HomeMy WebLinkAboutPITKIN CREEK TOWNHOUSES LOT 2 UNIT 2TOWN OF VAIL Mechanical--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> $60.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $15.00 DRBFee---------> $O. OO TOTAI FEES--> $3.00 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT --1"^\-^ -_IUG-'\ 75 S. FRONTACEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 rrl\qi ^C(( \ H 970-479-2138 A Q_ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO4-OOI3 Job Address: 3850 FALL LINE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3850 Fall Line Drive Unit #2 Applied . . : 0112812004 Parcel No...: 210102401002 Issued . . : 02103/2004 ProjectNo: Expires..: 08/01/2004 OWNER Santucci, Christine OL/28/2OO4 Phone: 3850 N. Frontage Road E. VAIIr co 81657 License: coMrRjAcToR RoD HAIJr' COMPAIIy OL/29/2OO4 Phonez 303-777-770o 255 WYANDOT STREET DE}IVER, CO 40223 L,icense: 150-M APPrrrCAr{:r ROD HAIJIJ COMPAIIY OL/28/2OO4 Phonez 303-777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DESIVER, CO 40223 L,icense: 150-M Desciption: Installation ofEPA approved wood insert. Osbum 1800-EPA certified Phase II approved UL 1482-1998 Valuation: $2.500.00 Fireplsce Information: Restrict€d:# ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas t gs: 0 4 of Wood Pellet 0 |.+|t..*''....||+,t'|.**.+,r.+*.,'t:l'+,l.+.t,l+.*|+.+|.t*.|**.|l.t|*|i.|.*|+|FEESUMMARY*|t.|:l.*l******* so - oo TotalCalculated Fees->s78.00 SO.0O Addirional Fees----___> (S78.00) S?g . 0O Total permit Fee-._-_> g0 .00 Pa)ments---..-----> BALA|ICE DUE-----> so.o0 s0 .00 *l*ta t* l:| r:t a*tat*,i t *i:l *i l'l* a*!|'ta* att aa l'l a:rtal**t *:r Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT ol/28/2oo4 Js Action: AP ]ICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Corrd: 22 (BLDG.): COIIIBUSTION AIR IS REQITIRED PER SEe. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IIr{C. Cond: 23 (BI,DG.): INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORI{ TO MN.IUFACTT,RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CTIAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 t'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BL,,DG.): GAS APPIJIAI.ICES SHAIJIJ BE VEIITED ACCORDfNG TO CHAPTER TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TTIE ].997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BL,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII CI{APTER THE 1997 T'MC A},ID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALI-, BE MOITNTED OII FIrOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE I,ISTED FOR MOIJNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORI}IG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AIiID CODE AIIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIIICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAI'I-' BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. TO22 OE THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F Tr{E 1997 IMC. +tttrtitattl li ltl+ll l|lltr ?ll iar'rltt'r l*lt*,4'r'r'rt*r * 8 AND SHAI.,L 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AI{D S8C.10L7 0F CONST. ITNITESS DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 27? PAL JAN 2? '84 L3t2@ APPLICATIO]I WIlr 'IOT 8E ACCTPTED TF ITCOMPLtTE OR UTISIGI{ED Protcct #: Buildlng Permlt #:_ ttlechankal Pcrmit.F: 97 O- 47 9 -2118 (lnrpcrcdonr) Mecfianlcel Permit wlll not be accepted without the following: o fluc, Vcnto Heat Loseo Equlpmcnt Cut/Spcc Sheets {ls tla,! #a .l=rr,n, - 4,7ia- ?SqO tjcr9cl I n*Yrt, OShrrr n ) Addldon( ) AlteraUon( ) Repalr( ) Other Does an EHU exht at ttis locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( )( ) E<terhr( ) Othr( ) ( ) Odex ( ) l.tuE-famaV ( ) Cornmerdal ( ) Rcfteuttnt ( ) Otttcr ilo. of Accommodatbn UnlB In thls bulldlng: Prcrced: c;as Applhnces ( ) Gs Logs ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burnlng (NoT ATLOWED) DO,OD 303 7 '? 1?d o V tUATlOtl FoR trlECHAlrlCAL PERttilT (labor I l{atcrlals) cor{TR.AcToR 11{ FORilArlO l{ aart aa a t ils* ta.afaataaalaaaa r........ r.. rr rrr rrF(OR OFFTGE USE OllLYr rr. r rr aaaa laaatt *lall lll* ?82 PAZ JRN 28 '64 L@IAL Ig) Altcrgtion,jf* rcpU"c in any msrullE is rot pcrmittcd wiurry fo[owing a<ccptiotu;- t aa.ernal tim pil; -,H.i'd" not afftct ttc operarlon of tbe-firephce nsy bc rmvd providing thcy can be stored on or wirhin tbc fircplaci for re-assernbg.lf tle insert is rcmo'rcd. ii thc chfururcy darycr may b removed to instdl tbe chinncy tiner. h) Circulating rh chambers (i.c. in a steel fireplacc liner or metal kat circulator) shall not be blocked. .! i) Means must be provided for removal of the insert to clean tbe chirnncy ftre' j) lhserts that project in front of the fireplacc must be zupplied with approprhte sugportilry lGarli. k) A permanent metal warning label must be attachcd to the back of the Ercplace stating that the fireplace must be restorcd to its original condition for safe use without th€ iDs€rt. 3) CIIIMNEY CAI'S: Mesh type chimney caps must have provision for rcgular cleaning, or tlre rnesh should be removcd to etimirute thc Potentid ofphtgging' 4) LIIIER: Thc chimncy must bavc an acccptabb olasoEy liDcr suitablc for solid fucL 'ltherwisc a corfinuous stainless stecl lincr must be in$8lhd. 5) ADJACENT COMBUSTIBLES: The frcplacc $ould be impected to nrakc sue that therc is adcquate clearance to combustibles, both c:poscd combtrstibles to tlc top, sidc and front as well as conccakd combgstiblcs h the chiurcy rnd mEfel area Your local inspcctor should luve infornation on uibcthcr older freplaccs arc of adcquatc constnrctbn" O OPENING Srrn: Rcftr to "Suitable Fireplace Dlmerclonf' (Scc. 2.2) for suitable size freplace openings. NOTE: A MET.AL TAG IS PROVIDED AAID IS TO BE FASTENED TO THE BACT VALL OF THE NREPI./ICE IF TEE FIREPIAICE EAS BEEN MODTflAD TO ACCOMI}{ODATE TEE trsEnr. 1.2 VcntiqRcquircmcntr Thc fluc is a crilical coEponent to a satisfactory installation YSrlosburn iDscrt will attain its bcst pabrrnrcc if inssllcd r1Ah a chinrney rh* gcncr*cs its oun drofr' Tbc tnininrn requiremant -of a ftrc will be thc instBuatioo of a flge conncctor (thp lincr mgst confrrm to VLI?77 cbimcy linos) fiom tbe ins6t iruo the first fire tib of tbc chimey (USA) (se Figurc 2.3) or a codinrour $abbss strrl liner (the lircr must confurm totbc Class 3 rrq,t".r-ts 6iCnfnff,C-SOffl dircctly comtod to thB fiue o,1kt (Ceads) (scc Fieujg Z:1. e *"tlit .s 6' (152r'r'r) $8id6s stoet lircr tom tbc top of lhc chi@A is tbc optimum rJrs.^h *tll p.tid. ttrp ile* p.tiott-oo, T.*dl as cogPcnsate for poor draft situations causcd ty t rg. "-r**"tio-l.fti,tt Vi. The ins€d will oot wotk withod a por;itira sed in thc chimcy. Chirroln corufnrctcd ortsidc of rhc honr on an o6crbr m[ lhou$ bc $Dltcd if possiHo, csP€citt[y in coldcr cli6stca. Onsllc chitrNtcys tlgy not draw as wcll aad nry doum&afr duc to th ditrculty in bcating ttr-r rr " .e&-t try*t *. C*fn .ttio*yl util rclnlt.b btt6d ct€olotiqb bs &afr' .rA p*rg1 p.ttir*oi.r. fu ilproportiorul to overatl ct"n'ty bcfh s wcll ar to ltak t'46a;nac' n Dnft cm bcincrc$cd by iocraling chitnnsyhdght aod byfcducing hcat los fiom ttrc ciinncy Srogh sn irsfttGd liilcr. Eruurc that alt joints in thc fluc Jy$tcms are tigfttly 3calcd sincc any lcaks wilt rcuit in reduccd pcrfornance as well as a possible safety h.zard. Scction 2.0 Installation NotG: If cidc ficiag protrudcs more than 1.5' (38mm) in front offrce of frcptacq thea usc sidcnnll clcarucc. 2.1.1 EG.rth Rrquircmcntr 2.1 ?82 P@3 JAl,l ?B 'a4 IA2A? Hguntl.2 :, i.. Ifthe non-conrburtiblc hearth is f,uch with the foor, thcn thebcarthmrst-F 16' (a06mm) in tiosr of tnc fin nclttng(; FE * 2.1.2). If thc non<ornburtibtc hcartb is a minin[m of 4"'iio;*,) ;;r. tt . f;;; th; thc h11!r can bc 6' (l52nn) out log thc tu hou'rirs *tri;iot Agnn) noorprot*tion (spukr) occadcdbc'odtho hcstth (*eFUrrru2'1'l)' Ttc non-conbuctible hcr;i mult bG; n*tntlt of 8" (203m)-ol .tdt id'l of thc unit tinuAr& Ug or200nsr forA'srdiss! mcrnned toothc load door. t'.t:,i:i r, .:.\ Ocrenccr To Combustiblcl (Mcsurtd From lotttt Bldy) Trblc 2.1 14'(355mm 22" (559nr) lrhl Fleun Ll.t ,l! 2A2 PA4 JRl.l 2S '44 1@.43 2J,Sultlbh Flrrpleco lXncnrlonr (Itlcrtc rrfcr to Flgpn 2.f) MEASUREMENT TOR MINIMT,M Opening Hcieht (F)19.25" (489rIE) Opening Width (O)25.25" (64lmn) Opening Depth (H)15.25" (387tm) Trbh 2.2 2.3 Sefety tnformetion NOTE: This appliance is not rccomrnended frr use in a home if an occupant has rtspiratory or any other related problerns. l. It b iqortant to follow the instaltation end opcration instuctions- An irp'ropcrb:instelled or op.ttrei irert could restrtt in a saftty ha"tnd' ft'e or d"mqge to tbe rmit' whbh wouH mt be covcred 6, tf" waranty. Contac local brflding or fre offcials aborn restristions md instalation rcquiremorrs in )lour area. You sbould b€ mniliar with the instalhtion and be srre that tbc work is doac inaccordancc \pith this manual WARI\INQ: IIO NOT INSTALLTHIS INSERT IN A SI nEPING ROOM. 2, Whffc hsscr ctcarames arr dcsired, consult prn local arthotity as reguldiors nay vaqT regarding tlc nsc of clercc redrrcing devic6. Lirted ulalt and floor sbieHs are arailatile to reductr cled8rcs od ost hrilCiog coaes privite informcion oa dcrhls, whichmybe used to reduce clcsaccs (see Figure l). 3. tvlailtain at bast g3 minitYmm clcarances to coobr:stiblc trtcrid as spcciftd in th;s nmnl Clcarances erc casrued to tbe nearest parr of tbc inscrt (lc. top edge on the side). Cl:araoces to any conbq*i6ca, whsn measured direcrfo out fiom ttr from, mu$ be a minirnrm of48" (l2lh)' 4. , Mabtain 8t hast fts mininmrn floor protcction for combudrtlc foor mraials as specjifcd in this manpal. Floor protectbn to thc fioni is to bc mcasred &om the fircl lording door opening. 5. Oshrn r€conmcnds that you install a listed smoke dctcctor or a}rm in your hon;' Norml opcration ofthc inscrt will barrc no effcct on thc detector or alarm. 6. Tbe inscrt b to be connccted only to a lincd nasory chimcy and nasory freptacc cgqforotog to buiHing codcs for usc win soiid fuel. Do not rcmnc bricks or mrtI' fiom tbe odsths frcplacc whcn installing the inscrt. ?. lvtinirnunr chimocry sbs is 5n (l52run) dimtcr. Msirtsin a 15'(4'5m) Eininrun oy4 rygh masurcd fromthc Uu* oftn".ppliance. Chimnern sbuld bc inspccted to chcck br drrtcrioration md to dacnoino i6rby31p31,b iti,tt- t qrttitoot od be upgndcd ifncccssary' Tb chimcy dtst cxtcnd, ar b; i (gt+m) above thc roof md st hsst Z'lOtOml abovc tbc h!$cst point within aa aca of tO (3m) oftbc chincy- n 9. 2.4 l. Do not gr nrkcslrift conpromirs during istsltdion as tby couH create a sa&ty luzud and a ftc coud rpsunt. DO NOT CONNECT THIS APPIJATICE TO TIIE CEIMNEY OR N.AE SERVING ANOTHER ATPLUNCE Instellrtion Instnrctions Inspcct tbc fircplace according to thc saftty infrrmation and freplace requirements and have it cbancd auVor upgraded as neoesssry. tf tbc instalation of tbe unit rendcrs tbe exiSing darper control inaccessible, it wiU bc necessary to eitbcr sccruc tbe damper widc opcn or rcnr)yrc it emircly. An inacccsrble darpcr, which may close' couH causr: smke to enter thc roorn This G:rcatcs a Potcnfidlpalth hazad. CONNECnOL INSTALLTIITON: A flrrc conutor nay Dmvid€ acc€ptabh pcrfrrmano:. HowEtEr, we reomrad tbc rrsc of a chimncy linc to cnnrc satir6ctory pcrformancc. Slip cooncctors for sontinrrrrr-r li6s sbould ako be hstallcd. Usc Ll*od Chioncytincrs -ULl?n, CAI'l/t LGS635. ATTENmON INSTALLEk Ftan positionirg tbc uoit in a fireplace opening prbr: to thc f,ue indrlhtbn, insall tbc i1s€gt into tbc opcning until th€ top bP of air jacket is flush with fttphcc ?A" Pffi JAN 28 '84 LAtA3 fl,fl qIfiECloR RfiSt ttut ll,E 3. 4. Acing. n3unu 5. 5. If lag-bohs rnd anphors atc to bc uscd to sccure tbc ioscrt, thc bolc locations should h' nartcd with thc rmiit in placc. Resrorre tbo io$rt ad locatc tbc anchors. Rcmw thc &ccplatc parels fiom tbir box and asccmbtc accordinS to tb€ folowing hstsuc{bE E Rcquesbd hr6p6ct D.trrlfltpacfon Ar€al Sltr Addrc.s: Ind.il.lbn of EPA apProvrd \rDod Inroft, Ogbqrn Phonr: 30$777-77ff) 18O0-EPA cotuthd Phase lt lpPrDved UL ltl&l-l$B PFWIDFTTF Ht,9ltt rcnngrsHrEL' As HTGHLTGHTED or,r youR rNsr*rcTonr$.PRIWIDETffi]' trfi MMUM SPACE FEFI1 cOf,RECllO$lS llfADE n|.|AL APmOtrED. ,;'pv fbm: 2(X) frlECtl-Rorioh " AoDroved -'*#t'tdf ineeocror Ge[i"'F-'\u Acuon: cR coRREcTIoN REoutRED I COMMAilT: CLEARAI\EES B ANO D DO Nc)T }'iEET IT.ISTALLAT'IOT{ INSTRUCTIONS. ANY SIIIELD Fffi REDUCSD CLEARA}A€S MUST BE LISTED FOR USE I'VITH THIS PRODIJCT. 0612304 ln3lector: GCD Adlon: AF APPRoVSDtbm: 31O l,C'et+l-hrtm ' lirm: 316 FLMFG|3PlDinoibm: 320 MEC|-lErhadtHoodrlLm: 33O MECH-$uDptyAirtbm: 34tt i,tECH-Mlsc.' llrm: 35 HECH-Flml '' Apgfor,ld "eEA4X tr€D.dor. GCO' Action: cR CORRECIIOF{ REOUIRED Comm6','j PROVIDE TTIE I"MINIid.,MSPACE FORTdE SHIELDAS HIGIILIGHTEDOH YOTJR tNSIRUCnOi€. O6f23,(X lnEgoclor: GCD Actlon: APAPPROVED Comm.nb: CORFECTTOTIS kIADE RtIAt APPRO!/EC,. Frldrf, Jlnutry t4, 2005 3850 FALL LINE DR VAIL 98S0 F.ll Lim Drlve Uiltf2 AIPID Informatlsn Ac{lvltv: Cons* f!r[: O\ir*r: Assllc!nt: Cohbsctor: O.rcrlptbn: rt0t+0013 Typt' occuponct: Sailucrj, CmUDs ROD r-tAtt cotpANY ROB I.{ALL COi'!PANY SubTyp€: AMF tjse i Phon.: 30+777-7?fr, SMECH StrtB: Incp Aroa: tsst ED GD B.outrh{llrt3oeatlon(s I lBn: Rrqt|.sor; Con*ncnt}: A$lgndTo: Acton: lhmCormran8: Itonr Commoftb: t00 frfECH#rnal ROD I.{ALL @iIPAT{Y / TCrw req0G*sd 'rrt*rl nn€F cDAVls Requested Tlmc: 01:00 P{lf' Phorn: 3{FF894{DEE Enlsfqd gy: LIILLMAN K Itrgoocdon fllstorv ----**itttr ?tmq 3 iALT.t..LJJ Run Id: 2752