HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL EAST TOWNHOMES UNIT F1t" I -l *:Fitrfr- iJrtlE.rtrFptFlqSFlitrtirlFtE,!rqy|s"aa,.r.+.{$1p11,Sil;!i$g/pr Project Application '^'" frf4fqz Atnro frtpProiect Name: Contact Person and Phone 7 Owner, Address and Phone: 8B?4 'PlTbN DP fitf Pt' Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone -.oo ?Lg fu'Pn,o Archiiect, Address and Phone: comments: hE,4{i,T znrr 4fffav0 ' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,,/ fl st"rt Approval on", 6fr/ lqz July' 23, L9',2 xx:#*nlt"I:'h'"' $ | | \r:Jn!J ocnc A'h nnc or dnouE} 5l{ll3x$Jt'l u3f'10d NOdl { ,*{'9,lrr-, l.\" Daar Mr. Bolca, *=t,?{"={+qr#{lE'"#".atfi$ft *l?#in;:'inii:"1: :!:r*mtii*i lft=oU;r ttt. owner or F-1' rpt*l!ll.^"pJ:lry3":l',i':IikliJlli'"#"iff'J"JJ.'?31?"'-:i"3f, til: ?Hrff ,i"?'. t4e E. Meadow Hffn t"l;#?;0#*fflrrdo 81657 I rr,-tr rrt,.trrrrr tt | -lul lrl'1V 9EA66LV\ c2:60 be-10-L6 Sg3Ttr eAaVVZ'-nXn/ -.ar'? .,.. { JulY,23, LgE2 33lt "' ;"3ili' ;"?iElit", "l n'' P.O. Bott - 1279- 6r ar^iirii't,-coforado 81620 DSar Mr. Bolcu, liiliill,fi "TfuJl:rufl 'Ts*'#Tftllu"?11'"'il':':31f, T::ff I $lgi,i;f5$:'*n"+,m*-l*;l'*"l:*'.l"-"#r#::ii 3i=1ft *t{"={+r{:iii+'Tr"fFr*:{iff*1"".:l?-$i:r;:#;"1::::rliff.ii"i:frTo;;;r th€ owner or F-1' ilotv,rrhEtald-rnprT3.:t'J:liklidlii'"rT'iffJ?X'f l:1H1f"1':: til: "*:l'"'"T'iJ'. 6i,abrnintu'" t AEgoolatlon 143 E. Meadow ?*fi-rt"'j:,n8*r"il!53}i*do 81657 ,.".,.-.^. rrrrrr | -tlJl rl"l\ X) ll!=Jn!J OCnC C'h nnC Bfa66aFr or dmul SNlr$luut'l u3f'lod l^lo'll f,2 r 60 va-10'a-! !E:Itr eOaVVe'-nPan -ar flflard uulL ' lt | - D*" ^0.*rr0$ - rotn on vtr,',r of)** DATD AFPIICSTION BECEIIIED : bhrg or DRB HEETING: llllllllll rErs rpDrac,|rtfl rtr,! nol! !! soclF2trDUr|ltl [&t RE0SIhED Inrohr|f,flox re ggBMrT[ED 9,111;f,i**rt I.BaJrial-r!!9llua!:r-oq ! A, DESCRIPTION: L..$i.rr-rrl,rri Frpri .. I 8. trgtri 08 REVTEI{: --Ncw Conttructlon ---Add{tlon (8t0.00) (t200.001 -- -l{ttrcr }ltrrstlon (120.001 fP{co"ntFtrlal Revler ($O} C. ADDRISSr D, t'EGAtr DESCI|ISTTOn: lct ,,,.,.., ....-. Bloclt E. t. G. IroT ARF.A: If requlrtCr aFFtlcanE muit prcvlde r oul't'tfrli atamped gurvty lhorlnE l-ol rsta, ..to,.#<ue.............. NAI{E oF hPDtlCAl{Tr Dr,-B FE+^rnqlen . \t.C-. -:i<za--,.,, . ybOne.qc8-?8e-Szqff --- Dhonr . " p3;33r-33e- I NIII,TI OF OSINF.RS !!r,e B *srcrrA'rutrs lg) : !,rrt I l|lE. lddreas : NAT{E OF }PDI,ICAI{Tr!$tllng Addrcoe!..,--a Glr*pr-.\f.,v -. J, tl.DHt Fgpl DRE f€6&r ii rhatjn above, qre to br_prld rt ?hc Llne or tubnligtl of DRE tPpu.catlon. BlLcr, when aFplying for I bulldlns perrnlt, gfeaec ldentlfy-thc abcurate vrlutblon of thb propocal. fht tottn of vallwill adJucb thr fee accorcl-ln{ to thl trhla hclow' t'o ensrrre thr corrtet fce lr paid.ru FEn_scHEDlrt[r UAI.UATION6 0-$ 10,000s10.00r-$ 50,000 $50'001 -0150'900il60r00l - | 9001000 1400, 001 - 61r oo0, o0ot ovcr 61;0001 000 . {qE_ _ e f @(6\:r: r+tz} l$ 20,00g 50.00 f100 .00 ie00 .00 6{00 ,00 9500.00 * Dllrclf navrDtf 80AnD ttpBovr! ExgrRsf oltS IE tn ltltrR srNAl tpppgtrA! Ur.&rgg r BUrr,DIlfo tt!fltf tt tEgUtD tSD g$llO[RIreTIOlt ngttnTno. irl|o ltlllctrtroN rrr.r, BE pRooB8snD HIE{lot! offiER,E slcNtrrun! I 'Subdlvlcton *L^\ E,,P,orue.-\ , A, ,, -.,,-. '-.-- If proFc$by lr drscrllretl by a nreeLs rnrt boundu logal Ocr-orlFttroi, pleuee provldl on ! ocPorote cheet ond rl,tach to thLs eppllooeton. tONllfG r Condornlnlum Approurl lf epplieante. t3vli.d 1lU0L, o*u ^lt*nto* - Eo*tt oD vtrlr DATE AFFI,ICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEEIINGI llllllalll Tf,I8 'IPP!IC'TIIff TIT.L NOT DE t tlsrL }tt n8qgrfrtlD tlffohtif,TloNit*tttr*ti ERAgljlill-u8ltlu'illlr.0ir. : A, DESSRIPTIOII: l** d,D lrji.;1i \iF)tr sscsPltDI8 ggBDIITTED l[. I!. TIPTI OF REVIETf : --Nrw Conttructlen ---Atld{tlon (l$0.00} C. ADDRI8Bt D. I'EGAL DESCTTIPTION; Let ,,,.,..., .----. 'Subdlvlclon * rf ptoprrby lr drscrltretl by dcr-orlDttonr Fleuee ProvldcrLtrch ts thLe appllooclon. A freeLonga bouttrls logllto atreet nnrt E. t, \fr lONll{G r IJoT AEnA: If rcqrrlrtCl fFFllCfnE stfimped gurvty ohcwlnE 19i rreE' NAME Of APDI.IS,f,NTI DT,B ttlaiJ.ing Addrse a r,-..4.:!b*-.s SLef"intt\on , N.c-.-or<<zz- PhOne Ilr t J. t(, NN{I OF OI.SNF:RS ! *SIGUA'IURT (g) :ilrfl llg. lddress : Cpndomlnlum Applovrl lf epplicantc. en3\lrs thr corrtet ftc is Paid. rEE $ 20 ,00g 50,00 f100 .00 lr0o. oo €{00.00 $500,00 L. i.ia'r-rn..!t trr{' ..rt (1e00.00) --.--t{Inor Altprltlon (lt0 '001 ,GonclrPiunl RevleY ($0) BIoclt A, s rrld cPoro musE Prevlde r outrgrru _ ..tO,.A<{e-...........- DRD FEE! DRB fe66f it rholrh above, Cre to br-prld rt ?he tlne or rubntitrl of DRE tFPricatlon. !1Ler' when applylng tot r buifdlnc p€*..mtt; Plsasc ldantlfy-thc, allurat6 vrlurblon ol [trl propos-al. Tht Torn Cf vall wtl1 adJuob t'hr fee accord-tnq to thr trbla lfclow, t'o FEE scHEDll!!4 VALUATIOI'ls 0-s 10,000010,00r-$ 50,U00 $50,001 -f 150,000it60r00l - | 3001000 fc00,001 - 6lroooro0oI ovcr 51;0001000 * DTIICII REVIEII SOARD f,EPROVT! EXETNTS OTTS TE IB f,IItrR ATNAI ASPFovAr. Ulr$f,8g r EurrrDllfo l'tEiltf tt tggUED t|le gol|g[Ruc1.J0x gtrnTCD, irlo lttltclilron rt!t, DB pRo0EggrD rlEl|ou! omtER,8 SrcNtrtuRr I oz F =t UJo- cc3 u1 at IJJ Lu lJ- F =tr uJI -<b. t,?, 3 ,.4 aq/t7o/ flk" (\ cor or zz Fl lq l\2 p (J (\ o\ ch Hd<,{ z.H 'J=>:IHEA?= =H = u,F E F FL =: zz o uJF z oz .6 =zd -i- o c l+o)- 6.=' lr,u Eieifi'lE =gEiE.jg;tiiEi'le* g;iii'isl g*ig; fi iEEEg;-scO'-.=- F-rOE; O (,, C (J C) EEiiS H; F gBi;i: n '\ c\.1\o F\lrrN & == uJo. (9z = ao x()!! oz Jo. J o EF uJ tr z =J 9z () UJ = |lJtultz tr qJ u/ =uJt uJ z 6 UJo F oo-ul z uJ o x r uJ(t, (r, uJ llJlt- E =E LlJo- J F F (,aoJ :1 @ J F uJJ UJ z 6 =J Iz () UJ- NO[Vn']VA - 98 OFz- 9.eFO ae EH Xt4-i-t 6A t >G -t.'l =uJ(t =(P$l zzo9 F-at,q5e90aoz>-Oiro2u-<o*HFt6j({i 2I F lr- ti o- uJ o- E z Eo HX z E ut =u,z lt,tzlz <oo{ =HRcdo<z =z, 9zz- do36ox UJ = G o)g) ulz =F z F 5oz I 14zoa --.1- J a i llt oo o 3o I I Jl I<t IFt I2tl I IzPa I I ,l.. >t I utlol|rIIurlzlsDlFI>l uJIo-l,lalzl < al z tr .J & cv -if(o tc)O v) (f z Fl 2t C\ Or Or r\ C) zo zt-t ut E(t>ooazo Fo-ulY lrJlo oFt =cc IIJ o- l!o o-oo I llrFoz tuF o & Aog= 4 =x i =z ^-,P 3rn T-]Tt T-1t-i Ll L l :fi? =;(J;;E Enn t ul l!o utoz loo F d. JFtu:b= o- lll =o-O|!oo\ru;Ix>dF JJtl uldloF Co Eooo e! Gt E E 8 o co E Goo!--- E =E,lrl o-zo F()3EFazo() lEl JHI -lH I RIH .18F{lvl c,Dt z. i\J _J lJ- t4 H rA ii zI z tsHH F 6l u.J = UJ z I F 2 H aHuhI F1fzt =o =tr th IJJ = Io- n v, rJ] FlH =F{(A an trlFlo =q trl o z.J ull 1l al>l t!lol zl 3lolFI C\ (\ I u u F =c II z cilu ) lr z B F =g oz o IJJ G, J t! z;oF e ; 2 C,Iu J tLoz3oits =tr oz o u.ltr J u-oz-oF ut) uJF E uJz =o F C) llJ Fr C) E -rO<FtQuJ<zEt!Ftrl zo J(L<oOF F3 ,JJ,2L t2? =<ZEfF)z(LO c) -a cE a! Y 33 iz =g (r g, ir =!tY Oz J<oan!H o t5 toulh Itonlage road Y.ll. colorldo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 olllcc ol communllY dcveloPmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COM!ruNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI-. STORAGE TO: FROM: DATE: SUB'ECT: In suuuoary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any Ft;;" t-'irtitr, iractc or deposit any soil, fgckt sand, debris br naterial, inciuding trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any streetl sidewalk, alley or- public place or any portion theieof. The right-of-way,on all Town of Vail streeti lnd roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavenent'- Thls ordl.nance vill be strilLly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinance wtll be gJ.ven a 24 hour written notice to renove sald naeerial . In the eient the person so notified does not conply with the notice within the- 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Departnent will renove said rnateriaL at the expense of person nolttlea. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to c6nstruction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. To revlew Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Vail Bulldlng Department to obtain a coPy. Thank you for your cooperatlon on thls natter. Positlon/Relatl onship -Qz Date to ProJects 3UILt)ING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval 'Engineel"s (Public t,lorks) review and approval , a Planning DePartment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeRs. A'll commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow ihe ibove mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential oi smaller proiects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proiects may also talte the three week perlod. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permi.t as soon as possible I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 73 roulh fronlrgr rord v.ll. color.do 81557 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 otflcr of communltY dcvrloPmrnt Communi ty Development Departnent. o'. a-'o< S./ 4j* ,Y3-t+, t0{ :O-to o@s3 bs ai :'o s ,rIBi!; # ojo" trl oo .'\ t I "ri F 33f =54-,0)is' "ffi lt ,r, oo Qoor',rzil-IA\" $ GI o /----r* rl) -o\-I., e-oL-{ trd i-'+ U5-5+r'( <f- H .'S\o t1.4Jr .? l3 q '/: *oI'n I/J.:.G iv q{ eq)o.(J }. u, I II .., l- ul c -@ o o |oFz -1 .'#1.' 1",.' ..1' .'i':' lj -2 olvl t9' . rot @ I ,-q/c\l'o I@ta It .D--o I I I I l l -','Jl-o- oo-rr 6l (\, (! otr)oa .ldrlII t-q t{' OaLt -re l-z b,. tdo . urN (,ltvrom,,ze,et"ztN _q Jl!(J,ttff / r'. A.() .f tl t4 k at(J <aq) !t. ,et ta ,(bl! )- P t, OJ t"'- |'ol-_Jo ---.---.-.--. /]ft{l} Ao.(..3 Ca oe i,,9? 3f ocl N i Prv ---- qF: io Plan Revier Based onthe 1992 Uaifotcm Codes NAME:SCHAPIRO DECK DATE:8/L9/92 ADDRESS:5020 MAIN GORE DR. CONTRACTOR:BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS VAfL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONEOCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION;V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED lbc ltcms llgted belor ar€ not intended to be a conplctc liatingof all lrcesible code requircnentg in tbe adopted codeg. It ig e Cuide to rel€cted gectl,ong of tbe codec. Tbe folloring ig not to bc construed to bc an etrlproval of any violatioa of, any of tbe pro- vigions of tbe adopt€d codes or any ordinancc of the foua of vail . 1) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 2', F]ELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oor= \-N\N JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *ffisle S\NN ;rN,totoNTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL q.PERMIT NUMBER OF P T JOBDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TSS @ NAME MON THUR FRI i_r\\, @' EC BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER .tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DArE g/2/z/"1 rNsPEcroR tr.l (tfo :O-rr) Ctcos-3 ?'S ni ;-co + ,rIsiIi;lsi6., oN rl o .9J4rn ,Y3 4+ut,o x. ; ) () ^A1 0p A J\,tllq It,9J* .?/3 3 /t **ql .:k (F{r 6l.l4I i.i o Aoos, /ltl- e -1-r'1 -.i toroq' t-J L$ Uw +{ <\ o(\-\-___-) t.o lf, i's\c) 1r} II al C) / / I ..'.'311t -', : t*.;. ' ..*1 4o,' . tlt ..i'rt' t'l 9J / -. , 0o(t ,-ar /ar.'o ,q)ta I rl) /---- ,v ,\ 0t >ll "- lli tl t"'/lxlli!- ..r I I Ii UJ I ()o o |r) l.-z I t I {s r-q:v o.o /d o*r/tl +qt! i "tt 'l .t ?! u9. . rO l I t-- iE u, .ula{^lrl 6g vrwoo l*'lr <. tf.tl, I '(--t t!, O? (.' _tJ I-o- oo rr "'! ,NC\J I?lai I l -rtrQ I \ T'M ,Ze , €l"z i tt .\-.\\ / oo, r/ o> U:ri.'i fl l;s ^J/C) \/ -., r)/ (J /,"(..r A.t:f l, U,({, a.(J <t q)\t- o -<{ J TU(),rl oof H, ----* - M zTTDal .22'tg t ctrl{,lo )-r i tr (o o, ofr) ,t)' ,e/ /lj' A-:,f ..tD o Or M,.9t 39 oCl I'l -,I rl -.*..- p nr r;?",[' \\ r-FE i.l, (Do o 't' o4zC o i,d ,u{ 3-ry+u t( x. o_oq)oNoajCrt ?-t 55 -r') a.t-o - tf-cvloI bc'l:i o@ ll ll ll.E4Jo\F- 1e,6oufi ur>JGo)4Ul trl G (J :E :fJ{ o\o.' o, rdJ 'l) 2a 0 tr.,FUtr 4 J sq ';li [$;l l\,9 #-/t *rytnl ,3k F iE lrl. uro(^ . lr! 61 l,'lLtnO Pnr I I , eeQ/zt o{r c{tq t Aoos SF{ei r.A fO € to/oa' -)ot---'.----l {)$ $l C) /---)i i, I !//r i cvn : / I t It,I III III,-II I I I trl I (,o o rOFz ,I I 3,'319t + : ''*.;. ' .'i1 tt/ Lzo,' ,"lt qo(, tr F f -J, i.$ u {w:+* {- g / I : I -t JtY o*lzqto o /ll +erq, v,JI:'I ,lal(t, l0r. rO ,:o <l I I -o--, o_oo-rr ol AINPlai I l Int / 7I | ,.1 k,rI' ,(t /at ik l{t-q (t'o I , l.- il 3urt ,l1,,Zg,gloZtlj -xE oo, s/ o) U: t4ii oo dl /;.",31 .9S/ () | ,', (..r A. t-l I (; Ilq |.,cL, q) 1t- o J TU()t tr/ ,r 'a,loi ,zl'18 /ist A. 5,f 'lPo Or 4i,.9b 30oCf tr ''a'/^] READY FOR INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,^,, ?//<ft.- JoB NAME LOCATION: 4u ' j"?a?- REOUES*T OF VAIL i lsbfn CALLER MON TUES WED TOW BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK T] POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR nh$oP