rileadow Driw Vdl, Colorado Job No. cS€224 - rhb letter prcsents the melhodology *rd rusultg of our geoiechnlcal Investlgatlon andourrecommerdation! FgarJingtheproposedAmbula-torysurgcry cenler at the vail valfey Mrdig\Genisr ln vall, cotoredo. The purpose of ouriruestigation wss to srraluate srfsilrfi plqttns under the eruiig [unalng andprovfde geotechnlcat recommeild**fur{}F anned addifion foun-dafions. E$$bg_EsilCls TE -V"l! V-elley Medical Genter ls loceted nodh of the te;1rrlnus of W3.3tMsadow Orlve In Vail, Coforado. The eri:thg buildlng was constructed In sevcralphases. fhe cast and cantrat parts of ttre Uundlng are ono and lwo-rtorles,reapectively. No basdnents or belowgrado rrear an u-ndertaesg older parts of thebulldlng and ground level lloors are slabs-ongmdr. The central partof tfie UgrtOinsccFt.lFs .n oPen courtlard. The_west part of ihe bulldlng ts a relativcly n"* titt..-story struclure wlh a basement floor. The basement floiris a slauon-grace,-iie old and new perts ol the building are concrote end maEonryitructures wfo pan and Jolsl type floorc. A mufti.lEvel parklng structure ls edjacent to tl" n"t1t.a"[ e"i-ottho buildlng- The ambulatory surgery center is propoied over the cantrat pari oiitreerigline buifdlng (Flgure l). Ground surlacr io;accnt to the area or tri flanieuaddlflon is landscapcd with grassr shrub and trles. GTL/THOMPSON, tNc. ae c cE NrE n o", ve r G L eNwooo "" ", "8"?S:y*IS :. rt it8'r|5Ffir: , 't{AR-29-2001 THU 05:31 Pll CTL oLENllooD SPRINCS FAt{ t{0, I 970 945 74il vlll VALLEY Mtplc L Ce{rlr AMSUrAlony suiclRy c€rrrER Aoomotl cTul Jo6 No, os, ltr subsurfacs condioons under the existlng buildlng and propoced addlllon were fnvestlgnted by drllling two exploratory borings et the rpproximetc locallons shown on Flgure l. The borlngs were adranced uslng 4'lnch diamder. sonilnuousflight auger and I track-mounted drill rlg. Drilting was directed by our laboratory/fleld- rnenager who logged thc soils encouniercd in the borings and obtained samples. samples obtalned In the field ncre returned to our lebdratory where typlcal samples were selected for bsting. Graphfc togs of the soll3 sncounlered in our erploratory borings rrc ghown dn F[urc 2, subqurface condtions encounleled in our explorEtory borlngs consisted of 0.5 teet ot sandy clay "topsoil" ovor 2 and 5.5 teet of ctayey gravcl fill undcrlain by native claycy grav€l wlth cobblss rnd boulders tothe totat eiptoreo depths of ig and 20 f*"t below ground rurfaco, Pracilcal drilt dg retusat occurred on cobblee andboulders in both borings at depths behrcen g and 20 fcet. Field penetration tsslstance tests and obseryaflons durlng drllilng lndlcrted thc nailve gravel was dsnse lo very dense, Free ground water wEs not found In our borings dudng ourtield invastfgation. Two semples of the subsolls sclectedfor gndation tests qontalned 62 and 1gpercsnt grayel, 22 and 75 p_crcent san4 and ld and 0 percant sttt ano claya sizeparticles (passing the No. 200 sieve), subsoll samples obtained from our boringswEre limited to a mexlmum perflctc dlameter of alout l.E Inches. Gradation telt P, 03 o trl Ppoosed Colstuctlon The roof snd second fevel will be lrmovd fiom the centrel part of the exlsting bulldlng. Most of the exlsting second level f,oor slrb wllt be lefr ii plece. Holes wlii be cut fn the eristlng ground fovel rnd second lcvel floor slaba to rccommodate conetruction of new columns. The new columnc wlll support new second and thlrd fevels above the exlstlng ground level. The additlon iootprint wlll e:rhnd about zo feet south of the exlsting bullding. Floor elevallons fn the new second and ttlrd tevels will be sonrffucted at the elevations of lhe tfoons ln the wcst part of thc exfs$ng buitdlng ThO rpw sacond level floorrlabwlfl need to be several ftsthlghcrthanthe exlsfing sscond lewlfloor slab In the rddltlon aree. An airspace wllf be brtween the two sfabs. Deadloads on exislkrg ioundetions will be reduced to thosc that are appfied from exlsting ground level walls and the exlsling second level lloor (1.e. ceiling ln the ground levet). Deadloads on nsw column loundations wlll includo the second and third level floor slabs, the roof and Exterlor wellg, wo undglstend axterlor wals wilt bc hung from the new cbucture. Sfipfolnts wlfl be provlded et cornectlons between the addlUon and exlsting buildlng. 9ubsudeQlr Gondtlons copy ttAR:E-2001 THU 05;31 Pll CTL CLENI'1000 SPRINGS VAIT VALLSY MEDICAI CPNI€R AII'FUIITORY SURCERY CEN?GR AOOINOX CTLTT JO! N(,' GS.3:I'I FAI N0. .t 970 945 74ll P. 04 o H results are rrprcsgntallve of only the smeller fractlon of tfie actual soil gradation. Observations durlng drllllng Indhales the maJority of the nallve soils at tie sne aregravel, cobbles and boulders. Gradailon test rerults rre chown on Figure 3 and laboratory lesling ls summarized on Table l, FoundaJtgns - rh9 native gravcl at foundrtion lwels belour this sib possess good Eupport chataclcrlstics. We revlcwcd a plan of the exlsting and proposed founOatlons iri ttre area of the additon. Tha plan Indlcatad ttret exlrting buttdng foundafions are daslgncd for a mo(lmurn soll berring pressure 6p0o pst our vliual obcervatlons hdlcrted the bulfdfng has perfanned weil with mlnor fwnda0on settfaments. ln ouroplnlon' padfoundrtlonssupportedbythe native gravel atthls site are appropriate for new columng. The smtchrr.l engineer shoufd evah.late posslble surcharges and eccentrlc loedfng condlfions applled to uistlng foundetlons by new column loads. we understand grout In ectlon is planned betour some exirung loundaliongtoIncnrsebearingcapecltyr. ColumntoadsurchargeswillelsoIncroasl lrteral earth pressures on adJa.ttl.elow{radc walls. New foundgtlonrresp€c*oers,ins,t*,,ltF3]Hlft[*',Tll*:strT,,ri#[ anticlpabdlorcolumn padfoundaUonr deslgn€d accordtng tothc crfterla betowwith dlffercntlal s€ttlcm.nt of about one-heff rtual total setflg;ent. we understmd clipjoints will be provided belween new and exleting construcilon Due to ilre granular natrre of tha solls al this sitq the rnriodty of setlementwlll occur as de rdloads are applled durlng construetlon. Additlonal settbmsnt from liveloads wlll occur uponff* epplleation of the livrload. Recommended design end construc0on criterra for corumn p:ds arcpresented below. l. Golumn padfoundations supported on th. undlsturbed, netive gravel should be designed for a maximum soil bearrng prersure of g,000 psf. soirs roosened during the excanrtfon or formiog process for thefootlngs should be removrd or the soils con re re-Jompaaed prior toplaclng coner.te. 2. Foundatlons for lsotated columns shourd have minimum dimensronsof 24 Inches by 24 Inches. Larger eizes may bc required, dependrng upon foundation loads. 3' The soils undsr.exteriorfoolfngs should be protected from freezing. we reeommend the bottom of footinEs be constructed at e depth of ;t 'HAR-29-2001 fiU 05132 Pl'l CTL CLENI^1000 SPRINGS FAI{ N0, I g?0 945 74ll least4Z Incheo belowfi nirhsd erterlor gradesfor frost Protectlon' The Vail bulldlng departmenl should bc consulted to ver|fy the rcguhed depth. The completed toundetion excavations should be inspecied by a represenbfive of our firm prior to placing forms to confirm lhat subsolls are es anticipateC fiorn our borings and suitable for support of dedgned footlngs. Limitatlone Ourexplotelory borlngs were locatad to oDfraln a reasonably accurate plcturc of subsurfacr conditions belorr the eristlng buildlng end proposed addiUon. Variations in tlre subsudace conditlons not lndicated by our borings wlll ocEur. Ths completed foundation excavetlons shoutd be lnspected by a representatfue of our tirm io confirm that subsoils erc as antlclpltcd rnd suitable for suppod of designed foundatlons. Thls Investlgathn was eql|luctrd in a manncr consistent wlth that level ol care and skill ordinarily erercffcdEf?F$f4Fal engineers currently practicing under slmilar conditions In thElrd|f1ltlftUpi.gt. No other waran$r, erpress or implied, ls made. lf we can be of fu ilheAerfcc ln dlscussing thc contents of thls report or In the analysls of the Influence of thc subsoil conditlons on the deslgn of thc slructure, please call. Very TrulY Yourc CTUTHOMPSON, INC. Jrmec O. Kellogg Stafl Gsotechnical Engineer Roriewed by: John Mechllng, P.E BrEnch ManaEer JDK:JM:cd (5 copfes sentf VAIL VALLEY '{EDICAL CENTER AUaUUrOnv sjllcllv ccilIlR A99lroll crur JoB no. os.rzt 4 P, 05 o P, 06 d ilAR-29-?001 THU 05:32 Pll CTL olEfltlmD SPRINGS FA){ N0, I 970 945 74ll b,o.ll- <* .i It ! el o '-'---t I I r I I ti 9.l ." fl , I I z5! bJEv, lul tlt I t Et $i ItE trE ,+i':?a ':(' 'rt'/ \ti ' - *:'? =:4i 70 EaA Er 6fiv )-rE tI! =sff80ur> fi?>->:E(t51,-g 33gaiir.rl.-t -J T3F3 T $ {, dz 5.' Wi' i,I ! irl-g:-E P, 07ilAR-2s-2001 THU 05133 Pl1 CTL GLEN}|00D SPRINCS FA)( t{0. I 970 945 741I ll! so i'l .IEl r!-r*t IIl.slr.! )ra I t-o != i Iti€! t{ an(jl1eoo g *t c rt E2 3f tl C;!is;l,. rgllc lli iiE Gf H t i: frii.I;, $i iii-i i i; }ii;l;t; Ei{ i;ii i rr ff; ffIfil:i; ;ii #il .JMEEl I ccbp} eoFt 9o.d L-a U'q,c e : =3 UI Its o> ;*5S S $$ tG 5 llE*J q *$ J\.v,I GI d -t fla,-l i, ,I{AR-zg-zOOI THU 05:33 P}I CTL OLENI.IOOD SPRINGS FA)i N0, r 970 945 7411 somp le ot -$rJ_o., suglllu qalFysp- sc cRA\rEL 19 c6 SAND 75 96sLrBcW--E% L|auDTmf '-:96From . _......*TJrz.rii_j$H__ PUISNqTY INDEX -ohGradation Test Results P. 08 ..t+.t:: i:::!#:::iitffi :+::t-#.-..:;.+,::..- z-:::;1.-:i-= iai,;i:.:. a-::.::;;{:::.' ;::T f-::::l\'t i--:--:--.t-:::.:i:tra:4;: ;:iiiiiti:iit/,:'!:i '{.:l:i:it ,7. 0 l|tt 1!I sol our.trEr af FlRrttE lt It ttrETtRg g mlr tsl l . ootlrrrsr .ral |ttt .:d .16 .rofao.s .t3 'ro.atQ r--r----- t0 ,(l "toE v "H ooo 10 D to to JOBNO. GS-3274 YlspscL_- FIG.3 P, 0g' [flR-29-2001 Tl|U 05,34 Pll CTL CLEt{ilmD SPRINCS FAt( l{0 I 970 s45 74ll b ca4 o FFI4o|' dzoq aD 5Do IUEF @ulF dutPdss6ro 5lro t =E3q, zo E ht -JI I b t fli ffi iEs'I ,fr u,F 6 E u fr*'s ra t Fg'E o I (v - Fg' 3te *€ SuEc {H EE- .l EE o o .|! Ig zf D f t rt 5 .ADDENDT]MNO.1 JULY 13,2001 @* The information contained in this Addendum modifies, supplements or replaces information contained in the Project Manual and on the Drawings and is hereby made a part of the Contract Documents. Acknowledge receipt of this addendum by placing the appropriate addendum number in the blank on the Bid Form' APPLICABLE TO THE PROJECT MANUAL A. Revised Project Manual Pages: The replacement pages identified below include modifications made to the original projeci Manual ,""tioor. Revised or added information is indicated by shaded type in theiext and a [A1] notation in the margin identifying that the revision was made. Areas where information has been delJted are identifying by striking out the text and placinga[A1]notationinthemargin.InsertreplacementpagesintotheProject Manual ahead of the pages they replace. Ef'll, Document or Section 78lL CALCULATIONS Ouantity of Pages t2 238 Vait Valley Medical Center Phase I ExPansion HLM 980071-04 $"ffitffiHi PART l.CENERAL O r.l RELATEDDocuMENTs A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section' 1.2 ST]MMARY A. This Section includes the following: l. Concealedsprayedfire-resistivematerials. 2. Exposed sprayed fire-resistive materials. 3. Topcoat. 4. Sealer. B. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for concrete protecting structural stesl. Z. Division 3 Section "Architectural Precast Concrete - Plant Cast" for precast protecting structural steel. 3. Division 4 section "unit Masonry" for masonry protecting structural steel. 4. Division 5 Section "structural Steel" for surface conditions required for structural steel receiving sprayed fire-resistive materials. 5. Division 7 Section "Building Insulation" for fire-safing insulation' 6. Division 7 Section "Board Fire Protection" for rnineral-fiber-board fire protection. 7. Division ? Section "Firestopping" for through-penetration firestopping systems. 8. The following Division 9 sections for gypsum-board-based fire protection: a. "GYPsurn Board Assemblies." I.3 DEFIMTIONS A. Concealed sprayed fire-resistive rnaterial is applied to surfaces that are concealed ftom view behind other construction when the Work is completed. B. Exposed sprayed fire-resistive material is applied to surfaces that are exposed to view when the Work is completed. 1.4 SUBMITTAIJ A. Product Data: For each fire-resistive product specified' B. Shop Drawings: Structural-framing plans indicating the following: 1. Locations and types of surface preparations required before applying sprayed fire-resistive material. 2. Extent of sprayed fire-resistive material for each construction and fire-resistance rating, including the following: VAI L VALLEY MEDI CAL C ENT E R DEMOI;ITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME CO N STRA EI ION SPECI F ICAT I ON S $P,RA'P"F,ffi HLM 98M71.04 07811 - I sEcTroN0?8ll SPRAYED c. D. a. Applicable fire-resistive design designations of a qualified testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. b. Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-resistance ratings of structural components and assemblies. c. Designation of restrained and unrestrained conditions based on definitions in ASTM E I 19, Appendix X3 as determined by a qualified professional engineer. 3. Treatment of sprayed fire-resistive material after application. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors and glosses available. Samples for Verification: Of each type of exposed finish required, prepared on 2 Samples, each 4 inches square, of each color, gloss, texture and material formulation to be applied. Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expected. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material ceilirying that the products furnished comply with requirements. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer cenirying that installem comply with specified requirements. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. Compatibility and Adhesion Test Reports: For primers and other coatings applied to structual steel. Provide reports from a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor. Confirm that primers and coatings proposed for application in shop or field are compatible with fre- resistive material. Instruct laboratory to determine compatibility according to requirements specified in " Quality Assurance" Article. Product Test Reports: Indicate that physical properties of proposed sprayed fire-resistive materials comply with specifred requirements based on comprehensive testing of current product formulations by a qualified testing and inspecting agency according to requirements specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. Research/Evaluation Reports: Evidence of sprayed fire-resistive material's compliance with building code in effect for Project, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer certified, licensed, or otherwise qualified by sprayed fire-resistive material manufacturer as having the necessary experience, stafi and training to install manufacturer's products according to specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its sprayed fire-resistive materials to Contractor or to an installer engaged by Contractor does not in itself confer qualification on the buyer. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of sprayed fire-resistive materials that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME CON STRUCTION SPEC I F I CATION S 13IULY zMI Addcnilum N6; I F. G. J. 1.5 B. HLM 98M71.04 07811 - 2 si{sr{osso? Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent t€sting and inspecting agency with the experience and capabiiity to conduct the testing indicated without delaying the Work as documented according to ASTM E 699. Testing of Fire-Resistive Materials: By a qualified testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor or manufacturer according to the following requirements: l. Sprayed fre-resistive materials are randornly selected for testing from bags bearing the applicable classification marking of UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Z. festing is performed on specimens of sprayed fire-resistive materials that comply with laboratory testing requiremenb specified in Part 2 and are otherwise identical to installed fire-resistive materials, lncluding application of accelerant, sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, rolling' and water over-spray, if any of these are used in final application. 3. Testing is performed on specirnens whose application the independent testing and inspecting agencf witnessed during preparation and conditioning. Include in test reports a full description of preparation and conditioning of laboratory test specimens. Testing for Compatibility and Adhesion: Engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to prep e co.p"tibility and adhesion test reports requiied in "submittals" Article based on testing that complies with the following requirements: l. Testing for bond per ASTM E 736 and requirements specified in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" about coating materials. Z. Veriff that manufacturer of fire-resistive material has not found primers or coatings to be incompatible with fire-resistive material based on its own laboratory testing or field experience' F. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of sprayed fue-resistive material from one source and by a single manufacturer. G. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials and assemblies identical to those tested for the following fue-test-response characteristics per test method indicated below by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify packages (bags) containing sprayed fire-resistive rnaterial with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. L Fire-Resistance Ratings: As indicated by reference to fue-resistive designs listed in ul-'s "Fire Resistance Directory,; or in the comparable publication of another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for sprayed fire-resistive material serving as direct- applied protection, tested per ASTM E I 19. 2. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As indicated for each sprayed fire-resistive product required, tested per ASTM E 84. H. provide products containing no detectable asbestos as determined according to the method specified in 40 CFR, Part763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section l, "Polarized Light Microscopy"' I. Mockups: Before installing sprayed fire-resistive material, apply products specified to demonstrate quatitiei of materials and eiecution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirernents' using materials indicated for completed Work: l. Locate mockups in the location indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. D. V A I L VALLEY M EDI CAL CE NT ER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME CON STRU CTIO N SPEC I F ICAT I O N S BJWY:NOi A&cndun No. I HLM 980071-04 07811 - 3 SECTIONOTsLT SPRAYED ETRB.RESISqVEMAEIffi 2. Extent of Mockups: Approximately 20 lineal feet of surface for each product indicated. 3. Notifu Architect 7 days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 4. Demonstrate the proposed workmanship, including patching. 5. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting application of product. 6. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. a. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may become part of the completed Work. I.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver products to Project site in original, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identi$ing product and manufacturer; date of manufacture; shelf life, if applicable; and fire- resistance ratings applicable to Project. B. Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from Project site and discard materials whose shelf life has expired. C. Store materials inside, under cover, aboveground, so they are kept dry until ready for use. Remove from Project site and discard materials that have deteriorated. 1,7 PROJECT CONDTTIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not apply sprayed fire-resistive material when ambient or substrate temperatures are 40 deg F or lower, unless temporary protection and heat is provided to maintain temperatures at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after product application. B. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces during and after application of sprayed fire-resistive material. Use natural rneans or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation until frre-resistive material dries thoroughlY. 1.8 SEQI,JENCING A. Sequence and coordinate application of sprayed fire-resistive materials with other related work specified in other Sections to comply with the following requirements: l. Provide temporary enclosures for interior applications to prevent deterioration of fire-resistive material due to exposure to unfavorable environmencal conditions. 2. Avoid unnecessary exposure of fire-resistive material to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during construction operations subsequent to its application. 3. Do not apply fire-resistive material to metal roof deck substrates until roofing has been completed; prohibit roof traffic during application and drying of fire-resistive material. 4. Do not begin applying fire-resistive material until clips, hangers, supports, sleeves, and other items penetrating fire protection are in place. 5. Defer installing ducs, piping, and other items that would interfere with applying fire-resistive material until application offire protection is completed. 6. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fire-resistive material has been applied, inspected, tested, and corrections have been made to defective applications. I.9 WARRANTY VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME CO N STRU CTIO N SP EC I F ICATIO N S B IALY2OOI LddendamNol,t HLM 980071-04 07811 - 4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCEREQI'IREMENTS A. Fiberous fireproofing systern to provide a fue rated assembly rating of: l. 3 hour: columns - UL desiga X829. 2. 3 hour: bears and girders (column-tocolumn) - LJL design N8l6' 3. 2 hour: purlins (beam-to-beam) - UL design D902' 4. 2 hour: concrete roof assembly - uL design D902' ' 5. 2 hour: concrete floor assembly - UL design D902' VAI L VAI^IEY M E DICAL CENT ER DEMOLITION AND STRACTARAL FNAME CO N ST RA CT I O N SP ECIF I CAT I O N S SW A. B. General Warranty: The special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights owner may have under other provisions of th" conu".t Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurreni with, other warrantiis made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents' Special Wananty: Submit a written wananty, executed by ConEactor and cosigned by Installer, agreeing to repair o, replace sprayed fire-resistive rnaterials that fail within the specified warranty period' L Failures include, but are not limited to, cracking, flaking, eroding in excess of specilted requirements; peeling; and delaminating of sprayed fire-resistive materials from substrates due to deiective materials and workmanship within the specified warranty period. 2. Not covered under the warranty "t" i"ilu."t due to damage by occupants and Owner's maintenance personnel, exposue to environmental conditions other than those investigated and approved during hre-response lesting, and other causes not reasonably foreseeable under conditions of normal use' Warranty Period: 2 years from date of Substantial Completion' CONCEALED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIALS A. General: For concealed applications of sprayed fre-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's standard products complying with requirements inoicatea in this Article for material composition and physical properties representative of installed products. B. Material Composition: As follows: 1. Sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material consisting of factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorganic binders, mineral fibers, fillers, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and mixed with water at spriry nozzle to form a damp, as-applied product' c. Physical Properties: Minimum values, unless otherwise indicated, or higher values required to attain designated fire-resistance ratings, measured per standard test methods referenced with each property listed as follows: l. Dry Density: 15 lb./cu. ft for average and individual densities regardless of density indicated in referenced fire-resistive design, or greater if required to attain fue-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI technicai Manuat 12-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination. " HLM 98M71.04 07811 - 5 5. 6. 8. SPRAYED Thickness: Provide minimum average thickness required for fltre-resistive design indicated according to the following criteria, but not less than 0.375 inch, per ASTM E 605. a. Where the referenced fire-resistive design lists a thickness of 1 inch or greater, the minimum allowable individual thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is the design thickness minus 0'25 inch. b. Where the referenced fire-resistive design lists a thickness of less than I inch but more than 0.375 inch, the minimum allowable individual thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is the greater of 0.375 inch or 75 percent of the design thickness. c. No reduction in average thickness is permined for those fire-resistive designs whose fire- resistance ratings were established at densities of less than 15 lb./cu. fi. Bond Strength: l50lbflsq. ft. per ASTM E 736 under the following conditions: a. Field test sprayed fire-resistive material that is applied to flanges of wide-flange structural- steel members on surfaces matching those that will exist for remainder of steel receiving fi re-resistive material. b. If surfaces of structural steel receiving sprayed fre-resistive material ar€ primed or otherwise painted, perform series of bond tests specified in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" for coating materials. c. Minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material tested in laboratory shall be 0.75 inch. Compressive Strength: 5.21 lbflsq. in. as determined in the laboratory per ASTM E 761. Minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material tested shall be 0.75 inch and minimum dry density shall be as specified, but not less than 15 lb./cu. fr Corrosion Resistance: No evidence ofcorrosion per ASTM E 937. Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or fte like per ASTM E 759. Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling, delarnination, or the like per ASTM E 76O. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.025 g/sq. ft. in 24 hours per ASTM E 859. For laboratory tests, minimum thickness of sprayed fire-resistive material is 0.75 inch, maximum dry densily is 15 lb./cu. ft., test specimens are not prepurged by mechanically induced air velocities, and tests are terminated after 24 hours. D.Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resistive materials with the following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by tll- or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction' l. Flame Spread: 10 or less. 2. Smoke DeveloPed: 0' 3. Fungal Resistance: No observed gowth on specimens per ASTM G 21. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the follorving: l. Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Cafco Blaze-shield II; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. b. Type JN-HDI lsolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTTVE MATERIALS E. 2.3 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME CON STRUCTIO N S P ECI F I CAT I ONS HLM 980071-04 07811 - 6 sEgxiotpTs SFJRAYEPW General: For exposed applications of sprayed fire-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's standard products complying with iequirements indicated for material composition and for minimum physical properties ofeacn froauct tistld, measured by standard test methods referenced with each property' Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorqanic binders' mineral fiiers, fillers, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and mixed with water at spray nozzle to form a damp, as-applied product, complying with the following requirements: l. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Altemate Method for Densiry Determination," but with an average density of not less than 22 lb-/cu. ft. 2. Bond Strength: 434 lbf/sq' ft. per ASTM E 736. 3, Compressive Sfength: 51 lbflsq. in. per ASTM E 761' 4. Dry bensity: Valuis for average and individual densities as required for fire-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Densiry Determination," but with an average density of not less than 39 lb./cu. ft- 5. Bond Strength: 1000 lbflsq. ft. per ASTM E 736. 6. Compressive Strength: 300 lbflsq. in. per ASTM E 761' 7 . Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of corrosion per ASTM E 937' 8.Deflection:Nocracking,spalling,delamination'orthelikeperASTMET59'g. Effect of inpact on Boniing: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E ?60. 10. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.025 g/sq. ft. per ASTM E 859' I l. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E 136. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide sprayed fre-resistive materials with the following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by lll or another testitrg and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction' 1. Flame Spread: l0 or less. 2. Smoke DeveloPed:0. 3. Fungal Resistance: No observed growlh on specimens per ASTM G 2l ' 4. For -exterior applications of sprayea fire-resistive material, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for surfaces exposed to the exterior. D. Water-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of water- based mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application' E. Nonwater-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application' l. For exterior applications of fire-resistive material, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for such use. F. Thin-Film Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed mastic coating systern' spray applied as thin-film coating, as follows: l. Single-component system consisting of intumescent coating' 2. Multicomponent system consisting ofan intumescent base coat and topcoat. G. Color and Gloss: As indicated by manufacturer's color and gloss designations. H. Products: subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: V AI L VALLEY MEDI CAL C ENT E R DEMOLITION AND STRACTAML FMME CO N ST RU CTI ON S P ECI F I CAT I O N S A. B. c. HLM 980071-04 07811 - 7 2.3 sE6TrONl{r/Slr spRAyEDT,nsrnplitldffi,.r$rf${fBlIl{iiffi ' l. Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Cafco Deck Shield I; Isolatek Intemational Corp., Cafco Products' 2. Water-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: a. Clad 900; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc' 3. Nonwater-Based IntumescentMastic Fire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Clad 800; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc. b. Pitt-Char XP; Carboline Co', Fireproofing Products Div. c. Chartek IV; Textron Specialty Materials. 4. Thin-FilmlntumescentMasticFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Firefilm and Colorcoat; A/D Fire Protection Systems, Inc. b. Clad TF: Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc. c. Cafco Sprayfilm Basecoat and Topseal; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. AI,'(LIARY FIRE.RESISTIVE MATERTALS General: Provide auxiliary fire-resistive materials that are compatible with sprayed fire-resistive materials and substrates and are approved by uL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for use in fire-resistive designs indicated. Substrate Primers: For use on each substrate and with each sprayed fire-resistive product, provide primer that complies with one or more of the following requirements: l. Primer's bond strength complies with requirements specified in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" for coating materials based on a series of bond tests per ASTM E 736. Z. himer is identical to those used in assemblies tested for fire-test-response characteristics of sprayed fire-resistive material per ASTM E 119 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. Adhesive for Bonding Fire-Resistive Material: Product approved by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material. D. Metal Lath: Expanded metal lath fabricated from material of weight, configuration, and finish required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated and fire-resistive product manufacturer's written recommendations. Include clips, lathing accessories, corner beads, and other anchorage devices required to attach lath to substrates and to receive sprayed fire-resistive material. E. Reinforcing Fabric: Glass-fiber fabric of t1pe, weight, and form required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material. F. Reinforcing Mesh: Metallic mesh reinforcement of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire- resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material. Include pins and attachment. G. Topcoats: Type by manufacturer of each sprayed fire-resistive material for applications indicated. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL FRAME CON STRU CTIO N S PEC I F ICATIO N S tS IWY 2001 Ailendum No. I B. HLM 980071-04 07811 - 8 '$iggfloNo?rti veneer-Plaster Topcoat: Factory-mixed formulation of a latex-modified, inorganic, veneer plaster recommended in writing fo. ,pray application over concealed and exposed formulations by manufacturer of latter products. l. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Topkrete Type TK-610L" by w'R' Grace & Co.-Conn., Construction Products Div. Water-Based permeable Surface Coating: Factory-mixed formulation for brush, roller, or spray application over concealed and exposed formulations by manufacturer of lattel products. l. product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Cafco Topcoat" by Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products' Sealer for Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Resistive Material: Transparent-drying, water-dispersible protective coating by manufacturer of sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material. 1. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "cafco Bond-seal" by Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. PART3 -DGCUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, to determine whether they are in satisfactory condition to receive sprayed fire-resistive r"t"ri"l. A substrate is in satisfactory condition if it complies with the following: l. Substrates comply with requirements in the Section where tbe substrate and related materials and construction are sPecifi ed. 2. Substrates are hee of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, loose mill scale, dirt' or other foreign substancJs capable of impairing bond of fire-resistive material with subsrate under conditions of normal use or fire exposrlre' 3. Objects penetrating fue-resistive material, including clips, hangers, support sleeves, and similar items, are securely attached to substrates. 4. Substrates are noi obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, and other suspended construction that will interfere with applying fire-resistive material' B. Conduct tests according to fire-resistive material manufacturer's written recommendations to veriry that substrates are free of oii rolling compounds, and other substances capable of interfering with bond' C. Do not proceed with installation of fire-resistive material until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fire-resistive material, including oil, grease' rolling compounds, incompatible primers, and loose mill scale' B. prime substrates where recommended in writing by fue-resistive material manufacturer, unless compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive fue-resistive material. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTURAL FMME CON STRUCTION SPECI F I CATIO N S 13IWY2NI Aild"rr44t;;No. t HLM 980071-04 07811 - 9 SECIION 07811 SPRAYED FIRETRESI$TIY 6l,ffffi J.J C. D. A. B, For exposed applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished surface of sprayed fire-resistive material. Remove minor projections and fill voids that would telegraph through fire-resistive products after application. Cover other work subject to damage from fallout or over-spray of Frre-resistive materials during application. Provide temporary enclosure as required to confine spraying operations, protect the environment, and ensure maintenance of adequate ambient conditions for temperature and ventilation. INSTALLATION, GENERAL Comply with fne-resistive material manufactuer's written instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and types of equipment used to convey and spray on fre-resistive material, as applicable o particular conditions of installation and as required to achieve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Apply sprayed fire-resistive material that is identical to products tested as specified in Part I in "Product Test Reports" in "submittals" Article, with respect to rate of application, accelerator use, sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, water over-spray, or other materials and procedures affecting test resulr. Install metal lath, as required, to comply with fire-resistance ratings and fire-resistive material manufacturer's written recommendations for conditions of exposure and intended use. Securely attach lath to substrate in position required for support and reinforcement of fre-resistive material. Use anchorage devices of type recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturer. Attach lathing accessories where indicated or required for secure attachment to substrate. Coat substrates wilh adhesive before applying fire-resistive material where required to achieve fre- resistance rating or as recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturer for material and application indicated. Extend fire-resistive material in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be protected. Unless otherwise recommended in writing by fre-resistive material manufacturer, install body of fre-resistive covering in a single course. Spray apply fire-resistive materials to maximum extent possible. Following the spraying operation in each area, complete the coverage by trowel application or other placement method recommended in writing by manufacturer. For applications over encapsulant materials, including lockdown (post-removal) encapsulants, apply sprayed fire-resistive material that differs in color from that of the encapsulant over which it is applied. Where sealers are used, apply products that are tinted to differentiate them from the sprayed fire-resistive material over which they are applied. INSTALLING CONCEALED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTTVE MATERTALS Apply concealed fire-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated, but not less than those required to achieve fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, and comply with requirements for thickness specified inPar2 "Concealed Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials" Article. Apply water over-spray to concealed, sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material as required to obtain designated fire-resistance rating and where indicated. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRACTURAL FRAME CO N STRUCTION S P EC I F ICATION S n'JaLY"200l AddcndamNo. I D. F. G. -t.+ B. HLI,I 980071-04 078il - t0 D. Apply sealer to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material' Apply topcoat to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material' INSTALLING E)(POSED SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTTVE MATERIALS Apply exposed sprayed fire-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated' but not less than that *i;i;.d io a"hiine -fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, unless greater thicknesses and densities are indicated. hovide a uniform finish complying with description indicated for each type of material and matching Architect's sample or, if none, finish approved for field-erected mockup' Apply sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material to produce the following finish: 1. Spray-texturedfinish. 2. Apply sealer. 3. Apply topcoat. Apply intumescent mastic fre-resistive material as follows: l. Install reinforcing fabric where indicated or required' 2. Finish: Spray+extured finish with no further treatment' Apply thin-film intumescent mastic fire-resistive material as follows: l. Finish: spray apply successive base coat(s) and finish topcoat. Allow drying and curing between coats. Determine required dry film thickness before applying finish topcoat' FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: owner will engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and to prepare test reports. l. Testing and inspecting agency will interpret tests and state in each report whether tested work complies with or deviates from requirements. Testing and inspecting of completed applications of sprayed fire-resistive material will take place in successive stages, in areas of eitent and using methods as follows. Do not proceed with application of fire-resistive material for the next area until tst results for previously completed applications of fire- resistive material show compliance with requirements' 1. Extent: For each 15,000-sq. ft. area, or partial area, on each floor, testing and inspecting agency will evaluate the following characteristics. Tested values must equal or exceed values indicated and values required for approved fire-resistance design' 3.5 B. c. D. 3.6 B. a, Thickness for Floors' Roofs, and Walls: From the average of 10 measurements from a 144. sq. in. sample area, with sample width of not less than 6 inches per ASTM E 605' b. Thickness for Structural Frame Members: From a sample of 25 percent of structural members per floor, taking 9 measurements at a single cross secJiol_for joists and trusses and 7 measurements ol'a iingle cross section for columns per ASTM E 605' VAIL VAI,IBY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTUML FRAME CO N STRU CT I ON S P ECI F ICAT I O N S 13twYzWI ea*naandi. t HLM 980071-04 07811 - ll sEcnoN07811 c. D. c. Density for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Structural Frame Members: At frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual 12-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination. " d. Bond Strength for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Structural Framing Members: Cohesion and adhesion at frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction, per ASTM E 736. Z. When testing discovers applications of ftre-resistive material not in compliance with requirements, testing and inspecting agency will perform additional random testing to determine extent of noncompliance, Remove and replace applications of fire-resistive material where test results indicate that they do not comply with specified requirernents for cohesion and adhesion or for density, or both. Apply additional fire-resistive material per manufacturer's written instructions where test results indicate that thickness do€s not comply with specified requirements. Additionat testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements' CLEANING, PROTECTING, AND REPAIR Cleaning: Immediately after completing spraying operations in each confinable area of Project, remove material over-spray and fallout from surfaces of other construction and clean exposed surfaces to remove evidence of soiling. protect fire-resistive material, according to advice of product manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so fire protection will be without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. Coordinate application of fire-resistive material with other construction to minimize the need to cut or remove fire protection. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fire-resistive material and patch any damaged or removed areas. Repair or replace work that has not been successfully protected. aa-a END oF SECTION O78I I sPRAYEDFrRE-RE$rfTi@frr* .'. 07811- 12 3.7 B. c. D. VNL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER DEMOLITION AND STRUCTARAL FRAME CO N STRU CTION S PEC I F ICATIO N S fi ruLY2001 Addondum No. I HLM 980071-04 o Blarbach -l\ s7o? rr'Esr 6rH AvENuE Gonrulflng % ] ==- CALCULATIONS July 10, 2OOl Vail Valley Medical Center WC Addition 2683.10 .Do t -ooAE Date: Proiect: Project No.: ADDENDUMNO.l {> I I l' I I t I I I b I I I t I t I Bierbach -l \ s7o7 wEsr 'THA'ENUE Gonsulttng A\ DENvE& coLoRADo Boz14 Englneerg, lnc. -- - _ 303-233-5838 FAX 303-233{516 Str-Eturd Cmsultants rrrrrr f CALCULATIONS Date: Project: Project No.: July 10, 2001 Vail Valley Medical Center WC Addition 2683.10 19698 !e ?'la' ol -.tr,,rq, lo I I T I T I t I b I I T I I t I March 29,2001 Vall Valley Medlcal Genter 181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Mr. Stan Anderson Subject Geotechnical Investlgatlon Ambulatory Surgery Center Addition Vail Valley Medlcal Center 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Golorado Job No. GS-3274 Thls lefter presents the methodology and results of our geotechnical investlgatlon andourrecommendatlons regardlngtheproposedAmbulatorySurgery Centerk the Vail Valley Medlcal Center In Vail, Colorado. The purpose of our investlgatlon was to evaluate subsurface conditlons underthe existlng buildlng and provide geotechnlcal rccommendatlons for the planned addition foundatlons. Exlstlnq Bulldlno . The Vail Valley Medical Genter ls located north of the terminus of West Maadow Drive in Vail, Golorado. The exlstlng buildlng was construc-ted in several phases. The east and central parts of the buildlng ane one and two'stories, iespectlvely. No basements or belowgrade areas are under these older parts of the bu ildlng and ground level floorc are slabs-ongrade. The central part of the buildlng contains an open courtyard. The west part of the building ls a relatlvely new three- story structure with a basement floor. The basementfloor is a slab'ongrade. The old and new parts of the buildlng are concrete and masonry structures with pan and loist type floors. A multl-level parking struc'ture is adjacent to the northeast part of the building. The ambulatory surgery center is proposed over the central part of the existlng building (Figure 1). Ground surface adfacent to the area of the planned additlon is landscaped with grass, shrubs and trees. CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 234 CENTER ORTVE . GLENWOOD SPRTNGS. COLOFIAOO 81601 I (970) 945-2409 lo I Proposed Gonstructlon The roof and second tevel will be removed from the central part of the exlstlng building. Most of the exlsting second levelfloor slab will be left In place. Holes will be cut in the existlng ground level and second level floor slabs to accommodate construction of new columns. The new columns will support new second and third levels above the existlng ground level. The addition footprint will extend about 20 feet south of the exlstlng buildlng. Floor elevatlons In the new second and third levels will be constructed at the elevations of the floors In the west part of the exlstlng bullding. The new second level floor slab will need to be several feet hlgherthan the exlstlng second level floor slab In the addltion area. An airspacewlll be betureen the two slabs. Deadloads on exlstlng foundations wlll be reduced to thosethat are applied from exlstlng ground level walls and tha existlng second level floor (1.e. ceillng In the ground level). Deadloads on new column foundatlons wlll Include the second and thlrd level floor slabs, the roof and exterior walls. We underctand exterior walls wlll be hung ftom the new strus"ture. Sllpiolnts will be provlded at connecffons between the addltlon ahd exlstlng bulldlng. Subsudace Conditlons Subsurface condltions under the exlstlng building and proposed addltion were investlgated by drilllng two exploratory borlngs at the approxlmate locatlons shown on Flgure 1. The borings were advanced uslng 4-lnch dlameter, contlnuous flight auger and a track-mounted &ill rlg. Drilllng was dlrected by our laboratory/fleld manager who logged the solls encountered In the borlngs and obtalned samples. Samples obtalned In the fleld were rsturned to our laboratory where typlcal samples were selec'ted for testlng. Graphlc logs of the soils encountered In our exploratory borings are shown on Figurc 2. Subsudace condlUons encountercd In our exploratory borings consisted of 0.5 feet of sandy clay "topsoil" over 2 and 5.5 feet of clayey gravel flll underlain by native clayey gravel with cobbles and boulderc to the total explored depths of 19 and 20 feet below ground sutface. Practlcal drlll rig refusal occurred on cobbles and boulders in both borings at depths betuveen I and 20 feet. Field penetratlon resistance tests and observatlons durlng drilllng indicated the natlve gravel was dense to very densE. Free ground wat€r was not found in our borings during our field investigatlon. Two samples of the subsoils selected for gradation tesG contained 62 and 19 percent gravel, 22and 75 percent sand, and 16 and 6 percent silt and clays slze particles (passing the No. 200 sieve). Subsoil samples obtained from our borings were llmited to a maximum particle dlameter of about 1.5 inches. Gradation test I IaI I t T I t t d I I I I l I Iol VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER AMBULATORY SURGERY CEN1ER ADDMON CTUT JOB NO. GS€274 I I tI I I t I I I b results are representative of only the smaller fraction of the actual soil gradatlon. Observations during drilling indlcates the maJortty of the native soils at the site are gravel, cobbtes and boulders. Gradation test results are shown on Figure 3 and laboratory testing is summarized on Table l. Foundations The native gravel at foundatlon levels below this site possess good support characteristics. We reviewed a plan of the existlng and proposed foundations In the area of the addition. The plan Indlcated that exlstlng building foundatlons are designed for a maximum soil bearing pressure 6,000 psf. Our visual observations indlcated the building has performed well with minor foundation settlements. In our oplnion, pad foundations supported by the natlve gravel at this site ars appropriate for new columns. The sFuctural englneer should evaluate possible surcharges and eccentric loading conditions applied to existing foundatlons by new column loads. We understand grout Injectlon ls planned below some existing foundatlons to increase bearlng capacity. Column load surcharges will also increase lateral earth pressur€s on adfacent below-grade walls. New foundatlons will settle and most movement will be differential with respect to existing foundatlons. Maximum total settlement of about 1 inch ls anticipatedforcolumn pad foundations designed accordingto the criterla belowwlth dlfferentlal settlement of about one-half actual total seftlement. We understand slip joints will be provided between new and exlstlng construction. Due to the granular nature of the soils at this slte, the majority of settlement will occur as deadloads are applied during constructlon. Addltional settlement from liveloads will occur upon first application of the llveload. Recommended deslgn and constructlon criteria for column pads are presented below. 1. Column pad foundations supported on the undisturbed, natlve gravel should be designad for a maximum soil bearing pressure of 6'000 psf. Soils loosened durlng the excavation or formlng process for the footings should be removed orthe soils can be re-compacted priorto placing concrete, 2. Foundations for lsotated columns should have minimum dimensions of 24 inches by 24 inches. Larger sizes may be required, depending upon foundatlon loads. 3. The soils under exterior footings should be protected from freezing. We recommend the bottom of footings be constructed at a depth of at I t I T t I I lo I VAIL VALLEY MEOICAL CENTER AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER ADDINON CTUT JOB NO. GS327rt least 42 Inches below flnlshed extErior grades for frost protection. The Vail bulldlng depailment should be consulted to verify the requlred depth. The completed foundatlon excavatlons should be inspected by a representatlve of our flrm prlor to placlng forms to confirm that subsoils are as anticipated from our borings and suitable for support of deslgned footings. Limltatlons Our exploratory borlngs were located to obtaln a rcasonably accurate plcture of subsurface condltlons below the exlstlng bulldlng and proposed addlUon. Variatlons in the subsurface condltlons not Indicated by our borings will occur. The completed foundatlon excavatlons should be Inspected by a representatlve of our flrm to confirm that subsolls are as antlclpated and suitable for support of designed foundatlons. Thls investlgatlon was conduc'ted.In a manner consisteld with that level of care and sklll ordlnarlllr exerclsed by geotechnical englnees currently practlclng under slmilar condltlons In the locality of thls proiect No odrer warranty' express orlmplied,ismade. lfwecanbeoffurtherservlceindlscusslngthecontentsofthls report or in the analysls of the Influence of the subsoll condltlons on the deslgn of the structure, please call. VeryTrulyYourc clruTHoMPSoN, tNc. (5 copies sent) I t -I 'rt l I I I T I d I T I I I I I I4 ot VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENIER AMEUIATORY SURGERY CENTER ADDINON cruT JOB NO. GS-3?4 I I T I I N I I, AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTER ADDITION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1 81 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO %__,'I Itl Staog (Ir rral t/LOT F r.6a:t rcnel .._lr rr/' -t 'r,'lJ I arsF=-*b I I I t I I t lo I 'T/\ \<._ TH-l --.-)- O Indlcofes locotlon of \- t -- cxplorotory borfng Indlaolas cpproxlmote crso of proposed oddlllon 'hes q $$E Job No. GS-3271 I JI ! T I I I I I d I T I I I I --\-\\- I+ i Scolc: 1'=60' Il r S_r_) (s ar HUs coiDOS)I I I ---_ f - lutl ar4qi b, a---r\ DRIIE i (so. R.o.w.) --\____\ Tol Frs. 1 | =t drr,|t c.G:-l 'rrl|f, lr.t A- Lt t- PT.,AN I .r I r' t t I t I I b Il{-1 EL=8145 TH-2 EL=8146 l5/lo, 1 5o/12 58/12 3E/12 57/12 so/s t I I t t I I to I Job No. cs-s27l SUMMARY LOGS C 3145 FI o o o3 LEGEND: Sod qnd $ndy oloy 'toproll'. Flll, grovrl oloycy, mcdlum densa, molst, brown. Grwcl, dryoy, oobblc ond bouldcrr, dtnsc fo vcry dcnlc, mobf, brown. (cc) Drfvc somplc. Thc rymbol 3E/12 lndlooior thot 38 blovr of o 140 pound hommcr folllng 3O Inohrs wcrr rrqulnd to drlvr o 2.0 lnoh O.D. somplrr 12 Inahcs. A sroond roi of numbcn Indlaolcs that X numbcr of oddlflonol blowrwrn unoblc io odvonor lhr romplcr forthcr. Indloofcr drlll rlg rrfucal. llultlpla rynrbols Indloofc holo loooflon woc movcd lo odvonoc borlng forlhcr. NOTES: 1. Explorotory borlngr wrn drflltd on Fcbruory 21, 2OO1 wllh four lnoh dlqmclcr, oonflnuour fllght cugor ond q lttok-mountcd drlll rlg. 2. No frrc grrund wolcr woa found tnour cxplorutory borlngr durlng our flcld Invcrllgqllon. 5. looatlons ond clcvollont of cxplorotory borlngs crr opprcxlmolo. 4. Thcsc cxploroiory borlngr orr sublcqtlo fhc rxplonollonr, llmllollont qnd oonoluslonr qs oonlolncd In fhls rcport. BORINGS I I I tI I I I I ,l I d I I t I T I I F ,XPLORATORY Flg. 2 oI I LI I I I t I T b T I I I t I t Somple of GRAVEL cl.AyEy (cc)FTom TH.1 AT9 FEET GRAVEL 62%srrrdffi* PLASNCTTYNDE)( SAND 2,% uouo-ffin----lgt--Zyo TO Somple of SAND, sucHTLy crlyEy (sp€c)From -TFf2 AT 13 FEET GRAVEL 19 % 51919 gL,1qy-l o/o PI.ASTICITY INOEX SANO 75 0h uouD-mlr-:% -To Gradation Test Results I ,t 4tMtN.15MlN. S MN.tg tit{. !tMN. t Mltl. '2(It 'lOO '50',O':n '16 '10'8 '4 gtr ltc 1/t t 5Fr A '.t: t:=: 't:t: :tr::: tr:::.: :'-7a ='_.2 .o71 14 E7 .590 r.rg 2.0 23E 47A e52 o.42 OUTE ER oF P RTICIE N tIL[iETERs o t0 20 308 7 ,OE 2 5{r 3G.H m to gt CLAY( ST|q TO Sl-T oPf.tPLrSTE) ,5 ,fg MI{.is ir{. 60 ilt{.19 Ml{. a tatN. ! iru{. ?0 'l(}(t 'sa!'to'X 'lG 'to'E '/a 3f, 3lc 19 t ttr r gt 60 -m 360 850Gt{o 3' 20 10 o 10 20 r08 a {oEc f,rs 60' m 80 g0 t(xl .o:l1 .1Q .El .59o l.'19 20216 '4.78oa2 IX itETER OF PARTICI! Fl ilLlli€lEF6 ----i /:=: =-t-:F.::= ::t'2:/-: :::ta -tr:il : -:l-Jr: 'c,:::---i ::'l :.JE: :;zt c|lY (PLASTTC) TO SLT (I{ONf|JSIC) JOB NO. GS-3274 FIG.3 o ooo.L oFJ J(t, UJt F(t, lrJF t,urId#S6-o J llo t = ==3r, I I I I I I I I I b I l I I I I I zo F otr6o 5oJottt lu 5o J UJ ?Eo JJ o 9, llJ 3oj ut ?to 6 E ut Io Jul ? E.o oo o- an uJ 3o ]t- IJu, ctz o fiEa'R (o F (o Eo Fe'o- N.Y tot\ FH' Nr0 o F HEs5=0. Eyr-9r--d=€ JgE o 4aEs !""fic ILUEs^36tr9 \ crt tl,d q€ao oi EtrhtufiIT ('l o (t gt z o6 F rF ({ 't-F ^|.1. Fto I JOB # 2683.00 . VAIL VALLEY iIEDICAL CENTER VERTICAL LOADS FOR DESIGN LtvE: =GROUND SNOWLOAD=l--aul(PSF) (C|TY OFVAIL) DEAD: STRUCTUML STEEL FLOOR S|-AB SYSTEM MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CEILING FIRE PROOFING INSULATION ROOFING BALI-AST I I I t I I BEIAMS + JOISTS AT 6,€" O.C, (AVEMGE) 1.58.20 GAGE ACOUSTIC DROP CEMENTATIOUS 6'RIGID EI.ASTOMERIC SHEET NONE DEAD rOrAL -l-l':t'l (PSF) (PSF) (PSD (PSF) (PsF) (PSF) (PsF) (PSD (PSF) rYPtcAL -l-Tuq(PsF) DEAD: STRUCTURALSTEEL FLOOR SI.AB SYSTEM MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL CEILING FIRE PROOFING PARTITIONS FLOORS: LIVE: (PSD COMPOSTTE BEAMS AT 6'€" O.C. (AVERAGE) (PSR 1. sVLl -20 GAGE + 4.5" CONCRETE (6" TOTAL THICK (PsF) (PSF) (PSD ACOUSTTC DROP (PSR CEMENTITIOUS (PSF) l-T6TlruEr-T 24.4 3.28 4.03 5.09 I I I hr1=HEIGHT= \A/b1= Ce= l= LIDING IS TO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1.4. G IS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1.0 - ROOF SNOW LOAD=Pts(CeXIXPg)= D=(0.13XPg)+14= hb=PflD= (h11-hb)/hb= hdl =(0.43)0rvbl )^0.333(Pg+1 0)^0.25)-1.5= VVHEN hd'l <(hr1-hb) THEN Wd1 =4hdl = (D'(hd1+hb)<O'hrl THEN Pm1=(DXhd+hb)= (Fr.) (Fr.) (SEE CODE FOR CONDITION MAXIMUM) 0ABLE A-164) (A VALUE OF 1.0 lS CONSERVATIVE) (TABLE A-1SB) (sEE SECTTON 1U41.41 (PSF) (PCD (35(PCF) MAXTMUM) (Ft.) >0.2 (DRTFT NOT TO BE CONSIDERED) (Ft.) (TNCREASED 40% WHEN SLIDING 1S CONSIDERED) (Fi.) (PSF) I I I I lo I IDRIFT|ilG 2 -AGAINST UNIT hrl=HEIGHT= v\lbl= Ce= l= LIDING ISTO BE CONSIDERED ENTER 1.4 - (sEE 1997 UBC APPENDX CHAPTER 16) (Fr) fl.) (sEE CODE FOR COND|T|ON MA)(|MUM) 0ABLE A-16'A) (A VALUE OF 1 .0 tS CONSERVATTVE) 0ABLEA-leB) c rs Nor ro BE CoNSTDERED ENTER 1.0 -l-I5l(SEE SECTTON 1W1.41 ROOF SNOW LOAD=Pts(CEXI)Pd= -8d(PSDD=(0.13XP9)+14= hb=PflD= (hr1-hblhb= ft { J =(0.a3)[Albl )^0.333(Pg+1 0)^0.25)-1 .5= 24.4 (PCn 3.28 (Ft.) 2.05 >O.2 3.38 (Fr.) (35(PCD MA)(MUM) (ORIFT NOTTO BE CONSIDERED) (INCREASED.O% WHEII SLlOlNc 1S CONSTDERED) WHEN hdl<(hr1-hb) THEN Wdl=4Ml=(Ft.) (PSD(D'(hd1+hb)<D'hr1 THEN Pmi Medranical Unil: 55x12.56@35,000pounds 50.58+t6e131 p61 Use 163 psf over entirg alea will allou, 4' pad under unit if desired since th€re b no bellast under unit. I I I I t I d I t I t I I I I or I It I I t I I I I b I T t I I I I vail valley Medical Center - llc Addition ETABS v?.18 Fj.le: 2683108 KiP-in units July 10. 2001 13r21 STORY DATA STORY SIMILAR TO HEIGHI ELEVATTON SCREEN None 144 .000 651.000 ROoF THRSE 168 . 000 507.000 TI{REE None 16.000 339.000 row3 None 155 ' 000 323. 000 sEcoND L0w3 168.000 168.000 BASE None 0.000 MATERIAL PROPERTY DATA MATERIAT MATERIAL DESIGN MATERIAI, MODULUS OEl POISSON'S THERMAL SITEAR NAME TYPE TYPE DIR,/PLANE EI,AST]CITY RATIO COEFF MODULUS srEEL Iso steeL All 29000.000 0,3000 6.5000E-06 11153'846 CONC Iso conclete All 3600.000 0.2000 5.5000E-06 1500'000 o'IHER Iso None AI1 29OOO.OOO 0.3000 6.50008-06 11153'846 MATERIAL PROPERTY MASS AND IIEIGHT I{ATERIAI. MASS PER I{EIGHT PER MME UNIT VOI UNIT VOL srEE! 1.3240E-01 2.8300E-04 coNc 2,2464E-01 8.6800E-05 o1ntER 1.32408-01 2.8300E-04 MATERIAL DESIGN DATA FOR STSEL UATERIALS MATERIAI, STEE1 STEEL STEEL NAl.rE FY FU COST (5 ) sTeEr 50. 000 63 . 000 I . 00 MATERIAT DESIGN OATA FOR CONCRETB MATERIA],S MATERIA! IIGITWSIGHT CONCRETE REBAR REBAR IIGHTI{T NAME CONCRETE FC FY FYS REDUC FACT coNc No 4.000 60. 000 40.000 N/A DECK SECT ION PROPERTY DATA DECK DECK SLAB DECK DECK SHEAR DECK SECTION TYPE MA?ERIA! MATERIAI THICK UNI? WT DECK1 Fil.Led CoNC N/A N/A 2.08338-05 DECK2 Unfirted N/A srEEr 0.0350 1.59108-05 DECK SECTION SITEAR STUD DATA DECK STUD STUD STUD SECTION DIAM HEIGHT FU DECK1 0. 7500 3. 9996 60. 000 DECK2 N/A N/A N/A lo I DECK SECTION GEOUETRY DATA I I IILI I I I I I I d l.lFata SECTION DECKl DECK2 SLAB RIB RIS RIB DEPTH DEPTH TIMfi SPACING 4.5000 1.5000 2.4996 5.0000N/A 3.0000 2.6250 8.0000 SlATIC LOAD CASES STATIC CASE I,AT SEI,F IIT CASE TYPE IOAD M'LTIPLIER DEAD DE,AD N/A l. OOOO LIVS LIVE N/A O. OOOO SD SUPER DEAD N/A O.OOOO RLIVE REDUCE LIVS N/A O.OOOO QUAKD( QUAI(E UBC97 0.0000 QUAKE:IO( oUAKE 0BC9? 0.0000 ouAKEro{x QUAKE UBC9? 0,0000 QUAKEY QUAKE UBC97 0. 0000 QUAKEvy QUAKE UBCg? 0. 0000 QUAKEYYY qUAKE UBC97 O. OOOO wrNDx wrND uBc97 0.0000 wrNoY tfrND uBc97 0.0000 CASE TYPE LOAD MULTIPLIER S1ORY TRIB AREA AVERAGE Co|.rBl ADD DEAD Static 1,0000 SD Static 1.0000 couB2 ADD LrVE Staric r.0000RLIVE Static 1.0000 DSTL1 ADD DEAo Static 1.4000 sD sratic 1, {000 DSfL2 ADD DE"AD Slatic 1.2000LIVE Static 1.6000SD Static 1.2000RLIVE Stati.c f. 5000 DSfl3 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000lIvE Staric 0.5000 SD Sraric 1.2000RLrVE Sratic 0.5000nINDX Staric 1.3000 DSTL4 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIVE Static 0.5000SD Static 1.2000RtrvE Staric 0.5000rINDX Static -1.3000 oSTL5 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIVE Sraric 0.5000 SD Staric 1.2000RLrvE Staric 0.5000 WINDY Static f, 3000 DSrr6 ADD DEAD Slatic 1,2000LIVE Static 0.5000SD Star i.c I .2000RLIVE Star i.c 0.5000IIINDY Static -1,3000 DSTII ADD DEAD Statlc l. 2000 I I I I I Iol 2 I I I I I I t I I I b I I I I I I I DSTL9 DSTLlO DStt11 DSTL12 DST!13 DSTL14 DSTLI6 1. 2000 0.8000 1.2000 1. 2000 -0. 8000 1.2000 1.2000 0.8000 1 .2000 1.2000 -0. 8000 0. 9000 0.9000 1. 3000 0. 9000 0, 9000 -1,3000 0. 9000 0. 9000 1.3000 0.9000 0. 9000 -1.3000 1 .2000 0. 5000 1 .2000 0. 5 000 1. 0000 1.2000 0.5000 1 .2000 0. s000 -1.0000 1 .2000 0. 5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1. 0000 1.2000 0.5000 1.2000 0. 5000 1.0000 1 .2000 0. 5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1,0000 I .2000 0.5000 1.2000 0. 5000 3 SD IIINDX DEAD SD WTNDX SD IIINDY DEAD SD I{I NDY DEAD rINDX DEAD SD IIINDX Stat i.c Static Stati,c Stat ic Stat ic Stat ic Stat ic Stat i.c Static Stat i. c Stat i c static Static Static Stati.c DEAD StaticsD staticITINDY Static DEAD StaticSD Static9IINDY Static DEAD Static LM StaticSD Static RIM Static QUAKE< Static DEAD StaticLIVE StaticSD StaticRLIVE Static QUAKEX Staric DEAD StaticLfvE Static SD StaticRLM Static QUAKEXX Staric DEAD StAtiCLIVE Static SD StaricRLM Staric QUAI(EXX Static DEAD StaricLM StatlcSD StaricRLIVE Stati.c QUAKDOq Static DEAD StaticLIVE Stati,cSD StaricRLM Static QUAKEXXX Static DEAD Static LIVE Stat icsD static RLM StaticIo I ouArGY Staric 1.0000 DSTL22 ADD DEAD Statlc 1.2000LIVE Staric O.5O0OSD Static 1.2000RLIVE Staric 0.5000 oUMEY Static -1.0000 DSTL23 ADD DEAD Staric 1. 2000LIVE Static 0,5000SD Static 1.2000RIIVE Static 0.5000 QUAKEW Static 1.0000 DSIL24 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LtvE Staric 0.5000sD stari.c 1.2000RLIVE Staric 0,5000 QUAKEYY Staric -1.0000 oSTl25 ADD DaAD Statlc 1.2000LIVE Static 0.5000sD Static 1.2000RLrvE Static 0.5000 QUAKEYYY Static 1.0000 oSTL26 ADD DEAD Stati.c 1.2000LM Statlc 0.5000sD static 1.2000RLIVE Static 0.5000 QUAKEYYY Static -1.0000 DSTL27 ADD DEAD Staric 0.9000sD Static 0,9000QUAKD( Staric 1.0000 DSTL28 ADD DEAD Static 0.9000SD Static 0.9000 QUAKEX Static -1.0000 DST!29 ADD DEAD Starlc 0.9000SD Staric 0,9000 QUAKD0{ Starj^c 1,0000 DS!L3o ADD DEAD Statlc 0,9000SD Static 0.9000 QUAKEXX Statlc -f,0000 DSTL31 ADD DEAD Statlc 0.9000SD Static 0.9000 QUAKD0O( Statlc 1.0000 DSTL32 ADD DEAD Static 0.9000SD Static 0.9000 QUAKEXXX Starj.c -1.0000 DSll33 ADD DEAD Statlc 0.9000SD Static 0,9000 QUAKEY Static 1,0000 DSTL34 ADD DEAD Srar1c 0.9000SD Staric 0. 9000 QUAKEY Static -1.0000 DS1L35 ADD DEAD Statj.c 0.9000SD Staric 0.9000 QUAKEYY Staric 1.0000 DS!I.36 ADD DEAD Static 0.9000SD Static 0. 9000 QUAKEYY Static -1.0000 I I -,I I I I I I I I d I I I T I I t ol 4 I I I tI t I t T I I b DSTL38 DCMPC2 DC!.{PS 1 DCUPS2 OCMPDl DCIIPD2 static Static static Stat i. c static static Stat 1c stat i c Static Static stat 1c Stat i c Static Statlc Static Stat 1c Static Static 0.9000 0.9000 1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 - 1. 0000 1.0000 1. 0000 0.2000 0.2000 1 .0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1 .0000 1 .0000 1. 0000 l. 0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 r.0000 DEAD SD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD LIVE RTIVE DEAD SD DE.AD LIVE SD RI.IVE ADD QUAKEYYY Static DEAD Static SD Static oUAKEYYY Statlc t I I I I l I lo I SSISMIC UBC9? Case: QUAKEX SEISIIIC INPUT DATA Dilection: x Typical Eccentricity - 5g Eccentricity overrides: No. Period Calculation: Program Calculated ct = 0.035 (in feet units) Top Story: SCREEN Bottom Story: BASE R = 5.5I . 1.25 hn - 651.000 (Building Height) SoiI Profile rype - SD z - 0.0?5 Ca - 0. 1.200 Cv - 0,1800 SEISMIC CAICULATION F'ORMUI,AS Ta - Ct (hn" (3/4) ) If 2 >- 0.35 (Zone 4) then: If Z < 0,35 {Zone 1, 2 or 3} then: v-(CvIrl / (RT) v<-2.5CaIn/R v>-0.1lCaIll If T <- 0.7 sec, then Pt - 0 If T > 0.7 sec, lhen Ft - 0.07 t V <- 0.25 v SEISMIC CA',CULATION RESUITS ta - 0.6995 sec I Used - 0.9795 sec n Used - 6?10. ?5 v (Eqn 1) - 0.04181f v (Egn 2) - 0.0582fi v ( Egn 3) ' 0.01651f v (Eqn 4) - 0.021811 V used - 0.0418w ' 280.28 Ft Used - 19.22 SEISMIC STORY FORCES AND RESULTANT IOCATION If Tetabs <- 1.30 Ta then T - Tetabs, else T - TaIf Tetabs <- 1.40 ta then T - Tetabs, else T - ta {Egn. 1) (Eqn. 2) (Egn.3) I I t l I T I I I d SCREEN ROO F Loll3 SECOND n{ 49,22 108.79 14 .65 8.34 39 .2'l FY 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 x 199.425 815.808 825.111 292.829 119.01'l 34?.901 651.000550.591 50?.000682.822 339.0001331.389 323.000 131 .374 168.000 I I t I I I t SEISMIC OIAPHRAGM FORCES AND DIAPHRAGM CENTER OF MASS/IOAD STORY DIAPHRAGM FX FY MZ ol I6 I I {9,10 0.00 0.000 19'7.906 348.209 651.000 108.?9 0.,00 0.000 815.808 550.591 50?.000'14.65 0.OO 0.000 825.111 682.822 339.000 6.?8 o.O0 0.000 203.587 1415.985 323.000 39.27 o.O0 0.000 119.017 131 .3'14 158.000 SCREEN D1 ROOF D1 TITREE D1rctl3 D1 SECOND D1 I sErsMrc uBc97 t case: QUAKEXX I sEIsMrc rNPUT DA'A r oirection: X + EccY tyPical EccentricitY = 5X I Eccentricj.ly overrides: No f Period calculati.onr Proglan calculated Ct = 0.035 (in feet units) I rop story: scRsEN I Bottom Story: BASE R = 5.5I r=r.25 I hn = 651.000 (Bui.ldinq reishtl SoiI Profile rYPe - sD z - 0.075 f Ca - 0.1200 I Cv = 0.1800 v _ {cv I ll) / (R T) V <- 2.5 Ca I tl / R I v>=o.1lcar'g I rf r <= 0.7 sec, then Ft - o If T > 0.7 sec' then Ft = 0.07 T v <= 0.25 V I sErsMrc cAlcuLATroN REsuLTs Ta - 0. 5995 sec I ? Used - 0.9795 sec I lr used = 5710.75 V (Eqn 1) - 0.0418 I v (Eqr 2) - 0.0682r{ f v (Eqn 3) - 0.0165w - v (Esn 4) - 0.0218W ,- V Used = 0.0418w = 280.28 I Ft used = 19,22 SEISMIC CALCULATION FORMULAS Ia = ct (hn" (3/4)l - If z >= 0.35 (zone 4l then: If Tetabs <= 1.30 Ta then T = Tetabs' else t = Ta I If z<0.35 lzone '-, 2 or 3) theri If Tetabs <= 1.40 Ta then T = Tetabs, e]seT =Ta I (Eqn. 1) {Eqn. 2) (Eqn.3l I sErsurc sroRy toRcEs AND REsULTANT LocATroNI TsToRYFXFYXYz a(, scREEN 4s.22 o.oo 1es.42s 3s'.s89 6s1.000 - I ROOF THREE LOr{3 SECOND STORY SCRESN ROOF THREE l,oI{3 SECOND 108. ?9 14 .65 8.34 5t.z I 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 815.808 825.'t1'l 292.829 719.011 120.047 50?.0007s6.904 339.0001343.2I2 323.0008r5.055 168.000 I I I I I I I t I d SEISMIC DIAPHRAGM FORCES AND DIAPHRAGM CENTER OF MASS/LOAD {9.10 108. ?9 14 .65 6. 78 39 .21 SEISMIC UBC9? Case: oUAKEIO{X SEISMIC INPUT DATA Direction; X - EccY Typical Eccentricity = 5t Eccentlicity Overides: No Period Calculation: Progran calculated Ct - 0.035 {in feet unils) Top Stoly: SCREEN Eotton Story: BASE I - 1.25 hn - 551.000 (Bui.lding r{eight) soil Profile Type - sD Z - 0.075 Ca = 0.1200 Cv - 0.1800 SEISMIC CATCULATION FORMULAS Ta = Ct (hn" (3/4) ) If Z >- 0,35 (Zone 4) then:If z < 0.35 {Zone 1, 2 or 3) then: v - (cv I tr) / (R r) V <- 2.5 Ca I r / R V >- 0.11 Ca I Ii If ! <= 0.? sec. then Ft - 0If T > 0.? sec, then Ft = 0.07 T v <- 0.25 V SE]SMIC CALCULATION RESULTS Ta = 0. 5995 sec T Used = 0.9?95 sec I{ Used = 6710.75 v (Eqn 1) - 0.0418w v {Eqn 2) - 0.0582t1 v (Eqn 3) - 0.0155w V (Eqr 4) = 0.0218tr v Used = 0.0418w - 280.28 D IAPIIRAGM D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 F\, U' 0.00 -2002.7940.00 -7556.185 0.00 -5530.3280.00 -98.6430.00 -3050. ?59 xYz 797 .906 348 .209 651 . 000 815. E08 650.591 50?.000 825.711 682.822 339. 000203.58? 1415. 98s 323.000719,017 't37.3't4 168.000 If Tetabs <- 1.30 Ta then T = Tetabs, el.se T - TaIf Terabs <- 1.40 Ta then T = Tetabs, eLse T - Ta (Eqn. 1) (Eqn, 2) (Eqn, 3) I I I I I I Ior 8 I I tI I I I I Ft Used - 19.22 SEISMIC STORY FORCES AND RESULTANT LOCATION STORY SCREEN ROOF TIIREE Lor3 SECOND STORY DIAPHRAGM SCREEN Dl ROOF Dl.TITDFF N1 LOW3 Dl SECOND DI TXFYXYZ 49.22 0.00 '799.425 307.213 551.000 108.?9 0.00 815.808 581.135 50?.000't4.55 0.00 825.111 608.?41 339.000 8 . 34 0. 00 292.829 1319 . 565 323 . 000 39.2't 0.00 't'79.07't 559.693 158.000 SEISMIC DIAPHRAGM FORCES AND DIAPIIRAGM CENTER OF MASS,/LOAD FXFYT'ZXYZ 49.10 0.00 2002.194 191 .906 348.209 551.000 108.79 0.00 rss6.185 815.808 550.591 507.000?4.55 0.00 5530.328 825.111 682,822 339.0006.18 0.00 98,543 203.587 1415.985 323.000 39.2't 0.00 3050.759 '119.011 13'1 .3't4 168.000 I I .""1,'oJ"ir!" uBceT TO SEISI{IC INPUT DATA Dilection: Y Tlrpical Eccertricity - 5X Bccentricity Overlides: No Period Calculation: Program Calculated Ct ' 0.035 {in feet units) Top Story: SCREEN Botcotn Story: BASE R . 5.5 hn = 551.000 (Building tleight) Soil Profi.le Type = SD Z = 0.0?5 Ca = 0.1200 Cv - 0. 1800 13 - qg thn" (3/41) If Z >- 0.35 {Zone 4) then: If Tetabs <= 1.30 Ta then T = Tetabs. else T = Ta If Z<0.35 laone !,2 or 3) then: If Tetabs <= 1.40 Ta then T = Tetabs. else t = Ta v - (cv r |r) / (R T) (Eqn. 1) v <* 2.5 Ca I ri / R (Eqn, 2) V >- 0.11 Ca I W iEqn. 3) If T <- 0.7 sec, then Ft - 0If r > 0.7 sec. then Ft = 0.0? T V <- 0.25 V I I I I I I t 9I Ta = 0.6996 sec I Used - 0.9?95 secr used - 6710. ?5 v (Eqn l) - 0.0418wv (Eqn 2) - 0.0682e,v (Egn 3) = 0'01551fv (Egn {) - 0.0218Ir v used - 0.0{18n = 280.28 tt Used - 19.22 SEISI{IC STORY F'ORCES AND RESI'ITAM LOCATION STORY FX FY I III I I I t I I d nl D1 01 nl ?97.906 3{8,209 551.000815.808 550.591 50?.000825.771 582.822 339.000203.587 14ls.985 323.000719.071 737.314 168.000 "t99.425 815.808 825.117 292.829 179.017 49.22 108.79 ?{.55 8.3{ 39.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SEISMIC DIAPIIRAGM FORCES AND OIAPI{RAGM CENTER OF }IASS/LOAD DIAPIIRAGM rx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 SEISMIC uBc9'/ Case: QUAKETY SEISMIC INPUT OATA Direction: Y + EccX Ttpical Eccentlicity - 5X Eccentlicity overrides: No Period Calculation: Progran Calculated Ct - 0,035 (in feet unils) Top Story: SCREEN Botton Story: BASE R - 5.5 I - 1.25 hn - 551.000 (Euilding Height) Soil Plofile Type = SD z = 0.075 Ca = 0.1200 Cv = 0.1800 SSISMIC CAICULATION FORMULAS Ta = Cr (hn^ (3/{ } } If Z >- 0.35 (zone 4) then: If z < 0.35 lzone lt 2 or 3) then: v = (cv I w) / (R T) v <= 2.5 Ca I tl / R 3{7.901 651.000550,591 507.000582.822 339.0001331.389 323.000 131 .374 168.000 Itz 0,000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0,000 SCREEN ROOF IHREE IOr3 SECOND STORY SCREEN ROOP TI{REE LOr3 SECOND 49.10 108 .79 14.65 6,18 5t.l I If Tetabs <. 1,30 Ta then I = Tetabs, else T - TaIf Tetabs <' 1.40 Ta then T = Tetabs, else T - Ta I I I I I I Iot(Eqn. 1) (Eqn. 2) I10 I I I Ta = 0.6996 sec I T used - 0.9?95 sec I r| used - 6110.?5 v (Eon 1) - 0.04189r I v lEqn 2) = 0.0682tr I v (Eqn 3) - 0.0155W v (Eqn 4) = 0.0218w - v Used = 0.0418w = 280.28 I ft used - 19,22 I SEISMIC STORY FORCES ANO RESU1TANT IOCATION I STORY FX FY X Y Z I SCREEN 0.00 49.22 862.211 347.901 6s1.000 I RooF o.oo 108.79 818.808 650.591 50?.000, THREE o.oo 't4.65 888.??? 682.822 339.000 rorf3 0.00 8.34 325.959 1331.389 323.000 ft sEcoND 0.00 39.21 855.829 131 .314 158.000 t SEISMIC DIAPITRAGI4 PORCES AND OIAPHRAGM CENTER OP I,TASS/LOAD STORY DIAPHRAG}T FX EY UZ X Y Z SCREEN Dl ROOF Dl v >'0.11 ca I tl If T <* 0,? sec, lhen Ft = 0 If T > 0.7 sec, then Ft - 0.0? T v <.0,25 V SEISM]C CAICULATION RESULTS (Eqn. 3) rr THREE Dl I tofl3 D1 I sEcoND D1 I sErsMrc uBcg?r case: QuAKEYYY I SEISMIC INPUT DATAI Direction: Y - EccX - Typical Eccenlricity - 5X I Eccentricj.ty overrides: No rt Period calculation: Progran calculated. Ct - 0,035 (in feet units) I lop Story: SCREENE Bottom Storv: BASE R' 5.5 I I = 1.25 I hn ' 651.000 {Building reight) soil Profile Tvpe = sDI !;==:,*u.OI o.oo 49.10 3093.498 79'7.906 348.209 651.000 o.oo r08.79 6853.806 815.808 650.591 501.000 o.oo 14.65 4?03.089 825.111 682.822 339'000 o.oo 6.78 216.40L 203.s8'7 1415.985 323'000 o.o0 39.21 30L4.214 719.0't1 131 .314 168.000 I 11 SEISUIC CAf,CUI,AT ION FORI{ULAS Ta - Ct (hn^ (3/4) ) If Z >- 0.35 (Zone {) then: If, Z < 0.35 (Zone 1, 2 or 3) then: v'(CvM) / (Rr) V<=2.5CaIll/R v>-0.11 CaI|l If T <- 0.1 sec, then Ft = 0 If T > 0,7 sec, then Ft - 0.07 T V <'0.25 V SEISMIC CAI.CULATION RESULTS Ta = 0. 6995 sec T used - 0,9795 sec !{ Used - 6710.75 v (Eqn 1) ' 0.041811 v (Eqn 2) ' 0.06821r v (Eqn 3) - 0.016511 v (Eqn 4) - 0.0218W v Used ' 0.0418Ir . 280.28 Ft Used - 1.9.22 SEISMIC STORY FORCES AND RESULTANT LOCATION sToRY EX r:t If Tetabs <- 1.30 Ta then T - Tetabs, else T - Ta If ?etabs <= 1.40 Ta then T - Tetabs, else I - Ta (Eqn. 1) (ECn. 2) (Eqn. 3) I I I T I I I I I dSCREEN ROOF THREE LOts3 SECOND S?ORY SCRSEN ROOF IOn3 SECOND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 49.22 1.08.79 14.53 8. 34 39.21 735.578 752.808 162 .111 259.700 102.325 3{?.901 651.000550.591 507.000682.822 339.000133r.389 323.000 731 .3't4 168.000 SEISMIC DIAPHRAGT,I EORCES AND DIAPHRAGM CEMER OF MASS/I,OAO I I I I I I I DIAPHRAGM D1 D1 D1 DI D1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fv uz 49.10 -3093.498 108.79 -6853.80574.55 -l?03.08 9 6.78 -216.40L 39.2't -30t4.27 4 !/v 191 .906 348.209 551.0008rs.808 650.591 s07.000825.'t71 682.822 339.000 203.58'7 1415 . 985 323. 000't't9.01't 131 .3'14 168.000 ol I12 I I I I I I I t I b I I I I I t t IIIND UBC97 Case: WINDX IIIND INPUT DATA DirecEion Angle = 0 degrees Top Story: SCREEN E^+i^h Cl.^trr. RAqF No palapet is included Basic wind speed, v = 90 nPh Exposure Type = C Importance Factor, Iw = 1.15 vIIND EXPoSURE l{IDfll INFoRMATIoN (Exposure widths are fron diaphragn extents) S?ORY DIAPI{RA64 WIDTH X Y SCREEN D1 815.?50 ?91.040 407.875 ROOF D1 1389.125 ?91.040 594.553 THREE Dl 1481.525 791.040 740.813 LOw3 D1 290.876 293.520 1408 . 188 sEcoND Dl 1553.626 553.520 775.813 WIND CAICUI.AT I ON FORMULAS P - wind pressure - ce cq qs Iw ce, the combined height, exposure and gust factor coefficient. is fron UBcg? Table 15-G Cq, the pressure coefficient is flon UBCg? Table 16-H for Prfunary Flames ' using Method 2 qs is the wind stagnation pressule at the standald hej.ght of 33 feet qs - 0.00256 v"2 >- 10 psf IIIND CALCULATION RESULTS Cq " 1.4 qs - 20.7360 psf IIIND STORY FORCES AND LOCATION STORY TRIB ARSA AVERAGE LEVEL llE^21 Ce fX FY x Y Z SCREEN 40?.88 1.4300 19.47 0.00 791.040 407.875 651.000 ROOF ),218.20 1.3718 55.19 0.00 791.040 694.553 50?.000 THREE 892.64 1.2913 38.48 0.00 ?91.040 740.813 339.000 LOW3 238.86 r.2026 9.59 0.00 293.520 1408,188 323,000 sEcoND 1052.83 r.01L2 38.01 0.00 553.s20 776.813 168.000 WIND UBC9? Case: WINDY rIND INPUI DATA Dj.rection Angle = 90 degrees Top Stoly: SCREEN Bortom Story: SASE No parapet is j,ncludedlo I 13 Basic rind Speed' v = 90 nph Exposure T!?e - C Inportance Factor. Iw - 1.15 IIIND EXPOSURE IIIDTH INFORMATION (Exposure uidths arc frm diaphngn extentsl I l' II T I I I I I d STORY DIAPHRAGM SCREEN Dl ROOF Dl IHREE DI LOII3 Dl SECOND Dl rlDTII .1250,000 1250.000 1250. 000 815. 040 1535.040 x 791.040 791,040 791 .040 293 .520 553.520 407.875 694. s63 740.813 1a08. r88 ??6.813 9IIND CAI,CULATION FORI4UIAS P = wind pressure " Ce Cq qs Ir Ce, the conbined hej.ght, exposure and gust factor coefflclent, ls fron UBC97 Tabl€ L6-C Cq, the pressule coefficient is fron UBC97 Table 16-H for prinary Franes, uaing t{€thoct 2 qs is the wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 33 lect qs - 0.00256 v^2 >- 10 psf rIND CAICULATION RESI'LTS cq - t.l qs - 20. ?360 ps! rIND STORY FORCES AIID LOCATION STORY TRIB AREA AVERAGE LEVEL {ft^2) Ce SCREEN 530. 00 1 , {300ROOF 1365.00 1.3829 THREE 805.00 r.29L6 rorf3 508.65 1.1940sEcoND 133{.09 1.084 9 FY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FT 30.08 63.02 34.?1 20.28 48.32 791,040 {07.8?5 651.000791.0{0 694.563 507.000791.040 7{0.813 339.000293.520 1408.188 323.000553.520 716,813 168.000 I t I T I I Iol I14 apM Frane v6. O - ltralysis llode ]ierbach Consulting Engineers, Inc. -lvitn Roof Screen/This is it 06/L3/0L L3:27 =07 racni.re RErgeENcE No rtBEPs! I I I I I I b I t I I I I t J: [[ \- E.6. . ..F€nFpt * l5l to ETABS NEW L,aAO:t -6- ETABS v7.16 - File: 268310b Plan View - BASE - Elevation 0 I I I I I I I I I I I f T I I I I I I b I I I I I I I ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 KiP-ft Units PAGE 1 JuIy 6, 2001 13:23 AUTO IIIND STORY IORCES AND I,OCATION S1ORY TRIE AREA AVERAGE ADD DEAD StAtiCCn qtrr i . ADD LIVE StAtiC RLIVE Static 1 .000 0 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-ft Units PAGE 2 JuIy 5, 2001 13;23 SUPPORT REACTIONS STORY POINT LOAD BAsE BAsE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE nlsE BASE BASE BASS BASE BASE BlsE BASE StsE BASE SASE BASE BASE BASE BAsE BASE BASS BASE EASS EASE EASE clr cl1 cl1 c11 cl1 ctz clz crz al7 ctz c12 c13 c13 c13 c13 cl3 al ? c5 c6 c? c1 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 al c9 c9 c9 c9 c9 QUAXEX QUAKEY WINDX !{INDY COMBl COMB2 OUAKEX OUAKEY IIINDX IIINDY COMBl co!ts2 OUAKEX QUAKEY }IINDX IiINDY couBl COMB2 QUAKTX QUAK'Y nIIDX NINDY c0fi81 couB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY IIINDX WINDY COMBl COMB2 QUAIGX QUAKEY IIINDX WINDY cocl couB2 QUAKEX QUArcY l{INDX 0.0 5 -5.37 -0.57 -2.55 -0.53 -5.54 -0.20 -J.UO -0.43 0.85 0.31 -0 .22 -4.88 -0. ?3 -0.66 0 .2r -L2.44 -0.60 -7.33 -1.43 2.29 0.52 -12. 60 -1 .32 -1.38 0.73 0,26 -L2.'11 -?.38 -1.50 0.82 0.94 -0.57 -0.08 -0.35 -0.09 0.01 -0.01 1.01 -7.99 0.0? -5.25 0.07 0.03 t.22 -15.57 0.11 -tu . Jl -0 .99 -0.72 0.0{ 0.01 -1 .01 -0.05 -0.02 1.54 -rl.a l 0.09 -8.18 0.00 0.28 -4 .03 0.00 -2.s5 0.17 0.09 0.08 -L,94 0.02 -1.41 0.15 0.0 9 0.01 -0.2r 0.00 -0.13 -0.01 0.01 EZ -28.28 -4.88 -21.8'l 62.42 -1.88 35.61 0,49 21 ,18 157.49 62.05 8.95 -1 .24 4 .39 94.21 36.40 18. 99 -6.14 13.50 48. 38 3.39 -0.20 t Rq 0.23 60.9? 35.18 -5.80 r?.86 8.74 t21.51 70.00 1.96 0.05 1.09 0.20 43.50 2't .28 -3.584 47.t80 -0.165 30.542 -0. 643 -0,299 -1.054 38 .012 -0 .1?8 24 .431 -0.553 -0.280 -7.610 -85.400 -0.003 59.810 -1. ?35 0.001 -0.555 -48.252 0.000 39.519 -5.609 0.002 -0.2't 4 -1 .672 0,000 -0.059 -0.932 0.000 -10.733 -4L.411 -0.003 136.45{ -1.52't 0.001 -0.913 -22.944 0.000 89.1?l -3.312 0.002 4.682 5.209 0.000 3.455 2.100 0.000 -0.599 28.2r4 -0. I14 18 .499 0.399 0.20{ -12. 068 -L30.182 -0.013 96.615 -7.A42 0.005 -0.192 -?5.404 -0.001 63.424 -14.350 0.009 L.r2't 16.291 0.000 0.150 5.503 0.000 -82.566 -0.003 -2.999 0.001 -46.261 0.000 -6.9L2 0.002 0.650 0.000 2.162 0.000 -r12. 805 -0.00? -5.84 9 0.003 -64.168 0.000 -12.153 0.005 1 .920 0.0003.512 0.000 -u4.04 5 -0.007 -1 .524 0.003 -65.317 0.000 -12.119 0.005 8. 35? 0.000 6.551 0.000 I{INDY COMBI COMB2 -0.308 -7.855 0.000 4 .131 -0,'t2L 0.000 -0.013 -4.642 0.000 2.642 -1.081 0.000 0.087 0.765 0.000 -0,04 4 0.158 0.000 to I I BASE BASE BASE BASE BAsE BASE EASE BASE BASE BASE BASE EASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE SAsE BASE BASE BAsE BASE BASE &ASE BASE QUAXEY lIINDX WINDY c0r.rB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY IiINDX t{INDY COMBl c0M82 QUAKEX OUAKEY WINDX IiINDY COMBI COMB2 OUAfiEX QUAXEY WINDX WINDY COMBl COMB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY WINDX IIINDY coMB1 c0[,|B2 QUATGX QUMEY I{INDX TIINDY c0M81 co.lB2 QUAKEX QUAXEY IIINDX IiINDY COMBl COMB2 QUAIGX OUAIGY IiINDX IIINDY co.tB1 couB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY NINDX IiINDY COMBI COMB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY l{INDX l{INDY COMBI c0M82 QUAXEX OOAKEY 0. 10 -8.37 0.35 -2.94 -2.21 0.02 -1.10 0.0? 0.87 0.58 0,28 -3.80 0.58 -3.05 -13.38 0.4{ -6.28 0.96 1.06 0,68 -13.65 0.55 -5.38 l. 03 0. 51 0.22 -u.)b 0.24 -3. 99 0. 15 0. {1 -15.10 0.73 -1 ,25 1.JJ 3.0 9 t.42 -14.35 0.59 -6.49 1.41 0.28 0.20 -14.84 0.69 -6.70 1.4{ 1.0? 0.s2 -11.93 0.50 -5.45 1,18 -4 .65 -1.90 -13. 97 0.56 -0.05 -,t.49 0.02 0.06 -2.54 -0.13 -15.85 nqq -2.50 -0.15 - 15. 38 t ?1 1.50 -0.22 -6.50 -0 .01 -3.87 -u. Lo -0.07 0.00 -0.55 0,00 -0.51 -0 .19 1.94 -26.41 0.t2 1.49 0.52 -? .10 0.03 -4.52 0.2 8 0.24 0.02 -0.90 0 .01 0,23 0.15 -0.20 -5.96 -0.01 -3.55 0,4 8 0 .40 -0.55 -b.UJ -0.04 _J.0 / 0.17 0.05 0.26 -2. l9 -13 .53 223.50 ?9.18 -1 .09 -11 .94 82.45 1).)v -34.4{ 1.24 -18.84 i08. 65 30.61 -50.01 0 ,87 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.000 0. 000 -0.013 0.005 -0.001 0 .009 0.000 0.000 -0. 013 0.005 -0.001 0.009 0.000 0.000 -0.003 0 .001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.013 0.005 -0,001 0.009 0.000 0.000 -0.003 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.003 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.003 0.001 0 .000 0.002 0.000 0.000 -0.003 0.001 0.000 0. 002 0.000 0. 000 -0.003 0.00t c56 c55 c56 c56 c55 c58 c58 c58 c58 c58 c58 c70 cl0 c70 c70 c70 c'|0 c64 c64 c54 c54 c54 c64 c66 c58 c68 c58 c68 c68 LD! 1 .4? 66. 950 -L2.52 0.314 1.03 39.805 353.85 0.190 25r.51 -0.131 13. {5 2t.784. 8.73 23a.034 5.34 1.301 {.59 132.6792r3.38 -5.534 t49.02 -3.519 1?.05 21.55?6.47 229.598 5.87 1.352 2.96 r30.28{ 200.95 -8.851 105.18 -5.830 -2.89 1.8?6L2,11 54.560 - L.Za U. Ut '?.01 32.369215.94 0. 985 155.36 0.182 -0.3r -0.554 9.85 25.444-0,13 -0.056 5.29 1?.46524L.62 L.432 15{.65 r.,045 -5.21 -18.065 13.57 231.26L 1.19 155.107333.88 -9.108196.25 -6.06? 33. 15 -4.210 -3?.11 56.558 12.40 -0,292 -22.20 36.57'l 169.18 -1.213 59.6? -1.048 1. t{8 -?1. 590 J. IUJ -8.585 -7 .451 -39.306 0.529 -19.938 1. 067 6.038 3.?30 -?0.381 2.586 -32.555 4.911 -12.551 -t. taL -11?.31? 4.132 -5t.400 8.535 2 .594 -71.011 2.432 -34.294 5.012 2 .550 2.958 -129.503 5.344 -5? .950 L2.296 16.756 I Ql q -0.617 -t22.352 {t.1J9 o.lUI-0.085 -5{.841 17.915 11.813-0.965 4.3?9 -0.621 2.544 l. ?4 3 -124.571 51.02 9 5.18{0.085 -5s.811 30.3{4 11.935 -2.088 7.890-1.?81 3.998 5.0{3 -110.5?153.0?9 5.3190.336 -49. ?86 29.913 10.692-0.541 -11.301-0.094 -6.650 -3.585 -119.338 32.178 5.540 -116. {41 -0.0034.271 0.001-54.119 0.000L242 0.0021.962 0.0004.'142 0.000 II I I I I I I rf c60 c60 c60 c50 c50 c50 c62 c62 c62 c62 LOJ LOJ LOJ c59 c59 I I I I I I Ior I I I I I I t I I BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE EASE BASE EASE BASE BASE BISE BASE BASE BASE BASE SASE BISE BASE BASE BISE BASE 8AsE EASE EASE BASE BAsE BASE BASE BASE BlsE BASE BASE BASE BASE 8A5E BASE BASE EASE BA5E EASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE c10 cl0 cl0 cl0 cll5 c115 c115 cl15 c115 c115 c111 at 1l cll I a1l l c11t attl c110 clI0 cl10 cl10 cl10 c50 c50 c50 c50 c50 c41 c48 c48 c48 c48 c48 c48 c49 c49 c{9 c49 c49 c49 c52 c52 c52 c52 c52 c52 OUAKEX QUMEY IIINOX IiINDY c0M8l COMB2 QUAIGX OUAKEY WINDX I{INDY COMBl COMB2 QUMEX OUAKEY 'TINDXIIINDY COMBl coMs2 OUMEX QUAI€Y iIINDX !IINDY co}rBl col.tB2 QUAI(EX QUAIGY NINDX 'IINDYcotitBl COUB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY WINDX WINDY coN{B1 COMB2 QUAKEX QUAKEY WINDX IiINDY couBl c0r.t82 QUAKEX OUAKEY WINDX IIII{DY COMBl COMB2 QUAKEX QOAKEY rltN0x WINOY co!ts1 cor'ts2 QUAKEX QUMEY }II NDX TII NDY COMBl COMB2 QUAKEX -0.45 -0,42 -0.30 -0. 18 -0.22 -0.09 -3.04 -0,24 -r.'11 -0.40 -1 .82 -0 ,42 -0.40 -l.09 2.80 -0.20 -2.10 -0.50 -3.12 -6.42 -0.08 -3.4{ -0.23 3.9? 2.49 -15.48 -0.21 -8 .25 -0.55 0.02 -0.07 -11 .90 -0.11 -6,43 -0.44 -3.83 -2.70 -6.10 -u. Jv -0.40 -0.48 -0 .55 -1.25 0.02 -0.78 0.05 u. /) 0. 13 -5.{5 0.07 -3.01 0.18 -1.30 -0.75 -15.88 0.00 -0.03 0.00 -0,04 -0.04 -0,03 0 .15 -r.23 0 .01 -0.79 0.8 5 0.23 -0.02 -1.34 0.01 -1.04 -0.56 -0.50 -t.12 -19. 0 4 -0.08 -10.94 -1.03 -0.33 2.08 -26.19 0. 18 -LI.EI -2.35 0.14 0.02 -3.90 0,42 0.22 -0.18 -J. v, -3.65 0.80 0.54 -2't.06 -0.15 -15.49 -3.23 -r.89 -25.30 0. 16 -15.89 1.65 r.23 0.02 -r.30 0. 01 -1,I0 -0.04 -0.03 -0.34 -0.0s 0.00 0.00 45.39 -3.64' 8.78 6.65 110.12 63.92 5.15 258. {s 1?0.61 11. 65 29.33 4.88 L5.92 134.99 14.99 -14.8? -19. { 9 -1 .11 321 ,04 201 .65 1.02 -6.?0 0.2 8 -5.1t 339.8? 242.08 I .81 -5.?9 4.54 -7 A) 329.51 20 .65 -4.31 10.40 -L.19 16l .az 101. 93 -15.88 5.69 -5.87 3.34 390.26 ?.98 -0.94 3.20 -0.53 215.02 241 .2r -27 .44 -0.092 3,190 -0,01? 2.054 0.200 0 ,156 15.513 -41.153 161.593 -2.052 0.895 -23.5't1 95.239 -4.368 5.4?8 -15.929 2.000 -10.095 -7.325 0.000-2.288 0.000-4.413 0.000 -1.48 9 0.000-0.581 0.000-0.204 0.000 -0.00? 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.000 -1.585 -25.055 -0.001 L2.148 -1.871 0.000-0,101 -L4.512 0.000 8.345 -3.213 0.001 -4.293 -'1 .52'l 0.000 -1.141 -L.411 0.000 1.000 -112.821 -0.00? 36.020 -5.175 0.003 -0.004 -64.6't2 0.000 22.493 -11.8 91 0.005 2,965 11.213 0.000 2.551 9.247 0.000 T I I I I I I -18.590 -58.9?3 -0.013 238.525 -0.939 0.005 -1.561 -31.28? -0.001 155.98? -2.161 0.009 14.855 2L.0t2 0.000 10.841 r2.9't3 0.000 -1.415 -133.4?5 -0.007 60.652 -2.193 0.003 -0.160 -'10.671 0.000 38.053 -4.899 0.005 -L.19A 4.144 0.000 -0.890 2.116 0.000 1. ?98 -11?.428 -0.00? 59.225 -1.'t't4 0.003 0.093 -52.505 0.000 35.6i0 -4.341 0.005 -3.613 -r2.32r 0.000 -2.412 -9.561 0.000 21.586 -55.049 -0.0r3 230.251 -2.359 0.005 t.342 -29.14r -0.00r 130.559 -2.910 0.009 15.410 -0.305 0.000 9.039 -1.566 0.000 -18.168 -37.373 -0.013 232.861 0.532 0.005 -1.4 86 - 19.051 -0.001 152.431 r.050 0.009 -6.'t25 5 .513 0.000 -4 .951 1 .669 0.000 -0 ,958 -94 .351 -0.007 36.?84 1.319 0.003 -0.r09 -47.541 0.000 24 .L85 2 .535 0.005 0.398 -1.295 0.000 0.302 -0.988 0.000 2.'10't -14 5.749 -0.007lo I BAsE BASE BASE BASE BASE 8AS8 BASE BASE BASE BASE EASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE EASE 8AsE BASE BASE SASE BASE BASE BAsE BASE BASE BASE BASE SASE sASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BAS 8 c59 c59 c59 c59 c?1 c71 c?1 c?1 C?I c't2 c12 c't2 c12 c72 c12 c73 c73 c?3 c73 c73 c?3 c78 c?8 c78 c78 c78 c78 c88 c88 c88 c88 c88 c88 c89 c89 c89 c89 c89 c90 c90 c90 c90 c90 c90 c91 c91 aql aql c91 c91 c92 c92 c92 c92 c92 c93 c93 -5. 34 1.32 1.54 0.12 -0 .71 0.02 -0.33 0.04 0. 1l 0.0? 0.03 -0.31 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.02 .U. 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L.r'12 2.191 1.248 0.971 -0.312 -0.030 2 .418 -1.456 -0.382 3.807 -0.031 2,484 0 .015 0 .014 -0.182 3 .402 -0 . 016 2.L46 -0.381 0.818 0.453 -8. r13 -0.145 -4.246 -0.2 75 1 q?, 1.251 -tr. lfJ -0.739 -o- LJt -1.018 0.?89 0.245 -r0.955 -0.534 -5.036 -0.900 0.386 U.I55 -11. 050 -0.34 8 -6.08 7 -0.799 1.{86 0.882 -0 .38 6 -5.233 -0.?34 1.120 0. 814 -7. 805 -0. 334 -4 .300 -0. 613 1.44 5 0.902 -10.194 -5.334 -0.389 -1.485 - r.2 00 -9.675 0.335 -4.506 0.559 3.822 2 .01L -8. 48? -0.011 -4,284 -0 .032 r.'12I 1.125 -10 .370 -0 .0 66 -5.236 -0.0?0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0. 000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 ,000 -0.11 -0.16-0.18 22.34-0.13 15.69 0.02 0.00-0,18 0.000,00 0.00-0,L2 0.000.08 23.550.03 11.70 0.02 -1 .1? -v. Lz -,.Jr 0.0t -0.29 -0 .07 -4 .lt-0.06 39.54-0,06 22.88 0.00 0.07 0.01 5.53 0.00 -0.08 0. 01 3. 1l -0.28 64.70 -0.20 4 4.01 0.00 0.23-0.05 0.91 0.00 0.09 -0.03 0.56 -0.15 s2.54 -0,12 34. {3I to I BASE BASE BASE BASE BASE BAsE l'A5t BASE BASE gASE EASE BASE BASE 8A5E BASE BASE BASE B.ASE BASE BASE BASE c105 cl05 c107 c10? cl0? c10? c107 c107 cI0I cl08 cl08 c10I c108 c108 cl14 cl14 c114 c114 clt 4 c114 c112 c!L2 cl12 cl12 CLL2 altt cl13 all'l c113 c113 c113 couBr c0l.r82 QUAKEX QUAKEY WINDX IIINDY COMBI couB2 QUAKEX QUAXEY WINDX WINDY couB1 couB2 QUAKEX OUAKEY I{INDX IiINDY COMBI COMB2 QUAKEX OUAKEY TIINDX IIINDY coNtB 1 COMB2 QUAKEX OUAKEY WINDX IiINDY co!r81 COMB2 QIJA(EX QUAKEY WINDX WINDY coMsl COMB2 0.0? 0,0{ -0. 65 0. 01 -0.33 0.00 0.04 0.02 -0. 01 -0.3r -0. 01 0.08 0.05 -0.68 -0.05 -0.40 -0.08 0.04 0.03 -0,66 -0.04 -0.38 -0.08 0.24 0.0i -0.62 -0.04 -0.35 -0.08 0.01 -2 8 0.21 0.00 -143.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.02 -0.20 0.00 -0.11 -0.12 -0.08 0.00 -0.17 0.00 -0.10 -0.lt -0.08 -0.01 -0.11 0.00 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 -280.2L 0.00 -1?5. l9 0.00 0.00 49.96 3s.20 -0.01 0.75 -0.02 0, {3 56.38 39.19 -0.02 2 ,91 -0.05 1.58 63.71 44 .80 0.09 0.00 0.05 0.01 i8 .10 {.85 0,02 -0.01 0.01 0.00 26.94 7.40 -0.05 0.00 -0.03 -0.01 42.95 0.020 0.015 -0.015 3.255 -0. 003 t qln 0.025 0.017 0.145 3.r22 0.009 1.825 0. 030 0. 018 0.302 3.5?6 0.020 2.028 0.578 0.415 -0.016 3.518 -0.004 2.200 0. s30 0.38{ 0.158 3.409 0.009r 001 0.034 0.021 1.041 U. OIO -10.348 0,107 -5.225 0,029 0.706 0.371 -10.278 -0.205 -5.185 -0.1{8 1 .354 0 .813 -9.0't2 -0.61? -5.252 -r.r25 0.589 0.359 -9.033 -0.511 -5.229 -1.121 3 .27 4 0.90? -u. )JJ -0.610 -5.183 -1.112 -0.3,t9 0. l{3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 r4905.288 -185 53 .206 8?88 .073 -10304 .54 5 -0.112 -0.040 I { Su.@ati.on 0,0,8ase Su@at1on 0, 0, Base Sunoat:.on 0, 0, Ba3e sulllatlon 0, 0, Base Suldnation 0, 0, Base surBation 0, 0, Base 0.00 -7. ?16 -10551.5200.00 10819, ?34 2.531 0.00 -0.815 -4950.549 0.00 6184.046 1.452 6386.?5 3?5239.906 -415194.422 3744.53 228938.r09 -24s219.936 I I I I I I I t I I I I Ior I I I Existing Column Loads I I t I I t I I I t I I I lo I Dead Dead Live TOTAL ts1 16.45 25.3 16.5 5.33x7.0 223.9 c-'l 26.7 23.7 't3.4 5.33x6.5 96 d-1 15.63 20.3 11.5 r,.,la)4.0x5.0 68 e-1 26.7 23.7 13.4 5.33x6.5 96 t-1 16.83 37.4 19 5.33x7.0 223.9 b-2 41.35 22 17.1 6.5x6.5 229 c-2 54.9 45.3 30.2 5.67x5.67 1U.7 d-2 33.78 40.8 28.1 5.0x5.0 14/..4 e-2 54.9 33.4 24.3 5.67x5.67 '184.7 t-2 39.06 37.7 26.6 6.5x6.5 229 a-3 18.46 b-3 53.16 30.8 27 8.0x8.0 363 c-3 46.01 56.1 34.3 l..:a#|44t 5.0x5.0 144.4 d-3 35.97 52.9 33.2 ''t:1-&gf 4.0x4.0x14 93.2 e-3 61.56 39.8 27.6 5.0x5.0 '144.4 f-3 41.58 48.9 31.7 7.0x7.0 279.3 a4 28.09 b-4 70.88 35.2 31.3 7.5x7.5 306.6 c4 67.57 49.4 31.9 4.33x4.33x14 109.4 d4 36.97 50.9 32.5 ,-:TZA,E7"3.33x3.33x12 64.7 e4 34.13 36.6 26 '',,96:73 4.33x4.33 109.4 l4 18.85 47 30.9 ,,,:,,':,96.75 5.67x5.67 1U.7 b-5 19.06 26 19.8 ,. ,, 1,:${.t$3.0x3.0x12 52.6 c-5 21.07 28.2 21.2 ' ".74.47 3.0x3.0x12 52.6 d14a 17.1 ,' 17,1 d1-5 12.4 12.4 a€0 Load I JI I I I I I I d I I I I I I Iot 8000 punching ok 8200 puncfiing not okay 11300 punching not ol€y 8000 punching ok 8000 punching ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok no cfiange ok ok no good ok ok no change ok no good no good ok ok no good no good no change no change no change I I I t I I t I It I I I 3.5 fr Ai---_-1 tr.r{ -.T-{D Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff Golumn 151 Servlce Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5778.63 psf DL+LL .963 5778.63 psf 5470.68 psf 482.643 k-ft ACl9.1 500.764 k-ft Act 9.1 @X Dir. Steel: 5.{2{ inz $Z Dir. Steel: 4.932 in2 B +J rH c|o "l(rl Flexuro Design Maximum MuXXlg Maximum Mu7216 -rc | '.1l..t' Maximum Shear Check Ratios (Yu 16 Vcl Two Way (Punching) Shear .81 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .594 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .6{4 ACI 9.1 Overturning MomentSafety Factorc (OTM SF) OTMSFAboutX-XAxis 12.88 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 421.981D1+LL+EL Concrete Bearing (For Vertical Loads Onlyl) Maximum Bu 16 48.102k ACI 9.1 Allowable Bc 1958.4 k Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over l+tltll :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 kei :60 ksi DL LL WL ELt I I I H# lo Column ,|52 Servlce Soil Bearlng .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio I { I 5956.8 psf DL+LL .993 - 5956.8 psf t sz+r.zg p"r Flexure Deelgn Maximum Mu)1X16 Maximum Mu72l6 1040.46 k-ft ACt9.1 1034.19 k-ft ACt9.1 S$X Dir. Sbel:8.847 inz Sf Z Dir. Steel:8.902In2 Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over {tlr$r -fEI; Allowable SoilBearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Maximum Shear Gheck RatiosTVu r"( Vcl Two Way (Punching) Shear ' .S6-e ACt 9,1 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .712. ACl9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .lOT ACI 9.1 Overturning Moment Safety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF AboutX-X Axis 13.695 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 590.683 DL+LL+E1_ Vz (k) DL LL WL EL Fi # 10.5 ft ot DL LL WL EL I I I I I I I I I b I I I I I I I rt.5 ftA# E'rl-T-.rD Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff Column 153 Servica Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5953.2 psf 91+LL .992 5953.2 psf 5803.58 psf 1145.35 k-ft ACt9.1 {1/8.66 k-ft ACl9.1 f,[X Dir. Steel:9.786 in2 $ Z Dir. Steel: 9.809 in2 Flexure Design Maximum MD(X fu Maximum Mu7216 lfaximum Shear Gheck Ratioe (Yu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .885 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .716 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .714 F{# --?- lil'loc'ACt9.1 ACt9.1 ACr9.1 :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksl :60 ksi Overtuming Moment Satuty Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis 18.743 DL+LL+EL OTM SFAboutZ-ZAxis 600.452D1+LL+EL Concrete Bearing (For Vertical Loads Onlyl) Maximum Bu /6 16il.22 k ACl9.1 Allowable Bc 6120 k Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over +ilHr*l 11.5 ft lo Column 154 Service Soil Bearlng Maximum Bearing'Max/Allowable Ratio I { t 5766.24 psf DL+LL .961 - 5766.24 pof & szzg.t p"t Flexure Design Maximum MD(X16 1154.92 k-ft Maximum Mu72tg 1190.06 k-ft $$X Dir. Steel: 9.381 In2 $f Z Dlr. Steel: 9.097In2 c'd ---r-cp -rc | ''l lot' ilaximum Shear Check RaUoc Nu td Two Way (Punching) Shear .924 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .646 ACt 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .663 ACt 9.1 Overturning Moment Safety Factop (OTlt SF) OTM SF AboutX-X Axis 13.813 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 138.178D1+LL+EL Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Vx (k)Vz (k) ## (Reverse WL) (Rev+e&:rElt Iillltl+ I ol I If T I I I T I I b I I I I t I I Golumn 155 Service Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 7870.34 psf DL+LL+EL.984 (ABIF = 1.333) 7870.34 psf 3520.9 psf $$X Dir. Steel: 3.733 in2 $Z Dir. Steel:4.14f in2 Flexure Design Maximum Mu)(X lg 323.{28 k-ft Maximum MuTJIg 291.84 k-ft €''{ -rcp Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc P (k) aximum Shear Check Ratios (Vu 16 Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .778 #' One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overturning Moment Safety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis 6.899 DL+LL+EL OTM SFAboutZ-ZAxis 120.153DI+LL+EL Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (ReverseWL) (Reverce EL) +Over {rt}$l#rr+Mx Eh rr+Mz #.r ---+-- Ci ''{ lo-*N TJ :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksl Vx (k) DL LL WL EL 7.5 ft lo Column 156 Servlce Soil Bearing ,Maximum Bearing 7603.85 psf Max/AllowableRatio .951 DL+LL+EL (ABIF = 1.333) I { I B ;;"*' l--l Uplift c Flexure Design Maximum Mu)'(Xlg Maximum MUZZ16 B $f X Dlr. Steel:5.245 i# flZ Dir. Steel:5.962 in2 lmtn; c Z direction steel requires the following placement: Region 1 (starb atA): 33In Steet: .937 in2 Region 2 (middle): 72ln Steel: 4.088 in2 Region 3 (ends at D): 33 in Steet: .937 in2 c o [i- Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 kei P (k) Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psD I [[:I:r:g.!'} I fg$ r Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overturning Moment Safety Factorc (OTM SF) OTM SF About X.X Axis 3.648 DL+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 2.279 DL+LL+EL ## I tol I I t I I I t I b Irlrl t I t I lo Column 156 north Service Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio Vx (k)Vz (k) 5697.98 psf DL+11- .95II: Flexure Design Maximum Mu)1X 16 71.832 k-tt Maximum MuZ.lp 2.069 k-ft l,;"'"' l--l uplift $X Dir. Steel:2.117 if lmln; $Z Dir. Steel: 1.49{ in2 Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) B ctr.r{ rt X direction steel requires the following placement: Region 1 (starts at A): 24 in Steet: .423 in2 Region 2 (middle): 36 in Steel: 1.27 in2 Region 3 (ends at B): 24in Steel: .423 in2 Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff P (k) :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut Overtuming MomentSafety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF AboutZ.ZAxis NA DL+LL +Over {rrtt$rr+Mx#"## Golumn 157 Servlce Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Mar/Allowable Ratio Flexure llesign Maximum MAQ(fu Maximum ffitZ. t6 57t9.4f psf DL+LL .953 5719.44 psf 5683.56 psf 863.822 k-ft ACt9.1 899.109 k-ft Act9.1 $$X Dlr. Steel: 7.673 in2 $Z Dlr. Steel:7.365In2 I { I -rEI; Allowable SoilBearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelfy :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi MaximumShearchM TwoWay (Punching) Shear - .8f,S'ACt9.1 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .626 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .65 ACt 9.1 Overturning Moment Safety Factonr (OTm SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 29.896 DL+LL+EL ffi # DL LL WL EL Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverre WL) (Reverce EL) +Over {lrllll ol :unlj Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff I t I I I I I I b t t I T I I I Golumn 160 Service Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5759.68 psf 5673.63 psf Flexurr Design Maximum MuDlXlq 1188.05 k-ft Maximum MUZZ lg 1232.92 k-tt f,lX Dir. Steet:9.727lf $Z Dir. Steel:9.364 in2 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .664 ACI 9.1 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .687 ACI 9.1 5759.68 psf DL+LL .96 :6000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Overturning Moment Safety Factort (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF About Z.Z Axis 27.372 DL+LL+EL Vx (k) Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over{rl$$##rr+Mxft rr+Mz+r lo Golumn 163,150 Servlce Soil Bearing -Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio Flexure Design Maximum MuD(J.l6 Maximum MuZ.t6 7077.77 pst DL+LL+EL.8E5 (ABIF = 1.333) 7077.77 psl 2348.97 psf 114.477 k-ft ACt9.11il.144b-ft ACt9.2(E) $$X Dir. Steel: 3.024 inz lmin; $ Z Dir. Steel: 3.024 Inz lmin; I { I 'ftl; Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff :5000 psf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Two Way (Punching) Shear One Way Shear, X dir. cut One Way Shear, Z dir. cut vc)u16 .314 .258 .359 ACr9.1 ACt9.1 ACr9.2(E) Overtuming MomentSafety Factons (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis 893.327DL+LL+E1 OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 6.009 DL+1L191 Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) ffi #lF:t."ffip'I ry r I I oI t I I I I I t I b I t I t t t t c'd* {rD ...."- s! | ''l ts Column 164 Service Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5896.89 psf DL+LL .983 B $$X Dlr. Steel: 10.368 in2 lmin) c S,ZOlr.Steel: 8.105 ln2 r! Flexure Design Maximum Mu)(X16 1094.49 k-ft Maximum MuTJ | 6 2:22.92 k-tt X direction steel requires the following placement: Region 1 (starts ai n1: Sc in -Steel: 2.222in1 Region 2 (middle): 72in Steel: 5.925 inl Region 3 (ends at B): tf in Steel: 2.222 in2 Maximum Shear Check Ratios lYu lg Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear NA One Way Sheal X dir. cut .9ll One Way Shear, Z dir. cut 0 Overtuming Moment Safety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF AboutX-X Axis 674.339D1+LL+EL OTM SF About Z-Z Axis 10.947 DL+LL+EL Mx (k-fi)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Over EtlIfi Allowable Soil Bearing :6000 paf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksiSteelff :60 ksi P (k)Vx (k) Vz (k) #'#'rr+Mx BE.i to Golumn 166 Service Soil Bearing .Maximum Bearing Max/Allowable Ratio 5862.41 psf DL+LL .977 I { I c'r{ ---r-rp 5862.41 psf 564f.13 psf Flexuru Deslgn Maximum MuD(J fu 558.159 k-ft Maximum Mu7216 563.963 k-ft $tX Dlr. Steel: 5.768 In2 $Z Dir. Steel:5.708Inz Maximum Shearcheck Railoc NulA Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .731 OneWay Shear, X dir. cut .613 OneWayShear, Zdlr.cut .62 Overturning Moment Safety Factor (OTIrl SF) OTM SF AboutX-X Axis NA DL+LL OTM SF About Z-Z Ao<is 19.606 DL+LL+EL Vz (k)Mx (k-ft)Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) Allowable Soil Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete fc Steelff :6000 pcf :150 pcf :4 ksi :60 ksi Vx (k) rr+Mx ET-#ffi rr:riffiifl I lltlllr II 9.5 ft ol 7.5 ft t I I t I I I I I I b I I I t I I I c {D ---f- ci'"ioc' Column 167 Service Soil Bearing Maximum Bearing-Max/Allowable Ratio 5978.54 psf .996 $$X Dir. Steel: 13.54{l in2 1minl $Z Dlr. Stael: 12.375 in2 Flexure Design Maximum MuD{J16 2026.96 k-ft Maximum MUZZIg 739.159 k-ft X direction steel requires the following placement: Region 1 (starts at A): 55.02 in Steel: 2.606 in2 Region 2 (middle): 87.96 in Steel: 8.332 in2 Region 3 (ends at B): 55.02 in Steel: 2.606 inz Maximum Shear Gheck Ratlc (Yu Ig Ycl Two Way (Punching) Shear .61 One Way Shear, X dir. cut .941 One Way Shear, Z dir. cut .034 Overtrrning Moment Safety Factors (OTM SF) OTM SF About X-X Axis NA DL+LL oTM SF About Z_Z Ao<is 16.701 DL+LL+EL Mz (k-ft) Overburden (psf) (Reverse WL) (Reverse EL) +Overiltlltt B c Allowable Soil Bearing :6000 psf Concrete Weight :150 pcf Concrete fc :4 ksiSteelff :60 ksi P (k)Vx (k)Vz (k)Mx (k-ft) #H Io lncat-UMN * ll I JSBR I ssssss I: Punching Shear Analysis - llat Plale Slabs I t rype/ Jhape Cl C2 d lc Jc e t/GAll l'u - 1/1 15.00 15.00 21.00 1i08.0 765?51.5 .00 .{000 416.? l* ,, Puuching shear Analysis 0f Fiat Plate slab lQtut = T. zr4k t,41= lo,b6sey. I I b az,s{ ??** Jllu l.luf f 'c vu vc 199 ,0 399 .0 4000 . 212 ,1 < 253 .0 *ve.d {ge3't h€6" *gg+" *-ze+" t t I pr'. , b6 t, tltF { =- Z+z,tB pai Aeo,b*zL b7,7-o * \a, o6*\an I N I , 3=# (aE*=r)tQa*zr) r-115 :?41,4 z+i z4tl{. cz*Q il4= on o,c. 2+1,?+ -\26,b * O5 xb' .1cto 4oa b-+ 4€ glr I I l I I I I I I b I SAFE v6. 00 File: June 26, 2001 16: SOIL PRE AREA GRID I 2683171B Kipft 50 SSURE GRID J LOAD 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB2 3 COMBz 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB1 2 COMBI 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB1 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB1 4 COMB3 3 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 Units PAGE 1 41 42 43 616 41 42 44 615 45 614 43 613 46 616 512 41 42 44 41 42 5 11 47 6 15 5 '10 614 45 58 59 43 58 59 43 47 613 46 510 45 44 616 46 44 43 PRESSURE 0.359 0.364 0.74'l 0.956 0.985 0.989 1.U2 1.169 1.282 1.31 1.367 1.447 1.514 1.U3 1.579 1.6'l 1.615 1.669 1.699 1.702 1.718 1.733 1.757 1.842 1.897 1.91 1.933 1.935 1.939 1.945 1.954 1.993 2.025 2.035 2.081 2.109 2.119 2j25 2.13 2.143 2.145 2.168 I I T I I I to 12 I 2 1 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 5 COMB2 2 t 5 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMBI 4 COMB2 3 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMBI 3 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMBs 2 COMBI 2 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMB3 4 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMBI 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMBI 3 COMB2 2 COMBI 2 COMB1 3 COMB3 2 COMB1 4 COMB3 2 COMBI 2 COMB1 2 COMBI 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 5 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB2 3 COMB1 3 COMB3 4 COMB3 4 COMB2 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 2.169 2.19'2j9 2.235 2.24 2.259 2.268 2.2% 2.309 2.U4 2.365 2.386 2.397 2.4U 2.485 2.486 2.495 2.505 2.50E 2.511 2.528 2.538 2.539 2.sil 2.87 2.576 2.585 2.588 2.59 2.592 2.618 2.62 2.621 2.625 2.634 2.U3 2.651 2.662 2.672 2.709 2.717 2.733 2.74 2.748 2.755 2.759 2.774 2.7n 2.7n I TaI I I I I I I d I 11 5 4 't1 15 7 12 6 10 13 14 16 7 1 2 9 5 8 15 I 14 8 9 14 I 7 3 5 COMB2 t I I I I 13 '13 10 't2 11 15 6 5 16 4 10 3 3 12 6 .l 2 ot I I l t I t t I I b I 6 5 5 4 6 4 4 5 5 6 4 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 6 4 4 6 5 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 6 5 6 5 4 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 5 16 11 1'l 4 15 4 7 12 10 14 5 13 4 I 2 8 5 8 14 6 7 13 9 6 15 5 't6 'l 2 7 4 3 12 1 2 15 10 14 I 6 I 16 13 10 12 11 11 3 11 2.787 2.893 2.902 2.923 2.932 2.935 2.999 3.019 3.03 3.074 3.079 3.117 3.122 3126 3.127 3j37 3.167 3.206 3.207 3.21 3.215 3.215 3.227 3.266 3.292 3.299 3.307 3.316 3.319 3.322 3.322 3.343 3.351 3.341 3.364 3.366 3.385 3.403 3.404 3.405 3.411 3.417 3.435 3.452 3.458 3.468 3.496 3.508 3.531 2 COMB2 3 COMB2 4 COMB3 5 COMB2 5 COMB3 3 COMBI 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 4 COMB3 5 COMB3 3 COMB1 3 COMB2 6 COMB2 4 COMB3 6 COMB2 4 COMB3 5 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMBI 4 COMB3 5 COMB3 4 COMB2 4 COMB3 3 COMB2 4 COMB3 3 COMBI 4 COMB1 4 COMB1 3 COMBI 4 COMB3 4 COMB3 5 COMB3 4 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB1 4 COMB2 3 COMB1 3 COMBI 5 COMB2 3 COMBI 3 COMB2 3 COMBI 3 COMB1 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 5 COMB3 6 COMB2 4 COMB2 t I I t I I lo 6 16 6 COMB3 3.548 4 3 4COMB1 3.557 5 .10 5 COMB3 S.eZe 4 7 sCOMB2 3.633 s 12 4 COMB2 3.654 5 I sCOMB3 3.726 5 8 sCOMB3 3.738 4 4 4COMB1 3.745 4 1 7COMB2 3.749 6 13 4 COMB2 3.75 4 2 7COMB2 3.753 6 15 6 COMB3 3.7U 4 7 sCOMB3 3.813 4 4 6COMB2 3.813 6 14 4 COMB2 3.838 5 I SCOMB2 3.846 4 6 sCOMB3 3.859 5 I sCOMB2 3.869 4 5 sCOMB3 3.89 4 5 4COMB1 3.892 6 14 6 COMB3 3.908 4 4 sCOMB3 3.911 6 15 4 COMBz 3.923 4 3 sCOMB3 3.9314 't 5 COMB3 3.9514 2 sCOMB3 3.951 4 6 4COMBI 4.026 5 10 5 COMB2 4.028 6 16 4 COMB2 4.046 6 13 6 COMB3 4.054 5 6COMB2 4.059 6 16 4 COMBI 4.118 4 1 sCOMBI 4.125 4 2 sCOMB1 4.128 4 3 7COMB2 4.1356 16 7 COMB3 4.136 4 7 4COMBI 4.142 5 11 5 COMB2 4.17'l 6 '15 4 COMB1 4.178 6 12 6 COMB3 4.191 6 14 4 COMB1 4.2't6 5 I 4COMB1 4.229 5 9 4COMBI 4.236 6 13 4 COMBI 4.25 5 10 4 COMBI 4.276 5 12 4 COMBI 4.276 5 11 4 COMB1 4.289 5 12 5 COMB2 4.29 4 6 6COMB2 4.3 T IJI I I t I I I d I T I t t I Iot I I f ! I I I I I b I t I I t I I I 6 4 6 4 6 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 6 o 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 6 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 tt 4 4 6 4 t' 15 3 13 4 14 14 7 15 4 13 7 16 5 6 5 5 4 3 't2 1 2 6 16 6 7 15 14 8 9 13 12 't0 11 7 12 7 1 2 13 6 5 4 J 14 I 2 15 3 16 7 COMB3 5 COMB1 5 COMB2 7 COMB2 5 COMB2 7 COMB3 6 COMB2 5 COMB2 5 COMB1 7 COMB3 6 COMB3 5 COMB2 7 COMB2 6 COMB3 5 COMBI 6 COMB3 6 COMB3 6 COMB3 7 COMB3 6 COMB3 6 COMB3 5 COMB1 5 COMBI 7 COMB2 5 COMB1 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COMB1 5 COMBI 5 COMBI 5 COMB1 5 COMBI 5 COMB'I 7 COMB2 6 COMB2 7 COMB3 6 COMB1 6 COMBI 6 COMB2 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 6 COMB2 7 COMB3 7 COMB3 6 COMB2 6 COMBI 0 coMB2 4.352 4.367 4.3U 4.442 4.47 4.497 4.536 4.553 4.557 4.64 4.657 4.676 4.689 4.698 4.705 4.727 4.746 4.7U 4.782 4.784 4.784 4.843 4.929 4.932 4.964 4.99 5-029 5.056 5.0&r 5.066 5.094 5.102 5.111 5.17'l 5.193 5.253 5.271 5.274 5.281 5.291 5.318 5.337 5.354 5.365 5.372 5.372 5.447 5.515 5.569lo I IJ'l I I I I I T l d I I I I l I Iol I 44 612 45 613 614 46 616 615 41 42 47 615 614 616 6 '13 612 43 44 45 46 616 47 615 614 6 '13 612 6 COMB1 7 COMB2 6 COMBI 7 COMB2 7 COMB2 6 COMBI 6 COMB1 7 COMB2 7 COMBI 7 COMB1 6 COMBI 6 COMB1 6 COMBI 7 COMB2 6 COMBI 6 COMB'I 7 COMB1 7 COMB1 7 COMB1 7 COMB1 7 COMBI 7 COMBI 7 COMBI 7 COMB1 7 COMBI 7 COMBI 5.706 5.829 b.esz 5.914 5.998 5.999 6.078 0.079 6.08 6.084 6.128 6.141 6.182 6.199 6.221 6.256 6.326 6.519 6.671 6.815 6.89 6.949 6.954 6.996 7.036 7.O74 L'r**1r. ||:'::il siear Anarysis . Frar piate srabs T I TYPe/ f|iape Cl C2 d Ac ,Ic -1lr 16.00 16.00 21.00 3109.0 ?56251.5 d of Punching Shear Analysis of Flat Plate e lIGAII tlu .00 ,4000 360.3 Slab 1?2,8 Ibo llu liluf f 'c 25? .0 257 ,0 {000 , r[- ='rn I lll_ < tlJ.u .-I fft,"ur= 6*1,5= I EeF bo= ' G,bz*z,&*q * tr>* o 1ffi=5os6' fr p?,Qt1,5 -Q,*'r".@lffiwx71 )g-+1u+z* 14x31) I = tatl,z*1 fl&*a,- tzG,b?ei r 64,12 Lq&z-tzL,5 x7+ 4e,e '65Vx u€e 7 ueq+4(, I t I I * to- *4rv€b lJ' TG=.* se6'\ *1e4' *re#, lo I *5e6 *g,att +sgG" 5A!'!ittt t I I I I I I ! I I I I t I I F=onu6- g €TxB3 aetuN <g (clo; ++++++++ + + ++++++ -r +l-r -r SAFE v6.00 - File: 2683162 - July 7,2001 6:43 - Scale: Fitto Page Struclural Layer Plan View - Kitrfr Units I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 2 2 2 2 2 z t 2 2 ttI T I I I I l I t I I I lo I I I SAFE v5.00 File: 2683162 Klp-ft Unj.Ls PAGE L July ?, 2001 6:42 SOIL PRESSURE ARAA GRID I GRID J FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOT ING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOITING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOCYTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING I.OAD COMBl COMB2 co!.{B1 COMB2 COMB 1 cot'iB2 COMBl COMB2 cor.tBl col.lB2 co!,tB 1 COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMBl couB2 COMBl COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMBl co!'tB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 DDFCqtID!I 5 .617 5.888 5 .641 f.uf, 5. 191 5. 408 5.094 5. 312 4.995 4.580 4 .894 4.218 4 .418 3.935 4.111 3.710 3.864 3.641 3.788 3.514 3.649 5. b6J 5. ?00 J. bfJ 5.671 5 .200 5.224 5. 103 5. 128 5 .004 5 .029 4.688 4,?11 4,283 4.294 3.942 3.931 3.586 5 7 'l 8 9 10 10 l1 t1 t2 I 1 5 5 6 6 'l 1 I 8 .9 9 I FOOTING FOOTING FOOT I NG FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING I1)OTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOITING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOC'TING FOSTING FOOTING FOqTING FOOIING FOOTING EOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING EOOTING co,rB1 colB2 COMB 1 COMB2 col,tB 1 coMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMBl coMa2 coNtB 1 COMB2 COMBl COMBz coMB L couB2 COMB 1 couB2 cor81 c06lB2 coMBl COMB2 coHB1 COMB2 coNlB 1 couB2 co|,tBl c0NtB2 COMB 1 cor{B2 COMBl COMB2 COMBl COMB2 couBl COMB2 co,tB 1 COMB2 COMB 1 COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMBl COMB2 COMBI COMB2 3.548 3,610 3.s60 ? q?q 3 ,522 3 .472 5 ,697 4.9{1 5. 568 4.913 2.2)I 4.502 5.IbJ 4.410 5.053 4 .3L2 4 .711 3,972 4 ,296 3.559 3.95? 3.207 3. ?53 z .'EZ 3.686 2,909 3. 5l? 2.834 3 .558 2,170 5. 698 4,749 s. 669 4.72L 5.260 4 .310 f .l t5 4 .224 5.056 ? ?t 1 4 .297 3.373 J. YfU 3.024 3. ?54 2.800 1n 11 11 II I I I I T2 L2 1 1 2 3 5 5 b b 'l 1 I I 9 9 10 10 2 J J 5 b 6 7 7 I I I I I I I t I Ior I2 1t L2 L2 II 4 4 4 4 4 t I I I t I l I 3 I I I I I t I lo I FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTTNG FOOTING POOTING FOOIING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOO1ING FOOTING FOOT I NG FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING EOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING POOTING 10 t0 1l- 1.1 I2 L2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 '7 1 tl I 9 9 10 10 11 11 L2 72 1 1 5 5 6 1 1 8,8 9 3 .692 3.617 2 .652 2.589 4.556 5.668 4 .528 a.zal 4.113 5.153 4 .02r 5.063 3.923 4.1LL 3.589 4 -296 3.186 3.957 2.840 3.753 3.686 3.6L1 2 .468 3.558 2.405 5.683 5.653 3.745 5.200 3.298 5. 103 3.204 5 .004 3.109 4.688 2.811 4.283 2 .430 3.942 2 .O93 3.718 4 COMB1 4 coMB2 4 COMB14 couB2 4 COMB14 coMB2 5 coMBl 5 COMB2 5 COMB1 5 coMB2 5 COMB1 5 coMB2 5 COMB1 5 COMB2 5 coMBl 5 COMB2 5 coMBl 5 couB2 5 coMBl 5 coMB2 5 coMBl5 COMB2 5 COI.{B 1 5 coMB2 5 COMB15 COMB2 5 COMB15 COMB2 5 coMBl5 coMBz 6 COMB1 6 coMB2 6 coMBl6 coMB2 6 COMBI.6 coMB2 6 coMBl6 coMB2 5 COMB1 6 coMB2 5 coMBl5 COMB2 5 COMB16 COMB2 6 COMB1 6 coMB2 5 coMBl I FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOCITING FOOTING FO TING FOOIING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING F@TING FOOT ING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING IOq!ING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOIING FOOIING EIOTING FOOIING FOOTING t I I I I Jt t I t I 9 10 11 11 L2 !2 1 I 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 1 1 e tt 9 10 t0 11 11 L2 L2 6 couBz 6 C06,tB15 COMBz 5 CCUB16 COMB2 6 CO B1 6 couB2 7 COMBI? couB2 7 CO!|BI ? COMB2 ? COMB1? COMBz ? COMB17 COti{B2 7 COr'rBl7 COMB2 7 COMB17 COMB2 7 CO.tBl. ? COMB2 7 COMB1 7 COMB2 7 COUB17 COMB2 ? co!.rB 1 7 COMB2 ? COMB17 COltB2 ? cot{81 7 CottB2 1.859 3.648 1, 795 3. 580 1.711 3,522 1 AqO 5.671 3.511 5 .647 3. 54? s. 191 3.099 5.094 3.006 4.995 Z.'LL 4.580 2,6L6 4 .278 2.239 3.936 1. 903 3.710 3.641 l. Jvb 3,572 L .322 3.514 1.460 4 or l l I I ItI t t I I SAFE v6.00 File: 2583162 Kip-ln Units PAGE 1 July 7, 2001 6: 35 X-sTRIP REINFORCING (for whole strip in Sq-in) X-STRIP STRIP STATION TOP-REBAR TOP.REBAR BOIT-REBAR BOT-REBAR ID VIIDTH X-ORDINATE LEFT OF X RIGHT OF X' LEFT OF X RIGHT OF X I I csxl 60. 000 csx1 60.000csxl 60.000csxl 60.000csxl 60.000csxl 60.000csxl 60,000csxl 60.000csxl 60, 000 csxl 60.000csxl 60 .000 Y-STRIP STRIP ID WIDTH csYl 60 .625 csYl 60 .625 csYl 60,625 csYl 60.525 csYl 60.625 MSY1 49.230 MSY1 49.250 MSY1 49.250 MSY1 49.250 MSY1 49.250 0.210 0.450 o .323 L.223 1. 08s 0, 067 TOP-REBAR BOT-REBAR RIGHT OF Y LEFT OF Y 0 .2350.101 - l-.5 41 0'??3 0. 518 0.232 o.209 0.3?40.036 0.2120.261 0.193 0 '2'1'7 0.191 1.395 0 . 584 0. 71I 0.704 0. 480 L.272 0.459 0.044 0.022 0.033 0.038 0.0?9 0.033 -36.000 -5.000 0. 000 5.000 24 .625 49.2s0 ?3.8?5 92.500 98 .500 104.500 109.500 -30.000 -6.000 0 .000 6. 000 30. 000 -30. 000 -6. 000 0. 000 6. 000 30.000 -30.000 -6.000 0.000 6,000 30.000 0.088 0.650 r.231 L , O21 0 .222 SAFE v6.00 File: 2683L52 Kip-in Units PAGE 2 .tuly 7, 2001 6: 35 Y-STRIP REINFoRCING (for whoLe stliP in Sq-in) 35.625 35.625 35 .625 35 .625 35 , 625 0.079 0.045 0. 255 0.2'18 0. 05? 0.225 0.065 0.071 0.0?8 BOT-REBAR RIGHT OF Y O,zLL 0.586 0. 685 L.328 0.193 0 .200 O.LLz 0, L38 0.195 STATION TOP.REBAR Y-ORDINATE LEFT OF Y CSY2 cs Y2 csY2 csY2 I I I I I I I lo I U.5J / 0. t 95 0. 138 15 *l,E+l -- +6fuoz2y'z I M,i^1. .oot6x zz *v*t>" b*fl'g.tsllr/e. 0,0?4 0.062 0.0?4 E"srcr"l:,'!,trfil 4\ J S,,*-"rc".rr."- -= | - frrte r.n".4 sy -ft- o^rc1,1, AI sht.- of - IWArl- @tu6| VaV DrAp \zz p<( lLcF tr)RlFr erc4 psS ?r1 DgAo \L3 psf 7r a LrtE ttu itf ?-{,A 4:^4 \L3 p€9 a,,lA Lrt€ \oo PSt bo psf Lbo p;s o,L. *4: [.L. \ { = ryV\abY *tz\ a,*Ut = hz\-- 4'oo Yl I I t I I t ++++ xQn+ WAut, leXo To FrCiiF 4 e_ e B'r +4/ ,5= 4oeovI [J" * 46,3 = b11i +r e;'= 4a*+(ex4qd = a\?aY d-*41(c + e x 4oy- tLGvt Lr€ Ittt' Grlet(=x+tz)- ?frfi tre{ I -t.ts2 16"s'# (elre lr ,v?) = >o,lt't I I Itr I t illi;ii:':;"il::*n Ensineers' rnc'VaiI Valley Hospital CMU Footing 2683.10 U"tto'"n code: uBc 'e7 I I f'c=4000 psi fy=60000 psi t Min. Steel=0.0018 .lrrl r.6 kip/rr Oo ,.1 kip/rt 8" 8" D 440 psf Allow, SoiI Bearing=6000 Psf Concrete t{t.=150 pcf L2"T I t t- I J -f Serv. Bear j-ng LC ul+ M t_ l(!! 4 314 Psf W43r4psr 4 31.4 4 314 4 314 4 314 4 314 4314 l:ral 43141 4314i 43r41 431-41 4314i + 1.?RlL + 1.7Rtt + 1.7SNL + 1.87SEL) SNL+ 1.7SNL + L.7WL) +FL],+ + !!! + +FL].+ +FLL+ +FLL+ +FLL+ +FLL+ SNL wl, SEL wL + L/2 sNL + l- /2 sNL + SEL vui) o n I I t I t I I t I 1.4DL + 1.7FLL + I.+l Factored Soil Bear 0.75(1.4DL + l.7FLL 0.9DL + 1.3!{L 0.75 (1. 4DL + 1.7FLL 0.9DL + 1.43SEL 47 12 315 6 47 L2 3156 shear Des j. Load Case 1.4DL + 1.7F 0.75 (1.4DL + + L.7 0.9 0.173*' .4DL + 1.+l 1.7FLL +0. ?5 (1. 4DL + 0.9DL + L.3wl 1.7RLt + 1.7SNt + 1.7VtL) 0.75(1.4DL + L.7FrL + L.?RLL + L.7SNL + 1.87SEL) 0. 9DL + 1.43SEL Moment Desi 1.7RLL + 1.7SNL + 0. 9DL + L.3WL 0.75(1.4DL + 1.7FLL + L.?RLL + 1.7SNL + 0. 9DL + 1.43SEL 1.7WL) 1.87SEL) 0.173*. 0.173* 0.173*' u.o 0.9 u.o l-o 10 IO 10 Sug. Temp. & Shrink. Steel i4-US#3's 2'-0" SNL 5000 8 000 8000 I0001 80001 8000i 4'1L2 JIf,b 4'l 12 Jt-f,o (kip-ft/ft) g. As Spacings 3's @ 1 I/2" '#4's 0 14" Us#5's e 2I )-/2" r2 -US *4 's Steel contro s, + Bending ControLs Biiirbach Consultj.ng Engineers, Inc. .5?07 rl. 6th Ave. Denver, Co, 303-233-5838 Vai], VaIIey nospit clrtu Eooting 2683.10 Building Code: UBC '97 f'c=4000 psi fy=50000 psig Min. SteeL=O.0018 0* t.6 kip/rt .lro e.s kip,rrt D 440 psf 12" Serv. Bearing LC u!Il r'I1!! 4 715 Psf 4 715 psf .4DL + 1.+ 1.7SNL 0.?5(1.4DL + 1.?FLL + 1.?RLL + 1.7SNL + 1.?!{Lr 0.9Dr, + 1.3WL 0.75(l.4DL + 1.?FLL + 1.7RLL + 1.?SNL + 1.87SEL) 0.9DL + 1,43SEL shear Des i 1-- I I]__ l-i-t kffissffiEffiffiSI{gT "--;;;---1r -T e" Allovr. SoiI Bearing-5ggg ps6 Concrete wt.=150 pcf 5107 | 510?362| 362L 510? i 5107362| 362r LZO I I I I I I I I I t I T Itl I .ill) 0 0 0 + + r1.4DL + 1.7FLL + I. /R lo."lstr.4DL + 1.?PLL + lo. ror + t.:wr 0.75 (1.4DL + 1.7FLL + i0.9DL + 1.43SEL Moment Desi 1.4DL+1.7ELL+1. 0.75 (1.4DL + 1.7FLL 0.gDL + l-.3Wt 0.75 (1.4DL + L. TFLL 0.9DL + 1. 4 3SEL 1 . ?RLt 1.7RLL RLL + 1. + 1.7SNL + 1. ?sNL SNL+ 1.7SNl + 1.7sNL l-.7wr) 1.8?SEr) 1.7wL) 1. 8?SEL) 0.173*1.0 111 L2lrrl0.7 0.71 rz ol. ^ -lL4,Ol LZO + l. /K!! 0.173* 0.173*LZ Sug. As Spacings Sug. Temp. & Shrink. Steel US#3's US#4's USll5's US#5's L! L. 0 0 1 1/)n 21 r /2" 1 30 r/2" 4-us#3's 3-US*4's service Soil Bear Load Case Left, Right (psf ) (psf ) Al1ov, (psf) UL + !L! + KlJIr DL+FLL+SNL DL+FLL+WL DL+FLL+SEL DL + FLL + !{L + 1./2 SNL DL + FLL + SNL + L/2 WL DL+FLL+SNL+SEL 47L61 47 L5 41L61 47I5ntel atrc 47L61 4'7L6 47L61 47L6qttal ql taqtrci q'trc 60 00 6000 8 000 8000 8000 I000 8000 Steel Contro Controls I Blerbach Conruldng Englneere, Inc. Tltlr: vwl E(PANSION Dagnr: T Job# 26E3.10 Osb:11:29AItl. 11 JUL 01!a.t..l -Z\cr,,,.db{.Z\:idr..r., ha.z t Urd: l(l{&5ta, V.. 5,1 .!. ZL}n leee. llJrll2 n 19e'e ETERCrIC 5707 W.6th Ave. D,enver. Co.80214 phone @ 303-23€838 llax @ 303-233{5156 D.|crlpdon : I 920 BLDG INVEST|GAT|ON Scopo: CHECK E(|ST|NG FOOTINGS I I t Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Fy ConcretolM. Sebmic Zone End Fkity Live Load acis with Short Tem 60,000 psi 't45.0 pc'f 0 Fix€d-Free B6am Weighl Added Intemally I t I I Rebar @ C€nter of Beam..' Count Size *1 29 Rebar @ Left End ot Beam... Count Sizc U'ftom Top #1 2 9 5.00 in Robar e Rlgm End of Beam... Count Size 'd'ftom Top #1 2 9 5.00 in d' from Top 37.00in 313.14 k-ft 313.14 k-fi 313.14 k-fr Vn'Phl 52.23 k s2.23 k 0.00 k-fr -289.34 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9.1 ,16.29 k 0.00 k 0.00 k-ft -217.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 u.72k 0.00 k 7.000 ft 0.00 k-n -142.63 k-fr 0.00 k-fi Vu, Eq. $3 22.82k 0.00 k @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear... @ tefr End @ Right End t I I I I I I lo DL + lBm \tfiI DL + LL + [Bm Wtl DL+LL+ST+(Bm\Ml R6acUons... DL + [Bm v\tll OL + LL + lBm tMl DL+LL+ST+[8mVnl 0.0000 in at 0.0000 in at 0.0000 in at 45.278 k 56.618 k 56.618 k @ Risht 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.0000 fl 0.0000 n 0.0000 n I Span = 7.00ft, W.rdth= 8.0oin Depth = 42.00in Maximum Moment : Mu -289.31 k-fi Maximum Donedion {.06{6 in Allomble Moment : Mn'phi 313.14 k-fr Maximum Shear : Vu .16.29 k Max Readion @ Lef, 56.62 k Affowable Shsar : Vn'phi 52.23 k Max Roadion @ Right 0.00 k Shoar SUrrups... Stirrup Area @ Sedion 0.200 in2Reqion 0.000 1.167 2.333 3.500 4.67 5.833 7.000 fi Mai. Spacing 18.500 18.500 18.500 18.500 18.500 18.500 18.500 in Max Vu $.294 46.294 46.294 36.7$ 36.704 36.704 36.704 k Ble6ach Conrul0ng Englneet, Inc. lluc: vvll E(P NSION t07W.6ti Ave. Donver, Co.80214 phono @ 303-2336838 fax @ 303-233.05156 Olgnr: T D..cdpton : i gZO BIDG |NVESIIGAT|ON C}IECK EX]SNNG FOONNGS Job | 26&!.10 Deb: 11:29AIrl, 11 JUL 01 I I l-td -/\ ^.ffiZ: iGr 5160tr.r: KFEila. vr t.t.!. Zl..lrr.l lr, fi€il (c) lFtc ETERC IC Concrete Rectangular & Toe Beam Ewluate floment C.peclty... X : Neutral Axis a=beta'Xneutral Compression in Concrst€ Sum [Steel comp. lorces] Tension in Reinforcing Flnd ISax Ai tor Ductile Fallurr... X-Balanced Xmax = Xbal '0.75 e-mar=b€ta'xbal Compre$ion in Concrete Sum lsteel Comp Forcesl Total Compressive Force AS Max = Tot Force / Fy Aduel TeFion As Cantcr 5.190 in 4.411 in 119.993 k 0.000 k -120.0(x, k 5.190 in 4.411 In 119.993 k 0.000 k -120.000 k 2'1.898 in 16.423 in 18.613 in 379.711 k 0.000 k 379.711 k 6.329 in2 2.0m oK RlEht End 5.190 in 4.411 in 119.993 k 0.000 k -120.000 k 21.8980 in 16.423 in 18.613 in 379.711 k 0.000 k 379.711 k 6.329 in2 0.000 0K 21.898 in 16.423 in 18.613 in 379.711 k 0.m0 k 379.711 k 6.329 in2 2.000 ()K I I I I lglos3 lcr3d(.d Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5 'fcl.5 ZCn*ing ACI $1 & 9.2 LL ACt 91 E92 ST ....seismic = ST' : 49,392.00 in4 14,38:].20 in4 3,605.0 ksi 171.92 Wi 260.958 ksi Mr:Mex Dl- + LL Rl = (M!: DL+LLWGI M3:Max OL+LL+ST FU! r (Ms:OL+LL+SDnlct l:rfi... M!(DL+LL) l:rfi... llr(DL+LL+ST) 0.9q) 1.300 198.16 k-tt 0.469 198. t6 k-n 0.469 17,998.496 in4 17,99E.496 in4 UBC 1921.2.7 '0.9" Factor I I ACI 93 Oead Load Factor ACI 93 Short Torm Facior I I t I t I Itt I Z:craddng > 175 : No Good! Efi. Flar€e Width (per ACl, applied intomally to enterd loads) t Blettech Conruldng Englnoett, Inc. Tlfc : \A/ll EI(PANSIoN O.gnr T Job t 268:t.10 Deb:11:294M, 11JUL01L,td -/\clnlrU.Zlh-..hG=-ast!.tld Codtdt -, 5707 W.6th Ave. Denver, Co. E021,l phono @ 303-233€838 fer @ 303-233{15156 D.&dpdon : 1970 BLDG 1NVEST;GAT;ON Scopc: CHECK EXISTING FOOTINGS R.. 5tm ljt.|: Xlvfl5la. rr- 3.t.3. Zl.,url$e.ltb2 (d r$}s ErGRcAtc Goncrete Rectangular & Tee Beam 1 maI I I Fy Concre& Ir,rL Sebmic Zon€ End Fixity LiYe Load ads wih Short Torm 60,000p3i 150.0 pcf 0 Fix€dfr€a B€am Weighl Add€d Inlemally I t I I @ C€ntet @ L€lt End @ Right End Shear... @ L€ft End @ Right End I I I Reber e Conlei of Boam... Count Size *1 86 Rebar @ Loft End of Be.m... Cour Size d'from Top #1 8 6 5.00 in Rrbar @ Rlght End of Bodr|... Count Sizs 'd'ftom Top #1 I 6 5.00 in 'd' ftom Top 39.q)in 31.940 k 606.44 k-fi 1148.04 k-n 1148.04 k-fi Vn.Phl 205.58 k 205.58 k 0.00 k-ft -266.29 k-ft 0.00 k-n Vu, Eg. $'l 78.34 k 0.00 k 0.00 k-fr -199.72 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eg. 9.2 58.76 k 0.00 k 0.00 k-n -103.50 k-fr 0.00 k-fi Vu, Eq. 9€ 30.04 k 0.00 k Span = 3.33ft, l/l/idth= rl4.ooin Dertth = 3{.00in Mo(imum Mornenl : Mu -266.29 k-fr Allowablc Mornent : Mn'phi .t4E.O4 k-tt Maximum Dcficction {'0021 in M.rimum Sh6ar : Vu 78.34 k M.x R6action @ Lsft 55.73 k Allowablc Sh6ar: Vn'phi 205.58 k Max Rcaciion @ Rigl 0.0O k Shcar Stlmrpa... Stimrp Arua @ Section 0.400 in2Region 0.000 0.555 1.110 1.665 2.220 2.775 3.330 ft Max. Spacing 10.909 10.909 10.909 10.909 l0.9og 10.9@ 10.909 in Mar Vu 74.Y1 78.U1 78.U1 78.U1 78.Y1 78.U1 118.471 k at at al I I I t DL + lBm Wl DL + LL + lBm !rytl DL + LL + ST + [Bm ttliu Rcacdol€... DL + [Bm tilll oL + LL + [Bm Wtl oL + LL + ST + [Bm ttfil 0.0fiD in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in @ Lolt 37.129 k 55.729 k 55.729 k 0.0000 fr 0.0000 fi 0.m00ft -0.0014 in -0.0021 in -0.0021 in al 3.3300fiat 3.3300ftat 3.3300ft @ RiEht 0.000 k 0.m0 k 0.000 k to I l|-rta.l l\*.wg,a4:stt.uc c@ror.\i, Blerbech Conrultlng Englneerr, Inc, ll[.: WH E(PANS|ON 5707 W.6tlr Ave. Derwer, Co.80214 phone @ 303-233€838 fax @ 303-23it.05156 Drgnn T Dccrlpdon 3 i97O BLDG INVESTIGATION CHECK D(ISTING FOOTINGS Job * 2683.i0 D.t!r 11:29AM, 11JUL01 Page 2 265G6gelA6&{t0 vdt \tatby mo I I R.|: 5lc!d t b|: Xllf.60lla. v* t.l.!. z2itDlel, mi3:|Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam(4 i$$ee Er€nc{c EYeluate momont Capaclg.,. X : Neutral Aris a = beta 'xneutral Compression in Concrete Sum lsteel comp. fiorce3l Tension in Roinforcing Flnd llar A! for DucUle Fallurc... X-Balanc6d Xmax =Xbal '0.75 a{ax = b€ta 'Xbal CompEs3ion in Conctrte Sum lst€el Comp Forc$l Tolel Comp,€33ivc Forc6 AS Mar = Tot Force / Fy Aclual Tonsion As Gcntor 1.660 in 1.411 in 211.0E6 k 0.000 k -211.2N k 23.0E2 in 17.311 in 19.619 in 2,201.295 k 0.000 k 2,201.295 k 36.6EE in2 3.520 0K 1.660 in 1.411 in 211.088 k 0.m0 k -211.2@l 17.163 in 12.O72in 14.589 in 1,636.861 k 0.000 k 1,6i:!6.861 k 27.281 in2 3.520 ()K Rlsht End 1.660 in 1.411 in 211 .086 k 0.@0 k -211.200 k 17.1633 in 12.872 in 14.589 in 1,636.861 k 0.0@ k 1,636.861 k 27.281 in2 0.m0 0K I I I I lgro33 lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5'fc..5 Z:Cradcing Efi. Flang€ Wrdth ACt 9-1 {t $'2 LL ACt S1 & 9.2 ST ....s€Fmic = ST' : 144114.67 ln4 33,936.61 in4 3,605.0 ksi 174.92oA,i 120.502 ksi 44.00 in M!:Mrx OL + LL Rl = (Mr: OL+LL)/ ctii|:Mrr OL+LL+ST R2 = (M3:DL+LL+ST)'$CI l:efi... M3(DL+LL) l:cfi... M3(OL+LL+ST) 176.94 k-ft 1.894 176.9.1 k-ft 1.634 111111.Gt67 in4 1.14114.667 in4 I I ACI 9.3 t)red load Fector ACI 93 Sho,l T.rm Facior 0.9(x) r.300 UBC 1921.2.7'0.9" Fadot I I I T I I Ior I (per ACl, applied intrmally to entcrrd load3) ItI t I I t I I I I I I Bierbach Conaultlng Englnoorr, lnc. Tltlc: vwl D(PANSIoN Dlgnr: T Job * 2683.10 Daio:11:294M, 11 JUL 01l.|t .l -/ \Cd'|,rW//'Skrf..'., fo = =stvci!.c c6dr6B -i, 5707 W. 6th Ave. Denver, Co. 80214 phon6 @ 303-233-5838 fax @ 303-233{5156 D..crlpdon : 1970 BLDG |NVESTIGATION Scopc : CHECK D(|ST|NG FOOTINGS I I I t R.r 5166it;Kwe5r..vrr.r.t 2z.l.''-r!er,wh!:r BUilt-Up SgCtiOn PfOpefties Pags I (c) rr!$r ElEacerc ' - -r -- --- - €:\rob\Fbt 265D26S9U68'00 vail valhy tn€ 0.000 in Total Ar€a X cg Dist. Y cg Dist. 1.963 in2 0.00 in 0.00 in f )o( 0.4 it}4lyv 0.44 in4 Edg€ Oistancos from CG... rxx tw S left S right S top S boftom 0.476 in 0.476 in 0.875 in -0.875 in 0.875 in -0,875 in to I I Blerbach Comultng Englneelr, Inc. Tltb: vVH E)(PANSION Drenn T Job # 268:1.10 D.L:11:29AM, 11JUL01d.6..1 -/ \Cq,,au|/Zi\f.fb.a.a' bc 2: 5tr.rv.c c6r d$ \- z 5707W.6thAve. D,onver, Co. 80214 phone @ 303-233-5838 f.x @ 303-233{5156 D.lcrlpdon : i 970 BLOG |IWESTIGATION Scop. : CHECK O(lSnNG FOOTINGS tlrr t(wosra. vf l.t.!. zt Ji.-res. u/hlll(c r9Gr clEiRcALc General Footing Analysis & Design c\obs\iob!26s'26er*..-*iffir* I I I Short Term Inc|€ase Base P€destal Height S€ismic Zone Overburdln Weight LiYe & Sho.t Term Combined ?c Fy Concrete WoEht 1.mo 48.000 in 0 550.00 psf 4,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 150.00 pcf 7.170 fr. 1 1.500 fi 28.00 in 28.00 in 28.00 in 0.0014 5.00 in Width along X-X Axis Longth along Y-Y Axis Footing Thic*ne3s Col Oim. Along X-X Axis Col Oftn. Along Y-Y A(b Min Ste€l % Reba. ContEr To Edg6 Dbtancs I I I t I I Dead Load Liv6 Load Short T€rm Load Appliod flomentr... Dead Load Livs load Shon TGm Appllcd SheeE.,. Dead Load Live Load Shorl T€rm 292.000 k 122.000 k K Cr€abs Rotation about Y-Y A,(b (prassures @ lelt & righ0 k-n k-n k-n Cr€at€s Rotetion about Y-Y Axis (pr€ssurls @ bn & rigtrt) k k k ...ecc along X-X Axb 0.000 in ...6cc along Y-Y Axb 0.000 in Cr€etes Rotation about X-X Axis (pr€33ur€3@top&bol) k-ft k-tt k-ft Cr€atgs Rotation about X-X Axis --Or€srurg3@ ropT6it- k k k Footlng Design , 28.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 28.00 x 28.00in x 48.0in highx Max Soil Pr$sur€ Allowabl€ 1(' Ecc, of ResultantY Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ralio DL+LL DL+LL+ST 5,920.9 5,920.9 D3f6,000.0 6,q)0.0 psf 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.q)0 in 0.000 in No Oveduming i.500 :l No Overtuming Adual Max Mu 7E.472 Reguirad Stesl Area Shear Str6s$.... Vul-Way 74.$sz-way 1c/..s2' Allowable 0.920 Vn ' Phi 107.517 psi 2.|5.035 psi I I I t to Twoway Sh€ar One'Way SheaF... Vu @ Lofi Vu @ Right Vu @ Top Vu @ Bottom noments Mu @ Lefi Mu @ Right Mu @ Top Mu @ Sottom 1(X.53psi 13.91 psi 13.91 psi 74.46 p3i 74.46 psi ACt 9-1 21.85 k-ft 21.85 k-n 78.47k-ft 78.47 k-fi 78.40psi 10.it4 psi 10.44 p3i 55.85 psi 55.85psi ACt 9-2 16.39 k-n 16.39 k-fi 58.85 k-fr 5E.85 k-i 114.58 psi 215.03 psi 107.52 psi 107.52 psi 107.52 psi 107.52 psi Ru / Phi ,$5.9 psi 45.9 psi 14n.8 psi 164.8 psi 5.94 psi 5.94 psi 31.83 psi 31.83 p6i ACt 9-3 9.32 k{ 9.32 k-fi 33.47 k-fl 33.47 k-fr tu Req'd 0.39 in2 per fr 0.39 in2 per fr 0.92 in2 oer ft 0.92 in2 per fr I Blo6.ch Con3uldng Englnaort, Inc. Tl0. : \Aftl E(PAMI|oN 5707 W. 60r Ave. Denvcr, Co.80214 phone @ 303-233€838 far @ 303-233.05156 Dlgnr: T Dccrlpdon : 19rc BtOc 1NVES16A1ON CHECK EXISTING FOOTINGS Job126E3.10 Deb: t'l:29AM, ll JUL0l I I l|-rt d l\c.,'|d,D|/Z;S|||b...., b.=: sv!.t!{. C6.ur-r. -r t ffiffi11-y3^''..zrh',e.e,t/r/h.2 General FOOting AnalySiS & DeSign Page z (s ter+ee El.ErRc rc - cloba\bbE 265G.2699\2683{t0 veil yalav nr Prpgsuro DL+LL DL+LL+ST Faciored Load Soil Pr€ssur€3 ACI Eq. $1 ACI Eo. 92 ACI Eq. 93 ACt $.1 & $.2 LL ACr 9-1 & $2 ST ....seismic = ST': ACI $'3 O.ed Loed F.dor ACI 9.3 Sho.l T.fm Factot 8,73i!.17 6,5.t9.E8 3,997.19 5,520.92 5,E20.92 8,733.17 6,549.88 3,997.19 5,92O.92 5,920.92 8,733.17 6,549.88 3,907.19 5,920.92 psf 5,920.92 pst 8,733.17 psf 6,5{9.86 psf 3,997.19 p3f I I I I I I 0.9m 1.300 5,920.92 5,920.92 I I I T I t Itr I UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9' Fedor I Blerbach Comuldng Englno€ru, Inc. Tltlo: WH EXPANSIoN Degnr: T Job | 2683.10 Date: 1'l:294M, 11 JUL 01l|-rta.i -l\c{,',itI{/,ziStttlh.ar|l hc. =- i s*!!rc cddrorr -' 5707 W. 6th Ave. Denver, Co.802t4 phone @ 303-2336838 fax @ 303-233-05156 Doccrlpdon : 1970 BLoc |NVESTIGATION Scogc: CHECK EXISTING FOOTINGS I t 60,000.0 psi 4,000.0 psi Span3 Consir€rsd Continuous Over Supports ACI Dead load Factor 1.40 Stinup Fy 40,000.0 psi ACf Live Load Fador 1.7O Fy t'c ![.ffi.g-r.1;r".22.rx]reee,!!h.:r MUlti€pan COnCfete Bgam (o) ltalll EMnc LC I I I I I Span B€am Wdth Beam Depth End Fixily Roinfurcing C€nt6r I ftl inl ini 6.33 36.00 24.00 Pin-Pin 3.00in2 19.00in 3.00in2 5.00in 3.00in2 5.00in 2.00 36.00 24.00 Fl€ePin L.fr gl Rioht- Baa 3.00in2 19.00in 3.0oin2 5.00in 3.00in2 5.00in cs es I)6ad Load Liva Load Point #1 L400 0.300 1.400 0.300 OL LL @x kl €.s00kl 27.2& ftl 0.000 0.000 I I I I I I I lo I Mmax @ Cntt @x= Mn ' Phi Max @ Lefr End Mn ' Phi Max @ Right End Mn ' Phi Shear @ Left Shear @ Right LL@ Left Totral @ Left DL @ Right LL @ Right Total @ Right Max. Oeflection @x= lnenia : Efbctive Spacing @ L6fl Spacing @ .2'L Spacing @ .4'L Spacing @ .6'L Spacing @ .8'L Spacing @ Right 0.00 246.56 -219.49 246.56 Bending OK B€nding OK 0.00 42.49 112.22 26.86 k-frr 0.00 0.00Iil 0.00 0.00k-fi 246.56 246.56 0.00 246.56 0.00 0.00 44.92 37.U 102.46 -0.021 0.00 7,054.93 -219.49 2.16.56 8.89 8.89 Not Req'd Not Req'd Not Req'd Not Req'd 37.54 102.$ -9.76 -7.76 -17 .52 0.005 2.62 35,715.90 K in fil in4 rnl Inl ini Inl 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 vr5.r.t.zrrili.,unrs: MUlti-Span GOnCrctg Beam Pagc 2CSG260OactE{0 nl nL Blett cfi Conruldng Englncorr, lrrc. Tlllr: W{ EXP I{SION Drgnn T Jobt20&t.10D0: ll:2gAlt, 1l JUL0l5707W.6lhAve. Denver, Co.802lrl phono e 3G-233€838 fax @ 30&23:t{15156 O.rcdpdon : t97D BIDG tifi;gsncAnqry Scopr: CHECKEX|SflNGFOOTINGS I I I I I I I I T I I Itr I Blerbach Conrultng EnglnooF, Inc. TlUr: vwl D(PANsloN t)rgnr: T5707 W.6th Avo. Donver, Co.80214 phone @ 303-233€838 fax @ 303-233{15156 D..cdpdon : 1970 BU)c tNVESTtcATtON Scopo : CHECK D(IS11NG FOOTINGS Job | 2683.10 Deb: 1 1 :2941,1. 11 JUL 0l Page I 265G2699\2683{lO Yail \€lley me !|.tt A -/ \ ^,,H]8'4-:s!st!.c c6rrt6r. -tr, bI t.Lc l(Il&51,1. '/..5.1.3. z2-Jlftteee, Whll (c) t$$ee Er{ERcrLc Multi€pan Concrete Beam knl xi kl Bat At. Fy fcI I I I t I ACI Dead Load Fador ACI LiYe Load Fac{or 1.40 1.70 5.25 24.00 36.00 36.00 40.00 40.00FrsPin Pin-Pin 13.60in2 23.00in 18.72in2 5.00in 8.00in2 5.00in Dead Load Live Load Point *1 DL LL 1.400 o.2v 219.200 97.200 e3 1.400 o.2u Member Span Beam l ,idth Beam Depth End Fixity Reinbrcing C€nter Left Rioht At .l- B.r D.pthr 60,000.0 psi 4,000.0 psi 3.00in2 19.00in 16.00in2 5.00in 18.72in2 5-ooin Spans Considered Continuous Over Supportg Stinup Fy 40,000.0 psi k-ft1 ftl k-fr1 k-ft1 k-ft1 k-il k-fii kl kl ini ftl in4 | I I I I I I I Mmax@ Cr r @x= Mn ' Phi Mar @ Lefl End Mn ' Phi Mar @ Right End Mn'Phi Shear @ Lefi Sh6ar @ Right LL @ Left Total @ Loft DL @ Rbhr LL @ Righl Total @ Right Max. D,efledion @x= Inertia : Effuctive Stimrps Spacing @ Lefi Spacing @ .2'L Spacing @ .4'L Spacing @ .6'L Spacing @ .8'L Spacing @ Right 0.00 0.00 1,203.27 0.00 -2,511.122,237.4 2,561.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,511 .12 2,561.81 Bending OK 0.00 484.50 0.00 1,188.96 Eonding OK 132.92 76.34 to 4.E5 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 in' lnl 0.00 0.00 292.10 122.63 414.74 -0.986 0.00 0.00 122.63 414.74 -31.95 -18.59 -50.54 0.829 9.92 32,031.55 17.50 17.50 r7.50 17.50 r7.50 17.50 I S,ffi1^u.11..,22r'ltxr,t/vh!ir Mulil-Span Concrete Beam (c) rG.F El€nclLc Blerbrch Conauldng Englnccrr, lns Tlilr: Wt B(PAllSoN Drgnn T Job;2683.10 Drb: I 1:2gAll, 11 ruL 015707 W.6$ Ave. I)enYor, Co. 80214 phone @ 303-233€838 fax @ 303-233.05156 D..cdp0on : igZO BIDG r{VESnGAnON Scop.: CHECK E)(|STING FOOTINGS I I I I I I t I I I I Irr I Blerbach Conrultng Engineere, Inc. nth: wH EXPANSION Degnn T Job | 2683.10 O.tr: 1'l:294M, I I JUL 0lL.i..| -/\h.lthaZ\ lat-aaaa. ho=-: st*ru.c ca-r-|r-tr, 5707 W.6th Ave. D,enver, Co,80214 pholE e 303-233-5838 fax @ 303-233.0s156 D.lcrldlon : i970 BLDG |NVEST|GATION Scop. : CHECK E(|ST|NG FOOINGStI I Spans Considend Continuous Over Supports Stirrup Fy 40,000.0 psi 318-95 and I ACI Dead Load Fador ACI Live Load Fador I I I t I t I I I I I I Span Beam Wdth Beam D€pth End Fixity Reinbrcing Conter 5.25 24.00 28.00 28.00 40.00 40.00 FtBe-Pin Pin-Pin Len Bar Rioht- Bra 3.CPin2 19.00in 16.001n2 5.00in 20.00in2 5.00in 1.400 0.2u 219.2@ 97.200 0.000 13.60in2 23.00in 20.00in2 5.00in 8.00in2 5.00in es 1.400 o.2u Dead Load LiY! Load Point #1 Mmax @ Cntt @x= Mn ' Phi Max @ Lefi End Mn' Phi Max @ Right End Mn ' Phi Sh.ar @ Lei Shoar @ Right LL@ L€fl Total @ Lefi OL @ Right LI @ Right Total@ Right Max. D€ffeciion @x= Inertia : Effective Spacing @ Left Spadng @ .2'L Spacing @ .4'L Spacing @ .5'L Spacing @ ,8'L Spacing @ Right 8€am OK Beam OK DL LL @x 0.00 0.00 0.00 k-ftl ftl k-ft1 k-fl | k-nl k-ft1 k-nl I I ki 0.00 2,156.76 -2,511 .12 2,582.57 8€nding OK 0.00 48/+.50 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 0.00 0.00 1,145.03 -2,511.12 2,582.57 0.00 1,169.08 Bending OK 't32.92 76.U k k k in It 0.00 122.63 0.00 414.71 n2.10 -31-95 122.63 -18.59 414.74 -50.s4 -r.109 0.932 0.00 9.920.00 28,47s.93 lo 11.43 I 1.43 11.43 11.43 11.43 11 .43 I ffiffi-9-".11r",zr.r*rere.!f,r$r MUlti€pan GOnCfete Beam Page I (o 1e.$e. BCRc^Lc ------ -r--- e:\iob6\iob8 28ltG2E90\2063{0 vailvallev rE Shear Blcrbrch Comuldng Englncor., Inc. TUr: Wl{ E)(PAiTSON Drgnr: T &bf 2683.10Of: ll:2gAt{, 11 Jt L015707 W.6th Ave. Ilenvrr, Co.80214 phon O303-233-5838 f.x @ 303-233{5156 D..crlpdon : igTO B1DG ltttVESne,ATlCrN Scope: CIECKEX|ST|NGFoonilGS Morncnt Shcar D,afcction I I I I I I I I I I I I u.- r*6!tl vr!.r.r. z.r.-!'ee, $ftla MUlti€pan GOnCfgtg Bgam _-^ -- PrOc 21(c t.GocElcRc tc tr ItI SAFEv6. 00 File: 26831728 Kip-ft June26, 2001 9:29 SOIL PRES SURE t I t I I I I I I I I I I AREA GRID I GRID J LOAD PRESSURE 2 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 1 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 1 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 1 COMB2 2 COMB2 Units PAGE 1 1.039 1.154 1.18 t -.9 \..5 1.322 1.41 1.436 1.463 1.552 1.578 1.604 1.693 1.718 1.745 1.834 1.859 1.885 1.975 1.999 2.024 2.115 2.137 2.161 2.2il 2.274 2.296 2.392 2.404 2.409 2.429 2.527 2.542 2.553 2.559 2.626 2.66 2.671 2.6U 2.701 2.775 32 32 31 32 31 30 31 30 29 30 29 28 29 28 27 28 27 26 27 26 25 26 25 24 25 24 23 24 1 23 22 23 22 2 21 1 22 2 1 .l 21 20 ? zlo 1 1 3COMB2 2.778 4 21 4 COMB3 2.79 3 20 3 COMB3 2.795 3 19 2 COMB3 2.805 4 32 2 COMB1 2.811 1 4 1COMB2 2.U9 3 19 3 COMB3 2.915 3 18 2 COMB3 2.919 1 3 2COMB2 2.924 1 1 4COMB2 2.92s 1 2 3COMB2 2.927 4 31 2 COMBI 2.975 1 s '1 COMB2 2.996 4 32 3 COMBI 2.996 3 17 2 COMB3 3.027 3 '18 3 COMB3 3.029 1 4 2COMB2 3.073 1 2 4COMB2 3.074 1 3 3COMB2 3.077 1 1 sCOMB2 3.126 3 16 2 COMB3 3.126 3 17 3 COMBS 3.135 4 30 2 COMB1 3.14 1 6 1COMB2 3.141 4 31 3 COMBI 3.161 4 32 2 COMB2 3.177 4 32 4 COMB1 3.183 3 15 2 COMB3 3.216 1 5 2COMB2 3.221 1 3 4COMB2 3.224 1 4 3COMB2 3.226 3 16 3 COMB3 3.233 1 't2 1 COMB3 3.251 't 11 1 COMB3 3.271 't 2 5COMB2 3.276 4 3',t 2 COMB2 3.283 1 7 1COMB2 3.2U 1 10 1 COMB3 3.291 3 14 2 COMB3 3.296 4 29 2 COMBI 3.304 1 I 1COMB3 3.308 3 15 3 COMB3 3.322 1 I 1COMB3 3.323 4 30 3 COMB1 3.325 1 7 1COMB3 3.334 4 32 3 COMB2 3.341 1 6 1COMBs 3.343 4 31 4 COMBI 3.348 1 5 1COMB3 3.349 I JI I I I I I I I I I I I Ior I 4 ? z 1 13 6 4 5 30 14 12 8 3 11 31 13 28 10 9 29 29 8 32 7 30 6 7 5 4 3 2 K 1 6 12 30 I 11 4 10 28 I 31 I 7 6 5 4 27 I I I I T I I I t I I I I I 1 COMB3 1 COMB3 1 COMB3 1 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB3 1 COMBz 5 COMB2 2 COMB3 3 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMBI 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 3 COMB1 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 4 COMB2 2 COMB3 4 COMBI 2 COMB3 2 COMB2 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 2 COMB3 4 COMB2 2 COMBS 3 COMB2 3 COMB3 3 COMB2 1 COMB2 3 COMB3 5 COMB2 3 COMB3 2 COMB2 3 COMB3 4 COMB2 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 3 COMB3 2 COMBI 3.353 3.356 3.359 3.361 3.363 3.369 3.374 3.376 3.388 3.401 3.412 3.425 3.426 3.446 3.446 3.468 3.468 3.471 3.489 3.489 3.493 3.501 3.506 3.509 3.512 3.514 3.515 3.517 3.519 3.521 3.523 3.523 3.524 3.525 3.527 3.552 3.563 3.57 3.575 3.594 3.598 3.609 3.611 3.618 3.624 3.627 3.629 3.63 3.63lo I 3 3 COMB3 3.6312 3 COMB3 3.6321 3 COMB3 3.633 I 1 12 4 COMB3 3.633 4 28 3 COMBI 3.653 4 29 3 COMB2 3.656 1 8 2COMB2 3.658 1 11 4 COMB3 3.664 1 7 3COMB2 3.672 1 6 4COMB2 3.672 4 29 4 COMBI 3.677 1 10 4 COMB3 3.688 1 10 1 COMB2 3.698 4 27 2 COMB2 3.701 1 I 4COMB3 3.704 1 I 4COMB3 3.715 4 30 4 COMB2 3.717 1 7 4COMB3 3.722 1 5 sCOMB2 3.723 1 6 4COMB3 3.727 1 5 4COMB3 3.729 1 4 4COMB3 3.731 1 3 4COMB3 3.732 1 2 4COMB3 3.733 1 1 4COMB3 3.7U 4 28 3 COMB2 3.761 1 12 5 COMB3 3.774 't 11 5 COMB3 3.791 4 26 2 COMBI 3.791 1 9 2COMB2 3.799 4 26 2 COMB2 3.802 1 10 5 COMB3 3.809 4 27 3 COMBI 3.815 1 I 3COMB2 3.8',t7 I 7 4COMB2 3.819 4 29 4 COMB2 3.822 1 9 sCOMB3 3.825 1 1't 1 COMB2 3.831 1 I sCOMB3 3.838 4 28 4 COMB1 3.84 1 1 1COMB1 3.844 1 7 sCOMB3 3.U7 1 6 sCOMB3 3.854 1 5 sCOMB3 3.859 1 4 sCOMB3 3.862 4 27 3 COMB2 3.863 1 3 sCOMB3 3.864 1 2 sCOMB3 3.866 1 1 sCOMB3 3.868 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iot I tI I I I I I lo I 5 COMB2 2 COMBz 4 COMB2 2 COMB2 1 COMBI 2 COMBI 3 COMB2 1 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMBI 2 COMB2 4 COMBI 5 COMB2 4 coMB2 1 COMB1 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB1 2 COMB1 4 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMBI 1 COMBI 3 COMB2 5 COMB2 4 COMB1 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB1 3 COMB2 1 COMBI 4 COMB2 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMBI 3 COMB1 2 COMB2 3 COMBI 2 COMBI 5 COMB2 2 COMB2 1 COMB1 4 COMBI 3 COMB2 4 COMB2 3.871 ?o 3.927 3.934 3.941 3.949 3.959 3.964 3.964 3.964 3.975 3.995 4.003 4.016 4.03 4.038 4.061 4.062 4.084 4.096 4.1 4.104 4.106 4.131 4.132 4.134 4.155 4.16 4.164 4.166 4.18 4.198 4.225 4.229 4.23 4.24 4.243 4.243 4.253 4.274 4.279 4.286 4.297 4.3 4.303 4.322 4.323 4.324 4.324 1 4 4 1 1 4 I I I 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 I 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 'l 'l 1 1 4 3 1 4 6 25 28 10 I 25 9 't2 t' 26 26 24 27 7 27 J 25 11 23 10 4 24 I 26 25 4 24 8 26 22 12 2 11 5 25 21 10 23 23 1 13 24 3 I 20 6 25 22 24 I I I I I I t I 12 14 19 2 11 18 15 4 21 22 7 17 16 23 23 10 1 13 20 3 24 5 12 22 8 14 19 21 2 18 15 't7 16 21 4 11 22 o 6 23 3 20 10 I 3 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 3 COMBI 4 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 2 COMBI 3 COMB2 2 COMB1 1COMBl 2 COMB2 2 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMBI 5 COMB2 4 COMB1 3 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMB'I 4 COMBI 2 COMB1 4 COMB2 4 COMB2 1COMB1 3 COMB2 3 COMB2 2 COMB1 4 COMB1 3 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMB2 3 COMB2 4 COMB2 3 COMB1 5 COMB2 3 COMBI 1 COMBI 2 COMB1 4 COMBI 4 COMBI 2 COMBI 1 COMB1 5 COMBI 3 COMB1 2 COMBI 5 COMB2 3 COMB1 1 COMBI 4.U4 4.35 4.355 4.373 4.374 4.392 4.394 4.395 4.397 4.397 4.412 4.412 4.414 4.414 4.435 4.438 4.439 4.439 4.459 4.472 4.477 4.492 4.495 4.496 4.499 4.505 4.509 4.532 4.538 4.545 4.il7 4.565 4.566 4.57 4.571 4.573 4.577 4.581 4.589 4.627 4.637 4.658 4.659 4.663 4.67 4.682 4.71 4.712 4.734 I JI I I E 7 12 21 11 I I I I I I I t I I Ior I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to 4 2 6 22 8 19 12 5 20 ? 7 18 21 b 10 19 8 4 17 't1 7 16 I 18 5 12 15 13 14 I 10 17 o 11 16 7 4 COMBI 5 COMBI 3 COMBI 4 COMBI 2 COMB1 2 COMBI 1 COMBI 4 COMBI 3 COMBI 2 COMB1 5 COMBI 3 COMBI 2 COMBI 4 COMB1 4 COMBI 2 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 5 COMBI 2 COMBI 2 COMBI 4 COMBI 2 COMBI 3 COMB1 3 COMBI 5 COMBI 2 COMB1 2 COMBI 2 COMB1 2 COMBI 4 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 5 COMB1 3 COMB1 3 COMB1 4 COMBI 5 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 3 COMBI 4 COMBI 5 COMBI 4 COMBI 5 COMB1 4 COMBI 5 COMB1 5 COMBI 4.736 4.761 4.768 4.771 4.773 4.773 4.81 4.835 4.836 4.858 4.86 4.864 4.874 4.907 4.932 4.937 4.95 4.957 4.958 4.959 5.005 5.027 5.027 5.045 5.049 5.055 5.062 5.074 5.094 5.097 5.119 5.127 5.133 5.15 5.197 5.199 5.207 5.242 5.246 5.248 5.271 5.272 5.287 5.332 5.359 5.417 5.418 5.498 c.c/o 15 12 14 13 't0 8 11 9 12 10 11 I 1 12 5 COMBI 5.656 I I v I I I I I I It I t I I I I Ior I t T I I I I I I II SAFE v5.00 - File: 2683169 - July 7,2001 10i59 - Scale: Fitto Page I Structural Layer Plan View - Kip-ft Units IH t ) t I I I I I f7'arr.q € Srlig FAFs .<6+. .F+++++++++ + ++++ ++ ++ ++ +++++++.t-+ I lo I I I I I I t I I I I t I I srFE v6.00 FiIe: 2583169 Kip-ft Unit3 PAGE 1 July 7.2001 11:00 SOII PRESSURE AREA GRID I GRID J LOAD PRESSURE 3 1 1 CoUBI 3.9{0 311C0M822.160 3 2 1Col,lBl 3.?{5 321C0!r822.442 3 3lC0MB1 3.504 331c0!ts22.615 3 3 I I 2 2 1 2 Cot{Bl 2 COMB2 2 c0!c1 2 C0HB2 2 Cor.rBl2 C0MB2 {.163 2.300 4.020 3.800 2.904 4.244 2.34'l 4. 150 2.'t04 4.120 3.155 4.412 2.222 3.r03 2.82r 3. r61 2.A01 3.564 2.28'l 3.323 2.520 2. 8{5 3.431 3.0?l 3.554 3.185 3.338 3 1 3 CoMB]. 3 I 3 CO.|B2 323CoMBI 3 2 3 col'ts2 3 3 3 C0rG1 3 3 3 Cor.rB2 1 4 COMBI 1 4 CO,B2 2 | C0M81 2 4 C0MB2 3 4 Col,tBl 3 4 C0U82 1 5 CoMBI I 5 C0M82 2 5 CO.tBl 2 5 Cor.rB2 3 5 Cor'tsl 3 5 c0MB2 2 Cor,tBl 2 CA'D,? 3 CoMBI 3 C0MB2 4 4 I COMB1 4 4 1 C0MB2 t 4 CoMBI I 4{4C0 822.99I 4 4 sCOrBl 2.998 t 4 5 c0!,r82 2.693 5 61C0UB1 3.068661C0r822.884 6 1 1CO'rBl 2.009 51lc0r'r822.955 6 I lcor{Bl 2.628 6 8 I C0NA2 2.99'l 6 6 2CSrBl 3.301 552C0ff823.093 6 1 2 Cor.rSl 3.002 612Cc/,'F.23.132 6 I 2 C0N,r81 2.808 6 8 2 c,f,',F.2 3. 162 ? 51CoMBI 3.123? 5 I C0MB2 2.855 7 5 2C0M81 3.366'1 5 2 CWE2 3. 083 7 5 3 C0MB1 3.4?57 5 3 C0MB2 3. 183 r 5 4C0HB1 3.274? 5 4 C0r{82 3.004 6 6 3 CO.rBi 3.39?563c0N.iB23.182 6 1 3cor,rBl 3.0696 1 3 COt{82 3.194 5 8 3c0r.r81 2.86'l5 I 3 C!rc2 3.2L1 6 5 {CO{81 3.209 664C0H823.015 6 1 4 CoNrBl 2.915 614Corts23,058 6I4corBl 2.122584C0M823.089 I I I I I I I I I I t I Ior 6 5 5Cor.rBl 2.892665c0N,r822.'t33 615C0M81 2.536 6 1 5 C0!rB2 2.808 5 8 scouBl 2,4575 8 5 CO.|B2 2.852 2 I 2.945 2.113 5 5 C0UB1 5 5 CCltBz Itt I I t I t I t I I t I I I 3 lo I Y-STRIP REINF0RCING (for whole strip in Sq-in) 10 l0 10 10 10 10 10 l1 ll 1l 1l ll 't1 11 12 T2 17 L2 l3 13 l3 l3 13 0.0?5 0.501 1.139 0.424 0.028 0.496 2.402 0.389 STRIP STATION TOP-REBAR IOP-REBAR BOI-REBAR BOT-REBAR IiIDTH Y-OR.DIMTE LEFT OF Y RIGIII OF Y LEF1 OF T RIGIT OF Y I 2.250 0.000 s 2.250 2.833 8 2.250 s.66't I 2.250 8.500 I 2,250 rr .333 I 2.250 1{.500 8 2.250 Ll .561 9 2.250 0.000 9 2.250 2.833 9 2.250 5.667 9 2.250 8,500 9 2.250 11,333 9 2.250 14.500 t z.zJv t/.00/ 2.333 0.000,) t?l , n?1 2 .333 5. 6672,333 8.5002.333 11.3332.333 14.500 z-J55 l,/,OO/ 0.052 0.463 1.200 0.058 0.608 0.064 0. 118 0.082 0,504 0.439 0.19? 0.1?1 2.5450.482 0.057 0.{{10.1t4 0.026 0.150 0.097 0.428 0.4350.230 0.215 2.6250,420 0.082 0.451 0.15? 0.073 0.J!4 0,356 0.09{ 0.156 0. 15? 0. r28 0.303 0.517 -0.15r-0.515 0.20r 0.159 0.143 0.01r 0.08 4 0. 301 0.0?0 0.43? 2. {81 0.388 t I I t I I I t I I I I I U.JIJ n ?11 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.333 n ??l 0.333 0.333 0.333 1. 500 1.500 1.500 1 .500 1 .500 ]. 500 1.500 0.000 2.655 5 ,661 8 .500 l1 . Jll l4 .500 0.000 2.833 5.567 8 .500 II,. JJJ 14.500 l/.ob/ 0. 000 5 .561 8 .500 I1 . JJJ 14.500 l?.66? U.IbJ 0.239 0. {81 0.565 0.2 86 0.121 0.020 0 .145 0.041 0.054 0 .052 0.055 0.1570.343 0.09? 0.290 0.2380.097 0.352 0. 156 0. t4l 0.26't 0.3820.552 0.520 0.389 0.261 0.143 I ,Eolk /lg*,t Io - 75-*7T ,5q'4 t1 Y,er? * la - zo'17 .(A tr T I v SAFE v5.00 File: 2683159 Kj.P-ft Units July I,2001 1l:06 ,l X-STRIP REINI0RCING {fo! whole strip in Sq-in}I I I t I I t ,6 'qsy'z'33? * I I t t I I t ID 15 t6 IO 16 l6 15 15 l5 l5 t5 14 14 14 14 10 1 16? 10 ? 14? lY J.lo '19 3.16? ty J.lo I 10 ? 16? 19 3.16? 18 3. 167 18 3. 16? 18 3.167 l0 3.167 18 3.167 18 3.16? 18 3. 16? l? 2.833 17 2. 833 L1 2.833lt 2.833 17 2.833 L1 2.833 17 2.833 STRIP STATION TOP-REBAR TOP-REBAR BOT-REBAR BOT-REBAR II]DTH X-ORDINATE I,EFT OT X RIGHI OT X LEFT OT X RIGHT O8 X 0.000 2.250 4.500 6.833 7.L61 ? .500 9.000 0.000 z.250 4.500 6.833 1.L61 ? .500 9.000 0.000 0.13?2.250 0.12{ 0. 361 0 .630 4.500 0.082 0.718 0.8466.833 0.105 0.688 0.596 't .16't 0.041 0 .058 0. 634 0. 566 ?. 500 0.018 0 .054 0. 50? 0.3869.000 0.192 2.833 2.833 2.833 2.833 2 .833 2 .833 2 .833 2.833 2.833 2.833 2. 833 2.833 2 .833 2. 833 t.65J 2.833 2. 833 2. 833 z-6)J 2.833 0.000 2.250 4.500 5.833 1.L61 ?.500 9.000 0.000 2.250 { .500 6.833 1 .161 ?.500 9.000 0.000 2.250 4 .500 6.833 7.500 9.000 0.0{3 0.26 9 0 .442 0.075 0.0?4 0.095 0.042 0.289 0. 450 0.0?9 0.07? 0.100 0.130 0.041 0.019 0 .139 0.426 0.442 0.105 0.058 0.029 0. I4,{ 0.441 0. 453 0. 107 0.060 0. 030 0.0?5 0. 106 0.059 0.066 0.495 0.5?0 2-509 2.952 0.132 0.551 0.3?4 0.443 0.280 0.401 a .492 0.560 2.565 3.002 0.'t12 0.548 0.362 0.433 a .210 0.396 0.144 0.35s 0.660 0,751 0 .812 0.122 0.704 0.642 0.569 0.510 0.383 0 .190 (?'q67",gsr*llj:) ,r?.1 ,_rsE -:.,_ul eoT lo t nIL. 1-++ ror I tI I I I I I I II SAFE v6.00 - File: 2683148 - July 7,2001 8:19 - Scale: Fit to PageI Structural Layer Plan View - Kipft Units ",'SAE'E Toolrlq AT €TABS c/.LurvlN C //,Cq C/15 +++++++++++ ++++++-L-r1-f?-r I tI SAFE v6.00 Fi.le: 2683148 .tuly 7,2001 8:18 SOIL PRESSURE KiP-ft units PAGE 1 I I I I I I I I I I t I AREA FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING 'OOTING FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING FOSTING FOOTING FOO1TING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOO!ING EOOIING FooTING EOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOTING GRID I GRID .'PRESSURE 5.5?6 5 .42'l 5.263 4 .751 4.480 4.A23 4 .556 4,998 5. 144 5.Ztb f .IJJ 4.984 4.820 4 .307 4 ,055 3.990 4.115 4 .558 4.?03 4 .834 4.829 4.686 4.5r,9 4 .004 3 ,114 J. E t-9 4.258 4 .407 4.533 4,526 4,377 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 I 2 3 4 5 'l I 9 l0 L 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 I cot{B1 COMB 1 COMBl COMBl COMBl COMBl cotiBL COMBl COMBl co,tB 1 COMBl co!.rBL couBl COMB 1 COMBl cotrB I coMBt COMB 1 COMB 1 COMBl COMB 1 co|rBl cor,rB 1 couBl COMB 1 coMa 1 COMBl couB L COMBl COMBl couBl COMB 1 I lo I I FOOIING FPOTING FOOTTNG FOOTING FOOIING FOOTING FOOTING EOOTING FOOTING FOOTING FOOITNG FOC'TING FOOrING FOCYTING FOOTING F@TING FOOTING FOOTING 4 5 6 1 8 9 t0 1 5 5 'l I 9 10 4 C0MB1 4 CoMBI 4 COM81 4 COU81 4 COMB1 4 COMB1 4 C0uB1 4 COMB1 5 COUB1 5 COtlBl 5 COUB1 5 COMBI 5 COMB1 5 COMB1 5 COUB1 5 COUB1 5 COMB1 5 C0uB1 4.2L4 3.764 3. {54 3.392 J.JIU 3. 95s 4.100 4,23L 4 .051 3. 913 3.749 3 .244 2.98L 2.930 3.052 3.493 3. 638 3.770 JI I I I I J tt I l I I I I Itr I2 I bt v SAFE v6.00 File: 2683148 Kip-ft Units PAGE 1 July 7,2001 8:17 J v-q'lDtp ID csxl csxi. csxl csxl csx 1 csx 1 csxl \f- <'FD T D Y-STRIP csYl. csYl. csYl csYl MSYI MSYl MSYl MSYI. MSYl 5.000 -0.9175.000 0.0005.000 1.0005.000 4.5835.000 8.2085.000 10. 9795.000 13. ?505.000 17.3335.000 18.333 5 . 000 19.250 5 ,500 5 ,500 5.500 5. 500 5. 500 9. 15? 9 .L61 9.16? 9.16? 5. 500 5.500 5. 500 -z.5uu -1.000 0.000 1 .000 2.500 -z .5uu -1.000 0.000 1.000 2.500 -2.500 -r.000 0 .000 1 .000 2 .500 0. 199 0.225 t .134 1.117 a.'tz 9. :to.l LI.266 10. 044 u.ul/ z.))J 1 <h1 q q?5 +LL.829 2.385 o .64't 1.133 0. 680 0.057 0.205 0-245 1.014 0.457 4.001 8.514 10.276 9. 110't.280 0.861 2.L98 1.96L 11 . 160 2.241 0 . 688 L.r47 2.LLL 0.5?1 1.551 r. ooo ).Jlo 12.915 2 .'720 4.993 4.00'7 3,028 1.670 L.602 1 .550 0.522 1. 818 2.7t2 6. ItZ L2 .201 1.?84 3.099 J . 6.Ltt 4.553 REINFORCING {for whole strip in Sq-in) S?RIP STATION TOP-REBAR TOP-REBAR BOT-REBAR BOT-REBAR WIDTH X-ORDINATE LEFT OF X RIGBT OF X LEFT OF X RIGHT OF X I I t t I I I I t I I SAFE v6.00 File: 2683148 Kip-ft units PAGE 2 July 7, 2001 8:1? REINFORCING (for whole striP in Sq-in) STRIP STATION TOP-REBAR TOP-REBAR BOT-REBAR BOT.RIBAR I{IDTH Y-ORDINATE LEFT OF Y RIGHT OF Y LEFT OT Y RIGHT OF Y csY2 csY2 1 .478 1.789 L.623 0.468 0.42'l 1.586 r..804 1.559 2.7 60 5.054 5.929 11.989 11.814 5,950 5.074 -t - 05, 4.5s0 3.017 3.192 3.14I3.031 4.308 1. 581 tA,t.7l'/et T l,+l il1rr o l,4l l(2o, tG| = Zb,*a, . q1,+.a {8- +7 1E F I I lo I e z- 4' oeprH I I ETABSItI I I T I I I t I I I I I I I ETABS v7.16 - File: 268310b - Plan View - SECOND - Elevation 16E ETABS il I I rl I il il I il il r il il ,i I l ii rf il I il ri t li t 'l I l 'i I I it Ifl ETABSI t,t I t T I I t I I l I I t t I lo I ETABS v7.16 - File:26E310b ' Plan View - THREE - Elevation 33Y ETABS ti Itt ffi zo"-oo - - Plan Vierv - ROOF - Elevation 507 f ETABS Plan View - SCREEN - Elevation ItI I t T I I I t I l I I I I I lo I I vai.I Valley Medical center - wC Addition ETABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in units July 10, 2001 13r30I I I I t I I I I I I I I I MATERIAL PROPERTY I{AIERIA! MATERIAI DESIGN MIiIE TYPE TYPE DEAD DEAD cn DEAD IIVE SD RIIVE !ilNDX DEAD LIVE RLIVE TII NDX LIVE RLIVE riINDY DEAD LIYE 5D RIIVE IiINDY DEAD III NDX MATERIAL DIR/PNNE Au MODULOS OF POISSONIS TIIERI{AI SIIEAR EI,ASTICITY RAIIO COEFF !ODU],US 29000.000 0.3000 5.5000E-06 11153.846 AND IIEIGIITMAIERIAI, PROPERIY I.IASS MATERIAI MASS PER WEIGHT PER MME UNIT VOI, UNII VOL slEEL 1.32408-01 2.83008-0{ MATERIAI, DESIGN DAlA TOR STEEI I.IATERIAlS MATERIAL STEEI STEEL STEEL NAlilE FY FU CoST (5) slEEL 50.000 63.000 1.00 I'ATERIAL DESIGN DATA FOR COIICRETE 11 AlEIIALS IOTERIAI LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE REBAR RSBAR LIGIIT1IT }IAI'IE CONCRETE EC TY FYS REDUC FACT DESIGII COMBINATIOI{S lo Stati.c Static Static Static Static qt, t i . Static static Static Static Static Static Staric Stati.c Static Static Stati.c Stati.c Stat ic Static Static Static Static Static S tati.c Static 1.4000 1.4000 1.2000 1.6000 1.2000 1.6000 1.2000 0,5000 1.2000 0.5000 1.3000 1.2000 0.5000 1 .2 000 0.5000 -1.3000 1.2000 0.5000 r..2000 0. s000 1.3000 I .2 000 0.5000 r.2000 0.5000 - 1.3000 1.2000 r.2000 0.8000 t I DSllS ADD DEAD static 1.2000SD Static .1.2000wINDx Static -0.8000 0ST'L9 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000SD Static 1.2000 'UNDY Staric 0,8000 DSTL1o ADD DEN) Static 1.2000sD static 1.2000wIllDY Staric -0.8000 DST!11 ADD DEAD Stati.c 0.9000 SD Static 0.9000tfINDX Static 1.3000 DSTLl2 ADD DEAD Static 0.9000S0 Staric 0.9000WINDX Static -1.3000 DSTL13 ADD DEID Stati.c 0.9000sD Sratic 0.9000rINDY Static 1,3000 DSTLI{ ADD DEAD Static 0,9000SD Staric 0.9000IIINDY Staric -f.3000 DS!L15 AOD DEAD Static 1.2000ItvE Sratic 0.5000SD Static 1,2000RLIVE Staric 0. 5000 o{JAKEX Statj.c 1,0000 DSTL15 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIVE Staric 0. 5000SD Staric 1.2000RLM Static 0.5000 QUAKEX Static -1.0000 DSTLI? ADD DEAD Static 1,2000LIVE Static 0.5000SD Static i.2000RLrvE Staric 0,5000 QUIII(EXX Sraric r.0000 DSTL18 ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIVE Static 0.5000SD Stati.c 1.2000RLIVE Staric 0.5000 QUAKE)o( Static -1.0000 DSTLlg ADD DEAD Static 1.2000tM Static 0.5000SD Static 1.2000RLM Stati.c 0.5000 Qt AI(D(XX Static 1.0000 DSTI,2o ADD DEAD Static 1.2000LIV! Stati.c 0.5000SD Static 1.2000RLIVE Static 0.5000 QUAKEX&( Static -1.0000 DSTL2I ADD DEAD Static 1.2000tIvE Static 0.5000SD static 1.2000. RtM Static 0.5000 QUAKEY Static 1,0000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Itr I2 I I I I I I DEAD LIVE SD RLIVE q{,AKEY DEAD IIVE RLIVE OUAIGYY DEAD RI,lVE QUAKEYY DEAD SD QUAKEY Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Stati.c 1.2000 0. s000 - 1.2000 0.5000 -1. 0000 1.2000 0.5000 r .2 000 0. s000 1.0000 I .2 000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 -1 .0000 1 .2 000 0.5000 1.2000 0.5000 r.0000 1.2000 0. 5 000 1.2000 0. s000 -1. 0000 0. 9000 0. 9000 1 .0000 0.9000 0.9000 -1. 0000 0. 9000 0.9000 1.0000 0. 9000 0. 9000 -1.0000 0.9000 0.9000 r. 0000 0. 9000 0.9000 -1.0000 0. 9000 0. 9000 r.0000 0. 9000 0. 9000 -1. 0000 0.9000 0.9000 1. 0000 0. 9000 0.9000 -1. 0000 0. 9000 3 Static Static Static Static Stati.c Stati.c Static Stati.c Static Static I oUAXEYYY Static DEAD Static LM Static SD Static I RLI1E Stati.c t ouAxEyyy Starj.c Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static Static DSTt27 0sTt28 DSTt29 DSTr30 DSTI.31 DSlt32 DS1t33 DSTI34 DST],35 DStr,3 6 OSTI,3 ? ADD DEAD !1VE RLIVE ADD DEAD QUAKEY Static Stati.c Static Static Static Static Static Static Static QUMEXXX Staric DEAD QUAXEX DEAD SD QUAKEX DEAD OUMEXX DEAD SD QUAKEXX DEAD SD I I I I I I I lo I ADD DE"AD QUNGXXX Stati.c DEAD SD QUAKEYY DLAD QUAI(EYY DEAD I JI t I I t I It I I I t t I Itr I4 sD Static ouAKEYrv static DEAD Static sD Static QUArcYYY Static DSTL38 ADD I COLUI.lN STEEL STRESS CIIECK OUTPUT (UBC9]-IRPD) sroRY cotut'rN sEc"TIoN /----------M0MENT rurERActIoN cHEcK---------/ / - ---s[Era22--- / / ----sflEAR33--- / LEVEI LINS ID c0MB0 MTi0 = IxL + 833 + 822 CON,iBO mTI0 C0MB0 MT10 I t t t I I t I I I I I I to I sEcoND c6 ti12x170 sEcoND c7 9i12X135 sEcoND c8 t{12x136 sEcoND c9 w8x31 sEcoND c10 w8x31 sEcoND c11 r{12X106 sEcoND c12 W12X106 sEcoND c13 r{12X106 sEcoND c30 w12x106 sEcoND c36 9r12X170 sEcoND c38 Wl2X105 sEcoND c40 ri12x106 sEcoND c43 w12X105 sEcoND c44 lil2x105 sEcoND c45 !{12X136 sEco[D c46 w12X135 sEcoND c47 wl2x136 sEcoND c48 ril2x136 sEcoND c49 w12X170 sEcoND c50 l{12x1?0 sEcoND c51 W12X1'70 sEcoND c53 lil2x136 sEcoND c55 n12X135 sEcoND c57 wl2x170 sEcoND c65 w12X105 sEcoND c57 W12X105 sEcoND c69 !i12X170 sEcoND c71 !i8X31 sEcoND c72 W8X31 sEcoND c?3 n8x31 sEcoND c78 Vr8X31 sEcoND c88 w8x31 sEcoND c99 W8X31 DST!26 lC) 0.775 nqTtta /^l n 1n4 0srr,18 lc) 0.735 DST!2 (C) 0.767 ncrr t n<Tt r( rat n ?ot nqtt?q /al n 74t ncfllo l^\ n talt DST!20 (C) 0.725 Dsrt24 (c) 0. 769 DST!20 (C) 0. 75? DSTL20 (C) 0.720 0srr2{ (c) 0.764 DSTrlg (C) 0. ?35 DSTLT8 (C) 0.730 nqfl ?? /a l n ttn DST!26 (C) 0.?49 0sTL2 ic) 0.74 6 0sTL23 (c) 0. ?30 DSTLz5 (C) 0. ?51 DSTI26 (C) 0.?30 DSTr,2 (C ) 0. ?15 0sTL2 (C) 0.791 uJ r !zt lLl u. /J! DSTL25 (C) 0.7?9 nqTt ?n lar n 7qq DSTL2s (C) 0. 715 DST!2 (C) 0. 738 DST!2 {C) 0.719 DST!2 (C) 0. 726 DST!2 (C) 0. ?68 DSTr,2 (C) 0.191 ncllrl //-\ n ?cl = 0.015 + 0.040 + 0.720 = 0. 031 + 0 .034 + 0. 640 = 0.063 + 0,6?2 + 0.000 = 0.75? + 0.009 + 0.001 = 0.590 + 0.031 + 0.013 = 0.05? + 0.004 + 0.732 = 0.537 + 0.217 + 0.009 = 0.053 + 0.64? + 0.004 = 0. 07? + 0. 632 + 0 .015 = 0.081 + 0,548 + 0,040 = 0.556 t 0.200 + 0,002 = 0.489 + 0.211 + 0,020 = 0.5{3 + 0.0{0 i 0.180 = 0.076 + 0.533 + 0,027 = 0.554 + 0.164 + 0.011. = 0.088 + 0.630 + 0.063 = 0.5?7 + 0.01.5 + 0.158 = 0.62'l + 0.084 + 0.034 = 0.068 + 0.558 + 0.004 = 0.46? + 0.235 + 0.056 = 0.499 + 0.219 + 0.012 = 0.681 + 0.033 + 0.001 = 0.?20 + 0.069 + 0.003 = 0. 090 + 0. 648 + 0.020 = 0.5?0 + 0.033 + 0.176 = 0.594 + 0.191 + 0.010 = 0.492 + 0.202 + A,022 = 0. 661 + 0. 030 + 0.046 = 0. 658 + 0. 000 + 0.061 = 0. 605 + 0.000 + 0. 121 = 0. 607 + 0. 135 + 0 .02? = 0.129 + 0,035 + 0.02? = 0.110 + 0.013 + 0.029 5 DSTL18 0.046 DSTL25 0.015 Dslrl8 0.052 DSTL26 0. 006 DSTL18 0 .054 DSTL6 0.003 DSTLl8 0.012 0STL3? 0.001 DSTLI? 0.014 DST!5 0.001 DSTLI? 0.053 DSTI26 0.016 DSTLz5 0.084 DSttl8 0.013 DSTLI? 0.04? DSTI5 0.003 DS1L20 0.081 DSTI6 0.005 DS1L24 0.088 DSTll9 0.015 DSTL2o 0.075 DST!6 0.003 DSTL2o 0 .083 DS1124 0 .013 DSTLzo 0 .103 DSTI.26 0 .014 DS1t19 0.091 DSTL24 0.014 DSTL18 0,061 0SrL5 0.004 0sTL23 0.0?5 DST],17 0.015 DSTL3o 0.055 DST!26 0.010 DSTL17 0.064 DS1124 0.011 DST!23 0.092 DS1L17 0.008 DST1,25 0. 091 DST!18 0. 014 DST!26 0.080 DSTL2o 0.003 DSTll9 0.025 DS1L5 0.002 DSTrlg 0.015 DSTL24 0.011 DST!24 0.087 DST!20 0.004 D5Tr20 0. 0?4 DS1L23 0.013 DST!20 0.071 DSTLs 0.002 DST!26 0.085 DSTL20 0.0I1 DST,20 0.015 0STL2 0 .003 DS1L20 0.014 DSTL2 0.003 DST!20 0 .015 DSTL25 0.008 DSTL2o 0.04 9 DSTL23 0.002 DSTL20 0.018 DSr125 0,002 DSTL19 0.010 DSTL25 0.002 I sEcoND c90 ll8x31 sEcoND C91 tl8x31 sEcoND c92 n8X31 sEcoND c93 li8x31 sEcoND c94 [r8x31 sEcoND c95 W8X31 sEcoND c96 ll8x3l sEcoND C97 n8$1 sEcoND c98 t{8X31 sEcoND c99 H8X31 sEcoND c102 w8X31 sEcoND Cl04 !{8X31 sEcoND cl05 n8x31 sEcoND c105 ti8x31 sEcoND c107 n8x31 sEcoND c108 tl8x31 sEcoND c112 ll8x31 sEcoND c113 li8x31 sEcoND c114 ll8x31 sEcoltD c115 !i8X58 Dsrlzo (c) 0.793 ' 0.05? + 0.?0{ + 0.023 DSTr2 rcl 0.712 = 0.?38 + 0.028 + 0,006 DSTLIS (C) 0.798 - 0.059 + 0.113 + 0.025 DSTL2 (C) 0.774 = 0,717 + 0.000 + 0.057 DS1L26 (C) 0.783 . 0.058 + 0.029 + 0.686 DS!L2 (C) 0.?52 - 0.12'l + 0.010 + 0.015 0sTr2 {c) 0.?40 - 0.547 + 0.000 + 0.093 Dsrl2 {c) 0.?05 - 0.645 + 0.025 + 0.036 DSIL2 (C) 0.753 . 0.5?9 + 0.000 + 0.0?4 DsrL18 (C) 0.7?3 . 0.012 + 0.592 + 0.039 DStLlg (C) 0,734 . 0,03? + 0.608 + 0.090 DS?12 (C) 0.?08 = 0.533 + 0.095 + 0,0?9 DS!L20 (C) 0.?57 = 0.058 . 0.59? + 0.012 DSTL2 (C) 0.?71 = 0.153 + 0,01? + 0.001 DS!L2 (C) 0.714 . 0.?02 + 0.011 + 0.001 Dsrl2 (C) 0.??8 = 0.751 + 0.023 + 0,001 DsTLlS (c) 0.?18 . 0.075 + 0.526 + 0.015 DStLlT tC) 0.?20 = 0.630 + 0.080 + 0.002 DsTLl8 (c) 0.761 - 0.051 + 0.596 + 0.015 DSTL2 (C) 0.?40 . 0.550 i 0.090 + 0.100 DSru0 0.017 DST!25 0.002 DS[18 0.013 DSTL24 0.001 0srl18 0.016 Dsrr25 0,003 DSIL18 0.01{ DSrL25 0.003 DSIL18 0.01? DSTI,26 0.002 Dsrtl8 0.015 DSTLz3 0.00r DST!18 0.01{ DSrr2 0.00{ DSlLl8 0.016 DS1L2 0.002 DSrLl8 0,014 DSTL2 0.004 DSTtl8 0.015 DSTL2S 0.004 DStLl? 0.016 DSrLl7 0.006 DS!L20 0.029 DS1r25 0,001 DSTL18 0.015 DS!L25 0.001 DSTII8 0,013 DSTL25 0.000 Dsrtl8 0.012 DS!L25 0.000 Dstal8 0.012 DSTX23 0.000 DSTL18 0.017 DS1L25 0.002 DS1L17 0.011 DSrL23 0.001 DSTrl8 0.013 DS!L23 0.002 DST117 0.0t8 DST!26 0,008 JI I I I I I I I I I t I T Itr 6 t I BEAU STEEI STORY BEd,I LEVEL BAY IOr{3 87 SECOND B? L0lt3 88 SECOND 88 ROOF 89 TI{REE 89 roI{3 89 SECOND 89 IOn3 B11 SECOND 811 L0tr3 812 SECOND BI2 LOi3 835 SECOND 835 I0ii3 835 SECOND B35 LOr{3 839 ROOF B4O THREE B4O ROOF 844 THREE 8{4 RMF 845 TIIREE 845 SECOND 845 S T RE S S SEClION ID l''24X94 lf24x94 w2AXr46 n24X94 n24Xt46 '/,24x68 n24x68 ll24X68 9r24X94 n18Xl6 ri24x68 9{18X?6 I{24x68 !r2 4X68 l{2 4x68 9r12X14 r{12X 14 ''i2 4X14 5 ri12x19 w2 4X58 n24X68 }l24X76 ri2 4x8 4 n18X76 q24X16 n24X84 l{l8 Xt 5 n24X716 wzlxl?6 ri2 4x1? 6 fl24Xl?6 DSTL2 (T) DSTL2 (T) DSTL25 {C) DSTL25 (T) DSTL18 (T) DST!2 (1) DSIL1? (I) DSTL1 (?) DSTL18 (C) DSTL1? (T) DS1L18 (r) DSTLl8 (T) DSTL2 {r) 0sTL18 (T) DSTLs (r) DST!25 (T) DSTL6 (T) DSTL25 (T) DSTr2s (C) DSTL25 (T} DSTL25 (T) DSTI,25 (r) DSTrl? (T) DST!2 (T) DST!2 (T) DST14 (C) DSTI2 (?) 0.088 0srr38 0.000 0. 112 DSTL38 0.000 0.120 DSTL38 0.000 0.112 DSTL38 0.000 0,081 DSTI,38 0.000 0.114 DSrr38 0,000 0.051 DST[38 0.000 0.163 DS1L38 0.000 0.038 DS1r,31 0.000 0.094 DSTL38 0.000 0.205 DSTL38 0. 000 0.04 6 DS1t38 0.000 0.080 DsrL38 0.000 0.22{ DSrr38 0.000 0.256 DSIL38 0.000 0.189 DSTL38 0.000 0. 1?8 DSTL38 0.000 0.318 DSTL38 0.000 0.2 50 DsrL38 0.000 0.203 DSTL38 0.000 0.192 DSTL38 0.000 0. 2?0 0sTL38 0.000 0.204 DSTL38 0.000 CSEC K OUT PU? {UBC9?-LRM) /----------MoMENl INTERACTION CITECK---------//----SllEAR22---//----SlrEAR33---/ C0MB0 RATIo . lL\1, + 833 + 822 C0MB0 RATIo Cot'lBo RATIo t I I I I I 846 B{5 846 I I I I t I I 0.227 = 0.000 + 0.227 + 0.000 0.204 .0.000 + 0.204 + 0.000 0.585 = 0,385 + 0.250 + 0.050 0.370 = 0.015 + 0.340 + 0.015 0.232 = 0.000 + 0.232 + 0,000 0.219 = 0.000 + 0.219 + 0.000 0.319 = 0.000 + 0.319 + 0.000 0.791 = 0.018 + 0.?6? + 0,006 0.0?G = 0.000 + 0.0?6 + 0,000 0.155 - 0.000 + 0.165 + 0.000 0.179 = 0.000 + 0.179 + 0.000 0.291 = 0.000 + 0.291 + 0.000 0.275 = 0,000 + 0.2?5 + 0.000 0.280 = 0.000 + 0.280 + 0.000 0,145 = 0.000 + 0.146 + 0.000 0.210 = 0.000 i 0.210 + 0.000 0.135 = 0.000 + 0.135 + 0.000 0.524 = 0.000 + 0.524 + 0.000 0.381 = 0.247 + 0.133 + 0.000 0.155 = 0.012 + 0.149 + 0.005 0.200 = 0.000 + 0.200 + 0.000 0.582 = 0.000 + 0.582 + 0.000 0.057 = 0.000 + 0.06? + 0.000 0.12? = 0,000 + 0. 127 + 0,000 0.385 = 0.000 t 0.385 + 0,000 0.492 = 0.000 + 0.492 + 0.000 0.183 - 0.000 + 0.183 + 0.000 0.337 = 0.000 + 0.33? + 0,000 0.453 = 0.000 + 0.453 + 0.000 0.707 = 0.000 + 0.?0? + 0,000 0.245 - 0,000 + 0.245 + 0.000 0.545 - 0.000 + 0.546 l0.000 0.441 = 0.000 + 0.441 + 0.000 0.407 = 0.000 f 0,401 + 0,000 0.424 = 0.000 + 0.42{ + 0.000 DST!2 0.112 DSTL38 0.000 DSTL2 0.093 DSTL38 0,000 DSTLl8 0.064 DSILzs 0.003 DSTrl8 0.051 DS1r38 0.000 DSTL2 0. 132 DSTL38 0 ,000 DSTr2 0.184 DSrL38 0.000 DSTr,l 0.032 DSTL26 0.000 DSTL18 0.052 DSTL38 0.000 RooF 84? TI{REE 847 ROOF 848 1IIREE 848 DSTU DSTL18 DSTL2 DSlt2 DSTI5 0stL5 DSTt25 DSTIl DST1,2 DST',2 DSTL25 DSTI,26 DST12 DSlL2 DSTL2 DSTL2 DSlt2 DSTL2 DSTL2 DST12 DSTL2 DSTL2lo 7I I B{8 r{2 4X7 6 DST!2 {r) DSrLl9 (C) DSTLI? (11 DS!L2 (T) DSTtlS (T) DStt2 (T) DSTL2 (T} DST!26 (T) DS!L25 (T) DSlt2 (T) DSTL2 (T) DSTL24 (T) DST!23 (r) DSrr25 (T) DSrt25 (T) DSTL25 (T) DSIL2 (T) DSTL2 (TI DSTL2 (T' DSTL2 (T) 0.350 - 0.000 + 0.350 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.342- = 0.000 + 0.342 + 0.000 0.349 - 0,000 + 0.3{9 + 0.000 DST!2 0.495 = 0.000 + 0.495 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.611 .0.000 + 0.511 + 0.000 DSTl2 0.390 .0.000 + 0.390 + 0.000 0srt 2 0.561 - 0.000 + 0.561 + 0.000 DSTt2 0.719 = 0.000 + 0.719 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.512 .0.000 + 0.512 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.18r = 0.000 + 0.181 + 0.000 DSTLz 0.241 = 0.000 + 0.241 + 0.000 DSlL2 0,45? - 0,000 + 0.45? + 0.000 DSlt2 0.125 = 0.000 + 0.125 + 0.000 DSll2 0. 346 - 0.000 + 0.345 + 0.000 DSTl2 0.261 .0.000 + 0.251 + 0.000 DSTL23 0,132 - 0.000 + 0.132 + 0.000 DST12 3 0.285 = 0.000 + 0.285 + 0.000 DST!2 6 0.1?2 - 0.000 + 0.172 + 0.000 DSTL2 6 0.272 .0.000 + 0.2?2 + 0.000 DS1L25 0,358 - 0.000 + 0.358 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.471 = 0.000 + 0,4?1 + 0.000 OSTL2 0.4{7 - 0.000 + 0.44? + 0.000 0.442 = 0.000 + 0.442 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.351 - 0.000 + 0.35? + 0,000 DSTL2 0.348 = 0,000 + 0.3{8 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.680 = 0.000 + 0.580 + 0.000 DST],2 0.551 = 0.000 + 0.551 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.586 = 0,000 r 0.686 + 0,000 DSTL2 0 .958 = 0 .000 + 0. 958 + 0,000 DSTL2 0.539 = 0.000 + 0.639 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.512 = 0.000 + 0.612 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0. 530 = 0. 000 + 0. 630 + 0. 000 DSTI2 0.898 = 0.000 + 0.898 + 0.000 DST12 0.533 = 0.000 + 0.633 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.49? = 0,000 + 0.497 + 0,000 DSTL2 0.607 = 0.000 + 0.60? + 0.000 DSTL2 0.16? DST!38 0.000 0.31? DS?t38 0.000 0.312 DSTL38 0.000 0.t66 DSTL38 0.000 0.354 DST!38 0.000 0. 425 DSIL3S 0.000 0 ,132 DSTL38 0.000 0.0?? DSTL38 0.000 0.078 DST!38 0.000 0.250 DS!L38 0.000 0.053 DS!L38 0.000 0.126 DSTL38 0.000 0. r.45 DSTI38 0.000 0.053 DS1L38 0.000 0.098 DSTL38 0.000 0.078 DSTL38 0.000 0.104 DSTL38 0.000 0.I4 5 DSIL38 0.000 0.240 DSU38 0.000 0,216 DSTL38 0.000 0.353 DSTI,38 0. 000 0.205 DST!38 0.000 0.218 DS1L38 0,000 0.369 DSrL38 0.000 0.408 DSTI38 0.000 0.3?7 DSrt38 0.000 0,282 DSTL38 0,000 0.109 DSTL38 0.000 0.113 DSTL38 0.000 0.108 DST],38 0.000 0.295 DST!38 0.000 0.113 DST!38 0.000 0.105 DSTL38 0,000 0. 105 DST] 38 0 .000 0.085 DST!38 0.000 J ROOF TIIREE SECOND ROOF THREE ROOF THREE SECOND R00r THREE THREE ROOF TIIREE ROOF TI{REE SECOND ROOF TIIREE ROOF THREE R@F ROOF TIIRE0 895 ROOF 896 THREE 895 R00F 897 TIIREE 891 R00F 8100 THREE S1OO RMF B1O1 THR'E B1O1 R00F 3102 lil8X14 3 l|24X94 |,i,24x'l6 118Xl43 liz 4X10 4 n2 4X5 8 !r2 4 x68 w24X68 n2 4Xl04 12 4X10 4 ri2 { x10 4 ti2 4x10 4 r{24X104 lr24x104 n24X16 n24X16 n24X16 .t/24X229 t{2 4X1? 6 n24X229 ri2 4xl? 6 w2 4Xr46 n24X94 r{2 4x14 6 n24XI04 t124X68 ri2 4x68 r.r24x68 l|24X6I n24x't 6 w24x68 r{24X68 r{2 4X6I r{24X68 B{9 849 849 850 850 B51 851 851 852 853 853 854 855 855 885 885 892 s92 893 893 894 894 895 I I I I I I I I I I T I I Ior 8 I I I t I I I I t I T I t I I lo TIIREE B1O2 n2 4X6I w24v,16 tlz4Xt 6 ri,24)d16 n2 4x68 n24X84 l|24x58 ll24X58 liz {x68 n24X68 n24X68 n24X68 n2 {x6I li2 4X68 n24X16 ri2 4x68 ||24X68 ll24X68 rf2 4x58 r{24X68 liz4X58 ri24x58 r{24X68 ri2 4x68 lr2 4x6I f24x68 ri24x94 124X84 riz 4x68 l'i24x94 l{24X84 n24X68 !i24X94 ri24x8 4 DSTL2 (r) DSTL23 (T) DST1,2 (T) DSTL25 (T) DSTr,26 (T) DSTL23 (T) DSTL23 {T) DSIL2 (T) DSlr2 (T) DSTLz (T) DS!L2 (T) DSTL2 {1) DSTL25 (1) DST!25 (r) DSTI,25 (T) DSTI25 (r) DST[25 (T) DSTL2 (T) DS1L25 (T) DSTLz (T) DSrn3 (r) DSrn3 (r) DSTL23 (T) DSTL23 (1) DSrr,23 (T) DSTI 2 {T) DSTI,2 IT} R00F 8104 TIIREE 8104 SECOND B1O4 R00F 8119 THREE 8119 ROoF 8120 TITRES B12O ROOF B!2L THREE 8121 R00F 8123 TIIREE 8123 ROOF BL24 TIIREE RL24 SECOND 812{ R00F 8125 THREE 8125 sEcoND 8125 R00F Bl2'l THRIE BT21 R00F 8128 THREE 8128 sEcoND 8128 R00F 8129 TIREE BI29 SECOND BL29 R00F 8130 TIIREE B13O SECOND B13O R00F 8131 THME 8131 SECOND 8131 R00F 8132 THREE 8132 0.3t9 = 0.000 + 0.349 + o.ooo orru 0.515. = 0.000 + 0.515 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.315 = 0.000 + 0.316 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.492 = 0.000 i 0.492 + 0.000 0sT12 0.4?5 = 0.000 + 0.4?5 + 0.000 DSTT2 0.328 = 0.000 + 0.328 + 0.000 DSTL23 0.295 =0.000 + 0.296 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.631 =0.000 + 0.631 + 0.000 DSTL2 0,345 = 0.000 + 0.345 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.198 = 0.000 + 0.198 + 0.000 DSlL2 0,411 = 0.000 + 0.411 + 0.000 DSTL2 0,4?3 = 0.000 + 0.473 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.381 = 0,000 + 0.381 + 0.000 DSTI26 0.25? =0.000 + 0.257 + 0.000 OSTL2 0.{39 = 0.000 + 0.439 + 0.000 DST],2 0.395 = 0.000 + 0,395 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.305 = 0.000 + 0.306 + 0.000 DSlt25 0.2?1 =0.000 + 0.2?1 + 0,000 DST!25 0,326 = 0.000 + 0.32C + 0.000 DSTL2 0,309 = 0.000 + 0.309 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.191 = 0.000 + 0.191 + 0.000 DSTI2 0,353 = 0,000 r 0.353 + 0.000 DSTl23 0.192 = 0.000 + 0.192 + 0.000 DSTT,23 0. L5? = 0.000 + 0.15? + 0.000 DSTL23 0.251 = 0.000 + 0.251 i 0.000 DSTL23 0.224 = 0.000 10.224 + 0.000 DSTI,23 0.295 =0.000 + 0.296 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.806 =0.000 + 0.806 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.65? = 0.000 + 0.667 + 0,000 DSTL2 0.299 = 0.000 + 0.299 + 0.000 0.427 = 0.000 + 0.42? + 0.000 DSTLI 0.322 = 0.000 + 0.322 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.520 = 0.000 + 0.520 + 0.000 DSTI.2 0.207 = 0.000 + 0.20? + 0.000 0.437 = 0.000 + 0.437 + 0.000 0.186 = 0,000 + 0.186 + 0.000 0,569 = 0,000 + 0.569 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.096 DSTL38 0.000 0. i0? DstL38 0.000 0,114 DST!38 0.000 0,224 DS1t38 0.000 0.085 DST!38 0.000 0.085 DsrL38 0.000 0,102 DST!38 0.000 0.113 DST!38 0.000 0.049 DST138 0 .000 0.095 DS!L38 0.000 0.123 DSTL38 0,000 0.09? DSIL38 0.000 0.068 DST!38 0.000 0.104 DSTL38 0.000 0,151 DST!38 0.000 0.1?5 DST!38 0.000 0,098 DSTL38 0.000 0.112 DSTL38 0.000 0.155 DSTL38 0.000 0.086 DSl!38 0.000 0,141 DS1L38 0.000 0.084 DSU38 0.000 0.084 DST!38 0.000 0.083 DST!38 0.000 0.085 DS?r38 0.000 0 .101 0srr38 0.000 0.379 DSTL38 0.000 0.285 DST],38 0.000 0 ,192 DSrr38 0.000 0.093 0srl38 0.000 0.266 DSTL38 0 ,000 0,192 DSIL38 0.000 0.326 DSTL38 0.000 9I 0.299 DS!L38 0.000 I SECOND 9132 SCREEN 8145 R00F Bl45 SECOND SCREEN ROOF SECOND SCREEN ROOF TITREE SECOND ROOF SECOND ROOF SECOND SCREEN w24x16 l|l0](JO n24X68 n2 4X58 l{2 4X68 ri16x36 r{2{x68 I|2 4X68 ri2 4x68 n16X36 !t2 4 X58 r{2 4X58 ri24x68 lr2 4X131 n2{x131 r{2{x55 n2 4XI31 w2 4x131 ri2 { x55 tl15x36 r{2 4x68 n2{x68 n24X68 l{l8X,t 0 n16X26 n16X2 6 r{16X2 5 til6X2 5 r{16x25 fl15X26 fiLzXz6 tr1L2X26 wL2X26 DSTL2 {T) DSTL2O (T) DS1L2 (T) DSTL2O (T) DS1L20 (1) DS1L20 (T) 0s112 (T) DSTL2o (ll DSTLzO (T) DSTLz (T) 0sTL20 (T) DSTL19 (T) DST!2 (Tl DST!2 (T) DSTL2 (T) DSTL2 (T) DST12 (T) DS?t20 {T) Dsrr19 (c) DST!20 (T) DS1L20 (T) DSTrl9 (T) DSTL26 (T} DSTL2 (T) DST!2 {T) DST!24 (1) 0. 5{7 0.4{1 0 .158 0.142 0.38 3 0. {69 0.498 0.681 U.J/J 0. {39 0. {57 0 ,610 0.33? 0.398 0. 431 0 ,519 0.552 0. 631 0.032 0 .031 0. 173 0.244 0. 135 a.231 0.281 0.324 0.343 0,749 0.896 0.600 0. 213 0. 816 0. 950 0.793 c .335 0.211 0. i13 DSTL2 DSIL2 DSTl1 DSTL2 DSlt2 DSTI2 DSTII DSTL2 DSTL2 DSTII DSTI2 DSTI2 DS?12 DSTL2 DSTL2 DSTI2 DSTL2 DSTL2O DSTL2O DSTr,20 DSTL2O DSTLI DSTL2 DSTI2 0sTt2 DSTL2 DSTL2 DSTL2 DSTI2 DSttz DSTI2 OSTL2 .0.000+0.54?+0.000 .=0.000+0.4{1 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.158 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.1{2 + 0.000. 0.000 + 0.383 + 0,000 = 0.000 + 0.469 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.{98 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0. 581 + 0.000 = 0.000 r 0.375 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0,{39 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.{5? + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.510 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.33? + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0,398 + 0.000 .0.000 r 0.{31 + 0.000 = 0,000 + 0.619 + 0,000 = 0.000 + 0,552 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0,631 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.032 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.031 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.1?3 + 0.000 .0.000+0.24t+0.000 = 0,000 + 0.135 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.237 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.281 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.324 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.343 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.?49 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.896 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.600 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.213 + 0.000 = 0.000 + 0.815 + 0.000 . 0.000 + 0. 950 + 0. 000 - 0 .000 + 0.193 + 0. 000 - 0.000 + 0.336 + 0.000 - 0.000 + 0.21'7 + 0.000 - 0. 000 + 0.113 + 0 .000 10 0. 195 DSTL38 0.000 0.230 Dsrt38 0.000 0 .156 DST!38 0.000 814 5 814 5 8146 814 6 814 6 814l Bl4? 8147 814 ? 8151 I'IOI !roz E LOZ Bl52 8153 0.204 DS1L38 0.204 DSTL38 0 ,195 DST!38 0.152 DStt38 0.192 DSIL38 0.190 0s1!38 0.187 DST!38 0.14t DSTL38 0.187 DS1L38 0.189 DSTL38 0.2?2 DST138 0.232 DS!L38 0.139 DST!38 0.029 DSTL38 0.030 DST!38 0.087 DSTL38 0.09? DS!L38 0.142 DSU,38 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 ,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I I I I I t t I I t I I I Itl t R00F 8163 THREE 8163 SECOND 8163 R00F 8164 SCREEN 81]3 SCREEN B1?4 SCREEN BI?5 SCREEN 8176 SCREEN B1?? SCREEN B1?8 SCREEN B1?9 SCREEN B18O SCREEN 8181 SCREEN BI82 0. 151 DST!38 0.000 0.153 DSTL38 0.000 0.05? DSl!38 0.000 0.153 DSTr38 0.000 0.156 DSTL38 0.000 0.1{8 DSr!38 0.000 0.0?5 DsrL38 0. 000 0.153 DSTL38 0.000 0.156 DSTL38 0.000 0 , L?? DSTL38 0.000 0 .140 DSTr38 0.000 0.1.?0 DSTr,38 0.000 0.119 DST!38 0.000 I bI SCREEN 8183 w12X26 SCREEN 8184 ti12x26 SCREEN 8185 W12X26 SCREEN 8186 tf16x36 SCREEN 8187 ltl5X36 SCREEN 8188 irl5X35 SCREEN 818 9 lil5X36 SCREEN 8193 tr16X36 SCREEN 8194 w15X35 SCREEN 8195 W15X36 SCREEN 8195 w16X35 SCREEN S197 n12X26 SCREEN 8198 !ll2x26 scRrEN 8200 t{15x36 SCREEN 8201 l{15X36 SCREEN 8202 trl5X35 SCREEN 8203 616X25 SCREEN 8204 tlL6X26 SCREEN 8205 W16X25 scRrEN 8206 W16X25 SCREEN 8201 tdr6K26 SCREEN 8208 lil6X26 SCREEN 8209 ti16X26 SCREEN B21i n16X26 SCREEN B2L2 I1L6X25 SCREEN 9214 n12X19 SCREEN 8215 ri!2x19 SCREEN 8216 wl2x19 SCREEN B2l? ti16x36 SCREEN 8221 IIL6X36 SCREEN R224 m2X26 R00F 8302 n16X36 sEcoND 8304 W24X104 sEcoND 8305 lil8x40 DSTL2 (r) 0.107 = 0.000 + 0.10t + 0,000 DSTLI? (T) 0.159'= 0.000 + 0.169 + 0,000 DSTI2 (T) 0.482 = 0.000 + 0.482 + 0.000 DS!L2 (T) 0.674 = 0.000 + 0.674 + 0.000 DSTLz (T) I .000 = 0.000 + 1.000 + 0,000 DSTL2 (1) 0.552 = 0.000 + 0.652 + 0,000 DSILz {r) 0.596 = 0.000 + 0.595 + 0.000 DsTl2 (T) 0.585 = 0.000 + 0.685 + 0.000 DSIL2 (T) 0.931 = 0. 000 + 0. 931 + 0.000 DsrL2 (T) 0 .630 = 0.000 + 0. 630 + 0.000 DSll2 (T) 0.670 = 0.000 + 0.570 + 0.000 DSlLl7 (T) 0.145 = 0.000 + 0.145 + 0.000 DSTLz (1) 0.208 = 0.000 + 0.208 + 0.000 DsrL2 (T) 0,555 = 0.000 + 0.565 + 0.000 DSTL2 (T) 0.530 = 0.000 + 0.530 + 0.000 DSTU (T) 0,516 = 0.000 + 0.516 + 0.000 0sTt25 (Tl 0,269 = 0.000 + 0.259 + 0,000 DSrr,25 (T) 0.239 = 0.000 + 0.239 + 0.000 DsTl2 {T) 0.398 - 0.000 + 0.398 + 0.000 0stl2 {T) 0.451 = 0.000 + 0.457 + 0.000 DST!26 (T) 0.067 = 0.000 + 0.06? + 0.000 DsTt2 (I) 0.249 = 0.000 + 0.249 + 0.000 DSTI2 (T) 0.353 .0.000 + 0.353 + 0.000 DsTl2 (1) 0.442 = 0.000 + 0.442 + 0.000 DST!2 (C) 0. 5?5 = 0.011 + 0 .530 + 0.134 DSIL2 (T) 0.532 = 0.025 + 0.000 + 0.505 Ds?12 {c) 0.353 = 0.000 + 0.353 + 0.000 DSTll9 (T) 0.191 = 0.000 + 0.197 + 0.000 DSTLlS (C) 0.10i = 0,000 + 0,107 + 0.000 DSIL2 (T) 0.287 = 0.000 + 0.281 + 0.000 DSTI1 (T) 0.I10 = 0.000 + 0.110 + 0.000 DST!2 (r) 0.406 = 0.000 + 0.406 + 0.000 DSrt2 (T) 0.160 = 0,000 + 0.160 + 0,000 DST!23 {T) 0. r89 = 0.000 + 0 .189 + 0.000 DST!38 (T) 0.C82 = 0.000 + 0.082 + 0.000 DST!23 (T) 0.305 = 0,000 + 0.305 + 0,000 DST!2 (T) 0.831 = 0.000 + 0.831 l0.000 DSTL2 0.090 DST!38 0.000 DSTL2 0.159 DSr!38 0.000 DSTL2 0.250 DST!38 0.000 DSTL2 0.124 DSTL38 0.000 DSTL2 0.413 DST],38 0.000 DSlr2 0.23{ DSTI,38 0.000 DSTL2 0.155 DST!38 0.000 DSTL2 0. 166 DSTI38 0.000 DST!2 0.184 0srr38 0.000 DsTr2 0.150 DST!38 0,000 DSTL2 0.164 DSTL38 0.000 DST!2 0.091 DSTL38 0.000 DST!2 0.125 DSTI,38 0.000 DST!2 0.200 DST!38 0.000 DST!2 0.124 DSTL38 0.000 DSTL2 0.150 DSTL38 0.000 DSrr2 0.122 DSTL38 0.000 DSTI,2 0.138 DS!L3S 0.000 DS1r2 0.119 DS?L38 0.000 DST!2 0.154 DSTL38 0. 000 DSTL25 0.028 DSTL38 0.000 DSTLz 0.0?5 D5Tr38 0.000 DSTL2 0.15? DSrt38 0,000 DSTL2 0.208 DSU,38 0.000 DSrt2 0.234 DST],2 0.108 DS!L2 0.098 DST!38 0.000 DslL2 0.094 DSTI38 0.000 DS!L2 0.060 DS1L38 0.000 DSTL2 0. 111 DSTI,38 0.000 DSTL2 0. 081 DST!38 0.000 DSTL2 0. 160 DSTr38 0.000 DSTLI 0.025 DST',38 0.000 DSTL24 0. 13? DST!38 0.000 DSTL2 0.351 DSTr,38 0.000 I I I I I I I I T I I T I lo I 11 I SECOND 8315 SECOND 831? SECOND 8318 SECOND B32O SECOND 8322 sEcoNo 8323 sEcoND 832'7 SECOND 8333 SECOND 8334 sEcoND 833'l SECOND 8352 SECOND 8353 SECOND 8355 SECOND 8356 sEcoND 8315 SECOND 8376 SECOND 8396 SECOND 8525 SECOND B7I7 sEcoND s129 L0?r3 8805 SECOND 8859 SECOND 8861 SECOND 8863 SECOND B87I !r2 4X10 4 ril8x{0 ll12X14 ri24x104 n30x90 ll30x90 r{12X19 I{30x90 ri12x19 tl18X40 n18X40 t{l8X50 w24X6I ri18x50 ril8x40 fll2X14 ltl2x14 lr24X68 n24X68 ti24X68 r{2 4X68 ir30x90 !i24X68 ri12xI4 wI2Xl4 DS1l2 (r) DS1L2 (T) DS?r20 (C) DST!18 (T) DST],24 {T) DSTL24 (T) DST!2{ (T) DSlt2 (T) DSTL2 (r) DSTL2 (11 DSTL2 (T) DST12 {T) DSTL2 (I) DS!L2 (C) DSTL2 (TI DSTL2 (T) DST!2 (T) DSTr24 (T) DSTLz (T) DSTL2 {T) DS1r24 (T) DS1L6 (C) DSTL1 (T) 0sTr2 (r) 0sTr18 {c) DSTL2 {T) DSlr17 {C) DSTL2 (1) sEcoND 830? m8X40 sEcoND 8308 li18x40 sEcoND 8312 li24x68 0.695 = 0.000 + 0.595 + 0.000 0.558 = 0.000 + 0.558 + 0.000 0.248 = 0.000 + 0.218 + 0.000 0.240 - 0.000 + 0.240 + 0.000 0.322 '0.000 + 0.322 + 0.000 0.564 = 0.000 + 0.564 + 0.000 0.937 .0.000 + 0.93? + 0,000 0.233 .0.000 + 0.233 + 0.000 0,089 - 0.000 + 0.089 + 0.000 0.241 = 0.000 + 0.247 + 0.000 0.905 . 0.000 + 0.905 + 0.000 0.21a - 0.000 + 0.214 + 0.000 0.902 . 0.000 + 0.902 + 0.000 0.641 = 0.000 + 0.541 + 0.000 0.786 = 0.000 + 0.785 + 0.000 0.775' 0.000 + 0,7?5 + 0.000 0.312 - 0.000 + 0.312 + 0.000 0.312 .0.000 + 0.312 + 0,000 0.??4 .0.000 + 0.?71 + 0.000 0.714 - 0.000 + 0,?1{ + 0.000 0.930 = 0.000 + 0.930 + 0.000 0.19? =0.000 + 0.19? + 0.000 0.175 = 0,000 + 0.1?5 + 0,000 0.058 = 0.000 + 0.058 + 0.000 0.048 = 0,000 + 0,048 + 0.000 0.095 = 0.000 + 0.095 + 0.000 0.232 - 0.000 + 0.232 i 0.000 0.199 = 0.000 + 0.199 + 0.000 0.500 - 0.000 t 0.600 + 0.000 0.?3{ = 0.000 + 0.734 + 0.000 0,443 = 0.000 + 0.413 + 0,000 0.389 = 0.000 + 0.389 + 0.000 0.288 .0.000 + 0.288 + 0.000 0.349 = 0.000 + 0.349 + 0.000 0.095 = 0.000 + 0.095 + 0.000 0.468 = 0,000 + 0.458 + 0.000 0.24r = 0.000 + 0.241 + 0.000 0.479 = 0.000 + 0.4?9 + 0.000 0. 590 * 0. 000 + 0.590 + 0.000 DSlr2 0.2?8 DSTL38 0.000 DS1L2 0,235 DSTL38 0,000 DS1L20 0.122 DST],38 0.000 88l2 nl2X14 sEcoND 88? 4 W18X40 sEcoND B8l6 W18X40 LOt{3 B8?8 9i24X?6 0.133 DSTL38 0.000 0.1?? DSTL38 0.000 0.277 DSTL38 0,000 0.077 DS1L38 0,000 0.054 DSTL38 0.000 0.142 DSTL38 0.000 0.305 DST!38 0.000 0.089 DST'38 0.000 0.325 DSTL38 0,000 0.316 DSTL38 0.000 0.316 DSTL38 0.000 0.28? DSIL38 0.000 0.201 DStr38 0.000 0.3r2 DSrHS 0.000 0,2?1 DSTL38 0.000 0.289 DSTL38 0.000 0.121 DSTL38 0,000 0.07? DSTL38 0.000 0.139 DSIL38 0.000 0.114 DSTL38 0.000 0.0?0 DSTL38 0.000 0.199 DST!38 0.000 0.0?6 DSTL38 0.000 0.160 DSTL38 0.000 0.109 DSTL38 0.000 0.103 DST!38 0.000 0.1?8 DSTL38 0.000 0.253 DST!38 0.000 0.223 DST!38 0.000 DSTI2 DSTI2 DS?L2 Dsttz4 DS?L24 DSTL2 DSTI2 DSlL2 DSlL2 05112 DStt2 DSTL2 ncit., DSTL2 DSTI2 DSTT2 DSTL2 DSTI2 DSTL2 DSTL2 DSTI2 DSTL2 DSlL2 DSTL2 DSTL2 DSTI2 0sTt2 DSTI2 I I I I t I I I t I I I I Itr II 12 I I t I I T I I I I t I T I lo SECOND B8?8 rofi3 B8?9 sEcoND 88?9 SECOND B88O IDn3 8881 SECOND 8881 r0!{3 8882 SECOND 8882 r,0tJ3 8883 SECOND 8885 sEcoND 8885 sEcoND 888 7 sEcoND 8889 DS!L2 (T) DSTL2 l1) DSTL2 1T) DS1L2 (T) DSr (r) D5T!,2 (T) DSTL2 (T) DSlr2 (r) DSlt2 (1) DSTL2 (T) DST!2 (1) DST12 (T) Dsttl5 {C) DSTtl? {T) DSTL2 {C) n24X94 rf24x? 5 F24X94 r{24X58 n24X68 n24X58 r{2{x58 r{24X58 t|l2Xr{ n24X58 n18X40 !f18X40 ri2{x55 OSTL2 0.380 . 0.000 + 0.380 + 0.000 . DSTL2 0.51{ = 0.000 + 0.514 + 0.000 DSfI,2 0.322 - 0.000 + 0.322 + 0.000 DST1,2 0.088 = 0.000 + 0.088 + 0.000 DSrl2 0.096 = 0.000 + 0.095 + 0.000 DSrr2 0.0?4 - 0,000 + 0.0?4 + 0.000 DSrL2 0.088 = 0.000 + 0.088 + 0.000 DStt2 0.0G8 = 0.000 + 0.068 + 0.000 DSTI2 0.347 = 0.000 + 0.341 + 0.000 DSTL2 0.212 - 0.000 + 0.212 + 0.000 DSTI,2 0.698 = 0.000 + 0.598 + 0.000 DSlL2 0.8?2 = 0.000 + 0.872 + 0.000 DSII 17 0.2?5 = 0.000 + 0.2?5 + 0.000 0.280 = 0.000 + 0,280 + 0.000 0srL1 0.531 - 0.,185 + 0.045 + 0.000 0. 1{? DST!38 0.000 0.153 DSTL38 0.000 0.097 DSTL38 0.000 0.068 DST!,38 0.000 0.059 DSTL38 0.000 0.045 DSTL38 0.000 0.057 DST!38 0.000 0.043 DSTI;}8 0.000 0.087 DS1L38 0.000 0.08? Dsrr'38 0.000 0.310 DS!L38 0.000 0.298 DST!38 0.000 0.121 DSTI38 0,000 0.006 Dsrlz0 0.000s890 n24X58 I 13 I Blertach Gonauldng Engineerr, Inc. Tlllc: vwl E(PANSION Dlgnn T Job * 268:1.10 D.tr: 11:29AM, 11 JUL 01L'td -r, \C.,i.aarf,aZ\ln|l..ta, h.r =- i 5t*nrd c-sr60 - ' 5707 W. 6th Ave. Denver, Co. 80214 phone @ 303-233€838 fax (D 303-233{tsl56 14.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft D.lcrlptlon : 1970 BLDG rwEsTtc,ATloN Scope: CHECK D(|ST|NG FOOTINGS I I I utr: Xw-0a0ala. v..5.t.3. zr.tnrl$e. v\rlr3:l (d l0llrr ElERc{c C€nbr Span L€ft Cani. Right Cant Lu : Unbrac€d Length SteelBeam Design Pinned-Pinned Bm tn. Add€d to Loads LL & ST Ad Togother k/ft k/ft k/ft n fi I I I I OL LL ST Start Location End Location Max. M + Max. M - Max. M @ Left Mex. M @ Right Shear @ Lef, Sh6er @ Right Center Defi. Lcn Canl Def, Right Cant Oef, ...Query Defi @ 0.410 0.800 Maximum 32.17 k-n 8.87 k 8.87 l( 4.474in 0.000 in 0.(X)o in 0.000 fi LL @ Center 32,17 8.87 8.87 4.474 0.000 0.000 0.000 LL+ST @ Center 4.474 0.000 0.000 0.000 88.60 in4 2.36 in4 14.878 in3 1 ,189 in3 k-ft k-ft k-ft k-fi 8.87 8.87 8.87 8.87 3.07 3.07 {.141 0.000 0.0m 0.000 3.07 3.07 I I I I I I I lo DL Onlv 11.15 k k 0.000 0.000 in0.000 0.000 in0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 in Rcadion @ Lefr 8.87 Readion @ Rt 8.87 Fa calc'd por 1.5-l, K'Ur < Cc wdth Web Thick Flange Thickness Area 3.970in 0.200 in 0.225 in 4.16 in2 I Statlc Load Case Govoms Strosg U3ing: W12X14 section, Span = 14.50ft, Fy = !a.a6; End Fhity = Pinned-Pinned, Lu = 0.00fr, LDF = 1.000 AdualMom€nt 32.172 k-ft. b:8€nding Strcss 25.948 ksifrrFb 0.786 : I Allowable lo.s15 k-n 33.000 ksi .17-6,[0 k 20.000 ksi Max. Oeflaction Length/Dl D€fi Length(Dl+LL Deff) {.474 in 1,059.8 : 1 %7.2:1 Shear lir : Shear Sless fv/Fv 8.875 k 3.726 ksi 0.186 : I Lat a -z\crfr.Z\at-..ta, ho. =':stlctld Cagtor. -i, t .- l(S6o3la. \rr 5.1 .!. Zl.r|jlrl lee, lths2 (4 ret'at ENEnc^lc Conter Span Left Cant. Righl Canl Lu : Unbrac€d Longlh phone @ 303-233.5838 f.x @ 303.233{t5156 14.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 14.50 ft Blerbech Comultng Englneerr, Inc. Tl0c: WH EOAI{S|ON Jobr2603.10 5702 W.66r Ave. Dqnn T O.r.: 1t:29Ail, 1I JULO1 Donyor, Co. 80214 o"crlpdon : 1970 BLDG INVESnGATION I CHECK EXISTING FOOTINGS Steel Beam Design Pinn€d-Pinn.d Bm Wt. Addcd to Loads LL & ST Ad Togcthcr I I I I I t I k/n kn k/n n ft DL LL ST Stert Location End Location 0.233 Using: Wl2x16 s€c{ion, Span = 14.50fi, Fy = 50.0ksi End Fixity = Pinned-Pinned, Lu = 14.50fi, LDF = 1.000 AdualMornent 6.544 k-fr lb : Bending SlrBss 4.571 k3i6/Fb 0.752 :1 1.E05 k 0.6E4 ksi 0.033 : I Allowablc 8.708 k-ft 6.082 k3i 52.756 k 20.m0 ksi Short Term Loed Carr Govcrnc Strs$ Max. Defcc'tion {.083 in Length/DL Ocfr 32,668.6 : l Length{DL+LL Dcf,) 2,@8.7 : 1Shrar fv : Shear Stre3s ttt I Fv Max. M + Mar. M - Mar. M @ Left Max. M @ Right Maximum 6.54 k-fi '1.81 k 1.81 k -0.083 in 0.000in 0.000 in 0.000 n DL Only 0.42 0.12 0.12 -0.005 0.000 0.0@ 0.000 o.'t2 0.12 LL @ Csr e, at! LL+ST @ Center 6.54 103.00 in4 2.82 in4 17.181 in3 1.414 in3 LL @ Cants I T I I I I Itr I k-fi k-n k-n k-n k l( k l( 0.(xto 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.81 1.El -0.083 0.m0 0.(X)0 0.000 1.81 1.81 Shear @ Left Shear @ Right Cenlcr D€fl. L6fi Canl Defl Righl Cant Defl ...Qucry Defl @ R6action @ Left Reaction @ Rt width Web Thick Flange Thickness Area 3.990in 0.220 in 0.265 in 4.71 inz 0.m0 0.000 0.000 0.(x)0 o.qn in 0.q)0 in 0.0(n in 0.000 in t.8t 1.81 l-xx l-yy S-xx s-vv Fa calc'd p€r 1.5-2, K'U. > Cc I Blorbach Conluldng Enginee|!, Inc. Tltc : vwl o(PANsloN Job * 268i1.10 SZOZ W. 6th Ave. Drgnn T [Lb: 11:29AtU, 11 JUL 01 Donycr, co, 80214 D6crlptlon i 1970 BLDG lNVEsrlGAnoN phone@303.233{838 Scopc: SHESKEX;S1NGFOOT;NGS fax @ 303-233{,5156 L6.d -/\Cc.rd,ba/Z\E|rh..ra, ha.=: t.- Xyvl8osla, V.r 5.1.S. z|\r,|lll$t ltlt!2 (4 re0!9e E ERC^rC Steel Beam Design I t I I I t I k-ft k-ft k-fr k-fr k k in in in in k k 4.40 E.64 1.60 3.04 4.40 k 8.Ar k Max. M + Max. M - Mar. M @ Len Max. M @ Right I I I I I I I C€ntsr Span L6fr Cant. Right Cant Lu : Unbraced Length Shear @ Lefi Sh€ar @ Right C€ntsr Def,. [.6fi Cant D€f Ritht Cant Defl ...Query Defl @ Reaction @ Lelt R6action @ Rt wdrh Web Thid Flange Thickness Area 20.50 fr 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Pinned-Pinned Bm Wt. Addod to Loads LL & ST Aci Together DL @ Right 0.421 LL @ Right ST @ Leff sT@ Right Maximum 34.28 k-fi {.848 in 0.000in 0.000 in 0.000 fi 4.& E.64 DL Only 12.17 -0.00 1.60 3.04 -0.302 0.000 0.m0 0.000 LL @ C€nter v.28 -0.00 4.40 8.64 -0.848 0.000 0.000 0,000 LL+ST @ Center -0.848 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.40 8.64 103.00 in4 2.82 in4 17. 181 in3 1.41.f in3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.990in O.2Oin 0.265 in 4.71inz TO I Static Load Case Govemg Sttas Using: Wl2X16 s€c{ion, Span = 20.50ft, Fy= 59.91s; End Fhity = Pinned-Pinn€d, Lu = 0.00fi, LDF = 1.000 Moment fr : Bsnding Stres3 f,r/Fb Shear fv : Shoar Str€ss fvrFv Adual 34.276 k-ft 23.940 ksi 0.725 | 1 8.6114 k 3.2n ksi 0.l0l : I Allonrab16 47.248 k-ft 33.000 ksi 52.756 k 20.000 k3i Mar. Oeflection LengthiDl Den Length(DL+LL Den) -0.848 in 815.2 : 1 290.0 :'l Fa calc'd por 1.$1, K'Ur < Cc aLrt d -/\-,8#z:ttx&'a c6-r6b - u ll- l(Wd5!4, Vr 5.1.t. zLlr|.llee. $rh02(o lrpr Et*Rc rc Steel Beam Design 1 rn Blorbach Contulung Englnccrr, lnc. Tltto: WH EXPANSTON Jobt 26E3.tO 5702 W. 6th Ave, Dqnr: T O.t : 11:2gAM, ti JUL 0l D,enver, Co.8O214 phone @ 303-233€838 fex @ 303-233.05156 Drrcrlpdon : 1920 BU)c INVESnGAT|of{I CHECK P(ISNNG FOOTINGS Load Duration Factor Elastic Modulug 1.00 29,000.0ksi I I I I t I I Center Span Left Cant. Right Cant Lu : Unbraced Length DL @ Right 20.50 fr 0.00 fr 0.00 tt 20.50 ft Bm Wt. Add€d to Load3 LL & ST Act Togeth€r sr@ ST@ Risht LL @ Lelt [r @ Right Pinned-Pinn d U3ing: Wl2X19 seciion, Span = 20.50fi, Fy = 50.0bi End Fixity = Pinn€dPinnsd, Lu = 20.50fi, LDF = 1.m0 Short Te]m Load Ca!€ Goycms Stllls Max. Drfledion -0.147 in Lengih/Dl Dof, 12,336.i : 1 Lsngth(DL+LL [)ei) 1,62.8 : 1 Moment b : Bending Str€s3fr, Fb Shear fo : Shsar Stress fvrFv Actual 7.443 k-n 4.177 ki 0.7a3 :1 1.834 k 0.6.[2 ksi 0.032 : I Allorabl6 10.019 k-fr 5.623 ksi 57.152 k 20.000 ksi Maximum 7.44 k-ll 't.01 k 1.83 k 4.147 n 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 ft LL @ Ccntcr ar€ LL+ST @ Centar LL @ Cant3 a3 noted -> LL+ST @ Cants DL Onlv 0.99Max. M + Max. M - Max. M @ Lefi Max. M @ Right 7.4 4.00 I I I k-ft k-fr k-tt k-n k k k k 0.000 0.000 0.0(x) 0.000 1.01 1.83 4.147 0.000 0.000 0.m0 1.01 1.83 Sh6ar @ Lsfi Shear @ Right Center Def,. L.ft Cant o,efr Right Cant Osf, ...Quory Dof, @ Roaclion @ Left Roaction @ Rt Fe calc'd pr 1.5-2, X'Ur>Cc 0.19 0.19 -0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.19 0.19 0.0(n in 0.(XXt in 0.0fl) in 0.000 in 0.000 0.0(n 0.0(x) 0.000 1.01 1.8ii SectionProperties W12X19 I I I Itr II r:yy RI l-xx l-vv S-xx s-vv wdth Web Thick Flange Thickness Area 4.005in 0.235 in 0.350 in 5.57 in2 130.00 in4 3.76 in4 21.382 in3 1.878 in3 O.gZ2 in 1.000 in I RAM BasePlate v1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, wl2x106/120 nax Sunmary Design Results 7 /II/0\ 11:50 I I CRITERIA: t Analvsis ilaj-ntain Strain Compatibility - Use min, effective pJ.ate area for axial- only compression Load on plate. I Design: Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC J9. I Anchor Shear Values Only, I _ .Al.h9: Tension Values On1y. oDt rmr zat t on Reposition Anchors With P1ate OptinizationI I INPUT DATA: Colunn Column Size.. W12XL0 6 I Base Pr.aEe I Plate Fy (ksi ) ..... 36.00 N (Parallel to V{eb) (in)... 26.50 (Optinized) I B (Perpendicular to Web) (in1 ... 16.50 I Plate Thickness (in) 3.00 (Optimized) f Anchor Anchor Size. . 7 1,/2" Anchor Area (in^2 ) 7.77 Anchor Material A449-L20 Anchor Modulus (ksi )..... 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... .120.00 Foot ing Footing Strengt.h f'c (ksi )...., 4.00 Concrete ModuLus (ksi )..... ....3505.00_ Dimension (Parallel to web) (ft)........ 3.00 I Dimension (Perpendicul-ar to web) (ft)... 3.OO t Load case Data Dead Live Roof Wind SeismicAxia] (kip ) . ' '.. 252.00 149.00 0.00 0.00 2'7.00 r Mx (kip-ft) 22.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 1,74.00 I vx (kip ).'... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I Load Combination Building Code: UBC 94 - 1) 1.00DL I 2') l..00DL + 1.00LLr 3) l.ooDl + t.oor,r, + 1.ooE4) 1.00DL + L.ooLL - l.OoE r 5) 1.00DL + 1.008 I 6) r..00DL - r.. 008r It r I lo I Pase 1 I RAM BasePlate V1 .01 Bj-erbach Consulting Engineers, wL2xLO6/I20 max Sunnary Design Results 7 /Ll/OL 11:50 RESULTS: Plate Bending Max bending moment from concrete compression Controlling Load Combination No = 3 Allowable Stress Increase Factor 1.33 Controlling effective width to resist moment (in) ... 16.50 Controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) 11.39 fb (ksi ) .... 34.61 Fb (ksi ) .... 35.91 tb/Fb . 0. 96 Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip ) ..... 7,39 Anc. No = L Combo No = 5 BearingControlling Load Combination No = 3 A.Ilowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) ,.,, . 2.53 Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... 2.28 DIAGRAM: # x(in) Y (in)1 -r.0.25 0.002 LO.25 0.003 -10.25 5.254 L0.25 5.255 -10.25 -5.256 L0.25 -5.25 t I I I I I I I I I I I Itr II PL 5-26.50 x 16.50 x 3.00 (in) L !/2" A449 Anchor Bolts , ( _) 6 Page 2 I Rjll,t BasePlate v1 .ol Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x1061120 min. Sunmary Design Results 7 /r]-/01 LL|52 t I CRITERIA:I Analvsis ilaintain Strain Compatibility I Use min. effective plate area for axj-al only compression load on plate. I Design Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearinq per AISC J9. I Anchor Shear Values -Onfy. I Anchor Tension Values Only. ODt imi zat ion Reposition Anchors with Pl-ate Optimization I INPUT DATA: CoIumn Column Size.. v!12X10 6 I Ease ;iaEe r Prare Fy (ksi )..... 36.00 N (Parall-el- to web) (in)... 26.50 (oPtimized) I B (Perpendicular to Web) (in)... 16.50 I Plate Thickness {in) 3.00 (optimized)r Anchor Anchor Size.. 7 L/2" Anchor Area (in^2 ) l.'77 Anchor Material . A449-120 Anchor Modulus (ksi )..... 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 Foot ingl Footing Strength f'c (ksi )..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3605.00 ,rr Dimension (Paral-lel to lreb ) (ft) ........ 3.00 I Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft) ... 3,00 I Load case Data Dead Live Roof wind Seismic Axial (kip )..... 252.00 149.00 0'00 0.00 2'7.00 -. Mx (kip-ft) 22.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 174-00 I vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0-00t Load Combination Building Code: UBC 94 | 1) 1.00DLI 2\ 1.00DL + 1.00LL - 3) l,.ooD], + t.oo],I., + t.ooE4) 1.00DL + L.00LL - r-.00E I 5) 1.00DL + 1.00E I 6) 1.00DL - l.ooE I II r lo I Pase I I RAM BasePlate Vl .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, wl2x106/120 min. PL6- Sumnary Design Results7/LL/n II:52 I t I I I I t I I I I I I I RESULTS r Plate Bending Max bending moment from concrete compression Controlling Load Combination No = 3 Allowable Stress Increase Factor 1.33 Controlling effective bridth to resist moment (j.n) 16.50 ControJ,ling plate bending moment (kip-ft) 7l-.39 fb (ksi ) .... 34.61 Fb (ksi ) .... 35.91 fblFb. 0.95 Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip )..,.. 7.39 Anc. No = 1 Combo No = 5 Beari ng Controlling Load Combination No = 3 AllowabLe Bearing Pressure (ksi ) ..,. 2.53 Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... 2.28 DIAGRAM: # x(in) Y(inl1 -10.25 0.002 L0.25 0.003 -10.25 5.254 L0.25 5.255 -10.25 -5.256 10.25 -5.25 26.50 x 16.50 x 3.00 (in) I L/2" A449 Anchor Bolts or I l I I I ar 1 I f, il -' z ^l t) w12x106 Page 2 I F./AM BasePlate v1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x136 min. Sunmary Design Results '1 /L:./0L L2:28 t I I I I I t I I I I I I I CRITERIA: Analysis Maintain Strain Compatibility Use min. effective plate area for axial- only compression load on Plate. Design Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC J9. Anchor Shear Values OnIy. Anchor tension Values Only. Opt imi zat i on Reposition Anchors vfith Plate Optimization INPUT DATA: CoIumn Column Size. . Base Pl-ate Plate Fy (ks j- )..... N (Parallel to Web) (in) ... B (Perpendicular to Web) (in) ... Pl-ate Thickness (in ) Anchor Anchor Size.. Anchor Area ( in^2 ) Anchor Material w12x136 36.0025.50 (Optimized) 1.5.50 (optimized) 2.'75 (Optimi zed) I.77 A449-r20 29000.00Anchor Modufus (ksi ) ,,..; Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 Footing Footing Strength f'c (ksi )..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3605.00 Dimension (Para1lel to hreb ) (ft) ........ 3.00 Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 3.00 Load Case Data Dead Live Roof Axia] (kip )..... 55.00 42.00 0.00 Mx (kip-ft) 20.00 6.00 0.00vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load Combination Building Code: No Code Generated Combinations 1) 1.00DL 2t 1.00DL + 1.00LL 3) 0.90DL + 0.71E 4\ 1.00DL + 0.75LL + 0.54E RESULTS : Plate Bending Max bending nonent from concrete compression Controlling Load Conbj-nation No = 3 AlLowable Stress Increase Factor Controlling effective width to resist moment (in) Controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) fb (ksi ) .... Fb (ksi ) .... fblFb. Wind Seismic0.00 27 .000.00 244.000.00 0.00 l. 00 39. 90 2'7.OO n ol lo I Page 1 I P"AM BasePlate vl .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x136 min. Anchors Max. Shear Max. Tension (kiP ) ... .. Beari ng 0.0029.53 Anc. No = 1 Cornbo No = 3 Controlling Load Conbination No = 3 Allowab1e Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... DIAGRAM: ri 2s.50 x 15.50 X 2.75 (in)! L/2" A449 Anchor Bolts * L z 3 4 5 6 Suunary Design Results1/L1/0L L2228 1. 98 1.89 x (in) Y (in) -9. ?s 0.009.75 0.00 -9.75 4 .759.75 4.75 -9.7 5 -4 .759.75 -4.75 I I I I I I I tr I ELr6- I I I I I I I w12x13 6 Page 2 I RAM BasePlate vl .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x136 nax Sutrunary Design Results 't /Lt/0I L2z3I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I CRITERIA: Analysis Maintain Strain Compatibility Use min. effective pLate area for axial only Des iqn Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC J9. Anchor Shear Values Only. Anchor Tension Values Only. opt imi zat i on Reposition Anchors With Plate Optimization compression load on pl-ate. INPUT DATA: Co lumn Column Size.. VlL2X136 Base Plate Plate Fy (ksi )..... 36.00 N (Parafle1 to Web) (in)... 25.50 (Optinized) B (Perpendicular to Web) (in) .., 15.50 (Optimized) Plate Thickness (in) 3.25 (Optimized) Anchor Anchor Size.. L L/2" Anchor Area (in^2) I.7'7 Anchor Material A449-120 Anchor Modulus (ksi )..... 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 Footing Footing Strength f'c (ksi Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ....3605.00 Dimension (Para.LLel to web) (ft) ...... -, 10.00 Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 10.00 Load Case Data Dead Live Roof Axial (kip )..... 315.00 209.00 0.00 Mx (kip-ft) 20.00 6.00 0.00 vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Load Combination Building Code: No Code Generated Concinations 1) 1.00DL 2t 1.00DL + 1.00LL 3) 0.90DL + 0.718 4) 1.00DL + 0.75LL + 0.54E RESULTS : PIate Bending Max bending moment from concrete compression Controlling Load Combination No = 4 Al-lowable Stress fncrease Factor Controlling effective width to resist moment (in) Controlling plate bending nonent (kip-ft) fb (ksi ) .... Fb (ksi ) .... fblFb . Wind 0.00 0. 00 0.00 S eismi c 27.00 244.00 0. 00 1.00 15.50 lb. /r 24 .94 2'7.00 0 .92 TO I I RAM BasePlate V1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engrineers, w12x135 max Sumrary Design Results 7 /J,t/0L 12z3L Combo No = 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Itr Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip ).,... 6.59 Anc. No = 1 Bearinq Controlling Load Combination No = 4 Allowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) ..., DIAGRAM: # 1 2 3 4 6 2.80 2.34 x (in) Y (in) -9.75 0.009.'t5 0.00 -9.75 4.759.75 4.'t5 -9.7 5 -4 .75 9.75 -4.75 E)J 6 25.50 x 15.50 x 3.25 (in)- M2" A449 Anchor Bolts I (l) 4 ; J rl 'I Page 2 I RAM BasePlate V1 .01 Bierbach Consulting Engineers, w12x170 rnax. CRITERIAI AnaI ys i s Maintain Strain Compatibility Use nin. effective plate area for axial Des ign Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC J9. Anchor Shear Values On1y. Anchor Tension Va1ues Onlv. Sunmary Design Results 7 /I1/0L l2t 3 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I to I only compression load on PJ-ate. Opt imi zat ion Reposition Anchors With Pl-ate Optinization INPUT DATA: Colurnn Column Size.. W12X17 0 Base P1ate Plate Fy (ksi )..... 36.00 N (ParalLel" to web) (in) ... 26.25 (Optj.mized) B (Perpendicular to Web) (in) ... 15.75 (Optimized) P1ate Thickness (in) 3'50 (Optimized) Anchor Anchor Size.. ! I/2" Anchor Area (in^2) 1.7'7 Anchor Material. A449-120 Anchor Modurus (ksi ).. ' ' ' 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 Foot ing Footing Strength f'c (ksi concrete Modu.Ius (ksi )..... ...3605.00 Dimension (ParalLel to web) (ft)........ 10.00 Dimension (PerpendicuLar to web) (ft)... 10,00 Load Case Data Dead LiveAxial (kip )..... 350.00 I'12.00 Mx (kip-ft) 22.00 8.00 vx (kip )..... 0.00 0.00 Load Combination Building Code: UBC 941) 1.00DL2',) 1.00DL + 1. 00LL3) 1.00DL + L.00LL + 1.0084) 1.00DL + 1.00LL - 1.00E5) 1.00DL + 1. 00E6) 1.00DL - 1.00E Roof 0.00 0.00 0.00 wind Sei.smic0.00 2'7 .00 0. 00 306. 00 0.00 0.00 Page 1 I RAM BasePlate V1 .01 Bierbach ConsuJ-ting Engineers, w12x170 max. E)J6- Sunmary Design Results7III/OL l2z 3 I I I t I I I t t I I I I Itr I RESULTS: Pl-ate Bending Max bending moment from concrete compression Controlling Load Combination No = 3 A.Llowable Stress Increase Factor 1.33 Controlling effective width to resist moment (in) .., 15.75 Controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) 90.14 fb (ksi ) .... 33.64 Fb (ksi ) .... 35.91 tb/Fb . 0.94 Anchors Max. Shear 0. 00 Max. Tension (kip )..... 19.79 Anc. No = 1 Combo No : 5 Bearing Controlling Load Combination No = 3 ALl-owable Bearj-ng Pressure (ksi ) .... 3.72 Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... 3.69 DIAGRAM: * x (in) 1 -10. 132 L0. r.3 3 -10.134 10.135 -10.136 10. 13 Y(in) 0.00 0.00 4.88 4.88 -4.88 -4.88 25.25 X 15.75 x 3.50 (in) 1 L/2" A449 Anchor Bolts t) J 'I q. ) n r -.t 6 Page 2 t RAM BasePlate Vl .01 Bierbach Consulting Engj-neers, w12x170 min. Sunmary Design Results'7/Lr/0t L2| 5 I I CRITERIA:r Analvsis Maintain Strain Compatibility I Use rnin. effective plate area for axial only compression load on plate. I Design Use ASD 9th to check plate bending Max concrete bearing per AISC J9. I Anchor Shear Values Onty. I ^ . .Al.h?T Tension Values OnIy. uDt lml zaE 10n Reposition Anchors With Plate Optimizatj.on I INPUT DATA: Colunn Col-umn Size, , W12X170 t Base Pi-ate! P1ate Fy (ksi )..... 36.00 N (Paralle1 to Web) (in)... 26.25 (Optinized) I B (Perpendicular to Web) (in) .,, L6.25 (Optilnized) I Plate Thickness (in) 3.25 (optimized)r Anchor Anchor Size.. 1 I/2" Anchor Area (in^2 ) I .'17 Anchor MateriaL . A449-L20 Anchor ModuJ.us (ksi )..,.. 29000.00 Anchor Strength Fu (ksi )..... ..120.00 Foot ingf Footing Strength f'c (ksi )..... 4.00 Concrete Modulus (ksi )..... ,...3605.00 Dimension (Parallel to web) (ft)........ 10.00 I Dimension (Perpendicular to web) (ft)... 10,00 t Load Case Data Dead Live Roof llind Seismic Axial- (kip )..... l-?6.00 85.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 I Mx (kip-ft) 22.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 305.00 I vx (kip ) . . . . . 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00f Load Combination Building Code: UBC 94 I 1) 1.00DL I 2\ 1.00DL + L.00LLr 3) 1.00DL + 1.0oLL + 1.OOE4) 1.00DL + 1.00LL - 1.00E I 5) 1.00DL + 1.00E I 6) 1.00DL - 1.00E I I r to I Pase I I RAM BasePlate V1 .0L Bierbach consul-ting Engineers, w12x170 min. Elr6- I I I I I I I I I I t I I t i-\i Sunnary Design Results 7 /IL/01 12: 5 RESUTTS: PIate Bending 'Max bending moment from concrete compression Controlling Load Combination No = 3 Al.lowable Stress Increase Factor 1.33 Controlling effective width to resist moment (in) l'6.25 Controlling plate bending moment (kip-ft) 77.84 fb (ksi ) .... 32.65 Fb (ksi ) .... 35.91 fblFb . 0.91 Anchors Max. Shear 0.00 Max. Tension (kip ) ..... 3'l .L2 Anc. No = 1 Conbo No : 5 Bearing Controlling Load Conlcination No = 3 Allowable Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... 3.72 Max Bearing Pressure (ksi ) .... 3.25 DIAGRAM: * 1 2 ? 4 q 6 26.25 x L6.25 x 3.25 (in)I 'J-/2" A449 Anchor Bo1ts x(in) Y(in) -10. 13 0. 0010.13 0.00 -10.13 5. 1310.13 5. 13 -10. 13 -5. 13 10. 13 -s. 13 tr I v{12x170 Page 2 I ETABS v7.16 Pile: 2603108 Kip-in Units PAGE I July 11, 2001 14:25 SUMUARY OF COMPOSITE BEAM OUTPUT t I t t I I I t I I I LeveI Lot|3 Loft3 1003 L003 lori3 Lot{3 LOti3 IOn3 toll3 tow3 mI{3 t 0w3 SECOND sscoND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND SECOND THREE IIIREE IIIKT.L rtlt(t-l- TIIREE TIIREE THREE ?IIREE TIREE IIIREE ?NREE TIIREE lBREE TIIREE TIIREE TIIREE rNREE TIIREE lIIREE THREE THREE TITREE TIIREE TIIREE fT,DfF TfiREE THREE THREE Bean label l'r0 B2r 822 823 824 829 830 6ll E8?l 831 838 815 B2L 822 B.29 830 831 8877 837 B38 842 843 !b! 855 873 869 B?O 871 882 b6J 884 8?8 879 980 881 885 887 888 889 890 891 810 3 810 5 810 6 810? 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3.594 Fv 1/3 Factor 20. 000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean LabeL; 822 Stoly: 10fi3 M 183.009 ?.91 1.91 fb 8.049 Ratio 0.182 0.180 Ratio 0.244 Ratro 0.182 0. 180 Rat 1o 0.244 Basic Bea! Infornation Uolrent Design Prdax: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DC|{PS2 BotFLange Pna:i Co[bo: NA Eh 1/l Fr^t^r 33,000 Yes ETIaS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 trip-in Units PAGE 5 .ruly 11, 2001 l4 r26 AISC-ASo89 Conposj.te Bea! Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 823 Stoly: L0d3 Mouent Design Pnar:0.00 har Combo: M Shear D,esign Type CoEbo Final Left DC}|PS2 Final Right DCMPS2 shear Design Type Conbo Pinal Left DfiPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20,000 Yes Fb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Block OK OK fv 3 .641 3.594 fb 8.049 Type conbo tocatj,on M Final Pos DClrPsz EotPlange 183.009 Blocl OK vfv7.91 3.64??.91 3.594 Fv l,/3 Factor 20. 000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.182 0.180 Ratio 0.244 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in urits PAGE 5 ,tuly 11, 2001 14 r26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean Labe]; 824 Storyi L0n3 Basic Bean Infomation llooent Desiqn Pna:i: 0.00 Pnar Conbo: lo Type Conbo Location M fb Fina.L Pos DCMPS2 BotFlanqe 183.009 8.049 Shear Design Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 YesIf t I TYPE Final Left Fina] Right CoDbo DCUPS2 DCUPS2 JI Ratio 0.182 0.180 Block OK OK v 'r.91 1Al !v 3,6,t7 . 3.594 Fv l/3 Factos 20.000 Ye! 20.000 leg E1ABS v?.16 t1le: 2683108 KiP-in units PAGE 7 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoEpolite Bea! Desj.gn Sholt For!! Output Bae lrb.l: 829 Story: LNl3 Easic Bean Infornation M@ent Design kla:i: 0'00 hai: CoEbo I NA Type Conbo Locati.on ll fb Fb Final Pos DcMPs2 Bot8lange t?3.037 7,628 33,000 1/3 Frctor Ratio 0.2 31 I I I I I I Shear Design T!?e Conbo Final Left DCuPs2 Final Right [BPS2 Block v fv Fv 1/3 nacto!0K ?.50 3.{87 20.000 Yes0K 7.50 3.551 20.000 Yeg Stoly: LOr3 Ratio 0.1?{ 0,1?8 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-ir units PAGE I ,tuly 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Coeosite Bea! D€sign Short Fot[ OrtPut B!8! Labcl: 830 Bagic Bean InfolDatlon Mooent Destgn ha:i: 0.00 Pna.: Conbo: NA Type conbo location M fb !b Final Pos DOIPS2 BotFlange 1?3,{3? '1.628 33.000 l/3 Factor Yes EIABS v?.16 tile: 2683108 Kip-in units July U, 2001 14:25 AIsc-ND89 coqosite Bean Design short Fo!tr oltput Bea! Labcl: B3l stoly: Iofl3 Shear Desrgn TyPe Final Left Final Right colbo Block DCUPS2 0KDCUPS2 0K vfv 7.50. 3.18? rE6 i qtl PIGE 9 har: CoDbo: NA Mfb t13.431 1,528 vfv 7. s0 3.5517.50 3.48? PAGE 10 Fv 1/3 Facto!20,000 res20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Pactor 33.000 Yes Rrtlo 0.231 Ratio 0. 1?4 0,1?8 Rati o 0.231 t I t I I I I Basic Bcan Itrfornation Itorcnt Design hax:0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange shear Design Type CoDbo Block Final Left DCUPS2 0K Final Rj.ght DCMPS2 0K ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kj.P-in units July U, 2001 14;2 5 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20,000 les Ratio 0. 178 0. 174 Dean label: 832 story: 10fi3 Itr I AISC-ASo89 Cooposite geaE Design Short ForE Output I bI t I t t I Basic Bean Infomat.ion Shear Design lype Conbo Bl.ock v Fina] Left DCl.lPSz 0K ?.50 Final Right oCMPSz 0K 7,50 EruS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 11 July 11, 2001 14:26 lloEent D€sign ryPe Final Pos tihent Design TYPE Final Pos hax: 0.00 CoDbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange h i: 0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange hax Conbo: NA fv 3.551 3.487 Pnali Conbo: NA Mfb 812.650 25.319 fv 1 .032 6.905 tl 173.437 1 .628 Ratro 0.23i Ratio 0.1?8 0.1?4 Ratio o lq? 0.34 5 Ratio 0.188 Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Ies 20.000 Yes w 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.798 NSC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: B87l Story: lOW3 Basic B€an Infornation I Shea! Design Type Conbo Einal Left DCtlPSz Final Right DCUPS2 EIABS v?.16 Fi.Le: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 Bl.ock voK 14.85 0K 1{.85 Kip-in Units PAGE 12 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Fom output Bean Label: 83? Story: l0ll3I I I I Basic Bean Infomati.oa l.lortent Design hra:':: 0.00 Tlpe Conbo location Pi.nal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange tt 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Pma!: Conbo: NA M 141. 093 V 4.75 6.205 Shear Design Type Coobo Block V Final l,eft DCMPS2 0K 5.85 Final Rigbt DCUPS2 0K 5.86 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 13 JuIy 11, 2001 1,1:26 Type Cofibo Location M Fj,nal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 97.663 fv 2.992 2.992 Ratio 0. 150 0.150 Ratio 0.136 Ratio 0. 104 Fv 1,/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes t I AISC-ND89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 838 Monent Design Pna.:: 0.00 Pnaii Conbo: l,lA Story: L0n3 I to Shear Desj.gn Type Fina] left Cotllbo DCttPS2 BIock 0( fb Fb 4 . 504 33.000 fv 2.411 Fv 1/3 Factor 20 .000 Yes I I linal Right DCUPS2 0K 4.?5 EIABS v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 14 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 2.011 20.000 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Desiqn Short For! Output Eeas Labe.L: 816 Stoly: SECoND 0.101 Ratio 0.120 0.120 Ratio 0.405 I I I I t I I I I l t I I Easic Bean Infomation Monent Desj.gn Pnax: 0.00 Type Coobo Location Fj.nal Pos DCMPS2 BotFl.anqe Shear Design lype Conbo Bloct V Final left DCMPS2 0K f6.92 Final Right DCI.{PS2 0K 16.92 ETABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 15 July 11, 2001 14:25 has Conbo: M M fb tb l/3 Factor166r.863 13.3?5 33.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Co[posite Bean Desj.gn Short Forn Output EeaD Label: 821 Story: SECOND fv Fv l/3 Facto!2.395 20.000 les2.395 20.000 les fb !b 1/3 Factor5.580 33.000 ye3 Basic Bean Infomation l,lonent Design Pna:i: 0.00 ?ype Conbo Locatj.on Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange Shear Design Type Conbo Bl.ock Final Left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 0K ETABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 Type Coobo Location Fj.nal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Pnaii Codo: lO M 12 6. 858 5.{9 5.49 l.l rlb. u!! Ratio 0.169 Basic Bea.n Infonnation Monent Desj.gn Hrai:: 0.00 Type Conbo Location fv Fv l/3 Factor2.550 20.000 Yeg 2.539 20.000 Yes f.v Fv 1/3 Factor2.550 20,000 yes 2.539 20.000 Yes Rat io 0.128 0.127 AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Design Sholt Foln output Bea! Label: 822 Story: SECOND llonent Desj.gn Pnax:0,00 Pnai: Conbo: l|A fb ED5.580 33.000 ETAIS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units JuIv 11, 2001 14:26 v 5.4 9 5.4 9 PAGE L7 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 823 Story: SECoND Elock OK OK Ratio 0.159 Rat io 0.128 1/3 Factor Shear Design Type Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 final Rr.ght DCMPS2 Pua:i Conlo: NA M Itr t Fb 1/3 Factor ItI I I Flnal Pos DC}|PS2 BotF]anoe f26.858 33.000 0. 169 shear Design Type Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Rj.ght DCMPS2 H@erlt Desj.gn TYPE Final Pos Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Bloct OK OK 8lock OK OK 5.49 5. a9 PAGE 18 5.4 9 5,49 PAGE 19 H t20.244 5.20 5.20 PAGE 20 5.20 5.20 PAGE 2I 2.550 2.539 tb 5.289 fv 2.550 2. 539 Ratio 0.128 0.t21 Ratio 0.128 0,r27 ErABs v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Udts JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: B24 Story: SECoND Basic 8ea[ Infornation I I T I I I I I I I Pnax: 0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange Prna:{ CoDbo; NA Mfb125.858 5. s80 It 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0,159 Shear Desi.gn Type Conbo Final Left DCl,lPS2 Fina] Right DCuPs2 lilooent Design TYPE Final Pos Fv 1,/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-j.n Units JuIy U, 2001 14:2 5 AISC-ASD89 Colposite Eean Design Short Fom output Bean label: 829 Story: SECoND Basi,c Bean Infornation Type Conbo Fi.nal left DCl.lPs2 Final Right DCMPS2 Monent Design Type Fina] Pos Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio33.000 les 0.150 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Prdar::0.00 Collbo Location DCIIPSZ BotFlange Elock OK OK Pnari:0.00 Combo Locati.on DCMPSz BotFlange Block OK OK Pnai: Conbo: NA fv 2.462 2.4!1 2.462 2.4!1 Ratio 0 .160 Ratio 0.123 0.121 ETABS v?.15 Eile: 2683108 Kip-iD Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Fon! Output Bean Label: 830 Stoly: SECoND Easic Bean Infornation Pnai: Co[!bo: NA Mfb 120.244 5.289 $ 1,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Design Type Conbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Rat io 0.123 0.121I to ETABS v?.16 Fj.le: i583l0B Kip-in units JuIy 11, 2001 14:2 6 I I AISC-ASD8g Co@osite Bea! D€sign short Forn output -Bea[ Label: 831 stoty: sEcoND Easic Bean rnfonatlon JI I I tr{onent Design Type final Pos Shear Deslgn Type PinaL left final Right Mment Design lyPe Final Pos Monent Deslqn Type Final Pos Shear Desiqn Type Final Left Final Right Monent Desfqn lype Fina] Pos hlax: 0.00 Conbo Location DCl.lPS2 Botflange P[ax CoEbo: IA !t !20.244 5.20 5.20 PArrt 22 10,30 r0,30 fb 5.2 89 2.4t1 2.462 Ratio 0.150 Ib l/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Combo Blocl DCMPS2 0( DCMPS2 OK ha:i; 0 .00 coDbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange Paa:{ conbo; NA Mfbr20.2t1 5.289 fe 2 .4L'l 2. r52 Poai: Conbo: NA Hfb )b5, I tt zJ. orl Fv 1/3 Sactor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes lb 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes lv 1/3 Factor20.000 tes20.000 Yer rt 33.000 Ratio 0. 121 0.123 Ratio 0.160 Ratio n I t1 0.123 Rat io 0.?15 ETABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in onits July 11, 2001 14:2 6 AISC-ASD89 Conposite BeaD oesign Sholt Forn Ortput Bea! labll: 832 Story: SDCOND Easic Bean Infomation I I I I I I I I I I 1/3 Factor Shea! Design fype CoDbo Block v Fioal Left DcuPs2 oK 5.20 Flnal Right Do.lPS2 0K 5.20 ETABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 23 July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 coqosite Bean Design short Forn output Bea! Label: 88?? Stoly: SECOND Basic gean Infornation Pnari:0.00 CoEbo Location DCUPS2 EotFlange conbo ElockDC!.|PS2 0K DCMPS2 OK Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yeg fv 4.8?8 4.8 78 Ratio 0.244 0.244 ETABS v1.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unj,ts JuIv 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 conposite Bean Desj.gn Sholt Forn OutPut Bean Label: 83? Story: SECOND Bas r. c Bean Infomation Pna;t:0.00 . co[bo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange Pna!: Colllo: NA ufb 97.811 4.302 !b 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Ratio 0.130 I 1 I I I I I Shear Design Type Conbo Block Final Left oCUPS2 0K Fj.Dal Rj.ght DC}|PS2 0K EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in tnj.ts July 11, 2001 14:26 4.75 PAGE 25 tv 2.07 4 2.014 Ratio 0.104 0.104 Ratio 0.r23 Ratio 0.098 0.098 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Beam La.bel: 838 Stoly: SECoND Basic B€an Infonation t I I I Monent Design Type Final Pos Shear Desrgn Type Cotnbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final Right DC}|PS2 EIABS v7.15 File: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:2 5 Pnar:0.00 Conbo Location DCUPS2 Botflange Pna:{ Conbo: NA ufb92.144 4.053 Ev 1. 95{ 1. 95{ lb 1,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes glock v0K 4.480K 4.48 Kip-in Units PAGE 25 Fv 1,/3 Facto!20,000 Y€s20.000 Yes NSC-ASD89 Coqosite Eean Design Short FolD Output Eean Label: 841 Story: THRBI Basic Beaa Infornation I I I I I I Shear Desi,gn lype Conbo Block v Final left DCMPS2 0K 20.18 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 19.82 E$3S v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 2? JuLy 11, 2001 ll:26 iloue[t Desiqn TyPe Final Pos Monent Desj.gn TyPe Final Pos Ev 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Pna:i: 0.00 ha:i Conbo: M Conbo Location M tb DCMPS2 BotPlange 1874 .660 21. 081 fv 3.579 3.515 Pnar:: 0,00 Pnan Conbo: NA Conbo Locati.on t{ fb DCUPS2 BotFlange 2583.653 24.296 !b l/3 Factor Ratlo33.000 Yes 0.539 Ratio 0.1?9 0.1?6 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean label: 842 Story: THRE0 Basic Bea.n Infomation tt 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.735 v 23.30 23.30 Dary No 4.001 4.42t t.1r Shear Design Type Combo Block Fi.nal Left DCMPS2 0K Final. Right DCMPS2 0K ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 28 Julv 11, 2 001 14:25 fv 4.133 4.133 Ratlo 0.207 0.241 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes I AISC-ASo89 Couposite Bear Design Short Fo!t[ output Bea[ Labcl: B{3 Stoty: IIREE Basic Eean lnfornation uorent Desigr hax: 0,00 Type Colbo Location Final Pos DCllPS2 Botll.nge shear Design Type CoEbo Block Final f,eft DCUPS2 0K Final Riqht DCl.lPS2 0K EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in lrnit! July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean De3i9[ Short For! output Bea! Lbel: 86,l Storyr TmEE hax C@bo: NA T { M 92.268 v 4.{8 4.{8 PAGE 29 H 169.3?8 fb lt l/3 Facto! 4.255 33:000 Yes Ratio 0.129 Basic Eean Infornation Monent Design ha\: 0,00 Type CoDbo Location final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange fv t /3 tacto! 1.957 20,000 Yes l'95? 20.000 Yes fb tb 1/3 Facto!?.150 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.098 0.098 Ratio 0.226 I I I I t I I I t t T I P[aii Conbo r NA Shear Design tt?e Conbo Block V Fltral Left DCMPS2 OK 1.32 Fioal Right DO,iPS2 O( 1.32 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unit! PAGE 30 July 11, 2001 14:25 Monent Desrgn Pnax: 0,00 hal: Conbo: m Type Conbo location M fb Fj.nal Pos DCl.lPS2 BotFlange 159.3?8 7.150 fv lv l./3 Facto!3.{3{ 20.000 Yes3.357 20.000 Yes lb l/3 Pactor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.172 0. r68 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Design Short Fom Output BeaD labet: 965 Storyr tltREE Basi.c Bea[ Infornation Shear Design Type Conbo Block V Final l€ft DCI'iPS2 0K 1.32 Final Rj.ght DClrPS2 0K '1.32 ETAIS v?.16 File: 258310s Kip-in units PAGE 31 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 fv 3.134 ? ? q't Mtio 0.226 Ratio 0.r12 0.168 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes 20.000 les AISC-ASD89 Composite Eean Desiqn Short Form output Bean label: 856 Story: lttREE Basic Bean Infornatlon Monent Design Pnas: 0.00 haii combo: NA Type . Conbo Location M fb Einal Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanqe 159,378 7.450 lb 1/3 Factor33,000 Ye! Ratio 0.225 I t I I I I t I I ETABS v?.15 Fj.le: 2583108 Kip-in Units ,tuly 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean label; 86? Story: tflREE Easic BeaI0 InforMtion Shear Design Type Conbo Fina] left DCUPS2 Fina] Right DO,|PS2 liooent Design lype Final Pos Plax:0.00 conbo Location DCl,lPS2 BorFlange PnaJi Conbo: NA lt fh 169.3?8 ?.450 lv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Pacto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 res gb 1/3 Facto! Ratlo 33.000 Yes 0.226 BIock OK OK Block OK OK v 1 .32 1.32 PAGE 32 | ,52 1 .32 YALrl JJ fv 3. 4 3,1 3.35? 3.434 3.35? fv 4.105 4.080 Patio 0.r'tz 0,158 Ratio 0.L'12 0. 168 Rati.o 0.515 lype Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001. 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Beard Design Short Forn output Bear Label: 873 Storyi THRIE gasic Bea! Infomation llonent Design TyPe final Pos Monent Design lype Final Pos Shea! Design Type Conbo Block Final Left DCI{PSz 0K Final Right 0CI{PS2 0K ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 Pnas: 0.00 Pna? Conbo: NA Conbo location M fb DCllPS2 BotElange 2115.l8 6 20.288 tb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes I I I T I I t Shear Design Type Conbo Block V final left DCUPS2 0K 2L.69 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 2L.69 E1A8S v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 34 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 E\' 1 /? Fr^r^r 20. 000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.205 0.204 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bea! Design Short Forn output Bean fabel: 859 Story: THREE Basic Bea! InfolDation Pna:.i: 0.00 Pnai: Conbo: A Coebo Location M fb DC}fPS2 BotFlange 2115.785 20.288 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33,000 Yes 0.615 21.69 2t.69 PAGE 35 fv 4.105 4.080 Ratio 0.205 0.204 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 les20.000 Yes I I AISC-ASD89 Coposite BeaD Desig! Short For! Output BeaD Inb€l; 870 Story: lmEE Basic Bea[ Infornation { ha:i Coobo: NAl|,uent Design Type Final Pos Shear Design Type Final Left Final Right ha:i:0.00 Corbo Location DCl,iPS2 EotFlange Conbo Block DC!,{PS2 0K DCt'tPS2 0K 2L.59 2L.69 PAGE 35 ll 2115. ?85 fb 20.288 Ratio 0. 615 Ratio 0.205 0,204 Ratio 0.515 Ratio 0.205 0.204 Rat io 0,528 Ratio 0.207 0.208 Ratio 0. 628 fv 4.105 4 .080 Fb l/3 Pactor33.000 Yes Fv 1,/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Stoly: IflREE 1/3 Factor I I I l I I I I I I I T I ETABS v7.16 Pile: 2583108 Kip-in Units July U, 2001 14:2 5 AISC-ASD89 Composite Beaxn Design Short Forn output Beatr Label: B?1 Uonent Design hali: 0.00 hari Conbo: ltA Type Conbo Location M fb [b Final Pos DcuPs2 BotPlange 2115,?86 20.285 33.000 AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Desiqn Short ForD output Bean label: Bt4 Storyr IIREE Basi,c Beae Infonnation Type CoEbo Pinal Left Dcl.|PS2 lj.nal Right DCUPS2 E$8S v?.16 Fil.e: 2683108 July ll, 2001 14:26 Block v oK 21.590K 21.59 Kip-in Units PAGE 3? Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20,000 Yes fb 1,/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Fv 1,/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Block OK OK 25.02 25.02 PAGE 38 fv 4.105 4.080 fv 4.148 4.153 Ho[ent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Desrgn Type Cor'bo Flnal. Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCl.lPS2 Monent Design Type Frnal Pos Shear Des),gn Type Pnaii: 0.00 Pna.: Cosbo: NA CoEbo Location ll fb DCUPS2 Botflange 2440.110 20.118 Ellss v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 1{ r25 AISC-ASD89 Colposite Beam Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 882 Story: TttREE Basic Eean Infornation Pnax: 0,00 Pna:r Conbo: NA Conbo Location l.l fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 2440.110 20.718 lb 1,/3 Factor33.000 Yes I Fv 1/3 Factor I Flnal Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 OK 0l( 25,02 25.02 PAGE 39 l.{ 195.640 8.50 8.50 PAGE 42 4. 148 4. 153 0.20? 0.208 Ratio 0. 628 20.000 20.000 Fb l/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Yes I t T t t I I t I I I I I ETABS v?.16 Pile: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Cmposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 883 Story: THRE0 Basic Bean rnfonation M@ent Design Pnai: 0.00 Iype CoEbo Location Final Pos DcMPs2 BotPlange Shear Desrgn Type Cotnbo Block v Final Left Dcl.lPsz 0K 25.02 final Right DCUPS2 0K 25.02 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 40 July U, 2001 1{:26 Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratio20.000 Yes 0.20120.000 Yes 0.208 ha:i CotrDo: M urb 2440.1r0 20. ?18 fv 4.148 4, 153 ha.I: Conbo: NA r.r fb 2440.110 20.?18 25.42 25.02 PAGE 41 AISC-ASD8g CoDposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean label: 884 Story: THREE Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Type Co&bo Location Final Pos DCMPSz BotPlange Shear Design Type Coebo Block Sinal Left DcMPs2 OK Final. Rrght DCI'|PS2 0K ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 lb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes fv Fv l/3 Factor 4. 1{8 20.000 Yes 4.153 20.000 Yes fb Fb l/3 Factor 8.649 33,000 Yes Ratio 0 .628 Rati. o 0 .201 0.208 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Desiqn Short Forn output gean Label: 878 Story: TflREE Basic Eean rnfonation Honent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design Type Conbo FinaL !€ft DCUPS2 Final Rigbt DCUPSz hax: 0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange BlocI OK OK Pnai: Conbo: NA Rat io 0 .252 fv Fv 1/3 Factor 3.987 20.000 Yes 3.89? 20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 199 0.195 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 NSC-ASD89 Conposite BeaJ0 Design Sholt Fom output gean label: B?9 Stoly: THREE Easic Bean lnfortration Itonent Design Pnax: 0.00 I Pma:.: Conbo: NA Shear Desrgn Type conbo Bloct v fv Final left Dc[Ps2 0K 8.50 3.98? Final Right DCHPS2 oK 8.50 3.897 EIABS v7.16 Fj.le: 2683108 Xip-in 0nits PAGE {3 July 11, ?001 14:26 l { I TYPE Fi[al Pos M 196.540 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Ye! lv 1/3 Facto!20;000 Yes20,000 Ye3 AISC-ASD89 cooposite Bea! oesign short Pom output Bea! label: 880 Story: tgREE lb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Ycs Conbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlanga Basic B€an InforEati.on NoEent Oesign hari: 0.00 Type CoEbo Location Final, Pos DCl,lPS2 BotFlange Shea! Design Type Conbo Block Fi.nal Left Do{Ps2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 0K EtlSS v?.16 File: 2683108 KiP-in Units July 11, 2001 U:25 Balic Eean Infonnation loBent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Type Conbo location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotF]ange . I .5t9 fv 3.987 3.89? fv 4.091 4.091 Ratio 0.262 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bear Design Short Forn outPut Bea! I6bel: B0l Story: ltlREE hax CoDbo: fU Hfb 196.6{0 8.5a9 vfv 8.50 3.901 8.50 3,897 PTGE I{ Pnaz CoEbo: NA Mfb 196.640 8.6{9 fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes t Iol I BIock OK OK PEai coobo: M r{ fb755.918 23.249 Fb l/3 Factor33.000 Yes Rrtio 0.705 Ratio 0.205 0.205 rv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yeg 20.000 Yes w t/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.199 0.195 Rrtio 0,262 I t l t I I I I I I Rrtio 0.199 0,195 Ratio Ratio 0.199 0.195 shear Design Type Cdbo Block v Final Left DCUPS2 OK 8.50 Einal Right DcllPS2 0K 8.50 EIABS v?.16 Fire: 2683108 (ip-in units PAGE {5 July 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Eean Infomation lto[ent Design hai: 0.00 lype Conbo location Final. Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Desig short Foro OutPut BeaD Labe]t 886 Stoly; ?flRBE Shear Desrgn lyPe final Left Firal Right conlo ,DCMPS2 DCMPS2 11.69 11.69 I ETASS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 46 July 11i 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Cdposite Bean Design Short 8ort[ outPut Bean Label: B8? Stoly: TBREE Basic 8ea! Infomation I Moneot Design Pnax: 0.00 Pnax Conbo: NA t type conbo Location M fb tb L/3 Sactor Ratio Einal Pos DcuPs2 BotFtange f048.856 23.288 33.000 Yes 0.?06 I shear Design -Type Conbo Block v fv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio r Final Left DCMPS2 OK 15,82 6.218 20.000 Yes 0'314 r Final Right ocuPs2 oK 15,82 5.823 20.000 Yes 0.29L I EIABS v7.16 Fi.le: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 47 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Co@osite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 888 story: TIREE - Basi.c B€a.u Iofornation I Hcment Desi.sn PI|di: 0.00 ha!: conbo: NA Type Conbo location M fb Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratio t Final Pos DcuPsz BotFlange 1041.950 23.293 33.000 Yes 0.706 I Shear Design Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Pactor Ratlo Final reft DCMPS2 oK 15.81 5.818 20.000 ves 0.29L Final Right DCMPS2 oK 15.81 5,469 20.000 Yes 4.273 -I ETABS v?.I5 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 48 f JuLy U, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Bean Design Sbort Forn OutPut gea$ label: 889 Story: IHREE I 'I Basic Seae Infornation I Moeent Design Prna-r: 0.00 ha!: conbo: NA I Type conbo tocation u fb !b 1/3 Factor Ratj.o FinaL pos DcuPs2 BotFlanqe 1047.960 23,293 33.000 ves 0.706 - f shear DesignI Type Conbo Btock v fv rv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final left DcuPs2 0K 15.81 5.818 20.000 Yes 0.29L I Final Right DcuPs2 oK 15.81 5.469 20.000 Yes 0.213r EIABS v7.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-rn Units PAGE 49 July 11, 2001 14:25 Ir AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design short forn output Bean Label: 890 Story: tflREE f Basrc Bean Infornation II Monent Design Pna:i i O.OO Prna!: cornbo i NA I Tvpe Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos Shear Design lype Final Left Final Right coDbo Block DCUPS2 0K DCUPS2 0K Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes DCuPs2 BotElange 104?.960 23,293 33.000 0.706 I { I I q tl l5.sr PAGE 50 fv 5,818 5.459 Ratio 0.291 0,213 ETABS v?.16 File: 2583108 KiP-in onits July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Sholt Forn outPut BeaD Label: 891 Stoly: THRSE Basic Bean Infornation Monent Desiqn Type Fina] Pos Shear Desrgn type combo Final Left DCl.lPS2 Final Riqht DCUPS2 ETABS v7.15 Filer 2583108 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Pnax: 0 . 00 hae CoBbo: llA Conbo Location M fb DcuPS2 BotFlange 1047.960 23.291 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.705 I I I I I I I I t I t I Ratio 0. 169 0.169 Ratio 0.5?? Block v 0K 15.81 0K 15.81 Kip-in units PAGE 51 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes fv 5.818 5.469 Ratio 0.291 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn outPut Eean Lab€I: 8103 Stoly: TflREE Sasic Bean Infomation Shear Deslgn Type Conbo Block V Final Left oCMPS2 OK 19.01 Final Rrght DCMPS2 oK 19,01 ETA8S v?.16 File: 2683108 KiP-ir Units PAGE 52 July 11, 2001 14:26 l{onent Design tyPe Pinal Pos uonent Design TyPe Final Pos Pna!:: 0.00 ha:.: Conbo: NA Combo location M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 19?9.911 20.'l'l'l Fb l/3 Factor Ratio 33,000 Yes 0.530 Fv l/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor !3.000 Yes fv 3.312 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Short Ford output Bean Label: 8105 Stoly: TBREE Basrc Sean Infoltnation Pna!:: 0.00 ha!: Co0bo: l|A conbo Location ll fb DCMPS2 EotFlange 2588 ,135 19.032 Shear Design Type conbo Slock Finai left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 0K ETAIS v7.15 File; 2683109 Kip-in units JuIy :1, 2001 14:26 24.86 24.86 PAGE 53 fv 4.269 4.259 Ratio 0.213 0.213 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes I I I AISC-ASD89 Congosite Bean oesign Sholt Fom OutPut .8eard Labe]: 8105 Story: TBREE Basic Bean rnfomation Mollent Design Pnai:: 0.00 Type conbo Locatiol Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Shea! Design Type Coobo Final left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 EtABs v7.16 File: 2683108 .luly 11, 200I 14:26 P[a.: Conbo: NA Hfb2386.229 19.283 3.935 3.936 Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio 20.000 Yes 0. 19? 20.000 Yes 0,197 fb l/3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.584 Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio 20.000 Yes 0'19? 20.000 les 0,197 Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.584 Fb 1/l Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.584I t I I I I I I I I t I I Shear oesiqn Type Conbo Block v Finat Left DcMPs2 oK 22.92 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 22.92 EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 54 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 Basic Bean hfomation uonent Desi.qn hai:: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DC!'IPS2 BotFlange AISC-ASD89 conposite Beao Design short Foln output Bean Label: 9107 Story: TIREE Pmai: Combo: NA Mfb 2386.229 19.283 glock V 0K 22.920K 22.92 Kip-in Units PAGE 55 fv 3.935 3.936 fv 3.936 3. 936 Ratio 0.197 0.19? AISC-ASD89 Colposite Sean oesign Short Forn output Bean Label: Bl08 Story: TBREE Basic Bean Infomation Monent Desiqn htai:: 0,00 Pnai: coobo: NA Type Conbo Location H fb trinal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 2386.229 19.283 Shear Design ?ype coubo Block v Final left DCMPS2 0K 22.92 Fj.ral Right DCMPS2 0K 22.92 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 (ip-in Uni.ts PAGE 56 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Flf I /? F:-i^r 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design short Forn output Beam Label; 8109 story: lllREE Basic Bean lnfornation Monent Design Pnaii: 0.00 Pna:i coribo: NA Tlpe combo Location M fb Final Pos DcMPs2 Bottlange 2386.229 19.283 Fb l/3 Factor Ratlo 33,000 Yes 0.58 4 I I ETABS v?.16 FiLe: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Cornposi.te Beao Desiqn Short Fom output Eean Label: 8110 Story: IIREE Basic Sean Infornati.on Shea! Desrgn TyPE FinaL Left Final. Right Blocf v0K 22.92oK 22,92 Kip-in Units PAGE 5? fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Ycs20.000 Yeg lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes l ,/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Ye5 lb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Fv 1,/3 Eactor20.000 les20.000 Yes Conbo Dct.rPS 2 DCMPS2 fv 3.935 3.935 Rati.o 0 .19? 0.197 Ratio 0,58{ Ratio 0.193 0.193 Ratio 0.584 Ratio 0,193 0.193 Rat io 0.58{ I T I I I I I I I I I t I Monent Design Type Sinal Pos shear Desj.gn TyPe Conbo rinal left DCMPS2 Final Right DCUPS2 ETlrs v?.15 Fi.le: 2583108 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Mo[ent Desrgn Type Final Pos Shear Deslgn TyPe Final Left Final Right Pna:i : 0 .00 ha:i CoDbo: llA Conlo location M fb DCUPS2 BotFlange 2411.463 L9.213 Block V 0K 23.16oK 23.t6 Xip-rn Units PAGE 58 3.858 3.858 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Eean Desrgn Short Forn outpr.lt Bean Label: 8111 Stoly: T8REE Basic Bean Infornation gra!:: 0,00 PDai: Conbo: M Conbo trocati,on M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 2411.463 19.213 || ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short ForE Output Bean Label: BU2 Story: TflREE Basic Sean Infornation Monent Desiqn Type Final Pos Shear Design lyPe final Left Final Rrght Conbo Block DCMPS2 OK DCMPS2 OK conbo Block DO'PSz OK ocMPs2 0K !! 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes 23.16 PAGE 59 z5-LO 23. i5 PAGE 60 fv 3.868 3.858 Pna..:: 0,00 PEai: Conbo: NA Conbo Location U fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 2t11.463 19,273 fv Fv3.868 20.0003.868 20.000 1/3 Factor Ratio 0. 193 0. 193 ETABS v1.16 File: 2683108 Kj.P-in units July 11, 2001 14:26 I I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: Bl13 Story: THREE Basic Bea[ Infomatron Monent Design hrax: 0.00 Pdax conbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratro Pinal Pos Dcl{PS2 BotFLanqe 2411.463 19.2?3 33.000 Yes 0'584 I Shear Design TvDe Conbo Block v fv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio f, rinar Leit Dcl,!ps2 oK 23.16 3.868 20.000 Yes 0.193 I Final Right DCMPS2 oK 23.L6 3.s68 20.000 ves 0.193r ETABS v7,15 FiIe: 2683109 Kj'p-in units PAGE 61 t July U, 2001 14:25 f AISC-ASD89 coDposite Bean Design short Forn output Eean Label: 9114 story: THREE I Basic Bean rnfomatron - Monent Desicn Pt0ai: 0.00 H[a:i conbo: NA I Type Corbo Location M fb Eb 1/3 Facto! Ratio I Fj,nal Pos DcuPS2 BotFlange 2586.125 19.035 33.000 Yes 0.5?? t Shea! Design -I TiDe corbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Pactor Ratio Final Left DcMPs2 0K 24,84 4.118 20,000 Yes 0.205 Fi.nal Riqht DcuPS2 oK 24,84 4.118 20.000 Yes 0.205 ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 62 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Beam Label: 8115 Storyr Tf,REEa Basic Eean Infortratiol f Honent Design Pna:.:: 0.00 ft|ai: conbo: NA I rvDe conbo Locatron M fb ft 1/3 !'actor Ratio rinaf ios DcuPs2 SotFlanqe 2586.125 19.035 33.000 Yes 0'5?? I shear Desrqn Tlroe Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio t rinal r,eit DcMpsz oK 24.84 4.118 20.000 Yes 0.206 I Final Rrght Dcl.,PS2 oK 24.84 4.118 20.000 Yes 0.205 E?ABS v?.15 Filer 2683108 Xip-in Units PAGE 63 I Jul,y 11, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Eean Design Short Form output Bean Label: 8115 Story: TfiREE I Basic Bean Infonnationr MoDent Des:.gn Pnai:: 0.00 Pmas: Conbo; NA I Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio f Fj.na.L Pos DcMPs2 EotFlanqe 2586.125 19.035 33.000 Yes 0.577'rf I Shear Desiqn I Type final left Final Right w 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20,000 Yes EtABs v?.15 File: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:2 6 Block v 0K 2t.84 oK 24.84 Kip-in Units PAGE 54 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Beas label: 8117 Story: TflREE Basic Bean Infornation conbo ocMPs2 DCMPS2 .4.118 4.118 fv ,r .118 { .118 tv 4.03? 4.032 Rat io 0.205 0.206 Pati.o 0.57? Rat io 0,206 0.206 Mom€nt Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design TYPe cotrlto Finat left DcMPs2 Final Right DCMPS2 ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:26 Pnax: 0.00 Pnar Combo: NA Cornbo Location M fb DCl,tPS2 BotFlange 2586,125 19.035 !b 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes I I I I I I Block v oK 24,84 oK 24,84 Kip-in Units PAGE 65 Fv l/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desrgn Short PolE outPut Elean Label: 8133 Stoly: TSREB gasi,c Bean Infornatlon Monent Desiqn Type Final Pos Molent Design type Fina] Pos hn:i: 0,00 Pnax combo: lA conbo Location u fb DcMPs2 BotFlange 1918 . 101 20 .953 lb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Desrgn lype conbo B.l ocl v Final Left DCUPS2 0K 2L -4'l Final Right DCMPS2 0K 2L'41 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 66 July 1I, 2001 14:26 fv 4. 03? 4. 032 Rati.o 0 .202 0,202 I I I I I I t Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 les Rati.o 0.635 Ratio 0 .202 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sholt Forn output Sean Label: 8134 Stoly: TIREE Sasic Bean InforEatton Pnai:: 0,00 hax Combo: NA cohbo Location U fb DCTPS2 BotFlange 1918.101 20.953 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rati,o 0.635 Shea! 0esrgn Type Coti.bo Block Finai. Left DCUPSz 0K Final Right DCUPS2 0K ETAIS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kj.P-]n Units July 11, 2001 l4:25 v 2I .41 2I.41 Pv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20,000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Forn output ol I Bean Label: 8135 Storv: TI{REE I shea! Design I Type conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 OK 2L.41 4.03? 20.000 Yes 0'202 tinal Rj.ght DCMPS2 OK 2L'41 4,032 20.000 Yes 0'202 I I EIAES v7.16 FlIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 68 r July 11, 2ool 14:26 f AISC-ASD89 ComPosite Bean Design Short Forro OutPut Bean label: 8135 Story: THREE Ilr Basic Bean rnfornation I Mo[ent Desrgn Pma:it 0.00 Pna:i combo: NA I TvDe conbo LocatLon M fb Fb 1/3 factor Ratio rinaL ios DCuPS2 BotFlange 1918.101 20'963 33.000 Yes 0'535 I shear Design TvDe Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I rinar teit Dcupsz oK zr.A't 4'03? 20.000 Yes 0.202 I Finar Rj.ghr DcMPs2 oK 2r.47 4.032 20.000 Yes 0.202 ETABS v?.15 File: 2583I0B Kip-in Units PAGE 69 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Cot0posite Bean Design Short Fom outPut Bean label: 813'7 Story: IHREE I Basic Beae rnfornatlon r ilonent Desion Pna:i: 0.00 hra:.: conbo: NA I tlTe conbo Location M fb !b 1/3 Factor Ratio I Fina] Pos DcltPs2 BotFLange 1918,101 20.953 33'000 Yes 0.535a - Shea! Design I TyPe conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratlo Fi.nal left Dc!.tPS2 OK 21.41 4.037 20.000 Yes 0.202 Final Right DCMPS2 oK 27.4'1 4.063 20.000 Yes 0.203II ETASS v?.16 PiLe: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 70t Julv lr, 2ool l4:2c I AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design short Forn output Bean Label: 8138 Story: THREEt Basic Bean Inforoation I Moment Design Pma!:: 0.00 Pma:i Combo: NA IJ lvDe co[bo location M fb Fb t/3 Facto! Ratio final ios DCMPS2 BotFlange 1918.101 20.953 33.OOO Yes 0.635 If shear oesrgn Basic Bear Infornation Monent Design Pnax: 0.00 Pma!: Conbo: NA Type conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratio rinal ios DCMPS2 BotFlange 1918.101 20.963 33'000 Yes 0'535 to t TvDe Coebo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Rati'o I Final Left DCllPS2 Pinal Right DCMPSz Shear Design Type Conbo Final. teft DCUPS2 Final Rrght DCMPS2 tlonent Design TyPe Final Pos Pnai:: 0.00 Poa:{ conbo: llA Conbo Location M fb DCUPS2 BotFlange 1918.101 20.963 OK OK 21.41 PAGE ?1 2L ,47 2t.47 v 2L.47 2L.41 PAGE ?3 i9.?8 19.?8 4.03? 4 .053 20.000 2 0 .000 0.202 0.203 Ratio 0.535 Yes Ye8 I I I t I I t I d Ratio 0.202 0.203 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean label: 8139 Story: TTREE Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design Type FiDal Pos Shea! Dest gn Type Combo Block Fi.nal Left DcuPs2 oK Final Right DCl.lPSz 0K ETASS v7.16 Eile: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 M@ent Desi.gn ryPe Final Pos !b 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes fv Fv l/3 Factor4.037 20.000 Ycs4.063 20.000 re8 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short ForD output Bea.n Label: 8140 Stoly: TIREE Basic Bea.B Infornation Prdai:: 0.00 P[di conbo: ]lA Conbo location M fb ft 1/3 Factor Ratio DCMPS2 BotFlange 1918,101 20.963 33.000 Yes 0.635 Block OK OK fv 4.037 4 .063 Fe 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.202 0.203 I t I I I I I ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 1!:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Ortput Bean label: 8141 Story: TIIREE Basic Bearo Infornation PEax: 0.00 ha:i conbo: NA conlo location M fb oCMPSz BotFlange n67.220 19.388 tb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Shear Design Type conbo Elock Final Left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 OK ETAIS vl.L6 file: 2583108 Kip-in Unr.ts JuIy U, 2001 14:25 fv 3.120 3.850 Rat io 0.588 Ratio 0.185 0. 192 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Colposrte gearn Design short Forn output Bean Labe.L: 8142 Story: THREE Basic Bean Inlornation ol I I tIt t I I I t I b MoBent Design TyPE Final Pos Shear oesign lype Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Piral Rj.ght DCMPSz ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 Pnax: 0.00 ha:{ conbo: NA Coobo Location M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 1167.220 19.388 Block v0K 19.?8 0K 19.78 Kip-in Units PAGE ?5 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes F\' 1/1 F:.r^F 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes fv 3.120 3.850 Ratio 0.588 Ratio 0.186 0.r92 Ratr o 0.588 AISC-ASD89 Conposi.te Bean Design Sholt Forn output Bean LabeL: 8143 story: lllREE Basic BeaI| Infornation Ho€ot Design TyPe Final Pos Shea! Design type Coobo Pinal left DCMPS2 Final Right DCUPS2 gTABs v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:2 5 Pnax; 0.00 Pudi CoDbo: l|A Coabo locatron M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange L161 .220 19.388 Fb 1/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Block v 0K 19.78oK 19.78 Kip-in Units PAGE 76 E\' 1/? Fr^t^r 20.000 Yes 20. 000 Yes fv 3.'t20 Ratlo 0.185 0.r92 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Eean Desiqn Sholt Form output Bean Label: 8144 Story: THREE Basl,c EeaD Infodration I I I I I t I M@ent Des ign Type Final Pos Shea! Design Type Conbo Block Final left DCllPSz 0K rioal Right DCMPSz 0K ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Ki.p-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 Poar: 0.00 ha!: Conbot l|A Combo Location M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange L161 .220 19.388 Eb 1/3 Factor Ratr.o 33.000 Yes 0.588 19.78 19.78 PAGE 7? fv 3.120 3.850 Ratio 0.185 0,192 Fv I /? Fr.t^. 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desj.gn Short Forn outpuE Bear J,abe.l: Bl48 Story: TSREE Basic Bean Infornation Monent Desj.gn TyPe Final Pos Shea! Design TYPC Final left Fi.nal Right Pnal::0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFIange Pnas Co:nbo: NA Mfb 733.989 22.439 !b 1/3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.60 0 lo conbo DCUPS2 DCl.rPS2 Elock OK 13.22 L3,22 fv 4.965 5.049 Rat io 0.248 0.252 Ft' I /1 F..r^r 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes I I EIAES v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE ?8 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposr.te BeaD Design Short Forn Oltput BeaD label: B1{9 Basic Eea.n Infonatioo MoDent Design han:0.00 hal: Conbo: llA Story: |SREE Type Combo location U Final Pos DCt{Psz BotFlange ?33.989 shear Design lype conbo Block v Final Left DCUPS2 OK L3,22 Fina] Right DCMPS? 0K 13 '22 EIASS v7.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE ?9 July rl, 2001 1{:25 fb rb 22.439 33.000 1/3 Factor Yes Ratlo 0.680 Ratio 0.580 Ratio 0.248 0.252 Ratio 0.580 I I I I I I I I I I I I I fv tv4.966 20.0005.0{9 20.000 1/3 lactor yeg yes Stoly: fflREE Ratio 0.2 48 AISC-ASD89 Conposj.te Bean Design Short Forn Oltput Bean label r 8150 Basic Bean Infornation uonent Desiqn Pnas: 0.00 Plai colbo: NA Type Coubo location M tb Final Pos DCuPs2 BotFlange 733.989 22.139 l/3 Factor ye3 ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in unj.ts JuIy 1t, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Beam oesign Short Forn O)tput Bean Lab€l: 8151 Story: tttREE Shea! Design Type Conbo Final Left oCUPS2 Fj,na I Right DCltPS2 Shea! Design Type Fr,nal Left Final Right Easic Bean Information Uonent Deslgn Pna!:: 0.00 lype Conbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 Botflange BIock OK OK Conbo BlockDCUPS2 0K DCUPS2 0K PDas; 0.00 Fb 33.000 fv Fv 1/3 Factor4.955 20.000 Yes5.0{9 20,000 yes fv Fv 1/3 Factor4.966 20.000 Yes 5.0{ 9 20,000 Yes 13.22 L3,22 prGE 80 13.22 73.22 PAGE 8I hax conbo: m M fb Fb l,/3 Factor733.989 22.439 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.248 0.252 EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Eean label: 8152 Story: tltREE Basi.c Eean Infornation ol t tl,onent Design Pna:i Conbo r llA t Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 tactor Ratlo Final Pos DcuPs2 gotFlarge ?33.989 22.439 33'000 Yes 0'680 shea! Design Type Conbo Block v fv w 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 OK 13.22 4.966 20.000 Yes 0'248 Floal Rigbt DCMPS2 OK 13.22 5.0{9 20.000 Yes 0'252 I ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 82 Julv 11, 2001 14:25 I I AISC-ASD89 ConPosite Bean Design Short Forn Output Eean Label: Bl53 storyi IIREE I Easic Bean Infoloation I Modent Design Pmar:: 0.00 gnai: conbo: NA !rype Conbo location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Fioal Pos DCuPS2 BotFlanqe 733.989 22.439 33.000 Yes 0'580I I shear Desiqn r lyPe CoDbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio ' I Einal Left DcuPs2 oK 13.22 4.965 20.000 Yes 0.248 I Final Right DcuPs2 oK !3.22 5.049 20.000 Yes 0.252 ETAES v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 83 I Juty 11, 2oot l4:2G I NSC-ASD89 Coryosite geao D€3ign short Forn Output BeaD Label: 8154 Story: IHREE I I T b Monent Design Pioa\: 0.00 Pna-!: Coobo: NA Type Cou&o location H fb Fb 1/3 tactor Ratio Fina1 Pos DcuPs2 BotFlanqe 733.989 22,439 33.000 Yes 0'580 I Shear Design - TvDe Conbo Block v fv Fv L/3 Factor Ratio rinar reit DcMPs2 oK 8,22 4.966 20,000 Yes 0.248 - Final Right DCUPSz OK 8.22 5.049 20.000 Yes 0'252 I ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 84 July 11, 2001 l4:2 6 ! AISC-ASD8g co@osite Eean Design sholt Form output Bean label: Bl55 storyi TIIREE I Basic BeaD Infornatlon I Monent Design Pnar:: 0.00 Pna!: Conbo: NAItype Conbo Location M fb Ft 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcuPs2 BotFlange ?33.989 22 '439 33.000 Yes 0.680 shear Desiqn lo Type Coubo 3lock V fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratlo Final Left DCUPS2 OK 8.22 4.956 20.000 Yes 0.248 Final Right DCMPS2 OK 13.22 5'049 20.000 Yes 0.252 ETABS v?.16 File: 2583108 KiP-in Units PAGE 85 I ,tuly 11, 2001 1,1:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Forn OutPut Bean rabel: 8156 Storyl tltREE Basic BeaD tnfomation Monent Design lyPe Final Pos Shear oesign Type Final Left Final Right llonent Design Type Final Pos Monent Design TyPE linal Pos Pna:{: 0.00 conbo Location DCllPSz BotFlange Pmali Conbo: NA Mfb 733.989 22.439 lb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.580 I T I I I I I I I I I I I conbo Bloct DCMPSz OK DCl,tPS2 oK L3.22 t3.22 PAGE 85 L3.22 t3.22 PACE 87 4.966 5.04 9 Ratio 0.24 8 0.252 Ratio 0.580 Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yrs20.000 Yes ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 KiP-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design short Forn Ortput Bean label: 8157 Story: IHREE Sasic Beard Infornation Mdent Design TyPe FimI Pos Shear Design lype Conbo FinaL Left DCMPS2 Final Rj.ght DCMPS2 Pna:{;0,00 CoEbo Locati,on DCUPS2 BotFlange EIock 0( OK Pnar::0.00 corlbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange Pmar::0.00 conbo locatlon DCMPS2 BotFlange Phaii Coobo: lo Mfb 733.989 22.439 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes 4. 966 5.049 Ratio 0.248 0 ,252 Fr, 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20,000 Yes ETABS vl.16 File: 2683108 (ip-iD units JuIv 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g CoDposite Bear Design Short Porn Ortput Bean label: 8158 Story: lltREE Basrc Bean Infornation Pna.: Coobo: NA ilfb ?33.989 22.439 fv 4.966 5.049 Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yeg Ratio 0,580 Shea! Design Type Collbo Block v Fi.nal Left DCMPSz 0K L3.22 Final Right DCI{PS2 0K 13.22 ETASS v7,15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unj.ts PACE 88 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 tes20.000 Yes Rat io 0,248 0.252 AISC-ASD89 composite Bean Design short Fonn outPut Bean Label: 8159 Story: THREE Basic Bean Infornation Pna:i Combo: NA ufb 733. 989 22 .439 !b 1/3 Factor 33. 000 Yes Ratio 0.580 ol I I Shear Design Type Conbo Block v fv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio rinaL r,eit DclrPs2 0K L3.22 4.966 20.000 Yes 0'2{8 Fj.nal Rj.ght DCuPS2 oK 8,22 5.049 20'000 Yes 0 '252 E1ABS v7.16 File: 2683108 KiP-in Unlts PAGE 89 f July 11, 2oo1 14:26I AIsc.AsDSgcolpositeBeanDesrgnshortFormoutputBeanlabel:8160story:IBREEI I Basic Bean rnfornation I t{onetrt Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pnax Conbo: NA If T!?e coEbo Location t{ fb Fb 1'l3 Factor Ratio I tinal ios DcMPs2 gotFlange 185?.265 4.84? 33'000 Yes 0'14? I shea! Design - TvDe conbo Block v fv Fe 1/3 Factor Ratio rinal reit DCMPS2 or 18.69 1'400 20.000 Yes 0'0?0 f Final Right DCUPS2 OK 11.15 1.330 20'000 Yes 0'055 t ETAES v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 90 JuIy U, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bearn Design Short Forn Output Eean Label: 8164 Story: TIREE Basic Bean Inforoation I I uonent Design Pnaii: 0'00 Pmai: conbo: }o -Type Conbo Location l'l fb fb l/3 Factor Ratro Final Pos DC Psz BotFlange 400.502 17.5?3 33'000 Yes 0'533 t shear Desi.dn - TlDe CoFbo Block v fv Fv :/3 Factor Ratio I riaal r,eit DcMPs2 0K 7.51 3.215 20.000 Yes 0'164 I Final Rroht DCMPS2 OK 1.51 3.216 20.000 Yes 0'164 r- E?ABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Klp-in unlts PAGE 91 I July 11, 2oo1 !{t25I -_ AISC-ASD89 ConPosite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label-: 8165 Story: TIREE I Basic Bean Infomati.on I Monent Deslgn Pma:i: 0.00 hal: Conbo: NA I Type Conbo Location M fb Ib 1/3 Factor Ratio I rinal lbs DCMPS2 BotFLange 61L-I12 28.962 45.000 Yes 0'644 I shear Design - Type Conbo Elock v fv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratjo Fi.nal Left DCMPS2 OK 12.09 5.570 20'000 Yes 0'218 I Fj.nal Right DCuPS2 oK 12'09 5.759 20'000 Yes 0'288 II ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 92 lo t July 11, 2001 14:26 I NSC-ASD89 Cooposite Bean Desigr Short Forn output Bean Labcl: 8156 Story: l8Rgl Balic Bean InfonEtion Manent Design has:0.00 Poal: conbo I NA Type Conbo Iocation Final Pos DClrPS2 BotFlange M 17?1.519 Block voK 19.8 3 0K 19.8 3 Kip-in ttnits PIGS 93 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes19.{33 Ratio 0.589 shear Design Type Conbo Final left DCI'iPS2 Final Right DCUPS2 Ef,ABS v?.1.6 File: 2583108 JuIy 11, 2001 14r26 l /3 factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes fv I 't?1 3.859 Ratio 0. r89 0.193 I I I I T I I I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Design Short Forrd Output BeaD la.bel: 873 Story: RoOt Basic Bean Infomation HoEent Design TyPe Final Pos lboent Design Type Final Pos Monent Design TYPC Final Pos Shear Desigo hlax: 0 .00 har: conbo: NA Conbo Location l.l fb DCllPS2 BotFlange 1957.444 f9.858 tb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Design lype . Conbo Block Final Left DCtlPS2 oK Final Right DcuPs2 oK ETABS v].16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 20.1r 20.11 PAGE 9{ fv 3.909 J. /OI Ratio 0.602 Ratio 0 .195 0.188 Ratlo 0,502 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yeg AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desj.gn Short Forn output Bean Label: 816? Story: R008 Basi.c Bean Infornation Siear Design Type CoDbo Block v Final Left DCMPS2 0K 20,11 Final R.i.ght DCMPS2 0K 20.11 ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 95 July 11, 2001 l{:25 Pnal:: 0.00 Pnari Conbo: NA CoEbo Location lt fb DO,IPS2 BotFlange L967.444 19.858 Prdas; 0.00 Pma!: conbo; NA Conbo Location l, fb DCuPs2 BotFLange 1967. 444 19.858 I! 1/3 Factor 33.000 les fv Fv 1/3 Factor3.909 20,000 Yes3.761 20,000 Yes Ratio 0.195 0.108 AIsc-AsD89 co@osite Beao Design Sholt Form output Bean label: 8168 stoly! RoOF Basic Eean Infonation Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.602 ol T t Type Final Right MoDent Desi.gn T!pe Final Pos Monent Desiqn Type Final Pos Block v oK 20.110x 20.11 Kip-in ttnits PAGE 95 Fv 1/3 Factor 20 .000 Yeg 20.000 Yes Conbo DCMPS2 ocl|Ps2 fv 1ono 3.761 Ratio d I aq 0. 188 ETAgs v7.16 File: 2583108 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 NSc-lSD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Eorn output Eean label: 8169 Story: RooF Easic Bean Infornationt I T It I I I t I I I I I Monent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design Type Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 final Right DCMPS2 Pnaz: 0 . 00 ha:i Colbo : NA Cor$o Location M fb DCUPSz BotFlange L961 .444 19.858 rb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.502 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes ETAss v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Eean Design short ForE Output Eean Label: 8170 Story: R00F 8asi,c Sean Infornation Block OK OK 20.11 20.11 PAGE 9? l{ 698.863 fv 3.909 l. / b_t Ratio 0.195 0.188 Ratio 0.231 hax: 0.00 coobo Location DcMPs2 BotFlange Pna:r:0,00 Co0bo location DCMPS2 gotFlange Pna:i Conbo: NA ? .514 lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Shear Design Type Coobo Block v Fina] Left DCMPS2 0K 3,01 Final Right DcuPS2 0K 12,89 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 98 JuIy 11, 2001 1,1:26 fv 0. 585 2.4t2 Ratio 0.029 0. 121 Fv 1/3 Factor 20 .000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Cmposite Bea.E Design Short Forn output Eean Labe}: 882 Story: R00F Basic Bearo InfolMtion Pna:i Conbo: }|A u 598.863 fb 1 .614 Rati.o 0. 231 Fh I /? F:.f^r 33.000 Yes Shear Deslgn Type conbo Block Final Left DCHPS2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units July 11, 2001 l4:26 v 3.01r, qa PAGE 99 fv 0.585 2.4r2 Ratio 0.029 0. 121 fu 1,ri F.^r ^r 20 ,000 Yes 20.000 Yes to I AISC-ASD89 composite Beam Design Short Form output Bean Label: 883 Story: R00F I Basic Eean Infornation !,lo!ent Desj,gn Type Final Pos Shea! Desiqn TyPe tinal Left Fi.nal Right Pnax: 0.00 Cornbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange hlax Conbg: llA Mfb 598.863 ?.614 Vfv 3.01 0.585 12.89 2.4L2 PAGE 1OO Atax Conbo: ilA Mfb 698.853 7.61{ Fh 33.000 Rati.o 0.231 Ratio 0.029 0. 121 Ratio 0.231 Ratio 0.029 0.121 l/3 Factor Shear Design lype Conbo Bl.ock Final Left DcuPS2 0K Final Riqht DcMPsz 0K ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-i.n Units JuLy 11, 2001 14:26 gasic Bean Infornation Monent Design Pna:i; 0.00 Type Conbo location Pinal Pos DcuPs2 BotFlange AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Eean Label: 884 Story: R00F Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Ye!20.000 Yes ft 1/3 Factor33.000 Y€! Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fb l/3 lactor 33.000 Ye! I I I t I I ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unit! July 11, 2001 1l:25 Vfv3.01 0.58512.69 2.4t2 PAGE 101 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short 8om tutput Bear Label: 886 Story: ROOF Basic Bean Infornation ETAIS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE ).02 Juty 11, 200I 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoEposite gea! Design Short Fora output Beatr Lab€I; 88? Story: RoOP Basic Bea[ Infornation CoEbo Block DCMPS2 OKDCMPS2 OK Hment Design has: 0.00 ha:i Conbo: NA type Conbo Location ll fb Final Pos Dcl.rPS2 BotFlange 960.916 22.'188 Shear oesign Type Conbo 81ock V fv Final left DCMPS2 0K 14.50 5.224 Final Right DCMPS2 oK 14.50 5.335 ETABS v7.16 Fil.e: 2683108 Xlp-in Unit3 PAGE I03 JuIy 11, 2001 14:2 5 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 les Ratio 0.691 Ratio 0.2 51 0.26'l d I I I I I T IAISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label; 888 Story: ROO!. Basic Bean Infornation Uonent Design Pmai:: 0.00 ol I Pnar: Combo: NA I TYPE Final Pos Co bo Location DO,|PS2 BotFlange BIock OK OK Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes M 960. 0 96 L4.49 14. {9 1{.49 14.49 fb -22 .7 68 Rat io 0. 590 Shea! Design type Conbo Final left DCMPS2 ti.nal Right DCMPS2 shear Design lype Co[bo Sinal Left DC PS2 Firal Right DCUPS2 Shear Desrgn Type Conbo Final Left DCl.lPs2 fv 5.330 5.220 Fv 1/3 factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0 .261 0 .26rI T I I t I ETABS v7.16 File; 2683108 Kip-in Urits PAGE 104 July ll, 2001 l4 r26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Sholt Forn Output Beatr Label: B89 Story: R00F Easic Beatr Infornati,on Monent Desiqn Pna:i; 0.00 Pmaj( Corbo: NA Iype CoDbo Location M fb Final Pos DCllPS2 BotFlanse 960.096 22.'158 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.690 b I I I I I I I fv 5.330 5.220 5.220 Rat 1o 0.261 0 .26r BaSic Sean ltlforeatiorl U@ent Design ha:; ; 0.00 Type Corobo Location Fj.nal Pos DCMPS2 . BotFlange Pna:i Conbo: NA Mfb 960.096 22.168 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 facto! Ratio33.000 Yes 0. 690 BlocI OK OK Ratio 0.261 0,26r E?ABS v7,15 File: 2683108 lcp-in Units PAGE 105 ,tuly U, 2001 1l:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desiqn Short Forn output Bean Label: B90 Story: RoOf shear Design Type Combo Blocl V linal Left DCUPS2 0K 14,49 Final Right DCl.lPS2 0K 14,49 ETAES v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 106 JuIy 11, 2001 l4:26 Basic gean Infonation Mooent Design Pna-r: 0,00 type Conbo Location Final Pos DCMPSz BotFlange Frr 1 /1 F:-i^r 20 .000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: B9l Story: R@F Hna$ Combo: NA Mfb ,ou. uro zl- 16ll Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.590 lo Block OK Vfv 14.49 5.330 20.000 Yes Rat io 0.261 t I tinal Right DCUPS2 0K 11.49 ETAES v7.16 File: 258310S Kip-ir units PAGE 107 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 5.220 20.000 AIsc-AsD89 Coryosite Bean Design short Forfl OltPut Bean Label: 8103 Ea3ic Bean Information Monent Design Pnati: 0.00 Pna:i Codo: m Type Conbo Location M fb Et Final Pos DcMPs2 Bot8lange 2167.605 2L.119 33.000 Shear Des1gn Type conbo Block v fv Fv Fi.nal Left Ocl.lPs2 oK 20 '51 3.649 20.000 frnal Right DCMPS2 0K 20.83 3.691 20.000 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Ki.p-in Unj.ts PAGE 108 July U, 2001 l4:26 AISC-ASD89 Corposit€ Bean Design Sbolt Forn outPut Bean Label: 8255 Basic Bea[ Irfornation lto[ent Design ha:i: 0.00 Pna]! Conbo: NA rype coEbo Location M fb fb Final Pos DCI{PS2 BotPlange 28{1.180 21.115 33'000 Story: R00F 1/3 factor Rati0 0.560 I I I I I I l/3 Factor yeg Yes Ratio 0.182 0,185 Story: R00F l/3 Facto! Yes shear Design Type Conbo Block v Final left DCl.tPS2 0K 25.L1 Final Right DCI{PS2 0K 28.22 ETrBs v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-rn urits PAGE 109 July 11, 2001 14:2 6 Sh€a! Design Type Conbo Block v Final Left DCuPsz 0K 14.01 Final Rrght DCl{Ps2 0K 30'18 ETAIS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE i10 July 11, 2001 14:25 { ,428 4.846 2.464 Ratio 0. 6{0 Ratio 0.22t 0.242 Ratio 0.834 d I I I I I I I fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g coqosite Bean Design Short FolD outPut BeaE label: 8261 Story: R00F Basic Sean Infornation Uonent Deslgn ha!:: 0.00 ha:i Conbo: NA Type colbo Location ll fb Fina] Pos DCUPS2 BotF]ange 3419.645 21 .528 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.123 0.259 AIsc-AsD89 conposj,te Bean Design short Forn outPut Eean Label: 810? story: RooP Basic Bean Infornation or I I I Mo[ent D€sign Bmx; 0.00 Pnax Conbo I NA Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Fina] Pos DCMPS2 BotFlanqe 2'1L3.693 19.054 33'000 Yes 0'5?7 Shear Desr.gn T!?e conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCuPS2 oK 28.09 4.456 20.000 Yes 0.223 Final. Right DCUPS2 OK 21 .65 4.292 20,000 Yes 0.215 ETABS v7.15 rile: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 111 I ,tuly 11, 2oo1 14:26 I AISC-ND89 Conposite Bean Desiqn Sholt Forn Output Bean Label: 8108 Story: RmF I Basic Bean Infornationt llonent Design Pnari: 0.00 Pnali CoDbo: llA I TvDe conbo Locatior M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio I rinal 'pos DcMPs2 BotFlange 2335.190 18'9?4 33.000 Yes 0'5?5 - I Shear Design I Type coDbo Etock V fv tv 1/3 Factor Ratio Flnal left DCUPS2 OK 24.16 4 '252 20.000 Yes 0.213 Flnal Right DCUPS2 OK 23'79 4.086 20.000 Yes 0.204 I EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 268310s Kip-in Units PAGE 112 - July u. 2oor u:26 NSC-ASD89 C@osite BeaD Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8109 Story: RoOF Basic SeaD Infonation I Mdnant D.sldn Pdax: 0.00 Pna:i Conbo: NArType Conbo Locatlon M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS2 Botllanqe 2335.190 L8'97{ 33.000 Yes 0.575 t shear Desion r TyPe Conbo S}ock v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Lefr DCI{PS2 OK 24.16 4.252 20.000 Yes 0.213 I Final Right DCMPS2 OK 23.19 4.086 20.000 Yes 0.204 EIABS v?.16 Fil,e: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 113 I JuIv 11, 2oor 14:26Ir AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bean Design Short Forn OutPut Bean Label: 8110 Story: RoOF I Basic Beatr InfornationI Monent Desi.gn hax: 0.00 Pna: Conbo: NA I Type conbo Location M fb lb 1/3 Factor Ratlo t Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 2180'544 18.885 33.000 Yes 0.5'12 I shear D€sign I TvDe combo Bl.ock v fv Fv l/3 Factor Ratio .O ,i;:i'-iff: ilil;:t 3l ll:33 i:?13 i3:33i ;:: Slil II I I 0TABS v?.15 Filer 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 114 JuIy ll, 2001 14:2 5 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8111 Story: Basic Bean Infornation shear Design Type Conbo Block V Final Left DCMPS2 OK 10.91 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 23.18 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in orits PAGE 115 July 11, 2001 14:26 Monent Desrqn Type Final Pos Monent oesign TYPE gi.nal Pos Pma$: 0.00 Coobo Location DCMPS2 BotF.l,ange Pna-r: 0.00 Conbo Location DCUPSz BotFlange Pnar Conbo: NA Mfb 1981.856 19.279 2.10{ {.507 Ib 1/3 Factor 33.000 Y€s Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.584 Ratio 0.105 0.225 I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean D€sign Short forn Output Bean lab€l: 8112 Story: ROOF Basic Bean Infomatlon ha:i Conbo: NA Mtb 1981.856 19 .279 Fb 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.584 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Desrgn Short Forn Output B€a[ Label: BL13 Story: RoOF Shear Design lype Conbo Block V FinaL left DcuPs2 0K 10.9? Final Rrght DCMPSz 0K 23.18 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 116 July 11, 2001 L{ r25 Basrc Bear Infornation Monent Desigl Pria\: 0.00 Type Conbo Locati.on Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Shear Design Ti?e CorDo Block v Final left DCMPSz 0K 10.9? Fj.nal Right DCMPS2 0K 23.18 EIABS v7.16 tile: 2583108 Kj,p-rn Units PAGE 11? July 1i, 2001 14:25 Basic Eean Information Monent Design Pnax:0.00 Type Conbo Location ha:i Cmbo: NA u fb Fb 1/3 Factor 1981.855 19.219 33.000 Yes fv Fv 1/3 Factor2.10,0 20.000 Yes 4.50? 20.000 Yes fv Fv 1/3 Facto! 2 . i04 20.000 Yes{,50? 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.105 0.225 Ratio 0,584 Rat i.o 0.105 0 .225 d I I I I I I I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desiqn Short Form output Bean Label: 8270 Story: RoOF Pna-': Combo: NA M fb Fb 1,/3 Factor oI I I Fiial Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanqe 1429.462 15. 719 33.000 0.415 Shear Design Type Conbo final reft DCUPS2 Final Right DCl.lPS2 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 8lock v 0K 8.69 0K I't.19 Kip-in Units PAGE 118 Mo[ent Desj.gn TyPe Pinal Pos Shear Design Type Combo Block V Fi.nal Left DCUPS2 OK 10.93 Final Ri.ght DCMPS2 0K 19.09 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 119 July U, 2001 14:25 fv r.655 3.458 Ratio 0. 083 0.1?3 Fv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes t I I I I I I I T I t t I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean label: Basic Bean Infonnati.on Story: R00F Enar:: 0,00 Pnai: Conbo: NA Colbo Locat.ion M fb Fb 1/3 Factor DCMPS2 Bottlange 1653.182 18,190 33.000 Yes fv 2 .095 3 .711 fv 3.780 4.405 fv 7.r00 3 .365 Ratro 0.551 Ratio 0. 105 0.186 Rati o 0.189 0.220 Flt 1/? l:.r^r 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Colposite Bean Design ShoEt Form output Bean labe].: 8264 Story; RoOf Basic Bean Infomation ltonent Desrgn TyPe Final Pos Shear Design Type Conbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 ETABS v7.16 Fi.le: 2683108 July 11, 2001 t,l:25 Pna:r: 0.00 Pna!: Conbo: NA Conbo Location l,l fb DCMPSz BotFlange 2928,126 22.452 Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0. 680 Bl,ock v 0K 22.34 ol( 25.58 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 120 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean Labet: B2?2 Story: Basi.c Beajo Infornation Monent Design rype tinal Pos Shear Dest gn Type Coobo Fi.nal Left DCMPS2 Final Rlght DCMPS2 ETABS v7.16 Fi.le: 2683108 JuIy 11, !001 14:2 6 Block v 0K 40 .69 0K 17,56 Kip-in Units PAGE 121 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Prna:i: 0.00 Pna.: Conbo: NA Conbo Location M fb Fb l./3 Factor DCMPS2 BotFlange 1544.16? 16.981 33.000 yes Ratio 0 .515 Ratio 0.385 lo t I AISC-ASD89 Conposite BeaD Desiqn Short Forn output .Bean Label: 8274 Storyr RoOF Basic Bea! Infornation Moment Design Pnax; 0.00 Type conbo Locatj.on Final Pos DCl.lPSz BotFlanqe Easic Bean Infornation Monent Desi.qn Pna':; 0.00 Type CoDbo location Fina] Pos DcMPs2 BotFlange Final Neg DCMPSI BotFlange Shear Design lype Conbo Elocl Final teft DCMPSz OK Flnal Right DCMPS2 0K Pna]i Conbo: M t 1050.281 fb 11.557 fv 2.2L5 2.24a 3.321 2.5'18 Ratio 0 .350 Eb l/3 Facto!33.000 Ies SheaE oesign Type combo Block v Final Left DCMPS2 0K 11.?l Fj.naL Right DCl.lPS2 OK 11.71 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 KiP-in Units PAGE 122 July 11, 2001 14:26 Block OK OK Ratio 0.392 0.512 Ratio 0. 156 0. 134 Ratio 0.019 Ratro 0.0r5 0.00? I I I t I I I t I t I I I Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.111 0, 112 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desj.gn Short Sorn output Beae Label. | 8253 Stoly: RoOF H[a!: Conbo: IA M 1159. 593 -108.914 fb 12. 941 l. )r5 It l/3 Pactor33.000 Yes3,109 Yes lt.fl 13.97 M 7 9 .235 Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes 20.000 les ETArs v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in unrts PAGE 123 JuIy 11,2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desiqr Short fom output Bean label: 8137 stoly: RooF Sasic Eean Infornation Monelt Design Type Frnal Pos Type Combo Final Left DCMPS2 Fj.nal Right DCMPS2 han: 0. 00 Conbo Locatron oCUPSz BotFlange Pna:i Conbo: NA fb Fb 1,/3 tactor0.621 33,000 Yes ETAIS v?.16 Fj.le: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuJ.y 11, 2001 14:26 v fv Fv 1/3 Facto!2.03 0.307 20.000 Yes0.85 0.130 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Beam Desj.gn Short Forn output Bean Label r 8138 Story: RoOF Basic Bean Infornatron Monent Design Pna:^:: 0.00 Type Conbo location Pma:i Conbo: NA M tb Fb 1/3 Factor ol I I Sinal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 79,235 Shear Design Type Conbo Block Final Left DcMPs2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K ETISS v?.16 Fj.le: 2683108 Kip-in Unirs Ju.Ly 11, 2001 14:2 5 v fv Fv 1/3 Factor 2,03 0.30? 20.000 Yes 0.85 0.130 20.000 Yes PAGE 125 0.621 33.000 0 .019 Patio 0. 015 0.007 I I I t AIsc-AsD89 conposite Bean Design sholt Forn output Bean label: 8139 stoly: R00F Basic Eean Infornation Hcment Design hnaxi 0.00 Type Corobo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Shear Desiqn fb tb L/3 Factor 0.621 33.000 Yes Pna:{ Conbo: NA M 2.03 0.85 PAGE 126 u 19.235 v 2.03 0.85 PA6E I27 33.9? 19.95 PAGS 128 Rati.o 0. 019 Type Coobo Fina] left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 fv Fv 1/3 Factor0.30? 20.000 Yes0.130 20.000 Yes Block OK OK Elock OK Ratio 0.015 0.00?I I ETABS t ?.15 Fil.e; 2583108 Kip-in units Jul.y 11, 2001 14;25 AIsc-AsD89 conposite Bea! Design short Form output Bean Label: Bl40 Story: RooF Easic Bea! InfonEtion I I I I I I I Monent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design Type Co&bo Final Left DCMPS2 final Rj.ght DCMPS2 Pnas: 0.00 Conbo Location DCUPSz Bot[lange Pnai: Conbo: NA tb Fb 1/3 Facto! 0.521 33.000 Yes Rati.o 0 .019 fv 0. 301 0. 130 fv 6.429 3.980 Rat i.o 0.015 0.007 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes ETABS v7,15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Beam Design Sholt Folll output Bean label: 8252 Basic Eeam Information Story: R00F l.tonent oesign TyPe Fi.nal Pos shear Design Type Conbo Block Pinal left DCUPSz 0K Final Right .DcMPs2 oK ETAIS v7.16 FlIe: 2583108 Kip-in onlts July 11, 2001 14:25 Pna:: i 0.00 P[di Conbo: NA Combo Location M fb DCMPS2 BotFlange 1?09.801 18. ?58 Fb !/3 Factor 33. 000 Yes Ratio 0. 568 Fv L/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.321 0.199 to I I AISC-ASD89 conposite Bean De€ign Short Fonn output -Bean l,abel: 8142 story: RoOF Easic Bear IofornatioB Mooent Design hax: 0.00 Type CoDbo Locatj.on Final Pos ocuPs2 BotFlange Basic Eean Infornalion !.tment Design ha:i:0.00 Type conbo Location Final Pos DcuPsz BotFlange Monelt Design Type Coobo Locatj,on Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Type Conbo Fi.nal Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPSz ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 July 11, 2001 l4;26 Pna!: CoBbo: NA tl 2596 .412 H 2236.56s fb 24.311 lb 1,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes I I dRatio 0.215 0.2{9 Ratio 0.?37 Ratro 0,250 0.289 Ratio 0.728 Ratio 0.125 Shear Design lype CoDbo Block v rinal Left DcuPs2 0K 26.42 Einal Right DCMPS2 0K 29.00 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 129 JuIy 11, 2001 14:2 6 fv { .999 5.78 | fb 24.031 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Y€s I I I I I I I I I I I AISC-ASD8g CorPosj.te Bean Design Sholt For! Output Sean Label: 8143 Story: R@F Pna!: Conbo: [A !b 1/3 Factor33,000 Yes Shea! Design Type Conbo Bl.ock v fv Final Left DCl.lPs2 0K 22.'16 {.308 Final Right octlPs2 oK 24.98 4.982 ETAES v7.16 Fj.le; 2683108 Kip-j.n Urits PAGE 130 July 11, 2001 14:25 Fv 1/3 factor20.000 tes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean label: 8144 Stoly: R00F Basic BeaE Information Pmai: 0,00 Paai: Conbo: l|A Mfb 2236.665 24.031 Block v fvoK 22.'t 6 4.308 0K 24.98 4.982 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 131 It 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yc! 20.000 Yes Rat io 0 .249 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Form outPut Bean labelr B2?1 Story: ROof Basic Bea-o Information Monent Design Pnai:: 0.00 Pna!: Conbo: NA Type Conbo location u fb Fi.nal Pos DCMPS2 EotFlange 291 .313 12'445 Ib 1,/3 Factor33.000 1es Rat io 0.3?l ol I I Shear D€sign Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio rinar riit DcMPs2 oK 6.1? 2.843 20'000 Yes 0.142 Fina] Right DCMPS2 oK 5'08 2.519 20'000 Yes 0'144 ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 KiP-in units PAGE 132 July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Sean Label: 8275 Stoly: R@F I Basic Bea.n Infornation I uoDent Desion Pnax: 0.00 Pna.': conbo: llA ,-" Cotrbo Locatlon M fb !b 1/3 Eactor Ratio I rinaf ios DcMPs2 BotFtange 388.84{ 15.2?3 33.000 Yes 0'493r Shear Deslgn I TlDe Corbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Fatro I rinar Leit DcttPs2 oK ?.00 3.221 20.000 Yes 0'151 Final Risht DcuPs2 OK 1.00 3.315 20.000 Yes 0'166 I ETIBS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 133 I JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Conpoeite Sean Design Short Forn Output Beas rabel: 8265 Story: R@F f gasic Bea! rnfornaEro! - llonent oesiqn PEai: i 0.00 ha:i CoDbo: NA -, Type conbo Locatj.on M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratlo Fi.nal Pos DO.tPs2 BotFlaDqe 344'823 14.485 33.000 Yes 0.439 I Shear Desi.gn Type Conbo Block tt fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Pinal l,eft DCUPS2 OK 6.2f 2.862 20.000 Yes 0.143 I Final Right DcuPs2 oK 6,21 2.940 20.000 Yes 0.147 I EIABS v7,16 File: 2683108 KiP-in Units PAGE 134 July 11, 2001 14:26 r AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desrgn Short Eom Output Bean Labe]: 8152 Storyi ROOF I Easic Bean Infomation I Uonent Desi.on Pndt: 0.00 Prna:i Conbo: NA r Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio f Einal Pos DcuPs2 BotFlange 453.993 19.000 33'000 Yes 0.576 I Shear Design lype Combo Btock v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio final Left DcuPs2 oK 8.18 3.161 20.000 Yes 0.188 Final Rj,qht D0.lPs2 oK 8.18 3.8?l 20.000 Yes 0'194 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 (ip-in Unrts PAGE 135 July 11, 2001 14:26 lo I I I I AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bea! Design Short Fom Ottput Eean label: gl53 Story: nOOF Basi,c Bean Inf ornation Monent Design Pnal:: 0.00 Type Conbo Locati.on Fina]. Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange Pnax Conbo; l,lA MFh 453.993 19.000 har: Combo: NA ufb453.993 19.000 !'h 33.000 Rati.o 0.576 l/3 Factor Shear oesign TYPE Final Left Final Rrqht conbo Block DCMPS2 OK DCMPS2 OK Block OK OK vfv 8.18 3.7618.18 3.8?l PAGE 136 Fv 1/3 Eacto! 20.000 Yes20.000 Y€s Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes !v 1/3 Factor20.000 le!20.000 Ye! Ratio 0.188 0.194 Rat io 0.5?6 I I I I I I t I I I I ETABS v?.16 Fj.Le: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short forl! Output Bean Label: BI54 Stolyr ROOF Basic Bean Inforrnation Monent Desig! Pna:i I 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCl.lPSz BotF1ang€ Shear Design lype Conbo Final Left DCUPS2 tinal Riqht DCUPSz ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14 ! 2 5 vrv E.18 3. ?6?Lr8 3.871 PACE 137 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8155 Story: ROOF Ratio 0.188 0.19a Balr.c Eean Infornati.on MoEent Desrgn Pnai:: 0.00 Type Coobo Location Pinal Pos DCtlPS2 SotFlanqe Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes PDa.: coEbo: NA M 453. 993 fb r9.000 Ratio u.l ro Shear Design Type Colrbo glock V Frnal Left DCl.lPS2 0K 8.18 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 8.18 ETABS v1.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 138 JuIy 11, 2001 14:2 6 Moment Desiqn Type Fina.l, Pos Shear Design Pnai::0.00 ConDo Location DCMPS2 BotF1ange fv 3 .157 3.8? l Pnai: Combo: NA Mfh {53.993 19.000 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0.188 0.194 Ratio 0.576 AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Eean oesign Short Forn output Bean label: Bl5O Story: ROOP Basic Bean Infornation I Iol I I Type Conbo Elnal Left DCUPS2 Final Right DcMPs2 r\' 1/? l:.t^t 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Block OK OK 8.18 8.18 PAGE 139 fv 3 .871 Ratio 0.188 0.194 EIABS v?,15 File: 2583108 Kip-in units July 11, 2001 1l:25 AISC-ASD8g Cooposite Bear D$ign Short Forn output Bean LabeL: 815? Story: R00FI I I I I I I I I I I I I Basic Bean Info!|Iati.on uooelt Design Pnar: 0,00 Type CoDbo tocation Pj.nal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange ha:i Conbo: }|A l.|fb 453.993 19.000 fv J.U/I ha,i Conbo: }lA l{ fb 453.993 19.000 Fb 1/3 Facto! Ratro 33.000 Yes 0.576 shea! Design Type Conbo 8]ock v Final l€ft DCMPS2 0K 8.18 einal Rigbt DCI'iPS2 0K 8.18 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583109 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 140 July 11, 2001 14:26 Basic EeaD InfolDatioD liment Design hax: 0.00 lype Conbo location Final Pos DCMPS2 Botrlange Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.188 0.194 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Forn output Bean label: 8158 Stoly: R00E Fb l/3 Factor33.000 Yes Rati.o 0.5?5 Rati o 0 .188 0.194 Shear Desrgn Type Colbo Block V fv tu 1/3 Facto! Final left DCMPS2 OK 8,18 3.'161 20.000 Yes Einal Right DCUPS2 0K 8.18 3.871 20.000 Yes ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 25831,08 Kip-j.r Unj.ts PAGE 141 Jul.y 11, 2001 l{ :26 AISC-ASD8g Corposite Bean Design Short Forn output Eean label: Bl59 Earic Bea.[| Infornation Uonent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pna!: Conbo I NA type Corbo location l.t f! !b Final Pos oCHPS2 Bot8lange 453.993 19.000 33.000 Shear Design Type CoDbo Block V fv Fv Final left DCMPS2 oK 8.18 3.161 20.000 8ina1 Right DcMPs2 0K 8.18 3.871 20.000 E1ABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unirs PAGE 142 July U, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean oesj.gn Short Forn output Eeam Label: 8160 Story: RoOF 1/3 Sactor 1/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0- 576 Rati.o 0.188 0 .194 to I Stoly: R00F I Basic gea! InfoEation Moonent Desi.gn TyPe Final Pos Shear Desj.gn Type Coobo tinal left DCI'|PS2 Final Right DCUPS2 Pnax; 0.00 PDax Co[bo: A Conbo Locati.on M fb DClfPS2 BotFlanqe 2l'll.95l 5.70,1 Block OK OK fv 1.52{ 1.1{ 9 Ratio 0.173 Ratio 0.0?6 0.057 har Conbo: NA $ l/3 Factor33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yee Fb I/3 Factor33,000 Yer Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 tes ETA8S v?,16 Fi.le: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Eean La.bel: 8257 Story: ROOF 20.3 { 15. 31 PAGE I{3 u 415 . ?55 t tl PAGE 1.I4 fv 3.t59 3.582 t?.450 Ratio 0.529 Ratio 0.173 0.179 I I I I I I I I I I I t I Basi.c Bean Infonation Monent Design ha:i: 0,00 Type Conbo !,ocation Final Pos DCI.IPS2 Bot[lange Sh€ar Desj.gn Type Conbo Block Final. left DCUPS2 OK Final. Ri.ght DCllPS2 Ol( A|ABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 l4:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fo!! Oltput Bean label: 8256 Stoly: R@F Basic Bean Inforoation Monent Design has: 0.00 Pnali Corbo: ltA Type Corbo Location U fb Final. Pos DCMPSz BotFlange 1554.??6 11.055 Sh€ar Design type Coobo Block v fv Final l,eft DCMPS2 0K 41,5'1 8.497 Final Right DcMPs2 0K L'! .46 3.481 EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n Unj.ts PAGE 145 JuIy 11, 2001 l4:26 Monent Design Pna-r:: 0.00 PEai: Conbo: NA Type Coobo location t{ fb Fina.l. Pos DCMPS2 topFlange 229.515 10.687 Shear Design lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.517 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.425 0. 114 Ratio 1.000 AISC-ASD89 CoEposite Bean oesign Short Fom Output 8ea! Label: BUI Story: SCREEN Basic Eean Infornation tb 1/3 Factor 10. 58? Yes or I Type Combo SLock V fv Fv 1/3 Facto!Rat ro I Final Left DCUPS2 Fiml. Right ocuPs2 OK 0t( 6. a6 4 .6',1 PAGE 1.{5 M 183.182 2.252 20.000 20.000 0.113 0,082 Ratio 0 .733 Ratio 0.036 0.058 Y€s Yes I I I I I I I I I I I I II EIIBS v7.15 Filer 2683108 Kip-in Units .tuty 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Cotrposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Labe]: 8172 Story: SCRSEN Basic Eean Infoluati.on Monent oesign Pnax: 0.00 Type CoDbo location Fi.nal Pos DCUPS2 TopFlange Pna:{ Conbo: NA ufb 124.701 5.832 tb 1/3 Factor 1.952 Yes Shear Desj.qn Type CoDbo BLock v Final Left DCI{PS2 0K 2.09 Final Right DCl.lPS2 0K 3.88 ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-ln Units PAGE 14? July 11, 2001 14:26 fv 0.7 30 l. 356 Fv l/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bea! Design Sholt FolD output Bean Label: 8213 Stoly: SCREEN Easic Bean Infornation Uouent Desj.gn hax: 0.00 Type Conbo locatlon final Pos DCUPS2 TopFlange Pna.: CoDbo: }|A Shea! Design Type Conbo Elock V fv Fv 1,/3 Factor Final Left DCUPS2 0K 3,78 r.321 20.000 yes final Right DCtlPS2 0K 4.90 1.714 20.000 yes E1IBS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 148 JuLy ll, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Design Sholt Folx output Bean trabel: 8218 Basic Bea! Infornation Story: SCREEN !D 8.55? Rat io 1.000 Ratio 0.066 0.086 Ratio 0.525 Ratio 0.032 0. 062 Fb I/3 Factot 8.560 Yes Fb 1/3 [actor 8.291 Yes Nonent Design Pmax: 0.00 pndi Conbo; NA Type Conbo Location l, fb Final Pos DClrPS2 TopFJ.ange 110.952 5.190 Shear Design Type Coebo B]ock V fv Fv Final left DCllPS2 0K 1.84 0.645 20.000 Einal Right DcMPs2 0K 3.55 L.246 20.000 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 1.49 July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Colposite Beard Design Short Forn Ortput Eean labet: 8219 Basic Bean Infonnation 1/3 Factor Yes lo I Story: SCREEN I Uooent Design lype Final Pos P[ax: 0.00 Conbo location DCUPS2 lopFlange Pnai Codo I l|A AISC-ASD89 Conposite geatr Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 8220 Story: SCREEN Basic Eean Infornation Shear Design TyPe Conbo SinaL Left DOIPS2 Final Right oCUPS2 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 t4:26 Elock v 0K 1.36 oK 1.33 Kip-in Units PAGE 150 !b 1/3 Factor 8.058 Yes Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Ye! Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes !b l/3 Factor7.948 Yes M 5?.534 fb z.btl fv 0,475 0.455 Ratio 0.335 Ratio 0.024 0.023 Ratio 0.064 I I I I I I Mooent DesigD TyPe Final Pos Shear Desiqn Type Colbo Final Left DclrPs2 Final Rlght DCtlPs2 kuii: 0.00 Conbo locati.on DCUPS2 BotFlange Elock OK OK Pma:i: 0 ,00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 TopFlange Bl.ock OK OK ha:i Coebo t NA Mfb 45.285 2.118 1.02 1.95 PAGE 151 M 16.119 fv U.JJ '0,7L'l FY 1/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Ye! 0,01820.000 Ye! .0.036 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kj.p-j.n onits &rly 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bear Desj.gn Short Forn output Bean label: 8222 Story: SCREEN Easic Bean Infornition l{onent Desrgn TyPe Final Pos Shear Des i 9n Type Conbo Final left DC!.iPS2 Ftnal Right DCMPS2 Shear Design TWe Combo Final left DCMPS2 Fj.nal Right DCMPSz har: Combo: llA r.r fb i10. ?52 5.180 vfv 3.15 1,104 2.23 0. i82 PAGE 152 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes Ratio u.o)t Ratio 0.055 0.039 I I I ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 KiP-i.n Units Ju.Ly 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Eean Label: 8223 story: SCREEN 3.588 Rat io 0.109 I I I Iot I Basic Bean Infomation Monent Design Pnar:; 0.00 Type conbo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlanqe hra:i Conbo ; NA lb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Block OK OK Rati.o 0.038 0.058 vfv 2.20 0. ? 69 3.r2 1.158 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes I ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Urits PME 153 July U, 2001 14;25 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean label: 8225 Story: SCREEN lhnent Desigm ha:(: 0.00 P[di Conbo: NA I I I t T I I t I I t I II Type Coftbo Locati.on M Final Pos DCHPS2 BotFlanqe f45.126 rb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.291 Fv 1/3 Facto! natio 20.000 Yes 0 '11920.000 Yes 0,119 fb l/3 Factor Ratro 33.000 Yes 0 .332 Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio 20 ,000 Yes 0. 13320.000 Yes 0. 133 fb 9.195 Shear Design Type Coebo Block v fv tinal Left DC}|PS2 0K 5.23 2.3'16 FinaL Right DcMPs2 0K 5.23 2.316 ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units PAGE 154 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 dent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pna:i Conbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 163.217 10.970 AISC-ISD89 Conposite Bean Design Short lorn Output Bean label: 8225 Story: SCREEN Basic Bean Infomation lype Consider Combo Defl live Load Yes DCMPD2 0.083 lotal Load Yes DCMPD2 0.086 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Rip-in Units PAGE 155 .tuly 11, 2001 14:25 Shear Design Type Conbo Final left DcMPs2 final Right DCMPS2 Deflection Desrgn Shear Design Type Combo Final l,eft DCMPS2 Fina] Right DCMPS2 BIock OK OK BIock OK OK 5. db s,85 M 1?0.304 5.54 5.54 PAGE 156 fv 0.232 0.322 Ratio 0.358 0.266 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Design Short Forn Output Bean label: 8227 Story: SCREEN Basic 8ea! Infornation Monent Design Pnas: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Fina] Pos DCUPS2 BotFlarge Pnai: Conbo: NA fb lL446 2.491 2.491 Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0 .34? Fv 1/3 ractor Ratio 20 .000 Yes 0. 125 20.000 Yes 0.125 EtArS v7.16 File: 2683108 (ip-j.n Units JuLv 11, 2001 1{:25 to I AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bearn Design Short Forlll output Bean Labe]: 8228 Story: SCREEN I Basrc Bean Infornation Monelt Desiqn Pna::; 0,00 Type conbo Location Einal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Pnax conb;: NA Mfb 190.7{ 5 L2,820 fv 2 .'t 91 2.191 har: comlo: llA Mfb 145.016 9.818 4. ?5 4 .75 PAGE I58 Pna!: Conbo: NA Mfb 169,452 11.38 9 fv 2. 485 2.485 Eb 33.000 l/3 factor Yes Ratio 0.388 t I I T I I I I t I I Sbear oesiqn Type conbo Block v Final Left DCl,lPS2 0K 5.20 Fj.naL Right Dc1,lPS2 0K 6.20 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGS 15? JuIy U, 2001 14:26 Easic Bean Infornation Moment Design Hna:i: 0,00 Type Combo LocaEion Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange tu U3 Factor Ratio 20.000 Yes 0.14020.000 Yes 0.140 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Beao Design Short Follt output Bean label: 8229 Story: SCREEN Type colbo Final left DCMPS2 Flnal Rj.ght DCMPS2 tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes fv fv 1/3 Factor 2.1t2 20.000 Yes 2,142 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.298t I BIock OK OK Rati.o 0 .107 0.107 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kj.p-in Units Julv 11, 2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8230 Story: SCREEN Basi.c Bea.n Infornation Monert Design Pna:i: 0.00 Type Conbo Locatj.on Fj.na1 Pos DCl.lPSz BotFlange fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.345 Shear Design Type Conbo Bloct v Final Left DCMPS2 0K 5.51 Fr.nal Right DCMPS2 OK 5.51 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 159 ,ruly 11, 2001 14 i25 Basic Eean Infomation MoBent Design Pna!:: 0.00 Type Conbo Locatron Final Pos DCMPSz BotFlange Shear Design Fv 1/3 Factor 20 ,000 Yes20.000 Yes Rat 1o 0.L24 0.r24 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Sholt Forn output Bean Label: 8235 Stoly: SCREEN Pna!: Conbo: NA Mft 157.38? 10.578 Fb 1/3 factor 33. 000 Yes Ratio 0.321 lo I I Type Conbo Block v Final Left DCMPS2 OK 5.65 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 5.55 EIABS v7.1.6 File: 2583108 Kip-in units PAGE 160 July U, 2001 14:26 fv 2.566 .2,565 hlar: Conbo: NA Mfb 151.387 10.5?8 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Ycs20.000 Yes Rati.o 0.128 0.128 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Deslgn Short Fom output Eean label: 8234 Stoly: SCREEN Basic Bean Infornation I t I I t I l/3 Factor Ye! I I I I I I I MoDent Design Type Final Pos U@ent Design TyPe Final Pos hali:0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 EotFlange Pnan; 0.00 Conbo Location DC}|PS2 BotFlange Pnar::0.00 coobo Locatlon DCMPS2 BotP]ange tb 33.000 Ratio 0 .321 Shear Design Type coFbo B]ock Final Left DcMPs2 0K Final Right DCl.lPS2 0K ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 KiP-in units July 11, 2001 14:26 5.65 5.55 PACE 151 M 1t5.842 fv 2.556 2.566 9.802 Ratio 0,128 0.128 Rat io 0 .291 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 les NSC-ASD89 Coryosite BeaD Design Short Forn outPut Bean labeJ.: 8236 Story: SCREEI Basic Eean Infomation Pna:.: Conbo i llA lb 1/3 Factor33,000 Ye! Shear oesiqn Type Conbo Block v FinaL Left DCl.lPS2 0K 4.14 Finar Right DcltPs2 0K 4.'ll ETABS v7.15 Fj.le: 2683108 Kip-ln Units PAGE 162 July 11, 2001 14r26 tv 2 .138 2.138 hmr: conbo: NA Mtb122,615 5.73? Fv 1/3 tactor20.000 Yes20.000 Ye3 Ratlo 0.107 0.107 Ratio 0,174 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean label.: 8237 Story: SCREEN Basic Beard rnfornation Morent Design TyPe Fina] Pos ETIBS v'7,16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units Julv i1, 2001 l4:25 3 .78 4.70 PAGE 163 AISC-ASD89 Composite Beam Design Short Fom outPut Basic Bean Infornation tD 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Type Combo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes BIock OK OK fv I .321 r .144 Ratio 0. 065 0. 087 ol T Bean label: 8249 Story: SCREEN I I T I t I I I I I T I II I Shear Des:,gn type Coobo Btock V fv Fv 1/3 factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 oK 4,50 1.668 20.000 Yes 0,083 Final Ri.ght DCMPS2 0K {.50 1.658 20.000 Yes 0'083 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Desj.gn Sholt Forn output Bean Label: 8250 Story: SCREEN lionent Desrgn Type Final Pos Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design hlax: Type Colobo Final Pos DCMPS2 shear D$ign Type Conbo Finai. Left DCUPS2 Fj.nal Right DCMPS2 Monent Design TyPe Fina] Pos Pnax:0.00 Conrbo l,ocation DCMPS2 BotFlange 0,00 LocatJ,on BotFIange BIock OK OK Pnai:0.00 Conlco location DG.|PS2 BotFlange Block OK OK P|lla:i:0.00 Combo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange Puax Conbo i }IA M 125 .440 M r?5.538 PAGE 165 v 5 .71 PAGE 166 M 1?5. 538 v ). /r 5. 71 Pna:i Conbo: NA tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Eactor 20 .000 Yes 20.000 Yes tb 5.857 Ratio 0. 178 Ratio 0.105 0.105 fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 8.210 33.000 les 0.249 fv 2,U6 2.116 ETASS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kj.p-in onits July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 CoBposite Bean Design Sholt Fom output Bean Label: 8251 Story: SCREEN Basic BeaD Infornatlon Pna!: Conbo: NA Mfb 1?5.538 8.210 l+1 1 /t Fr.r^r 33.000 Yes Rat io 0.249 fype Cotrbo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Rrght DCUPS2 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes fv 2.rL6 2.116 Ratio 0. 105 0.106 ETABS v?.16 Fj.Ie: 2683108 Kip-in uni.ts JuIv 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fore output Bear Label: 8252 Story: Basic Eeam lnforDati.on Mornent Design TyPe Final Pos Pna:i Conbo: NA fb Fb 1/3 Factor 8.210 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.249 Shear Design Type Conbo B].ock tlnal Left DCI'{PS2 0K Final Rj.ght Dcl.lPS2 0K EtABs v?.1.6 Fi].e: 2683108 KiP-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 2.115 2.116 Ratio 0.106 0.105 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20 .000 Yes lo I I AISC-ASD89 Coposite Bea! Design Short Forn output - Beatn Label: 8253 Story: SCREEN Easic Bea.n Infornation !{onent De3ign Pnax: 0.00 Type conbo Location final Pos Dcl.tPS2 Bot8]ange Pmar( Conbo: NA u r75.538 M 2250.148 8 .210 Ratio 0.249 tb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes I t t I I I T I I t I I I Shear Design Type Conbo Block v final left DClrPS2 OK 5.71 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 5.?1 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 168 Ju.l.y 11, 2001 14:26 fv 2.115 2.tL6 Fv l/3 Pactor20,000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.105 0.106 AISC-ASD89 conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean Label: 8287 Story; RooF Basic Bea.n Infornation llonent Design TI?e Fina1 Pos Shear Desr.gn lype coobo Final Left DCHPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 ETABS v7,15 FiIe r 2583108 JuIy U, 2001 14:25 Pna!::0.00 coDbo Location DcuPS2 BotFlange Pna:i Conbo: NA fb i8.952 Fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0.5?{ Block v0K 23.250K 23.53 KiP-in unrts PAGE 169 lv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes 3.935 {.036 Ratio 0. 197 AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Design Short Forn O.rtPut Bean Label: 8289 Story: RoOF Basi.c Bea.n Inf omatron Modent Desi.gn hla:i: 0,00 ha!: CoDbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Fina] Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 2250.L48 18.952 Shear Design Type Conbo Elock v fv Firal Left Dcl.lPs2 0K 23.25 3.935 Final Right DCI'|PS2 0K 23.53 4.036 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE i?0 JuIy 11, 2001 i4:25 Monent Desrgn har:: 0.00 hnai: Conbo: NA T}?e Conbo Location M fb Final Pos DCMPS? BotFlange 2155 '348 23.681 tb 1/3 Facto!33,000 Yes Rati,o 0.5?4 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20. 000 Yes Ratio 0.19? 0.202 AISC-ASD89 Composite Beam Deslgn Short Form outPut Bean Labe]: 8300 Story: RoOF Basic Bean Infonnation Fb l/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Ratio 0 .718 ol I I Shear Desrgn Ttpe conbo Bloct v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 OK 22.95 4.344 20,000 Yes 0 '21'l Final Right DCl,lPs2 oK 24.05 4 '510 20'000 Y€s 0'231 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 1?1 July 11, 2001 14:26 - AISC-ASD89 co@osite Bean Design short Fom OutPut Bean Label; 8301 story: ROOF I Basic BeaD Infornation f Mon€nt Desiqn Pmal:: 0.00 Pnai: conbo: NA TvDe conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio I rinal ios DcMPs2 BotFlange 2155.348 29,681 33.000 Yes 0'718 I Sbear Desi.gn I Tvoe Conbo gl,ock V fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratio I rinar Leit DcuPs2 oK 22,95 4.344 20.000 Yes 0.2r'l Final Right DcuPS2 OK 24.05 4.610 20'000 Yes 0'231 I ETABS v?,16 FiIe! 268310s Kip-in units PAGE 112 I JuIy tl. 2oo1 14:25 I AISC-ASD89 cmPosite Bea! Design short Forn Output Bean Label: 8298 Story: ROoF I Basic Bearn rnfonnatron - MoBent Desion Pua-.:: 0.00 PEa:i conbo: NA aJ Type conbo Location M fb Fb 1,/3 Factor Ratro Final Pos DcMPs2 BotFlange 399.5?8 L6.123 33.000 Yes 0'507 I Shear Design Type Conbo Block V fv Fv I/3 Factor Ratio I Final Left DcuPSz oK 1.20 3'316 20.000 Yes 0'155 I Einal Right DcuPs2 OK 1.20 3.40? 20'000 Yes 0'110 I ErABs v7,15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 1?3 I ,IuIy 11, 2001 14:25 It AISC-ASD89 colposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 8299 Story: R00F I Basic Bean rnforoation I Monent Desion Pmai:: 0'00 Pmai: conbo: ltA r TvDe Conbo Location !, fb tb l/3 Factor Ratio I rinal ios ocMPsz BotFl'ange 399.5?8 15.123 33'000 Yes 0'50?I shear Design I TyPe Combo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratro Final Left DcMPsz oK 1,20 3'315 20'000 Yes 0'156 Final Rj.ght DCMPS2 oK 1.2A 3.407 20'000 Yes 0'1?0 I ETABS v7.I6 FiIe: 2683108 Ki.p-in Units PAGE 174r Jurv 11, 2oo1 14:26 .O I . I I AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Eean Design Short Fom output Beas label: 8303 Story: R008 Basic Bea.D Infomation hrax Co[bo: NAMorcnt Desj,gn Pnax: 0.00 Type conbo Location Final Pos DcuPSl ConcRight Basic Bean InforDation Monent Design Pna\: 0.00 ?ype Coobo location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFl.ange Fv 1,/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 les M 9 .214 M 920.879 Ratio 0.005 tb l/3 Factor 1 .800 Ycs Shear Design Type CoDbo Block V Final Left DCUPSI 0K 0.11 linal Rj.ght DCUPS1 OK 0.11 ETABS v1.15 Filer 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 175 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 fv u-lb5 0.1?9 32.570 fv 5.939 6.143 Ratio 0.990 Ratio 0.291 0,307 I t I t I I I I I I I I Iol t Ratio 0.008 0.009 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short ForE output BeaD label: 8309 Story: SECoND Pmax Conbo: l|A tb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes Shea! Desigl fype Coubo Block v Final Left DCI'iPS2 0K 13.51 tlnal Right DCMPS2 0K 14.08 E?ABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in ltnits PAGE 175 July t1. 2001 1{ r25 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Ycs20.000 les AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Sholt Forn Output Bean Label: 8310 Story: SECOND Balic BeaD InfonBtion Mooent oesj.gn Fnax: 0.00 ha.: Conbo: NA Type Conbo location tl fb Final Pos DCI{PS2 BotFlange 1090.319 31.295 Sh€ar Design Type Conbo Block v fv linal left DCUPS2 0K 2L,63 7.569 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 21.03 ?.359 ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-i.n Units PAGE 1?7 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Monent Design hax: 0.00 Pnai: conbo: NA Tlpe Coobo Locatton M fb FinaL Pos DCMPS2 BotFLanqe 1018.299 14.892 Shear Desr.gn Fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0.948 Ratio 0.3?8 0.368 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean oesign Short Form output Bean La.bel: B31l Story; SECoND Basic Bean Infornation Fb 1,/3 Factor33,000 Yes Ratio 0.451 I I I t I I I I t I t I t I AISC-ASD89 composite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 8314 Storyl sEcoND Type Conbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final Right DC}!PS2 ETABS v7.16 FiLe: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:2 6 BLock v 0K 1?.10oK 20.11 Kip-in Units PAGE 1?8 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes fv J.UJJ 3.s65 fv 5.588 5.6?9 Ratio 0. i52 0.1?8 Rat io a.219 0.2 84 Ratio 0.009 Basic Bean Informati.on Monent Design Pnari: TlFe conbo Final Pos DCMPS2 Shear Desrgn TyPe Cotnbo Final left DCMPS2 FinaL Rj.ght DCUPSz ElAss v1.16 File: 2683108 Ju1.y 11, 2001 14:26 0.00 Pnar,: conbo: NA Location l,l fb BotFlange 3525.845 32.570 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.990 Block v 0K 38.64oK 39.28 Kip-in Units PAGE l?9 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Deslgn Short Forn output Bean Label: 8321 Story: SECOND 8asi,c Bean Infornation Monent Desi$ Pmaji: 0.00 Pnai: Conbo: NA lype Conbo Locatron U fb Fina1 Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 81.357 0.292 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kj.p-!n Units PAGE 180 July ll, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desj.gl Short Fom output Bean Label: 8328 Stoly: SECoND Shear Design Type combo Block Final left DCMPS2 0K !'inal Rigbt DCMPS2 0K Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design PIla:.:: 0.00 Type Conbo Locatj.oo Flnal Pos ocMPsz Botf'lange Shea! Design Type Conbo B]ock Final t eft DCUPS2 0K Fj.nal Ri.ght DCMPS2 0K ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units JuIy 11, 2001 l4:25 Poa!: Conbo: NA M fb Fb l/3 Factor 599.265 26.428 33,000 Yes Fh I /r? t..|^F 33.000 Yes fv Fv 1/3 Facto! 0.315 20.000 Yes 0.315 20.000 Yes fv Fv l/3 Factor 3.859 20.000 Yes 3.885 20. 000 Yes 3.7 9 3.?9 v 8.84 8.35 PAGE 181 Rat io 0 .015 0.016 Ratio 0.?89 Ratio 0.193 0.194 lo I AISC-ASD89 conrposite Seam Desigr short torn output Bea! label: 8335 story: SECoND I Basi.c Bea[ Infor0ation ilo@ent Design Type Final. Pos shea! Design TyPe Final Left Final Right Shear Desrgn TyPE Final left Final Right Itonent Design Type Shear Design Type FinaL Left Final Rrght hrux: 0,00 conbo Locati,on DcMPs2 BotFlange hax Conbo: lllA l.r fb122.888 0. {82 vfv 5.70 0.455 5.70 0.575 PAGE 182 Hra.: Conbo: NA Mfh 0.4{0 0.030 Vfv0.03 0.0150.03 0.015 PAGE 183 P[a:i Conbo: NA lil fb 811.712 32.610 Fb l/3 Factot33,000 Yes t./3 tactor 20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 015 Easic Bean Information t{ooent Design Pnax: 0.00 Type Conbo Locatj,on Final Pos DCMPSI BotFLange conbo BlockocMPs2 0K DCMPS2 OK Conbo Block DCr,rPSl 0K DCMPS1 OK Fb 1/3 Factor Rati.o45.000 Yes 6.5?28-04 Fv l/3 Factor Ratio20.000 Yes 7. {{88-0420,000 Yes ?. 988E-0{ Ratio 0.023 0.034 Ratio 0.990 I I t t I I I I I I I ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 1{:25 AISC-ASD89 conposite Eean Design short Fom output B€a! LaDeI: 8338 Stoly: SECoND ETABS v?.16 9ile: 2583108 Kj.p-in units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean oesign Short Foln output Bea! label: 8339 Stoly: SECoND Basic Eean Infornation Prna:i:0.00 Conbo Location Dc}lPs2 BotFlange lb 1/3 tactor 33.000 Yes I t Coobo Block DCMPSz OK DCMPSz OK Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes 31.48 11.76 PAGE 181 M 12't.5L2 fv 13. ?34 5.466 Ratio 0.687 0.273 Rati.o 0.694 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683101 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14;26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desrgn Short Forn output Bean label: B3{2 Story: sECoND Basic Bearn Inforoalion Monent Design Pnar:: 0,00 Tt?e Conbo LocatLon Final Pos DCltPs2 BotFlange Shear Deslqn hlai: Conbo: NA fb 22.903 Fb 1/3 lactor 33.000 Yes or I I Type CoEbo Elock final Left DCUPS2 0K Fi.naL Right DC}|PS2 0K ETABS v7.16 file: 2683108 KiP-ln Units July 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Bean Informati.on Monent Desiqn Pnax: 0'00 Type Conbo Location Fina] Pos DctlPsz BotFlanqe Basrc Bean Information Monent Design Hnar:: 0.00 lype coobo location Fi.nal Pos DCUPSI Concleft 11.45 11.{6 PAGE 185 fv 4.0I1 4 .011 Ratio 0.201 0.201 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes NSC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8347 Story: SECo DI t I I I I I I I I t t t Pna.i corbo: NA Mfb 398. 055 r'1 .43'l fv 3 .616 3.575 Pna:i Conbo: NA Mfb 398.065 17 .43? tb 1/3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.528 Shear Desrgn Type Corbo Elock v Final left DcuPs2 0K 8.42 Final. Riqht DCMPS2 0K 8.42 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-j.n units PAGE 186 July 11, 2001 1{;25 Basic Bear Infomation uonelt Design Pnax: 0.00 Type CoDbo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotPlange Fv 1/3 factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.184 0.184 AISC-ASD89 Conposite gean Design Short Forn Output BeaE Label: 8348 Story: SECoND tb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.528 Shea! Desrgn Type Conbo Block V Final Left DCMPS2 0K 8.42 Final Right DcMPs2 OK 8.42 ETABS v?.16 Fil.e: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 187 July 11, 2001 14:25 fv Fv 3.575 20.0003.675 20.000 I/3 Factor Yes Yes Ratio 0.184 0.184 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Fom output Bea.n Label: 8349 Story: SECoND Pma:{ Conbo: NA H 0.000 !D 1.800 1/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0.000 fb 0.000 Shear Design Type conbo 8lock V Final left DCUPS2 0K 0,15 Final Right DCl.lPs2 OK 0.75 ETAIS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units pAGE 188 July 11, 2001 14:26 tv Fv 0.114 20.000 0.105 20.000 l/3 Factor Yes Yes Rati o 0.006 0.005 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8350 Basic Bean Infornationlo I Story: SECoND I |.oeot Design Tlpe Final Pos Shear Design lype Fiml Left Final Rrght hax: 0. 00 conbo Locatron DcuPS2 Eotflange Conbo Block DCUPS2 0K DCMPS2 OK PEari Cmbo: llA M 121 .5t2 fb 22.903 Ratio 0.694 Ratio 0.2 01 0.2 01 F! 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg 11.{6 11.46 PAGE 189 tl 885.605 18.8{ lJ. vl PAGE 190 {,011 4.011 30.508 Ratio 0. 928 I t I I I I I I I I I I I Fv 1/3 Pactor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Potll outPut Bean label: 8354 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infornation l{onent Design Pnat: 0.00 TYPe Conbo locatron Final Pos DCI'iPS2 EotFlange Shea! Desiqn Typ€ CoDbo Block Final Left DCUPS2 OK Sinal Right DCuPs2 OK ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 KiP-in Units ,tuly 11, 2001 1l:25 Basic Bean lnfomation UoDent Design Pnai:: 0.00 Type CoDbo Location Final. Pos DCMPS2 Eotflange Pnax CoEbo: !O Ifb 1i51. {89 11,855 PDa:i Conbo: llA rb 1/3 factor 33.000 Yes fv 6.268 5.293 Ratio U. JIJ 0,265 Rat io !v 1/3 Sacto! 20.000 Yes 20,000 les AISC-ASD89 Cdposite EeaD Design Sholt Forn output Bean label: 8358 Story: SECoND rb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg Shea! Desrgn ryPe cot6o Block v Fina] left DCUPS2 0K 22 -Ls Flnal Right DCUPS2 0K 18.51 ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 191 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Bean Infomation Mooent Design Pnan: 0.00 TyPe Conbo Locatron Finat Pos DCMPSI ConcRight fv 5.131 2.r25 PDa:.: Conbo: NA Mfb3.858 0.013 w 1,/3 Sactor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor t .800 Yes Ratio 0.257 0.105 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Form output Bean Label: 8359 Stoly: SECoND Rat i.o 0.007 Shear Desrgn TYPe Conbo Fi.na] Left DcuPsl Vfv 0.4 8 0.211 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes EIock OK Rat io 0.011 of l I I FimI Right DCMPsl oK 0,48 0.211 20.000 Yes 0'011 ETABS v?.16 FiIe; 2683108 KiP-in units PAGE 192 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Corposite Bean oesign Short ForD OutPut Bean Labe]: 8360 story: SECoND Basic Bean Infomationr f Monent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pnax conllo: llA Type CoDbo Location M fb !b l/3 ractor Ratio D rinal ios DCuPS2 Botrlange 235.315 5.888 33,000 Yes 0'178 I Finar Nes DcuPs2 BotFlange -181.090 5.2s2 9.5?6 Yes 0'545 I t Shear Design I Type Combo Block v fv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio tinal Left DCMPSI OK O'48 0.161 20'000 Yes 0'008 Final. Rioht DCMPS2 OK 5'?9 L.928 20.000 Yes 0'096 I Final woist DcuPs2 oK 9.3? 3.115 20.000 Yes 0'156 I - ETAES v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 193 Iy 11, 2001 14:25 I Arsc-AsD89 co@osite Eean Desigr short Fom output Bean Label: 8155 story: sEcoND Basic Bean Infornation I) llonent Desicn Pm&i: 0.00 ha:{ conbo: NAI' b Tyle Conbo Location u fb !b l/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcMPs2 BotFlanqe 611.f12 28.952 45.000 Yes 0.6{{ Shear Design I Type conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Left ocuPs2 oK 12.09 5.570 20.000 Yes 0.218 Final Rrqht DCHPS2 OK 12.09 5.529 20'000 Yes 0'216 I ETAES v1.15 File: 2583108 Kip-j.n Urj.ts PAGE 194 I July U, 2001 14:25 - I AISC-ASD89 ConPosite gean Design Short Forn Output Bean rabel: B3?2 Story: SECoND I Basic Bea! Infodation tlment oesiqn Pna:t: 0.00 hai: conbo i llA I TvDe Combo location M fb Ib 1/3 Factor Rati'ott rinai ios DcMPs2 BotFlange 126,380 5.535 33,000 Yes 0.168 I Shear Design -TyPe Conbo B]ock V fv Fv t/3 Factor Ratio Final left DCMPS2 OK 5.35 2.449 20.000 Yes 0'122 I Final Right DcMPs2 oK 5.35 2.442 20.000 Yes 0'122 r ETAES v?.16 Flle: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 195 July 11, 2001 1{:25.I I Arsc-AsD89 conposite Bean Design short Forn output Bean Label: B3?3 story: sEcoND lo I Basic Bean lnfornation I Monent Design TyPe Final Pos Type CoEbo Final Left DCUPS2 rinal Right DCllPS2 Shear Design Type Conbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final. Rj.ght DCUPSz P[a:{: 0.00 Cotrbo Location DCl,lPSz BotFlange Pna:i Conbo l NA u 955.280 14.22 13.4{ PAGE I95 12.16 11.{9 32.3r1 Ratio 0. 980 Ratio 0.3r0 0.312 nati.o 0.983 Ratio 0.255 0.261 Ratio 0.726 !b l/3 Factor 33.000 Yer Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yrs lb l/3 Facto!33,000 Yes lY 1/3 Sactor20.000 fes20.000 Yes { BIock OK OK BIock OK OK fv 6.205 6,241 t StABs v?.15 File: 2683108 KiP-io Units JuIy 11, 2001 L4:25 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean label I B3?4 Story: SECoND Easic Bean Information Monent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pnar: Conlo: NA Type Conbo Location l.l fb FinaL Pos DCMPSz BotFlange 824.976 32.424 I l I I fv s.305 5.312 ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 19? July 11, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite BeaD Design Short Foru output Eean Label.: 8383 Story: SECo D Basic BeaE Infomation coobo DCltPS2 DCl.tPS2 11 .59 u.59 fv 5.335 Ratio 0.251 Ratio 0.738 d I I I I I I 1 l.loBent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design lyPe Final left Fina] Right Monent Design Type linal Pos Shear Design Pnai::0.00 conbo Location DCl.lPS2 Botflange PDan Conbo; M Mfb 568. ?02 23.9{a Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Pmai::0.00 conbo Location DCMPS2 SotFlange Pna:i Cornbo: NA Mfb 518.555 24.3{5 lV l/3 Facto!20.000 Y?s 20.000 YeB tb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Block OK ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 198 Jul.y 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Composrte Bean Design Short Forn output Bean l,abel: 8518 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Infornation or t I Type Corbo Block Final Left DCMPS2 0K Final Riqht DCUPS2 0K EIABS v7.16 Fi.Ie: 2683108 Kip-in Units Juty 11, 2001 14:26 11.14 11. ?9 PAGE 199 Ratio 0.258 0.269 Ratio 0.'t22 Ratio 0 .310 0 .311 Rat io 0.580 fv 5.358 5.380 fv Fv 5. 191 20.000 6.211 20.000 ttr 1 /? Fa.r^r 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes I t t I I T I I I I I I I 15. 61 IJ. DO AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8619 Basic Beard Infomation Monent Design Type Final Pos shear Desj.gn Type Combo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 Strea! Deslgn lype Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPSz Story: SECoND hai: Coebo: NA u fb lb 1/3 Facto! 1018.222 23.813 33.000 Yes Pnax:0.00 combo Locati.on DCMPSZ BotFlange BIock OK OK BIock OK OK Pna-':: 0 .00 Coobo Location oCMPSl CoocRight 1/3 Facto! Yes Yes ETAES v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 200 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 NSC-ASD89 Conposj.te Bean Design Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8392 Basic Bean Infomation Uorent Design Pnai:: 0,00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Pna:i Conbo: NA M fb Fb 1/3 Facto! 1034.287 19.125 33.000 Yes v fv Fv 1/3 Factor 15.80 5.761 19. ?98 Yes 15.80 5.7 61 1.9.798 Yes PAGE 201 hra!: Corobo; M Story: SECOND Fb 1,/3 Factor 1. 800 Yes ETASS v?.15 File; 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sbolt Fom output Bean Label: 8394 Story: Basic Bean Infolaation u 0.000 fb 0.000 Ratio 0.29L 0.291 Rati.o 0 .000 Rati0 0.009 0.014 Monent Design Type Final Pos shear Deslgn Type Final t eft Final Right Conbo Block DCMPS2 OK DCMPS2 OK v fv Fv 1/3 Factor 1.24 0.18? 20.000 Yes 1.24 0.289 20. C00 Yes ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 L4:25 lo I AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Desrgn Short Forn output Bean Label: 812? Storyi SECoND I Basig Bea! Infornatj.on llonent Design Poax: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Po! DCUPS2 BotFlange Pnari Cmbq: NA { I t Shear Design Type Co[bo Final Left DCUPSz Final Right DCI'PS2 Block OK 0( M 645.188 12.{5 12.45 PAGE 203 108.859 fb 23.252 fv 5. {31 5. {31 fb 4.7 59 fv 2.059 2,153 fv 2.039 2.154 Ratio u. tu) Ratio 0.272 A )'l7 Ratio 0.1{5 Ratio 0.103 0,108 Ratio 0.145 ha:{ Conbo: NA Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes F, 1/3 Factor20.000 Ye! 20.000 Ye! fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yrs w 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yrr20.000 t€s ETABS v7.16 tile: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD09 Conposite Bean Design Short Forr output BeaD lrbel: 8398 Story: SECoID Basic Bear InforMtion llonent Design Pna;i: 0.00 lype Cotrbo locatiol Final Pos DCtlPS2 BotFlange Ratio 0.102 0.108 Ratio 0. 1?5 I I I l I t I I I I AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Beaa Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 8399 Story: sECoND Basic Bean Infornation Shear Design ly?e conbo Block v Fi.nal Left DCUPS2 0K 4-12 Final Right DC}|PS2 0K 4.12 EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Urlts PAGE 20{ July U, 2001 14:25 Shear oesj.gn Type Conbo Block v Final Left DcMPs2 0K 4.61 Fina] Right DcMPs2 0K {.6? , ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Klp-in Units PAGE 205 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 Moment Design Pnax: 0,00 Pna:i Conbo: NA lype CoDbo Location tl fb Final Pos DCUPS2 EotPlanqe 1f0.259 1.831 Ib l/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg AISC-ASD8g Conposite Eean Design Sholt Form output Bean Label: Bl01 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean Infornati.on lV l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yc! lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Homent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Poa-,,: Conbo: NA Type coDbo Location M fb Fi.nal Pos DcMPs2 BotFlanqe 132.060 5.785 Shear Design Type ol I Fv 1/3 Factor I I t I t I Final l,eft DcMPs2 oK 5.60 2.442 20.000 Yes 0'122 Final Right DCMPS2 OK 5.60 2.602 20.000 Yes 0'130 EIABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 KiP-in Units PAGE 206 July U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 conposite Eean Design short Fom outPut Bean Label: 8402 stoly: sEcoND Basic Bean Infomation t{onent Design Pnari: 0.00 Pnar: combo: NA Type CoIDbo location M fb tb 1/3 Factor Ratio Fina] Pos DcuPS2 BotFlanqe 959.028 22.9A5 33.000 Yes 0'697 Shear Deslgn Tlpe Conbo Block V fv Fv 1,/3 factor Ratlo 8i.nal left DcMPs2 OK 15.21 5'0?9 20.000 Yes 0'254 Final Right DCMPS2 oK L5.21 5.019 20.000 Yes 0'254 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 KiP-in units PAGE 207 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design short Form output Bean Label: 8403 story: SECoND Basic Bean InforDati.on l.looent Desig has: 0 . 00 Pna:i cotlbo : }|A Type Corbo l,ocation M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcMPs2 BotFlange 810.010 18.952 33.000 Yes 0.5?4 Shear Desrqn Type Coibo Block v fv Fv 1,/3 lactor Ratro Final Left DcuPs2 oK 12.'16 q.466 20.000 Yes 0.223 Fj.ral Rr.ght Dcl.tPs2 OK 12.16 4.455 20'000 Yes 0.223 EIABS v7.16 8j.Le: 2683108 Ki.p-in Units PAGE 208 July ll, 2001 14:2 5 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn outPut Bear Label: 8404 slory: SECoND Basic Bean Informatioo Uonent Design Pna:i: 0,00 Pmai: Cotlbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Rati.o Firal Pos DcuPS2 BotFlange 810.010 18.952 33.000 Yes 0 '574 Shear Design Type Combo Block v fv Fv l/3 Factor Ratro Flnat Left DCMPS2 OK 12,16 4.466 20.000 Yes 4,223 Final Right DcuPs2 oK L2'15 4.466 20'000 Yes A '223 ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 209 JuIy 11, 2 001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design short Fom outPut Eean label: 8405 story; SECoND Basic Bean Infomation f, I I I t I T I lo I I l,lment oesign TYPe Final Pos Shear Design Tlpe Piral Left Fina] Right Shear Desrgn TYPE Final Left Final Rrqht haz:0.00 Conbo Location DCUPS2 EotFlange Pna:i Coobo: NA tl 442.244 9.36 PAGE 210 tl 442,244 9.36 9.36 PIGE 211 q 1l 9. 11 fb 18.61? tb 33.000 Ratio 0.564 l/3 Factor Ycr Shear Design Ty?e C@bo Block Final Left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in ttnits JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 Easic Bean Infornation Uoneot Design Pna!:: 0.00 TyPe Conbo Location Fina] Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange fv 4.084 4.08{ rb rd. ol I fv 4 .084 4.081 Ratio 0.204 0.20{ Ratlo 0.56{ l I I I I I I I I I I I ' lv 1/3 Factor 20.000 leg 20.000 les AISC-ASD89 conposite Eean Design short Foro output Bea! Label t Ba06 Story: SECoND hai Conbo: m lD 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes conbo Block NMPS2 OK DCUPS2 0K Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yer20.000 les Ratio 0,20{ 0.201 Ratlo 0.000 ETABS v7.16 riler 2683108 Kip-in gnits July 11, 2001 14:2 6 AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bean Design Short Forn outPut Sean Label r B{08 Story: SECotlD Easic Bean Information tlonent Design hla!:: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Flnal Pos DCltPsl BotFlanqe lb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Pna:i Conbo: NA Mfb0.000 0.000 fv 0. 118 0.124 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 fes20.000 Yes Shear Desrgn lype Conbo Block V final Left DCMPS2 0K 0.83 Final Riqht DCMPS2 0K 0.83 ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in 0nit3 PAGE 212 July U' 2001 14:26 Basic Eearn Infornation Monent Design Pna!:: 0.00 TyPe Conbo location Final Pos 0CMPS2 BotFlange Ratio 0.006 0.006 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short fom output Beas labe]': 8439 Story: SECoND Pna:i conbo: NA ufb443.260 18.560 Fb l/3 Factor33,000 Yes Ratio 0.565 conbo DCUPS2 DCt''tPS2 Block OK OK fv 4 .1?6 4.15? Rat io 0.209 0.208 tu l/3 Facto! 20,000 Yeg 20.000 Yes ol I I I I I I T I I I t t I t I E1A8S v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 213 July U, 200I 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desj.gn Sbort Fom OutPut Bean Label: 8440 Storyi SECoND Easic Bean InforDation Monent oesign hax: 0.00 Puai; Conbo: NA Type Conbo location M fb fb t/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcuPsz BotFlange 443.260 18.660 33.000 Yes 0'555 shear Design Type combo Block v fv FV 1/3 Factor Ratio Final reft DCuPs2 oK 9.11 4.1?6 20.000 Yes 0'209 Final Right DCHPS2 OK 9,11 {'157 20'000 Yes 0'208 ETABS v7,16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 214 JuIy U, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean l,abel: 8620 Story: SECoND Monent Deslgn Pma:i: 0.00 Pma!: Combo: NA TyPe Colrbo location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCuPS2 BotFlange 453.439 19.0?7 33'000 Yes 0.5?8 shear Design Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1,/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 OK 9.I9 4.193 20'000 Yes 0.210 Einal Right DcuPs2 OK 9.22 4.224 20.000 Yes 0 '2ll gTAsS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 215 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desiqn Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8621 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean Infornati.on Monent Deslgn Pna:.:: 0.00 Pnai: coobo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcMPs2 BotFlange 448.333 18.858 33.000 Yes 0.512 Shear Desrqn Type conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCUPS2 oK 9.14 4.169 20.000 Yes 0.208 Pinal Right DcMPs2 OK 9,16 4.200 20.000 Yes 0'210 ETAgs v?.16 Fil.e: 2683108 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 216 JuIy ll, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g conposite Bean Desj.gn Short Fonn Output Bean label: 8522 story: SECoND Basic Beam Infornation tlonent Design Pna-.:: 0.00 hla!: Conbo: NA . O rin.rTllS 'ff$ ':$i:il: 7'e.14l re.3fi ,,..il '/"'";:: ;1;: I I t ETABS v?.15 Pile: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 tz.ro 't, 1l PAGE 217 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Deslgr Short lom output Bean Label: 8523 Stoly: SECoID Saslc Beao InforDation Shear Design Ty?e Final Left Einal Rj.ght Monent Design TyPe Fiml Pos Shea! Desiqn ry?e Sinal Left Final Right l.lonent Desiqn rype Fina] Pos Shear Desj.gn TyPe final left SinaL Riqht l.lonent Design TyPe Fir|al Pos Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 lca Conbo DCIPS2 DO'IPS2 SIock OK OK tv {.515 Ratio 0.236 Ratio 0.5?1 Ratio 0.229 0.231 Ratio 0.14 3 I I I I I I I I I t Pma!::0.00 Combo location DCUPS2 BotFlange ka3 Conbo: m ufb 798.1?{ 18.835 $ 1/3 Factor33.000 le! coobo Blocl DCl.rPS2 0KDCI{PS2 0K !v 1/3 Factor20.000 les20.000 les 't t 't< l) r', PAGE 218 M 107.439 4.55 4.55 PAGE 219 4.55 4.55 PAGE 220 tv 1 .57? 4.745 ETABS v7.15 PiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units July U, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Design Short Fom Ortput EeaD Ltbel: 8435 Story: SECOND B ic Bean Infonati.on ha$:0.00 Conbo location DCUPS2 BotFlange ha:i: 0.00 Coobo Locatron Dcl.,lPs2 Botflange ha:i Coobo: m fb {,?0? Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Y€s coDbo BIocI DCUPS2 0K DCUPS2 oK Fv 1/3 facto! 20.000 Yls20.000 Ye! fv 2.091 2.085 Rati.o 0.105 0.104 EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposj.te Bean Desiqn Short fo![ Output Bean Label.: 8{35 Story: SECotlD Basic Bean Infolration Pna:i Conbo: M Mfb107.439 r.70? tt 1/3 tactor33.000 Yes Ratio 0.143 Shear Design Type conbo Block Fioal Left DcltPs2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K ETABS v].16 Flle: 2683108 Kj.P-in Units July 11, 2001 14:26 fv Fv2.09't 20.0002.085 20.000 1/3 Faclor Ie! Ic3 I I Rati.o 0.r05 0.104 ol I T I I t I t I I T I t I t I AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Short torn output Sean Label: 8425 story: SECoND Basic Bear,l Infomation MoDent Design PrEx: 0.00 Pna:i Conboi NA lype Combo Iocation M fb lb 1/3 Factor Ratio linal Pos DcMPsl concRight 0.000 0,000 1:800 Yes 0.000 Shear Design Type conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final left DCMPS2 0K 0,9? 0.443 20'000 Yes 0.022 Final Right DcllPS2 0K 0,97 0.448 20'000 Yes 0.022 EIABS v?,15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 221 JuIy 11, 2001 14;26 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Design Short Fo![ output Bean Lab€1: 8425 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Inf,ornation ll@ent Design Poai: 0.00 hlar: Conbo: lO lype Combo location M fb lb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcUPsl concRight 0.000 0.000 1.800 Yes 0.000 Sbea! Design Type Coobo Elock v fv lv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final I€ft rc PS2 0K 0.9? 0.443 20.000 Yes 0.022 Final Right DcuPs2 oK 0.9? 0.448 20.000 Yes 0.022 ErA$ v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 222 Jul,y U, 2001 1l:25 AISC-ASD8g Co@osite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean label: 8155 Story: SECoND Easic Bea[ Infornation ihoetrt Desigm Pna:i: 0.00 lnan Conbo: NA Type Cmbo location u fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Fi.nal Pos DOIPS2 BotFl.ange 733,989 22.439 33.000 Yes 0,580 Shear Design Type Conbo Block v fv Fv l/3 Facto! Ratio Final left DCUPS2 0K L3.22 4.965 20.000 tes 0,248 Einal Right Dcl{Ps2 0K 13.22 4.965 20.000 Yes 0.248 E1ABS v7.15 Fire: 2683108 Kip-i! 0nits PAGE 223 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Eean Design Sholt Fom output Bean label.: 815? Story: SECoND Basi.c Bear Infornation MoDent Design ha\: 0.00 Prdai: Conbo: NA Type Conbo location M fb Fb l/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCllPS2 EotFlange 733.989 22.439 33.000 Yes 0.580 lo I I Shear oesrgn Type Coobo 8lock V - fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final left DCUPS2 OK 13.22 4.956 20.000 Yes 0.248 Fj.nal Rj.ght DCI{PS2 Ol( L3.22 4.955 20.000 Yes 0.240 ErAEs v7.16 File; 268310s Kip-in units PAGE 224 JuIy ll, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Bean oesign Short Forn output Bear Lab€t: 8158 Story: SECoID Easic Bean Infomation Uonent Design Poan: 0.00 PDa]: Coobo: M Type Corbo Location M fb tb l/3 Factor Ratio Fj.nal gos DcuPS2 EotFlanqe 733.989 22.439 33.000 Yes 0.680 Shea! oesr9n Tyle Cor0bo Block V fv l /3 Factor Ratioginal left DCMPS2 0K 13.22 ,1.956 20.000 Yls 0,248 Final Right DCl.lPS2 0K 13.22 {.955 20.000 Yes 0.248 ETABS v?,15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 225 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite BeaD Design Short Fo!! Ortput Bean Label: 81,59 Story: SECoID Basic Bean Inforuation uonent Desj.gn Pna:.:: 0.00 ha$ coobo: NA lype CoDbo Location ll fb Fb 1/3 Factor R.tj.o Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlaoge 733.909 22.439 33.000 yes 0.680 Shear Design Type Conbo SIocI v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratlo Final Left DOIPS2 0K ).3.22 {,956 20.000 Yes 0.248 Final Rj.qht DCuPsz oK L3.22 4.966 20,000 Yes 0.248 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 226 July ll, 2001 14:26 AISC-ND89 Conposite Bean Deslgn Short !'or1! Output Bea! Label: 8152 Story: SE@ND Easic Eean InforMtion lro[ent Design Pnar:: 0.00 hla:i Corlbo: A Type Conbo Location M fb lb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 733.989 22,439 33.000 Yes 0,680 Shear Design T!?e Conbo Elock V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 OK 13.22 {.966 20.000 Yes 0.248 Fina.l. Riqht DCllPS2 0K L3.22 4,955 20.000 Yes 0.248 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-r.n Unj.ts PAGE 22? July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Cooposite Bean Design Short Fom Output Beari label: 8153 Story: SECoND I I I I I I I t I I I of I I I I I I I T t I I ! I t l Shear Desj.qn T!?e Conbo Blocx V Pinal Left DCMPS2 oK L3.22 Sinal Right DCMPS2 0K 13.22 Ellls v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in 0nits PAGE 228 ,luly 11, 2001 14:26 Type Conbo location M Eioal Pos DcMPsz BotFlange 733.989 Shear Design lype conbo Block v Final Left DCMPS2 0K 13.22 Final Rrght DCl.lPS2 0K 13.22 ETABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-i.n Units PAGE 229 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 fv Fv 1/3 Factor 4.966 20.000 Yes 4 . 966 20.000 Yes Basic Bean Iofornatiol Monent Design Type Pinal Pos Pmal:0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange Pnal::0,00 Conbo Location oCMPS2 EotFlange Pna::: 0.00 Conlo Locati,on DCMPS2 BotFlange Pnar con!;: NA Mfb 733.989 22.439 Fb 1/3 Eacto! 33.000 Yes Rati o 0.680 Ratio 0.248 0,248 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn o[tPut Bean label: 815{ Story: SECoND lbDent Design Pnd.:: 0. 00 hai: CoDbo: llA fb Fb 1/3 Facto!22.439 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.680 fv Fv 1/3 Factor4.965 20.000 Yes 4.955 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.248 0.248 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8155 Story: Easic Bean InfornatioII lionent Design Type Final Pos Pna!: Cor&o: NA Mfb 733.989 22.439 fv 4. 966 4.966 F}| 1 /? F..r^r 33,000 Yes Ratio 0. 680 Shear Design Type coebo Block v Final left Dc!1Ps2 0K !3.22 Pinal Right DCMPS2 0K f3.22 E?ABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 230 July 11, 2001 l4:26 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 les20,000 Yes Rati,o 0.248 0.248 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Deslgn Sholt Forn Output Eean Label: Bl51 Basic Bean Informatio! Story: SECoND Monent Design Final Pos Type Cornbo EinaL Left DcuPsz Pna:.: Coobo: NA Mfb ?33.989 22.439 Fb 1/3 Facto! 33. 000 Yes Ratro 0 .680 to Bl.ock OK 13.22 fv 4 .966 Ratio 0.248 Fv 1/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes I I Final Right DCllPSz Deflectioo Design Basic Bean hfomation Monent Design Pnal: 0.00 TYPe Conbo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Poai: Conbo: llA Mfb ?33.989 22.439 fv {.956 5.008 ha:.: Co6o: llA lr fb ?33.989 22.439 0K L3.22 s.008 20.000 0.250 EtABs v?.15 File: 2683108 KiP-in units PAGE 231 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sholt Fom output Bea! Label: 8148 Story: SECoND lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Satio 0.680 T I t I I T I I ! I t IoI I shear Des ign lype conbo Block V Fina]. left DcMPs2 0K L3.22 Final Rlght DclrPs2 0K 73'22 EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 232 July 11, 2001 14:25 Basi.c BeaE Infornatlon Honent Design ha:.::0.00 Type Colbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanqe Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 les 20.000 Yes tb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg Ratio 0.248 0.250 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short forn outPut Bean label: B1{9 Story: SECoND Shear Desrgn Type Conbo Block v Final left DCMPS2 0K 13.22 Final Rigbt DcuPS2 0K 13 '22 ETABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 233 July !1, 2001 14:25 shear Design Tlpe Conbo Block v Final left DcMPs2 0K L3.22 Flnal Right DCMPS2 0K L3,22 EIABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-rn Units PAGE 234 July 11, 2001 14:26 4.955 5.008 Ratio 0.580 Ratio 0.248 0.250 tv 1/3 Factor 20,000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Composite BeaB Design Short Forn outPut Bean Label: 8150 Story: SECoND Bas i, c Bean Information Honent Design Pua!:; 0.00 ha!: conbo: NA Type CoEbo Locatioo u fb final. Pos 0CuPS2 BotFlange ?33.989 22.439 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Rati.o 0.580 fv 4. 965 5.008 Ratio 0.248 0,250 Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes AISC-ASD8g Composite Bear Design Short Forn outPut Bean Label: 8511 Story: SECoND I I T I I I T Basic Bean Infornati,on uonent Design Pnat: 0.00 Pna]: conbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb rb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlarge 13?.?45 6.034 33.000 Yes 0'183 Shear Deslgn lype Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DcuPs2 oK 5.83 2.112 20.000 Yes 0'135 Final Right DCuPS2 OK 5.83 2.514 20.000 Yes 0'134 EIABS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unr.ts PAGE 235 July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bea.n Desiqn short Fom output Eear La.bel: 8512 Story: SECoND Basic Eean rnfornation i{onent Design hlaa: 0.00 Pna:': CotDbo; NA Type Colrrbo location M fb fb 1/3 Eactor Ratio Final Pos DcMPs2 BotF]ange 137.?43 5.034 33.000 Yes 0'183 Shear Deslgn Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratio FinaL left DCMPS2 oK 5'83 2'112 20'000 Yes 0.136 Final Right OCMPS2 OK 5.83 2.614 20'000 Yes 0.134 EIABS v].16 Eil.er 2683108 (ip-in Units PAGE 235 Juty U, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8513 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infomatlon !{onent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pna:. Combo: NA TyPe Conbo Location M fb fb 1/3 lactor Ratio linal Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 13?.745 6'034 33.000 Yes 0.183 Shear Deslqn Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1,/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCl.lPsz oK 5.83 2.6'14 20.000 Yes 0.134 Firal Right DCuPs2 oK 5.83 2'1L2 20.000 Yes 0.135 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGS 23? Jlrly 11, 2001 14r26 AISC-ASD89 conposite Eean Design short Forn output Bean Labe].: 8524 story: sEcoND Basic Bean Infomation Monent Design gna!:: 0,00 Pnar: Combo: NA TWe Conbo Locat).on M fb fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 115.016 5'039 33.000 Yes 0.153 Shea! Design lype Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio t t T I I I I lo I I Final Left DCUPS2 Flnal Right DCMPS2 OK OX 4 .8? 4.81 PAGE 238 l,l II5.UIO 4.87 4.87 PAGE 239 2.245 2.233 20.000 20.000 0.112 0. 112 Yeg Yes EIABS v?.16 Fj.Ie: 2583108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Desiqn Short Fom Output Bean label: 8525 Stoly: Basic Bean Infornatiol llonent oesign TYPE Final Pos Monent Design TYPE Fina] Pos ha.':: 0.00 Conbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange hai:: 0 ,00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange Pnai: Conbo: NA fb r!5.039 33.000 t I I I I T 1/3 facto! I I I I I I Ratio 0. 153 Shear Desrgn Type Corbo Block Final l,eft DCl.lPS2 OK Final Right DCMPSz 0K ETABS v?.16 File; 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:?6 fv 2.245 2,233 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0. 112 0.112 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sholt Forn output Beatr Label: 8526 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Inforxation ha:,: conbo: M lt fb115.015 5.039 fv 2,245 ) 714 Fb 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Ratio 0.153 Shear Design Type Combo Final Left DCMPS2 Final. Riqht DCMPS2 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:2 5 8lock V 0K 4 .87 0K 4 .87 Kip-in Units PAGE 240 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes !t 115. 016 Ratio 0.112 0. 112 Ratlo 0. 153 Ratio 0.112 0.112 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Desiqn Sholt Forn output Bean Label: 8529 Story: SECOND Basrc Bean InfolDation Monent Design Type Final Pos Pnai::0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange ha!: Conbo: llA fb $ 1./3 Factor5.039 33.000 Yes Shear Design lype Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Flnal Rj.ght DCMPSz ETABS v?.i6 File: 2583108 Juiy 11, 2 001 14:26 Block v 0K 4.87 0K 4.8? Kj.p-in Unj.ts PAGE 241 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes fv 2.245 2.233 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Form output Bean Label: 8536 Basrc Bean Infonnatron ToI I Story; SECoND t I I T I I I I I I t I T t MoDent Desj.gn Pna:i: 0.00 Pma!: Conbo: NA Type combo location M lb Fb t/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcMPsz BotF]ange f22.592 5.3?0 33.000 Yes 0.163 Shear Destgn Type Colbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPS2 0K 5.19 2,393 20.000 Yes 0.120 Final Right DcMPs2 0K 5.r9 2.380 20.000 Yes 0.119 ETABS v?.1.6 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 242 July 11, 2001 l{:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Sbort Forn output Bean label; 853? Story: SECoND Basic Sean Information Monent Design Pnar: 0.00 Pna:i Conbo: NA . fype Conbo location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Fina1 Pos DCMPS2 Botrlange 122.592 5.3?0 33.000 Yes 0.153 Shear Des r gn Type Conbo Block V fv Fv l/3 Factor Ratlo Final. left DCUPS2 0K 5.19 2.393 20.000 Yes 0.120 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 5.19 2.380 20.000 Yes 0.119 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Ki.p-in Units PAGE 243 July U., 2001 14:26 -._n AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Desiqn Short Forn Output Bean l,abel: 857? Story: SECOND.ta, Basic Bea[ InfoEnation Moment oesigo Pna:{: 0.00 Pna:r Conbo: NA type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Dinal Pos DCI.{PS2 BotFlange 1023.919 23.116 33.000 Yes 0.719 Shear Desj.gn Type CoIIbo Block V fv Fv 1,/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DCMPSz 0K 15.69 5,402 20.000 Yes 0.210 Final Rigbt DCMPS2 0K 15.6? 5.352 20.000 Yes 0.268 ETAES v7.16 Fj.Ier 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 244 July 11, 2001 14 126 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Sean Desiqn Short Porn Output Bean tabel: 85?6 Story: SECoND llonent Design hra:.:: 0.00 Pna!: Conbo: NA Type Conbo Locatj.oo M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Rati.o final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 1017,342 23.816 33.000 Yes 0.122 Shea! Design TI?e Conbo Slock V fv Fv 1/3 Factoi Ratio Final Left oCMPS2 0K 15.54 5.385 20.000 Yes 0.269 Sinal Rj.ght .DCMPS2 0K 15.62 5.345 20.000 Yes 0.261 EIABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in unils PAGE 2,15to I I July 11, 2001 l4:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Design Short lorD Output Bean fabet: 8545 Basic Bean Inf omation Uonent Design Pna:i: 0.00 Pna]i Co[bo: llA Type CoDbo location l{ fb lb Final Pos ImPs2 BotFla.oge 1010.829 23.981 33.000 Shear Design Type Coebo Block V fv Fv Final Left Dcl.lPS2 oK 15.59 5.358 20.000 Final Right DCllPS2 OK 15.57 5.328 20.000 EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 246 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Colposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: B5{? Basic Bea-n Infonnation Mment Desiqn hna:i: 0.00 ha:{ conbo: M Type Conbo Locatj.on U fb fb Final Pos Drc'lPS2 Bot8lange 39{.911 15.88? 33.000 Shear Design Type Corbo Block v Final Left DcuPs2 0K 11.08 tinal Right DCllPS2 0K 11.08 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kj.p-i.n Units PAGE 24? JuIy ll, 2001 14:25 Stoly: SECO D l/3 Facto! Ies Ratio 0.121 I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1/3 Facto! yes yes Ratio 0.268 0.266 Story: SECoND l/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0.512 Ratio 0.154 Ratio 0.518 fv !v l/3 Eactor1.832 20.000 Yes5,ll9 20.000 Yes !b 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratlo 0.242 AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Design Short Forn Output EeaD Label.: 85{8 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Infornation MoDent Desrgn Pnal:: 0.00 ha:4 Conbo: llA Type Conbo Locatj.on M fb Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 115.53{ 5.082 shea! Design Type conbo Block v fv Final Left orC,lPS2 0K 5.22 2.428 Fina.l. Right DCuPs2 0K 5.22 2.218 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-io Units PAGE 248 July 11, 2001 1{:26 Monent Deslgn Pnai:: 0.00 Pnai: Conbo: NA Type conbo Location M fb Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 855.893 24.392 ev 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes !b 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.121 0.114 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desiqn Short Forn output Sear Labrl: 8585 Story: SECoND Basic Bearn Infomatlon ot I I Shear Design Type Conbo Block Final left oCMPS2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 0K ETABS v7.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:2 6 Honeot Design Pnal:: 0.00 Type Colbo location Final Pos DCMPSz BotfLanqe Shear Des:.gn Type Colbo Block Fi,nal left oCMPSZ 0K Fina.l. Right DCMPS2 0K ETABS v?,16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in units JuIy U, 2001 14:25 Hnax: 0.00 Coobo Location DCuPs2 BotFlange v 13.12 13. l0 PAGS 249 M 850.414 v IJ. Ud tl. ub PAGE 250 v 13.03 13.01 PAGE 251 13.95 13.92 PAGE 252 4 .515 4.530 Ratio 0.226 0.22'l Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20,000 Yes t I I I Pna': Conbo: NA 20.262 Ratr o 0.614 !b 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes fv 4.501 4.516 tv {,487 4.501 Ratio 0.225 0.226 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes I AIsc-AsD89 conposite Bean Design short Forn output Eean label r 8587 story! sEcoNDr Basic Bean Infornation t Monent Design lype Einal Pos Shear Desrgn Type final Left final Rj.ght Motrent Desiqn Type Final Pos Shear Design Tt?e Final. Left Final Right Pna!: Conbo: NA r.r fb 844.952 20.132 lb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.610 I I conbo BlockDCMPS2 OK DCUPS2 0K Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.224 0.225 EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July u, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Corlposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Labe}: 8606 Storyr SECoND I Basic Bean InfomationI Paa::: 0.00 Conbo Locatlon DCl.lPS2 BotFlange Pna:': Conbo: M Mfb 908.45? 2L.5'19 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratr.o 0.654I I I t Corrbo Block DCUPS2 0K DCUPSz OK Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes fv 4 ,802 4.790 Ratio 0.240 0.240 EIABS v?.15 File: 268310S Kip-in Units ,Iuly 11, 2001 14:2 6 AISC-ASD89 Cornposite Bea.n Design short Forn output Eean Label: 8601 Story: SECoND Basi,c Bean Infornati.onlo I I Moment Design Type Final Pos Shear Desj.gn Type CoEbo final Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCllPS2 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683I0E July 11, 2001 1{:26 hax: 0 . o0 Cmbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange hax Conbo: llA M 451 .800 TD 19. {? 1 Fb 33.000 Ratio 0.590 1/3 Factor les AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bea! Desi.gn Sholt Fom Ortput B.ar Label: 8508 Story: SE@ND Basic Bean Infonation Block vor( 6.91oK 5.97 Kip-in Unit! PIGE 253 Fv l./3 Facto!20.000 tes20.000 Yeg Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Ye! EIock OK OK v 6.55 D.J' PAGE 25I fv 3.196 3.r96 3.000 2.949 4,142 4.798 Ratio 0.160 0.150 Ratio 0.556 Ratio 0.150 0.147 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Monent Design rype Fioal Pos Shear Design rype Coobo Final Left DCMPSz Final Right DCMPS2 Poax:0.00 Conbo location DCl,lPS2 BotFlange ha:. Conbo : l{A Mfb 424.115 18.351 lv 1/3 Factor 20,000 le520.000 Y€! E?ABS v7.16 Eile: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 l{:25 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Bean Design Short FolD Ortput Bea! Labcl: 8615 Stosy: SECollD Easic Bean Inforration l,looent Design Type Final Pos Shear Design Type Conbo Final left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 EIABS v?.15 FlIe; 2683108 July 11. 2001 11:26 hra:i: 0.00 Coobo Iocation oCllPS2 BotFlange RDai Co[bo; NA Mfb 5t2.611 21.5?5 Elock v 0K 10.43 0K 10.4? KiP-in units PAGE 255 tb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.654 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.2 39 0.2 40 AISC:ASD89 Coeosite Bean D€sign Short Forn output Beard label: 8615 Story; SECoND Basic Beam Infornatlon Monent Design TyPe FirIaI Pos Shear Desrgn TYPE Final Left F:oaI Right hlai:: 0,00 Conbo locati.on DCMPS2 BotFlange Pnai: Combo: NA Mfb 262.'tL0 11.498 tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Ye! Ratio 0.348 'Comlo DCMPS2 DC!1PS2 v 5.29 fv 2.442 Ratio 0.121 0.r22 Block OK OK Fv 1/3 Factor20,000 Yes20.000 Yes or I I I ETAIS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 255 July 1l, 2001 14 :26 AIsc-AsD89 conposj.te Bean Desrgn short Forn output Bean Label: 961l Story: SECoND Basic Eean Infonation I Monent Design hax: O.O0 Plui: coubo: NA TvDe Coubo location M fb Eb 1/3 Factor Ratio rinal ios DctlPsz BotFlanqe 246.660 10'?95 33.000 Yes 0.321 I shear Desiqn - Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Facto! Ratio I Final r,eft DcMPs2 0K 4.91 2.239 20.000 Yes 0.LL2 I Final Right Dcl.tPs2 oK 5.OO 2.293 20,000 Yes 0.115 EIASS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 KiP-in Units PAGE 25? I July u, 2ool 14:26 I AISC-ASo89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: B50L Story: SeCoND f Basic Bearn Infornationr t{onent Desiqn Pnal:: 0.00 ha:{ cmbo: NA f Ty?e conbo Location M fb tb 1/3 facto! Ratio t Final Pos DO.lPs2 Eot8lange 852,650 20.315 33.000 Yes 0.516 Shear Design Type conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratro Final Left DCMPS2 oK 13.09 4,50? 20.000 Yes 0.225 Final Rj.ght DCMPS2 oK 13.05 4,5U 20.000 Yes 0'226 I STABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kj.p-in onits PAGE 258 Julv 11, 2001 14:25 I AIsc-AsD89 coBposite gean Desrgn sholt 8o!D output Bean Label: 8602 storyi sEcoND -Basic Bean Infortiation I Mmert Desi.gn Puai:; 0.00 Pnar: Conboi NA I Type Conbo location U fb Ft 1,/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcuPs2 BotFlange 481.000 20,242 33.000 Yes 0.613 - shear Desiqn I Type conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratro f Final Left DCUPS2 0K 9.79 4.409 20,000 Yes 0.220 I Fina] Right DcuPs2 oK 9.82 4.501 20.000 Yes 0.225 ETAES v7.16 File: 2583108 Kj.p-j.n Units PAGE 259 I Jury rr, 2ool 14:25 I AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label; 8624 Story: SECoND I Basic Bean InfomationI to I Monent Desj.gn Pnai:: 0.00 Pnax combo: NA I TyPe Final Pos C@bo Locatioo DCUPS2 EotFlange Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yeg M 442.244 18.61? Ratio 0.56{ Shear oesign Type Conbo Final teft DCUPS2 Final Right oCUPSz EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 Block V 0K 9.350K 9.35 Kip-in thits PAGE 250 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yeg20.000 Yeg fv {.084 {.08{ Ratio 0.204 0.2 04 AISC-ASD89 Conposite BeaE Design Sholt Forn output EeaD Label: 8525 Stoly: SECoND Basic Bean Information I I I I I I I I I I I I I Monent Desiqn Type Fi.nal Pos Shea! Design Tj?e Final Left Froal Right llooent Desrgn TYPE Final Pos Monent oesign Type FinaL Pos Pnai::0.00 Corbo location DCllPS2 BotPlange ha:{ Conbo: ilA Mfb 529.642 22.296 11.21 I1.21 ha:i Conbo: NA Mfb4?8.589 20. r43 4.505 4.509 Pnai: cornbo I NA Mrb 482.680 20 .310 lb 1/3 Factor Ratio33.000 Yes 0.676 Coobo DCMPS2 DCUPS2 BlocI OK OK fv !V 1,/3 Factor{.891 20.000 Yes4.891 20.000 Ye3 Ratio 0.2 {5 0.2r5 Deflection Design Iype Consider Conbo Defl lirit Live Load Yes DCUPD2 0.f08 0.39t Total Load Yes DCUPD2 0.435 0.5{7 etABS v?.15 Fite: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 251 July 11, 2001 u:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposi.te Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 86{0 Story: SECOND Sasrc Bean Infornation Ratio 0.213 n 10< Shear Desrgn Type Conbo Block v Final l,eft DCMPS2 0l( 9.?8 Final Riqht DCMPS2 9.80 ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-j.n Units PAGE 262 July 11, 2001 14:26 hta:i: 0. 00 Conbo Location DCMPSz BotFlange Poa-.::0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlange tb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes r! 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.610 Ratio 0.225 0 .225 Rati.o 0.615 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 86{1 Story: SECoND Basic Bear Infornation ol I I Shear oesign Type Final left BIock OK OK Kip-in Units 9 .82 9.84 PAGE 263 Pna:i Conbo; llA Mfb 485.789 20.419 Conbo ocMPs2 fv Fv 1/3 Factor 4.525 20,000 Yes 4.528 20,000 Yeg Ratio 0,226 0.226Final Right DCMPS2 ETABS v?.16 File: 258310S July 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean labet: 8642 story: SECoNDt I Basic Bean Infornation uonent Design Pnax: 0.00 Type Cotlbo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 Botflange Shear Design Type Conbo Block Fi.nal left Dcl.{Ps2 0K Final Rrght DCl.lPs2 0K ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:2 5 trh I /? F..t^r 33,000 Yes Rat io I I I I I T I I t I I vfv 9.85 4.544 9.88 4.547 PAGE 264 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes Rati.o 0.22'l 0.221 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design short Forn output Bean Label; 8555 story: Easic Bean InforDation Uonent Deslgn Type Final Pos Poan: 0.00 Conbo locati.on 00.lPS2 BotFlanqe Poa.i: Conbo: l|A Mtb 573.1?0 24.!23 Fb 1/3 Factor 33 .000 Yes Ratro 0.731 shear Design Type Conbo Block Einal left DcMPs2 oK Sinal Right DCMPS2 0K EIABS v1.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units July I1, 2001 l4:25 Basi.c Bean Infornation lbnent Design ha:fi 0.00 lype Corbo location Fj.nal Pos DCMPSz BotFlange Shear Desrgn Type Conbo BLock Final left DCMPS2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K ETAIS v?.16 Fj.le: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 V 11. ?1 11. ?3 PAGE 255 gma:.: Cor'bo: NA Fv 1/3 Factor 20. 000 Yes 20. 000 Yes Fb 1/3 Factor 33,000 Yes fv 5.329 5.400 fb 24.324 Rat io 0 .266 0 ,210 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Sholt Forn output Bean LabeL: 8656 Story: SECoND u 5?8.059 Ratro 0. ?3? 11. ?8 PAGE 256 fv 5 .352 5 .423 Ratio 0.268 a .211 Fv 1/3 Factor 20. 000 Yes 20. 000 Yes lo I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean Label: 855? Story: SEcoNo I Basic Bean Information lhment Design TyPe final Pos Shear Design Type Final Left Final Right hax:0.00 Conbo Location DCllPS2 BotPlange Pna..:: 0. 0 0 Conbo Location DCUPSz BotFlange Block OK OK ha!: coobo: llA Mfb 582.989 24.526 Fb l/3 Facto! 33.000 Yes Fv l/3 Factor20.000 YeS 20.000 Ye3 Ratio 0.?43 conbo Block DCUPS2 OK DCUPS2 OK 11.81 11.83 PAGE 257 LL.ZL 11.21 PAGE 258 f.Jr) 5.,t45 Ratio 0,2't2 Ratio 0. 6?6 I t I I I I ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:2 6 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fora output Bean Label: 8558 Story: SECoND Easic Bean Infomation Monent Design TYPE Fi.nal Pos ha:i Combo: llA Mfb 529.642 22.296 !b 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Facto! 20,000 Yeg 20.000 rrs fv {.891 {.891 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 l{:25 AISC-ASD8g Corposj.te Eean Design Short Forn Output Bean LabeL; 8559 Story: SECoND Sasic Eean Infornation Type CoDbo Final Left DCUPS2 firal Right DCUPS2 Shear Desrgn lype Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPS2 ETASS v?,16 File: 2683108 ,tu]y 11, 2001 14:26 Ratio 0,2 {5 0,245 Ratio 0.596 Monent Des:,gn Pna.:: 0. 00 ha-1: Collllo: NA Type conbo Location x fb Final Pos DCMPSz BotFlanqe 5,15.{65 22,962 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Yes I I I I I Elock v fv 0K 11 .45 4.994 0K 11.{5 5.261 Kip-in units PAGE 269 Fv l/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20,000 Yes Ratio 0.250 u.z05 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8667 Story: SECOIID Monent Design Prdar::0.00 Pna.: Coebo: l|A Type Combo Location M fb Final Pos Dcl.lPS2 BotFlange 568.294 23.923 Conbo DCMP52 EIock OK v rl. oo fv 5.377 Ratio 0.125 Ratio 0.269 !b l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes I IShear Design !yPe Frnal Left Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes ol I I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Eorn output Bean Label: 8556 Story: SECoND Final Right DCllPS2 0K 11.68 ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 2?0 JuIy 11, 2001 1l:26 Basic Eean InforDation lronent Design Pnar: 0,00 TI?e conbo location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlatrge Shea! Design Type Conbo Block V Final Left DCMPS2 OK 12.49 FitraI Right DCMPS2 0K L2,49 STABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Unirs PAGE 2?1 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 5.354 20.000 0.268 hax Conbo: lllA M fb tb l/3 Factor Ratio 50?.351 25.568 33.000 Yes 0.775 T I I I I t I I I I t T t Block OK OK fv Fv 1/3 Factor 5.'146 20.000 Yes 5.122 20,000 Yes Ratio 0.281 0.285 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom output gean label: 8668 Story: SECoND Basic B€an Infonation Mcaent Design Pna:i; 0.00 lype Cmbo location Final Pos DCl.lPS2 BotFlange lb lb 1/3 Facto! Ratio 18.617 33.000 Yes 0.554 Rat io 0.204 0.204 Rat io 0.224 0.224 Pna]: Conbo: NA M 442.244 ETABS v?.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 l{:26 AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Design Sholt Forn Output Bean Label: 8584 Stoly: SECoND Shear Design type CoEbo Firal Left DCllPSz Final Rj.ght DC'!rPS2 Shear Design Type Combo Final Left DCUPS2 tinal Rj.ght DCUPS2 Easic Bean Infornation Monent Design ha:i: 0.00 T!?e Conbo Locati.on Final Pos DCUPS2 EotFlange v fv Fv l/3 Factor9.36 4.084 20.000 Yes 9.35 4.084 20.000 Yes PAGE 2'12 V fv Fv 1/3 Factor9.16 4.489 20.000 Yes 9.16 4.4'll 20.000 Yes hla:i Conbo; NA M fb tb l/3 Factor Ratio474.519 19.9?5 33.000 Yes 0,505 Block OK OK EIABS v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in onits ,tul v 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g CoDposite Bean Design Short forn output Bean Label: 8683 Story: SECONo Basic Bean Informati.on Monent Design Pmal:: 0.00to I Pmai: Combo: NA I C@bo Location DCl.lPS2 BotPlanqe Basic Beatr Infornation Monent Desiqn ha:t: 0.00 lype Conbo Location Final Pos DcuPs2 BotFlange M/3 Factor20;000 Yes20.000 les Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes ha:i Conbo: llA Mfb 414,5L9 19.9?6 Vfv 9,16 1.189 9,76 4.41L PAGE 2?5 vfv L0.12 4 .933 10.72 { .913 TYPE Final Pos tl {?4 ,519 fb 19. 9?6 Ratio 0.505 Ratio 0.224 0 .224 tb 1/3 Factor33.000 Ye! Shea! Design Type Conbo Block V fv Final Left DCUPS2 OK 9.16 4.{89 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 9.'15 {.4?1 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 2?4 July U, 2001 U:26 Ratio 0.605 I I I I I I AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Folu output Bean l.bel: 8582 Story: SEColO Type Conbo Final Left DCMPS2 Final Rj.gbt DCMPS2 Shear Design Type Conbo linal left DCUPS2 Final Right DCl.lPs2 Type Conbo Fi.nal Left DCtilPS2 Fina] Right DC!4PS2 BIock OK OK Fv l/3 Facto! 20.000 Ieg 20.000 Yes Ratio 0.224 0.224 Ratio 0.555 ETABS v7.16 Pile: 2683108 Kj.p-in ullits July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Corposite Bea! Design Short Forn Ortput Bea! Label: 8581 Story: SEOoID Basic Bean InforBation Monent Desiqn Pna:i: 0.00 Pnd.: CoDbo: |IA lype Colbo Location I{ fb final Pos DCl,lPSz BotElanqe 521.{05 21.9{9 Elock OK OK Ratio 0.241 0.245 Ratio 0. 645 Ratio 0.238 0.231 I I I I I t I $ l/3 Facto!33.000 Yes fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Ie3 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in units PAGE 2?5 JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD8g Conposite Beam Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8700 Story: SECoND Basic Bea.n Infornation Moment Desiqn Pl ar:: 0.00 Pna:i Combo: llA Type Conbo Location M fb Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlanqe 505,77? 2L.29L Block v fv 0K 10.40 4 .765 0t( 10.40 4.144 Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Sactor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes or I I Danp No 4.001 5.841 1.46 l{o ETABS v?,15 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 277 JuIy 11, 2001 l4 r25 AISC-ASD89 Coryosite Beae Desj.gn Short Forll output Eean Label; 8599 Story: SECoND _ Basic Bean Infomation I Moment Design Pnar:: 0.00 Pna:i combo: NA f Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1./3 factor Ratio - Final. Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 505.777 2I.29I 33.000 Yes 0.6{5 I Shear Desj.gn I Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Left DCMPS2 0r 10.40 4.765 20.000 yes 0.238 Fi.nal Riqht DCUPS2 oK 10.40 4.'144 20.000 Yes 0.23'l - ETAES v?.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Unj.ts PAGE 278 I ,luly 11, 2001 14t26 I AISC-ASD89 Coroposite Bea! 0esiqn Short Fonn Output Bean Label: 8698 Stoly: SECoNDI I Bas:c Bean Infomat j.c:r Monent Desigm Pra:i: 0.00 Pua:i CorDbo: NA I Type Conbo locatj.on M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio J Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlange 490.148 20.633 33.000 yes 0.625 Shear Desj.gn lype Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final left DCUPS2 0K 10.08 4.518 20,000 yes 0.231 Pinal Right DCUPS2 0K 10.08 4.591 20.000 Yes 0.230 ETABS v7.16 Fil.e: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 279 - ,tu1y l1' 2001 14:25 r AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Fonn Output Bean LabeL: 8697 Stoly: SECOND I Basic Bean Infornatron I Monent Design Pna:i: 0,00 poa:i corllto: NA I Type Conbo Location l, fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 474.519 19.976 33.000 yes 0.605 I Shea! Design I Type Conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final left DCMPS2 OK 9.16 4.4'lI 20.000 Yes 0,224 Final Riqht DCMPS2 0K 9.?5 {.450 20,000 yes 0.223,l I ETABS v7.t6 File; 2683108 Kip-j.n Unirs PAGE 280! Jurv 11, 2ool L4:26 I AISC-ASD89 Conposi.te Bean Design Short fonn output Bean Label: B?15 Storyr SECOND - O Basic Bean Infornation I I I I AISC-ASD89 Congosite Bea! Desiqn Short Fore Output .Bear Label: B59l Storyi SECO{D Basic Beatr Infornation Shear Design Type Combo Block v Final Left DCMPS2 0K 9.16 Final Right DCt{Ps2 oK 9.16 EIABS v7.15 File: 2683108 Kip-in onits PAGE 280 JuIy 11, 2001 14:25 MoDent Design hax: 0,00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange Basic Bean Intornation l.lonent Design ha:.:: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Fj.nal Pos DCUPSI ConcRight Pna:{ Conbo: l|A Mfb 4?{.519 19.976 fv 4 .4't I 4.450 Fb l/3 Factor33.000 Yes Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes M 0.000 0.000 Ratio 0.60s Ratio 0.224 0 ,223 Ratio 0.000 I I I I I I I t I t I I I AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Sbolt Fom output Bea! Label: 8716 Story: SECOND Pna.: Combo: m !b 1/3 Factor1,800 Yes Shear Design Type Conbo Block v Final left oCUPS2 0K 1.10 Final Right DCUPS2 OK 1.10 ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 281 July 11, 2001 14:26 lioment Desrgn hai:: 0.00 lype CoDbo location Fi.nal Pos DCUPSI ConcRight fv 0.503 0.508 Fv 1/3 Facto!20.000 yes 20.000 yeg Ratio 0.025 0.025 AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean Label: 8715 Story: SECOND Basi.c Bean Infornation ha!: Conbo: NA utb0,000 0.000 fv 0.503 0. 508 Fb l/3 Facto! f.800 Yes Ratio 0.000 Shea! Design fype Conbo 8lock v Final Left DCMPS2 0K 1.10 Final Right oCMPS2 0K 1.10 ETABS v7.15 rile: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 282 Juty 11, 2001 14:25 Fv 1/3 factor20.000 Yes20,000 yes fb 1/3 Factor33.000 yes Ratio 0.025 0.025 Ratio 0.464 AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Design Sholt Forn Output Bean Label: B?50 Stoly: SECOND Basrc Bearn Inf omation Monent Design Pnar:: 0.00 Pna:.: Combo: NA lype CoBbo Location M fb Final Pos DCMPS2 EotFlanse 822.685 15.309 or I I Type Conbo Final left DCMPS2 Final Right DCMPSz Monent Design TyPe Final Pos Shear Design TYPE Final Left Fina] Ri.ght Block OK Co[bo Blocl DCUPS2 0K DCUPS2 0K Story: SECoND v 12.95 L2,96 PAGE 283 10.94 10 ,94 PAGE 284 15.19 15.?9 PAGE 286 fv 3.455 3.456 Fv 19.798 19.798 l/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0.175 n l?q I I I I I ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in onits JuLy U, 2001 14:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposj.te Bear Desiqn Short Fom output Bean Label: B?55 8asi.c Bean Infomation 0.00 Pnai: Conbo: NAPna:,:: conbo DCt PSz location M BotPlange ?16.335 lh I /? Fr.t^r 33.000 Yes13.430 Ratio 0.40? 3.005 3.022 Rat io 0.152 Fv l/3 Factor 19,798 Yes 19. ?98 Yes EIAIS v].16 FrIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Conposrte Bean Design Sholt Forn Ourput Bean Label: B?5? Story: SECOND - Basrc 8ea! rnfomation Monent Design Type Final Pos Final Neg hra:i:0.00 Combo l,ocatron DCMPS2 BotFlarge DcMPs2 BotFlanqe ha!: Conbo: llA Mfb 84 s.460 15-656 -32.580 0.852 fv 3.805 0.30 5 3.878 fv 4 .334 4 .360 r+\ 1 /? F:^r^r 33,000 Yes 33.000 Yes Rat io 0 .414 0.025I I I I I t I Shea! Desrqn Type Coebo B]ock V Final ieft DCMPS2 0K 14.21 Fina] Right DCMPS2 OK 1.15 Final Worst DCMPS2 OK 1{.5{ EIABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Krp-in Units PAGE 285 July U, 2001 14:26 Monent Design Trpe Final Pos Fv 1/3 Factor 19. ?98 Yes 19. ?98 Yes I O taA V.< Ratio 0.192 0 .015 0.196 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Fom outpur Bean label: B7?1 Storyr SECoND Basic Bean Infornati.oo Pna!:: 0.00 Pmai: Conbo: NA conbo location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio DCMPS2 BotFlanqe 1033.408 19.109 33.000 Yes 0.579 Shear Desrgn Type combo Block Final Left DcMPs2 oK Final Right .DCMPS2 0K ETABS v7.15 lile: 2683108 Kip-i.n Units JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Fr, 1/l f:^f^r 1.9.798 Yes 19.798 Yes Ratio 0 .219 0.220 lo I I AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Desi.gn Short Forn output -Bean Label: 8770 Story: SECoND Easic Eean Information lloDent Des i gn Type Final Pos Shear Desj.gn Type CoDbo Final left DCMPS2 Final Right DCUPS2 EIIBS v?.15 8i1e: 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:25 ha::; 0.00 hla\ conbo: NA CoDbo location M fb DCUPS2 BotFlange 1103.858 20.411 ' Ft1 33.000 Ratio 0.519 1/3 Factor Yes I I T t I I I I I I t I I Bl.ock V 0K 16.85 0K 15.85 Kip-in Units PAGE 287 Fv 1/3 Facto! 19,798 Yes 19, ?98 Yes 4.630 4 .557 fb 6.259 Ratio 0.23 4 0.235 AISC-ASD8g Conposj.te Bean Design Short Fom output Bean label: 8784 Storyi SECOND Basic Bean l'lforoatioII Monent Design Type [inal Pos Shear Design l'yPe Final Left Final Right llooent Des:,gn Type final. Pos Shear Design Type Final Left Final Right Monent Design Type Final Pos ha!:: 0.00 Combo Locati,on Do,tPS2 BotFlange Pna.: i 0. 00 Colbo Location DCUPS2 EotFlange Pna:i Conbo: NA M 142.994 O.ID b. rd PAGE 288 M r42.994 6.18 6,18 PAGE 289 M r42.994 Rati.o 0 .191 Fb 1/3 Pactor 33.000 Yes conbo Elock DCUPS2 0KDCtlPS2 0K fv 2.875 2.834 fb 6.289 Rat io 0.tt4 0.142 lv 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yes EIABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Uni.ts July 11, 2001 14:2 6 AISC-ASD8g Conposjte Bean Desrqn Short Forri output Beam Lab€]: Bl85 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infornation hd.: Conbo; NA Fb 1/3 factor Ratio33.000 Yes 0.191 conbo BlockDCttPS2 0(DCMPS2 OK FY 1/3 Facto!20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes fv 2.815 2.834 Rati.o 0.144 0.r42 EIAES v7.15 FiIe; 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean oesign Short Forn output BeaJ0 Label: 8788 Story: SECoND Basi.c Bear Inf omatron Pna!::0.00 Combo Location DCMPS2 BotFIange Pna:: Co$bo: llA fb 6.289 Rat 1o 0. 191 Fb 1/3 Factor33.000 Yes or T I Shear Desrgn Type Conbo Final Left DcMPs2 Final Right DCMPS2 ETABS v7.16 FiLe; 2583108 July 11, 2001 14:26 Block OK OK Kip-in Units PAGE 290 fv z.d lJ 2.834 Fv 20. 000 20.000 1/3 Factor Ratio 0.1{4 0.142 I I AISC-ASD89 conposite Bean Design short Forn Output BeaD Label: 8785 Monent Deslqn Pna:r:0.00 Pnar: Conbo: NA Type Conbo Location M fb Fb Final. Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 463.355 19.814 33.000 shear Des i 9n Type Conbo Block V fv Fv Final left DCMPS2 0K 12.90 5.960 20.000 Fi.nal Rj.ght DCMPS2 0K 12.90 5.999 20.000 EIABS v1.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 291 July 11, 2001 L4:26 AISC-ASD89 Conposi.re Bean Desj.gn Short Eom outpur g€an Label: 8?0? Basic Bean Informati,on Mo[ent Desrgn htra:i; 0.00 Pna!: conbo: NA Type Coobo Location M fb Fb Final Pos DCMPS2 Bot8lanqe {63.365 19.814 33.000 Stoly: SECoND 1/3 Factor Yes Yes Rat io 0. 500 I I I I I I I T I I I Ratr o 0 .298 0.300 Stoly: SECoND 1/3 Factor Ratio Yes 0. 600 Shear Desl.gn lype Conbo Block V Final left DCMPS2 OK 12.90 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 12.90 EIABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in 0nits PAGE 292 Juty U, 2001 14:26 fv Fv 5. 950 20.000 5 .999 20.000 1/3 Factor Yes Ratro 0.298 0.300 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean label: 8789 Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design Pna!:: 0.00 Poa!: Conbo: NA Type Conbo localion M fb tb Final Pos DCUPS2 BotPlange 453.355 19.81{ 33.000 Shear Design Type Conlo Block V fv Fv Final Left DCUPS2 0K 12.90 5.960 20.000 Final Right DCMPS2 0K 12.90 5.999 20.000 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 293 JuIy 11,2001 14:2 6 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design Short Fom output Bean fabel; B?90 Stoly: SECoND !/3 Factor Yes Ratio 0. 500 1/3 Factor Yes Yes Rati o 0.298 0.300 to I Story; SECoND I 8a3ic 8ea! Inforoation HoDent Desigl T}Pe Final Pos Shear Design Type conbo Final Left DCUPS2 Final Right DCUPS2 ha:{:0.00 conbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange slock OK OK hax Conba: l|A M 105.753 fb {.551 Fh 33.000 1/3 Pacto! Yes Ratio 0. l4r shear Design Type Conbo Block Final left DCMPS2 oK Final Right DClrPS2 OK EIABS v7,16 File: 2683108 Kip-in uni.ts July 11, 2001 14:26 Basic Bea! Infornation Monent Design Pna!:: 0.00 Type Conbo Location Final Pos DCUPS2 BotFlanqe Vfv 4.'t8 2.085 {.?8 2.222 PAGE 294 haji Conbo: NA r,t fb r91 .212 8. 808 Vfv 5.53 2.512 5.53 2.413 PAGE 295 fv 2.r29 2.090 Fv 1/3 Sactor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes Ratio 0.104 0. 111 Ratio 0.261 Ratio 0.129 0.121 Ratio 0.1{1 I I I I I I I I I I I I Ior I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean oesj.gn Short ForD output Bean Label: B?91 Stoly: SECoND Fb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units JuIv ll, 2001 1{:26 AISC-ND89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bea[ Label: 8?92 Story: SECoND Basic Bea.n Infornation Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Y.s20.000 Ie3 Fb 1/3 lactor 33.000 Yes lloDent Design Poa::; 0.00 Pna:i Conbo: NA Type Corlbo Location M fb Final Pos DCMPS2 Botflanqe 105.925 {.659 Shear Desrgn Type CoDbo Block v Final Left DCrtlPSz 0K 4.58 Final. Right DCUPS2 0K 4.58 ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 296 July 11, 2001 l4:26 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Ycs tt I/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Ratio 0.105 0.104 Ratio u.1b / AISC-ASDo9 Cooposite Bean Design Short Forn output BeaD label: 8796 Story; SDCoND Basic Beall Infornation l{onent Design Pni:':: 0.00 hlar: Conbo: llA lype Conbo Location U tb Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlange 125.114 5.503 Shear Desrgn Type Conbo Block v Ev 1/3 Facto! I Final l€ft DCMPS2 OK 5.41 2,515 20.000 Yes 0.125 Final Rj.ght DCMPS2 O( 5.41 2.480 20.000 Yes 0.724 ETAaS v?.16 File: 2583108 Kip-in Uoits FAGE 291 July 11, 2001 14:26 AIsc-AsD89 conposite Bean Design Short Forn OutPut Bean Labet: 879? Story: SECoND I Easi.c Bean lofornationI Monent Design Pnai: 0.00 Pnaii Colbo: NA I Twe combo Location u fb !b 1,/3 Factor Ratio I rinal ios DcMPs2 BotFlange 125 'Lf4 5.503 33.000 Yes 0.157I - Shear Design I Type conbo Bl.ock v fv Fv 1,/3 lactor Ratro Fi.nal. left DcuPs2 oK 5.{1 2.515 20.000 Yes 0.125 tinat Riqht DcuPs2 oK 5.41 2.480 20.000 Yes 0.124 I ErABs v7.16 File: 2583108 Klp-in Units PAGE 298 JuIv 11,2001 14:26 I AIsc-AsD89 conposite Bean Design short Forn output Bean labelr 8802 Story: SECoNDI Basic Bean Information f M.l'nent nesi.m Pna:.:: 0.00 Pnaji Conbo: NA I Type Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio FinaL Pos DCUPS2 BotFlaose 405.301 1?.331 33.000 Yes 0.525 I I I I I I I Shear DesigD Type Conbo Btock v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratlo Final left DCMPS2 OK 1I.29 5,213 20,000 Yes 0.251 Final Right DCMPS2 oK r1.?9 5,241 20,000 Yes 0.262 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 299 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Eean Labe]: 8803 Story: SEcoND Basic Bean Infoluation tlooent Design Prna.':: 0.00 hla:i CoEbo: llA Type Conbo Locatj.on M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS2 BotFlanqe {05.301 17,331 33.000 Yes 0.525 Shear Desrgn Type Combo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Fi.nal Left DCMPS2 oK 1L.29 5.213 20.000 Yes 0.261 Final Right DC'I{PS2 0K LL,29 5.241 20.000 Yes 0.262 ETABS v'1.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-i.n Unj.ts PAGE 300 July 11, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 conposite Bean Desj.gn Short Forn output Bean Label: 8817 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infonnationlo t I Monent Delign lyPe Final Pos UoDent Design Type linal Pos lioDettt oesign Type tinal Pos MoDent Design TyPe Final Pos shear Design Tlpe Fina1 left Sinal Right hax: 0.00 Co[bo location DCllPSl ConcRight Pnxi:0,00 CoDbo location DCl,lPS2 BotFlange Poar:0.00 Conbo Location DCMPS1 ConcRight hax r 0.00 Combo location DCl,lPS2 BotFlange Pnax Colbo: m M 0.000 fv 0.{01 0.{11 gaa:i CoDbo: lO Hfb 690.617 21.105 fh 0.000 F! 1.800 Ratio 0.000 1/3 Factor Yc! shear Design Ty?e Co6o Elock v Final left DCI{PS2 0K 0,88 Final Right tl$lPs2 0K 0.88 EIAES v?.15 Flle: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 301 July U, 2001 14:26 Fv l/3 Facto!20.000 Yes20.000 Yeg $ 1/3 Facto!33.000 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 yes 20.000 Yc! Fb 1/3 Facto! 1.800 Yes Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20.000 Yes lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 yes Fv 1/3 Facto! 19, ?98 yes i9.798 Yes Ratio 0,020 0.021 I I I I t I I I I I I I I AISC-ASD8g Coryosite Bear Design Short Forn Ortput B€aD lab€l: 8818 Story: SICoND Easic Eean InforDati,on Shear Design type Combo Block v Flnal Left DCllPS2 0K 11,38 Final Right oCUPS2 0K 11,38 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 KiFin tnits PME 302 July U, 2001 14:25 fv 4 .311 4.4r1 fv 0.404 0.411 Rrtio 0.5t0 Ratlo 0. 216 0.22L Ratio 0.000 Ratio 0.020 0.021 Ratio 0.393 Ratlo 0.150 0.211 AISC-ASD8g Coqosite Bra! Design Sholt Forn Output Bra! t€bGI: 8821 Stoly: SECOND Basic BeaD Iofornation hax C@bo: NA Mfb0.000 0.000 Shea! Design lype Coobo Elocl V Final I€ft DCllPS2 0K 0.88 Final Right DCl.lPSz 0K 0.88 EIABS v7,15 File: 2583108 Klp-in Units PAGE 303 July 11, 2001 1{125 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Eean Design Short Fom Output Bean Label: 8822 Slory: SECoND Basic Beaa Infornation Pnar: Coroo; NA Mfb 595.115 12.954 . Combo DCMPS2 ocMPs2 Elock OK OK v 11.45 11 .45 fv 3.1?7 4.L79 or I I ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units PAGE 304 JuIy U, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Composite Bean Design short Forn output Bean Label: 8809 Story: SECoND Easic Eean Infornation I Monent D.sldn hax: O,O0 Pna:{ CoDbo: NArr TvDe Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio _ rinal -pos DcMPs2 BotFlange ?15.239 21.806 33.000 Yes 0.561 I Sbea! Design TvDe conbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I rinar leit DcMps2 oK 11.98 4.191 20.000 yes 0.210 I Final Right Dcl{Ps2 ox 11.98 4.530 20-O0O Yes 0.227 ETABS v7.16 Fite: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 305 I July 11, 2001 14126 I AISC-ASD89 Co4osite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean LabeL: 8825 Story: SECoND I Basic Bean Infornation r Mouent Desrqn Pnar: 0,00 Pnai: Coobo: IA I Type CoDbo Location H fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Pos DCMPSI ConcRight 0.000 0.000 1.800 Yes 0.000 I Shear oesign Type Conbo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio Final left DCMPS2 0K 0.77 0.115 20.000 Yes 0.006 Frnal Rj.ght DCMPS2 0K 0.11 0.110 20.000 Yes 0.005 t ETAES v7.16 Filer 2583108 Ki.p-in Units pAcE 305 JuIy 11, 2001 1{:25 I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bear Label.; 8828 Story: SECoND _ Basic Eean InforBation I llonent Design Prnar:: 0.00 Pma:i Conbo: NA Type Conbo Location tl fb Fb 1/3 Sactor Ratio I Fitral Pos DCMPSI ConcRight 0.000 0.000 f.800 Yes 0.000 I Shear Desrgn I Type Conbo Block V fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio - Final Left DCMPS2 0K 1.01 0.451 20.000 Yes 0.023 Final Riqbt DCMPS2 0K 1.01 0.459 20.000 Yes 0.023 ETABS v?.16 File: 2683108 Kj.p-in Uni.ts PAGE 307 f JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Desi.gn Short forn output Bea.n Label: 8829 Story: SECoND I Basic Bean InformationI lo I Monent Desr.qn Pmai:: 0.00 Pna!: Combo: NA I Type Final Pos Co[bo Location ocuPs2 Borflange Poa't:0.00 Conbo Iocation DCMPS1 CorcRight It 1/3 Factor 33.000 les M '181 .612 fb 2t.199 Rrtio 0.561 Shear Design Type Conbo Block v firal Left DCUPS2 0K 12.91 Finat Right DCllPS2 0K 12.91 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 KiP-in Units PIGE 308 July 11, 2001 14;25 4.915 5.037 Rati.o 0.246 0.252 Fv 1/3 Factor20.000 Yes20-000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Coqosite Bean Design Short ForD output Bea! Label; 8832 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infonation I I I I I I I I I I I I I Molent Design Type Final, Pos Shear Desj.gn Type Corobo Firal left DCr.lPS2 Final. Right DCMPS2 ETABS v7.16 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:25 P[a.: Conbo: llA r{ tb0.000 0.000 tb 1.800 Ratio 0.000 1/3 Factot Yes Bl.ock V 0K 1 .010K 1 .01 Kj.p-in units PAGE 309 fv w l,,/3 Factor 0.461 20,000 Yes0.469 20,000 Yes Ratio 0.023 0.023 AISC-ASD8g Co[posite Bean Design Sholt Forn output Eean label: 8833 Story: SECoND Basic BeaD Infodation Mo[ent Design Type Final. Pos Shear Design Typ€ Corbo Final Left rcllPs2 Final Right DCMPSz Poar::0.00 conbo Location DCMPS2 EotFlange BIoct OK OK hlax Coobo: l|A Mrb't81.6't2 21.199 Fb 1/3 Factor 33.000 les Rati.o ETABS v7.15 FiIe: 2683108 Kip-in Units July ll, 2001 14:25 AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: 8835 Stoly: SECoND Pna:i:0.00 12.91 12.91 PAGE ]10 0.95 0.95 PAGE 3I1 fv 4 .915 5.03? tv 0 .432 0.440 natio 0.246 0.252 Ratio 0.000 Pna:i Conbo: NA Mfb0.000 0.000 Fv l/3 Factor20.000 Yes 20.000 les Fb l/3 Eactor 1.800 Yes MoDent Desrgn Type conbo Location Final Pos DCMPSI concRrght Shear Design Type Comlo Block Final left DCMPS2 0K Final. Right DCMPS2 OK ETABS v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units JuIy 11, 2001 14;25 Fv 1/3 factor20.000 Yes 20 .000 Yes Ratio 0.022 0.022 or I t AISa-ASD89 Conposite Bea.n Desigtl Short Fom Output Beao Label: 8837 Story: SECOND Basic Bean Infomation Monent Desi.on Poax: 0,00 Pna!: combo: NA Type Combo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DcMPs2 BotFlange 739.I'14 22,200 33.000 Yes 0.6?3 I shear Desiqn I Type CoDbo Block v fv Fv 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Left DcMPsz oK I2.L1 4.613 20.000 Yes 0.231 I Final Risht DcMPs2 0K I2.I'l 4.585 20,000 Yes 0.229 ETABS v7.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 312 I JuIy 11, 2001 14:26I AISC-ASD8g Conposite Beair Design Sholt lorn output Bean Label: 8840 Story; SECOND I Basic Bea[ Infornationr Moment Design hai:: 0.00 hE:.: Conbo: llA I Type Conbo location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio I Final Pos Dc'l.lPS2 BotFlange 119.162 22.064 33.000 Yes 0.669 I shea! Desj.qn I rype conbo Block v fv !\/ l/3 Factor Ratio Final Left DC Ps2 0K 13.05 4.569 20.000 Yes 0.228 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 13.06 4.9{? 20.000 Yes 0.241 ETABS v?.16 File: 268310S Kip-in 0nits PAGE 313 Julv 11. 2001 14:2 6 I AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bea.n Label: 8841 Story: SECoND I Basic Bea.n Infomation I Mooent Desj.gn Pna.:: 0.00 PDai: Conbo; ltAIlype Conbo Location M fb Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio Final Pos DCMPS1 ConcRight 0.000 0,000 1.800 Yes 0.000 ! shea! Desion I Type CoEbo Block v fv M/3 Factor Ratio I Final left DcMPs2 0K 0.8{ 0.126 20.000 Yes 0.005 I tinal Right DCMPS2 0K 0.84 0.119 20.000 Yes 0.005 EIABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-i.n ooits PAGE 314 I July Ll, 2oo1 14:26I AISC-ASD89 Conposj.te Bean Design Sholt Fom output Bean Labe]: 8844 Story: SECoN0 I Basic Eean Information I Monent Design Pnai:: 0.00 Pmai: Conbo: llA I Type conbo location M fb Eb 1/3 Facto! Ratio t Final Pos .DcuPsl concRight 0.000 0.000 1.800 Yes 0.000 lo I I ETABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units July 11, 2001 l{:25 AISC-ASD89 Coeposite Bean Design Short Forn output Bean Label: E8{5 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Inforoation Shear Design Type FinaL left Final Right Houent Design Type Final. Pos l{oent Design ryPe Fi.nal Pos hax conbo: m Hfb 8?6.980 16.213 Fv l,/3 Facto! 20.000 Yes 20.000 leg lb 1/3 Factor 33.000 Y€s har: 0.00 Conbo location DCUPS2 BotFlange hafi: 0.00 Conbo Location DCUPS1 ConcRight conbo DCUPS2 DCUPS2 8locI OK OK v 1 1q t.l) PAGE 315 14,44 14.4{ PAGE 316 1.15 1.15 1,t.4{ 14.44 PAGE 318 !v 0 .181 0.1?2 Rati.o 0.009 0.009 Ratio 0.493 Ratio 0.202 0.2 0t I I I I I I I I I I I t Ior I Shear Desj,qn . Iype CoDbo Block Final Left DcuPs2 oK Final Right DCI.IPSZ 0l( ETABS v?.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Unj.ts July 11, 2001 ll:26 fv {.008 3.989 Fv 1/3 Sacto! 19. ?98 Yes19.798 Yes AISC-ASD8g Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 8848 Story: SECoND Basic BeaD Infonation Pnai Conbo: m Mfb 0.000 0.000 lb l/3 Factor1.800 Yes Ratio 0.000 Shea! Design Ty?€ Conbo Block Final. left DCl.lPS2 0K Sinal Rj.ght ocuPs2 OK Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design Pdar:: 0.00 Ty?e c@bo Lcation Final Pos DC!|PS2 BotFlange Sh€ar Design lype Conbo Elock Final Left DcMPs2 0K Final Right DCMPS2 0K EIABS v?.15 File: 2583108 Kip-in Units JuIy U, 2001 1{:26 Basic Bean Infomatron Monent Design Pnar::0.00 fv 0.181 0.L72 20.000 20,000 Yes Yes Ratio 0.009 0.009 Ratio 0,493 Fv 1/3 Factor AISC-ASD89 CoDposite Bean Design Short Pom output Eeao Label: 8849 Story: SSCOND Pnai: Coobo: !E ufb8?6.980 15.273 Eb l/3 Factor 33.000 Yes !v 4.008 3.989 Fv 1/3 Factor19.798 Yes 19.798 les Ratio 0.202 AISC-ASD89 CoBposite Bean Design Short Foru output Eean Labe]: 8860 Stoly: SECoND Pma!: Conbo: l|A I conbo Location DCMPS2 BotFlarge Shear Design Type Conbo Block Final Left DCUPS2 0K Final Right DCUPS2 OK E?ABS v7.16 Fj.le: 2583108 Kip-in urj.ts JuIy 11, 2001 14:26 Tlpe Final. Pos tl {06.6?8 11. 58 ll .58 M 145.9{2 fb 17.390 Rati0 0.521 Ratio 0.253 0.268 Ratr.o 0.0?5 0.075 lb 1,/3 Factor 33.000 Yes Fv 1,/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes fv 5.05{I t I I I I I I I t I I I AIsc-AsD89 Conposite Bean D€sign Short Forn output Bean Label: 8883 Story: SECoND Basic Bean Infornation Monent Design type Final, Pos Pnax: 0.00 conbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange P[a!::0.00 conbo Location DcMPs2 BotFlange hai: Conlo: NA fb 6.645 fv 1.{95 1.495 fb 3. ,r 95 Rati.o 0.080 0.0?? Rat ro 0. 114 0, 111 M 78.169 4.89 {.89 Fb 1/3 Factor Rati.o 33.000 Yes 0.201 Shear Design lype Conbo Block V Final Left DCUPS2 0K 3.43 Final Right DCUPS2 0K 3.43 EIABS v7.16 FiIe: 2583108 Kip-in Units PAGE 320 ,July 11, 2001 1{:25 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 les AIsc-AsD89 Coqosite Bean Desj.gn short Fom output Bean label: 8884 Story: SEcoND Basic Bea!| Infonnation Monent Desiglr TyPe Fioal Pos Shea! Design lype conbo Flnal left DCMPS2 Fj.nal. Right DCI{PS2 ETABS v7,16 File: 2683108 July 11, 2001 14:26 P[a!: Conbo: NA Mfb54.229 2.425 fv 1.605 1.54 5 Fb 1/3 Factor Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.0?3 BLock v 0K 3.390K 3.39 Kip-in Units PAGE 321 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes AISC-ASD89 Conposite Bean Design Short Forn Output Bean Label: 888{ Stoly: IOW3 Basic Bean lnforuation Monent Deslgn Type Final. Pos Shear Design TyPe final left Final Right Pnax: 0.00 Conbo Location DCUPS2 BotFlange Pnal: Conbo; NA Fb l./3 Facto! Ratio 33.000 Yes 0.105 Conbo .DOrPS2 DCUPS2 Block OK OK fv 2 .211 2.229 Fv 1/3 Factor 20.000 Yes 20.000 Yes lo I . TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 J7o4n-n38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALLTIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D014030 Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.......: Phase I addition of WMC Parcel No....: 21U0n01013 Project No.: ZZ Qq-$61-4to} Status. .. : ISSUED Applied..: A7/23/2W7 Issued. .. : A7/A/2m7 Expires...: O1./79/2W2 OVIIIER VAIIJ CIJINIC INC 181 W MEADOIV DR VATIJ CO s1657 Iricense: COIITRACIOR Superior Special Se:rrices, I07 /23/2001 Phone: 303-367-0702 15403 E. 17th Ave., Unit E Aurora, CO s0011 L,icense:607-S APPL,IeSIf,t Superior Special Senzicea, rO1 /23/20OL Phone: 303-367-O7O2 1-5403 E. l-?th Ave., Unit E Aurora, CO I0011 Lricenee:607-S Wood Pellet: BuildinS-> Plan Check-> lnve3tigatlqr-> WillCrll-> 90. oo ReEtuaranl Plan Review-> 07/23/2001 Phone: AddSq Ft 0 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 *of So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> 923 . 00 SO . oo Total permit Fee__> 956.00 SO . OO Palnrents---> 956.00 Desciption: Asbestos Abatement Occupancy: Type Construction: TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $0.00 Fireplace Infomration: R6tricted: So,oo DRB Fee------> S2O.OO Addttional Fees--> $33.00 $0. oo Recreation Fee--> 93 . 0o Clean-up Depoeit---> TOTAL FFrs.--_-> 923 . 00 BALANCE DUE--->90.00 Approvals: I€ei,m: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPIRTMENT 07 123/2OOL DFIORES Aetion: AP !: 0sa00 PLANNING DEPARTI{EIIT ItEm: 05500 FIRE DEPART!{ENT O7/23/2OOL nrvaughan Act,ion: AP conditsions set fortsh vrith contractor. PAGE 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL asot07-23-2m Status: IASUED Applied: U7/n/2m1. Issued: A7/23/2W1. To Expire: 07/79/20[12 I Permit#: D014030 #g***rH******H****iH*t******r****H**********rHrl**#*****ill*****rH**itrHiH***ff*****Hrl********** PermitType: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant Superior Special Services, Inc. 303-3574702 JobAddress: 181W MEADOW DRVAIL Location: Phase I addition of WMC Parcel No: 270107107073 Description: Asbestos Abatement Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT ISC,OOD FOR ASBESTOSABATEMENTONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIORTOANY FURTHERWORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISD CONTACT l{E VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. -ono: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. It,em: 05500 Pt BL,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apphcation, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeg design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUE5TS FOR INSPECTION 5HALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8OO AM . 5 PM. Send Clean-up Depoeit Tor ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OWNE tl*ttt*rt*ta***f *t*il{t**tt*tt****t't:f *t:lt*lttlrr}rf tllllt**llt**ltlttt*f t****f *:t:l'tl*'l**l*:t*l***l***f tt TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprintcd on 07-23-2001 et 15:07:29 O7n3n00l Staternenl Statement Number: R000001110 Amount,: $55.00 01 /23/2OO1-O3:07 Pl{ Paltment Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: 4744 Permit No: D01-0030 Type: DBllO. OF PART/AIJIJ BIJDG. Parcel No: 21010?101013 Site Addrege: 181 tl l.lEiAmlf DR VAIL Location: Phage I addition of VWC Totaf Fees: $56.00 Thia Payment: $56.00 Total AIJ., Pmts: $56.00 Balance: $0.00 tl*f*t'ttftl**fltttli't*t**t'|*'|t*'l*{rf**t't{r**{':t****a{"t**llt+'i*l*{"t**i*'l'lt*f+***t't'tt*{':}**i*t*l*ttlt ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP ()O1()O()()31111()O BUILDII'IG PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGII REVIEltl FEES hIC ()()1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 33. 00 20. 00 3. 00 JtJ--Lt-eWL A9: 3A FRON: BECK EDI,IARDS 974 9e6 4976 TO:343+:367+1348 ApptlcArrof{ ryr|-L Nor !E ACCEFTED rr rncorffilY*f[Bo Projcct #: Building Permit #! Asbesnog Permit #: VAIL per No.19 of 1998 Permit Ef \rltfllFlrsE .rv' --t ' ilirr n"t oe acceptedwithout the fio-llowing: f6;ffi A;iinu":"'i'iittc"ninatealagte-{9':*-*,9* i: iSfilii,Tililil##i!1.;;;*fth the racirrty operators ror anv temprrnry disablins of $e -;- L-^,ri-- aFra.+,G n'.'"iiiitr". sustem' anit aiarm systems witi the names and contagtliiriahjririg- sytti:rts, Ftie sprinkJer svsen'!' and systems witi the names and contagt p't'one num-Gh of these indMduals' :. 5r*'rrl't titt' OcLiG addresstngl wastE conhiner storaoe location' waste load out area locafon' b T6 | - c) O 7 O H"'lf triy!"ittT ;rffHH,panrs of the E U" | '-- 7 structure in unaffected areas' rNrrN ArTON IN FOR,MATION cor{plETE vAruATtoN FoR AsEEsros ABATE}IENT PERil{f (labor a uaterials) | rcu"rtot Abatenrent: $ s[ - ll ) ---- D-*.# mwNulILL 75 S Frontage Rd- Vail, @lorado 81657 i.frce at 97O'328'8&0 or visit W,-eagle'couW'Con for Pare's *ooa*' '{:rT63t{{' Legnl Description Loe E tslock:mrinst 7:9 s'oawt"t^' y4411gt oMrners Narne: YVAg,W prqiecr Manager, Cq_r/ C_"rX Pho*' (*a\ew -utpL Project Designet Ce-1 66y Mdressr &-rne- %-o-bcilv<.= 'Phone: sotr,<_as afue- Air Monitoring Specialisu l*)Al6h ,fhone:7ta-NJ41*ilc wfffi@TItiTorl Amountof Asbestos, unEireetl square Feeh &o 55/Gal Drums; worl(ctass: New( ) Ad<lltion( ) Rtrrrrrrld(y' Rcpair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Typeof Bldo.: SnqFlamiV( ) Tuo-familv( ) f'tr rhi-familv ( EG6-Fire5rinlter SysEm Exist Yes n No() ,uNlx Contsct and Phone f's: Ut Co* 3o3 J61-o7o7 -on site Abaternnt contracton\up@ To! \-- ,vn of vail BtS' f'19., ioO |-\ i6icracor slEnaure: (-,-l?j f********c'****t*************t********r* FOR oFFIcE usE oNLY*******f*****+***rt******tl******'**** :iiit,,i:,,1...i;. :riiri za.E -8 o'o jh FIA !E Ita o att\tt)9ili .-\ |r-.>-l!.i-l, s1if,) tl g-:€, 3'..''-. 11t{,{9.v-TYlrR .i|. I 24-. at.r].r o(, € Iata eE E-.nrt E! g t !- -Ii IIal|g I (' -Y ,' g { ^1 q1 '€l6..t i t't ,I.o a t')l IdlT --I * -ol .-aL -5 L EI C-2 BI('] q) -t" Ioi l-" {n 4:ir/..,j ""alt<{ \n71i! '41 | (! AVI I '4 e 44a 4 ( 3 9e E '<r' Fi 3. AsBEsros ABATEMENT NCIIrrrcATIoN and pEnMrr AppLIcArroN F0RM TCEE MUST ACCOMPANY TEIS FORM. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS IIryLL BE RETI'RIYED.(Pereit will be mailed to abatement contractor, unless specified otherrise) Superior Special Senzices. Inc. Building Name (if applicable) Vail Medical Center Sheet 16403 East 17th Ave nE rb.r. r..t ritrt bple(a9 tr16, tEor!' rirt' e,) Material & Handling Center City, State Zip CodsAurora CO 80011 Street 181 West Meadow DriveTdephme Colo. GAC Number * 4674702 89-1482114 City, County Zip CodeVail Eaele 81567 Project Supervisor / Colorado. Cert. Number Linda Froe-lre 1760I Building telephone & contact pexson 303-446-9667 Doue Workman DISPOSAL SITE BTNLDING OWNER OR OPERATOR Landfll Name Denver Arapahoe Disposal Site Ormers No-e Vail Medical Center Street 3600 Gun Club Road Street 181West Meadow DriveCity, State Zip CodeAqqora CO 80011 City, State Zip0odeVail Easle 81567 Tdephone & Contact Person 303-446.9667 Doue Workman hoject Manager Nane N/A Telephone: Colorado hoj. ManageJ Cert. # Project Designer Name: Carl Cox Telephone: 308-96?{702 Colorado Proj. Desiper Cert. #6282 Stgrtfuiter. TtlA Ol End Dats lo/&t 01 Start Tlmq 7:0O am Quit Ttme: <b00 PM Air Monitoring Specialist Name: Watsh Environmental Telephme: Amount ofArbestoe: Dayr of Operation (circle): /--------------- Linear ftet: (l tt W Th- F )\----'-----------l Square ftet: 40tn Single tr.aaily Eone? N 65/c!f &ume; - Ensrc€ncv hoi€ct? Nrutpfldb.dl|rG.ir!.to 6.t!. O) dAC'Itd t t .b.r.d (ca. VAT, ccilbg ti||,c-) Ut.oalaibdntq!, if E-rt Removal of 20fi1 sguare feet DAT and Mastic and 1500 square feet of mastb using non-friable hand removalnetho{ 3 a secondary contqinrncuL Renoval of 500 square feet of ceiling tile ani 500 square foet of Iinoleun ^ring firll contqinrnent €ngineerilg couhols.v STA|E OF COLCT(ADC Blll Orvens, Governor Jane E. Norton, Executive Oiledor Ddicated b of;otf{7JlB and imryving the health ard enviromrent of he r@f]le of Colorab 4300 Cheny Cre€k Dr.5. Labontory ard Radiation Servicca Division D€nver, Colorado 80246-1530 81 00 Lo,vrv 8lvd. Phone (3O3) 692-2000 Denver, Colorado 8023O-6928 TOD Line (303) 691-7700 (3O3) 692-3090 Located in Glendale, Colondo http lt\vww.c dphe. fr/tr. a. us This permit has been issued to: Superior Special Services, Inc. 15403 East LTth Avenue, "e" Aurora, CO 8001t-4d16 Project Supervisor is Linda A. Froemke , Certification No. 389-6,1-3155 Project Manager: WAIVED Issued by: WTB Colondo Dcmrtncat ofPublicffcalA andEnvironment ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT This pennit is granted subject to Colorado Air Quality Control Commission Regulation No. 8, Part B, adopted September 19, 1996 and.effective Novenber 30, 1996, the Air Qualify Conrol A.ct C.R.S. 1982 & 1995 (25-7-l0l ard25-7-50bt seq) ard the provisions on the reverse of this permit. It is only for the purpose of allowing asbestos abatemeft. Tm OBICINAL PERMIT MUST BE BOSTED ON SIIE AT AI,L TIMES. As a contractor, you may be subject to other licenses and permits, dependig otr the requirernflts of the county ard municipality in which the work is being performed. The Colorado Depafiment of Public Health, Air Pollution Control Division strongly suggests that you check with county and rrunicipal authorities in order to determirc any other local building/p€rmitting requirements tbat must be met. This emission permit is valid from0TlAl?.001 through lOl2llzffil The actual scheduled work dates are from 07lAl2Wl through 10/03/2001. For the location specified below: Vail Mdical Center 181 West Mesdow llrive Vail, CO 81567 Eagle County Permit Issued on: Vl ll7l2O01 Record Number: 32928 Perrnit Number : OIE A3 17 2 A Amount Paid: $ 550 Check Number: 4741 J I***^"0 notifi the Asbesros Unit of projea modifications I far u 303-762-0278 ad the appropriate courxy health dcpartmart by fu. Project modifi.caions includc changes in the scope of wo*, the schduled wo* dates or times, otd ihe projea nanager. dR dd I l,96llLt 41fl LEr al@l Ia.L lo.rrt JUL 1,8 Z00t H:\dsuociforrabannlgt.dr Ju | ,23. 2001 12:43PM SC|1AUER & ASSOCIAlS No.70i0 P. 2/1 u&') CONTR,\CTOR REGISTR.\TTON PREQUALNFICATION I{A![l (XCOMP.lltY: Sulerior Soecial Serwices- rnc. ItlA[it{(lAIlDIEllS: 15J03 l. }7rh Ave.r,.uuit E. Aurors. co .SmI[ ESTS NLADMI$K PEOIWT: 3o3-35?-97,0?. Pgr 303-367:.LlO8 ,.... ,,., , Itilfu!fistbe receind odqpuwdtriorb binoE dlcgisaio& Boas ntoit r tb l1}qrN OF VAtr BUILDING DEPA.RTI,ANT - 7t Sd liwp Rord, Vafl, CO 81d57 N.EAI|E SUBIV{TT COTY S AT{Y PERTINENT REGIilRATION Nftru APPTJCANO}T. o RcrubrCsr 3175.m rl00_00 t ?5.m t ?5.m neermt Cx tl?:.m 5-rim s 55.00 t 55.00 s 55.00 tr 's.m NOFEENOFEE tl(Ittr: tf pa rlc Flrrtrfig rr dfirriEd 0t phtrfflt rq$rdioo fo Mg-Sf, fltvid. r clgy d A $lr*s nsatub*n tbo. ft St|tl d Cdondo, lJAlII.tTf: Optio#l: tl.00Qm0bth.rynenfoBdibll}ry tl,flx).00 bft grserr er PtQcry D.rlrF li Qd6#4 Coubirdeqgtlirsdtl.(b0'mri WORtrMf,I{'S COMIEI{SATION: SbrrlrtyouacccvtrdhtltrSEcdCCaaih No Yorba'r Cq ho qlolccr): Prwida a lcttsr 3airyyo, ae b olc orr ad ritr n Hd tE Twr lisb ror cy ascild od dtb tinc fu lin om: yo si[ Pvldo ts ri6 Xldtsrr CW. Tom dVril BuiEingDivfdm ?5 Snri!|uorF8sd v-atlCO 116f,r TEANKYOIT wr179-2149 YtO-l?*2452 Gd) $ Tygc of ngirtmti,mtd{ altid&r Arbestos CoTtrector - - Applhoca+r,r. w, 4J 5 6- General ltanaser -'@-ta:Fff6;- r,rtc- nECATR\TIONtIUt (kd Cdra.ftt A/ColsrEtbtr M|lltmd (Vrbd@olrItm,om) Gccd Cod$e lrcm*ucim Uau6nar (Yobrlis rodcr tlfln o0()) nublng Mrcteded F{.1t,iftm - Sp.cid (htm0.qrc,!t0s@Y, Contr, OrnsrBdds- Ehaical sr'ry-i4#==-,----x'tfr-.- Jul,23.2001 l2:44PM SCHAUER & ASSOCIATS N0,7070 P.3/1 9. D! lt hold arry velid ftenscr, i.a lv@orphnbcr. Antftccr Etegnfofl _ l0- t istttnu{g itcq of i_qsboraotvhilh:totr. orr-<nr coogry, ilctpsdc om clillboucd h tbcTmn of Vrlt l[ Lig&rcotnrriicrJou,.rtlur ccolpodE6&pq!+ 6ntrgeFs?il,, tca O0) FarE, td ut! iE rolrrrd i! lirigigkry tp. 1,-lri r'-ii.ir sr,frr t,r'E lbTg1r gdbeel Drttrlat y Fs all csr!*rs which yur, yur onryrry, or csp@tiu rrtne prty to drtng ttc Fenioc EvE(l) ;trfi, r'ha pgt:roee or Arerc prdpca mn riroptoa*ttin fr"O"ter__ ig *f Eqw Elci of ftB rn* rlll rorr fr dtftdlt o@d to mbqordcbs?_____tlO_% Seoking Ratcocer: 13. 14. 15.Tra&Rr&racs: A- Plg4s:, .ege attached referengg-liat _ , ., , .. -_. .. ,_ B. e Ewa youcrrrhrd I licscsc in nrramr olryottaena rltdcrot @ Ihtyasi rR.y!ry !p Ifso, Pltt1a",!fl.lo DdiC-JL_SuAcuaed_ fo _ If asim ir r Ocporain cenurdrlS Ca- srr! qFlicar rtltrbrsiigbsnic17. t- Ju | .23' 2001 l2:11Pil SC|IAUER & ASSOCIATS 'a N0.7070 P' +/1 Superior ' lllrd !tuDc 8657 Jul.23. 2001 l2:15PM SC|'|AtJER & ASS0CIAIS No.7070 P. 5/7 TRADE REFERENCES & BANK INFORMATION Reis Envircnrncnial 4105 Hdly She€t E)enver, CO 80216 (303) 32$s016 Abqtir E lwirunmental G orporation 88111 Eas Point Drite, #400 Eldhs, TX 75nT (214)3a',t-1146 HERROT{ Enhrpises, USA lnq P.O. Box@0694 Lffieton, CO 80162 (g)3) 76&9e!9 Fq4EFf ldentificdion l{umber: *113P.114 Dun t,Fradstt'eet Numhpn &1O7-fiTT Bank One - lVladison2.E.]ffin Madison, Wl 53/03 Tdephone Number: (q)8) 2E2€561 Fax Numben (608) 282€596 Oucst Envftonmcntal 88m Bash S[eet Indianapolis, lN 46256 (317) 594-4500 Hugh I.IYoods 1 3700 East Colb( Atrenue Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 364€344 WW Gninger 4885 Paris Steet Denver, CO 8@39 (303) 371-2360 O** Dennis Davftlsaver Jul,23. 2001 l2:45PM Italt'un u 0A I nu . SCHAUER & ASSOCIATStrLvlvL 1i0.i N0.7070 P. 6/1 nrtsaErAArrit &at i, tllE c8ll?rc^lc ! tttuED rt a larrER oF l|forl^lxt cLY lao oolFER! ro rclrrurd rtc cERrrEAlE Fq,oEl olllEl llll tlorE liaEED f, !ft noLE . Tr cE*lrtcm DoEa lol /Elb. Er?tlD on lllEl l|: @vErf racDlD tt trc ?c.ElDEaEDlGlfl- tno0uq trrar USA lno.lmLdrl*rr s|J[e 4qD l{dlclrl, TX 7il@ €st€oFs{tfin scHc odP.i v T COTITERSEANOI DUSTRY INS. CO. CMAY I flERPAN TUE ASSURANCE COTIPAIIY r$E! SupJid SpriJ S-$c.i lnc .baSfirrtA.rdrb.ho.tflqt Er{ lTor AYeruq lrit E Arqa, CO 00lr.6 ccP,{vc ll,A. ccflFxtY D II{S. CO, OF TXE STATE OF PA |6 |6 tO CEiIFV flr c fiin||rcE E*REE HEiETJ HA1C Es{ lecJst TO THE Ti|tJGO r iEO rBex Fq THE P(Llg.l tEtlaD fiqCArE lt(''wlltB tfto|t{O /WVREqriE ElT. TERr| (R C('*tI(I|t (l3 tfly ctf,TRt.'t oR, Ct'|En qrUXE f Wrx REtEqTtO urr+g{ lr{E Bnr|cAlE llr{t ElSglEOf llft FeRrAtt t]lE |MfnX'KC IFF0R0E0 FttHE FoLlo Ea EsnEo tcf,sl{ ls sre.Ecr To A( rxE 1ERH,q crt\gno|sf{D OC[IrdOls CF gJCt FOLIOES UxlTs $lotr{ l|rft HAtt !g.l iEEUclo gvPrD €tA tt dl|/aaaaFrtauErY q"rr€rr* lTleon omf.lsSo.r,latcrfiSFRor a{v ruTo r"L (lf{cD a,rt(rg {IflrIIDX,TG r{Ftr€ ||otffDAtKb lltLa tlsLEfiY lHE R(FB|ETn' lX lnrcr-plRnEhrfrtqrnE cFF Ctrrie .15$or 0u) .r55sF8 (c ).|5s2.m (rz, rao) PRO.IEGT llE^Ioil: vAlL MEDIC,AL cErflER tot w. ffiAoow DR., vAL, co 8167 oslcRtPTloll: RElpl[L oF 500 sQ. FT. cEruxc nrEs START DATE Urlzirtrr FIrISH O TE rOrGrOl roTAL 60trfrRtcr arotflt te,7n.m IAIL \AIIEY IIEDICAL CEI'IIERI'I W. f,EAUOUE DR. \AtL, CO At67 rq ! arrerrE pqJatlit tsED ]EEL Ec tcauoIt lnc l naldD !l llGla?. n€ rtFt tFmo.D m c! r|u ltdx{t lb *. ----a nrt hltltt lcta: to llc anhcitt r!.g nE raa( r[ irrlt lo Ll r,El|olG l{l ItG E qtqlor 6 Jul.23. 2001 l2:16Pltlt'8r5n uilA lrlc,SCHAUER & ASSOCIAISttlvluL a2oti r.ar! it, it t'|0.7070 nl,SnRrAJl P. 1/1 ttouEEl |/|r* tltAharurLul|||!rasuleiooHfltr,lX TrU! t6ssl40Psolm scHc oortl'v E N'A drUiE}UI FIRE IN COOF PA OrfnY o ftttED S|Ddiq Spcal Sc.Yi€ ho &.S6rrr tAndG hc.reEr arrl7l't &. a ]mE Ar'qa, CO ml l4cn' gEcKoRot P t00 TEcHIot ocy oft. sufiE 3t5 8RqrflErD, co surn rs rrrcLUrED rs ADq[fitI LJtIluRp IE{C_EFr_4S_BF!IECT5 ALt co\,!iAc! AFioiDlD Bt r{E rcRxEf,! cflpE tg^I|(xt Fot tcr] rs nmutREo try yvRTTEt{ goNTRAcr, EUT oNLY FoR LIABUTT AREtt|c otn oF TllE oPER llolls oF Tr{E f{ruEo ttsuREo. ITETTE! CEITIS@ IN:TIRITL G IECND CfiE@rlIOT |I!g IlC DEITSSIC. Jul.23. 2001 l2:43Pil SCHAUER & ASSOCIATS N0,7070 P. 1/1 Owfunmituqil: grpqbr$€c!ilSenisril ddlvErfiohiFH d $rsfnvt6treliiyhpoldeqrofilFstufid. +ecIq 6 slwtE+ Wsthehtilddrir{t drr coJ€ lold rFtb cmFrie+ narsbcrrredoa@cdlg fieosbqr/gqccbe||t wtde rcUdngafimloyapfrodrbtEi swftarocfil nceds- OsrSezfces.' ilaripSen{es LlndercdCdrrtucdm' >srlglU.tytograt*grwytrffi tarSrccp ftlceenlLanpRccydhq EcuryRed ,&cd Bet n+o-d kttla#Bda4e itatftdin|rrso&rii..itlo '@lrspor&r Sq!'a(E ;on|drrp FAftpr hrnsddon naigencyRllipat3a srdir*{'furre €p{tildSrrr"Rryirg otdwasb l{a{[lrg end Diposal j aveinflSemcs irSofdr Seyirr on$ie€ ad TrrE flg . rqEtrcntS*rices hCrX24HrrrrDey llupedrr Spcchl S.wfEt-, ltc , lga03 E l?n Avrnuq Urrit E Arrl cO f,1011{6gaPhorxc (3GD 367{trVllFc (30St 3AZ.E0E r$.fltilr.^ul GoMPAI{Y: FAXMJMBETU '?,0 - DArE TlUlot C'OMMEIITTI: PAGES @udng cstErF \orrlrncfa,z nfaP't i c @+iv Kno'J &rrcurrt Y fx"rn (t- So T ,*' frdt/ &- d*cfi- Jd Vot{ -: vlwrs! ONYX An Onlx North America company nlF=lEssAFS E rl{rEilp€p ottrIFgRlrG UsE TQ vwqu n s nooBEFso. Aio- nAv corrAH nnonHel-qr-nUns FRII'GEGED OR-gfLFlDF{Yft& Ftrrrerii Jrhrr narqa rnorrhrird trdFi.ril, athr.mdaF. a.{rrrtrqquibh frr eerdng tr negr blh [andldilCpHrt Fo -r nodErd fh.t ry -€-flr|trdofi o' drrihrlar ot ttrir corrrui.r[on b fetf_WdUfqa, f yoo hevr ccdrd tttc cornrrdcdfrrn io ctru, glorr lrlfty r Jr,t.23.2C0t t2:t2pM SC11AUIF & ASSOCiATS No,7l69 P. lii Our funmibnqtt Srpertor Soecjd Senr*-s Dil ddlYerfi€ higfE*,6rd sf quafity drd reltib|lty h providng solid'ilalile and. special walG scnri:ae. Workhg h t nd€m wilh our core solirJ usc conrp€ftt€r .rre ate bqrscd on cxcg€ding t'|e a.sbme/s e$€ci3tbns wtic prwftlirg aim'lfpit aWroadrbtrrir orndrcnnqrEl necds. Our *wicrs,: ft{adne Sewies Underrfl aEr Contuuclbn' )redgingiffitr {cusehold Haztrlbste )leen Sneeps :luorescent Lamp Rccydhg icary Rerbrt ,hed 8a[ery Dbposd tazwast eok€raga ;tabilizfr onlSolHfr cathn-ransportatbr Scrvt-s :ooieincr FGdairtEr lem€dldorr merg€ncy R€aporls€ encdciai'Rerca eptband Sunp Punping ofd W6te Fla/hg andDbposal i eudering S€rvlces lo-Soilds Scrykrs on&{ting and Trahlng Eternent Servicps x flz*rn rnv l-t00-6t&40(}5 Supcrior Specjal Senrlcus, hc-, i5{O3 E t?i Avun{a, Unit E A|I'oftt @ gllttti{a3tl Phonq (3011 3€7{7@ /Fan (3031 36/.i30t ' trtg/frw.upcr:prietcorn, COMFAI{Y: -a)1 DArE: 1/25 | COMMEITIS: FROM: PAGES (indudlng corarr): Doris, Qtun-u Ls-t /Y{lnote. ++w* is qo"J$to? -tJ st' ca'r,- do bt- Lf,, " u/Aq/)rc * oilYx An On3rr North America Company tu AAa',; THISi ilESS4GE rsr INTE'{p€D O[{LY FoR IHE USE OF THE rilDlgpu4L 9R EilnTY TO wHrCH n ls AppEtFssEp. stp uAy coxrAN JNFoRtATIOil tll,AT 1S PRfi/ll€GED OR @tlFlDEIttTAL tf ttre ruder of trts nrsrqr b notttE ltlrrd.d ruiPi.rg ot tlre enrployo or ag.nt ruponsllra for deilIvrring tlrc rnclrasr io th. inbild.d tlclplet|t, yorl ane nolified th.t any db!.mira6on or dadbulion of llriis commudcalbn 1r sfriC$y ptdtlbtd. F yos ha! rec€lccd thic cqnmgnicatrorr in stoG C€at€ nolfy ur Ju1.23.2001 l2:t2PM EANKYOII SCHAUER & ASSOi] iATS C ONTR.\ CTOR RE G ISTR.\TION PRE QUALIFICATION FORM NAIIEOICOMPAMI; Supertor Qpeciql S-ervices. rnc. . MAIUNGAIIDRESS: 15403 B. 17th Ave.. Ilntt E. Aurora. GO QOOII PEYSICALADDRISI* Same as qraLll4s addreaa . TftE fsrm nust be recgived .rd ryFrc{d pritr to issraocc cf regio'aion Please srbnit to tbe: IOUII{ OF VAIL BUILDING DEPAXIIVIENT - 75 Sorrlr Fnuugo Rord Vai[ CO t1557 PIIASE SI.]EMIT COFT OF ANY PEITIMNT REGISIRIITION WITH APPLICAIION. ]I'Tffi Slsarc GarI !. Cox Tiil€ NECI$T&\TION EEES N0.7069 ?. ?/1 Gqcral Cmlacrd ,/Cottsttct,oa MuEgcmcsr . (Vrldon srEr $ 1,000,000) &acrd Coatrrstor E|/Cor*udiol lvtanageroeol (Vduation rndcr S1,000,000) Pltruti!r l&ciuicd E@tior Ep:ctrl @t'rya& Cius. tlbsonry, Comree,Eeudor) Ortmi/Buildet Eleical Rc*{der eo6t s175.00 sl00-m t 7s.m 5 75.00 t 75.00 t ?3.00 $50.00 NOFEE Sed.ce tt25.00 s 75-00 155.00 t 5tm s 55.00 t 55.00 NOFEE hlO'fE: If yoo lrc pnrrt:dlg rl rlrcrlcd or ptuDirg rcgirrdon' yo @$[ prcvldc e clpy d A Mrcter *cgirblirn fron tte SraE of Colordo' IJABIIJIT: Optisr#l: SI.000,0O0hthoaggrqrF,htBod$Idoty I I ,000,001) itr tle agErcgarc fot Prqpcrty Daoage OpE@ #r: Coubiad sbgls linit of t1"000,000 IVORKMII{'S COr}|}f IISATION :Sbmr rfiat yor are curqtd ts the Sbre dcoloado No Igor*ua't Comp (no oplo5rco): Provida a lehcr $ding yo rrc tlE mls omrr Od d[ aof holdte Tqwn lablehr aly accidcdr rdd'thetimcym bire sonoeooe 1ou *ill pwide us rith Arorhrs CoEP. Towa cf Vrfl BuildiugDivisiq ?5 SodhFrffigFRoad vailco E16t no47yzl49 /lo4.7*2452Ftxl IHOI{Ift to3-357-O702 Fax 303-367-1 Jul.23. 2001 l2:l2PM SCijAUER & ASSc'C IATS No, i069 P, 3/1 9. D9 lq hoid aay valid )tccnscg i,c. r\dosorptumbef, Arcbirccr Eestricat? _ I 0. Lisr. the rajor items of aquiprcrr vhich you or y.ntr conpsu, or corpqetiqo sm or rvill bcascd h r!€Tmln of Vail: 13. 14. I l. List the coorraas whicb you,. r your @!Dqr. q corponriotr reE Paft ro. fuing ihe F?ioustcn (10) Farq rhat rrerE itryolvd. in litiFon of any qpo, Arl|f '--E|Ji. nr tsh p^-f lorg.-.r S-Lse I gi{dFi€G__ 12"Fq oll coarecs w-hidr yoq your conpsrry, or corFq.ation nrre party to rhrrili thc pr:vious frva(5) pac. r'harptceoragc of dFsoFqFcrE wsrc complocdwlttilinfueOrtet___g9___% tlow nush cf rhe vo* will pu dD dirEctlv uo@parcd to sub,conrarloa?_________UO_% Benlcing Referwes: ' A Pleaae eee. at-tached refple{,tre I i rr B. l)-tn&Rrereuces- j.- Pleeee see ettached refereace,llet .- ._ B. 16, Hcve you arc.r tad g licosc jn cs arcr or my other area rmder lny nnc tnt uos 'lRlvolGd lfo If so, plcase e<plain: 5'ut'odd f,o c. D. Dqied rb _ 17. If rcgirtsad! r Ccporaio orPuhecship, plcar sntr:JrFl}=.rr nbloostsfuc*Uon. CarI B. Coa. Gep€ -frI lr.nFgror af ar.-^-- n^- -OfEi.. Jul,23,2001 l2:l3Pli1 SCHAUER & ASSOC iATS N0.7063 P . +/1 TRADE REFERENCES & BANK INFORMATION Reb Environmental 4105 Holly Streef Denver, CO 80216 (303) 32$.9016 Abatix Environmental Corporation 6311 East Point Drive,#00 Daflas, TX 75227 Q14) 381-1146 Ott*noN Enterprbes, usA Inc. P.O. Box 620694 Littleton, CO 80162 (303) 76$e63e Federal Jdentification Number: 3*1 4321 1 4 Dun & Bradsteet Numhpf 80-107-ffi77 Bank lnfoniation: Bank One - Madison 22 E. Mofrin Madison, Wl 53703 Tefephone Number (608) 282{,ffi1fax Numben (608) 2826596 fontact Dennis Davidsaver Quest Elwirpnmental EE02 Bash Street Indianapolis, lN 46256 (317) s944500 Hugh tl,lYoods 1 3700 East Cotlax Avenue Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 36+5344 WW Grainger 4885 Paris Street Denver, CO 80239 (303) 371-23ei0 Jul,23, 2001 l2:l3Plvl SCHAUER & ASSOCIATS N0,706! P,5/1 STATE OF.COIO @;rerrlrf 'Ab#@'' Csrdficdp'" ::. ".. :r'::", - t' Tftis,cerffies6*, ' $uperior;'S YIIIG. 'bas met the Certification.requirements oft'25-7-5[f7, C-R.S. amd Air aueHfy Confol Crrnrrnissiom'Regplifion-Ifr- 8, H B, antl is hereby aufhorized to perform'asbestrF abatgmed activifies.in the state of Cdcado. Issoed: .06/30/1999 Expires: fin6lm01 Bccqd Nule* Ju | .23. 2001 l2:l3P[4 SC||AUER & ASS0CIATS N0,7069 P ' 6/1 ,mal'irtl UDA rllu , t I zvt vL z..t I i PAug e, ) nlEnlrAJl lBoDuc€t Mrdr USA lnc.I l(mldlidrnaI Sulte 40mJ Hor$r, T( 7002 rm55 sst€oF6{t/02 scHc r|lE CCRTFTCA1E tS ltt EO lr llfiEi S rFrfilArq qlLY lrD OflFEEt I{O RBIITI UFo,I IIIE CCNIFE^TE FOLDER O ER 'h$ TIOI€ PRO1'5ED T fiE porucry- Tr{r5 oEf,lrFtrrE DoEs rol a[Elt!, EllEl9 0R 'llER lrll cwEiro€ trF4DEO CT rl|E POLICE!DETCfrED IIEREN. OilPATIIES AFFORDIXC COVERAGE CC}|PA{Y A COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY INS. CO, raaJnEo Supenor SpedJ Sfrriceq Inc. 6a Sdt{.le t A.Fd&, Inc, 154{B Eac 1 7$ Av€nuq tJ6lt E Arrda, CO 8ml 1416 C(IVIPAY B A'ERICAN HOMEASSURANCE COT,IPANY c(ltPi{Y C N/A Cf,'rtPr+'lYD II{S. CO. OF T}IE STATE OF PA IHIS IS TO €TI5'\' TH'fr PO-IOES G INSIRAIC€ OESCRIBED HEREI{ HA'IG aEETI 'SUED TO trtE II{II.REO I{AiEO HREIN Fq THE PO-ICY PERIOO INDIC. IED. NCITWTHSIA'{OING ^t{Y RFq.itREMSfi. rER; (x c(t{Or]€N OF aNY @N1R^Cr (n OfHER OOCUIraEfit WTH nElfEc? TOIlrlCfl lxE C€RnFlcArE r{AY EE ISIJED fi IAY FERTAN, TXE IiTg,JR NCE TFFORDEO Ff THE POLTOESOESTEEOHERSN TAEJBECTIO TLL tttE TERMq OO{OTTKX{S ^ tO AcLUgc}{S G {llo{ FOUdES LrMT3*i<tA.i1 MAY HAVE EEiI REOUCED SYPAO CI.AME oolti 1l?l oF tt|uuraE FC.JGIT II,|EF ,OIICY EFFECTIYE DA1E tutroDtnt) r4Ft 5XPnlr|Cl DA?l ||umrw,lrrS A GEltu8.x GL 417 7311 Inorror 67n1tt2 CXERAL IGGFEGATE 3 l,OO.(m PIODUCI13.COTIF€F AG It I,o(xl,(xto PERS}I{'L '.IOVINJURY $ 1.000.000 EACH O€URNE$|CE $ t,000,0(It RRE otlt rtGE (Ary trc l^d 5 r,o@.oe MED EXF f/by qr. rtgu s 90m A A x AffruTO ^.L OT,XED 'UTOSgIEOIJIIDAJT€ IflRED 'UTOgr{<n|4tNEO /tlrT<p cA 706 6100 (0,s) cA 3o5 4063 (TX) o7p1tm qnu@ CorldNED gNoLE l|MlT I t.o(p,(m EOatLY | [JUraY PG F-s4 s EODILY I iI.IJRY F a€dgto $J FROFERTY OX/tAGE t arRF€ us|lrw-l*-ro-l AJTO OftLY -EA ACGDEI{T G cttliER Tt{a[ rurooNLY EACH I@OENT $ A€GREG'E $ qcE6. tlllrr luM*|rAFGfl I OI{ER IIIAN UIIERRLT FOTM EACI.IGI',RRE €0 ,dORECAIE s 0 D D I F |'rrFr'r,xa r.(r|.EiaA EfP ldrt it LrltLttY T}TI PiOFRIETfi' PAFTNRSE)€OJTI\€ CFFICRIS TRg El*oI lsrcr r,\c .r55itcr7 (Aos) \ c 4s52.401 (W) rrrt 45sa398 (cA) |,F45Q.O0 (AZ.MD) 07rot/01 07/otDt 07tc1to1 wn1nl tflo @ glto1t{! 67tO1tae 67n1M2 x|,ETiilY;I I'di EL EAO'i rrCOOE.Ir 3 r,os,@ :L Dl€^.*to-rcY LtMrT $ t,o@,(m iL lr-rsEttcll EI{PLo\GE $ r,om,o(It I DEecirro c eEtA !..t6cTnfl-mErEEal-tEd[ rGr€crFEIaY E sretdr ro oEousrsretoR rETEr{rfll) PROJECT LoCATION: VAIL MEDICAL oEIITER 1Bl W. MEAoOW DR., VAL, co st6f/ DESCRIPION; REMOVAL OF 500 SO. FT. CEILINO TILES START DAIE: 07/2t 0t FINISH IIATE: 1O(8r01 1OTAL CONTRACT AUOUNT: E8,7'.OO lue;:{*qwcacENrER mu-o ^lr c nG FouoEB oCEnBED rREtN tE C NCAUo ltotl ?}| aHu?lofl o t! |letl(', rc r{anEF +Fqp|r|o cqEi .€ wu aDEArq 10 r,|lL --JO tA\l Yfitm{ xtF! tO tll ttllllQ{tl ld'Dlt sla lc.Et( lt r FAllrrG t0 tr|l arH iprlcE ssLl FolG p QLl4lloa (R Lr/rluyc arEiD tPqrc T||iRERIFFORD||aC C(tIiAg{ tfSAGIiISq iEFRBgllfirEs Ba[y N. s.nifl Jul.23, 2001 l2:l4PM .llaritn UDA tnc,SCHAUER & ASSc|CIATSttevfvL liJti No'1069 n'.gnEtAL P, 1/7 l/AuL J/ J MrJ| USA hctm LouldansSulle{O Houdon, T)( 77002 t{x!56 €sr€oPs{rtr@ scHc OdVlt.l.rv E N/A EIR'INGHA,| FIRE INS CO OF PA ogpf{Y 0 IA'iCD Sup.dd Sp.dd Srrlo. Inc. OrsdrflJ t^.-d.b., hc. t glcl Ed l7b Av.rue. Unit E AurorECO S01146 BECKGRC,UP IM TECHNOLOGYDR. SUrIE3T5BROOUFIELD, COsC[zI IS INCLUDED AS ADDITIONAT I1.6URED(EXCEPTAS FESPECTSALL SOI/ERAG€ AFFOROED BY T}IE T'FRKERS COI'PENSATON FOLICY) A3 REOUIRED BY IA'RITTEN CONTRACT, BUT ONLY FOR UAELITY AREIING OUTOF THE OPERATIOI'IS OF THE IIAI,|ED INSUREO. rncutDEs coPltj(@ ruEBIlL tr lr(nD cqPclclt rITH rE6 gEnlfrssrcl[' z EI.-. a. -p !:. .4-tl a 1..IA h t! it E 6 aI !r !(t I tsl\l i' '\: Ii r+a\, *i.\ -v -.-t0 r,r1 :-a\\.t -'. v\>E 'r.r.l \_--.r._-\3s \. -- eJ : 'tr1 -'\ Jd( ,q. r-su$-T\J .i 1\d!1 < =\. '\r*. q n' ,J1,;:I j --<* rq-r.' - \,'.r .{. !A i--td c*J 1: 1- t!{ 1 -i t n raa :i) t "'zJ-r)6, -*4 i;_- 4n lJ.l ^)t-? 'a 'r\i I d ielni:-=- | d ( 1St 3 3'"r @00 T d lJt ] J € ,$ ,1 $(A ,) u t,sU t'a $g ) \"^ F B T !- -r€ B I 6I o g ?2trl il () n !t Bf <r F] S] JI F{K5I t f LoAIL tLts-lV (5e (6rter)*vt\tL VALL9Y L (eNtttL 7l2ylot h Tl2tlot Re-^or^1d((a Wask lonl ovl 3 slvg'e de-x Pobl,, ac.?.s s Dar71 a a hre gsc*pe C'trt k NeTaAw A.,'. u^rb'ne exlavc{ .f[ Wcslr s$n7c nve*e-*f, itrt. t af. :Iaa ul:' gtffi?tct IArrEr^IJ yr}.^0 @Irfl ilL9t(f)tv fns}ps-hs Frb*x-* Vv t;l:'::,'p?il D M @ m D @ la r- F-r,s#rr- fl ptdfrl ;lOI ID UEE! ,.f,i Fr -a -' 't(LIY , ,til oA.ir - -E3 i *0r: 6 I09 @ iis 5 9Pntr(/, .i-: c 3 E:3E 9- :6ll)co_ .ilg J P 7':, E:> 6. E 3 irit,ii5r g =-tso)i:i:s: q 3R3E 3i;:sr9Y FE;i 6 r a9 t XzIa c-.I :s.US .e bB VlE* oo6+ roA> es8 > =f !{I.--..__/ :-r'i aojg-E onlic.l i'i 6 ':al.\cl=:i v ^o' li Y* u'6@(J!@'= iu3tt o -t6alEz.ldlJ-rl- . >,8 ;g ()JJ d 'a gl :; Pr.\s \$ \-- \$\ I t\c. \J4 r$lr+-l E E+ 'p6+:EE c;' 9,E !g$ E€ $fiEE S Ei;3f HEE (.:ts r._ Y;ir., 9Y,Zv=i^; .5_ I -dg i ^Y 6;ir!ii..i tr; lat -E ;AE-._+ eF Id q Jqle ;i?' b E .:'iFE E .7'* ,E 5 ;$dE t 16.';f i$s€; ;6;< u) rld IF | .rt '5 .9 v) c_ .; TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 a.479-2t38v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D0l-0033 Job Address: l8l W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.......: Parcel No....: Prqject No . :?ilfl.,itti: oto+ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/08/2001 Issued...: 08/08/2001 Expires. . .: 02/0412002 OWNER. VAIL CLINIC INC 181 W MEADOV| DR VAIL CO 81657 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR AE3}IDS, INC 8141 I'F I-70 FTD ROAD NORTH ARVADiA COLO 80002 License:611-S APPI.IEA}IT ACA}iIDS, I}IC 08/08/2o0L Phone: 08/0e/2o0t Phone: 303-940-9700 0e/08/200L Phone: 303-940-9700 8141 I'F I-70 FTD ROAD NORTH ARVADA COLO 80002 License:611-S Desciption: RXMOVING ASBESTOS FROM IST & 2ND FLOOR Occupancy: Type Constnrction: TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $30.000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Infonnation: R€shioted: # ofGas Appliances: O # ofGas l-ogs: 0 { of. Wood-Pellet: 0 ......*..||t|'t..t'*'..tt*'***:}:}:|,t.ii*t||'***t:}:}:|*......***|'t*|.|||tttt Building-> S350. oo Rograrant Plan Rwiew->So . oo Total Cdculated Fe€s-> $580 .50 pfan Check-> 5221 .SO DRB Fe€----------> $o . oo Addilional Fees---> S7s . 00 tnvesigalion-> go. oO Re€reattion F€€-> 90. oo Total Permit Fee-> S555 .50 Will Call-> 53 . oo Clean-up Deposit-----> So . oo Paym€nts'-"----> S555 ' 50 TOTAL FEES-_-> S5so . so BALAhICE DUiE-> 90 . 00 taa'taattallrt****lt Approvals:IEem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEIflI 08/08/200L DF Action: AP It.em: 05400 PIJAf'I]II]IG DEPARTMN:I Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMB.TT O8/08/2OOL nrvaughan Action: AP approval is based on verbal ag'reement of fd walk through prior bo beginning of abatement . conEractsor will take any and all steps require to prevent' actiwat,ion of fire alarm 6yst.em. PAGE2 :i tr:t*** * tt * * * * * * * !t**'t'i {r* '**t 't** * * 'l *'t ** +** 'i * * * *:t'i* * rt**** I ***'t * * **{r * ** {r'tl' 'i't+ ***'l'i * * 'lt*** {.** ** t '* '*'* * **** * | ** t*'l * ^-. CONDITIONS OFAPPROVALlJ Permit #: D0l-0033 as of 08-08-2001 Status: ISSUED 't'}*:}**'}l*+**t|'t***'t't**{t't*'t+{t'l****'|.t|.*+********,}'***{t*'l'i***|i*'f**'}'t{t't*t{t+***'|'l***+{':t**'}***:f*+t'******+***|*+ PermitType: DEMO.OFPART/ALLBLDG. Applied: 08/08i2001 Applicant: ACANDS,INC Issued: 08/08/2001 303-940-9700 To Expire: 0210412002 JobAddress: l8l WMEADOWDRVAIL location: ParcelNo: 2l0l07l0l0l3 Description: REMOVING ASBESTOS FROM IST & 2ND FLOOR Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FORASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCTJRING ON THIS SITE. IF FTJRTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250..-,I: I GR.N): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLTIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ' any false alarm associaEed urith this abat,emenc may resulE in prosecution under bhe rmrnicipal code, tovrn of wail' Item: 05500 PIJBIJIC WORKS page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RXQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI.JRS OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clern-up Deposft To: N/A OF OWNER OR CTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 Permit application will not be accepted without the following: 1. Copies of General Abatement Certificate and State of Colorado Certification 2. A copy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any temporary disabling of the air handling systems, fire sprinkler system, and alarm systems with the names and contact phone numbers of these individuals. 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste container storage location. waste load out area location. entry and exiting details of abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the structure in unaffected areas. Parcel # Job Address: Subdivision: descriDtion of work:;;;';" ct-a.zt.rrr,' t-.Alrp,.r^Lg Staft Time: 67 Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet:Square Feet: Apee 55/Gal Drums: WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo(\) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (),)Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Commercial (I) Restaurant ( ) other Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( l() No ( )a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( y.) No ( ) Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit CONTRACTOR INFORMATION for Parcel # Contact and Phone #'s: t"o})q4o-c7@ - On Site Abatement Contractor: FCq,na5,ftrc .t L;\ffi VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Asbestos Abatement: $ Jo,eo, oo l****r,*****,t*******rr:k*********>|,r*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**rr*****)s**rr*****rr**************rr**'t* 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it bebre you were helped? 4. Was your project reviercd on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirstlime to file a DRB app ' 'PEC app- i. Bldg Permit_ MA _-:__ . ? . . 6. Please rab the perfurmance of fie sffiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Selice Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What ls the best lime of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? K-,-.^\$\g) NntfivtnlV HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Cornmunity Doreloiment Department Russell Fonest Directot (9701479.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnen(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmenbl_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inifial contact wih our staifi immediate_ slow _or l no one avaifabfe ? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time h complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. 48. '.I|^ 7(1( 'lt&.:r..-.. - P, 2/3 ,Aue,7.2001 ll:3lAM SUPERIOR SPECIAL SERVICES INC {olux l-@33 August 7,2001 Mr. Bob Johannes Colorado Deparbnent of Health APCD-SS.B1 4300 Cherry Creek Drive Soutft Denver, CO 80222-1530 Fax 303-782-0278 RE: Permit #0tEA3l72A, Vail Medical Center, t8{ W, Meadow Drive, Vail CO 8'1567 Dear Mr. Johannes, We have been requested by Mark Fischer of Watsh Environmental to tansfer this permit from Superior Special Services, Inc. to AC & S. Please find attached a copy of the odginal permit. ThanK you for your attention to this matter. lf )eu have any questions, please ieel free to call me at 303-472-0386- Vfvnot Environment '"W, e,{ CarlB. Cox General Manager cc: fildDOl-Odl 9uparior sp.Gi.l servaces' lnc. 15403 East 17th Avenue, Unit E, Auror€' CO 80011'4636 phone: 303 367 O7O2. fax: 303 357 1308 www.sup€rspaclS l. com Aus.7. 2001 n:3lAM SUPER IOR SPEC IAL SERV ICES INC N0.7575 P, 3/3put - c (a7 STA|E OF COLOTUDO Bill owanr Covsnot J.nc E Norton. Ar€qdlc DI|E<tor Dtdacd D lrorlring nd inppvltE tts rlrafrh ud qlilrrrmcrlt o, tls @ o{ coludo aloo Ch.cy ctck Dr, S. lg:borolory and Radlrtlm Scrvicg DMCon Dcnver, Color.do 802.16.1 53o 01 0o Loirry Blvd. Ptrcne {301) 692-2000 Denvet, Coloado 80230€928 TDO Une Oo3169t.7700 603) 692.3090 (oc.t€d In Clcndrlc, Color.do lq:/hvvv.dptr^xac,o.u s For tDe locatior spccificd bclow: Vail L[edicgl C€Dt€r lE1 West Meadow Drive VaiL CO t15d/ Eagle Courty Prdccr Srpetrrlsor ir l,inde A. Frocinke , Ccrdficrdoa No. tt9&t155 Project M""ngcr: S/AIVED Perrithsrcdoo: WnTn@L Record Nuobcr: 329E PcrmitNnmbcr: OLE 3L72A Ampuar Prid: $ 550 Check Nunber: 4741 Iscoed by: $rTB Innsfi*dy ndily tto Atbettot hit of pmja noAnaWs b! fLr at n3-78Un78 otd thc dptopiau ctm$ hcalh depan tizrt b fat- Ptojca noscfurs ittcWc chznges in rte sopc of rvorft, rtc schdnlcd wo* &lcs or titttcs, ard t C proJcctrnMtcr. bndoDepart-r'r ofPulilicf{czh& ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT This pernir is g1r61d subject to Cotoredo Air Qretiry Coatrol Couroisaioa R.egulciol No. t, hrt B, edoPbd SGPreGbcT tg, 1996 ard. cffective Noveober 30, 1996, thc Air Quality Conrot Act CR.S. l9E2'& 1995 (?5:7-!01 ord' E 7-SOht se6 ?Bn the pmvirions otr tle reverse of tbie pcrotr. It is oDly for tbc purposc of allowilg tsbcsto$ $Etemcd- Afr ORIGINAI,PERT|IITMI'IYT EE DOSIED OI{ 6ITI AT AI.L IIMEII. As a coorNcto(, you tnsy be rubjecr to oihcr liccqses aud p€mdh, dcpcodlg oo tbe requireoeuts of the coury ud mlnicipality in which rhC nork irbeiug perforucd. Ths Colondo Dcpartnent of h$lic.Ilcelth, Air Pollutiol Conhol Divisioa rt-oSly 9nrgg€sts th:t you Oect< rlA couory ald artboritier iD osd€r o dctcrmiae ay other local buildiag&croiring rcqnirttocols fitr out bc mcr. This emissionpernit is valid from07l%l200l through l0lzll?Nl Tlp acnral scheduted work darcs are ftom 07l%l200l tbrougb l0l03l?Nl This pernit h:s been issued. ro: Superior Sp€dal SeIyicesi Inc" 15403 East lTtlh Avernue, Iteil Aurora, CO 80011-4dt6 d!\nrdl lU5lt6&.|l90 Lqr 60l rrAlb(c'JUL t'* znnt Hrhu.caturu\t-dldtflr DDr- m33 PROJECT DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS FORASBESTOS ABATEMENT VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 18,| WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO PART I. PROJECT PARTICIPANTS 1.1 Project Gonsultants: WALSH ENVIRONMENTAL lNC. 1.2 Proiect Designerl Dan Kurchatski cERTlFlcATloN # 524'52'7 153 1.3 Project ilanager: RUSS COCHRAN , WALSH ENVIRONMENTAL l.r[ Golorado State Certified Abatement Gontractor: ACandS' Inc. I .5 Proiect Supervisor/Gompetent Person : Harold Richaldeo n 1.6 ACandS,Inc. Prcject tanager: Don Liss PART2. GENERAL 2.0 The Project: This project consists of asbestos abatenent (removal and disposal) of friable and non-friable asbestos containing materials performed in accordanec with applicable Federal, State, and Local requirements and Contract documents. lt is the intent of ACandS, Inc. to remove selective portions of asbestos-containing materials in the structure, to allow structural supports and remodel to proceed. The building was built 1970's 1980's era. lt was constructed of essentially concrete, and steelwith a masonry brickwork exterior. The structure consists three levels accommod ating rned ical and patient treatment faci lities. 2.{ Work Area/Abatement Scope of Work: 2.1.1 Work area and abatement scope of work will include the following: Removal and disposing of friable and non-friable asbestos containing floor and associated mastics on levels 'l and 2. 2.1.2. Quantities Removal of approxirnately 1950 sq. ft. of ACM floor tile and mastic, 470 sq. ft. of linoleum and 1500 sq. ft. of Asbestos containing mastic material' 2.2 Prcject Start Date and Duration: 2.2.1The proiect start date for the first floor Asbestos Abatement is scheduled to start on or about August 10-13, 2001' The second floor will closely follow. All work is scheduled to be completed by September 4, 2001' All work will be perfonned betrveen the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays will be pre-approved and utilized as a make-up day if work is shut down during regular working days. The Contractor will not work on Labor Day September 3,2001 Genera! Abatement Scope of Work: 2.3.1 All asbestos abatement work will be performed in strict compliance with all EPA, OSHA, and State of Colorado Regulation No. 8 unless a variance to perform portions of the work using an alternate method is obtained from the Colorado Department of Health. 2.3.2 The Abatencnt Contractor will demarcate the 1"t, 2d Floors as the Asbestos Abatenrent Work Areas. We will erect the decontamination unit on the EastMest access on the first floor with the load out facility located on the opposite end of the building. We will set up negative air machines prior to any abatement activities. 2.3.3 The Abatement Gontractor has been advised that the building will be occupied throughout the abatement operation and will take all necessary precautions to dernarcate our work areas to insure the safe$ of the building occupants. Proper placarding and signage will be in place to warn any personnel that abatement activities are in progress. 2.3.4 The Owner will provide temporary power in order to utilize our GFI panels and will provide water as necessary to perform the work. PART 3. ABATEIIIENT STRATEGY 3.1 Demarcate Work Area: 3. 1 .1 Place State of Colorado Emissions Permit at the entrance to the Personnel Decontamination Facility. 3.1.2 Place "Danger Asbestos" signs at the entrance to the work area. 3.2 lsolate Existing Electrical Power: 3.2.1 Shut down (where possible), shut off, tag out and seal off all electrical equipment and receptacles in the work area. 3.2.2 Furnish and install temporary electrical panels equipped with ground fault circuit intenupters housed in waterproof boxes. 3.2.3 All electrical tie ins are the responsibility of the Abatenent Contractor. The Oruner will assist with the needed information concerning location and voltage availability. 3.3 leolate Existing HVAC Equipment: 3.3.1 Shut down/isolate and seal off all HVAC equipment, ductwork, and difiusers in our work area. 3.4 Initiate Negative Pressurc Differential: 3.4.1 Negative pressure differential between the work area and adjacent non-work areas must rernain at a minimum of -.03 inches water column pressure differential throughout the abatement process. 3.4.2 Plae three (3) HEPA filtered Pressure Differential Units (PDUs)' based on a total work area volurne of 20,000 cubic feet of air and 900 cfrn actual airflow created by each PDU under load. Place the PDUs the farthest distance from the decontamination facilities, and exhaust the PDUs to the outside through lay flat or flex duct. (This is applicable to only the work area on the first floor South side of the building where the linoleum is located). Please see drawings attached for exact location. 3.4.3 Abaternent Contractorwill utilize windows to facilitate PDU exhaust. 3.4.4 Abatement Contractor will install and maintain an electronic negative pressure manometer with strip chart recorder. 3.5 Ple-clean Work Area and lnstall Poly Banierc: 3.5.1 Pre-clean all stationary items located inside the work area. 3.5.2 Install critical poly baniers including but not limited to sealing over all penetrations, windows, door openings, ect. with a six mil sheet poly and duct tape. lnstall 2 layers of six-mil poly sheeting to all non-abatement surfaces, walls, ceilings and floors where applicable. 3.5.3 Install plugs in all existing floor drains. 3.5.4 ACandS will provide'hard walls" where the enclosure(s) or staging area(s) will be exposed to public and/or staff accessible areas. Where no permanent walls exist, ACandS, will construct netal stud/plate walls with one layer of plytwood or drywall on the side facing the public/staff. 3.5.5 Polyethylene sheeting shall be affixed in such a manner that will ensure it will remain in position throughout the duration of that particular abatement containment. 3.6 Life Safety SignagelDiagnams: 3.6.1 Changes to emergency egress as a result of the Abatement operation including changes to exit lights/signs, emergency egress diagrams, informational signs witl be provided and maintiained by the Abatement Contractor. 3.7 Gonstruction and Maintenance of Pensonnel Decontamination Facility: 3.7.1 The Contractor will build in place contiguous to the work area a five- stage decontamination facility enclosure. The five stages will consist of a clean room, air lock, shower, air lock and equipment room. ACandS will follow minimum CDPHE requirements by separating the "Clean Room", Shower Room, and Equipment Room, using plastic flapped doorways- 1. For purposes of minimum complience with CDPHE regulations, CDPHE interprets an air lock to m€n a space or fl+ped doomay. Due to site characteristics (unoccupied setting, small disturbed uork areas etc.), flapped doorways may be treated as an air lock, rezulting in a true 3+hambered decontamination unit. 3.7.2 Any hose used to supply water to the decon unit, or any part of the work area must have a minimum rating of "heavy duty". No "garden hose" type hoses will be used. 3.7.3 The shower water filtering pump assembly will include GFI protection. All water supplies must be shut off and disconnected from the sour@ atthe end of each work shift. 3.7.4 The Decontamination facility shall be inspected prior to and at the end of each shift to insure it's integrity and cleanliness. 3.8 Gonstruction and Maintenance of Wasto Load Out Facility: 3.8.1 The Contractor will build in place contiguous to the work area a three strage waste load out enclosure. The three stages will consist of a waste handling chamber, wash chamber and holding chamber. 3.8.2 The Waste Load out facility will be constructed in such a manner as to allow enough room to properly handle any containerized waste that will be passed through. 3.8.3 The Waste Load out shall be constructed of materials that will withstand heavy use through multiple shifts. Te Load Out will be inspected prior to and at the end of each shifi to ensure that it maintains it's integrity. O 3.9 Jobsite Gommunicaffon: 3.9.1 The Contractor will furnish hand held radios capable of allowing employees to communicate from inside the work area to employees outside the work area. 3.{0 OSHArStato of Golorado Required Air Sampling: 3.10.1 The Abatement Contractor will be responsible for the OSHA required personal/excursion air samples 3.10.2 PCM air sample analysis will be utilized for all OSHA required air sampling and for aggressive clearance air samples. 3.lt Gross Asbestos Removal and Clean Up: 3.11.1 This project is straightforward and requires multiple $pes of asbestos flooring materials. ACandS, will remove the non-friable flooring and mastic under Appendix B of Colorado Regulation #8 pertaining to floor coverings. The friable linoleum will be removed under full containment conditions. After all of the friable asbestos has been removed and placed in the appropriate containers the removal of the non-friable flooring materials shallbe initiated. 3.11.2 The Contractor will rernove all materials wet using amended water. 3.11.3 Abatement Contractor must use appropriate means to bag and contain materials as they are being removed. 3.11.4 Asbestos removal will be accomplished utilizing hand removal methods, and performed by State of Colorado Certified Asbestos workers and Supervisors. 3.12 Post Removal Clearance Protocol: 3.12.1 After gross removal is complete and allwaste containers have been removed from the work area, the contractor will HEPA vacuum and wet wipe all dust and debris from the work area surfaces. 3.12.2When the Contractor feels asbestos abatement and pre-lock down cleaning is cornplete Walsh Environmental will perform a visual inspection. After Walsh Environmental is satisfied the work area is clean, the Contractor will apply a lock down encapsulant 3.12.3 All work area surfaees will be agitated with a one horse power leaf blower by a State of Colorado Air Monitoring Specialist. Final air samples will then be collected. 3.12.4 Final air clearance is achieved when sample analysis indicate a fiber concentration of >.01 f/cc. 3.12.iContractor must closely follow set procedures for shutting down HEPA equipped PDU and dismantling the containment. Allpoly sheeting utilized for the containment shall be considered as ACM waste and disposed of as such. 3.13 Disposal 3.1 3.1 All ACM waste containers will consist of two layers of six-mil poly and sealed with duct tape. 3.13.2A11 waste containers will be properly labeled as asbestos waste with the appropriate DOT label and Generator information. 3.13.3 All friable asbestos waste shall be properly manifested and will be transported to the DenverArapaho Disposal Site. ? I t x + I zo.9 .g :E \:... 4dz>A IDO.E a ZNH s F FEE EIJ F = F t7zttll F tr aa t\\l \\) I I -lolrl(!l tl _xl*l I .=;- \,6 -9 xz. z';a ,. Y'.,,. o-: Y ---.1 - . .. (! ii X =- = 4 ;1. q) ,J o ?.9 9'a =di 1€ KeE ccj j>> E :F= E :: ::c)o - C): :== 35e=*(.,)()!!-L!0J=r.FEqi38 EE*8;SS#r-E ; = =I(- (! (ts (- .) ^ '.-q- Cc o o o --." o ohN ., .r ., .-::, . - -L E€€d(t:: ,= E:l- ^ =nKs?EiEiE;FE C'e666aE6lx6'] FFFss"*€ FFFFr 9 d.).J () o.)-L- cr - -i or ,.., F F F F E E:; i i;:&pp#sP.i,yn6,9F,! g.H-d,d,- " <.oUOr-.tqOi-:;>l 6 I I It-tg ta u;t- z-lI a,F15 =* UIE . *!l! t >lE rlll C\l I ra) ; t:\ ! t E &, I B i6 1 4 J z .:g >€ E\ ZoEQ5o2e3 FE< oo N\v'lL\\ I//Jt\\ liflL-\:t lzt Fn I = F K\\N\'l (g .: \./ o l-s 8> "iq)Q.D z"i6 FFQu4' x Y c; Y F.,1 :5-= dL():ri6EU5 l- -= -l ., (l) '!t a) 3. o:. 3.g ;E =d -0,, o d)= o) O zz 0r !? EU) t a t .t a- q) ol I !?l- zo () 6 s! 7 ><t^ < ;oF fl r2-,* ?i;Y 9g!'z zgx .i i|l ; 'P<-9 3 g ;-> @ 24s:b d IE "5fl N -di.,! H xi - > >-!!< o o oJE9! r rfi |,] e .zqaq,9= n =6.-", ^U:*389o-zl"e > ,^ ->-oo;i _u(, > F '.e'11'f;.9>"; t -u < == a uz >63i < - 3:9e;E =;5 E: e Ao q, ad trlxt{ =LU zotr LrJJ uJ a to 6r- HCrJ- --16y = ok = dt E fi.8 F 5htLM-? l! jii :rt l! il j: :tj li:i i," ti'V=Iu zI(L :. Fi. E al ql : dJ-l I i-- | i!r"i ,^: :i3:.rEf e i "'3=':;: I| -r::'!" :..:;:5!:s;:t:; !;.it/\i j / \it ri:irr lltt _:l .'; :i:i ;!ic'!: UJ E.fQoJ C)z TU t ozo() tu ct) I.IJ E. =ao Oz TU f f5 x. e.(L ! ;'1 i o 0o z€alcexo5IO' (., o- aa a ct tso cA oo TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 -p70-479-2138It NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES OWNER VAIL CLINIC INC 181 W MEJADOW DR VAII-, CO 81657 License: coNTRAeroR ENCOMPASS ELECTRTCAL TECHNOLo?/23 /200L Phone : 970-949-609s 2LO1 W, COLI,EGE AVENTIE EI{GLEWOOD, CO 8 0LL0 License: 146-E APPIJICAIE ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECIINOLOT/23/200L Phone: 970-949-6095 2LO7 W. COLI,EGE AVETiIT'E EI.IGI-,EWOOD, CO I0110 IJicerrEe : l-4 5 -E Desciption: Vail Valley Medical Center Addition Valuation: $34.350.00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 181 WMEADOWDRVAIL Location.....: ParcelNo...: 2l0l07l0l0l3 ProjectNo' ?'4xO1--plOl Electrical-----> s53o. oo Permit #: E0l-0155 Status...: APPLIED Applied. . : 07l23l2$Ol Issued . . : Expires. .: 07/23/2OOL Phone: FEE STMMARY 'tlattrtrtl'i'la'|*attttt'r''r'r*'r'r*tr*tt"tt*tttt'll:lll"al|'i*****'! Total Calculated Fees-> S633.00 Additional Fees_r S0, oo Total permit Fee__> 5633 . 00 Payrn€rns--> 90. 00 BAL$ICE DU[E___> 9533 . 00 DRB Fee-> lnv$tigslio[--> will calt-> 07/23/?OOL DF ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMI 90. OO s0. o0 s3.00 TOTALFEES-> 5633. oo t*t**ttttta+aatllt Approvals: IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTME{T Act.ion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS IIbV acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and sJthat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarL to comply with all Town ordinanc€s and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RE(XJESIS rcR. IN8PECflON gt{ALL BE I{ADE TWENTT-FOIjR HOlrRg IN ADVA},ICE AT 479-213t oR AT oUR OFF|CE FloM 8:||0 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR I{IMSETP AND OWNE APPLICATION 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) 'nvn0FVln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 B1Cew.-Pnra LoG'Spv Oeo?CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONt I o clrtc&- Electrical Cqotractor: €. €T{orkv fv}fn. Town of Vail Req. No.: rqu'F,-- Contact and Phone #'s: (otb Aert^ir,.- q\i 9 - 6oq{ contractor sisnat2277 i-Q,f- toy e4( ,o,,,n6ffiNEwBuILDSandVALUATIoNsFoRALLoTHERs(Labor&Materia|s) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:70" E fl erecrnrcruVALUArloN: $ 3 /,3 9o. cso Contact Assessors Otrice at 970-328-8640 or visit # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) JobName:v,v,,nc, - r3 (ooun JobAddress:r, / E. t4e.,J.-Dr. v^il , LD Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: lr\K(EdiFil C P"-,"r-c"Dl Phone:1o3. lz t .66oo Oetaiba aescriptbn oi w ll4adc-rai zz T9 roorra "i..^ Wes) Lri^t br-g.r.---,y/(\'loca'4'o"' WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(N) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ()Q Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-famif( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) other(Y) |il",2,+.! No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: n /o,No. of Accommodation Units in this building: at/q Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) frfo t(t Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ()Q No ( )Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yo M No ( ) for Parcel ****************************rr**********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: F :/everyo ne/f orm gelec?erm TVWNOF Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6. s Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect o a switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. f, D TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES O n|| installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is reouired. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Q.7^r'-o/ Date Signed Oou have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. understand the above. Kilts/*J Tilw0Fv3!, HOW DID WE RATE WTrH YOU? Tourn of Vail Survey Community Darelopment Departnent Russell Fomst Director, (970)479.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC _ 2. Was your initial contact witr our staiffimmediate_ dow or I no one available_? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was yor proiect reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ ll/A 6. Please rate $e performance of fie staf person who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knodedge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overaflefiecliveness of $e Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you ne,\ttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete fiis survey. We are commited b improving our service. TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 fl0-479-2t38v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT JobAddress: l8l WMEADOWDRVAIL Location.....: JOB TRAILORS TEMP PWER Parcel No...: ^ 2l0l07l0l0l3 ProjectNo ' Y(ZOI -0167 Permit #: E0l-0174 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/15/2001 Issued. . : 0811612001 Expires. .: 02/l2l2OO2 OI{NER VA,II CLINIC INC 1,91 W MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO 816 57 License: CoNTRACTOR ENCOMPASS ELEC"TRICAL TECITNOLoS/Is /2O0L Phone : 97O-949-6O9s 2LO7 W. COLI,EGE AVENI,'E EIIGT,EWOOD, CO 80110 License: 146 -E ApPLIeSl[f Et{coMPAss EL,ECIRICI], TECSINOI-,o8/L5/200L Phone: 970-949-6095 2TO7 W. COLLEGE AVETiIT'E ENGLEWOOD, CO I0110 License: 145-E Desciption: Vail Valley Medical Center Addition Valuation: $2,000.00 |..,'||l*||*ll..l'tlt.'||''*'**'||'''i||,i|||**'t|'':l'l'li'}*t'''t.t.||i...|| Ele€kicsl-> S5O .00 Total Calculaled Fees-> S53 .00 DRB Fee-> SO . OO Addiliond Fees-> s0 .00 lnvedigalion-> So. oo Total Permil Fee--> S53 ' 0o Will C.ll-_> 93 . Oo Payrnents-> 953 ' oo TOTALFEES-> S53. OO BALANCE DLIE-_> 9O.OO aaraaaaaaaaa$raaa Approvals:ItEm: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 0g/15/2OOL DE Action: AP IIeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBfiT ll,l.{t'ltratalltlaaI CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DCI. ) : FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRm TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. '|'..'l,|'',}''..'|.|':}i|||**......tl||'|'|tltl't.1..|..t|t|tt||||llt|||||li''||||.||tttt|*|DECLARATIONS IlbV acknowledge that I have read this application, filted out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plar; and rfitbat att the information as required is conect. I agree !o comply with the information and plot plat! !o comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and o build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. 08/t5/200L Phone: REQUESTS FON, II\IIIPECI'ION 8HAIJ. BE MADETWBNTY.FdJR HOURS TN TTJRE OF omCE FROM tdt0 All - t Plif FORHIMSEI 'A}.IDOWNE Electrical Permit #: mvfi0pYAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 816ti7 Town of Vail Reg. No.: FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL AMOUI{T OF SQ FT rN STRUCTURE:TeaP ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $/, Asssorc Olllce at 970-328-8fr0 orvisit Parel# Job Mdres: ,r,flL*pJob Name: fA 6e S"e frzo''lczk WorkClass: New() Addition() Remodel () Repair() TempPower(uf Other() Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (Vf ootn 1 1 Does an EHU odst at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bbg,: Single-family ( ) Duplo< ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (f Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler tt*******.**r**i****nr!r*r*t*********rr**FOR OFFICE USE OiILY*i*****ii.r*****ii**.****t*********** Fwro AUG 1 5 2001 TOV-COM.DEV. F:/everyondfu rms/elecperm Amendmentto the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit br.eaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located noyt to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All undeground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no elecUical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to andler. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or sFuctures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERJTIIT GUIDELINES All installations of elterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot hrb or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obhin a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or eletrated platform, a sbuch.rral engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a mulU-family building with a homeowners association, a tetter of permission from the association is required. i o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Q rou have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspecbr at970-479-2147. The inspector can be reacherl on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday monrings betrreen the hourc of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voie mail and the inspecbr will call you badc B o TT o IJ tr oo and understand lhe above. Signaturc TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 4D-479-2t38v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT JobAddrcss: l8l WMEADOWDRVAIL Location.....: TOWER CRANE TEMP POWER Parcel No..,: c\74{0/l0l0l3 -hojectNo ' VUbl'Dl6+ Permit #: E0l-0175 StAfuS...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/15/2001 Issued. . : 08/16/2001 Expires. .: 02ll2l20Dz OViINER VAIL CIJINIC IIIC 181. W MEADOW DR VAIIJ CO 8165? I-,icense: coNrRAcToR EsIcoMPASS ELECIRICAL TECHNOLoS/ls / 200L Phone : 970- 949 - 6095 2LO7 W. COLLEGE AVETiIT]E EIiIGLEWOOD, CO 80110 License: 145-E APPIJICIMI ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAIJ TECHNOL,,08/L5/200L Phone: 970-949'6095 2TO7 W. COLI.EGE AVENT]E EIIGIJEWOOD, CO 8 0110 I-,icenae : 146 -E Desciption: Vail Valley Medical Center Addition Valuation: $2.000.00 .'}'}***lt**'||||||.t||||..||..t....||''.:t|.:t..!..|...||....|.l.'':t|'||'...FEEsLMMY Ele€o.icd-> 950. oo Totsl Calculst€d Fees-> S53.00 DRB Fec-> 90. O0 Additiortal Fees-> 90 . o0 lnvestigatioG-> So . oo Tolal Permit Fce--> S53 ' 00 Witl Csll-> 93. OO Pa),rnent8---__'-> S53.0o TOTAL FEES-> S53 . o0 BALANCE DtrE-> so ' o0 |ll*''||li||||''',{'''''|.ll|l||||||.**|...*|.||..||t|t|'{||l|l|||||||||...|||..|'*****..'.'*.t...|!tt*'*'li.lt*l*a...lli***|t|' Apnrovals.I€6m: 06000 EL,ECTRICAL DEPARTMEIII 08/L5/20O1 Dg Action: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBIT ttt*t't*:l**tllllllattrtalalaaaraaara'la CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,,DG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT'ICE' at*aaaaa'taaaalaaallaallrrrraraararta DECLARATIONS I aw acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and st\tthat all the infirmation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. 08/15/200L Phone: RTQUETITS FIOR INSPECTTON SHAI.L BE MADBTWENTY.FOUR HOI,JRII IN ouR omcB FRoM too Ard . 5 tlrf. FORHIMSELFAI.IDOWNEOWNEROR Project #:.-U /\ TOMINYIIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 'Y,],1ff*il,2,;,Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #' :/lt-/gE COMPLETE . FEET FOR NEW BUITDS a VALUATIONS FOR ALI OTHERS & Materials AMOUNTOFSQFTIN STRUCTURE: N ELECTRICALVALUAION: $2a Assesors Offie at 970-brPar@l# robNanre: /?r'/ h/t/rha r*'rle rob Address: /f,/ Z#Qa.a^t De}+ Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: tOwners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Tto? Brrrer-- firt-' voez a?jr'( WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Rernodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower(r-)-ther( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Ftterior h,-l- Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof8ldg.: Single-family( ) Duplor( ) Mulu-family(') commercialtyfkoaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this Dermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No 0-Y DoesaFireAlarmExist Yes( ) No(ttr ll DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No(*F iri**li**iri***r**r****il*i******i**i**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****rr*rt****i'tt**************'t*t:t**:tr AUG 1 5 1|]|j] TOV.COM.DEV. F: /oreOaon4brrs/elecperm Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6' Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, o B rcr,N0p switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the main disconnect structure easily o o o o o accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-flmily dwelling units, no elecfical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another' Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (ifomex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail' All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elewted . platform, a structural engineer must review the exisUng condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated toad, please provide a copy of the s;tructural engineers wet stamped letter or dnwing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are requircd. ?you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional quesUons' ptease contact ini fovrn of Vail Electrical Inspector at970-479'2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings betrrveen the houts of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspectorwill call you back understand the above. o 'Tq-lrt, a,qAI*'l M\'/44qq#o o TO\AII\T OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 :D-479-2138 -NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: VVV\(/ Parcel No...: 210107101013 Project No I Q {5 6\-0r 01- Permit #: E02-0015 Status.. .: ISSUED Applied. . : 02/27/2002 Issued. .: 03/11,/2002 Expires. .: 09/07/2002 OWNER VAIIJ CI'INIC INC 181 W MEADOW DR VAII-, CO 81557 License: CONfRACTOR ENCOMPASS ELECTRICAL TECHNOL02/27 /2002 Phone : 970-949-5095 2LO7 W. COLI,,EGE AVENUE E}IGI,EWOOD, CO 80L10 Iricense: 146-E APPITICANI EIICOMPASS EIJECTRICAIJ TECHNOLO2/21 /2002 Phone: 970-949-6095 27.07 W. COLI-,EGE AVENT]E ENGIJEWOOD, CO I0110 I-,icense t L46-E Desciption: Electrical work forVail Valley Medical Center Addition Valuation: $500,000.00 FEE SUMN,IARY Total Calculated Fees-> S8, s60 . 00 Additional Fees-> g0 . 00 Total Perrnit Fee----> $8,550.00 Payments----------> $8,560.00 BALANCE DUE__> S0. 00 02/27/2002 Phone: Electrical------> 58, 557 . 00 DRB Fee-_-> Investigation-> Will Call---> s0.00 s0.00 $3.00 TOTALFEES-> S8, 560. OO Approvals:Iferm: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT O3/O4/2OO2 CDAVIS Action: AP SIIBiIECT TO FIEIJD INSPECTIONS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i:::-"i.].:...:'.-"-T-".::::.1:::."""::".:.'--Y::::::*:*:y"-"'-:.:::-:::.'.-."".::l-"-T.1"-; DECLARATIONS I ilereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuraie plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisioncodes, desigrreview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8dN AM .5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternent +{t'}r l * *t* * *'}t* |' *** ***'} * ** * ** * * * * * * **ti * t I |'t * *f* *'}t * * * * + * f '}'llr* +*{r{t+ t* * ** **{.t* *'t * +i +** | I *{t** *'} Staternent lil\nnber: R000002033 Amount: $8,560.00 03/LL/2OO2O2:48 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: *099151/ercompaas Elect Permit No: 802-0015 Tlt)e: EIJEqrRICAL PERMIT Parcel No3 21010710X.013 Site AddreEs: 181 W uE;ADOtf DR VAIIJ l,ocat ion 3 Tota1 Feee: $8,550.00 Ttris Payments: $8,560.00 Tocal AIJL| PmtB: $8,560.00 Balance: $0.00 f*** | f*l*** laf *t++*r*+'} * t f+ | **** | I' t|tl't***r+l * ++f* tf*+t***t f+ ***'}* **+a* ** * +***'i'}+a**trl I '}**** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPORARY POI.IER PER}IITS I^IC OO1OOOO31128OO IIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE I,557 .00 3. 00 mvv0Fyln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPL:CATION VUILT f{OT BE ACCEPTED IF I'{COMPLETE OR UNSIGilED Project #: tsuilding Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 A-47 9 -2a49 finspections) CONTRACTOR INIFORMATION Electrica I Contractor: e ilc,cl4r E t Ew<-w-< cr*t-. Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: ?*g _r. o e€ Erc--, Fewaev c+8-3to7 ContractorSignature: . ; ) fin+<c\ + COMPLETE SQ. FEEI FOR I{EW BI!I!-DS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHER,S (tabor & MaterialsJ AMOUNT OF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE:CLEC-rNICAI VALUATION: Conbct Assessors Office at 97O-328-864A or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. pennit # is provided above) Job Address: lft yg lilAttauJ DnVe tegat oescriptio., ll lot, ll uro"*, ll r,r,r,n,Subdivision: ownersName: VVttC flLooress: Itt W.tleM;^"r 4ft-1,u-lTFone; Engineer: Y,k Co ^.r1.,,c.T1^ls- fl ,Addtesst Phone: 3o3 -lar -buoo Detailed descripUon of work: ,p'.v o rt q-roo /Appr ri o J 06 /G'1n l-xaorz ( Devt.Je:xu1 WorkOass: New( ) Addition@d Remodel QQ Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Inierior 129, Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-ramily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) nestaurant ( ) Otnur Kl f6n,?^( No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,rl /e No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinO: p/4 Is this perqrjt for a hot hrb: Yes ( ) frfo X Does a Firc Alarm Exist: Yes i)Q No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves f() No ( * *** ************tr*:******.-: ***** * ******** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY""* ********** *+** *** * *** ************ * Other fees:Date Re€eived: DRB Fees:Acreoted Bv: Planner Siqn-offi F:/e\reryone/forms/elecperm TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 n479-2135v VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : SPRINKLERPERMIT 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL 181W. MEADOW 210107107013 o8/oL/20oL Phone: Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued. .: Expires. .: F01-0024 ISSUED 08/01./2001. 09/04/2007 03/03/2002 g4o . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> 910 . 00 DRB Fee_------> so. oo ToTAL FEES--------> s3.00 $0.00 $0.00 $s3.00 $s3 . o0 $0.00 s53 . OO $s3 . oo $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Total Pemdt Fe€-> Paynents-----..--> BALANCE DUE--> (gso \-oro1- OWNER VAIIJ CLINIC TNC 181 W MEADOW DR VAIII CO 816s7 L,icense: APPLICAM V|IESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTTOS/OL/2OOL Phone:. 3o3-'792-OO22 7025 SOITTH TUCSON WAY EbTGIJEWOOD. CO I0112 License:338-S WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTTOS/0L/20O\ Phone: 303-792-0022 7026 SOITTH TUCSON WAY ENGT.,EWOOD, CO 80112 License: 338-S Desciption: Vail Valley Medical Center Addition Valuation: $1.600.00 FEE SUMMARY CONTRACTOR o Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investiga tion-> Will Call--> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT 09/o4/2oo! mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE' DECLARATIONS tl"O, acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuraae plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and iubdivision iodes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SEALL BE MADE TWDNTY-FOTJRHOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OWNEROR AT 479-2t35 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF fM 8:00 eru - s ru. * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * +* * * * * * * * * * *** +***|+***.t ************ * + * * f * * * * * * * * * * + + * t {. + * + * * * * * * I * * * * **** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Staternent ++ ** ++ * + * *'t* * **** * +** + + +* * * * ** * * * **+ i * t +++*** ++* * ****t + * * ** * * + ++ +++ * ++ ** * ******* *****'tl' ** * +* Statsement Number: R000001329 Anount: $53,00 09/04/2OOIO3z23 PYI Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #2142 /we6Eern stsatsea Fire Protsectsion Permit, No: F01-0024 T]@e: SPRfNKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 210107101013 Site Address: 181 W ME ADOI|I DR VAIL, Location: 181 W. MEADOW Total Fees: 553.00 TtriE Payment: $53.oO Total AlL, Pmu6: $53.oo Balance: 50.00 * f, t* * *** * * * ** * * * *****+ * +*** * * + ++ + ** + +1+ +*++* * ** * ** ** * * *+ f + + +* * * f ** ++* * *******++*f+{.* ** a * I +* * ACCOL'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts I4P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 4O.OO PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FETS 1O.OO l,iC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 Or"rffi 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #: Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2135 (Inspections) Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be accepted without this information: . A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.LC.E.T. Level III (min) stamp. . Equipment cut sheets of materials. , Hydrauliccalculations. o ).L) A Steh.of Colora do Pln an Registration form. rlc h Reoister ed Fire Protection Contractor. C;- lD-*^f 4Contact \ J N - -i-:,L -rt A-rg.'at vrrtl vvvv vv.cautc-cuut rly. LaJt t, tat, rarra.t;t r, Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided abfve) robName:/0,/ Jnl/eq flleJ olz robAddress: /g/ w /)Tga.4oa) Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners NameiT, , / ilnt(aqnpa addtess: 3 ftm 4 Phone: Engineer: I OAK I ^ddrerbo Tea,hNo/ooo LAPhont' Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) 0 orhp,, La. a floom L b *;'o* n r4 Detailed descriotion of Work:' n-J J 4 S p,z, n: /(/ e e-s tt N ea)O<'/; atc WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) nemodel() Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial 0() Restaurantl ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ({) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves fi) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sorinkler: $ Fire Sorinkler Contractor: gl.e,,pr,t S{4.1 Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reo. No.: *rr**:t****************r.**rr****:r****ir****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****+*******)t*******rs**:t*+********tr** F :/everyone/forms/sprkperm TO\^/N OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 ry7e-213s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMIT Permit #: F02-0005 Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: VVV\CParcelNo...: 210107'1.01.013 Project No : (&T6\-OQAT M€chanical-> S1,480.00 RestuarantPlanReview-> Plan Check-> $370.00 DRB Fee---------> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> Status...: ISSLIED Applied. .: 02/11./2N2 Issued. .: 04/01/2002 Expires. .: 09/28/2002 OgINER VAII, CLINIC INC 181 W MEJADOW DR vAIt, co 81557 Iricense: coNrRAcroR wEsrERN grATEs FrRE PROTECTTO2/L!/2OO2 Phone t 3O3-792-OO22 ?025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY EIIGI,EWOOD, CO 80112 License: 338-S APPITICaNI WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTT'2/LL/2O12 Phone: 303-792-0022 7025 SOUIH TUCSON WAY ENGT,EWOOD, CO 80112 License: 338-S Desciption: INSTALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN EXPANSION Valuation: $73,226.N FEE SUMMARY 02/LL/2oo2 Phone: So. 0o Total Calorlrted Fees-> S1, 853 . 00 SO. OO Additional Fees_____> 5445.00 SO. OO TOTAL FEES------> 51, 853 . OO Total Permit Fee--> $2, 298 . OO pavments-__---> 92, 299 . 00$3 .00 BALANCE DUE_-_>$0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT O4/OL/2OO2 MC6EE Action: AP 1. wIllDOW SPRINKLERS ARE NOT APPROVED BASE: ARCHITECTT'RAI, CONFI-,ICT WITH ICBO I,ISTING. WINDOWS MUST BE REVISED. 2. STANDPIPE IN SOIITHE;AST STAIR MUST BE SHOI{N. 3. EAST WATER EIIfRY STATION MUST BE DISCLOSED' ITEMS 2 A}.ID 3 MAY BE PERMITTED I'IIDER SPERATE COVER BIIT MUST BE ADDRESSED AIiID IN C' PRIOR TO FINAI, INSPECTION OF THIS PERMIT. .?u,,.,CONDITION OF APPROVAL (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAUCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio4 filled out in full the information required, completed an furate plot plarl and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and lot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVATTCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 IROME:00AM-5PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEU AND OWNEF * * * * * | * + * *,1. *,lr * {' * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * t * * * * + * **'t***** t************ ***** *t ***** * * * + +* * + t * * * * * * ** * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **** * * *****+ + * f, ** * t* f * * * ** * * * *+ * * * *** + + + f* * * +* ** ** * * ** {. * * **+ *:}'}* * i **+t * | * +*** *f t* * ** | a+t +* +* St,atsement Number: R000002090 Amount: 52,298.O0 04/OL/200210:10 AIvl Payment Melhod: Check Init: LC Notation: #42jtol2e2/western States Fire Prot Permj.t No: F02-0005 Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 210107101013 Site Addrese: 181 lf MEADOW DR VAIL L,ocation : Total Fees z $2,298.OO Thia Pa)ment: 52,298.00 Total ALL Prnta: $2,298.00 Balancer $0.00 * * + * + * * * + + * * * * '{t * * + {. + {. * * ,} * + * * * * l. * * ,t ***** * **,}+t'** +**** ** ** * **t*:|l* ***{.*tf******* * **t+:}*:t**** **** ACCOI.]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunrent Pmts CL OO1OOOO3123OOO CONTMCTOR LICENSES 75.00 MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PER}.IIT FEES 1.480.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 740.00 t.lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEI 3.OO i.*,4 #t lding Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2135 (Inspections) Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 the #}ilH5;:i;'''"'rI a calculations. A State of Colondo Plan Registration form. Fire Sprinkler Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: Co/lhLE rr 1r-t\- . Plans must be by a Registered Fire Protection Contracbr. RMATION COHPLETE VATUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (labor & Materials) FireSprinkler: $ -7 5 . > > Asesscirc Offie at 97O-or visit for Parel # Parel # (Requircd if no bldg. Permit # Job Name: U4,Lu ALr FY thE Dr/ 4 L ( b- *sf E,\JobAddress: f €11 (J Owners Nr.", o,*f , El I N I Address: , At c,J tu,trAfua/ D , unit #, bldg. # =LA) A /5K >kt € /ak) WorkOass: New() Addiuon({) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-flt( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg,: Single.family( ) Twe.family( ) MulU-family( ) Commercial()Q Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No, of Existing Dwelling Unlts in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes o ************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****r.**************************** F:/everyon4brm9sprk T'I^IN oF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT O O IIK<- 1"^ii:33T1*;E R.AD 3oo A3(t'.'t-o't- fl0479-2135 U NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F02-0011 Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: lSTFLOORTOTHEROOF Parcel No...: 210107101013 Project No : Mechanical--> 9180. o0 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> S45 . 00 DRB Fee----------> Status...: ISSLIED Applied. . : 04/23/2002 Issued. .: 07/22/2002 Expires. .: 01./18/2OOg O$INER VAIL CITINIC INC 181 W MEJADOW DR VAII-, CO 84657 License: APPI,ICAIiTT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTIO4/23/2002 PhONC: 303-792-0022 7026 SOU:rH TUCSON WAv SNGT,EWOOD, CO 80112 License: 338-S coNrRAcToR WESTERN STATES FrRE PRoTEcTro4/23/2oo2 Phone: 3o3-792-0022 7025 SOUI|H TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 8 0 r_12 License:338-S Desciption: INSTALLAION OF A NEW STAND PIPE AND FIRE SPRINKLERS IN THE CORESPACE FROM 1ST FLOOR TO ROOF Valuation: fi8,ns.ffi FEE SUMMARY 04/23/2002 Phone: So.o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $22s.00 SO. Oo Additional Fees____> 955. 00 Investigaiion-> W l Call---->$3.00 BALANCE DUE..-->s0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPART!{EN| o5/2L/2oo2 mcgee Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS ,teby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning SO . OO .I.OTAL FEES_-_____> 5228 . oo Total permit Fee_> g2s3 . 00 Payments---------1 $2 83 . 0 0 and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. QUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADVAr\CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 M 8:00 AM- 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJ AND OWNEI TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 liJ,479-2138v NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TtrOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMT Permit #: M01-0128 Desciption: Vail Valley Medical Center Addition Valuation: $21,450.00 Fireplace Information: Restricbed: Y Status...: ISSLIED Applied..: 08/77/2001 Issued..: 08/77/2Nl Expires. .: 02/13/2002 o8/L7/2oo! Phone: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l-ogs: 0 # of so. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9553 ' 00 So. oo Addidonal Fees->$0.00 fob Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: l8lWMEADOWDRIVE ParcelNo...: 270707707073 Project No : Q(d$i-titO' +- OWNER VAIIJ CITINIC fNC 181 W MEJADOW DR VAIIJ CO 8L557 Iricense: COIflTRACTOR ENCOMPASS MECHAT'TICAL SERVTCE0S/L1 /2OOL Phone t 970-949-L747 5541 CENTRAI, A\/EiIT'E BOIr_,DER, CO 80301 Licenset L47-M APPr,rCAlqr ENCOMPASS MECHAT{rCaj, SERVTCEoS,/t7 /2O0L Phone: 97O-949-L747 5541- CENTRAIJ AVENT E BOUIJDER, CO 80301 L,icense: L47 -Yl Wood Pellet ** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 944 0 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S11O.0o DRB Fee--.--> Investigation-> wiu call-> so. oo TOTAL FEES-_-.---> $ss3 . OO Total Permit Fee-> $s53 . 00 93,00 Pa yrnents.-_-------1 $553 .00 BALANCE DUE_> S0. 00 ;uil:"Tffiffidffi;..6 #fi,iffid: 08/t7/2oo1, DFIJoRES Action: AP ItEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI{EMT CONDITIONOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Condt 22 (Br,DG.): COMBUSTTONAIR IS REQIIIRED PER SEe. 701 OF THE 1997 I!MC, OR SECTION 70L 0F rHE 1997 rMC. Cond; 23--.Dc. ) : rNSTAr,r,ATroN Musr colIFoRM To MANUFACTURES rNsrRucrroNs AND To CI{APTER -1FOF T]dE ]-997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 25 (BLD@.): GAS APPLIAIICES SHAITIT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAIJIJ TERMIT(IATE AS SPECTFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.101? IIIE 1997 IIMC Ar.rD CIAPTER 3 OF THE L997 IMC. Ird: 31- -(BLDG.): BOILTERS SHALL BE I,IOIINIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNL,ESS IJISTED FOR MOUNIING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AIiID CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 3O (BLDG.): DRAMAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COIITAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPIJY BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.OOR DRAfN PER SEC. LO22 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in fuIl the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 IMC. OF REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCEPM. lh / SIGNA OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELFAND OWNEF **t **** ** * + * ++*****t* ** * *** **+**+** * ****** * ** * * * **** * *t** *********** + {.rt*{' + + * f* lf * ** * * ****tt* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *f!t **** * * t **+ * + ++*{r*+*a **i******* * * +*** * + ++ *** * *** f t*** ****+t i* *** * * + +{"t + + ++ * * * ** * * ****{t*** Stat.ement Nrudber: R000001249 Anounu: $553.00 Oe/n/?0OLO4:50 PM Payment. Method: Check Init: LC Nocation: *10I310,/EncompaBs Permit No: M01-0128 l:rpe: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 210107101013 Site Addrese: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIIJ Location: 181 tf MBiADOW DRM Total Fees: $553 - 00 This Payment: $553.00 Total I\IJL Pmts: $553-OO Balarce: 50.00 *** * * * ** **** *** ** * * * I * * * t f, * * * * * * * * * ** * * * f * * ** * * * * * t * * +* *t* * * * * * * + * * + * * * * * * f, + f + + + * * | f * * *** t + + ACCOT,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAL PERMIT FEIS 44O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 110.00 t,lc OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AUC-1?-2001 FRI 11i49 AH Enconpass llechanical FAX N0, 970 845 7144 P' 02 . d TccTH""'*""'i,*filit,ffi mwu 0rvlnll ,,rF r,^,,r a.F,-.t r rr',-. r hF.rrr,'. |^^r ,^r-?rir 75 s. Frontage Rd. Permit will not be accepted wlthout the folhwing: vair' cororado 81657 3-Tri""ll11Ei'tTlflTilHlfrl."rrawn to scate ro incrude: o Combustion Air DuGt Slze and Location: **ff*tri-" [:.{Yibl _6179tr Equapment Cut, Mechanical Permit #: Permit will not be accepted wlthout the following: vEit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) robName: Yvmc Ph I D*o Legal Desciiption I Lot: ll Anct: I fiting:Subdivision: owners ruame:\yp{4 lledaress: l(tl t^) il[t dow Dr ll phone: 476 USI Ensineer: ,yl l( l( Detailed d +. scriDtion of work: tlA'L "brrrb,Ull on*,pidin t- Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Alteration ffi Repair ( ) Other ( ) BoilerLocatlon: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MulU-famiV ( ) Commercial ( ) Resfaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: No/fype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) toin EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( ) # COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERTIIIT (LAbOT & MAIET|AIS) MECHANICAL: $4so CONTRACTOR INFORHATION Mechanical Contractor: tr,,unns lvl4*l|tcqu Town ofVail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'sl J,u, e bs'tc:r,ustl q760/#7 Contractor Signature: * * * * * * {. * * {. * * * * * * * * * r' * * FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * * {. * * {. * *,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * F i I ev ?trVon.e I Jotrnr/mecfi perm FA}{ N0, 970 845 7144 P. 0l FAX COVER SHEET No. PROJECT: WMC Ph I Demo JOB NO.;BCl056 TIME: ll:43 FROM: F,ncompass Mechanical Services NAME: Julie Boscheinen PHONE: 970-949-1747 FAX: 970-845-7144 DATE: TO: NAME: PIIONE: FAX: 8/17/01 Town of Vail Doris 970-479-2325 970-479-2172 Mechanical Permit Doris, Would you please review rhis permit application, and let rne know the permit cost. Thanks, tt Julie Boscheinen P, 03 o o DATE: AUG-l7-zOOI FRI II:50 AI{ TO: FAX #: 419U1? FR0l{: Encornpass llechanical FAX f: 970 845 1144 AUTOI{AT IC COVER SHEET 03 PAGES I^IERE SENT - (INCLUDING THI$ CO\/ER PAGE) o TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 14-479-2t38 -NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: 181W MEADOWDRVAIL ParcelNo...: 210107101013 ProjectNo , /8{0t -0t07 .EPPLICAIqT TOTAL PLI]MBING 4701 N. COIJORADO BLVD DE}I\TER. CO 802L6 L,icense: 1L0-P OWNER VAIL CLINIC INC 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL CO 4L657 License; CONTRASTOR TOTAI-, PLI'MBING 4701 N. COLOR,ADO BL\ID DEbIVER, CO 802L6 Licerrse: 110-P Desciption: PHASE I PLUMBING DEMO/PUT BACK Valuation: $40,000.00 Fireolace Infonnalion: Restricled: ?? 09/2t/200t Phone: 3o3-393-7274 09/2!/200L Phoner 09/2!/2O0L Phone:303-393-727L ?? FEE SI,'T,IMARY # of Gas Applianc$: SSoo . oo Restuaranl Plan Review-> S1s0.00 DRBFee'-"-----"-> so . oo TOTAL FEES-----------> 93.00 P0l-0106 ISSUED 09/2v2001 09127/2001 03/26t2002 # of Wood Pallet ?? Plumbing-> Plan Check-> InvestigatioF> will call-> s7s3.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Addilional Fees------> Total Permit F€e-----> Payments----------> BALANCE DUE....----> s753 . oO s0. oo 5?53 . oo i?s3. oo 9o.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/26/200! GRG Action: AP II,EM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE Cond: CON0005021 (BLDG.): AI-^I-, PEIiIETR.,,ATIONS IN WALLS.CEILINGS,AIiID FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AIiI APPROVED THR PENETRATION FIRE STOPPING MATERIAI.,. CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the ffirmation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and statc laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. TJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR 479-2138 OR AT oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNERORCO 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPI-ETE ORtls3I Project #, f lv'JU I 'u guilding Permit *: Do Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Contact and Phone #'s: f U lzo i27- Sc"+f Da'nt.ntknuor-c-ll 17o '11I Pl"^L, Town of Vail Reg. No.: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (labor & Materials) A\ \ ;r \9 ilN :$t\ln\rv .qt \ \.. \ \ PLUMBING: I tf b, oOO Conb.t Assesrcrc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for ParceI.# Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) JobName: I^,1 Vo-[[..r rA-\,ca.l co " L-rob Address: l? | uJ nte^lo d De gegal DescripUon Lot:Blod<:Filing:Subdivision: Dwners Nutt't'o,. er,*:rc.T',.tt- ll Address: f xl d ttre.I".^, 0R ll Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:(\Dt IYbtaxn- I flunb'eo Dn^o + (r[ t3""4- Work Class: New ( )Addition ffi Alteration Xil nepair ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial?<\ Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: an ePn Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( ) Patel ******,r****,r*******************'r*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************************t(*********** EPt F/areryone/formYpl mbperm 6 &o1"., of;eil "' ' "'l t* l t,6lf;lfi*EwnHyou? Town of VailSuney Communiiy Derelopment Departnent Russdl Fomst, Director, (970)179.213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Depanment(s)did you conhct? Building _ EnvironmenH _ Housing_ Admin Planning _ DRB PEC Was your initial conbct witr our sbffi immediate no one available ? slow 0r lf you were required h wait, hor long was it befure you were helped?_ 4.Was your.proiect revieured on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? Was tltis your firstlime to file a DRB 4p_ PEC +p Bldg Permit_ l,UA Please rate $e performance of the staf person who assisbd you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fte Front Seruice Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is he best lime of day for you b use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which rivould allow us to better serrre you nexttime? Thank you for taking the tirne to complete this survey. We are conrnifred b improving our service. 7. c