HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK MEADOWS TOWNHOMES UNIT N2TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 fi replace Information: Restri cted: Bui tding-----> 371 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT SFR BUILD POSTED PERMIT 5O2O MAIN GORE PL 5O2O MAIN GORE PL 210L-124-32-OO6 PRJ97-0232 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No.. Project No. Status . . . (GORE CApplied..Issued... Expires. . APPR()\'iJI)st1/i0/re 10/30. i9! 04/28 /rs\ APPLICANT VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C 36 POURTALES RD; COTORADO SPRINGSOWNER VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C 36 POURTATES RD, COLORADO SPRINGS CONTRACTOR KITCHENS BY DESIGN, INC.P.O. BOX 3660, EAGLE, CO 81631 Description: REMODEL KITCHEN AND BATHS Occupancy ! Type Construction: Valuation:3 3, 000 co co 80906 80906 Phone z 328-t270 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Appti ances: Ptan check---> Invest i gat'i on> tli l. L Cat l,----> 241 .15 .00 3.00 .00 50.00 .00 250.00 915 .15 915 .15 .00 91' .15 .00 915 .15 Restuarant Ptan Review--) DRB Fee-------- Recreati on Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL TEES----- Ile.qi ,q!190 BIJILDING DEPARTMENT ^ Dept: BUILDING Division10/30/1997 JwI Action: APPR APPROVED JRM'Itbm:'q54qq PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING DivisionItem: Q50qQ FIRE DEPARTMENT Debr: FrRE nivisionItem: 05500 puBLIc WORKS oebt: pUB woRK Divlii-on O ?,-Crc-L- rt'<.a<lczat DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT ALL TIMES #: 897-0403 lJfh $! | of tt f t1 ON JOBSITE Permit TOV/Comm. Dev. fof llood/PatLet: ********ir********rr**********i*****************************t FEE SUtl ARY ********************************************************** approved Clean-up Deposit Refund amount date dof Gas Logs: d TotaI CaIcutated tees---> Additionat tees---------> Totat Pennit Fee--------> Payments------- *********ff*t***t*************iJr**|t't*ff******ff********************************************************************ffi**rrt******** **************Jr******Jr*******ff***ff*************t**************t*********t***t*****i*ff*********t*t******************tt********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in fulL the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required.i.s correct. I agree to compl,y iith tire iniormation and pl,ot pt:n,to comp'.i ::ith att t^:: ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town,s :,,,,.,e.,,, ,ubdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniforn Bu'itding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. NCOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A7 479-?13E OR AT OUR OFIICE FROI,I E:OO AI.I 5:OO PI.I Send Ctean-Up oeposit To: KITCHENS By DESIGN SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0403 ae of 10/30/97 Statu6---: APPROVED * **** * ****** * ********* * ******* * *** * * **** * * * * **** * ** * **** * *** * * ** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * i Pennit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--t 10/30/1997Applicant--: voN MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C rssued---. LO/30/I997 To Expire t Oa/28/7998 Job Address: 5O2O MAIN GORE PLLocation*--: 5020 MAIN GORE PL (GORE CRK MEADOWS N2)Parcel No--: 2L0L-L24-32-006 Description: REMODEL KITCHEN AND BATHS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -t r 1. FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0283 Job Address: 5020 MAIN GORE PL Status. . .Location...: 5020 MAIN GORE PL (GORE CApplj-ed.. APPROVEI) 70 /30 /19a'.to/30/Le " 04 /28 /t9't '' APPLICANT VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C 36 POURTALES RD, COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80906OWNER VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C 36 POURTALES RD, COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80906 CONTRACTOR BRUSH CREEK ELECTRIC, INC. phonez 328-2254P.O. BOX 125, EAGLE, CO 81631 Description: REMODEL KITCHEN AND BATHS Valuationz 21500.00 ****t**t't**ff,*** FEE Sulll{ RY *ttt***firtrrt**f****ffiffi***lr**#**ffittfi***ft**t Parcel No.. ! 2L0l-124-32-006Project No. : PRJ97-0232 Issued. . . Expires. . Tota[ Catcutated Fees---> 57-00 Addition t Fees-------> -m Total Per]it Fce-------> 57.00 Paymcnts------- BALANCE DUE---- Etectricat---> 54.m DRg FeeInvestigation> .m tli LL CaL l.----> 3.0O TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 ffi**fi***t******f*fffi *t***ffi **ffi *******kr*****ffi *ff ****t***#*t** t***** Iten! .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:10/30/7997 JPel Action: APPR APPROVED JRI'{-Item:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divisj_on: ****i**t*l"*t***frr**ffi||}f,,|t****t**t******t*t**ft*****t*t***t*****************t***ff**rihffi***t**f*****ffi***t******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F'IRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. tr******i********ffi**ttnt r***ff*tr******ffi******rHr*t***********t******t#*S*H*ffi****t********ff******rrtr*****t*****ff*** DECLARATIONS I.hercby _acknoHtedge that I have rcad.this appl,ication, fil,tcd out in ful,I thr infornation requi red, compteted an accurate ptotplan, and state that att the infofmrtion providcd as rcquircd. is corfcct. I agrec to compty riith tire infornration and ptot il,an,to conpty rrith alt Torrn ordinancca,rnd statr [aws, and io buiLd this st ru cturr-a ccord i ng io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodcs, design revieu approvcd, Uniforn BuiLding Codc and other ordinanccs of thc Tovn aipl,icabl.c thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:@ AI.I 5:OO PtI SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAlL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLI'MBING PERMIT PeTmit AT ALL TIMES P97-0t67 Job Address: 5020 l.tAIN GORE PL Status...: APPROVEDLocation... : 5020 MAIN GoRE PL. (coRE Applied. ..OtO/3O/1997 Parcel No. .: 210I-124-32-006 Issued. . . : 70/30/1997Project No.: PRJ97-0232 Expires..: 04/28/1998 VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C 36 POURTAT,ES RD, COLORADO SPRTNGS CO 80906 VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C 36 POURTALES RD, COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80906J & C PLI,,MBING & HEATING Phone: 3039842635 P O BOX 81, NEW CASTLE CO 8L647 Description: REMODEL KITCHEN AND BATHS *ffi*t*f,*t*f,*t*****s*****f***t***f*****i****fffi FEE SUllllARy Valuation: Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additional, Fees---------> Tota[ Pernit Fce--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 2, 500 . 00 Pl.ur$ing-----> Ptan check---> Invrstigat i on> Iti LL ceL l,----> 45.m 11 .?5 .m 3.@ Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES---_ .00 59.25 59 .25 .00 59 .25 .00 59.25 ITE'I| .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:10/30/1997 JRM Action: APPR APPROVEDJRM 'Item:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **|tf*trffi***!l**'tffiff***H*ffiffi*****trt*ff********#**ffi*r.***********ffi*****ft***ff*ff****i***********tr***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL t**t*t*|t**ffi*ffi'trtitr*t****trt**ttt***t*i***ffi******f***ff***tr**Jrt*t**ffi*r*ff*ffi***t***f*****ffirt*rr*t*ffi******ffi DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknov ledgc that I havc read_this appLication, f i l,l,cd out in fuLt the infornation requi red, colpteted an rccurate ptotptan, and statc that att the informtion provided as rcquircd is corrcct. I agree to conp Ly ri'ith the infornation and pl,ot il,an,to.cotrpl'y vith aLl' T(n,n ordinances -and state [avs, and to buiLd this structurc according iothe Torrn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revien approved, uniforr BuiLding Code and othcr ordinances of the tom afplicabl,e theneto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I{ADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS tl{ ADVANCE BY TELEPI{oNE Ar 479-?138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROtt E:00 Att 5:00 ptl SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONIRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OIINER .161231L997 16264 -#Contact .Eaglc Councyt/ ii"iio:riiliiao-i"' frrncn t: z,|ol tzlrv 9703281055 PAE gL PERI.IIT ' eaae*f orrile OarcelTOI{N OF VAr! CO!ISTRUCTfL-/' PENTT APPI.ICATTOI F('RI,IoNrEz4/7Llj7 VLrn -'oL3z- , APPLTCAIION UUST BE TILLED OUT C€r{pr.EIELy OR llrr t{Ay NOII BE reCE!|fED [****r********rt****t.tt*tr*ir PERl{fr rt'poRl.tarroN rr.r******r.*t*r**il*****r*i** NtrT-rrflding gzf-elu,,rr.i1g Jrzf-nrectrical [ ;-t{ectrdnlbal [ ]-ottrer -Job Nate;@ Job Address: r,egal DeseriptJ.on:I-t,Block fiuners Nane: lhrrerr) t/Od nfronF-\_ Addressr &-e!d Archltect:Addroec: General Description: &tuoolt".I*rc,ferJ,Un+tffi,il .. _ t|orkc1a3s:[J-Newtr,4raHteratl.ont]-AdditionaI[3.nepa1r[I:othcr- Nurbel of Drrelling units: lfurnber of, Aaconnodadion unltsr pr'.tSlggg Ph. . Electrical contraetor: lddress: .Plunb,ing AddreEr: lfeqtranical Contractor: Address: rt**+*r** r* af**** ******** *****r r FoRN'ILDING PERUIT EEE: PIT'U8IilG PERI(rT PEE: HECENTTCAL PERDTIT FSE: EI.EC.|IRICIL FEE: AIHER TTPE OF T:EE: DRB EEE: Tcwn'of vail Req. No. ti{-F Pho)re Nunber:qb qS{ Z-D-S- ot Town of Vail Reg. lfo. Phone Nunb6r: oFPrcE usE **rr*r**ll********l.r***f t t**rr* BUILDTNG EIAN CEECK FEE: 7 PIJ}IBING PI.AN qlECK TEE:IIECIilIICAIJ pUUY nr?CK EEE: NECREATIOT FEE8 CIJAil-T'P DEPOSIII TOTAIJ PERI.'IT FEEST TUTLDITG! STGNAT{IRE: ZONINC: SIGIATIIRE: Town of vail Reg. IIO.ZBZ.-L (,r-. cr9,*r: ft r.f g4atc^) Stral 9703281655161231L997 L6.gq PAGE E29 75 .q||h Ironlre! ro.tt €ll. cllotrdo t G57 (301) 479-2!38 or 479-2139 hwn r to: rBou: DATE: 'snEracT: In su,ual?, Ordinance No. 6 states that it ls unlawful for anyp:rsoTl to litter{ lTaclc-or deposit any soil,-ro"*r"".rre, debrisot natdriat, lncluding trasb irupsteri, p"rt"H" i"iieti ;e--sorroen wehlcles upon-anv streetl "io"'l"iil-iri"v-or pubricp1?:. or any porciln theieor. trie risht-;i-;;y-;"-a1r rorrn ofvail streets and 5gag= ie approriaat iy S it.-6ti-pavenent.lbff - ordinance wilt be striiffy -enrorced by the town of VailPublic ltorks Departnent. -ieri6nJ found viitatrnt-itrs ord,irancewitlbe stvgn a 24 hour wr*ren-io;i;; t;^;;;f'"iia nateriq,t.rn the event the persbn eo notitted does not conprv'wi[u-tlJ---notice rrirbin rhe a. loui tiii-rp""rii"a,"A;-ffiiic worksDepart'ent virr rerotee said natiii"i itline -"ra;;;;' of persorrnotilLed. The provisions of tfrls-orainance slrall not.beappricabre to c-onstnret'ion, rainienance or repair proJects ofany Etreet.or alley or any utilities in ttre ritf,i_i*ray. To ierriew ordinance.No.-'6_in full , please stop by the town ofY1i-l lll+ding Departnant to obtaii a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this uatter. gtttc. of comnunlly dcvtloprilrl AIJL COTilTRACIORS CT'RRENjrWIJ REGISfERED WIIts TEEIOWN OF VATL lol|lr oF varl. pttBlxc lvoRKs/couultNrTy DBUEIJOPITEIIT. tttRcF.tS, 1988 CTONSIRI'qITON PARKII{G E TIAISRIIIJ STOSAGE (i.e. contractor, ohrner) 161231L997 I6i67 970328165s 75 .oulh ftoatrrn 'ordvdl, cobr.do t1t57 f3@,I 479-2138 or 479-2139 PAE 02 ctfGa d Gonultr!|lty d.rldoFl|||| luun lrfll BUILDIIIG PEffiIT ISSI'AIICE TI.IIE FRIIIIE Ilrll!_f:ryi1.I9!r.tte: 1 Town of Vait Fire Department Approval,rng'ineer'5 (puurrc llorksl reyrery and apprrval r'a plannini-o"prrurent r:yi* qr. Heal th Deparhint revisrl, an['a-ieyierr Lf il;;' ilr;ifi "sDeparhent' the "'trnated tim frr'a tota'r "evidr-iuy'LI;';'i;rgas tliree weeRr. All cormercial 'flarge or srnall) and all mrlti-fanrf]y pennits wlllhave tQ,follow ihe irove renti6neo miinui requirenents. Resldentialand.small projects shou'td tale a lesser armuni-dilid.- roii"er, irresldential or srniler.pruJects impact thl various arove miniiineo 1i?arFpntl- with regard to - necessai? revie,r, tt rii piljec E;i,also talte tlle thrae r{eek perlod. . Every.attenpt will be nnde by this department to expedite thisPetmtt as soon as possible. I, tte frame. underslgned, understand the plan check prccedure and tinp te lfotk Shdet m5Turnerfii Comuni ty Devel orm*rt Departrnent. e 'P{77 - ozlz $',sq o R \ \ G\o-tbt Rh $ $t : $[t N 4 1T\x 6 J F I E= I : flotr ir6'$'iB U F t 0 s u" il^kd xF r|=l+ ,[Ps= irt I ?,EF f,do l: 'tdd FtiF,l1" o. €J o I-l *Lf P o IJ REPT 131 TOhtN OF VAIL, COLORADO F.AGE 3 ,dA./?8/58 O8:O3 REEUESTS FqLINSF,ECTION I,ORK SHEETS FOh E/i?g/ga AREA: DD =======-=================f==================-======J======== ================Activity: 897-tZt4O3 A/e8/98 Type: A-BUILD Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr': ASFR flddr'eEs l EEEtZt MAIN GORE FL Locationr SOEO FIFIN 6CIRE FL (GCIRE CRK MERpql1l$'NA) F,ar*cel: E1O1-1E4-3e-Ora6 Oec:Use: Descniption: REIIIODEL KITCHEN"'RND BRTHS ENCL$SE LOET ,Appl icant: voN IiIINDEN fyIILTON C R. NANCY C F,hone: 0wner: VON MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C f,ontr"actor: KITCHENS BY DESI6N. 1NC. Fhone: Fhone: 398*1e78 Inspeetion Request Information..... Reer-restorr KIM/KITCHENS BY DESIGN Req Timer tZt8..r€t0 Commente: UNIT rrN-E.l Items neouerted to be Insoected... flct IAA'O9O BLDErFinal Fhone: (LOCK BOX -.,KBD)ion Cornments Time Exp Inspection History...., Item : AerOSlA BLD6-Fr'aminq LL/e4/97 InEoecton: CD Notest 3/8" TYFE X DRYI^JALL ALONE F.ARTY I^JALL Item : gt0glS(l BLD6-Insulat i on Item: O0460 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail ll/e6/97 Inspector': CD Notes: MUST CONFIRM IF 5/8 BEHIND TUB LOCATED Item: ttAQ7A BLDG-FIisc. Item: OOA9O BLD6-Final A2/g@/94 Inspector: CD Notes: CROSS CONNEETOIN Item: OB53O BLDG*Temp. tr/A Item: EO54ra BLDG-Final C/O Act i on I AFF.R AF,F'ROVED I5 REOUIRED BEHIND TUB LfiCATED Act i on: AFPR ON CONDITION: TION TYF.E X AT F.ART n t-i CONTRO YI^|AI- It- $EE 2 1/3 REPT131 lpt3. TOh,l! BF VAIL' CULORADO Ed:/EA/g8 E8:37 REOUESTS FOR INIJF'ECTION WORK SHEETS FOR: E/EO/99 PAGE gra AREAI EE ========================== Activity: E97-fi€83 e/EA/9A Type: B-ELEC Statrrs: IS$UED Constr: ASFR Address: 50Ett MAIN GORE FL Location: SOEO MAIN GORE pL (GORE CRK MEADGI^rS N-a) PLrcel: 8161 -le4-3e-006 Occ: oeserifition: REMODEL KITCHEN Al\lD BATHS (ENCLUSE LUFT) Appl ipant : VIIN MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C Fhone: Ol+ner: VUN MINDEN MILTON C & NANCY C Fhone: Contr.attor: BRU5H CFEEF ELECTRIC, INc. Phone: 338-8354 UE e : Inspeet i on Request RBquest or: Ken Req Ti me r @8:0lO Items reQuested to OOlgq' ELEC*Final I n format i on. . Connent s: Nl be Inspeet ed. Fhone: 388*137O I ockbox KBD Act i on I ns pect ion Iten r Itenr '.Iten: Item:Iten: '.-Iten: Item: History..... ql0l lO ELEC-Tenp. Power 601eft ELEC-RoughLL/ell97 Inspeetor': EG ra0l30 ELEC-Conduit 0AL4O ELEC-Mise. Aral9E HLEC-Final aWEE4 FIRE_ALNRM ROU6H AA53g FIRE-FINAL C/O 1-zo-9f Aet ion: AFFR AtrPR0VED