vail, colorado 81657
{303} 476-5613
department of community development
August 3, 1982
J.D. Schlatter
7227 Janice Place
Co'lorado Springs, Colorado 80918
Dear l'lr. Schl atter:
Th.is letter is to inform you, as the President of the Park Meadows
Condominium Association, that the sign which curyently ex'i sts on the
Lutheran Church property (see attached map) which advertises Park
Meadows must be removed within the next fifteen days.
In accordance with the Town of Vail Sign Code any sign which was
erected prior to February 23, Ig77 and-does not conform to the provisions
of the sign code must be removed five years after the adoption of the
sign code-(February 23, Ig77). Thus, the right to use the-si9n-upon
the church property (since it is'located withjn the Town of Vail) is
terminated as of February 23, 1982. Any signs which exist or are
erected upon the Park Meldows proferty itself must conform to Eagle
County si!n regulations is the property itself remains separate from
the Town of Vail.
The sign upon the church property does not conform to the sign-code
due to the fact that no off-premise advertis'ing signs not pertinent
and clearly incidental to the permitted use on the property where located
is allowed-. In accordance with the sign code you have fifteen days in
which to remove the sign. If you fail to remove the sign the Town of
Vail will remove the sign at your expense.
P'l ease contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Town Planner
Enc'l .
':.) ; ' j.;^ ; ; .* ----J :-.;r .: ..r,
.1 \'t\t\'i\t\
,l\\ .\\ , )\.\ ._ \,'\'\ \. '.\'\.\
Series of 1975
\{/HEREAS, at least ten per cent of the qualified
electors, who are resident in and landowners of the area pro-
posed to be annexed, described in Exhibit A attached. hereto
and made a part hereof, which is situated in a county of less
than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, filed a petition for
Annexation Etection with the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail,
Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "Town". on the Zth
day of October, Ig75;
IfIIEREAS, in a public hearing on the 7th day of Octo-
ber, 1975, the Torvn Council of the Town considered said election
petition and found it to be in substantial complianee with the
requirements of Section 'gf'-g-f OZi2), Colorado Revised Statutes
1973, as amended, and enacted Resolution No. 1I, Series of lg7b,
which set a second public hearing on said election petition at
a special meeting of the Council on the 11th day of November,
1975, at 7:30 P.M., in the l{unicipal Building of the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk gave notice of the public
hearing on said election petition to be held on the llth day of
November, 1975, at 7:30 P.M., in accordance with Section 3l-8-lo8
(2), C.R.S., as amended, Section 4.2 of the Charter of tbe Town
of Vai1, Colorado, and Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1, Series of
1974, of the Town, received proofs of publieation of the required
notices, and attached the certificates of publication of the
newspaper to said Resolution No. 11;
- Section l. Tit1e.
This resolution shall be'knorvn as "Resolution #2
Begarding Proposed Annexation of an Area Generally North and
ll'est of the Town Through an Annexation Election".
Res. 15, I975 Page 2
Section 2. Findings of Fact.
On the basis of competent evidence presented in the
public hearing on the petition for annexation election on the
llth day of November, 1975, at 7:30 P.M., the Town Council of
the Town of va1l, Colorado, finds and determines as follows:
A. At least one-sixth of the perimeter of the area
proposed to be annexed is contiguous with the Town of Vail
beColorado, the annexing municipality; the area proposed to
annexed is described in Exhibit A hereof and shown on the
ation Plat which is incorporated herein by reference and
a part hereof.
B. A community of interest exists between the terri-
tory proposed to be annexed and the annexing municipality; the
territory proposed to be annexed is urban; and the territory
proposed to be annexed is integrated or is capable of being
integrated with the annexing municipality.
C. In establishing th-e boundaries of the territory
proposed to be annexed there was no ciivision of any parcel of
land therein held in identical ownership.
D. The territory proposed to be annexed does not
include an area of land held in identical ownership that con-
sists of twenty acres or more which, together with the buildings
and improvements situated thereon, has an assessed value in
excess of two hundred thousand dollars for ad valorem tax pur-
poses in 1974.
E. No annexation proceeding concerning any part of
the territory proposed to be annexed has been commenced by
another municipality.
which was filed with the annexing municipality, an annexatiOn
election is required to determine the matter of the proposed
annexat ion .
Town Cl[ erk
Res. 15, I975 Page 3
Section 3. Conclusions and Determinations.
Based on findings of fact set forth in Section 2
hereof the Town Council reaches the conclusions and makes the
determinations as follows:
A. The requirements of the applicable parts of
sections 31-8-104 and 31-8-105, Col0rado Revised statutes 1973,
as arnended, have been met wittr respect to the proposed annexation.
B. The Annexation Plat which is incorporated herein
is approved and sha1l be executed by the Mayor and the lown
C. An annexation election without the imposition of
additional terms and conditions is required to determine the
matter of the proposed annexation under Section 31-8-107(2),
C.R.S. 1973, as amended.
D. The Town of Vai1, Colorado, shal1 forthwith file
a petition in the District court iir and for the county of Eagle,
State of Colorado, reqrrlsting th1 court to appoint three commis-
sioners to call and hold an annexation election to determine
the matter of the proposed annexation in accordance with Section
31-9-112, C.R.S. 19?3, as amended, and after the election, if
the majority of the votes cast is in favor of annexation, to
enter an order that the territory proposed to be annexed may be
annexed by the Town bY ordinance.
Section 4. Effective Date.
This resolution shall take
day of November, )'975.
effect upon its adoPtion
AND ADOPTED, this l1th
' i'i(i" r
ifffiiqal oescrtptton or ter.tto.v Rnne*ea to tne rorn or vuit, coto.aa,o , .iiftjif;:[Leqdl uE)L]-lpLlUll Ul lel'r-l LUI'y AIltlexeo L() Llle IOWII UI Ydl I r LOrUl-aqo . .trr.{l!
(i*^ r"r., of land lylng in portions of Sectlon I and 12, Townshlp 5 South, nung. gfti.';!tq
li.West of the-6th.Principal lleridlan and 1n portlons of Lots I and 2 of Section 5, ,,;,0,.1.r:Li. 'rsrl rrrLrPq rsrr qrr\r rlr l,.vr L r\rttJ vr r-rjLJ I gtrv c va .rcr.r.rvrr vt .. l. ,,l-.;.. Townshtp 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian being more partlcu-'"''".
'; r' 'larly described as foilows: , r''
;1 .. :t '. .- . li'ir'Beglnnlng at the Southwest corner of the SE l/4 of the SE l/4 of sald Sectlon l,' ',:1inj
!,r.'saia pol;t ;f beglnning aiso ueing-a point on'the boundary iine of Lions Ridge'iuU-';i.t
iillYl:191.u:.f:!gt9:1_1. lfq office^of the clerk and Recorder,.county 91 |lgte, iilriIr:'Colorado; thence along said Llons Rldge Subdjvision boundary line, said llne
l.i;.also being the west line of said SE 1/4.of the 5t 1/4 of Section l, N 00'03'25u
i$'E 769.32 feet to a point on the.northwesterly riqht-of-way line of Llons Ridge ',.,.i"ji
iii Loop 1n safd Llons Ridge Subdivision; thence departing said Lions Rldge Subdiui- . r;;iil{tt r-vvP rlr Jqrrr LrvllJ r\luYE JUuUlYl)lUIla LllEllLtr UePdf LlIl9 5dl(J LrUll5 l\lUgE JUUUIVI- l'.:;;.
ii'ir ston boundary line but-continu'inq along said west tin6 of the SE )tq 6t the SE ;J :).';'r
iI' ll4 of Sectlon I ll 00'03'25" E 610.40 feet to the Northwest corner of said '' i'i.;t!1lr' . tl+ ur Jecr.ron r r{ uu-uJ zJ" L otu.qu TeeE t'o Ene Norlnwesl corner oT Sarg .. ri..
,ii.'i SE 114 of the SE l/4; thence tl 87o48'35" t 802.69 feet along the north 'line of 'L:'.;.i
Jirrl:sata SE l/4 of the SE l/4 to a point on the north boundary line of sald Llons tl,ili
niUge tuUiivislon, iaid'point .iso uein,t on the northwesterly riqht-of-way ltne .,i-li$$of sald-Llons Rldge_Loop; thence continuins alons sald north line of the SE l/4 '-.i,{rrii::of the SE l/4 and also alonq the north boundary iine of said Llons Rldge Subdl- :i.:li
ir..vfslon N 87o48'35" E 574.8i feet to the ttorthlast corner of said SE 174 of the .i;;'ii
:i. ;SE V4 of .Sectlon, l, said corner also belng a.point on.the west llne of said- Lot '',;ii,ii
t-*l_9f:,s::!1ll.9i !h.l:: aepi.tine.;.i; Lio;; nrlq. uouna;;t ii;;."; i iouri"-u.!.- ri;iot$
:jt'lllng N 00"04'45" E 353.92 feet along the west'line of sald Lot l; thence depart-. iii
ili:. llg sald west llne on a course bearing S 89o55''l 5" E 337.00 feet; thence S 00o ,',i
..:jlit'4lil5" E 91.57 feet; thence s 96"49,i5,'E 429,27 feet; thence S 94"44'15', E ,.: l';]r..'l; 164.'18 feet; thence S 65o38'45" }{ .206.97 feet; thence S 44'45'45u l.l 89.45 feetlf ..';
{i}jl'thence S 14o58'45" !l 83.96 feet; thence S 34'03'15" E 162.45 feeti thence ,.j,:1rii
'.ii'ir S 00'OO'l5u E 274.38 feetl thence S 89"59'45" 11 336.53 feet; thence S.62o35'45"''', ;,ljil
ii:J: 1,, 71.82 feet; thence N 89"55'.l5" ll 347.79 feat to a point on the west llne of , , .ij,l,i
i;ftri: sald Lot 2 of Section 6; thence S 00'04'45"-1., 250.69 feet alonq sald west llne ,'::'iilIrr: sar(l Lof ( or )ecrlon o; f,nence )- uu-uq'4t"-u z5u.by teet along salo wesE, llng ..,. :,
,t,r-i of .Lot 2i thence departinq said w'e.st Jine on a course bearinq 5"83"18'09" l{ ':. ,.,:
t.-"..: of .Lot 2:'
;$l.tlS-iS riei;-irrence S 53"18'09" 1., 50.00 feet; thence N 87'38'37u ll qS.OO feet;:i:'::.1)
1...:i;thence S 5l'52'37" ll 66.35 feet; thence S l7'00'49" l, 40.00 feet; thence S 02" .",ii,
I,ii;ii2l']l" q 469-00 feeti the-nce S 0lo49'29" 1., 'll7,86 feet to a polnt on the northerly:j
l(i.11!rlght-of+ray I Ine of Inter'state Hiqhway No. 70; thence along said I-70 rlght-of- - . :l
I,.'.i( lay !lng N 62o26'45' E 268.92 feei; thence along sald l-70-right-of-way ifne '..:,.:.i
[f1ti.l{.00"31 '36u }l 19.70 feet; thence alonq sa{d I-70 rlqht-of-way-line N 5-9"36'22".' j;. -'ii,ilf,i,!,00"3'|'36" ll 19.70 feet; thence along sa{d I-70 rlqht-of-way line N 59o36'22".;;','..;
iliijit,F- 49.90 feet to a polnt on said west llne of Lot 2: thence along sald west 'r.." l;1;ll-itIIne S 00'04'45" $l 16l.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Sectlon 'lI thence i ,;'r'rirrlr., uv v't .rr w tor.uu feef, f,o f,ne )ouf,nedSf, corner oT sato )ecElon ti InEllc€ r ,J:i
[hi,"t,S 00o07'0l" }J 1397.09 feet to the llortheast corner of Lot I in sald Sectlon l2;.. ,':];i.iilir,thence^l^9:"96'9ll^l'l--1387.64_feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot-l;_thence,' l;ll:
iS 00"40'34rr ll 2782,01 feet along the-west line of said Lot'l and Lot 2 of sald '..!ii.;
i;Sectlon l2 to the ltortheast cornir of Lot 3 of sald Section 12; thence N 89'38'12'';+) rsvrrvrr rc l,rJ r,rrr r.lJt t||so)L Ll,rt Eit ut LUL J ut 5dtu JcLLtu tai L S UU ll ot Jo la ,::
:tl-^!392.20 feet to the tlorthwest corner of sald Lot 3; thence t't OO"qZ'sOu E , ,;t'ili
;'1giitSi.e6'ii.i-iiong the ltorth-South centert lne of satd Section l2; thence aeparl-,,1 .$,
",1:'.''rf ng sald tlorth-South'center]lne ll 89o28'10" E 232.00 feet; thence N 00o42'50" E.i f i".t-,.r'.:7 f rrg salo llorln-)oUln cenlerllne t{ by-lU lU" t XJI.UU feet; lnenCe N UU-.lZ'5U" t .{.il.rll
$'i'187.00 feet; thence S 89'28'l0" ll 232.00 feet to the center of sald Sectlon l2;'.,';,i111
'i:thence along the East-l,lest centerllne of sald Section l2 S 89"28'l0u |rt 921,21 ii11ili', i , feet to a p6tnt on the southerly riqht-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 701 : , :'"illi
.,t_i.; j:thence N 2l'37'31 " t,l 363.,42 feet to a point on the norther'l v rioht-of-vray line ij',
..i;'. jl of sald Hlghway, said point also beino a point on the southerlv boundary llne of ;.'",,,t..i.',ll,t'.,;;Llons Rldge Subdlvision Fllinq llo. ?.rt recorded. in the off ice of said. [agle County;,;jriiili.',Lrun> nrQge Juuurvl5rurr r | | tnq r(J. z d5 recoroeq ln Lne oIIlce oT 5dr0 cdgre LUUI| Ly .. ., ,/i.1r..
ItClerk and Recorder; thence alonc sald southerly boundary I jne and northerly right-.j''tii'dl
i nf-'.r:w l{na r.n }ha fnt 1^,.,i^^ . N qroAnrro'r c ott '2/, f6^}. +hdn^a N lt'lo '--.':-:.:l !:''{i;l:lilltClerk and Recorder; thence alonc sald southerly boundary I jne and northerly right-.:''ti.i'd]
|k',2:,:.rnof-way llne on the followine courses: N 52"50'29" E 842,34 feeti thence N 41" ',.i.*fou;:,
'illi"{iiirr'3l'43u E .|02.00 feet; thence ll 52o50'29" E 191.45 to the Southvrester'ly corner lii.,'.'li1grir
j'*rift;iof Block "C" of said Llons Rldqe Subdivision; thence departinq said northerly ,: iiifi$t
iilii,l; [lsll;'l-"il.' lr,::f l]o:o^:f:-"::':llv.::i*:H ll::-::.::lg ll::*^,','i^1."' , ;"lil$:tit4ti;lbirii'-H'iig.zl feet to a point on the southerry riqht-of-way line or lions-' i:
,l'i1f,-i'' Rldge Loop in sald Llons Rldge Subdlvision; thence alonq said southerly right- " iJ.l)
',;frf|li.f.,of-way on the fol'lowing courses: N 59'32'06" E '1243.30 feet; thence 488.67 ,'llii|4'';1','feet along the arc of a 'l 7il.95 foot radir,s curve to the left, the chord of ,.'::i;;ll.::
,H,i''" whlch bears N 51o38'04" t 487.12 feeti thencd departing said Lions Ridge Loop":litri;|
,,lJi,il'llll!::f:yly-al919 the.westerly boundary line of.said Lions Rlls: sygliv'sion.^--_'r:jr1,
,i.ilii:'x 60"03'25"-E 585.80 feet to I point on ttre north line of said Sectlon l2; thence illfilt.. I 98:17'19: !^ 300.00 feet alons said norlh 'ljne to the point of beginnlng, con-.. ;il,''|..-.|t(Jl,|,.lJLJvv.vv|gtLo|vI|9Jq|U||u|L||||r|glvL||EPU|||Lv|ugy||||||||y|
, -t' ;' talnlng 222,93 acres more or 'l ess.
qur sJ lrrvl E: ul rs))'
, ..' ,. i'ri;:iilffi
,illl"l, l ,i