HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNPLATTED SHAPIRO!fu=* D(h-Llr+lao @ %o Wnw6 v- g*tr'-.'-l i, - e, fv -49 Vc*t w-X, uri Vid,t*"A 1''.)t,rvr'e . i.- t,, -% rwio*ttA a ;*urA4a't ' O*{ W t'u'A' fr'' &,^ tu'% v<,'vir^^td,.; iM W+% euA u& )b vd'uAff"' 75 roulh lrcntrg€ rc.d vdl, colondo 81657 (303) {7s2138 (30i1) 47$439 February 1-9, 1990 olflce ol communlty develoPmenl Mr. Abe Shapiro P.O. Box 1448Vail, Colorado 8l-658 RE: Unplatted vaaant Iand tionsrldg€ Filing #1 Dear Abe: The following is a sunmary of the Town of Vai}ts responses to your questions listed in your Letter dated January 22, l-990' 1. Is this Lionsridge Loop roadway land owned by the Town of VaiI? our Town Engineer, Greg Hall, states that you will need to have a title report conpleted on the right of way, presumably owned by the Town of vaill in order to rnake a final deternination of whether the town owns the land or not. 2. fs this roadway an abandoned roadhtay with no future plans for it to be developed as a roadway? 3. If answers to #1 and #2 (above) are affirnative and if I satisfy alt ihe town rdquirements for a single fanily residence with a caretaker unit, would the town consider selling the roadway land to ne? Selli.ng the property to you nust be a decision for the Town Council to rnlke-. Should the Council decide to sell the property, all tbe utilities should be contacted. Your driveway to a possible residence will need to meet town standards. If your froject has more than one residence, 9ay a nultifanily itev6loprnent (this would require rezoning), .the driveway would need to rneet private road standards according to the Town Engineer. erlg Hall also states that the driveway/roadway design will need to meet approved engineering standards for retaining waLls and slope stabilitY. I also talked to Peter Patten about your request. He explainedto me that he had talked to you on the pbone around January 3 about the project. He reguested a suri\ley showing topography and areas of 4ot slope. He also requested ttrat you indicate the road layout and receive a letter fron the Forest Service docunenting access rights before proceeding to the Council on the purchase. In discussing the agricultural open space zoning with Larry Eskwith, Tonn Attorney, it appears that in order to develop this unplatted parcel you would need to neet the minimun lot or site area for the agricultural. open space zone as well as buildablearea. This section of the code gtates in 18.32.050, Lot Area and Site Dinensions, 'rthe minirnum lot or site area shall be 35 acres with a ninimum of l acre of buildable area per dweJ.ling unitrr. Given this zoning reguirement, my understanding is that you will not have the acreage to meet the nininurn lot size. The land use plan also indicates this area as open space. Give these factors, it appears that you do not have, at present, a developable lot. You may always reguest to rezone a parcel , however I believe site size, land use designation, steep slopes of the site, and concern about the feasibility of designing a road to access the site are aL1 issues that do not nake this site very suitable for a rezoning. r am sorry that this letter could not be sent to you earlier. This parcel is unusual and I felt that it was iurportant to discuss your request with Larry Eskwith, Peter Patten and Greg Hall. If you have any further questions please feel free to caII me at 479-2L38. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, .|tvta 1(rt\4NKf,+ Senior Planner KPlPP cc: Larry Eskwith, Town AttorneY Greg Hall, Town Engineer Mike Mollica, PLanner II