HomeMy WebLinkAboutPITKIN CREEK TOWNHOUSES LOT 13 UNIT 1375 south trontago road vall, colorado 81O57 (303) 476-7OOO ,tuly 15, 1988 Dr. Francis D. Hussey, ,tr., M.D.Naples Medical Center 400 8th Street NorthNaples, Florida 33940 Re: The Falls at Vail, Unit 13 Construction ofWhirlpool Addition Dear Dr. Hussey: I have enclosed a copy of our trazard regulations for the Townof Vail. I received your signed affidavit stating that you are aware that you are building in a hazard area. I also felt it was irnportant for you to review the hazardordinance as, if you rent your unitr you are required to givewritten notice to the tenant, Iessee, or sub-tenant that theproperty is located within a severe rockfall area prior to anylease being entered into or occupancy. This requirement is ineffect through April 1 through July 1 of any year. pLease review the hazard ordinance thoroughly. If you have anyguestions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, .)lntt/ | t, I "(nrbtn l'vitKristan PritzSenior Planner Enclosure KP:kc ttt O Project Application a / "', ..o^r. t. - ,) i. , (,- '' , Project Name: "t Owner, Address and Phone: i;1; It I t'., LL ^/ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: ,:f .l {I r )r.,'( u( | ,a | ,-. ( i,^{ )) \ Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Town Planner f ar"u Approvat I Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0554 HIGHWAY 82 . CARBONDALE, COLORADO 81623 (303) 963-36d' $eptember i3, LFAT RoI 1v l";. jesbo Nedbo Constrlrct i on Company F'. O,, Eo,'r 1419 V.ri1, CO. 81/rSB RE: Unit #13, f. j. tl':i n Creek Townhomes Dear Rol 1y: Tl'ri s letier ig intended to sutmmari:tr tlrel rer$Ltlt= o{ oitr gi Lel j. ngpelction of l:tst weel.;. I wal: r-equtesl-tld to dn a rock{,i*ll l. h.raar-d anal vsi::, of Unit #1f, be-,cautse an encl os;ed .iaclt:ri ancl decl,; :rrea area i.tre conternnlated. In srv*r} lrati.ng the m=rp+ which I proclurced {or the Tswn o{ Vali I in 1984, i f irrd that tlris and thr* arJ jacerrt nnitg are aI1 urnderr the geverel roc[,:f a1 I hazard designation. I have' careFully ervaluated {:lre hillside above the unit {or- its: sit"e *p*rci{ic poternti al f or r-ockf a1 1. FortunaLeIy, Llre lriltside l:ehind this parlitrular unit ;incl eeveral aroutnd it, j.s -f airly gentl€f,t ;t$ comparecl tn the quite steep hillsides botlr east:rnd west o{ this gitr-l . l al*n noted no new, l{tosrl r'oc[::5 anyr.rhere on this porti(]n rJf thet hilI-=ide. There ar-e rockg on the hillsider bltt they artl parti.rl ly br-tri nd, *rnd qr-rite rnssg and l ichen rot,e*rerd,, i rrdi c..r'ting tfrat thely ir-cve not mcrved {or many,r rnany years. Aprproxi matelly 15O {eet .1bove the unit ig ec:me tn,t}1. } expo:;ed limegtone outcr-cp. Tlri.s is nt:t in the {orm of ar clif f or- overharrgi nq I elclge, and, in faci, i= ve'ry li.ttle {r'actLtrei.rd tindicatinri Lhat rocl.: Fa11 from this Ledqtl i.5 not very 1i l.':rtrl y. Abnve this Ledge io a gently eloping bench apprfi:iimat*.ty ?lt) yards i rr breadth. -. l'trere i s morel outcrop tts:lri ncl tlri e whi. ch , ag;ri n , dce:; not- apperar to be prcne to rel ea';j. ncl t.f,rc[::s. Et,*+n i{ a rock rnlu-ra 'to fall oif thig selcorrd orttcr-cppinq, it prob;rb1y woutl d he caurqht in the r.rooded, qent-11, sl.oping bench, and rrot go t:v@r- onLo Lhar modelrartely sloping hi l lr;ide tmw.arrl the lrnit. For t-he above slt.rtesd reilson.jr I be1 i errze that blti lcline c1r'l i.rdditj.on to urrit ++1f, will not cclugp ;rtrv inct-eias;ed lra;rarcJ to the r..tn i t i ts;el{ or to "rny o'f j. ts nei glrbors. I bel i evsp L lt i:tt: the chances of a rock {alling r:nto this parti ct-tl.ar un:it i g verv sl i clht anrl dclcns not realti rG? anv mi t i c.rt i. ve r:,t c-rp s i rl the dnsign o{ the additT-on " I{ there "rre {ur-t}re.:r qnerti.nns, I o Siapt ember l3 n IS$T Unit ltr, Fitkin Crs.ek l-ownhornes Facre Two please dn not hee;it.rte to ct:nt"lct me. 5i ncer-el y, at.f t? -'7 !t W q,&t h"'4.O14 lrli.chol. a:; [-arnF]i ri r: Consul. t i ncl fitln1ng i. *t lrl[-/cl l.: ,ituly 1988lal.lg at VaLl urillt -13, orlnrssey,Og|rer cRfA Renainlngl 578 e.f,. Unlt 13 Hot Tub Addltlon: 160 s.f. REilAIIING GRFA after Hot lltb Addltlon:418 s.f. gA o. trunagz, &., /tq., Q.u. NAPLES MEDICAL CENTER 4OO 8Th STREET NOR1H NAPLES, FLORIDA 33940 July 5tr., re88 [3l3]?:?i:i? DIPTOMATE AMEI{CAiI BOARD OF PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY Town of Vai1, Vai1, Colorado TO WInvI It lny OOI{CEFN: f understand that ttre Whirlpool addition to Unit 13, is in a roclcslide area. our Ttte Falls at Vai1, We vri1l not hold the Torun of Vail, nor any of the subcontractorsliable reference the addition in Ll.r-is nockslide area. STTNED Fmt{cls D. HUSS },I.D. Fr'l./m STATE OF CCLORADO ss.COUNTY OF EAGLE I hereby certify that the foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of Jul"y, 1988, WITNESS my hand and off icia.I seaI. My commission expires: September 6, \99L. fl/,*" /.4| &ut,'h- ? h?141s4/,o<- a""a"ry t""tt" 288 Bridge Street vail, Colorado 81657 THE FALLS AT VAIL TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION 542 High Street Denver, Col-orado 80218 November 25, 1982 Mr. Warren Lawrence Peak Service Box 2356 Vai-1 , CO 816 5I Dear Mr. Lawrence: The purpose of this letter is to j.nform you that The FallsAt Vail Townhouse Association, a Colorado non-profit corporcltlon,has approved the proposed hot tub addition to Unit 13 pursuant tc.;the plans and specifications prepared by Bice Construction Com-pany dated June 9, I9gl. As you probably are avrare, Sr,:cl:ion 2 ofArticle XII of the Bylaws of the Association provide that con-struction cannot be commenced until necessary ap1:roval has beenobtained from the Town of Vail or the appropriate agency thereof.In addition, conmunications with the Town of Vail are required tobe provided to the Association. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Ilnyart, JWE: sb cc: J. Al-an Chew, Esq. I ] rrj i I ,.(, 3,lr* {lI E _-t ,i:- ,' \. oo lD I -t{- tcftli"tt, r I i i I I I l\" $lPoP o' ,,il$ orut,ot t.n DL t lr U#o/ ?1,4?\Y x }xi:l0 ?'+yN trol4- f;ltfu*'h'\ ",, tr ,\3 ,tLI *cd( c..::." ::. ..,... sHplK€\ l"----*_.-. * *" rL. -i- --t T I I I i lb NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LIST OF MATERIALS aAJ i'l;on DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther t,lall Materials by the app'licant to the Design COLOR ttl l-Jusso ti Revi-ew Fasci a Soff i ts .. lli ndows (l I I tl t1 r sha(e t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trinl, Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys . Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: I l,- .,-/,f€tutil 1o ert's'fir'". J Common Name Quani ty Size* Indicate height for conifers. (over) PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TP.EES Botani'cal Name EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. TO \ i {,. t- : , PLANT MTERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name . QuanitY Size Square Footage Nou levroue.(---_ Tvpe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimning poo'ls, etc.) Please specify. )