HomeMy WebLinkAboutPITKIN CREEK TOWNHOUSES LOT 8 UNIT 8Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 Eagt l'lcador,l Orive, Suite N-10 Vall, Colorado 8165? 303/ 478-2t70 l"ln. Gary ltlurnaln TOI,JN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTI'IENT ?5 South Frontage Rd. tl. Uail, Colorado 81657 Date' SubJeci January l4'r986 Thls olll conflrfi that I have ncvleued the loft frantng situation in the above notcd unit and found that the upper level floor frarrrtng cannot support thc additlonal loading frolr the bearing r,rall doun the mtddle of the unit r,lhich carries the loft Jolsts. Thcrefore an additlonal L2' 2x12 nust be added to the rrriddle half of the loft jolsts. In othcr uords, thc typical loft joist' uhich ls at 16" o.c.r is a Elngle ?xLZ for 6', a double ZxLZ fon 12', and a ainglc 2xI2 for E' , The addttlonal 2xl2 should be attachcd to the sxj.sting Joists urith PL400 glue and turo nous of lOd nallg 0 8" o.c. Pleacc qlv€ fie a call if you have any questions regarding thts mattor' Slgned r t l Pleasc Reply txl cc: George Rober t a EECK & ASSOCIATES No Reply Reg'd BOYLE EN6I Timothy I'l . Pres i dcnt ffi*r'ri r4oBs : fu.$ AND ASSOCIATES, INC.PO. Bcx l4l3 January 8, 1986 VriLColoodo 81658 (3O3) 827-s7n from the Townhouse AssociationStill at issue is whether rec fees for the 240 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vai I , C0 81657 t Attn: Gary-lloranzv u/34tM ,1,['fi Gary, This is to confirm our phone conversation of January 3, 1985 in regard to Jhe additiqnal loft space and interior re-configurations in unit 8 of the 'Falls at Vail)townhouse project. 1. The value of the loft add'ition was included in the base building contract valuation, and the "base" permit fees. Therefore, we wi'l I not be seeking an additional permit for this area. 2. The owner of unit 8, association to apply Gary Gilman, has received permission from the condo the additional G.R.F.A. to the balance remaining for the whole project. The copy of the letter to the Town of Vail planning staff is attached. or not the Town of Vai'l wi lI require additiona'l sq. ft. of loft space. 3. The owner of un'it 8 is aware of the requirement for a disc'losure which is to be attached to his title for the unit indicating that the loft space is not to be used for sleeping, and that such a use is a violation of the Town of Vail building ordinance. It is my understanding that you'll be discussing who is to author such a document (acceptable to the Town) with the town attorney. I will not act on this issue untjl I hear from you in this regard. 4. The owner of unit 8 reorganizations in does not constitutefor the T If yo J. Beck si dent ck & Associates, Inc. AJB/Khcc: Gary Gilman Jay Enyart has authorized us to make cosmetic changes and room his unit. A plan for this work is attached. It a significant change in inspection requirements ons,please call rs tru/y, Gerrerol Controcbrs l{t nobet Baker Boi 3087Va1l, Co 81658 Decemben L2' 1985 Town of Vall Plannlngt Staff Dean S1r: Please allow Gary Gllnan to use 240 square feet of the 818 square feet left of elross resldentlal footage area for a storage Loft ln the Falle at Val1 #8. Thls use has been appnoved by our Board of Dlrectors on l2/L2/85. Thank you. Dr. Robert Baker Presldent RB./nJ n ?J