HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G1It7 v OI{SOLIDATEDUppen EAGLE VALLEY C WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAO . vAlL. COLORADO 81657 (303r 476,7480 December 2I , 1989 Mr. Ilarley G. Jergensen Custom Country llones, Inc. P. O. Box 1670 Monument, Colorado 80132 Re: Easement Encroachnent Requests Lot G-1, Flling No. 1, Lions Rldge Subdlvlsion Vai1, Colorado Dear llarley: This letter ls to Lnform you that your above-mentioned requests have been granted by the Vall Valley Consolldated Water DLstrict and the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District. You w111 be receiving the orJ.ginal documents withln the next week for recording purposes. If you have any questlons please contact me. Sincerely, I'PPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT \*o \ ***Oro Fred S. IIas lee Dlstrlct Regulatlons Adminlstrator FSH: sk .ll -^-A ll PaRrrclPATtNc Drsrlrctt - aRRowHEllo METRo warER . avoN rrETRCt \,VATER . BEAvER cREEK METRo SATER . BERRy CREEK ustno / CIEAN \ O\\ warER ' EAGLE va'L MErRo warER '#:::nljJ::; il::Til,1';:il""11:'ft#:" EAGLE'aLLE' saN'!ra'oN ' u^'.- Qi@f owNER oF PRoPERTu Letfu)l sa4au- NAME OF APPLTCANT ADDRESS ,/,O''rt,,(?er*oa)tc P'lro ea zz LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: w O-/ BLocK(If necessary, Corner lot APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE A STRUCTURE ON A (Please type or print) DAIE Jl&--&3- PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN PUBLIC RIGHT.OF-WAY Fence WaII Landscaping Other //tle, SUBDIVISION attach description Inside lot Y _ ,-ra < ^- oe€ jztP, _ F t Ll42_&-_ Aa_J on separate sheet) ,*a*-!"1 ,J-s-qg /.r'-r!. IffiEintakesl hydrants, meters, rnanholes, any other affected appurtenance in the projecl area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicabJ-e) . Does structure presentlY exist? DO Proposed. date for conmencement of construction tl-,/6-21- In consideration of the issuance of a revocable pennit for the structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restristed exclusively to the land above described. 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application.3. That the applicant stratt notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized-lgent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection nay be made by the Town.4. The applicant agrees to indennify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents from and against all tiability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or-. damage, Lncluding without lirnitation claims arising frorn bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss or-aamigl, or any oltrei loss of any kind whatsoever, which.arise out of or are in-any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this pernit, if such injury,.Ioss, or damage is Laused in whole oi in part by, or is clairned to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, rnistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his suLcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, and to provide defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or denands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses r-lating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not any such riability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or frauduLent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, apoficy or poticies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability -laims, demands and other obligations assulned by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the ToIiIn of Vail , its oiiicers, agents and enployees from any and all tiabillty, clairns, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTI'RE OR ITEM(S) INTO,RT property caused by the Town of Vail , its officers, agents 3n{&npfoyees whil.e engaged in maintenance or snow renoval activities or any other activities whatsoever on To!'tn of Vail property' streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way.5. That the pernit nay be revoked whenever it is deternined that the encroachmLnt, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or inpairs the use of the right-of-way by thepublic, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon-which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the publici or it nay be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of VaiI.6. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, . obstruction, or structure within ten days after reeei-ving noticeof any revocation of said permit. 7 " That the appticant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way.8. That i.n the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction,or structure is not accompJ-ished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized- to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs of reuovalin the same manner as general taxes are collected.9. That the perrnit so issued is not assignable, and is issued solelyto the undersigned applicant.L0. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. L1. Special conditions: _ Rpc<wo,rL .4v rT PE TcitALLS> ,'ve <L>JE(L 'fF4-v signat of erty Owner(If joint ownqrship both sigiratu::es) APP elo Town Manager Proiect Application /l , /o'Y1 Project Name: Proiect Description: rl l -T Contact Person and p6sne fl A R I eY ..-\Cpfl eN <e^./ JV owner. Address and Phone: /." P'9 <"k*rl{ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot (_> |Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ' / /nl,{,4*_.n Town Planner Staft Approval o 8 1 7r9 .tS120S0 ROIIFK L,eroy S. $chmldt P.0. Box 40? Monutnent ' Co. 8(1132 ?19-4 88-0866 tt* ,r' #D|r -,J-,tf {1- r .*f r{p* ;t!tt!lj Fn;..ilt} .,' SlnccralY,e"tlw *kt! l' '-q, rD rd/ !* i'"-{' tr o 1t 13./89 l?r31 Novembcr 13, 1089 Mr. Mlke MolllcaClty P.lenner Clty of Vall Dea! 8119 , I an preaently bullding e houEe at l41O Buffher Croele Road. I need to Uirtf a a rctalnittt-"'arr 4. to.6.-f eet lnto the N.E. slde utrrrti*"ii.i";;;--i hive recelved verbal approval from alI the utfiitv-'companfes and tettere are cornlng' My problern lc that wat;r/sewcr nccde b;;;d approval and they do -not nect untll December 21et' I agree to hold tha Clty of.vatl and al1 the uttlltv conpanlcc trarrnfsss-ln-thc cvlnt ttri-rotafning wall nceds to be renoved. I "gio""t""iri-.ff "oat"-ehould-the wall need to be renoved. It le ny lntent to bul ld thc watt thlc wee-k'baforc froct EetE f,or the winiir, i wtfl glve the Clty of Vall lcttera ;;;; ;;; ..it'rrlii companleB ae Eoon aE r raceive then' 01 LeroY S. Sehnldt APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETII{G: . .DRB APPLICATION / ff*T*THI5 APPLICATION I'IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORIVIATION I.PRE-APPLI CATION MEEIING : A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: e"[fi;;!'ii:i"y"riiitional informaiion is-nieaea.. No application will be.accepted ,..;.;-;.Hj uni"sr it is coirplete (must lnclude all iielns required.by the zoning administrator). -i=-;it i[.iitt'iappiicint.iiesponsitiiiiyto'i[ianappointment.withthestafftofind out about additional submitta't requiremenill -i;f"il. note that a C0MPLETE applica- : .:.-frF tion will streamiine itre app"ovai-pio..tt-io" youi proiect by decreasing the numle1 ^- ;-; oi-londitions of approvat that the'gRB miy sti.bulatb. ALL conditions of approval must -rf#be resolved befo.re a building permit is issued. : .f " ndtar,-ils .:.:;:.i::,JL .'t'i:.' B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 4 /0 Descri pti on Lot Cru'k R, Bl ock Filing /"-9t-"gul Zoning ,!+C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. MME OF Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,0oo,ooo$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL 1. In addition to indicate should also. site. 2. The review process for NEl,lof the Design Review Board, BUILDINGS will normallY so plan on at 'l east two involve ttlo separate meetings meetings for their aPProval. telephone +(l-Do> .'7t q tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested' FEE $ 10-00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 '$200'00 $300.00 SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Eoard at their schedu'led meeiing and who trave'hoi asked for a postponement will be required to be to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the-applicant must stake the site property iines ana building corners. Trees that will be removed be inarfLa. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the republ i shed. 4. o a The following iterns no longer have to be presented-to.the.Design-Review Eoard' iiily,-r,iiii"i, tri"" fi ilT;t:nila'io-ttti ionins Adninistrator for approval: a. t'llndows' skyllghts and similar exterior changes that do not alter the Cxiiiini pline-of tjre butldlns; and b. Eulldlng addltlons that are not.vieled !ryT qny other lot or publlc space' wnich have riii'iltti"i-suGtttea'fiom adJoining property ovrners approving the additiori;-.nJionippronai trfi| the agent for, or manager of a condominiunt associ ati on. 5. you may be required .to conduct Nailral Hazard Studies on your property. You shouid ctrecf inU a Town Planner before prcceeding. '--- I.t I A - 6 at 4rl ri,Nde *:. ,'g- tl FocT ASftN'Ae a'*eL i.- J i, isttt'n't'tc ?-Y,?-- t vat 4-.'.i-_ rrNrtJGtiAiLL ?.!wf#nffi,;:;"\4',* II fr I rhtd{tct U' /fiouLted ne, QueqT gtt"^re9 lle APtoN)'3a oN Refhrtutc .,o'g"7-,' oG* ' tttNl 'J!-?jtf^O 1=r"')ro lc*feo J^' Tt(e aND r fae6 ' LEUI/ sel/rvttPT 'Gt /ero Sqffeil4 e{reK tD to'l-- G'/, t^toNt9 fttoee ?t'l?/ FrunG 7?@P of Vftt L BL(tt-utN0 /fnn6 NO q to I fues loFS s Joz 7'%/ $ b $ $ R $ F\-+- tE tlx $l + 3 {ta U.o I ul II t0 fl {u\ v $ \ ? Ris ITtu( +I+rt lF\(,Lr "v o o ,1. A.p' o,rLs freE I oF., s Jo h 394/ 'lta N ia I o .gJQ5 3vd iltl rlrl ll ,,) .\i ,j', : :rl:- '.11 .:. 'jl il 'l APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN FenceHalI VLandscapinQf 0ther NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOI6.I ftT:fl I SUIO.,//N3 R,'/48(If necessary, attach description on separate strEetl) Corner lot_ Inside lot! DESCRTPTToN 0F STRUCTURE 0R rTEM(S) rNTo RiGHT-0F-|^JAy $aI*n"{vr&. r-l.',& l^nilt*ri"*Attachp.lansshow.ingencroachment,property1ine,sids,.U meters, manholes, any other affected apurtenance in the project area (to scale-or dimensioned) and section(s) as weli as elevations (if appliiable). t. /.. Does structure presently exist?No Proposed date for comnencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,applicant agrees as follows: That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sively to the land above described. That the permit is limited specifical 1y to the type of structure described in th1s appl ication.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of constri.rction, in order t[at proler 'i nspection may be made by the Town.4. That the applicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all claims, suits, damages, costs, losses and expenses in any manner resulting from, arising out of, or connected with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidenti fied structure. 5. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion' or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon whichthe encroachment, obstruction, or structure exist,s is required foi. uie Uy the public; _ q!^ it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed suffic'ient by the-town bt Vaii.6. That the applicant will remove, at his Lxpense, the encroachment, o-bstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit.7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping issociated with the ehcroachment on the right-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot accomp'l ished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the right to make an assessment against the pr-operty and collect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general iaxes are collected.9. That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued sole1y to the undersignedappl i cant. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this application. Special conditions: 10. li ?f ke- Ar't"n 4"/ Kow /'Bn'( lnwn 75 soulh fron|lgo rord Y!ll, colo]ldo 81857 (303) 479'2138 (303) 4792139 September 18, L989 ofllce ol communlly develoPm€nl Leroy Schnidt P.O. Box 407 Monurnent, Colorado 80132 Dear Leroy, In a meeting rrlday, Septenber 15, with your contractor, we realized your house, as proposed on your building perroit subnittal plans, presented is a slight encroachment ln the front setback. .It appears Ltrat a minor shifting of the buildlng envelope will alleviate this encroachment. However, this does change the drawings that I must use to calculate building height. If you could please subnit to me a drawing showing the ttructure as Hirley Jergensen has indicated with the coirect ridge heights and ridge locations, I wlll be able to conplete ny zoning check. For your information, I wilt pass along the final calculations I have made regarding GRFA. The lot size is .88 of an acre, which calculates out to le,tlZ square feet. The allowable GRFA for your property is 5t666 square feet. The house as proposed represents a total of 2,969 square feet. This leaves you future development rights of 2,597 square feet, if you ever desire to build a secondary unit on the parcel . As we discussed earlier, in order to buil.d and subdivide a second unit, you must cornply with the Town of vail Design-CuldelLnes and the Duplex Subdivislon -suLruittal requirements. The Deslgn GuldeLines will require that the second unit be physically connected and architecturally integrated lnto the currLnlfy prolosed primary-unlt. No subdivision will-be allowed until at least-ttrL toundation inprovernents are in place for the secondary unit. If you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact me at 479-2L38. Sincerelv..-) 'l--- t(r<f (,tt^'r*-l'\ Rick Pylnan Town Planner RP: IT il#228S Waynoka Rd., Sulte O Colorado Springs, CO 80915 Telephone (71 9) 591 -0005 September 18, 1989 Custon Country HonegP. 0. Box 1670 Monunentr Colorado S0132 Rer 1410 Huffehr Creek Road - Vallr Colorado Gentlenen: Thts letter pre€ente the reeultB of a vlaual geologle hazard evaluatlon eonducted by pereonnel of Soll Testlng and Engineerii;g on $eptember 15, 1989 at the above referenced slte. fhe 6lte LF tocatE<t ln the t,own of Val.l near the boundary between $ectic,ns i and 12' T 5 S, R 81 W of the 6th PMr withln the ltlnturn 15 mi.nute quadrangleT Bagle County, Colorado. The topography of the lot conej.et8 of a moderate to steePly sloptng hlllslde dropplng generally ln an eaBt and eoutherly clirection toward Buffehr Creek Road. The lot le covered wlth natlve grsBses and aspen trees. The gen€rel geology ln the erea conslste of Penneylvanlan Age- Minturn Formatlon and Pennsylvanlan-PermJan Age Maroon Fornatt.on [he Minturn Formatlon in thie area ls predoninently a gray ehale and sandstone wlth limestone layers. fhe Maroon Fornatlon is '*yplcalJ.y a hematlte-cemented elltston€' eandotone and ehale. Both of these formati.one di,p approxlmately 30 to 40 degrees io bhe north. A surflcial tleposlt consistlng of glacial drift at the building eite contalng siltsr sandsr cobbles and bouldere' The surflcJ.al deposlte v,tere encountered durlng our eubeurface sol1 lnvestlgation, the tesulte of whlch are preeented under separste cover. The above referenced lot llee on the hillslde prevlously deecrlbed. The buildtng lteelf w{11 be located near the top s5 the hlltslcle. An area designated ae tnedlun severlty rockfali zoneil as nrapped for the Town of Val.l sltghtly entere the north boundary of the lot.. The rnaJorlty of the lot1 with the except{-on of the snall grea to the north, iE outeide of the rockfall haearozoner It appears as though the house will be conetructedentlrely oulitaa the rockfall haaarcl zone Es lndlcated on therockfall hazard map. E:EF-1r=-F_r'3 r'1 r:r t{ 1.+:=+ Va j.1, Col.orado Page -2- r=Ls+:=gIr=CRfiF-T ELftRS_l=' . -:-, - The hillslde ehows no slgns of lrrstablllty nor €vidence ofrockfsll. Slnce the htllslde ie to be excavatedr howeverr it is recomnended that the rear foundatlon walle be deelgned andconstructed as retalnlng walJ.e so that slope j.nstabillty 1a not induced. It ls our oplnion that thc proposed etructure wlll not negatlveiyaffect adJotnlng propertles. The elte ls a geologlcally Bensl-tl.ve area r but developnrent will not lncreaee the hazard to other property sr structures or to publlc buildlnge, rlghte of way, ioader etreetsr €dg€tn€nts, utlllties or facj.lltlee or other propertles of any klnd. In the event nltlgatl.on is not put {ntcrplscer there wtlL sttll be no i.ncrease of hazard to the above 116ted lmprovemente. I-,andscaplng around Lhe home should be such that eurface water i.6 direeteil qul.ckly and safely around and away from the foundation '$peclflc eurface and subsurf,aee dralnage recommendatJ.ons are plovided ln t.lre subsurface Eoll report provided under ceparate- iover. It should be noted, however' that the solls encountere'J during our subsurface lnveatlgatlon are suitable for the type of constructlon prc'poeed. It le our undexstandlng that access, done€tic water and waste dlspoeal eystems are nunlclpally provlded. Raclon gas accumulatl,on withln etructures has beeome i CotlC€IF crf the state €nd numerous homeownerB. It 1S difftcul't and Eonetimes mj.sleading to predlct the potential for radon gag. aecumulatlcne wlthin stiuctuiee prlor to the conpletion of conetructlon. Slr'r:e the solle encounteied durlng our subsurface exploratlon progran woutd be permeabl.e to radon gas, lt may be advlsable for the bullCer tl take EtePs which iould tend-to reduce radon accunula- tlone wlthln the home. We trust thls provlrlea you wlth the lnformatlo! you regue€ted. should questl,olre arise, pleaee contact our offlce at your convenience. Fespectfully sttbnltted' AND E}IG ril lllilltllll,, |to o ApplluaLlutt Nu, VlJrS,l-t For Infornation Only - Charges -ALTA Onner PoIIcy Tax Certlf. --TOTAL-- $3 66. OO $20. o0 9386.00 With your renittance please refer to V13754-2. Effectlve Date: iluly 06, t9g9 at 8:OO A.M. Policy to be iesued, and propoEed Insured: rrALTArr Ownerts policy Forn 8-1970 (Anended t 0-17-ZO) Propoeed Insured: IJROY S. SCHMIDT $47, 5oo. OO The estate or lnterest ln the land described or referred to inthis Commltrnent and covered hereln is: A Fee Slnrple Title to the estate or lnterest covered herein is at theeffectlve date hereof vested in: FIRST NATIONAIJ BANK OF CRAWTORD COUNIRY The land referred to in this Comnitnent is described asfollows: I,oT G-1, LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PIAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. GEl ;---.\. LTAffi SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptlons) Application No. VL3754-2. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS As sHowN oR RESERVED oN RECORDED PIIAT OF LTONTS RIDGE SUBDTVISION, FILTNC NO. 2. ]E SCHEDUIJA B-], (Regulrements) Apptlcation No. Vt3Z54-2 re followl.ng are the regulrenents to be courplled wlth: . Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagore ofthe full conslderation for the estate-or interest to be-l-nsured. . Proper lnstrunent(s) creatlng the estate or lnterest to beinsured nust be e:ieiuted and-duly filed for recora, to-wit: . wARRAlfTy DEED FROU FIRST NATIONAL BAI'IK OF CRAI{FORD COUNTRY TO LERoyS. SCHMIUI CONVEYINC SUB'ECT PROPERIY. rt 3=Er THE COUNTY CLERK AIID RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUI'{ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING!.I DENVER COI'NTY I{ILL NOT RETURN RECORDED DOCT'MENTS WITHOUT ASEIJF-ADDRESSED STAI'|PED ENVEIJOPE . oALTA COMI'IITMENT GE2 a - . "f.r.riI DATE oF [lRB )lEETiiiG: - :r/r{T;i.r'o - -. .....1... a.1.'''?r' , DRB APPLICATION ..:-.:.'.= 'IgN IS SUBITITTED**r** ' : '?'i=r**T*THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORI'IATION I5 5UbNI - i.4.: lr,nr ?^irtnil t EE rYtln . "t1I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEETIIIG: ':':: " ;;i '-:: A pre-aopiication meetins with'; planning'staff member is strongll ...Y?9.:!.9-P ^ -, ,Ijn Pf E-qePr rr.s|.rwt. rrrss!r rr: ... -.. - l, rgr... rrrr{ ,i _'- --: ii L^ _--__^ a'elirmini ii ini aaAit:onai intorinaiion is-neeoea. No application will be accepted -ii;a' uniess it .is compl'ete (must include aif iiemi-requir.a Ui'ttre zoning adrninistrator). ' '.t:i,ii'it is tne applicant's respons'ibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find out about additional submittal r"quir.runii. -i;l"il" note that a COMPLETE applica- f .;,* tion will streamilne ltre approval'procesi-ior your proiect by decreasing the number ..- oi-ionditions ot approvJi lnat the'DRB riy'itii,uiatb. -ALL cbnd'itions of approvai must '# be resolved bef.o.re a buiiding permit is issued. .<qie- A. PR6JEcT DE5SRIPTI9N: s*tUt-.&xt\ (Vst061(t- " 'rr;f[ B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: tere;lblt{gp -o!}bb $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 5o.oo $100.00 .$200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUEMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremeints, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property ijnes and buiid'ing corners. Trees that will be removed shouid also be markiO. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. 2. The review p"o""r. for'NEll EUILDINGS will normaily involve two separate meetings of the gesign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled meel'ing and who have'not asked for a postponement wi]] be required to be republ ished. c. NAiqL 0F APPLICANI: Z,OCI4{ Ud.rilTh* +CrXrCy,?6At{ . Address %t Ag , t . @- Ub €c,tlB telephone.l0bt-12DT-' D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEI.ITATIVE: Address Lrorrs ErrL(€ ti€of Legal Description tot G. I t;rx&r lc0/gcL Fii ing +L Zoni ng Address NAt'lE 0F tel ephone 0llNERS: Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION The fee will be paid at the time a buiid'ing permit is requested' FEE The fol'towing items no longer have to be. presented iiily,-rt*ii""i, have to be iresented to the zoning . ir .,tja .-i-l.s t.i :.':.J ..- F.-aF1r to the Design Review Board. "-.'{3 Administrator for aPprovai :4. a. l,lindows, s'kylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing pline-of the building; and b. Eulldlns additions that are not vievred floqr qnv other-lo.t-o:-q:blf-:ti:t' wnich hive had letters subnitted frcrn adiolning property owners apProvlng the addittonr-anAioi ippiou.f from the agent f6r', or manager of a condominiun association. 5. you nay be required .to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on Jour Property. You strouid chect< ivith a Town Planner before proceeding. " r.i, t f. LIST OF MTEF.IALS ..!IAI'IE OF PiiOJECT: . LEcil- oEScRIPTIoll: ;lgEFi '+?31'3f ' ,* The follorving information is required for submittal by the appiicant +"c the Design Review Board before a finai approvai crn be fiven: A. EUILDIIIG |,IATERIALS: TYPE OF I,IATERIAL C0L0R Roof Cnttl,e- il*- A(W1"'---ucn.^ &tt/^4 otherrrlall Materiais fUur. U*urfsc^onn,r'a- ltgfi Fasci a Soffi is lli ndolts llindorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck F'lues Flashi ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: pnone: Botanical Name Ouani tv Si ze* '...i4: B. PLANT IIATERIALS: PROPO5ED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE RAIOVED rlndicate caliper for deciducious trees' lS-Jo Indicate height for cohifers. ' (over) Common Name A=pe"/S-?o t^ -)'/z r-) ,, t- ,te<-D PLAitT IIATEi,IALS: SHRUBS EXISTi;iG SHRUBS TO BE REiIOVED GROUiID CCVERS Eotani cai Name Comrnon llame Quanl tv Size Tvoe IN//+ (nrre ra trnnt: rtF s0D SFtrN as ),tst.nnl"rl DaiP w"r+e /a^sl'.{TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE +z;; FEATURES ( reta'ini ng wa'l'ls, fences , ,, uNl& bd;l,A*^ rrtrr, "n^XT,.Hi etc.) Pl ease specify. bfr'r€, B] oct USrrt [l,r0G€in g* Z- Al'l ot'ted 13s)(33) 5% 3311 ^TGb20' lql 15' IJU]l(iu, tilall Heiqhts lultc LnLL\ FOR SFR,, R, R P/S ZOiiE DISTRICTS nnfF.ul.rtr-. =7frLLb;-ru t'r t- - ''lnr ADDRESS: Ol,INER ARCH I TECT ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE r nf q I7F Hei ght Totai GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front 5 r oes Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/ Reta i ni nq Parki ng Credi ts: Garage P rooo s e,l 36- 5 W 21u1 DK ?"2 r( "*;Jl/t' o( o(' toD N-)(>^sG_ f ,d{<&tr,5 qr^d< -- Salog Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) / r( I l/ <n \ (2oo)(4oo) G,'vts-\) Lrl1-J6: GrrS-\) 460 t'/.Slope Actual ilh. tob Aval anche FiC2 Flood Plain F-p Sl ope hJO ,ptlletl ands Geologi c Rc'trc F.'a-r-5g-ar- Approv 0i sapproved Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Date: UTILITT LOCATIC:] VEP.I:'!CATIC:: SUBDIVISION JOB NA"YE nY nata I l..l.lrrrr ADDRESS The locasj.on of utillties, whecher chey be main tlunk lines musr be approved aod verified by the following urilirles fo! site plan. Mounrain Bell 40t'-o)uu l{escern Slope Gas Co. 1800 923-1987 llarry Moyes Public Service ConPanY Y.. Y -) / O r Gary tlall tloly Cross Electlrc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted l{usky/Michael Lavercy I{eric:ge Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 -C.r*h*s*Efia.la t*| 'd Upper Eagle Valley l{ater & Sanicaclon Dlsrricc 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Autho:::eci S !znacure or proposed llnes, che acconpanying DaE e 7-r z. - sl 7- /"9" tu*-s7 "-/z -t7 * zf-n Z:l?S7 These veriflcacicns do noc relieve lhe concr3cgor of his responsibillly !o obtain a screec cuc pemic frosr che Town of Vall, DePartmenc of Public Works and co obtain ucj.Iicy locat:.ons before digging in any publie rlghc- of-way or easemenc in che Tosn of Vail. A builCinq le;n:Lt!;1s not a streec cuc oermiE. A screec cuc pernic ausE be obcarned separacely. This folrll 1s Eo verify servtce avaLlabll,l'ty and locaclon. ltrls should be used in conjuncrl,on sith prepaling your ucllLty plan and scheduling lnsEallarj.ons. ,' *(Please brlng a sJ,te plan r.rhen obcalning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanj.taclon slgnacures ) tP&ftrj I box 100 vail, cololado 81657 (3031 476-s6r3 August 4, 1981 T0: T0l^lN C0UNC IL department of community development FROM: Department of Community Development,/Peter Patten RE:Eeyision of Staff Memo aehtiat Cluster-lq or e HoDKl nS The Staff has reconsidered its position on this rezoning as far as the recommended condit'ions for approva'l . The maior point of contention in this project is the previous staff recommendation of allowing only RC GRFA, rather than fu11 primary/secondary GRFA (a differeirce of 1032 square feet). The Staff.,now feels the primary/secondary GRFA is iustified if the applic"ant agrees to commit the secondary unit to the standard employbe housing restriction as per Ordinance 22 of 1981. Thus' the Staff Recommendation now reads as follows: 1. That discussions be entered into and a'l 'l reasonable efforts made by Staff and by the app'l icant to obtain access to the lot from the top (via Cliffside Subdiv'ision). 2, If the access from the top cannot be obtained, the applicant agrees to the construction of an "underground" (built into the existing bank) garage structure bui'lt entjre'ly within the property 'l i nes of I ot G-1. 3. Applicant agrees to restrjct the secondary unit to the employee housing restrictions as found under 0rdinance 2?, Series of 1981. 4. Construct the house away from the ridge'l ine so that views from The Ridge at Vail units is not unnecessari ]y blocked. . '\: MEIMRANIJUM TO: Planning and Environmental Corunission FROM: Departnent of Cornmunity Development/Peter Patten DATE: July 8, 1981 RE: Request to rezone 1ot G-l, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, from Residential Cluster to Pri.mary/Secondary for Doyle Hopkins THE SITE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS The following are the statistics conparing the RC district to the R P/S distri-ct as i.t relates to lot G-l: This lot is part of the rcr' lots on the hillside of the Lionsridge Subdivision. It lies direltty above and across the street (Lions Ridge Loop) fron the Briar Patch project (now going through DRB). Adjacent t9 1-o! G-l on the southwest is the crifrside Subdivision, iorrnerly lota c-7 and G-8, is now 6 lots zoned RC but, in effect, is a singJ.e family develoPnent. Directly to the west of G-l is The Ridge it Vail (Phase IV oi the Valley), consisting of 6 units close to the top of ihe ridge. Lot G-l lies on the south-facing portion of that ridge and has some excelleni views of the Gore Valley, the Gore Range and down valley' flre site is heavily wooded with mature aspen trees' It Possesses some severe slopes (over 40%) tn the eastern, or lower Portion adjacent to the Lions Ridge toop cui-ae-sac. The steepness of thls poriion of the 1ot and the very high bank off of the cul-de-sac as a result oi the road cut are the prirnary problenrs and reaSOnS for thiS Zone Change request. The applrCant also wlsnes tire ciritrtgc so that he nay increase his GRFA by a 1000 square feet to be able to build a house Large enough to his satisfaction along with a viabl'e caretakerrs unit. STATISTICS Lot area = 381368 sq ft Area over 40% slope = 19,824 Buildable site area = 18,544 Units allowed-RC = 2 tlnits allowed- R P/S = 2 GRFA allowed-RC = 4636 sq ft sq ft sq ft or .425 acre GRFA allowed-R P/S = 5668 sq ft, snall unit 2267 sq ft m{imun .t llot G-1, Lions Ridgc #2 O Juty 8, 1981 Thus, the differences are that 1032 additional square footage could be built if the rezone was granted. There is no difference in number of tmits allowed-- it will be two either way. 0f course, the major difference in these two zone districts as it relates to this lot is that under Prinary/Secondary the applicant would be allowed to construct on the 40% slope area. Under RC the area under 40% is so narrow that it nearly renders the lot unbuildable. ACCESS PROBLEM The reason this itern was tabled on June 22 was to cont inue study of the access problen on the lot. The parcel is neant to be accessed off of the cul-de-sac on Lions Ridge Loop. However, the cut on the road bank is nearly 25 feet in height and presents severe restrictions for a driveway. The applicantrs original proposal was a double switchback driveway containing large, highly visible retairring walls and really creating a scar on the 1ot. When looked at in conbination with the large retaining walls the Briar Patch access drive will create directly below G-1, this proposal did not meet staff approval , lhe'best and nost reasonable access to lot G-.1 is frorn the top (southwest corner)of the lot. Access frorn the top would be from the existing Cliffside subdivision road and would require very little extension of the drive fron its platted location. The applicant would be willing to drop the driveway below the ridge once onlot G-l so that the Ridge at Vail unitst views would not be affected. However, this access would, of course, require the approval anc an agreetnen! lrlth the owners of the property in the Cliffside Subdivision. At this date, the chances look doubtful that such an agreement could be reached, Chuck Rosenquist, one of the property orrners in the Cliffside Subdivision, has said that in the deeds for the property, it's written that no other accesses through the subdivision would be granted unless all property owners agreed. It appears that the property ownerst consent would be difficult to obtain, espcci.ally that of the owner of the owner of the lot furthest northeast where the drive would extend through the property. Although the Staff is not optimistic about attaining such an access, we feel the rnatter should be pursued until it is entirely not possible. As the next best solution, the staff suggested an underground garage set into the existing bank. This would eliminate the need for the double switch-back driveway and would bring the cars in directly off of existing pavenent. A step system would then bring a person fron the garage to the house. In this scherne, the applicant has proposed the caretakerrs unit over the garage, within the sane structure. The problem this solution presents is it nay require the use of Town of Vailright.of.way. The latest proposal shows the garage partially located on this riSht-of-way. The engineering department and planning staff feel this would , Lot G-l Lions Ridge #2 d July 8, 1981 I 4\ create a dangerous precedent for many other steePlots in the Town. l{e don't want to get into the situation of vacati.ng right-of=way as a cornmon occurrcnce and fear the granting of it herc would pave the way for nany tlighland Meadows and other sites throughout the Town to come in with sinilar requests that we do not wish to grant. The underground structure can be built just southwest of where it is now proposed entirely on the applicantrs property. We feel that this can be done with even less cut into the bank than the Present situation and requires only a ninor re-siting of house to the southwest. If a rezoning to P,/S is granted, there would be no front setback requirenent for the garage because the house would be built on an area of greater than 30e. average slope (as per the hazard regu- lations) . In conclusion, at this point, we feel that we still need to pursue the access fron the top to at least a sit-down discussion level with those involved. Howevet, the underground garage building can suffice for a reasonable access solution, if it is built within the existing property lines. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Staff feels that the residential cluster zone is not a totally inappropriate one for this lot, when one considers the surrounding properties. However, when the RG zone is put on a lot with severe slopes, it does- in some cases. undulv restrict the location of the house (due to the 40% rule). In this case, developing the lot under RC would leave a 35 foot strip of land at the top of the lot (taking into consideration the 15 foot setback) in which to locate the structure. This lccation would also j.nterfere with the views of the Ridge at Vail units. The Staff does feel that 4636 sq ft of GRFA is not a hardship, however. The real difference between these zone districts, beside the relief of the 40% slope rrrles, is the extra 1032 sq ft of GRFA the prirnary/secondary zone affords. If developed under the 4656 sq ft of GRFA allowed by RC, this would give a 900 sq ft caretaker unit (as the applicant wishes) and a 3736 sq ft Prinary residence. This is a very fair and viable arrangetnent. lhus, the Department of Cornnnrnity Development recomnends approval of the request to rezone lot G-l, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, to Residential Prinary,r Secondary with the following conditions: l. Ihat discussions be entered into and all reasonable efforts nade by Staff and by the applicant to obtain access to the lot from the toP (via Cliffside Subdivision). 2. If the access from the top cannot be obtained, the applicant agree to the construction of an 'runderground" (built into the existing bank) garage . structure built entirely within the proPerty lines of lot G-1. 5. $rat Residential Cluster GRFA be the 'nsximun allowed on the lot. i ,'r l{ay 26 , 19 81 Enlrunn II. DnlonR, JR. AATORNEY P,O.BOX 1609 SECOND FI.OOR I/AIL NATIONAL BANI( BI.DC}. Vail Planning and EnvironmentaL CormnissionP.0. Box 100Vai1, Col-orado 8l-658 Re: Rezoning RequesELot G-1, Lions Ridge FLLLne ll2 RffiCHEVHD ' DRB OrrOOrO' '/ilh/ S!GNATURE T] PI"AN CHSCK Gent lemen : I represent Doy1e Hopkins, owner of Lot G-1, Lions Ridge,Filing /f2. This lot is presently zoned residential cluster and my client desires to rezone the property to primary- secondary residential duplex pursuant to Chapter 18.13 ofthe Town Code of Vail. Presently the zoning would pe::urit four dwelLing units and my client desires to build a personal residential unit togetherwith a 900 sq. ft. caretakers unit. This wilL result in a reduced density of two units and bring the land into zoningconformity with Ehe adjacent Lots in the neighborhood. The Applicant agrees to be bound by the provisions of Section 18.13.080(B)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance if this rezoningrequest is granted. Drager, EHD/mc netifn oate May 26, 1981 a PETITION FORM FOR AMENDMENT OR REQUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE BOUNDARIES I. This procedure is reguired for any amendment to the zoning ordinanceor for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NAIvIE OF pETITIONER___Jc+l-e__Hopki-s aUpnfSS 7500 Fr.. F.rty,, F :PHONE B. NAI4E oF pETrTroNERrs REPRESENTATTVE Edmund H. Drager, Jr. ADDmSS P.o. Box 1669. Vai' -t155-8- PHONE 476-L3I4 c.AUTHORIZATION OF PROPE SIGNATURE ADDRESS 8165PHONE 476-6759 D.T,OCATION OF PROPOSAL d^" tl .,,u. '"/l',4', F. ADDRESS d. Vail Col-orado 8L657 LEGAL DNSCRIPTIO}J Iot G-1 blocK filino Lions Ri Fl-Lj-nelf? $r00.00 plus 186 for each property owner: to he notified. A list of the na.mes of owners of a.1.1 pr:operiy acijacerrt to thesrrJrject property, ancl their tnailirrg addresses. Charles and Margaret Rosenquist Box 686 Vai I , Col orado 81658 Genessee Land Co. Rt. 5, Box 102 Golden, Colo. 80401 Jeff & Maro Selby Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81658 l.S"f"" form for ar"eto Zoning ord or Request ] "r,"r,s" i' lo[i3:ti"" II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. The petition shall include a sunmary of the Proposed revision of the regulations, or a compl.ete description of.the proposed changes in eistrict boundaries and a maP indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. Appticant must subnit written and/or graphic materials stating the reasons for request. III. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each nonth. A petition with the necessary accompanying material rnust be submitted four vreeks prior to the date of the meet- ing. Following the Planning and Environmental Comrnission meetingt all- amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go to the Town Council for final. actj"on. ''m' tnwn Ifll box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 4765613 department of community development August 4, 1981 T0: T0WN COUNCIL FR0M: Department of Conununity Deve'lopnent/Peter Patten RE:1S1 of Staff andum Concerni the uest to Rezone uster to The Staff has reconsidered its position on this rezoning as far as the recormended conditions for approval . The major point of contention in this project is the previous staff recormendation of allowing only RC GRFA, rather than full primary/secondary GRFA (a difference of 1032 square feet). The Staff now fee'ls the primary/secondary GRFA js justified if the applicant agrees to commit the secondary unit to the standard employee housing restriction as per 0rdinance 22 of L981. Thus, the Staff Recormendation now reads as follows: 1. That discussions be entered into and all reasonable efforts made by Staff and by the applicant to obtain access to the lot from the top (vfa C'liffside Subdivision). 2. If the access from the top cannot be obtained, the app'l icant agreestothe construction of an "underground" (built into the exist'ing bank) garage structure bui'lt entirely within the property'lines of ]ot G-l. 3. Applicant agrees to restrict the secondary unit to the employee housing restrictions as found under Ordinance 22, Series of 1981 . 4. Construct the house away from the ridge'l ine so that views from The Ridge at Vail units is not unnecessarily blocked. l,utiLlc N0ilcE NOl I (:i; l.!; lll:l'.1:l;Y (l IVI:l'i Llr;rt thc 'l'own of Vail r''i I I lrold :l Prtbl of tllc zort.i n1i codc of tlrc Town of Tovtn of Va i I Council Cltarnbcrs in thc I'l;rttttittg ltltd Ltrv i l'ott tlle tt t:t I (ionuniss iorr t'l ic )rcrr ri n1i in lrccordrlncc w itlr Scct ion l8 ' (r(r ' 000 \r:ri I on .July 13, l!)8'l at 3:t)() P'tn' at thc thc VrrjI l''luniciPal BuildinS' Public hearing and considcration of: l.AninorsubdivisionlequesttovacirtcalotlincbcttrccrrlotsA-land^-2 Lionsridgc Filing #1. Appiicant: AAV Linited Partnership' :. Application for a clcnsity control variance in gross residential floor arca in order to build a dupltx on Sitc 72, Lot A-7' Casolar Vail 1I at ll0l Vail Vier,,, Drive in accordance with 0rJi-nance 18.62 of thc Vail Zoning Code' Applicants:Ti-nallcDonald,Trustee,Janesltl.I'|cDonald,AttomeyatLal.t' P.A., Pension Retirernent Trust and Jean Catoe' Trustee' Catoe Corn Grou'ers Inc. , Pcnsion Retirenent Trust. 3. A request for arnendrnent in accordance rvith Sections 18.66'110 through 1g.66.160 to the Zoning Ordilance for Lot G-l, Lionsridge Fi-1ing,2, t? change the zoning frorn Resj.dential cluster to Residential Prina ry/ secondary in oldertobuildaresidentialunittogetherwithacaretakerlsunit. Applicant: DoYle HoPkins. 4,Arequestforavariancetosectiorrls.l4.0g0oftheVail}lunicipatCode to allord ti,e appficant to include floodplain area -in calculating allowable density in deternining the number of units allowed on the site which is the the Internountain Swin and Tennis c1ub, an unplatted parcel in vail Intermountain subdivision. T;; applicants are the Intermountain Swirn and rennis club whowishtoconstruct2additionalunitsoverthepreviousapprovalbyEagle CountY. I S.ArequestforaconditionalrrsepermitinaccordancewithSection18.60.020 through 18.60,060 and secti.on 18.27.030 i,n order to build a video 'gane arcade in Connercial Core 3 on lot 2-A, \rail Das Schone Filing No- 3, at 216l North Frontage Road l{est, lt'est vail l.{al 1 Store No. 4, adjaccnt to the trlenu Restaurant' Appl icant : Arcades I'lest , Inc. 6. A request for an exterior alteration and modj.fication in conrnercial core I under Section 18.24.06s on Tracts n.B,C' Block 5C, VaiI Village lst Filing, 174 East Gore creek Dlive, the Lodge at vail, in order to add a 618 sqttare foot restaurant addition and a retI'actable gliss enclosure over tire existing swinning pool . Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 7, A request for an exterior alteration and nodi-f ication in corunercial core II' under Section 18' 26.045 on Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing, 600LionsheadMall,inordertoaddS,gS0squarefeetofofficespaceto the Lionshead Gondola Building, and a request for a variance to Section lS.26.l50toallorvtheapplicantnottoberequiredtoincludeone-half the parking within the nain building' Applicant: Vail Associates' E.ArequestunderOrdinancel3,SeriesofIgSl,forTheValley'Phase6for major rcvisi.ons to an approved sitc plan' - The proposal is to re-design the building tocations ana unit designs, along with a Portion of the road layout. Appiicant: I\turray Properties Partnership of Dal1as' 9. A request for approval to rcplat llighland lrtcedons, -Iots 26-42, tire llighland bark SpSli"f-n""clo'm6nt District ll' Tlte approval is rcgucsted to allou ncw road dcdlcat1ons and v'cations and lot linc removals' This is a najor subdivision requestcd under chepter 17.04 of the vail I'lunicipal Code. Applicant: Sun Tech Builcrs, lnc' The appl ications and information rclating to thc proposcd chanScs are available in ti,t'Zo'i.ng Adrninist.rator's officc during rcgular busincss hours for rcview or inspcction bY thc Public. T0lfl{ OF VAIL DEPARTI'IENT OF COI'$'UNITY DEVEI'OPIiIENT A, PI]]'ER PATTI]N, JR, ZONINC ADI.IINIS'TII^TOR Publishcd in the Vail Trail on Junc 26, I98l 9-'PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environnental Connission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Zoning code of the Town of vail on Jrme 22, L98L at 3:00 p.n. at the Tolrn of Vail Council Chambers.in the Vail l,lunicipal Building. Public Hearing and consideration of: l. A request for amendment in accordance with sections 18 66.110 through 18.66.160, to the zoning ordinance for lot G-1, Lions Ridge Filing #2 to change the zoning fron Residential . cluster to Residential Prinary/ Secondary in order to build a residential unit together uith a caretakerrs writ. ApPlicant: DoYle HoPkins. !2. A request for a.set-back variance to urake legal an existing building which encroacnel 4 r into the side setback on 5040 llain Gore Drive which is part of an rmplatted parcel in Bighorn, titled strndial, Phase II. Applicant: Penner Constflrction Managenent ' Inc. ? The. application available in the hours for review and ihfornation relating to the ProPosed changes are Zoning Adninistratorts office during regular business or inspection bY the Public. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARII'IENT OF COMMJNITY DEVELOPMENT Peter Patten, Zoning Adninistrator Published in the Vail Trail Jrme 5, 1981 . o Jn.EorruNo II. Dnaepn, ATITORNTY AND COUNAEIJOR P.O. BO)( 1669 VAIL COI,ORADO A1067 PIIoNE (sos) az6-1gr{ Ylay 26, 1981 gECoND I'LioOR \I.A'IL NATIONAL BI.NK BI,DO. Vail- Pl-anning and Envlronrnental- CormrissionP.0. Box 100Vai1, Col-orado 81658 Re: Rezoning RequestLot G-1, Lions RidgeFiling /f2 Gent lemen : I represent Doyle Hopkl-ns, owner of Lot G-J-, Lions Ridge,Filing /12. This lot is presentLy zoned residential cluster and my client desires to rezone the property to primary- secondary residentiaL duplex pursuant to Chapter 18.13 of the Town Code of Vail.. Presently the zoning woul-d per:urit four dwelling units anduy client desires to buitd a personal residential unit togetherwith a 900 sq. ft. caretakers unit. This wil-L result in a reduced density of two units and bring the land into zoning conformity with the adJacent Lots in the neighborhood. be bound by the provisions of SectLon Zoning Ordinance tf this rezoning () The Applicant agrees to 18.13.080(B) (3) of the request is granted. Drager, EHD/mc PETITION FO o RM T'O R AIqENDI{ENT .oR REQUEST FOR IN DISTRICT reElE.Lon rraEe TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE BOUNDARIESA CHANGE I. This proced,ure Ls reguired for any amend,ment to the zoning ordinanceor for a request for a district boundary change A. NAIT|E Or pETITIONER_-oo+Le-_H.oplLi-s aopnnsS 7500 ft". F""ry,, F : B. NAME OF PETITTONERIS REPRESSNTATI\IE NDress p.o-.Box 1659. vaf1.co1orado81658 _pHoNEJ,76:1314 C. AUTHORIZATTi F PROPERTY OWNER PHONE HoNE 476-6759 ing Lions Ridge, Fili #2 SI ADDRESS D.IOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS I,EGAL DBSCRIPTION lot G-I block l.) ek d. Vail Lorado 81657 E. F. rEE $100.00 plus .t8C for each property A list of the names of owners ofsubject property, and their nailing Char'les and Margaret Rosenquist Box 686 Vail, Colorado 81658 . Genessee Land Co. Rt. 5, Box 102 Golden, Colo. 80401 Jeff & Maro Selby Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81658 ohrner to be notified. all property acijacerrt to the adclresses . retf.Ef.(,n l(rrrrr r()r Amen.z()nllrg vl:(r (rr rtl'Y r.EE l,\,..q.f r!:ts r... Pvs.sg- -veo . r+'.Four (4) copies of the following information: A. The petition shall include a surunary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in aistrict boundaries and a InEIp indicating the existing and proposed district boundaries. Applicant nust subnit written and/or graphic naterials stating .the reasons for request. III. Time Reguirements The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanying rnaterial must be submitted four vreeks prior to the date of the meet-ing. Following the Planning and Environrnental Commission meeting, a1l amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go to the Town CounciL for final action. _. .-*:!'q! ()- -l:: \-' '\ l. .4tv'. -,-.-- -- -.-- u, rl) il rf U /i' ,, a t/,,:l F. z. z\- 9)- .4,r <.. . . PAR.CEL A U u, )q .zl ,r.^:;;,7f;Irrl Y trr ,'' Y/'; t --+ ,i- -, \ r lct--j:. 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